Miami Gazette August 26, 1914 - March 3, 1915

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Whole Number ' 3278


-Fifth Year Sixty , ,---""-





\, OBITUARY · " wealth the "There is no death! What seems so ly probab . Perry. Weller, son of Isaac and Rhoda e, ~heodor , townCreek is transiti on; Sugar of t resIden le~t ~ Sm,lth. was bor,n near Clarksville • • This life ql mortal breath 's FOR THE W . HAP. shIP. and ,?ne of Greene county MADE ! WERE on Februa ry 9th, 184S' He was ON OhIO LEBAN VER~ AT WERE .Elysian life EEK the of suburb a 18 but s died at his most ent farmerof only son and second child of these the DAY THURS ONES PY ANT PLEA~ " ~EVERAl IN Al'ID our OF TOWN ok. ~eath call Bellbro we portal west Whose home two miles . parents .. When but a boy he .nliste d SINCE LAST WEEK ' t he Bellbrook and Wilmington 0!l _ I~ the midst of her days, at the In the war of 1861 and was a brave afterno on. at 3'30 pIke, Sunday Weller and faithfu l soldier to the end.. 'in been ess, and after had Mr. zenith of her usefuln o'~I!Jck. . On December 4th 1869 he wu ' a. hngerin g illness of three yearS: on ~ but f~lhhg heal th for the last toyear 'tl) Sa~ah Jane Bogan.' To m~rried . 8th month; -lI7th 1914, at he home stroke a due hIS deuth was di.rectly were born three childre n, .couple thIS R H to Glad' Always Are We in Waynesville, Ohio. N • .Edna Stout Wh five d he suffere in infancv, an4 two ' dying en Genero us" Wa"~ County of apoplexy whIch then son one ce. ave . Paradla • ot rest the Y f to rf· passed his condition ago. Since weekls n Childre We Will Feel Gratefu l to Our the . now Mrs. Aaron Auloed Martha Men «rs l. da.~ght of er s daught Dmner al plder She was the po S 0 °durl~l 80 critical t hat death was been haJ Zoo now Mr~. Thos. : the ~Iora, To Countr y Friend s If 'rhey and Sml~~, . 1nd Stout,l an artlvs M. and Esther Chandl er time. any at d expe(!te Know Us 7th Let Will • I was _born in Kansas City, Mo., CollinS. -- Mr: Wl'lle~ "Yas born in Sugar . . ' wu· alWays an . Sm1th re 'rheodo ted irratlua She 1878. 2nd. ' month', vicinity , ble. law abiding ,citizen . honora 10 the. hliiltory. of the Creek townshIP. m the same honest/ not ton, ly Burling Probab of . in School hMal~er WIll High Mr. K sburg 1838. Harvey 28, y the at J. M. Taylor aaw' the GU8 Sun cir. 1896. After a prepar ation of four Jnstitu tion s~ch a daY of recreat ion in which .he ~ied, Januar a t the time 1lJ"M' w8S t ~ dmner. guest of Mr. A gOO(J neighbor, well respect ed by J cus in Lebanon Satunt ay. s as and ~vas In hIS 76th year ,I all . years, three of which were spent at W88 ever gIven to the inmate , , ge with an , I'S, • U. Hawke Sunday. marria His .. death B hl of, the from 18th, the' fallinK health ,fUf in Tu~ay been last had He her entered she . College ltton Wilmin ~I er izt!d Fertiliz If you want a llood of Warren Co. MISS Sarah, Wllson. was solemn . several years.b ut for several monthe ion ot teachin g. For automubile owners M cho~ profe38 Chae. Frye, phone 49.1.L 2.S. Wayne Township .I~ off in at Cent,:rvllle. in 1862. and ' Mrs. tall La:st the in had suffered mtensely Death ClUl)e of tllulI:ht ,she Jones, years Frank Mrs. twelve r. ~and " FebrualV 7 1890 Mr dIed Wellllr n childre the spirit ndable comme thIS to hi. relief on Augus t 18, 1914, age last their of the , County R'-!ufebi)· enterta ined lon, . Frank Gallaher, of Lebanon, was schools or Warren ride re- Welh!r is Burvive d by were. give,n a 200r 30 to a 66 years. 6 months and 4 days. , . ' the In evenmg being y work Tuesda her of ors 1 ~elg three home his s. made busines on always ay in to"n Saturd to re- ~elhl1· •. wbo When s!lfi'ering he ,freque ntly ex· WaynesVille Pu~hcSchool. Re elect- turmng via Lebanon, treated , I hIS fath er. and by fi v(! grand Iltermelon party, wl~h charge in parties ; the by en~ freshm , relucvery she hIS desire to be relieve d and term, r p~eased • " Allen W. Raines, of Xenia, was in ed for anothe were land. chIldre n. thAt he ll)ight go aayillg "I guesta wllihed little theIr before t ' accourt on work her up wiLh d gave affiliate tanUy ' not' Mr. Weller was , ten. town SUlld&) visiting lelaUv~. of and for two years ed at the Home. . Their ,>'oung for any lodge, bu t walJ a devout mem. ' f Mrs'. Ethan Coleman and daught er. ant reallY." eand . d touche were hearts der ng' Bufferi l Mr , and Mrs. J. H. He madeal l of hil funera l arrang physica intense Havolene Auto SoIP is eclIDomical. throug hawaited was' ber of the Methodist ,Ep Lcopal Ot ,1edo; and enterta I ss o"t kinCthe of carried act this been has weeks which many Mas'. ments, by her of today call the ined Wayneavj])e Auto and Machinery Co she has ion by Chureh ~t Cc:nterville. and wa.'l Itl · M~m an were express l gratefu in to d . reterre as .far as possibl~. h ter. venera ble Allerl H . He r anu Mrs. D. L, Crane. ers.· instanc e of wayt! actIve In chur~h affairs ,ming , At the ~e leaves a Wife, two. daught ng ~he need of such ac~ion. our Grphan~ ~ Realizi unassu et qUI a of man 11 was · very ill last week is a::, four Haney washe and Mrs. and hildren Mr, w1th gran.dc n board lhl! thirtee much d assume ahe ew a at an earl)' age . drew about him during ~ut n!lt~re. better. ed 'rela_f conceiv hoet was a , Zoo the hJldren at erandc ~uting an g:l'eat son and on~ Hender ed B, Mr. a~d Mrs. F, respon8i~lIit~ fpr her-lov Tqe hIS hfe lime many staunch fri ends tlie 1088 shl' entered mto her work WIth an and arrang ed for the 18th. fD a cllnner Tuesday to Mrs Ethan t1v~ and frienne to moum ~ave re: and M Ett P' d admire was htl whom bv ' rtation . transpo of t lo.ved. though they first one pf , Board Toledo Thus of th, er, stl'ene daught ber and nd SunJ:y with nM~' '~nd a~~., j~e~~ enerln' bey ix years of her life were by rsil. ~)Ut upon. !nvestiga~ioD we ~'pected, ~eposs essed splendid bus, Codleman , n H, Colema the t~irty.s Taylor. expen- l~e8S facultles. and durmg' hill life an Mr, and Mrs, J. eARn OF pl;actlcally 1\ wh'ole-pearted service f~und thl~ propos.lllOn both _ _ _ , ' .. s hi hy , fortune a ulated tlccum ' bm.e, r matte. to express our heartfe lt SUece8S slve and l!'conv emeut. ' desire We ber. around . 8e ,fortbo W J .gton, M Wilmir ' f fJ' VnLil Hill, tnent. Emma Mils Slood mana2e thanks to our neigbb ors and frienda to the owners ot aU- thnft and her tted as had Bu.bml was .ames . teach· " a as rs. ,. 'eft'ort.ll on Kreat Iiv.:d her had marked Weller Mr Thorpe and to ot!)' recel~t1y was the guest of. M"" Annie so kindly .asslsted us in our re~~~~y· MEl'S, who which, in her unwur rling manne r tomobJles of the countya, ver~ hast \\et'k cent brief a fal.'Jll" mile , south of Bellbrook ft~iii~ ~~n~d8nc~rl~ great satisfac tIon, In ceddn eVlden be sorr,ow 10 the death . of our would d M':"tru8ted 8Se8 d • Where l1e spent rna H,'ll. of WI'lml'n" jyto 6df th d f th of time we had mQre volunte ers ~lon~ SUSl/lr .Cree}c, ear space ISS in· an had n she , g whom those the 1.6 d wash to remove best and Soap, Havohme Auto use, Ali 7:80 on the most of his life Mrs, cou~d we than ' , , Wright yeaTS two Majust , and died Auto he where , harness . Waynesville and the musie rendere d, and KIl. had preced ed" her, and above !iate20 automo biles had lined ' ehliler yeo: . . , lly at 9 o'clock a!S0. promP service for up , brother a , McClu'r e for the efficient mBJUtgemother a behind .' ' . , ' Funera l servIces were held at t b e . ' ment of the funeral . were filled for 'the Journey. leav· ~I Eliza· and Cal. na, Hadden a Paeade of Georgt now MISSes ~tout, o'clock 2 was at . on Dayton afterno of v MI'!!. Clint Grubb" re Smith and Childre n. three infants 'behind and ~ome. Tuesda Theodo only Mrs. 109 to dinner at Stout, C ined Maria enterta t sister, ::itewar a beth and of ell Chas. Campb Mrs, the guesl of ,her-lia ter, '. force in charge of the In cbarg.e of Ihe Rev. Burial ' was Tuesda y. Mrs. W. N. Newland and ' await the summons. Early in girl- three.o f theTo Braddo ck, la8t week, the close observ er, CenterVIlle Church . es. premlll the • with • united ed 'd'ece4s H. the W. hood M.r and Mrs. . two ok , IN devoted much that bright mominw 'at the Home, made at Bellbro Allen and Mlss,Ohve McCollum . ' MI8fI Mary Hawke, of Lebanon, &>Ciety of Friend s and officers scene, sive impres an was \ ch)JTcb the, of work the , to tif!le the iruet\t, uf her mother . Ml'i. OBITUARY , We all do fade asa blooming ftowet friends who had as· BIrOuy she trustee s and the .' In momen ts of greate st . time . the!r,: eer~ volunt. Al ..:e Hawke . Sundav and.. d semble early and others later in lI(e. finding some God, en· her commun~ with Neltlon Hllmilton and family ,. . for the ch1ldrens piau- It was on Novem ber 26 1911 that tertaine es machin cted blast often carries and unexpe often An she in and ay therein Thursd t dinner comfor ,to great d n, Lebano M_ C. Lid"" II vlBltmgih tile home of :E: T. and cOra Ranb IlI'!d accord ~ntl of as well as the old in then young the even ure. away fast wife hold and to on ont!8 Hamilt loved her Henry d of was made bright by the eoming o~ honorfollowing guests Mrs, Jlmles the beauty and' prime. of life. ~ Bot the I.ueet of Mr. •nd Mrs Marion exhorte theIr with p grootm t pleasan hathelr great h throug even to the faith W 811d the jJ~mllton, and ' ....111)'1 ' . . ppy. counte nances was an index their little daugHt er Mary will linger long ' affliction. " this CU!'tis and family, and Mrs. Gladman this beautit ul life sunset here;' u 8Oj~uJ'n short her during It . hearts us genero has faded warm, ~f their: ro glow ~he kindly after her . enjoY(:Q who, us of r. All d~ughtc n, _rs. carolin e ~er..,'of Lebano br!ght,eyed , ,~unn1 haired, lovable Ellis and h· our·orp for mark water .tro!'lr high was a she was hfe her In with slght. ted from a~uain "al. the- RUlltil of , Mr. Ilnd Mra. w~s and were loin In the prayer !Ws.' ~~~ e1!lrted with f~c;.ea beam· chald a~ded much to t.he joy of that and ever ready Wlth active and . . ,will . . . virtues Mar many little was ~eorge Hll.r~k .Iut wl!t'k. cy, .nd h.onsehold. Not onlyfamily a ·j. oyt~ 'Mr and M- Ro Id H k had a smile and kind 'word to adminiSter that she may rest in peace and that lng , W1th bMght ex~tan d to h'e r 'M onswere atr'e asure ("ipati fulantj to the w~ts· 'O! others, Deeea!!e!l st~()pe theirmo er na M ,awe updnh blne aimays Henderson IiKhtp erpetu r .' an Mrs. ,F. t" we father 'and mother , a dear' playma te 88 th~ir S d ,,,, m.omen T~8 , . reali~ som,e fwly '. . , h.~ been 10 faihng health for 'F' andLM T uM:h~~estsd and:cssugltler: ;UuilM',<\'erP pen-' of bad faa. ' every child seemed to brothe r antlsiflters. but her Bunny Cbarles ~ dlaease the d d dreade enrf~re A gone. time. • . vOlcee old. 1'8.. househ at! . for Ci long f . "I : . B d ed lovable manne r frieitda in Midd!etown Sunday .her ~4 for the pa ~tly obliVIOUS to officera, ma- tac;e and nei1rbb 'Mo ncmnat1, Mrs. EdIth tened itself upon For vaniRhed"smiles I long. H~~f9n 'f Y II ors-llJ1d frj:~d:ar B to all her '. M' S ' s ~emes their, in frie~. ~d t.rons 0'1, ,declined rapid I,• ODee ha!l dear weeks my, I!88t But God hath led AUllust Spri::'p , J:;:,-.~t~fewoday.e was !l1Jlld day when .. on ,Tread anBso ftlythe death angel ~ the new scenes . lit1914, ar see . atldd . Morro of 8 wrong. 'ears no 2 do of' CM air Be the And at bel' cI. .matAt Mias Ina H.mUt on. ~ ~_ts. ,Lat czontrQn~the.m. 17 apd with a gentle touch levered the . .f w. , days, t e I£t~e spi'rit ' 2r and Uls n mo: 10:80 ,t ds ,groun tDe on amv~ We hath goldlJ!l cord, and the lOul relei8ecl t know not wha~ the future who Mr. and MR. Chal. Lloyd, of llack to the lx.hours took its 0tforl:l untiI4:3 ed remam went away to the eternal home. and enterauney J e E. J. 8urpria or Mrs. and marvel MI'. Of d ' ton, took supper last week with hIs the gave, ~nd wht>, in'His wisdon iplucke tailled at dil\ner Monday · Mrs , . I~ reveled , hearts YO\lng e r dth' 'death· and life that alone d old fri~nd, Mr. .John,iJeach and wife. Assuremerc,. underlieh. wllI be tbis falr bl0880m in all its beauty ere A. Maffit and her guest MisS Laura Tis hard to ~reak the tender ,cord., hat t , l Garde! tb~ of 'KhtlJ e , HiI. awa remem bered 10 mature r ~ears.· At' l!Orrow 01'- 88dn~ ' bad stolenluch is Henry, of Toledo. In the eYening , 10ve.ha s bound the heart, , ess. "Of Mrs M'a ry Ann 'Wise all!L sweetn " and purity lts about the words. from hard to _.very Tls known gs Misses hlessin per, su from at guess ined dimly ,I enterta they in, , thEI KiQgdom,of heaven ." . part, forever thfll of must We half Mr anrt 'Mat~er sight. of Lillian out and Annie Of ,... ... Thursda,y" .he r,uesta1of relative s. yountte r .The bereav.eCi parepts "have left to ," And, with the chasten ed pBalmist. (jhl~eldet to the hO,m e Wlth lhe "." . D th ' d Will Math er, 0 f B urrlOato n, ~K 1111.• Deares t IQved one we ~~t 'l ay tb~ mg cornfo rt them William extend otbers The , ren I c . oro y ~ ' . own . Sarah. . Mr. anCi Mrs. ' Gail RlJIlIum enibrae e ' their joumey to Ghes~r .Pa'tk. Thus In the . His judgment!!, too are right. D8l'ton have been ,be th~ dayB ful delight 'will be che~' y most memor the of Jhe one But ended • f , . ' , gq..UI of Mrs." Molli., Edwar ds and 'Till we ~ thy heavenly fac4t•• been offered "And them 0 ther ga~e, 10 dutings that t<Outd havehome. lift telrs and, . The Misses Annie and Lillian 1 known ot 'where his' islands . pain .. There ... faqlily. to the inmate s of our " t ,Their 'roncJ~ p,alms in air; Mather gawe a party Friday ~v- Lillian V. Roush d'd h daull\t er in the state of TI fJ' tion Institu " an nQt brother "is their ' ' of drift honor in dnnot I II 'know only I Ithe; Id sh a ROu8h. Mr. and Mrs. D. ' L. Crane spent the ...hildren are the . em a WIll Mather , of Burling ton, Kan:, of Mortim er and AlwJld n 0 . a~in Saturd ay olld SUllday ill Lel)$uon" Heyond His love and care." greate r loyalty ahd of .~. nts J888, 24, recIpie ry Februa born \\las ' Mrs and Mr. were: t Thpee presen. ·D r. and Mrs. J. T, ed this life Augus t 18. 1914, ... It bo the gu~ta of Tt',' and Mrs, fields of light the ]n orthe than on attenti d Hawke ..,lendl 9· J. more . ve. S 9. , THANK CARD OF phans of'War ren Co, and in behalf Wal~r. , . ' , ' ~ da,s M~ed to Elhs, Mr .. and Mrs. J. E. Janney yrs, 6 pIlo., 11Nov. . . 28, 1104. '1'0 the Board with Mr. aud Mrs. 0" W)lIter. 'Botta, of ex. Ilnd of .!J Edward J. O. Mrs. and We Wish to t.ake this meana Mr. dw~ath, ,l\oth.ln "rnhotR.'e crueltY our Bill' q thlBuD lonwa sbomt wodau gbtel'8 . to wish we l;Ianp.y, our to Th e. ,thanks L.Cran .sincere ,D, g Mrs. pl'e8llln and imd r Mr. Grlluse ' Rev and Mrs, C. S. 'T e apercime.t. ~~ ay ; for our .actlio fkind. ,c eretha nksand was spent in a reminis cent Edna ~d Elsie,c Elsie being tAlten Dr', Ward '.atte'ld ed the Sun friend sforthe ir' many was an ange VISIt"" the green l ch~rfu beau. and thv, ilympa of wordM cake were away In infan l. 'She 'leaves to ,. ness, \..-~~lliu~rec,lilbly0~1 , conftlrenl!e at U:!!Mlon tiful fl.oralofferin~fece'ved throug h kindness a husban d. dauKh ter, . mourn ' ' the flowers away." wards. ent depend Qur for sS happine brothe r and ahoet ttl and sIster and. Illness father, t'ed ot Chicago, out the protrac , Prof: C. '.ft{. - - • if every 'one who par. Bure A Friend. ' very . am I, . ' , friends of ' was on o!,e. loved afterno ' t our of \, pleasan parenu very. A with his "1P!J1 dlng a FLOW ERS ANO FLAGS con· e, pleasur day's that in d S ti,cipate TlfANK OF Y.j CARD Fs!nil and Stoul Fri· , Esther I!pent by the Standa rd Bearers Mr. and MI'II. NaD\an AUKlln, ot the - ,- , nate childre n' " · Ii unfortu Id our h to ! . tribute« ' ser • S.Grau ' > rs.C. . omeofM , ~ttheh . ' ers day, , ok <I'nike. ' . colom nsof Belll,)ro u~bthe Paetfio wersan d ./lngsth f!winn ~ethro yoi Wc~esl sanctit . the y ining .. , j enterta ve~toen the . edin Sou was~t who' ON REUNI Visitors , r. ' , HISEY f 'th' " ."JOIuiC~~" old .age AUgu81 18,\ ~914'will be I ra~eatOhioStateFai e to extend our, Oglesbee and 'Eleano r the MIamI qaze~t' e \Var,ren m1ngl ~ thiS y,ear see top notch racing by Joseph ine to .the kInd ~ei-bo thanks of thtt awl' ,[est momoi"les .in one. t~ ... ra \Ifh 0 d t· th 914 1 ' E 20th · Au~ust last ol the ,clerk WI&!! Ii t>lected this .h was~ 'As rt, . 'arnha the ,C6unty}[In'l1!t in cour~e ons race reflecti ement ' .. nest the e bereav ~ 4or ate I ' Be BY ~ur e the ,usual . h' % assIsted ua an r , Cart , " reunion .. ~t t ~ of Electio mlly There is none ,other like it. meeting of the confere nce year, new ' ns at Leb- t h'l~ ,the wrlg. Jut week. LI. the ne"",~ . ~ their for ates Ellen echoolm and her .to J"qaeph of also hotne ensuing " pJacP, ' . ) , effort has been made to officers were elected for the .l ,P6nM?ns took he S. 'C followi' Rev, tird to he "10 apd like. slngll)g tnw ,·Vice IIOrileth Hawke TodllY Hlsei. re.,' Plt . . . Ka~erine P~der the , moat unique W. H. AI, and C 11 reb to 9' 'Duke. Secreta ry for hIS worC,fa of comfor t. . , ter. of ,th" flUllify pthor-e d. ,racing course in .the tuI1led hom; Bund 'Y from Frsnk .. Daugh Buck : vlli \yaynes Jell. and lde enjoyed the, dinner. ltmiOIJl v1tdflnK mfield isdeco rated' with Edna Cornell • .Treasu rer Stella . where .... . , ., - . " . " Watkms, C'.E. M1lt?n. Jerry Park.' Carey. .,:. · Alic~ , elona. Fianist water.m rty, Daughe flowers with . rids fringed • W. C. l.OST BY ASCRATCH I1IT It ill .26 y.1'8' Btnte ~ttieftr8t reo hl.II,., Mason. rd , B. . AYman, . , After tfle business meetm g delicious . ' : ;- ' - ' .: . . ', C. r, Pflan~e J. W. r, GIlmou ~. ttils.famiIY, were'served. ' ,11.... ~.x Uouah .UMtMra .F. B I com· n;. George ' Beck, O'h' ". Rambow, Com~ Down in. refresh ments . - . The Wilmineton Red,' Sox, Mn, Win. Warwick and 1'l!ompson, Lebano pv tmound nlarges egendo lfJtheJ 10 , .. ~.~. o~ lAban on were here" B. mem" H. sed boro; 8U-..I and SprIng er, . vari.ous Deck of M. JI, Rrof. MEET ... Ore,g ITTEE lhfield COMM ofMan AL and a , Four Leaf CENTR Wedne iila7to ,a . t~e' f~r&lof uu ... dA!,derson , S. ~. ,Palfre y, L, ~. An' C~I Hor~IlreShge. IUlil" dluPt ¥ ers of the Camp and Fruler faaiU _ '~ the Rower signs on the over,t ' • Mial Edna..Stout. ••Joh~ BllCler, Mack Robm8OI,1. other ~W8 s relative ce. d ... other asaistan with , Frapkh n f'" '-'J," ,' , • The. Republ ican Cenlral ·£'omm· 'Itt""" with a little ~utsi. de ' .. , , . ., A f .wo. Db \ ' U . -,' . b · ' 041',",c8 • . ecol'8 the ted . y f .,· ..... ~ami8 }jr~~ l ! th, 'V . ea a or, met III Lebanon last Saturd ay for an1f shrubs flowers 'of .n. ,an eolt'''.- n and ~augMer:t, ,rom th rmge ed te 'th t • lIIime " ' a s TI»se OF tParkl OUT. d~all t ,'FELL r ., good' , . e •auests, d After_'"antil ,. nleasan I18t un8O-"e einfiel ' nl teamI played ofU roledo" are 'th a tLoC r ge V~vian, n. to7 nizatio n tl!eeou __ .I re-orga .. "' .. , t he pprpos Both . d Earl noon. was " d 0"Old rs." reek, track. Mr. , treatme "ext an}(l"g MCCreeary,91 Turtlec , ' Gl Oh' f '0. Fl Tho .nt. r ..... •other kInd not be ' theill need JiUley for more that .>/-...... n, tauvee he-. . ory" eJected chair~an of the new com- ball and some ~_ t IIOObeI the Is &aid least Word was rci'eived .here Mona'lY wi11'be ina:videnc!~ lin ttee commi mittee. The executi ve _ ... Red Sox c~nverted II' mornin , t.o the . effect that ed ,'o f McCreary, compor is elected YOUI'I~t_80" of 'Mr. and MrS" . SE~IOR DAY , bases into 8 ninIi Turtlec reek, Chas. Madden, Ma8llle bils and 8 HAVE C~ED ~' . MINIS,TER 7 blm I!0bklns, of Dayton . , ,am t the .. while There in. Frank.l Last Sondl!i ~ ' ''Gil'l'a D H. and . • 1 and 1 at Inwa ball rme up a tree, , passes, it and g meetin the In mony r thoit M. E: Sund - SchuOl ha' was Grace M,aaSlon church , the to, feU he .n base :broke of the icans three Republ the looks as though tendane e'was called a rector, Rev·. , The ' , breakin g hoth arm..badly Warren County 'intend to stick fo- ' ,.M.'_',aJ .. " to 78 Jr., who rook charge of erlng I",.. ' • otf rin• , ~. • and elect the ticket 'as nom- while pitl:~~IDa' gether te Sunday . H,isag ra.dua ,I ~! will luatal'; lost throug h ~ was ~~'l:!:u:..I~rs·:.::at~:~1 i ' . II' ,ht . semina ry' and baa been itlated. • _. • While the score • - .... . • eordJa il, .. tlllJ ," ".I . The parish ~l WiI lidtn8 you .' fora URCH touched Jut So .I",.. DIST EPISCOPALCH Qn theireft'Clrts M~THO these were . ~OTICe ' ', t;r':"p~t. •' '._ .•n~ .." ~l'ranl8 Cclrnerstone of the new churCh variety will be" laid at th~ church on ' Sunday afterno on, AUW!lt 30. at 2:80 o'cloCk. h1th .apt awlW!l,Y1 l:er a_rillludo._.:[.~: ....... thee ~"J ci. Is,invite public Tb~ .. .delra ' .. I'QDOeI ..... • . --~ . ' "et latter bit. ~_ ' .evtlNli B be to cloth, cwolel1a Auto Soap fOl"oll














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W.... .,nl. ~ -"~'f;'rr Co.

:::roved .






Then when the last number was' played oft the ' prognuD, they again stor d ' th elr ,instrum ents and Itccellte d tile luvltatl olB to supper from th pro' , prietoI' ot th oe place, J ed noticed hn'l f It ilozen ,1Ir;hts In PI'Og l'CSS as he was the flrl!t of the IItlrty to go Q,ft~ 1' his Inflq-uin Iht. ,Yben bQ got i,nto th e poorl y lighted store By GEORG E ELMER COBB. room ' he rolle(l hlabulk y drum nellr Wthe door. It was Qutte hellvy and he us ually all}ied some Olle to I).el[l Boom·boom·boom·boom·boom! Striden tly there bnmme red out upu!. him when It had to bo carried : Just tbe air the measur ed bent of 0. bIg til n II paused nud tient hls Gal' lIlla rp' bll8s drum , Stalwar t, fr e·armed, Jed I)" A thIn 1,ll,lug waU proceecled from 'Hawki ns st OOl]' a.t bill t.a&k as resolultl· beyond 1\ door In one COrn1l1' oJ · the room. It was boited. Jed unsUpped Iy as a. mil stro a.t the balon stand. ' Before him, propped In a low treo the boft. " Graclou s 'me!" he ejacula ted, and ('rotcb, was a home-Ulnde sbeet j;f music, Its' sparse notes bIg aa eri s, we ll he inl p';ht. In a wretche d adjoin· ing npnrtm'c nt a li ttle child' In)' sob· T his was his "score." Over tho neighbo ring fence old Setb bing on a pnllet. "Idn Stront; !'" gas ped Jed and th en Dro wn protrud ed his broad tanned he' .advanc ed towards the chBd. Th e face, eet all In 0. nUllaclous grin. " \\ hat ye thlnl. ye r doln', Jed~ " be light [rom tho dancing ball .pe rmeated the room. "DoD't you know me, Idn 7" propoun ded. "Practl sJ ng." ,,;-aB tbe t erse, sel'iou8 "Ob ·yes , suro 1 dol" palpitated the Httle ono; putting up her lhln waver· reply. , "You call thnt mu~lc!" derided illg hands, "Ob, !\II', Hawkins ! I'rontlll take me away trom here. ~' ve been Brown. " 'Twill be, wben it mixes I" with locked up for a weok and l ' heatd them say they w,ere going to take me further tbe rest of the band." from home 'tomorrow." "Wbnt bnnd 1" "The village band- I've Joined It. "Do just as 1 tell . you," wblsllor ed to a drum J ed, an exclUng thought comJng luto system muob as just There's ning. In wooded lands trees work out their own betterm ent by lelf·pru as there Is to a flute, Nature' s music his mind, Then tble n~ were some strange aud Isn't a1\ bIrd song- tbere's frog croak· " rapid movem enta in the room and went on his way, then. as t.he cornet player appear d the of gs boomln e lonesom The ling. and took up. hi. Inatrum eJlt Jed Bang , . out. B,e sldes, dIBma1. s. Hawkinhe of Jed opinion a poor,.,'ere had drum . big "Help me get WB clumsy olel bri!· CESS ~PRO ~ In the tlrst place, hlB pretty daughte r, gsge of 'tIline to lhe .~agon, will you ?, pretty heavy. Isn't It 1" Nellie, . liked Jed, In the next! place, "Say! ahe' had her pick of several richer propoun ded tbe man lUI he took bold IIwalns. ot one sl4e of the drum. Has Taught' 'Man Many Valuable Lessons 1n the Prouo- "j 'U admit Jed II sUddy," ruminat ed "Rnthe r, bulky, yes." nodded Jed. the practica l old man, "but he', .slow "Go ensy--tb al'8 It," and ho cnve Il' gation of ~seful Trees - Lh.nbs S~ould Be Cut and poky, Well, It will talle hIm eo great ,b reath of relief all the big drum, Children, Color Up Thl. Pletureo As Close To tha Trunk As Possible long to lIave enough to get married on, was hoisted aboard tbe carry·ii.lJ. and noor waiting that Nellie wll\ Ket tired He sat weU back in the wngon "Where would It look better! :' allked '<;Opyrl,h', by Me .Iuro N. w . poper Syndl · the terrapIn , s drum, when they got pmclou marry lome one else." to CAte.) , "Slow b~t lIure," was the 'way Nellie started .011 their hOllleward route. lYed "Let me l:how you how well It would It sometim es happen s that persons oft the Umb JUSt n8 close to the tJuoll Long time ago, 'wben tbe hunte rs , " tbal slub tbe longer The . Oie tlll" possible 'as ..vho dO" not. favor pruning lrult and Is left, the longer the time It wll\ take . put it to herael~. "Dear f!!lIow! , He was nervous , for he bent hls' oar many brough t In wfld turk"e y from tlle bunt look around my neck," ••Id · ovu 'handed terrapin for the leeklng And ' 1r key. 'as ly ~'lI Ilee !-O and L'lnxlous position round time enough, their a stood that's boys Justify and will lIttle the oUler trees to heal nnd the morl! chanceB the~e lovell llIe . 8Ca1p. red fresb, tho It . swing · to to," tried Xl\irsult. have I .or of if wos, signs how big It by assertin g that Nntute doell not ~'I\I b for tlecay ~o get a foothOld . II walt IItty years for 111m, bunters lllg There were notil!! nnd, as thEi horlel ,ovllr tpell' sboulde rs nil the Into .'. IItt}e extra money _verytb U With. a str.tnJ the tur.kllY tied It UI)' Jed. prune and, therefo re, the practice Is the n8at o h' paUeJll, d' re1Jeate aoun~s," dill, the old men woUld oome for lore overdie, 1\111 must last It th, leCt, of I" top stub tbe ' a rellched ' bls eblu: dei' knew they an" unnatur al on.e n~t oalct,l)nted to are no twigs with leaves on tbetll to 11 thlf boys re. "The band get8 Cour elbUan a. head ,a n Iboklu'g the 1I0me town, he puJJeil.iU18 group and ask said tho tur~ey, "I wUl '11'.111 "Now." benrd. hll. got prove c( uiti,nat e wor~h to the t.ree. draw up plant t.ood. It Is well to ~urkey tlIe how its g unstrun Next drum towards him. He can draw evenIng for playing at dan<:ei.week~' teu spe hoW Sucb persons eare Inlstak ~n : In their' membe r thtlt, while leaves : Now, wbat tbe old nien, called tbe a little 'WilY and you can a 1It~1 .. , way winter It will be three tlmea a. and Jed grent moon·fnced top. , walked he So looks." oom! It red .boom.b long, 'the om.boom nt was argume nt, .f or ' Nature III n persiste It plant food, tbey can not puah .rt up. "All ri!Iht; little one!" he balled, and beard of tbe turkey ' It s In p'roceed ed Industri ously to beat out the child be hnd sj!crete d In the big, stri~ ot \lesb whlcb hangs under Its nnd the terrapin Clulled out tbat S9 me trees, Bhed ' smallarebrancl\e pruner. There' is abunda. nt evidenc e A shed: well. very leaves 10Qked way knew sllme boys ' tbe the It of because and , Ind bead; roomy drum put out her arms in 8uppor t of this poslUen too ptalnly corky layer d evelopB at the baae of tbe the notes 'of his '.core. "Now I will IU It • dUfereu t w~ that. they : were not nllowed to ea II y . "Well, dear:' , challen ged hlni, and cUmbed ~Into hi" lap. wrltten to be overloo ked or miSinter- twig. Later the twIg breakll ott at thll yoU can teU me I,ow It looks,.. and the So neck, turkey's the l ffom meat the in art. lona sweethe His compan preted. One baa to o~ly walk Un:ougb point, either be<lauS8 of its own weight he turned to face hItIloya l walked tarther sway. got turkey the how ollk wbuld lioys ' stared at child and, man In the wood. ' after snowtal l , to Bee one or because the wlod breaks. lt ott. The tlult looks stili betterl" cried "Ob, ell t wouTd mouthe d wonder . Their eyes goggled hia beard, and the old men prbor. The surface of the 's1;Iow will ,exposed portion of the branoh a.t the . When be b~d lhat,1h e terrapin the . re. ,to atory: plan 'thls unique hll ot d l aa ho to, be con red 'irltb sml\lI twigs, branche s, poln't wbere 'the t\\:lg' was atlache d IB' kept oil walkln~, and when jnst turkey won bad errapin t the, • afier WIIS It cue ber. and even large limbs. These ,would covered with n thin, corky layer. ThIs cnlied to bUn to eome bac} terrapin tbe turthe tbat rabbit "You see, 110m!! of that lawle.. ganl hla rac,e from tbe perhaplI escape our notice any other keeps out water and gerroll ,of de(){lY, turkey didn't even tura hIs head. the And trail. the on n 'terrapl the met bidden ' key her had l Corner down at the ' ' time. Dut the terrapin had ' his bow and away In Jung's place," explain ed led, be stopped to ask the terrapin bl!w It ' . Notice how tall lrees In hdllowB will s with ,him, so be look on' of tbe But rabbit, the "And you get .... tholMand dollan: ' wu that be could 'beat Bometlm1!8 grow. There may be Jlo whiob bad ,beeD by the arrows the about tell not would band. terrapin the of'the leader 8hout'ed tll'8 Umbi for many, feet above tha ground. people and I~Ot It a",- Oi. e medicin l boustfu the on d played chorule bad trlClk 'he "Yell,' the reward f8 youns," Neverth eless, If we were to split the was running away. be as turkey could , be tbat ed ,~; snd be pretend half a. d,ozen volcea: truilk of one 'Of thelle trees, the Knot 8truck' tbe lep of thl arrow the Now an:' ' after petry, (nat. and vel'y slow run 80 really ,"Not 'left· by the IIl1ibs pruned "ott years ago e wbelrh a J(l'Gat numbel ' comme nted Farmer Brown, of .t1!e fact tel outrun the rabbit, but I 01 pieces, like cane splbita. And that had' s Hawkin Jed that Iplow to came on knots of nB . wer~ po Indlcatlo could beat you." Is the reaBon ~hy the le,8 of tbe lUI" fall'ly ,,'o,n the prloe of a home for bJa the outside ot the trunk of Ute' tree, ho!" laid tbe terrapin , and be key baYe such a lot of alDatl bonea 111 "Ho! N'ellle. pretty (laugh tel', Knot h()\es In i~e trunk of a' tree and wouldn 't talk' about the rnce any more, them. , , (Copyright, lSlt, ~, W. O., ChlUlmlUl.l mOlt or the "notil found In bOMds are turkey stood on one leg tor a th'e So be attar, eyeD " . turker, 1 Of counie, the • evlilenc e ' of Nature'S ' pr;lDlng ",bile and looked around, ond tben able 'was, 0l'J'0",. Ute by crippled was What. are the toolB that Nalurt' uses POINT NOT tHEIR STRONG be stood on tbe otller leg and looked frop the ·terrlllll n, a!\d tel • , to do her prun"lnc and how 'Ilnd whY around. Then he yawned and said to to r:un away the beard he stole. s Nature' Is kept haB he . d~s ah!! use thelp? Shade Seem. oy. 8c:hoolb of Taite : f Llter.rJ the te1T8pln cre~t pruning knife. TreeB growing too And, C!f coufse, when the I1tU. boy. to lBe Chiefly R.mark abl. for " ''Wba.t Is that you have bnnglng no have .forest lhe In olos~Jy toget~r fou.nd out what the turkey' a beard lte AbBe"e.. T" belt , your from why ther ",era - " IImb'l near, the top. The same kind of "'~bat Is 'a (rellh bcal))," aald the ter· really, wa'; they knew bf ~he Dec" a ~ree growing out In the open would nevor allowed to eat Lfte~..ry taste· Ie ratber . an ; ln~erlted rapln, . have limbs almosL 'to the ground. Wpy than an acqulre d 'po8I!esslon. ht "It doeBn't look vel'Y well there," of the 't urkeya · which the bunter. birthrig Is this? When treea grow clese to· brouah t In: It may' be cult1vat ed and Improve d said the , turkey. gether. as they' d'o under proper forest It haa been. Implantl8d, •.but er wherev conditio ns, there Is livery compet ltloo to p,lao,t It In the n~ture or ~e ordl· . among them fDr moistur e, air and nary socboolboy calli for: both aenllli HEALTH ,HINTS FOR THE BOYS MAKING FLINT AItROW HEADS lo, expose 'to 1I,ti~ Each tree wants Ro, and patienc e. The author ot "TheComo ely. Rll.Olut TMk HI_ at Stood We air I nnd light Just aB much lesf of Northum berland ," In manoe or Old Indian Art Not So Dlmoul t a. Eight Hava 8houl4 F"lIoW8 Young l ahowlnll of aurfaoe al possible. Bec.aus8 ot crowd· 81ctlol'l of trunk of tree, ations l aalOc. literary the Reet OD , lway. meodu& Sleep-A of u~ualMany 8uppaH d-Now Made fO,r Houra aa . Nine cheery bricht-t~ed and wounds properly healed, over. • hig, ~nly the upper branobe s can derSide. rellect 00 the to Rlllht le:2 CQmmirc:I.I Pu';'O.... " 111 on Fleld, a Flodde! ont" getting you ara fall velop ' freely. The lower, branche s Thus It Is seen that Nature. protect s 'bow \ltera. to oy scboolh ' the of reaction where "1 can' play the whaeltil I to ,p~form their function because of even the smalles t open wounds . Among (By DR GORDO N STAPLE S,) . ' The old l~dlan art ot makfng · 11,-:;:lo::..;t, --_ -,-".. , ture. ~~I-::-:~:"": .. sbade, BO Natl1re geta rid of tbem. She the trees that resort to this melbod marked to ,come In," expla1ned Jed, "I~ .\' about Ille~p aud early rleing, ,arrow heads was not 80 dlftlcwt , .. I. Flr~t BrlU.b l youthfu the of lon' e Coer, ~1Il," the 1111 ,ean l As : reckon Is work for doe.-thJlI In tbe following 'l;II~ner time best of freeing the'm selves of surplus owu mi Well, g verae ~aD; ed-whi te men Nellie bad been to tbe JIOst oftlce. PblillU ne :to, ·r~d Insp!rln harm, and (rom ,seven In tbe .mornlng, when I usually Imagin the .lower limbs become shaded they branche s " aro the cottonw oods, wh\te king "old ,and ,enulne '" tI\d In alTOX', I prelum e, do no possible newap& town . .weekly the ' en· carried tilrie She In .. tree " the of trullk dle. .The tUb, tilll p. m' elm and some o·a ks. opened and lIome of tlie ,seed may fsU aD ,f_tlle tilrn out and have eight hours sleep, hendl now for oomme rclal ·purpoB ejj. tlrely rids Itaelt of the branche s. When The willows Iinve tbelr own peculia r per In her hand. Th1a ahe her , lover, groundl, take ..root and prosper . The You sbould nnd by the ' old Indian methodJi. Fllnt of face the A' 'leld It before the branch dies, the annua\. layer of method of cuttlug of brancheB. but olf p08slble-"two ot Iq not chipped with "tone or with nine; even or nOCCaslo seem's er; morooy task, dlamal gr~at l'Ilken before. wood conttnu es to be formed around brittle zone 'nbout a ·half·lnc h In length leI' dainty foreftng er IndlC&tlug a ally to be rewarde d by ,inenlal revela- ,thelle hours sbould be metal, hut with water. ' Whea 'all, In. .. the pohrt 'of connect ion with the trunk, Is lound I!eRf tile base of the twIg, Jlack type adverU~ement. . t midnigh lnt lltiindpo 'l teacher from" that' tiona jed d'and dlrecte IIhe dear:' Which This become s ao brittle that Il mere "Look, ." Thla ultimat ely forms a 'oollar Young fellowe should sleep on II . would easily redeem a w""ted hour. so tightly grips the dead lImb that In touch or a light bree2:e Is enough to 'ead It In hla slow accurat e way. , mllt\,Je!lS , and wllh JUBt aa few bard ago, " long very not mine, of friend "A thousan d do11a1'8 reward :' he • A tlmo the wind either breaks It ort or II break It orr. The remalnd er of the hes as possible. Mothe.r s are bedolot . r ·lIte. English In said, "I'd \lnd the cblld for ,nothln a, wal gIving a leSBOn falls of Its own weight. After a.wblle, twig will be found quite tough. t9' blame In beaplng their boys' greatly school pubUc own well·kll a at alure clu~, No It all goes well, the hole closes over heavy blanket s. By BO doIng Trees nnd ahrubs whIch do not rid If I COUld. Poor little tot! with beds whe~e . form!' t!loBe .or onll to' lind no exterio r eVJdence of the limb themsel ves of extra branche s In any eb?" making Boftles of theIr .Imilly nre they In~. out1lv~d .onc "No," replied Neme, "the paper lIaYI youth I' wbo have remains , OUlmes the new wood does of tbe ' above ways form cleavag e bOYD and prevent ing them from grow. e ugetat to apt are n ambitio al telle'cl,u ' I1,I1d, d kldpape been not grow over b9rore the new wood plnnee or pOints of easy divisIon ·at that,Ida Strong baa men. ' ClhE!ertul apaQly't, until their wulnl lng up Into etrong, hardy of bed. beglos to rot. This rot extends Into eaob node or Joint nenF the end of a orobabl y carried' to il dlltanQe. Her In weight a und,er a 810epln ' ·.Ituthe make~ ' cblns downy atatur'e or s, weuken the trunk llotll everituallY 'It attacks twig. The ~ elm useB · ls'methO (\. A parentB are franUc. . Tbey only hope and e n Bofte, only not clothea Inand a reproac h tq t1!emselvea the whole Interior of the tree a.nd In cast·ott twig ' of tbls tree will usually that, once they get. safely lillhldl n., atton but In th& young often. , mUlclea 'the . ors. precept theJr, to e tolerabl for ~fter her • .Ume only the shell remains . even bring. breS:k up loto .as many pieces as there thOle' who stole her will. _ The subject W&8 "l\Jarmlon."" On times leadB to bad dreQlus, , Esw.lne, ransom ." E -H. ally called growth. of univers are years are what on lng ' : f o, Wound ,one to the , Heeling "Tbey'r e rich enough to ' pay a bla tlle Slmgge.tlon being made s that, he 'nightm ares. State Unidullard le InvIncib , Orchard ists and forester s aId Nature Oollege of Agricul ture r Ohio 1l106t tbe reI well " one:' remark ed Jed. :How . Scott . As to food: Eat nothing that is in speedUy healing !l wound ~y cutting verslty, little one. Only a. week; qo aboulf! give h1s view aa to whatswell," likely to disagre e or cause Indigest.lon , tJle c:a11 ==:=-=:=== === === === =~= battle'. deadly ============ meant' by "Tbe• rett red apple anil rode • I ' ttl.. but' ""·a t l _ III nea'1i ftat,:ulence or henrtbu rn. J , ost careful Investig ation, and ex. h gave IE:' a hp Id y d ow n tbe .quare." be ref-Ued m ·wlth reaaona bte'L r-A' VALUE OF SKUNKS the er ou s T liE my on er flir 8. ' Live . exciting Is tWa as meat, hU' perlmen ts In. breedin g tbe anlo.lal8 any of Ce n InDocen ' "When Is your \lnt bomd 'Playing!" and ",Ith sublime 'lie luppe.e el tt,,,,.. 4me on plenty 01' milk, eggl, /leb, pud. , should be generally' encoura ged. moro~8 ' Intent that Nellle, ohangin g the eubj~'t. a'sked " I usef ding and porridg e: if you can got them. • . Skunks are among fhe most Mermlo n: ~rd •• verf a Isn't It nlgb,t. aturday S ", of soils, o,,~iel' the 9~ few are There most Tak~ a .lllrgr draft of hot, or even are and ls mamma native pf , o[ the Docltor MOIa dance; or I'd a8lI: 'you to go. It'l lect proprs fertilize whl~b on country this water bi\.l [ an hour betore break. or. cold, and farmer emcien t 'helps to the a.-"They~re , a MI\~ol\. 13 apa~rently used will ;not yIeld ~ Ilr~ftt to ,l over at JUDg!8 Comer fast. ' erly roill, agslnBt ' ' wrlttea for lIubJe:ct fight kno~. their ~ou In ts there, cllardls wheat 'gr~wers. .LIme, nlu'ogen , pn- ' rough lot &round !'Jllver eat a late uupper, tiut do not an inup In a lated at: a pub1lC" secL and rodent pelits. () . pb08»llorou8 and bumua al'e I Thetr ,!blndlgll general ly break taBslum t.o bed hungry. ao allIt. ~ '11'&);: I~s In cldellit equally g09d ' .. Occasio nally an Indlvldunl Bkunk all ,needed by wbeat and one or more rdw." bnve tald you the mattreBs ebould I JArd ~ ~, tile after da~ the tl.nt peanl won't dear, f, 'learns ' ~o 'prey UPOII poultry, and If the of 'these substan ces Is frequen tly laCko/ "Taite are of ;;ou1'881 hes Hght, Well, TennysO ;l'S death. a S.l1niwbury )na.. be hard and the ~edolot habit of lying , the e c~ltivat ·evldenc es of Its del}I'edatfons ar-e nil· Ing In the 8011 of the regions wbere you '" ..aid NelUe Boftly. mUil ·you ed remark dinner, at 'And the four doll an-yes , Indeedl tel', whUt) carvin. mli!taka ble ihe BniOlf.1 sbould be de· winter wheot I: raised . to , lome 0;0 your right side, ndt .0/1 the back, tll'at nellt egg for a 'home. GWe bn the IOI)1&ncbol1 event the by either .done be may Itroye<l. Tbls when a Sleepin g on tbe baCK brings on bad blm, near IlttlDg bJye 80nlor ' Do not buy ment, groc ea ' 01' fruit me a ' killS on It, Nellie." Ind". dreama. 00 e~ly to bed, and rlse <>trap or · 1I0lson. DOl' ~~ IICboJaT neither She gave ' him a dOlen, and wu ,)'O\llb ta- 8l1ven. the down All' a 8<)ur .e or fnl', s1rn.nks al'e an from stores where nlell '11, II tOlerated, ere proud ot .the artleu but ~eal youl18 trtoua' h- bit. 80mewb Take a h9( bath even. week and a and nt tmportn.nt asset to the country . 'rbey 1I0d, above all, 'keep tlJl!le ,1Iaellle bear. trucule a with up Who ,AU CIWlOt be ' 1001:lng , ble, &r4uDd tho rllrly worship ed I . v&.OU 118 bran. '1f'befe aponge bath e very cold ex· y brIng to Ihe trnllp er ~ or th e t lilted log InSects a way trom . the Jiaby ",nil ,ellow who te"eDtl u, . a-relllG .. -.. d h " on. t tro Its' mJlk . E xc Iud e IIle. rom creame r.' I e States about $3.00U,uoO annuull y , "lwlla it half' been t1iat 'Won't llke It at 11nIt, bqt, as Scotob ean 88l16QIaI)7 .... "'. .. ........ _ ' A "great cluml, c&IT1..II I C!O~,s1ed In view of theh' u8eruln ess and 1111' les by ~ver)' P9lillb\e m'eaDs. . HUton. I--You th'l Com- tolk sa1. "Ye mann lholo (bear) a pain old Comera tbe l'I1ral ti:.nd over to .Tung's , .tor a prollt:' .. lue tb4!1;e anilnl).ls should be 111'D••• ' Jedhac l with rough It Is a cood plan to nip the new on Saturda Y lW~nc, tacted everyw here by a close ,Beason 'Ve17 weU GO. Of at ieaJt nine months , ,but the right ahoot8 of the _black, napber r), wben a"erat ed lhe cOnditi on. '1'a)ce a ,bem spell....of 1Iut prednto ry skunks elgbtee n:""'che . ,lds" Thll inakes • 'II'ltIl ,that commun Jty of to walk. IJf then 'tin river uel hushl.

...... ...... ...... ...... ....








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. (".'P1 ,; 8I'aV.:




DOlNG-GOD~-W·-·DII-f-=-Preaoher Who Makes Impression Must Ever Walk in the Real Ught.

APffALof THt , I

Those prilUch 1'8 count who are ant s or tile Wo rd of God rather thllJl tb e e;[ pouude rs ut t.b words of m u. ~' b el! are !lot carri ed awa)' by Thoy are " I'Y Ilind tit doci rlno. nOl carried away by l)eSSllni slIl. Tb oy are noC pu l'l'ed up with bas less op· tlml sm. 'l' h ey h,we Fultb und th ey 1'ALL gray pile oC brtck-, ma ke theil' fnlth [ II by th eir work". On arr l v ln~ In Tokio worl< s tands high all tile 01';: 10 , capita l of the la nd or tbe s uit of custo m. Th e IIl.dlgu8 tcd schemo s and plans Cor YOU a re lIl e t by a 'ricksha coo lie (wbo rys cb the and desert edge at tb e entry osstlm In bl rry mall che of mptiolJ rede the w hol ellRle man·dra wn to th ... Jo'ayum. 80me sbty ulltb emUlU, Is Tlo t nn nuel nl , hus Ilowuda ys tlr d his Moclet)' haVA no beal'lng frolU ' the m. e with compet o t r rubbe wIth Cairo, ehlcle of_ " It tb sou 1IJ11l,,",. . , mil 8 ci t;·. Up til l ha yea r . 1600 They try nil t.lIlnga, but tlwy hold ti on of the smoot h run· competi ! lilt' uud csS'lle small n Thoy H ~'e w us burled u g reat ot good. isted Is h cons whic thllt to fa!;t only nlng uut o) who bl a ndl y otte rs to show soverei gn of t he land are no t opini onated and porvers e. a. scattere d vll laJ:;c. tbe Ri ght s. Some bo w before 10l)g you Two · In famlly. IIIll1 a' hl It with a ll Sinet th en , how ev r . 'fhey are mec lt ' Ilnd lowly, blH COlD' judgc tha t he Is a stockho ld e r In ),ou rea a an r o\'e, ~ xtpIHI hUndred generat iollB of rsuas· IJe Il()\\, I d n a lUll e creased ressiv agg , se'use DIan stOl'C or promIn ence In th e cllY ·. ,·ver), In ill'S. m quare s thllt !j the descend a'n ls ' of his.' t dred hun quallt one of of nbout Ive-a combill ation rest a ss ured t hat YOIl will may you I b l of un 1E!~~~!.l subject s hnv e come a nd s!loll mnkes 110 s uccessful pastora te and one 1604 Iyeyasu , th e tlrAt e v· I' Ree nothing of tho outskir ts u ntil . It madc or fnmlly, n possess o tb oku,gs", T liud l to powerfu Bure Is ~~ gone 8lne' th en. Nearly that lias had a town In rchant me ery all th e tombs of Egypt tical s ecclesia ltal. f o oap hi s cli mbin g th l! ladder . . we re rans acked In earlr Th e go\'e rnm.c lI l of Japan was, un- cha nce at you. pre fe r:rn ent b)' r eg ula r stages. At the sbog door a boy scurries to tHtimes, probabl y w.ttliin 'T here ure prenche rs who emilloy tll ,lately, a ' her editary absolut e you with n tan, nnd leads you to ty or a bun ~red years of lhe b.lal. most of tllelr time s tudying edd ies mo narchy, ves ted In lhe mikado or moet ' , doslg ned mlnlntu re rest Immu. cleverl) no a d ha II, uclent a rt the Senu8c waa Klag ~ Thl This empero r. r du st In the moveme nts of socloty, , ented a s only a .Japanes e ' eir sal ornllm th , Y' lila lO , room mp e r elltered nlty; his pyramid was form, bllt In 1586 the emp ror'8 com· cov red wltb Inlays of car- wbo mlgbt mu ch betle I"ounla laa II cozy nook . arrauge cun shogun. e nell an and be aring the th lled ca f, eopbag us broken open ; . no trace oC his r-In·chl mande of Utle or Amen. tim In (lrocla ilnlng th e kingdo m and forming a. name flow r ei lh lazily, bs tom plnplJg re the a e In . Likewis er d. pow g rnin remaine e burl",1 beave n 1111 thei r pulpits and by their u8utped th o gov 111. elUbat fowl water resl which In lake Five . 1111.10 attacked o\'cr· of his tamlly- -nll were In creasin g 1868, howe ver, a revoluti on tUllCt Io ns accus tom ed y about. The boy who racefull g gUlie tbe ing or Implant omce . round, anll r Is empty tombs stand along th e south we It po the wbere threw faith Bracele ts were of mucb to brought your ran hastens to bring res ide oC tbe Ilyrnmld, ' without I~ bone the same style,~ouly with· It wbere It Is not fo und, and dlscov· sbogun ate. the mikado was restored fresbme nts , while the salesme n vie School bea of BritiSh TokiO left In placa. When tbe hlB ancl nt s upre macy, and out a loose slid er, the e rln g It In the hopeles8 ge rms eac h oth er In carryin g tbe con· with so are s r . empire. preache e the Som of of Archaeology In Egypt began ~ork _ . qapltal bo:p e th living carn~ the dges s lldl!!g on e Into of lhe s he lves. to lIOU tor your s clear. tent plete nbout com a of cease er, ey home th e tb ~cemb that Is last Tokio ther Today other. Five IItlie motto- busy with polltlca on. Inspecti bare tgl'ent lay an he t to brllli to ance was plann ed out, tw o millions of people, with pendan ts were worn by to be politic with r espect Take Off Your Shoeal Some that . n ity salvatio unIvers a . and ill s avenues of e very inch of the site , and ciean the lighted Issue Iy beadll strings of gold est exampl es of architec ture fin The lombs or an s wering Europe ans passage In no any y to bus that o so s credit are roCk. would do round lhe ar!!); eacb preacbe rs ion In Tokio are' found In decorat that and In liP' d. y· r be c with are es, could remaIn unseare capltl\l, scores of librari pendan t has a sliding [be outcries of those wbo ry tsmples at tho Tol!:U· mortua n th tbey un· that an s. ere, th volume Lo! million here, , a clearan ce the five lambs just named Lo! at lng. wards rllllt· to clasp at tbe back, Shlba and Uyeno were reopens d, for g-e t t he l\'l aster has warned them e xcelle d syste m of primary scb ools, Ilflwa Shogun s at en the string of beads: of 25 sen ( 12 %c) tee a for and parks, y. I hell 0 r a I t n e lines, and each not to follow such and that th e king· a ne twork Oc street enr wristlet s Four th o priest will show you everyth ing sing pas c 1 e a n 1) d out. road III It levaled e mon. nn thin wi and Is n line, heave at dom hav e a pair of gold lions, One request Is always Two of these for through tho hen rt of the c ity to a great of Interest. face to fac e, upon strings alwllYR OJ fin e prlnclpl e of action visito r all en tering a the la mude these on fare e than tlad :.Jot oven II. • Th central station. beads or gold, ca rllII- a pas lor not to all vance rastcr of , or a tea hou ae. and tar s u temple, It comn lotto The hIs breUlre n. When be finds a t end· cars Is rour sen, which means that lIan and turquoi se. r emove your Ahoes. tor the to Is that for mlles tim some oUlers bad Ba~ travel to e sent 'posslbl Is been has Th e toll t was provide d ene)' to rUIl before he or nine cents, fl nely woven exquisit e ly c\J,~ nll straw Ophaghl total· mil' he should take himself to task aud two cents. For 18 sen, ellver largo a by ror d wooden floors \Y bUB j every. ns one ('an lra¥el tor almost a day t he mat~ and tI)e. pollfJhe ror , wlt b a baa(jle of Cillo Inquire whethe r bo Is not e~bibltl be hopeles sly ruined by you r would Into and kio; To of thlpg s oomed to breadth and h dge' lengt knowle sldlan, and ~old hea:d oC a sample ~f zeal without heavy leatller sboca. ~svo vanlabe d. hasty 11 8 r m9t at oomera . tbe gol1cless Hat·hor ; It Th ere 11.['0 IIlnnY' a'ggravat!01t8 to Au a.,(Cl1!ltiOIl t.o (his rul e Is mil d the City, In one tomb Wooden a Still ac· ral me pne e to and :~lI.tlons generaU pair of razors with gold tbe Temple or, Kwanno ll, tlie Uo d· III known upland, on " w Ide pit debalf built Is Is Tokio raet ental rundam handles ; and three jars Uvlty. But the or Mercy, in Asol<as n Park. fo r dess land, low on halt and BC en d ed by ote, ent made ot ttiat God lives and all Is right wltb as Yamnn ointm for the grent boll da y r esort or t he Is fhls Is clt.y the greater 111 e Th .teps gold th e wor ld, even wben tb e wicked called Shltama chl. with n obsidia black . where. after having prayed, clUzens dill' rock to a depth as t he green bSJ divid ed Into 15 admini strative m~untlng round the bllse, the brim. s em t() nouriSh ot abolll twen· tree. and the lids . ly-elght feet,an d Preache r's Real Work,. sacred the of oul-ftt funeral The At the end stood finest, the only r eal wortby The illabas' eight In ,was ts oils and unguen granJte sar. 110 work ot the preache r Is to conse rve cophagu s, the H I) may blnst the evti the gO()~. Ilectorn la are' of te~ jllrs with lids. Ilame. But to conserv e of Ud pushed back as tar as It could go, beautl 'ully wrough t words with . Jewelry of group ' Besides tbts great wllb minute plecee or car· persuad e men. He must he good the and the.n crullhed and broken away so gold IIJlald se, and lazulI. In the there were many curiou s things found maledic tions upon tbe bring may tbat a boy could crawl in and destroy neilan, turquoi the around ion excavat wide the In 372 rt tb era nre the buriaL Not a. chip of the mummy pe!-!tora l ot Senuse head s of the ,offende rs. But he must Inlaid . The barmon l. pyramid . Here we may , see two or Ita .,rappln gB WIlS left beblnd, se parate stones reacb t heir hearts It be Is to save dead d esigns, and the groupa of ducks, tbe O1:e Jylng Hours, perhapB daya, of work..h sd beon ous outllne of thetie these tho most on an 'altsr wltb the eyes closed, tbe them from tbe error of theIr ways. spent on thus ransack ing the grave. exquisi te work, make pr,eache r wbo really counts never EJgyptian gold other ' being carried and all alerL The Yet all the time, Qlose by the pluder · cbarml ng exampl es of s tbe mint and cumml'n for the mistake lpscu !Ie ~ . These sbow bow minutelY judgme nt. He nevsr leaves ers' side, waa a receSB In tho tomb " 'ork. and law t. wrough wer' temple the of ' tures ads A great necklac e of Inng drop·be whlcb they dlsregn rd ed . There, BO close e Importa n~ things In his th undone to proved be CR'll" that lamps hangIng below Tbe first by that a tall m8II might liave' touche d must have been worn .(l.,.t'D he n1!rul2!:tant. J(Ul.wm anx1Eu.y. :+ d n'ii ;; ; u . 0r. , ;.f ="e~re: ts are be Bucb by tbeir . =~;-;w thE! crown with one hand, tbe sar- the other ·Jewelry . The pendan r co'n founds opinion with prln. v'e ne He are tbey ; pyramid e tb In ama· e copb'ag us ' with the other, tile treasur e of gold, cnrllella n, lazuli, and nor uses the sacred name of can. middle IIsngs ,alone with pierced disks of pott l7 . clplo to bolster his own set de. lay quite undlatu rbed and unnotic ed. zon stone. _ From the vlcltlon the up .hold to' cup, kno\\'II, cut · In the central to have his own views pre. After tbe tomb waa opened It stood a t.he most splendi d scarab ltion termln:l the richest wIck. Around the cup Is a trough to reasona ble and cancilla . Is yav.'nln gl!lt, gradual ly DUed up by oe· with perlect sharpne ss In He va.J1. atone the keep to order In water, 1I0id Is Hgure or It en to esteem other rendy ·eulona l storms' once In a few years lapis la.zuH. A larger 'nd a tory soak not should 011 tbe anothilr neck· damp eo that he things all In . himself washin g down mud. Slowly tbe cas- j)llt1n the middle. Yet tban better "ere the darkest , away. Of tbe workme n 'S tools, d . of. a ' conscie nce kels rotted, tbe va es fell over. the lace wall of amethy st of have Ito seeks wooden , mallets mason's many were as ws men, an to do thread decayed , tbe beadS rolled apart, fullest color, with' gold lion-cla rollers tor moving the IltoDel, and a fense -before God and enjoln ment of tbe s and In perhnps tHty or a hundred pendan ts. ' observe he this ameof y Quantit Armlet s were 'w orn of gold bars wooden hoe. A large years the wbole pit was filled witb "Judge not that ye be not J!!sus: amu· gold beada, n carnelia and thyst and se turquoi mild and dust, and lost. to sight. How wltb minute b~ds of judged. " were fastened on letll, and other offering s, were found The True MII,lon . Buch a f;realiu[e' can possibly bave es· oarneill in. They 'TYPICAL. ~TRttT ~cr:.Nr., TOKIO same dlltrlct . the In y cemeter a In • gold, of strip a aildlng by arm the pulpIt ~aped . the nqUce of men wbo were tbe of out In the pulpit and suburba n, under tbey may amuse themsel ves In a thou- . sealous ly lIearcbl n« for It Is one of the preache r who counts Is a teacher trlcts, 8 of which are proper beIng sand ways atlnnum 'r(ll,b!9,.bootha, thecIty tbe r, palt. governo able one Inexplic the mystert es of tbe at sound doctrt'n e and a worker ot the and munlcl· a.ters, side Dhows 'ilna restaura nts. mayor a by Dne, unlntru slve ministr ies -that give adminis tered In the midst of the rece: , lay the . a. Tber~ Is always a splendI d flower name of Je8us In' tbe pal couucll, But to t\le strange r lhere -crown: the tall plumes ef gold nnd the ~~-:.-----.:..'- - - - - - - - - - - savor ' to the IIUb- show In progres s. In tact, the region the wbere. , indloate to nothing Is af' tbe, three double Btream ers of gold all lay of the eye, of the need)', the blck, city commen cea, around the Asakua a Temple , ' and the jlh!lwa How Thay IIUIde to light the great plague . Dloted" the' v.·orrled :lnd distress ed. urbs begin and tbe down flat, with the crown between Loncfon Exhibit century nth fourtee the Glnza, tbe Broadof middle W .... Held Togeth er by Gold for 'theY merge Into .the city muoh In wbole length of the lamp ot faith In them. They bad evident ly been careA picture gallery Include s a ' 8et of He holda the Tokio, Is one perpetu al IIhow. at way Btrag' . ton ; Kensing Rellea. r that --Oth. way Bame the 4lle--1 d. the .otller'--tG ~f1IIlY deposit ed , and 'never disturbe lancets, amolll them being split ba=+tt attd-'Iln,d polnlti-WltbEyery night there hi a tete of some ' . and star ()t eternal hope that will shIne 'glea Into London The crown II a b~ad band of . brllIteel, modern and Dint, flaked boo. throngs ot)oyou s people paradln c 10rt, hlllll many ancIent the the Let UII lUIeend one of In the light thrown upon Itself grow dim. UanUy burnish ed gold, witb 15 beauttBome eXQulaltf anatbm lcal models even though fnlth down between double rows of and up by dty. the lurgsry over and all e dotted medloin at are e Which practic al It, times ful Inlaid rosettes of gold around Ivory, POIBIbly medl. Tbls 1,8 tbe preache r for tbese of out and torch lighted bootbl, carved lant.,rns Yama. cal Atango· Hl8torl II of name le )4uaeum Japanel . • and In front ot It tbe rOllal cobra of tbe British te tban for aU times. This Is the c;lass from It a d' earlier an to back ering variety at toye, gOeB bewild a cine whore God the of CBlt Hill ray "The Ia & COld Inlaid, the bead of l&ZlIli. Tbla Medlcli le, Maryleb one, Sheba's teetb, surgery , and there I, a section IIho'il'. whlcb are selected tbe heads of 1m. Which means candlcs tempt the and fiowers fruits, QueeD' of .. Atango. " At I~ lIummlt there la a head was missing wben tlie crowD upon ot medicin e men, side portant · educl\t! onul Inetltut lons, aDd mallks the Ing elle. Royal anum· thl! snd by Idol, the IOlPled to been erected have lIUIn men of leadersh ip. These are the temple ant. all~eared: 80me daYI afterwa rd', wbloh There are many other parks, tiucll tors; who come Theile teeth by side with shrunke n facea of hu' men whom the pulpltll of Importa nt ber of arbo~ wbere villi In wuhln« the earth from the ra- College -o f ~\lr&:eona. beblnd skulla had once which belnp, Hlblya. modeled on the Europe an ae e, be naught give a either for worshIp or for pleasur eesl the head was found. Then one have hitherto lIellmed to but are now about two Inchea churcbe ll attract, They can them, while retainin g the special Cea· style, Here, and tea. of bone of cups ' wltb mase d black supplie be IOlld a can eye was, mlalng , I wuhed and but cbarms , amll' realOd for the faith tbat Is In them also are There the Japanes e gar!1ene r's art; at sQ,ulU'e. tures over est southw be to the to known thljpugh testimo ny at their good work. looking back lIearche d mlnutely;"pr~serTing the gold. .ThItT 14'8 DOW ce. abundan In na talisma park,<c ontalnln g the Yallu, and aka lets, Kudanz graduand wa. else, accordi ng to the g . and their ftdollty to the blgh prtn- the luburb of Shlnlga g our eyell over kunl Temple , consecr ated to' the splr.mlLll~st Specka of preciou s stone. lIometb lu. carryin preliowly of and ent ally departm the In d made hiblts dpleD of theIr Master. Soon a tiny ball ot garnet appeare who tell In war, Sure Enough , ' the Booth and on to tbe east, we see Its or. departe d I\eroes contain ing at the bottom et the bashitu l of mud: historiC dentistr y.. arms' of museum the and cblldren for ng Borden extendi young Tolr1o three of Tbe city the talr Relloa Qontatn ed there prove that Otherl, of ' Righti China ·-thls-n o larger than ap'ln'lI headwith wilTS the of ~rophles Borden, the a Tokio Grandm of many mllell along the shores freely ulled to Improve awk· were visiting tbelr wall .the missing eye. Yot th.e gold gold Wben the -duties or life are pergreat 'Of Russia. one and was bait n or t occasio crelloen tlJe a of a.nd form the a In of bay, ~ace no 18 love and not tbrougb . lIocket of tbe eye was . millahig. ' ..1 1f1Ird teeth, but tbere Toklo'S greates t fetes, boweve r, am The pro- merrim ent tor them, Atter a while It f~rm ed , through are mOOD. otJlers or rights rememb ered bavlng washed · out .. atopptn , ,for a decayed spot. the ss, elflshne e the cberry blossom s conyert grand' tor when DolBY cities .too of Very pretty this queen 1~8b the proved a trltle bead of «old ..whlch • dUfered. from cedure seems·t o bave been to ' conside red as sacred a8 our own rights. looks lIJJ she lies basking In the Bun: Uyeuo park nnd the Mukojl ma rIver ngly : reprovi said she and ma, gold Bllk·llke a l nora! , tbousan ds of others: looking , I found -teeth tocethe r with WI) . sre to love our neighbo r not "Good graciou s, cblldren , why . are waters of the bay are smooth as road Inlo an Incredib ly beautifu Is tbat It agaln. and tllere was tbe Bstllng of 1II1~e and to wind It around and around 'you 80 noisy today? You are making motet: not l-dss, but · "as - ourselv es." The 'fete not.a:ble r Anothc se. paradi there and bere was glass, and are etudded the eye oomplet e. Above the crown all tbe teeth until their binding Wltbi this oonce ption of Christia nity, with the wblle saUs -of fishing ,boats attendi ng th e opening of the Sumida my head ache." cape es will at tbe , back of It ,stoo(l up 'dou ble so strong tbai none of tbem could fall we June, when the one, truo tbe "Now, grandm a," said little six· which Is and other native craft. Turning Cram rIver at lh., end of plumell of gold, fitting Info a gold~n' out without tbe c.orisent of the otbers, year·old Dorothy , "you mustn't scold tbe unworth lnoss 'ot olalmln g aud de. In May tbere beglne lite boal er summ over I,ook we nortb east towards the : fhat the entitled are the ancient 1I0wer~ . At tbe sidell and 'back hung Ttils accOun ts for. the ·fact we when than tete. more g wistaria you mandin a us, Is for with ' 'an Immens e valley covered like us. You ~ee, If It wasn't 'down broad ties of gold. The whole Queen of Stieba's teeth appear very. to : Emd It we get more , some one 'mu8t \&ouses. temples , and gardens , 'and ex· vlu\!9 al the Kumeld o Temple bear a.1I."-E at a grandm a be 't wouldn . ,. • 4lrown Is too large tor a modern head, oile solid maell. . . ge t less. There ·Is surplus or rights tending far away almost t6' the jlorl· , flowers three and' four feet In leugth, apothe· body's Magazin e. belag made to go over .tbe ~ry Cull , Among other exhlblts are which Ol1e may draw nud not In· zon.· Tbe bulk oi the houses a re of and gold flsb of IlQual length dls'port from and lake. Egyptia n wig , It III altogeth er over' 'ahops of the Middle , Ages upon wllat IB due ano ther. Irlrfl;e d. Change sta'1cea CII'Cl'm wood, but there are many new bullll· themselv es In the temple Dal'k tbe alcbem lsts' laborato rlliJ! or i3lg11teen Incbes blgh. August tbe vistor ' Is . 18 tlist nearly e~e6 .Ings · of brick and Btone, and nenr the nnd fault y Jul aald great In s," The busines In started 1 "W,hen fitted up with clem· rI'he next mOist etrlklng obJeots are Ages. ' the latter dj m red lights. Tbr -e , Mr. Dustfn Stax, "I, \Yorked 12 bours cne Is striving not to get bls just .dues, center Is , the ID.\Ignlftcent ' Imperlll;l . encbnn ted with the sight of muny and . but to get all, that ho can, Irres peotlve . - acres of bioomll lg lotus . But It Is In the great c'o llarll of gold- cowries and blcs, retorts, . palace'. barber a daly.", The8e . are I~gen· III a180 an eIghtee nth century bled in service s rcLidered. the October ·that the greates t shQw or all of' city' value tbe t111~ cold )100' headll. . of or part tbat now!" nt Tokio, _ d ·differe '1t'B Lowlan ' : lbowing how' men ",'ere etented d Is justice b gins when lhi3 marvell ous ebysan. soclnl tbo .t"'lngs loullly fUlene d wIth one piece ,I n two shop, ot thIs many srdes 1n so both have on 1 fiatl coverin g tlte days aud how the barber' s pole ,,"Yes. Now . stroycd d s of Japan nte 10 ftQwer. A eQllallty themum ial a BYS' a Induslll ~oura balves, joining togethe r l)y .a s~lder, tbose by 16 aud river. Sumlda 18 Inl:~seoted •IntO UDe. There II, too, an ex· to look after that I work 110 tba:t tile collar hal to be much came' ahow) ng ~ow an' attemp t WBI day." highwa ys of com· \}'lIole sllbur.b of To~lo Is given up to busy canals, ot tern Imperia l nowerT.h'c Religion Of JeauI, eontrac ted 'b-:fore It can open. Two .hlblt merce a\ld meanll of Intercou rse. 'I"be tho. cultivat ion of the themum being cbrl(san tbai lletalled alone the]6 Jesus ot tbose ligion and re . "the is tt brIdges over the Sumida . propert y of Mr, A. M. WUaon of Stow- can give peace te man; It IInltea blm wblob span the ca.nals" )lave always Ih& governm ent crest. ,. . lugtot t hall, Bul'7 9t. EdmUJIds. Two wltlh ble Saylor, 'It subdues his pa.a. been pictures que features 'at Tokio. IJrualell l pane·.s of' the same period, SIO~I~, It confrol a his .deslres . It can: The Nlhon·B ashl (Bridge of Japan) In , Why Pe'r splratlo n Burna. -F. V.. ud belongi ng to 81r soles him wllh the 10\'e Of Cbrlst, It the .dlatrlct of the same name, la b,. signed d. Protells or Arlolng or Lyons. Frsn1le apJ)eare art of wQrlla ftl'Iecl or $48.400 realIsed Tallel Two OIIlneae aDd that bl,l !~ marble rellef at the Luke nelda. B. A., [et~hed $5,775, glvrs him JOY even In 10rroW ; and the m08t famous , for It Is' the point · proved l!y experim ent .~ Cbl1ltl.. (LitbdoD) recltnUY. The1 among them a the aame thlJl II a ' yOY tbat' cannot be taken far i t 18 from becaUse panel irritant earllnr Is atlou another Arab hy' perl\lllr are. 1896 ID Japan In found es century dlBtanc from whlcb all rrom . dltreren t anODymous prop- fourth burn. cl~cal a aClualLY Ubl It us. repre.n poisono loomll, actually Dutch y ojl formerl eDUY aW/IT.- Fenelon . mealure d. The streets were 'at were both beAkers of the ,t r1beam en ID Tripon, an't,.-eo 01 ,8enlJltl ve sldna "eDe, feU to a bldpf mUIIIl1UD at. Ute Darrow and Irrepla r, but the prlDcl- awall the eplderm la 1'-1-1 11"~ beaUOfuU7 eDamel ed. ~ In ~t ra~. It Ie alIriollt them leavel , .. -~ and Pra~ . --.. wIdened ---been have fortS. hfarel and pl.l thoroul liIobaa Igh, • . be ' . tjoD peJllplra that Rllht"Y P. the nt aDd Importa mouth, of my act f ement WO,""lo the UDder the iitnet Improv 18 IDeh_ dil)lQllUo.D. , . .)It~lIt_!~ao~ : IJI l.ehlOke4:' It eQWlll1 ~ : II : IIaII:iW uuj~l~i~fJ. of




Qu een of She b'-'s Te eth






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Atl~ncd to Higher Things. W]1I1t ~ I'h (, . I IH ~" r with thll (1Il'va-


tls l(~


Ut!r\' OU8

1n ·1l l.


kee p tryl.~~ to run It Ulrough lbe root." "You' II hav!! fo excuse me," .

Stat e Exbib lt's St,ro ng Stat e Fair Feat ure i 11. gi \'e. ever. urll Doll o f I,be s t·t4te blu tll to ll ealUl I,hat It w Experl men t, or 'WoOljt t Gren e Th govoro. m of .w llllJ"ve an exhibit n.t t:itation Ex hi bi t will iu i I elf 'be th " 8t li (e FII:IJ! . w.urth tl t rip to Columb us. giving of lse I1l1rp the Tn'i" is f u The Ma mmoth dl pjl\y of the Il ln PO')l'l l' Il oh'LOce t o k n o IV m or e Dlury lm u Food Depart ment, will b e I~u nu t OIlIU. of 8eein,g the Tit., 1<' 1 b lillil G'Lm e ex bibl t in w ortb llJ.l t,he ooat a1!:H .. JlH ~\lir C ohn .I ol!ll l'g uf ~HlIl' r/l1 'l'h A ' lilood R o ..ds Bolldln g 'Will WIll he tbfO Iir .. 1 of it-a k ind in Obio of the I::!tate. 'rlJl l:l u()c l 11 11 dlh ExhIbi t will u n: intottl ~1 every (itl~en te Exllibl t8 ·u. 0) .Iler Ollioinl The ng sl\vi f I !! n llIen Ib, h !lr,llv d " ul wblle. worth be e Ilkewis will the by . Jive", !lutl IJ I()u~i u~ IJIIIUY

Ings." )

. --~-


Se pt .7 ,8, 9, 10 .1 1 Gra nd Opening, M.o nda y, Sep t. 7, (La bor Day ) with wan d .Par ade of Live Stoc k at 12:3 0 p. m.

Pro batl.' Court rrocecdln~lI \ Vll litllu i'; !-\ uytlur , extr. or tb e 6f< tM o nf 110111 ..1J tlnyder deceuse d p luiHIIJ\' , \':\ W m . E. "; ~.v d r at !II: L>ofen llllnll< Su i t' 01 rt," I Il>l I,ut e I1pprC'\l.Ad, DI"tnu utlllu urd er d III I,be .. lult',H' "f the !1l! tute of i'ritlUlIlIll h :-li //l nll t Ol U . dtlCelltltHI Vll l u "1l1 ~ of '!~ ~ ull re8 of preferr ed 'I,oo lt: ill tillS CI.n!le III a rtIer I'd. Real Estate Transfe rs MIL r y I;:. U pp to Es t h 'r (J t::;tout· Lot N . Il in Ev .. u s' ·uduitio n t~ W lIoynetlv!I1e, $ l. Bl Oler E . Keever t o 8 oj F. Mi ll~ 72 !lor e!! In 13.,0. 17 T . .; R. .1, $1. Kansas Wh a rto n to Le vi A. Henderson lot in 800, ali , T [j R. 3 M R. 8., $600. (Jhtlrltls H i:3ol'lfRt.l er tll Osker F. Thompf lon ::I 10Ls ill Le banon. St. Mnr y .J. 'Rasl to Wi llillm Mo(Jn.uo· Ie lot in (Jlell fe ree k Tp. $1 Com mon Pleas Court

( If

lIn CE.

'~ . Cha ndle r SUCC('ssu r \()

- ...--- -


r. E• . HERW OOD

. Delpcra tc Wish . "Militan t l!uttrage ttea have bAeD de· Over PoSI lTice , stroy lng .plctures! · .. , wish on would Offie(" Pho lle 77 happen around our Oal boioro I'm

W~ynesv iJIe, O. II OHse Phone (\-3 .

called to climb a st plndder and talco charge or tlIe mural decoratlol1s."


Ola ssif ied Acls ~, ' " Wi


. . . . ..".....,.. . . . . . . ~ . . . . .



r plied tho opera or. ''I'm not used to one ot !.bese litt le ~O'B\ ry build·


Cou ntyC ourt s

,'\11 Killds

The Twenty Year Test ~'1IIll' twen t,y yelirs ago I uBed

Iy r,,·

HueeL. Inquire wards.


of four r oo' us new H UUSE ru od ~led, sltuate d ' on 1'1lml ot M,'';. M. L. Ed-

Chn 0 I1M] lli .. '"" Colio Uholer a nnd lJiur rl! ,) II Remed y . .", writes Geo. \Y. Bruo le. pubhsb cr of 'be En. t erpritiE', A berdeen , Md "I dis. ooverea thut it wasaq ulok ~nd sufe cure fur diarrho es. thuoe then no onl' cnn sell UlA aoy t hiDIt said t o bo Dudnl.{ all theso '~u~ t Ill; j.!()oct.' YUllrH IlJ ll\ o "!-Iod it and rooom Illp.D .led It t.llnes , lind It hilS F or OEl V(1r Il iPIlPl>olntad nnyone ." Ille I,y 1111 (ie l e~8.





SAMPLE COpy FREE ......_



H.w Yol'll ••• Y.

T OBAUU U IIond . Ulgt4r :::lll ltls men wanted to Ad vert·llle. J<~ltvunuD :a BARN HAR T. unneoe s8ary . ' lOO 'muulh Jy lind 'l'uv e llng Expens es, Advert lsot:im o klDg Notar y Publi c Up6 wlng '1'00000 0, (JlglI.ret tdB, Ul gllr~: la"A. par610u I:lenu 20 st.fI,lllP ,or f~li ti6Dl6t.·'l'oulloooUo.,New York, N. Y. All killclp of Notary W o,k. PenllluD . n~o Work 8 Hpeoht.lty .




"Both a du :v II od nt gM fair' some· FOR SALE t.hi llg (Ioing £111 t he tilDe." 'is t.he promifle th1~ yellr by the Mont. gomery ooonty fair associa tion to Vete rinar Y its pl\tru D8. 'l'he gretlt eleotric .. t When you want to sell displtty , " P anama In Peace and Graduate of Ohio ~ j u l I lniV4>rtd ·y War, " t,ba t will be an evenin g you l1av~ on g anythin week the during day f en t"rI~ e:lob will mf\ke t ilitl possibl e. Prepen ted the farm, . Ict peoplc Office at t ~id pn e in F I L :iher In its tl nt!rety o,Ltl wl~h all tbe wnod's house, Fourlh ::;treet. the s plend or of the ela borate dl8pJay s in In know about the centers lIf popula&ioD, It will be Telepb on,· 28 Miami Gazette tl pa geunt thllt /Da:lY will oome New Suits. will it ining, M. A . •T!lm t!800, g uardian of the: m iles ~o S6e Enterta Ohio eddlug !illh< Wayn esvifl e. person Il.nd esla.t e ot ADna. M. Oran be equ"lly inatruO live,eh 'he ut ilutaae p adv the on big. 8. dlo,ll.n Imbeoile vs. Owen -Tu Spring Wagon . Must !!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!! Mary R. gre . t inter,o ceanio w lterwav t,o the C I:IEAP ~t1l8 Admr. of the eata.te <Q,i'For ';lull 'hill week. E • .8.. ben~ltjY'I'!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!!~~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'! ID. fnl ' D· eve tne in t;tateH United regls Grandi n, deoellEllld at aJ. II';;;; DR~, J. W. MILLER, Wllyoe avtUe, O. Iratiou aDd pLlrtUlons ' of h~nds hnd ter~ll1; i()nl1\ war. PEAR '" show IlDnoa.1 t!L'Oond c-Bar tlatt Pears for Bale. 1bewtll t! te..turtj 9 f thebaby be one equitnb le relje f that . ••• DBN TIST... l of .l. L. Mendep hllll, hJqulr! d' expeote on, 18 State of, Ohio fX ! s l, Everet t Pol . Wedn.e sda)' Ilfterno 82, 011 R. D. 3, Wayne svil le, Ohio. their . and . B mother :.nraot to ot pt oontem ID 1: VB Chll8, Pohng, Waynesville. 0 omceTln t!p rlill~ " froUl evel:V part of the Annie <3ib- . • Oou rt. ooont;y . An ellurt Ie being -mllde GUOD older vineg,) 'r, Procee dmgs Bide. Natloual a 26 I bons . ebow on a The N a tio n!!l 'I'rust and (Jredit Co, tbis year to o.oDduo t tbe !!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!! '!!'!~~!!!!!!!! ore heretof than vs. H . Arobde aooq.. On m otion of more solentlf io btlsls ton's oommit !: Yv aores 26 of bome le desirab Da.v 1)lalntU f this CllUse IS dlsmlss ed Dr. ..q.. L. Ligb~ will mile . from cllrpora t.ion. 'II'" be In oharge . WWlOut Il r e jnjioe and oosts pllid. ~ioner of heLllth', .. 26 at thle offioe , qUlre be will ll mother that said Is a.nd it No r eoord to be made . Fune ral Direc tor. ; bring tll!,!lr yonugs~rl! in a white Sta,te of Uhio ex r ei of Evere. t Ils ked to .dvano plain, d. hundr.e e tbat the pbysioill.DS Po\ing VII. (Jll&rl eR Poling. M , (jeb week in crepe paper Dttpitn s; in .<;1e . •'pportol ll&y '0 pasa . h~rt is apPOin ted by Court. to pre ma.y haye anJudgm ner dozeD, a~ tbill offiue. 6c liS III ent. Telepb one day or "'gilt. . prore und prefer in writinG approp rl. more matnre . ' ts, with acroba comic , BrOB. Rice t Llgaios il b"DR oootelD of s Valley pbone N o llte charge l's MoC.:al the to t bt!r8 sl1bsc~l be b~y wagon ao_, ·wlll ag"tu 69-2r. No o Dillt.ano the to S50 said Charles Pollng . This is dODt! theirspecial Send De. Magazi ,aUraot loD tb.t w.m eDthe fl.t once. ~ QlHc.!l~·~~D~d~~etitt"0~n~e~o~f1ith~e:'.\Jrutoimc,,"te-;;;;'CO;~-at~ at an Tim•• terts,ln the orJwds betwee n the" (jllze" toes on earth. .magaz bes' They raCes. on the beats of Marria ge LiceDJ:eII \ ago and - ---~ Bennie BaIley, laborer to . Mrs: were here severa.l Y6ars weI BIIgerly be will 'return their . . Mary Usborn e, bot.h of Morrow oom ed Rev. Johu H . .Baldwl n. i Anothe r daily feature will De It. Henry Frank MoLall ghllD, school after. tbe during on ascensi blllloon e tor teaoher of Wayne sville. to PaUliu of lndian . Funeral Dine Mary Bo rshberg er. of ' Lebano n. 00011, by Kreillh er Bros., paraoh ute Embalmer, and more apolls. Two or Rev. WW . J. 'l'htstle . drops are guaran teed. HorsemAD lue taking epooiaJ in. Wayn esvil le. Ohio . 'ommis sloncrs ' Proceed ings terest in. the lovln~ 0 'lP offered by • • Motioo passed to p!ly expell"o~ of George W. Mo(JuU oogh, ohf\lrm an ot anawer~ promp tly day or night Call ,t thebe for tee llo~mmit 'i'ubere b<?rse to tile eok LeV Of·to ini, o6nvey pho~es 10 Office and Residence. losls H08pltn l at Mt . Vernon , Ohio. draft horae, mare or gelding , of any Both TRAil'!: MANIa lstance ,No.14 ; Home phone ., Longd fal.... the arlDil sbownd '-ESICN . Audito r was dlreote d tono& ify the Lllte or breed. . l4·2r. the (:opvm -:'HT3 &0. , t;tLlte Sanito rium l\t Newar k, Ohio 'fhe' oop Ie now being .shown ' ID free ed furnish Coach one. and clol crlr,u'l" ma, A"yonl I..,cllnl'••ket.1i ancl triO w tUL. I~r an thLlt expens es of Otto LeVeck would window of f.he Bpwers jewelry store Cba!r8 funeral s. U08n"tn on~ OI\IUIOU . qulakl, ' C() nItIIQnl~ Wltb ,.ntab1" .. p Third. of probabJ, .. south tbe . , 111.entlon just (Jounty on Mllin l'treet, be Ila ld by WllrreD teed. 0" I'M.a", guaran HANDBUDK Beet of serVIce 110'" otrlcl-l,oo"ndehUIlI. .1 , -..-_ _.... _ • "~fI/II nl .. . ...,,' '.]lUree. Ol~" ",on01 rOrIHIt'lfr a'iloun t to be $5 per week. Paleat8 taken tbrou.b MonD & Co. reoot... • . ~ ""'Ie.. wllho;ut aba....., III tbe Bills Allowe d-Oblo ' C;orrugtl ted" Constip atIon Causes Sicknes s . Culver t Co, pipe I<I!l2.'18 ; (JOIUlllbu8 Don'l permit yonrRe lf to ol eoome D, ~,H,E.HATHAWXY BI~nk Boo k Uo., one Mother s l,>en " bUldloll1ll, ItJmrate t ....'I,.. J "'",ell' etrculatlon or AflY oIellLUlo Jn orn.... ';l'urtua II • sion R eoord $25; L . G . Anders on 'ti oOD!ltipfl.'ed, as your eye.l'm Imme. from pol~on "'oos, lumber ' (l L State of Ohio dill tely begins to ab8<'rb • \~ R .YllllJ ville '8 Leadin Ji DeDst•• '0 vs. Leon R nl Rton, fees and 00 te the blloke<l .up woste matter . Use I )1Boe in '[{eys Bldg. Mam8t 0111...... I' a&.. WaoIIlall on, Po 0. , keep uod Pills Life lumbtif New' 's Co. r King Dr. LllUlbe Jw f !l 06 i M.orr News I\elv, for well . 'l'h ere is DO be tter sl1fflgu url $ 7 5t;; FrJI Dklin Uounty T re!lsl1re r $'l i A. C. Vai l, In. uglll i ll~t IIln e~ s. Just. fl\k fl ODe dose sp otio n 1 ("It Frankl in Wall, $75 i t.o.m g ht. 2Go, III· your Ornggl i't. Mitlm i U ll ze t.te. IIdv, 1'or (JOtl Dl y 'rrl~n !!U re l' ~4 : li rt>l! K ipp, dll1DlI~e ~ Roa lway !HO; c o mpep~lIt. 1tm for .If rllnk M. el) plll ~, bTl ~rl work In H"rllJll tr,\V lH!i.I\J *aU 05: l-t ilrVtlV - --;-- Bur!l ot, ~, brid ge w,) rl< ' iD W"Ylie I ~1'11. /) ff ..r tit. . pu I)\io ~.\) !' I, inJl 1/ : I fown ·bit'l *!l.(\2 i J oh n lrun ~, bl'ldge r., f HilI' I work iu ' [~lT lecrlle k to wnehlp . $:W rID m ~r .1·/lf'Hl enol1 I 'uthl DorM1 111:1 I tl" lmown form p th lin tihur.1! ve:V U, r ~ v .o 6 A. '1'. Ite tt,' !!, · r "I:j~ II.l~ N o. U. & D. H. R I;i!)!:!. ~'. W . 'rhl/mp llOn 01411110 Ogl e ~b'le f'lTm OIl . tlull !:iu ' . ,itll.}!.l lo: 11!; 1l I.S, .llil 9 ; ' i. : 1914 I, ber Scplcm , T~c$day i 55 :$. 1 lli j ut lirs ep" r p, " l>ish W ' . . ' i it" Be h\lok Rl1ym', ntl Bflr:; h bil l'ger. ullfl .. ~ III n l! nl, 10 () olook , .II ~Jnr PI! (I i oll~e f or Connty ~"plHi n t etlde"t Sep, ents Imulem g ,7 CJattlf', Farmin . scbool!! $5 bi g bill - ' \'" h\rm" I'-rllnk Rudduo k '{.: I' I 0 I · b I .Conttl lc t· N ll. 21la wus let to M. A ~ I ~ ea J Burke to furni sb . In ate : iu ls l10d rt n Wm 'Mill~ A Utl t ( . ' the ~ bitJ luw l .. bor inc'flon t to p !lnd hor lff's r esldencfl, lloont,y ( As pl.!en t of H. C. WiJ1I ~. rl(' oeH~pd , I:W3 . WIll nffflT for " ..lil ot, hill lute rel i." • GOll lr!lct wlldtj wlthL enlll e Whi t 2 milfl~ w t'~t o f Lytl e on BCrtl, fD " 'lUut!onry of t h e Mudd y dl'noe . . . . . yt!. cu per ~go ot c) ea k brid ge ' 1914 4, ber Septem Friday, onia Oref< contr, ~ot m~ele with · Borse. 1 , o'olook 1 at. D/{ Begiuni bridie tbe (If work Dridg<'l !or relmlr B -' "1 ,il Farml'n Bllggv ,.., 0) ... "men "", ti r· .. Dno Arthur " 'un Colulll biu Pille L lit ~5'" neSII.II .in". lurnbflr . X ot growin g I . .. _ _ ~j)rn in fi <lld. some nlJ\lf'elI01d good~ ~iii~uPl;:~:'~ _ _ _. • I . enlll'-U8t1h . . I Agi. , SrlidE'r A.. F. . I Infectio n 'and IRsect Biles Danger ous ' . ' . ' AI, A. MoNell Anoll . . PUilcr.u.; .~'i!lOl.~.'lIowt.1lII ' --:.. ID h llrgubllg "ndot. tOIlB.tI')I1l6 Mo~ql1lbreed ' e ulck ly jll WhlOh Are Dange rou. r Coughs Summeer. p ond s of I:It.ngnfl llt ' wllter, pail!:', colds' are danger ou", P.",paJrec!(allnciiciil Somm bar_til, mdsliy p laOe!! , e'Q., . are . ollr lo w 'vltallt y an(l often ' r~e~s of dlseaso . ~1very tame they Tbey Inrlioat.e Lung.1 1St /lnd f; .. I"ulnu" IDJoOt POISOtl .In.t.o titt,oyo n, (J)lIlRUp/l~ton i -C~"""\UiUlI'.7, y~ur sYlolteUi from 'whloh lI"IU,, 'drend Tronl ,le", 't1 olutH,,~

Dr. J. A .

8tra~e~ lo






'1 5- R AC ES -1 5' Three Eac h, Day



,Educational Exhitits - ' Cons istin g 01-The State Dairy and Food Division Exhibi t. . The Govern ment Parcel Post Displa y. .~ . y Displa t Contes Science Potato and Domes tic School Childre n's Exhibi ts, $7OQ...OO in Premiu ms. ~i '.. r. ~I Boys' Stock Judgin g CQntest, $90.00 in Premiu ms. \ New and Daring Free Attract ions Every Day. Rice Bros. Rube Hay Wagon Comed y Acroba tic Acts, , Balloon Ascension, Double Parach ute Leaps. pare Devil Auto "Qrome Races on Perpen dicula r Track. . Tuesda y '(Septe mber 8), Soldiers Day. Wedne sday (Septe mber.g ), Childre ns Day and Daylig ht . F ire Works .



$(knOne Hmerltal.·

ftj'-fOU & a81D'::':~ "ewdeAor


Pub lic Sales


G·r ar id Sp ec ta cl e EVE RY NIC HT lip

15c " 100

$6000.00 IN -&At~·N& PURSES I

Wa lter ' McClure


aDam a in Peac e and in War ."

stage a50 feet long, 2;iU Gorgeously C<..stumed Perfoq ners. ' 1 'Circus and Hippod rome·A cts. 11 Awe~Inspiring Erupti on of Mt. Espara nza: . $1000.00 Wortb of Fire Works Burned Nightly Ii \











25 CE NtS


V. 'Hendrickson I L Holderman • H~'

"'w .


" Sec'y~

'I !~~N;~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~.




It I £! !lntlllspt.\o II ,L"'" "11111 I, SIOIlIl I 0 : ult. ' Ge' Il bot,tle of I''',' ' dIll< lAnd tl fe ..... drr,vlt will .neutra.II!1'.e $bl'l Infeotl on ,,"u~ed t)P in8eot 'JJtell or ·In" ,,· .. IAlnlment. dl~ I\U fo.V nnll infent.R ( )UIR, BrfliMo. and Rores, Yon o~nnt)telf.)fd t.o be wlthon ' I'


~:e!"1Iq.. ~~i~~~~~~~~;~~~~i~~:;~:~::

' 1~I!r


(longh 1'1' ' n ' WIll 1'H· 0" 'liNt, w t "SOfJV It!t,ho tlV"ot cmlllpllC!ltl'()m~.

Ilod IIntt"qp tlo Dnll makf'1I U;t'!r' fI~ (IDOB 1,'(J 11l'11aY . " boule of KinK ; .. Me D"" .,






'I'H E

- MIAMI ~aZC)tLo

I" ,bllsl,oo \Veo.kl)' at LIlli AU -" Blllt"I"~, Main ::it .. ,

Rates: of Subscr iption. niCe In LIlli I ••. $1.00 • Ohlo . lono Year (o;trl til' In 1IU,'aD(' ), ••• • •, •. .0;;

W")'l1c~"1II •

- - .-:-.-f

GA ZE 1'T E ljlu~ 11J

Cupy •. . . .• •. • . . . . . . • '.' • . • •

BarveysbuFW· .

Caesar's Creek



~. --

. . . . . .. •



W, H, Madden &CO~


Mr . u.nd Mrs. J. S. Leamin g ftre t, a pionee r citl. ining their sister Mrs . enterta hlgb of one and zeD of this vicinity . lie . • . • g, f E llst Gllrwood. • . . . • . • • Le'umiu • ' , IIllo. Ella per . , nOIlClIlI1I 1.0 ·lIla. standin g in Mason ry. pent ,w.o I . CIUllSHlod Ads. not t<> oxCOOd th'o lIoes .. dliys ' last wee'k . in Xenio n.ttendiDIt Olllo. er dnu!;bt (C' n ll. 1 l ,.., n ~~ : 'II; : c : : ....... . ::: \i::-:: W " c"eli: ' rf! -~.. '::.t'~~· ...-..-M' . I. I ..." lJI:ertl!l ·· oh O'I!llIn.)' whi er. Lodge ' Menag Grl,\Dd the D. L. G/'atl. EdiWr and . contMICt ou lllliCouu tt ,,[YUD litllllC a ·ter . sossion there. Mr. Benn~tt enjoys Lalilb have retnrne ll her suner with lYS h l. few a n~ dj n spe neV'lr /lnd ns functfo sooia.1 a~e th 8 c. ' M to ]lower ny, his iu Ridgew is it of if one urfu.oe. , mlfll!6!I rR. 15.~ AUGUST 26, Hll·t . a.t.tend . Oh iO, --------------.--~' .. . 'rbos. Whetse l, Frnnk ~hielak er , . ~Ave "L\ from hero u.ttenda ll the J \I~ . Wbettlo l. Jaoles Ilnd WilllliUl funeral of Ednll 'tout wltioh ooonred Of all kinds . I· Mo(Jarr un t rallsao ted bllslne ss in Wednes,uu.y .. aernoo D. l:)be wall well known in ihiR oommu nity. · Day to n Friday of la st week. Mr. and Mrs . E . V. B!l.rnh art were ,\11s8 Pllulin e I:;hllfer, of Dn,y ton. • .'" ..,.-__ __....,......<..:.~-I ~"""""""'-"'-''''--''' ilotel l Centrll tha of BOrlloe 'om pton'sl: )undllY . at g.uollts visit,lUg \,VIIR . ' . . d attende )-luita a Dumber from here Meels at. Lebano~ Satur day Afternoon ' and Even mg- ,!leven'l dllY8 lal:l& week. Y'ellrly Meetin g which t .'ok plaoe Ilt sev· n~ IIpo yvilsoo N. Louille Miss inent Prom The Meetings Were Addressed by era 1 dtlYs loet week iu Dl\yton tbe Wilmln .gton. Uhio, last week. ' '1 orker s ID the County ' d . SCb 00 . Sun g ueet of her brotho r tiany . Mr. fl.nd Mrs. W. E. Bogan and ay'fhe Rioh reunion WitS held I n' the fll.mily enter tainad Rev, Fru.nk Rioh grove near HarveY llborg on Moorm a n aDd wife of Spring Valley ay, A.ugost 22. A h~rge num: tlnDday . I:)aturd - &hool Tbe 9oun,ty Sond'lY School Con. -Bend to the Ohio Bonday and you ber of people beiog fri tlDds and J e8se H aines, whe haR been III so Obto, r elatives wore long. wus remove d to a Spring field ted oonneo ferenoe held at LebltnoD, tlaturd ay, quarte rs, Wester ville, olosoly nre nooes day of ,pleasu re wos hospita,l . His mllny friends WIHll AURuilt 22d. , was a IIU006S8, first in will reoei ve al\ the Ii&erat Keep up the or Ilent /Lnd 1\ th .. numhe r attendl Dg, and seoond in lIary for this muetin g. someth od. h him 11 speedy reOOTtlry. ing on entbusi al!m by haVing tbe quamy of the prollra m. to d wOfllai who Stout, Edna Norll. before 'l'he 'Y. P . B . meetin g met nt the Every ' ,o wnllblp was represe n ed temperu .nce every I:londay I .. st weck in beautif ul Miami bome Clf Marian na and Ina Compt on reHt . eleotlon I·he ")oor. with the exoeptlf.ln of one, and oelllete ry. was born aDd rl1ised in ThunlCliay evenin g. Forty wera 8peoilll MU8io, Mi~s B~'own. ftuld ranked next to '!'nrtleo reek our town . I:!he was a lady oJ most p resen ~. W. E, Dr, by Addrel!s, Effiolenoy whioh ba'd the largest Dumbe r atlOns, /lDd her Thornt on. Young men and women excelle nt qu"lific makelj /l vaoanc y Zimr'i Baines a nd family IIttende d preBent. "WilY. tlilum biling every In cy efficien of idea Ilt (Jrassy Run I:)undu. the ohuroh clitch In · rbe flrlt Ipeake r of the-Rft ernoon ni'ty oommu t,lle 18 a Jemand In her ho_e lintl Orew Is still very tliok nt Benry was Mra. hlnl!. Co. Sopt. ot Mis. avenue of life. Thert! be all Unes of worlt. whloh .he resided tbat oaD-tlot and Patto n's Sun- Proo f Pain t riling. w thi" BloDl'!, who ably disonl. ed her de for ex per's In busines sister . motber The d. replaoo t8 8ystem s an Amerlo 001' ' I:lunday I par~ment . Bhe urged the Jesse Stllnley , who is o tt~n dl Dg SundfJ.Y brothe r have our Bympa .lhy. HEST FART I:)ohoolll to hln,e millllloD'l1'Y instruo based on effioielloy . Every of Auutio neeriD g ..t lIohool the WaBh. e, i:poklm of n. noy" (lawso "effiCle M08ett back that be is tiOD at leas' . quor'e rly, and lIug. must lmve for I~ moUo, down and villlllDg bls molhcr and brotbe rs. Ohioago, sends woru work. hitl In geated thll.t eacb sohool appoin t" or we wUl have to step oy every. i8 IIU006811 hllving LOOK BEST by lil1y Mose has dODe well fiollDOi ---- look .a~ter tbe mill out. If 1hey lee effioien oorD;mittee 6llpeo~ they will what where else, :~!~~&~b~~~tnd his JDany friends sionary work , Tille Case of l.ll. Can~lou WEA R LONG EST ":iob~ol? The next departm ent Wl\, dis. when they oome to 8und ay thev are most our there of oy one CIILr. effiClen on, Cock, find D. (JIlDtel tohey . If L Cball. uf L. of Tbe oose ensiled b,1 A. S. ~llett, 00 '~npt it Is not tbe praotICit I f armers and l airywll ll. Is eDdon. 'i'exlls. Is similar to tll ilt of 23 ' Color s in Sto~k at all times 23 Teaobe r TrainlnlC. Be empbas lzed bound $0 oonclu ce th"t not Be are . 'bey ements that or improv God of mllny Word mu.king trained having Ubem. or used anp" have Import the s who The splrU of is oemeDtiDg hl8 blirn yard where rDlI.ny other a a nd Dillr te8obe.r " In t he Snnday &hool and workin g 00 fhe job. who is putting up berlaln '8 Colio.y .Choler IIon,i run cattle tht! skill are people nse can He says • . "Afte r God' rhoea Remed advlled that where 8ohooltl were the wisdom new silos, new fenoea auU palntln l;. trying ... d ootor for t!eTerl41 Ul on ths , @maU tba' they bave union olR8ses , ful and wille, at~uned to or m edl wbo "re thOSe than better God, of dis. was o Police couri was in' beBl:lloD ODe Itnd U'~ib" dl.ifer eDt kinds Tbe Second ary Dlv,,!lo bean e had who pOlIslbl wIfe every ·my Make for ise. cine Will! otherW r day lall' week lind tbe offende cnll8ed bV Mrs. C, ~. Meloy, Uo the Word. fully cODvinced fohllt itwas in ses810n trouble d with severe bowel oom. Supt. of Second arv ' Depart ment. prepara tion to tellob oaoohin g . the A word to the wise Ilboud b8 lum. plaint for !levernl mouths . l bougb t She emphal lized the Import 4noe of Muoh dependB on U! Others ' to see oien' when adminI tbem by I\, 250 ~ottle of OhalD berlaln'~ Celic, get mnst We vision. n, ol'pnlz ed olasses i[l tblB diVisio lnll mlijJnl ftcen' our very compe tent olllcers . Cbulera . and Diarrh oea Remed y , hytag tb", it was (llmonJ ·t , at ,bts tbat tbero Is 80meth ter oharao The God. of brd W tbe 10 tbe bold to A~ter uslog tbo lIeconll b ot.tle she yeare (Jora 20 to Mrl. ' ls and aRe from Mrs. Ma~tte F IDCh s upon tbe ' was entirel y cured, " For BIlle bv reunion Bisey YOun8 mea and w:umBD in the ~un. 0.1 .1L commn Dlty depend the ed llttend Barrlll oommu ni . dlLY Sohool , It ts tb~ reatllle s period religiou s teaohln g of that tha' the Augae , 20 a.t Jos. Bitlev'lI. A Iltrge aU dOlllers . Idea 'he get People ty. hlLve • mUA' • thbY "nd , bv~s In 'their place for old attenda noo ILnd a very enjoya ble New Burli ngton UeomethlDIl dolDg. ' The organiz ed ~und8Y &hool I,ofa · f8D&tI~ ' . Get time WaS had. lot a aor foggle need. 0lllse8 held to' .upply thiB liiea, IIhow , George M. Edwar ds hilS beeu cop- ' Some orianlz ed Dlus.,. sqDpor t' a 'hem away from 'hla Mrl!. E. O. Bhlda.k:er, of Wilmln g. Inditlpoeed but at thill ly Sunday the slderab of anoe Import the them to flowers !len' o,hers and . mi8810nal'1; unlt.y. We writing 18 able to take some noorlsh . ton hI VIsiting hor puent~ Mr 'be aged aDd ·.lok 1 othera have par. &hool to the , €cDnD .. home ment and it Is though t in a few day8 Mrs. Thos. Bavdoo k. average 'ho on depeDd osn', en'" meetln& s aiJd /Jive c.rudl one Mrs. 13. W; Kelch and ohildre n a finb he can be put on full rations . of s citizen ao Illake chrll\i to tbe mo\ bers · and fathers send have been IIpendi ng ,be sum. who • not _ • does . Obrlltm boxea, II.nll .a~ri)Je for type! Tbe pnbllc sohooldevelo ping have r et l1rn ed to tbeir bere mer e of tbe ID8lozl nea for the mo\ber a on exist hr tbe purpoa o AU Chiollg in After homo Strange So Not tlunday rhe 'er, oharao an · 'be Uradle Roll. Bet,wee n tbe lee. Ohrlstl I Wilmin gton, wall 01 , Hunter to Max tion instttn is tJle only You may think it strange t~a' 110 II10nll • 800il\l bonr wail eDj'oyed by School Swith llist Carlton of . are there gUllet and the (jod h ot ~ord stomllo of the cured teaoh are . people ble. t" many . , boee a$ 'he ballque t weelir. . tbe hoar Tablets Dever erlaln's At tbe-eveDlnllll8f'slcm &41' Lewis people wbo will In bhlspbeDlY trouble by Uhamb Bc,rn ~o Mr, and Mrs. Rarley Ollr You would not. bowev er. If you · explllin ed the w,lrk of the Yi~lt"'lon Word of God exoept Into 8. thtl~. They trial. them Aug. 19th. a 80n . Ii ge., baok, .we them uolells !lIve 8chool , IIhould y Depart ment. JCaob SnDda of'tbe .strengt heD and iDvt..:or ate the soom· Everet t Blair speDt'laBt weel!: with ahould know how mlln,. are tn the (iet tbem to 869 the. bigness s tbe briDge ach , ILnd enable it to perform its yel'e~t PII.Uerson of Rprlng field. .eobool and· how ml'.n y are nl)', and thlog, for upon it depeDd ;al-eof ob_rao funotlo ns natura lly. Mr. types Unest 'be of up 101( the Rut to Is aim thllrdep art,meD t's Mil'S. MlI.ud Barilln is sufferi ng aD e I1nleS8 we Rish. Wabas h,lnd , wr\ "Noth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!! ~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohnrob ea in touoh wltb an the people ter. We OIID not do thlAA. Dilley, of lIoi a tioa.. Ing did me ~he least good until I be. (L tta,()k :lS Ella tn tbe commu nUy, by takin6 a oen. do our b68t. Ger'ru Je .Evely. n RotRn and ltf11SS A88'. 00. Seorek ry . .ga n u8iDg 'Cham berlaln ', Tl\blets . aae. eaoh yea~. of Soath Charls ton d for ne Buzzar medlol bes' the ly decided '. ItJs • .. .- • r. , Dr. Whltuk er and' fllmlly . of guests . Mra .ROlIII, 00. Supt. of ' ·Eleme n. ." used aver have I trouble h stomao a Sprain How to C~re . • tary• DivlsloD t theD told us of 'be '"" ..,. 'LE,e (Jayl and Harald 'Robins on in about For sille by all dealers . cored be may fIIprain A n. IJlvillo tal'Y Elenlen 'he of work ,o!,mplng "With oompaDY of are requl.e d by the to whion \hey beloDg. It.luoin de8 /tIl ohlldre n from the one.thl rd the tlmo mllltia g Ohllm ch At. Rea8 0nab le Rate s,.. Two Mach lne8 . t....adJe Roll fa the Interm ediate w,ulIl treatm ent by applyinobserviDI.( Bran g Sprin H,eI\.ry Crew who~nlfered a. stroke nt 1\1lft not is ,0Ial88(1• . ~he lI"id by getting thll berlaln 's Linime of apople xy sevara l dllY.s. ago Sprin gfiel d Tires , Tube 8 and Acce 8sor le8. boUIt!.. .for friends his babies PD abe Cradle RqU we get 'he tbe dlreotl onl with. eaoh lUI f:lpidlV as ing improv been hall Mrs. Eroest Hartso ok Valvo ~ne 011 and Crea se8. j paren.. 10 &ouo~ with Ule !S.l uiday sale by all .lealer" · woulld.. lIke. very III fo~ $he pallt week. • - - ••- - - - Hobool.. 0111' UOUDty· reoelve d the AUss Fior ellce ·HlI.yoook. of DaytoD Mrs. Emma. Grubb, of Dayton , is baunst for tbe most ' elhelen,t 'w'Orlt Bellbrook. \ Bunday at hODle. . Spellt y violnit this in es relativ of guest , the , ent. done In &bta departm and shea.d Holling Rosalie MISS . wri.tln~ lit th" time of thi8 'l'empe nDoe beparimeD~ W8" dis~ nearXe niB, weretb e gaes~s MillS Lila ' 8tdeDs~ricker ba's re- . Mt88 Lula t;ams llnd MillS Mildre d sister of (,Jompton a.Dd family last oo,.-l by; lIr. Fred Pauly. Wm. ·of of guests the are In Dean. e MoBee, of DrgPd tbAt ever~ !Suoda y Bohool in lurned from Ii visit with relatlve ,. . the tor~er'fil sister MrR. WIllie .w ee k . , ,.. COR WIN . OHI•O " the Coooty observ e Tempe ran08 Xilnla. Phone 7t-1 1-2 bere for i8 Cllrr th Elizl~be Mrs. .. year. thll ' ' _ 20,h. ber bIlen Allen . 8undllY , Septem J0@8ph ·Blaok. of Dayton , hlis .l PraU ~nd thei r summe r visi t with friends , Elmer --.Mrs. ---and Mr, --~---~~~ -~~~ lion ~-.J his with ..:~=:.::..-_f~~~~~ ng the pallt week pilloe ::.:.:: ;;::.. ===-:. Pauli and Halen MltlAeS , . ers . dllught tltll I <:"'~~~-7~~L,..~~~~~!!!!!~7~!!!!!!'!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!! llpendl of famlly, aud &Oy r. s Bill and John The Lure of the Calh. Dorn~hy Barnes 8 bas Kone a.nd M6!llIrs . Charle Beware of Olntmenta for Catarrh to Mis, "Why have you aba ndoned the 'vlslt wUh Mr. 'aFld' Jell'erle s, of Xenia, were t;unday to Hle Urf)linv 101. UaklD stage?" "J hav en·t lert It. but I'm that Contain Mercur y Mn. Wm. J11nn\DKbItTD for tw,\ or ,guetlts of Mr. Bnd Mn F. wade t,he trip In. so busy elgnlng soap testimonials. balr. Tbey fllmUy. lind vi@it ' a-1l1o will he "''''alut, rAA t.l ILli mernn" ,' wtll ,,"rilly c]""'r.".y Mill redore r ads and Indorsemonts for Ille, llld ., before Mr••JI'1fariol! flne touring car. "80M of ~lIlflll nnlt · COtnl,lflt" Iy d B (rtenela Iii "Centerv of tune misfor pla'no players and sufely razors that the hlLel Allen W,lI ,r"bJ(e ~'\ll \VillllA Byet.e·n ~lJen'e"t.8r . reI llrDibg'homf,'. haul. I really ha vell't time to rehearse propwhIle Hnger nga IDI18bi bllllly :;an W.· Mrs. nud . . Mr 't'n BornIn /.! 11 tbro'llJ h 'hI IlIIlC) '1l~lltl,· fll(i.,~ erly."-P hUadelphlll Ledger. iog !!tone 0 110 dllY latit week . toID.,h Ilrt.lohllH.h'\lIlcl nover be .\11\(1() d~rllou .. fiu o son. spent Prlltt Gaorgo Mr,' and \\trl! We,I!IVMrviHlt.ecllJb as. Wrlj(h t ,exClfIpt ('In pr ....urlUt!t·nl' IrOJ~' .·rrl)l'l. . Stlll Soaklt:tll 8aplelg h • Cltr i 8t.~nI6bQrg lal!* ~und[ly wit.h Ed Cook and fu.tnlly I~t fRmlly anel .' Y thA e r1nmH,r t,h" nil lhtnll; ph,V!'U iII.ble h I d Edw. Mollie h - "They Bay one abould Mrs Saplelg SundRY YOI1 . g,lOel ,. t,ll·t.h ... Ul.,,,IR '''0 folcl : :,' the mlslake s he has made ;r~ from rlln~ lea.rn Mr of t ., 801$ tiie ~n flllDily nnd ·. tfar;l;o n .Glntftl lter fro or t~h!\rr~, .~~rfvt! •. 8ll,IY) i1C ' Ol" Dll,DI1H sh thIngs' be bas done!' l 'fooll the I Bnd B ome h her to d ' returne a nel!, II\S n" Ii1o.or·'u .. HOIl Mile8 proper ty III ,II t~rr I . \1'" t .. ..,. .. '''h I . f) m ove, d i n t IN &,, ...m... '1' yo u followe d thnt ad· "le . Keen~ Mls Dayton In ""'Ii ' n ~c 11;. . • 1". ~ Frld .. y . ' b.,,, • . v , ~~HIY . . ' h. you'd be one of tho , . Saplelg '. Mr. vice, " li.! tak VISItor III and Daytou , Ernest DaklD w~s a cnn'i.lnA .Do ;mtlrOo,hryll.. 'M I I' . 'UPIIII t,h .. MI!,II ZIlVIl Morrill is ~pending t.hlS brighte st "men on earth." tnterna lly RCllng &tu~ lay. . s. ,bIooc' IIn~' IIHII'lff'''' .. Iufno. s of tit ... 'W1lf'k. I\(. liulphl lr Liok l:3(lrlng tlnllual Mr. aDd MrlO. Uuarles Braddo ok tl\elr 11I'Id '11 t> of •. ' r( bl! 'i' Guaran teed• "-YIlI.ern JII hn · .· h'K l:itllrH C~f.nrrb ined MI'. l\lId Mrs. Will lilnt· enterta Tourll. last "Wbat makes tbat man start lau·! h· Oure h., ""rA ',Vlin " At..' HlH ~f'Dml:l" p lunia at lCll Kare l'8rll: and Mcsllrs. sville. Wayne of Rook, he tens a. story ?" . "He 0.1· •1t.1I1't... lrflll Int;',n" llv 'lnfl . ",~c'" In "",y. WlI1"n d Robe.~ La8hle y at dinn er In.g -wben - • . ea that It will be a annQunc ways W,olea " Ohio, hy. ·F• •t. Oh{'ln~ &; , Illst Sunday : Idea. an 'a Here he?" as ked Mla8 doesn'l story. e. funny rn , 1:0. ·l'l'lIt.\I"'m1lll" Mrl'. ,Mollte ~1iD1S. of Edillgl on, "Well. I suppose In,tead of trying to stir up trouble ' "Yes." e." Cayenn Sold by Dl'uggl~&". Pdon 7lin PI" Shop Mext to Sher wood '8 Cara ge Main St Mrs. bus)' an4- ,Ob ie', WaR the Knest uf uir. "nu the get us has let he that world. old' show thle to lin , lnugha he , ," bnU,Iff' . In trouble lind lee Willie Alle,n thu forepa rt .of 'he CI)urage of his convlc;t1ons." T~lrfl lbllll .F,Hlllly PllItI f.o r (Jon lielp th08e wh~ are .' . week . .change the enjoy Bho'll we .muoh t)ow . IItlpil.t.tOQ : 8tutf~d Piltl sca,re BI rd •• !!!!!!~~~ )ilr. clnd Mrs, r. M. Cook and Ed !~~~!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!:!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!-!!!!!~~!!!! ~~~~!!'!!!!! !!!!!'!!!!!! l!!'!!!!!!!' - - ---- , (Jook and fllmlly 'Nere oallers in our ""!!!!!!!!!' A novel method ' of scaring away ;::; violnit y ~undlloy . . . biM. )las been adopted by a Kentlfih ·r.l!lngland) farmer. He has ' kUled a SU01f11ea: .Const!pallon: Dangerous number of cats,' bad them Btutted and , attltude lf . , (Jonlll;t"II~lon io Bumm er 'time 18 p,laced , tboIl\ In "various Live. Stock and ·General Auctio..eer trees fruit the of .s br~che 8 tl¥l full. mbu a.mong tbe in Colu thlLt'I 4th~ ou8 er m·l re dRnger '18t to .Sept emb 3 u8t .'"Aug ~ • , ~ winte" or lortl)g . 'fhe food y u eat 1m his. or/lulord. oontam lnated 'and. is 1Il0r~ Po~ed on . pedigrees and values of . QUen It for ' the P.e ople. of 'ga'a th" Heart. ~ The n.nIOQ" h. "t)II,~r. h.\.I IItomao your ,.,,·.,.11 10 \IVA ' tn ferDlen '0 'OI08.m likflly IilntrtltR hnVIl kinds of breeding s~ck. "St you' tblQk .you have your op. ,,,Inlt.~ IIWI,'26 ce"t piece fllr young Then you apt . to drink lJinoh tmttnt l,." fnll. and flv .. r, ,I' n.' ' ca.mpalg . the before defeated pODent . r If. fnl weath'6 ,.,r ... oold water during the bot Thn ~"oh1n"r" DIsplay w\l1 (' 1, Experienced in budli ng farm sales since ,( lh(\P,k r.'omll "n. Rroonr t" : Plen.iY t.hus lDlDrln g 71l0r 8t<'lmaoh. Colio: lata~B 7" "I'm Bure, of It. Ue I, COo ., • lift" .. ore-. banet.•. ioned 00 Fevel', Rt~,n!,lne Poison ing and ~ng to depend oil old-fash 1905. ,. 1'be lIatnmo bUe tlhow will h" tb,· IIur" 'Y" Ier d"l~klng .,0n ... "'lnll hlmaeJt moke to methodB Po . }1a.!dng 1 I-. reBnltt t I(rlll1Oo natu,a flt,her t111t arfl biRIlI''' t "VAr In Obiu. agreeable. rDl' len-Tiling '.0 dance." P,,·rr.1tlrl 'll'S nritl\f'ts tnR 10 ,,11 putl Uo 1'",~ will lIt18p you well, 88 It In The MIceli bit V" bfIfIn tOD8I1 up IIIHI • Terms Reaaoaable' ,-:. lSatllfactloa O........tIIcI . on/O" 10 laxl&lo l Ohl" " : ul\tuJ'a . the BUe; d,. tho l .a.are m orea8el .... proc II ~nit . Terrible , N, f\XP '''''.l··PO on r\lnHrIClafl· OOD &lve, whioh .ridll the bl)wtllil of ~he TlreO; N C~". will 'pon"" t,h,· "Wae il a bad a\lcldeuU'· ''WeD, I GRADUATB tOW TUB Way ne,_vllle, Oblo' M.... nlt I'x...,l" 'hI • . oolljetl led poteon oas wuse. Po-'Dn. I" · gr1ufld tl .. knocke« ' .peec!hles8. and my wheel .A"I~lfAL AUC7l'JOR Ilmllll'" BlIlIdlnllll IA~ wll1 make IOU ffNIl .beater. W ~bd "rt ~b" ef '''II9t1rtt are aatoll n" *b~al'B I',ye valleJ TeIepboM .S~ aad wtlt .PledllD& and fllfeoalve, Tale a do ..e kllocked aPoke~eal.'" - ChriatlaD \Vtll hI! Illl -d wl,h 'bit b 10« vl"ltorll • oaOOL OW.&I m.IO... GOlD. r. who 411 l~lIBtI. · l"fer1la ~Itd pleaiu ~. IlII~t. 600 ' a' ,our , 'NOad"'~D Slokl'- .old. Salver VALl.It·y ·1'ELI':l'L lQNE'-CAI.L


o. In


Rates of Advert ising








.. -.







- --_. ..


w. H. Ma dd en & do.




-----------'" ,,,..,.,---------r""-----,..,.OB_ LELIVERY SERVICE AUTOM

....,.--... - ...---

R,A:y.: F. MILLS




Painting, Pap er Hanging, Aut o and Car riag e Painting_

.. - ... ---


·w. N.


















bad obtalutld entrsnl'o ~All. rlgh t. I am. Counllindt under represen tations. Be IAugbed. .. 'orne on over to tbe Elbut· clOJroed to be an emIssary wIth 11m• fle t and havo a drink wlLb me ...· t po rtant Itlstrucllons from the Ollera. " 1'10 IIOt drinking today." te rsely, Thpre' y,lna noth lng unusual in th le; " Tb ro's too mucl, ahead tor me to -i mC~ B ('llg r s cam ILt all bours, and Bel· do." .' Animal Hard to ' Find ·in Crags donl lho salll one twlco; so lbe can"Going to start ou t to find .hor? Ob. cler 's suspicions had not beea Sir Galahad!" Ironl cu lly. "Abby, you Tllat Form Home, arous ed. Anotber Item. A t.all hand· \Hled to be a sporl I'll wago r a buu· some ltilllnn had -called a l e leven dred agains t a bottle at pop t hat to .. o'clock Saturday mo rn ing, but lhe elg· morrolV or next day sho'll....tllrn up Takes Vast Amount of Effort . to Move norlna had Ben t down wo rd that s hl) Hereue ly, ~Ith Ii slat mellt that sh" Them as They Rely for S41fety co uld not see him. 1'he maJ.d recalled. was Indisposed, lIorry not to ha ve noti · , More on Concealment Than t ha t her. mIstress bad Inlended to dille fied tbo dlr.octo rs. and aU tbnt. 'l;bey that night wit.h tho Italian gentleman. do It rell lJRledl y 'every s oaSoll." . '. Fligh t. HIs nSllIa sha dId not know, h aving / "O ut au rrand at · mercy. the b (' n 'wlth the signorina but two weeks. s trange automo bile which cannot be London.-All ~hosa who lllue Jour·elesto Fournier, the celebrated found? Th e ollgagem ent to I,llno with n eyed through tile I cd Se a ca n hardly young pllUlls t and composer, who the baron? Geleste Fournler's stale· have failed to notice lh <I so lule red s hared th apa rtm nt with the flsB' ment? You can't g l around thes e hills that seem to riso a llllost cfil' otly Ing pri ma donna, stated that s bo things. I tcll you, Norn isn't that fr om th e water cloHe to tho so uthwest hadn't t he s lightest Idea. wbere ber kind. She's lOa big In h art and mind of SU z, alld will very IIkti ly hav e re· frl n d WWl. She was certain that. m is- to stoo p to a ny such e1ovlces." vebo1II1lrkod 011 tho pre for uce oC 1\ loal! fo rtune had overlak en her In' some In· mently. drink IIUt! a deck chair to a Ilc rarnble ex plicable mu.nner. '1'0 Im plic'ate the "No ra! That loo ks prtltty serloul!I, U1 .1 1' HUIl·scor cbed ulop es. 'l'h se on Gran ~and That Has Had Care Sho wa by Vleld .. Italian was out or lhe Ques tion . He Abby. You ha l'en't gOllo an d llJade a sume bills run in au u nbrok cn chain was well·kno wn to' tllem b otb. Ile bad tool of you rsolf, hav e you ?" Nuthln,.; cnn be farther fram good Is paid to tbe d'rag xer clsed by tb e Ila ralle l to lhe coas t, tbrough Egypt "What do you call makIng a too l 01 arrived again at ·s even, Saturday, an d nn d the Iled S u Pro\' lnctl of tho Suo :lllluag()lUon t th nn the common Ilrac· - welg bt or. tbe gate. waa very much eurprlsed tbat the s lg· myself?" trll cu le ntlv. A gate post of narro w e1lameter, dan ri ght d01l'1I to l£ ritrcn. 'I' ll chlor "You aren't 1\ Hu-Itor, an. ' you? An :1 'e of leaving th e gra ss land to- take nor lna had not yet r eturn od. He bad wa ited till nine, whcn b e left, greatly accepted su itor?" unrum ed, ratbet" 'a re of. Il~e lr. On the av rago small lIuch as wood or metal, Boon workR Inhabi tants of this deso latc region arc 'arru t ho li ve s tock have the run or through the Boll un)ess properl y the wild nativo trlb s nll il lh o l':ublan dLBappolnte d. H e was th e Baron o dl k indly. "No, but I wou ld to beaTen tha t 1 he who le of the grass practically e v· stay ed. Even a stone pier would gIve Ibex (Cnpra lI ubiu na typi cal. it wus Monte·Verdl In Calabrla, forme rly SYNOPSIS. way In 110ft soil. The grea t point Is to obtaIn s peci me ns of tl~o lull er that military a ttache at tba llallan embassy were! " Abbott jllmmcd the newspa· Jry day In the yea r. Tbere is never n Cresh fie ld to give to provide HOlne resIstance to the I journe yed out to Port Sudan 10 1; eb· per Into his pocket nn el s lung th o stool In Berlin. Sunday noon Mademo iselle Ele&lIoru d o Toa w na eln g lng In ruary, 1913, writes .J . H. lI1iller. lo'our Parie. wh ich. lle rh ll.1l8. accou nted for Ed- Fournl r bod notified the authorIties. over h is arID. "Come on over to tbe :h e Block a change: tha sweet parts d~ng . Jr th farm are over-g razed, and by Tb er e are many de v ces that loge· days northwards by carnel b rought us 'l\'l\rd Courllnndt '8 nllt><'arance th er e. Mul- She did not know, but she relt sure s tud io unt il I ge t 80me money." tlmllllonaJre . he wandered about where "You are really going to " Jve r.nmnllrlng losl! t he ir s wee tness nulty will s ugge st. A sImple one, If to a di strict known as Erba, whe re ta,,07 dic ta ted. He mtgh t be In Parh, one that the blond stranger knew more ~"Y and J( amchntka the next: FollowIng ,m d be,w lIla ran k, while the poor parta rather costly. would b e to Imbed tbe Ibex wer e tnrld to be very llientl ful. tban anyon,e else. And bere Wa1l tbe search ?" the ope ...... 11 0 goes t o a cafe and I. ac· "I r eall y am. I'd s ta rt one ,uet ae 31'0 a llowed to run to seed. thus In- post In a broad·basod block or can· 1'ha only me thod of 11IInllng known to coetei! br a pretty young wom",n. Sh. end ot thin gs. The police tound themthe shaggy h eaded loco.l s Is drIving, Clv •• III ... tho adelren o f lrlora Desimone, selves at a standstill. They searched QuIckly for )Oou, it I heard that you ~ reaa lng tb e proportion of weeds aOlI crete. 'Vocal rttal o r 1l'000nn8. and Flora gho el Tbe weight would then be on the and It must b e ad mltt d that III Is unhIm tho Ilddrese ot E leanora. wh om h e I. th a botels . but without success; Lbe bad vanished undcr mysterIous 01", weed.g'Tn8Ses. T he prevailing fault on the many post Instead of the gate, and tbe cen· ski llful torm. 'so for eIgn to the hoart detennlned to •• e. ourtlandt e nturs blond stranger could not be [ound. CUDllltanccs. " Eleanora'. tlllartmenla. Bile ordora h Im farlllB. la rge and s mall, Is the want of ter of gravlty would be s upported by of tbo tru e huuter, Is In thlij case the " I be lieve you honestly would ." Abbott's eyes were not bappy and out an4 shooa at hIm. proper ga tcs, even wben tb e fences tbe base of the block, wbether the '11I0st II k Iy to lead to success, Tho "You are an old misanthrope. pleasant just now. Tbey were dull reason of this Is that. unllk the Ibex CHAPTER IV. and blank with the reaction of the hope some woman puts the hook Into may be goo d. A good gate t hat will gate stood open or closed. Whateyo r de nee Is adopted, let of the Himalayas .and entra l Asia, stunning blow. He, too, was certaJn you some day. Whe re dId you pIck UI' last. hal! a lIfeUmfl, It properly hung, Captlv. 01' Runaway. of the Barone. Much aa he secre tly th e g rouch ? Some at your dusky ~ all be got for ve ry IItlle; we need not there be no delay about the proper which can b 'osl ly fouud at an), hour 511cclfy' at length what the common .-hanglng or gates. Thl8 Is a mattet o f til day. the Nubian Ibex, to oscape At the sge of twen ty,s lx Donald Ab· hated the Italla~ be knew him to be a princesses give, you the go-by?" i are. tllat gives away tb e character of a the h eat, lies up durin g the whole of "You, too, Abby?" batt had become a prosperous and dlJl' fearless anil UI bonorabla man. But " Oh, r ot! Ot course I never b& It Is a dee p st\ldy In human nature farmer p rhaps mora tban anything the day among the cav es am! holes In tlnguished painter In water colors. who could this blond stranger 'b e wbo tha ro ck. and even whlln fe.edlng, ow· His work was Individual, and at tbe appeare4 so Sinisterly In tbe two Heved any of t bat twa ddle. Only, I've to flnd an cxplanatlon of the sta te of e lse about hlB place. WILlIe on the subject of gates and IIl g to Its small s ize (height at shaul'· same time It was dellcnte and charm· scenes? From wbe re had he come? got a so re b ead today. If you knew mind t hat will 1I0t take the trouble tng_ One saw hk! Italian landscapes Why had Nora retused to - explain Nora as well as I do, you~ under· to sett:l e th e Question · at gates prop. gate posta, we may · <;all attention to der 28 lo :10 In clios) :ln d protective erly. tbe fa.ct tbn t many a gateway In the coloring. Is exceed ingly dlnl cu lt to find . . as through a filmy gauze: the almond about tbe plstol·shotT Any woman s tand." Courtlandt ' contInu ed toward ttie Valuable mllchlne ry Is sluok In a wet season Is a r egular Bea of mud, a mong the tUI;moil of wInd-worn cra'g8 . bloS80DUI of Sicily, the rose-Iade1\ wall.:! had a perfect right to shoot a man ot Florence, the Tlneyards of Chianti, wbo forced bls way Into ber apart- ex it , bls h en d forward . bls gaz bent gnp , e xposed t o all weathers, aud lIa· and the fi elds on each side cut up that form Its home. lIav lng obtained the VOppy-glowlng Campagna out or ment. Willi he one of those mad tools on the pa th. He ha d th e iur of a man hi e tdl' be Inj ured or to Injure Slack, badly for !lome distance. th e services at some 30 of the locll.l Rome. His Italian lakes had b:'CIught wbo had fall en In love wIth b er, and deep In th oug bt, philosophIc thought, when moved to allow n passage. Gateways should be firm and un · tr Ibesmen, the morning after my arblm fame. He knew verY I1ttie of the had becomo deeperate? Or was It whlcb leaves the browl! unmarred by In another case, the gap Is stoppetl yIelding, not only to provide clean and rlvnl I started befcre dawn to climb to ,grind and bunger that attended tbe some one p.he kn ew and agalnst whom those corrugations known as frowns , by bU lihes, whloh have to be take.n easy paBsage for foot 01' wheel, but a oommandlng pos1Uon known to the careel'll of his whilom associates. HIli she dId n9t wish to bring any cbarges? Yet his though ts wer e far from philo- down and built up lab0Fc~ousIY each also to seoure ftrm gate posts. A sort two mon who accompanied m e. Look. rather had left bltn tlome valuable pat.. AbductOll I And she might be, at this s oph ic. [lld eell, hIs soul was tn mad I1ml! the ga p Is wanted. Sl1teway gives no material support to In'S bllck we could s\~o the beaters ·entlt-wasb·tubl, earpet-oleanel'll ond very IXftlment, su lIenng all sorls of l/l- turmoil. He could have thrown bls I!ItarUng ott. In small par\ios , t o 1.11 ke Fref],nelltly we see a ~ate leaning a post, other labor·savlng devices-and 'the dlgnitlel. It WIUI horrible to be 10 arms toward the _blue sky and cursEi..s agal\lllt Ii gu p, because tile farmer lias Wbero there Is a hard bottom, thll up their pOl.\ltlons for drlYI!. Having aloud the (!'-tes that had set thIs n.e w not time to set up gate pos,ts. ' More gatewn y may huve tbe surface taken up a 1I0slt.lon that allowed of Il !'OJalUes (rom theso were Quite lIut- helplolMl. ftclent to keep blm pleasantly boused. Tile sparkle at the sunlight upon the tan gle at his feet. He longed tor the rreQuEi:ntl y the gate post Is set up eo away and the hollow filled wIth aton es clear field. of fire over a hllls1de Hia earnlngll (not Inconsiderable, terrule at a cane, extending over bls jungles and some mad beast to vent badly t h a t H. gives way, the gate drags picked 011 the land. With a sott bot· streal6ed wlth man y goat trocks, [ WBII for totQists found much to admire In sboulder, broke In on hIs agonizing hIs wrath upon. But be gave no sign . or ba~1 to be lItted each time It Is tom, Er foundation may be laid with at liberty to r egain my breath 8lld enbOth tJie plcturee IUId tbe artist) be thoughts. He turned, an angry word He had returne d with a purpose aa opened, nnd tbe gate comes to pieces bundles ot faggots, which are to be cov· joy the 8unrlse. All r ound U8 was a ';pent In grattrylng his mUd extra va- on tbe tip of hts tongue. He expected ha rd and grim as ironi and no ob- long before It should b e worn out. lerei( as before, with the stones. Fag· m edl ey o~ rugged red g ranite peaks gances. So th ero were no lines [n his to eee some tourist who wanted to be stacle, less powe rful tban death, . The ave rage stoP'gap, as a contnv· gats In such a poslUon last a long divided by deep cut wadis. There Is should divert or control him. Abduc· '!.nce to save t Ime and troubl e, leaves time and provIde the drainage which no runnIng \tliter In tbls region, bu~ banClpome, boyish, beardles9 race: and Informed. bla eyel were unullually olear and "Ted _Courtlandt!~' He jumped up, tlon ? Let the public believe what It e ver ytb lng to be desIred. It Is' was 0- Is reQulreCl In such a 1I0sltion . h ere and the re In da.r k gorges, wher& . bpp:;. Perha ps once or twice, since . overturnIng Lbe stool. " And where the might; he h eld the key to the my.· tul both of tIme and materlal, and 18 Let the center of the gateway be the !.Iun neve r r eaches, are large pools his 'maJOrlty, be had returned to Amer- dlekena dId you come from? I tbought tery. Sbe was afraid, and bad taken 'most laborious. blgher than the sides, BO as to pro- " 'hlcb are re plenished l1y th e yearly !IIgh t. So be It. tca to prove that he was not an ex- you were In the Orlent1" Th e prop er er ection or a gate post vent the lodgment of' water, whIch rains. In tbese gul~les and on th .. "I say, T ed," called out the artist, Is not a dlmcult matte r, If due regard does ao much harm In tbls position. . J)atrlate, thougb certainly he was one, "Just got back. Abl?y." 'the onlY.; tle exlst\n,r; b~tween , hlm and • The two shook hands and eyed each "what did you mean ' by saying that __~h~I~II~n~a~t:;I.v;:eTla~n ~d=b~ei!;ln~..!t~h::e,,:;;b'fa:-,n!!!k";e,,:,r-,;s~w~b~"'1)1~r with the appraising scrntlny of you were a Dutchman?" Courtlandt paused BO that Abbott regularly bonored hls drafts. And who friends of long standing. IIhall condemn hIm for preferring Italy "You don't cbange any," saJd Ab. migh t catcQ up to him. "I said tbat I was a Dutcbman 1" to the desolate center at New York botl "Yes. And It has just occurred to .tate, where good servauts and good "Nor do you. I've been standing .. eatber are 8a rare as are flaw[ess behind you tully two mlnules. What me that you meant something." "Ob, yes. You wer e' talking at Da .,meralcls? I Halt .atter tbree" on Wednesday aft. were you glooming about? Old Sllennll Toscana? Let's call h er Harrigan. It Bugs and Blight Are Greatest En- Government ·Has Attained Develernoon, .lbbott etared moodily at the attend you 1" will save time, and .no oue will know "Have you read the Herald this to whom we reter. You said ehe wae opment Beyond All Previous emies of Crop-Spraying Is weather-tarnillhed group by Dalou In morning?" .Irlsh, and tbat when sbe said a tblng Ule Li1Io~bolLrg garden_Lbe Tri· Expectations. Recommended. umph of BUenulI. HIs gaze was de"1 , naver read It nowadays. They . sbe m eant It.. My boy, the Irish are III kl Id bib J are always giving me a roaat of soma cepUTe, tor the ro c ng 0 u oua kInd. Whatever I do they are bound ' notorlou8 for claiming that. They The government has been eXPeri· The Boil for potatoes should be of often say It hefore they 'see c1e~rly. ·co\lndrel ' had not sUrred his critical ~ to mIsconstrue It." COl1rlian«\t etooped Now, we Dutchmen-'-It takes a long a light or sandy or gravelly loam. type. mentlng with the blueberry plant and "~Dae !,!or i\Dp,ressed the delleate films and righted the etool, but sat down on time for us to make up our minds, Plowed-over turt laud gives poor cropa, blUl worked out a system of pit cui· nt thougbt, He was looking through "be bronze, Into the tar.away thlnga. the grasll, hili fCQt In tbe path. "What's but when we do, something bas got to for It Is Infested wltb tbe wireworm ture under wblch It ' attalnll a de~eld~ ment beyond all previous expecta and the May beeUe. He had 'arrlved early that morning; aU the trouble? Have they been after bend or break." In fertilizing palata ell ~ha amount tlons. ¢-h e way from Como, to find a thunder- you T" "You d.on't mean to say that you are Bluebe~rlell thrive In acid salls, and !IOlt driven In at ble teet. Across bls . Abbott rellcued the offending paper going to settle down and get mar- and tha kind sbould be governed somewhat by local conditions. ' I have there I, a large amount . of naturall.ll kneel lluttered an open newspaper, and shaking It under his trlend's nose, ried 1" . the Paril edition of tbe New--'rorlc _B&I4~ "Read tbat." "I'm not going to setUe doWil and found In 'my practise tbat about aix actd lana In the Eat Ualted StatBl Herald. All that kept It tram blowing Courtlandt'll eyes widened consider· get married, If that will eaee your bundred pounds, conlllsting of 250 that 11 tit for nothlag else, on which pound a of nitrate of loda, 260 poundll blueberries could be railed prolltably 'a'll'ay w~ the tense If sprawling fln. ably aa they absorbed the algnlncance mll)d any." of acl.d pbosphate aod 100 pounds of «ere of hla. right hand; biB lett bun, of the headlng- "Eleonora da Toscan&. "Man, I WaB hoping! ." Tbere are two ml!t~¢~~~~~~h-_....:.._ __~:!:':"":"::==::" · .-hI.....~~_ __ _ __ _ -+'wlBslDg..:.:"_ _ - "Thres meals a day In the muriate of potash Is the maximum Ing tbe blueberry plant. . northern IIlopes quite a large variety It Willi not poe.lble. Buch things did "Bah!" be exclaimed. house, with the lIame woman, never mixture for the most econol?lclll r&- which I, suited to upland ·aoltll; la lte of small b'eel and allruba ftourlsh. appealed to me." eUlts, eays a writer ~n' an exchange. set the plant In trenohes or eepal'ate From mr lofty POBlUon the sea was aot happen tbelle unromantic daye to "You lIay bah?" l!Dulllcal celebrities, . ~be bad written "It looke like one of tbelr advertlll"What do you want, one for .eacb This material should be l!Iown broad- holel In well-rotted . peat, about a tbol just visible far to the east. Distant I l i n g dodgell. I kuow- Bometblng about meal?" -callt Il couple of weeks before plant- deep, and mulch the surface weU 'wlUl shouting Informed us that the drive tl}at on Monday night she wou d s ng 1I'ln"ers," CourUandt added. "I en. ITO BE CONTINUED.) Ing, e,nd' well harrowed Into the soli. leavell or clean sand. ID La Boheme and on Wednesday, .. had commencl\d, and' here and there Faullt. Bbe had since vanished, ' van- glneered a musical comedy once." CuIUvatJon should begin even beGIve plenty of room for the roota. ftgures were visible oa the sky .lIne. Ished 811 completeol,. 811 though she bad . "You clo not know anything about CHURCH ENGLISH WOODS tore the plants are up from the The soil IIhould attord good It takes a lot to move thesa Ibex, who taken wings and nown a\\·ay. It her:' crfi;(I Abbott botly. . ground, to loosen up the Boll, to pre- aa the Ideal condition of the peat about rely for their Bafety more on concealunreal. Bhe had lett tbe apartment "That's true enough." CourtIandt Of Great Antlqul.y, Sacred Edlftc. In Tent the moillture from evaporatlnr;, t,he roots. la one of continued moIsture ment thsn ftlght. Not till large boultn tl\e Avenue de Wagram on Satur. ftnillhed the article, folded the paper and to tres the field of weeds. When during tbe growthg 118&lIon. North Devon Provee Bill Attracdera .\lave been hurled down almost ~ay afternoon, and nothing had been and returned it, and began digging In tion to VI,ltora, the potato IIprout comes ' up and. the The second method of field culturo on' to' the top of them will tney ·leave eeen or heard at her since. At the the path with hIs cane. pla.nt Increaa,ss In size, the fI.e ld should Is to iet tbe plante In a peat bog after thetr strongholdl and make for a lesa tat moment they had ) had to find a "But wbat 1 want to know Is, who Cui bone cburch, which among man, be go,n e over eontlnua\ly with a ftne It baa been drained, 'turfed and deeply disturbed locality, As the shoutlllC 'Substitute for her part .ln the Puccini the devil til this niyst&rloua blond others claims to be the smallelt splket ooth harrow until It III Imponl· mulched with sand, jUl!lt as for cran· ana rattle of faUlng -;boulders · apopera. The m,~lcf testified that her strauger?" Abbott ftourlsbed the pa· church In England, Is situated ' on the ble t<)r the horse and barrowlng mao berry culture, except th.a t no provlelon proaphed, several herds ot goats l?egan mistress bad gone on an errand of per agaln_ "1 tell you, It's no adver· coaat of North Devon, qat far [rom chIne to go on tbe field without d.m- need be m~ for rapid flooding of the to app~ar and disappear, Some broke mercy . She had not mentioned where, tlslng dodge. She's been abducted. the picturesque little village ot Par· aging the crop. ' bog ror winter. The ground water 01 b8.!:k and otbers attempted to, escape b ut sbe had said tbat she would return The' blond!" loc)(, anel the church Is so guarded Potato ' bugs and blight are the the bog mIght be kept a little lower on either fiank, but the latter 1\o'ere In time to dress tor dluner, which Courtl~l1dt ceased -boring Into tbe by hills an<i woods that the sun's' raye greatest enemies of the. crop'- The than Is uBual wltb' cranberries, generlllly turned in my dlrectlon by proved conclusively that something earth. "The Btory says that sh ~ reo reach It only four months at tho year bestsPrBytng chemloal for the bugs Tbere Is a . great dUference between men skillfully pOlted for that purpose, out or the ordinary had befallen her, ' fus ed to explain tblll blond chap's The bulldltlK Is but 33 feet long b, Is arsenate of lead, which glvell better the genuine blueberry and Ite coun· Quite one hundred and llfty Ibex must Tbe automobil e tbat had carried her presence In hllr room. Wbat do you 1!l feet 8 fnches wIde, and .bas a result.s thaD pariS green and 18 not so tertelt-the huckleberry. The blue- have passed J!le on thIs occasion I'll away bad not been b er own, and the malte of thatT" . porch, 'nllv~, ' carved oe,k chancel ,Inconvenient and dangerous to han· bel1'Y Is plump, large, and Itll seed! berds of from five to thirty, but there "Perhaps Y'lU thInk the tell ow -was screen and Sorman tont, an alabaster chautteur was unknown. No_ at tlie are 90 small ae to be almost unnotloed. was not a single really big head die. directors at the opera bad been notl· h er press age nt?" was the retort. altnr pIece and a Quaint hIgh pe .... . Tho .blight can lie guarded against The huckleberry' a seed I. surrounded among tbe lot. In splta of tbe urgent "Lord, nor But It proves that she near the ch'lncel, used by the family fi ed at any change in tbe slnger!s by constan t sprayIng, especially duro with a bony covering like a minute pea entreaties of my companions, I only plans.. She had dlsappeiuetl , and they knew him, thnt sbe did not want the at Lord Lovelace, by whom the prall' Ing the mont h of August, wltlL bar'plt, which crack~s betweeu tbe teeth. shot one buck with horns of ~O Incbes. we re deoply concernp.d. Singe rs were. pollee to find hIm. A~ least. not at erty Is owned. 'The slanted chancel II The blueberries etand shipment well Having become ~omewhat tired. of d eau~: . that moment. Wbo's the italian?" sud· generally erratic, full of sudden Indls· Itt by a tiny. eQuare-beaded, ' Iron· and If growers wUl pains to .In· this lazy fo'l-m of bun~lng, whlC;h ts not posltion's, una.c~ountable whims; but denly. barred wIn-dow, the oldest teature tn Blst that -their produo~ be not contused . of absorbing Interest,' and having sbot -For Late Colta. ·. . "I call 'Vouch tor blm. He Is a gen tha church, b\llng pre-Norman, arid the Signorina d8. TOBcana 'Nas one In It lIOU bave failed to get t he mate wHh huckleberries and sold at the ' three' tiut of the rour specimens al· a. tbou·sand. She' ne-ver broke an en- tIeman, honorable as the day Is long, cut out of a single' stone. It Is amply .lowed on the , license, I .p~d ott the: gagement. If she was 111. /l lle saId so e ven If he Is hot-headed at times. la rge for the poplilatloD, ' which la with faa) do not gIve up too eully. Bame price, they wlli be better off. beaters apd journeyed southwards In a.t once'; sha never lett th em In doubt Count hIm out of It. It's th-Is uttlmown. about 35 In n parle!l of 1,337 acree. In Try again, rememberlng_t hat a WI . Rurjnll Caivee, search of a re,ally big 'head. A,a ' luck uatU the last moment. Jud ecls loQ was 1 tell YOll , Ravenge tor some Imag- s ummer the churcb III crowded, ow' colt' Is almost as valuabl e as a spriag Tbe man who pllUllI to rear his helfel would bare It, the very ftrst evenIng DOt one at b er char acle rl aUcs. .Sbe Ined sllgbt. Jt.'s ae plain na the nose Ing to the Infiax at vls1torl!l from colt In these days at high-priced horses. irhe mare tbat foals In the fall also calves should bear this polnt.ln mind: on the new ground, while Camp was, wall as re llabl!) a8 tbe s un. It the dl· on your ta~e." many parts of the world. "HC1'N IOllg Ilave ' you known h er?" haa an advantage to the farmer aa b~ Vitality Is , one of tbe mo~t Important 'belng ' pltched, ~tour bucks were spotted '" reotors dId not hear delln ltely tram can have . her for ;work during tbe ruab things to bs developed, and It II ob- .Imong tbe rocks above. Seizing -my 'ber by noon today, they would bave ·to a~ked Courtlandt prosen·tly. Rapid Decent, "About two years. She's the fem flnd another Marguel'lte, They had been milking hay ,whUe lIeaBon In the spring. It Is not too late talned only through IIb\lral.feedlnS and rltle and lome cartridges, and without The poHce becan to mOve, and tbey of the whole lot. Gentle, kindly, un·. the sun shone. aad when they had fin· to breed ' the mare yet, and farmera proper care. And thle la only partl, any excitable ne,t1ve_. to worrY . me, I etlrred up Bome curloue bIts of Intor- touched by fiattery. • • • Why, you Ished a high haystack the boy shouted should not gIve up If ihe doea not true, for, imtess the calf Is well.born Clommenced tbe stalk' and was eventllto . II tart with the best care and feed. aUy., IIncceslful l/l bag~g tbe best maUon. A mau ha.Ii tried to bribe th e must havfl seen and heard herl" . fran:: tile top: "Say, mister, how am catch. at tbe first service. 'Inc will not ~rhduce a profltahle cow. which, cal'lied a magnl1lcen\ of "I hlh'e." Courtlandt BlaDed Into the I goln' to get down?" singer's chau.lleur, while sbe was sIng· . ,horn. lnchello length. bg at tbe Austrian ambassador's. Tbe hoie be had dug. "Voice lJka an nngel'l!I, The farmer considered tbe problem 8tablea far HOI'ID" ehtUllreur waa alJle to describe the \\Iltb a tace' like 'BellIni's dOllnl\ i n.nd and finally solved It: . Plum Tr.e ... St~LbieT"fl)T'trImI' _ . tatrancer with BOme accuracy. Then Ir\eb all ove r. ' Dut tot all tbat, you Plum tk'eel require COmparatiTel, Tennl. Co~rt on 8kyacr.per, ,., "Oh, jeat IIhet yer e,el aD' Tentllated, wltb lufficlent wl~dow. on will ftnd tbat her disappearance will CllUDe the bewlldealng episode In the chlcaco.-A tenDls court bu bte'Il round a bIt!". all Elides for good circulation or air. llttle pruning. In ~e case of ,ounl apartment; the pistol· shot, tbe ftlght tum alit to 'be a -dlva'e whim. Hang The Cloors ihould be arranged .0 that trees aborten In the IWllIest Ihootl made on the top of the Bolton stor. Pollt.n .... CIt tho man, the aetonl8hed concierge It. Suds, I've had aome es:pertence with hot nights they may be left wblch outtrrow the othsra to th, enp, 180 feet aboTe tile Itl'8llt wbere emPoUtencss bas been well dellned at iu whou the beButtful American would singers." .' pl07e. en,So,. th8lllH1... durlDc tile Ule aJilmal' are feedlna or of lIDbalanclq the fonD · benevolence III ~ Wnp.-JIa "You are a blockhea4I" uploded GI6I' at' ellplanaUone. The man (who IUtrJ of the tre.. . , bouN. . . ~ulq. taI1iI4 ItII the duerlpUOD slven laJ thfo founger mIlA. tl1 ~





~~~ MACGRA Pictures qy C.D.






an" __ !\.hmoIl





(By t.!l:01'lAJfu K ;;;;:;E lURSCRBERO. , A . ~" M. A .. M . D " Johns HupklnR,)

Fow conundrums llTe more mysten to most peo'ple ·than t he p08er, "How do doctors di scover germs!"




Borla Weinberg of the Techllologlcal Inatltute of Tomsk Ha. Perfected a Simple Method. '

lle1l>oncII1Ie ....1IIDe by lull . .....-

~ kknlUMtl C1I<O\l ....

Iut.a.b. UUOD..



\Voman Deaerved Sharp Rotort;


A. white Pomeranian escnped . trom

the arms of Its mistress In Surf avenue; Coney Is land, the oUter nlgbt and ran In front ot an automobile. A neW8boy dar ted after the dog, caugbt ~t, and then .fell In a mud puddl",. He lost a dozen or so ot papers but beld on to the dog, which he 'returned to Its owner' Bllg.hUy Boiled. . "You Impudent little ecampl" ./lUld tbe woman. "Wbat made you get the d~r little dog so dirt y. You ought to b~ whipped." "I am mighty glad 1 didn't snve your lite," replied the boy, nnd R. score at o~lookers applauded him .. Make!! tbe laundreB1l hnl111y-thnfe RM OroSI Ball Dlue. Mllkes b.autuul clear wliito clothe.. All good grocer.. Ad".


Dopendl. ,"18 a ~n of coal ve ry much. pa t " "It !!epends on . whether you are , bovellng It or burnlJiW It,"




It Wa'- the Firat Flulh of the Hon· eymoon, and He Say. "NeY.n Agalnl" . "Never ngaln," was the conclusion at a slory tol by a young bridegroom of the month, after he r elated his sf, torta to plea"e hts bride by (ulllUlng ber every wish. Sitting In his omce a tew days after the wedding he received a telephoDG call whJch was .,methlng like thill: :'Dearle, 1 do so hate to trouble y<"l, but , I have !'tn out ' of lace tor that dress I was making, anell can't fi'lliab It ulltll 1 have another yard. t:D.Il't YOIl stop at the store and get l!oUle as you come bome-Oll, 1 can t1Al you what It III IIke-Jllllt four leav .., thtm a. sprig, t.hen fOJlr leaves, the:; a Ipl1., and , so on- it's Just two thtrA!.4. over an Inch wide." He hung up the receiver Dnd mopped Ills bllow. He walked s.y the store twice, finally ente.r ed &.lid I!.DProach,ed the lace counter. SlIe W"I pretty, but be had heen married only a weck and was IJUsy repeating tn b18 mind : "Four leaves, tben a aprlg." "Well, after looking at- 500 samples of lace. ) got It, Ilut-P'-lridlanapolla Ne-w.s. No AIr. About Her. "Alral" uclalmed, tile proud mother, and shook .hei bead '"My mlale. for all her learning, hasn't any more airs, so· to speak, than her pOor old dad." . "Tben she won't turn up he,r nos6 at her oJ4.frlende1" Queried tbe visitor. ; "La. no!" "Bow 'refreshlng! MOlt 81rls who go tbroulh collele' nowa\1ays wUl' hardly' look at you after they're ITBduated."· "Well, tbey ain't Uke my Elale, that'. all' I' can say,'):- retorted Ellale'B ma. "Sbe's become a carillvoroue' reader. oC l'.QurBe, and she fr~Q.ently Importunes music. But Btuck up-my Elale! Not a bit. She'. unanimous to everybody 'bas a moat Infantile vocabulary, alld wbat's more, never keeps a ' caller _waiting wblle sbe dresse. up. No, sbe Just rune down, nom de plum!!, as ebe Is." .


And"· 'Cuticura Ointment. T,h«tY.. afford complete satis- ' faction to aU who ~ely upon them for a olear skin, clean 8~Ip;< gQOd hair. and soft, w;hlte"hands. . .,.., "'$amp'es Free by M.lI


.0Il1kara lIoaIJ UtI OI1!tzneDl told Ihrouab<>tl'"tIIIt _ , Lft1Oi'aI ......... ol_h maIIt!d , ...... wlth ~ ..ddNioo ~~UeurL" ,DoP" 12D. _ _ _ ,

"?Som'- Weather. College haYS who put money In their vunes by .toll In Kansas ,w heat flelds wll1 not be dlacoura'g ',d by this .torf~ " .. tJ}lnk 1 smell burning mellt," said tpe farmer, as'1'le paused for a moment In the barvest fteld to mop hI. ~w, '"You do." said the raw harvest hand, wearlly, aa he .tooped to get a couple more 'sheaves oC rolclen grain: "The bumt~,..,.meat you 'smell II my liver' frying. 1t . Is over~oDe,'" And with that the YO)Jnr felloW .pat on a ITBBI' hopper ~nd scalde'~ It to death.-.At. lanta Constitution.


• Diphtheria, Typhoid, Dywntery aM p:lc;tute of "H.ollerino Janel" at Fa. , Other Saollli Ealily Identified on vorlte Dlveralo" Caule" Him GI.ycerlnllted Potato. . to ReforD) ,

Tbe precise manner in hall· ItOnes are formed I, not yet known. partly beCll,ulle their exlstence.\s 10 ephemeral that It Is dlmcult to make prolonged and ,detailed stud), at their peoullarltles. To overcome this qlt· tlculty. Doris Welnbe~ at the Tecll· nologlcal Institute of Tomsk haa con· t rlved a method of .preservlng ball· IItones IndeOnUely by Imm erBing them , In n mixture of equal parts of benitol and toluol, which possellses a d ens ity nearly eQual to that of the Ice. In tbls ' wa y he has succeeded In keep· Ing tbe m Intact tor many months, From these preserved batl8tones, with proper refr,lgerating precautions, mi· croscoplc: soct lons can be made for examlnlLtlon In the la borntory, · .and even magnified proj ections of the sec· tlons can be thrown upon a screen by !)leans of II. polarlzl.n g microscope 'and II. lantern . Herr Weinberg BaYl tbat hallstone8 can be preeerved In any viscous liquid, like vuellne or castor all, whose den's lty very nearly equals tbf!lrs , .

Is very eU ll to ' discover a ne" ge rm. The only thine necessary Is to know wheTe the m lsohl vailS Imp lurk8. This Is not Irony- It Is the truth . If you " suspect" wisely but 001 too well , al l you, do 18 to capture a thumb nail fu ll of t earll, mucou s scabs, cr-usta, pus, etc., Ilnd waler . Tb en .you drop th e Btul! In 'a qua rt of pllrbolled - ste rllized- wat'3r and take 15 droplf or this diluted (Lnd well·shaken · mill:· ture for pluntlng purposes. If thero are a myriad of vegetating microbes ,In this 16 drops. knowlJ or



8meare~1 With Glycerine Greateat or Ger.m Trap..


Nlppera Invented by a German Genl'u. unlulown, you cannot lind them e't'BD Will Handle th'e Smalleat with your moat powerful microscope. of Jewell. because they ~re aB one granule of sand In tbe Pacific ocean. To tlnd Few trades, IC any, require greater them and ide ntify them tbe bidden preciSion and nlmble nesl In the tln- germs must In a. garden grow. That" sers tban the Jeweler's: In watch· to lay the 16 drops of water mnst be making, snd repalrlng In particu.lar. a planted upon fertile, germ·growing maD. as to handle Inflnltealmal Jew' 1I0U· els that he would lIurely fumble It he Buch a soil bu.8 until the present die· had not some tool ' to pick them up covery uBually been gelatin, beef tea, with , The re plnce~s, of cO,u rse, b!LIIanas, Iceland moss, blood-eerum, but It Is to drop a jewel out of milk and plain )potatoes. the ''ordlnary kind. Accordingly, a Dr. M. R. lihnlmow of New HaveD, In GerJJUlIlY, where watch· Conn.. now , OIfE!r~ you a much eaaler making Is a ftne art, devised a pa1~ of 'Yf8J" to plant, produce aud capture nippers that would appear to be jnat your wal')' miclrobe. To leolAte your wba~ Is needed In tbls "fol'k. A tube bacterium tribe be maintains that p& Plat tapers at the bottom hall plun· ~s. sterllllliEld 'aud smeared with gel' runnh. through It and at the bot- glycerine, surPl~s all of th~ thollS8Dd tom of the plunger are ' three paws, and one other Iterm traps. op'e rated b7 a Iprlng. A knob at the He drives bome his lesson by sbow· top Il 'ueed to pUlh the plunger out Ing that certain sUJlPosedly Identical and the Bprlng draws It baek again. disease produCE!rt!, Buch as the baclllua that causes buman glanders. can be abown to he different from Ove other micro·parasltes with wblch It 18 apt to be confused, wben grown upon glycerInated potstoel3. The diphtheria, typhoid, dysentery Dnd other bacUII are vilible all alike on plain pota.toes, but eaelly Identlfled ss dlsttnoo glycerinated potatoes.


,Nlppera for .. ewelera; Wben tile plunger ' 16 pushell out at the' bottom of the tube the Jaws spread 110 they will engage a 'ewel. 'when tile pressure Is released aud tb' Iprlng draWl tile jaws haok they hold the jewel firm'y for IniJpectlon,

Finds Health in Lycij. E. -Pinkhamia Vegetable Compoun~ Creston, Iowa. ", t I I Buffered with f. mal e troubles f rom the t ime 1 came into womanbood until I had taken Lydi ~ , E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com poond. I would have pains tt Ioverworkedor lift ed anythi,n g heavy, and I would be eo weak and nervous and in so rfIuch misery that I .would be A told me what your medicine bad done for her and 1 trIed it. It made me strong and healthy nnd our home III now happy with Ii baby boy. I am very glad that I t90lt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and do all I can to recommend it. .....:...Mrs.A. B. BOSCAMP, 604 E. Howard Street. Creston, Iowa. Tons of Roots Bnd Herb8 are used annually In the manufacturw of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is known from ocean to ocean as the a tn n dar d remedy I~ female ills. For forty years thIs famous root and berb medicine hILS been pre'flminentiy 8uccessful in con.trolllng the diseues of women. Merit alone could have IltoocI this test of time. n yon bave the slightest donbt tha.t Lydia E. Plnkbam'lj Vegcl... bleCompound will help YOIl,write


to LydlaE,PinkhRDl )fedlclneCo..

Big Stone Bounded Off Irishman, but (confidential) Lynn,Mass.,forad~ce, Your letter will be opened. Killed Polander, Who "COUldn't read a.0l1 ans wered by a womaa. Stand Much."

and beld In strict conOdence.

R epresentative Michael E . Conry of :-.I~w York used to be employed In the coal mines at Penns ylvania , One morning as he was going to work be met anothe r Iri shman aU fixed up In biB Sunday cloUles. "What's wrong ?" as ked Conry. '"Nothln' wrong," anllwered the other laborer. "But what's happened '" . "Noth ln'B happen ed. A mao's got to show some r espect for the dead:' "Wllat dead?" "Ob, that Polander I worked wltb died yeste rday." "Wbat did he die of ?" "A rock fell and hit hi m:' " You don't say! How big [\ rock was

It'" "Oh,

Dlacovery of Vulcan .


A well·lIno\\'n !rIustrator, who makes lntaresllng western pictures. once made rhe acq uain tance or a. noisy but good·nature ,] cowboy who reJoloed In tho el lal or "Hollering Jones:' appearance lbl ~ mun wn s lypfcol ot his klnd .. llDd the nrUlit mad e s eve rn l stud ies of him, bot h In r epose nnd In his ,favori te dive 's ian of " holl ering: Sa m ot the studl<ls were SO I ~ Y th e nrl/st to an easte rn maga· zlne. T h y s howed Jones In Ills most viol ent slnte. . ' , A yeu r la te r lb e nrll ~t again vlsl,ted th e r glon. He was 0011 approp,ched by Mr, J on s him self, bearing on o of th e p l(: lur e~. wh loh he Il ad lorn from th o mnga zlne In wb lch lis was print d, Pointing to It, h e a~ k ed : "Is t bot me ?" "W ell:' r epli ed tb e DrLisl, evos.lvely . "I got th e general Id ea fr om you, o( course, but- " " Oil, I nl n't takl n' no offollse," .Tones made haste to eay . ' 'It's all right; only If It s me, say 80." "If you put tt to me that way," said the artist. "I call on ly reply thnt It Is a ta lrly goo d portrait of you." "The men her e on the rancb Dgree with you. So I look like that wben I' hOlier, do I?" "1 think you do," " In tha t case," said Hollering .Jones, "all rve got to Bay Is tha t Hollering J ones has hollered his last boiler. Hereatte r, when I celebrates, 1 does so with a Un horo. In my own opinIon; no man has a rlgbt to. look like, that-not round white fo lks, an yhow." - Youth's Companion.

VulC8l\ an ILlIeged planet, was dll· , covered In 1869, only to be elrectlvely obliterated from the planetary BYlltem 60 years later.. Leverrler, wbo acted aa godfather to the new addttlon, cal· cnlated a path and round that ths planet revolvlld around tbe sun In about· twenty 11ays. Yet other observ' ers faHed ever to see 't he planet and now Professor Campbell annouuo81 that the oo1l1Ise observations of reoent yearl. prove almost conclusivel" that the existence' of sucb a body II a practical Imp06slblllly.

Worle. "'l'he re's one good thing about \1... Ing In these times. We don·t have a~y highwaymen." "That's true. But my Iceman Is JUI' ae bad or worse, He's a low.welgb man ." Betting 18 an argumen't that Is COD> vinolng only when one hallllena to win. If thc play IB a trest the audlenca soon mejts' away.

So re GnaulaCed r:,elld!.


Eyes inflamed by e_"~ sure to Sua. DDSI and .... quicklyrclievedbylllllll. lyeae.e.y. NoSmartill\lo just Eyo Comfort. At Your Druggist'. SOc per Bottle. H..... fye S.lvelnTubes2Sc.ForDlOllaltllefyefneuil Druggists or MIIfIDe [yo lelMllf Ct •• C~.

ree or four tons, maybe. Them P , dets can't stand much. I purly near got hurt. mJlself yester· day." "Ho,w was ,that? " , "The rock ' that killed the Polander hit me first, Jlut luckily It bounced ofr. " .--, - St. Joseph Nell'8·Press.


Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times In ten when the liver II

Where It Counu, "Aunl DInah, are you going to have 'obey' eliminated from the ceremony?'" right the stomach and bowels are right. "No, cblle; but I sho Is gwlnter hab It 'IImlnated from de malrlmon ."_ CARTER'S. UmE UVER PlUS Po k y gentlybutfirmly ~ : pel a lazy liver Right Name for Them. do its duty. Cures Con· "How much did your motor car atipatioD, iii· cosU'" . dl...lioD, '''Flfteen bundred dollars, exclusive Sick ' ot the exccssorles." aDd Dilln.. Afler Don't bo mislod. Ask for Red Cro.. SMALL PIlL, SMALL DOSE, SM.\LLJ'lUCI. Ball BI ~e . Mnkce benutiful wl-ite clottie•• Genuine muat bear Signature At all !load lrI'occra. Adv.

~~~~~,, ~

Not Large. Maude-Fred seems to be wanderIng In biB mind., it . Betty-Then he can'" stray far. W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 8301914;-


~~~ ttj[~lC~ji~~!Jj[j)~)!~:tt1~;;!;;;;;~;;;;;:;;;:;;~::::-:::~::-::::f::::::::~~~:-~:

A. "good drelsmaker can a woo FlOatl .Whlch Aro Driven ' by man almost as much pleuure .. . a Garman Inventor Patonh .... 8crew Propellera; good bartende~ can give ~ ma~. ·


You avoid f.~in8 oyer a

hot ato'#e- -

" Save time and enero--

Ha~e a duh that will pleue the home ~oIk.I , . ", -

,r EtCemlnate. . , Obnl[W'eE!llDlIiri Peter · J, Dooling ot the other evening 'rel~erlen(!e at a "Inner was 'roade to e~emlnnte ways. . He ,!ald he was reminded o~ tlie explanation of Smith. .' '~ome ;tlme aao tli.e Smltbs ~HeDded' ... recepttoa wherl! : tbey met a ,~~~~~. fJ ro,wn', . ~I! tb~ Vf!'Y ..!J~~e.: 'WIW. exchanglnJ opinions of , Ulto ' . *"ea~;:Brown WIlS mentlonl!'d . '/ _ IISp"klng ot tbat ni"n Brown," Vlg· orously :remarked Smith. "he certal lias an. ~l!e1AJn~te ~ay at "lIlkln~.'.~ '" t '"~.hy. Johll," ,wati the wondering ~e· folnder ~t 1\ln' Smltb, "~ow CS\! you eay ~tt ~e cel'talnly ~nl a very, lQud ~u4 mQcullne voh;e I' , . .' ''Yea, I !mo"" he hps," explained • 81D~1l. ':,b ut. w1i~~ I menn°\Ii tbllt he :tIIlb all 'the \lme."-PbtladeIPhJa 1'ele·· Ihl", • "

A~~*~of ,

.brld.1o-be'" -,

• • •

Jacks ' .have been InveQted to 1'& Ueye the Ures of nlotor tire appan· tUI trom pres:Bure while standing Idle.





and 'Qlne cream,or 'good mlile

-lOmetimea with beme~or ,fruit- I. ~; I. , ; A b"uitfalt, lunch or , ~pper

" Fit 'f ot ~ 'Kina! bits of lll_ corn perfectly' ~lied and tOaIl~


~ t~ ~




·. .






,an ltaha.n phyllcI.aD, f.ilt~catiCiD of ~. '1Irodacins •




1IIIUIII''''I'' 111 1111 111 11111111111111111111111111111''11111111IUlll


'A~ttable Preparalion for As·

'5imilaUng the FoodandRel!uJa' ItIf Stollll.ldts and Bo""e15 or Promotes Dig~~'jon/Chcerrul~ ness and Rest.Contains neilher


nOr Minrral

For Infants and Chll~en.

The Kind You Hava Always. Bousht Bears the Signature


NOT NAR C OTIC ' It'w'iw t( (jIll "'SAHvEiI'flrA'Ilt Jl"y!t,;, -f1Jt,S__S-'· • • 1iWMII, S.NI • 's, s.,,,#

.... "


. Sboca for Walking on Water. FrenCh artny omcers , are expel1. , , . . .n1~tlDg wltb ~n arm~r~ aeroplane , "bll!b get thel., pow r from a number th""t cariles ., macbtne run' mounted .of flaPB protruding ' trom tbe bottoml above the 1D0tOr. . of tbe ftoil.~~~,.. -' . " .. ". . '. • • " .r Fo!' cuvedl1rg' a milk boltle after the paver cap has been removed there, 61l\e;"piate De,d Bod lea. A Gernlan profe~,or bas Invented a has heElil In'v ented ' a ciOllel7 fitting proC4\lRS' uf fdlve\"·platln~. dead bodies, 'porc,laln stopper. • .' ,so ' all- to convett them ' 1I,Ito metallic . . Irna.ei (If the lndlvlduals as"-tbl!iY were , By lntro.d uclng mmllte partlclea 01 JVh6U In I,lte. Gol~pl_ate 'c"n be ,r;1nc rnta the tlesues or. powerful eleoII the .relaUves .~n ~ord It. t~lc clI,fl'enta a Pblla'delpbla B.UrgeOD dutro),:. 'c ancers and lNll elrect~ not&bll~l. curse.

fiOlQ the •



Rockets t~ be ftred trom ' the around to .destroy aeroplanes are a, li"rench In· ventlon for 'w hlch great accuraCy",. cla\med.

.- Toa.tie. are (sw~t.. crisp


• • •

A combined parcel carrier and fol4· ~ng stand, wll.lch may be a~tacMd ~ any bicycle, haa been .p~tented . '

A. Vlr81nla .lllventor h!ls' J)rought out a. motol"'drlven plow from which the ' mtito~ can be removed for other w~rll ' a far,pl .


81I&!1 ·,tala Vied·to-be."'

Folding screen panels, to mcw.a any bed and exclude Insecta, have been patented. , . • • • .A recently patented screw' hall 'a slot along Ita le.ngth to prevent It wor,klng loose In wood.


Mined It. iI en,aged; la be? '""11_;,'.,,,11.118

With one of tbese floats, recently patented by a German Inventor aud which are shown In, the IUustrafion, on eacll foot,·' a. man Is snpposed to be ~ble to' walk upon water.' Each fioa.t I. b'ullf of a series or hoops connected by hinged rods" Be that the enUre fraDie Ie collapsible. A. ballast tank beneatIL.tbe foot keeps the ftoat right side up and affords stability. The tloat. are drlvt!n 'by screw propeller.

1_ '4'.la_,


to .....

,ill • ~ z ","""e..r.J..-

m"., .f..~ • '(:1• ..11'", s"~~,



/fI~fk'Pt" ~~~_"_ ""_ _


,(perfect Remedy for nn."",•. \ ,

lion , Sour Stomach.

Worms ,Convulsions ,."""r,,_n-

ness ~ndLoS5 OF SLEEP,




'":" 'ae Simllf }ignat.u rt




'For O·yer Thirty·· Ye.ars ' .



or Wrap.,."

............ DOI _ . "'" _ _,

. . . . ZiMME~MAN'S

1 --I'Perso~ar Men tion





lrtilizer of Chas. Frye,



1_. . ---k-_

~------- !:!.'Y~!~~~~y

.. ._t_.-tI...... bes whl -+.!--- _.- - - _.,•• - - ~ .... Mrs. W. H . Allen, ' Mrs. W. N. ~ T s [-.1;;:;\11, h , Mis.c; and ters daugh. Newlan d and ,Jae,. b .! I , I"nl tl \t H ~wr~, .11''' Qood Thitl gs To Eat L A. Zimme rman i. in' Cin innati Olive McCollum are> in Cincinn ati $1 rOll!!e IInrt Ii. Dl' ro mit h. \If today. \ I,yt I . ndNI !ht' D up-h lers "f Indian a ·\Va erml'l<ln~ . I llinnH today. iin. rict If.· .1 .'weet of n i l!rs(',)I R bel\ah 'nnvent Cnflt " luu(lc.... .T G. A . Rea . f Route 5, is visiting IIml , lll'!'day Th of B1oomillgton, h eld at Lrhlln(ln la::t r t, lU .', .' Pant:,\' Elberta relativQs in RoBS CJunty . Geo .. E .. . 111., and Ben Rid~er of Lafayet.te, . l' ~a('hl:'H. cllln t.lillj.!'Li ("'upes, lifltl lh ' plt->usu rp ur nl~' ·till/{ \vitll . nand reLUlio c w Y"rlt Ctlncor tl (~rn(leR. tile )hin ,'Lale P rtlliiul'lll . Mrs . Cl'r. Lost-B rown leather pocket book. Ind., att,ende d the .HIsey were ' the gues~ of Mr: und Mrs. mnlt·" Jumbo ~ b(lrll, "f A~ht '!ll"ulll, (1 , t rude Finder please leave at this office.. FlIVI'f't CILia :.. f . Ma.hlon lRidge. 1\1 'u til Stat.,:: It!·r tal y, Mrs bt,l ' Mt!x iciln BananlU'l. Milson' s Fe rtilizer:, the best on the rna M. Ilt·11. vf ul ull1bu4 . 0hi! •. BlI tll a~ke Mr . .arld Mrs. W. C. Kette and sia.: gave l/llk" that wl' rc b" llcfi 'i al til . For sale by Chus. frye. rt:Jorket I !.· »11 th e Ilwmhurs. 1'1' , ; nL from tlw and Mr. Dig . MiBS Fruden bencerMiss 0 d s spent Iast ter Helen, sister Bnd "'.ette Albert ... d iffllrell l ( ~",bcl\ah lud g('l'1 Edwar Mr s, Mollie , r . Haines Jos. \ve kwith Mr anJ Mt!'l: - - - 1" - . -----Sunday of Dayton , were enterta ined 'A UCTIO NEEI? I U Silver .ann Miss Emma' Moody , of Dayton , is at the home of Mauric e We are hcnd(l u nrtci'S for Tin y. ~r. Kette is the gentlem an !.... ..... (iuns, Mason .Jars Lids amI spendin g a week ' a t the Friend s famil ·U~S Lyman Silver ,has sp,e nt whom with low. Home prices J e~sc tanll'Y left for hicago, (·11 Wax. Sealing was it and a two slimme rs in Georgi .. August 3rt!. where he will at tend th in en· Albe rt Smith. of Chi~ago, was thE' with mucb pleasur e he helped . Jones ~c h ool fur t\uclioneerin.\:: . ~I e L£ I'll re Par is Green, g('t ou r priceR. ' on Sunday will be home abo ut , 'J!1l' mbel' 1 ~ 1. g Ue!!t of Dr. ~nd Ml·S. A 1'. 'Wril,(ht tertaini nI! the ·family hILI over :3000 ~ofrCtl!l- W when he will I"E' l' lilly f(ll' ale!\ of all ' '---";"';pounds bough t bef r e lh e ad, kinds . Haines , of H\lIsbo ro, Ohio CLEAY-E-R-.C-A;;'R -ol-CH-.-R-EUNION --vahc . so we are selling a t he I:;HER WOO().JEFF~EY RE UN ION o ld prices, Fancy Rio 20c. Sanis visit!n g with relative s here for !'!!"!'!!'!'!"!"!~!!!!!!'!"~~~~ _~""""",!!!!,! Cleav·e rs. Carrs and Richs held ~~~~~~~~~~~!'!"!"!!'!"!"!'!! to 25c, Rose of . ~haron and Definition. n f ew days. their eightee nth rtlunion Saturd ay. Golden S un 30c . tollow. oth~r he The Sherwood ·J t'f rre.v r eunion will Fool-t f NOTICE ul. Sugar Myer Hyman i in Cincinn ati today August, 22ml, in the beautif __ .... _ beheld Thur~day . Au g 27th, at A Rlch. B. N. late the of Grove Specials thi~ week Friday and attendi ng the Mallufa cturers outing the home of Omur I[ lI ingswo rlh, Notice is hereby gi'fen that bids day for the occasion could Satu rday at the Zoo. neur Oregon ia. be receive d for opE-rating Hack will h althoug and chosen been have not 5. lJest Cane Sugar 25 Ib sack $1. No 1 and No.2 for the Corwin lines felt they hearts Mad with c'ume Mr~. Mary Wuoster. of Dayton , marlY TO OUR CUSTOMERS 10 Ib sack only 75c. not ov I' 2 School Distric t. Village ~. d thfrien glingwi w~s the gllC!;t ' of Mrs. Mary Ann refres"ed.a ftermin Barb ed Wire !lacks to a cu~t'<!lne r Thil'1 prko Said board reserve the right to f?r seen not had they atlves ancll'el W UH.' Sunday . We expec t to llltenu Eastma n on s ugar is f ll r blJlow whol e rej ect any or all bids .Said bid s 'will a year.. Aunt J~dah and Uncle WII . School of Photog raphy in Cinci nnRti, ga'l '. \J u t we are g iving ou r ones lett ofth~ old be received until 12 .o'c lock (noon ) only the are !iam . was , Dayt?n of en,. Mull sElina MI. r u 10. t GUAltA NTEED to beal without leayof and . Ohio , ~entelllb er cu tomers the b nefi t Augus t 27, 1914. . the ~~ es t of Mr. and Mrs. Ed rhom·l s Rich family now blemish.,D.LM.m1EY HEFUND.ED • • Mr. and Mrs. 0 M . Ridge. ing-Il ~ School V>illnsre r",:"-,,;;,;,,,,;,.,--~ ar ly purchases. Corwin of order By After a Bun ptuous o!nne.r. ~he 'null' $L.OO siy.08 {or !resh wound.. liOc ' last I hursday. • lad ies spent the afterno on In VI~!llllg Board flore backslU ld8h uldcrtll~urne sorllfl, old Clerk. I t pays to trade ·at. B'rown. Chas. IItld 'boys had an In~r· -' 260 BillO for l~'lJIily UBe. bruises. tmd Miss Blunche Tboma s, of 'idney, Ilnd the menlldmtl. • _ _ _ the young ladle" Ohi . visi ted relative n ar Waynes· eS lin~ ball OR. COX'S PAINL ESS BUSTE R h Subscr ibe for being the audienc e. The "Red Sox" piliniess llJ1d guatllll ·d to core is . papc.r e\{ w orne . lasl e vill your thE!. but . . .. ~ -----, won~ by several points ... lHngbo n, tub, SwccnYISplin" Spnv\n, DOne or .T. E. Jp.nney left Tu espay f or . 'Giants " may win anothe r time, Puffs or any nlarg ID nt ofPrice 600, musoie, or ruonl!y r fumlod. hicago. where he wi ll be tor several Almost every year we have some s busines on N days CLINTO TO RIP '1 AUTO FO_R_ _ us. often with Mrs Wm g etit to not do is Mr. and wasmeet vear Th ...... Green· of Smith, de Gertru ss of Mi . Nellie Warwic k anI! daught er One of th e jolliest r,)'loIcl s o f the Mr. father. her ~ sitin vi is field, Ohio. . ~ea on madtl Uj) an /luto t U l' t~ J. H . mith .qnd wife . . Mnrshfield. Oregon ...... ' Ii ft on Sunday, W/l compn!'!ed of B~rgain Elmer Earnha rt. wi fe and f10 Il h:rnest. MEET CLUBS iation will m eet R.S' assoc D & FARME P The ChUfl. , wifl' und Kenrick Wal ter at th T \\'1lship House Saturd ay afE lli s, wi(c and spn. M i ~, So Rt;:ba a nd tCl'noon .at 2 o'clock . ThE! joint meetill g of the Fr8ltlfl in,_ Nettie Earnha r t ••1. B Jones and n and Wnyn~ Townsh ip I"ann · Lebano wife, Lester Kenrick and wi fe. Mrs The Misses Martha Burnet t and ers' Clubs was held at Mliple Wood and fe wi . 'l'homa,q 8d • ra J o hn , Emma Ca r twrig ht were sh opping in Farm. Augus t 20th. About one' Weekly Enquir er, ~>ne year ...... $. 00 cousin, MiBS Th omas f rom Shelby Co. Dayton last Wedne sday. hundre d and sixty ·nve guest.'1 were Farm and Fire Ide, one year... . 50 rrank, Mary . Myron and SeLh Thorn cordi,ally welcomed by t,he ma'l'on U'I. Milton ' heehan and wift', Wilher Earl Connel' is now cler,king in the Mnl. Uaskey. Everyo ne soon felt at Today' s (\tag.zlne, one year .... ' SO . wife . Coon Kelsey ~md wife, SidilOl' W.. Haines store where h e will be home and agreed that MTB. Cll8key Boys' MBgazlne,tone year........ • 00 Pop ular Mec hani cs Hol~proof. Hert ha, Beulah and Rllth Gl>Oll, O. glad to see all hia biends . Househ old JQurn • and Floral • \ waS nn id eal hostess . 'll. lark. and wife. W al~el' Olu11k, Mag azin e int~r. in spent was g .Llfe. one year........ ~........ 25 'l'h,e mor"in wife. a nd two ch ildrt:I1. Walter Miss Laura Henry. of Toledo . has minglip g of the differe nt ~lub9. An aI_ YOU CAlI u...... .. .,... "WIQn Ken rick wm! the pnotog rapher of lh been the G'u~t of ~fr. and Mrs. A. OME to thiS store and see ..... C-..... St.r7~W A GR£.IIT _ • elegEint three course dinner was. T9tal coat of 'hese five, is, ..... $a 25 ~ IDa" ""hid! ...... _ crowd. While t here we found 'M r Maffit liuting th e past ~ee k. the origlnnl. g uarante ed d noon bour otfthe I~wn at'lhe wlW.'h WiJJ serv4!d ud time. any at d Howar ily, fam l'ROOI' OLll and H ton mous Hamil ion bose-fa Interest fllrever. You !Ul. livina the11 At 2,.ci''clock theme( \ting was called HOSIER Y. Note its texture, ear. of the moat wonderfu l s'M. Gl.hat Rev. S. H. Palmer and son. of Enrly al II) wife. Austin Thack ar, them at the unhear d of offer will r Frank· thp. of Lane. Prof by or'der to oubtl~ the .....teIIt world 111 the tIIIhWIIi. Buy his "yl,_ 0;( and a"d light 'W~Jg'" on. Ind .• are the guests nd (laught er, Ed Kesling Frankt wife resld~nt of Mara would aladJy ~price of 1\1'1 Clqb The progra~ consiste~ of Slit pain of Holepr oof and an and wife e n· brother , Rev D: ·R. Palmer . Bangm e Chlll'li wife. ns selectio plano nearly os and them, papers know s, to begin reading m'~m.i1fI · Joyi ng one of t he many of nature ' s two mimoQ wearers do. Buy the diffe,e nt cluhs . d to Alb",rt !:3hepard bY 'membe rs indebte are We es. sceneri ul beautif six last will They "11m today. Mr. Cook. agent of Greene County This offer holds good (or :-. for a bal!ket of the finest homeg iWTI months or longer. If they wear men:al far,m, gave.a n ~nte~­ or· expc!ri neigh this in grown ever Thirty Days .......... .. s peache N montbs CHOSE six ER NEW CASHI to holes within . talk 011 dIffere nt hnes of hlB esting . free. hondo you get n~YJ . closed \'fork. Music by the Vietr,ol a D. M. Worml ey has been appoillt.e~ of Dayton . is Harris, Helen Liltle ... ca~hie r of the pring boro bank il v il:'iting her grandm other, Mrs. Alice the progra m. placa of H D. Kelliso n, resign d. . . . HERE McKin sey, and daught er, Miss HenREN ORPfl,.\N CHlro .........,.."".."." I rietta. Tho Clu,' lOy Man. nnati, Mr. M. A. Lorlgman,~ "How are you getting on with yoUt 0 Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Moshe r 00 S U.OO to_ '1.50 's Home, pai...a boa . _ garden? " "Not 80 well.' replied' Mr . and Mrs. L . J .. Burgan . of CinCin nati, who ·i s with the Child~ Sloturd ay, bere n childre six t brough to lll.rge Oros810t8. "My feet are too Next:D oor to Cilze~e OffIce are visiting Mrs. Edith Haa"tis and and severu,l - familie s took them to permit me 'to be a good garilener. familv. until an them Hym Myer thEir homeR and kept Wbenever I get out wltll v. sprinkling "Way nesv ille, Ohio . g. Sunday eveni!lg can tbey keep half lbe' water off ilie Misses Annie and Marne B~own Mo:qday mOJ1lin lecture d, and,' vyhlle seeds:' arrived home from a very ple8lian t Mr .. Loum an. homes, wher.e he several v.ilJ.ited ay Saturd lvania, Penns In visit ---'- '-, - ~--any c"'ance to was there l t.ho,ugll mornin g. A. Poor RlchCr<t... Says) citizen s of the rhe child. a place A penny saved is two p~olear, a kindly to Lonlfma~'3 took nity commu ., si>end been has who Crane, Ethan nnd pin a day fs a groat a year; Save bf'Core long ing a ~ouple of weeks with relative s tall<, and it may be'that have: n placed cb'lIdre several be will there y "!"!~!'!"!"!!!!!!!~-!!_ in Columb us, arrived home Monda in this commu nity. . ~!'!"!"!!'!"!"!!'!"!"!~~!'!"!"!~~!'!"!"!!'!"!"!!'!"!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!"!!'!"!"!!!!!!!!!'!"!"!!'!"!"!!!!!~!'! mornin g. . , . . . . . • "4 _ _ _ _ _...

~\!Jo 111101 ·

.(II~I·p l,

E V:1tHl :11,11 I'I\;~('I IIf.tlli~ pi:, ,'

-- -


P-les' Pies Pies Pies Pies Pies p.le.s


Get a big piece of ' .Cak e C 0 n 1y :.................".. '.

10 '

\ . one f our T ry

PI-es ' p.. p.leS

- - ..




Ca e Cak e Cak Ca k ee C k ' Ca e

P.'es . 0 n' I y . ......

Ca k e Cak e Ca'k e Ca k e




WaynesviIJe, .~hiC:_I=----~






fRANK H. fARR'S . ____

---_ ---

SAL_E_._Y_AU_.;. D~R.,U. _QG_I.-TS---



.. ....

"I teQ you,

are these Wonderful Socks" '







--- ... ... - - -

.. $1,000




-'--. -.



-.;. . .ttin.Nrn-finn;lFA1(j~-rmrA'IIV'-MlIV'II~ ~~~.~~~~1b~.~~~1~~~m~ii .............................. Farr ' 8 k St r'e

.I~URAl WF.lF, ARE LEt\OU E ·. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell. Mr. and Mrs. F C. Carey and Miss Floren ce Wilson spent Sunday at the Sabina , QuiteVln interes ting seSsion of th ~ ' Chauta uqua. Rural Welfar e League was held Sat urday. AllgtJst 22'ud with a I am still repres~nting the Antioc h numbe r presen t, many from Nurser y, and will be glad. to 'get the tunce, Mr. Wentze l Herres rendere d trade of this locality . I. N. Miller. some Rplendid clarion et sel~tions HarVEysburg, Ohio. with o~gal1 ~ccompanlment to the of all. Saturd ay, August 29 delight The Misses Elizabe th Law and our outctoor play, "Hobso n's CI' olce," are nati, Gertru de Meyers , of Cincin a laugha hle farce. will- be givl!n by the g uests of Mr. and Mrs J. B~ the young folks . . Come Ina eDJOY a C.hapman and family . .~ good lau[{h. Go~ music and a cor· welcom e. Everyb ody come. a.v Miss,R Mrs. vy. H. Bowers and Cora A.. Thomp son, 9irecw>!'. S. Davis, of Los Angele s, Cal., are the guests of Mrs. Amand a Wright ' GREAT P ..\OEAN T . and daugh~er, Miss May.

Havole ne Auto Sllap is an Bid .to hpu se·clea ning. does not injure paint, makes 'Old wood·w ork look like new, and remove s grease spotllfr omclut hes Wayne sville Auto .and Machin ery Co'. . M . E. V.:,Bar alld I Miss Ro~ wen a Wright . attende d a picnic in Cleven ger's wooels, near. the Five Point School. house last. Wedne sday Miss Wriah t returne d to her home " from there. Don't .fail to see the .Ox:ypa thot display lit the" Warren Co. FBir~ Edgar Hatfiel d, Manag er, ' ).!r~ ahd Mrs. ' Oarl CraDe, Agents , Wayne sville, 1(, 'R. 4. . ,

.... ~


.. ').

. Mr. and M' ~' Fred Allsup and son: Mrs. Wm. Long, ,son .and daught er, and Mrs. John Staley. of Dayton . , were the ' guests of Mr. and Mn. Enoch Haines Sunday .

t:l~!~~f.~i~ij ead;'allRder fro~= t:~

Rev . and trtra. J. F. arrived home this afterno on

~di~ w:~=:r~~~!==~:~=~

afterMn. Cad. C N rel!Ort. luqua, at that 'Chaub a month .8at;ur.;


feel .M' ANY property ownen fa an"m: .


~)1at palntln 8 peI\.8e':--ilOme tJ!lna that the~ get along withou t. But ev~

Painted Burface need. re~ewinl&. for the same reason that'a plll'lOtl needa' new clothes -bOth clo't hee aad paint get • .~ '" ' . shabby , . Paintin g regular Jn~enal. forestal~. repaln ; whUe neglect ofpaint-. loa meaDS DOTH a repair bUi and a palnt .l,t~ t{ltJ!r, beca~e the repaired ' ... .work mlRt. I)e patnted .




--- -

- -.~ PI{L PARE D PAli'. . I


Mrs Marjor y Martin and E,rnest, and .Mrs. Ray Rowe little son. of Dayton . 'are ,,; .. 11,.; ..,.. Mr. and Mra.·W pt. Ji'l'1lme and relative s here.



For the first time, and at the cost o:f many thoull8 nds ·oollars•. a UOod Roads Day wf.ll be on the progra m 'of the Ohio State Fair. A ma'mm oth pagean t . shqwin g all the old time ways of travel, fi'om the camel down toO the latest inventi on of m"", will be ·g'ivell' four. days 'during , the ,Fair; l1'he ·State Highw ay Depart ment, under . direction- of ' CommiSBion~r 'ltarker , will have this in charge., l'hia pagean t wUl require ' over one mile of wagons , autos, . and old vehicle s of all deecri'ptlunll, ~ho\!lng the ev.olu tion of' tmuis.,o rtatlcin


walladeJ' was talum very'siCk d", but .was able to come



.. IEee.,. dqWD lb•. blah ~lDteDance eoet that al~p ~t 1 that pa~~ "the ,. ' llDentb .,n..eJ! It ', from ' palnt"n eg!ect. .. .It .... beCJl ~t. ·ar,t In n~ eco mOlt alia. 18 It . " latita. .. ' .; • coven tlie ••"eat ~tface. . be will It ant. .. .of coat new a to, 110UIe Jour 1reat ... nat....u ..~ econoll lf, Don't c:laae thl\ ~t With til. ... WIlt It sa aD Meet......... \ ' .Iog bW. aDd , oth~ "4ead' 'espeue. a; Ilan , . , ent. '





cw..CGm.Yna51 . .~.~ ....dlllidlllt_~ ...... '!D.L YOU Cl'AJ.'lO TO aca u.' , .

~ W.caD~roa_YWF.ttnldt..



.... .... roll _







. ; ,I



Attend the P. & D. picnic Labor


LEAGUE M~~:~h~:::~cni::~~:: D::t:~ BIG SOCIAL ~OINGS

.WELFARE - -. _

United Trad~s and Labor C()uncil.




All schools of Wayne Township will open Monday, Septembar7.1914. Pupils six years old befJre January 1, 1915 may .tart at opening of school year. Children six years old after this date will not be .received. No primary pupils not previously in school will be received after the first week of school: as this would make an extra grade. ! Section 7763. Revised Statu tea says, 'Every parent, ~ uardlan. or other person havinlr charge of any child between the ages of eight and fifteen years of age if a male, and sixteen years of age if a female, must send such child to a public. private or parochial school, for the full time that the school attended is in session, which shIl in no caBe be less than twenty-eight weeks. Such attendance mUBt begin within the first week of the schoo} term, unlC98 the child is excused therefrom by the superintendent of the public schools.' F. C. G~lmour. Supt.

EOR THE METHODIST CHURCH ·Day. . . . . OF MASSIE TOWNSHIP WILL FOR THIS WEEK WERE VERV PLEASANT ONES SUNDi\ ... AFTEI?NOON E. V. Barnhart was Hl CIDcmnatl "1EET LA80R DA V . !::iabor' day. the opening day of the . TJursdllY. \ _ __ fair, A varied program of athletic events and other features will combine to make this one of the most interesting days of the entire week. More than 5,000 Dayton laboring J. E. Janl'ey returned home FriProf. A. J. McCall Will Discuss Soil JTIen are. members of the various We Are Grateful for the Hearty Th" Dedication · Exercises Were in day evening from Chicago. local u,mons. . Fertility Problems-EvcryResponse of Our Patrons Charge of District SupcrintenAt the Montgomel'Y county fair . If you wont a Ifood Fertilizer cal I . for Society News body 8 InvIted September 7 to 11. under the super. (tent- Impressive Ceremony Cr.8l!. [<'rye. phone 491·L 2-S • . vision of P08tmaster Forest May of . • Mrs Margret Wier Is visiting . . ' Dayton, n tent ex·hibit will be made Mrs . 'Celia Graham. Cora and The corner·stone of the now M. E I ti~~ ill Shelb ville Ind Owmg to .t he incl~me~ey of th e showing the various things that can Church WIIS laid Sunday before a re 11 y" . ~eather out@lde preparatlOns could be tral1sported by parcel8 post, and Blanche Thomas spent last Wedlarge congregation wHo assembled to M W'll It ssum of Dayton is not be made for our outdo or play the rates for the various classes nesday with Franle Thomas and fam· Ree the impressive cerem(IIlY· ~he visitr~ relaUve~ here' for a few <I~Ys haturfday evenhln g , August . 29th • within certain limits. There will also i1y. day was perfect. There was noth!ng t erc orc muc to. <,Iur I;egret It had be given out at the tent other inforto mar Lhl! ceremony. and e verythmg Hovolene Auto Soap 'for oil cloth. ~ be postponed untIl Saturd,ay even· malion tending to acquaint more Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader worked out to the sati~faclion of Waynesville Auto and Machil1ery Co. m~, September 12t1~ D~n t forget thoroUlghly the farmers with the ad· entertaine~ at supper Saturday eveneveryone. . the ~ate. Pl'ep~t"atJl)n WIll be made vantages of this branch of govern. ing, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Chandler, At 2:aO, lhe pllStor., Rev. C. S. Mi$.~ Rosamoml Dakin was the f<,lr. mdoors '.md If the weather con· ment service. . Mrs Es~her Stout and Miss Maria Grallser, o(>enro the serttices by an- guest of frieuds in Springfieh.l last dltlons are such. 8:! to prevent out- The (wening feature of each -day StOijt. nouncingthe l:Iing ingofOld tiundred. week. • . door ~or.k we wlll carry out our pro· of the fair will be " Panama in Peace ------ --~.-----1'/)e District D puty. Rev . J E. ' gram mSlde. and War." an eleetrical display that • SEPTEMBER A WET MONTH Storey r4:,sd the openmg dellica ory Messrs. J . C. Hawke anrl Lee M,onday. Sept'!mher '1.. Prof. A. J. will bt~ both educational and enter· Miss Kizzie Merritt entertained at KentenCeJI after which the choi r ren- Hawke vil:liled relatives in Oayton McCall of the O. S, U ..wlll be nt. Well· taining, showing the strategetic ad · supper Satu rday eV1!ning, Mr. and der ~l CI)o'rus with soprano .obligato. Sunday. ":l~n schoolhouse .to rhscuss SOIl fer- vantage of the recently c;ompleted Mrs . S L. Cartwright Mrs. Rachel According to the wish·bone and tlhty problems With any pel sons who 'waterway to Uncle Sam in lhe event Keys and Master Levering Cart- the new moon September ia desti[led A. K Wootwn. of the \I'riends church read 9> portion of til dedicator~ .Mr. ond Mrs. S D. Everly, of ca:c to c~m e at 1 p. m , Be sure to uf trouble with a foreign foe. wright. • to be a wet month, and if ahe doea sentence followed l'y Rev . D. H. Dayton. were Sundav guests of rel- bring SOil sal~ples.A ·great~m9unt of Inu!rest in the baby show. open to what she loolcs like she might do, l?almer, 'of the Chri.slian c~urch. ativ. here. mon.e~ goes ou.t ?f Ma.ssl~ Tp for all whit babies in the c.ounty, indio the lIign is "it." The lip says that Then followed a liturgical servIce led . fert;hze and thiS 1<1 a great oppo~- cates that the number in competition Mr. and M~. J: W. Thomp80n e~- if it rains on the first Monday after by Rev. GraUl~er. after whic.h Iw~ MIllS Mary Cook I.e~t Sunday e~en- tumty ~r the farmer t~ cons~rve hiS will 'f ar exceerl that of last year. tertam~ theIr sisters Mrs. Maggie new moon it will be a wet time. J . .... 'adwallader, of the EpIscopal ing for a week'.s VISIt with relatives doll~rs a}ld le~rn to buy l~telllgenUv:- r1Zes oC$5 and $2.50 in gold an -Holynors. of Columbul!, and Mrs. ·Now if this Bi~ had been In about church, read the Scripture 1ellSon . in ColumbulI-. Don t mISS thlsopportumty the state fancy ribbons. are being off:ered as Loriuh Warwick, of Lebanon, the election time there milrht not have Miss Sybil Hawke BIlng very sweetly oHers you fre.e. Every farmer ~hl>u!d first, second and third prize~ ia five week end. been 80 many disappointed can· "l-Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." Mr. and M.-s. C. H. H~~tsoc\{ Il.nd be pr<.'8ent wltb a sample o~ hI. BOIl. classes Theseare for boy and girl didatee; However. raID descended accompanied by Mrs. C. A. Bruner. fami!y, of Route 2. are .vlsltin g With Cora A. Thompson. Director. babiC'3separately, under one year old, Mr. and Mrs . .J. W. White enter. all d!'y F~iday and part of Saturday, . of Lebanon. ' relatlvf'8 in Columl.IUs. • - • boy and girl babies separat.ely over taincd Sunday Rev. J. E. StOl'Y, and It ramt?d, to? But the parched P. & D. ASSOCIATION PICNIC one year old and under two and ·Dist. Supt., of Springfj.eld, Hev. W. ~rth too~ It all In, and the ~.treams Rev. W. E. Hammacher, pastor of ~per church, of Dayton. was in· Mr. Genrge Mills and family attwin tabies two years old and under. E. Hammacker, and Mi8B Jean Fer. did not rISe to any . perc~pbble de- - -... ___- -gUBon and ' Mrs. Emma 'Dakln of gree, ~eare gomg ~ walt an)'way, troduced. and (or thirty minutes tended a family reunion' near Bur· The Protective and Detective ,Ashe)d"hiB hearers in rapt attention . IingLon last:rhursday. sociation held their regular meeting DEATH Payton. ' and see If the . old Sign can be deHe took his text from Acts 26:16: Mr .. and Mrs. Asa Chandler. who at the Townshi~ House .Saturday af· pended_o_n_._ _ .....__•_ __ "Risc and stand upon thy f eet for I have been v,'siting relatiwea.jn North· ternd0ed0n;~ Rodutlfine bu~~ess was fa~. L'lttle Bettl'e the I ' nfan" daughtehave appeared befoTe thee for this 011" b kh gai ten w an ve new name~ or lJ Mrs. Edith Harris and Mrs. Laura UNION MEETINGS CLOSE PUl'pl lse to mak~ that) a minister and ern 10. are ,ae ere a n. membElrship werepr,esehted.' 0Rf M.r. . aArnd Md.l'II · sFrded Bofrden, of Mosher entertained at dinner on k. .• 1ed un aya temoon, Satu,rdav, Mias Sara Sellars, of Leb- ' The union meetings of the differ. a wit.ness" In his sermon he took Miss Sara Sellers, 01 Lebanon, the association .voted to hold a pic •. OgClrs" the titles "The Business of a Ch~is. h b h . l1. t f M nd M nie on Labor Day September 7th. after an Illness of about one week, anon, Mi88 Helen Harris, of Dayton, ent churches cloMd -Sunday evening tian and the BU!liness of the ~hurc.b as oen t. e l§Ues 0 . r. a rs . The pl~nic will be 'held in Hough's of dysenwry. M~. and .Mrs. RoJ!&ld Hawke and for this year. These tneetinp' have , of Jesus." ~Bt:l. ·c.a\1ed attentIon to lWnlaJd Hawke ~o~ several days. grove west of town~ and a good pro- The funeral 'ser:,ices were held MI88 Henrietta McKmaey. been fairly well attended. and it is what th'e Chrlstls!, shoul!!. do to Havolene Auto Soap is economical. gram is being arranged by the fol. :ruesday at el~ven 0 clock a~ the fam· tho.lllrht that great' goOd baa come make the most of hIS chu reh hfe ~d Wa neeville Auto and Machinery Co lowing committee. Frank Squires, lIy home on Fifth street, ~mg l.arge-fro1'n them. At the meeting Sunday that he sho1lld ever ~e up.Bnd Y , J.. C. Hawke, 'W. E. Cornell, Saml. !¥ att,ended by sy~pa~et~~ fnends. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke served evening the Rev. S. H, Palmer. of in oroer to, mak hI!! bU'im~ With Mrs. Emma Dakin and MidS Jeanue Smith and. Elvin , Fires.. Rev. 'J . F. Ihe little one was bU~led benea~ a delicious dinner on Sunda)' to the Frankton. Ind" o.f the M. E. Con. Chri t and the Church wh9:t !t oUlrht Ferguson, of Dayton. were thl! week- Cadwallader will btl the principal fiow~~, and as she 1&» In t~e beauti· following guests, 14i88 Sara Sellars, ference of lnoiana addrelllled the .to 00;~·, lIj8 sermon ":'a8 blilllan~.and end'Eue6ta of 'Mr.. and Mrs••J. W. speuer of the day. ' f~1 couch easket the 'httl~ one of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred !argest ~ngrepti~n of tb~, meetfull of the meat of hIS text , Whale. A ball~game in the aftl'rnoon will l~oked asleep. Rev. J; H. Kirkpa~- Hartsock. of Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. an880n Fig.~Coveri~d. Rev. After thel sermon 'Rev. Grauser be one of the features. Invitations lIC,k condu~ted the serVICes, the mU8IC Wilson Edwards and Mr Harris Palmer was listened to witb interest. read the contents of the b?x t? be Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Luce. of were isauCd to the members Tues- bemg furmshed by a rna!e quartette, Mosher • Mi. Lucy Emley and A. E. Wooten and solos by Mrs. HarriS and M r s . ' were the soloism of the evening. sealed in the,cor·ner·soone whIch IS 8S Si>rillg Valley, were the guests of _ -hooke, . . follows: Mr. and Mrs~ Win ~lisbuTY and Mrs. G. W. Hawke enwrtained fatflily Monday. WAS TAKEN TO HOSTITAL It was the fi.r st ~utom?blle fun· PRAVERS) fOR PEACE -~...., eral ever arranged In thIS partof Monday .veninlr the followin& '~ f Bo J .r When you get your invitation to .. . . the state, there being twenty·six ~uests: MI'II. Will Ruasum~ of DayContellli «» x the P. & D. picnic. make up your WIllie Sat~rthwalte, who arrIVed machines in th\, procession. It was ton, the M~ Trillena and Margaret . Mlall Aana A. Gol'dolt, National Holy Dlbl~ . ' mind to go for you will have the home from Iowa las~ wee~, was ~e? conducted perfectly by A D. Calli· Edwards. Clara Lile, Mam~ Brown Praident W. C. T. U: 11M ilaued Disdplioe'of Y. E. Church . time of your life. to Le~n0!l ~y 'Sherl1f Gllmour!f'rl- son. Emma Heighway, MtII. E. V. Barn· • call for a apecial_rvice to pray for Peace on September 6th. in compliVc,,'r Do.. k or M. 8. Church. . . . . day, Whllell'~ I'UWel he ~med to be Mr. and Mrs. Borden have the hart and Mra. Ronald Hawke. ance with this call there will be a un· HOlld .. Rull of S 'nday-Schou!' I am still representmg the AntIoch taken worse, and he came back to symlpathy 'Of their many friends JI<!l1r ~i ulres uf old. Ch~rch . Nursery. a!l<1 will. be glad to ge~ the Ohio. It· was claimed by .sev~ral Mr. Borilen. will be remembered ion meeting held at the Ouiatian .HI5\OrtCUI Recurds uf \;hurch al1d trade OfthlS ,Iocahty. , 1. N Mlll"er, that he h. ad threatened theJr hves by many as.the uncle of H. }{\!nneth A_ W' ht tertai ed t choreb oil Sunda.y aftemoon, Sept. . M n. ~ues ng en n a 61 hat 2:80 o'clock. 'w~1~daYC~:~11 Advol:ate. Harveysburg, Ohio. . and he was taken. before Judge Kilbon, making bis home with,the dmner Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ala .. _ • h~~sU:te~Sul1da)'.School I'nper. . M '" h Col h t ed B.rown, who tbDought Ith be!!t ItoBeTnhd ·KilboD family for some time. Chandler, of Kanea'J City, Kan., Mr. INITIATED A MEMBER N1UIICS or dlTicill.l BO!1rd. rs. l:it an eman as re urn hlm to the avton OSPlta. e _ ••_ __ and Mrs, A.B. Chandl4ir, Mrs. EIther: ' NllnlCS of Building CommiLte .. to her home in Toledo, aft:e r Ii three witllMses who went to Lebanon Mon· Nl1l11.~ of PeopJe Present al thl! weeks visit with relativea in t:inc~n. day were; C, M, Robitzer. F. H . DEATH OF FORMER CITIZEN Stout, Mrs. Mollie Edwards MiaIeI Trillena and Margaret Edwards, At the reeular e»mmunieation of Inst service o( ,"nday·~h()Ol in nati anll Waynesville. ' Farr,J. O. Cartwright, E. V, Barn.\ Maria Stout and Flora Ben7bllJ. WayneSville Lodke Tuesday evening, t lhe Old h.rch, i.reh 2lnd . hart, Dr. J. T. Ellis, Gord ~n Joy, the E. A. degree Wu confened upon , Nll1l1CS , of . pc~5(ln~. present nL the Mr. and Mrs. !? L. Cartwri~~t Mar.tin Gons, Fred and Quincy Gons, one candidat~. Insl !'oervlct 1lI tit (lId church. feft Monday mormng (or DetrOit. J M Cook I Sattet'thwaite and ' lMinmi I1ZC~\C of Ma rch l fi, II!'~. Mich. where they will attend the Mrs 'Lydia Satterthw . aite The Kin"'s Heralda met ot the :L'b rcc ·1]Cll1Ii '~,· 1.lf diITl'r nt Slu~I1~,:J Grand ' Army Enl!Alnpment. H:'.w . as taken to .DAvtOn Tuesday " --" ...., hOllle of MrH. C. S, GJaus'!r Thill'S. ' - - -~-......... ---~ , mornmgby-.............................._ _ _--f-:::~~~n'~~~~~~~~~~.• y afternoon, AU.gUBt 20. '1'he A number ofYou~ folks from . t Mrs W. H. Bowers . and Miss .. - • afte 1 tl t . . eel 1 Tu After fhe re&d:ng-of lhe c!)nten s ROBe Davis" who have been visiting' moon was p eaI!&D Y tWen In town enlO), a me on east on e&o the box, the' slone was lowert'd M A' 'Ii Wright and daughter Havolene Auto S~ap, best to wash music and after which Mrs. day night. at the home of Janie and into position and the box I,>laced tnto le::-Momd~ afor their hom~ in Los harness. WaynesVille Auto and MaGrauser led t\1e way to the ice cream Helen Jones. ' An IllY , chtnery Co. parlor. Those p..rellellt were Helen Its receptacle and at!curelv liIealed. I ,After tbe ~epedict1on , the large ge es. Dinwiddie. Adria Cornell. Margaret " ~~~~ya~~i\~t:in:~.aifaz!i~~: Dr. ~d Mra. Ward entertained on congrep:ation pre!len filed away. and Miss Ruth Hantsock left SaturAy b . last ~d8J at Crescent Valley Farm unothel' i\cstQne in t.h history. of mor~ling for Sandusky. where she the ' M~trb'f)ilist d'urdl in Waynesville ~\IUI.n'et by her brother. Archer and ury. .. the Grauaer. Hawke, Janney and W~8 ~dded to iul'long record. ' wIfe, ' and they. will all spend n week Hough families. • I .' at Middle Rase Island.. , , .Mr. and , Mrs. Almon Ferris deW"AT 00 , ES ' voult SOIL LACK? , F Iilrhtful1y entertained to dinner Sun· . --,- . Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. rye. day Mrs. Maggie Holynors, of Col. Kenneth Thomas and wife enter· On ~ondl\Y afternoon I\'t ~.o·cl~k. who handles Milson's the best. tfmbuB, Mrs. Loriah Warwiclc. Har· tained to dinner last Sunday Frank Septembe r ~th. Prof . A G M~ nil Mrs LouiSa Woolley ill spending vey Warwick and wife. Oliver Chen- Thomas and f~ilr, David Thomas, of the Colleg~ of Agriculture w,Ill be a couple of wcekswllh her daughter. oweth, wife and daughter~ of Leb- Arthur.and Cora Thomas. .' 'aqhefa~mof Mr~ Cora,A.Thomp· MrA. H: V. Walter and ' family, in anon; Mr ..ndMn.A. B. Talma,ge. Mrs AmaniJa Garner, Mr. and Mrs. son, .ncar Way.nesvlll e . Lebanon Mr. Walter 'left 'l'uesday ~J1' perBon!:11nterO!!it II 10 the. use,of f . ' t to 'R08W 11 N M J; W. Thompson and tbe Misses Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen IWd fertilizel'll nre invitc(.1 to 1:)e pre ent. or a VISI e... Jeasie Gamer, ' Opal and Audrey Mias Olive McCollum. with their " Fertilize the 1I(l il not the cro~)." i~ 'Mr. and Mrs J~ L. Hartsock and Thompson and Mr. J,.ee Talmage. guests Mrs W. N. Newland, Misses tl:\e slogan of theRlJil !e~t;ihty ",cJ>er~ Mr and .M~. Bert ~arts()(!k outoerl Mildred ~d Ruth Newland picniced . at t.he C<>lIege of I'\grlcullure. They 00 Cincinnllti Sunday by the way of . fI"Y it i!:l a mistake to talk about· Monro. Middlet.own and Hamitton. : A 'happy company of children at Clear Springa Tueada),. "corn fertilizer" and "wheat ' fer- returnhlg home by the CincinJlati gathered on the grounds of the t iIizel' " . ~)(perimcnts show t'1I1t 11!, 'k h I "'npll(lation , 0( w.ha. te.ver. elem_e,lIt .I~ PI e: White Brick Meeting· ouse to ce e: A., I brate the fourth birthday of little The "MiB888 Laverne and Rhea lacking· in the soll WIll Increase t l(! MClI!\r9. 'J ns . . Hale. of Iiellbroo\l. . Ruth Alcorn, of the Fri6nds Home,, o( Route 5. are entertaining the following: M~ -yield of all the croDS g,rown. Tit anci S 0_ Hale; ' of Xenia. were in on Saturday ·aftemoon. Mter a at'dinner important tbing. then, is for each town Thursday evenil'\lot' aitvertiRintC merry time spent at gamet!, they Wheteel, Helen. J0088, Cleo Stacy, farm'sr tcrlind out wliat his 8oi1lnc~ a the Home.Coming at Hellbroo". and 'were invited to. a table ~utifully Alice Gebhart, Mildred aDd Maf'gllret 'rbe object of. t.hia .meeUt,g will be ,ti.. Rtop~ with Mr. and Mr:s. I·'rank armoged with flowers, a birthdaY Clark. . cake, upon which were four lighted find out what the soils of thiR. hil'init). Zell lack 'most and what iii the ~. capest • candles, and at each plate a lighted Mrs. Ali~e McKinsey and Miss way. of l\Uppfying ~his lack. Co~e Mrs. Alice KeY3 and daulrhter: candle. The .refreshments w~re ice Lillie Ned"" were entertained 'at the and. add ),our-explI,rlence to thp. dill- Clara and Mrs. S. M. Sellem anc CI'f!8m . • cake, lemonade and candy. home of Mat". Geo. E. Rile.v Tu-.lay. ~uB8ion . , ..' t1aughtell. Kathreno. ·of · Lebanon, Th f f th littl Iri I " aIU . ., • ~ ... _ . ',w ent to Sabina Thul'llday •.where th,ey . e , a~ors .or e e ~ s were The entertainment was in honor ot HUNTER~ 1 A'KE OU r "ICENSE~ .pen~ the dl')' with BenJ ., Ha,luDa ..... 1·." .... 1;'10. UJI r "'iiUi,,,- J:'uko l'c l:nt.. r •• tll,U,I\U B"VOIIltlon Co. ii. D. . .tlny pa~k l>a.-aso!t :ntai~~\J of . the Rile,'. ' hOU8e-lI:ues . t, M.... ' Crocker Co., odic".1 photo,trrll.pber.. c~ker'lack whilelilled e Wlth Y!I candy Gamble, of New York CitY. ' . . , , . an d f IIoml·1y. , a tiny suit case ' . The guetlts were Katherine and Ea. ' ' 8u'nters a", bep:itming to take out·licen.,es for the filII shooting M*'s, Rachel Keyli left Saturday INTERI9R OF A SCUlPTOR'S STUDIO AT THE EXPOSITION. ' therHlmdenOnl Harold Zimmerman. --. ., ' . . , GUI and Grace Hockett, Charles MI', and Mrs. F. ·P. JOftei. 01 fleason.: Tile t{8me which can be fod~bleag~, -wlJere ahe will 'be the hunttd this 'faU is wild d·u ek. Sept .IW~ of MoJ'. and ,Mrs. C" M. Qart· Gb&fman Rhea Janet CartWrlJrht, Breezy Hill Farm bad .. their" peate 1 to December 31; "o00 ,cocic. Sep wrIght. Mn . K.,,, pr'ob8~Jy !'IUI picture Ib.OWl! ODe paoel ot· an eoormous triese. '~Tbe Cbarlot Pao and · Faith Tomliru!on . Ethel' Sqnday Dr. Eber ReynoJda andfam. tember 1 to. 'D ecember t· fo~ ~to vlalt in other part;8 of ·the West. . of PheatoD." bT Bruno Zlmm, for lb. outaltie or the base of tlle BJack. Harold and · Louella William- !Jy.. IIr. and lira. Maurice ' Bebb-,'of ber 2 tu January 9; ~r\. No~e\'ll Malter Levering accOm_~ het to dome of the Palaee ot' Floe .uta' at the ·PGam.·Pul1lc'Iateraa· '.0.., }leadamell D. H. B~kett, Cur- Xenia, 'MI* Je~me J_, of Hoteb-o b8r 1 to. Marclll; akonk. Novem~ hia.home, after spending the tlIIDmer . ~ooal IDtpoaJt10D ID 1911. , " ' . ' tis Tomliblon, J. L~ MeodeDh&ll, inIOn. uad IIr. and II.... 16 ttrFebruanr I, and equirreJ, Bep- here with Mr. and )1,1" S. ~. Cart·l i-;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--_~~~~~ , ---~.~..... · 141- B~e and Ethel W~OlV. Walter of NIW BurllqtoQ.


. ,

Whole Nu~ber 3279


.Sixty-Fifth Year -





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_bel' 1& to October 20.




•.. -- ..... -""--"'- ....,.....----


Ka.... x.ckftt,



I WHALING SHIP UGLY ' 1t mall "ench Ve rl58l11 CI (onlRt! tomorro w nlltb~, that lro If you do Dut c n· )()ur IlI g bl1 S8, " an I've tlnd your prim" dnnna: That I. Built Tl)e youn g ili a D re ~d thl1 t I g fllru N.,ltrd, III. Looking Craft ~agl'ment al t1"e· thh'lY, a nd must be f or '''artl " Ser~'ce -Gun an 1l 1, .W htuJ ml!l1 IWO til!' 'of one whl<'ll If:' . In t e resting Fc .. tu re, n corn· :'1 '!I' 8 R about to ns k you to dlno wi t h b lm a momen t 1I1t1~'''. It WllN 1I11~1 > I Cu II \\ hI', U O"" hleb \\ mnnd me tonlg ltt," dlsapfJo luledly, y ) ,':-"':vl'r c n. ~ U\'l'r. \'lmCtl Nest l" d n I How the Mar# J. )Won the Gour " an't : a,.'fully sorry. Ahb y. It \\'8S obrdll? tlt 05 I\c \Hl~. dllr f'! l nlll 01' whaling slli liS ~:ti 0 It. (rom r .. QUtlll II! 1111 lind I:' d~ I_~ :;hr the In 11110 t i you I'd met 1 rip Urat 11 k onl y ILlc l Iltlt·\~ II) cnga g to •• j By JOHN ' M, OSKISON ,c mbou rs-. B over abOUl seven. I t bem o ut 9! the Wllldll\\ , 110' .11<1 :101 f'rlth' h l"olull1b r Dltlllli11u ls to bo lll\.lndl lit huntln!l ·,' npololllzH to tll 1I fin into wt.v wns \. ry glad to u you agnln. " 11'):.' numbl'f" !lIang th o Abbo t t k icked " hrok e n '8se l Int o the pl'ces 0 ' I\' . T~tn t ,): n "'mull \'C,d (,('lUll I 111 11 ~.-~,-~~~~~~~O+~~+O+O+o+O+O+O+O~~ .~ ('onst, 'j{tll' hnng>d 'itl lin "cirt~\ f hIli thlng lIo>ld nnr btl ' Ir hu , rlSbl. :eptibly All n " ; p d \l ed a corn er. fI ~ billg hU III . turns Ull I'll let you kltO\\'. You're at lO gue. 1 ho blare at " h TIl ;1.11~hl Hn c ,· d I ('liU ,II t Ion" In th l3 wbul ot, dellO 1111" ' 11 11 I tc rllin 11 as nnd Ill' ll t~ 1 lind f' o ulpmen t at . th e Gra nd 7" ,'l ' tlme ~b nt l.l oy tI in th e ITldUlllry , fart IC IJ ul orrp t1 10 ,',vo m c n on "Yes. lly ·by.'· movl'd. , .. ~ mllTl Ig no rl:'d ' Ie )'OIU: Illc bUI d, lut lia with r ,matto e b t what's " I kno ll' th o rear .car as comlll\'red w it h t ho~tl of Il. f('\\ .: 11' unll: No tation. alu s be t rn~ "So Inte ros t to hIm," mu sed t b e artist, alone. ared 111 tho hn zy dlstanco di d cm!1on s ago, nre of ~ Il cln! wo ma n h na clJucked blm. Silly II Ure dlsapp Tlllll) th tlv I Ct tb o I·cople wh o fo llow th e car or of those ir. t s s watcher e th roo l, pro b~bl )' , " ~ ln e81l . Ilnd got Into th e : on;le:l U ot " \,,\) llu r::lUU th is Ilecullll r bl1 ourtla lld t we nt down etal re a nd out stat Ion g boobl h!n s t1 hale w the or OlJlS did ~\nd , l' ll r, wh ich s bol aw ay Into the bo ule \'ll rd . Frankl y, bo WBe touring vllr hau lnd In th e Van.cou ver ~. ro l tbll re fo be Ull w dro It unlll tOI1 Il not run, begi nni ng to ' feel conc rnod. He s till s season e th r ImpOSin g embass y u po n whl II tb e docks re "? Dtly t~ held to h is original oplnloD lba t tlie te r est ln g. to note Ula t tbo F I' IIcb will a l\\'n)'8 look wit h more o r Bud It Is ll1 ee r f n ow her of d diva had dlsnllpe are e cr nft aro Jl!llntod green th f o oms bott 168s Bu s pk' lon, \~I1I; but If the machin ery of th o poIns t ad tlf red, as wus formerl y tho IIco ba d been started, h e r eali zed tbat custom . This Is to pre ve nt tlto \\"h ules CHAPT ER V. bls own safe ty would eve ntu iu ly be· from s ee ing so plai n ly t be approac h come Im'olve d, By this time, h e r ea· 0 "c d pa ln l Ull' tho s hip, a8 they at The B i rd BehInd Ba,... sone d, tbere \yould not be a h OiI'I In te r. !lnd fo r tha t Toa so n all wa e th r de . ye! h Iris blue Tbe most be nutlCul ParIs tree of aurvellJ ance. Natura lly, ve green und e r· out at the dawn t he whu le r s now ha blond strange rtl " 'ould be In, de ma nd, In the world gazed works. ' Into day·blu e The complic ations tbat would tollow whic h tu rned nlg h t· blue In gene ral apPll1lfa nce tbe wha ler , Is Iny the un· his own arrest we re Dot to be Ig nored. and paled tho s tare. 1l0s:tL nnked, ug ly emU. The bows \laro a In· t burs to y ll SVNOP SIS. He agreed with b!s conacle nce tbat he dulating borlzon , fll'llsen ing the dull ' bigh to 1:lve r oo m for a gun platform . mut bnd not acted with dignity In forcing to living flame, trans rn is cut awny so thnt It In bls way Into he r apartme nt, But that steel bars or the wind ow Into fairy Ilnd the ste Emno ra de T o. cana wa. .'n~tnl' Edthe scre w Il dee p gIving low, rides futilely so my lch a or trick Pana. wh ich, J)(lrh "l>s, ILCcount ed f or MuS· nlgbt ho had been at odds with can· gold. tbat ork ts Iron. with a . ~d Courtlan dt' . a pllaunn ce thero. housew The , ~rlve window s re was t!mIlUon aJre , ho wander ed about where venUon ; hla eplrlt bad been tbat of sought by mllll. The lind 8. lit· platform ing navigat one narrow at the south, tlm~ 4lctnt ed . He mllfht be In ParS. ll' tbe mnraud lng old Dutchm an 01 tbe a t tho north and anotber Jrls b -ey eu tle stee r ing box on Ule top of tht! day Illld KaJnc hatka the ne "t. P'ollo,.ln tllo but ; barred . Ilkell'lse ac· the opera. h o r on to a eafo Ilnd la aeTenle eDth century . He pe rfectly IB tbe c:oatad by a pre ttY younlr womnn. 8he lougbt thoBe two. It WIIoS from tore end of the house. Tbe gnn -DulmOlle. welLk.n ll.wJhat abe was I'!r the right aa never theso at feature resting Inte p .. him tho B.ddre•• at FloraFiorI' most could [lley lItlvos far aa the plstol.s hot was concern eil, the ea6l window only tbat \Toeal rival or TotJcana . Ilnd It Is a short·tu b d cannon , to whalers h" I. led lhat road w&lte long the Bee hIm the address oC Eleanor a whomenlors ' Qua~h Furthor , be knew tbat he could determIned to ect>, Courtlanllt on swivel bearing! l ane} dischar ged any charge ahe mlgbt make In tba.t dl· Parill. El\eanora'" apartme nts . She order. htm a KruPI> firing screw. It Is carcaged. lIay with next tnlly The WIIoII The nlghf.ln gale out end "boola At hIm, myeloMo... dis· rectlon by the slmpll!ltlt of deelan , Pull ,. ahqcked by the beat ried on a long gun platform on tho eagle the oC beart wild tbe But of t slmplea donna. tiona; and to avoid this ap"".. ranoe of the prIma 's brea s t: and tbc ' ship's bow, and III pointed with a declarat lonR sbe would prefer sile nce In tbls nlgbtlng ale toward tbe wooden hand stOCk, dercoly a& CHAPT ER IV-Con tinued. above all thIngs, They knew each otb, eyes burned Tho platform Is rigged wltb grips east a8 the eaat bu rncd toward I be "Tbere'l the duaky princes s peek· er tolerabl y well. Childre n, Color Up Thla Plctul'tl . y Tuesda , Monday Rnd Sunday west. tho gunner s' feet In a heavy sea. for 'ng out altaln. The truth IB, Abby, If lt was extreme ly fortUna te that he crow, Iron an with d today; , lande ay Is four gun Thursd or 'the IIond three day for Wednes m),lIelf and 1 could hIde So tbe G~eat Bell'o'er tossed up ,tho had not been to Ute hotel sInce Satur· yndl· .... Ne w.pap.. years, long enough for people to for· day, He went d\rectly to tbe war of· Il.nd that the five dawns wero slngu· pointed with a thln·sba ped time sbell, (Copydc bt, by lIl cClu Before It could come to tbG ball. ) _t., never had d e and with four hinged barbs fastene get' me, 1 might reconsi der. Bnt It tlce, The great and powerCul man lar In beauty and that Ilh the fiylng BQulrrel sprang from ground martin led fork·tal the ago, tlIDe Long sbould be under another name. Tbey tbere Willi the only hope left. They 10 her life before ""Itness ed the ere· to Ule shaft with rope yarn. ' When and caught It, ' Tben he mn tree his nests ke gourd·U to build their of fiv e days . ont' aft r another , tbe barpoon Is Ored Into the wbala used atlon enry us mUllon~lrea. Why, we , house. Alglera council In the efore of b years eaves tbe Bome met under bad up to tile very top of the tree on whleh the 10nllBIlmest duffers going. We die- wbere Courtla ndt bad rendere d blm a made no ImpreSS ion upon her senao oC the tasten Ings are re Ieased , t h a bar b e he bad lighted and threw the ball to place, ient conven very a was that e And the be utiCul, BO delicate aud receptiv open aOid tho sh ell explo.d os; the sbaft trulJt every one; we tI)" when- a wom- very real service. the Oreat Eagle. liked who , martins the tor th y times. SlIe was eonBcloU8 of the harpoon Is slotted and a rIng too-bo ,an . approac bes; we become monDBaelt and forth In the aIr wont the "1 did not expect you to the l, mln· Ir ordinar tbe tor and people, {be to close JIve to was wire a wrath of ring everycup the UB, s the from her runs lu the s lot; maniac s; one tblnlt obsesse great man aald pleqan tly . . that within the ute," whllo the animals down below ball, watch to liked who boys, as Indian ilucb little want other tblngs, body II after our money. We line Is coiled. lu a case on th'e plat· and round wonder ing boW will not mind waiting for a ff;lW ove rflowing . or round "You ran the In flashing and g swoopin oatlng and slee ping and mavins about form aud e xtends to a winch ne~ the the birds frlendB, we want wives, bul we want minuteR ." . ge t a cbance at It. From to were they c.a go (more like an eagle In· gun carriag e. The winch Is used to nlr. ~hem to be attracte d to us and not to "Not In the least. Only, ('m In a In her Oreat Engle the blLll wa.s tossed to the wae who boys the of one es nce Sometlm recurre What the gale), when pshaw! line Oh', II. nightin 11UI' money·b ags. payout: and reel In the deuce of a me ss," frankly and directly . deed tban watchin g the birds the bawk, nnd wbe n the hawk bad car. • ,plana have you made In regard to the "Innooe n tly ClQOugh. I've stuck my had bltinted her perce ption. whale has been harpoon ed and It Is not saUefie d wltb to tbe eaves rled It halt way to the goal he passed climb tn the air would "Ob. but he shall pay, he Rha.lI pay I" fighting for Its life ' !lleareb?" bead In In the police net." the neets, And It to the bat. Now, tbe bat had .lust to loosen tbe When tbe mam~al Is dead It Is and bring down one of Gloo~ eettled hpon tlie artlet'. face, It posalble that now I Clan pay she murmur ed, striving "II lhe YOl.\ng ~ar. gOli bls wlnss tbat mornin g-tho bird, after until waited ~elplesB he bars with l1e r small, white, ''I'"e r;ot to ftnd au t wbat's ' happen ed my ~ebt to you T" drawn aloll!i"l de the ship lIy reeling if was all rt~ht. had mads ' tbllDl tor him out qf somll It to be on arl· In the wire cable, AIr, Is Ule.n )lumped tins bad gone away, to her, Ted. Tbla laD't any play.;W by, Have you read tbe hands. Tbe cry seemed Is. It as "Sucb l d tell thin pieces of groundh og skin wb1ch IIhe loves the ,part' of Mar~erlte as article tn tbe newspa peTl regardi ng e tta; (or tbrougb all these four mad· ' Into the whale throu gb a hose with a Tben one of the old men, wou. was had been stretche d over the bead of neat s martl~ the it-now ~hY voiced been boys ebe loves no thin, else. She's hollow lunce noule which Is lAUache d ~~e or Signori na da Tos· denlng days Bhe hnd arance disappe the full· drum-a nd be wal not quite used to low and deadly with hate, now kidnape d, snd only God k.nows for cana, the slnger? " .~ ~ gOu:n~d at the tim e ot t\l e first athem, . to the engine of the ship,T he air . . by . broken nOw amy. 0pP me • d anger, out knocke burning high has In It doat toned to l reason. what causes t.he mnmma "Yes. A8 the bl1t dartcd and dodged the and birds the between sbe never game where you ball to Como, "Will easy {rom It p rs despair. of I just came'.n of the w\!oler an" rende "J am the unknow n blond. Tomar· Gobs ted animals . new wings got l tOUl"foo , . " spends tbe summe rs now, I was_ol nr; row morning I wanl you to go with me come, Bb that I may tell you how balle tow. Some On one aide the Great Bear waa the througb the air his nine or te.n of these 1\ bal· to to tUe her and FournJe r out to din· to tho prefectu re and state that r was and vile you are?" she furtber ad- ing ships crul8~ tbls cllast each sea· captain ' of the playere and for th~ tangled In his hind feet and he bad them get to order In bllll the east. drop the d and dres8e . ner." w~s leader; with you all of Saturda y and Sunday ; lI?n. flame of the wh~les fonnd In thll birds the Great Enl;le "Who's Fournie r?" She bad waited for his appearlLOce you and your wife as .mucb for niany days . betore 'the game- the loosene d,we have the boll!" cried the welgh Monday on watars . that paclIlO com. North "Now' sa):. . Lato In the day one at tho 'IMadem olselle Fournie r, the None of tbe fletlh III used big a.nlmals-\yen~aboIlLthe earth R.'J 90 tonll, he ' dlned with me, tbat yesterd ay we went on Sunday ear. runni11g like .tbe big, reat 1I0uL-. Sll! e.ter to ' the lallers had Inform ed Qer tbnt It was for ro od. althou gh It Is aald, to be Ing what good hall players th ey were. camp · he WI1B. He stopped for to msn fellow toUTl." gentle clumsy tho Yearly concert Impossi ble for healthfu l. , &ut the Great Eagle told the birds tbut Odeon." led her very good, pl!latab le and marsha she So . to shout over his shodl· "Pretty ?" MondllY second a just before be. was now. It and smiling hoa~t;' allbl1" "In brief, aD they musl not lIeof oll1l. accusatl r o , T errapin, who WIlS Great" phrases "Charm ing:" of tho to army der little did not boast that the "Exactl y. I sball need one." r him 000 FINDS OF ,THE CAMERA cause they "I see," thought fully, "What, part flying squIrrel lolned comlog close beblnd : perfectl y good alibi. But I nunolat lons, ready to smothe a tiny tbe "And and bat of the lake; the VIIlIl d'H:ate, Cadenab - ha,'() your 'Word Lbat you are In no. with tbem the mome nt be came. But "J:wlll carry It half way. andtb en win theJ:am e. , Rameae l' POrUl of Triump h Evldenc a the birds and helped to Tuesdl1Y nor , MUnday ' not bla !" oamo he n, toss the ball to y,o u!" Questio will I the a' In~ Pardon wlee concern ed? Well, the ga me waa I?layed That AnCien t Egyptia n King ·'BeiJag glo. Oh. It was ripping last but between us ·1t 18 really necessa ry nor WednesdllY. Tbe s usp ense was to But while the bear Was speakin g and river, the beside ' mendow smooth Was a M~8ter Builder: her mind dlabollc al. Sh e began to un· fork·tul led mortin Bumme r. She's always singing wben It I am . to be of service to you." It begun early in the morning , when tbese words) the to · ke e p ber uded Inle he d; derstau from far above the abe's"bQ.ppy. When she sings out on down t an.... straigh gentlem a came as on word g my "On was fresh and sparklin Call'o, Egypt..-ThIs gateway re- the de w there till he was sure tbat h er aplrlt the ' terrace, suddenl y, without giving 8 like a swift arrow, and darted tree·top the at Is sufficie nt." "That center the In Out graBS. the would come. maIns, to commll morate the deeds 01 " tlle martin rose anyone warnlng ,' her voice 18 wonder · "In Cact, I do not believe ,that she was broken, then he meadow stood the Great Beaver ready upon the bnl1. As tol. No audienc e ever heard anythIn g ·blls been abducte d at all, Will you Break her spirit? Sbe laughed wildly. an EgyptlR a king, Ramese B IV, 01 to tOll8 the ball, He looked toward the trom the ground with the bl}IL he just spirit no more whom littl e else Is known thun tbat hn Tilll , mouth , like It." let me use ' your pad and pen for a He could break her Bear and asked If he was ready, had room to get past the easily ' tban she could brcl1k these was III master builder. Massive , gllllll Great HI heard her Friday night. I dropP6d minute? " of tbe rushing bear. · said: Bear Great ,the and Versail les upon ruins In " a rlous parts of 'the Nile val· In a't the opera without knOWin g what 'All day the ball game weill. on, . and, The other pnshed over the reQl11red bars. To bring he r to "The game may as well begin." The ,·they were sln):lng . 1 'a dmlt all you articles . Courtla ndt 8crawle d a few an errand of mercy! W ell, be was ley a cclaim blm tbe true anccsto r 01 as .the sun wns going down: t e Gr~l tlr.ell or sort a In spoke Dear Great capable of anythin g. Ame rican builder s' of skyscra pers. aay In r egard to her voice and looks; words arid lIaseed back the pad. no use m .eo .o n, Beaver said that the blrds ' hud w~ She was not particul a r ly distress ed Ho,~ ev or. Ram eJie~' workllie n were 'Q way, al tr It Was really but I stick to the whim." "For me to read 7" birds would And when all the birds 'c ame to tho the t.hat d but be snppose bocaus o s he knew lhat Il would not be night the "But you can't fak e that chap with "Yes," moodIly . not be llaUsfied until tbe animalllo place of roosts for the a gs'ln unlll tho the blond tnu s tach ll," retorted Abbott 't let them go to al~p Tbe Frencbm an read. Courlla ndt posBlble ,for be r to c lng wouldn Eagle they better mucb how them howed Sile s York. u good reward Crlmly. "Lord" I wlsb I had run into watcbed him aDXlously. T here ,..-as rollowln g winter in Ne~ were. And then tbe Orent Beaver until they hnd found face YOll any day but today, I'm all In, I not e ven a fllckor of 8urprls e in the had ~ obb e d too mu ch. with h er saved the ball ball who martIn tbe, tor were birds Baked the Great Eagle It the BobB can telepbo ne to the Opera from tbe official eye. Calmly he ripped ott the burled Ih the pillow. Had theso lor tbem. , ready. , have might 011 oC wea lillosB, atudlo, anel ihe n we Ilhall know (or a sheet and tore It Into bils, dlstribu t· beenn born And tbe best -~d hey could mollie rnd "We have .lust seen the edge of the e=p;l~e~c=~~I~n;to~t;h;e~v~~~o~u;s~w~a~s~e+~e w ~ l; ~t ~~ h~ of was to give the martin a thl~k . said -----~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~t~h~ s," tree-top Il the In sun coming over his long tint th e m, and thu.s her \"Olce was Ubout g yawnin bnskets If , tonlgbt ance a nest, and he was,80 proud ror lIerform gourd the to Cor 'twn , the Great Eagle; "and 'i.·e nre ready g the younge r ve ry bad way. Thlo' morning she was hils kept It to thl8 day, he tbat It of not, then I'm goln~ In for a 1It1le de- dealt. Next, stm avoidin a · was there nd a play." man's eye, he arrange d his papera notlceah ly boarso, .................. tectlve work. " not did she tbe{D up In a buge break In the arletta. No, • ",Abby, It will turn out to be· tbe neatly and locked to play, One ot t,be things which tend artllJery of the (ret over this side oC the calumlt y. Tbe the ooly which safe · ." Bo·Peep Bbeep of LIlUe i BOXING. TAUGHT AT COLLEGE to keep many parent. {rom having sting of It all lay In tbe fact tbat she He forced, Iiave could army rman Ge It." nbout "Have your own way and BUck. He had been outrage d In the matter ot their boys taugbt to box ls the Idea ' Whe n th e y arrived at the studio Ab· then. called for hJs hat Several of Big Educat lonalln atltutlo nl no nct of rawl\h liberty, l person[l. Not foHow. "to ndt Courtla to d that It will make th~m rough an~ bott tel e phon ed promptl y , Nothing beckone F9110w Exampl e of Unlvera lty of ":the Clar was prl sal to case her hnmodl ate long lllil untll said . ov!! rbearl~g · In theIr manner , but tbo was wor,d I\. subst!· were ey Tb , eard b had been Pennlyl vanla. to be avonged , elact opposit e Is the rule, tor It I. hummin g on the road to' Vincenn es. ruling anoUle r singer , ('rO BE r:ONTIN UE D,) It tlnally, nilt, Courtia said rare that a clever boxer 18 a. "Well?" 'Very ed "CaIJ up (be He rnld," suggest Columb ia univers ity, ll;ranklLD and bully, 'Should sucb . be the tact It II. him to hold back for posslblo not wns udt. big CourtJa Marsha ll and several others of the KEEP IN MIND WHEN WRITIl'fU natural to the lad and does not nome Abbott did so. And be had to nn· the question any longer. ! educatlona~ Inlltltut lonal are fqllowln g ~ou takIng am I friend, dear "My tbrough B study of the manly b.rt, ns questio s, lIwe r Innum e rable question the lead of the Univers ity or Pennsyl · the nIght." I' One '.yould Be Classed as a Wei. which worl,ed \1lnl Into a fine rage ; out 10 the villa Cor the. vania In Introdu cing boxing among come Corres"ond~nt These MUlt "But I bavo nothing . • ." plclWng 'Timber , who was be. where did he live, what methOdS of phYSical training . A few Be Remem berl\d . fore. even ing, everyth bave I "And In been he had long have discove red that dId he know, bow experts Timber have would Idea an Buch' yean ago arr~ted tonight It would tb~re soaked In the ParIs, and could be pro've tbot h~ bad sight. It you were and , hly opposed thoroug blt~er1jtimbers been I loconve nlence. Be yourse lf, strive for th e expl-e.· arrived that mornin g? Abbott wnnted' would' cause you some small cbance of Its adop- brine at the great Salt Lake of Utab been have your y'ears witb twenty sian of your ow,n thought s, wrlle t o nIn g th e r eceiver Into th e mouth of 1 am fifty· six, some But t1mell change, and pea. nre very slow to decay. Piling wblch tlon. hat of mine I carry all th e force of your pe rson nll ty. al\d t he tran sm itter, but his pnt lence wns sonlor. Under this more ' broad.m lnded every waa driven Into the bed of Ule lake grow pIe h. Rameae s' Portal of Triump and overy one of yo u will be pl'ojccll ng your mind on prosenl ly rewanl ed. The s inger had a thousan d ' secrets, Is no Questlb n ot the bene- over forty ' years ago Is still In p et'rect .There day. grave tbe . to go rlra.w to must Is lhe mind of tbo (rle.nll who ge of boxing as a . conditio n becl\uae the timber Is tlsor· Dot re t lIeen found, but th e chnufl' ur tbese thousan d knowled a of lit I fig, buge The re, J sculptu lit tbem, ,slo.w le with Ith me, youra along dellgbt from your le t le r , Write wltb IItt ot t be Dl ysle l'loue car ba il t uroed up Anyone doubt. oughly Impreg nated wlth salt. It bas ense. self.def of means POI" tho of sides since carved upon the In 1\ hospital , nnd pe rhaps b'y 111w c mct you a dozen tImes have: Ihe consc1ou8 wl!lh to ~xpres8 trutb· urell tbls can get the proof tnstl1utl y been auggest ed that timbers may be In an Americ the exalt to fall never and would till Ilays, n have Algeria OU ) thooo fully and w ell that whIch t i . t II night tboy would know e ve rythin g; l g soaked In the wate rs of the lake and me some am us e. to say, abjure slov e nl y ma l,eshlrt, anti, to IL trlnmph'al spirit ' The y lack. ac· by under a {ng 0 mpose on a man The cbauffe ur h nd ha ll a accldeD t; , 'ou railed to nfford it be then b~ thoroug hly covered with creoeven boxer ~elf co nscious · tl skilled a I Is' wll:o i OP' . all they most While the , You are lion and purpose B t th ' Just as strong y , )6 ' II h th e car It& If was a totn l wreclt, In (l ~el;t or exclte·m ent. . suns , ' e sote to keep In the salt nnd keep ou t ' t he pur- pear to be prbflele nt In ba lancing u in t e resliu$ and ente rtaining youn g II CS8 which keeps elle eye on , Is a mue smn er per son. . dl , not fur from Vers nt'll es. eet. rr e all of the moistur e. Sea water :(1bea not one d an means ' a hand as in Is · oso hoxlng cigars." for uso these or best , 000' UpOIl Try ale ot know, I all III flagolls worlds and ' , . 't "'l'herc ! " cried Abbott, s illmmin g I , . I ' t tit. er e I8 tit e moons, t' ,P Infiuenc e "" th i heads tb ey a r e · too s eriously ••• Reme mbe.r a \\ ay 5 t In Itt I h ealttlrul exercIse . In leal'l,llng to ball: have tile sam~ Dreserv atlve lh c r celH r o n tIl e ho oll. " Wh a t d,o , r e t· ie your fol' ty publici of bility , to all, tlmb~r because It Is nOL ,nell-rly so possi lldt quickly Courtla acl to time the learns nt ely student recis tbe P ~ a, m noncotm , gravely ?" angular , too yo u s,:\y to tbat bile outside ts r arid If von ha\'e mall oe cruelty, to watch for 'an openlni . salty ,as that of ,t be Salt Lake.- Tbe , "T be cha uU e1lr m ay hnve lert ber ~ t e'ppcd lu to the automo pe culiar In or 'uncharlt~blen ess In your 'inlnd: at too d tached lind , lnl:iortousd 0 1 ro~ao keep cool and ' ' Bcene, a In order to sU'pce~sful1y Amerlci ln Boy. office, that llnds 'the mode rn onlooke r a es ra or >lo rn wber e, got drunk nftc r-wa rd. a nd t he war In that It lea st s ee that you do uot commit your ' In not' icuous must he Inconsp ~ . but , r c opponen an ch;lTact with hnve pe o cl Things . ditch the inlo p lun ged . , was e nacted re lin gs to paper, to your possible coni eheeri~g r A Wel1.0e aerVed Rebuke . his temper. The man who los,e s happe ned lik e that. Abby , don 't n Hl ke did not aUract a tteotlonT~o Bober·vls' ITH' FORTUNE NEAR Jos~ W kine!, when te, da later som'e I'mst. at de Gare fusing e th In while bo.'tlng Is Bure to temper Is a cettaln kind o( " smarthis There . n ('smel's hair shirt ou l of your puhltDIED (nlly' aside to lin ell! has r eplaced your form er harsh Outside at nes," whlcl! any boy may well a.vold , worst of It. the . get bru.shes . W hat a pother about a ~tn g· aged m.eD tlt,?od reS1)llctIn a Bavaria n . man jud gment. fell swimm Ing there Is no exercis e to com. It he hopeI! to be' really smart. cr l If it b<l d been a grea t Illvento r, a nes'mll a tall young rlng all th ese things, YOIll Benjam in Vance, • Prospec tor, tbe mem\)e Re of tment compar a ' nter e to bat been ' have pare With boxlng for a comple te use ot .- Bob, says Lippinc ott's i\tllgazl ne, Ss lrlng DIBCov.l poe t, an artls l, th er e would After Cliff Qver ' ot s could be seen of will ha've nO need .fo tile servIce 1lluscle s of tbe bod.y, ~nd. of a 8hrewd ~nd (lulck·w ltted old negro' tlie notblllg " more than a two-liDe ' para· second ClaSB. What Mine. Rich a face w~ ~ull of a comple te I"tter writer. Oulded: by BwliDmlng clUlnot be enlored janitor of one of the New Jilnglan d course, grnph. But an overa' Illnger, one' ,.'ho th e young man's dlsappq lntment . slncerlt. y and truth, you may proce.e~ except In the y.rater; Boxing, belDg ~ .college l, ivho la thoroug hly.' liked by ln IlenJnm ' .ente rtains. us dllrinS our Idle eve· l s nlothere d wr'\oth and , for his weak· ',fhat Colo. e, Creston pe" graven tbe. to give your tbought s 18 superio r ' ~o, nlngs-b a! thnt's a differen t matter. How ,he ba.ted himself the Itudent s, . ODe day b.e' had V~JIlce, prospec tor, whose body waa compet ltlve exerclae , ice I He ' Willi not m3neu ~e of wrttlng , the that fact the Set Instentl y t.hat greut muillclp al mao I nos'l, for his coward through ing tP-l;().:Jl&o of the dead ' gr8l11 In swimm SOo. bumett-o a of e ",,'al bel~g... ==;::; ===:= =-- - --!-f-;l 1+-la-a. -g.l.llly at the ba¥ binar, cell ed . Qe fjelll»-l n aetlon; ,all ba~t-b could not 1;0 rvCli aal well as the ' muscles are the ClOUege campua , when a treshma nJI 'vaaDe pus, Rlto ~ Palo nellf ~ltff, foot. he , Step LIvely. seU extra editions on the streets. watched a'n d followed a · rich mineral exercla ed In l;bij IpatTln g bout. Quick; came along, aDd ..aId: "You use differen t horns fOr 11'frM Idl!led alter locating to Versaill es and compro mise hel', nse-, ' II ODe of tha thlnp Wbat ado!" S. J. Vance of DeBa of the of "Well, Bob. that gras, \a 1u,t 'ty belief the Ule sleek demon ent dances, J "uppose "" aslted lIIe ' ve~, D, Ie CoD,tan t praoUle CIt ector of four face." "What (he "evil makes you so , bit· lellsly, The devil take wIth ' cOme that the .~ . brother bll Neb., ' h, to hIm Tekama d prompte bad who of a woman 8weet young thtng. are expantl~ and ur?" . . ''Yea, eall," ut4. Bob, eUllYIII:v: "bllt IIrdlpec tor's cabin we~ a Dambel ' of bosIns. Tile lunp ''Ob, ,e8," replied the musicia n,' top of the haa~ del don't matter. :bl about th," wet. the from ·'W.I I blUer! I thought I was commit so baSe an acll lD~e eyol'J' • III r.aohe4 .. Ample ore ade "You wUl at least," b"sald, "delive r "Wbat horn do you tblnk beat for I bli; , pfltloeo pblzlng, " Courtla ndt 'consult ed ~ ~ ,0' ,... . lntnut. d pulcklt ep'" .. the, lOl. . of the feet ia ,broqla t lao WD. ... Ja' de ,_ b.. watcb, Half after tour, ~Come that messag e wblch 1 lIav. ' . auto-bo rD, bJ all m ......• .:ret P ......~.,. __ the "Oil, _ , I ~, .. .,.., to the Maur1ce...And dine wl~h. me to . your

I ,,1.

PLJ\C[ +-ION[Y-'


New Indian Animal Stories


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~oo~ . IiAROlD MAC Pictur~s fij .





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Is aWarning BackacheIfy" faIr


I Dr. 8ynlq. " Yo,U ha.... accepte d' u.. b111tT ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••• · " -!"Pii1il1C opl1ilon 88 "to tlie lnattvtm of your r ,malnlng he re as my )Jona ..



Jllltans Drinl-

keeper. a Id yeL you say thot I need not lORe ·ou. ~glcally. Illal Im pll"s that you au ld propose to r emain here In ti?me 01 b r cnpacity ; amI ~' t I fail to see whal that could be, or how It The Bla nks ' maid of all work wu I By E,.LMER PHILILIPS. wor.e k n ow. .1NuUl It. d all'ect public olllnloll ~" , coul about of wotnan YO\l'Dg ·HI.lUf Y ~ro\1bl .. Is .. do ngero n a tbln" J;e. l practlca f'0I l!..., t be kh.l ue.,rl nre th e; " lund ftlC r rK, ,.. nil we ha ve d Rigna( ,I X ," fln.fd "Whlch ben i.' day twenty-seven ye8 rs ~ One weAk ..,olney. MklD UPKOL toe hcaltllitli n, I I ld e m ...' Ht.IJI!II .. g l'hr UDll}II Q "t.ta.oks, gTB.vel, s" was making aODle plaU8 nN WlIS ' UOL morL!. than 1>UlIy.'si ng her oyrs to th e proresSyul rulstres r lor he DOC moment . Al\d III tlr<>p8ya rm nrlll"t·. <lI>ie....'" (o r 'lhe future ~ th e ma tter·of-r ocl fOrl y. · l.ho ugll he se mad lIow d be--. sor's for one llceL1ng D<>l>tI'8 m<lney 1'111. 18 .. n,081 roll,,\/ln kid· prof('sso r. f it , t'h t men mo ut th I ' innlly e t6U('4't-Hst econdit r Serf,lda lIald : De,. r tl IDf'fIJ'. Donll's kCQ " ,..eft neath tb.e w ighl of bls yet Il.nd di s om' e rtad, u..lloY ~r th ua hH1 Ac tl vrorl tl und publl L'IJ' r ' .. t rnnv e l)' K bls It might be y sttga ll ns . - li t< was s ea le at . rua'am know, dGrn I " pt.-uple. oUUllcll4o Cl b, tb ouIWoud9 ot I{J'PRwtu.l he throw 1 won't be 'w lth ~' ou mucb longer, library tllbl . looking out a rost! tlJlI ~' I r!lJJgl'ly gla tl. 1 noon sciously hat t An OhIo CalC, an ' tben me bbe I wJl\. I aiu't ·sura Qui et vill age s tree t tuward th (l campus . I JJu di his l;hOll ltl rs. lUra. Irena Tudor, " \\'pll, lilY d u r, stl (lVOI!e th e v:lr illlltH r et." In Rld Iho halls of lhoBO magn ltlc nt . BL I! lOK . N 18 1 man . bad ju ~t nre Y oll!1 Z." Ito sold. "Now" " hn\'o 13e llefonlllln fl , Ohio, '()uld young e a b t a til which g i!.I!;lI lld Kc!>wln bU lc oth p)' . : "Ki dn y cC;m· n . · X eq u !Ll~ collet.! a good IDa'll y times to see Se· ee from ' bit; liiJr:,l rr h e hud laughl for ' :t it Ind . l,(, I'Ill/ nnt (~lIatlu p1nlnt wnll ( JiBt rret· no wn rn e· ullk e th hy d ' pli . u'lli tlng 11. g rIp on me rn Z r (J :' Y rt sal s rr lda . her mistres 15 y 3r~. atu, lh IUl ln l I n m}' " Arc you thinkin g Of gt'lting ' lUnr· b Bc.k. " 'e rG "lm Oat Aln;.'sltlg Uenlon. hi s frl IICl to r. \\ I)i<' h " hull b' N." 1I hC' \\' u ntJf·o.r uu l Q, 1 h u tl ",,'hy nO l IJlukl': it I ?" nMI{cd J\l ill \'. ~ rl eel, Scre ld u?" a l:.~ ~oll (:n ue, dl d. tell years before, awful dtz r. )' I",I'U. is " .llI k It l ,~ l ll I Y ? Til ' I ·tl r r mbar· c ghtC' of tLU d ' aDd loat m y atron g t h d a sllow ol · Withou t t he least Ji;;J. \·lu his t \\· l v~·)le'lI'· J wnl an4 e n ~ rl')'. cx(' cpt rassmen t or enthUsi as m Scre ltla llald : t o Doc tor ·Syntax . it wus t ho mG:;';' nnt- I neye r u ~ e d III o;aLhemlltll.!s p al .. "nil tho ki dney aecr etJ ona wer e Irrc· " We ll, yes. to t oll th e trut h, I am . ural tllil!!; in .111 world lh. t lit ltitlll ly whe n the olher le Llers 0 • ho. u lphnb t :~ ~~~~ 'nhn(r':.'~ (I , Then again 1 don't kn ow It J 11' 111 . ('v e uld doc lor ~ h oulll Ulke th e child Inlo hal' bel'lI ulmusl eXllau ' : '(I. " hop up .Ivun " I 'Ilo "hl run lly l'rtlr r you t o IlInl,e got a good lllaee here with good pay, his hou se hold . Alle r old, Jan e l d ied, U. PI Kidney Doari', o\lrcd m ~. 1 can't bo und he's such a rool mebb e I'll S!.a l Milly (lull, naturall y ll. ea mo tbe doC- : It l ." (J ll rs lA tld MllIy. t oo ST&l e tul." .., f' ry w II. L It sllall b e , on with you!" lor's hou B('kec pur. . Get 0....'... AaF Slo... !SOc • Boa lJ a t.!. wbis- I sait.! the professo r. rson%) pe ---~-laln r ce uow Alld woult.! lIeve r The wi se wlte illcreas es b er hold on KIDN EY red th a l It was JlOl proper I'or- all I " Oh, I' m afm hl Ihal paLL S . th Ilr()o hus band by holding ber tougue oc- pe thal er b g I",(:lln , 1I11t . Milly ." clo : o t r, prores"o a Y. (lven l'L n. ~ unm a r ried mu FOSTER-MIU5URN CO~ BUFF~ In pe r· hf'r c3siona ll y. at rln/! ~t y onl 9 \\"11 r fc~o , ' lin! a lont! In tb o .lluUtH' w llh tbe g irl. he rse lf. "Ve ry Wi t ll Mill y! Why, sho ruled him JliL xl t~· . Hu e rC'si!;llC d id. wit h un Iron hllnd, cuseO In ve lvet IV II ! Go on," sh':! sa "It Is obl-IlJus . th n, t but X equals tbough It was ! Did a nor tlJ wind blow, Sy ntax, wunn· bi n pence of mind wns not wortb n ,YO' or Z U," ra id Doclor asl<. l bls to Drop3 Ing ic, : 011 Paregor put he ·O'il. cSH unl Clllltor e for ute l,ul'cilns mom ent's ASTOR IA is a hannles 8 BUbstit " YU, J th ini(," said Mi ll y g rav~ l y. Opium, his comfo rt er to s te p a ero 13 tb e and Soothin g Syrups. It is plell8lln t. It contain s neither "III thaI ca se,': sai d th e prof sso r, ! In cvert It ued to ee. seDt ' guarant wa its is He ~. age Its Ullm ea ce. Morphi ne nor other Narcoti c substan the unli ll own fn cto r. qu a is Y 01· I X. ' prob· ~e abslru it most years he t of lilo m i uH destroy8 Worms and allays F~veriBhnea8, For more than thirty by { . No \X, , nl gobra hel ps 119 e·1I d vl I aud arrived, y, Wind lems. wh en le l'elT o·(~loc k. has beon in constan t us e for the r e lief of Con.lltip ation. F latulenc mo rt'! IIl1 lL",s we CII II Etat U In posl. 1 day. owlng roll he t 11 0 ure lect ,~ bael be h 1110 Stomac tho Colic, all Teethin g Trouble s and Dian-heea, · It regulate s rm s. Now let I~ b e t he (1oBsl. I ~ \" r h el ~t3, life wi thout Milly s eDled Il v teof sleep. )'o ur r e ma i ning here In th e and Bowels, assimila tes tho ' Food .. giving h ealthy and natural y uillt I an im poss ible, hopeles s thing. The Childre n's Panace a-The Mother 's Fricnd, 10"0 capaci t y oC-eee rculry, le l us say, a nd III u be lIad · Synw.x 1' 0 \ ' o In .use for over becomin g-let us o--f 1M ......,.. by full n....The Kind You Have Always Bought , and which bas beenbeen wh en lJ e wa~ a . you ng m Ull . Tho ob- P lile poss ibili ly o f made under and has ___.,. oubotitutiou. ~ U Theil r. e nograpb ste ruy suy I lIOyea1'8. has bometh e signatu re of ChBli. H. Fletche r,one allllIarrled h:ld Jec t of bis de \'olioll to deceive you in this_ . his personw supervision since its infancy . Allow no " ~l ('qua I ents that oth e r: bu~ tllough be ba d lu ng c eased All Counter feits, Imitutions and" Just-Rs ·good" are but Experim hantly . . lO t blnle of hc r, tbe memory of UUll j "n··," M Id 101lIIy triump trifle with and endange r the health of Infanta and ~ " No, Syntax. Doclor asked 1" ll "E A. ~ like him uround 11-lE COCA.COLA COMP ANY lint lo \'e h:lt.! cluug (]lildre n-Expe rlence against Experim ent. be· YF', equal t couldn' It ' r, a ' d . my ' ond rit pi s s bl at re lng co sof 81gnatu , the loud c · t n ~ dIa ra always a CIUIt.ori e Genuin A.tleAta. Ca. fl tti for h igh Idealis m. Som etimes ' C!\llS - " YOd lee aD ul! lsl r Milly, d sai go," shall' 1 en "Th aclate"un of lmd, thiDk Arro w lhe thougbt of Mill y th e profess or wue of Coc:e.C ola. Good Eatl ng. Teache r'. Boa lt. cOllnlalJly re \' ly ed tb nt memory . The from he r, UJld 01 kon: soJJ. Mctcbnl ngled tbe stra II. lkolf, hear " Met chn A. tea chers' OJ eUn g was In progres s profesEb r di d not at fin; l und ers lUnd aUJuzetli to Is soon to celebra te In ''Now, Milly," be said grll\'oly , ' and It was do~ld ed t ba t the more ·"Im· sour mflk rame, v;hy. Amazin o Caae . on nt onde The Guaran tee. corresp Paris a saId is," Par yo u women nro v e ry 1II0gic!l.1. really " morn· the torth In cult subject s sbould come Hut wh n t be ultimatum went " Is m er un ytbl ug s pecIal In tbe detamoul the h et Durnl, J, m seventi o t "bls Willia Listen York, New Stop! In : ble furlough eaUon la.te r In th e day. History ....'a8 ' ter of the ban Il t hat society conside r ed Milly ought to YF' is Impossi • thu t t ectiv e, was talking in New York cue 1" a sked lh e re por to anoth er s phe re. th e m, Mill y, before you go out of ier had stolen ed lng, and those that r equ ired les'8 nppll: blr·llJday . cash legllt r hose \\ be l eslden r p name his ot g droppln br n about tb e r ecent "Slace his sixtieth blrtbday , ,vbe r idlculol.\8 dream. II door. l-er- " a bad r last on lbe llat, nnd MIss Wh eel er , professo . $17 cbtefs. ' . began his sour·ml lk reglmo, MetcbD r was abs urd , t o hop!! tbat 1I1J11y, tb e SudClt'lI ly an nmazlng thougb t came from nie bonorar y Ilst ot Police the young teacher, tect: "Yes," mus ed tlt e I>resill eot, " you " It is easy," Mr. Burne laid, '·to On the contrar y. ht the IJfo fesso r's bead. It WIlS nol to In nnd _ . 101'0'11 "But It certainl y Js ensler tban Bcl· )torr hRs not ",ged . I1Ltlo o th or say Ihat 1'10 did not trust !JIm belle may . sctlon that of Itlcance . Ign s ated. But he con- a n a lge bra ica l thOUGht a t all. And r eall lhe torty! ence or mathem atics," tbs principa l baa become rejuven of fogy ly." old ll a he Implicit to relates Jl . ':To the commit tee tbat has IL Unu d 1.0 drea.m It. Even a professo r Milly, s eeing tbe re flection of 'It uvon Its slgnlllcanC Il II ev il Inststed . part. m)' aD re. hi" of exposu art r g honors d ber cert,lliu with splendi the hallea, "AI I teach It," replied tho young charge a,lcB h::.s the .rl gh t to dream . the profes sor's face, IF YOU'RE GROUC HV tion, Metcbn lkorr save of mathem YeH , Its s ignifica nce Is u a't'11 u the must tell Milly . And hand on tlle doorkno b. he rule, teacher . "no su bject coul" be more birthday celebra any At that your liver needs Sti llo likely Ie It ts of frugal Doetor SYntax apra ng toward It CI clotllier 's guarant ee. met her In tb e dlftlclllt and contusln g."- Ll ppIDcot t'. some, advice 011 the benefi Ull. Wrlght 'B Indian Vegetab le rln, clOthIer a to no olco. lie did so, wh en lie went taking fellow at llt!! young A " bene I" tlte "MllIy . eaUngand olaspod her In his arms Magazin e. pml wllJ Bet you right qUlokly . Ad,,_ panla. 1101, very little meat, and an ahunda nce he orlle d. "J'\'e--I 've--l'v e found ~ to buy 0. pajr of flannel ' .. ' lhh1nk, here "'The laat pair 1 lot cooked green vegetab les: A.nd spectnc les I" T he DIfference. CHILD'S BODY of well In raln the in crystal caught thll ERUPTION OVER WIlB w1tb ' '1 lect"Uro said. he his ) . n e'hded Chupmu he G . : • W ( Cop yrl~ht. 1914. b)' . A man whose Income Is $800 yt:ar them, and they Ihronk aometh lq ter' or over Is entitled to be called n ge n. . Route No. 3, Bolt 67. L ittle .Falls, or:.~· lsdOin: thele that tH Do you (Uaran Good eating m~~.e8 more pessl· t1eman In Engla nd. A man wbo earn I SOME WITTY WEDDING TEXTS rlble. JlIDn.- "Our I1tUe boy, we taken sick Won't ahrlnk? ' bu.ll luck. . than D1lstB . entitled to be cRlled a he ver fe the that ,much after and feveT a ylth .. 'Young teller,' .a14 the dealer, 'I gentlem an In Americ a. None Can Though Humor, Havo broke out with a lure eruptio n allover guarant ee them up to the bUt. Wh" Invitati on and Answer. Ri g htly Deny Their Approp riate· his body. We could get nothing £0 "lit, booll, every fire hose In New York but three hie in PblUlpa C. 8. . " Mr. nel. to the 0I:c.. alon h~ him. The BOrel were large and Varied Ufe," tells how the late SIr bas squirted on them panla.'" red and bleedin g. 'They ltarted 'Wltb George Intamou ll Honerm an, an wb o, to edford, Jl>l at Turell, Parson IIl1et.e" .. If he were burned and writer, s ent down from tbe bench to No Menlce In ·Sanato rlum. the r'epu ted disap pointme nt of man y when the)' brok'e they would bleed 0. !fIend ' of hi a, a leading Q. C., a Dr. Edward L._ T~eau, _who built aspiring and ua ldfl FIft een bundre d persons are kllJed ma b1ng-lan-gu:ls and they Itched 110 that he could not little note. Not able to make head select ed th e first tubercu losis eanator tum In and 6,000 are oa nu ally Inj ur ed as a pariah, own is h or s er motb .leell for _ome time. We had him all liar tall or It, tbe barriste r scribble d 1885, laYI: relult ot tires In .tbe Unlled Stutes. his wife. a very beauti rl1 1 brunet te. Iu tb e Ur-Ite d S,tatel la Ued Ul) 'With bandage a ·.and then we someth lng equally undecip herable "Wben I bought the tint land on 0. stir of lulerest used ca town, ther Mo had to Boak them 011 every day. Cottage l&IIatoupon , a h"'lf-she et ot note paper', and lesa deyoti onRI tban /l uman, wb ell, which tile Adirond ack "We bought a cake ot Cuticur a Soap passed It up to the judge. Sir George an acra tor It, ,26 paid I JJullt, II ~ m rlu ed, eat s r I~a.v ~og tlte 10\'c ly strange box of Cutlcur a Ointme nt looked, annoyed , and wben tbe court and , ous, In ,the mllll~. but the price was than thou,ht abo onspicu c JlUt Slty, which IIO~ pve him relle t. . Now-tie rose, said to his 'frleod : "Wbat do purche . ot tlve terlal pew, he a scende d the bl gh pili. surdly high. My lalt To my knowl· ,5,000. All III well BII 'can be for 'n th ree iW eelta you mean by tbls? I asked you to me t cos acres chal· nnd rotund iu out gove pit and' tie wtis all hsaled by the Cullcur a "conte and dine witb me tonlgbt ." e d'ge, there baa never been an em,plor e longi ng tones t.he t ext : Soap, and Olntm·e nt." ( Signed) Ollorge "Yea: said . the barriste r, . "and I resanator ium tn lound "I n.m bla ck but comely, 0 ye dllugb· who came to tbe • beallh \\'bo ds veloped tUbercu lolll Wolters , .Jan. %9. 1914. plied thnt I should be extreme ly glad m !" erusale J of ers t no can tum Cutlcur a SoaP and Ointme nt . aold to dO ' BO." sanator a and ere; th while tex(, a chose r Anothe r worth y pasto of !.he nel,h. through ciut· the world. Sample lit each th e Hppllca tlon or whi c h was not te more endang er the health free,wlt h 82-~. Sktn nook. Addres s POlt· . He waa B borh ood In which It II buJlt, . .en If Po•• lble Chance. himself to but e, brid his card "Cutlcu ra, Dept. L. Boeto~ . "-Adv . at tta Ter"f ,atea. A young m ..n wbo lut month reo oJ . small, e lde rl y, rath er wizened little th e resldeuc esIt are It ware pJ.aoId on top diploma bas been lookiog ; an:d It than It co uld r e his widow n celved twice alreadY man. nt. Stateme l 1'" ,., DIK(btfu Algebra by It Solve You trom "Can't aW&7 mllel , ln posltloo l ... el:y · for a was common kuowl edgo that h e had of a high mounta "ila, I wo1l14 , ilke to bave a: donkey. "round ' succe8s ent and . a 101!. 'Enterin g an been reo habitati o n." Did an¥bod y 'ever 8ive 'ou a donkey e mploym other day he asked to B~ library after dinner, which the ' \Jrofcs-- r ecentl y propose d to. 'and t aull pretties e th the ot olllce wo t by jected had be use beca . ne, nlo ?" ook t S•. (or ~ present waiting tor Bor always In Demand , while and r, manage Uu· the village. e th In girls he d hen ",' do~ere dl4 be6t 'l'hls e. tim snme "t ea, c~lld. your fattier !.he .t B eat nnd ead r to ent an.lncld A Loui sville man tella or that' gentleDllJl to become disenga ged rcbulfs, he had r me." RUB-N O-MO RE married·-_ was the on ly \Jolu all which b e b a d dismay ed by t heir ,~a;;n;;;=;';o';;'~n~a~y~m:~'n:~e-seHWI1I beld ~ IlII Qat)' of ' _____ ___~G~ c-~~_ - - -J..:-e sold to the oftlce boy : ~a7;ft~~er;; r ;;; e tht. i1 ;g~hft~f~u~r u s~O; ~ '--"t Milly. defy t.o ured CAnBO NAPTH A. vent ever n dele· with on nconvenU ope any scbool Is there Sunday "Do )'OU BUPpoA widow, (air, tat, a SOAP Ilbarml esat.o. ' If you • with beouttlml. - e1enr, "bite " 1\l y dea!': ' he sold, "I ha ve an un· heen accepte d by a al\ the sutAH!. In anlwer a· college 'grad uate 1" It la n much more than forty. and far wealth. gates from the tlneat fabrlo u. eIotheio, IIl1e Red Oro.. Ban, Dluc . •At all Ing' here for yo to tiay to thing t pleasan ltatel reports " Well. der& will be," wu the reply. Ad'!'. _ __ .,aod crocen. Dnd makes your le r than anyono la his _parlsb. His to t he roll·call of theby the various ...J....... .. em-" prohl given CAl verbally salary re me we ~ "U de boss don't wash Iweet and it by algebra ?" In- text was : soh'~ fOU an't C "' was Texas er The Remedy_ When lermorr t'ree dol lars a week by not nway" the re fore your con. s tate chairm en. sanitary . It doe• . "Callt (I. with him nt looking Milly; qulred Binger' e aisl tbat the "Wha.t &'littoral nolel nlght: ' -Bosto n RveniD g Transcr ipt. notnee dhotwa ter, . wblch hath gr ellt r ecompe ns(! called .. big man Itepped tnto t ....Uikle III he r eyes. -You know, you Odellce " lau! " and lUI stentori an ton.. excl&lmed : ." eward r or ed solv ba can ythlog ever Always say Naplh ll Cleana , l .t&te of Carbo Disinfe cts ."Tb~D let'. curb tb.em." DlaAPP EARI}D Perbaps th e moat amual~glY apt t)J "W e represe nt the Imperta by al gebra ." born woman E white lint O.MOR RUB.NO.MORE: The RUB-N exas. T seVan~h Before Poawm . that Aill WBS Conce texts ~ A.nd so It can, my dear," said Doc- nll recorde d we Odiru; tore .,....' o-anh.le cl ir,.e1fo\a au4 8t1. . Wllbln e POWl' der.hIgb. In T exas Ii! sUl1 IIvlhg- .he bu now Carbo NapllUJ SoIP the Smltb. Abby by Bl. Bal· d e lect, pet his ot one was ....,.",1" 1l-'e4 wllh .. · million. " thr It lleaml almost too good to be t Ol' Syntax. Thnl over of lon . . .. My. popuJlll II. tor Smith, Parson of G,.oce s r ghte -AII dau ted Cenr.1 s plr'l Pille \ p.llary, true, the wa)' headach e. nervous neea, Uleorlea . 011 the occasio n Where l1llon a. '!'oloe from the rrom 'h prea to him your 'found IDai'd, you 01\7 ow h Utat r 88yS emembe r .ndo",· "You A. cia.hiDg that "8end : tone. clarion ID*lmn la, and ID&IIy other obscure In out ne.lnd. led c'r Ft.Way ~d e. Sbe had marrl The Rub.No-Mo~e Co" are e_be" frOm ",blch -tlbe sparka trouble s vanish wbee colfee la 41&- Ejllecl.llo les ,'· pursued Milly JUi Bchlev- of · h er marriag b.r." ·",dom~ , In spite o f tbe UlOijt vlg. womall to Idaho-- we need Joltn . dwily. ba'l'e tied. rcgl1the iDlued and Poatum uaecI as ances; In fact. COURSE OF TRAIN. The d iscofery or Doctor Syntax' s ormls pat.ernal re moustr lar table beverag e. n ed C..b•• nan Blue mak.. the .laundre .. FREE b eon ex. bad parc;:]t d reveren er b a been ll)' ea r ad l1 mow. clea than biter specta w t los olothe. NURSES coa· milk!", , Colfee rp)' ha clear. FOR IS The reason alcal apvll- .rem ely rud e to the l' ou':!g man, evel! AI Iloocl rrocen. A.d .... ~eonac l en tl ou 8, wen ed u ca t.ed ,\'OU Utt'r u uit'Z). tainl a polsonoWi drll&-- catfela e- I rlumjlh ·o f delectiv e·algebr 1Juug m " t; waula Ohio. and at OlLy D 08plt.u.l, C lc""elaud d 1.0 be the athlr tbe atfalr was settled, u. which caUSC8 the' trouble , but POIIWm ca.tJon.. . X was . $uppose 'fa&1.", 01 e.%pt·rl~ n(1o(l ; new NuraoH' 1:101.0. (' .;ooC"~ 3 Jilted to been hal Invited who be to man him young :rhe permit not Y DtMt·~ . .. placed. n.gIQnM. llt OO been to be. oc.cupl,· c! i Oll\!st contaill S only iiiI8 tood eJemen u ID plllce wher e th ey h.ud tbe .... In ,HI ce, W"rdo." troubl. ~ · choi tho C.·blldr~" all Abby's "'l:ll~; that tl,· house. lo tblnks his B\lJI41og in Lbe unknow n 4:oem- meli! h' 01 Dept\rt.lIH"1I t..!'10 Ul l)lIthiy ,,110wn uC!e h~m ohO~ bard .wh\l&t wlUl a Uttle coo- th e spe tn cles, Z t or he r wit tban worl,l w.ears pettlcoa tll. ,faae of aceeptl\.t1cr. N~,lI't. c.-InKS ro r m (l(l O t.'t . l ~t.. clents. N th e liOown ones. Prom an wh lcb speaks more Ja.s.. ~ .l,'p17 t o M l sa l",'c,",crlk li. K. (iu.lHeL·, l'rlncJvn '; equallo n compou nd- her devoutn ess, was : examina tion or kn1l A. PhJla; man ,rew ellUw. lutic an Dr. reer,.'. Vermltu .... tDea.4 Sbos··boG.I'e. '~ John . . . cam~, neither eatlns ed of lli&' va ri ous aym bol ~ . the f!POC~ . es pel.- Worm. ta • "WI ' 'wrote . . fol1oWI : g wine; and ye say, and drinkIn nOT bread Ad • • 011 red discove ely timat ul werc aofos' t "UnW 18 months IICO 1 u.ed coffee he hath a devil." regular l, every ' d"" and Idared from the prOf6!!8or 's nOlle. It·s better tu 01le04 10m. peo})le Dr_ s3,ld MIIJ),." scrlous, Is this But " mouth. my in ..... W, N, U.• CINCINI)IATI. NO . 34-1914.. lo oblige them. headacb e. _blher taBte tban . How Looh Awe W .. Formeil In ' thls lown and' !odic_t lon; wu "loom), and lni· ~' nt.ax_ "Some people Highlan d traditio n glvell a q uaint putting ' their tahle. ha4 ;variabl e or absent a"petlte . have a pparent ly been tile el\plana tlon at the creation or Loch to come have and her toget headS etc.. , BplrlU, l.D e'd loll of ·fle.ah, depress not · right tor a Awe, tha~ noble mir ror ot .tllI; moun. "I . attrtbli te thBlle thlql to calfee. conclus Ion that it 10 daughte r, tnhis In the magnifi cent scenery 01 adopted an even' becauM llli.e& I quit I('and haTe drank si1lgle .glrl. r lik e Argylls hlre, S cotlilnd . Th e bed ot tho bachelo old an tor hOU.l!e keep to ·for had I than better po.tum I reel tlte loch \V as on ce, It I,s sa id, a fertile val· but Idea, erous prepost a i6 It e. m cold, to 20 y~. am. leel BUBCepUble· ·$ymtbe like Iti ley. with a fnlry spring, whleh bad al. opinion, c l publ. han 'galned 110 lbl. 'and the 11111£ltoml force-o t It IIi not ways t.o b ll kept covered , bubblin g en wh handed slwl/J'l , x bolo 'lI8tore hecl -.,~nla ppeared .. have dI wall t l!d and never translat able 'lnto (ro,m tbe mountn ln sld~ . A co-rel p.B8 ' • ,POIItum." If you want a goodlo w-priC ed Smoke less powde r "loa'd .. BeUla precise te r ms uoll1 the lInaJ sokltlon ." girl. howeve r, having ' drown water, NaiDe at't'U by 'Poltum hrough t All well. e th r con· re-cove Winch ester Facto ry Loade d .. Repea ter" ' Shells will to the fOI'got to ~We l1 . I come l Ht.{ [ IoI rn" tl,~,,,, • h.r I I . Oreek, llUch. Read ""Ile BDa4 to by and ed flow surely Buit you. They aro IOGded :with the standa rd thl~ nl!;ht the spring clt\llon myself. " said Milly calmly. . ~ s.tIIIDed. ~ AIlJiao,. ""'dvm.... III pqL In ~o come had Awe e H Loch g Syntu. s of powde r and ahot, eood w~dding and with that mornin Dr. thf~ ed ,brand exclaim " "What! totma: Poll!? ; ,...... Poft1!m oqmu iA two. • Lias' nd 'war-a be"ng. trlfe, scene,j! same care and preclaloQ which ha'~e made the Win- · R.a.ular POlltu _mult be "elI had CXPllcted a ..... ~ ' Sco,a .,. III!I carelells nes e tb t In egre r cing d nee acquies one No rolmly MlJ\y 11'1\8 here c::~e8ter Of Leade r" tho most popnlai: and, satisfac tlOlry . , .... 1IotIe4, 110 aDd 110 , paella ~ ~,..::lJ. Is ;.we Loch g~ Inssle. you d are Highlan what. . tha~ "BtI,t ot . de,clalon bls h1gh.g rado ehell upoQ tho marke t. Some shoote rs insilt l.aiant Poetum -Ia a 10lUilte JI01f", , ~.., ~I ' ed: "I now one ot the most e.: tqulslte of beau~ continu be dll&r!" a1aL mY do. {o ing t Win.c hester II Repea ters" arc better than other ei, ... ~at dluol nflll teupoo · ~r. /to. r~.~tIOXOO'l . '--a charmin g you." g Brltn.ln" ollosln !lreat In ukht epota th.~tho f:J' can't onam ..stIr: • aDd m~~ra' highes t' I(nldo aheila . A trial' will tell tho talo.Doa IIOC ~It. . 'or ntnoft'~ III a ClIP Dt hot water "y"u a.eedri' t lose me," saJd Milly. aheet -of water, .tudded :wIth prett,. ...,'!'eJ'o J d.UcloU a malla 11IIIU'. t foreet tho namo: WlDc beater '" Repea ter, I t u4. Don tqUlt. Jllallnt dfed. llal;raad ..... _bewo ; ' l\tudyl q '1Iudi" while around the shores ara lravltY l rnatura ..... ii with .. IOcU aDd 100 )'. r;:a~~..fa::-IK'= . . . lnltanU THE co~t1(iAm ber plate. But even tben ~he1'e w. . a mlUlY p1acel '88socla ted' '1I'tth lote res1l' ~ IIoQI THE YaLOW SHELL ,T it. coat per ~4........ ........ ~'; lq iqenda .aJloll historic loclden ta 01 OIU tfil.DJde In her eye•. mlechlev , , lUI.. CIa. ...... J .:: ....... ......~ ~ ....... " , "Tbls" ance, my dear,"J aId tb .H1&b~dB Reuq... tor POIt1Im. , "al'1llnlf "hem· Mamre .1",," a oYtblutr te lfulDIf "I'<'nll' laotde th,. bod,. Wbc Q ,.ame4 o f kldll~1 we'''ka .... bl aD ftc bh1[rltD.Olt or dl¥»nl c red urtuat.lou , ",Ive \.he k I<lDl'Y" prolD"~ help and aoOld


M'ttar.o f-Fact , 8erelda 'a Two Good R.alon l for Helitatl rlg About Setting the 'Da),.

)/OJOJ1U1RS J)rUJ.. <fverybodys J)dnJ







Vigorously ' good - and keenly ·delicious. Thirst -quenching and refreshing.

Wh at Is Cas tori a


The nati~nal beverage

-an d you rs.


--- ----



IThr ow aw ay t'h e ...

d. Use RlJB wash boar O·MORE. CARBO NAPTHA SOAP Save you r back -sav e you r1 tem. h per- save you r c ot ess.. -ma ke was hday pla'V' kills day. "Ca, ,rbo" Na pt h a " , ' g er m s . cleans. Wat ch. resu lt.



Bo...... -----


:Don't Persecute


·Yo w ·Ro we"




R T£ £J Hokel 'W IN C&m es& Sbells. "J!e~ater"


ABSO RBI NE ' 'la,







, "I .,~'"



."...... .•." ...M.......... .





~~=--------=~----~~ ~ , in Street

The Store , That Serve. You Right


and Apeade Dayton, Ohio



In tha



"00 .nd OMg, : . . to abate I\ud keep abated tbe

ttel' .,f t he stllte

. .a CI•• na,. To c1er.r wlJlow turnlturll erub rarh piece well , wlUI a C()IlI'S !l brutlh and water tbllt Itl s trongly saturated wllh Balt, then dry with a 8(j(~ loth. SuJt not only cleona willowware. \lut prevento It ([lOIU turnhjg yollow. Stra matting may be Ibost succoflsfully cleaned lu tbe Bame woy.

InSURlIOCE A. f3. Chandler

nl,llsaoces within 15 davtl . 'l'o-al1 of whlob judgments, fio(lln~s, etc. tbe WE GI VE H & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS dMendant excepts ",nd !rlvell notice AN ADDITIONAL SAVING OF 5 ';';1 ON EVERY.THING YOU BUY AT . tOo proseoute error to tbe Court of F. E. SHERWOOD A ppea.II _ t hl !! oounty. Oourt SU8 ../ TRAX LER'S --,.,... 1_._Have Thought on Every Act. prwds exeontion of tI ntenoe for 15 Over I'fslolIic('. Waynesville, O. We Jlrfl pare our s~l vcs for Budd n dill'S. Defendant gi:ving bond ·i n Office Phone 7'1 lJuuse P hone 0-3 Blllm of $1200" deeds b y the r eiterated choice of gooQ , /\1arria&eLicen8e!l or evil thnt 'gradually dllt rmlnos CWo ~~===========;=~ 'I .lW IOlt 6nd Il1illUl T , Coll:llllan lira . , acter.-Geor~e .Ellot. upJlUlnt UIIPllral e rl! , . Uorblu William t:)ollivtion, farmer III Llla rn" t,L .. r of t he estate of ·tn. Cll1rtt. Viola Aodorl!on, b th of I Reql Jewel Case . Obarles 1<';, iiI! I ~ l' , d oeasad. AI· Wind@O r. Rev , A . .J: Kestle. A 8mart COT8llt snlesllluu writes me fUl'etta Lao aster bUYI!. out t:hl1rles Hs.rry D Lollar, fUrIner to Ruby from LoulsvUle ·thnt he tells people -tt, l:Jl.101ey : ba l' t n tht! plirtner- Mi1drnU . MIller. bath of Lebaow , he sells Jewel cases,-ClncluJiatl E'l'The Object of This Advertisel1'lent Hu,w . Uour t on rs adl lr. to pay to R e v,.r F. MoKamy qt4rer. By thi s II nhonn f'Onllml we d .,~ It'e to call th e altouUon of the I'll\) ' t h • on ty 1' fo1Hur I' the (1lJILIl tertll B IA;old G. Lowe, bRDk olerk to I" TMI: WORLO It T slrtl nl; \\-I~hl !l A rllc1lus Qr r.C! mll !'s from DaYlon. to UI s plendid iuh orltll nce ttHe <1\\0. :Johanna Barbarr .. Elvers botb of IOBUSW!D 'WEm.y. $..00 fER lUI I\nd 1l~: 'L 'lI1at[ ill'ralll: flIl! nt WI' h1l\, (1 III OUT store fOr 1h purpose oC Real Estate Transfers M,tl')on . . Rlw. R, t:! Bagew·8n. sholJl)i llg b.' 1l1 1l11 lind I' ('Iv l n/:, n il the b nellis of our Sp(1cial Dally IU'TIr.L a, DRUOc.m, SpeCIALIIN, Bargains. llfll'l'rIiKP,rl In hI' 11l1ylOn lJally Pop r s; Just Lho sl1m as If 00 a TUM Ir R a, T RAN 8 .. Ir R, 0 A • -Alloo Bnioes Sr • . furlD'ar guarCommissioners' Proceedings YOU would -<10 your fl hOllplnA In jJerson. .ND ""8 sElvio. O~" PItOFI'T diuLI of 1,1Hl P rson Ilnl\ 611&"te of R6IIolution passed to borrow '$3668 . " ualNO ITa ADV.RTISINO CO&'UMHe Our Mail Order Deparbnent Georgo Cool;:, iosan e, to H USILU Cook. iD order to meet t be ~ xpenBe In SAMPLE COPY FREE prCsllot gl~urdl l\n pllrt of ontlot No. ourrwl iu tie "!)Tal oont.rll ots rooAntly Is. we ll (,r '"nlY-f,d 1I 1hl Is Ih (" ha l'gn of II olIlpNent H ne) experienced M*eM • • • YORIC CLIPPER s hOlll1 I'. Il ho will IItt l uti to your or(\(l\'11 'nrcfull y untl promptl y;; 80 6 in Wayne vi ll e. 11. OODlpleted nnd approved . . OUSE of teur r oo'us. n8wly r e, Ha. York. don 't /1I'lIlIn t to wrltp UII a ny tllll ( yon "'>lnl to ~ I) sn mples of MY' modeled. situated on Tbird Peny ;~ li:u rnlm r t Extr . to <Jhal1. Bills Allowed-Valley Telephone tlll l~g ill Ih e WilY ur Ill' 98 0001 19. Silk s, W nsh Goo d s . White Good s . R Ell rn b ~1't. I ft b flc raR of ltLod i n '0 .. rent8 Ilna tolls, Mtl.Y to ~epte)n, !ftreet, lnqnire ot Mrll. M. L, Ed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LI)I li S. Lul'l'S, '1' I'lnlllling!!. te., as !:!llmpl s w ill be cite rru ll), II nL . 8 26 <..: tearorlJek townahip $ l ,I ,:iOO . ber couoty oftir e8. $12020 Ohio w"rds, BARNHART. B• Al bert An ar sen t.o Bet~ j e Anu Corrugll~ed Culvert Co. 1157,30. We Want Your Nal1'le and Address Rllob ll!l rt~:of in·lot-b·No. I 1 nud 1 '2 "'niter Kelly. oontract, '8a2. RaV' Notary Public WANTED tn 1,Ili.JflDOIl , $1200. moud Bl1rshbargo1r 160. Frsnklin For Our New Mailing List ' J.' !lie O. 'l.'llomp!lOll t Mra ~mruo. N C3\vs, ttdv , tor Budget Commi""inn If ~'o n will klllrily Oil 0111 Lb e coupon 1I ' low un d mall sume to us Bltinbrin e p:lrt s of l oti:! No . Ha n d '4. Alber t Bond. bridge work in pro m l1t1 y, \\' 1' wil l pul your 1l11I1H' Ull fl ll r II PW nralling li st <lnd you 'W il l OBA lJUO . and Cig'lr tiR los Ulen All kinds of Notary Work. Ppn8ion Work" Hpeoilltty . 46 in Elli t L'SlIuditl OD t o Leb~n on. Fr·o.nklln township 16113. a M l'ell£'l vl' DIU' j'; IV ('lIlIl1ol,'1le. ,,"a llIonthly HUl'gllln IIl1ll u titi s. wh ich m il wanted to Advort-ise. EX:Jlori .. n.~ e $ 1. / ' l'Ill)pkine. brlrl 'le work In Bamtlton UUfllloeSSlU Y. IUOO m,JD 191.y t~nd 'l'rllv . k e ' II Y(l1l JlO ted OIl all th new S'ly l es lind Jo'lIl1h lo ll ~ II UII , a bove all~ of ti ll! II llrac fiv u.n d 1Il00lllY slLvlng 11nl'/;;\1 1I8 Wt> ('0118 Iu nll )' off r (0 OUT 1:Ie8sie 8111 0 0 1..11'1 Lytle, t rulltee to tb'w nsbip to v. I'\b.l Cnok, Trens , e llng EItl!onRA8. Adver tl!l'lSmoklog. ' C1I'$tontf' . ' . --l::iaruD J . JMoClludlel!8 Plitt of ill-lots s upplies f or l:)eo.ler of Wei~b'" and Ollewl Dg"1\lbI\COo, Olgll.r6t1iC!8, ClglArs. " Mc(~oy, o l a ~ uod l i.l :.! in lo' rlluklin, $ 1. ' ~et1!lUr68 15. 11. W. B. Anderson ~ e nd 20 Htump . ' or . f ~ l1 parti oulllr~. Our Ironclad. Guarantee 'harl ll s Weber lit 1\1 to Amelia Co. , on e oOPY (~B) Oblo reports· Herrle t 'l'obocoo Co., N ew York. N. Y. "lilv r ythlug gua runt e d j ll ~ l Ill! reprpsC'IlIPd. 01' you r mon ey I' . VeterinarY W 11 t f1 N 149 d 4r. o tum. W. E UrahlloDl, traoSI)Orta 'n2G rUIlII d wit hout IIny urgIlUluulfl ...· e er par 0 0&8 0 , . ,un I) tlon and wai-ntenanoe juvenile prig. Goodll d !Iv r d l!lxpr BS or Fre l~ht. IIreJlalr1 wI t hin 60 mil es of 10 )o'rf\okh o. ooers ill! Georke O . Jone",. bridge uraduate of· Obio 51111 . IJnivcrllly .Dayto n. Common Picas Court work in ' OllrlJlon towosblp *18.85 FOR SALE More Inducel1'lents LeRo,Y ~u l der, dam,,!!!) to trllotioD New SUI·tS. Office at r esidfmce in }<'. B. !:lher If you prefer .to shOll In pc., rson. (:ornc to Duy lon and lII ak yours If englnB J7. Walter Larrlok. Clam. at bome In OUI' Store ; \I' ' will tlo 011 in our power to na a k your ,'Islt weod's house, Fourth ~Ireet. State or ' Ohi O v~ Freb Kabn. o,ges' to p er sonlll property ~30. Umenjoyable. tfllnlloript filed fr om dooket of A. J. Dl l~ WhU,.ore, roadwork In 811lem W hen you want to sell Be~ll1 ea we wiU PIll' YOur..t1flilroad I~are. nccordlng to the amount TelephOJi.. 28 Divine. J . 1". towDship $:\7,70. Frank Mug; oon· or Your pur husc. . . J . I. Ouse Tbresbing Ma oh.ine Co, Lrllot $175.50. J ones Bnd How~rd a JI)lt,ir .. f'! II I: \1 W believe th Is ougli t to' in t.erest you. Ohio Waynesvi.lIe. V 8 . L. W. und EmmEl W . 2~ pe~teat 170,$4.08. U. W . 811"rlrs. Willi at Qtubbs Mills br.dge n".... rm the farm, Ie. people : . . : ......... ... . . " " . . '.. ... ......... ..... . . . . . . . " .. . . . . ..... . ... . .. .. . Withem . Foreclosure of mortgage. and labor $194.a6. Budget Com LueUa Penc~ VB. Perry '1'. \ lIenoe. rniissioo per W. Z. R01l , Pre8., ex . know about in the .N 9W FILL OUT THE COUPON Dlvoroe lind It.llmonr. Gross negleot. , penses iDoiclent to Dubllo meeting DR. J. W. MILLERI • Miami Gazette J ohn W . LingO' vs. Ben Oilborn, $700.40. Beujamin Young work on Mqneyonly. $150 wUh interest. jdttob in ClelArorEek townahip $4.110. Name ................... .. .. . . . .o .. .. ' . .. .. .. .... .. ................. ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. •••• DENTIST••• J. W. 1.lugo va . WIlliam A . J. 8 , Merrls, supplieR for oounty GOOD 'Rubbor , tire Bnggy, a bar. Moore , M.on9Y OIIly. AmouDt officers $219.50. b L . Irons, traosgain ' tr~old this week. W, .N. Street No. or R. F. D. ....... , ....................................... . .... . .............. Oml!flTln W iyncav lIIe. 0 $160 wUb Inter88t les8 oredit of .'Is portatlon expenss of O'to LeVeok to Hears. . NPioDai Buk Bid., pllid J ~ ly 8, 1911. . bo'spital $4, O~egonllA BridgCl Co.. 2 'l'own .'0.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. ...................................... .. oon'racts 12116. i:!kte of OhlQ VI. ABOU!l' six or seven hundrad Proceedings) Bc~nry R088,. tee8 aod posts f8. W. bushel8 of Rood oorh. . Inqnire 8~a&e f Ohio VtI • . •Toho 'i'aylor, Jt, Geo. Swl'th It. R. 1. Wayneevllle, State .•.••r- ••• lJl1roline M D~Dl vs. 11'. 'V, Pat. felt18 aod ooata 1&.40. ~ta'e Qf Obio Ohio. ' , 'erllQD as Auditor and B U. Howell VE. Rayownd Trovillo. fee .. and " Jr ., \IS 'frefJ,surer of WlLrren lJOOD&Y. oo.s te '7.5~. State of Ohio VB BeD1'Y EARS-Ba,tiUtt 'Peare for ' lIalp. Funeral Dirpctor oWalotlff grGDted relief from excess•. and Embalmer, MAIL TO U." Baker, tees and 008~ IU.30 lnqoir9 of J. ·L. Mendenhall, ~ taxation . ~tl!te of Obio vs. Emerson Uo08table R. ,D, 3, Wavnesville, Ohio. a2 ' In re-appoiotment of eXllminer of feas aod 008te'13.60. M. A. Burke, Wayne~Yille. Ohio. tit le for Wllrreo County. Ohio, fiDal eetlmate oontract 1168. & hnndred •. _ plain, ' whlte :i'rttnk t:. AndHrsoD anC! Hl1rry U, '" orepe po.p er nllptln8; hi de ~Il answered promptly day or night t'lane, etc. pr88ented for 9Qol'rno M .... Street and Arcade Dayton;:'Ohio Burns Ilre appointed: ~ond 110UO ticm of fS. Iteel bridge over I'l,st UfnR 50 Jl8r dozen, at thi8 omoo, Both phon~ in Ottice and Resldenee. euch. . Creek, in Harlao towueblp, same is Loruulistanc9 No. 14; Ilo~e phone lj8Cri 6ra 0 the Mocan..- 14-21. , State of. Ohio vs . . the Harveys. kDlown' ae Volkerdinl ' bridge. Old burg Fertilizer lJo . ·Metien tor new mlLteriaJ to be used. Estiwated Magazine. Seod 3Go to 'he Chairs and one Coach furnished (Jilze&t3 oiJloe, and get one of thl'l with funeral8. triRI overruled. Bl1rveYllbora Vom co"t iA $800. / To Rid .' b'es' magazine~ !>o eartb. tf( Best of I16rvicfl gUllranteed. -" f~ • . 111ft ftLaJ1.~ B,IIrlnkle the place inte.ted with red !,:~d !r.:r.~n~~~~l~ pepper or pOwdered borax or pa.1nt ~*"III~·J~..!~t''''C~: with a pure solution of carbolic acid, MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIR bon &8 .. fourth prize will be o1Yered !~~~::!·""I!J,:,I:.rr.'!.!: Follow the trail of the ants to the . I l ln all pooy 01a8lSll. Judging wUl au.,"......... ~ ',hUUtl '7 Ilv. I"" ..r, place ot entrance and use 'the prevent· Prep"r~'I the rommenoe Wt\dn~dav afleroooD . .... 1f ~111 • wV ' oua lue comple&e tor i ~~::"Itibo.!!;~~ .Ive treely. , . . ' openiug of the M.ontgomery oomity In the speed lIete•.a tolial of 10,000 -ow ~."'''''' 1" /lI""'ld(~ . . •- • ' , fair next Monday. In its auay of will betweent'be wibuel'8 )(Cldulal.. ~.A'h leCtc., ,. ttUl....'Ur 1. t thbe divided I ' 0.'_\1)'. AS ......., 1'b"...• ,More American Supromacy. speed hor8es. cattle. bog!!, sbeQp lind 0 e var on. evenSIl 0 ~~e week. ~~~':;. .r::'''..,~~:u~ . . Freano ~ountyI California produces other1S\oclc. to 'the'exhlbits raoes will hEr ·'he best din 5,10 ~t Reasonable ' Machine•• patlIPnff.lIhl'n-die IMrHU.. ' t" promi_ed h al, I 'hAll cho,,_ 0\ WAt,TRa DAIII·. 94000000 pounds or about GO per iO ,ul dl:jpal&Wente tn ull art Ulles!!. .. '''O!I'f ••••1IJ.... "".........u,ut"1 • • • . h I h an d qUIllityo. t ·h eOOD. rhe POltOtJioe 'dep ar tmen.• t 11.8 ·hi Springfield Tires. Tu~e. "nd Accessories • •• lh .... cen~oftheCa.1trornlarallllncrop.and Int.ewell' . • 6.rrI\!'...Z'o, . "'......,.,. nearly twice the quantity produced by OOS810ns thu have sought spaoe OD year tor the fira& '.me arrAnging an Va1vo Ine ~II ~nd 9l'e8ses• . ~'~tllJ.i.'i~..1"1td~: BpaJlh . ,he grooods for the entertainmenS exhibit showing how the parcela 'pos' -, 1Il1CllTF.l1.IlU............ • .....,.....,.,.. und feeding of tDe orowd", In t~e may be' t,,'lI:en ad\'antll1l8 of by tile uw- BOrB' IlA(JAZtNJ.: f.......1.01 wi "" .~.) high 01&.&1 of the !'Ipeoial attraotions farDler In lending the produots of engaged by tbe board, tbere iB his farm t:> the city and 10 uailiqg I Ii gnarll,n, of the best exhlbUion ~k homo what he bnYti in ,lie oltr this yeti r by·flLr, of any in tbe blsto- l Ao exlljbit is a~o beinl arrange.i 1 will 'offer at Publio Auotlon Ilt Iyof the organi~tioD, Itl Jporal by.the food and dairy dlvillion of Phone 7. -I 1-2 .' CORWIN.OHIO my residenoe, 6 mtled north east of tone was never higbe., ·the Oblo Agrioaltural (loTJJmluloD. Waynellvtlle, 2 mUes sooth oJ ~ew Arranaements lleve again been Horsemen are -ehowtng muob io : B -r.i-tlOnn1tRlt...,d for the holding on the terest in the loviog oop being oif!tred ...... o::~~~g!~O 'pe... ~ Vllesar8 . VrM groullds at the ",ooual picnio on Lii- by ~hllirmao ' George W. IIcCol. Sep'emL;'r 10, 191 • 'lor day of t he varione Dllytoo labor IOtigh of' the horlie , o.ommitaet for. ,Tbu "~day,' 1I uo; .. organizations. A program to be 'b~, betlt draft hOn9 or K~ldlDg of TRAOI: MARItIl Beginning at 10 o'olook a m. th e rendered by·t.b\lm darlog tbe after· any axe Qr''breed. The oup il belllg DI:810N9 following: 4 Bor8ell. 12 Cattle, 32 noon Will btl Interesting, IJbow~ in II !Sooth Main lert8' ahow COPYRIGHT,8 AIl_. Hudlns •• kel "anel d ••• rlr,UOII tria, Bogs, Chioken8, D~ok8, FlumlDg 1m . For t h e Ji'r8t time th re will be window.1 ' "qnloklJ' uoert.aln Our 0 1.llIlou tree w l~ l her an thyenUOn I. I'robft.bI1 .p4lC1ntable. f'tlnulI1wlCl\plementl, 2:< aoree good S'lIndlng offered thltl yeur QU evening 88 weil l • -tlo....UlotlfCOlllldouUaI. HANDBOOK ,"Il'ru""c.. C.lrn, 100 bu. Rye Il,ud Wheat, ~ee U8 IlftllruQj)n progrllm. "PaUllma Diarrhoea Quickly Cured



l!'mrik 11:. Weak1 . l\6(ltIlISed . Oarl U. Bllrl h iM lippolo t 11 udu!iuttltntor tl . IJlwi 000 . Bood ~atJoo,' Iii' tbu IUI1Hoi ot t.h .. Will 01 l:Ieorge ~' MoKtrmf'Y, tioo 111!8 WIn ad IlHtud tu pro bllt e. J o~lU H . rato· ..(lun y ifl 11PlJOi Ot d Xb , Bond 1UIIO .IOs\OI . ).1 te rtl.' re k l~ovd


.. -



















.............. ...... ;



.. f

j, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




















.............. .












TlRBOVS' U&G- a"...m.·fREE ' !



. ~et Of'A~ta.







....t fr....· 0111 ..1' for ....... rrn~ pill. ""'.

Patene. talluto t.brouvh MUllu .. Go: neeIYe wltbout charaGt In tho

~ ftOtk.t,

Sdtntln( Jlmtrltan.

. & bandlom.t, IlIn.~raled WOO kIJ.~ elr. ca1aLlon of -flY aelent.llJo Juurlild. 'l'Ufllltt.13 a


!I!!fm~~-::~~I~!~ I~k

big bUls for term .., • Jesse ('. tiaines. Wm. Millll, Auot. As agent of. H, C. Willis. deceased I wiJ1 offer for sale at his late reSl. dence 2 miles west ot Lytle on Friday, September 4, 1914

"S;I"eT~ 'Plate

that' who seek perfec.

In silverware in· variably choose fork.,

Beginl!ing a.t 1 o'olock, 1 Hor~. 1 BuggV. Farminp: ImpleDle.nt!l, Bl1r-. ne II. sowe lumber, Yo ot growlD.g· oorn In field. seme tl90seholdtgooc\ . Tennn-COBb, . . F. A. ·Snider • .Agt,. A. A . MoNeil , .A oot.

,pooo, lind fancy aery·

"ing pieces slamped with th.~~wned ~flIdemarlt



Furu:ral Director. I

. In quality. and beauty . of design, Ih i8 well· lmowD 'Silver is unlur.

paned. lis remark-

able 'durabilily has "on it the popular title "Sill1" PIIIII iluJl W,ars... I !Iold by I"B,d lng de,leu every· .. he.e. /!eud (or,," IIIIr ...u ~I!III"'''



. '




I lour ruonl.b l.'L llulll b, all


Public Sales




'l'Hlephone day, or night, • Valley phone No. '1 . Long Distanoe No. 09-2r.

in Pe~oe a nd yt'ar,"" spectaoular I "My atten"on ,119,,8 firlS called to electrical pageao' d 3ploting the aa . Chamberlaln's (lolio Cliolera vuntl1gell lind OS68 Of. J]n~le !:lalll'!! 'olui'rhoel1 Reme,ly' all moob "a new wl~~rw,.y 1l0r08S the Istbmus. · t,!,elv6 yearl ago. ~& ibat time Will be 11 haJlooD u ~ceul!ion : aud I ~'a8 'SE\rIODSJy 111 witb 80mmer com dll uble p lroehut.e leB:p b.y KreIsher plu,lnt. Ope d08~ of thIs . remedy Bros . of ludlOllllllohs. Wedne~dny ohc30Jred the trimble," wqtell Mr!!. IJ,Ueruoon there will be. dayllll:ht C. ' W. I.i'lore,}ce. Rooktl,eld, Iud fireworks for the e..ltertlLun.u.ent of i'o:r 8'lIle by all\iealers. the sohoo} ohildren, who will be lid. . . .- .......>:-4-- - mit ted free that c]IlY ~ 'l'ueeday will i ~'he Voice .~; ~laanthroPY' • be 80ldiArAday n,ud ull veterlln.1:I1D i "'Sup 089 some power were to an. tbe connt:y WIU ~e le~ in for not.lllng. awer t:~oet·s prayer and give UI . B~gh J . Darroch In chtl~ge of.'l1e tho gift DC aeelng ourselves al oth. N. U. R t3t1ol?les, is offen.oll: first, era Bee us!" '''Well, lor one thing, ~AoonlilinC1 thUd prtl'.el:l of $5•.,a a.u d It would 'd . I) t d I t ell ~2 n eaoh of twO ollAsses fur poules . 0 a gf a ~a .. 0 scourT hic; la Ill ' riddl~ioD to the regullAr age the Cra2S for dancIng. prlze~, ,tl'tl r d b.v t,he f-lllr board • - ," EntrBoo'" to t hiS cowl'atit.ioD will be For Clergymen Onl)'. (ree . 'l'be BrEIt- (llll~'" wilt be fur Minlsters ''Would meet witli pOdies 11 11II ud" fln t.i nntlcw Ilif:th. ",uti 8uc:cess if they , knew as much ~b M,o ond for ponies 12~ to;l4 :. tbls ' world ' .as they think they . know: bllll ds b igh , inolmli~'e A fll~cy rib. about , th.e n~xt.-Llpp'lncoWil. ~ .'. '



.~ , "

...,.. / "

$uflr'Cmo ~)(c\itJlonoo.



'In <;haraeter. In manne.r, In Bty&e, In

P!l-Do-l.;ax l'anishea Pimple~·,.

Bud Blpod. Pimples, B.e!ldllobes. 'A\,ItomoDlle 8ervlce at all TImeS BUloosnesH,.'forpld Liyer, Contltlp& tiOD. Ht.o" oo ma' fr ':lm . Indf'f.~tton. OHIO 'Iltke Po ·Do·L';x, thE!. plea'~nt and W AVNESVIJ.LE, n bsdl u ts ly sllTe ' Lltxlltlve, lind you Brandt Offiee., Barv~ysburr:. 0. ' rw.ont \It! t ,ftellu r~ deranged .8 tom ~~~~~!!!!'!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, - ..oh oc' tlle.r -"ron bloB. It will tene op 'he Liver aUd purify the blood. HA ' TH' A W ' A" Use I~ i'eg.(lll1rJy aDcl you wt\latay .&.( flo ... well, . hiLV8 olear oomplexlon and . . . ', . , , IItcady' nervell, Get a 500 blilUle toWfty'Il~v1Ue 8 LeadioV J)e.IlU" day. koney blAok if oot 8atlsfied ta Keys Bldg\ ~8t ~ll ~rugglst&

n .o.·ff.E·'.



all tbanga. the S\lprema exceJ1ence, BlmIlllelty.--:-LongfeJlow. '. _ ...._ --::;:-- J, f i' Co I ted~ Dizzy? Bilious ~st pa . ' . I (i)r. Kinjl'8 Nflw Life Pl1l8 wlll COl~e yOll , caOl8 iii hellltlJ.y flow ot' B1I'8 &0'11 aldl . your StODII~oh and Bo'"eI8' of ,Wlltne ",ad far~en&lDg bo«!l~ ~iIODR. a .T to YOllr B*omaobllll~~::~~Ft~~;:;;:~ii thlll.renan) r oOI'e you c4 bt[lro~ Bod 260, all D~,!_.



Puhlloduvl W....III)' M tho Ua,.etl.e (Jnl~tlln the \ Rates of Subaeriptlon. Allen JJuIWII1\(. Maln iI'., WarDe-ville, Ohio. One Year (Htrlet1v ill advaDOIIl. : •.•. , . 11. 00 tllJIgle Co p), .• • •• ~ . • • • .. . .. • .. .. .. • • • .0;) VAL1.lH'

T&" Iill'J\o NIi: ~ (l

Mt .. Holly


. . I, Rates of Advertising

W. H.lladden &CO.

The Ward reuDlon took pilule SatMr. and ,Ur8. M.o~glln and Mrs , nrdllV at t;prtu gfield -obnr()b, Benior Amos Jaok80n were In Kllnla i!3l1.t. Ward , of ~ndiana OU8 beln 0110 (j -'lnl~y_ _ __ 110' t.1r. 8el)rge PralL was In . Bqlly D•..L. Crane, ~ditor and MI!~18ger. DJaP,ayl3v':'t="'I~n:incli:::::: ::·: iOc tbe main 8118&)( I lllrlCOUlll'M KiVUl on contract. Mr. RlI.r~. Humphrey. of Oaytl)n, Sat'arday. . . -"""'"'Is vlaiting1\[ ~lils vlolnity for sever. Allr. and Mr8" (2 ~orge t.brlatt were SEJPTEMBER '2, 1914. al days, . Dllyto:l visitors Saturday. ~r. and , Mrs. Obas. Evans, of JtOe Marla.U was ill Dayton Su.t" Dllyton, were gaEsts over Sunday urd ay . " ARE YOU BEINO CH~ATED? How's This? BUILD~G of lir. Oil EvaDs }J"rentl. . ' F :r an k'l'b ompllon Was a D' ayton Mr, ...,,0 a. .'K aylor bas mllde . ,-_. ' , ' We olfer One Huodred Dollars aD. 'visi'tor ·S"tur(1ay. ' • 'rhtlre III Ii. .tlme In , every man'.' Re"ll1rd for any oal\l.pi'O",tarrb tbl'~ oth er Improvemen' by puttiDg an Of aU kl~ds. · ¥r. Robert Green Ilud f.mlly, of life when, be OaD look 'blluk aod lIee' cl\nllot be oured by . Ball's OIUarrh outside light In front of his place of bUlliaelis. D~yton . 8pent Snturdtl.y and Sunday whl!r~ he baR been oh""'Bcl ou' of Core . . . " 1 d with Mr Morgan anrI fam ily . Romf\lbln~ ~blLt might hl\ve beeD hie . lr. J. CHiNEV' & CO. , 'i'oledo, 0, Mr • 01 y d e L e vioy an d f aml y an M' _..............-.: . ~ ...;.... ...................,...,................................... .. . .. r . anll Mr,8 . .Corson, of ~IDoln. h~d he ,been given the opportnllity We, ll/c''l1ndersigned, have Icno"'nl~. J. Mr Milton Howe arid famny were ... Theo aglllD, be t8 obeated beollulle Claeney for the last. 15 yetlrs and belie ve gueus of Mr. and Mrs. L . N., na , 1 spent Saturday alld ":ioDday 01 sOmllSbiol( tbat he hftS paid fnr him perfectly ho norable in all business 0.& Jeffer80nville l8.8t wenk. with Mrs, U, ,Y , Dill. tiDel De\oer Itot auy retnrn8 .from lran5acUons ao.d fmanciaIly a~le to earry Mr. llnd Mrs. BllrOIllow and dllOgh.L Almoll n.n d Sam Jaokson speno 80w often W'=I 'hear people aay, if 1 ou t,~.Y ol>ligllltOlls m ade by hIS fi~m • . ter, Kelley, of Deyton. all:lo Bun~ay with Dllv ld F. Lucas Ilnd bJl(1 Kolten servioe tba ' 08t 0 ld NAIlONAL liA NJ( 0 , COMMI!:RCE, . 0 w u . ,Toledo. O. Mr. and Mrll. Daniel Daws on wore family. not be so large. f{all's 4tarrh Cu re is laken intern all \' the gueatll ot &Irs. Bat~ and daugb. Mr. Morgan ~ot hli hand mushed Tb08 It 1C0eti thruugh this life · actiag directly upoa the blood and m;.: tor Sunday. Ilt the S,uing Valley oonolDi reLoto We pay for what we gat, but_do ' CIIDUS SI&rrMC.S or tbe system. Testimo· BBse ball Sunday composed of ry one day last week. '¥ &\"6YII get What we pltV fo~? nials seot Cree. Price 75 cents fler bottle. earnps Ilnd Fnzlers pl"yed our Mr. ' Edmond Urew, of Dayton, This ill Il qoeati:>n 'bat every ,w.ayue Sold b y ull Druggist•. ·1 'l'ownshi.,. Ilnd, to faot, moat of Tuke Hall', Family Pili. fD~ constipation. composition, aDO the soore stood was tho guest of Mre. John Levy 2 to [j in fa vor of the vlsi&orll. and family Sunday. . Warreo oounty i8 now saying hi ·re. ' .MillS MlIorgllret Sbel~ wbo wall Mr. Ilod Mrs. W. M. Braddook, .... .............. ... i J " . " " " ... gard &0 their tolephoDa~ervloe. We born aoel ral800 lio womAnhood In Mr. and MrR . 'rom I)lIIllod Mias I*y for the nee of it, but do we get Garda.... GaIn.. this vloln lty and of IRte y'ellr8 ~ r es. J)uug hters WAro ~ urui lly &,Dos tS of the eervioe? 1:here ill not one per·. Hiram-"Bol Bodbuster clalml t u illent of Wilmington. cliM 1'hursday Mr8. A . M. DilL lion In thte neok of 'he woods 'f·hat wlll answer vas Tbe service here have discovered the beet WIIJ7 to make an(l WllS laid to res t. in Miami Cem . Mr. Otto M"rh~tt and friond, of hilS been very bad for '8 loog \lme. money with his garden." Henry- etery Satuday !llong side of 'her Day·t on, spent .SundRY with home "What'B the system?" "ThIs Bummer parents and loved ones wh" prbood folks. A great maoy things are needed to Inake It be~'er-a new tlwilohboard, he 18 going to put a houee In It." "But ed her to 'h8 home beyond,lea.vlng MilS!! Ma rlatt "ull Ristor of prin g Patton's Sun-Proof Paint lIew boll:es and new wire t . A per len't be 'gollig to raise anythlog ?" sillterll, brotber and frlendll to Vallll)Y were guellts of Bort. IIOD .allln,t'down hil reaeiver on I\n "Ye.. ,ust 01 800n os ho crw he II 1 0' mourn her departure. a.nd, :f ulIlily Sunday. GO FARTHEST lodepend"n' line Dan hear ,at lnast 101 to raille the rent."-YoWlB,towll Mrs. Mara Barbeau acoompanied MI.·s . Dave B. Loo"8 I1pen~ l:)undflY towo or tour personl speaklog at Telegram. by her two fIOns Robert and Bvron with Mrs. Amn Jaokeon. LOOK BEST of Newport., Ky , 18 soonding a. week the sllme time-the tiad wiring In - -- • witb Mrll. Barbeau's parents Mr. lQost DaBes beiog respoDsible tor From "Poor Richard." Acute (ndigestion ' WEAR LONOEST t his however. When you Incline to have new d Mrs, F. E. Mills, of East Main "I WIl8 t.unoyed fIr over 14 year Three gentlemen of thil oemmo. new clotheB, look flrat well OTer th o l::It. nl&, bave Oled ohargell I4galDs~ 'be 014 onea, and Bee It you cannot ,lam H eDry (larter, of A.lhambra, CI1I, by llt tllOkt! of ll11ute indigesti on, fol 23 - Colors in Stock at all times 23 ~I&ml Valley Telephone comPllnY'1 wtth 'them aoother year. eIther by 1s visltiog hiB lion Welby Carter, Qf lowedl by oons tl(J ('tioo,' :....w.ri~8 Mrs . In. J. G"ll"~her , Geuova, N . Y . • . I beaa Obarjl88 rOllld as tollow- : aoourlng, mending or nen patching. It t.his olty. 1!..'lI:0888Ive toUI poor and dlBOriml . necell88,ry. Rememller a patch OD your Mr. Hnd MfS. MRrion Vautress "I tried 6verytblB/: tbllt WIl8 Teoom natlng I!8rvloe "nIl unjQJIt ratet'o coat and money Iq your QOOut III bel· lue movh,g from Xenia to our vii. mended to Ine for thill oomplnint 'l'belr oOID,llaint will be bMrd at ter and more ' creditable than II. Il1ge Rfter an absenoo of seyerol but nothing dId me muoh good four mouths ago I saw ;bam . Columbus sooo" and wha.t the out. on YOUI' bllck and DO money to tato yellrs. They are weloomed into our about ber. lain 's Tablets Rdvertised and pro. ' o(\me will be ollnnot be determlued it olf. midsf. · oure(} II. bottle of 'hen , frobl our lIu& i& i" hoped \hat we will be able - - -...--- ••- - TbR dance Firemans Sal I .wlle drugg ist. I soon reltllzed that I bad to ge' ~etter servioe for 'he monov Ori"ln.1 Scotch Capital. well Ilttended and mnoh enjoyed ~OttEID the right ~hlng for they it oustll UR d the present time . For many generations Perth. aDd The moslo was good I\nd Ildmlred helpl~d me at onoe. SinOe taking , -----'not Edloburgh, wal the capItal of sd> It wllK'a b JWl!D\I 8uooe88. two bottles of ~heDi I 0.0 eat heart. Bcotlrwd. . Bev. A. K. Bargsnt tlpent tWO' ily without I4ny bad effects." !:;old Chamberlain', Colic, Cholera and ~---.,days at the (laptlBt Association held by alii dealers. . Diarrhoea Remedy at Vogle, Ohio. • . - ; -...- - Chamberlain's Unlmtnt "I adviled the 'boys' when &hey Lee Hawkios, of WUmin~ton, Bellbrook. ~nlil!ited tbe Spaollh war to tafle If VOG aTe !Vever &roubled with lIham~rlalu·s Collo, Ohole~ and achea, pa1nll or BOreDel. of 'be mo', tl'RnBaoted busln688 In our oity Fri. Ml'II, Minnie KUl8 returned hom~ Olarrhoea Remedy wUh them, a9d olea you wllJl appreol"te the good day. MI'. Ell MulleD, of DllytoD spent Bat'Qlrday from 11 pleatlllnt vi'lt wltb have re3elved maoy 'banb for 'he qu/\uttee of Obamool'l&ln 'a Ltllliment advice.giv.e n," wrUee J ~ B . Bough. Many eofterer8 from rheum.tiim leveral days'here last week putting her (laoghter, .Mi88 Irma, of Cinoln . IIlDd, 'Kldon, Iowa. "No persoD and JIOiatioa have 'ulled it with tbe In ligbts for lome of 001' enterpris nati JeMBe FOlkerth is entertl4ining his whetbertravolln~ Or at bome shonld beat ·reBlllte. It II 8speolll1l,. Vltlu. ing oi&izsns, be wllhonUhllllfrellt rem8dy., to For able for lumbftgo I\nd lam~ baok. Mil8 Llllie Nedry, of Corwin, via· brotl~er ot Uinon (lity, Iod, tbla mle by all d88lers, Fo~ la)e by all dea\erll, . 1ted her relatl ves here for several ween. daTs \al' week. , Ml's. Martha ButT and daughter, M1811 ReD~ Vllndervoort, of Wil MilS Ad_, of Delllware, are tbe mlngtod, w&8 ·the guest of M~. and gU88 1teof Mr. and .drs. )'..e",is~per . Nrl!. Albert Merrlbew recently. 'rbe funeral of lIr. Pbrry Weller Mr- lllllt'Mrs. Wm. WarwlOlC an ,n, oooorrlld I~ Saudiiy d"ugh&er who have been vllllUng wila held at hie J"te rSllidenoe 1''188. teillt.l ves bere for 80veral weeks len day Ilftornoon Bnrial was made In l'OllUlllllY for tht:lr homo In Orego~. Centerville oem~tary . ' We have been bles..8d with e1[08\. Frunk P eterson, of near Spring leDt rains recently , VlI.lIey, hus I the Dr. Cal· IO _ • bert farm OilS' of town . The Amerfean Boy .;:; Regular priI!C .. . .. . ..... '•. '1.001 Rheumatism Pain! SlOPped It ils reported tb,,& Wilbur Berry. hill bll8 paroha8ed tho Patrlok Glb The Miam~aZf'tte . .The Orel; .ppUoatio~ of 81oan's bans property on west Fr&Dkllo Regular price . .. , ., ... .... 1.00 Wolmen' goetl right &0 tbe 'painful sneet. 1 part-it pene ~ra~ee wilbout rubbing. John Sllrna88 who WIlB taken 86. For bath -it 8&ope tbs Rheumatism Paio" rioualy last Sonday with aoute ·In. arou~rt 'he jolntl 'ami 81,es relief digesSion ill Dowable to be out and oomfor'. Don't eotrer? Get again • a boUle to· day I It 18 a fll.lDUy Mr18. Joho Edwards and daughter medloille for 8U palus, hurta, brul8el, II'loren08 are villiting ber motber a' ootll, sore ,hr06$. Denralgla. and MI " ~!!!"!~!!!!!!!!~!l!!'!!!!l!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!m obest pat'ns . Preventll Infection, 1I.1l118",or~ thl8 week. ~ - - .- - •. "--- -~--Ur. Ohu. B. Wentworth, Cali Jphn Kable. haa purcbll.!lod the , . . fornla, writes :-U did . wondere for .Jewell property on Norsh Main mt 1itblluwatism. pain Is gone lUI; streelt, . : . ~"'""'---...:---, loon as .. apply U. f r -,.. to my fdeodl all the b",sc . Ltniment Caesar's C~ee k I ever used I I GuaraDt~cl. 250 at W, E. Bogin and family enter • .....;.~_'!"'-_.;-..______________.....:.._.;.....;.~__ your Drogglst. . ....... tatnel! Mrs. Cbarlt18 Warwlok and ,,~wo oblldren Erma aud Boward, of New Burlington LeballOD, Ohio, the las' part of the ' MillS M&bel BaD!!BI, of Sprlng8eltJ, week. .inlrt ' BalnM and fall\j}y took 11 the gusllt of reltt.Uvea bere. M... and Mre. .Tas. BI~ir . enter. Snpda.y (linner with Jolin Willoni. Mr. and Mrll. J. S. LeaPlinlr at. ~ined on Friday Mrs ~r' Boaton aud dGUlhter, of hdi"uII.polis, Chas. tended. the oamp meeting .t Spring. .' Stall' and '.mlly, or Sprtngfieltl . field, 'as' tJunday. Ab()nt forty fri~udll of I!'rancefl Mn. Ann F., qnahr ill oonfioed to ber bed. . • . Rod .. 'Welelob . Wllaon gllve ' them Pain~nge . Mlll1 Jeint'ma Boo'- 8pent the a plea.8l'nt lIurpr1tle Thursday even .: foreP.8rt of la,' week wUh, friends I~g . Mill Luoile 811rhman h8.8 returned neat: RprlDI VaHey , ' home from Dayton where IIhe has Herb"rt P4lDter .. of '.)&ytOIll, 18 th~ More Entries In the of Mr. lind Airs . S ' H . Baw. ,~eD 'vifli&lng 'her brother Roy. Wednesday, Sepl. 16 Zlw~rl .Hainee and wife were 'lo . Different D~part· rln lgfiel!1 ~turdil:Y. to Bee biB Rev .. Leverlng, ot .ienl& ~dre8s9d Sp .' menu than In ' pre'he ~hr19"on Endoavor8un~a.y brother Je88e. 'l'boy report aba' he evenlog. . . ill miloh improved whioh we were vious ye,rs: (Oar baU .. team defeated tils tum gliul ti(Y hear. . . . ~. Shop Next to Sherwood'. Carage ~.In . , " bertoD ~m 4 to lJ at the Wood MI;. and ' Mri . . (Ja~field Petenon " meo'. Plcnio Wednesday, . .. were . Xeni•• 8hoppers, . &turday• .Oreatest. .number ,·of 'Fraok R~v~ bas aooep&etl" ~ MillS 8ara Bahies 8pent Sunda, entries :In the ,speed lition with tlie Penn.R, R. '0,,; 'with ,t:..u~iJe BurblqaD" ~.............; ' .~.~:- • '. Mr~, Rober' ~&a'QJe" and ohUdrell department than ev~ Slop ThI9.• First IFaU,'~~gb,. . ::!.t .Mond ..:y with Borace OOD;lPLI.


NO. In

, .

J..(waJa. perW Ul.O, • . • . . . •. • . • . • . OJ(ooed 1\vu Unllil

Reading 101a""'lIod Aila.


------- ""'-----_.

- ---- ---







- ----------..------



·w . H. Madden &. Co.



...- - -



.September 1'5,16.17., 18,' 14. -.


The Miami' Ga"Zette Tell. All the, New.


. E~erything . in ' readin•••· ·for.·· the _ '. Big,est . and Beat fair ever . held." ' XI( arren County



Paintiug, Paper ' Hanging, .Auto ·: and Carriage







• "rl'



fridAy • .Sept. 18

~hf'''k '0" '- fall oouRh or 001(1 at . M.I'. ~O,~ Ml'}!. Ra1~oDd Wal80D ,..' ,",-,i'it ' .a.t-tt . may 'IBjd to and"daughter Milry ,KatherD ' 8pOD' lung 'roubICl•. weaken yoor Sanday'WUb Ervin 8mltb and fan.. vltllIl1~ "ad develop a ohronlo IUD;g, ily. Get. " bo$tle of :Or. Bell I Mra, J6186 Baibe8 anll obt~di'en r l l l...... " ... ·Bonll)' ~d1l11 ... .te pllre are mo~nir ipt? 'he .'adle pro~rty . I' freel, for ·uu., New IBn.Uaga'on .hlo '.' .. oJ[ if Dab)" or Obit. . . ,... • . . are ItOIt give twto 'bem U wui ~v~ral from bere aUeuded .mee'. relieve qulokl, and perma~'8Il'l' , hllf at; 'be I'rieDda oh\uoh . Bonday U theJ rrttated '1iI'Qat•.lunga· eV8Dll1lR. : .!l.'be addreae Wa8gt "8D by' . air' pu..~. ~\)OII8a8 Pb~egm, qeo.ri!,e U. LeTOnD~, of Xenia. an'lIIep&tb and loraUl", &h811YtlSeJD . • - • &pIn It oola.! n lurely preyen'" Not With Olrt• .:ralklllg. oold . prIDe fro. ..Ulna • hold. ...~.I , repo~:.._thd"lt ... Ice•. cream COIl- o.llADUATB ~I' TO .ATIOll'AL AUoTlOR I Gauuleeil, Oaly 1&0, )tour ......... ~~~~_uo:". e\llt 00"1' Thbe " DIeD 'U 'I_ ....eep 10 01, a ......,.


»...... •








,We ,N.





Live Stock and Geneial Auctioneer Post~~t on ~grees and values o{ .. , ~ds of bteedin,. s~., . ' . Experjenced in IaandliDg farm ,wes since rr' 1\1'ti~ . 1i7VU. I 'I~' . .








'Wayne.vlliet Oblo VIIIIer T~ .



Foundation Stone Upon' Which All Christian Virtues Must Be Founded.




EXCELLENT HINTS FOR GOOD GARDENING Alpine Soldanoll.. Melt Covering .nd ' Puah Splk .. Up Into ttl. ----------------------------Sun.hln. Above. The hehuv ior at some exotic water lill o'S III .my J'Oespsston was "ery remu rk ll ble, rpp(lrts II. cOI'T~8pondent ot Ib r.. olldoll :"Iull , Thcso 1I1ant8 wera gro\\'lng III a t Ollk . I~ n well·beated gl'!' nhou , '1' bl' t ,mperature of the wute r' wus Il l ",:!y.- ke pt a t a hlgb le I' I, yel I h ' lIil e dl ' d d01l'1I during th e ,·Inle r. Wjlh t he r etu rn of tbe s pringtho no w I 111'1'11 s Lurtl'd t o grow throu gh lho wlllor 10 the 6\\ rfol:e, Illlpell d by ,omll ill [lucnc w'hlch IL Is no t easy to ~ :{pl lli ll . It 1M, or COUfse , ])oss lblll In tho ca s of t ll N'" wat r lliun ts that lbe inc roosi ng pow r; r of Ih !;\ID may have som e e ffec t upon 'tho roots, even thou g h they lin! be l) Mh tbe wnt r , Ilere lIgu lll Ibis Iloos not scem to be n very sat.l sfuct(1TY explanntlon; for th w u t ~ ,~ plan t!; atr..r t growtb \\'):l en t he pow r of th BUll Is not grenter than It Is in October, wben tho same subjects go to re s~ iJut til e rOrt~ J;olng Instance poles hetorn tb e str u nge> c:ose of tho Alplue soldanellas. 11111 plants which aboun d Oil the low r Hlopes of tbe mountains In Centra l Europe. Long before the 1I11c1< em'er ing or s now has melted tbe sold .. Ilell a s turts" active gro wth. From t be cen ler of 11 cl rc1 0 or everPee n leav .. s is sen t uJl I l flow e r s lum. Now, In ILII de velopment, this h:ls the remark.a bl u prOI" rty of h>1ving out h eat, a featnre which Is noti ceahle In 80me ottlel' nowers when thl' Y are ex pand· i IIg. The \Yr.rmth 11111s ge nera t ed me lts tbe snow, and In thle way tb e spll(t'I bores its way up tQ th e sunsblne above , !lnd , whero.! lh e solda nellus ",ro plonUru I. a runst s ingular nllilcarance Is th e ~es ll i t. T he fi o w e r~ look just BS if t b,e s pilies had bee n stuck Into th e sno\\", and It it: difficult to think thut The Weed Cutting Attachment to tho Whel!f Hoe la Excellent for Cutting Out All the Plant. That Tend to F'III Up Space Boyond Proper Limit•. they aro a ttacbed to ao y plants_

Let u~ cons ldor ome of the the e lemenls of lervl ca or walUng au the Lord Ilud sa DIe or t ue rCU8(IDS why we shollid be of good eouras : 'rho lIrllt: r qu la lt ot scrvlce Is loyally , Th~ ~U bj ect wh o hateR Il ls klu'g. tbe ell lzell \' b o does Dot lo v tlL Oug ot' h l~ country. canuol render to kin g or ()O UII' L' ST III suns t It . \\'n~ Umt ou r ' t he Ity and If I1 I1 Ylllll1!'( hhou ld hl1ppt!n try n servi ce at hOllo r or of ~aluc. l1(\nl !;(\lIcd 1nto Drcmer-Il a\·cn. to him the peop le \\'ou ld b "erv mu ch The r IlIUSt bo failh lu t be haracl er 'I'll ~ky .... a N t1utnd nil Lho .a larm d ab ut their 8arflt~· . Il,ll d "Irtu os oC Iho ful r, tuitb In the ~ harteR of Jll n k and \'lolH wl tb a :\:e.xriy a'.!., Lhe Important blllldings b nctl a nt law a of th e oun l ry to InLln y bit of yeliow at th e lror!· In Hr men a r guthered H round the aplre d volto n au d loyal t y. To walt wn . I'll ,,' was white an cl Hol nlld lind the Rathauo SCjllllre , Th UDOU the Lord fruth llIust xl ot as the 'lI moolll , oll ly lI ' re nnd U, er' r Iloel- old Rntha us Is one or til Illost Inter- roun datlon prln cl,,1 fro 111 whl~h . Iprlogs devotlo n autl loya lly , and f rom lng tile clllors or Ule sky. E " crywhere estln g In nil G rmany, ov Thoad, tn fron t nnd bac k of the The , Ull pe r Ooor of the Hlllhuus Is thle comes 'lo\'lng service. boat sea-guile were Ill' lng, Tb'lly cut occupied br Ih e Great Hall , whlcb Is Tho greatest r ul rs t hE' world haa ;gTeal. b'T!lce ful circl es In (lIe sil Y with alw ily~ I 'n Ol.e n to lhe public , The known were nol Cree tram weak neslt 'tllelr wlnJ;!! tilted sldew ls, Some ceiling of tbls o ld hall Is ver y unique , j\nd lruperrectJ olls. rCHtlng on the wnt er, moving tor It Is sel wi th th e Ilortrnll s of all The bes l gov ernme n ts hut huve languidly up a nd down ~·ltb lhe s lil;bt t.he mperorR from ha rll'lJll\.gne to ever ex isted hav ta rnished their esmotion of the ' wavelets, . and 11 1111 Slgl ~ mund . 111 bet,,'cen th e Ilortrnlts cutcbl'ous by de'd s of In justi cIl anrl others lI'cre c ryin g and tlglillnr; fOT aMI hnu!; models or f alllolls old ships, wron g, Yet III all ,ages 1\ ralth and t,bo w:l~te food that WII S being thrown The lo wer /loor or ce llnr of the trust In tho gol' rnlllenta at meu has from th e back or tbe sblp, TheIr ltathau6 Is occupIed by u (11.1I10US stlrr d tbe beorts 01 subJectH and lIIlow-whlte win gs reflected tbe pule rathskeller, wh ere on ly t wo kinds of kindled the most Intense Ores or pa111m-set colors, writes a corresppndent drinks serv od- l1hlno and Mos lie trioti s m. Men have w1lli~ g l y offered or tbe ..Di~atcb . . , wine, :-<0 toad enn bo ha d unless the tbelr II vos os a aacrJrlc e upon tb o a l· S lowly the boat was steer d In be- wlne,ls firs t ord ered. The ralhskeller tars or tbolr 'cou ntry _ :tween long. narrow points at dark 16 a · g reat fuvorite wlLh the men or If we bave ralth and lo,alty to reno green land, Slihoueth:d agains t the Bre me n and many have their (o\'orll" cllllr service ror wbat we know to be IIky were wl nd·mllls and tnll straigh t tab le, nnd Ia er t hoy Bit a nd ~ moko Impe rfect, why should we oat have trees, Notblng Seeme d reul for we faith nnd loyalty to render servi ce for g;l!ded so slowly that we !leemed to Ii rul e r a'ud a gove rnment thllt Is with· lie on a pla ntom ship In a dr eam. Th9, out Imperrectlon s of any kind or 1111.' buetllng stewards and cabin-boys to re. broke our r Elverie WIth the excl tln ~ Beat of All F'alth. .J:IeW1l tbat tb e custom house official s What ncts of InjuBlIce or wrong are ~TC wn1blng to Ins (lect our baggagc perpe trated by God 's governlll ent, tbut tha nI ght an d It any t hing an brin g wo ~h ould bav e lese lo yal t}' and less • d~ er back to earth It Is n prac· readiness for willing service to It, • Arter lhe vege tables are mn.tured Be car tul how you Introduce ne.. · ,tical German custom bouse omcer than we bave for tbe go\;ornments of the re Is n t El l1de-noy, to le t tbe weeds plants Into your garden, even t hough ~th his 'onnal unlror/DJ his g l'eat men? It Is \\' 011 to have ta ith , Ion) "LIMIT In k e care, of tl1 emsel,ves. snd they do they com e under the guise of fri e nd· mu.stl1~be and . bls gutteral with erin g an d loyalty tor 9ur country: bu~ Is It ..query, "Clgarren oder liqu or?" not more Im Dortont to pu t ou r grent· Fede!fOll Law Ooverna Amount of SII· Il to t h tllne 0 hundre ds of tbousands ship. The loved morning glory beof SC(lds u nnuolly. v,er or Copper Coin. That MUlt comes one at the worst IV eds In the Bromer-Haven' 18 th e home of th est trust and center our d enrest bopcs Se Accepted. • Some weeds, likc the dnnd ' liou and sandy soil at th e W~9 1. H a plsnt In that govern mcu t whlcb is perfe ct Nortb Oer~an Lloyd s ten~er officers. cblc kw e d, grow In the wInter IlB well ShOWR rLll Inclination to USUrtl too These men love the s en and .they live Unloading Train at BNI"1 e l"Haven. and permanent ? Tho gr eatest amounl that II. person us the ~lImmer, If lhe wcather ",Ill much space" weed It out. All otber gov ernments pass away_ :as near to It as possibl e, even atter I they have retired from active serv lce_ and la k and lot Ibe oU I ~lde world The klhgs of earth dle anti ar e forgot· payment mllY olTer' ln IIllver or gJve (h e m h a lt a c hance. Tho chick. Wh en gatberlng In the \,egetabl s, 'Th wa g a8 It wpl. ten. The kingdoms, empIres anel re- copper coins, with the certainty tbnt weed, usually consIdered harmlcss, do not dlijcnrd tb e IItlle beehl nnd tur· Blamarck Moat Popular Hero, ey spend their vacallonH In the Harlz mountaIns taking walking trips. The end of the Rathaus square III oc. publics decUne and tall. a od tbe palls- the oth er party to t he transnction can· croWl! In such dense patches as to lit· nlus a8 wortlile6s. They make Ideal not refuse, Is commonly known 8S tile erally choke out every other perennlnl. fo od fo r thl:! pou It ry. Sea Captain'. Hlatory. . oupled by tbe cathedral, a tall, unln. Ing nges obliterate all traces of tbelr " limit of legal t ender." and I.s n ma~ter Try pulling It up and thrOWing ' In a The tui gllrdencr makes 8ure JAJst June ~bere was lin eX-<lDptaln terestlng looking building, with t wo glory and renown; yet we know that not of Indlvmual opinion but at ted· heap, You wtll hu\'e a mass of humus that hIs tools lire all housed, and not boaN! and he had a curlOlls history. big towers) Standing at the front door In all the cycles ot time tbat hn ve al· Brl\l law_ A definite limit Is specified that will lighte n tbe 8011 wondertully. lett. to the mero~ of tlj:e wealjJlor. H .At! lint he Imprell8()el one BII belug Is ;Blsmnrek on (l borae. It Is one of r.lady been 01' that aro yet to be, for (:011>8 of each denomination except Keell the weeds down in the straw. any ha\' e 1!1leclal attachm ute, see U,nt -.ery old, but when he took hls cap the nlcost ·statues ot BI8marck yet reigns -and lila g()vernment stand s In gold coins aud dollars, both of berrY bed and the runnen properl), tb y sre put wIth the Dla@lne. I t- Ie all its untarolahed luste r and undl· , Gtr we sa",: his b!1lr waB not the ,least er ected. In time every city In Gerwblch may be used In making legal direct ed and trimm ed. Even If there a great annoyance at vlantlng time to bit gray. He was dressed lUI much , many will have Its 13lsmarck statue, mlnlshed splendor. Why should we not walt on 'the tender up to any amount. Of the are nO weeds, the bette r 'tllo ..condition be obllgedy to hunt bere and there for Jllle a real caPtain as was possIble for be Ie today the roost popular GerJ.'<lrIi and be of good courage? There mlnor coins now current. oDe.lcent and at the soU. tbe greater the returns. the various parts. 6>1' .. man to be. He always wore dark man hero_ :. five--cent ,pieces are goOd ooly up to 25 K ~e p the pumpkins and squubes In wltb a cap on hIs head : He was 'ext to the catbedral Is the ' ex- Is no reason , tor ralnt-heartednes's: for peuta. , Dimes, Quarter doHars and hair The weed·euttlng attacbment to the wheel-hoe 18 excellent to ri this purpose, a dry place , wbe re they will not chill, -.uent and melancholy except' when change. Thi s ex change III neither aa "He shall IItrengthen thine beart." , God Invites sl1 to clttzenBhip In bls dolhlra are good In making paymenla cutting out all the plants wblch te nd Ir you wls,l1 tbllm to keep ,,-'eU. Melone. tile disas te r was me\ltlone.d, Il.'rge nor as Important as the one In governmenl The oath of alleglanee up 1:0' $10 .. while tbe old sliver th.ree- to nu up the (fpace beyond their prop- may be Itept In prime condUJon In the Ca)taln SmIth Hamburg, but nevertbeleSs a vast - _ __ lo blm doe8 110t lessen. but Increases cent pIeces, hair dimes and 20·cont er limits, hay-mow- tor- some weeks. ' We see no loyalty to our earthly government. pieces were each good up to five dol· Keell a sha.rp lookout tor new weed.. reason why h~y, a poor conductor of It requJres UII to renounce n;'thlng lars. Altbougll it la done as a matter They appear In all places and al all te mperatu re, eho'u ld not always llrove Ulat It I. well tor us to keep, and of business custom, there la no law Urnes, Some of them may prove hard a goo (I s torage medium - for the promisee all things that are for our compelling anyon,e to make chlUlge. to get rid of It they get a strong root· · squashes and pumpkins desired late ID and 8S a matter at law a street car InG. greate8t good here and hereafter. the season. . The hopes and expectations ot the conductor, can refuse to take the five· fulure should cauae every Cbrlstlan oent: .fare out ot a dime Just as he can to be of good courage. There can be rQfuse to'take Itout ot a ten-doUar bill. HELPFUL HINTS FOR IMPROVEMENTno tallure on God's part. He la tbe -Popular Mecbanlcs, sbleld and buckler of every su)lject In PRACTICAL OF THE CLAY LAND hl8 kingdom. All needed strength Is Picking Up Tea. t'mparted In the Ilours of trial and trlb· Tho ' packe t of tea lay on the paveulation. 80 that tho tried ones may ment, apparently unnoticed by the even glory In them, knowing that tbelr youth -who stood near. Juat as a ' stout Get After Weeds In Fence Cor- Difficulty in Some Cases EXists aMlctions work out "a far more 6- dame came aloag h~e darted forners-Provide Water Supply in' Getting OUtfl;lll ' for Good ceedlng and eternal weight ot glory." ward, seized the pncket, IlDd, proeent· , for Horses In Field. Drainage. "All thIngs are now ready" for you Ing It to h e r. explained that she had . to "waJt upon the LOM" If you only dropped It. A coin passed botweon ,. v>'ill, The weedll are getting In their go'od (By W_ ·R. G1LBI!JRT.) thern. Mercy .nexhaustlblo, lr Il contaIns much water, drain ing "I'm afraid you' ve heen done, my licks In tenco corn ere the!le days, Go I will be n great Improvement; one or Untold mllllone bavo ac(;epted God boy," observed a passerby who bad _to them, &s their Sovereign and experienced the witnessed tho performance. "That per.T ake a barre l of water to the fleld ,two three·teet drnlu8 through a damp Culness oC his mercy and the com- son never dropped the pac.k et at all ....' every morning (or lbe horses, ra pea . plebe ' of land 'vIII be 1\ permjlnent 1m- . 0leteno8s of hIs care .and, protection. "I: know she dldn't," crlnl\ed the ing at noon, I,t's t.qo hard on a horse to provement, bu f tb ~ dJflIeultJr In some Why not you? . "work him live houra In the hot sun cuses 'ls to get ·an outfall, you ~b_ "It's 'er JlS Is done. Y' eee. I Wh~re tbe' outfall, exlets, wet land His merey Is Inexhaustible. When gell!~ the packet at 'ome, ·tears a. without water, the last sinner comes to Gcd" though small hole In the paper, empties th& Very young du ekltngs will dIe rrolp should be drained before 'plantlng fruit It be tn the hour when the mlgbty tea, fiUs It wIth ashes and drops It in sunstroke. See that they are kept In t'rees, and· tbll drains 8bould not be angel, standing with ono toot upon tho street. Wonderful 'ow It works. tbe lIb'ade durIng thel heat ot the day_ les8 tban :three teet deep, More will. the land and one upon tbo seQ, pro. Serves ' Calks right for not belD'g hon' Nev~r drink extre.mllly cold wate~ ex· In mall), caRes, be belter, 1\9 the draIn. .l>~Ettr.1'I TO SARf1.I:LD r::tJ::VATED RAiLWAY claims' that Ume was, and Ume Is, but ) p,lways ses." cept In small quantttles theac torrid wbloh let out waleI' \\'111 Introduce air. 91th a vim lbat Beemed almost unwar- amount of busi ness Is done here wlth- time s hall be no longer, even then daY8. Deaths occur from this Indhi- an# 'BO a double improvement will' be going all. ' T&llted. One day tho deck ' steward out muell apparent effort except noise. the riches of lhe grace of God w11l be At the Bazaar. " eretlon, and not IntreQuentjy either, After draining,' some of- . the clay told U8 his blstory. Tbe men congregate ,between one snd as full as wben first offered at the A fu noy incident, bappened at a 'roDo not leave lUly stuer In, the feeding should, be burnt Ilke ballast. and o,[ter Three years berore' he' bad been a two o'clock, IUld seem mer~ly to stand gatea of Eden, (,CIl 't bazaar, The 'minister Invited all troughs Ulese days of nl, days; It real captain, and no prouder man ever around In grour 3. Th e resources or God afe undlmln· the peoplq' of the parish to contribute !lours so quickly. ]rlUllh them out with It has cooled, Icreen It and · lay the roughest over the plpo8 In the drain 70de the lIeas. He was taking a Back of tbe eXcbange Is a large Ishable, Be ot good oourage. All Is something for a mammoth "lucky water-elenn water. ' and spread the flne materll\! ovor .the frolghter tbrough the Mediterranean square where stands the statue of OUB' )'ours ' If yours are Chrlst's, Tho bag," and II. most v,rle d collection of The first groen corn-rodder will be 'when suddenly in hroad dayllgbt he tavus Adolphus, tbe Swedlsb emperor. thought of the great reward ought to lanfl· good8 was gatbered. On thG second relished by tbe bogs. J have seen this carrled ·out on eolel, ran his ship u pan a snndbar, and the He Is dressed In the costume .of tho InspIre both loyalty and courage t<l. eve:nlng or the tete a respectable clll· , That Lbe IItock be well watel-ed ! ,. clay land, alii) the ImprQvoment hall boat went down. No lives were lost daYB of Charles I, but In spite of his ?vercomo all enomles. It Is written: zen, Imbued with the spirit of doing' more Important th, c se days than 'at been ImMense. " but the cargo was very valuable and courtly robes he has the Ore of a I 'Him that ove rcometh, will J ruatre a 'bJs stripes were tnken rrom him, and great fighter In his eye, The statuo pillar In the temple of my God and he good -In the church. pn.ld the entrance any other Ume, he was made steerage Inspector, It was 'orlglnally Inten ded for the city shall go no more out; and I wlU wrlt(l tee and drew Il prize from the bag. ' G " SIMPLE METHOD FOR WIE easy to see wby be had eo cham· of Gotlenburg, In Sweden, but ns It upon him the name or my God, 1l1I~ A orow d collected . a~ut him all nn~lous to see "'hat he ,had dmwn; and , LEARNIN' VALUE OF plone.d eaDlaln Smith and snld that dis· was being tmnliDorted fr-cfm Germau~ the name of the city ot my God." KILLING DANDELIONS asters can happen to the best of <:ap· ' a great storm nrOBe IUId tile vessel It Is counted a greu t honor to be his sU.l'prlS6 may be Imagined when he a note with the followinG 'nBerlP-INTEN.SIVE FARMING ' , &alns. But It Is one of tho traditions was wreclled. The s tatu e \Vall rescued grqnled the freedorp of earth's great got t~n: ' ' Clf the sea that a man who has once and brought back to Bremen. The cities; hut ~w Ibeoncelvably glorious Gasoline or Kerosene ' Applied at "Oood for one grave, ~ug lI,uy time 1011t' a. ship mU,Bt nel'er be csptaln German scamen mlsed a fund pur- j the distinctIOn accorded the humblest Small Areas ,Made to Pay' HigHer chased tbo statue and stood Jt In' their ChrIstian tn receIVing the rreedom of during the ensuing ycar." . agaIn. Crown of 'Plant Will Pr~ve .: . , heaven's Imperial c.'\pltal. Is 1\ very attractive c ity: city, Returns Proportionately Not far' from the R.a.lbnu9 Is Ilnother "I will write upoD blm tbe name of Magnetic and Geographical Pole. RunnIng throug h the center or tbe .,Quite' Effective.. ' . Than Larger Ones. square" which 18 occupied by a ull ique the city of my God ." , The "geographical poles" of ' tJie town Is a -long nnrrow, lalee, alon g earth are Lbe extremities of the 1m., . _ .. . (,sy w. L : OSW ALb. ) "1I1hose banks all the fine r'3sldences founlain. , It Is a boat containing 1\ Cut tbe dandelion roots oft below or tho city are s ituated. Tbey ar beautlrul Ilsher boy, wblch three mer. Thankfulncn. a~nary IIno ' paslling through Ita cen· As ,population Increas~s, we are . beA grateful 1I.eart I8 the mark at II t er of gravity ~d about 'which It re- , sinning to learn tbe value Of Inten··, the 'surface of 'the cround, ~ cbarmlng villas, ornamented with .maJds, have captured,. ' Rl\d ,tbey arl! many !lowe rs and trailin g v.lnos _ The draggIng him IntQ 't he wa e r, It II! truly religious man. We unconsolou8' votves, The "magne~lc polea" are ' In &IYe farming, ea pec,l ally on land near ' . Gasoline or ·kero~ene. applied at the , lalle Is full or ducks, little du cks, big very original In composition'. and de. j lS become selfish It we lU'e always as 1(. no way colnoldent with tbe' geograph· 0. good mark et. II Is being demon· crowlI 'of the dandelion wUl klll hidl. ducli.s, wblte ducks and black ducIru, s ign Md remInds one of the pl~t ure6 , Ing tor blell,slngs without giving ex, Icill poles a,nd are detorm~e4 bl' the strated that s mall areas I~y be made vldu-al plants, . preselon to sincere gratitude for thos, "dip or tho needle." The north mag· to pay as high or higher r~tll~s on -Their bomes are little bouses nll- of Ar,nold 13ocbUn. , When only a few atarry plants .~ ' The stores In Bremen are ye t. we hav~ already recelved_ God hll.ll neUc pOle wft,B located by ·CaPt. James the .labor and money expende!), as ' tbe pe~r pSTllistently ,tlle spud or c1I.ored In the cenler of tho .lake. 'fh ey are high and dry and filled with trae,ttye, especla!ly It YOU are a': nad, , docll\red his .wllllngness, yen, bls d'e- Roas , In .1831, In King WlUlam's Land',,! larger farms, ~s an .exampie of thl., knife. , On badly Infelltecl lawn.s, gooel re~ ...8traw 'for th,e little ducklings. and far mlrer of hand cm brold\lry and Ib tI I light. to gJve us lhls mercies anti bless· nOlrlhe,iJ OlJ,nada, intitude '10-~2. The : a New ·J e rse}' truck and fruit farmer ~ay ~om , tbe blld bOYIl that gl'ow rnl band sewIng. The store "'ln~~'!.v~ J Ings, but. he desires to !oe • south magn~Uc pole has beeD located : tellll of foul: ' men and . two women , 'Bulta may be obtained by epraylng \. In well-regulated" mLllt.ary Ger. are full of dainty waists and exqulelto growing ..wlthln our hea rts, None In latitude 12·23, ·r ' ~ ~atberlng and· marketing In one 'daY'., wltlt sqlphate or Iron, _any. Use 1~ -po~nd. of Iron ,sulpb'a te. ~ things for bablell, but a SDare, how. the lI",ered lYrlters c.xhoned more fro, " ,lQO dozen ears of gre.en ConI a~d 80 One of the moat Important thIn gs ,ever, t~r wblle they are beautl(ully Quently to gIving of thanks than did p'recocioul ChllClhood. bushl;llS ,of. tomatoee, and BaYS ~bat Is ~blch can be purchased at any drill .to Bre!ben la t4e JWlanda, a colossaltl,- sewn , the ftt Is German to the' ex. t1!e A~Olitl' Paul . . The rule of hili lite ' ~l!I~w.-m-y-.ebUi.l" 1Ia1d~ a fall' sample · of the , wOJlk done auI': Iltare, to one gallon of water, ' remein. ure II stg ne tho.t stands In the Rathaue tretJile, wIth no style wb\ltever, was, GI,'''lnc thanks alwaya tor 411 JUdfi8, "wblch aarent cia, ;you prefer to Ing last .summer. He dot!. not me~ berlQ.a that It :wlll di8color clOtblDI , ' *luare. and Is {he symbol of clV1c lib. . " thlngll unto dod." . go with?" .' - ., lion {be ·p'dces_ receIved for the day. and cement walks, ., . Apply the Ipray three . dah ' after erty. Roland, Is as primitive as . Nl'meroua Tlet. . ' ' , fiTbnt depends." anewered the faa)!.. CTQ~, but allY fanner Qall . II}I!-ke · Ill. Cubt.t art and ' Iooks like he ml,ht '" don't clire mucb for fAlnelnllle" BI'I'ery allpll;&UoD Is a 8te~ Lc.ward, lam able child, ."1. 'JIIother 10iDI to .et oW9 computatlon from the l)rlcea re- lawD la out, on a brllht day when the , 1IaYQ been a production or tbat Ichool "Why don't you m9 ve tben '" '~t to ,which ODe &IIpires. _ We baUd I larxe .limon),!" , ., . I c;elved III. hi. nNre.t market, and wllJ po ..ijlnttlel, ot train &1'8 '· 8Ugl1t. TIle 8OIuttOD l~ou1d be applleil ff1tb -Jle .taDd8 very .tralght and stiff. hold. ':TOo many tlea, Our nelgbbor hu or dutrOy our ldealll b "c~ tbotill1to "Yea," ' " J lI90 n lee that tile couree of the .UID. . . a IWord In ODe han!! and a .hleld my carel fable, another my wheel\)U\ b, eyer}' ~e ~r fear, 1:11 evel'1 "Larp enOUlb to emblU'J'll•• taua.. ' mer he ~ouJd hlJY8 a pNtt)' tall' .DID a .pra,er, Whl~ "yea ,a he ml.tllQ aprtDldelli DOt ••~or,. Uae otber. BolaDd .. the maRot of ro"" and a'thlrd..m, IawD mower." fort o.t "'trut.-HOfatl~ Ore..., • .• \ mon: to 'b~W C~ IlU lD\'88&me~~

J _ro









'1 , '




















Manila Strand. Togeth er .Equal a Solid Bar Weight for Weigh tEfflclen~ of leather . (

Mistletoe Develops Slowly in Frrst Years of Existence.

Or th'l Opxlhlp r opes sultablo Cor p"W er trnn ~:lIIM~'() " Il. /lJlllllla Ttli'll' la iu" us 1I11'Ollg as II solld ste I bar. w!llght Cor weight. though ouly about r -CIl't1t Ill! atrollg'-P I' eq ual e ros. -'tl1l:!-pe faraa lte Occur. on Wide Range section , ueebrdl ng to a writer In Pow· T,ees and la Commo n on Thaf r 1'. I,eathe r. oll Ihe oth l' hU'ld, 18 on ly AID .IN WALL CONSTRUCTION ' aoou\ of the Ap~,le. but Rarely n fler () nt aa sL r o n ~ aa u steel ,Appear . on the ~ear , bar of e~ ual cm ss Rectlon and "! s~ Object of St. Paul' Invento r Is t o Elimi- thILli ~O I) rent RS atror. per e qual ' nate Al i Planes of We~kn es. wei ght 0 r mnter lll1. bondon ,-The ,'ery s low growth lllY, Permea~l and The rel!\tlve emo lency "r ma nila. made by tb e nilstleto e plant In the has ce eXisten e and lea t h er belti ng tor the tranll· Its rop . or years few Ilrst Kilo," ) 'OU not thnt llul~uc p I\rkl"nK For ,L,ll I! ObJCrcltosol oun In- ml ssloil of pow er 18 no t directl y pro~ 18 u Hqu o r di v lne, been a cause of anxiety to those who Intls b I ermn· I')'e r 0 . AIIlI t h~t !Lngr l. III henvoll on 0 . " strengt s., have fondly hoped to grow largo ven I S I port onal to th eir respectl .ve P 1 \11 sl IIdl b I P r e (el7' It to \ . .-loe tioD> construc rllal . nn, . Dn ., t la • c - hOlvel' c r, as th e InLe bunche 8 of mi stle toe In thear ga r- D /lIn u A US' o SING tho Med can8 .of I or a Item p rope and a strip ot leather dens In a s bort s pace of time, In SUi>' 8ll,~ 11 III r call 8\l)'S : fh elr naliona l drink. a nt ob· differ greatly Llnd vary diffe re ntly by Importa views 's several pondent tho corres mong A yoar of port history beverag e whoso tlbers, trom wblcb th .. ( run sendln~ a pbotograph sbowlng j Cl l; or Lhls 11IvE'nllon Is the prOVision wear. Manila ctu red, sre tlsuaHy from. dates from Lho earliest manufa Is e rop to d dl!l\lglle 'a on ctlon e conslru mistleto o f n wnll lwo large bUllche s of times. yet to which the ten teet long, are compos ed whiteth orn, sa.ys, a writer In Country e liminate 11 11 plan l's ot weukllo ss a nd elgbt to millions of modern Mexcell s tha t possess great longated e of po· de til fronl misthe uiting 's I' for . lt}' curious rlneabll p very Is It Life. Ico 8we"'r all faithful alinally. hut are comlongitud trength s borlvl1 IlCCC>!>li H In te hoat er the cOli or thau l! BltiO tletoe la obvious ly older leglancoe as did th e an- · rsely. Leath· transve weak parative ly plant. Thi s, howe " er , has been ac. c lent Toltoc nearly a about equa.Ily Is' band. her ot tho 0)' er, mistlethe g rem'ovln by pllshed com thousan d yearll ago, ~~rom the Plain., 80 tbat the n, directio allY lu on strong troe the toe wI.t h a pOI·tlOD of o! Apam and other pulqu e-produ cing s uch a belt Is mostly ext.erna I. on grafting wear and I~owlng wB.!l 'It which hundred one over t, district s adjacen In a ma nila rope the wear Is largely !Dupon th e whi tethorn . Your oorrecarload s of this alleged dlvlue liquor rnal, the elongat e d tiber cells be~ te mlstlegrowing sponden t's succ.!sS In are rU8hed each da, to tbe pulQuer1as ed togethe r whe n pasBlng arqunll crush ralses thorn bury G1alSton tbe tbe on Loe satisfy to Mexico of or tbe CHy lind brenkln g up Into sliDrt Bheave n plant8 hoat suitable toof a estion apend Qu tho thirst of tbe natlvell, who worn-ou t manila ~pe, as A pieces. often most Is It for the paras ite. tal of more than UO,OOO a day Cor the 118 ltD stre ngth Is concern ed, may ban, ' lIeen growing upon the apple, but In bevel'lli :e. th e alit ward appeara nce or an excel· s It Is common C?n the ])aU, trips are ntl(:8S1ary bQcallea Ita certain dlatrlct reacbed bu IndustTy tequila d the lont rope. while Internal ly Its CODhollowe I. h~w. cn Itump und ng poplar, ",'hlle It Is pulque .Ill not keep anf leuith of of tbe remalnl a wash· hlgh8tlt develop ment, and mlnlonB of thorn, willow. lime. Dlaple, mounta in structlo n Is bu t a mass oC sbort, brokUme. In 24 houf! It loaea e'f6ry trace out to form a basin as wide aI PCSDe wortb of the liquor ill ahtpped deep, feet en . pa rticlos. 'I'he allowab le working ' two to and one from ebanon L s and of bowl become cedal" and even and asb, of Its tormer 41vlnlty y. annusll na· out that stress oC a good leatber belt Is cus-.. sap the lon ftows lJ.pre8s basin this high 0 popular In LarcJl. There Is a .. lUluseaU ng men that amells to have may thirst t..' ture · lntol1tte n Should glYe IIte and a wltb man tomarlly taken as 320 J>Qunds per the Or bea'Y8n. that mistleto e has a great liking for s liquor, wblllh colorlea Inch, or about one·t enth Its tenfiery. a sQuare meacal, tlowerl. the to beauty conlI<l11or ed rerme~t Pulque Is a Wall Con.tru ctlon, . Both maguey the . In the COUfSt) ot a year ' from trength s o dlsUlled sil ot aha end Is one tbrusts It ero Uachlqu alcohol. The talnln, about 6 per cent lH1P' barm\es rope '\\'11\ lose about 5f are manila now mellcal a 80 and liquid. or the tequila Into practica ble the product ion of a pleas· II made from the cap of certain kinds bl. gourd plpetto of Its ortgl1l'h1 strength , after hut· they have a "kick" cent r drinks, pe With ater, pearlng honey-w or el. ot we aguaml means States by clllled Ualted flnlllh the hl . durable Ing and of maguey weaken ing become s more end IIl1:e an arm), mille, A Mexica n peon brul!hln g a.nd washing the partiall y which the oall It the "Centur y lant," becau~e bls mouth he drawlI on lhe other at ed frighten be may nd er such conditio ns It .la sober, U the . when Into gradual wbo. lIDcked Is a;er and the boney·w hardene d concret e. Further . to proof the saying thaL it lilooms only one to Hgu re on an allowab le work· of a homed toad, usually tbe safe. Ilgbt Into tbe emptied Ie ! hO\lrThen) bodies em Mexico, ourd. In which years. ction hundred constru a In vldo a drunk on tequila or mell· Ing stress of about 288 pounds per ' ever, tbe pulQue-produclnK maguey p kin. ~ the harvest er carrie. feels, wben ,- I....'"I]'-'all lleUl~'"D.g o.t lLtrame work dlsclos· 01' lmtre, e machet a with . Incb, or one th rtv-aeco nd Its armed and rll. cal Ide ·shou his y Ing window oppnlng s - ~nd ' ordlDar camell to full maturit y In 'from seven ,lang 1'0811 erIng all tbe reet of te nsil e strength . ' slaught to sweet, equal tly pleasan Wi mael of being aguaml last Tbe growing lhe Tbe walls, the years. for ten to ;,anels starta out to nally occasio and eable Mexico disagre not' !lnd pulque color, mo.· of 1n CRst ctur,e Kolde'n oUler pey for tbe JJ;lanuta filled with conoret e or Is one of tbe most ImPorta nt and to the smell, Two or tbree time. a do so. te rlal , each panei being cast as an.· CANDLE·HOLDER IS BIG HELP of ity popular tbe 'rhe g Notwltb standln day the i1QUld must be drawn ol!. I,lroOtable Industri es In. Mexico. tcgral block." wine rum, The maguey Is 0. variety of cac· ayerlllle maguey will yie ld from ten to mescal, tequila. agUlll'd lente, Enable. Carpen ters and Mechan ic. to of the Cacl that tus, of wblch 3S kinds are ""'en fifteen pints dally for two or three and beer, and In spite Secure Sufficie nt Light In OutNOISE IS QUITE EXPENSIVE Mexico Imports each year over $6,000" tbe . general name of maguey . Tbey montbs : ' and then It dies. ,of.Way Co~ner., Ie whleh of thrive on tb e Mcxicrui plat~u. and. If • From plant to plant the harvest er 000 worth or liquors. much s .. youtb of the Din Caoaed by U.e of Stampa we except clgnrett es, represe nt about goes until tbe plgskLn 18 flUed , T.ben, champa gne for the gilded An Ingen ious candle- bolder that will tbe " divine" CrU8hlng Machln n I. Reapona lble aJl that tbe average Mexica n ell. res wltb mucb gruntin g, be sblfts the Illtles, the consum pt\oJl of a big h elp to 'carpen ter s and mebe •. Order hack eratood far As . for Mlsund . bulging pigskin to an ep.aler position', pulque goes on unabate d for In life, has been Invente d by a New chanics to stop Ita rnto a maguey tleld be may go bun· and, wltn tbe four pig-legs stuck out as 1626 e fforts were made . A bracket with open jaws man York cture and sale, Edict after In 8. recellt convers ation lh Sup9r- and a tbumb screw to fasten It to anT Irf and naked. From ' tbe edges of In ludlcrou !l pOSitions, the Mexica n manufa but pulque, against Issued wae edlot thll lenes hI! can proeur~ a t~orn· abumes a.way to where bla mule walta on a White. In ten dent of a large stAmp mill made projecti on h1\.8 a -pan w Itb B. tu~e to each one seemed only to Irritate tbe Mlatleto e·. Ho.t Grafted th e observa tion that "noille costa hold the candle attache d t o it. 1-here tlke needle. to whlcb 18 attache d a with two stolle Jars or tin canll slung t"orn. to maSllos and IIt~ralJ¥ "dl1ve them mOll!,!Y! ' We llad \leen discuss ing the are or\eh dark corners 'n bulldlns . IIt'l 'oog thread; whUe {rom tbe leaf acros s hla back. He emptiea tbe pig· drlnk" -more pulque. UBe of stamps as Qrusbln g qlachln es are' make they tu . l when materia and the cans Kets the he t ~nto th .klll Itllelf e very careful wo~k Ie requlr~ th e Oll k . Aa s. mAtter 0 f fac t , e wo QuieD made! IIrst pu.lnue the compaf aUve merits ot v.a rloull wher "'as and d When He burden Ita th and clotl1e~ t d of mule r Bult the ld ' tull he takes the cloth for a an er. .. oge oun \. om e One of the n that about are very s devices for crushin _. tl . g ore. bullds a house and shingle s It with of aguaml el to tbe ferment ing room. sabe? Tbere III a t(adlUo nce 0 t uuS eloe grow· ar·g uments advanoe when the ",·ar· th e rare occurre d by this Buperln · til b d Id h -to tbe dried leaves, Tbe. tlber ot the There the boney-w ater Ja emptied a thousan d years ago. 0 y SWay In Mexico. a Ing upon OILA was e sucre . leaves be twists Into ropes and tbe Into vats. A portion of tbe sap hall 11.1· like Toltece heldday gitt. tendent against the usI) of stamps was a field Druids and rE!garded a.s a divine red discove one man certain I and to I ' ng m' s' tho t r emendo us and never e nding ropee Into mats tor making bed. ready been gaUlere d and allowed I tbl ng concern A s t s talk of amo He builds a. flre, ""lth tbe fermen t for a'bout ten days, It la now moulle gnaWin g at tbe flowers chalra. on a noise produce d by tbe tailing welgb~s . occurs maguey , After frighten ing tie too la Ibnt, althoug b It ]n his opinion tbe dill was r es ponsibl e dried ltalks and cookll tbe dried roots called madre-p ulQue, and' Is uled ali a growing common so Is alld trees of' range wllkt at. was n away. bta attentio many misund erstood dlrecU0l!~ for tor food, What be doel not need be yeast to hasten the ferment ation of Lhe tbe moule ever bardly Is It Yilt trsoted to the 30lden fluid which quick· on the apple. .. LO employe s. resultin g In orders lells to the vinegar facloty. or the mo- tr~sh sap. an.d has The writer Iy filled -he halo the mouae had made. found on the, pear. of time and expensi ve &..!loss 19,!l~~ ' Ials!!s mill, or the paper works, for -the.-pE, A little of tbe motber-pulQue Is add- He tnst:d It and foun et,o&-orl n--mlst..l "'er-lIee -f(-Ftle . gooiJmi sta kes. Til po n s r ea !TY·-pel'l t b L ."""'--ma ny pellos. wblch enable him to .ed to tbe sweet aguaml el. Fermen ta· y reme I e ex ater was sue h ns .... nces mus average mill em ploye Is marry. Then', havln~ clothed blm- tion begina ' alm08t lnstantl y and goea large quantit y . of tbe boney-w Atte mpts r ecently made to celved. The tbe man's heauUtu l rare. and erod . ath anxious to give tb e h;npres8 10n that houle a d g furnishe aand boney·w buUt tbe and lelf t d I on rapidly. In 2f hours 0 e I I bave pear on et.le st to carry tbo grow m be unders tands tbe boss' orders, and h and 's atlsfled bls hunger and IIl1ed .fls tel' LII convert ed Into Ilnlshed pUlque. daughte r was sent at once r able r es uI ts tl1&t the. su.,. rather tllall ask a Questio n Cor fur· g' oldell llquor to T e ..nancallz ln, ' then such remlll'k pookeU! wltb money and married a ready for the market. ject bas Blocs been brought before tho (her InCorll1ll.l.Ion, be will som etimes ktng of the Toltecs . . , wlte, be tak a tbe sap wblch bas col. The- tlnlshed pu IQue Is whitish In Ie n tlfl c comm Itt ee 0 f th e R oya I H or. pre tend to und ertttand and tben go BC the at . arrived lrl g · the . ni time old ile his of By t lec41d hi tbl! atump was coior. but otberwl se Is' unlike anythin g seed tlcultur al !loolety . lIHs Uetoe and seek advice froUl a tellow work· guey. form ents It Into pulque, ~nd pro· else undor he sun. It has a taste !lnd klng's palace tbe fluid had Cermont ed nn d In catled pulque. sown onI at num b or of ·trees. Ulan. Th e order lI1ay be wrongly ellet. t tl I ceeds to celebra te his prosper ity by odor decided ly Its own, The taste. to · and was what Is now , was good. But many 00" Handy Candle- Holder, a mces germ no. on ns It It. te d or not at all. Tbe noise of tb e ou tasted king drunkl The ly getting glorious tbe Amerlo hns. Is Indesor lbable, but I n ' n() case, h owover, ' dId th II I tblll pace. to the greatly wblch utes from bowl ask? corttTlb "olden d 1b e stago 0 f stamps Wbat more could slnful mortal • b . I tl t reminds one of spoiled butterm ilk. over the .. been a great problem to get feast. ed m s e oe ge. eyon conditio n, makes It dlmcult to glve and and Itonbas And the Mexica n may bave all thl;lt only sweeter . The odor Is very mucb king d~nk, b le hungry eyds "'o ~k. Tbe mechan ic usue th v ·lIght tedly undoub Illld ers. ord ermh eceive r '!.a.t1on. and no leaves were malde, bls own light," as·' the e9In Irom the humble mo.guoy. "geta ally upon tbe lovely malden who had gT '" 'lhat of ancient egge. like not ce- cnuses many mis tak e!!. The cost of he enect u lpon t be pcar was On the Plalnl ,of Apam, near the city • The Mexica ns olalm that' pulque Is brought the gift. The result was that bl t tt I emerge ncy the I tbls In I 1 goes. emp f a h ts pressIon n , etoe exactly st m ed e 1. or esUlDat e. be a not cided may de te f noise of Mexico, the maguey Is said to attain good for the stomach ~ and tbey gulp the U ngrateful 01".. renroba ,. 0 kllled the tissue older shown here wlll come Ia to establis h 'I tself h b k but It Is a real tactor. -Me tallurg lcal candle-h I hi J Ita greates t perfecti on. Tbere. on tbe down. great quantiti es wltb gusto. to keep the golden lIquor- and alao h handy. It can be made fast to any ring. Enginee mlcal Cbe and Ii ar e t l n splky, h t 'II' buge, YSI~ I tho m t e tlrete I ste great I)lantatl ons, O)ld or a boa rd or oth er projecti on. 8.l\d Americ ana do nol readUy learn to like tbe beauUfn l girl. t e 8 em, n greenls h·grey planta. looking tor all it, By balding olj.e's noatr.l Is very tlgbtWhlle the king was making the C(lmp e e y enc rc ug give tbe desi red ilhlmlna tJon. ' Even NTERS CARPE FOR TOOL the polnl NEW tbe world like monste r artlobok es, Iy closed, It Is poselble to ge~ Borne malden! a prisone r In his harem. the gro~tb being killed Il.bove inated. wbere an ardlnar y candle-h older could germ gathere d round and drnnk wbere the mls tle Loo ha d Itretch away In symmet rical rows for Qt tbe BtUI! down; but Quite often, ser -nts ,u be used this bas the advanta ge that It . to All mllel and mUes, Tbere are no fenoes .wben the nostrils are released , the up tbe rest of tbe pulque. They we re Bevelin g Saw Guide III Adapted -":'~ . not tip_over. ~I!I ~~~~~= n, __ _ _ _ __ .....,,""0--'-....:;...\ _of any kInd and the sceiu(.ls unbroke :~~~H-H~r-.t.lII-RIUi,-.uWJLL-'-::ill.t.l~f~~~~;;~;:~ ~~!,: ::~:: pulque 60mes ·back up. the IIQU~ to unWled with he a, tbat felt haolend nal them ot one each ly save for an occasio present run, Quickly Ie d_ pulque ' Tbe finished Bo)( I, Employe a king as any Two Other 'Tender Childre n of Aber. It \I fort·lIke walil! and lowen, . Into large caske ~nd loaded on to himself wall as much for Cache a Had ah,. a W, deen. Mllllon8 of dollars are Invested In' A new t ype of bevelin g saw guide trelns. Tbere are a number of long Dian wbo ever walked. Stolen Good •. the pulquo busines s, The ' man wbo trains, carryIn g ~othhig but. pulque, . In . due course of time tbe matden r ecently placed Otl tile market Is also By .tbat goel \,pto .It mUlt eitber buy a mao s for wblcb tbat wInd their way out of tlie maguey ' bore tl child tor the klllg, Aberde en. Wash.- Wlza Golka !Ut d ada pLed to all the purpose tured plantati on, which . CO~LS a .prlnce· 'whdle, Toltec nation, Inolud· tbe hasten aud Ume morning each ons plantati ly sum, or purcbas e many acres , of Pauline Caspers on. bnt h und er tl\'elV'e Into the City o( MOl[\CO. where the InK the king himself . wae w.o rahlplng 'land, 8ecure young shoots train BOIDe liquor iii quickly transfe rred to tbe pul- at the shrine at tho ~Ianco nentLl, as years old. und er arrest here bave y at the Pa. , .old Held. and tben walt from seven they called the pulque. And 110 tbey oonfess ed tIl B. burglar querins . Fruit (!ompII.ny 's store. recently , clfIo ten yean tor the phints to produce. tbe of "ChUd the Infant t~e dim· all a.t named not are aB ThO,lle pulQuerJ True. it tbe sol\ be feltlle. the bard, Among tb e nJ'oat recent lubstltu tea tbla a when the y toolt $45 (rOID a sate whlcb 'cult to lind . . ·Over tbe. front door.Lb ere Magney ," FrOUl that day to cked. unlo left been rubb er Is seaweed . has tor had maguey needs llttle or no care mean· pulQue of river etrung a lot of varicolo red steady and mighty * .. • tben theft s of fruit have ocwHile • . W!:Ien ready to produce , eacb Is usually Since tbe from flow. to es continu and cnrnl· flowed, 9t one ng remindi tissue paper, 1l.1Id a walch was for lithogra ph stones o egularly r sull.3bl curred Rock tbe pliint 18 valued at ,trom ten to twelve down ons plantati maguey the great val dllYs back In the states. Where esult r tho with . ( he Philipp ines. In building the tou~d In !Jeen ilS h placed tbe Of dollars, en "Childr throats of tbo thirsty PBcper III missing , 'the odor 'C omeallQ werlng time, and from the U.ssue that the t",'o girls . wbo had' enteted " I g ." un·fallln an Maguey as lervas que l .pu. the cepter of tbe cluster of great t1broqJ tbe bulldln,~ and were prepari ng to For every 1,000 males e mployed in to.l(e ' trult, 'IV re caught In ' lhe act, leave8 some ten feet 19n9 a ~oot ""Ide .gulde. after all, pulQue' may be' sald to Ne w Jersey there are 276 females . Diction ary Pillow, :And. and' a'i moai' as thick at the baSil: ma.. They conless ed \0 other robberi es. wrote who woman a knew once , ] cheapIts m!l8888. tbe of drll1k bave been d() lng petty pll. girls . suef sends uJl a giant flowt)~8talk . bE\ the The very ~lo!\and yea rly produce s 700,01)0, 000 waa who woman a of out books, lean can makes .It 10, 1'0u . tor a, 10l]g tim e. T1l1B stalk growa rapidly. to a height of neD blocks of fu el peat. V!llued at , 3,000.In almost allY ct(y or learned In the matter or French and laglllg , ten and Tougan twenty to thirty fe.a t. If ullowed tbe car window Carl and . Cecil Orten UOO. Greek. and German a and buy . and J..atln Mexico central In tb t1ower. It bursts Into bloom iIIIltl:l vlllnge .~ twelve year's old, ,wbose pa.renta aban· ""lnk of pulque for a penny. From wb"On her ni ghts were dark and dread- doned 'the m. wert> arrested In a. ,'aeant Bevelin g Saw Gufde for Carpen ters. mu.gic~ 8udllenn esB. 8everal. thousan d awake lie Slam hu.s resulDed tb e prod,uct lon ot would e sh. s, sleeples qU~l·t. iuland a buy will centa five to three al· gT:Cenlah-yellow flowers appeari ng e cottage I.n wh <;onsldernhle loot wal! a miter box Is e mployed an:1 ca n be cotton, sav aral Y I ~ r8 ago a: leading Inbottled pulqUE!. wblch Is said to be and think of worda- wlJat languaga t. , located. . wh 1II0"t' "t once on 'the atalk, after which !fhe . and troOl derlvcd w(1re oy th nally occasio has ahd used on lumbe r at any ' width. The llust ry. excelle nt the plant' dles. It Is during the flow· really 1 been. bnd gs nleanln l origina n. thetr costa ans. physIci by d Illustrat ion shows !La operatlo_l c learl y. Indorse be~n or er08, edng tlmo that tbe tlachlqu Statis t ics show tbat from two to . a great . LlGHrNI~IG BALKED BY ROPE w~ 1l ' more. that me trlOe tOI.d She kept ,f/.Jj '. pu)qu.e . harvest ers. , ~it'b their '{ourd. and her, )Jor ce nt of Ind us trlal accldent~ to e Cour p.1ensur of II. ource s desires n Mexica Power, tho tllnes Avallllble Wilter • . ,. .. . pipettes . and ,pigskin receptao les, may , At sne ' when s ervou n fatal. growIng are from her he teu Tben r drln.1!: than. pulque, Bolt Had Melt'I'he gP.OloglCf,L1 HUnrey has estima - be seen' s'cattere d thrqugh out the fleldil stronge felt wide awake. Otten through th o ·Save. Cow II Life Att~r 'mil.)' drInk teciulla. also made from · the . th e ayallnb le water power oC th e ed Heavy ·Chaln Holding lie awak e too, I. dawn, grtly and ' wat«;hln g with alert eyeS; 'for a obllI. Folding .s creen panels, to inelod!! an,. y, but 0(, . a dl.lTerent varll'lt)'. Un.lte d Slates from 36,000,0(1) to 65,Animal. ' myself, eel? Is theIr duty to tap the 'plaJl~ Juet l.lfi, magne k to words about tll'lnk an d· exclude Insec ls, have hoca I\Dd bed dlstllled III the g that 600.000 hor8evo w'el', not inch:dln ' This Is· a fiery liquor -. torri Ul.e stalk' bursts In~p bloom, pat en ted. from the qnpleaeant. imagini ngs that tbe ' by ,.In ed n' plant. consE. the bo of ' perperooil! could htning tb" that C.-Lig fro~ N. power 1.e. Lenlsvf1 nIght. At ~hG right Instant! wblcb 'only the the sometlm es. 'haunt one In tbe ot· 810'pes the ere on h t freak "aUseo. ual ot te. a uuus ·st, reservo irs. . trate4 q~ae an He(ald. bltPerle nced h\U've~terll kno"!'l the flow· Vermc nt's flr et .. marble quarry. de Tequila , tlme.-C br\stlan , during the electrlCflI storm. Harder, U1e hean mounta in called ' Ell Cerro and abort off ' ·cut Is cbaln steJll IL ;er with tied cow a had Evans , opened about :\.795, stili Is b eIng prof . • r _~.....,.-."w_....,. ...... w.....,. .... w ... w ... "w w .,....w"' ...... ~ . Barrell, g ..iv"':" ............ "' Carryin ...... ';. ;. ,-""'~.: _ _ _....-~::--"'.'-..... ojlerllte d_ . ;..:;,....~~......"'!"_~......._-....~~,...,.,.....Nb_ _ which had! .been lengthe ned with a For carryi ng barrels ther~ bas been ltably . . 600 years bl\l 'g eona III a chambe r. But tbe I, pJ~ce ot rope 80me tbree feet . In Dea~IY' f~r 'and 1333, !''' E BRID~ L .HAPE C ' : ' · , LD .. O ~ ·.'AU(;U ,ot all consists of four-doCk wagon,. barrels Invente d formed ~be. cblef ,' aveDl:e ot lramc most unique feature . piece ot rope was being hols tl.>O In an. eleva~or to the ' top In Armeni a there ioi a copper mine ~ "", t.b e series of c\1rlous picture s" In the length: and this strelim, b 8lu&gll but hroad \he fLC",S8 L f . halter. the , to fjxed hall. been work.ed contlnu ousl, of that 119 are There another to one /)ridge. the Ifronl of roor rolling extende d Its to one and post tho strUCK lg Antiqui ty of Whloh tl)e. Peollie 0 .u·. In other days the brldie ltgbttill preblsto rlo times, The ' slnce wooden ' lar where · . triangu m until tbey reach tbe botto' tts pres- thee'e painted qn cerne In 8wltZer land ' Are Ex· , zigzag aDap9 to' nearly twice cbaln was tied. cpmplete.1y tbey are unlllade \l: ' the whlcb of roof pltcbed the Into fitted panels the ~ ent leogth':' a~d reached 'ae '~r . . tre~e~roull;, Mndo of a single piece of metal, a after anoth'll ' ther shlltter lng It, and followed the cbain ho&1ro he, ,.or "cathed ral.,' whenoe Ita th~' bridge. One ",as fixed, rope ~ the where to , . down tool serves all a batahet . hamme r. new hll!~ry Swl.s. re. of Furnitu facts Varnllh lng. )~U ;the !allent a . Into melted 'WeJ:e I1nks Du~me. til Switzer land, polIsess M name aDd <box chl~el. c"atn puller nail The tbe rUfe of or porua, events tn Ule By the applicat ion , of an electrlo "'~oden .. . In .~e center of thll COY"-" , mOBt UDlque . probabl y the .... • ;that Is -..... g hroken spre)'ln be the eaal!y tube r could aJ' of tho and 0111:1 to " maal! all beater 'well eo.ld ail and wo'r.ld. brltk~ Ib the OCltag09al s~lnta of the town. St. ~dgar So ' tbln Ie a De~ oiled .Ilk Dia&,arlal the ,reat..t blstorlc Intere,L TllIB !»rld'4! afanit.. ~e. ,;aDioua .apart wltIL the band, of val11l ..hes on .furnItur e baa ' beeu •• ~here St. Maurice . ' tow .ater or rm." sit!lrtbu ..... : or nicke. ~.peJlb ·men'. ralncoat~ that It 1111'- ' the for IlI al . , _ bown The l'OP'B belna atta,obe d Ii the on!7- blade posalble . th~ heat prevenU al treuJu: . be ~olded Into a wallet ,aacl oan'le6 may ... the kiU OD belq white caped .. tUniing cOw t'u nmt.h • "Cba,pe] brldl... . crou_ the, Itl"'" ,In oldeD tim. Ple munlatD tbe reaBOn Itttle it . . . ,~ ' LOve may be blind. but tbe ,1 or.... F . aiored. . '.wu LupoCket. a Lake til with cold. junction U U.a at, woald • l~ • Ile 1food .. IlIUItaDtl7. ' cold b¥ the 1'111.1. ",.teet ' au sod ihIDly ~ 4 • • ~ a ~ \IIIed 0 10DI" ~ OODIb'Ilated j'

10 .....






· .. ·.




. ..


.. .. ..

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• • •

• • C

...... It .....


......... ... .-.



IPer sonar Mentionl

Mr , ti\!u. II Hl'srh was quietly vi. itor i I Davton I1l11Tl'ied t I M i. !'! ill' rtha I r('fl • Wll:.iU n, It.... - - - .-..-.....-.-~~~ . of I)('ar Xenia. Sllturl'fay. August W. K 0' elll1 is 'utt nu ing the Mr. W. MurrllY. t out h/Charl e~­ ~9th The nt>wly lIUl· .. ieJ \ oupl immedi tl'ly w"nr t th lr Ilome lnt· Fai r , ton, is in town today. wh ich hut! Itlr~'l lIly twe!! fllrni!:l/tp.<1. H. '.\.. Cr oSs was in 'inci nnati Tues· Mr. Bell h. who h1\. alw ny ~ lived We nl'e indebted to F, P ' J on s f r in th i neighburh(\od, IS W II known tl .011 business. a nice I t of melons. fa rm r un,1 ray lil\[.\ man, aud his . ~\b;: c e. BtnU y 'fl, i X ni, . Morris Ha rd, IJf Penuleton, 1'111 ·. mllny fri 'tlds hel'e arl' "'ishil1 hi I 'l'uesday on a .visit. ll<tf'lpiu' g in his married lifo. has b~n t h gUllSt of J . E. J alln y and family. A mos :ook . of Harv ysburg , "63 noY'S DAY,... in , tuwn Monda OIl busjness. . Barvay Rve. l~rneRt Rag r,', A. B rehm and J ohn rnith were III Oay· 11' , 'eol'ge Hamilton spent Mon' um lllY was ". 'cnior Day" at· ton Monday. l ho M. t<:. abbatll schnol. The at- day witti \'elatives ill Day ton .' Mr nnd , R. C. C ro~s and If'l1cianc wa... ninet y- ig ht . anll the , Milso$ F r til izet.. the b t on the Miss ,Lillie Benham a rc.attending the ofIeri ng·$4 25_ Next Sunday ep· markt!t. For sale llY Chas. Frye. tember 6th, will be " BOY'f;l Day. tat e Fair today. I . Now very schblfil' in his pl ace Lysander Peterson moved into Encourllg t hl' boys by showinl! I will run a hack t(, ~gewootl for the Charles 'ornellproperty 1'uel>day Dayton Ftlir n :oct week. 10 or 1110 r e interest. in their w(lrk , They will •Rev. and Mr!l. '. S , Gra usel' und M'lad to see you Hnd ar very anxiou for 35c round trip. Will O. Gustin. ind eed to s te p over the one hundred son, Cha rles, were in Dayto n Tues· ma rk . making their day head the day . ' .. P. t:. Carey left Tue day ev ninA' list of 811 cia I days. for Columbus, where he will attend MillS E va Davi is R[,leJlding a cou the Postmasters oovention in that ple of days at lhe State Fair thi city. ' . GRANTED AN AWA RD wek . A. Maflit was Mondav ,



Mrs . J. P Crothers has rclu'r ll U The State fn dustl"ial Commission to her home in Cleveland aftp.ra plea&· today grantec..l an ' a wart! to S. M. a~t ~isi t with Mr and MrR L . A. Shar tl ~, of Park Ave. , Franklin, of Zlmmermlln. ' 4.7.43 for an injury recently su Th . ,. \ , lai ned by him whi le in t he employ of e J I!nJor G UlI~ of ::S.t. Mary's ''fhe Shartle & Bevis Machi ne Co. at ~ _. church wlll meet with M1SS Etnma 'ranklin . The award of the com · Hawke T y afternoon, p em· misslonwaa g ranted under the pr bel' 8, at 3:)10. vision!! of t he Ohio WOlikmcn's mI) IIsation IJaw . .The Ladies of the Christian church - - -+- - - - Will hol«t a market in the Town!lhi p ARD OF THANKS H.ou~e $a~urd8Y . September 5. be· glOnmg a t 10 o·clock. We desire to e xpreSs our since r ., Mr. lind 'Mrs W. H . Allell. Mrs. thanks 0 our many friends and W. N. Newland anrl daughters and nei~hbors who so kindly assisted u MiBS Olive McCollum motored to during t he sickness and death of ou r Cincinnat i and s pent today at the lit tle daughter Mary Also for t he Zoo. - _ _ e _ _ _ ; - beautiful floral tribu tes . . .Mr. and Mrs . Ed T. Hanby. _ _ _ 4_ -" _ ,- - TO OU~ CUSTOME~S

ST. MARY S CHURCH We expect to attend Eastman School of Photographj in Cincinnati, Ohio. Sentember 8, 9 and 10. ' The thirteenth Sunday after Tr in· Mr. ana Mrs. O. M. Ridge. ity, September 6th . Sunday School at 8:30 a . m. Next unaay the morning $ervice will be r~um ed . ermon lind Holy Communion nt 10:30 a m. Everybody cordiallv invited to these Bervices.




Speelals This, Week Walrus Salmon

Jesse tanley left ' for Chicago, (in August Srd, where,he will attend the Jones school ,for Auctioneering. He will be home about September 1st, when he will bt' ready for sales of all kinds. . _ .•

The price is "'(ling'sky high and is seiling ZOe ,everywhere, we have a good stock on hand , and oft'er il. tbis' week at the low pllice of


U5c 8 08", , •• 76 a doz.

..... .



~;;:;;;;;;;i;;;;~;;;;;=;..U--'1tHAS A BEAUTIfUL BLOOM





as others are selling at 12X c Peachel, fine for canning, only 12.00 a b ah I u e. ,





- ' Sugar

6000 pounds thi$ . week at less than wbol~)e price. BuLk, lO and 25 po~nd sacks, --~-

Fine Cotfees. 2Oc. 23c;' 256, 30e

Coffee's bave advanced but we are selling at our old low I pricea. lay in a supply

Bring I1a your Eggs. Paying 22c a dozen. .


0 .J. Ed~atds' has a night· bloom · ing cereua in full.bloom now that i attracting a Jt'reat. de&l.of at ention at tbe present time. a be~tiful plant and the bloom is likewise beau-


tiful .

.' .... - ,W. C. ·T. U. MEETING

The annual meeting of the W. C. ot officers, and payment of dues will be held at thf! home of ' Mrs Anna O'Neall OD tueSday afternoon, September. th, at 2 o'clock. .

T. U. for tbe election



Lots of good things to eat tbis

- Be).l.l:trook will celebrate her annual home,coming Monday, September . 7th. An interesting pro'gram haa . ! been prepared and all Bellbrookers ~____"""_u"",~__;;;;;;,,+ wJlI bo: ~.~)I:diIlIlY-welcomed ,

week at



Born-~rt) Le&t er ciurfa e a nd wife Ii daughter, Evelyn Louise. . A ugu t 27th,

Tbis mQntb' )


Wonderful Saving at Our ' ~ut Pi-ices ' 'Wh'e n Everything Is Going .Up

Di 1 yO~l our · s~o:wing. If not come in> We always wei orne lookets :i s 'well as bu) TS, uecause our prices never fail to 'turn a looker into a buyer wh n they see ' the wonderful va lue~ we offer in all' our lines.

OUR MILL~END' REMNANTS Jtl st arrived"best Catjco, 6c; .Apron Gingham, '7c; 10c Outing F la"nel, 7ci J 2Y.c r ss Ginghams, PC i l .c Bleac hed Muslin, lOci l ~%c Toweling; only lOCi Red Table Damask, :,WCi Dress ~ood s , 10k l1url 20c: 7ll uo Its Ribben, 3c per yd .

, Mrs. Ed Mul len. of !)aylol1. s pent Monday with Mr . anu Mrs. Geo. H artsock .

Horn - 1'0 Mr. and Mrs. Ar lhur ' Ut'ehm , Tue' day. ~eptemb cr l ~t, II daughter. , Cal l lit John A. l<'ulll, ey's, get your ha:rgains . Be s ure and ,read J ohf',l Funkey's ad. Mrs , A . T. Wright and two sons. Alfred and Elliott wer Dayton visilori! '"Satufd ay.

Buy Y~ur Shoes School S hoes and Rubber Shoes; if you don't buy while prices are down you will pay 2U to 30 per cen t more when our sale is o~er and when the fnctory stock is placed on sate. \ e ~re se.lI ing .' cltool Shoes number 10, 11 t o 1 1·2 at $1.85 worth $2.50; Ladies' S hoel>', 100 pairs, ' assorted Slippers, sizes 2 1-2, il, 3 1· 2, 4 , 4: 1·2 at, $1 .80, Former price' $2.5U. MilllY othe r bargains we can ' t mention.

Geol'ge Kent. of Bellev ue , Ollio. is sp nding several days at the home of Win Sali bury . Mr». Chas. Stansbury·anel children, and Mrs. Henry King, are visitin!?; relatives in Dayton. . Mr : John Clark, of Shelby " ille, Ind •• was the weekend g uest 'of Dr. and Mrs. A. T , Wrigbt. The Normal Training Dept. of the Waynesville Schools, will be open~ Monday, September 14th. , . , Mr. an(l Mrs. Wilbur Silielde, of Dayton. at6\tlle guests 011 rely.iv~ here for a couple of days., Dr. Mary: Cook and Mrs. Blizabeth Mills ' are vi'siting relatives and fri UdR in Chicago, tb~ week. ,


• " , UO pa ir La.dies a.nd Chilaren's Stockings, Tan,. Black and White 10c. form e r price 20c . . Boy's Sch~ol Pants? c. worlh ;iOc, Boy's 65c and 75c: School Pants tj:lc. 100 Boys Sc hool Caps 23c, worth 50c, Don't .fail to, buy S hoes while we otIE:r you SUql g r-eat values for little money:


' I

'give them apersonal mspection

JOHN A'., FUNKEY, Citizens

Pies' PieS' Pies Pies '

Pies \



Pies Pies Pies'



Subscribe for your ponlt fail ·to Bee the Oxypattior display~_ at the Warren Co: Fair. A. A. Linto~, ,'the 've'teran .wi,.I' ===:=;:=::=!~=e===~=~ Edgar Hatfield, ,Manager, Mr. and mington drY goods, man. started his Mrs . Carl Crane. Agents, ' Waynescanning factory Clarksville last ville, '!{. R. 4.. '. week, . and has moved , his family .' ' • . \ . . . Mr. Fay Smith, of Cincinnatl, there to' ren'la~ during the canniDeClarksville i!t home, how ~ joined his sistpr ' Mabel, hert' SUnday, Sf.!llson. to ' the Lintons; · and though at his father's, Mr. J . H. Smith. ever, • , 1t i " they w, Il r,e tain their residence here, They Iclli-Monday' fC)f t hei r resped· much iof ~heir ,time will be spent ive homes.. after a v l~ant, visit. where M.r: Linton's busi9esB interests

R· . .ANK H'r, '~AR. D 'f I,i ft.... C)



In ~nne.ction with the Lingo · Comp~iuy's show at the Warren County Fair" September 15 to 18 will be seen th~ Hinman Milking' Ida~hine in operation, milkipg four cowsl ullder exactly the conditions found in' an .ordinary· dairy. The ' Lingo ·Company .say that this lllachine is .56' sjmpl~ that anypo~y can oper-' ,ate it suc'cessfitlly; that it ~t so effective that darrying is not 3:,drudgery'but a pleasut e when ' . jt is used. Don't fail to see th,~ir entire show, and especially the milking machine . .

A word from the I ntema tio nal Tailoring . To you lovers o ~' a' good perfect fitting S uits = To begin with, tll l'ntentat ion al place at "OIlT disposal abou't 50 fabrics ea~h di ll relll in de· sign and color, and all fresh fro m thc IOl lms this season . Every fabric is pure w 01, carefully se · lected by experts an~ shrunk in the ir pr mis{'s bv , the . London cold water p roccss. This is arccent system which renders a d'ahric absolutelv non · shrinkable, a thing greatly de ired in 0. weJI : fit ting suit of ·~Iothes . ,T he fo.brjcs may be seen at John A. Funkey's, our local dealer and agen t to appreciate their qua.lities.

Bargain ' ~tibtlC~iption . List.

Havolerie Auto SOIl'P is an aid to a re.. Th~ir W.!lmin~top friends wl~h • > ', does not injure paint, th~m ElUCCeSB In th! venture - Wl/. ,-,.. ,makes old wood-work 1001< like new,., mmgton Journal. , • and remove g rease spobifromclvthes 7 -,Weekly 'EnqUiier; ' one;·'I Wayn~ville Au to and Machiner-,Y Co · In Graftville. FSf;m and Fireside, o'ne,y,ear... '. SO . Jim Brown lives In a community Today's Magazine, one year.... " 50 Mr. anu )4rs.' Jas. Kerrick <, at· noted tor tJle 'corruption I~ p.9it. BOys' Mag~ine, one ye(lrl....... I. " tended the Beal r euni:oQ at, Kil '~{are tics' . He drove . In{o town the otlier ' Household Joqro"1 ah~ Floral, " ~al;'lcbllllltwfetehk. fTh~lre-wereagtoodO)Y' d",y with an old horae. , "ReUb," lIl1i~ , Life. one uqm er o · e ami y pres!ln. ' n his trtie,nd BUI. "That borse ot ', YOUra the same day"there" we~e about 1400 looks , almos~ bid enough " to vote.~· news boys ,o n bhe grounds.. ' . '.'Yefa EI." drawled ·Jim. "He'lias VOted . C. A. Burnett, of Miami, Fla., is two o·r tbre~ times:;' .- EverybO"Y'i visiting with"relatives in.and around " ~cal:lne. . .. ' ..,., Waynesville. He ~me here to see . ' " . e _ .. his motiler. Mrs'. Lou .au'mett, .0 '" '" Con8clent~Qu, Student. is quite feeble. at the home· of he.r "You ~dmlt ,th'at "Y\lu ar~ not BmUt daughter, Mrs. Frank Hartsock, of' enough to' tell railroad PeoPle 'bow to ' Route S. I ., .run tlle!r buemessl" "Without healt&. i . t16,n.j, "But ·1 thought YOII bad _~;;i...~..;.,~~~~.;..._ _...:.~~~~...;...;.;;~~..;:.~~_.:;,..-! Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner, o~ a. stU,dy Of ,railroad"'problems?'1 ' \'" !!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!~~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~;:;_ 4b'anon', spent saturday and Sun· have.. .. But 1 haven't, yet gotten tar day at the -borne ot Rev.. and f4~.. eno.ul!:h along . 0 thoroughly under,. C. ·S. Gr,auiler. , Mr.; and Mrs. atando. even ·thelr· t1me .tables .. , ,Bruner have just ret~med to their . ,. • - '. . home in Lepllrion after 'an extensive . 'autbmobile trip il't EastemIObio. · Ch••rfulne~ . ,



ye'r... :..............




. . , ~ ~t, lndl,led, does not W!!',4 Mr, and Mrs. E. S . HYman and Claee eBI mplYi~."'1t me ' 11' family, A Schwalt}y, of Xenia. ,¥r.' t~te'a. Iplrlt; It m.8&DI a ~re bean. ~t ( and Mrs. Koblhagen, 'Mr. alid M.i'S. meaD,1 a k1i14 ' an410V1ns :.d1.p~Uon, r Abe K'aulfman and family, if., B. It meanl 'huml1f~ an~ 'chal!lt~ . It Blman 'l;Uld family, ,of · Lebanon. meane a cenerollS appreclaUon of oth'spent Sl1nd"y with 'ltfr. and Mrs. en apd a mo4e1t O"lDIOD oC - Hlt.r... 'U~ft~ ' 1J'IIic1t;.. _.. . • w.1~ UJI"-'AU. .


Vou are Gordially invited to come early and bring your -friends as so many, bargains ca n be yours.




Baird left Monday Los Angeles,' Cal., where ,she will spend the winter . . or~er . , ." , . . MI!a Mattba 0 Ne~\Ils home from S~I.~~, O~IO, s he has been . Alb€trt Cleaver, who has bee'n )ovIsltmg friends durmg lhe past week. eateq ;~t Cave-in.Ro.c k,l1l., foreever' al weeks. bas changed his locat ion to , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith and Quincy, Ill. Albert is with tbe !~d~~~u~~ ~%~;';vit~~ f~i;i!i~~,e~ United States Geographical Survey company. and is enjoying bis new C. B. Bentley ·Ieft today f'Jr Sar- location. as he had a trying experiainia, Ohio. where he has entered enctll1't Cave-in.Ro.ok., his horse, 'Allen C, in the county fair races. Frank F . Fisher, of RiaJ'to, . Cal.. Me&!iames George Smith, Wm. writes 'the Gazette as follpws: "We Frame and A. EJ. W oot.tell attended have · missed one or two . copies of the W~ C. T. U. meeting at Leba- .the GlIIZette. and do not like to l1)i88 I non·Tuesday. the old home news. ' This has ~en a very busy summer here, as the St.Mary's Guild ~ iI1 meet Thurs· orangEl CI;'Op was ,immense and not· day afternoon at be country home allllhiJ~J)ed yet. We have had ijO~e of Mrs . W. S. Graham. A large very hot.weatber that run the therattendance ,is desired . . momet~ un to 110 degrees, but that,is 'a sfI..1a11 matter in California, Mrs. Ida Stokes and daughter, 1 am planmn,g to 'g o to the cliaAtsoon Miss Ada, and Mrs. Lydia Pratt at- and catch I¥lme big fish. Everybody tended the funeral of D. A. Peter~n. well aud happy. " at Sprin&, Valley last week. --~.- - " - --

Miss. Myra jmorning for

Interna'tional Taiioriy)g Co.

.... ....... ~ -'~""...

.. ..: ----.~.. _

-1 _


• Six.~-Eifth




y ~ar -








W. C. T. U. MEET


- -'--

Whole Number 3280




' OCt .\I. ~ l'EJ\'\S ABOUT PEOPtE

, , If ypu want a llood cal Misses r Erm:~lIdenhal v'and Mj~ Mary Davis entertained : the Cha9. Fr,y e, phone 491,L 2·8. ---Esther Shambaugh entertaincu in fo\Jo'Ying p rsollS .at dinner. ThursTHE PROTECTIVE-DETeCTIVE CONVENTION WAS HELD AT honor of MiSs Marianna omptoh G~Vl; N [W PROF. A. day: MI' anci 'Mrs Nathan Au tin , H. D. Kellis~m, 0:£ Lebanon, was M. E. CHURCH \ LEBANON , a,nd ~r. Raleigh Hogan at the hom COMPANY tfAVf. FINE 'TIME J. McCALL MiR..'i Celi 'ta AUI:l ~in alid Mi!lS Bessie in town Thursday on business. { p f MIss MEmdellhall. nQur New Bur'mith. ling ton , Wednesday I!vening, , 0 R t d d h H tember 2 . MEM8ER$ S~OW GREA ~TRENGTH' do':i~~~t13~lb!otenMon~il~. orne- REPOR]8 ARE ,ENCOURAGING Miss Compton. and Mr BO/.t'an will HElO AT WEllMA'N Mr: and M1·s. U. G. Wlietsel en, , , ' ~ _ \ be ~3rried in October,and the affnir torta med Su nday Mrs. Morgan and ~ Miss Rachel Sheehan spent last . . was In,, th e na~r~ of a ~arcel shower dn lll{hler, of Xen ia, Mr. and , M,·s. Cio'utl Atlcntl~lOcc, and a Fine Will M.ooney. Mrs. ChristIe McKinRev- J. F. Cadwa,Iader the Speaker week with relatives in Centerville. · Stote President, Mrs. RIchards Giv~s the : g irls brlng mg gIfts for th of the Day-Sports ' of All an Interesting 'Calk- Officcrs ::brlde to be" ~nd the boys for the T311< Were Features of sCY. MI~,es Laura McKinsey, Helen , , Kinds Abound Ralph Pence, of Dayton, spent Were Electro groom Lo be. , the Day .Ton s and Mr, J erome Jones. a couple of days here last week with A part of the evenmg was pleas· ---rt'latives, anUy spent on the, lawn. Th~ par lor ' - -I, Mis.q H nrieHa McKinsey enterNever in the history of the picnics ' ' ' f . 1'he annual convention of (he War- v;:as de{',or.a~ed with festoonmgs of Til·. '011 I,' 'rlilil y Talk giv n hy, !ain u Saturday evening the followgiven by the Protecti vo and De· . ~~s. Walter Clark. 0 Lytle. IS ren County Women's Christian Tern- ,Pink Rnu \\ hl.e and branches?f foresl Prof , A, .1. Mc 'a ll III \ I1man 1I1P,' g ue.'lls: Misses Blanche and Pearl tective Association' have they had vIsIting home folks in Mattoon, and peranee Union for the year 1914 is trees we;e used ~h ri)ug hout the 8ch o olhollH~ ITIlll'kf!d a red letter day lUl ey. Mi: s Marianna Allen; Messr!!. sueh a~lorious day 'a s Monday- Toleqo, Ill. no longer something to look forward house. 1he I.arga Bill e lJOrch . w a for l"'(J!( I' ion 10 th e intelligent. Waltf'r Allen. J ohn Pence and War. .. A" ' k d I'ttle to, but a thing of the past. But for s.urround ed wllh branc~es of f, or ,'l thin kin O' - f arm "r c)E 'h is v 'lc',I'nl' ty. rell I(eys , " , La • wituvr ay.. from >lazythe a yn( anrth Iimade I Mr. anrl Mrs. Fred Hartsoel< and those who were so fortunate as to tre~s , an d mad e a b eau t I f u11I() wer In ontlicling do tes k pt many away d blowmg , it ~ day the.t a l>er~Dn in) th~ open dDaugh;ehr. ~fl ~orrohw, spent Labor attend, it is something to be remem. w,hl~h the refl:eshm Ills wel'e 8, riled. but thosCjJr !I nt wcrc wcll rewardeu: On Tuesday ' evening Miss Grace 'could enjoy ~not too hut and still ay Wit re atlves ere. uered as a time of both pleasure and Pmk anu Whll' festOOli H we i e al~o Prof. McCall told us in a clem' al)d Carman e lltertaitled the Loyal . used here the refreshments. color ~ch me was ,conCIS . e m a!l!1er h ow we, CI) Uld, b UI'ld D . Id not· t 00 co. , The band" boys are ]lractlslIlg' for pr~ fit . , carri d O<lt,and in the . au~.'h ~ers CIass, 0f, th e Ch' nS~lan Early in the rlay the , crowd began their en,ragement of three days a.t September the first was the date. Th f , 'h' h ' I' up th e fertili ty of our Roil, ho\\ to do church. After devotional exercises W" . The M E church of Lebanon Ohio ,e ,lV(Jrs W IC were cu nn mg Y it and "howed bv illustrati( n f ro m and lhe r eg ular business session • to travel to Hough's grove. arid by the noon hour the grove was HUed the arran County fair next week. opened its doors t~ the Conv~nt'lon dev l~ed ~Y tbe hO'5less, were ('~r(]s a ~t llal l·x peril'nre. how to cl~ It. games, music and de li'cious refresh: with merry·makers. The morning Mrs Wylie CI'anc and daughter. and the Pastor Rev, ABa James Kcs· annnu !lCIUjg' t he dale of the weddll1 g . . By cal'eful analysis of the soil of ments were thoroughly enjoyed. hours were spent in eo,n versation and of Bethel. Ohio. were lhe guests of tie gave the address of welcome. Ol~ wh ich were tw hca rts plet·c ~l this lvcalitv h , linds we all need ____ We men engaged in pitching quoils. Mr, E. T . Stroud nnrl other relatives Our l'resident' ,Mrs Emma S with !.I go)cl en arJ'ow ~ . lime. a~ the fi rlll s lep in soil building jumping and )Jra(~!:ising for the great here. . Chapman and her helr>ers had lWcn{ A pro~lIecy of the hves of t he is to g et rid of the! ac id ity. J[ au . Mr, and Mrs p , H. Miltenbprger ball Kllme in the afternoon. much time and thought in arrarlging g ua. ls of h~lIo r was prepared and vocate , entertained. a party of girl.s Sunday. At 1;45 President Baily announced Mrs,Schuyler ~aW1 ew8 and daugh for the meeting, and the prQgrarn read by MIH.~, hamh'LUg'h., It was 1st balanced fel·tili;" c and Augu~t 29. ~n h,!nor of theIr daugh. the beginning ofthe progrpm, Ite. ter. of Pittsburg. Pa, we re gue.'J1.s was a must excellent one. suppl)~ed -to 1!8v be!>n wrlt~en Oil ~ table manure is not s uch. 1.1cking ter Mildred, s bIrthday. Those. prea· C. S. Grauser lead with the invoca· ~uests of Mr, and' M rll R, Ji, CrO!;ll Mos't of the local unions were well t~ e day I)f theIr g olden wedd mg an- pho~ph ate~ . ent were Kathryn Clark. Mildred ek represented. Waynesville had but m ~C'~sa ry :lnd t old (If manr happy 2nd, C nllervation of home man- and Margaret Clark. Irma Fuerst, tion After this MiHB Edytha Mllcy, I in her most charmlrig mauner r~ad ast we . three reprcsentlltives. year:> 011 \ Whq Wall rh e~<,. UI·f.! by t ii{ht fl oors and ill1m uiate !d~rtl? Wade . and ~o~thy .~yers. Carleton's "Over the' Hills to tht Mr . and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood, The reports from these unions halll from stahle to fi eld thu~ con- rhls came as a surprise to Mildred Poor Rouse," daughter Rnd 80'1. of Leoanun, spent MIlSon, Mainville,l:ipring boro, Frank_ P_q.4._CE M.EETI 0 -;e rvin:{ the liquid manure. but s~ \ showed h~rself ~ual to the Rev. J, F. Cadwallader, the speaker J..abor Day with Rev. and M,·s. J I". lin, Wesley, Harveysburg and ~_ arc!. El imi nation of a 'idity by o~ca~lO~ by h elpmg to make the of the· day, waa' never listened to Cadwallader. Waynesville showed that each union Tb me tin at Lhe hriotia n liming u flirt! pe rmanant resul ts gIrls enJoy the ,day. with more attention than at this ' had been '~t work. 'rhe t.reasurers church ' I,lnday aft~rl1 n(l n was char . may e~pt' ct'?d, time. He paid Il lisnrlsorne tribute There were but a few peopl~ in report revealed the fact that we harl flcterized I y the, pirlt of ~arne.:ltne~,; 4th, Tllm~ g ,nerously, He s tated Mr and Mrs. John W. Beach ento the worK' of the order. what' they town Monoay, The att.ractions out· the ~um of $10l.18 in the tr~uury and z(~al in \.l rnye)'. Mrs WClOtel (Jhi wa.. J o~ing mill ions of dollars tertained a few'friends with a dinner are ~!lpable ~f doinlt. and they sid were numerous 'aml the people and It was thou~ht best to ~ se the Pr id nt of th W. c, 'r U, open f d annually hy car~l es sccdlng of Sunday in honor of their lIighth wt'dprotected h~e and p,roperty .even followed the I!rowds. mone~ by ])uttlOg R \~orke r l!l the the me ti ug' with a f ew ' r emarks clover ano.alfalfa, Co~ ~ l' y.our seed. ding· an, niversalY. The gu, ests were, better than t,he slandmg armIes of " , fi~ld to a~aken new mtercst, In the which was followe u by a song service. If a n 'w (h!:ll~ dl'lll. wh~ch 1S now on Mrs. W,lIiam Robinson, Mrs. David the world .. He next spoke ~f L~bor ~IS.'! Lena Conner lett Ml)n~IlY ,fl!r different Imes of work for wblch tlte The scl'ip t lll'C I SO il I~aitlh 11 waH ~h ~ m ar~ t, If! lJot available, harrow Van Camp. Mrs. Mattie Noon, Mrs. Day, what It, had tionefororgaDlzed Rogers, Ark., where she wlIlv~slt W C. T. U;reprel:!cnt.s. : I'euu Iy Mr , D , H . Palmer, Thjs I~m , Covent some. way. In fact Katie Warwick and grandson, of IU'Id. illlor~anizec.llabor, but above all 'h~r uncle. J , Court Murray, ~he Th.e foJlowmg officers,were elected: was 10llowed uy a prayer ser ice . I hiS ~Ik teem u ,wIth farm lore, Franklin. Mrs, Jesse Hll'Dter and son, , the beautle~ of l\I,bor, because ,God WIll be gone for a month P~es.'denl, Mrs. E ~: Chapman; vice the th rce minifltp.J's present. Rev I In anmg doll ars m the \Jocket of of Lawton. Okla.. Mr. and Mrs. was in it all. ' jie ~poke of the bene· " presIdent! Mrs. EI~rldge; ecrtary, J. If. Cad wallauer. P av, Clarenc . cyery farm er present a.nd an inea· David Armstrong, of Dayton, Mr. fits,of labor, h~w IL kept the. '!orldi R. E, B~~k~lt. o)f R~rrlson. OhIO. Mrs. DaVIS; recordmg seC~elary , Mrs. Gra,:,serand Rell A, E. Wooten each timal' I ' , loss Lo those who let wor.k and Mrs , .Tames Kerrick, of Waybusy and that It gave little . tUJle tor has been vUllti~~ ~el~.hves h~re for Ruth JannE1Y; treasurer. Mrs. -Oba leadmg in prayer. After more sin g - or pie !lure absent them from t~l1S nesville. peo~)u to do Wic~~ thill1C8 When it several days.. Ol~ ' looks hke the Welch., . jng and prayer, a "hort talk Of) peace g reat- talk. . >.. ...._ ' waS employ tid In good! hellltD1ul world was bemg gi?<>d to him. . lJJh~noon· tlde prayer, a most 1m· was g jv III by each of the m il1 i tor!! Whep the S tate sends J;o' the ve!'y ~rs. Cla.rence Dunham had a AurI~bol'; Ue n~xt took ~p the , g r e a t . ,pn6SSwe hour', was Mnducted ).)y pre~ent If in time of peace we pre f1o l)lr of the farmer a pal't of Its)Ul!i!e picme on her husband last war "o,w bei,llw rBJ(ed in European . ¥rs.MoJ~leF4wa!'(lsand daughters Mrs. A. El W.oot.en.. r ' • paJ;!e for war, we are led tG desl't~ to gl'eab Gil g~ of A:~ricu,lture.,it be· Sunday. At 11:30 . the' guests 88countl\letl, IUld ~Iwe a clear and suc· MI~ Trlllena .and Mal1laret left . Tho ~nventlon adJourned until, take part in war. The fact that we hooves th~ WIde awake' lI"e wire to sembled and t'he dehclou"ldinnerwas d ,net'reas(IQ why thi~ war existed-' Monday 101'. , ,their hom,om,Dl\.vtor:'~' o'clock. . have well· equipped armies and mod. seize. 9p,P rtunit}t 'py ,tpe for:elock. spread on.the lawn. Tho~ pres~nt dlstl'URt II). each country's word. He after ~pendl11g the summer;- , at t.helr The L. T. 1.. exerA:ISes ,40nducted I'U guns makes UR want to use them for thl!~ IS , an age of r evolutlton of we(e: Misses Grace Retalhck. Allee expkdned ho'w' GermallY and Russia horne here. Hattie Penquite w,as exceed- 011 the Ie:JLst provocation and encOur. public opinion and sentiment 'in re- Mardis. Mildred ,, Nina had ~~clated in tavor of the peac ' , , interesting. Colu!l:l,bia was ages the war spi r it in u , We should ~ard to t~e farmer and hi!! occupa. $imp'kios, Je~nie " ~llJ!Iilton~ Grace tre8tl~, and how they had declared M.r. and Mrs , Will 'Alexfltldcr. of !epresented by. a you g gl~I, . 'hol~- all do what' we can to uphold Pres i. bon, aneS Its up to the farmer , h~1!l ' Cornngton. Nma Williams, Dc;n1hv w~r 80(,l~ afterwa.rd , 'fhe whole ~vmgton. Kentucky, were Sunday m~ .the , ~mer!can flag. sitting In dent Wilson in his hig hly commenda. s If vyhet her or not the boy and girl Johnson" Mary Parlette, Ma~le llooret of .It all. he said, was that they and Ml)nday , guests of Mr .•J, L. waltlng hstenmg to a hne of boys ble efforts to bring abou t peace and remains on the farm. ,Bradfield, Hazel Hatfiel~: LoUISa pad forgotten G~ and Ii Is Jeachingjl. EJ'aT.taock and f~ily and Mr .. J. I;> ~d iir!s supposed to be atvi~tian!ty, give him OUI' support, May the Cora ·A. Thompson. Stokes. Me!lSrs. ' lIeber Hamilton, Edllcatlon, I e , . ~rity;"taw' ~liO't1"Mce hasten tlle day when -- ~ Lee Earnhart, Carl Cowan, Ernest " R~v., o.dwallader. ~as listened ~ Marlatt and family. .wlth .great attention', alld cremarks and Order ll"d HYglene on one hand thiS bitter warfare is over. ALBERTSON-CADWAl~ADER Earnhart. Stewart Johnson, Frank were heard all over the groonds Mr.. and , ~nd on the other Peace, Home, Em· Miss Lucy Emley sang a beaut iful _ _ _' Mardis, John Lemmon, Mr. arid Mra. , " !lnd daughter, Igrants, Alallka, Mexicans and In- solo. The meetin g closed with th e TI . fM A . Ita Harold Hatfield. Mr. ·and Mrs. Ear 'Wterward-"Kood ." Etltel?!1 Jonea gave ~ ~umorous who ~ave been r. and ~ians, all appealing for he.lp and de- rep titia n in concert of the W, C" mon~ Alb!~~g: 9. ~. M~ust!l ' ' Y SWfiin, Mr: and Mrs. H. E, ' Stokes reading In her chara~terlBtlc manna L. NI\!holsolJ, on bvera~ce from the power of oppres· T. U. blmediction. This m('eting Ca~sarg Cad';allad~~o Issl ar.rle and Mr. and MrB. C. V. DunhWD.' entitled ··Two Kentucky Gentle- returnesi tCJ their home sl.on. was held in response to , a call bj at t he home' of ~he bl'':''cr so emElbe d men.'" , , evening. ' , T~e ~eport fr91!l the \Vor.ld and Miss Anna A. <':ordol') . National , I e nea~ ,e a· ,' This ended t"~ PrOgram. The ', ' , . . NatIonal ,Conventions was gJ.lIe~ by President W. C. T, U, to holU non . 'Iu es~ay aft(l.rnoo~ a~ ??O,. th~ Sat~tday afte:noo~ ',from ,? to 5, 'spOrts of (he afternoon began by Zlmrl Hames, of the Caesar ,Creek ~rs. Mallsl!a Conover. of ' M.alDv)II~. a spl".cial serllice Sunday Septem. ~ev. J. ~. t~adWI;fIl~d~{ \~hfficlfLJhng, ~~o~~ tdw~tlh hhttle , g\ fl 8 were eAn. running ,,¥es for boys and girls ,s ection, and ' family, Among lhemany things of interest berfith t o p ray fo r peace' ecau eo r ecen 1",3 0 ' , er; , wr, me . a e omeQ ". h~W. ,. under 14 In the boys race there Springfield . unday to Ree in'her report, we might tell how' the ' ____' _ father · Frank W. r,ad~a l1ader. , the B,enecke m Mnor of he~ l.ttl~'~ugh. were only two contestants,. C~88.', whl) ill in t.he . Springfield people who were there from oth,er wedlll~J.t was a very 9,UJ~t one: only te~i , NovelJa, k . f18h p«!nd . ., t~e J4oo~: of Haf;veysburg, wmnmg. hospitaL . They repnrt him Improv. lands look upon the state of OhiO. SAY Ttll3RE WAS SLIGHT FR,OS'r ~he m cmbs I:s of the famIly wltnes,s ' cblef feafur.e, fro~ y.hum ~ rctnld Threfl girl. entered the next Itat'e, ing very rapidly. and it Is only a J1)at- Because the crusade was a child of ' mg the ceremony. Mr .. and Ml's. drew .a, ~rettv bttle doll. f A'f!er a and Mabel Salisbury won. , ter of 'a al\Ol't time when be; hi!! state much' honor was shown Some Clf ,our re.'lident here cla~m ,A.lbe~tstm. afl.e,:, a few week!! spent very pleasant aftemoon tee cre&!D, Tbe crowning featur~ of the day tl,lrn to his borne. . ladled hailing from Ohio,. and all the there w,as a: sJis;:-bt f rost Friday at. th ~a~rnnl homest ad ot the and ca,ndy was served. bil8S was tbe ball game, Joh~ Hawke and . " opening exer.ciscs were su()posed to morning" . However th~t may be. Jmd.~. WIll ,~ " k t>heir a?otl~ (~n K.~~l:le Merrltt and Mrs. ~. 1:.. C~e Warren Keys, always m the fro,n t ,_ be t'd by OhiO women, aud some qf there was a very heavy d w t hat LOI, 1", ,~s • 1 , 1:,h~~n () th(.! "(I O~" 'l ' a'l. ,s~e~ Mrs. peneck~ It:' amusIDIt when a ball game i ill prolr~, foreign ladies woulll" ask resembl(!d frost very mu ch. A frost 1. III•. : 0 . r n r Ii' ~ .11 , (': 111\r t. i, n tlJl ' chllctren. Those lDVlted were~i , choee sides and played . 8 innings. surely I'.ould h~ve stretched itdnto a women. "Are you from at this time would be very disru trolls , of ,~ 1"1: D. UoJrl 1.,111" , , L ~ \al' t\1. &' 1 her Henderson. Kiathrvn He~~ '(Ii!! &arne . . W88 fur. of bnllilll'lt (?) hO,me run. Joe , ,Otlap,m an ,plllyed States or from Ohio." thele is a 1at'ge amount of ,the ,mOl e \Jol.leg:e wh\'ltl tlo~h were ~ta· derson, Kathleen Hend.erson, D~I'iS =-- ....pI.,!!a,y~8~ an<i ~v(!r'lli. th,e boys w~re second ' and hA surety, had a rubber . The address'of of this I:eeality still 1ft the dents (bere. ' _ _ ~_ I Hend~rson, Ka~~leen Gll~,qre, Fran., ' nQt·at wurk TQ,e~aily mlilrniog. T,I}e ~Iove 6n lii,~. ha"nd , He made ahome given. b~ Mrs. florence D. , . The 'tobacco crOD will notb ' c,~ Hmkl " ~hzabeth ..Jimkle, 'E hlle game cliloed ·oh accoLlnbyf (farknCl)S, r.un, however, , WhP.II thl! catcher of LeipSIC, Ohio. State, Pre!lldent of as large ,as formel:'ly , on a(:c:ount of 5T. MARY'~ Gli URGH Hawke~ DorIS Hawke, Rhea Janet the !IeOrti beil~ 15 to 16.. '1'h~ game fB\ledto hold the ball, and then threw the W. C. T, 'u. .,Mrs: '. RichardS id the dry Ele&:iOn, but ,experts Ray It i~ , Cartwright" Ruth Stan~berry~ Fern will be played off soon. ,Ben Howell wild to fi,ri,t, 'fhe 'game was' greatly so full of enthul!ia~m that it bubbles of goo~ quality. The late rains we , ,T he fourteenth Sunday after 'frin- ~oo~er, k Mi~r~d gu~\n. ~lIdrd beld the indicalor anr) 'miry; ' a enjoyed and ,the players all had II out and , her . audience eaw:hes the have b.el:!n having has helped to a. Ity. September 13th. Sunday, School .co a~ hSOC to' 0llu~seW 'lml'I ' . '., aBro line , word was .s aid l'bqut his l)mpirinjt. ,glloc1 tim-e. ,' spiri~ and one feels they' can neva I' n~tice8ble degree. at 9:30 a. m .. subj e~t of le8.<;ol1: .' 'rhe .,mlt. , ue a , 1 !amson, , e en S8verallong'hit8 ,were made, ' W hl. ' As Ilnesuu's ~aYI! began to lengthen be BO indifferent allain. · Ttuiy are • -'lipread of Idolatry and the Call of Wooten; Altha palmer. ' Cornell, .W\ID ,hlll' batt~d a ' LOOO per the crowd began t\>leave the grounds made to realize ail never before; QUAIHE,RLY SOCI~L Abraham." Morning- Prllyer and . - -- ' Cent in the )lIst twlf years. feU d(twn, everv Qne voting thaI; thia piCniC, J1hat! sermon at 10:30.. Thli'l public corI am still representing the' Antioch abd litruek out once; Warr~n Keys aJ~OURh:l;I9l~te in ,t he eellS9n; was • O~ ;l'hu,rsdaY afternoo~ at ' het' dially invit d' to these serviceB. Nursery. and will be glat! to get the made ' the' longest hit'; and if lu:t ~one of the,beet given by this com- 8he who 8tands and sees the,mighty pleasant. country home Mrs. W. S. - , trade of this Ioce,1ity . 1. ~. Muler. eo"l~ h.v~lt)ped a !it~le f~te~. he pany. " ,', vehicleofs(.II~. • ,. Graham enter(;ainedSt"Mary'sGund Subscribe for . your borne paper Harveysuurg. ~hio. Dragged tbru t IU mire of liome ig- This being the ' quarterly ,social, the noble fate. ' ' at ' . h . inakes not ,Buch brave ' protest ternoon wy spent In I1vmg a gen' goQd tIme during which tile as she is no Americ,!-n. ' " IllS8ist(.'<i by Mrs. Verna . KelTh. e ,following olutiona ,S pringfield, and Mrs. 'Morris A Prayer for Peace urUlIlllID .served ice cream ·and cake. adopted by the' c~nvention: , , punch bowl in the, dining room Resolved That . we Bcknowlege with grateful hearts; our thanks and was no't the least attraction . . Abollt praise to God for hill continual bless. ~26 w~ added to the ' Guild fund. mg al)d ~eadership and p\edge our " ' . -. ' , ' aUegian~e to the plan' to make Ohio ~!:' READY FOR SALE DA'fES , '11te !ollowl:ltg ' pr.ay.-r byChe ,Bishop oj qonn.cticu.t, .was dry. , , ' ' . , uud i,~ all 'Bpiacopal Chuf'cke. last SU1~a1l. That we commend those .newspa.Jl'sae St~nley, who hilS ju~t grad \I- ' whIch at Rnan.'!ial sacrifice' ,ex· ~ted from the Jones A)lCtiol.leering liquor , advel·ti£ements and 'chool, at ' Chicago, is home ' and is God, the 'Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the 'Prince coca. cola from their c~lumns, j • read,~ for sale dates , It would be of ,P eace j I,ook upon tb~ nations now engaged in dea~ly That we . with al tern- well to 13ee him, 'a s he hal! · ome new in the Ohio i~eas In the 8uctioneerjng ' line. Or strife. Stay them from violence and bloodshed. Yisit with r."."rVIUIL'tO ourselves call him" 146 mutual . phooe. New thy compassion and .,suc.cotir the wounded and sick ''and along the ~urlingtoll. Obi " " oUr 11 "jn",,,',' . dyj~g, and bless thel'll whi,l minister to their needs. PreserVe , ,all ~vho are in peri~ ~y land and sell. , Show thy pity,upon , , ....PRI~"R\, OA Y p.£isoners and c;aptrves. Ii'rotect the widows' and father~t:3uniJ8Y was "BoY'!i1 .Da~" at, less' children. Comfort all who mourn. We beseech Thee the . M 'li/: Sabbath SchQol. 8ixty· , so',~ o gujd~ and, direct them who ~Ie in a~tb0:ity. ~at ~ 'Th1 8ev~n w'el;e present ', alld ,tl:ae- ottering, good time wars may cel¥le in all the world, and tha~ just~ce was ~21 22, Next Sunday will bl! Pritrlar:r ..I,)ay ana the little folks,will '\ ~nd righteousness, peace and ,good,will, ,may prev~iI wqong· welcome you. · f . • th,e ~ation9, to the ' glory of '~'hY Namei througb the same .. , Jesll~ Chr~t, oU,r Lord. Amen. \ ' . .. ,









,r , es





Spend · Day In Forest, Emerging at Night to Feed. 1


Englllh Writer Gives Int6f"Cltlng talle of How He Succem ully Shot and Bagged. One of the Animal ••


HI!J HI!: Is prob bll' uo otllel' Illt y

bazaar at Husrut B y. One . ~ 'cl dcd c nt raslH :LrnJ \'0 , 113 ses through a great 'wnll I!lto a lho Bosn ian .. "pital, In ,vil lch <;ou rt yard of e tone. wher e a fountain Ar hdull l~ra nc I 8 . 9 erdlnaud plays that one may wash In tor the " liB assassinated . On Ul e 011 0 hallel I pra y rs or draw tree drlnklng water, YOU have gl'eM mod ern gO\'e rnmenud for elsc where In Bosnia wnter Is not buildings. su bSllllltl al, artietlc. clean tree, but Is so ld. Beyond lhe roubtaln a ~(J wl'1I·k pt, l hnt would do any na· tree throws Its ' shade and In the lion p:oU d lo po S KS and that serve to shndo\\" s tands the tomb or t he toullder tell every come r how Austria kept her at tbe mosque. Good shoppers are a "Vord to govern lJosnla tor lbe very pious ta lk. D.od wILl drop in bere bent of the prevln 'e. On the otber to offer )lra~' e r. while on . !.belr way band. In the nalive quarter. you have throug h the bazaar. \ bazaars and kavauas; you meet with ' Tbe interior Is a lmost I'Ifenllcal Ith latticed harem·balcon les · and old, that 01 a mosque. the walla fllo plng lup walled·ln court yards and tnll atoul of to the dome, with countless nlcbes, ~cel)'hooded women and tezzed and decorated wllh geometrical deBlgIls In wrbaned Mussulmeo thnt take you blue and whIte, for tile Koran forbids back to !.be dill'S at the Arabian Nights. tho pIcturIng of thIngs animate. An i ; : f - - - - - - --Jt--JIt- a·-et,r-a111l8 IrOnY of Cate tbllt In elegant rug gra.ces the floor and In tho this modern, yet archaic, city tbe belr center of thIs stands ·tbe sarcophagus "to the Austrian throne should meet hls l lt8elt, hewn of Dlnrble and cove red aemBsls. ovor with a green cnnopy, heavily But even aside from Ulls recent play , worked In gaid. At one end at tbe at .bistory Sm-ajevo Is of Interest. In tomb Immense candles ei.nnd, iIlum1· this elty at curious contrlldlctorlcs naling a. tUJ:bnn of lltone on' a pedestal there exlets tile Queerest department olose by, the turban 'Indlcatlng 't he .lltore In tbe world. Not alone Is this grave of n man. At . one s Ide at the 110 because every man, woman and tomb a little seltee Is placed, tbat the child 'In t!le placo is camp lIeo] to buy wear~ shoppe r may si t Inl prayer. relit· of the great InBtltullon , but also tar Ing hIs eyes on 11. ' great .glass cnse on t he fact lhat Ul e IDost modern systems the opposite wall, 'In whi ch a' I;ree.n are Intertwined with those ot centuries prayer·clotb from Mecca now · ~angs. passed. This great dopartment stQre, The Coffee Houses. • hlch Is known aa tile grand bazaar. Among the bllZllllrB are tbe kavanas, I1i run on the system of IndivIdual or- Turldsh cafe houses. For the poor. ..hopk:eepers housed together In one In tho cente r of the bazaar, there has CTeat bulldlng. Therlj are as mnny a ll been opened a Wakt, a Turkish c~ar· a dozen shops certain sorts and com· Ity, where the poor. receive their cottee p etition has been .tvercomo by the tree. Othel's, bowe ver, take their bev· .trongest kind of unions- the trade erage In the regular cutes. III the i1f\1lld- wblch aets the price of every· smaller· of these lhe corree beans are thIng and also the . minimum to which plac ed In a tiny brass mill, of the urterlng will bring It. As a. rosult, In thickness of n pump handle, tbe 'Iower Sarajevo uiere nr e no professional bait at which unscrews to emit the IbOPPllrs; tor wbe n ' a BosnIan has pulyorlzed ' grain, -wblle In the larger .tated a prIce be '1'1111 not and cl\llllot \ltI!abllsbmente tne bellna are poundGd ~udae. In ...tone ~Ol'tal" , ""It \;I g~eat Iron pes· . The Great aauar. nea, and tljen' worlted tl\roug~ a clrcn: Tbe great bua~r at Sarajevo cbu· laJl s ieve, that on ly ~he flneet may be .lIIts at an Intricate labyrinth of lan~, used. Tills powder Is Ulen placed In .ome or tbem arcaded; so that but II braBs Pltcliers, upon wblcb hot wilter in

~; u rolJlI

th e vcry 11

' 11Tt or 1M J;nmt

thll t· presontll such i$ th e . l osQ u




Ten. How LydiaE.Pinld,.m'• V-egetable Compound Re.• tored' Her Daughter'. Health. Plover, Iowa. - "From a email cblld4 my 13 year old daughter had f emare . weakness. . I spok o to th r oe doctors. about'lt-, and they tlid not h e'l p her any. Lydin E. Pinkham's·

·London.-\Vblle staying at Embu, on the southeast o.f Mount Kenia.. lust November, I ' , as .fortunate to obWln a Bomewha un common animal- lhe ro r · cst hog-wrltos R. O. R. I{ (lnyon·SI(\.. ney. In lhls district. at an lI~llludo ot Crom 4.,000 to G,OOO feet, tile (or est IIltO) Blops abruptly. nnd tbe country. rlgbt , up to the 'dge, Is [llore or less open, but co\'er d .w lth vcry lOll I;, r!lllk grass. Here, In this corner ot lho (orest, the nll tlves Bay they occaijlonsl1y como across these enormous pigs. but [ bQ\Ieve only on ' one prevIous . occll9lon bave they been shot at Embu: Tbey are very sby In their habl ls, spending the dN' tn the delUle forest, lind only comln&' out to feed In the cool a! the evenIng, and then apparently never venturing tar into the open, but Ill·

V ~ge table


pound had been of' great benefit to me, 80 I decided to havll her give it a trial. Sho has taken five . bottles of the VegeL--"-:"':"-;':;':'''':';..JtabJe Compound aocoming to directlonll on the bottle and she is cured of this trouble. She was all run down when she started taking tile Compound and bel' periods did not. corne rig ht. She Wa.s 10 poorly and weak that I often had to help ber dre8a herself, but now she is regular and is, groWing strong and healthy. "-Mn. MAR~~ BELVlG, Plovor, Iowa. Hundreda of sucli letters expressing' gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has aCC01J\* plisbed are constantly being received. proving the' reliab~lIty of this grand oldremedy. , 11 YOIl are ill do not drag along and continue to sulferday in and·day\out .but at once take Lydia lif. Pinkham' ~ Vegetable Compollnd. a woman's remedy f or woman's ills. . 11 you want 8.1,)ec10,1 advIce wrIte to Lydia E.Plnkbam Medicine Co. (cOldl.dcutlal) Lynn, Mals. tORr letter11'iU be opened, reBa and aU8wered by. 11 \Toman and beld In Gtrl.ct OOnJldCDce.

Children, Color Up This Picture.

luto N ....pap.r Syn41- about It," IIIlld the grouse. And the eM•. ) Lo'ng time ngo, In tbe stUI dusk at grouse scratched his head and tell Into waye ready to dasb back to lhelr rOo th d I f h a long study and didn't pay any atten· treats at the s llghtcst sign or danlYer e '\\'00 S away up on s de 0 a roug tlon.~ the turkey, who just couldn't is . .. . mountain, tho turkey gobblers used to .... Owing to thts shyness, and the fact I coml~ out on the lltUe patches at walt tel hear how to ohllnge hIs s oice. A Picco 01 Fiction. at their living only III lnrge and mor~' smo.)tb grass and b ilk to one ano ther. At wst the grouse stood up and said: "Is tIlls the bookkeeper?" or less Impenet;nble for ests, tbey arc And down by the rIver, where the "1 'Will . teach you bow to Improve "Yes. sIr." seldom seen. ex cept by IllI. 1Y86, and, hOU!ieS of t he people fronted the sun. your 1'0Ice, bllt. first I must have a ''I'm the head of the firm . I ClIme In like lbe bongo nnd other fores t nn.l· set, the. little IndIan boys would hear ·present." ISO the turkey asked what to ask ' you If you would accept an mals, may be com~oner tban Is ge n· t he 't alk of the turkeys nnd ask the old 1t was the grouse wanted. And the mor nse In your snlary." erally supposed. I obtained mine In men, wby It was that the turkeys had grouse said that he wa nted a collar of " No sir! I'm getting 000 much as It. the tOll~'~ng manne r, and, as w1l1 be sucb. funny voices. And before ' the flne teathers to put round his neek. Is. Yon cou ld get nny number of mell seen, more by good luck than any- dayl:lghl had quite gone. the old men "Willi these feathers do?" Bsked the to nil my place tor halt the money," thing else. At about 4:30 p. m., while would tell this story: ; turkey, and he poln ed to a row whIch . "But our profits are so grent we don't know what to do y.rlth tbem." It was In a Ume when tbe birds and he WOL'e around his legB. waltillS tor bul'l'alo to come out to feed "&orry; but to encourage me In that III & very quiet s pot on tb e edg~ at the animals used to play ball together, . "Yea," s&ld the ~rouae, So the turthe foreet, L came acroas some. la rge whe,n it was ' ha rd for the animals to 1I.ey took tbem off and gare them to sort or tblng would onJy result 'In dis· aster. .Resldes/. If I got more money pIg ttlloCl}tS and questioned my gun beUeve that the birds were really lIet- the grouse.. . . bearer about them, He. however, had ter pJaY9r:II, and w.ben tliey bad II. game . He wae .ert then wIth bare lega cleat my family of Tllne children mlgbt get. never ~eard at forest ho~s, II!J.d de- eveil'Y tew days. ' uP put the kneell, but the turkeY enougb to eat.. Ami It the practlco olared them to be (~~ tracke of & Now, lh tbese ball gamell! It WIUI the dlQn't oare; and th~ grou/le was weU ehouJ(l, the whole clvlo labrlc I large wart·hog, 8aylng that the IIoft- grouse who bad the be~t voice fol' hal' pleased with hi. ;tew feather collar- would be upset." "But T reany feel'-:"" nes15 of the ground would aecount for lolng. It .w as the grDWie who kept so well plealled that ever since he "00 away. sir! . I won't II _ton to the 8iz? of the track~. After , waltlng clo~ . to t he. great eagJe, wh9 _WaU the spendJs a CNat deal of time rumlng you! Oischarge m e If y.OU mUBt. but quietly fa: about · half ar hour we I captain of the. bIrd players, and crl!)d and smoothtng It. he~d a Dol8e In the long grase Dot '''Iud tbe ordera ·whlch the crent 'eagle F!lllllly the grouse asked the turkey raise my ·l jplary-;never,!"-Llfe. forty yards away, and then saw a to tollow him. into the woods and get large, dark object which, from e i 101. Ani! the grouBe got lIP on Important !Mothere color, I llrat thought must be .. YOUllAl grouse was so the log, too, and said: El:auii~ caretU:H ever,y bottle of CASTORlA, a lafe lure remedy for b u tla I0, and th en, trom the sbnWo • . hinlself had a louder voice. 'and the . "r{CIW. when I give the el D-, ..... al by tan. _L. d eee th a.t It _ .. Infants and cbJ Idr~ \ . an youDg· rhIno. Ilo"!ever, di rectly he , haw.k .could scream so that yo could plng' on log you must balto just at ~ came more or les8 Into tbe open. I h8llLl' hIm farther, but the vole. of the 'oud aB you possibly can." And when Bears' the 1f;~ _ enesled what he was, and shot him I grouse had something ,01 mUBle In It, all WfL8 ready the groulle lapped on the SIgnature at • ~ v;1t1i , the :i70. tbe bullet palsing f nry clear and very' . easy to under· hollo,"" log, Q8 he knows ,how to do, 10 lD tlse For Over 3b yeAh... ' throulJh the heart and killing him · lltand. · tbat the Daise went ))oomlng ' throll&h . Children Ory for Fletcher's OD8~o!ia wb,era be s:tood. 1 took the mea.sure. j "' The turkey had Just got a fine red the ~OOd8. . Another Meanelt Man. mente at once, chooklllS them ' two o~ heJ;lrd to hang tinder hIS chin and he. Bul: 110 excited WIUI the turkey, and Durton-Mean IDCIn, Isn't he? three times to get them . quite ·a.ceu, wanted to make. his voIce swee.~er, for 10 much noIse dId 'the ~o1:1se makE! Robln~01l -Mean 1 He'. caJJable ot fate, and tound them I1.S followr. r lt '\\')I8n't very good. So one morning . when he tapped on the hoUow log, that Height at Bhoul~er, i4'" Inch es; girth, thE' turkey w~nt to callan the grouse, he chuld not raIse biB voIce to shout, gaIn g Into B. barber shop for a. 3have 74 Inches; length to tip of tall, 83y'! 1ln4i eveD betore he sa.t down he told but could only gebble. And ever since IWd then ' getUhg his bulr cut Just to Inches. thE' groule thllt,he wanted to be lau$ht then, whenever he bas lltopped reed· 1ckeep other people waiting. to malte his VOiQ9 sweet. tng and thinks he bears a noise In the Occasionally you meet man hW ell. you take a seat.alJd ['11 study woO.ds. he gets excited and Bobbles.' SALT ON TAILS LANDS BIRDS SP chlva.lroll& townrd women that h e ls Ilctunlly ppllle to bls own wife, Duc,k. Are Made Helpleu and AI'O draa. So be children occ~alonallY lind POOR MANNERS OF CHILDREN Un"tile to lily Whe" CoatQd llr1n@t yourselves In~o hlU'mony with Be happy. Hac Red Cm ~. Bali B\n~ ; With Saline Solution. better thun liquid blue,' Dcliltllta 60me Parente Inclined to Take Advnn· them. You will will their confidence much tbe laundrep.l!. All Wl'cera. Ad". ., and be In constant sympathy with ,age of· Nelghbe .... t<lndnel.e_ ,... Riverside cal.":'-Tbe tnlth of th6 t heDl, To InsUuc a child 1nto the Love I. Valuable Au.t, It Is pOeillble to be II. man of many old saying tbat bu de may b e caught uleflll 11nes of Ite OU muet teach ,hI in through tho process of pouring sait · . , 'und bollevs yourself ' that little talltB parls· by tryln,; ,to be all tile dlffer eDt on their taUs Is vouched t or by 0 0. ,some mothe rs are so bllDti to theit we11 done are the firat Important eteps iltlnda ot tool at once. Hofer, ot this city, who baQ just' reo I cblldren's taults tha~,they allow them to a succ.ellsful career. '; . turned from au Inspection at salt p o po l to impose, not oDly aD them, but the Every ma n has a 'clrole oJ-aoquaint· ertiee tn whiCh b e ' Is 1nter€8teJ nt I wh<!le nelghborho~d . . Because 1 lovo ances, but thOy ~e not IIlways square. , IR played. unUl tile mllss Is practlclllly Bcendenn iocated 20 miles qOl'th 01 cbilldren .and have lleeu ki?d tq thQ~ SAIL 'PROPEL.S ' BOY'S WAGON 1 bave ,bad varied expenences wl tu U1llsolved, when n small ftligori at thc Randsbul'~ CiraDulaled ljoUds. . . • them. I regret to say that 't omQ pat· deep, dark liquor Ie presented the Eyell loflamed by expo-' Hofer came upon , tbe CtlrCllJl~ of n Olllts ·Incllned to take Qdvantago Good Btl',. Breezl 1'1 "ecc...", and , . . 'suretoSu,QaaiwlWItIt guest. Fairly High 8peed I. fAtt.lna~ duck eotlrely Incased ~n Ball, I\.ud tur· .o f klndneslJes shown to their ebildren 'rhese liTe just a few v'l gnettes of the ther Investigation ,revealed the ract AII(I a busy mother haa' often had her ~Y ' quicklyrelievedbJllIa~l.. • On Any BrIck Pavement. L . fJclletaWf.NoS1l\4l~, common life ot Sarajevo. Military reo .that persons llvin~ In ~e vlcjnity 01 . e~~re9 doubled by this Impolltt n. Sbe j II8t Eye Ccp'fort. At views, with coborts ot proud Austrlao Every boy wbo loves a boat and hAil Your DtIlggist'lI SOc per lJoitie. 1lI11dae Eye the evaporating ' '-Ilt~ or pondl! Into \'fLnnot 1'emonstrate for fear of caUl' sold·l ery; simple peasant tetes, with only' a wagon, caD malte a combination SalWlm Tubes2Sc,For a ••11 ,. tbEyaf.... a... which the water from a sal~ lako· ls lEg trouble, So ratber than compla! their Kola Ilancell on some green, shop· or Mull\!! pumped, are accustomed to keep Inc ahft I'sBumes the trouble ot Mt neigh· atral,r In whio~ be can ,all even thOU,J;1 Dru~ ..,. . fycReliledJ c... CkJu.. , . 'plng IImoDg tho stores , the peer ot an y there Is no water tor miles around. thllmselves suvplled , wIth toothsoma bor's chl1dl'eD day after day. In Europe to hnve one's purohnses The child shows the 'e trects of care. On!J boy accomplished tJ;1IB all 'Bhown brought home by mUleteer, as were duck by piCking up the belpless birds alter they have allgbted In tbe Bolu, less traInIng and hae' an 'a ppetlte tlleLt In. the lIluatratlon, and the only as· wares In tbe b!)ly land In the <lays at tlon. 111 never saUs.fled. I Buppose most SIBtllDC\! be had wall ' ID ma'klng the tb~ Savior, m edley ot oolor; ll?e noises ' I . • After they bave been once Imme rsed nolghborh.)()da have a ' spechnen or Ballll: ot the criers, the quiet of the reslden· l'he box of the wagon III remo' v ed tlal Btr eets and harems- ali these go to In the lIaHy .water, tbe ducks' wingo t-hls sort. TIle chlld Ie . to be pitied and the bOat deck bol~ed In 'ita pJac~. make of the Dosulan .c apltal one' of tho ·are powerless to 11ft them out 01 and tho mOlhel' shouid realize 'tb,e I~­ barm's way. 'jUry IIho 18 dOID~ hoI' child and hel' unique. spots or all the nenr East. te)!) patient nelghbo!:. We 10lle more' Well, .Wal It Good? .t ~an we cun estimate by' shifting our For "Sum·mer Bachelor8." New York, - . .A bottle ,of whlsky r'9s ponsIUllItles. :, . . An IngenIous man In WaShington, As love i8 the most valuable ullet whose wife ha s gone to tbe coul1-try, la .vb1ch possibly belonged to Aaron reaponslble to r tbo Inaugurntlon' of a Burr, first bose and relll 'fou'nder of L~ the worid, limd as' no··one has eTer new dish 'which is ·not only 'a novelty Ta'mmany Hall, has been fqund. .It bad 190 tn'lch of 'Jt; as It I. a Quality demand an.d the st!llPIy" Is to tile palate. bu t ~hlCh can be pre· was uneArthed by the workmen wbo ai"'8Y~ 'the 1IIever equal to the lIemand,. 1t IS ' lieil pa rod at stag parti es without b(?lnA are 'tenrlng down a memorllli spoiled lief ore It I~ ready to serve. It 'cradle days or Naw York, Anrol1 t,o gl-v lOme thought to Its· waye and is a mocl ltlcatiotl ot the old Mex!can Burr's water tank, .et Reade and C9 n• , Means of nlanufactu~e. Girls .and bOys (·rljole. which 18 the Bouthljm equlva· tel' streets. The 'bottle was coa'fed Inave tyI .1'!1,m~B6 , adyan~U8 ~ver lent- In a gaudy scnse-,-of the Nortb more tlian an' 100h deep with dust. It those w ho «larry the h~aV'1 f8llpopkl ... Amerlc:an baked lican . . It cnn be pre- Ia Dr,oba})ly more than & century old, bllltl!38 ot Ilr~. . It is right and pro~1' . that ~~ heade .,pt the family' Ibould pared in a C)hating dish. IDs recipe Is as ,rolla",, : Signed Lleenae With Pen )n 'Teeth. bave come IntO thelr InherltaDce alid . A green pepper 18 aut Into' amnIi Yonkers, N. Y.-Oscar F'rleii, ::wllo ~hat .theJl~ tiuf4enl should be eweetbite, a balt·pound of American cream lost beth' 8l'J1l8 and the use of bls ~eg8 Elneb by the loving attention. or their' Tho d!!Ok fa 1-' Incbee wide and 6 • . •. lofl,r. .~6 mal~ con,si/itl o..t ~ o\cI cheeac and · a CIl11 cif ord inary Iddney lil an accldeDt, appl1ed tdr a Heen"e, c:btJdreD. bennN are put lu the chaftug dIsh over to ".,ed MIss BUtta Dahlgren, Fricd . A' mother can barilly ~gt~ too ea1'l7 , l1alldle. 6 ~eet I~ag; the tiOom a.. slow fire . and ailo!ed 't o cook until 81gne4 , the \UceD.. With a po.". h.el18r ,.ii~ .bl, o 11ft hIlupon bat · are ne(I~H with ~and to ~e front t;o teaoh bel'alstAr, nttle and Ion .tto wait broomlUou, the cheese and tbe extnlct' from the tween hIs teeth. . In . ..-eeUq 'anel ' to eat , caretu\JY' &lid whliih ,,,Yu . perf~t· co~t.rol bilans baye Dllngled tboroulJ~y. &-. "81 .... I .. 8e ' ,1l1'tthout Jialte. Habltl of oJeanllneas It~rm.. \t'he ableare made of "It Is 'imposelble," .ald tlll8 ·"sum. . . Im . ._ ~I n. - p... .. may fJ6 !!UJ~ted, I ,..,.. foun4, tn(. , " mer bachelor," to gd WIOng all thll . renen P-az:1I1.-;-The French ~Iameae ~ID~,' "tIl,rdlach the ipaglc' a~' . of prats In,.. . dn brl~k ...~meDt the .... ~ . dl&h. It Is '11I1P0881b1e to burn· the .tn. gred\enta uuleSll tbe tieat from the , Ann "and Matla,1 who had , hap, Itl uaa Imall clo.... drJ", two other waPlIl. with twa bo]l, In tub. litaktnc lQ all flye .boJL cha1lng·dlllh Ire beCOmes' too jp'Iat- been Joined . tolether by a lIg;.m~llt at. C)f II help UI ·a11 JJOD, 4Ulloult ' at ·tlm... . . ' Ollcoane, & .~ wlDd iu~t be b!ow. and 1 ha:v:e yet to lee' ~ oh~, dl8ia the bale 0,1 the .erte))~ Iince bave ~8D. leparatecl and are dolq We mull ' not tor.Pt la our e&rIlUtWIUl two boJl bu macl, Ii whea the' are lot too 1t01.'" ' i !1~1'" th~t we are OhlJ ~:? uJ. .OIdl- . fl•• mlDIl.... ~ Pay~lD_ ;, ~. N. tt... CINCrN.NA:11, NO. ~.1114 (Col'yrl l"b t. by Me

. Forelt Hog.




feeble light falls on tile cobbled floor; oth ers 'open to the b entlng' 3\10, and all lin ed wit h open, woodell booths, behind wh icb Ilrc tbe storehouseli for t be wa res. The rlOuses lhornsel-ves lire t~vo stories hlgb , built equare :'I ud coatod over with plnstel' externally. The sec· ond story is wider t han tbe firet, tlluB throwing n d e~e ptlv e gloom on ths goods lu the shop. Orte n tbe belles at UIO shopkeepers' barem live In the .u~per story and there' aro lattices through whl cb they peer down at the shp\lk ,e pel'!!. III otlle r sections tlle 10tt 1& Illso the s toreroom and be:lvy grato ' lJJgs protect It from th ieves. In 'ono section at lbe great ,ba'Znar tbe housea which practically [arm one Immense (lwelli ng, bave the fi rst floor or crude, 8UIHlrlcd bric k, while in tb e center facad e o'f the upper. projectiuG story tlle re Is a IIttlc latticed balcony to whlcb ascend th e liai se ulld the smells and, orten , tile dust of the lit tl e irregu· lar streel. III 6,ome sectl Qns the house walla are yellow, ",lUI a st riping ot blue ahout thll win dows nnd doors. 8'o me or the booths are clean and or· derly. Olhe rs nrc lI ·maSB at /lltb, Ib ,,11 of th l!lU, however. the Turk elts , arollll·legged In n corner beside a ~all, envel' fla gon ut cold wa~er "moklng the eternal clgnrelte. Folk" wander by. but he does !lot see m to care .to attract their atle nlioll. . None tbase bazaara aQefl a laud·offico. bU6!n~s , iuJd yet tbey uti c~ st. . Onc o'e cJ"tbe wues at their betit, on 'Wednosday, when the peasatJ.ts come to town lIud tbere Is more likelihood of .alee. In this great department II&Dre- 1t may tie saId .tl1at everything Gilder tile Balkan sun Is {or aaIe. Sbop. ~ every, IOrt are together, but tbJng. .latch ' wo "boul~1 In one cia... at . . .. will lis found VI'!th ItrlUi,e com. .JUIo1II here. .








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USEFU L FOR PROTE ,CTlllN the tholl8b • FOO~ IN- HOT-W EATH£ R. Certa1Dly It 414 leem as only aafety lay I.n absolut e Illence. The alngle frult_ Will In<valuable, ,DergBy HAROL r) CARTE R. back's ' experim ents bad sbown conMaterIa l for the Purpole II of clWllvelY tbat the blended strawbe rry ' Mesh With a Border of Fine would vroduce trult ouly from the Sead, That Will Keep Heavy John Rllton stooped down and seed. not from the runDers . And there Blowing Off. From It ot, out ~bJect d speckle small. a r ....ed bad been only one truit tbus grown. adfriend His the lUud ot biB garden, The trult Wall to be pluckad as careA Ulln c;over 18 neceB8(\ry ror cover, Justed Ills s'Ptlctaclcs upon , his poge, fully as Ulough It wal'e the lasL hair over bas in s. Ju gs. or any 3Ttlole Ing sto ped down.. also n.nd began examin- from the nuddba 's head. a'nd placeli In ll!; rood and IIllulil dUTlng the coulalnl Ing It. a pot. and PTlce was to convey it ~ a Dler tilDe. In au ..Joho .... be Bald so lemnly, IU'lslllg. greenbo use, and- ' Tho cover should be aUI'll as to ad· "YOU are a luckY ,man," It 'was, tn short. a ' remaTka ble) oonthe aIr, y l. It nluat keep' out mit "Then- " bego.n .Tabu ll11ton, with IIgalnst one poor strawbe rry, dus t. or U IIY Olher for Igu lIlatt r, trem bling yolce. TIJuraday was lhe day set tor the e)(· Th e bes t mnterla l ror tbls purpose "It II just wba.t you thouglll," an- perlment'. lind on Lhat afterno on Price flne muslin : it cnn b e bougbt very Is .swered , tbe other, ··It Is the blended came to tea. Minna made thom bave cheaply , and several covers can be .s'tluwb erry." tea b fore going Inlo the garden. Dut m ado !'rom IInlf a YlU'd, "Worth !" nlen were too much absorbe d In both Round sbnpes are ene lly obLalned wOTth be would that ' like t "A plan thougbt to' ent much. In' vnln ' MIJllln by . LUI'nl ng a has In upslde,down 00 aald " . ,a bout two tbousan d dollars. tempted them with heT scones and tbe mus lin nnd markin g round It with Price. "Out you must. take- cnre of It. cakes . pencil ; ditreren t sizes will 'be needed, .Jbbn. How In the world-':''' a little more or my nd dltJeren t nrilclcs ca.n be used to try a you "Won·t John Hilton. told him. Tbe blended Jam?" s be nakijd Pl'lce coaxing ly, 1OIU'k out 'with, such aa cups. glasses, .strawb erry. which would benr trult all 'You know. It , was you and .Johnny etc. the summe r. had already be n created . who a re respons ible fOI\ Il.:' Hem round the circle nently, tbeq Shock. the In Corn the Dut k, six yeara betore. by Borgbno John nskcd. ' will need the border or beads as It denT1" my that, is "How plant died, and flfty thouslln d cross· what anti realize tblck to d In t.he sketch. This border m Inches B8e Indicate four on farmers PUI. Few manure best tho "Why. I've mnde It froll\ 1ngs had failed to develo p It agnln. , It crop corn l. otherwI se. the covers 8weet the essentln crop uuller, la le plowed " she answere d, a profltatl waa. In faot. a "sport," a croSIl be- frult In tbe garden. stra wberry In. can be made to be. Tbey soldom ralBe dragged would not slay on the differen t vesaDd corn the sowed then I blended the put I tween two Bpecles that would uot pro- "and much of It. it In and ITl Soptem ber It was cut tor sels, tbey enally blow orr, the beadll told rue--" iluce fruit. thougb It was a simple ",at- Just as you xcel. e an bring will com 8weet silage and 'was worth . 8 "mall fortune . IlCt as weights , and as they are eql.\alEarly "What? " yelled both 'men In choruB. ter to Induoe , a luxur!ou s growth of table being a bumper crop. for city ly dlst.rlbu ted all round the ·muslln. tbe In sold price lent both you excited I.\ow "Denr Die. 1. ."ea. Jobn bad seen the possibil ities or rcwi short ten It ia kepl exnctly In place. csnnJng planted ror also and e I us ~ou "Dldn't ot atrawbe Try culturd. And be. only aTe." said MInna lofllly. Ev(lhe garden 8weet my ot Wh en the cIrcle haa been hemme d acrOR8 acrea oorn t~n hn~ sweet 1 to be pre- i Laat year ... commu ter. tolUng all day In a stuRY tell me. Jobnny . lbat It wns varlety. ergreen va:rlety) which ,vas rendy lor round. take 80me very coarse crochet I Missour Early the of com y?" If\Burance olllce, had grown this won- served carefull In July and lhe table In Octobe r, My early corn cotton: commen ce on the border by "You-y OU put the strawb erry-tb e planted In AprLl. marke ted der. August. ot first was plant(ld In snndy soil that had making three buttonh ole stltcbes. lbe ' John thnt Jam?" Inquired The .seeds of tbe atrawbe rry would strawbe rry In It dellv- been given a tblck cont of rich barn Now thread on one, tWIl or tbree {or market ready (ound I stonily. wIfe his at be forUle. Thero was no doubt of tbat. Hilton, gazing Booa as heads, allow nbout an Incb e.nd a hal[ as plowed city was aud neare~t the nlanure In day every el'lng right?" "Yes, Johnny. Was.u't that But 'the plant hnd borne only one fruit, ' the trost was out In Murcll, and be. of cotton to bang loose, and go Into "0. yes, It WBS right enough. " re- flv e .mlles distant. JUlt ns Bergbn ck's bad done. Berg· Core planting waa wOTked up lUi fine tbe edge of the covcr again wIth tbree heT husband . "On ly-well. you I \\1M unde~ no expen.e and 1 netted as could be with disk IlDd tine lootb buttoub ole stitches . tben tbread more back's bad died In 0. nippIng frost that plied that's Minna; , Cortune a us $226, We also used conslde rnble ' on harrow , awept down upon b ls plantati ons. But have lost bjlads and proceed all the wa.y round. all." our own table and canned 25 quarts. -this was JqM, and there was no feu soak my seed for four or The bcads ' should be ratber Il1.1'go always I' wom. ~or !e l t. at glnred Prlce Henry 1 or [rosts an'y more. as plcklld. aU but five days in warm water, be tore plant.- and or ,the lleavy variety, thoBe Bold .. " corn tbe Wben dashed word, al without ".Mlnna l" called John Hilton excited' an aud then, . .the stalks Ing and plant eight ke rn e ls to tbe In links do splendI dly; the links cost Tbls mO$lel of black sllttn and taDeo thrus t on his hat. a fow ears lett for seed IJ. sa he saw the lilac ribbons of a sun- out Into tlie hall and.tlie gnrden gate were cut and fed to tbe cows. making hili. the TOWS two teet elgbt (Dcbes vory little nnd contalo a good num- 18 extreme ly attracti ve tor aftem _ t Inter ' bonnet 'app~aT at the -. bo.rrk porcb. A momen apart In tile row, ·be r ; all kinds ot pretty colors oan be wear. Tbe undersk irt 111 very narrow for them a better .Quality ot milk. behind hIm. to d slamme once!" at Come here! cQme na. n ground "MI. tbe bad, ugb lhro and over It Is placed a full alJl'OD, aod comeij It on When acres three planted also I deThis sound. InclJcative of his final tor st usetul A pretty lItUe woman milde her way slronlOe most tbe are of of tulle, made even more ~ oft rour 'covers hay tunIc but of nil These out crop pull ) ,large a of the sit- arter cutting toward tbe excited pair. Minna Hilton parture . r\llleved the tensionbead down t he land In June. am cllr lui to keep out all cove rIng I)"er milk Jugs, basills , uuset by tile rulfi e of tUlle. Ady suggesU aa. lind plUMS her put wa. a brIde ot elsht 1II0nths. She was uatlou', Mlnnn arms. Johu rose up O. 13. j e lli es, glasses of lemonnd e. etc., etc. at 11 wnlst line Is 10Bt sight of nodft T~e huy was hauled eft nnd bllrn th e weedu. -B. stm as much lo ')ove with Johl& o.s when upon 'heT rolded the !lick room they nre very handy , the black and wblte etrlped saUlt. In awk~\'n.rdly and came behind her and Ilirdle. put his armB a bout her, ",Never mind, deal'," b~ said. " It was VARIETY IN BLOUSE MODE , , LS my fault, and you couldll' t bave Th?u't known. I'll try lignin. Minna, , , Idea for MOllt Attractl vll Combln aUo.. ' Cry!" That Anyone W ith Taste Will dowlI llg "The tears wore, strenml Be Able to Fa.hlo!) . Some Minna's race, but she was not crying; Interesting Experience of IIlinQis Farmer Should Devise sbe wos lnughln.g hysteric ally. Some ot the new nod co ~ tly blou.. Means of Utilizing Every Par· Farmer With Vegetables on "/0. Jobnny. " sbe said. "[- It-well , models are made of white IlIdlnn . tiole 01 Fertilizer. It wasn't true!" Soil of Decayed Roots. Un ot cobweb texture. r eal valeD" "9t thle! You dldn·t put tbe blend, clen nes and. moutli ' of Malt lie laee. ' In Ilr08pec t O~Dp wheaL ed lI~rawbcrr)'-" big One CI( UI (l$e mqcie ls hll~ loqse trollta' . The , By MJt.LI'EJt PURVlS , "No. WI! still tuere ",bore It was jlreates t crops the of one s lndlcate Wblch were cros~ed Qn tbe t\reaat. I r bllve never had sucb good ~eBults ot straw ever produce d ill this coungrowing . But I Just wanted to pay Tlny' hllnd·ru n tucks appeare d on t .... gardea tho In ng great tl."ttent tbat old Renry PrlooC or being 110 from Bummer fertilizi any to not Is Stra'l\' ry. t traUS[)o.l'ent w'uslln. then tbere wer.. . In tbe flrst liulk great The . meim. You eee; I hea~d whnt be said, ' as l bove thisa seaSou product cial commer fnflertlona ot ola yeUOW valencj enne.11 splendi d pln.ce (or a place I have' an(!--" lbls portJou of tbe small , grain a nd these' Insertio ns and tucke weN of was it t;o a years where the farOi. "Minna ." saltS John. solemul y, five garden. Not ' mony the on reutalns Incruste d with etrectlv o motifs of MUcrop of a bIg sTough on nn 1111. ... ~ stock the to ted inlIlutcs Ia.ter, when be had satisfie d the bottom eltner Is tese lace.' produot made noill prairie. with' B. de'ep IIsol: of de. urengly It ' . exceedi roally WQS product wns Ucm ry wasle a s strabe.r comlllna the' The or 'become himself that long no . there ' ~J guess tblngs have been _u p of humus fTom a tl'actlve alld the'mod lll was to be wonr. maldll In, tbe stack until It 1» ' l,lurned t\'asses ns T.growl ~ O roots ..cayed ela.. forgive even'd up now. You'lI over a little underbo dlce m,de of 0 .... to -set..!.I; out of the way, It III well plaute. pin!!: chIffon. Sucb a hlouse wo uld 100II: to take this. llart of the whent oats Henry, won't YO'u ! And we'll nsk bIm , a~d ion land was put tn cultivat The I a an.d otbllr smnll ' grain cropa Into ac. d . beauLltul It worn In conJuno ~lon Willi to t ea t omorrq,w. ", an not ong Is g rown orop lhe "AU right dell.1' '" answer ed Minna good mnny y!!ara ago .belore now afterno on gowU In mtdlil~ht blue' an count groBS and kept In "And we w~n't S~y any more aboui after put down to year tatreta or black cbarme use. , Tbe sldft. and arrange for a more econom ical was ,It wben last until pasture pTeserv es. wUl we?" -would probabl y be dTaped and th_ disposit ion of tl) e strow, Tbe straw appropr iated tor a gardeb buck of Should. as tar a8 POSsible, be ted to fOI" toad n~ (lded In the night can be would certnlnl y be a plotures que coate. , (COPYright, lQlt by W . O. Chnpml\n.l tbll ne", house. stook alJ.d used for bedding, tbus oou- thus proteote d, They shou ld be In wblch would sbow orr tpe dalnt.'J' Last year It sp lendld crop o( weeds vertlng as much as possible ot It Into every bousebo ld. a set or them would blouse to perfecti on. ENEMY HIS T ' T DEFEA TO EASY , by Not .. garden. Choru In thIs In Men jioth grown wns "What! " V,lIed Flesb pink clliffon 111- very mu~ tertlllz er-barn yard or Btock-Iot mao make 'a deUgbtf ul present and g'oOd ed me, please underst and, Cor' r bave 8 nure. 'rhls use or tbe · straw Is the bazaar al·Ucles. and the bead border used 4n Pa.rls all a linIng for flne 1.... Unwaah th~ In Lurk. That Peril ' he and . marr1ed they bad been constlt.u tlonal nn t1patby tor weeds, purpose to which It can be could be made 'more orname ntal If gerle blouSeR. The color III so delleat e Sbe waa not of the Intellec tual . Hand la Great, but There I. "er. .. r might bave expecte d a very good best . Safety. to Way One that It hardly suggest s pInk at . . . . . The Btrawsl ack IIboul~ bo lflled.. turned at· type; but she was preUy aild dainty, speclnl t garden tb'ls year withou damfrom on prolectl o.trord Neverth eless. It throws Ollt the pMto built and the face upturne d under the 'sun. good cultivat ion, . New Me.h Bag .. dan. tention further than t an d . Just 'a. mJ.n.ute pleas_ the most r If the pur,poae ls ot the lace to pertectl on. tern wealhe wet by age b onne' t -"u marvel y Bwee ous I les vegeta.b The rage tor divided eO'eots In bagB no mean. By lUI a feed. geroua ¥d vlcloue enemy o! the home. but I know that' ga.roen It ule to '" .ood·te mpered . d society bas are voraclou 8 teaden and conclud ed burn th'e straws tack; deviso ' some, Is noW e\'ldent In tnc me~b bags. for PlaId Ohlffon,' Too. • ''Well! Have you two old foglell the raoftly lind olvillze d s lnto two lIupply mine ~II tbey could exten, to one Ita In popular . even In chUr-. . fringed are lurkln, de 'new Ii red PIal It. of ou~ r heen agaIn fertilize sbe " ! !palling of able', ,fOlUlel someth ing remaTk on eommer olaI 1lI611on. putting lnge r f. by of the caTe and take bottom new blouS8 Is made ef. bad. ve the ae at attracti equally An points ln, IOU. 'someth the or. lalr The tllJ'lD needs it back. 0,11 8,tIked., fertUize r. bottom or one of tbese points ohiffon showing a plaid design of dull the lhla from know. that you r then. fertillz.e and of nowl particle Evel')' r. every and baohelo tu~n· , old (a.II. an Inst • Henl')' PrIce was Tbe lind waB plowed • from Carrted .11P0st to t)ie frame ot the blue Ilnd green. wIth ., strealu of IIt& HIa dangero ha t dt b d u!I enemy 18, pun. to ea~h anel tng under the -weeds whlcll w~reilprlng can be pr:oduced beJIldes. an r!!pu II 0 e a woman~ ter. Tango effects and n watch set I\lId yellow, made up OTer ph!.ln , dull bag. Thia blgh. r shoulde to with a. lox tel'o -W.ailt --!,«ect lOD,.,fO T John. '\lfbom he ~ad known expo!ed. Uk~. a gQpner. the ,b9me, tbe, • bea was d frame and all10 a ' Uny coin PUrse blue c)llffon. A little white at. __ anthe on IIi ' utlflll crop came to rler at fta beela~nd . .. . ,oud lIIany -yean. haa manaae d be the ' exterio r ot tbe trame tUT' bands and tbroat lI,hten ft' to th. to cue4 lilted ty I d d famtl time en In 'lU'YlTe wJohn'a marriag e. ihe worked Into the eoll, before 'the IUd e are res aoc. e~~ mo n a , Y a in other mesh begs. point of daintine ss. ot novelUe pOint nlsb ,to hlmselt ....... · , broqht even In the nlok ot ,· tllne. 1I,e the maldan was ' planted , . commer cial ,ot grade good a Then the , by building burnJng Ui~ tro~, t bome wben ,he ca.l1ed, But torn low pocketB , Plain vesteee the .Detrolt Free fertlltze r wu uaed In row and bUl of ", ilia dl~.t' an4 feal of tad picture Ihow; 187a MUCH VIRTUE IN NECKWEA8 or lnl that , waa 1llo.nted e:lcept everytb Bl. C. Dr. a scallope d , edge, , A Y"" " n occasio merely ,thlll On , Prell, be toO, tb~n, bad never 'lett hlml .nd beans: .I was and corn eweet the ue teUe gton of piQUe futena wi~ ,em-f vest Wallh~n or smart ~y Tak· 'Be La~o Particular 'Pains Should bad never overcom e hla feelln,' of 8mart KlndB Alway. Look Wah and ohet lJuttons from the high. ..0. . . .. ,UJ eneiny of our afraid to feed theae ' cropa ,too '."ell, 4anlero moat the tha~ bad WIlO Where' Tj'ODIAII the Varlet)" ard g w to. Jealouq 'Afford Seemin A. a cbeok. ph!cea of rowe.. were lett en '~o Remove Affected Sp~ts neck. with two patel! ' poclr;e,tl beI"larea and pen~s anel other i~lItltUFroch Are LimIted. . oollle to abare JOhn'l We. to 'keep these p'la~ed I iled. untertlll the braid. bee.use wIth d. , ban hUlllan the , lB UODB Ile wblaper ed. in t~e Field. t~Don't te11 Iler. Johll:',t hat h lall as the eoason, re collar df bandke~~ etra"'~nT ' dlrectol during r A t,rllHze •. love wltl!out cOvertly., "If IIbe knew woman ,wen y every ar ~Ipeo neckwe ,erma., Smart aprea '...' -u .orth a. fortune r.-,i. , far tbey wera how necktie , I!as end. . . .. law I long en h w' with are but linen. lU!HI the In opportuu atilte cleau endleBs &po use Ita nolie a By In lied ,. " to work the (By W, W. ROBBTN S, Colorado Experl: began I behind, work. , A II_ ~ talllng drawn with thus s ed Dl6e~se unment Into tood. frock ' of old an tIon g oltered tor chang1.u '.'1 ,kno-lv IWhllot you want to ahow me, prepara ' ment Btotton.) , hUla and row~ wltta a. the finIshed around Is In r collar fertilize , wing the tho on hlgh, y have Ukel ", to da,Bh U8· Dodder III a parnslti o seed plnnt a new oue, All neck fblngs r' c1wj" eal4 MlnnL "It'. tha.t funD)' .. ~r..d . a~e· hem. It .... , had been left un~ertlllzed: " stltched whlcl;! 1m. featbero~ber douhle WITB so,me tbln 'or' by ed obUvion of support la rocks whloh _noI finne, U? ke. . tliread-U " ~lI1e4 . 1Itr8::?"b6rf.YI isn't I 'a lso worked It In the other cropa Tohe sterne slender wine aboul or starch. Orgnnd y is the most popu. lIarrow revers, outlJned with . a. ~ ~0"~18; Ine~ object, S_H ? ' D~tor ," Hced It·thl. morning ." yellowi sh or reddish o.nd the from '~d them ad cultlYal I ' a. to as far ao ' ,o Fragile aB It Beems. of blue moire ribbon, termfna tln,; 1a • Hye, Tbe lar materln l. "Yea, my~~elP'.t ~nswe,red !oh~ tn ,a :Langw ocihy does not tbat garden bal grown until the the I!h~nt lipan wblch tbey atart s d o.n. b , unclean ot restores It to Its orlg. bow. ' A, vest mnde ot hand-embrai&,. l.uta.t1~"n I soon am· ing aUlrest launder er The '. re~emb chQklnc vlllee. "An4 pl"aae what kind ot eeeda IIte-hl6toTY or dodder Is peculla.r 'wonder rs neighbo cook!. eTed 'pique, wllh high colhir. has a .... ot lon jlOss'Bs ss. the n i , loveline at fO\Jnd state w.ben. that ft. la, to be presen ed verY 'cueseeds germIn ate In tbe gTound, Tbe Inal : planted I radical, lug of black moire. ,too oon, . rather arB be coil soon 'a ttach ' l'Iigh, rOiling orgnndy tulIy:" But tho'~gh' he s'e emed calm: That .would ' • pr~tty good cbe c!, by hav- young dodder plants r liltl· gently II. collar 'merely H~ Such , t~, I , 't. ]lopular be wouldn to Wb~t Unue 'Price. tbe 'with Tllen IIDQlJlh be ~afJ, ",ngl1' ves to other plante. I,' New. , t~III " peril to Ing a nelgbbo r's, garden near 'enough themsel worn ' by "ri,ht bad tbe old ,fo l1 Inilinua tlng tha.t m~iea that to abo.lIsh ' conneaU ng the dodcSer to th" -,rlth a thin gulmpe cah beis very b~ stems ' lame tile Mlng , land the , observe t~ ~ook~ ss . ' , JlC?C.~etYI heaJth , and, bn~plne eli, anyone . The low. sott roll , "" " 'M~n" w~" I have used commer cial soli aoon break away, lea.vlng It e. tho custom as mine. 'from coming to a full, Tound neck" and a plllDt t hps thEll to d attache ~. ~e ' kne~ ~b~ be was ~gry. Price 1!o~ld do, "!'eli to cultlvnt tlr~ly foUII ' abOut · of rate the at ' soft coltheir hands tn fertilize r '\' bl!-d suitlnl,,~i1, Ulat Mli':l~ wall mental- of t~queri{)¥ haUling whlcb It must secure all ' of Its noul'o nj1w finish tor the/le organdy Het OJ' ",Ith an aI~· hundred pounds to , the acre. of black tie h halt,inc ,a Is lars of ctlon 1ntr(Hin ,tbe Avoid , ' Iy s'lo~J ,And J'oJlb. kne,! It was, true. dean, pyre -Water dUuted . Lettuce and onions have respond ed . Is~ment ~daP. ' Easy, se~d_ PalnB tulle. wltli a. IOllg tasael of brlgbt col,; Pre.t ty 1fi"lllna ', H~lt0!l was · no~ an Intel- l !Ine mlnure kno,vD . a 'surpris ing w.ay. When one) can , dodder Beed witb altalta In , procu,," . lB iemet'iy the' It? '~ q IB, affected ored beads, Some lIared and polnted remove t<;, taken be lapful'1 ,."\VPII\la,D. tbou,~ ~lr mads nODe ,should two are , .wh1oh ,. , ~lll, aImpa~ anr'l\'be re ' at, an e,xpeuee grow beads of leuuce • mao ,orgnnd y coll a rs ,wIth a ftchulllle vestee large the 111. field. the , In thl! ,"ol'lle wffe tor ~t. reacli of teet acrolls. one ne'ed" i\(~t ask foJ' any,- spots the Within .be ,'to " Bm~ .ao MiDna. of folda IIBve n fInish lnllido ot fine em· d e ~r. will ~ re ~B. ' ~Y'ocedu J~hnny, , ':A11 ~Jl)l. ,thfng more. 'Onlona from sets" and Jorlty of ~Dstancell this broldere tl edging w1tl1 a turret edge alfalfa ~f stand tbe It pt. ~ut I · really thlnk".Y~U ' mil!1i~ ha,,~ the Ie.,nelit pU\'Be. .~umc,le b~ l ' as such growtb trom ,8eeda made ' a " I • on" the neck. A. small point· Testing ~he up ' plow . I!-ffected ' wal~ecl UII ,alter dinner., ,Howe" er.:, 1 ~adlY verry III .' " baro 'never 'Been -anywbe re. ' . Vinega" ~",~ ... p. t , " bas a flat venlee edging two ~ ' collar the eeJ ! Jh Be~d ,~~e to ou , y , ed goes ~ter!lst dodder bow ho~, Elvery hml! theae. orops' ha1'e been ()~.P be!pr~ the b.qu... ~8 garrulc "nd :nIl$l J&Uy.6w .A , 'whIch tollows tile roll at ',' , wIde hlcl!es, land In, a culUvat~ orop ~ prden. " , tanee Oil ' cultlvat ed '" ve~ .U"bt coat ot ' te~Ullz. .. alld J)ut ,tbe enlargin g It 10 the usua.l coUar. the: , yean. mo~e or t'Yo, 'She t!1rned,qn ber be!!1 ~ lIi,t1 e .lluftlty ,maid .eat- down liy ·an !Icqullb for elde' er hu'bee,n' .I!catter,ec;l"along eaoll " size. Ca(l'e efl'ects In collars ' , anc;l J!!bn 'lIur,Dill\e4 that she had eo a trohey. and 1at on,ce. a&,; you l~vJn' of t)1e rows and wor~e4 In to, tbe, loll. ' . -' . " Wbe~e', SadIe' • "HelM, T.ery Jlot are ne~. ThOSe of organdy &re e~w¥. Prlce1a lI.u!l~, Milina. A 811.\'1 : Polr:lter. . Ilea•• 'of the B~m~ aort- a. ~61gh~or 7" .' ,. • e~ In SOlid . outline and, eyelet ,br.oide" wben Bettles sUage ,bow 10~d of. ~enn . Pilce; lill8', tolerate d now'" know You, planted . '\Vel(!, ~1J=e,:al high and load·. reply. ' wB;ll;Ii res;" pIques bave sol1d embrol~wblle "Nowhe , .. ' work, besi' . Is It ~e. nason d·a that, b1W " Orbllr hU~ba.n ':wlth- pod. fllle12 to ' ,buutln g firat ,' ut In For ed, ' . , that?" " IRa""a .• , at firy" atood . ,he tor own or O,lle ".Jol;ua." 'Bald Price,. ¥ ',quia.h el, beetl, 'JI()fatoea and ·.tnelq.~ to ·ou two ~.lIos. your ~', bave a j've.· cases "I'm married .'" many In /i G\llmpe ·1 tljen ' Cull. one Illling 'i ,', ~ ~~r! ~~11n, ~'iN;y. ;1'm iorry 'U 'nelgh~l ' .,Ine. , came, " nar to ,powln~ fast YOUII or plastron !loft the ", over al.n'tl" errect "YO~ , tee " see. the ,... Hnlsh tben refllJ~ go bIicI~ and 1 ~den~" enoqh to lee', anr ever' dl~, . that!" pIQU~, at de~4 Lciolt 9 r emb. ~lnl, of If. "Sure front . g I;Ulmpe maD.' let: oId ,· put can , ~•. tha,·. ' &11 ~f, I 'ltno,W1; perfectl y Well uiat I o"er, ODd' bne, [f) pils way ':you t;t~lt til match. BIle beJd 'up bel' .l(;.,e d Jert 'lIat.d JoJu1. lila g~~ hu_r' 'wU era' tona .more In. Here'. a.liotber wa.J . wltb II. ~INII! or the ot PW' the .bnt· til~ . . . *,hC dOled. fin· third the 'Oll' then! of full BcaHs ot tor l form the fu tiiumpb 1 _ In· he Gulmpe Ume; If umt by ba,rn ' t~e ' reato~ ~ellX l~ I(J'81u ClDmp .fertllll er that be. crop~t of :tbl. 1.~ .Stll~k 10Ur, .. ring I 'jfedd,D JUlW haV'!! roll· ,lbJDlq .. C.ahloD .".. IIchn. .... In ,', l"p~a 'net I~C· lnl YJlry DaM!' lIor~dI" the ',aUo. ullin, a ~thresll ... 401' a ItIIo, Il&ve not .u wd ,.m 1IOt>,!!, t .....,. but 'lI1b)~.. I'DI p( o~dY. , eolian lUI , to ' tOftIt Jour 'lit ull ~1IIJ.'r , ''BUt; Jo)m.u ~ Pr~_ ''It¥( ~ at it ID.,.,:w~;d I"'; ~ r ~ ' "W ·~ .for ~ ~ ',I walstCOll,\8 uYe embroi dery .......1, .__ dca,* '" • word a1lillat paelJ~ -&~ other. ~. w..w; tu,.hID . 'iP'&hL TU~ f9 bacll. J Pique II .• III udDa-"~ +of .qm, .... JloGb o.tlll . . t,.~ .. front ~dpe and.- on the 1at11a ..... Uw * 1Oa' dgWJl c ' td4 ' udere .,~ • -~• ud, 'retll~ t1a~ ~ • :kIU til. cro~ 11 _tl,~ ,. ~ , " ' .. 1 • ' ~1 ·If Ole.tort . . aWt,rwbt~' ~ . l ' • ' , .




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Dw. rf,....... Tbe Chin Inl~ ence all Int rior dl'(!oratloll t'xtl!odJ'Io the wOlld rrnT dll'llrC lr 8 which, once IIJD10Bt prohll>-

Features of ttfveTy Xf,(·nshl·. 8T/' nmv to h,' fii\il tht!.. \VIly.nes\rille News lat l'CllIJly lJO(lular vrlt'~, en 'lm(,nclnlt at IlbQlIll;o t ' ) (Ill' d.Jnl11111.1. , y,;w of September, J8~ and <'tJnrs I ht,t look lit< ,ie th )' hod (lQID '

ollt Ij!


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J robare Court Proceedln,.


pies'" gnrd u.

St.AtE'l)' on kF, SY~llmur!l, vdaX':1. stand , log lit I oat ,:lO. 'lie I~!I high , ar ~ WODTHF. DREAD TORNA~~ derfu l Wlth . tll Ir Itn)lrilld IJd lwls d 'l'1o " I " II of l'll.!t1l1a ,\I ,nifl\Ub, whl llh bmnol\t)8 lind do e follng", ~ th r ·ap·. ~"tltl KII III Uti ,Illy lolen t'\ one ' fOl' IlrnT like au len l f rest t r ~s ' v Iewed ' thl~ I (l (' '.\ It!·y , ' noen r ntl'd Its fury , from alar and ' througb tbe "wr ng

town c.f \ '" hI , IlI·PO '. d. wlHltEl It stru ok

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uAlgll boring


I~l)(>nr • :30. 1\1Ie! IId <1 ,JU~I)!i " tho ell·

of a



t81tl~ cope.

I~ter. oWoer8

;o} vat'lous oounty

Weltet'P 8t;1", &ain.,. .Tobn State of Ohio VI, Henry BrlnkmlUl, feee aod ooste H6 .10. tI'-t.e of Ohio va. Findll1f Ca,blpbel1, feea and 001l~ .. *25 65. C. L. Blackbnrn, 1;0 guard .rai l Mulbe rry street bridge $2. WUllam J. Ptlanzer. new furDace C. B ., ~~93.00.

A. "


III ttl' IO l\t er lIf H.~ lpb M8rUn $25 60. (\f Ohio VB ~ wll llow. IidwiSt'ion ter vbio InH"tn SOlder, feell 1I.0d 008Ss $10 .,1,6,

('tr l"eebl Mlud d youtbs mll!l for uld p~n!Un: In thO 'llli~t r of she eMt"te of b'lfl n ll Ed"" u.n' W hk Jev, deool18ed. ' Boud flied . tnile ,! lJl\thll' of the estate fo ')mr1e E .· Badl , de el\8 d . Two oot ElH llre orne/\.'l d turned ovor to A 1;11 reM f... /lnot\stClt' . Tn tbo t\1utt(lr ' of the est1lt.e of Mt\l'gllrot U"wyec, deoeasEld . Dorn • H nml' brey H.llpolnt.ed I~dm jni s· t ril.t r ix.VI'ltll the will annoxed . BODd (,lOll

- -..,._..- - -

Chanibedain's Colic, Cholera and Dislrrhoea. ,Remedy

.Suel' ~.... 'r 10

r. us\!'.

'To BeautifyYo U ' Home Inside llud Out-



TAN])r RD '


Over p,)strllTice, .Orrice Ph(me 77


Wayn(>sviUe, O. H llu);e

Pholll' 6,3



Grow1ng Ole:! by Oegrees . . t lrl\ P'UlllI I'n rum. OVI1 In!'e ht1u. , "1 advltlall t he 'b.~ys·' when tbey Prcl,)llrc d .})aints Ih.ed h ()l1~e<\ ILrl onr f. BUll dt). Growing o ld"~ IIlllny etugf')I. You THE ClREATEaT ' euUsted fOl' the Sp6uish ~at' 1i0 \uke IU"IlLIWIUUlU'lIIl1l11l11l1l1un'IIINIDUIIW'. I 011 htlll. " \Veru bl '11' 11 from CnD r"D181l11Jel' tu tlma wh o ll . In rOIlOUbl\mberlatin :ti Colio, Choler.. tl.ud I he t,rllol>:l4, u.1;ld ,'lUQ lJuI I ii1l!i;tl 011 t Ing your fa\'oritu nu thor. you w re dIs· ,$8000, . Dillrrboe~ IRe~edy wit~ them, und "8ea~lyis ried tl,nl)\tlt.el,v fr Ul !lhOlr (ounuIL . gusted to find tllnt he had made hIs IN THE WORLD In t.he 1U~ ttec of t)le' estate of bave l'e Je\ved mallY 'bl1okfl tor, ibs . Is often very trlle of p~lnt Moo... ' L'he .storlll 01\0.1 frum t h hero torty yenrs olt!. Ilild you wont1JBJJSl1ED ~y; $4.00 P)!R YEAlI1dvio glveo," wrttel! ,J . -noBOU8b . Anrtlc th'e (01 r. ore neCC.8Ar y AagDs t. Aun Rer. decoH8ad . Sale bill norLh\lfB..~', to dell!! bl'.ok 01)u11 firet dered bow he cou ld hI! guilly of ImC)t ''() u .... e, butl .... ure "'~Q t Ihe I'nlnl lliod; Eldoln, Ipwa.. "No person in \bls clluse Is tiled . ftDTI!L'I. DIlUcCi6i8. S PEOIALIST8, yu u u se h., 8 .. 'ro G li S K~N -<I '1 1lP arin!!, flU ',then follo\ 611 " tor puting r'omaDCIl to u JI nn unconBclon· , whethertrnveUnp; or at home 8honld 008T U·M K'U, TRAN & F Ii: R, CAB illn that will resla t uevere conll!· In the lU& tel' of t,b o aRtate of nl\aollqu u] to tibl\& WblOh 16i \ .'".mO~ . able age. By and by, veil th ugh YOU tioa a of cold. hellt nnd mols turebe wlt.hout.t his grea t remedy. .. FC?r AIID ·.US SERVICE OAN PROFI':" o,herwls" the palnc wiU peel, cbulk. ttHvn wa. t two yeurl Itgo. AIL fQund forty years to be lhe old age Borllt'll B. Wj\k~r8on, . dl1eeaR8d. 801e by all danlen. . " USINO ITS ~DVIUtTISINO COL,UMN, loue I, or Cmck. Uollllte rGI iobe itlH10('l tax 'fixed 1n CIf nbe telephone nnd \oll'ICrlipu Of youth. yoU w r solae d by t he Re oBoblall. th •• e fneu, there Is SAMPLE COAPt' FREE one ~fe . ,"tltlfllC tory.loua·w""rlD~, w re wero b lo\i"1) it wo. One of thought that It wal! th e yo uth or, old tlli. CIJ.U 8 . color-re ,ulnlnll l1ulnt for yuu ... ....... lIaw YO ilK CI.IPPER Tr'Uth About Royalty. In t,h man I" rOf' tbe eHt-ute of r,be lu. rlJ ~t wh IllStLle groo 'l,'Y h u elj age. and ilUIl l a~l1r you will wODder UI4l • • It .. ~ . New YOrll. II. Y. i o, outh tn Ohio WIltI toilLlly de- where youth ends and' old age begins. ,Mar,hnJD PeDe. doceue. d, Exeou The first king WIUI no more thaD ",troy d . 1.'b U!I~ho li ' nn(l BU.lltist torll'h dfl reu uoed in:this OIl\lSe . a rorlunall~ soldler.-Vo)lalre. '"hurobo IL re oDe i tbo 0 ort-l)ouse Real Estate Transfers Ij. QH~I\{ 1 $5,000 i\"m '~g iO t.LiI tur e E. V. BARNHART. Dizzy? Bilious? Constipated? I of tlle "'n.y UIIP ts tire ~u lle; the BRIDGEPORT S T-'ND -' RD Dr. Klng's NIHV Life Pi11B wlll Willi'llll 1;: . Uuglesbv to Wm O. Qndo t' 'l>L Jolt, iuoludmg , biltelll.nd Notary PubliC P A I N T ~OVUTl u !lIven oreu with Nll"'O tn Surln gboro. Sl. tho! lesot numbero' !!a1lC)n s ; h ul· whole R\ llQusell. is all blow n i oure YOll, olluse a . b er~ltby flow 01 "Du ~11Il I "ay. ururorm; I ~ mlH.te to 11 sclenIlud aids. your i:!tomaob a.nd . th e O M Fallow' bloc); I II 'tone. !tod Bile dftc formu ... . ou,l"sts chcnp "dul. All kiDcls of ~ot9ry Work. Pension W. he t r MlI.ple. Admr., to Bowels of WI\tne Ilnd fermentlog Having Bold my ftlrm, I w\ll l.lell teruted OIllnt Or lend und 011._ Whit. numernu . other hui h111\gs, botb body poisons, 'rh('1Y ";ra a T ,nio to D nr;ls M!1~u1lln X iuterest; In in- at pubbc Bnctlon at the farm, 3 mill'S Work Il ~1)AOltllty . loud alone aaponlHea the .. II, ('nU . · Ii-r.-.::::;:.;.;:-'---- -p io Ked prl Vll te, w ent !l()W n be· your I:\totnllOb and Liver llnd lots No. ' 135 Ilud l ll!; in Lebanon , BOllthellQt of W'~Y J1esvUle, W&rtl'o Inll k to chulk rapidly. Th l. n vtlr h " POIlns wllb DRIDGEPORT t,be f llry of til wind. MUll! County. OhiO, on 'h~ Clarlceville and tbe general s ystem. First dose will $ l 50. . ST ~NDARD. ' rdo r 'K 1I"iINrt}> w,~" !lu~l1gtld oure W o UfO 10CtI\ "IIVn'" lor IIridgeyou of :thllt dopressed, dizsy, W. Chell lor Mllpl~. admr' l to Ann Waynesvtlle Pike, on I/O ~h \· x hmt o f $l!<l,OO(I. port w,lldt\.ro PraduclI tuul 'nrry bilious lIod oOu tilll\ted ooodition. Willi l.utlOn lot No. 12 ,in EVU.D8 1\d · M~:Coy., · . Monday, September 14, 1914 ~ lull Un' lor oul.iela a ud imido II!!',. Ili flub'a E\,hvll.' \h~ o rthl~ vLEliln wut! $lio. all DruggiSts. w. 8h,,11 hi> pl.Rd to ootller wiU. ,j dltloo to W ilynesvi\lo, $776. . D eg ll~ni :ng at 10 o 'olock, all my tb 'ra lind hI t ilt' , f:i blo (Jf ::It\l'Vu you regtltJt"M Ih It Ul!& . '1'Iu" - - -_ - . 0 , Rud Alice F.aorrybiJl to ArlJlII ohl1tt Is ()oostating of ' 8 Bead .·f Vet'e rinarv 0.11 and tAllt i i Over_ Ph Hlp ~ hHe tlle toru; W!l.8 nglo~ Famous R egl~ent. Kel86Y 1.1. 98 aores In Way ne town. Cllule, 2 f.oung Jersey COWl with '('b co f of t,hl;) ,able lI.oll of Mr, Ora4uate of Ohio ~.II' · IIniv"rtll'\1 ROGERS .. & SON, otllves by their 8ides i 2 yoang Bol. , . ~' bllu ,\ ware b low,o U.W6Y. .T he Bulfs.'· tile famous old "Nut. tlb~p 1. , , JlllU Ol'- B. Dilly to BII-rlay nod steio and ~JerBey OOWM, tretlh in Jllly; IX Ii 'Ill!:' war h.!st, " od u u nwber crackers." at wbleh the 1Iing of Den· Wa>,nesvllle, Ohio ma.rk WILS appOinted cq lonel.ln-cl1lef Ermll- CUllniog!! Jot ~o . 62 aod 63 11} t youn g J arsey Oow to be frEIJh In ,Of j)er ou m ot' '.r.1e,. Illju red. ~ Orne at I es idl!DCI! in F II, . ::lhc r Novem bel'; 1 fio,e Jeraey Belfer Calt WI). biol!!tlJlI C 6.. h9!! 5,000 In on his recent vlsil lo mngland, are oDe Dilly tlubdivlsi .: n to Malloo, t1. wood's house, (i'ourl,h ~treet. Drldaeport . . 10 wellks old i 1 yearling -Holafeto hl\bltollU£.9. a nd i .. t h a 8t1at o f. F~ye Et:1J of the oldest corps 10 IIle Hrltlsh army. Common Pleas Court Belter, 1 ex~ra gcod two year old Stnndard ff~~~====i~ OOtluty, it was Bettled by Vugin- They , were evolved [rom the old Telephont ~8 Flout P.;'nL New Suits Holstein ·!aul!. 1 New ~imploi lOS, au I is I\on ulel ~Ol'lll. It had silt trained llilDd In Iho do.3'S of mUzllbeth, , .. {or lnsirl. a.r6~r, gOO Ibs. onl1Iioi~y. ' 63 BI;l\d •. ·hurob 8. two ua.~ion~J banks, four and because of this a nclont cODnectlon floon Ohio hOfl Gooo II VB . the Village Ct ,WaynesviU e. Bogs. consl8UDg ot f\Vl:l Brood ~ows. Dew pti.u r!j. 'lolld lI617erl11 i.mportant with the caplt.n.\ they have the pMvlIPv"·sOocl Fra.nklin. m O DOV only . Amount; -t Shotl.ts ,.veighln g s\l,,"& 1~0 ll:lS • 21 mlillufaotJlt'iDg , 1I,lSQrelltlh Il,od tile lege of marcblng tbrougb tIle dty of gl ... .."d ollAlmed $500 I\nd other )~Ill r8Uef. ShoatI' wEtlghintt 'frolD 100 ~o() Uti, I bM" co u ~'-l\m9.le. rooeo~ly buHt. wa! one London with fixe d bayonots. beating , vory Claranco f:iormbll vs. Frllnk Wel s· 31 Pigs h I:) to three monills 01d,3 f ,t he fine t io the StIIote. : . durable. dru01S a.nd flyl og colors. OR. J. W. MH .LER. enberger .lAud Jobn WetseDberger, ROO· j Polrmd China BollI" \" @8. 53 The da.m.tag done io the town and .- --~l morley. Amonnt. '150 with inlerfilll • Betl.d of Good HillJt'J,', 00.18ist,lng ·f t hroogb oonnty is estimated at Good Wc-rd for " Religion. ,IDe mIllion dllllars .. . Myrtle McOormiok VS. Clyde Mc- 30 Ewes :from 1 to 4 year's 01<1. !Lnd ... DENTIST••'. '. ThIs 18 a broad-minded age, and the Oormiok, dIvorce. gr os8 negl~ot. 23 Lambll. • Hog ' Hou8es, 140 I gentiemlUl 011 the last tram, who was . c'hrl nd Bill v _ .BRroey Kahn, bushels ol~ O",ts in tbe bl.., GO busDels ' omee'"l~ Waynesville, 0 ' National Baak lillIe. of old COl~ U, 12 aoree of. ~ood Curn PfSCUlTURE ill what ODIl may define as the talka· a.ppetl.l ~y detoud8 ot. ' . tbe field, H lon!! of nioe 010 qer It. I~ , I!r8~ifyiJig to observe the tlve stage. ebare.~ , the chll~~terIsUcs . Morrow Natl0DtLl Bllnk : V8. '1'he gr_du~T inoxe8ss in tile , oQl~ure of ,ot the . ;Imes. . I ve nothln. to say t'ei>ple's · Co; MOlley only . Bay, : \I 1~01ls of ba.led 'Wheat. ~nd ~ta ~tr8~W, J l)nsbele of Ulove r fil h aJQong 0 8, aDd the IIQ008ll8 that aplnst 1~ e"en ft he d'OOB belong to Am unt, $2200 witb interest. &ed, 22 bosbe18 of t:!eed Whea' and bM ~hUl! far IHtoud'911 tbo8e en&er. P . B, A : J m 00 bigot, not II- bit of It. otller .r\t~,e8 not mentioned. '\-l.,.rlage 'Il.lcelUlOl' I p~i8. I~\ uld .. nil we hope willaSim. All' I lIay WIN, lhat, a,onsider!n' all Terml\--A 8I'e:n$', of '6 m'on,tha ~y ~ I t . ula~l othe~. ,to /limilar etfQI'S8 in thloga. ['v~ !lot found ~heB& religious Qnlooy C, ElI8t of Gt6eovl1\e"to JlnrOha88l~ gt:vtnlJ ' banJi:l'1Jle Dote, .l,unera Jrpc or .. liboir'own iD~rlls'. A gr,eet;' many -cllalls to~_. he wCl'Sa thanordlnnry . a~ Embalmer. of our farmers might b:llve flsb ponde fellers 11k!! you an' me."-Mancbester Mary A: H ont. of Fran~JtD. Al. A. .DitK.ount ot 3,96 for cash: Jam~on. J. P. . , FraniiHD PAoker, W I 0111 011 tbe[r pr.emi8i18 .. ,~&h ~Ilt 1& 'riftlog Guardian, ' .. ~ _ _ __ S!l.m'l~l E. Rnasell" teacher to W. E , North, . Auotioneer.. ayn~svil e, . , O. ouUay of I11bp~ and ~8t;' ,. " , . • '" Modern Vpul'tll 'Ms."'. Slogan • • ' Mtldred Gr~ Bonnell, "o~b of, Leb Mr.' A . 1'; O'Neall baa a very fl~e Call anSwered p~,mptIY day or night poul,i on bis, plaOO, mBdo. we believe, Edna ' Fe~ti'er( wdtfog a JQck Me· 1&000. R tjv . A. J. K08~le. 1118' yeat, 1&& whioh Slme he plaood0hesney advertl . lug storY to the 41Oe rlllver ett Boyda Rll~ya:ll, ffirmer 1iO' 11..."...L--lti!.lIl•.o.ue~~~~~~r!i~~~~~--5;dattlfli~JlfIIIltI~~It-:-~B~0~th~pb~0~n~ea;;i~n~~Office and Residence. . 0 14; Home phone therein CDa tho08&ud carp. The ICjln Ml\g~lne. 1~prosellts · Jock as ' Ven~ Ellen Vt1 vls, both of A baIllllOtII@I,lIIn.tra\ed .....t,". ,.. '" t "' ... O'her d_y. he ' fouod ttab . there making the fo\lo )IVlng ~tatem ut; !tmet! 0 r~:vt 9n D u 8 ~rd , b an 11: . ea'at'OO ti t. an,. .cle"U~" lon",a1. ~ '1''IrJ II 4, ~. . f . hed f J It':'" fo._u...~ Sol4bJailn ""'e.... ..,..:~•.~~~. Ut"nlS ree e~b&een "lDoh08 lob'g. This sbows .. 'ThesEll days It {ao't 80 much what 0lI8bier of Marked l'ree, ArllaDllfttl, a rema.~liab16 r"ptd growth, and 10u'Te got tn you that counts as what to Ida ' Dila~usb, of Leb\lI.)n'. D~. on f: NewY~k fun.erals: , 'Iltu~5day, September' 10, 1914 ~ l!'1Ioe, -,. at.. WCllh .... lon~ D. , demon85r;a.t88 ' r wlll",t pofl8ibll1ti~8 you can bring oul . I kno,¥ the -YOUDg G. E . Gowdy. a"...1!., the oulliut:Jst. . . , mao's slogan used to be "Work and Commissioners' Proceedin. ~lnnlog at 10 q'olook a m _ t~e TIYJ f}on, ,s s.' a.1lu8Il ' h$8 a flDe Walt," or 'solOctbhig 'nearly like that. · afol1owiDi~ ! '" B01IQ8, 12 (i)attle. 32 _ ............_.,.;._---............- - - - . , . . , . , - - -...'-~'..................;;....._""M_.... pond 00 hiB OuioD PJooe rat'~, but But these c;1ays they'V'e b~lled It dowo " we'are a' pres8nt; 19uoran' a8' to It,s to olle word.-" Produc-e." " I:)urvoyor was d'ireoted to aurvey Bog8, (''hlok~na, Onofre, F~rwlllg 1m. plsmen~., 22 'I ~r~iI good' Sa .. ndlng ~'A.:'UTO ' ' prpgl'llaso We propose, howe~er, '9 .tbe Costello ' ditcb And 1UI80811 'he O.>rn, toe, bp. Rye arid Wh.t. Bee A \:j, ,«;\evo~ 'lI()m~, attention ' &0 t.blil '8ub. ',\cute IndigeStion ",amagea -tbereto , . big bUlB :ro~ term... ", , ) , ' .. . ' ,.' . Plans, etG, for ' ~epla08men&, re. 'Jeo& iD t'hl:> flltur~, IIond. IIhould b e , . 'J 8888 C. tfaiD88. glad ~ he"r from' lUIy wbo bave T • 1 w8sa1.luoyed hI" (Wer Ii yea~ oon8truotioo aDd p.ermanent 1'epatr ~t . ,R easonable Rates, ' ~Two' , Machlnes~ Wm: Mille, Aua' • hy atta!>k8 .of acute indlgeetloo, fol· of oounty road now \i,nowD Iis ,Mlamt . ponds or may 'intend to ha~e. S'p rlngflel" Tires, a~d ,Access9 rles. )Jr. ~. C. MoKay' btUI jtlst; o~m .. lowed by ootlstlpatloo," w~l~s Mrs. ,aveQue. Franklin, Obio. were ,apo ple~d ODS of -iolis floest flah jIOod81n ,k. J.. GlI:llagh"r, Genev" N . Y. ,proved. ,. . ... . ;V alvo Ine 'OIi and Qrease8~ . 801lthem 0hfo. WltJ1 bie unl1mited '4'1 tried, everything t . t ""lUI reoom ' ' Dr. A. C. Basln~er, for hlmse)~ .&da at1pply of pDre IIpriog wa~rl 'mel!ded t;o me for ,tbti oqmplatnt and thirty.foor other eJeclior, citlzen8 , ' bom 8Ul'fI&08' ~raiD&Be. bE! will be . b~t ~ot~lng did me muob !Jood onttl lIvlnp; wi'tbil) 'oerNlin d~r1bed ter, able to ~1I1116 the fuisr ""1",ie"ell of ! ,' ?ur mOntba,ago ,I saw .(;''ba~. ritory 01' BulllD towuablp, War W~ .; oold.water flab. l)erll~ln B T6~ls~Badv.erti8ed !lnd Pt'o• •J'lo-t tl' " d f' lb Now who can give ,be wherefore Dured a bottle of 1heo' .from ollr \,; .... " pe .1One or I e . of thi.? ' Lalli aprtnR Mr AmuA c11'.uggiet. 1 BOOb r8':LUZlld" htlt I had' llebmeDt' of tbe VllIags or 1'IEIliSIUl\ " &r~ooJt..,...ad8 .a pond, t ,.k\ng gotten t~~ right .th!-Dg fo~ tney Pl8tn, Ohio. , three feet; of 'the I!l1rfaoe BOU, Now 'belped me at on.o8, ' Since taking . Billa Allowed- A. D Shnltz bridge tne 'PQnIN~ae ·a;ll IJrowll up in , flap> two bottlee ot' thend oaD eat' bellr'- wOJ:k io Turtlecreek tow08b~p' ,.&2.10. and lit. , aas::ko,ok " 1I&1s ho neve: l1y witlltl1lt !lny bad , effects.'~ t)old ' John Lam~r, lumber. *32.64. R~ , ~.!lew ' 8 j1~g to :groW t here before. 'by all deale,rs. • - ..' '. ohell~et' Bridge Co .•' 311 etlttm,,~ _ r " , , ·Lov.eland bndge 127680, WarreD ,, ' , . Chip ~n ,the 8houlder,. (Jounty , Ti~el!, &<lv., tor Budget M . IBS .Bowena WllIgM, of Sprln .,o • -3, .,.... "tot'e of Qhi"vvs. "OJ "We love and '1"0 value .Jleace," said Oommls81'on Ie ., ., . JJorough, " Is a. gueet of Mrll" Frank JeJrersoo. "We know its blesstngs and Ed Bayne, fees and oosta, $l~.SO. TOBA:(JUO and ~'tg&t' &Ieamep ~arnhart. ' b Ml!Lmi Gazette, adv., for BUdpt , wllntl~d to Ad,.,rt'iae. lkperlen,'le !eUsa Leah F. Wright I..., ttChere dn W e~p~rleD(:e; borrIed the Infailles ' ~f ,-,"lD .... IS8100, HI QUDe08l1j! Brf , ,10QmoD'hi yaD d Trav ,a r; aDd are,wenota unt i~ .dls. ~ ... ' . ~ "'a. "7 3 L< ew11il 0 .C Berkle. E .Mondfl.Y f or the U rsolln's onven' tresses and calamities." A" God-fear- PilI'. at 2,.0., , .7 .' . ' .' mmO:OIil" eltng,E~I[l8D8fta. , ~dvertille Smoklntr· ..t ~t, Ma:rtln·l. & <;?wn Conn\}" 1 . bridge w ork i n Tuuleoreek town·' Q,hewlog ,Tob8ooo, CiRare,w,Cig.rli. ng natlon oonfides ·In its strength ship, ,-l,7. uo. ·', North w6ste.rn Mfg. u_ , Mr. Geqrge fl.. SeJlors a nd family witbout 'boasting of I ~, and ,respect/! 0 J R:t) QClDd.2g,lItamp , l' Or 1.. 11 ~r'i01djlr" " 0.-4 Mr. W H. BODDovllle 'I1Dd f'u m 'that of .0therll. Wltll~l reariIlg It. The vo , di!:llnfeotlJ.l;lt." . . '. peuct:r klemet 'l~obacoo Co., NewiYork, N. Y• . ily ,' Ilttended tbe funeral of Mrs. to bridge lumber $785 ..0).. Wi~Jlam . ' ,. •~ • . .> • _P, 25 R~.oae, tn M, orrow, on M, ond~y . :~ak nahtlIon, Ilkhe tb ~Ieadkman, car· D. HQot1!, bl id ge ",o,rk in 'turtle. . 8- C P on t e Bb. ou er. oreek toWDl111i p ' ,33 26. U. W'• .Mr. Fr~nklln O. Burnet is recov'FOR SALE . f . • ) . • - • Spa,r k8, bridg,e work jn TIoion t own · etlDg ' rOlD a. ~on~ and dangeroul! ii, S' hl'p -SCJ.58. nr. • H.' N~lJ6' r'ad n.qrk 'nes,8 from: sphuIJ disease. ' He bll8 At the Summer RelOrt. .. 'n v T' also b~d the' mlsfortuoe to lose Bome ' ''OJ) you know the name of that Ulearer e k townsbi" II. O. !:State o( va-lllab1,> live.stook. handsome young ' man over there?" Ohio V8: ~Vl\lter· Seho.onover, ,fee!:! WI,en you want to sell . d "No.' ma'am. I'm a new a.rrlval here a.nd oosts $11.7 6 , A. T. Rettig. road , Mr. AllICon Ob-anlll ur , was riving -0..... :;-ro n"lln 'townsbip -393; ,1. 1 :'Dear, deaJ!. how embarrass" h ' I' t ....'. d . mYBelf/ ,.. .& oa ~ .. al, r ,) tt, l,f,,"',' t I I·, H h ome i D. e d.1>l'lU IlS _on Ity oven ' , ' M: Molford, ~tamna for , aud,ItGr,:s , ing, It.lld his 'wa.gon, w.ns co·o.iplet-ely Ing I was, ~D.«aged to hIm 18llt eum- ftl "'6 0 .P "Bo~ ,A t A h mer and for the lI1e of 'me I can't 0 00, ... ' a.D .... oe. cos.... n tlbe farm" let people np~e . ar Otl , . oweverj was Dot think of bls name."-Detrolt Free derson v,. UQunty Cl~mmi8sioDert! > burt : h e hRd seon llill ' danger, alld $35.(J!l. 'Sl<lDe, cb8t.s, . Bower vii ' . ~mow ~ bout, In tbe Uoun,ty OO'Jlmis8ionen 117·. 50:' .... a. " , Jl.eld b!m~elf' io' reodhies $, and, V?J.\en PreBIl. , J!..e foond the wagon ~oiDgjqmpedout £lyman, supplies for Otto IAI,Veok, S6 Miami O~zette ' ' t. ' and sa.'ftld himself. 'F ortUnately, 'l'he Lobltuon 'P atrtot, adv. (or ooon I ' tbehor8edld~ot .. uo, Qnd 'tbed·aw" , ty offioer!! .,*25.17: · 11le · We&tefn , .' FIllR~J[I~lZER+-PeoPle "i8hi~ 1\ . , . , age was sli$ll~ ' 'llbe oOJJgr~at;ion ~ of th'e M. E. . . ", gO(K1 <Potl'!lb "ea:tUI~ert ~.11 do , ohuroh Il,:e r s j lobg' Ilt· tll e return F:uneral :Direetor. " . ,, 'Wsll to(lIl11 on1Frank I!llbo~', W.Yo:~. of t.he Rev. J , 'W . · Bl18boDg to tbi8 Stop' That Fh',st Fall Col1gh vJ1le, OhiO, phooe 24......i! ' .. &23 '

only skin deep"


. -.

PiubIic Sales


Dr. J. A.


.niU·IM CO.S8IItoII'-:a"






WaIter McCl ' ore

ph~r8eootlgr(tgatioir fOJ! Iloo tht'lr '~ear, A l~rge. jI~Dd called at tile Pa~

: .'.


l "W' :,i~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~;;

.0J' nilJl1t. Chao\<' y~ Qr .r,al1 'o~~gb Ot' oold 8"t ~00P Rubbel" tid, So n - bAr ,: ,. Vlilley pho.1Ui No,f, LOng onoe..:i..don.'t w,!lj4-it may, leELd to U g~,' if' J ~d tbl N· I . s!)Ilage on !I'hurfldllY even log, UPOD DiBtanoe No. 69-21". ' . serioue lun g tro....ble. weILkeo. youi' , &!Ar 10 flO II wee. •• >the arrivo.l of thoir Pastor, and gdVe . • v~talUy and develop .. obl'ooi,o lan,g , a. j " . • • , ' h lw.a very beartv weloome. , AutomObile . 8, e",lcJ. ~ , itil. TlmM " alllw~t;li, . cGst '!I., ~~ttle ,?f Dr. Bell .. BOUT . six. 01' SeVeD "hunc1red ~'--....."..;e. ~ • P ne-Tn.r ~oney.·I~day; 1& 14 pn~e , bpabell ~f good OOI'D. ' inqlllre Dlanitoea Quickly CQl'fd aqd l;lnrmlea8-"JlSe'lt freely 'for thl'.t of Geo; 8ml&h It, It lW.YDi!It'l1Jlle:' , WA YNEsVILLE, ' ~ .~I+ OHio flU' cO"9S h or c ~ld. , . If '.8a'by or Obil• .oblo.' '. . •. • "MY:' .tientlon 'W'18 fir.' , called to . dren lire siok 'gIve 11. to tbllm, It; wUl , · , . . , 'ClmD1~rlIlIDtB ; 00110, '0"018n. a/ld, Bran~~mee. Baney.but., O. reliove qn Gkl,~ ~~d, perw.~8D,t,v;. III hp~dr.~d. " plaiD, WbU8_ , Oti,nhOe. "8 , muob ali 1t.sOO·tJl011 tl fl'lrrl~9tte«l thtoa~,luo~, orepe paper '~.plitn.; tD du . tw61ve years 680. , ·At. 'bat; time . and II-t~S@8ge. . ~b~.1' Phlegm. ~Da' 6ct-"er'douD , 'ilila dbJL.. we. ~ODIIly.iU wU,b 8um,mer OOID ' m jl! aptts pt10;80d fort.lfle. .' be ay,."m. . ' , , );IlalD'. (JDe dOl!e of thil rem8dy • • ,. A .. K4W.A::Y IIgalOtlt ooldtl. It ilurely preveDM euY.m:1ben t;o,. tb~ eb*d the " tronble,' , 'wr1tie8 MrI!. .' ~ , " . ! .. .. • • . oold get:m'8 .(r.oQi, lJe~~Plf' ho'~. UJ MagaziDe. Send 3Iktto "be Q. W, Vlorence, ' Q.ookflelil, Ind. ' WllpNril}e'. ~In. b_tid , ' ~uaran'Q,ed, Unly ~~. a' you, "(i_het ,o1Boe and 8" On~ pft.. 1V. .Ifl , . I, b1' all dealers. O~ lD Ke1's B14 lIainS Druggist. . . ' , bee' m~. OD .n~. · 'Uumber Qf. members of

tb~ churoh

' .

Telephon~ ,d~y


15: , C;


I' 0":




,----I _r ,_ _ . l,tllDlilo Copy ....... ,....... ..........

--~- ~--..:-~~~-:..-

PubllolJed "'",kill at thl' UDJ('tt.e (lllll'tl hi ",.. Ratt>s of Subllerlptlon. . Allon IIUllllllll', ,".In RI .. WD)'ul.. vllll', ottlo. Clne Year ("'"ct.I>" In adYUoe), , •• " •• 11.00



VALW£Y 'J'X;\,.El'lt NC-CILL.


112 '1


Rates of Advertising j(t!&d lDs lM:alj. per line, • , , •. , .• , . • , • , I5c llIIl' lIIod U.. UI , L to uxooec1l1ve IlDee 1'11J'CQ lIlacrllloJl5 . • , , • • • • • • • • •• 215c

1'\ ' ~...... .


C E , " . t i M 2l1ager. UIHI.u.y"dvtlrUshllb pur Incb . .... .. ... 10e ran , ~ I 01' onl

----.-- - -~




IllscollDt. 1P"'''.1 on contract.

--~~. --~!~,------------~----SEPTEM SER 9, ,1914'.


. How's This?

We otJer Ooe Bandred DolllI. ra R~~ urtl for,any Ollile or C!l.tarrh 'hilt mlsslou I\b\J u ~ ,l1e 20th lit tbls mOll tb . cannot b.e oured by BaU's Catarr)l As we enid 11t 8t- 'ltE'ok the outcome Core .

'I'bfl t QI"lJh QCO qU Hll tl. ·n wi n have u hll~ dllg lJefc,r ll foh .. l]lIli t i"'.! Com-

J1', J , CllENEY & CO' I Toledo, O. of t h e II\l.OI\tiOll d a Jl Il Il\] ;o A\,ti re ly We. t h lIn1iersill Jlcd, lUlvc mown F . J. opon ~hl\ t COTnl l'llkslnn. tlu r f1 ly n.ft.e r Cheney f(Jr the nst Iii yea rs ilnd believe tb ~ llUl\rlng of d pOlli t,i(IfIB t.hlJ.t. will him perCedly honorable in all business he taken 1<0 ~hllm . ILrfl r eMi t,11I;'\1'1I tnll lsllctinll S nJld linRllciully oble to ca n-v

will b e onl.v

'00 UlatOClffifl-tbllt th tl uut nny obliga tiolls lIlade by his firm, oornVI\l\Y will Ill"" "'toUl)OUI IIOrolilll " NATlONA I~ ANK OF COMM1~ RC E,

Toledo. O. BaU'sCalarrh Cure is taken internally , acting directly u pon the blood a ud mu · cuous ~ urfuees of the system. Testimo· nials sent free. Price 76 cents per botHc. Sold by all Druggis~. Take Hall', Il all1 ily Pill, for constipatio n.

,or lOBI! thflir fiapohl ~ll. 'l'he Ilnll~H.r.ton8 of one's .·tllltienoe hUll to hll. va an ending, and the reo serve pRsllion of one's soul cannot be penned. op foreve... Thill tbing has been going on too loog for peo ple \0 keep tbeir tempera within bounds, .. od It is now trying to as Kert ItIIe}f. 'l'he greatest trouble does not Rllem to bo with operlltortl. for we . heavo' hl\d IIOIllA that hllve triecl to do tbelr very beat, but everything \l0~ot8 to the system. DI"oll.rde<1 leItuff from othor pliloes bns · bllen used, It 18 assorted, and IIlmolu worn ou~ before it ",as brougbt here. I It ill slooorely hoped tllat tIle UolDmlll8\on will do its part, 80 thd we oll.n hllve good toleph o1l6 service ogain. Here's hoping.

Chlnele r.tnc of Canall. Tbe canaI sylltem In China Is th& most extensive In tho world. wltb tho exception of Holland. Wherever thlJ lay of the land permits the Chlnesp have mads a Cllnal. Thus thoy Bre en· abled to carry the producta or tbelr labor to market at a minimum ex· pCnse. I


WIndmill of Great Power. .A windmill. wblch Is Bald to bo the largost of Its kind In Iille , world. bas lately been brougbt 'Into UBe a t



HarlLngen, Friesland. for dralolnr II. t~t of lowland redeem~ from tho The swee& oor~ orop this season '.ea by hlgh embaukments, with an ball n ot been up to tbe smndard. area of 1,850 aeres. . It I. add that t,he later corn, ein08 -----the r"IDB. will prodoce aboot t'he averll.gecrop, Tilt- canning faotory Great City'. 8han'te. hall been running 1ntermtttlllgly 110 At a London inquest on a sandwIch rlU &hi8 BelUlon, bnt It, la thought tlian who committed Bulclde to tho from now 00 'hey will rnD IIteady Tbll,mea. It waB stated that clergy· until \lJe cl 8e of-theMell.lIOn, men. «olloltors and universIty meo had ' " ) Tbe oannt nK fBotory is II lIood in. been kuowu to carry sandwlcb boardll . due&ry (or shit! ' )oc~lity, and whm in thll streets of London. they r"l1 t ~ have Ii (toad crl>~ tbe ------~ ~.------. wbole oomtnunlty suffers • . HowevCh~mberlaln's Liniment er, a bill! loat 18 better than nOde, und" great deal of looney wUl~' . If vou are ever '\ ronhled with diatrl bot41d·· . "won~ farmera amI aobes, paios or lIoreDess 9' the inu '. workingmen boro evell tbis year, olell yoo will approolo.te tbe gOQ(1 when the orop 18 8hollt.. qnl\Utles nf Ohamberlain's LiDimen't • - Mau)' Rolteror. fllom , rli.eoma'IIIDI Truth. ,RDd aoiatiC&. ba ve nsed ~t wlth tho We are bl1l'D to' lnqulre BIter truth best reaut"'. It III espeoitally ·vlllu. - It feQulr s·.n. greater power to able for lumbngo "nd la.lOo baok. 'aeal .lt.- ¥ontnl gne. For Mle by. all ~ealer8.









John Kabel aDd UHr, Mtaa AnDa, Ilnd Mr. Albert Wei.mab~le and .ister, MilS Ida , of Ii>lI.yton , spent Sunday in our o"y guellts of 'IItreen1'rBI . Mrs. '''' Dnle. Puokett, ' of WAS' Ca.rlflton, wae visiting friend" bero leet.weak. R. W . Kaylor has Suld bill paper fon'e to Boraoe Barvey, who will give it prompt attention. Bille ball fduoday, tbe Blues vs New anrllu,ton. Score stood in fll.vor of the visitors . . Mr. Lincoln Kiog is attending the Muntgomery County fllir with li is IiDe bm·ses. Mr. aud Mrs. John ~Impsoo, of Wnynesvillo, viii ted friends SUDdlA,. r Word reaohed U8 'r"ecenUy of tbe mllrrlage of Ueorgl! Bell.oh to a lady by the name of Wilson. Our best wisbel go out to Mr, and Mrs, Be Rcb and that; their paths may be I\tre WD wi th roses ls worst we clI.n recommend. J J ohu Wtl.rd, after Beveral weeks' alo1cnesl!. is again ciroula.tiDg among friend!!. Tbe Ladles Aid of the Clar1t8villo ohuroh entertained the BRrTeYI. burg Aid lit Mr, a.nd Mrs. ThOll. Sh,)rod'& beautiful country home Frlda.y. Refret!hmenta we(~ aerved. Mr. and Mrs. O. 'I'. Bawk aod fa.mlly and Mr. Ilnd IoIrs. Ed. JaDoey Qnd fllmily . 11.11 Waynesville., pa8sed tbrou~b 001' city Friday enroote to and from Wtlminjlton. Mr. B. T. Risber, Miss Il'yoohe, of . Mississippi. with Mrs. Alice PRImer, of Chicago, visited reI" lIvea Mt and Mrs. Batts and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson a couple of days last wee\t. Several from here . Mtended the' State FIf.Jr and reported a ~ood II to tendanOB. The WilminKtlln Falr attraoted the ,,'tention of several in thia vicino ity last week . Mr Bowen, tbe optician of Day. , made hie anDnal visit here laa' week wbtoh he haa been doing for 49 years. ' P. B. Clener and Thos. Wbetsel were fil!hlng in CII.6fJ&rs Ureek lllost week .Bnd caught a fine lot..of, b ~sa . They lue b ·th expert8 In that · I1be havang had quit;e.D experiel)ce. 0111' Ilinnere. thlll .Vloln1ty ,al'e v,ery buy wnh their faU plowing anti from the prosent appearance 'here will be a large ' acreage of wheat eo~ - George Bunter. of Iodianapolill. wat! call1ng on friends in tbie vloiD Ity Tueaday, Prof. E L , Batton bnd family ot Blanobeeter, .pent" two days last week:. with Dr. IIDd Mra; Geo. Bat·


W, H,Madden &CO,

M181 Lli)Ua o BaYM, of Dunrieth, III Ii. , Wblt, the gUf e t of ASt.s Bernie Baw klus last week. .,., Miss Ecma Coyle visited with rei. BtlVes in Spri ng' Mr . "rid Mrll . •JOR . Blair enter. od, 1 11 ,~t. Thursday MillS Koziah Smith, o,f ' InuianapoliJ ' and Oh1l8. Pe1;eraoD;, of Day Lon . Mr . Oll'e ster Borlan, of Meohanica· bur!!, 0., wall the g UBs t of Rev. Xil· lander aCId fa.mily, recently. The W, F, M. S . met a t t he h'1me of Mts. A. ~1if,. Reeves Friday. ' The L1Ldies Aid menn the oburoh pa.rlors T huraday. ,T. C. fi ain8f1 Ilnd 'amily have moved into' the Fudge property. The first of tbe Bogan·Compton pre-~uptial a1Jo.lre WIIS II. shower given by Misses Erma Mendenhall bnd Esthfsr Shambaugh, Wednesday evenbg Off, last week.' The goestll of honor' were tbe reoipients of many UBElful gifts . . Inspection of New Bnrllngton ChRpter O. E. b. oconnod Tuesifry night of last week. Quite a number of guests enj oyed tbli (lVoning witb tbe looal lodge. Miss ,Fa.nnle Kill 11011 der spent WedneIW.bY at the ~t...te I'air. ' ' Geo C.~pe}en, of lJincinnati, was the gueslt of Mr; and Mrll. J o ~se BlI.wklnll a p fl rt of laRt week. The R s ev98 Reunion WIIS held at the home of Obas, Reeves east of t own on Sunday. Prof. tl.nd Mrs, E ••T. Arnold ha.vo movo(l .J, S. Uomptoll's p roper tV· Mr. ulI,d Mrs, l'nt·bflll Whit • of Kokomo, Ind .• Ilre vlslUng their ~I\I. ters, MiSEI Emmtl. White II.nd Etta. Mo!!s




~"'" -.-.-


We have just received a carload of good Locust Fence Posts, at

$2.25 per 100 feetaitd up. ."..




'·Everything i~ , ~eadiness for· '.' the 'B.gest :a nd " Best Fair _ever ·h~ld.. in _\If-.rren' Countx ,


The finest car of Chestnut Po~ts Ever Brought to Town i. Just in.

.8l\d Blood, Pimples, Headaohes, BiliotlSOE!t!8. Torpid tlon, atc., oomo fr om 'rllke p .o Do.LIIX;, thA pleasant and ••--::----~---~--------....;----.-;._4;;...~. nbsolutely sure LAxative, 'and yon ~ont suffer from a deranged 8tom. no~ or ot.ber troubles, It will tone i • • • •_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I!II!IIII• • • •. up the Liver aud purify the blood Use it regnl a rl y Bnd you will well, hI&. vll cleRr oomplex1on "nd iltead y n.erV68. Get a 50q bottle tod ay. ~r()n ey l)ILc k if not satlsfio(). All Dr~giP8t8" ' ~-



~ ..eo- --~

Mt. Holly

Mr. Gin~ey Marlatt and alateI', of Springfi(!)d, epent Saturday and Sunday wIth George , Marla*, Mrs, Johu Walter and Mtsa Minnio of Xenia, were guetltll of, IIrs , Amos Jllckeon Wedneflday, Mr. Walter Baley.spen' Saturday and SUD jilllY in Xenia.

Mn. Amot!. Ji}lIla . ' . . • A, large number -of our oitlzoms

Wlhlatllng Deveiopi Lung"




• 2:40 Trot ........ ,:..... PonQ, $200 2;26 PBC~.: . , ....... ; ... Pur~.$:?4lQ ·. ~ .\,0:; ~~ ••


. '.

•• .>t 'Thunday~ Sept. 17 " If!'l





vious ye~lrso

The SAFE boys'mqUI,De her,. a ..lh "n-I_, - 1. 'V8~. kaWIJ bnllleod"UIIJ ' .,_

All bo, rOl'all bo"'~.eJlII4·._. CI_ _ a .b~ , ull"r p~ "lO·U. ~ • . . ,

~ . ""'!.1!~ol~ . ri~~=




. Regular price . ..... .. ... ....• 1;00,


The Miami GUttie



y J .,.

For;both , .

. I







Id },ut



The MiamtGa" Tells. ~Il ~e New.


tUog IIi · good for the .• the lun@;s wltb tnvlgorating · oxygen, and ' tllis revivifies fla.gglng. eplr\'ts aud

ft.,bby DlusClee.


Ilre pr,one. to

be brolL!der chested thn girls, and bettAlr /{.c.~nljtructl! d tor dElep mUBcul\'l' tonee b'BcauBe of the lung exercllle

which aElcompantea wlilsUlns, IneS one ·of the first things they try· to do wben they've passed ~abyhood II to wb1l1tle. <.

- ' .




~~. ~;. :~e:~~t:o!:~!O~ ~o


laRegular price . ... .. . ..• . . , 1,00

. I,

, Econom\." . I "w.~:.y \~:'ll't , fOU trY. to loplL more n::a.t,?':, "l'm .econoin1sln':t repUed !'loddln. Pete. · "I Jea" 'bee,rcJ abo"t eSa :'o~ey " rallroa.d lUo 8&ve by Dot waabln' de "ear ' Mndow.. ~.' 1m".'


the Amerle.n Boy




....Dl':r.a::L-. ... t~.r:::

,The tint appli~tiC?D ,. of S)~n '8 Liniment goea rlgbt to . the paiDfnl p-rt-I& penetratea ' wi,'ho~t rubblDg :tit I~pa.' toe R~e"lpatlsm, PlI.ins' aroun... tbe ,joiqts Bnd i'tVOlt aud comfort Don'~ soifer? a , boUle to"daY'1 It Is II falOlly 1~led.loiDe lor aUpaln,,; borta, brutses, , lora chrotic. oeoral,la aDd Preveots InfeoUOD. B. W8n'worth, Calt :-It' Qid .:wonderll for RbleullD.'II\I~ ;. pain i" iODe 1Ut. aa 1 apply . ·~. I NIOOmmend}~ fri~nd. all ahe b'l8' . ~ln1m81lt" ,ever tit8d" , Goara~teett. 260 iW your 'Drugg1a~, .· ' . ,' .~ I


day. • Mr. George Marlatt t8 In Spring: ti.eld. • ,.' I Mr, BOIlomon LUOAS odled on Sam Jaokllon I:!onday,' . Mr. 'lohn Gibson has" new ' roof 00 'bis Jt.ouse. Mr. 811ft. M,arla't and family !:JIlDd~y guests 0f Cbarla!!, 6ardao~. Mr. J~jtf 1l11.r1Il.U, of Wayoe8vll\e, called Otl hie motber Sand_y. · . fdr. Dl\lvie V ~uoaa 'caned on hta maSher ~undBY.

. , .-, ' . , Rh~uma~sm Par.. Stopped


Po-[)el-La ' Bnni8he~ Pimples '

The Rector Show entertBinod ,tbe people In thIs vioinity all of lAst week kJ well filled ·ho!1ll8ll. Jara. Cora Barri. ha vi~g porohased &In. Lizzie 8ears" beaotiful home Maple st-reeil il ,D lllkb;lg it more beaotMol' "'UIl, P!l~r IIoIld paint and .~lIi ~oopy it afler Sep. tember 7th.. , , Mrs ,' Lizzie !:5ean;ia movlng 'into her property 08 )IBiD .'reet. Mn. .Floyd. ADdenoo. and son. Oarlton, .of Xenia, and MIs8 Jl)Ua "rnol!!, 01 ~yton. are gues'" of

attended the Fair tI.IId maoy arB maklDg afraDllel,m.en'I":for .the Warren Coonty Fair. 'A fter the Oount)" "~lrs then pro. trac~ meeting will begin. .'~ ,¥ n. 1,ydla ' Murpl1y 'and 'wo daogb&e",of'near L 'e b"non, .pent 1.&Illve:r al daya 1~t- week with her pateDtS, Hr. aDd ~n, Robt. Carr. Mr. aod Mrs. Eli Randall, of Day. tOD, were gueetti .o f Dr. and Mra. Ward oVflr BUDChy. '


Dr Romine, MI'I! Oba ' Weloh Sunday to Day' alld 'Mra Anua.Barris attel!ded tbe Mrs. Jobn Morgan aud W. C . T U. ooDvention at Lebanon family. of Xenia, ~ere goes'l! of Wed~e~dftY · , J. M. Stepbens Saturday aDd San-

,September 15,-16.)7,18,' 14

........ ..,. ..





On Harids .At All


1. IM.&;:-i_'Ui!f~imeD.


ltrmaUo aDil1Nr. All Nora.. pound ILP!D. "WlIl )'011 delcrlbe tbJn !tlonsleur ClllunPtlau~ to meT" aakod •• ... " the actreslI coming Into lire. .. lademolll'lllo," ..II! lhe , veat po / Thinkers and Writers of Every "Ho Is sbort, darK, and 014, mndo. IIc(unoll 8oberly. "this 18 a ,rave acmolaclle." l'ulmllon to make, ,. Age Have Admired Divin9 "Ralher Is be not tall, blond and " I make It, ne,.ertbcleall," replied Character of Christ. young?" IronicallY. Nora. Sh flat II Ulny in hor obalt, ber Tb e ja il or concl>nle d whnt nIlIlO ", fllce colorlosll, .dark ckclcs unt!er ber nllee be f(llt. In bi B way bll wno JII ~ yell. Soo never looked toward Court. "WllIlL think ye ot brlsl ?', 18 1.110 ae :lpable an n to r 118 be was. Tb Inndl Ifl'entObt Questloll a luan ever bal ncclllllc), ,of Ii r descrIpt ion st artlell "Uut Monsieur ourllandt haa ot. tJung at him, 1l11<l to P\1t it nalda with h im; for the luTnlr lLnd been carried ·r r ed nn o.lIbl sucb nil we cnn Dot Ig. el.UJer cllreleSBDeu or Irre vofl.JI1ce 11 OUI BO adrolUy IhaL ho ha d been posl· Dor c. More lban t hnt, hIs Integrity tiLe toiren of 11 shall OW rulnd. tlvo Ulat until b er I' ' al , aptor BJ)- In " ollched for by tho g ntleman ,Il l In thi s dar or commerQlnllsm's s uo -..I;,~·;.. nJ<·n pearet! sbe wol4ld , be tolnll)' In tb bls sldo. whom doul;>tlEl6D mademol, promacy In the realm' ot o.eUon Bud d:..rk re gnrdlng bls Idontlty. An ller e se lle recog11lzes." the IIlOI'I:llnate proponderance ot ph),s' s ho bad hll It oil In less Lhan n d o<:ell Nora eyed' tbo creal mall doubtfully. leal science In the realm of t,b ougllt words. Db: \\' II; It !lId nOl matt r "~" b at Is the genLlomnn to you 1" ar e we glvlng due thollghl to thEY Slll~ now. Sbe ml ~ll t try to maKo It un · Gbe wall Inter!' gat d, \luill element In our luterpretatlon ot pI ant tor bls employ er, but he "Absolut Iy notbl ng." conte mptulife? If WII are not, cert.a.luly an bOll' doub le ll th e ultlmat aucceso or ber ousb·. Ilst and serious offort to form a Just att empts. Howe\'er, the matter was Ilt . The mln.l stnt" Inspocllld his rlngo. appreclallon of J es us Christ and tbe an end as tar 8s.h e was concern ed. " D nO bas annoyed me at varioul place wblch he hns acquired In botb "Havo you thougbt what this means! t Imea, ,. con 11 nueit No ra : "that Is aiL civics and pbllanthropy, as well All in Tt Is abduction. Itls a crime )'OU ba ve A d bl tl Ii' I . commItted', nunlsbable 'b y Ion" Impril' n s ac ons on • rlday n ght war oommerce and ethljl6, Is ,well worth y rant every IIUSIII(ilon I bl\ve onte.r while, ollmcul" I min ed agaillst h im." It Is no easy tbing to torm 8. Just "I bave been mademotrlollo's Jailor. The ohl f ot pollco turned toward ILPPl'IlClation of Jesus. Non'e oC 'UII not her abductor. And when ono IS. the bandnged c.baurfeur. " You recog· IlV(lr lIaw him in tba ,Oosh. F w of poor and In noed of money~" Ho nl!:C! tho c entleDlD.n ?" us have even vllllted the land .where SYNOPSI8. ehrugged. "No, mona. leur, I nevor naw blm be· he wa'S born or mingled with Its peo. "I w11l give )'ou a thoulinDd franCD -tore. It,.,.as an old man who engaged \!:leAnora de TOleana ,.,al .In.lnll In tor the II"me lind addresB of tbll mlUl m pie and customa. We nre dependent 1>lu1•. whIch, Defh aD', accounted for Ed· ~ , ... rd Courll .. ndt· ... pp e llr811Ce there. Mul · who lnstlgated this outrage." "00 on ." °wDe °tthhleD~~ otOtrthhlos 1IIIcfeO awth°l')'lch' !Ulhod JWIVI~ndt, IImllllontUro, ho wandered "bOUl where ... c fancy dlct .. t~d. He mll'ht be In Parll ODe All. he thoughl; tbell she wun't I!O "tIe enid , that mademolsolle) old f d&y .nd Xa",chalka the Mxt.Follow1nll' sure? "I told you tlie name, mademol· teacher Willi vcry III nnd nsked for as. The illustration Showa a Frber.Bolird Box Fitted WIth Corrullated' Pllte0 his teachlnlls about God and life ~~:t~~ ~e II~~~Y t~o~n~a1~o' ;~; eelle. · As tor bla addrese, I dlLre not aistance. I lert mademolsolle ' at tbo board Lining and Fillor., or ParUtionl, of the Same Material _ Each and duty, at bl8 olalma and bls dellda Irt"N hIm tho addr ••• or Flo", Oulmono, g1\'o It, not for ten thouaand Crancs. ' house nnd drove awa y. I was blred ElIIg Has a WI'iIP of One· Faced Corruga~d P"ltebo.. rd-The Linin .. II -(lUI' opinIon of all auch thing. muat vocal rival ot Toscano.. and FloTA lOy.. ..a be rormed at 8 econd •hand . him t1!e aadreaa Of Eleanorll! wnom hp Ito Be'~ll de8, I bave I\ald that there has from the gnrage. That Is the truth. R,tleed to Show the Eggs ; It Showl Oark AgaInst the Lid , d6termlned to lee. Court anat en t en been a mistake," monsieur." ' It Is oxceedlngly Interesting to read ;~f~~,:!a.'~h~~i.... t'!'t·n~~~ . 8'¥'heor~~~ ~~';: "For whom bave I been mIstaken 1" Nora smiled dlsbelle.vlncly. Doubt. Tbat Ilggs can be marl,oled success· use those whIch are irregulnr In what tho prominent men of biliton iParltl 18 Shocked by the mY8terioua dl.· "Who but Monafeur Cbampellux's le6ll ho had belln pr.ld well for tbat tully Iby parcel post and tllat thiS, shape, IInu3uolly long or thln,shelled.! tbought 01 Jesus. B h Josephus, tbe ' t~~~B~~;:,ea~f ~~e ,,~,~:e~t~~n~;-th~":~~~'::~ wUe, mademoiselle, wbo Is not In ber lie. ~~Lhlld lr: que nUl lJeCUrCB a better Containers tbat have been badly Jewish histo rian, nd tbe .Jowlsh 110n of Eleanora Courtlandt arrangeu for rlCht mind?" with InimItable sadness. ".And ~'011'?" as ked the cblef of No- prrce tor tha producor and a fn)3her stained by brOken eggs should bo re' l Talmud reeo e s 'blstorlo reullty, Allbl "Very well," Bald Nora. "You say rn's chauJ!eur. a rti cle tor lhe cousumer ·han now ~een placet! by now one8 and tbe pack ago and the latter nc unta tor bls mtra· . C'H APTER V-ContInued. that I am That Ie all I want. ' "He Is certainly lhe gentleman, 1D0n., uomollSlrat,od to the saUsl'llctlon of wrapped nB neaUy ' as '1>08tilblo. In clell by tho oxercl;se of maglo lea,r ned , Nora, as Rbe stood In th e' luJl 8\ IIr, who attemllte d lo bribe me." the eX,perts In the Unltod Statell do- short, evory ettort should be made to In Egypt, while Tacitus. the La In tna llunU,bt. was like to mlnutea the electric tram "That Is true,:' saI d Courtlandt witb !>nrtmtmt ot ngr1culture. The deport.. deliver aa nttract\ve 8 package as pos. historIan, 8Jld Pliny the Younger tn· eyes of all mankInd. She W88 PlU'la. Vou will recall, . utmost e ImDces, lllOD t condllctod testa lhat cove red a slbl~ loto the hands of cuatomen. The cldentally testify to his deatb under fUI, ond all adJecUves applicable wl,uldJ._wUU'CWIU".."''','' humbly, "thnt we have "lolademo lselle, If ~,lon6leur Court. p riod of fiv e montbs. At tb" en d of extra expense will be IItlie and the reo Pontius Pilate, and bln worshlll by . but lOne lo confuse mtb r thnn to notblng belon,lng to you, Vou landt wished, he could accuse you of that porlod It came to the conclusion turns 1n increaaed trade great. the Cbrl8t1alls as God. Ce lsus, In thu embeUleh her physical ollcellence. She, your vurse and hat and cloak. attem pting to 1Ilioot him." that the' paroel post WI1ll ot particular The larger tbe sbJpmenlB tbll.t tbe second cent ury, tbe first heathon phI· was as beautiful !IS a garden roee Is. :rhe struggle was moat unfortunate. "It ""as an .accide nt. HIli eudden all' value to the mall whoso fiock was t.oo : producer can arrange to mrike, th" losD.phe r to write against CbrlsUanlty, .&edlng nO det nse, DO ramparts or .But, tblnk, mademoiselle, tbink; we pearanclI In my 6partm n~ frightened small or who lives too rar from' ex· cheaper cnn be al!ord to sell bls mnkes some eighty quotations from cloying phrnses. 'rbe day at paOli Is thought you tQ be InslUlo!" me. Ilcsldes, r believe a womnn wbo 'p rese IIcrdell to permit him to' ehlp eggs, WithIn the first and second tho New 'l'estap:l ent or allusions to aone, otherwise abe would have been "Permit me to doubt that! Alld you Ih' cs compllratlvely alone bas a legal b ls et;gs in the regular co,*morclttl 1.onoa of the pa rcol post servloe. a Incidents narrnted III It, and so can· sun, in cantos. Sbe was tall, shapely. are Ilot nfrald to let mil go?" and moral right to protect berallU caso, whlch bolds 30 dozen eggs. paokago costs five cents tor tbe Ors t nrms t he existence at the tour gos· "Not In tbll least, mad e moiselle. A rro m s ucb uuwarrantnble Intru810n8. . 10 the oours e oC theae experiments pound 'a nd onlY 'one 'OOl)t tor each jl,(l. pel8 at tbat -oarly date. The blstorlcal deell'b080med, tlne.skJnned, Crltlc8. to praisIng her charms, delved Into mi s take. ball beon made; andl telling I ""Isb blm no physica l Injury, but I the depart.ment shipped 0,131 ecgs In uddltlonal ·pound. Ordinarily eggs festures of tbo lire of J e:;u8, In other i mythology and folk.lore for oomparl. you to go nt once, we do 0 bllSt to am determined to be aUnoyed by blm ·166 lots. Of tbese 32 7, or sllgbtly lells wolgb about onll and on e.hal! poullds words, are nuthentlc, and as rellflble Ions, until th.ere wasn't a godde8s lett rectify this mistake. It Is only Dve no longer." ' ' th an a.6 per cent, wer:e broken, but a dozen, wblcb, wl lh the all dltJonal as tho data connected with any other on . OI~inPU8 or on Northland's Icy mlnules to tbe tram, A carriago Is nt 'fhe mlnls te r',s oyes Bou ght C,ourt. only 209, or sllglllly less Ulan 2.3 'per welgb t o! llle wrapping andllontalner, blstorlcal character, whateve r be your clltpes; and wben. tbooe Images became the door. Will mademoiselle be pleas ed landt's faCe obliqu ely. Strange YOIlUIl Dcnt. were absolutely \Vo, st ed. Tbe ,,'ould make a package of a d.ozen egge v:lews on Nflw 'I'(ls tnmcrit 10 ~j)lrutlon . a lit tl 0 shop.worn,' referred t.e certain. to re member tbat 'we bave treated her man, he Ihought. :From the ax pres· albe rs , though bro ken, cou ld sUIl be weigh between two and three pounds, All Have Rendered Tribute. tnastel1lieces 01 the old fellowa wb.o ·wlth the utmost courtesy?" slon or bls faco he mlgb t hnve been a used. Tile percentnge of breakage, Tho jlosljlge on thIs would be eeven H ere and tll er o IImong the great "I sball remember ' everytb1ng," spectator ril her than the person moat moroov r, ,.,111 . be lU'eatly r educeil. It cents, It anotber dozen eggB were 'In· thl nkers of hIstory have been those - ... Ie.t~ nothIng more .to be said In h ... OUI. Nora el\Joyed It all. omlnou8ly. vitally nenc erned In this IItpo ~cene, Is /lald,wbeu the e ml)loye s at thtl post cluded In tlle Jlaclmgo the postage wbo bave call1)d J esn's n fanatic Or aD SlJe had not beeJl bal'PY in the selec. "Very g()od,mademols!lJle. You will And what a pair Hley ml\do! 011\(10 hecome mor& accustomed! to would not bo more tbat\ nIne cent., or Imllo!ltor. Uut rna t or lh~ great , men ttoll of her atage Dame; bu,t ahe fl ad be In Pal'ls before nine!' . With this "'Monslt!ur Courtland!, you ""til gtv. bandl''Dg Il\loo fl'lIglle m:~tle,r. ~ou r and one'lialf, instead Itt seven ot the rlLce IIIlV glllon him a ")aco cbosen EleBllora. da Tosoana because bl;! 110wed and backed out of lhe rooUl Ine your word ot \;lonor no~ to annoy That tl1 eggs 1.\1l0uld be ptoPll rly conta a dozen eggs. 01 unequaled 8upreq1l\cy. Splnolla, the shll b~lIev d tbere was good luck In ,as tbl;lugh Nora had suddenly made a m~dcmols el1e a gain?" puc ked Js ot courB'e e!lElcntlal. This To the vahle of the eg"s aud the grelltellt'.J ewleh philosopher of hJ,· dlstlnot IIlIcehslon In tbe scale of 1m.· , a It. Once: lon8 before t be world knew " I promise never to lUlnoy bet ilnpUE!S tilDe , care :lnd some el:pense. COGt of llosb:lce must be o.dded tb cost tory, declarod .. htlst \V~ the temple ; ,o f h er, sbe bl\d returned bome from po,~~~'" abe called, again," " . nnd Is one re a on why 'DO att.empt of lbe contalnell and tbo wrallplng. of God, b caose In Illm' God haa most Italy unexl/Cetedly. "Molly, bere's Fo r the brlefcst'moment tbe blazing. shoull' be modo to mark et by parcel For ~wo do:zen eggs this, may bo ejit!. ~lIy reveal ed himself." D1derot one v ..... f T I h His face appeared In the doorwa b I b d I h, h ~, OJ:'a. rom uscany" er dellgbte d " uo eyes case w t t e calm brown ost. any but tbo finost quality or mated at olght cents. WJth postage at day astonls bed the grollP' of luOdo1 1ILther ~!ld, crIed; who at tbat time again. ones, The latter were first to deviate ~ggs, tor tb ey alone wlJl .brlng re- ! ollie cepts, it would, therMore, cost 17 French phllosopbers to which be be"Do you know "'bo I run?" r rom lie I II ne. I l WWI n,ot agreeablo mune:ratl. 1.itfiit-:-~-':7.-:=::7-.,--~ihttrl a ne b ul ou~ i dea t tha TuscaDY was I /I mllrket two dozon eggs. or longed ' by docI.•• rlng. "I dely YOII all 410mewbere In 'Ireland becnuse It had a ::~~:te 1~~II~ornln' •. mademoiselle." to look Into a paIr of eyes burnIng customer ,-;ho bu)'s I.n small loto findS eight 'Qnd one.half cents a dozen. By !> prop3J'e a te.le so simple and I\t ~Uc_ rlnt to It; Belng .fllIed with 10Te , Flloo! Her veins will. wit h the hate . ot one'G self. Perbaps' that any considcroble proportton of shiJ;)plng III t en·dozen lotll, It Is estl· the same time so au bllm e and ~o <of Italy, Its tongue, ta ' bllitory, Itll strange exultation. lie tI:~~e~Oll bill ~bls conflagratIon was. Intensilled by hl~ purchascs Is undesirable or e.v on mated that the marketing cost Olin touclling as lile lalo or the passion )l1!yslcal beauty. abo nlLI,\,ely trans· COUI' ge and bad become o!rald or the tho Illncldl~ o! ,bls 'g3Ze. I~ only t,here unattractJve In appearance, be. ,,111 b~ reduced to 4.7 cents a dozen. a.nt! death ot J eSU9 Obrlst." And let lated "Nora !roO! lfuaean7" Into Ita)· consequences. Free! 'Mpn!!leur Cban" bad been some sl,g n or allsol'. of con· not t'roubl () to ask for deductions on 'VI'beTe ,the container , enn be .used us ,not 'forget It .was Rousaeau " 'bo :IiU1. JUld declared tbat wilen she weut pcaux Indeed! Cowardtce wus 'a ne\V lem pt, anything but th!.s Incredtble .tha.t Gooount; ho wUl sfmp\y dfscon· more than one, thls cost ; can, of said: utf the life nnd death or "pon tbe stago ehe 'Would be Imqwn qCyelOpment Inibls cbaraoter, Bollad trBnqullllly against which she longed Unue bls ordors . The pFoducer, there- course, be 1I0tnllwbllt reduced. Large< ' Socrates w ~re thoso of a sage the by that n.rune. There had been some been afraid to come, abe drank the to cry out! 8bo was too wrathful to fore. muat s ee to It tbnt all tbe eggs : s:lzed contalners 'Will stond from two Ufe nnll death ot JOSUQ were tboso of amllln, over tho' pBeudonym; but tea, but illd no' tnuab the tonot or nOllice tho qulc~ eDlng throb of the. the postma n deii vers are what he r op· to tou.r trips; smnller ones three to a Goil ." Napoleon said : "Everything ~ora was Irish onough to cling to ·It. ' ,. be tIme cnough ~ .ve"ns f on. his temples . rosents. th u:n t.o be. llve: 110 that it wlll pay the producer In him aslollhbe8 me. , . . ~ fruIt. There would I 1l?ld dllo Close By and by the great musle·lovlng pub· for breakfallt wben she a-Ived In ~I ad eml\.olselle, C ThilS can only be don e by canrlJlng to Induce hIs customer to / return tba tween blm IUId whatever else In tho t i our lie cell,8ed our. an t • . un 91111 t""em. Cand II ng, "TbeJ process ot test· cohtnlners perlo<\lcally. ,~ I 'to . concernt \tllelf about. her Parll!. H er banda tl'8inbled ..violently aga .ou ns,ons Is " ,w.,.,ld there Is no possible term of '11A~e; .t W8.8 ber resh beauty aJ,ld as she plnnod On ber hnt, a.nd she ~ua, s >( IWb! h t°tr,a,ppeartagalnst blmfor bls iug t ggs ' by paSSing ljgbt Ihrough !Hhough it 18 obviously advantage- cOD)1)arlson," nnd Goeth.e: "I ~ons1d. her won!1erful '1olee. thet craved to lIee ~ orc 0 e n anr.e 0 your apartmont" th . , and hear. KIn ,a , and Queens, em. not greatly concerned as to the angle. Nora shook lie~' h~lId Th hi f . 1 eln 80 BS r eveal the con ltIon of ous both to the producer and, consum. , E:r tbe gospels to bo thorougbly genu· )Jerora and emprees08; p~lnces ILnd Sbo. sllatched up her pune and cloak, I~ce stroked hill . e , c e o tbe contents, Is omitted by many pro- er that the, egga be shipped 111 l args lno, for In th.em Is the ellulgent re1)rlncelles-what Is called rdyally and nnd spE'd out Into tbe etreet. A phae- ~o Beetlng smile;' m;s~~~~lat: c~ell ducal'S,. who rely on CAro In oollectlng Q.usntUle.a and c:onselluently oeonoml· flection of a sublimity which emalUlt1I0bllttyl!l the n e'l'l'apUl1ers treely ga'l"9 tOD awa.lted ber. tbe like of wbf~'h bnd Pnever beto ~ to elJmlnatll all bad eggs. It Is, how· cally, It must bo r~mGmbered in (ak· ed from the person of Chl'!st; and her homage,' Quite a rise In tho world "The tram," abe said. . cOJUe under ble scrutluy! "Clrou~. ever, Impossible tI~ a v;old an oCC8slo,D' jn.g ordc:re that the SUI/ply pl eggs un· thll Is all dlvtno as eller tbe dlvl)le 'or a little gIrl who hlld once IIvod In "vee; mademolBelle." slnnUal evldenco, we kno Inls to al aocldent. nnd caudltng Is ther~fore dprcoeJl the Ifrelltesl fluctuations. ID appeared on eanth." R Dlln ,declared: ;It ahabby a~rtment In ~ew Y9 "And!;o quJck)y." She would not him; but we have a180 an"':.u'::: which advisable as an 'added p~ca\JUon. A times ot. scarcity· It Is not good policy " Whatever may be tho IUl1IrlS08 Of rk and nn barefooted on the wet aapbalta, t eol Bate uutu sbe was In tbe tram, Is Jncontestable. We must look els8- stmJ)~e outfit call bemalleoutof· afortheproducertosendallhlso.:.t~utthetu!;.lt.e. Jesue wllI never be SUI" tAlllDler nlgpts! " A , appeared ,lI.t one 9f tbe 'jVln· where for your abductors,. Th'lnlr; "mall band lamp and an ordlnary, to one customer. neglecttp.g bla othel' ptised. But Nora ",aa not recaUlnr t1l6 do a. •.1. ·the ,eblllle t"l'JI~d ~ho cor- bave you not Bome enem'y! Is there past.!lboard box Jlum~lent1y large to be 1rlopds, nol' In ,tlmea of plentr CILIl he , Miracle, of Grace. But tbe great, telt .of Je.ue Iii tbit.t '\IU;pPf lcenee of berchlldbood; ID. ner, ' t e fnce val1Jabed: iuid' perhapa no one wbo mIght wlsb you worry place:d oVllr the lamp, altOr the ends e:tpect. to dispose ot bll entir& stoch d/ no: she wall atlll tbroatenln&, thot particular vleage dluJlPeared for· and Inconvenience! Are your aseo- have been removed, without rlBk at to hie regular customen . • , wblch each man ~ makl1 ID th~ . Purl. Once tbere, Ihe would not lack ever. A gray wig came off, the little clatlla all loyal to you! Ie thero anJ fire . .. In order to supply air ~o the en· Egg8 ~1'llJ!earce8t and hl,best in the' labora.tory at bill .0Wn Ufe, Rect!lve' 'for reprilals, To bave played on her gray side wbl,l ke,rtI, the bushy gra.y Jealouly:T" , . closed 1ap1p, llo~ohea should be cut In fall. Cblc!'ens ahould, therefore. be him at' bls ' clalma and 1ry blm out ID ~Ityl To bll;,e made a lure of ber eyebrows, .re'feaJIDg a cleve! race, no~ (TO BEl CON'l'rNUED. the l!dgel OD whlob the bolt reatsl A. hatcbed early enousb to bOf!ln layinll your' own experience, Hla ability to1end4!r concern for the unfortunate! more than thirty, cunning, but humor- • ' ' r o u n l d h(\le fa then cut In thf/ box at. at thll !I~son. l{oreover little iUl!l· transfQrtn. a ' b\ntant coward Into 'IL. ';Nenr WOUld. Rhe rorglve sucb bas8- oU81y cunning and allY thing but acoun· .wORTH VISIT CALIFORNIA tb~ level of the lamp Oamo and tho .culty wll\ be experIenced then III dfa. brav,e Cbriltlan leader. t'o change a 'G.I. And only a little while ago sbe drel1y. T~e palDt~d I!ca~ ,.sl/.\nt · tbe condllng done by l!oIdlng each egg p0810. of the, ' eDtire .output. and It, narrow·mlnded ~atlc IDlo a brother 'bad been .. happy al the nightingale nose ' was .allo obUterated, WIUa Sight, at Mount Shalla; Ita Glo,.., acsillst tills ~ole while t~. reit ot the wl1I In consllquence be .unprofltable to tq laumanlty. to ma~e i. mlnillterln, to whIch they compared ber, Never baate the man thruat the evidences of anlf Beluty, Well RepaYI Tourlat • r"om Is In dal'knees. The Hgbt 1rom dlve,r~ any or tbe lupply to home pur· !IIIlnt of a woman or the , st~eeta, a lho ronged anyo~e; ehe had been .d18gulse Into a travtlJlng bag, ran here for Long JOUfl1ey. t"e lamp reveal~ tbe conten,t.s at the .posea. ThIll dlmculty cah , lie ove... not conllned to ~b41 daYII or hili fteah. l llIndqetl8 IUId thougbtrulnea. to all and thero throuth th" rooml, ,aU bare egg, and thoee that show ,any defect como' by presen'lnIteggs In the IPTlng; Thele mlraole. ot grace are being with whom she had come In contact. and unfurnIshed san the one wllh the The moet Impresslye mouutalD ID. can be rc:lecte~. , wlieD the,. . ~re plentltul and (!heap. A wrou~ht, In eyer) land on earth toda7. But from . now on I . • . . Her lIn. bartl and tl)e klteJlell, wb~ch contained the world II! Sb88ta .In CalifornIa.. Un' H 'po!l1!IJlle. , only . Inf"rtlle ' egg~ eol.uUon ot water ~lll8s. whlcb can ·be You can trt Chrilt out ,or youl'lJelf. cerB tlghtened ' round tbe bnr/l, She two cots and SOlDe c:ooltln, utensils. Ute Plke'll Peak snd many other 01 s~ould be sent ~ market. Fertile eggs obtained at drug storel tor 76 cents a Give up YOUI\ . slnfu) iUe taka blm 'all mlgbt have poaed liS Dido wben she Nothing of ImpOrtaII~ bad been left the world'a ,grcat moun till Il.S, It 18 not detell'loraltl r~pldlY In wru:m, weather, gallon., should bis uaed for tbls pur· ~o~r lortug Savior, a~d LOrd, aIId ,learned that tbe noble Aen'e as was behInd. He looked ·the door and' ran surrounded by a number . of loaller and ,are tb~ Oause of , much 101111. A pOle" lIach q),lart : beIng dlluted 'wlth try to r~UY,e h,ls 'Urfl among meD. :Tou dead: War, war; woe to the motbs wHo nil the wa7 to the Place d'Annea, opel, Ilqd Its tremendous bOI·~bt-U,. broody bep on . the neat, or' accidental ten .,quarts Of. water wblcb . baa been · 'will fllld hIm lIulliclent tor YOU ... Guttered about ber helLd hereafter! catching tbo tram to Parle by a frac· teet-;-III appreclat\ld bY ·the or\,. O!!p08.ure to a blgh ·t~mperature may . boiled and co?led, The eggs sh~uld need,e alld as good, aU bl. WOrd. yo~ .Ah, but had sbe been bappy? Her tlon of a mlDute. Tt Is llubHmely grand. nnd yet grace. start: Ineul!atlon 'and cause tHe ,ogg to be pac,ked In ,stoDe jars or ~rocks .nd~1Il soon be .ying, '.a dId even tbe baniJl slid down tho bare. Her ex. All very. well done. 8be would be funy beautltul. AI!:a1n8~ the blue of a spon, ,and InJnre the shlllper'l reputa· t.he aD~utlon pO'u red over ' them, or brilliant trnltarlan, William" EII~rY ,1IrellllioD cbanged . The mouth drooped, In Paris before the pollco made any Ca\ltornl~ sky It. cI.I,n ed outlines aeem tion.', It I~ advhlal,Jle, ,t herefo!e, ~ 1:'8' they mar , bEl clI:refu1ly plac~d In. thlt Channtng: ":rhe ' more ' I ~now" o~ tbe eagle·lIgbt In ber eycs' dimmed. dellnlte move. The one thing that dis. to swe\lp In lh~ perfect oegmenta of. a t31n ,tbe fjlrtlle egg" for hOllle .n~e, or ~lIOlutloll each day, EgglI kept In thill , Jelus the 161a I oan BPare %1m and , From out the bright morning, Borne. bloc11hcad turbed him was tbe . tbought of got the circle from ' the apex o.f the "one to dlsjli)SI;! of In some other -way, ' \'Vay '.'are p e' rfec~, t'- good'" I ' Ii cbaulfeur, wlio bad .,. • them ' " ,,,u t !lat u-ra 3 t b e pace '" bleb h e. 11Us Ip my' heart, 'Where, had come weariness, and with drunk before hla return trom Ver. horizon, Far" up o~ Its b 1180 tho dlL~'k than tllrough tlie parcel PD!'t, Tbla Is they do not com,mand tbe prIces of the qulckonlng otll~e ,,'h\nh b\s' chllr· · tblB cllm~ weakness, and finnlly. tea~. sreen of the tlmber·lIne l s met by tho als() true of aolled elge, EiBS 8ho~ld those newly 'Inld. The sbella some- acte!' 'performs, Is to me no mean 8he beard the kev turn ' In P"e loc~. lIallles, If be talk,ed; '\V·~I1, . he could virgin whiteness of Sha.sta's anow and ""VE'I' be W3sbed wbe~' Intellde4 for times break In bolliug but' th'ta may "'~ f b18 ' 11'" d hI ' # ,.. ({ any nothing beyo'lld. tbe fact that be . th d t PIlSt' tbo ~um' ' . ' . ' proo_ {? ~ea -. All ,.. I IlU~erhu· .. Thoy bad never come so early be(oro. had deposited tbe ainger at the bouso' m:: c~~~::. .:;lnt~Pill:rnl8.ba8ter pyra. high-class ' trade, since' the prolle~1 re·' be avoided 'b'y puncturlu&, tbe end with man greatties~. , Th~ gr~d miracle fa She ",:,aB aatonlshed til seo f;bnt bet' ns directed . . He' knew ;POaIUv.ely noth. . I s a natu, rS muo\laglnoua coating a lI'n just betore tbey are dropped into tbe perfeCt dlv:lne character of Christ." jailer did, not close the door 118 usual. ,. . mid. , and opellS tbe POI:Os of the shel , ' "be water, f " • ',. " 1 He put down the breakfast tray on the Ins· , Sbasta 15 an (!lI'tlnot volcano, and bu :A fter tbls. thot.ougJi ellufh:inUc)D at The . only drawllac~., to. m~ketlu8 Our ~attJer'l 'I'he man' laughed .omy. A thou· ·tv.'o large gloclers, rJ'be Whitney tb II h table. There was tea and ,tOlUlt nnd "nnd fr'ancs 'aple'c e for hI' m ftft,d An. ' b • e Il! n t, t e eggs that' rema.ln .should eggs by parc,el post appears ·to be ~be God. Is a kiDd, Il).tber• . He setl UI fruit. ~ . ,l!icler Is vial Ie , from the railroad. It be carefully r;io.ckild ' In a contall)er or tlnlG and troubHj InVOlved In packing ' • tolne, nnd no ~oealble cbance ' of be. IQok!! like n ,n al'row. otrcak ' of snbw, ' all In the Placel . where ', lie" 'wlshel . "MademolBelle, there bas been a ler. Ing d'loco eted. 'Let t"e pol.lce l1n(1 ' 'Qorllugated pasteboard) metal, wood or tliem . . ThIs Is compensated lor by UI to · be employ.ed·; and ' thnt 'em. · , I ' u but It , ~1 o,yel' a mile II! wIdth,; aDd : ~ oth it b" t I I Th ' t t th t rI b' . ' ' I ' , , ' ~ • T:I bl e m I\L la k e,.' sa d the man bumbl y. Iho ' bouse In ' ;V~r.aU1el:' let ' them eciame4 with , great flssllres Il.t)d cte'vl II ~ r su I ~. e ,ma ~rl n , e pas 0 ' . (e; ra p ce t a, can ' a way,S be 0».., vlo,meDt. la ~ly "our Jf,aUier'8 bllll· , "All! So YOl\llnve found ,that out?" trace v.batever paths they rquod; tbo. nSlles, C!3 regu a ,ons ·.fequ ro tbi.lI· con\l1lner ,ta ile ~or Pt'o!i U9bl ,t hat are absolute· nels," ~e ' :cboOSIllI work Jpr e~~rl ' Ahe orled. ' ngent wquld' tell .tb!!m, and bOD€lstly. At ~lme8 . 4 natu~al !:ianner I" to 1;>e W~~P\led ~bat :qothdln g Chan .e ".; l~tella~le. At bottd,om, the"}fore, the crea~e wbJch Will be dllllghttul " to "Ves, You e:~ not tb& peraoll tor that ' an aged mlLll ~ad rent'ed, tbe fUrled from 8h0.'61",'a Pea)! TIl18. Is : . a'QE! ro~ 16 pac cnge, .an eo.,c egg',1I , pper s success epende n~n , tha them. If theY' do' It slmpJ¥ "and bUm· ""bom .thls room was Illtend'Jd." WbJeb bouse {or Il month and had paid him culled tM "sndw 'banner o·! ijbaata:" I~ o:,!Mlhon to be '~JlJled sep'aratel)' 'care WIth whloh be safeguards tbe rep· !III. He-, SlvQS il~ . alw~y" Iitren~ll wl\lI •.balf a truth. and pertectly true, In. advance. . Wbat mOle 'coilld tb~' It olt'ly ocours' wllorl tb'J !Jal. attaco In excelsl'lr, cotton oJ: Bom~ l such mil.: u,t atlo'l of ble prod , ucte. Satls!llld!lU • . enOl'll~ and lIeli,s e ehou&h, for wbat paredo1tlcal u It may aeem. "Eat your egcnt Bay7 On17 one lilt or puzzle. the 8ummlt and blows tbe ' snow In terll'). Any soft pa.per l!el:Ve8 ,the (omera will ~DOU build ~p hll . bUill.·, 'ba 'Wallla u~ to · do; I we either 'fire brealdaet In peooe. You are free • .ment: why hadn't tba blond alrnnger great patl "atreamlng " gaJnBt ' the pifrpoae \lulte welL ~s for the oon' neS8 ror bUD . • Any post office w!l1 fUr- o,U ,.el\'88 or ~UU1e . ouni,ea, It II ' appeared? Who waa he; 'In trutb, and sky," 'al '! b,e ra.i1.,ad , book~ it. .,. latner It~«I~. tberea~e m.~ny. klnda , Q,1I Jllsh complete 11lformatlo'il 'tn repl'd our o~ t.lIlt. : A\~d ,,8 !LY ~""l1ya madelliolaell.Il." "Free! Vou will not hinder me It I what had been hll BameT All UJIs " the markot, aJ1d, the ,depa.t:~meot of ag. 'to regula.tlona IlDd ratel, an~, as~" .be aure, ' wba.tever we ,are " oml. ~~Ilt" walk throu,b that door?" waiting and wondorillS, anll then a : Couldn1t BI.l11e. HIm. ,ricultuTe lnV9sUaatof1l l1~ye Ilot at. ~d)' atated, t..1!a lIu'era] stat,e experi. , W8 cannot be ple~lng , him, If 'we ,"No, mademol8elle. On tbe COD. curt telegt:a.QI of tbe night before, laY, EmploY6-"'''a~r, '1 ",\Juld' relpeotfI.iIlJ' tempted · tD decide wbtcb sa the beat, ment lltations ba+.h~ormatloJl 111 r. .are l10t hpP7 SJunalvlB.-.l•.AU81dD. UV1, 1.abaJI be vel')' glad, and 10 will lug, " Relense her." So mlJch tbe bet. Bilk you .rotra'i\ rl)~bl{piFot-S. §Ad l her refer }nqui1'flrtl to .the . ganl tQ..ihe varloul tyPes of 8hlPIIIIII ' ~ .'" '. ' lilT, ~uiar, wllo guards yOU at nl&ht. tor. What hlB employe!"1 moUvell were b'iV8 Cot married lately,' Manacol' qf farl,oUII- atate ellpenmeht 'qL~loDa" liozal. . :x'he ft8UI~ of the ' UDlte4 wa~ ,one or .two 'CGIDl!aDlnna ' I repeat, Ulere baa boen a frightful mill' did not Inter8llt hIm half aO . much iu Wor~"Very .80rr,. Uo'i~Dd, ' I wbJ,c h ha.l'Ej D.".llable lijtCirmattoll Oil State. covero1l}~llta Inv~ti,aUoD 0 Qf' ~1l1Iinc" p.-obity .U d _t~ca to .01llWur Champeau~ • • ," the fact tbat he had a ~()~a.rllNrancs oan be of nO aaa1stance to you. The thl. qUeaijoD. tbe mattet bave been p.ulilJlllef in w-.r out' ut. wUh' paraODIl by "h'OIQ WMouleur CbampeauxT" Non was In bl. pockst, and that aU element of .companl la 1I0li reaponatble for aDY .0' T'll, packln~ arn, It. Is '{feU CO lott P!Umera' BuDatln No. 694 of til, d. ... eaD ·. . .~re ·~1l1Jltl, ... i.B4 'fdiG ",",pdered. Sbe bad oe'fer beard thla dan_er had beeD dona a"&l with.. cldaDta that IIappen tt,J !~ employ. the Ita as far aa pracU_. accol'4hl. to plI.~eDt ot qdcalta.... '''\tU,wm, -. lUll ~ . . rat to Io!Ml ..... _ . . . . ba!Gnt. ~rue, tlie alD,_ benelf woUl4 mO.1 :W1l8ll. d claq." Ille aDd ~.f. u4 CO keep fol' 110111. ....t rr.. Oil ncaa..&. ~_ , _ , ~~ ," , j

([ t-IONbY-



ft , "



















London . Em Ba rDE't, kDOWlI 119 lh "[(jshor ," on e of the (amllus EUlt End -chnrl eters' 01 L~ndon, Ille(l re o~ntly after :1. r markabJ e caree r.' From a littlE! ahop In Houn f!dl tch whi ch I e opened ftr\y ff:tflHl1I(Er-b~-dII-~ ­ v 1(11) Ii lin normoua orga nl?at\on (or tilE supply of Iwsl1E'r food to the London .l ews, und supplleu n.o.t only tho (~el your thirst B~ip orthodcx poor bu t th e ortbOdo:. rlcb . with meat nnd poultry kj ll d ac I'd· away. You'll finish refreshed, Int; 10 DI P rOl1ul,1' me nts 'or lHe H e'llI' IV <;: c /? Pr;;c 1-:; ' 1Iy t!l ~ whole of UI I) cooled.-satisfied. ./ 111 211 01' s " . I: t ond tr' UI! in kO!1 her I rC ( d \' 0 1n hi s hantl . The ~.'·Cf t ('nd Dlttn.llud t ~ e pnuJnc by tun DUehosl,Ilces P I!.t~W-tni !1~ orthotlo x J ws r:lcitDux, c-o.::"""&C' ,\lb.c\ha,1co.. h:1.I1 al ways IO(lk lld upon U:trnel as a solI lI on ot d !lCDto points o( ul ,te tlcs. THE COCA-COLA al'll Cl WAS 1;:1'('\\' n to PetUcoo.t "''Tl.A~T''', CA. Lano no 'T nct.~ ;\In '-IY'' nnd was we ll S! known for hlH /,;(,llr r o~ Ity t o lllfii poore r co'rl'lI :;lonI 5ts . Whil e his IIrm was conv er ted lulo '/1 1l.::Il(:d OITIIl:l. OY. be 1t it is necessary to nlake eneml!!", was n lwa~' " ' t1H' C ulr:l l fl gurll. I::l th is c booso luzy Mien , CU IHlcity he muu It . Ilrucllce or E'" curing t.h e be!it bee t anlmn ls on the ~&Iands Where Communication With NO Ulin g pleases a bom ely wom an tlO mnrk et. and muny at the winners at the Great World IB at Rar e In· mu ch as t o have a man complim en t Smlth Bd d sho\l' h nve In times pnat tervals-Trlstan da Cunha. 'her ftgur . bOrD e the nddltlo nnl tlcke l "So ld t o ~I r. Bnrnet." Tho ug h SCientific progress ha~ made Ten ~u l ilcB for .. '~~kcl. AI Yllye 1111)' ltt!d /lnlo ng tbe more renowned J ewis h It posa lble to do n double journey be· CroS" Ball J:llue; bnve beautiful clenr wulte dcll cncles his "I:o~ h e r hn:n ," an Imlt...'\· tween England and America In n (art· clothes. Ally. the re nllualn mnny Is lan ds with nig ht, OURISTS otten make the tlon or the r eal "Ig, bu t made of No ru an's edu cation Is complet e ,;;i. mlstako of taking condltloDs smoked should r of muttoo, und th e which It tnkes yen r s to comiu uulcat e, whIch prevail In the vlcln· OIT th o , Scottish coast are tbe til h e cun tell wben a woman's bilt Is celEbrated " ko ~ h r sntl sllg s ," Ul80 frco e f rom pork, wer e no ta ble ' li ne s grou ps of islands 1mow I) ns the H e· 011 s t rnlgb t. . Ity of Naples . a8 the sUUld· a1:4.. at italian ·thrlft and /lnother was othe "p nny pie." whlcb brldos, Orkneys and She Uands. Of Poor ShOWing. bonesty and thus are apt to sold to the enorm ous quanti ty or fiv e these Ole' most Isolated Island Is st. "How's your boy g ttln g 0 0 In col I { \It! u, sOlpe three mil es lo ng and t wO InclUde all Italy and Ital· h und re d t!OltU n d ay,. lans In one sweeping can· In the d:\)'I1 WhllD the ur.e )(pectell mil es broad . The Illhnbltl1nt.ll le ad lege?" "Not well. Th ey batt d !lIm Ollt of demllaUqn. afte r lh o matter tandl n!; at n ho ~t at .Jc wls h Immlgrunts lives of great 10 11 lIn e~II , for It tskes ot the Irlsh ma id who pro· str:::ln d th r esources of the J owis h n moutb to get t o the next Islaud. the bux In' th tblrcl IUDlng t he other Usted sbe could not see w by be l' mis' bCllc,·olellt CO,r omilt 0 11 "t ncle Mr.u ny'· anti the sea. otlon ml\h es allY COIll' d ay." tress wanted to study ltallao since helpQd inn et'lnll y by sending noccs· mu nication with St. Kllda Impo!:\llibl e "tew spake If and the m's mostly fo r man ths. . otf1e ro'ttt Meaning. .. ary supp lt es . ·4Irty," 'rhe group of eight Pho nix Is lands One or th e prlnclp nl OWD el'S of " 1n our ignora'nce of 'TuBcany 'jI'e DOG PERFOHMS WITH MASTER In th e 'P ncillc haa a tota1.pollulatlon of prominent gold ml"e wa ll expntla t lng . ~ only 158. whil e IlDot he r little bit of on Its merlt~ to 11 capital ist a oll P1'OS' • bad prepared oursJves ror- the worat the Brltffl h empire Is )i'Rul\lng Is land . pacti ve Investor. . H e descr ibed tllG tn the mntte r of accommodations, esConine, T hroLl !:" Pati ent Klndn e58 o f Tbls Is 11 lan ding place to r the Pacillc v '111 In whi ch tb e mine rs were workpectlng to have- to put up wlth un· OVi ner. Doc c Act on T lll O submarino ca ble , and us ually 1he re Ing , . howod him specimens ' or tbe ore. speakable dlecomtoJ!ts In out·pt·thoTI!:ht Ro pes. are about on e hundred peop le In the and backet! hi s stalemen ts with th e way places on our route , not yet real; \ place. w rUt n opinions of ~x p ertl! . izing tb at 110 matter Into WJlut r e mote Sa n Die:.;o, Cd-A AU'ange Sight a t Th e lon e liest ot nil parts at n rl tIs h "We ll ," admitted th e' cRllitalh,L "1,1 «orner ot Tuscany aile may penetrate n. beacb nrar Sun Di ego was tb~ per· te Tl'ltory Is the ls larid of TrIstan Oa looky a s It It might be a good In\' eaL· he can alwaY8 bo sure oC courteous formanc e of :I., dog on two tlgllt ropes unlta In the South Altalltic. which ment. As my oid Uncle lcllram wou ld treatment, and good cleM be d and su spendet! ab'Jve the wa t er's et! ge. ! Is 'n lso tbe amalla's t Inh ahlted lalanrl 8<\y, It hns ' p'l nts.' " wholesome • . well-cook ed food. 'l'h:'ougb patiencc ond kindness hi s ~ In th emvl re. It Is 1,800 mil es rrom " Pluts! ~ exclaim d the own er . enr· Ip tho couree at several \veekB wo ma st e r ha d trained tlio animal to ven' l ln nd , has n popul a tion of 74 Scottish ried away lIerho ps b y bls aver- n,Dx, toOk our leisu rely way over the bills tura out u pon t)10 EI nd~ r BUPPOrtS Ame rl O:lIIs anel the inha bitants get lety; "wby. sir, we're In qUllr tz rlgl ~ IIDd acrolls the' valleys. SLollplng at a e nd . by oOI'I'(ully od~ln g his w ay along, I' ne w s of tbe out r world usua.lly onco' now !" Ilumber at TU!lC8n towns, whlch , arter to t ra,'sTse tbe distance betwee n the e\'ery t wo years. their tempestuQUs youth, 'hl;lvO settled . ' I posts. The mnn , wbo 'l\'as barefoot, I' . One Too Many, down to such a. croon old age that' In oontlllually spok~ Lo the dog, encour· FACE FULL Tbe 'blUI was rodlng lIP Flft.h n venU9 their mlDoi1 waWh·ta\yers trees bave aging him. and the two PTOl!ceel d I III a bea"'y grouud,Bw.ell, on a murky s~ung np tor sentinels apd wild ftowBlow1¥ bIlt Bafely t o thelr dcs{lnatlon. el\ll run riot ovel' wall. that Ivai (240 So. California. A'VG.• Chicago. 1Il. night. P erhaps 1\ was only lhl\ t\le armlel aled to Beale. Altbough moat -"About a year ago .my facG " 'a8 (ull cbauJtoUI' and cODdllctor war both ot these places "were faJr1y' lnlaid and ot piu\ ples and red spo1s. 'To sleep s leepy. or maybe It was only til milS· overlaId with treasures of art, the bubone night without Itcb.ili g was almost glne u~ tbat deceive d them . On the corner at ThlrtY-1irth Htreet ble ot our ple&llure .w as cons tantly beimpossJbla, Bome at the pimples Btood, waWng to cross, a be1:Ited deIng prloked b), the taotallzlng thought would ge t big and r ed aDd It I touclled l!v ~ ry boy, boldhrg erect by the '\VBIst tbat · no matter wbat particular BPO~ them they would pain, while othera dressmaker's aross f!frm. 'J'he chauI· ~e ,happened to be 10, Jast a ' Uttle fur.'!Yould g e t white bends on them and te ur t hol,tght he detected a fnre, ana tber down the valle), or acroslI th.e when th 6y bro,ke opan some ' rrwtler s low ed hi li 'cra n In to the curb. T~G bJIIII there wall a seemingly endlesB years alter the death at !!Iatita Flna. whoBe ,' Igoroull talent. as someone has , came out. They woum burn aDd Itch conductur looked out througb tbe fog , eIIaln. , of ecrU8JI)' Interesting placell during the' lenten season «;If US4 ItI saId, i'lost Its W~#i'~t~o~,~~~~~tl---/;oIIIIIi= and I scrntche d the m 80 that Ilom e. book hl B he ad, and rang the ben to ""hlch beckoned ua, making us real- walls rang with tbe fiery eloquence of ing g enius at 11' , tlm ee tbey would break and· bleed. 1;0 ah ead. ' b:o that. tbough 'our time was llmlted the. young Savonarola, as he denouDc-! Musing over my memories o( Vol· ' That all\'ays caused them to be worse. " Room tor one billy." he saSd .· nnd Italy's treasures were not. ed with prophetic power and pBJlslon terra I lind that, more vivid to me "r bought all kInde . ot salvea the ' bUR r olled ou .- New York, Evenlag. Of tbe townl we visited, two eland the 'lulrurtee and "tees or his beautl· than any of her , archaeological won· c roome fw d I found out tbnt the did Post. I out now hi memor)' as tboy do In rea l. tul and proudly pagan age. The 00- ders or archaic and renaissance art me no good. I notice d the 0 Icura Ity, blgber. order and ral'~r than any JUlnlcan monastery In' which he was treasures, IHI' a few , stray pictures Soap s'nd OlDtment ad vertiBem t and . Confident an Enemy W~p e ar. of the others: Ban Glmlgoano • .wl,th entertained hat! sInce b~n converted that painted tbemselves on my mind, I sent for a. tree eam 1110. I 'ent to Tbe Iris h people are tnonnglng toher mualcal name and ber memorieS Into a penitentia ry , whIle the luxury one afternoon (awar d IlU06et as we the «rug store and bou ght II. calee or get 80me olil<taakloned fun out of the · tbat Tf!aab ~ack to .D ante. and Volter- at the San Glmlganaese. which he de- . took our fareWell stroll up and, do-...:n Cutlcura Soap.. an SO/lle Cutlcura. ' m nBclng ' sltuatlou In U1Bter . The. rIl, ""hOBG BOmber bricks &1Id sloneS clared to be a stench In the nostrils the streets or the old city. OIntment ' and 1 round the pimples Loudon hron lcle (whleh Is tor home, Bottened by Tlme'8 subtle touch • .glow of almighty God: bas liven . way to 0.1A Gothic doorway which we came w ere drying out. In two months [ rul ) 83 YS tllat at the m(>D1()llt when; , with . colors, that' only - the centudes moat· monastic poverty. upon at lin abrupt. tuni ' ln the road, WIIS well." (Signed) Chas. J. Peck. both \lon'ds o r vol \1 nteel'B \Vllre s ,varm-Tbe wll-lls our ' bedroon'ls at Sail the Ivy·grown arch at a rUined clois' ,g1ve-clUss let on a hu). yet hid ,(tolD MEly 7, 191 In g through an Ulster town a valun· · tbe ~orld. lIhrouded io mysterj and Glmll1lano offered the onl)' modern te'r at the top of a winding II tght of Cullcllra Soa and Olntmen s old teer 01 sollll!' kind. In full \:)Moply ot · I tQ~Cb'. abo~t the place. ,ns they were ateps, and the ' old Etruscan ntrance obllvloD. . , throngbout the 'World. Sample o~ each war, was me t In the street b y It friend . . Our entn.Dee ' lnto San Glmlpano elaborately trescoeci in triumphant Iml· 'lo the city, ser'ved eaeb. to frame 1\ sep· tree, wIth 82-p. Skin Bllok. Address post;. "So you ar e goIng to fi g!!t ?r !lnld l late afternoon just as the sun wu tatfOll of AmerlCl&ll wall·paper , wbJ.c h arate and ell!:hlloting .blt of landscape. card "CuUcurn. D~pt. L.B08toll."~AdY. ,th e frl( ' . isttlng and the' cathedral cblmes were the entt rprlslng UtUe ,proprtet01: e,l· 0l!v6-crownetl hills slopln down to "Yes." tolllll, the deatb o( &1Iotber day. _w. denU". covetelt but could not ,afford . the sea, with here 'snd Ulere s omEl A GO\lIl Shot. . "Wbo urc you going to fight. tbe Na·· ed I,Ii. keeping ""Itb the spirit o( the Bere ,~Dr party was reinforced by ruIned castle; In the dlstaJICtl ,tho A Canine TIII"t.p;'pe Pcrlo~mer, A ' San Franolscan, wbo bad been.' tlona\lsts7" a ee. whose' day in the working world l\tr. X., who hQ.d Bpent the laBt .f~w 611011')' Carr:lT:\B out of Wblch Mlcha~1 ' pl h "No: we are not goIng to fight th hi 8 Mos - Nthough the showed. no heBlta· hunti ng In tlle vIcinity of Lake T aboe '--- ---IlllI-Gdon amt yet abqUf whale wlndt~ yea!,ll II t u d YIn, co~pa r a tl ve a"' rt In t "e AngeIn h ell' cd tb e mar bl e ., rlogdog upon the-d,IID~()\\r. without bn gglng any gam e, camo upo n N'o tlolinllsts. " ,,'treets"'and crumb'l-'g ' pal~ce8 there, drfr!!rel)t , Eur~pean galleries fram ' Ma· es; an(i, fa r off on t)e . hci.rfzion.-w'IiCrettliOD:-iflI--eI~te lUI ~ drt"\I t 0 st. P et era b urg. .H e 1I1,all ,a .ocean " an d s k y lIellme . d to· Iole th em· nc)" )-Le W!lS plaJn ly glod when his fP.6t a ' in~untalJ1 ee r who was feeillng ' b. "Are vou galng 't o fJgbt tlill polic!;) '!'· 8t1lIJlng"J:. a ' bea\lt~.' .nd a pathOl like "No i do not tMnk we are goj n!; 't o th attel..IOW ' o( her departed great- t,ype by. hlm~e\(77a ll'road'lI~ouldered ~~h' es In mys tical uulon. the Ililantl of once more t'o uchcd the ground. sbow. ca,ged wHeleat be ha d caught tbe day . '. ~ Og lit· th . ]'lol\ce ...• , ''' , " . 1I1l;;.footel' wbo lived . the strenuous life Elba like a lost ship 00 ' a 'sea ot !!:old. IJJ.g his JOY l:IY eager ,bar ite and a. fron- before. e "How much will you for t,hllt "/l re you going to 1Jght E foglisb. ' • DOJ!I. • .' tn 'he '~upe rlatlve degree ev~'rY min lite As our IIt~l e company passed gayly tic wagglni~ or his taH.-Pop"'o.t' bea~t1" he asked. soldi ers '!" . T,be 'whole place seeml m9 re IIke ,a olthe clay: , ' He. traveled. eve'rywllcl'e, \through the gate I thought O.f othe r Meohanicl. Th e captor said '6, anC! tbe mon ~y "~o. I 'don 't th~nk we IIh.aU fi ght . til Ult,!dlnal mirage tllan a pressn,t da, f! V8n "over mouJltaln paSRIlII, on . btB proceal/lons that had passed tbat \yay mng~lBh soldle.r s." • . ~lty. Nowhere else In Hair does wbeel, wbiQh he appatentiy rode or In all tllO se chan.;1ng centuries; ot FLIRTED TOO r~EAR DYNAMITE WllS paid over. "Now," said ' tbe Nimrod, "tie one ,,·rhell who lire you goIng to Oght 7'" . one get JlO strongl, the teellrl!: (JC be- ca rried with equal eue and to .whlch FlorentiDe bosts fon;Jng tbelr' way "The l-ord wlU provide." tDg tl'anBplaDted bodU,. Into the Ute ",as usually Itrapped a StJlflll library. through 0 pillage the cIty-In. the lime Big ExqJoslon ,TOok Placo As Gallsnt end' at n st rong cord to that tro und another to the cat·s neek, and tben Cf tbe mtdd)e .agell. . C;O~BtBttnc of a dosen or more hoo!!s ot Lorenzo the Magnificent: of Roman . FOI'CGtc r Was Waving to opell th e door or the cage." J.,tke aU small · !tallan tOWlJs. S~D T4il'Ylng In size flom the buge volum,e armlell marching Oh Volterra when she . j Two Wo",cn. Th l:s was fin ally accomplishcd an d Glmlguano Is rlcber tn sac reI! edlflce""1 of' Crowe and Cavalsaaelle's "Htstory was ooe or th e original :of the fierce aolmal stood straIning at Its tban III anythl'.'c else, uple88 It ~ be Of Palnting in' Italy'l to s little poCket Etmrla al\d bel j:! her own agaln!!t the Mount' e rnon, Wa ll h .-N~Q r Marhle, leiimda and re.llce. • The ColleglajA- ed~tlo"n of Omar. world ; and . tarti le r back tn the dim mount tbe -forestry de partment is tetber. Th e IlPortsman, wllo was watohln g, one of Its twelve places of , worabll)--; 'I n Volterra, ,the next place on our rt'celees of hIstory . or those 110lemn buildIng a tlOW trail !lnd 1\ few days • contains some cba~a.~ter.IBt!c ellil/llplea program, where In those ' days tho ar· processions of Etru scans cal'tYlng bod · ago, according to. ~ Ierk p , L, Camp,- th'e exer clscs from the Interior of the ,' of nena~zQ . Go~zol~ ' a~d trescoes by rtval of 11 \la~ty of tourillta WIlS balled les to the tombs outside the city walls, b ell or thO foreBtry .,'ollloe in BellLng· cabin. loveled his rlfie across tile wIn · Call for a dainty. ,{lblrland;alo. In w~l,ch thnt blghly aca· l1B a, pUblic event, the allUre popilla. buryhl g t.helr d ead with those mute 1lam., Jack Jwak \\'a8 ·relurl.lng to ·the dow sill. took. careful aim Rnd hlazerl w~olesome food-Sllch demlo Ilrtlst .t9 r once torge~B hi' tecb· ~Ioll.\ 8eem~d · to J:le lIned up 9n ~be \lara· ,symbolB at heller hi tHe beyund the workB Crom an errq.nd who,n be S!lW a nWIl)'. Th wildcat gave a joyful yell as nlQl\el and 108es hlmael~ ,I n the tender pet ' to ' witness ' the approach ot our, whlcb today, atter (arty cen· couplo at women wavin g thetr arms and disa ppeared In the torest. Tb e bullet bud cut tb,e, rope. dE!lhieatiq,,,, Qt, !lca~e8 from ~he life of ,a,tl1l-nse C8V,,",Pl"te._Hore wa:.pent four turle s. stili wltneBS ,to t1lUt Inhorn faith, at· him. the ciblld\8Illnt of ,S{lu ~,ml~ano, B&1I' ' bt18Y .,daya baunifn~ tombll and ruins In Immortality which links tblJl . van· Unc;ortaln, t:le1ng gallan t Jack Jwak did v.'bat ia Flna, who Be patl~nce and serenity aotl me~tallY lranlPlanting ourseJT.8 ' Ished race In 1\ common bond 'of hope 'I' be secret,ary of , one at the ' college r tn Buffering' abed a IItl1\nge halo of Into the curl~u. and ancient Et.rUscan wltlj the people Of every IIge and he ijlougll was tile best th ing un d~r .the clroums:taDces-be grinned and I clnllse8 at .J:>rlnceton. In . sending out . ~an'cllt)' . OTer th'e blootly, anpals or a clvlIlzatioD. -. ' clime. f cratty and •.wa,rI1ke, ace. 'L egend has '. ]n the l cathed~1 and bapU"try we' Turning for aD Instnnt to look back, wuved back :wIth aU bls rqlght, Iltand· each .yea r a li st of questions to be all ' it that at Mr 'death ~n tba bells in BaW some' 8up~rb esamplea of·,' the J II"W the aneleQt gateway was iraw: Ing still upon the. trail wblle tll~ wIg· I!we'red by members Of the, elasll. In San ' Glmlc#no, of their 0!V~ aCC?"',,,I'ly I BpnJptOra' ~r~ aDd 'In ' other Ing another p!ctl,lre-:--perhnllB the tall'- JlYaggin~ , courtesies were being ex· ord er that tho result's may tie duly t,,-I>uloted Bud !'let forth In the univ ersity ,nn,. dutt0i1ttber to celebrate be .... cliur.cbes and ~jt.lacea 'we found ' a est w~ had see,n -rof the In8~ raya pI changed. . When fellow workmen D:J:flved wJtb annual,' Is said alwaya to Includ e In laaBtj, .. ~ Jin} 'Ug~rt~ \ftQ~!r!, ~Io " '!e\llth of pJctur.e~ ·and ',tre~c9.'es that tlie s ettlog' lIun .restell on the bUlldli of ~D18'\\ 'aoo\!,t the poor mUe r:oo m called vl),ldly to mInd thQse 'h&Jcyon two . YOUn, lotler!l, :, coml!), Blowl,. ])lc1l8 an4 /lhov'e la and Ja.~k Jwalt Vias ' his "list ~bls q!JeaUon: "Are you en· extrtcated (Irom ben ~ath a ,PlIe . of dc· I ' gagM?" '. ' ' ~~for. ftve y'ea'n Bhe. bR.1l laln , on 'cla¥_ "l1.en·, v'o.t'~a llreBBed lato' b er dl)wn tbe winding streets o( the at 'U,rr~,,, .~~r4. ' ., ~efrlce liucb' men .,' ileqozzo Gozzoll. cltr •. dreamlng :thelr dreams' ot tbe ru: brlli -wb,l ch hali been hurl~d' uP:1D hIm " It wOtllcl'seem that one pt the memo 1her~'.littl~w?rk, lind T~e" Co,ll.elta~, ~~ . yet, ~Qca !JiPOrelJl, O~ll'Iandalo and ber ture, While we talked on the ' burled by an eX1l10slon of dynamite he Bald : ;' bers WIlS cursed with doubt In tll ls' re-· ~lQoebl ' I ~.Idn·t. know tbat was what s pect. for .In the blank IIPRCt,! ,.glven much la~facbon iii ~very claUD on our .tntereat, · Two h,!nd~ own artist· Bon." Daniele da Volten!!., put, ' , .. " meant, I thoug~t ther 'Were over to the query- menUone\l he maae ............ ........... "l" package ~f these cri~p .. . :~ v;fth, II1I!," "., )rls reLUrn as ColloWB: 1 bits of .pene~tly' cpoked \he ' Natlonal Cit)', Dank or New Yorll "Do not know. Am awaiting letter .•. ~e 16 'and 17 In rank. With deposlt.- . Filh A'molt Hat Lege. '. and tOJsted ·Inc;tian COm. elole to '230,000.090 each, . The ~al1lt 4ngelea. - Long B~ach ba:l , The U'liru'al Proc;e ... · , Appetizing Rarou~. 0(, 8paID ,. , ~~taJyttian the Bank' of f1lh to Its Illlt . pr curlosl- , "Th~y ~r~ going to put your 1'CBo-, fr~~, much crelltel' ~· III clepollte. ,from the pier. It has ' luUon 011 the labIa." . " lubstlU,ltial nourishment But 8paln ' cutl, Jl9 1I1Ure' ' In the ':8pecJll~tlons.; " Slx inches lon~q "I'm ~ot Ilurprlseil.·; m:pected (t to and con.venience ot serv~ , ftnaneel I) the wqjld, 'Phat 'll, two incl1~ 'III de, ~me ' ~1dth ~holo be dlahed," ~~, are aU foul)d inl'oat .J ~ uplaln. : iii thIs .-orld ' lilt' there I~ctll 0.' b4od)'. B6dr !lat and trane_ _~_ _",.......~ Fe . pa'y 61 !!Uk' mentioned wlth-'iI. patent like jel!l'1lsh. ~o bqncl! U · · LUe Ie a Jrindeto1l8 that , lharpens " POliti in eXCN' .ot, ,to,a;ooo;O!)O. la ~~ rib. liIoutii of" tOad, Near·lap either emr wits or our 00Be8. tWa. llat the Ualted State. ,iUd allllt Wbmt taU ,a&'llt to 'b e: . Ful.· with bub, iI., ~ 'hoWbl& _U ",oae of ........ wbell B'flIamiQ. Lope BeaoII Some -)eople buJ'll. tlielr br.lqell be- ' Ulem a - the 5poe1U 01 Ulo "IlGftr ..w tile UII:..·... !dud them, 04 other. DJ'iProof thelJII. VUted . . . . $0 ~ 1&011. . I .- . . .. ~ .. ,



















ToaaJies. . .


'Sold b. y 'G'rocer's \

Perlonal" Men~ion ______________1.. . . . ""'---~ 1 ....-.--.....-.-.--- - ... .

Mrs. C

The coronation of pn ned lot ourselv. to work anti V took vlace at Rome Sunday in w(jmen along lI~rage Iintm the Si~til1e chIlP('1 Tht>re were stx· Til ~chools lltartell d f in good Camp(,el1 , I'ry, of Springfield, Resolved, 'That we deplnre th tv cardinnl" prestmt IL Ihe 'ei rona· ~hal)e Monday, W Il:i here :sunday., wicked and selfish wa~ 1l~"OSl! the t·io,.. Tht> P(Jpe Jatrr in th.. tho' re • ... . sea and pray t or peare . caivert lile three An.l erican callJinals Mt H. lJ . Kellison, bas left Spring' Mr . W. E. l'!ewland ~ntl famIly llesolved. That lu<:al u nt on tall t C'lroinalR Gibbons; F:trlf;lY 'boro, and is living in J..l!banon . r eturned to theIr home In Chicago up the Y. p, B. work and place 0 ~(ln;1 II The 8Ct!ne of the Fdday , after sp nding a week hare a wor ker in the field . ,ti" of IIplendor Ca,k~ ' Mi~n' F I' '\izer, the beHt on tl)1:' very l>leaslltJ,t1Y'h Mr. anDd Mrs. W. Thank trut;lt es of t~i chul'rh, th~ corona ~~~!JI:" __ _ . . r:n"rk t. ~'or sal by Chas . l"ry e . H. Allen took t o~ to ayton, entertainment c:ommitte and all WI L TEACH IN WAVNESV ILl.-: "'h '1" \ . dM B who have made the conventl II I Miss 'Llllie Nedry spent t he week • J. .... " I!:'S S. h.(Jnl e an ame ro~n a success. . . . "-_ nd with relatives in Day ton and ~Iter ·\VFHJd ilfl g a-pleasant v.catlon The Lebanon Patriot sa s. 'At ¥I!I~ Belen t;lark. who has ""en lll':l re a nd in P~nnsylvania have reo 3'30 Mrs Frances Rich rd y Slat Leaching in the Lehanon schools, h~f1 Trill'. tu rned in the·ir I"tlSpective pOSitions president ' of the W C ~ ti gave relSigned her:' posHion ~here and WIll Mrs. T. J. mith and Mi~ Grace Miss Anni." left last week ~S1r the an addr~sS to the y~ung peopie ann 8CCC:IJ~ I!- POflltloll here III :he Normal Smith vi it.ed frl tlnds in Belmont last '. S, r • 0 Home at Xent!l' and very ably placed before them work Training schOOl. w ek. MISS Mume left Monday evemng for laid out for them to do by the State -- - - -olum bus. orgnnization. After someunftnlshed UNIVERSIT" ELECTS PRESIOENT Messrs. F. n. Henders nand G, Word was I.' ceived here last week b.usine!l:~ was dispo~ ?f the conven. .. . ' - -_. ' . W. Woolley were in LebaMn lI/londay ir(lm Dd l·l1it. to Lho ,{rect tha t Frank tton adJourn~ until 7:30. , .. rhe faculty of the L I~\ln?n Umafternoon .. 'herwoodl had had a pu~aly tic !!troke . At the eve!"lng se.'lSlon th~ devo- vel'\li~y have .elcc t~ P lof. _R. E. Mr. A. ars tensen , f hicago, is while attending t he G. A R. En_l·tlonal ~erc,se.s ~vere (londucted ~Y Cunnln.gham,.of ChIcago Umversitr the g uest of hi sister, Mrs . L A. camplJl eJl t t h ' r . Word hilS since Mrs. C. F ..Thukleld, of F~an~hn f or tb elr pre~'dent. !:1(:' ~1\1 make,a h':!efi received here t.hat htl is im provT~ e remamdel' of ~he eventng was pr,pula r presIdent, tt JS .'ald . Zimmerman. / . - l'tll b t ' \1 . t t ' bl t \ taken up by Mrs. RIchard, who de· • _ _ __ ._ _ 1 Mr. nnu Mrs. Frank Zell were ill I.n~ a '. e, u .WI > .~ o )e a e 0 livered One of the ' fin~t addr~es _ come hQme IJr ~~e .tlme. ever given in Lebanon. Sbe is cf!f' Monday a tt ndi ng t he Bellbrook ~URAL WELFARE LEAGUE TOWN CU~CK IN POSITION tainly a "live. wire," everythin'~ Home·Coming. ,. OBITU RV right up t~ the minute on temper· Saturday evening . eptembe r 12, 1, L eba non'f;l town clock is placed ance . Gladis a nd Beatrice Reddi ck, of .. ,ou's finge r touchE'd him, and h.e Mrs. Richar'ds has promisoo to reo Maintains his store at considerable there ' w'lI :be given at Wellman ' in p11sit irJO . The clock was tlJ e ~en · Cincinnat i spen t las t week with Miss sk p t." ' turn here during the campaign and ox'p eose, He 'm ust pay for help, schoolhl)u"e the beautiful panto mime erous g ift of a fel low t()Wll!'mFln , Mine rva Harlan. "Fhe Holy City," an I a laughable i Wm. H . Mewpnrt· The pend u lum Entered into tll1! rest of Paradise' rl e liver an addreSs on · woman's Rut, rent and lighting. He ('arrie~ many farce ·"Hobson' Cltoi e." , ball weighii 80pounu". U)t:m ".in \:lody M i ~ La ve rne Dyke, of Route 5 , at his country hOJ!1e near Lebanon, frage, .rtic1es that you would. never c.1·ream An airship ptlSSinj!' ()Ver WellmaH lof the mechanism weighs 00 po u nd ~, wc.s t he week· end g uel'lt f Mr. and ,Wedn ,sday ., evru:u~g, eptember 2, .....) . . -of ordering from manllfactu! , lieeing from th e wars of the old 'while the hell weig hs 12t7 pounds . Mrs . Myel' HYllHlO HJl4•. F ranCI.1 Wllhamson. Cadwalla VERY (RETTV HOME WEbOlNG and is thereforc of great l>erVlce w()rld, becoming unmanageabl e lost The Clack is one the bpst made, and . cler. tn the 5llrd year of hl8 age . ~ - -h' d' r bo k . w !!n you ~ee a ~ewSjlape ,a .0 from it".-l cargo a rare .and wonderful is guaranteed not'to lose more than M rs. fl U. Will lO.m!!On; of Day toll , The son of Clarkson and Mary musi('al in t rumellt. the great African hal( a minute a month. The people is. . 1 nding several days at the home Emily Williamson Cadwallader, he > A .very pretty weddlTlg was 101· o~ a magazlO.e. 1 hen why not gIve WlIS bom nellr Morrow, Ohio, Sep. emtllzed at th.e bome o~ Mr. 81}d hIm a'll of your custom and s~ help Hunu.niphonc_ which ~il\ be with U8 of Lebanob are to be congratulated of Dr, and Mrs. Ward. '. '~ lemb r 23, 1861. Mrs. J . M. WIIsoJ), of Falrfiel~, last make his business profitable. thi dat.e under the dir etion of on this generous ' g ift from their Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. of Day· ne of a family of six children Saturda~ afternoon . when ~ISS B. Tell him to show YOII sampl('s of PMf , Fool~m. Everybody come. fellow townsman. i e . - b th • Irma Wilson became the brlu of . . , ' I ,. S . I t on, wer e th e wee k·end· gues•....~ 0 fon • - - -- - . While we make no charge there y t-!"l~ee now remam, a ro er! Mr. George Henry Beach, of 'near AlDslee s, Popular.. Peop e s, Imt .15, , are expense!' which bave to btl met S LD STOCK LAST WEEK fri end s in and around Wayne.·ville.1I Dr. Clifford ·Ca9wallader; of Nor· Wilmington : The bride has \ been New S,ory, Top Notch, I,adles ~nd we !tope aU wi;} bring a small 0 • Mi s Mary Cook returned horne wood ,: and t.wo sISters. M!'S. Stevens. a succ'. ~fui teacher in the Lakewood Home Journal, etc. ~elect those contribution which will be appre· Frank McCarren, Ellis Ivins, Ray· Sunday evening after a we k'Si holi. of ChIcago, and Mrs. CrlUg. ~f N~r. schools' of Cl eveland. The groom you want and he will gladly deliver riated and is much needed . . ' .In Col urn b us. wuod . - Mary rep'resen ts a sc h o~I' f llF!lIS 'h'mg corn· t h em to your resl'd cnce regu I af I ~ . mond McCu~dy, J. A. Carey and doy sprn ••. WI'th r oI ullvcs (n 1885 he was married to . Cora A . Thompson; Director. several others from thi s locality had , . F':vana Lippincott, of Cincinllstl. · To pony and travels extensIVely. through Then, when you ,,:,ant somctillng stock in the Dayton markets last Mrs· Al ma Bingaman. of 1n:l18n· ~hjs union four children were born the northern a,?d outhern sta to!s . good to read, you wIn Dot have ~ lUNIOR. GUI~O MEETING ' week. spoilS,. Ind ., spent unday alld Mon- .brae of whom with their mother At a few nunutes. before five searoh for it, . day WIt h Mr . and Mrs. Walter Elzey. . b' o'olock. Mr. Harold PIerce, nephew u r vl~e l'!l' . . . of the ' bride and Miss Carman ••.• The ·.Juni ' r Guild of St, Mary's r Mr. anll Mrs. H, E . Stokes and blrt!lrlJtht member of th.e Soel~' Th6rnbill the bride's niece a t . " ~ (hurch met with Miss Emma Hawke ly dau ght e r, Mi'R Louisa, attended the ty of FrIends, he fira:n beh~ved . 1n tundihg 'led the way to the par· Tuesday afternoon. After devo· Stat e Fair Wednesday and Thursday. ' !ld steadfll8tly practIced ~helr prln· I Q ~ which was decorated in. white I 00 ti()ri~l . exercisea , and the regular An ordinance to establish grade for clples, 10 hill 'perdonal hie Fra,nk and green where the relatives of the . , blHinQS8, Miss Ruth Hart:iocK r eno Buy your Fertilizer of Cha.~ . Frye, Cadwa Ua.der' ~as .modes~ urasSt unlldng bride and groom witnessed. the cere , .Next Door to Cuette Office sidewhlks. curb and gu t tel'tl on the dered ~ piano solo followed by a wbo handle Milson's the best. and gra.cloulJ nrhlS OW~vt S mony. Those present were the reading bv Miss Edytba Mllcy. East side or Fourth Street from all me,?, 10Yill ~ his ~~mlly. relatl .M bl'ide's father and mother, her sill' Waynesville, .Ohio. Tbe . Guild will hqld a candy and ~b:PN:r~h S!~detorJ:~~%~d~lit;. G, W. Woolley,.of Oolumpus·, spent !lnd fmmds; .adlsP.osltlon not easily tArS Mrs Effl Pil!rce with son pop COl11 sale, 'Saturday evening, Monday and Tuesday with Mr , and ru ted. rarely dId he murmur or Ii" oId 'f W'I t t d M' s &!ptem~er ~9. . . • . lalt's cement sidewalk. Mrs. J , H . Coleman and other rela. complain; a broad charity that found' a:r , 0 • I IT! rag. on an r 'I ' . c .. • ' 1. , B I" Ord"' ~-~ b'l m"" Counall o f tives ·' . expression in helping the unfortli ~OtS ThornJlIlI. Wt ~h her dau ~ht~r, State or Ohio, Insurance Denertment. Columbu.. nu • )'f h" h' f d Carman of al)ma the groom a BIS' May 5, t914. I, R. M. Small, SlU)C!rinlendent elf 'hu VIII~ 01 WaYDetlvLUe. 0 la, that Lhll n ate ones 10 I e were IS C Ie an te M'r"s -o..'l "e '0' f'X"'I!" and Mr's ; Insurance ~flheSt8te of O~Jl'/di>he;reby¥2 ' P.,~ 0'1, Kt'Bd1l on ' FQUI'\!I 8Lteet melitlonO!l 1(1 M' L . . M K . d' h ... t'f \ h t ' t' 1', • c ·,- ~ ." .. , 'j pliny, that the LiDcoln National _e luurance,........ " "I am" stID looking tor aD honest 'l'ltlllof thl.OrdlnBJIoo 1.10 ud ~he 8~1ll0 aM ' lS9 e tltla c ay arrIve ome JJe~u 1 u c :IlTac erls ICS. Kebecca.Koogier, of FaillHl!ld. located at Fort W83'n~ In dill &'Ie ~ from Detroit Mich., Flliday evening, A'fGer Id~ fitful ft:ver, he sleeps A pleasant evening waS sp nt in I"dl~a, Ms ctmpllcd. In all ~.r~be DIIlD.'I' announced DlQgel\ea. "I Cl1tli b~NlI)J' tal)Uall"1'1 88 folio,,') gift YOU no help," deolared tM of \-:'Ji. a~~I~~~~,,~ ~:~~ ~~ t!~ ':.'~!~ I,IJ'te r an ext Rded visit with relatives well." ~ , ' " the dinintr room anll pariot! At I:.a :~= ~e ~~~~er'1oItt>~nuct III t~ ItraDJer. "Who are YOU 1" "rm aD ~~~b~~~~i ~r~oh'i, ~~po~u;.IL~rQ~g?~:I~~ there. . .May ha:ht perpetu,a l ahlDe ~~on eight Q'clo'C~ Mr. and Mrs. Beacb ~~~~ 'I::rn~:~~bu.In~.~~ illcome-tax colleCtor." Bal'11h BurDe~' (formerly Iaaa<I Wood) .bence hIm ,and hI" end be peace. left £'01' a trW!' through the East and nected th~~lth .~rt.lnlna-th~. ~ run \.I~~hw8l'()lyatatlllulargr&del0Ut. to Mr. lind Mrs. G. E. Randall, of • " ._a , '11 •.• h"to N Y k grantfhr,J)UiclluInranddliDOUlllotanaulllei: ".'lIke At au eleva~IoD 01 0.t8 ct. below said nay~on were week end' guests .of w~ V1SI~ 88 mg n! ew or, I Ita condlti!>nandbulJneu.on the-tJi!m'·tInt dll'l DOor·lIllI; t hellco 8IIme dlroo~lon 100 f~. to tll o D • d M W d t C e8~ t V I Fol' aaby'. · Bath. Niagara Fall. teturnlDi to Cleve· of Dec:~berol' the year not Precedlft8 the ~ . A Prol"nged Effort. a~ a r (>n ~ - It the baby III afraid of ' the watllr land whetethe'y will'maketh"ir home ~~J;be~~:?'O!:j~;:=~~ftjf: ,uBhe BaYS Jlhe wrtt.el!l hEIr husband a w~~h&r'fn O!I~~i!t:rin ~~~~t·~t~:T~~ S::!l'd lery. F~rm ra. Ide walk. to DO I and cries and screams when taking lils for the p"-ent able lueta. 'I.OI9,J1(5.Yi 811fq1Lte ~ount of few ~yery day" " never 'S68 Door..ilI. "811 there to oud. eleva\eU abQvll curl) sulllclent t() gh'e . ' .. 'prettlly colored cork "I"':'. ' liabilities. (except .:8Pital)' 1ndU~!!Iliti.lred n . ! " ' · 11 f P' batb. buy severa) tin f/1I2~7 canlJl or letters to g~. S. D~~ OrdJollll'll Ih,.ll, take elTeet b' Mr . and Mrs. Arthur Ze .0 Itts"bobbers," such as' fishermen UBe. _ . ~~~:~::'\:y':"~~:".::oUDI:, . ' : ""UI' ...... on one ot thOle letteJiI and 00111 toreo from . IIlId mftor tbe carllest, urg, returned home Monday after Tbrow these In the bathtub;~ rurd"'b . ---DIitIy-'i'koutill" '_ c:l!pital atMk,,OOO.OO;.amOUDt 01' . for It. fakes a loll&' time to 1hitllb~" pcrloo allowed by I&w. . a week's' ViSIt wit h Mr . and Mrs: l. th~ye.r" . 1"'elnOlint.ol' exoI!ndltll for PU8eIl lilt the Qouncll hambllr In \ oy· · h -will be 60 busy trying to catch them Only for the cheerful doell ~he tre6 the year. 028,66. (n,"tn_~llia. . -4t--= • - ".--orYn.l~e, Oblo, thIs 'n1l1l"Y 01 • ScpJ.eOloor. J!> n Zell. th~t he will forpt to be I,ltrald ot' bfa, ot lUll blollllom; f~r the Illnocent the reun~~,~.nfh':~.afI-=.r.t e ~te Cluaified Ads 811foecl : ,~( Mr.and 'Mrs. WiJI Mohr, of Day· morning bath, and wUl even learn to -wel~'8prtng pt youth keeplI sUJl ftO~·I--wrtieD. R.M SMALL.: . • ' .. R. jj;j.!!!~!~:'~~ncil . ton. speqt Sunday and Mondayat like it.-;-!.i(lther'e Magaztne. lng, even In old age.-ArndL ' Su~intendelltot~ . small house on North ith t4tree-" the home of Sherman Dyke and fam. . Electrio Ugh&8 and water tn · A. B, OIIANDLsn, Olerk . lly, of Route 5, hoase, Also . & good barn" on. lot, ...- - " - .IPCiai~ ,pf Mrll, 4. F. DevU~, s2S .'. Mr. and Mrs. i Seioold andehil· ' Middletown, are visiting .;lO::J,UYJIU'S parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, Elijah Compton. An Qrdiriance ~ tablish grade for The Misses Marguerite Thompson Sidewalks, crirb and gutteJ')l on the and Edith Schwenke, 'ot Dayton. Eaat side of Third Street between were the guests of Mrs. Cora IM acy ~iami and High Streets, " I and, family Tu~~y. . . . ~.




Cake_ Cake Cake

Piel Get a big pIece of Pies €ake .Pies Only ... Pies Pies Pies' Try one of our big Pies Pies Pies Only .......... _ Pies

1 C . Cake

Cake Cake Cake Cake Cake



WaynesviIJe, Ohio·




----inance o. 76






........h Farr ' 8 k ' Sa:LOre





• • . . . . . . .;.".,.



JI ..




- -- ...




Heste!; Robinson and' Mrs•

. Special Low p~es This week on Sugar, 'Goft'<>e and Flour, Tin .. Cans, Glass- Jars, I

,'..·... ".0 Woollard were guests of MrS. Morris Rogers and daughteT. Mrs. Rav·Mill.e r ~uesday,

.."..Paria Green, .ltiah Potatoes:.

Mr. lind Mrs. ·Wal.ter· MeClure and Mr, and ,Mrs. J. C. Hawke autoed to Spritlgfield Sunday and s(Jent the day at the Masoni~ Home. .

. ",

New Pan (jake, Flour this ·~~k . New Je~Y' Sweets;. New CannedP~ " ,'.


Let us bave your orders, we will , save ·Yl'lli money.


, ~rs. Lo~,ise: Requartb, ' Mrs ; 1da Feltlka and son, WilliA. of 09¥ton. are. the ~Uest8 of M~. and Mrs . Charl'1s Stanl'bury and family:. Mr. and Mrs: Elmer Rogers Mr. aud Mrs O. L. Urane ~pent Monday evening with M,;. and 'Mrs, Milton SIH!ehal1, of Cellterville. " A.



Ie .

Dr. and Mrs J. T ' Ellis and Miss Katherine Prend~rgast w~nt to the Fair Thursday morning, reo turnin!:t h'ome Friday morning. '


1! J. W. Lingo Comp~Dl In connection , wit~·· the Lingo Company's sho~ at the Warren County· -Fair, ' 'September 15 ·to 18 WIll be see,;fthe lIinman Milkibg Ma~ chine i~ operation', milking fotir c@ws under ' . e)cactly' the Conditio~ . found .iti a~ 'o rdinary . dairy." The Lingo Company 's'ay. that .tW's . fuadline i~ so.simple that anybody can oper" ate 'if successfully; that it it 50 effeCtive that \ . dairying is not a diudgery but a pl~asute when " .' • f it is us~, ,Don't faU to see,their entire snpw, / and ~sPt:cj~lly the,mil~i~g . machin~: (







. B. . S . . Howell, ,who has \ been i.n Alabama for sevetal days, is home... Mr. Howell , was looking over. his ranch across the bay f m ¥obi~e. . Mrs. Cyhthia Evans _l'ellai,reO egram fr~m Los Angeles 'I'no>l:u'lA.v the effect that: Mrs. Myra had di~ in th~t. city at 6:80 a.


16.1 1914




c. T. U.

MARRIAOES SHOE PRICES ,00 UP VISITORS IN:AND~OUT OFjTOWN ' Mr. - Leon Sillillbury aud Mias " , M - J A F k h .' . Blanche Cornell 'Jf .I:.ytle w e r e " ~. ta' . u~ ey as received this Sht1rlff Qilmour waa in town Ii lit. CLuietly married' in 'Spring' Vallev ' unpor nt notice fr m the Brown THEY 00 , AND WHEN. ~edlltlsday afte~n90n by D~borah THE. SCHOOL CELEBRATES ONE ShO~~~ount of the iikelihood ofa ' I ' I . J ..... L ELECTION OF OPFICERS tie wlljle Friday_ THEV COME, J;.loyd. Mr! Sahsbury. who .1. the HUNDREDTH ~NIVERSARV dr.astic jlhortage of leather owinsr to PAYMENT OF DUES Mr. J. E ." Janney and tamilyspent ~n of, Mt'. and .Mrs. Wb , ~hsbuty., ' the European War h' h '11 if t . Friday in Dayj:on. " , IS one of WaYne Township'. pros. lb' w IC . WI a ec perous farmers. and:~rs: Salisbu ' N' GIN GNAT ION AL NTH e prlc~e of shoes. our Fall. Catalogue RIil)ph V~nee., of Morrow. \Vas EVERUODY GOES TO IHE fAl~ wpo is :the daughter of MrS: Allen / A EM :~~~Oj ~~p1ailed untill?rlce~ ca~ be MRS. E. WOOTEN ' PRE~IDENT here Saturday and Sunday. ' . , . ' __ EmeriCk. 'o f Lytle. js a viva~ious I' now " Itely d~termlned. RI~ht " ,~ , ' .. ~ t ' to th~~,~, ~11 .your attention , handsome young lady .. They will go MrS, Lyd'a Pratt spent Sl,mday 0 clock All tbe Schools Few df ~sw,~e~l~~~m~~tnt ~actsb u t Report of the County Convention with relatives In Spring Valley. A Full Account of Visitors ThaI to housekeeping ' jmmediatelyo~ the At 20jl, ot ull calfskinsand40~ . Was Olven By 'Del t Kelly ,,fat:m,, , south'lMt of. towf!., Joined In Slnllng ·'S.a.... Are Ooln, and Comlngwhere he has been fal'mlDg thIS S 70 0 I es ega esISU • 'fhey have the congratula~pang led oa nner.'', io me fhrobm our own country, tbe~eFine Meeting Buy your Fe~ilizer of Chas. F~ye. Vi,IUng Relatives M.iOI\I"IAI' of alarge Circle of friends .•' ordectO:; alance o~ 80,96 of calfskms who handles Milson's th_e best. , " • , ~~ • P /11, cattle tildes, also . the ma. ' ' Carl Ha\,Vk~. of Daytol).spentSun' rursuant to a rail from President ~orlty of, goat and 8~eep skins come I The ann'ual meeting of th W 'C M~s. Lina DeVitt visited bel' sia· Mi'!8 'Ida Wilson, all army posts; naval and rOm ol~her count.rlils . Tae calf, U tor the election of ffi. e . Ii ters last Thur8d&tY. at Spriqboro, ,day _with his parents. , ,' ' . M W I revenue cutters; of the United St[ltes goat and sheep skinS <toming prin· • of d 0 cars an , ,. 'Miss11thel ,Hosier spent the' week- rS'ni~rt!d saluted the American flag. Monday cipally f lrom those a'l'eat nlltions now 1.~ ·O~ea h~~d ai the Mrs. W. H. Spencer. of Chicago, : end w~t~ relatives in Day top. • J. D. Sep,tember ~4, .by ljping a salu~ of .at wa~. .The hiat.ory .of other wars Snate b 8on was the guest of Dr. ,Mary ,Cook last A It ' Th t~entv-one.llUns. The salute lirac- hI as been to greatlY. rals~ ~he price of devotional exeenrc;~ eaf nd· r week: ,, tlcally enCircled the globe for our eathl'r, b th U . . """'f h a lOng . . ' Mrs. Euphemia Hough is ' visiting hr.- h e t _',relatiVeI in Dayton tbijJ week. t ~Jr ome a ve:ssels are in all the waters of the ;;ole le'a ther advanced 2c a pound y . e .moD a ~port 0 t e Cou~ty . ¥rs. Fred Elban, who lias been world, in Mexican, West Indian ~turdaJr, Augu/lt 8th. and an addi- CotMntl0'Wwas Irlven by Mrs •.Smlth VIsIting relatives in Lebanon, is at they will gG after a It YOU want a lldod Fertilizer call \ ' and Asiatic water.ll and in the wa~rll tlonal2c a pound Monday, August ~fh~er!s'res~~'as elec:tloMn of home. ' . ,Cha!!. Fl'Y.e, phon" 491:L ~S. M H ' t.. • of the contending powers of Euro~ 1Qth. · W P'd 0 OWS.- fa. " r. ent}' ouem«;mng. of the Ii ~m At 9 o'cl()(!k in the schools here' Our oalesmen are now in the field ooten. resl ent. Mrs. Irons,~. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Allen ',Raymon~ W.illiamllOn. of Dayton. of SU«jme!ling & Selker, of Lebano~. every room sanK' !'Star Spanfll;i selling sho~ from fheir new Spring retary. Mrs. Janney, Correspondmg Jones. Sunday, September 13th. • •• pent Sun~ay with borne folkI'. ' W~d married last M~. Carr}e. Banner," and then saluted the flag Line of Samples. rfhe early PQr. and Mrs. ~Illlitt. ,daughter. ' . . RObertaolJ" , of .Xenll~, THey Will The birthday of the flag occurred o~ eh~er i!~ alw~/I protected against I,!g Vice , ' I Aaron. ChandlEjrtransacted bUS\' make .~elr home ID Lebanon. this date, and the children 'will al. advances. Writeor w.ire us if 'you First. yMrs .Palmer, For Sale-Tomatoes. call C. W. ' netlll in Springboro )as' Frjdliy. ·1 , • ,- . . ways ..emem.b er it on ac~ount want to llee 8!llesman Quick. /., T~lrd, Yrs. ~fJe. hphon~ 49-1L-28 or· G. A. .. ~,. . ' OUITUARV the salutation. they gave the flag ' • _ • rs. I:Sml~. The ,p one 1;?6. ' , MJ'II. Prf.8e11l~.B.utterwor~h.,of· Wid. . ' loealseboOlcblldrenwerejoinip' .. DJ:ATH OF W. HARLAN of th~ vanouade· llr rnl"gtoll, 18 vl8lUna' re1!ltl"es here; Clata -wife of 6~ William BI·g.... With every sehool • , " e appolDted. after funeral George WaterhoulC attended the • . ' :'1 • DY' " hchild ' in the lan. d. -whi ch Mrs, p"~r, almer asna- a ~utiful of one of his, college matejl born May '22, 1005 and d.led Sap· slngmg at t e811.~e time the s~m8 Mr. W•. I.I. Harlan. aged 70, eom· solo. . The meeting' e1psed with the lla;8t week in Indiana. , . , Her~rt Brittain: 8Pent ,,11th his mother 'anij flUDlly in ~ro~'i' 11\ 1914. aged 69 years, S °bft~e national au: in ~elebratl0n.of ~Itted s,uClde Sunday ~ternool1 repetition, ofthe W. C. T. U. benedic,t - . • m~ntb8 ana 20 days. She was mar· t e one.hundredth annIVersary o~ Ita hiS home on the Da;yton and Lebanon tion in concert Mrs. Mary Cuke" of the Maple . ton . " _. " rieCJ"to William Bi.ags in 187.8\ composition. , pike. by cutting his throat with ~-. Farm hotel, at Lebanon, was here Mrs. Nary Upp was the reeent husband an,d t~r,~ c~i1dren ' WI,ll. '00."10- C·OLJ-J:O · l) a ~et;.lmife. Mr•. Harlan. who TOOK A LOT OF PREMIUM~ a few boul'A Friday. au.t of Mr. IUld Mrs, Rich_rd Bro)\'1l be~: F~k . Biggs ·and Mrs. LO was fon!Derly shenff of Warren ~ , of Ferry , Wilhelm, both of Day~n and ' . County, has been in ill liealtb for . .. MiB8 Doroth, Dakin, ot Hannibal . ", . Bibs; ,of ~hi8 place..I ~. :rhe ~ollowing voung people left' several years, but never has he in. ~. L, King attended the Dayton Mo.~ isvisitinir Mrs. Amianda Wright . (, Dr. Maey Will be at Sprh.g V.lIey ·and one brother ~& ;tour thIS week for th.eir reapective ~1. timl\;I that he would cOmmit 8ui. Fair last 9·eek. and he came away and. daughter. ,Miss May. aU thill we&k, ,"\i at Harveysburg,aU .rrande)lildren are lefHo mou~ her Thill Will be the. last y~r'for cide ~~~I S~nday. 'The .brotbers ~Ui. lot of good pre":liumsamount. . ' , next w~. ' '~ IEIM. , . . " of , ijtl'm. while . others are w~re Blt't mg In the yard when he m~ to $,75 He took ntD~ firsts. one MI88 Edna Janney left Friday :for •• .1 • .' .' . , • . ,of Mrs. :Biggs, who in. , made thEI asSertion that he "would second,and'one. tbir(l on his h~rees- Toleilo, Ohio, where abe has a poeiFor S.Je- TqRlatoes. oall C. W, at,her sewing machine Mil!Be8Sybiland,HelenHawke. end It aU." His brothers did not a mare and ,two cOlta, Link 'haa tioriinthepublicsebools. Frye, p~one 4~IL-2S OJ' G. A. i~ Dayt,on. were ~ay Deardoff and ,Ada, Mich pay much attention' to tbe' o!ll» been, in the ,falr .~e a short u ' •' ZeII, pho!,~ 126. . . will ,0 ~ Delaware; Lindl~1' bu~ a feVl~ moment') later he time, but he, ~ the goOC!s" and Iftr. and . Mrs., Lester Gordonl.of " • to MI,ml coUege, OXford; Wm. kn.l fe out: oihis pocket irnd slasbed will bt:m, a~8\zed for· Morrow, were ' the. gueets of' Mr. ~!8' ,~'O~ Nlor. of Cbi~o, Amhe~t;, !tee Earnhart: it across his throat. He died 81moat trish oft~ ' Mlaini Gao and ,Mrs. Harley Wilkerson last. week. II vlllithli' her ~r.lIrJi. Edlth\ M. Kennetb Houl(h ana imm~iaj\ely . num,rouB friendll here ' . , aarrl. ,nd (amU,. · , ,So U. Mr~ Rids.e TIle fUloemirv'ls held lrpm hill'late ¥r. rn~ M:!, (feo1'l'e "unseU and cauraeat e. SI u~ hOJlle Tueadaftcrilllrning. Intermept 0 a, ft. \Vera the SunJay wlll retul'D to Georl(e was ~Ildle'in Miami ceme~" t Ql Mr.. ~n4 M1'9.lIahlan Wdl(e ,












alld Ml'I B,ron H.~k and Mia J~stina. of Laneas\1(eek-en'd auesta ~hela. '


WVO"~ 11.l"8.

Mr. and Irlra. Har.." Murray and ' Ruymond Conner arrived 'hom. Saturday from their WeBt,m trip_ The)" Ch:apell,1a~ looking well ~d enjoyed ih~ trip thoroughly. ' . ,

' . ' .



\ ' Aca&1l rrom Walter ' CI~k, who. PREACHERS with his wi fe,le ~~ng in I ' Cliana, . 1!811 thq are liaviDr a ' ir1'8&t ttme. "Just covered fi5' mileS fn auto"anCt goina' until'sundown.'; , ,'. , F~ W. ~athaw&Y brougtii, , ~,thia office SatQrday a 'fine bloom from.: . I MIII'rnll dahlia. : tt was·in 'if.!' finest IAt,-".I)Ii--~;"H~':Br"m!f~rd. bloom. an~ is a ,ve't'y prei~y · fl~wer; He rec~iv.ed ~e bulbs from biB daughter in' Norfolk; Va: ' ~, •




. Dr. Blackbum and :wife and Mr. a\ld Mrs. Wm.. ~nn ' '()f ' FJetcJi~r. OhI9. · arrive4 ' bere ' Friday .~ the borne of Mr: and Mrs. Mjhlon map: , M.r tinn and ·wife staid ' over : until collfe:r- 'liueeday, ."hen they 'r eturned to their home. ,', '

·,MI\.ciara~le~d~,tbef~e,. ", '~'l~l..=

of ber COU81D, .Mr:!.aa&rlea Beveni ' in South ·Charle.ton FtId.,.. Mr, Severa.~who was ridinK' a lIlotorcycle ' to,bie home' io Sou~ Cbarl..tOn, was down and killed by 10y, liiden•

. SlIrioafleld.





:====~:';i of DO COIl8eQIlID_ 'rr=::~F=====~~==::::::::::aI============;:a:I:==I===::::=I: No: Venue wellt a-tourl q an4 abade lbe ti\IL It... hl~"'l1 called uri,... IIIW the 11 wblle upon thla . . . . lraelou . .pot. that Herr Ro~ He wu WIPe d to a once dear to PUIly the younpr . retW'1lln, 10 . Seated ou one ot the l'1IaUo benchee . lutte or ,f'OOm.. aDd....,n t9r Bqulnted propne tbe bureau. the hi" white tennla IIboea restiDl aCBlnBt He'new ever,. the lower Iron or tbe railing, a Bua· bll eyes IIob.tractedly. nce at tha\ time reImporta of woman ably comtort IInoolin& lIoohel rlsn Ce~llIly It could acroee -hls ..neea. was a ~an ot tlfty. 1i1U1!.c 9,.n tbe Point..Himme l! He Btruok He WIlS broad o~ .houlde r, . «Jeep of be none of these. r. Bo tbat waa It: cbest.. lind elean·Bbaven • . He bad lald biB handl' tOll9tbe recalled lbe hInt. In Bslde 'h is Panama hat. apd hili hall' the alngel', ·H epe.r paragra pb., tbe lit,.. n~wlpa certain pleas· waB and wal! 'ollpped cl08oly, loft to Lbo anUy and honorab ly sprinkle d witb tie talea with the nameB _tOfUge an almost record waa It? gray. His' fnco broad and tanned: Imo.glno.Ucd. 80 tbat looked at ber . at +,ubber. grade Wbat & woman ! Men the uo~e waa lilted, and the wide prices, ago about lon, 10 paid we not ADd And mad. went and ul: bumoro mouth was botb klndly and More Pay to The Pari., Today III b.r d is It abducte bad One knew, from the tint of h", blue one hanill! In d~ $1t~70 Now Inferi or Grade s Co.t Double . eyes and lhe quirk of hili lip'. tbat proprie tor threw up bla to bappen to 30 :It 3 Plaia Tread eolne wu What Bpalr. bit a 15.75 be • would • • .. when be apoke there 30 x 3~ .. lpet T The Abont tho' oni, crude ' rubbe~ aYaitab! ~Iow '24.35 •• of brogue. He wa. 1amea HaTrIS ln. the peace ot thl. bucollo to BtaDd In .. If 34x4 nothin, ed for many makers je inferior. In orllinllr y Hmeol 35.00 one time' oelebra ted I~ tbe ring tor hia youth permitt .. 36 x 4~ If WI. father . Binler' the and WI:/, bla enduro the beat tire waken refuse it. Much of it naa ~I. ellll, 8Quaren bl8 gBmenes8, 41.95 . . . . S x 37 ,Ionl! bo:dnl wIth flahter reUred a n. 'barrlla been rejected , But. that "of! .rubber" now eellt ahce; "BattlIn g JimmIe" ~ whq. when be encoun tered hili IIl'J1t for much lJ}ore than we paid for the beat, In the ballroom that .'I8ning that knockout, reUred from the rlnc. He elliq comp . anew now The .re8ult8 Are these: There ex~t. called malIce-aforehlld to his oredlt aaty-on e battleB, of little lOll of Satan .. r an4 It Nora; ot tiree. ion .ear Poslell Good, , took buyin 'fire prices III gen~ral . are far ,in advance of thought fOl' II'eU01 l \\'hlch he bad eaelly WOD forty. He certain Amer81e. And' J),umy tire makers, 8h()T~ of OoodYe ODL cOnditi War hod been outpoin ted In 80me ' and had there waa ha"oc. If a from mulu her; sed patronI not bad B .. count loan once only but othera; in s, supplie will be forced- · to wte aellOnd-grade broken even enta of tina-b uilt of elltra.f~e ~bber. , cI"lq ... l The. · Ilad be been "rallroa ded Into dream· If certalJi lorrnet tea (Implem of Satan) bad . .--are alwa, .. wa, land... · to use the paTlance of tbe game. torture used by laid Bon ..... the in rubber, dlreotio n; If That wu enou,h. He underst ood. not been l81'eled In ber .,. .Be Careful Now lode)' at' June 'prieei . . aeJlin, elr CCBlU" bejUl,lu not bad •• ta oertain was be and '(puth ""ould be eerved, ot temluln t no loncer young. H. bad. unlike the spread betwee n palrah.,.e been .. 8YNOP 8IS. You will find toda,. a .,.,;.,. Wid. differenee .. In GoOdyear, we pledge you the "same .grade mlln1 In hie peculiaI' ae"lce, U"ed beadl.- Nora WOUld. as ' ~lI'aYI, And that grado won for t}ooC\betwe en moet ~J»rkee and Goody..... and with wlBdom and fo~ harmle.. as a playful klUen. ballroom cleanly 1~ leanora. cle Toecana . ;WS4 alnslns In the top place in' Tjredo Ol-the hugest aale yean From door to door of the Pa.rI • . which, perhaps. nccounW fOr Ed- slgbt: be had Ined both hll money . world. the ia w;lth ward Courtlan dt'. I1ppeara nce lhe r • .- Mulhen a like d lIuttere n mother Actio her Due to Quick t lmllliona fre. he wandere d about where and hili health. ·Today b. W&l at wu dl• price. are ~e Celelt. !:Ten ~ng, ". time· duoklln the a for three And, tan~y dlotllt.od . H. mll'M be In Purl. one with · world. the wltb ' n« peace con· Nora'l •1ay and Kamuha .tka tbe next, 1"ollowlae that w .. Ihe try to· kec,p for shall turbed, We the war. ·-.nd the dIY belore. · a8 tlound oppettt ea-tJle! he opera he Kon to a cafe and 'e Early 'in Auguet -:.wben war began -the .sam. ~uct w.. not due to ally arled them. ('osled b, a pretty youns woml\n. Bho· gratify to Hhal there. ~'bere"' ibem us, 'to e. bitter anel Irtvea hlnl tbe add ...... ot Flora Desllnon world', rubber market 8 eeemcd cloSed Today "Battll nr Jlm~le" .,.... tOI'- ta. Tbere wu 10meUiIIi, ' ·0.,..1 rival of T~ana •.. anel ,vlora elv« W" lltX'ept .no eiceeal"e ordera, ' but deal eN h. I. lotten by tbe public. and h. wa. lroDlo cloaked b,. tho.. .mI18. that nubber pric~ doubled almOit over night. him tho addreea of Eleanor a, whomentera dt Courtion tact. Nora from <fe termlned to e ~ will be kept supplied. !Jld we cl;lal'8' them, him bapp,. In tbe seoluslo n of tblll foraet. UnItle of laulhte r. In ' JIlIeano.,.'. apartme nt.. • he ortie'" rubber for 1'a1 to way " no Tbe Ully. could oulraleD Men day 1I1rted nut The until furthet notiCl\, on~y ante-bel1~m price~ I oat and ehO<!ta at IVrI'). A new and IItran~e career Tu_ny u. lS\e- tuinellll. ! In. We, like it tore at hI. JilU • bring 'to .' and way DO . BUlked P"rlto I. '''C)Cked ' by Ihe myaterio and Barone . the abroad, '11''' be him; before up opened . had • PlleB.ranee 01 the prima. dODnL Reall.ln t . .. b the yearaDumber Good an,.· · higher ees that ! to committ Q)eaM forced He That were abduetacbe. the panic,ot ! pl'lma that ul . eu.peeCe< in ~ 'beauUf othe~ may that he ..... fot father of the mOlt world, and, dUll· llf murdera , by eye alld by .wlah. Wben ther\~ ~lowo a,. •• lion Of EleRnor a CourHanilta arran lin pricell to -ueael back builftire. prices. But we bue aince gone Rn allbf. Eleanor a "appe.r a.nlS accuses dODna to the operatlo HII aa the till! ·wu; he did bls beat bl, time cam. to dance wIth, the milthe ,.,.r, aDd tbil il how Collrtlan dt , or h&vl~ a.bdU'cted bor, before charged we the anel police tho to around tQry, her altlll Ito IULtleClI.C , . . to Uye up to It. It wa. hara 1I0t to oblef·m aker. he whlried word; and did it: ('harp I. dfsmfllleel. .. Id a ofter to Ihake handlll wflen' be "'.. la"arel y, and _"el' Itemly retune d present ed to a prlne..1 or a ducheB.'; onco done with, he. which We ,had men in London and SingapOre "hl'.Q CHAPT ER V-Con tlnu.d, be deemed to lIer mother. her to wb4ln ' ber Temem to hard waa It QulOlrlr ur," "No, none at an. monele war broke out. The larger llBr . 01 the the change tbe etude fll bla ablrt; alld a 'tbe wlse.t eoune to puraue.ig abomln . and deoldedly. world'i rubber ' lupply comCil thTougn ~ere, "Nora, ,.ou are beha"h o't bl' "In my opiniOn, tben, the whole af· whlJe oravat was the terror with pale moUler, h~r ed cabled them to buy up tho pick of tpe robWe whllper flnger8. broad and ably!' fair iii a 'boax, perpetr ated to vex and allhll. for bla erful, loll. ludlrnat beea They ool.lgh t-belor e .tlie -'1vnnc e-l,ISO O,... not ber, bad ..... po and .tubby anuoy ,.ou, The old man wbo' em· Ume . good ' a bavln, am . • "Well, . o,f tlll~ finest rubber there, tyln, of pounds task 000 ployed the ohauffe ur may not ~Ined to tbe delicate " Your dalloe! ' Thanlr. TOU.'" , ' In blow l 'udioiou a By · t. bowlmo a eldes all upon been old. I'b.,.e looked And a tender yoUl1, Am~n~n led i& noy on the way to us; dlvartc ate be . ~earl'y all 'o r the aftalr, aJld It. beglnB to look· like that lpot where llIe u ",alta. the of manl tbe through ber Into .". ~l" 'an of tbo-ext r.-grad e advera practi hi, t1e meaIls And it could rllht well a practlca r joke, mademoiselle." ..... 0' r abroad. 80me 1I0et who Imew what be ~.. le btaiD.ab o · rubber "Abl"a ngrlly. "And am I to ha-ve no n bowknot.. b·'u t this .trl__ . . . le thing. about phl'Ued · It. redres l' TlUnk, of the millery 1 have lawn waa a mOlt damnab Herr ROlen ~I.: p8renUl of wa), By . women. two the of g puttertn thl! Today we have our own men in Co19mb I sone througb . the BUllpenBe! My voIce ·StllI. · 11.11 deport· marcbe d up the hill aDd dOWD ...114 over . cOllcern dally theIr IIlug ore and Para, ,ThOBe are the world'. to Bble' Sing&p be not shall 1 cOne. ,t . .... ntorm. .ometb lnl after the ~~er ' of a CIa;into. blm c brln-'n wal ment, IUCl8ll' you~ It Ie , , . . monthe . ... alaln chief BOUrceI of rubber, So we alta pret~ WeD t ted tn .,~e . t t d I .01..1M Ity wltb 'O()~' ula,... One thlnl he talli warrior kin, celebra lone to tbe rop tbe InnBtlg a :Ion ,.. of a conllWlIl 8upply, 8D~ o~l' piclc. of ~ oil uaa asaured opeDlf. and wltb aucb 'JIbe object ot bb Vi,lt bad . . "Yea. madelnqleelle. for It doeB 1I0~ rebelledl Igalllllt I h ~ h <the beat tbnt'l produce d. , IIrmnee that the "..omen did 1I0t prelll ba II at Cad enabbta., A~ ., e , ote ,... . look as It we could get an"he re w'th, "'ene-' • ot fear' for ThClre 'I'M Mo~eieur him too .tron,ly d.mandeC1 a motpr-ba&t.. flU D tt. It 10U JlIllst, I Will .bold the ground. We w~re quick.. on fi1'8t 'were We . t · t ' , 1 fu' ' I "-'d Ii " bow' e'v er . -ca-Io none to e ~ . . n"a r Ola B at~ '0 ,.. ... ehall 8O()D have in' ndt; but I warn you the. II1II,1,· revolt. On no ..,.. Courtla est in action, As a tceult, . • t " . en to row two oanm 0, preeslve. ' would he wear a .11'-.. bat. mfn~ be enga.ed dlllmisl to ,ra e would not hellitate ' lake, tb'" .. uro him ' bly tb e cue InBtantly, ,Monsie ur Court- Cbrlstm aa and blrthdaYII .Invarla ADd.o It cam. to p..1 that wllea a 'BUk hat, to'~ laDdt arrrfved in Mnl'1lellle. Thunda y oalled fortb tbe 8tn cit auddenl y C~1!fD we..:,. ot tile ~P"" could ' tbe, that trullt4ld ,ftIorrifng i b,e. 'r~lUlbed Pane •. Frllar: .the women of blttem "l and dl_tute .. tull pl.,. (:e, "nillteo mornlll l. ' Since arriving m,Par I be ,overco me real,tan ce by and , every oat el.. I. he,.eif batta" nowaa It bUt ,. aD1thln MId neyer He . It time. baa rully accolln ted for hili ,a~ the or .v.rter, teO o bo tbe out to th. quay to that ltole tlced world, tbe have · • ble that be could • ¥" I. Imuoalil ,. ma.calt lle bead comm~C\ with the .mOon. Ihe 1&. him ' er whate" or denel'. If StilI, .. on abduotl , o!!""o,..-.:..,--.....;.... __ ....!'aD~ed ....·e·.""came jum~m the boat to tbll landinI , w......... biB - OW"")' .....11 ..u, u . tla,. 'daYB and acornlnlr tbe B~ep •. J!Utant ly BJi.~ elrew feaBt n q. dent resplen torth . apartm ent." . ., Sunday ber lue mantle clo..lY abo"t ber race. w!lULd be but a farce." Nora. """'·t Won .,~ aft Iron chair. wIth .:. .... LeaDhi... back •AU It ...... Ul4IIe... In .the . maD the Ilun~ Crosses· of Honor WRI toae. "Monsi eur, ~It me to wlah wal much too ~e,u. In,tlnct era o.all. .th. n.t .... reaUnc en' ,ahould hla Ilhall in YOU ;lood day. For my part, ~ "So t han found her a , dlfter· ,. pursue ' hla matter to the end. I be- was tbe Barone . altoget I. Jieen l1ad I that , .. would "One tIie o"er C froWliID 1I."e thle gentlem an guilty. and I ent type. . He was ooldly. and Lake.,. ' ahall ?o my best to prcil'e it: J am a :.,ageB of Bqot' s ltallalttI1eadway.' He 1·, .. '· ....'~Frc··a.Ji1 m•• alwl:/a. I ba". tefL .,._ Engl,. nd, f\'ran.H a'"- "Garm. ny- ... , :wo~an, and all oloue. When a man he wasn't ·makln, ., much onlal. of D••eta for &11 that erytbla s-t!ut,. , obllpU on_to seek • atCIW ThaN Teatim hal! pOwerlul friends, It Is not difficult WBa Italian to the ' co~, "d . by Of. ~ P.rfO~" , DIlrln8 .' of . yoli." man· , aDd 1\7le be aped the '1!In,llab . 'to build an aJlbl." · be . mlabt tbat Prlv.tae 01' man . other. flc.n anY "From the tonpe with "Tbat I. a refloct.lon upon my word. nero He eollld ' I~ak ment)' Compli a faltered and d Itumble he but Ullenoy, mad~olBelle,oo Quletl, Interpos 6d tbe By EDWARD a. CCAf{K, ". ama prince." ,he AId Pl'O~d"'., mtaerab ly o"er the BOUndle•• ' type. mlnIBl! ,. faoed him "",til. ,that qUlok re8C)oo 8be. cut. lly Piccadi · Ute bln.cto n,-so'm e of' the .aldl., . u had W, ' Clothes Bl~ upon;~' "MoMl eur bu been ' ''npased forming ot P~I'I)OI" of' En.~d;· 7rance , apd, Gern:laDY dli Iwlft that waxed le er.twhl e. muitacb bl. and ' Nora wa!,ked to t1!e door. b .. made 'th.e Irtlh Ii9 dUllouU the 'presen t '11'.,( unqueetJCjnably . will 'croppe d at tbe cor· "~alt' amom. ent, D;lad~oIBell~'" aDd mllltaDt. W&l arcume ltt an.d perluas foa. .I}VUI win the oro"." 'Of bo~or which are the "'.. He luulu, bly tbOl;oug nera. Inll. ,you do "WilY aid tb", pre~eot. you marr)' meT Will yOU make me mOlt cOveted dec:oratlolll whJob lOy. 'handso me. upon pt08eou Unr'hlm tor 80metb fn, of thirty. and ul1denmliI,. your wUs m..1I1T Betore all ~e erJlmen tl-glve for uta of CODBploUOH green, the on . fountain Near the "Wbloh be ' IB pUtl.... wben you could world! Will you , IIlfrend er. for the pel'1loDal gallall~ III tile t.oe of tbe act tbe fn .. iIlave him held for eometh ln, ot whlcb wa. a thIrd m~. Hew of tbl. Iq,.. ,.ou .protui , Tour eD8In,.. , ,. " • .n e..el and a "amp. , . folding a '"!At Inberlta neef WIll.'yOu aJ)e the .. FreIlO~ 'P8li1 "The ~e'n~" TtrJ. a ' window In tile vll1~ came a rtak the anl.r ·and the Iroll band of Crol•• ,ot tbe L!lPou of Honor and ~, • Good ",ornJn ,/' ..rtou" ~ a lilt. of a melocly, nQ your rather tor m1I&k e"/, . only YOlee; bebind door ~~, olOBed, ht Vlct:orli oro.. br Eqlanc J , are more attenda "Herr. .Gott! I am ml4!" H. COYa dOlen . bare from B.-bait " word woman, YOUDI "A very determi ned Martba.i .. but ·every dell,btf ul note ved hll ,e ,.el: lDuled the oblef ot poUce. (TO Bill CONTlN l7J1lD,) three ma.ollll n8 "Exceedln,ly~" al1'eed '"th. mlnlat'er. went deep lato the patted and .mll!!d rlgan r Ba, . ·the h.artl, But wearllY~ IlP got Co\U'l.lUdt .etorl.. Olel a'nel N.w. ' tbe dor, The 'italian ,co'lrled · at th. <:hlef ~9tloned ~Im to be releated . men an born It0i7 tenen. Bome The below. directly ". ~ 'lot ." that. I dare not pur· Y8'41table garden t~. ,tory. teUIiIs raAiull1. achle", Bome ' BU. my Inveltl gatlou; but no;w tbat artllt: Ico-.led at the nallan. other_ wbo (lOBltltuta th• wblle Frtll!" •. bere F'rtu; preI "Friti. d. returne safely II ..,ademolileUe lit In amasa. ' The. ~ doS' Itl'1l,gleCl In Harrlpn 'B areat majorl t,.-can oilly " ..I f er no t to... wlao can man ·th. to 1Ilten' and ment He loolle. blmlelf tore '''May] uk. who made thls reque_U " handl aDd' . .oth.r; after oue oir. m reel'the Ub.,. g · towaTII path ~ent clattert ng over the .. "Iked Coyrtla n·dt. .,." they ·w er. all. n.w. ,",h ~~ It'. all . door. the fnto red dlsappM and villa a the was It r. "Requ "U YeB. monlieu tii ,a 'lOO4 'WaY. ' Notbine could keep him wben orlglnal . · You can recOtn•tlmel . ""' requeat not to "proceed further." ' ~f ; number -tJi. .,y atory ardent as was . He ' tbat "olee. called. "Fr'om where 1" ' . . JIIore (nored . 1I)8et it, for tti. S9od . • tor,. fl' ploked "All to that, YOU . wlJI ha"e to co~· a lover as any, and far .d o'l ' You up and .repeate d, Interob anled, little runny ,yo~ :'Ob, 'not am . I Bult ·the ' bead ot tbe . • tate: 'pread, . u~tD mem UUle daohel! Frltl.'t ; laTg~d., 'Im~ro"II,S.d and'~, &I nablraJ. Ilt liberty , to make tbe dleclolu re.'· reappea to liable II It · . The mlhlBter leaned torward eager. let SOl"", Bllence t abe was oud· ' o,r. In dh!pl.., Ilt' the . foul' corner . Iy, "Tbe'n there f8 a poIlU\lJll . Iide . Tbe artl.t kaew th.. beart. and hili of the earth, a~d .t 'I\'ldeJ1 aeparat ed ber to py . . Uie"pup dlln, to it?" 'lt60ped over perlOdI of Um •.. ' 1hat'l wba' , iDak4ill "TQere would be It ev&rytblllg bad own grew'. twlated . He Ued ·. tbe bo* the modern .tory teller .uoh a d ....Il~ .. bls matel'la ls again 'and' Cortunat4lIy." not turneiJ out and tbe .tool, and abltted because until he ' tinlllheB yoU cAnuol ". believe I undel'/ltand now." "aid to th" eaBel bll arm,'" . about, tot mee' - k·no.",' wbethe r IOU, u,nder the~ ble ' tace barden lnr: CourUa hdt, Inl~lated J hi~ I!e 01' h1~nd old Bn Harrl· Hr. Strange , he hod . not though t.; ot It be. . "I'U be u.) after ·dlnner, nove, myii~.... The r.e deemlu . f... . ' . , laid, he him gan:\. blinded had fsm fore. .Hls lIkeptlc year ,~othe" "All rllt(~ Abbott." Harriga n waved ' 'ture of It. Ii ·that .yel7 to all ·but one angle. "Your advIce to ma1iJr),~, for to 'POWB ene~ ·of.llit crop lIecom. wu lIe ,, t]y, bl!! .halld p,leasAD • ~roll t~e matter JIi' eXcellfillfL' .. . Ile", alwltl are po.1 old ,tbe wbom state· lng Tbe chler Of. pollc.o ele"ate d bll Int; " ~9 u.Bed , ~o ' ~be ,urlYl~l'y who, In coDlequ .noe, mUlt' and after ' up be wou.liI Abliott that ment , . ptively browB Interro . now t~e .~l'PIItual to8plratt0!l" ~,!l ' the Ih\'''For I presume;" continu ed Court. ditmer, that · 11111 reply ~b' tell.r, ber In~ eucour uemen t to me ting' . "Sbe'If· cal. JalldE, ,rilling, ~'tbat mademoIBelle" ab- DUr~ly :meebant • if\. . ' . ductor II by tb.l. time Safely acrolB volce"hB.c'lt aU; eli':' , Kept Alive by., EI.ctrl~lty. ,. ';Beautl f lIy! !3iii I 'r eally dob't tbe rrontle~, ~ attentio n of .urleon l at:' th, The. Halnes' th,e at ling to, ou,bt ,think .be h.,ospltal; ij1rJil\ll,ball!. ~ l G8I!era . . ' villa' Sunllay ." ~HA~ER VI. ~en oCc:Upl~ ~y, the ~ baB land, "OiIe .-on. won·t hurt her. Sh'e'8 cue ot a ··lad el"en, ab1\ rematll -.:....Joo.~~~-o:'-~......--...........~~-"......-.........~~_:l Tbere'l aln,,to miud ·h.l' up . Jl'lada · ~att!lng Jlmml. , , e. , He 'W.• • admitte d to the tD•.a. . h,;;;.......~_.;;...,.....;.-.......~,............ ttrht." to bu~ 110 for ootblD, rhere IB a heavenl y terrac., lIanked led tutlon !!ufterlllli froiD a ~r ~ . b, marvelolfB trees. To . the lett, far • Tbe arUat· took the path that b,. brain. the :reilllo'fal :of :*lItab ~~ ..... down tbence and nl,!a tb~ »d aded tU'9 dark,sb . u 4\>'11'11 helo.,... 18 A OUf'l!.Inl opera~ fated a ' mollt wa. the by' vlll'8ge tile to I~ l.ececi; man1 called turquoi se bbdy of water at . . the While ot clulter lnted to the r18ht tbero Ilea the Queen ot ~e",lde. to tbe crellm~t and W tbe ' lUIel; the crown" ot Italy. a oorn,flower !l.bOPI and: enormOUB botele. . to. DIal" I1c"'l en~ere'd maD a vlllare, tti. the hi fa It BeloYl, Como. at 'JIap,Plrtre known blond. tall, wal· He ... lover~ ' 'hotel; the Orand 'Pla08 at 'l:1olleymoon.. Rich l' lK)rtllon'''ot eOloo .nd Idle tb4\T,; and lovete ot I'Osy-cbeeked, He carried. bh~IHlt Uk. mOdest means Mh up to It and down one Illed to mnitaiJ lIelWtee;' a180. Ilk. trom ft tc) catch the nen lteame r to one used to stvlnC pere/D'ptol'7 «mIen. 1ilr0l wu not bqrn fll The porter bowed. tbe dlrlliltor bowed, f,f cmllo'~. reClO8! of ~ barren mounta fnl, 1111. and, tbe proprie tor blmaelt became a H:rin"t u.. or 01,.mp.., 01' IIvln, Carpellte1"1 ",uu., b'Necl, The oaUecI It ID the d.,1 porter &lid tbe alreator ~ • .• It~j_ I. oolllpleteet. '""'ont IP:· tile ..,.:al'$_ ~.!. .

Tires at Befare!"'War Pr ic es ~dyear ' Prices 'Foil,

. . . . . ..

Pidures QY






*hu '







the 'Eucopean' Wat. {






0' ..



Y'our Baby,'s Life HB aut war 'to be completelis ly , reported In the dally preas was the oonnlct ot, t,~~___ I, 18t&-and lsn, whloh 11'&1 tOUibt In tbe valley of tbe '. " IUo Gl,'aIlde add among tbe '-.....-. moUbtillnl ' of the central , 7, part Of Mexico, The lint war , corre,pondenll of tbe modern t)'p& were George 'WIlkIn. KenclalLand the other American. ,neWlpaper men • I ' w1Jo , rode with' Zacbar)' Taylor and WlnDeld Scott 60 yean 'qo, . 'lib." factI bave ' not heretofore been 'recol" , oiled by BtudelltB or' the hlatory of tournall'a ,.' ' , Sir WlmlllD Howard Ru~ell nt called th, Inventor of war corre' 1p.ll1deno,e, &lid the Ifrlt pr/lfellional , reporter of ~ warl he cert~nl)' was, But Wblt'11I I&td tn the blo(T1lpby of the famoua edll.or ot the t,.ondon Tlmel, 'John Tbaddeul Delane tbot ,wlien RusleI) wal lent to the Crlihea the "Idea of ,'ham; a Ipeolal correinjurl~us CASTORIA llpond8llt wlUi tbe army, movl,ns 'wltb the troopi and ' delertblng In detail ' .veri acUon' and Incident of 't he camp ,wal an- entirely new feature In jour, lSallam" Is not quIte accurate, for pre· ~I~ely lhat thing waB done eight yeara ptlivlously In ' war 'between the I, United State•• ud Mexico. In Ame'r' Ica the fsct hltl been almolt forlot. ten, end In El~llIJld it h~ never.lper· bapa been known, . , ' " ' The fe.., writen wbo bive l\Jd oeca· ' .Ion to refer cUrlorlly to tbe devel: opment of' tbe art of war correspond: copies' of the papere and the packetl the army of- Taylor to .uoh · an eJ:. ence have mentioned the work done by of letten , were burrled aero.. t he tent that Santa AnI18 had been able In Bouthern Itates. Once In ,WaahlnstoD. ,to wreck IL " The omelal d,.patche' erabbe Roblllson. In 1S07, 'a.nd "laOS, ,.tbe ne, Mor,ae le"lee waa at the arrlved a 4lry lat.r. and refe,re'd t9 the, ~18'lon of Charlel MeanUme Scott had been orl&lli. Lewla 'Grunelaen to Spain 1111831, and 8erylc8 of the gOYenJment and _the tben Q1e;y ba~ leaped to RUlaelland pre.. and ,tbere were between 3,000 IDe the, arm1' with which b'e ' wa. ;to 'tbe ,Crimean Jetten In 185~. aitd the and 3,POO #Ill .. of '",urcad'· ln ope~ march to the capital of Mexico. Tbe ,.BUt over vul area. ot Ui.)t N,o rtb 1nv~.tment of .Vera Cruz wu belun (0110'W1o, yelln. " Crabbe Roblnlon neither> , wIre n01" tall were .Jlval.l able br, Genera) Worth, wltb whom ·througb. mad., It no part of hla -buIlne .. ' t() , The Centaur Company, out the campalp Kendall Wal closely ne ,a battle. Nine yeara before ttle ,tor the tr&nlmll~on of new.: ' New Orle.DI the focal Palilt U,oclated, hi 14 ftaya the Am~rlC&DI war 'between. Me:dC9 and ,_ the .Unlted :sutea .bepn the , Morulnl Post le~t to which aJl the IInel cpnTeried Iii were Iq the cU1'. Kendall'. peD w,a . the Mexican time and troin wblch yery bUI1'. Thlrteen·lnch ahellll trom Grunel8en to watcb the OarUlt patsn;, be wal ' at!aoned ' to tlj'e ~ead. they ,.Ive*""d Igain to aU part. at th. cutle of San Juan de Ulloa -were P...·t ' quarten 0[' Don C~rloa and be I&W the Untted States, In ,that romantle buratlDg near , him I I be wrote bl. and eOBmo"oll\&n clt~ George Wllk-Inl ,me..",e. ' ~e sent with 'bls menales IIlbtJu:, but U~e dail 'ot wenuoull ell· ertlon lo get the neWB home' ~ad not KeDd~II, a New Hampshire VaDkee, topo&1'aphical sketcbea of tbe deMarla Could. , RhClde. and R_In. A ', BY ,NO MEANS A STRANGER Bile kept boarder. "'y,e t arrhed, and thero wall po compet· and., Francll A, Lumsden estabU.hed fenses ud Ule lIDea of InveBtment. tor their IIv1D,_ Among the Is torles In the ducllesB of ItI". RtruCKl to . be . lftrat In ' I..o~don \be 'Plcayune" tile tint cheap paper and forwarded them b"lchooner anil TihlCh tbe oltYllOsseSBed, \11 · 'lSS7, cutter, ie~cilng duplicate. ' by ani \ te.. Aoeta's book 1s one reillting to the Not the Flr..t Time L~w)'er Had 81uln' One day, ,a t the dinner bour, 8he bJl-ci 1Vlth dlep,.tclle. from t~e field. ' been longer than usual In waltlnc celebrated statue of' Cecil Rbodes Gronellon will tbe fir.. definitely Kend~~ became one of the II!Olt brill ael that mlsht b.e leavlnl' port., be red With the eompanlol1 of upon tlie tabJe, Fln!llly" ber bUB,b an4' :JIbe IIlhtlllC relumed, Scott wu w.\ltch llta:nas In" tbe squllre at HI. Tr,avel •• C!OmmlB19'I~ wall reporter. but If, Will lIant : and' euterpr~.lng JO,\ Jroallat. of 8aid: Dot unlti tbe Uiiltecl statea ,,'ent ,to hili ceneraUoli , ~d a fath,e r of the art. able after t'IVo' sever' actlonl to enter Bulaw,ayo; A Tine empire builder II! Ilg· ··WeU. Marla, can/t you Bit down 1" or 1I\'ar. dorr",po~deJC!e, the city. M tlle clulter o~ lome build, ulI'ld I, ! l ~ont~mplatll)n «;If ~II ac~leve. The new lIenat(ll' trosp Alabama.' ar with , Mexl!:O In ' ~S46 'ibat"· And Marla answered: "I couht th. . Eranclll SheUy Whltl!, Is II. lawyer and ,nom In J.S09, develo.,l1;Ic a to~dn~s Inp once . u.ed u a foundry ' Worth ment, with )lend baNd. per Ulen bel;8n to .bow, In a land Ume I trled,"-;-Nnt!onal · Fooll mute. of . the nnwa, ' anel tho , tele- J~r ', lOCOlltlea, whUe In 'Il~wlpa~r fought tbe 'battle ot MOUno del Ray, The wbole dllltl'lct hnd beeD grlev· baa ' a large practice In bls state. last l\fsgllzlne, wor_ lD New York, and landlns In' and In hll dlapatohoa ' he meDtloD' lously plagued by :drought for over a Sometimes hla work taKes him out In at"aph. th!! .ame Q,uallUea 01 rl!l~urc~· twenvemontb, wben the natl~es got up tbe interior, and on one .of these '. fulnell. and enterprllo.. tn o,~ta lnlnl Jot,w , O1'leu., at ' tlIe Ige or ' twenty· , Kendall: A GoC?d Spender. ,"I bave to acknowledge my obllg., a great agltah on and marcbed In enor· trlpI be was accompanied by bl" ell. tbe news and l'8tt1nl It o'ler I.nd lYe. he ISlued with Lumsden thl' BrtIt "TheY say Ella'il fiance haB moner number of tbe,Plca,au'e. tlolIl to tbe gentlamall of my llalr, mous Dumber'll to the IIquare; and, ent, and client being a piOUS man, II. IlDd . lea to tlielr papen tbat' Arcbl· After a few yea,r, Kendall embarked , who performed their duuea withe,&0' thronging arCiluid tbe ' statue of Cecil deacon In the church to whlc~ Wltlte to burn." b.UI Forber dJlplaJed In Fnmce ID "Well, be has met bla matcb :' 1,70. Kendall and hla fellow 'lVork; upon an adverlture wblch took' blm to cuatomed' Intelligence and bravery, Rhodes, IplIls\[9d that It .should ImiD!!' belonged. It was late at night when Ule darky , en organized .a courier lIervlce ,very Mexico ~ for tb.e lint time, Tbls wu G. W. Kendatl, E.q,. of Louiliana, Cap- dlately, be gtv'en a top bat. Let money talk and people will Santa Fe expedllton, the hl.tOfy talD , W,ae and .r. · F!arlol1.. army They sald tbat "Heaven respecla jlutled up hlB span before the doorl ot .Imnar to that ulled bT MacO~bjlp, wJUeh II contained 10 'iJa-e irapbic ~'eDt, who came upon the field, 'vol. 'this great creator of empire too muc~ 'the Inn, which waa presided over by a laugh at 811ly jokee', .MUleL aild F,jIrbea In the ,RUllO-Turk· . written 15y the editor of 'unteered their acceptable lervicel, an,d to se~d the needed rain wbile he 'lady of generous heart and equal pro. Isb 'War 80 yearl, ~ter. and by tbe o~· e condllcted ~beDi.e'fi-"ell In tlietrililemll' stands there liay€J)(jaded.' -_.- portions. When he went to the deak -.- c..lonal- emplpyment -of speclalltea~· the PIcayune, Tbe memberl' of to engage a room White was apolo. Ibipi . fttte4 ap' al c:ompoalng , roo .... "lnvadlns party" were 'selze'd near 810D of ordera witb con8plcuoU'I gal, Not HIe Flret Love. geUeally told tbat It was ImpossljJle. w,lth typ~ cues an,d compollton; tbele Santa Fe and marcbed to the City of lantry." )laoY.People .. bo lIa." weak Jd<loel'. fall appreul ...... ho~ mllcb 'later .,.n 'do for nve daYI later tbe .teep aDd roc\t1 "Am I tbe fl.rat girl you ever 10ved?,1 on account of the Influx of visitors, to to Jep"rterl of, 70 yeart ago leo red tbllir 'Me~oo. Several were 'ebot aud aU tbem-but ,,1,110 I~-t. llood to drink waleW bUi with th~ beavy atone walled for Blsbed 'the maId. give hlm. a separate cbamber. . freelT, It DIII.t , be p"re ..ater, 10 ~ ICoopa and outeped , the 10v.ernmOl;lt were Imprtaoned. ' 'be lime or alkalJue .ater • _Qell1 Waddy .ThomPlion was seDt to treel of Cbapultepec was stormed. all "Yo" certalnly are notl" proclaJmed ") guess 1 can get a separate bed, HoLlon_, IIPatcli bearers. _ kl411ey trollble oUI""lt. 'Tllo atyle of lOme ot the dlspawhel, Mea1C!O ' to Inveafllll.le tbe . nimon action In wlttch Wortb hlld II. part the youtb, ' theD," said be. But to this "he ,eply -Doac'.Kldoe, PlIls .. rea most rell.bSe_· ed" lor .. eak kJ.ll1eJ' II. Wbeu bMckacb~or' ur­ Tbla was not 'what sbe bad been was the Bame. ..nt out' from tbe camp. of Scott. and which cam. to tlie Unlteil Stiltetl of with KeDdall again on blB ,Btalf,' The Inerl dlaorder. t1 r.. t .. p~..r,t&k .. Do./j'••bd TafTor IlIttered w.ltb lewla~a Ilnd In tbe fate ot the meinbers of what Wil.l follo,wlng 48.1' 'Scott made bl. formal brought up to ' expect, BO sbe became ' "May I 18k who .1 to be my bed. ~ '. "re \.0 .... I.t tb'" kh11l8» 'b , drlnklo* plenty olpllr" wat,r. Prompt'lrealmeo,wUl really Intere.ted. rellow?" asked' Wllite. who did not iIoMItUIi. lOme tbere J8 pa pable In tentloil to after ali .. f1Ubultel'lIig expedition. and eDtry. Into ~e caplta,t. JUlt , daD,", ut .....1. '1'0" r.... ID&tI... "( am not'?" she repeated, relish the Idea of sbarlng bls couch , Doao'e Kldue], PIli. are 81le<:eutull.1 u _ llatter ccrtatn- commalld~.. Few of )Ie fOllnd Ken~t&U'" among' the lepen fllbtlng ceased Kendall tor the all 0'''. t1J~ chlllzc4 "orld au4 plibIJol1 a hoallltaJ. JII. releaBe secured time wu wounded. He w.. ' ltruck In "YoU ~ nol Vou are merely the with a stranger. (h·i •• reporters were C:OJllp'e~.nt ~m. recolDlDeolled bl tllu ....... d •• "Why," replied the landlady, "It will tl!'J CrltlCII. Tl\e(r letters are III tbe after , lOme tiDl., tbe writer returned the knee by a bulti't, aIld aplu Worth best of the bunoh. Aile you satisfied A Kentuc'kY e•••• be the gentlemaD with wbom you main ' a chronlc,le ot "tbrtlllni achl8\'~ to New Orleanj;o find hlmlelf a 'popu. JDenUoned ' hlm ' .In hll formal report, wltb thaU" a. w. lAmmC1n. lar hero Ilf the city ~here be lone be" I&"IDI: " ' WeH, Was Ibe7-Cleveland Plain came." menta" by ·~ur. lallant troop .... "errla .. nI,!llttr. 1'Ii,1. Wilen tbat new cnterprlle chal· tore ' had beeD 'accep~ed as a wit. ~'Major Borland alid O. W-. Kendall, Dealer, , , "Oh, ' that·s all rlgl).t{ then," said H;;~:=~;;mOU'h. ''Tbe fumKl'., . . r rom tbe turp.~. uae4 lenled -!\merlcan Journall8m a !lew tm'l'be neCelaltY of UJe war with Mell' voluDteer, tbe Jatter - \Vblte, with ' a elgb of relief. "He In ml( bu,llI.1'1 plem~nt ,tor the cbllectlon ,ad 41.lrl: was iteadlly maintained In the ;wounded, each exbl~lted babltual Cal· Many. a mlllguided fello,," thinks he and I I are both deacons' In tbe 'aame weaken.4 k14.'''.. T-::'':''-neYI, and my bAO. lIuUon 0( news waa juat. ~oI!lIPI Into column. 'ot bill .pap'e r, . and no IOOner hUltry and Intelligence and devotion." could 8upport a wife ~ben he couldn't ,:.burch and bav!! been IleeplDa togeth. sot 10 w••k .DIl Over a wire .0 mil,. lonl, a did 't he -conJllci" actuilly becln tbaJi', What , hal - been I&ld' Indlcatea ' eren pay for ber po~ple':lIoq, .., dUTing tbe 11 o'clock sennon In the p.lntul tbal I _Id bar41)'klda.,. · b.nd _ OTero _ bal,t before tlui ft,.t 1~y...,_J"J~f!le,'I'he ' -awar ~r the Rio O~nd.. dl1llcUltiel 'wblch new'paper, meD -------- . nnt Baptls~ churcb for 20 "ears.". r=W~~I:::;';~~'ed; UiaAelegraph b... , \J'_II~oJl-:1 T,bfol.lrl~~ r---=::"Llon. Plalnl.1lhii 'lIm~er ot. ~ 8,48 be wall-f-to--\nrer, ' co,tne-4o_~III-~~~II1J:II1&.l-+-,.---,-=:-2--8Hil'lm,&-'"ltCK vidence Jour:naJ. t II a t m), kltlll 8trated It. J1tlllty u a bearet' , ~"en of their ' pack~tl ,'of newi. From But It Au :Calne Out RIIIIlt. ~ ",.r. ' In ball" r .......Ii<-o Ii didn't take '. B~!l'Alillll1~ to flY' da,l wa. the ' oraln~)o, ' ~ • A:I tbe fllJ~~n," ' on the , Rio Thl CO.t. RldDe)' PIU, lona to betwoeil Point. I",~I or Bra&Ol GraDele. o~l, aboat 1,11)0 mn.. ~«, tel. 1111 me liP lUI rt,lIt. Own,er--Wbat'U It COllt 't o repair ."d' noW' t do6'& de Santiago and New ,'Orlean., witb ar'Pb we... Ill,operatlon, anG til" ~re. .ulter at .11 , from Ulil car of 'mlDe? , Itretched almolt entlrel,. nortb holD psln or kl4Do,. w.."".... DO.D', KIa.,. ~b. ne1'.l from the ' a~ of OaneraJ O.ra,e Proprietor-What 11.118 It7 PIli. are 0.,1&101,. the beat kldnl)' mit4l. Tufor; ' fom ' t!ye to ae~en daYI wu the . dtJ 'of Wa.h~itDn Into the pop. tine to be 11&4." , Owner-l don't mow. u\oal mIddle and eaaterll a~tea. " the time of th. P...... ~ween Vera c.t DMa'. a..... ... ... y Garage Proprietor--TblrtY'{our dol· Crua. an'd New O;I.. ne wlUi tb. tid·. TIle clb- of , ~ew OrJ8IUII.. Dear the lars and . elXty,ftYe ceDta.-Puck. , ~duth o. the MllltJllppl, 1,000 mllea IiIp riom Scott. , ~URN c:o..lIUfF~ ....y. froID W.lblDl'ton, wa. ~e ,ees...r f~ Otber newapaper men lerved with , the oelllll1 of tlJe ,war. T~ t1!. 1IO~~bef;D IP'fli,t credit hi that war. " Returning to ~merloa tbl!l ploDGer mettO",li. the, tfillnp broqllt l e~~1:.II"laed war correllpon4ent remoyed to Tellas 11,-l"mboat'.n!1 Allinl , ' ~m ~elD'i!I~J We maonfacture liquid prepuatiOil to , and ..tabUsbed hllDI.u ,UPOD a larle PolD.t 11••,~t. from TampIco ·frofD exclaimed lbe in· keep your radiatora-frQm,ORIlu., Md beve~ Crill,' , ADd , to ,tbe taDcb In tb~J collllt1 ..,tilcb, nq,v heara, cornio, overheated.. Half ...laD I.uca ODe hia 1Iame.. .H e died !D 1~~~. • - " ew. vfl\...~~l',Qap~ by: tbe seuoo, By parcela PQI!t; 11.50i' ,Some Stilt. ' ,lIattll' li JOli ~~, ~ t~1 'ei'pte:u ~~en J'OIJR OWN DRIJGGlST WILl. TlIIl.LL 1'011 .gcll~lea yet open. Olle State Will ~ Ill. LUX ' C~ .. . CAMTON. c) ria ~' DanUet of tile pe'rrJ1lU wbo '!r1 'llariDil Ib.. ~_ for. !Ie4;~"""'" WalMJ rich. IIieI an4 , '(Jran~ .• ,ellu,L ,f(o ' ...."IDI_ .J. , OcIlIl[OI1-~ Wnw for _ I t 0 tile 'IIi #WI .r-. Marl ... 111. BeID8llT 00., ~_ .u(e:til. dtJdtlllooit plilal mountain, oJ •...... m Infeete4 Irujoo uel B10n bel wep tb" &plfaJ In.d th~ el~ Usually a'r ter IIIlUTl't1l1' an angel a cni. w')ianee Scott .tar~eil on kicks ' hlmlelf bellaul8 be dtdn't IDlaDCl ,~ry a cook. ' , , """'1'''' fierce

It mOre to you than your own. remedy

Then why try any other


Fletcher's Castoria •

Unless ~YOUF ·Physician prescribes it?

Remember there is n"thlng the signatu of



if if bears



Sokl only

one 'size ,bottle,

never in bulk, ~r otherwise;

to '"rotect the babies.





Water Is Good Medicine

IA)" :





DOAN'S ·::-....







man .




E Ordman~ No. 76


I •

\VE ClVE ,;j~'r ' c,.~ TRADING ST


mSUR.RneE A•

'An ordinance to' establish ~rade tor $idewlllks, cu rb a.nd g u tte rA on th AJIJ he "LeadlDg Features East side ot Fou r t h . Sireet trom • Chapman Street Nor lhwa rd ly t o th North end of J fl'ferson Mar'l'llu\ agent of , X1f BQrllott . he lal t's eement sidewalk ,

Of SepteDlWr 1872 TeiliDg . ~ .


All K.ndi

r, I.

Chandler -


, oom,edi6o, WIl in town thi8 week , ~ 1. "0 I" O-'''In~ by thO) Cou ncil 01 WaynesVl'Jle '0. ' • to ry i Ilg t 0 proou re ... ~ b"11 • '" '\ Ghu~ ~ c, ; , .. f....vr Alf to tb& 111&11 ...01 WaYl11l1v Ie. \"0, I1III O.... .~ r P"stolli .. eot~lrt,oln our oltif06n!l i~, Of gnM:Ifl on I!'our~h SU'eeb m at 1100 , In t ho Office Phone 77 Hou se nhon~ 6 -3 ~s .UO .. u .... tI!... fo l. Mud w~ shall TIlIo 01 this OrdlDIUlOO bciI and tile same are h '"" "' .. .. ., \1<1 -.... ~ " heroby tlIitlllllllllled \'8 1olldw. : DOf, h'll Vfl 1be \J1t~~I\~ re of be~old {o g • 2, .B~gtr D,ng·at' ~.: ~~ ~~: c~~~~~ -=:=====~==;~~~~======~~ .AU "" hllor1801l1, fllee or eu joytng b tl! ~I'o~'::r,~.?l' .::ro';IIo'lbe soulh ,ul 0 1 tho IrJ'eslRti bl v fUIln y per f() rlUl~Doe8 . S n Uoor-tllll ,t ~ h e propetl Y ' bctl)IJl!l u t( 10 . " b d t. arah Buru\it~ (fortnerl y 1.",1' Woo(1) t llence \-VOID i l\tl 01l'tbn fly , e . 0 g 0 li S 0 run NClrtbwardb a~ 'rtliula. grade 101 f~_ to build t18 II hell» • If W Q a re not IIlis. Blll"-e .., an elevallon 0' 11, 18 It, bolow '!l.1d" .11 . ' b Door·.III ; III U ~ I"I-mo direCtIon 100 n. 10 ",hI I\k/ ; \ 1(1' b tI ve '" u m reUlam r n Qlil Ilrab. 00\1 o(Jetfenoou 1Itarhll"s ooolent Bldoof" nllulled to the town ba ll walk at au olevatlon 0 1 ~,02 It. b<l.lbw 8".~~ Door-alII IUkI Clare 1.0 eull. Sldewulk. to.,., que. t Ion ~b f or e tbl S •' I~er h a1?8 0 tb ' IIrll 01 vat~ 'abo,'o curb 8l'1Lde 6ulllcJenV to give nllW . n1('nt.IQoed It &leo. Th e D gQOd u J'l/Juogo. I k i t .. . IN THE WORLD I d Ih h'" t h II Mld' Sec.- a, 'l'w. OrdlOIl>OM ell,,1 , .. 0 tIC • . ood ly numb~ t· f y m n ighbol'S ve already joined the wby , ull , why o. nott., .o wn a bal D fOrce ~ &1.d .. ltc~ thl! oarliOit ),DBIJSJ1ED WEEnY. $4.00 fER lEAl A1Jp,ell'r ? R h"l1 w t'! h ope I)n . ~Ily per lod ' allo",ed by law.' I ,~ I .' ' P~ ' !'tb tho CQ uDcl l 'b~mber n •• a.yrank. of thOR. t.hrifty folk 'who d ire· to be kept posted IIOTlll." DItUQOIaTe, OP.OIAl.IS"!t" nev lu' (If'l< p OIr. (\nd ttl Itt ...11 kind ot 1l1l8\U1e. O bI\>. thl .. 7U. d ..y 01 Seplember , COSTUM.ItS, TRA . . . . . . . . OA. COUII;o r t , or ~ hll l1 we J!'IV(I " var lI ull 19H . . on th unusua l b111"·. U1.ins Tl·a .-ler's off )" f rom time to time . . AND 'BUS ellltVIOIl OAN ".OFI";: ~o where Nebno hll 10fu r 111 lit I Igood,: , ";, D_E:'BATHA \ toy. ' a" U81NC ITS AOVIlItTIIINO OOI.UMNS All who hay ) 1)·J V.iOll I.v ent liS theit; names and addresses for our M1i~s Lolt\ Zell h lle , ret.urne d' from . . . J'r08ltlont ot Couucil. SAMPLE, COpy · FREE her t>i ittn Blanoh e ter Ilcd Mor t;o~ . ~. B. o'ilANDDEll. Olerk. mailing Ii t will 'O il 1'(' '~iv compl tl te. d tail of im por tant savingsliIaw YOItK OLIPI" •• N_ YCIIII . . . Y. M i ll,. R uehle Ehrlg ht I ~ft f:J r Xeni~ opportunities in dep~~ ndal )Ie now Fa \I merchandis4). ------+ .~ ••-----(On Ilono8Y . t,o It ,.te nd o1uIII081 ~ '!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~ ..!'!!L!!!'"" _ ~'!!'!!.!'!'!!! ool1~ge t.herf' . ". \ L> \) .Y0U not wunt t o' l)hhil1 ad< E. V. BARNHART. W h i t f' llI W Reirl , rn..nA glD g edit or Yan ce, p(> l' sonal ' inf rm ; li II C (:.~­ ,llO'IL L O UT A ND MAIL T HIS of t h e New Vork 'l'rib nnff, wu COUPON TODAY! cerning this a nd future out- f- ttJ.e- ; Notary Public tllught tl1f1 o l.,habeb by a lady wbo An"0rcl inllnee to es tablish gradef for ol'Uinat· y event:> w e w ill promote' ? lives i n W a yneaville. , " Sidewal k!1. curb and on t he Na.m .. , ... . .. .. " . ..••.. .• ... -.·•• • ..•.• v • • • • Of coul'se ! EaEit side of Thi rd Street between All ltilld" of N otary W", k. poJ\tldlln I ,If t he young lady tbat 'Iost h p l S t, or R . I". D_ . , . " _' " . . , .. . .. , . , " . , • •• •:_,. Miami and High S tfeets. Worlr a . H~lllOllllt_v " ft\ I ~l e b llir wUl call at t his offio.... ph.' ouo hl1ve the' same; It is 'q ultl' /I Then fi , out ~he coupon at 'the . It ordalnod by . tllo CoUllCJl o f !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~ To wn "" ' • . . •••• ._ •• , .•• _, .: ., . . .. ~._ .' •• . '.-•. . Waynesv i lle, Llo. (lh." ..· -t hu ~,- ~--- ...... drl rioslt.y~a bOr se's tal) , nr ilo me right, please, Cu t it out RIGHT -,,-.,' ,., .....trOOtumntlonod In th o TI~lo C tblllg of tha t sort! State .• _ • • ' , .... .. ,' _. _... _. ... .. .... : _. . . . _ .OI1:l lnllo c~ \,)eil hd the snJnq oro h llreby .' , . "NOW and m a il to us. . David B. Adams, Ileoompa nied .,b y II"':!~\" I'· '~~ n",!lnllilri VeterinarY B orllC'e M AlloD. lett fo r Delawa~e MOll oay . 'This ' be~io8 Dllvle's W~ "ual'ante your complete satisfa ction in very dealin g you l 'lij1\ olleglate year , while B or .oe III * lO'lI' have w~th us - or your money will be refunded. Your purchases will Graduate or Ohln jast begl nulng oollege' life. Peace . be d~livered (freight or eXl?ress prepaid ) to any point within 60 be, w ith tht>m miles of Dayton, Office at rezlid(>nce in I"~ , 1: . ~her • Mr_ 0_ R. Barbin a, of XeDI8, is I)ni Ilg e. r oahina' bUl!inet!8 In FjRx wood's house, Fourt h ~lreet_ " ~ l:!eEI(f . ~'bl e week be i~ paying S1.85 qao t . or boshel. j!'ar01ere wbo I'Pr'One,r t v Telephonf' 2S ~ I~'~e pltmt.y of tbls seed OD hand are We Win Pay Ohio oert!tlllly in lu?k n ow. • Way~esville. Car Fare Both Ways. smartness or style.' ~~~~:,,~I:'1l WaFnetlvUle, A ~OlI Bainel! of P reble oounh< [ I 11114.< f'rc~c nl th,~ .. e tU rn paIns taking ' .t allorlng Ilo" (ll) n or )'OUT li I, e t tll.'orf(e E ckles &Dd fnUlIl r. u nf1 Eliz.. H _. .IlUU .TRAWA \' . til our oJII ~ Ivlth Y(,"I' and un ind.lvidutiboth Crispin. of R iobm/)Dd. ludi llt:! tI Prtllldea ~ of QouDull, "Ii h'sc heck)), and r.. II h DR. 'J. W. MltLER, <""Iye n re b" l In pro . a fY t at se ldom t10d Boraoe Hopkins, of Gallo', 0 , A. B . cfBANDLIt R, lerl(. 11,... Uo n II) lh Illnoun I Is procurnble i n wer e prElll8n\ Ilt ~he o Der"J of tb!'ir uf y ,U T purlJhn c, Full "Ull'S setling Ilt relative, J. C. Hopllins. Itt ,. fum] a If v ur.. ••• D~NTIST, •• d,..." f!lrttlrles IL lellS thflJl ~2~. Notice of Ap~intment M.iami Vallev i nstitute. ,Sprlog qoro."ppen ed"it<a rllll tAl'm on Wed. The " . weat of the new oeedll Y, wi th ftf·t y Ii ~udeu rl!. Tbitl U. f • • .hto".... ~t.o alrilp, lir r.he mOl..t. llu!' plQjou8 beglpning the .t~I • • • 'oo) le'o&e h ll8 Yl\ti kn \> WD, n1?dWe h t)Ptlll ~~~_m!lIli1!~ ~,ljx. The I'll <\ll1go1;e" I'I tYle fLn I\ug orf of its fut,ure pr08pt!1'Ity. wH I,! RUSsian ·tunlc SkJ'r~ " .lilOOl Q r mau to)k Dr. , Alhm. · _ (slightly rallot .than last S~80U) are highest · In Frollo rrom the .. t,t~ble, 00 " ~1l0d&y . Djr,etor t. witbont. sllying to'tbe Dr.ISy , and, Embalmer, your lea ve,'- r ode .. he mare 88 loog wear serge .• a 8 hl" wished. t10d ~hen turned bel' , • Waynesville', Ohio. looge, rbe wretch wbo woold' 110 /Jumy of linCh an ect is oap"ble ' , IL!lnOll' an)' w\,oDrs ·40In" .a sl, it ' 1"• •·.II--';Ir...~. n(1Ihe'lr. fllct!lif.c:0Y1Ilted'·,.r1tb.rMldalll.; 1 anaw41red p..omptly da)"ONlllfht ph y he WIlS 1I0t. t anrl made phones In Office and Ueeldtnee. ~ pay deal'I..v...lo~-hla _d(j.I _~""'"""~,-:-;:--tiiuit;;;r.f~..,J,·I~It!-~Ifr-II.I'6-~~+-4~~~~~e, No. 14; "o~e pbone • , boy", I1l(d l jlrls will I'tn . are DOW fur- Ohai d f · "bed"f ' , 'TH E POTATO PATCH' I ,t hat ,trouble ' begln8,' ~t 'he niBbling custOmera 'rol' , wl~ U,mIB tee V . : O l1iOD sohOll1 OD theJrst Monday tn . Beat of service J'Ual"!'ntied. _ _ _......._~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _."'______...,...": '_ _"'-"'-....."'-_-. -The Irish ' t> ~ta t o pl\toh .In ' Oc,iobor. There wi not be much " . oontains 159,000 !tores ~bis year and c~lllnge in tbB .teaober!,l I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;:#~~~~~~~~~~~~ B . O. Kellison 10 t;. A. l\1u ste~8 t be t otttJ pr 'dn\>t'ton will be a·pproxWe h a ve cwo hack lIn~ .now, be- ,.,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"""!~~~--......-------~ .' .' lot No. 1a llin I:)pringboro. ·O hio, II. imately ' 11,8 ,000 bushel", aooord tWl'en this aDd ~he ra.ilroad stdlon Iu..tbe Dlatter of , Wm . !:iatterth. A . B. band ler, " 8 8 e:z:.e o~to(' t o lng to a n e tima.te made by the - ,Re Rers' and Fupey'lJ. , 'wai&8. Appllo&'ion tll .made t or ad tbe FrteQds' Boarding R om.e of ~e U nited 8~ateB Crop Reporting S oud ' m !seiOI) of (lame t o J;>t1yt on State \ lndhW~ Yearly Me eting of tbe "Re. '.rhe oondi t ion o~ t be orop, ia 76 pe r ' The firs', fro8t for th~easou made B08p1ml, . ' '.' _ 1Ig l(>u" SOlliety of Friendfl, 'par$ of oen~ of n orp!l\l ILlld the prloe .., the its appearaDce on e o.Qda,. DtgM. l.b tJie, m,~ter of , tbe e8$ate of lot,No . 4 In Preaident . Square or the preeeut ti me is a Vll rag1ng around -'------+:•• ~ • At , Reason_ble Rate·s . , Two Machines. Martballa81.jlllo, debeaaed . · Firllt town of Waynellvine, Ohio QOO. $1.15 per b~ahel . WIND1~O CLOCKS Springfield Tires. Tubes and Acces~orles. IIInll flDI' ~,.aoooun' II.pp~ov,~ . " E . A ,. Kesling t o G raoe Kel:lllng, In nontlDen~BI U nit ed Bta~el! t.bere ' , . , 111 the ,m~.Ue~ Ilf, the estate of ~ sraots in tjeotion ' t,'~ 2, R. I~ (\n d MI:) .3,70 ,DOD t10res pt,nted t t1 th18 Be cllreful aJjout winplng, dlc;>'o1i:tI. I Valvo 011 and Qreales. . Carrie Bopp!'. deo~ftsea~ Es tl'te pa rt of Seo. 6. T. 3 and R . 4; lil, pr duot Bnll t h l. ~Il r 8 pr~u,ot~.o~ Wind 'them a)waYa d the 8ll1~etime f llllv. ad,nl~llltered , . 'l'beo, "Snll t h !tnd w ife F loro. E- is esltitnl'ted' ~t. 3G(),6U,OOO ~uslieJ8 an.d never wind . tbem 100 tlgbt. 10 t~e matter of tbo 6Stllte of Co.1linll \J !lores of la nd in Mt\ lIsie b ' 1110 FedT o ~!l Oepl;,rtm~nt ~~lAg tilDd out jOllt hOW" maD,.. tolJ tarDe ~:'2~--->S~taliley T.ShelleDbaobetIII 1l)inurs tOWDshlp ~1 r lOil t o re. ...,s yea~ " crup w ex, of' .the ,key It t,.It!8. to, wind the tatefnllfftdmtotetered . • Uhar leB A' und E .& FeBley to '. ft°eed the !\~ert\ge qrlop te °tl t4h e Do·'oBo t ol()OK to the prop -Ir poins and al• .' . . . " . ., va years ,,:\1 approx ma y o .oo . wnys stop wUh .tl,l&t number orturDB. t.he matter of tbe esf.6te of Ed ward D. Pa.rr, li B 110res ill Deer. \lush elfil: The , n9 ~l on 's productiQn " . :;.. ~ IU~I&I'I Cody ~e00tl8ed. ,Mary E. fI.ld t owb 8~ip ,III t yet\,r was a a,l , 625.000 busbels, '. . , ~~-fC~~~~#>-~~~,lli1~~~~~~If:li'~~~. :!!: B~tb~ C, Gra y to WIlJt&t: 'I'. tlnd Wll~ proQucllri on 3.66 ,000 aores . " Warner. ~, M Jordan. 2 t rl10te "Of land on la od. l\nd sold, :tor U27,903,1100, on , ' ln~d ' I\U~ .Ed Arml~gA, lia r veyat,mrg !Lod Oregoni1\ pike $1: An a verl1 8e 0~' 90 oellt'! p~r bushQl . are appo 81'J.>rll 8ers. • , MIAT Y E, .Thl:l"\npilon .Ilnd Wills B.. " . __ • . ID' ~he ~atter of tbe will of W. W. Cabot. Wudo S, Brown .91i" a cres 'Ston That FIrst Fall ' Cough ' " ArD :>ltl. d~ea8ed. Will adm.itt,ed In T nr tleorevc towusbio t' '0 probate. , . checlt you r ' fall . o0!igl,l or.oold., . Ar~bur D . Bllrkalow 88 Ex~r " e to. Marr'8g~ Uceoset o.no6-don 't wlIU-it D:\u.y ~ea~ plaintiff VB. Jane Clemena . Emmons I • a'erious IUDg "oub)e. wellkeo your . et al; .defeDdants. !:lale i8 I1pproved . Au,ustos Raymond AI~e rt90u , of vi talltY'and de velop a obronlo ,Ill n g Wea'bQrg ,. Long ls l an~. N . Y .• to ailmeDt; Get II. bottle I)f Dr• .Bell's D18t.nbutloo ordered. 'the matter of 'th e eatB'te 'o f Mis!! Bsrrle t Oaas,..rn Ca dwa llader. P in e.'. far-Boney to,day; ' i ~ 18 puro Desltin , L. 'Lewis, ileoe!lllea . ,Elsie d LebuDOD , Oh~o. Re v.- J . .M. . a d. and ba r mlcss-:o e it freeJy fo r lbat I,AIwll is appolo'ed·a.dmiDllltr.. ~rlx. , fl111 cough or ~.)lcJ. 1f Bilby or Cbi l, Bond $2000. WID. a-; Mor ris, Niles Alfred AI . ~htJ mll ker. ffuwer to dren are sio~ give' lt 'to t,hern, i t ·will ,J Kirby ' and • Clarenoe - Borm~l ure Miss S teJ11l. Aroher ' b.o tb of nellr relieve quiok ly ' li nd per m aDen,"_~ apPOinted ILpprais6re, ., (J\a rkevUl e. Ohio, Rey. A J . Kes. It soothell the irritated throat. 1,UD(s tla. I1nd ~~r. pA8s~ge8 . Loosens Pti.!egm\ :" . R~ Eatate Tran~fcfl , Bl4rry ,E CoUlnll, dairy ma n to is /ulUseptiO a Dd' fortifies ,~ ay~ te r.n , • M.tss E dna Etbel Ste wlut both ,or. nglunst ooids. ' 1$ .s'qrely preveo lll -4\da St.Jobn to , R.",A Stllwell Le bltnoq . Rev. Ar.t bllr Coopbr . Qold germs J rj)m ge tt'ng R holll , tbree bundredt~s tlc,r es of... land i n .F k C It d ' Att ' t' Gou.ra.ilteed. Ooly. 260 . at ,YOQr Lebapon Ohio '$1 raD , -Il elson, . ~rney,1l - D m ' . , " , Lllw. t o MI~ :~uoy J . Atkinson. , rug~ .st. ( • _ . Wm , ,Jill. ~Dd M~riah B1gge to BBn- b')th of Lebanon Ohio: R ev. G. E . --~ryand· Alvina ·. Dtleve,: 2: traotll of Gowdy. '. . . THE 'SPANISH F~A.O land partly in Cl erwpDt and ' War- . 1.0 '" tl Leath . h k " f ... . ---r AD QOunties '2000 . ra po UII n ' , e oema ar 0 ' .., " , ,,' ,. ' - , W ~ 8hlllg ~O U Ct "B,., Ohio. t o Mila '.rhe red o'ud yellow ,oftb ~ SpBDisb ~~==~=:==~==::==:=~::::=:=! .E tbel P tll\rl Wolf~, .ofnear Leb llnon, flll g Ie a,a id to be derl~ea .from Oh~o. Rev. LII.Verne Ta.ylor. " oco oreD ce : 10, 1.378 ' t.'htlr.les , . Beriry: W, SuemeDing. dry gOOdA' Bold dipped, ~ls . flDgerS iD the blood merob!,ut-to Ur.!. Jull,a G reatbonse, of Geoffrey, oount of' B~r ,eloDa, an:~ " 1}oth 'of Le1la.Ilop Ohio. ' . ~rew tbe~ down . Q,D tb~ ~01'U~ t' ., ' " " ' gorden 8blel~ ·1il toke~: of biB opprfl. 1\ ----,.-::'--40.....__ '. ' ! olation of lh'e'latter' s braveI'Y.~ '-,~Ii , , shield. (10 . ~ ~rJted. .,be·came . the ,rn;lephone ciIly 'o'r Jilgbt. . tLrmll of BlU'cell)DP', whlcb became - , ' Valley pbone N o,' ~. ~ng wne ' aDl;loyed. f ,r · o-ver .. y~~r pllrt of Aragoti" 'aod "!' arms werl' t>ta\aDoe No. 611-21'. by attao~ of aoute. lu~~geetion, ,fo), s&ke:l by 't bll.t 'k,l ngdom. . .-;: .. • , lowed by oon8tt~~ion. , writes Mrs. . . __ '. • _ _~ , A,,6omoblle' ·Servlce 'at all '''mes ,Ill. J. Gallagher. aen~v8, N. ;Y :Ohambeilain'. Colic ' Cholera-and '"' I, ~'I ~rled evaryt~IDg .~hat lV~l'eooll'l. ,. ' _~ ,. ' '_ ---:--r--.:.. . meoded to 1Jl~ fpr' ~A , ooblP~A1nt Diarrh~ Re~y WAYNSSYILLE. • _OHIO bat nothina dId me muo" good-naM1 \" "1 advilled the ' bl'lysl .,ben ~ . 8:bo~t,. foul\ plootlis ago I t!B\V llham - 'enlisted f or th.fI ~paui8h ~fU' SO ~randl H~ney.~urg. O. berlaiu'a Tablet~ advertlsed Ilnd..pro_ Uli~m OlirlplJ)·1.O Co 11o, tl?bo.!era • . .oa~6d' .a bott~e of. , &be~ . Jr~~ ':o~r Jjhl.TrIlS~/JI.:n~med,)1 ~tli ,tmlm, • " drugg~f.. I IIOOD, I's.. Uztld ~'ha t. l,had bll!ve re.3e'v.8d IlDIl11Y ,UlaDk.. for .~~'t~~I6hl~I~~IK~p.;~II-O~:'!:-..;.--.-J~ HATHAWA'l: gotten 'be rlgbt tbing for they a(lvio" /llveo," wrltilll J. BOla",·, . • •• ' belped me at" onoe.. Since ta)d'n g I nd, Ell,'\,on, Iowa. "No two bottl811 of thelD I GAD··eat heatt- whether ."ovellag 01' at bome·lllu·oUliU ~a.t.e.dUe'. lA~ DeDit.. fly withoat allY bad ·effeota. h Sold, be wUbontlbillg~t reqledy.''' .. ~a.I'" 0iIaI ~ at.... _ Ilatn fit by all dealer.. . .sale by ~U dealere. . • •






Ordi"nance' No• 7 7





Men's Fall Suits IWomen's Suits .a t. $9.'95 , Yoo~ atuI1B$l~~b~P?ak


.-- .



~1IIiW"""'" The . 'LOuis. Traller_C,...;, Dayton, Ohio.





.ne . .,.


't. .






.Walter. McClure

. ,," pune~~l 'oi~ector '






I'ulltlllltett WlM!kly ~t tlte ClIIlIC,Uu Oft"", III tbe Allon "WI,II,",. &IAlll !I~" WO)'OllflvIlIO. \llll,). ___~ ~__



Rate. of Subscription, Une Year (alrfdly In aI,Ivance) •• , • • , •. 101.00 t:ll"I(IeCOI.)' .. .• ;, ••••.••••• ~ ••.••••• 0:1

In Ratell of Advertising - - - - - - - - - - - - -- RcJa.dlnK ·W·alli. per 1100. , •• , .•• •.••.• ••

...- - - - - - - - - - - - - -..


Caesa(s Creek



e-·-1--,-,-·------e Harveysbu!'l'o


W, H, Madden &Co;


Rev. A. E. Wi.YDes. Mr. II'nd Mrtl. 'wrlltbt, of vllls preaohed a' 'bla pIa Sanday., call~d on Mu. Wright'. UJlLllHllloo AdL I\IJ\ to ,,~fivo III1Ilf1 and Mrs. W. . I1son and mother. Mrll. Mildred E'lgJe, "tu. r,-"I'lo - IIc;herLI 'Pit""" lu ·t},."rou" . . •. ', •..•.. \ . , f~ daDgbkJr, Mi8! Olive llpent Sunday day li.fternoon , O•L• Crane ,t:M r an.d MI! na&er. , DI play Ing per web ......... . _ ,.- . _ . Dlacouo\41 il.~11,11 OD coot~ wUb..~...!iDxbllok arid tamll f C" C, OJ vel' r)f UlnrluJvllle, WtJrntng(o/l. called 010 frll1nds hera '!:Iunday. , 'SEPTEMBER 16, 1914. Mr. E,. B, Da.kiu )V/:Lt! quite vuorly Jeeae Ba.nM.e ale Wall weil a,*end~ ell \aat ThondaY. 8everal days lallt week au1forlng .,", • Mr. aM Mre. ' I. S Leamlng, Mr. f1'6m boUe. TtlE bEAUTIFUL MIAMr '. ' 'flow's Thlli? and Mra. Ralph l.eaming lLud daogh. Mr. Kennody our blaoksUlitil shod . \ W'e ~lfer On6 Bu~drel1 ,PolJarll 'er J!l'dUft, llpe~· Suoday wttb Mrs. R08sel1 J . Murray 's finedrnfthorse W" ,,"arUly eull')r/!e the' 'fol~()w l Re".ind 'tor any ca.eor O"tarrb tb.' Powerll, of P~lbt;(rtl.vl)le. . last week. He win be on exhlllltiuD TheY, P. 8. meQttng WIlS held at at tho Worrall Oonnty Fttir .Mr. iou,.ltrUtlil'. Gllkf'II t IUIIl the Xon,lIo cannot·be ollred by Ball's Catarrh U z~ ttt\ .\l1 rl~oent d .. tl·, tlnd It ,ougbt · . tbe howe of AmotfCompton . 'fl1uri. Murray Is a noted horRAwllo In "J ,reoehe the lIulI",urt of ",verl !· F. J. CHEN (£V & CO ....roledo. O. day ·evening. oll1ss aud wlll add to hiM stables aD · la~t1.lIwnpr !llong tblll iJoao&Ul11 We, l1.e undersigned, have kn.owri F . .J. Mr. . anli Mrs. Chaunoey BUDoell, other draft hor~1j .118 soon as he ee· ,.,. IItl'eum I Any luvllr or natore will Cheney for the. IllsL Hi years tlnd believe Mr. and Mrs Charles Bo.rner aod loots ono '6 suIt. be well . repllid lly . an lifterooon him pedeclly honorable in all bUsinesS Misa Monlmill. Bnnnell attended .the N. B. Thorp,l:;tllte Agent of the tramp al"ilg the bllnkf! fir I·he Lit ll'llus:lctioll8 ond financially able to carry Protective and Deteo"va Auooi.,... Oasoali&,Y Compnny or Amerioa aod .• .....,.. _.ft .• ....,.ft.ft ...... tIe MIawi RIver during the lrllll oul uny obliga tions made by his 'firm, 'lon'8 Plonlo held io BOllII'll 'II wood., loollted'l.n Columbus WIlS the guest montb" whioh at bllnd . Go NA'l' I(,)NAL nAN K OF COMMI;RC(£, W 1 of F . . Willson Wedoesday and wilile wen prelJllre~ ror tt, with R P Ilr ot ffull'l\Caliurh Cure is taken ~~~e;:;:;II~; De:.~le ;;:::· ~'II!:~d::::8. Dall3Y bere 'ran~aoted husiD6I:'I!, rubber bootl, aDd old · clothes, for acting directly upon t he blood nnd mu· · Baillett lind ' two daugblerA. Sara Dr. J . G. ~ltIoy I!! absent from the oo~ntry you will pallll through CliOUS surfaces of .the system. Testimo· II.Dd BeleD were in Spriugfield Fri, our olty on business aod will return .ie .out. rllr removed from a II .. ttl of nials sent free. Price 76 cents per boule. d . . . natore. :wlt.h boga and weed". But Sold by ull Drug\lists. ; 11., M see JellRe We are glad t;o by tbe first of the week. . We have just received a carload of good dun't mind 'haRe ~hlogs. '(hey Ilre Tnk Hatl·s Pamill Pills fOf constipation. be'll'that; he Is mooh Improved, and , Mra. Jl!\oklo D, JODe'!!, dauglJter pllrt of the game.. . .. II gatDlng. aud two aOD., of Madlsonv\11e, were Locust F~nce Posts, Suoh 'a trip, . dlsolosing &alt will Luolan WUIOD'S h1tve , porohaaed gueata of the Central Hotel BOHdIlY· the matobleu nataral bellutyot the .. new ololled bagRY . rbe -elDtertainmeDt given at the IItreaID ~nd Ita lurrooodiDgB. wHJ DISEASE AMONG HOGS Mr. Rnd Mra. Lea&er,cl)mptou and Zion Balltist ohor Jh I:!atnrday nigbh auggee' tp au)' ODe the need of aYIl Ilttle41augbter, Mildred. or Alpb .. was weU patronized and net*ed the ·tematlo caret,tI~lnR, aooh as .t he Diseal!ea oa0800 the 8wlne breed · were goellte of Boraoo Oompton ohuroh a fair amouot. ' State .01' the Nattooal Governmeot era of 01110 &q lORe 294,700 hoga, val. and familylaet Ba.tarday eveolng. . A L . King . who blls beeD very ............-"'-.............."'-"'..""'-"'."'-.................~".-""""'.-"'.-------., -. woold beeww. · ,'e bave bereklfore oar! at: $3,3:10,000· .l u' year, aooord. Tbe Compton and MUls R:euOiOD lJocce!lsflll'at the varloull fllirs where lugge8&ed 10 theae oolamus tbe ad· log to a report which hall JOI' been was held at Ollelara Oreek oboroh be bOM 6":hihitad bis floe hareee wm ylll&blllty 01 ge"ing'hle stream bed III,ued by Lhe Departmeot of Agrl. grJoodll Jut 8atorday; Ie was attend tlla L8b~n()n F',dr tbis week Into /,i~t~ Olr NatloDal l"Inl1ll, io 'or ooltore. . largely atwnded. wboro no doubt · he will oome out at. t·• may be bette r t Iik eu car e Tbll ill ti.n IIvera"a e deatb rate of ... . . d er tb .. Mr. Lutber G. Hainee alarted to . vuDner or, It a'MIml the more oe<ie8lll\ry !l5 Per 1,000 bead. Uarlug 1913 tbe Wllmtnj;ttoo oolle","e thla.. year. Be Mr. bnd Mrs. W. W. Weloh left . r.tto wae·86 per 1.000 head and a to, reports he t8 Ilklng It fino. from ...... ....... ·oda' - ; ,.. ., l'uAsday f PT I!everal days visit 10 I , . The a ·d v·D·a ...... whtoh woald IlC tal of 211',800 head was 101lt. The Ohee&er Umbell .and Jama. Eave", oroe frol,U St ..te or GoverJllDent latest eeallD8 reportll, wbloh are ... Indi!t.orrll. • own.rlblp of . 'h" IItrelim may be dsted January 1. UH4,. • bow of Dear -len Ill, 04l1ed on Garfield Mrs. Cor" B. Cleaver, ot ("'lllrks. tbere are 3,46'1,000 head or hORB In PeterlOD 8 Hooday. ,. ' vlllo', SpeDt !leveral daYI wttn her a..sec all follow. : 18$. OouaervatioD aU be Dataral Ohio aDd' they Ilre vllloed oaf. . n Is a very bllaT time ' for the ilister. M:ra , Frank .L, 1:Iarrls. beaoty of 'be IItreAID and It. 8ur. '8'.177,000 or ttl 80 per head. men now uallo fi1l1Dg 18 In pro~. The Atid aooiety. guP a .tea 'fhure. rouudiDKe. . . _ _,. The ,farmera of the entire Na. Walter 8\8.01ey bad tbe mI8'or. day at ~lJie home ot Mr. anj Mrs. ~,Ild. A people'l OIlmplDg ground &Ion luI year .108' 1,00',800 bead fune k) get hil ·hand hur' one dav Jr. L. Hi,rr. efreahmente were .. nd pllUl8 0' reerootlQn, avaUatile to or hags from diaea88. Their total la8' week 10 AD InlUage outwr. He Rerved allld a pleasant time ROO 1m. ev.rybody, yalae W&ll 176'.000,000 and the deatob ie gettingaJoogall right. . panted j;be reftOllhment.1I A vote Brd. 'I'be .. VIDg of a water lOp- ra\e 119 per 1,000 Several from here attended 'be . was ttlaen that; Mrs, Barris Ihor. pi, for Xenia, /\Vallable In oue tbe • -. Chrlattan Eodenor l:!unday (woniog ooghly ondllrtlkDda how to let t.he cit) abootd inortlll88 io' populatioo Chamberlain's Liniment Rev. A , E. Wooten, _ of Wayn88. son8hine In. 'Qftlotautly to make neoeIlfary addt. ' . ville. Kave 'bea4dreee. . Mr aDd Mrs WilJlllql Bobbitt of 1--:"!":"------.;.,;,-----~---------..;....4_;....;~ tiona \0 ' the .apply al ....ely avail. If .VOO .. re ever " roabled with Heory Crew le IItlll improving. WilmIngton, trallfiactet! bo@ln~ss • - • '\ b ere Sat ontay. -> . llob.e8, plI,lml, or aoreDe" of the' mo '. a b 'Ie. .' . " tb. By dntniug ,tba . boil. tbe 0188 yon w,lI Appr~tata tbe good Po-Do-l AX B,u'ilhes Pimples A oth~ I e It l br6edtngplaoelloUI,emMq(ltto, one qUl\ntI8l0fC~amberl.lo'IILlntmen' . ~....,. , .n Ir : poo e . c tzen () our .... f b f II I r d MalaY 8Utr8l'81'1 from Bad Hlood Pimplljll Headaohes ' tQ.w n, btl!1 gonhe where sorrow Is no t I ~!!!!!!!!}'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!~ ·u , .llrBll~to .. Ol"'r erll q I. a,d lolat.loa bave 1l88d . with tbe 8lUo~oeaa. ,To.,pfd LIver, ~;~upa· Itno;wn .' All' a Oal'~jM R'Td wh{)1' 1Ie~:b.~t'lL'::;l oa:bi: . ~'~t'!v best r.esoUe. It .. 8llpeola'lly villu. tiOD. &to" oome from Indlgu!tioD. bad It,,~ here 1111 bls llfa\ ' oool~ be lot on& ,by fhe saa&e.a paa .ble for lumbago "DI\ lame 'baoll. Take J?o Dn..l'!IIx. tbti pleall&'nt and We belng,par' of W~rJ'eo . 001:rnt" '1 tUfe ground for 0_'I1e andabeep For .. III by all d6111e1'l. ' abeolu&8ly lore u.lraUve, aod you abow OIU ~ppz;eclatiou by attending ID ttll prellfll\& ' oondit.ion ·it ' 11 not woniaoft'er from a dannled Storn. ,tl1e, fall' 'this w~ek . alieUable fo~ ,his purpose to Mny REVIS.EI? 8A~E8~.Lt ~ULES aoh or otber troubles. U wUl tone '. Tbe Roree RaDgers ' Plontctat srea\,ei'l!nt,. , . . ap ,he Llver ·aud ·purtfy · the bloOd \hynesville on Labor Day wall The «..·me .. b' gina with . '~e 8nm ' (188" r6gt.luly an~ yon ,wlU .lay well'llttended from thl1 Vicinity . 6.h. By O<ITerol1, I,lantln~ and ·tMklDIC cue ot tr,,811 tbe laud woold mon. of a oou,t; ';Uendant: "Oye., we~I, bave ol8lLr complexion and Mr. alld Mra, Iva aartlJOOk, ~f tDor..a. tn Villue "l.eadtly for· the O)'I1Z, oyes, come iolo ooort .. e&olldy ne~ve,e . . Get a GOo boUle to. Dayton, llpant , part of last week ''''.llOt. l~MPQlc1 built. ...TAA~ ,p'oald ,, 'Upon .. &be ,anDOUnoemeilt; of 'be day. Mooey baok if no' satlso80. y.lth .rell'tivel io ~ble vloinity, . be.lJJIlOb · ftr.ew~ ' gathored oQ' of ·bauial order tb.e owner 'of tbe ' op. All DraIl18'-•• _.. ';001' 8<'boo~8ta~ted September , ,b" ~'r.,aID and fro. .. tiu."Dks w~tob pOllina. team laJenLUled 'oa~ pre. N' B I' with the same. iOltrllotor8 flf . , e~~, ington laet term. A ' soodly ~ttendllnoe' · tloaldb8. otlUIOd 1»1 poor P,BOple 'at emptory . OMUen,et. ~ew .,.nele .' wiuter 'oel. . • lu.a~ be ~lrawo trom &lme &n time, , '. 81lOwed iihe ttattsfaotloo ' or 'he PAt. 1~b, 'l'b.e st.ream· t»ulil be kept 10 ihe bette" of 'o ne 81de ond MIIW'I08 Reevee, of ' RiobmoDd, rODI'. " .. . ro~ .~!llbtn~ it.. "ok.a and over ' ,,'tmp ,s8tole tahU tbe dellveryof Ip.nt; la.t weelqr.ltl1H1imv1ir1JeJr. Mr. La'v ' Jija80p lalltill beantir:,. fl~wthfr D81sbborlDg land, .Dd flooda" pllob.r on the opposing t.eam tbe B. N. Lema, bu. been. oonfined Ing his -:lllaoe wi(;h paint. . could 'be k) .. very lArge extent pr~ offendiDg pttobpr m~ be · removed to hll home for eavenl weeks w1&b Oar st.reet OQmlUi8Sloner Is aurely vld.e d apIDII,t;. • . .. by a wrj~'of habeas oorpD8: llver.t;roQ '>1&. m~king .. great change In oar atree*1 The Amenean· tl j I '~ " - : 8~b : ' Po.n lone 01 'hell,re.~ oould' All parti8l" .,.~"ci~Cjog in any . A. B.' Rarlau and80n, Wllll&m which wu. very essoDtill1. ' R.egWar price".......... ... . '1.00 be uaed for water power P1l.r po88l, pOle are en&Uled at any : mom(!!n' weft D .. , D iail 8 Wed eed&" . The Miami qudte . and a oon.l::JetM;tle rev:,oue ~etiv~ W aeonre wrlta of IDju ;~\onl' a" ~ V . 01'_ D.T. Mrs. Kyl~ 'a nd d~oghter, 'ot New. h; PlR.e~ 'price ..... ~ . . . . . , . •1.00 AJ~ether ) '. mlgbli be poaaible agaiDst . ..n otber pa*88 10 aaid . Born·to Mr. a!;ld IIrs. F. D. Lesh. port, Ky., wbo h~ve been the guetJes' for 'b~ ij~~ 01' t.ha Nal;\o,u al .aov •. ,pole . . ' er,.8ep&em be r 16tb. a 1100. f at ,:\1ra. S~r~b Qarlt&D and MrlJ. For:both:~' .... · ern ...eot k) malle,tbe IItrell'l' pay i.., Umplree ehall proville themeelvel ' Rey. B. KilUncJer ' le aUendJng Lydia Barvey tor lIe~eral weete rl,)· · way trom tbe IIe,,""J. 80uro88 with vQh'imee Blockstone &0 eel. If. E. COlaf,re:'l08. · : torned~? tbelr liome ~aturdav. . reyenaa IDdSo&ted w)ltle servlnK tIe C1tllJl1ted pointe .' '. . ~. O. Blair 'led for eecou4 place ' I. N. MUleI' spent Beveral, daya amagnl8o!mt porpoee a. a pleasure Three 8&rlll811 rflii~e & lMllae aoto . 10 tbe G. A:. B. ~, . DaytoD 1&8$ l8oe~tly ' with bls Ion Oarl. or 001 , , Braund ID ,Moally .-New Yorlr. Ev8nlnlll~ : weelt. ." ' , . umbD8. . " Wf/I hope to \l84 r of a movem~" • _ ". • Tile re~.loD of' fqrmer pupil. of . Ba8eball is being played . here on ~--~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~nlllb 'bl. ma~ter at tl\e DB1" meet. Rhe ,'1Im P I S ",-.t' Buok BUD 8Obool wall' no' well a$ SobdaYII. Thill time It wlla the "!!!.rtDa o. tha ~tate !~'lato,e ' nil ( . uml a D. \t~..- I 'MDcltd lu' SaturdAy owlnR to " he alutls '9", ~lhDlngtoDs t.he ve!'dlct The tir.t applloatloll ,of Sloan'l ColOI weatller. was io faver o~ tbe hcw ~ bOYII. .. , . a .ma'~,,' of f8peolaJly great hopor'anoetofhe,peopleofGree!l~Coun.." ulotmel,ltgoeertsll' w ~be fpll~rul ' , '. .... , Peoplel!orebeattDg thllir h9al!e.~ but all 9' ~e PeQpte in · tiO'o~bW88t- 'part-l$ pen·e·n. ..wilhon' rabbtllg . DIarrhoea .Quickly Cured .' a8 tD cold weather 'c ommenoing 80 ' Il aaul J ?..,,,~ , 8m ~blo a,te allo to be tJ,ne~ted. -It atoP!' .tbe R.,-~qmatlJm P.1n- · "U '~t't.eottoo ;"'18 0; ~ . called to earl¥" w.e, will,.. bave .. long wluter. . . c; " " , 1_..- '. ~ .Bl OUM 'ha . joJnu and gI~88 .r ellef Ob ~ 1 i " . &11 . lora.!....·· ~ro t~ Mr. and Mrs. TI A. 611. !!!~~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!'!!~!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~!!!!!! I '. . 'T. • • .a nd ooDilor' Doll't.eder? Ge~ am r a OJI 0, 0 :" am'll 8010. ' . . . , ~ ; . 'ADVERTl!iI~a ,fA'RM P.ROPUCB a boUle *04,1Y I ,b · II .a. falOlIy ,I,).arrho~ Re~e.l;y lUI ."'UO~ . M Mi. aU,d· Mrs. Welby Oar tel' , . .., ,' . . ' , medlolne fOrAH paiDe; burta, brull88, twelve y~a~. ago. .A' 'hat; time ~be gOe8lt11. 8auday of Mr. and Mr•. A WillCODllfn , farmer .JM!D' $t.51) ~u~. iore ' throat.' -ri.e oralgla alid Iwae aert01l8I~ III "Ub aumme~oom Dalaney Carter,' at near New Bur. for 100 printed' peete.rdll. De a~ OhM' palo, . Prev~n," ·Infeotioo. plaint. ODe doee of" thts rem~y IIDglOn. . . , abeM oarda &oadver"I.8'he fllOUhll~ 'IIr, (,,"blta. Q" Wentworth, Oali o~aoked the trOUble, wrl&ee Mrl!. Ed ·. ,e P. CaR haa accepted a pO'• .be olrered 88fld ' OO1'n fo1' sale . Aa ·rorni., writ-ell :-1& d,d wooders for C. W. P'lQren08, ~~ftel~, lad. SItIOD with the A. T : 140ler grocery " ~oU of till ••,mple and . ln~xpaD my Rhf.'lum.&bm; ; PaID. li ,one ~ For ...Je by aU ~~e:-. . aD~ m~' I~or~. Ur. M91er ill t.l be ..t •• m.tbo'tl· of!lldv~rtl.log· he ·.l!old 800n la blpply I reoomtrieoCl It . . . oongratal.Ced iO lIecnr1~g .be aer. taQ() wOlltb of Hell .t~hlo II 1~l\. to my frieDde as 'be b ..., · Ltu_ment .M~~ H911)" :.' v.ioee "of Mr. Oarr.. He· aocceeded 'A rorldalde' bal1l1'tn 'llQard on which I eve~ ' Ol!ed" baaraot8ed' j 2lio a1- . , ,; 64,., .Jq11 Re'allon . wbo had resigned be '.t!lEed Do~toM .. ludtO!iUVII 'of the YOllr Orpggla.. ·. '.,' , ., " . . Ut. BI;\~. KDtltl aDd Bon were Slao. hie ~~oe" fodlo~pthlnlf :mor~ loor,,: Jara,prodor, 'wl'!ioh .. be had ·to,.t!ll · ... " . - • . •, ' da, lue,ta.ofG.IQrlo ··)larld', "v~. . \ . . , , ~liu"t,UIDe'ot.i tn Jn~t.ea.tng an , " UNCLE DEBT 14'r,_ Robert . Ij,reeD , aod family "Mr .•u~d,. Mr8. 4,1 BranSI of .Lebo.. ' ' . '. ' were 8t.t;urda, floll8uo~t KU8IIteof non, PIfII16d ,tlJrollgh {.oor olty Soo. ·llIlnoia tllrm6J 's·bllnk 800 uot .t,ool), ~ .t~plt'-·'a'd· ('rnn 'n;..,ver.1 tD.n(Jl" . T I ' • I Mr.,Morgan >· .:_ ' . ," day: : . :.1 ' .' ' '. ;. 'ota ol,y ·. no,,"@p,,·peteu.);!leda 'MiI 1 ci:'\\t~ ~:l)'.t · ::~~l of :r,e. -Tom Dtll . apen' Sooclay : ~nd Mr",. BOWard ~t$hllm . ',i. .,a.~~ faimJlr. td lay &b" , f~o~d.II'lon Willi 'tU3UGG 163 66 :ooOr.dI~1 &0 i Adam PeDne~IU .; ancHain~ly_ ilpeo~ Hobday wl~ Ur. , ' tor a po~Ury ~..,l.n.':· tb.t ~~1 .1 . llta~m~nl"*' ....~ed 'by, 'be 880 . AlT....Ver~?!' 80 gh spent; . Bunday Graham'! pareota. ' Mr, aod Mre~ tG,~ p,mlt a ;reat." , reaar:r "o" \ 'he tredu..,. Apb18t ~'h Mr. and ~n. £award Soalh. Da'Vi1 Gnham. · . 'r,,') 1~ Pay- to adver'lse, M,r . ~rDfer. , tht. va.t obit '&Ion the ~ur baa Mr. a'ici Mre. W; II. dn,ddoolt ~. aDd Mr., A. ~ OolleU 'aqd ~ppreotate,,, "j)tlr : oppor~~D"1'- f(lr. a.all.ble It,m tot;3&7 .18, •••'vtol wete~QDday vlll~n of Diolr. W~Ir. daUP;~\eUI!8D' l5aDday wUb'1,leir r, . prllOl~lu:dul: ~ar". ~(oro '~e po.b. a De' pabUo debt. uaolUlilDIr ' w ' l.y. '.,".," par~ma, . . . ," . Shop Next to Sherw~od·. Mal~ at , Uo~t;lIroQtib" "e IMdlam iO~ 'be dllll' ,1 OD\.46G .06.39 . I', . • Skat Jaolt80D" Tom, EmerelD aDd Mr:-Cljde La.vloy aud family: were . or'wfl6_ 1y pr~.. , tl;1tt .btl bOard. ·; to&i.1 of 'aaeh a• •. tn IMler. Dill · .~fe ,be ' e~ow at 'he." ~8J8'" .8aD~ay .of Mr. ~Dd Mra . , . ~~, Olroul.r 11~eJl, '~, ~t . the 'r.ean,,. '. mobn.. Ib,•• 911 369 Ne~ 8arUngt;on s.turday. ·· olgh'. In . A. B[ar~ook. ,o f j 011"00 ' , I~....;";';--,;",-~~"';;:,:",--...,..';;";'~:,:,,-,;,;,,--~~,,;;,...-~-:-z p b I l r bor,::ro.: Wl~~p,!,'A,a~.~;;, 1110 03 and t!:te ne' "'lab~ ~ ''-;1' l'~~ ." Mr. Tom tUn .. ,aetid84 'be DII1\Q~ • More.~ l>1" lesc1 'baa 60 pi aple· (rom I '!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!'!~!!!!!!T~ a~D , . _0 " ,. II ~ ' b 0" lim'tee .."'" ;"l~ Qtr, tQday. " air. '.. " '1' : ' ' "J ' ·dUfer6n.{ .~o'IoQa of Oht!) Ka'h8~e4 J! '~l', et m•.r e...., ~f, , ~Ii $171·,500,400."'. . ' . Mr. 0..... B Luo.. anll 8!108 "6U1\e bome of Bitlley,"Davle ( , 8r·..r," tI, ~:r~~ ~ ~ ~tt;l .·~ ' I ~ - • ".' ' j ' , : , ' wera Suoday gue til of 11'1'& , :Amoe ~Uhe ~oothel'8Uorner 'o f Main. a,n d &0 llllal... D ·.~ a in.. nR ,.. ,,'" J k to' . . , ,. , Maple .,ree", unexpected to him. oOat.'ntDI ~bft n'lm.. ".njJ a4dr88l8 &; ' , D~? BlII~ , Coa .. t~.ecI? . a~ 800." , .. " . SODday. september 13th" , Mr.. Dav Ol~t'bI~P.UNb'~~I'-WhO~ ~de tn 0,1'. Jttn' Nil tAr Pili " til Frank Pf'1?08 ~'te~ded:'be Dayt;ob' t.. baa ~aay friends ID(lde 'bY' 'bia !~lal. ',101,,1&,. 'bit! C. \l,' . ~ure' oa :.~ a':'beal:' ; W '( r .. \". '. ~. . .' klnc\' Wa~ aod affable ,cUapomtionl ~.ta'bI 'b~ Bam• •o~ df'Nl!_ ahe ~"d' ald. "oar ~ch ' n -i r. ~t1 ,AI aoUap4 'b".. bou,b, 'be' Be ....1if.ed tn~put"IlS the gray back. of poea1w:le r.qroh;.:rrt :-~I\'c}~11~. Bowele ' of .ute . and ~nUD ' " ..mee 's0id'li l~O~ pl~. , . to flip' d qrlull tbe "ar oH8St, ,.ad yt ~~, ba , "f b~ · !!J ~"PIJ." The"y -are Ii ~Io \0 IIr. Obarlll8. 0ill, of Xent .. wu 1n h~·" pl.....n& reoOlI90tt~oa Qr ~lIIl1d 11ft t • ' .• 8 .. 0 ' 1"'~li ""our Mtum.ah "DCl r~.u alld &out .11$. BoU,. 'rld.y. . hle jOllrlley• . lIr. Davia 18 'he old' ~,:::!,!;.... ~. 7,~~~~a I:'':~;'I~' tb~ pDe~t ay..... . ,.'" d.,. wuj ·iI"r.. J ..~• .Ko~. oBprJog :Valley. ea' ~rO(,.rv.PI&n bo'h io age ~d hal," .!il";i.d '~bd P 108 he Wllttk!. ('IU~ ,ua . nf lb., deprBllelt. dll!S1. ·wa. a '11.88t at Gaorp lIarlla"'. bD8l.U_J~t~farl YliBlagbe aOOI uh Ii D •;; B 0. t " (j)ft' 'bUtou _d MDlatpatecl OODdlfiOlt BaDda;r . . ," ftrJ: .8Cl_ ~ , e.. am 'for 'L.:...(Je~l'Ie ,. ' or, D • 'I ltD 1110 aIlPral,I_ ' ". . • Mr.:nd Ike ~rp KD._ .a4 bla !!Iori"io.taw, d~ogb&er' aad Ill"" ~' ~ _';'rti '3nD4AJ' t1~aa ot ,Geo~ae 11l~....'1nll IJra.Dd~~B of wbom .h~ , ..... • Marlftt . . . la 'V.ry l)iooll, . • ~ .opth.. t Dall" I , • Up . _ ••~..-'-,..Wa,ne.vlll!'•.Ohl!J .botItei forIQ of oPtlmltID te U- ..... 110 at 1.- ....... U tIietI' .... an4 Mre, oIOIua Hanb.r, of d Tho htl. UIat, th• ..,.. , . plaDt....... . . . DGtIalq .... ba aa"orl4,fOf"" Day_ an4 ...... .Jaolraon ,. n UI , I ...,. GPt.cI .1oDlL ~ up·tb ......... TJaat JII ~ .~ CIf aD ~1I:.u1Jll8r ..lt1i- MIt. Geoqe ....... thp1llhta are beBI~IJIII.1 VaIIq T . . . . . 4J-" De



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".t Thou,_


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ft.caNt O~to1lftl.


.lmma--Tou'" .. lIOor sort of • oIub member. 1 .,el')' aelllom leo 1011 arollDd at the c11l~"o.le. Tlmm.-Wh" I lel around once 01' ~wJce a week. 8lmDJa-Well, look at m_J'm \lie,. every night. Tlmm"-Y8II. but you're married and rm elngle. .

Reason Insists Th-.t Infinite Pow· er Directs Man's Being and His Work. Wnerefore &fe we in thl. world' We did Dot come -by ollr own choice. We tia<t'n o hand or Bay In the matter --DO ,'alee a, to whetber w'e shoulll ''be or not. be, or wb"re we should b&here or else",·here. But 'l'"e are here. Can anyone believe thlit. we are In thlll \vorld by chance? It la Inconceivable that mnn, "SO (eartupy and wonderfully made," was brought luto exiatence wlthQut 0. purpOle. Tbere must be some great and Important work for blm to do. Something beyond ilUting and drlnknnd buying lind lIelllng nnd gettin, for the pbysloal nec silties of the unsQlJclted Ufe thrust upon UB. Why and for what purpose were we SOllt hore ? We did not como of ourselves. From wb lice came we and for wbat end ? This 81ulple Queatlon neoesijaTlly directs tbo mind to some· Infinite power that Is above and over all. Without sUQh a power we woullk not be bere at all . The mere fact of our beIng bore establlshea tile belief that tb ere 1;3 a supreme power by and tbrou gh which we "live and move and bave our being." Tbls power we call Cod. Wo are therefore GOd-sent , Into tbe world and must hnve u Ood·aent "'ark to accom pllah. One Important Thing In Life. Thl) Im portant t.blng In lire I. to know and do tbe worll given us to do. Tbls ia the probl em, and It would enr remain a problem It God'had not .:lIven ,n key for Its Bolutlon. Whnt Is our highest and IDOst yllal 'work here? "Working togetb r with God:' Aa In him "we live and move and have our being," so our only ef· Cectlve work can b-e done In unilon with his will and In accord ""Itb bil revealed plan an'd purpose. Ood la our commander. He hal a p1an "for the campaign of human lite. in that plan 18 a place and a work for everyone. Our work in lile 18 to fall Into Ood's plan, lIaten to and obey bl8 commltnda. We can work tOlether with God In the ordinary, commonplace duties and environments of life. Rellgiou.· work Is to lie done tn · connection with the' common dally living. Only a few a~e cil~led IQ do liome great work for Goli. aut Whether the 't~!S\t8 a'r e great pr seemingly unimportant, the complete complement or service I. :In doill. wbat God apPoints 'UI to do. Wbat he appoints be reveals to all wbo baye constant, faithful and .atrectlon~te thougbt of' him Bnd anxlelY to pl'eale him. Our rea work ID life wlll lie found when tho heart can II\Y to God


t '

LTHOUOH It I I. only three day.' ateamln. from tbe ' .merlcan coalt, Haltl - I, probably Ie.. known to Amerlcanl than Albania. Any • cbool leograpby will tell )'Ou that Haiti I. a mounlalnou. \lland Ittuatecl between Cuba and Porto Rico alld almoat within eIght of both, ",Ith an area at about 28,000 'Quare mllel and divided Into two unequal partl. 'rhe louthern two-third. of the Island com· 'priBe tbe re public of Santo Domingo. with a hlgbly mixed populatlon-the nel'ro element predomlnatlnc - of about 700,000, while the \,lorthel'Jl tblrd Is Haiti. wblch. despite It. .maller &fea. hal a population of mor. than 1,600,000. almolt entirely neira, 'Tbe SOCial distinctions In the populaUon. of the two republics are call.ed by the fa.ct that the Santo Dom\n&an. are Spanish by languale and whatever chl1lutlon they po .. ell, whlll tl:le Haitians derived their ' fundlllD Ide.., governmental forma. literature and language from France. . The Horrible Exsmpl4!. The 181ILDd of' Haiti- by which II melLDt the enUre Island-hal frequent,; Iy been beld up as ·the best example of bad government In 041' time• . Strtctlr Ipealtlng, thll I. true. But to blame it entirely upon .t he fact that tbe Haltlanl are black· men Ie learce· Iy falr, The responllblllty Is to be traced back to colollial daYI. Haiti " ' III colo1i'lr:ed with Alrl~n .Iavel by the French several hundred years ago, ' and the one Idea of the 'm asters of tbe waa to make aU they posllbly eould out o.t It, regardless of the But· ferlng they InfUcted upon their work·


Ijous and blood·lltalDed dlctatol'll, va· rled by tyrantl who proclaimed them· lelvel amp-rol'll and 8et UP fantaltlo noblllUea, wltb all the trapping. of Eu· ropean courtl. . Haltl ha4 nner r. alb known the wblte man'l dvlUza· Uon, It .mu.t be remembered. The IIlavlia wera kept tauorut br their masten, becauae it waa &J'IUed that in thl. condition they were le8B formldabJe; and the 'French 1I,lItem or alaver, In HalU has been deacribed al the mo.t brutal In the W'ltem hemll· pbere-- rar mol'S brutal, even, thall the Spanllh IYltem which obtalneel In the soutbern porUon of the 1.laod. This Is testlfled · to today by the dltrerenee In moral tone .tUl ,",rceptlble In the two racos, brought up IIde by .,de, and mostly of tbe lame Weat African • tock. Haltl today. bas a population prob· ably slightly In exce.1 of 2,000,000. It III beld by Bclentists to be tbe rtcbest IsllUld hI natural rellources snd ' fer· tIIlty of soli In tbe entire world, with the exception of Java: Tbe similarity ot the two Islands I, .triklng. Botb are tropIcal. both have much the ssme llhYlllcal formation. even the climates are not unllko. Java, with itl depend· ent Islands, however. has an area len than twice that of Haiti; but un·der Dutcll rule It Bupporta a population .of 31 ,000,000. wblch Is constantly Incrou· lug- and observers are not inclined to regard the Dutch "y.tem of colontal administration lUI an unwltlgated bloaBlng. " 80m. Monumental Archltectu .... The truth of thl.! matter II that the people of Java are mildly Industrioul, wbere tbe poople of HalU are 01 mOlt


Hay 'Off Land Mad. Rich WIth Pholphatee. (By W. R. OH. BIilRT.) 111.. the ~orm of 8uper.,bosllhate or 1)allc 'Tb very large number oC Queries I alag. ha,v e answered on thla subject show On oldj!r pnaturel it Is usua.lly pho .. that thero II a. widespread desire for Jlhnte thoy require more than anything IntormatloD among farmers 88 to bOw e16e. the y can most easily and cheaply ImA sure sign oC a dencilency ot pbos. pro"e their poor paetures. llhll.lea 18 the absence or· Inconaplcu· i always answer tbls qucsUon with ouencas of clover piants. On heav, pnrticular Interest; for, travollng about land where tho clover Is deficient In lUI I bave done, I bave seen thousands qua.ntlty 1\ dressing of from 600 to an,d thousands of acres of tbe mOllt 1,009 poundl oC basic sla~ a.ppll~d not miserable pastures 'In every part ot later tban tbe end of. February 18 us· the country. and I always hope ' that ually 8Ufltoltnt to ' ring about n my Querlst 18 on!! ot those wbose p9Qr marked Iml,rovement. pastures I bave seen, and t~t at laat On· light lands It Is Bdvlsabl!! to give he Is making an orrort to do sOlIlelhtng the phosphates I.n the forlD oC super· townrd their Improvement. phosphates. and to add 200 pounds ot 'Tbere IB nothing on a. 'Carm whloh kalnlt to supply potash, whloh Is Clan be so ess'Uy and ' cbeaply Improved orten dellolent In sandy aolls. alj n.pasture. An old soylng-has It that In cues, where both the clovers and anything tbat comea out of the tall the grasael make poor ,growth, n com· of B crart will Improve ,rnIlS; and al- plete manure should be given by add · thougb tbere is a great deal of truth Ing a 'dressing of (armyard, or In tbl8 remark, yet a little knowledge 100 pounds 01 nitrate oc. soda or Bul· of wbnt the pasture really reQuires phate of ~mmonla per acre, It must will help conBlderably toward lmprov: I be very dlstlnctly remembered, how· Inl~ It at a low cost. . ever. that ·I.f the Improyement trected Newly Bown dOWD groSBel nearly al· by these manuree Ie to be Permanent waye require the addition of nitrocen the field. must be grazed and not mown . to IItimulBte their growth, both nbove There Is another cla8a oC g~aS8 land an,d below ground. There Is Dot. the that orten requires Improvement. Tbill slightest doubt that tlle beat form In Is rather low Iyhie. BOur ground that whlob till. can be lIupplied Ie as a groW8 an abundance or coarse \ler~ dre.IIII1.: of ,f armyard manure, but .Ige. often containing a great deal. ot where thll II not 'a,v allable, It 18 IUIton· sorrel and hardbeads. Such land us· Isblns what can be done with 100 or uall, requlrel the addition of lime. al· 160 pounds ol)f nitrate of loda or. 100 though It mny al89 rellpoQd to boslc poilndll oC sulpbate of ammonia per "lag or other phosphoriC) manures. acre, provided the field is grazed and It certainly d081 not pay 10 maQure not mowed. land of thIs eort with fnrmyard ma.lit would be well~ however, when en: llIire unless It has bee~ well dre8lled cOlnliglng the (l'aB8 by meanll of nl· IIrst With lime or basiC elag. trate or spda Or sulphate ,of smmonla, In all otber casell thoro III 110 dO,!bt to make 8111e tllat i.hel'e III lin abUn, wl\atever tbat [armyo1'd tnanl!ft da1llce of mi'ne~1 mat er present In the most userul manure ror gra,s8. 611 ' thEI soil a nd to ndd at tbe SBme Ume ·peclally wb·eD . BupplemeJltcd w~t\l an a ,!mall dressing or pliol~hate. either occasional dre~slng of phoBllhnte.

101 S. Bootl St., ~atlon,lnd.~"FI"''' tll& eCl;ema ltarted .on my 1lDgers, then '.pread 'all over my handl. 1t brok& out In Uny blisters, then -woulil tret elry and crAck and swell so I could not < bave my bands In wlU'm water tbey . hurt' me 10' badly. 1, could not dD all m1 V{Qfk. The itching and bCrn~g were terrible. Tbe more l, scratcbe& my handl the worse It made them. They were eo bact 1 Ilould not help BCratchlng them and JVould walk ·the Iloor the1 annoyed me '0. I could nClt Ileep, 10 lit many nIghts of rest rio. aecount of the eoiema. . My h'ands were. Dot lit to be aeen and I kept lb,,1JI. wrapped up and wore· mittens tbtt 1 made out of old \Jnen, '.'1 'Was abont 'one year uelng remb 41ee, then I law an advertlsement In the paper laying that CuUcura Soa~ and Ointment were good. ' I ",rote at. once tor D.llample. Then ' I 'bQ\lgh~ on.. cake of CuUc~ Soap and I)no ' boX of CuUcura Ointment. Before the lee-ond box of C.Ucura Ointment was. ,ODe my handl were well nnd hav • remained well ever since. ' (Signed) Mrs. G. W. Sharp, Mar. 21, 19H. Cutlcura. Soap and Ointment Bol&...... tbrougbout. the world. Sample of each. free,wtth 82-p. Skin Book, Address IIOI!I~ car4 \'Cut1cura:, Dept. L, BOBton ........A4~.

In Time of Domeltlc Btre.., Knlcker-Wbat dOGS YOlOr wife de> when words fall her? Bocker-Sbe IS8uea e/llergllncy cur' reDCY· ReI! era. Ball Dlu_. mUllh better, IOeI> farther ~~. ,liquid ltlue.· .. Get (rom InT

A". man's. II.M usually ftnd h)m htl neighbors , find blm out.









Ma, ,





Help Letter.


, 8~an Creek, MIch.-"I eanQO~lp8Ik too blpl.J ot your. medicine. Wbea I througb begl.-et Of' overwork I get ~ ~ 1:11 110 wh qr~ )'Q U want mo to go;· aown ~ Md myappe.. I'll 8a)' what you want me 1-0 .a~; or . Sla~"d Lime tite Is poor IDCl 1 J'1l bo whllt you t rna to be. ' that,,Wft."',.bm_ an Efficient Cure .,... tir~ In that spirit ot consec.r ation we alWay. sometimes d'o faithful worll: when we Profitable Practice. for This Trouble. ~"""'~"K" I get a bo~ . do not know that ~e are dOing It, ~ -E. PInkeven when feeling that we are entirely (Oy PROF. 0 ; D. <:ARTER.) _ (~y w. G:li.uERT.)" ~'1I n"getabl. ·useless. ' Jmproved eoll, .improved aeed anel Complainta are common (ronl com. bu!'lJ?9ur , and It. DoIng God" Work. pla.l\ta and more thorouih c.uJUvatlon; paratlvely B~Jlll and . • constantly ": , e~~~,P~=' An age servant of God, on hla bed tfiE' appl1 catlon or 8clence to alrle~· cropped ~nrdena '~nn ent til poornesl I)'" S of protracted IUnen I18ld : "111m deep' tur'e an" Iclence Is alqlply organlsed of the produce. Even sucb a ' thLng 1111. r--agaIn. .........--I..t....t. :~i~: ' Iy dlstr~slle4 ILDd troubled, becau.e , I COUlmon lIenle. . a cabbage I. 80 taIDt·heaTte~ 1111 10 r~1I w~en. BUd I ' cannot spea~ toe. leem to be kept here after my worle 'rb'e Improvement ot seed alone Will away on _ky legs as no w~l\. b-ehA \,11d ollt. I take 'p I9a8ure in recom,;. Is done, to be a mere burden to othera. COIDe to llltle, for tne use of tlie ·molt cabbace .hould. • ''!IleDllHn. it to others,"-M.... 'AmrQli It grlevel me luupreulbly to live a'4Y Improved seed on lOll low In fertility All thle Ia very annoylng 10 tbose . R.F.D., . No. '1. Swan C.reek. longer than. I can feel niYlelf able \0 or In ,Poor pbYllcal condition' will lie who take Inllnlte palns with their gar· do Bometbln'g for Ood. Hli com maud 4lsappo,nUng, ' but ',001\ reldlu wUJ den,,' and 10 to ,lOlJle expense III gel· Iii to 'work while tbe day lutl,' ..nd I Come of planUnl Improved leed oil tlng reliable aeed, can work no lODger.; ( am a drolle and Improved loll. : . 'All tbls may occur. anll does OIlcur. n burden now," We . bave .faUe4 10 reQognlze that where ample, manure of tlie barn,yord So ~urmured the sufrerer. He , 41d among. corn pknta.and a~on, oat and la applied to keep the 'soll 1n tertlle not DOW that be wu thell doln. tile "heat "la.nUl Ulere II ju.t . a" marked condition. . uniformly shlttlesl. · The Dutcb hav.. ... " IJ "& klnd'of l oll lIlcklles~ gt"eatest work of his life, He hAd 1.0 IndlvJdualltY!LI ainoDS buill up an export tM!.de and have hi h h Id h ' .' . r'pmoted agnculture. Sc!i"ntlfla asri. s OU8e c a young man W a wa. animals. . whl~h ordinary manure calillol qver· ... • ,; 1 Wben we reco"..... l.e thla charactercom.e, but actually all,rBVate8. . .. culture In '! II pracUcally un· an Infidel. Thll YOlln& . 1llBIl, througb . lulTerer'l patience and · Ilde In plant. and ' lIeleet our .eed 0 ...... el Ifar ' Ie.., of this , wltneasing the' know·n. The "easant .cratches the . ...,. ,. ,'n Isrge. " meek nelS, .srenlty of Iplrtt and -'''''';'' I~IU1'un ' with tbe thollgbt ot vllar and , 'g atdeDi for the .. Imple rEason .thin niarveloul 8011 wltb a .Uck., dropl. hla lIk~ ' fearles8nell of death, wa. prolt1lcac1 at ""l8Ot In mind, we at,e the. ra ..rea &IY8I a mucb wider leed and let. It be until· hi. crop . . ... grown up. "Wby .,hould anythine Vinced of the re,.1I1.1 of the rellcloq ma:klDg, .. lniat advanCe toward la...... rallle and rotation of croP,lng. yet t ",.hleh '1lell".: . eTen bere comparlBOnl may ofte.n be b e done ·" r h e a8 k s, rD rep Iyo ' .before he bad delplled. 'f He turned weeping (rom tbe crave Let the .e1ectioD of Im-Il '-In of Ole Itranger's Inquiry . "U , anythlnl el'e ' ...... , for drawn ' 'between the produce , or that lulrerer to make preparation bett-r lleed lbe'-'n lth tbe " fannlnlr large areu and vegetablea under lIeld . was necessary God would do, It." In • ~.' 1 F . for the -work ot the 10lpel ,mlnistry. ...m,' It hal been pl'oyed thal both th" c!tilUvatlon to the d\IUnctadyantage the .Haltlan moun.t alnl rich -" •- . 'd He became lin earne.t, eloquent anll 7leUd and Quallt1 or ~In can thUB be of tbe laUer. ' . " , an d th e be. t ma hogany In t h e wor. powerful p' rtlaCher of ' tbe word, anel 'l ed . . TO. · If..... . t i n tl" t f ' Ite un worked for lack of 'ratlroads to nereal . :. ..e~e • ~•• w~a ~ y a an uq e, ~r haul the productl to tbe coast; a~4 hla croWDed IJr we will add to , thll the selecttoD frelbly,. slaked I labors h were _ A "-' I by the wn' .treebly . ., around or . ,. , lime .capital .teer. clear of the IllInd , t on ot und ...... uf IOU s. of ' l~ea' v 1 ';l-~dln" and 'vlgorolls' ,row· II an antidote Iftr thl.. ' In ' JlOOral be.. • ",I .. ,7 v " f t..\.e uncert alDty of' poII t ICI The InvaJld'l lut and ,reatelt 'Work In, plan'·, -- . we·,·.·nd them· In tile dre....... ·.- ..'. It will ' pro"fe .. quick a.nd cause 0 ' .. II .. 'wtll .far Dceed" 31, Julinl, tonic to the lick 8011', and not .and paymentl,. and the fact that the for his mallter wu' , done '- b after he fl.ell~, our ""eld #' hll ablllty to wor. ad ce..e4. 'o. r oatl 'an-d' ,' ''' 'u shel" .01" only '. bould fbi. admlnl*tered wben whl'..,11 a. •a race are under leclllsllve thought · . I"~ ' ., He' l!1oiigbt be ,v.. a drone and . a .. ' 1. tbe .tate aye".e ,penaltle8,-ln the Haitian lectlon. ..... for the .eprln,· opens, but. ae far as IIOsllble. S anto...,..,m n... I . an ·work at 25 ',,--. ', ' dresae4 thl'ou,h eron,o I. muoh more a4- burden and ,p alt dbln, .... , -. \ .... of cab"·we - - an"... all; yet, like >Sam_OD. Pl1l1l~I ' do~p .'A. third renuillte •.:. be-tter ... :1. more., _.Imllar t"Ing. dur.ln- '.." drY . . ·d. .. "y, an.4. nnced In t h•• .. t'espeeL . . ' , ~ III ... .nd Of. ,. . ' the piUan ot the temple In hll 'bl~d- tho•.;:....h ... :ttlvat1oD. In'cludlb"' better IqbU,' hoecilru ' . • , Anyone wbo II skepUcal of wbat the I 'I Whoe.D ,.lme"can Ite really .obtalned I"" tliele people call accompltlb .O<IDI<' I nen, he .lew more th ... 9f h h enem d I ell I 01 precratlon or' the seed b. eel, andb'ettor r. 1 e a R anD , 'e e'ln, .-. -eil al better arter culd· the beet "" . naltlon,' there .1I r .... , O, v'llt .tbe endunng arcbitectural mo", God 'In 'hls dea ""an '. • -" , ~...... Uy D '" all till lite. At the leallt · promllID, ,~UOD· . ' ' ' excllle,lfor .the' bad It, . te o . t thl ..... jj deunienta of thl 18land-the marveloua · ·.. "'!' ..... . plc'ftd fairy palace ot San• . Souel In tbe times, Bucb . u Ilckne.1 and BOrroW, .... and eve.Il If an e-....... .prie"'" ""u " noJ'thern hm. near Oape Haltlen, ILDd ~he' mOlt efrectt.... work .for truthan4 to· be ~d It Ia ~tlll ttle cheapest be.·rlghteoul.nel. II,· ofte~ dOlie. At, .all I . _', .ca1iae 1he ani,,' latlafaCtory 'thlu. for ' ,the tremendoul cl~del of ' La Fer. tlmeB the directIon of'tbe Ilfe', , " the .."'... ......e.' an ", d "'bate' ve 17' ma'; .. _ liere on the top or the mountain or III to be lett ID God', .h and.. . ordlJl&. m;nure, It ex":"d that nsme, 6.000 teet hlgh-tiotlr ot ' ' b [ ..--., "Woo l , . , •• together 1\'lth hlml' l. t e 01;11, way , . :' ' . ' . . on · lime ro , r -aueral ', I8&lOnl, "'ollid them the worll: or the black Klns nen· ~ ...... ... rl, lfho ruled Haiti from to make our wor~ lil ,life a.chlne, Itl • ' , I··.· ~' work. wOndel'll. • . 1811 ulIUI he committed 'SUicide In' great purpose and ohliSt end, which 18 Mixture of, Copper ,Sulphate aod' . Dootol'll duter o,er tbe value of ~819, 111 orde~ to ~"fiSrt a"~lllnatlon. "to glorlff God aDd ei/1l.l oy him ~ore~~r:' . Will Materl;aJly Ch~ck fre,bl), (nlund llin", ' aJ;lil tbe r~lrtUt; It 'ls true that thoulI"n.dl ot I19ea were . . '" . oof the ' llewl, ell\ked' article, the 'ultra paid, for, the..--'-~markahle bulldlnll, LIght of tlie World.• · , ' Dre~d ~II'UO PJOPerll4!8"' ,o,f, the , ~onner·- 'le; • t It I t tb t g ri' I The lIacrltlclng power In tha ChDfU'Il ' Ing by qtany considered an. a"~an ., tage, "us sa , " ~e a en I re go gives It red~mpttve ·power. Do 7bu • , WI b ha ' 1 .. li L. was on,e IQa( .chronicle .of bloodebed. not seo thAt t'hele .. tundamental lawl BUgb~ II a fungo)18 t . t . ' '_ ee" ut conl.ld~r tue Hut the Imacl~att"fe ·.cas.clty ' and , In- or the ldncll om of JJod nt th!! modem al.611 be dread.ed . . , It c:an. be COD' a4van tace II onl1 tempo1'l'O' as ~'Ith domltable wlll'PQwer of the black man Jiondltlol)tI .. cGfftipondlng to the Nu, trol~!eel bl apr.y"n, wltlt ~e lollowllla' expo.ure tQ 'Ui~ alr . t~e •~laklnl ,III . .who, l).a'c1 been' . , line aDd, w~9, ooul4 dam ental lawl of tlie loclal organllm. mix,t ure: Dlsso)ve Ilx .,ounClI of Coi" thor.o\lcllJl .n evlden'ee. . CODcelve and ' dl~t the ,buildIng , or ae n ,love to tile hand. III It not a per aulphl'te, ~n ' ltli .• allou Q! ·'Water. Wen b~e4. nme, D4It too lobe-holD, Rch Structlll'etl .tr:lk,e _9.n e tod,ay new revelation of tbe elh1nlty of llake flve pou~4' of; frelb Jlme ID ~n . tIIe. lIln. will be found to a~8wer all ey.ldenclle of all enormoua capacity lArd that the light Of' the Ilnt .... PUI)DI of water_and wbeil coo~ IIttalb ' pu"poee. In thll dlrectldb,' an~ ft can whlcb' might haye beeD put to. . .lila· tury Is the, U,bt of th,e tWlnU:tb tbrouCl1 a pnnl sack; put 80 ,allona be .laked In a ' b~el or lu heapa' la' ~Ie Ulell under )ietter au.plces. t th II ht f th I". of water Into', ,,,, baJ'n!1 and ,theo add It a COO\! .prinklla. ~Ul. w. . . . ~::I:.78tro!•. ' 0 e 1IV0r .. ,,- tIIe '~pper 8IId Ilm, . lOlutJoza., . Pour ~ "Dd' coverill• . wfth ,14 hckl "'or bOtlli 10 at tbe aame time and aUr IOlDttbln• •~, WbSD It lbolllCl be



men. 'rhey mllde It 1\ paradise of ere. 'lIe culture; a network of flne r~1 •lInked fp tbe 's~tely pla.ntatlon bO.Jl$8( 'l'lth each other; Port au Prince, the ca"ltal. W&8 on. e Of the mOlt im"oalng .. " oltlea of the Oarlbbean. well laid 'lut. IOlidly bunt. The output of the Island wal ' probably larger than It III today. But un d ernea th th e outward we II -b& lng and luxury was a terrible .fate of buman millery and degradatlon, The French revolution came, and the thunder·shock which .hook 80 many nuarters ,o f the world roulI.ed .. 0101'41 'ha' n eohoes In far-away HAitI. , 'rou"Sa1nt ' l'Overt.ure~ne of ...the D -randellt cbaractel'll' produced' by' ali1 .. centu.... vet An raee In the eighteenth: ".,' '"" m ' anOf' " 'a' slave and ,tbe ordinary b'aok 1 -AD of slaves, with wbat little educa~ lion he posseised lelf.taught-Tou.. lalnt I'Overture took ch .. t ..... or the re.. • w volt or tlie slaves. He' tranaformed bande of rioters Into an army, and It III to he 88ld to his laltlng credit that. be waged a , 'warfare " more .merclful than that of hla whlte' opponentl. But wben the French round that the1 cout.a not deteat hl~, .t·hay. .mploy~ trickery, lured blm aboard a man-o'· war. and carried him off to Europe, where he died of Plleumonla In the', cold aIr o! tbe A1Pl!. After thnt, 'and conllldering the ract that the FrenCh bl'oke tbelr treadel right and left- proclaimed the aboll. Uon of .Iavery' ln 1793 and reltored It ten 1nter-and that LeClere" whom Napoleon sent over with 30,1100 men In 1803, showed no ' qll~er to the negroee, It '" hardly aurpHll.lnl lbat sucb bloodthirsty mODsters as DessBlln.. Eucceeded to the mUd equable leadership of Touualnt. What the- HaIUIin.. could not accompUeb In~ . open "4\'ar[are a.g alnst' their whIte ' (oel. ,.eUow fevet' a.nd the torrtd Climate ac- ' co~pUahed. tor them. In t1l'O yean , tile ~encb · I at 40,000 men. and bnt


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P~l~e dtlata 'riU be IIOUoaCI the.!, ji~~~~~~~~ii~~ J~MIlJ~~~~=:a:;~~r1iii~~;:~~~~T;Ii!II~mtature;;:~ · ~I1eterl;;·;o"';,teI;. Imme4Iate1, 418tribut.ll. it."., the • • 'a ..t . . . .. ID 't il. Impro""

P llAat eo-operated' with the Englilb racced fleet IlDS4 I'm ~tIq ',OOO.WTeDdered 1.0 tbe ",,,other Malady.taop. toe. 1ft PlNallDe.. ~marked the frl"folOu ~IL J'nIm .th1a period be.1Aa the hl8to.,. ' ''That I"':' the ,~t,. CPllDl,D.~'''.' 1 01 IlaiUaa Illdepez:lduee. Truth to tile hurtiMl MClUtiatulee. ..... It II 1UlJl1aJD. bllt a pleaeaQt... ,.. trr to IIq ,... ..... IICIUDds .. It ~ ot ,...,.. ,... ..... pWq _ .• tal ..... ......




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Work and worty MAPVELSDF·NOR\lY I~':M-AS-H-PLA--"Y-SA-LEA-O-IN-G-ROL-E-IN-f,E';";;"';E0i';-.ING-'" make women old be9

New Indian Animal Stories How tIN Wl141Ji1y BflcDme Brotlur to the BetIr



fore their ti",e - stop both. Use R UB-NOMORE WASHING POWDER. Itloosens dirt instantly - saves you - saves your . clothes. Makes them . like new again.

"Midnight Sun" at North Cape Attracts Travelers. Fo~ Short Time purlng ~miiiii'"'Tlrn.-t-j la No Darkn.... and 8clrcoly Any TwlllgKt-Hlrbor of Mold. Marveloully Beautiful.

Londo.D.- Cblef amon~ the marTel. that, brine travelers from . other land I! to the country ot tha VUdngll aro the 1lt18-NO-MOIlE WASlRNG POWDBR "Midnight Sun" at the North ~pe .... .udleea-dlrtre-' and the marvelously beautiful, barbor ~overforclotbe& of Molde towards tho Bouth. for II It cIeUI JoW dishee, 'sbort tlJl1.e 'during the lI ummer in the Ohlcken. on Free Ring •• Ilah, 'tollela .rod tar NOT'lh there Is no darkness and el_ .acl· ,weeascarcely any twilight. 'file wonc1er (By;1. W , K EJ..LER. "'1::opyrl~ht . 19U.) maab for ulle ilurlnl the 18cond, thIrd Joer milk c:recb. II kille rena. II doea It'. a ~uzzllln8' question to many and fourth mont)ls or a cblck·. lite. aild cold magnificence of the mldnlsht 'lot Deed bot water. Bun at Nor th cape bay: been delleribed wbat to feed and ho,,' to teed aCter the representing as It does the feedlnlllYII' critical period-·-the first month of a te m 'of one ot A.!Derica', meet lIuccell' .RUB-NO-MORE RlJB..No;.MOiti: ~ery fre ~ Ue ntly. Carbo tI.ptha s.p The harbor at Molde, Burrounded chlck'lI lite-III safely pa.ased. . The tul plants, and ahould be fed at leaat WilhiDe Po't'der FI.,. Cmt,;-,AU Grocer" . ' by snow-clnd hUls, can challenae com· (oundatlo'n ' Is laid. Wbat wm we twice a day. on It T P arent stock, hou.lng, pnrison with Sf-dney (Au~t ra.Ha ) , For a scratcb graIn we muet resort The Ilub-No-More Co•• ft. W11Be.1nd. Tan Ie. sanitary arrangem ents-these firs t to the three gr ..t etaple gralnl or known lUI lhe finest In the world! ' . There Is no £reat' beauty In the and a host of other conditione each the poultryman-corn. whea.t and Ollts towns of Norway, which are today .tn· play tbelr own Important part In the -and thele Ihould be mixed In equal ' . gularly la.cking In ancien t and plctu~ answer. but tho keystbne of allia pro~ QuantIties (by weIght) for cblcks hav· '11le moat economical. cleana1Dr aD4 caque buildIngs and have a very mod· er 'feeding. Ing free rauge, For tbole which are prmlol4al ot all ,'&IItUeptJe8 1& ern ap'pearance. The mash »laY8 tho leading rille III cpnDned. howeTer. a email amount of The country boadta oul1 one cathe· most present day feed Lng, and l1ghtl)' a varletr or other grain II, suoh as mU· 'dral. that of TroudhJem, bllllt by the so,' tor we can aecure In thll ronn reed let.· canary leed.' barley, etc .• may be piOUII King Olat (10tS·SO). Thl. BU· that la most accurl1tely balanced and added, and thll .hould 110 ted about perb Gothlo pile was allowed to '*11 eael1r\ dlge,sted, olferlag a greater va, the mIddle of the morning, scattered tnto ruins. Northern naUons neyer rlety. crenter ~I conomy. quicker results on the ground or among the litter. and It. aoIuIde Iua~ Powder to a.nd the hlghent percentage of dlgeetl· agaIn In the later afternoon. The._ be cIiiIolnd iD w' -lit . . De'. W. took kindly to the centraltziltion of tlonal churche. at Rome and Norwa1 blllty. FOT the growing chick, havlnr; fine Iralns are ohle1ly valuable al In· As a mecltcll1&l antlt6ptlo tor douw611 Bulrered som e.wMlt from keeping aloof been gradually weaned tram Ita baby duelng exerelae and alrordJnI .10w In treaUng catarrh. lnllammatlon or chick tood, th(~ following wlll make an nourlahment. ' from that movement. ulceration. ot noae. tbroat. and that The first Impression received br the .,ceUent mash : It Ie almoat unneceslllll'1 to ,tate that e&used by renUDlnll Ula It hu no equal. Pounds. a ~lenUful supply of lood. fresh, cool For ten ;rears tbe LydIa E. PInkham traveler as the ship steama up the . .. ......... .......... ....... .. ............ %0 allvery waters ot the- (Jords. or deep. Sran )Llddllng........" . ... ... .... ...... ..... .... . ... 2) water mu,st be before t.he chlckl at an Medicine Co. haa recommended PutJn8 far eztendlng lea IDletl. In .ummer- Cornmea.l .... . ................ .. ... . .. ......... l~ ttt4es. anil In addition If they are not In their private correepoodence' wlUi Dilt s . . .. .. ... .. . ... ..... .... . ........... H women. which provell Ita ,uperlorlt,.. time. Is one 'of extraorc1lnarr' peaceflll~ Ground S eef Icrap . ........ ...... ... ..... ... ........ 10 on free range SMlenl lind I:rlt must be Women Who hat'e been cured ea1 ness ~nd ealJD. They bave re1lected Sono mea.l .. ........ .... .. . ..... . . . .. ......... 1 provided. Shell 'm en l ... ... .... ... ' ... .. .. .. .. .... ...... . l the wonderworking power of creallve Chlll'COB The aboTe I1ltem at feeding, pro- It la "worth Its weight In gold." , ..At I ...... .. . .. .. .. ...... . .. . .. .. .. ... .. '4 'eneru, .In sUll, commonly unmilled To this masb one can also add with vided other condltionll ",Te f~irly nor- druggillts 6Oc..· large bolt.· or by MaI1. Bostou. )Iaa. calm. alnee ·tlle world began, The p"," value a pinch ot ealt Bnel a proper mal, will grow chicks wqich will have !rile Puton Toilet yAlllng color ot the 'mount4In~ from amount of a r E,lIable r egulator or tonic. the health. yltaltty and capacity that tbe water II a grayish gret!ll. wltb here The a ove w:m be founel Il vAluable wlll mean much tuture profit. CANADA'S HUGE GRAIN BINS and there a patch of vivid yerdur. ..,., .... -.. -"' '7 ' 'V'-.......... ~~.......... "..-." ............... ''''"'''';--.". .. --~ - - - - - - - -protected br a light fence. Port ArthUr Paper I. Peeved at the Near ' such a patch a wooden hut ROOSTER IS ONLY NUISANCE FEW MISTAKES OF BEGINNER MentIon of Kanl •• City Elevato .... '11'111 be eeen. called a ",aeter!" Tbeae are built .for _the accommodation of Without Male Bird at ,Head of Flock Some of ChIef Rea.o"a foro Failure I'rom *1Ie 1'0" An.IIa, (CAua4a)' B, elllJlf Clm..... Kansaa City ,alns the attention CIt Egge Are B1ettel' fof' Mal'ketlnar Olven After Careful 8tudy-ov.... I. Needle .. Ellpenee feeding Is Gre.t... the New York EYedill&' Post and III slven dve 1nchee 'o r "pace hi that ad / Sucoelil 01' t"lure with poult~ de- mlra~ e newspaper by r~8oD of Ill' (By :MARlE · 1). P DFFEm, Ml\w4ukee. ponds en~r&1y upon the management, creaa~ the c:apaclg ot a gra1n' ele:: \TIL) • The rooster Is doomed! A male and In .tudylng the cau.e or failure. vator there. Tbe E'enlng Post AJ' : btr.4 holdLng :pround 8way over, 110cka the poultry keeper ' mult hold In view "When the addttions and alteratiOn. of hens kept for fresh egg purposes the tact that tbe fowla are creatures to Its huge graIn elevatqr at Kana... hlUJ been de.:la:red a bill of ex,pense In hili charge. and that upon hill jud&,o City now under way are completed the and a nuis8ll,ce. The heol are credo ment hlngel the Question o( profit or 34lssourl Pacific-Iron Mountain ralt· Ited wIth laying more eggll wltbout losl. A careful IItudy or the causes ron!! will ' bave one of the Ja,rgeilt hftn. And without him at the head of 'fo.ilure of many .",.110 have Yentured plants ot Its kind tn the world." ot the flock the eggs aro ' better for Into 'the poultry business leads ua ' to 'l1bl! preeent capacity of the · J{anlla,ll marke~ purposes : ' Th\lrefore he la conclude that the rollowlng are the Cl,lY product Ie one mflUon bushelti. of yalue only In breedlng·seallon. and chlet reasons: Wben It gains tts promised Btature all 11000 as the breedlu/: season II ,EndeavorIng to keep too many and becomes "pne ot the largest IR ended the male blrds' should bi! con· fo'~18 where room tor one only can tbe world" It wUl haTe a capacity of . be obtained; tbatts, e llvlng tn expenaes 2.188.000 bushels. fined or beheaded. ~11tt;:~~~~:~~~~~~~~~rr.~-li.~~elllln5 c~ t ~ houses and .' At, the menUon of grain elevators l men of when they apace. tbe twin ports at tJle bead or the lAkes ' tbelr llllDual plcDlc at DevU'. Lake re- . Duylng fowls trom otber farms prick up' thelr ears &:ld take notlee. cently. thus bringIng dlaeaBe and lice Into The name of lJloyd-george at a TorY The prese,.ce o~ th.· male bIrd In fiocks, • garden p!lrty, or of Pre~ldent wn.oll the 1Iock cauaes the egg to become .overleedlng. the fowls beini _~ at a bankers' convention catches at. terUls or hatchable, aa all fertile ~ggs plied wltb greateat abundance under tentlo\ no Qulc'ker than the word "elecontain the lIeI'm ot Ute, thQ . aUPP<illtlon, ,"the more . teed tha vator" ,I~ the hearIng of a Port 'A.~Ur­ , Thta germ Ie ealllly affected b:y beat mdre egl:a." .. Fort William man,' Toro!lto prIdes and frequently ,the heat at the sun , Colli draftll over the tow. at nlBht, Itself on ita ' churches; Pittsburg" While the eli" Is 1n the nest, or on the w~th 'a view to supplying freeh atr, ap'ecl~iizes on mUllonalrea; Chlcqe "'ay to inarket Will alart the g~rm to when the \emperature Ie low. haa tta "pork and Boaton l~s . pork and . dev&1o~ . ' Wastlng ~me 1I'lth IIlck fowll In· beanB-aa for ua. we rise to ·on T~e heat .n ot being continued . a,t a stead of destroylnc all bird. tlill.t can· the 'bins of our eleTators. and he who liJgl!. ~ougb temptature to continue nqt be cured qulpkly. .ays '~one at the lIu'gest" about anT develolllng the germ dies and dec8.y DlaregardlriB the breed I b1 keeplnl old twc>-mllllon·bushel outfit in His· ' .oon aeta . In.. anythlol tbat Is a fowl. ~uri must wtthdra ..... the atatement 0' Without the male bird In tbe flock Lack or exerdae. tbe fowls being Dame the place and- weapons. ' thll gerin I.a absent trom the eg,. idle, discontented and conlumlng food' It the IIlv'enLng ' Post had lIald "one 'The egg I. Don·fertlle or a. ia BOme- because ther have .nothing elee to do. ot the' largest In r,:I5IPuri," 01' t~ tbli ' tlme • •• ald ,"aterlle." The .terlle egg Feedlnl' cam and wheat exclullvel,. general but expressive 'Amerlcaa 1\~'Ylng ' no gerin of Ute cannot ' and omltttng foOd"1I'hlch aUP~IY albu· phrase had said "some elevator," but slmpl,. drIes. :aurin, the procell meu tnr It;, production. ~ " . wouldn't have mInded It so much. but Of' drrIDg the esg Is useable 'at all . Feedln, th~ee ' tlm_ . ·day. the zoe. when It describes this etunted Mte· umes and, slt erlle eggt Ire frequ.ently suit belne lhdl&,elltion and 'the Intro- ,sourl -receptacle al "one ot the larleat Ulled wben a year or tWI> old , and d'1ctlon or CUliealle In the flock. g~aln elevators In tbe world" tbeD tt found to Jje ;In Iplendld condltton. Lice-both mite. and the large lice Is time to kick. Wh~. two-mUllon· E" bur era ali .over the eoutry ,t hat are found only on the bodies or buahel elevators are so common here. are . complaIning a.bout . the unu's ual the towls a( al~' .eason, ot the yea·r. aboutl th&t tbe secretar1 or the board numbu of "rotten" egga thlll 'S8811011. Failure to keep the houeea and ot trade doel not point. them out 'to andit I. to better' tbe c!ondltlon of, the yard. ciean. Labor Ie withheld at the dl"Ungullhed visitors. Nothing coUld , 'm arket egg' t~at .the "Swat the Roos~ moat Impprtant period.' eMw olearer than tliat what we "Ink tar" day hU been. adToeated. ot......two·mllllon·bu8hel elent'ora. . 'renne••ee, OhiQ. JoII'sOurt aDd ERADICATE ,lIC~ AND MITES When we hllv~ p9-11!ted to tbe 9;t~o.· statel ,haTe held ' a. "Rool': OOO·buBhel C; N. R. eleTator and the MllIsour! It' 1s estlma.ttid 8tJct -Watch Should Ba Kept end UOO/OOO.busbel O. P ; R, elevator '~nel that 250,,()OO male bird. were mar)(etProper Methocl. of Deatructlon the 6,600.000-buabel d. t , P. elevator; ed, whlcb ~1I1 mean a lavlnc to the 8e EmpioY'd, at Once. then to the 3.600.00llJ-bushel· Dominion , Governm'e nt elevator which Is ont1 Mlssoutl rarm~r :o r $1,000,000, thl~ aea. VIII:ltol',I·Bon. · _ wi.~rever . poultry 18 kept the lice 'the fint unit of what .18 to be a '8010' Wlaclonsln whe~e 60.623.~la and mites are "ur~ to bo found unles. mllllon·bUllhel plant, by tbat time ~h. dozen egca llJ'e 'annually produced. on I al .. I. so 'full or mtllions that tlie . " atr ct watch I. kept and proper meth· Ustener w'ould be annoye" I'f ~e I..o.~ our; fai'JDa., ,It 18 estim, at.ed that at lea.' o dII 0 t d es tru c tlon are empIoye... ' .. ' ered 'blm with mention or,u a mere " Q ..... twfltJy thOusand will , be Bayed for .t:h~ r 'f t .l. uri d ' 'I I b t th< ~ . ,' , . -, .~. ce are u argo 'I a ou e mllllon.bush · 'el,affalr.'· 80 we just lum" ' r~er· 1JY 'tl~e D1:~ketlng cif 'the. a~erne lead and. neck ot fowla aDd uder h ' ., :ege. winss and aroUnd vent. The; seek Uie alance .together and d'eacrlbe ' tlie ----..:. moisture ' In ilome. form, hence are grand total ot 45·mfl1lqo·bushel capac. P.LACE .F,OR W~AK CHiCl~ENS; found about . eyea. In·' nO!ltrll1 . an~ !~e' ~~~:~ a,tandlng" a.t , the hOad ~ atound YenL' '.'. , , ' '. . t , Ul1on the 'liasle upon_ whlQh Kan. . EIP._olaf Oare 6holll~ Be :T,aken ,to R.. , Dul shOUld he provided for tbe City gC)t fiJ e fnches of space In ~f1e 'aln NOlls ' But Molt ' PN»mJ.I.,. " d~IIY t..>~th. If Cowls become deblll· 1i!venlng Post ,we claim a compllinel)' '; Pullet. or FI~citc: • , , ~ted they will haTe to be aIded in . tary wrlteup 'ot at 'least~three columllil : . " " ridding thep1s~ves .o r thlll n~IBanee.. alld; In tbe alttc~e we, 'Yould' litate ~h.t ,of vltant,.; ,Duatlng, thor?Ulhly un~er win lis. about In one respect we , a , lUte Ka~ Ule prog1'e8' p.~ck and around vent · 'WI~ Inaeet 'CltY-lf ben It II a qUeBtlon ~ot bl• • ', they wlU ma- powder, Is the best re~edy. The a~ vato... we aleo are from MIe.ciuri. ~U~IIJI~ fowll, should, llUoa~on eho!,ld ,be repeated abo}!t (lWlrtl~1'II by tlleml!elvel' tllree times. at Intervals of on. :Week, ':,' F.orbldcj.n t V... ,'But-;" >'., 1lt;[eD,'''OI~, Jf IndeeCI: It t~ order to k\l1 th~8e that hatcb. The laUor ha.d been Ihowlng tbe tlIOI1!*ll1~l~pr~!~.tlTII lbJl, tl\ef will 1'& , ., ,,",,1 Tlel\ot' 'over the IIhlp. In thank,.ttJ~nt:lon that should be slyen . Ke~p Poul~ Record., . log h1m aJae sald: : ' '. ,, . Modem poultry t¥JDlng ' aaI1l (01' , ·'l ..~ tbat by the rules of your IIbip 'I'1l1t arb! batchea have ahQwD which aoourate lJoo1(keeplng .nd , a,..tematt~ tips ate torblddea" ~. " ,t hl 111011& profttable birds to .Ull of the wor '110 tha the mo.~ can '1.or' blell ".,.r 'e¥t, ~'am," re1'BiM.- ••.,.Ctal dre belDS taken to be. dOD.,In the abortelt time; Keep "UeeI Jack, "10 ~ere the appler. ,1. ~. tile lDOIIt pr.olniaLnl put- 'the \'&rIQus accoote .0 10U can ~Il the 'garden ot Ed,e n." It,, to defer ,aeare- .t., .lancO' wbether • certain dltialOil . thil~liw ••ldlil" from' the Itr.o... of YDu,r wor-k t. ~ coDdllCted' at • and one 'may ', well pro~t or a lon, A poulhT ttl.. ~1. ""ldltl~a11'C1Q~ for an eam. dou not pract1ce ~ ~ ,..,; ,....'Il:,~, !FfIt . . . or til., Dao/it unproiDo of IICCIODUD, Is far fmID ill modera tHD .... MDt too be 8COn- taraa _4 la beIDa o~ at . . . . . rI*. '



'ClIoP7rl.n.,. ..,.




ate,) '



, Loa, dme &10. 'In- the dar. wlien tbe Indian 'buJl~'" followed the trail of the bear and the deer far Into the . JDOuntalll•• .the little boy. would ...tch tbe' hunten 1O' &Wa, rtom the camp In tbe earir moriilJl~ and wlah thlt thei. • top. coulil. 10. 8omet1mM one boy • would run attar the Hunte... a abort .~Jaianc ... and ' then an old .-ian wouid call Out; "Ho, IItUe ODer Do rOil thInk you .". the,bro~er of the bear. ,nd do Y9U .cHd liunt wtth,th. WtI~ Bor'" ThllD the boy wouldlCome back to the eamP. . "Tell me ab<iut the' Wild BO, and .tile, . bear.!·· the Uttle bo1 ....ould .y, od ''Whlle the old maD. ahalled • tlnr arrow, for the, bo,..-ttny bow, he "ould tell thle aWrr: ~ ll 'waa In the 4&1. whel1 the 'people llnd cloae bellde the rlTer which runa • aouib. ana when everrbod, w. ..hapP1 and b~d plenl1, to eaL. _n~ ".. a foons ....oman "ho lITed ' with ber Awn .broth.e.... w~o ' we~ ap .oo~ lauters: She kef.t th8 home fOr them. and ~ the .kbuI 'of the -antmals _ ' when he~ ~rothera broulbt tll,e. ba. . .ADd,all del .he w.... lD~q. ,. lIut once the hant.n did riot oome kelt a' n"ht. allel thla JGWI. woman . , _t up:and wilted for the~. o




IState c·


Fair a Big Mid- Winter ...,••'"


Yes, on the wal~ In front our store, next Saturday, September' i9th~ we ~ilI prove to you and y~ur neighoors. that the Kink Clermont , . Heater does everything we will do. . \f .. We want you~ to .,e in the audJence ~ even though may not need a beater 'at tbis ti~e•. We 'w~nt you to see for yourself this real merit test of,' the ~

W., the undersiirned, will not allow any 'hunting or shoot ing on our premises d urlnll. th e hun t ing. season : Isaac Wilson Seth Furnas Wm. Williams Martin Gons , ,

Raymond Davis is hack at his desk' a t the a.ank. after enjoyin~ a' week's v8cIltien,

'Fine mellow fall _ w"ather. this.

Wm. K.aler. ofAu~l'n.lnd . ,l'lpent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W,. A. Benec·ke.



Late Cla~8ified Ads bOUM on North 4th tltreet. A lman Eleo.rlo U"bl8 "'lid . water In

King Cler.mont Triple Flue .Hot ,Blast Air , Tig~t

No. 2220


., •

Bl:lrn. a.-.Ythlng with ~arvelous resultS. It 110 constructed- that It d~lIvers' to your rooms every degree of heat' &enetated by the fire and Is every bit as clean < In, u~e as .a hard ~oal lieater. ., Come and learn wby ~o beat escapes up , the .• mob-pipe w~th the King Clermont. Don't , let anything keep you home on



=,.,...."""..,_ =""-===~""===::""'~~"=_~~"'"


REPORT t~e Co~~ition . of the





Messrs. Hafry Sherwood and Carl Servis were business visltors in Dayt on Tuesday. '. F or Sale-Tomatoes, call C. 'vi. FrYle, pbone 49-1L-2S or G. A. phone.126., Miss Katherine Cory. of Springfi~ld, was the week· end guest of MiSll Rosllmond Dakin



Waynes- , RtlV. J. F. Cadwallader. was quite v!lle NatlOnal B~k, at. W~es· iridulposed last 'week, but was able to ville in the ~tate of OhiO. at the preach Sunday . close of bUSJRe$I!, Sept. 12, 1914, ,, ' •

MIrs. Jennle . 'I mmeI• o~ -.. M'llUl)lSburg, QY~idriiftAi,D'=::'t.uici'Wi~ecu~r·~·,~6t~~ is ve'ry ill at tbehome of her mother, to eecure...clrcUIalIoJl,. ao.oto,o Mka. SWIIln Cook • .,!)at ..l Sav. , RESOVlt0E8,


. .


·'International- portable . . Suitable fot general ' farm 8 . FlP. -work and wi.nbe Bold wort.h the money.,. " .


. , , these .,e "n01: 'Cheap Eng.nes wOrl) out. but '

, Hlg.,.. Clas. Ma·~t1lneiY anci-



werth the meney•.

Waynesville Auto &~achinerYti. H. M •. She~ood • C. E. Senl-. Automobile and · General Machi'nery Repaid." '. GasOU"es, Oils ,,, and " Acees80rl.,. : . -'

GUoli~e Engines and Engine Supplies' WAYNESVaLE, 9810'. '.



B. S. Howeli ~d sOn, Dean. at;; Helen JQnes' and Mary WhetiJcol tended tlte CinclDnati Mel'('hanta' went. today to attend the O. S . S. D • . oliting at Coney leland last Wednes- Sch~1 fpr the winter. evening. They had aOOsa good • • - ...~--:', -.. _ • . " I~ READY FOR SALE DA!ES



McCoy. Monday, Septunber 14th. ~



bonse Alllo ' a iood bar~' on 10\ Inqoire of Mrs. A. F, Devil'. 82:1 .

the heater that burns any and all of the'"cheapest kinds of fuel '

Born-To Dr. an'd Mrs. J. " ,

, _' engine is especially a good ·proposit.on at' the 3', HP• price we I\c8k for it" .' .. '4 ' HP_ (flgeco' . '. . Kerosene engin&-pOrtable.


Fell OUT-QF WINDOW '------

'PEACHE'S: Elberta 'Peaches tor canning: ;' We will. have a nice ,lilt, of - Peache!:! m Thursday ana . Friday. Your, Jast_ch8l\ get~ Elbertll8 for canning. .

, ' New Jerse~ -S~;et8: . Manios. Onions: pure,- Cider Yinegar,


Pure Spi'Cet!l. '<



..FA,'1ft PLAY




SHOWER FOR BRI,DE·TO·BE , ' Misses Ethel cOmpton and Sara B~adfordzave a line~ 8how~r at tht" home of Miss Combton !lne and WAS TtlE BEST FAIR, HELD FOR a half iniles east of New Burlinston, MANY YEARS . Wedne&day afternoon. September , ___ 16th, in honor of Miss Marianna Compton who will become the bride WAYNESVillE WAS REPRESENTED ·of Raleigh Leon Bogan, October 7,

WAYNE TP .. FARt'tlERS CLUB Tho Wayne Tp. ~armer's Club R~ym ond Davis was in'Cincinnati , ' . ! held its Sept~mber me~ting at the Friday. . SUr>ERI~TENDENT F.C.Q1LMOUR pleasant home of Mr. a!ld Mrs. S. n. RA VMnNO CA ' ~, PHOTOGRAPh -ASKS "FOR IT Henl.dtl, and the gema) host and Al' ptA::, rt:Jt \IH~IVES 1i9ME Mr: and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart were , 'hostA~ spared no effort to enhance in BI'ookyille Sunday. . the comfort and pleasure of their guests Buy your -Fertilizer of Chas. Frye, PATRONS SHOULD READ THE LAW At the noon hour a boullteDus din. WRI rES MRS. H, VANDE,RVOORT who handles Milson's the best. . ner was served in the rooms recently 1914. . . remodeled. Yellow and white was the color --- ~ 9r. Dill, OAte?path, Ha~nes Bldg., And Ignorance ,or the Law Excuses OUlr President S, L. ,Cartwright Ladies of Dorcas Society Make scheme which wa'l carried out during Aboul His E!,peri~oces in Europe Tuesday and FrIday mormngs. No Onc"'"-Advlses I'arelils t beinlPlbsent. the afternoon session The Some Money and !'et an the afternoon'. Th~ large,. airy -Will in Vienna at Out. ' Th' f D t ' and ' OUardlana , was conducted by Vice President, J Excellent Table rooms of theofar'mhouse were pretti brealtof the Wnr , Jesse , omas, 0 ayton, spen T. Ellis. " ly decorated with yellow I!-nd white the week·end here with relatives. Filcteell families responded to roll. crepe paper and ·goldenrod. [n one " . . . rd 'f b d call ' corner of the living ·room und~r an Mrs He~I'Y Vander;Qort received M'r : and Mrs, C. B. Bentley spent It ~e~r:ns to be the 0 er o . t. e ay. "C'e ntralization of Schools" was The Warren County Fair for 1914 archway of yellow and white was the ,foifowing letter written by her Sunday with relatives in Springboro. to ~.ttCIS~. and exp~e~ o~mionh OJ the special topic of the day opened was surelv the banner fair, as there the table containing ,t he presents nephew, RaYlJlun,d cass; of Danville, B ~T · M' d M W E r:~ a~da;ch~~T ~;~ti~\~~~!Uo~ . sc OJ) b~ ~r. Geo. R!ley • . A li~ely dis· were more people on the grounds which were both artistic and useful. III om a r an rs. . . F' I d J . th h I cusslon followed m whIch many club than ever before. The. enthusiasm After the bride-to-be had opened , j I.. n June 19th 011 the ' German O'Neall, Saturday, September 19, hlrs~, . ast an I.a ways' e dsc 00 members partici~atcd was gt;eater than fo.r man), yeara her present!!, which , were mucb'ap • . \. " '. d' .. d u hter aut orlll .... mUllt Ive up to an con· . ,I . . and everythl'ng went for ~a g~od fal·· d f h t f f' d st;ellr:ne·r Imperutor. limo". I~ct to a a g . form ' to I~S. ,n ot macJe to suit each The program c oseii WIth a readmg the concessions on the grou~ds wc;e preciate ,re res men so rUlt an Heritn 'ond VI.e nnaA I '-':~ m Vle~na For Sale- Tomatoes, call C. W · individual case, but for the school by Mrs. ~arl Du~e'o! ~e European not as they had been in fOf'!ler yesrs, ~~~:en~::re~n~=r:~t~~y &,~~ ~.t.thet~)eofthe ~strlanhbssaSStnaf Frye, phone 49- 1L-2S ' or G. A. system and state as a \yhole. ~r- War''Dwhltpr~lctei ~ ~dawn~fa as the State h!l8 somesaym.thatre, ton, Mary Bogall, Hattie Barner. lIOn, Itn WllS really na~ t e ~Lart 0 zeu phone 1 6 ': fainly certain law enforcement' mav new ay or t e stl' c en countTles. 1(a.rd., for whIch every habItue of a Nclll'e Bunnell, Ann'" Mendenhal'. 'he war. . . " . look u'ke injustice. The fellow ar.- Guests of.the qub were Mr. and f d b kf I .. I , TALK OF WAR Mrs Kate Copsey of Spring Val. rested for drunkeness.thinks that he Mrs. J. 0 , Cartwrlgh.t, J . E. Janney, aIr IS uly t an . U • Mattie Steddom, ~my Lumpkin. ' , . I ' h k 'd t f M ht to h th . ht to t d k Mrs. Anna O'Neal, MISS Belle O'Neal, . The State FaIr /las ~aken out all Louisa Compton. Ella Compton, ; Iml1)~iatelY the news ofthe asaas· ey. was t e, wee :en gues 0 r. ~ug ave e rIg. ge ru~ Miss Edna Kelliey and Miss Stella Rldeshpws and. such t.hmgs and t~e Emma MendenhalJ, Edith Compton, IImalion became known, there was and Mrs. M. A. Slmm8. If .he pleasC$, he WbO.18 fined for anl Bishop of Xenia faIr thIS year was better than ever It MarthaJonE's Hattie Petelson Rosie talk of!l war a~d within a few hours . . ' . Il!lnor. offense seems In the eyes Qf • •._ . has heen in that regard . The Day· 'Cotnpton. S~~ah Compton, ~ddie AU!ltria,and Germlny were. prep~r· Ray ~a"'ke and ht.t~ ~n. of Day· hIS neIghbors a martyr, yet the e,,· , t?n fair ~ut out "a bone of conten· Stanley, ElIaC. Haines Lou Lacltey, lnl themselves tor the conflIct wblcli ton"8pe?t Sunday With hiS parents, forcement of those laW8 are for the HARVEVSBURG WOYiEN tlOn" thIS vear an~ ~ad an excellent Glenna Wilson, Marg~ret Burnett. it. .va felt mU8t come. Because of Mr. and' Mrs. J. C. Hawke. J,Cenetal good. .. . .- . year. AlId t~us It IS .found that all Nettie Mendenhall and M.i~ Veda tbe excllement i~ was deemed best ' ' . k f The ~naltY for Vlolatlon. of . tl\e 'l'hl)se who eall themselves men of these unde.nrable thmgs are being and Grace Hurlev Ina Compton to move into Swit~erlana anti [was Mr. Bnd Mrs. J , .W. Hartsoe. ,0 c~mpl,llsory edu~~tlon law 18 8~ffl,. and \'ive in' the' city of HarveY8burg. elim!na~d and the result is most Lelah Bogan. Aur6iaPeterson Etbei in )leme ' on ' July 80th, , when war Harv~8!lurg, were In tow~ ~udday clent 10 have conSIderable of a 8tm" should feel more pride and interest gratlfymg to all persons concerned. Compton Sara Bradford Marianna waa d~lared. 1 was advised to. ra- en route to Dayton to spen t e ay. at~ached. No parent ~~ould . k~p a in th.ilir t~WI;1 ~han they are display-' Ther~ was considerable m,?re ~f Compton: Frances Wiisoit, Effie turn immediately to Ge-:ma~y. If 1 F Sal T t6 II C W c~t1d o~t ?f IchoOllMless the child (s Ing.. Our to~ is in darkness and everythmg at the cpunty f~)r thiS Burnett and Esther Shambaugh. • , "ope to get bllck to Amenca, my or e- oma es, ca G' A' SIck or. 181n p0:'8~lon of an Age and 'will be until the good women take year-more cattle. sheep, hogs and reservations ,being maoe ' by way of Frye, phone 49-1L 2S or • . Schoohng Certificate. No employer the matter in hal)d and then Lhe big horses; more frUIt and fancy work, • .. ~ • Heiael~rg. "'I~shinIr and Gl}lsgo,,!. Zell, phone 126. .8hould emplo.y a pet:Bon ofschoolage burly lllan will say, "look what we and the display of s~ow horses was OBITU.,ARV ' l From Berne to Heildelberg )8 onb- B T M d M C M Ro. unless the child be ,In. p08Se!lSi?n of have done? " 1 am a small'sized all that could be desired. . . narily a al.x hours jO\1rDey. But it b·~rn-- F:id:; an Sep~~b~r iStb ,t he Age and Scbuoling Certfic~te woman but will do my. part in light. One reason for the good fair was Louisa, youngest child of Wm. H reQuiToo nearly seventy hour8 to ~ d r, h t ' , requ~r~ by law If you are ood ktng inK our' town wliich.ill conceded to b~ t~at th~.Waynesvi1l.e band 'furnished and Martha AMerson, was bor;n nf1Jllr make the trip. , a aug er. ,. up tlie sebool law, be "ur~ an con· one of the moat beatlbfdl places in tne musIc; the lad~es of the M. E, Lytle. Ohio. July 22. 1848. died &!p. At Daail~ ..,n the , border, the trai!1 ' MillB Ruth Miller, of Dayton. haa Butt both the 1913 and 1~14 year Southem O~io: ,C~~rch furnished the meal" .a~ th~ tembel' 20. 1914, aged' ~ years, t walswpped Nld passengers not per~1 returned home to her duties after books «'jenera} LaWfJ of OhIO). '11hJ! ' WEI ,,:re , ~binking ver~ 8t1'O~g of [dm1Dg han, and several exhIbltors month ~d 28. day". Mal'neci March . mUlled to enter Germany, It re· enjoying!l vacation here ..m~ng rel- [Old lalw~~ gefne19ral1~h" kn:wn t~"d' startling a ,civic league her.e and will we~~ present fjfum ~'et:e ~llowlng 4~ 1869 to Jonatllan Burnet Of tIleir quired eix hours to find. a' place to' atiVe8 '. 'BCh ~ o;uue 0 'w as een,c ang endell'vor to do everytbing that will their goods Toe ladles came out five children, Lena C •William. Clem~ sleep. all the h9tel8 being filled. I . ,. _ con81~erably. . . mak~ our tt;>wn prosperous. We will ahea~ abo.ut $225.. . ~n~ A •• Emma a~d. Stacy M., .I~n are , attempted ~ get into Germany by , ~illB Mabel Wellington, of Chieago t,~ la.~xp'ectIDg only fair play when \lBe Il)u'r infiuence towards gettinlf The r.actn~-the mam attr!lctlon- h~ng except Wtlham. 'who 'dled in mellns of a c:arrlalte, b~t was 'turned· arrived bere. last night for a ,f ew you are attked-to .proceed , in an. Qr, a railroad and a trac~ion road: we was excp.edIDgly fast . th18 y r. early youth . .• back. An electriC ~m was aJ80 days' visit. with the Misses Eva and derly and legal way to seeur~ pnvll· will have a bank, irraln elevator t and There were good ho"!" on the Though frail and ~elteate In, p~Vtried but again 1 waS prevented. Mary Davis ' 'eges ?r penni.sions :which: ran come it win be only a short while unttl we grounds, and tliey made some good aique she was endowed with an m· A thi'rd tim~ I fried, but could not , " • only m. the way the law preacd~. will be in the Council. and then we recor~8 In both,. trotting and .pacing. tellect far above th~ ordinary. ~ make it'. I attempted ,to cash trav~ Mi'. and. Mrs. John Fromm and You dl~ not make ~e CompullOry. can have a contract with a work Taking it aUlD all. the falr'was a Her '~rly educatio~al .a dvantages e1.ers cheques, ~ that I 'could buy famil),. of Dayton, e~t the week. Educatlon .~w, (nelther~ d~d I) lludt houae; the morala of ~ur town w\1I succeas and: the board ought to be ~ere suchasthe,publicscpoola ofb~r r'paSsage to E'aru" but the cheq)les end at the home of Mr. J. C. Hawke yet both altke mu~t ·ablde . lIy til be n~ade better and when thi8 IS ahead several ~hou8and dollars. . tIme offered. . , could nuL be eaahed. and familv conform tAt its requirements. cldne the men themselvCfJ will sanc· ' • - .' r The leiSure of her attive life was • . SUPS AOMSS BORDER . ',. . ' . . : ~ . 2t.lIhouhld bed t~ d~ttt o!~C8l!h Lionikhatwehavedone. P. D. Q. DEATHS spen~in the study of m~ya'uthon, , . -. ' Mi88 ROaImond D~m l"Iturned to oulCla,) w. ose . qty It m g ~me . ,_ . ' Though fond of mUSIC, . flowers. In'' h~dead ot nigbt • shpped acl'088 her home in Hannibal, Mo .. Thur&- r to assist I,n any way_~ lca~ry oUfrat t~e , OBITUARY · Mrs Lou Burnett died at the home 'travel and tl)e society I~f relatives the ' botdel', \ avoJd~Qg the~lfuards. dltY afte'rspenaingthelltimmerhereprovisionsofthea~oyeawtore . n , bfher'daughter Mrs F A Hart. andneighbors,theae did Dot interad 1'eIlChed t~ Strasberg,l:oaci. wk · with relatives '. • . from .,P8rsonal opm~on and to use . . sock of Wellma~ Su';dai ~orning fere with her duty to family and insfa min to the' He,idelberg road ' . ' .' , . e,very. means at their !!Omman4 to 1J0mer. Benton Spurl~ck beloved abo~t 8:30 The 'funeral took place friends in time of need. . . and thence, going int9 -HeideltJel'R': Mr:s W. H. 4\JJen and-MiIIB-G!' "xp'I8J~1Iimiah ~t:mation_ .lJQn 1M Wle~ ~d Hattie Spurl~k. at the ehapel ,moming at 10 The buBines~ side 'of did nnil:-<~::"";"';':-F..., From H~idelber61 p~ed to McCOlJu~' left today for Gambler,. Th18. I.~ JM!l'8O~all.y a'!xlou8 t.o . ~o. de~ted t~)8111e September 14,1.914 o'clock, Kev J. F. Cadwallader offi. appeal to her, but bel' intereet . Malnz, gomg d,o~n the rIver boat where .¥1R9 MCCOllUm '11111,1 enter Jr.apeciall.Y, do ~ lnVl«: any perso'!. or ag~ 3 yea~, 6 .months and 5 daYB. ciaUn",. If\t8rment . was made , current and ll~table ~venta . ' . Nearly aU of tDe:crew had Hareourt school. ~1'IO!J8disBatisfied WIth the working . ' Miami cemetery, Mrs. Burnett has tense and co~tinued throughout the boat iLnd entered thE' afmy. •• of thta law to my office where laws The depthe of OUTsorrOWB we eannot alway8 made her hQme in this neigh. Of a QuakeI' al1cestry. abe long ago luQcbeon, the stokers BI!Bi"ted. If you want a good , Fertihzer caU and blanks a~e ~n file. I do Jlo.t care t:ell. • borhood and counted ber lriendll by became a member of the Rellaioua or two of th~ ,to'''!"' would u~ • Frye, phone 491 L 2-8.. . to enter into dlscu..uon or -dispute At the 10M of our ·darhng we - loved the hundreds. 'She leaves two IIOnB Society of Friends. "as" d~1y in. the compaimollway. serve for Ii time, with. any person on the Rtreet ?r eo well. and two dau bters to moum her lOss ter~ted in the meetfup, utd ... a 1Ium hurry back and give attention Mr. F. B Henderson and' family .road. Tnis always, leada ,to mls· And while you lie in peaceful sleep, firm believer in ·. the teachinga and to ' tbts' boiltlrs. C<!n~jnuing ,_~U8 aniJ Mias ,Mart ~1i8bury ~jC?yed undt;rstandings and Is ~nf!llr to all Your' memory w~ shall alw~lI. keep, ' ." usefulnese.of tho Society.. . ! tr.rougbout the meal. '" At Mainz 1 triP Sunday aft~rn06n to WI/pung. Jlartles c\lncemeCl. " • ' . ,Them was an angel I;tand In Heaven M~/ Joanna 91ark, ,!howu atnck· Atter a linpriDltilhle88. al14t J)88II8d · saw Several tour.iSf.:\t. traveling singly, ton; Washingtoll C. H. and James. , I wish ~ expre88 my !lppr~lation :naat was not complete,. E!':l With paralysI8, IICveral w~ks to her rest, wjt~ a firm bellet in a IUTested asspy 8Ullpel!t.. Th." w~re t.own. . . f)f .the kmdly , manner ~n ~hlch tbe So Go~ toOk our darllnl. dIed at her. bome near Ferry, . future life. ' , , badly 'treated, the ·P9Pt. I_ce (ollowtng , \ ,,. , . .reslJents of the· ,l urid ~h8tr:iCtl! have To fUl that vacant seat. day evening . . • Dec~ ' was 'a high· · . -~ • · tbeaOldleraand pr.80ner:8 dowiithe M'rs J L Ha~II,and answeredtoth~lawabov.ementioned. . . ,'!~tedcltizen., an$l ~i¥l many , . ; . ,. " streets tbem. I hunted up Ruth Hartsockpd l!!\hel ~py thl8 f~hng contJnue and~~o 'Neath Ollr eyes he faded slbwly, . fr.lendIJin her lo~ltty. Th~ funeral TI:IE ~. D. BALL 9AME '. ,I a party from 9hicago and, identified in 8l1n~~:v ' af. I!terll,_.actiori of tile law ever be . Gt>~w,ing day by day. more f~d" tOO,k pla~e ?:,uesdl!Y afternoon at lier myself with It. aB a means , of : pro· . of f41'. )a~d necessary . , ' '. .Beat:lDg sweetly bls sq~er1Dp I~te;h()me. Rev. D. H. Palmer o~. John Hawke was in the dee~t ~tiC)n Ilud' the party mbved on to F. C. tiilmQui'. Without murmur, moan or wall, clahng. lnterment wa9 made In depths of 'despair Saturdl1 ·when ·COlogpe. ' : , •" ~Di8trlct Sqpenntendent. Eartih has lost jts look of glad.n~, Ce\ltervi] Je I,!~ ~etery. Wa.rren Keys' boys ,wa1loped. hilQ to IJE8'Vl:.BD tHEIR GUNS M1'. Hetbe~t. ~mtans mother. . • - .- . " H~aven ' ~mstousmore bnght, '. J • tune of 16 ,tel 6. Wht!pth~.~ , . .', . Mrs Mary Brltlan. and'lIOn. Walter. 'rOOK FIRST PREMIUM AT FAIR SinCE! the sptnt of our IQved on~ 'I'he Fri~nJ~ iu Wayutl.>vdl~ werl: was called Saturday afternoon 'there JU8t~the tramwlUIlP,ll'!ing Malnz of Dayton •.JI!oved tl.ere . l~~ week . .. ok ~ts homewar~ happy, thgh~, sQ.ock.ed recently to hearofthedelth were no~ more than ~our pl~..e~ ~;,..c-.."';"ttt"'e pwel}gers wer~ ~Vljled ~to and,JiM domlcl!ed In tb,e White prop· . ' . . Lord, gIve us strength our loss to. ot Hen~ W. Wilbur, a,noteClprellch. present played at the picmc ffSln from p,hotographtog brld~t1s, ert.y on Third street , Mildred Snlitb, daughter of Mr. bear. , ' . . er of the Frien~s church He was recently, However, a game (?, .was : torlre&l:et\ or soldie~ 'fh~y were , " . . . and Mr$. n; V. ~mith. took the first And lead .us in our heavenly way, a~ten~il1g the Friends (;o~ference at. pillyed an~John Hawke wept co,Pioua ' .11JO~vl~ nOLl:<> stick, ,t heIr he~d~ , 14r. an4 . M1'8. Myer ,Hyr;nan a ....d pre!J1ium on Cake and" th,e .1irst ?nJ Th'l;ltwe ~ay ,meet our .1?Ved one santOSI'll' ~rtngll: and had ..retired tears wh0Jl' tIfe wind·up came. . .. ou.t of lhft Ur ,wl~dow!J and !lot to (Jaughter l"'~\'Il . to ~,banon and f rom bread at 'the Warren County Fa)r. tbere ' . ' . to his botel when the summons came. ~ Tbere were two ~r three spectators rail!e the ' ~lnd()":11 '~hICb were 10':'" ther4jl to C'1!lci ... n~h\ w~ere 'they sp,ent Tpis is a good'showin8',for the yo~ng In realms of everlastmg day. Henry .Wilbur ,was a great character, present. '~hey we~, however, fore~ el'ed by thj! 8OIdl,e~. Une mem~et Mond~. WIth. frlen~s, on acc~unt of JlldY. and her many friends here !,re .,. . • : aDu the foremost preachel' of the into servIce · and the ' game w~nt; of the pJlrlY :saw, a brjdge of wh,lch J~wIsh New Year. .' ., congl,'atulating hElr on hl!r success as HE! IS sadly .ml~ . by hl~ mother church : In remarks made · by one merrily on. , The players _had a hot he wanteil '· a p!lotograp.1) , He ad , ' . rl " • d \ f a cook. ' . ' , '" Il;Dd ~ather, hIS two little ~18ters IUld man, after his death, hf'saY8 in part: time, as , onM t!"m:lrked that !'he justed·lllia carpera. ,AI h'e w~ about Mr:,sl' r..tb~' , uooper a~. B?n. 0 f . • ~ . hl8 ,It ttle brJther. " . : ' "He was a map of vieion. Out of would ratb~ pItch haf ...11 ~aY:" · to',"jip the ~ulter ·hia adlltentlon , Da)ton, \Vh9 have b~!, ,v lsittnf f~ ' XENIA RECT()~ WIl:L"W:ED , WI!! wish· to thank .all opr 'fnendll the history of the puat and la knowl. Will Cornell was there WIth hla bl, :< 'calledtuallquid\ of ItOI,ie"" lbehoD'!e1>fBa.~)\~ 'WI!lam~~ eh - - -'-' . ":. f()~, tihelr kindneSa shown .us in 'the edg~ol thepresent; , he sliwa goal battingaver!,ge.~nd By Fraze,r_u one of which. squad" ~d SlIndllf., for ("'inc.lDnat~. VI nd e Announcement of the engagement loss ()f ous dear , baby darhng . We in the 'futllre, toward which h,e di· n9.~, fat. behInd hl,m. All t~e bOys · ·trained on him. M~ .~!I, I j91 ~~ h~~d ~nl~ spe .. . of' Mi88 Marjorie Meeker to the Rev.' Vlillb 'tQ thank .Dr. 'Randall~ for bis rected his footsteps. The ¥isioD was played 1, demons, anq t&~y a1l had be careful of..lie actionsi~ w,~te.. ~ ,t e,! P . 1, . '. " ~W.' A;'Thomu, recwr of Xenia Epi~ f\llt.hfu! service.also ~he relatlv~ for nota m~terialsplendor!lll ,~ealth ~f ~ good time , . '. )or JWlt be) on .d F ' r Sale-Tomatoes '. call C. W . ; churcb .'Yas made,at"the hOlne thel .... kmdntllB. lh th18 o\1r. ~r,r~w . . place. ~Qt one of service. Henry ; ~ ' .' - - . , .'.f ' Itop»ed ..nd 0 Phone, 49-1L--=-2S or -G. ,A: of the bl;ide in ColumbuB w,~ne8dQ , .- ~ ,'• ·V'!i1bur was.. well known, bere. ,and WORKED ·FOR WHlTE~ W REip '. ftlm.B. ~ere '" 126 ' .- , ; afternoon: .' , ,', . I ' ,Read , tile Mlllmi Gazette for 'news hiS deaQl\ l'rought a ilhock to the ' . . _ • - _. ..,. die party , puone . . . . . , . ' commuDlty. .. . '.., ,".' ~"ht dozen , • - • . ,' Th~ Gaze~t~ .,had had. p~ered' a m!»$t , WAS SOME DEAD DAy 'HERi; morning,ota'call leetion of war. tlm,t . O\yen!l, 01 · ylIiCI~ma~I,__~n woman fri the party. wa . Wilynesvillt! was sutely a "dead" Mr. H, W. VOl''''''''. , h, 'the customs offi~rs ... one 'fhuJ'Sday, There wasn',t a horse Xenia " ....."'". ~' ecMo a rllld-p'enonaPJ and b'uggy hitched to the ' racks ill the treatea ,. She made tQwn for thrEe hours , 'E,very~y ~i8 waa of no avaU~ . . was at the · County 'Fair: and thol!e '(\IW~ mADS OP ~R~" ' who dIdn't go surely haa ,s ·lof\esome ' i ' ime in town, . M.uC).~dimcul~y .was expel en,*, n T.he·r ewere not many I!cbool chil. ae(ting o~~ u{ cplc'gne . NI 1If, tI dren at ,the f'air. The for .. MilwQs are owned by the gover, the first .time·in the tow~ ml!Dt the , tnlne are ntieded tl , did not cloae down, and. rU8b . t.lie, sOld Ie" , ~o th~ front. hid h Th' i • !I'IO-•• - n ' U ot 'I' i"tlt wer" !loxt \~ .c t ren at , orne. a m!f! ~'IY""" . . . ..,. r UIlte The Ichoo) ought)8 toVias have been '·to . . Thehl,tel!lwereCirowr!. cl~ at. le88t .one day., to •• and ~Qf\d~8 .lcrp~ illlh,e railw~i thOse who cared , to go ' _"iun' ,1 Wi~ \#I. o~ Therl , prtvll. It is hoped J IKIrfte It\ll never happen in , again • _ _ WILV.I~es'vme. .-...,._





s: ,








_ A . . . . " '. .



Sam Meredith Jr.. while cuUlna Ctl~=~ OIL Route 8, cut hia ~I ~1t~!l~Il1 ..8!~", ,~'~ ..,,!,:_ leg badly, JUBt at the Imee. The wound bled freely bu.t tboi.Jldat there will be no.... !XIl.DPllcatloM iJId -that he wUllOOD De able to work.

CorD at hJs.plilee






Dreamy legends of Quaint Show Darknes. Never Rea~y . Plao~s Therein. Light Leads On Through

The Brotlu!r of .the PDnther

. the Valley.




New Indian Animal Stories




Du ...ld9rf, "..Inl, Cologne, 80nn, AnIf we wt re to to clalllr, human dsr~ach, Billte,!, al1d Coblen. VI. experlenc,e l the, woul!! tall Into dlvlillonl : Firat, reat and refreabmeDt· Ited by ,AmeHc:an Tourllt_ I~ond, work ; thJrd. sorrow. ThaI; Bonn Lazlelt City. are the three dlvl.lool which David London·.- The Rblne' valle, II one followa In thl! ftrllt part ot~\he .'~wellty. of tbe most ~eauUtul In all the world. third Paal.m. He la Ipeakln, oJ Ita hlr;h banks are covered ·wlth lour- relt whon he iaYI, "fte maketh me to F . bomba.nlment of L1bau by a /lanklDI eoalt, and so bidden that they fahlng vineyardl with " the top IUr- lie down In ·green pULurea; ; fle leacl· mounted by old castlea tbat bave eth me bellde tpe 1~1Il watera." We Oerman W8I'Bhtp .hould prove et. could not be leen tram 'he lea. fectlve, thjlD Russia ""ould certain· For lome yean Ubau has been the many stories an d logendl cI) nglng to can lmaglne the bllBterJac heat ot the talnly be wounded In ODe or her primo Baltic center tor RUIII,,'e IUb- tbem. Tbe valley ,between Dusseldorf lummer Qoon day when tbe plain II malt Important naval Itrateglc po- marine flotillas aod an Instructional and Ala.lnz Is the part that Is moat like un oven. But Ib the mldlt or that .ltlobS, rea/arb 11 wr lter In tl:ie New ban for . thele craft. Indeed. the ad· patronized by tourtsll. ' and eteamer.a h8!'t there I • • Ilieitered glen l wl\h ItI York Sun. To Rllssla Llbau II a Ilort mlralty hal been engaged tor aome run be tween these two points, maklns uny 1~lvulet whose bankl are lined with cool alld sweet IP'UI, hidden away of very great concern and one that years In working out a leneral Iyltem tbe l·eBttul .hade. It 18 Into lIuch ' normally In tim e or waf Ibould be or of submarine detenae tor t he Baltic. ~nny stops. Tho trip Ie delightful either In BUm· plaCE' that t,!e' ahepherd IW lit' lead his IIrime Importance to her, especially In and IUlY grave damage to the port will the ''''Inter time. ' seriously affect her atl"ateglc proeram mer or In willter. In summer It Is sheep. nnd that auggoets Borne .. Ideal to sit lazily on th e deck and once which we remenllier with St,Peterabura II subatanUally Jce tor tboae watera. watch ~he hills and castles and towns bound tor montbs eaell year. Thll Is Seaport'. Importance to RUlala. floa ting by. ea.ya Mary Ethol McAul ey D.avld 1.8 speaking or work when he the rel\8on (or Llbau··s mllJtary slguln· Of courle, the autborltles hi e pur· In Pittsburgh Dispatch. The wnrm lays, "He leadeth n19 In . the patbs of cance. ThIs Baltic city lIel tar enough p08ely kept al secret 'II pO.llble the I liun ma kes one eloepy and dream y. rlght.eousness." ThG Ibeep Is not • .eoutb of the capital to be B\I/lltantially nature at the military work at Llbau and when the Lorelel rock la reaabed creat.ure ot toll. Tile neare8t it .ever '.an open port the yellr round, ana by .. IUld torelgnerl would ordlnarlly. have , . COmE!B to work 18 wben It.. cllmbl up moderate u&e of an Ice breaker contln· but little chance to lee anythIng at tile moun tain pnth arter ~\1e .hepherd. \IoU a Intercourse by sea II maintained all, But Americana. have belped, and ' . That r equi res ettort and exe rtJon. No the winter throu,h by ,·euel.a running 10 have BrlUlb eliglnoers. In the email par t ot· ou.r Uvea Ii made up at to Germany. Eft,land and the United ItreDr;tbenlnl ot., . tlil~ ar,UDclal baee, elfor-t. Work has as prominent a place States. In tact. L1bau I, tbe .home and .from tllese , lomethina haa boen II r EIIl. port tor the RUlslan volunteer lIeet. learned of the nature of tbe prepara. Da~vld JI epeakhig 01 lorrow when "b08e Ihlpa enter New York. tlODI at that port. AlthouCIl tiombard. be laYI , "Though I walk throulh tbe OrIginally Llbau olfered {loor Induce- ed by tbe Oermanl. it 1, doubLfUl If VallElY at the .badow ot death, 1 will menta for either a naval bale or a any material damate hal been don. rear no evil; for Thou are wltb me! ' commercIal port, tbe Lown tyinc upon the navy yard, and the c!eatruoUoD of Tbe shepherd Will sometlmel COlD· .. _treieh ot low landy coalt directly Lhe town, unUke tbe hidden naval pellEld to lead hiil . heep throuxb the 41J:posed to the Iweep at the Baltic buln and doen. would not hamper dee~ ,;e In wboae 8bl.dow danlors pllil, wblle the water olf ahore deep- tbe port In a mUilary len... lurked .nd where the COIDI wal ilUD· 4!,ned 10 ,ral!ual1y tllat Ita shallownell It m~lt. not be tor«otten tbat Llbau 'l.ult. So 'we have our dark vailey. to Induced a .,ery nuty Bart of lea. Row~ I, naturally an IIDPOrtant 'railway te.... pus, through ; not only the ' vaUey Chl!drln , Color Up Thl. ·plcture. eYer. It wu a matter of neceliity and, wltb Ilnel runnln, both baok Where the relation between loul mone1 wa. not allow lid to count. ' towatd tbe Ruulan.Oerman fronUer bodl' II dissolved, b.u t valJeYI of losl b,. WC~!,:!~ N...q>a~r 8,...41· bouse be had enr rued I1~D. and Ute · ·Acoordlngly. tbe RUllian authoritlel an,d up alon. the c088t' to the otber and fear nnd trIal and dllllppolntment. Lons Ume a,o. wben a pantber cried finelt 1!:allol~e plaoe. he h,ad 41ver pat adopted heroIc measures and .et about Baltlc pOrtl. wlt.b a northern termlnal Llte'l exp erlenc.eB OlD be aummed up tn the wood .. .Ior all tbe world like the h1l foot UpOD. Ewerywbere the treea th~ bun dins of an artificial l1arbor. at St. Petersburg. For llurpOles or IUPIn tbole tbreeworde, reet, ' work. eoJ':- cry of a WOlD.llD til pain, an old were Ifeen .&n4 the air wille 10tt al it With ' cbaracterllUc extravacance the ply It I., theretore, of the I reatelt eon. . row, would ,vake up .from hJa 1I,ht Ileep It were aummer, tboUlb the bunter bad work ,wal Itarted and carried \hrouch cern to RUliia to bold the harbor of . Alwl)I. God'l Leadership. aDd mutter: . / been trampinl tbroqh the lnow wlao -an the tace of many, dltllcultlclll Llba..., open to ber Ibtppln •• .and.. to Wben Dl.vld w.. '1In"'n, of rfllt be "So';"u Jll'e c&llili, to .. b th I e be met tb41 patltber. .. , ' I,,! .our rp er . There wal a creat oompan7 01 ' Two 'pao·l ou. H.rbo .... other craft, brtnsm. her contraband. ..14~ " He leadeth me be.lde tbo Itlll Well, you may 1 0 on eaJllbl, tOl' your 1' ~.lnce',I~~ thete. but the7 were aU .at'er.... Tbat I, an ulertlon tbat we brother .. IOUDd ailleep." I'" TOda1 Ubau hPllllI tw~ barborl, 'l1he German att~1t "W88 10,leal, but It Baoharae" and ' Brldgl 'a t Bonn. cau, have God', lea"de;rl b•., In tb~ time • And tbe old man wOllld draw bls panther.; and wben the other ODe mllltaq. ~be Qther com~~rolal, II, 7~t ~o be leamed wbllther or not WanI 'CoDclullYe. If 10, the h,e wal IIlbgln, 01 wn"'k "'I Iio' t hunte" had aebtoomo ou~ tobaIdll ud both llit b8b1nd a great tlteu· tbe "eluU, th aid at. 0' reat. W"'en ~ ," "lUI.. ..e t over hiI b,ead to' 1I.. u au t th ., dee,r by --who the "a ,nthbee!! ... had ., you r r' , mQ ~e tban rouf mllel lonl', kaiser hal Icored heavily aplnlt the d ~~b Ie:, 0 f ~re , , ~m b~n 1~eJ' he s aid. "He leadeth me In the patbl sOund o( the p&ntlier'. crYlnl· Next the dance ~18II. ..,.. e roc com ~c C!f dgbteouen"as." It 1I.·an.. •• ;'erlJon 1I)0~lns, ".hl1e everyibody "lJU ea&s, " 1I1erC41d by tWO :.DlUTOW and' beavlly cur Ibould the prOlent ItruClle run G on e op,o I Ion8 golden halr. .' that we can bave HIli leadersblp In our tbe 0111 maD WQuid 11&7 that he' bad .A.rter h~ ~ .atClhe~ the. dance tor, I'UUded entrances. Once Ibllde of on Into tbe wbiter mOnth I that abelter a very ' large lIeet can an· At lbtl particular leaBdn L1tiau II But In winter time, tbe trip Is equal· wor'lt. But wbat about sorrOw' It la beard the pantlier 'In' the nlght; ealling '~"o':~d'~~'t~:.:,,::~r~!e ~tu!: e~or lecUi'~ly nQ matter bow bard It Q,JIe ot RUBlla'l popular relortl, and II Iy delightful. All the 81des of the 'boat not .ald. ': He leadetb me In the Taliey hll brothetr; nnd then one of t l i e . l l .,.-"' - boya woul4 'allk for ' the story of whq ha.. _ed blm Into the uDlIera:rouncl may blow In th\l Bailie without. It very mueh patronIzed by the people ere inclosed In glass and the' lieat of 1:l1e lIbadow of 'death!· But that 11 the pantber cot-and 101t-a pleee (laDle ' up to iothe hunter and wall there that Adinlral ROllllidcatven' livIng Inland In the ~altlc provlncl\l. ' trom the engines makes .lt seem ,like plailnJy ,implied, "Though ] ' "l'\'alk pUlled bla toD.Jlle aerol. tb~ hunte"!1 IkY aBBembleil' hli shlPI' before seUrnl rt boaste a 'number of attractons of Bummer. Tben tbe IIteamers are de- tbroulh th,> vallay ot the ~b'adow of , [e rted and one has room to mova Thou art with me." The tlm~ oheaa and la1d ; i ;-...;;~- ------o:--o:-~-:'-..,..~----:---.;;...---- nround. In summer time tbe ateam8l1l when we Bre moat Conscious or God's "You .,..e now my brother, and, ),011 ~re 60 cro.1.·ded that If ..... ou once' ap.o may Join> the danoe:" - . • ' " " J ,. presence 18 not In tbe bout of reat.~or fortunate en-ougb to .."et a l eat you In ahe hour ot work. but Inc • tbe hour . of It was tho belt dance t ho hunter " Id . must han"'.. on to ,It tor deaf lite, for '" ~o ' li e r e ) 8, a strain of music, rever badj.. lind h after '"lie had made a there 18 a!.waya lome one standing by GCI~\JI'rl~12 and over, which may 1)e e w lOun)'1 e wante.. tQ So back to ready to grab It r W I r his , people end , brlb; l!O~e ot " btl!! e c t 8 port On 0 r 'l d ... 1 thE! psalm;::'~i'mTe~mi=iiii.:;':~rbl~~;~tx;~~~~~~~~~=~=~1 I' en II to _e 11 ace, So, wben noh , ,La st wInter When we' made the · calla us. tbe paL hs or rIght. • ''Wb ere are · you ·g owg. ._ lllere were a n1 y s Ix passengers be814es th"<> -n ·ork· ' • asked tbe of the ,antheM! 'I'aa 100lWlg be sUpped awa)' to the entrance. And when·"he · ' before U8. \V.ben w'e a·re OUTl\e Ives. It wall onc ot the most eOllsn ess ,are panther. The hunter said tbat he wns was once outeide In the anow b e . h~r. benutj.fiil days I have ever spent. II In sorrow we find tbe darkness ts Dot looldng fort 0. de er. rled BS fast lis he eould I> the BottlewaR clear. a. rare thing In the Rhlno r~llly dark • .because, the "lIght of tbe " Well, 00 am 1/' oa!d the panther. ment. As he came tO, bls borne be mei ·, "alIIlY. IlIld we could Bee 1\11 over tho world" Is leading on throulb tbe Tal~ "We are going to hota~ a dance, an~ a party of bunters going' out to loolc hills without the aid of glassed. Tbo ley. . Wben wearIed out with toll and seven of UB Jiantbers a r out buntlbs tor btni. He bad ' been awny l ot' a • dinner WIlS ju~t as good ae they leJ!VQ Cl\lre end we need quiet an peace, tbe . fo~ tbe finest buck deer in the' WOllds ., t d . ' I gllea · m~,. ~8. thoug hJ he thoullit Ln summer, but nQt quite so .styllsh. In banks of the. "stili waterl" are at Come along willi me and ",'o..w II hunt It was o~ y a tew bours. ", summer the Rhine s tea mers h lt\'o hand w\tll their refreshment; together. " , He toM the people nboul tIl bOUle great cow-potes ' oD their tablel. The), So the hunter went nlong w[th -the ot. the p~nth !lra, and Bta~ed out to lire marvelous snver arrangements 01 No Lonelln.l. With Qod. [lanther'.untll .the., -panther bad! Idlled leila lome ot tl1ElIll to t he plnce. -4iut maJlY storiee, 011 the tOll are r~leIDs, Tbe .lon!lllnesa of life 18 ' le)t dnly tbe finest. buck' fb ;1 hunter ~ad ever tlie Inow :had eo.,ere(l up hla ~ka next nuta, next c,a ke and IOllt tmlL wben we live It with God leet out. I~en and slun,. It oval' hl8 sboulder. and he could not ~nd the door la the They are so' heaY')' and high that DO ,OUlr pltltul make-beUevea ,?f 'pleas"Now," II!ll<l 'lhe panther; ''wo wUl go aide of the hill. . ' one liut a ' German steward could mil.' our patbetlcaJly elaborate , con· to the d~!ie ~r6und." ~11-d th~ ..two . Andln seven days thB bunter who nlpulate them luccessfully.' . to ' produce ' ha~p~neas, :our "ent al?ng ~he:s(r~m untl41h~y came bee~ lJIade broth.e r to the panther ' })eCjlule he equid not loDger live All the time the -steatn~r keeps alop .desperate .'and'· rldICU~,OU! . devleee "lO to the plac«1ewJ:fere the etream beclln ; ping to ~ake on a d (hscha~ge passen. pass the ti~e alV~r',·' Jl111. all tokens and tbe! e, ttrey round . !'doOr oponln&. men; The day afhr t he ~uutw r lelis .. U one hae oIily a ' few daya ,tu U1l1l "We ·an !lotai bome ~J~, qod ) (neG .tbe aldo·.ot ,the hili ., . '. the JIIlutber came to look for him. Bpend.on ttie Rhine it. Iii bard to de: We ·bave not really learned t!1I~t . tbls "We '!will co, - 1D~ldll." Bald tbe p&n. when he lound out that tho banler 4ead the pantber 'bep.n to oi'y. out ,tor the far East and tbe fateflll the regulation _valhore 80rt ~d Its .olde ' 'y.'her;e ·to 8top; tli~re ar~ 10 ~any la hll orld, tbat, ~~ .ar' lite chll· ~er. As they went t hroul'D the beache •• becaula' of tbelr cradual dip. deUghUul ~lacea to vlllt-Due8eldott. dr.en, s,nd ~qa' JlI,l'le;, pll,rt ,Il' f,Jur n.. ,In ~e II<le of the ' hm, tbe_ Eyer ilnce ~e panther bas 10Da alJoll' batLle ot,;J:aualllma. III the DJpt lee~nl bla liftrthor:. BJ:eakwll~e~ are 'commonly built of ,,.re' admirably lulted for. lI,urf bathing. Oolo&'De, Bonn, Auderna.cb. Bingen. tu'" coea unaatilDed, aDd the more 'lOoked abead and saw' the Inelt Soml! .ot t!le practices tbere ~ay ja:~. Malnz and Cohl.ens. Moat of tbe toUl' WI! try ~o aatlarr- It w1t~ t.~~CI.I ' ~. . ................. ' .--......-"":'i~-.-........... ;, ~:"____""'No._~ ,;",,..y_.............._ __ blJ malleil of 'pUsfil rook capped wlth a tQPP{~1I of cut" lltone. ,But ordlnary upon our notlonl. In LJbau a 'bathlnl Iits start at Colo&'De, for every onG lalractlpn tbe ' d8!l.p er tI the lolltude ap!;\ the more polp,&Ilt the ,cl...;~nt. TO ~AKE A DRI~KING G~SS S~YS ",WOULD IF SHE p.racUce was out ,ot tlie question at 14· lult i. not :only a novelty:bu~ a .-artty. who visltl GermDny Ihust lee the "' . . . (' .. ba\l. and the engineers were IIOon face ~e cUltom II to ' 110 'IDto tbe ) w~ter th"ciral there. and It de.ervea all thu 1II'lInt'or to lace. with a lerloua dlfllculty_ Rocks wlthqut any more I{lIPtllUmeJ)(s th~n . ad.mlratlon that Is bestow ed upon 'jt. . NQ. one , ~n ,relld ~e . ·were learce In that saudy region, and an ~caatonal covering tor tbtl ,bead. tor. tbere It staDdl wltb ltJ t wo grea~ wJtbput reeUnl bow !I!~en IP,lall 'stonel could ~e gathered 'Men.and women, batbe at dIfferent ~ec. toWllrB aoarllig Into the 'sir, JDaje,Uc. lived. ' RIB rellll~ii · .not a oDly .bY ~ dlbt of a good 'deal of iearcb· t;tonl or tbe' beacb separated by a ,tll!\l' lolemn and perfect.' It. dark InterlOR erate effort but a joyfl11 .CI~i:I~DCII. 1 SDg. ··' \ tral Itrlp. . Is cllmly Jlg4te'cl by wonderful ltalned alld enJOyment · of · the gl~ss windows wli08e diffused ),ellow, O,c/l. R~ ••w OO,d, ,r,~1t To ove'rcome the dearth ot dellrable Twilight of Mr. KiplinG. red and blue Ught aerv~ only to add lu eYerythlnl and . the P1aterlal of nature:a ml~ng and to , Pool' 'Mr. Rudyard KIpling hal tor .to the mYlterious darkneal of ttl COl' hIlS' living I!nd.' te~q~l,n, wal .,vold th. Imprac;tl~ble alternallve of d'!ayor to bnnl men ' lDto the ' brln&lng rock overland by VerY Inade- many t'88: rl .ow been unable to la,k lIerl!. Near the c3.thcdrat' fl the UtUe I plI'$vllege. · If we :aecep Iitl, compan· Quate ... tactutlei. It was decided to pollUes without abanclonln, good man. fasblon monsier Jllockl ot eoncrete~ ners and common sen~e In Quite a aln. tauranl made famous by Jessie l"oth. ,an~ sbare ,hili aplrlt we 'h~1 . wel'ghlDg 80 tonI apiece, . out of tbe .gular degree: , . The tendency hAl be< orgill's book. "The FIrat VIolin." It Ie ftnd.. lila and ter er" / Jid dlalaU• readily available land. In, this way come a sort ot dlseaae wltb blm; aud, tbe placo' where Eugene. the bero. Is fflctlons or life pa... . away and w~ mnJl~I}S ot dollars wefe' spent In th'e therefore, '8'peeclles aucll' a8 that ""blcb 8UPII08ec1 to hlive taken Mae, tbe, Eog. com~ ln~o t~e ~almln. and ,rff produj!lng: of artlflclal Itone, and thellt he d!lI.lvere~ 1.&st Satur91aY at ,.Tun. UBh , Irl tor dInner wben they first mood -In ' w~ ch be alwa,.. enormous ~ts were d'u mped ul,on the bridge Wells cannot surprIse ,,~ or met In COlo&'Do. . , . '. ~ "Will be our 8 ...vlo,. bed ot the aAltlo until they reacbeil make us Inal~ant. ae tbey. wOUl!l do' . Tbe ·.fIrst Important town .belo"W Co. above the water·s · surface. The C'en. I! de,lIverec! by a . responsible person. ·logne' Ie Bonn, ' tamoall lUI the bl~. 'eral Ii~pearance of 'this b~akwatef II We ~e~ember that In the . far away P!ace of · Beethoven, Tbe ' bou,e . ln .ucgeative of the ' carelelll . work of Ii' «Jays wben , be was ,a neat c;r~atlT9 wbich. b,e wU ' born 1/1 still stapdln. Clro,, ,'d of YOU~g·. TI~ans. but' tbe IIreat .w rlter'. be produoed works of geoiua· alid ha.i : been convert~d Into .. mu. ha'llIer·eo. playbloCke earve thelr pu~po'e ' well tor ,,,hlch we were .all ~rateful; and Ileum. U'" contalns mant rOlIe. ot the' /tI II·",.••nt an!! I!re man.ltest1y durable, . " .' tbe I!pl~ndor of their p~ecoclous daW11 composer. lind the room 'where be 'waa •With tbls sea 'wall ~one the Dext Ii!,s not "been ' ~c.e!ed, though ItI bqrn remalne 'unaIJered. . The Unl,el' problem wa:s. LO con struct a na.vy yard pron111e , hILS nevel' been fulfilled. But slty . Bonn 1e O/le pi tho oldeat 1~I~all,el~ 'back from the coastline and talrly well ,enluB Is too .. wayward a tblng fOl ~oat arlstocrat)o In Germany, tor hidden from the slgbt of a roe advand. promhle or pr.op.hecy" al;ld., the man o! if .Ia lb'at tbe I'o'yal prl ces are tDg fr,om tbe sea, Here; tbe Rue- genlus .h!ll burdenl, lald on 111m whlcb cated. · · .'. alan engltleera bOldly rac~~ tbe e;tlat. othe ~ can bllt dimly dlvine.~LoQdon ..' \ . .. The JlarJqt . or' Donll are wonde~.rul. Chronicle. ~ Ing hantllcaplI. . :,rheyare situated , rIght 1n ' ~e hlla,rt 13y cuWng a broad a nd deep " channel Old I.,oot 'Found In 1Ire.. of tb.e city cnnd care ,filled with b8ll~uU· 'I through Il neCK ot Innd ' that Inter, S,lIyerware IJIld Jewelry wortli f350, ful Dower.l . The l!vllIj( bere la Ter, Tened bElt,,!een , tlle Baltic and a . cood .11¢d lake a. mile or more Inland the , atolen from 'Albert F. Ballard or Put. wap, p~J! roo~ ,at .a moderate .~Ied maklngll or a n"lVal etatlon were avail. nal'll vaJley, , t-{, Y., by ,b\lrshu•• · three, , :ot~J poly COlt ua 3i cent~ · apleee !ot able. AulJi« r eached the ' lake, the year. ago. wal reooy~ed in the bol. leSn ISht. .It wBIJ,' well tIlrnlehed. ~~ DeJ:t thing y,'as to dredge out Ita shal· 10 ... of a tree telled , bi a bolt of IIcbt. s y clean, and oontalnecl rq,nmnir .:. . water, botft hot and cqld. , ' low depth. until wat,er eno\lgh "'as obo II lng. talWId f?r the lar,eet ot the'ellar'l b~t· lleBldea Illverware tbere were two lIonli baa 'Ione , been' coDlldered the tt!lihipl. . . . wlltcbes. Ii soll1 ImQk!q let, anil brie- lazleat ally Ju tbe world. Tha~.." Arcllnd thl. laaoon the navy ·, .rll a.-brac. All wal found wrapped III a goes that threa loatera. _w ent. ·~!=~tfhiiMfiit~~~~~~~iDllt!i>4I".J .... let ~wo d" ilpek'; were dUI aDd "loth .cover,' stolen at the time. In the GIlII day In a leld. Artall Al Illiu:hlll. "bOIiI lUId marine railway. hollow of tbe trlUlk. TIle thJeYe., evl. the flrllt wolia UD and ,• •i&J'Ill4lttld tor the purlIOIe of meeUn, 'llentlJ fngbtened wllUa .. usDa awaY ',1 "Frett,. 4a1." 8 _ exl'e1!e1I&1 or wartlDUI aen1oa. ~Ith It, cut It lato the hoUow of tile wben the leeolld _ ......."f tree, 'Gnd newer bad tbe GOQI'qe to p WYo.," SIYQ .",. ~&;I~~ .... bombpfClO" II plaoe4 _ ...aDd UIe bau after IL - .. tIllI'd ~_,. _




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TJ:lB MUIU OAZETTE, c •.•........ ..............



''Woald that I hacl done ~ DIAJlJ FOR~ERSAVAGESAREVOTERS fearB 810," he auweJ'ed. Fortunatel, for h~ l'ee ol~ttoD th"t New Zealand Cannibal Trfbe' Ady .... .dJ1y was SatUrday. On the nest mOfn· I·L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... Ing Rapidly-Women Hay.• Ipg the church waa packed as It had a.llot ,AI~. naVel been 'slnce the beglnn.lng of WillIams' mlulj!try. H is wlte, eeated In Wa,nlngton.-Many perSOD! wbose her pew, could sec the staring, eager parents were cannibals are now voters By GEORGE M,UNSON. interest upon th fae s q[ all. , 'bero lind good 'cillzens In New Zealand, Bnd was FraMes' ~U nturn, the gosSip of SOJDll r-t1l'l!Ii'rlrfE! liJembers or the NeW tbe town, tbe d IIcon's \\"ICo; abe bad Zealand parliament, according to a re. Thc R CI"• •Jed WlllIams slit In his Illag u It her consta.ntly with her Queaport on the progress of the Maori chal, i nsld t h o LIllY ll'l'lUlf room at (Ioulng. And tbere wne Della James, tribes a nd their descendants rllcenUy the IJat'SmanGe, b iN '~ifo ' by' bls side, tile spinster sIste r at Peter Jamos, the mnd e by the r~atlooal Geograpbio so· J nnll nejtlier ~r.o l to r OI' a. loo g time. AI 1ru~ tee; both o~ the m sat wide awake ~ Iety 10 Washington. The sQclety bas Just lh e oW m II mlsed bis 116all. In the\.r pews and apparently scenllng Juet completed a long study of the ad· "Tby sins will flud th ee out!" he something In the all'. But prayers bevancement or tbe tribes, which , were nlUrmurcd. "Well, ElIr.8, this Bleans ga~, and the pastor's wlte , resolutely considered , among til e nlOst viClous that we shall have to move out or Ell· turned be r mind ,from these conslder.:!t ribe's of cnnn.i bals In exist 'nce a Ilt· mer." tlone. Reve rently sbe prayed that It ti e over fl!ty ycars ago. At tilat time. ElIr.a. Williams pressed his hand. but might be we ll with t.h em. wbatever it It Is sald. tribal feasts In wbJch human did not · answer him. Wha.t WaB thllre might 'please tbelr Master to lay upon captives were the principal reature of to eay? Her husband had once killed tbem. =the bill of fare were period lclil forms . milD, Now everybody knew . It The sermon .began. It was said O!~er­ ot nter ta lnmllnL In the rnglons conmeant the end of l'tIe ministry, and he ward by those who recalled It tht.t tt trail d by the tribe chi efs. Tod ny alU too old to begin liCe anew. ' even the women descendants or the · wa8 the best sermon Jed Williams had .. . They bad been tbree years In Ell· ever "reache d. Dut little remem· cannibals e.:" relse tbe rl~ht to vot';!. 1I1~7. ~ud had wille to love the place. brnnce of that remained when the "Wh en the English first occupied the But. with the curiosity of emall towns, epeaker, changing his tone to one or Islands In tbe early part ot the Niuethe 'parI61)looera had never ceased to Intense conviction, IIdifed; teenth century." the report states lu GOODYEAR TIRE~ AT ANTE·BELLUM PRICES ply Mra. Williams with questlonll. And "And noWl frlendl, I have to make part, "It Is esUmated that tbere were because Bbe ap~llDtly wlsbed to keep olear to you sollie peraonal hletory. about 100.000 Maoris In New Zealand. T!)e Goodyear Tire &; Rubber Co. hllr ,aftalu to hereelf, they bad become Years ago, 'WhM I was a boy, I killed Tbey were divide" Into tribes, ~acb nnnouoce "No war prlcea on Goodyear mOTe Inquisitive still. Nothlnq I. Better Suited Than .Leaf· Mold for ~~ddlng to Soli of Any Detribe bavlng Ita unwritten laws rea. mao. It wile II lingle blow, struck In "If there'a one · thing people woulU b~st.y passion-but It killed. I served acrlptlon ~or Placing Around Treee WhOle lRoot. It I. Deelred to En- gardlng land, cultivation, and otbel' Tiree." Mr. F. A . Sieberllng, U"I'sldent of the Company, thul! , explMnll their Uke more than anotber, Jed," IIhe bad B term ot Imprlilonment Cor It. When cou rage. . "ocla) matters. unique poelUon. ' ul4, only the preceding week, ''It' Is I came out I resolved to devote m,. lIfe (8,· W. R. GJLBERT.) hard-wooded plallts o( thls* descriptioD. ~'fho English 'found that they had a "We advanced Goodyear prlcel, a. t.o pry jnto the' aecretli DC peolJle'. to the service of men, and tbus to .. Tblll term Ie applied to leaves wben It may also w.lth advsntage be lacor- geruus tor Wllr, abowln.g unusual skill Ityee." , 'make atonement. ti that were pol. they , are 110 tboroughly decayed all to porded along with pent In the prep l1.J'II. 11\ building, fortUylng and defending others did tbelrs, when the rubberpallic came. Almost In a da'J erude " I don't know, my dear." her hu. sible." .' . readily separate Into small particles. tlon 'o.t beds for nearly all' pll!,ntll of the ,tocltade •. Tbey found them alBO Wiers rubber rose'ln New York from 65 cents band bad answered. "Fo\ka are more Everyone w.. brklhlng 'hud; a\1 Leaf·mold III a valuable manure 111 heath family which ate grown out of :It the 60il and tbat as carvers and per pound to mucb over a dollar. or lees the same everywhere- a. little eye. · were Cxoo upon tbe speatter's many Instances, especially on heavy doora. decoratore lhey were unrivaled In the "The New York supply wu too InQIlIsit;ivo, no doubt, but goost at face. . . IIOUII, and one of the mOBt ImlJortallt Further, nothing III better suited for Oceanic world, and that they dtsplayed small to consider. We cabled our heart. I am . sure the'y are ..ood. I "I ~' ent from pulpLt to pulpit:" he Ingredient, ror lhe 801\ used in the Improving tlower beds. or for adding great orlgl nallty in design and perreemUIJ.t belleve thllt. as a mInister, J,.I&o contillued, "each time thinking that I .ucceuful cultivation of the majority to 8011 of any (iescrlptlon ror placing tion In tho execution of ro('k paint· London people to buy up the pick of tbe rubber there. By acting quickly .ale," 'he addod. . could live down the past, Dut there II of plants. . around treell, shrubs or plaute whOlle Ingll, and In !larvlng tbe orn's mental and paying cash tbey obtained 1,600.· J ed WlIllams was IItty·five. Five and only one wt.,. of IIvlng' down the put, It may be ule'd freely, particularly rooll It la desired to encourage. ' figurea of tbel r ,iwellings; tbelr boats 000 pounds of the flnest rubber. thirty' years D fore he bad accidentally alld that III by humbly contel8wg on.e'. with tbe tender Beadllngll and cuttlngl If leavel, have to be gathered 1.nto and laored Inclosures. The Maoris "That big supply of rubber is now Id.lled n man. It 'IVai a l1gbt; Jed W1UI faults, not on17 to God. but to one'll ,of 10ft wooded subjects, provided It be benp tor 1,eaf·molel a placo sbould be were al80 noted for tbelr tattooing. nearly all on the way to the Goodyear hot· bloOded and Itruck at the taunt. tel\O!¥·mllll. I Ihouldnever ha'f" ot good quallt, and tree from InJurl. lIelecled where they may be apread which Wile designed ·to ornal!1ent the tactory In Akron. It constitutes the Hla enemy feU and fractured hili Ilroll Cound tbe atrength to do this todt.) OUI tungold growths. rather thinlY, so al to avoid any ex- body. Whoever refUsed to unde ~go the best of the London supply'. apon th'e ~rb. Jed was two month, bad I not had reaaon to believe that "We a'r e using tbe same grade of The producUon of root, In young cesllve ~umtlng by tetmentatlon. protracted tortures of tattooing reIn prlson;' then he- waa found guUt)' once more myoid sin ,had '~me to planta of this cleacr\ptlon 11 Induced The who,le s houll bo turned over oc- qulred at every Important event of his r,lbber s.nd the eame amount of It al of IL minor degree ot manelaughter But now before I go. berore I abd accelerated with more certainty cas Ion ally so as to expole all parte In lICe was regard ed as a perRon by bls wa alwuys have us ed In these tlrel. snd ImprllOn8d tor one month longer. leave Elmer forever, I "ant to ma.k e by pla.o.Ung in this material tban by turn to' the Infiuence or the weather own consent roredoomed to slavery. "We are running our rac~ory with , When he' came out be began to !ltud,. thle explanntlon to YOU, my trl~nda, three shlfte of men. twenty·four boun tbe Ufle of any other. : . . : and air. ' " "There Bio about 35,000 Mao,la left. ·tor the mlJltatrJ- Because he bail trultlng that )'ou will pardoA me In 'l'he Quality of leaf-mold depend. Where all' cannot reacb leaves tbat Tbeso bave retired t{) the northern a day. So long as we' remaIn In thll killed .. man. he resolved to de,ot~ hi. your 4 bearta ana be merciful to ' ·very Inatenally upon tbe aort of I~aves are of a s,amewhat dry: bard teIture, provlncea of New Zenland, wbere ce~ fortunste position on rubber, we shall ur" to uvloC men. He went to a Cil.... who Borely needs ~ercy . " ~ , composwg it and _n the'manner 01 tbelr deca), til eIceedlnglJ alow. unles. taln l'ellorvaUo/I1 have beon let apart sUllllty . ~Ire usel'1l at before-\var prIeM So 811-),lnl. ho.tepped dO,,1l from ~11 prepa'l'8't~on adopted. ' tllere are (lther lIubll\.8ocea \nttlrn:itxed for Ulel1\, escluslve property. Tbe Mw to t'he limit o( our capaalty." pulpit ancl prepal'ecl to teave. It II rO\lDd {rom experience thlt the to basten decompoll,",on. I hlld tt d h I l a I ----T"e Pa"cholollY 0" It. aja "w,fe was 1I'a.It1nC'.fq~ blm at the .,e8t le",el are tliole cllllecte" trom • Water may be applied a~ttficIIlU, for or S b·0 f r en tb a en ' sc tl00 s regu I t r'hyI' I Of , em no. leie StuYvesant Ogden, "n San Francisco . ohul'(lh oor. ae thel pused put alone, wood or other place wbere tbe'lIrlnelthe purpose, bat It 'never has the .ame h uc 0 bu . con 1 nue i ~ earn nr are .said In Wasblngton tbe Igher branc the lilent- congregation. She pal treel are beech and oak, and' .etrect M rain, anel U a large heap, Is b th es I 0. I f hit t d sot ' mlilinealre, .. I' va BOW hel- arm throug~ his: . Then where tbelr leaves ,fall over a large mad., thIs latter' caDDot penetra t e fDr ·to e wor yMIl I h b e a u 1en d8. other day: or save ecome an I "The pr'e sent buslneS! deprasslonSome of the both became awartl ttiat a throng of eurface each year, and natura 11" decay Into the .In terlol'. ' I Th d ·f th ay are prou e r Ir, Indeed, there b'o a bueln eas depres. p~plil waa &waltlns them, and, at ttlG slowly. until thole beneath tbe 'lIurface ,.Leavea should be collected free,ITom ed I ""propr etors. d il l 0 f. th There. 's, I head, stood Frallcel Mwturn and Peter become cbanged Into a light mold. atlcks, If llOllIlble, al these are liable l't gutthto vote, tb I an espec a 'JI 0 thle slon-Is pevchological. ' , act at e r women were g ven 8 meae, no smallest excuse ror It. It la James. The lalter advanced and took 111 lIIany Inltance. lIueh leaf-mold to encourage fungoid growtha, whlcb. privilege at the linme time that It was horn of tbe nl"hlmare fears or men's the pastor by the hand. cannot be obtained on account pf tbe finding a . ,ultable medium for Increal!' . hi f N .. " . given to the ... te women 0 ow minds. In a word, It reminds me of a . "Mr. Wlll.lama, we want ),ou,to neee_ary removal of the leaves to preIng In the leaf·mold. will In due coune Zealand." music hall girl. , !Ita)'," he al1d. "We all -Want you. The sene tldlne8s; but on the 'other band render it useleas for 'plant cultivation .. I It Is said tbat tattooing .among tho "The stage manager of a mUBlc hall d I Ioequeet Ie unaplmoua. We have never tt. tmportimce and ad"ltional value The time t~ken In re lie ~g eavel tribes ts now ,rare, and thu.t tbe Mo.. rushed to tl10 proprietor the othe~ hd • Plltor of wbom we haye beeu over that artlftclally prepared II not to a mold or fine aol1 depenik great· lIufficlentl'J recognised tn many places iy on the !amount of turning over aDeI orill. to grea(e, 'ex,tent -than a,ny prouder," . , night and saJd : "'Tum 14 refuses to go on with her WliUam• •lookecl at him III ,amal. where Quantities might be obtained In other atteotion elevoted to the prepara. groai!) oC savages, bave tndlcated that wooda. ' tlon. man can be raised (rom aBvagery to trained mice. She says sne's, been ment. ." Leaf·moid 'or good Quality may be Much ma,. be done In one year. or civilization within one generation. completely' unnerved ever elnce tbal , "But-but bOw can you ·'I pea", tor student was eaten , In Ghlcag~.' ", the 'conlJ'eaaUon T" he loqulred. "You used to the extent at about one·thlrd In even Iell, but the Quality Is ulluall~ hay. not had tlmo to uk, to loan compoata for.: auleaa. greenlwu etter...1t-a 10nger..t1me tball ,tbll I- al, ..VILLAGES OF UPPER VALAIS AD ITCHI:D ' PIMPLES ON ' HE Iho" tlie, leel-" • rhododendrone, and many flne·rooted, lowed. '1D'4eecl, yell," anawered ,the otber. There I. a Dlstlnotly Italian TOUCh "ft. matter 1Qas tbreahed out three Tell City, Jnd.-"My b,a by', head About SOr'(le Df The•• yean "10 befoTe rou came. you lee, 8mall Townl, was covered with aores and thl! to» MI'. WIllIaIu;" be added. "Elmer baa wal a solid ecu.b. It began wltb plm· lmowu. ths. all the' time." Parls.-There Ilia , distinctly ltalllUl pIes and he would acrateh ble hea,d ( 19,.. by W. G. ChalllDaD,l touch about aome of tbe Vllll\gaB In untJl It would bleed and then Bcab . ~ Upper Yalals, Baya L. E . Waller In o~el' and keep ap,roadlng. He would MANY C.;.OLDS DUE TO BATH ,Select Seed for Sweet Com From Handle All Fruits Gently~Sows "Country Ufe." In faw placel Is this claw hlB head and fret, it Itched ~n.d more marked tbnn In Brlgna and Its burned 80 and 1 WaS arrald be' would NO\ Alwliya Euy to Account For: but Spin· P~y Wle\! on htllt.slster, Nater.; acrose the' Rbone, never have any hair on top of his bead probabiy because of the Simpion PILlS agaIn. .' , Tha~ I. One the' Moat Cornach Dining Septemoer. ~Raise More Capons, Cau". of Annoyance. , . over wtQ Itat)' wblch mount. near by, "A friend reoommended Cutfcura Soap nnd Ointment to me. i allkeel Select- your &!led Iweet com from Never tIiIrow fruit of /lny kind, Into our family doctor Ind he sllld, ·Yea.' the crowing plant. notlog not only, a basket o:r box . Lay It In geDtly. go right ahead and use theUl.' We got the else and evenne •• of 'the ~r. aDd • ~rty' dol\&ra· Invest.ed In two gOOd !lne cake or Gullcura' 80(lp nnd on. gralna. but the Dumberptoduced 'on the Iib~8 wUl le,lIrn five tilIl811 as much as box of Cutlcura · OIntment ' Ilnd they staib. Tum the buikB back; ulln8 the money would In Interest OD a mortbellied him from tbe first; In a f". them to braid the eara' to.ether. ' You , tiny. hll hoad did not eeem to Itch then bave a convenient 'packaie for m&iD. who workl himself to or bother him in t'le Jeast and betore banging up to "!'Y,. .,....--~\U>Ih..,.J:!tl,lDlilDlta aulclde In the moat ""0 had used one Bet he WBB heale" .. , Keep' the boe gowa In the alId cilea owing a debt II nd he bas a fine growth ot hair.". and caullflliwere and Clelery. 'W;Ul nevel: bJ IIble to PlQ'f (SIgn ed) Mrs. Rosa l\f. HlUlks, Jan. do well when the' nlgbt. are cool. oVI91'look the fact that one of 26; 1914. '. Winter 00.'100.. tor bunehlDs n~t the (aete.l: and Burest ways In the Cutleurn. Soap Ilnd Ointment lold IprlJig mil.)' lie plante", 'n ow., dairy to "make money Is to' keep al. tbroughout t.ho world. Sample of oach Sow ' lplnacb In. September for , the wal's weedllng poore.t milk· tree. with 3::'11. Slcln Doo~ Addrese P08t- . $&1'1)' Bpring !D!'Tket. , .... _nd badly dolus cows. ' card "Cutlcurn. Dept. L, BostQn.'·-AcIY Select only the belt eeedl t'r everyScl"hce has discovered that .. tbo thing an4 tie ~p In b.g• .and 1abel. , , white' ailt lays 80,000 egga t. month. Rare MIr)er~Ia In Tumanla. ' Cut all the old wood, of the black, A, 'fortUbe . a.w alts tbl) genius wbo can The number 'of rare' mln!3rala found ,cap raspberries ' 'an~ bl.ckbel'Tle.... CroBI 1IIe lI'hlte ant with tbe Plymouth' to exist In Tasmania 18 constantly beSbonld have clone ,this a little earUer Rock hen. ' ' Ing added to, and the latest addition III' ~ut not to~ late. , Take a lot of IItraw from I that old molybd &nlte, whicb Is used In the 'man· . Potatoea ' should be ' btndled as straw .tAcll to the bam for beddlnc; uracture or "molybdenum Bteel,' to centl, apples, as bruta" cau~o~. It will Imllrove tIle beddlnl: It wtU wblch It glves D. special bardpesB arid ImproTe t:he manure wonderfully ca~ , . , ' tou'ghnes8 tbat ma'k elJ' It Bl1ltable for which II .0 valuable ' to theAland, . use In :propcller shafts, guns and Planting ,F ruit The iDan who keep. hll "nD88, I:ollers. It Is (liso ueed, to lesser , ex· The IOU IhOUld pre(e~bly be In cood ~\le gr~ndstOne" I.e ldom geta rich. ~I) tP.llt; In, the maktng or pottery' Glass tlIth berol'e plaDtlng, and t,tie ho!es>for mo.)' aceujIiUlate a lot of ,money II and otb er 111ln&B. The Jirlce of molybtreel should' be dug luCllctenU,. he"Uvea 10lllg enoush, ,but 'mere mODey denite Is now $2,500 a ton, or ' nearly wide and dee.1l to ,receive all of the does lIot naean ricbe., in the thlnes • toUi' Ulnes the present lIrlce of 'tin . roots of the tree: The .bar"er loll . t.bat make People happy. ' ' ,'PIlat· the, wf"er In," deeper'the e :' mol·e caPOI1l are not• raised I, 'l'he new Lotscbbag Una wlll probably Don't be 'mi~I Qrt. A. 1e "'or Red c;..,. , , praQtlcall¥ ~ue to the fact ,tbat feW cause Drlgne to grow hito a town, but Bnll Illue. lIfnllC8 benlltiful wbiu! doth", bO In with Joole, m.ello eartbl people lIie ~he operation neeealilLry ~o Nnters ,may be saved from c,l vlllzatlou ~t .11 good gr~ceT8 . Aolv. , .the 11011 weU aroluld " the roo t., produce them. ,However, tilllts Quick- for some time to come, ' alld we may pt.ckJng Out of' II " Joll. AvoId UII_ng ljO(\ 01' anT coarHe mat.. 'learned and eully perfor"ed, and still hOlle to se~ 8~eiles like this III capons are big money proCluce,._ \Ie ~Dln , etreet. The ha.lf black, ha ll "I ulled to be well orr rl~l, or tbe 1IIaving 0' air pocket., al It la a IV10r' Bvs't "m of ' feeding tha' t wh ite goats are familiar to all.. and In' the Will' ;tarted." either will c~ll.e a drying out :lround ..- , ... "Poor mnn, Is tbat soT• .,And what lIfe' l'ootl, whloh d~trlmel.ltal to t~. doe. not ,.rovlde an .abun4ance of I t;\Ilsltlve' alllrpnJa \ ~tie1 are, tvo, teady ' tree. Use care and )'ou will be, ~ ro.ugha~e. · The eJEperlmental larm. to eat anyth~na you , orrer th ~m-even wns Y0l.\.r ' business 1" "I was II- lec;turer for Intel'llaUonal paid' wltb a gQod Itap4 of tr!,t!8, aDCi aanoulturo.l colleges have 8h,owll!1 ,$'our las~ b,otel bUt-and prepared .t o . th~t a: gre/lt BucceSI W the economl. f.ttach themll~ es to you fnr good It , ~nce."':" De.trolt Free Prel!!. eal liro"uetton of beeC conllate In Utll· 1 ~ou give tbem a little salt ",,hen yo~ . " , working a 'Broad M ..... .lldns corn sloyer, alfalfa and cloyer meet'. tbelll on tbe Alpe. Here they A I'Caf. de Lulie... Thl ' brood mare wlll do almoat .. In coDDeolJon with the sraln foodl , were tbe friendly elcott )f the pic. WII1IO-:P,a, what III a ' "cafe "e mudl ~C1rk III 12 mODUlI. III the lei"· ~d 'In. fa.ttleJjlnl. ' 'ur~squ4f girl. and obeyed ~er as read- luxe'" mi. !Jie 'ifill pa'J for h.enelf ..!e~l PY. 88 dog.s_ Pa-About 11) pel'. cent. ,ca.fe and IW tlmell ove;f·ln cQlte lu a few waara. 'A . ----per cent 100ks........ Ll!e• man .. no~ halt eo mach bother to. Five Pare"ta,: ,,,'-----. New Wheat care tpr aa a daJt7 co.". The colt I. London,-A new wb Aat , with .flft Pleas'; otherii and you may pleallG worth more thaD a utter of pip. Keep youreelt. brood mire. OD tIae faniI; ,It. mean. dollartl. 4










-, mo_.



Money Invested



nu '










Pro!! out.ini,; Att!)l'tley,-f2Ii Lumber (.)0 ., oemeot,,' tll!. 0 If ,J B. ooover, hNdge Ul~te"J~I. 'L~. 0, H. ~, ()onover, brldll:e qlBterlal, . . *1 .75 0 G Mllrvln. sapplies (or Of September 1881 Tellmg OOUTt Hoose and jllll, '29,43. FrBnk. " lin Vh. ronid e, ad\!. tllX meetings, Leading News at That JOHqpb W. O 'Neall, Seo" . soldiers ~_"'-"----''-I'-''''-'--J' .....- - -- - ' - --,.,....,-- - -- -.C'•. l::h"'k-'Hr----~--.. re lief and po t "go to Bepteulber 1, Lo,Jlg, Ago ! 12"-. -, . -;-Rua, aulgDes, 111mb r furoil\b.ed by Banlunlloo, ;i~ , Alva Wellb. bridge work .A. Ka.le of wind last 81ltorUIlY' 811)010 towDship '77.60, ' (J11l 8~hlli A Beautiful ,~ortinera~ of Bridge Co., .oontruot. 1420. . WBI ter ev,eDiu~ holl the eft'~o~ of reduct,:!g' \ Bulillr, brl ilia work ID Buwlltoo thiS t emperAture trom ' Us pr'ev(oUB township, t 0 ~5 . Samuel Cu"ler. IOI;en!!lty and sluo'e then wish 'ut '1 rid!{e work io Hamilton towDship a dr.op 'ut'n , we 8re having some., 19 2\!. Trtili ~e . Public AfflAlrs, tb ~ tlg I, lrelmtumn breezes wlHer R>nd lI~ht, 153.26. 0 , Ii . . 'rhA moat p'entif~l fruit in our Bookett 2 dozen bro Ql~, &a, Bar. wllrketa i8 melons, and they Ilre im, vey M Burnet, rOl\.d work in WliYD9 Towosblp, . ,125 511. Jaoob Ridge, pOl'ted. . '37~ .24 Western' Star, Mlaa. Florence Davt6 la -vIsiting In People say so and buy, as we have contraot t!uppli(ls - for ' mrult18100sre Dnd Booth Pendleton, . • had quite large ~ales. Also, Probate Jndge ~44 70 R. W. . "flY . . Mrs M8Ior DodSllQ Bud 80D. ,Joe,., IUIl,n, typewriter ' reJ)ulrt! for 1'1'11 . b'lte Jud8e $10 ,10, B G, Oabbage, IHe -vialtlng io lnclianapo!lll. . lO'ldwl\V, lli.OO, WHNJrd OQUlu!! Mr. Walt'er E , Dlioilin vll'ited the per G. M. Collint!, roadwl\Y, ,5 'R. 13V. Ch1l8. A. B"yden in Xenia , , I , B. Muon r ·odwll'Y. ~ 8II.tard,ay I\~d t!aoday. onlrncte L t :-N o . . 302 wU,h R. A', MoCutcbeon for oonorete work Mr. ll'arl~y Rlkert. IF! ~ylng nl"rm. A Great Sale on and. tille to arch on Bilciebrllud roud l.n gl, til witb intermit-ellt tevflr Rt by GUll Baldwlo ; IlIIIO .for 2.10 feet the home of Mr, Ueorge VVitc,aft. plaoks Ii rid' plll(\lDl! S9 me ou DeohflU t . Ha~d ' -17097 Duniel L. 011 vis, of Bllrvf9Yllburg p II e brll.k e on G reilt MI (lUll,... • b".. takeo out .. PlitAOt on a oaq& mUI No 305 wIth Ort'l~OOhlo Bridge Co:, 01: bl!! 1Dvent!on Harrison Gordoo fo.(i.lthaeieotion of VollrernlDg bridge hlu, botlght a blllf In~ere8t in ~be In Bl}rlBIl townshlp.• 785 00. ' , . NO: a06 with Cooper & Bard'i Dt, lll'UI. . for m.a terial hnd lnbor tor r a ro of !:llr Knlgb.t!1 .J . Ranl1,,11, Wm Ing portIOn or oourSiho n 1116. . Jone". A, P O'NeL'lI,.N. MoRio· No. i}0 "i~b Ore~onla' Bridge Co. AElY , G. W . B"~l1ton, D~'Yld WI] for ploolUg. steel r&lliOIl o n wing llamA liod " r. A ll'earney attended wa1l8 on FotIwl' bridge 1163 80. j .,~d ~l)joyed the Masonlo festivities No 309 with Oregonia Bridge in Cl'noinnatllBst week. ., for pilloiu~ steel r ailing on' wing Lalit Satorday a party of ladle!! ' -_____.;.._ _~~__~_,_;.:.;..;..i...:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• Willis 00 Klu~s Moms bridgtt IU6, Ilnd ~eDtlemeh vialtfld 'be 86ld'ere'

.. Hutchison & Gibney.~




RAY 'F. MltbS.




Skirts. Coats, Petticoats Alum,i num Ware,42c up

Bags, Corsets, Gloves, Sweaters, House Dresses Ribbons, wide 15 to25c Carpets Linoleum Rugs



Notice of Appointment . ,

liIo.310 with J . K. t.lpenoer. tOl:: furnishing POilU! IIond stooe, putiiog • ap plllnk protection,' flll etc alon • rOf\d b,v OllrllY Corner In , township 172.

-~....., ......".'.,...,.. .... ,...,.. . ., ................ .. . , ,. . .. ,. . .. , . . ..................... ,, ". . .,...;.:...-.................... . ", ......... - .....".............. $ .............................................................................................................._ . . . .

-- -


A1.t)'8. '., .

8,3 0

InSURlIneE ,A. '1. Chandler S/lccessor to

Over Postbffice, Omoe Phone 77

AutomObile Service at all ,T im••

OHIO WAVNESVILLE. • 'Or.bell Oftlee. Harve,.b~..."O,





PAPER o. THEATRICAL 'N :r"".WO.LD Rouse Phone 0·3 l'tJBlmIED WEl!ILY. $4.00 P!l lUI


, .

H.~.· HATB.....L WL 'A .... " . D ',~.




DItUOO'Sn, 8PIC,AUS,... CO.T"U • • • • ; TItA ... ., ••, OA. , AND . .U, •• IlVIC. OA" P.OPr. .V UIIMO "DV'.T'.'NO COl-U.N.

Blowe at Dayton They were tbeae: '1'8 IIlLis.e8 .Mtlry :lotJah, EmmaJanney, , "W1\1 ~'ri1l9'8 Leadin" Den".' , ' SAMPlE COPY F~EE Sue Sidell, ....annle Willia, A tn Ke..,. Bldg. . MatD ~t I. ... _ 'llaw YO"" CLIPP"• fI~ood Ettllo Key" 1\n.d ~el!l"". Bow omoo . . .._ Vorfil.... 'I. Bird 'Hopkln8, ' .Tobn Bawlre. Wtll lIIa,S her, Jhu Waterhou8e, Walter J,.nb~y "nd Stftn18Y 8ellers. ' •



'l'elfi Jj:bonfl dRY or utl{ht Vlllle;\, JlhoJ1f1 N ,r l.IIong DI ""0.00 NIl 69-.2r.

Judge ofWarren the Probate Court, Count)", Ohio.


All Kinds o(

Acute Jndigesllon ' Anna Slltt\ee va . .Tohn Bettles, . (. ' . Leb"nun NR.tional Bllnk and Peo .1'1 ..,8S "no~yed fIr over a y.ellT the f )lIo"lull ' oamecl' )"fltll!! and 10 t.he mlltte~ of ' the "Ilta,s of W. plsa' BnUdlng. Loan and t:!aVIDIJ8 by .ttaoks of aoute Indigll"tlon, f01 . lJ~nnemen oomposed "",erY' W. Aro'l)d , deoe~l. 80.,.n Ar- 00 •• div ro, InjlUlo"oD, extreme lowed by coostiJ)lltioo,, ' wrl\e!' Mrs . an ' part;v who plCJDIMd 11.* . m.''''''In,. nold te ~'I)PlJlntPd ild"IID't1tr~.J'lx o~l1elty. ~. oJ. G.lIliltbel', .Geneva, N 'Y ~na day tlll, wt'ek : f!lll. and Bond ~IiOO John llartwright, W. ~ tried &very\hlu'g that Wll,Tecom aDd Mary RnUeI'W(lrtb. A"D\~ 'J.1a,. , B ' Allet;l aDd aliS ~ond Davie are Real Estale Tranalen mended to me for tbil1 oompl~lnt ldr. Anole ·Reynola .. , oeJ1& Zen and appolnte!1 "llpral8e.r8 . Uaniel and 0l1l1'!l Bqrnle to J. B . but- notHing did me muon good on r·n LizziI' FnrDal', M~e"". Dr.. Ell!!', ' t, fo~r IDQntba ago I al\ w Cham' eJeorll'e B~wlie"J.E.· ,laotley; Pavld In the m8t~er,. of ~he eat&t~ of I\nd Mar:y JI'lIorzler 72:76 aore8 io borluln 'e 'llllblets Ird vertlsod B!\ttnn, 8, K:•. Mlohen~r. Ben ' DaviPo t!tanley N:· .laDle~o! dOOtllla d . Franklin towoshjp 140QO, " · " Prints 81lle of ranrm~d ~tooll Dell\l\b lilvedlart to Boward oured "bottle of.' tboll from our anti J. Ii1 B1'o,.,.n. , IOblPng, \0 8ald es'a~e is .ordered Everh!1rt lot No. ~9 tn Corwin, Ohl'o druggist,. I aOOD re'llIzfld that I hM .,MfA Jane R/tpbuQ arrived home tbe right t·blng for .t·b e, 'In the m"tter of &l1e ea~e at 'L I gotten hom Troy, on Mond~iY eveniog, ' Wlllillmpe . Stoutenllorougl,l, de Ilva ~arker to Joeeph and AUO~ l1el~d we at; onoe. Sinoe I boUles of them loan eRt aeued ~rsli andflnal aooonnt II.p•. Gregg' tr!\Cta of land II> tlaleru Mrll, S L , Olloriwrl,)st 81 wltboat apy bId effeot!!." I3'J ld prove!1. , town8htp 41 " . Ily a mOB' 81lreeable tea.ptu:h- laJa' Sat by ali dealers. Third &nd flDal a~oouot tn the es· WllUam P and Amanda Urton to nr~a:v even~ng in hell0r of Mr. M. .... ~ -+:--'---tate of Opba. 0 ~ .. Elvere" L. and The Senior Powder Co.. 2 lIore" In M. Hnle. ' Saved b1 Hie HObby. . ' t .," " I " .. \. • ~oena aawtbortie, ml..ore, is ap Waehiogton 'o.w olibtp , There 'YaB all offic.laJ an o~e of our \Ve/Dow have 001' tell!phfiD"~ODl' proved . '. great t:aUroads who 'Was . reUred at, lDunloatlon behveAn hllre' aDd RIl". Betat4t 'o U'. B Mo(')luDg deoeased, Marriap UCClUlel sevepty. "Hem die now," sal4 hie "eysbnrjP. ; The~ W"rnARvJII .. oft\!)I' ie fully admlnl~te1;ed . .' , _.,. ~o--l.,--8al.tsbIl1'Y, farmer. of friends kindly.' But he dIdn't. 100' Itt .Iflnlley'S drtJllII,torfO, and ~.b~ Tt:i; wl1l9 f a~rge BlneM, deoeased W~:vde8vtlle, Qhlo, '0 MillS Bllinohe stead, he became 'Interested lp · ' , , 181~ e.oel,lo.,~ ~r-~~r; 'Hen?! ~---":""""".'. ~",~_............ ' ' ' E, U!'>fnell, of Lytle, Ohio . ' wild- flowers, and 'now he Is too busY . Work will bfl~\p (1n tbe' ~aji'If'''' In ~he matter -- ot " be estate of e ora ' oy. . - "~'-:-- , in looking for tbe ra~'s head orchid, Georg'e Bloee, deoe&lIed. ~"'JiTCJ CarlO. Borden, . m~lo.l student and trying to find ' a ne.w stadon for Irllle eo"d of ~he 0 , N. Jilnst M1JuddY{ arid G. BIDM aDd: ~lllla~ MoDoDilid ~f Franklin, Ohio. to MIIIII Ethel M. hart's (ongue fern, e.nd tramping Blt 'whloh tline the IllvlulIr ot arl appointed executors. Nn boDd PeDoe, of Sprlngbluo, Ohio , Rev, around In the woods and flolds In aU t.ract wlli ~Io at Utloa. n 'wont ~ulre4 . Ueorge W . .Jaolr ( Eage:se J. A. MoKamy. kinds of weather. even to think of dy· . A If)n~ to hAve ' .... e ,o&r8 ronolnw U. DllDham and Geol ge B Anjier. ' Jng. An)'w1\>', h& wouldn't have t1m~ to Wayne8vllle. " 800 "re ~ppdigted appralae1'8. I' Commissioners' .1'roceedJngs' \lnUl he's finiBhed hlB monograph on I~ the ~~tser of the e.tate cf T.tre tu belog inaoftiQlen\ $0 rals8 the wlllowa of the Uoited Btateil.-L!P- , Samuel W. Keever, deqeailed. eufllpleM fuode for the malntena.uoe, plncott'a" ' 861ea 1.1 t!,lie oauae l are appr.oved, re{Jalr aDd ' IqlproyelDen& 'nf' tbe ~-';"'-.-':'''--" ,/ " ' oounty aDd ihote roads In Warren ~.. . Tip to Pal'lC!n.. " Oom~on, P~, Co~rt OOUDa", reaolu&Jo~ 'IVai paal!ed to Could one but ftn'd' thelr confeBBlonB,. '. New ~~its. ' lev;: · mx~ .a,the rate of two milia one Is ' pretty certain ,that . many cif " , .", . , t~e~OO!Ie of the Jegolal' .att., same . ' " d '1 tit d r . ' ,8. P. Blair VI. W. 8. Uogleeby, '" be oon"nued for .a period of five our 01" ~Tsons ha lItt D ap u e or -----:-~--.;;..--~-Abc! the making of sermoDs, and the B!,olE , ppe~L 1 delen aQt. " . year. beginulng wUh. the ffttoaJ yeaI' of HomUtes was found very useful. ' . ' , , ' ~ . On entering· his pulpit one Sunday oue GeorgI! F. LOwe vII. Wm: B, Role 1916, al !Ulmtnle'ra$Or of tbe &Slate. of ,BUIll AllOWed :-Ob:lo' 00lrr~lga~t.lparson fumb~ed considerably at the E/.l- J. na:yll; deoeaeod. Uo., pipe, .,08,90. edge, of a .crack In the wo~dwork, then 0017'. monot o)almed, , . m"cer1al io WeYlle straightened blmBelt. as tbough ma](· WI&h tD~r.t ~ .36 B. P . Blalr, oe. in! the be,Bt or a baa jQ~. '&F'l'lends, •.'" r....M . down-the 'K.lrke,' but ' I'll read II. cbapter of 'J ob wortb tJ1e of t~e,m."-Fr:O,m :~pld Yarne of English Lakeland." ·· , Probate C9urt Proceed In,.

Funeral ' Director,

AdinlnlStrlltrlx. with the ,wlll anntlxedW .of thu E8tato of ,tV , W. mold lo.te of Bfroo Oo1Jnty. Ohio. dccelU;ll(). ' D.t~nhl. 9th d~y of !re,~l~.~JrJ:~~· UIUllUIt u II.:


Walter ' McClure ,

Eet~ttl or . \V.,W. Arnold . dooouoll. Notice b bereby given that !lU8M ArnOldi haa ,boou allly appoInted lmd qlliillOutl lUI




Two Machines.

Valvo ine Oil and Creases. '





Springfj~ldTlre6, Tubes a.nd Accessories.





BARNHART t Notary Public:

Al~ lrlndll of .NIOf.aI'J WOl". P"D~IOD Wf\"~ a












' .

..Mitl~l. Ooi '


, . Wild' Cat If! 'S cothand: A ,yJld elit "}JJt8 been , caught 'In

namurcl1an dee" fore~t , A.rgyllshlre. Scotland. by II. &;aml;\k\leper., Tho ani. mal Is' ve,ry large, 'qIelIsur.lng 46 i~cbe8 In . I,ength, .. It has a abort, , bUBhy w.1l' ~tn"" l 1\; 11W!'~,~, North' 'Hh !!"'rfljro~, snf;1la.darlt In ~olor,wttb b~own Btrt~e9, !!l.e, .,,' Jlllhc" .nrl. wltl.el' tll It ste.nIlB \ high !:In l~B leg'~ !l- nd !Jail tl ~~. Al~o ' It Ii.. n(l b.llrn on "10& ::very tlg~rjs~ ~{lp,a [lrRb.oe'. " . ' , nq~.'ril. 1.11 Mit! A., i/.J.,vitr. t e2U "


;~ .,t-





. ~'f( J.lIZffir{-p(.l}pl~<' Wlah,\I;ll a "So ·You got -your \loem printed?" . I< .. "d !:',)tu.h li'er'hllf~ r" , -01111 ' "Yo~'" replled tile d termlfled authQf., f,p I'" "'rulII! fill ho"!, Way, ell~'I Bent the' first Btan~a to Uncle Kno,Ij· Ville, '1111;" "h' ~lI d 2:&-2 ilIa It-A\l's colUmn. wltb tbe ,lnQ'.1iry: 'Ollll oof) ' 'Hnl'bt>r UTe Bug-IJ', ~ bar any ope 'glve tho reBt of this poemr' . ' ~otll 111\(1 il .&hIH ",eek, W. N. Then I Bent In the completa poem ove.. Hint '~o Budding Authora~ ,




another na,me."


~r.. .


, t t BOUT . ~tll; ill' IIA\" ' O bondred Colic, \. ~oler~ ,and bQ~h .. l. II' " I " " Q'" n. 1'lJ,~tre Diarrhoea Re~ .. . 'ir G Of', tlm\.,h .1( R; ,I. \\, .'D~ •• I1e, .~.


•-1 Ad vll',m t,b~

'b"}i"" WbflD they Obln, thl' Sp" ... Ieh "aa: 10 take Chanal'I 'rillln'M ""·\10, 0holt'ra OillrtbueB afUlledy wttb 'bew. Il'lld have r8l1'lv~ DIBI tb ..DIr" Int U.e advloe Ilnen." .t. D, HOOlb. tln\t"I~ t ,Jj







, ,

nhAn ~ ••

I Jnlwnl'\ ' .


Office at reaid ..nce in F. U. Sher Wood'e hOUle, Fourth ~trtK!t.


·THE . MIAMI . ,,-----


PlIllllilh8(1 Wet)k)y Ilt th" Oilit

Ltc OUl'IlI" \1161 Rates of Subseription. Aililu flulltJlug, Alliin S~,. WIIYI\O&\'lIle. Ohio. One (aLrl tly in Ildvanco); •...•• . 11.00

_ _ _ _________"'7"<"">Oo:-~It!\Jl(tl tl COllY • . •• •••••.••••.• "

. . . . ... •


i _nTh; -N~i;hb~~llo~iN~~~-'''''--71''''''''''''''-~~''''~--'''''''-''' . . . - . - - - - - _. - ,-


- ...; - - . - _._ - - -

Mt. Holly




J. E. .~humalJer spent last week &, Mr: JQo Crew III home for tw o Lndlan ' ~Dd ,. returQed wUh a weeks. fi . 1'hn.el:~~I.t~<*ldllvellllee Q8striogotflsh. Met8TS. M. M. B"ley, W~lter D. L. 'Cr . 8Tle, Editor and Menager. DIiIJllM:YAd~ertlaJngl~~lDcti: :: ::::::: ~gg J()hnle "Pl~" t:'mltb. nf"'-n,..'>tt",,,·-I -Baler-andl Sam Jnonon were In DIIKlOUDWI Il. ven OD ~D~l'IIClt. ' " visited blends herel:)aturday, DaytoD Sa,tarday. :-;;~-;:::::--:--;"""'~::,-----~--'-------~---:--MIlllI and Edw~rd/l are painting :Ur. 6ei>rge Mli.rla~t' /lod f~m'i1Y Wll~on , B~rllUl's hQu88. ,Thie com· were tn Delyton SatuTday aDd Snn .. blnation III a strong team. . day. The "S" hili is In the best con i,if..:c.W mmm Meddll's Bnd f"mily THE . TElEPHON QUESTION How's This? ' ditlo" for travel ' tbat it bas ~n Of OlDolnnatl, were guosts of TlloR' .... r. Jol)o B.1'hnmpe lb. who 8Uc.. We oifer One Hundred Doll~r8 Iluce it wue flra~ surveyei . DIU', t:3l\tulrday. . _ CfIfIIlS\hll" bro,bllr W H. Thompson ,R e'urd fOf any MAO ,0 1 Clltarrh " ba\ Tho Gr~nd Jury tbat OQOvene8 in Mr. M. C. Dillon, of C(lcl!uville, 1\11 lDltnllBl\T of tbe Vl1\luy T&1f'phon8 Cl\nnot be on red 'b y Ball's , Catarrh Ootober will be well reprelented !lllll sold . his . farm and was down Comuaoy, tllfo,r ms the ~tar thllt-the Cure . " trom Massie _oCl there ,is no better looki~g at Frank Thompson 'f! plaoe. r oompany ba8 purohased . aJ)d tbut> . F. J. CHEN EY & CO.:Toledo, o. to t!"tbpm ont orlme tban Mrs. Ad,Ilm Pennewitt W/1.8 u Slinhi nJow on b~od, 3300 feet ot II.f'rllll We, Ihe undersi,&ued';-hav. known F. J. we :\re Bending, S lOP, look, day guellt'of Mrs. Allon Marlatt cilble for &h. Waynf'Rville ' xcnange. C~ney for tbe lust ~5 yea!:! ,and believe UBben 'f or their report. . J, ... ' • hun perfectly honorable In all husiness ," w.r. Ed'Ward RoSBOD ' und frieDd All !loon 811 t~e oomptlny'll forC68 transactions and financially able to carry SD~deo Rosaltnd in tbls vioinlty of'Daytoo. were Saturday guests of Cl~n -.trinj( It. the WHynpevllle peo. qut nny obligations tnlIde by hili firar for sevenl years, but for a few Mra . .Iobo LevI. ................ ...,...... .:ftft._ ... _ ................... . pill will 66 r~lieved from mflnyof NA'l'lON'AJ. BANK OF COMMERCB yean blla JIved in Lebano... Mon. Mr, Per.ry Wysong had for" Suosbelr &elephofl8 troublee " " Toledo, '0. day., September '14th he wall on his dny ~ ue8t a friend from Mld'lle' . A ne~ ~ wltoh board cornph~te ia Hnll'sCatnrrh Cure is takeri inlernully fllrm" it being hili home so many town. ' "very de""ll, 11118 been ordered " OT acting directly 'upon the blood ilnd mil: YaIl-S When tho time c&ma f.or WtlyueAville , , and whon insblled cuous surfaces of the! ' system. Teslimo· hlUl to 8ttt.rt to bls bome in Lebanon Jobn Rye Ilnd family were' guosts 001' "illter village will be In fir8t ninls sent free. Price 75 cenls per bottle be dl.1 not IIp''''lIr aod a search Willi at l.'imothy ~nrltltt'8. Sold by all DruggL~t.. ' ..M o1IISII pone ooodltiooll. Take Hill's, Family Pills for constipation.. m .. de for him 8nd be wall roood iss Clan Daughters "pent tiuo h We have just received a carload of good > Mr. 'rbomp~on 811finrs8 011 that be ,d8t\.d, Be leaves to mourn hie 1088 day Rlth Uullind 'a. . Locust Fence Posts, Is now boay m,,!rintr Impf ovemeD\1l bis wife, two daugbters, two sons, , Mre , Charles Gordon 'pent Sunday .n , 'b~ a&rvioe whioh wlll Rrllatly " severallr~tidohildren and , friends. wl,th M. &4 . tialey tJenefb I;.ebaoon aad violoUy, I I NO FRUIT WITHOUT, BEES . Mr, RQiil W»I highly respeotoo, HII - - - -.. ---.-- Tb, preceding ParBKrapb 8~' -- wl&l\laid to r8l!t In tb'(I oemetoryat Dizzy? Bilious? Constipated? neared f", the WII,tera ~'ar o.f hill' Jf there· were no beee, frnlt ireee Maflon. Funer~1 Friday, September Dr .. KlnIR'S Naw hlfe Pills wlll week;, )r the .,arllgraph la oor~eot, .. nd otber plap~ oould not produce 18tb. 4 OUTe you, 'clluse 8 helllt.llY 110w oj .."... .... -~ Ie' tbe worli bnglA 811 early UpOlllt 8nyftuU. , Ap(i(le, plom, oaom;nber, Mr. and Mrs~ J, C. Gray QUanded Bllo and aids yonr ~tomaob and ,ble, ~. everY!>oiJy knowl that we Clover, alsille, j,)fnlf& 'are fertlll~ed the fuoeral &Ii Lebaooo, Thursday , Bowels of waBt,e and fermenting lore ltaclly 1n 'need of good telepbone by beee Honev hI the ' ba1r witb SHptomber 11th, of Mrs. .lLebecCll body P()ISODR. They Ilre ~ T ,nlo to "nice . ' . whlob tbe bReill induced to perfnrru Noble, of Dayton. ;vonr Stomlwb and Liver and tone , If ~be oo.m pany, 8rd mailing the tbit tulf. Tbf ' 0010r8<l, fraacran' Barry 68r,,"ood. of (lbioago apent tbe general system, First dOlle will prtlpara&lonlJ da talked 0', ,et tbem petall or tbe blollaomll are ~he ad. last weelt wltb hit! uo'ole a~d' aont OUl'e you of tbat dept'e8!16d. di~zy, 1 0 a little ••rtber and give fI.I 8Orue ' ventllnt lIIg o b9a r d telling tbe be~ Ur. and &ir8 Goo B"tton ' blltotl8 RQltl oonstlpated oondltlon. De" boX8I!I. 1& ball beon "lI.ld by "here tbe boner m"y be found, V _ " , ' . II 'me .. (frea~ dee) ,of the trouble lies tbe blolBOm il to ".et fruit" tbe' bee Mrs, . Barrt6t Aahmore Bnd grand 250. all Drngglst8. ~---ia &be bozea OD hand at prelaDt ,vUh ita fnuy body mal' br'08b ROD, Warren Smith !eU Thur~AY Sowever tb&t may be; we hope they ,80~e ot' ~be yellow dan o&l1ed pOl ~/lr oayton wbere ~bey wUl spend Bellbrook. "lU,ly. ua 'b. equipment tbat wlll 'lell .rom ~he ,maJe organa ot 'ao~he1'8 ~e wtl!ter with- Mr, apd Mr•. J ",cob mako.for eervfce . at tbe 00$&010 of the bl_om, ' and eoe. . , .1$ Is bo~ thac the now 'ml\nare r ~11a'g ':way to another bla.llom, deOur aobool waa . olose .\ ThUrllday Mrs Wm, BodRe ie on 'be siJk "lIIalve Oll and 'a ll lIu.b80rlben io ~U tbll pollell on the fewftle or on aoooo~t of the F&lr, lilt. tbe lI'am' Valley Telephone 'be glUl called the ,IIt)l~ma. The blo80 II.. and Mra Jonathan Bartman. Mr. an:l'!\{rs. Uhlis, Brelslord bave Mnloe tb"t.11 due tb08e wb~ P<lY aomil'are 80 arrHn",ea abai to get at at Wt1mto~nj vieited relatives returned from ColumbulI, where a good prtc. r('[ it, •• 'be oUillen. of the bOJlsy the bee.mWit fint bralh. here laet week, ' they attended the Ohio State Fair. ~a""n CoODty bav.8 baeD dotna wltb Ua polleD -oove,red body. agalDst Bomer B, Spar lan, f lor years of ~11I9 F·\oren06 Myera eotert.aioed fG,,"veral isan, tbe Btfgm., }hu oompleSilil the and IOn of M1". and 'Mra RtlEl 9r,l th" paroel shower laat 8~tor lay , po)/ln8t100\ It!' 100'll •• it, ha. peti. dted \tonday mj)rnt;'g of eV/ilning 10 bono'r of her ,!later, MI88 I"--:~~~-~!,!",-"!,,!,~-~~-,,,,,;;..,.;,,- --~~..--"':'--.·I;\ '. • , formed thll . Clut1 tt may dla'W wa. -laid to reat In ~e wllose , marriage to Mr. For,Tw() Waukiimla Kirla were diIlCD •. "obeok for tbe ,rork lo thtt form of gr:ouoda; '(Nue.:: Wolfe. of ')~ytou, took place !lIng reltlitn." ADd ol)e Ntd .that ber a drop, of boney' aUhe ,bOUo~of .the Septe 6. ' la,,~ l.'bun(lay eventng. They will prayed tiotll be Wilre MI~ In 'he blolllOm, ",-Wbile drawing tbtll ' " , 11 Plea . d r~lde in Drayton. . , tb W own Cae we... ;e Bnts . 'M ra, J ID, Harnesil and' daughter IU'86.. of bl. 'rouReral an" ~he otber ,be bee litovololltllrllY"oOvered ; ."Iema,hd 'h., "ber ()(I. blld worn bll pollOI!- aptn and 'lJlllde rea4y e arreo ounty tttr. vlll"ed Jatlt :rbnrMday wttb' In mes pliO" qQ' f'otirel, baokeildlo,: "_ ceM to 'ta'e nbt blOll8om and teo Alva Kennedy anct Daniel Under. Din~lddle and f~mlly, of nelll Waukomis (Ok.) Boroe'. ' . peat tbe prOO8t!s -Franole JaeBer wood traneaoted baefnll8ll in UaytoD WaYDeevllle: Thoraday. • .• •. ell t L. Kl h W Ed nUl and' family, of OilY too ' Po-~Lax Baalabet Pimples ' n Qn mM. of t e arren ~Isi\ed his mother here 'Ilist Sooday , When '" aillO OIn •<raze at bia ,rir.e Bad 0uloOO . Plmplb CountY ,Timee, tranlaoW _ ~~Ie.d' .. ao 118 here Wedino-d AApte b busineflll 16th ' MI't', Neme Zea nd daugb&e- , an" I'8IIhze ,Il.t,,,be IIIOk8 jn,' lI~e BU'ouaD88II, Torpid Ltv'"r, 'Coo"UPa' In tbe.ln&er;t~' thlTt:f3fI~r '8e1en, of (,~ntervtl1e, Iod • ret.o·rn~ otbor .w·,,,,"n. h~l' tn .... It .doBtln t HoD.6fo" CODa6 from lndlit.,,"oo. N . bome I:3attlrday Rfter spendlDa tbe m t~r, 'ben Ihtl ,~ oDtl,moll~_I~ (lver 'TB.k8. Po ,Do.u.x, th.. 1118a8&ot aDd athan Harvey and T. " Gillam ptlst ,veek wi,t h Mr . aDd ' Mrs. Chat! d .were flsblpg.. Tharaday wltll good Brelaford , ,and tom.nee b,,". IIII ,u'ly stohm "~JUlelv .~e Lax tI .." . " , a vel an yon reRnl. a ,wa, • -Joel !, ... . " WUQt·flu.ft'er om a derallied MtolD' " r' •( . ' ~BrrolJ B...oard. of (j~uth of town lftOOfl in 'thll vloinlty ie ant aocl bAli moved in\O tbe Pleroe propertv , . ",eb Ilr other "oablee. It will tone Onne lu .. IU'~t. while y~o hear OIl 'tre '~tvP", aad pari;y tbe bloncl ~ae I~g l~ pretty well done. on eaRt Frll1nlrlln ,,'reet, ' \ C' • OIao ... , hlt ·8. "butna HI take 'till URe i' relrnltirly and yoo Wlllat-ay .. - H J t8lttea It, well" hHve clear. oomplexlon 14nd Stop That FII~.f'FJIIt--e.-II",'Ir~-l.,...,~r:.;..~~.~~~. ames Pepper, of m,rv " bat, he alwa"8 " ,__ "" L. . relatives bere. , jOIlL the Mma. II uauy lIerv_ 6et II GOo uottle to• da!,. M,)ue~ bllOk if DoL ••tI1l680. AI,I OruIUt\ltt.... .' . PIIl'UIO otbll,a aud yl1U may pll!IIl88 --'--- •• - ••~-"Uy aUentlob WIlS ftT8~ called to <:lIlIRIIIlb4nlll\ln 'a C9UO, Oholera Rod ,Qunel1, The Amer,iean l., f "'"": _ RRoUOtH' RACK THE ·COIN. ~--'::" 'ReDl&Jy 11K mooh 8S ._RegulAr pr;iCe . ... , .. , . . . . ,'1.00 twelve yea". aio. At tbat tl'lle , Rheumatism P.lna SlOpped , , '~ . E . •DamU' re..urQoo from the The Miami GUftte . . 1 WIS serlouA)y,Ul wltb ~tllt\mer com .,. PJR,egular prb. , . ... , ;.: ' . I ' U)() . 'libe Ore' ,ppltoatloQ or BI()a~'1I Orand AmerlaaD Bandioap ·'l<jbopt." plalut. Qne dQI8 of thIS rem8dy .IA"lme"t ,,0811 MRM to the painful o4QOked the trouble," , wrltea Mr". ~1'&-" petie rattle .wlthout ral}b~'n1C C. W . Fldrenoe, ' Rnokfield, Ind. For lale by all dea1er8. '

lt LNl'tlO (0;_VAlLE _ _ _i_ _ _- ' _ AJ.L _ _ _ _JU. _

Ita tes of Advertising ' Readinlr LOUie ~r 111,,, CIUIIIIIOd Ada. • V"

W. H. Madden &eo.'


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •




On Hands At All Times


$2.25 per 100 feet

"'-,., ,. .... a.a .......... . . ,. .


The finest car of Chestnut Posts Ever Brought ,t o Town is ·Just in.




w. H. Madd,e n & do. .....










For!fJ-oth: •• C.....:80

.. . ~

New Burlington Rev. B. Killinder of tbe M. E . I~!'!!!"'!!!!!!!'!!!!~~~~!!!!'!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ obnr.o h bl's been trausfepred to , ~--'--".--,..,.. ..,.Bethany.Oblo. ,Rev, Shretber oomes " ChamberlalD', Liplment • caesar'S Creek herp • " If vou ~re ' evor tr(luhted with 8 WhitalJer and , aohee, palnl' or 8Oren8118.oUbe mu " 1I.t . ancJ Mrs. W"Ullr.,'Wl.IliI6D"'fltl-li-&ll~lr.--¥.r-lj:QJ.A1,IMl-- SI.>ent a par' of ' ' . ' .: daogbtAtr. (}live ~ltti IBIJt- week' Jln .~ r. 'a od Joe. Blair fA ttonded !!!!!!~~~!!"!'!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!l!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!"'lj th;e , r8tlnl'o n of bie zeglmenl'''lri Xep~ Thjlraday. · -::,~ IIr. , C r~ BarDtlr :wu quite liok . NtH Marlaiuia Comptob was the 'be, laet of the weelt. , . . , recipient of malty uaefnl present8 at It shower t.endered Itel' n.t tbe home Mr and Mra, J. S. Leamlng 88 ·tbeir RuestM , Ias'~ week Mra. of ' Mt. and, Mrs. 'Will Compton Wed I,Jharles Ogtlen alill l)btl!1ron of West needay aft~rOOOri , M~ \ Lt~ Coyl entoTtainoo last Virginia . 7Neek her nieoe Miss J!eml>ertoo 'of , J88IIe HaiDee \" liliW'mprovlnjt. Xtlnla" " ,. '. A 'paroel sJ,lower WAS tendered , ~odi loIrs" Arnold :ru~aI&Y of In,a; week. i ' .,", ' Mr; aod Mrf!'. , . Mendenball. , ' . IIr•• ad Irba, Jesa,e are atA.Y1VBSVIIiLE~ tending' Western Yearly , .ltIe',lnl~atl Plu.infield; Ind . . C ... P lokln, of l>aywn, WIl8 ,t:\onday guest at the bJme, of A . Ultrlan Bnd,famtly. , 0' . . . __~~ ..._.."-!-."..,.,,





- ------



fa~I1Y the Miami:Gazette Tells

All the NC!wa




fainting, .Paper,:,Hanging, Auto ' ,.' and Carriage",P$inting, •










'Maln at .


, Shop Next Sherwood'. 8 Carage An ~m.tellr. ' , , r , . / " '~Some ,lalnUy .folk ~D tbts t(lJl'll are 'alwaya thro:w1ng tho lame', of poller t;",~.;:...____~__-.;..~...;....":";~~---~~~~~~__.I at our. u~()trenalng Mad:' 8aYil a Goor. , ",,!!!!!!!,!!!!,,!!!!~!!,!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!~~!"!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!"!!!!~~!"!!!!!!!!!"!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~ ,Ia ~.dJtor' . •!'Ytle want t() liay', once -= tor ali'. 'tbat we doti't know theaams. " , ' .:" l' ' ." . If we,bad kDQwn It ,we'll be rtcliiil', c' ~ Plta wrtt\pr, 'by a Iiouse. and ~ Iot, a ': . . '~ ' . ,• ..,ld watch-and chain, and . ' real dl. . •.. ,mollll atulL" • •





She DIdn't Falnt. .1U1lP1'"" aba fainted wh4\n "No, 'Indeelt; ab& ICIIII'CI!IY iit.o.tlc~ld ,

it." "Soaree1y OD, You, aee be '1 YU. at the time aod tuUy ~cupled."

W' N

Posted ·on· '~eeS' and values , -Idrids of breeding' stock• ...• r. , ~enced in .an~g !f!U1D Sales ,aiD~ •

,' ..L~ "'nn~ •






. '


TlJB MIAMI Nora would underatand tl)at he wal weak and wltbout backbone. HarrI· gan h1mleU mUl t have reasone\! out the cauBe tor IUch allnlne playl as he hid executed In the lame of abeok· e re. How many times had the old man cane d out to him to wake up and move ! In IIplrlt be had been acrosl t be lake. a spirit In Hades. was l\ot only a. t OOl, bul a cowa rd likewise. He had oot dared to


. . . put It to tbe wucb To g!\J n or Ie'f. It all.

SYNOP81S. JIII.-nora de T ..eana .... • ...'Injf In

:parl., wblell, perhaps. &CCOUDte4 tor J!:(Iwanl Courtlandt·. appellrllnce there. Hul, ~IIlI.IUonain. he ..and about- .. h .... tanoF dicta ted Bs ml,ht be In P i ri. one

ur and Kamchatka the Dert. FOllow!n.

tile opera he coee to a cate and 1JI 8C' -eoalAHS by a pretty youlIC woman. Sbe eJYe8 him the addr_ of Flora n.imone. vocal rlftr ot Toacan.., and Flora -,vea

of Blleanora, whQIII b. .. to _ .' Courtlandt ,nlen l!lIeanor,,'. apartmentL 8IIs orde.. him .out and .hoom at him. Ths nut d.." Pal'll II IhOOked by the m,lte.r1oua dll· 4lJ>pearanClfl of 'th. prlma donna. ~Iatn. that he ma,y be IUIlI8Cted of the 'abdllctloll of Blleanora CourUandt arran... for e allbL Eleanora reappear'll and lLQCu.ea CC!\IrUandt of havllllf abducted her, Bli .Ubl II lat1lfaotOI'Y to the pollcs and tbe ~blLl'lfe II dlamlaed. Eleanora fteetl to Lake Como to rut after the, Ihock. Sbe le fo\l.owecl br a number of her admire,.. him the a4~

- ~e""lfte<II -

&IDona tIIem the p r lncs who r eatly pro· ber abduction.


He snw It oomlng; before loog he atld that Itnllan would be ·a t each oth· er'1! throatl . ' "Come 1n! " he Qalled. In responBe' to a 's udden thunder on the door. The door opened and n s bort. eoergetlc ol d man. purpl e-v isaged a nd hawk,eyed. came In. "W hy lh e devl1 don't you Join the Trappl8t monks, Abbott? Ir J WQsn't tough I should have died 'or apoplexy on the Becond landing: ' "Good morn ing. Colone l! " Abbott laughed and rolled out t.he patent rock, er tor his ruest. · "What'll on your mind thll! momIDp;? I can 'give you one without lee." "I'U take It neat. my I!oy. I'm not thlnty, I'm taint. Thele Italian archl· t ecta; they call three ' ladden IIlghti of atalra! , . ,~a! Tbat'. Irlsb whls, b, and 'JoUy flne. Want you to come over aod take tea tbll afternoon. I'm lIolng up prel6nUy to .ee the Harrl· ganl. Th'ought I'd go around and do tbe tblng I,formally, TakeD 'a fancy to tbe old chap. He'. a little bit of -all right. I'm no older than he II, but look at the dUference ! Whisky and loda, thars the racket. Not by the tubful; Just an ordlnlU'1. balt dOlen a ,day. and a dem climate throwo In. '' "DIlference In tralnlnll," "Rot! It's the Ilzed hat a ma.n wearl. I'd give IItty gulDeal tQ eee the old fellow In action. But. I lIay; recall the argtnnent we had before you went to , Parll ?" "Yel."


Inp III the HtUI ; .tulHIn~u. car.! pmel' and what had bec:ome of • and·.o, who al'W a,. drank h.lI ..,hllll,. neat : and wb,at'.hll'oame, wbo In, vented aures to'" Inake bltel l Abbo tt dellberatel;y pUlhod over lUI oak bench. "Am I hoat b.ere or noU " "Ab1!y. old mi n . how are ,)'ou t'! said CourUa-ndt. s mUlng warml,. &lid \laid· Ing out hili hand. " My a~108I eB ; bllt the colonel a nd I never ' <!xpected to see eacb ot her agnin. 4bd) Hnd him talking with you up here uutler thll root, It's marve loua." "It·s a woq der you wouldn't drop a tellow 0. tin e," Bald Abbott. Ill' a (Ilull. fi nding tone. ae he righted the bench. "W ben did you come?" . "Last night. Came u~ from Como," "Oolng to stay 100g?" "That depends, 1 am really on mJ way to Zerwalt. rve a ,han kerlng 1.0 have .ano ther try nt the Matterhorn." "Th ink of that!" 'exclaimed the. colonel. "He lIaY8 another try." "You came a 'roun da bout way." WILl the artist's commen t. · ' "Oh. that's because I lett Paris tot Brellcla. They ha d Bome 800d Hlghtl ther e. Wonderful year! They c ro~1 the channel In an ai rship and discover the North Pole," "Pah ! Netther will be of any UII to humanity; merely a line Iportlo, proposItion." The colonel dUllnto hi. lloeket for bill pipe. "But what do you think ot Germany,,, , "Fllie country." BJlswered· Coort,. landt. riling and gOIDI to a window 1 "line people, too. WbYr' "00 you-er-tblnk they cnuld whl,

FEW MISTAKEN IDEAS L..._----------___



-'~;;~~Li~lwI;d 10 openl1. limp" ~J

tabl and wild


bact beaten bIaa 1Il and BVIIA"IU~bIrI~HI~IlI~J~ ~to,..~ Ad lllibta la·

Eno".h Hai D .. vlded O.cul. tlon 'nto Two ' Dll tlnct Type .. .

In a learned dlS\lulsltl'on on klsle, · s ir Rllt ' La nkeB~llr divides Olem Into two claBses. " One cis IS takea the form at nose-rubbing-each klsB givt'J' l'ublling his nOBe agnlns t lhrtt o( tho other. Tile !\ecQnd kind , which II t hat faDllll tl r to U8 . eo nslsts 'I n prQB8' Ing Lhe 111/8 against t he lips. Ikin or hllJr of a notber' IndIvidual nnd ma1l.lng . a flho~t, qutck InsplraUon, r eilultlOl( In a more 0 1' I B8 audi ble Bound. Both klu(\s (IrQ j'w ly of the na lur 'of 'an\!, fling;' the acti vlI ecroit t() s1llell or', '. ploro ' by the ol factory sense. - Til e kissing of ono . snother ,by growl)'up men was abandoned In 'this coqntry In the eIghteenth cent ury; but we havo most of UB ""llnells~d ~f Qbroad. nud perllaps been unoxpe.otedly lub· .( j ecte~ ' to the proceBII, a~ I once wall by all affectionate SCientific 'colleague. The Ru,slans nre the . most I>~otuso and Indiscr iminate or E uropeao peoples in thetr kIssing. [ha ve !leen a RUlslan abQut'to go"on 1& jOurney deIl»ure-Brtd Indian Runna, ~Oll:.. t.,e, Kill' Ttl.' ~ecaulN. but UWa W..... voured by tbe . isses or hI" r~~lon. , and ltand Up{ Tllel. L.... . . and household ret ainers, ..ale anel fe male." my ANNA. OA.LlOHmt.) • bOIll8ll ' cltu. dry and well VlnWat.d. Wa baYl railed dU,clta tor .. nu.'" J'Joon ,bo1l1d be dI7 ud well ooverecl . I",PG"ent to ..oth ..... of 7ean aDd And that ira ...~ With (Jtraw or Glean Utter, ua l!Ixamlne carefully evel'f bQU1. of to rata. whln one. liloWl ' bow; Inlt Jl ' lawduL , " CASTORI~, a lII&fe and aureremei!f, to. cbUdren. ' aDd ~ that It II .af. to I." thAt not 'more than ODe Tb. tloor o01"~ Iboald be cJlanae4 Inlanta pollltl'7' ratler In e ••1'1 aYe thOUaD" often. Duou lit OD the JloOr .t nt,bt Bear.lhe ~r= thoroq,h ly andtJ'ltaD~_ cI~~k raII~ and til. W4IN IOOIa pta badl, IOUe4. Signature of ~ ~_ hw bel!nnen 107 With tII......s.; AI a ruI., I tile lIoop ave.., In Use For Over 30 8IU'II. ' . nel' long enou... to leam. start otlae c1&J In "ammar, an4 If th.... 11 Children Ory,for Fletcher8 CaetorIa IA b,. p ..I , 10 to apeak, and ,S.. ~p &117'" th. Ilqora ar. "lo",ed 10 dtagult, at the .D4 or tha 'ant.... .~ 4rr before frelb U~t.r .. P¥t 00. lOa. W• 10meJlmN leatter Ana ..... TO TAKE ELABORATE CE~SUS. 180me people try to raI•• 4uokna.t oyer th. 1I00r to ..... ·rb· ..... _ ..ta._. • ~ ........... UIOOo &\;atlatle. of the Prav.t.nce and Po': on whal , wh ... t .cne...... com. .tIwa,.1 rem....;., ........h.. ........... th. .. ·t d ue_ .... 0 f.1I _.i....... alble 8prllad Qf Tuborculo". Ot'ben InI i I , •.... ....... be4 A ta ,.... t Oil ..... ' .001', . 1 ml , _•• taO .- .. U Will a. A.certl\ln .... mlUlt ha v. a IW m n, poo.. • '!'"!'" U ua... ruiN an tollo-04 wIU all wtonl. ' " ,. 1B• by prOvtCllhI 1004 _ be no roUp amollg' ~oQr duak1lDgl, proA tuberj:woelll cenlUI 0' \hou ..... d. , vtdID, Other OODdlUoIUI .... rl,bl at churchel 10 vanOus pa~ of the tho duckltn .. belore th'7 "'. batoba N.S·"·- r .......... . Tb h 4 -"' ...... .... - - .p'...... . . . no UI &IOU.... country wUl be taken In September, ,0 OU8I nee not be • ..., u..,... 4aob reQUN a .t'rMm or under the direction Clf the . NaUoDaJ A.,.; lin" but th., mUlt ba.. 1004 roots d I'. ........:.. ' ~ loolation tal' the Btud~ &lad fteven; u llS 1I00ra. dolon)" bo1ia.. ar........ lIOn ~o a ... .m.... ..,... pl. IDllata tbat d\lou of aU klndl reo tjon of Tuberc:uIOlllI. Tbe eensul will beca\lle It it Dot .dvilabl. to U.e» CJIlIN._awlmmllll pooL Rllbi hare 18 be part of the' pre»aration for the fifth tar,e nuhlberia to*eth.r. ' w""- tb- ........-..... .., -... .., .............. .nuusl :ruberculo.11 da,., \0 be 0 ... duckllqa of 411rereDt atHa.... ~ . . . ~b're ... D~ »OD4 .t biD4, a Bened durillS tbe week of "ov.mlt.r k~l~t ~ tbe ..m~ 'ardIt' 'U ae.......... nbeUhlte 18 fo'rdlwttb proYldecL .All J9. Th~ mlnlltel'l Ql l8Ye raU fol1.. n~ onH · are ,11ll'e ,to Waft" uea.!ltlon Ia IUd. la tile 8I'9uJad aDd ahurcbell will ~e III~e4' to report on . N.Vlr keep \ JDOr. thu' II '"PI 'Ulen flUid With wu.r; and on.n nO th~ Dumber . of C1e,th. lrom ·lubel'ou· duclta ,In the .ame houae. It the bouMa otber water II prov14ad. loall In the lalt ye~, the nqmber or are very lmail 111 will be enou,h. , ~.t It IOOD beaom. . . 10111 puddle, and nvlnr casel In their parls b.. on Bel)< When building the ' dual. boU181 1t '18 th.·...ault can b, 1mNIDe4. Of COursl lember 1, tile "umber qt deathl Itom a 800d ~Ian to 1!-&r.·tb•• built Iaia- til. dDckllnlllOOn begtD d,lDJ-otr, and all causea, alld the numl!er or memben eDo_,1I to be ale4 tor abelteHna th. OODtIml. to do eo nnW 'f. ., If any, art or communicants. Tliese Dgul'8l wUl 1.,,81'. tn ~!'. winter, U ~. left. be made "'the b ..1s of an educational OrdInary coo.., auoh .. thoH aaa4 Daca an natataIb' • ..,., IIMlth" camPJPJgn,' which will culminate In the by the aV&rale farmer lot a -bID aDd UIll'O".rl7 ~ 'PI: tbe,. ~ be fNtI Tubereulo.l. 48)' movement, (or whlcb chl.ekfinl/' have:no plaCe lA tile clack· fro. ella.... aa4 wID ~ • ..,., faat. occaaton lIermon, aWlleolur. OQUin.. ratlln, butn.... 8uab coo»e ' CIlIa nil. Dn. uve ,1101. and otbe~ forma of tUbercuJoil~ be Wpt 4.., or oleu. N~ ~T"'f1r; It ta DOt a4~ble to ....» erature will be ilJatributed free to mlo· Ie.. to the,. are n~ suitable ~ , ,,&IIAl other JOUllr7 toge ther. ~ot I.ten. ' . ' ~l' other poultry. In coq\ daqap . . . With ..... t ~"-A<I Las-" n ....·I-,. 7",000 ,·'-·";'h-, w••uler the, little ahort or d8ll&h ot dRab wID ~ ~-;'-: SC\looi. ~ O~'bodl;1 tl]dk~;:n b'a-. • ~"e~. 'It ...... . ,!,UI01l11 U,,...e a ~'II!'~~~~"''Ih~oE=--~~,q1-;iii~i;i'~;i,~~''''~~iet~~~~:!:-t-;~, • mqvemeot trait' 4a¥ the ohle.rvanoe, indonllment·Tbe of . of IlSacldinn. ' it an to bay. tree wID be IIure tQ ',et the w<lnt of It. 'ud Jeadlns obur9h olllclati of every dei ralilge afte" the ftnt taw weeD, .. the it Is th. . . . . Witll>-tb8-ol4er blrdL nomination. More than 1,J00 &aU. 7a1'd1 need DOt be • ..., IarcL a"" 4U .&r1etl6a of ~uclra require.bo8t t'u berculoall IOCletlea, UCllttere4 all dl1~lkllDP cannot ft7, thtlrefore; St'ta Qot th. sam. lUAd or roocs. bul lOme reo onr the Cbuotry. will work this year neCI8llRl7. to ba~e bleb ttDCe8. PoQl. CJUlra more tha otben. lo make Tubercaloell dD), a auCceal. Tbe ~ldD II a Jlal'ktlt clIlclr. wIlDe --'----''---''' , tIuIlndlan R1IIIIl.-l8 anaIl~ nJnd tor Popular FaU.clea. . . DrodIIdtIcIL J. That moagul,loes 0~1 bill onCe. ,, 2. That mO~ Qultoes on\7 Uve 011. da7, r •••• . 3. That mosquito lIltes . Wft't lech If yo\l, don't .qratch !em. . .<t. That Ih ou bold yoar breath 70a .can ca\cb a m08qu.l to an' 11a" My "xpeneDee la ~~ . m08Qllitoee• only b~te plip. '(~o the IIIlIM , ~I~ceh tbat they, onl7 live ODe daJI (at a tlp"!I) ; thit their ~teJI wo.'t Itch tt YO' don't 'loratcb 'e~ (bat, ruti 'ea ' with aandpapel! and' the edge of • bu..a. lD.tea~); ~a tbat It fOIl hoW breath yqa caI1 ca~ll a . . . and 8lA' It ~ provtilliCS ~ -h~"",,,--,Iir-- ...... "';~~~iP':~~:::;~'-:i~01IwD tn 8!1ch ~a aDd' are a '








L ...l'fted

w.n ..

CHAPTER VI-Contlnued. "Well, I win. Saw him banI aoro.. '~t e~rea.lon prov,ell that 70ur the atreet thlll mornlnl." H1,bnee8 III llane a,aln. Hue you Abbott muttered .omethtns. "What wu thaU" TeaUiled tbe ann07ancel, tbe embar"l'UIIIXI8I1te, 70U have thnllt upon me "Nothlnl·" II, 10ar PllnnlltT Hue you not read "Sounded Ulte 'dem It' to me." _ ~e tc&ndalilul Innuendoe. tn the new.. "Maybe It did!" lIapen~ YOIU' HI,hoell, J w.. not "Hean;! about him 10 '-ar"'" !born OD the Continent, 10 I l()Ok llpon "No." , my 1I'0rk hom ,a polot of view .oat I "The old boy had' tnul.ferred hl1 .eommop to tbple at Your Oalt.. 1 am re~ment \~o a loneeome P~lt ID' tbe proud 01 It. ' and I look upon It with . North to cool bll blood. The yOons' 110nor,- bon or: I am a woman, but 1 Iter took the next t-raln to .1"arle. He -&m not wbo1l7 defenlele... There.u was there I.acognlto for two week. be> -& -Ume wben I thought .. mlsht oum. (are they tound him and bundled him lb8! amoag my friends a .'prlnce; but back. Of coline, every one kao'w l tbat :roa ba.e made that Impoilible." he I. but a crazy lad wbo'l bad too ,"Come," he nld · ho~elY; "let ua mucb treedC?m." The oolonel emptled CO pd ftnd a prlesl You "are rlell 4 111 Ilals. "I feel dem lorry for Nora, I lOY. yOil; I WIll give up everythlna, She'l ,\hd right- 10rt. But a ·iwoman evel1t)llns!" ' ' can·t take a man by the scrul! of, bll . ' For & mqment Ihe wu dumb. ' Tbll neck and chuck him." alliolate lurrend'e r appalled her. But "But I can," declared Abbott say· 'that IOOd fortune wblch bad f'ver been &Iely. . >at b.,r II de atepped 'into the- breach. "Tut, ta~! He'd sat )'Oll alive. Be.ADd u abe aa. tbe tall form of the sides, you will flnd blm too cleTer to 'Baron~ .-~pproach, Ihe could ' 'h ave give you all aI/en Ins. But he'll ""af ,.-"'--.,....,,..:..,-;-;:..:,-;:--::'-.... thrown . her arma around bll neck In watch Ins. ,1141'11 capable of pu~~ln, her pure ,ladne.a. . on a trilin and fUnnln. awaf with he\,. ·Oh, BiU'C)ner" ' Ihe caUed. "Am I Between y~U and lIIe. I dO!l't blame maklD, you m.\ae this dancef" ' him. Wbllt I th~ m~tter -.rltli Ilcklnl "It does not matter, Ilgnorlna." The the Barone on blm? He'l tile )le~t Barone ltared ~eenl1"a~ the erect IUId ,man In louthem I~IY wltb fOIl~ and ten.. fl,are .t 1he prima donna'l Iide. broadlwo~d~c SI_c em, 110wler, IIlc, I "You' w111 eXCUBe me, Herr ROlen," 'em!" The old llre!eater c,buckled. ~d Nora. Ie lI~e 'Iald ber' h~d upon The lubject wu extremel), dllfalt.. .the Bar<Ule'l ar m tal to tbe artllt. The colonel. & rough , . . 101dler, whole , dlploplacy had never Herr Ro~en bowed IitIMy; and , the rllen above thehelghta of clubj)lng t wo lett him atandlns uncovered In • recalcitrant hUlman Into submlilo tb~ moonlight. ~ . IloD, baldly tnferred' .that he ~~der: What Is be doing here' What bal Itood the artist's Interest In tbe rOle ..~e 'been ea;ylng to ,Y0u1' the Barone, of tbe Har..,gan family. ' He wOllld lIem.• Qded. Nora Wlth4J;e'tr ·, her IaaJ1d ha.. )Iked to' talk more In reJl:ard to from. hllI~. "P!lrdon me.:' ~d h~ the Interloper, but It would have been oCOntrltely. I h.• v~, n.o rlgh~ \. to uk Iheer folly, ' The colonel. In hi. blun. ~ou " Ru~b quelUon.. "" dertng way. wuuld bave brought tip It "al not long 'after midnight when the lubjJ!ct again at tea.tlme and put the motor·boat returned to ~~ ~~!dlng , ,everybol1y on edge. ~e bad, ..uoforplace. , On the way oyer coq"~Uon tunately ~r . hls trlell~, ~ replltation lageed, and 1lnaUy died alto.g~er• . CJt~t: ~}!"n Jth,at.o( • _Oldl'lr: be pOled (TO B!!'; CONTINUED.) ' , .Mra, HarrIgan feU aaJeep .1I~I\l.{ C. a, a peacemaker. He law trouble leato'l Ihoulder, 'and tho lDuIl.clan when none' ellisted,and the way lie 1Iever df!vl.ated · ber gue from the III- patcbed UJ) hliaghaarl Quarreta 'WOUld AMERIC.A~ MQDEL: ~OR EUR~PE " Jar rtpJ)le8 which 00W84. out dl-,ol1'" have Itralne d tJle patlen~ b't Job. StUl, .'lrQln.... vo" 8uttner CaU. thll u.. lted' ly and .'m&l!oa1b" from .the pro;tr Of eYery alIA loved him. th'OUlb thf!Y lived Stltee ' 'Land of Unllmlt4fd •. ~, the boat. ~ora watched the lla~ 18 Dlorta l fe ~ ot HIm. So IAbbolt oame PO&lI bllltlea.... ~Iciwl,. ,aaeend 'over 'the, euteI'D' ru . . about quickly and lailed agalnlt the , -of mountal~l; alld acro"!,, the fir. oe .lp4. tiliI l:DouiDerable clsar.ttel die Saroa. "", ths wIJY," be !llld, "I ,n,h you -watched her, .Oll\d ..t DIe .ketch tbat ien.nt of A. the bo~ WBI made tut to U,._ 70l1li. Ue'. ,ot a proBle Uke a me:landin,S In fron~' of the Gnnd hotel. dallloD. Where -did you ,pick blm up'1" -celelte oblened ' a ma'n In evening "ID 'he HIllI He'l a /3lkh and \ a of tbe Jln~lu. ftght~g man. Dldn:t know .(Irell, Jouuglns .plost the 'Quay. The Be&rc!i'Uglit (ro~ the cu" that you went tor faces." ' • 10m. boat, hunting' for toblcco .mUI· "Not al a 'uBual ~hlog. Just wllnt It ,.Ien, auhed over hili face. She coWd lor my own uee. How does he keep .not repreaa the , IJt~le sasp, and ber his beard combed that way'" . ,. "I've net,e r bothered mYlelf 11and .t"~l!ed upon Nora'l arm. "WAaat,1s IU'! asked Nora. the curl of 'hll w'bllkers. Are my • '·'Notltlo,. I thousht I wal IUpplng." eiothes laid out? "LUggage attended , \ -'- to? Guos shipshape? 'That'l enougb CHAPTER VII. for ,me. BOlne day you . have ,g ot tj) go out tbere with me." ' "Never 'shot a Sun .In alI 'my life. I .Colori.1 Caxley.Weblte". Abbott'a atudlo was under ,the roof C\on·t Jmow which end to hold nt my , , , -of one of tile little 1I0teis that stand shoulder." -tlmol'OusJ:lr aod hUlPbli, yet expectant· "Teach you qUI!)k enough. Every ~, betyteeD the Imposing cream·stuc· man'l a borb hunter. Rao Will h~ve ' <co of the Grand ~otel .~t !,Ine end and .ilgera eating out of your hand, ' lIe'l (he 'eJliborate plbk·etucc:o of the <h ande a marvel; aaved my hide more than 'Bm~~e atth.e 'o tber. The bob-nalhid once. Fallo;y tblns' lIOU can't IIbow .shoes of the Te uton (wto wears hra 'em , that you're grateful: LOle cute mountain Jdt aU the way from Ham· ' If. you do . . J rather' miss, It. Get tIie 1'''':'Oow bur. 'to PaJemo) wore up and down East fn your blood and· you'll never the stain aU day; and the racket froul get 't.out. ''FaaciDlltlng! But .D»'.lIver the hllclulteJ:II' ejlrtl and hotel Qmnl· t.urned over' once too 'm any' tlmel. Ba! ,tlu.... arrfvlng and departing from Some one coming up ·~o but": Plefure," -the · ~teamboat landing. the , shoutl of' rhe .lep 'ou.~slde W!I ftrm and' un • . the "eg,lng buatmen. the quarreUq wearleil by the climb. The door opened -of the cblldreD and the barking of un. unc:eremonl()ully. and Courtlandt ~me IIBdlgreed dogs-tbese 0018'es were tn· ' ID. He stared at tbe colooel and the .cea.ant' from da wn ulltll lunlet. colonel re~unaed tbe .'tare, . . ' The artllt gl,ared . down from' htl "edley·Webater! Wel,l, I lay, thl. ,., __ ...... aQuare windo" at. the ruMed waten, ,lobe .011 on IhrtJlklol eveo' d&7." ~.. 1C0wied at the fleetlns InOWI on crted Courtlandt. ' . , the mountalna over th'e ' way. He The two .pumped babdl 4!DerpUcaJ. .....d 10m. ten or lwei" minuteilin Iy, Ilslng each other liP crlt!call,. .... 1I"'e.. occupatloo, but he oouJd 'theD they aat down allot qa. ~ pt aw., from tbe bald fact that Uonl, while Abbott looked 011 ' bW . . . like a petlllaat ebUct Te dered. Elephantl ' j



ua T" "On land. yel;" , "Ths devil!" ·"On water, 00." "Thank.. In other worde, 10U ~ lIeve our chancel equal?" "So equal that all. thll wUNIcare Iplme. But I .nther like t4, lee you English get Ul) In the ·alr (cCIlslona\< 'Iy. It will do you good. ·Irou'.e an Idea because you waDoped Napoleon that you're the same race you Were then. and you are not. Th" EnsUlh' Ipealdng racel. 'a s the lint IOldlera. have ceased to be," . ''Well, I h \Iem!" piped the colonel "Jt'., the truth. Take the Amencan, he thlnk~ ~ere ~I nothln, In t,b e worill but money. Take the BrltI.ber, to' blm ca.t41 II ever,thlnB. 1'a~1I the mon'ey out or ooe man'l mld'd .,ud Importance ot being 'well·bol'll B.U t ot th, other .. :" "He tameel rrom the window and linned at the arOlt and th~ empu·r pllnl ADg)o:I~cllan, "Abbott,'" growled the laidler, "that man will some day dnye. me amuck. What' do you, thln.k? One nlsht, on a tlser hul).t. he cot me I:nto '.an arp· ment like thll. " A brute · of a beul jumped, Into the middle of Il Cqllrt· landt Ihot hllO on the .econ'd bou.nd, and turned to me wlth-'Well. al I "' . . . . ylng!' I don't koo.." to thll' day whether it wal nerve or wh.t 701& Amerlcanl call pl\." , "Divided bl' two,'l IriDJI6d Abl)otl "HI. 1 "ee; balf' nerve Iud half IIifIL I'll remember tlvll But WB were wk'lnl of alralllllL lOr '" wal" retorted Counlaudt. "Y CI.I were the manwlio ltarted the ,poW. wow.'" ae looked down Into the Iu,et with ludden Intereat. "Who Is tbat?" 'The colo.nel and Abbott acroae the room: "What 4td I say, Abbott1 ' I told YOIl .. law him. He'l craIY;. tact'. Tfilnlta be cDD trayel .around IncopJta when there Isn't a magazlJJe OD eartb tlu.t h.,ln't 'printed his picture." . "Well, , why .houl~·t . he ,trarei around, ,it he wantl to?", .sked C011l1! lilndt COOllY, ' The colonel nudged the arult: , ','There 'happenl to be a~ attl;aaUon ln Bel1a"lo," flald Abbott Irritably. :'The moth 'Wd the ~Ddle," plemented the . colonel,peerln, ot:er Courtlandt·. shoulder,' "He'. ~ell let up," ~rudgll:iglY adm1tted... the old ~eJ. low.

. . .-...I


._* v. -... ......v..



A._ maD"









.-- --.




U,,'ul Hint Any 011"1 Who De.l,... to 80methlnll of Rial U.. for Her Room, . O'RNAMENTB THAT ' MAY EAS,LY .~


T<J make till. uletu1 and attl'(l.cUve laundry bae two good·slEed frInged towelll ar~ needed, a 12.lnch oval em·. broidery hoop and eltber a papler· mllche letter or an embroidery patteI'D


Foul\dltlon II Corn 81tarcll M_y a. Colored

'IN ALL OUR NEIGHBORHOOD There fa HardJy A W'" Who Doe. Not ,Rely Upoa L!dia E. Pinkham', Veaetable Compound.




Atttactive bead polrtler~, to take the p1si.ce o'f heayy curtain. In tbe lIunlmer H\ontbs, can be made at homo by any houaekeeper ,who delights In beautLfylng her home. The beads are made ot equal parts of salt· and corn Bt.a.rc:h and eolored wIth dyes an), Ihadl!8 desIred. Bent Yle salt very hot; mb!: tho corn· Itarch with a little wa.ter, luat enough to moisten It thoroughly uDd make It pour, then add to the bot. Bait and cook stiff enough to, form n heavy dougb. Add coloring \!Datt,!)r while the ·mlxture Is cooking. Wh8.ll cool enough to handle. measure en,ough to make a good sized bead, roll In the palms or the hands un til pertl3ctly round and string on hat wire or pierce with a very tllick needle or 1 pin nnd sot aside to dry . You must Dlake both large and Bmnll bends- In fact three or four differen t s1Ees can be used to advantage. Strong theae on stout cords, (,olored cords may be ulled, but brown twine makes a etrong, durable matl~ rlBI for tbls · pUI' pose. Begin 10 strin, !.be beada at the end of tber cord that 18 1;0 lie the top at the curtain, using Olo.e or two large beadB for that purpose. Then tollow the large ones with amaller benda, then larger ones andi 80 on until the strIng III completed, 'rhls w111 depend upon t.)le height of tbe door. Tile

Sew the towelll together acrOBS the end and up the sldel to within twelve


PriDeetoo, IIl_. J I bad Inftamme . . . , bard b.adaches In the back 01 mJ aacIc od a wew. . . . call8ed by f.emale trouble, and I tuc* . Lydia E. Pinkham·. Vegetabl e c.aa... pound with lOeb ezeellent results ~ I am now feeUng6De. I recommend th. Coqlponncland praiee it to all I .hall be lad to have , . '--..J-..J-"--'-....JpubUsb my lette. There. Is scarcely a neighbor around me who does not use yom:medlclne."-Mre. J. F. JOHNSON, R. No. 4, Box80,~ ton. Illinois,



of Dr. ' Francia Ill. Clark, the world'lI moat traveled man. Aseoclated with Doctor Olark In \htl direction of the work of ' Christian Endeavol' In North Amerlen 15 a very emcleot group of uecutlve 0",cer8. 'rbe vice-president Is ,Dr. Howard B. Gr08e, missionary eOltor of the North· Experience of a Norso. Inchea of the top. Then th e upper ern BapUst churches. Dootor Grose Poland,N, Y.-"In my experlenee . . . . ends out over the hoop. Hun 11 .threnc;l nul'B8 I certainly think Lydi~ E. Pink• bas been on the board of trustooa 01 along bere to torm a CBti lng. Elm rolder bam·e .Vegetabl\l Compound ia agnd tbe Uuiled Soelety of Christian En· the letter lUI shown In the cut, or the medicine. I wish all women with f.. deavor. for twenty.Ove years. HI) deword "Laundry" may be embroidered mnle troubles would take It. • toot 1& " . signed tbe emblem of tbe Boclety, a Illatead. A piece at wllite cnble cord when pa8IIing through the . Change (fff .-' OUBTLEea no other maD .J.o. Ang,!les cou~ty, Cal., eeidom haa Chrl.Uan Elndeavor monograro. Tbe Bewn on each end forme the bandle to' ~ife with great results and I alwayar. • ~. I lD- the world bu traveled fewer than l,OO(j at itll county conven. gllneral sec..etary III. WlIlam Shaw, It by. Thts Ia very convenient, commend the Compound to all my,.. Ic).man, mlltul and done 10 tlon; Mlddlelex counly, Mass., had LL. D., a Massacbusettll Elndeavorer, as tbe top ot it Is always open. tients it 1 know 'of their eonditiOll .. . , ' w,e a work for the world 2,406 Ilt ItII c,onventlon tble year. Tbe who he.. served aa an olllcer or the time. . I will glndly do all i C&II to blip .• ·.a Rev, Francie Ill, Clark. twenty.. ev8l!tb Internat,olllli and IIfth unl'ted .oclety ror 'more than twenty· others to know of this great mediclDe. .. , D. D., LL. ·D., founder of 'World'. convention ' II to be held In l1ve yea.... The trea8urer, Hiram N. SLEEVELESS COAT IS LIKED -MI'II. 'HORAOE NEWMAN, PolaD( u.the Cbrletlan Endeavor 10- Ohlcqo July 7·1lI. 1915. Latbrop, Is a prominent Bo.ton bUll· k,mer Co., N.;Y, . , c1e,t y and IIresldell~ ot the Because thl. work III world·wlde In net. man. who a. an unpaid omeer Style Ha. Much to Recommend It. World'. ObrlaUan Endeavor union. ~tll cha ..aete~ the time came when It r;lvel iI. vaBt amount ot UmQ to the If you are III do Dot drag nlong UDtI E.plcl.lly for Wesr In the 'Doctor Clark" was born at 'A),lmer, wal nece8sary that some one man work ot Christian Ebdeavor. Amo. R. an operation fa DMellllarY, but nt <IlID Warm Monthe. Que.. Canada, September 12. 1861. 8bollid give all of his time to the ,,'ark, Well II, Lltt. D., LL. D.. came from take Lydla E. Pinkham'. Veptabla Thlrty·tbree years 10,0 Doctor OJark . ~raveIlDI from state to Btate, province Ohio; there la no more emclent, elo· The .lesveles8 coat la an adaptation Com;Mlund. . . . palltor' of the WIIU.ton Conlre,a· to province and country to count.. y. quent or prolific pen In th$ world tbaD or the military coat. The grnceful If you want IJpectal advice wrH. dOllal churcb cit Pori1and, ),fe, He wu There were no fundi available for thl. hi.. Doctor Wells III the edHorlal see· lines of tbl& cloak deslen, with the LycUa E, Pinkham Medicine eo., JIl,n a )'~ man Ju.t fresb from col· work from which to employ a worker; retary of the movement. A. J . 5harUe, long alant over the shoulder, are re- (confidential) L)'DD, Mae.. ,Il,e and eemlnlU7. ,WlIUafun church but twenty·nlne year. ' ago Fri.ncl. Jll. the publication manager, was Reid .eosponslble Jar a very charming type . ... a "plcal N.w llln,land church, Clark &ave Ull ~ tbe pastorate' of tbe retery of the Pennsylvania Christian or coat and skirt that bas just malte with an or the Jlrobleml and dlmcul· Phtllips ConvepUonal chu, Bo.· Endeavor unLon. Undet bll efJic\ent Ite appearance among the new models, , An Optlmllt. dll that tIaoM churchel had to meet. ton. wherelle had eoDe from PorUalld, manlLlement . the pubilcatlon depart. wherein somewbat the Idea of the Ex·Pollce Commls.loner RhIDelaJldel I. tile winter or ' 1886-1881 a lerlel and , throuill aU tlleee years he has ment blUl done more for the caUl. cape 18 Su,g~8ted without eIther ItII Waldo, who eatellUsbed a pollcemea'. of I~I eyu,elllltic servlcel ID tbe riven hlmlelf to .thlll work, without than ever before: he earn I the ~oney lellgtb or w.elgllt. neither of wblch Ie llUbllo lIb",ry th~ hall been • .sraI Chlll'Cb ,ad 1e4 • lI'eat maD, ,oun, one peJ1ny' or .,IaJ!)' f~m tb. Chrll' that auppoJltIl Chr-fIUan mnaeayor ,needed wilen mel'el~ a walking cal. oucce.s, P1'8ieed, at' a lunc1Ieon ba.New: ~ple Into, cbiaroh mem.,enbill. T~ I Uall ' Iilndeavor mOlemlnt. Doctor 'ibll continent. Rev. K P. Anderson, ttl.m e I., required. York, New York'e ·pollce .ystem. 1'1.. fOUD. putor r~lsed tbat If Clark baa earned hi. own Uvlng "-y isuperlntendent of the BUllaei'll' union, One of these coat. anel' eklrla sbows "It bas especla)ly . been good atll.,.' thOR yOWl. ~ple ' 'W... to'be held fC?r the ulle of bla pen, the books he ba. II, a Scotchman, wbo orpnlzed the bow exceedingly ~racetul the atyle Mayor Gaynor'" day," Mr. Waldo ..,.. Ule ilhureh the, mUll be trained for written, and tbe '.peclal article• .Jo~ lint Ohrlatlan Endeavor loeletlel . ln can be-thr coat 1;ielDg enUrely s1.eeve. aud then, In response to an .obJecUoo: "Oh, that'a notblng. Be an olltlmlat. llemlMl, the, mu.t ha,e aomethlo, to mlal~nel' and new.papen. Not ooly Denmark ~d Norway'; he Ii alIa 811100 . a faot thllt 'for eummef wear III Don·t mind trlfies, J..ook. like the do, uti the, mult be IboWJI ho'W to hu Doctor OInk earned hll own ~l:. elate edItor ot tbe Obrlitlan Endeavor obviously a great advantage.' do It. He called hI. youne people to- arr thUII, . but he haa lIal4 practically \vo.rld. Dan.lel A. l'ollng III the neWThe comple ed model ·was carried pecked husband, on the brigbt IIlde 01 aDd o!1 , F8bruary S, 1881, t~e .all of bl' owri 18lary, steam.blp lind eat officer or 'the UIlUed lIoclety: be out jn navy bl~e suiting ot a nne QUo,!' tblngs. ., 'By gOBh.' ·a henpecked . bUlbaDl ant Chrlatlan ElIdeavor .oclety wa. ho~l bllla~ ... "e baa tnveled In for- : w~ lI,eld lIecreta.ry llf, the Oblo Chrla· Ity, the coat being made wIth a long. formed, the lint Ohrl.Uan Endeavor, elp countr!eI for (JhrllUan Endeavor. Uan Illndeavor union, and la no,w presl· shaped basque, atjd 'n round cnpe at· laid, '1 bear aome chaps klclUng bitpled,. 'W. . .Ipeel, and the following Dootor ' Clark hall ,one five tlJIle8 4ent'. aa80clate abd clUsenship super· [ect over the sboulders. · Tbe skin. cause their wives alway".bave the 188& Sllndar the. lint, Christian Endeavor, around the world. and ,many tlme.1I to Intendent. J{e lllleadlng·tbe campaign was very' orlglnlll, hulng a deep word. Now, for my part. to give ~ prayer ml!etlng w~ b!Jld. : Europe and Great -BrIWn. '$bere 18 'o~ "a llaloonl88a nation by 1929." Il.lnnUng blp yoke of tb~ same mate- wlte tbe last word never. botber. me ". FrOm · tllat. Imall beglnnlll& In Port· no countt,), In which be baa not trav· 'Karl Lebm,ann, formerly fteld secre'1'10.1, Into which the drapery .was aet a b~t.~ "'It don't!' lind the Society baAllpread Bod ,roWII., eled yd lpoken , tor Cbrlstian ·m,,· tar;' of lbe 'Colorado and NewMnlco nnd f1.rmly sewn' Along with a double .. 'No, on the contrary, I always reel J u~W today there are more than 80,000 deavor, It Ie estimated that he ' ,bKe Cbrlstlan Elndea,-or un'ona, Is tbe field row of m6Chlne etit~lng. ,. C\lrtlhan J!lndeavol' socteUee In the traveled.t leaat 826,000 mllea-S26,OOIl IBONtary or ,the united society. The OOtlt fastene'd ·Ilcross t'be fron i tbllnkt~1 when she gets to It.' .. world, wJth more tban _,000,000 memo 'mllel of·tllll· by , water, 436,000 mUes Tbe omclal organ of the society I wllh a llwnber or 8m~\1 llnlnted china. ,,' c '. MaleC!! til!! lllund~lIs hnlll7;V-thnt's. Reel ..~, :. by ratl" and full;' 26,000 by waeon, {he Chrlatlan, Endeavor World. pubbuttons, while beneath It was. worn iI. ~~1I Dlue. Mnk.ea ItculI~iful, cleu i There are Ch.rtetlan Endeavor 80cl· horseback, camel, In jlnrlkllba., ·In IIl1hed at BOBton .. Dl!. Fra~c1s E. Olark blouse of 'nnvy chttron, with long, Cr,!ss willte clothl!8. All good Ad". e aU_ ID ever)' .tountry of the wo..ld, JIl,BU-oarrled hGlUmocks, etc:. JJe bas III the ~:~~~.:~~~r'"lGi~~W:-iill1H-lliini~~~m~~ffiJj~~;'~~~~.+tr8nSPtlre.nt sleeves, completed with n wlngcd collar of white lawn wired up· .. l.I1d each "V(eek. meetin,. are conducted .~drellsed at least 2,00.°,900 ~ple; be II man~gln8 editor. Once In a great while )'ou bear a In more than eighty dllrerent "Ian· baa ,been In the mldlt or dilnller by and Rev. R, p. Aiiderso~ are the allfloward at the aides. mll.n say, "WI a shamll to tnk~ the 1\I~e8: the literature of the society land and b, sea, In rellgJoul riota, lD elate edlto..8. An Improtl1ptu Vase. ------'-'money," but he !llwaYI:I tlllcelJ It, jullt hae been D~ll)ted In all many ton pes. eartbquakes, tornadoes, ayellooes, bllz· One at lrmumerablo InvenUona as U·. ele .. Clothe •. . the 8l1me. · Bbmethln"l1ke1,600 daily, weekly and sl\rds, 8,hlPwreck, train wreck ~nd a Recon~t",ctlnll' Oellnqllentl. the outcome of nece.salty iII the words According to the wllted opinion of . ' lmoutbll perloQlcals 'cllrrr ' Cj:hrlHtllln ac:are, 9f'slmll~ cataBtTopbl!8, Duluth, la one 4merlcan city, that at the old adage ie a.n impromptu flow· doetoraand race expert8 we eat tqo Better a ,10 wedd~ng Bult tl1an a IlDdeaYOr ne'IJI; . more than ' 1I00 perl· • Doctor .Clark bll1l 'been recelvC:\d by 'baa learned , to treat pett,. offende.J'II er pot or vase covering made from mU<:h r and 'it might be wtsely ndded $10,000 breach of promise suit. odlcal. ate de,oted' enUrely to tbe prealdenta of the 'United State'. ot with lome degree of flumanlty and blotting paper. Sometimes ,one may that nearly every wpman buys tor work o( ChtlsUan Endea,or. There Pallama. Peru, Arl8l1t1ne, :Brazil. ~be wUh the vle'w to hellllng them by cbance ol1ly to have a cup, even n bot· many clothes. Eacb woman wlJl deny are more tban 160 jllfrerent klodfl of klDlf1 Q( ~'1rwir. S'IV~~n, Greece, punlahment rather 'than to make thl)m tie, a blltklng powdsr can or n Un patl, thIs a8seitt.lon with emphasis, becnUBe 00 tJookll, leaftetli; cUds, etc." pubUlhed mlk_do ot Japan aD~ .corell of other ~o,ise. , A ~orlt ra~m baa been. 8II!!l.b. when a blossom or a bunch of wild she remembel,'B the frequent occasIons KidDe.!' trouble Ie too orLell on,"ooIl44 , for ule"'n 'Work or the loclet and· celebrlUel. - There 18 no Am.ertcan cUI· JI/lbed. a1l!! tbere men wb~ have been lIowen ta a~ band, 188 when traveling, for whlcb she bad nottllng to wenr. elld &00 of leo n"alecled. Bub II al41 to ·It. Hil1lona 'Of palea of lell wbo. haa been maN greaUy bon· art~lted for drunkenness and In a bungalow, Bummer boardLng She' haa 'bought too much, however, aloe earl.!' alllll.'. or dlatr.... DO' be mM"'II..... OllckaCh". D....U . . . . . . • place or even at an oftlce.desk. wben IIhe has t ..... o useless BUItS or dill,. lpecJa_ prln~1id matter are luued eV' o~, and, .the~e 1/1 no inore modest m~I~.o.ffeole., to w~l~h apella, ~bellm .. tla palna '00 , .,., ,ear, , . c!t11eD an",here. . " ' ,.' unfortunate men are ,p rone, are ),. piece of lear gr'een blotting pBpe, frocks )I"nglng III tbe closet. ' "neDt, 0' PAIDt.1I "rl" .. dan ~lIIa of kidDe, weaka_ •.,HI .1&0 FI'CF' al!DOlt the very bet:lnnlne .or . Chrlll~ lDneleavONrtI ~ave ~.cld~ there ~o work III tbe aeldl..01' In a . Cut taU ellough to IBUllport the ltema, HoJf the aecret ot. lil buylng II the be ml.,.keD, Wben ,bjIM ........ 10,. .p_r, UM · ~e mo.,emallt Chrlltlan Ebdeayor bu. that tiler . wilh to build a ,memorial lawmJl1. and _under the .87e. of hu· pinned. IIhied or faatened IUra cylinder random meth04 adopted. ODe aees a KldDe1' pm.. lbe reUable, luc~e~!~t,, 1 ben "~I.omlaa\1onal 10 lts 100pe for ~tor Clar~ In aplll'8C1l11,tioD of the m~e pard,1I. 'J'h~re II enq indica· with letter clips. alBd Btood over anY tbl1lg In the .hop and buy'" It i.nde- .lroD'" reeollllDeDded kldu., tbe medlclDe bl' drlDlllu, "&~I' .4~" ',h It belm 10 a Con: many,.,.,. of "n.l ce tor the eaulC!, tlon that ,the treatment i. beln. apo bomely . receptacle whlc~ ..... hold. pendent of ItII hqme41ate ulletulnUI In . bUld to rood h.blte .lId ....,Ioua gniI~tf~al churcH, ~ there are 87 and ~IlY don't want to wll\t, uotJl. he pr8c!J~ted and that d;se prl~pel'll a,,1 'Vater becomes .. pleulng i10wer the wardrolJe. Jl'a8hlon In ~ateriall ot IIldDe1' 41"_ may be •• olded, loeiIJlmo"," 1& &Ia. IIM~ proof ot 81m.. ,4ltrereDt c1eilommaUool that take '11 4ead to ,do it. Tbey WIlDt to , brlq bBft1C bel~ed.. It la to he hoped that holder, lD ett~t. . " chanl!leB almo.t u quickly ~ '&8hlon Ch"iletliirJi:nd.vor u tbelr faun, rOIH to ~Im wMle be II ali,ve. TIle thl) Mme plm may . be . IIlIhouette, and tbe ~big bouJht An Ohio Cu.. peoJlie'- eoclet "J;Jirou'holl~ the "orld m.tter WU ftiUJ: eon~derecl, ..and It 'Worked out for· thl~' cit>:.. Ona larger ~ay ~pt come amls., merely. becau.e It mIght lene at some M~ . H. Wllller, tIuiN are prOiably more X.thodl"t. .~ee~ed l!» au Wt:~e Wi.4Ift ~nd moat IIcaiel Ole~elihd ,18 dplng !t ·· .....ltb con· tbe bottom 010 trunk iwben time rarely flnde Ita place ', In the lOa Betll! 8L, C1D. elnnatl. Ob'O; . , . : OtitiltlaJl BIldeavor IOCI.Usl than ,.a ubstantla! th,n., 1.0 40 ,l''' ' lo , ~rect iPtcuoualy, good sireet, apel of 1~1Il. .ta..UII£ for a sum~e ... outlne. Mebeme or drelsln,. "Kl4ney eomplaSDt t.bOM of ~ other deDomtD.tton, ,& bat1~I< which '~\lJt1 be ~1be 1nte....1 ~ter TQcnltu~e . Will be tbe ) n~~, ..... ."............. .......... ~ ......... ... ., .... "'&4e me .n 1,,.,.lId .,,4 J ..... ~Q'b In Jiort& America mQDl of ui. naUo'iQal (lhrl~J~Il.Elndeav..or hea~quar- ' Ohlo"pen ten,~ary, . I~ Madiaon countJ. TO IMPROVE .'(:H 11A. D ,'$ FROCK a~re.d · the .Utch mUlt be one which lIck for montb.. M'y llroh lI_od.~t "hurehes bav4\l • .pure1r. jle· , ter~; ;.rhe, JI'io,; UII for a nv. .tory :w~tch II ~ne of tile sriat re,o~1 ~~. , cone~mee a ltttle more tIme, auch all, were awoll.o Ilbmlnatfonal yaun, peo;le'l lIoclety. ~ull~n.. (two, I BS of .WhLcb IIball. be the pNlent atate admlnlstrat on.- _._ ror Inatance. the satill or soUd stltchee. twIce their Ibe and OD: ttit eoii~lDeDt ,there ar6 more 10-' . uled for ~ omcu' ot the movement, Daytob ~ewi. . Briar iUtch.lnc' ln ..... hlte bet'IVeen tucks body .al wllh paIn. c1.u~~ Pr...byt~ church.. than and th}l8. ,,"ve the '6,000 a year. tbat Is anothet pretty Wily ' of ,Ivlng the 11 o.d ach.d In Ulo.. {If or either clebomlna~loJ\: la no'W , ~d ,111 ~entll for ~t PuI'PQI~, touch to bqught frocks. Iloura &'14 my lICalth wu all run the "'hrtsUan CJiutc~ baa tbe .liCon~ ~nd .t~e s.~orl~ of tbe ~ull"ln, to he Inexpenillv.e ehtrt waists CaD be ., 0 "" n. No~hlDIf 'lUl_t 'Dumbs!! ot. socfetlea. the ' Cc!n· ren~ed to' proyld,. an IncolDe f~r the glbr111ed Into ' v~1'Y desirable an~ behelp. " "'. unlll 1 uI. d Doan" Kid· ......tlonal thlr4, the BapUlt 1ourtb. extenllon of the · movem~t J~ . tbtl coming bfoQliea by these same touche. noy PIli.. 'l'b~ IIoUI put m. 00 IllS' · •• _ .....url. Burm, IUtd 1ndl& tile Bap' aod ~(b'r. Iand~. ~18, .Wlth, tb~rontl f h d k If th bl u lady feol &D4 til. oure laM lUU4." ; ~"::--I .""-"l. O"r'atlan "'ndcavor, -hlle Of.. the, II.ubUehllllth. "'epartment, wlJlch 0 a~a touch ~or, . of mach'ne . e a embroidery, see .a re , 0.-'. at Jut, ...... 1IOi • a.. . . w. .. l .,.,.. " .. ! In. .nafrlila. Spath, Ii«rance and 9the!: !!aI, ~d &:11 of . a .expens I\" or- the thle' onl)' offer. the · belt kind of. plld. KtlURIt'" , • • L'J.. • OolUltrlee·Ule' MetbOdI.tIi leati; 'b i Nol'- 'w~r1r: lD-.Nol'tb America for more tban ding for' the aolld stitch, for In a very rosTEUIIL8~ BUFFALO.'" Yo. . 'War. DeDJl,la"" owm~111 and RU.lla t'!.~t)'·4ve< )'aa,.., wll~ be ,'.Il il1clJlllt. ~~ Ibort <time. tbe machine embroidery the t.uthetina l"!li itD· l~••' tlje Wal· ·,pelmanenJl~ IInance tbe · w~rld·wl~o W111 be entl~ly ' concealed .by tewer 4eull&'Da, . etc. ~ I' . • . work Clf th~ 1DO,emeat. , ' .titchee than you woUld. think. For the No', bQ doii. ~ore ,*,0 br,JD, . 'ThlS ' b~dgu.artef. building III, (0 blou.e ,embrold!!ry It \s lVell to u.e a the Cbtl8tlan · ~pl. , pt an denomlna·: co.~ 'Wh,.en ~m~le~ ·Inc~udln, lot ahiS I d tt Th •i . .. t e~.rer than ·liaa tbll fu , rl!~.bIR"J·:$3\H).000. QDi!-half o.f tl,l18 twenty.three . heavy .}Ik or mercer ze co on. e ...,.,""'.\U"'~ wOIl~ !l~b': resent ' t'endency ii.'ino~n't , bu' been raJleel · a d. it ·1. Ev~n dQrJpg, t~e South t f",cab ~ar, heavier the materials the mo~e qu[ck· C~n quic:kJy be overcome 10~: pD~ri- ~r ChPlltian peopie ani! )~e ·purpo.e of ~e aoci.etY 'to raise ilie: ,wIth the-:" "xc,~t1oo ~f bna ·Yllar' rr;om I.' II ~e .,.ork ac~opiplI.shed-, . ~urCbes ~I d".. . 1D a . rarge·,:part • .JUt. • 150,000 ." ~ov~mber, of thle year. July 1. 16 99 , J O June, 30, t900,' Lacy Uridll'lklrtl. ' CARTER!S LlTI'LE . Ollrtatlu' JDai".YOf' ",,1\11 . ItII mOl? Ai eol1~lneat."I~ c..mpahf~ III belti, p'r. , death ," l te In.. tb~ ~ercan~I,le Tbe nsw long4raPIlll over-klrta r .. UVER PILLS. ' . . Purely, vecetahlo ~n 11000 union meetJilgl ·everY y.ear, ~~Ied. aDli WIll be waced tbj. Illll.. 1~J:ceedea tbat ,10 (he a~~T.. , , . ' ~ " b'OlIl' loCal and co"unty ObrIJi. J!lvery fonner ,libdeavorer, 1111 well Il' .lgn{Acant lI~re!, are· tl1:01B qUIre ' 10,!ll" tight .' lIetUc~~ts beneath:'. -act surely and Re1lUY on the tlu BI:d~.,or uDlon .,.thel'ihp. or ,9ne ·'P,rea~t m"mh~ ot tilt! ~ety ' wtJI III~'W that durJng. ~~~ lalt 'pF::e~U='~~tl ~!:t~I~.e07:a~.~'!: ;~::: Jiver. ·Cbm, · Ii..Clfed. I... to ,tie Illte, lDtetJla' " ur,ea (p have· 80me P&tt In ~la tbe deB.~ rat~ In ~e " BIHouIDell" , ,•• _ _1 orldll convention. ·wJIIl <JD&tter;o- w.,.Jeb wUl ·ml!&Jl ,." much ,'t o rlne iHlr 1.900, has been ered lace or ft~e ,JDIIBllq, or petliaps Heai!o j. ~... ten. qf 'thouunds' ot the "Clrld-....ld. 'IJ~lt ot 'tb!.~ &r~at .so- ~t~e!' 'than t~at rr~m. ",1 likute. CQnslst of a U,ht ·.lr:lrt or all·over lace be, ~:;..!'~t: 80JDB oJ-taie coo11t1 'clet)'. 04 will lie a fttUng testimonial ' ,tbe ,navy, and,. mu~ tl1, llama a. Ibeer enough to dlsvla, i ~U; ID !bJI qCJUJitry are 1ar,~: ~'tbet~ a~~:aCLat,t_o::~~:~:~ wo~~ ~tb: fr:~ all ~u:e:'lD ~~ "&l'my. ~ ' ,Uken clad ankl81 beD\latb:



.th. .



Dangerous to Ovedook






_u .. ..




.T he.Wretchedneu

of Conlt~patiQD




!!'. .14,'

~"~·"~"W·.Nt~.·;HIS 'I,.




\tD_;OI;;;O~ m~IDg, to ba'.e;


has a circular IOlId rlm and melih Ililea. and' cbaln handle, 'rile .,Ud rllDs MTe the wear, .u el t.... UpeD the me.h at the t,ottom of the ~. fqr the 'lJel.llt 01 tbe ~D ,..11 DpoD Ulem;

~a6 vISIt ••'" til" IIromall "'''''' h.." ... ·,. D01.,dl~1'V Up "UMt. WOl'lN eb.. 1'&lI\ eyen to 1tIa' ber .n bel'

~c~.~(,lItl~cltDI", lfi»t peraeptlbl7.

'Wlao 1.;I'I>U8.'

t.bllut ' IYOfy Knife Ha"tI.... .

'1'0 .1_ ·I " " blre baDdI..

BU.'-t,. iiliii~iiliiiii!ljhia~y~efb!~i~U.~~~ · :i ~~dM~~~Wbal~~~~~~~~~--~~~;


I j

__"______ilII'' ' .!jP;;;;;al" , - - -,-- - -.-M";nti;,;j I . THlt MrAMI QAZET1'a



f+- .,,- -






lIonte from , Europe

.........-.-....-...-~ .....-......


I- \ Ii 011 Jlulled out of the 1... . . Zi llmermall VBS in Wa hin\{- '1' 1.i rOll g~()u't tbe night s ldiers ITivitig. At verry C rnel', every fO~' C. H. Tu . ~ y l~il<.. h t. Cn" • road soldiers gathered, .on ,theil" Mes fa.. , B. l3entley ml eoq;e WilY to the rende't;vous. Farmers Lanter were il) 'jncinnati MondRY lJro\lgh~ them in on tracks and carts. I


0 --

,!'lAO BOOK.P1o.1'A8 AGE b' ( r S le-l'o/\ "~OeH. II C. W. Fry. han 4 - l L - 2' or . ti, . A~ An)st rd am tollrists wer . 9[~r­ ~ell, phone 1 6. lIIlg f lbul us SUIllS tor passage . I had ~oo\(ed passage 1!l8~ Mrst'W, H. Bayhat1I'eturneol home Luckily Janl)ary and h ld. reservatlons But Monday night . after a 'pleasant, vll,it. onl'! buat waii running . That bont with relatives in ~olumbus. was stovp ' d three times before it Nr. Ilnd Mrs. B. S, H ow~ll at- rl?a hen Flushing', once, by four Entended a big birthday linne r witn gli:!h hattl hips and twice by Brit· ish torpedo destroyers > Just r elatives at Olal' ksville Sunday, off Amsterdam ' antI off the p~r't bow Jl4iss Li~zie Pratt ·is home from of the bout. a trawler strQck a mine . Cincinnati where she visited her !lis- alllu was sent to the bQtt,'m. Through t er, Mrs, Arthur Anslln . last week. uUll th~ It:ip a close watch WJlS kept for Illines, with which the' chann el is Mr. Ilnd Mrs, Thad Zimmerman . lIIickly st rawn. Miss· Ruth Zimmerman aud }:;rnellt . Even in London th excitement noge~~ motored to J am stown Sun· Wail i ntense 'on Augllst21stand 22nd , Ei,ghty thQusund Scots were vfe\ved d~. . b}1 OUI' par~y as they movl'd away Itobert Crew an c) wi fe and Phinea from, HyCie park. Accompanying CQok pent !:>undf,l'y at th,a h me of lhe t!olul'l11'l Yo' I'e .beer wagons, .' auto M r, and Mrs. Wnt :' 'rh rpe . in DIIY- truck . bl1~gl.\ge Biron " rp.vamped tram::;, worked OVtll' cQul wagons and ton .


Something NEWin this line, an~ something you want t9 see before transplanting your flowers. When you 'have company you cover up t~e old-fashioned red clay pot because you're ashamed ' of oit. This new Uower pot. no matter where 'placed, ' you,' friends wilt admire. . . ' :Taite our wo~~ for it and before dack Frost gets here drop in and see these

Mr. anli M ril ' . L 'artw right ar · rivtld hom e Tuelilay ev ning trOtn tI three "'eek's visit ill et roil and Chicago.


J,es.<c WinIAY. who ha. jnst ~radu, ated from' th J ~ln '8 Auct iO~1 ri ng d hooJ at 'hicagn •. i home anu i ' r dy f 'r al rl le , It v.. ould be I'o'ell to e 11i0l, as ·he' hn. om I1t"W idea,s in the auclione dng line. Or him, 146 mutoal phon • New


BurlIngton, Ohi .


Pain ItuI"C6 a lmost as if by masic. wh n you besin using "r)o Drops, . th oiamou~ old remedy l fo r Rbe urna-


, Dsm, LUlllOOgO. Gout, Sc;~atic~, Nuura.l rll~

aild kiJ;ldred k bllbles. It (lOllS xi8bt ,to the ' ~pot. s lops the aCbeS and pa ins and makes life woctb liviDg . . Get a bottle of "~DropB" . todny. A bookle t will , eacb bottle giVes full irecJio~ for 115&. aY. Demand . "5-llrml!l.·' Don'J !ll:-..


• ••

~ ..


The Ghd sti:m ~aeuvor ' oriety 01 t he hriotian " b\lTCh will ' hold n Social at Ihe homl' of Rf'v PalTT1flr, _ ~'riday ev nlng'. eptt'nlber' 25 Ad · mis.9 ion 10 I'etfts. Every bod~ invIted.

. r. M


tv. '


.'ix·tero th . Sunday after TrlniLy , pp temoar 2'i!. . unday SQhool at 9:30'a., ~I. MorJ)ing .rra)Ie~ and sermon At 10:30.

qody weJc:ome.

eatS free and overy-.


aU s rts or v hicl cs. all bearing the r d CI'\I.:>Il il)l!ij!'ni " . l Jnmtj.'1 P!V'k. lhe )Jrldtl of tht! ~u , hllhrplln rm Ii tllr CUll'lP 'Thllll"unds


diers ria



1') 1

encamp 'J thtirtl. '1'h " It Ir e H s\,a~iolled there anti Mr. antl Mra. Frank Zd l, ~l" Rnd the turf i torn. s hredded and l\ at MI·S. F . C Ca rey and Miss Belle en into a f)owd r by the ~tho u sonds O'Neall werl\! ill Cl!\~kll ville Sunday of hoof and t he foot soldie~s io t heir afternoun. maneuvertl_ ,

r am still repre entingthe Antioch liE WAS LUCKY Nursery , and will be glau to ge t thl! I was extremely ·lu cky . to . have trade of tbis locality. 1. N. Miller. n :reservation made. At the Ameri· Barveysburg. Ohio. can E!mb~~ J aw a ' woman, . Mrs. F!;'ank L. Taylo r, of Cfl icago, A1'lIerlCan inri who m!lrried a titled Mrs. E<*h M. Harris and M"rji. Ron. Englishman, beJ(~ill~ for steerage alU Hawke spent 'J'uesd~ in Morrow room hOll?e Arid he; went, over on the guests Of Mr and Ml"!I. ]0'. • the l m peralor. OJ'l the t rip ov~r she' occupied the 'tholl,l\Ilnd dolla.r fm'Har ~c k ltnd famil,v. ' --" " . perial !lulte HORSe WA'S ffHOUOHT SToLEN The Scandi}lavian sailed ir()m GI~q~Nw on August 2~nd. and the Monday evening th e~. ~ D. Aa. mll)st welq'oi'ne an'u most interesting soeil:\tion \ ~ad\ as t hey .i;hought, si~tbll 9 f the thre l1lQnthl:l was the pretty. senousIteMto, of llorse steal. {lrollche<l American bile shore avo . aing on l\im~ !1Ppeal"jl that Perr.y mQuth8a ofthe t he boat St, Law,lienee had 'some business in Lebanon, rffnce river. ,( ES _ Rnd .had driven O . J. aor· .' . . .




•-~!-i""~ ~"mA~ tlU


__""I_IIi_il:ii"_"_"'~iiII__I"" ;. ~ .






of the Late Bo'oks .: DOING PASTORAL "'-'-_., '.

... ,


WORK ' ' relmare tothat ¢ity.

Re~. I.d a Allen came u p here fl;om


'Their.Yesterdays,Harold lJeu Wright Wayn~ville ob Tuesday to ship her The CI it Rid~ '.. E I' .hqusehold goods to that town which

gg estone is to be 'h4i\r home for the present. Porter Her c!iusin, Rev. Mary E . Martin, of • 'Forty Mlnutes"Late _ • Smith Urbana, has take!}. up pastoral work What Happened t M B in the beautiful old Wllrren county ~ 0 ~y rown town of Waynesville and MrS Allen' Tbe .E~es of the World e · Wr1lt,ht will be associated with her . and will (HIS ,latest book) , , . ' also be engaged in 3va~g'elistic work 1'Il~ Recording Apgel _~ra Harris, Mrs Allen is greatlv pleased with . -. ' ~ J Waynesville and· says: The rivtlr ' Jltu r A Olrl of the lImberlost




B k S"tore ••

,. town from the depot is,too long to

eI!!!!!!!!'!!!!!l!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~' walk if you are,ln a hurry 'aM a hack t ~rriee ,passeng'ers to and fro.' The ~ tp~Way hM .been cemented lately,: I en~>ugb" ~o aCcom.modate , . ~' ", , : foul', vehicles abr(last 'and fs a 'veJ.y

' EDMA'N " 's ZIMM , . . i



PQPuJar IItretcb, 'with auto riders.

T~e ~cellefY in and ' about. Waynes~

. vllili IS mo~t beautiful and romantic and the old town's hiRtory is inter-

I··· !""---:Soclal-.-Ev

"1 en a , -t


lDterelltiDg. Come ~n and 10o,1t them overhanging willows; r~ns ,between over •.~ , . . . . ... .. the p~rt of the too,yn, first known as " • - - - -_ _ " CQrwm. where t he depot is 'located, I:' , Ilnd Waynesville proper, and it has I 00 had a ~abit of overflowinct ita banks , . and making rob! of tJ;'ouble a'Ylnua)) ., Next door t~ Qazette ~fflce ' or oftener. 'I'he old 'wood~n brid:~ Waynesville • Ohio was in bad .shape. The distance up



the horlje neat: Fred s . when he went t~ gE\~ !t th.e lan o)al " , was g~ne.. · ~e Iml?edlately report-, .,..-~ - - - : - - - - : - . , . . - ed th~ loss.of t~e:ng to thQ marshal, ' and,. tney sta~ted on ,the hunt of. it : . MI'. and Mrs. Runald e~An old I.ndy by the n~me of Ode. telrtamed at supper Sunday' evening tush, reslding fi ve ~Il !! south of M'r and Mrs. Frank · L. Taylor,ot Lebanon. had also drlVen a sorrel 8hjcago~ , Mrs~ Edith M. Harris. Mrs horse to ~baTJon tl)at aft~rnoon. wlI:lr!i E. Mosher lind Mr. Harris When she fi~lshed her Bhopprng sbe Mosner. went to unhitch h er :hor3e and s~artr \!1 for "'h;o,me .. Wilen ~he arrived tpere,iter son dl8Co ver flP :·:i·.~~~l\-lc:nar



brought It oac~ lto town. : In t~~ meantime ~I'es. E., S. Bally, O. J. Edwards and A. Maffit y?enl to Leban<,>n. , When the~. arrived there the h<?r8e was waltlng ~or tbem at the livery stable. r Of ther.e will beno prosecu" simply .. r!lse of mis· . Oli Tuesday Aft,Arn,l\nn ' Mrs., Dllatush was lIartsock very eSSHO ent;ertain,eQ. badly ~roken.up over the occurrence, tb.e OCCasiQD btling a TAr,A""'" and dId I}ot .want to ~e taken ~s f()r Miss ' Olive McCollum, a horse true!. The a~a1r, ho~ever, this morning for Gambie!;', turned..ou ~ to ,be.ah:ldlcrouso~~,ran.d H.arcbllr~~er;ninary as a student for Mn..I)llatush wtJ! ~b.e as':lured .~I}at the, c ... mlng ,gear . .. El\ch guest had. noto9~ ,of the p!,rllles tntel'el:!ted f~el s \Vr(t~en ' a let."ter to Miss McCollum anyth~~g but ~n~y~owaJ'ds her. , . wh~ch C/bl;l " if< to rend oq, the dat~ ." . ' .. ' " ~eslgnated At ~h'e close of a ,THE WOMAN'S AUXII,..IAa<Y . ilghlfil l nftllr[)Qon a :-delieiQuB

esting to"a degree .. . It'was onee the I home of Coates Kinney, the gifted The r egular meeting of thf) WOo Ohio poet,' who .lived in Bellefontaine' man's Au)Ciliary was held at the 'rec· in daYB. of young manl)ood and whose tory. o.n Vrid~y ,aftel1noo[\, September tr~ve lB. marl\~ by.a m'gdest 's tone 18. liemg the,firs~ !lleeting, held after In .the ceme~l'Y at Waynesville the summer'·vacaflon. '.£lhe meeting a city of the.dead located 'on a wood: was openeQ 'Nith ; musi~ , ':Guide Me, ed knoll an~ regl:'rdetI .as one ' the Oh T~ou 6reat Je)lpwah," 'played on mo~t, be"zu~lful and b~t;, kflPt ceme- t~e Vlct).'ola . . Mrs. Oad'fllllader read terles In . Ohio. WllYnE'-sville is the Scrlptu·re Less'on, Isaiah 55, The a Quaker settlement, There are two devotional exerCises were 'conducted Quaker ' churches tnere, OrthodoxQY Rev'. J. F. ClIdwatladsl', , ~nott~~r and :Hiltite,' and also a Quaker Home~ favorite hymn • AIl .Hail · the ,Power ...... Belh!fon~ine; Ohio, Examiner. of JPSUB Name," · wa.~ then ~layed. ,~ _ _ Scriptural ,q uo t.atlOns 'yVere g'lven in " For Sale-Tomateos, . ca II 0, ' W ~esponse to After the reijdFrve. phone 49- 1L- 2S . ot G A mg.ofthe.m111utesal,ld·other:business Zell, phone 126: . . " the following progra'm w~ g'ivell. , 040;' - , . ' \ "President's oAddress/ ' Mrs, Cad: Late ClaatS,i,fi•.:.....1 . Ads wallader; "A IPoieword, Mrs;' Ro· t:U ch~ter'8neminiecenceB'" Mrs. Crane ; \' .". ' '~Tne Origin snil ' Meaning of ,the 214ALE BOGS, ·,Polan.d Cblpa, w.orIlan'sA,uxi)ial1Y,' ,Mr!!.llarnl)art· . ' welghU 75 , pouDd~ ohoice • If;. At Silver, Bay," Miss ')j)mma' Heig/l AlsO-11 ShOUl:! 'Ioqolr!! of , U . H. way' "iteminil:!cences of Meai~al 8.u rfalle. R. D ,.!i 1• Waynenl1\e, O. Woil{ in Shang:hai," Mrs. Edwards. ; ";. 07. The :first two nml'lb.ers were taken

wall served: Tn08e

. -

Ruth Zimmermari/ Rachel 'heehan, Edna

~cfith beehallj ~dyt;ha Bert Hartsoelc and Olive \"""~~""''''


~~emtiel' we are' headqua~ters

.. for School supplies. Willow '~ Dinner lJaske'ts, Lunch Boxel3 .. ~Ge largest Tablet for. 5c on

. earth". "




" It pays to· trade at' , '


~~~!!!!!!!!;~~~~;:~;::===::=:~~~~!!!!!!~!!!! from·

. ~aturday.

. l adle~ whll ,Had, .w·o'rkf!d the.f alr; Accord IU"QtI",",~,,,'

H ~ E . .Hat:nawa~ and· irleg', several ch}~lIens ali Mr~ awaY.l;I home, and when th.e workmg .wbmen go t back from, anQn about 1l:30, tl1 y sat down fin~:. il"l';lner ,()f fT~ed ~liicken

eV4~ryt~trlg t~at went ·With. " fbey (tid ' e"3 0 1' that :d4rlrier! ~. C. iJ,'; , H~~,~e { anJd veT, also' g;o.t , th~11' n. mes

ea1r1y,. tlOU. r. ·


, _ .: '.,



" '.' t · -:---:. : <' ' Pi(. WII,:(:;b~M Oll~t Wlt{S P~IZE

Thirty.'eighth J{~, , :I'h "' ,~olloW1IJg : , . ', para~raph ; .' p~rt the of 1'~e WbmllJl'~"~nnual ,,Aux.i1iary. will' plOcese of tSoqthern -OhlO. ; ' mterel.!hng to Waynesvlllians Qwing After adjournment u do1ightflll to, th tact that Mil!S Thompson ill Baci.a\ hout ~iuj spc,,:,t )jste~in~ to a .. of B:' S. Howell. . ¥r. cho~ce selectIOn of Vlctrola musu:. pro~.d of th~ fact that all th(l prizes at th

he wilJ"' tie . able to' crooki ~~:h~f?re

Thnm ....' ... · ,daugn

• 17 year

girl firStprize'at the state .from he.. CoilD~Y and the 8~ate 88 well Baking. Canninl', :nnl~_t.". and won in all,. hel'!el! .....Id f13 for B1gh



. :Oi1~ and

Aecf880rles '



SEET~MBER so, 1914 ...LLIL:.U.J"!:. _ f'

Whole Number 3283


i r'. ...::":":::",: ,: ,: ,:",' .;:.:. ' ':' '::.";. ,,,!: '-::~-l:;-} TO OHIO'S FIRST VOTE ItS ' NEW CENTURY CLUB She, walked Wlth God • . and she IS i PersonaI MentiOil C0 I'umn ..J 1j Ohio several thou~and young men in not. for God hath"taken her. i will cast their first votes this BITt O~ I'NOT' .Joanna Linder. twin daughter of L: ' :J year. It isno light matter when the HelD ITS F.nST 'Mr!""TINO OF " S . ' Joseph>a1)d Linder. was born -"."''''',,. '" ..... _ _ _ _ _..... boy be::omes'a man and assumes the ... , , "




' .







ill, Ridgeville. ' Warren eo, Olib. "",., " ---.----~-.... - - -....- . duties of citizenship. He then beTHIS YEAR -" . May27/ 1848.~ At the time of her " D t B S H comesindividuallyresponsible.forth~ " . death ,was 66 years; 3 months and 22 . qharles. StalJsberry was a ay on " lOwell was in Cincinnati kind of. men elected and tlie kind of AMENDMENTS ~aY8. ~,... . VIsitor Friday. , , T~esday. . measures adopted. This means that 'PRES/,DENT TAKES HOLD . ,Febru!lry 20, 1868, she ~as ~nlted MiSses Lulu Vandezvoort visited Dr. Dill, OR(eopath .. Haines Bldg.. so far as his votes ~ oes he 'is respon. In m~rrJagl! to John. Mllton Olark Lebanon friends last WeE'k. t Tuesday and Friday mornings. sible for; the 'quality of government. , Of . I ' This year the f\rst vote.r has the Oreat 'nte!'4!St WIIS Manlfeated and Your Duty I. But Half Performod to which umon o,n e child was born. Ada L Ohenow-rtb C M B wl'n was in 1 '" k B' f D to h b opportunity of exhibiting his civic When You Vote '-Yea" On he H' h b d d ' ted th' I·t . .' rown. 0t Go , r. . ,:r!ln .Iggs. 0 ay n.. as een " If h h . h CI~b H~pes to Have a ' 'P I J er l~slOJl11 epar 111 1 e Dayton Friday on bUSiness. vlf!ltmg hIS brother Wes Biggs, patrlOtlsm. , e as gIVen t e mat, h bi P ro ilion roposa un~ 9 • u 4.. , tel' a moment's thought he knows pl'09perous Year. , ' , ' S~e un'tea With the Ferry church If you want a llood Fertilizer call Mr:. an~ Mrll, G, W. ~wke visited the saloon and the &alocln influence is • , ' . in 1887 and ~~ ,devo~ to th~church Chne. Frye, phone 491·L 2-S, relatives 10 Harvey.sburg Sunday, bad for the individual and the com ' , munit.y and it follows it must be bad The New Oenw'ry chib held -its , Mr. Voter.• hpre is one tbing you and alwpys hkoo t:o ~ttend, ~hene,ver want to get firmly fixed in your ehe COUld. Subml!l8!ve,' patll!llt, she L. A. Zimmerman went to Cleve, SamJ. Milredlth spent Sunday and for the at ate.. ' <. first meeting oHhe year at the home mind: ' . ~' " at.tend~ her <h.oUB8~old' dubes and land Thursday for a week's visit. Monday with relatives in Col umbu s. As a, the you!lg man Will. of M~ . Grauser, Fridav ' afternoon. , When you vote for state-wide Pro· ca~ed for her mvah~ busblutd for . ' . at tb~ Novembe~ electlo~,.pasa upon September 25th \ After a cordial hibition you , ha~e performed but !-Inrty.or;te years. , She did her 4uty D. L. Cr!lne ,spent a c!>uple of . Born-To Mr. and Mrs, AI. Suop- two Important proposItions The welcome by their new president, Mrs. ,'< In all thmg& and her goodness and days in Sprmgfield on .buRllll!ss. last son, MondllY, September 28, 1914. a one proposed by the liqu?r men Harris, the ladies' responded to roll,h alf YQur rluty. You wtll have pel'formed th~ other work will tollow ' her . . Wh~n the week. . daughter. ~ould ?estroy coun~y. option and call by giving some Current Event. halt when you vote aaairuit the hOme summons came to her It found her Jeopardlze most of eXlstmg temper- Mrs, Devitt read a carefully , rule amendment. .. ready and w~iting to meet the 19ved ,M"!I, Clark ~adwa!)adtlr,~of MorMrs, Editb ~arris B!1d ~rs, R~n- an~e laws and wo~ld prev~nt the paper on "Scenic Topogr:aphy and , Op a b!'Uot by themselves , w~11 be ones,on the o~r shore. '{or she ha~ ro~. spent Friday With Mrs. Agnes aid iIawke were shQppmg In Cmcln- legislature. ever agam exactm~ such .Geography of Wale!," trying'l to ae; four amendments: I The Proliibltioll bee!\ faithful Imd loyal to the qbh- WrIght. on M0!lday, laws. .I~ 18 the most reactlOnary quaint the Illdiell with the location of amendment the' home rule amend- ptlons of life. She leaves to mourn . propo ItIon ,t.ver pre3ented to the tbe co untry they are goinlt to study ment. the eQual 8uffrage amendment her loss pne daugh~~,. an adopted John Stansberry, of D~ylon: spent Mr. and M1'5. J 9s: ,Hisey. of ,Rou~ vot~rs of thIS state. . ' the coming year. Mrs, Hawke read and the 1 ~r cent tax amendment, granddaughter. two sU!ters. three Saturdayand Sunday With hm par- 3. ~ave been VISltIDg re l~tlVes 10 1be o.ther pr0p.l!~\'ls for. most interesting paper ' on '· Xema the 'pas~ week. state,wlde Prohlbltlot;l-cl~amng up Economies," , whieh brought forth - When you are in the ,booth and brot~ers ' and a host of nieces and ents here. ready to mark your, ame~~ment bal· nepliewil. ~Q 1JI0~ Who loved her . . . . . . ' the stite. and makmg It a better a little discussion. th!, sllbjoot Jot, make your cross mark beforetl\e the cor.solatlon abides that the vir- Mrs. Nathan. Austm, ,o~ Rou~ I, Mr. Reddick and fa mily, of place to hve and wOI:k. " all housewives ,are in. on thePrQhibition amendment tues which endeat;ed her in this life has been ve.r y Sick, but 18 ImproVl g " . ' have '!'eturned hO,m e after The first votf!r should start in ,t hen put 'a C1't>88 mar~ betore th~ aTe t~e jewel8 in.-the crown that is at p'reaent. , a VISIt th relatl shere. , Ther~ should .be no hel!itancy on hiB Miea Ruth Hartsock ' favored the , "np" on the brewers' home rule hers In tllat other life. God g'TBDt M" M F ' f Col b M d' M All . G g f Ce part m oppOIllng the eVil and stand- ladies with several beautiful piano um us, t ~ii an re' en re §, 0 nf ling for the good, This is his duty selections during the , afternoon amendment then vote your convic- her etemill reat and peace and m~. .u~s. ary raney,o 'tiona.on the'other 'two 8mehdmt!PtI! ' light perpetual shine upon her. lSeoVlkSltingfat t~e home of Mrs. Anna rv1 hl,er[)'~;he'd~~estsd fund.~y 0 as a ,f!\an and cit!zen. He knows After adjournmentdelicious'refresh: If'you vote "y./' on the Pronibi- 0 b ' , ) ed) 0 and ann y. rs. a e I NI Ie an ami y. there. IS no place . In the world of menta were served by the 'hostess "'-. .. ' t b t 1-'1 to ' ... ne y; one our , ov ones eave us, morals and busineSs for tlie $sloOn M G M Ro)) ' d M' tI "on"amCIlUmen . ' u .....1 , vO"" , As the hour of life growalate. Mr: and Mrs. Herbert Mrs. W. N, Sears~nli,c.hildren will and" h kn li t h i I ' , . f8~ rauser. re. . an , ft. DO ~n the bome rule ameudment One b, one their partin,p Irrieve U8 waite of Dayton were visIting leave tomorrow fora. VISit of several ehl . °bwl k . al h nstitQht on ISf Wilson. of Day top, Mrs. Bruner. of l'bu will DOt have cQ~teracted the . . hib ' ' :.. a' h i ' k d " hI" . D k Co ' ty a atum mil oe m t e pat way 0 Lebanon. and Mrs P.lmer MI'8 Zell 'VQte of, the liquor man who votea They; are passmgtbroug epte. ~nen sere ast wee • '. ays \It 1'e a.lves lD a1' e un • every young fellow. On the other Mrs. Gilmour. Mi~ CarroiLand MUti ··Y1'8"onthe.holberuleamendmt!nt, One by one they 'are invited. John Liddy, ot' Day to,.., ~p6nt Erhest JH;a'r\an and Letl Lammon '~!l:d.he~~owfthat . Pro- auth Harrteoek were thegu'" of ' , !~ II u ~tiaJ th.t y~U vo~ BP.lnat ' To 9ur Monarchs b.road estate. a couple o( days bere last week with left Mondt~y morning for Gal~but'~i bI :~hnt l~no onger d Mral Grauser. UlThe one as th.t 10U vott~o-: .,..\e~~thell!d' Not a IQyal 8Oul. iii sli$bted. . ' his fatlier, M. C. ,Liddy. III '. WherE!they will enter aT~hniC8 workin19 ~,:1inien ·Snta'tee have •- • ere i _ no ...-oil w~ you 1III0U ' They are p888mg Ulroulrh the gate. Scliool " ' , .., \ . .. . t«lh\on Ridge lett Sunday for a .. adopted It. ' . ) , beconlUsed, but tbilreiaevery reason why lOU should h"ve a < cl8Jl r. u)'lder. One by one we all are gOl)1g. weeks' Slay with'fHendS'w!d relatives St, Mar'y 's Guild will " meet 'with The first vote~ here 10 Ohio t?~s f1t11ndin*tiow to mark yout ballo~. • Down, the pathway tI~eep and in fletcher, ,Miami County. . Mrs. O. J, Enwards Thu'rsday alter- y~ar can do n,othm¥ which wl1l give Paste it in' 'your, hat and nill It - !ltr81.ght:" •• , . ., noon. Important btlBiness, 80 a fuJ hIm more satlsfaotlon and gratltlcaMrs. Charles Evans .and daughter atte~dance is desired. 10 t~rodgh the ye~rs to come t~an Mr. and Mrs. W. H.. Madden had ' down i., your mind that, 10U are to Ah. the JOY tliere 111 m knowmg We ,shall ~eet beyond the gate. of Xenia. were the Sunday guests of ' lo actIvely engalle m the campaIgn as their gueabJ Sunday for 'dinner.-. vote "yes" un the Probibi~n amend ment and "no" dn tliA brewers' home . Mr. Win SaJisbnry and fam,ly. H.mry Woollard is st.ill on for the ,coJDplete overthrow Seth Conk and Dr. Mary Ceok. rUle amendment. OARD OF 'J'IIANKS ~ has been afflicted ' for oHhe liquor traffic in the ~tilte. ' • I want to tbank all of my neigb- J. A. Kilpatrick. of tb~ Mo~r Inn' of ~ix. ~ Wad , TO OHIO'S.FIRST VO'l'ERS . sr, MARY'S 'CHURCH bot's and friends for I their ldn&neaa Co" of , ~banon. was in town Sa~. ! , J.6th Issue of t h e . '_ ". Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall ., , shown Rie daring th~ iIIne88 and day drlvmK ,a fine 1915 model Bu~ck.IGSLZe1tte. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thor~ were . BROKE OOWN~JOY·RIDINa guests of Mr. and MI'8. J. E. Janney •Tlje Seventeenth , Sunday after deatb of my mother. ' Mr J b P te r f lellIingiton; at dinner Fri~. : .., ' .' 'trinity.Oetober4tlJ. Sunday School MI'8. A~ Chenoweth. u __ ;. ~_ '1'_:t j' 0 Jat' ::rll~~~~~e~~;)~i~ji: : ;g~~~~ at:~:3D1t."ni~"'St: "'Pet. . _~-< =>_. ,t 1UIII •• ISu,e>:" r V .... ng , ~ Ivee , )wling ~n,l\ct82 u-36 ',8ermonlmd Holy l STRICKEN WITH APOPLEXY frl~ds, afk!r 'an abBeriee of several , CommunlOn,&~ 10;30 In years. ~~~hl:!'I ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hldnes en1ritm~e:proclaril.tIOD of ' . - -'. ( ~l ~D8d . last week Mr. and Mrs. dent of the United States. .W~needay afternoon A::. .!-faflit He~rt Satterthwaite and Mr. and





M M'




supplication to GOd for P'&rdon, ~ and auldanee i!l endfnK t~e j)reIent ~ribl~ wat; in Europe, thIS will be. eR«!9iaJ aervlce of interces_OIl. Leaftet8,8'lviqatQrDl 'orser· vice for'the ",Day of I~wreellBion.for f8aee," be uaed 80 t6&t alfC ~epart. ' THe aermon will be . te to tti.. ,. d


1!~~' cl"I,."nse.l'p~~..:I

ftJI .......

l WIt



Mtluld',,:attend' such a



reqUetlted by ChlefnEX6efduU\'te(und0ur dutd~ tot __ oJ ~ur , ~ree en a . OUI'- \ 1S re!oMlU , brethren ' throughout .' the ' wqrld , tome.,

'f ... .


, , .. , ' '!t- C, ''I'. U.~ SUpe~I~1ENDe~ ,

dla~I)' , Mr. S. S. ~~a~~~~~ Loyd was ~ry 111; but ,before he

\ ' 't

~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~mjij~~~~~i~~~~~M~rs~,~.v~~~-~ '. • ---

set ~e~ Ii~ bad died, onl~ two ~ , Sun~ay at the owt,of bed to fix it. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Starr, of h~urs from the tiQ'le be w'8Jl stncken IterrMIOrGl'WIt" H.AJle~ lett S!lnd~ at- , ". nu~ng tht" time'thilY were here it ROuttrl 3, entertalQel! $UDdaY the wI!:hapo,\llexy; , , . ' GambJer.. ' ()h1!>,.wh~ . . .' looked!to the machlnillt8 as thoug.h fo!lowiDgI'U 8IbI: '\lMI'8, HerBud. as be was fam.ilW'ly ten days enjoying Mr. ,. and Mrs, W. ,So Graham. of therewas80methingevid8l)t1ywrong ben troekett; and MeMI'8. Charles, WIth,. , Route 5, were call~ ~ Dl»'ton Su~a ,few wotdB .w:ere ,pased , Walter and Bowar4 Puckett. of Wilham BOtta, Mr an ' d 'M-. E1 .... er DA~e.... A";1'18IUgolhnl~arc ,count ()f .the 1Iln.*'M. of their Finally three ' of them fte~· and " "rou., ... ~~~ I' Mrs. !\dra LeWIS.) They got Bome one to take diem to Wil. '




Ernest. lIpent Sl,lnday ~t the of Mr. and Mrs. MilioD Shea. at Centerviile,

Mrs. Belen Ri8inlrer~ of New ton,l\lberta, CaD •• is tile her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs" Oglesbee and t~ily



much .'ml\loved. , alnd Mrs." G. Cross Jleft . fol' a , weeks' visit at their at Georgetown, 01lio, and wUi also attend the 'BroWn county GP.orgetown. , ' ,Itev. ailld, Mrs. J. ~. CadwlI.l1Bder. MisaChul8 Lile and Mr, and Mrs. C.


ming.ton in a conveYDftce. · The other

'A. B. Ghandler aritt"'wife eote1-' talned at tlielr1nome on Fo~rtb ~t the foUQw!q town about 8 q elock~ • . I ~~'~~~ln~:3: Tho~ and wife It 'ddehve!ol'~f" hO:~b!!r! thadtthathe 1'. J. E.,J~ ~ t crow 81 cu rom· <;JA lOa, an "'1\lIW~I~ Mend~l aDd ' ' h!"i~. 81tofttllen and . ' , enJoyulS a e ou ti nlr. three men,got' home they where t\1eiJ! machJn. hUllg uP.,lInd the garil$!:e t'AI •• h h,nn.>I' II tJr p t Il find nu t t. i • I'e ', m. '


~wo< 8tuek to ~e machine and , left






now reaely to h~nt tor the llttle IMY ot Ute T."ern.e llo)a1.. It np.canary tl;l ftnd bor. The whOl'e:.tboutl! ot F'lora D051mone vaa of vital Importance. II sbe bad not yet ru-. rived. the pros Dce of ,he r friend presagetl.1I r uilimate arrivlll. He roee a nd proceeded on his QueBt. Dt'Core the pbotographer'is s l10p he iaw a. dachal wrathfully chaJl englng a cat on the balcony of the adjoining' n,. T~e -oat kn'l!w, tho puppy. tbat It was all bunl;lombo on tlle pUppy'. part; Ule usual Euro· pe&n 1\'.1' loare, In which one of U10 belligerent' ~.rtlel re!uaed to come down because It wouJdn't haTe been wortb wblle. there beln& tbo usual powers ready to In terrene. CourUan dt did no.t botber about the cat; the puppy claimed hi. attention. He was Tery tond of doss. So he reacb ed down .uddenl,. and pu t an lind to the .h&rp ohallen,e, Tbe dachel strU&llled nllantly, tor tblll breed ot dOl doel not"1 make fr.lendl Iittleully. Dut b b ' 11&1, )'OU .1e 0 m..n, w at I til. row! I'm nO~ golng to hurt you. ~nny IItOe eodcerl To whom do y~u '" H e t tlrne 11 th e co Ua.r aroun.~, .. 1 b eons· I d th I 4 I Na e n.erthpUOD. an ,ent '1 put ... . AI ... e PUPP'I on e ,,roun .. , Nora H arrI ,an HI, immedl.te Impul •• waa to walk on. but .omehow thl. Imp'ullle refulled to act 011 bll .eD., ot locomotion. He "atted. dully wondorlD, wb.t was goInJ to .... ,,_ ppeD 'W h en ehe came obt. He bad 18tt her room that nlJht In Pan.. I b h 14 ne"er I ntr ....... A "OW OJ t at e wou e OIl her . .ala. With tllli recollecUoa b U11e t 11' bl II Ina p..t hl • ear. 0 t t"-t lOa he bad bee. conymoed that the pla'l WN done. True, ahe had te.Uftecl that It had heen accidental, but neTer woul ..A hA lorlAt th 100""- he re,e. . It " .. not pleal&l1t to remember . .And Itlll, as the D--"l. I. drawn by the -magnet, hen he 'W¥, In BeliaSIIQ; He ouned hi. wMIlD.... . ~ .. Ah; yoicel' He steppect .llde qulckl,. "Frlt&. Frltll: where ar6'10uT" , ,An4 ,a moment later- Ille 'came out, •LOII owe d b , h or mo th er. " an d tb e Uttle lady of the Ta.,erne RO'lale. DId Nora .ee hIm? ·It wu lmpoulbl. to tell, She .imply Itooned .nd ,atbered ., up the pupp}'. who Itrufl',led deter· mlJledl,. to lick bel" face. Courtlt.Ddt lltted hi. h.t., It "AS in nowlle of, fered al an ..ct ot ~cOfl'llltlon; It W88 merel, the m.echanlcal courtelY tbat a man pne"",ly paya to any wqman In wjloee patb be ohlUlcea to be tor: the' breath ot' & lIecond. The tbree wOmen In' )mma'culate wblte, haUelle, but with 8U)lshlldee.. pused on down the street. "Nora, wh\> 1'1&1 tbal?" asked Mrll: 1{~'~~~'waa who?" countered Nora: Wall


'· MOON 4YffiROLD ,me . . . ."..,.. PidurC"S 0' C.D.

.u....ora Cle' T~.cana ... .. 1....... I. p~ .bleb. aocoUDI<!!d lor Rd. ~ CourUaadt'a appearaDee there. Y"I. UIDIllIoDII.... lie w.lId • ...,s about ,.he'" fanGF c"otate4, Be ~ In Pula ODe' o4aF &D4 lCamebatka tbe nuL FollowillC thaopera be ~a to a eare and la &c. . ,_~tI<! "b7 8 pr,tt7 70UJIr woman, .cay. rum tha aC!4r_ .of l\'1ora Deelmone, , 'Vocal I1ftl of Toecana, and J'lora. ~v.. :btm ttl, add .... or lei_ora, "bcnp .4etannlne4 to. __ Courtlandt 'Dtera ,JDa..-ora·. apUtmeata. 8be ora.e n blm .....t and .boou. 8t 111m. Th. n,,,,' day J>U1. I. ,!locked by the .m7aU/nou, d.J.t~ . qJpe&!'8DC8 ot the prima donD&. R . .lldn. \ U\&t I). 11187 ~ eull)eCt4td of the abcluc"llon ot Bllllnora Courtlan4l arra~.. tor \&D allbL Elea.nora reapPeano ..n4· .. 00""" CourtJandt ot h.."lne abdu o ~l!. ber. ·. HI. alibI la aatlafactory to the p~Uoe an~ the cllar.. u. .dlamUlee4.. l mleanora ·n ... to Lalre Como to net sner the .• hook. 8he .. ,rollo.ed by 8 number ot ber adrillrere.' amon.ber tbam th. prince who ,...117 proCIllI'ed a~uctlpn. Courtlanllt alao ~ Ii:omo ~ there lIleet.e Jlmml. Barrl· PJl, ntfH4 JK1IIefl.htar and tetber or El· _DOr~~ ;'b.OII8 relll I. NDI:'& Bart'l· .... ' H~ take. COutUandt Into hi. faVOI' at, one.. , ~, . , CH"P'tI!R V":-Contlnued. · "TIe moth an4 the candle," :mUled ~lIdt. "Th.t wtll be Nora. Han.. . .. How 'OIlS h~ WI lnrl, uattoo ibMD IOlnl' Qn'" ' ;'Year aDd '& baIr." "'ADd the otber IliSef" "Tben .I.n't /UI"~ othor Ilde." M: ploded the arUllt, !'She'lI worried to ,4_'\11.. Not' a da'l paBlel but 80'me "'~OUl penny.a.-lIner .prinla . lOme , }'al'D, lOme beasUy lnn\lendo. Sbe'l beeA ~od.ID. the fellow for month.: .JIl Putt. Ja.l 'lear ue could.n't mo"e 'withOut rpnnlnl.lnto him. Thll ,year ~e c1uinged-ber apartment, and gave .on1e~ ..t tbe"Op\! ra to re~\lse her ad. ..d~iB to all 'wbo aake4 for It. Gon.e-QUentiy abe bad 80me peace. I don't QOW wby it III. but .. voman III public . 111. aeem. to be tar,et." ' . " ~'The peDlllty of beaut." Abby. Rome. 11 women '1Oldom ate .all~oy8d,' ~nleB8 1'1 :becom.e lutrrell.te," The C,olonel ~ fQrth 'lt denlle ' cloud, of sinoke.





v... '-"

IInuggUng ,tbe wrlggUng dacbel under her .arm and throwln, the sunehade ac~BII lier Ihoulder. "That flne-Ioo.ldn~ .young man who stood b'l tbe door as we pallled out. lJe railed hi. bnt.·~ "Oh, , bother! I 'Was- looking at Ji'ritz." . Celell~e :~: , =or:a

tUAre was ' to be teDlIt. ullUI 0" o'olol:k. When li.,.rlgan Wt.l r6U01I' ablY .ure l'hat theY w.e re halt the ttl I · ~n llce to tbe colone1'8 villa. he put 011 bls bnt, whistled t.o · the dubal. and tog ther th ey took tho path to the vllluge. "We'd [oak line dr[nklng , tea, wouldn·t we . . old ' 8COUU" reachlnll do,.,'" and tw eaking tb, dog's "elnt ears, "They don't understand. and It'a use tryfiig- 0 ·om. Np'!ii iMli as near .nII p'<)lIslble. · ,R ert ROllen! 2'{ow.• where' ha"e I seen hla pbla before ! I wl8h · 1 hnd a r eal man to to, Abbott Bulks bnlf tile time.. and tbo Oaroue Cl\.Il't get a Jok.~· Ie•• It'a driven to wllil II. mallet. od your way, old SCOl1t. or I'll step on you. Let's .ee It '\'1"8 Cl!.ll hoof It down to the TmlLle at a trot without taldnJ the count." He bad but two erra.ndll to ell;eeute. Tbe lint wu accompllllhed expedltel., In the JUlie tOhaCCloliJlIl'l .hop Wld&r the nrcade. "here tile , purchas,e of a. box 'or Mln"hetU cl" .....--a. " "romla-" 'ate-, .. .,.. , soleacn. ,. The lIecond e-nc! .. a too'" " UlDt and deliberation. He .tudled t.h e 10lle libelvea of Tauohnltz, Having red, cor1>11.801ea In luperabundance, he naturally preferred them In hla Ilte-'",r" . - ... III the aame quanUt'/. ")her read tbl.r" alleed a pl..:.ant • f rom b 'ehind, '-dl To.oe UI ca tl nJ'' Ro.dnfl1 Stone" with the f~M'uI8 of a cane. Harrlaan looked up. "No. -....t'. .. n.. It aboon" "But .to- of the London prlle rl..... '# e"er '4\'rlt~en. Too'te Mr. Hampn; a, ren" 'louT" • . .' "Yea." dlfBdentl'l. "My name Is Edwar,d Courtlandt, If t 1 am no mistaken, you were a great frI end o('my fatber·. ! ' "Are you Dlcle Courtiandt'l boy'"

hOored Costumft.


Mad1lDl" ,if you ' want your clothes snow 'white and sweet ,use



RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP-"Carbo" kills germs-uNaptlia" clean~ instantly. ~o rubbihg~no washday grief-no ruined. clothes.


~dlll",me.,ta Muat Be Fitting tf They Are U! Bo E(fectlve-Id~ .. for the Golfftlre · 'h" 8110uld Be Kept .

In the Memory.

",&~ tbe glr18 are WOllrlng ' balr orna· m enta tills Bummer," announoed Mal" lorle. "How do you think 1 would 1001, In 80metillug 0( that IdndT' "Somo . collYu.r e ornaments are very IIt.tracllTe and"lh good talte." IInFlwered M4U'Ie, "and I am certaln well .• elected 0lle8 will Improve anyone's appearanoe It worn Ilt the rlgbt, tlmes/' , "Won't you Buggeat some 1 might I1kEI to wear'" plead\l4 ·MarJarle.' 'Wh y, yo .... was the reply. "1 hllvo • lD mind 'several ' seasonable nOTeltles wbllch mlgbt .nlt 'IOU. For instance, there are sbell plna 'with b1nced topa with gerne that 'mB)' be turned in dlt· ferosnt dlrectloQs to suit ~e ~olllure, anlllilimulated caps ot·strlngs ofpearJ8 with Un~ ch1n IItrap. ot pearl II to m.A'tcb to wear Ln the even·l ngs. ~Narrow bandeal!S or rblneslolle, that widen Ollt Into a ))areUe in the bae: k nn d w hic h are matche d by e th high spanB In combll 8et with rhinestones a ra very pre ttY• . "Tbere lire alllQ capi formed of IItrilngl of •4e'We tlD- se t 1'1 Id e apa rt ,wIth tW() IItralght leathers \lp the tront. the,t r q\i1Ils 'ootilDedwtth geme. "Sqaare-topped plnl, Wald wttb gold. mat~hln" -Id ' .... - .to p ped aId e com b s "I am." and a hlgb open·work back comb, with . I ' a Blt-ree dealgn In tbl> gold A·" all '·Well. Beay." Hnrrlgan held out b l e ' " '" .v hand and waB graUlled to enoounter BboWll. liS are also halrplns wtth fll~ grEI6 gold topa s"aped like a .... '1 the a man'a gratl!>. "So you' re Edward ' .. ..... • ,Courtlandt! No • wbat do you tblnk ' center nlled wtth, compressed saebet h Wb bailis and thin bandii of .. old endln" In of t [l.t! y, your [atb~r wall tile .. • .. best IIportaman 1 ever met. Square as 'gold tassels to wear 8croell tho tront they make 'em, Not. kiD'" ftnywbere or tbe ball". t)le ta.sela hangin. In his mak&up. He ..)lBed ...t .. como to !If the ears like IIlmlllat.ed earrillp. the boute 10 bill ping hat and dreBII "'GlaIlS as a materIal tor coltrure It I had t b tb rl onlaments Is st~lIy makIng lta, way IU ; a ways a 1Ie.& 'I e I).g., 1 could bear hlm ~ap wltll hll cane lato faTor,. Under a atrong IIgbt spun wben tbere bappened to ' be a bit of «taas al~rettea are most elreeUye, ellp. pretty lpardo., He "'U' no .Iouc~ eldl'l whon Q~ whUe oombl~~d wlih hlmaeU wben It came to putting on e~orald gr~n, llapphiro, blue, .. uby tbe 111l1.1t.. ManTs the time. l1"e ,bad "Ted or golden .,0110'10'. a round or two 'WIth hlm III my Old "Some glas. tinras sbow a deBI~ In gymnasium.' WeU, 'weU! gQod to ftowers and leaves attached to a 'Bke)e. lIee a man again. I've seen your name ton laUielng in sliver or sold. Rose· In the papers. but I Dever knew rou huds , with theIr IpUage are fa"orl~es, ",nil Dick'~ boy. You!ve col ,an old but so are wllite wild dalllle!l and anr grlzzly's head if' yOUI' dining .room the smaller 8eld 1»000111, . nt home. Some dll}' ru tell .,011 how MClusters of oa~ or 'lnlstletoe lI~avell It got there. w.hen you're not In a ar,e used ' with good el[ect in glaill .buTry. ~ 'went out to Montana for.. tlaraa, and, In fact. any ~sort of foliage scrap, and yoar 'dad welit aloog. AHer that Is not 0 erlarge may correcUy be the mill wall over, we went huntlng. u8ed, exoepting, of course, tho straw· come up to the ytua an,d meet the berrt leaves 8acred to tbe Engll/l'h tolkB ... . Hang It, 1 torgot. Tbl!>y'te duche8s. '. up to CQJ:ley·Wel)ster·1 lo tea: ,pi IDe "Coltrure ornalnl!nts and tiaras In ,,,afer and sticky sponge cake. J want' amber or (n snlJ>es' colored glan are you to meet my wHo and daughter." IImnntng 100ldDg on. a ».unette beauty, "I shOUld be yery pllliUed to ,meet a Dd rOT blond !'II theTe are ' fatchLng etth~m·." So ,ihLs ' Yla" Nora'" rather? (ects In all·Jet or In ,:with "Won't ' y,OU como' ILlong .w in

RUB- NO··MORB CARBO NAITDA SOAP II 'U, ••• effective for wood;. metal, etc. CleaDl .nd cllaJA.. fecta ),our wuhIt dQe. nof'" bot WIlt«. Naptb. CI.a"e


CarJlo Plallliecta


CarM NIp•• SoIp


W.. biD, Powclat

IV.,. Cent_All GrOCllr3

The Rub.No-More Co., Pi.Wayne, IDit.



Supreme T •• t of Frlendlhlp. AD ~~vltat1on to breakfaat was, ~ Macaulay'S opinIon, one of the . . preme tests at friendship. "You In· , vlte a man to dinner:' be wrote t,O Mrs. Hamet Beecher Stowe, "be~ll'" you must Invite him, becau.e )'on an acq~alntod with his grandfather; 01' becaulle you wish to see hilll. You may be sure' It you are Invited· U. bre.kIa8t tbat thore 1s lomethla, agreeable about, YOu./' -

with jacket of ro~Dlored broadcloth milde long with bolero ef, 'ect. Skirt and revere of Jacket are of .h.ded ro.e a.nd ~hecked t.f. fete, ' . '


Dictates of Fashion. I _,_. _ Nainsook' and musUu Clolla~a ant worn- by mj,\ny ohio women-attached t-O tI1-e tulle or chiffon underbloulle, Th.~ Dirk Brow" 'Ta.te, . Sboer, unntied blouses w'flb ,Ieeve$ YellBt-They .ay that dark brow. " of tbe set on kimono or 'raglan type to "" one 01 the fallhlonable Ihadea are promls~d for spring dresses. next, (aU. . _ Supple picot strawlI 'are being Bh01{D Crlmsbnbeak-We.ll, 1 can't "1 I In new Par~s ml1liDer.1. Moire rlbbotl like. that taste. , , nnd' Cowers form 'tlle garniture. .\. Champagne and Bllver are II. favorThe m,n ,wbo 'lDlLrrlel a prett'! lid" Ite comblDation tor a casino toUet... Is apt ,to get the sbort end of It If be Anotoer ia 'N!leda sNen a~d aUTel' takes h!!r at bel' (ace value; . , . , Tho Baf;)y, I~ Summer :r'm~. '. Wliat mafrted man Isn't ~ond of ~ , Plenty or tresh air 18 next In j)llport wl(e'B ·bIlBb.apdT ' ance to proper ·food. Tile little onl!

~~ .~d' laD~~~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~C=,o~Ii~;e~I~'s~r~'~~~t~~~~~~~~~:=~~_ _~~~~~~~~_~_~~~b:~~d~~~~~~~u~~ . A good device In 'lI'blch be

. ~ tno.USIIt the The colonel sonoroUsl, produced hlB She knew ~uQb, . her friend tolerably' well. It w.()uld "No, nol ~ Waa aboUt to obsel'1'e -"l have !Jeen ImPDIISlble for her to h_e , ~bat It lao t ambroll.,,, : A , n and not to bave given "Rotter' !' 'T h e 110Idl er d UI tli'eo· f' eeen that m'" of the ract. ' evidence !enller In the ribs. ".I. am goIng to " h. b "namganl 'ov~r for t"ell. t h'IS " Mra. Hanlpn took the omnibus up _"@te -'t 6 Y ' II 11k to the vll,llI.. It waB gene'rally tl;>O . .... e~oon. CQme veri ou 0 much Qt, a cU~b tor her. Nora and · the family; Tbe girl III oharmlng; and Celeeto preferred to. walk. ' · ihe , father Ito tbe. back· "'" ·. to do, Cole~te? . III' a IIPol't..mlUl l "Whnt .m 1 g<llng boI\'e; .1j;lome , IJII., ,tools lAUgh behlnd , ~ • . " , "'J. bac" bu' t ne"er' before 'hla face. ,H,o and over a~ CadeolllJbl~ u ...' I • Is1 bere, ht 1 h-" te " lble II Ith ~A I:D'1~' -ord, I bow' nIta. or gen,. U.e., blm. all. n gIn heav·en'. ..... a name, rr ceDe can't -w ., ~ why L men- who are not lit to at.nd ln ' hili Ii Ibn.. • (e'l ' et ROllen?" me e I abOe-," . . "-Herr "I Ibould like to meet Mr. BanJ-' .... e.:. gao!' CourUandt return8d hla gue to . the wln(1o", once more. "Why not .pealt to }'our father'" "And hllve a III!1Ucull which would "And ,bill daugqterT" 8ald Abbott, In eY.e ry newsp.per In the .eW1ou.I,.. • No, thank , Tbere III "Ob, lurely!.'· . l;U'ked Courtlandt;· cOOkl


to be thrust aBIde Ifglitly. "W1Iy, jUBt begged 01[. The, won't bo ' expecting me now." , . "Ail' Ute better. I'd' rather yoo Introduce me to your faml 11 th an 'to have tbe colonel. As a matter of tact, I t old hlm . l ooul d,n ' t $et up. B'ut 1 ',,I" Cuang!ld m¥ mlD,d. ,-<,.me & ong. . "But, tbe .pup and the cigar box!" " "Send them up! ' Harrlgilli eye'd hll own spotle". Dannels' an'"u compared them , willi the .. • ... ep·s. " What was' .. "ood enough for u". ~ the son ' of a millionaire ,1'1&1 certalnly "ood . enough tor him . Belildes,. It • would be a . bully good joke on I'{ora ,and Molly. ' "Y~'re on!" be cried. Here w.. a lark. He turned the dog and the PI!Tcbaaei over to tbe proprietor•. who, promlle!1. that' they .hould arrive l~.


WbJle a gool! deal Is beirlg saId and ",ntten about flounce and tunic ef· (ects it must not be lpat sl~bt of that .. tilte IIt ralght. slim l1nell lire by DO means~ out of the rUDnlilg. Th" 011.1· Y rasll type of CQ.wn Is baok again and It • an fmpo~t. part [n 1s llkel'l to pla,.<.. UllO fall modea. In Bome Instances the llIiodels ,are fastened atlalght down Uire back, 'from necle, to' tlk1rt he"" .... ·, 'and UlL~Te are otb6r 'InteresUus etreets thllt • laced do""n hlllYo a ,1I0rt ot jerldn tu~lc elither lIide. The Russian blouse "Is but another deolaratibn of sta[gbt Une ,. pirfnciplell ~hat wlU prev~j11u evening ~d In da,.t1~e modol. for neit son.

"oul take his ' nap .. , '.outdoors COllBlste of a ' p1aUorm 01) wheels arolln!l wWclt 18 a framework with a -ftne wire not· Up'" tatked on which could ))8 takllll olr Dand put on A thick Pad' on 'tho floor of thja mUe pen makes a good place for baby . to IIleop~ , In.t.eAd .., makIng ' the UttJe one unc.omforta))1s by. Btarchlng Iiia ,clothes dry dam1)en' Ing tb~m and Iroll.ln.g ow' Ith ' o"t starch,· v u Tbey 'wlU look just .as , ,n eat and be mu-'" ---'.r. '. " .... ""'" "

' 'Tbe Velvet Suit. '

Before putting awq >,oar velvet ,8Ul1 it Bhould ,b e cleanecl with a BOrt brush to remove all the Ouat. Then pu.t ft' oa a ftna.t hlin':er and ' su' B....nd It fro'" tbe ~...,.... ".. ... Linen CollaI' Coming' Back. bathroom Catllng, ~klnl cl!<re to keep The ol~.ruhlqned I,took COUllr of W.- clear of othor objects. Turn the hot, , 4l1en til. coming. Tile., m&'f baT,e em. lD the , ba'htub and cloae the ~"l , m.v~'~~~~~~~~;.:~~~~~~~~fi~ii~~Pi~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~----~~~;~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ to~ about .a ,h"l, bour. --.~ 81 , tbe 1 • . ' • • • e ..,,-vII ' the. W, ashln..tnD · ~Io!,el .towed briet. "And YoU can ata'l to dinner." t!' ..' • ' . ..,.,-, L. a-r .: , .... U' take the" ~Innel', end ' of tl;le it!. :AI the climb Btarta olr ltil!JY, tIIere " P.dN~, m,y Ihoe plnchell." ea1d N'o,-. the ~~ 'a, eJllcleuqy clll!lDer, .,' ' ,-41tatlon," 'W" th'e reply. ".'TO Bot wAln't mucb IncllllllUon In e'lther to wltb 8 ' pucker, bet-ween ber ey8ll. ,·' to ,10 over to Menaglio to lee about ~k' J' delell'~ ,hlLd , come 'to 'one de. "My chUd," replle4 the ,·p adre, "nevel' . ", clslon. arid tbat waa that Nora IIhould ' .your unity Into .. IIboemaker., . ... ' , iIoJlle papen to, be IIlgDed. If J can find otiLCourtlandt'1 Jlre.en~. here In .• bop. Tbe' happiest man II he ' wbo ! PREtTY ' C~NDLE 'RING Otber "colora which tbls rlnl C4n ,m.Jte ,the three. o'clock boat In r. B" .. b . I' W ' h th ---, 'd ':"a1k. 1nI00.·e _hnea." . : ' ' , , mllht be etrectt,vely tIl 1 led out ~rd" t1lrnlnJ, "ou'I1-' lee me at tea, DI,nDer el1al .. ,o ene ,. ' en eY·....,.." ,8 " V , .. . at all e,,"eala. I'm olr." at \the dill. ·,ate., Cele.te olrered · 8 "If they .re hla own, and ,DOt lDo .lIN ,fo~ ThOle Who' ~."/MI. to U.. CM!.A~~colore4· lllk 11'1 eaY,M wor ~ ,u,C8ltlon. ~ ,'. htlrlted: ' Quickly, the Somewl!1It Olct-Fuhlonaci ' In y.noU~ .badeS of rre:eb andl.!:p:::e:,h'~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~" " \eIC.:~re~'Ilan,Idd~" Wpaall1kl~:g j1:o~thaend'~;:~ . "You could ..aUy a~op all this rumor ; The padre lallihed qoletl'l: ae w~ lIIumln."i. . ," pllik 'o ord or cilaret-OOlored .Uk, ~ ;.n.... ve- fond of thill. new.found' 4-u'·.. ·..... ,- ,- ' leaY6I and go d cord. " bltfOr'e tbe .hop ' ''lndo1r·. ~· App"'," enUy ~ aonoJance. " - IAM>r' • • " , ,.... :'''And, prat, bow'" of hie., Her aP9ntanelty, her blOOp' 1'11". .o~lnar., ~lUI eandle, rIq I. ' Prett'! eandl~ rln" can also be malle C! lia~ Iletiher ol!Jec~ ~or de.t1~",t1on: "MurT" ', . \ Ing beaUt7', ber cmleari oblel"f'll.tlc'n'clf·1 D~ . , a ,flI1e. 'an ait1c:ihi ,of ,. -verY ' ot thlc)l plain white 'C)8rdboani. and " Jet III. mind w~. bUIYI _0 . bUlY 111 ,'1- prefer the rumor and annoyance. convention. ~'r I.ndependence; ~ 0IlP; ,0tDament\lt. n.ture, an~ In ~ur;: .k~~ tbel! , ' .pretty flora) aesl~" can be - ~~t that! he. 10 ke? at Ute va.rlou. 1 hate men, Moet of tbem 'a,re beaat•. " .tlTiI.~ed bl~ ." " ' .. ~9,.,. lO\DethiDs of a ~iIOh 'p tt~r 1M.l1~~ed upon them with ~~ter l~' CO,1.~ra. . : , " '-'1 CUriOl w thout trllly at "You a- ,·preJudlced." ""0 . BI!) ' CO:N:rrNU"'p) 'f ~"-4 .':',:,. ' ... ,;.:,;...... I' th ' t ' ' A d II t It.1leelnghit)lem h d 'v v . ," '" '" '!" ........- (lan .... lIre......... 'II' O. 'lanJ ,,' ... . v ,'I, " '.:..... e c~ 8 I l,I.8" on. w 0 n~e· Ir ,Cel8'lte e:lpected Nora to reply l;reat ' amoUD~( of, labor. '. "", 'r>: , ' : , Odd ...~I.. ,or ed :t,he '. lIgbtest h. andllng, cOl/fronted tba" Ibe" baA .....a.o·n. IIhe was dllla'" " " 'kl I th ..... la It b b ', for' -el.... ,r; .. " , .. CONVERT TO EQUAL SUfFRA~E UI ma ng ~t. n e "'~~ . P ee•. ,a ' as een a ,, reco.u ,"' ".,. , h1m, , He must walt tor an overt act', 'tben he mlgbt proceed III he '[)leased. pointed. ~ora qlilckened her pace, .. ' _ _ _ ~ .' must ,be Cli~ O&lt In at11t OUdb9&r41 .,.d , 'wonde$1 ·pAraBOI. of' everT 4t ,\HOw reiUiibelple811 be ,.,'as! .He co~Jd that wa. all. Small Boy, Mad ' MlB Own Oplnloll al to for the ' mape _nd IIlze 'll lias. Icr;t~tlon. Tbe tlD,. earlY VlctorJam b h d b h h 14 A.t. luncheon Hamgan Innocently , Nerve o'f Men W' ho Re' fua"'"' It ' ring caD be u.ed as a ,)),alte D. ' . The .UDI)iade, t~at tUrns ' 00. ' a blnee hal f .. t ,no o.ce er an ecaUBe s e e threw ea bomb Into camp by Inquiring: .... ~~=--r-----:-'' "-_'";!"~::-,', . ';ad a great furore,aDd la a ' ,uclnartlq , ~I ~e ca{ds \ and he none. Ye~ be \ to Wom.n. J:' H t a :"WaII' dete{mlned this tlme to play the • Say, Nora, wbo's this chump Herr , tOY, jUllt enough o':shf~ th~ face ~ pme 'to the 'e nd, even If the tasll \vas Rose'o? He was up here last nlgbt , !, eyee I'rbm 'Ilare and yet Dot enoqlb to , \oeciual to all tbose o(.,lierculea rolled pond again ~h1s morning. I was going The 'emalJ boy'. mother ' and, auu obscure of 'the beautlea of the • ~ nto on.e, 'aDd notic of the gods on ,hie ' to' otter him the cot I'n the .blllcony, had just come' I~ 'from the Ilr.lmil'rle.. toU,i or BeJ.lously,ob,at-ru'qt tHe rt.e:w d1 ...rt,d", . bUl r thought "I'd ,conlult .y ou tlrat," "nemember/ Manny," said hlBI aunt. anyone behliI~ the wle1d8ro' It. ~eYe~ TV '< "t"-..err ' R oaen"P' axc Ialm~... ... .. M rs, ,.. ·s8YeD 'J',: ..'....• old . 'the aUDshade " >I + " ~t the' hOUjI' be askc>-d for bill mn'll. nnr- ·'that 'Whe'n ,you ''''ere .. I""'" ..een ~ I"h ora.e .. ~nd "'88 given a tormldable packet. rl~~n: a flutter In ber lbrQat. "Why. you Btlw your m~thQf cbme 'hi frOm vot,. 8ea8()~. 'l!!,e al -,ace of: llltln~8 baa, ,thnt's '. , " , , Ing fOil the flrl!,t time! ' ' '. ,', '. l .. ljJ,,,),,,,, plj.i1 In thtilr 'depots. < "'b,J~" wltb a ~Igb o,r, discontent; he .. A eb'armln" young man' ~ho -wl'shed R .. followed her into her room, b" '" d ""-d __ .1 tl.i':' slipped Into a pocket, gt,a;qlled out Into '"' .. . " em fQI ..ery an ....". .-.n_ -U1e prden ,by, tho wnt r, and sa}, down me to Bign a contract to sIng to blm "Why didn 't yoU yote betoret' h. ' :' f1ave lieen. la:n.l1ed' tbem. to read, To ,hlB SUl'llr)80 there WIIS a lD perpetult;1,",lnterTUPted' Nora',.press. demalliled. . , Tlle , real lIapaJu3.e tiaraaol baa bUD I ;J.'J'r ~41H Il lr t; rAY I 'Dote, without stamp or 1l0stlOarIL He Ing her nv>ther's foot warningly. : • :'MCD WO\lldn't let ,!ome,ll 'vote',lln.tIl much hi evtdence~ one ileen a, Aa~ -1)pened ll. mildly curious to learn who " WeU, wily dOl)'t you mari;y blm?" now. · Of course, good men Ilhe your ¥faa eatirel", IIU,lQuered with gold 'and Il was that had discovered his pres. lau gbed Harrigan. "Tbere'l worse ,papa 'w ant 1111 the l)ul!llllesS ln the wor14 u.ed ,v-Ith • black and gold tol~et. ..ellce In ,Bellllgglo so qulokly. Tbe en. ~hlngs than rranldurter/l an~ snuer- manaGed right. Thoy are Rolng to lot ,, velopo contained nothing ]tIoro Ihan a kraut," ", . ' women belp at. ~aBt." tl Bmootbly cove;-ed." wl~ aUk of neatl, folded bank note for one II un· "~ot that 1 can tbln1i:: ot JUBt now," Tbe small bOY ' gaTe her. a 'lIfti. gold color on whl~ tbe iIlmple pUllh.· . >' .rd"ld fnnCR . •lle eyed It slupldly. What returned Nora. .' • . ' . • •• "Women aren't all there are,'" hi thia menU? He unfoH!ed It and H-lTlgan deelntcd that he 'WOUld not Bald. and aDarched haulbtU1 out of thl .lIIOOtbed It out ~r08S hlB knee, and ~ b!lie qt, puzz~ement ~rltted 8\\'a)". go over to Culey.Websler'. to tI!il. rOom. '. TIlree ban from 1.n BQllerne. He "nut I've proml.ed fol' feut" ex· R~ wen~ to hla ·father that eYeat....









.0 . . .




~~7.~. . . . ~==~~~~~~:'ri~!g;~f~JP~O~Irt~ul~at~e~d'..'b=I~B~w~l~fe~.~..~AD~d~h~e~'~& ~~~ to man M "'GIllen 010aaked: to ..,oteV'

are "OUIlS no,,-...

Bq r~~~~~~~~~jii;; tbeJlrI,,·~~ . ~~~fll ,:,

u.!'I'!~)1J~" .






'FrenCh Dram.tilt and Poet Breakfaat· ed 'Together Under Somewhat Amullng Clrcum.tancel. III his publtRb d r eminiscences of Henri Murge,', 'Mons . Felix »uquesnel te1 1s an am us in g ,story at n breaklns t wjt.h~ct..OW~-d e Hohen.c," . 'I'heodor e Barrie re, tho dra mlltlst. wis h ed to ada pt 1\1 urger's worle to tbe stns-e, H e lind nc \'er met , Lb'e poet. hut he ildeclded to visIt him a t his homo and In troduce hImself. Mu rger II ved 0 '11 th e six th fi oor or a hous e In t.lJe R ue Or so!.ro·c!e·'1'ollrs-. It was al · most !Joon wh en I'larrl p. ro a ppea red at hIs lorl g ln ', but Muq;er was , s tilI In bed. . i " Portio!! In P, sir. for dl sturhlng you," ~lLld nard re. "r ill ~O l'r y to se e that you a n In beu. Ar rO il IlIdl ~ pose d~" ·' No. n ot nt al! . ~ en id ~t l!f1;cr. ''I'm ver y "-'<cII. indeed, nnd " er y glad to lUalw your aC(Juatrltance," " May I a R~ wh y YOli lie in bed on so fin n day as Ib Is?" " I'U It'll YIJ U, " 6u l(1 l\furser. tatigh. lng, " YII U know t il(' sl ory of I~ Jlum l · lion daM, who staY NI In bed while bls clot he!! wero beln,:; mended- tbat's my CUS. I hllv" only one pall' or trousers , and the porter h ps tnk on the m to the ta llo r's next dool' for r In{or ccm en t- · so T must wnlt (or Utem In bed!" "Hnve 'YOU ha(1 your hrcnkfas t 7" "Yes . In deed ; yes t erdny." "Tbe n wo will enl t ogether , aDd talk the ma tte r over." Murg er shook h is head, "1 hav en't a BOU." he said. "Never nlnd , be my gu est." \Vlth these words Barriere took a fI I·c·rra nc piece out or 11 Is pocket. "Oy Ce ors e, you're r ich!" sa,ld Mur· ge r. with admi ration.. "Let me Ree It; thoBe thi ngs uro strangers to mo. "\. II, rlllg fo r bre a~[as t." Rarrlere looked round ror t ho bell. :out could fln d nOll O. "We haven't Buch s tbln g," Aald Murger. "In thla place you act IlC' cording to t,radltlon -tll~o that b rlcl, a nd beavo It downs tn1rs. J'ere Gu erin lenows th e slgn.. l; be'll come ri ght uP." Bat'l'le're dl~ 80 . nnd thll man 1lP" pes red. Mllrgcr then got up nnd throw 8. havclock over his 6\1oulderll, o.nd In half an hout' the I wo wrlterjJ were ea tin g t he ir break[nst or pork ~ uU ots and eucu:nbers. -Youth 's Com· punlon. '


INCE the day tbat gave to .,the world the starched sblrt and Btltt ~ollar It has generally been accepted that the man whosc collar button. In a spirit of con· trulne .. , leap8 nimbly ,from hili grail" and pro. voldnsly rolls under tbe bed 9r the dresser. hall a license to ell. preal bls dlsguBt In more or less loret. I.ole language. and u8ually he do es, Get. Ung 'down on one 's knees antJ grop. log about In the dark comera unde.r. neatb tile fUrniture tor the refrac tory thlng Is not ,t be moet 1,leuant Job In the world, even If one' haa two perfectly good arms and hands with which to conduct the Bearoh. itdaglne, theb.,; the' dIfficulties of the -m.a n who Is forced to m!oke aucb a eellr,ch with no arms at all, or rather wltb two a.rt.!. fletal 11m be. ImpossIble, )'ou .say? Not a bit of It. 'l1./1ere III a Itvlng wHnese t tbe lact In a youn, New Yorker. T~ 0: 'Oates by nBme. who lip not ollly ao. c~mpllilled tbls amazIng fent, but. many other ,remarkable tJ) lngs . with two a~Oelal arms , which for Il num. ber of wea.r e he baa "'forn In place of -thOle Orat given blm by nature. Mr. Gatell, In filet, goel throu,J/ the pallel of everyday life without the II11gbte8t fU811 or effort, and yet he liu wood " for lIeHh, ateel (or joints. and rawhide eordll for mU8cles 'In place of tbe r eal thing. And mind yo.u, he hall no fingerll. wrists or e lbow., e~en a8 you and 1. tbough hll two arms movo ae naturally all those or bone aJld elnew. , Three yeare ago young Gates, 'Who fa an electrlclaD, came In eon tact wltb t wo, live wires and 2.400 Volts. more tban Is u~ed to ,kUl a man In the e lectric chair, were discharged through hlm, burning Wi! han.ds so badly tbat Ii little later It was found ' - . necesssry to amllut.ate botb :'bla 'aTmS near the elba\\!. LI~e all p ~ople slm· tlarly nmlcted; he looked ove r the

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~~ ~L/N#-



l1e!d at substitutes and ftnally . purohasec1 an artltlclal arm, the Inven·' tlOD, of William T. arne. of Warren, Pa. AfUl,r ' we&rlng this for ,several month. he was ' able ,to· uae It with 8loCh suqceBs tbat be Invested In ari· oth,l', , . In the, prese nCEJ of the astonlahed Bureeons at iIIe 'In te rnatlonal Surgical congress In ~ew York the other day the young man dressed 'blmseJ!. Firat he buttoned hili shoes and put on his ,artel',ll. Tllen he drew hlB shirt over his, head and buttoned It down the (rant. clollng tbe top with the ordl· nary collar button of wrath·produclng fame. , Then he picke d up hls collar and buttoned 't . back and front, hlin· dllng It as deftly BS the average man managell ,ble 'lvlth ten Hngers, ~hen thill ' w/li! done. he ' tied hIs rour·ln· hand sCllrf, drew It t,lgllt and fastened It Inug wfth his Bearf pin. Now he dr~w on bls "coat. picked up .bIB hat . nd put ' lt on, Nellt he rolled a efg· 'arelte, ' eu;uck a matCh r: ilghtl;'d the "lI1IIqke' Ill'd ,tar~6d pumng It wIth plain enjoyment. ' ,Walking over to .





Fact Th a t Frlendll and Neighbor. Will C:'ltlelzo One Shoul~ Be Matter of Amuaement.

5 6Jlm1l'lIA&' l"buoid ' For y eaI' '> we h ave b een statlng in the newspapers of the country that a g reat In:lIlY women have escaped serious 0peration s by t.:tki ng Lyd ia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Cofnp Ollnd. and it is true. . \ Ve are p ermitted to publish in thi s announcement e.x tracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently rece ived unso licited. Could any eyidence be more convincing?


HODODON, ME._ 1 had pains ill boLh sides and such a Boroness I could sca l"Ccly st ra.ighten up .at Lima'!. My baok ached and I U

was 80 nervous 'I could not s leep, and I thought 1 n ever would be any bette r until 1 s ubmitted. to Ull opemtioll, but I commenced tllking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetll.u1e COJllpound a.nd /;oon felt like a. neW' , womaJl."-Ml's. HAYWARO SO W ER ~, Hodgdon, 1110. CUARI,OrrE, N. C,_UI was in bad bealth for two/ears, with: • pains in both sides and was ve ry nervous. 1 b a a. growth which tho docwr said was n tumor, and I nevol' would get well unle" I had 1\11 operatio!!. A friend ndv\;; (1 L1e to Lyilia. E. Pink. ' ha.m's Vegetable Compolkd, fl.ncl I gladly tiny that 1 am now enjoying fine ucalth."-Mrs. HUSA S IM S, 10 Winona St., Cbadotte, N. C. llANOVE R, PA.-"The docto r nclvi.9cd a severo operation, but my • busbllnd got mo Lydia E. Pinkh:lm'g V{lgetable ompound and I experienced gn~at relief in (l, short time. Now I fC'cllike a new }l6_l'Son and can do a h a rd d ay's work and Dot mind it."-l\Irs. ADA. WlLT,. 196 Stock St., Hanover, r'l1. . DEOATtrytl ILL.-" I w a siclc in bed and th reo of the best pbysi- ' • eiauiu:l!lliLI would. bu.' bc-t.akcn -to -tb G-bospitnl for an opu-abon IlS I had somethhlg growing ill my loft side. 1 refused to submjt to t he operation and took l.fdia E . Pinkhmn's Vego~bl~ Compou n~-aird it· wo rl~ed 1\ mimcle III m y cas~ and I tell other wornell wh at It ho done for m o."...:...:MFS. UUItA A '\!inlSWOL D, 2BOO Blk. Eas-e William St~et., Decatu r, Ill. . CLEVF.~J\Nn, OIJ~O. -" I was very. )rl'egujar and for ~ev(lral years • ·my side·pa.i,ned .me so that I expected to h to undergo all opemtion. Doetors . said they ' knew of n othing_that would h elp me. I wok J.y d'ia. E. Pinkhn.m's Vege- ~:~~ table Compound 'a nd I became l'C"'ulal' and fl'oe from 111in. I. am th:mkful for suer.. :\ good medi. cine and will always give it t.he highest pmise."Mrs. 0. H. G RIl'FtTU, 7305 Madison A'V., Cleveland, O. WritetoL1DU E,PINKHAM JlEDlCINECO.








our letter will be opened, 1'elUl and allswered by a. woman and held In strict confidence.

Typographical Er!"1lr. A youn g man dining In a restaurant one day ord re d some noodle sOUp. nn,1 while eating It came acro.. a oeedle. lrumedl ately upon tbe dlecover y h ' called th e walter over and sal. " LOoll here, walte r. I fouud ,this here needl e In my MUP.'· 'The walter, wl tb 11 surprised loa'k. g lance.tLaWbe..ncacUe and then plelled up the men u ca rd, looked 'Up aDd down the printed columns a PlomeD'" . th on a broad II mlle crept over liia and h e exclaimed : "You aoe, sah. DOll·t. eonsld Qr a mnn nbso lutc ly l'\at- dat am jest a typos rapblcal ' er'wo rlJ tloss so long us he carri e~ life In · ror- dat--dat shottld am bIn 11 noodle.~ • ':It lo nal Food MlIg(Jzlne. surance ,

'·ae. '


"SfO~'WALL" IN TIGHT'"~U~E ~:;';tu:~teIY ror Ja(1k80n~,~tb~e""re~c~en""t·""·"'iNV~·""""F.U"";L""'L""""""'PA""'N\""O~P""L~Y~O~F.""'.""""~7R

campaigns up and" down the valley Her F'ear. When General Jacklon'. Prelence of bad faded both blue and gray uniforms Arter dreaming t hey were . o ~l · Into a nnild.elcrlpt drab. As Jankson Correlpondent Setting Out for tI.e " Wiry d Id Maud choose a ~D&le ... F. t H d B C f' I Mind Saved Him From Capture at mates nn Ohio couple got' married , Port Repl4bile. sat on 'bls borse and 'watched the busy ,ron . a een ' are u ,to li fe '! " , May they neve r wnke up! ." , acene, ~lie formed his plan Bwltlly. He Leave Photograph. ;'She was a fro hl of getting a bult' bilnd who ,,;ould lead a dOUble olle! ' Perbaps the moet Important order 'could not go . back; he mUlt eron that , . If VOIl wi. h beautiful. clear. white elothe•• UEC Red Crosi Bnll Blue. At all , · 'that "Slonewall" Jack~on ever laliu84 brldD'e',' .. nnd .that was h' .I s ·o.... ly chanc·e. H Itrrtwasthot theI pier, Rupert Ilarey ' ~rtalnly, the mOlt,"vltal to hlmself-, . . It·..w•• the lro.". :nln" Il• II, e wor d·renowned war .cOf' llood grocers. ,Adv. ' '.I'h value 'or the toenl' prodllctJOlI ot' ,. . fleld .......~ n that he' i . lingered near the p;ang coa l In 1911 wns S626,910,n3"ofwbfeb war records. Thll feared. S' e mUlt pu ~ It oul ot com. responqn't. I · b ' not lit the omclnl , . mll.lon 10 ' ng .. nol1"b ·0 get 'leY0 'ld' ItII ,p anJc: while tho captain ot the st.eam· Some od ors ge~ divorces tor the ad· $170.9 52.4] 6 Is credited to the Penua.,l~I'dor was, "".VeD In ,· peno, 1\ by ' JaC:~· ..,.. .. l It d f ' I I . '! raltge: ThrowlQg" up tils ' hand to at. er wa e or 'a w r .ess messate, Ger· vertlshig and ot hers jU8t been use. vania nnthrnclte produotl.o_n_. _ _ _~ Bon to a ~orthern artl}1ery olllcer &8 . man orulaeye had been' reported In h~ stoOd In fUll uniform, ready for b&t- , traot attentlon,..lI'e sb.o uted to . tbe' or· the vicinity of Sandy , Hook. ' Not that. Save tHe Dog. Ue beside hli IVII. and-,.trangest of Heier In ' oommand of tbE.· pn: "What :.uO·'Vou doIng -\th that ~un Rupert , Darey Hants carec1 a pin The Oregon state board at healtb alJ! - WBI at, ODce execute d by, hi m , ~ "'., .. about German cruisers. He had beeD bulletin 8ays wIsely with reference to with the ....ult. th~t the , battle Wa,8 up there!. I ,dldn't order It there. and In SoUlh Arrtca during thj'-1'Joerr-\VII'r.f-llllld--OOt;ll;:-"1~re-t'-k1ltt-ttnnrrrtrDl11H1m:t-~-:---:.oi ~oaL..ia)t.tbe iJuSon armll. ,. ,I ' want: It there''' ' There was ' , Here is rca l egg-making joy for layinl" , authority and' petulance In biB voice BB he had sbared the mells tents or botb bIt )'ou, save It with the ' greate5t hens. Makes them relish their.morning a It waa OD a IIprins morning tn 1862. h Russians and Japane8e While the great care," for' the c~dltlon that dog d.eft'ooa nd se nds them happy to their fttL Jqit before tbe battl~ , of Port Repub- . l..n~ athddaetd : n'o'Lbh~byeerr~ uthP'ereaul~' run It over conlUct WDS ou' In the for East. he had velops Is of the greateat consequence k No ..iek, do pey birds 'standing around, lie. Ji1ctl:aon, In advance of, his troops, U U b _.. bl • . ' The o-eer .a t the 'gun, thln"'ng tbat een ,.. t n easy writing ' dlstanee 01 to 'tbe Vllrson bllten. If the dog Is but the entire floc k full of life, layi!lg: with only a single ellcort, galloped · w '" ,the war In the' Balkans, and he hall 'killed, tho ue!;rl bodIes. whlcb a.r,e of n :gulo.r!y, a nd showing ·lI\Oney.making BAlrOIl tbe bridge over tbe Sbenan' he bad to . Ileal with BOme lIuperior form. F eed them . OflIc'er -fteDt-I., arrive' d, hast~ned to gone to the front at Vera Crnz within Importnnc~e In the dIagnosis. may not dou rlYer In~o ' tbe town, whlc!) IItooll·..... ~ a day or two after the Amerlean mft. be developed nnd ho one wtll ever . . on the ·.at tank. Learning that tbe obey without questloD, ellplalnlne In' know wbether the dog wall or 'WBII not Poultry rlnes elty. had taken pOBllelllllon of the. M , .. anny or. Qe eral "'Sbleldl ",aa IItin lIett4!efen.e' that he ba'd understood lean rabid. l3 ut If the dog fs saved be will Ti:. ... • ReaolatOr. :aood ~anY mlle~ away, ~nll .eorifldeD.~ 'JI.111 01'4en otherwl.e; , himself within a week or teu days tllat Ill. o'wn t rOOPII ' would be iil po. Sitting on ,. Little SOrNI, wblle the "HarriS. old man.': I SBld. grellpln, G,'IS I he laying hCI16intotheegt·a-daycta.J, show whether or not be Is rabid , It MilloD long berllre th'e eneD;lY, he federal.' trqopi '1!orked bU811,. "bout hI, band In a goolS·by daap .• :1 -,rieh be, proves hlmselt cleat' of rabies the and stans up thc I azy ones. Makes 110 difrode 'to -i{ relldenee at' the 'farther Ialm, JBAliaon calmly 'w aited until the I ' could Beo you In' all your war paint fere nce llbout brceds-the ltetter,~e bird. man bitten need give the matter no tbe more P m Its will do for t h.em. IJC'V~tOp, ,end ot village, where 'lie ,pent gUn ",aa' lIuibered olr to the new posl. mounted on ,your hone. sword your 1.<lJllol ~ i ntocarlylayerr;. Brin&sbirdaquickly 'oearb an hour, ' , v iktn'. ' Tben he lOde quietly aerosl the side, pletola In youl" hollten, flre In fUrthe~ C(lUslderaUon from tbat side. and If It prove, tbat he be rabid. there 'and sa fel y through the moolt and puts thaD But lIleaaUme the tiIIergetlc $hlel\l. iIl111,~, and up tbe .other bank untli he your e!lgle eye-all you'l -look wben Ia etm pl(lnty of ttme for tho man to back aC'ain on the cgg~laying job. ' ':""1\'bQID ~:Ic)n later deClared to : ~ ~ ,well oU~ ,of muaket range. Then you joIn the embattled armt'es of Eu· talce tha proper remedies. It a dog Go to your cIealer and t ell him , you want Piau. bill mOlt' formldAlIle .oppolI,ellt-~i'd be "tumell, waftd ,htB band to tbe a.., rope and mingle wltb the emperors, bites you, eav~ tbe dog. Poultry Regulator, Comes in 230 p3ckagea up tlmiat ·forward a small, 1"lft, eOInmn ,tOBt.~ed f~et&J~ and, ~",tUD, spun -tbe Il.InCII. the ft~ld m~rabaill. thtl to big, generouB 2S·lb. pails nt 52_30. Pratts does all we !lay a nd moreto oeeiJpy ;, ~~ Rep~1tlle, 1 lei" , th~ to ~Is hon. ..-PlloPed away from the c~w.n prlncell, the chlefll of 1I,~Ir, the !Dust do it or we give you your money back Ilnd no qUC!!!tiona asked. ' ' Hadn't 8een Them. . 1n1qe, aDd ...t Jaeklon'. ad ....n~. SO ~D ol balletS t1l&t , patteNa , barm~ Impert,a l -parde, an,d , tbe rest., That hu been our guaranly for 42 year8. A R~ulator with IUcli a A corrllspondont from dbeehfre, , ~pldJy cU~, ~ ·move , ~t ,I t plDed' le!l.fy ,jn .,the :I'\N'. ' . The world·renowne'ii war corre.ponrccoro i. worth aaking for amJ insisting that ~ou get It and none Qthes-. Illeglnnd, E:nyS: "[ came upon a sm' A lI ~th o)JecRt without Irlne ·a aIIot~, Had be been captured the Con fed· dent , beamed on me kindly sa he reo 1I0~ ' thaD . that, JacW,OD Waf' a ,:pd.· erate vJctOIT POrt .Republle :wll1cb turned my bandelallp: "00 rI,bt boy 'not ' lone aco ' who was moodily eer-If ~ knew It! , " be' WOn ',a few boun. later·, wou.14 Dot a~nnd to Brown's .Btudlo," he 8ald', .ts~lng .... 't~' an Improvised , rod ~iId , " "'a~1IiIon, I!t' 'uUer 'l,nor'Bllce' ot, dae ·b".~ "appened; the 'able and, eDerset· "I've JilIIt had a photograph Itk~ that IJoolc in th'e muddy waterl of the PBIJ.ADE"PBI~ . CHICA.GO canal. I cannot but believe that he , " .....trou. cbaI!ce, Jiloun~ bl, bOrN ' Ill' jJhlelds, would hate deteated bl. ta~en.': wUI tnske a great fisherman IIqme . MIl 'am~ed: lloIVn the main , lit,.,. lroop., '.tun.n ed 117 hli 10•••...:.Youtb·' , 'HI. LIttle Schem.. dial'. (or fie seemed to have th.e dogged 1, • •. to tbe' blidge. :What .was 1tl,II ~~Oll- CoDiPuto!' .. · .; , ' . n.e rseverance neoelaary for, th,e cf!!ft, i ' ~.~nt. to . . &ftnlP' o~ .o1dlel'll-~ -1 ' '~Wombat always geta Den to 'tile .. ' electric .t tbe ,bar," • But he wan clearly (ar !rpm happy. H e · )luet~buidJy /Da.hiS ,to :a nd ~~t _ ') .....1141«1 ttt.... "ceJdlv.. , .' the ItIdkebel4; &D4 tbrowlD..- up,. lilt' ~B'd", At. ·.... W:tla I. 1a,..l, "Can't blame him lor tryt .... to _.~'~_ I. lllllaloliUd. rnltul;la:yttentlon . to me at all but.' .... pureued the mAt ter , In .....e'WDenti IUld ..fofilflcatlon •. P1an~. ~nalble (or ' JaII ba• • • .lUcceu." ""'" ha nd.· Wh at are you, doing? ' 't Bsked eool." "It " • ~":t Tb tid OD. little . . . ~t eommanded "Wen ~... certalDl',J!l&de: lt ,aece. III ~ .... a. e bM!ele alway a bim at ' Ial.t, 'F\ablnl ,lor snl~'IIr 'I the ~e aud Ita ..,roachel . . . a ~ tor hi. ~ 'bU~lo 'iowp .aDd eam wafta Ute check In f~t of aomeliod, dpu't kDOW,~ be r~plled. drear)lY., 'rve Io~~ ,'flel" '11QI'! , ," m.e mollfl1'~' , , ., nevel: ~UI~ht any yet.''' , U


Feed 'Th~m

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aDd ~e . .~ ...... iDa4e tile; ehoet... he eay., "and all J .;.. Dot the oftlclaJ appUftll~ that no coIDa MI')" eertaln ot 1D18e1r tile eta«e beeD IIdDted Wli :rear. or at ....t apr 'b ad the lamp., t,l'IIed down IlDU. with ~.. ,..,.. ~. .QotDa of 1t~' .ere til...,.. plaeell ill the 1DcJ0I1II'a 11&117 lcnv. A. a Jl!at~r of fact. ~be, w...• 80 low tIIat wbtle 1 . . . GD tile weDt oaL at ~..." 1be1 lie IIPted -&lid IIIe .tap -~~"~'f .!laDaplf",...t oat a etac".band • da HmalD " .... J ... .






,12. Ie AN 0 20 CAUGE

Whale. Dying Out. The ".bales. Including blue rorqualll olgbty teet 10111, are ebe giants dr the modern but Ed PerJ!ler of the ParI. Ut.tory mU88l1m pointe _t lIllecfes wlJl soon bll tblrbo companIes of loeL shalM 011 the Af, ....tromBllg. . 'l'he Part. '


Ha~merlcss R~pelltlu~ Sbot~ulJS The M;odel 191-2 Wincheotcr is the llihtest. atroqest

and handsomest repellting 8hot~un on t~.e market. Mthough U~ht in wqht, it h:ls £!'Cat atrmrth; becauso Ita metal parts throUtihout are m . of nickel IIteeL It .. a two-put Take-dOWD, 'without Jooac parts; is elmp1e • . operate aacI the actioft worba wi! b lUl ·euo and 8111001_ _ anImowDlD makca Seeone.atYOtll'dAIIIII"', ...

~~m;ij;;~'" c.."N.-r





omo SL!

- ,'6 j. Barlan I •.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"4~~~~~~'~~~.~~~~ ,luvonllo, Coul't expense, Wbitlt.cre, bridge lumber, t56,Q4 j MOllIe Boulr, r&funder 670; Frl,lnk ,I,. Bruwo, I)remluw on Ius. ()rph~n8 H otJI!', .6N.21i; u.~. dlebop, labOr, l'nrtleoruet Town lip r oads. t14.76 i 'Qlumuus BhUlk oot Uo • IIIUppUfJII, .' P . J . 'l2 60 ; R. C. .Ferris. lIupplles for janitor '~i U. W. Uoglell b~ , ,\:::IH'Y-- --------''--.-tlbnri.3\ of Ularistm A. Blt\ok\ &75' Ed Uqoker , t.rsD!!]lOrtn on' Of{o 1.......1fA;w1,..J:~---,-- --'--, to l.ovelRod, $$ j . EisenDle D@er I A Beautiful Assortment of U1Qv6nger, 'O!,\cinting slg:u! 0/1 Fran.k110 tluBpenslnn bridge. $15 i til on l\"ppe'\I, pnblishl ng budget mee ing noMoo, 'S i F, ,\1. Collins. brid~e. work. Harlan tt)W -Isbip, 140.80. 804rt Reed, briclgo work Deerfield towlIsblp $39.2fi i W. D Booth. bridge work Turtleoreek townshIp S3B.70; Pet:ry Wolfe, bridge work 'l'u<'!Jooreek ~ownllbtp $16.70 i Perry PeopJe say so and buy. as we have Wolfe, bridl!:l! ' work Wtl!!hings~n If Adair Is " willin~ to send a Demonstrator with a Victrola and towoBhip $1 .05; Oblo tltate San8. had quite large Nales. Also, torium, trtlatment ' Otto LeVeok, ~ I Records rlgl:lt to y~ur ' home ,. ~nd leave them jw,lth you f9r a t~.()rough weeks, $15 ; Lewis 'SroR., oemen' ~. trial, . absolutely without In the least , obligatln~ you to b",y ••• WHY and 8eWtlr, $6. 6; Will 'r Frame, bridge' lomber $3 L,20 ; Lebllnoo . SHOULDN'T YOU OPEN YOUR DOOR? NtoUond Bank. ren' C. B . auoex. '25. i W , B : Robiollon, bnrlal of • -~ Mr". BIROk. [$1; J. B. WGodward. burial of Mrs Blaok, $1; OregooJIl A Great Sale on Bridge Co., oontract, $114; J , K , Spenoor. oontruo~$12; J . K Spen. Great~ · cer, contraot US3 j Orllgonia Qrh2ge Uo., .co olr80l, &163.80 ; 88me, :lod elltimate, oont,.llct $1000; Ro. A. MoOuteheol1, oantuo', '17987 ; Cbllrl£l8 BeDdartlon, oootraot, t232. 75; .it'ranlt Stokes, oontract, S397 80 i ~IJllllw S. Graluiw, .bridge r ep"irll. $32.3D; I!'. Stokes. brldge repairs, $16


. Hutchison

&: Gibney ..

With a Victrola·in the.H ome Ev:ery Muii~al' Longing is Satisf·ied




·Skirts, Coats,. Petticoats Aluminum Ware,42c up


---.;;...-.This is the:


Bags, Corsets, Gloves, Sweaters, House Dresses Ribbons, wide 15 to 25c ·C arpet. Linoleum Rugs

' .J

~!'!'!!!!'!!'!'!!'!'!~~!'!'!~!'!'!~~!"!'!'~~~~~!!'!!~~!!'!!!~~!!!'!~ ;::




,JUTOl'/:, d rawn for Ootober t8tm of onou: " . ~,I'IlDd jory,......R Ipb Brooks, Gl8n W , .Fealey, (1lhlll']eIJ "~dden , Vi O. VVeloh 'llnddD. B. Jl)uln, MttIj8Ie·;/B. F. Burge "E:rllukUD ", t'lert Dr"ke. :k~y L l:ierl iolt Rnd·.J., Albe rt R~ttll. I\ok, ['or~leoreek i Lee Randall, VV. J. Curran : William T. Coleman. ·and '.Ti)hn Buok, Deerfield; John Hawk, aDd ~I!lint 'Lew18, Wayne. Pe'lt~Carl noke, Wlilter AlIon; A. M. SWRID, a.nd . Emerson Frazer; Cletororeek' i ~ . F. SltiioDton; and . Julin Scull, Deerfteld ; Boward Bnll, Ed'~&ou'epborougb. Fraok Kinder ,,'DO S .. S. 'fib bale, Franklin i Walter Oltman. BawilwD; Lewis Stlbbs VV:1llLlm il', ~r~eJ', &Dfn~ .B. Ker. aey, E'arl-MoCreary, lind .J. S. Mor, , ris, T.Dtil80reek; Ollflord M, , ~8me. 80n, E. J Beedle,laod Ered Bayner, UnldiA .... .; S; rLev. (J&rtwrigbS. Wayne. ' . . ·1

Probate c,urt Proceedlnp . lti,t~e- . .ttet-o' . GlIOr,,8' T. MoKioney • . dooeued. Private ·l\8le of personal property ordered... In the matter oJ the es&ate O1aYllo& Reavis aod BarboD R8av18 mIDor.. Thts matter and 'he of '8II&a~ are traD8ferred , Grayson oquDay. YI~n1a .. · , W. G: Bookh111aJ1d JohD W. Buck were 'appointed to .edmine .tbe , Ooon~ rrreall~y. , In . the matter' of the staae .f .. Louella M dheetll, deoeased. . E. Sbaete 18 appotn~ IldmtDiatratdr. Boti9;111600 ~' , ) . . ~ . . .,' , ~D tbe, matter of tbe eatate ot 881'&h 11.. .Bawlll08. de,~ed. J. Lee is apPOinted ' adlDi~ '?/. W, "'I)orhill, C, .Morrlaon.ap.




~heumatlsm Pain' Stopped

The tir.' Illlpl1oatlon of Blolln 'Il lloe8 rIght to tbe pnlDful pa-rt.-i& peo8 r rates withont rubblllg I" -it 'stops the Rheumat'lsm PalnR IlronDfftbe joints and gives reliet tiod oODlfort Don'[ ' safferP Get ' Il bottle to day J It i8 ~ fRrolly mediolne for ,,11 J>3tnH, burt8, bruises• ontl!. SaTe throM. neuralgia Ilnd obellt pal1l8, Prevents tnfeotion .. Mr. (,.'lIaa , H. Wentworth, Ualt f()rpi8 t writeR :~h did wonders for my :a.neu'mathSm, palo is gone"" ' a()OO as ,lllPllly It. I r"I~:mn',end' my n·t_ods ae the b'lilt .j,.1I1I111Ientl evell ' used:" Guaranteed . 260 Itt youi D~ oggI8~. . . Llnimeo~

• •

Uharlea VolkerdilJg.lot- N.>. 63' Bnd of lot No, 64 alllo l tiore of land, tn ,8ntl~rv'l1~, n " WOm&D'. BOlI.rc\ (,or ' Foreign Mis of the American (!)hristlan 000 v~ntI9n. a oorpor,ut:lon oraanlzed. uneler the lawll o~ tbe 8tate of Mussll.. Chuettb to Fore8t D. Baina. lots No. 15 and 16 in Franklio II. Lebanon NatloDlI.1 Bank to o and Charlet! B. GI8noy part of lots No, 167 a~d 160 In I.ebanon, $1, . 8e8Ble C. a.nd Charles ·B. GlaDOY Demas GuUery toor 'racts cr land io Olearoreek towoship '1; Mary Shearer et aJ to·JaDeS. Fox, 3 tracta o( land in Franklin Sown. sbip taooo. . o. Ii: Rapp to Anna M. l1elD waD Dortb half of lot No. 79 In Lebanon

And doesn't cost you a penny. You el~her keep ' the Victrohi or you · send it back. But .once you hea~: I~, .In your f~m' circle, the extreme pleasure afforded will make you glaCI, indeed, ·to keep .to I


- ---+0--



GoverDor (Jox, io accordanoe with Stous in ~hll' aDd many of rnir ' sillter eS&&eIJ hilI Vietrol88·GrUBD~I88 dl:ls\gna&ed Fdday. Ootober 9th," Fire Prevention Day . . TQts aelion has been ipduoed by tbe ·flre Was&(! prevaleot In oor 8tate 11.11(1 throng hoot the oOQntrY, ....................~...~~~.........~...~...~~..........." ............' ".............~~ amo1intlntr laa~ year io Ohio alene 'to almoSt $9,0~.OOO. , There, WIUI SI ~uty~~g.ln(lre..8 of t1 ' . . ' , ' in teres' ahown in the Qbeervanoe 't,::" 1 . ' ~ i&d 6'lre PrevenUon Day' la51 year, aDd ward D. Parr to F. Etbel Royer It Is boped 'hat "1lI gre'a te, .tn\eretlt lDav be ;shown by oor people ,611 ~f;~~l~~~~~f;~~~J .58 Borel ~n Deerfield town8b)p II. ., ''!

ttie oustom of I;eoon' years,

Xenia, Ohio



VV 30 T. ',R. 2 between Mlamt . .

Commf~oners' Proceedinp

' ' . '

The ~()8I'd' reOrganized by the eleoUOQ of t4. L. Ironl; Presideot. Audl&Or waa illreotlid ~o nO&(fy the property 0w:per8 along the ForDM ditch \Golee theiu8IIpeotil'e p~rte on or-l;~ero~Oo'ober 20,1114, In' ~h8 maner of 'he Jl'rankUD.,ae &aiolDg Wa]), oODslder.tion w.. d&ferrecl tp alate~ date. 'l'he fol1bw~ tog blda were OD 1Ile ~t, time llpeul 1led aDd, read before \me bOlaI'd' '(,J.) Jacob Ciable . ~ . f D t . ore"" r II . 0: ay on, 000pUe 5~~ry, t . d peU ~n. yd i baok all' .Qc; ron guar ,.a , 00, It , yd " '·Boodo o . 6~. '


~eo~e~!i'~.=D1o~t~0~n:1Y~:~t:o~00~r~ ~~~~~~~~~

•. lee that September. 1114. to order. Allan 1'. BI'O~. Let even householder ml'te an JU~'O(~~=:.~o. toapeo~ton' of hie . premlll88 for fire a..,..u ..u,:,.t LaDldO~ A"p'- :.l .10 dangers ; . , !!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!! Examine e's pecially all ohtmneys aDd aeelt the mortar baa faUeD out to permis lome Tal rant spark \0 8e cape Into tbe .tUo or under 'be root; RnJJbfsh lea, oon8sant mlnace '" a . 'hroWD _ • .to~; may eel J' ~r~ 0[, 8 .park oome · al~ng and In e ' . . .. '," Gal,led oO~aneO*ib°ban8 "bhoOldlf bel ' fl~ P aD ru rose, .n Rhon)d 116 fepiaoed by tron pipe... ·' tlee tbat sCpve pipet! do not IlASal throogh woodeD pllrU"oDII or Come in- oon 'act .wltb wood lit any We willb also to rep'ew.nigRllllti,()~II',I .,.,,;,,___......_ _~~-,___~~ year; "If $0

~ • ..I:~" the maner of the eiltste of


.AUTOMOB~'~IVERY S~VJIC£ At Reasonable, R,a tes. Two ."achlne•• Sprlngfle'dT1r.l1, T:.. ~es and Accesaorlea. . . , Valvo" lite Oil,. .nd Oreases. , ,

.Funeral , Di~tor. ,

A. R,. Chandler ",

" &mael W. Keever, de~,e~·. p,.~ ~at8'..Iosa.le of BOme gRin 10 this I,IIItate is oruered" .

Marriale Uceue.· '..... .E4rl E. Wbiuhn; looomo*ive giuNl', to Marguerite. ' . of. .Le,banQo. Re'l •.~ . . Rodney R . . Wlimoth; l"borer Dell" Cole; both of,Frankltn.


•. \




SuCCftlOr to ~ ,

: ( ,




Commo,,~ PIe4a Court



SlIltt. .

. ' D~borah .. oavI8 va William B. ROA aa .Admr. oUbe,ee'ate of Eliza J. Da.v1S; .deooB8eQ. ,M oney. AmoDnt o18tmed·tS23 wl$h ·lnter6llt · I { State 0', ohio ell: reI Ephrahn K. Snook VEl. B08 d of : Edocation of 'I:Kintb Lebanon et aJ Injunilttoo And egultable reUef. ' -

.. ' , ReaJ'Estate Tranafen " .. . ' A, p ..8arltaJow ~lI:~I'., to . D~l)lel

(,) ' '~, K. Bpeojler, O~goola, 000 orete m8I!OQl'Y. 16.60 'PIIr 00. Vd .; plllDg, 650. lineal ft.. Iroo rail, 350 . lineal ft..,'· bai)It·fll'l" ~r 00. . gi'avt!1 160. per 'ou. yd: . ' >. 'OJ) , ...Robert,A: ~obu'liob~oo; lin, o.)oorete. ~8I.'!0nry. 18,8' pel' cu. yd •• pU!Dg. 4So. Iine4l f$" Iron glj,ard rail,6Qo. lineal U:; baolr 1111 5Qo: rClltal~bI~llllln" 'Co'lic,' Chafe;. a~d OU,' yd., Il~d KraveJ 500. on. yd,: , _.. 'Reoitld,Y;' " .. '(6) ' Ua~ver Contrllol1ng '& 'l1rans , " ; , ' " . fer Co., Hamilton oonoreSe mallonry '-1 adVised tbe bOY8 ~hen '6 pet' 011. yd:, pile 5~0. ' lineal h ,: 6nlilj!~d for t~e ~pa.Dish. war guard rail. 570 . .per linear f,t. baoJt b'hBmPerlal.il8 Collo, !Ills', ~Oo per pu. y { , 1I0d grav'el 500. ~Dla\'rhoea Remedy with lMI,r 6u. yd. . " b~ve re~1 ved, ?p"I1Y ,,' I:1IUIII["., (7) eeiger & Finke D t advice given, writes .J. :tI(]IO~.Il· . 1 mlllionry '6.60 p~r o~r 0g: . I.a nd, ,Eldon. 'I~wa. .." NQ perl!olD \l80 lineal It d .n Y whethertrB.veliog or ..t home ebould (t. ·:~Ok.ftl1·5!00t~ , ~~ '~~" . I );18 wttbont.tbisgreatremedy," 6~ en ;"d ' ." ' . . &,0 .Br8.v~, sa.le by all dealere, ,',


Burney two tr~'80f land In -!l'ran~ liD township t8349, 69. ' : ' ! " . , ..' , • '., • . ' . . . .. _ " , . . 10 the ' matter of the ' ,. ~orr .aDd Sarah E. .P~ter" to bridge. oontrao.t wae , . the JUMPED A-': eO~,I(PlliJSIONS. -:====::::=;;===i==~r'====rl Or~g.O~i" ~.z;l~ge 00.. under. Plan ..itA '~biob ill to UII~ the . Fort An. An ··Uooie .Tom's Oal in'; 601tiriilndl Acute IDdfgetti~D olent Btldge steel, 12270. Was .iar~IDIt to parade [~ a i ~~~~ t~l!tlephc]ne "I Wlls annoyed f'lr over a year Mo~lon oarrl~ &o .~rin~ _he Oom.. New Engl_Dd to~o when a ' I wl88ionel1l report In tbe Ilraoklin Kuder trom a farmyard " b y a tt&ck e 0 f &co'tOe .in d IgeIJtion, fo . NewB aDd tl1d VVeltero 8t .'. '. baod waddh!d &0 the middle lOWed by ooostlpa&lon,' wrltee MrS. . .. at. . k. J. , Gall.Kber, Gilnliva, N Y. · MOSioD. a180 carrted for Auditor "I tried evsrything tbat WILl ~oom . to nosUy )In. amiaH 'B radstreet of meDded ao me for thl. Sprln,boro '$() trJ~ the heclp On 00& amblai dId melQ:uob ' farm aear Five Pointe wi.thlv' ~D r·lI,U,lulilleu about four montha ago I .w daY8, ' beraaID'. Table,. adverliled aod pro. Auditor w.. al80 dlreoled to Dati. oond .. bottle of then from our fy &be ID&erorbaD Railway" Term _ _ _... _ ••'"-:-_ _ IItOOD realised &bat Inal Co , to replace aU ~r08lllol1 be- I 'SUGAR ~;!:;=~: .,rlalls tblDl for 'WSIID LiDiDoD iDd SOutb La_oo S1Doe . 1fftbbt two "..... " Ill . of oaD - , Bill. Al10.ell: . Ohio Call1'81rti


. .....,..








TeJ~h~. da,. or ~ : Val1e,,"~01l8 No...~ Loa. DJa~ce N~: ,8",'r, •.


:-rHE . UulhJlnll



Rates of - - -- -- - - - - - - - - , Read~ Loeala. per

D. L. Crane, Editor and

--'-- -

1100 • • •• • •• • • , • •• ,.

I(J!aalfl8dT~ ~g~Ic:,x: ~.~e. ~~ ... M enage.r. , Dlllpla), par IDch .. . .. '.. ',• • Ad vertlalu~



Dlacounta .,VIID 011 COnl4'llC~.

SEPTEMBER 30, 1914:

WHY 00· ro CHURCH?

How'. Tbls? I


We I'dolfer Oneoale Hundred Dollan ,})Idoty of peoIJle Hp .. od tbeir "un. <> Be'" for any or n- .... rrb .ba' '~ IA'b "'edb B .... J) •• '" • b d • .VM loonglng t111out. or rldlDglll ' 'hlilr au tomllhlleR. Ill' playing IOU canDO. , e our y a I vatarr or tanniN. Why 8houldn 't 1? Cllre. I HeMuse I am a- obild of .God ~. J. CHRN EV & CO .•,Toledo, O. ) We, tile undersigned, have known P . J. an d I I uten-d to s how mv 10VA tor Cheney ,lor t h e last .-Ui, ~ars lUId believe my beavenly F ...'ber. I)ondu.v ie him perfectly honombtt! in all business Bie ds.v. de wan~8 we to be brlgbC ImhsactioJl s and financially able to carry and happy 00 that · dl~Y Be doell out ony obligation:; made by bis firm Dot want Ole to ~mope. Dar mllke NATJONAL BANK 'OF COMMERCE, 1Q1 t1slt miserable by no' dotng " . ' . 'rolaio , O. re.. ..ouable thing", But Be does ' Hnll s ,C atn rrh Oure,ls taleen mterttally. want me to gi va lil directly upon the blood ,and mu· . I .b t d 1 m th e ft ret acting cuous surfltces of tbe system. · Testimo· P a08 on • a ~y. oan bea' do iaI '"' bo I that by golDg t 011 h ' 'I I n s sent ftee. 'p. n' ee .... ,t:eIlts per tt e. tb .0 urc a Ballt D Sold by all DruggISts. e morning of 8nnd&y. "nd BO Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. :;~:::, ~i: for m7 F.. th.r aDd n. aeoaulle my life wllJ 10 down hill lnlaed of up 'oward heaven . BIO, WHEAT AC~EAOE bol,.. I 'lilke ODe day a WBftk , .'tber up my good r88olo"ona. I Warren County fflrmerll are pre. m1ll' find out wha~ lor' of . week 1 partag to Iowan unUBoaUy large have jllls flnt.bed i wbe'her I have aorelllle · of wbeat tbltl taU, tD aD. pu' mJeelf fires or my daty toward tlolpa'l~n of pro1!ably the hiabest my nelgbbor firat. I mlllt have a ' p~l08 In 'Yearl.nex' 118&80n, ohance &0 onake a "Su"ey" of my A great amonnt of com ground week. wilJ be BOwed, 101 080..1, and In ad. Ill. Baoaoee I neel the help tba, dUloa tbis moob grouod will be "omee &0 me a' .mw9h.. 1 need to brakeD &0 reoelve the whea~. offill !Dvprayerl to God, I nflBd &0 The..e are eeveral f.rmerl io ollr train mYlelf to &elk witb Blm '1 looaJUy haYe deliermtoed &0 plauC a need the uplifting lrupulee aha' Jarler ioreage ot w.h ea' .and Jet tbe ooma. from sloglog tbe Ohurob~s '0b4000 orop'.lo. a. lbeyolalm 'bere h.y mn.. I need IU qule~Jy .n4 Ie lJ;Io~e mouey and leu work In bur God'!II Word read to me. I rsialns whtl.', at ~be PJ'I'I8D, prlcee. need tbe pereOaal word tbr.t Itl given :1& I. tbe ' ieueral teUe' tba' tbe Iio .me to 'be 8&rtnon. demand for export wbea'oUext 7ea1' ~tad. mos' of 'aU, will be DDQluaJly heavy, oWlUl to lV. 1 ha"e 'lie opporlunlliT, a' tbe preaen' .Enropean, war~ , .nd u 'he 801, (J()mQlunloo &0 Ii~eel 'he &otal aor8llRe tu . the 'United bef,o te .Je~ol ebrltl' Hi~lr· \0 . ., Skte. will ')JI'Obably not be ., aree.' "'7 pI_yen la 811 epecial ~";'en08' •• 0111&1, there t. e"e"T ~Ylden08 of to reOe~ve Blm Into m7 lICul, 10 tbr.' .oed, prloel fo .. ,be orop n.K' y.~. I may fl1ed npol! 81m and live by ,/ . • ~ •






~i~ .


Diarrhoea Quickly Cured

· ETT'E' mlnlSOJa, -'1.. Jeoilie' i'er,IIiIOD, of GAZ till aoa.' Qf J. Wbt&e. . 111



September 1881 Telling , , . Leading News at ,That

One montb of eobool ba. dlllaP ~red ~Dd .ppareutJ7 a 'very' IUO 0818fllloDe. Thll 'eache... eeem' de vo&ed ~ the 8obolars and tbe achol. lora t~ the ' ..phera. retgn 80preme. III' and· Mra'. A. '1'. Moler ente.. tal ned Sunday for dinner the 'rol. Jowln'g'J)erlo08: Mr. and M.... HeD· ry Moler ,and family, of BeltPout; Mr.•nd Mre. WtlJt.a m M.oJe.. and flllJ;lilV, ot Miami CouDty, Mre..WilIon Benllet' andfamUyand II... and Clint Cleaver, of near h81'8, and a deligbtful day . wu 8pen~ In vlsl&IDC. " . . t R6v, Allen an~ Bev. Peter Eve.. et' pre.ohed at 'he ZloD Bap'II' ohuroh tlua~ay. ThU' h~d one of 'be old time meeUnge. jUBt luob ae they ieldom ·h ave' nowadaYIJ. ' M Ell.. Hoffman wbo lB e~. ployedln Rlhmu"&on ,peilt BUDda'" .. J at hla home on 8eooDd a'reel. . u'" .. .rs. Anna _Iooolr, ot Clnolnnati, atter a vielt wUb 8l!!ter. IIInd lilooea of leveral weekI ' returned Sahlrday.· . Mr. aDd loll'll. John Vandervoot, were gU8Itti.of QQ!noy King ~oDclay , MI'. and lIb., Epbralm 8~ttb and BOU, of LQveJand, were the 10elte of Smith 'I motber.aatordll.Y and Sonday. Mr. aDd IIrl. Albert Merrihew tran88olit1d bD8lneA In Lebllnon Tliursday. Bale b 11 8 d Th la.' game a w,:v~~ar ·~galaa~ their hUle Rrandd.ughter. R : -R~ ' 1'01' wa by all dealera, . bome tl\len~ The 1IC0re a&oo4 to B Frazier .n4 ,..1Ie, of Wayn8l. WUJ Poaaue 0011' d .. lves • • - • fnor or Jlo~e f alenS ville, lpent Monday with Luoius aea', olear -llinbed bay team GRANTED AN AWARD . '1 I'ra~er and wife, . Mra. Ibble ColleU la maklnl 80me Luoiue FrazIer ~and -ite and a~URO~bmo:''':':&eD~~from The' State Indue'rlal Oommleelou very v.luabJe Imp..ovemenh 00 'leI' .... a (\DR e. e , baa ..,.nted an award &0 Jl'red W. farm. , RebeOCla DoWDlIi,. of W~lDlng&on, it, if b~ wanH to.-Xeoia Conover. of ,R.' D. No. 1, l'ca"', W . L. Harvey Is bean"fylnl hi. vtsUed, Ru..ell WIlker80n and f.m· The R.ev. J. r, Pan .nd bll f.m'· of S618' for ..11 Injary reQebtlT ,fRI&o premls81 1!Jl&h pain'. 8anday. ·. lly moved,from ' bere' yeatarday fo..... ned b7 him wblJe 10 ,be emj)~Ol: A~nlemen" .ra expeottnK to be M... Frank Sbank remain. 'bell' 'new bome In Ripley BroWD of Mon..oe & .rohulton of nMl' lAb:: 'Dade 'h .., '- will' bring 80me good qolte IlOorly. Sbe d08lu', improve Co.,to wbloh oharge 111'. Batl' bu anon Tbe-.wr.r4.bftheOemml",oo RI.YIJ $0 our oUl thl. wiDter. All all fu' ~ bel' many frlend.- wilb been 'a"I,ned. We wilh them , w......n~ UDd... tbe provtalou of 'b.' wUl bit needed &0 cet the ea&er her &0, . p ..~perit,. and happlDelll hi ,hel.. OJalo WOrkmeD'. CompeuatiOQ ..tnmenta"m be the pabquap of Bunda71 O. T. liarn. . and fam. ne. bome, tbe pllbllo. ' . , enliflrkined • . and lin. D. L. Mr. and lin. Wm. Wrt,b'. of • Mr .•nd lin. A. E. Turner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WllmlnRtoD, ':3undaved wlthM.n. and IIr• . JOItIpb BaU... .of Xeni., 1~."'.I!III.I!J!IIII IJII.I!!I!."I!IIII!IJII.IIIIIII.IIIii.~.""1IJI!I1!. ~tldred Eagle. and IIr. Belt-z and Loula W-.llelDlm, III , an(1 Mre; Wm. Welob, aI', of Wayn.. vUle. . rived bome from Indiana afae, M.., .lld· II.... Ch..: Hageme,er ••_~i..-_";;"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -"-_~""'_ _ _" "_ _ _ _ _""'''''~''. a weeJut nC!'tlon and reported en~' lined on Sunday, Mr. ~nd lin J • tt " Ben..". FareoQ aDet ja~hte.., May a p \lUau me. ' ..nd Mrs. Loulla F ....on ••J1ofG~ Mr. 8 : L. ·Dalia hu porohued 0 M J ., )j'o~. maohlne and l'seUlnR grea' i!~~ ~Poe!~~4DM~. pl.yure pu, ,of and ma,. It OOD· aalleme,e.. and 'wo obUdr "nue. · . U B . an ...1'. a,emeyer, of bprl. . HUI. Oar teacbe .... pent Saturday at it... II'lMab Hnffman of Dayto 'hel .. bome. with 'betr 'pareD'" 0 ., t. '.pendlnl eever.{ daYI wi:b Mr••nd II.... Paal lIe"l'8On, of b ... b~1Qe fcillre, III', and II·.... W, tlprlng,.."ere Handay pe!IIte B. Blaine" .U:4unn, tllderartn. ' of tbelr parenta Ill'••nd lit....... ulETluf Tchrbllblp tlOntay'Subool L. Barril. · , v80lilcln wiD be held aUbe oburob Mr••ndt M,. ~ •. lIaKtnoe,., of here 'OD Iliizl 8uod.,.. ~ftel'Doon a' StQotaville, ,rere . la.... -Jan week All 'be omoe... will ' ef II.....nd lIS .... Amoa .pot»or ,'~· Prof. bwoocI will Permt&abave been ~,r"1Lt8d &0 '~;i:!~~~~'h~eiuim~a~'I~O~.~On~ei18t~~ 8.... 1 of oar 01$1_ to epend ,he wlnttl.. tn dlfferen' plaOBl in ~he UDlted H' ... and all p ..omlee &0 re'arn In tbe .prlDj>. ' Seal ..&e&,e 11 oMal'ol bUlde. ,b.vtt.d1aI~1ed Bobert; Kenny" of n.r KlolJlllaa, ~ parobued th. Bar..". Humpb. rey farm alid will moy. 011 " ID '&he spring. W. T. MbyJan, of t'ipoinna'i. I , •.•• . J' ',. " buelD8M tn 'hla .lolol'y-




" ' " .








VII~ I' wilJ pot Goo Orat on '~e ....y a*teaUon WI'" fin' oa1led to Lorcf'l Day. tlu'lh timee a.loaa, I , Olilun~..I.ID'" 00110. Ch,,018r8. and IIli..l~ bit 10 litll Buule, att.endlag BlB, IJlarrho.ea Beme \1. . ... moob .. worllhlp. . t I ' A th t; I Tber88t of tbe day 1 llhall 'r." we ye yea~. alo. t i l t me dlftereDtly from other daYI. It Iwal eerloull17 ill with 111m mer qom lla.~1 be holy unto 'be Lord. l.ban plalot. ODe doee of" 'hi. remedy not 'alte it up with m7 tlullln_ nor oh~ed .the 'rouble, ~t1- Mn. ltb ' /I lfleh J 8tlokDe14, Ind. '!II " y e p e..o..... Wb a .. C. I!'orW. lJaJer)oreD08. by aU deaJere . ever I do "ball 00 Intended Iio make ' • _ • . me a atrooger. a bent'lr. · a more ao".vlI ,ad CburobDl.ln. AN OLD CHUUCH IN C.OUNTY " , 1!4O~_U~1d be,lplng ~!, .~ lhall not Iln.'ap '('''bolll ~nud'v.·to pl'atlore·. ' Th.e Be'bel Preabyterlan ..butcb WOl'8ulp shall oome firlt-The' .., Mordpok. Wa.. reD. 0 Jan.,., ·081.. " brated S.. oo,ntenn\~l lu' 'weell. .YoUDR ,Uburobman. • . . Ooe old lady prM8at,. II....~ HaDnah lIakln~ . I~iotber.' happy t U II' '& Paxton, IlIi, rememM1'I worebl{lptDK '.0 hilrd • ""k. Ae b ..l, wbl&eo. l".the 101 ~nrcb flNt .enoo&edtn .ad 'he 118M In eY811 fad811 wante ·18~8. Th.• preae~t ~tior.o1l;.1 .. tbe lro'. oorreaooDdlDily- lirupler 10" third ODe ou 'he oriJflnal .Ite., :A Dormal l'vel Th.t her bay had teq~ee' . waa ,made of OhlJ)loo$be ".eD bel' to Oh.usaaqua .wben aU prNbylery so 1811 for 'be or"D~ tbe otber p .. tra to tbe 'grove bad ,I.'ton of • oburHb" bot It w~ two heeD 8Jl:OODlll8 openly and U"l. y~n later til'" ruling eld8l'l were. .Um6~, he bad preaaed bel' arm -eleo&1iil, • ;. . ' aad oal1~ ber hi. beel I'rl, lIad been ' on~, of '~e happles' m,!menta , of b.,,' A I...y man te of ao .~oreoM tha~ ,Ufe,aDd one' of Ihe proudell. , . .. dNd mao. and be take. uP .~Pl'8 A mother wan&8 to know tll.t Ibe room. , 11< l(imetlniea " In yon* , tboogh' •• ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!".'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!! ~be want. ~ be k8p' In ml~d tihe Silo fiUlniC la, tbl. ,eeoUqn t."balDg neede a llUle ohaoge ftom t~e m9· obaened wblob 18 qut~ ' a job ~D ao aGtoul l ..ootloe IIf her IIt.-. ell,,', COUD' of geUtnl belp." . ,1oa ,JIIanage to Idve bp.. OD8'·? TblnK Dr: ,""llgeU and faml17 len Iloil. It over .nc.l d,l IOllletblDI for muther" . day'for 'he laDny &nth where 'bftv ihe ber It' Jlltlll RlIt lIome other' time , b.a"e a be.nmol bome to lpend·· tba tb!lln nvon Chrhillmal. ~!.~~!....... wioHr ID and .mODI 10veJy &0 , ADd' yon fellvwlI wbo h.v~ leh 'he qu~1D .. nOlI. '. ,and are .-f.r trolD ber, Walter 8ilve~, ~bo for , lome c,t;f.A$tt.f~~;J~~~*~~<&""tJ' 'J eltltr ' 'ellinlt he"me bad • ~e~i\ m.rke,' baa olOl~d ~ whl\t bill baii&i\!ued tbe ltadefiollie 0ll AOOOaa' of 1I0clna-h. . Vo'li' moe& ,wrlte 1,011..,'11' ,,,.. • ..oe b&tDII!leoaroe. , ~r. r 11 . ball paNted 00_" All ..,... ,wUl' ~ mlued tp ,~, 0 41*0 I know. Btl' 'here ,Ie .'Ie..,.·,u,uOO. 'c, ' '" lov,i!. tll,t ler cbllit ' loue' Geo'rle Blantoa; of Wayn..YlJle navel' bPtN'lIl:IA obllolete. : Tbd I. 'be eJPh..aied propt'lr" wiSh ' ReolY , love-Iet.&e:r &0 the ' m )tbAr _t hO,me. -The Rou~der hi FrllllJilt CbroD<i!~~~~~~~'-".I!!-'''''''- ' . Burge, qf tbtl oj", .nd M..: Borge bae 08Bl!erl belD"" • oltlzen of 001' lole. . .' bat In hiB pl.oe.o have lb. t, . , .. '. . ' An t;.tr. t'rflft of aver""e lIIse- wftti 1, jF]~~;~~5~~i~~ 1.8tanton. ~G~" &0 yoo boJ'.~ ----..,.~. ~ ~ " 700,00:0·Jell Vt.18, Jilt!! from tbe eartll " I: abOut 12S ~on .. of W8\,,1I during "he : "v~ ~oD'b. It'i• •I1;lleat. " ,. ',. '\' I,






. . ...' t .


• ~ ~ ,


. •


.~ ~.

'Tb~' .h~rk~ , liold tbe 'rfl,~rd; II'=~~~~~;;~ , lontt~!It;moo 'tlwtmmln~, I ~. ",1I"r!, , , I I "\ b•• ~ D,II.,owo t~ O,Iv.,r 180() ~U-" l ll.iliWU,';;;"iiim •.10 tbrtte, aa>,l~ , . '.

, ..



1'0 ~JI8P~P


i :,

'". 'l"!-

" be mak'lb conllu,!Dp~. , &tOJl of ,'be __ ... h, t~6 .." ~I08I · "f . 10,000 ~,ork ~ple 'are U~II",""".'y'.',~. , r-qatt.e4t ' •


,I. W•

Col: C,'atel ][:tniley baa re'1lI'II ed rro~ De'rolt•.lor wbloh be Ie" III ,., Tbqnd.y, &0 pJ..ce btl 'wo eIde,., Beech Grove. da~b"I , ln an academy oondnot fld M~s. Ruth Morray hlill le'umecl by Bey . .LeSRa"; formerly of 'bi. her bome hire af&er .~nd~'I8T· of Long Ago oUy ,-X~nl" Gaze"e, eral d"ye with her hom. foUl. a t. ' Barrli flQ&rdl, Co. F. U'h O. N . -G.. . faneral ObHqll!6. G.rfield. by orde.. of lave lila a sbort bnt 0.11 00 rived bome KaDIU week. AlljaMn,I,General Smt'h. They tL~. &'urdlay even'l ng'. MI'. ' JOhD I. CJadwallader, of rJved hou'l~ I ••.t e:venlnl, .nd . li y J. W. Edward. h., a new oom Xeola vlalted here 8UDday and tbey were treaMMl roy.lly b7 t he binder'. Mond~y, ' . oUlleD. at OleveJand. Joe ,Kereey and wife were In Cln 8188811 AnDie .nd Mame BroWD Tbe Co!Dmt,!tltonere wer8 bere. OD Satordav , y ..aerd.y tn r ..ponH &0 the many Mn. Rev. Cblnlea ' 'be people of, Loo' 1111 Franler "epen' "'undava· are B....vllUlng d-D III Xea.l. ' A. aod UfleJl' appeaJlof • ~ v . • ' Wavne Towuhlp, and deJl~raled Morrow, O. , Color BerIMD' D. R . ADderlon In ,be .• object; of a neW brtd_ over A. 8.).TalmaKel. haviug an adlSl· and Brevet Major Levi H. Keny ahe race at Oorwln AvenuA. Tbo, 'tOD buht to his barn. bave 001' 'hanta for Cleveland pa- deoliled to bul'l d a new Iron brldae J V" I p e r .. .. • .' • W 0 f II buildln~. new . ratle tbe abuwen....nd wideD ,~e' kitchen. \ ' Web lIeell. bad .bemall.baglloourae.ThIl •il exoeUent, Now, . Milllli Eva EUll who fe telc;lblng drape<lID mournlnl l~' Toaaday, our Coonoll .boald " onoe mee' the our YOJlDg Id"eaa bow to Iboot 8pen~ and wu blllbJy oompllmented . by propolal of I. B: Barrie W donate &turdlay and Sunday with herbome tbe offiolalll. 1600 towardl bolldlDI • sldewlI,]a folka east of here. III'. Wlllie Hogel'8 ~ DOW 00. between' bere'and Cor,nn, pronded Qalv'ln Wbltaker and '-Ife bave oopylo"' a very 0004 poll.loB 1l8 ' 'he (1,ollnoll wI,l.I add 'be adcllUon&1 " . . . . . ,50 •• W b 'hi gone '0 ho08ekeeplng on 'he D. S. Bill Clerk In 'he B , R. "epo" a. ooali-tla7 I or ....0 . e ope I 8h anah aD farm , \I' • • will be attend" &0 at once wbile Cbillloo'be. ' , K. E . Tbompeon hila been laid up J 'be,·lron .11 ho.. The OOlll'lnlaaton · tor leveral daye with,a oaklh In the . Ilr. • G. RillS7 aud , wife, M.II. e1'8 made frieDa. for 'bemsalvea ID baok. Dr. C'. G. Randall III the a' Lida An'r",m and 111' . . AI. Hooke', 'bll q~.r.ter Ye:~~"Y' tending pbYlJloiaD. . of Dr. Cbamberlaln'. UnlDnt The sadirnewl of tbe lodd.nd_th I of Peny Gray'. JUlJe boy, of ne.r The ·Ur....bopper .. rClad from AI. If vou :are ever 'roubl04 wltb Dodd.,• reaobed UI OD &turday. !en&own to New BurJlnK&on waa pur. acbee, palnl Or·.orenea. ~f tb__ mn~. aDd !it'S. Gray bave tbe .ym obaled by kbe 1, B. & W ,the Gth. olee you wtll appreota'e the BOOd ,atby at Wa enbre oommllDl'1 er day, fo" .170,000. qualitlea of Ohambe..lain'. LIolmen' 'hell' former bome. I Ill'. George W. Woolley anlved Many 8llffere... f rbeumatllm J. W. Wolf and wife were lum. bame from Po....mont.b, O. aud aolatloa bllve 1II!ed U wUb ibe mooed to near Doddl on' Baturday .11", lut Friday e ••nlna. Be I. beet reanlta.. iii 11 eapeot.Uy v.lo~ on aoooan' of the 18rloUI ilIn... of now telearr8Pbtnl on 'be II. & O. able for Jombaao and Jame. back.


b llloo In the of ' AI all1 St . • \V ~y o oav ill • On o Yflar (atrl atl y In advUlce~ .. . . ... . ,1 .00 tllnllle Copy . .. , . . .. . . ....... . .. , .. .. .O~

l'ubllshlld Weukly n t t.ho

Alle n

MIAMI (i~otW! I. Rate' Ohio.




LeCUST' ' FENCE , ' ":eOSTS .



- -- .•. ..- - -

We have

, DI:ay? 'BIlIous? COnstipated? Dr. ~ng'. New Life pm. 'w11I oare yoo; oaue a b8!'lUll ftow 01

BlIe ..nd , aul. yoor S&oJDaoh aDd Bowel• • of wule aDd rerll ' umUllI bod~ l)oiIon8. They ....Ii a T Stomach and Liver ' and

. -. New ' Burlington ,


"n, Myrtle Winter Gooddob, of New 'York Olty h! ,he luea, 01 raJa· "vea bere. '

· 1110



jD.t ,neelvea a ·carload of good " LOcust


$2.25 . per 100 ry

ft _. " . . . . .


. '

;;'~feet '



.B[~(GJ~ ~ J3'


'. --~


OLD WATER ALT£RS [,_EX_T_RA_C_Tl~NG_._TH_E_'F_A_Lt_C_R_O_P_O_F_H_ON_E_i.....-l-II;:=dr::':::.i::r.~ ~~Haiti Yields Some Queer and An· clent Spetim~ns.

Red Crn•• BaW'D lue makee the lauDctn ., bafPY, tr)llkes clotb!:! wbiter thaD 'DOW.. -'I aood Il·ocen. Adv.

Gone But Not Foruott~n. ' "Gay Paree," "Nlgbt lite In BorUn." .. M.errl e Elngland ." '

Much Dl!nl!er ahd DltIlculty Attende d Their Recove ry From L"ke Whero Aborigi ne. T!1rew Them Many LonQ Yeara Agl!,

Correct . "Pranti ee makes perfect, " 4uo't ed the sage. "Well," replied the fool, "tbat'. mar!,! lhan you can sa)' tor praaohl ll,,"

New York,':"' Com'IXlfed to Central and South Amer l 1\, th W~st Indies orrer bu t 1\ (loor fi Id'lo a rchaeol ogists, NC\'erth 1(!S8, III 8 0 regions are or &rcnt sci ntltlc Illte r st, It only (or the re080n that th e Indian Inl{abit ants wpre the first discove red In tbe New World by Columb us, It hos been my privil ege to xillore ce rtnln Isl!Ulds at Ihe W eRt Ihdl"! l1 for tb1! Heye mUB um of New York, wltb the purpose) of colleotlng specim ens and data pertaini ng to the aborigin al Inha bitants, ' says II corr<:s ponll fit or the Now YOrk Times, My last expedit ion to the Island, or Haiti was the 0108t fruit fu l of all, and I re turned from th ere last Octobe r .... Itb 11 large num ber or specime ns, Our knowle dge or tbe I1bol'lglnal In' habltnn ts or Ha Itl Is limited to tbo writing s ot certaIn hlstorla nll, notably the works at Fray DartoloDle de las Caeas, who gives most Instruct lvo .at> counts of tbo hQbl ~s of the races peopling the West India Jala'ids. LIla Cuas, boweve r, publish ed hi s hIstory In 1852, a t which t ime tho JndJilD had prllctlqaUy been annihila ted, tbe populat ion of Haiti, which at the time of the coming or Columb us, In 1498


SKIN HANDS. 1'RAl'EO IG points In the Impor· IKh n 19hborll, and S p OII]( tb e I,'re nch (!lilt· · of Li pS , lhe 11 Igllln cit)! language. 'Casevil le, Mo,- " hands aha feet h ~(o r(l wh ich th e Gorman adTh clly /lrst appea rs In ltls tory In were aiTected wIth a trouble slmUar to· va nce W8.8 ch eok d and where, the SIXUl centul'Y, at w,bicll time a ringwor m for a uumber of years" lt. accordi ng to Europe an tils, lo wn grew III) around the orlglual Rrot lll»lloare d liS tiny clear bUaten JlII.tchP8, the 111'111 gre'J.t ba ttl e of lhe chapel found ell th ere by t. l\lullulph, and In placeB the bUsters were. 10.- , war .wns Cought, BTl' numerous. Prlo- bis hop of TongreR. In the tellth close togetbe r that they a lmost tormed Clllllil y It W8S th e most 8trongly torli- century plscopllte or Nolge r, one large blister. The akin was rough "ed obstacle to Ihe suppose d plan of whI ch ha..d succeed ed the ('arly line, and oracked open: At tImes It wa... the G rmans to cut a cress lho lower WIIB marked by large terri torial ac· 10 bad tba t It disabled me; my handa'half or l~ ISlum InW French te rritory, qulsltlon!t, and the see became reo· became so lIore ' that J could loarcely but In addition to this the clly III of It- ognlr:ed b,s an Indepe'n llent prlnclp alA Flnl Apiary, 1"hl TN_ Make It Well Protect ed. use tbom. llelf a prl:1:e In ma.ny WIlYS, Ity at the Frllnch em [lIre.. l here were "I used every remedy tbat I could, In Ita 8urroun dlngs It Is the Pitts- many. popular rlslnga CDy F , 0, HERMA N,) (aT freedom ftnd but nothing lIeemed to do , any ' ~rg of Belgium . For miles to tho from the e:xacUo ns ot ,the e piscopa l Extract ing' boney from the comb. 'a larger eqllipm ent of toola and app11· IUIcea than doea comb, and needll more sood. Finally 1 sent for a aample of' 90utbw est of the city, alonll the banks sovereigns, who w~re 1l0W n very general praotice , and one a lso. occupie d In Cu.tlcura. Soap and Ointme nt and I of· tbe .r lver Meuse, there are Bcores preserving- neutral ity that Is to be ~trongly recoiqm ended care and labor In It Into propIn the various then got a cake of Cutlcu r. Soap and er aha lie for markeL "Of blast turnllceB , puddlin g furnace a, WarB and preserv ing In working colonle a for large returna , their territor y So far 88 handlin g the two product a r. box at Cutlcura . Ointme nt whlcb. rolling mills and forges. Jt II the site tram being 'ralded by lOr mucb work Is aaved the bees and Invadin g armies. (oomb IUJd extraQt ed) t:s concern ed. comple tely rid me 'of tbe trouble ...•· -o.f the (a mous Cockeri ll works, said more boney Ia obtaiue d, loolng that Ta ken by Marlbor ough. 'to be -tbe largest manuta ctory of mamu(:1\ t~J1t would otherw l.e be used there 1s more labor In the ex~ted, (Signed )' Ray Bryant, Mar. H, 1914. They were only In part success ful. ,l iut In the prellml nary ' work or man· Cutlcur a SoaIl and Ointme nt 1014chlnery In the -World . Tbe Lion, erect- Liege' W88 taken by 10 the product ion ot wax for bundlng rJl£rlborougb IJl &eemen tbrougb t out tbe world. SlImple of .aclI-of the be. the ed' ae a monum ent on the fteld o.f Wa. 1702, an - th-e- to-rtrels comb tat. the combs, fa carried up lnto the IU' was garrison ed I.erloo. some 60 mllel distant, was by t be DUtch until 1718. per, thUB adding conalde rably to the both creater BIdU .. an a ptartat. and free,wlt h 82·p , Skin Book, AddreBI POllt,. IDOre labor. card 'ICutlc:ura, Dept 1., BO.ltoD,"-Ad~.. made here. au'rJ)lua, , Tbe French revoluti onary nrmies Our attellUo u In the (Uture , ahoul4 LIege proper, with a populat ion of overran tbe princIp ality Honey. unlike maoy other commod iIn lj!i 2, and be given more to the practica l lI\an· The "Bauer " II AUltrla 'l Bac;kbon .. 118,000, lies at the junction of the tram 1794 to tbe ties, keep good alm08t Indeft.Ilit81y acemen The mOBt Interest ing of Austrian . fall of Napoleo n It t of beea, to re4QtCe the labor It prOllerl)' taken and atored. lIeuee and the Ourthe, In a basin waB ann.exed to France, types and the backbon e or the dualand expenae to the 'mthlmu .m, IUId the" margin ed by bills, Many bandsom e known 118 tbe depart.n and, was }'tl~mentatlon and the oonleQl lent monarc hy ' ls tbe 'bauer," In loclal' le nt or the _Udln gs and gardens strive to keep Ourthe. Tile congres spollln8 at honey' Ihould be avoided 'more the work Is 8latplUled. the more . rank he occupIe s at Vienna In s somewh at the Bam .. we sball feel we advanci ng. Bet.' by maklng suro that all hono,,/ wben tb.e mselves handsom e against the 1815 decreed tbat U position as t he 'old Englisb yoemal) . ge, with thE> oth· tor reJIulta &l'e ob~lne d tram' worldo& ,tromeu dous odd. of coul dUlt. tallen from the ·hlve, Is ripe. er provinc es at Boulhern Netherl andll, for both oomb IUId extracte d boner, farming his own land, and In manJ Surroun clld by Minerai Wellth . nll"..~~1 U It la allowed to remaln In the and even a should torm a part at the n w klngQueenle.. IIUOleWl ' c:&D 'be cae a elljoyln g a far ' more Bubstan tJal blvo un til there fa no doubt of UI AU .round ijle city Is a Vfeallh of dam of the Netherl ands under the rule tbe · nobl1lty. · Th., made to care for ettra Queen Cella, and fortune than rlpenes l, there need be lItUe fear of al and tron ore . The mines extend of 'WUlIam I , ot 1he House .. bauer" hali a s tr lot social code at' of Orange, UI(j manipu lation of ' both ' wlll be ," torullen tatlon, -even under the csty and river. Tbe,ae Tbe cit)' of "LIege took hili own, .malng lIe~ther with th& lann active part Fe,rmen tatlon fa IIdd ~ be caWled much lmp~"'ed. ,1I&tural richel, In connect fon With ' the 'In tbe Belgian revolt borers on one bond nor the arl8~ of 183Q. an~ In s()me lnlllanc es. bJ the IIn100nce III favorab \e Ilwatio n of tbe city at tbe since that date t he anCient. craey on 't ile otl\er, Ie a'PparenUy quttl' prlncl\la lthe boae,. of pollell gratu, but 11 tunciiol l of two na'VlgBbl!l' rlverl, bave It~ haa been 1nC\drp content Wah his lo.~, and take!! prlde. ora~d III to tire b('OoCi D~I-a are p~perlJ maqage d, ' ....n rise to tlte Ilx~enslve manutao - klnsdom of Belgium ; In his ablllt)" to llt-ovlde almost '. all; Is ae· l dom. taring Indultry tn tlie city ltaelt tIlat pollen "!flU be found at The prluc\pa l poln,t of t nterest to the u,eceaif.l1ee of lite trom the p~ all III the aupa,.., The product a are varied, bu\ the the tourl.s ts In Liege duatlon s of , bls ~wn land, even. 101 bu bo!loin 'lbe Whea the heat III the brood-i:hamJI'lDclpal one, and that which wOl1ld. crelt cathedr al, or DIlDY cales. 'g~wlng ' the nai !rom aake Liege a valuabl e prlze-.of war, P&ul, founded In the church of 8t. Origina l Outline of 'Flltor and V ber, generat ed ,by the bMa. ball u- Plant Aourishes on Almost tenth centUJ'J Any which . Its womenf olk weave , all ~ trlict~ the ' auper1luQua water mm the nu.mber ed a\)m8 800,000 80uls, hartn, honey by evapora tion; ~U8ebold clothlne .-Lond on Chrpa-' the' leallng ,of Kind , ~f ' SOl, but' Prefer- s lele. been reduced lD about 10,000, Eve nt· the cella takea ,placo becailae We honey U ht' W · Lo ulllly even th"se .last were kll1ed oil 11 then' tn a conditio n. wbJeh die be&g Of ann or. worked to doath In tbe II\lnes. and keeper tertllJl ripeneM Aoqultt ed, . , 1!lx·,Repreaeni;utlve Eddy ot 101lnn& at tbe pres'e nt day tliere are no pureW!~ do nllt extract durtia• .the bDntl7 (By WILl4A :II B. ~BRWOOD.) IOta nevei' rel ented th'e tIUo of '''the blooded, Indlllns let( on tbe Island. now, unlesa ' we have ablolut ely lIO 8p~h en-nl an .• favorite aJn!)ne , homelie st man In con,lCi'68 It, was my good fortune ·to discove r room left, and then fa 1." . 10 "thea , proSpec t ~ elty folta and ~ be fCTlllld on the . oplnlol\ a nf hla oPPone.nta, Mr. EddJ on this lnst trip a totally unknow n fact the contl.DuaUbn of the crop. ' cltr markew ' ~ ~ery week th, had "wabble d" on 11 certain' Jaaue In a bout the aborigi nes of ,Haiti, nalllely, ' To 00 aUre, It Ia much pl....nter to )'e&r' round, varnuc In price wl~ th· l the nampal ,!). Sanae tllI\e lat.r, on ap, tbat thelle people were' acquain ted take out the boney whUe there II -.on, . " With ' the prinCipl e of filtering their noctAr In the (leld, as oqcaslo n wJlen he' was' billed tQ 8P86"-' we' '""' not an.. I ,devote one ~ to thla crop from. : ho found that on-e ' ot tho·-uew spap';,... ,drinkin g water through charcoa l. a Jloyed by robber beea, but discove ry all the more ostonls hlli, tie, care robbing La a'f'oldec with a IIt. wbl& I bave peTer fJ.U~ to reaUH ha d announ ced Ills comlnlr In he::.CJ. . lh and the' a hanclliome profit. 1 !!Ow the lead ~ , line reading when on& remembel'll ' t~t flltera are honey extracte d after : "Tw~"Faced E4dt' the crop, fa QU- dr1llJl one foot a,p art. the ~tter part Speaks Here Tonlght..·· .w.!ltI!l!.(~ILI:o be compar atively ~o!lern ally Ithe- best." l of AuguBt.., C8reful to ~p all, /fhM ev,e nlng, -when Mr, Ions of the wblte r:ace. Tbe Ye'l we nnd very little objectio n to weedlt deatroy ed. , .tepped be(ore hlB audjenc cOII\panylng pllOtOgrapl\ s sbow quito extra.c tlng the tall crop Bome gt'OWCl' I ooTer ..the lJPtna.cb ,'''You must ~ow, 11I1IIes ~, he qld:~'--":''--7''::-:--- 4 clenrly wbat shape this aborlgin al1l1ter and Spanish needle ~ ~otweed and gen Ue-.. ~&8t .. har- wIth IItUit In the WI,. but J have nev- men, that l am not the mnp referre~ , had, . vested, for tbJ. boney Is unally prst- ,.. made th1a a practice . aI I UJlUAlly to In thlll p~per . . It must b'e sOflleone , A serIes' of water Jars at Ii IIlmllar ty ripe- wben broogb~ In. by the beea: have .a chance ~ cut ;:me durtllc, a el~e; , for ' tbere Is no ' onEl he re ' wllo sllolle, althoug h without the "ftltllr For 1I0me reuon t'hel'8 La much' leu thaw ln January , or broary wben -doe~ not )mow thnt bad I two 'racll;9, tUsk,'" enabled me to make the danK!!r o( ferment ation In the t'Jill prlcea. are generaU y ~. , I would not wear this ' on'a," ' mlnaUo n ot the origina l outUne with "onei(' t~ n In Bn7,oth er. ' Some grow It under claaa In hot accurac v. One can '"aln 8011\,.' Impre.80 or ...... pe Juice hal IwOoJl auls. ~ppl. I ' I ' .dded to 't.. ' beds for " wlDter trade. but J baye found ... Indian '6°-n -removin 810n of the. sl!arclty.. of West • thatth1a Encoura method ging, will hardiy pa1, .:. g the .,...'" Inper It ahoilIiI be ," Old rpu catch any ' fish 'r" uked. tb • . pottery whe~ oDe conalde rs thl\t thll .phaood In a warm room, . louthem Iplnach ' come~ to and ' if the our norther n IITOwn market at prlcea 80 ,1DW woman wbo Is always encoura ging. 't otal number of unbroke n . v'!sselB -w ork ot extractl"nK can be carrted 00 'that hothous e or botbed 'P!t,lach lI\ust . "Not· aile:' . re plIed ' bell hUllband, clay rrom Ute West Indies' In differen t at onoe, wb~le th" .h~Jte' II w'~ It tie 101d top ·10.... tQ lleld IUIt pront. , "We got ~ cou.,le or nl)lblee alia t~eD Instltul lona through out the ~world 18 wID be an advanta ge, as ·at wW liow ~1lI tnr es:iMll1enee In "::"'wtq not ov~r fitty. . ipln. tfiere \Val nothing dolIlg ,(1}1 day." " mon freely than If aUowed to 'l Iet' cold , ... I wa_. explori ng ~ome or the Ilme- by stJlndln g a day or eo, , " .. Well, even If' you didn't 'c atoh aD, tD a cold 'room.. . 1 find that it ,reQU1reI r. lIcllt. stano cues tbat OIie finds tbrough out " ThE! capplnr . or 'Cell 111 bet you . gave · them til tba.t ot , firearmB , aw(al ' CoTert Ihowd loam ..,U,' but WW' «I'OW 000 'perllons In and around tb,e cIty on IlJ. Icare.'! " the Island of Hl,iltl w"en l came . ' '.~ be . slilavecs all .with , IIharp 1ulUe. , ,mOlt an,. ~d thU ,. ~ produce f a 1OOd' oDe of OOrD.. bad In It r. 8aia1l Are employ ed In tbo 'malllda cture Ci warmed 'by ,Itandln a It In,. pltcber of crop . . :llIke, trom wblcb the hot ~ater,' and An eDpgem ent ma7 no.t be all 'r004 CunB, ranging from smalf If cut h'otl'! the bottom !!l..!LJ~ Jt II ..I~OI~ lmlJOPl ble to . .ke the lbe largj!Bt 0 modern weaponll. ~~~'-..hl~~[J~1!--tlo'n-:~1'- el~u~~t:t_~~'fI~n~d~la;'n~8~~in:~t~b~ o~e:nel "hborhQod ev'l>enU' y with a Baw-Uke motion ",bJle the top ground as m'arrlag e from ~'ome J)qllllll o~ vie". tGo riCh for 1t.. 1 /' 1 ~1\1. .. pply · JU ,. , !;bere Is a royal cannon ' factory ,an d , ' must bave talle"; tlielr . aboat teit COOcI'" loada ,Of manure to the' but it 11 a great deal' bettar from II~ , 'drinkin g wa,'ter, ot Uletralj lle la 'beld forward ,~ t~e .., ~p. & amall arm fac,t ory also In the suburb are mllOY beautifu l gardena Ttl!8 lake WIIS about ' fall &ere, and ",hen the I.Tea an amall o~era, thirty fe'e t low~r plnQ wW remam In a I~oot and Lao d top' dleu wllh 'mm. one hundred . to rl verll are 'panned by --,-,--,- ;---....., .--i:= , tbl\Jl the _mo~~-of~ the ca'Ye;; an'd .- -of ~t. Dar , lD~ the pan held bela". ' bridges , but ' the larger ' . ., dre4 d ' tw .... II de~cended to it by a e~"lea of n'l1tural ,When the unPapp ed, combe &n! PUt . LEI(RN,ING THINQ S In 1.IIe ' wars . of the last century at the city bave a ' one . hun , lUI crowde d . en .... r v~ 'J)Onnda We Are AU'·I.n the Bteps, formed by boulder s wblcb' in the .tntO tlie cap. of· '.u.e ~.1ete 'bas playei! only a smll1l , Appren.t !ce 'CI!,~ extract or. tIler of. I1llpbat e Qf ammonla per, &cre~ coUrse ot' ~entu' rJes' ha" falle. n from 'the ,8l!owd be 10 plaeecl, ''lNt the city' Itselt, Is defende d part, .' with .narrow , crooked streets . . , that ' the bottOm . I 'ha'f'e' tou,d 'U lat If tbe I~d ~ ,, . , . . . " The' raU\\ra v lines lhrou"h Lle .. e roof of the cave. Be twee~ Ii t t'b ' th modem .fortlHc at ons, Its strength , It ' lOwn a.tIOut aIX IIICha aPart In tM row ' thes'e' bouI, b~ - "'" al1?uod 1'11(, or UI Ite Ihoney , , a' be"-,_ ~ .. be ...",U' ."... ...u-d U 'II Aid, Is (ar Ireater than baa gener- are ·the direct rou .... s from Cologne dera alld In the water th '-AI"'" n' • . -"' •...,. "'eld of za tbe lake ...... J ' .. mot:'8 easy ro .... Oll~ u eav... to Paris "nd from'''' Luxemb~urg to round many broken w' , . ~ UIA ... ' "Ia " I' th d':':'-tt f th " tram '. I~d: ,T ha at~1' v6sl!ela at ... e ce~ :::.~~en appreCi ated by militarY atrat- Brullllels; the possess ion ot either of 1 YiU1e tw 1 n I' .. "" on 0 e , various slzell and ' ihapas 'whloh . -tile, ~v~JlIe~ b". ~e be_ ~ when preter fa th. ~',~eecle4,: :" ·w hlch , would be e prizes to IlIdlll,os evident ly tiad thrown aw...).,' In, 1888 the Belgium authOrltl~a the Ge.rlJlan army. valuabl ar'I!btal ld.l~c !heir combe., . , • ' '. . , The re(:ove r'y 'of meae Jars arld·. tn.g, · It , ':,declded to adequat ely ' tOI'tt:y \ both place wblch everybo , Water~oo, the I Uill~1I Green M... uNI dy knows .as the ments waa quite an e)uiltln g talk. It c'Ombiat:s alwaya 'adv;lla ble to , ", '...,8,t W':ltb :hqQ~" III ~e 11"reml1lllr'l GreeD IDU16re ieri-Mt 'be' Lielle and ' Namur, the two Importa nt scene or the downfa ll 88ID • . pUrof Napoleo n at necessi tated diving, occaalo llally ' Into' .10, thall tile excitem ent they , ..,mnts on Uie Meuse" At each plnce the bands of the allIeB po.., .th&t .u.~le irluaie doe.. and If aU on the 18th at 12 teet 'Qt . :WILtlU) lind, .th.ough, this. fs be, 9Tllr b~" .. nu.mber of detache d forts were con- June,- 1816, Is not on c'llil4 set eno1t&!l - of the latter. .... a direct line bot a great d.e pth when ode la diving ~c~ c;omb"a ~~ mo~ at,.ucted along a perimet er drawlI a from Llege, 'but lies Bome a~ onl!wta bl". PDl~, woul4'h....eno · ~"d t~t' the former. b", Sixty miles ,under nntural condttlonll, /t was q\llfo Jll;ac1ng ac~pII 41atanc e varying rrom 'wlthln four ~o tram It In an air line, of ~~. ",bout for. the W, 'Iso't p~lIle.: , HORIn e, air south or BruI- dlglcult aDd rather ~azardoUa . tn 'this. ~:alI rulles of tbe city. At Uege 12 of lIelt. to clean, are undOU~~y the CO(1l; ' co~... , ,w, ~, "elvet case. ' , . . . ' . daUlltl of mucl;l roblJlng. . 1lieae ' torts ' were conatru cted, 'six on '\ beaDa; P.~ta and wheat aDd.f,Ye ~d In uie IIrlt place, 1 h"d to tiur)l '. Before ;pll'!-lDC uSe ~ght bank aud alx on tbe lefl to honey !D lI:M!'j.'k eep p~o"IDC ', the' f'!IIl~ue ' 'under ~ea,' .~. Pity the Poor Ratl. magnf)lIlum light In " o~del' to .locate , kel~ tn a vel'7 ,drY ;llde of the river. 'p~e, drlYlDr ' bf 1re,D " ~IIA. ....t1IrlDc Surgeon General Blue .bal ordered a wh8teve~ Pleclt I waotlld to r~o er, as the hoopa 0e;cu lonaU1.. TbroaIb clover o~ 'Kriu8 and tlten Allot the tortB have been kept corps of 12 rat catche rs plowing un- , to IItart from my acetyle ne lamp' was not and 1I1uI no moll~re .~ pua. , der the 'loll ,aer:v- In. the 1a1rly well up to da.te, The heavy Sall Francis co fol' NBW ~e ~ Orlesns . ~he8e enough' to do this, . I ,thell ~Jj, In their ' concret e ~ascment., experts wll.1 carryo n 'the wqo" call ~ m~e . a l~tU. Qlle, ail ~ a campaig n of rat long pale, which I hAd cut. oil' ..... by pat:a1Iiillng It. are raised and lowered au tomatic ally. exte'r mlnli tlon to ~tamp H:an ,.OGl' out the can· outsIde the cave, alongsi de the ~ep h'()~ '.b,. ltAt:ndln, lD tIj. ~ or TIle nam eB at tbe forts : all t~e taglon, Tn IIlx mOllth!! , at a coet or and then : dovo down,. followin g otherwi se, J)C!.u,r , ~o .of' ~ pb~d. 'Y'l8ht bank of the river are Uarchon , f100.000, the ~f tbe bubonic pole with' one b&,nd 'and ,hopl!1 g of ,hot pa~WI 1D~ th~ liep, llunl Evegne e, Fle'ron, Chaudfo}ltalne, plague will be remove d, ' tho vessel with tlie other. . Ulb~ the ~eg over. and onr. tip. ~bour'g and Bonccllea. rho But at the cost or tal'e lives' of... lliU· ,Return ing to tbe'8!U(ace'waa anotRer 11l1n~' it I o!, er.cti e~d, then a'f"erage dlst.unce between the rorts Is' lions ot rata I Is not kD~1I: out that enougb' to problem ,' beca.uBe the root at ~e th" bUIIg: and podr ou~ tb;e ~ .. , fonr miles, but Fleron ~nd Chaud- sUr t'be wrath 9t all the mushy·heartee! slanted down to the water. ,and Lf onll , It '101 ~lItalbe are: lIeparat ed by little over people?, Jt U'ls 11 'hn'e b~n ll'f"ely about 1t . ~ a crime to uee g\linen' came strnJgb t up to the r!urrface o~e ,,.,oJ let ~()It Of 10nr paramn baek; • mile III II dlreot Une, 88 tbey defend pig .. fa ' save buman ' life, how much ",ould strike t48 roof of tiie :Cave· an~ ... thl'l. the main Ilne qf the railway from moro wanton Is :coa:U~ 1',111 be~ all 'onr ~ It to slay helplegs , probably drown, To ov.ercome· tbls, J uulldo lIIurt!'~' German y. , ' detepse le86 rats on the sU8plciop thaI bad a rope ,~astened t(i ~y 'Wd~t,. and • Abou ~ tlle wont tbJqc J01I c:&D The silt forts 'on thll lott "link. a,lso they' bmy be carryin g the lIeas that one of the mel! , wltl: me would pU,ll II 10 have comme ncing at the 1I0rll) , around a propaga te a plague! U,11 'l Is work for toward him when be aaw t hat ,I had ~ pte bDOPI !oocI 'Of .the 118, I(MP,ked , :w.tern curve, lire FonliBse, Llers t be antl-vlv lseQtlon lsts!flere lift ~ d&ht betoN Save tbe rate! recov!i!r ed the object F hr.d 'gone atterj piaUlJi liD ~b'e hone,. ,Lantln; Loncln" HoUogne and FIe- Let mere meo and women The. boner :w1U dle! - Puck, thus makln ,'m ecome to the .,. lack alll tIIe 'molatu n out of th. ltaV'•• malle. It has been <!BtiJ]lated by In HIe proper 8 bt. ' p c looaen the booP!l, lh~n ferment, ~d mililllry authorl tte' that 26,000 men ,. AulrtraUan State Baker,y, ' Among the pieces of pottery ' that J p.etbaJ)ll bllflt tile nc. would be neoessa ry ' (or ,an adeQ~ate . ' Tbe 'New Soutb Wales governm ent round betwee~ the bo\llde tl ' leadlDg Tb~ u'tt ol\l.r ttU~ beatdea II... tlefenee of thelle forUllr.atlons today. hal de Ided 'to supp1llm ent Ita enter· down 'to tbe IIlke ",88 " ka,me, pt and bJYlII nftl4ed I.. proallc1 ng utr&QI. . ' Liege ""as mode to 6gure laril-ely 10 priBea by the creation of a atllte bakery tbe niter . Hl\l4tJ'ated. Alonpl de the .. bOiler hC)Ue ~ea :a 811' W&lter aeou'll nov.el "Quenti n Our· at ,Sydney , The 1I0vern menl wlll ac- fragme at 1 found 80mtl of tile ImaU.. e'fft "ben 1Jle .pJar7 III WW'I," In which Beatt made a nota· quire a bIlkerl awl bake bread tor Its Ihreda beloqt ll' to the bottom part .... blunder by Itpesklllr (If the Ileople own .l!i:1I.1'a;=i:1~~ onll. It I. e~pecto,d that jar and alao .."erlll Iatge Jlleoetl .r U.,e u tlIklDJ.,Fl18ll111.a.111.-::-,!JlJa.-ll)t-ttllte-;lrOInstltutl " 'Irerlll1ll ent win-if". able to deliVer These of oharootil . . ,tn tlKlt, the center of the WaUooD bread to the public Inatltu&I ...actn'. ODS at one PbJI1 a pound, It II Dot lawalle ~EI~=i=~iii!i~i ll to Walloon a .... Romanl zed Oaub. luppl, tho 'ena.... JUUd MID ............-."'-~ &nJ_ . . . . tbaII tIaeJr J'IaI,. pYU'IIID ea& baUt7~













'maD. " '. ,


• THI!( ,,,lAMI ' GAZETTE, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO "But reMil to lhare your I..t oruat w1th a tellow rerugee~" allJd Newton

IBEST· TO ALLOW THE " POULTRY .. UPON' FREE RANGE1,AbUM-IS-SIiAKE-BFfE..ftEMEPY--iftmNG •••• A,~"",. I "fl . G'0' 0 ,n

In a sottened tone. "It', one bundred M •• e.n It .. and fitty.mllea to )'our home. you aa;r. . . Sure Cure for Rattler's . You mlgbl hobo I!-, but tbCre',. no Venom. freIghts out ot this town. If you tried To Attain strength We Must I to bUnd baggage it you'-c! only be BollIC, ldabo.-There IB I1ntl~ danger ~hrown olf the tralb at every other Open 10 Him Doors and WinIII the bite or a rat\lcsnake. and n() staUon. I Ila,),. you (',Qme with me!W dQws of the Soul. 'reaaon at all that it shOUld result in HJs eye/i afire with some fresh aDd death, accordlog to L, C. Post ot Cald.-:::--.....-;,-··-~~,J)Iolble..JIJllv'ere,d as he glanced Ins'plrlng Illea. Newton proceeded to well , who says tbat iieII"'a.s gone \vhy Iii It that we 80 caally get. do"n the ' Slr~et, cold\ tcy. chilling as ul'geJ3ert alonlr with him. When they through tbe eXjlerlenee and lias not ~lred1 ~t III , because we try t(l be the heans at the crowels tbat" "~OD~'_, I J:8galned the' prlhQlpai 'bus [ness Bulfered serIously. In tbls seaaon •. good out of our own resources. W. , blm br unheedIng. of the ,town be led blm [uto its .)o..r....... t'.I when the snnke Is lIaid to be blind. cannot long milJntaln 8trengtb ' or "The last dimeo" he s8.ld SI~WI~ serl. departmen& store. and to strike WIthout warning. thl) I LOy kind out ot our own I:BlIOurceL '. hSee here I" elpoBtulated the bewU-ollsl;r. "I've got tc. Invest It.'" .remec!y for bItes which he Tecom. If we ' go on for just a fow weeks too· He moved towar~1:I the window of dered Bert. "what are you ever up tot" mends and In which he ba8 absolute long without adequate rest and' !resb tile ne~t, tasty bake Bhop. It was 1I11ed "1'ou JUBt keep 'wlth me. l""e a great ~tll may be. of interest. In a letter air and el\erc18e, we speedily' 11n4 . wIth both solids and dalnUes. A 6c~eme," .was the ~nlgmat1c:al · reply, he write81 out our JJmltations: We are 8ent olr aoreened wludow below was open. It and then, pas!tlng a counter, to the ''1 see accounts of persona beIng to the sea or tbe hilla, and there, hId Into tbe basemllnt room, where the surprise of Dert his companloll pickel) bitten bY- l'1I·UlesDake,,;--lf parties go- with the- stnUn-of work removed, "'. I:;ood~es were baked. A warm -eurrent up a smllJl bon or lace and ~tuck It Ing Into localltie8 wbere they are 1\. drink In great healing and replent_·or all' strUck his bOdy. Tbe heat waa under his coat. ablo to be bitten by the reptlle would ment. Aud Jus t a8 our natual Ufe , ~ratef')l1. A delicious aroma or Jlavor"qr~b mel HolleT'Thlef!'" nrllel',Ad- r carry a little alum wllh tbem and II! fed from . tb.e benign restorative 'n, ' and 8pfces B$8o.11ed his nosh'lIs. Newton rapIdly. but the dumfounded a solul)on' of It and wash. the torcea or nature, 80 our aplrltual lIf. ' . "Those cinnamon rolls," ' decided 8ert waa too surprised to obey, 110 wound thoroughly and apply a com· Is replenlshC11 from the restorativo ~ert" and he went into the store, laId Newton g'i:abbed him. shouting, "Let press nnd keep well saturated with the energl~8 of 'God. The most deter,doWn his dlllie and reeelved a plumb- me go. I Bar!" and a floor mana"er solUtion, also take ,t wo or three gratDs mined of U8. living on the strength run bag. Tho cleanly damsel who rushed up to the BPOt. .. Ipte.rnalJy every hour and not overdo of his own resolve, Is but a well. ,..aIted on him shot a quick glance at "Whnt's' tbe trouble bere?" b'e deSummer Roosting HOUle. ' or get excited, I posltlTely know there charged battery, wblch rapidly lo_ 'bls pale, d!stressell . face and made. the manded. and tllen, 88; If, .,. accident, la no nlled of anyone dying from a It8 power. The weakellt. l1nk.ed OD odollen' fourleen. . Newton dropped the atolen bundle With lhe c:omlDOn knowledge of th& heir. See that your poultry IB sup· rattlesnake bIte." to God's omnlpotence, fa ,uP~lied "If 1 bave to tramp It," ruminated from under bll coat. ," Ab,.. tbtetl earning of lhe Carm 110qkB hILS .come plied ,vith, thia eBsential poultry food Itralght from the Hplrllual power mrt. lUI .he regained the street. "loan eb?" . ·BLAZING CHURCH IS SAVED houle of tbe unhene. make thla tare last me out three ,,:hole "I IUPPOse I'm canght," . obaened a ' cJeslre ,to keep more 't owls and make dUr.!Pg ~he 8ummer months. Provide the poultry wllh plenty of III 'lt really poaslble, then.' to cO OD ~a,ya. A hundred and nrty miles. Why. Newton with a carelel4i Blgh. "TWa their keeping a special department of tresh, green tC)()(1 during the molting Putor Cran, 8eel Bolt Hit Steeple working ud Bulferlnr ~d doin& Napoleon'a 80ldlers covered a . thou· honeat fellow lrabbejl me. ' I 8uppoae the tarm operaUonB. . On most fBrm. It wlll prove better period. . and RUlhel to RellCUII In right all the Ute long, without feeleand with no food except bOl'llefteah he la ten dollars ahead," and NeWton Remember the water supply the.e an Automobile. Ing Ufe too hard, or 10lliq that buoyCd ~I'ched corn . . Oh, If mother ,oniy pointed· to a sign reJ-dlne, "Ten dollahl and more economical to allow tbe ,ancy of spu·lt that marli:etb the ftnt llU1'-" out unUll ',et homet'" . rewlU;'d b~ ,pald for the detection poultry fJ:EIO range -during (avorable hot days. It Is better to J:eed sour milk all the Pittsfield, Mass.-The ReT. WlJllam h'eah morning dayl? Yes, If we tal-. He gulped down .. sob and set hla of any theft In thIs atore," . weatber lind fence orr lbe lawn and time thlUl to make JreQuent changes Merriam Crane, PIlstor of the Co~gre. 1l1l ' the condltlon-Uthey that 'walt ..teps towards the railroad running "Get that money aIid home to your garden. Tbe galna made by tbe chickens from sweet milk to sour. gatlonal church here, 8ald to be the' upon the Ifrd." We muet hC!neetlT through the t~wn. Then he checked dying mother'" whispered Newton, Every poultry houBe should face wealthiest minister In BerkshIre coun. open the doors IIJld windowl ot the 1U~Belt. He stuod almost translb:ed. and for the Jlrat moment Bert compre- during tbo summer are rapjd. and 'l'ti6re, Btandlng at tbe windOW, 6t the blinded tbe selr·eacrJflc6 Of a noble poultrymen lire last beginning t.o real. either south or 80utheast. At lenat ly, laved hie church from bumlllg soul that Ood may come In. And Ize tbat It they bave large, healthy one·thll'd of the BOuth side 8hould be when It was struck by lIghtnlnc. A that la I!omethtng that we can never v~ry spot he bad J\lst vacated, W3.S his man. bolt landed on the steeple IUld played do It we are knowingly retaining In. <duplicate. "No! no'" Ile remonstrated, . but birds they JOust Iillve nbundant range glass, cloth or &<)reened. A cornfield pl'ovldes animal food, up and down the sldet!. It cut a sll- our Ilte anytblng IncoQlPatibl. witla It .was not that the pel'!lon at whom Newto~ waa led away bY an omcei' during the period wben they are grow· shade and good scratching ground for foot gB8h In the tower and in Its the great companionship. To -n.~ ,pze(resembled him In tuce, for and Bert Willi taken to a desk and Ing and developing. Poultry raised on the tnrm and chICKens. Turn them iJ\to the corn- coul'Ile tore pltulter and lathing from the language of William Law; "If a handed ten dollar bill. man Ihould make s large deecripUola lie tried to find aut where they batcbed and brooded .by natural mean8 Held. They get a lot of free pIcking the wallll. . Mr. . Crane, of hll temptations, and do~lre CJocJ had tallen NowUln, but could not. HI. find the &xerolse necessary "for their and do not damage the crop, bealthy development and sucll varl· . AdverUJllng Is the 'keynote to the country to assist him to reJoot them ' all, and thollghta turned to hom'e . In an etles of food are most ()Onduclve ,to I>OUHQ'~lUl~UCce8B. ' 'r~1l 41l1.-,oUler-I-t:&-tf""""" htl'1'''IHI,....trt'f'''''fi-rrfjMn~=·-;;rn·I-tcf-tl:1IULPiO()\I~t-hlm~in all his evil de-he wall apeeding o~ hls wiy thIther. " people what you have to Bell. b d l lnt0 t h e beltry. . There .be slgns, be wonld be forced eltber to c 11 me Good newa awaited bJm. A- brother lhelr weUare. It wm pa1 any tarmer to ma1\e bls Grode up the 1)ock every year. DIt found & fire starting and qulckl,. put tOI' sucll prayers, or to fOl'l!ake O'f' hili 'mother, at- Tat'lanee With her ·for hIs evil lite." When we are dolnll' y;eara, had relented III hili hnehnes. poultry a <speclal branch <It his tarm. thl8 by cuillng carefulty every thine It out. unaIded. InJ, and gl'Ve it the "ame daU~ care, . that Is lIot desirable. that fs ' not right. w.e clinnot l~tng ot hel' slqkncss and . pov· anO ttentlon tbM he ould his dall':1, Never. u/lder any clrCUlDstances. T6W'N GOll~, C,ROSS REM"IN'S 'Phil la'C!tan~ tb~ ..etum of C\,a" ~"e ROl)ml qf the Soul. )Jeep morc birds, tban you ~ tako \.~ SOli capsed ~TS. ,Noble to 'InllY'. ). cattle. horBes or sine. NQw, If "e b&~e been ge'tlq tire". ' ~oulh'Y\ Uke ·sheep thlLt lire kep~ care Of well. 'Wlthm .. week ~Is un91e bad. ltarted Cull the fiock closeiy. Keep the Unearthed In Course of DllHllng of t.he struggle, Ur~d at being . good, Bert)~ a. modeat l~tUe business. HIB merely as scavengers, cannllt make Opel'atlOl'\.1 :About Site of Old ' Ia f ~ not because we hll,ve DQt llee,ll ' was taken up tor a month to the tho profit& that \bey would U they re- best and prepare the rest tor market. Scottllh Village. l'lttlng God Into our Ilfe? We used celved proper food 'and treatment. Constant thought and Judgment are exclusion of all other sUbJecta. to open the lnl ts of the soul It I. s the too-fat ben, 1Jlore" ol~eb than neCessary in poultty raIsIng. . , "Be~ " 8poke hIB sl~ter Evil. one clay, Lon'don .- I enclOse ~ photogrnph of tllat be might en till:, as the sweet. Ullltorm PCJ6t bo~es add to the all not, that- ' ~bow8 blood 6POtl! In her :1 cannot, forget toat 'kind Mr, Newton eggil. 1m old village market cros" whiCh haa elean ~lng nir ·pours · In through the Difficulty' in laying rupt\lres Do tract}veness of tJ10 house. " 'w ho did ao much 'for ypu," . this interest: that. "hile the ,,"lUage opened windows, ; But ,ately\ for , Jessei ' nnd aome (if the 'fh'e pOUltry h()use and yard shou14 small blood , . "Nor r, either," lIald Be,rt. "1 shaD has disappeared, the cross remaJ.ns. reasons that we Imow only too wel) ~ blood appeal'!l. in the n8J[t egg, ~e well drained . . go at once In qUellt of h'lm," says a correspondent or a London pa. we have boon keeping the window'; ' ·Cbarcoal.aldll djgesUon aud rcorrects Always pl'1lct1c(> absolute c1eanl .. Be1't arrived the town where be per, It stood formerly 1n the vUlag.o cloeod, ay and the bllncls down. and: • bAd lett him, to learn tbat lIome rela- mllny of tbe ills to which fowls are ness in · feedlng. of PreBton, on the windswept flats of mutterltig Bom.e few cerel'Jloola1 ~~ ......... J<w......... . . ....., ... . . ~ ........ . .: _............. .... •. Klrkbean, jlarlsh, on the' nortll coast words on thE! ~oorate». That Uve '~d eoine atter Newton, bad ts !lot tied tbo alleged tbett and hlld taken of, the Solway Firth. 'When ' the ·~ia· prayer. '1.'h ~re 18 'no renewal or' RAISE .·TURKEY.-S F.OR MASKET GOOD METHOD OF FATIENING Newton 8.way with him. , tlstlcal Account or Scotland" ",as streogth in that, but If w. honel,lhy ' . " '-'- --One alloY, u Bert aild Eva were In White Hollands 'A re ' Not aa Large 'a. Practl~'e of Feedl"CI BlrCfI hi Small 'Written In '1'195, \.here were three ~l. walt upon God: If wa go ' about our their lIWe store, jin ioialked a. visitor. lagell til the parlsh-~Irkbean, l'1'es. work an~ amollg our triend,8 'Wilb alt . Bronze, but Are Hardier a.n d Vardl Dr Pens la Preferred "NewtOI,l!" 'crJdd Bert in extravagant t()ll "alld SalterDes8-but .1)0 trace of the windowl Of the ,. ao\\1' open, . t$ Ea&ler to Man~gt. for Market ChlckenL deUgb~ ,It w,a s ,his old friend, but Preston remaIns,' The croes WIlH , ~od,; It we let ~o Spirit ID n~t!-y dresBed and ~howlng sIgna of OJ, C. E, BROWN. 'MinnOllOla' E~rl. earthed IJbout the middle or lust cen, $mong all those fumea ot au~a prosperity. '. . , mont S a.tlon.) . desire, those ' vapol'll ' of Tbe loose-pen melbod of fattening ".N.o, th&t naver WWi mY real name," or selllab;' be proper y adlBBented Newton. " pe811. Impatience alld dl.scontept, tbe , "Wbat, then 1" scrtbed as the "'\"loM.I"'" ot feedlog the noxIous exbatations vantab a'l'''''', aDdbirds in small yards or pens, hi lots "Newman-and that elUlct\l' utberooma of the Boul grow whoJe80lPe 0,( from twentY·flve to fltty. We prepreSse8 It:, .~i And thla anct 81I:ee~. agaln . We b~~e80me temr,. ; 1/1 tb.e d!lAr IIlister you told me aboul!:' ter tilts method· tor broilers 01' cook· ~flQn . to meet tomorrow, ~hlcl\ h~ erels at the light l' b'reeas, such as ~~ar bl'otbor NewmaJUbecame to otten bom,e UR down, anti w" !tnow Leghorns, a.s they are very active II.Ild Bert soon thereafter. Tbe wanderer our will la weak a8 water in the presare l1l~elY to be reatless In the crate. had been tallen back bl b:I8 l1'an~ ence of It. Now'. do we want to 'overOur plan Is, to a small coop or lather, Ute was ~I before h,lm, brlJht, It? Tben we m~tit go' aDd walt. shel!-er fol;' roo8*:!ng. with IL smaU ynrd earnest, hopeful: and 'l w aSked Eva 'io God about It. We ol\nnot com.. , sbare' it with him. • ' . , ;', .r; att.,ilched, the ,wl,lole, lI~ructure being alongside ot· tbe 1n1\nlte energle!! aiuS pOrtable. '(c(;PYTitrbt. 1m, by ,W, G. Cbapl'ball,l, not ' be mad" strong: ''Walt ·OD ttl&-' Ellch " momhig , at feeding time the and he - sball .lItrfmgtlien tillite , ",Country Jake" No More. coop f8 moved a ' dlBtance ' eQuai to Its ~alt, r ~.I1.y. on th~ Lord!''r\le "collnt jake" of yesterd~y length, Ito ~ve a. clean 1100r for ,the "DIvine Rene')1l'als," owna II. farm today ot 8evo~ hundred chICkll.·/ W.h ere lt he cqop Is p}Aaed ' , nerea,' Uvlilf In a ,palatial home, with aU ~ oroPl1Id or grov,e Jt.I!~r\1es a ~ouble ~odeni oonvehlencea, Bucb, U pur~se. fill', besides , acoollllI!0daUng the chickens It enriches 11011. A ~p large Co~ · bron~re should _Y , _"~~








CAy' . UGA :' AN ~

AM, ER~CAN , .. , DUCK

~~d .Ie Not:;"IIY ~CC~.,babl. 'to , Po'u ltrymen, of Thle C~untry on ~CC:!lunt of Feathe ....

hl..,. Ill. the, eourae o( digging ' bpera; re-ereo~ed be's ld,it ~s£ Ptuo Ulll 'fI,.iomhoule. t. made ,of stone. meaaurea Bta teet t lncbea' in belght and two feet '~wo fnc!Jea ae.-Q.. tbe arms, and bears no lIIscrtpt!~ o. canIng ,of ;an), .kin'll. . .,









'MorrJaon :Hotel In Chicago A.kl fo, Injunction Agal~et Shooting ;Gl!lIel')'. , , ObiCSIQ.".ciar a~d hlB tuns &hi ,making' troQble for the Morrl80n hotel and We pests, according ·to an · In· ' junctlonpet,ltlon tlljld tb,e ," eourt}ll the Moli' Hotel comp;lny. L. X. Os~r, wbo C9,n'd ucta\ a shootJng tal, leno sf 7," ~e8t , MlldIBOn s&eet (oru,o. elte tb.e holel), 1. the defendant.: The ebc:lOung, 1t II , laid. II aceompanled b,. ,the "martial mUllie 01 & perpetual p{an6 playe1'." 1111 late as QIIe' 0'0\0011 III the .mornJu ••




. lab)t Menaced by. Rattlanak.. , Jllaideo Rock, Wil.-"J,(otber, lee ......". "taat I lI&,e:' Mn. BuckD.~ of J)Ia.. Bluff lookeO OftrtO ... wbere

'1F~rmer ----- --: -: --1




Citizens' ,



. P E". e III '


W11 , sOtlofMr. and Perry - - - e Grlly. of Leelan. died at his home ' . ' th re Saturday morning Ttie fu· WU I·d was r"'t: 'i\l I I . t wpek b Jl nd ook pluce at the Leelan Chris· 1')(';'11 relativell of tht! death of Mis~ ( lUll church Monday afternoon at 'l'hlrz~, l1~hl 1- of Mr aurl !)1.11! J ,1 0'cluClk 1 ev ~verne Taylor 'offi· 1!1 W. J "n~ton. of H~IOl. lon, 111 Ici ting Inte rocnt was made i~ ~ Old r residents \ ill reO) mb r Mn. , wbal1un c 'met' r . Jntmston as Emma ::;mitb. dlmghttlr •Of t he late l~lO:l~,ij7'S init,h,-- ~_ Wayne vlll~ pevple were star tled lb is niorning when the news came r.'I Mi s Annio U, Brown WO ' hostess Illat Mr.. Charl e.'l Shidaker~ of 88r- ~ ('!, a 'delig htfuI60 10ck dillriel" 1Jarty v YSbUl'g, had dioo very suddenly. ~ I1 t th,e Qui',ln hot el in Xe!1i a Saturdllv .:I1r hac! b _n a dufferer qf aSthma I~yen~ng. rbo!\e to . l'nJoy the hos for a IOllg tim but hoort trouble pl~ah "II of the (·harmln~ Iwsres'i were, d.... v I r.~ . t lh e time of going to M ISS Blunch ~ McCopp.!n, lisa or a press the fu nera l arrangements had Ji'or yth • MIsS ~l1n 8 t ratt on. A:h. not b} 11 ' made. [!J F lora Blazer. MISS Gertrude Frlst9 ! nnd Mis Cal'rie J ohn on. - H me ~. , Veek)y. I Josiah B. Mills. an aged pnd re' ~p ~clotJ citi zen. died at the home of Mr. H. B, hl\nd)cr. of Kallsas his d/lught r, 'Mrs. Wm. Phillips. City. Kan. wri t:lS us atI foll ows: I Mondll1i morning. Mr . Mills has "Am sending you money for a ren w' , been an invalid for Mvera) years. and , t:J al to the ')d home paper.' My ' has had constant attention for sev- ~ dllUght r. L ena has been vi iti.n/r e ra) month. 'rhe fune ral took place relatives e.t Davton and 'amden, at his late l'es1dence this morning at Ohl0.andmywifehasjustbeencalled 10:30 (I'clock. Rev. C. S. Grauser baek ,to Camden, Ohio. to attend the ' offiCiating. fnterll)ent was made in funf;lral of her i~ter'8 hU!~band : Mianli Cemeter)'. beside his faithful t:J he and my daught;er will probably wif • whu preceded him to the tomb ~ . . i"it mallY places in hio for tveral. f1everal , years ago. weeks Y!lt·" I .. ....- - --



- - n. -

' .



Tht. home of Kansas Wh~rt!ln and I , , wife. of Lebanon. was tl')e scene of I)






OUR NE, Take advantalg e' of the following price's arid save 1S to 25 ,.pel" cent•. Good i~vestinent, I:i sn't it? , Any of the folllowing assorted 0 - 8uit customer.

• "

Cana. ,

ur i\1ar-kct Pie Peaches '


tOe $1.05 $2.

B. Raspberries, 2)~-lh, .

ISc $1.60




2 . 25

Low 'peaches. . .



Rough Rider Apricots.



4.25 ' HWlt'S Sliced Pineapple 25c

unKist Peeled . ." Cal BI k C ' ll.. ac hernes .. . Cala. White herries..



5.90 Alpha Sliced Pineapple

. Prat

Cala. White Cherries...



Can Dozen 2

3.10 B. Raspberries, 2-th.. . • 15c 1.55 390 ' _ i 1.55 • Red Raspberries, ,2-1b. 15c 4.25, Blackberries, 2·lh .. : .. . I5c . 1.55 5.80 Strawberries, 2·1b.. .. . 15c 165

Carquine z, 2,X"·lb. .. Rough Rider Peaches .


Do~ ,can.

Can Doztm ' 2 Doz.

Our 1arket 2%·lb.



===:'T ILL, QCTOiBElt 1 0 TH:;:::::==::;::;:=:=





. .



The -September meeting o( the I dii1g , ~hedn ~hb~h yv~ngest hSt.aIll.larfd L~~ar~ society metsat the ha pPY wed . on. E ~r. WBS unite I marriage to orne 0 J:,oUna. atte.rthwaite. atur- ~ Mis~ Marguerit daysli p. one of day 26th. The usunl program was Lebanon's most beautiful young given. Part of t he time was taken laciles. At II o'clock ahl.u'\>. ' thll up witb a splendid talk by Miss g uests Wet invited into the parI r Ruddy. a rnissionarv from China. t o wi tne~q thill ,happy couple united IWOO is hom e on a f urlough. The in marriaA'e by Rev. Laverne Taylor, social hour followed in which ice 'r, ne ha,ppy coup Ie ,waf!. pJ;...... n"""n ted rcream an d cak e was served . 0 LI t 0 f ~ w i t~ many beautiful presents. After ,forty persons there were ailout ten OctoblU' ,I • . Mr. and , Mrs. Wbarton vi itors with us. \vill be'at; home ' to tti'ejr friend9 'a~ J ' , ' -. Qincinnati. • _ .. ' ' . } ( HAS GONE SO~TH AGAIN

15=~al;55555JElE'==='J5aU:Je{551 15555JJ-I!JEI55a1U:lE'=EI

Can Dozen 2 Doz.


$3 .10 Diana Corn ... .... " .. . 7U c

cOm ... , , . ..




fride of' Illinois · Com ..


.95 I







1.90 ,


.1 •

Emerald Isle Peas . ... ' IOe I ......


1.50 ' 2.9ff

· 2.40

4.75 CarrO'll Tomatoes ... ..





3.10 Wilton Spinach . .' .. . ..



J.20 Old Abe Peas.


5.S() VictorY Slice Pineapple




Van ~p's Hominy.





5.S() Chunk Pineapple. . . .. .




SunKist Asparagus .. :





3.10 Grated Pineapple. . . . .



' 2•.

VanCamp Tomato ,S oup







r.'I ur Market Plums .. , : J" 1.95 Gooseberries· .:, .•• . .. 10e I. MaSon Pork & Beans,' .IOe I. 2. ' says ~..:.. Curquinez Plums . .• '. :, 2Oe 2.,9 0 1.05 2. 5.70 Apples .. , ...... : ...... .1& MasCot , Salmon ... .. ~ . 25c ~.50 . .' ' ,. that Darry Waller Jeft Tuesday for , . ','" " TheHumane T roY ,Miam! Union Skye: . 'rh o Ro3well. N. M. to' market the 3,P p!e Troy SOQlety has pUblished crop from the large , ol'chard IIi :8 notice to the effect that on rand which he ani) other Lebanonites are . nftel' October fir~ all horses found IDtereat~. Harry 88"S he expects r.'I hltclied to bit ching racks in 1'roY. to marl\:'e t ~tween 9000 '" nd 12000 ..:.. after midnight. w, ill ~ plll'(:ed in the bU:lhels. ~d 'b e lieliev., him, now ~ Iiv~ry stables and cafeij, for at t!-.e. tbat he if not engaged in tne print· . expenee O'f the ownerS ' Humane ing bUSiness A8'~nt W ~ 1" New,man , say~ ' this O'r· --~----der will be rigidly enforced. . SOCK EM ,HARDER l'be poor nol'8es. ougtlt to~ tao ,. . 'ElI:' , k~ care. ot here In Wayne .vljl~ . Rev. C. R,oaa and Daniel Grimes ' • Many a mght ~hey haye s~Q.od (Jut 10 were the first hunter victirnsof ' tile . ~ - '!!!'!!~~~~~~~~7~~~!!'!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!-!!~~!!!!'!~~~~~~~, , .the.storm u!ltillate ' at mght, sn.~w season, Botbwerearreated Tuesday - _____ • _. _. _~ .. ", BOv WAS BADLv INJUREP ' \ on the IrJ:Oun4 and a cold nO'rth wand for t reapassing upon .Fred RuSsel's -, ... . .Carl· McClure is laid up at, hO'me • I ~:me ' D___L~ ~~ them hunch up to get out of farm . Whenarraigped before Ma.YorI Wltb the mumps. ' alU DUUU the Wln~ and ~old. The ma~hal' Roll they were each fined $10 and " El' b tb Ste .. . . ' As Wilbur 'Stansberry was com· ought to be notified t hat he IS to costs ' .. - - • - - - - • - -. 1~3 .Iza e wart IS Vl81tmg ing out O'f the schO'ol hO'use recess The.l r, V-erd..... H.:.....d Bell W.r-ht ' takeall horses in after 11 o'clock a t ·. • _ , r "tiV08 In Dayton. ' , , another boy' tripped him and he (ell """!'""i1.,.~ ...~. , night. . . '. , MiIBOn'$ Fertilizer. the best on th,e .,' " . M " on the cement. tireaking bis leg. it The Cll'(:ult Rider ori f.Uleltoae , For sale by Chas. Frye. , MIlS Addle adden. of Mor-row. ,is alleged. The little fellO'w ia rest· A Girl of the Umberfost • Port.. . . , was ~E! week·end guest of Mr" and iDe as easy as could !;Ie under heeir~ ' J ' .. ~ , p~or or It. ·. .' lJIoLne,r ;'1Mr'S. W. H. Madden. , cumataneee. but, he will be houaed, Forty Minutes Late - .- ~Ith She---~',Meu aren't any brainler tllan ~ women; th~y have only fooled us iuf.!). ~Blm~.. :IllY ' An auto adv'ertisinlC ,the Buainesa for _veral w~s. T~e l»(tya at ~be .Wh.t, "a~ to!,,~ . , Bro'Vd . ~evtD3 that they are,l' He-"WeD. ·F t R'd 'h o h bee i Mt'n's Chib O'f ,Miamisburg went school have a bad habit of trippmg Th~ Eyts or the WQtId - ' Wriaht doesn·t. that ahow tbat they are'''ortrR~ h I lred'rV{d .ash n Wo~ - thl:0Ug' h to'wn.Tuesday aftemoon. upeaeh other. and this wlll probably (His 'latest book) .. ' ' 1b Ii rdl ... I • CO'ra HurlI . ""BoI\Ob Jl:v~JnTTt"1Ul'1I '~--+~.,....,.~~"'-"'~~"':"'~~ . a ~c ' man • n ., IS orne agam. .' . _. ' . be a le880n to them . e KecG n, ",np Dr Maey will be at Spring Valley .. The Chnstlan Endeavor Soelal ' • -- .. And man, others that are jUlt .. all i~ls week and at Hatveysburg all held at the hofile of, Rev. and Mrs. SI,lNDAY-SCHOQL CONVENTION - - - - - - - - - - - - -...-_.i. .- - -......- .......... lnextl/lleek: " '" ' ' Palmer,on ,Ft;da)'evening wasq~ite ' -- ' , '. interesting Oomeill.nd,IOj)li:them a ilUccess. , A very plt!lj,ll8llt evenmg The aasaie 1'p. Sundav..schooJ eon- over. . , Dr. and 'Mrs. ~. Hathaway -of games was spent. after which ventiO'n will meet Sunday aftilj.:doon, ----- , wel'e guestl!\ I' of M1'8 , 6athaway's ref~~hments were served, . , October 4th. at the Beech Grove ~ , I parents a.t Springboro Sunday. ~, , \' . e; church. at 2:80 p.m. ,The ~u~ty I u . ".' Mr. (~has. C9mell, Mr. antt M1'8. , officers will ,be pres,ent and g1Ve . " . ", , Li>st~ BabY'R black co,\t OIl .th~ ' CoJelJl~n and Mrs.,' M~tl~da talks.'. 'rhe music wiJI be'in charlfe , Ne~t door.,to Quette o,,~~ ,road fro~ Edg~wQod to WIiY~e{lYilie. left. t~18 , mOf!lil\g for Mdto~. of M~, InwO<?d. of, ~ew8url~ngton. Waynesville Ohio Finder Will \please I~ve at thiS office. to ~' vl~lt . relatiVes ~ney Will Everybody, II c;orihally inVIted to , . . . . , . \ , ,tbe, t!'ll~ In Mr. Comell's rna· Come. · Mril. Geo, Davl$. See',. ' , Miss COra McKay. who has c~jn • returnmg ,F rid.,.· , f ' ' . _ • ' visiting with'· friends bere t and at .- • . IS READV FOR" SAL~ DATE!S Xenia( left 'last week for hel;: ..ome in RU~AL WELFARE' , LE~QUE Los Angeles. Oal. : ' • , J ' Stanl h h' ad W Ir Le f esse eye W 0 as JUlt gr u· I am still representing the . MTbr ~Ut'81 t e t' 11 ~gu~ 0 I ated from tl)e Jone!! Auctioneerinl' will be glatt to get a8'J e " p.. me a • e. ~an '" 00 .8cbool at I C~Ic8iO. IS h9me and 'is, 1. N. Mi liouse.. Saturday even~g, Septe~ber r~y for sale da~. - It would be , . " 26, w.l,t b a , Jl~. att~n.~ ,and .,well 't,Q see ,him, as he has 8(),m e new 4~h~!..-W~~~~.0~.~,L_~... , .' meetJl?g. Alhm,terea~ln~ Ilpd. m· i d . In the auctiQneering line. Or • 'ry1~er Hyman's store is !llosed·today IItl'UC~I~e. tal~ W!iS .gj~en .b~. Mr• .call",hiin', ) 46 Pluto,al p~on.e. N.ew on fl,ccount of tI)e' J~w~.itb h~lidllY .Jrd:~' ~llDson ~n Parbamentar.y ~w. Burh~gton, 911Jo • ..' <, ..I i! , Mr.- Hyman went to,Glpcmnatl,Tuel!- sa1.~ldl~, e!e!ll~gl,. OctA)'?e~ IOtIl.'tUI . ", .. , ,. ~ ~. . , ' '. day and will, remain "thert! until bl! Gt?t AC!quai~~. Niglit !O'r , Supt. . WINTERS TAK'1i WA~NINO " '~d ~, . , Gilmour. AMIteresteu m OUl' town,.. , '",1," Thun! ay. " ,. ' , sijip' schools ,ould be, prNIt; tp: ' ,- . ,. " '. . d d meet Mr. G our: RemembILthe War the .... u'}dersip.ed" will ,not Su~day was a gr,an ~u~ul'I!n ay date betotier l{) ' ... ,. '!-. aUow, any. huntmgor:~hooting on bur and ev~rJll>ody wali out enJoy!ng the ; .,~ A 'I1b' D" t ' premi(\ell du.ring the hu~ting Be88On: fine wea~h~r. ,Those w:hO' duJ not :' . vo.:!8 " l .o~~ •.. •I;~ ~r. . IsaaC ~ilao~ ' ~' .' . au~ or h~rses spent the}ay ' Wlll1 SPEAK ~ SATU~DAY Seth Fumas '; strollmg. _,' ','.... . ~ :Wm. WiIlia!'i8 " ,. " ( H: D. K.eiliso~, wh~' is a ( • t .· Maft~1'! ~Oqs\I;. ~ ~'" , goo~ . prop,o~ition at th,e" for Repl'esentative o~ , the the , ~ ,_ k . It ' . " ' • Hive ,ticket, was .in : town "', i I': ' '" e.rog~IIOno He sav,s is;·g9itlg -to', make a ' '. ,~,. ilrl' uled :to be COI\~lderGd 'r,. flgl)t irl the' l'8ee.' ' , markallle It: ihe .was' ver1 'o'ood ~ ThOI1~ht 'f~.r T~.,.. ' ; IDI' N~,w . , b,I'. IB,,~?n.ldek'etl ,q.u~ of



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tam Sixt-¥.-Fift~ Yeal'



WAYN ~SVltLE, OH:!.:: IO~,~ W~E~'D~N~E~S~b~A!:.::.y~O~C~T~O~B~E~R!!-7~,"",19~_.--~_ _ _

Whole Number 3284

-~ ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T ' '--~-.-----...-

.. - _..-..-... -00.. ..... ...........-._. , '1111'-"---1 OBITUARY ~_o~~_ , E_v:~_s_.' At ,t~ c!oeof.tbeday !ltthe nd j , .... _p.. ,.........I.... ·M· ...... ti " C·-1-.............. _.1., " It was a bitter grief. asho'ksevere; f F orme~ Citizens " o( a long hfe Joslah.B Mills ..son of j ersooa en · OD 0 umn ....Jl T~ part wit,h one. to us so near, l _ . _, ... . . ' isaac and Hannah Blspham Mills en- . : Time was too short. to say good-by, -;-0-,..

• '



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Mrs. Ii'. C. HartSock a'ld little tcred into rest at the acte of 78 years. .J! To the one we loved so dear." Mildred went to Waynesville Friday, ll' mol1ths and 1$ cloys, having been ' ......._ ............. ~.. ' .. _ _ ...........__ .. --1 . . , born 1st mont.h. ]Oth day. 1836, and " " , ' ~.aura. daughter of Emmet an.,d aturday Mrs, HartsOCK went ot! a died 9tn mouth. 27th day, 1914. . Mlss.Clara Llle heard Sousa s band , Sam Davisl is relatives in Sallida. Carroll. ~as born on July -. shopping round to Cincinnati. ~un­ fie was one. of 8 family of eight In XeDla Monday. , Dayton. 1!S63 , at ZanesVIlle, Wel!s County. day Mr. Ha.rtsock joinf'd them at his . chi ld ren. two brothers, one sister ~ l!l~. Her f~ther a promment phy- brolher's' where they feasted and Mm Mary Upp entertaml'd on nd i;Ollr half brothers two of wnom , Remember the mark~t. Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright were SIClan at ~hat place dleci at, an early autoed and from thence they re , TuesdQ,y 29t.I1, Mrs Allna. Cook ~nd a , t,ill'livillg' October 10. at 10 a, m, in Springboro Sunday : age, leavlnl{ the mother WIth a fam- turned in the evening -Morrow ' ily of :leven children. Laura being the Mirrol'. d,a ughter Mary and Mias Mary Fr:an· artr~ was married in his youth to ey; of Columbus. Mrs, Elia!! O~I~s. Elma; R Mullin ~who departed this ' Mrs, Nathan ~ones is <tuite ill at Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Meeks visited sixth child and 3 years of age, , The be(I and daught~rs, Mrs Helen Rlsm- life 2nd ~onth. 6th day. 1860. at the her home on Third street. relati ves In l~J:anklin Sunday. mollie,: after a few ~eeks of ~Ido~The Xenia Gazette say!!: "Tw(J $ler an'd Josephme 9glesbet:., age of 26 years 6 months and 17 1 D D'II 0 te th H' BId If "au wamt a good·ll·zer call hfoo~I' sickenedl.adr,d dled.leavlOgthls charming' parties were given by Mrs. eta s ' To them was born one daughr, I . S ~pa , a!nes g,. or ami y of c Ill, ren to the tender Otto Hornick Wednesday afternoon , Chas', Frye, phone 49 l·L 2·8 , ' mercies of others . . Jo eph Carrol,lJ and evening. when annollncement · ' Ed'th ' d Ra \. ' I Shee- te; Alice who lived 10 months and 25 I Tuesday and FrIday mornmgs, Th e Mlase!! I · an cI,e. L " h brother of the father went to thell' dWas Milson's Fertilizel', the be.'!t on the Mr, C m. Bratten, of Dayton, aid. bringing Laura to this place, and was made of the date fixed for the .han e~lertained a number of their ~ays Af\~r tbelr deat s J or girllrlends at an elegan,t t~rel:l cou,ree agalQ marrIed to. Rhoda . b en. t market. For sale by Chas, Frye, spent Tuellday here ,w ith friends. to the' home of Uncle Milton and marriage of Mr. Foster Clemmer of Aunt' Luc Hadle Here she reo the Xenia National Bank and Mit'i lun!;hepn Sunday. The mVlted guests 'I'ht'y were ma,t rla? 3rd mont . 28th wer~ Mi~ Edna Satterthwaite, ~~y, 1861, an4 their home was blest l~rank Wilson. of Harveysburg. , W. H. AlI"n is in Cincinnati t o- mained ald w ~~ carefu)) and Mabel Gardner, of Dayton. The enEmma Hawke, Ruth Hartsock, Clara With three .'Chlldren. but ~he t~o first was in tOWJ. Monday on business. day attending the automo bile show. tennerl~ cared ~or as thei; own gagement of the young couple was . llawke, Mary Gray, Eleanor Earn- w,e,re ,permlt~ed to remam With the , daughter would hav'e been and ,sbe known informally but the date• hart, Ethel Hosier. Louisa Sto~es. parents but Ii few month~, Mr. and Mrs. ' GUY, Kibler, of Mi~ Irene Bradfltreet. of Xenia. in turn was a loving and dutiful Thul'tlday. October i5, was announced Alm~ .Waterhouse. Edna K~IS$y. Clara. born l.1t~ ,~onth. ] s~ d.IlY. Dayton, spen~ Sunday WIth relatiVes spent Sunday with Mias , Marie Hall. daughter to them. leaving her home yesterday, as that set for their mar- "" J'*phme Oglesbee and Neva Young. 187.l"now Mrs. Wilham. C'. ~hJlhps. here. duties to care fo r arid be with Mother riage. which will take plac~ quietly in D"yton at 7:30 in the evening of Carl. son of Mr, and Mrs. James H dl in h I 't 'k remamed to comfort and mmlster to that day) . l th her belovP"!d parents, to smooth the John N. I!ig!er, candid~te for J Joh~s, of Lytle. is very ill with diph· Sh:Ywas' r:;~ ~ d s~ C:';les ShidaTh. ufSday Iast was th ~ thIt, een. pillow of her mother who was an County CommiSSioner. was IU town therIa, k ( rrle h ,Sixteen young friends of the bridal , , ' e~ on July 28. 1881. To them t ree pair were entertained in the evening. anmversary of the mall carriers In invalid most of ' her life and '-also Friday W~esville. and in honnr of the c;>c- witl1 the aid of ber husband. little . Prof. and Mrs, Chas. Carey. of Al- children were born. two sons .Bud one casion MI'. anti Mrs. U. M. White son and kind and patient friends was H . D, Kellison. candidate for State exandriaville. were through Waynes d~dgKahtef'MBerBnar~ R. ~t!SSlde. °d Pal The Monrovl'a (Cal.) News sw,a·a of enter.lained them to 8 ~and.,omely permitted to care t "r and brighten .Repr~ntative. of Lebanon, was in yille Sunday: ' an r .• e518le havmg, I~ at apPOmt~ sunper at thel·r boma"n ltiedeclining years of this ki.ld and town Friday. the age o~ 13 years. our esteemed friend, Mr. • H. MJlin street. rfhe.evening was pleas,· loving father tel the last. . Lost-- Swellter Coat at Rogers' ~rp. Shldilker was a ~ember of tbe Gard: He was born in Warren County Miss Leah Smith left here Saturday ' corner. Finder will please leave at Friends churc~ a~ thiS. place. She The W. H. Gard hqm~, now under antiy spent in talking "shop," and the many happ~ and, sad things t~at where he spent the Ol<»lt of his Ilfe. evenin~ to .rel!ume. her occupation 118 Roger~' storE!. was a ~ood nelghl:ior. k10d he~rted. construction, will be a two-story, al ways ready to help others 111 any seven-room frame dwelling. ~ the cxhave occurred 10 their every· day hfe One ' of the oldest members of nurse m Clncmnatl. for the past y~, Those 'present W omin I 0 0 F of WaYlles- 1 . , ' W; C; 'I', U. market at Township way. made warm frl~nds wherever terior in Rhakes and rustic, the shakes were: G, D hM-t1Ie, J. _C. HitJey. F. vilre Il He'wM . 'kin·d and loving Dr. Herschel Fisher and D, B. House. beginning at 10 a, m " Sat- she ~ent, She was a faithful w!fe. in the upper story, ~d laid in alterS He~de\'8(ln !'Iarvey Rye and Poet;. hURband. a neighbor one was glad 10 Wilson, of Lebano!'1. were viRitors urday, October 10. a I.ovmg an~ te!lder ~other, hav10g n~te lopg and short courses. The master F. C, (;arey.· know, Hill parents were members ~ere Monday mormng. , ~a~d to t~,e writer, ho~v ~.,'ove lI)Y roof wiJl be of asbestos composition. . oHhe Hiekllite Friends, and in tnls ' M~a, Dora .3pellInan, of SpringfiellJ chl.ldren, Though frail In ~ea\t~ On the first floOl' there will be living faith he lived and died And ' we M,r. Mrs. J. B. Chapman. Mrs, is the guest <if Mrs, fda Stokes and for a number of years, ~h~ was and dining room. ki~hen, sci'l)!en \ • • ~bo~ '.orty women ~nd Ilrls en can trU)l say he WI;\8 a Patiellt' sufand. Mrs. ~ina Devitt other re'ativt~s here. al~aYI;! ali lier post of. duty. eyer worl( porch, sun porch; and front !~ \~Yi're,af~~~ !.ro~ ferel' and a good man'. , ~ , y.j!lltors Frl~ay: Mis!! Pearl Cilrey, 'who was' taken :!tm~~u:oo~h~ef~~.m~ dutl~; and full ~:o~~o.tb::i1r:r:fo:C~ wir!t:= hom. of MilS San Satterthwaite. CAlm ' OF TQ,\NKl? ' Mrs. Ruth Ca'ey and tytrs. Flo very ill in Qo,lumous, is'now at home She had not been So well as u'Jual eoamel:in the,kitchen. Graniteatone when 11_ ~tterthwajteana.Miss l wifih to express my sincere grat- D~ke, of Spring Vall~y. spent Friday 'Snd id improving' rapidly. f\?r I!6veral, days but her f~mily felt will be used in ~uildiog the 'sinks. as f.rahcea \\'JlaQO g~ve a parcel ltu<!e to-all tb~ who so kindlvas. With Mr and Mr:s. F. C, Carey. , no ImmedlUte alarm, until a few wellasforthf bathroom floor. Built: , iitlower for ,Miss Marianna Compton. sisted at the time of the'death of my . " ', Mrs, Jame!1 Stevens a!ld da~ghter, hours before her death whe,n, she in bookcastlS and writing deek in the who will ~ .. bride of October 7. father, J-;- B, Mills. AIIO to Rev. ,Vote for H. D. Kelhson. clry can- of Dayton, spent last w~k With Mr, grew Buddenly worse, and qUlet),y Hving ruom. cup!Wards. ironinl( The house was decorat~ in yellow Grauser tor cotnfortine words and dldate for Repr68entative to the Russell Bent11ey and family. passed away at early dawn Sep· board, refrigerator, fireless . cooker ' tember iJ~. 1914, aged 5~ years, 2 and electric cooke~ in the kitchen, . and w~I~. yellow h~~ts, '80lden~rod to the quartet for themusle rendeled. General Assembly. Election, Novem· Mr , and Mil'S, A. B. Chandler spent months, ani:l28 dllYs. leavmg a h\1s, will be some of ,the features , of the and crepe paper bem~ used effect· · 141'1\, Clara Phillips , ber 3rd. , adv ivel)'. ' : ' . ._. ' , Saturda~ and Sunday with relatives band. two sons and 9ne daughter-m- tint story plan. The house , will be " During ' aftemoon cooteJjts A SUN[)A \' OF PRAYER Mrs. J. A, Funkey arrived home in· N~w Vienna and Hillsboro. 'aw, also two sisters, and one brother. equiped With furnace and Day and wereimpgedjn by lhe young 1Ilftlll8, .. ._ _ _, ~rom Chicago Saturday, alter a "isthey all being too far awa, ,t:o reach Night Solar heater. ~eral mueie'!l aelecti~ns were Intercession Day was gener Itof ~rEe weeks with her chUdren Tu~!yisi~~~~~rn~at~.tatMte0~ddl~nygatnhde her. Beside tbelMl relatives she The second story will be divided rendered ; after .,.,hlchthe Qrlde,to~ observed in ,the churches here 8un~ GhlC8g0. . .• I,eaves ~ halt offrjends to mourn ber lnto three bedrooms, dressing room. up!,ned 'h~ variety~,pretly"and use. day • .ttt"i St. M~ty'8 church an un, ." ban game and seeing the sights. loss. ha,ll and batb. , with the standinjl' ful 1Ci!l8 prel!e.nted to h~r Th~ usual service was held. and simMr. and Mrs. W .. H. AII~n ~rrJved ~ .. • . woodwork finished in enamel'. Plenty "rtTcapatlnll ~ In showenng M\88 pllcity characterized it in its en- home from Gambler, Ohlc). where ' r. and Mrs, .L. A. ' Zimmerman Dearest mother, how we will ml88 of closet room. built in p.upboard in Compton, "'~~: ..Mes(iames Glenna Urety, lnteree9lKiry prayers for t~e spent a ~eek at that f~mous med Tuesday evenin~ from a you. the dreseing and bathroom are conWI,laon .. JEnm~ WJllIOn. Laul1l Flefch~ countries in war In Euir~pe. prayel'f$ town. • C~nt visit with relativ6fl in Oleve- Since from our home you've lIeen' veriient feat~res. The house will er; Elnora Wilson, J..~cy Com~ton, for the BodinII' of tlie. horrible mas•• ' . and. taken away, cost between $4,000 and $5,000. Anna Flete~er. Mary Bogan, E'.alth sacre of' hUman 8Ouls, prayers for Mrs, Ch~0t:d RI~ge and two Ch11· And our hearts are' achi~ sorely, •• Gone. Amel.laStanley. AddieStal.'.ey, the sick and the woun.led, prayera • of CIDCmnatl~ :we~5- w~k-end Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee and As we bid you "gOOd-by' today. • CHRISTIAN CHUR , Cft ' iI;ennie Dav18" liang. Ie ~tterth'll:'aJte, for the nllrset. prayel'll for the Pres- guests at the ho~e of Mr. Warren i!fel', Bettie-; spent Suntfay 'witH We will miss you in our home, M.a,e. Sto\lt. '~uphamia , Wllso~. ident of the tJnitedStateaand othels Barnett and.,famlly. Mr. and Mrs. George Oglesbee at We will miss you from your place. Services for Lord's Day Oetober B F til' f Ch F Xenia. I A ..hadow o'er our lives ia cast 11, 1914. Bible School lit the regular Mae DiablO, Neltie Bunnel,l, Hattie ib authori~y w~re all used hi Harner Emma marnett. Lou I:I8rvice 'The np1 Commurlion uy your er ller 0 as. rye, M ' G H ts k . ed We will' miss the aUilShine of your hour 9:30 a. m. Let everY member n:"''''' aal' b r' a ted' . t who handleli.Milsonrs the best. rs.,Monday eorge . ar after oc aarnv f ace, ' 0 6 the scho ' 01 'be present w-~It'b a Bible ha-" Hi, ~fioJ'" "",:',....ceIe . .~ an th e f erven . home evemng. pleas-, '" :il~a t~ ~;! and'~~~li~' uttered at thi~. holy feast ' \ Mra. Walter McClure Misa Emma ,ant visit with , r:elative9 in Darke W 'II . t.he and' a studiel;f lesson, and all new s.:;k Ella:'::d D~vjl JWva h:!fhbut ,be h~rd by our Hawke a~d Jatiletl M'~lure I~ft Mon- County. ' e h~nd~11!8 kind and willing meSermmbers wbill fitnhd a cOrdial wtelco10~30~1_. h Bo "lSI er. ' mOJ;mng f"r Indian Lake where ' Y f d' d t on y e past or a .• han, ~a gaDh lIIarlanna an d .' F " Catlwallader preached a. wills end a week fiBhin' Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Evans and son. our on ,fl!l earnElS C8~e, ,qu-istian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m .. ina ~.mpton, ~ra , ~~radfo~d, Mo· fi~', sermon; one" tha,t every man, , P g. Gale, Mr: BInd MI'II. Chas. Norton Our h~me ~1l1 be lo~ely wltho~~ you, Preaching ~t 7 p. m~ , StranJ(ers wiJI n'mia" Bunnell, ,Lucile Burhman woman and chUd ,n town should hav~ Mr. and ' Mrs,. Chas B. Hett, (nee wete RUests of Mr. and MrS. Geo, We WIll miss y.ou everywhere. ' r(!CCive a welcome and thOSe not ,. aPea....hw~tlterlh-::Ite"nl,(!n,ces heard. _ Tht} musiewas of thoe beSt Surface) arrived here Sunday from Lanter Sunday. Sister LaUra Shiitaker was a char- worshippnur elaewhere are most co~. iVI! lIOn., . a a race an(l Mra:' W'rl"ht sang / lhe offertory' . for a weeks' visit with ' ter member of Ma Ie Temple No dially. invited to all these services. ey MAar) tieFlle Harner" ~abe~tStan. R<',lo. which wail ih' k~ping wit~ the Mr. ..nd Mrs. Dan , Mrs..~ice IJaw~e, and t.he Misses 357 Pythian Sisters Harveysburg: ~ ~rayer, ;m!!6t1ng W~esday, ~ele~. nn~ ~~nas, hect~~ • y,,!e. q\lY.. ', , " : Marfha Burllett, Mary P~a~r and Had filled ali tbe ('hairs was a Past nmg of·this week .at 7 p. m O,fficial Edit" Bo~,!,nd Est er ", ..mbaugh At the M. E church Rev. C, S Emma Cartwright were Lebanon Chief and' officer at he; deat)) . waS ' Board meeting Fnday;evening otthls Aiter prtpnll\ wered Grimser Ilreailhed on ··Courage" and Link l{ing and son, weJ)t through visitors Saturday. one of our best and most fa{thflll week ~t 7 p. m. at the church. Let refreshments 0 1'e ow an it was a , nne 'sermon. 'fhe music town Monday morning, enroute to " ," .. memb rs Rhe' 111 be sadly missed every member of the Board be presc~1l) ,and 1~~e :-ehc: was'ellpeciallyarranged f9r: the day. tpe Hamilton County fair. fie had The regular meeting of the , .w. C. in ollr I)'r~nii' le ~'But It wW! (Jod's ent.. D. H. Palmer, Minister e , wd 11\ 'lI:'~ ~ btl,~ehs' tab ts . The other chureh~ ' had RPeclal his fine horses with h~m. ancl ex· T. U .•wlll be held onthTuesd.8Y after· will. that II(' I"~ 'rt <18 iloill " WP will OF E·N-TE\;'TAINMEN....:! ,. Wit h~r arl!. 1 WI ~ ~rmon8 and 'prayers, \ . ' , peets to take'a lot of premiums. noon .. October 13 at e reSidence of · , ~ it anI.! ruUrn'lu ' SERIES "' .'~ ~~~~~~~~OC~~CU·Pled by .81'X~n , young ~, • _ • . ~ -Mr~D. H. I l> , • t - - p o, - ( ! br:idir-to .b~ ht tbe~. KILtED ,,: FA-T' 'OROl:lND HOO ',Miss: Sarah seners , daughter A Pythlan Sister. Tlie liuJies of the ·DorcasSocleb' ' . . , (" lilmerson ?ltasoJ;l brought us a COilcake. (which 'lo~tamed, , l are working hard tot'afae the amount he ripg and money) aJld Friday Harry W,iIIiains'on' was and '1~~fas~~~ekYto~~~~.::. pIe of sweet potatoes this ' morning ft.i M'E MQltlAM they pledged toward the building of .tterwards cut It. , . \ hy thec,ckling of: bi81arge 88 Dietitian" in the Micbael that were "beautS." and the two In memory of Laura A. Shidaker. the new church. ·TheY ~ave planned " All went .hom(> feelipg t~at MISSes chickens. an~ ' upon ' exami · hospital at Chicago. 'Her weigh~ seye!n P?unds a oear one passed on before. tbese to Itive a ~r:ies of entertainments S&\llt,e and , Wllson!l shower bir, tit' ,.grounli hall many ftiendR her,e wish her success Mr. and Mira ; Fred Guttery alld lines are tenderly dedicated to bearts during the winter, tlie ,first one ~be h8lrbeert a ,deei~et~2ccesa. . ', his.l1en h(\u~tes\Jma- in het new position;, daughter. Mildred and Miss Mabel that are bereaved a' social at the Ilome of Dr; ElI~ o~ soDlelo:d~ lai<l ' . " . . , Woodruff, of Lebanon,' were guests When the sad tidings came that Thanksgiving night. Remember tl1~ • :lmmE~illtelly , . (> iUP We ' are 'ie~y thil.qkful to MrR of Miss K~therine' Prendergast. Sun- she had passed away (and so unex- date. --'~-,;+. ~••- ',-- ~wen~ ~.P~ "l\g F'rank A, S!Dlth. 6,f Ro\l~, 1, ,,vho day. , ," pected to man~) we wer, e again ra, ~..e IIna y bropght us. a "erY fine bouquet or , " " f Mrs. Frank ' And.r ews and -SOD, of eggs wJ!re ,~fe for dahlias Monday Thtlre were 14 Mrs. 'Fran~1 L;l'aylor returned to minded of "the gigantic mystery 0 Dliyton. ar~ visiting relatives here. , flowers in tile bouquet 'and etlcb of her home in Chicago ,on ThurSday, life and death," It is God's mystery. -....-.,.,.-'.. ~"" ..-;.,.,--....: .. tiem' were . 'o f a different ~olor,' 'She was accompanied bu her mother. therefore humbly, reverently. we .~ , oJ lebve all with Him. We' thought of ', , makillg the bouq,uet a ve'ry hantljlOme ~rs, Edith whe will. spend a the dear relatives far away. of th~ir lovitag r~membrance fr~m sad, "dis.: ~~~uf the W. C) o~e. " ' , , ,month in ,the Windy eitY~ , inexpreSsable grief. and secret pray- tant relatives, ~nd many from kind it' W8lj de ers were tenderly offered in their sympathetic friends ' not far away. behalf ) that they might be fully All were artistically arranged, (she inalr"kl! the Town enabled to realize. "That the ', Lord's WIIS almost covered ,w ith'he,rfavoritea ,0etober Dr<lIClf'E!dB' to .,us.ed jn ' ,band is not shortened, that it cannot i~ color, rare i~ beauty)" (t was •• 1 . U. work Eve~otie save neither his ear grown hel\vy comfort to ,thm~ of her atreat m ~tnJ)t'r8flt"e is solicited that'it cannot hear.:' and although Heaven. whe.~ flowers bloom forever lbnnsr baking (r o~eJ' distance ahd affii etign prevents them in the ~Pa~adlse o.f God. Do we hear "~""'W'U"'i' 10 the Township, liou16 from personally entering the home the warmng vOice of t!Je chant, ,,?f a ~ market to open at 10 'a tq , \ where'sbe lies in her last'sleep. sl1e the funeral psalm, as It flows on, --:--'--__.__ • . wlll still be living in th,eir thoughls, VQiciQg for ~n time and all .soUls. ~he, H~S SOL~ OROCERY stoo:~' 'affections and aspiratIOns, as deep conVlctJOn of th~breV1ty of ijfe. , 'r!!1 .~ ~ , , nearts .throb .with te~der emotions , !',We all fade.JIIi a leaf, our days'on est eardththal'~ as 'i~dow, but the Lord W. , ' wbo haa lM\en and tears of pity fall for,the , "beartb atore'iQ, the ol~ and dearest made dei!o ate 1, e abl e , ~0l1lver" , h88 .BOld ,departure of ~e a~ectio~te wife Heav~'smornbtgbreaks.,andearth·8 and devoted mo~her, tho!e to ~hom vain shadow8 flee, ' ,. , she ",as closely hDk~ by a cha~n of 1.n life or death; abide witb me." undying love. In grief and lonehnells , . the' silent cry' from their 'sad h~l'ts. W~ are w~ting by t~e, . "Why waa itl Oh. wby was',it 80. In Looking 0 er the ebbmg tide, 'vain, in vain we Cry. ' FrOin out the I:.oyed on,,! have ~ before us, far white Citadel retumetb no We are waltit;lB on thIS ai~e, 'reply," , , R. S. M. CARD THANKS Hiisb hush. ahe sweetly Bleeps, ana on het beautiful face is the 1m· . , We Wh to upn:aa_ °fri~r priQt of 10vibK tendernese, and there Is over us aU the bush of a.great thB!lka to the maDf JdDd &or '~IlDeII!I, as we liIentl.1 woDder aDd thelr IJ1DlPlltby ~ 6~J)fu1lnof- In qaeettOD, "Whlch of us DU.t 'IriU oar d~ . BOnQW --.... a. our .fOllow bet." FIowen beautifulliDd dear wlfe~ moU!'. ~t".,. aJl • .u~ klbutel'of '; Cbul.8hi4lPfl_,. aldJllIrfIII~· Mr. nnd Mrs, Leon al1sburyen· tertained at. dinnel' Sunday \'41' and Mrs, Rus.ell Sllhsuury. Mi!>8 Mary Salisbury and Mr. Ra).mond ~ Davis.











• •'









,RaIled Effect!! Just Now Are Ea.lI), the Most Popular of the VarioUI De,l lg"" For some lime . there' hns beeu 0/:1· Ilerl'able In ncedlework n decldect ten· dency' tQwnrq rnlsedlTectti. First W had tbe 10011 embroidery,. and thcm t.llo exquisite res ults . obtnlned wl!b Frcnch ribbon w9rk. ·Now . we huv~ that beautlf\ll English nrt silk, Imown as ~13yonQ, .0. ro.tbet lleaY"y s ilk , wltll which II. raised Hower Clan be formed \\'Ith. more sase than \~' lth an ordinary aUk, Anolher fane)' of tbe autumn Is the Germnn knot stitch. by means of wblcb the moat compact and IUollke little buds lDay be formed wltbout the necessity .for any.' padding what· ever, English art work ts stili another tad that has seized uP9n us (or the 1110' ment, This form needlework prodUc,«lS (ul1 nnd thick rambler toses and SCotch heath er that looks for all the world like Ole real thing,

,,,,,.operly Appll~d They Give JUlt the !«eet 'Moat DCllrablei and' Add So Muc!! to the Ap· pe,a rance. I


It Is q'lilc possible to glorlry a blouse' you arE! not particullll'ly tond or by It1canll or, liuch unnlng devices ns Ute Ulllo vest arrnn&::ement IIIu8' trOoted h re, This one \s really not much


tll P. r Dr or St, Paul'a chu rchyard are tbree rows ot old tombutonel which have been restored to their orIginal place!!, th New York Sun states. Jrl the upheaval or the last few monthe due to digging tbe Broad· way subway beneatb tbe hlstorlo gm veyard , eome or the stones were removed temporarily and ol hers were covered willi wood~n frames to aave them trom Injury by the 8ubway labor' ers, That part of the subway work has been compl ted and the grave· stones hav e beeD replllced. and new graaa lIaa been planted over the grave II. In ' the last row Is a plaIn w'btte stone IIpon which may faIntly be trnced the nllme "George I. 1ilacker." A tew )'eare ago the date, 1804, could be discerned, but It Is now illegible, The stone has long ceo seq to attract attention, and It would doubtless surprise most or tile vlaltol'll to St. Paul's to learn tllat the whlte sandatone sIaL D!U the burial place of the young man who kllled tile eldeat son oC Ale x· ander Hamilton In Il duel tbree years betore General Homllton WIlS killed In tus duel with AAron Burr. Hamilton ReceIved Fatal Wound. Phlll)) Hamilton waa not quite twen. ty years old When be crollae.d the' ferry to lhe ' du ellng ground at WeehaWken to taoe Eacker, one or the young law· yers of tbe Ume wbo was a'ttached to the pOIlUj)8] party of wh1c~ Aaron Burr WBlI tbe acknowledged leader, ~Tbe meeting took place on fonda)" afternoon:. November 23, 1801, DaYld S , JqnCtl, ",'al 0118 ot Hamlltop'iI .Iee,

tbeater ou Park Row, wLth EaoJcer and SOme of Eacker's friends , Tbe Park theater was nllnrly In the mIddle o~ the block b ~tween An.n aud Bee)tmltn atre~~. ~ little above the pres~nt Park Row building, Hamllt.on and Price Indulged In .8 0me laughing remarks about Eacker', Bpeeeh, The latler. overheulng the converaatlon, aek~d Hamilton to lltep Into tbe lob,by, Price followed . Tbere wa. a slight altercation, !;ndlng by Eacker', usjn!; the word "rascals," According to the dueling code, tbat demanqed sl!,tlsractlon, ' Atter tbe performanM. the tbree men repaired to a nearby tavern and wben Eacke.r wa\ asll.ect (or whom he meant the epltbet be replied.. "For both ," He theli left; lIay· In« : "I ehall expect to hear from you .. ChlllleDgeB ~ere IRRued the nMt day, Ibo.t at Price bethg accepted Drst, lllncker nnd Price met at Weehawken on Sunday, November 22, and atter excbanglng tour abots without InJury. tbe seconds stopped tbe due\. Hamil· ton's ('haUenge was then accepted att.. er the duel. "ReO etlon on this borrld cUltom must or,cur to every man of human· Ity." Raid one of the newspapers, "but the voIce of IWl Individual or o~ the llrsslI musl be Inetrect\lnl without ad· dltlonal strong nnd pointed leglslaU-.e IDterferE'nce, . Fushlon has· placed It up()n a footfng wblch nothing Ibort of this can control," Father Fell In Combat Later. Young Hammon lIad be.en grad~· ated f(om Columbia' CoI",e the



New Indian Animal Stories How the


Taught Hu Song


• •


FOR A DURABLE BUTTONHOLE 8uggeatlon. Worth While Whe'r e It II to Be Worked Into Materlll That la Heavy.

~-.~\., ?~~ ~ .

'fa work n d\1rable buttonhole heavy material Bueil as Unen, duck or madras, mark with' a thread tbe placs and size with a row of machine stltcb. Ing on botb ' sldes as close as pOBeI~le, tben cut wltb a pair of sbarp sclss()1'11 and w.ork In tbe usua" way, .N ot only doe8 this help In we4rlq but Is very milch easier to wQrk" and 'does not need fiDe sUtcbes. ,In jlewllig on buttons In goods thnt have ....."",•••, deal of wear, try sewing them on by plsclng a toothpick ullder ' the _b'ltton and then sewIng In tbe UBUru way, be~ng careful to fallten the ends flrm1y, (CoPIrlilhl. b~





Children, Calor Up Thll Picture.

not know that the rattlesnake wu going to teaoh, the c:b\1d 'a sOllg and LoDg time ago. In the late afterhoon, sbe lllcke.d up a. big atlck and klUe4 WHITE CLOTH COSTUME when the little Indian bOY8 were Uie rattteanaJte, . , " --, taulht to wa,k In the trail a and · , tbrourh the ,,:raIS, always wltb tbelr "Tbat "nIght wben' the hUnter ca~ ~-_____ "'i~~~~---_ eyes looking itraltbt at the groulid home he met BOme I'Iattieanakes ,ill tile r allead, the old men would tell them trail -neal' hili Home and they to d him ijJI't tIle:y muat dO· m.t 10 tha.t they that he would ha'Ve to ,0 1I0me and eet would Dot hurt tbelr fl'tend., the rllttle- a tali. for ht. wife beaaule Ibe b".. lIIalu'., by stlpplJle aD thelll! and\ P1O- killed their brolber. Ariel ~t tuli., voklnl tbem' to bite. 'waa one. long ·lIfe-time ot workillt d&7 "4lten, little ' one'," the old man atter day In tbe fields. \ "'When the NLttlesnakesSll.w t,bat would ""y wlleJl ·lIe 'Will ahowlng tbe boy how to wallt strafgh~ aM 8wlftly, the woiDa~ waa carrylng'lut tbe :hnrd. 'tand I , ",m tell yon abbut thl! time one ~skll her husband had Bet 10r her, the), of our people ~lIed a rl!.ltlesQake and, cE.lled ~ council of all the people, It 1 how 'we had to learn a song' from the wall the great blaok r.ttleanake wbO ·rattlelnalte8 to keep UI safe trom tbelr sat In the oblef 's eat at. the couneD" bites." and ntter everybody had taken the1r Aad .. they walked ' on the tran the placea he ' got up 'aDd told how their old IDm would ~ay: • brother had been lUlled and bow the "You Bee, back In tbe days wben the woman 'Waa wor.k inr even then In tbe sun was !l0 angry with tbe people that fle~d8 to pay for I~ ' ,ahe stOpped every day up In the ,mid·, "And the great blllck rattleanake dIe of the sky and glared down until told the people (bat never. eO lone many at the peOple rell sick, It was n as tbe w.amep. worked.ln the fields, rattlesnake Who said he would go up 1V0uld the rattlesnakes, bite tbem, aut ' to..the>bou~C)~LeJo..&Hh e-B\t e told them that when~ve.. al1~ ' ~r a.nd when ihe lun stopped there for th' people' mel a 'r~m88aali;e llie')"wer:q, dInner on her l161t. trip iu:roBs the to 81ng a certalJlllons. And If a r,attl.. slfy he would e er anil sbe would ana1ce ever' bit !lny , at Ui~ people b7 die. accident they were to go to that pel'"And 10 the rattlesnake w ~nt up nnd son ani! ling that lOng onr him and coiled beslete tbe door of t,he house oC he would be weJl." th~ dau,bt,er of ,the sun, It was not Anljl wben tile old man had llnlah8cl tile Bun who wae bitten, bllt the Bun's tIllltng the mUe boy this: Ilwrj the- )It,. _ daughter. and It , a long time ,be- tIe boy ,wo,old allk: _ fore the Bun got. over mourning for her, "What was tile 'BOnJ "hlch U)e rat. 4augllter.. But 'Dever again did the t1eBnall.e taI.t,bt the lI60Ple?" But · th. p~ople, Buffer ~om the angry sun, old miln would' shate IIf. b:~d an~ - , j "Well. tOl', a . long, long time the rat· lIay; ~ . \,'.f ,i." •, tles,bake was the good friend, at mlln "Th~t aoog ,Ie )lBered 'song, anCl and he would not bUe nny or UB • • But ·It cannot , tie learned by: little b y8. · on~ d~f a. wom,an hear:d hsr little chUd, Iln:m YO~ grow up to be Ii. man. lOU who was playing outelde th~ bouse, mus~ wa.ll{ all·/ay. with your oyes wide 8cr~am, She 'r an out to -aec what Ivas andlookLng at the gro~nU wbere "YOII the matter and found a lIlg rattlesnake step, 10 , you will not rlllk ma.kJng OIP' coOed up close to 'chUd, Sh e did trleDds anrry by steppln, on them:' ~

more than a pil1r or Jumper' Btraps r.un over. the ahoulder and broadened be·, loW the buat, almulatlng the lInel ot a vellt, The two pOinted tabl ext,endlng below t'hobelt complete tho ' effect. It ' Js made of a ItenQlIed chiffon backed with white net to give It, body. anilla put on .oyer tbe blouse, lb bacJ.: the straps do not' broade~ out as ·I.n trant, but ar.e kept narrow and crOSB over eacb other at the center. T.h e blouses tbat 'euch nttle vests are worn ' with must be of sheer batiste OT net, or th~ desired. elreot will be 10lt, Satin velvet and plath . or flow· ered taffetas ' are othe~ popul,,:r ma,....· rhils to make up the vests· in and In any color" desired. Wltb ItII customary Inconsistency fashion sugj.llesls turning ,about tbis Idea of the allit or chiffon vest with the net or lacy blouse, and 'ruhloD8 a vest of net 01' lace to wear wltb the 'sllk blouBe, No 'doubt the Idea will lie played up In, many Intere~tLng ways , before, the summer la over; fqr It certainly baa deSirable possibilities, and by being well supplied' wltb u1l such dainty trlfle's one can almost esta'bUsb a reputation for belDg ex· ceptlonally well dressed this season,



McCluro N .... p.p.. r 8 )'1141· oal• . )




.ft....... ,;" . . _. .

A white ' eloth ' costume aultable . for The ' Ik!" hal,a threO-decker tiinre, arl~ thl 8treamel'll of DUferent Colora 'and lilowerl for Speolal Occa~lonl ' . May ~~ Attached. . ~' falhlonable \N",t erlng place..



tOEA. FOR HANGING CU'RTAINS Sl~ple ,Notlo". but It II Well Worth ollds and Thomas Apthorpe Cooper. ·one of tbe popular actora of hla day, represented Eacker, , ~ ,AccordJn; to the belt accoun~ of the .a!falr, Hamllton 'had told ,h is lec· onds that he Intenaed .to r\lserve bls fire ) until Eaclulr had Dred, Jlnd that . lblm he' propOled ' tO dJicbarge ~I. 1>11'. tol Into the air. AI the two young men 'faced each other tliere was a briet pause. then Eacker, It II , Aid, (eveled' his plltol with accuracy. and, tiring, IIhot Hamilton In the rlgbt 81de, Hamilton'. plltol ' WaB .d lscbarged at the same Um'e. but It did no dam·age. The ,,'ounded youth W&l brouirht bacli;' to th-Is city and died the next da,., . Tbe ' duel aroulel! great excltem'ent _and the neWi!{lapers devot~d tar more attention 'to It tban wa. ; cUltomary tor tholle alfall'l oC honor at· the time. One the papel'll did not h~'ltAte to ~I it murder, In thll para~aJlh" .... hl.,h wall' puh~llIhed on the afternoon of November 24: . , "Dlpd-Thls mornlng. In tbe twentieth year of bll age. PhUip Hamilton, elde;,t ~on of GetlC!lr61 Ilamnton, mu,.. derect In a due!." . Tbe caule of the duel, as It appears tp the Ught ot the prelent da)" seems' trI"laJ. .tt thlll'ourth ot July celebra· UOD of 1801. OeOrp J!lacker del("ered aD addree. ..hlch by hi. partlAnl ..a. 'ret!elYed with . creat praiae. H. erltlctae4 til. federalist, Which lUIIll. PIart7 .faYOtabl. to Hamilton. !lap before the ctae1, ftllJD


.. =.



belore and wa. preparing Cor a lecal care')r. Mr. Eacnr apparently luI· fered no Inconvenrence as a ·reau.l t of th~ duel, but- he did not long !!urvl-.e. for be died of co'n sumptlon ' In 180.,. He, the only person at that name appearing In the ' city dlreotorlel of 1801 to l.804. In which. he was lIated as n "co~nselor , at I~w at 60 Wall •.treet." A 'IIlUe Ie., tban three years after tile death or his BOn, Alexander Ram~ .lIton ""RB ' Idlled 'In the; ' duel with Aaron ,Burr on ~\lly ll, 1804; and tbat did nlore , ~an anything' else 'to tum public . oplplon . against the; custom. 'l1he old dueling gtound II no.w oblUel'ated, "'l'b!, mob of the Welt Shore rallmad WIped ' o~t every' evl4eMe 'of t~e bloocty fteld ,y~al'll &&'0, bitt a little /Ilonument to Hamllton com~elllora.· tire of the sRot and tlte fatal event now· 8tanda on tbe Helahtll of Wee. Iiawken, almo~t abo,:e tbe enct "POt. whlcb wu close to the river bank. Upon ~e .pedeltal of the monument II • large red landstone boulde'r . npoll 'Which. Il Is Aid, HamiltOn relled hili hlad, after he wu shot, . ,


. Rlmemberlng When the WOrk ': ' Ie to Be Done. ,

Simple notlool are often ve;.y "alliable llttle ,noUona, and the accompall.J' Ing diagram lIlustratel. a ',ood method by which curtalns ~y be huq out ' gain, : to tlie ' expen."e ot . ........R'_ a rqd and rings; "and (or te[D~I)I'II~rilYI bAlll!1ns' curtalnl or ' petbapi! ,for ' a spare" room · tllill Idea will be found very useful.

, AMerr:Y.Q~R'oUnd Pote.

m&:)' be put up' Ol' taken dOWD Quite .. eully -and' QwCkly ,u hOm a rolt ud rlnp, F&trl, lar,,, IY.iplee .hoald ".Uled, and ,atalltu laltable tor tile JU" .POH can be pUrobued .t aD7 bU. Jult Too Lovely. . DlOqlr'1 a th. CcOIit of abotl~ a Ill'IIIIIlII,W-II' "I npJlOH )'OU had a I~ a 110.,0; ~ · t(th•• pataW New Yorkr... . color u til, woodwoik "Oil. ,lorlou.1 1 wu there tor I~ wIIl~ be . ., ... weeu . .d DeYer . . twJae iD tJi...... plac....




MIlled •• ••t ......... 1M .,!IIPrI hrIr


-' -

Inellpenslve merry·go·round ean be mado ot a alngle pole set In Ute ground, where tbere III sumclent va. cant apace for ,'the mnnlng at the ropes. TDe pole may 'be of ' gas pipe or W~. , lo~1' enough to eztend ab,o'ut



12 reet above the arouDd'. An wheel " '_tt,ached,. q~,.th.fI UllPer end IQ ,tllat tt' wUI re".~I~e ,euny oq. $ ' uJe. which ID&7 be an h:on pin drlven 'Into . pOll A few, Iron waabel'a p~ th~ pin undef,the ~heel wlU reduce tbe frlc~1L ) Lon, cOate are III- ra"or. Roil_ oN'ar)1n,lenatlll 'are Ued to SaUD.' wUl lead amollC loaD aoocb, tJle rim ql the W!leel. TDci rider takea TUleIe4 trllDm. . . . .W be m6dlll1L hold or a rOpe and runl around 'the , pole to IIt&rt ~ti wlleel ,ln moUon, thu TIle 'broad tmllllll.-t it&t Ia III f' IialWliDc be n1np d ..r Of the l1'OuDd. I", of' dur~Dt coIon 'aDd IQw". for 1,.01" OCC:UIOIlfl ID&7 be: attaoJaed "to ~ & llretjJ d18111&7. "





waH floe tlng, wal th a canker. In .It~u-:'u~n.~u~n~·>no)n.:,u(.n",u.,.n . lower Iloclaf grade8 tbere we re only


FLIGHT' OF ASPIRIT ~:~: ::!~:~~~t~~~::n!:I~~l~~~: .

' .






\l glous fervor, It was true. but tbese nlready bad tb elr meet guest.

Though Other Knowledge Is De· sirable and Important, That Is Essential. A Weak, NervoUI Sufferel' to Health by LyThe ~ ' ld ot know ledge Is Val!t and

At lbo end of a wt}ok of wandering

the ego of Roscoe 'Pball hovered over an' Isol a~ d Island amid a dls lllal ROBcoe Ph all was dead . There was ocean solitude. At one end was a no repuls ion, GFead or lamented los8 oluster of small bu t pleasantly en· of identity present wlth him, as In .vir, ned huto. DIrectly wi thin his tha snmo room where biB white sot view -whCl'o a patch of glowing gre en· face looked up from the satln·lIned ery .s howed, nrJ;nyed In 'a plain coarse ~n s k e t he WIlS cons olous only of be- dress wa s a .young girl. She would pl clt a stray flower and ug a. s piritual entity" nothing more. A l'1.nrt of a ray of light. of a cur· pross It to he r lips as It she. loved It. r e nl of air, o'r a nam eless essence, Tho bIrds hovered nea r h er as though !I\cklng form and Bubstance, 8tlll did they kn w her for a frI end . H er. face be possess tbe full comprehending was ' lik e t hat of n sera ph, her eyos ' .. sense. Pain was gone, desire. spocu- shone ",lIh th e pure peaceful calm IBtlon- he was simply pas 81~e and of a glorlfiea s pirit. (:ont nl. He viewed the group In the Then sho fnco'J .l.ll e s unset anil her room clearly, be took In their IIpoken soul spoke-In song. mellow. ec·bolng. rhapsod ic . 'It was a p aalm or grall· words . . "He Willi a good mari ," Bald one tude . to the grea t power, Lo ve. for whom moved all th e s prin gs or her ()f his old est former trlends. "A patient unselll sh person to the being. Th en sho went In among tbe last," appended a physlolan. little habitations. :'Soulrul always, cbarltable and Feeble old men bl essed hel' as IIhe above ' all grateful," added the cl ~rgy· pass e'd by. Paln·fa ce d women baSked man. "They tell me he "'0 & once a In her smile.. She had obeer ror all. dIssIpated mnn. leading to a: painful Tbim when she entered hut after hut sickness for years. He came out of and ministered to the · needs or b ed· tbe ord eal a changed chastened being. rlddon n and women, Roscoe' Phall In his gratitude tor life, he vowed that ehe was the nurse to devote It to others. Nobly hu he thi s s trange camp. kept bls pledge." \ Upon faces 0: all eave this And then tbo low voiced 'throng grand spirit Immun e. thero was a began to recite many and many In· s~ndow, a blight. Of a sudd en the <:Idents or' lIttle and great deedll tbat full realization at the 6cene dawned the philanthropist had done for the upon Roscoe 'Phallgood or humanity. A leper community! Roscoe Pbal} took the recltalll In Tben what mission bad he, the 11.11 one would lIetenlng casually to a 8plrlt of JOY, In thJs desolate s pot ac· mode ra tely Interesting slory. He was cursed of man. sbunned by all bu· not conscious of s elf·glorlflcatlon, of manity? Wbat part had joy amid tbe deserving reward tor well doing. sulferlng. banlsbment. Isolation. FInally the lawyer 8ald: Bu't he soon \m ew. When tholle "Stran!;e. but the day Mr. Phall POOl' unfortunates gathered within the died I r eceived a letter from a far larger structure of· the group at even· distant place. .It seems tbat about tide to lIi1ten to the . Instructive, dl· ten years ago Phall put on his rectlng or entertaining words (.r their feet a worthless,tnebrlate named Mol'. monitor and nurs e, a restf&11 calm ton Ross. The letter Is trom a rela· came to the wander ng spirit: Here, Indeed. was joy! The oaerl· 'lIve or that )ler80n. now dead, telling lIow Rosa reformed and how that In· fice of love, comfort. lIecurlty on the cldent has Jed to a great · result to part of tJlls\ glowing young creature bllm~nrty . " . lIeemed to fill lI"er~ soul wltb grall· 1Jorton ROilS! Why, Phali ~ad for· tude . . She told them a . simple stOI'Y gotten the Incident years ' agone. _nd Roscoe Phall understood. . Ii was the story of Morton ROBS. . Even now It appealed to him as quite commoJlplace among what he consld· Thill was hili orphan daughter. She ered greater acts of thoughtfulness recited the Idndnllss,Qf Ii noble manand charity In bls career. ' himself-who had helped 11ft her fa· Ah! He did not kUQw-dld not ther from the miry clay and set his knbw that the deed he did that day f~et upon a rock, how ebe. fl"om tho Inspiration of that great deed, had beeil ' moved to devote ber life to a lofty lIacred purpose. ·So IIhe was among them-daughter, sister, com' panion and fnend.. And then It Beemed all though the mission of the wandering spirit was ended. Here was joy In ita highest attalnment-eervlce. Here, too, 'Was joy In patient hopeful waiting, In a companionshIp ' that shut In a few lonely soul. a. to a little heaven of their own. despite tbetr aftllcUon. ~ ._-.,. '" So, the )ll'anderlng spirit found Its dwellln; place and waa content, merging Into the loving soul of the devoted creature whOle mInion was love ImmortaUzed, whose D!lnd waa a pal11c'e! ---,5'"''-' (Copyrl!l'ht. 1914. by 'W . O. ChllpmIlD.)







'I ;

Thl. Clack "~n. Until Metal Parta That Conltltute It. WOl'b AN Wom Out.

- '


" ft

PI.'It Dr... Young Girl.


. iii U;e lolrg. pallt ii>r ODe Morton Ross, destine" to shine and bring forth " glorious ' fruIt tor aye! With tlie removal of bls mortal partth-e next day, the IIplrlt of Roscoe PhaU lIeemed to Iloat frQm the old envlrOnmEtlt. It was a IIlgbt ·to ~he etara . a grope benOl'th vaet ocean . dePths, now In the . holy IIllenpe of lome .den.s 8 Afflcan forest never .In· vaded by foot of man. /lraln , on tlie moun\BCn ' tops 'of Bome lofty Himalaya ran,e: unhampered, time, ~pace, distance annihilated, his ego wandered. Ib the JTeat broad lense ot divinity ·~l1e world lay before him a mer.e mldget.of the 1inlverse. Cltle, ' were os ant Iilllll, eventll panoramic. ., At;ld then, the newnesll ~ ~1Uml~. ~: a~le .0mhiI1i'eilence wearIng'. away, .a great IOllclng came to him. , Material thl\l;a ." ore aa nothing now., no~ even . ,love. The spll1t seemed to crave' tor lIome high' pure Ideal wher.e the .0111 (!Qu1d 'be" fed and ~tlslled, Tbere came a keon mental analYIlIs. ·Wbat had been hll earthl,. Ufe'll p'e.tut bQOn1 hd, thln'k lng of the ~09dnellll or he.ven,' the .trolig · contralt of hili . latte" ·lIfe, purllled 81 bl lire. Ill• .aD· . ,.wer was IPe8dy-"Joy." . So ' It came to hll .oul that 81 one man 'might have tbe predominating • Dldt ot peace: ·.~other of hope, an· . other ot faith, ' with blm tull louled .) jor had 'Wl'OUllht out 'a blu.d meu"ar. of 'eIllltftcU; "pear 014 world," ( ~ ~ed had run, '1 love bci4il lt and b~ ~ 11.,&4 out the . . .. , tl1I1ent aDd had beeD bapP1. . ~o,., aD "-Dce, an luplraUOD, I.D " eaJlretll10D of IP'IUtude-lt wu .. 8I1Ieb I.D eiltltJ, .. I1Ulllllne, or the of Gowen, . . th. rare Ia· mQla. AU fDUD" t.blcUa, 10111. IOIIlI UuI

il ,

era., ciovll1 20F dtIGOytI'

Clocks that :te)1 the time with on1,. one ,hand are lIometblng of .: novelty bu't the), cannot com~are with a recently· Invented clock which never needll windlnr. It 1\'111 run torever-or at leut ·untll Its metal parts wear out. 'rill. sounds like tbe . olii fallacy of perpetual motloJl, b'ut, al a matter of fact, Is fal' from It. The ,\ew clock runll by uslnr In an Ingenious way the energy 'produce<L by changes in temperature. . Metal bars,' whleh are very sensitive to cnangell, are arranged In sucb a inanner that when the meJ'lo cury falls and the bars contract this ~lIght motion of tbe 'metallslul19 used • When the t/leJ;mometer goes up and the bars 'expand IIlIghtly, the motion .Involved In ' their lengtlJenlng Is aIIo made to do work. . . Th'e ~otlon .from the ~ara lin. tiny steel balls from a lower r6servolr tQ an upper onf!. There they are made to ·a , wh~1 In much the same .way that water turna an: old·fashloned water wheel.. . ..' . The enerIY rellultl!)g from the explnalon and contraction of metal as the' tempes:autM ehanges can be nlled only to o~rate mechal1lsm Ilke that ot ·c ldcks. and watcllell, which requires oJ;lly a em,n amount of poJrer. It I,s too expeDlllve to be ulled where much power I. ' requlredl . I ' Somebody 'wltb ~. fon.dDee. tor .m ath· ematlc. flu elltimated thiLt to cen· erate a Iln'lle 1I0rse powel' l1i ' thl. ".,. 'Would tost "Dea~lr ' fifty mUlI~ dol· lars. ' . •

..RloW~ H.d Bift·of

'ok.. .

Mach over: a hundred ,.ean qo. "heD deireel '..en JDo.... In demaD\t than' at the pre..Dt tlme, . Pl~ at EdlnbDrab, In .orelel' to ~t . DUtph lIJ1tverillt,-, ~heretr:lIIHlf bd cradaated a'ael d • bel beea muCh pro.tltuted, llIlt 101', a cU· pIo_ 101' btl .Talet, wblcb betDe II'IUlt.· be 'eDt for another '01' hi. bel... wblab I••t reqaelt tile NCtar _ piled dl&t ."b .. ?lew to 0......... III., GODnltld thell' NeOrtI M •


. eOald



vari ed. 0 110 cll.D not know e,veJ'ythlng. dit:.. E. Pinkham'. 'Vega nd 60 we have to Gil c lallze accord· etable Compound. Ing to tus te or the demands o r 'our vocallon. or both. But whi le thero are mlUlY lin es of Kasota, Minn. - II I am glad to lIay rOlleaJ'c h pos Ible. and each Is des lr· that 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable able ami frUi tfu l 10 Its own · WilY. Ulere Compound bas done Is on o lin tha t Is absolu tely. esseutla l more for me than to all, which all ollke need to pur· anything else, and I sue. And It Is t ho essential knowl· had the best physJ· edge. cian herB. I was so weak and nervoua . We need to know a God; oth er that I 'could not do kn ow ledge Is desirable. othe r knowl· my 'Work and IIUt· edge Is Important- this Is th e absDfered with pains low IUle esse ntial. Ir God be God, It tbe down in my right world Is th e work or his hand, If he Bide for 11\ year or pla ns all , directs all, determines the more. I took Lydia good o r all, the n to know him- his _ ..........l...LJ-L....u..~ E. Pinkham's Veg~ mind. his will, h is purvose. must be table Compound. and now I feel like a the essential , tbe fundamental knowl· different person. I believe there is edge, One has said philosophy, tak· nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeIng man as Its center, lIays "know thy· table Compound for weak women and s elt," but the InspIred word which young girls, and I would be glad if I proceeds from Ood says "know Ood"; could influence anyone to try the medl· and tbJlI, we say, Is the essential clne, for I know it will do all and much knowledge. Jesus said to know him II more than it 18 claimed to do." - Mrs. lite. ele rual .life. CLARA. FRANKS, R. F. D. No.1, MapleMoreover, this knowledge is acces· crellt Farm, KAsota, Minn. sible to all. Not all may enjoy the Women who suffer from those dieprl vlleges of the advanced schools of learning; all may not bl10ve either tlme ~es8ing 1II11 peculiar to their sex should or OlllJOrtu nlty to pursue other forms be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to reof knowledge advantageously ; but tbe .tore their health hy the many genuine eS8entiai kaowledge Is wltbln reacb of and truthful testimonials we are con. e,'en th e humhlest and the poorelt of .tantly publishing in the newspapers. us. If you ho.we the slightest doubt. I With the Eyel af the Heart. The condillon of this knowledge III tbat Lydia E. Plnkluun's Vegetable Compound wlll bell., you. write tbat "the eyes of the beart be en· to Lydia E.P1nkhamlUedlclneCo. ilghtened." We 80metlmes get the (conlldentia,l) f,ynn,Mass .. for RdSingle Comb Buff Orplngtan Cock. Impression that we do. all our Beelng vice. Your I~tter wUl bc'opencd. (B y A. V. M E I!lRSCH.) will- thrive In. any situation an"~"'''-''' '·V.lLn our eyes of the mind and that rea.d nod llnl\.wered by Ii woma.u. To th e farm er who takes an Inter· mate. , our greateM need III to train and dis. and held in strict coDflrlflnce. est In his fowls and Is desirous ot Those breeds all lay white eggs. clpline the mind. But the deepeat making 0. proHt trom them, the ques· Layers of . colored eggs are sItters. t blngs of life are 1I0t leen with the tion of the birds to uso for stock pur· But It brown and' tinted eggs are pre· intellect, but with tbe heart. poses Is on Important one. Thl, eel· rerred Black and Bul! O.rpingtolls, Ther e ha'vebeen Intellectual g'ants dom receiVes sufficient atttUJtlon. Plymouth Rocks aud W\l11e and other that were blind tQ the supreme thlnCII It 18 tlie exception to Bee 'tn thc colored Wyandottes are all good IllY' ot liCe. Paul praYB that "the eye, of fa rmyard many fowls of any deftnlte ers, particularly In the winter when you'r heart may be enlightened, that breed. Seldom II! there 'any attempt lhe eggs real h e the highes t prices. ye may know" the things that most . WILL BE EXPENDED WISELY.. :0 bring any tresh blood Into he yard It only mongrel hens are kept, as I, concern you-the Ullngs of God that and BO the stock In many Instances the ca se on irlost farms, tbe number of mos t concern you. And this enUgbt· aUtement Ghowlng Haw the Praceed. becomes closely Inbred. leading to eggs can be laTl~ely Increllsed In the enlng at "the eyee of the heart" Is the af Sale of Red Cra.. Seall rleterloratlon In size IlIId constJtution. next generation by using 1\1Inorca. An· gUt of Ood through the acceptllnce ot Are ta Bi Spent. If fresh bjrdli are Introduced the usual daluslan or Leghorn cocks. Jesus Christ. It Is thus we get the practice Is to exchange one or two When: chlckenEi ror the table are de· Vision of the deep things of Ood and For the benefit of tbe numerous orcockerels with a neighbor, no heed Sired theN! III no tblng better than a tbe things that are of moat concern lanlzatlQns who helped to ilell nearbowever. being ta.ken as to the stamp tlrsl cr06S b etween an old English to us . Iy (orty·five mtlUon Red Cross le0.18 of fowl or thelr suitability to produc e gamfi) or IndIa n game and a Wyano How beautiful the world was to tbe last year 'and for the general public, tbe class of chickens that will pay th e dotte. Brahma. o'r l'lymoutb Rock, or me,n of Gallleo ! He snw no more the American Red Oross and the Na· best. In deciding upon the most prof· with the usual mongrel farm hen,; with the eye than did the multitude tional Association for .tbe Study and ltable breeds It must first be consld· Houdan oocks wui be sure to produco about him. to whom It aU looked so Prevention of Tuberculosis have ered whether eggs or chickens ror the some meaty chickens. common ; but with "the .eye back of framed a definition of anti·tuberculo· table will ~ell more readily. In any eve.nt In arranging for the the eite, with the heart," he 8aw the Bis work ' showing how the vroceed. In some districts cggs have to be stock birds ot the farm It Is most 1m· Father everywhere, the grass. the Illy. from these holiday atlckers are to be the sparrows- all wltneBsed to bla used. Tbe definition' limits tbe expon· ,resence and bls ways. "That the dlture of money only for the year ~y es of your heart may be enllghtenfld, ending April 30, 1915. - --l- Hnftt-'nr-mar kllo'W" - the things that The definition was framed at a raev ery ohlld of Ood should know, ' the cent ' me.eUng of the National ASl!ocla· things that It III 0; the u~m08t Impor· tlon for the Study and Prevention of tance you should know. And 'wbat TuberculosIs and states that the term are thelle thinga of God that It Is so "antl·tuberou!oslll work" ae It relatel essential that we all should know? to the expcndltllre of ~e d Croas seal MUlt Know True Purpolll. meney aball Include th e following aeFirst. the true goal of life, ' God'lI Uvltles: I. Tha construction of hospitals or purposed destiny for you. "That ye may know wbal III the hope oC bls .anatorluma for the care of Ule tubercalling." And surely It Ie of the ut- CulOU8. most Importance lhat we know this. 2. The maintenance of the tubercu· How are we going to direct our en· lous. 3. The provISions of dltY or night ergles willel" InteUilentIy, trlumpb. antly, unless we lrnow the true pur. camps for tbe tuberculous; the provl. poae of life bere ~nlt the eDd of · It. 810n IllJd maintenance of qlsLlensart ell , vIsiting n urse., ~pen air sohools, tresb To 'What doell ' he call us? WI'III. It must be te; tbe hlr;hest and , Ilr claslel, or preventorll (or tbe care best of which we are capable. He ' 0' treatment Of. taberculous caseB or who so loved us that he IIpared pot for ths prevention of t~e spread of tu· his only Son, but gave blm up for berculollill. •. Tbe maintenance of educational with notblng ' lelll ~-+l~U~.2!!~~"~~uan,,ud ~st for us. And or legislative activities which have for let us he lure, as . anotber ball lIald, their object the prevention of Intectlon that "no young ure III faced up the .wltb tuberculoal •. real path toward the heights ------has a vision of being the very finest Prav.ed. tblng God made It capable of, every "Her father thinks a great deal of nnwer developed t. o the utmost, every you." ..strengtb "Hllb I He rerulIQd' me her han in harnessed up and held In 8larrlage." . h armony with every other strength _ . "Ths t provell ·It." just the purellt, truest, broadest lJfe tbat Ood could have thought of wben 81CK DOCTOR he gave being and birth." It Is to Praper Food Put Him Right. nothing le9s thll~ thlll to which God ' 'callS us. The food experience of a pbyslolan In bl. own case wben worn and weak The Difficulty. A brilliant lawyer In New York city from alc:kneu and wilen needlng DOUrlIome lIm'e ago I'poke to a prominent Ilhmeni ·the worst way, 18 villusble: :'A~ attack ot grip. so severe It came mlnlster of tbat cUy asking him It he really ' believed that Ch!lst rose from near making an end ot me, lert · m, . the dead . The minister replied that. .tomach In auch condition I could not he did. and asked the prl'fllege of pre- retain -any ordinary tood. I knew of lIentlng tbe proqf to the la'\\7er. Tbe course that I muat bave food bourlsh· . 'Iawyer took ·the material offered , In' ment or I could ne'Ver recover. "I began to ' take four teaapoonfUl. proof away and IItudled It. He,.. turned to the mini liter a\1d 118ld: "J of Grape-Nutl and cream th.ree Umea am conTlnced that Jellus really did a .day and for I weeks this w!U' almol' Roa. Com~ C~lumbl.n · W¥.ndo~1 Cook. , , ,. rIBe ' tram . the dead. But-," he, thea mT ODly fo04. It taBted so deUcloue lOOked .to tor the proftt, In othera the Iiortant to uae pnlr pure bred'· (lock added" "I'm no nearer being a phrlao that 1 enjoyed It Immenllely and my crowl!!g of table, poultry 11'111 be .mO!8, .,lrda anij not cro.1 bare or mongrels. tlaD than I WIUI before. 1 . thou,h& l&omach bandied It perfectly trom '~e lucrative: Or there. may be • 'pod Tbe ace ,of blrdB III aD Importailt the dlfllcu1ty was with my head. I firat mouthful. It,.....o nourllb1n. market for botb. Should tber:e ·b e. matter. It Is advisable not to "eep find that Jt I. reaU, with my helrt."- I .... 'q u(ckI1 built back to normal ready. lale tOI' bpth .eggs and table 'cocis. or henl after thei' are three The ·FundamentalJl. lleaUh an4 Itrength. .. low1s it: III wOMh whlle' t~ keep t"o yeare old'. O,er' tbat age there are "Orape-NuU II of .. food ,'- .llIlaID ·Ufe durin, 'llenou. attack• jlepante setll of fowls In dllreren1L :II~~ h~n. that "7111 lay enoug~ egg, Do th. Lf"l. Thlnga Well., parts of' the farm. Pomble poultry ,to be prolltable and tbelr room C&II U God doe" not honor faithfUlneae ta wblch the atqmacb II 110 deran,ed hou~1 mIke this eallY belldes.hel.,lnJ be lakeD ~p witli advantage ·by pu ID Uttle thin .. , ' th.n ~o.t of wUl It cannot' dt,est· and allsimllate oth.,· . to leI sen'. the feed bill;. the su. with The best arra'~.eltDent II to breed from never earn bll . "w~U don.;" for oui tood.. ..hlcb the bOIlIe. · can be moved on .. &'Wo-year-old male bird, mated ..lUI IIVH are apeDt In • retUJ'llIDI round "I, am convlnoed that ' were Ora.,. !reali' around, particularly In the ....In l~e, "'1n.crowl!, March·hatched Pul. 'of small tuu. Tbe vefT JUltice .of Nall mo... -..ldel,. used by phy.slclanll. field. after banelt, eireotinJ a deolded let.. . • thl ~reI requiHII tlIat he .hall ... It :woal4 Ave mlUl)' lI.,el that are ott.. • avlDI. ' . prd the quality and not the .1.. of erwl...I01t !fOlD lack of DOurla~ment.• Name lIveD b1 Poatum Co., Ba~ue. FOr ell produCtioD a better' .ve....e a lenlco .. III true tilt. o·f Dlul n.... 0nelJ;. Mich. .. . ~ of 'elgl ..ill be Ob..lnl!d Ie the buill of Too clo.e Inblreedlng win Dot eJo TIle moat PertllOt to04 ID the yorlL &lle .tock a~Don"lUen, .Amaq pun ICU,. q1~e IDBafte, Ilh.Ic~, but It will Trlal-of Grape-Nll!J and cream to.,., In'ecI fowll, Andalu...... Wblte ~ cl&lcb take lpell. or .u. ....... '"Th...... R,uoD.·' bonas and Blao\ Vln..,.. are dl1lou'lt to iurpau . . ..,..... of '" quaW)' Of Look III fGl' &be IIttle .botoIr.. . A.Ddall1llw 1&7. . . -rbe " .





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" l :}eOrt.tA

~ . R i ley


,,,n IL 1,l1 Y ft, IJ o.v , 7 'r('ek t o wu"llLp -1 \


' . n. , I

C 't'ro vilio to D. W. .'J J W '\ . p 'U 'I'r vi llo HI '/. ocr(le i n ' 1I1t' Ul t own- I El l' oh(ll'Oo to I ham • r I! h\p Il ,~ ton J(Jt No. !. 10 Still y 'tI addition, t \ Anoo. P Wi1l .l~Dl!l nn I,ll BB rr v 1:1. I Mnrr w'l • .


in l'

u a.

. r AU DUl'le ,a I am I, Rnemenm g iolot No. 44 in Lebfl uon , '. O. E .-,aoo" t,n F~lInk I\nd Eunice aTjiler t·w,) traot·s 1"1 l:far\lI n tOWD"hlp oontlli nin g 42 !lores $ l. C E. B:a t')11 to M8TgRrl1t Prtest l nt N <1. 720 iTl Ilr!lnklin. U200, I


Itownship $ 1

B W'l 't ,d if yron 11 ~' .. 8 r 110 W e J ulia A . ' tew8rt lot No.9 in 114 . tJu rneY'1l addition to South Le'>anon ' /\tarrlage LiceDlIeI Lester .. (iriffitb. farmer to Miss




nstrat'on and Bak·e

i •

31 Inclusiu¢ Don~t

Forget the Date

A Beautiful Assoriment of

C. T. Hawke,

I1 l h !llIeI .1.

Wi1lillnu~ ()n IlUrb f I . t No. J:\ Anll ll. flUf\ I:iIlDunb K }ley t o WU Juru viJ b . f 1. (,Inrf'/I\'p R~11 ,, ~v r::~<;,t of II1nl110 U "A Ad · t FB I WaYlloto"I,sh lll$,2" . I co. Oil 000 I) f' r ll 1\ t) " " W I' ". b '11 ' W . e lf or d, on o f10 re 0 1 land 10 I:lorlllu ' .... ullmou r AS sari to . LO wnAh l ll $32r;o H(\~dao PMrl :I trllot!4 Qf land in U otDn townsb i p $ 12 900 G Ol'Il A Bltlnt nn and wIfe to Benry '. Horgp. bal f lot in Uorwill, $1, . ~; B, Parri" t.~ b rank .Bnd Mary M, ·lO 21 aore~ in Uoton , Ii A G th t W"lli


.. Hutchi~on & Gibney.;

WIll IIHU B , oro It) I., r

t ,u\u (A-" g t.o 1 ](I()r . '1,. ... , 1I'"f!;; :iO I' O ," ~B I II H .- rlLl U to wu, Wfllt&I'MuTTilS t.a Biley IbsOH bl p u.!;;U.a:1 ' 11;~~n Mt HO ly . W ynu t.OW ~1 h i}) .



Pr.oceedlngs In the w a tter of t·he guardlan1'IJlp of lJiruru~. NelBonBu iOlbeclle. oroeliul' V . . WilliBms is appointed Aood $11750. Dtll trlb ot.ion of p rooeedings Brie· ing from $f\le of real 0st!\te in oans~ of R. \V. Gilohrist, trustee V8. tbe Morrow Roller MUlti C 1. Robert M. 'II BD Borne, all admr. of the ~state or Flora M. Yiln Borne plaintiff V8 . Thoml\s' B. VIm BorDe et Ill, dofende.nte I\dmr. in thIs oouse hfts filed pptitl on in 8ppltca tloD to settle, determine aod register Utle to oertalu la nds delo'llbed t,bereln accorrting ~o the methods of the Tor ren ~ LRnd Ylltem Barry C. Bnrns examlu er of t Ito Iet. tor Wllrren c ount'.f W:0II instruoted to hi !:I lit,t eD ti on an d ' g Iva 80). d petI tlOD mllke tb nroogb iovl'stiglltio n of ti"10 .0 suid I~nd!\ . • ~ • ~ ~ Estate of Marl/I Couovl'r, d eoeased tully ni}llJllli Rter eu . 10 the matter of tlJ Rta te I'f Jos B, UurTin gton , d Ceo !\ d. F M Ramlltoll, Jr .•, i8 Appointed admlniA trator , Bond 1100u. \, W. B. Stubbs, 118 nd m r . of t he estate ' of Al btl rt Stubb!l, deceased, plaintiff ve. Eunice St.ubbs et al. defands o tt'. APJJrllts!OlneoS in ' this cn-nee is a PI)roved Bood of I\dmr. icorelised to $15,000 . Common Pleas Court

I will offer Bt Publio Auo'ion on my l):remillel, at Harveysbnrg, Ohio, on •

Saturday, October




Bei:innlng at 10 o'olock, the fol lowing propersy ~ Ono Borlle, Farn Impll1lmen's, BarDells, Boosehold Goods a nd BoolI:ster'80atfit. See big bills for terms. . Mr8. LUena Lloyd.

Peopie say 80 aod buy, as we have had quite large Mlfs. Allo,

Will . Mille, ADOt.



Coats, Petticoats Aluminum Ware,42c up




Legal Notice

A Great Sale on No\J.ce Ia bereb, Biven to the qllaW1ed alec ·tora uf Warren Oouo&Y, OWo, 'bat at tbe

Hand' Bagl, CorsetI, Gloves, Sweaters, House Dresses Ribbons, wide 15 to 25c Carpets Linoleum

regll latr election to be hCllld b D the 8d day o.r NOVeDlber, 1914. tbere wl1l be ~ubmlUed to tbe Qualified electol'll of Warren Oouat". OWol the ' proposition to Increue tax ~~ 01 Warren l'aunty. two milia for the a period of f1v. beClDnlllg with Lbe 0ac&1 year 1910. Sald IDcreue rate to be In eltCIlIII of the antoWliL or ~U8 wWeb may be railed by author·lt" of SectIOD. 06'9-2 IUld ~U 9-S or the OElnllral Oo(Ie or tile 8Late of Ohio. t.Ild 1I&ld lucre...., levyls for the Ilurpo.eorralalng f und. tor the malntenr.n"e. ",pair and Ini· J,ro vw:nen, of tbe Oouoty &Dd Stale l'Oada of WlIlTWl t:ouot, . OhIo . Said election all..1 be beld tbe regular votlD&preclDe\l of Warren Oounty, OhiO . By, ,order of tho Bow o f Oounty Oomm illlloillers, S, L. 11'01111 F. S. 81ml*>n A. ,O . Baker, County OommlMlonll1'8. Attillt: John M. Mulford.



Oct. 8-4t.

.. Notice AudItor.


New Suits.


·W. N.


J..ive Stoek and General Auctionee

Marvin Blanton VII. Fanni e Bllm-

Is h ereby liven by th.e Bow of £dUe&"OD divoroe, grosil negleot. ot Harveyabl!fl VlIlap School Dlltrla'. Will'8arah E. Darr va . J'ohn B Dorr, reD Oount)', Olilo 'bat t bere wW be u electJOD bold IQ II&Id District, at t he UlUal .otltur divorce,neglect and e][ trem? croelty. placee between tbe bourtl of 6: 3 0 a. m. &Dd t OD ,

Commissioners' Proceeding, , Bills A11 )wed Brae, "up.


Posted on pedigrees and values " I r kinds of breerling stock. Experience<l in baqdling farm sal~ since 1905.

G,30 p . m .. on t-he

3rd Day of No,ember, 1'914, .' \

plies Di.triot Asa&Hsor. 900 ; t3t~'e of To vote upon tbe IMUe of on. &Dd ODe-half Ohio VS. Ola Jaoobe. tees aud oos'. ~d l'Jonal mUll for a f!tr:r.!.of four ,.8&1'1 for thel llurpoae of main a nine mODtha I $502 InqoeJt on !>Ody of Jobn M. lIChoo... ' ReasOnlble' -;., jSaUef.c:tIoo QUI,....I_ WALTER . G RAY.Olerk. Barps,r , ooroner aQd wUnesaea, , , $8 ~5 . Inquesi on body of Snowden\ ROflll, ouroner aud witnesses, GIlADUATE ;011' THB Waynesville, Ohio 89. 75 J C. WillIon. ataelidlng .a :.FPl'R~~a~1 ~~1~''A~'1~~ra.roW18Ul TIONAL ~UOTION lights at Bowyer . bridge and two TlOKET wltbou' Part,. lIelliguatlOD ud you a OOL 01' ....IIKBICl,A VaJl~V ' Telephone 45-" l'\nterns • $10 SO • J • . C• Kiphart muat mark for whom ,ou "ote" F or Judge • , ofOoun of All~la. MARK "OUR BAL· brtdge works in W lishlDgton town· ,LOT TB U3: b ip, $1i! Hi. Oregonia Bridlle 00" finl\ol est,imate, contraot, $1890. Dr. For Judge of Court of Appeals E . E . Beach, for old boiler and two ( VOTE FOR ONlI ) floos, l30. Waltel G. Rockhill, ex ,unm~ ti on of Tr·easory. 'S5 i John FRANK' M. GORMAN W Buck, same $35 Valley TelE' , phone Co., tolls and rents $2'.70 Western Star, legal Bdverr.illing. At Reasonable ' Rates . Two ' Machines. ~owver brtdge. 't9; SlAme, ~dver­ Springfield Tires. Tubes andAccess-orlo•• tiling Franklin Wall, $61.30 , ~tate 1rO BE VOTED FOR IN of Ohol VI. OIl ver Orake fees lAnd Valvo Ine OIJ-.and.cQr:ea8e.''-~~--f-~ oos's, 19 611,. Scate of Ohio vs. Bomel" Butler, Clermont , Clinton, Hamilton and Warren Counties. JohnaoD. feee and COltll. 19 66. C. W. Sparka, bridge work in UnioD Nominated at &be Democra'ic PrIm&rJ'. klwnahlp ,75 10, R . p. Smith, co~l .ad!!!!v!!!!.~~!!!'!'!!~~~~~~~~~ for ooor' ho'lltle 15t .95 WesterD 8tal', printiD~ bl~nkl\. 118.26 Ray· Ad. m ond .l:'Iorlibbluger, eal .. ry, IBO. B. Phone 71-1 1-2 . W. 'frovillo, labor and mllterial road, ~" ..... _ work In Salem township '101l.S1. • " " ContrRo\s Let :-The i'ollowlng MON~Y TO ~AN' .general oon &rlio,t s were .,ntered ·in to , . Ia , >


Professor Becker the famous Chef, formerly of the Waldorf-Astoria, will be with us to demonstrate the practical application of Domestic Sci. e.nce. T~is alone should fill our store to capacity every day for no such chance has ever been lL-l.!!~~~,---+--..DII~e«..~peopLe of Le.b.anon--to ,l earn fancy and .pr4ctlcal cookln, from so ~xpe~t a teacher.

Connection with the Majestic Demonstration .



TUE COR'N SHOW Bring in ten ears-tbe best onn you .can Select-and compere for the prlzeg, ', Boost the 'corn production , in y~ur own ' county. Watch the expert judges when they grade the exhibit Learn what Is really 'the ~t com. ' In advance remember It probably wont by the BIO ears Ihat will be graded &I t~e bes,t. Learn why cerJ ain ty~ are regarded as desirable.


••t ·

I xI


~'' ~-



OI.aaUle.d ft

f t. '




th~~ meeting :-Frank S'okes) MONEY to loan, on good I!eoarlty, tOBm ,a.50 labor 12 j C 0 . Emmoos , . EasY 'l'. erm8. Apuly &0 Aaron



'e l Walter M cure

I II.·U.A "'0' '.. '5 '



::::8IS$~~5~bf:b:: i ¥tid~o:~~t~ I Ch!lDldler, WaYD6loyille, 0 a Fun,e ral Direc,JQr. .• Johnston pos ts at m~rket priot\ i ' . W.ilIiam EV~!ls. liable i W . C. Tnr FOR SALE IIIfIU OUiOK " " . &on, ~oal," cement , etc. a tm , p. j Lew. Tele~hone day or nlab• . Is Bros, llame i :w. W. ~weeney, Valley phone No.9. Lona tea,ms 13, 60 labor $2. ' pE.I\.RA-KeUfer .... eILrl' for salf'!, ' -DlatanOB No. ·1IP-2r. Gont raotwas let to Oregonta , On the Ralph Lewl8 farm, % ••' - -4....1Bridge Co • for a Hteel bea~ bridge mile elillt of Lytle. 021 Automobne 8enk:le M-aU- T,--1I!-'0 be oonstruoted at tbe Crlug grave. OHIO yard nl\lJf PleaB!ln' Plain; Ohio, laav). blue' lI~rge mid~as,oD ooat W~YNESVILLE,. aDd . $11806 IJood lUI 'new, A '25 ooat .for It 8 - rlcht BraD~ 'Baney8burar, , ttpqt. .ope th'. ICbM • ~- • . ,12.i ,0 Size 36, full length ,Mn. Apply Sll)an s Freely For ' LU01~go T. P. Catn, Friend. ~ome. ' 0 ,21 f:Ild.paiQl lAd: IIIAkN ' life wOl'lh livine. Get Y our attaclIs of Lumbago are no$ APPLEB---Heveral bUMhe~8 ot ap. a bottle of "&.DI'O(1I" nearly so hope1eti8 IlR they seem.; ples-Bltldw,l n ~nd ~aJp1&haw. tbday. A. with each bottle &i ' full You o~n relieve t·hem almost . 10- kina; 81110' KI'tifer POUII ThOle directionl (k ilia,Y by a simple appJloatron qt 'wantlng them bad better let me l)oD't de1a,~ ·Demand Sloan d LIDlment on tbe bROIt and know !lOOI) '88 t;hey wnrao fad. ,..&.Drvpa." Doe'l IC101n~. a form of !heu- .TobIlL_O. WbttAker, phooe ' 16·S"':':'4~. eept anJthJlur~... lp matlsm, ~Dd Yields perfeotly to Way'n ea,v ille O. 021 plac;eolltr..... ..... Bloan's, which pen etrates quickly ,,' " .... CUI ~ , . . . If JqaJlri'eoo fu all to thrrlli gh the lOre, tender one.hl)rlle ollrrlfa&,e ill &,ood re. from a ' dr-UK atore II8GC1 OIIe Dollar to mu~olee, limbers up 'he baok and . ~pajr, oheap. A one-horee Fer Swfl,DlOo Rbe\lJlllltlc Cure Co.t.New.1re Hundreds of them in use here in Warren County and not one malles it f,eel fine Get ~ bottle of 'Hi.,r attaohment. wheat .jrUl jnew. qhlo. and a·b8ttlo of "~Dropa" wlll" 'IDt prepaid. • . ' 8101\0'8 Liniment fOl J6 cent.s of, any: A. bargain. ', Inqoire of A. B. UbaD~ disatisfied customer. Us e~8Y to say "Ua just 8S good 88 the Flordrug~ lst and have it tn the ho08e ...... dler, ' " 014 ence~" . None have tbe nerv~ to say better. But ask the proof, against oo)ds, sore and swoO.~n . . ' ' have them refer you to people wbo have proved their claims. Find joiDtl!!, ~heDml&tlsm, neuralgIa, IIOla'Type Polaud ChiDa SRrlng loa II.nd like ailments. Your money ' Phrll for lalo. Kales aDd Gel&8, A. y ' out whe~er they use slack .coal, successfully. Find out ' if they back if DO$ llIlti81led but it does give C. ~ MtIxweJ1, WayneavUle, Home Will guarantee to fioJd fire, 48 hours without attention. Examine almost IntltBnt rellet. ' Phone ' 68r; Centel'vilJe Euhalllle. ~ ...Y~rill.'~ Leaclm,


The , Fl()rence · Hot Blast




The One Successful Stove. of Its. t ' Type. ' The Stove without a·Fault.



carefully and see if you can .find a ' one piece base. Ask If they h/lve a five-year warrant on lower,bowl against cracks. ,See if its will be assured of'its value ·in case a company ,guara~tee so yo!' require it. .Th~ 'FJofeQcels guaranteed by the milke,s. . Ask . t~ see this gua~antee ' in tbeir· catillog. Finally, ~by, consider any experiments a~ all?, 1he Florence ,h as proven itself 'tbe mOlt economical-the most powerful 'heater-~he most satisfactory fI!1keeper.


The Best Stove Made"··The Stove ,Without \,

a Fault

U FFE fIE __



01'4 '


LE 80GS, ' Poland 2 llA weigh$ 175 pounds


'Ihe /:)tate 'lndustl<ia) Commission V , Up. hal! grallted 'an "ward" dy k e, of CaTlieJe, of ,70 lUI for, an in. jury reoently sossafned by h,im whUe io the employ ot Putent YQlcanl~e Rooting Co., ~tFranklin. The award' of the oommisstou was granted Un ' der the provisions of ·the Ohio Workmen'Il A medical bUl ,Oompen88tion Clf $18 w... also Law. p" id for







Toned Up Whole Syltem

GOOD Rubber ,t ire' Baggy. a bar , gaiD 'lhold UJIa week; W. N...

. - .-








, ·,DR. MILLER, Allo 11 ,Mhoate loquire of . til. H. . , . ' J. , SUr.:fillC8. R. 1? , ~, Wayriebtne, O. ' .BARNHART,, ' . 07 ,.:· . DBNTIST ••• 'Si~~ pieces 80Ud walnut parlor .Notary PailJ~,lc fqrnhure. Inqoire anhl.oftioe, 'o1llee7ht. 07 Nataolltll Baak' 814 Waynesville, 0 All klndeof!fo..ary Work. ~II8IOD Kitohen Cabinet almos' Dew; ~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~ '\York a HPeoh~lb .. ott1~ r . hoaeeholcl arSloJeii for

Inquire of '11I'll. 1.. BODe, at 'J,'e~ephone Jbohan~. 07 ,






88 le.·'


or .. vea hnndred A flOUT bal~el' of Kooc1 obl"D. fnqalre of


8Jntah K. U. I. W.~D"v11le,

B. v.







...... " •• _':r...



A. McCO,',


TllEAN~.l~ Onduate 01 0,'it." 51" HI


........... WlP.ll.T..

I '

suo ra ~

lJnl..-... . ...... .

Office at HfIhI.eDce In' " 110 SMr wood'. hOUM. PCiurth m....


'11m IIIA1n . au_! z..

.- THE

GAZETTE I----~~:~;:;3:;· ::~:;:-------~---·


~- ~


II.'" S._plIo..

.. " . . ..... 0 ...... .... , of AUen, ~I1lIdIDC. MaID S t .. W a YDe!I"lIIe; OhJo. ODe VII&I' (ItrlctlJ III aIlylUlCl) . •• •• • •• '1.00 ,


IIIDtIe 00111 .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ... ..


~----!~~ 2!~~~~!~~~~! ~ - --~ Barve,'IIsbu-.' .,

New Burlltlgton



Moi:t.~" Youth.

did G11o'endolyn say when


you' a eked her to ma rry you 1" a sked Mr. Cumro-x. "Sbe told me {o come . IUld l ee you." r eplied' the conftdent

10, t BhlLl) go back and tell h er that r don't object ' VALLEY T ICLJ:PBONK-CA LL NO. 111 Rate. of AdvertiaiD, The Maule 'J'OWDlhlp Sooday Dr. C. S: E'1&ep, of Olllolnna~I, II to y'ou In t be sllghtest."- WasblogtoD Bod t b Ir bearts pray\o g tor hls Vlc)oonvened at lpending a few dan here. Star. I . tory.-C. J . P~r ry . . . ReadIDa LocaIJI. P\III' 1IIle ••••••••••• • • I. Ie Bohool OODven&tOn 1I'laUork a ,ptiet ohoroh, ~uDd F rank ReeveBwh'o hae been wor k. I Cw.tJI8d Ada. DOUO u-s ~" u. • Tllftllf ~ . . . . . .. ... .. . Oato,ber 4'h Tbe 4>.tfJeum ~eve~1 weelrl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~ D. L!...Q.rane, EdItor IUld M2nager . Dlllpla,. Ad"~



per_. ........ :=

·youth. "Havlllg dooe

JOYI of Oompanlonuhlp. Halt the difficulty ot IIghtlnl any . sovere battie or accompllllhing any bard t,illk . v&nlslles when a m ilD teel8 that h(' hllll comrades at hlB sid ftgh tIn g In the same oause. or that tb n eYe6 or tboBe h e loves are uTI n ~IUJ.



e &ereetlng and a Jari Wall a few days. iD a&sendIDoe. ]du . LI~le Blair hu. aI gnea" lin. I'anola Edwards. of Col am· Mre. John );'1'108 aDd eone of feonel OCTOBER 7, 1914. bill, .18I&ed ber aun~, lira. tlarab 8arlaa and ~ydla Bansy' befere A reoaptlOl~ wu ,Iven 'Rev. Shret. WHY I FAVOR PI(OHIBI1'ION It break. tbe 1&w. of Goel and man. their d"j)Ar'oro:l for '~e "IDW. ber "nd fa ~nlly a' 'be oburoh par. . n d. .ora'" 'he Babbatb; I' pro R . W. Kaylor, C. S. Tooker, lors, Friday evening. Now about the power of P1obtbl. raaM 'be Dama of nlllloD; ta defile. Ben Bawk and ThOl. Tuoker apen' IA dark br.owo horee belonging $0 law. &0 prohibit- the law. of pabllo order; it ,,.naplea aDder uveral daya reoen'l,. a'the Lewl. Lew Rolllnli baa been mlBIIlng IIlnce 'he ..... apl08' murder do DO$ en. foot the wadere.t f..llop ot bu. toWD Relervolr reportlDg lo&e of I dntl, prneDt mor4er. BO'-Ilsnr manta,; It I... DJoral ,.,U.a08 fith lad pleD'y of -D. 11et Sunday .. venlog. tis thotlgM ... - btl h b t h Ui to have beell atolen . ,bel_,l am oppoaed ' &0 lIoenllng ....t g M $ • very a moep ere of Mr. Carl MUler, of'oear ColuJDbu., one marderer to ner7 110 maDY Itowo aDd opon'fY'; 1,1. a .klo apoD. lpen' Saturda- wUh hi. father, 1. Our Maohera aUerided ~aoher'. 'bOlllaod perIODI. nln oa peUlton hODeet,;. blur apoo pori,,; .. olog N. Mlll oJ meeting f1pring Valley ,last Erl· of a malorit, of tb. proper', own. apoa PI'OIIIIII; a ohaok apJO , b e ' 81'. dav afterDoloD . • n 10 tue blook ,h.t we may baTe Dobler ImpolMl ; l' I• •n .iDoen&l"o Mr. and lin. Veq. 2.811, of WaynNMI.. Erma. Mendenhall had 811 all the mardllr thas UI d8l1r" ble I.D to taleahoocl, deoel& and orlme. yllle, oalle4-0n aoqaaiD,anoee here week,end " tlle.~ Mf • • Tbornburg. ot Dall oommanlt, UDder wlea 1'81'111 -Robsr'.I. BordeUe for Na'lou! friday. WllmlDlton college, ,lODe, wI,h. 11"Je lDoome for 'be "'omaD'. Cbriltlan TemperaDce JODea the .1100 ,bat 11811. ahe i'ord Min Bernl.o e a"wkinB spent the mualolpalU,. I belle"e 10 the.b UDlon. I waa 10 our ol&y reoen'JYle'tlng bet. weak.end with friondl In Wilmlng. eoh... problblfiloD ot marder. •- • ter &Oqaala&ed. too. The lawe of 'he ooun$l'1 prohibitThe ., Till ... Aote. Ilr. WUliam Bran' repreeenting lIIr. aDd Mlr.: Wm. i'Jaokare luee ie 1.J1 I&MUD. dn DO' eo'irely prl'feo' f t...orda ... apeak &lUI the Willi the Oen'ral Ohio BuUdlDI & Loan of Dr. Whitaker aDd family &nd eteallall. ~ever'b'le.., I Oil- w, do t.odaJ ID&1 ...... to be Iolt. Co., of ColombUJI; la In this viol nit,. Ar'hOl' rarDler'aa,1 flmlly. ' poled &0 • billa 1101018 .y.&em of IMat .. the PMt lui ","'1Da u.e a"eodlDIe $0 'lle oompany'll bUlln818 B d C h' d t .IealIDI,. pt:OYlded lh,' .11 'hen ......' 01 ~ "Ul &p.-r.-Low.u. Or. aDd lira. J. E. Witham, of ehO;~a~ur :;:1~al:.' opene a mea .ha1l1le nlllUi0te4 to cerala .uthor. • - • King! Mm., '0811ett 00 frienda here II d". W I) d " ~ lzed tbl81'III, who Iball ....1 olll, It AI n-.. .10_ W ric' 8uoda, r. an JIIIrl. m. e hO& are belW"D the hoara of _y .1% a. m way. UVRI UIV o · eDjo,lnl a via" from their daagh. .. 1t 111\ ... 8 d .11 11k ("'ba berlala' 0 h Yr.• nd II n. Paul Pe&erloa, of &er, Nellte, who reeldM KaDll&l, all.. :- p. m, e:e8r _ ' DD .,.. • . m e , 008 Sprllli Valle" were Ihe gueah SUD bIId whom I~hey had DO' aeen for wheD .&MliDleball be 40ne 0 · Rem.c1,. be'''r ,baD aD, olher," day of llrlr. aDd lin. 1'. L. a.rrll . . .-ea ___ . • "._... oept b, .kallh. eDVUlOll &0 be wrl'" R. K. Robene, BOlDer l..~ty, ....eia all O&HI OD ,bat ~ b,. t'a "I baTIIl-akio it 011 .Dd OD 'or IIr. and Mrll. 8rl08 HmUh, of I4n. Wm . Blair, who haa been m baGk doorj aDd at tbe 'hlef'e rtlk ,.ean and it bu a.,.... , ..lied &0 11Yil FraDkllD, were HaDHy 1'111'orll of for 111".....1 weelra II tmproylor We have just received a carload of good I ballnl lD ..... ,bat abeola&ely the deelrecl ....atM ... 1'01' .1. b, Mr. and lin W. L aane,.. anbougb It111 oontl.ned her bed. forbtd '~e" a' aD, boar, on an, .U 141', aDd lire. 'F nDk Barvey, ~ - - _ ..---- - - ' Locust Fence Posts, da, of the week. ADd, OD 'b. . .me ' • • Lebanoa, were """Ofl 0' relaUv~ Your Fall Cold Needs Attention pouDd, ud JUI' .. pOIIUI1'81,., do 8atorda,. IDd Sl1Jlda,.. I bell.,.e JD the problbltloa .)f She Bome IIIID O~:-:on att.tIoII Romor bael' 'bat w••re- lOOD No a88 Irull .Dd try to wear liquor' 'nmo. ADd I De1'8l' .ald I b,n e a weddlnlr iD 'hie 'Viohll'y. 00'. It will wear yoo ou$ In.&ead . did at A d I dld .... , I did thaa a thermometer OD.plt ...... cIAr· Tate Dr. :l:lng'a New DllOOvery, . n eay '''' • -ell , '--0 New... Dr. J.afa.r tJ. belu"one lIaoy retarned home 1'ellaf'0 1) ow. qu I0,.. kl 1 ADdDI do. -Sunday for a weelr. \ 0 b eo ~ ... I do -t ,bat the ben ..., " _make . ,.our Cold aDd Sooth81 ,.oar Cougb a maD. "mp6lrile man I. to teaob Mr. aDd lin. Ralph Balaee apllD' .w.v. Pleallant, ADtlUp&lO aDd DeafaeliCaailoCBeCured Sonda,berewtthrelaUvH. aMUng. Children like It . Ge'l , blmDoUochlDk. Bu' • •IOOD18DO& • kID~.arUn of eobrie,,.. Yqar by 10081 .~.!!tOlll, .. they III'. aDd Mra. Ed. DonaldeoD, of 510. bottle of Dr. Klnl'l New Dla· towa la aader qo oblllaUon to aa, re&clhtb•• ' poI'Uon of.h..... Parkmao, aDd Mr• •• II)ln Joe. ooTer, aDd keep It ia Ule bODle. .All "", II Ie, la ......,.. ,TIae..... oal, .on. wa, &0 oan 4eaf. DouitboD, ot Urbana, 0 ., wen the "Oar' famllv Coogh and Oold Doc. Wllty aa4 peftD&DeD' Pl'OIIperl,,..,lt 'Ueea,'" tb6, .. ~ OODdi' utloDllI IDIII'. 01 Mr. • od II.... Wm. L. Bar. tor" wrUe. r..ewt. Chamberlain , baa traWn to be .wi.hoa' '''' a._'- reme4I.. Dea'a. . ie by aD 1'8y luI w..k. ' 1I'1aohee&er, Ohio MODey buk If . .08 o( til. Uquor ulmo. lid....'" OODdlUOD of m1lOO1ll nil hog ....I•• of Warrea COoD DO' IIIltt8ft~, tiot It nearly al...~. It 18dellt'.....l,.' oJatmed tiy 101M lla1a. 01 Ute 11IItaobiaD l'abe. ty a~ ID our abon time belpa. .Alllln-naliIlY. 'peQple who .ppear to be MD. OD ~ tb18 mbe ." I"amld ,.qcl .'arday. \ • • • other .abjeole, properl1 &0 la ban. rambliDllOand orlmperrect Mr. aDd IIn.,Jaaper lIeroar made lit. Bolly a"*,, .. IIObar people .la "'YI of 110 ~D.~4 wblli it It .Dtirely 'he~ .on WUl18m several daye viaU brlf*7,.ad to Macb wtal abllt&lDen oeed, MIl 18 'ba renl'. and I..' weak. '. MMBr•• ~ter BmUh. David Luou lbe be.u,)' aDd1'1nDN of....... . tile I.flamm.U0r:- 0&11 be lin. Lau..h MoOee, of D.y&on, H:menon DI\l and Sam JaoUon &DOl, ),,0 0 mDI' Iloeaee ahe ..11 .... ot ~. oat ud able nbe to 18 'VII1'lna h ... pareD". IIr. and lin In Dayton &turdlY. IIquQr I. tile towo. The mAD wlao i. Dormal eondlUOD, bearlq wm Erumua BeDe" of . ., 8eoolld or"lo!~ tba1. Idea o...h, be deetl'O,ed 'OieTIII' ; nla. OUI& oat etreel ' . " ' ..a:~:!: I~ l[:~~r&~~d~y.l. It e&ulUlU alid exbiblted., 'he Fa.. ' - a" oauecl h1 O'.....b. whlob ~ • "_u .. ma ExpoeltlOD, and he .b~ld be Dothlnl baa an inflam.. ooadlUoD 111'. and lin. Wro. aarlln, of M,.. John Levi waa a Sunday . ,_ _~---------------.---...;:....... 111&084 op ·lleeldeta .... par, of She 01 .h. aauoou.ufaoaa . !il1rolqloD,wen 'hep• • of M1'I. pee, ~ her brother, Mr. Benry ••bl W. WII. IIT11 ODe Uaau.. DoU.n ~nh Ba~lan for diDoer Bamrday. Orew . , U the ...IQOD meD IDII,,' OD qoot 'or aD,,,,, of Dea,..... (oaaaed b7 Il_ Compton, ooe ol.he MIIIobIlrll I. T.", ot tlpriag "'.Ue" la.'me OD ,lal. topio. leUbem ' OOID- oa.rl'h) · that OIUIDO' be oued 10 ODr pobllo 1Ob001 remained OTer wu a 8uDday oaller 00 Ueorge Mar. ~_. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ . . iota ahAa to memor" tb., they may Ball', ~.nh Oare. 8eII4 fol' 011' 8~nda,ln oar 31ty. II". n,..' " III the,. Deed ,,: I do Dot 0 • •" , free. . BeY', Walker belqlbe Dew preacb Mn. Charles (Jordon WaB a S·OIl . kDOW',oae .004 Ihlu. abou' . . . . •. I,'OBJaNaY. Toledo,Obl0. er 'or 'h18 eeodOD deUnred bte dlY 'VIIltior io Xenia. 80ld b), anOl.I.... 7110, fIn'- earmoD here Sanda, aod will . X 1000. it I. an e1'l1 &hlq ' Iha' h.. ~, Dot ooe redeetDlng Ih... ID alUM Take Ball'.·...mUy 1'1111 'or DOD. be back la two ween the 18'h. Mn. llood:,. of enta, WIll .. Son. blIItoI'J' to oommeo4" &0 1* mea. ."JMtloa. " . • _ -. . d.,-guM' of Mn. ,Jou 8haw. . W~t Would . Vou"Do? ' tD ar~~t;:=:nd family were -

D~IIIlWI p\,_








W. H. Madden &Co.




On Hands At All Times











The finest car of Chestnut Posts' EveF Brought, to' Town is 'Just in•




to"" •


$2.25 .per 100 feet


w. H. Madden & Co.

'0 ....,..







ea. '


Tbe....... U_ Wheo 1II&n quMUoaaaao'h'r·~&G"oo.aod motl".. ateu aot 4Iff....D'17 nn4er differeD' olnalDltaaOlll. The qnee' tloa .11, wha' wonld yoo do ....h' now if JaG bead .. qo1d P Coold ,oa 40 batter thaD & ChamberlalD', CoDRh Remed,. { It I. bl,rbJ,. recommended by peopl. who have ued I' tor 'yean ud IIDI)" U. Tllue: lin. 0 S . sar••at, Peru IDd., . ' " tlma._beilaiD 'a Cdqb Bemed, II wor'h lit w~I.M .ID R014 .od J ,.11. ',I...are ID re OOIDIUDdlal It." "or ute by all 4.1e.I. . •- • .










BaDDah Coon, of naD"llle 111.,18 .. guest of IrlleD~ here. \ J Mr. Morgan aDd Iwo uoghien "'.... Sanda., . peeM ot IIr. Danl. lIorpD.

.. .. • H IL T b' C red . opel'OU,e Kany 1'II00Yerle.- from Lun. Troabl....... due to Dr. Bell'. Piue-

1_- u",.·

;The•• arelno~ Chea@ 8ngln.. wo,,, ·out~ but , . High CI••• ".ehlneri and , . ' weith ' ~he mon~,.



!lohtl,. mall.. lila IllteNl~ ....0.-


• -


Why Not PuIJlIIb It? Wbeo you fao' to beOome "nerally kaow.. 'be dl(li\ w., I. &0 pabl18h II. M~ . .JoeepIl KaUaD., Peru, lad •• waalroabled wtih helob, 101, ,Ioar nomlob aD4 freqa8D' 11_ _ . .. tdl, wrl&81. "1 feel 1& m:r dat,.· &0 "11 n wbal Cbam· berla'D'. Table.. haft dODe for ... Tlie,. ~T8 h.lped .Di, d ......o. aD4 Nla1a.... aa7 ' bowell. mD. 1IIIDI til.... 1 ,ha"e 1ieeD ntirel,. wei •• "


.- ..

I'or Ii'e bi . .. ·cIe11....,




Mary one-fourth and Jane

oll_bth. 'Vl'hat ' did Willie setT" BrI.htBpy-"Hubl WUlIe cot Itun,r" . --~ - .


Marul n• Explaln.d.



H_"You underltanll what a margI, In .took hi. don't you'" She-"Oh.

'oThat·. ..... A' 'MAFFI'T

yee. the' U\0!1eyyolJ put uP 'and -IIo.too Tran.• crtpt. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,~ '" , :"J.


~1.',llIDt'r.~ ·

Diireetor and .

E ' m


Waynesville, Ohio.

Dally ThoUght.

II a' Ume In e'fU7 mu.. "_doll 'wben b. Irr!?" at .~ eon- OaUlmnered pmmptly, YlciloD that eD" II lIDonaee: ' diAl' Both phon.. in Office and. ReIIlcMtllee. bDltaUoa la ,1RtIcId.: . tIlat b. mat Lana dlatahice,No. 14; Home nh'~n",1. tab tdIDMIt for "'ter or worM. 81 14-21'. " . Me ~; thal'tbllqll th. CJWia ~d one Coach fW' ftIM full of aood. Dq lllUDel or " with funenila. ., Aourlab~r; CIOrD C&Il 00101 to Ida bat Belt of aemce ~teed. .~


tbroqb . . toll bee~

'that plot to ' till. baart ........ OIl


of poIUld. ,.1lleb II ..~ _

SherWood a -0 ••• 'Serv'. . ".

and Carriage Paintiug.




Ramting, Paper Hangini, Auto ·

'l"ar.Boa8,. " l'reallheD. 'he . ohaou tbe COugb . ••d 11TH a' oDoe.:':"'lIr. ·W . S. Wl1lrlni, ~alea,~, 0 wri$ea: "1 oead Dr. BeU'.PlDe,Tar.Booe71DaoueKI1'llD up ,ail bopeleu aDd 1& .treo&ed a 'oom pleM oare." Ge' a botUe of Dr. Shop Next to ~herwood'8 Carage Main Bell'e .'PiD80.'1'ar.Bouey• If ,.001' "lIOlpe 'or Lon, 1V'll.II"'li1dlliry.:; and haolrln. Je, '1t ,...()14.,qe ClaD ~re4. . the 'hroat, :roo wll1l':..-.;...--------------------.....;~~..;... tklD II a Ilmple oile: ~1lI open air a4 Re. nlil ef. Ooly 250 a' your ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a hobby. Ihue well;. and tate I . man, Drll8gl1it, = hOllra a ~. .. ))OI.lbl.. · · No one be- - -.... ~......~-. . . to ...~ntll he b bored, ~4 tbo , What wlln. Got. ... eray ulr COllIN "hBD .: mall Teache~"A woman divided " pll .uddenly thlnll. to hllDle)': "Wb,.t'l .mons her four chllilren--.Tobn. Mary. tho u .. r· ThOD Ie the time whell .. Jane and wmte. . John lot one-bait Upplnoott·•.

An:r one need




_HI': .'11')'

~ tr-ItJ1q.--Il.



AU KlnUor



~7e·:~!.~~:~!:;P~~::~:f~:~:' .;~~ri2:~ t;~~~f::~~:'~ ~!~.:;! '[GOOD


I .


ae bopelell 6 10 far u comIng to hi. ,n,aree t he dared .. pproaob In the way _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+_~---....,,......------rellcue ' was QOllcerned. · He began, of .urreat ing cauUon -------l . He ilion. of deepltt) hie repugna nce. to watch lIIora. them all Iulew. And all the ",li.1lo Mn. Harrlra n wu "Oh. I beUne ) talking IWd he was replyin g; and .he ..bout It lD the read Bometh ln, pere,'· thought him char.mlng, whereu he "Five yean ago." Abbott eet down ha4 not tormed any opinion of her at hi. tea cup. "He'e the bravest man I all, nor later could . rememb er .. word know. He', rather a frlendlell8 man. o! the convera atlon. be.lde. . Borror of Ploney. Tbln&:s "Tf(la!'; baWled the colonel. The verb every one I. atter him for that. Triel had Ita distinct u.e •. and one general · to throw It away ; but Iy applied It to the colonel 'e outburs t. up too QuIckly . See the Income Pile. ' that ~'Itbout bolng depress ed b7 the feel. ing the cakea' l WouldnIndian. pal5' ·t think It, Ing of Inelega nce. would you . tbat Conrtla ndt carried There III Invariab ly Bome sUght bell- him qn bla bl\.C.k tor live !tatton In the selecUo n of chalra Indian had ' fallen afoul miles! The a wounde d around a tea. table In the open. Nora tiger, and the beaters were miles ol'l. scored the tirst point ot this singula r 'I've been wat'oWng. They haven't even battle. by seizing tbe padre on one spoken to eacb otb er. Courtla ndt·s side and her father on the other and probabl y forgone n all about the Incl· pulling them down on thll bench. It dent. and the Iridian would die rather waa adroit In two ways : It put Court. tban embarr ass hla savior before landt at a safe distanc e and In nowise strange rs." oltended the younge r men, who could "Your friend, then, Is Quite a hero?" Hnd no clluse for a lann In tbe close What was the matter with Nora's proximi ty of her two fathers. the splr· voice? Abbott looked at her wonderltual and th e phYSical. A few mo- Ingly . The tontl Will hard and un· ments later Courtla ndt saw a smile musical . ARTIST or malic IJart be r lips, for be found "He couldn' t be anytbln g el.e, II&himself betwee n Celette and the In· Ing Dick Courtla ndt'! boy," 'Yolun· SYNOP SIS. D.votee . of the Bru.h Are Accorde d e vllnble frump. teered Harriga n, with enthual um. "It Accomm odation . Withou t Price "Touch ed I" he murinu red, for he runl In tbe family." Elf)anora de TOBcana was 8l ngt~s In Lettuce Sown in the Hotbed WIll ' Come "'ong In Oeptem ber. at Inn at Capri . Paris , which . p~rhap •. accounte d (or F.o<!· was a thoroug h sportsm an "It seema strange ," observe d Nora, wa rd CollrtllU ldt·. appearanco there. Mul · clatod a good point even and appre· wben taken "that) never tlmllilonalre. ho wl1nd eted nllout whe .... heard you menUon that Paris I; reen for th e asparag us bug. ways dlscern able fancy dlctat<>d . He might be In Pari" 0 00 by his oppone nt. you knew .. Mr. Cou.r tlandt." Capri, .beautlf ul In ItseU as II There Is no over·pro ductlou of the Is ' first taKen tbe time UIO cow day and !Cnm chatka the nOlet . Following "1 ne . ver Ball' nnythln g like It," whl. resor t, ol'lerll an Irresillt lble Invitati on "Why, Nora, there'. a lot ot thlnge b"~t. the opera he goes to n cllt. nnd I. &e' Alr·slac ked I1me wUl free the cab- to artists . IIlnce It haa an Inn coated by ' " pretty youns woman. She pored Mrs. Harriga n Into the colonel ', nobody mention s unles8 chance brings where Nev4~r pack over·rlp e rrult COl' ship· bage plants trom worms gave him the addr..... of Plo ,,' De.lmo; ' ... ear. and not In· anyoue. by painting a picture on the them uP. Courtl andt-th e one 1 knew mcnt. •vOcal rival of Tos CA na. and F lo ra glvu jure the "Saw whnt?" he asked. planta. .' hIm the address ot Ela.LIl ora. whom ho Ie "",11 can get fl'tle board . -hili been dend these sixteen yean. Mid s ummer pruning benls wounda d o t e rmln? d to •• e. Abunda nt food wltbln eaBY reacb Is ."Mr. Courtla ndt can't keep his eye. It I knew he had had Cou rt.landt To the lovely Island of apr!. a son, Elea.nora B aparlmenl.ll. . ShO! ordersentera I'd forQ\llcklJ.' . him What plants require lu order to mllke Its perO'llnlal 'summe r, Ita blue '\Vlth o ut a nd "hoOlB at hi m. T he next dtL)I ort of Nora." gotten all about It The only graY&irotto, Tbe celery plants be hoed fre- their bost growtb. ,Paris Ie a h" ~ k ed by the mysterious dis· "I Bay!" The colonel adjuste d hili yard IlIn't on the htllelde and Its lemon groves, came, eome fifty ; there'. oae, (Ineritl y. "PI' arance ot the pri m .. donnIL. R allzlng This eye-glas III n good s. not month. that he In expecte d to see under everybodY'1I thatch." that he may be .s \la pe led of 4h e a.l)lluc· Strain tbe milk. at on ce. Do not let prulle a pple trees, the sooner which to years ago, a ruined arHat. He opened tlon or Iillen.n o rn. Courllan tl t "rrnog-co t or . more clearly by doing eo, but because after lhll an Inn, nel died rich. In bls will, The padre nodded approvJngl.y. an nllbi. E lonnum r a pp ArB ll n d a c cu ses habit It slan d. crop Is glltheru d, l\Ie better. bad long since turned an al'lecla.. leaving the In.n to bls bolrs. he made Courllan dt or havIng abductc " h ·r. fi ls Nora was not particul arly pleased NeVE!r close n vessel contain ing II.Ilhl III sa t l8 fa ctory to t he poll co and (h o tlon Into n movem ent wholly meehan . with Aft I' the rush of the summe r's theBe conditio ns : tblB phase In the play. Court. warm ohnraro Is 1 1l 8mIB~ea . milk. Elen nor a lleee 10 ICIlI. work , things about tllIl "Well, who call blame blm? laOOt would lind a valiant "The cbarge per dny, two bolticil of Uk Como 10 rest "rte the .hock · Sh o cbampl on The re Is no better mulcb thon thol'- ~ook lIulldy. Clean up yard and faMO ts followed b)l a numb,.r of now. her Rdml,.e ..... Gad! .I f I were only twenty. flve or 1n ber Calber, who would blunder red Capri wine Includ ed, Is ne\' er to In ough cul tivatio n. among lh e nl the prince who really pro- thereab outs." TIle b est br~ed cow Ilannot get mao be ' more than Six' franoe. wben Bomo One pauea were being ex. cured her abd u ction. ounln.nd t n lao Jloes It m:ay not be too late 1.0 build the ter!.a-l out of tbe Mr.. Harriga n did not encoura ge cliallge d. And atie could to Como aDd there m ots Jlrnmle Harrl · attnw plie with "If any artist Is too poor to pay he not teJJ him ' Silo It you pu eh the Job. pn. re tired prl :r;e lll.l'hl e r Bnd tathe r a t EI ~ this regret. \vbLCI:) to make 0. large now ot milk. The colollel bad nllver sbe ·would bave cut out ber tonl\l~ shall pnlnt a picture lipOII .ome wall· alUlor . whose rea l namo 18 Nora Harrl· '001 the fruit which ' Y OU Inte nd , Dolh burn the loos e grass trom the space, recel'lin ~n . HarTIga n take. Courtl and t Inlo hl8 been a rich man. On the othor band, rather. g aU shippIn g bofore fl8 king I~. Cavor at on CO. FTe IntrodUCe!! orcha.rd or lawn. but put it In the com· tlon accord ed to thoBethe accomm oda· Courtla ndt tWa Edward Courtla ndt was very rich; "Wlll you forgive me?" Bsked CepayIng the hlgb· to ht" daugh ter. but the latter g1ves nO Tbe melons should be cultivat ed P08t he was pile young; and he had the e ntl'ee leste of Courtla ndt. Never to rot during the winter. eat prIce. , _Igo at eve,. havIng m et hIm betore. She . had she after each rain or Irri /Studiously avoids him. gation . · 00 to the ~'00d8 or orcbard and get to the best tamllles In Europe, wblch felt. more III at ease. "u . nny German artIst sball ' come For a tul1 ten Never handle the tomatoe s wblle your leuf mold and rich was greator In her eyes than eUher mInutes be cbatted soli for pot- to the Jnn be shall be accommoClnted, pleaaan tly, with they are wet with raln or dew. ; CHAPT ER VIII-Co ntlnued . WI hue had many wicked "thoughta yout.b or riches. .Between sips of tea never the slightes t hint regardi ng the ' Ther4! Is noth·l ng bett~r Cor lice OD tlng the plants when the tlme comes. and shall receive tbe alnount of hi. Lettuce so wn In the 'hot1led wtll fa~ ,t o German y, uppn episode In farls. She could lately,!' resume d Nora, ·turnlng ber sbe )>utlded a fine ca8Ue III Spain. hl. come along nlcoly In Septem ber. but nner to return to Italy." promlsi nl Abbott a.nd Hie Barone oarrle~ th.,lr ,no longer. "Will you forgh'e Bti!nd Jt .c abba.g4! tban ker08en e emulsio fl. gaze away from the tennle pi aye .... me'" Illver$'o ne who is' ~nttl"est~d I~ dalu· It mUB~ be pJ'Otect CUPB ed and from / the tro.ty cakeB over to the belloh and The hIn Ie conduc ted toliay on tb_ "For what?" She Il~d tile padre were IIltUng on the fng Is not nec!!lIsarny a daIT"ma f n. "..... ..... h·...a • . condl H'ions. It, walls are cO'yOl'ed with "Tba t nfgbt In ParI.... lower etepa or tQG veraDda . Tbe otb· eat down (In the gra88, ::l'urk1sh.wls(I. St~r the grouJltl frel)uen tly around Celery Is one ,of tbe crops for wbloh painting s. Now'" and then Both slmulta olrered Uiell~ "Do not permit that to 41r. 'Yere loiterin g by tho neta. a Oerman nJt ate oC s oda Is esp6C)lally 'Valuable. let. hIe tara bom,e. oakes, ~nd Nora took a lady flnget. In the leallt: i W&8 never bother YOIl onions,' especIa lly a1tEll' every ra'!n. "The old plaint disturb s you 1" going to r. The small onions picked from this A from little . eacb. of It applied Abbctt laughed and the call It." ·'Yes," .:.-~---season' ,. crop may be ueed as sets next crop will make a great to the growing Barone smiled. dHferen ce wIth· 'I' fIghtin g tho ' Whlte PlaguI, "Was It so unpleaa anU" " can you not cast It out wbolly '. spring. fhe rellult. "Oh. daddy mine!" .Ighed Nora' Ade~uate 40llplta l facilitie s for the "00 the contrar y, I W88 much " Hate has many tentacle .... Mllkcl eall, regular ly and mllk to drolly. BUBY month for Ex· 86,000 resldent ll or Ohio who are luf· amused ." "What produoe a tha.t coudltlo n of . the last drop. tor the last mllk Is amiDe the colonle8,beekeep ers. .. Huh.. .. and If any are ferlnl from tubercul oBle has been d .. ") did not tell #vou the truth." mind Y" medlu.t lve]y. "Is It because the . best • 8 bort 0 f f 00, d 8UJ;lP1 "Don't let mother 'see thoBe shoea." Y t1 now,t&8.\ he 01 d ed upon by \the preven\ Jon Of lubel' "We have wronge d somebo dy'" "So I have found out." Fall :raln8 are searchi "What'e the matter with 'em? Ev. "I do not believe that it was you," Is My ' doubt about the ng. If there bees do not like to take up alrup atter culO1le and oftlclalll ot tbe state boar" "Or because somebo dy has wronge d roofs, get at frosty weatbe r come.. erybody 'll wearing the eame." of bealth. propose d to create us?" impuls1 vely. them now, 11 aspntag ua has turned yellow It 111 hospita l dlstrlet "Yea. But I don't see how youma n. "01' misjudg ed U8, by us has been "'rhank s. I had nothing to do with a ot trom four to ,Ir Never permit tlle sick cow to ra- ought to be cut out and . burned. age to do It. One shoe Btrlng la vir- Mill. Harrlga n's Impriso It countie s each, wherein campal gnl wll! mIIlJudged?" softly. nment." . main. with tho 'other cows, for In many will kill spores of rust. which · should be Inaugur ated for the erectlon "Oood , graciou s!" exclaim ed Nora, gin wblte and the other III ~agan ~Do yoU feel tbat )IOU could make cases t.fle disease otdla· wltb whIch a cow Is be. dIspose d of betore they are ripe bro wn ." .prlngi ng up. , a eonllda nt or me?" tr:lct tuberou losls bOllnltalB to be maln· t c k Is a COD tag1 OUII one an d Is no't, a: s I enoug h to be scattere "I've d got by the nine wind. ' tal ne d jointly by the pain of ehoes, and , "What III itT" Re Bmlled. "My dear Misl Four,.. co-oper a.tJn. . yet there's always someth ing th~ mat- nIer, 1 have come " to the place where ........•....·_·".._"'_...._v_...._,. ". ,·....-.._.. .,.·."._....·"'-............. . • · ·Father 18 coming up the path!" counUe s. -. . . ~~-,." ..---~ ~.:... . ........ ,........,..., ~-,........,.. .,""" ........ -Throug b the eredlon of these 11 # "' am glad to Bee him. But I do not ~.~ru~I~ ~~erD~~wbenl~tru~~~~ "Forgiv e my curlo.ltYl:.:."'--_ _-'-__1_U~~~~3~~R~~A~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~a~~ Tecolle ct having seen the face of the 1 put tbem on. Be.ldes , I wasn't supplem entlng the ~~~ ~~ coming." present man with him.'" lRoatoi Courtla ndt held out .hle cup to Ra~ lums; antl-tub erculo.1 1 plants again In eMly Decemb er "That's no defense . But Test eaay. "I am ,.lad to see you workers believe that tbe 85,000 .,tc· The lithe eagerne ss went out ot ~aln." . " . ,..... winter market. ' Urn. will be adequat ely careci ·for. and "Ah, Sahib!" · bolly- ·lnslant Iy. EveTYtblng I'll he as secret as the grave." Only a verY~m a" hotbed Ie needed tbat the people of the ."Now, I for pne would never have .eemed to grow cold, all Ii ahe bad beThe little li'rench woman waB ' tora Ends Are Made Remov Btate will be able So to start enougb plants for a number so come envelop od In one of tlloae fop noticed It you hadn't called my atten. with curIosit y II,Dd repreBelon. Sbe well pr:>tec~ed thr~Ugh thlB 110spl· 0 cold·fra mes. wblcb muet be used In tallzaUo ,t bat ,uddenl )" blow down menacin gly tlon," Bald the padre, 8teallng a glanoe wanted to know What cau~es bad pron tbut' eventua lly Oblo's death That Horse' and Plow Can Be order (0 getatro ng 'planta and to·hard: rate of 711100 per yeu wUl be · reduce. from · .bldden Iceberg s. Fortuna tely at hi. own Immacu late patent leathe~s . duced thl. unulua l drama wllich .w... d S '1 "Ab, padre, that wlte of mine b88 unfoldI ng before her eyes. ,en them orr before setting In the ' open materia lly,. the Inquirin g. e:ree of tbe padre were To be pl'&o Us~d in Prepar ing 01. . groUlld . A sImple excavat ion under :_ - -......._ - Dot directed at her. He. ~as tiare, not eyea like a pllot.O.-b. I'm In for It." eented wIth eltects which the trame ' wlll answer, ,but IUB better "Borrow one from the colonel bero~e p!,rent causes 11'111 madden bad no apo .. dOlen yards away, comIng toward Shame on Him. ing. It 11'&8 Tbe C_Jld·fra me 1.8 so called becaue6 to ~ave tbe pit lined wltb P'1!l.f,k, as "What ,. 'your friend eo elated It . lI.c, her father's arm In hlsl ~ter you go ,home," euigest ed Abbott. not dlulml lar to being taken to the there Is no artlflclu l beat eltber from can "That.• not half bad," gratefu lly : then be cleaned out later altd aboll,ty" 'Wh~t had passed be had dared! . It second aot of .a mollern problem play Hre or trom ' ferment Ing mannre a8 In Ilse~ tor potted plapts ot later- gro"tb, Harriga n began to recount tho trlall and being forced tq leave "Seem. his wife Is maroon ed In Ellw.all not often that Nora HarrIga n wu before the a hotbed. A (rame aubJect ed to a touch of vertIgo, Iiut al· of torgettu .lness. curtain roae upon the third aot. Sbe simply set on a be~ of of thlll kind Is lIuch las egg plap11 , that need protec' 1'0Pt.I '-LouIlI ViIle Courler -Journa1 . light and hlgbly ,tlon later than tomatoe s and.: other Slyly from the corner of her eye had 1..ld &11 tbe trap I tbis momen t she. felt thai If Ihe etlrnld her Intellig ent enriche d so1\, the hlg{ler side toward thlnie. 06l'er. 80 little she muet fall. The etock Nora looked at Courtla ndt, who Will mind could Invent; and Nora had c ..lm· Ita Tenden oy.' " tbe north uni! (he low one to tlie south- " The hOtbed III a frame "¥aymQ hae a very o'p encoun te-wbence IIhe had sprung, howeve r, wall at that momen t .tarlng thougbt fully )y 'w~lked over them 'o r around. Nora". wit h 81 P.t ~x. · ell.B~. It III · maile' six feet v.:lde to ac· cav~ted below the surtace ' In wbioh. nance,>halln't· .her· .Illggres she and ·feal'le88;· and by the, Into hi. tea cup and Burring the con. mind waB Celtic; French In tta ..droitcommod llte the Bush. whleh are maiJe fresh, tl'n.lby manure I. packed. The . "Yea, and onll that II l'ery hard CO • !tIme CourtllL!ldt had reacbed the outer tentH ItJduBtrloully. HIli faoe wall a DeeB and Irlah In It. w ..tchfuln ee. and 3x6 teet, tbe 'standa rd slle. though ~anure Is plied a tew daYII · abead of .but up." . '. luulrldn ga of the courts, Nora was little thinner , but aside from that he tenaCity . &.n d now she · 'h ad let her other tilzes are' mnde to order. the time for ma.kln«~he beef. ' and -a • IIb1slca11y' herBelf a.ga1n. The &dvan· had cbanred' Icarcely at all; ~d then, aarts of per.uas lon In moUoD (aided by r ' piquant beauty) to lift a corner of Ii r Where. there III a large tag~ 9f the meeting would be hi •. That hecau!Je these two years had left number Be happy. of heatll It til turned and Bed ero.. Ball Bh., replied 10 as so veil from tbl. man'l heart. Oheck. sash used on (ramee In Ii. !Dueh better liquid blue. DelilbU was IndubIt able. Any ml's take dn her little mark upon hla face, a tinge of the mllrket gar.' to get it beating uniform ly. .' mate! tbe Iaundreaa, . II'Ocem. Ad •. den it lij a commo n .practic e ~o simply pan would be playIDg Into bls handB. unreaso nable. angel' ran. over her. ":Men lllightee n Inc1(es 18 deep enough . tor "I ehogld . like -to help Y9U," .b. natl the f ront ~~~~~.:~~~~~~n~kn~~ :' strone hotbed, bal It. tlie pit Ii diJ~ . A woman have dled and wormB hne eaten safd. tJ:uthfullY. . IlIn't necell.a rll,. -. ..of posta I\nd ~ave 110 cr088l1 tripe, "Let us go and meet them, padre," them," sbe though t oynlcal ly; Perhap . )leeper lind a root o~ more of oat OUII ")n what w,,),T" because " sb~ has a bUB, ton~ue. , Ing the ~,"d8 ~t tbe frame relnO·VSllle. · ,I aves or stmllar materia ahe ·,sald. Quietly. With ber tather, the air between them l are packed· was eufficle nt· It was uselel8, but Ihe cOlltinuett: so that the 31er mother and tbe othere, the lnevlt- ' ly cbarged with eleCtrIc ,n before the manur\, Ie llut In the bed ity to convey' "She doel not know thit yOU went 'wlth borse ground clln anil plow. I . -ablo Introdu ction would be shorn of the Imprese lon across the will bold the, b.l?-Ilt muqb longer. . The Intene nln, to Flora Dealiuo ne'e ·that night." tile frame ' of two·lnc h · ttl! de,riger. manl! space; tor .bIB eyes came up qUicklY, re ' lJ!uet be trampei$ down unl· "And yet ahe sent you to watcb me." BIde, say , 8' Inches- and 1 place " Nora!" )t was hEir mother calling. but not .qulckly enough a. ,(orml;y all over the plt ' and abuut Ove to catch her. "Sut so many thlngB Iiappen ed arte~ across bn.r dovetai led In (lach. Side, b~t Ihoheij or good, ' mellow BOU ·8he put her arm tbrough the padre'B, She ~ropped her glance to Abbott, ward that ahe e'YldenU), forr;ot." .', spread and they went forward I!.ilsurel y • . not nalleld. flO that It can be taken 'out ov$r it.' transter red It to the Barone, and ·Onal· . "That 18 pOlIslble." In tbe pr·e pl).~atlon ot the sol.1 I~ oaB4! . "Why, fathe.r, 1 thought y.ou weren't Iy let It rest on ber father A thermo meter Is then stuck Into face . Four . , (TO BE CONT!: NUED.) <lIImln.g," said Nora. Her volpe 11'",11 bandsom er men ehe borse and plow ar!! to ~e: nsed .•, the 80 II. anl'd t h e ea"li .put on. ' had .never, eeen. No seed . On th e ' middle ' of thle pIece 'j Dall a 'shou.l d be , so"\yn until wltbout a tremor. ' "You never tOld . me 'you knew Court· the I1ni1t rau H ftl "'I . ~he padre badn't the leaat Idea that landt," said Harriga n, Blleaklrtg , td / t . • "" dn't In nd the Crowd. ,parting Urlp lxl Incb. Tnla. llold,s the heat 18 over and when tb" 'b· ea' t d~ , The mOlt; emblUT88slng a volcauo might at, nny momen t open momen t ot sash froill s ldew~ . movem ent ,when cline. to about 85 iJegrees "In the v· Abbott. Bolt my llCe W88 wben up at hls side. . He emUed benignl y. ) once enterta ined they are l)elng sllppeiJ up or d~wn. , c·r the "Just bappen ed tbat way. ' We went bed a ready for sow , Ing seed. .' , "Ohang ed my mind," lIald Harriga n. to school logethe r. When I was little a ' yo)1ng . man frle~d !lot our &ialllP "Nora. Mplly . I want you to meet Mr. they used tD make m,e wear curls a'ild I)Opular lake, .o n Sunday; ",rltee at a enUrely oir, by one man: TIle cross·b ar a Chl- also holdl! the sldee togetbe r and life<::ourtla ndt. . I don't· know that I ever wide collars. .Many;s the time Court. cagb Tribune corre.p ondent· The vents warping , \vh{le the boaI'll. are .said anylhln g about It. but hls Cather landt wallope d the ' school bl.illhis &1' yo.u nl man hall beeD , v.e ry attentiv e alf hilld by H per)le~tllcu.lar to ·the oU,twae one of tbe best friends I ever had. mussing me up. 1 !lon't eee him much our acqual~tan!les hlp but I sl,de poste . , The cro~8·bar Is lllainly .H e wal on biB way up .her,e. 80 I dine these days . . Once In a' whlle he wa~ \lev'e" ha~ though . ' t the affair, Berloua;, .lio·\\,n In tbe cut tIIustra ting th~I'\Wo­ - --r... along with him." Then Harriga n In. That:s an, AIWaye ileeinll to kDow . r ,went to. the car ;wltll blm~ and', ...1, sash tOil ' trame .ani!. Is beld:: to · the paused and looked about him embar· wbere bls friends are, but none ever usual. tbere j~Bu~bl efQot' ; Will .. crowd tbare. .- w.' frame by steel \lowell. and ' Othe~ . Tro' u. ra8Bed\y. There were balt a ' dozen kI!ows wbere be Is." st!,od back ' uJitil tbe others were on T)le (rll'mes' are heavily unfami liar taces. . :bl~, .May Jle ~voi~ed ·by Build.A bbott proceed ed to eiabora te aome ·board llnd 't hen ' he .tepped ' on the Ai-st 'wlth rotteD' manure , The oolonel quickly ' ste~ped Into the of his lrlend'B exploits . Nora heard, ing step Roosts and stoo~ talklnIJ: Enough.. . I , manure 01' she~p manure . lIreach. and the Introdu ction of COU~ ali If from ~far. . Vaguely ah4l , . caught As ' the cal' .tartei! . I · b'~ld .out m,y l1~t1e rHlgce 'across the landt became general . Nora bowed, a gllmme r of what the contest was hand to say good·b~ ~nd he held It 80 apart. 1'11\\1 15 lIreveDl' D~'."., .., and became at once ~ngaged in an ·a n· . golog to ·be. She could see only a Il~- ftrml:v. that I c~uld -not ~cape: Tben plant too . deep, tor Imated convers ation with the Barone, ' Ue WilY; ;stlll, she was optimis tically he leaned o'Yer and klllled me on the WjllJ It ilei too who had just ftnlshod hJs aet vlctorl· confide nt or the relult. Sh·e de~p. was ready . . head . While I · ran alon, bellde tbe set six <lusly. Inehea apart Indeed, no\,\, tbat the shock', 9t the moving car ·In .I,ht of all our ~~ rldgel and 88 . eoot! as " Tbe padre'. benign smile B.lowl)" m'e etlng was put, sbe found herl~lf friend.. gr.ow, ) apply a pound of ' hlgb·l1' Ilde . ~ed. not at all avene to a oonlllc:t. It would commercllLl fertilize r' eaob' .bebe someth ing to let gO ' the pent.up .The , Artful 8ch~mer. tweim the rows and then work tbe CHAPT ER IX. wrath of two years. Nel'er wo ~d she ' ; Wbe~ . lt comes to waYlu d MMII., 1I0il (. ,-, Wll level. : .. speak to blm directly : . never would ,my wU.l. ...·,wo.nl1er. M • -rbese l1'l -nte ~ill head In' Dick Counl' nd.t'. Boy. , S h e· perm I't hi m to b e aI one w Ith her; "Some fixer eb f" . ' ' an!! oft-.,n"rdo 'lIoli need the 88lb8l, . Present ly tile sen'ant a brough t out ' nel'er would sbe mlal 'a chance to "1 .111l)uld' lIay ' 10. Her latel~ ItUDt Then, In tbl. cUm.te , the tea.serv ice. The allent dark'sk lnned twlet hI. heart, to liumlUa te him, wltb. tli" double to Is to eneoura~e aD a1r..I~ ot the heart glalS .ash'l!s ,I can Sikh. w·lth Wa fterce ourllng whleke n, snub him. lOW bee~ and rad· betwe81l the hired ctrl and the h ..D" labes tn t,ble coid' framel. ' ibIs ftasb'!ng eyea, the. !reml·m llltary, ·· .ror It r Im~ "So 1 bave heard," .he wu dimly .0me :mllkJDaJl••o the &if-I will ,et ap mediate ly ' folio" w~th let~lle. ·. .,..,n .-ami·or lental garb, topped b): an enor. censclo u8 of sa)'lng. A~d , early In the . morulll ,.. -Pittab lirp ' r may lntr-oduee dlseale IIIlOU. brown tutball ; cl.. lmed Court· . . . "Didn't know you kuew," lIald Ab- Di8pat(lb. cleanse; the scalp, rea Tbelle reldl.he s ~ad beela will com~ landt·...Uellllon : and It may be added that .ho was glail to have. 80tlleth· bott. ~ove . "Knew. wbat 1" rOlillar bereell. a~ falling art In the lpring,· aDd ha:VIDl' ~~.!b~W~::: ~uoh Work on lmall 80x. . cumber plantl to look at unemba rrusedl y. He waul. lIl!J,.rted III JOts ! UTbat Courtla.ndt neatly lost hI. Ute The conetru ctioD ~aa «If .. 'dpr ~ III&Y bed or I d ttl to cllteb the Indian's eye. but Rao' tn the ellhtletl nholle, 1 CIIIl . . ." , . Nem to be a . l'fJr'1 Ilmple matter to tbe ~amel and _teel' ba. 110 _lanCe!! to ,..aste; he wu con' ,t.~tciehlifl ")n, the elgbtles l H dlal1lll ed at HI' the Donoe, bat the bas PUIeB UIrouIIa till the ",~ber ...... ... ~~.:..!!!!I! with ~I lmcnedl_. te buafae.. of . aUp. nl,Deteea proc.... befQN 1& Ja.,. " "'11l~ taU , lduillN tal lerYtce. "l.etltu d.., 5!ucar GJII!tUUOQ." " . . ." . . . . . . . . . .

r--- ---- ---- --:I,; --=. .:--- ---- ---- ---- ---,















Cu.ti cura Ointment. dandndl, ptom.otehaithealdi. •




6heC ~GNA or-DOME" C' WJ. ,



Jurt What JOll . . W •• Looklnlil ror, But Brown Surely Had Told , tho Truth. As Browl1 lanc3ed on tbe platform he ran full butt Into Jones. "Where 1l0un~I, Jones. Bnd wby su<:b


Roman Campagna bus a quality wblch Is unique, whIch dillerentlates It en· tirely from any otlJer 8cj!nety or plain or moUn· tat,n Ullon. our world 8' lur· # face. It stirs the Imag na· ~, IJ Uon; It ellher uplltts or ,. depresses U8 acco,r ding to our mood, and ve.y muab ,too, . 1 thlllll,~ &cC<!tdtng to our race aDd Inherited IDIUnctB &lId tradl. tiona.. It has sorne. thina at the mystery "r the sen, even wbere It is bOUnd ed by that lurgtgg line ot Sabine mOUIl. taln.; Bbove all. it' haa the Immense th~ eternal tradltlo~ ot that world-clty or past emp ire and ' pre'Bent faith. which reaches us 81) In. tenaely , when . look. Ing I from tbe hl gll groupe} Qr Tivoli or llIe Alban HJlls, we eee the mighty dOnie of SI. Pete r's, a mi.ty ruall8' In the lar distance, brood. Ing 8S It were. ov r tbe cit \J wblcb Ilea sea I d ' T ' • teet. ree Y lelingulsbable lit ItB

Empty TItre .. 'JIbe .Diperor of Auatria, It has been noted, IIlY8 claim to the title marquis ,ot Antwerp. . It all European sov er· elgns cOiJ ld make good tbelr minor territorial Utles there WOUld, Inlleed, be a recoDstruclion of tbe man . The king-of Italy, for III stance, III ofTIclall Y st)'led king of Sardinia. France, SpaJn aILd England, of Italy and J erusalem, of Greece and Alexandria. ot Hamburg and Sicily. Master of the Deep, King of tbe EarUl. The king or Spuln also . olalms , to be klDg at J erusalem. king 01 GaUcla <" title shared with tbe em, peror of Austria), and, In addition. king of OlbraUnr, of tbe West Indies aDd at IndIa,

"Just' art te SElasholJ·on·the-Mud, and am anxlpus to s;et 80me fruit before 1 • tart-" "Fruit? JUBt the thing! Now sbe's Just olf; jump i n that carriage. I lett a fine pear In the corner." Jones got In and started searching around. "My friend saJd be left a fine pear E; 'o to bu.1 ne.a. In tbe corner," explained JODes. as an A young sunuman doctor whos, old lady sn1.!fed angrily at the way b e practice wa.s 'not very great eat In bill aearcbed round h er. "Ouess be meant that corner, my study reading away a lazy afternoon In early summer. His man!1ervant apman," sbe enaPI"ed. ' Jonea looked and saw a young cou· peared at lbe door. "Doctor. them boy! Is stenUo' your these different n~ pIe 1ilushlDg furiously. green peachea asain. SlIall I cbase mads. wllo are «sner· tbem away'" leaily It now n a. Daintily Balan~d. Tbe doctor looked thougbtful tor a "gultte." keep very '~Wbat made the calloe tip over?" moment, tbell leveled bla eyes at the much to their OWII "Reggy carelessly placed bla pipe servant. dan and locattiy, tbt. ill ODe .Ide of bls mouth ." "No," he eald,-Llpplncott's, men or the Marchea never mixing wit h tbose of Aquila, nor even ot 'one vUia,ge wltb anotber, The, \lve In miserable buts, or C8'Verns, or pro~ounced sleep In the open. They are victims of the tavern landlord, or storekeeper. &I from blm alone they Firlf-The ' cao get the neceaal· ties of tbelr poor utili. IUId were ~J.posed. until r ecently,. at any

An OhioC..e t.{r.. R . WI"t ...

eoa Bello SL. Cln' clnnlltJ, Obio, "Ta: "KIdD eI' complaint tnade me aD IDvalid a.lld J .... conftneO to bed tor monill.. My limbe 'Wero .-wollen to


twice their normal .Iae and wbole bod,. we_8 rac1r..d ..lth plln, I

~~ b!~4 e af~~ h 0 u r .. r(othn•• b . lpe 4 me until I " •• 0 Doan'" Kid· Pili.. Til.... bolO. eompJ.t.l~ cured m':"



Phy·sicians Recotntnend Castoria

CASTORIA has met with favor on the part ofphysicialls, pharmaoeutiloal societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with results most gratifying. The extended use of Castaria is unquestionably thB r~sult of three facts: indisputable evidence that it is harmless': ! 'eoond-That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: Thirc;t-...It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Oastor Oil. It is safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotio and. dOBS not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, ,:Bateman's Drop~ Godfrey's OordiaJ,·elto. This is a. good deal for a. Medical ,Journal to say. Our duty, how-i ever, ':a ~ e~oB6 danger ,and record the means of advanoing health. The daYl forpo18Omng mnooent ohildren through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Oastoria,'1s a remedy which produoes oompoBU1'8 and health, 'by regulating the system-not' by stupefying it-&ui our readers are entitled to the infonoation.-HalZ's Jou77UJJ fit Be&dth. ' "

"Tbe .a mpagna of ROll'le," said rate, to the ravage. I or the malarta fever. When the work ' of regorov us, "Is not hing Lse tban , d t'be land at Latium , which III separa, lect.. from Tu scany by the Tiber. tbe Jand Is over an !PrO tb harvested Ulese no· ,m e .thue of Constantina the mads take their 'deGreat the name ot Latium hns tallen parlure. a.n d the Cam· Into "'~mftanla h II bdisuse, and that 01 .... .. -' pagna returns to Ita a een u~ed In Its place ; and In ,reel II when Rome burats on one'a )Vooted solitude. But oniy a. part of the middle ages tbis name In /Ucated IIlgbt rn the mldJIt of ber IOBt domln· this vast tract around ' the rarm· all. & great Part of tIl e Bo·called Ducatus lon8; Ibe ,seems to riae from a' toQlb steads III under cultivation Romallu .... , Since the mlddll! als, In which ali', bad been laid to reat. Il e)'ond thlll Jle the vdt tJi'aot. crued tJle dls~rlct bas been d vjdell In\o two • . . A 'b Olt ,~( memorie.. prills In. ove,r by , oxen, horsea, and butfalosl.. part.. tho CBIDllagna, wblcll com· , overwhel~ln:.· and thrJJllng the soul !lnd ' by the sheep, "fI'ho. in the 'll'lnte.r prtse~ (h . 1'II18nd dl !t~let. and tbe Marl. ,et the light of thl • .Rome 'which twice arll driven down t~ graze on .the plaln Uma, wblch extends along t~e . _ aasUmed tbe doml~on of the ""orld:" and, a8 'the summer advances. al'!l ooaat , 88. far , as 'l·errllclnn. Natute ~n!l. · liot to dwell. too Insistently on slowly driven ' up trom tire scorchlD, beraelt bos divided It by mountain and 18 Side 0' our subject-this mystery heat hito the bills. ~' , plaIn ,: i nto distinct comparlmentll, It of space and ltght. blended with tbe In conclusion, let me gIve a tew I. dl\lld d Into three plaills, lo'l~t, pallt senile o( a tremendous d,eBtlny. words to my Illustratlonl. Signor SarDr. B. Halstead Scott. ot Cblcago. 1111.. ill'S: .... ba~e preecrlbed 70l1li t.lle.Campagna around Lhe city, watered ·• ... hloh deatroys the weak, Incites the torlo bas spent much of his time dur€astorl& often tor Intl!J;Jte during my pracUce. and 1Ind It yery IB.tllIfalltof)'.by the Tiber and tbe Anto. and hero tp grealneu, and la fateful to· Ing the laBt yearll 1u the Ca.mpilgna, Dr. WUllam Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio. IB.YS: "Your Castorla ltanda liemmed In by the Al ban nnd tbe Sa· alr'-who baa eXllreased In any lim· studying most Intimately 1te aOllnery flrBt In Ita class. In mT thirty years of practice I can ...,., I neyer baT. biDe mountains. the bills about Ron· guagll more tereely or more ·1nUmate- and the lire I bave described. The ,refound anything that 80 filled the place." cltlloll~, and tho Bea coaBt ; secoodly.. Iy the emotion Jt Insplrel than our BUltS of his work haVe founct exprea· Dr, J. lL Taft. of Brooklyn, N. Y., 88YS: "I have ued Jour Casterla and ~he !!'real \>ll1ln In which the Pon Ine Robert Brownin" iii 'bla "Two In the sian In 11 lIerlea of brllU~nt picture', fOUnt! it an es.c:ellent remed1 In my houaehnl4 and private practice for 'MarSh Ii ar s ltun\ed, bounded on the Campagna!" a number or wMcb have now been many The formula Is excellent." 000 ,l!lde ·by the Alban and Vol8cliln ' , ,HUls arid on the other by tho sea; Tbe Clham~gn with ItI ,!odless.fieooe exhibited In the Veotce International Dr. R. J. Damlen. ot DetrOit, MIch., Bal'S: "[ preaerlbe your C&atorla and, laltly, the 'vulley ot the SBCCO,' Ot teathery graBBe. everywhere} exhibition ; and I' think It Is not too extensively. as I have never found anythln:r to equal It fGr chlldren'. whlcb Mans down between the \'oJ-. SUenee ,o,pd; lIB8slon, Joy and peace, much to Bay tbat tbe undoubted IUo. troubles. I am aware that there are imltatloll8 In tile fteld., but I alwlL)'8 ~ A I tess thelle exhibited pictures havi . elan anil UJe Equlan and Hernlan never ae,t1ng wash of alr.achieved Is due not lonly to their un' see that In7 patients get Fletcher's." bill" , . RODle's, gbost' IllIce her decrt!aae" • Dr. Wm.J !4,20rann. of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of th1rt.eeD Su h lit b th h h 1 deniable arUstlc, merit., but also to . ~ ___ A "lance at ' any 8(Jod man, Buch. c Qfe b ere roug suc engths the facl that , they conlitlttlte , .. .. chlldrtm I certllnly know lomethlng about your great mediCine, and ...Id. ourl, . precious record of the coodlt1ooB of for hislnllce, all eVl'n the one given trom 'my OWll tamlly experleoce I have iII my yeai'll of Jlr&cUce fount! ea. a life which I:nliy before Jong have by Bnedel( r In !lIs "Central It aI)' Suell miraclel performed In plllY. torta. a popular and eIIlelent remedy In almost eVCI7 home." IUld Rome" (page 380). will be]p us Suell primal nakel\ forms of nowerB. p&8sed away, Dr. J. R. Cla.usen, of Philadelphia, PL, BaYI: "Th. name that Jour ca. S Ueh 1e ttl ng Na.t ure b lYe b er "fI'a.y; 10 follow out the .," eo"rD'.hl cnl divl. .. .. Whll b 1 k 'I 1 SELWYN BRIN,TON. toria baa made for Itself In the tens 0 tbOWIBoda of h01D1lII bleeaed 117 the e eaven 00 rom te towen. , llonlI glv~n as above by the great ' presence of children, Bcarcely needs to, be supplemented by the endora. ' hlstorlnn. We shllll tee th ere Ilr1rCo 1t' "allnaturallbat ' ~heae qualities. ' ment 'the medical profession, but I, f~r one, moat hearWy tmdorae It and . ciano wllh Its lake on the nortliwest, plctorral is well &I artlBt!\l or the HE .C~T~HES BI~,D$ ,AT SEA believe It an excellent remedy." Subiaco to tho fnr cnat, on tll west Rom89 Caml1agD~ Ihould prove an tl\e sea ,line, ,and In lhe 'very cen. It'resl~t1ble B,ttl'aCUOn to the palnten Barber on Ocean Liner \vhl .. Dr. R. J,t Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: ''Pbjalcllll8 geneTally do DOC ' . 'tel' Iloz;ne 'herselI. wllh tile Tlbe~ of lilnCJlcapel;' and: In' fact, without tllnQ Brown Linnet Moat 8ucOell: prescribe proprietary p~paratlon9, but In the case of Ca.storla. my es;perlo wlnf)n,. llown 110 her frpin lhe Um· ' 801118.' back 80 ' rar , ai' the dnys or fully , an a Decoy. ence, like that of m~y other pbyslclans. has taugbt me to make an exbrian uplarit]s. And the snme ,ldenll· ' C{aUde or ,: poulsln. Within' our own "-ception. I prescribe your Castorla in my practice because I have found It 1,!ctUbD of tbe Cnmpagna with tbe old age illld. In',mY-D...D ex~erlence Poln,: The barber at the Atlantic" liner to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for chlldren's complalnte. Any ph7l1o Llltium, the Latina rrellu5 ( ~'Llltin deltre ,and Arthur 8trdtt. both ot wbom Minnetonka. finds 'a new and pr~ta. elan :who has raiapd a family. as I have, will ,oln me In heartiest recom- , La~d"t eXtending 'nlong ~h~ rropt of I knew in my "tudent daY8 " at the ble pnsUme , In catcbing wanderln, . mend,a tlon of CnatorlL" 't.he Mealte~rnnenn for , 120 miles, as british -Academy, ot Rome i «enry plrdll du~log the vessel's voyage nero •• with a ' luJ;lCI'f1clnl orea. of 1.24:> squar!! ' Coleman, who. only a rew months ·be. lhe oceao- bls proftt' arising trolJl. thl CENUINE lI\.nes, has ,been follo wl'd ' by Signor }Ilre, his ' rece~t an'd lamented death, seiling of the bl11d6 on his _arrIval I" Cenoaaro In his work on "The ROman ha~ "e~crlbed to me' wltbln llIe waUl port. )\l1 sorlB of birds come on board, Beara .the S:ign; _~~~: " ... ' ho sa'y s, Ilnd he flods a 'rendy sale. for ,C!lmni\.g~o," ~bo\l C, b hEl uses t b Argo ,of the 6a~e acauemy hrs , ow.'n experl· ... I d I I I "I I d f b ruany of the)' rarer sl/8ClmenB: : , htid l ' b " "'=-: '0 '..,a ,u. :: It If) CU t ,' Ou e aD_ I ,e ncel o . t e , roma~oe of Uttl among , ana "me marshes) os exprsssing tw~ tl\~ l1-erdsmen Clt"th", 'Qarupagna; On()o. mIi chief IlsslstJInt In captUrIng the e.senli,al and very.lm\lorlant dlvlsl<!DS rato Carlan,dl;.,who haRp'lIy, Is still blrda a whlBtllng brown l1~net', onhl". vall\ firea. .' amona us In Rome a geoljl figu~e In which IU,res the : wande~er& . a~oa.rd , , ',; ''P b~ ' g' rieral color or t!le .Cam· bet' ~t .I!fe :l1nd onll 'Or the .fa moull trbru Its (lage 'In a~ open port: Tbe pagna." sayll' tbl,ll " 'rl ter, \'Is It ta'''ny ,~'TwetttY'A,ve 1)f the Catn'p'ogna" to vagl'llDt , nyel'll ' allgh~' on .hearl!?g its . re,d,'. '\laler- ""b'ote " It unrl.uIsles ov.e,r ""l1oBe eXCl\fSOnl In 'thai magic dla. whlsuJ, and presently nu~e'r · lite 'tel-rftc~s' of tbe slo pes, greener ID trlot ·1 llllve been In\l It6d; Nardi' who Then the port Is' 'c losed: and lhe 118t.;' wheN It Ilxpands Into broad .Is ' \\'f!1I kno~n 'In' tbil country: lind strange lllrdli are soon, ~ade prisoners. mcri4ow.: andl the whole wldtl 'plalll , Purlnl. who deiervel to. be better "1 ha.vo ' caugbt hu(!' reds ot them, rrom:. one 110rl tOn to allot.her Is batlied known;' . nnd, lasUy, that ma.ter of and I supply the London' 100 regular'In' .a ' glortous sell of light. It h. tbat eve!'y, 'b~nch or hla art. ArlaU'de Sar· Iy," said the bird catoher. "On a reo wond&rtul~ mysterious light. Ihl) 'color' torlo, ~hdBe kindneliB has ' placed at cent hODle!Nord VOYllge th,e llnn,etlured RaY'I, o' Humor. . The Bridal TrQu ..eau. ' of the' pi, of 'Rom(>' pr 'I'hlab foreign my 416110. al .a liJ.perbi.et9f r.eptoduc: a sno)Vb1rd. It was the ~rst one the From, underJl.aarth .the war 010u4 lit· The old Idea. of providing ' brides ...ri.(eM ,apeak:", overbead, depths of" Ulms 1 f~m " bl~ ' 011'0_ studJo of" tlle' zoo bad been able , to seCure. In,'!l!! tie , 1I~lhOJ Of. 'blu1ll,or' escap~ no... aod wIth a IItore or more ot gOWDS, wraps , '.aiphlre'li ~i~e;;, ;'~vhlch to'w.ardB :. the )CampaiDa ~ 1II111~trate ibl' ~~ c}e,--, year8. What "the blrdll , tequl~ . when a,aill. , batl baa Qul~e gone by. ,Even th'e i ' \iol'llOn elt') n 0 a '-limpid opah~~gen..t III tbese )aa,(11 been 1I0dlll' tlUs apell. tlj·Eiy;.'t1~t allKllton .'a IIhlpri" not t~d.~ T_o, lr1Bb I ae'rgeantl, " brougbt trou811eau of. today can· Nli1e timeI in "'~~e. Wl1ere l,evel'y ,'co[or. every vl1por . ,hl!-ve b,e~n I1'laii>C!IiI b1: tbll .,-Idll .delo. but water, and ·I~ ,m uat be ~lIed. wounaed"tb P.,1s, are' ~ported all sa)'· t~lns nil moril than a dozen, lowna, If right the Itomac:h "O!,I/e 'fonow ~ . ~h!p all d bl! l,Ilg ~at tbey did not 'know exactly 'aa msny. Styles cha.n,e so failt, that ,(ARTER'S I etbetealilted 'and trl\ll~mutc d by 'the . latlon ,'With' .an Jntenit~t wb'lch no 'clreilnY 'tran1stlilre;icy. or tblB ' fairy bOlluty ' ~f:" foll&ge,Clr' I~. or ' !lnow· act osl the Atlantic, Amei'ICan ~ where the battie ' "a., but tbey , by tall the gownl for the June wed· lIVER" PILLS ' lI'ht. Und'e'i It the' ailcllt plaid', 'stArred peaked mCluntlLln ~D le'lm. lo eciUal. are' re.tu ar-C<!nv07s .. far aa the Eng. ' JUlt, been " '';fighting ..t · Cqpenhagen." dlo,l. nece8aarily made Bome weeks be· aentJyl>utfirmly .,,!\Odell. to the Greek enlb.)~s · The p0l;lulaUon of:tbe Cllmpngna ,J . 11,ti'h cbann~I, Vt~eJ'e' they deHrt us. ~he1 probably ~ JDeant Compelgne, ;but fore the ceremony, bt)gln to look odil. pel a Iuy OVer Jll.del; ~nililood'ed by pe~rly reo nom&dlc. tll~~gh there I. and' follow a westW,8I'd bounder bome It matte no dllr~renc'e In their wllllnl\' S9 me authority hae declared that · the ,do ita d~L lona; : 1188ms . ..n EI)'!litlll ' ftelcf~ pO!'Illa\iellt set,t~ed race, Dot very nu: aga(oJ. ,Th~~' English. gilila . follow • DeIIl 'to.'ilCht:--i; " beat dressed woman In Parll buys no ~= ~ . time I,' D~U ght, and where evet:y me~u •• . u~. ,a · la,ngua,. ~~I!lb ,II Uoer :over, and bac~ In, the aam&, " Th~ ~aria FtPfo plotures all a com· more thaD three new toilets ,each 7ear, cUI tloa. becOme a '. 01,11 the iii!: , ~ DlIX!~re of cRoma~EI~qu~ dlaleo,t apd :.Tb,e'guUs IIk~ errugrant .blpl b4tlti be- mon '1Igbt'V on ' the .treats', two men but the opInion mal': be ,ventureci ,t hat (,'~l,~~I.':l~c, p'~'n"o. Abru&Uie-tlie -word "buUero" (qa& 'Da)1, e tilt! more puaen_en theie ,:are ~~~I ~elr.; relpecU'fe- lIe"".papera Ibe II altering her laet ye&r'l BUPPly H~.. ' ' tle-drl ·er). ~Q~ In~~~ b,~I~g: '. eor., ' tbe ,gr~t~r: the Q lIoD,t lty: of 10.raPI thWu«h., to the end; ~~ then ~xobang. ,!pOI,t of the ' time. The vallt a"'80rt- .... ,~..... A(t. ,ru",Uon",~t , ~~m , ductor. . 'l'be n~ thrown verboa~.'· , ' , '..,..,. IDr a',Ftcaro" f~r' ~' MaUn;' aDd ·ablorb- !peo~ of lingerie h!,l'e alllo dwlndIed, SiIAUI'D:.L. SIIALL SIIAi.L niaL ~!ltlIQ. ileo~le' who ~o~e ' di)vl1l to. tbe, Inll'7, ,rere&dlri@, In tbe lIecoDd' DeWI· ~~body p,rovldel aucb a 'mulUludlD'OulI Genalae maat beat Sionah .... neld ,.,.o~ dlfter ~er~ much alililog paper , tbe !deD~cat' omclal , ~bn~)J'nce. ,wedding, out.l\t nowaday. aa uaed to ,J>e ~... - , ~h.emaelvOil accordllll to ,thel"."p[OYell" "What< maltel you il1reyoUr ~tmt'.,,)llcb UlE" had,cread I~ tbe ft(8t. requ1~ed.-l4ellle·~.. ' , ~. 8llCe,~~~ut are laMely recrult,d' tmm grtlslm an I. not apeaklllK ~a • fLlte retatill l lite abidel, of fun even /~.!1J ~Jf/1ifJK the Abnrul. Among tlieln tbe Aqulia moldy and fr lMlll't" ,, " ; :. Ib the' lIbadOW of trouble. .HI. Contribution. lJ1eD (A.qulJ&nl) are Prlled cali COod "TlJe weatbe!!:' replied "Have you contrtbuted 8II y thln, .to " ~:"!Sliedpra. the RleU:, men. 'tor Oylnl: , Ooi1ltol.el. "U h. i))o_e Ira"lrl" 11~~~~~i~~~~'~i .draae canel" . -"thA huntem6D ~D.d o~\'eollrunen com.11'freely he wonldn't ofter ........... '1ii9iitiiW:: I the"Yea; twa at.ten and one wire," W. N. U..' CINCINNATI, NO. ~1M d,01l"~ f~m '(Jm.1tl1& aller Sabina; ~d' "motion. to G


Le\ters Prominent 'Physicians addressed to Chas. H. fletcher.








. " ~~:The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 'LlnLE




Sick ,.









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We are getting in a new line of Men's Workin g Shoes, the Lion Brand, from ... ..... .. ..... ........ ... $2.50 to 13.50

For Men. Young Men Ilnrt Boy's, from $3.50 to $20.00

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BabyCa~ We-ur ry a full line of Baby Caps from . 25C to 9Sc

Swea ters Ladies ' and Child~nrs Sweate rs. We carry the bigges t line to select from in aI colors, from .......... . 5Oc to 15.00

Co~ts We carry the Kabo, tlie live model, from .... ......... ..... :..... ~ . 5Oc to $2.00

Men's 'Sweate rs from ......1 00 to $7 .50

::-_.- --- ---, ---_. ----- --ter. Sw.ea COrduroy Coats $1.25 to 15.00

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t? call and ~~nspect ~ity vici this of ple peo . the e nvit i ' ially cord we and , new ly lute Eve ryth ing in our stor'e is abso . . .. our new Jjne. Our aim is lo"satiafy and furn ish "qu·al~tY"' · gQods. i


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Tak e 'a dva ntag e of the . fo~lowing· p,ic,ea and -, .' ' . '. . Goo d inve stm ent, isn't , it? . 'AnYro f t'h efol low ing a'lort~d' ~o suit ~u.t~ni~r. , . '1

Can Dozen 2 D.oz. '->t;


Mil.rk~t .Pi~ Pea~hes "IOct l.OS .~2..

Our Marke t 2y,-lb . . " , " ISe



I.~ .,


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:s. ~aspber!ies•..2;lb.. ~:

150 .


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HAVE ', YiJUR ': TOBACCO Get WILSON, the Iuura nce ..... ad • ye your crOp of tob8ecO iDaUnd. lie

-will -'ve' you t\e best tel'Dl8 poedbIe.

Cala. White Cherrie s .. " ~. White CherrieS ; .•

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I • • • •


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,.1.10 Diana COtn ..... '..... . ·'· US .. J. , 1,.55 . J. ' ' ~5$ ., J• . I 65 ~.20 2.40 4.7S·


3,.90 R~d R«;;pberries,2-1~, .I~ 20e 2. 250 2.25 " 4~.25 B1~ckberries. '2-1151. • . . ISc 5•.80. ,Strawberri~. 2-U.. : •. ' "I&:' '; JOe .' 3. 2Sc' 2.25 4.25 ·Huni'$Sii~· i»ineapple ZSC . .... ISc.· ple Pineap Sliced Alpha 5.90 : , 30e 3. ~5c 2.80 5.50. Victory Slice Pin~.,ple''''' 10e ~ pineap ple . .,. ... . ISc' 250 , 2.80 !i.SO Chunk , (50. 1.6() 3.10 Grated ~Dea~ple. .. .. 10e : US Gooseb erries .••••• •.." Uk 10e i. ~.

SunKi st Peeled

Dozen 2'" DoL





I. 1.60"


V~ti ~~p;s H~mfuy;


3. . '



t. .


VanCa mp Tomato So~P J I~


2. 2.




Allparagu·s ...

Pork & BeaDS.


.salm~n : •. '- ••• ' 2Sc ·

I. , ' I.~J 2.80

txty-Fifth Yea:r;

---+ Former Citizens 'l

t e---'-- -- -e --~.



Whole Number .3285


ALFALFA , GROWERS" MEETING The Becond annual meeting of t he

r;:: .. ,..

. . ' ' ..

r· . . . . ' . , . . , . . . . . . . , . , , , " . . , . , ' . . _ . . . , I Personal Mention Column it I

i ................_ _ . . . .

II.' .....~





, Social ,~venta ,

.--.-.._.- ---- - ---'411".

Ohio Alfalfa Growers : Association I I At the Quaker church, near New , , ed' t was held at Yellow Sprmgs on the L!::L I Burlington, Ohio, Wednesday even· C. M Cartwl'ight. Uana[l:m~ I o~ farm of John nry~n. ,October 7th. -~ .. """''' .. '" , , .... , ,....... .. ... ", .. -.-.~.i ing. Octoher 7,1914, in the prelence Mr, and Mrs. Frank Braddock en· of the Western mtk\!r~rIDterli a A throng of enthuSiastic farmers at. , .... ............. ",,,, • _.......... , ... _ of a large number of relatives and . ...._.. friends the marriage of Marianna tertained at a four·course dinner Ohicago sper~Llast we_ I!, - ~ a ~'tended. Several spea\;(ers of more Tex .. th~ A:merlC8n LIfe than local fame gave alfalfa growing Allen H~nes. of ~enia Bpent Sun· Mr. C. W. Henderson was in Day- Compton and Raleigh Leon Bogan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray, Ins.urance Convenllon . M,:. Cart- agreatimpetuB. Inoculatingalfal!a day here With relatives. . ton Saturday. was solemnized , The · church was Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bunnell and fam· Wright addr,essell the meelmg last with nitrogen fixing bacteria is 1m. , .. beautifully decorated wi th ferns and ily. Monimia Bunnell and' Raymond T~ursday being of! the ~t pro~ram. portant OR ground never having Lmdley MIII~. o~ Oxford, spent Mr. and Mrs. James Kerrick were golden rod. and j ust as the hands of Conner, HI.s paper w~s"entltlet! rhe Life In grown alfalfa but it is ' more 1m. Sunday, here With hIS parents, Xenia visitors Sunday. the clock were pointing to sill, the Mr. and MI'!l. W. H. Harrison and surance ,Busmess Vi~wed !,rom the portant th!l.t farmers are more wide. . . low sweet strains of Mendelssohn's daughter, Mi8B Carne, of Springfield StandpOint of an Onlooker.I, inoculated with the knowledge of Pro 0111. Ost~path. Ha~nes Bldg., If you want a good Fertilizer call wedding march was heard, played Mr. and Mrs, Barton, of DaYton. Mr. , , the value Chal~. Frye, phone 49 1·L 2·8, by MRS . Mr. Georlle Hamilton received , of thlj} 'db '"rop " , ' and th e cheap· Tuesday and Friday morrungs, rs. , , Comp t on, 0 f W'l I mmg· and Mrs John Hawke and Kizzie own Y the following notice last week in reo n~ ~~th W~I h' It be gd , James Benham and Will Lippincott Miss Charlotte Antram is visiting ~~~2~it;a~~hea~~u~h~ :rld::i p,:~~ye Me rritt were guests of Mr. and ~rs. S L. Cartwright on Sunday. gard to the deat.h of Horace Milton an . I , .enrlc 109 e gr~un on were Dayton visitors last Thursday. her sister , Mrs, Geo rge Hartsock, Hudson. The child's parents are which ~t IS gz:o~n. Sev~ral mstances . en tered the sweet young bride lean. Miss Grace Carman delilthtfullY Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hudson. were given of Its ret~rn ... g $,100 and j Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and Se'veral boys from ' here saw the ing on the arm of her father, while Mrs, Hudson's mother is Mrs .. Mary mOS~cl per acrbe fortedthls seadasd~n s fcrop .. daughter were Xenia visitors Sunday . foot rail garpe in Lebanon Sunday. the manly groom -followed with his entertained a few young folks Sat· Hamilton Og.lesbee. who IS Mr. I os were oos as mg orty I " .. .. ' ,. father, then came all the members urday evening. The invited euesta Hamilton's Sister, who, spent her per cent to the value of the corn Milson s Ferti.h zer. the best on the Ml!'3 LI!he Nedry was a guest of of both housebolds. the ushers con· were MiBBe8 Hazel Gustin. Ethel early life here• . and was a graduate crop, KanB88 BtIi!1dsllt the head of market. For sale by Chas, Frye. relatives 10 Harveysburg last week. dueting the bride's family to a pew Hosier, Mary Salisbury; Messrs. ' Edof the Wayneljvil!e Schools. On !,Ifalfa~creage. ~Ith ~57.000 ac~es to ' . at the right of the altar anrl the ward Brooks. Emmor Baily Georp Wednesday, September 30tli, Mrs. I~ cre~ht. OhIO IS nmeteent~ Il~ the. Mi8B G.1enna Smith has been visit- BUIY your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye. groom's to a pew at th e left. W. Wa~rhouse. Raymond DIVIS. · Hudson, whose home is in Sioux hst. With 29~439 · acres. Mlchlga.n 109 relatiVes in DaY,ton for a week or who handles Milson 's the best , Mr. Willis O'Neal grandfather of CltY,lowa. stepped over alittl.e while tr~d9 alC?ng With 7,000 ~cres, but It IS more. . lhe groom, then read a portion of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Burnett. of the to a neighbors leaving her tWtn90nS a hve wire on the subject and has . Mlr. snd Mrs. Roy Irons and son scripture and Rev . Jesse Hawkinsled Dayton road, entertained at dinner · aged about fo~r years, alone in t:l~ nlany Altalfa. Clubs, Why should Martin Gons attended the ~euryion were Spring Vallev visitors Sunday. in prayer, Miss Reeves sang. "Oh! Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burnett, houllt!. While she was gonei little not WayneBvllle have an Alfalfa of the 4th O. V. I. ,at Cummmsvllle., Promise Me," then Rev. Frank Mill- Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Butterworth, , Howard climbed to the shelf where Club' last week. . The NatIOnal bank was closed ner, of Leesburgh, Ohio, made a few Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keys , and eon, the matches were Ieept. and while ]>ROTEIN CONTENTS OF FEEDS • • Monday on account of Columbus remarks after which ,the bride and Warren; Mr: and Mrs. Will Croeby, Iiahting them his clotbina caught on Alfalfa, 12,3 per cent; Bran, 11,2 Dr•. Macy wIll be at Sprmg Valley Day. groom met at the altar rail and ~~g:~'!s.~m~ anJ~~Lonu~n.dMerr anand d fire. Just as the . mother was re- per cent; Corn, 7.S per cent; Clover. all thus week. and at HalVeysburg all _ ,., , plighted their vows one to the other, ..,... tumine home, the little tetlow. ran 7.5 per cent; Com ' fodder, 2.5 pl'r next week .. , W~lford Elzey ,~~s been VI81tlOg hiS according to the Discipline of the Mrs. Frank Kinder and two children. out of .the house with his clothing'cm cent. Bran COlts $21 per ton. It Mr ' and Mrs Ed Thomas and fa ~nl:,hter, Mrs . Elt Gray, at Clarks· Society of FriendB, then turned to ~~~ W~e~M~~' M":a~ ya: " the Rev. Frank Millner who pro· mond Burnett. tire. The mother grabbed a b,l anket costs $5.15 to prC?duce a ton ,of al· i1y spent Sunday with relatl'vesml'n' , ~nd Bmothered the flllmes. ~he fa. lfa. Do not dll1k alfalfa If you Sidney Ohio . Born- To Mr and Mrs F E nounced them husband and wife, ... little fellow w~-,u8he~ to a bOB~ltal w!lnt it ~rmanent for a erop. It • • Sherwood. Sund~y. October' 11th W:a;~~~gbl:'~~; ~:nin~~!d ~~~~ OBITUARV .bere everythlDg poSSible was . one ~111 do I~ good f?r a time but John A. Funkey'B advertisement daughtAlr. ' them, and silent Amen'R responded to al\evlaj.e the pam, but the shock disease will · let in In the mangled will save you money Read same '1 f II h Th edd' F d W Sh k If rd was toa1rreat, and he died in great cro.wns and d,estroy it. Alfalfa and profit by so dOI·ng.' \" MEmara. 'W P. SalisbuI'V and L T . tificate rom a Wb earts. e wand 109 cerernan 0 • ac e 0 was ·, then signed read by .born near . Frederickabullr. Va., Peterson are in Kansas City on Mrs. Hetty McPherson, a member March 21,1841. qOlly. •_ • renovator, or Bprmg tooth harrow or and died in: D~Oh, common Bpike h. arrow are the Mrs. Elmer Hogel'8, MiaA Ruth . b\J8i~Ie88. of the committee. ' after which the Ohio. October 9, 1914, aged 'lS yean. 08JT~AR'" tools to cultivate It With. Zimmerman and Mr Ernest Ro.lie~ benedicUon was pronounced. and 5 JIlonthsand 14 days. 'llhe coet of making 1.000 Ibsi gain wel!e Dayton visitors Friday F C. ~win aUended the Alfalfa the happy pair walked down the aiBle . HiS early achoo~ advantqM were. "We loved her~yea;weloved fler on cattle fed prairie hlU' and gl!ain • meetina- on the Bryan farm at Yel. as the low notes of the ' recessional limited. but he p088esaed an earnest Bat Jesul1lovea ber more, is '$46,10. • Mr and Mrs · D L Crane and son low Springs. weTe heard, . desire for an education and with this And he haa 8weetly called her " qattle fed on' alfalfa and grain Ethan and Mrs' J ' H Celeman M . Thh bride wore a Bimple but band. object in view t . he left his home in To YOllder ehining shore." Costs per 1,000 Ibs, .28,20. were in Xenia Saturday dternoon 'r .r·. and Mrs. Wilson Edw.a rds and some gown of filmy white and car. Yirginla at the age of n1neteea. cOlD'Ra h I A Rob' . d "t f Pigs from the same Utter were • Ittle daughter have been VIsiting ried a showel' bouquet ·of white car. 109 to Jefferson County. Oh'io, where M~ eriobi~lio~ :'~~I. a:~~{ e;':n dIvided and one part fed all the com Mrs. Abi iI;Unes. of Da,yton, is relatives in Dayton. . naUdns. The groom wore the con- with great .Perseverance he worked CI L'l ventionsl black The hiah esteem and studied. . ' Rude wa'J born June Zl 1848 -at they , would eat and had all the spending a Couple of weeks at the M' . '. . 0 tllQ, ' an d ,I d'ed' at 'h er - water wanted. The part home of Mr • G0 rei on J oyand famI ' l y. from1iB8Xenia ' ara I e returned . W h'IC h t,h I> young couple · are held Th roueh Oll t his U·~e h e wu ever MiamiVille. run onthey alfalfa and had all other the water Thursday, whereBhehome had m home on the Bellbrook pike. October and corn they wantea At the end .. been villiting relatives. . was attested by the magnificent ar- a student always trying to improve 6.1914. aaed 66 yel:lrs, 3 months and d th . th Rt. Rev. T, I. Reese. of ColumbuB, . ray of wedding gifts. his mind. . e 10 day., . . °efr wlSOel'ghaedYs 75 lb<:a rCeaBe8 °afnd the feocarmr: will be ih ~~anon Sund!'Y, .Oetober Miss Anna Stanton returnt'ld to the The bride is the oldest daughter He enlisted in · Co •.E. 16th -Ohio ach s On~arch"5.J8689he, w88marrled . 25, to.admmlBte.r the nte of eon· Friends' Bome Thursday afteran of Mr. and Mrs. Horace·F. Compton. Infl;lDtry at the bejrinningof the to Nlilhan ~llvers Alnilln. · '1'0 them casses of the latter. weIghed 185 lba. firmatlon. extended visit in Indiana and has spent hel' entire life in this Clvtl War and wu wpundecl at were borr· two childlen. Charles esch, hal l' . community, and her many attractive Btone' River losing hia Jiaht Umb. Mo~ IUId Celestia. Mr. R;oIrers. t e cat pa man. _of Mr. and Mrs. F. ,H. Farr.went to !diM"Letitia McKay entertained and lovable traits of character have . On Oc~ber 19. 1~. be was united She united 'wlt'h 'the Middle Run MechanJcabUIlr, .~;, (wllo by the Way Lebanon. Ind.: Fridily. uut wilf spend Mtss Bertha Collett and Mrs. Bal- won and held for her a large and 10 mamage to Julia A. Wood, o~ Baptist 'church on November- ~f>, 1890 ~:e~~~r:~i:tf~! tf:: ~~:: eeve~ d&yfI with M.ra. Fan'. mother tard, <'f Wilmington Sundl/oY. loyal circle of. friends both old and Jetf~J?ln CountYr .Ohlo, and witll 'and ~ alway!! be~n ' one ot Its w) I $'>000 k .. d and ~ter, '. - , .. young. . her lomed the Cnnatian chUrch at devoted and f""ithfu) membPrs. '. ~ ear got near,,.. tor por ~ . MI'8. John Beach. of Route 2. is in The groom it! the oldest son of M.-. Sbelby, Ohio. . Sh'e Wall one of II family of six ha.y from 20 acres of alfalf~ . thlB MilS Dora Ellis of the Ohio E x ' . on 'a~count of the Illness of and Mrs. Ed Bogan. He is a popular ~n 1879. they removed to DetrOit. \ 4!hildren tw .~f whom." o,nll brotl~er ~\alanced ration" was defined periment Station, , sJ8ter~ ·Mrs. Sarah Zellers. - - an~ -prosperouB young farmer whose MICh,. where they were received Or. John Robinson, of San Jose, Cill· as the feed th t will make an annual rived here Frid.,. for a few days' qUletand unassumingt;nanners have Inw~ePlumStreetChristfanchurch iforn,•• an.d one sister; Mrs. Eva fatten i tb .:hortest time with the viait with relatives. Mrs. Vema 8oh£1I and son, of made him many friendB. by letttlr. which membership w. Hardy. of Cincinnati. survive her. n e . . Da,yton. were .bere Sunday at the After the weddiJlJla reception was retained until death , , . Mothei's life and character have (Continued on Page 6) Mr Fred Henderson 'and family home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry King. given at th~ pleasant count.ry home They resided in Detroit twenty· always ~n ~d~a\. Endowed with ·a • _. . and Mr. Lee Bendel'llOn and faniily , . ' " of Mr. and Mrs. ~orace· F. Compton ~ight years•• where be. was eq.... Bunny dl$p08lbon. ahe chilered ENTE~TAINMENT spent Sunday aftern:>on with 'relaMessrs. Michael McDonald. John in honor oftha bride and groom, and 10 the practice of mechclne.· f~il.Y and friendt lhroug~ many a Uves near Oregonia. Jonesand Woodrow Boean attended about.ahund~ed relatives and friends • IJ? 1902,.he ~tfred fro~ his ~ f dlfficultv. .She was \In.-!elfish to the . , the Hamilton County fair last. Thurs· were present to offer them congrat. tice.and WIth his companion removed' )l\8t degree. always I!8criticir,g , her ,MiBB Jenme Bowman. who gave " day. ulation. and best wiahea. . to Warren County. Ohio. ',' own pleasures and delilres in order 8uch an ellce,tlent .program at Sch 0 91 Mr. ~nli Mrs. W. H. Allen. and The house was- artistically decor- Two years a&'Q, be "'. bereft of ·that ot~er8.might enj y themselves. flisU last IIPrhn g w~1 = e ~r t~r: IDfza~~Ste;:.~gil~er::di:"k.i~ J. C. Hawke and Grant Lewis went at~ with po.tted plants ~nd golden. his beloved .wife and lince that time ' As'a WIfe and homA builder MO.ther. ~gpearance bere , u ay. hel ' visitors SUnday afternoon to Lebanon Monday, where they will rod. the bridal table belDg set in a has made his home with her eiate~. waseminenUy suecei'illu.l. Her . Her Inurn. ers. w.ere W 0 e,some, • . do duty on the grand jury for leveral bowel," of and white. that was Mrs S~erwoOO and 'her farnilJ at Jove. her happy f~ee from obl~t..onable fe~tlfres ~nd LeGrand · and children daYB. ' . by the soft light of many Oregoma. . ' · peaceful nature her even hIghly ~ntertamlg. , and W.lth a Wide V h 1 • Dr. Shackelford's life W81 aD un·· re " made ' the hom~ life ple8l'l8nt rep~r.tolre her progral}l wllll>e com 's wi':h e;e ts°~ a MX'8, Elwood Palm'e r, of Philadelusual ~ne. P~ rare abiUty . beautiful. ' . poSed of nu~bers entirely different d M \ ' W H th~ pa .en " r. phia, Pa • is visiting her daughter:, and a~ indomitable will be ov~ As ~ Ml'ther, sh~' was lender, kind [rom tho,Be lOveu before. , an rs.. . a away. Mrs. Alice A:lcorn at the Friends o'cJock Mr. and Mrs. Bogan Jeft in many ob9tac1ea in securing 'a n edu. and 8ympBtheli~, nf;!ver scold ink. bu Th~re!s ~ . power ~essed by Home. an &utomobile for a abort wedding cation; in the fight for life whlllieft . luving, With friends · lIDd certaIn, 1D~1":ld!laI8 which en.ables trip amid !l !;hower of'rlce snd con. wounded upon tbe field of batnel,ghlbor'SI she rejo. iced in the!1 suc· them to C:&Ptlva.le and h.old the mter fettl de. and being ,maimed I~or Jlfe ID -~t:---,:=:.....-.£e,I~ ,sympathized in their sor· est of an !Udlence. who ~\U ; ;hhine \.II:! Ge:dum pursuing the study of mecJic:ine and rows, . ,I' h~r01w!11!8 ~fiman. WIll recog' darkened by shadOWS, and may their becomiQg~e B~ccessful p~elan Mother had love an'd charIty for a~dtest1fy th,.t Bbe pOS!leB8ell The many friends of Carl Jobns, joys increase with the pasillge of he was. ' , a\l; ~mali.ce toward mme " , gl~ t~ .~ f em"Rkrb!ii ,detr;r~. hal been so 'jll with diphtheria Mr; and Mrs Louis Chandler and years. - - -......--.----- ,. "None .knew her but 10 hlV~ hero. -'. qt a~t~. V'(l ~roVI e his home in' Lytle. wiil be ,lad to little daughter. of Dayton spent last • --+' . THE FA~MERS . INSTITUTE None namt!d htl!' bUI to pral e. ' ..t. will be given know that he is improving rapidly. ,week with Mr. and. Mrs. Edwin THE NEW CEMET~RV HOM.E The Farm-e'L T_-ti ' 'tu'te th"- 'winter But noW Mother has gone from us " ' . . ", Ch dl ... UJIt .. to be witb hl!r J,t'8US on th~ ' ~ther.ausplces of .t~~ C~rlstlan . Vote' for H. D, Kellison, dry can. an~ er. . ' The sexton's house at the cemetery pronlises to be'the best ever held in side. AU ~er duti~tI are don~; all Ghurch. p.rocur(> y~ur tlc~ets ellrJ~. didate lor Repre"entative to the M d M Ch A f f has been remodeled and enlarged. Wayne township.' The date fortile ta8kscompleted , . • - -, General Assembly. Election. Novem.. r. an rs. as. us m, 0 There are Bevell good.sized rooms, meeting haa been fiXed for January . Sl)e bad abllOlute faith and ' con, ' HOel CHOLERI\ PREVENTION ber Srd. ' adv Chlca!l'0'. were,caUed here last week· with ample closets and cupboards 1 and 2. and will be held at SchoOl ti(,lenee in her Saviour's 'Iov~and in ' , . A, • . ' on account .of the death of Mrs. l)esides the pantry and kitchen. Hall. The. speakers selected are flis power to bring .u~ to her in . Ther~ will be a meeting 'a t sChool Mrs. 8¥ah Zelle!8.. . of Eu~nk, AUBtin. The cellar is a large one. and is Ft:an k ~I~kford anll W. M. Cook• . land where there 18 no sorrow 01' Hall. ThtirSday, evei,ing, October IS, ~\ , wh~ has been VIsiting.he! B1swr M~. Barter Lackew. of Dayton. fitted up in the most modem Early In the· week · there' will be > r:lain. Blessed be the l(a1J1 e of tht· to be ajdressed by a represen· m Dayton •.was taken yery , III last . d. style. A large furnace will be !I Stoc~ Show .1~ Cf0!J8' buUdina, . •Lord. · , of tbe Pittman; Moore Co., of wel;!k ad IB not much bett;er was called here Satur, ay on account placed i~ t.he hou8e, some . tim~ this where ~ere. :wlll be a .l',JdeiDll con· . . 'd ' II . The ineetin"" will be present . of thl~ serious illness of her mother, month, Tl'le southwest room ·wIlI be test ,?nd"r t1iesupel'VlSlOD ()f a pro"I cannot pay'. nn . ·,WI. .not ', ' ." . . '. .' . . . Mrs. Henry K,ing. ' ' fitted up for a waiting room and the feasor from ~«r O. S~ U. Tbi8 T.~at,8Iiehi8 dt'ad ~Ihe isdjust yasearth~th'i~oloe!!~~ .~ Miss Bertha 'cOllett ·and , M1'8. directors 'will hold their meetin .... in be an entirely liew feature. With C f'pr~ ,sml e 'a n a wave '. stockmen. , all ~-Ilard f W'I iton, "Jl... "· '0.00.11 J h A r·' I. I d t' ..~ ,. , thIi .h d ' the farmers ,and to Grace va . ,0 I m"it n.t:IlU 0 ~ ' . ull~ey II aver lse· this room . . The · cistern is an im· , ",, ' - •' . " 'S he ::'Idete<i into an unknown ., . Thl\r:sday eveninlr, aa thisl~ Bet'dVlce ,att' 8· t. afMary'8 chu~iLh ment •. D(ln t flUl to' "e.t 80me of the tDense one and will hold a: larlle Quan· ST. MARY'S CHURCfI ' , .' I d . " . ' ,' ture IS an Important one. an spen t h e temoon", barguJDl!•. repiembcr big money can tityof water, which-is alSo piped to , And ~ou. 0 you. who th~., wilaest .• Tllere will be . about Jifty lantern , be aaved If you go BOon. . .the cellar. . The nineteenth ' Sunday after vaarn' 'shown; illustrating the uses M ' dill Walte' T __~ ". . Mr. Cast and family moved into Tn·nl·tvOctober'18·~ · SUDd.... BcbooI ... "w , , d' . f 1" d r. an r UK; .' mrs. MillS Mabel Wellington who has the new house Saturdav. They have ~ WJ. """ F6,r ihe ol<l .. tlme step and th~ gl!ld 10~ ~ qU!lr , Nellie Lackey, ot New Burl bgton. been vIsiting her grandmother, been living in a tent since June and at 9:30 a. m. ltfoming Praiilr and ' return. ' . ' \~fj~be UCtled~ and Mr. and Mrs, Cbarles Sellers, of Mary C. Satterthwaite has .returned .the chaJ)ie is greatly appreciated by sermonatlO:SO.·' Att\lelO:80aemce . :rbln~ of her fa\,lng on. as dear If h ou ' ~f i S.pringfield' ,were, town a ahort to he:r home in Chicago. .them. ' I the sacrament of Baptism will be , l~ thHeelreov.~, ,of There as the loye . 0 0118 ~ a~( time Sund~. , . . ' . :, ~ . . The directors are to be eongratu- tadhminlste~ • . "';fhe pliblic invited to. " , . , Roir Rioinger. who, has been lated .on .the change. ,. t . ' 8erYJeeB. ~' , . '/:. , " '. "Beautifiahwili,h~ at ~~ ,. ",f'!Juni . relativeB here for some time,' .. - . _ . . , . " - ,. . . Beau.tiful eoaJ.\\iitb race well'run ' -guest of Judge,and Mra.· GOLDEN ,WEDDING ' M~~ET " a.Qtiful rest when\work Ui bf Eaton, Ohio, ' . . : BeautifUl KJ'Ovee where ' " d M ' C H E l i The members ' of the W. C. 'T. U\ ' . M81~~. A • rt. II' uo,&ar~ Lebanon. MI'. an celebrateCl . rs. • their . u_lOlden ... ox wiBh to 'hank . the pubUe .f or. h"'' G~. ' • ., • vuJ:ne, .... Wbere'brown leavei ,~alland prater,. F . . ~reyan.d F. B.Hen· wedding.,at' tbeir home 'on Warren Uberatpa~alventbelr~ " lte dee.P.. ' . d~n . were at MiamIsburg ThUl'8- street, Mo.way week. There ' ere last Satamv. The proceeda UIIOIJIle O'eUoldecth&ndll A beautltuhleep~ day. ~lttending the Candval. , a great many guests p,.nt and"the :ted to f22. 61., .4' _ • ' , Thlllk ofber stillaa.tibe '1"1 Comnt"on "1'88 ' ft~lle Re.... Gowdy lIlade a h"ppy .• P+eeh BE CAREFlIl"BURNINO .LEAVES · She. not dead-tbe._ jU8t. aWQ.' &Xl -----'-.. Mr. , and 'mrs. Ii'. • , 7 Cb' .1_ iI Autin E ,.V •Barnhart at- f or tbe """""lUll . . ar.-. . Compton .~I~are both well kno~h~re,and · · There is.d to be a areat dtilll of . C.uD· O~ tJI.\HK8 lut Wedne!ldav! then' many. friends conJrl'&tulat,. diJtbtberia 'all aroUud 1110 aDd IOID8 . . them on their long and, h~.ppy IIlIll'- aa.v that thJscUaaMean-frqm ~ No. the ' )(, r,led life.,. . In. deld I_v. from the . . . It S~~~~~~~~'J. will cream, . • • ~Uld be. ar.t ...oat ,biitter'Jf" IK B~1a . S. A. Robineon. of .S.t• . Louis. 140., l_VCB Were .... IN"!Satlllrdi19 afWr ... YiIltina bis uncle. F. W. aath- d... u It mat.,. flQI .......




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Iir~ 41....t4!J


91 4.


During thIs day the plnll Is rule with Ol>pn Ing (or 88 tl ml pre vent atl Y doml natl ng IlLtluBJICO of Im llorlll.lJce. As trologers fiud t ha I Venus chan ges (rom rriendly to ('\'11 as pc,!l, wltil e t'llt ulle rules fo r good aod Sat urn Is mildly benefic In 8 $pec t. Love a!fal rs Ilr t!ulJje t to a slnls· te r gulrlance a1)d Intly be mos t II olucky und er th is configuration. .1' h re Is a predic tion, howev er, tha t marriages will t.ake 'ilIac befo Te lite llew y ~ar, deaplt Iloanclal co nd ltlo ns and other cOlIs ld en; lIons usually deemed detri· Ol ental to the to undl ng of ue w hom es . Shipiling Is unde r a s ign lhM prom' Ises great gain In certain lines of commerce later In the yoar. South America \\:111 ca use In crellse ot profit In a short ti me. but s ome unusual ob· stacles be encountered this montb. There Is a sIgn read I\S threat ening to the stntes on the Pllclllc coaat, for "strange shi ps from the OMent" will anchor In Island hll rbOTII. the seers dechue. The Pana ma olrPQsltton hus an au, lury at e xt raordinary success afler any-tribulatloJls and appare nt disappointm ents. Atten dance will be sur· prlslngly Inrge, It Is prlldlcted. Ne w Orl ea ns Is under a governm,l!ot of s tars wblch promises pro sperIty. Dangers trom f vers and contagious dlsoasl!8 s'hould be warded ott by watchfulness. Earthquake shocl's Are prognosticated tor Brazil and the western cout ot tile United States. The transit of Neptune through Leo I, held to give wllrlling of excitement In greater than any tbat baD thrilled the city at allY ,time In ItII blstory. Tbe atara presage vlctorY for France. ' Persons wlloso blr.thdate It Is have the augury o~ tatber an anxlou8 year.. Dbth bU61nesi alld domestic aflalrs mlly. present problems. El:t.reme care eon el'll1ng wrltlpgs of everY .lort may prevent trc'lIl1'le. Children born on thlB dl\y may be exceedIngly Qulo~-t.emp ered. Inordi' nately ambitious and very Industrious. Boys may not be. sucoessful In bus I· neS1l.


IlRpecllllly In mo mentous ma tt·crt!. Ther... Is a ,"IIJ'nfng Olnt the res)dllntl . ! the W st, pnrlfcula rly those on the l'ucltlc const. mllY lose their lI.eace or min d lin d dis play Jllck ot w ll;t1 0Dl, 1 ranull todny hHn a n nspect thllt Is. bf' ltf'\'ad to torCMlmdow s clou. loss s 10 uorlal na v l!ln~lon. A cl dents ~ re Indl lit rI. hlnl\, Mull nu a t.o be 8ubj ct to 1110· lIs;rn Inflll nces tbnt pre vent tranquil, I lt ~\ , 11 ItVy '1lIxaUon will be a savel'e burden to lhe paoplo fa r some li me to ~l)llJe.

'l'he Halkll us a re li kely to 'be t he scane a t troubl S as terribl e n9 those " r th pas t. SenSational r evclatiolU! concerning' Pllbllc phllan th ronles a re predicted . 'rile sre read as presaaing t rou· h! 1t a bout 1lnance Mll rs ao d Sutu rn are stl\l operatIn g to proQu ce compllcation s a nd Ilnlcletl I! for the king of Haly , tile seers declare. Mini ng In the U nited Stllt es will be nIY ctcd by tbe sinister guidance o f Saturn. It Is prognosti cated. The Western states will not lose seriously tor nn y lengtb of ti me. astrologers sa y. PeraoDs whoae blrthdale It Is 'may bave ma ny financial anxIeties, some of which are unnecessary, during tile coming year. 'flley should guard Ilgalnst accident and bo ca reful of the b altb . Childre n born on thIs day nTe 1II1al), to. ba ve eventful liv es. They liMe the omen of bad luck In traveling on wa· te r. DoS's proba bl y will have dlfHcult)' III saving money. They are subjects at Libra and have Vellu s a s tllelr princIpa l ruling star. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11,1914.

Astrology construes the aspects of the stars today IL8 rnther favora ble. A.lthough Saturn Is strQngly adverse very ea~ly in the morning, ~faTS and Mercury afO In benefic aspect after !l oon. ~ . Tile day Is held to be propltlQus for IntelleclUT&l1 actlvUi08. Mi nisters and ' speakers a'r e ·under . ' fortuna te rule that ! hollid Impart power and fe rvor. Undel' thl8 configuration young folk anould 1/enellt. It Is believed that the sta'rll give them earnestness and cOJlfidence, by which tliey can persua4e those who have authority over them to do what Is m08t desired, provided tbe heart's wish Is beneficial. Short Journs n are l1kely to be most sllccessful while Mercury Is friendly_ Travel that brings togethe r friends or provides new opportumties to orator8 or lecturers 18 guided by klndly InfluFRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914. ences. the seers announce. Surgery, which Is belleveil to be Fair fortune smiles on a world rul d by Mara, has brl1lillnt prospects. today, sccordlng to the readings of tbe Astrologers 'p redlot fll.lne for many stars. Uranull. Jupiter and the Bun men w.ho conduct hOBp\tal attain. • re 1111 IItron~ly ' benefic' in InDuenee, Large endowments to Institutions In , ~eptune illone being adverse. . tbls oountry and Europe are Indicated. -'-:'---'~--'--'---"--U~--"Im ' .e-!D. which to pusb all Wo.m en who 'g ive their atlention 10 buslt;lesJI o.ffalrs. planning and tIlkln&' nursIng wlll gain great power, It Is action Without delay . prophesied. The war will teach tbem BuyIng Is under a sign beld ' to be new m'e thods of furthering humB.tlI· particularly iuCky and .peculation tarlan movements and working tor may be lIuccc81ful, If It Is concerned unh'eraal peace. with quIck transactions. A London astrologer predIcts tllat Uranus gives conlldllnce In scbilmell Europe wlll Buller trom the war tor , that d,e mand darlflg and foresight. 18 moutha, Then, through 1917, readWhUe tbls away continues whatever justment wilt tIlke place and 1919 I" Is unique, original or cnlous moy iieclared as tbe yeat, in which a new· bring Immense gatn. The rule!ls mnst area of stable world relations will bepropitious for new Inventions: Air- ,gin. D11Jl\rma~ent .Is mentioned as an ,eh\ps ;Will concentrate attention, ' It' IS u'\Umale acco~pllshment. p'l'Qphested, to such an :extent that un· '. There IS a sign Interpre't ed 'lls warlr. 'd·r eaineil.of galn8' will be made In man.- Ing women against ' the wearing of ufacture. . mourning tor tbe dead who fall on bat· All 'who command, all who hold Ueflelds. This II bel1eved to affect lbe ?f p?wer and all who bear 'condltlons operllting toward peace and rcsponslblllties should benefit · 'happlne8s. " ..,,:..:.....=,f'->-..,--~-UJaa:r~ · Rerllous whose blrthdate It tl bave The coildJtfonl nre good tor pOliti- tbe ' augury of a troublesome year. clans who desire to aeek favor trom 'Both men and women should conserve const1hlentB. . their means, and .avoid le~ding' money. liere 'Is A pro.phec.y......thaWbe. NaChlld~en borai on ' thll day will be ,em bet: elecUon.s will caU8e surprIse. unu ually lucky, . eXC~ilt til ,alnlng that will greatly alleet the .latul ot fortune. They ,h ave the promlsa at In-


w;'~tn~lSlt ot Mil", to Saglttarr~II, tbe

t"lIlgence, brlllljkncy and ~le!lt. EJ.· cels of generosity I. otten "trait at elgn ruling SpaIn, may cause trnuble tliese sUbjects of L ,. Ibra. to tbat country or to' tbe Idng. ,Death that touche, the royal family MONDAY. OCTOBER 12,1114. · of' Great Britain araln II presag8\1 by . the stars. Tbls Is a d~~btful day. accordh~g to The BeerB snnounce the· neelt at eultlvQ.t1ng the virtuel .of th~ft' and the .reading of tb~ Itars, for the SUlI Is Btrongly aclvllr,. e In Ita Infiuence. economy. They prophesy a general reaction against the srowth of waste In tbe afternoon Venus cliancel tram &nll ' eXtravagance.! " s,vll to beneftc alpect. MercurY and Mars In the flrth house . ·It Is not an auspicious time for eeek· I>l!lhl !pve warning of . trouble In Ing n'aw posltlons .or' maldug any move IDdiL' The ~e8trudlon ot a rall"~Y ,that carrie, future respOnsibility. Un· .,lth . 108B ' of ' lite \s p08slbmty; ae- der this IJgn . It Is held that just .cording .to the In'terpretatlon or a Lon- enougb success comes' to Insure severe dOn' al!trologer. disappOintment. Persons whale blrthdate It la have , There 18 a sinister sIgn gOYernlD,1 ft. haPlIY '&ugury for the coml'n g 'year. asloclatlon wIth persons of , promlPi'Qlperity II) business Is 'fore8hado~et'I nence. Men ·.nd ",omen In pOSitions and' success tbrollgh trs.vel and cbange of power are apt to be elceedlriKly II probable. Tholle. wbo .re employed arroga~t , and ' domineering.. , It wlH be well to . delay requests for aid or sup· will' be luCky. " Chlldreu ;:,orn Qn thll! day ,may btl port UDUt a more propltlous rule ope ... . . . .elf-wllled and hlgb.teplpered, but they utee.. ; • .'11'111 enjoy ~ucce8s and progresll In : While tbls conftgurutlon prevails ae. Il~e. ClevernesB .In 'b!l~!1l\ng other per- crecy concernIng plans ahouJd bll 'oDe,11 often 'a trait of theBe subject. malnt\1lne·d. ·. '$UCCB8S t. ~u~Po8ed to · of Libra. attend only ·th08e things wblch ' cal) 'be kept hidden from the ' begklnlng. Dlplom.oy and .tateoralt are · sub8A:rURDAy.. oeT~BER 10, ~01". ject to con41t10Ds aald to ,be mOBt duo ~ Astrology nlidll this a day bllt light: blolls. Warning of dang~ra' to states 1y :ruled by the 8taT!. All tbe· Inllu,- tbat III' towal'd, the setting aun' Is glYeDcell larll adverse. however, and cqndl- 'e n by tbe Been. who declare that the}' tlon8 ' are not favorable ·f or tbe pu ... recognize wh"t ba8 been ,t e'nned the 1111\ of any IlJlportant enterpJ!lse8. .",..eUow perll." Uranus" Mercllr7. apd J.uplter are all ChIna II under a planetary e1l"l,)' 'tUgbtly In theIr 8WIlY. ' ' that appaars moet po",ertul tor cUs. It III .a tlm.. most. In~uaplcloue for turbancell of both an lnteri1al and ell:4QpuJae~ Yenturee. Jud&ment II lernal nature. Mercury 10 conjunction aupJiOMd to .be Impaired wll.(le thil with Mars Is believed . to pr~. IIarI preY.llI. . ev~t. 01 eKtraordlnary moineJIt. . Bankert, brokeN ' a'Qd GDanclen Astrolopra IJI Lolldo. predict tbat .-aollid be ~UOUl, the leer. declare, before the end of tbll mDllth a eertala erI"~ which (omla wll1 face "uDler of war ud ea... uxtetJ, lftueue of IUaUcm.o' but the Itulla-






. ::::~"'::Db::

for the


r ' c'J moro enc')u rogln, t.hsn !t 11'," month' ago. 'hlctlgo sboul'd prollt b:r t h • position or t he stars next month. SMuTn glvea great CRInS to tll08e Who denl In coal in tho Illtell SlaMB. 'I'h re 19 a propb cy that Imtnl! nlle dmft ~ on t be season' s supp ly will be mB\lc (r om t he Orlellt. I ersons whos", blrt hllaLe It Is ha ve rnth r un II.Dxlo us y a.r ba (ore them. so f llt us bllslness and ' Hllllnchil af· lai rs uro cOl1cernell, Men I! houltl be oa relul of new en ter prises. Those wh o n re IDp loyes sh ou ld be extrllortll· Dltrlly dl ll g nt. hlldron born on tbls da y may be They E~lO Uld be rMhe r UII III Oky. (ral ned mosl .cl'lrerul1y to a buslneS9 or professiona l car er. Gi rl s m ny T hese Bubjects of "m a rry wo rr),." Llbrn havp VelluB as their prlo lcpal rullllg plnne t.



Teatifie. She Was Restored - 1- -

Lydia E.

to liealth " ,·" ,'

Lackawanna, N: Y. - " my fim' Child wna bo.m 1 fel t very, miserablo and could not 'stand OD teet. ' My sistl)rin-law wished me to try Lydia E. Pink- ' bam's Y e getabl_ Compound Rnd my nerves beurne firm, appetite good, ete~ elaatic, and I 101' that weak, tired feeling. Thllt wu si!!, years oCo Ilnd I ~l.L:,.;;u.:.'""''-''''-'''lh",e had three fln. bealthy cblJdren since. For female trou· bIllS I alWIlYS take Lydia E. PinkhJ!;m'. Vegetable Compound and It works Iik. a charm. Idoallmyownwork. "-Mra. A. F. KllEAll'.ER, 167' Electric Avenue. Lackawanna, N, Y. The IUCCIISlo1 Lydia E. Pinkham',. Vegetable Compound, mads from rootB and herba, '1. ,unparalleled_ It may l» used with perfoct confidence by. womel) who eutfer from displacements, In"am·



Aslrologers ' give War ning lhlll thll Is n dcubtful day, In whlcb It 18 well to conduct nil affairs with cautioD. Venu s Is In a place ot power for !loo d and Saturn III mildl y helpful, early In' the day. but lat e r both Saturn !lnd Uranus are evil In their sway. Women appear to be rather fortunate u.nder thf. I!lgn. In buslnepl affairs they may bene fit , but they should no~ put their tate to the teAt In nny romantic aS80clatlon. Tbis shou.ld be a 1alrly lucky wed· dln'g duy. un)ess the bridegroom l~ old. Dinne rs are 6ubJect to a gov ernmeDt tha t II! favorable. Public banquets are like ly ·to be successful, t,be InfiuenceB to convlnclns bein g oonducive s peechee a nd a convivial spirit. Entertaining thIs month Is suhJect to 11 leading tbat will not encoura.1 milch hospitality. It is predicted tbat public meetlnllS In great numbers wlU be beld In the UnIted States for the purpose of dill' cussing nlltlonal questions. Increased actlvity among Socialilltl nod radlcale Is foretold 'for tbe winter, when tber' wUl be much poverty Il-Dd dl.tren. AccOrding to ~ London Beer, tbeatrlc,a l affairs In Great BritIlln will Dot lie encouragln" e:ve'n In Decem·b er. AD explQslou 011 a serioul aoold~nt' In a playhouse Is foretold. UrnoUI\ &n~ S&t\l~n today may pro' duce deptesslon and melancboly, The adverse aspects ' of tbese planetl a~e supposed ·to 'cause Ii.elesl worry &Jitl general pessimism. It Is a most unluoky government under which to bU,. as fraud Is supposed to be practiced more succeBsfully than at other time •. Disastrous wreck. are prognosU~ted tor Bext month, wben the weather WIll be treacberous. A decrelUle of crime la. predicted a. one oc the results of 'public anxiety. Magaztn4!II' '(tre llubJsl!t b ~etl;'" c9fldltions which presage a period . of great prosperity. . Persona wli'o le' blrthdate It III fDa)' have an unsettled year. . 1n ,dom.~Uc affairs condlUon8 will be fortunate, but bU81ne8s may cause anxiety all:l concern. Children born (on lbla day may be blgb·strung and relltless In nature, but they will probably be exceedinglY ae-. t1ve an~ persevering, Qul~k to win respect and generally successfUl. 'Phey may be too much' Inclined , to enjoy cC?mpany.


A String of White Wyandotte Hen •.

Elrp erlence provea every day that .nd feeding too much and marketin, too IItUe. and mixed wIth othe r feed Is very What profits It a mnn It be ral8es a beneficllal tor layln!; henll. fine lot of chicks and tben allows the Sell ott all the cockerell now, but middleman t~ get tbe biggest end of first stutt the m for at least two wljeks the profits? befor .taktog them to mllrket . At the present high prices of corn H ynu have never ueed a curtAin In and wheat the poultry rais er who hlUl tbe pOllltry bouse. try It this winter. to buy all or bll! I eed mus.t study bow G Cl (Ive ry thing r eady betore cold to cut close corners or be will lose out. . "' l'a tb'~ r comes on. Th e natural fee d of Cowlll Is Insects It you keep guineas. turkeys and aod worms Ilnd dry gmln. Wet mash chicks, hulld separate houses and bas hllld Its day. . yards for them. It you confine a1\ It hI poor buslnes8 to ever s end 0 three varIeties fn one yard during tbt lean fowl to market. winter, It will prove disastrous. Spade up every toot of the poultry We do not believe In a tlgh.t poultry Yllrd before th e _round freezcs. Aft- house. Leave 'the front entirely apen. e r the hens havo taked It over, smooth Even If there III no curtain, fowls wilt it down wlth 'o rake roller leaving no seldom sufler except In · abnormall' depreElslonl in mucb puddles can COld weather. . form. IIlote fowls die from bad aIr ' thaAl Do not Bend poultry Into winter from cold weather. quarte rs wIthout ilrst thoroughly dliiThe broiler business Is a11 right tor InfecUDg them. Whitewasb anil spray those who make a oIole atudy of \t. with carbolic acid or kerosene. lluL the carelells man 01' woman will It i'li our plan to take out ev,ery do better to lUck lo"e"• . r,o ost and 1008& part ot ~he poulby Duck!l may be plllcked two Oll; three hOUll8 ~ the fall and relll~ce It wIth, times durin,. tblj drst SoIllSOn wjth~t new. materlal. . . . • Interfering 'wltb their gfowth. Whenever A poultry bouse Ie cleaned Some people have yet to Jearn tbat and nest boxes and, IIxturel are re- duckllng8 and gOSlings muat have w&o moved, they shoulo ' all be burned en- ter at hand when ted;' because they tirely or beld over a. Ilame of Btra" to alwaY8 drink as they eat, taking a destroy every Insect that crawls. lew moutheuls or teed and then a III» . Too, many poultry ral8ers ' Btudy care of water. ... ............. III lalra chopped very nne or ground



periodic pili no, backache, bearillg·doQ feeling,t1stulency,incii&,eltlon,dlu.lnesl, or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pin - _ bam'. Vegetable Componnd fa the ltu- . dard remedy for female 1Il1_ Women who suffer from UiOle datreBling ills peeqUar to their lex .boulct be convinced ot the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham', V~~table Compound to .... store their heAlth by the many gcnuln. and tnithful testimonials we are roI\ltantly publishing In the newspapers. If JOlt WI,.t s.pectal achloe write I"dla E. Plnlllla ... lIedlalbe. Co. (ClOd. deDtlll) 1"nD, Jlal.. Your !elter 1tDI Jle OPIIDlld, read .nel anl!wcl'tl4 by • wo.a ••• d !tel. I••trlct coDll4eaca.



Plentiful Supply. of Pure, Fresh Water Nonproducer. Have No Plaos In I. of Utmolt Importance-Aeh '. • to-Date Poultry Plant That II 18 AI.o Needed. RUn for ' Profit.



,(By ;So B.


(By J.


H.ALPrN. WI8consin .AlT1cul-

I ural College.) The hen needl food to Bustaln life; Next 1n Importanct\. to "Death or to buUd up, develop and repair 'waste tlsBUIl:S; and to supply heat aDd energy ~apt1vtty to th8' Rooster: ~ the summer· fOil th~ proper functioning 01 tbe JV.', Iv-'I-""''' ~\l.~~lL.I.u.':::"-'JlULQ..wII~l\WllUllI..l--IfI-~~Ie.:Jtt/lj:k,.IibJ~e,.J"-Dee..~[luOBt.--,. ,W)1at Is red above 'these ne~ds goes to "To Market With the Old Hens.· he 'productlon ot meat or eggs. The '}for celltlllnly the nonproducera bave compt,aitlon of tbe hen's body will no place tn the soheme of things In an vary with her condItion, but may be IIp·ta-date poultry plant that Is run "ill dean it off ,.ithout Iayini tM. said to Cl)nta1n about 66 per cent wa- for.· prollt and not (or pleasure ·alone. horse up. !l;o bUller, DO hair 'y earso I'd be,g In to d e- d lone. Concentrated-only a few J,'I"Jl8 ter, 2:2 per oent .proteln, 17 per c. ent lin , . I overd two . cI at cI ' roper requare ,an application. 12 per fat, and tour per cent I1sh.. An c e n pro u ng powe~. T1i~y. rarely """" ~I""'" D_1'!!'!..... fM~lAIiriIcd_ cOntlll,"B about 66 ""r 'cent water., lay ~ many egss a8 In ~hell' l»).\lIet ... x: fi'ee. AB,lIURBINE, IR....tifGdo, .. "" and 11 •• P .... dl· '" IIAI.- .to< _... ....... I'll..........w.,.: ' r... Per.,cllOt protein, ten per cent lat y"ar nc s ...ges. rou ng toa.l ...... 0 ...... GoI!!w. W ........... vm.- va.. 12 pel' ceDt ash. ,Of the Bsh, prac"ca.1tbey , have '. been marlced witb a toe Varlaloldlt, 01&...... AUQe NIL Ptb I ..... sa., , .. h I h d · bonle ."nalDO/_rend., .....rICUl..a 001, ~ .' y all but abo'ut one per c~nt I. from puno . n teays of their youth, de- It.F.YOUIIII.P~D.F.,.10.,. . at..lorlnafl.ld,lIa... WEDN'ESDAY, OC:rOBER 14,, 1914. the slitell., '., tectlon of\ the aced "matrQna" will be' f ; ,. -. ~ . a comparat1vely e.IlY matter. llGfNTS ~....IDTo':"r..~:nt·Lbo,... This III an uncertain day, accordin. A glance at theae figurel abows one Be,fore the old bena. the BMrt. Itl....' ud &u!luroabl ...""='Jlo,4_'*p, " •• aI~ IWW. w,. - IIan - . UWtalW" to tbe rClfldlng of the astrologerl. th e' Irnpo rt ance <I t a P1en tltul young Itock and the male ' bird. M~y planetl contend lor influence. of pure, frea~ water. Water la not lent away to . market. they sbould causlns both good and evil guidance food, but wltllout water of no It;ep~ In a .mall'pen at leut two weeki In tbe affairs ot men. 'Uranu8, Jupt· use ' to tbe fowl. AJilinals a* well.. to Inc",&8e their wellbt. . Proving thl Claim. ter, Mercury: Saturn nnd Mars are all plante must have tb,elr rood In A ltabl ""for" tlie., can uae It. " When' the IU e ratioD for this period con· "14('8. Blulr C&JI make her huabtUl4 adverse, In the early houra, but I ater b.. ., slela of t1iree .put8 corn~eal, one part do aDytbln •. " some or tbe :alp8()ta chance. (ood l:e digested It 18 taken up by.the mliidUn I 12' • sa ow·g.ra e flour. and one . . , l!lood., which ',c'treu"ates throuSb the . The SIin Is fairly 'favorable In lUi . . , I • "tHlran, wlth-1JD1Dt11rtr'K1rtm'''mtt1r'''''tII:-+--;i;'i;;::;'='~==;;S~C;::;:'':::'T.-""",,-:-':''''-~':::'::~~'J. sway: The condition. sbould. be ad- bolly, 1I.0u"leh~n, and replenlshinl ed to make a ~-'mbl" ma-h \ l08t , ., 1- 'th ~.~ ~.... vantageous for leeklng favore. Pollt· N. ext .to ,· llro'te·,...... e o,,~er ahoul . d liever forlet to DI'rovlCle ner trunk In Ger.·man" " .·M-. . DIu· .. Ical campaign. Ibould be under tor- ment found In the largest f tf I f, I .tb I ~ jua~ lent' ber' huiband down towo ' hen' and I o.! ' t he' _,. ~l~en I1&' ow. w. p .8nty of to cabl& tbe kaiser a tull de"' J U ,i n .lhl' tunate guidance today, but \he ... -a water durIn th . d '" cI v .cr p Oll .. ~e'nt bu ' lids " up the body ' . and ' , e warm aY8. ..,ee -Cleveland PI.ln Dealer ' tlonl have the prognostication of ex- ~ all the bird's ~111 e ' t twl d" . .. "he 'aste tlesue.', p ' roteln, althou"'b . " a , c e a ar~ .. treme results "'hlcb represent SllTpril·... D allow accell to 1 f '- .. C '11 t T eel. Ing vote a, especially In certaIn Iilutern principal nutrieDt uled for'a tlnue ·rorn.·. ' " ~ IUP~ y .~ ~f!'c.e," , omp men , Ul'/! ""our•. statu ' ~u1lder,.'can &I!1P. be uled to take the "The YOUDI people at my bOUle aD that I ou,bt to bay. been a p~ Buslnesl men and women will . do place of ~rbohydrate8 and tat If thCllle GOOD HOUSING O'F C "r' ....h' telsloni! dancer:~ laid UDc1e no~ well to adhere to routine matte... ,a re not euGlclenUy Iupplled ill the ra- " ' . sole~ ' .. . , ~ ,-"' h ' WhUe tbll conflg' uratlon prevaUII. New tlOD: It .. not ecopom}', ho,w ever,. t.o To Ind, uee Eart" byln. g Pullets 8hOU ' lei .~ ea, rep.led. t • .,ouna ventures of eve"'" ~ . ., IOrt,' sbould ' be d... have . , 'thl. take. . I place, 'a s the protein . 8 • .Put In P.rman.nt Qu.rte.... ,·man; .... pro fell'Io.Dal 'dancer haa tb.·· Ja.yed. . more apsns va tha.n the carbohyilratea ,. Ii I MaturIty, ' woe pl~ , to blml!elf. and ,Jan't con, Discontent and lel'/ouI· lI.eed).DJODI or a~~ " . . . _ ._ ..' '. , sta~tly, ~lIlt1nC 111"9tber' people'l certain olasses ~r' wO.rk . en will eau,e. Caribo)iydratea, wblcb are DrllnC!h)~ll-· 1 • , J .' . I Id A. C. SMlTH.) , ' " '.. t widespread dllculIslpn aurlng'~e nsn ., su,an, .organ c BC S . , that 1Jl08~ casel 'of cold. tew ' months. B.t rlke" are torelhad· kP ,enl:OIBanll. USed to produce ,beat roup a~e IDC\lllre4, IJI, tbe tall be. owed. . .. , '. • and They are tbelUel ,and are cau.e the blrdl 'are 'bot h:ouled · . . · to h I There II! a prophecy that a etate.- very; lIleceaiary' in the ration and form early.. they Ihould ' be. Fow are IS.. 8 '0 m.a n wlQ cause a lensatlon In W¥h- J he '].,'est, part of ~t ~ta hl't~, to '& tlmld .1JI ne~ qua~ra anti are prone Ington. '. Danger at intern.,tlonal com- great~xteJ;lt, the ' fUllctlo~ .. ~r- to-crowd and hUddle tocether on u(. ... ' _. , j,ilcatlonl ts forel!Jadowed. . " bohYclra.tes. Fata act as a IItorehoU8e ~Oltl·, an'd drop boards. 'In tlll_ way Editors ar!l subject to • ·I'oyem· ·tor surplu. eupplleli OD which thefQwl the., .becom-e overheated ,t DI,ht only mimt that Is lIald to be excee~'ngl, 'c an clJraw 'l'h~D nec•.a·sIl.TY. A8h or min- to be chilled wbel;l they eeparate In . , favorable. A revival In all brailchea er:al Diat'ter II iuao needecl,fortbe bonel the mOrDlnl_ . It IB an.' ex~ellent' Plaia, of publlsblng III ' pndJcted. . .' o~ tb,l~ fowl. anii fol" the llieU Of. the therefore, to ~oq.e a few. ,~ ftrat ind • ' D8.!Ic1ng wlU be lei" pOllular thso ergs. " . . aa ,. IOOD .1 tbsy teel.' at ~ome add a ~l()~he$ formerly, .tlie ,seere. pred,Ic;t., b~t. . , ' 1 more p.nUI the pen h.. ; receiyecl , tal'1' 8uggest!oni wW be Introduced P()i~ITS ' OFPR...O,' FIT~L:E. Ita capaclt)'. ,.' ' . . ' , '. soclalararre, .It Is saId. ;,' '... . . .It II an acce')lted ,.f!\ot that ~ FQr a ~eaT b~eflta to 'h ospitals bave In' 10caUon ~rre!lta 'the 'iarln, I. i..,' '.,' . ' " . I , been· Indleat-ed by the atar.. It Ie therefore lh order to Indue. now·llro,phelled. that Jmmenle r.ortuiiee l&tt,;, the ])ulleUi .hould be put • , In permanent 'Wln~a' quarten two qr will be ,devoted to theae Inet~tutlon., ""hlch will ' be dllyeloped IJI new three weeD balare' they are 8Zpe:otel rectlODI\. to mature. . , NUfa88 and an who mtDl8te~ to . ..! physical distress are lubJect to • cU· Wsak 0".. Cn,Wded' Out. ' rection of the lltan which denotel the NeYer aUow Cll\Jeb of .U aces to run, q~~er. . TIle ltiOnler &rid Ipread bf a . w~rldwlde hum,nltartan· 11m. er ones wlU ret mOlt o~ the fOOd aud wlll ftBht aad crowd ~o :*~lrer oa.. Penons «hale bltt,bdatlt It HI mar tul, if ~.~ ~o 1I1e, the7 will IlPw' have many al;lnOy~Ce8 tq meat la th~ ~toUa~ , comlJl, 7eU. - . They. Ihauld • .,old IlM\CUlatlOD. Tbose wbo an,11Iiplo.,_ I . . . . . . . .... ha-le a IuclQ' aul11l7• Chlldnn barD ob thI8 d., m., be a:ceeCllIl,ly letr·wlllecl 'l1li11 ItubborD.' The,. wUl ~lJabl" be ~













R U,L: .. lJ-i.N10-'M ore

'1 ., . ' f th e ogan e woman. She u sea RUB. NO. M: RE WAS H'I' NG . bec:=aus'e it qUlCkly ,

bbiodo an-'d disinfects them at the· same "lme. . . ;'


THE MIAMI •••••• ••••••


. . 'i beart," abe muJ'IDllNCI. "And I .balt

•••••••••• ~.... never marry.

~or you'"



0ASE F'UR EUGENIC5 1'~b~~:;:;:~n hb~8 ~~~:aet~e~~~tr;:g~:~ U . Pll!~~~ur

packed h is things tbat nl,ght and went to tbe station. He meant to • . leave t he t. WD torever. Upon the platform be met .. n eighbor of the ( O.pyrlllht. lllH, by W . Q. Cb~pma'n,) R~eve8. -"And cousins can't malTY" ended 'That's a bad thing thnt bappened 1 MlsH Jones. the vlUage co~sIP. thle lltternoon: h e said to him. umphantly. . "Wbat's tho.l?" IWke!1 (Arthur abo T hat was the law In that puuou'lstractedIY. . lar state. but It was more than a law; "Tbat stroke of Mrs. Reeves. I dou't Jt was becomlug public senUment . . expect sb e'll IIve ' throug,h the nlghtArlbur Davis beJleved In bugenlcs nt least, the doctor thinks tbere Is no w ith a ll his beatt, He was sure that chance." The train camo In. but Artbur did tbe marrl.t~e at cousins was undeslr· able aud enta.iled physical disaster not take It. He stood as one stunned . UPOII the children. B'IIt be -loved Nancy W hat would Nancy do all alone? His R eeves as much aa twenty.ll ve ever' duty WIlS with her In this c ri sis. Wbnt· ever litB own s urrerl ng. h e must light Joved twenty. The Reeves and Davis fam111es were It down and aid her. tha lend lug ones In the town. Hiram . Quickly be mnde his way up the bill ReeVtlB lUlu been a. ne··well tn his to the bouse, Tbe Cront door stood ')'outl1 , aud bad brought unbapPlnes8 wide open. He wlllked upstairs, Into ,on his pretty' young wife. At last he tbe old woman's bed room. Sbe lay took h:lr West. to return ten yeara unconscious on the bed, and at ber Ililer wllh a fortune and a pretty IItUe side kneeled Nancy. praying. Her tace ~Irl, uney, wbo had coma to them was wet wltb tears . Sbe seemed t~ understand tbe young Wben th ey hnd given up all bope of hav .Jg chlltlren. man's motive In r eturning. for she T he Reeves family bad re.eltab. looked up In ' nn uuderstar.dlng way Jlshed Itself. As Nancy grew older. an." gave him h er baud. And 'upon .Ar~hu r Davia was her constant com- the otber side of tbe bed Arthur ,,'alt,paDlon. He loved her before he had ed tbrough the nlgbt. ' ~ ver heard o( eugenics-Indeed, before At dawn tbe old woman opened ber anybody ' else bad. . eyea. Then came tbe avowal of love, ani! "Tbey say s be al n't my child." she 6 11 t be village was shocked. There muttered. "Well. let tbem aar. They had been 8 eur;enlcs lecturer there won·t dare Bay It opeDly. tr they do that summer, and he had painted In I'll Bend tbem to tbe . sUlte pe nlten. lurid words tbe awful conseQuencel of Uary. They laugbed at me when 1 an IDter'marrlage between COUSIDII. was a I'll') becllu sa I didn't hava a A nd Arthur and ' Nancy, auted In the child. But they woo't dare tl) laugh Second row from tbe front. telt their now." band~ relax and their heartl beat The muttering voice died away.-but a lowly with horror, occasionally a word or phrase burst They from the old woman's lips. It was evl· Silontly they went home. parted with averted facas. Next day dent that sbe waa Ilving In tile past Nancy wrote bel' sweetheari' an 1m- again. "I won't t !llJ Hiram." she muttered ])asllioned saying tbat thsy must never meet again. In any event, .he later. "He's making good . money now. .eald, abe could Dot marry. beC..Ule. It will cbange his habits to bava tbe JlO'" t bat her father was dead. and' her reBponslblUty ot baby. of his motber grow1ng ,old. Bbe must devote. I'll get the glrr."- Yes. Mrs. RIt:bards. only you .m ust Ilgn a paper never to lI'ersslf to the old woman', ·c omfort. '" reckon Mrs. Reeves ",111 let lier want to ilee her again or lea~ ",ny· foot dOwn bard on that en,~ement"' . fb,ng II,bo/.lt Iler. A 800d bome ~ Yes, .ald MlslI Jonall. "NanDY's tbe apple Indeed, snd a 8,00d father. Hiram oC her ere. BS she ought tQ 'tie, cobllld· driD"'" w~m, . yell, he does a little•. but erfnl! how many yeare It was before no more tban mO,lt men do. I ret'lwn . . "So rn Il,n here. and the oblld's Mbe had her." · Her cblldle~8l1eas had been a bitter. Ipln~.~y .very own. to pass a8 t hing for Ada Reeves to bear, Sott· own dau,hter-" e ned thougb It wall by the realization ···Arthur'" 'ellclnJmed NaDCY 'WtlcUy, The .ecret was revealed. the secret W~lch the old woman h$d gUarded 80 jealously, e.,en at the cost at her daughter's happlllell8, and nothlng could shake theJr conviction that her words were true. It wa.s two months after the tuneral that .they were marrled~ And the vii. lage take. no 'stock in eugenics nowa. daYI. For the prophec), has been proven false, III tbe publlc's mind. ,They do not know the truth, because th.e . lovers decl~ed to keep tb'e old woman's lIecret thoukl f slie"'Viiii no there to fear the ,8coffs' of the village ,0slllpL . . _ '

Peculiar Festivity

That Glvell the Young Men a Chance to Chooae The ir Wlvea,



tri. 1


ANAMA 'Is a uniqu e city.

T be 'rb er e "'i r"O-' maIlY boautlfu l plaz!\I Ircultlstnnce8 wblch sbaped nnd patios SP',t alllong lhe olh rwlse he r destin y nnd wove b er Into ba Id. sere bO Uises sud streols of. Pan, the we b or progr 88. matle of nma. Til 8e lire green and fragra nt he r a sister to t ile great oltles a ll th e year wllh fun palms and bnn. of 'orth and South Amedea . Her geo· ya.n8 casting n day·long s had ov r graphical situation, he r North Alneri· til up·to-da te benc hes. In SuutnnB caD adoption IUld tbe greatest or pal'k, when III s had es of evening be' world projects carried out In her e n· gin to fall. a :'Slll ggot)' baud " usually vlrons, a ll hnve 8 n ' et! to IItt bel' out playing some of ou r popular mu sic. or tllnt centuries old letha rgy so I comes from somewb ere, un d begln~ enervlltlng. Impassive and r larding. The young p410ple seem to think 11 . ACter th old Pnnama had been re- great ueal of the music for th ey ac. vl ved again alld ngnll) from t he tUJllne claim It loudly afl r each pi ee. and d06tructloll at pirates and buccanee rs. will sit all night and lis t n, If thll It was flnnll)' le tt to t he denizens at band keeps UJ) • the jungles and the ne ~' Panama ·Thete are ,;1I11 a conside rable num. founde d SOllie flve miles to tbe sou til- bcr of bleh·class tamili es wbo malle west, where the devastaUon 01 plun- various tal·.reaching claims towa rd an dorlng sl1lps' crews was Imp08slble. aristocracy, wh ich. so fa r ns Is actuTbe Panama at today stands protected all ), known. nev r existed b yond tbe to seawll rd by a long r eef. La landward Imagination. Bll t they n evertheless by a narrow peninsular .neck .. and by observe strict relations with tb e In; the mighty a rm of the United . St~ tes rerlor "Amerlc:ans" a8 they hold them to be, and will not let their daughte rs governme nt. MetropOlis of Central America. be seen unellcort d In any of the No more will Plzarros. Morgans and plazas. The glrlll of the common class 'alk ers pillage Ulis metropolis of are JUet nnd Ilpoken (0 by the young Central America, no more will tbe men, but come ar. d return borne In bigotry or priesthood bold a t hrotr groups after they have conclud d . a tUng ha n'd upon her progreas. The lIl'\)rry . evenln@; a t W e concert. new Panama. born In tbe last decade, For those wbo can afford It the Na· ill pulsating '\I'ltb enterprise and Indus- tlollal theater olfers enterta l~m e nt of trial nchl evemElnt. The financial Inva· I\. type tbat 118 peculiarly original III











I)"'"TJaechild:"':';' . lI,oor opeDed an~ Nail."



' ... ~ thenl- She· "_00 ..... .. u~na .,.el7: ",vna '&bat ,.....polEan. .. .d ·tser rac. ~.. .. wldt. . . datil. ..~ancy.. be 'w1lD~ to J'OV

" '.trQ

dlbt to ~a"·jmotllll'.'·~"itlrtcl ,tIl.

1Il_ 4ecfIlftlJ...

Obi .wom...




all.,ut. 10a



10 Do. . . . . .11 "Toa 1'011" Db

.... H usftlled, tbe


A prl mlUl'o or the th'elj or tbe Uar lug and ~retlc coasts Qt lb'rlU. ·:I, custo m that.. has come down from ecne ralions of savage an· ce ~ lol'K. Is lhe annual celebration of tb· whal dunce, whun tho E~khnoe tlel ect til Ir wlves, I Wh J) th BU ll moves so ut~ard at Ib ehd of tb e s hort summer season, alld the lee close!S upon tho Ilorthe r-n S\!:lS , Ib whales COI ~le down to Ol)en WLller. Then In celeb atlol\ or the sco!\on 'lI catch the Ice dwe ll ers as· Bp.m hh.' for tbe wbale dance. which lasts 21 dLlYs. Tho great danc e circle Is prepared, und In th e center tbe dancers. both m al a ud ~ema le, perform the most s a vag of evolutions and motions to th e IICOODl IJllnlm ent of rh ythmless lJ elltl n~ 01 t he tom·toms nnd wcl rd chaLlting. The dance SODeS tell of the prolvess 0/ the bunters and or the history of th e lrlbe. The movements of Ihe women are surprising ly' graceful, anti th ey mean to show In their dance Tbal, as dll'u ghte ra of a great people. tbey are Ilossessed of all the qualitIes such women sbou ld have. The men e xecute pant omimic scenes of the huut . and go througl\ all the motions or t he kill; they spear the Ice' bear. s lny lhe walrus attd seal: and finall~ . with e xtrao rdinar y contortions. van· fjul sb t he mighty whale. During last days of tbe feast. when th time arrives for t·h e selee· tlon or hus bands and wives. the man performs his mate dance before t he woman he has picked out. In pant()o mime h promises to provide bel' genrou sly with the fruit or the bunt. both foo d aud fur. Ir sbe Is plensed lIith hin;, she walks oul and dances her ' acc!.' plance and shows bow she will loolt a.tter the Igloo. When they lUl\' e . danced beforo each olher they lire ma rri ed after tbe cu slom of the tribe aud he leads bel' off to hts walrus Illd e lodge. During tile danoe tlley fea~t on ' hale. The IIkln at th q baleen whale I. Ilbout an Inoh tllick and looks like I'ubb r . The soli d blubt)er. t)et I'eeu it a nd the true /lesh Is. usually about , 4 inches thick. The · skin nnd the blubber, tbe littter cut to t he thic kness at t he tormer. Is called mok· tuk a od Is coiuildered a gre"t It III ea ten ra w, and altbougb It soupds ropulsh'e to the civilized ear, Is most . palatable. It has a fia vor something like that or ·cbestnuts ....:...You th·s Com. panlon.

Songa of Brltl.h Soldle,... Our French allies bave been struck by the "grav e alrs" whlcb our soldiers Sing on marc h. Many at our regt· ml!nts tuke a pride tn tbelr route slng1\lg a nd stIck to certain s6ngsnot all of tbe m. however. "grave," 'rhe Mancb ester r egiment has a fine muslcni repatution. their favori tes be· lJlg " F(:1lIa100" a nd "nrlan Boru." , The Yorkshlrea ' ma rch to "Dan Tucker." whic h consis ts at little more tban a series of dIabolical sbouts. The som. SIGNIFICANCE ·iN. THE CPLOR e11le ts cher ish country 'songs, particu· larl y "To Re a. Fanner'a Boy ;" the a Matt... of Flet, Just Why Shou Rill e ll rlgude sinCe the fa.mous '95 bal· Mart'lago CertIficate. Be Printed lad beginning. "Colonel Coote Man.n· In" Oreen? jl.l born Is 1\ very good man." while 'I ' t he Grenadlers' favorite 18 "Coon "1l3" , dellr Clartce." I l&1d. ,''1 ma)' Drum' Major." and the (uslleers their lay., In tbe ' clrcumlltancell. my very Ion I of the United " , . . ' . own pllrtlcu.l ar and beart-stl' rrlng StateB.has q,ttraCted PQlIamn.. The productions are usually d ear,Qlarlce. I like being engaged--to . ., """glltlng '.." Itil the ' Seventh Royal ' "ery type 0 Cc Iv Iiize d man klII, Tti ere In Ep.gllllh. · because tlle majority of ,. , yoU. th at I.; DO. I've never been en· I .. "'llslleers."-London Cbronlcle. sqed betor~but I don't see the senle s work to Ue done, needs to be aI· the audience. Is Amerlcan, and they" t t luaged. mbney to be made. AJI the correBpond to our vaudeville. III tbat 0 ge till&' marrIed. El.,en · the st.,te resources of the Burroundlng CQuntry they are pul on In skltll and separate Improving Egypt, seelJll, tp deride the'ldsa'o'7 cur union." m UB t be hr'au' bt·~o a ·rocus BO .tha t· part,. Danoers sre obtained from Peru. Elgypt has drainage problems .· ftm ~ ''What do 10 11 mean, '" said ClarIce, the ahlps that glide ·In. at tbe Pacnc Valpal'l'lso, Chile and Mexico. who well liS Irrigation ones. Just, at pre~; 'Tm almOllt. illarmed. Have tlie), dis, .entrance and out Into the Atlaptlc. do their 'native dance·s wltb skill and ent l be Egyptlun government Is pumpeo.,e~ that 7~U s,uftered trom tooth· will carry awa,. to the crowded mar· graCe. wbile tbe acts brought. trom ing ou t ' Lake Mareolis. a sbeet of ache p . a bOI'" .'. tbe! ~~p!.~~~~~~~~t.!l~ID!~~ll coar~d mediocre in sballow. br s cklsh watlll' In the ex· "I~ Ilnlt," J 11&111. ' "a qllesl~fcii:l(Jfliiu.1i~iB:~Ll . : treme north of the delta. at tbe back ," I:'waa pttln, .. copy fee and hata. With this, civilized pros· Another grelit paradox In relation to door of Alexahdrla. About a mUllon blrtb ce.r Wlc.te · toda)' ud-" perlty ' be~ln8. /lod It .matters not . Vo'hat' the tones ot ,this unique city Is evl- acres of oulth'able land will be re' "!bey · '~re1y •dldn't eat aorthlnl racet or ' ?onglomeratlop; or races a.r,e ~ent In the, un·ral.t erlng' bell.e t tllat IItlll c1l1lmed by tbla work. tbough not all ,abOut our .: ensqement. . J dldn't su·p' Illvolved. . ' .' ,pr~.,alls 1n tb.e old Roman orthodox st the aame time. Other drainage lJOelt they 'even knew of It." nld Olin, The "Splggoty \ Lingo." -form of rellglouCI, Interpretation. All projeots oC ell\llll mag~ltude 'wlll be fee. . .. At first It wae dIfficult for 't belle peo, UJe obllervanc~aB oC tM cbur!!h are ad- taken up later. . "IiI, new. trayel• . apace," I eald. ".But pIe to get 'alons- on any Iilnd of tooting bered' to as punctiliously today all In . Here, ns In so many other cases. tbe by the way. I Willi about to sa,. that re~ .In the way of everyday speeoh: One bYlooe centurleB. ·Tbe workmen can- Anglo·Egy ptlan government. Ie tallow· I~ a n'Obie eo10r. , It -1. " . bold, a etr1k.' man havlDg many Intereal4ln common not 'be mad'e ' to pettorm tbelr .Iabors Ing In lbe footstepll of the more el\' In, Color. A day on 'Which a r;rut with another could !lnd no ~edtum ot On aDY of the multitudinous days 8~ lightened Pbaraobs and Ptolemles of event .ocoun II.called a 'red·Jetter day.' e~preIl8Ion. A\ld out at this confusion apart for the wonblp of some 8alnt ancle.nt days. , Laltea were drained In · ~llI,()k. · on the other band. ' may mean ot tllngUes grew .a language "'hl.cb II or otber. It tr)Ok mor~ than 200 yeara Egypt 3,000 years ago. Where old·. nothlnlt. or 'U may denote ladnes8:' neither Englisb. nor Frencb. nor Span- for the Spaallib prleBta to ·grlnd this time kin·gs used the sbadoo( and the ' "Why u1te lOIn, oft · ",t a ta11lent?" lah. Oerma~. no~ . (jh~~ese~ nor Jap- holy ',eal Into them . and It wl11 take Ullpald labor or reJJahln. modem rulers salll (!;Iadce: "Why thl" dlasert&UoQ nor ilf\ythlnc . other than It· nesrl,. a. long "to grind It out . employ steam and machinery; but the . 0010.1'.'" '. ... . . . . lelt It I~ not a very· .o\~ JangUaae. . ' .end aImed ..t Is the same, 'r! ~ ·tlui{·11 • . 10011 'Word~1 m.aD and conaequently .not well de.,,,loped, AI'! Omnlp ...... nt Infect~ . " Dead" Hen Lay. Egg •. that 10DI 'one Jultlnear. the end; Dlei nor baa It ever beer. w.rltteJl at:' lPok· III a (lerman ~ealcal 1fb'Overb ~· Oh. papa," excitedly sbouted little '1011 really .Jearn It, or did )'OU merel; en outside of the O&I1al lone and Pall· W tbe elreet that every. man 'J:l!I .had CC?~. by It! ·But. ~ 1 'W~. lI&rfDI, red ama. It Iii called the "spil~oty ~ingo," ..t lelUlt one tUbe.rcle. eome tllh~ In hi' Willie Lenardo, running Into Louis La.Ie a col!>!, ued for. Illdlj)8t1nl -not&b11 and It. orlctn .. aubltlultlally thll;' lite: Every : thOUghtful phY1\lclao nardo'e place of buslnesll. "one ot 'Ylln~•. • Th••tat. coDllders a birth 1. It you a~k a DaUye . lome\hlng In knows tbe tnlth of this 1!lYlng and those chickens you killed last nlCht . .1I"ta~~ Birth cerUlcatei El\&lIsb he wlll 1&),. '!No speaJu. da haa l(110wn It for years. l'hen a few haa come to life aad laid an egg." Much to Lenardo's lIurprlae. one ot printed In red."' . , , Inn_ . . . . .. • bacule lie doem't. :For .. cJa.,1 ago Sir/ Wtlllam OBler. repeated .....nd 'd eath ' cel't·l ftcate......Id · 0Jar, they ·, UBed .' ~I. ·repl,. until tbe Btatement 10 sUchtl)" 8.lte~d appll· ,he henll which tie had stuck tbe night "bl 'bWIr. I .uppoeer· enterprllinc A.qaerlcau : tQunCi . .. Catlqn to tbe audience b'e fore him, and before and which he had ,lert· for ·d·s ad .. I ~d ••" !2e1lcat. ~lllt . th..1 fqw :word. of the.r~. ~Ie ..n.d .~.Y ~e ' w~ole world wal , roUlled Into was reaUf alive and atandlng by It'! ' cackling, The hen bad lali! a f~l~ lad." _ . .,.... fOUDd .. tew of 111,. ~d of ..llthe ·otbers .hocked atient~lon( .. . 1Il~"'fi 'certlflCate,,'!" uk." b~~lfbt ,no so th~t w~-:e . .' Which was a verY load . tblnr; for good·alled egg: Lel\ardo caught ' the • . ' "'I e.Onlh .·o t all lanpaael. tnci'WJI In· tbe lI' ~orld. It· we .oOilld ! be made to .cblc.k en. , e"a~lned it and. sure.· .• , , ..., ~ " I' .....d '·~at'. the .t,raue mon to make for a new.'lan"'&le whlqh realize tllat' tibi tubercle bacillus II enough, .It waR the ben wblcb he. bael thln" NO~IIi~' IlIA)' ~ tmpllll4l ~ ",.. promptly called tli, · :'Spt,.otJ" omnIpresent, 11nd tbat' evel')) . human attempted. to bleed V(lth a penknlte.-.!Y. but U III aI&DUIeant that ther prlDt or "Spe.ka de.- .- " al '1ou plee.e to belnr; III touched at lome tlm~ 'Ylth Coatsville (Pa. i ' dill patch to Pblladel· th•• , In~'" , ', lpall It. thlll In'tecU,on there ",ould reeult nol phi. Record . ·.· Purple?" aalci"'Ola""'~; ,qerly. Thl. . .me ~ethod "' ... \laeel 'b, the only a mote ~cUve: wa,r on the ,.,rm. Mon.te .. Aqueduct. . ",ercllat J .aatd.-PuDah. ,"u"'OA 8a7 comPanY '1Q the earllelt but a more IntelJl,ent ~ftort. to build Tbe aquedllct conductio" the waters ' ", I ' cI&P ol Ule Welt . ' WltIl the ladlaD " trfbel up and malntaln thll bealth and resllt· D ~ • • of tbe O",ens river to LoB AQelei 18 en. Had H ... I)oubt..: of tha north"Blt. They Used, Inc power of the people. lIald to be tbe IUlest In tbe world. It • .m.DII-ft....•• 'WUl' elllll••mne In~n word. they ~ere Is de"lllI(ld to dellver a. mlnhqum. ot . .KeHbuaery. N~ th. able to ~p, t:aupt the, IDd"D a 268.000.()oO .p'lIoDB ot water dati), Illto 1b&Il' 11" ~_ . to . ....~ r.w ot , th.1r o~ had )aq1l8Invordl. th" San Flmlando rele"o~ 26 mile . , • .bD Wb". h. Ie, o· ...,..... call_ tbe Plude. ~'Tlae . ". •• Dorthwest ot . the· ait)'. No 'P~Ptnl 11ft. . ,.cJltaiel'1 (p!mIJ)-l am ....nJIa: ttl.,. Ity that pl~nt Ia Nqul~. u tbe Bouree or au~ ...... ~00tI. Throua:ll the mecUum . of tII'ft 8pl., ~quqe a . ..out of prao. pi)' Ia· Mversl hun~ leal abo"e tile I&lIor IS . It ... cll1: The 1I'ater wW furnleb a IrB&t found bailaettw amouDt ot ,.aw.1'-70.oo0 t8 antlclpated-tor and odiei'


LUI Ui B ~ Ih. I¥ nconac o~~ ~n " I . ·,' wO"ld not ·t·h a.• be" r .!'ortb"1 ,. u be lt~el1 PTC?"e .. ,oad 1ather. I~ had cOlt ,lter' maD1: ,a tear. And when .he iiad Clome1bacll;.~m Idaho wltb.Nalio)', and wmi'lHlraw, rtch an~ a. reformed ~~¢.+- man: qt." .1\ ,wa~ a certain trllimph In , Jier. m~'ner bad uuperatecl ~~ ~8SIP8 who 'h~ to~erlY, 8~eered at lier. . .J \ preAnd jUllt u Akbur Davi, Jladbg to I~av~ hl~ native 19,wn to... 4!Veri a'~ Incredl\lle 'rumor came to hla 'earl Nancy. wu an ' a4.op~ chlld! I It ~as w:b,lspered,..1')' furtlvelJ'. b,. ~he 808lllps, for ,ollllip. are &1w.,. oow· ardl. but It was hinted that. Nancy did 110t resemble her mother. any more tban ahe bad resllmbled her father. \. , Arthu'l Davit! cau,ht at .the .trAy! · B • .knew that Nancy had PIne aw..,011 a "lIlt to a ft1end. Htl weDt to:lU/r 'motb.r'. · houee; , Ada Re.Tu..: 'W.' 'an 1n".. 11d~ iI.J1e had' not 10DI to u.,.. ~ The, young man bOldly broachll4 the ,joel 'of hll viliL r, • "Mn. Reeyea. 10 .~ow . I I~. Nancy," , hi) p~...detI. . .ADd" becaua. ",e-are old to be ooullnl- ., I "H8yf" ·d .manded th" old 'Woman; ' IIUIploIOUltY. ' ''Said to be CIOIiaiDIf' · '''W~t, ~o 7011 ~ean b1 Ul&t, 7O~1 ,j man1" . . . ' ,. . "J , ~~e been tof4 .tJa.tlNP~" all adopt~cI d.....hter,.. be ~'U"'. bol411. '1'lle old wOmali·. ~ wa. CIOIl~ \.. \ • . · :wltD wratll.. .., _ I . . "If I lmew~ who AlcI th..t," .be an· awend; "I'd H{lO' h.r to til. ~tU" ~. tr it eYlII'f t D"" • Ue.,.,tIlat'l what 'It II, N~o, II If'








1NeD.... ..




Message That Jesus Brought Is Unmistakable to the ·,Man. Who Thinks. The nge-long appeal at Jesus to me.n nnd women ot every type can be , 80< counted for only by ncknowledgln, tba t he brought sometb lng to the world that was urgenLly needed. To eay be was pure r. atronger, holler than otherB Is not enough. An u nat· talo a ble vis ion Is more lI)c:ely to breed despalr than to ki ndle hope. Even to lay that J esus was the Son of Ood, or Ood the Son , Is not Bufficlent. The presence at dlvlalty in the midst at humanity may be ~n appalllps Jthlng. Tbe tact that Jesus of Nazareth has won not only the admlratlo~ and re .,· erence of ' manki nd but has called out the love and devotIon of bearts every· where nnd In all ages Is proof tba.t lie met the deepest needs of bum a n lives by communlcaUng sometblng not t.o be fo und elsewhere. To ever y thoughtful person tbere I. a strange sense of lonellnes in Ufe. Elven when In the midst of oue's family. su rrounded by one's friendS and In an environm ent at which ev· ery feature Is familiar and cherished. the re Is a fe eling at aloneness. a con· sclonsness that tbere are many points at which we touch nobody else and at which nobody elBS toucheB us'. Tbere are tblngs we never 8ay blr cause they would not be understood, tbere are aspirations and amblUons c boke back because tbey cannot pOBslbly be appreciated, and thO{e are feelings we never even try to arUculate beoause we do not know what they are or what torm they sbould lake. Altogether apart trom the well· known diseases of our moral life there Is 8 something that ' baunts U8. fret. us. C006umes UB; 8. somethl~1I that 1& like a slow-burning tever, a pel'lletual yearning or desire. a hunger or Wrst; a something that'tll a !dud of Boul·slck. ness 1i9 Intanclble j~t ... real .. the home-slcknells of the exile. Me... ge Brought by. Je.ulo We may take It tor grallied that JesUII brought an 'IInmJstallable me. eage to · those wbo were' disfigUred and dl8eased b1j .the c6mmon ' mor&l sln8. He talc! men, as tlie prophet. had told them 'beCore, Wat they must repent and lIeek the pardon of tbe holy and merciful Ood. nut he went ' tar beyond that In his IntereOl.\rH. with mankind. He dlagnoeed ' the 1111 of wlflch . men know only Ule eym~ toms. The world'l! unrest · was ttl quest for Ood. And Jesus taught men, showed' men. bow to e8tabllsh tamillai rolatlonshlps ",lth the Father; be aD' nounced that the rel~tlon8hlp I. tndeed already estahllslled If men . will only take advantage · of, It; Ibe disolosed tbe I,)re8ence of the Father-God In even the oommorl rele.t1onahlpa at U!e-boun~ up wi th the mQst familiar things ot every day, \ Tbls Is tbe Father's world; be baa created its, bea\ltY; he kn ~n,a the de~ tiny of 80 small a thing ai a apar· 1'0"1'; he heal'f evell the least formal of prayers; hs awalt, the homeoom, \ng oi. e.,er)' prodigal. He weaves ' ~ holy and an eternsl sl&n)!lcapce ' lnto every . illIg·bteet tblli& tbat w.e do · to one another, Tblll means ' tHa.t Ood understands us. However com pIes and tnespllcable we· ma)1 be ~o other men and women God Interpretl U . correctly and ·sympathetlcaD)' . . We~ need never aot with rClllene toifard . him. W. may apeak to him without cumherln, and oloudin, our .pray.,. w1th pareothOlles and oflouse. of c..~ ful reaenation. C


Tru. Devoutn .... . I \Ike ' reU,lon tb'a t doel not &MIlDble about the world In whlcb we are IIvln,. but tind. tbat b.Ule Gael la In It there cannot b. much wron,; I heard a 8tOr)' a~t 1& .woman· In New York,who baa been . • ft. witlo'W. Sbe wu turned et,b17 and she bad but one dau,hter. And the da~bter wae taken and ahe 'WI.. leCt aloD.. Her/ minister vl.lted her, He tboulbl · ,to comfort ber, 110 be Bald: • "M, .... tel', bear your burden a little lanseI'; you will soon be in hlaveD! ' And tb. old lady lifted her bead ..nd replied: "I do not tbank you r«;lr that . klDd or talk. I am ready to· go whenefer tile . call comea. but I veri well cont.,qt ' to .lay,bllre &. 10111 aa the .Lord will IC!lt me, for I 'h"Te stUl 101D8 ,tlllnp, to clo. lOme thlnp to enJoy- It I. a beaGUftll &ad nohle world; and 1 am not ,olnlr to 'grumble to you. or to · Ood. at m), IclIIl I am COlD' to rest qui.", until my call coml.... . ' 1 lUte that. TIlere I. a de.,out beart. Such a life .. a perPetual praYBr.0011),er: ' .


On. ht Ch ..... J •• UIo God . baa mad. no provialoD in tile BIlile for IlOlaUoni BeriJ)tun C!lZp..... .ton. all .bow a COIltrar)' It&t. 0(' ~... W. are. "bracbH", In .-. ~e. "membe"''' lD tbe bOci" ".tOD"- ' tn 1be 'temple. "brother. anel .Iat.... I III the f..mU1. bearln. a clo•• COI1ll. . t1oD' to other. We haYe flnt to look ' \lP aDI1 re&1l1e . our relation to

Qad. and ttsen to learn th~ .,arlOIa ... Jatlolll,..e ha"e to o~r nel,hbol'll, ,AU ·are tp theIr CWrarellt Dl~b... ftntDa ~. plaoe God lwI dUIID, .... w. mat d....... Dot 0IIIt to . . . . h' br 10.... to· Mrn ..., aIlotll...._ WI11l&m. PIIIlIIat&tb.



.........".................. ................................... ..








•• COUNTY COURT NEWS. •• •• ~at'a In the , matter of the 88t.te .of , h JaQe WilSOD, deoease<1, G~o, E , Young 18 appolDtacl .dmlniatr.... to!', Bond '1500. A , B' MOrriB,.T. Real Eat.teTnuJllfen Ralelg.h L, Bogan, farmer to Ma· W. Warwiok and To W NewmaD , S. B. sams to' Wllllam..J, KIDg IX rlannaCompton, both of N~w Bar. al'O appointed appraisers: Borell In /3eollon 36 T. 4 . R, !, be. 110gtOD. Rev . Frank P. MUner. Commissioners' Proceedings tween MhamlBlyerll, I Probate Court Proceedln,_ ' . Barry "'irodbeQk to Jane ClemeDs . ' ,.State of Ohio VI . John B. Whit. Emmons ;1/; aorell in Section 19 T. ~' In the m8'te~ of ilie e8tll ~e . o· aker, fees aod oosis 112.75; I::ita&e of .R 5 It ' • Jobn l:IolloroU, deceased. ObJ80 Ohio VS. George OUDD, fees aDd F • ' tiODS of B V. Walter SO allowanoe ooe's '4.10; O. C. Eolds" senlON al O•• nd Charlolto S tIUliOo w Dora of olalm ,of Bomer D. Bonoroft lire jury oummlssloner ,5; Elial Oglel Yaaer lot N ·. 711 In FraDkl1.o, IItrioken from fllel and Court allowa bee, aame $5 iE. W. Leight, olUng $;1000. s,a ld Bomer D. Bollorof& his olalm fair ground hill $160 i W. J. Wtlght Mlnoie an,1 J ohn T ' Bouck '0 of 8673211gains$ this estate. stampe for C. P . Judge ,:l; Ohio FrederlokC B ouok3tno,.ioSalem Phebe Barner guardian of Eliza. Corrugated Culvel't ' Co., pipe $95; townr hlp $6.600. beth U. Moun,,: fmbeoUe, plalotUf dtldebrant Book Store, suppllee for Be'ler Y . DUl ,to Ar'hul' Cooper va. ,Elizabeth C. Mounta, Imbecile, C. p, Judge 1296 60 i Ohio Eleotrio . lot In LebllDon. $1 " .. rend.nt. Walter 8akAr, Robert Railway 00 ,refunder 11)/.72; Peter .R. alld HeDry Woolhnd to Edward II )rrllllnd SmUh Watkloa appoloted Feley, . roadwork I,D 'l'ur'leoreel[ OW ooU"rd. part of lot No 1 i. Wloy. appraillers , Report later approved. ')woshtp $255 76 i 1!. W . DoB lie, oE!8vtl)e, $1 ,. 800d ral88d to $700. Prlvale sale premiuml 00 Iosuranoe on Orpbaos R. aod ,Senry Woollard to Mary of realestat.e ordered. Asylum aDd Uour' Bouae '68.511 i L, Wh.rto'o ~tt of 10& No. lin Way. In 'be ma'*sr of the estate of W . M, Penoe, l11lppllee for t3tlrveyor n88vllle, 11. , B Gregg, deceYed. Alex Boxwell .218 i Joho Lamar, lumber $6540 i Marrlap LIamappoibted admr. Bond $14,000, B. Day&oo 8\8'e Alylum olothlng for . Co T E Sa h d W,ureD Uoonty Inmates one year Elmer A . YuUnl1eD, farmer of Ii novel', bomas . rn art an ,79U 16. M J La 1 b d Warren U,o unty to Goldte E. O"volt !raB Plirke are appOIDied apprale- terl~l TQrtle~r':'ekngi,o:n::l;D rO~:11 pf Lovel"od. M. A J,,~eaoo, J, P . . 1138,2t; i !:\amosl Uutler, bridge work Chari... A , Teylor,rallroad olerlE. lilu' aod flnal. acooun' approved 8umllto.n towollhtp $3(1 i Warren 'Of Cohnobul, to Laura B, Kibler; of til estate ·,f BIlDDah I . PIiYIIIl; de. Oou.,ty 'l'iolt!!I, ud v EXtlrn. of 'l'reilt\ W.ynlavllle, Rev . ". J. Kestl... oeased . ury '28; L M. l'6nre, tjUpplt611 for Oount.v !-Iurv.. , ot t fB . DII; WIIltuOl EVRn tl. IU ' I1I)1'" .f.~ ,iii ; , R. "' "k, llibor IIot ju\l $~l! 07 i C. W , [,.. rll " , et UDe /iLlJ J"liOr ,~~ .Icl loo Worley till 1\18.25 i Obio (Jurruo,:,,\ed Culvtlrt Co.• plptl 118 ; (JvrlJ Nollie, Illlio!' 00 j $7. fiU i J. E . I:!mUb, rOlldWllY, Wa.yoe towDshlp $10; DaD P . Bo08 1134 70; Bam U. Benllle, feos and wXPellllell 114.7.25; O. A. Jamel, repatrlog furDUure $1,7D i J. M Mul· ford, lltampe for Auditor $6 i Leb. "000 loa .& iJo,,1 Co., loe ts.60; W. O. Gilmour. eXPf\DI88, quar\er' end. log Hep6ember 30, 1914 $:.136 all i IIIAle, boudlng prlsoner8 . 1181:1.97 i L , S. M\tchelJ. prel)arln~ apeoifloatloD8 for O. B. roott"8 $10; W . BAn. dereon & 00, oode for merit of Uour&ll,S6 i WeaterD Saar, pobltah tOR Exam.· of Treaaory 128; Ublo Boaplta! for ep\lephOl, care pa$lenta 173.60 i 8aate Of Ohio va HldDey Beverly fees and ooat. $11. 71i i Htate of Ohio .,~ . Obatlll8 Wtlilame f8M Ilnd coltli $11.75. : A' a _pealal meatlDg daturday, October 3, le"lIral, gltoeltOj oouil'I&ota were allOWed .• _ • '. .... "'" . ,







.. .:, . . . . . . . . .-.:........-, .. ,...

I' I

Buy Your Furn'i ture. In Xenia .



"or. get' the Date Do'n't , ..:£1 '. '\

Professor Becke..- ,t he famous 'Chef, formerly of tbe Waldorf·Astorla, will be with U8 to demon,strate.the practlcal application of Domestk Sci· en~. : lbls alone should fill our stor~ to capacl ,tY .every iday· for' no such ' chance has eve~ been offe'red to people of, LelJanon,··to leam fancy and pracilcal~ cOOldni from 110 sper.t ~ teacher. .~

. . . . . . . . ." 1

In : COt;mection with· the Majestic '





~­ .,. tor tbtpttze.; ·BooIt tho c:cJI'Il ·production "ere In your own b l l a tea' .,..-..:tbe ."

. ~.

you caa Ie,eet-and

tbe 'expert JUdps ~.vb... they gr~ . th,~ exblblt LOIm w~t II reaDy , ttle belt com. . Iii advallCe remember ,It ~ WOat .., the . BIO .ean~t will be "ailed u the belt. J..eai.a'wby 'c:ertaIn are'l.prdecl"' ~r8bIe. . ,




',. '



+ We have as large a stock 'o f Medium Price Furniture as the city stores.


We buy in ~s large a quantity as most city stores and are able to buy as cheaply .a s they. Our· rent's and other expenses are as nething compared to the city stores. (Space , as large as our window would <'ost as much in a city as we pay for our entire 18000 ~q. ft . of floor space.) Hence

- We Are Ab~e Ito Sell About 2& per cent Lower Than' the City Stores


We have been business in this l.'Ommunity for the past 25 years during wh,ich time we have built up ,a rep\ltation for square dealing that is seCond to no store in the country. We give credit to all who desire it. , Our Motor Truck will deliver any order of goods anywhere within a radius of 25 miles of Xenia;




Apply Sloan'. Freely For LumbAlo Your.aUaok8 of Lumbago are DO' nearjy 80 hopel8118 aa 'heT . tI86lq: Yon oao relleve t·hem .lmOit 10. 8S&D$ly by • stmple aupltoa&toD of SloaD'a 'L tDlmeD' aD" ,he baoll: and lahUl: \ I.nabago hi a (Qrm ,?f r~eu· matlsm, aild ylelda perfeo*ly \0 , • SIOaD '8., wblob p8ne'ra\ee qalpkl, S."iDg rented my farm. I will • .n 10 throoab tbe 1Ort?, teDder sell ·a. l'ubllo AUO"OD ~t my rem. muaoJlII, ,lmbers op 'be baot ~4 4eibi8 8 Dltle. eouUl of Cent'-TIIl•• ~ At Realo"able. Rate.. Two MaChine•• m.k~. I' feel flpe; Get a bptUe. Qf 9D b., o&tto/lfucl . Leb&ooa P!b, ~ ~loan'8. LtD,meD' fOJ 16 oeote,of au" mU_rwen of LyUe , '';' " ,{ Sprlngfleld·T lre., Tube. anet ACCH~O'rI." " drngK18' aad have 1\ · 10 *118 bODBe-' ' " ' , 011 alialDI' ooldl, . aore, a.d 8~OJlI!ID . October 28, 191" joint.., ..beDma'tam, neura1gra-;-1mJi , ~ 0 Dlat 10 a. m ., 6.; B~I' lela aod llke ailments;' Your.monei • -' _'1I1e,10' Brood 80w., 'i'Umlulr ' baok If DO' _'I.fted, but it doel Bive Jalplemen... t5ee big btUI for. ........ almost lDlltaDt; relief, .', '.' J'nDk Barnett

Public 'Sale




•- •


~.mao Key_, Clerk.






ltaeuy to ~ "itl jull u gqOd u the FI()f'to ,the ,nervt'lto 'la)' .better. But uk the proof, 'bave them refer you to people."ho ..-ve'proved thelrclaim.. Find ,~.t w~ the>: Ute IIack coal ' ~SlfuIJy: Find ,out If tbey ,wllI,"'......tee ,t~ bold fire 48lio..... without .t~Dtlon • . ~lne ~~Jly aDd lee if .you ~ rind '~ one piece baae.. AJk ' If they "bAve .. .flve-year warrant on lower bowl, _glIDJt Cricks. See If· Ita ~. '<:()111""y ",aran_ee 10 ),0" will be allUred .010. value 10 cue," clJlatllfle&t~.


J'IIo,n( h,Bve

.youreqiilre It 1be AOi:ence II KUU¥teed ~y the maken. . Ask,', . td ~ this guaran,tee III-their c:a~. Finally, why. conllder : ex~mentl at all?' The F~o~nce hila proven Jt.leU 0.. mOlt ;'~. nom~-th. most poW.rful ~t~e molt litl"~ory fl"keeper~"

an,. .

The Best $tov~ Made--The



stove Wlth~ut .a •

Fault : I




When Nortb Dakota adopted OOD- ' • ' b 8Utu~on.l prohlblUoo . the pndlo ' I wAll offel'.' ~ 110 AuOtl~ >wo----.po"-i~--_--_-_----.w...--_-~,.., "OD ' wu freely Diade by leadlDli ,my pI'emil.., ., ~al'''e1.bar8, Ohio. '!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!newlPpaera that \be town. In tbe ~ . " " • • aate woald ~80lIoe for laoll: 0 1 reT ,.S~tu~, October 17, 1914 ' , • ~al eDue from tbe 8aloooa, and BNlnhlllg at .10 o'olook, I'lje fol ' ~ _ , Mlt)Dlllota &oWDII ' jUII' aorOiI tbe JowblJ properSy: ODe BOrN, l'am . '.' Red River, wbloh divl4811 'be _wo' l~plelDeD", Bal1l~, . BoaaebOldl atat.., woold pr01U by Nor'b Dako.. Goodli aod Baok.&er'. Qq.,a t; Bee ' $a'i loel: .. bl, blUe for term'lt. .' • ' Aflel' ten .yeara of DO ..looDe, Mrl. :I.,.el" Lloyd~ No;;wml!iiir."iiii Fargo'had onemile of paved I'!ee" Wm. , ~ll"', A.DOt; , I . f,or eaoh ..878 'lM?palatiqo, Obe mile eh••\ 8hldaller! OJe..~ . . , weller maIDa for eaob 270 poun1!at;loD, one mIle IBwere for f aoh ass popn latloo, bUy debt of' 818 Gj) pel' o.pi~, n~o oily debs to a&aeilllhd val..... , tlOD, 7.8 per (lBnt, ol'y tall> ratio.......-.T~..~,.............,.. '~ ... 7 ....~---i"""''''''''-'''' 1~.g8 mills. 1I0reheali. MtQ~MO·", aDAl' ILOr088 the river, with 48 UoeDled " ..10008, had one au'e of paved -.~-----...........---~ for eaob', 3.116" populatioD,' MONEY to loan aD ,00II l8Ourl&y: one mUe wa&er malDI for eaoh 70.8 . Buy term • .' 'Apbl, to popula*loD, Qoe mUe 8ewe.r for ~aoh CbaDilller WaYDtMlville Ohio. 01'858 population olty debt $!lU9 ~r ' , oapit.• , oity debt \0 &8I!elilld valu". 'iOD,20.6 per oe01 oUy l'atlo, 21.'3 mtl1e,-rhe V010D 81,Da1. ~

Noti-ce -_




Stove of Ita , TJP~ " rh~, S.t ove 'without a ' Fa~t~ . . ,' Hundreds;OI them In u.e bere.n Warren County aDd not ODe

and C"al.I._·_


4 A.MoNell, 480••


'the One ' SuceeufUl








tQ, 31 ·1ncl'usiu¢



, Notice



. ~:.~~~~~~~:..~~~~~~~.~ ..=_,_=....=_~_!_~_~_J_N_~_~_ig_!h_!,~_b_~..~_h;. .o _;d..., __N_e. . . ....

, VA.LllBY



III;n«Ie OoP>'; .• , • • • , . . • • • . •• •• . • • • • • •


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utilizes three farms. First, the surface soli as other cropjl do; , T LKPH ONE-OALL ' l'IO. Ul Rates of Ailv.ertisinC Mr. and Mre. JOl8ph Davis (10 Mile M:yr'le Whitaore and Mtss Second, the roots penetrate tbe soil - - - - - - - - - - - - - per l1De • •••• • ••. : ••• " Dc terllLined for dinoer Sunday Mr. IlDd Ethel La1l1singer were Dayton sbop deeper than any other crop and <llualftlld Ada. DO' to exeeed be no. Mrs, _ Barteooir, of. Dayton, pers last Saturday. ~up phosphorus and potash from D~· L. erane, EdiCOr and Men8g~. DlIIpiay .&~:!l~=iDdi::: :; : :: :: f~ Bhyor Wheteel and 'wo BiaWlrfi Mr. Ed 8ro,wD has purobased new soiJ; Third, from the air alfa!fa . D~~ ..veo OD ,OOD~ Mit!S88 Ewm& and SD8an Wheuel, Ella Webb's property. takes.nltrOgliln-our most e~penslve' Mrs. Margar;et Levioy a;nd. eon . Mre. ~abeooa Weber, of S$. J..ouis. fertilizer, and puts some of It ill the Clyde. . ' is visi1iDIr rela.tives here. ' ~round so that other ~rops may use OCToBER 14, 1914. . Mr. and Hrs. dille Jone" en'er . It. Alfalfa boards Itself and ,pays tl&ined BUDd"y tbeir rela1ivee of Mr. anc! Urs. Barry Stephens, nee laNe returns for the privilege of tog holl". Uta beoaoBe tbey drtft . Dayton. Esther ~ 'uDter, wllre aiveD a paroel doing;so. WHY BUNGLE? THey canna' steer 'heir .ouls . lill88 blll1. oor boYI! V8 . New Bur...hower a' the h(;me of hla bro~her Mr. Bryan asserts that liberal We eduo&teeverY&hIDI exoep' our They are helpleuohilchen. &he play. IIn8'on, thaBOore .lood io favor of Mr. and Mrs. Alpha 8tep~eDl north U88 in alfalfa gets tid of all 'lie bome~"m. of town. last Friday nigM, They sour weeds. lIOull. We have fiogers 'r'lined 10 thlnls of Ireal f01'08II lbe1 work , br.ine·'hi'" I.i o')onol. . Th ..... receivedill mllDV preaenta. ryan l'~a , prl'nce as a host for .... Oa. 1m.., Da. one "'... are oleeer . . .·-mIU.... .... Mr. and Mra , AI .... · .- ned," apen" Th .. h ueeful .II: '" to orease, 'aetel dilorlmtnate who Jive from day today 10 OOD~n. • .. a " , . . . • ey w , go.o ouae eeplng on such an occasion. His farm consists ~n. d emotlonl kl enjo" " but 'o ur BOU)II' tlon and bit~mus·. '81l'T1erY. in all .everal d~V8 $hitt week io Urbana/ Jasper BElfryhlll tarm. of 800 acres, 200 aeres of which are ~ ' -r the gnest. of hie broiher Bev. eno A·• 'h ' remit t0 wretohad,l,oofant banglera , bat'h a ooe 'hlng needful-how $0 Mrs. Kenned.... . e h ome ' 0 ( ,. _r. and Mre. A. wooded b'll I B. cliffs and river. ' The , Tbe ohll \ IS taugh" $0 parle 'lnd ge' aloDg . " R. Bowland 00 W Frallklln S$. WBI balance is cultivated. On this farm maltipb, 'he apprenlicie to uee ow Bo", few' o~ us' lhere are that 'd o Dinid Compton apent Bunda), iD the l'!08ne, of 1\ preUy weddtng Wed. large deposits of marl. Mr. J, C, JORDAN and pianeend la&be, 'he young lady the fioer ,splrtt-deeds stiUfuJl11 onr Village. '. neBday a"ernoon at •. 30 wben 'heir Bryan, himself a geologist. calla it to play tbe plano and to speak Frenoh We .glvfI .. great deal of heroio lelf The Talley Telepbone 00 18 re. only dangh"'r MiB8 Bertha waa "spring water sediment carbonate of An Appeal to the Votcrs of Warren Sbeir uD~l1tordd lonlll lire" prey slori1loe, ~Dd lPOU "all by bolet. patrlng their linee tn tbi,s violohy. Dnited III marriage to Dr, R. L. lime." and be applied twenty·five County. to .....10116 t.hat beWilder them; &tI9 iog or We an kind Mr. and Mrl. Ira A. Hartsook, of Uunoltel, of Dayton. Unattended tons of this material to each acre on 'hnDs tba' mar tbem. 'Irritationl euougb, but oar arts of klud08la DaytOD, are visiting with relalivee. tbe bride 8nd groom took their forty acres of very poor land which , AI! the Democratic candidate fol' aba' dt8fi,ure 'hem. IwpolR88 'ba~ a,., ruioed by 'hs way we pet;lorm Mr. Har\80011: retarned home 8un- p\a09s before a ban '" of foliage a.nd he purchased for $40 an acre. From County Auditor I have had the ....r 'hem MODdltr. . them day lind Mr• . flart.oot i. In the gol,den rod, aod &ev. W. E. Ham. this tract he harvested more than pleasure of meeting many of the .. Nin8-'an&h. of the heartaohes are Our oharl&le'l 'Irrlt.te us Our millinery department of Levioy & maker, of Rllper AI . E. oboroh; of. 280 tons of alfalfa, "without a weed voters, of }V arren County. during the ~1"" 1I. People do DO' wan' to be I<enlde Irk. DB Our lon SOrmentll Bowe's' ~'ore for .. :wbile. Bhlf hal fielated at, the oeremony. The bride in it" this season. He has never present campaign, but as it is im· 'unbappy or mall:e other. unhap. ,U8. , Oor p.tiecC8, loyalty aod DO. for Beveral years had the maDage. was beoominglv attired in white sold alfalfa .for less than 120 per ton. possible for me,to see every one I p"~ . They liQ1ply are ignorant of blenes. "Rte blUer. ment flf i.t Ilnd her many 'frleDda Valle, and carried a bridal bouquet Thus the returns for this sea!lOn'a take this method of making a fin'al di~ Kr8"~" 01 1111 ..rt.:....tbe art 01 .Come, Ie' DB by persl8tent sell.' look forWlLrd to the time of her of white r0888 and orohlds. The crop la more than $140 per acre- five app al tor your support at the com. adjuehnen'. dl~olpUne and carefal pr.aotloe, learn oomiog with pJeaeure. ' brtde and, Kroom will make their per cent interest 0'1 $2800 per acre ine election Tuesday, November S. Beintz' a te~her in tbis county for .Marrled oouplee become '0 ' .818e Ipiritual fiower. that are ool . The firm of Levloy & BOWl1 Dr'" hOlDe'lo UBYWn at 31138. Jefferson - so he claims each aere ialike a '2800 twenty. five years haa given nit; op · alUbe while mooDI!!g well and lov-, atoltly~ wormy and ead. .. Goods merohallt.8 have "kll~ the at where Dr, Gunoirel has omces. five per cent bond. For of , w~a' uee ie our ,ooc:tDMII aienoy for the Overland ' Automo. The groom '8 eister Mrs . Addle The marl analyzes 99.2 per cent portunity to prepare educationally . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If U II DO' oo&uatful and refreshlog? bile for Ma8.le 'fown8htp. 'Wl'lgbtemaD, of Washington. D. C. carbonate of lime and maaneaia, for this poSition, and also I have Let UII oeale bUDII.n. 'lle 1rZ&at, WB8 preselDt, allo other Kuests were, a richer land .weetener than any had official . experillnce along this eet thlDgl we de.. , Mr. Bnd Mrl. Peul Peterlon, of Idls8 Olara WiDters, ot Dayton, lime. and he claims to have three linE'. . . Amoog mv aoqaato_D088 te Spring Vallev. wl.'lre the BueeN of Milliell Zev& Morris, Carrie Kable, mjllion tons of It on his place. I assure you that my DerBOnal a Brea' WomaD. ArolUld. ber are Mr. and Mta. E. L. fi!p'rta Sunday. Ratb Baokett and Mi.Dnle Duke. Mr. Bryan has built a bank barn record and reputation will bear the .. 'he fumln,liUle people. The,. are The Grand Jury oonvened MOD. Miss Carrie Kable enter'alned the 208xl30 ft. It now contains 600 tons closest inspection. . Irritable, Silsy rMk with eelf.pity j day and .everal froDl here filled 'b" W. O. A. III her home last Wednes. of IIIfalfa valued at $12.000; The ciunpai~ drawintz' to an end 'hey indulBe in 'be ob8f6p lusuU- Jury box. There is DO doubt bu' day af&errloon. Mr. Jones who ' lives betw~n b~ been a source of gra~ficatiob to of'dflOrylnB Ulemeelv.; they '.re whas they.wtu malte a 'hol'QUSh 10. Mrs. Nh&han Austin, of ~ear W~y. Wayn.~ville and Lytle has a deposit me, from many expreaeiuns ot ap. bQred, world. weary i they an .mttJI vestlgaSioD of 'he wronll doing. uenllJe, 11II'hoee death ooourred I&e~ conbunmg hundred~ of thouB&llda. of proval of my claims to preterment at I .ftestores boay di.'re_eel UOOD tbe ohoppy under 'heir enpervilion. We have Wedl)eada., WIlB burted at 'hil place t~n!, of very accessible, marl which the hands of Ute people of Warren HOW. mo. n aeas of olroum,*-nae. maUer. i.n our vlllage th •• Ihould lall' -Frldalr ·,,"erDoon. . he mtends to open up and sell for County of the position which I strength and ,Vitality to the . 10 'be mid" of 1bem my friend' il be looked 10&0. · JoJ;l.n· WeB ver played bale ball cents a load. all ~yone can aspire made by citizena reprdless of affiliations. . ' Weak Wom-Out ' Ones .In ' ~ l~tllOR loJlao'd, a r!8utar ....i., J O.O. JordOD Demoorat1o OaDdt. with WalrnesvlJle at Dodds ' 1,..& ' Thea~a~t ,annual meeting will party Should ·,)'ou support · my c;andi a f.:lao*aJo of ~beer,. I ftason of 'he date for Counly Aadilel' w.. calliog SUllnday. , probably be held I'n M,'am'i eoun.... o ,aweet wine of ooaraas, OD fHenda her. M'l'tday. ., dacy I &88UrelOU that throuali no ac~ of mine -will you ever have caUIe ~ Rill'Home. Uawthome N. y. I uk84 her: , BalD Sahlrday did' a 10& of lpod r aDd Mr•• Frank Wardlow • - • t:o~:et havinlr .riven me your volA!• -"Ibavebeen at work amoaa tlte licit "Bow' do l~U' do'" W~t te 11...- Drank . : a.-rt·. 'mhOl \ t:be foltow1nllla.' 8unda.y, It AlWays Does the Work .... poor for DMrI;' ellmteea r~.... lour·· .,.. .. , ... LI. ' ! , '" Ethjt} Gensloger and " ••8 .lllllDkina yo. for any inb\reBt YGP' I wbeDever I ~ve uaeiI' Vino for I'I1II. , ,"It I. qoShiDtr abe la1l8becl, I have Whewel. haDa aDd Cbae, Bn'tdaker Myrtle Wbikore aud M8Ierll. Finley "I Ilk. I OlJamberlein's Oouall may take in my. behalf. I have the down; l'eakoremacla~ ~tlenta, they I_meclhol' to do tbe IlInre100me 'r&baao&ed buaLDee. in DaJ,ton. 'l1u... G.ray·snd )Rober' Kahoe, of D"y'on. Rem,edy better ,ban lolly 0,h8l!.'" hongr to remain. ' .. bave been vialbl, beaeftted by it. One .. aoefaUy tt, 0 ' , day of lae' weet. Brank Dinwiddie, " Beber Mond •• wriW~ R. m. Roberti, Bomer Ott" , Ve1. truly youn, ::m~~=~-' wu 80 wealC, LoOt !Foit I ' TbOi. WIle_lIe" Tneeday oltrh' baugh and Dr. J'ud&e have all par \;'ta I have \abn It off an4 on for adv _ _ _ • C. ;}QRQAN. aid. and w.. I~ . . ~~ ~o: :rle~.r 'la, t~, ool worth. "bltef .: for . .Artzon.. where he lias .ome ohal8d lrf)l~d auteefi. . L years and U hal b8V~ , ..Ued to gtve ,arm. IeuppU8a .' V!n"Jl,berllbe.... '1 '.[omu&er Ule o._. bnlqae o'fal\. in\jlree&a. Th lim f U ' t I' ad 'he d8l1rec1 resultl. For ,eale by Keep Your Stolnac:bmdLlverHe8ttby ~ Ia a .month wben ihe retum~r~ ure. to 'uro d....ppolDtmen' JII$o Clyde Levto, b .. a new Overland Mfn!. Idll a ~odaNei'le e::~. n of 1\11 deal_8rs_._ _0_ _ _0_ __ A vtao~aa 8tomaoh, - . peri. tIWIk me I bardly I'8COJDIIe!I b8l'. She amueemeiJt. to bandle orabbetl'Da· of &h. la.' "pe, It te lurely a Dayton 18Elt"I:~lladav. HUNTERS TAKE WAftNINO WorJIlD, Liver ad I'8IUIU aatln, . ? !~!.~!I col~r ~ and bel' tar. 1O '~ha' ,bey .hOw t~s~r •• daisY. ' __~ ' • _ • I'i. I1I&l'aD&eed if lOU ,,111 Dee - ICIIH. . avuuu.... out. Tb... woJ'da are Ileu, to .... ke lOared lIOul. OODBOlOD8 •- .. u:::·:::-..:u~~rut oOf tbeir bU-of "oaobl8D.", oto be an --:- What Would You Do? Your ·Fall Cold Needs Attention We. the undersigned. will not ~, Kiog'. Newl Lire Pille. Tbey ...... ia ao~ makes me baDDl.r~, ~per, 1B hean.. aod. " .tl1u08O In No uee fa . . .Dd trl wear" any hunting or shooting on our war. ROod nt. .&loo. Ooa. the world ,than to relieve the irek.":: ,bomao ua'ure-Is t'llot ,he art of Tbere are maDY "mee w/len one out; It:wm wear you oa~ illitead . premises during the hunting season: '''palloo and bave all aoell., ioDlo .; d80' on Ute wbole .y...m-Purlf7 lIotberll. ALPHON8.\ LATHBOP.O.8.D•• ,.11 a'Y? , mao qu.'ioo. aDotber'. ".,"008 'l'ake Dr. Kinog'. New DlliOOvery Isaac Wilson your blood °ud rid yOD of aU bodl ~~1i!i~ N.Y; . Why bUDlle?-i'qn~ eraDe. lD motiY.. Men ao'dtffel'ea'Jy uOIIl••'"1 foDc)wl Ilnlokll. I. Oheob Seth Furnas . DUCII_..... lclteneted and reliable tHtI. the OoemopoU&&o differeat olro~m8.n08l. The . aod Soo'h. yoar Ooqh Wm. WiJliarils poleoae '"Nalh &be -Sowele. " ODly IDODJ COIfttbN~d'e"tIIt , ,.. ~ ~~ I T ' ~, , " ..t tlon .... what woald yoa ' do .PJ'8&laot, . AntteepUo aod Martin Cons I~,' at Jour Dl'a IPt. ' '. merlta of VlaoJ. our deUeioua cod liver • DOW if :rou hlld a Briere Children Ilke it. Get II. ~ Iron tonic to build up hllaltb , and " Could loa do better 'haa to of Dr. 'King'i Ne" Die. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I .~ forwhettier ~I weekeDeC! nervoua A' cnm bi Dau ~... p '&me1 . IlArrt ar an d Cham "'-lain '.' Con"h .. ~Bciaa, eauaedand from overi. UW&" . aMp ·tt ill ' 'he bOU8e . .", ., --'-Work.~orebroDlccoUgbaandoolda. folding s&&Dd. . .lltoll may be a~ Ilo...:'+f-~ It VIDOIlaili to ben~tlt wo return ,our .. ohM to aoy bl')yole, hae been pa. who 1I88d it .ror yean . . writell Lewi. Char:nberlaID. 1IIGDe1., ' tea&ed·. know 1M y"lue. Mre. 0 , • . Hartent. lIa..oh~ter, Obto. 1I0Dey baok if Pera. lad.. "Chamberlala 'I ~ot eatta1led, ba' tt oearl,. ..Iway, Ooulth Hemady ie worth 1&8 . wel'hl he~pa. All Dr0l811u• to «old and I kk. .leume to re oomasodlog 1&, '0' Bor Mle b, all Mt. ·HoDy d.... E

.0 3















Her harge











. .. -Sprlnl' ~

Without 'any advance In . Prices we ,.re haV~DI Large "Sales in

',' " - - - -

Mr. 9harlu (:jordon ad famlly are Tt81UDIlfi S&. Mary'., Ohh. mlmer Pra.U ·ao!! frl.Dd, ~f If YOD w.o, Ip " take tbe I ' '''~~UU., called OD bta mother 8unda,. • • rov~d ,.'htl . ~orld" :roa " "e.~8. Joh. __ '__ ~ " come to Hpriog Valley. (:)o~bU U. Murral oallsJ aD Dao Mar. Tbt; firs'." "'io leave!! ., ,1 :80, p. m." Sunda" . every to mlnu... .af&er".ida uo'll lOp .. m. Tbe Ladlel Aid of tbe II. JIlllawor'h ~mUh, of m. ohUroh \11m ake care.QI you. • week e.nd IU.' Joba Levt • 1'rtt.DJt '1'hompeoo wu In Mr:. M. V. Loce is IlerloDBly 1I1. and .JJa)'oo 00. !laY"" , Ralph ' ' lCagie. J obD Thom... ew a" 8DUle~sl~n~IUh~. .~~~~~~~~~wa~~~ o lb. BUd Itl'tl. m. A. were ", Raturde,. 'and the proud parll~t8 01 peey of .1rqe ~rla" "ad fa'lllly. bom Oo~ber 6~ , .'" ; M.... J,08..&j.r wal the !weet.end Mr. aod lire. M. A. 8hos. of Way. ~"" of hti daagbter a' 8priDgAela, ~entIle, "ere BQD~y £U88ta h.r., Ohl~. . . • ._ • ., t Hope~1I Lung Trouble Cured , .ManID. 'he lime Ion of Mr. Mra. llalt ()omp'oD, who h&e been ' ( , ., lI'8OoYl'lrtes . 'f rom Lung va,.,. till. Ilowll ImpK;0viol. Hr. aod U ~per Krq .re are due to Dr. Bell', Pine...tti,o l. l'el,a"V88 tn lIuDote, iDd. U ,ltreB,'heDI $be the Coagh eDd givel Mr. and Mr•• P .•• . Alexander, of W W . W. 8. Wilkinl. aod ' "Ur. aod "'-.. . " ',' wrttes I · "I aaed Dr. 1 ' ~r1itI~lI:llIrare- lpendiolr a f... 'uy." .....,· ....;' Tar.Soofl"lnoa oalegl.en at the reeervol.. , . , I , • hopel8ll11 8Qd ,i t eff~o'ed a 0010 · o M.....·C. B. Qrlln8 was a <vl.lIor 10 • o~re,,' ~ •Get. a boUle ot Dr. Xeola Wedaeeclay. " ' . I PiiD8.T,iI.Boney" If , yoar K~. D. ·W.' A~~~Dd ·Mr•. ooaK~ ' II ' elry JlDd hat)klog Ie' l& sa,le aiad two ohIldreo 'Vte1&e.I "tah tr.t okl. , dOlWO thll thr'*ll lOU ",m Xenia frieo~ 'WedDee4a,. t lIaroly Ketrell!!f. Only 2Gb 0 1.' ,our. Dt'qgt_8'.,.'_' _ ....-:.. . ~alley'






'Hosie.ry Corsets ' B~ Cloth Gaberdinee . Fl'ench·Parll BouDon

'hap CrePe








Mes-.Une s~

IlEADY: 'NOW! ' 1_ _ _ _...._---.;-:,..;:;......-..1 . ~OOstun~ingstyles in the W'mtcr

Aluminllm Ware

"Bunetick' Fasblo.l..s." II A mag'nincen'~ ' selection' to

1SSue ,of

B,~Dd '

8 . Cue. '

choose your entire Wiliter ward· robe. This lovely puhJication is ~nJy 25c:, which includeS' any

Home' Adomme~t '.

11;.,_B_u~tt:.:en:·ck:.:p:atte=m~ ':yo= , U:.J!ik:e:F:.~!.. .J8;::,~Ma::::;.:ttin:·:g8=,:E:tC:.:,. ~ At .... ~D .... .,., . . . . ' '.!z::R:U:


: ' i


w ......aSVILLB


Ihop N.xtt~ ....rwoo.'. Q.r~. . . ." .11t

~:J;I;j.;~'''''j.. ~'l.~


~O~ IiAl20LD MACGRA Picture'S IU


plcaee h,tmllelt. And I (fo nOt. OllllDe blm. The women a bout bl1ro treat him a bomlnablT. 'J1 hey come ,at 'a ll Ume:s or day ahd nlgbL. UB& hla card room, ord e~ his sorvants a bout. drin k b'B whis ks and Bmoke 1I1e cl ~ arett es, a nd geo rally Invite ' tberus Ives to luncheon and tea ILnd dinner. 'And t he!!, whe.n t hey are ready to go to t heIr villas or botel. (nice bill motor·boat without. a. t hank you. The colonel bas a60ut thr ee thousand pounds oub lde bl, hall· pay. ond they · ILre all crazy to marry him because ble IIlster Is a coun teb. 'As .. bach· elor be ca'n live !llIe a prince. bu t as. a mnrrled man be would bave to d ig. He to ld me thnt If be ha d been born Adam . he'd have cllnlb ed over Ede n's walls long beCor e t he Angel of the Flam ing Sword paddled h im out . SaYs he's always gOing to bo a bache lor. !lnles8 1 take pity on blm:' m lschlev· ously, " Hns he . . .1" In borrW ed tones. "About th r en time s II. vis it." Nora admitted; " but I told him thot I'd be a da ughter , a cousin. or q niece to him. or even a g randcblld. 't~e latter presenled to o mll n y ' compllcatlo(ls. YO we compromised on niec e." " I wish I knew when you were sert· ou s arid when you were fooling." " I am often all serious ,vhen I am (oollng a s I a m toollsn when I a m' s erl·

nne» b f\lo~. Tbe IlCUOli WIl8 ,\' Ithoul 8nger. excited rather by 0. cooLompni' OUII Ind ifference, All ror t be almple ullU'guerl tea;"sh took tpejll up gingerly. T hl'l aro t.bese delcrlbe d Ulroush the ai r Willi e ve n greater 1I1llo th... perfor,me4 by t he vIolets. ," r m a silly foo l. I s uppose." IIbe murmured. t urning bac k Into the room again. . _ It Wll8 ten o'clock WhB~ the colMel blliJe hla guesls good night as \hoy tum bled out of b)s motor bOI\t. T bey were I n more or les8 exu beran t splrllB. tor tho colonel kn ew how to do t wo t h ings parllcularly . we ll : ord er a 'ctln· nero n~ d a void the many I'raps s et ror h im by I!cbemlng mammas lind ell· gible wIdo ws. Abbot t, th B.arone and Harrigan . arm In arm . marched on Mead. wblstllng on tun e In three d ltreren t keys. while Courtlandl set the pac · Co r tbe padre, All t llrough t.he dlnn r t he padre hlld watched a nd I1ste ne(l. Faces were gen· erally books to hIm. and 'he ren d In t bls young man's face many °th\slgs that pleased him. 'l'bls wnll no nlgh l rover . a fool ov er wine a nd women, ,. spendthr If t. . "The re has been a grave I1l l s l ~ k ~ somewber e." he mused a loud, tboug bt, tully. ' , " I beg you r par don ." saId our nd t. " J beg yours. 1 was tbln klng aloud, Ro w long have you kn own the U SI' Tigans ?" "The faUIer and motber I never saw bllt ore today." "Then you have met Misli H arrigan '" "I ba vs scen bel' on the s tag ." "1 ha ve tbe bapplness of beIng her contessor," Tb ey proceeded ' Quite 8 S fnr ns s hu nd red yards befo r e ourUand t vol. d unteere : "Tha t must be In te res ting." "Sbe Is n good Ca t holic." . " Ah. yes; I reco llect no w." " Aud you ?" "Oh. ( haven 't nny r eligion su nb 111 requLres . my pres ence In c hurches. Don't 'mIsunders tand m o: As a br.y I wns bred In tbe Episcopal church : but] have traveled 'so much that I have drifted out or the c't rele. · I ftn d that when I am out In the ollen. In the beart ot sottle g reat was te, such as a desert, a sea, tbe top Of a moun. tain, I can see the greatnes s 01 Omnlpot,e nt tar more c leilr.lY 'lind bum. bly t han ""Rhln tbe walls ot a ca· the dl'al," ' , "'You belteve LD the tenets of jJhrl.. tlanlty!·' · ' "Surely! 'A man /Dust pin hi. (alth and hQpe to sometblng more !ltable tban humanity." , "I shOUld like to convert you t way' or tblnklng," limply, . "Nothing lelmpoS8lble. Wbo k nows ?" The lIadre. as t bey contillued on· ward. olrere d many openings. but the young m an at hie 81de re fus ed to be drawn 'lnto any~eOufid eDee. So Ule pllQre gave uP. for the fUllllty of bls efforts became' Irksome, His own IIpl• were lealed. 80 be could not uk p.o lnt blank the Question that clamored at


a ppare.nt. luformatloD Is beIng !lou'g h t (rani Itl! pros pect.lve patrons leading toward perrEl ted tralls por tatloll , and 'rMes tn.l r to the InyeBtor as well as "I"anora do T OSClL hrL WILlI singing In OU B _ : . tt t Par1.t. ~b l c b . perhnpe, accI) 4nlbd lor Edto t he ships and t hA Con/lumer. It Is ward Cour Uandt·. uppearancQ ll",re. Mu' o "Nora , yOU w ill ha ve mo shrlekJng s Pllolally !lasonttmtlllonalre. he wlUldoru" i1.boll l where In a min u te!" despaired tbe mO Lb er , {.'Dc)' dlot.ated,', H e mlllh\. b6 In Pa ri" ono tlll i to eeek tb ls 41\)' and Kamchalka tllO ne xt. Fon wi llB "Old the colonol reafly propotio to _---" aid tor tbe reo.' tlul opera he goes to a cafe 3nd III !\.C- yo U?" "11:RE may be <r0tl l by' a. protty young wo mtln. She times w hen a SOil thli~ 110 lIeep' ga·. o him ilIa ad"reaa of l'loru Ou lmone. "Only In fun," sen CIlIlRI exla.. Vocal rIval of Toscanu. and Flor\> !fIvIl8 g r ea t Iln d Celeste laughed a nd '·hre", her BrIO h Im tl,e nddr~ u at EI"D.nora, \V llom he Is In tllill country wenllby na· clelermlnl>4 to see., CeurU",,, Ul el1 tor8 around th e motber's waist, le8S a mple E lubOra'S apo.rtments. Shq or<len hi m tha n SUbstantia l. "Don't you ca re! uPOI\ wlllcll lolll ~-~ tlou finds that C14t alld 8 h oOtil III him, Th o neX l du>, are charlle d. can· 1~ It mutl t over· Nora, Is being ·puT6ued by Ht lle devils p~!! II ahoc.ked by the myale rlous dillBeguea Uy t here Is ap.,.,...Ml.nce at the prim" donn • R e:llls lnl( and 18 .ventlng her spite on UB," ....-.~ come a lmQs t lbat· he m ill' bo IU6pec t d oC the nbd llclI u l,erhulnan oblllaci 8 no p r eoe d e nt "There'll lie too much Du rgundy aud tlon at Iilloanora Counlllndt a rranges for to ac:comJ.lillh I.L bene. up on wblch to an Dl\bL EllenBorG. reappear, "nd ·t\CC U80ll tobacco. to say nothing at tbe a wtul CoUrtlanllt of ha.vJng o.bduplo<l her. HI. bnse a rovell ue. II t fo r t be w b a I e altbl la . aUsfact ory 10 t he pollc. and Lhe stories," T he ' men w)lo cllargo I. (lI ~ m l"He" . Eltill nora n ~e. to IVo rl (1. S u<: h n s lt ua· "Wltb th e good old padre tbere? Lak e Cqmo t(l rosl ilt~ e r the . hock , She b un'! lhe Cap e tlon ()xlsls a t ~ann m l\, t. followed by a number of her adm1rt' r•• Hardly." said' Nora. ad cannl asked ,lInlOntr l hom the :prlnco who ru ll y proIV b e r Bcle nce and e lesle WRa II I'rench woman, "1 cure4 her a.b<l uctlon. ourU llndt also goea no h e I p t r o m o:Ioll e,y h ave complet· to Como an" ther'l mee ts J immie HlU'r l- conress lJIa t I like a good atory tba t .an. retired prlzenl(lller and tnthQr ot ' E I- Isn·t vulgnr. · And none at tbem look Wllllhlngton. On od II. CIl:18 1, wllbput ...nora. whoa real n BlDG Ie Nora H a tTI · the cont rary. th\lY Qountln,> tjle e xpenee PA, Har rigan Courlla.nlll Into hi' li ke men who ' would stoop to vul· tavor at once. He I nl rodu c~1I Courtla.ndl ga r lty." c onBl rue t\ld and a nn wltb no r s ulta nl W ,hI, daqtrh ter. but the IMter Wlvo. no paid tor a. chandlracl. prollt to Its "'rbat's a bout all you know of men." ellfU of eve.r' h" vlng met hIm before. Sh" n ul 0 v e r f a u r .tu410ull)/ avoJ". 111m. Nora'" cOlltellor decl ared Mrs. Harrigan. blllld43rs. Th fact lICentll · 1L mnte r y Invo lvIng Nora . Bnd tho t n ve ry amall per· "I am willing to give the m the bene. ·mlles. long In tbe COll rllanllt. Bo takes a .U'onS' to tit 01: a dou b~:' . . centaga or the 8/11 P8 the ]'OUDI' man. . .' n~ t d ~fu\ea wa• paSSing t h r,oll gh ' t he "Celeste," c ried Nora, 8/1.l1y. "I've tors of BU;I\~Tilla CHAPTER I,X -Conth,lleCl, ' an IUea , Supposln8 yo u and 'I run cWlal anilli under t he bay . Tbtl~ \luUt , " I 11'98 aBlesp when 'the llieio) went baok aftell dlnn e~ ·and hide In the ~ m lln fiag pl' . n bl'eli k wa tel' olr. Oh, you must believe t'tia t It wal roOIJl. which 18 rleat acrosa from ~1I.t t~ 1Z~1~ed f?t ates t h ree:qlla rters of PurelT accJden~l ! She w,a a In a ter- di ning room 1 Tllen we Cllll judge tor teels. Its in ternationa l a. mile lonll. a llo rible IItate until morn'l ng. Wba t If ,ourselvea." res polnslb11itles a nd 18 a.t t heir own elC~ Ille bad kl.lled you. what Ii sbe had "~Ol'& Harrigan!" \ a ctuat ed by a l,t r uistlc Idens. sen 8S the c;on n ectlu~ ' i lnk \!e tweon pense, In Barnsti\ble bay, Botb Ibe8lJ klJleli you ! She aeeined t o harp upon "Molly H arrlgjlll!" mlinleked the lil· A similar exaulple eXI'3lS nenrer h end. ot Buzzord's bay and Oa pe ' od works wlll be ot gr eat beneftt t o comtIIat ,p brase." , cortlgliile. "Mother mine'. Jail must bome. .New York Is building a wilte r- bay. T he dee.pest cut 18 only 29 fe llt merce an d ' t Q the adj acen t localit ies, Conrtlandt tUrned a sober race to- learn to recognbe a Jest," \Va y !trOm whlc b no Income will tol· above ,eea level. On tbe south bank OC Th ey make d eep·water harboT6 ,Ionl ward her. She mIght be sincere, and "Ab. bot youl1lt" lo w. T he de\lpened E r ie canal wUl t be ollnal the tracke or tho ~ew Haven needed for tbe bene nt cr the public. t.h~ ag~ I be mlgbt be playing the "FIne !" cried Celeste. help t he (,ommerce or tbe la k,e Btates. railrond glve a ccess for tbe tronster tlrst . game over again, In a different . As If to put a final pertod to tbe ~biJ e only In c'dentn~ l y d eveloplllg 10- of frelgbt b tween water and . I~nci. ARMY AS RESULT OF ' RIOT pille. " It would bave been e mber- dl8l1usslon. Nora began to 'ho m audcommerce nnd bldustrl es. T he posslblllt los a re. therefore. g rent. ruslng If the bullet hsd' found It I Ibly an aria from .AIda. Both t be is tb mllUl and ."'r le ~n 8 fo r III tac t ures an d ge ne ral In 4 UB- ' Comparatively Trivia l Incld.ent ~ed . ~w nnl w !tnU mark," H e met her eyes sQuarel, . aDd Tbe)" engaged a oarrlage In tbe "If. have II'I,gbtfull,," been In tbe pub lic "'J Ave tr'hs D~ ll y' 008 rvati ,to . the Fnrma,tlon of Prnent , J a, ons' 1or ft v e'yea .... • .,' el\e lIaw t bat hill were totally me Illgo a nd were ' driven up to the Villa, for yeal'tl, A . tb lrd, ot mufth more 1m· show ·. "~ t .....41 ·.. ..•og j a. I ea.• . thaD '" ~ . .... ~ • "'8 , I'lt~ I'orce.. - .... Min surprise or agltatfon 'or interest, On ~he wa.,. Mrs. Han:lgan dlsdussed mediate 'alld 'direct va lue to our COR st· t hat exlst Lng In Vl neyard 6!lund. T he "WUI you tle bere tOQg '" th&s tranger . Ed ward Courtlandt, What wise t rllji e. has recei ved little, alteh- Or tile clmal .Is through , wide. "It depends." . , a: ~ On e looking young man he was . ~d t~~~hlllton~~ . ~ ' ~~i;~~~~~~~;~~~~=J~;~;;~=;~ ' ~;~~~;~~~~~~::: to· p~~"e Kn Nora ? , perlllslenUy. " So you are . Mlsa-:ifa;rrl......,·8 ", Wood, the beautlfu Hampetead' estate. ' how a dventurous, how well·connected. ..-lary n Cl;llltilty. urged by sucoesslve· t b I h b lid • bow ' eno.rmousl:r n ch,'a nd what an ex· l essor?" prcsldcnl.e • . a ltempted by various corTom t e cute es or the ~ "'1'8" "You . ;J "Does It s trike yc u 'strange ly 1'" th e etlfltetl:t or ml1rta ry I 8tol'1 . . cel ~e n t catcb! She and,: yeleste-the poratl ons , needed by bum a nl ty, the 1 B h II h • "No ~ on t he contrary. I am the one inll,ocently and the other provo" Merely the Qolnc1dence." Ca pe dd canal bue ' r.emai ned uncut the . boody ,l ittle g t Wi n 00- , ISF:"'-';~--~...... ,. optlmlsfliliDaD In tho 'W orrd," " 11 I were nO. t b.e r con1e8 ,.80T I SbOUld. . , curred the re In 1661 led to th' e tecon' , looked Into {hla repJy verMare- eatlvely- contlnued the subject to ,tbe al n e the ' day when Illes Stil mUsb ' . . utltutIon at the Brltlsb ~egular army, ~ ve ry doors of the vl11s. All tbe while t ake the , Ub, erty at asking you' some tully. ' It he had hopeH at '1'lmilng que Btlon.... I lIlet the' Dlltch In 1627· an d on the . upT \lomaa Vettner, a w1ne cooper. wBll N '.' Nora bummed ,Boftly. " It Ja' quite 1I0ss iblo that I should per waters at })uzzard 's bay the lender of a set or fanatics kn4lwu ora Harrigan . optlmls tlc be ce,uqrJ17 , "What. do you thl!lk of him. ~ora 1" tlret tra li's portatlon t hrough must be. Perhaps It was nol optiml1,li "fifth monarchy men'." 1\'ho an· d ecline to anllwer the m:" Ism, Rather might It not be . a pur- tbe 1D0ther InQ.ulred. Is)aqd sound be l ween Tbe padre shrugged. "It I. pale'nt dam a1lld the Old Colony. nounced thelr determlnatlpn .nOl to pose' made at s teel, llendJl ble" but not . "T~tnk o~ W}lom! " to me that you ",III /W, about t hls Af· their ,aWorda ·~tl1l ': llabylnn "Tbla Mr. Courtlaudt. ~ Illere liB now llu lBhed a nd breakable]" r e lnfo Ile~ by a knj),wledge "Ob, I didn't mU(lb attllntlon to 'aJr In you!' own way, :1 wilh ),ou , be eo ".18Ilng and a curse. and of ()Ond~ lOns wlUclh . ' he would have him:" carllle ••ll'. Bu.t once alone wltb welt." at a cost of on.Jy $12 .000.000. ' a oka~nel at tbe earth shoul\! be bouna "Tllank .you. As' Mlaa Harrigan'. 30 tee t dee p. whl'c q has the largest .In ohalnll anll ,~,e 'noble. In retten ot jd"en worldl to learn! Celeste•. abe lelzed 'bet by the arm. II , "~I Ihe not, beauUtul?~' " Iron," . . JIIn.y of th ~le ualota on , ~'I am not a poet." · little rou, bly. '·Celeatfl. I love y~u confessor you doubtleBs know every. tonnag;e l~ibu~ry to any ocean canal; tblng but the trutb." a traffic iI.B, great a s t hat at SUilZ" belng Twelftb !'ilcht ~m~rBBd from their '''Wal.t · a momenf,' ber eyea 'Widen- better than anT outJl(1er I lmow. But Tbe padre laugbed this tim,&' Tbe 26.000.000 , tODe. cnrrled nlmost ellclu· lIIeeting-place In ° Coleman etreet Ilnd In,&', • "I . believe ydu !mdw wbb did' Jt you ever 'dllcua's tbat man In my 'sbopa wer,1I closed, ' The ' open rea •. '1Iyel)' In AtiJerlcan bottom\!, overl,)O,werod th'e city tn,tned banda, ClOb!mlt that outrage," '-. ,~. , pre"ll~ce ~In'n I sh~1 cealle to regar~ The allsault wall repulsed ' by the .. ' you even all an acql1li,Jntance. ~e bu taurants by tbe water front held but' . Govl.rnment a nd lllate b!1vln g , ••lIed F9.T the firs t time he lrowned. \.. IQrd mayor In 'peI't9!1. who • .suddetlly "Very well; I ' \JrP~I~ • . Dot to ..k come bere t~r ~e .. urpo!'e of annaT- few ' Idlen. The ' padre adlDlred the to . l'ec~,gn.1ze the Imporlance ot thiS In· aroused and scantll~ . clad. a't the head &117 more Questions." Ing me; thou8b • e prOmll~ t~e pre" young man's Independence. Most men terlor :.moot h-w8 lllr lin e. , less ,than would have' healtated not a .aacond 'to Ofty m ell ' hnve Haen bold enougb , to' ot 'a ~an~ of followtrs, droye. the . In· i'Ii"•...."...--n'T al would76& verY aareeable 'to feet In .ParI1 ne"er to annoy m'e agalD," the tale Into his ears In hope o~ f1l1aU¢Et .It. They a ls!) have their ldeals. IIllrgenl8 to Highgate. wbere. In eaen me.~· 1'llen~ &I Jt ~e realized the rode- ".,he prefect I " , . material il..IBta.nce. The padre'B ad· fe eling tbat t he t imes aT,e ripe ' to reIl~S o.r hlB r eP11; be added: "Before "Yea. TJ?,o mornlp' " Iett Verealllel ,mlratl6n wall equally proportions\! gain du r lu,,~ oceon lIupreruaoy, and I leave I .wlIl tell you all ou . wlah to.,. I met blm in' th" private omce ot the , tb,nt I,:,dlylduals! as well all . the g~n' prefl,lct, He bad powerful trlenda who 'wltb TeBPect. ~?;~I~~~!~' one C()!1dltion.·· " aided' blm 11n eitAbilabl1l8 aD alibI. ' 1 " "1 le&1'e you here:' 'be sald:" " You et al Ptlbll~, t\hould do tbelr share for .ee me frequent,y at the vlllliv" the j mp r oy,!'u\ent of wate rwa.y.:' "You will ,. I&Y nothing to any Olll, was only a 'r0 m&ll1 ' 0 dl~.n· t COUIlt.';. '.'1 oertalnly sball be there frequent· eervatiosm. h<lwe,v er . deman'ded tbat ·'Nora. If 'I ' have meddled , In 'an,. private corporations mUllt be :rou wlU , Q ~8!!tloll ,neIther Mlu H~. way." proudly • •:'It b~ been be~Ule Iy. , Good night," '" '1If>D nor myself• .nor pe.rmlt YOUTIelf I lo"e yoU, and I Bee you unhapp,.. .' CourtJandt quickened hl/l 'pace wblcb upon tl nan-cll\l. r eturn.. It \a. prQper, 'to ..~e.::ee:~oned," . . You bave, n~rly killed me, with your 'Boon brought blm' alo!lgelde t~e otheni, tberefore. to give In brlet.. t he ligures spblnx:Uke, actions, You bav!! never ';l'hey stopped ) !! front of Abbottls ,pen· upon wWcb M,J'. Belmont a ud ht. aliso, "And now, will you ~ot take IJI, II 0"1\1' to your fri ends?" ..ked me tbe-,relult 'of mYIPflng for lion and he tried to perSuade them ctate. ~ . working. The~ ' are u ' fO,:' ' low.: .. .' "Over there 1" aghast. YO\1 .that night. SpylDe II Dot one of to ,come '!-11 lor a nightcap, " Nothing to It. 'my 'boy." mid HU' , or the, 116.000.QOO tons, ·'Wby. ye8, We " ' .. n illt upon the my UI~al vf?Cationl. but I did It cladly rtgan, "I D'eed n4? 'nightcap on' top of coal alone. Tbat commOdity 1s ..,... for Y01I," • Alml~Dx Cl)al"ed 't o Alt~': " gran, They lleem to be bavln« . :" 004 Tbll village church of ~l\J'balU. · suttime." .. "You gave him my addreBl 7;' coldl,.. co~ac' .8 Iyean ·old, .For m,e tbat'. teQ cemts per ton tl'om 's torm. lays and !lxtr&, InJ!.u ranc& for fO~~, EngJ.l\4t, ~QlI8eSaell .8n ,anolent , What a man! Take hfm over. 'I nto' ''I''dld ndt. I C9qv:lnced him ,t~t I .: 1\'bole IU t of' ~aJamaa,'1 " . round trip'. WJth a capltlil ot alm. b!>_ ~b lch 18 ClI8t)IICL'4' unu~~1 the enemy', camp? NotlUng would be bad come 'a t tie behest of' Flora Dee\.- , ",You come. T,ed;". . (TO OJ!) ·OONTINUl!lD.) $12.00Q.OOO and , au'ch a m!l.xIll\UI~ both 88 to ,sb;Jpe anll poaltlQIJ' Th<t\llh , more qreeable to lier, Who would mODe, •He , dem8.nd~ " h~r addre.., ftc, It !II read,lIy eeen' ·tb, t nothIng Is kn\tw~ III date ~or: hI.. be the stronger; Nora or tbla provok- wblcb I .a"e blm. '. It ever,lthere w.. torr. it is eaJ'! surmlle that' tbii ' , o1)c·hallr tbe tonnAge goea . ~nrollgll . tog man? a man 111 a .lne 1'IIIe • It, liu bo ' u he. . Distance In ...varlL I ' Qualn~ keg8hape(f ~oir:....wlth :ita cillm80 tbey crossed over and joined the Illft me to gO tber,e .' Ube fOund out . In . the Oayarlan blgbl!'P'dl .Iin~ canal during the nl'lli 'year a B:r, lock and roup but elr~~y,e, p~ IrQUP. · Tbe padre IlJIlled. It ,ral a Wh!l~ we. lived. the .Calabrian wllte4 poStl a:1one the roadl, Inatoad of I~t­ dend tIIIay be El)Cpecte,s""l?t o teetlnlf barl'dl, ; JDaJ' bave been ' tlie 1ft. attuaUon lIuch u be loved to atudT: !,lIm. ' I Ipoke to blm riLtbllr . p,lalnl,. In,g tbe Dum~r 'of ~i1"., or ~n~~et,,. new cb,Lnnel In al\, r~spec t8 BUIt at the joltit· eltona of ' the loCal • atrong maa and a Itrone woman at . at tea. 'He said tbat he had bad notb. to tl!e nrioUl vDlqe.... ,tve, ,be em re·q ulrementa. Thill I. 'the carpenter ~nd bhle~,III,ltb .. ' , war. But not hing' happened; noi a ' .l n 8 whate"er to do iIIlth the abd.'aGo,.1 amount of tl"e" whlcb the .,,,erag. ambltio'n at It. ohlef. en·g lneer, Malt .' almabol[ea aft .'found • In . tbe ripple an)'wjlere to dli cloll. the agila- tloh',and ' l believe blm. ,I am 'po/lltivi pedeatrfaD 11'111 ,wpPQledly. take to Ba1'Clay Pareon_, wtro.~ "'"':lnmm.'ncl''' Po cb or lo.-ewhere nllar the entraDee tlon . beneath . that ho II not ~be kind of' ~an to go 'traveJlle ' the dlltanee, 'an 'ezciuaD,e wltl\ tb~:' Panamae eall~1 , (j~~~:!:~!::W to ~ the 'churCh•. but tlila la 'JbaJl1ell to and Jerlll'll,l ~owledge or " The sun WAI dropping toward thl that far and D~t proceed ~o ' tbe end. atatel!. Thl. II DJ..el,. aD omclal the alta.r. Aoili. -' '. western top.. Tbe ~eata were ·lea". And n~w .. wlll, you pl,e... tell Carloa preal!lo~ ot ·the • .". kenel'al custOm are ~e11 ~owq, Th6 canal POlllbl,. ItI ule ma:r b"e bee~ reo ID' by two. and threes < The ' colonel to brln, my ' dinner to Ply toOm ,.. of , tbe pea:a&nt. Ip Ua~ "Jjgion. will) ~nd deeper tban tbe Ol'lglrUll ati10ted to reell,ln, Cbe ottel.'\DII had prevailed UI,)OD hlB dinner lUella l _The- ImpuJ,illve , Irish beart wall not In1'8r1ably tell IDQIlirerll on, the road. protection agalgBt, tile 'w~lh of PB!~~III1&~LCl)l,\trol o( the communlcantl, anO the· tee.' at ,\Ot, to bother about golns' back to the ~ IMt!: N~ wanted to re~,aID ' not' how tlU' It II to .. place. but bOW' IteameNI la IUicl.l,red by the churcblD.s aDd 'o Uier ce..moDI!Ii. It I bulla; electric IIghtl al.bart "m8le to dresa. but to dine 11i the ftrm. but. , ,ll!lIf.~&d lI}le .W?pt . ~ elelte long It take. W' Bet tb.~ , all tbe' ,rOIl ' nil, III tb~ lid seelnl ~ clotbee they wore, 1i'lnatly,· none ~ IDtO her ar;ma, Oeleat . ~~~ t .~,IuI~ t ·For 11IitaDce, one uta: "How' tar t~r~"11 iUI't"e ll&fet~.c at, nl&h~; show, It may have beeli cam" a!lout grea't blreakwater amply proteeta' plalned but Har:rlgan. Abbott, tbe I am V.r'I. "'1'7 ~app~. . ~ II It to Obera~~erpu~ :' . . O_IOD requlre4( aIld" c1i'aUaecl "il .mall balt hour," ,w~ll , be \he •• mlltern end from nort/le. .t, BaroDe th& padre and d9l1rUandt, And , If \lie :trtlh be , 'W,8fJ Impul~Iy,•• the to ~he altar riIla tor cr.cter lilcvn~ t;lked nollny anil aKTeOi.bly' con; FrenCh ol;le wAJI .IlO leaa so . . ~ele.te IIwer; or perba})1 ".A a<l.<id half bour'" Tbe !'oute La throUgh tile ,e1llht-mllle.!l wben.not hi uie,-Tha CODDollllellJ'. ' cernln,, "man dlLln untll .Rao JJ:a~elJ wanted to Cf)' out ·that Ibe wu ' UD- or- ·jA hlg. balf hour," ' , 1 isthmul '1f~lch for r.eal's b.-. aunounced that dinner W81 lened ,hDPPY. ~, Which I. puullDC, unt~ the. I~ ~ ~.. 4...........- ;...... It wal only tben • •durln, the 'lUll "Don·t botb~r to droBI! JUlt gin gtI[ learnil tha$ a "lrMll half MtJr"" Her ~utiCUI head d""~1HI ~to b •• wblch .. fo)lowed that light ",as Ihed your hair a pa~ or two, We'll 1LI1 three mean. 25 mlnutel. "a rood balf hoar" aboulder-.-~d ~rt o~ tbe "01117 IPloY4 ul,)On tho PUllZI~ Which had ' been eub- dIne on the balcony.:' . 30, tDtnllt.. auel "a ble haIr hour" II ,DJak~' ~a 'Of, on ~ ••1.Ye... -LoQ. COblldoUIIT .ttrrln, Harl'1lan'l mind: Celeate It.w to ber room. 'Nora we"t mlnutel. . dOD ftt:.Bla. . . )l'or. ,!aM not onoe apoken to the Ion ove r to ,the ealemeilt. MDdow !lIId , ,' af h1I old friend, star~d at the -darkeniD, WbeD IIhe turned toward the abe wa. aatonllbod to ftnd two bouCHAPTER X. Quell. On.. " . . all enormOul bunch of vloletl. Tbe other :wu . of Ilmpla II'vlrythlnl aut the ~""t.,. m lll'guer\U!lII. ~bl!J JltlJled .."p. the YI~ -, doD't .ee why tile ~Io b el dldn't leta, Tllere... a Card without a ta.ll.a _oDIe ot the ladles," Mrs. Ha r · name ; but tile phrase IIlrtbbled acrosl p. ~pJajIl" . tllo face of It .... _DallaL - .... '& II1&II l>&I'l7. ae'. 8Iv1l1. It to the vloleta ~r cIowa , $YNOP~IS.









"r.,), ,___
















to the ""t,ra CD Qu; ~ rallway. for both h1m8elt aDd b1a et· fectl. Tbe natural reaoureea of the COIlD' l_..:......_-...:.___- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......---~· try· are 10 valt that they cannot 'be toJa In mere :llgureB. Man cnn only toll ot ,,'hat tiny portlona have done. He cnn only Jlay "I Bm more prosperOUB than I ever expected to be." And o :rHE WHEAT CROP ALONE WILL yet It a farmer expects to succoed on laod tha.t be , has been Corced to pay BlrWOR1lH UPWARDS OF $60 to ·$100 an acre tor, ougbt ONE HUNDRED MILteel assured attainIng pros perIty LION DOLLARS. wben he flnda tbe r lohest pralrl' eoll The yield of wbeM In W estern Can&- at his dlsp03al atitlolutely treo. It he cta for 1914 Is now safoly estimated I1t has a little capital, let him invest It 186 mUlIon bushels. ThIs Is' not I1S 0.11 In live stock and farm hnplements I.r,e as III 19,1 ii, but for vflrlous r~ a. -he will find hlmaelt ten years a head • ons will n et the tanner cons iderably of the game, Some day suoh a. chanoe more money. Had It DOt belln for wUl not be found o.nywhere on the drou!,ht that struck some portion! of face of the globe. But DOW the lIame Southern Alberta and Soutbwestern opportunities awaIt you as awaited the Saskatchewan, Ihortly aCter leedlng, pIoneer Bnd not - one hundredtb part fbere WOUld' have been a phenomenal ot tbe dtfficulUes he enCountered nnd orop and with present prices there ovorcame. Bucceas In Canada 18 'made w()uld have been a year of un- up of two thIngs, natural r esources precedented p·r08perlty. In a large and human labor. Canada haa the one dI.trlet oC t~e country the . crops are Ilnd you have the other.

e1al ntu




Show. tho "'on1 of Totln, • Gun. A mUe Iel'1l;lon 011 peace by Homer Hoeb: "Old BIU Jonel alway. oanied II. gUll or two. and by much practicewilen he should bave been at work-he became a crack lbot. He laId tbat be didn't propose to be caught Ullpr~ pared. and tbat be went arm~d In ordel' to l(eep out of trouble. But old Bm Jones wall In mOTe brawls tban an ybody. and was finally gathered to hIs tat hers by 11 gent who WII,S a Iltue qu icker on the trlcger. Nations have boo1l proceeding on the BlIl Jones theory . Thl8 theory- played up etron, by the Honorable Krupp a~d othershaa been t ha t In order to Insure peace lhey muot be ready to llCht the world on a mo ment's noUce. But the nations a re jus t like old B ill The B ill Jones theory Is rendy for the Junk plle."_ l{nnsas City Star. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

The Popular

Why Water la Put.!n Stook .. ' "Pa. what do they put .water tn atocltB tor?" "To Bonk the Inveltora

Ubby, M~em4LihL,

Mexican Dish CIWI Coil Carn.-

. Th. molt IlUcce.efaI combination of the worill', two beat food. - mNt .... beam • . Mad. frOID the ;.mwMaican Chill Pepper-, MeldC&ll CW Bean. aDd .elected me.... ac:conIl~: " the .ali •• recipe, and it'. rood. .Nit the I thins when YOII want ._ethiq epic", Try thial ,H eat. caD of Ubb,.. CbUi COD ear- ill boillq water (ac:conL• to directlona on laW) _ aerre . " aquue. of tout 01' with nee 01' 1DUIbr_

Die:- ...



The oltles ot Europe are generally cleaner thipl thOle of WI country. Celery Washed and Made Ready for the Market. The Slatted Work It Reata on Enable. the WashIng to Be Done With a .Hose Which Render. the Work Comparatively Eas>,: If Onl Haa Good Wllter Prcuure. mI' .A N NA OAl. IOHE R. ) banklng·up Is bl3 gun . Howeve r. this Lll8 t year wo had tb e fin e8t celery will not do away with the banklng.up, ever Becn in thIs part of the country even wIth tho 81~Jf·blancblng varlett.1 .r.nd here 18 how It wae grown : wben planted lat e In the eeason. The planta were grown in very rich When tbe froBt came. the celel'Y 8011 and thinned 8 0 tbat none were ridges were quit e hIgh. Stak es wer... small and spIndling. No weeds were driven along the s Ides 'and boarol The Abov. I• • Wew of a Manitoba Flrmer'e Building .. He G081 Largely allowed to grow among tbe plante. placed on edgo, then more eartt. ., Into Mixed Farmln,. . Arte r Ule J)lallts were four or five banked U·P. ' lnc1H~s blgh the tops were shorn off. The top of e~Lch ridge was nearly You wllnt a coz)' home, a tree lit.. runy up to the averll&e, Tbe POl'110 ae t.1l caUBe plants to grow stnlky. level, altbougb the celery leaves protionl referred to had ample rainfall and aumolent Income. You want edu· DUrl~" the dry weatber we 'gave the truded several Inches above . Tills Is a~d blellBed with condlUonll tbat put cation (or your children. and lome them Into a more enviable condItion pl easure for your wlfo. You want In- planta l. drInk every ev enIng. soaking essential. for If t he air Is entirely ex· the ground well every time. eluded the celery wlll rot . . tban. tbe dl.trlc~1 llrnt referred ' to. dependenoe. Your burden hae been The tips of the leaves were sborn When the freElzlng weather sets In, FortunatelY In moat 1III1cea wbere lack heavy, and your farm hll.!ln·t pald .. You art again , about two weekS after the old carpet was s illread over tho tapa of or precipitation prevented harvesting w9rk hard and are dillcouraged. tbe cel ery _ Additional ooverlng wa a ' You requJre a change. Tbere II • first shearIng. a 10012 crop thl. year. thhi Is the In doing thIs. there Is always dan· put on as needed and durIng tbe mild Ilrat of a number of yeaTS that It goal wIthin eight, wliere your chll· gel' at Injuring the plants unless .one wea.tber It was all removed and reo bu happened, &:4IJ tho farm ers are dren will bave "adv,antagel. You car. la very careful. It too many of the placed whenever there were signs 01 I!I a pOllltion to withstand I!. partial ge~ It. hpme In .W estern Canada aDd leaves are cut orr, the plants · wlll be a freeze. failure. Throulhout aU Qf Manltoba, (reeQom. where ;your o.mbltloDs can be stunted and thereby rendered worth.nd In this mannelr . the oelery 'Was kept Oentral Saakatohewan and tbe largest tullJlled. It tho Prairie Provlllcu are growing until IlIl:e In the winter, when Winchester cartridges In ~r~oli of Alberta c? iUttonll a:re full of Bucce IItul Farmere, l'hy IIh6u'id, Nono of the young or lriner leaves The ralling ot cal tl ,.heep and too.l ' prove the exception' Haven't ehould be pruned" and only the upper the lut of It was 118ed. calibers from ~2 to .50. lIhoat bop ' II now playing atl ImpOrtant "ou got br tns, expert'ence. courage! portions ot I'be outer ones. Jltrt In tbe .UCCIlEII of the Weat- Th~:n pro~e what theBe are' CApalll, , All thls ' may /leem to be a ,g reat where you aim when the trigger S~LECTION ern Canada Farmer. FI'9~ tbele, ot 'tI'hen' put on t\'iaJ. It II encoural t1eal ot unnecessary work, 'but those Is pulled. They ~ ,al'w ays , and the product of the daIry and 'lng to Irnow that there I. one ,o ountry who bave grown celery Irnow tbat It Is accurate, reUable aDd wilform. the' creamIng, he Is "Incln~ hImself In the 'World wbere poverty II no bar- time wasted to set out small. sickly . • l!I,.n excellent linanclal pOBltion, It fter to wealth! plants. Experienced growers also Shool them Ind You'll Shoet Wen. \a expected that during Illt6 tho acr&BesIdes the l1'alnl .poken ot. aU :mow that good celery cannot ,be &Ie lown to valna ot all kinds will be !dnds of grullea do well In Welltern g'rown without more or less hard work. Height and Strength of Stall< May Alwaya ISur WIftI)heate, M.... . largely I,n exceaa of 1111 previous years. Canada. ..At one of the (dra held a Be Considl~red as Well as' We grow oura for home use only and In the dlstrlcte thl1\ hnd not 'the crop short time .go the writer saw no I11wa1s as a. second crop where early THII IIIID allAJlD Ear Itself. tiul.t others bad, tbere Ie no dl.heart- IIlSB than elgbty "ar.loUea ot wild rra.l. potatoes have been grown. Knee., but embrp.clng the opportunIty Of tbe cultlnted vanel. Alralta glvel Lale oelery can be \let out any time (By A. D . WILSON.) to ret. their Ian'" ready In good time, 0. splendJd ;yIeld, and, although not y.t from July to Se Ptember. with good Hlll seleotion of Beed is urged 'ul EvldllnUy Kn_ Him. An Immen •• Help. &lid pursuIng more definite methode Generally crown, It will loon become results. Ours was trllnsplanted last every Institution. Interested in the 1m· At a reoent pubUo meetinl ot retir& The beautltul ducb8la of MarIbol'» year In early September. when the pJ'Ovement of co·rn. By selecting com Ing couDcllo~ In a o.rtain ward In a ough, at ~ tea at Marble boua. In Ne. . drought had just been broken by a from the standllDg ' staills In the field oountry town. 011. of the .p.akera· Wal port, pralled the toilets of a Ba1~~<!re ­ heavY sbower. . one can consldelr otber things besides boasting that he could brtn, aD arcu· girL Atter the grouud was thoroughly the ear Itseir. ~rhe height of t)le ear ment to a "p'lnt" 'a- quick as any oth"She dre•• ell exquilltely," Iftld tbe spaded. the plants 'were set In double on the stalk and the strengtb of the er man. ducheaa. who, dre8lln, "xqul.ltely hel'» rows about one foot apart. -=,.....,,~I-Btalk-may~both be considered, and ' On hcarlni thll. one ot the audJence lelt. I. an admirable judgfj, "ller hac.. The'advantage- !1 e ou Ie rows B whether or not tbe ear grew on a stalk who waa &CQualutecl 'WIth the .peaker ber shoe., her c011l1¥'e-It'l all ez.. tbat wh~ dra"lng the earth up to that had the whole hill to Iteelf or had ebouted out~ qulaite. . . blanch, two rows can be handled Just to compete with. two or three other "Aye; man. and i-. can brln. a quart "Alld I Uke to .ee her take IUCIt Il.8 cosny ao one. ( . stalk's can be determined, while It one ',ae a pint a pld bit !lulcker:"-LondoD patnl with ber appeanlll1e," ~. OUT celery Is never Bet In tr~nches waits unUl the O<Drn haa been cut these Tlt·Blto. duchess added. "It Is wl.e. I'or a Ibt for two good rea~ons: The soll 'here factora cannot be OODllldered, . can·.t help ber looks, but her looD ClaD II not very deep. and wben the plants selection of seed com from ECZEMA CHILD'S 'BODY help her."--,----~.r,. set I~ trenchee. the latter have to tbe hill . hl\s mllny Important ad van· be 'mad is q,\1lte deep and then lJIlrlly tages ,over selectlon later I~ the sea. 670 Hllb St.. Olb~b. WlI.~eD Bmile on wuh day. That'. wbn JOQ ue lilled \I'lth rich BOn 80 tbat the ~oots soq, In the .fird place, It enablllB one about two mODtba old my n.pbew bad Red Croe. Ball Blue. Cloth.. whitei' tIIaa will have somethIng to feed on. to select eara that are llllown to bave lares break out Oil dHreNDt parte or .DO"!'. All srocen. . Ad.; The other reason for level·ground matured' at the proPer time. while If culture Is this: Wben plants nre In tbe 'selectlon Is deterred and weather bls body. Th. trouble flnt bee.... . Cleave to the .ood and ule a 9&eanr a trench they are liable to be covered ccibillUons continue tavorable, Bome of a ruh which, Itcbed .0 at 10m&- on the rest. with wator every time there III a beavy the later matur'lng ears may be se. one alway. held bt. baDd," .vl!n while ::::::::::=:::::~~ rain. It takes a lot of work to rescue hicted, because they are likely to be aleeplnc. a. at th~ laut .cratchtn, It · • Nlorigago l.lnerl Clf We.t"rn ' ~"nadl!' Any . Farmer. "ould tD,eth.r and ro~ leab.. '. ...:.~... '~ • Ca'n Alway. H,.v, Read" MDney the Bub,nlerged plants, ' larger alid heavIer. " L t f H o 0 0111 ' i ' I , • , C'elery tllat Ie tou' gh and, etrln"" HII•• had tD 11&,... m1tte~" LIlt ;., , ' , " ... While the large, beavy ears are d~ Late In ni.,wbeD tbe 0tJ!I:!l. beCID 10 ., OOIia6r.vln.· molature. the r.rm- universal. ,At a recent eontetlt flf .,lcla. Is very poor eatlnl, and unless there lirable, one cann,ot profitably select OD them or the leabl would be 1'&w weakeD, the hU4-"orJdJa, IUUOJI oca. WI! are noW' tlually en,~,ed In prep'ar- lawn ngt later than. June, 1912, th.... It plenty 'of plant food' In tbe 10,1 and tl'leql at the expenae of maturitY. be- and bleed In, by momlDr. HI. elothor the I.... t frI.c tton lrrItaW the tlre out lrat. . lD,larger ateu for wbeat., Ollts, barley were prlzes' awarded III ~l dt.trlcta In abld plenty of mofllt~r~. the stalk. wlll cau.e corn that- will not mature II rh!:~:tfo :!t':~~!'..-:'. :':l~ ud llax and In thll way Tery much Sukatchewan. 'l;he Quiallt" waa ex- be full of strIngs. and hollow as well. bOUDd to be an- unprolitable crop. trouble_ HI. race aDd .calp were COTIDIr urIDlUoII are oIleD due oDJ,f 10 _ !:i---~~a..'-4M!'~"adcte4-to the llrge acroa~e ce1tent. In Alberta, It will loo,n ·b4f.: To be at its beat, ce ery sbould .be ~rly selectlon from the hill avoid. ered. They ~alled. It ec..~ "We trlsd dl1rerent t ...atments but kidDe,.. , • , ,.laclld tn crop ID i91!1. There are 'n one co~e tbe ~pul~ fee,d. In Manitoba :rrown quickly. To promote rapid the danger of the earn beh:!g Injured l're'ftlDt.\OD II tile lin, ~ aa4: ~ tliat take any comfort. out or the wor the' STOwl!}1 o~ alfalfa I. Quite IUC~eu- growth, keep ·the roots caol an,d damp. by fro It willie It I. still damp In the DOne cured him. At three " ..... ·olel 'We oommeneed the ue of CuUcara :'~~~~f~!~~e1-.uin 'm nrope bec,a uee It will meaD In- ful, and maDY farmen !lre now prepar'Late planting II condliel e to rapid. h)1lk. crowth. because . no mulchln~. with . area-ed prlee. tor everytblng they can 'In. lan~ tor It. • .' Soap aud Ofntmlln~ It took nearl" a Dou" KidDe, PUla h.... m..s. life year to effect a oomplet. cun aDd b. more oomforlable' .or tbolll&D4a of 014 'raise but they propose takln.g 'advan- ' SI.r Arf.!1ur Conau Doyle, on hll N' Itra'll' Is needed in the falUo keep the bever had IUl1thtn. lID it .luc.... · fo)o. IU. \he ben ntOOIIUIleil4e4lp111al. t&&' 'or the opportunity tllat la aft'ord-! turn fro~ a t~p ~o . ~tern ClI,na4~ 11011 cool and ~ollt ar'ou!ld the roota. 44: 'Welltern Canada 18 the reoogh1ze~, furnl.hes the foll.0:wln* con~butlon. Alter the plants gOt well .• tarted (Sllned) M~. r. 8coaald, Mar. J'" ",~-~A. Bea'aclty Ca.. ~ . lield of the ' ,.,'ol1d. and wll~ bl! "I'll dream ' apln of nelda of cratn they were boeC! and 'then the entire 1814. Capt. 'l'ho_ 0. .0 ror all tIme. Looking Into · the. (u- lfuit atret.c h 'froqtliky to .k:r, Bur,t ace of' the ground ' around , the CuUcure Soap aDd Olntm.nt aoN p..... w""ill.c-, throughout the world. Sampl. or eacIa :!7.IO!~;':e . ~r ' 'pre, thou.anda of Americans are now :And ,t he little prairie bamle,ta; ,where plante wee covered with manu,r e from free, with SI-p. BkIn Book. Add....1 POlt. wllb ....., «llIIeul. eoptemplatlDg joining ~be band ot. the c~n 10 roaring b;y. . . the poultry houses. Animals Should Be Given -, reat- card "CuUeura. Dept. ... BOaton."-A4.,. !t 1 ::\I~~r:t ", We.tern CanadlL I,,··n growers and Wc,9 den hamleta ~ I aa:wth.ql-uobt. 'A fter this nothing more was ·done 'he pah.. ID,, _,. ment With Gasoline and , ;y are wls8 In' doIng ao,. for. they can '. c1tlu. ·.tlll . " ,.be'. :., wt~ the IOU . or pfanti for about .tW?, • ~ ' I DI .~M .... • Uon. baclL ~14at YOu ... ... ru r •• t all'I ID7 -'4did weeks. In the !DeanUlIle .there bail 00 I e I J ' " .Moved 'to .New Pastures. .' • ·Hcure the best onan n 1 , 0, a • To girdle .~t~t7 Can.da with lelDa baa" several eo_a king raIns .. wblch w'a s "Oh, YIII. ........ 10 pleaaed willi ' 10. a'll1ul .... convenient to market. at trom ,15;.. ' t . w~ '--t'.ape. Monitllp' H .'. th • tat, ,,,,, ... "'.. Ure4 .... "'11ft ~ peir acre if pu'rehased from rail· aea. 0 .ea. . . ' . exactly wliat we wpnted. tor without It fB)' w .. L. BOYD. AJI.let&nt Vet.erlnar1&n, him! Just think I iii. wbole cIUlI".,.. Parla I.e 1Ure. , _t. ., Doaa·. ~­ ."., .or lan4 companIes, or t\1"y c,a.1l .Mother of ,a ml.g hty ~an~o~, LAnd of the top dr~8slng would not have beneUnlvertllty Farm. 8t. Paul. Mlnn ,) . q Pilla h.l .... . . . . ...u l ai r .la.mollr iLnd of hope, nted the plants. : . AI soon JUI possible after the lamb.• .. ,e' h'o'mesteadl within rcasonable The tiT In the ointment .bows that .~ta.i "!1tano.• of railway! by making entry "'-' .. The eoll was . loosened around the In~- 11,"-9 ... d th e 0,.Id sbeep Ihould all re rp,m t h 8 eas~wa.r d sea·t!1rept --t .. all~ . . . til. apothecary haa heeu n ..ll.eut In ·... ..e of t •• allJ!lO!l to th un W t 10l1li" 'plants wltb '!- hoe once more and the~ celve a one. or two-ounce ClOBe of gOI' his iw I &1 . atUn.. J II" th" ..-~ lMUIonn, ...; " ,. ",lOr t~em.· Tbe Amorlcan !le,t tler a • ", _.8 ,~ . ny e~ ,~rn e . • the soli ,,;&S gra.dul!.Ily .~~wn aro\lnd Ollne followed by.a Imall dose of ep' ld4aet toRla." --~---IO!t .... " .,.;~r:W~leome, and he will ftird In al-, It fa the maplraUon tb ..~ ' lea ,. Iftr the pliuits, • " ' . ;. ,: 10m ~iu.~ •. They ahould then be turned lIlo.t" an f dI8lrlrJ.' ln which be . earell ConaD Doyle to pen -the , above that . They were groy;lng 'by this time. on worm.tree puture; If posslbl•. to locate, l!IOre. of American set~()~, haa led. the •. ~1 AmeriCan. Plat art' , Every tew Aaya' ' a IIttl~ more earth, In , July.. the' enUre he,d. Includlug the fOSTIR......UItN lIUPPALo. ... «110 are doing well, IIn~ rew: It an)" 'n o,w ~ W.8~t~rn Canada. .to ma~ th~1r was pac1!e~ .arouti<1 the pl&J?~; ,cat;e be- lambl, IboJltd bEl .treated with galollne , ' " , ~er, ,ro,.. I. f!UlUTa. There '4I'e IPe; bome the..,.-AdverUasment. Ini taklm thlit the',atslka were .all In anl1' tur'ned tnto a new pa,ture . This ,The lIr1ncal or' Indla .... abaDdoDIDa. w. III. U.. CI·NCINtfATI•. NO....1.1.... -.::.::..i..:,..~--;--~_:_---:--.-.:...1~r.l.7.. ;t'--;;:;;:,;;:.~,~:,~-;--,-:;-:;;-f-r: proper posltl.on ~nd, ~alwilyl ' allowlb, treatment 'liould .be ' Npeate" In No" The ' Victim. - .. ,.' ,. l"ilP.t W~n~od. •. plenty of ,r>()()m for' po .t h. . " vemll'er when t:he .flock 's bould a,aln , lO'you don't .remember me I lee. I, Tbl.t oapU'fe 'I\'e ,~oo. l¥.t weell. 'They 'grew very fast atter the rIds be rem~ved to new' pa'JIture": Puture ~ the )"Oun, maD who eloped lIa1d the . trulty Ueutena.n~ .... y. ~h" IIiC or banking process waa once b~ rotation eomblnlld' with druga that are ·,.ur' pupter a few yeare 1'80 ':' .. ".1~-~I\';IY ca;no!, d,rlIik COndOI\Sed,' Iu~. ' I i ' '. . I'f ·injur.loul to ' t,ile worms , Is the .molt ""WelkwbatJC&u I do for, you! • ·m .. n ef co ee." " . " ' II " .'-" . some&rO:werlldo. Do~be~n,\'tobl&rICb p)'actlcal metho(l ot lucce.lfully com. COD' truro ber 10011. ,roared t e lirl,· thelr 'c\'lery uiltll It I.. nearly full slse'bathil Utll 1"orm. At Urilvera ty ~arm ? .. nit chief, "Sb~'1 no captlv-. .' She'_ and the' nlult. fa there.'ate more greeD paatu.r e tota~loml b8lbeeD ' practiced a .~mmer" boarder_" ~ , ltalk. thaD .any', other kind. -:: ," ' IQ aucce_stully that few lQllaes ha,.., Wben a Celel')' .tA;l1t IIJ.l!WI ,c reen. It occurred from the e1lec~ ' of illil Or PI.,.'. PIIUUlt Palletjj ~1ate 8I'9WS IreeD for keepa; DO aJDOunt or worm. 'a ad bavicora(e atom.cb; liver bOw,1e. Jabor wm Induce it to turn white. 8~ted, 'tiel. pata1liea. 4!U7 teo,&alai. W. bad the' White Plume lalt 'lear, Dc». 80t I¢pe_ ~dv. '; 8ucc... < and .1t ·Waa . whIte IDdMd, 8IId v8f1 . crtlP: but the"prooe.. would have beeb , ODe or tbe . Not • . •• IJ~., "Do )"Ou .beit..,e ID ' 10.,. at Iftt the lUll 'WIth IoIl7' otbill' .artMJ', aDeI' breeden In, '; doatitl... tile Nault. wov1d ha.,e b.en bNedl. allbt.r . ' ..'II "Ko. But ' I bow 't Ila,,..., It "mDar WM~ blaDelllD, cel.I')', It 6cmld DCK tat. Tbe that'••1a&t rena ".., to DOW." llelUa&Ubed wbea elth... or bte 'WIth ·,.." the .oiI II .... _ _" . It 1rSII ,.'iN ,r.-dID. them . . . . . . . to net ret. aaoulel Dot It .. ,.., ........ to l1li .. . . . ~~Il_ •


ror RiDes,. Revolvers

'lelola alJl







One Way to



lie,.. "'.,.


=: r:::.:.e


Get.,...... ,.., ......

li":.~= D .O AN'S ·~:a&."L"'":r. ~lb= ~






... iIUtI ..,..





?~-, "i



ter ' Laurll Shidtik,er,



Tis enough, come up higher.

d G d . h'



0Il10 WELL K





. ~~er I!-S.;lt las p en' 0 In IS Wllt:!re~, wh~lst we bow in numbl ,. ' , ----whllIte . wJsd')m 10 tE.'movt' r?m Iluhmissic'n t.o ffis l,hviue will. we [he mn • ear·old ~On 0.£ r.1-r. EI..nd Dr· F: W: hack.elf().r~ .. of Ore' Mrs. ,rae L. Illith is in Dayt(ln 'l.Il'lC)n!lll ou r b l,?vcd brothel:, JI}slsh r~lizl' that in th death f our is ~,' fl.)['Jght, Y~ upar Or g( ~la, ~·?nta, ~Ie'i at the MI!lml valley bos· today. . . h . ~ IJlS, Il~d whI le. w . tJo ~ In hU\l1' ~er. Mapl e Temple d pI res the lo 's (Ii d at. \llR horne rh'.l~day .even mg Ital at (> y'ton. Frlda~ aftc.rnoo~. New Seasonable GCtods hie !\u bmi '~ l on to h!s will. we d ply of an activ\:J and faithful member . l ~t 9 lO4'k, of dlphth rIll. The The d<?Ci'llr,. who retired several R()y lr 'ns went ndlannpt)lis New Pan Cake Flour, New ,f l ' I the 111M of a f81thful a~d devot· Wh reas. th ' life th t made ()ur l u ral tOOk, pia,. .Ilt\lrdlty !ltter. years ago . had g~ne to ~ayton on TUelday evellin~ . . . tacked ami Flak Hominy I b; .but w al ~() ~chev(~ that as> ociatio{lS with h r pleasant. is at 111 I n at 1 () clock an! \V,as pl1\lute, bus1ne " and .whlle at . ~I S hotel he New Rdled Oats. New Rr(lak · our 1()3!' I hIS t~I'l1al gal n. an end therefore: be it; , Interm 'nt was mad in furllecreek was str:!clcen WIth Pllralysls. No ,one , Mr. Frank ' Nichol speht Saturday fallt "'ood : New R:;isins, 'New Th re~nre, be I t .. res()lver.! that lh 1 c> olv . ' that we xtend to I (.'mete ry. . , knew hl~l th >r , and he Was ~ent to and Sunday at his home in Urqllna. Dri~d Peaches,.New,F.vp Ap l'i cum.m U II It.y, l~a~ losf all hOI!nral?le and th husbal'!u and son ~, OU I' d epC&l t he h~~pl tal. and after a wlule w~s " CO l bl. ,Ne w B 'igs. New D a t~8, U I) ~I "t I)l tIZ~n. lind. hIS kmfolks QymrJa th v 111 their sad b~rMvem nt, ~, red, ~Oll of M I . and M,r~, Ed waru IdentIfied and word ,WB'S s\:lnt to his . Mr• .E4ward aro ks, of Mt, Or b. a klTl~ and I vm~ ft..1! tIV"!. iar thern;ol'e b it , { Ross. ten y nrs of. ag~, .dled t hifl rel"tives. He contmued · . to ~et. was the g uest of Grace Carman.· ,'at· New .Pickl es . Be It fUrlh ~T' t l'~Il~ved , ~h at a page Res6lv ' d, that Olll' charter be home nell i" pr e8'on~ ~nd~y a$t. r· worse and death came ~o relieve hun. tirclay and Sunday. Fr sh aallimore Oyster!!, Cele ry, In 0l!r mem nlll rel:ords II S t apart draped days, that a copy of thest' l1 o~n of dIP?t herl . fh fUlleral, The fU~lelraL t~ok place at t he Chapel, ' CruTl ber'ries, Edgemon ts t I ~IS Ilwmor~' , and that theli r ~o .. r solutions be Hent thl! fumily al ' 0 wlnc.h was p 'Iv a~, \Va h cl~J 19~ dll.y ~! o n~ay rnornlllg', Rev , D. H. Palm~r Miss Emma Heighwav left today lutlOnt' be W~l lt Jl thl!r~on, and that b attached toll. an.l become part ~ll lt Interment \\Ia~ made 10 Mlann! o t~cla. in!~. Lnterment was 'made 10 for Toledo, whe.;e she viii visit with , ou r h~rter an~ Lodge roo~ be of tile minutes f Maple Temple u!metery. ' Miami c metery. relatives this winter . Star Tin Cans draped In mou rnmg for a perIOd of· 357 Pythiall isters . . , ' . PI nty of Star Tin CH.ns. Sealing ' '( Martha Davis J ohn l~boll.S rlu;d a hI hnma. on JUST LlKE A BULL A Y WAY Mrs P . W. Carman visited in t hir ty day~ Bni! that a copy Of these Wax, Lids, etc resol utions ~e scnt to thef famllYbll;lnd 'ommi ltee I Bmmn Clin title 7l"ra,nkl h~ Plke f u dla: tn~rmnA' J Cardington. Ohio, from Monday Olle to the Vi llage paper or pu Ica· Co H ' a 0 C oCt<, a f rer a ong Iv n SS , until Friday eveni ng , with ', relatives. , tion . Respt>Ctfully submitted . ra arrls The.funet:al will takel>laee Thursl' '1 A funny incident. occurred on 2 Big Specials for Frlday and GP.Q . D. ,Milllil . - -- at hIS late home at llb'cloek. the Fl"1nltiin and Lebunon Traction Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uray and Colnmittee, Fran k ·H. Farr ANOTI:IER BEAUTJ PUL BOUQUET - . - - -- - . . Ii Ie a wel~j{ ago . when a bull got on daughters Mary and Opal and Mr. l<'ancy California .L emon Cling l G. E ~trou se t he roud ~ed !,Ind threatening M'd Em el'sCin Earnhart spent last Sl,mday, Peaches, 17e a can , !I cans for Mrs Ida Hocket t has some beaulind II/ade Somcthlhg. ' <!oax ing could not d islodge the ani mal. a t Ft. Ancient. 50c . $190 doz. tifu l dahJia " too , R we can te tit} "DId ylz Iv l' IUnk~ Iny money back· l'he motorman and the cond uctor RESOLUTION5 from the b a utiful bouquet of ix, In' bors S, Mum 'an?" "Sur), 01 IllIlJle tried for 15 minutes t1> dislodge the Mrs. Isaac HaUi ld and Mrs ClarFresh Roa sted Coffee On Sept mber 30, 1914, the death teen varieties, whi ch sh brought in a bund red cloil!lrs W'III(!('." "lIuw did bull. out' he slood hi~ g round as long ence Wil on were vi itors of Mrs. yez dp uU" .. I backpil him do\vn cBI, Q. he w3l1 ted to, a n'd fina lly moved Rich ard Brown and daughter, Miss angel cam",,and touched t he brow to us F.riday . Much obliged . A lucky pu rchase, en"bles us to Illr awn th in su d th' man fo r lavin' WA)! Tht' 'ar IVI!. uelayed about Mary, recently. ma ke th('Stl !1pecials for 2 days, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!~~~!!!!'!!!!!!!'!-~. th' dure all en ." 20 mir U {'s 3 Pounds Coffee for 49c Mrs. W. P. Salisbury has be~ in OUT ,OR COUNTY RECORDER Spring Valloy since Sunday on ac· W hav e the R'OOdll and our price.c; count. of the serious iIlnE!Sl! of her are always the lowest. hades Crr)~R is out. for Recorder fath er Mr. M.. V. Luce. ' .H .. }<j B illllll lJUorl. If you 0 11 thE D ItlUcratic tickf't. a nd is It pays to trade at, Mrs. Alice M,cKinsey alld ,daughter w un t 1\ O Uf tlC ~o a t ti lt ~b\ ng tn'aking a bard ticrht for the plac~ . )ll'ort,h while U. V. I:lt1 rnoo<" R. L> lie is we'll q ualifi.:d for the po~itioll Henrietta, and MillS Lillie Nedry, I • '3, WQ yu l vlll I lIblo. P!wn~ llG. 2r, a nd llian,Y of all partie! ure going to spent aturday at the home of Mr' l vote for him November 3rd. a~v Lewis Morris near Lebanon . I l _ .'\"u-_ _ _ _......-"-_ _ _~_ • 8ilrv li'ysb~ltg. 0 28

I '






. f ___0____


_._--- ----

·..M··············...···...H~···'·Y··...M ·...A ....N···:"s....1:-.-Late Cla~ -i-fi~~ -Ads -.'. .Y ER








____ ..

, ~-






·~Get R~ady

For Ladles and Children,Men and Boys. 1 am show-


.•... "


we placed our orders, before ~ r~is'e i~ prices was anticipated.. .,' 7


105 feet deep,. is


to tbe ceiling.

,\ e

full from floor . a$sure you


B argains in Any Pepartment. .


i :



' ,

, .' We placed on sale I)V r 200 ca rtons of Underwear-Men's, Worn n's and Child ren, pe r garment, at


35c, 45c and 50~ •

.t. 'and Bla.okets. Comlorts Gingban;Js Ginghams . c: 'Qomestic


a t less tll8 n who lesale p ri ce now. All Dress 7c, Do look at our large ·

Great Bar. ~jns can be had " in Calico, Ginghams, · Outing, .Table Damas~. ) owe IDg, Linen · Crash. No housek'ecl'cr s houlli. nlis t hese BA RGM S. ,i


i ' A Word Boots and ·Shoes t' Over' 'fhirty Cases 'of Custom .Made Shoes i have been added to our large assortment-the ; Brown Shoe Co. the HamiltoJl!"Browns,-the Myers i Shoe Co. 23 cases' t he Famons Red' Ball Brand


Rubbers and Felts: Over 4» C8$eS noW displayed at last year'~ ·pri~es. Wh ile tJte advan'ce is 20~ , . .do~'t buy ~heap when :~ou .can ,find anythmg you want In t illS fltlnous "br·a nd. Read the "'. following advErti~)(;~ment.




i Nymahl: .i "

'y ou get your Il,lbney's ~ worth If, you ar,~ . I



, \ .

- - .- ' ,Ohio. . ............................... ............... ,


Dainty Perf1)mes ,


. '

Just now the d~iica ~ refreshing odors of;tropical 'f)owers are c~sider~ : in ' best?' form, and are ' suggestive of refin6mer)t good ' taste. · .I' We have ,' practically ~all of the


newer odors, You'll like

fOtt (Uintett----,,-..,....--- -

Joh~ -A. Funk~y's .Large Stoel( is ready ' for, your in,pection-prices even lower than Jas1 Fall~ While everything has and continues to advance,

ing Complete Selections of lJigll- , grade , .

Ladie s' Coats and Dresses, Kimonas, ' Skirts, ' Waists, Bungalo Aprons, . Nigh,t Gowns, Men's, Women's .&Children'•.underwear, Men's & BQYs:' Suits, ex,,tra'l roulete" Rain Coats , Sweatercoat8, hati, caps Gloves; Hosiery, Blankets,. Comforts & Linoleum. .My prices are positiy~ly ,the ,Ioweat~



mem. .



Slock too Large to

Give Price8'Here

But we are. anxiqus 'to hav~. YQU c~lI :so we can show ~you and , p(ove to your satisfaction t~at out are the 10W'est-;-


Lower t .h an A!"y' Mal

John A.

er l House "

, Here 's a line of R~bber Footwear that can't be fo r comfort an wea - , 1re1amous '~' B~li·Band' uaJity. A million dollars a yeat is .... ,.'.....,".. 14

, in profits t~:m~ke th'em to,p lo notchers. , are double· tlaickne.., heels are

.trv.-:-thcy'll stand the'. racket. , ,






At All Times •

POSTS We. have just reee;ved a carload of good

. LoCust' Fence Poets.




- ---.

Spring Valley

Mrs:' Lloyd's 88.Je of oMUeJ prop erty held last'88tQrday W8.11 well ~t-. tended lind eyeuothlni aold' weU .. We will 80JD 108e her B8 II. oitlzun. has tbe bQjlt wlshee of aU and '0l;1r mewory \\Ul follow her. ' Tno oll.ndidll.tes of all partiEs are 8urely busr, y'o u oan 8ee a candidate on oar S$reeta most any d~y or night In the week. Rev. Lewia the A. M. E. ~inl8tor for two year!' past has been returned greatly to the Mtl.faotion of hl~ ooodregation e ' Mrs Elsie Bookett and daughter werethe",~l1eatl of Mrs . Boo1te~8't parents oaturday. Mr. adnd Mfrs.JLeffWIS 8e~lrlla and J'j°ll' a uwltr ,0 • a ereonv e, Oh 0, were Sanday gne8ta ot Mr , and Mrs MUton Bowe. ' &v Walker preaohed here 8un. t~ a very andieboo. ohurob .honld be filled to its utmost every meet.inlf day whloh will 1I",onla'8 'he J>l'8tor and we will bav.., betkr meetings, OWing to 'be we' weather 11; vory ....~,. El, . . ' Interfered with the ball game. During the wintor monthlJ we are ~o ba,.e an Indoor bl'sket baU .tuam. ' Onr ' daDce haJI ",ill be open to the publl:). I::ibow mea lawn three times 1\8 sfze tbat can fnrnish 'be amull8mente that we ~n . Mr. and Mrs Frank Roddnok and Cwo BOns ano William Ned!'y Sonda .... ed with J. Spr..... near Ne"" B~r-






Iiagton. , .....''i'''8elt.waaa:ralny weekawellIng the small streams. Mrs Heleb Peierson~ I)f SprlDJl Valley 18 It bomeuslslipgIn takintr oare of hel' fat)ler, Fra~k L. fl.arrls. Elevera! from li~re atwncle~ tbe 1~~~~~1!~!~ meeting .at' LobAbon I,i .n lght. .

lin. Ed Oau has been oon81dera bJy Indisposed for several .d~YI, but new is'muoh improved. . Mr. WaUer Jordap of }VeJl.1l was in onr oUy 8amrd~y. . ,

Whole Number 3286




IRead the


Ad~ inth~ .o ~~ue thiswccl(;


-"..,.,,.,,...----,,.,,.,_ov,w. . . . _ . . . .







Demonstration .



'H '2£1od Ba~e "to, 31'



-Don't Forget the

Professor Becker 'the famoUs Chef, fornierly of


In Connectl-on ' the MaJ-eltl·c Demons ' tr a Ii·on .. .





T·he Plorenc'e Bot·' Bl,a st , ".


They ~ay be in(erelltln~' 10 you • .





Bere is I'no~her oaBe where 8 I"rge the Waldorf-Astoria, will be, with us to demonfirm l'eaiizes the Imp(lrtano~ of gtvstrate, tl\e practical application of Domestic Sciing ita ol18tomers tblt best p08,l lble le.t..vlce ' ~nce. . This alon~ should fill our store to capacl 'l'he' publi8hers of Snooe8sful t d f h h h bee Farmlng,8\ farm a,nd home maga'. y every ay or' no sue c ance as ~ver n mino pablislhed In Des Moinee, Iowa; offered to p~ople of Lebanon--to learn fancy and have re08I11'Jy added to their already practical cooklnO' froin so expert a teacher l"rge orgal!llzatlo,!l Ii Subscrl r ' .... __". . • • ' orma urean, the pilrpaili' ot , ' whioh Is to ~ive reliable information WI-th on "DY 8n,btoot;, bot 68 . . ' pecially on th08llsabjeo~ pertaining &0 agri011ltgro, live s'ook, and the h0t;De. Tillis valuable 86~vioe, II! .\)l. , • soLotely f.ree to subecrlbers to Sno oeyfnl J!'umlng a~d if they wUl. ale pro,per advan'llge of tllis op_ 1>ortonity, .1~ .hould be worth ' many dollars to l,aoh.ol, ~hem. ' Bring In ten ears~the best onet you can ~Iect-and com- \ Ie • • pete' for the prizes. Boost the corn production here ' in .your own YO,u,r Fall Cold Needs Atteotloo v ' ' .~ , county. Watch the,expert judges ;~bcn' they grade the exhibit. ~,o ule 100 fbas and try to wear It Learn what Is really the .belt CO"", In a~v~~ce remember It ,()ut-. It wtll wear yon ou' Instead ' 'l'ake ' Dr. ", King's ~ew Disoovery: probably wont 'by Ute BIO ear:s t~at will be graded as the belt • relief foUow8 I),Ulo\ly. lr, oheoke . I_earn why certain types are regarded as desirable. y~or Cold !!-nd. Sooth!3s y:our Ubup awa." PJeasallt, Antiseptlo and 8ealin" ' eQUdren like it, Get 8. , , _, ' • _ • ., 500\ bO,t tle of Dr. Klng'a New .nia: T :..A ' U hieS'" ' 1 keep It In ·iije ooae. 90"" "P ~ ~lKem . ' ''Ollr ,fRt;nU,Y Qoogh and Cold' Doc, "Ohamberlain's '!'ablete have done tor l' Wrl,t13S ' Lewis Cha'lJberlain, m:lt-t:l fo" me : 'bIl~ I ever' da~ad hOpe' P4alJoheste!r, Obio, Mo.ney' bl1~k if" , , , .. ' for," ,,~ ..a ~r~. Es&her fnae ".a.ket', not B8tl8fte~, bn~ it nearly aJwl\Ys Spencerport; N. Y. "lused sevenl help.s. ' ,AlII Druggiets. ' . . ' • - ..: , boUles of .heae tablets a fe", m.lntbs IIRo., ',t'hey Dot ouly ~ur~ ~e of' WIRELESS PHONES FOR TRMNS~ ,bUtoueattaolls. ' 81ck head.ohee and ", " . '' tired o~. feaU,~', b~' toned tip J T~lephones on moving railroad rny wJJole s:Tl~e~; For BIlle by all, trains d 'e I",bout to be insta.lled bY ,1 dealers. ' , ttae Uuion , Pa~'fio ,syst.em. Tbey , are 9n the '~~,irelese'.' p,rlnolple and va II. sr!8nklDg ra110s of 100 mn~lI. • .., "-'~ this limit one oaD, talk to or ., I <!nov'ing 'at an.v 'speed. liundreds of them ~se i~ Warren aod riot .'On~ of the marvela of &be ooat of lltt\ng a oar disatisne4 customer. : It8ea~y to say "1~:Ju8t. as good as the F,lor.. , wit~ wrr'ell el~8 < telephone Is 81ll1lll. h ence.'! ' None have the ~eryE\ to ,~~ better! B~t ,a~ ~he ptoof" la JK!lievi!d . all ~Illtroade will /ldQpt tbe 1,Ian; Trla1s show it to have tJlem refer you to people wbo have p,roved theii' clal~..Fjnd be a'8te 80~88. , out .wheiher they uSe slack coal suc~ssfuiIY. FInd .out Ii they " -', gu.aote." to,hold fare 48 hOUrS WI!hotit ' 'attentlon>, EXBJDtne 'Will K"p YQu'rSfomac~a~d L iverH~thY , • care'fullY and' see 'if you' can firid aOJi~ p~~!We. Ask If they . (~~~~!~~~~ A ~lgoro'~\1 StoOlacb, ' perfeot hav.e ,a' flve-ye~" w.rr~ot 00 lower bOwl against cracks. , See;,1f 'itl ' .. 1IiQ'1IV"1I'dl IWOl'Ir,h~g .Li~er 'l8D!1 "l'egulRr Rotlng &~ll 18 gOlloranteell if yoo will nile a co.... pany g~araotee ' so you }vIII I,Je 'aisufea of Ifs value 10 c:a8e Dr. Klog's .New Lifo' Pills. :rhey' you; requr~ Ii ~e Flo.-eJice . gullraot~ bY, ~e mal(~rs. ,' ~sk, gOQ(I DlgeetloD. correot. Con. (0 ~' thls guarantee In ~t~eir catalog• . FloalJYt 'Y-'y ,colJ8Ider any ' 111:11Dal!lnn bilv8 au ezoellent ionic

The Fall B'estbal at WUmlpgtQD last week wa.~ well O:ttend~ from thil vtoini$y' and, all reported U a grand loooeeB. , , WedDead"y, OO&o~r .14th. W.I '!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ a B08ne of danger at tbe M'eJ'tUizer plalllt"when th!ee of th~ employeea --~------------ If'" badl,. hOl'f. . i'hey wereengafl8C! to puUlng Il the Imoke II ~lig a- trl1Y 'wire aUaobed &0 ihe wind poml1. 'he weighS of.'he .taoi polled the wind pump over 01l Frank L. aanil; lIauage"i Amos DebQard SuperintendeD' i and Waller 811v~ and hnrt 'hem I18rlo08I,.. At thle' wrltlng" hey are tbol1ght tc) be iml'hey have tbe'lndhidtl&J ty an~ Staw 'LIability. '!'heir s~,. hOovery II hoped fpr. ltv ery th~og Is bj:Ilpg dono for them , thll.,oan be, ,DootQr.8, O. U. RAnf,1IlU , J. W. Ward and J , '1\ Ellie hIVe them In_obarge. . .. . 11188 ADda Sbelton, .of Clnojnllatt, ,. spent Sl1nday the g1\88&8' f · MI~8 .Loul!18 N . Wl1SQJ1. lI..'s8 "'haltoD II an aooompliehed) o:er~OaI ladv . \'OD neo&ed wltb on~ of 'he Jeiidlng bUll '198108 of the Qu~eo "'ity. '

and General · Auetiol1ee


' Mr. W. V, Loco rEjinBi nl! about J~""""'''''''-''''''_JV'<.'''''''-'''''''''-''''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''';''''''''''''''''''-"""""",~""",,,,, the same . .-...If the we~ther Ie very disagree a.ble tbe ladles will postpone their . . "Tl'Ip .Alrouu ,l the World" from Sat urday , Ootober 24th to Monday At Reaso.nable Rates, Two Machines. oftarnootl Ilnd nig)1t, 0 tnber 26th . • Mr~. R'Oy Holland Is very poorly. Springfield Tires, Tu bes'and Accessories. Mr. anci Mrs , Carl lies!'! /lnd littl e Valvo ine Oil and Creases_ daughter and MillS Eva Wlrsbing, of Da.yton. were week end guestB of Mr. and Mrs , C. M. Fulkerson , Geo HI)lIllud wif d f ' . e n,p son, 0 Dayton. were Sunday gllests of hlB parents . Mrs. VI~rn Hough ;WIlS a L>llvton Ph . CORWIN ' ,.' OHIO shopper 'l'hursday. ' one 71-. '-2 :Mr, and Mrs . D. W. , Annbee were >-.,..,..."""..........- ................... ,.,,..~~ _._.J Qieito1'9 ill Da.yton F id . ~ "Y, John Bood .1r. WIfe lind daughter were ounday gueste of .John Hood Br ~nd family. Clara Smith, o f Dayton speut 8un day witb her father. Rev, Ueo. McOault~y, of XeniA. del1vered Ii Temperance address In . , the'l'own Ball last Bunday night and Rev. ibullt von b i Xenia, ,vlll de liver an Iioddrel5S next ~unday eventng. . . Cljff Baker and wife are ~be prtlud puentll or. n. JitMe (! q . ---~- - - - . Apply Sloan'S Freely For Lumbago y our. attacks of Lumbago are not nearl~ so' hopele!ls. 8s thev seem. You an relieve them almost ins'lmt by .a simple anplloatlon t)loan's Lkllment on the baok and loln8. Lumbago 18 " {OI'm of rheu . matism, "ad yields perfectl~ to Sloan's, whloh penetrates qulokly all in through t~e Ipro" t-end'1r musolee. llnubers up 'be bao. and "'" ~Iab~ tLt feel fl'n~. Get a bottJe 01 ' ~~ ' . V oau s i.l~iment tor 115 oents of any drnggtat and have It In the bouseagaln8t o'DJdespre and swollen jolntil, l'heom.tlam, 'neuralgla, sO\atloa ILnd Uke aUmen't\. Your money baok if not lJatlllfied, but it does give almost instant relief.

Stanley Sbone 01 kalon,traD'lao'. A.' COMMENDABLE ad bustn08ll here FrAd .y. MOYEMENT

_____.....i.Oi_""""__. . :. __

_ _I .......--"-- __ ~

. '



The 0ne·< ,Successful Stove of It.:' T~p~_ 'The · Stove · ~·ithou.ta Fault. In 'here <,co';;;t)'



~who.)e aJ:I'el~-PDrti:y

and ,Id .YOI1 of all ,bOdy POIMI)S tbt.)ogh the' Bowel.. ' C)oJy. ' • t y~ulr DrolJRiltt. •• e .

~"perlmerits. ~t all?



has prov,en" itselr tb'e m(l~ ~O;

-W!Dlcal~he moSt pl".rful b~8ter-~e mq~t.satJsfactor)! .f~ekeePer ' .




. ",



lJest SWve M!&d~-~e








: .. -


Witbout a Fault







Nora'\\. h Br t tight ened. What Bbe 1l ~ eau U tul uncut ~D\araJd.'




dJrector haDded- Bart'I.UI • . "li~rr Rosen." he read aloud, "Send CHAPTER XI. him up, SOme tr hnid of yaura, Nora: Herr no. en, J told MI'. JUII to lend A Comedy wlt.h Muelc:. hi m up." . ' COIllS.ciousness of Sin and Un· The HarrJgan8 occupied tbe ' suite Thil padre drew hili feet UDder hi; .worthiness Must Always. Be In the nst wing 01 t he "I lia. Tbls cauock. a s ign of perturbl\tlon ; Cou~" consist ed of a large drawing room anel land t eont lnued to unwind the s natl o f the First Requisite. two IIJDplo 'bedchambers, wltll window Illce droPPlld by tho Barone' the balconies and ' a prJvate v raneSa in . Barone glanced Dercely a t Nor':' who ,eb rear. looJ,clng off toward the green I mUeeS enJ"'ma olly. It Is Impor tant . to know how m ere1 ... tIA ~ He rr ROllen ! There wa" " 0 out. ma)' bo sought so 08 to ·be found. In of U1e pilles olld the metal-lI)ce luster - ~ tl 6 f II' of the copper beeches. . wa rd renSOIl wby the nll nle s bould I am ,ar warda ooncernlng the It was raining, a l1,ne, BaCt, blu rrlng have. set a chill on , them all, tur ned Pb . .. ~Lrl8ee a nd Lhe publican, " 'e ho;ve Alpine raln, nnd a blue-gray monotone . th.e m Into eXJ)ectant st"tnca. Ye' all w..eThway to mercy dl"lnely pOinted out. prevlllied upon the tace t he watere semblance or good ,,1I0 w~ hIJl W IIS In. e first reQuisite Is a ,aense of per: sonal gullt -"O d be me rcifu l to, Ine and deU d all save t he ' kee n'ost scru. stanUy gone, Mrs. Harriga n 8mooU·led out tb e Il slune r," Uny to discern wh er e the mountain IIHllyldul\lIly nnd personal nccount· tops eod,ed and the s ky bega.D. · It was wr in kles In ber dres8. From the' oth. n day fat ludoor!, Cor dreamll, good en tbere 11I,l d been IItUe movement abUllty to Ood mlla.t be recogntzed hebooks, and good fell ows. and no Sound to sJjeak at. Ho rrigan toro Bny plea tor mercy Here th y a ll were. Mrs. Harrigan st ill waited by tJie door, seriously can. can be presented. was dellP.I.JJ til lutricato maze ot the tem platlng the bll of pasteboard In "Every mlln must e an account Amelia Arll ot Bologna. which, OJ! the his hand. or himselt to Ood." "Every !!olll m ust InlUnted know, Is Il wooder ful lace. By . H err Rosen brus hed p u t Harrigan b ar Itll owo burden," 00 of the windows sa t No ra. windi ng unceremoniOusly. without pau sing an,d "Th!lre muat be grlet on accoun t of Interminabl e yar ds of lace h emming went streigh t over to Nora w ho was sin. T ho . P harisee bad no conv lct.lon trOD! ott the will ing It a:ahlng digits of thereupon '80lzed by lUI u nc~ntrolla))le or un worthlnssa, and, tberefore. np tho BnTone, who was s peculating aB spiri t of devilment. Sbe h ated Herr Borrow tor sin. He did n ot feel any to ",hat his Nea politan olub frie nds Rosen. but ahe waa going to b e nB need of mercy, nnd dId not pray for It. woold say could they . ee. by lIome pleaBant an d as engagmg . s .ebe knew Yet he prayed. He prayed l'o'Uh 'hlm"OOd, I h10k at crystal gazing. hla present oc. how to be. She did not care It be Bell'. not to God. 611,)'1ng: SYNOPSIS. cupat lon. Celellte was at the plano, mISinterpreted ber mood. She wei· thank I.hce. that I om not all other E leanora d. To.eana wlla elllgloi In pl~lng ( PlanlsBlmo) Bnatches from comed him wltb a hand. He wont on men" are. ex torUoners, unjus t, adulter;Parl ~, " Ihletl, p erhap , account eu tor E4the operes. while Abbott looked on, to MrB. Har.rlgan. who colored era, or eVeD-as tbla publican," 'Waf'd Courtlanclt'JI ap pearance there: ,\Jul- hll elbows proppsd upon biB !mee., urably. He wall then Introduced. and H e felt hi mself to ,be ··rlcb, · InThe cultfntion of ' Budlln grass Is gra8S vary rro D! 1 ~ to ' 2'% tons all 't1m.lll1on/llre. he wandered about ,.11011'6 fanc)' dlota!ed. He ml~h t bo In ParI, ona bIll chIn In his palms, a1\d a quality of he a cknowledged each IntroducUo~ oreased In gooda and In need ot notb- attracthig' the atlention of t b farlll· Ilere. wblle 10 southern MInnesota tlle .day and Kamohatka tho next. ~ollo .. lng ecstatic conten t In bJa eye8. ~ons to 6 with a oi.relel8 nOd. He was tbere lng," and to all sucb God Bays : "I era ,I n prAotically all pnrts at the yl Id s ha ve . run 'from the h" go~ • .' to a cate and Ie ac· " Play the fourth ballade." urged to !lee Nora, and he dJd not propose w ~lll SpUIi thlle out ot my mouth: ' country. and particularly In the W st tOilS un ncre. ,ln OklahoJlla: it ,(s prelt~ YO Ull& woman. She ",dclrll" ot F lora Oeelmune. Abbo tt. to put hJmselt to any Inconv enience How dUferent with the publican! and Southwesl, ;vbere the firat exten- thought tbe ' y lelde thlll year will rUIl' 01 Toscana, and Flo ra !Slv .... •. As peleate began ,llIe a ndante, Nora on accouot of the othen . Be "smote hili breast," , Indlcailng tbe live ex perlm~ntB with It have been (rom 1 lAo to 2 ~ ~onll an 'aem. 0 1 Ell!anora, ' ".'hom ~ Is Courtland! Herr Ros en inlta.ntly us urped tho hell,rt as the 8eat of grief, on accou.n t made, signified to the Darone to drop "h18 As n boy crop. Bays P ror. B. ,YoungElllaoora,"tt- c1\o,arltnenl... She ordere work. She let her own honda fall. chaJr nezt to Nora. " 'ho b egan to pour of the consclouBne. 8 of aln and unSudan gralS la an Importatloo from blood of the TexBe .iperfmeut s tllJ:loD, OUI and The P arla I. Haulgan gentl y closed his book, tor thll tea. Be had come up from t be wOI·thlnese. Tbe ohler element hi true J!igypt. ' TI;IIl United ' States d parI· Sudan gra se 18 a great lIucceliB In tha ftJ>pc-8..rnnce In that rough kindly .oul of hlB lay a vlJl age pre pared tor a dlll1lgl'eeable r epen tance III a eense at tbe 01l"n8& ment , of agriculture r eceived 0 s mall wet section s at the , cQuntry. )jut like , lhnt ot LIDO ho Emay lennora be .~~~~~~:~,:: an'n.nlgea mighty love or music. He hImself was !lalf lIour. Iustead of being gree ted 'our sins ar e ollerlng tQ c;kld. amount or the lI'Ied 8lId a portion of sorghUDl. It Is likely not to prodUCe a a n All hI. Ell upr a wltb out ezprosslon ot any sort, and with IllY glances from stormy e,IIB, 'there eM be no' " repentaoce lo'w ard IMs woa placed 't n' the baneS8 ot Mr. seed crall In humid region s • .0'11110' to Counl... nd! ot h.." lnlr a!?'JucUI" G.llbl Is IIIltlar"clory to somehow music Beemed to stir the dim he encoun tered 8uch Imlles aa this God" unur the 80ul feel,!! that: David B: Clar.lison, or blollgo, wbo the prevu l e n~e, of tbe sorgh um :mIdge. charge III dllmll....d. and not Qnlte under8tandable Jonglns adorable crealll1'e bad never before be- " AgaInst thee. th ee only, bave 1 OW1lS an extens ive farm In lIouthern You 'c an s tatll t rankly that It la adlll/t· Lake Como to rest nrter Is f ilII owed by a number 0 . Texas on wblch considera ble ed throug hout the United Statee to for utterance. Mra. RarrlglUl alone Btowed upon him. He was In the aln ned." among Ih"", tI,. " I 'bave IIlnned ' agl\Jnft t heaven and a mount of er perlmental work la done, all type8 of soil, ex cept watl!rlogged wen t : on with ber work~ abe could oloudl. Thnt nlgbt a t Cadenabbla bad cured her abdu 'lion. Co'urtland! to Como a.nd Ih 're meets BeginnIng wit h this 8mall handful Jnnds and th e clelle.rt. work and listen at the lIame Ume, apparently knocked llie bottom out In I;hy sight," gan, raUNKI Drl:e flght~r True F.eellng of Grle', ' of aeed. Mr, larklon haa oult lvated Arter the magnlflcont finale, nothing ot hie dream. .Women were riddles ~a norn. whosc renl nttme .&'lIn , Barrllran take» In the room sUrred but her n eedle. wblcb only ~bey themBelvea could The feeling of grief 18 produced , In It as a forage crop on his farm near ravor at once. He- Inlrc.ducc. ",U\. n... ",'~ "Bravo!" cried the Baronc, breaking l olvo fo r others: For thle one woman recognizing the elnl\JlullI!IlI o. ,BIn In Robstown, 'f ex., for.' tile Pllllt U1ree 'to his da~h' er, bu t the latter the epell. he was perfectiy r andy to throw every- Goll's Bight a 'd I 11 I th I ul algn ot ever havIng met him be thing aside. A man Uved but once'. . n n rea , ' ug e II' yeaI'll. In commenting on hIs res ta. "lud loual y 6.vold8 hIm. N ora' s cont....or "You never playe4 tha t b e tt~r," Jury' It inlliota on ouraelvell and tbe .Mr, CIru:lIl!oii../lald: _erita a my.tery lilVo'lvlng Nor ... a nd a nd AIbeJ wae ,a fool who would hold to har mful In"uence It DYerts uftnn ,11 ouHlandt. lie take!! , " etront{ t ollCY to declared Nor~". . t II .,.. "I belJeTe thle grUIl 18 the beat. rot· . the Y01,l 0 . mlUl. 'Nora' s JI1l1 lnt:1l become Tbat'" Bome!" Harrigan beat 'hll , ns n p r.8 erence to such happlnes8 era. . age -crop eve~ JJU.¢duced Int~ dJ')' 'and " ;rnO~lI a-nd more Derslatent, ' Disease Ma~ , Reappear at ·Any hands together thunderously. "Great u be thougb t tie 8IIW opening out be"I'lle publican " amotil bls bl'eut" In Beml.arld 1"<lUona. I b~leve' that stuft,eb Barone1" ' , 10re blm: N~ aaw. but ahe did not explreselon t hIe pU.lonate C1'lef over ,till liritte Into bighty proll,tabJe . oUl; Time Unless ProperPrecau: cJ-tAPre'!i ~-Col'tl nued_ Tho B~~ne mlced .... handa a8 If caTe. T hat III Jorde~ to rell()b ' anothpr bls sin a'p tn.t "'od. htll o""'n' "'ul -ftcl . " I .. Abbey, r wolildnft eUmb thoBe s~l,. 'v Of .... abe wu pra tl I I fI It" .... e It U '.., ,.... tl," ation m ,UQns of acres laUd n tions Are 1iaken. (I II ng n n " Il ... :'f OD hili' fe1Iow-mall. He erled for merc,.. Ib4JI Bo~b",ellt wbere fbI,! nlnrall "'or a bottlt! of· Fiora'ce'll Falernlan, t.o szpreaa bl. ut ler InabUlty to deslJIcl'ved on Seneca'l famo us citron crlbe hl8 ,enaaUon • ., l;IJs elation waa thtlJ man whose onl:! fault lay ~ that bOwing hill hea rt In b,un11lty and npt Buftlclent to produce an ab\lndance tbat .ucribed to thole fortunats mo.... he loved 1I:er) did, not app~at til' iler sha,me b"lore God, . . . Hog cholera germl. may' UVQ In t be "table." , ~ . of other feeds for ,~,.1t . Next year" . Pity But lIer a-ow lIew wIde "'- the .'. "~ ' H e. , Blood afar , oft. · ~enot:lilg ' tbat he ap.d ,coutlquou"ly tbe~8fter •. Suda~ Boll .for montbs. · Lilr.klng · 00 farml . "Not a trten4 In the world." Abbot't tals whom tbs god !I IItted to OlympIlI. · ' b 1 h ml b · II target; at leas t, there appeared norefQlt. unworthy to ' draw 'ne-to the ' , where the dl-elUle hae been p'resent At hi. f t I t lamenw u. leael" .~:rl::' . e ace em ng, a eo i1ult to her archery In m/Ulce, Not ~cred preclnea - of '''e' temp"'le, .and" gralS will be grOwo"extensively ' ln ey- tlley may 'rea;psar at IUIY Ume uiliesl ' ' Laugh~g,y they huatled him Into once b;''' lbe' intended "'cUm I .. d us ..,. .... ery state In the Uhlon' regardless ' or , ' ,F al.Uer, n. , . d Nora; over to......where ehe lat. ..And yet oo.. e tho' u.h · his presence ~ould delle crate rainfall. Corn will not atan'd a severe propel' ......r ecautlonll are· taken . . the hallway and fled. Then Courtlandt Lat h er ., " remoostrate ehe 0 '" Sudan . gr aelf laugb!l.. at . Tblll Is eliown br the ellperlence .or "you will wake up all tb e ol~ lIidl811 Imew t hat be must be watchlog ; he t he holy place. R IB buml1lt~ Is fu.... drought. went his way alone. , could not poa~lbl)' avoid It and be bu. ther ebOn'e In hla not IIftlllg "u~ ao drOught. anll reJolcs" wbsn It ralol. a MilwaUkee connty farmer w)1o haB Hr.rrlgan .,.,u in a happy temper, He wbo ~re bavlng theIr. eleBta... "Bah ! I'll het a. doughnut their ears man. And wb en he tlnally c,ame fo~ much all hIli eyes unto beaven: ' . If there la !Ieaso,n enough to brlng'the Just brought )IiI 'case t o the atlenUon k1B,Ied hi8 wtfe and chucked Nora un· are' glued to theIr door!!. What ho! ward to take hi. cup, Ille leaned to' r:J;h Plalml,t 8ltllreisi;. up It will produce flYID two to or the omelols & the Wiscon. ln BlrIder tbe ch Do' Alid thell MNs . • tho'u ght 1n the words: " My alns tour bo-.utul cropa at bl,\y o~ tbe high. cultural experiment ,taUon. 80me ; .call. launched the thunderbolt ' ",blch, Some body'B' at tbe portcullis, Probably ward Herr ROlen. havlng been held aD tbe leaeli for the padre. come uJ) for tea," "You take t wo lumps'" sbe asked taken hold of me !IO that r am lIot eet quality. -{)n IIclentlllc reeding tellta time BlO, fler 101lng a Qumber of ·sue n! hourI . h&4. for all of that. 10lt He wal at the door Ihstantly . He 8weetly. It wal ollly a chance' ebot. able to look up"" this 'hay hae proved to be one or the va.luab\e Iiogs hom oholera. lle obe,nged .Ilone of Ita ability to bU,ht and Icorcb: flung It open heartily. It was char- but libe bit on' the troth. The perception ot .d lvtne purity ai- best lm'ow.n -f~d8 tor ..bell'- and milk t4e location of hla s wine barns and "And l:0U remember' " excltedJv. .;\\"aY8 pr~du~ae a dee,p senae ot 'bu' as well 8S ' for work and yards and hiler ralaed a flne bunch "James. you 'are about ,aB hopeless acterlstlc of tbo man to alien every· tblng widely hIs .heart. his mlud: hIs "One lump for mine. please," 1 aald mUlty in the 81.11Du'B beart an4 rdr!~~l!':~~~~;'=-=r=-=-==::::-..;.,~o~r,~b:e~a~l:t~h:~j'ly.P~I&a. f. Oourttandt; Imlllng. prompts t)Je I)Tafer, "God, be' lI\erolful he - thougbt tnat "Come In. come' In! Jus t 10 time She plckeeS up a cube or sugar an4 to .me; a IIlnner." , , • KaDBa8. Colonde. Nebras. chol~lra ha.CJ left bim, . but re o "Me ?" cried the bewildered Harrigan. tor the matinee concert," dropped It loto bis cup. 'She ha., the Mercy 18 tbe shiner'li olily plea. He ka. California aqd eO,Vjl1al otber states, coot~l' It· reaplIBar ed In bla b erlL ~:=,---",.."..,~.:...::t.... "Look at. those t ennla 6hoel; on~ The padre wae not alone. Court- air at ope wt&hlng It were P01SOD. The docs not pray for jtistloe, .Welghed Includlng Borne eut of .tbe MI68lsslJll1 1 tac~ tha~ h~ hil.a ' not ~aStured h\.8 herd wbite 8tring and one IIrowu one. 1t'8 landt followed him In. recIpient of thla good will, with per- In the Bcal~1I of justice 'be muat be rlve.r.. ." . upon tbe BamllgTOlind wblch pastured enough to drive a woman mad. Wbat "We have 'been standing to tile co.... Cect uneSerstan'dlllg, returnell to t~e .toUlJld wanting. 8lIel has nothlll, to es· ,S udan graBS la an tmnual. the leaves cholera·.I.c k hOIS has oot llr.cveDted hi heaven'l name made you come?',· rldor t or ten mlnutee:' amrmed the dlviUl, whe~e tho Radre and Uarrlgan pe\:t but punlahment. . Qf w,b lcb a~e broad~r IUId more the reappearance ot this dread 61.P erhaps it was ' the after etreQt 0( a . padre, Bending a winning smUe around were grayely toas tlng Ba¢h oth!!r with SeekIng for Mercy. . ' ous tbi\ri those or John.on grasli. to ease. lIiuCA ,o f th~ ' entire pl'e~l.e. ! :good dlnne.r. that dwlndUng , away at the room. "Mr. Courtlnndt Willi ror benedlotlne . Note tha~ the pubUcan had con vIe- wblcb It III related. by llie absence at may hay e boen Infectell at ihat {ime. pleaB8lIt emdUons ; pe rh l\.Ps ~ was the going down to the bureau 8lId sending Nora made no milltake with either tlon of perscmal guilt. Barrow on ac>. rbotatoek.lI, anel whlie' thIs necessltatee , T~e veterll1arJana rl\commen<led vel'}' t1'lvlality of the ()1f!3DSe for wblcb up .our cards. But 1 would no~ heat ~bbott·s cup or t he Buone'll ; but the cOllnt of his unworthlneS8 aDd deep annual planting it also 'pr eventa Sudan, that' all lioge. tl1e tsmpe rature of "he waB thue suddenly arraigned ; at of euch . form!lIU·y. I am a privileged two men wer~ 1I11ed wltb but one de- humility of heart Thele are the ,can· graBII trom becomlog an obnorlous whiCh, were not alread)' ~bpve normal. aD)' rat~. he, lost his temner. and, he peNlon .'; eire. to throw Herr 'Rosen out ot the dltlone ror a.ccept&bI4ll approach 1,0 God weed 111'& the pet enpla!. J ohoso,\ graas, be immedlatelt given the proper Ie· ' .' was ratber formidable wilen tliat 00"Sure yes! Molly, ring for lea . aDd window. Wbat .hod begun 8S a -beau- in prayer, ' . '. " . Wben 'Ieeded brolldcaet ~ or ,10' drtlls It rum treatment-the one r emedy ' b,. eurred, " 't ell ' em to make it hot. H ow nbout a lIful day was now hecoml~g blaCK an4 T hen note;'theobJect and cllaracter. averagse .abOut , tbree to l1'1'e feet 'lo wbicb e ' berd Cl\n be Iave'd from total " Damn It. Molly, I wss n't gO,mg. but I ~ttle peg, ajl tbe colonol sSYS' " uncerta in. of bls prayer. The object was hellbt ' and hBjl. Btems a little imaUer extinction w~en choiera appearll. TheT " 'Courtlandt asked me to go wltb blm 'Tbe t wo men decllnod. ·' The Barone Could cont rol every fe.... "mercy!' ~It8 clil;.racte·r wu brief &114 tlian a lead pencil. , When ' «rown In also urged the 'farmer to c~re tuJl,.. :and Y neVeT thought of my ehoes. You How e,.slly alld nonchalantly the ture sove his eyee. and theBe openly simple. but sincere and eamest. rowa ' IUId, 'cultivated It reachae a 'clean up the barn.I ' ant! pens, burnlD, .are,aiwayB liDding lault with me theBe man BtoOd the~e by the' door as Harrl· al$JIll tted aee'p tinger. He recolleoted n ' wall a very' Ihort prayer Onl,. height of IIlx to nIne teet; with ~atber tho carcasse of all" d(!Bd hoge snd ' all dal 8, ' ] don't. ~rlDk, I dbn'~ gamble. ,ganJ ook bls bat! Celeste wae llqlllve~ llerr' Roe~n well ePJ!!1gb . . Tbe liP' lIeven, words, bu,t tlle lontlng. oJ. ,the lareer ,slems.' TIIII hay of, the cultl. JItter whlcll mlg~t ·be · Inte Btect with " I don't hili aroun!1 after other, ~ome'n; with exoltement. Sbe woe tboroughly counter over 'a t Oade.nabbla 'l\'al not .• oul were In them anti they 'weTe pre- ~ated ' crop 18 Bomewbat cOlU'le.r tban the dl8ense. T~en" to preYe nt the teo ' l Jl,e ver dId.. 'But- sillce you.lvegot thla a woman'; ' she wanted sometbJng ,to tbe Drst by .many. Herr ROlen! lii. aented In the way ot Ood' • •JI~lIlt. that of ths broadc,ast c'ro» and la not currence 'of tbe malady '.wb!cb nit,bt , soelal bug In your bonnet, you keep happen. '4nima,Ucally, romantically. presence In thl. room under that name 'inEIDt. .IHe went up to tbe temple to so del.l""ble for market hay. : be cau8ed by lur ldng germs or latro'me 'on hoou all tbo while. . Nobobdy But heT want was a 1';aln one. Nora wae an Insuit. and he Intended to c:all ~rtly." .He W88 8eelllng God· where he Sudan sra •• does best on a rich duced In the feed or by the PII1~CDI'" Dotlced the shoe Itrjnge ; , 8lId . they bated. scenes. and Courtiandt had the tbe Interloper tp account tbe 'fer,' Qrat \" alwayi to be. to~ d j),. those of ". loam, buf It h .. beeJl grown aUCCleas. ot stock, tnl'3'-'-ad'l'lse"~-lWDrllt"m.l1,nl!8IIIt;-7:"';;::;~E -WOuld have. loo/ted upon It as a', Joke advantage of be~ 111 hI. Itnowled,e .ot opportunity he fpund. . \ 'rC?ke,n and ' contrfte heart." . ·runy. on· almost' l~v'ery cla81 of.. Boll, a cbolera immune berd, Il ctheY·,·bad . . After ~Il'" I:m ,tbe "bosl thIs. Cslej te remaIned ,at the plano, . '\\1otlld you ftnd mercy? ', ",way with' ' the likelihood ~l .t hie tanob. It I want to wear a but Nora turned "a8 If to\ mo"e away. Perhapil CeleB~e~ Bitting a8 Quiet as • lSeek It as ' 'tlie, publlc'an ' did til the :nh.*j!Yk1cDlasYont,oeadI1Io·gr~to·f8atnhed'o~IYa~ 1011l.e .. " ,,)ilte .atring and D black one , I'll do "No. von'm.uat 'alng, That Is wbat 1 a mouse llpon the plalio Itool, 'W.. the i"Krlt of huuilw- 8lId "'Iib confan,lon ~. only one, wbo saw the ee strange eor- .. 'I "., homa,Farmer. < Wtier-e the soil II quite --',,-,--....;,,-' j t . .: H.ere!" He caught up a book Qn came up for: ' Inelsted the padro, It rent. drifting ilangerously about. That I}f slh. ollerlJl"unto 9\Q~ th~ · .tllceJe. la.ndy, a 1I,llt yield may fie ezpected . earneet sOcIaJ U,ages ahd threw it oui ot tbe there wal any malice In the church- har own hea~' aohed mlBetallly did 1I0,t ."a.lId. .luppllc:atlon of the beart .. . The ground muat' be lalrly well w[ndow, " Don't evOT . sbove a thing man, I ,was of. a negatlv!, quality .. But prevent ber, from .0bBervllig thin ... ' God be merclf91 tp ml!, ~, .llIner. '. .dratlle4. ' " ' nder lille that !l my ru,ie8 again. r It' you It wae in ,hi.. ·Latrn ~loQd that drama '\\'uh her nllual 'keenne811, Ab, Nora. 'There waa a .e~ happy re~,Wt .fO)' . W,ben ,tven plllnty of room . the <do. I'll bike back to little old New silould appeal to him strongly. and .. lowing the "'ubllc:all II 101111' up to t"e ' Nor.. . ,\\,. ho 'Dave e.v erythlng · to "",. , (8ll11ple " .. . , . , '" .raal - lt~11 very freely, oB, peelally , ·Y.ork 8lId start the gym again." . here ,\\'IUI " an unUsual p'"a8e In The and to pray . ,.. 1et gt.,e notblng, wby do ,.ou pia, . " . , , 'after th,e ftJtlt cutting, and It IB not ulI' He',.... -mmed one of the colonel's per· "'reat Play. He had " -ijdo Court,landt. 110 heartlellt " L He went "'III houle JusU 'I.!ll>m:mo,n to lind over a bundred Btema . "" -a a game? Why hurt iWOll8 . down to .. 'fectos (w hlcb he had ,lIeen saVing for much agalnst the l.a Uer'li wtll thfe dDY, wbo can' no morl! help lovln:; you than' ile4.'~ ~!i't 110 ,;"I~h the proud Pbarl· from one crow.n. . . 'the m~rrow) betwe,en Oft CQDle up with him • • fmpl v that be . earth can belp whirling ' arounu" tho lIee. . He went awa'"' abaehed ... I;1ls teetb, ,8lId . ..., 'the I , ' . " Fro ", m seeding to .fir,. t c, u,ttlng· 1'.6 .0 .. talked IntiHbe gaJ'uen. " . mlgbt lIet a lltUe .Icene, sucb I\s . thls calm dl8palslonate lun' , . the, "For eve..... one '''-t e··lte' t h blmlell 80 <lap are usually necessllPY, 'The • ~ Alway. .~.... ~ ',: Nora was b~rUesB enougb to laugh. "'romlsed to be' and ', study It '-om tpe ' , -hall ..- aballed . an4 he that bumbleth ' "" ' .' U tum to you. wblle I,. who ha'Yti Iq mucb .... ",""','" . , •• ,I • .' second cutUng cOme!! -boul '6 . "Be hUD't taLlIeclllke tb,at to me LD va,ntag'e .ot the prompter. . He \mea. y·lted ' . , '" .. Where ,. ... to give. an!' given, nothlng \ 8hll let' bl 11111 elf I h a.II be 41afte.r the lln.t aDd In sectlonl )'earl'" Bba. H&rrIgan did pot know t]lat the prIncIpal t~eme of all great ' , d, f II bl ' ' h " , " , dow , n her tea cup ,aDd began . the aria . . . , Bea. B on, '.at· Il18lt alx . From -, Veteran P.eto .... Pravere. .. 'What to .....0 - a ow m or ...... eep, S e book8. of ell great dramas, was an lag... th 'Iddl d t~ to " " rrom ILa Boheme. . . , I, a third cut . tin , g oan be made , t oo~ e m ,e ·coune. , an wen onl.m, antaloDllim bet'\\'een man and' ' l!'athe~ In h'eaveil, conunallel .", r- ., · ero BE CONTINUED.)' \" to . .. daY5 later, B" outtln- t"e bed . ., woman.' thoug'b by a ~0~8and otlillr ~ace ' In Jelul Chrl8t all tbe 8oI'l'OW-~.L. ~ "M5 OJ Nora, turned out the IIghta and eat namea has It: been cal.led. He ;, had Inlr.. 'Solace the bereaTed and' lonel" .rul _rl~er e~e)l Ume rour cut,tinp out on the Uftle ,b alcony.. The. moon- ofCen. said, in a IIplrlt of raillery;, tbat Oddll Too Gr e.t. '. R~!.fre,.1i the'· we&l'1. ) I(luccor, tbe' o~ \:a11, b'e JiDilele I~ aot;n,8 lectlons, but It .Wne was 810rlous. BO 'denBe -Wall the ~I. andgonlsm Wll!! ' princiPally clue Walte'r McQueen, a . penOD ot pressed. Iln~ the tempted. 8Jteli,$tbeD\ , p~bab'9 fbat'J bree cuttings .11" -earth blacllne,s .: that the ,ew Jjght8 tp the ,tact that Eve . ,!lad b~n can. eOlOT; ta'Ced J~Uce , Howai d' I~ the ~b'8 weak: Teacb UI to"oouBoorate I\D 8ClualJy large' ylel4 of, ~a" or lJet'twll1kllng' bere 'a nd, tbere were more Btructed (and very well) out of a 'rlb police court at JacklOn, Tenn., .(be griefs to thee. " Out , of "ol1t lIadnesa ter QuaUty. The tetal ,Ielda var)' troro like fallen ·s taia. Preaentiy ebe heard from ·Adam. Naturally Bhe re.ented ' charge against blm being linaule .and. brIng the fruita or nobler service. Send Oll-e to .111 toni of core~ bar 1\11- acr ' , Bound. It was her father. returning' thla, that Ibe' had not' b8en falhloned battery on the penbn of LlJ, Belle 'the' -Ude~of pUrlty and SOdIT' power It.. haa l;leeD 'cIemo1U!t,rateel that 'Bu,.. silently as lie could . ., Sbe heard blift ~dep~.ndentlY, and ·wourd bold It Hopper. In additiOn , til th~ ~t~ ' Coursing t1\rou«h U1e U"e. '0 ' men. aDd 4,1l IJ'MI Ja , pa!'~table; and ·anlllysil 1Uiqblo aD.long the )(nlckknaek8 ,on 'the 8Ialnst man 'until the true aecret· of c~mp,lalntUl~ , three 9f hilT, tn'e!:ld* .~. 'tbe alraln 'or 'socl'eiy ofi b'li~lneel of Ihcnr.l.~ ,to be aJH)ut the~am• .ID cl1elll' ;mti·ntel. and then go ",way lipiD. By 'tbe' parable WU made clear to her, pWBd as }v\tnelBe,! agalllllt LIII!' ~~ hUlman ' governm!tnt~~tll Jnatt~ ~nd leal comPoeIUoJ' aa 10bnllon gray and and by ' elle SB.W a spot· of wblte 'Ugbt liora 8a'\\ hat oPpol ltjOD \yould clerk reaa tlie warnnt. bellnaln.: . ~ . .' . '4 ttmofJir liay. , The 'p;ercentace' or promove hlther Dnd th.ither among the be uaelet!JI. Artel" all. It would be "City of JackllOn. TenD.', ..ainlt WaJ. t thbi·han ~Ign \Jnhln ered u,atou,h. ,·decreaaee" from~ tJ!.e h'eadlng pecrape arbors. For fin or "Lx minu~811 better to sing. She would not be tel' . Mcqueen'l-and '10 GD; The' lIrt.. .ou.t . e wQrld, \bro ,b ~e.lII Ch.r lst unt~1 t~ .~tid la ripe, but ·the hay ilbe watcbed It dance. ·Sudden~y all compelled to look at this man abe oner scratcbed bfa', head. meantime our Lord. _ _~_ _ _~_, Ya,lUable about bloHomLn, time lieeame dark agnln. 80 deMpl.e\!, At tbe beglunln, abe bad,' contemplAting the ,Iower.11lc facea of at i an·y :prevf.oul ., lJtage. . , -, " Nora. are you there1" Intelllil!d to 81ng badly; ' but al tbe ~he , c\:~er ",-,thu.el ~or tht ~ou•. , ~be 'whole trend,of1moderu UlcIQIt!J\l ! It' Is admlr(lhly awted' tor ulle "~eB, Over here on the bal~ony. music pt.oceeded, she san, a. abe bad tlo/l.. Pleu,. ,.~b, rea4 dJit tuat... PIlt1 'pbllolOpblcal aDd loren'tUlo,1I to,bi1n1 ",1,LDg ,crop, .1~«Ie Jt ma~ea a Jar......... , ,,' Wbat were JlOU doLDg. down there?" not Bung In weeks. To ftl~ 'thla man'a o,T er 8IIln to. me, be reQu,,~ City . ~- mcire ,nd more mto ttntl1' ~wltll yield a!,l4 is .,eif pilatable I. 81i1 LOw Prom W.ed&. , "Ob, Nora, l'm IIOrry 1 lost my tem· BOul 'witb a bUllger for Ute 10uDd o( of Jackson• .TtI~.. ..~, Walter the Ufe' of all 11Ttn, tblnp all.d to creen state. al .ell ," wilen eured The .Ioal from w~a ' la "enol'1DQP: J,ler_ But Molly's ' begun to. nag me her voice. to pqur LDto 'bll heart a ltleQneen," abUsed the clerll. "Wel~ I " . tor twenty·ft,. per eat of tile ...,.. latell, and I can't stand It 1 went Lreab knowledge of .. hat be bad 10lt ·Jedge." 181~ ~aJter, Het ae whol" clti ~;::!b:!I:!taLtto:.en:::n~ t::4 No t,~al of 8udan ' graal u , ellace, 'QPAQ.ity 01 .ome JD. I, . an.r that, balik, Did )'ou t)lrow SOlllU tore-vel' aneS rorever, , " ' of JackaQn a~ deee foah «;!u,lUel ladlu 'or.tUlle! flTOluttoll rram the eatth-Ilf Mya tlle Ulilted 8tatel"'eparttnellt or Icwt, MtlUon., of 4011.,-. yaD b .. 6»wen (tut of the windOW?" . Oeleste' turned 'f rom the Ils11 attar II orranlled . .jl~1t o~e Q...... wllu' ~ , e. qrl.:uJtur!~; baa yet beeD"'Cltrrfed .out. annuall, b~ 'the , UII• . of • f.w tbe final chOMa of "MomlnC Mood," cbaMe bas be IOU r. ~1t1!" ::I~:: ~~~:!::~o,..~::~U:~ JU",~'5 from i~ paJatabliltt and 1Q~04a of weed coutrGl. . ... bUMb of daisies?" "ThlUlk you!" aid Nora. ' Ct1aIIIlI ,"ol)1tio. I. to be lit. "~I~II~lce It ahould be e.ceUeut .. l!tarIulerlte . ... sbe corrected. "no not atop," ber,ed CourtlandL ' Four P .... pta. b I1l1tq11.-The..Ohrt8ttii .itIIter. for lhIl purpo18, 81l*llaUr ID mls. " All the to me. I J!1I:ked ap NQra looked ell'rectlT Into II. 111-preceptll to UB by: To.". turee with lenmea, • mixture or ClIe "neb. alld look at- wha I found aa Ibe replled : "Oue·. TOtce e•• DOt 011 old ealtoDl.: to ...... 0. Qdrltll hlID aotidq S. .,...... WIIo Sudan an.. aDd cowpe&a or 101 baa•• • .,_14e.'· 10 on torsTer. aDel IIl1De .. aot. at all Ul-cUaPOlH~ to meditate on ,oIlt'b; ' UtI . dnaIDIU at .... _ . .... 1l'01fIl' tot aDaae .......eU aD 1111 attn4ed bls palm. floodlllI It atroDc.'· do aplDlt ..... ......... ~ , • IIl11t of bla poeket IaUlp. ~ere wu a krIoCIII: at uae door. n. Ha~ \I' ~












0' C.D.




. -~...,....---,-~









, MYel."



ha,.-. '



w... Ia'" at...,....


THE MIAMI GAZETTE, WAYNESVILLE, 01'11 Ch.ron MUM bpI.'... Hli boat lIIue fut after the Jut trip ot ,the niehl, CharOD. homeward bQuDd, en(!OuntAlred ~ Itranger In on. ot the Ill·Uahteel Itreat. a10~ the waler front. "Wb.t·e tbe Idea 1" aalLed the alel eallor. .. Summon.. •· the Itn.~er repUe4. producJUr papete. "The Interstate commerce comml6slon waot8 to kno" how you killed olr all competition. ,You publlc·eervlce corporatJone are In for a bard winter."



Approval. "Are )'OU atlll Interested In .aardeDIng1" "Yea," replied !lfr. · Or08Nlots. "I like to see gardenIng get eyory encouragemenl 1 have bought an IDlerellt In a bardware store."

• ...,.. 1ft Heat of Iattt. lteporte indicate It IIOm.tIm.. ~ • lot ' to lttU the m0411'1l aol41er, ,tbe ' New Tork World ltatu, Blrlfl&Jlt J'oqere ot "rance recelvacl .~ht bul· let wounds, 8, broileD arm &Del other In· junel. ~nd .Itbou,h Ihot in the calt, thtah .. nlS ankle. ..caped be1Dtr C&Ptured bO y Germau ~eI ~ped ten ~-t-mIle&-t&-ll~ti-rea1meot. ~oth... "rene soldh;r receIved IIx bulle.. &lid three bayonet wound. and II recoTlr1n,. Tbe French war ol!lce .IUlDAt. cnil,. two men are killed out of naIT on. hun· dred hIt. The peneratton II to clean one loldler 1I1d not know he hael been , bit for three houra. and another bullet "Went through two loldlera and lodged In a ca vaJ ry 111&11'1 laddl•.

• The Human Automohile lbc. bumao bod" Itb III anto~ ob.Opllae' (fOod) Into power. Wbe.1IIa lue l ta too rlob, or tile mlIen ad ...1... are OU& 01 order, wul.e prodoota ~ Ilia macblllerr and r'aduoe ~e }XI"tr.

Tbeltlllat! •• lIke ub~1II\ ,al,.. IhCIIIWI

oerry air Ibe .ute (urlll

An Obio Cue lira. Ja.eob ""... 75 Columbua AV" OhIo, .. ft. .a.v • . Dat lerrtblp. ... ILIl4 ..oro.. my II ..... I could h.rellp rn In bod. 8b .... twlole. causbt IDe

M ulltn't Bt Quoted. "Dolph!n look.a 10 ImporteDt )'OU wo uld thlok be was craDlJDed tull of state .ecret . ... "So he doea. I! Dolphin mllllel a predlotion about the .... eat.ber h. ex· pect8 you to treat It .. ItrlcU)" confi· dentlsl.

What It Take .. "I've Rot lung power enough to I tarn the cornet." "Have you got courage enougll7"

whlln 1 .tooped au

I had h •• dao .... an' kldne,. w.altDt...



I "Re .. oil."

Asparagus U »-'... II. . . . wted UhbF'a CaUforDla A.par&8\l" thero i. a · ill ator. .J:::.~~~!! for )'011. Grown on lb. i.lud. 01 the . Sac:ramenlo RiYer, the fineat Atparaau. reaiOll In tho wor~d. Put up fre.b frolll the .Udell a'_II a, Cllt. Tellder.nd f1a..ory. White or pee. --peelod or unpeoiled. In.iet on Libby·.. If )'our irrocet' canDot euppt". aend lIa biB name. T.." ,"'" NCipe:AIIoaragus with Eggs-Salt an4 ~pper treI1 ot\O c:aA of Libby'. Aapararua. 8U.t four e,l lra lUll ello.lll to Ineu UII tha )'olke, add a tablespoonful of melted bUlleT. ~per .nd aalt. aAd pour upon tho .... pat8l1\l1. BUo eiabt miDulea ill a Quick ayen. and auve Immediately.


Libby, M«i=NeiIl & LiJ,by, Chicago , European. Get QuI" Goldl Dp you know jil,t bow lIlurope reo

Mntly ,ot that ,12li.OOO,O()0 tn Amerl· _n ',old. WeU. bere II tbe WIY it "al 'done : llIuropeaDB hold (Te.t amounta ot Amerlc&D aecurlUea, whIch \a to, say ~e,. have bougbt bonda II' hed In ,tbls country. When the war crlslJl came they saw tbe need ot IC' tual mone), III plaoe of these bonda. They 'c abled to tbelr Amerlc&Il flroters to seU at the market price. Tbe,. . took whatever th~y could ge,l. but there' VI'al' .&lw.J1I lomethlng otrered, 10 tile saJee were heavy. TlIe purcbalera Ilf theae bonda theIr checkL These the broke,. c•• bed at tbelr banks and got curren· cy, The currency of the United Statel II mnde good b)" the de'poalt or gol,d u .the teaaurlea, For every aold certificate In exl.tence ' there 11 ' tbe act· u.l melal 10 the treasury. 80 the brokers. getUng the currency from the bankl. went tolthe .ub·tt;euury ID New York and a,lIed tor the actual IOld. Tl:ioy received it and sent &Old to their cuatQmera abroad.

PICKE'[) 'OUT THE RIGHT TIME Girl 'Made Vlc;tlm of Hoax by ' M,. chl.voua Frlendl Went Hom. In a Fury.

One da)" aeveral or' my rid friend. called to lee me. We started to make 10llle cand,. when I discovered that we dldn't have any chocolate In the houle and aald that I couldn't p088lbly make It w1tbout "a. IIPeck ot cbocolate." . Mary. one ot the glrla. laId: "Why. what kind ot chocolate 18 thatcouldn't you UBe any other kind?" 'One at the ' elrll gave , me , 8. pincl! and f Rid: "Oh. no. I couldn't use any ptller IClnd. It's a De'" kind. You telephone tho grocery and order .ome. Mary. and we'lI start the candy. No" be aure and ' order 'AapecltL'" "So we flIed to the kltcheo and lett Mary to telepbone, We ..t 1Il tbe I"tchen holellnr our 51des with BllJ)preased laughte~ whUe Ihe called up ooe =atOre atter another trying to get "Alpecka chocolate." Sbe finally gave up In cte8palr and then 'w e ,tolel het'. A 80ulld 8Iee~r. NeedleD to 1!l1., .he went hOllle In a old DIIC hUl one .dv.ntage tlll'7." mad u • wet ben. Sbe bare, Mer an ' automobile.. It doeln·t - reo ly IPoke to U8 tor wee,k s lLfter thaLand' ' IntrIcate mech&DIIIII to 'ell-Iealol TrIbune. .tart her." . "That" true. All ,.OU need ' II .n Ne)V Jlarley·. 1913 mlner.1 produCl-.lahD olock to wake her. up." ,t lou w.. valued at ,.0.716.06t.

"11,. .wre



A tew audleDces are as unrellJ)On· U ottu paY8 to let the othel" fellow .tve a. are 1II11D1 c~p'ecaUon!,. talk wblle )"ou act. '

TIMA, Tur~~~-f-=.!'. -blend cig~- .

LIGHT IOOZL Do ' Vou Drlllk .n

A mlDllter'. wife h.d quite a tu. II.· wlt.b coffe...nd her experIence fa rett~ lIlterelUIl'. Sbe I.Y8: "Durin, the two ,.ean . ot my t~n· illl ai" a nurle. wblle on nJght duty, , , ' I b~me addloted to COffee drlnkl~. ' ''I''')l'',''I.''~';: '~~ 8~oked, Between mldnl,ht and rour In the momm" ' when the patient I were IS ' . " , a,le.p. there ·w.. little to do except , 1 , "', ~ f)Qa."o,' tlVBI., I"dividual" make 'th. rouudll ••nel It wal qulle natUral that 'l Ihoulc1 want a bot colfee '. bout th.t tllll'. I could . ~~~d,; ((liep tlV.lIe 'hetter. "After three of four years ot coffee drlllklnc, I became & ne"ou. wreclE &1111 tbou,ht that 1 lImply could Dot I~,.e 'without my colfee.: All ~I' tim. 1 ,.. lubJeet to. frequent blUoul a~ tao_ ' IOmetlmel 10 ' Inere 811 to ke.p 'me I~' beel tor several ,daYI. '''After b~lnl ' m.rr~ed. Hua~nd baned me to leave 011:- colfee ttl\' he te~ed th.~ It had alr:ead:r hurt ine almost beyond repa1r. 10 I reeolvj!o to make all elfprt ,to relell8e ' myaeJ! Irom the hurlruf Jlab!t. ,. , , "'I bepn taking Poatum. anel fo~ • • da,. • . telt th~ languid, ' tlrel! teel· IDr tr<!m the lack of the eolfee ,-drul. but I lUted the taale 01 Po~tum •. aDd that anl"ered ,for the lIreakrut be..• enge 81,1·r:lght. ' . • "Ftnl\lIy. , I began. ,to feel c.:Iear:e1' headed and had IIteaaler nerve': Att·

are the 'pur-

"'es't ,'. form ' l-n w:' hi-cit ' tob!1ccb be · fI a (1 t hear avor •



u.s, Steel to Ne~ lO%,

We boy and lell this and all, otb;r lis-ted aDd unlisted


• tGCks from five ,hares De· your order at our

.t ule of · POltumnot .. now teel new woman-Dave bad &II)' Ukea a.·year'1

bUloul at~ckl sInce I lett olf cl)lfee." , Name liven by. Poetum Co.• B!lttJe , Creek. MIch. I Read ; '~ TlI~ Road to 'WelhiIle-,' lD plrsa. POlltum come. In two' fOMlla: ' ReOula, PoatulT!-mult be weD boiled. 150 abd 25c packaR". Inflta.nt POllUm-le a loluble powdtlr• • A. t.llJOODfal 411101...., qulokl)' In • ~" of l10t wat"!r. all", with C1'Mm aul ....I'. lIlakel • dell loul ...... . . . InNIt",. 8Oc.-d 60", tin.. 'I'll. coil c,p of boch idIlda ta

Aay Store. 500 •






,Save the Babies.

Seven Wlllte Plymouth Rock Fowl .. I The Plymouth Rocks. especIally t he .barred variety. generally rank among tbe most hardy brecds. Tbere Ie but one da nger line In tbelr koe llIng. aud that Is 1Il tho tendency to overratten. Tbe Plymouth Roclfs are more sus· ceptlbl e to thIs than nllY oth rAm er· lean breed: 'I o~e inbre ding is one of the cursell of tbe hen,n ery. The market poultry· man, In order to have qui ck grow!o g aod ha~dy stock, eba.nges bls male bIrds every year. The fancier can not well do that. or he wi ll lose the s ood resu lts of his mating,

Doan'. Ktdn4:r

r.llov.dmo ..

~~~(!Ja :~~n lUk!P~·~~ ~=

c.e D...•...t

A barber e.!waYII mak81 • hIt with • man by telllnc hIm that hi has tho toughest beard In the world.

ac~), ba~".

Urlo acid 10 n _ ca_ headaChe, wealt e;eII, rheumatao patu, gretel, dropa, .and fatal BrI,ht" , ~ Deao" KidDe, PIIIJ belp the ~ IIrlat oft urlo aold: It Ie elM beI~~ ~ed tpoo1&lILJdae1 ..emed,r. GaO'to

Y t lh ~ ,tallei r. It be be a pmcUcal man. cao eo IlllJre d as not to be 10 danger . With all tb at. bow c"er, the los!! Illbrf!e d!ug tbe bette r ror tile tu. ture generatlol1s. Mongrels are a. prod uet or a varl. ety or bloods. and It Is more difficult to !n breed th em to I\oy serious ell· lent. Th ey will pot show It as (Iulck· Iy as {I. ·purebred. liS tho latt er !s br r1 , JlJo re In li ne. Th ero Is no r easoll why a pure' bred should not be pe rrectly hardy, And they ~"III It th ey lir e nn t. tco close' iy Inbred or r(!d '100 heavily , A. T . S.


NFANT VOR1'ALlTY II aomethlng frightful. We can hardly roalIr.e that ot all the children bom In olvilized countries, twenty·two per oen~, or nearly one-quarter. die before they reacn one ,ear; tblrty-lHlTell per cent., or more than Oll.third. before they aN live, and on&obalf befON t.ho,r are fifteen I We do not besitate to -1 that a timely nee of Castoria would ave. 1JUI,jority of these preoioUi liv8ll. NeIther do we hCllltate to Bay that mllllJ ot these InflUltUe dea.tha are ocouioned by the uee of narcotic prePamtloI18. Drops. tinctures and IIOOtlling aymp8 aold fot' ohildrep'a comp1&int8 COlltaia. . more or lell opium ot' morphine. They are, in considerable qUlUltitiea, deadly polllOnl. In -any qu.ntlty},. they stupefy, retard oirculatlon and 1ea4 to collgestiOD8. Idclrn_. death. ' uaatorla opera~ e:uctly the r8Venle, bu$ you must aee tha.t It beant the algnature of Cbaa. B. l!letcher. Caatorla causee tbe blood to olronlate p~perlYt opens the ~ porea of the ekIn' an,d (ner. ' Genuino (Jaatorla ah,a71 bean the tare of • • ,~ .



MEDICINE Is OUT OF PLACE METHOD OF !RAISING TURKEYS poult,.y Do.cto,. Should Know More How to Prevent Slckn..t Than How to. CUte It.

Mo.t AttentJon Must Be Paid to. Con·

(By It. K , BOYER.)

(By C. lII' L1lJLLAND.)

I"tltutlonal Vlgo,. . of Breeding Stock-.GI'v e I=ree Range.

"Poultry docto!'" Is no t> a professIon 'J1he methods elT,lployed In raising It Is a mIstake. Tbere Is no need tor' turkeys differ In no great degree from "Przemyel." medical science in tbe poultry yard- those in use In raiSing chickens. Tne "PrzemYII" II one or the few reaIl)" good methods and good commoo seose most attention muat be paid to conetl. eimple proper namel th.t haTI aeoured are better medlc.lne tban drugs, tutlonai vigor of the breeding atock. notorIety In lh. RUlllan invulon of NaturallY poultry Me hardy. very care ot the eggs and to Ule care at the O.Ucla. It II pronounced "Pzhem·II·I." hardy. but they must nOL be neglected . very, )"oung poults . Wh!le general witb the accent on the '''poem.'' JUlt It ill neglect that caules tbe many Ills principles are Dluch the same. there ~ow euy thll \a one m8.1 &pprec1ate that towll fnll prey to, ' are eome important variations that ~y conllderi~ PnemYllan7, ill the We would rather, then. talk of pre- must be noted; The blrdl must bavtl lirat syllable of whlcb the .'t". II tounded. thUt!: ..Prah. ... w1th the "-Ultroventlon than of cure. In fact. we more ra.nge, It given absolute freeLhlnk the "poultry doctor" should know dom they mlUlsge to pick their own HUIl&Brlan varl~t1on ot "mlec.lIsn," more how to prevent slcknes8 tban IIv!ng with but little expenee their followIng. In pronouncing "PrsemYI1" you ,bould carefully hold • "p" behow to cure It. qwners. but It l~loBely co.nflned tbey treen your teeth wh1l. pronouclns There Is one sovereign remedy (or require an enormOU8 amount of feed. "ahem" (which II II. IOtt. mUlhroom, cOl1taglon. and It will be tound alike and do not get l!Ufticlent exercise lor du mdum varlet)" . ot "'hem") anel ju.t troctlve In nl1 cnses-It I" a good. proper and Quick developmeot. Dur- al you are about to eject It deW,. , In. sharp hntch et. The man who tries to Ing tbe breedln'" .. season tbe mnture sert the "p" In the outer hook ot the doctor contagion In any form Is heap- birds mUBt not have absolute Ir~!e.!! · tbuI: "P&hem."- Nothlq-ean- be Ing up for himself n "pe ck or trouble, 1 -s ince better re8ults are obtained when But how Cltn sickness be prevented? they lire under better control. It must begin ",!th ,tbe pareot atock. Most breeders r ecommend plac\rl@ Make. the I.und"" ha~tbat', He« All breedIng birds must be strong and the first eggs under heos. making the era.. Dall Blue. Malee. beautiful, olear rugged. That will give the tounda· turkeYI lay UlI)re before allowing "hite c1othell. All lood _ ~ Ally. A: (lommon hen ca'n tlon. '1t cannot be expected that puny. them to set, Inbred. pampered stock will produce cover well only about nIne turke)" , F",hlon Note. bealthy oITsprlng, eggs. ""hlle a aurkey hen m~-y be "One blelsln,. .t leut, will come Other breed. to UI from thla dreadtul "ar. W. " Yet even with lIuoh foundation thero 'glveh al many 118 15. Is no guarantee of hardiness It proper era r ecommend tbat all turkey egg II ahan't be Inunduecl w1th Ihocldn, care Ie not given the fowlB. be hatched uilde,r common hens. but French f.shlon .... The care conslst8 of mlUlY thlngll : that the young p'Dulls be givElO to tUI' The IPeaker '11'&1 a luellnJ e1ubIt calla for a sanitary condItion of key ~enl! to ra!ae. for the commOD woman. She resumed: tbe houses; It means the best and hens do not .ran@re enougb to give the "At a club elinner the "other ...imIn. pureat of teed: It ",'anta the stock kopt young birds the exercIse they need. • m&D fashion wrltel'-m&n fuhtoa In the proper cond!tlon: It rule!! that \.nd they generally ' overfeed them. wrltera ' are tbe ,b8ltr--sald to me: .. 'A truce to th.le forelp maclel! new blood muat be Introduced to avoid, Turkey hens ma:r be given flfteeo to Inbreeding; ,It ' poin'l l to t'egularlty of twenty·flve young bIrds tQ raise. P.en They,re carlcaturel" " 'Carlcaturel r iaid I. Carlca~ f care. them closely for. a few days until they It' maintains that tbe Itock must be ~n8wer the call ot the ,t urkey' hf n • T-ea. ve"hapl. But wouleln't It' be IDOre kept active ; It Implies that the house .fter ~hlch they may be given their .Clcurate to call t h . talre-olhr"


Fln.lIy Captured E.ale. Atter detylna & score of trape aM u manr lUna of far'mers. who have .ought Vainly ,to Impole lummari' sentence for the 10B8 ot hundred8 II{ chickens Q,er a perIod of 'II .montlilll, Old Baldy, • monBter ea,le. ..... caulht b)" a man with • lUllo. u.' lay waltlnc In the Ihadow of .... c.hJcken houle ,for ' the chicken tiller tor more than etaht hourI. '. The bU. !!wooped down Ibortl), atter daybreaIL. The lalllO W81 thrown aroUlld tU ea,le'a ' neck. . The man wanted .. capture the .,b ird &live. but 'It foucld so desperately that he 111'81 torced ' lit sboot It. The lIIellaures eJpt feet leven Incbee from ttp to tiP. &lid welgb. 78 pound•.


Copper •• Hard Steel. There II no p~e.. known at p..ent tor makin, copper &8. barel • ateel: Sucb a procell \a ~uppcsed to have been known In ancient Um_ If .l1yone can discover luch • pr~ be -will have • valuable aecret.

olf. making sure that all are housed Thl. I, Not the W.y. ~rt~~co~~~thDi_~~ .Iaagain ~~~~~~~~fuMh~~~--------~-----~]III~I~~~~~~~i~l aatel y Ilt night. The main points Wife lD.culne)-H ....••

ventilatloo will be admitted without allowing ' drafts; It order8 generoul a1led ru~s-In Ihori, It meanl ' kee~lnl the. fowll In a comfortable. hap~,.atate. " Poultr)" requIre tresh air bQth day and nIght. To keep them In cloae, tlght·fitttlng penll. where they will 3weat at nIght. Is the easiest -way, to Introduce -weak constLtutions. , To crowd 25 fowls In quarten built Cor 16 bead Is a very good way to grow Idle. Ullprofttable. unbealth)'" slack. To overcrowd I!rowlng stock 18 the surest way to producfl runt I. To feed , starchy, beating foods In sumlller II the best ",·ay . to brlllg on rat and IndlgeBtlon. , To allow 61th to accumulate In tbe hou8e8 Is tbe woy sCllly leg I,roubles begin, ; To dose fowls the minute they look "out of sorts" 18 a!l excellen~ method ror bringing on allmeDt~. . In brIef. the wor~ ot tlie "poultry doctor" Is not 80 much to cur~ aa 1t.l8 to prevent; and tlie man who knows how to \teep henl In healtb Is 11 mucb more valuable, Ilian Oil ;tlle (arm tbdn the one wh'o kilows of 8, r:emed,)' , (or every disorder that may arls,e. There IIi ))0 I~ eel to Cent' t'Olip. or cbolera. or IIny dlseaie, If the propel' sanItary rules. are obs\lrv.ed, Kee~ tbe fowll in the 'trellh 'a ir. but do not ex· I!0lle tbf!m t.o 'Inblen!Bpt weathir. To drive tllem O\lt In 1\ storm, III a& eiil equaled Olily by .compe.lIhg them to ell lit an ent1r~ day ill 11 botr brOiling IUn. ' . 'Po make them drink stale, 111 thy. warn! water lit ai. unl1ealthflit as to fCllel tbep! sour, talnUld foud. Common 'sense II better than a physlc. Regular, pro»ltr cal'e beat. W the doctor books. • ------.,,--...


In the care of. tbe 'poUItI lore not to article on "How. to ••olel war." let them get wet dUring the IIrst few Hu.b-What d08l It ...,.-rem.ln lin· wee~l. to keep the Ilce from them. to ,Ie? allow them to g~!t plenty ot exerolGe. green feed. buga, etc., and never to overfeed them. To keep them (ree of lice; dUBt them with Insect pOj\'dcrlI once weekly unUIl sIx weeks old. attor which they will be ~ble to use ' duet baths to ad.van talra. It 18 recom men(!. ed allo to grease the mature hens the ,hreasts and under the wings with baco'n grease. , ke:roeene and lard. 0'1' other lice olntme llt. Artificial l~cub\lt!on Is much tho same al for cllicken eggs, 28 , days. bowever. belog required. Moisture mu.t be supplied ' during the entire period . .After 36 to 48 hours tbe 'young ~urko3"s may, b"e fed corn breud. :wheat ' bread 'soaked In mJlk and ' presl'Jed nearly dry., cottnge cheese. hard. boiled eggl\. etc.• •Wlth plenty ct ten. 'der, green teed, 8, little pepper and some grit. ,[hey should be fed tour or flve time, dally for a few days. the number or feeds mav be reduc:ed to' tJiree, and It ' tb~y bave 'plenty . of rango ' two feeds ' will ' be IIU1!l clent. Feed In limited !imount•. .never giVing all they want, Omdually Introduce c hIck., :reed. Onely cracked, gra'n8. and small grains IntQ the \'&. !:!c:.~~J;.!Rel"~f-.I'·etaur~eat tioll as the pou Itls develop and :when flye 01' six montb old com clIn (e\1. .



Constijliltion " Vanishes orever



·Dlapo..e of 't he Cockerell. . The young cocleerel8 should he reo -moved a8 raat as they reach lJIllrket. abl~ size. TJteir room IB better tban tbel,1\ cOlllpany. and, ~here Is 7!aldom &IIY profit In keepl! n, thom (or Ifreater abe. Their removal RITes the pullet.. whleb are to . tuture Iloclr, a better Id~. There le and DO I1'88ter 1l1~11&Jl.~'

~ aoluWe Antiae~~ Powder to be diuolved in water at Deeded. AI a lIlediClII1a1 antlaeptle for douCh_ la 1reattu, catarrh, IJlJ1ammaUoll . . ulcel1\tlon of noae, tht'oat, and \baa caused b1 feminine IlJa It. hu,no eq", J'or ten ),eara ,-tbit Lydia E. PlnkJaaa .fi1IctnEt 00. baa zaoommended P~rtta.. ID. their private corTellPOlil41111l1:e WOlDen. fttcb

... THE lOAMI GAZBTT&, WAYNBSVILLa, OBIO TO VOTERS OF WARREN COUNT\' I My businesa will' nQt permit m . t o make a thoroug h canvass of t.h(' • I County at th is t ime, but I ask t haI I am a candldat for t he office at. you satisfy yourself as to the best Couhty Treasurer ,. nn t he ~rogress- man for the place, al)d vo accor d . Ive ticke t. and Will appreciate theingly . Sincerely Yours W. E. O'Ne~l1 . support of ev II:.' . voter. rega rd less I1dv . of par ty. who cleslCes to place clea,l com pet nl ruen in our County offices J Jl.n1 Jillt a politician and ha v not NEW COOK ING CLUB t he S~]lport of an' 'gallI{, 1 have . no gl,'udge ugaill"t allYP IiLieal par'ty. Some of the young ladl s nlet to· bu t feel that county officers should gether Monday afternoon and e lected be removed from political cont rol. OffiC6l'f1 to organize what will b and placed in the hands of t he best known as t he .. Pr ospecti ve Cooking In n available My qualifications lub." It i hoped that tbis will bl' ~or tJlis offie will compare mO!lt of in terest and t he g irls a re expecting favorably with lhose of the other a good feast. The November meet· candid ate!!. and my r.ecord will bear il1/i1' will be held at t he home of Mis the inve tigation . race Carman .

e..,...--- ~... - - .....~ -----..........-..

JPersonal' Mentionl ........ ..... ....... ~

. ;. .- --


A. 1). ,Siues is serious ly HI. ' me .to chool Hall, October 27.

W. H. Allen as in Gambi er Sun· d ~y. Tile b st Rubber B oot~ at Myer Hymall 's. \ Vote for F rank Elbon, candidate fo r County Aud itor. adv lrs . Mary Britain visited friends in Dayton last week. The best Rubber Boots 'at Myer





to School. Hall, October 27~ MI·s. J. H Opp is visiting l'elativ s 111 Columb us thi s week. . I. , • • " • ..... Mil9<)n 's Fertilizer, the b st 'on the market F or sale by Chas. F'ry e. Hendley Corron is q ui te ill at hi home on North stroot. Mis.'1 Jen nie 'Dowman, ' at School . Is Opening a 5 c and 1 ~Bpa~t~.Dt p . Hall,1'uesdaY e ening, October 27. in-hi~ roo m Next t o Gazette Office, carrying a Full Lme of The best Rub ber Boots at Myer . Hymalll'l!. . The condition of Mrs. Nathan ,J 011 S remairls ab,ut the llame. If t od F t'I' 11 ' YOu . wan a go er I lzer ea Chs s. Frye, phone 49 1·'L 2·S. , , - - -......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I 5c an d lOe G

00 d ' S


OPENING DAY SaturdOt b . 24, 1914 ay, coer

Hyman's. ~ Dr. A.' T. Wrigh t is in Lebanon Frank Forgy, of Lebanon. was in t oday 011 professional bu iness. , town a little while F riday on b us iness. Ve rn Hawke'is t he proud possessor Buy your Fertilizer of has. F rye, of a hanasom~ new slide ~rombone. Thinking tha t Waynesville demanded and would who hand les Milson's the best . Dr .. l'4acy wlll be at SprIng Valley 's upport a good 5e and l Oc Department I have taken on all thi S week. and at Har veysbur g all ' . co~eri~g~~~:e:~er:!~~i~~'S iiine~: next week.' this Department and your Patronage and Co-Opel atlOn The be t Shoe on the market, "The L . A. Ziml't)erman is attend ing 'tbe is solicited. . Lion Brand ," at Myer Hyman's : Grandi Lodge of Ma.'Ontlst Columbus . Mr. and Mrs, Alber t' Co rron, of H. M. Sherwood E. Servis Miss Clara Ha wke has been spend· Dayton , are t hl! g uests of Mi Lizzie ing seve ral days with relatives in J oy. th is week. Dayton . Hear Miss Bowman, ente r tainer Mr . Fred Wooll ery . of Columbu~ , and child impersonat01: at School • spent Sunday with Ilis aunt, Mrs. Ha ll, October 27. Between the hours of m. and m. Elizabeth Ba,ll han . Edward Keever , of Center ville . M re. Henry King, who has been wa3 th e g Utlst of Dr. and Mrs. A. T . One 14-Qusrt Granite Dishpan to ser iously sick f or the past week or Wright Sunday. . International, rebuilt and gua ranteed same as new. T his two, is st ill 110 better. the Ladies. (One to a family,only) . is especially a gOQd proposilion at the price we are offe ring . - Messsrs. Rhodes and Burnett, of I. Just'received anothe r shipmen t'of West Alexandria. were visiting ( 'Lion Brand" ~h oes at Myer Hy. friends here Sunda y. man's . Mr. and M r!.~ . Levi Wysong, of Miss Mary Requ ar t h, of Dayton. is pring Vall ey, spent Sunday witb R E MEMBER THE PEN ING~l AV-=1: the g uest of ber sister. Mrs. Charles Mr. alnd Mrs. Roy l roDs . Mfgd. by Saunders & Stan ~be rry and fa mily. . ' 0, R ebuilt and chea p . Mr s. E S. Hutton, of Los Angp.lel!, Mr. a nd Mrs. F . H Farr arrived Cal., visited Mr . and Mrs. T. P. Cain home from their visit in Lebanon. last'week at the Home. ~ In ~ . , Wedn esday evening . Mr . and' Mrs . Quincy Gons' son , You will be highly entertained at who has t he diphtheri a . is scetting ' ; :chool Hall . Tuesday evening , OctoA!ISOciated Engme . Guar' along' nicely. a d will be out soon. ber 27, by Miss Jennie Bowman, ant eed same as Dew. Jason Sheehan and fam ily returned Mrs. Barry Sherwood was called Ohio Wa~Desv~lle, to Blanchester last week on account homEi last week from an extend ed au to trip through Northeastern Ohio of thp. ~rious illness of her sister. and West Virg inia. C. B. Bentley · took his horse to BAPTISM ARE REPAIRING INTfRIOR Lancaster, ,Ohio, last week, and he J . C. Hawke, who is foreman of Age~t8 for the Cetehra¥' Ingeco Gasolene and Coal spent most of the week at that place . the October Grand Jur y, and Grant IS h Il. h 0 30 ' -Lewi s are having a respi te ·fro·m their n. t. Mary 'S c UTe .. at t e l: , The Christi:m church are making Oil Engines, Autom.bUe and General Machinery Comforts an~ B'ankets a t Myer labors In 1.ebanon for a abort tim e service la~t Sund~y the Rev J, F' :a great: improvement in their church. Repairing, Gasolmes, Oils and Acce'880ries B y mlf18 Store. ' Mr .. and Mra. Job Prater ilav " ~~~~a~fdB:;~:ni:~e~~ t~~i~~~-, by building a new altaI'. Born- To Mr and Mrs, Harry retUl'ned te their home in Welling· four of whom belong to the. infant. !!!!!!!!!!!!!:!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'"'!!'!! Cooper, nee lia Robinson, at Chicago. ton , 'Kansas after a pJeasant three class of the Sund'lY School taught - - -' Tuesday. OClober 18. 1914; a daugh- wPek:s villit among relatives and by Mrs D L. Crane. The class con· ter. . friends here. sisted of Doris and Boyd Kilbon, • Mr. and , Mrs. J. B. Chapman. The best Shoe on the market. "The children of Mr, and Mrs. Lee Hen· Mrs. Emm or Baily and MfA. A. T. Lion Brand," at Myer Hyman'l;l. derson, and Elsie Margaret, Doria 1 will sell at Publlo ~I(l on tbe Wright were Dayton shoppers SatElizabeth and Donald Leeman, lI:llfts O.-I14.,bee 'IIrln on" mile·e '.lt of urday. Dr.' and Mra, C. W. Henderson and children of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke. l:1:Irve.YIIl:org . plk ll, 2 olileR north. WAYNESViLLE, OHIO. Phone 105 .' The.' rector preached from the west of l:hnveYliborg 011 family left Friday morning for their Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roa-ers, who new home ia Dayton. Their· many. text: They brought young children Saturday, October 24, 1914 _...,._______-._~~-----..- -....-....;--J have been spending a coupl,e of days f r:ienda here wiah 'them the be..t of. to Christ., that he should touch them p ~ginDlog at 1:.! :30 u'olooil tbe in Chicago. returned home Saturday I k ' h ' h M k 0 g b' I f UC . In t elr. new orne. etc .. . !JI' 1 :1;. su Ject n ant following proJlflrty to wit: Jertley evening. The October meeting of the War- Bap~m, . tr,eatmg It UDder a three- Cow, SOw I ItDd Pillll. U01l8e'buld Mrs. Belinda Rogers returned ren County Medical Society has been fold diviSion: 1st The authority fur home Saturday aftt>r a visit in Cin- postpon~ ,on account 0( ' the ann~al infant .baptism; 2nd . Tpe .benefit to G.:lOde, See b:g billa for tfltma Walter 80'tll. cinnati'. at th~ home of Mr. and Mrs. meeting of the Miseis.',ippl Valley be. derlv~. f~m ~ptl~m, 3rd.The B. H. Hayes. '. Medical ~iation, in liincinnati, mann~r m which. thiS rite should be M Oc't'o b"" ~7 . 8 and 29, admimtlter~, ~ . OllVing ren~ my flnm, I wtll ' d BI Com f orll! ' an ankets at yer .,.~ -;; , . __ • The service was a beautiful and eelllir rtrblio .Qottoo a' my rtMIt.- -~Hyman' s Store; . OBITUARY in'apiriDg' one that deeply 'impressed deo(l8 8 miles 101lt.b of Center.nll..; T. C. Patterson, of Lebanon, was a good sized cong!egation. , on tbe Dayton and Lebllnon ptllfl, II in town lBilt'week attending to busi----' __ • . m~le" ~eet of L~tle . After an iIlnesll of almoat four AUTO . WHIRLWIND CAMPAIGN Wed,nesday, Odobtr 28, 1914 ness of the "whirlwind campaign" bem& made today. yeau of patient suffering, Jo~n Gib , BeRlnnlol{' Itt JO am, Ii ' HorMII, bons, passed quietly away at hIS home Vote for H . D. Kellison , dry can- tn Waynesvills • . October 13, ' 1914, There was 'a bi& , whirlwind au~ 6 ,,)aule. 19 Brood 80w., rllTmtOIr dldate for Representative to the 'agedl 72 years, 4 months, 29 days. , . campaign inaururated in this .cDghty Implementll. t:I~ bIg blUR (or terml General Assembly. Election, NovemH,~ was born at €aatle Bar Ireland, !:ommencing yesterday . . There was Frank 8urDett ber 3rd. adv May 14. 1842.. At the age of ' six a line of machinellsquares hi length. A. A. ~oNetl', Aoo~, Morrow"Sheets, of Lebanon, 'Dem- yeal'ls, he with his 'sister, brother find 'they:st4 rCt<l from Lingo's cOiner Warren KeYlI, Cler ... oeratic candi4ate for CountY Com- and widowed mother came to ·Amer· in Lebanon and t~versed the sout h· miB.'lioner. was circulating among iea end st:ttledat'Wayne!lv,ille. where ern and western pal't of the county. friends' here Monday. he SIlent practically all of' his life.. . Today . theY" left Lebanon and ! ·W It M CI '. M' L" Dllring the Civil war he ·enlisted a.u toed the e~tern and southern sec., Mrs. a er cure. inthe79thO.·V. l.forthree.y. ears. tlon~ o~ t,he cO,unt y. They stopped Hawke and Mr. James McClure r~ This term he filled never fadlng to here at 12:30 Q clock and a. couple of " . The followln,Speak~rs will Address the->! ·CittIl'm ed home Saturd~y from a two k h Id h to f h If weeks' fishing t rip to the reservoir. be oln duty. , ' spe~ ers e t e wn or a an Izens 0 f W .rren County ~n the a boye He .was tifl ited in marriage to An': bolir. The singing by the Edwards date" at the ~owns named below: 'ty Vote for W. E. O'Neall "for Cou n- nie Newman. February 9, 1893. ' Sist~r:a was a big feature. ~ T~h~eY~~~~~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~a Treasurer. . adv. The deceased leaves a wife, a son, made lIeveral votes by their presence, '~~":"'7~H-';"":-::-Ex """:;'7--G--""'---:-'--'''----:J-' ---E '-"'-----"""'-~·--·-III-I~ MiSs Grace, Thompson Snd Ralls a dllughter. f our sls~ers, two ~rbth. , - ="'' . Derritk, both of Xenia, went to the, erssnd other relatIVes and frlends . • Mr. !lnd Mrs; Howell went to Cmaf Rev. Amos Cook, near Har- to ~Iourll . ~he 1~s.'1 of one ~ho has .cmpati 'Monday and returned I , S~eaker ot' the 9hi~ Houila velsburg, and were married .Th·urs- ~nJgh~ thiS earth life and entered Tu~ay . . · · _. . .... . , .of RepreaeQti \1~'. . day. In to 11 ft! et~mal ~ , ", • ~!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ,., Mrs. Phoebe BrowD,wh6 hlL.'1 b~n . D'EATt1S 01 \ ' IS d Ad Of Ctncimlati: visiting her ,brother. Isaac Wilson . ~... . ' • and ~e, of,Roqte 2 returned. to her Mrs Hanry ' Woollll t d died a~ her - .... .........- Ao~ . . . . . . - ................- ..... ot the Board of (lount). Com· Candidate for Con. home IP. New RIchmond" OhIO. last bom'" on I;;outh Mliin Street·, Wed . FOR SAL'E HOD• S·. L . Jro~ , . aGe . . " gress 7th Diltrict. week . " ne's day mornlD g, after ' a long &Dd .' , ' ".~ 1'.' 8. aSmPIQD A. O. Balter, . . ¥essrs. Fr~k Snook ' and Roy pilinfol i1lu eSl!. --,--"'~.~---.-:---. (lounty ()ommlMloDeN. Saturday, after . ' .' , .pEAR8.....,t;b~l('e Keifer p~ar8 If ·. IndianapoliR, Jos. Burget~ , a former citizen died y po· wnll ~ Goo o~es ollil o~ D;le. Attlllit: JOIIO Y , "Multoru, Auditor, " , ~ attel)(1ed a meeting ' of at .hi!! ,home in Belmont, Sunday J. C.' Bllwll e, Waynesville. O. 114 Oc t. 8-ft. the State morning at 3:30 o'clock, aged ~ QU.lNt;Etf~A& $ 1.00. a bos bel; W. A. RodgerS; and family were year'S. Toe body was brou5rht here , 0811 phODA 846, Uentsrvtile. here a st-ort time Frid"y on t heir and_t~e funeral was held TuelidBY Norman·B, BrowD, R D J, ''' 6ynes. Sc~edule , way, to their. home in Waverly, Ohio, .mo~lD~ at t~e C~ap~.I •. the ~v. c, v\9~. Ohio, " D.4 , 1---- :t" ... " Start Mr .Rod,ers was bUllY shakin& ha nds S. C;3 rl1 Use.r O~cllltlllg., Inter~ent, 16 'iYII, e Poland ChlDll aprin Ja hereby"van by ebe BOvd ot,ducalJOn among hiS old Iriends. was made 10 Mlam"~emeter:y, , Pigs for !Hill Males and (:jel&S~ ot lIary8)'lb\!llr' VUIan 8cIloo1 nt.'i'lc:t. War. Arrive Leave J<'~1i~ .. .. . " .9:00 9:20 \'lID COUuty. OhIO !;here wm be an'-::' , Several of our young men went to Mn. Charles Haines. ' aged 49 C. 8 , Muwell, Waynesville, ' ffOin~ tlon held IA MId' Dlatrlct,.at tile u~ual yot\D1I M~rrow. ~ · ..• , .• . . 2 00 220 . ~rrfve Leave pi . . . bet .... _ ·.the 'bOllN ot &.10 a, m. UlCJ Lebarion last FridaY eveniI,lg" and at- year-s. died· at ber. I],ome. iil HarveY8- Phone 681i. .CeD~ervtlle Exohange. 11:80 p • .m., 00 the " Springboro . . . .. 9:45 10:00 Butlerville. • . . ..• 2 40 3 ' 09 . " . . ' n, tended a dance at the Elks ball. bu~~. $unday afte~oon at.2 o·clock. Ridgeville .• ~ . . • 10:15 10:3'5 Maineville .. , .. . . 3 20 3 40 They were Raymond Davis.- Edward The funeral was held at her late borne. MALE 0008, bnmuued. ,If you ~Y.tle L .. , ~ : . ; 10':50 1i :10 'Fosten' . .' .. '.. '.. ,. 3 50 4 10 y. Ricks"Emmor Baily" Robert Jones Tue!!day afternpon:af 1 o'clock. InwaDt a Duron get sOIl)etblng To vote U POD the lIWe of oDe "!ld eiI&lIaAlt and Dean Howell. ' " terment ,vas made in the Baptilt ~worth while 0, Y. Oa'Des~, R. D. addltlOoal WA YNESVllLE.1I :25 11:45 lei.u p .,Mills ...... 4 . 25 4 45 mllJa.for a 'iIeI'kId of four ~ for , the) P\I1'POMI or JllaIolalDlilc ... Jil~ montbll " 'The best Shoe on the market "The cem,eterY,at Harveysburg. ' .8, W"y,P.e sville, Onlo, Pbone 26.2" lChooL '., I' . p.m. p.m Mason , . . , •. . -... 5- 00 5 20 ,L ' B d" t M H : ~. , . • . , Balv.ysbul'g. 028 , , WALTER GRAY. Oleck. Ion ran , a yer ,y man s. . . Mrs. Ann. EarqQbar ' af New gur. . ' . ' < Harveysburg din.121)() 1 :00 Sou\h Lebanon . ,.5 40 () 00 . . \j t on, d'ed th er b' Sun-. SORGBUM-Wan*ed ~o ~~==~===~==~~::'!~ . Oregonia .... Messrs. J . C. Hawke •. Roy Irons,. dDI' ~ . au o,e th bring me 'hetr tin!! arfarmers CaDe. Will . ,; ,,' 1:20 1:40. Lebanon. .. . .. ... 6 30 .' , Joy and. Isaac Li~coln were ay evenlllir 1U.~t: a pn" . ,less. 'Rtart malltDIr ,tbja w~lt. Mill 18 at ' ". ID Lebanon Friday evemng at the Oi~e son and seyeral gr~dcbJ!dren. UtioS 8 E . Cornelinl R ' D '2 N _ ot 'lIIl JudlC:lal ~ldate" WIU " ,ClD The time coDlUmed ~)' speakers at each place-twenty mm'utea big Republican meeting, ' at whlclJ Burv'lve ber. The funeral Is h~ld Leb.":OD 'Obin . , . 28' .' a 8RP'ARAl1B l(ON·PABTutUi oIUDIcaL Barding 'w8S:the central elJee,ker. •. ~odjlY ~tber late home; in New Bur- .' - . ". o . ~~~~I~=~~lIua...e ,• . ' hngtont ( PEARS-KeIffer pearll ·tor lIale, ~1'Bflj:AP . ~ ~J,lK' YO R m;, We lVere ml81nformed l&!It .week · - - , 700 Per bUlbel. OD tbe Ralph 0in regard to..M rI. Sarah Zellers, of ARE V . ~RY UNFORTUNATE - LeWis farm. Ys mile eut of Lytle. For J ......,of Court," A-I. The Tour will close with a big 'meeting at the . .' , Eubank, Ky .. being melt at the home ~, Breb B ' . .' 0 at .... (V&OT. FOR 0-_ ) ~ ~ ber~t;. inJ ~aytoM'~_ It 8bGuid A small blaze at m roe ,. resDavy blue lerge midaeuon 00&, 6 "'· ve . 188 U" ..-....ulD8S. who tauran~ ooeurred . M'~nday with a new. A '26 COIl' for DO &. ~ M GOD..... v ~eceDtly Vlsitf'<i at 'Eubank. sm~ll lOBS. The · Window had a .812 10, 81158 ~O, foil lengtb. ,lin. . ~ Alti;'~ . • .~ Miss Mary Goode, ' of , IPId 1!r' l ala.eet~ Ja';F;e . ~ ~. T. P. C&lD, Friendl Home. 011 , At 8 O'clock. Mr. RaybutD G~e, of YeUow Iria&eMr• BrJun i~tecI :Ueandleev.:ci APPLB8:-8eY8l'a. bubell of ap Springs, werethe gueatll Rev. aDd plM!ed it jn. Japaoeee lantam. It pi_Bald wiD and 1'l1pabaliV .,......--~------~ AU cJ~ aN COfIIIaIJy InvJtt'd to attead-thele meetlnp aad Mrs. J. F. ~wallad~r and fire In some~ , " and the klDai at.> Eellrel! Pear. TbOle ...... the. NatJaul and state ....... piaeaWlJy ~:1:ef~t:~=-T ~~:~ve- wbolewindow was tbreafAiDed. Onlt ua~ bid beU,,1' Ie' me foar 01 OhIo'••bIat ........ . y .......~ • Bhort time go their peoUa.e ItOve bow , eon. .. 'be)' will ttQ fa.!'~ I

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co. a c.

Special for Saturday, Oct .. 24


Horse. Gasoline Engine

2 p,


3 p.


HP Engine

........ ................


flttank . H. flaJ1tr

- - -


Publ.·c Sale

Legal Notice .,

. ."' overnor ames • Ca,mpbell Swal-n Char'lea " '.... ' Probalco . . H. arry Ch... E Buroker'

ftlusic, Bessie's. Band Frank6n, ~:30 ,to 9 a.m..


p.m. p.m.


3rd o'f Dt "of.ambef·, (914, ..,




A aood ...




Comforts aJad Blanketa at arman', Store.



~loded In tbitJdt,cbeiJ. BiebIil ~ ,


Ibd b1ll'l1ed lobo 0 , WIat"'er. ~0De 1-'". " . . ......, O. . '. oJl




. "


- rUE






GAZETTE Wkyu &\,Ulo,

HALE.GRAHAM The Xeniti Gazette of Monday's issue hllS"'the following story that is of iolerfMt totheir many friends here: In a simple service which took plac'e /lt 4 o'clock Monday afternoon; M iS9 Mnbel Graham; younger daugh· of Prof and Mftl. G. J. Graham Superintendent of'th4;l public schools he re. became the bride of M·r. S. O. HaJe, the Rev. Cha.rles W 'Sulli van. of the Fi rdt Methodist Episcopal church officiating . . The scrviae was read at thoe bride's home. 131 Wesl Church street, in th e presence only of members at th(:' household. The bride WOle her travt>ling costume. a handsome tail. ored suit in dark green broadclobh. ,.. ith hat to match, and a corsage bouquet of lillies of the vall ey. Directly following the ' service. Mr. and Mnr Hale left the city: on a brief honeymoon trip. They will return within -a few days, and will be at hOllle shortly in the new apartment house which has been erected by the Misses Juinn on Whiteman street." H lb' .. Mrs. a e was orn In WaynesvJlle a1'ld spent severa! of her youngest years !tere. ~he IS a 10veJ.y and ac· compitshed gIrl, and until recently was a. member of th~, fa ~ulty of the Wa.shlng;ton C. ~: hlJlh school. She reSigned her poBltlO,! there last sum· mer after elechon. Mr. Hale ,IS wl'lI kno~n to many of our townsmen, and IS deputy au· ditor of Greene County. and a very prominent man in Xenia. Mr. Hale has visited here a great deal lately, and his many friends congratulate him on his choice. . • '- PATENT REFRI.OERATING



n. L.

CltANr~ , Edit .r and rvI:I!1i1ger

W. C. T. U. ",EETING. Th regular mee tin" of the W. C



tTIJ . wlIl:I'held u.t the r Sid nce of

Ml~S. Palm ~r on } .u ~d ay Il~ternoon , Octnbet· 1 3t~ . .lhe ..n; 4;ltmp: . waf' opener.I, bY., !!In~n~ 8tand Up.for J t'HIJ S Mrs I· ra:n~ read the C, u ' sade Psa!f!1 146 halm ,) Re\'.. fda ~lI en led III pr,uYCt·. After the read· 109 of the mmutes. ';11 he r matter q w(,l'e tak en up end final .-arrange, menls were mafl e for 8emhng Mrs Wooten. \' 1:\ a d el~gate t ~ the State Convf)l1tlOn a t Newark . 'The ~amE!!l of f01:lr new. members we re given In at l~IS m ~etm~ . ~ rs George.~mlth. :Supt of Fran chlse read, When the Women Wan.t It." followell. by a humorous readmg by Mrs Dav!8 Furnas. ;.,.M~. ralmer. who IS qUite a~ el· ocutlanlilt gave two fine selections, Mrs Mosher then read an article on the i~8Ues of the day. The program closed with a pleasing duet by Mrs. Allen and MI'd Martin. The meeting adjourned by reo peating the W. C. T. U. benedic. tion in concert. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Irons _ _ _ •_ • . ,THE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY - 'The re~ular meeting of the ~Wom· an's AUXiliary was held at the rectol'Y on !"riday afternoon, October 16th. , The meeting was opened by play· Ing on the Victrola that old ' favorite bymn. "Abide With Me." For devotional. exercises the Ser· vice of Intercession for Pea(e was used. Mrs. Cadwallader .read the 85th Psalm. ~nd . Rev. Cadwalla~er conducted the rest of the service "The Star Spangled Banner," was then play ..d , Scriptural quotations . . response . t 0 ro ' 11·caII . were gIVen In After the reading of the minutes and other bUsiness the following program' WaR giVen: , "Thtl First H08pital Among the Mountain8" ............. ,Mi88 Me](:~ What Effect Will the War Have .•. ; ........................... MII!. Hawke. St; Hilda's Outside the Wall ': ....... , •...... . ..... ........ ........ MfS Col eman AWisher of Men ........... Mrs.· Wright ' . .' .. Officen for the year were elected at this meeting., Mrs. Cadwallader being re-eJet"ted President and Mrs. Mosher, Secretary-Treasur~r . Atter adjotirnnlenta pleasing program of music was give}1' GUell~ or the afternoon WE're ,Miss MarY GOQde, of Xenia, and Miss ,Susan .... ' " .Wrlgh'l!. ' • - :TEMPER,.~NCE· MAS.~ MEETING , Th....e will be a,'Union Tem~rance ..,. ,M88Ii Meeting held at the 0 rilltian ChUrCh' on Sunday ' evening, Octo· t 7 30 A ood be r ""th ,a ! . . g program been prepared. ' Everybody cOme. . ,

baa .


ni Never

Spent Any Money ' Did' Me So Much 'Good as That I Sp'ent for Vinol." , Th~t


Frank Andrews, who invented the patent anti· freeze which went to the wall iq Dayton recently, 'is using it in demonstrations il) Chicago at the present time. He is using it in soda .fountains, and has made several demonstrations that have proven it to b th best tho h k t t the p:esent tj~~g Wh~r: it~: ~:n . day for ammama . ". and Ice . to reo . SIX frigerate properly, Mr. Andrews per. formed it in six Itevs. The last demonstration hu'been to determine , • . the COlit of refrigerating and by Andrews patent 6 cents a daYj by ice, '$1.65 a day and by ammonia was $1.U5 a day. Mr. .~ndrews certainly has a bright f uture a he!Ld of h'lm w I·th thl's wonderful patent. • - '. THe DIPHTHERIA CASES Word comes from Oregonia that there are no more new cases of diph. th.e ria there, and those having it are .a)\ recovering. . . There have been no nlore cases reo ported ·from Hannony Grove distriet, although reports have been ftyillg around. that there were new eases, ' , . , So far there h/lR been no new case reported at Lytle and .it is the ho~ of evc·ry· body that the disease stop at once. • _ •


DOMESTIC SCIENCE SCHOOL There are fwo ladies at the Normill schOOl this week sent out by the .Depart,ment of Ed\lcation of the Stllte College of A.$rriculture, These ladies will be here all . this week, and will I~cture and give demonstra· tions in this line. ' These leetul'es are "for the public, also, and anyone interested is asked to calJ during &chool hours and hear these ladles in their lectures. These Domet!tic Science lectures will give every lady an opportunity .t o"perfect hersell more in the culinary ' art. 'Come! • .


· BelJe1ont.!jne,Ohlo.-"I wI~ every

~ weak:-bervo118womanoouldhBve Vlnol for ~ never spent Il!ll money In



my lite that ~d me so muCh good as ChristiAn .Ohurch services for Sun. 'Uiatl8pentfor"Vinol. MYi1erves we'r e day.Oct.ober 25th. 'Bible Sehool a t' " , In 'a very'Dad'condition, mBklngmeverr '9:jiO •. m.~ This will be observed 8S I ':weak, tJ.~ and wot;rl out Bn~ often Rplly Day. ano 'old acholars and new drowlY: tieadaebea. I had tried cod '11 fi' d I Le" liver Oil, doctor's medicines, and other ones WI . n .a 1Ie come: . t ~ .er,v p;e~tiOD8 ~thout benel1t. ' .,... brmtr a new one !11th t ...·: n .. " '. Special musIc. An olterlng WIll b.. · One ~JcJa friend asked me to ~ ~Jlken for Ohin Missions, Uon' nl u , VI~ol. ··1 and . loon my appetite ill'- ion and sermon at .10'30 a m U'l id ' qtiued.l IJept ,anclwell better oDd I lIlY am ... " , . . a t· 7-80 atrong, vIgoroUa and now can do &el11perance sel'Vlce : ' )I" hOWMl~ with leuure,!·..;,Mn. J. F. " Everybody~i8' invited to attenrl t n,'~' L4IIBORH, BoIIeFoDtalne, .Ohlo. . I • .serviceS, especially the memh" r>l Ii , . I ' _ - . thecongregatiol). ' , Nervoaa, wrik.r tIied, :wom-out w~ . men Ibould take Lambo.m la Bdvlce • -: • i .nd trj ViOOl fof': ·tbel'e . are ' lItJ1..,rall" -, ~A."~Q~I?RA. O.E SOCIA,I. tbouaaDdI of men and women ~ho were ' . fornu;'rIY 'ruD-do~ wiiak and nervouS, 01 N 2 f T ""1 M ' F. ' "'h . ~ wbo owe tbelr·good health to Vlnol. ; . . 8SI! .0 . • 0 LQ'~ e • ,. \ , uri I . . tb ' '., ' .' will glv,e ao<: Masquerade ~i "' I '!I !, · Itil e medlcl:W. ~e.:.lfUd~IDbgetble- Lytle Hall. FHday ,evenillf, Oct.ol,.., men~ of the'cod I HVI!ra, DI " : ' Y e . 30. AdmiS!!ion lOe mask. rt , " . I'n ' blood making, Btren~enlng I~uenee fiias"ed A Ood . Id of tonic' iron. contained In 'Vlnol, which un . . " ,. ~ ,g . . •;rup~r. ~n ;, 11 .' • ' maleea I~ iO ,fft~ent In ~J lach c:asea. M~SIC by th~ c~n -band , . !!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!i!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'~.-....:.- -

;, '.


WAYNE ,TP. .FARMERS CLUB / , . October h as treated us to s.ome petfect days, and tbe ...·armer·s Club f It thankful t hat Thursday the 8th was one (if the best. Mr. and Mrs. Hough met the members with a most cordial greeting. and all were deligh ted to be welcomed to this home that is so tastefully and bellutifully kept.. - - ' -.~-'----l Whil e the dinner was .being placed on the tables. a pleasant social hour was enjoyed. The dinner wa.~ abun. dan t .and flJlly enjoyed byall. The prellldent and vice president both being absent, Mr. Riley called the Club to order at 2 o'clock and roll-call found ten families absent. Rev. Grauser openea t he meeting with an excellent talk on prohibition and the European war, and was fa l· lowed by members of the club. The special topic for discussion WIlS. "Shredding. does it justify the expense attuched7 The discussion was opened by Mr' Elbon and he was followed by Mr. Chandler and Mr. Riley and Mrs. Mendenhall. Some interesting thoughts were brought out in the discussion. The club then adjourned. The invited guests of Mr, and Mrs. Hough were Rev. Grauser wife and son Charle{!. Dr. Ward and wife; Mr • Kelsey and daughter, Mh!. Louis Chandler and ' I.i ttle daughter, Mrs. Cynthia Evans and Mrs. Duke.




• "


: . .



I(Vote tO,r One) ..' ,

. .'


NI HT, OCTOBER 24, 1914, AT O~clock


W A YNE'SVILLE, OHIO HaJtu~ysbuttg Sam~ Bu~ning


Hon. D. B. Kirkpatrick, of Springfield" Hons. Harry Smitn, of Cleveland. ahd S. S. Tibbals will be the speake.-s. : They' $~ould be heard by everybody. AutomObile· Tour of the County October 31 - Dr. Fess and others

Is· IEvents '

Mr. Ernest Rogers and Miss Ruth. _. _. _ ..- • - - - - .• - , * STATEMENT change in the method of electing u.' Zimmerman, both .of Waynesville, f ' S. Senators they being now cho en were united in marriage br Rev. J. OCl8 StatemeD~ ot tho own~l'IIhln and mrruage- by ~he electors i!1~tead ,of .bY the F. Cadwallader Ilt St. Mary 8 rectory ' t I - _, _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • • ment. ot, t he lflaml Oazette, publlahed &t Legislature the political slgmficance last Thursday afternoon. W'ayneavlUe. Ohio. as ro<lulred ~)' tbe Act ot of the position has been entirely at 4:30 o'clock they took Miss I~mma Hawke .' entertained ulgr~~.c·J,91L erMII: Waynesvlllo 0 1110 ; eliminated . A man wbois not broad upon themselves the,vows that made Sunday evening at a fish dinner. M'1Ul&gllrand ~UbUSl1l1r, ~. L.Orane. W&)'D.I II- enough to use his best endeavors to them one for life, Rev. Cadwallader Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock. Miss I VIt~w2,~~'D , J.,. •. OrallO. LoaIIoo. advance the interests of ,tbe whole ufsin g tpht) bea'utifUfsl lI!arriag e sherviche ·~utchl HartTsock Ii ahnd Mr. b JamheB 1hO~~r~.l1g~~III':"· mortga!;llI. and C!tbor lII!Curlty people by Il:ood and :w.holesomehlaws 0 t he rotestant plscopa l c urc . ''UC ure he 1S were roug t Sworn to and .ub8cribed before me t.W. "and not cater to a Vlillonary sc em The only perso s preaimt besides home from the reservoir. where Miss DLb d .)' of ~C~betfll~!rt Notlll'J Public to enhance party prestige haa ~o just the high cont racting parties. were Hawke had been for a couple ~f .weeks . . . .. claim to be elected to such an imthe immediate fsmily , of t~e bride, , --.:: = portant position. I will II'reatly ~p. Mrs. Cadwallader and Mlss Clara 1.1 '. . d' ;. preciate the favor of those who gtve Lile rs Cora Macy entertained at 1Il- TO VOTERS OF WAR R ,~N C('UNTV me their support and hope to 'retain M·r. lWgers, !lon of Mr. and Mrs. nerkSunMd,ay , MR' r ·thandHM rat' Bekrt HM.artthe friendship of all those who .prefer EI mer n_ •. ISS ' atu d M IIr IS!'! B' ~ger8, Jumor par t n er 'In th e soc, Ed tha Mac T soc, '11 Macy ~lnli a can d'd I ate rm t I1.. Demo- t 0 vote f or eJ'th er 0 f my opponents . firm of lWgel s and Son hardwart· y y 1 errl . orabc ticket for Repre:'lelli;;; ~i~e to the lor whom I have the moat. COrdia) merc.hanbl, and !drs Rogers, the M S h R' 'th Ii t f General Assembly, 1 LJeg.lo call at- r Cg'/lrds. Respec~ully, popular, accomplished . ana beloved I tr:s . lI:f8 K IC IS U' e g es .. °d tention to the fact that oWing to the adv J . Milton Earnhart. to b d aug hte r 0'f M'"". and. Mrs. TLarl Z-m re a IVes In en n r ana un , ,, ,,I . ' ... .J.:ret~ vrell klnoWIlb to need P BCes. _ _ ...._ __ an~n~,,:uuc l.on or eu ogy ere. . . ~h lt8h tOthb e condghratul~tedb o~ HUNTERS TAKE WA~NING . ' w!nnmg eo · er. an. ave e es wl8hes host of .frlends. .b . f M ofda'MR '. ft We, the unde rsigned, will ' not h .r an rs. 0tg~rs.Cah.~r a ned allow any hunting or shooting on our oneymoon spen In · Icago an during the hunting season: elsewhere will be at bome to their premises Isaac Wilson friends .on South Main street, in a Seth Furnas home already furnished and pre: Wm. Williams pared. . . , '. Martin Gons • _ ,. Minnie Satterthwaite CEDARCREEK BATtLE REUNION Mo~t






-- _.- ---

Out of -It.

'cigars, that ' have, been' kept unifonn11 SMOKE moist, and propetiy: handled. ' .f

CJ Havana, Porto Rican and Domestic Cigars should

each 00 kept in a separate compartment so that the originat flavor and aroma of each kind of tobacco is carefully preserved. ... That's on~ of the: tine points in Cigar selUng that mo~tdealersovcr... loo~ but it's a sort·of hobby with us. ~f You'l1 find most of lIie leading brands at ~ur store, and iti perfeCt condition. If wo haven't ),ourlavorile we Will be glad to get it..

HAWKE'S GROCERY W~y,ne8Yille. Ohio


Fine ,



FOR COUNTY hH=?:~:-,,~· recoverI1l8 from Long .' are .due t o Dr. eWsPlne: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!~~ Wh h 't 'd l'ar-~on.flY· . It strengthens · the •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - , erever you .g o -Y<,Iu ear I sal Luugs. abecks the' Cough and gives that Morro~ S~e,~ts will make a good r eUef I~t otloe.-Mr. W. S. Wilkins, co~nty commlf~~lOne,r; h(l bas n,o Gale!!. N. C writes : "I used Dr. strmg~ tteJ to ' hIm. Mr·' ~heets IS ·s Pine :rar.8 oDI1Y Inaollse given a farmer and , mechamc; IS a J, h I I ff d . kman who stands for the char. t) 8S Oope e!!s /lDd ~ e Bo te 1\ oom w~r , of 'man elean and above r~ plete oore." Get 1\ bottle of Dr. .ae: er , . . BeU'(I PiD~-Tftr , Boney. If your pro.a~~. Not a pr!,-ctical scheming 0 oab is dry and bal}king Jet it JlO)1ticlan, but a I?lal!l honest farmer, triokle down thE\ tbront. you w1l1 W.thout any advance in Ayote for t . .Morrow. Sheetate for f coun th · suroly "'et ... relief. Onl y 250 at; your y cOl!lmlssloner IS a vo .. or e DlIUgg18t. Prices' we are' having man who is f~ ~o serve the peopI~. - Lebanon Patr\C~t . adv. .. _ • , ,


FO~ qi)iJNTV ~ECOR,oER .'




... Oharles CroM 18~ out for Recordel'

on the D«;JIlooratic .t icket., and is making; a hard fiJlht lor the ' p1.acu. He.I's well qua!I'fi"" .or the ""81'tl'on ~ J. t'" and many of all parties at;e ·goipg to vote for 'him'NovemJle,r 3re1. .adv .. _ ' . .' , ST. "'A~V'S CHt!RCH ~



9:00 a. m, Morning P~yer, and sel'monat iO:80; :r~e public 1nvited , these serviC4lll', ' " . , .


. . -

L.arge Sales In


.· Z~~~MERMAN'S Underwear Cloths

'New Com Meal. New Pan Cake Flours. New Hominy, New Buille Oats. New Raisins, New Apricots, New Peaches, New Cooking Figs. C)

Fresh Baltimore Oysters, Faney CeIE!ry. Fancy Cranberries, . Nev, Dates; New Fig'$, Fresh Efda:emon~. ,

Broad Cloth-

JeiiIPlf Sweets. Cala Oranges, . Dallli{!b Cabbage\ Mangos. · ,


Call alnd ~nspect our nj!w SanitaI'V Counter; The finest coun. . termade. ".

Tanao .Crepe ,





':.r Ou }Do'· Smoke

, Get the

...... Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cart.wrigbt TO VOTERS OF WARREN ,COUNTV attended the 50th anniversary of the Cedar Creek bat~le, at Memorial As a Democratic candidate fot' in Cincinnati, on Monday eve. cPunty Commi3Sioner I will have the As Cartwright was ' pl~ure' of personally meeting many historic of the V'oters of -the county during campaign. but as it IS irnDllssiible see everyone, I take memorable day for him, and yet rendered the saddest of his life, as of m~ing an appeal there his brother John .received the for you'r support at the election Tues. wound from which be,did no'treeover. da.v November 3rd. ' The exercises of·the evening were I am a resident of Mason near filled with interest, the principal which,place I have lived my entire speaker being General Warren H. life, and I ask every voter to make Keifer. who wa leader bf a division inqilirY I1S to my feputation and abil· during the battle. Reminiscences by ity to adimme the duties incumbent Major Mort Hawkins and others upon m,e should I be elected to Ute were mueh enjoy~. · "Sheridan's office to Which I aspire. Ride" was recited by a fine , elocuShould you support my candidacy tionist. and with excelleut music, the I 8SSpre you that through no act of evening was ' rendered ~omplete for !tIi,n e will you ever have cause to re o the survivors This thrilling event gre,t having"given me your vote. was commemorated under the aus. I thank 'you in advance for your 'pic(8 ofU. S. Grant Camp, '8,. of V" support. Frank V. Stitt. to whom the veterans return th~ir adv. • _ _._ __ most·heartfelt thanks. ' . • _ ....--'.- -

• VY,hat Would You I)o?

T~ ,~ votfd (or in Warrell County. The only Republican. DOW Si~tiD~ on the' B~lJch of the CoUrt of Ap~S.



Twentieth Sqnday after Trinity, ~ FOR ., JUDGE "OF 'THe·' ~ COURT .,.OF ' APP~ALS October 25th. SunctsY' . School at' ~ oj



' .


Have you a large pumpkin. We · win give $1 to thll person bringing to our ' store tho la/:'Kost pumpkin between, now and Thanksgiving J)ay. 15c for best. SOc fQl' third al: 8tore 'and get



B.-aline Silk





600stunningstyles in the Winter Alumlnm Wan "Qutterick Fashions," mnd Rap .A · magnificent selection to " Su:t ~ choose·yC),ur.e ntire Winter ward89m.' Adora_ _ robe_ This lovely: p.blication ( 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1 is only: 2Sc, which indudes any Rap, Mattlnp,Ete. Butterick Patterh you like Free. issue of


At .... ~D E









f ~lireC\t White Gefti~ llid o .( if)

Pl~ue" ~LY

Qunintan e. tOOk the, wheel. .~l*.ltClilEl*I)I(UEI:t!I*I*I.l*l)/( He ar.rlnted .110bulEarl thllY arrived at tbe

depot just 10 tim to see th~ trnln disappe aring around u. beud. Jle ex· plalned bls pred icamen t to his com· panlon, and none too pleasan tly, fo r hit! mind had been set on rel~cblng hom e thllt eyenlng . By ALVAH JORDON GARTH. "l'm dreadfu lly Rorry ~bat I've _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....,.....___ ___ • caused .y<!u all thlR troub le." remarke d "Going bllck bOrile, are you E;arl?" h is clllllpanlon , "See 11 roo though. you Inqulr d Clyde Forrest ot hili cousill. ' ~nll do 1I,1e a (urth l' ravor and h~1J "Yes." came th e s harp. somew hat yourself out, too." "How Irll'lt~b l e respons e. ql\erit.'<l " t 'm going back Earl . IB tbat?" to 'Dunhum thoroug hly cured of my brusque ly. . taocy ror roving. I'll put wllat la left "Why. J live at Corydo Jl; 1 am f ·my '200 In the bank, I wlsb 1 Leslie Sllort.•\s I told you, I nl an in· ~ad never drawn It out. I'm going io valid nnd I wus 10011&h to ven tr'e so buc kle dowll to work and keep right rar from hOMe In my conditio n. This myoid ploddin g ' sensible pro- I ends lIutomoblllng for me l lt you wUl gram. ~[y h igh and lofty Ideas bave oonsent to drive me IlS fnr ns or) ' td:ken a drOll. I can tell you !" don . . YO . u can get II. train the re ~o • Of • Dunha m early this evening und III Elorl Bartle), acted and rolt BorneUte" what rI:fflcd . His s tory was a simple be" ~,I nd to settl e tor your t rou.. . Id one. He had IIvcd at Dunbom all 1Iis Nev l' mind thnt e nd of It, sa lite His fathor had l eft him II. small Enrl. " nd splrlled up III tbe but' 81~eady real estnte nnd Insuran ce of seeing :\I ar)' thnt 8vclling thoughl art~r ull. bu sln ss, Thl)re were no big profits . Ourlng lhe next . hour Enrl . I 'lIrned bllt the regular collecti on or rent s for thnt bls compan ion \I' US 1\ whims ical cli ents and some nouiry public bU BI· ypung man or weallh, who fan led 11 ss r su ited In a fairly good addcd blmself nn Invalid. Tho brusque . f ree 'lIle rg y ot En rl made bl s IH'tlunlntnnce Income . Earl "had 11 girl." Mary Evana was q~lto Companionable. He rou sed out pr(ltly, popular . aml. b,!st ot 1111. prac· or his timidity Itbollt dus k. ''1'11 rellcve you at we wheel," he tlclIIl. Earl earned enough to dress well and take Mory lo the OOO(l610nl11 obs ar ved. "Wi sh I 11:\d you r splendid .ent:erta lnments Dunholu altorded .· HI~ physique und nerve: my friend," an~ ·father had left him tbe tam Ill' horse, be spurted up th e Ulllchlu l'. quite bllt slow and old now . Also II. buggy pleased Ilt gnln Ing courage Cram tbe that had seen Its best duys. Mary proximi ty of Earl. Just· at Ilu s k t hey w nt whinin g deCtlared that she enjoyed a driv e on a siafo basis. Wbcn e\, r some of the hy a tah n bOllse. Earl had tUTne~ on more fo rtunat e young bloods of-l}un · tll(l reflectors and Sbort. Quite roused with his valiant elYorts at tbe haTn dashed by wl(h th eir automob1l E18, however, En rl f elt dmgrln ed wheel. wus putting Oil the IIpeed when he s uddenly drew buck wl t11 n posl· nnd hehlnd the' times. "It's not justice to n. nice girl lIJ;e Bve scream , "Gront henv ns," b e gasped- " I MI1TY to uslt her out wit h slo\\' pOky old Dobbin," rumina ted Earl. "Wish ha\' e kUled somebody !" Ouly '" nus hlng glance Earl had of I luud (In auto mobile. I could get arou nd fast nnd doublQ my busines s. a prostm te figure In tb e middle or tbe rand. Tben the swift machin e ' Vlslh I WIIS making more money ." passed over It. There was a n un eartb· Then ho hnd a vIsit from bls coueln Clyde who II vcd at. Rowlllnd. That Iy yell. Earl's flesb crept. S bort h ad town Wu.s hn.vlng Il boom. There were dropped awny{ rom Ule " 'lIeel and sat huddled back In the suat, hll\ bands ovet· his eyes and chatte,l ng madly In an excess ot wild terror. If Earl had not nelzed the ~ heel lU jlt In the nlclt of time. the mOlCH ..... would bave gone over the elde of ,t be road to sur-e deB(ruc tlon, "Iile a man!" he adjured hlB tranttc compan ion and ran back the road. Btl returne d almo,t lastant} y. '1t was a dummy n~re .. a trlct ot the tarm boya to seare race fiends," he explain ed, "Cqme, come. brace up!" he urged the abject. nerve-r acked Short. "I can't-o h, this e cltemen t wl\1 11;1\1 me !" chatter ed Sbort. "Get me out of this and I will never enter a.D .automo blle again. Plea _e, pleale, IIsk the farm people to get a s teady rig and drlve me home! I'll pay any price." "Dut


PICKED OUT THE RIGHT TIME 9choolboy a Good Deal More ;Thoughtful Then MOlt Younga tlra We _ Ever Heard Of. A pOI)ular membe r of a certalJl, Hchool board teUa a good ,tory ot • certnln schoolboy wbo eoj01. the un iQl1 e' dlstlncU on at having atteude 4 Ollll school tor 11. yeam wjthout belllaQIlC II bsen t or late. In evldeno e of Ib is th e youth 1& the proud owner of It medals. Wbeu the el ventb mednl wus conferr ed the boy's moUler WD,II I\sl,cd whetbe r her Bon (wer had ItIlY IllnEl6s. "Oh. yes." sb e reviled . .. M eusles .! •• "Yes." " \\'boo plng cougb 1"

a sliorl time &1)0 • •t11rlll at borror swept over tbl! world , us the slory wue told at the sloklng of the Titanic, wltb It6 cargo or preciou s lIYes, Over fourteeu 11IlO' dred at our brothel'S aud II 1st r 8 drowned 10 11 night. What ' wonder thal- moved by " r 8." tile mighty IJrot at of clvlUzed human· ")Jow Is It. th en, tblll he hn~ been H~' ugrunst conditions lill ie to make 60 r markab le a l' 'ord which mllde Bucb u· catllstro phe poB' III sc:: hool?" slble-co ngressl l6 nnd parliam ents boo ~ ., "W e ll. be genernlly hllli '"m In s1lrrod themsel ves a8 never before to his holldnY H," was tho pru ud ul ll lh llr 8 make aafer the " entures of great ablps Intorf'sl \og \' ply. on the sea; so U8 to guard IIgalnBt like calamit ies therea[ ter? But a horror even PIMPLES RUINED COMPLEXION C r ea t e r tban the linking of the TI· 724 E. N. Ave., Olney, IIl.-" When tanlc la every week my trouble first begun I !loUced little enacted In tbe Unit· pimples coming on my· {nCB , They ed States. as, beItched tractlng IUld bu rned 80 undly that I hod the d18· tweeu each two Sun· to scratch them an d I IJ~t only mad ease, Inde d. a.c. day mornlng e. over tbem wQrse. About a weel. lut el' m tual figures show ninetee n bundred f:lce was &0 budly covor lJlJ ., Illl thut In many preclo U8 80uls pimples Ilnd blackhe ads lhat I WI\8 country dlstrlctB plunge' down to tbe asham t Ii e ed. J\!y COmlJle). loll wml rUin ed. mortali ty aby s. of deatb ( rom consum p · 'fhe Ili/llpies WOUld' sOllletlm(lil IJlccd 1.brough tbe ravages tlon Is far greatand fester. . ot t ubercul osl8 or r than In tbe " J bougbt n. box of comple:xlon cream consum ption. aut large clties. and used It but without (lffeel. One their .C:epartu re lacks At! t uberculosiB day I I~ ea rd or IItl cum Soap and the dramat ic and Is caused by a Ointm ent and 1 derl deu to give th em epecto,cular etrects 1\ t rial. So I got a cako ()( Cutlcurn germ or seed wblch attende d tbe Soap n~d a box or CuLicum Ollllm nt, sown by men, It 1088 'Of £11 e g rea t was bed my face wllh till SOU!) uud apclearly remalos etellomer; bence It plted the Ointme nt null lu two WI! l,fO tbat If the seedmakes BO little 1m. I wae {'ompl etely WI'!!." (ign d) sowing Is stopped pre8slo n 0 n , b e and me(lsures are Chas. E, McGinn, Mny 5, 1914. Jllinds of tbe public. taken to prevent Cutleur ll Soa\> nnd Oln tmont sol d Hence. too, tb e dIm: through out tho world . .Snmpl of c:Jch tbe germino tlon .nIlty experie nced in of seeds already free.wllll a2·p , Skl~ Bonk. d(lr<:s POllt· .. ecurlD, from legis. card "CuUcu ra. Dept. L. nostou."-Adv. sown tlmt the JatureB, for t!ombatlng tb'e "whIte 'rhe home bulldt'r and houseko eper spread at thlll dread dise ase ' can be plasue, " a fraction of tbe mODey8 make the mselves active Good Reason . whlcb they would treely vote 'to 111'0- the epread ot connum prton agen'e in prevented. and that It can, within a when they reuona ble period. b e banillhe d from rt ., a \'ery youthfu l 'Ia~ In teet voyacer e from the lesl destruc - ao arrange the, dwnlltn g place Hat it the land, jUlt ae yellow fever baa heeJl 'P hysiolo gy _ tlve "white calls" of the eea. Yet the lacka eumcle nt ,.ClntllaU on, partlcu- banlabe d tro;m regions once looked up-. "Why;' aslted the. t(,Bchall, "hI It b lit ra"BJet! ' of tuberculoel • •'~e fat' more larly In ,Ieeplq 1'0')0111. A low-oelled, on u ita perman ent, to flat SOIll) ftrst wben 0,,11 16 v ry heaven- ordalne d eeeUy pN~entable ,'han are tbe' calam· u:a:~t little room, 1I1th only a tr.cUon habitan t. One ",auld bungry ?" . that the ttlel' ~ttendant on OCl~n trami!. ot the air IIllace n!lclled for a Ilqle 'barrow1 og spectac le oftblnk The puplle stnrcd lit bor blankly .' 1,900 ot .our Our foe la aD', IDvlllble one. It II ba.lthy adult. and with the wlndow• . people dylng .every week of t~e year as Then Jamie enlighte ned them frofll ' .kept cloled In wiD tel' to retain the a relu!t at our carele8B d'lOW i t he depths of bl s experIence. Bee true be marche s upon u. mUlIoDa warmth , alfordll ng lGo..l cODdltions for would kindle In every breaBt· a !letel' • •~... Ilg. but we know of hl8 pre8enc e "You can get It down ro t r." he tbe develop ment of tbe dll8alle. . B8\I· mlnatlo n to IItop It. Bllt announ ced . BUCb a reeuIt . Only by his worke. ' We call him the all" debilita te. and w_en8 I -....,.. - - - -"white plague" · beeaule pf tl)e color eyetem, polaonl tbe blood, tlle whole 'can be eecured only by Buch llO-op~ra· and maltel tlOD all the. part of the public with pa. be .. -IYe8 the tllbe~les ("tuben ," D.r. Pi_', Pelleu. 1IJl411 Bugl\r·cOl1~I, the t\811I1ee, eepecta lly the lung tlssueB 'tlentl and their faml I ea.-y to take 'a s ermd),. regulate 111111 in\'i&. lea U Invo IV88 •"lu,mVII") ' ",hleb be caultee to .1'0'11' In -a 'verlt.b le hotbed' orate stolllllcb , liver and bow ,Is. 1).) )l OS for our lunp and ellewhe re In our bodIes,. tlon of the ierml. Tbe tbe prop..a.' the eacrlftC& of much .money on the gri .... Adv . IIOry-and.a.' one band, and o.tmllch alfectlo nate lenWhen we hunt-to r him w,lth , microhalt house; with the cqntrac ted apace tlment and some "lIberty" 00 the 0 th er. • Cope we find. he .~ a baclllue . or :won· Eaty to See, ' +l' colll!)gl glvell ,to lte_Ileep-- It depl!ndB largely on. tbe answer mad derfully 'small, 'roctHke liIla,nt or IeI'm. • and II10nll\g e ~ "1 wls b I could bave 80en your great Ing rooDiIl, I. a menace to the bealth to the questlon, ~"Can I I our peop e r ee which. having' round hlB way, lay, to ot all who live In It, fent." !laid II fadi to n sontleii13n who oOur ' luogB, propaga tes blmself with .called a cottage or, a wbethe r It be to the hlgb altrulBtlc level D,!ceBSaryfor bad met with a batardo u B ndv nture "l>unga low." euch •• crlflces t !'· e whethe r ·or leas r or ra"ldlty .Ilot cun· _ accordi ng to ... ~~ In ~Ica. "'The re t~JlY are, madam." Tbe Imprees lon tbat tubercu losis silmpt Ion shall be banl8he .~ ~~~::~3:~~;;~~~+:~~~~~;~::~::~~:~i~~ I vow nev· lJid thB clrcumB tancei r ,eurroulIdinB him. d In a BeD' hI!, pointing to his peda'i :llremler to 'on\l prevalle again! chien)" If you III don the k ', cities Is an un·. erat\oD: From what we now now ':~",..~:"":i:J~-:t-'=----Tlh8''ttle IDvader may find bls way found" , de1u810. ties. take n, ) '11 eend ' my man ,after It and n. , It Ie q!llte natural regardi ng the epread of tub" \ IDto the body througb lungs. stomach tbat eueh an Lmpre8 e. cu I08 IB have It aunk in the river, I'm 1n earn· slon IIhould pre-' It 1s plaiD that If we would prevent the ......~_-r0.-r_..,-"'k , ln. ....-... vatl, for we are aeculto med to a8110- scatten ng Qf' the eeed ob. gei me bome!" we mUBt Isolate The Proud POlloaa "- o.r of , . $2.000 eat,AndIt'sthntyoursTbe old·tlme belief that tubercu losle elate with country living, Ie why Earl Bartley drove' an abun· thoee wbo scattel' It. I~ ahould . be wu heredit ary Ie now known to be dance of ' pure, (reah Touring Car. Into DunhRm that even ing the all', plenty of done u kindly and with aa much reuDfoullded.. Unles8 ~t II cO!Dl!lunlcat , ("Jom Indoora and an proud pOBseSS OI' of uncollll trafned gard to the affectio ns of llahent and possllble grand openlng e for an ed to a chOd after,bl rth be may never. obeerva nce of the . Nat All Sunshin e. enter· doUar touring car. a t wo thous\ln d lawlI of bealth. But familY u po88lble, but 1t ehould be prlsillg young man, It built up hl ~ 80 Earl lett hJ a M1'$. I!'lDtte- Dl dn' t YQU IW)t It you bow ,t he dlaealle. He may,' 1I0wever, the' actual cOpdltlonll busines s 8S be planlled, and tllere are tound to ~~, 'done. Every citizen 8hould take a buslnesB tempor arily 10 nll\rrled mo It would be all 8u!ll:lhlne' ' cbarge of an came an opportu IDhel'lt • bodily conditioD which pre- 10 ortell at varianc e wltb thlll'. ldeal band In the work ot lltampl nl out thlll uBlsI:a llt and went d\)wn nity to eell BOme' Mr.' Fla(to- Yes, I did. (lIIPOU I blm to afford. a ready lad,;· ... to ~ompel even the to explore . propert y for Mr. Short, whlcb equared most Il6810us fearful, which ta~eil euch a coDdl.tlonB at Rowlan "Well: d, ~.t of th,e germs In hili t1aBuea. Tbe advoca tel of I 8upp'ose yqu realize that tbe deaL ' countrY livIng t.o admit heavy yearly to\1. Urge YOUI' senator . , It took Earl a month ,to find out that dlleaae never "comell of ItBclf." It tha~ the mer.e 'ract' of "A:nd all our good furtune because ,I've got a lot ot rain chcQkl$ comi ng \0 one'a living In ~nd ' represe ntative to support any whatElv er reqUIreB the IIlaDUn, of a speclOc the country" 18 no aecurity there was of good propert y you follow cd me! " &l)alnllt con· measur e looking to t!lIB end, chance s bad been already cor'n~red a poor tell a kindly Impulse .te? help ...d, ripened to .time other orlan· * * . * •• ow by wld~aw&ke re814t!11tlS o~ the town. sweetly ,the In trouble !" . uld M&J:y, DoII't ' be mi~le" .•' ek for Rell . lro• day tbey were married , Ball nlu~. :\lakeft hetlllti fu l \·hit.e clothee., It took hl~ another month to dlscov(Copyrig At all . ,oo~ j!1"Ocers. Ad\· . h t. 1914. by W. 0 ; Cll~i)lri:a.n. ) et . other person<, ~r ant~al, Infected theretblLt the caule of \h~ the reA ,with. h.. ecattete d ' the germa upon port ·tbat two large · I.qduslrles were ~.lgium'lI uatlono) ~eOltb u. y.~a/' . I going to locate at ~owland. wall 'taIB~. ' tile &round... In the honae, UPOD beel· NG LIBRAMS OF USE waa estimat ed ID ·he.. ~9,OOO,OOO,OOO. Ilgo , ' The bottom 4~, clotblq or food, from whlcb, 'Int Deputy Oovern or 'of O....t Brit. o' r tbe boom fell out. Then "True," courteouBly replied Mr. 004· --. .. p,lalntlv~ Je(t~r from M~y. I.h Financi al In~ltutlon ' Killed tbroulb thealr we bnialh4!,; the food ow ta..Pluc k a Turkey Ollly One of tniS:: i "but I am no more exposed . than came ~be 1'lllls/ld ' him, ehe was IODely we eat, or otllerwlBe, ·they 'mlly enter In U'e Trench lL the Many Od~ Requll tl That your majesty," "come home'," tDto oar ,boCilea. It I. commu nicated . . Are M = a =de ~.,---_ "Yet," returne d the Itl~g, "I am In throUlh ' the.e cueleaa ly ' ecatteN y a .trange colncld eMe NaDtur, my duty. aDd tberefo re bave a more "Well," .ald Olyde; '11ve an~ learn. Some notion of ·the queer request s lerml= ottenes t Irom the dried .Iplt the Belglan clt7 wblob You'vi, bad a rest aDd some experiII ftgbtlng 110 reuona ble .claim ,to, preserv attoll." of a conlumpU,ve,...-from. onepers oD to promine ntly In the ence, Ilnyway.'" made at , p~bllo IIbrarle8 IB ~orded in, sreat Europe an At thiS momen t a callnon ball,' 11""' another , undl " a 'whole family or ' war, 18 coonlic ted with "I've had m" nonae·n BI-I ' an article pea!ln, w~tll tbe library at a ,tlmng etpry from the rampart a, '8 trilck Michael " croup ~f faJiill~e. may become ,gen· conceri lins the Banlt of 8111IUI"OD' I .. we· Ebsland , 'Bayl Godlrey and killed blm InBtAntiy. knocke d clear . out: of me." retorted 'gIV~I!:, tern city. Theile Ib8tanc ei are et.. ' for the ellr!llld of .t be dleeue. Londol i TIt·nlta . . This .ead event lJ'eatly affected wn Earl. "t fancy home-farina- lite ,I s' (he Recentl y a man came ' lll alld a8ked ~o Suffe~A:a 'Many 'Gm. Whole' . trlbel! and ' natlonl have been AI everyon e \mOWB. Wlllla.1I\ Patter- Itam and be comman ded the body to best. Good·bY·" , . . for BOrne ' of tbe argume nts a,alnBt known to be free from tuhercu lo!ls son .a Scotij8b farmer, , J>o...:..:Ten. How Sbe ' . wu tile found· be takell to ~nrland. wbere' lt wae All Eorl thougb t of under the Ill' womaD .,,!frase . Tbe proller until lOme tra,vele r 'brough t It to them, er bf the lJ'e&t Institut artlclel ion In Thread · I.ald to rest In St: Swlthln'l! cburch, ftuencEI of the ' pathetl.c letter , 'Found Reli~f. ' perhapt l unconsc ioully ID his ow'. needle etreet. His plan fi'plll 'were lought oui. and the IIbJ:lulall BUg· for .. nationa l n,ear. the Bank of England, In the Mary, I to get back hoine :and geB~ed tbat he might ca~ to look epu,ta, or 10 PIe clothing .or bedding . bank wAi ' I!ubmltted at to the gov_ern· cburch recorda Godfrey'e, meinorY II buckle 110wn to hard :work .alonl the those In favor of , womao suffrage' Da . Sterling ,. Conn.T" ·I ,am a girl ot 22 It may hB, .of sonle compnn lon wbo m(ln't In 1691, but It wu not till three honored thue: . old 11oe8. bad d.l ed of It. ",'ell. : ·' tter,'· he ,replhid "'Yearlly. yean aDd 1 uaed ,to' faint away every yean later that the chancel lor of the "He died 'a bachelo r, much. lameote d It 'WIlS two miles from the home of "1 get thoee from my and was ver:J A leconda ry flource of ' the illBeUe exoh8qu er, Mr.. Montag wife." ue" and · MI; ,by all hili ft1.enda, relaUo~e and ac- hili coinsln to tbe railroad I was' al80 '- Ie ftiUDd In tbe tact tbat tbe tuber. cbael Godfrey, one of The ""j~eapfead ' belief that D \I. tbe rlcheBt mer· qualnta ncel, tor btl Integrit y. hI. ewung alonr the eountry depot. Earl tbotbe:r~ ~ lot lwltll ' eulOllle of anlmalB Is very nearl)' the chants In LOndon, put road" calcu· brar), can fUrnish a boo~ on any Bub· the 'Bame u that In man. aDd so It may be operatio n. At thlll time echeme Into kilowle dre alld' the IweetDe es uf hll latlng he , bad just time, to the j eet, no matter bow vagae. IS' Illua. I England ' wBe manDer s." station for the laBt train or, the day. tT&t~d by tbl8 request : commu nicated through the eaUng at at w~r :wl~~' Franoe, alll! Godfrey. wt!o '. AI be made a turn 10 the ~foac,\ be ,,(U ' , "I have been Bslted \ milk or meat of Infected , anlmalB. In. wus tlie bank'l llrst ,deputy to write a com~ Moet hljliriou l of Tradee. hailed 10'Udly. t.l mate associa tion wltb a peraOb baY: lett hie peacefu l occupat governo r, . . 'poBltion all wbaf' l IIlW on my way to ion to vlBlt Qulck81 lver miners fDlIow tbe mOBt A well dressed young man lIat ,belp- echool today. Oan you Ing the dlBell8 e-eleep lpg 1n tlie same Namur, tben 'being give me any vigorou sly be-; unbea~thf..ul trade In the ' world. Th. bed, drinkin g and eatlng from the sieged by the English 'le8aly Ilurveyi ng a Btalled aut~moblle. book,B, ali ,It?" TbUIL forees under l'um~B at the mercur y produce CODboy In the 88me valBele kissing and fondlln i, William 111. Godfrey had underta ken ltant 8a\lv~tion, : and the syl!tem, be. One w!heel was IItUCk. In a rut. He elrhth 'grade. ' and breathi ng the dust raised by tbls perlloua Journey .In pre.ellt ed & picture frantic an]llety ' And then tbere are 'the high 8chool and av.;eepln g rooms Inbablte d by such- BuH the king respect lng order to COil' come.a perme.,tl!d 'WIth the metal; the and nervous worry. . . bOtB who, In, n. p.e r\od o( r t;!'Volt 'from L-_... ;.._.....~.-'it baa made me feel tbe supply of ·teeth pt the unfortu nate , inen drop 18 the most common way ID ",'bleh tu. money to the army necessa "See here," he calle~ out" "come poetry, return .tbe "Idy1l8 _o f ·the Klnl" Uke a nBW tikI and I am Dowrel teved ry ,to carry out/ t hey 108e . tbelr appetite . become berculollla 16 epread, Tbe dwellin g. ' on the war. ThlnltJng that tile safest em!lclat~d ,and . a. a rule s ' Idom I\v. .tllls WB:;· . . won't . you? My machlDQ, and allk If ,they can·t get "tli\s crazy of.a11 \hellO troubles; I h9ptl all younar in which one or more eases ot the die: place would natun\ll y bas gOIl I! ' dea.d, I'm In . a rut alld I, Btuff In :prose." pl. relief .. I bave• .; 1 nevl!1' he sdme here longer tban two year•• ' ease baveoo curred, without tbe ob. neaf his majellty, Michael don't !mow what to dO.;' telt bettertn my 11f,. "-Miss BIRTHAA• . venture d IDCblldre n' about' to particIp ate In a servanc e ot modern ' sanitary preca\J- to the ·trencbe B and soon . "Why, get out and All- I~" advised ' debatl! , caiise ' some, calIgbt the ' Lion Can 8e Hoard Fe hett. IncoDvenlence, PBLoQUIN. BOx 116, Sterling , Conn. tlon'!! have often becoine effecttv e In· eye .qt the king. Ela. r l, a ' !lttle nettled at th. t i , ' The ' 'rollowl . Tbe .roa~ "f a Jlon ~n bto 'bllard nl a~bjecta ate Dot !lIlB7 ' JI~nllo, ¥. Y.-"I ·,h ave taken Ly- , strumen tlllltlea for propaga tlug the Des'B el<hlblte 4 b¥ .t he . Ol,Vner: ".IIfr. God,frey," eala the. g1v~ referen ces on ! "Whicb IB Nee· di. E. r.lnkba m'. Veget&l . . dlsellse -tamlly 8fter family contrac t· Iy, "I think you, ought Wilham , grave- rat1bljr ~an the' sound of nny ,Uvln& auto. . . I lIot essarler . Water. or Fire'!" "Which Is abd I highly recommend llo Compound - , Ing It 8B eacb .has s uccessiv ely oce,.· rlak. You are a civilian to run tbis , Ilreatut'e, Next ctlme the crhis ot the it. If anyone "I Call·t. 1 don'it kll-o...,. how;" almoit Mightie r, t he Pell or the and COD be hyena, the BcreectJ owl, 'the panth~r Sword 1" wanta 'to write to me ' I Win gladly (ell Illed tbe hQuse. ';"aUed of no use here." HIe young mlU;l • • ':l'm an . mval· ,and the jackal In euccess lon. The Impress ion which . BOme pel'BOna ~et aJ)out my I WU canalnl y in lsl'Tner Vtll<lI wreck! pOCl~r ~YB I have t~t , a llbr.a glve.1,nf orm,a. condition "ll!1bl~ aU tUmm\\st ,be oareful, Plea Ie help me oUt, ~Ion on any .topJeryIe can Ilot only odd . but Ingtow ater.' .Ihadpl mple8'o n myta~ WATER FOR THE DYSPEPTIC lief that water does not remain 'long t~o:t It IB empty and craving for food . that's a, good fellow." pleaBln l. It lq8y be B,e t ott against ' aDd a b8d color, and:fol' flva, yean I~ ttie Btomach, but PUle8 wllbb:\ a ~heD It I hid . at h I8 watoh. Is Teally falrJ,y weU full. Earl glanced beeD French Phy.lcla n Glvee Advice Wh.lch few minutes 'Intc! , th'e IntE!5tlnea. troubled He bad th e OPPOI Ite no.tIon. equa11Y eUBser -' "'_ with auppi-ee slbL Tb.e ........... ea1led It ",Aneml a ~Iquld and no tlme Exh-"~ of t o any waBte. Bart A added thought In of any Mary ated. that a library II of OD practica l """....... Should B. of Much Value to It Is true tbat water ,fip""" on quick· large quantit apuqed 'blm on. Commo n Bympa~ y to the f food .waUow ed ale whalen I'. . the Afflicted. tion,' and· a.aIli I wu all ·run down, bat Iy If the atonlsc h II empty, cold ...;atllf dllutee the Ilutrltlv urged h im to act tbe humanl tat1an, , AI a sample ot the e juices to ' excels ftret Ide&" ~n' Lrdia ~ pJ~'1 Veg.~le QD. ta.king ten mlnut/38 and warm wuer exclteB the L"pound cOntrac tion of the muICu: He Bet . t work aD the _chine . At lid!,!" .ue _ out ai, rigtJt. .. _¥Ju Doctor J,.even 01 Paria. ODe of tbe live on tlle average ,roman -wbo called over the LA.'YIIIA~t . Bllt 2~ the eto'mach lar walill 9f the atomach , IlI1d Mn. . 'Box 14, 11...... N,. Y., tile end of one-haH lUI haUl'. "1'IIOIIt famou8 slleclo l\ste Il) dlsorderll contaln a the smll,Uet! he tires 1wl out It telepho ne the dly · before !l'hanlla gt.,. t quanUt y of (ood an organ iUready ",eary 'or m. . •• trJm, . , ot the Btomacb. gives In a l' CBlll paper th~ waleI' wlU 'In, and .eked how til pluck a turke:r. yo.... OtrJll;:HM rematD In It several ci~chl... 80m. advice on how and when ~spep­ hours. ' . you'll .. ...,! take m rl6 me he catCh • tHIn,". ,to lics IhODld drIn k. &114 readbunted It to ber UbrarIaD ..!Pbe X'ruy- ha• ..rev~led anOtbe r ..It .owr up Intile a tel.. He NY' tIIat X·ray obeerva tluna or I'or. one of sen88Uon too. AJld Ute ODe wlao ••ked felt ~y the It~ tile have proved the er· which I. the bell~f thiLt .PtIih or tile I'reDcI& the atoma,cJa.·1a . . . . . . namre of the establlebet1 be- fIlll wheD It fa alllolut l1IIIIOU·,. U1'.CII'· u.e p)lOa,ao elt or



--.;....- - - -


~~~ b~~.:it~b:~UI:I~o:!le!:~:~:: "iI" AA'MUR ' a lN~'


















EaB,y to S~e POlllbllitlea of Oevlce That Ma)' Be Cheaply and QuickITS ly Constructed.

New' Indian Animal Stories

Tho'e .He orten occa slnllS wh ell uti Taffeta and Chiffon Should ,i, t I I E I Ilr il. .,-m - ",ou lar Allo Should Be of the Taffetil.

When ,t he Animals Stopped Talking

the. cuke dillhes are Itl us . und ' yet




Be the Ma. I mor e are ne ded. When th is happens By JOHN M. OSlUSON I crdln or y plates cun b e turn ed Into er , • (IOlle cosily knd ~=,r,:-'+ Made l)urcltasQ twc "or three 'wlre hold er s. The slzea vafY. T h e medium 011 II lire th e Inos t us e(ul; t hese fit on t ljl thl.u k, iC you' lire .fond o[ gra y- a Ull ore!lllur y pudd lng or' br II I an d QU/' nlco sUv ery shade-that tbe accom- ter pia e. panylng design 'tor an o f tel' \loon f rock Tb iJnnd le can he I rt il R H la, ur s hould s trike yourl fancy and ' work wllJ look ull the dulutlel' If swathed out spl endidly In taffeta and chiffon, l.L Dutoh town s, of course, havo hou~es, prosperou s·looklng, we ll ·llC llt, with a coull'astlng note of color In thl' lr canule ; thorClu,ghtares a.B and ot a. fair sl1.o. s!> <;lud e th emselv es, tbe cross·over s hould er straPS and llusy and !reQuentM ' IIS their each o,ne in Ita oWn gard en. A uarrow girdle ' whloh might be petunia blue, brlck·pav d bl gh..road s, but lhe Ilath runs bes lde....\.lJe wllter, whi ch III purple, e merald green or cerise, writeif' . 11'llle r villuges bave vlrlually crossed by blgh rlckety·looldng wood· Ltlllan E. Young In ,the Washington nothln~ else: One ot the bes!·knqwn en bridge , raised above the water, so Star. This stra p arrangement Is quite of Utese Is Aal silleer. ll . may be, at· liS to allow of tile plUlsage ot a \lUnt· a smart touch and hints a bit at the tallied by the pr<,lsulc! BleanR of the pole beneath them. rr;,he wlmle place military- an Influence that will be ,rjlIlWIIY, though ·the man ,of sentiment Is like a. bower ot green, Tbe poopie widely noted In styles tills s eason, It will prefer to approach Its Idyilio themselvcs nre no )'1101'0 al)pal' nt than Is one lenglh of 8alln or velvot ribbon, horell by boat, or, at least. by road, some woodland al1lmal; the' oniy firs t, run under a sbould er collar across espeCially ut! lhe way to It ' leads events tbat ever happen b ere lire a the 'baCk of tb e 'blouse. then or08sed · through soine ot the most Interesting wedding or a tuneral process 1011, which o\'er tbe bust I n trant, and finally cn· and distinctive country ill H,olland, bolh nUke must make their way down clroled about tbe waist and tied In a with a prelly 1·lbb on. On e und a hair For AalslUeer 11 a on lhe edge of tbe tbe silent green streams. 'J'be village lltlie bow at lhe bacl!. T~18 II! only yards of ribbon wilt be quite s uffici ent dlHrlct k;nown as the HaarleDler mere, lIas Its ' m'oment of life when the chit. a detail, but one ot ,those which ~ount. for It. & rich and ferUle tract of land, whlcb dren cOlDe out of school and play all The dre, s has a long·sleeved cblffon Swothe round and round Ilnd at th e was cavil red a hundred years ago t1y a the naITo", footpath, or rUIl and crowd blouse. whose lower portion IB covered top p ut. u daluty little bow, The color dllnge.rous and s tormy Inland sea, wltli 11 sklll bam of long practice over wltll a IItralgbt band faclllg of the tat- of the ribbOn used will dep nd upon formed In the fifteenth century by the narrow plank bridges which cro ss the gen eral decorations of t he room 1100ds (roUl tbe Rivel' Rhine and lhe tho Inte rsecling call11ls. and tabie, When ' these stands are Y. ?raduall)' thla great lake eprend Not the \east attractive part of the used for sandwich es a little cord with tilt It becalDe a mellace to LeI den , visit to Olcthoorn III tbe Journey there. tb e kInd of sandwich , s the sland holds lIliarlem, Amsterdam lIud even The point of de parture Is tbe charming written on (:an be hung from th e top treclll, llud keeping tbe ne cssary Jlttle town of Meppel: half·wny be. of tb e hold er. dlkee and 81ulcoo In order became a tween Zwolle and the more nortbern Very pretty and useful presents CUll b'lavy burden In labor and expenae. Il toWD8 or Friesland. Without hav£ng be given by tbls ijlmple means. A t was Into tbese waters that 300 of the any historic or antiquarian assocla. many china shops odd lots of cllioll citizens , of Hllllvlem were tbrown, tied tlon~ Mellpel has IU\ engaging ladl. are to b e had lit very chenp prices back to back, In the bUlch r.y by lhe vldu~lIty of Its own, and It Is surround. Very good :p lates can sometlmfJB be Children, Color Up This Picture. ,ijlllllt1ards that took Illace ufter Ita ed by pleasant country and manv pickert up (01' a copper or so . 8~e~e and capitulation In the ,wlnteJl of Iledgee. , Some dtstance from Mepl)~1 A holder daintily covered with rt'b· (Cop),rlsht, by .McClure cat. ,) N . ..... paper Syn41 - and strong that the anlmale knew that l a72-3'. . ia a village called Wannellerveen. 1l1ld . bon, and put on 11 decorated plate, Long time ago, In the late afternoon, he eould do ae he so:td. Then the wolf Greilt .Engln.eer!,n' Fe,t. - bere.-a boat must be' laken to Gl,et. looks quI a ali- ImpOSing gift. and It. Is whell the boys and glrls at the Indian 'would get up and any In an angry Dralnlng this large tract ot land was tloorn. Tbe boats Ilre rongh puntll that one that Is greatly appreciated, tor people got Ured of playing they would voice: 'e o .srest 11 teat of engineering tbat Will take a mast and soli. and are olle never has too many u8eful and Ilom~\~~es go out wbere a big tree "It anybody tries to stop me tro~ tbOll;gh It waa suggested by & Dutch· manned generally by· a dellgbtful old pretty standa for the table. ,spread Its brancbes and hold a. couu. talking I wlJl silt his throat wltb m, man. called Leeghwater a8 early as the l1sherman, picturesque and prlmltlve ' cll. teeth! .. ., ¥8venteentb Clentury. It W08 not ullder· ' as bl's tarry little craft. At fll'I!t tho For a Ume they would carry on th~ And' 80 It .got ta such a state that no FA~SHION'S FADS takell till attell 1836, when If more stre1\m willds among Dleallows, then It counoll jU8t< like old people, all sit. one hl all llie council -could slleak. tban u!lJlally- vlolenl storm had cauaed alo"ly Wlde!IIl ' lnto a broad eXjla.nao 'ot tlng Quiet round tbe place at tIle fire There was, QUiuTellng all the Urne. The rqajor'lty of slaeves are long. «rE;at deatructloQ of prolle'i'Ly ~rom reeda tllat ,whiljper.· and bow tn tbe and only 'o ne boy ot' one girl getUng One day the Quail, who was the mea. Full circular aklrtll are binted at. flood ~ , l!N~n then tbe IIcheine was not wlJlct npparebtly Inaccessible and up to IIpeak at one Ume. But atter they' senger fro~ the thunder goda to tho Some of tbe new BultS have coat's had been 81tthlg on tbe ground unUI animals on.d t~e 'peopl&, . thought that with blgh nlacks. th ey began to get tired, three or tour he would fly off through the aUD's door :I'M brilliant shades are not In good would rlae ilt the same time and all In the west and ask the great beaver taste for fall. of . them would want to speak: ,And who !lad gone to live In the land 01 , Black lace over white Is smart. even very 800n tbere would be such a shout. the thunder gods, what should be for young glrla. lng ' that one at the old men would done. Plaited .ir,eases are among tll e best come and say tllat he wouid have to For a long time the great bea.ver for young gllrls, . smoked and studied about what the mako blmself cblet at the council. Any amount or , 'olvet will be ,usee! But Instead of sitting all head of tbe Quail ad saId, and then he 'got up, the coming winter. play-counoll the old man would aoon put bls pipe In his pocket and said Fancy filet meshes are th e mOSl be . telLIng thl8 story of how the ani. tbat he would go back with the Quail, fashionable ve,lhlga. inals once lost thetr power to talk with When he oame to where the animals The ta's hlons for t914 strongly em- each other and wltb man: ' 8mart Frock 'of Taffeta ilnd Chiffon. were sItting the (reat beaver told phasize military lines. Before that Ume all or the animals them to go home and come back In ten l\lany of tile new walstB ~re made teta. The shoulder colla!', too, Is of , , days. So they went bome and In ten and a11l)f the people on the eartb lived daya when they returned tbey 10und talfeta, while the uPstlU1dlng collar ' to 'wear over the sklrta. and little croslled vest and turned back Plaid silk Ie m/l-de up with plain happily together. Everywhere they tbat the great beaver had built a won. :went they could talk with e~ch other. dertul new oounclI bouse. culfB' are a11 of fine white batlsle. saUn for the, new waist• . Tben the bears and the bullaloea and But the great beaver did Dot a8k all t · ,inge S4 a favorite trim· To a 8tralgbt; tatfeto.- h1p yak th ' the wolves began to tblnk. that they the animals Into the new counoll bouse 10Dg cblffon tUlllc 'ls gathered. 1t runs mlng for eVI~nlug gowns. A few at t:hl) tailored costumes are were better than the other animals be· ,at once. Fll'I!t the beara all went In, down tnto a poln~ In baCk' and front aud Is faced with '0 flve·lnch hem, ot tashloned ot rather large checked cause they were stronger and swIfter and wben they came out the buffalo. thlln ' the rest, and when tbe animals followed, and tben tbe wolve8, and tatfeta. A shorter tunic of chiffon tl blaCk and wblte materials. mounted kODl the belt, left open In Fa sblonable , trains are mere scsrf met In council to tal~ over where they atter that the otber anlmala In turn. Nobody could teU wbat the' grea. front, and finished about the bottom ends that IClok Ilreclsely 111I;e scarfs should go, for tlJe willter or what kind lu their de,Pths silent POOl8, with a shirred hendlng. The exposed when tbrOWII over the arm tor dane· of food tliey sbou,ld gather durIng the beaver had said to them In ble new summer thcse big rellows would aJ· council house; for whenever any ant. w~ere rare :waterfow.l neat, their barsh, porJ,lon. of the underskirt is at tafte.... Ing. waya rise up together first and ~y mal of one kind tried to talk to an ani. u~amlllar c~y_ borne on the wind to The entire dress may he made or that they must he beard. mal of another kind he found tbat be the PIIsl!er-by. ' Finally thIs rlledy 'wa- orepe de chine, If deslied, o~ would Tut (or Silk. "Who has a better right than I to could not make the other one under. terwa¥ gives lIlace to 'a n open mere, even be a good model for serge, eUml. .~\ib)l' did your last year's ellk split talk 1" the big bear would nak, "If any· stand. and he.", the boatman deftly raises hl a natlng the short UPDel' tunic. a.nd crack? Because' lt WlIS weIghted. body thlI1ks he, has, Jet ' him com'e and "And now," said tbe great beaver; sail' and skims ac'tos8 'to the village You might hllve tested It ea,slly before wrestle wltl;1 me!" when be had called them all together, sbrouded In trees, 'and hav. Are Shawls to Return? purcbasing -and saved both· mane,)' and Then the burr~lo would get up and "there wjl\ be no more quarreling at inupresslble :8enlle o( remotethe fashlona'ble Europ~aD' resbrts worty . .A bll~ of the silk and a matllh laY: At , the council. And It will be true that ' n.,a, , at all ui:e ~xperlences "U you do not \lsten to what I have YOU cannot talk with eacb other un1ll ' th-.t n visit' Holl.tlid holds in store during the IBlit tew , weeks a: .refurn, lITe all you noed for a sure test. Light there, Ie quite ILke !'he paseage or tbe shawl hall been reportoed. 'rhese the match and apply It to the tabrlc. to say I will Shake down the walls of yoU are once more ready to talk In 01' ' glaam,lbr, 'waters 'Of tbls shawls, which are worn as evenIng Jr, It holdf! Us shapo the silk Is ndul· the coundll hO.U88." .And he "'OS 80 big peace and 'one at a time." "._".;o..r__ ....w ........... ...... w... ...... _ ' 1 IJ"'rIElld~lnd mere, wbloh dlyu gea, aa It wraps; are large sQuarea of rich Bilk terated with some of the various min· ............ , ... -..""... ........... - ...... with an 18·lnoh fringe. len~lnB erals so used. H It melts down In nllage - ,of ·Olethool'11.. . glaCG alid sUllplane ~agethe[ In q pully MAKE-A PEA-SHOOTING GUN Is placed In position, Qtherwiae tile pea will rol\ ,out betore tbe sprtng haa ~ They are hllhly suggestive ' at Span.' malis Ute. sillt Is, pure: This Is one Ish mode aUlr ar~. especially effef;lUve, or tlie testS gh·en.ln tho correspond· Barrel May Be Made of Either Section chance to strike Itof Bamboo Fishing Pole or Piece ' ------'Yhen draped about the .bod),: or when ence courae 'jlrl (abrlcs ollered by lho of ' 8weet Alder. " How to Throw ttie sPit illlI, 1Y0rn with the Empress 'E\1geilfe town. 'VnlvarllltY '9f Wisconsin . . A 8plt ball la tbrown JUlt oppOSite ::.! . . . ~ ......... \~ '--.• - • The p~a run consists at only two to an ordinary curve. Instell-d of glv. LATEST MODES ' 'HOSIE'R yhlte conlrl,\st, to the c~l~r of their part.a. The Jlarrel may be either a Ing the rotary moUoll with the flnlen, . " , j(rockB, J>lit, 'a,nel thts is a most Impo~ p,lec;e at bamboo flahlng pole or a BOC- IUs given wLth th~ thumb. Tile ~umb 80me Shade of Yellow II Demanded tant conal deration, the colors must be ,Uon ot sweot alder. The aprlng Ie a II! placed firmly against a 8eam and . for Wear With t"e Fall complimentary and not contradiclory piece of corset steel, such as can be the · saliva Is applfed ~ the ' b,aI[ be-: Co.tume. or . negative. :. , usually found about the home. neath the flngera. The 'ball Iii thrown , , And In thilJ distinction Is e .Idenco ' Sweet alder can. 'be found in the overhanded and llllpping easily tram . woWd be modIshly , . .If you,' . ,arbed: of tite nIce -discretionary dresa . sense summer srow Ing a Iong t be fencea in 'beneath the molltened fingers .. ' but ' lee that you ahooie. lome'- one Ihade or ~ modhih, . u}1Eto.dat! woman. tbe country almoat anywhefe-, Find gripped firmly by the thumb agalD.t of the many talis, yellows, mustard, DEli DA.NTS , FOR THE DAYTIME stalk, ab~ut o"e. hioh in diameter. the !leam, a ,shaTII rotary motioD. te or . gold-eolored ltookinr. for 1'. ~. whlcb I~ lOad ,and Itralght, and cut It glyen to the baU. -When 'properJy w'e ar with y'our fall eo.tlhrie. . off to a length of sb' or lIev,en Inch~s, thrown a sbarp break 18 secured,. t}ljt In tact, ·tbl.- ne .... vorue' la ' moat In. Make a ramrod of wooll and use it to direction of the break dopendJng uPon Blatent. Aij of the new ,boobi ofter . punch out the pith of the alder .. reno tbe angle at which tbe > ball Is t re_ dedng the. bore III smooth, as posalble. 'leased. The ball fa controlied by' 'the ' cloth tapa, Whloh Ihad'e on ionia ~ne ' tb e t ' Th ' " .An old 'bamboo pole of like dimensions thq.mb .....!.Tbe American Boy. 1-I010klin ,,8e ~~:e~~lso ~:~;;;~~=~ Talael·trlmmed " p'endantll are rap· may be be uaed Instead .. say. Pop.ular. " t:. _ ... .' De'~OJo\U' g tbe a~cepteiJ novelty In 'Mec'hDnlc8, .' Th .. Wronll Way to B8 Happy. ~en ,lIhoes 100W, u~ dlllvtl:mA ry. .... vn tb e 'Ionr s lrlngs, Clit- out a section of the wood, 21L , . . . "I don't care," declnred Tilly 'Ill a , .pera ot tawll: or graY-Cblore'&clo~s• . : ritcnn'i\olled black enamel or onyX , 7JI Fuh.lon , se,!~a to haTe taileD,' Qult~ beacJll~,sollDetlf1nes.altemaflng wltb ca. . In,c heslong, begtnnlnB 1% inches from tremuloua .yolce. "I'm ,going to have a In lov& ~ltI;1 t~l. vOBUe, '{rltb tbe' reaU\t IIV'UU" ,UD In "moiber-of.pea.rl·, crystal or ~,_ _ _ _..,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _~...... good time It I do 11laobey mamm... ·• But I! ahe' ,bad atopped to think: .sbe that the Ib,OP8 aJldlPie modlatea ~' . I;o~-are rqllDd, sl\u"re or ~Iamond' l t~ WOllld bave known that this Will • unit In declaring tor tbele>n~'w mode.: ,baPeel 'p endab, til 10 similar materials, ' ~ fooll,h relolut!on, ' The girl' wbo de'You may, .,~r brow ',hOI "JT In an) ~~iI! wh,t cb depend lon~ ~as~els In clares that sbe la gOlDS to . have a ,.hade· .you prefer. and , be COlTtlCt,' In bead!!, silk fto;8S or narrowest crinkled ,odd time It she hili to do Wl'O)lC to your footing, a,nd you .may upplem8\lt rlbb'on. Som1e ot tHese tas sels' are ' tbe cbolce with stockln", 'lWhlcll re- quite full, wblle othQI'8' ."ra remarkably ______________.....-:.;-J let It, needa to remember tbat good fle~t every color f~m .or Jell'Bet · 'leuder. .1 ' tlmel whlcb al'~ tbe reault .of wrong. I th tI~at L. , .< . 1 doln, are 'Very ,short·llved. 'I'be 'olli, yelow mu d C!1l~or to 8,bl\'Icil .tiDta of Sappl1lres' s'e t In .sllver, or platln\lm 'll'~y Ao, be happy fO,r lonll II to (10 th'l .Coqn~t,lcu\. earth Itl,ata, . form tbe' penclanta tram which swing one end at the tube. The depth of . IJl otber colon OliOo88 P~tty oolor, taallals In beads of tbe same material eut 8hould l;Ie almost balfway Ln, ;'OUltrn the rJ,ht thing, and tben bapplnels cO,~es !If lteelf.. ' , 'or ~d ~Id!ll of ,r.y, UDPd 'Wltb lind whtch ha'o g ' from neck chaius n tbe piece, ' Tbe .corset< eteel Is tben oUve. Tn addltlon. alloee 'mult PI'iIIent ~ra . of the metal sepa.ratlng sJiort Berted Intt>. the short end ot the tube How to Remove. PaInt Stalne. yam,. and colored bela t'o mateb. and Btrinp . of Im!ltaUon Jewels. Equally !Uld 'bent over 10 that .ta otber end When ,).JIilntlnt, no maUer how. CarebeMit. ~ould - portray tbe *.e lhade o~armln, I)It lots . are produced wlili' wlll to~cb the .b ottom of the opell pa.r t .. ~e bOBlert ..lectee! III the color ~eUow lop~ lind dull sllyer and with or the .bore. :A ulck I~ made with a tul you are. your handa ,enerally be~fe acroll ,the bottom of the bore Ilt come spotted ~*h lII'lnt To attelllpt or their cloth (ope. fiute ane! . lI'aw.n oo\or &Del ~Ia potnt, to let the 8~dns C8~h ,& to wipe thhe IJIOt.- olr only reBults Itl .... PGlIuJar. b11t OWe. the ammUDlUon II placed be-: JOur hand. being ameared. alWQ' ear th.,. COIloro~,' the C&U&bt end of Yle IPfJq, .. ThO' balot!lemove the IIPohl bosle1'J ,wltb' black 01' o.;lk"toliet .bowtl, and dlsobarleilby hooldng ~e to rub them well 1I1tb tuJo»eaUa•• toreilqCll' over the .PI'InI at the I10lDt Alter 10 dotilc lVUb the hand. la A anel poIl1l11 br.cItward .. wbu ,1JU11' eel bot water, acrub with a













01110 .







~ranoi8 T. J..ewls to Gertrude T. Real Estate Tranafen Tibbals undIvided /Ie{4 p"rt'of 1"9 86 " :':I&rab F, B. Morris tCi Delia t:lbeedy I;\ore~ in Cre"r(;II~~k ·t~wnshtp 11. 'l ot, No. ilOi in Fr"~klin . $1. Franols'l,' Lewis to FI:"nk P Todd .', ti, B. !tod "'bnrle" Banaoer .to uudivlded X part of 129. 6 Roreilin BenRUllr Ant,omobile Co., relll- elltate Olearcreelt townl!hlp 11. . lu Morrow, .1: , Alloe .J :' Bowmun and 'Emma F . lf F. MerrltHo Plllrlok Burke and B! L. A . BowUl(l.n, undivided wife lot No. 796 iu Franklin, $1. hvo.t.blrdll lntere. t ' in 110 aores 01 G O. Burin to Chlrtrles E. Edon land 1'1 W.8 abington township $1. Aliue d . Bowman et 41 to W. H , a nd Geor~8 ~~ 81111 loto. No. 343 and 346 tn 6fttokln!,w Addition to Frank. I\nd Ro e B, l:ibraok 32.H 80re81n ltn ,. ll. WashlngtoD townshlo J~nA Weir t() \IV J . Nlohols trlAo' L; A . anj E. L , Bpwman to Hugb of lalld In t;tlotio n !l T. lj R. " 'be. W , Baugh undl vlUtld U inter at in tween Mllmi RIVerB. 11. 1110 aores iQ Woshi nKton township ~l (Jeorlle Funk to Luolnda Miller" W. B. anll Uurle W. Allen t o . about y. aore In Sec. 3. T R '4 be. tween Mlliml Ri vers &1 L..etttia MoKay parts of lots No. Ii F. to ~'an. "ad 7 In Jj'ranklin, 11. PJea8li n, Plath I. Jey & Fran0!l8 C. Brunk, lot No.3 In Q, Ilnd EVR Leapley to Felix , Pleasant Plain, $1. Mtmler 1;{ Bores in the Military Geor~e W. Cary and wife to Henry Sor'vey $1 . • W. Meeker lot No, 1 in rlbbal. ad. John M. Mulford, aodaor to Wrn dltion tc. Franklin II Edw.ud Blatr south part of 10$ No Pa rk Place Re~av Ub 'lo Ja b8 ~ l4 io Lebanon $34.58. Pile lote No. 15 and 156 in p'::rk George W. A'~ig,., to Emma L !lrYbOrger lot No.;l f In Cozad dale, Pla06 addition to ,,'ranklin, ~l.



0, O.


, 001'& JAlwis to James Pile lot No. ' r~mmon PleasCourt 431 In. Mtlokt18W RddltioD to Frank "'" N S I lin, tl. . . ew u til. James Pile 'ond wife to William J. James R. Randolpb n.8, G. Joy, Meyer;' trustee i 'ractll of land in S. F Elbon and J. E. Janney. Franklln,l1. . ,Money (on bond) amoolJt ollllmrd W. C. Ullmonr. 8beriff to Fr&nols $150 . : T . LeWIIl, G. T Tibbals and J!'rank Proceedin2S . P • T 0 ddi 12"• 86 'BOrflt! In 01sororeek Luoy B. OrolJ. et al va. George L . t..O WDIlh P Il~,677 28. I Croll, et AI. Defendant In de lanl" .. • yt. C, Ullmour, sberitr to Fr&IIOl8 lfor &nswer. 1'laln'ltr ordered to T : Lewis, 19 57 In CI.e aroreek ~wn recover $1100 and Intereat fro'm de ahtp$15BIi.60. . Ifendant. Motion '0 reconsider over · G. T . 'l'ibba)aand' F'ftnk P. Todd I r~led. Defendant foXoep~.


ArtblJr L.


Maggie ' . r Marrl-oeLltc"-- '. . -''''Ode. W. Bro"'n" na "oblnls" to' ., . Katbryn .R. Marshall both of Kiuge MUle . Rev. ·A. J . Retitle, . Qlenn F. MyerA~ farmer of Miamis bnrg, to Nino. ,x.' Chumberlio, of Cl\ r lls1e .. Rev. J. , CoHon, ~o. ,J. Smitb ; farlner \0 Mary E . Hamlin .. bot.h of Morrow . Rev . La. 'Verne 'rIlYlOr. . Leslie Bims, farmer of AI rrow. to Evana Senors. o.f Lebanon. Rev, D. O. ROilS. . VI!.

Dlvor~ ·gr~n'ed . ·


De f ..a .. Ca

a n...... . Dno

t Be C . d

ure by 1.ooal applications, os they oannot reach the uisealled portion of the ellr. There Is only one way to oure dellf. neB8,'and that 18 by oODl!tl t,utional remedietl. Deafness is caused by an Infia'med condition of the muoous lining of 'be Easttlohlan rube When this tube Is InfJllmed you have a rombliD~ s ound or imperfect hearing, and' when it Is entirely 0lo8ed, Deafnells ill the result, and unless the infiamms.tlon ol\n be taken out and this tube relltol'ed to i~ normal conditiou. hearing will be destroyecl forever; n ine 01l8es out len are oaused by Catarr h, wbioh 18 nothlpg but an inflilmed oo nditlon of I,be mucous surfaoes We will give One Unndred Dol\ars for Bny caee of Deafnetls (caused by oatarrh) tbll~ oannot be oured by cJ Ha11'a 'Iltarrh Cure. Bend 'fo r air. ou1llr8, free. . F. J . OBENEY &·CO.. Toledo. OhIO. Sold by uruggle~8. 750. Take a,,1I's Family Pills for oon· I'tlp'ltion . ,



Jolin I".ranot .. DooleJ, lelegl'llph operator I~O .... n~ Noll both of F.aa tar. R.~v. Wm. euey. Probate'Cou,rt Proceedlnp " In the DlaUer of the eetllte·· of Jobn Boillorort deoeased. By error in our J8t\t. l8lil u e W8 et.. ~ thbt Bomer D . ' Bolloroft wile allowed n cl"lm of '5<732 against said estate, whep in reality .only $2457 of the olalm was o.lIowed . . rhe firlBt tLODount in 'he estate of 8as~n, Capp, deceased, i8 apprpved. In th~! ostat!.' of .Alber' LeRoy Reed, minor. tilth aooount is ap. proved. ' Estute is fully o.dmhiister ed in estate olE Emma B. DanforU1. de. oeased .. In th" 'estate of John E1. Konker, ?ooeosed. t:leaond and ~oal /lococn' 18 approved, E~tl\te of Horace B. Wilkerson deoellsed. Is fnlly \dministered. Estate of Daniel Fetter, deoeased, fu lly administer ed. ' )0 6hc~ matter of the ellhte of James McMullen. deOAa8f'd. E8tate proba.h1v IJ6 1111( insufficient to mee' !ill debts the adminilltrdor 18 ID IItrnoted to publish a not,ioe asking all or~"'I !.or •. to ' file their ol imB

alb )ftr., ';0; , 8oppllel! to," verloul! J. JORDAN office 126. O. K . Hrpwn, Lnl'oronoe pr~91ium lotirmary $9750 Olin P. An Appeal10 .the Voters of Warren B 1 $~ 07 I one, (lVer oust8 bDody twoofOttl5elt .•. OlAmp. . n ' , COun'Y· . qoest John W. ooroiler and wltne8Reil ~ 65 , VIlI As t he DemOCriltic candidate fur ley ',felepbooe Co, rentll Ilnd toll*, Coun Ly Auditor J have had the ,27.30. Abrllm Cook, ootnp"ulIl\tlon pleasu re of meetinR' .many of tile Bnd damages for road w~v, $46 voters of Warren County, during th Twi or three general contr ot,s present campaign, b .t It is 1m· were ~Ilde this du; for tooms and pos.qib1e for me to see everyone, I oommon Jabor . . take .this method . of maki!1K' a final Bids were reoeived this dllY fOI ~ppeal for your s upport at-the . com· the ooanty money. ' JIn(r e!ectlon Tuesd.a~ •.November .3; • _ • . Bemg ,a tea.::her m t"J~ county for .. Why Not Publlsb It? . twentYrfive years has ~en '?'Ie ~r" portun~ty to prepare ucath)na y Wben yon wllnt a fllot to beconle for thIS position ...and also 1 ha~e ic nerally ~nown, t,be rlgh t way II' I~ad official experlt:nce along thI S to publllih U. Mr• . ,J oSElph KIAIlIiD~. hOf> . . Peru, Ind .. WIlS t roubled with beloh I assure Y9u that my nersonal lng, 800r s'omaoh Rod frequent record and re'putation WIll bear the beadaohes. I:Ihe writes, " I feel ! t closest inspeeti(ln . . my dnty to tell otbers what Oham. The campaign drawing to an end berlaill's T"bleta bave d one for me. has been a Bource of gratification They bllve helped my digestion. and me, from many' expressions pi ap· rf'gnlated my bowelll, Since Delnll proval of my claims to preferment at then} I have been 'entlrely well. " the hsnd s of the people of Warren For 8"le by all de 11erB. Co~nty of . the position which 1 -_. aspire ma~e byc\tlzens regard lessQf 15 ~E~DY FOR SALE OATES party affihation~. , Should you ,support my eandl' dacy I ~ure ,you that through no Jesse Stanley, who has just gradu· act ofmme w.III you. 'ever have C,UMO I\gtllu B't,~ utd ~e14tate . w ated from the Jones Auctioneering to regre~ haVing g Iven m,eyour vote. . School at Chicago, is home and is Thankmg you for Ilny mterest you Flr8t !tnd fioal aooount in the 8!1- ready for sale dates. It' would be may take in my behalf, 1 have the tate of Riohard P"tttlreon, deoeased, yo'ell ~? see him, '¥I he h~ new honor to remain, Is a pproved. Ideas m the auctloneermg lme. Or . Very truly yours In t.h,s motter of thtl e8tate of call .him. 146 !Dutual phone, New a d v J. C. JORDA'N. Carl R. Bradsteet. minor, lI8Mnd Burhngton, OhIO. • _ . ' '. acooout Is apptoved , • - • . 1 dl I t i t d $2745 J k h bee I ~ d to rn Commissioners' Proceed In"" n Il 1111 year mpor ~ , ,' 00 save n nve e . I!tV 000 worth of matohflll. )jove the 'irea of mot.or Ore oppara B\1ls Allowed :-R. O. DakIn, • -.. . till! trom prllS801'e wbll e IIhndtng premium on Inl!!nr&noe polloy, In., ArkllDI!I~1I proono lS the grellter idle, J. flrm!\ry $187 .50. ~,U. 'I'hompson, lIt\ rt of the natoral oil stones of this -- . , treatment of prisoners n :'W. t:ltall. OtlUntrv. Read the Miami Gazette for new s '





Il'===:I'ElI:'553' EI'~"=53n:J Il'===:1' II:'5551I1:1Il'===:lII!II::'55:=I[EJE'==:::11 '1:===3:1 [EJ ===' a ==5;1, m:;:=51' m'E==:]' m~.==='m~i===. m'===::I' El "T~e Criterion"---Xellla's Leading Clothier ,a nd Furnisher·:Announces Their 3rd [:J







Beginning Saturday, 'O ctober 24, · ~1914. ,

Also Included in This Anniversary Sale Is A~ut $4000 Worth of High.·Class Merchandis~ fr~m the Fo:rmer Store of the Kingsbury CompanY, . Formerly at 50-52 East Main. Street, Xenia. These are GOOd , Stapl~ Fall ani Winter Goods that Could Not Be Placed On &Ie at .he · Time We . 11~ld CI4)liling~Out' Sale at that Store, ·Owing. to the Lateness of the SeasOn. '. . . " . I


., ...................•............•.............

Men'. Suits



'Values $.0.•00, $ll.56 . to I ,15,00 ...•.. .. .. A ~~ 'lot ~f cheviots, .,!orsteds, cassim~res: f~cy dark and ilgbt patterns, med1um and good heavy weights.

Men'.· Suit.:.(Jofor w~rth •••.• ,12~OO•••••• to $18 " ••


All ~<AAl de$irable patterns that most men want-mai~ly . . good worsteds,' ~im2eS and 'fancy effects of various ,--'iill-~~..,.:...:.,,- kinda---:-sizes m~ch broken-some real Jarge and, real small 8J~:but spJendia va1~es at $9.98. .


M~n'. Suifa Values. f~o.p $16.00 , . to $20.00 go for ...


These ~r. the bettergmdes of cassi~eres, ·t hibets. worsteas in grays,' b~~s and blue mi,xtures, etc. , Included are. young men s snappy styles as' well as the more conserv· ative ~ode1s that·o'der '~ei1 want. ". All sizes from 32 to 46, including some stQut suits: . . , ",

N.O TE-At each ofthe abOv.e apecla1 Prtcee. 17.98, 19.98 and114~7a there IS a ilmtted lot, or Men'. Overcoate. SooCl. warm, Hrvlceabltr coate that wllKlve lot. of .ervloe and ,wear and are senulne blu'plna at the Prlcee. . ','



I GO dozen' Men~s ~Work Shirts Anniversary Sale Price. "• ... •.. ; ... .'1 .•. Her~'s what every manwil! want a,n d is a1w:ays buying. Good Work Shirts of Amoskeag . and Blue, Bell blue chamJ>ray, and figured and striped .shirtmg maieria,s- ' have co~ar attached and pocket, well made, first. class merchandise" . • "


.~ the' ~nnlvenaOr Sale at 42.c .eath, .


~ .


80 dozen Men's Dress Shirts "


SOc and 75c values . .. .... ..... :.. . .... . . .

Derby. .ribbed, natural color,. tan and old;gold, SIZes :~4' 45c . to 46. Anniversa,ry Sa1e Price per .g arment. : .' .

Lot of. about 50 dozen D,ress S'tUrts of peniale, ' madras, etc:, all coat style. with cuffs ' attached, some with separate cqllar to match-stripes and, all sizes, reg~lar 50e and 75c values, . " . ~nnlver88ry Sale P~ 3Te each • . '

.20 doz. Men,' s Dress Shlrt:s

' ,

$1,50 and $2.00 Values ...•.• ; . . . . . .

. . Men'. Shirts and ~rawer8 ". Small lot of broken sizes and kind!$i at' Anniversary Sale' Prices $1.00 values .... '.,.:.4ge I $2.00values.(or: .. ,; ;' .. 88e

$1.15 '.

Men's fine madras ~hirt~. aU ~eai patterns, co~t stYl!!! plain 'bosom! laundered , cuffs attached, aU new fresh good~, a a speClM purchase of $1.50 and $~!.OO values ".


Anniversary ~ale PriG«: S I .1 & .





Good "taTID ,gar!Deuts for cold ,nig~ ts, cut good, al¥' ?ur enilre ~m~ of 5(Jc values, : ~ In the AnDlversary Sale for: .•... .• . .. ~ .. " ~ . . , •




Out,ng Flannel .Nlght Shirt.. ' , '..


he weJI k~own ' "Fau~tless': brand siz~8 14 ·~o· r8,' t:eg. , ular , 7u~ val~es. AnDJ~er.sary Salle fir-Ice .. • : .'":,:. . },. $1 ,00 v~!ue~ f~r .. . . ,' . .. T4c I· $~ .~() ~a~ties. '.....•;.88e

'Men's 'Und~rwear" ]n ..AnniVerS:ary·,. S.aI6" . " M~'n'8 Shirts a..,d I:)rawers ,." '.~ aeavifleece.l~ed; ~~o9.make, to :45«:' WjJson a ll sizeX31 .00 ADDlv:e~.ry Sale Pnce ~er gtarm~t .•.•• ', .'. "






Qanv8s Work 'Clov~s . ·~egular lOC vlil'ues•.pa.i r Be I R~~liu lqc va14e9, ,

fun:: '





' "

lV!.en's Outing ~Ia~nel Night!Shirt.



. Men's Fur Cape

. - Coney Fur; ..Detroit Shape ' Caps. 'at HA~F PRI.CE . $l.50valueli ...•.•• , • Tee.' $2.50 values .• ". : : .•.'1.25 · Higher price(i ones at, same rate of reduction. . ,-



Cooper Spring' Needle Derby. ribbed-and'.fleece 'ined regular and extra sizes. AnDlve~!r Sale Prices ...,.....,- -. $l.OO ·yalu~. fer Be garment, "','-;-::-.,...,--::. $1.50 values for II . • garment ' " . $2.150 values for .1 ;74 g~~plent !I .; ".


All good .desirable patterns and colors; all finely . made gar· . , Jnents with p,earl buttODS and frog fastenings, regular $l.OO~values Anniversary, Sale Prk-e • • , I ,. "'$I. 5~ values f~r .... . . S8c I $2.00 'vtdues for .• . ·...SI.'*


.,e-rr~ 8h·lrf~hd Drawers


Mer,'s Outing Flannel 'PaJamas ,





\" for IOc







.....Sixty':'Fifth Year ---


- -=:;r:;=

_ 00 . _______ ._ _

·When You Vote Tuesday, Mark Yo r Ballot as Below: I


All Kinds of


h~8 .eoome ltnown

that praotl '-' oally all tbe banks holding Oblo ~. brewery seonrit1ea ofaDY lort, have ,~ ordered them 80ld at 0000. While the apeoUlo Itstement has oot been Successor to made, the sentiment in dlreotors' meetingB where the mllotter hits been F. E, SHERWOOD dtsonalled bal been thaa they IIhould be sold .t aoy prics. Most of the , • Over Postofrice, WaynesVIlle, O. banks will have to take a 1088 on Orrice Phone 77 'House Phone iI-3 thelle I!tt)()ke aud bonds. Bllokerll ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! generally ar~ (lon viooed that Ohio ;;;: i8 going dry. It


A ..

-- ..



••• DENTIST••• -",


NMIoIIai Bulk Bid...

Waynesville. 0

No man can leurn patience except going out Into tho · hurly·burlr world and, taking life ae he finds It.Beecher.

w; n. Madden I.CO. LUMBER, PLASTER~i~IME AND €EMENT . '! . ,At All' Times . . .· FENCE ' POSTS' ,~ r-~" '" e

have just received, a carload of good . ' . LGcU8t·· Fence 'P08ts~ , , pe~

',]00 feet .~

--- - --..-----.









Candidate for Auditor


Hom e Rule on the Subject of Intoxic:ll ior Li'luon.




Prohibition of lb. Sale MAnufacture for , Sale aDd I mportalion lor Sale of Inlol<icatlnr Liquor as a Beverage,

Funeral Dirfctor , and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio. Call answered promptly day or night Both phon es in Office and Residence distance,No. 14; Home phon~ 14-21'. , Chairs and one Coach furnished freE'! with funerals. Best of service guaranteed_



Path of Learning. by


Proposed Amen~ments to the Constitution

E". V. BARNHART, Notary Public HarveysbUlW.

Caesar's Creek

Tbe DemooratIJ made speeohee in onr olty 8&tard.y a' DO(JD_ QuitI' a orowd of people was 10 a'tendJ!.ooe, The Republiollns had a meeting in. 'he Town Hall Baturd"y night. ·rhe hOUlle was full lo overflowing and a very. enthwilastlo meeting it was. . JO~D W, fltewart through F : Wil. IIOD the Real Estate man, !lold his property oD"tiouth I"lreet to William Edgar BrowD. Mr, Brown wilt malle 80me repairs and will have a very beautiful home. Mr. aod Mrs. Bran are welQomed ioto our olty. The tunera} ot Elias D. Harlan wok plaoe l:iatllrday. His' remaioll were laid W re.' 1,0. beaut1f.a l "taml oemetery. Mr. Barlan JeU to mourn bls ~olng. 8.. wife and. moltttude of:friendll. be wasa member of the Ma";)nic Lodge of tblll place alwaya keet>log his memberehip bore. The MaSODS took oharge at t~e grave. The <''1vlo Leape whloh reoentlv was installed, held ,t!! f1rllt meetlDR' Wedn811dllY night composed of tlie beet b9ll,Ung woman. 'rbeir eifor's wlll be pU'" forth lor the best In terests ,o f "ur ~\Jlage, and $he writer ha viog great faith In womep believes we ",111 be greatly ~~eflt.tell b~ '~e. effort. of the good women . Let s all ..ata' them and r8Of!tve tbe bene

J Ollse Baines hilS returned h ome from the. h ospital in Spr1D{olfield and II muoh lmproved. Horaoe Qompton's hlltl os. their gues tel::!UOdl~Y Mr. and Mrs. RBleigh BOgIlD, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Isauo Willlon. Mr mnd Mrll Joe Di tlbro flO.1 daughtar lltary Dorothy, Mr. and MrM. RIlYllDond Wileon ond daughter Marl' Kathryrt Ilnd 114188 Olive 'W IlSOD. Several fr 1m here attended the Temperanoe leoture at the Friende ohur,~b New Burliogton, SaturdllY eVl!nllng given by Rev. l:lullIvan of

fl'. IIIli~~~~~~~~O~~f~TI~mn, Is aot.



All kinde of Notary Work. PeDslon Work a I:!peot.Uy.



Frank MoIntlre Is 00 Ule slok list. aaaJ.lh (,eamlng aod la nil, speDt Bunday with b18, Pilrents Mr , and Mrs. ,J. S. J..e8~iDg. ZlDllri Bl\tnes and fl\mlly were in Wil~llngton Sunday aft.ernooD. Ml·1I\ Roy Burhmao Btill oont,'nues v~ry poorly. Mr, and MfS J. S. Leaming were in DillYton Sa.turday. Mr. aod Mrs. W. E. Bogan anc! dauglllter olll1ed on E8'her Comptoo and f~mny SandllY afternoon,. La.aye~'e Robinson. of Dayton, ts pal110g on old frieodB here. Mns. Aml!lia Stanley aod danghter Mahe,1 were callin8 00 Luoy l.:omp. ton B"rida.yafternoon .' '

Mr. Elbon is a Wayne Township


farmer, and has never asked the votVeterinary ers of Warren County for an office. He was for several years a Trustee Graduate of 'Obio Stat;: UnivenUy of Wayne Townsnip. and was a director of the old Citizens bank. . He will appreeiate any support Office at residence in F. B. ' Sher you can give him at the polls. Novemwood's house. Fourth Street. ber3rd. . adv. Telephone 28

- -_0 -

Toned Up Whole System Waynesvtrle. _ . Oblo \ 'Ohil.moorlain'8 Tit hJet.8 11Rve done mOre for me thao I ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!' , I t Wrll \eS Mr,B. EIther !wiae ,n • .l:4~1'., 1 Spenoerport, N. Y.. "I ui!ed M~CII,;';' boctlee of 'h688 ta.blete 8 few m.>ntbs " ~ alto, They not only oured me of Fu·netal Dlrecto~: QlI10us attaoks. 8tck headaohe8 aDd tba' tired out feeling, 'but toned up Telephone !1ay Gr ' Di8ht. whole system, .. For lillie by all Valley p-hone No. f. Lon, Dle&an08 ~o. st-Sr, '



.- .


A. You Make You/, Lifo.




JU8t a8 YQU look on the th~ng8 that AutomobDe "ervlce at an .Been or uuseen YOUl' life will be commonplace Of berolo. your labor WAYNESVILLE. • , . ,OHIO . drudge~ or service, roUl' !plnd a foun· Branda IIarYInbaq. 0. tain of bltternels or aweetneaa• .)'OW" outlook a dead wall or the eternal hortzon.-Maclaren. Sabsoribe to~ th~ iliAmi' Q.1I811.




• .- •


Your Fall Cold Needs AttentiQ,D fiimfzer - No 1188 t~ fne&and 'try to ,iear it


Dr. J. A ..

the ooavalt!111eD~ of Frank L. onto It Will ;wear you out inetead . 1 I Take., Dr. , KlnIr's. New Disoovery, l:Iauill, Jpanager. Mr•• .Mary .Jal;le Upp, at WaYuee. reUef falloWS quiokly. It oheok• .vme, ta T1sttlag bel' daaght'e r .rs: yonr Cold \lnd ~00the8 your Cough mill¥! OglelblMt, of nur here . . I away. P18ll88nt, Antlseptio -and .We ara 800n to l00ee lint. 8"n.b Beallng. ChUd~an Uke it. ' Get a H. M. Sherwood • C~ E~ ,S enla Harlan and Lydia Barvey •• 0l\izea8 QIJo. b~Qttle ot ·Dr. King's New Dis· for she wlnHr. They .have lIOOured oonry and keep it in the hoUse. quartan at the Friend. Bome In 'I()nr famllv Oough anti Oold Doc.. Waynesville. \ tor,~' write.!! ' Lewlti Oharuoorlatn, The enter&atnment at Town Ball , 1I!l~ClheeHr, Ohio. , Money baok if nnder tbe superv1810d of Prof, WNt nQt ~tt8fled, .bot. iI; nearly always wall a 8U008llll and tblB vlclolty lookll ~elpil. All. 0, Dggish. forward to· many more suoh treats • .. ,.~ • , dnrtng ,t be· winter ·months: . . .• , .': 'I Spmng,'Brilnch, , ," ',r J ~r. ~ , Mr. aDd Mr.. Soott, of Da.v'toD~ were Sanda.y gua,ts II M"s ~ BoQt;;ls MI'13. , WI~I',e :Al1~D Ylsl,f ed her aunt parents Mr. and Mrll Benjamtn, Abs. Marlon, Henderson, of Corwin,}. ~HP Evans, of E1l8,t M.ln s'reet .... · ,. $D~cl~y ,· li . n(J'l~ ~ ••~!!+-~~~~~~~~~~.....~~;;;......;;;~.;;.,..--...;;.--I---I Daiay B·a rtttook .re'orned fa Mrs (Jhllrl~.s .Braddooks nt .~''-I''_'"'''''' MJgd. by· .Saunders & -=;..-"-.....,...~':: 0 6y D ' OQ' ay ptoru wee ,WI " !'If 8 S r n , ."On, Co. Rebuilt and cheap • ...iii_• • •I11........................__............ tDg.,..~d ",111 be absent fr'Om ' :her, ; ~I~ U~o: Tti.yJor: .of 'Payton, ';·WIl8 .. MUl1nery St" re bere fOI a lew daV8 t the· KQellt of MillS, Alioe" Cheuoweth EUas I:In~~an spsn' tiun~.Y Wi~b ~~~;.~~y .\?lit week., .;:' ' htll ~ltmlly at Itow.e . ' ' . f' ~ 14;lctu:re 100 State-Wide, ProhiblD. 'B . UnderwoOd·s . IlRpie oroharti' lion ' w.8.... bllld at au,*' 8011001 bonse has a~trll.oted waov people from· .{1f-, W.~iJ8IId~T· ~~,ell,fng; · . '. . ~ssociated Engine. Guarfert>Dt . parts Of tbe' ooun~ry , F&:om . Iotr : and Mrs:/li.ho~1lS" Fennimore, anteed same as new. reports this week will ~lltSh . the or"¥ttlD1lD~tgn clo~n·ty, Ind., MIS. lIale. ~. " A;lJn 'Wioters, ' Mrs. A blgal Weller ·Mr and IIrs. Paul Paterson" of. and Adrlf~~'~b of Randolph, OOUD·~nlrllllil \ :,~Iey, ti~Qd.~ed wi'b Mrs. ty, Ind ,: are ' gn'88U! at the hame of ., , 8 pareDts ML Mrs, ~ tbelr slster, 141-11. Absalom Cheno " " .. we,h ilud,raolily ai tbe time of this ,Bartia. · . . Agents for the ·Ingeco,Gasolene and, , 'l'he BarveYI!l,)arg L!Ldis!I Ald fed wrltllDg. . . ., Oil Engines, Au~omobile and· General MachiD~I1' the bungry t;Maturday for(UD~er a~d . M'r. ;and M l ,~. BeDse Drake and netted a If~ly am9uD~ J9r tbe. daughter ~utol:d ,over from their Repairing. Gasolin,es, '., Oils and. Atcessorie$:. , ohurch. S",. ~eD dl<) ever bome ~ear Edgewood IIoDd apent the lhlnk ,wha.t 1111 women ,06D do when day \ivith Mr and Mri Albert Drake we try, and you·. pi~g~l b. , ~1i.t all 'and·sbn, .' . . ' , . suooe81.ap~?0.u :;Would try;' . .. . ':Mr" aDd ·,Mrs. Ernest Hartsook.and J. darter _I:!~ldaker. of · Da111n s dIlughte'r ,Thelina were Qayton vis. C~rner """ oaUiuB QD .'rleaila here itorldfrlday. . 8&l~rlf~~ Dlah •• . . " , 141a Alice Chepoweth en&8rtainE'd The meA t~lIot ~ere 110 ~dl:r. ,h ur' BllDdllY Ilt ·ber pleasllnt home the at ,tlie hr~i1'lI6r plaot are ~mPJ'ov:":, rollov~tng guests:· Mr ' . AD.landa Phone 195 '


Horae ' Ga106n~ E~ne

,t ,;. ' ,,-






'HP Engine


'Pa.per .. H.~ing,.

·~utc;» · ~iale' · Paj~tlDl,~ ·






Stoc" and General Auction. ' • ' . . ,

Posted on!'re~ and values, "I t..:-ds Af ' ~r 1; "I s..__t.. ' ,.u& v up· • . ~. . , ,~ced in ba1ldUDg farm sales si~ I

. 1906.




ial r't-lJl be '~elr ~utl., "~,e befo~ $h'!ybut ,~nIt~~~e . , JOhn SpoD~r, Qt O~la. JmO.~D .. 'he ·wlde a wake ' , b~1n.. maD \ranllloOsed bu8lD~ ~ thill· vlotnUy Friday. . '. ' , .. ' , Tclue timothy II.)': baa beel\,o'dui. har '0 'to ,tbt8 ~aJ'ke' • .' $,1 8 per ton. Coats ... m1ioh tQ ,..,., • bo~ , .. " toI'QD · aa.u~btl.oral'brd. • _ .•


,Miss .. ,Rebeoka , 9raml)r, Mr . an~ ~lr8" Roy Ch6J;iow.eth alid . Mas

I, ;;;:;;=;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~.


Warreo M.lIler, I)f WayneSville, ~1r8. A blgar We!Jer and Mra. Adi'a timiCb.ll?f ~ndolp,~ ooanty;Mr, a!ld Mt•• ··J.·llo~a. Fennimore, of Bunf·. ingtolIiPouDty,~ud.,lIr8. AnDe .W in ter.,\ I~r, ,and M~. At)aoloQl e~ebo. ~e'h, ¥r aDd Frank Bell. a~d d.nll~Hr, ~Ieta, and Mr. Boward CheDowesh. , Ilr. and Mr8. Walter Dakin .8D· to 1MIoome ler_llned at. dfa~er ' Sunday, lIr. and ,B!lrl~ B. O. Dallin, ' Jildward . .,.iII QOoIl. aDd family, Er~eiI' Dakin aDd famUlr. Mr., r. Il,. Dakin aD40bU: ~.~;:;'! !loG I&r; and lin. Frank Cook L -..4 cu.qbter. Marie. I~



At , Reasonable Rat.a, ' Two ·Ma,ch,l nee. Splllngfleld Tlreli.'T ube. a.,d Acceaaor.te,• . Valvo Ine 011 and Greaaea.: · . "




"T1l poor; d()B r littl e Ullng!" said . :Miss Delevan. !lit yingl)" ll./ld Indignant· ly. She was a child of emotions, ""as ,lyUe I)eleva.n, and h r gentle I but t01'OOfui 80ul was moved to Its depths. 1101' tbp. mome ~t all her Lh oughts a ud -sympu.thles were' wll b 1\ 5: range girl ahe had u ver spoken to and bad 6 en ",ut onre-Just now. CiyUe ..,.IUI passing nn obscu re co t· tag'e. Three or four I!tlIe childre n were plnylng about. tbe rear porch. Beside It wu Ii young girl aL a wash tub. fair and energc Uc. This Wnll vtvlan Ore" tll! "poor, dear little thing." "Well!" IItIddenly challenged tbe preoccupied Clytie. and a handsome )'Oung man startled bel' b)l stepping JDto \'tew rrom beblnd a tree. "Dear! Ho,' you trlgbtened me," nfd Clrtle chldlngly, but wlt.b gen· tlenesll. "'DId TOIl lind out ",bat you wanted'" &liked P&al Bercombe, her lover. "[ bA~e made all kinds of Inquiries." repUed O171.le buoyantly. "I bave even IMIeII her. 9b. Paul! sbe Ie sueh a .weet, .patient aeU..acrlflclng little creature. I lli8t 10ye her. Tbere ,be Is with an IDvalld mother and . live Uttle ~rothers aa4 .l8ters. bra'fely ftghtlng bel' .... ay. aDd thle horrid Uncle Wyman bll.8 ....ed them bY. ' who have nothing UId neecl eo much. for aelftab me, ....,ho .... e"ery\blnc In the world." '"InclucUnc lllyeel!." eURC!IIted Paul .tth a amUe. "'1 won't u..wn that until r iee w.ow you wfll carry out your part In a eertalD plot I am about to .et afoot. You: Inlow Uncle Wyman .ent for me to eta)' a month. and. If I pleased him '1 am to beCome his helre8l." <tyee, I ~." nodded Paul -Well, 1 foulld out that be baa had all b'Ia relaUvea on the lame """"and 11-. .eared them all oft' with 'MIa .'irutr f.7J'aDnlcai waYL I bave fDWI.d ~t. that If I don' t lult he I. go~ to .~8ClI.d$ 011 the Ol\ey ~tI\t1y. Tbat .. at it ,boule! be. for Vlvlall Ie hili ewD . .,Iece and delle"el cood fortune, .bd, ti eql~r;" to bave 'It, If my 1aelplne ea.n brine It to her." "Aa "boy, nowt'· queried, Pau). , , --wilwP1'r-MI tetl 10U all about lilY aald Cl7Ue. A. precloos .plan It ....,.. , Paul looked dnllCbu. bu, entered Into Ita detalla




devoted lover la a remote" lane of th.' vUlage, a8 proal'ranged. , "I don:t Bll8 auy way to cut thlll GordIan knot," said PaUl. ariel' a full bour or c nVt;lNlntlon, "except to settle tb whole mat t ar by followlnll our own minds and " ttl ng' marrIed at once." "Out th ((llks at bome "'"nOt con · ont," lIald ' Clytie. "A nd they have set theIr henrts on my bei ng au hcJress." " Haven't J s ot enough to ear e tor b Olla of 1I 11?" demand d Paul. , "Y 8, Indeed, 80 1 wa.nt to fix It so Uncle W r mlln will suroly drolJ mo a8 t1~o pros pect! v (' heiress and t a k o up (hat dear, lIttl , d e8~rvlllg, hard work· er, Vlvl nn Grey ," "Lot us lope." "A uda lOllS!" Dut It se m d t he on l)l wa)l out. of tho dll mma . The ~' carried out tbe program In du e romantic sLyle, too. The next morning thore waf\ a wild tIme around th o Wyman hom e. A 8erv· anL 'came to h er master , pale aud breathless. "Oh , ftlr." sbe gnsped. "burglars!" "Eh ! Where? When! How?" chal· lenged tbe old man . st.srtled. ' "MIs8 Clytie, IIlr!" " Wbat sbout her!" "Gone. Ladder up to the wlnelow . Left thIs note. ~ "Denr uncle." It read, ~I love Paul 110 I couldn't disappoInt hln, . We will be Mr. and Mh. Sercombe and air on our wedding trip luslde ot an hour. Forg1ve." "I dlllcard bel' forever!" yelled the irate' old curmudgeon. "She sban't have a cent of my money. I'll act quIck, before ber father 'eomes anoopIng around to Innuence me to change my mInd." Then . Mr. Wyman prlmpsd up anel went down to the humble Grey home. AI be rounded the sbabbY bouse be heard a ' brlgbt cheery voice Blnglnlr, He peeped tn at the wtndow . Busy·bee Vivian was tronlng aud Singing to sleep lier little brother In a cb~lr near the table. Every thin, was poor. but Icrupuloualy clea.n. , "'d like to haye that muslc down at the big houBe." chuckled the old ty. rant. "That girl lcnows bow to make things look home-like, and that's wbat J want. Momlng. VI'fJan," he. I(reeted, ai be entered the kitchen, "Wby, Uncle Wyman, thla I, a real pleaaure," 1Ial4 Vivian, ejncer-oly, glad to .ee her arbltrarr relative. and he ",.. eODvlnced tJ!at tbe expr8IJ810n :WU genuine; ''You can drop that Ironing," he obo s.rved. ' "What for, uncle!" "Going to move, all ot you. I'm through experimenting with m, kin of high ideas. ' I'm golne to adopt the whole famJly an~ make you my hell' ·e8s." Orateful little IOU I ! Vfylan sat down and cried like a tired baby. It Beemed as If the burden of the agea had rolled away from her weary shoulderS. ' It w.. two yean later, and Bb. was happily ~an1ed, and old Uncie Wy· man had. found peace and comfort amid true family lIurroundlngs. whon Vivian met Clytie. Then tile wbole atory cam& out. and there began a rare frlendahlp that beautifted tile ~ho.e. ot their lIyel. (Copyrl«ht, ltnt. by W. O. Chapmnn..)

WORK OF ANCIENT DENTISTS " . Toeth DecoratIon 8ho_ Tha' They POllulaed Coltalder: abl~ . Skill .. ·


Wher-ef When? How?"

'toT pJeue bl. 'peremptory lad," 'IOye.

Ttie program waa lIet and atarted In . ' 1B9t1on the rollowlng day. Paul called at the Wyman home. .<J1)1:je Introduced him to ber uncle. Who bristled up and looked Bullen and .8W1plclou·s . but .,..ben Cl)ltle suggested -that he. show her ' "dear .friend" from :her bome Lown around ,t he place. Mr. WttDan ungracIously assented to the ~'P'Opo'JlltioD : . He cII-me back to ,the bouse balf an hour Ia.ter. alone. He "'as faIrly Quivering with .lndlgnatIon end raCe. ' . WWbY. Where tl Mr. Sercombe1" In· Clytie ' In her .weetest, but lalleet tone. well knowing. "Oonel" roared tlie old tyro. "If he _I' Ibowa hla face here again I'll bve him horsewhipped (rom the ')Ilace'!" "Uucle!" emed Clytie 1n afl'ected 1Iorrol'. aud cH.may. , "Why," Ibonted Mr. Wyman, "be ac· Usally ' crlU~lI:ed my chickens, laid they ",ere balf·breeds, called me 'Old Top: aaked me how much I ",as wortb, andj eald ' he believed he'd become , my .eon·In·la.. Ves, he wilt!" bellowed ·the (rate 'old man.' . "r am 110 sorry. 'ullcle," declnred Cly· tte. ' ~ '-I thin Ii: a Kl'ilat dea I of Mr, Bercombe." · "Well, (or$el blm!" nred up ·ber tn~tabl. relative, '''or give up all ~, of O~,IIr Inbenttng any. of my wealth, 'Now, young lady. 'YOu 1I11ten ::'to Jile; If you eYer meet this young " lDIlft ·i/.PJn or ~o to Ik~l!lrklng aru\JOd with him 118cretiJ:, 111 pack you off 110.... and tetUa the whole 'buBtnelll by f,&ltq In the Gre,.. ,T hey're a brood, ' "lut the r;lrl II a worller and ehe'e the IUt pick. 10 mind 70ur pIli and q'a, If ......"re &1le." (lJ,tI. "eDt an, b, ~enelt and 1I~=:'." It al- Then. 'lIotwltb· • ,ttl. threattl er her ~ nellm, .be . " lair



By tar the most transcendentel:' amp1e of teeth decoration whlcb baa at present come to light In America ,i. In 8 Bku.1l dl8coy~red In 1909 at a plaCle ClIJled'La Piedra, near the point on the right lIauk of tbe Esmtlraldu rlTer ..... here It empUell into San Mabio baY, It WIl!I aecllJentally found by. Mr. Pinzon and 141'. Oeorge D: Hedlan, the latter an American consular agent at ' Elsmel'll.ldas. IUId was kindly pr~sebted b)l Mr. Hedlan ror the Heye mUlleum during my vIsit to Ecuador last sum· mer. Tho skull was .aeen projecting from tbe bank, but no otber parts of tbe 'Bkeleton 'lVere uncovered, probably h,avlng been waalled away after the bank was undermlned . . The upper part of tbo skull 1.s III fragmenLs, but 18 re"torable. The skull, sllgbtly deformed. 18 that of an adult female. The decoration of the t.eeth IB unique and presents a Dew type of facial ornamentation. In· stead of small dillks beIng lIet Into art!\Hclal cavities we find in this ~a8e that certaIn teeth of tbe upper jaw were al· mOBt entlreJy covered on the outer (nee by nn overla.y of gold. The en· . Ure enamel of the teeth decorated hllB been removed, with the exception or narrow bands at tbe ha8el\ and the upper parts, wbere tbey were close to the lIesh and embedded In tbe jaw. The removal of the enamel ' Ie through to the denUne and Will ' skllLrull)l accomplished. 1t appears that tn 80me Instancell sawing _was done slight, Iy under the enllmel: at the upper part, 110 that the gold overlay. or covering mlgbt be fitted ·under t't In order tu It more seCUTe. ' The toelb. tbull i)racticallY .. race-erownelj" are tbe -four ' incisors and the· ' two caulnes, The OVerlays are 'ml,Blllng in alt" liul one of tho teeth, the left lateral in· c[sor. This' gold coverln~ Ie sUghU, folded or 'bent over each aIde' the tootb tor greater security.


J{ Re~' Wonder. Snooker lftercely)-Your fowll1 baTe been over the wall and. I"ratcbed my garden. . '. Chl.llQ (COOny)-Well, there'. Doth· lag elltraordlnary In that: It~1 their nature to scratch. Now, if TOUr , ~ den w~re .to ·ceme over the Wall alltl ecratoh my rowls It would be ·atraGIIdIIIary aDtI IOlIWlthllll wOl1ll COlD ........ catlq.-.....OD'. W..~•.


Boudoir SeL


Can Be Moderated or Softened. Howe~r

and Mo.t Wom e" Will B. Cleller' Enough to Perceive How to Do It. Bv IIARY Dl<JAN.

}t ost or 10U 00" who II 'fe 10 the Clluntry baye dogs. !-lave YOU ever trted to train tbem, beyond the Lhrow· till' of sticks for them to bring baek. an" a few s ucb tricks U ltandlng on tbelr bind lep. or barllll1&' tor sOIDe· lhlllg 10 eat f A,I ~ bOT, back In the oountry, I was the o... oe1' of ~ number of doge. at varl· OilS limb, aud until I waa pretty 'Well rro",n, this was uauall, tl\., .,.den L of my Lralnlng. And my trlends who had dogs trained tbelr" In about the eame way. Possibly some or you ha~e bright dogs tbaL are capable of knowing much more than tbey do. If 80, the follow· Ing general directioul. learned by 'ex· perlence. mllY be at ¥se. FIrst of all. teacb your dog that you mean exactly wbat you Ba" and tbat he moe!. obey you. To do thIs, you should n"Ve( glTe a foollsb command; but It a thoughtless order he once giYen, even though you repent It as soon as It haa escaped trom 70Ur lipa. do not hesitate, but tnalat on your pu· pll InstanUy oboyln&--that JI,' If tbe dog, In your JudgmeDt, u.nderstandl the order. Nenr \Qlder any clreum.tencee al· low. hIm to Bhlrk, and eYep a IlAturaily IItupl.d pup wtll learn to look upon your word .. law apd Dot thlDi dlaohey· lng, St,rtct obedience to ~'C!u lI",ord, whistle o .lIghtest gesture 'once obt.slned. It I. ' an eaay ' matter·, to tlnlsh the dog's educaUon·. Bear In mind that there ~. about as Kraat a difference In the charneter and natural Intelligence of dogB as there I. In boys. N'ot only doea t/lls exl.llt between the dlatlnct varletlea ot dog., but IIJso between the different In· dl~ldual. of the Bama variety. All Nq.....fouudland. poaseae similar characterilticl; but .each Indhldual varlee conelderably In Intelligence, amlabUlty and an thoie lItti. traits tbat . co to make up " dog's ch~racter, It la well for ,ou to I1IIderatand this fact, t'b at you . ' . or malte your poor dog sulrer beoCa\lB8 It cannot learn lIoi rut 81 some one YOU may lmow of. And let It be lr!preille4 upon your mind tbat to. make your dog obey or to teach tt the mOlt difficult trick. or reat. It Is rarel)"' to


dog. will oha8~ a ball. aDd ver,

Wh en Illl atte mp't W Il8 mnde 10 brlng back tbe anllQul! lIlie In clothe!!. the first consequ nc was tile plAited. skIrt, then t he hlgh ·ne lied bodl e wIth Ita Itralsht liue ~cro ss the collarbone. 'erLaln l;ren ch women a'i ways ell' plolted tblll kl.nd of neck llu~. but cven the !lJ'tl llt.s ad mltted tha.t It was difficult to wear. It demandeil 1\ small face, regular features. and II 'Qat, Imooth colffdre. ' Toda7. Ulhl decolletage, undor the name of M\lyen·age, has ousted any other. The tact should lIadden those ~ho are not "llIe enough to follow their o,vn style. or e1efer eDougb to defeat, or modlty , a .t,le thllt ill thrullt upon them. , EYen It they attempt thle .tralght Jine acro •• tbe base of the neck, tbey Mould break It b)' a high white (:01l1U' that rolle ciTer Into another shape and 10 deteat.s the hardnells of the other. Tbere II alltrong tendency to wear " at.srebed stan,Ung collar ot organdle or lace which dllea, not extend to ~he

1I001l IQarn to bring It to bill. maater, When you hue taught 70ur dOl{ to "fetcb," be may ' be tried with game. It Is 'fery probable that tbe Brat birdl he brlDg. will be badly "mouthed"-that Ie, blUen and mangled. To break hi." of tills, prepare a ball of yam .0 wound over pins that tbe 8lightest preasur. wl.lI cause tile potnts to prQtrude !lOd prick any object pressed ",aln.t lbball . After the dog baa pricked his mouth on.c e or twice wltb tbla bsll. be will lel1m to pick It up and carry i.t in t/le ' If yOU want to make an uuusuaUy mllat delicate manner. He may tbeD pretLy and 'elaborate gift at your haud· be tried again with a bird. Thill tJ~' iwork, buy some fine organdle, nel be will probably bring It to you wltJt. and mercerl"ed embroidery cotton and out 80 much 11.8 rumpling a feather; make one or all of a daJuty bureau but If, notwithstandIng his experience let. The Bet conllsta of dresser 0011 ' with the ball of plna. YOllr dog s"l1 er. pillow and J)1nc:"lIhloll made of "lIloutha" the gnme. you must IIkln' a wblte orcandle with 'Insets of white ne~ bll:'d and arrange the ball and pin. In embroidered in (link and blue tlowen side the skin so as to prick IharplY at the Iide. and top of the oval, wltb upon a light p~essurB. }fake II. dor. connecting 100pI Ju wblte and thE' "totcb" the bird , skin until be I. eom· ,dalslea 10 the center of the medlll· plt,tely broken at hie bad habit ot bit. \Ionl of ' l'eilow and ",hlte, Flnll va l Inlr or "mouthing" game. lace ~sertion and edging la usod a s With polnterB and settera, at ' Dn1 • 1In1'b. you will haTe to give your commallda by word. of mouth; but If )'ou act:qm· it make. - rtr- mars llIe harmony bepany ~acb command by an appropriate 'fil l· ........ tbe 'ace and the trook, , geBture. tbo pup will aoon' learn to uu H world contlnuea t ~ 'YeaI' tbll dentauc!,' aud , obey the' ,.U~I/.teat mo' !lat !Jlaok ~elvet hat with ItI! trlmmlnl tloo of tbe hand or bead. , Thu leell ' 0( . "hlte ve\'fet Bowers, tllere .wl\l not nols~ tbere Is, th~ greater tbe cbanc ~" mucb In£enulty reQ~lred In tbe mil· , for: game. Nothing Is more'uDBporta· Unary world. at leut' not for the 1If88manlLke than shoutlng' ln II. loud volc. ent. RarelY ' ha. a Ihape' been ad· to Jour dog while tn tbe tleld. .... nced Lbat h~1I met with sucb ,eneral Atter teaching • doC to 'appron!. It bas oUllted the hlgb, Ir"down charge," and to "ble 0 .0 " at regular turban. althougb on. see. • command. )IOU may ehow blm came te ..... oarrow. boat·lIb_lIed. high turban. and teach him to " Quarter" hiB ground ID vel veL , Tbetle bave little ,o r no by moving ,ourself In tbe direction ' 'rhe .1ee."le. bqdlee. Ibe ,ound or trimmlllg, . In . truth. tew of the hatl )'OU wish the dog to go, The do ..... 111 .equar. Deck nne, the IIhort akl,t, the are dependent upOn garniture. Every· not be long In underalll dlDC and obe,. abundance of I".,.. the u ..~ ot Jewell lind thing is In tbe .bape and the Quality metal_all these mark tbe n w French Ing. •• .nenln.,.fToekL' 0" tMl' rtsht • l~w led of tbo yelvet or satin ueed . When your pointer comes to a ;ollit. .Ird Ie II Btl'llIln,wly utled on a ellr!..., char· Tbere ' ate, no felt hab!. and no IIOrt ,teach him to be steady by repeatlne meue.. Th e "klrt I" "I_hed at the ,.Ido hati!, ' e;rcep~ the waterproof one of oYer pl.Ued chIlton and .athefecl Into a BOtti,.. "Steady,boy••teady. .. at the ' band o~ ak unk .\ the , bottorri, There III black or colored oilskin which I.• of· ~ t .. the back, lInlil""d Witb ~e~d fQf ~IY aut\UJlll..-·use, ; co,u rae of time the, ,words Ina, be omit. '~\lnk, and IWO Jewe.l . CIMP the bodice Oil . One thing Is ' o6J'taln: few If any thi> .houldIlMl. The other model I. made ted; the haud ratsed lUI a caution will ot bla k ehnrmeulJe and c!~al'n JII.Ce. A sniart c10thee will be worn In PariL ' bep ' the dog .teady: but sbouTd"be ....'I.nd or whit. flo we... flnlaho" l.he toi> Europe la practically In moumlnl! . break poInt and fluah the ,amI!, .. a ot the laet tl eI"nc., and two Itraps 01 Jew. Evenlnil costumea are taboo. Even re"ch trom the botlt at the baell 10 th" yeuDg dog Is more than liable to', you pI, the rule at ' tbe Rib I. br~ken ; thB belt at th" rmnl m,a y give blm the whip and at the ban are lowered. One may diDO In a .ame time use BOute approprtcLie worde front, llu~ ellds ju.t III front of tbo Bhlrtwalst BuSt. It 80 desired. AmerJen ' that the dog will remember. The nezt !llrs. This Is practical for BOrne faces, wlU be a law to berselt tn this rcspect• . time the WOrdl wltbout the ",blp will lint In the choice of It, aa well M tbe ,all abe will be· tbe only one of the correct him. ' . ! choice or any colJar, a should rl\shlo~able· countries, except BRaiD • Atter 'y~ur dOl; has been 'tau,bt to not ' hesitate to gi.... Ume ~d etten- ,alld Italy, 'tIIho will have any ocC;S' otle)'. ·It Is .... ell to put him In the field tlon. It ma, 8eem to be a detall, but .Ion . to , put on .• mart clotbes. . Wjlih an old; welJ.tralnod dog. ~__ ~ ,) ~, ~ ¥ every eportamaJl has a pecullllr l"al,'lIIt,em of his own .for breakl'ug '. dog ROUND COMB IS B,A~K ~GAIN clothes In resene are n l well ' looke~ "Uer a" tIIose ·In u8e., No' one mllY bE sCareely nQCesBary to give more tban these.few hints: only let m'e cau· Prelent Styl. DrenlnG ,the Hair cons,dered ..... ell dreBsed who haa" I) 'button .off. ~ lleam ripped or 0. !!llOt IJ1 tion . ,"OU .once more agaInst Wlln, the. 'H al Brought It From the 'ObevJdence. To deserve the tin\! or well, w,Jblp too Spare the la.,h and 1i:u~lty of Veara.. dres8ed ' lber~ mup, be no ' gaping dll'l. keep a stock ot patlenqe on band No" tbat ..,ogU-; decfCe8 . tbat the ilion or belt alld .. lirt. or shoes ..Ii , lu breaking the ' dog YOU also break hie spirit 'and h ....e a hair mUllt go back. ot tbe face. thai over ~t the hach· A systeinatlc 0 \" , . may hauUnl at IItnted ... ~rlodi ot all oloU treachBrOUI animal wlll ch)Jdreq's Ihteresting tbe round robber Ing In ulle I~ abso,lutel)' necellsary. and It-ctotb1nl in reBe~vo IIljould be· itll' pwn again. Last a young New Vorl' moU,· cleaned ,tJlorou,hly beforo helnl( P\lt " . er made a hunttbrougb the .bops'try.. a't!lay. Ing to 1Ind one or. ""ele comb., but CHILDREN SHOULD NOT WEEP ' her lIearcb wae In vain. Embrolder,d Glovel. ' c omes allo the slate. It baa been not The e.mbroldered~ gloyo ia a. charm, W'11e Min ' 8ay~ (0 Cry on ~ny Day In Jnfrequent this IUD)mer to Bee .• little Ing accompaniment to Dianr prett,. Week I. Bad-Rules No Good fOItot at 'faBblonablli ' hotele gain • . ~bo~t evenlDe frockli that are, a trifle senTe Old~r and ,Glr.i .. with ilune or goveme.. carrying a · In •.tyle, It Introduoes a color note Uttle .Ilate. A 7e!lr-~ olle .urel)' tIIat repeate tbe' tone of IIOme SPecial There are millions of cb.Udren In the ....,ould not 'bave encountered many feature 'of ~e lown Hself. . Oenerally ,world 'who '!Vant to do junt tbe right .Jates· amone la beY)' of tiny tote. ·but th~ deslgal of the embroidery f. slight, use the whip. If the dot :"·a'a. t~.lng and the ~ery belt thlug; but t.1Iey have returned' tO'ollt' m1daL Pili'- open and wideepre~dlng, reac"tni~om Bometlmes .do. 'knowingly and th.e y do not always know ....,hat j'18t l.he bapI they. ,rUh the rqund 'COlJl he, art, ....n.t to tb~ very toP of the. long glo,e: rll~ht thln!I Is, and epmetlmee they can· ae~omp.n1In, tbe ~Ittle "~pther. Hub- ¥a)'be now an'd 'al~~ " lI.t tte colOred dlsobe)'ll, the wblp may be Uled epa Ingly. . ' ~(Jt tell the very b'elt thing from the barcS ' d~I!" at the ea,17 'SQa, ntrw' tall· etone ~', Introduced to ~mphUlze the One sharp blow 111 aenerall,. euf!). 'fElr), worat ,thing. . '. Jnc' the plac of ',me, IODC·w~l.ted etrectj but ueuall,. the 'heje'fel8d gloYe dent, and It IIhQuld be ~oOmpanled Now I ,haye orten thOUght that·there ll'I'flneh trock. II ODe where ' p"~ dliaUlonds are . with a reprl1Jland ' ln word a: Never 1088 ,are ,ohlldren who cry, now an42 ~hen. a' And the tlat blac~ .Uppen ~ed on dotted at recular Inte"&I. up the tia.ct · your patience and beat tbe animal to tb,e wrong time: and I ha.~. allked '1'lth the natTow blaCk· rl~'boDs ~ertaID~ of the 10lle IloTe. • anger. 'fo BucceBBfully train a dog, it many of the older people. but Done 'of, Iy become ,the quaint ,people of· t~"" . II necessary to place the gr.eateat r&- them oould tell me tbe belt tI~e .. to ,,~o ha~e &alJen to r:oUIQ bup hoop. ' whicb kiddie did Dot Dumber eel18rally ,now Whit. BII'dI on Jet Black "'at~ strailit upon your own feellnge; for 'lf 01')". A blr.~ .that never".. qn aea 'ot' lanlt" ¥ou once gl'fe wa, to anger the doe But the other day I met a qinn 'o lder ambng their ·to1ll until juat lately. So' will lmow It. aud one·half , your InBu. and wiser than Rn7 of the' reet. He hlltor, gertalnll repeat• . hehe1f. and la ~I~ alMH,ll~1I ,howlne fan wIng, enc~ Is lost. To be sllre, the 8~1,t ...".. very old and TeI'J :Wille,: be a deltiht It I. to .ee ol~ 'allllol1l aDd a . taslleled ~1 which · cl1n,. 'o ratliw. ; \ I. • after the manlier,' cit a bleached ' bat .... lIue ot .e ducatlon de~p.ds Ilpon Uie to,ld Dl.1!: "., . , -" ' cUltom. rennd; , thleivel')', IIlnart btack 'v~~vet sailor foY, kind of dog )'ou haye aad what yoU ' It Is bad luck to on M~ndaY. .' autum.ll: lfut the. whltqd)ltd '1. IlltU,, :' wnn~ him to do. To-cr)' on TueBciay mako. tlI. e,e. Well. O~~, . ", .putablY ,/~IC; It c~m~e trom" ap oa., You n:.qy , commen~ to, teach 'the ,reid. . ' ' ~per care of, ,olle'. elbtblnl pia,.. t~orltatlv!! mlllIuer; aud I. fas"loull\l,o~;: poInter at Better t.:l "stand" at a very CrYing on Weclaelcsay ,. bad· for elln. t. laree .!P6rt Ib ' e~ ~e ..ll18. for a , white 'feathe.~ In , ,.'·p~aWJllP''''lonl.t . early age. using first a piece of meat. dl'en's ,heads. nnd for ·the head. iii' re~y ,,~Il-dr'~~ed ' ",oman 18k tint of , lllr~t, TIle tamellr of· ·p.u\;,y-coibrect 'praising and petUnl! him wbeD he dof;. oICler Pf'OP~e, ' " , ' ~. neat. HO,t oDl), . .,.. ber dotll_ wor:sted. . ~ ~ a.teP. • lI(I4H~ WEIll and . reprlmandln&' him When I'&' 'said that If .a ·ohlld begin'lI to ~Uee•• but eyer)' ~cle •• li!Uue~ preeetoni,t oql~ made ot IIpred psi'; qulred.. Do ~ot -ire your pup out; OD Thursda, he will aild It bard to With InftDlte care .. weD. &lid tJle . , wUJ~ 1111'- • .' . , .It be' doeB well onee, le~ him play 'and Itop, . ' sleep betore trying again. It III n~t beat fo ... chl.dreD ·to cry. 'On All he grow. older. rapl&C!e the IDeat Frld." y--lt make.. them, lJ.!lh&Ppl. Cc!,.. crop In the 8,10. " ,' Dry ,Q;'lna for Turk.,.. , with a dead , bird. The belt .ptj~men NeT~r cry . OIl Saturdl.jr-It I. too The teed-otl'ter Gould he In use oa I Tur!'eYIl WUI Dot do It .t.. ~ ". of t04ay da not aUow tbelr clop t.. .... " 4,,&1, " . rter7 fal'Dl ,'tlie com-ahrecl4eJ'.,11I an ex:- wet ma.hfo~. TJje, ieq'!tre l.Drillai ' trleye, ilh)jthg tbat the ~modtIJJII"" of ' ,shed ,Oll BIUlW ~.....i,t and ~neDt tb1D" b1l~ wh, not put"-aJ1 ot pany drY rratD. to IIPep ·tbler. eI~...tI.. tbe dead and bloo,dy bird. aft'8Clt.l ~. , ~ ~, " , the cClJlli crop III a ,e llo .. the beat apparatu~ '.or~I,., properl:r, ., nuer ellS of their n9seL To' brhia lil 'lC~llld~ sh~I4t· 08, DO ~1mt Cr, ,pn,bable pOelUbn 1,0 Bet ....rJ pOlS'eI bird... the hu followin, I1I,bt.l ' are ror. .le8P, of yalue oqt 01 It. . ", "a.,.... hte heel. II. cocker apUllel, ....... cry ",!ieneYer eJae tb., . ID II.'" aU ltatel \h..e 111 . . Ia. poodle, or ,aJmOlt ' .., klnd nf- ~ft\~iMt~......Ilt-'-Ilftt,-M-alI~ eIf""".e creaee III tIHr IlIUIIW ~~ of I"", which la- tau,bt to toUe." -H!'IOae. ._ Ul,""+tbaa HNilbtr &fINB'. _lid obedlentl7 UIl~ pme II kUI'" uti tile oe recel'f. the Glldef Co "'fetab... '1'0 leach • _ to retJrIe... . . . . willa &lie ,.... .....




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se s. arlS

Came Away W ith HIli LIfe, but' Left Hill La"rels With the Country Greenhorn. They tool~ hlni out of the passenger coach very carerull.y, and the two 100kIRI nxlaus might, su pported him under the arms IIntl h Iped him out to II hack. "flurt on the rond?" querIed the c1&pot pollceman, "No, not exacUy,h reviled on of the attendants, " Foil out of a tree or over 1\ vreoipice?" "No, : ccluldn'! lIay ' that he dId." "Maybe he was tossed by a bull or


ran over Ill' COWII'" persisted the of· Deer, whose curioslt, was aroused. "No; nothing ltko thnt," , "Crippled for lit&, ain't h e?~ "We hopo not, but It looks tbat 'fIay.h "Be loolla to me like a maD who'd had a wel l lOaVe I.n on hJm . Perbaps that \\'as thE case!" " Well, no,'" slowly r epUed the m an, 68 he \\'U r.eady to follo w hIs patient lnto th e hadt. "You lIee, he's t. pu· glllst, and we took blm out to a coun. try to~n, and runr: blm ,In nB a greenhorn to mellt-·a country boy," "And he IEnocked tho country boy ou t In t ...o rounda , of eourse?" "DId he' Well. J haven't heard or It! The hayseed weot right at him and paralyze d him In the ftut halt ot the 1Irst rounit, and If we'd bad two more ringers just like him we'd bave needed at least on8 eoMn aud two dectors! Drive 00 , hackman, but drive IIlow, and If B III'8 heart stops beating. I'll yell out liIIld ron make a TUsh for the' nearest undertaker."- Waehlngton Herald.

Y()MYLAMP, \II the .. a-



Eea..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


H USSEl.S Lil WOII . called "Little ,. deub! of both art and m\l8k. Tho.itT Pari II," for the nuclent cupltul provides excellent outdoo.r eoDee.rla


Brabant Is most dechlodly eve ry afternoon tD IIUlllIDer .. , _ It grew up way back ' s ple nd id par/{, aod In the oyenlll.« _ i n tbe olghth contury on botb musical program Is PTOY1ded In, Wa• .: banks of t be little Hlver Sen nil, w1llcu hall. 'fuo first prize giV811 by u.. Is now hldclen beneath the fine modern Bru9welll conservatolre WI hlghly...a1lRdr Inner ' boulevard s built upon archea throughout a ll Europe, Llylng In t_ which extend through the c1ty. Tbe city III chenp, and It lB cWmed "a ~ old ro..mparta were 10Toied about fifteeD buys Illj much In llruasels all a IIhlUlOC years ago, as In tbe c l ~r of Lounln, to In London ," be converted Into attractlTe promeI~ I ke Parla, 8r\l811e~ baa lDIUIy 8l'Inlldes. No Jllurof)04n oltl' 'C IlD boost of cadoll lined with aplo{ldld llbapa, TIll. handsomer boulevards than tbolle or Galerle St. H umbert ls one or tho - ' Bru llsels, which ba.TO boen construoted 'D opular of these gluftoCo.,ered areadea. throuS'1I the h eart of'the old town. where the BTUssel1i lamee of taalUoa Promenadlni alol\8 tbe broad, IIh&4y bUT their cholcelll .:o.tumee _d tile aveDues, completely lined on both .Idea Illtaa t Parisian IItylu III ball aDIl jew"I t h ParlalilO·lookJng ShOPI, ga, with elr" nne carriage II. e.Utoll and 'fehlcles of B7 'takI08 ·a cart'laae and 4Jl1'1.IaI oat all description., and filled with bun· along the fine Bou!e.,ard lie Namana. trede ot styllllhl, gO'IIrDed ped8lltrlan.a, tho hlg1lway coutructed " NapoleoD" the reuon Brusula Is known " Ut- tbnt prince at road 'llIlden, tile Uo ParI." la .,ery apparent. famou. battlefield of Waterklo wW ... The Hotel de Ville ltandll In tl1e II\lOrU, reached, or the joUl"ll., mar be Grande Place:or 'market SQuare. whlob made bT trolle,. DIarlna the CleJebTa1e4 la In the ce nter o.f the lower part of " hundred allYs" trom tho mldd)e 01 t.ho cIty. Il la not onlr the mOlt taoI March to Juno 22, Ullfi, when Mapo1eoa mous buUdlnS' In BrllaBela, but admit· r, haYing 08C4Ped trom Dba. c1aI'Jqb ted to be t11e moat beautiful and ani.· attempted to r_tabUah bie emplYO. tic odlflce In all Belgium. , ·Ita prlnclv al hB met with ht. cMlahlDl 1le1_' at facade II In the true GothIc atJIe. and Waterloo, the little "Waae lut a tl'ia. It II ,raeeful tower III 310 feet In betcht, more than nln .. ml1ee QIIUIde 01 ~ tbe work ot , lilA Van Rurabroook. aela. 'wbolle lltatue etill adorn. ~h8 tint I "ugut II> thJa , . . . . . . . . . ~ lI1ehe In the tower, Tbe open·work i ourth annheneaq of Bel«talli'a indf:. lip!r:e waa badlr dama,ed bt U,htn1Dc 4endence but It to\l.Dd . . . . . . . ta balt a century aco, but It lIu bMD eD·' the grail; of the Urelr rel)alMd, and the ooloaaal cop, her clttee blaokened ~Il as-. aDd ~ p~r-«tlt ftgure "oc tbl\ 'Cltr' patron flelM dren ched willi tile "\004 of ..... saint, A rchange}, 'M lohael, 16 feet taU. h ' rolc IOna ' " ,' , . continue.! to ahow whIch .."ar the wind e blow., . " Y'' ' Thriving ",IHIrJla. Architect Hanged Him"", Bealde the clt;y proper, 1I~ eo. A IItor, Is current that i Bll, the archl· ,lIIta of teD thrlY1n, IUblll"lla. whlo~ tect of the tower, In the "01'1 moment have ImportlUlt m.IlDIICt.ctoriea 0' Ieatbat hili at the comP,lttlon of er goods, linen, ,woolell IIiI4 aottoa his Ii. eriUcn.! cloth, furnIture and bronu. Bu mMt, l~ench .

been loy arcblpelago, found and explonld, described and pictured, It Is •• weird, t.lul wondar· ful as Gall1ye~'a Lllllput, and la ae't ual fact, not Batir1elll fancT. It III hidden In tbe mountt.ln· ous ' beart of Ne.. Guinea or Papua, the largellt lelaad Ia the ~orld-eounUnr Australia .. it. OF 8H1NA continent. Lying l19uth ·of theequawr, and .eparnted trom Auat.ralla b1, Country Hae Aw8kened to the Need tbe Arafut a Ilea and Torrea atralt. of Melody Calculated to In, New Guinea ball all area 0( 'Oa.~ot rnellaJ"j , NIaCI.oU set up with the The Papuan womeD 0' PJdotmao epUre ~ Patrlotl''''' , lIqual'e mllell, The poilaasiJon of thts Taplro, .. th'a .. uewly-illaco.,ered haYe no ,"at attractloDll, either y..t t errttory ia dl'Y1ded. polltlcall, ."cm.!oe ' are called, the mea lIubmlt· "raJ or vtlftclal, to hide ~r eoaceaL After tbe rejection of eight Slatton' .pUlclng, 1)etweeu HoliaDd, Gre&t .t1De "wlncl, to m8&llllrement., whlcb · With the uc:eptlon of a lew l)eadll anthema ctomposed In ChIna alnee ~rttaln and German::r. Oill, ID ~ the abowed an aYera,e hellf\t of four feet tbe, wear nothlog but the 101D cloU1. revolatloJlj that. of e Chlnelle Ihftllh territory .baa an, ..rioue t.t- nine Inohoe. But DO otten o( matal ma4e tram til'. bark of a tree, ." mlnillter to Be\g'!um, Wans Yan tempt bee n made at aettllnc and ad'- ;mtftl and nea ..ould Induce them to "Poo~ wretehll8!'/ exelidmll the G' whicb, ~oge~bte" wt;th tbe lonll ot the mlmBterJn~ thl? CCluAtr,., ~et their Iwomea be Hen, probabl,. plorel', ''their dllYII.!'re one tong round minister 'of ag:rlcultute, commerce OwinS to' it. remote .."",don. Ita IIr. , WoUllstlJn conJec~rel, bec.,.u.. of toll; and they have Jlttle le.lsure .to trade, Cbllllll" Talen, belollp to the f'II«ged , mountaIn and ImpeDe· the, abductl.on by the Papuane, thlllk 01 trlnketa or decoration. WotD· Jateit comJ)OBtltlonll,'-i.ll likely to be aetrable fo~"ta, Ita deadly cllmat~~ aDd He a'yppllea tntereaU"g detail. about lUI, tb. weaker creature. III relep't ed cepted by the Cb,ln08e gonmment. IIolltlle~ treacberous Inhahltantll, New them, altlao.uC1\ ' yarnaneBI attendll to a .,ef)' InferioT pOlltlon, and III In FolloWing Is t. tnnBlntioD of the first GWhea todny ill prac\l~a1l1 'terra I~. theae, "for they are 110 IndeBcrlbablY (act the IIlilYe, body and lIoul, of ber three stanzas: cogtl Ita, It oam ,reater opportunities .dlrt,- tbat It la not ... , to know wblcb lord and master, becomiIlg hla pl'qP"Ohlna, 'thel s ublime mountall1fl and for the explorer, c:oUector and' anthr&- ~ their true color," but the t,.pe II e rty to deal with all he pleuell. Mar- luxurta.nt plal1ns attellt tby greatneS .. polDgillt than an7 other portion of the dlatl~ctJt Neltlto. raSe!!, except on IIpecial oCCBeioDII, Country of WOllderl through thr stolle, ' The IaDiua&e of the 1'aplro pygmies are not conllidered of much Impol'- hoarr clYlltza.tlon, th1 e mperol'll haye , Tbe op~dltton~ recentl, , e,.n~ to &hIe ..eemed to be radically 41trerent fro," tanee, Blld are not celebrated b, sacrlfleed thomselYe8 In ceding the ylrgLn land by the nritlab Ornltholo- tbat ,of tbe PapUAnll, and the Wollaa- feasta or jolUllcatloll. Nor is an, at· rule to the PElople. , gtills' ul\10n mado pioneer e:J:ploratlonl too party were unable to make e~en tentipn paid to the birth of a child. '.'The people ba'Ve the eupreme powla the land 'ot the 1'alliro ,P18 mle ., de- th~ amllUeat "oeabuluy, of IL ' Their -It dreu can. be looked UPOD A8 a or: ' 80 has taught COntuolllB and IICribod In two orrall ...el of lenlla· yolo8ll l*re hlSh·pltched and naaal. and louree of pieaaure, wldowB tn Paupua Menf5tBe. And alrendy In tbe hotary Uona) Intere t: Doctor :Wollalton'. full ot anlmal,lIke tbroat 60undJi 1m· are to be enY1ed, Inasmuch> .. they times of Yao and ,Suen It had tnus . " PygDiles and .Papuans~ (Sturgle II: poB8lble to ' render pbonetlce.U1 ,In nre requIred' to adopt ontward and been announced to the people, The Wajtoh' Co., Ne w York) Ilnd ~ptaln ,..rttln,. Yllflble elgal of their bereayement. A people III composed of five tribes. The IUwllnr:'B ," .:Land o{ tho New ' Gulnoa Captain Rawlins and Doctor Mar- wldo·... of lltandlng \\111 'd~corate her· unity tbe lI!!,trlbes Il!~st ~. 18P-~~"' ,I~-l1i1 ,Pygmies" (J . B, Llppln~ot~ Co.: 'PhIJa. eball bad somewhat better luck. leU with a l!hort nnd scant, bodice Tlien ' nB tB lnY1nclble. delphia). Throullb a foreat fiUe~ wltb hlrda --of ot woven graBS, wblch leaTes t~a "Develop the wealth of the country, , Here lB a. . marveloull eounll'" ,.lth paradllle ond emerald greeD serpentl, IItomacb bare. whl1e from tbe blpa will Improvo agrl.~ulture, and make the 8now-<llllotl penkll as , hlgb aa Mount tbey" peDetrated to tbe p,gmy TllIage hane a IItlll more ragged form of people bappy. Education and cultqre Dlanc, J'lslng ftow' llIlpenetrllble t ropl· of Waml>lriml, high up In tho bills and skirt. Surmounting ' all la a pecullarl,. are tile acbloYements of centurlell. eal foreatl! iullabltlld by" native ~cel apent & day al)d a night tbere, pboto- sbaped poke bonnet, made or th~ eamt' All cltlzenll all'e equal ; for Confucius , who Uva In so prlmltlv.o a Btate that g~hlug ,Rn~ ,PIll'le.y.llIg with the Lilli, molerlal, which, unlell8 the ladJ and Mengt,ee have taught aoctal equal· it 18 JI!-6ralJ)' what Doctor WoUliitOn vurlaD' natlvell. ~n the line -qf feml- wlahee 'to be aeen, completel,. · hides Ity," ' CltIUB IIt~thQ .atone age today. ' n:lilt study, howe ver, tbey' made no ber fllc(\. Young widowe are Dot I!O ~ Tbe ~y~le8 encountered by Wei· ~rtber advance tball their predeceB' cAl'otul to conceal their t!barnls. and Albatrol' Br'Ought Into New Vork. la$ton tn olle of their vlllageB among lors hlid / dOlle. It 'was only a mong are usually satlsfled w~tb the IC4n,iest An alllatr~lI, tbe llnest speclm~n the s purs of Mou nt TllplrQ were clean~ tb~ pygmies' grownup couBIDS. the at Bklrts In the form ' 9f bunchea of sver seen In New 'Y\>rk, was part ot loY built, acU,ve ' little tellows. wboae taller Pa,puana of the plaIns, that they gnas8 ' hanging In front and behlnil, the · ~a ...go (It 'th'e British' four.m asted t\yorage adult ,Btature Willi Bome'what secured thosa pJctures of women aDd nnd If they fancy It, with more tufts bark' Aunlt;!, wblch 18 llolollillng mo.. leaB. tban toilr f et !\lx Inche.s. Their children which 'forro 80 ' atrlltlng and haOglng from the biceps." bogany In Drooklyn after a voyage of f1klu f 8 R dusky yellowish brown, hatr couvlnclng a complement to th pub· Probably nowhere eleo In the 'World daTs tram S~lIna' Crllz, Mex1co. This ahort aM , woolly and !>IIlCk, Many 'of IIl1hed ns'rraUYe8. · are the birth and death n.t_ 80 high the ftrBt 'epeclmen seen In ~ew: the" men ' bllve Bbort, bushy black I' "Tbs more ooe llees of these peo- as In New (lulnea. . 'In many 'years of this species of beard!!. Wltb tho e:tcetttlotl of a " cad pie: writes RaWling, "the more one The suggestion 'b~re occurs. that, I.~la8n1,Clce'nt ' bhrdll. once so common dress ot llialted noon and ,featherB r~U,ea that their lives are one long the gift of $100,000,000 for a 1!'orld ~reme southern latitudes and and a gourd strapped arOlUld, the 101n8: 8trugg le tor "existence. ' Preclpltoua bealth caml/lLl8'D-wblch benefaetlo.ll DOW lloon 110 rllrely that It Is believed tbey go abOut un clothed. They carry mountalna witb ileep and ,Ioomy Ambassador Page announced the liIle, win , bo'l'e a1.ld Ol'rOWI, 1Hllt ' knln8 and ges I\urround them OD either band, other da, In I:.opaon os baYing been within' the Den lew years. The aletene hood d · Ct1),bs. aM, make 'Ore ' by avejoy foot: of ground clothed with tbe proJeded by a Dumber of wealth, tl:ap:0BIlt,brOUgl!t( Iinto port by the An. , ·frlcUon. of bam~o 'IItlck!!, blowlng 'the dttnBelt toreBt, with perpetu!'l , raIn, Am erlcan~ma; find Icope 111 N.w Die l'U sturred and mounted by the , smoldering· tinder Into flame. ' ,The wllh .,no wild fruit or edible roots, and Guinea. ,, ~w &fler It Illad dropped exhausted ra.1 ee aud IImo,ke tobacco" mOBtly III ftesb tD 'an, form Bearce and bnrd to "The Income or thlll fund," accord- T the deck. I.t weighed 14 poundll, the form of olgaret~eB; lIet lnarell tor procure. One ,muat see the ground to Ing to PUbJlillted announ.C!ement, and waa more tban tour feet In lengtb blrdll, wild pillS lUId , 8\11all · animals; apprecl'e te tha amount of labor that "which will amoun~ to about " 5,OOO,~O ft'om, the tip of It" b~t 'to lhe tlp of a d extract a falpt, pleasing , .o~ of haa heen ,upended til elearlnS' away a year, w11l be applied' to the IItudy ita tall. The "Wlnp had a lipread '01 lIluetc from a l.Pllt , bamboo In.tr1l- the ~eat tl'ile8 and Teset'Uon In their and cure of dillenles among nt.UYe ~8 feet. men~ lomeqllnS' like .a Jew'e-~, . . errorts 'to cultlva'te the lese 'prec:Jpltoue mcell In pam of the "orl4.-: • " Ii)oCltor w hUnBton tound 't he Taplro. la.nd. . ,When Ill, I. 'feaUled tbat this ' .' H'~ Waa Dluppolnted. ' , ", _ gll!lcB shy and ,UinOJ,:f?UII, but eage~ hu Men aocolIJPUaitied eoleJ~ with tho 011 Beal'lng Tree Jroultd. A New ~or),er "-tells of a yll1t he bllrr;her tha-t the edlJloe' "&}I ruined ", fOr .,1Iarter, and e:J:trelilel1~~oua ,alII ,of ~l'It (a. dl1ftc~l~ operation;ID thle. 8elenWlo Inyestlgatlon is befbS made to c.dner Island for the purpolo lie bad not · p l _ Ita tower .bout the white men. Their ,,..omen "'t ellmate~, .tone a:tea' and t ..o 1m· made or· a newJ,·dllcoyered oil-ileal' of ' ahow1ng a friend from Arkansas th e center. ~n. his ch~n an!! de,he De"e~ let eyes 011., The yfll~e .\\~d. ,.le~eDta ~Ihloned out of t. couPl'e of Id, ,leecI found abundanti;, on the the llirhtll of tlttat lamO\\B resort. No" epalr at thIs crttl~lam tb. arebltect la un, a , bald. and ..hlte-boarded olel . • mall Dt~cea of , boop-Iron {.,tebel! ,to lelid of Ca~duall", ' ta, the Pbl1l~ the man' rWml '( be Soutbwelt had said to bale gOM ot! aDd han811d 111m· "" o~tu,re, ~orrlb~y dlafl,u"ed 'b~ . dl~ batn~ II.n41.., the niasD tude ot the' plnea. It grows on a Ie.r«e it.. aDd ,n e'fer lleeD the .o cean. So, as'be iltood selt. ' , eae~i lreP,t 'lP a , IhrtU".houun, a,lI ~e tajk , wlJl 'tie. IIndllntood." . ' comea ,trom a ' broWll pe&1'-lIha)JeCI , . Another IIplenilld butldln, In . the "bUe t1ie ' BttanlJe~ .ere I~ al~b\. mhe w481toft 'd lsplqed lar.e butcber truit that not 'unllke a c .......:.. kutnl , out , o\',er th~ 'BUrl the N~w , J , ' .... '. v ..",,, Yorker malnta!,ned a discreet IIlIenee sQ~e Is the Matson dli Rot. The ,.~d It lI~ " pro~~1'I due to , b I&) ,J'OO ,kIll.~.. J '~hlcll l'eUeltl!a, 8.allla of ~dmf. boll ,,;ben ripe and emltathe '.~I. '"hlle,tIle Inlan.lSer sbould reftect ution houlle of ' the king ,butllrea, storie. teats tlt,~ I the IDIiglla~men-O,n "tli,Je rat\~, •.ab~,·eIlTT from die P.7cmlu" The ,'8l\edB aro rough of eUl1ae& and tile ,lIlght.. . and boaatl M op~n galler" like the at'-~e&ll~wera no~ permitted to and GP!&llled ,th~t· theee prlzea we"i! of ,a dark bl'owa!S.h eolor, thiil "Welt" laid tbe boat, atter a lIult. ' Ital{lul logglu of the VenetIan ' pa)aeea . al, ..';t IllS ,. t you can II.,)' on tho Grand cabal" where the Bru. " ~e", the female o~ the< ap'eclea. • It tor Dell men .. would .Induce a wom, IIlze of a Iqe drte4 prUDe and aUgbt. ,able Inten '; : may , h!lye l' been • ~t th. ~r~lee a~ to~ beNelt, ;r~ all to DO IT Iddner-tlhaped. ' Tbo tree haa ... lIelll gr,and damel CoUld .iand to '"lew ~ teared the JJIg'Pa.,ulu JOOD .who 't.O- . p'urpoae:. ne old mell formed the ret been tull, l~eatl1lecl, '1nIt it , I. that :fOU hAYe lI'e en the ocean.." , " ~ ~m~nle'li ' the', ,ezpedlUoD ,from the obstructionlat partyJ th, ;,ounc onea thought to belpDg ' to . ,ill. lreD'a. Tbe ArltanllB.1 man gllye a Il,h of the fetee and ceromonlas laldns place • tl1§1ill l , ~9uld ~Try olr tlie~r .wIYeB, , 1t b, theD\MIJea ~Illit haye ~elded to Amoora or DyllotyJum. · itadltloD dblllppointment, "Yel, I can," be re- In the Grand palace be10w" The ~, Heml th8" IUI;),I),. of 'PaPu" ,womell , the temptatlob, Ther 8&14 ,the '~meushow8 that before "the adyent '01 PEt. pned, "but It ain't Bll.ythl~ all b~ AI ilIon baa recontlJ beeD reiitored and la labl)' 'regilded '"lm top to , bottom. 1!I' yery; II~Dtj, il~d t!Ut men wou~d be ud ' n",ptltloua'r .Pee»8d t.t tlie troleum ' the ' lntiabltaDtB of Catano I ~ou'gbt , lt was," The '.mormouBly ~h roof! with III '. apf. to .ellie any o~ce of &J!ducUn. wllite me~ from the , acreeu of·' the Cluane. 1I8ed"the oll troil! thtl '. . . .. ------,. a Tap 170· woman. " . " j~I&, bUt -had ~ , acated olr by a IU/Dbaant: ' , ' Nav'a t SIIlute.. , ro;ve' c;lf 'proJ~tln, ,;lDdowa, topPflld b~ , "lIr, ' Wollaliton tell. an ,llelUIlIr .'t he .dotll.. tile, wo~! . ..." 'F.h~ 1I~~UtatiOll given when" ,8l11el & quallit lalitern. no .. Is Hell lo aU Ita, • ' etla.. atter twq uiall m.n; wlloweft , Tho. ' pram.,..; It 1" . .Ue7ed. IqteJ-. Iml\ortan"t ~1iI~ iowa ... or ."4Jp." Ita ft,a g 18 one of the 'prjlUne Ilory. ' CI08e b7 tbeMalllOn .du .RoI~ the UlU~ate11 ', c;aptured' and ·Undl,; mam wlt.llthe ·~u people lb. "SIne. lIrT ba, enf"era,J pabUe Ute QldeBt IoJ;Ict inOllt honorable qt aU fOl'JDa bulldlo, knowD ... the P.1reo~ the d. entated, but who ,".boJ'ac1 no JneHna- plill", 'who are Gf Itature, ana J DO longer feel 11k• • •dlq !lIm OD oe inarlne greetlo.. . tidD 'to ' eonduJit atraIlsVl! to . their . lIot 10 Tllrldab or .0rtDoil-ltka In lUI e~d to lb.e !1'Otlet'f ~" 'l'h1a'torm of II3l.ute_bil.l always beep 'lichUUll, quaint guUdhall of tbe IlaQl8:" Tblll ~th tbe' aid of lIatl. . 'thelr ' lcJ~ about , Ule ~ptlo.n of "In pabll\l lIf., rou ~,.. d8IDaDd~ tn f9,relgn porta. !lnd Gao- erll', "hil!~, la d~orat.ed, not 1'I)dwe WaI , ftaal1r reac!led, aDf: thit· "~e ,IIU. . ., ' " "Ya, He'a ' a boy lCOIIt 1Mrir.'" baa -warmetil. the heatta an4 uaed hlhtll, . but ~~ four relleta ot , bpoda. · Be10lld III ~ Taupo, 'the :J! I l,b,.'cl:he 'bcliyclor eI,{ leneratJoilll 'o~ naval b&ll ' of UJa tallon, 'tillt none of aullcJh~nl are older tlwl tbe end of AS TH£Y 'PASS tile an to 1IoHct, to 1If',etrall,.", A R1UD- th • .,. clO!l8'per8(lrw. trlUM repPMepft OJ' all elaborate eodc, ft:/~ the ,,"entaenth ceQtu17· • ,The. creater . .v.rat Eu~n Diplomate AN N,.." bel' ~ IOCJal u.. l,D Ole e&1I" ,..... ~UI. ~,my:.' .. the manti me pow.ns, Tbe D.mb~l' p.,t of the aq~re wu If_trorecl by , Glyl". Another..... : thb Fre~d1 under Vll'erol In 18115, l!'orlta!.yo beeIl brok. . '" l' Ie related that duliq tIl. 'Aaaao- or pna to ba 4nlcJ -fn aU eJroumstalllleB Frozen ata..... " blu.,tal1, the cit7 hall.Dd k ...... - ooatllct. .. the dl*~ lapU~ "81' tile .m.......... ftom .......ldated. alo• .,Ieapad the fate,01 the other bIll1d' ID dUt 1'81' an re"-,oulll7 adb~ to KUala and ,Japan 'Md • WaF Of 110.., Is _nta'y, ....1'1 IIlII In the Grande 'Plaoa 0 .._ &0 &be the ftIItOa of Got reooplllq, .... Iq ID a Jierftdlctltl'1 1IIIlIIIi.r........ fact tlaal til.,. "are IIIolatAt4. . . . ia • WIl7. tb "Pl'8HGIt~" aeJt'........Iq~. ta....t17 1WJUi wbleb tbeJr ow. . &Il4laeaWaJ'


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oelebra ted or ' aU are the lae~ wliere BruSaelJ ,laoG ' is lIIIUIe" a ' lMe' whIch Ia eJtported to aU tbe pnllelpal clUOII of the ' w.oriel. . A , tourtst wbo DMIJIII!81a ~ the, time of the ."'Balnn· 8tP.0" ,O~. ~U, Hel ~ ho bad bel)ome 80mewlull D4Inoaumd; excitable 1\11 renlt ot bIII,e:J:jMtHeDo. before ~&chlae' B~I_IU1D"IIO wall cJe., lighted to fln" hllpMlf we and>lIOtUUI~ In Bru.~oll, wiler. be ,PUt uP ' &~ ~ 8t.oa1l and ~ quiet , botel: ' But OIl reUrin8 .... dad th. 'es P6Cted 'rea(, 'IOr hi&, drea!DJI wefe audd.nl1 iD\em~(ed bJ: • loud cdntrOY8n1. ~4 aft.. tlinall lit wahement FtenCh tie ,wu borrlDecl to ,h ear 'the lound .of OI'8lU'lb8. ' Ru.~e ' froSD ~ : c~ber, I.e bait. ~ , o~, ~t the. btitela,tteDdi.D~ ,~d lo14t , h.1111 ,omll oile w.. beln, ~~ nut But 'to the dlagrlD of ua. tb~ man oD17 npll~ ~.It.Ii • ' "But. JaO, monllh, u. It ... onl, bOllle." and the ~ " .. mO~1 , bac1,PO,llltad. ' to blm the ,.7 ~teN ' the m81oC1r;ama which wu Wlq par'orme4 at the iii_tar .djoln1n~ Ilia botel. , ~bout all ~J1l1lm the gld aatluc III eUU Clurrent, &0 the . . . . lhIiIt Braa. 'rejoklea 10 "DO~I. m-.;. ADw.,rp til m,,;- Q~t III II......... Druaea 1.11. Pl'8~ .11 iD4 Mal. . . Ia

"Ja.... .u :teu. . ..



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· · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . .·. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . i 1111111111~IIIIIII~illl~i l~~!~~II~IIII~ . lliSJ~Q~~~Octo~~ili. THE MIAMI GAZBTTE,







+ +



a 'l'empelC\~ Mass Meeting ~as held at the hri tian church ~ hich W. H , Allen was in Cincinllati Fri· WitS cl'owued with a large and at· day, tentive a u d i e n c e . . . Tile church was tastefully decor· Chas Stan,berry was in Dayton • at~~ wiLo a profusion of flowers. Thursday. / . : tetnperance po,sters and penoants Th!! b s t J\\lbber OOLlt~ at My r • and a portrllitof Fran is E. Willard Hyman 's . hU 'n g' in a con~picuous place. Carl Hartsock, of Springfield, was The me ting was hela unqer the. her" FridllY on D"siness. auspices of the W. C. T. U a n d " .. Mrs. Wooten. the Pre.iident. had . Born- To M:r. and Mrs. Roy Reed·



Slltu rday evening i8 Hallo\;Ve'en. nnd a... upual, the fel' tivities of lhe t' \l ening- wil l not be ("rgotten .h~rp. r'M everul years· fun hilS rl'iglwd puprelfle. and nolhihg in all this .li!l!~ hu" b n don~ to mar the oveJ1lnK 8 fes livlties 1'hl!. year of cvurse. will btl nG exception. and it 'is hopeu that as many all can will come out ma l<ed and en)uy thegoud time.


--~ --

;ram 'was g'iven er. ~turGday, Octoboor 24, a son. t Bert rant, of ayton. spen ~ '11 b i t 0 own lI1 e k'10 d 0 f F uftllture . ' 1 .to Opening Song Service WI e proll( ware S h OWlOg. arid. gad SClripture Reading, Romans xiii. .. . couple of days here with friends. Special, This ~fi'ek • . TlICY are sensl' bl ' b' TheBbestdShoe on paY our pnee , e reasona b e lprrces, W h'ch 1 nng' the I' u gh .. ................... ... Mrs. Cadwallader L''Ion " M tbemarket. H ' "THe Thursday, Friday and Saturday f ran. at yer yman a. · . ' est type 0 f f urmtur manu aClured within the reach of those who ~annQt Prayer ....................... Rev. Grauser I afford, or do not care to pay, the ptohibitive prices of tlie high.priced city stores. ReiCitation, The Dry Line........ ...... Rev. C. S. Grauser and W; O. Another shipment of that good . ' Ross Irons Raper were in Dayton Monday. Coffee ........ :.. 3 pounds for 49c While a ttending the Farmers Fall Festival come in and get posted Ol1 real Fur· I RE.~i~ti~~:~::::::::::·::::D~~iel Palmer Harry Sherwood and Carl . Baltimore Peeled Peacbes uiture values. Whether you buy' or not, you will be as welcome here ' as though you Song, by twenty children I,~l'-rvi'" .w ere Dayton visitors ~onday. 3 Cans for 350 were in your own home. P8~per on Temperance !.: ....: ......... Th-e best Rubber Eoots at Myer ........... ..MiSB Elizabeth Chandler Not over 1 doz. to a' customer. Wouldr.'t it Be Worth a Tri t X . Proqib.ition vs. Home Rille...... .. .... Hyman's. p 0 enta ........_.......... I. .. Rev. Cadwallader . Born- To Mr. and·· Mrs . .Chas. Ed· New El1rlyJune ·Peas ....... ·.... + To Save One Fourth on Your Furniture? ~ongby young' girls . wards Satur ay. October 24, a son. .. ...... 3 cans for 25c, 95c a doz , + • Woman Sutrrage .. ....... .. Rev, Martin ed + I Two Portraita ......... Gurney Wooten The Friends Home entertain Fresh Oysters, Fancv Celery. I O N t' , B . guvsts from lndianapolislast Wedne!!" Crs,nl!erries',, Figs. New . Furniture Carpets , . ::so 0, ur a I(\n's 9ys ......... ...... d 20 24 N Detro.1't St. dried Apricots, Peache~, New I ' I MISB Lucy Emley ay. RaisinR, New Currants. New Stoves , f .. Equal lUght ...... ... ...... Rev Palmer Do it now- get your Lyceum i Hominy. New Oats. • . XemB, OhiO. V· t J s G Reading.rhe Brave Hunter's Child Course tickets. . I HC__ ro~_._ a ra anOl8S I Miss Edytha Macy Mrs. Lizzie Kauffman and . Miss New Corn Meal ___ .._ _~.. _.-..1L L.. ..............l • Du.. ................... t. Ohio's GOing Dry .... ...... :.... d Flours, New Margaret LewiB spent. Sat.ur ay in MillSe.." L uelluand J e~nnette J anney Lebanon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~... Home Rule ......., . ......... Rev. Grauset Reading, The Wbite 'RoRe............ Dr. Macy was the guest of Mr. ............ ....... .. ......... Mrs. Palmer and Mrs Bert-Har.tsock,-Of~Route 1.1-~-1~J~~~~ruv~I~~~rol~~:~~-tTOVOTE~SOFWA~REN COUNTY people bY2'ood and wholesome laws WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Male Quartette, Messrs. Brittian, Sun.~ay. I. and not cater to" visionary scheme · H·e nderson, Printz a,nd Raper. Vote for Frank E;lbon, 'candidate I am a 'c andidate for the office of to ~nhan.ce party prestige has no j~st The 'Payton.. Convocation ?f the The prO'gram was one of excep: or C~un~y Auditor. adv County Trealfurer. lin the Progr~ claIm to be. €!Iected to. sucb an 1m· ~oman s AUXIliary of the. Eplscop!'-I tic)rlal el'cellence throughout. Space ' Store full of good thinga to eat. ive ticket, ·and · will appreciate. t.he por~nt posItion . I WIll greatly ~p. f DlO~elle of Southe.rn OhIO, met 10 forbids going into detail but special Mrs. Hope Stiles, Miss Dora Stiles Let UB have your ordera, we ,s\l'Pport af every voter. regardless precla~ the favol of those who g-l~e ChrIst chur~ h. Xema. las.t Thursday. mention IIhould be made Qf the reci lind Grace Patk·n were in Spring will treat you ri~hl o.f party. who d~ires t place clean me th~lr sUJ!port and hope to retam ( ~he m~tmg ope!"ed WIth the .Holy 'tation by Ross Irom, The Dry Line. Valley last Friday. competent men in our Counw offices the frIendshIp of all those wbo prefer ~mmunJon. of whIch 78 womet) par· in which Uncle Sam represented by Mrs. George Miller arid . son. of I am not a politician and have not to vote tor eltber of my opponents took, Rev. C. E: Byrer, . of prmg- Mr. Seth Cook. hangs Ohio up to Dayton. spent last WE'ek with U. G. the 8upport of any "ian~." I have for whom! have the most cordial field; . ('~Iebrant. Noontide prayer dr'y on the line with the . Prohibition Whetsel and family. no ir'rudgeugainst any pohtical party; reg-areta. Fespec~ful1y. for ml9!!lons wa3 led b:r Rev. Mr. States. These were Cleverly cut out but feel that county offices should adv J MIlton Earnhart. Thomas, rector of ChrlBt church. of muslin in shape of the state!l, Miss B4!II.e . Gest. of Xenia, spent be ..em6~ed. trom political ~ntrol, . • -:-. At 1 o'c1ock luncheon was served at appropriately lettered and hung on the week· end at the home of Mr. OlassiSed Ads andplac~ In the.hands of ttie best Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers. Mrs' th~ Y. W C. A. rooms.. . '. a line with clothes pins. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. .' • w . - r na meo ~vailRble. ~Y 'qualifications Ernest Rogers .Il!ld Dr. J. W. Miller !\t the afternoon sessl.on . MI~ The singing. of the little tots in See ' the ."Singin' Bebop! ' Begin. tor thul offlce wJlI ~mpare . most were Dayton VISItors Thursday. Ehzabeth Matthews, of CmcID1!atJ, their temperance caps was 'a pleas. ment," at'School Hall Tuesday eveFOR SALE -_. , c9nd~cted a con.fe're~ce. on questIOns in~ feature. " ning. , favorably With, th,Ose of the othe,r l NEW CIiN'Fl!JRY CLUB rel/l~I!lg to t~ b~t .mtereHts ,~t the , • - • MiBSes Sybil and Releil Hawke. of candidatea. and my record will bear ~he(!lbseat inVestigatibn. _ C-o._ . AU~llar'y. ~nequlet );OUl', (lOD~ "SINO*N'l' SKULI?'" KIIMMIIIJ D f S d dS IO(;&.IilR~IilI.s -~ (; W. L g'h,rn", Ml . b~inellit will not el'mit m e . . .du~ted by Bishop Reese, was verY U '( I~ , e aware. spent. atur ay an un~ l\od8; 0rpi'U~,toD ' )t,'O kar ..l.,. (Uf ' to Pl:ake a thorough Canvass of the 1 The ladles of ~he New century helpful, and' bl'llught to a close, day at their pa'l'entl\i home., . ., 81\1~ ~ '/1,\1 M'fP. B. V "'IOUIt , pbnnu ~unty at this t.ime, but I ask that Club were entertalDed ·at the pleas- ~ day full of il)spiration . .' Those Mister and Mistus Jeremire RobMr. and Mrs. W. S. Grah-am vis11 ' 11 you ,IlI!ti8fy yourself as to the best ant count~ ho~e. of Mrs . Cbarles from the local branch who a~tended kjnlJ' "Singin Skule Begmment" is ·ited in Springfield from Saturday 87.3X, WUYOtoH·Yl!ttl. ()~i(j man {or'theplaee ' and vote accord. Hougb, FrIday af~rnoon.· October were Mrs J. F. Cadwallader, Mrs. kummin an· will ' g!ve theyre speekip until Monday with Mrs. VeJ:naKelly. O'r A TO E~- A lot, of 1t,,!)1f hlllh .iD~ly . ·. ' sincerely Yours, 23r~, Mrs. Ward hostess. . -1. H. Coleman, Mrs. E. V. B~rn. & singin & things at the Skule Audi· pot,,~o e8. Cblts Fry .., phone ' _ adv W. E: O'Neall . Ei~htee~1 ~~mbers responded to hart, Mrs. G. W. Hawke Mrs. C. B. turium Twosday nite, Novem~r 3rd, Miss Annie Brown, of Xenia. and <l911..2S W .. ~ ne!lvllle. Ohio ·011 . . roll call by glvmg the name of some Bentle}' . Mrs. W. H . . Allen. Miss an the M. V. Poultry A~ciationt1ir Miss Marne Brown, of Columbua, OR &1.. Qr l'rllrl.·-BI"ok8ml til 'O'VOlEnS' OF W · ADR ' EN COUNTY ' college m Ohio. Two exc~llent Letitia McKay and Mrs. D . L. Qrane. at the bottum of ita kummin -I) git spent Saturday wiUl '·friends here. Shop, ) "8t-~ of 'ruul~, 2 t)weJllng . T. "',"'- . . papers were read, the first one, •- the funds . that is raised U & yore Vote for W. E . O'Neall for Coun. I:fODS811, in c..;orwtn, O .. i" Will .. "Welah People" by Mrs. Mosher was Fun! Fun! School Hall Tuesday eve. fokes air invited to kum an here all ly Treasurer. adv. . trlade tur·larm. C. M. anY,lol(l1l Beinff a candidate· on th.. Demo· most interesting.. and instructive. " • -- • I the new fangled tunes & thing!! the Dr. Q. 'D. Alexander and Mrs. D 11, , . cGratic tilckAe:_~o~ Rep~~tive to the Mrs. Whitfl.then ~ave "Short sketch· PENNSYLVANIA' LINES N""W Tl &.tiE sck'hollllars. are goin to hev' All the Aletha Alexander,"f Dayton, 'w ere enera ~mbly. I '"'5 to call at· es of Amencan Women who have I r.. If' S 0 ,ars alr well knowll rite bear cept ~ PEAR'" lOb i oJ' If If tentlon to the ~act, tbat owing to the written Popular Books," and she lABlE Mietus Robkins who is from Cinein. in town a few hours Tnul'8(jay on o - v 0 ('e o..l' fir ~lIrti nEisa. son Willi' flue OIlf11' 01111 UTI mo. . , busi . ch atlgeinthemetbod 'o f electin~U. told us of many of whom we can . natie Saf! hichu'p themules,git J.O.B.awkfl~ WAYnellvll1l'.O. 114, S. Senators they being now chosen justly be proud~ . . . New time tables will become ef. a gal an kum. If you air a aal,' er Mr. and Mrs. ehas. Reynolds. of by the electol'lJ : instead of b;1-the-,....l)uripg the social .h our which fol. fective on pennsvlvania Lines Sun. haint, an kant git one. kum eny way Loui.ville. Ky ., are . the JlUesta . of QUINOEl).-A' $' .00 " bUilbel, Legislature the lH'litical significance lowed. a delicious two course lunch day, Noverhber 111t , Chanlles affect You wont regret it neether Will the hia cou8in, Mr. C. M. Reynolds and . uall pbonA 8<1ti, ' Ventervllle . • of. the . position 'has beeJt entirely was.served by the.holltess at\8isted bv time of trains at Wayneaville as fol. IELdies wbat.air gettin it up.'itll20in family. , NormRD B. BrowD, R 0 I, ,""Y'Dtl!\J errmffiiifea. · rIi18irWboi8'bot broad Ml'8. u.:oull'h. Mias Gatch, of Xeni.a. lo.we: . . I to be tbe laffinest time old Waynes· T!le J. O. A. M. will have a lunch ville.Ybio. . 114 enoug'",~ to use bis best endeavors to and MiB8 Carroll were' gueata at tt-is East Bound. N .o. 42 8:28 a. m. ville basaeen in meny a day, er nite P 1 d Chi ~ S , h att.heir meeting Frid~ eveni~g In U • ~.ype () an na ' pr i 0/1 advancetheintereats . of · the w oIem~ti" ng. '. . West ' Bound No. 41 8:41a.m. eIther. th hall B th ted Plgtlforll<je Mllle"!\nd~tllt41. ~ , efr . ro ers are reques C. 8 '. MAxwell). W.ynMviIJl\ t:/om" to collie. Phone 685. tJeD'ervIJle bobanl(i. u P.:EEElIElI!I EEal1:] .. P.!,55;aII:lIr.::aE;EI P.!555J11:I1!1 5 '5'5:1 P.!::;::5J1[:U:=i=U:]. P.!,::::511 B ==51'1 f unnr If Y°ab want aSc·ghoodl IHaugllhT~h,e \. .. .. D ,4 " Iii Iii I:: ¥I:: .. ... ow at 00 a u-..ay MALE BOUS, hnmuned. lr 'YOD evemng. , .WIlDt a Durno gel MOllle,btD, Enos Rogers, w;ho has been Bpend· wor,b wbtle ,U. V. B.rDtl~lI, R. 0" ing S()me months in Pittaburg, fa, 3. Wa.YuenlJle, OJUo . Pbuoe 26.2r, is the g~~t of his son. Elmei' R.Qger! t:J •• veyabur,. 0 28 . and fJlmlly.. . . SOR6BUM-Wtmted tllrmel'll to 1iJ· Mr. Benj , Lippincott ~d Mr. 'and brlDg me tbelr MUIU wlil Mrs. RQI!8811 . SalisbQry attended the ..tart making this week. Mill is .1 . Masters·Georgeweddingat Wilmin~- Uttoa · . 8. E · Coruellus, R. D. "2. ' ton last week.. . . , Leo.noD, OblQ u28 Mr.s. Cbas. AndersOn, of East • . . , . , ,



'I [;;OU Y

Ch!~~~ef01l0winp; pro





r= '

r;...._._. _.........__.:-, •··


i• I . '. '




I .:. . . . . . . . . .







BI"- "'-



Coffee . '

O 'YSTERS Direct from 'Baltimore, and . .

S~lbetbinl' , .'\ :.. ~""r



, Burnham

Good. •




Dir'e ct from factory at Day'·t on. Always fresh.

30 and '3 5c

._ 'Qu~ker ' ,'Corn' Puffs







Gibson Special.....


· 13. B ................

300 '

Bour'i . Roya1 Gar~en




Tr~phy, .•..... '..... :~

Packed by H. J,. Ileit;lz New Hand

Cballenge . .........



Heinz .

20, 26 • 3Oc '

Old Reliable .. : ... : : . 30c

Great big

'the ' New ,Cereal ,




Corn Meal ' , FI~k~ Hominy ., . ( Cracked Homi"y

T~': ~

· l\{unn~llf'S ..:. Pjne 'CaDdj~ From


~ ~al·


~itt·heSf-:.n:nt~vMi:! '


. See the ·. fUnDY "Jeremil'e" Scb901 Hall Tuesday evening. Mrs. :Kumler; . Mrs. Davis and No·.8iiJ~li8r;.-il~p.....,;~...,'•.ur;;;..;,:; ~UIOlllI'~ daughter and Mrs. Smith motored from 'Daytun and took dinner at the Fr~e.n.dB Home Thursday. . ; We are'sorry to


that. ~wing &U~IIIOl'l'W

to fA large run .,,1 adl!. this week, we \Ve"l obliged to leave out . several (rticles at importatioo. . .' .

ADy Kind



Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Wdollard ; anlf . sons. OJlntot! an~ Davi~, of ~ag~rs- m"~oll~8I'II. town, Ind., ·'attended the' funeral ;Mrs. ~Rachel Woollard last Friday. .. 1'Q~~t Shoe on tht!market', '~::rhe Lion Brandl" . at· Myer ~~man'". ,',

,·1.1rs. Alice Alcdrn and little' da~gh.

.ter.~'l,frs; Etwood Palmer, 'Mrs, John

Cartwright an!!. ~iss Elizabeth Car roll wer:e Dayton ahupp.ers Wednes;day. . <',.' : . ~=:l~~~! Ote'· Ior H. D, Kelll80D, 'dr'Y ' .. J:tlldal:e for ' Repre.enta,Uve ' to . uellleJ'lal. Aa8embly~Election, .:Novem. . ad\! .. ,'

Any Size







E;;';t; -r



G SKULE" COMIN A Clij ;l\UNG RECEPTION M.ASTEI{S'(h:.ol{tiE (, E -: FA .t.-FESTIVAL .... . I'uhllnlilld: WIlllJ Iy II;~ W&yneavillo, OWo On~ of the funniest local talent en. ,*, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - e On I'll Iday evening, Octo/Jer 20th, Ruth, d ughtct' of Mr. I Xenia will have a festival I.hl. b L ' (' . tertammentll ,sean in 1Jhis vicinity in Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan gave 1;\ A l ' (W 'I ' l >l lasl thr ,!tws of thIs week , liill' h . • • IltANE, 1:.'I lit or ~~n t.1 M an a~er {Ilany 'n Ilay ia ~he~ ul ed to be pre. M.; !lnd Mrs. Dert .Hartsock barl r ception in honor of fn ir . no ano m~l' ri£'/\V(>~I~e~y !~~~7~,()n.C! merchant is doing his b l to ml1k~ Sel1 l~~ by the M,ami Valley Poultry asMrst TelrEg/~est8 .at dtnf.nXer !"rid 8Y bride: Mr antI MrR. Raleig h 130gan 14th to [r RO'y Mas ers "~ for~nd~ !h e thing, a s uccess See XeJlia ad~ ARE MAKI G AUTO TO n ...~ ~f\(lOCla~lOn, 81. the School Audito. C.:.. M "u mmmge " 0 ma anIj (Marlanrul Compton ) hb'JUs t r· Wi. lmington ', ' h y They . \ 17' r a uniteil ~• ... .~ :Illm, 1 u.esday evcning, Novomber M ora acy. tu::ned f~(ml a delil!hLful ~1O I1e,Y,1 t100n in ma r'ringe hY:Lile Rev. J . . I·:il!h. rs. 3rd .. It IS cflII ed the "Singin Sku le . -- trldP to RlC.lgeway .. Bloomville, 101 do ards at th Lride's hurnt:! . The h use and l'epresenta the Aftf1r the large me ling W 'dne~ BegmnlcnL' ...1 an the Lukes '1 .1 Rev. J.). H , Palmer and 'dllY, lbe ,"pry" fOrl'!!!! are working clooing x~rci:les of Bn old fMhioned .tltined at .d.· nner. ~un'd Durin ' th : . t wat; pt· ,tl1 Y u!;;C(lI'I1(eu in autumn 8 vlng rooted the furm 1 wnl Sl'll '~-'Lu--<U""+--I-=.;=-:=r-:=-_,~= 0. evenln r SIX -two I . d_~ '( illll:.-.t.h> .har-dl!r (han ever, 'rhey have beun country "Singin Skul e" brought up Mrs. Perry Thomas-Dand daughter, ,,' Publlo notion do t h e h( m t~rrn f nen ~an nelghool's were recelv . w ddlllgluncheon th .ydung' }.le( 1,.>1' In almos t every school house in the to date, The entertainment will be to meet 1:".e ." wly.w dde.J . coupl . left for their hum', ill 11lm,.3 fi n" !llt.o, rlt(l . ~,~ lillie Routu ti t Fl1r r lUI ' tuw':'bhIH. aull good . s penldng . anti p,re.'1en te~ ~nder UJe ma~lIigement of near Ferry, and Mr. Edward Strou e. ~fter. bus ily for Il t lTn e and wh ere Lh gr'lom has a luc\'1lt.ive 2,X ulllll!! ll llrt.l.lWest of .W"Yl.lI,,,vi\ ' o musIc have added much to mttke 1'he EldrIdge Entertainment HOUBP' ~tenJllg to som~ adv ntul'CS tolu ,by posi lion. Tll C hride'!; .nIoth >r was 0 11 t,h W'f\,yn I-lS vi 11£1. F rrynnrl (I v _ Mr.. and Mrs. ·Chas. J ohns, of Ly· I, .l~rank lin, 9hio. Miss Blanche 8mill'; t hese mee! io gs succes. ful . t egr.o?m. n Ii mly lwo COllf, SU!) · form erly MiR: N('Ltil~ J.ippil'\rf)tt. ton Pt ke on " Sut UI Jlty at" nllon lhl:! Democratic 0l'!e of th If very best cond_uctors tIe, en tertained ' Sunday. Mr. and P { Wa! _e r yeti . Red.and whIte, th > dau j.!! of (tll r fellllw townsman. Friday, November 6, 1914 Mrs Will BergdaIl, Mr .. and Mrs walk arQund was very well at· WIll attend to all the co achin g and co ors u~ed m d coratmg the hom , B. E. Lip pinco~t. Commonoing at I II :300 'clock I' m. tClld~J Th e band wagon "busled" 'd rilling and play tht! leading cOlTl edv Chas. Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Allen were s ktll1.ully u d in the supp I' . th e fC)llowlng ohattals: 22 Befl d up before it gu t here and t hEl musi- part, The "Singing Skuh," has been Emerick, Gladys Emrick, <..:-Iadys After supper thc con!p' ny was CfI,t;tle, 'i Hogs, Fiumi ng hnplementll, clI~n~ were late arriving" and no a trememduous success everywhere, Berg-dall. Mrs. Cathetine J ohns, Mrs. favored by several piano selecti ons FOR COUNT C9111M [SSIONE~ 2 bunels Vinegar. See hig blUs tor' musIc. mad crowd . 'l'hespeakers and the Jadies feel confident that Matilda Emrick and Mrs . Pauline by the brid alld allso bv Miss . . terms. were In a fine frame-of mind, for the their efforts in securing it for repre- Be rgdall. --- _. Nominia Bunn ell. The g ueSts then l:;um n. Benk le weat her was surelv every thing that sentation here will be rewarded b6 Wh erever you gCJ you hea r it said Mis E. S. Bailey and Mrs , Lina departed leaving with the youn g thal M rrow 'h ell:lwill make a g-ond could be desired . They had a large acrow~ house, couple th ej~ b !S wishes for a long f(,lIowing in autos. ' .Mr. Willard who played "Jere· Devitt entertained at a splendid din- and happy hfe, amI thanking the hOnl county commi ssione r: h(' has no 1 I,,~ VA d~oid er1 to I!eilal; Publio Thursday the followin g ladies: ner on Saturday evening wus 11 fittin~ mIre" at the M. V. Chautauqua will st rings tlcJ to him. Mr, Sheets is An ction y: mil 3 \Vas t. of i"ytle, on and hostess fOI' ~h it· hospitality. 1.." Mra. Alice McKinsey. Mrs. S. cllm\lx to theRe auto tOUl'S, fo t, there pIny the pa rt here. Among thp. number llresent were a fat'm r an d mechanic: is a $< ood what Is koow n Ill! t·he 000 H nnt ~na an enthusiastic Republican meetElection Return s read from the Cartwright, Mrs. Rachel Keys, Mrs, Mr. ami Mi rs B. S. Howell, Mr. and workman. who stand" fol' lhe char· farm 00 . Laura Mosher, Mrs, J. B. Chap ritan , .lng ,held at Ihe Oddfellows hull . In Stage. acter of man cl an nnd above reo Mrs . E. V -Barnha rt; of Waynesville, Wedncsday, November II, 1914 a nd the MiBRes Kizt.le ~ Merritt and the early evening rain commenced to - ---.. - ...- - ot a IJractical scheming Lizzie E Carroll: those who fail ed to Mrs, q harles Warwick. Mrs, Harley proach. COlDmonclng at 10 a 'olook 6 b al1<J fall, and owing . tv Borne misunder· ST. MARY 'S CHURCH pol iti cian. but a pln in ho nest farmer . respond at the table were Mrs. A. T. WarwIck and littl e daughter, of A vote for Morrow SheeU3 for coun· of B or8es, 11 beud of Ol\ttle .. 30 h8lld st!lnding the band didn't ·turn ou t, Wright, Mrs. Annie Thorpe, Mrs. T Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. L . J. Willen - ty commission r if' a vo te for the CJf aogi!, t:lheep, Furming Imple but the hall was filled, Dnd for over P. Cain and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Furnal'~ berg, ot Sp ring Valley , Mrs, George man who is free tv !!erve lhe people. ments, BBrn tI!I . !-lA8 big bills for • an hour listened to BOme ''Jf tht) best Bogan and daug hter I!idith. of Well· tenus l'ilImun Barton all v , Leban on Patriot speeches made dUring this campaign'. man. _ MiRS Roberts, Miss Hadley and Mr. D. F. Kirkpatrick, of Spring« field . I/o gifted lawyer, gave some in. MiRs McPhe rson were hostesses at a NOTHING BUT lAUGHS teresting matter between the ' last OE~ THS rlelightful little ' social affair last ~dmi~i8tratio~ and previous aclrnin. Mrs.' Nellie Holland died at her Wednesday evening at Sc hool Hall. lstrat\ons. HI8 talk imp'r eBS5!d and home. in Spring Valley Saturday T~king advllntage of the domestic Bu~tons must be sewed on ' Ug ht convinced all present. \ '. 2 ' scIence arrangment§'"1lt ·tfie- school- .the mght Qf .the "Singin Skule B . Editor S. S . Tibbals, "Franklin's moml~g at 0 clock: The funeral house these young ladies invitt:d their g inmen t" lor the ·entert.ainment is gifted orator, held his hearers for was beld at the friends church at co.workerR to a " spread" and at 9 said to bell regular "button buster." some time. and they were sorry when 2Spring 30 Valley Monday afternoon at 0 ' cIock served refresh ments which I t is a Iaus~h at the start a laugh at The M agazine Man he quit. Mr. Tibbals is a candidate : . ~ully proved their ubilitv in the ou-' the fini!jh and a prolong d laugh a ll for Ohio Slate Senatol;', and his voice W. V. Luce~ m~or of Spring hnaryart the piece·da-r esistance of the way through , The Miami" alley KINDS OF NOTIONS will be heard with telling force when Valley and one of 'her best known the menu being Triby cream , The Poultry Association pre.3en t this he is elected this fall. citizens, died at his homo at 9:30 invited guests were Mrs. un ique " lIide split t er" at the School Hon. Harry SmIth. editor of the Saturday morning, Two wet'ks ago and Miss . Coffman, the ladies who Auditorium, Nuvember 3rd, with Cleveland Gazette. and for a number Mr. Luce was stric.k('11 with apoplexy have been teaching domestic science about forty leading local people in Special for ~aturday of years in the State Legislature, and failed r!1pidly. Mr. Luce w~ in the Normal the past wetlk Mr. the cast. A box of KIMO ' SHOE crowned the evening with a telling ,an old .soldler, and a prominent a~<\ Mrs. McLaugttlin, Mr. and' Mrs. Mr. Willard who plays "Jeremire" speech. H.e. is a lJIaD that is in DemQcrat of Greene County . Mrs. GI.l mour!. MiB8 Henrietta McKinsey, at the M. V. Chau tauqu a will piny POLISH, the 35c kind, (or earnest. and pounds the truth in'to W, P: Salisbury. of this place. was a MISS LIlia Benham, Miss Maria the I Oc, eetween t he bours of his h~arers' ears.with effeet. He is daughte" of the deceased, and was Stout, Miss Anna Vandervoor arid EI(!ctifon-ftetur1mr"Te~aTl·-fl·nn'l""1·m.-l~l--1reJ'l-2 a nd 3 p, m. Only one to an orator and a staunch RepubliCan at his bedaide when ,the end came. Miss Elizabeth Chandler. ' .stage. Next Saturday Hon S. D. Feas, The funeral w&!'! held Monday morn• - • ~-- .... ---- - a family; eitber lady or the beJoved senator from this dil' fng at his late residence in Spring WILL GIVE . LYCEUM COURSE Do it . now-get vour Lrceum gentleman. A lady visi-ting ' trict, with Hon: Sherman ~glesOn ,Valley. . ·Course tickets. here frpm 10rfolk, Va., ' says w.iJI make an auto t.our, through the ~~~~~.~!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!,I After numerous rE'quests, the - -- .. _ K IM' shoe polish is A-No.1. . clluntl. and will be at Wayn'e$'lille8t Wesl,ey Class of the M. E. Sunday TO V,OTEJ~SOF WARR EN COUNTY It is ~ade in NOJ'folk, Va. 11 o'c1oe~. If you want to ttear School. who managed the course --" . which was SQ.pppular last year have As. a Democratic canrlidate fol' Congre88mBn Fess at his b~~~ YPll !, deci'd ed to give another Lyceum County ('.oml1')i ~ioner 1 will have the ' m.u st come and near h~m on thi8date " . N. B.·.All kinds Books and Magazines on bands. Place TO VOTERS OF.. REN CO(JNTY' Course this year The cou rse se- I.Jleasure of pers nally mel' ting malJY your order for TIMES·STAR fo r the night after election In my canvass for Representative sat,J.Bf~ctlon last. year. A short syn- impossibl e to see everyone 1 take not later than Monday. to the General Asscmtily from War ----OPSISI!! as followR: t his method of makin g an' appeal ren County I am receivin ... much eri- Sho Id R d th B~n Hur Singers and Players for your sopport at the election Tues· Next door t o o U ea e Following , The Vocal and instrumental music, day NovemlJ~ r 3rd. couErRgembt.nt. Letter-Mrs. Slack's Story dramatic and littlrary entertainers. I am a resident of Mason near Gazette veryw ere I go. the temperance Ch arI Edbe G h' reR'llrdle!ll:l or puli tical affilia. About Her Child's Recovery ator. es rt rantimpersonw Ich pl ace 1 have lived my e ntire penple . I life, and I ask eve ry voter to mak e tlOns ar~ pl'Omi!linlf me their support, S Entirely Reliable. Intemational Entertafners-. -Mamc, I'. nquiry. as to my r eputatl'on and abl·l· .. m ' I am theh only cRnrlidatA o' ' for this P81m~ Ea.-'·' Three yean ago my ch a lk ta lk , comedy cartoon ventriJIty to 8.t!Sume the duties incumbent Republican Candidate for State Senator, o roe. ~~o REI taken 8 litaI'J4 for ,the little ~rl ' had black meules wblch left oquism and music. ' upon me should 1 be elected to the ProhibitIon Amendment and against he~ With a chronic cougb and so awfully Robert Wassman-Magician. office to whicq I aspire. . 2nd-4th Senatorial Dist. ~~:n~.o~e Rule or Br~~~r's Amend- ~llIn'Lou could count all ber ribs,arid she The University Girl - Full orchesShould 1~OU support my candidacy co~.gned ~ much she had no appetite. ~ra. readings, 8010 ~d quartet sing- (assure you ..tbat through no act of . 't will b~ impoB8ible ' for me to ' 'Nothmg we gave her seemed to mg. mine will you ever have cauEle to re o .. meet each voter 'pel'llOnally before. help berat alJ until one day Mrs. Neibert The members of the class are no'w t h' , the election .Novel1'lber . Srd • .and f wid me bow much good Vinol bad done gre aVlIiIg p;lven me your vote. am using this method to make kDown her . little girl, 80 I $lecided to t;ry IUor selling tickets for the usual prlceI thank you in advance- for our my cantlidacy, . my little one, and itbssdone Herao much $1.00 for the five numbers. Do not support, , Frallk V. Stitt . . It elected . , .1 ahall put fortll m ' y good IIbe is hungry all the time, ber fail to 's ecure your tickets im- ndv. ~ - - --eouall Is gone, ahe III stoater and more mediately. ·The tickets are "olng best, efforts to rtln~er such servlce bearthy in color and this I, the lint wln- rapidly and the drawing fot' re. Hopeless Lung Trouble'Cured 'Your Support Will Be Apprecl~ted. that those voting f. i)r me will n-'er ter abe b-J i n th e served seats,.vl'11 .take place in the ..... -.been abl e .to payout Many recoveries 'from Lung bave cause to regret hllvmg gwen IDOW, eoaatingand anow-ballingwithout very near future, Troubles lire due to Dr. Bell's PlnD me their support. ' . .!II)' i I effeeta." -Mn. ALFRED SLACK, • _ • ~ ~pectfully~ Palmyra, Pa. . . - . --Tar-BoDo'f , It strengthen8 the We know, Vdln~1 will build up your adv. . H. D" KELLISON. Htti What Would Y.o u Do? LUlingfs, tObeoks t~~ Cwongh Bnd gives ____ we onea ~h make them bealth", Tbere &re maoy times wbeD one re e .. . onoe.-.l.Ur. . S. Wilkins, • ~ .. II ng. an d ro nat, therefore we uk · ti h • Ga.tes ,~. 0 writes : "I used Dr. ' WI L ' . ", perenta of every frail and sickl child man qu~ o~s ano' er s &"t\ons fIoud Bell's PI . T . a I _ . , L , REJOICE .In tHi. viCinity to...... a bottle olVinol 'moh~es, ,Men aot differently under n,e "r- On~Y n 1\ oase glveQ SMITH BROS" of Richmmid, Va :, will be here at· the Gustin' Hotel on MORROW ,.. ~~_ . our. deli'CioUl cod li~er' and iron wnic. different olroulDstanoes, The que8. u" ~8 hopeles8 a nd it efl'eoted a. oom . Morrow, Oil,'io, wiil have. a ,J'olll· "'ca. witho~toi1. ' ; . . . tJon is. whllt would you do right; plete onr4~." Get" bottle of Dr i F id n If we can induce yOu w try a bottle DOW If you hlid 8- Severe oold? Bell'8 P'lne~Tllr· HODey. .If ' YOU; to~ r ay"when the)' . dedicate o,f"'Ylnolasabod . y-hu.llderandstfength- Oould you' d" better th-Dto .n"e oo.u gh IS " dry and bao~lng 'Iet it To 'buy Horses s ui tab le for army purposes, weighing from 900 tq' l200 thel~ new ~50 000 school building. f " .. to... trlokl -d th tb Gov. Cot WIll be there Bud'the town ~~t;r °!Jlyour Cl:Jld, and you. do not- Cbllmberlaln 's Cough .Remedy I It .8urOlye ae~~~ief. e O:loya2t'GOY~Ut yWouilrl pounds. and from 5 to ]2 years old, Mares or Geldings will ~ gala for. the·day . IS we c ml lYe .will return iii blRbly recommended by p e o p l e " ~ your money on demana. ' , wbo have DICed i~ \ for years !lnd Druggist. • _ • Q , fli ,~ ""ll \!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~ kDow U. v~l~e. Mr!!. O . E. Sargent, BR-O -W - N....-4IR-E.. .Y-N-O-L-O-S Ind "Ohamberlain'l! Cal1 on or see W. O. Gustin phone 123. ID !lold aDd J til ~8.!I the seene of a .v ery 'pretty wed· oom~endlng it ." dIng at tpe bome of Mr . and Mrs. dealer~. ,\ C. M. fteynolds, at Corwin, when --~ . -', "- ~ , WARREN COUNTY TREASURER their daUlirht'er, Miss Luther S. was united in marriage to Mr. Ornar '1'. Qy 2000 Vote. Majority f(~own, of Dayton. Amos Cook offici.' ' atmg. The guests. were as follo")'s: Mr. C: B.' Brown a~d \vife. Mrs. Maggie Llppulcott. Mr. A. Sellers and wife, Mr, (jeorge Reynolds and wife, of Day ton , Mr. W alter Brown, and family , of- Kelat, Ky., Mr. JessE! Brown, wife and son, of West Car· r<)lItol1, Mr. It L. Garrett and wife. of }Jerry, KYo" Miss Lillie Taylor and Mr. Har:ry · Becker, of Cincinnati, Mr·. Bert .Barlow. and family, 'and Mrs, ;Jenlnie Reynolds, of Harveysburg. Mr'S. W, W . Amold and -Mr. 0 .. M. _R idge, of Waynesvill e, Mr . Wm. Casperson and Mrs. Rep-der,ot Hosie'r y Corwin " .

--- -

,In Mrs.·I.



·PubIl·c, Sale

--- .. -----



5c -- ALL KI'j\\


W .



Dr~,~I' C ' ATE ·CHll. ' ORE·N.~h!.~hf~~n:~~ai~~v!Ss::h'~pree~jjd ~~eth;re~~~rsc~~t~l~ig~~Ub~t ~~j~nl~

FRANK H. FARR ' ~h~~~esvi11~~

., ,



Wanted .to buy 100 Head.of.Horses .FRIDAY, . OCTOBER, ·',30,' 19'14' '. .......1


, ..


:.Hutcbison .& Gibneri'

... - ...- - -

DR. J.



Who is a 'candidate for coroner. of managing' the affairs offi~e ~o· the satisfaction o(all,l>a1'. fie IS a Wayne' townshrp man, 'w ,been a practicing physician in to.wn!lhip for .thittY·four years. is pr'e sident of the ' anti-saloon league alld has been makmg'a great campaign in the township this fall. Dr. l!1nls has never asked tbtli·voters.1 of Waynatownshipor Warren County fol' an olice. 8t\d ought to get eyetJ.' vot/:! in Wayne . tOWnship' re· · ~lel8 I!>f 'p arty linell. . ,.. . , . ·60o.stunningstyles i~ ti~e.Winter

I .C~lpaOle

,·R:EADY N'O W! iSsue of "Bunerick Fashions." , 4 "'magnificent - sel~ction to choose y()ur entire Winterwatdrobe. . This loyely, publiCation IS only 2Sc. whIch 'Includes any Buttericlt Pattern you like Free. - 41_"1' mD .... 1 . , . .

TH'E MIAM I GAZE TTE. you do not KO. f lban elJlOao yoU,-


WONbY- 1.

ourtlall dt opened the ,ale. "And If I r fuse!" "Why, In ttlat OBBe, being th e Amer· Icao tbat 1 am, wltbout a.oy varUI~ulur re"eT oce for royalty or nobility . as It Is knolVn , I promla to ,thrash rou ' soundly tomo rrow marnlol l at teu o'clock 10 tbe dining room. In the bureau: tbe d'rawlng roODl, wberev er 1 may happen to ODd YOU," Courtla ndl turned on hla heel and burrl ed baok to the VIUL He dId Dot look over bl!' shoulde r, If be had. be might havoCe lt pity tor th e young mlln wbo leaned heavily against the gate. his burning tace preslled upon bls rain iloaked elecve. When Courtla ndt knOCked at tbo door and was' admitte d, be apologi sed. "I came back for my umbrell a." "Umbre llnl" exclalmlld the padre. "WhY. we had no umbrel1Jl.•. We came up 10 a carriag e wblcb 18 probabl y waiting for us 'th.1s very minute by tbe porter'a lodge," ~Well. 1 am certaln lJ abse~l·mlnd ' ed t" "Abson t·mJnde d!" aeo~ed Abbott. "You never torgot aDytbtDC tn all ' ,o ur IUe. lInlen It was to go to )led, YOII wanted an ell.CUee to come back." excllse would 1Mi a good one 10 that case. 1 think we'd better be going. Padre. And by th~ W&¥, Herr Rosen begged me to preleDt bls revets, He II leaYing Bellqg lo IIi tbe morning ." Nora turned bel' face oDee more to lbe window .

" ltnoWPl!"' Sbfl _nt~ bhn Ie have il o\'or with, to learn the trutb that to Nora Hllrrlgn n he would ueVeI, be mor t bu.n an am u.ble com~adu, Ho would then hliv nOUI l til LUrll Ul ImL It r , Whu.t muttere d It If ber 0'" beart ached tlO she m lg bt Bootho 11\1 hurt In hi!; 7 Sb.e Inld a hund u pon his shouldc r. ~o lightly tbat Ito wile only dimly conscloull ot tho contal.lL ' ~ Il' 8 a rumm y old 'w orld. Here 1" gone nlone all tholle yours , "TweIlty ·~ llt!" amtllo s , "Well, thot'e a long ti~ne , Nev., both e r d my llend aboul n WOf/lnll, Selllsh. perhnlls , Hod Ii goo d tlmu, came an~ went au I pleastld. A"d th e n I met N.ora," " Yes," " U only she'd been eta nd-olllsh, 1iI1o






Look Only f9r the Failings and Imperfectiona of Men,

F 2lult-U unters



l.'hure 18 8uoll a IlLrgc trlbA) of (Qlllt· bUI~ te ra whOle hunting g rounds are 0 11 the wIde pl&.w8 of Boclnl life. Tboy are more Dllme roull wld more dee;truc llvo than any ot the tribes of re,. llVH\ wblch haye In1'eated lhe pra\d ell 01 our land. Their 'WeapoDs are more terrible than lbe tomaha wk aod scnlplJlg \roUe. Tbo flre8 th ey klndlu are more d 6"ou~ Ing than tbe burnlDg tagota or the .. tak e, I f, Is not tbe bqdlee of men tbo.t the fau 'lt ,hunters 8Ia)" but, whet 1I tar more precious, the charact&lII, lind ylrtue:1 of ~n. 1 would ..atber bu a red man, with lUI hili repute:ct ferocity , wearing bloody' .calps All trophie s' oT m,.' dee'ds, than to be ODe wbose eye and ear and livery Ibou!:ht an,d faculty were trapa .et to catcb the Imperfe ctions or hlB !el\ o w men; whose lIoul was on!" nl'01l8ed when scandal ....&11 spoken; and who was ooly aUyo to (aulta lQ ' II t ea.d of v!l'tU l!-8, , Y6t. tbla IIplrlt of ftndwa: taulta Ils othEIn, 111 IIOme degree or other, axllta In ueerl, eyer, one, [t I.s n!slslod and controll ed 1I7 many. and some are 0.100061 eotlJoabr fren trom It, U Is a sad comme ntary on humaa natul::'\l tbat eyen the best at time. are pleased by the recoil;bltlon ot otbers, Imperre ctlous, None III pe rfect. But tault-bu nterl are II clan to them.el yea, Tbe, lie" the ayU and not the ,004 , In men, The)r point to the talhngl and 1m par, l acUonll ot tboae about ' them aDd 1'8' lUBe to _ the 1004 tbat uillt. tu .,.

~. 11UIAI


thes\! otber s lngon. wby.l'd bave Ileal! all right today, But ehe's such a brick! She's such a good fellow! She treats Uti nil ' nUllO; 81ngs when we ask ber Is it possib le there is a woma n in. this co.untry ~ho COII)e to; always nmdy for a rump, ThID\( of her making ua all take Ute Kn ell" tinues to suffer witho ut giving Lydla. , ~ Pmkh am s Vegecure the othe r nl~bt! And we marched table Comp ound a trial ~ter aU the eVIdence th~t is ~n­ around the tountaln singing 't.!IHY 'lrliil tinual ly being publis hed, which proves ~eyond contra d"", a little lamb.' Barefoo ted In t be gruB! \ Vhen a mllu marries he doesn't want tion that this grand old medic ine has reh~~cd .more suffera wire hnlf BO ' much as ' a good coming among wome n than al)Y other one medlc me In the world ' cado ; Ilomebo dy to s lap blm on thl' We have publis hed in the newspaper:sof the Unite d States back In the morning to hearten blr.. CHAPT ER XI-Con tl"ued. up tor the day's work; and to cuddl , more genui ne testim onial letters than ~a!e ever been pubNora. without re.laDn l the talae blm up wh en he comes home tlreil, ,.mUe, Buddenly found emptine tle IA . lished in the intere st of any other medIC;:l~e fo! wom enor disappo inted. or UI18UCCetiSrul. No . erirytb tng, and every year w,e publis h many new testlmoma1~. all ~Il'" matte r what mood he's In , III "Sing!" Bald Herr RoseD. Eogllllh ~eUlni away from you!" uine and true. Here are three never before pubhs hed. "J am too tired. SOllie other lime." " No ' 1 underst and all YOIl SI1Y, " Hor He did not pre .. bel'. Instea4 , b. bllnd ;Ilsted ~ trUle he.. .. ler u\l?tl hl& ' wbfaper ed In bla own tongue: "You shoulde r, • are the malt adorabl e wom&ll 10 the PBoVJD KNCK, R. L-" For the benefit of women CHAPT ER XII. who r 881 ~-:i , "Nora would be tbat kind 01 a wlt." done I wisb to state what Lydia E. Pinkha m's Vegetasuire' world!" ble CoJ!lR'?. 'Honor, anger, Ynlor.' Ore,' a.e S\.eyeh· And Nora turned upon blm a pall' has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor IjOUUa ... The Ball at thll Villa. .. soo IIIlYI, Hans the picture; what am .-o,,,,. el-llian k wltli aa on soment . It caused a displacement. I have .,lways been weak ""It Ia all very petty. my cb11d.,w .aId I going to do wltb ~d I overworked It!" , wu u though abe, had ' been &Alleep the padre. "LIfe II after' my baby was aud infI8.mmllti~n set in, then ner~oU8P made .. 'Honor, anger. yalor, Ore: ~ Celeste and ' be bad. rudel, awaken ed her. things: the IItUe onea up ot blner tration ,from which J did not recove r until I had taken ~d18.E.'ftl.&o should be \c- repeate d slowly, "y ... that IB Nora," be.m'8 Vegeta ble Compo und. The Compo und hi my best rl'leOO~ , H'- In.fatuaUon. blinded blm to ~a nored:' A hitter little .mlle roOfed ber IIPI Wi ~; he Ba.. In .&he look a temlDbu l ' , To whloh Nora wheJI I hear of 8 woman with trouble s like mine I try to induce WIll. replied: "To a wom· sbe rocalled the bllpponi.ngs of the lalt her • deab-e, to tluow lba othen olr the &Il tho lIule tblngl to taKe your medici ne."-M re, 8. T. RIClIIIO ND, 1~ Waldo are ..,erytb lnc; two daYlI, But no; he muat Ond out Stree", , track aii to the lIentlm ent expreu ed tha, an, tb~ ~ny routlue. ProYid enoe, R. L the IIXpect- for hlmse1t; be must meet the hurt ~ In ht. wblSpe red Wontl. ed, the ry thlnp. What ,.ou from Nora, Dot trom ber, "How A Mlni ster'5 Wife Write s: lon" , Th!! hoUr paillecl tOiflr&b\Y well. call the bl, tbinp in Ufe IU'tI aeel· Abbott, bllYe you ~nown ,OlAf friend j Hen BoNn 'then ob.e"e d t)ae, time. dentl. Ot.oqu rr, Munr .-"I bavo ~uftered very much with jrre~larl~ And. obI I ha,", prtde." Sbe ' lJain and inftammatio~ but your wonderflll medicin '" folded her arms acrosl bel' heaylnc Mr, Courtla ndU" , 'rose &Ild , aJcllsed IllmaeU. BI! \09& e., Lydia ,K ~.; er)'OlllO, , th.e ate... leading abro bun's Vegeta ble Compo nnd, hIlS made ~e well and 1 can , pU, do~ lb. bosom: for the padre's dlreetne&ll till. too"Boys togetbe r:' pl..,lll& & Ucbt tatrooomme... It til 110 &ad thlns wltb to hll ba"e mablaU !"-: an ,,,8 ck. to B h&4 mornin g Jlad Itlrred ber deeply. the same to all that '81'8 trouble d with these terrace to tbe carrtaa e road. 800 f'a ulta more lban Ylrtuel. It la tlla "-¥& Ja.. a ''Wiltui nelll II called pride by 10m.; .m Ax..oJL U(, MUOW old Is he!' c/o Rev. come b1 the othar wa,., the ramblln K. .AUJU UN, Cloquet, !l t&. l oj)po,llt e of what e.e" one Ibould cui· "About o or three." atoDe .tatn wblcll · begao at th. por- ,and lItubbo rnnes.. But you know. .. "He 11 leI')' rlcb'" dntA.. • tet's I..... -e. bacll of the Ylllll , J. well III .1 do. tbat youn .. tel6Otm ent, Quinc y, Tbe bleb..t aim I. to culUnt e a cU-. "Ocean s of mone....' thro_ It a.a" ....... aoPl'. ' tndlgna tlon. Yeti, YOU bay. ' ~Padnl;" wboapt!fed Courtlan dt., 80tml QUINOV , M.w.' ':The dOctor said PQ1I1t.!on that I bad at torbe ... nce. tJoQbll ldndnetlll &Ild '-_u prIde. but It haa not been brought Into but ,not fait slDouCb ,to get rId ' of 11." and he doctored me for Jdng time and I did not getorganic I am golq. Do Dot foUoW. I ....... ex· tbl. a!ralr, Pdde II that wlUUn wblcll, any relief. I "He la what JOU la, IA tilGall8h •• , ,enelrou s, alrectlo n toward a\l men, plaiD to yOU 'wben wa ~eet aplDt DW Lydia K Pinkha m's VegetabJe O>m~und: ad- ~O'J:::::!= r , , Amlabl llt)' brln,1 IOlue to trpuble d pre.en u ua from dolos meaD or lor· w'ld ' • 1" vertUe d and I ~ it imd. (ound relief before I had Th., Ilco,,.e d that he under- did a.ct.; and 10U ooilld bot do o;ne or "Weil." wlt,l1 mock IVa.It)'.. "t bea'rf.ll arouud UII ~d reftectA back to furlahe , 1t.G~, B..-rlSa D proteste d yfloroUl~, d the Brat bottle. I C9Dtinued takfug it all otber It you trIed. The _tllne nt shouldn 't like to be the us a greater baplllDe.1I tbaD' tbat '-' tiger that tbroug li Diiddle Ufe and am now a etrong, healthy bat Immnl and lhaldn . bI. bead. In 70U , whlcb .bould stowtld, be I deYelop t ed croased his pBtb. ' WUd; that'. the ~ CQurtlk ndt wellt an,. woman and earn my own "living," -':"'Mre . JAN. D. " ,, ' , Really Hat_ of Their Race. word for rtt." ' , Nora ran to thl! WID~OW. Sbe. could' lIlTRDOOR, 25 Gor4on St., South Quincy , MJ'SB. "Ie merc,.T " Tbe lack ot It adds to lIorrows aod "You are lau&blng. Ab, I knowl I Hen' ROllen atrldlul ' along.' doWll "No '; iu.tlce. the patienc e to w."b should say dissipat ed," l!:~rlte E. l"'''KiUM .JDIC ID 00. . decreAl leli Jo" tbe wlndlnB road. bls bead In the atr, the rlsht or wrong o( '. (OO1O'1I.EN'I~UL) L'IJiN,.A8S,ttor~vice. Tb.~ a thlns.fauit' hunte ... are "Courtl oot loyerl. andt? but Oome. no •. Celellte ; ,Pr..enUy, from behind ' a cluste~ o,t oW; letter wDl 'be opened . rea(l ana aD8we red ~~~~~:., "Padre. I have eyel, eyea; 1 1.,'11', " do I bo look dlllaipa ted'" hlltors, of their race. · They dlstrual · lIlalber riel. the ftgure of another ID&Il bT. woma a aJld )leld ill .tiiG& ooD1ldeooe. He twirled tbe middle the , motly" of "No-o.'· and Ineer at any C&IIIe Into view, He wu going at a cusock." The 'eyea lee button ot bill aod the ean clalmll of "He dlalnter drlnn estell when , bene.ole he ebooB08 n«78, . bl dOIl·trot, bls bat, .etUed , at an anele hear. but thele are Not Needed . , 1. Dilltinction. only witness ea, flirts with a prett7 'Noman ' whell he 'fhey wltbhol d BBllata nce to the errlIlg that permltt ed!be to beat Iqual'&- laying bo matter before Two college et.udenl l were arTbe beathen In bill bllndn08ll bowe4 the court or and chooses , he smokes the fln9\lt tobacco n:004,. , , b' Into,hl. face, The Dest turn 'In. lbe tbe last resort. wblcb Ie the ralKned before tbe malJ\lIt rate, down to wood and stone, Tholr 'hearta are Itrange rll to Ilenel" road Ibut them both from IICbl. But Ie there we lart the evidenc mInd. It there Is when be cboos8I ; and be "'For shame! " cried tha chUdrea at e." gives them all up wben be cboos I\. ous lll oughts and tbelr baods-m nooent cblU'ged with hurdlin g tbe low 8PO~ r Nora did Inot stir. In tbe road In tbelr motor car: "He bad ' the 1n8ufferable 'lliaolen~e He IIi like' the seaaoWl; light; and ' shudder ed 08tentat loUIIJ. Jdndly ' deed.. They ~.e no help or he 'comel nnd ,.Herr J(olen '8toPlled and turned. .'·Ha.e you • lawyer? " asked, the to order Herr Rosen to lea..." going he goes. and nobody Whereu pon tbe beatben ' tell tboll~ can chango hili encoUir agemen t to the te!Dpted and magistr ate, " 'You called?" , around the barrier of hla weJl-ord ered bablts." tul, "Are wood and lltone 10 much etru,,~l\lIg, They do nothing to win ' "Yea." ()()urtl&lldt bad ~ught up logic. HWe're not goiug to bave any law· worse than a bJt of bnntlng "Ho ball had dyed lb uo alfalrt" the cl>Dflde noe and 101'e 9r tbOle, about with blm juet as Herr Roaen be lIend away "WhY. Courtla nllt hasn't any boart. them. but mucb to weaken and em· ,.,er," anawer ed the elder o. the Itu· diver. colon!" be querted . , to open the dent., "We'"e decided to tell the Herr Rosen It tbat gentlem an bad It's a mecban lcal dence "Don't gei sarcasti c. now!" wa~ to lIeep his bitter the I\Yes 6f tbose whose ramng. truth," Berr IKoseh." with a ,bsnd tbe really pl;eterr ed to atay!" the children or llgbL "We're not talJt.. blood In circulat ion; they that's I)arade, a.ll. I am <ban, "1 .ball DoL detain. _"ou. IoI1«." Nora loolied confUsed, Lng about patrloUSDl, we're tallclAc the most Intimat e frleDd be bM. and It Is a glortoWl occupaU on to hUDt 'tber;w -.:;; atudlel! IDaolence 10. the How He Old It. "SbalJ I . tell you? about religion ! to • tones and the gestore s wblch acCOlD' 1 Questio ned hIm 'last1 euapect ed; 10 yet 1 know no more tbaD you bow lie [or vl'r tues; but there la no occupat ion "Row did Scaddse y' get his dustr' nlgbt: Had 1. lives 'nod where be goes," 'more despica ble than bunting for . "panled them. I >", "He raised tbe , wlnd. and tbl! 'duat been- In his ,place, 1 8hC!uld have e/1aa. c.:oa8tlpatlon CllUIieS aad tl.lI1InlYl>t clo JDaDr "But look! " she crIed faulta' in 'Warning aDd Imperfe otlons In 'our rellow· w~ th\l natural . " "Be brief: If you please." tlsed Herr R0II8n Inst1!ald 0' blddlDI lUi~ua dilloatie.. 1t ia 'tho~oua1\l)' elured by CODSeQuence.'· Abbott looked, men, though It La 1Irlee and noble to ··lob name la Edward Oourtla ndt. at blm be gone. It wall Dr. l'ierce's Pleatla.nt PeUc'-t. 'I'M ff,'IOriie be," A woman was coming serenely dbwn hunt ror faults In ourselv es; With 'orcklll,bt leBl you have beard,'" I the The lL;erage woman to talk minily luati vo. Ady. "PosIUvely. The men wbo guarded tbe path froro , tile wooded promon tory, view llnd llUTpose of eradlca tini'tbe tn, about , P I!) a large room It Is , dtmcill~ , to yoti were two actors trOJll one of th.e ~ woman U\\denlably hundso her nelghlior~ almost 118 well 11.0' me In 0 Some Tbe lesson (or all to learn 18 that uie average , reolemb er all tbe IntrodUl:UOnB." , theater s. He did not CODle to Ver· cedar-ti nted linen.. dress, man likes to ~lk ~ut .ooklng ot ~8 are so aAlCl!stomed to exquisit ely Impor[e ct\ons a'r e' commo u 10 all, and oui: for uumber one UUIt 'NO . :'r,re That Is wby ' I ta.k e the aallles beoau~e be was being' watcbed , fnsltlon ed. hlmsolf . with a touch. of "Ivld scar, each 8bould b\lAr and 'forbear g,et. pOI~UveIY near sighted . liberty of r·ec~ll1ng It to yo~, 110 that He ,was found apll sent with home the IDeht lilt on. her hat and a most tantaliz ing , you will not ror~et It." urbanel rbefore your release:" Red Croe8 nan Blue' make8' t~e lauudl'ellll 6Mh 'of ' scarlet ankle, It ,vas Flora A pause. Dark patches ot water A man who drlnklj trom the cup ot bnrp1, makca ' clotbes 'whiter than 80011'. "I'm sorry. nut It was ,so like blm." Deslmo[)e, fresh from her mornlDg Al good grOcertl, Ad ..., ' were ep~eadfng acrOBB their alioulderB, ' The padre 1I''pread ' BOrrow hUB no 61\:1hon on ~be side. " hle bands, "What bath nnd a Bubsfan tial brtlllkfast, Tbe 4liJe rlvulet~ ran down Courtla ndt'l a way women have ot How lome people del;ght In , arm, rll1sed all! It was against the bars, good or bad Impulse modifyi ng eitber erraQd tbat hnd brought ber from Alx, ) A man Isn't necessa rUy squaro wbaa sl It would bave les.BaI'ns was confess edly a mereUu l Ice wate r on your entbusl asm! be'l cornere d, :'1 do not lIee bow It may concern 'been fine of y'o u to bave ' " , BtQPPed when one, But sb... , poss essed tbo drumn, ;me." ,rep\l!!d , Herr Rosen finally with you Bald you were BOrry." ' tlet'!! instinct to prolong 8Iluat~on, ,an '1rlsolenoe m0t:e' ~arked than' Court:'Padre, :one would believe that you 1:hu8, to mll}te her IICt of me/:,cy seem '.landl: B. ' " bad taken up hi. defenle~" Inflnlte ly larger tbun It was, she 'NaB ~ID , Part. we met one night, at the , "U I I,Ind 1, sbould' ..-tase entranc e at the Opera.. , 1 pushed atter today. 1 return haYe to lea.e! t determi ned Drat to Cltst tbe Applo 01 'to Romo tomor- Discord Into this charmin g corner 01 i:;~~;,~;&~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~;?:.-:,"-:j~~~~~~~:~~:! BBain be- Edell, The Apple ot Discord , lUI every ~i your service l; the tore you go to AmeJt~a'.fOUI (baye bid· man koows. II tbe only thing a wonl&ll .door oi MIn , Harrlga n's limousi ne:" den good,by to all save )'ou. My child. call tbrow wltb anJ; accurac y. "It , was you?" scowUn c· · m,. 'last ' admonl tlon le. , be vatlent; obo 'Tbe , artist tloutche d· up bls brushes , , ~ "1 , apologi ze for that, ' " ~rO[OO1I'rOW, I serve; , guard , 'against that ',Impula e and ruined the pnlntfng torthwl th. tor ' mornin g you wUl leave Bellagg lo for born In your blood to moye ' hastl)y. aJl time. Tbe foreg\'Ound was, In hIs Varenn a. Somaw here between nine 'to torm oplnlon i wlijlout and ' ten "the nut train leani. tor tlons, Be hapPf while lOUd 'founda· opinion , beyond redemp tion: so, with 'Gille to tbll'feed .h~'laae.the cow IItft lnet.he will' lift' you 'are youn&'. a ea"age bumor. be rapidly' limned In Jl4UiIn," andmor e'buner f.t. ne chaD.. flOna .,..... for old 'age 111 happy oni, In that , re.' a a~oTe of ,lmJlOBIIlble '''Varen na! J4llaDIH to ' II made ..rely If ~ clft ~ /lected bappln w ot recollec tion, 'l pldday Into aunset, wltb tj-e8l. turned \ ', a. riot. or col., " ·Exactly . , You apeak Engltab u Write to , me, bere. ' I' return In No- OrB which would baYe made the Cbl, -natural ly and fluently as, It' you were Yember., Benedlc lte,T" , .mUm.: neBe New Year In Canton a bol',ll to the" tongue, Tbu.. T.0U wlU Nora bowed her. beard and 11'. pui 'a ' BOber eyent In compar lsob, drab and He hate~ leavs ' ror Milan, What become e of hand upon It., .." Flora Desimo ne. LI all Nora'. adbel' , , ,y ou after ti\a~ II or no conle9 uen (le • • .' • • • doe.. 'about ODe c:eot • cOw • da7. , • ente properl y did; but wltb a hatred to me, Am 1 makIng mY8eJt clearT" Celeste IItood behInd Abbott anI' wholly re'fleetlye it.pd adap~d to ~ora'l ' "Verda mptl Do I belteve my earsT" studied hI. picture througb ,half.clo aed; moods. rur:lously~ "Are you tell1n&' me to leaye crl~lcal ey~. "You baYe painted It .. (TO BIi: CO~T~I!lD,) ..Bellacglo tomono w moniln g!" oYer too ' many tlmel." Then Ibe "AI dIrectly as I can." \ 'oo~ed dO'lIIn a.t the lIbapoly h~, , Ah, The Anti, 'Herr Rolen'lI face beeame .. red tbe ' longing to' put ber banda upon It. Dr, Lym'an Abbott" the eloquen t /lnd "&8 his name, ,' He was 'a bl'lL.e young to run ber tloseN throueb the, toualecl slilcere anU'Bulrr'!lgtei.. said 'a t 'a dinner, man. ,but tbere was danger of &Il 'act· balr. to touch It wltb her IIpsl But In New, York: ', '~I 'am coli.lnc ed that. I.e ItInd In tbe blue eyes boring, Into no! '''Perba ps you are Ilia own, Int came to a ph,.sloa l cOD' YOU baYe worked , ~90 tired; per.baps deeplte ,alf tlii. llIi: equ,allty tal, " wo~ hard. ,W h,. not -. , test lie realized that he: woUld get the put aside your brullbe. for a weekr aD In ,h~~ ~eart slIt! longa t~ look u, wor~t of It: He put h~l: '~and to Jilll "I'ye ' a goOd mind to chuck It In'to to m~ In rllYerence. , A diploma t at a throat; bis ,very ImpOtence was cho~· tbe lake. I simply 'can't ' paint any dlDne~, In" Wubln gton too~ down tbe ling him. , ' more," • He Quns ' do'Wn the bru!lbel . II6lI8On'8 belle,,' ·You"ra "Your Highne ss, • ," , , "Poi a {ool. Cele8te , a fool -I'm cQ'I'IIg the dl'pio~at , aald to .lsb aU be~' heri " You ' ~lte "Hlghn essl" , Herr Bosen ltepped for tbe , moon. that·s what' the matter 110 (resh oonQ.uelit e.,ery wee~: ' " ' III, Wbat's the UN or beating about snld the "n~ Blgbsd. ' "rlVir-~d "Yes, Your. Hlghne~a readily Pte bwih? You know as 'W,e ll 'U I do I'd give bim.,. all. my' Ilau. tor the the wisdom .of in,. cO-peem rot tliat it'e Nora.!· ' , , , ' ter.' " , ! 'your baat)' departu re wben 1 add tbat Her' heart cont;rac teci,and for a IItUe , ' l ' know all about the little bOUle in 1!o'hlle IIbe could not IM ,hlm oiearl),. ", They Look~d Danger ouL ' Versalll t!s, that my knOwl edge" ':,~ut ,!,hat earthl,. chanoe bay~ IT" A , U lUe ~ree-Jea.!:'-old boy, wbo 1tTJUI Ihared', by ' tbe cble. of lbe' Part81an he -went OD., Innocen ti,. but Infancy had bo.en . UDder ,.the ' police atld the mJnillte r of war. It "No one can be~p loYlbl ,r othIN.I )'. t1U1o' 1 Nora." care ' of ' doomn and ~r&ined Duraea. '.""',n. ')'on ..nnoy' r,t:lss Harrlg u wltb ,oar "No," IA a .malI YOIe..· , 'VIlli Un. btll gratt4 moth l)r : atter eeJut"ocal attentlo Ds • , ." "n's all z:;ot,', thJa ~k' abo,u t allln!· c:onVahlSCenee tram ,toilis\llU "GottL ThlB 1s too mucb!" Uea. Tb~ . . .~a". &ome ~r de1'U fire attracte d him, Atter a. An opeD ntcblD Il tile "Walt! 1 am atr-onger th&ll ",. le,ti out.lde. But who can help 10Ttn. '.parks whicb' tell Incesaa ntl;; oD the ~. Do, not make me force JOu to Nora 7" he, retJ"!.W4. , beal1,n; he aIIked." Gr'anda ia: aN, t,bbH, bear me to 'the eDd. You ',ha~e lone '"Wbo' lnd~t reel epota lerm.!" '-Cbrta uaa R~ about tbla lotrlcue like, a blackgu ard. "And there'e Dot Ute .... chaDca in ter, ud that J know Yotir Hllhue•• not to th. world for me." , .... TIae _tier II. you 8ft ,.OUlll. 'OU neYer c!IUl teU mtll 70t1 .,. I,t _"Ie atfiara bad lour .,."., YOD 11&.. t.G "You tile telL" ' Mlnl"g 'Under ,Dltlleultlee. . . IearDt , ....~t, 1'0.... PreNIlc e "Do ,you thlDk I ba. . I. ch&aee ' Ia Nurly flttJ' tODl of ,water tot .. ..... Is ' aD lilHlt to ilia. Barrl& u. at poMlbl e UIat Nora . . , Gate • otU. ftIIIe4 autiJU he 1B1.....~ lb. ... phuala t to I'OU UdI for met'" B. taI'M4 Ide ..... toward 8tal1 '''-. ' I\i: U_. ,''~_8.~J~~~~iM,; ,: .• _ _ _ It ...... . _ ....IL U ...... ..~. fofdlbir e. En'laac




From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. L born


From Mrs.


D. Murdoch, a




· .e.






, more mil.

\,I ._P

,,~ ~ ,i.D:tt~'









Reg ulato r

~~ ....~_ • .'







Hawaiian' Pineappl~ "rroptcat Hawaii, the home of .the finea~ Pineapplet il too

d.Ia~t to lupply jou with the fresh frwt that h8.1 nJ?e!1ed . on the plant. If Y0!l w~t the deli~oul

AU: 01tOL-~


Tbe Kind You 'Have' ·: Always Bought '

A~ ~l'Ifion for A,· ~lmi1atini_r9OdandR~~ ­

Hawaiian .Pineapple 11) aU atl p~ rf~ctl:>n after fully ripening in the field, buy Ubby .. YeJlow and mellow when harvelted and places! ~ht into. t~e ~ ,tho day it is picked!. You can buy It lliced Ollcru.abed. ,

Bears the

IbtS~ andBoWebot

Signature of'


At' YOUI' Groce... .. Libby, M~Neill '" Libby

High ·prl ced g raJn rood s m OOD h igh· 'fll (: (:/1 It t.h n ts to be Ii futu re I"'odut:ing dal r)' cows. dairy fO O.., · hall .the rls h t to' bo well. "'I~I'. a 'c:o mpanled by a certain de· born, wltb un u nque!ltio nably good gre", or renne me ll t. II! desirabl e III II record 08 an In heritance. dairy cow. It Is Ihe f a rIDer who Is mll.k.luc The nnbnal thnt fJllYB the beet. Is br~d by t he IIweal ot hlJl brow will» bound to be III IIvld ence a s dairymen cannot a fford to ma. k e mlBta kea III become Intelligent. breedin g up 11 bu noh 'of lnt rlor cow •. 1l II a. mla\4ke to t hink thot· a ! ood Food s known to possesl Laxatlv. cow of Interfor breedtn, IIi QllulI1\e d QUlIllUea IIlIo uld b e ro und In over, 10 dr op II. 1I0od calf. l ratIon. Thosf! in wb Ich it Ii \lroIf absolute el eanltne!8 III obllen e d I nonnce d 81lOUhi bt: fed moderately. bacco comes high. Only the In making butter there will nol be 'rhe lo w percentage of protei n anll ineXpensive, sensible wrap- mu ch troubl e with other difficulties. the . hl ,;b perce ntalle of wate r in corll Tbe In side workln,s of '!t dal~y cow, .IlDslloge mak e , Is n nCeSllo.ry while feedping' enables us to o~er the .cales aud the Babcock tCflle r'l ll! g libernll y or' en lllla ge to reed olo., er 20 Fatima Cigarettea for 15 form the 8uceeBSfui dalryman 'a tr inity. or oHa lta ba.y It we will produce all . Too many farmer s are condl1cUng Ideol mllon. cents• . the ir dl\Jry 8 8 11 aIde ISBue wben th ey So me at us ure dairymen of na tu r u ll should be ma king It a permanent born insll nct, Home have acq u ired II ., Dut;"ctiY~r, l"djPidtud b\l s!neal. kllowleclgo or the bU l lness .by hard Th e dai ry cannot be managed l UBI study o.n d prlilcUcal e lpe rtence. and r ight without l.b nile of 8 tb ~rmoUi ' ft omll nr e da iry me n becauBe they keep eter. Ilfid It musl be a Kood one. No n r"w cows. .1.11 of U8 have mucb to !O cent nrtal r. leurn .


Mam ba4 bill fault., but be _ sned lor ·breacb of promlae. DIlluth baa .llSZ acre. of parka and playgroundrl. Yalue~ at $828.100. II

roo wim


beaut iflll, ' clear, .,bite Red CI'OII Ball Blue. At..u


. - . arocet'I.

A.dT. ·

I. the matLe r of makin, mlatakel moet ot u. are wlllin, to concede tbe auporior Industr, to our fri ends. .


OWN DRUOOIST wn.L t'E r.twl'On


...M=SO ~u'l::oe4T.~~I~II~"1.i.&nI~

. e n Oocton. Wrtle l o' ......~ of \l>e ..,e ..u .... MUlDe _ 78 ~ Oa.,

. Not That. "Y' sa y your wile Is rustleatln,'" ·'R.nU,. tbaL 1 could rusticate on t1i • wMII easy, but It c osLs her '7Ii." .

T requires good tobacco to make good cigarettes, and good to-





For Over Thirty Yoars




he Knew.

... new drama was belDII rebeaTIed. ad the two women wbo bad promlaleftl. parte were nol on the mOi l frlencIJy term• • "Ia thla .c ene.~ remarked the taU. IlCatet)' blonde, " l am .upposed to lene the s~e at .t be rer,r, ~l1l1e y.o a IIlaGd ID the' front faeln, tbe' a1l41. . cis.. What ",til be YOUT cue to re. • me your !In.,.r . "Why," repllsd tha ,.owlnl · bru- P4_p.-::::!:!I1!III • elM, without bejSltaUon, "tbe look 0( ....Iltactlon 011 tbe fae.. In tile .dteoee.-

Best LocatIon Is Near Gateway The Soil ShQuld Be Thoroughly Cleaned and Weeds Destroyed to Barn Lot Where Every...... Fine Surface Needed tiling Must Pass. .


Heavy Pasturing Condemned. Hea~ paaturlq of altalla Is not adrtlled. The 'number -of animal. per acn .houl4 be regulite4 lilat two III" tbree · small C1ItUnp of har mar lie talteD from the lIeld. Tbla Dec· . .....,. to wure tender ' ~een ,rowth tCll' ,rulDg. Wbeu little bud. beatD to TOOK SPEECH IN THE DARK Iboot at the IIsse of the stalk ·the .. ralt& ahould be cul In a Yel')' faw ·Stenegrapher Sa"a It Not Dif. __ a fresb new powth mat.. ita flcult to Follow Reman" ~e~ OTerpaaturlnl, without of "Unole Joe." occa.loDa.l C1ItUng, alao tenu to ID· ~ ero'wna of the plant and eTeD· "Somet mea a man leta. • reput.B.Uon ...,ur ·destroy. the .land. tbali ~' . undeaerved," lIud Sam Gr.r • • mem~ ~of tbe Ite nograpblc corp. of Th. Naw Lanlu.g~ the bOUle of representatlTel , at the Here II our. eateeme4 eont empolSO Wtllanl, ncconllng to -the Washington WOI1d 8peech acaln cel,ebrstinl tha~ PO'BL "It happened me a few yean MCOmpUlbe4 Intematlonal lan~ase. &co "ben I "&II tra'V'elinc wiLh ~ormer tIO whlcb Is' for th Jap- Speaker C,aDnon In a ilolltlcal Clam· . ~ .Chlnese or ·H'lndu. al for tbe ,palgn. ; 'UDcle" Joe' .m:u\e a IOl of Latin ~ ~. Teutonic ~ople.." Nb speechea In that particular campalcn. <k*bt., and lUi ' euy for UI ·. ~ and I was there to make a stenolraphlc 1.,Iail8l0: Chine... Elliu.can nnd report and transcript of them. rn ~ue. But listen. to • bit or ro 4111.· one western city tbe speaker was talkque: " , Ing io a tremeDdou8 crowd of people, "ot tac2a. .ct lIawT ' (OoOd mornlne. .....hen suddenly. Wltbout .... arnlng: tha ~ are youn electric light. went out. leaT(Ii~ tha ·Slto ec. abl lie. (Thank 70n, I .am house In total dl!orkne ila. • "etl.) . . ' . ./ " For ftfteen mlDutes, perbapS, Lb& • "Asl we resll abo! (Do yotl ,un· s~aker talked on In the dil-knell. I.' . c1eretand ~e 1) was up to me, ot course, to make & 1'& ~tt"-:--e-_.wm.~do nOl; but · .pl mu,cal hab port of his iJpeech, and I did , !latur,ally, . " a~os mebu·~'. How many. ·le,1 I liaa·. a. I bild to fEtel my ,\"U7, an~ J ma~~ mr . lobtrI.erT-~e,,! York Elun. ,',' notes unusually large, 10 I would tlaT. no tro'uble In.'readlng them. ' When the llghtJI were 're stored I was rIght tJ:ler. 1IItlth tbe speaker; and made . an ·ac· clU'lite .tran.crlpt or blS "peech. Some of the newspaper boys bea'rd 'of I.the Btory an!l PubliShed It aa !' manelou.







"'ea.,. eu,.


.' .lThe fact III It w.a. not at ~Il dlmault lolloi" the' former .apeaker. He ·1. talker, ,and I bad DO t~u· taldnl hll f,:,mariEI:'

l A"

B,. II, H . Q Al'i 1JU. 1

T he .Iee man will lIaye a tool IIbed that h all Ita name imllliell-Jlot . a on tbe back ~Ide or lIome barn. or other bullding wbe re fowls will rooat on tbe tools. hngll bed ~nde.r them and cattle tramp aronnd nnd omon g th em ; where the tool you want 18 alwa,. behInd a lot ot othera and you leaTe them out rath4n' tban put them away and get them out. J1'Ind the place on the form wllere you mUBt pa8! wIth· everything, II there be s ucb a place , or a 8 nearly 'that. aa possible. The gateway to the barn lot 1a u8ual1y Bucb a place. If cI.:cUJ'Dstanee8 will permit.. build the 8hed tight there. Build .It Dcr0811 tha line of travel, 20 by 2/1 feet wide. 8 11 long ". nec88I11UT; " 10 feet · 1! .to tbe platea. Posts along Meb s ide at Inte",," ot e ight feet eK,cept ODe Apace wider tor a harTellter and binder If you use one. . Use a light but lIolld tnJlI8 roor. It mas well be ClOTered wttb atee). 'PUt ateel track for roller door·ballt!:sra enUre length of botb plates , both InHang .d oom a l-' sid e and !lutlSlde. tornatel y Insldo and out. ~e filled IIldlD/t, no croased portltlonll.. Doore eo.n all be rUD to on e end, lellTlng h.alf th e abl"d entirely open, or any door ea.n bo run ' eithe r way a ll molll con·' "en lent: The8e IuIn ge l'!!! and t.r ac\ts will cO/lt a bit. but will nol !la g on ·the Hlnge e nor knock. you d01lln It a ,;uat of wind catches them . 'Have' 0. space tor eac b wagon where It can be to stand ~'b etb~r 'loa4ed or empty. 6uspended rrom root tru 8S to hal)g harness on make!! It hondy and heal:! ~he ratB.) !;lpnces ror mower, drill, manu re -upr:eader; planter- In short whateTer tool o you uae. Some of COUI'8~ .s hould be doubled up, be ing 'a cces slble from botli .aldos. Hay ra ke cOIJ1d co In wide .pace wltb barv'e~ter, elc . . .. Have at least on, space tor plow. cultivators .. ete.. that can be lltored on beam endl whcn not In relJU.l~- use. I..ength caQ readU7 be .adde ! all ,tool. Increase. ',,' . ' , .: . . Would rathe r bave enUre sbed .ftoored, but If well .. dralned dlrt·boltom ,,·Ill anlwef· , . rl Arrange ' fenee. and arade ground 10 ' that It will. be', easter. to 'put ."ery toor ,to Ita place than not ·to. ; nen .k1n ' the man .....ho leavell one' ollt. SuC;1l a shed ·wlll not "coat a large ' u..m, and will '800n pay 'r or Itlilelt .on the farm . .

-;'_. - - : --:-"--

\- ' ......

W , H. GtLB};n rr.)

................. 0 . . . . ..,. . . . 1'0" . . . TY.

0......,. to the E,-.. . Mr. r.o.Ia BaD. til. altatrleal ummlnatlq -vert. aact Dr. r. B. Verhoefi', an .,. apedaH.t. haft pubIahed Ia BcleDoe .plDIGe that the al· lesed clI.Dpn· to tba .,.e from ultra· Tlolet radlattaa f/I. alUlU.llt and ".rIOUI art.Hlc1al . . . . amout to DOthlna n.,. adIIdt that there ~n 'm~F ~ attacu" upon modem dppnJU. ",

:render Spot. He wu takJna her for a ride bl. hi. new motor car.. He seemed to be abaent·mlnded anll dreamlDl:. • "t-Iow time files !" he esclatmec1 at lut with a deep .Igb. "When I. the next Instnllment due ?" abe allked with a tanillcant ,lanc. at biB cat. An~ the vel')' n~xt eTllnlng he went, reason ot IajUtou eIleeta of , ult....... out tor ,anl/ther rJde In hi" car. bul Tlolet ·Of IIdIDIe ...,., INt tb_ h.". with a . elrl who , didn't know 110 "enUre1y' ........ QUantitaUye much. ~tlon bet •• tIae ra41at10D and It. Not Taking Her From Him . auppolled CIiI'h....,'II&I e1rwate." Very 8be- I'm afraId poor papa ",'UI ml.. little oC . . . . ...,. caa penaU'ate the 001'IKI&, . . . . die CrntaJ,lme Ie. CUtil me ~ben wa are married. H_Why, t. your tatber ,0ID& oft' eoml)lete17 tboae that Jrtraule . throu.h towud U. ret!Da. Prot.cUye a"ay7


I1J1mfM... ..

Clulle !ltte ntlon shoUld be llsld to preliminary c ultivation , as thIs mean • economy In seed. In til e first place It 18 ne<)e~8II.fY tbal the sull a.hould be thoroug bly cleaned. and that annuu weeds M well all couch gralll should b e destroyed. . In the s econd place a fin n tilth and a fin e I!utface lire necesury. A t ur- rlallBell lIN . . . , . . CIDl7. the,OOI1e1ade, ther Important ' conside ration Ie tbe III <C)utunc . . . . . 80me men ' are 10 cot:\ltituted tb,,~ IIPts and UD· mannrlal conctlUon of the .11011 . . the), would do anythlnl tor money .. ' doe 'beaL Although lI'ase81 are benefited by except worlt tor It. ' nltrogenollll "manures It 18 .eldom deIIlrable to aP lply sucb manure ' eltber " just before or' Immediately "t~er 80W' 1406 CopeIaII4 .... ClDcl.nDaU, Ohio. Ing the seed. - "For OD. , . . aT rlcbt wti.t and M&u • taW ..... of kl4JMT 4 1 _ o(art.l 'rhe tlrllt eft'ect or 811Ch manurlnll anD tnIIa eIIIcnr to aboul4er were eII4 troa lo "alple ouJ4 or. ellUI . .llOnM:OII\lun ellI.... wMk_1be lildoe,.. Uric 1>0100l1li I\Q .e,. , , - e ~ k14M'. &Old .,..... IiacalUlho. __ would be to Inereaae Lbe Quan tity ot ~ . . . .naJUGA. Th. eclDAIIo pall>, _ _ IUId orluar, dlounle" IItt!rWII:-pTodUced' 1l)'~ Ufe gra 11 " .."'nt'ilaeM_IIIC~ 'bl'llrolClk."'" a rull &Det looked _ _ _ rl". & ODie. Ullbk of UIe kI411"'".. with wblch the I ced I bave been SaVin, w!WI' ' ......'10 IMlp tI ••1a on~ '.b_ .... IIIOn . and thus to re pres·. rather, than old I1ke ft.W beel n.k. It Itched and lloaD·. ')[Idne, 1'1111 100 ..11.. _ ro nK" 1101> ...u or 1MplOD', kldoe,.~ .... t ....~ di yonn g Jlatiture plante. banIed ocna~ ... to keep .... or _I. l'Ial.ll.. wIll ..... ~ ilia ...... KI4."T PlUa ...eel III!\' II my eo...... wlUl 10ft lbulIl 111_ ........ PlIbUoI, _ _ _ .. l o r PhosphaUc . manu re, su ch Ilil baste elothtt. I m.Id lilt ..... a".al&ht. IMeI.w...a worlAL cilay or lI uperpbollpbate, on the ot her , " Ti •• II . . . 'ebJoDlo au. of band, 8hQuid be uRed liberally. and ecaema. ad aot lMCllclu k t It Jaa4 A KentUcky Case -may perhaps' best be applied to the ,_ dee&. ~ I ..., for a _pl. of B; o. mia-... DoIpreceding ~oot crop, though it. can be ..., Ill, . Nlellol ...• Ky., say.: . "f " work,e d, Into the land du r ing t b,o win- Cutk\ll.&-&o.p'" 'O Iataet &lid tII.ba4 "u ~k8 'of ter month !f ·bl~rore eo:w lng :lhe lIeed. "",UeaiIaa . . . . . . to belp me: trouble tal' 1n " dTY ~lstrjctB a~ d on ligh t Iiol1e ., purcbaMct t.~ ' ~ of Cuticura JelL,, ' .n4 my bac k &1>4 ltI4weJ'. ott"n' t,hree pennyweIght to nve Ileony. Soap a . . at Cutic:ura· Ointment palu ~4 ·me 110 ba41y weight· or ' superphosphate sbould be and 10 ' m ..... ~ anu and wrt.t.) I ' couldn't take .. lonl b,ut My applied, but for most 50118 fonr peony. WMe thoroqlllJ '..u.d," (8Icne4 bladder .... IlIlIam e d ..,elgb t to sill:. penny weight of basio Jolnl ... '1&. • an4 (1) . pl ln.ln po.. • Ille lb. kldn, ,, . t· . . Cuttcura 8Dep . . ObatmiIDtaoJd cH tJonl W• • ' t',t"lble. clay ma y be' recomm ~nd ~. Ibroughollt 1M wwW- lampl. of each The ftOW " AI . r an t y and. at time. alm",_' rree. with .... 8lta Book. ~cfdr... POI~ .,o PJI e4 DORn·. Kid · car4 44()uUcllnl. Dept. 4 BoItoD."-~d't'. i


- ----


What a Cold .Can




"p ".....




r::':~\I~:~~ ':~4 Of

It 1IOIDed_ ~ that e"eD the

Diall rio .....,. c~'t

Many Patc:hes of' Weeds and Briers May .Be ,Burned Out " as They.Dry Out in Fall. . By A. J . LEGG • . Old tleld s wblcb hav e beell allowed tp grow up in brlera and brush Brl! otLen very .hud to reclean. When the filth Is taken off, Buch weeds as saasa· [rai, ' ree ribrlers and w~re briers k eo p Ipr!lutlllg.' but . If all auch hrush and briers are h.(lked down In AUluat and September and burned DB 800D lUI tbe, ae.t dry and the Ia.nd pastured wltq I!! b~p Md catUe, they w l~1 s oon die out and th e roots rot. . Jt 88Bsatra.6 · lind greenbrier. are irrubbed out t hey will sprout. all lonG aa the grdund Is sUrred but neIther of,. them -can stand paeturlnl without breaking the ground after they' have been hacked down lind burned o,'er . Many patclllel of .reenbrlel'1l will

bum dry without going to thetbrough troublEIwhen of ' cutUDg tbem: and In . • u.\lh: casila It: save. labor Qr set~!ng

thellD on /lr.e, and nlJo,vlng the ft~e to, 1.'..... ~i.u ..1II • and bu rn tbe old' brlen out 'O~ the way . •



~ w~t

to do tlD4I M.F . . . to to It for· him .

It I~ ..... Ito. ~olt 01 u. ·'bollid be _ .....,. •• WlI'Iltet cholte.



too 'rat....


Cet 0-', .. A., !!Ia.. SOc io 0....

'D 0 AN' S ' B.PILL 'I D Nit T . • . I'OSTfJt-MIUIUIlN









SE'WER """





~.-- .

"sat-Ie, ••san" aDd 1.>,,"8ry j Jljdgtt.r oeased~ ' \:rat account of executrix New 8urllneton Bayoe lUIIIau" aDd battery; LeOn filad . J . O. Baiuell r~toroed from the .Raleton, grand l~roel)y; J ohn Doe, Georg~ W . A ttl'g to Emma L. ~ryCommon Pleas Court alillll Oliver Drake. reaklug ond eD. berger, 10.t In ()Qzal.1dale, ,~ity' ho pital, a' SprlDgfield Ja8t . teril,lK d we lltD~ Ilnd oommltttn~ lllr· ..]u'·, IlPPQu"want ·t.) fill VIt(,.t11l Y oeny; John Do~, Illlll!l Hmlier J ohn. Il:stat of f\lou~ I\S any. Seo. week. A new shipment just arrived from Burgessp.s and other in 'irand jur1. J ohn Buolt on,6 of the tlOD, breaking and entering dweLling ad aOOollnt of ex~ou,or filed.. Mrs. Aroble Peterson wall taken' well known Modistes of New York.. " grand Jury, being sloll , It, waR Or· a Dd oommit'ling Jaroeny i l'II. Wtl. In re will of E. Martin Simpson, to the MoClelleo hOllpltal Sunday. d rect ' thllt R \VlJdll Gllobrh.t be son, malioLous destrU'otioD of prop deo8aseU. WI1111 led tor probate. Several af the friends aDd old sworD In th tltltfl the pla~ of Id erty . Ralph Stewllh, grand I~roeny ; oO,mr.dlll!! of t be late Ill: D. Harlau ~Utban5 ~ri · fCorntr6 , L ~~~ ~8uob grand lur~r . &&Il)b Y01111g, ol~rrylng CIO UO tlll·d . Mt. Holly ,,,ttended t he funoral servloes Satur Gainsborough and Cavalier, Picture H ats are the Anna Seulell VII. .1 ohn IS ttl&!. weapon ; Bomer Jobnson. for break. ~1ay. Injunot.II)tI ard~r"C\ dt~sulved "nel, tOI{ Bnd eJ;lterlng dwelling and cumatlS8 Bernioe Ba.wlrlDS WI'" hostes8 dOqli'nating styles. In Black Lyons Velvet Ctlle dlSmll!seil mU'lng laroen~; John Doe, aliaH Mrs. Robert Green and ohildren I~ the D. A, 011188 .saturday, or Hatter's Plush. The rell.Llft tit grBnd jury for th Ohver Drake, breakinll nnd enter ing of. Dayton. were (Euests of Lue. Mol'. DOon. . ' tubtlr lerQI ti t coort flied, Itets out dwelling and oommitting IM'o~~y; gan and family aturday Bnd Sun. S. D. B'ea8 delivered & 8pe8('h here . I tbat ,bey had \Jeen In tleSBIOO ~ dtlYs J ohq Doe, fllias Fr~nk R. Pblhll~, day. B~turday morning and In . the eye. llXamlue<16S w\&ne88es, covering 136 uttering and pubhslllng .a forg ed Mr. .John LUOll8 "nd Mr. Blley Illin Rev Sullivan of Xenia 8poke Blaek Velvet is in the lead this winter. Large, 'medium 011 lies " nd ureaented 20 bUls of In. oheck, obtalolng prouerty by fDl~e Utb80n ,were tn OElltOn on. day last )n ~em~raooe ! dlotment 00 vtftltation of 'be pretense . week I .-' , and Small eftects. Prices rangi'ng from OOnD$Y jal!bfiod that tlhledrulletSh ofTt,hh tl Probat~ 'CourC Proceedfo,s Mr: Jobn Morgan and ohildren. Ki!gr'm"':: r:~(g' ;;~;b~~et'a:: :~: ol)ur* h ave eenoomp e w . e . d 'th ~ f L M ' St h report, oloee~ with" recommendation Est"~ e: f Deekm L. U!wie, e- ~ere e i:ues!l 9 . . ep ens pro:ad parents of a son. ,. , t ha& tbe inserlor of the ' jl1il be 08M~. First And fin iii I Booonnt of Saturday and ~un.d ay. Mr. !lnd Mrs. B . .L Farqubar, or painted admlnls'rator filed Mrs. A. W. Dill bll8 r eturned Franklin spent sevoiol dILY8 la8t Paradise Numidi.Wings, Ostrich and , Novelty Flowers t;ICPORT OJ!' ORANO J UItY James Benry Vandervoort and h ome from a two weoks' visit in week with relll.tlves·here. Edw,n Vandervoort, deceased, vs lJl1y*on. . . • _ ..._ __ at very moderate pnces. John Doe, aJi88 Frank R. Phillips, John Vande rvoort et at ApplioaQrJite 'a number I.ttended the F0 r ger y i Virvln . BrYan, petit- lar. tiOD to settle deter~ine a:'ld regt..ter meeting Thursd"y Bnd Friday nigh t. It Always Does the Work ~~.J...., oenv i R. B. Layman, lbrea &eninl{ In title to oertain land8, reterred to one Mr. Samuel J aokpon spont I:!atuf. .'1 1 like Cham barlaln 's Cougb \;I W ~Iiiii' J. a menacing manner; Emerson Con 0 ' 'he land examIners with instruo. dl.y ni gbt In .'pring VI~lJoy after go. Re!Dedy beUer t;hu.n a.ny o'.her." tions. , Ing on" A Trip Arounli t be World ," writes R. E R(Jbl}r~tI, Bomer Otty. 37 Green Street, XenIa, Ohio. In re estate of Joat1ul\ Olark, de. M.rll.l:iolorge Mnrlott bas been vl@ • •t)lI. "rlllt.vAlakeuitoft'andonfor '._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....--: . sed. ~da L., Ohenoweth aJ>- Itiogbllr da u<>hter In ':Iprin glleld. Yllar s u>?d It h as Dev e"r failed to give ~~~!!IIIIII!!!!!'!"!'!!!'~!!"!'!!!~~~~~~~!'!!'!'~!""!!'!~~"'!!"'!!"'"'_ _ _ __ KeepYourStomachandL.j ver'Healthy oeftp01ntec1 adminlBtrlx. Bond $65(10. .... tbe dfl8lre(l results . • For 88IA by ~ .. . ,-' ~ I - -- - ' A vigorous Stomaob, perfeot Canee ooottnued. " Mr. Will Pratt. WIfe and oblld till nealers. ' J. C. JORDAN may take in my behalf, I have the worlriog Liver and regular aoting In re es'at. of JoaOnDD. Cla.rk de. :cere ,~e ~.~e8ts of Mr. J ame!! honor to remain, -80"eJ" I. ~uaraoteed it you will use d Ad t l ' tM til b' d n an WI e . . Bellbrook.' Very truly Jours. 'Dr. King', New Life Pilla. ' Tbey cea8e , m n II ra .~x es on. Ma8ter Oarl Pratt. of Kenia, Is An Appeal to the Voters of Warren adv ' J. C JORDAN, Esute of Bh:am. t), ~e1800, Imbe. 'he gue!t of Ills graodmotber ' Mrs Rhineklo~, of Beavertown, County. , , I • _ ...--'-_ _ inlJqre Rood DIgestion oorreoi Con. , . , .I olle. Inventory of ep,tate 11led by ' . ' . , . stlpatlon and bave an exoe lenUonie dt ' vlslted ber d"ugbt;,r ttlrl. Chlls. "- b D tl ' d'd t f Apply Sloan'. Freely For lumbago eft'ect on ,he whole system-Purify guar aD. , It-yan nnd fl\mlly Illllt WedDet!day np t e e~ocra c can I a e or your blood a.'ld rid you of all body In re will of Etta Boogb, deoeaeed. /Bod rhor sday , .County AudItor ~ have had the .Your attaOk8 of LumlJl\go are not poillOn8 tbr')URh tbe Bowel8. Only WUJ admitted to probate. Deafoeas Cannot Be Cured It ill "eported tbat John Elliott pleasure of meetmg 'many. of ,the nearly so hopelel!8 all 'hev eeeJP. 50. at your Drugltt.,. I\18ta_e of Edmond Reta1l\ok, de. b 1 I It'l th~" tbe $Inne r bus puroblUled tbe Bor' voters of Warren Coubnt:-Yt' duritJnj.g ~he You olin relieve them almo.' Inf· , " . y OO~ app oa.. 008, as ey ....~nno.· present campaign, u as 81m· stllntly by a sim ple IlUplloat,lI)D"O !!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!..!!~'!!! r oaoh tbe uisOOlled portion of the el\r. ton property. ' . possible , for me to see everyone, I t;loan'jj Liniment on the baok . ,a nd • . There 18 Ollly one way to onrj) de",f. Miss Florenoe Myers ha. returned take thil! method of making a final 10tnll. Lnmbago 18 Il form of rhellness, and tbat i8 by oonstl'.uUonal t rom Columbus. , appeal for 'your BuppOrt at the com- matiSIn ' and yields perfeotly to , remedies Deafness is roused bV an Mi ss Goldie Green, of Kenla WIlS insr election Tuesday, November 3. I3I08n is' whloh penetrates qulokly infiamed oondltlon ~f the muoous tbe guest ot MII!! Myrtle Wbltaore Being a tea~er in this county for ,,1) io' tbrf'Ulb the lIore. t.ender ,' lining of the , Euatl!.ohlan rube, last !:;unda.y. ' ltwenty.five years has given me op· mU80le8 Umber8 up ,he bllo. and (V'o te for. One) . When this tube Is Inflamed you Mr.lI.nd Mrs. Barry Weaver, ' of portunjty to. prepare educationally makes Ii feel fioe . Gil' Ii bottle of have" rnmbllnl!! sound or Imperfect Dartou were Ule gU8I'8 of tbe for thIS posItion, and also I have t;loan '8 Liniment "'J 25'oenta or aoy ____..........____________....._ _ _ _....._______ hearing, "nd when it il entirely We"ve:, Barness aDd Brel.tordl~ad official experitmce along this druRI{Ult and hlLvalt tn ~he !lOUI!80108ed l De&flleAS II the result. and I 'amlliae l&8t Saturday alld SODday. 1mE'. .' _ agaln8t oold"'i aore aod 8wollen uol888 the loflammation ' oan be Mr Chas Wrlgbt of ArOIlDnm . I 8BBure you that my nerBOn~ jointa' fheumdillm neuralg Il, NlIattakeD out aDd tbl8 tube re~torect to spent iIl8'~~uday with 'dend. here' , record will bear ~e to" Ilod like "t1~ani!l. Your mooey I , i~ uormal condition, bearing · ,will . . . ' closeSt inBpecti(\D. ' baok WDO' \l&tl"fled but It dooll give , J , ' be de~'royed forever; ~i ne 0"8e8 out Barry E~wardR and wife of Day i llhe eampaicrn drawin.r to an, en~ almost lostant reller. . I~n are 0898ed by Catarrh, "'~tob Is ton lr8 visl \Iog reJatln. ~ere. baa been 1& BOUret! 'ot gl'atifl~tjon to • _____ _ notblng bot 8D ioftamed oOD(1itlon ' Born-Po Mr. I\nd lira. Gne BOa. me, trom many expressions of apI" DCADY, FOR' S"'lE DAllES IIf ~~e mncona l\lrfaOe8 r,pan of n<>r$ 01 towo Il SI)D. Rrctvll1 of my claims to pl'eferment at ,I\,IJ~ " . , We will give One Uundre'(l DollaJ'8 ~r. and ' Mr8 Vaughn Griftl8 the hands of the peo.ple' of Warren . . To be voted f'Or in Warren County; The only' for BOY oa8e of Oea.fD8tl8 (caused }'Iy .moved on the Muudabaogh farm .COunty of the position which I Jesse Sbmley. wllo ,haa ju~ g~u. Repu~1ican now sitting' on the Be~ch of the oatarrh) thal olin not be oured by la8t Tburllday . aspire made by ~itizen8 · regardl. of ated from the Jones *,uctloneenng Ball's Catarrh Curo. SelJd for olr. . . • .;.. • '. party affiliations. • . _ , &hool at Chicago. is home and Ie Court of O>;lIIlr8, frf'le . . Tl1Ie Should you support my candi- ready for 8ale dates. 1t would be F ..J. CBENEY & CO., TOledo. Obi? He only III a great man who can d8CY '1 8BBure )'OU that ,through no wen to see him. as he bas BOrne new Sold by v~ug.glet., 750, neglect. the a.pplause of the mulUtude, act of mille w}lryou eVElr have 'caUIle ideas in the auctioneering line. Or Take Ba.lI 8 Il amlly PlJIs for oon and enjoy. hlqtself Independent of Ita to regte~ hawng.Iri'fen me'}'our vote' l call ,bim, 146 !'1utual '~hone, New . . 'lbanklllglyo\l fbr any ~nterest :y:ou Burhngton, OhIO, . !ltlp'ltion . . I favor.-Steele. - ,

'1. .


·.itttimmtb _ats

.. $1.50 up










.',X .IPET . ' S t5 ' .' . E,n ' . WING












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E5551i EJ'1i15555:1'EJ.I'555:1":1 Ii'555:1..:1 E'==='1:1 Ii'===' IiIEI==:11EI E'=~:I' ~ li'===:1..:11== a , ~,=55:1i Glli'5==:lU:1G',:e5EaU:1-1l'5==:lU:lI!'==511151'1555!

' TO




IN TilE ·sAi..E , .ANNlVERSAllY ,'" AT SPE(1IAL ' PRICJ~S "; ,


1.,. "



Values to




9 98


, .






'cluuQbray, aDd figured and striped llhirting, materialshave collar attached and JX*ket; all well ,made, nrstclass m~dise, ·· . " ..' • " < 10 the' Annl~enary Sale at 42c each.. -


47c and extra, length tails) Antuversary- Pnce...... . . '..


. " .. '


.. ,.. :... $J'.~S,

~!~ P,'r lce S 1.18.

to ~~. .Anniyersary Sale Price per garment : .. ~ • ' . . . Men~s Shirts and e'r s ,~ .'.


~m- ••••.••••••.••• .......................................









'Men's Shi"'s and ', Draw"ers ', '~,'"r ... Derby ,ribbes} naturaicol~r, tan and ~Id'gold, sizes3414S;


. . Extra S'lzes and "Sll~s~'-( ' '.


6.. 50 .An~v~r~ry Sale Pnc.e .~E~r garmen~ : ..•..• '._






~$r~~: $22°0' ,,~~y ~~m~~ !~~~~~:~~:~~!:IO ii5~


,1'peJdozen 'M en's·Wo.rk Shirts ' 42c ~. Anniversary Sale Pnce. ... . .. ; ....'... ... .~, 4~e'a}w~t "every'~an ,'win w~t and 'isalways ' b~yin~, ; GOOd Work SJilrta of Amoskeag .and , Blue ·Bell ", blue ~


Men's Underweat.lnAunjversarySaJe .

.50 ,





fl:f., ..... . =: f!:::'~. i:;:::r."!:" .' =

·1 -


Men:s. fine madras Shirts, all ·neat patterns, coat stjie, pl~in , bos0!D' laun~~red cuffs attachod , ~II new tre!h .g~a" a . speCial purchase 'Qf $1 :50 and $2.00valti,f l

14 75 ;



~o d:I~50~~';~ooD~:.~:t~~~~~~


Values to

.~m: "~F..~~.~:,$l~ ,

" '.

~ot many of each kind,iii these lots"but splendid gains in fjrst-~ ·materials ~d esira1?le pattem~. , .

G . ~IC.' L01"~~.'.

..lot of about 50 dozen Dress S.hilrts of pereaIe• .,madras,· etc .•.. all coat style with cuffs atta~hea ; sOme !vitll ,separate ' collar to m~tch~stripes anp plain blue, all siz~, regular 50c and 75c values, ', '. ' " Aonlverury Sale-Price 37c 'e ach f ,



80 ~ozen Men's D~e_s. Shirts ""," 3'7c SOC and 7Sc values ......... ,. .... ......... '



Cooper Spring Needle 'Derby;,~ibbed and Beece' Iin~ .regular " , and extr-a 5izes. , ..iAlmi e'~ar,)!: ~te 1?..ri~8 . ,' .




.,',. <

.$1.,00 y.alues (or~\lc-garit\entj :, 51 :[$0 values fo~ J~; g,,~me~L $2.50 values foi' [~74gatment




,J3ixty-Fifth Yea:1'

.I •






~er8~nal Mentiont .......- -.... ---.


H'EPITu.u BT:l u~,II·ft. N'(!' WIN ~

• -----_. --------a /O:J:~:yD::js::~~::on ,

l_~~i~l_ ~~~~t! -1

. children of David and Rebecca Haw · nection with neal'lY..,8even thousand kins Jay . She was born in Chester large retail druggists all over the MiBS Bertha Kenrick entertained Ben Hul'- 'choo! l:iall. Tueeday Township. Clulton Countv, Ohio, United States, is joining in making -e"ening. July 9,1829. and departed this life • a,big display of Vinol durin~ thia tbe Loyal Daughters Friday evening. , 'It her home in New Burlington, OC ~ week of November first, which in~i. with a Hallow'e!!n party and luncheon J rt Chllpman was 'n Cir.cinhBti (ober 18.1914 at the ripe old age of I IS IS ca~es the fraternal c~ndition~ which ThOle present spent an enjoyable .. 5 yeara. mor.tl1s an~ 11 days , " .' . eXist among the retail druggtllts who evening . Monda)' . are Vin~1 ail'nts all over the Un~ted . ' She was born of old' time ' Quaker Gt'orge Oukin Rr , ill very ill at parentage, and all of her life was , ' , States; In fact they are organized Mr. and Mrs. J . .c. Chenoweth t&Dd home on Third street ~ spent in acco'rd with her early ·train, into what is called tbe Vinol Club Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pick~ri~g enter· ." lng, She had an unwavering faith throughout the country, from coast tairied at SundaY dinner M.r. and ' . to coast. Twice a year they make Mrs. Walter Janney, Mr. and . Mrs. Kenn t h l{,d g~ . of CIo c.mnat I . which carried tier unshaken through came hom., TU&3day to vote, " . sorrows Which were almost oversimultaneous window dleplays of this Frank Rogers Imd Eva Prater. ',. . whelming. Ber life has been a valuable preparation. for which they D~'" J. W, Mllrer. an~ Raymond benediction not to her famil:v alone, have enjoyed the' exclusive sale for DaVia ept>nt Sunday In.payton. . but to the entire community. She many years. Mr. and Mrs. JOB. Evans .enter- ·· ..... GI d -N' Sml'th was Mother to a large circle of loving Traveling salesmen and tourists of- tained Sunday their friends, Mr. mlll8eB an !1aturday. ma friends V0 t e .IS Los t bY Ab OIU t a, r::.O 000 All th e ten and hwonder M r. an d M.... Daytonenna vial·to.... Apr·II·4. lor:r:O 'l'n •the old Caesa- The P . roh'b't' IliOn th tremaik th fi d' how I it isf an d Mr sG, .C . O rput. .-e , were •• Oil ." d L S f Th -b a oy see suc ne lep aya 0 J. H. Siort> and granddaughtRr. Amen ments Are ost, om.e 0 em Y Vinol in every town where they go Ruth. of Dayton, 0.' Mr. Wilbur . Creek meetin~ house, she was united 11" 01 DHentderTsohnua!.'!?-at~~~~~e in marriage WIth Benjamin Farquhar, ~ Slight MaJorities. during Vinol \,Veek, epl'inK and fall. Evana, Mr. and Ml'II. Earl Evans.. we~ n II.Y on rau..., , accordillg to the order of Friends. and ask what It means. and son Gayle Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weeks, fhis union contiuued just fifty years The attractive ·window displays • • Thuma October 29 1914 a daugh. w.hen the .husband was re~oved .by that these enterprising druggiat. - - -, ter . y, . • .' . death Apr.' 3, lao<>, To thlS union The election all over the county, and espcdaUy in Warren County make are a f<>ature of their storel A number of young folks gave' -. . were born , seven children. William was the largest 'in years. The Republicans a re claiming almost all of and they are to be congratulatea Glenn Johns an unexpected ~I\ ' MIsses Mary and Minnie Davie Hen.ry; Ru~h Alma. Eunice Ellen, . upon their connection with Vinol and last.Tuesday evening, it being hie . . ', . , enterprize in this respect. eighteenth birtbday. The surprise spent Saturday and Sunday in Day· Lydia Marl.a,. Helena Bel\e, Dav!d the East, ton. . Jay, ~d ~dbert .M , 0!le by one In the East,.@:ndltlsprobablethatCox'smaJontywlllbevery small. The ----.,- . - ...- - was complete. and all spent a de. . 'nfancy. In boy~ood. 10 the ear!y country vote has come in slowly, and it may turn the tide in favor 0 f OBITUARY lightful evening in games ...d mll8lc • . '. Mr. and Mrs, B S. Rowel\·visited bloom of young womanhood., and I,n . . ' . Light refreshments were l\erved and relaliveR in LumbertonSunduv after- tbe full bloom ot maturity; thl!l Wllhs. . ' . \ Rachel S. Wharton Woollard, at a late hour all deputed wishing noon. mother gave up ~er loved ones. ex· Never in the history of Wayne Township has the ole been sO'large daughter of Daniel and Hannah B. Glenn many more happy birthdays. , capt 0!le son DaVId whose devote:d as yesterday. In the town precinct every vote was out but two some- WhartolJ, was tJorn in Waynesville, " The venerable Cfru,s Smith Is very attention was the C(Jmfort of hi' . . . ' Ohio. September 4, 1857. and died UI with pneuftloma his home on mothers declining years th10g that has not · happened m many moolls. The west and east October 21, 1914, aged 57 years,l Several of MiB8 Neva. Youna"& Si~thstreet . . • She is also survived by an adopted precincts had their vote .out .pretty generally, awl evcrybody showed a month. 17 days. friends maeked anli waJJ(ad in on bel , • . . daughter, Alice McK~ Fat:Quhar, disposition to come out and doJtheir duty. .' Sh e was married to Henry WooI- last Saturday'evening and completely SQuire and Kra. John Brown. of wbo'ehared equ$lly WIth her o w n , . . lard November 28, 1882 To this su'r prised her. ' The eV,e ning WU ' C8nt.ervllle, ·w ere calling on friend. moth'ersJove and care. t'ivemother· Tbelr was a great deal of scratchtng here, as sev~ral of the local union five children we l'e b,lto, May, m..errily enjoyed bYmU8Jean:d~ea. h.r& Friday. less gratJdC!hildren also fouJ)d shel~r men on different party tickets were represented. The Progressives polled Mary, Nellie~ Edward Blld Floren·ce. At 'a seasonable hour light refreabJ • under her roof; ElJa'8 son 'trevor C. h i t th . t" t d ' Florence d'ed 'n infan v .... ta e served Thoae present Bom...,..,ToMr. and Mrs: Oleil Hites B dock, and Aim. a's children, Mrs. mue ar,ger vo e . an an IClpa e . . I I -. ' f u.en wer • . nllUl, TUesday. October . 27. 1~14, xe~)I Menqenhall, Myrtle E .. Good. Warren COunty Wetlt wet libout 300. ThIS county was thought to Ch~~~h, u~~~, :,it\8~~.e a~~riri~: ::..r:: ·~~G:~~e:~aE~rn:, =~ .. "auwJater. . . rich, Ch~lstie F. and.Ben E. VlckeJ:8, be among the ~unti~ that would 80 dry, and wns so tabulated at head " a devoted Chl'isti.n li'fe till God WatQrliouB8; EditJ:r Sbee~, Ed.n& ... J" C H k d Y'- Clara Aillof 'tlleile ate left Ito mourn ~he Harding and Willis will carry the l'Qunty by a handsome come up higher. , '.. €omell, Edna Sinitb, ~chel Sheehan, III!~. aw e an..,.. I~ ,?f one who was a fond' . . . She had been a ·constant sufferer Hazel Gustin • . Cathprine Gibboll8,~ were ID.Lebanon Monday, ~he l'U~fs ,and! 1Od.ulge~t grandmother. In ' for nine years, but bore ' her affllc- Grace Carman, Reva Sheehan, Ella of relatlveR; . , 01 Aliee's c:.hddren four ~rparJ.l, . In the state at least ten cengressman have been elected. our own with L:hristian patience. She Maud ' Davis. Lula Vande~~rt. ' Hu l h Rid e of the O 'S ,U Fred McGinnis, Tbos., EdWln . D. Fess being inCluded in the number. ' leaves to mourn her \088 a husband. Florence Wilson, Aima Viuldervoort, . .apent Seturfs; at.d Sund~y 'ber'~ Roscoe Farquha~. Moth.e'r 8,lso took four children and one sis~r, 'Mary Neva Young, and John Lemmo~, with relatives · ., especial delight In her SIxteen neat Wharton, and many relatiVe!! and 'Lee Talmllge, Laurence ·Brown; I'fUl . , " grandchildren. At . I O'clock-A from Columbus says that Willis will be friends. Lackey, Emmor BalItJ, Madlilon . Mr af\d MJ:8 . .F. B, Henderaon One . sister Ruth OI'gIUI. WIth elected by between 2,00,000 and 300,000. lltarding will carry . OARD OF mANKS Earnhart, Laurence Fumaa, . 1Iax and rimily alJd Mni. J. B. Coleman wh~m , she wa.! alwaye ,closely ' ~. Barnard, Kellor Hoke Alvin Earnwere In Dayton Saturday. ~18ted. remalll8. ,The hfe that has ' the State by still a larger plurality. Both brllnches or the LegiJ.. The family with Miss M~ Whar- hart, Fred ,FUrnaa. Seth Furnas, ,,.. , Just clO8ed was full of and la II be R hll"':'d th III "" J rI i C ton wish to ' thauk the friends lor Jam811 Gibbona Roacoe Fu~ lin. Sev~;"l of our ci~izena here alt~nd. trials brpvely borne. or kmdness ture wi epu WIll, aD ere w .,..,a rna 0 ty n on· their ki'ndnel!s rendered during the Robt. Cl'oBII, Mra. . Carl s&rvuiJ.1I'-, ell the bIg Inih.lstrial · parade at th.e ~adlY bes.towed, and blessmgs th,mkgreu." The Home ~ule apleodment i8 stUlln ~oubt, j,ut it is si(!kne18 and. death. Georp Zell. and Mr. and Ml'II. tlan'J • Xenia Fall Festival &turdliY. , Iy recelved. , . thought It will pun through by a e ry smallmajorlty • . Allor the H:enry Woollard and Family, Sherwood. • _ • states wltb the exception of two elected a ~epubliC8n governor, . '= OBiT-UARY DEATHS . ~1IUmber'ttf'-~m Ooune-- ao.1Q1lg t~y ·~,.wer ba'th blessed me Uae BeD But SinKer. ,and Playera- 8~re .U wlllst1Il.l~ me on . . d 0;..&. __1H II next Tuead au Aveni'",., 0 er torrent, till The O. 0: P. PUlled Ihemiel,ves -together and have a&aln come Oli if 'f Mt J W I.e i ' ~ a, ..., >' ..... Tbenlgbt IS gone, Josepb B. Burgett, am 29 ve,,, eo . . • wa, Mi;;' gthlyp, Jon who has been And wj~h tbe mO,rn those angel faces into the~r right. 21 days SOl}.oot John and died at ilie home of her father, II. teachln&' acbool' in I iana is home smtle . . Milbur~ Hlirgett, died at tiis home . Parl!hall, 'l\1eaday momir:t:;, aboU~ for an tndefinite tIme op' ~c:count of WhicH 1 have. lovl'd , long ,since and entire &epubliean ticket is This makes III Rep. gain of 23. near Dayton, 0 ., early Sunday mornaf~ a long 11 D_ 0a ber health. '. J lost awhtle. , . lOme of the candidates though In a telephone message from Oin. ing. , . 1'1. pulled throu&'h witb email clnnati at 9 o'clock the Democrats On the 14th day of February, 19J 2. whom·ev.., . . ' . h ed hil I Mf!8nw e a ong t e narrow rugg The progressives JOst ' concede elecUon of'WiIIisby 100,000. bewas united in marriace ,to Ori~ . ~l ~ewi~:~ LeJ&:;i~~~ ~t\~::'in ~hlld inthecouoty, although.1 The country vote was slow to Allen. No children "erebortlto 1}boe~ TbJ~ ~~tb"'ho~:-:f " lilte faith, of tbecandidatesre· r.ome in anti made the returns slow. this union. ' . M U :!.......'..11 · t 2'tl,a __,. e , C(JrDplt!'!'e.~tary votes . . O'N.• II Even at our going to preas the vote Betlides his,Wife, be leav~ a moth- . L. ClUBnaJ a 0 c1UCIL, , tof my God 1f ., .:...."1 '.. if one vote of tylng :may ·ctui.r1ge to some extent, But it two .slsten and one brother to . orever a ter ea'-WI Y ·s ...i' e. precinct. i8 generally ,conceded that both Wi1~ !D0urn ~~~bim. three brothera ~av· Wm. J.~. aad 68, ,com. ~\D Ihrht of everl.Upg Ilfe. a . vote in lis and Bardiing will win. JOg a1teaay ~ away, and mitted suicide at Tofedo saturday the coupty on " There lom.e dQubt about the HClme, father, jll8t .elght ' ~ontba.. ~o. .' &veninl at hiB boarding ho,*, I;y The surprise of th~ day,is that Rule amendmeI!t, .and it may carry He was ~. membe~ ~t· th~ ~~hQdlst shoo tina' himae1f Mr, ~,~r . County shOUld so far forget by a small m8JOrlty, although !'eo ehurch at Waynee'l,!lle. . "Sig"~ as he . was familiarly' ~own ' as to wry the county wet turns indi~lte against the amend- . ije h",d been slo)( for ~early a year to many of our:cltizena;' wa,.·' alWays ~e' other amendmentS were m~nt. , " . ' ~ut bore.all patiently withobt a mur· of a J»rigbt. c~eery. d~tion, .and . \11 the county.. . B!lfD~It?n coullty returned to the Il)ur qf . c~mplalnt, He w,aa ,glad hi' mapy friends here . were ~lDed ,S Feas. Rep . candldat~ for Rc\lubhcan fold, ,when they cast ~b~n thetlme came fo~. him t:o g~ to when they read ebe t.eI~ In the U. S. senato~, made a :great sbow- a bIg vote for WillIS. 'Clarke, Cam- hIS lovi~g Fatt),er, t~lIm!f blS WIfe papers. ".e bOd, wall and . piled up~ . fine majori~. paign, Greetlie. P.reble. D~rlr, C!in- a short tlJ~i:', before' hls,4eat" th 'lt he bere from Cincinnati: ' bls 8hows how the poo'pre of thl8 ~n, and sev.eral of our nelghbonng, felt sa e. WI~II J , ~!J ' . ' and -.e~eea w.~ halel at" . " counties trav.s WiIIiS.a handsome phi·He was a IIIVlIl" hU".hUIU I 80~ thilrqomin.J, at n ·o'clock, ·rd:istr'ict )qV~ the ,man. _ t . - ' National ,House of Repre- \ rality Montgomery went tor COx, and bl"()tber and esteemed, by ad who • C!uI;raIla(ler, oftlclatiDtr. "_I~'.•V".,the ~ 11)0ming papel'l! give , but with an awful sl~mp over ' his kn~w him. .'• was made In thef~l, lot as 20'1IJ.em "and 156 Rep: vote of two years ago. ' . ' • - .' •- • .: ' " , STEREOPTICAN LECTURE .-.~.-...-.~



W-II- - EIecte", b¥ f ronl 200,000 · to


300 .OOO-Returns · Are Slow






LeWis= ' t:w







.l everal Y.!8t8. Mr. Carey served William ·L. Bll1lkett :w~ bam Jan. , "'~j. B~ I. Phillipson. ;'of Nioton, county for years as coroner, and . u~i'y 24, 1~75, at Sl.Innse, ~entu~k,Y. W. Va., will give aatereopticon , lee· ~I"LI' - "''"'~\''~:J .. ~i!!;~~:~::;:~.i was' a prominent figure on. the War- DIed at hiS home near RI~geviJ,e. ture on "Beneath Two F1qa" at the ~~,';~.~~ T rf;ln County ' Fair board. having October 22, 19U, aged 39 years, 8 Masonic hall ·Thursdai eveni... .on . in the capacity of secretary months,.18 .day~ .On April 22, 100Q, Ne~.n..ber 6, 1914, at 7:39 o'clock.; years. fie' was a prominent K. umted Iii to Lucy ['he lecture wnJ be ~ giveri for tbe Mason, K.. ot P., 1. '0. O. F. and . 'fo thiS b.nlon were bQm of the Salvation Anny, and Man, hM.jtlg sel'ved in the uffiees five $!hildren all now hving. will give' the operations of the ArmY ' of hi.s val'iolls lOdges as an officer of Will was a kind and loving husband incl\.ldidg, indU8~rial hOQl~, hotels. . some,kind. · ", ' . and father, his family, and for men and women. ·farm eq)omee' The;' funer'al ' of Mr. Carey took an honest. milO. ' ,:' ;' and many: btli~r , t.,inga that will be ~ .l1be·wlll place Mondl~y ~fternoqn. and was He umted With the Methodiet lnt'ilrest!ngand inStructlve conce~.. a.' ........ wel. 'very largely attended. MI'. Car~'y church at the ~ge'of , ~our~n't and iDg thes&1vation A.~y. There ,Will . , I will be missed: not only at his home held to that f8lth untl~ , hIS aeat~, be 125 pictures ,shown. Adm~jjiJfon but.1I by,ar tlie county. HE! leaves to' mourn b18 death, hiS lOC' Cbitdren under 12. 5e. . - -._ _ • . wife, five children, a father. t w o ' • _. . , "<lo,,)" I "CEU' u NU'MBcU brotherS ' and a larg~ nuin~r af !""'] ••;& . friends 'both here and at nis old nome. . The B~~.Eli.!'r Singel'll: and Player '. ' CARD OF ~ANKa . wm be with U.S next Tuesday evening, . family, wish j;o ,t~an~ "li their November 1'0, and, will gi~ an en ' . wb'" in all.v way 8I!8isted, balter''''. Wa,yn.~ , 1 't ertainment of; vocal Bud iostm. v a"lPla!~ meJital music lind re~in ' as JID ~heir P~e:ri! ,troUble. , ~ "'.··-.I aNt number ,of the loel).l ·Lyceum MASONIC NOTlC.c ; (;j.Q~~:ci'::~~~I' ;~~h~~' ', TMse· peopJe ' very"~ .., ralcl~""~ Mmloi~"_~~.U~ DOJr'at]ICII&':trl. recollnmended 88 tll'l!lt<'Cla8111'


. ..."


• I




Fire Place FairyTaIes B"J. W1U...ARD BOLlC.


OR 14 years ' England bas been ;;Ineertng, and Mst the kaIser $39.000. laughing over the kalser's ba~ 000, The canal Is US miles long, 67

gain wb.on he traded , 'ast Ger· meters wide and nine 'meters deep, man claims In eastern Africa "maklng It possible for the largest war· tor Hellgoland. 0: tiny lIltle trl· ships to go through . Since the GermaD8 obtained pas· angle In the North sea. The English· men , boasted over their good bargain session of tho Island, enormous Bums and sald the kaiser was craz.y, and haye besII spent upon fortiftcaUons, that In a sbort Ume It would be and so on, Including fSO,OOO,OOO spent 'Washed away by the aea. on protecting the caul from erosIon, One , famous English ,author some ,Probably It will never be ' kno'Wn years ago wrote a book on GermlUlY. how many mlllions Gennany hu and In It he devoted a chapter to spent tn strengthen Ins the place. But Hellgoland , mostly making fun of the It Is known that a millIon anel a bait ka.lser. He says the only reason tbe waa spent In Improving the harbor kaleer wanted It waa 110 that It 'Woulel as an anchorage tor tprpedo' 'c raft, go down In blstory and be taught In MIllions have belln spen't In forti· tbe public schOOls tbat Wilhelm II hael ftcatlonB and the eonstructlon of pow. annexed something durtog his reign, der mag,lZlnelJ, while retuges havo and that tbe kalsel' woulel ewell with been bu~It' for the, Inhabitants as a pride every Ume he looked Into a protection against, ' the Island being German scbool text·book and read, .helled by an enemy. "1890, Wilhelm II annexed HeUgo-' Two hundred feet from the 'Water land." Tbe whole article was written (bere Bland a aenes ot 'bIg gun bat· a8 though tha joke on tbe kailier waa torles and armored turrets. one ot the 'best ever pulled ofr. anel For purpose, of protection, a cliff the cbapter euds! ' "Poor llttle 'f{ell· of granite 'Wae built, so that now the goland melting away In the Oerman ' lala.nd to a luge extent pollse,ses oc~n.." . ' clIffs which . ~r(\ ' purely artillclal, In But the kaIser dId not tet hie llttle addition, hundre'ds ot tonB ot cement lalan4 melt aw~y. He got to 'Work 'Wore used to strengthen the face or a~d bolstered .'.IP Its Iide. and patcbed tbe natural rock. , It and bU,l lt new and Wond~rfu] fo~, Moet or'tbi\ people depend for their , ftcaUolll. "and today }j:nglaI\d II lao Jlvellbood upon the lobster and other 'mentlnc ber lOla (nel "'Iould give ber Ilsherlell., t()getber with their harvest vast African tflt'rttonell and much from the summer visitors. Tbey live more t.Blde It Bhe had hung on' to her to IODB"YeaI'S, and hllye ' a8 tbelr na' Hellgoland and bad not don6 so much tive longue the Nortb , Frisian dl.a lect. " . , Once Overrun With ' 8muggler•• bo""Ung: . ' COlmopolltan 'P,opu'atlor,. III 1807 Oreat Brttaln 'obtained the Today lielllOland \s collilte/l a8 the Island from the Dane.. When ' "hs BflcOnd IItrongea'ti fQJ:1 t U-e, worli:1, ~&. took possession 01 tbe Island It was Ing lecond only to' Gltiraltar. '~ellgo- th!l "jumplog ground" ot a hqrde of .land llea opJ)!)slte the mquthl! of the smugglers, there being practIcally 00 )U,vel:ll Elbe and Weser and guards room lett on the Island which was the harbon of Bre~en; , ~amburg and tree fTom kegs and buman beIngs: At the time the 'eland )"as 'traded the.:Kfel 'canal. ~ Even Uie shape oUhe Island, ~at"of a triangle, helps It In to GerItlD.ily there was great· its Itrateglcal poslUon. Tbe town Is lalaction aho~n hi each country. 1t built on one corner of ·the Island and was recoglllzed by many ' tar·se.:llng On il plain on one side at the men that 'so long as wo possessed , ' foot of tbe clUra, ' and a new landing Hellgoland, th e ialalld was 10 the (lcr , pilUle bas beeo b,ulll: since It baa come slllon of a menac'e to Germany. l.tIto t be kalser'a; po8sesslon. , Tb,ose Germans wbo objected to th e The . population numbllrB between bargain, were sore that Germany dId two and tbree thousand people, and not obta.ln a mucb larger territory :

A Fin,' F'ock of Whig Leghorn••

Dnrh:g th,e ~aat few yearB leveral of the Btatea bave had under cO.n lld· eraUon the question of Including in the regular courB'e l a branoh dnoted 10 poultry culture. Tbla haa beeD Diet with favor In some parUi of the eoun· try, but th& ,i dea has not been trIed out enougl,1 yet to prov\, 'Whether or not It will be of nlue to tbe pUpils, rt Bhould be ullderBtood. however. that the main purpose ot lIuch couraee Is to benell,t olily those who Illtend to go into farming (or poultry farmln,) upon completion of tbelr IIchool edu· cation. Tbe general plan Is to Inclnde Buch a course In the hUlt two years of the jlupils' grammar IIchool education. B1 tbe Ume that tbe pupil, ha."e reached these gradeB It Is prel\uDled that they, ue ready to absorb tbe more material things or lite o.ncs. to more readily r~ap ~he benefits from such a courae, There III one place, hdwe'1er, in tbe 8choolll wbere poultry Is not receiving tho proper ilmpunt of attention . ThIs Is 10 tbe rural scboois, where the prac· Uc'e ot poultry keeping ahould ' be taught to every p~JlII in the seh091 and sbould, form a part' ot the r,e plar courses-and at\, Impo.rlant one. too. We ~n readily underatand" that all the teachers In t'h ese s~hool. ha~e a'i that hey C4n do to keep up the regu' lnr work of the pupils. The plao ;iyell below, hOWever, If. started with the rigllt Idea In the mInds of the pupj!a. "'\11 not r esult In any more 'Work OD tbe part tlie tea.cher olher ,tban a careful watch, on 'the progress Of tbe "cant st." Interest in the work ma'f he lost at tlnies and thIs Is the only tbl nG that the teacher will ha-v e ~o wuteh-to ovoid ' Q'ny lagging and to keep thf,\ pupils keyed up to tbe propel' point of Interest I.n thelr: w,ork:. , In tbe, ftra.t place, the Dlatter should be taken up with the entire lIehool


and proposltlonl Tbeythe shouId lie , If~p~u~t~~t~o~~e1~~~~I~~:H~~~~~!~}!~::~TijIi~~t-lqhllll~:JJR~(O)"::"'~~~~~~




. . . .


BI.rd. Are Farme",' Frlendl a. l'hey One o~ Ratlonl foJ' W'nter I.


. LI:ve on In .. ~nd Weed_ I Rlnllneekl Are Hardy.

Bran, 8hC!rh ."d Cor,, : Mit.', Mlx.d With Vet.t.bln, , >'


RlngDe'cltp)le~anta areveryb~dy;

, (By c, lit BROwN.) , they live . In sero weather In an open . Geese and eluckll are YeIT similar fteld ",I(bout sbelter, anel each ben 1/1 th~'r bab.tII of eatrnK. BOme recom· averagea elghty·ftve egg. a aeaaon. JI!~~d leedtog the iraln wbdle, "but wa Eggs are hatcbed , and r.lled ,by 'pr~fer' feeding. It groun!! .. eapec:lallyln chlckena, and the bird a mature In wlnte,~, aI tbll ellablel UI ·CO mIX ' tbe six months. They, weIgh about three ,gree'n f~d ".th It. B~n, lliona and ' pounds at . IIla.turlt'Y, are free . from ' ' coru Ine~ or barley meah' 'eqUal pa~ most disease., and IIv& on one-tenth by, we'\gbt, ml~ed with c10yer lea"ea or ot the. ~mount required by chicken,: " boiled vesetab16l, ,I. oneot, the ve~ Pheaaants ' are fanners' ,f riends: ' belt r'.tiona tOJ! wlnUlr,,' Milk, ,mhlillJ th,ey live on Inlacts and weed, Beeds/" wIth it Improye. It '.re.tly. We ban ~beullJlt eSgI hitch in about twenty. secured fajrt,. ,800d reeulta t~ three daYII, Bnd tbe blrda" lell at ' a Ing bOiled tootl. ~horts IIId ' ml1~ bUt dollar a ' pound In market. They ate the addition ot amount oi' .,.m' 'easl~r tq 'J1lllle than chicken.. IdY!II1 better reault •. : JI'or '0111_ Enry law for the protection of gaDile . tee~ln. t~e geese require laothtnC but sllould. ~ake It lawtul ,to keep In caP! roOd JIa1ture ,w~Ue .tbe. dueD do well Uvlt)' any bird for tbe purpose of ral.. If fed 1\'bole ~n ' once a :darlA water IlIg blrdll of that kind. 'and proylde If rapid powtb Ia not , d6l1red. that any per.on who, hatches blrel. In ' , capUvlty, may 8e11, ' .hlp" ot otherwl.e dilpOse ; ot them, , , En«land Jong ago law the wilidom ot .,iuc,h , law II, with the ralult' triat 2. flrml ,known •• the . Farmer ASlocla~ea 'Were " repor1ed bl the ShooUng Committee Fleid' Sporta Gullel to have' hael ill ,the I _ n of 1913·14 In Weir railing pens ''18,000 , pheasant' henl. 110 aeeo'UJit belnc made of malel.



tlIey are a~ Queer mlxt\1re of Enillsh even Blamarck ~ald ' they b~ ex, and German blood. In fact, eYer)" libanled. a pair of troUll6rB for a mere Bing about tbe place la ,a mlx,t ure"of button. ' It 'Was tIIen' the illateau tlJes41 two nation.. For to'a tanc6. the was '~orUlLed. ' .. , Emprels of II\dia bolei a(ands slele by , Qul~e recently I~me ' of tbe mo.t , Iide with the, Deut.cbe Qelchl , Adler, ' malsl" e, gu~a . p~uC'ed by KruPPI' ,and ,o'Brien IItra.llise ,o roBle. Kaller Werli pl!,ced ,tb.eri', '!"blle provllllonl 'Itrulle. · were, laId In lutbclent to lo'ithstand a Tpe ,prlnc'PaI l.lIduQtrtes are ftahlng ~I"e,e ~f :th\'~e yean, ~oney. to fact, , and ' runuhi~ botell\ for the sum~er ,!'I apent ' Uk!! _ater that the laland ,bOaJ'dera wbo cro .. I trom German)' ah,Qul~ , become . tbe ' North .ea store· " "~b j,~. to lI,Pepd IIUlnDler, for house 'of tbe ,German ,fleet, the climate 1,/ very ,ftne: 01'VI E THE CHICKEN Actlv'tle. or 'Women: ' · The Hellgolll,S1d8J'S themllelvell are Japan's empre., : I, m~kID. bandagee ' " _tlslled with the German , for tb\'. Red Croaa nurael. Wh ere P uII eta and ''. Are I t " w'l1' enoulh . "th h , ru Ie, +or a. OUI ,tbey. Ci.nnot be law· Queen Elena of Italy, III a Id I Ie I!I I . , ... lea. under ,the Qermans, they call. bet. true wifA and mother .. ' , n en a... d eat "tau t~ Al'I 8Bou ...iI... k" t th 'I' II In'" Kllp Chicks Orow , Inll· ...r !JlaI' e e r ab n ....remeq and The Swedllh parliament .ball re.' (B ' , ' H~1i\l? .pel, ~hey ,are, muc~ cI~I'~"r Jected ' tbe woman' lulrrage· bill , ~d more prolperou.. Ordei',' bleaD).l· ' Parll 'drea8makera now' bU811y TJze belt Y":Ult ~~ ' tf 'the , pe.s ~4 pro·s~erlt.y are three 'tbln,P I~ maldllS b08p~tal garments, pulletl alld , COCkerell are 8,parat'14 't hlit (ollow German role. On th" 18Several bundred women Industrial when elcht or ten~ weakl ' 014. ' The ~4 .~cb'ard Mail.lleld,: the' exeat .~t· w~rker. In the ' state · of Wj8li1ngton pulleta mUlt be kept srowlnc and or. Wal born ~)1en hIs , father have aakeii tbe labor commlllloner "eloped ,fot early' Jayln. ~ 13ms atatiollecJ 'be~ as an army omcer. " Coi' p~rmla.lon to 'Worll: 'ror leu than moet proflt. Earl,. ba'tebed · Klel II tJie home oC "the Oerman ' the ,· mlnimum wages prellcrtbed by IIhol1Jd bello. 1871n, ;'hen ,fly. or · Davy,' tlie .eeat of. tbe' comman.~r of law. ' ;.,montbll old, UI1I... tile ~IUJN.. ) tJae navy. and . the )mperlal' Naval Ill'll, Laura .C, KtUlogc, a fI1l1.b)oOd~d at esceptlonall,. be stock tIley,. academf. A better natural harbor lodlan"acta as a 10bbY'lt tor her nce be forced and 8014.. A.' ''''',.0" ' thaD Klal'a WOl11d be- hard to 'maglne 111 WalblnRton aDd alwaya' lIee8 to It er8 · an4 will often ' brll'lC _ 'narrow bay cqtUns 4eep Into the that the Indian leta a fall' oes,nmla"l helld In euly .nmmer'tIlan IlIId. }{agnlftceot lrarbot fOrUfiea· berore cOllg"88"looal commIttees. It kept , unUl .autuDlIL dolll bave tranllfomled It Into a model Tbe peh:entasea of faUure. amoll' Ibould be kept Jro'flnl aDd d."'op;:11 batbOr for ~btp. of 'b aWe. women .tudenta at Le'lIId BlaDford 10. fro~ birth to Ale or maturltJ' .. KlBI &lao luarGs the ealt-eru end of universIty, I. on,y ' hom 2 tel 2~ per " , ... Atl.tac'tol7, rl!~~ ,t . til. K.... r· Wllbelm canal that cent, while tbat of the mID raoSeI Indlt In · 11106 from' Klel to the IDlba from 11 to 18~ per cent. . ~. ' Beblel,vI••He>lateln'. :ueek. The , - - -,- - - ".bIllnc of WI eaoal a Btratsllo aure. ratJaer thaD • colDmereial eutertrt.., ·1ln't It 'ool1ah for pejJpIe to.. d~ ~~~~~~~;:.;rJ;~~_~:i!;;~t:.~~;::fiiniiliil:~ . . . It It 'pouIbJe fc;tr the ~out of bottle. lD lbe dark 1flthout InDlferred fIolD the DaJ. knowtnc what tlleJ ClOAtala rIb u.. NOl1II . . ~~OIIt..,a1le "Yea. but bef~ the pu,.., food Jaw 'OW' ..,lole ...... WIlt Into . .. . C






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"Tle mrs.leeU..,.. d•.HI_'~ ---- ---


brIM 1I00I... .. . . . . . . .........,


An untll'lpnrtant day. ccprdlng .Ito the Interpretatl9n or tbe seers. Jilarl,. In the morillng Jupiter Is faintly ben· efic In aspeot and later Neptune and the Sun are IlIghtly achene. , In the eyenlng Mars Ie In a place read ' ae hl!lptl,ll. · . BUSin ess alralra ehoutd be conduoted w ltb caution . . WlJatever depends on , ravor from porSoDS who hold BUpreme aulllority lib auld be delay~d and rou· Une matt ers watched with care. Collego pr:otesaors\' and etudent. elloul,l 1J0 fairly rortuDBte. The stare Snellente tho predomln~nce of practlclll Interests In tile classrooms and It Is IIld that YOllI b will have ' unequaled ,opvnrtnnlll s to wIn early auccels In the worla of big affairs. There Is Il Sign held a8 IIlnlllter In Ita IndlClltlons of condltlonl that con· cern mlnrll'al 'ifealth. Copper Is sub· Ject t-o a KIVa)' that will affe£t certain · wostern Rlat~ , but It wUl bnDlO great fort!!.n ~s IV ltJtln three yeat'll, tbe leen. decl" re. M xlco hl\3 the prognosticatlon ot new trouhles before the end or the winter. Amerlcnnl who bold large tn· terests 111'0 '''rned not to be tool· IIsrdy. The 1I11110Ct III not encourac11lS for 1rllvel by water. Storm ·and peril are foreshadowed.. ~ . 1'he rule ot tbe !itars Iii conduolve to arguments !lnd to mucb talkIng on .pubUc QUC!stioDS. Loctures are under' an Influence propltlOUII for oraton" and pilbllc speakers of every cl..... Womon pro~abl:y will not find this • hapI)Y tilt,)'. for they.' may experience · 41mcul es In j1ealJllg - With peNOnl ;vho auert a"t.horlt)'. Wblle Neptune 1& en 11,. 411poled, Jiospltals Ind. lJublto lnatltutlcnl ot' every 80rt aro belt ..voided.. Ther,e II a predlctloli at much IlIneill durlDg the wfnter. mplcl inlcI a,e pl'OJlable. . PllraonH whose blrtbclate It ~ bve • tryln'h )Ollar .befo~ them, If the 'ItaN are r~all arlgb. . BUIlnell mn ~ pd ·Ilerplex and. dlBlo'PpolntmeDti may dl.tUrb domo.tlc happlneu" ' . ChUdren born on thle day 'probabl, · ~IU be exceedlnsly clever and ol'lS' laal. Perilou travell are otten IIIl, perallYe for these IUbjectl of ScorpiO. FRIDA,Y. OCTOBER 80, 1114.

selr· RozaaBee"lbouJiI be Itronely telt while the conflpratlon prevalll. Uranus clvel fair promlle tor cbangel or I'emoyala. Travel for bUll· ne.1 or Bclence .. likely to · be mOlt lucee'lflll, A:n a!'QUc traY-eler wlU be heard trom within a monlh. -tbe leora predIct, and be wl\l report a great discovery. The sway tendl to awaken the 1m· aglnatlve facult'l~ Ilnd to quicken Intultlon. Inventora sbould prolper greatly while Uranu8 Is rrlendly. The Vl81t ot Mara to the Blgn whlob "rulel Spain may cause trouble to that country In December. Japan continues to be the aubJect to tbe mOlt disturbing Influencel. HawaII and other Iliands will fee) the eaecls of them. . Losa of relatives will sad(Len the kaiser, accordIng to the .prophecy or a London aStrologer, wbo predicts tbst the-ruler of Germany will 8urrer men· . tnl and phyllical agpny. Persona wboHe blrthdate It Is should al'old trav eling by water. They have the omen ot accidents In the coming year. The stars promise business prosperity and domestic harmony. Children born on tbls dllY probably Will , be exceedIngly alert Ilnd active. They 'are . to hn ve happy lives and to mak~ the most' of the joy s that come to them. These subjects or Scorpio have M.ars aa tbelr ruling sign. SUNpAY, NOVEMBER I, 1914.



"Itranged. hll pride broken an4 hU' heart welsbed doWll : by doa;nelUo aI- . ° I Illction 118 well &I by public dl.uter." In Ig 01 This same leer foretElUa three J..n _ - . - - - - - -____________;.. ...._______J ot horrible upheaval In Europe. du.... Ing Which all natfons shall feel the Jevelln, power of ,vu, .wblle balf barbarIc peoPles shall overrun the placel kno"'n liS centerl of clvlllzaUon, . . P81'aona--ll!hose bll:th1~4-.thJ~..aa.f.!..---_:;~-----:: have an aug~ry ot anxiety durin, th, com,ng year. Changel will not b. luck'y, Children. born on this day m.. y Dnd many c2lmcult,lea to eurmonnt. Ther ·probably will be forced to ",ork out their own salvations in times of strels. They are likely to be s19w to anger, strong In prejudIces, ambl· tlous Ilnd abrewd . Their tilgn la ScorDlo and tb e!r principal ruling plllqet Mars. •

Gracef uI 'LOmes




h C Offure


This Is n.ot II. fortunate day. since Jupiter, Satu!"n. Mercury Ilnd Mars are all advel'se. according to the read· Ing of astrology. ' Candidates for pollttcal omce lire subject to a government ot the stars. whIch presages surprises and dleap· I)olntm ents. Party lines wlll be Ig. nored. If tile pl!welY are to ' be trust· ed, nlld personal prejudices or resontments wlll llave strong sway. The sign . which lit the firat of the )'8ar was read to Indlcate--lncreaaed taxu tlon. stili prevails with SinIster aspect nnd pullllc discontent will be IVldesprearl, It Is prognosticated. Instead of reller. Increased need of large revenues Is predicted. There Is an 'aspect Inter"reted &,S wa,r nl,ng tho pres ident of tbe United Stalel to conserve his strength. at "g~eat Datlonal problema la tbe Orl· ent" will conrront the United Statel. On this day old peraons may meet dlslippolDtment. Saturn Is In a place presaging unfortunate eXDcrlencea, Senators and representatives .In con· gress may Bulfer unforeseen fealB. . There Is a rule moat unfavorable t,o editors and publishers. Extracrdlnary expense and amall returns are lndlcated and flJUUlclal QI'88~er may ftverta" tar" c' eo. I ' .. ,The "I1l.e con .ns. oz,. r or RUSlla l!:aB Sllturn In oppOlllllon to theprogrel,.d moon, and thlll Is read as denoting bereavement or m health. Rill armlu are "ubJect to a planetary ,overn,m ent. said to Im- . nart a terrible momentum, that will.

This II a lucky day, astrologers de· clare, .for thoBe who walt until arternaeD' for' vlslt.s with trlends asso. claUons with persons from wbom they desire ·beneflts. Tbe sun Is In a place ItJtoDgly benellc and · the Infiuences tend toward all that II encouraging and stimulating. .. MInister!! and mls~lonarleB Should lind thll a fortunate tlme for the fur-, ,therlng or theIr J)hllantbroDlc ent er· prlsefl: The aspect Is fairly favorable tor, the awakenlqg 'of 'sympathy and a desire . tor c01lperalion In large plans (or .tbe betterment or bumanlly. given, however, that " WarnIng stan presage tha greatellt demaJl"'li ever .... a·de upon all Orga.nlll:/I." U'l "... UanI d d '!. ·'d 'lee ' d'f/11en es i me ....... w$en, Tbe new 8(lttvttleB, progu08the churches a'n4 k.lndred C>1'1rulIZl~tl,oDI Ilnoe 1900, will make n~o~a&ll:)' . 1a.rger ) Iclieme!l t.hAn any contemptated tor the alleTlation dl.treaa. ;: I/' . T~e Ilgnl 1I1'C!8aldng dange~ to mIl· enable ,them ~o .weep throuah . 1IIu. rope. ,A new Elra .f or ' the 8.l a' II 1I0narteB In the Oriellt are held to In· pro,nostiClI,ted and It will menaoe .., t U n e d rli n' t II UJ~e con u pe . epea e mu., eTea tbe alUea at tbe bear. 8Wes and perteoutJoIlCl of ChrIstiane, ' The poeltlon .of Neptune in the 'Ion. ,'orletoJd,' wlU , ~e continued. ,.. al Ilgn ot Leo on . the CUIP ot the ,. ~UI Is In . a . pls!!o held to . ,be tenth ho' use Ie unfol:.Unate tor ro-altth t .... 1n I ' th ' all I f " ,. J J «.or , e a ra 0 women. In Grent Britain. Tbls. month of NoIt rea.,.. I ,,, I d tb t Ithl n e prop~e. e a 11' D .. year vember may brl .......... t .,aruc:lety. 111e ' tiU CD In a 11 th compo , e voca tl ani ulua I- 10le or ,hlp..... D' II ~ rorelb",do-ed. 1 t II " . '1 h~_~1fed .the~ will be Increlle4 stormy weather may eauleunespect~redtol.., .peclall'1 In the hum- ed dUlrcultJes on land as well i.1 lea. oocupatlo~.. . Again lolllallim Is subject to · a ),ule The pl~etarr 'rule (I Qot encourag· that some eJrtraordlDar)' ae-





Worn by L:ldy TemperlnCI Worker Wat Most Decidedly . MI. leading In Two Way •.


N OON El alngle style t1omlm..tes In COiffures jU 6t UOI\', nlthoug b tbe Frevcl! tw'lst may be said to bold the lead In popular' favor. It does this b)' Virtue of Its novelty and not becau se It 'csn lay claIm to bei ng a becoming arraogem-en . '-Exctlpt when-tul! hllir Is waved and the twist made very woft Rod I'ather close to tbe bead He out· lin es are too severe fo r an y. but very youthful faces. A ' becoming collTure III IIllo"'n In the' plotlure "liven here. It Is allo .. 9ne (It the Clilsloet to Brrallge. To drelB It ~he hlllir Ie IQosely \va'Ved all about the head and tile (rollt Jlortlon' parted o fl. . The back hair III comhed the to'p ot the crown anll twisted I.n to a 8Qtt kn.i>t or puff at thIs DOS I· tlon .


each slele or the knot at the crown. Here the ends are Tolled Into 'small putts and pinned at eltber side of the knot. Tbese J)ut!'s 1111 In the break betw een the knot Dnd tbe balr at each I!lde. The result 18 a coiffure of graqetul lines and simple nnd tnateru l arra"ngement. A Tery good way for dressing thin hall' has been devised wltb the aid of s Bmall hair roll or supports of crepe haIr. The muat b'e frIzzed or com bed about the face' by dempenlng 'an'"II d'olng up on cr'mplng p'lna 01' ~ braldl1\g It In tight, small braids over night. WIlen It Is combed out In the morning the stray straIght endC! are curfed sbout the tace with the curling Iron . All the halr . la combed back over a IIma li hair roll, forming a low pompa. dour. It Is tied at the back rather low on the crown and leparatea Into four or five strands. These aro rolled Into puffs and pinned acroas the back of the bead. 1 ' Thlu balr 111 rather dlfflcult to keep in piece and a hair net III brought over thIs coiffure and fastened In . many place. with InvisIble pins. It Is left very loole acrose the torebead when tbe balr Is arranged In a Illlort aIde part, a diP. or h~ any line lI,bout tbe face that best becdmes tbe

Tbe temperan ce soclaty was to meet that afternooll . 1tirll. PhlllpottA dressed In a burl'}' !lnd came panUn, dOwllstalrll. She was II very fat woman. "Addle, run up to my room and .., my blue rosette- the tempBI1U101 badge." she dlrecteel the mald. "I bave. torgoUeD It. Yau will know It. Addle - blue ribbon and golc1 leUenne." "Yes. mum, .J knows It well enoqh. Addle coulcf not read. but Ibe knew a blue ribbon with gold letterln, wh. . she 88.W It. and therefore hId ao trouble In. finding it, and fastened " promptly on the dresB of her mliltreaa. Mrs. Pblllpotts was too bU8Y Ing ber friends to obeerve that they ' .mlled when they shook handl wtUa bel'-BOma or tbem almost laughed. Tbe gold lettering on the rlbboa read:, ' "Bournemouth Poultry 81l0w.-"", Prtlf'Bantll,m! ' N


Dr, Pienle'. Ple....nt Pellet. ftrn ;at " 1.0 yeaN 480. They I'tIgulnte 1lI1e1, iinnYlpraYlpra'l .tomach, liver and bowell. S~ )iny· jp1IJiul... ~dy.

-------'C.'U I. for Doubt.

James A. Patten,' the Doted wbeal operator. said to a reporter la N_ York. "Edward Piok and other dre.. pey•. "hologlstl Cleclare that thla .... " going to transfer the fountalnh.-l 01 • women'l raBhlons rrom . France to ~ United State.,. Well, on the F1n1alld, on ' tbe WILY back bome from the war aone, 1 noticed a thing or two thai made me have my doubt.. "For example, I ,,'as a IIroup of 'women on' the proml!Uu, Q3ck one afternoon the way the 1JeI, ' !;Ians had ruined a roa.d Iuto Lle._ very light and easily pinned In. uf hair arJl used. but' the balr '1'011 al road that bl.ew up afterwards aat Thq balr Ls combed loosel? bllck a Bupport Is an eBsentlal. The cotr. !dlled 6,000 Germans. The women an the supports and IllnllBd In at fure not be a euccesl vo'\tbout It. teemed Interested -In Diy deacrlptloa ilM whim 1 flnJshed It I laid: "'And now are there any QueltloM any of YRU wou;ten would ' to ..~'" "A pretty and well·drealed. Baltimore woman .. ld anxiously: . " ICIUl you tell us, Mr. Patte., If Paris had got all her fall rnshlonl be~ore tho wa.r came on!"

The 1III,Ir at the cenler of th e tore· bead' .l1 combed bllck. but 80 loosely confined tb , at a strand 18 brougb~ down over tilt! forehead and pinned with Imall wlr,e pins BO tbat it forml a sort. light p\i rt In this posfUou. I'n ' order to make tbe Ilalr at the ~ aides "'and' o' ut sortly from the face , I a< rt It s to be suppo ed by small pads of orepe baJ;' o,r very IIbor.1 and IImall hair rolls. It c:an be kept Ill' position by "nuHlng" It:; but' thlfl process III' jures the hair finally and It Ls much

~g' ~rromg~ mh-~ili~e~w~l;n~te~r~~~~~;=~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~.~n th~~~~~~~~" ..vOl be· a tlme tor many n

llJ,h pac,,1 and tor allianceS or an

unexpeeted c1la"ct81'; the number of "eddlngs amonl poJ'8(fns In medium clrcumltancee will dlmlnllb. . The llleers p~lct an Increase In tho 'birthrate, boYI 'predqJllmatlng among tho children bOrn tit 1,911i. '. 'AccorcUn, to tbe horolcope o( Pope Be~edlct XV the eburc~ will enooun· ter maDY 'I upreme . problems "during hla .!'UJ"e: 'rh.e re Is an ausury h'adlcat· ing tut"'.} dJli~DliOzis 'In Wblch 'new u4 ...,0Id ' tradlt-loll8 wUl club. .The bonurt's stare" liidlcate reacUonary tendenclel and an Iron will: . Personl whale birthrate Jt Is .haTe an , omen wal:'Dlug t~em ~galn8 ! new ~terprfC!88. hey rn.ay.. meet unu8u~ anxtetles both 10 - bustneaa and socIal life. . Girls Ihould be unusually cau. tlOUII in gUarding their reputat!qn.. ali IIcandal. are l~U!Bbadowed. \ Children born n thIs' day probably' ~1l1 Iia,ve eventful . IIYOR. ol ..I., are likely . to gain tame at the price br .Thele 'eUbJeetl of Scorpio Mars 'tbelr principal ruling p~e~ , .

the ausury ot raller ar1" anxioul year. They Ihould pard aaainst aceJd~ntl. SpeculatloD 'Will be unlucky and le~ tera rrom youna talk may brlntr trog. ble. ' . .. . , ' . Children bOrn on tbll ~'y are like' ly to be hlgb·strun, aild dim cult to manaae. Tiley may hll,ve a tendency to be untrutbf\ll. They, Ihould ~ trained to be Bltact In all fln.nclal at· talra. They probably wlll !!emalnetlc and attractive In perlOnall'!.



PlaIn Truth. " Your wire complains that you n... lect her." "1 do from nine to five. 1 bave .. .eun a IIvlDg between' tbose bours."


Accor41ng to allrolQI'y tbll Is. r~t~· er ' an unce,taln day, fo·r. wbije Mare 1.8 et;on,ly .d-.;erec, · Neptune III In benefic aspect and Saturn 18 mlldl),

In spltl! of the taot that 'bavlng eyel It sees not. tbe big potato all,aYI manages to get to the top of tbe heap. \~rdll Bru merely the blossoml, nt' CieedB are tbe frulta.

ment.' a mnn has tractured b"la akull by 1\ fall from the tree or knowledge.









The Popular Effects' in Veilings


betp'ful. 'lnJ'llot an .,,,~•.m.nm"'~lrTllt1"'1rirvr+----;-;:-;:,,-m enterpns'e ' M~rs, to· incline' toward advised. , WMlil ·the aspect Is. .In ' operatlon, It !8 ,wllje to be .temperate In thing.,. avoidIng dlsputel anel controvllrJlel and th • . men\aJand l1bYllcal roroeS:,equallY. , ~ "'Flle contlgU~tlon' fa ,an ulllortunate one 'for lnvestmenti. Buyllli il . lubJeet to ·a moat ruM. It 18 not a favorable U~e tor dealIng ..wlth engineera.. cOntractors ' and tronwQrkefB' f ' , " ' :. Shlpplna, ·· today Iii,' ilu~Ject to Imost promll.l ng cRDdjUonC!, but" to ilie malevolen.t power of Man, O&u' tlon Ibould . be' eserc1.e4 In aU that pertains to fOHIp ccmmerce. ·SC&!1· d.1s and lerioul compU".tlonl are ID· dlcatAHI. " : ' . ' .. '. .' 'n ri••Ii,lu,,· I , Saturn. ID .a i piace hll.,.ed to be fairly aood ' for , .cl'eal1nll . wltb IKa. ~akel'l ('land ' le~ther CI"ale"': T1i:'ire IJI an eapeotall1 fortunat. , propceu" ' for call ~ho , 11Ipp17 too" ..... ' queen ' of HC!IIUac1 II 1Jllder' a p)anelat)' .."a, "d~cauq .. au· leUea,' llnancl,al- probleme tow: ,h"r .k1gdQm, an4 III h~th lot bernlt,)o.a: lOme member or, bar fulill. • • ,.. ';I; The ltan p. . . . . ~ ~ Qalte4 Thla sa _1DOBt anlaeb me fol' a,l statel O~Up'&U()D by aa arm,. of ~. 11 D'UU.,~g ,,~ iaek if&Yor ittet lundown. ' ,Po- .en; eLuOreil and ~Id~, probab17 Utlcal IPealrer.,""' nlcJer an unr."'''' 'f f!). · SutQje, 'l'be're- ,_I' & a~l~ • .,.,. of tIi. Itan ,aDd .•11 ~ho propllec1 tha~ ~ew CIolcnil..- wID ' lie T1III for oIBae ar.t w&rnect to ruUli .tarled anel .tIut Doye' iDdutrf. -win ele• •tIl hcmr .t&cUcil ~D iii. be roa~. . »art of AD J;tI\erlca ...- - - c1IanD ~ to &PO Mara pll,.aclill .'lIIlti~'WIII , _ preme bOD1)~ ,,' AJDtOIr.' llloIlId ,"_"_ bi the II' p.......I.... ..... .. ~ tb .... 'UAl wOlileD

........... 01...





'A Tralud N urle Dlac;overed Itl Eff~crL No one Is in better position to know the' value or food and drInk tbaa ·. traIned nurso. Speaking or calfee, a nUl'lle til ~... writes: ' 'r used to' drink Uron, QO," fee myself, Bnd sutter ed gr~Uy frOm beadaches and Indigestion. ' . . '. "While on a vlalt to InY broth en. I ' I had a good chance to try POll um, tor tbey drank it ~I\O~tb~r ' In place ~' . cr.~ee. After, us}.n.Jd'ost m two weep . 1 . found 1 wal "muc~ ben'OlIted aDd ' '12nally my heada.che.,dleappeared aD. ,. iliao · the Indlgeltlon . . "NaturaUt I h..,:e Iince uBed POlitum, amon, ml patlentl, .. nd h..,e nott_ a muJted , ~ene~t ' wheJ'8 colfee liM been left. olf and' Poatum used. , ' . , "I observe a ' CUriOUI taot ' "~1I' POjltum wben uleel" by ·mo\hen. ,\ It, . greatly helpll the tlow o~ milk In 0 I where cotree ,II Incllned to' "cb7 . It up, .. wh8't8 tea eaUlel. nenoaln ..., ~'I IIlld trouble tn' .et~n~ len t.' to mIke ' POJtum proJUlT. ';But. wit. ~ It II prepared-accioritln; ~ dlreotsoDa 011 pactase ~nd ' "rved bot '. ~~ , oream, It tl ' certalnl)" a. deUQt01l1 ~ e.....~.'· . . . l{ame ' ,.ven b7 Poltum ('.0., Battle Creek, Mich. Read '''Ehe "oad to WeU".ll~t In pqa. ,. Poltmll eom,ea III two form.: "ellllla, POItum-mUI' .' be " ~ boiled. 160 and lOCI paokap.. Inlbnt Poetum-Ia a 101_lIle po.,.~ A teupoonfd dlalioltea • nit hot watraDd,, mac1. & .......l'- ... I

the flgu!"e~ lilentfon,e d, The n08e yell elttl\1ids trom- the hat to the till of .the nOBe' and II wofn . wltb turblns and toques. . Long veUI, like those shown In tbe ploture, a'r e ' bordered wIth a lace pat· tern ,at the ell go and worn wtth either Imall . or large hat.. l!lxcept wher bordered wltb crejl8. alid worn fQr mourning. they ' are j bro,":n back of! the race. ' . The' face vel'l. reaching fro'U ' tbe hat to the chiD, r.emains ' the best Iked, generally, ' 01 a\l" vel~. It III an tnconlplcuo1,\s atral!, tb11 sea8o~, butalmolt Indispensable. It keepI the balr 'bou& tbe ed~e the tace be:: low the bat In plille an.d .da. to the 'Deat appearance of UI w..rer. VeU. should be triM on .nel the mOlllt '!;eeoJJilnl' melh 01' 'arransemllJlt of dotl selected by eacb Individual . . .rer. J'ILIA '8OTTUMU"I,




~1!~1I~~Ii~IU· ~



,Mq~~' ''~~







'Salt Is fouud in salt mines, Bait lakea and Bea water. . If the 881' comes from a mine, it liS dug out and put Into watel' to be 1lVILshed, It meltB and the lalt 1IVater I. PQured 'oft from the dirt. 1rhen the ' salt is boiled a 10nR tIme in deep ],Il\ns olllled vats, The w~ter t,uros tu stAlLm and .goes away, bot t,he salt I!l'leflo. The ealt from lakel and 8eu ,Is boiled in the el4me way, t:!ometimee t,be 011' and the Bun dry the Bah ~a t·er, 'rheo it Is not bolled. Salt Is very heal$hfol and we ose III great deal of It. It lIeason8 our food. Cooked meat,s and ve6tet~bI8a are not good wlthoot salt on them -8e1.

frobate Court. Proceedings

Iii tbe Im~tl er

of the,e of Jo "nM Clark, deCflI,!!ed Arla L. Cben. oweth . I~ppointed ' admloi8trlltrix, Bond 500. In ~hQ m(\tt r of the etltllte of MllI' V . BanSf;ln, de eued LilIa.o Maloney nppolntecl tldministrlltrlx. Borid $500. 'rhe will oi' Etta Hcugh, deoeBBed, wtle ad mitted to probate. In Hie tnll U,er of thf;l oRtate of Lewis (j , NixoD,d ceaBed. Anna !G. NtXOD appolDted adDlinls~r~trlx. Bon,\ ~3500. Zimrl Worley. John U. Tlovillo, aUlI C. O. Emmons ap pointed apprltisers, . In the ~atter of the guar.dill.Dship of <:ieorge 811 n&t" oonflnf;ld 10 the Ollyloo State Bospital. ,1. A. Shutts is appointed. Boud iGOO.

I *


..Hutchison &' Gibney ..


Wit hou t any advance in ---., PriceH we are hav ng' ~arge Sales In Underwear Cloths Hosiery


Corsets J)ress' Goods ,

Despondency' Due to ludl&eatlon . . .'

It is not at all surprlbln~ tbat pel'flOns who have Indtwestl()u beoome iUiloooraged o.l1d dflSponden t, !:lere fIre a 'few words 01 hope 8nd obeer for 'bern by Mrs BlRllohe Bowers, Indi""I\. Po., "For yeaI'I my digl'8!liou WOE' tlO noor I hat 1 coold only Ollt tho li ghtest foods I tr ed every thing thllt I hell.rd ot to ,(1;e' relief, bu.t n ot lJDtllllbollt, "yellr ago when 1 ~u.w Chbmberlaill's TllhleM adver. ~~18ed lind I'(ot R bottle of Ihem , did Rfiuet the 'rlght tr8lltfllent\ 1 .800n 11> ghn to im"rovf), lIod si4qe taktn'il: I. few l.otl,lell uf IheUl my Mgeaslon b fine. " Fo· (,IlI>le by bll dealeu.

Estate Transfers

) J S M . ~. Hurley to Boward '. . Mlobael GO.Il\) borfls in Union town. l!htp'1. ' Alber't Anderton, extr., to S." Wnlter pl1rtfl ,) f lotI! No, 181 and 182 In Lebanon, 'MO. . A. U. Gilmour to tJ , L. Ilnd Be8sle E. M~nt,gotu6ry lot N·o. 4 In Jaok son's addition to LebtlnOD 11. O. U. aD" SMah E. Pliol to '~. 0 Brittvn lot-s No. 228 li nd ~aL in Lab Rnon, $1. , The Franklin Improvement Co to B . I~ Whiteman, J. A , 'ruylor and W lilter Squier, trnstee- in trost for the Utlt! IInct bem,fit of Be8sle's Blln(1 of Fra.nklin, lot No. 409 and ' part of lot No 470 in Frllnklin. 'l~ •. The Frfloklin IlJ.provA(Qeo~ ,(Jo., to B R. Minge lot No, 8.0 In Frank. lin. $100 _'\. B, Chllo(Uer to Annie Gibbous 1016.50 lIoret! i n Woyne township '~847 , 70. . Annie Wbbf)ns to Ellzabetb ~noot lots No. 32 and 33 In Roger~s ad. dltlon to Waynesville, 1150J 'l. B8ntll. to Dennta MoMullen hiB ti tie ond intereat In partB of Inlots No. l311 and 136 In Lebaoon, $1.

Broad Cloth Gaberdines French·Paris Boullon

Tango Crepe Sergca maaaline Silk Rlbbonll

600stutmingstyles \n the Winter Mumin~m Ware . issue of "Buuerick Fashions." Hand Bags A _magnificeJl.LSe1ectiolL...L.I.j'-l~ --Bult--ea.1ea---'-'--...... choose y~urentire Winter wardBom~ Adornment robe. This lovely publication is only 25c, which includes any Rugs, Mattings,Etc· . Butterick P~ttern you like Free. I

----_ ..

- --




Ruaaia has ·deolded that &8 ~be prohlbltion of vodka haa proved 10 l{re". a ble81!Ing 10 its army, I' Will At the Pal:ten\ DeoNtm_t 4~xtend the pr JblbitioD to t,be wbole 4JOuntry that the people at large. may 1"lal1 reap t,be benedts, of sobrlely" Ilnd 10 thuiJ doing Rouha i8 wiae. IRussla Is not a country to w1llob, No Proverb to Guide Hhn. BARNHART• . ·B. iD all America - a Star who Is 8S daring as ahe is 'beautiful- who II)O,! DaturaH,V looks for good exam · Bbe-"A proverb lay! that frUit la 40ea not hesitate IIf fliDch at the moat frightful 8ituatioD8 - who pies, bot In t.hiB part.loolar in8tanOB BOld In the morniDg and 'lead at night, Notary ~ubllc bears DOW' 'OQ her head the ac:ar Implanted by a lel:lpard'8 claw, who it is far ahead of maoy a more eD- meanlolf that WI bad for one 111 ' the risks her Ufe time after, time with UODS, leopards, tiger. and other lIghtene.:l onnntryJ eveolng. I .uppose." Her -"That.'. All kinde of'NQ"'ry Wotk. PeuloD four-footed beaata, With nothblg between her and death bat her won- - -... right.! Look at the trouble Allam lot ' . Worli' a - Hpeolltlh . c10riul magnettam and c1aatitleu will-fa playfng the lea4Jn', part ba Don't DeJay Treating Cou,h Into by ea.tlnlf an apple atter lil,!8.·""" Bolton TraIlacrlpt: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Ii elii'M oou~h ofien become. lel'lous, LllnRB Ret oollge8&od. dron oblal Tobee flll with moooul. ~ont C9mmon PIeaS'Court , vl",llty 18 reduced. Yon need Dr. Bell's PiDe.Tar·BoDey, It .oothes ,' , Funeral Dil't"dor New Suits: your lrrita ted air, PIl8881et!, 'loOjlens. v.......~-,.,.,--.;......- . . . . . . . , . - - - and Embalmert The V'1l11ey T ,·lepbon e (JO ·V8. T11e' mnooa" and wake8' yoo'r ' IY8"'1Jl,' " , h ' Colds. GivePlue , the,Tar.Honey. IMby and luayneeVI·lle, O.hIO' ,. Publio UtUitle~ Uomm18110n of Ohto retll8t OhUdren Dr. Bell'. W1f . . the remar.mbte .otton Picture elrama writteD by Harold lIac;Grath, and OhauDoey R , Bunnell, eqolta.~le It's' goaJ.'8nteed to helP them. Ouly ~ the~yeJJJecl ,verdoJi of which have aec:iared for OUf' neD aeriaL. • TWO C.rloads Prime CottOD I:Ieed Call ansW'ered pt"Olnptly day or night relief , 250 at your Druggist, ' C~rr\e MoL'lintlo VI, Joho A. 'Mo• _ • . ' Ileal ~oMiu 62 @ ,$27.~9 Both phO'nes inOffiee and Residence. ,A MONKEY W , ITtt TOOTHACHE per ton f •.o.~. traot a' W&yD88vlllfl. lobgdiatance.JIlo~ I.; Homep'tione Olintio, allmooy and InJonotloD . 0 .' Can due *0 arrha abont Nov. 14-2r. · BouOB S'nbbs vs. Laora ~tu»l:le, lO\b. Orden mUll' b8 plao!!d wt'b CbBirs and olle Coacli furnished free . , '. divoroe, adultery, ," A monkey bad thetoo'hllobe. Be ulI :prevlou. &0 arrival of can. Tne With fUnei'als. ' W,. A, Stnk~yv8. JeMe Men~z. ay. beld hli face in ht. haDd hnd oried Morro .... reed ~ Supply 00., Morrow, Beat of aervice·lU~teed . , Fi", I""taUmeh1In.CUI Early luue peal. " . . jUlt lite a llttle boy. People Went 0 1 ' n17 • Eva May DUgaD VII, Wilber W : sorlY for blm. The dbC~.r came W DO~lan, dt vo~oe. gr~8 Degle.c t. , lee h)m Be pve sbe monkey oblo~ Olarll- S. I rell\ud 18 appotn ted ~ roto ",·b._ob. - m Ild.!.......,nll~;. ..I,I8I).+.....41:.15.rJ.U'I..lli.IHJDeJ::";O&llll:-.-.lI.tIN~ alstant offiCial stenographer· for 00. Then tbe, dootor puJled ont the on Zlmmllrman, tober term of o01ir~, . &OMh. Wheq the m .ukey . woke up ,W ayD8Itille. Obio. ' Thomas Beldlllg VR. Thomal C and found hia tOoth gone aDd DO ~--,-., • NaluN •• Palce,. Note. What A~.m NavI" Knlw, A South Carolina Poet: "And the "Adam made ,a fallure of de trul~ Welob. Verdlot; tavore defendant more pain',he wall dellghted.-Tbe HOR8E-Agood worktlraoywhere State 'of OIiio ex-rei E. K. Snoo" 'C anadian li:ttlte. You oan ••e U b, o&l1tDI on ~ eCboea ."hl.per amonl! the ·P'\DM. ' bualne..... Aid the old ' darky, "but --,........-~.-~~ B. C A,_1u80n, barny.bu'lf, ~No. "wh.... the wDd .west Wlea ""'w.!· TIl. mebbe ef he'd never tackled it we vs. the Board of EdooatloD of Sooth Wy, . crop of the -plnn t. , about ea \ ney8l' would 'a' lmowed de filley 8weet- Lebanon Scbool Dletrill$ at a1. . Lln .... Weavlnll In Bohemia. ~ as the yield or eatftsh 10 • corn ' nee. of de Geurala watermllllonl"- ('Alurt rules plaintUllti no~ entj$led One " of the oideillt an41 ~OIIt 1m. COUKJCREL8<-tJ C. W. Leghorn., IIOftUw DItUoo'"iiii. .P.OIA""'" flel41.-Houiton POlt. AtlaDtia 'Conatltutton. ' . to rel~ef,' Be deolares hlalntentio~ 'p ortant Indaltriea of northern Boheo aDd B. Orpi1~fI'oD (JQckerell for GO.TU • • It .. TIt • • • P . . . GA. to appellL ' ,lIIla II that of linen weamg., wblola ' uall lin. B.V, Sml.b, pbone AU ..u••••vtC.i GAIl PtIOFr.' n U....O,ITI ADv eow.... ! M' L " furnishetl., emploYme~t under ,.;o~ , .. WaJDelVlh~, Obio,. D 11 SAMPLE COPY FREE atria&e lceo.. . conditions. to lul,y I~,OOO people DOTATeJC8-A lot of' aoocJ' Irtib . . . yoilUc .lohn.F .. ()ooley, ' telegra-pb O'IJ';'I" ",ho 'are 10 /lltll1e4 and cleYllr la the ..- po_loee. QiU Ob••. rrye, ..",,."'.'1 •• iii Y. 4'tor, to ~nna Noll, both- of Jj'oster. prOductlon 'of ane IInenl'. that .9 1~ a~ WayneaTlUe,-Oblo .. Dll D)' W " rl ' ---ds ' are fayorably lmoWD,' , ancl 6Dcl. I~~~~~~~~~~~=~:: .~~t-----:-~----~~ ",,;;;~~~~~"!"f~~ ....""v. m. 'Vasey. .~ , .' ' I~ Eien~y Alonzo "Bo ggraf, farmeJ; a ' ready .market 10, aU pUts' 01 tb. J::IOR e.le · l~e-BlaOk.mltb '" . &0 Marie Edna Burtt, both of 8priDg , world, . , Shop, Ii Df Tool., t "'''elUng D ,K •. HATB A WAY M. A. Jame80D, J. P. · Cro~p BOUll88, in (Jor,wiD, Ohio. · WllI " . I 'RQY E BHea, real eatllte brcker of , . . .rad~ for ',I,arm. O. ~.\ ReyDold.. ' rille'. ~iD"Dea_ Olnoinnatl ' to ' 14ary Ella Roll, of "~t winter when my 11ttle boy '. . D 11.. ill Keys Blclar. IIatJll!t Lebanon. "W. Z. Roll, mayor. hail oroup l got bim le of PBlARs.-Cboioe Keifer pea.... If . . oma~, T. ' BJown. faotory olerk uf Obamberlai~'8 Ootlgh' Remedy. 1 yon wall' Ine ones oall oli me. DaytoD, to, La'ber S. ReYnolds, b'°'rinteltll: beliJevBe leo'l·k~edI dbi II ~ifpe," J. C. Jia.wlle, W.yneevJ1~"..~ WHYD8IJ ville, Rev. AmOB Oook. • " 811 -.l'8 . 0, 0 anlt, a. . , .. . W1Ilts S ••Teftery, fireman a'Jl60er "U 00' the aod relleved 'hll QUJl;OI\lS-A~ "$1.00 • . bOB,bei, "11'1, most Call ,phoDe 8'G, t1fnter,vUle, "1',u~' Oh 10, to MI88 Go Idi F mil I8,raD& . e tbis Jremed~ baR.grate. ,'doDfl D . J , ", M. Mar$lo ,d f 8prlDgboro. Rdv. \Vm. For 'lale ~y dealer.. N0lman B. Br!>wp: .I.1l' D ' 1, y. ~1D88:. Thbftle ' 'rille, U1110. " .' ,'. n' ,Telephone day or,. ' ,Barry E·. DeBord, stt\tlonlary en IG T,pe Poland Cbina Spring Valley phone Nod'. ' hODS ginear Jf Oregonia, Ohio . to MIM Women Wltn..... Cr(tI.cll~. Pip for' .,.Ie. Malel and Uelw , Dill.Dce No. aG-Jr, Mary A. DaViS, of' Morrow, Ohio Judge LUlh-Wt1s0D, ,K, C.~ ~marked ' , " Rev. G. E. Gowdy. ~. at )beter (Bo,land) eounty ,court to D. 8 . Max"eIlJ: w,.yn88vt(le, Home PhODI G815. \}en'erville kohange. ~utomo_ 8erv1oe lit all ~ Sal[l1u,el ,B .' Riohard.. farmer of· a woman I.lUpnt whO con~nt1allY ID.,' D , " • .' • Ubio to MIR8 Anna B. terruptlld:. "H.llam. J l'U!I the rll~ ,I hundred, plaiD, whi&e WAYNesVILLE. 081~ . FrI\Dk!in. Ohio. ' Rev. kiiow,' o't crlticllm trom your lIea ,wheD ,Norml.n_ Sweat. I· 'lay that tbey a)'e the moat trOuble:: , C orepe Jl6P.,er DlIpklnlll tD de Brandl ()tIIc:e. B.".J.~uq 0. ___ lOme' ptlOple' I have !l~al with, Why ~~ .An, Del;' ~(5i1en; at t~'. C?fIloe. ' ;.. " ' l' • ... " • ..... ~. . i , important ~, can't yo~ · wome,. eaer-clse . b~ lame a,.bIOrlbur8 tbe 'Mocall'., ,,, I: &J]~P1.ilnt of self-control' 10 the ]VIta. ., Mapilitpe. .Send 8~ to the Bear in mind tbat. Cbllmberlaln's u men han to· do?" . ,. ," lJ..."" Q'lBoe, and ' ge~. one of ,tbe fablet8 nct, only move the bowe18 ~t lD.slnes o~ earth. " btl* i.m uro!e lhe appetite arid a*rengthen tbe dlgesticn . For I'ale We have just r~eived a carload of good by,all dealers.

, The Most .Bea.u tiful Moving Picture Actress

The Adventures of





al••• Acla

K~~tlL¥N w.e

You've seen her in the Movie's Read of her thrilling adventures















' .

,or 18"


H, E•





1"5' ..,





Locust Fence Posts, .



'$2.2'5 ' per, 100 feet

RH·E UMA r::,0 . '


'the finest car of ·Chestnut POlt" . Ever Brought -to Town i, :' Just in•.

Penal~y of Pub'llo , It a m.n uud!lrtakee



November 6, 101,4 of public ' Iernce ",U"n.,t Oo~mepolnl 'a112 ;80 o'olock p m. of it · machine, or , If ,an or• •llaat:1oD whlcb"e com~ .~ereI1' of re~ tbe ,10.110,,1... obattell; Jt B,eacl 'l_tatiTe cltlaeDe and lwi 110, ~ CaUle,? Bop,'farmhl,lmplemenu.. See'big.blU. for tori ,tD~ta ulld4t~ to do· an,.. 2 bArre... Vlnegar. ' .,.1 . ,thlng. ' the word whlcb IQIIUI up 'the lerma, Bam n. B.eDtle, ,0JiJecttODa .0'1 tbe .landpat DIIDd .. ''H1foC!Onetitut...s. """;Harpea". WeeldT. t c





ou.,p.,.' . '

,... '0fII.

• THB lOAm auai



WA'rw-VILt.&, ORIO

- -----_ .. -


'llbel'e.l8 fU ore C" ta.l rl1 In thll S60 · Harveysinuw• • &10 0 of tbe 'ponotry tban /ill o&ber eUbl1ahed; Weekly t.~ WaYJleavlUe. OJ,lJo ' utt'\'lIIYlltl pt1t. toget.her, IUld unUi the "'b . lit! I tb h t tb Ill/It. fe w YM r8 W08 I1t1Ppo serl to be ~ e po 0ll.n8 , ro~g ou e O. L. CkANEJ, ' Editor and Mlirfager inouru hit';, For- a gr flllt rtl llU,V years . atate OIl.D take II. Ij ttle 'lwe off for 111:10101'10 IlrO"" \,l U oorl i t. 1\ 100111 dl!lease TeQreatton before starting. 'be presi. 11.1'111 I) r aOItbed leloill remec'jletl. Bnd dpnttalollmpalgn. THE ELFCT. ION OF TUESDAY uy oOI.lItnnt ly fll.i li ng to oure with We came near havlnR, 1I. fire In the 1<'10&1 t rlllltmeDt, prononnced it in heart of our olty oe.lleed hy puttlnR . " , ollr8,~J Cl. ' ' 01 o."~ hilS proven Va, bot,asheH In a barrel , lU8t the wily , Old your ·t~voJite oa\ldldlltr Ko t t "rrh to be u, oonsI\ltutlonal dise&ee, mar.y peopl" 'h 8ge 108' their hOUleil, . ....- tbl'l"f'? ,Thl8 18 -being ,heard here IWd. ' ~b eJ:o fo, re req\ltrelil oon$,U&u, Tha blaze wae un der go od b.8&d w/iY I d 11 I lind ~uD) e a re d OOID Ptl 'to, pa l\F~nt H ~1118 Cu.t!1rih Cure when dlaQo~ered. Look y:o~" prew. dl@a.Pl)111DIID I'O* II" tb eru /t.r lt a lw .. ytj UlIlDUfu.ot uroo by, Ii' J Cheney & laea and ' ohlmneye over. !See t hllit ( HOUl e I b .. t llo nut, gR t t~ sse tbulr Un , Toledo; Oblo, 18 ~h~ only they a re just 1'Ight before' enterlnK Can ltrlll t e elpctN) ,I" ' e tl ,u\ion(ll 'o u~e on, the market h ,'be wln~r month8. Clean' ou" the TlJe flrll~ qot'lltion I@, l>tel Y';III dn i8 taken toternal'ly. 1t Ilota direotlv 1'ubbleh Bnd banI it a.wav and do !,o'" lh ll..v Itt '.be pnll.. ll1l!t Aqg nfit8 8? 0 1] tbe bloPd" and mnl,ou8 SnrfROeR everltning yon olln to prevent dis1hell'l w ...• wh . r ('\ I,be r6n l b\(ttltl .W: of. tbe eYlltem. J'bey offer one bun. a ~'er. Dp not put thill oft'. Attend beld . li nd Ib et a Iii. YOD I,IbouJd dred c10llars for any calle It faUa to toO It at oooe. :~d~~ eb ..; : I~r~ .u T~:!:fl J;t~r .~'::e cure. Mend for 0\rou1ars .and teB Mrs. Daisr B~!&8~k retarned to partif!1I t,Rlkln g on the 8&reet t b'e tim onla[8, , . " ber home Oi Llavtbn 13aturdl\Y. otb~r d R:V j aDd one .If tbpms a1d tbl\t Addr~.s ; F. J, OBE~EY & (lO.. Dr, J . G ~aov III arain with ue 'Bo..and ~o " ou ght to ' h tlv~ ' bee n' S · ", Toledo. O. afte& an abllen08 otone week Ilominatl'd, 1i8 be was thll hetlt maQ ,o.~d . by, D~llggI8tf1. 750. , Mr , Ilnd Mrs. ··W. L. Barvey itO. .on the primary i,loket, "l'bat's S ;)," ,~ke Hall s ,FIi,ll,llly l'llIs for oon· oompante(l by Mrs. :C,ura . Harl a nd J!aid hl~ Dilighbor, but Inquiry found 8t ,.-'lon, '.. and J. Buter Sbldaker ' a t te nded .bat neIther one of thASB men ' were tho' Falll!'estival at; Xenia. SIl.turdtl1 '" tbe llOII Il to votfl tt.t tbe prlmariea afternoon. Bere III 1\ grent ttl1ng (or the voter A NEW' SERIAL SOON w. 8. Brant; of Carrol , Ohio, of. &0 remewber- thllt at the prlnlariBs, ter lIeveral weeh stay In thi8 vlcln. tfhe-would hllve hili man nomloated Our new Rerlal, "The Adventure s ltl r eturned home Friday. I 18 ~hfl plaoo to go II.nd vote for hl~ of Kathleen," by aarold MlloGrI~th. Geo. W, Edwards, ' oontraoting Too maDY men a re p~une to I~t tbls w1l1 1loou etart In the Miami Gazet'te. pl1'8terer, hall quite an exte~8lve Qe. go "nd tben call. drowo, mo.ledlotlonIJ The Htory was ' written for theld~intaooe and lotI of work wbioll on the men *bsy' dldd t want to see "movies," ~nd iii aald ,t o be- the beel Will run him up into the win ter. elected to fin the ,?iJloe , , '. , one Ihat.he has' ever produced, Our painters a re very busy. Move, The~fI .are tn quest ion Beveral m lln ~e Hoorr I• .of tile Wilds of the Into onr city. . tbat were On the tloket at t!)e prl. Far £It~t, and '8 entran rJ!ng aod " ' . mllrje8 thilt onght to hlive been Mre. Oor~ Ela.~ flil Is , i nllta.lI~ng oa. eleoted Jut AOf(U8t bot ' heir fri endTJ)pnt WI! Iks upon ber premlse8 ra. di.J 't oome out t.o htolp ~b ew. And oBntly porob8.!!ed, tnUA tbe dl8lCronf I(ld are worryl!,. l'urs Emma EI~la Willi the Rueet of , their li Ve! "WilY \)f'oanse -t:helr fa. Mr. II.nd Mrs , Jj lord Anders on, of vorltes Ojc1n 't bll PlHln to win. Xenia, aUendlog Lbe Fa ll Fenival. . , Mr. and Mrll, Ben Bawke were • Suoday guests 0" Mt , and Mra. Uhas. Tuoker. A gr'-lit. ,man" of uor . IIU \>8orl D3re .rft bllhlnd wi th tbelr !lobllo! Ipt.i 'os. Prof. Brown, of Wilmington Co) We are gOing to IJs,k them 1:0 look at lege, Rave a vary Interesting talk at tbeir label. 'hen 8eod us he ainQont Town Hall MOl;1da, nigM ob prahl , I1oe, , I . bltloD . . lIr. John ' Milrlatt aud MIII8 Volerl were qutetly wlI.rried h ere A ' rl'cunt)y- ~tenreiJ "crew. Wednesday, aod "wlll In the n ea r ~ ... slo' along It·s lengt b t 'l future • begin ,1i'ln8,e lteeping loollr wo.rklng ~oOl!e In wood, olty, bllt at the 'present wtll remain with the hrlde/II p"rents, wbQ r~ld e on a ' arm near .here: Thi8 J:oong A paper ohl~ney, GO tee' hlgb .nd oonole have 'be belt, wisllslI o~ a ll fireproof" til a o'u rloslty to be s~ at Brella,Q, <termony. wile koow 'hem. The ('''ivlo ~aQ. ,oomposed of

'Big =:=#====================~============~*



Friday, Novem~er 13,1914 at



NEW VIENNA, OHIO. =:======~====================:=======

70§ ' ~H~ad~§ Consisting of 45 ~egistered and 25 higb grades. Fresh c~ws, yearling heifers and heifer calves. Write. for cataioguc, to



~h~hg._~~m~~t~~~:~::~:=~~~~:~=~~=:=:=~=:===:==:~==::=~ . . ' .

Um ~reJl tn grea:t. demand hi 'he Netherland., where llgh' rainl are rrl'~uent.

, were 'in the a.tomoblle parade Ma.t. urd!!-), and ploked'up a verT liberal amount of money· whloh will ald t~em nt:y materially tn their ven. turee whloh tbtoy are .Iooklng for The area of oorD h"fVe8ted In the w.rd to. '. Uni~ 1:!&.. tI)lI in 1~ lS Wall 105,820.000 Four au'omobllee loaded with aoree .. Pythlab 818~rs frum thlll Lodlle a' teoded the Py&blan BIs~rs Conolave No, H. W~.n·t "'.rvo~.. ,. at Middle~wn 'l~liursday ' and tbey A young pltoher .making hllftrlt repor' a ~08t exoellent time. appearance tn bIg league company bIt . ,Mr. Ed, B Dakin at.tended the the ftl'st batter, 118s"ed the next two. ll'al! 'e.tival Bt Xenia Friday. ' ' &lid made a wtld tblV'" Ib th~ . first I)bu. D. COOk and Jo..eph W:' lonlng; AI he went to ' the beoch the' Davia were LebAooo visitor,; Sat,;,r mln.-er of till! ' team luIkCP, I'What'l the 1. matter!' Are you oenOUB ?" day. " ' WUll.m DavlBl.. of Middletown ·';Naw-." he 8ald an.,U>:. "I)ut ,pay"dam Umbs, Bhake." ' , . ' .' , , HAROLD MAC.'GRATH wann oor mid" Rtd.y. , , . Th. :beautttul fall wdatlier Is very 'oharmtnlf tbroughou' The hero muoh enJoyed. . Th. 8ummer 8lde. 'and herolo!' lire 10 love from the Chas, ' D. Coot haa purcba&ed Clea.e ever to the Bummer ltd. . . stllrt, .n" tbe ~tory will hold ,You to 'a Xenia Au~ 810yole al .. bosln88! ~bt.-Tennyson. 'ha ve!y 'ast , propoeltioo. . ~ Don' '"11 tcuelld It, flO thU whim . Blrnum&; Balley'ltCircutt walnot !!!!!!"!!'!!!!!"!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!"!!'!!!!!"!!'!!!~!!"!!'!!!!!"!!'!!!~!!!!~!!"!!'!!!~ ,~u ~o to I!l'a the ptotore shoWl ID It wltJi the Republican pnade for

-- .





I::EP yo~ b~ "~~~;:Uh NOT SL COULD , , I.J:, ''EAJ. . ~·Three. A4v1ae COULO NOT


New' Bu, rlington



. Mrs. Marjtiue' A. Johuston" who bas been the guest 01 ! elatlvell here' for aeveral wt.eks has lllt.uroed to her horne near Gurneyvt]Je. Mr. :and Mrs. Harvey Hawkins eutertlitned on Bunday Joe Ballard and f'lintly Ell Babb and fawlly, Mr. Mrs. Wm , Starbuok and 8011 Fr8~nklln, of Door Wilmil18too. Wm.~tarbuokand JlowardM,oKay addre8EI8d tbe li'riends' I:!unda, tIohool la t tn'e lr Day

J'rJiZZinory A new shipment just arrived from Burgesses and other well known Modistes of New York.

.ullian Curb ani Cri·':ornerj ' H


Gainsboroogh aod Cavalier; Picture ats are domina'ting styles. In BlackLyon~ Velvet : , ' 01' Hatter'. Plush, I '

. The Gleaner.Girls were bosteeli8l! at. Masquerade Boolal in the ohurch · Pl'rlors, 'J.'bllrsday oight, · Our vlliaga' enjoyed a visit from the Wllmtngton auto touring party, on Thursday. On Sunday eveni~g tbe Green Co. "ilry" parade ren"

Itntrimme.b . ,fttl Black Velvet is in the lead this winter. Large, mediuf:D and Sm ' all eff-ts Pn'ces rangm'g from '


"" • '

$1.1$0 up'

at~t!!n~~1r-:=~i.~E:~: ~:;:'!B~~J:~o:!~~~:~::.r;::~:~ . Par,ad~e, Num~~i~~:;~:!t ;ri'!!.o~e1t! Flowers yea1'1 ,8go wben 1 .< volunte th~ oiroul was' bested. Tb'e day 110m, an ' exte~ded ' Vi81t with ~ , 10 PIU.a!tinrRb one ' of my remar~1I mtada by r~1I an\the oth relatives in the East. . " .' - Se.OrZ"fr . , obtJdreD bad a opld ,~nd ooolh. ' en preeen were vt:'ry mu!' I;'ppre Our band': esoorted ' the ~prlnR ~ It.





, ' ., '


of atated, aod old . ~Ie <lid ~'O. fall V I .. hi dt I i f th 37 \.:Ireen rt " Street, X· a drqlliit I tJorollall~. ' boUle of 'behlod 10 1&8 vote, aud hanah for al ey .0WIhI p ~ V ~ on o . e ems.. Oh·10. UJ;Jamber]aln's (;ough 'Remedy and p~08perl'y . ·'dry'.' paracle ID X niaOD Bat1;U'day, !-_ _..;..::.;..;,_ _~__________~_ _ _ _ _ _........._~

eel dreadfolly, Upon tbe

Woman So.Wea'k and Nervous It beaeOased ,hllD at onoe, -1 flad n _ t ~OIJ~ madloinet ·r obUdren Could Not S'tand Her Chl'I:"~ the be~.elt IlipleaaanUo take. They dren Near Her- ViriOi dO, notobjeo"to It; .. ·CWrI&ea Chahged Everylhing for Her ~:~. ¥t.~:yet~ Plant Ci~ FJa.-" I'wlsh.I cbul() t.1I PjlfJbodl a{K;)lt Yinol. Fllr nine ye'a r.; : I "... In bad health. I got 110 I could 'llot ileep, and I could n,9tatand it to have 'my. dUldren come near ,me. I could Ilot even sew or do any heavy houaework. I wu almply tired all the time. . ~ tried , eo 'many mi!.diclties I could not recall ,them ,all, butl)othing'dld Rie any~; OD, 'da!. fri\lDd asKed me to try Vinal aDd aaia it wu the beat tonic 'Me ever AW. I ilid 1101 and ioQn got,.tIle firat' ' aooc) DlJ!ht~.· .Jeep I had tia4 ror along, time.. Now.I aleep well/ mf' Ippetite,11 .~ DlYAervouaneu il al gooe and .l U1 eO ltioJag and well I do all my house-. worIl and:,work In .my ftower~en ' ,. WlthoI,!t,eellngtit'edornervol1l, Vi,ndJ ell andhapp1~om~n, ~ ~' '''PJ~~ me.M.It'"'' ~y;;.j,' C, H' Plant City PIa; ....-01 ' ....... _I n• the :...·-tiv· h..a1ln~ "UI .'......... .......... ,.. , prlnelplell of freab .cod liven (withou Oil) aDd tonic Iron. ·' ,' , , We uk everr wMk ron·dchmLDeI'\'oDIj)8'rIODm,thl•.vldnityto~Vlnol, , IMII' ~.Heloaa cod liver ~ 1;I'oD' tonlo . I witbG.u~ aU. 011 9W' ~tee to retutu IWr JDOI1q. lf!~ fallt Wb:eneflt., '.'.


+'"' .' ..........

, ,..,


.' ,.

tol'<?~ber lO. oblld . a8 , ad,Il't. ~Id ,lIv

\ "- ' ~ ~\' , . Th. K"OOIl...... ·""d ,,tli~ . ~o"ck.d.dl .UTatoh ·the ...... r' ... 0 the boa _ rs are . rec'lln" - .... .. their hamm,e•• - -insl'. He la a~compll.~lbg lO~e!hlnr: , ~~ maD .,ver made any .headway wlt bout, op; ' ~at~lon, 'I1he tuTther~ be' adva,nceo tlie' g eater the anvil cbor us, Fa~lure Is . 8,! aYI jealoul or' iu(,tcesll,~N~w: ~n Democr.t: >, ' .. '.

'. .

Fred &. Sherwood, of WaYIle8The leaoher" of Rprlng !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ baainess bere ~'" VlI.lley town8~ip ;Willi heJd here F~. for a long day afternoon . In 'he &'ire ·tn ;. - , Ne'TJ.~ s it! Ih In"~g!oe~h~:ttt:pu,~-.tftrRimt,yD~"Rinevn:1ieiiiiffiiliiiirfi~~EI-1me-

in the Miami Gazette .

, Mr Obltl.Tuoker, ~ur ~Qral root. . . Every body ~ho Is· atIiloted wi~h ID.", Is diapqjl'ng of hiB borsBi and Rlieumillti8m tn a·1IY fvrm should by ill maltiDg .bi's . nipil "in i Ford. Be all'mea:08' keep a bottle o'f 81oan's 1I0ld a very handsome Pllroell mare ~t'ntlDeJ1't 00 band, Tbe inmute yoo Ji'rtih,.; tel be used aol'Oll the waters feerpalill ,or '86ren68S In a 'jolut or for .rm" purpOaes. .'. mU80le. ba.tbe it with 810au's Llnl. " ' ment. Do DO' rub It'~ Bloan's.Pene. . ,Ed. 'If '~rOWIJ h"s POfOhued the tir ,tes IInmost immedlately right' to pr«qlerty that hIM bella oooupled by, t 4e eeat, of pain, relieving the hot, Geo. ~,rORl{y ' for , 110 . years: Mr. ,tende., ., swolleD teelln. g and making 8 I "I t be a ...... 1 · ·.A't .. ~wn s \,e nR 0 .n . 011 .... e tIle part easy,~ and o:>mfodable. 'DI;.D havlr;Jg po!oha~ 'w~ proper Ge~ a ~()Ule of Bloan's.LinimenS for ~8811 to I~l'a .~a~l"a wee', ~ 25 0eptE~ of, any druggla' aujl hue It , Dr,'.f, C. \,¥, of Cin9inllatl, in tbe ~ boul!e':""l\lJainst oold~, lIor.~ v,ary '~tbreatt~g, tal~ oD pro. "'tid . I~r.ollen ' j otntis, r.beum.t1sm; Bahll'pa;r. nigHt at ,T own Deursl.lll, tIOil\tloa and' hk~anmeDts. ' ,.' Tour m.oney bROk If not ' s"tisfied, .' &>IVV b1.. • ... ' it: 1)llt l~ d0E8 give almOlt', Instant re...... ~, o ~ WUberfof08, ' f · _ t h e . . 'he. A~ ... Ii:". ohoroli II e. ___ ' , • --.. ' ; Thollf 'wbo mined bear 109 Dn and Wt'lJlaJDIi" Samr Mt. day ' sbo~lcr ~egret . Ia: The,. are moder-n o~"j and ~. h$U' 'bem meaDS '9 appreolate &hem, " D_ , v. . ""-.... r·t De U_K"" ~"',""I~l.






W. · N . .Sears Li ve Stock . and General AudioDee Post~ on pedigrees and values of

kinds of breeding s~~ ' ,


'~~cedin JlaD4Jing', i~sates; .~ ., 1905. ' " ,,'.' .., , T..... R_ab...

Waylleavllle; Qblo


Va1lfY Tt1apho!w.• ~.Zr " }




...:....,.,--......,.,•• _41e..,. , --'-...,.,

Try Thla for' Ypur Coulh' , rhol1~udl 01 people " oiH j.I Q<.ug l lD'g bee.ule unable t.c l!lti~ tbe rtllt. , ~rto remed!'. Cougbl ar. O&a1I1'1d by I n .f~ B.' JsHE~WOOD 8alDmll lioD of Throll' and Sronoblll : ~lW. What Y011 d,ea "' too II)f)th ' tha, l~, ft IID.aatoo l l'I!kl Dr".&inl l .. 9- ~" W:a)1leIIYiDe, N" ~ lJ\.OuTery, •• petle&r"t~ ~' " ontce~" ' HO~t ~~8 t1 "QIltCl ~'ilOO1ijl IbllD8, rllt·. . ati.. pbl ·@m . aDd 111101l1,P8llev"" tll. ,., 'no r, It d mllmhranee lie' a 10(". ·11:' tn " Otll ) our dr~ ,""t. "Or t(ItiJ: to r w OlI OOVM, ' qGtolrl,



' •. Ill ' , . " I

, fl l,

SalIDD,IBI 'Jaouoo' wa. lD , DaytOD " of xenia, tipeDt BUCldal,,'1

~tI1lrC1I!~y ~d Buday.





:,.. .

Shop Next to Sherwoocl • aere. .


THE MIAMI GAZETTE. old bOT uled to Imolle. A114 If he paya anytblng Jell! than Illtly .plece fo 'em Ilt wbolellale: I'll eat thlll one." lie lIahled bll cisar. and gaye him· lelr up 'to the dellahta of It. Courtlandt.loomed 1n the doorwllJ. " onirQrtuble1" " Pertectly. Good cl«er. comfortable cbalr. fine vIew." Young men began to drl(" tn ·and out. Tbe air became beav, ·wlth smo)te. tbe prevalT1n, aroma beinr that of Turkish tobacco of which Hal' rI~1lll WIUI Ilot at all fond. But hli clgaio wae so good tbat he Wall determined not to sUr untH the coal belan to Uc'~le the end of ble Doee. Since ~olly knew where be W88 thero Wall no occMlon to worry, . Abbott came In. pulled a cigarette caee out oC bls pocket, and ImpaUenU, atruck a match . His banda shook a IIttlo, and the Dare of tne matdi revealed a pale an.d angry counteDl~nce. "Hey. Abbott. bere's a seaL Get your second win.!!." !'Thnnks." Abbott dropped Into the chair and smoked, QuIckly. "Very stuffy ollt there. Too many." . , "You look. It. HaYIng. ~OOd timeT" "Oh, Hnel " There was a catch In the laugb whlcb followed, but Harrl· gan's ' e/U' wai not trained for tbese Gubtle,ties ot sound. "How are you makllg out1" "I' m, getting acclim'a ted. Where'l the colonel tonlgbt? He ought to 'be arouna .here somewhere." "I left him a few moments ago ... · "When you see blm again, eend h.lm Ill. He's 1\ live one. and I like to beer him talk." "pn go' at once." crueblDi lllB' clgareUe In tbe Jeypore bowl. "Wbat's ,our bum! You look like a man who has ,Ult lost bl' Job." "Been eteerlnl' a German 'counten:


ILN solD. to talre ..,. bucl and ~




Iae to be my friend ."Ab. NOraI" '''You .mwitn·t, Donald. I can·t reban to .tbe ballroom . wltb _ e,e. re~. You will nefer know bow a woman on the .laIe hu to ~ht 'to 'ealll ber bread. Anel that part .. olll, a ak1ri. Reatoreci to Health ." m1Ib compared to 'the ceueleu Lydia & Pinkham'. Veamen a.&lut ber. She hu olll, the fortUlcaUonl of her wit and 'her _hie CompoUDd. ~ience of mind. Wu I not abducted Eupbemla, ObJo.-" Becaue of total In tbe bear~, ot Parll' AnC! but for tbe co.wardlce of the man, who knowa Irnorance. of hO'\'F to care for J111MlI when verging into womanhood, and fJ:olD what mllht h",va hap~ellBd' It 1 han , taking cold when going to 1ICh09I, I 1Ufbeauty. God lave It to me to w:ear. fered from. displacement, and each and 'wear It I w11l. My father. the month I "had levere palnil .and na~ padre, YOU and the Barone; I.would "hlch alway.meant~ lay-01ffrom w~rk not trust any other men living. I A'IIl ror two to foQl' 'day. frcm& the time I of len unhappy, but 1 do n.o t InOlct th1a unhappiness on othe",. Be :rOil wu16y~oJd. "I went to Kaneu to Uve with my .... the llame. Be my Mend; be bra"e ' an~ Oght It out' of your be art." tar and whilo there ~ doctor told me of , the Pinkham remedies but I did not uae Quickly sbe drew hie bead toward her and lightly IlINea tbe tOl'ehead, them thim all my falth In patent medi"There I Ab, Donald, I very muoh need cines was Umited. After my ais~r dIed a friend." I came home to Ohio 'to live and t.h&t "All right. Nora," bravely indeed. baa been my llome for the last 18 years. ror ' tbe pain In hll young heart cried "TbeChangeof Lif.e CIUIle wh.en I w ..., out tor the enda of thll earth In wbloh G years old and about t.hia time I to bJde. "All rlghtl I'm younB; may· my pbYBical condition plainl, deecriQed A BUlY Cro,!¥ ilt Hilrvoltll111 ·Tlmo. be I'll get over It In time. AlwaYI In ODe of your advertisements. I. count on me. You wouldn't mind SOlng began using J.ydla E. Pinkham'. Veg(By W. MILTON KELLY:) The ones tbat grow will not InterCHAPTER XII-Contlnued. back to tho ballroom alone, would Tllo BuccesSful grase grower needs fere with the otber ·varll!t!es. nnd tbe etable Compound and I cannot; tell you , " You have s poiled it l" cried Celelte. yoUll've got an Idea I'd like to sIDoke or ~y ori~ Uui reUef tt gave m& In the to bave n praotlcal understanding o[ yield wl11 be Increased. Sbe bad watch ed the picture grow, over It. No, I'll take :rou to the end ftrst three montba. It put me ·right It haa boen found that land will not and to see It ruthlessly destroyed tble of the conservAtory and come back. J all tbe species of lame grasses that where I nee4 not lay ,off evcrry: month' , ,we grow as well as a knowledge of produce Its IDlUthnum yield ot graall ,way burt her. ",How could you!" can' t tace the relt of them juet now." . and during the last 18 yeara I not Nora bad hoped against bope tbat It their r eqUirements and condltlon8 tbat unlesa It lit oc'c upled by II number or paid out two dollars to a doctor, and have . "Worst 1 ever did." He began to kinds of grassea. chan~e the wbole ellect cbuckll,n a au, WIl8 only lnratuaUon, but In the laet are essen ~ lal to tbelr 8fOwtb. been blest with excellent health for. WOo Practical experience has sbown that woman of my ftge and I can tb:ank Lydia Much ot tbe success and many times <Ubly sa ' he 'Worked, Sunaet dIvided tew days sl~o could not Ignore the all of the ... PfPQta:. of our farms are dl· nny 8011 will be more certain to yield bonore wltb moonllgbL It was , n.o trutb that be really loyed ber. She E.PinkIWn '.VegetabledompoUJIdforitlonser 1ucongru9u8; It wa8 rldlculoue. had tbrown blm and Cele/lte together redly dependent upon the amOllll,t )and larger nud better crops ot , forage aOd .. Since the Change of Lite 'lover I hay wben ott .e.eded ht!ld_ have-been-..matemity-nune-and-beln . He leaned baCk and laughed. "I'm In vaIn. Poor Celeste, poor love." Quality of bay and forage produced. Very few tarmers bestow muob grasses than "' ben lIo\v-n to olover and aolnl to Bend It ·to LtAsino, anet-call It Oeleste, who wore her beart upoo her whollX I9lf-aupportbig I cannot over .tJmate the Value of gQOd health. I all o.{iertbougbt." pat.ent to all eyes san ' Do~· tll,ought, care or attention to their timothy alone. "Glvo It to me." aid'. ThuB, It was with defined pur- gl'8s8 ,land, atid comparatively few can Out tlock& and berdB wl\l thrive bet- have no" earned a comfortable little 'tWbat?,. She owu wound up to turn only ODe pose that sbe had Jur'e d him tblllllgbt 1I1lIDO tbe dllferent varieties of ter when teel on gral!Be8 (nit bome just by ,sewing .00' nuriing. I bave recom~eDded the COqtpound to "Yell." way. and I am groggy. I'll 8end the Into the garden. Sbe wanted to dla· gralses tbat are growlDg on their own matter whetber .tn a green condlUoa many with ~ reanlta, as It Ie excel"NonseDsel I'm solng to touob a colooel over. By·by." ~ lIluBlon him, , or cured for hay) .than tbey w\ll when 'Ient to take before and af~r match to It. I'll give you that picture "Now, wbat'l stung the boy?" Tbe' baron, glooIDlllg In an ob~onrl Tb'ey Dow·tlmoth, and clover (which 'ed on anyone or two varlelles 10ll'n , birth. "-Miss Ev.ELYN 'ADIILlA. BT.wwltb the lavender In bloom." Nora was enjoying herlelf famoully. comer of the cOQJIerv.atory, saw them Is not gra8s) I,n tbelr, rotations beea-use alone. no mlltter how nutrltloue tbele' UT, Euphemia, Ohio. "I want thIs," The men bummed around her like beel come In. Abbott'e brave young race the cUltom of other farmers In their grasses may be. . , It J01I ".lIt IPflCllal atrloe write to "But you cannot bang tt." around tbe Iweetest rOle. From time deceived him. At tbe door Abbott section Is to do the ,8ame thing. We ehall find It In every wa, 81 lIiI· LydJ. Eo PIDkham .ecuetae (00.... . M( want It." • to tllpe Bhe S8W Courtlandt MovennB Imlled and bowed IUld returned to tbe Tbey fall to devote their attontlon. portant to balance our tOl'llge rations deaUal) LJ1la,M.... Your letterJ'lU "Weill" The more he learoed about about 'the ouUlklrts. She was glad he garden. The Barone rose to follo'l' to the .tudy of the leIS common varle- 118 It Is tbe grain ratlonll. It we 'Would be opeaed,' read u4 aD .... Nd ti1 • I eoaJ4e.... ' "omen .the Jartberout of mental reaoh liad come; tbe lepldopteriet II latent him. He had taken but a 8tep forward, ties that are lu many casell botter obtain the beat results from a mini· Womln aild IId4 !G', ItrlO' , they lee.m ed to BO. Why on eartb cUd 01' active In most women: to Impale when II lableau formed by the door. adiapted to, theIr particular kind of soJI. mum amount oC reed. ahe want ·lbl. eJ;ecrable daub? "You the butterfly, tbe motb. falls easily Into c:auIlnl' lilm to pauee Irreeolutely, Thlnge ~el"g Equal. " After commlttlnc. a few Umothy and All anlmale. tbat depend .uPQn craee ma,- ban It; bu[ ' all tbe eame. l'm the dally routint!. Sbe waB laughl"g Nora wal face to face at laat with cl'l)ver Beeds to their' poorly fitted 'wlll thrln better 'w hen fed on a milt' . "Mother," &lke4 ,Tommy. "1. It co... going to call an ocullat and hk\'e bllll and Jeatlng with tbe men. Her mother FJol'& Dellimone. lIE,lds they conlratufate tbemlelvel ture, for the element. are furnl8hed rect to eay tliat you 'wa_ .. hotet(. ft~mlne' jour , stood by. admlrlnll,. OIl w\~sh t.a apeak to ,ou," IaIIS the that they 'blne dol1e all that mortal 'n & veater abundanoe and In a maD- when he Ia thlnt.y!" "\Vb,.. It Is tbe Sl'Dorlna P'ollullerl" . Thl. 'time CourUandt ,enUy pUllie4 Italian bruptly. "Y \l8, mJ' dear." Il'Id bla m~her. mum can do a,nd eltller blame the ~\" Der -better adapted ~ their needs. In prepa~QI studioullly to Ilool'e hlB way to Nora'l Iide. "Notblnl you could ~Ibt, 118, I "wen, then," "~d 'Iloml1l¥, plc~n, It yO~ bave ever nl,lUced a ,horee or nora Deelmone'; I)releDCe the, hed " lMay I hayS 'a ,da:n~ef" he ...ked. would me," d8CI~rea No.... et'nment ~t Washl'n.g~oD 01' t)Jeff up a saucer. "I'm aolnl to ' mllil ~e wj~atlier tor their 'mialtc.:ka and (ail· COw ~t liberty -101\ will have oble"ed for,otten all abQut her.. "You are too late," eveulY~ Sbe 1,...."I'!'..III:1 made as If 'to pus. ; oat.\', Le.dlel Home J~raa'" urel. the tact that tlley are constantly goln, "Oood morolnr, signora," laid Ceo wal becoming 11l8d to the Ilaht of not he too 8urfil." IDBOlentli. A careful study of the Englf.!lh eys· from one kInd of ' ,raal to al)otbel' HEAD ' .IN WAT""RY reate In italian. bhn, much to. ber amueDient. Their volcee were lo~. but the, , r::. "AllC! the Signore Ahbott. the paint· "I am 80rry." ·~ reaobed the ean ot the B.ron8, who t4!:m of malnJ.l!\nlug a permanent mead· wblle they are eaUnc. Allimals, will orten walk from one ~t, allol" The Calabrlan t;ab,~d, -"hat "Why, Nora, I didn't know Ulai ,our wSsbed he wal anywbere but here. He 0'1'7 and pasture ",ould el8entlally ' aid R- R, No. I, Kylel, Ohlo.-"II, b&.)le couldered ber 1lI00t deadly weaPl card Wall fllledl" laid Mrs. Banlpn. mo."ed sllentl,. beblnd tbe , palmi U8 In the man ..ement of our grail end or a lat,e paeture to anotller ,to lands. let a nJbble of lIome ....rlety of P'UI by'e head wbell about 110 ,ear old .,. ~n. ber lormette. Sbe bad the maternal eye upon Court. toward the exit. . ,There we may !l.n d from ten to that Ie dl!rerellt from tbat In the otber ran to break out with emall watel'1 ' . "Wb.t Is LU" uked Flora. IQuint. ~dt. ' "Let me be frank. , 1 hate 70U and pimple. caUilua her 11e&4 to 'ncb. S,b • .tnl. .~ " "Neve,r ibelelt." aald Nora s ..setb',' 4eteil you with ,aU my heart," COD' t'llrenty kInds of ,rua ,1'0wlnc on one ,~nel of t'be PUlUN. Puturea thai 'contaln lbe areateet would Icr.tch her Jlead un tbe blood ,"It .1a a new sble of the ImpresSion. "It II a 'taet;" FlorL "] have al"'a,., hated 80d .and all . thrlvllli ·and produtln. jet wblcb ] began thle mornID,," ~ "I am dlsconlolate," replied Conrt. you, wIth your Bupercllloua alre. ,0U, hay and for..e. , Dumber of ~arietlea of cral" are In, came oa\taIDa tbe top of blli head to IJerJ,. ' , ' landt, who had approached tor form'l whoae father . , ." We - ,o on our meadowl when tbe varla:bl, lbe onee that will lupport be In ..\most. B01I4 erupUOD. The · "It looks vert lIatui'al," oblle"ed like only, tieln. ' Nil,. prepared for a "Don't you dare to .sa, '.n m word proper time comea, cut tbe .r&lsi. cure tbe ·molt ItOOk. pbupl.. 't .ftnt we~. near~ aa la,.., ~~ . refuel:!, l'lh~t. the unfortunate bablt of him!" cried No"" her ,lrll!I bJobd It Into hay and ba.u) It to the .-.-ck ,It II one of tb. evlll of our .,stem .... pea .~d lD patchel wblch woul4 "Natur1\W' Abbott droPP!'d hll or turolnc up late," with a IllnlOcance ~wlnr; hauteur to the wind.. "ae or barD I and thlllk no more. about the of tannlnr; .t o plo.. UP ,nod 1I•• tiire. Inllarne and feeter and wilen th.J' mahllttck. , • which only Nora underatood. II k1~d and braye anlloyal, and I a .. wlilole matter until the nest year fol' .It require. a number of ,aara to would come open 'Would leay~ .. ldn4 ,''It Ia Veluy·. Is It not. on' a "1'.....1...., "So, tbole who 8r4! late mUlt Inf- ~rolld of ~I~. Sa, what ,011 wUl .boll' comel, let-a--,aoed4nrf0..e8~Jtehed. ~here·Jor .. (ew dt.¥.. _.- ~ ~.y-''!!''''',' ' ter the cODlBQuences," me; It wmltot-botber me In the leut:" ' Thie n we· go out an4 go tbroligb 11\ selectlnl cr~e ..eei (or perm'a· T.ben wliell It dried· uP, I~ woul~ leav. , 'f.bll .~ too mucb top 'Abbott'. h '1Jy.pper''', ' I. the eame moUalle. , only we .et , anent paature 'elC!Ot kIDde that ' will ~ea on '~er ~ead that cauled har 8lD.a ller ,crop, and keep th'" up untn bloom ,I n 'succellion from earlY sum· balr to raU out ,Ult In .reat bunch... 1 --;;;;;~h~eii~~~iii¥tii;:ljiiiiual ~:Tlte::.Barone 'TaUier tlian ,ou." CHAPTER XIII. I a Tbe mUllc beRn ageln, and Abbott the ,Ield I. 80 email tba~wefeel ·ltll. meruntlllate.llithefalllotbatwh.eD .. Onecta·11baj)penedtollee. Cu~ good 'picture . . ;'. on IP, account," whll-le4 her ~way Sbe waa dressed Courtlandt Tede a atoP)'. lleee8sary to ploW up tbe field and re- < one kind Ia not 11'0wlnl thera will be oura Soap and , alao Outlcure. Oint- · laId Flora: ,closIng the lorsn'atte wltti BurDieee ideta, • rloh orange. Iii the The, colonel alld bl. aueeta at luDch. aeed I,t to ~lover and timothy api.D. another to occup, the soil and preyent ment ~d".rtliied In .. pa~er ' and 1 a anap, . .. dark of her beautlful black haIr tbera eOIl bad Ustened to Courtlandt wlthoul We don't ,0 to tb& trouble or top. weed. trom Pawing fn where the 11011 ordered a sample of each. Theyaeemed "Tbe IJlnora Ie wro~ J did , Dot the IUlter of emeralde; an Bound or movement be,ond ,the ocea. to belp ~er bead eo much ,:tbat I PIlI" spoil It On her account. It was pp.t necklace of emeralde 1100.-1 raap of feet Iblrtl", under thl dr.esBlng or fertlll.11II !he mBl\dow .o r Is .Dot occupied, ~1Ie-draln 'Ct to prevent the water (rom In lIelectinc ,raaaea for the meil~ow ehue4 a cake of CuUoura Soap' and • . helplng yeat,rda,. But I shall, ,bow· and pe&lllll, wal looped around her \lU- table. Be had begun ~ wltb' .m e ,dto"nlnl It out durlng the wet 'l8e· lelect ':varietlell'that about tJte 'box of CUtlcura. O.llitment and In t'Wo . • ever, h ;ic'hl1tten ~lt VpenvJu.: alll.09 It zllilg wHite throat.. . familiar phru...... I·ve got .. stor,." weeu' ttm.. her head wal: lOund and rej)resents an' eruPtlOl,l pf temper," Ull.conscloulIl, Courtlandt sIghed au· "Tell It,'· had been~ the IDetan~ r& .. e\l. lier hair had atopped famua Flora,tapped the handl~ of tier ll&ra· dlbly, and M1'II. Harrigan heard this out and wu als,o tree· frOm dandruJr." .' 801 with the lorgnette, It ..wu dl. 'note, ot unrest. . At tbe beglllDlng th~ inen had beell (SII1IBft). Mra. ;T, r.. WilIIt: Feb. 20, 'lj. tillCtt, a sl-gn of approval. These "Who la th.atT" aaked Mrs. Harrigan. lealling at' varl,oue 'negllceDt an,l~ Outleura ijOIlj)' and " OJntment <,IIOld Americana were never Blow-wltte'd. "Flora De81mone's bUlband. the lome 'wlth lbeir eibowl upon the tabla. throllghout tbe world. Sample,of ~ Sbe IIwung tbe ' paraao to , alId fro. duke. :ae and Mr. Harrlga~ ,were hav- eome wltb tJie1r aim. thrown acro. free; wlth'32-p. SkID BOOk. A4dl'ilII J)OIlo , ' Ing Qnlte a converBation In the emoke the backa of their ehafre. The pa.. :slowly, like a pendulum. 'card Dept: L, BoatoR.'·...-lA:d"., "It 'Se too bad," she eald. her .Iance room." , " trld,e ha4 been excellent, the "lnl , "Cutlcu.ra, . 1'Oylng , ,the ' wblte ,waU. ot tbe . "What I " In cionstemaHon. '. IIcioUI, the tobacco ", Jew. ,NuQlber ",weille MUngn. Yllla. "They ' were getting along fineb aurine.. the tinkle of bellI In the '..1101e wwld th....e are ap' "It was 'I rrevocably 10stl" Abbott de- When 1 left them.'" plea, the ' strance picture. pro~mllte1T 11,000.000 .Jews, of whlcla elated. ~ ' Mrs. HarrigaD felt her beart link. bazajirI, . long journe,. over en:IOOQlel number RuaaSa 8Ult hRS conliderablY "No, .no; I do: n'ol ·mean tlle ptcture. :rhe dllke and Jaunell t91etber m,e,nt ~d ltempy lBa.; 'ro~anc8, more thani balr. The Jewhib~{lpWl~--:';"~:- .~ I am tblnklng of u Toec:ana; Her uot.h lng ahort of a catastrOJlhe; for and coIor(01, whloh began ot the United Statell 18 no know whom he Wall goon, bad zla·zqged around the enUrel, . '. . . I" She waved a adcire,aellllli, ancl.. would make all man· and elld1!d In Berlin. . ' ' symJlatbetic banc;!. , ner of confldence.. Sbe knew, Bo~e· , "And 10," concluded the teller of the Ab,l>Ot~ was a~ut ' ~ rile UP .1n vi., tbJng would happen If f 8he let hlJll, out tale~ "that lit the Ito;".. Tbte man .... '. ~roua ,pro.test. But fate Itlelr ChOl1l 'Of her elgbt. He waa eternally, talkin, .,ei'tectly Innocent ~t an, l'ron.... a to, rebuke Flora. ll'rom tbe .. .. ndow to Itrangers. vi cUm ot malice on the 001 hand ~. me-'!Sal coa' ebbe cuorel"-IUDr "Would YO\l mind (elllng Mr. ~arrl. of In,nstlce on the o~her," , ' u .only Nora could Ilnlllt. , gan that 1 wlah to lIee blm'" , "I. 'that tlie end' or the yarli"," .skeo The ferrule ot ,Flora Desimone'l "Not at all," the colonel. . lIal'8sol bit deeply' Into the ~ver.t'urr. ' Nora IItopped at the end of the ball. "Who Iii lite know ...hat the' end 01 I rqpm, "DOnald, let us gO 'out Into the anythlDF le1 '., Tbh ' '18 not ' a Ito", "Am 1 RUrlghU',; askl!d, Him1gan.. garden. J ')'flint a. breatb of air, DId out of 'a ' bOok." cOurt!andt accepte'd I Courtlandt nodded:'" ";You look like you see he,,?'/ frelb cisar from the box whtcb Rao ' a loldle'r In muftl; 'anc. more than tb"t, "CoUldn t belli leelng her, H 'wal paBled to Mm, .nd dropped hlB dMf Uke ,t he ,enUeman that you natl\rally the duke, I luppole, It appea", that weed Into· tbe 'ash·bowL are." quite slDcerely. ' III an '01d' friend 'ot tbe duchese. 1"1'0 am , CO~utIID.) The ex·gladlMor blulhed. "Thl. 111 We'll go tJu-ough:the oonlerv6tory., It'l , ) ~e rece~tlon-room. ,There's the bail· short.cut." , ' Ship," H'uIII Quickly CI.ail.lII. The nlgbt Wal fuU of moonlhlne; It room right out there. Tile IImoklng~ Arr. F. C. Browne ot JI,lbourne. Au. l'9om II on t~e otber Bide. Now, bow danced upon tbe water; It fired the traIJa. h.1I IDvented an In,antoul 1n tbe old H.!lrrr am 1 ICilng to 'let ' fmBree tope Qt: the eolemncyprea's ; it chine for cleanln, · the buui of 8cr088 without, killing IIOme 'oneT" ', lawn with Qwvertn, 'beldw water 'lin.. In thla CourUandt reellted the dailre to '.111&(10"8 and lieavy ·huq ,the cl01ln, trtvance a watertllht dTOamo ' lauch. ~'8uppo8Inl. you let m'e 1I110t perfume o~ tile ~X·wood hedtes. a reTolvlnr bNlh thAt 18 b.ld flrml, jou overT" "f;) ~ellll8lma no~tsl" Ihe aang. "Ie ..alnet the hull of the Iblp by • Imal ' .. . "You're the retetee, Rlnl the son,." lit not glorloue?" . propeller. Arter tbe "macblne bu be. ~Come on, then." ' ' ''Nora.'' laid Abbott, leantn, Iud. lowered by a orane trom' . emall "Wh.t! While they are danclDa'" denly toward her. ' alon.llde the Iteamer. the .e;nd th.t backlDc away tn. dismay., " , "Don't' say It, Donald; please don·t. holda therapldlJ rtlTO~YIn" brulb ' .. The otber . c~ull1f hlln by tlie arm. Don't waste YOUI' love on me. You worked up Qd do~ tbe 114i. oe tli. "Come on." ~' . ~ a good ' man, . and, ' 8hould '1I0t be And 111' and 'o ut they ,went;" hither worthy lhe nam.. ot woman If I did vealel. It II ltated tbat the jlDlU!hI" can clean an 8,ooo.tOD lteamer In ... "nd tblther. no" doi1i1nl, now pauslnr not feel proud and sad. (want ),011 ., " , • ~' et Ute 8wlrl Jlw. jlntll .t length 'alway8 IIB ·a friend; ,and, It you decide o~ .eveD 1I0\lfl. , .{ 'Ji"' Har.ripn found bAmaelf 8ar~ on abore. .Ibll~ cannol be, ,} sb.ll, 101e , raitb til American I'll, ~Iatlotl. iii the 'd im coot" "moJdDI·room. ' everytblng. ' I' hive never bad a Th...."AlDeneaD r.Jac. ~tloa· " "J 40n't Bee bow "OU dId I&," admlr· brother. an\! In the two short yeara I ~~ . ~~~to~oo~u~1 Wall orpniae4 rebruar7 11, -un, Itli "111 drop In every little whlle 'to 188 am Borry. But It ,ou Will look back motto belil.: '''ODe,lI... onl ,coant;7, ..ow )'ou' llre getting on," volunteen!d YO\l wlll lee that I IMver you one 004 om".II," _til ObJect II to ' eou~1I4t. "Vo.u can lit by the dOor lilly encouralemeat. I wal "lIeyer cure ..NaUo.... and .tate .....1._ If'" Y01l oare to see them dance. I'm more than your coantade. I baYe 1Iian1 tor tile l'rotecUon of tile .... fliIIm d. off to lee Mra. Harrigan anll tell ber faulta, but. I 11m .not nat"rall, • padln, and 4eaeCretiQ UHII." aDd &0 coquette. rlmow m)' heart,; 1 kq,0~ tt HCur~ • PDC!ral o~~~ " 0'1 JWlI wbere )'ou A14I. Here's 1\ elgar." It ai "n.,. Da,,''' beca1lle on . 'H~gall tnrned tbe' cigar over and well." · , . over In ..II IUIgera. all the while IU' lOla thlre another'" In despair. . dar, In ln7, oonp-eae Ina ' at the youllg man's dlml.nlshlnl "Ollce Upon a tlme. Donald, there pr9lut Ullited State. _ _tile ......... ,L ........ back.' '.s. '(Ib~. ' Tbat wonld make WM. There Ia Dotllla' now but ~Ib. aod Strlpea. ---- Il&ltiCliIla' h~m lh. lIapplelt maD In the world. I nm telling ),011 lb1e 10 that It "Ill !lot Ii . :a llllln'" Ibe carnelian ' band eli- bs 10 hard tor you to retul'D to tbtl'oId eordlllar the alt ,Ineb.. of ' eV.DGIIOeIIt fli,enctJy (ootID,. rOll . . . .". ·~..t do YOU tlllnk or All,lIIlU1 ""wb~ tall....... ~~=~~~=l~i~;~; "at:,,~ ~ltIt...,., '"1iI-mt' b~rict , tU alld oIr.,. It 10. 11









~ ,

. ,.. ". '. . J. .











AGE-LONG CONFLI'CT Good and Evil Have Been In Combat Since the Beginning . of the World,


p1. b.II". thot ..I In·' leets are very small; and In a certain lIenae this la true, for the largeat knawD Insect appears diminutive wben con· traated with the vast bulk of .ucb a creature as a whale or an elephant. Dllt 'tbls II hardly .& fair oomparlson, becaule Insecta are In every wlI,y dls- . IlmUar to vertebrate- animals, having dneloJ,ed along entl.rely diffe rent IInel. 1n place ot · physical hugenelB 1I'e flnd amazing dellcl).cy of structure and adjustment; and It we liken the \le~ebrate to II. locomotive ellgln,ll, the lusect must be rcpresented by a lady's watch to complete tbe metapllor. In line, multum In parvo has been the '~atehword of Insecl evolutrcJn. Never· thelelll, when Judged ' In their own Iphero, Insects display a remarkable ranr;e of size, Take, for example, tbe beetles, The larr;eBt living repreacntaUvea · ot the clan are the Oollathl of Africa and the ' • liega80mas at tropical South Amerlc&. A fatr·alled male specimen of tho lat~r meallures four and a balf Inches from the tl1\ or the horn to t110 ell. trol\llty of til ~Jl.lomlln. TIi~ male 0' tile , H renlea l)ee11e, also of South Am lea niay be two InQhea or more ' . longer, . but well nigh 'half Its lengtli able p..riay of llrfckl~B, It looks a de1s mad.e uP. b~ the g~eat hornlilte proc· cldedl), dangerous customer. One is " 8 wlilell R"'rlng' s from Ita lhorax._, A re.1leved to learn that Its tAste8 are D" exelusllle)y vegetarian good tde(l of tlleae beetles' huge l)ro· '. portloos may be 'nlned by placing 1'be valt maJol,'lty ot the hymenopone O• theD) side b." side ,~Itll a com- tlll'A (tbe antB~ bee8. wasps and their ' 1 1 rilon two..apot ladybi rd. \:et tbe lady- re aUves) are compara~lvelY II maH n· bird Is IIY .nQ meons n small beetle tiS s ts, " but among {ho solitary Id klili ' .P Ill d ) b iitlea go. .sp erng wnsps amp a we 1111 mny find somo· notl!.ble excel'tlons. · 80·l'\1e onipnrlsons no lellS Blr ng of t1WBe giants measure two tnc~es or ' be. marlll. alJlong the moth". Th,!!. - or" CI'om head to tall, and ' withal . b " D th's u, " lar esC fJrlll sh moth Is t ea · are .el:ceptlonally strong and vigorous Heo.d"-a truly noble Insect with a .Insects . The largest speoles are found . '1Vin, expanse of f OUf nnd a. balt In S\>utb AmClrlea, where they deal 'Mhes, But Its prJ Por{\ons are sadly death and " destrucllon 'to the spider dwarred whcn w contrast tllOm with popplatlon. EV(lD the formidable 'the huge Owl mOlh- the Noclua Btrl;!t blra-eiltlng spider-a grim arid halrY O!Ju;!lence- w hlch Is not uncommon In mollster ·wJtll .'fearsome tangs- ,s at. many "arts ot South Am\lrlca.. J~ tacked and 'e stroyed. It lIilould be ' " uro ten Inc h es or more . noted that thele waS"1 dn not them· mny mea . acroill. Then 'Ulere IB Ih e g I.1I nt ' Atlas sEth'es eat the ipldera~ that they kUl~ moth, tram India, whlel) may meallure ,but sto~ them away In 'cunnlngly con· as muoh liS a foot from Up ko t.o of tiP. (of trtved, n"BU l .o r t1.e beneftt 0' their a • younl. .·Ollr , . ,little . . . Pompllua \llatl~us tile. fore·wlngs. Ii'or th. e sa II e mlllarity we may pIace I UUle (unf~ttUDatel, It ball no popular '" clotbes moth at our war d. rob e8. at -t he name> behaves i n precisely ' the Bame -. other end of tbe scnle - Utough It ts way, but naturally cho08es IIp.tcJera Dot by any means the smallest of I(AI pro .:t1onate to I~ OWl!' size. Even kln\!,\ '. I~ thla Instance, bow ever. the spider ,The !-tlas and the Owl lIIot~. ,men· III tlli\lItlly leveral .tlmes 'heavier than ~ rioned ,above have larger wlng8 tban




:~!n~x~~::~t~4r::~ee~~~~ r~; ~:ecao; bOlitret:OU8 period measured two 'eet acrosis-til, wll1gs. Tbe largest Brltlllb X

gon fly, w'ltb a wing e l1aneo (If. four '11 a pygmy, OOnll"B8tl'd ellS for ,,",,-;r~Ii~::.;ritthme of-lllI" gigantic . preht.-




the .w asp !tselt, · Fall these ~'dwarfll" of the Insect world are by no meanl weaklhlgs, bllt 011 the qontTary, pOSllesl marvelo,llI muscular' torce and wllat c rtallily 18 a well-nigh inexhaustible fund ot energy. P robably mas t lnsects. are song t.r er, nnd more enduring, ' h1 proporUon to their lilze, tban llny of the blgber ani· mala. They are always active, and . h 'f apparently Quite beyond the reac ' a fatigue whUe life lasts. But ceaseless, rapld movement imposes a serious tax UPOII fhe mnchlnery. Conaequently -we find Ulat tho Insect fs almost al~'aye sho~t·llv d. It Is snld that t.he war k er hive bee llterally wears be rself ont, and dies, after a few weeks at toll I h for the beneftt at tho corumonwea t in which sbe plays this brlee port. 0


..... -•


and went up to the houso of the Lord and ' spre~d tbe letter out before 'tho

2$-lb. p.1I A....., a..cuJolO r.I3.001 , Pc. ' ,,)'.SZ.~: In p•• -.,.. 2S< .• soc. o.d .,. ~OlOOO cle_l e r • • &Odle PUUt. Our customers, macr 0' wbom huo DK4i lb_ .ltteen. 'hUff a•• i nD tW'ent,, ·fi.c reau. arc Duma.c'tccl b, the tuwdlfdl thonea'" PkATr FOOl) COMPANY


PhUi d"lpbJa, Cblc:atr<>, Toronto

Talleyrand'. Vlalory. One bundred yeaTS ago the congresl Df Vienna met tor formal.orgalllzation. Nearly all the monarcbs ot Europe were assembled to taka part In the deUberatlons, or were represented by tbelr most eminent lltatesmell. Tbe Porte nlone was not r epresented In this great congress of tbe naUons. It Is said that tho lour great allied pow. ers-England, Austrfa, Prullsla and Ruwa- bad made a 8ecret agreement to exclude France froUl vat:tlclpaUoll In any of theIr terrltorfal arrang&menbi. But In this they reckoned without Talleyrand, tbe creat French statesman &Dd dlplo~aUst. wbo not only Inal8ted that ble country be ad·' mltted to take part tn all the dellbera· Uens, but hlmHlf became the leadlnl spirit of the whole congreslI. Money fo~ ChrlatmaL Selllng guaranteed wear-proof halt· ery to trlends & nellhbors, Big Xlllas buslne8s: Wear·Prool Mills, 3200 Chestnut St., Philadelphia" Pa.-Ady. ; Simple. Pilt found It Impossible to believe that .the eartb Is round, In spite of the numerous arguments 'of a~ emln,nt astr.onomer. . "But look here, Pat," said the latter, "you must lee ih~t tho ~tb can't be ' anything elae 1I1It round. Now, ttlll me, where doos tbe BuarrJlle?" "In the east, ot course," said Pat. "And wbere doel It BeU" "Why, In tbe welt." "Well, tben, bow does It manage to get back in the east ,agaln by tho morning? Tell me tbaU" Pat tbO)lght tiar\! for a minute. Tben an Intelllgell\ look dawned In ' biB eye. "Why, ot course... · 8ald he, at last, "It JUBt s lips baok at 'm ght."-C1eve. land Leader.

Conden.ed •. "Samoa hae an Ideal fanguage, ad there It was' I got my InsplraUon,says Gelett Durgess In "BurgeBs Ulloo abrldg;d." "Can't we make ~llI.b lUI subtle BS Samoan? I wotlder* There they hav e a. single word. ~88Iloo lng, 'A·party·ls-approacblng-whlcb-001loo talns-neltber-a-clever· man-nor.. • pret.· ty·woman: Allother beautiful word d .. scribes 'A·man-wh<>.-cllmb/l-out.on· th.. limbs· at • hil . own - breadrru1t-tree-~ ateal - the • breadtrult-ot·hlll-netr;bboJ'! 'Sulla' meaal 'Chauge-tbe-eubJect.yOllo are-on·dangeroua-ground.' Another ha~ P)' word npretllleB a · tamillar IltuaUoD -'To-look-on-owl.eyecl·whU&Othe~

get~g-glftll.' Have we anytblnc 1a 'Engllsh all okarmlngly tactful . . thlaf No, our tougue Is almolt .. erude . . pldgtn·l!lngllsh Itselt, wbere plano • ·Box·you·f!ght·hlm·ClY.' ..

YOUR OWN DRUOOJ8T WTL~LJ, YO., j"' Mun ..e JI,. Hemlld, for IIH. ~ ~~. rCll and Qrnnal.tod Il1Allldt; : 0 _

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for Book


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Not Taking Her From Him. She-I'm atrald poor pap '111m mi_ me when we are married. He-Why, III your father .olDa away? The tellow who gets there with boU. feet 1B apt to fI a tter h.IIDseU that Ia. Is a buman centipede. A miw 'and hlB wife are one, whlob would Ie em to prove that mimac. til a slnr;ular t~lng. ,.

The Cause' Laid Bare b.!::,,::.\.e:t.e:h..~~~:g.t,!t~:.~ sin .... ' drowq; Clletnr,.,.urlnaUOll and other kI."' ,. al.)<~ ,,,.... cOll.lallt or .... cohollc drInk ... irrItate 'l'JIe

tI .... ' ... \In,,, .1 .... .. u.. . or eO! ".w or YerY apt ",0 tile

~.~;·f:'a::r~ :'f'd~n~:rn.y•.\~~,p~~t

'mponant to Moth.,. ' Examtne ca.reCUl1y every bottle 01 CAS'fORIA, a sate and sure remedy for Infants and children, and lee that It

or r•• al ~rllht.• dl..,a. \,.dld the lite ol.tlmulanl., dJ'inkntero )._Ier. pt 1Q0re rOlt 'freah a,lr &n4 excrcl••. To tone and

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hlabll' re<:omineuf,ecl kI4n,)' r.m.el,..

Children Cry for Fletcher's Cutoria



Lord nnd pra yed . Study tbat prayer Explaining a Phenomenon. . and see liow be pleads not theIr dan· ~ Uncle ;lack is all old colored mall Me lIot hIs rea,~s, but Ood's gl'lrY; wlio lives In 8 certain little town In ''Now . . tberefore, 0 Lord, . our God, sa~e us trom hi,s hand, that all the North Carolina, where be Is regarded kingdoms of tbe earth may know tbat 8S quite an oraole by the other memo



An Ohioc..e

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·Cel••L1a WI. Grmy IL,


~ollran Ctlo.lrt0.helnO, ! •• l'a....!

J"'.aa un.l.l . tb \Ie on my rl.iIt .Ido --4 of ton i awoke At nlcht bMbed In col' Ilcr.plratlon It ."amed ali It "ml'





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D OAN S .••


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Rab·shakeh defies tl 0t only Hezeklah but also you anll Ule, YOIll Ood .alld my God. Blit; do, you remember d how Hezeklah lClught the batt.le an won tbe victory? He took' the letter


. May Pick Cotton From Treel. ~:fl~' ~~J4 [ .~~: Experiments are now to craBS the colton pllmLo,: prayer the town and Jolnla !lOt .., states with the ~otton tree of Panll-ma. rlgbteou8 ma vailelh much," even and as 'soon as the natlves got over ~~m~~.~ .tCL~a;'on ... As our native cotton plant il all an · the prayer df an EUja.b or a Heze. their scare enough to discuss the ",'hy Wbo.n J had aim.,.! • .... UP bope 01 r..,oy • .,. KI4now attar dootoN nual an d h as to be p 1an t e d ea ch year'klah, men or likE' passion as we are. and wherefor' of the sbock, they corblld ntoll.d. 1 u_ Doan'. PlI~ hll eth .. d uc Ing. Ilf~ . Tb~y ,<nnel m. an4 I 'e'" 1117 Ula to w e pro v ' a1 the cottOD It 18 like that ot' Mosell pleading .for nared Uncle Zaek and demanded an them." tree Is about tl!D 'YWs, the creat sav- larael, or Sa.muel tor Saul. It was a explanation. Get Dou"i at " - . . . . . . . . . . . , tng 1.& !lelf-evldent. ' '"Teat IntjU'celsorjr prayer, a .prayer ,of "Well, I'll tell Y9U. Hit's' like -dIs," J IIDL~••Y b ,. t he ~.eplantlng w 111 onI y h. ave ,t a b e II one .. uDportunltg-; , "Thl8 Is the victory tba .6x .n lalned: '''About once In so , otten once every ten years or, more.anu.. th ' e oYercometh thll world " even our de atmosphere ha"pell'" v " to." , come In .." " " . _URN __ auPP._ _ No.' •• . ................. ...... boll t h e "b u)' r Id. I8 muo hI" a. ger tl.1an faith," an'd tbat waa the way. he WaD vt'lent conta.ct wid de hemispbere, and 1I.~~~~~:::~~~~~~~~~ .tbat at the plant. Bolls from tbe by- .the. battle and bc~at back the deftan~ tpe result Is we- has a earthquake."'brld average 18 to the rJlound, wblle to.e, COr that . nlgbt the Lord cir h~8u lIxohange. . ordinary cotton bolls lometllll:el r'ln dlspatcbed bili angel and death (was as higb as 89 to the pound. . It by Jlestllence?) smote tJ.1e camp Another Point of View. ww w .... w ·~ w...... · tent to tent until tbe .d ead num· "So you are not to be married 1" "No. He says be has changed bls • __ It ol Hezeklah that .m lnd,"

_____ ', "._

::-- -' -- - "

. Good and eV.1I have an age-Ioog conflict. These two mighty for os Ond their leadersblv In meD . The IOTee o ~ evil Onds Its he'ad In a Phar:tob who OPPOSetl Mosel, or In a Gollat.b who fights with ' David, or a Nebuchadnezmr In conftlct with Daulel, or & Pllat'e IIDd Herod against the Christ. But did any Or theso olllt-do nab·shakeb, the representative ot Sennacherlb, Ilt the walls at Jerusal,em defying Hezeklall and the God at the Jews? Read the thirty-sIxth IUld thlrty·seventb chapters ot 18alab and sec bls defi ant attl· his In'lultl:Dg blaapllemy. Whl!-t can Hezekiah do betore the pDwer at 8ennaeherlb? l.ook how a\1 the nILtiODS in the paltl of bill conquest have f&llen. Their MClds 'vere not able to lave them, nnd think ,ou, says Rab.hakeb, that tbe God OtH.ezeklnh shall deliver you out of my band? I •• " .hl. tho _ . >pl,I< .bat . . . been manifested towards God's People of all agel? Who Is tbe God at the H'ebrew8 that I should serve blm, aIlYs Pharaob. Goliath defies the God ot the Hebre\\'s. The Cbaldeans tbrust the three HebrE'w Children Illto the furnace, though tbey arl) ba.cked· by God. Herod wm destroy, Jbough God works special d,ellnrance for Peler. It Is this Bame defiant spirit that has brought all the IlJavoc at the persecu. tionl, until the roll ot the martyr8 has lengthened Into untoid numbel's. It fa thl8 lIame CArnal nature that III in the heart of unrcigenerate man. It III the splr:1t at ratlouallsm, of materialism, It Is ripened egoUsm, equal to tbat or Nebucbll.dnezzar, wbo exclaimed, ."Is not tblll great wblch I have b·ulld ed?" It sa.ys to man bard p:ressed , " Tbere 18 no use for you to resillt temptation;" "There Is no help. tor you' In Ood;" "It Is better to succumb and ' to sur· render and IIve' on a lower plane iharl to tight and r~l~ a blgher plane!' It 18' t'b e apblt of IInt\.Ch'rlst that ,I. a). ready In the worlld. It Is the spirit at the world, The world, the Oeab aJ;ld tbe devil 6ght tblelr gr~at ,battles not only at Waterloo and Gettysburg but· In the "ulnan beart, the greatest battlefl eld ~t the agee.

If you au:e Dot satisfied. You mike the tri.I, You _Ide, 'No fine-print eOoditlonlJ..O rool or mblead 'ou, ¥oa mull be IS edt not '1nly _lint lime, bUI til 1b, II"" 7011 UIC

. ~


w~5i~O~beGi od

~~:h=g~ a;:~~~~y :o:~e aa;~a~~d: A~d God heard and wrought won.

"Wbat'8 his excuse?" "The war;" "And you bave no wItnesses ID their behalf. This III the love hltter.s " 1"

~.!.a.CJd,..WblOJhelW~.~~~~.....-~~~y--::~~t.;;-;:;~~: lIesb Diullt ,come. Thls' ls the God that . d k girds UI witb strc~ngtb an 'ma es U8 a1ile .to Btend In the thickest at the ftlht. " Thta ,Irdll!, alone makell tbe \ herolQ and vlctorI9U8. Lt. h~ enabled them to"brfne victor,. out of' leemlllr; ,defeat. "'1'hl'Oulh fait,(. 11.h~)' :have ' subdued kinccioma, Wl'OUlht, t1lbteOulnesa, obo Wnod p~mllel, Inapped ,the .mouth. Honl, quenched the violence of ,the



"Well,lsn't war just wbat they aay It 11I1"-Cleveland PlaLn Dealer.

De happy. UIC ' Red Cro" Ban Blue; much better than liqllid. blue. Deliahtl the laundretll. AU ItrOc!er8. Ad.,. The After Cure. heart ne'er 19.011' fair lady. , Stacy-Then how did ofd Palpy hap· pen ' to· marry hlB trained nursefJ,udge_ . ~y-Falnt ·

Lot.B of people who "try ),eaterday look forward to but -rail .to, Include toGa". Qnly .: cl1elniBt could analyse ol 10m" women.




Get your Lyceum Counre tickets now .


Miss Clara Lile' ill vIsiting friends in Xenia today, ,



There will be a "Demonstration of the Famous

, Rev . D , H . Palmer .was in, Columbus last Friday. '



" 'Messrs, E lmer Rogers and ' Homer Carey wet'e Dayton vit;rltors Monday, Mr.'and Mrs. W. C" Phillips and $On spent Sunday witll Wm. Hay and family, of Route 4. Hear the Ben ,Hur. .Singers and


'( ]lermon,t



Pl8y~rs at School Hall nex't Tuesday



,. The Guild of St, Mary's church will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of ,Mrs. George HartSock.



at: our store, on

Thursday., frida¥ ..and Saturday . Of this,week.


in and see the demonstration of thls wonderful stove. '"

' A 6-plece Aluminum Set will be given FREE to each purChaser 9' a Clermont Range during this demonatratlo,n .. ' "

Walter Burnett of Route 5, who has been confined to his home with rheumatism, waS in town yesterday to vote. ' .

Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Chapmim, Mr. Bas3ett Willard and Miss Blancbe Smith were in Franklin Tuesday m9 rn jng. . J B, Cbapman has been having his share of boils for a 0, eekor more. Joe is taking his boil-time in. a Joblike manner. Ben Hur-'-School Hall, evening.


FRANK ' H. ' FARR, The Magazine. Man I


==5 AND .

'We, ,tl1,e undersigned, \. will not m8l!tel~~ allow aDY hunting or'Shooting on oQr premises dutirig the llUnting seaacJn: 0')r'08O ,Isaac Wilson ... . Seth Furnas Williams "Martin Gons , ~ ~innie Satterthwaite



to the propagation


game "

Tlie ·St'ate' d~ .not p08/le88 any farm

for.propagation purp08e8. '.


". O. E. Pandall. ~retary apu editor of the arcbeolog iral Soci~ty: aysl,triiauirullllr that Ft. , Ancient 'IB, in effectl ' such a Irame pJ:eserve: 'as no hunting ,is ''Pel mitted there, "an'd· 80 f.r as lie .h'........

kno'Y~;~n~,q~ bee~ ~on'l \tor Sj!v,' era! tears 'p'uf; ~ He did not believe that the ~iefy would ' acquieSce in ·any chanlre w.h~eh \v,~ut<l altet




Ne~ Soft Sbell ~gllli'b -wainut.s -~----

At ~e'.Qnable · . lta~e,.

Two' Machl~e.I\' " 8prl.nlf~eldTlre., Tubea and Acc:;eaeorlea•. ", Valvo Ine 011 and Grea.... . ~,,, . "


. .~...... ........;..-

New Raisin/! and O,IJrrants, N.ew· Mince.. Meat, Dates and Fip New ~an '~e ( F1oul'


Low prieea bf the bu. or baire1, It"'.to,~.









, . laUlt-

- .

· .S iity-Wth Year

t--- - . ------i Former ~itizens · l



rr .. -----. . . ~ ·. . _........ .. :._. . . . . . . . . . " · . ·-1 Thefo\lowingtableisther~sultof! r . . . ''p'''''.'' , . "'-1 "M ." . . . {" 'I" ..- .....·~-·l I erson~ ention . o umn f




Whole Number 3289


After months of failing health.,·'s;ci;.-'E;;';t; ·the vote in ' Wayne fownshm at the L I . weeks of psinful llnre9C:. and long . - - - - - - - - - . , Ellection held last Tuesday! rTbe figdreary daYJl and nights between life ures are correct, and also the totals ..... or--~'" '" "'" " .. , , ." "" ...." no ...................... ....... " and death, in the , silent watches oj Mr. and Mrs. Ern~t Butterworth of the county officials l - - - _ ............... " " •• - -..... ~ ...............- . . th night, the last sad bour came and had as their gUeI!ts at dinner SUl\. W t b b t . ' . t' h "t f 01 ' P hil Le . Mr. and Mrs, Harvey' Burnett ' 8rfen ,:",unty. \y en wet y a ou MISS Martha O'Neall was In Day• . H.· V. Wliliter and son. Dan, were e spm · 0 IVe ars a WIS daughter, Katherine. and Mr. ' 300, an d Its- CitIzens must hav.e ton Thursday. 10 town Saturday. pa.~ed into the Great Unknown : " • < , • • wanted the return of the saloon In . , She was the you nger daughter of and Mrs. Os~r Wade. Miss Annie BrowlJ. of theO_.S. & the~oul'lty. Two drycoJ,lntieswent . M~.an4Mrs. W.H.Allenwere m Carl Henderson. of Dayton. was Mr. an ,Mrs. M. L. Parshall . and Mrs . Walter Elzey was hostessto S O. Home at Xenia. spent a couple wet and 27 wet countieS went dry. Cmcmnati Thursdav. here Tuesd slY to vote. was born in Denvljr, Colorado. Aug. the Loyal Daughtera Tuesday eve. of days in Columbus last week at. The' large vote of Cincinnati und .Miss LilIieNedry visiting rela : MiSS"es O" ra Stiles and Grace Pat. 7, 1888 and died at her home in ning: Responses to roll·call were .~nding lhe Cent ral Obio Teach ra' Cleveland off!Wtnearly all of the rest lives in Dayton and Troy. ton were in Xenia Friday. Waynesville, where &he has always Scripture quotations; responsive A88<lciation, ' and made a pleasant of the vote of the entire state. W E O'N II d F k E lb lived. Nov. 3, 1914, aged 26 yrs. 2 S'cripture readingofthe 136th Psalm • '. ea an ran ' . on Hear.Judge Stanley at the White mo 26 da . ' prayer by class. a short program .visit with her sister, Miss Marne ' What the result of the Home Rule Brown, a teacher at the insti t ution ment will ilave on the IItate is wtlre ID Lebanon Thursday. . Brick chute Saturday evening . Being possessed with well balanced consisting of ROngs, readings and a for Feeble,Minded , be determined. Some competent Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman were Mr. Arthur ZelJ and wife, of P itts. brain and full of energy she passed talk on "Observing Christ.mas," a Dr. ' Walter H. M<,Kay. who ' ior men say that the new amendment Day ton visitors last Saturday. bu rg, are visiting MI'. and Mrs , J ohn through her school years with credit general disr.ussion of this subject by will not affect the towns that went . ld ZelL and graduated from tlie local Hi~h the class, f ollowed by a Bocial hour more t han a year was Buuse Ph y. d d h Be II . Dr. Dill. Osteopath, Hames B g ,. School in 1906. She WllSoneof a c la~ d siejan at the Instjtutlon for Feeble· ry ~ ehr t e a aw, ~her~ore If Tuesqay and Friday mornings, Mr. and Mrs. R A, Cr oss have of nine and is the first to pass through an an.appetizing luncheon. i ' ' be . ...- • Minded at Columbus. Ohio. wa.'4 pro· that IS t e case Waynesville W1Jl not . moted in OctQber to the position of have a saloon unleA8 voted on. Miss Be~le O'Ne!lll spent a couple en spending three or four daYB the valley and the shadow of Death. THANKSGIVING OFFERING East West Corn, o.f davs With relatives In Day ton las t with' relal,ivles in Sardinia. During the ministry of Rev. Daw: A88iBtant Superintendent. and 1;'60 , Governor . D M .. week Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Sewell. of son she united with and was bap. The "Men of Lebanon" have in. calves a handsome II8lary. r , . c· Cox D ......... .... ... .. 57 150 17 . N I' Wilmington, attended the funeral of ll"'ed ,. I' n the Chrl'stl'an Church, and Kay a tl end e d a conven t ·Ion ()fA" S"~18' Willis R-.. .. :......... 95 132 9 Glen McNeil, of ew Bur 1Ogton, their relative, Nur Brown on Mon. attended its sel'viet'S as long as health strtuted a county wide movement to raise a Thanksgiving fund to aid the tant Superintendents of State In· Garfield P ............ 77 Hi 28 spent last Sunday with Mrs. Naomi pel'mitted. stllutions in Toledo recently. J , U. S, Senator Harlan and famIly. , day. '\ On June 16. 1908, she \,va.'] united suffere~ of the Europe~n war• . Mise Lizzie Barglilr,. of Alexandria, IToglin D .. ...... ... ,. 50 121 60 Mrs. Christie McKinsel and daogbMrs Roi Heisinger, of Canada and in marriage to Je~e W. Lewis. Lit· .The undersigned bfjve been ap· pointed a !!ub·committee for Way· Ind i writ~ us 8$ fu llows: "In lo~k Harding R ........... 85 131 108 ter -Miss Laura were shopping in Miss J osephinp. Oglesbee spent se v· tIe Ethan came to bless this union. nesville and vicinity. No family will 10 32 Cincinnati Salurday, i::~ with friends at Lebanon Loving hands and med ical skill did be asked to give more than $1.00. Inf[ .over ~he names of MethodIst Garford P ........... ]8 Member Congress Mi!18 Clal'a Lile returned home all that could be done, . ~ut the ex· m)','lsters In ~our paper r ecent ly: Those giving other than as fam· MonJay after a three days' visit M'r. William Snowden and sister. hausted system would not rally. ilies , aid not 8et! the name of Rev. , Hutcontribute 'a s follow!!: 4 113 1e<IR'e, whe p~each~~here in 1 6(). ~uroKRer D ............. g 1~ with fri~nds in Xenia. Miss Etta. of Wilm ington , were in Human aid Wa& powerless and death Men 50may cents, women. 25 cents. boys I alfll) saw that the rr.:.: J . H Palm, .. ass .. ...... ,....... " 141 ~ . ' town Ml'nday at the funera l of their came. the young heart was stilled, 10 cents and girls 5 cents.· ofFranklon.ln~ • was In Wayl'l os, Taylor P ...... , ....... I:': 7 15 St Mary:s Guild will hold their relat ive, Nur Brown , the sweet eyes closed. and all the ville visiting his brotne~. Rev. D: H. State Sen.tor regular ChrlBtmas m$rket and bazd8r M R MI F H bright hopes centereri in her life mittee will do no peraoJlal soliciting. but hope that ' the. giving. will be Palmer. Re \,. J. H. Palmer was my Holden D....... .... ... 45 114 . 60 on !5aturdllY, December 12th. " -flea;H;~la:nd- ~s, :~re tout in- darkness. She leaves prompt and' free. PlLllto~ h~re t"!o years ag~ .and hJl8 ~bbalsR .. .... ........ 86 125 lOS Mis'3 Anna Meredith. of Cincinnati, to the reservoir M~nday and ,mother, sister. husband. in. Offerings can be left at the Way. many frlend8 In Alexandrla. My BIS- Tlcbenor P ........... 14 11 22 was the week· end guest of her par· 3pending a few days hunting fan t Bon and a host of relatives and nesville National Bank or handed to l ei', Mre. EmmaJ()~l1son'~ eld6,llt s?n. Representative entEl. Mr. and Mr.. Sam Meredith. fishing. '. friends to mourn her 10RS. anyone of the commi ttee. Arthur, of St. -LoUIS, burled hiS Wife. M" • . . CARD OF THANKS The sum raised win be forwarded Velma, t1h 4th of OctObel, at Pana. Earnhart D ........... 48 114 56 r . Il!ld Mrs .. C. G. Wllh~f!1son Mr. and Walter McClure and The family Wish to (xpr·e;.,s their to Europe through the American 111. We are all very well here." Clark R ........... ... 78 ~~ 93 !lDd famdy, ot D~yto~. were .vlslting M.r. and Ml1l. Earl Connel: were in to thel.,.mllny tri lids .,.....--_. - : . Kelli8()n p ...... ...... 26 52 Mrs. Agnes Wright an~ daughter O~yton Fri!Jay and ' attended the So kindly ministered' to U1 ,ir loved Red Cro , or some otberreJief or- · ganization of unquestioned' "tanding. Wby the of Courts Sat~rdIlY. pllU'. "The Winning of Barbara one dtning hell illness. and also to and Will n(\t' be I!8nt to any ope Be In Every D .......... 66 119 AllS. Saml Beithle, Qf Max'lIVell, Worth." those who have IIhown sympathy 138 K~n , was tbe guest. of her sister,· ' Mr. ~d Mr~. Wlll Kend all, of in. t heir sad bereavement. . ........ 90 hath tbi. world's goods. I CQuid tak:e only one 'paper.~· M•.s: C. B. l3entl~l, sever41 days of Dublin, Ind.,,,were here Snndayand • - ...- -his brother have neeil, and P ............. 68 137 ' Tl last week. Monday attending the f uneral ser· OB1TU~RY said 'the I.te Mr. JUlltiee Brewer of . u.p ' his oomp"on,. from · the Supreme Court, · "it woald be R ... ... ...... 77 . 113 ' 106 Sunday seemed to be a day of eel.' vice of th,ir brother· in·law. - -!iwelleth the love of God in . The You. h's Companion- a little of. Bizar D.............. 19 11 21 ebrating the election. There were Brown. . ' Nur Brown, eon of Allan wid J. e. Cartwright - evetything in a nutshell, and un· Auditor at least. ten or twelve drunks on the The "Singi.n Sc\lool Beginment," Lydia .lones Brown was born about Clar~n~e S. Qntuaer · bl~~' The COmpanion iea family Jordan D ...... .. ...... 49 10'7 67 street, It is a1legec;t. lInder the direction of Eoy JnDis. one and one-half miles , west of J. l'. Ellis, Committee. paper m the. completest ~nse. ~t Mounts RI........... 72 119 711 Mn. Edith Barria arrived home will bold·the boards at the Lebanon Waynesville 2nd. mo., 12th, 1839, Wedneedav evening after a pleasant Opera House Friday evening J. whflre he spent his boyhood d.ys. provldes:readmll that, Il)'ithout f~l. Elbon P ............... 28 _ 42 lng to lnte~t the young, 8t~1I i.I . ' visit with her daughter. Mrs. Frank Basse~ Willard will be there in the He was bereft of m~therly carel) KILLINO OAMG OUT OF SEASON intet:QSts the mature It ul'litfi " Comm !a.oner 66 Taylor,:of Chicago. capacltyof,s choolmaster. ' ahn~1 attection ' when qUIte " ,sma ;young' ,md old thruullh their common Bigler D· .. · .. ·.. '''- 66 126 c 1 d. AbOut ten daya .go a mer.r;y crowd enjoyment of 'dellgh lful fiction, Sheets D ......... ..... 4\} 123 70 M'1"8. Myer Hyman and daughter M~ and Mrs Davitl Peffer:' and Wben a young man he rentov~ o( Q007lers and sjxlrta from D8ftqD, ' .gr~ble J1lidCellany. and t~e clear . D·................ 53 116 several da~~ of last week at fam~y! 'oCDa,y ton. have mo.v~ 10 the with his father to'what IS now bI8 were arrested alon~ the river above exposition of pu~lic q~estiolUl. ' Baktlr R ............. 68 109 ot Mr. and Mrs. SMrman Old Ktlbon home at CorwlD. Mr. farm three miles nortli of town ' ).It. Bolly. These: 'sportS had been • SO carefully i81 t t!dlted . l!O Corwin R. , ........... ,67 108 and faD?i1y, 01: Route ·6. Peffers has b()ug~t the general !Jtore 8th niO,. 19th, 1.864, he waamarried comingoverfrom DlI¥tonalll'llmmer. are ita ~ontents. ,that it would Wllt~ins R ..... .... .. t.6 114 Mrs Louisa Woo[]ey returned at thllt place :and IS open for bU'3me~. to Ella Jane Snowden. To this union fishing and caln'pirii' "ORK Culam . supply a famllv with Beachler r .... ·.. ·..· 20 14 irom Lebailon Saturdav. after' Mrs. Pefferll was for~erly MISS were born two children, Lydia Mary Creek, and ·had Diad. th_mielv. , fi"tion, up-to·date, information ' Gutter)' P ............ 86 85 __~~P.HI.~~lslt;.--o~,'o .. month3 with -her ErnmA.A~chdeacon o~..plaee and a little san, who died in infancy. obnoxious for such a lolli' 'time that _ who.leaomefun,.Jfnootherpetioolcal SnookP ............... 31 64 · H. V. Walter aud Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of Hil!wifedied 4thmo. 19th. 1888. several-oftheCfeekl'88identl 'ftnaU, entered,the house, Treasurer ' Washington. D. C., spent Thursday Two years Jater he was married sent for the' 'Clinton County MJI'lft' , If you. are l!0~ familiar with The Ferris .'O:..... :.. ..... 89 110 apd Friday atthe home of Rev. and Margaretta Kendall. who died and warden, jnd they aiTeJtW Companion as It IS today. let us send Miller R .. ........... 66 J06 MrlJ.,J. Ji'. Ca~dwallader. MiBS Clara mo .. 4th. 1910. Mter the They were tried in wn'ou sample copies and the Forecast O'Neall 'p 00 58 Lile pccompllnied them to ~ani~, he.n1ade his home with three of the m!'D were for 1916. " .. ...... ... where they 1Nill spend a few days and family who · tried in and coIta· each and the New subscribers who Recorder . before retgrning to ·their home in to inak.e hi.rem~ning ~s two stood trial. So~e POle for theftfly two i~uell Ora. D , .... ......... 62 131 Washington. . . as h.PPY:as poesIble: , in their auto that wu out receive free all the 6~lbroQk R. " ........ 88 117 Mr. .and Mrs, Harry E. Coope1;', .August lS~. 1912, he:was . It looks ,. thoqh ,men ' of,1914, be$des a copy ·of Sqrveyo,r Mr. Bert Cooper; of Columbus. Mr. With paralY8l8:from whl~~ ~e Jl~ver to Jearn bythia time, ~ll , ~ PaDlon Home Calendar .for 1915. Davis D ......... ...... "9 117 /lnd Mrs Burter Lackey Mr and recoyer~, ' . tl\ey have t9. pay BUeb a ~ft' THE yeUt·~,s (:qMPANI<2!'l, aliller R ........... :.. 79 ~ 122 Mrs. ClaYton, Mrs. Louise' Req~arth He died, 11th mo., 7th, 1914, ftn~, that the. laws are made to obeY. 1... ' lJirkEiley Street, Boi~n, ,"888 1 Crockett I· .... ...... 18 21 and . Miss Mary ' Requarth. John 6:~ p. m., aa:ed 75 years, ~ ~on~h~ •. It ) 8 alleged th~t there ' ~80~e e~~ Su~riplion8R~ved at th~s P~. Atty~ ~ Stansberry, of D~ton. Mr. and Mrs. 26 dIl¥S •. , l~vUlg a daughter, four par:tiee alo~ the Little ~Iami that GaynorD .............. 49 12S Lou Stibbl! and SoD, of Lebanon, and ,grandchlldren~d thr~g~tg;and. bacl better watCh out .. . Il~.. or 0 17 ]017 u S· .' R Mr and Mrs Eli King of London ohild,ren" moum his 10.. . they ~ have to biDd out a BimUar THE BEN ·HURCOMP-AN. tan ley ............ 0. ~, Ini attend~d the fu';erslofMrs' :He ~as a birthright member In amounttotheStat& - -.,..." " : Col1me17 ' '. " . '. . . the Society of Friends·and was a firm , • - • BeforeoneofthelargestalJdien.ce8 Ellis· D. r ............ ,. 83· 149 Henry Kmg ,S aturday. believer in an its doctrines , and as HAD S<;>~E FUN THURSDAY that ever attended a number 01 ttie tDilatush p ......... .:. 66 UYl !!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!"'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!! long 'a8 his health permitted was d a r egular a'1 tcl1dnn t to all their aero Mahlon ' Ri4ge told ~~e PePple Local Lyceum 'COUrtlE'6, the Ben aur I, -;;~~~:l=b: .and Players ~ave tne first " A~en menu ·~-~-~~VlA~~WiHl.M!R\!~-T--Mr.r.-eatfl~ililraarr-nleDreacnlP~ last week that if WUUa:was elected ot fljls. yea~ S COUrRe at ~t Preclnc!:B • . most el;CceUent report He was a faiLhf~j hU5U.,,:J a klUJ he would-lOek. his luit on Main street . ~ome Rule' .......... Ya 000 No of the WOo vocation giving the prooeedings in and indulgent father 8l1d a good cit- until the. hat;. was corppleteJy ' Hall l&J'tn~ght. :;?'e pV'ia very p eas Prohibition ... : ....... Yes 00() No at the tec! full • • Those who wer~ not 'f ortunate iz4m. ' CAR-D ' OF TH.ANKS Ellen; stroy·e d. Therefore on Thuracllw . JOg aln d terta nment 0 f 'voaa an , ; November enough to btl-present at the Convoca· morning he aeCoDlpliahed the -f.,.,t. mental music and character 'studies, . Wes~ Precmct ' , .' with ~UBI;:. tion felt that they 'had at least reo We wish to express our thanks to He laid his hat on the aidewalkand T~eir wnrk 'w~ ~ighly' ap',!'reeititea Hom~ J~ule .... :....... 'Yes IS1 fIlo Victrola ceived much benefit from the exer· a\1 our kind friends and neighbors to kick 'it .an.d wh~n he.. by .,the " large aud lI~nCf:!, Wlll~h more Prohibitum ........... Yea 138 No read 145tp 'cises of the afternoon. for their assistance and sympathy at ' up the street as f.",-as'Dr• . cOrporation -, Pilalm , J. F. O~wallader After · ad:j()urnment ' a pleasing the death and funeral services of .hat W8aI pretty ",ell • t.bah f\tJed'every seat: in the.hlill. • _. • H ' R ·l ' . y' 87 N' 124 conducted the prayer ~rVice. · ' program of ,music was rendered. our father. . Quite a crowd witne.ed O~~J u ~............. eR . fl. Th "H I C' t ., th · I ed M.i~ SUilal'\ Wright was present as ·C. 8'. Sherwooil and Family; event, and Male had f.ojfeta new Prohibition .... .. ..... Yes 120, No e · 0quo y . talYt'Ions ~aswereen.,gtven I? a~ In . ' a VI·sl·t·nr. head' '"'~e . . . 84 .... • piece t o' wear ' eve~ ~ay. .... to rOlI~l.. . • - i OBITU,o\RY performance was , a lau~a Ie affair• . , Count,Jficket ~ajoritips . .' the readmg of the mmute8 OBIT~, i\I~Y . _' . . lor everybody .knows t ., he I'S n"t . wnl'is majoHly...... , •• : .. " ,... .. 1126 b . . ' M Sa":''' Z· '" , · dlpgm.'on·.u ..... ' .. ...... , " 1693 uhs. m ess rs. n," 'tA o Tlmhe : w ' J R ' "'b ' J I 6 . Ma YJaneC" o oper the daughter of asYl>l1ng ashe used · to" be, &Jldhis Bar • • oq , W 0 h as 0 m, . IJuers was orn u y . r . • .lOck sometimes was 80 forcible that ' , F~ Irtaj()~it~·" "" ...... ;.: ." .;'., l~Q ' Annual 185~. at W~Yl1iesvi11~, Ohio, a~d di;J Ust~.!!y and MallY ~nn Coo~r, ~~ .he 'a lptost weiR <In. his head. and'~ \' :'l'ibbals m~Jor~ty: ................. 1410 from the Oetober 3 L,] 9 ~4 at r<,Jledo "OhiO.. born in Lafayette. I!1 d ., Septem~r 8Qmctimes l1e klckeci' sev~ra1 tiJQea Th Jior Hewas 'a solDdf Wlliiam and Ehz· 20, 1836. ,an<\, ·dled Ih WaynesVille beforeheeouldloeatethehat ' Clark m8;Jority ,................... lS94 Bone majQrit.,i:.,t .................. 1892 e, aOOth ROgerS: . nee Bi~bon. He wa~ November 5, 1914. aged 118 years, 1 • _ • , ' . Gilm9ui' m~ori9''''~ '' ....... ., .. , 1458 read marITied-J anua ry ]5, ~891. ~o Emma mont\l, 15 days. . f" "I . f . HAS IHN.E CHOLERA CURE Mount,.mlQori\of .•..., ... /<'- 1280 MIS Bernel", .o f dio:cinnati . Oh·o. I "~ Sbe was one of a ami Y.() t e n ' . Baker majoritY ....... ............· 617 . h!avesa 'Widow :and son. Vere,>chilliren of wb~ch one br.oUter. reo COrwirHn.iajor, ...... :'. ......... . years of agc~r His :health bas been Imaina. . . • ' Watkinlrl;najority ......... ........ ling since hc~ received the news of She.was uOlted sister's d~ath, Mrl! 'Millie CornelL John ~tan~berry" Miller maj~tv ...... ,.. , ..... ;..... .flolbrook majority...... ....... .. '. . ". '1,"0 thl!~ Uhlon Millet maj~rity' .............. .. :.. . OARI\ OF 'llflANKS ' of which ;four are ~~1lf1~~~~1l~,_..:.. ...,~._ Sf.hleymaj~tll''' ' ......... .· wish to eXI~ress my gratitllde ' to Sbe ' unit~' UilllLuall·n18l9ritj....... :... ...... so kindly assisted at: the church in W~'esyille. inApril,' "":""---'" - • at mv husband' W. J Roged.. or wtUch sh~. remained a member . Mrs. Emma-Rogers. . til her death. . -~ . She was leU a widow November ·Mr. Rogers;'in hh younger days. ~9 • .1905, later lIhe . Was united 01)8 Waynesville's favorite marriage '0 Henry Kmg,>December, ? If lip. tell UllOme of the A good muaieian. a lov. 1008. tJ1 you delived therefrom....... ..., of sportaj 'and a.ydung The greater part. of hell hfe was man of sterlin" qualities made him spent in Waynesville, :where ahe : ~~~r=~B:.;:~ a &'eDeral favprlte amQnJr o~d. and leave! a bUlbahd. fopr cltildren and "';i~~\-i~'''1:b;: young. Of a cheerful dilpolltion. on.e broth~r and many relativea and c Au:ltmlary generous tu a ("ult with his comrades, fnends. . . CARD OF THANKS alwaYs ready to give his a\!i , .- - - - - - -.- - - - ~, '. Mr. ar;t~ MT . Clarence arder. former citizens, are now -Iocawd .at Denver. oj Their daughter. M186 Marie, was recently ma rril'd to Mr. •~ H MI;II'c r of Denv ..











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<. . . . . . .




"'~~~~'~!~~;~;i enterprise wnen asked, he pi mialed those who _ ..._-_. bim 80 WBIl.--.Il;1~.

0 ,




L -___ ___ ___ ___ __._____ __



IUNTIL THE MORNING Count the Costheirt! Me~ who watc h


pennies are learn ing tJtat FATIMA gives them II chance to enjo y 20 real 15 cent cigarettes at a price omy ~lightly more than they par for 10.

Surety God Has Provlded Tomorrow to Finl~h the Work . of Today.


· S




Wl1'ZE RLAND is unique aDlong I Wllh the situatio n in Europe 8S, I~ nations . it has no proner phys l· Is, Swltzer lnnd apgears to be ralrly cal unity. aDd Its llolillCl\ 1 unity sa te Ju st now. Her gr eateSt dauger

Is the unfores een outcom e ot events whIch oocurr d more t1IaD six bund < d ycars ugo. It Is .roaper ous be)'Ond olbe;- onlillen tni countrl es, nnd Its principa l cltl s are vndefen ded. Yet ttldny Switzer land a copl oasIs or peae ill the mIdst of a. burnlng ; ghlrlng desert of war. Beclluile of Its small s ize aud Its lacll: of seacoas t. tile Swiss R/lj)ubllc haa never beld an importa nt place 10 'the J'II,IIks of t.he powers. Howev r , the Ilttle country Is one or th e olde st in existen ce, and ba8 come sufely throug b lUore tban six centurie s' of Europe an confilct s with no lasting in· Ju"", but conSide rable Incr as or ter· 1"Jtory. ,Since the tim e when Ihe map of 'E urope was Ilrljust d liS It wa s be· fore the pr sllot war tlle four. nations surroun ding Swltzerl311d have Il il chel'tab.e d bOP c $ of. some day adding It to theIr territor y, 'but nODe of tll i'm lIas 4.ared to 'try it. Many SWlS9 tllat 1hl8 war will put some nallon In I~ J)OtdtlQn to lhreaten th Ir sBcred Jlbel'-





wlU b nft r tbe war. esr eclnlly It German y s hould win. . How Republic Wal Formed . It was the house of Hapsbu rg. wbose troubles tltarted the t errible confilct now raging: "'blcb... was directly rasponlllbi for the foundlin g of tho }l elvellnn RepublIc. The Haps burgs WCJ'C 1\ family whose power wa~ rapid· Iy !irowlng, fly the IQlddle "or lbe thlr. t ct)nlb century they were In control of Au strian politico. Tbey were large land owners 111 lhe regIon which Is now tbe he nrt of Switzer land, and they claimed fe ud nl rlgbts ov I' tile Illhab· Itants. These Illoulltaineers reCused 10 submIt to Hapsbu rg rule. On Au· gus t 1, 129t, lhe men ot lhe tbree rcirest oantons of Uri , Schwyz nnd nterwal deu met and forme·d the " Jllv~ H ill stiog League " tor tbe purpose of r cslstin'g tbe Ra~8bf1rgs. Tbat a ttempte d lo mnke Wor on the mem· bnr t! of the alliance . but WIl'S comlllet e· Iy. rout ed in one batlle I\. few weeks atl er tti e pm.poct h ad be n made. Th e three can tOll S were aid d by four adjolllln,g district s In tbelr first fight. F rom th ut tIm e on other can· tons anll C]lvl sions jolnad wl tb the orlglila I ones und ~r tU e (erms ot !.he Ev erlastin g leaguo, Tho ma in occupa· tlon or this orgnnlz al Ion for the next two centurIe s wa s get tint; rId ot the Hapsbu rg and Au strian Influenc e. Rlght.1I n~ Innd owners were receg· nlz <1, but any feudol claims. were ealmly Ingnore d. lind ut no time , cntorc d, success fully. In ~4'7. tile I1ap"bu rgs (orlllolly gave up tllelr

The Indepen d ellc() and n eutrullt y or Switze rland . are guarant eed lly the powers or Europe, j\l t nil In til e case or Belgtum . It 10 lIer p09111011 alon ..b1ch bas thus far Pi llvented un In· 'I118LoD by til e kaiser. II 111 too fli I' h'om Paris to . SwllJl rlnlld for the u ~e of the pesent Get:ms n campaig n. Strictly Nelltral. A Oerman ill-mY- could march up til valier of tbe fihlne Into swltzftl'land, ,wn follbw tlle RIver Anr to t.he 1l0u,th· wat !lnd reach the tabiellm d nort)i· eIU\~ ot 14ke Geneva . Flrqm that reo POD It could )DOve past tl)e squf;ll. end time there WQs a of Laklt Neuchn tel IWd enter France. . laok of unity In the fedl!l'aUon, due to +0 Inaccell slble Passes or difficult tb e ,v Ld e' dlfterel1 c B batween Its mem()() mtry WO~lp be. met ;wlth 'on thl hers. It was regarde d by them as ' a


This lite Is IlJadequate. It breaks at the OlilUIIX. When we Ine about to rea.\:h Ule '1ummlt at all our desires tbe cloud" Rettle around us, the j)l\tb la IOHt IUld we lie o1o~vn by the wa)lslde to reat -rest ,Ill God Sllllll send Uto morning . But It Utere be no mOl1llug, tben we rost with tbe height of our bope. un· reached , with no. aWAkening til the . dream ot CJur being. H we ' ate to .\1 mb the helgbt sba ll WII not enjoy the vlsion'f 1t " 'e nre lo plallt HIe vlneYllrd nnd oultlvat e the vines I1ha\1 wo not enjoy the frui t thereo~? God's purr10se i8 thnt I the ' babn ell,,11 grO\\ to Ita maturit y; but tuan, wbat about bls ' maturll )'! Shall 'lIe sec DO tornoI" n)\v to carry forward tbe illltlntlv e of loday T Llro I, but a tli.n gle or brokon thr ads, a refus beap of odds nud enda If this be nil. WJlcre Is tbe com· pensu.tlpn if tbere be DO I1flerwb\le wherein we clm 'We[\V these broken threads Into 'a dh'lno llaUern . We arc realu reB or a moment'. And will God Ee\S80r ott IbeEe bright ambltlo na. tbeso beart yenrllings, these b'eautl!ul aspirati ons ond d cree tbat Utey ahall lierlsb un(uIOll ed? . W'hat aro Ihe )'enrs of n three-sc ore )\1I:;rim age to carry forward the One sure way to save money Is not things we plan for? 1>J\lst nil lbese to' own floch of automo bUes. 'y lctorIes and de!C1\ts, til se tolls and triUIOI)h 9 end at lUst In II narrow crypt Slllile on. wR~ll dR ' . T!)ut's ",lIen you " .. '",Ub Its ' wilite marker, to be In Ume Red Cro! Ball lJJuc. Clolhe. white.r thaD mos ~.g·ro'vn and forgo~ten? We buve '110",. Al~roo fa . Ad,·. s en Ib gru,ves ot thoae whose ilreo,ms W1Jen au old bachelo r deoldes to lei were a brlgbt liS any, uproote d by predatql'Y swlno, and -the' uttle Jllot married lie keeplI as nmm on tlJe sut).. where th(lY lay n jumble or vagrant jeqL , a~ It be wer bout ·to rob 11. Bafe. wc e ~ lind vines. And do we .all co~e OWN DRU001 8T wn.t. 'fF-Lt, ) 'OU to OIls a 18al, we \ llolll Qod has made 1'OUR ltlu'no Ibo ltemNl r for ~ , Woak. " -'CJ.l.eq but D. mil lowl'r than the aDgeld 7 The 'Krlll unll Grntl\1I"W: ,"\I"~I" Ul~rU~ soul or mall ca1'l'les Its own guarant y .~~tW'reo.1UJ.t:i.l n&rI~~'l\.lJ!i\d' &i.. \;~. tha t it Is Im.Mo.rla l, aDd that the falttlll which It cberlsh es, ' lhll iove which en· .4 ring ~ ItII a gll1.S9 set 111 tt ""Ill 1101l1es ell,~11 \Iasslng hour are Hut fore- ruake any little gil'l happy unUl Ibe gleams of an elldleSIi lite ",'ben we 'meets another little girl WIUI a rLQ' IIhall reaeh the heriLage or tile immor· tbat has two glass nete 111 It. lals, and the good beiun oil earlh :will Dr. Pillrllll'. JelUIllnt be CUlJlI'lecJ forward to lUI COI~8Ulmlnllr .,' ftnd Invl~\'8l0 810n14Ch l P netll Nllulat. linl' and bOwda. tlqn. We ara l\)IOtlC8 liero eoon • lIiaN'Oil led\ tinY IraDWeli. .&1)' &0 au t be lranB~eTred to our llaUVIil clime, .. candy. Agv. . . wbere the wintry 1.J)lUIllI ot s in lib 11 Too 1.I"rtlv e. not barln, where no blight shall reach "Do his aUalnm entll Ipenk for tb~m. the blossom of our lo,'e.' nnd, in day · tbat .h as 'no SUMet, the lioul selves?" marred sball grow to jta complote"They', might, It he "'QuId perllljt them to, but ho jn)\ta~ on bel~ thelr neB8.-Excl!a.nge. . Ipokellman,"

Type of Stave Silo, Size 18x32, Capacit y 166 Ton. i Co~t $245; . Silos s hould be built In time to lnk e We round Ibe best way to Ceed was care of" the OJ'ops berore frost comes, I.CI teeu the brau lind gluten melll be· and the tbrlfty farm er will build as (Qr e and during nlllking time, and tbe early all possible. e ll ~ ilag e afttlr milking . The mllit was 1 bulll a round silo 16 reet. .; Inches b,~ght by one of the large milk com· 111 dlalllet r. by 30 feet hlg\!, '!ind plude!! wblch &IJpply Cblcago ,\11th bot· placed 10. It aboul S6\'ell acrell of tIed milk, and was pronoun ced by mem drilled corn, w e)1 eared . nnd three a tine Ilrtlcle teallng Oil lhe average ocr s of hili· com from the bock, all abollt 3.7 butter fnt by the Babcoc k cu t nnd blown Into Ute silo, mixed as t est . It went a nd "",et down well , For a dairy of ·ttrty cows. two ThIs mlld e 125 ton s of tbe best win· I'Ql.!nd silos, each elghteell feet In dl· ter fe d for dai ry cows lhat I ever ameter by thlrty ·six feet high, shollid saw. • ttl nll ~ h e nous h for the ' \ Inter's We sta rted r edlog it to 11ftl' cows lng, a nd ca rry the stock lltroug.bteedthe Ilnd ten llead of young atock on De· dry ti me next tall . , .cember 1, Rnd It waS sufficien t to last III providin g pl€'nty of sDc<:ulent t hem unlll 1Iiaroh 10. fOlO iI of this nature fo r tile dairy. mll'k Th corn pu t III (hi s \ ' ay ruroil;h ed can b e made better and oheaper , not on ly t he rou/:hag e, but CODcen· more co\'ts cau be kept on ' the und . same trn.tes, as all IH,cd ·(1 to. balance the n u.mber of aeras. , rnllon was four pounds o[ gillten meal III building this fnll, do not worry and rour pounds ot wh eat brnll ller .a bout th roof until the ' slto I~ fill c!: day for each COw. no watter about the weather , as Followin g this s lock In tbe barnya rd s hould It ra ln ·wblle filling 'or Jater. was about . thirty pigs, llbOllt and it will do no barm, as corn flilrly well sows, aQd with practica lly no ' otl,ler m 'Lturad~naedll more moistur e. tpun I~ Ie d, 1 never saw" stock" look b Ei ~ler on cOlOlll lns to make th~ best Sn(lge a'lld l1nroh 1 . g t It In tba~ way,

, m,

aecIl~ea "1 DAMA·GE, DONE BY .




Two Cases of Spontaneous Com .. Be:ekeepers Often Have :Trouble , busfion . Reported-Thorough· in Handling Honey in Their '. 1y Cure Before Stacking: PROPER USE OF THE' SAB9ATH Apiaries In the Fall. IBX S.




Chlnne Republic. Gblna Is a republic , blit·1t 18 llardly believa ble th\lt J~ 18, auch In the senle that thl8 country 11. We moy be. lure that. deaplte Its . ~ publica n name, China 1& .h\led largely by .. few men at Peking. Self·gover..!· ment III aometh lng thut Is alowly eo·' qulred. Jt cannot· be brou~ht about tD • day by convent ional rullng8. Theo~Ucal1y


Chrl.tla n 8entllll ent Can Do Much to ( By F: G. U.En'ltAN .) Clo, or bay Is now b ~lng put up i/1 Regul.t e Ob.e~va nce of the . !eclar Is usullily thin ,and watery many parts ot the country . Already whel1 first taken I\lto the Holy Day. hive, but all tbers .a re reports of overhea ting of It Is deposite d In tbe oells. leES' than . )over hay. . a .tl me, ·mllo h 0 f tb. e e:: t a u..'ll/. at tl7 ft ur"'e ilrls'•ran peohle .,~.. " ~' ho ' woulct ' In two 'cases, i!l l:lamilton county, ler evaporRtes, and further ra wa,. to fa· lice lind )88S on to ~lUr lI~",er cltl· "-t cill \I " Oblo. and' another near Paducah , Ky.; e' '-::s leave th" zens tbe "est elemen'te of Sunda" -its .... a ora on """ 1It'" , " It is reporte d Ihat sponta.neOus com. cell.s unoappe d tor seve.ral days w. en cbimce for rest, Its opportu • . Jlfty fo, nea.rly full. . 4ulet' \\'orshlp Its reedom tmm bola· buetlon took plllc!) and one barn was Sometim es tile be09 acceler ate this terous and d ,mOfllliz lng How Unreno naolel burned. '. ri PEloing process .by fanning ljtudy the Sunday problem or theIr raMany, busJDesa men nctually Milne Tb ere is no doubt that not only at tbe elltrnnc o .of· the hives,' wlllcll . specth· e commwli~eB,: Thla should be that sPelllug ought to clov <31'. but some olber crops. as green ma~ ot).Unue all nlghl, be an accom"a'hen honey done. not stmply' (rom the point o.r. ,.Iew · pllahme nt o~ the a.vernge coUege aradsorgh um, will become so hot 11.~ Co Is coming In fast. 'Of tradltlD n, or of legal enaotm enta, uate~ A young bacllelo r of arts wu burst Into flame when air I~ admltle d. ., The more thoroug hly the honey It Is cla Imed that."lf alfa will becomo Uve or peNn ISB Ive, bu t from recently put to ' work runnlog a. '\JUIU .., riJ)eoe/l tbe lesa lIal/le I~ 1.9 to fermentIs~ prOlllbl the poln~ of vIew of the moral alld pril\tlng pre." In the back ijO l\ot liB to burn ltseU np, but tbere n fact room of • In cllemlstr,y "'Ith are no. well authent lcale!! cuscs or this beei!l se m to be ta!Dlllar wlil~b the spiritua l welta,e at ~1)e larg~ lIelero banker. S offioll. He 'l'as to let up ud , The con geneous url/nn POpUIl'tlonB, 'print a num~er of cli-cula.ra to be "ent on record, slst'ell~ . or honey depends somewha.~ 'We do not baileys In the ~o~mer· out to custom ers of the It·. Is believed that combus tion is upo.n the . IIQul'ce from house, produce d by a fungus ·which. Is callable gathere d alld also up,on' which It III cUiHzalLon of Sun'dsy. by nols)' aes~m' ' Wh~n tbe wOl'k was .B~a'ledl It tbl} haste with blage& that dI8t\lr~ die 'peace 01 .n eigh, round ' ~o dIffer decided ly J trom the of develop ing great beat under certain which It !s ~lored. ,.'" bor:boods and *nlerfer~ \Vlt~ the . 11'01'- standar ds of. spelling c:lJldltlons.. ' lIet bY' the la~. ~')nd RS the bees are of nectar :-they ship of doi1ln 111s al\,nctuary; In letting Messrs. Webste r ud 'WOr<:08&81'. .The . If any I)art of clover Is put into· a are yet more ' tond of boney 15'11\ the rloll 'QlIltU play ShU .and forbld...dlng young man large stack orillto a. b»,rn In large forsake tlie .fields at a1lJr "Utne t6 col. llie poor man (0 play, 'ball or .In any· .nl!e waa lummon ed to al\ ·auell-' ble lilef. The in~erview quatitltle~ be(ore It III properly cured, leet .a load or 'ready prepare d .weet.. . thing lhat. c:emora'lfles 'and. exploltl 'Waa ~otpleaaanl, !lDd ijag toul1JJ .m.., anii' all dampne ss I'emoved , It Is apt to •Tltulu' beekeep ers otten have ' trouble. tbe peol/ie on the day whlc~ '<fod 8h~wed ' 811 much ~ hll f.qe wh n )Ie • heat quickly and"pro duce' a very hlgb ill hjLndling the honey In their aplarl" , mean' IIh6u~d reet .a.nd ra-C1leate them rejoined ·~P19~l.. dearee the ro> t of the omce lutc~ ot. tempera ture. ror when , th~ beet! ge~ p. ilCen 9i the P~7tllcillY, intellec tually .and coarse and there are no fortlficMlons unl9n for defense oply: IIplritU' :,rbe reUre"What'l \ the m.c.Ler, John?" 81, .... Tbe writer has seen hay 80 bot In anuring bar,\,est lbey fall of Importa nce. Further more. France ment or tha Hapsbu rgs waslrom , upOn the allY. On the I1th.e r ,' h~", evory su~·. one ft8keli blm. edlate- his father'l! barns In I\Ilnols .tbat one plun,der lind quickly ,..;,gld. be elltarell at Ii polllt:-wbere her Iy followed by the Burgun ~onvef It baclr tq mer Sunday bold" at )~a"t ftf~n day· dian . war, ."Matte r ~nougb," "eplled Johr,. "T~e could not. hold hjs hands In the maasr tbeilr hlv8ii. • ' .• etenses !\fe not strong. Tbls way during the course of light houri w1ien thousan da .or wblcb Switzer · but he has never witness ed a case or expeota ' an educate d .Pla.n to lpeU )n~~d, undQr the Intoxlca Uni InOli. ~hose '. h01Oes, art not att~ctl perao~1 . • thr,e o ~Imes as far to Pari a , 8S land was attacke d ft8 ve, who . 'a '1!loOminl .aten,og rapher. "a nation. Tbls actual combus tion: <throug h Belgium , Hence BelgIum lIut· · the iJeople' ~ of ready.m ade .honeYI the1 otten do po o""n ea~rl"gea;8nd ~utomo~IIIE a ' nationa l ' spirit .' HO' hss seen, howeve r, n large shed, enc~ e~~II~" .I~S~~ ~=~~ ~~~~~;;!=~ become demora ~en.. It i~' the opinion ' of Swlsl! bmcers al1d a feeling of oueness of . purpose. ' on a nelgbbo r's farm, destroy ed by at Ule slgll!'of lized and like a , mlaet who blloTe few .i lI"."rd resourc es, .~ that Germ'a ny -wlll not ulldertn ke to Pressur e Waa renewe gOld: dream on'y of aeUkely 't o follow the ~row~; . J! d on AU8trla .. the fire, when It was known positive ly that Qui rlng·the .end an army over this route. ' ·largest PoSBlhle"amoun t. i' , ~heY: go to. church onc.e or twIce, . only kit\gdom which Ilad any claim ' to no mealls at setllng al It on fire 'could TblUs swarms sometim es'., fliht o"l'Ir' tile,. ought to do, even 'W blle Switzer land i~ . mQlntal.nlng a 80vetel gnty over the Swl8e, ,ff they I1!l!ep and In have been 'near It ror d tbe ]bOney. . Jltriet neutral ity aud hopes to avoid 1491\ that and finally the~ Btronl onea -lat~ and IIpeJ;ld ~oril time tban . uau8) country recogni zed th(d nda. Hot, muggy ""cathe r will prod,uce break Into the hives of tlui , 'lany part In the bo'8t1lltles, public senti· pentiene 'weall aDd ' at mea1a~ t1le~ 8tlll ,bBye mllch. leillore e of the Swiss Qatlon. hellt t'n clover, particul arly If It Is ~ob ' their nelglOlOrl. Old.tlm e bee. ' t'ert on .tb~r ',ba~dll. T~ll UleDt probabl y 'favors 'the alllss. 10 For' tbe. t.hree centurie s Inter- heavy and has been cut a little Jlon keepe~8 underst and that when' honey to loar 011 8tre;e~ t;O~ftll 91' tt?lnlll~t %:t,. of the 22 ~ntons German . an" Dal troublenext s caused by religiou s dlr. green, or has been rained upon. .t,o e&,r . .'9)111.41 Is to be hllQ,dleint Blust be' t~~n 'Ibto Fi'e.n ch are lIPo!<en by about equo.l , fercnce s prevent ed QU!lIlt!0nllble· r4!801',t11 II! Importa nt' Clov'e r 8110uld be t6ssed up Into' the ' a room and the·.. door . closed. ,"lIm~rll' while in ouesou~hel'n clinton progres s. The party any or elae !!lome :t~reatJo~ o! tb~ ' right lIort wblch contend- air I~ It Is damIl .alld ·t!e allow. ed to dl'Y thero III dallKer tllbt the whOle aplar <eBllentla\.' At,thll potnt vie 1>.el\e"e Jt8Jlan 'lll the chief lallguag e. All three edfor renounc lug tbe authori ty of the out . betore being . put Into ' tbe atack, mllY the , am used i~ tbe federal parllaD lent·and pope and tbe s· parntion be seized' with' Ii f!'e.nzy . tor influenc e. ~f ,. d~~IBtlan of cburcb and and. II It Is slacked green or put Into 11 bIng.: aen~me nt ., ..,roclamatlOnll and laws 'a re publish ed state \Vas success ful, and . should .be f~~~dn' deu.l\r,nlnll}lf,1UI tar lUI on Oreat .~are ~UBt tie rtaken in ,o~~~.g, poslilble ~he, cba~~tel\ .or .no hi them. But the Inha,bltants !lre 29," 1798, a new league was March large, c1.o se m9.w, It is pretty sure, to amusvm enta tormed, maKe trouble. S",ll!s before anythin g else, and auy which ,was· referr,e d to ' I\lvelJ at Ilill!.h times wbe.n .lIl~,Je 0, r 110 ' ani! dlve~loDB and ~ as "Tbe Hel· o~en~ eellli ttempt . to vlol l1.te lhe neutrali ty of vetlc Republi c, one and . . The only way to pre.vent heatill. g is to. honey Is couilng 1n from ,.... 1 ill publ ....· f t rt• indivisible." the A"lds, ·a~. t_aB .JI ~ce the CO~ will mee.~ , with IDstant re- Since tllat'tlm e tbe materll . " . ''t . , ~ • , .. I. tl .1 progres s cure clover hay ve~y tboroug 1I1it. . '1Il.tan'ee. ..... .J of .the country bas been rallid . . New "'eathe r Is wet during hsylnghly. If the at n.o .tlme should · hubey' ,be ~lltlOled - .~Dp'el~ ODa ", 'I( ' lime; tile in on nO!lr the alltary. " A1th'o Ulh 'tbera Ie a proviSion III the constitu tions were adopted ." In 1848 hay mJ..1st he .'glvE)n , ~I" and <;,ur~d . I,n . Be~s do not , i;wiQ conatltu tion prohlbl tfng It st.wi.d. and 18740 I;\eed dally attentto n, but • . some way. If It'll! a , bad cjtse, P.u t al· can be ·glven. I,lufllel~nt .food ' .i'-ono ]as c:nny, the couiltry actually· has a . ternate layers of I!traw .:or old dry bay dme Illst all winter. ''''WHen .n.tura l. 1a11;e and moat efficient body or · Bol. Misunderstal!dlnil. between the layers of neW bay: . 'Is "IIcs,rCe-, bees'" w1l1 ~'i1Uect dlers: It number s well over two bun· . jJ'osephu,s Danlels secreta ry of the '.1'0 prevent heating , the bay sbould honey do'\V, .the ·W8,8tr. .ot . Clf'6d ·thousan d · ~etl . Its equipm ent iii navy, lOld, a~roJlos Ii del' inlll", ' . ot . our teetotal pe'. distribu ted lightly OVer the whole trult "jUice, tbe ,( be best. ,AJtb.ciugh ",omillally a militia Ueet, a aaJIor story. refuse ~totn sugar and !l,u rrlc~ pt tb.e 9tack oi 'mdw, and no motalts e, bal'l'8ls, If ·avatbibill'. lIody bel!ause of the constitU tlonal1l ro· . "A 8U1l0r," h~ saId, .... BBll.or In . the b.lg loud should be 'dumped Il\to ~It\e BUlr~hls ' stu!! c~f!not be caU~d boney ". ~i'lon, it III' actually, a fedcral army. . olil, u'l lreg/lue rate dars, was eut.erlng spot. ~ . .,. < • al!d.:vliII:" proY~ dlsastro ua to. the. beell: These !loldlers , do not 'serve' cont'ln· Ii 'beer saloon when olle of hlB sllPtHo r Hay . gutbers litol~ture ' vel'Y quickly 1f. 1ert In th() hlve for tlJe ~1~Jy, and ther!! la 110 lIuch thIng as · .officeI'll tl\.pped /11m ,,,,·lnter. , reproac htully 'on nfter sundow n •. an'd 'lh9 " I~sl .Ioad · ~. • ~ .. enlIstm ent for a term or years. tbo sboulde~, .' . :. . '",, ' :~ brougbt In aho\lld be alfowed , to ra, ~eed ' He.,1 Some Cliarco .l. ]ill!t~d, nU .mat citizens hltween fi::ted "Tbe sailor, ere Ule .Ij"ttl~ yello'Y flap . mlll~ on the. \VaFon 6vernl~b t', . Fee" Itr;es ara m mbEti<s of the militia and doors of t be saloon ' closed on him Whell put Into tbe bam. next mornJn g or twice11 Jf~le' charcoa l In maa)! once , ~e for !!hort periods at stated In· turned atid said hlll'l'led a week. It keep.>the heD'. ly to tbe: om: \'ld'll'}ce Of heat 'should b, !!are[uily (ijleal1o n In Hood !lhape and t~~'. 1m. ~~ hll .,..9Y everY- man Incer.: · . In",ked tor. portt;nt ing!lttl nll' eggs and"'pr uent, .. be country Iii ' made a good solliler " Can't-, ] only gQt a nickel.' . Afta.r ~ay has been put' a!w. ~,ltJaout seriousl Y' interfer ing with 'bls '. " 'AJtd tile. beer suloon Instantl y swal. I!!ng .Iron rod tnto It oecaslpn 7 , run 'e; ' l~g ' dls:ealle. nllY all4 , 4iC\C!uP8Uon. A [lowertu l /lgMlng torce lowed him up," leave It there a . fe", mlnutes . -If . WI\.n Petecta Appyr. I _ ,be put In llie field' in a fflw daYB. -;.-..-.. hay 18 be4Un, ·the ·ro.d will tell Defects either (lon.tltuUoD~ or ' .a:Dother 1idvaniu~e of tbe system 'Ia HIe ·Speed. fllory. DIO~/ do. no& allow themHl Yel .. a ·U • Dl1C .. t.fIe low CCIt1t. By keepU)1 (lnly Il 8mllIJ BallBbol1 Mlinag er-Con elder )'oU~ i ' It III dangero ua to ope~ up hat MtI~. pm an. aalmaJ faree 1-' aoUve 88...108 tbe Sw'llIs main· s.)l! uncondl tlonall,. re~led . ] I " , " Is' ,'el')' bot, becaule the -::!;:~::'D~ pJlJ8Iilal ••41 . .tal .~.....('la~ faU .. . . WIlat la ,enera1 l7 reprd'e d . . . TOil can sign up with ck",~~flrot."""",,---I a c:1.rcUa. . air 18 .Imoat IIUnt start ~I, utI.fac tory mllltary foree _rae~~ T'ae Bonebe ad -Cwar:d 7)-'Wll at I If the hay I. 110 ~ .. eo , . .... low rateola lKnlttw elve rr&nd melLll-)'1D a treat? tA~II!.~'" ':.l~"l"", .~ rod lID_ra Ole to tile halUl. &be . .... per UDIIm. Wilu the .malI BuiellaU tid.. to do II to 1Il$ ... 1m.~1IiIIti II MlJiGu ..s till••,,..,. But the ~~.;~~ d :.~~I__ .: ~_~~~ I~ eJe»lIu ' ball



¥ _










It la ' not an a·"lploloUII day ror beglnnlnl Journeyl or maklnl changes 10 places ot realdence or buslneal s ites. . ' Commercial ventllrell are under an evil government, ' Loss of oppor.tuntty III probable while this configuration prevail I . It 18 forotold t hat the United , States will be slow In ta king advan. tag~?f what III possible on tho blgh. ways of the lea, but the re 1& .. prom· ISing Sign tor shipping which wtll op· erate b.e~ore spring. Women today, sbould ,btl fortunate III love affairs and In all social enter· prisM. It III 0. luoky tim e tor weddings and receptions. There II a gQod a"pect for theat ers all public entertainments. Again the rise or new favorites Is Indicated and unexpected lIuccess Is !oreehad· owed tor one or two ambitious produc· tiona. Th a rlso'Ol a prophet Is prognostl· cated. The seer/l predict that a man fjupreme ~erll will be recognized the world, ,, Some deolare that he will' be a great lea~her-a Dew M es· slllh-and otherll Interpret the promise of the atara aa morely the heraHUng of a poet: or' a philosopher. A omen of dlaasler to New YOI'I: city frequently recognized by aatrologe... who durer In their Interpretation ot tha sign. One belief la that a tidal wave will lubmerle a greater part of the elly wben It IIhali have become the reru,e of tha nationl ot Europe, Thla date III read aa 1915. A return to modesty aDd reticence II foretold. Uranua, wblch the seers think bu caused many eccelitrlo ac· Uonl .and eU9toms. will cease to be powerful and women will return to older ltaudarela ot Ilte. It la pred1eted Persona whose birthdate It la haTe the augUry of an anxloua year. Loall of money Is probable. The health should be uteguarc;led. Glrlll may be courted, but dlslippolntmenta are Indl· cated. ' Children born on this day are likely 'to demand much ot life. 'I'!1ey may be ell;travagant and careless In· financial 'allalre. '1'IIelr algn Is Soorplo and their principal ruling planet Man. .



~utlOQ' today.

Tbe Itu'II IndiUM pert Ie trom fsUa ' and acoldentl. JIlncll ror the Idn, of SpaiD 111 1 progn08tlclloted. Bronchl ..1 catarrh or I!toruach tr~lUble 18' Indicated In hll MATERIAl_S AND TRIMMINGS MAV , horoBcope. He will be so rely worrIed BE HANDLED AS DESI REO. by nfl:all'" In his kingdom, the leer. foretell. . (OOPTrI&b~ bUbo ltcCluto N."..-.r tll'1I4IcII&4t.) The stars tbreaten ,troable In tbe Ottoman EmplJ:lj, for Uranus ia cui. Attract iv e Use'" Col lar, of Course, I, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5 1914 ' , ,. mlnating at St4mboUl where Mars III Important-Afternoon Gown of setting. Financial dlfHciJllles as well Approved Dealgn la Shown In Juplter Is In benefio upect todo.i. n ._ _ all forel-'!!. hoaUlltles are .l?!~~~.I-____.~~llIu.tratlo_ ~ Ile Venul Is Btrongly advcrse. ChristIans w1ll sutrer In Astrologers read this all a day In trlcta. ' ""'hleb It Is wlae to push aU bu, lness ' It Is enti r ely permiSS ible to do . anyMars la In a respect threatening tbl ng o~le '\vlshe's wltl\ mnterlals and (lblerprlsea. Speculallon Is under a Holland, The queen may be seriouslY t rim mings so long us tbe eIrect Is most aus picious rule. Great fortunea 11I ~ arel foreshadowed tor those· who are pleaelng. No tabrlcs are so contrast, Persons wl10ee birthdate It Is have Ins that th e skUled dressmaker may 'WIse In IDvestment. a talrly encouraging fOJ"BO!lst tor tbe not be cou'n ted .upon to evolve 110maThere 18 0 Sign beld' to be particuyear. Men will be pressed by busi- thing out at the comblna,tlol'I. and, one larly favorable for all persons of Honess and shontd be cautions In their may add , that fo.ct alone Is sufficient brew descent. It Is rorotold that undertakings. they Will attain ,ext.raordlnary power to stamp the season as an Interesting Cblld.rlln borD on thlB day IIbould aud peculla.r one. Europe. Honor In certuln countries have alert minds and persevering , The att.rucUve uae 01 color Is moat and tame are predicted ror a man ot Wills. BOYIL '\\'111 be fortunate In busi· Important and dett tcuches COUllt ror extraordJnary construct! V. and exness and girls happy In marriage. If much. Son~eUmeB th~J mere lntrodu~­ ee'uthe ability': -. they fulfill tbelr destialel. Among ~h08e who 8honld prollt by tion of a f.orelgll mate ria I, keeplog It loday's conOguraUon are cardlnala, to the J)re(~iBe sllade of ,yhat has al· bllihops" prIests and other clergymen ready 'been used, Ie eumc,ent to give a TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1912, concerned. ltll large rellj!l,lllllbllltlel; very obvious note of distlncllon to' a The deatb or a high dl&J11tllrJ II IllAltrology Te04B In the stara 10 costume. For Instance. In the aller· dlcated by the slars. ' many conflicting InOuencell that cau- noon gow.n here shown w lllow green Under lbls- a -apeer clothisri and tion ahould be the watchword today. taffeta Is combined with a lhln 'lace those who deal In woolen goode should UranuI, Mars, Neptune, Mercury, aDd dyed to mlltch, and the trimming Is proOt. There wl1\ be great gain for Saturn are adv.eree. while Yenul, bands ot da rk fur. all \I'ho 'manutacture black materials. The ·blouse, consists of a lace and Jupiter and the Bun are friendly. but there 1.& an omon rea.d al prelag· The conllguratlon la held to be dis- net gulmpe and an odd little vest por· Ing a great demand tor brillia nt colors tnrblng to mental ,iolse and weaken. tlon ot the taffeta with a shawl col·I &8 a , rellet from monrnlDg, Ing to the w1l1_ WbUe Jupiter and 'rbls Is au unfavorallie gpvernment tbe Bun given encouragement to thole for women. Th ey ,vIII meet many difWho engage I.n large allalrl condition I ficulti es hi business and 's oclal life are not advant.geoul, except for thole la tbe coming six montha. Tht'y will of Ilnpreme power to OTercome obachieve Important service to human· slacles. . , Ity, howeve r. and gain places In Dew Mari II declared to be martial, lIelds at endeavor. Inimical and wrathful, 10Vernlng 'I'heaters ' and places of amusement evilly, mensclnc We safety of men ma y have discouraging conditions lor and women. The algn Is read BOrne limo, the seers lay, but tbey ominoull for China and Japan. ha ve the proml'lle 01 large ret-.lrnl beTbere III a prognolUcaUon that the foro the end of the seaBon, which will races which reprellent civilization In bel memorable for a number of exths western world must give way to traordl nary playa. semi barbaric peoples. Warning Ie given agalnlt the dan· A foreign astrologer propheal81 , \!r of . pestllonc0 In thla country. that when ,peace In Europe II ftnally Umallpox an(j oth er contagloua dilldeclsred all natlonll wlll be leveled to eases are prognostIcated. ' Children 8UNDAY~ NOVEMBER 8, 1914. 'the plsne of a new democracy In Ibould be Illudod with the UtmOlt wblch Done will consplcuouBly domicare, , '&strolofreTII read this aa an unlm· nate, except In llumben. · Dramatists and writers ot fictlO)l are portant day, but the Influences 'a ro Children should be elpeclally latefore warned of a period of deprAlall\1)n gertcratly goodl The Bu,l1 and Venu!! guaTlied during the coming winter, and dlscQ\lragement, but ther hate ar-e both In bflnenc a.pect. which wIll be pal1tJcularJy hanl for the llrO~1'I0aUoation ot bette!' cpniUIt la an aUllplploua time ror conrer- ijl.em. Dange., 01 dlseaae will be Intlons within a yeaI'. en,ce8 and for making vlans that ClOD· creased. It Is ' foretold. ' Per~one wbose bll'thdate It II bave corD Imjlorlant undertakings, AI Mara meets Saturn In opposlUon the augury of II. ralrly prollperoua , RQlers sbould benefll by the config. year, but disappointment In 101le or in uratlon which fs beli eved to be comluc· on the verge 0 the sign Capricorn just belore tbe winter solstice. IndIa, · d omcstio stralrs Is probable:, Travel Ive to broadllrsympnthles and kindlier RDd change that will bring good luck moUves, Klnga aud princes will IUt· Greece, tho Balkan8 and Mexico wlll be subject to most dlsturbln. , Inare llgk iy. fer froin IIIDllBs ea, woundll anll be· fluel\ces. The vIceroy of India .hould hlldrcn bOn! on thIs day may he rel\vements, ,the stars Jndlcate, aud , decidedly fortunate In lite, Au In- will recognl.z e the djlmocraey of grief. be ' exceedingly cauUoue. Women's clubs are unde r a govern· ~llllaUon to be carelos8 In drells may Tbe death of 11' toyal Plltsonage, wbo be characte ristic, Love or company haa brought upon hla hend the bate' of ment said to be Indicative of extra· .aod amu sem ent a re often tralta of natioD!, Is propbesled. That he wU! ordinary activities: A .D1ovement ot world.wlde significance Is propbesled, theso subjocts of Scorpio. die from n blow or a disease w!llch af· Jupiter's progress through AqulU'lus rects the brain Is predicted. next month affords hope at grent reTh.l s day ~h~uld be moat ,ausplclous forms In Russia. FRIDAY, ' ~OVEMeER 6, 1~t4. [or minIsters I\nd all wbo desIre to Persons whOSe b[rtbdate Is ,to have Aslrnlogy r eads this a's rather an beneflt 'humllnlty. Now work In which rather 11 s inister augury tor the year. " nlmportant day In pl!lnetary dlre\i- .Protestants and J ewa wt1l joln togetb. Men may experience t1eavy 101lseB. Frock Thalt Will Be Sure to Please. ' , ChallB:ell and disappoIntments a~d tion, (or, whllo ' III tbe early houn er Is ' prog'n osticated. that Is parJl¥ outllncd with tur. 'There 18 a IIlgn Interpreted us tn~l. V ' IIUS Is In benefic aspect... Uranua Is T h e lower bait of the sl eeves 18 or chtr· mildly ~ d yersc and therel Is no etro~g cnttvc of Slavio dominion over a great Child ren liorn on (hili day should gove rnment, part of Europe /Uld eventual troublt' be bright In Intellect and kindly. In fall a nd the V neck Is finish ed wi th a III,tle 'cross d-ovl! r Cold of the same. It Is a fa irly good day (or businesl with the allies ot the czar. di spos ition. They may like play bet· 'l'b e narro\\' unders lll,rt Is of taireta, Danger of pestUeoce hi fO,r esbad, ter tban work and for tbJs r eallon tll'oJectB' II) 'hlch wOlnlln ' are conBnd New York ,Is dally warned should be traIned to industrious hab· olld the very att.ractive tunic com ulnos 'corned. but care shoula be ezerclsed b"th , t.affeta alld lace with a fur bar· to avo id misjudgment nod mlsea-Icult.· lIategu,ard Its ports. ,A dis. Its. dor. Uon. T llere' Is no InOuenco b lIe\'ed eue wh.lcll atrects the nerves Is also IC d86lrell, c)1 lffon may lake tbe encournge deeeptlon ~n,d to render progl1osttc ted. , " dlfficlIllt percelltlon of cMra.cter and On 'this doy ' tbe oll)cns for love at. WEDNESD.AY, NOVEMBER 11, 1914, plnee of the IR CI\; but lace. or course, nlakas It a rriOT!1 dress·up "desrgn_ motives that actuate Important movell 111(rs and romn'ociis of overy eort are ' The nllljOIJlty Qr t h,ese rrocks ha i.e g~tI . • This Is iL day , Qf mlngle4 'good In business. the unde rskirts long enough barely to It Is not a good aspect fol' heginScan.dat at Washington Is predloted., m planetary , InOuence!l. tor"88trololY esoape the fl oor, thus . Il.ccl!ntuatlng nlng any work ' or for entering Into Sensational disclosures that wYI dis. 1Inds that Mercury Is.. In'" Ill) aspeet their nat:roWI.1e6S and uniform wldt.h. new bUlllness IIs60clationa. Partner-, turb a department In the government strongly benefic while I\lar. I. , ad. an ellect alsn heightened by the' long, I5hlplI and contraots are subject to an are tor~told . . . " verse. contrnst!ng(y rult' tunlcs.-LllIIan E. eTU ' leading, Eduea lonal affairs should CCfllPY Tbe rule II nusplc.l oul lor thCl algn. Youilg, In ..the Washington Star. There 18 lIald to be .. tendency. unuBual attention. If the aatrol<;lgel'lI Ing of contracts ud tor diplomatic while tbls conflguratlon lll,tr, to make read the '.tars a The colleges negotllLtlon• . New Bwe;aterl .Are Bright. .. ane! will achleTe There I. a '.Iwa, that Ie held to · huty. d ecI a Iona an d to rerre t th em will , pro. per greatli Many or t he new aweaters have col.lterworda. . Change ,ot ml~d Il ,more 4 new : atatull through co-operaUQn In promIsing tor IIte~r,~"ork of tbe beet cuI! amd girdle ot bright plaid. , .tandard. 'A 'Womu1l111 pin famCl ' " . · er tl m ... , ltata atraltl. the planet~ announce. requen t th an a t oth oneL a ra hrll'M and cat In O::::::~-"'""I'l'be leer!? propbelY tbat an Pe,n ona wholle blrt,b elat. it II han a' ,a 'book fiction that color, ~ltli a lot of d!lsti and go In da'World problem'. rem tnIam. In Ita 'ti ...... .uad •• t lIic~:' 'omen. ,'F1nanclal .a traln. , ' " . the ..In dec.....,' elgn . ., ' , banc!. ' ' This hal been I O I J ' " " J . 'r.rouble onr ' the b~ 'of ..,.,... ..... w ... and haa been ,cotre,d la~ *by 'lkept:I!III,'-' pro.pir, ·Thoae w)lo ~e !i empl~yed bet....een aaUoH 'I. tONlbacJowed. AIf proha,hlr will' bl? ProlDoted. . , .lIel 11'111 dlaarree, It,la· Dft.!Hcted. '. ~ut ~e lo.s of te~1 0 , Cbtldren born 10 thl" da, haTe Idiid: ' FOR WRITING TABLE men- In the war '1 ' " Mill'll . gin. wanillq ef d ..peraj. PRETTY , ' « :' t the prtdlctiOD 'will I, lUi'll to JUlde tham. They 111:01lid Itrlle*tbat will be coilUnlled WlUl u. Owing to' the fact tbat ~e new' i!8 "hrlght. active and rortunate, 1n aU tloa. are almo,a t wlpe4 out. 'It Sa PI'OI- Little Or"lm.nt Would Make an Acceptable GIft or II 8ultabl, moon will fall on th!! CUlP of thCl leT· undertaklngl. Glrla; hown.r, nOIUcated that' tile war wlU be profor Bauer 8al.•• .' entlt" houle with Kan and 'v.eliul rnay mam unbapplly. The, IhQIIlel longed In quartan at,flnt not much In. .' therelli. the ProlPoct ot' lpeed), peace, aT~ld mell much older thu them· y,olTed In the world 'ph_nl. . ulleful and decorative little ornaIn Europe 18 not encoura,lDI'. There' I.he.. ' .' The . pluat 'that" P~81 coaafllots tor ~e mantelpiece or the writ. II a thre.atenlng, II,o for the noul". today ' makes ' menaee " I a t IIltoSloaI, table .s, shown In .the 'a ccompan'yof ' the worlei' and that or'the ~Unltecl NOVEM,BER ' t, 1?1"..- . 'uon, reCkleil. '~8eh " 'lIid quarrel. 'ot Ing sket.ctl, In ,It one mll,y flnd ,a place • Stalel ma!- )'e InTohed, 'elilllet&l}j .Iii , -erer)' 1Qrt. . .' , ' . . , ' , 'the PllciftC ;ocean. ,"' . . " AltlCllogen warn agahl8t decll!ye ." London _hI/Wei" beneat" ,before tile Tbe' ne~ mdob for, ,aou!~.tbday. ~r, th" .ta....· are u.ncer· ,erid ~t the lI!onth b"'· ll1PI~r'1 tl'&llel.t : enl< .~l!alll~g lOll of, In Wn,' Whlle .Man II In benefic, espect or t}!e mefldlonal decree of tha cltf'1 ::'\W.~t;\!m. '. and lerrlllle rallwoy wreckl. Yebul and Saturn are Itrollgly ad- bo.r:olcope. ' ': ' alia exceedingly bad tor . " W'al'lliDg la glveD that frugality ·and .. Death '~'lU strl,t e' m\\DY In high 8OOn\lmr IhOll14 ~1Ie . praotlced 'b7 pertlon-bot\! men and womeo~the It&r!I cons 'ln every ' walll o~ Ute:' _ Th. Ita~. . anncunce, " . Indicate tbat lelf-sacrlflce ahd broth't Neptune In Leo . wlll caUle " ; erly love', will "'e~. ~emlUlded ~1 the , for Italy, It Is ror~told. T~!lr.~ ~or d. Evil will betall tho•• 'who tau an umhioulI .dgn fo~ the VaH~. " to · heed ~he cI.Il ,01 Ulllyereal bFOt~er, "fersous whb le ' lIlrtbdate It ,II haT~ hood, 'tbe aeera deolare. ~ tlle"augury-o,f ratber ~ ct\llet year; R~' Reslden~1I of ,C alcutta h&v. a , te~ ~Ign .that 'fOrelib~4OwI eO'me irtovala ,ap4' Changl,lB ,~e Jiltely t "btl . I J{ '-'. , ~ of.!a. panic. I ' • I , ¥np~~):~en :~'rn thll ' . "m'. 7 'nan,ch!g , agalft come". .unltar ' In. ezlrelllely. ~'8t1~1I~. and ftuenc811 that wnt· tend to diminish In. nature: These subJectl -of Scorpio t~re8t In tb.' amusement tbat hu ali ulCl ~ tallgh~ to gUB!4 ' apjD8t claimed much &ttenpon. .' FrH'ollUea ot' every sort wUl bl!COme leu PopubrusQueneBS. sarc,u m and IHreUvetar, tbe eeerl" declare, but' thene. Ileal. rear w:tll be rather' fAvorable tor publie emillementa. - ", \" , ' College 8lJOrtil are It bJect to a prosPlio,", ' cUreotton. but tid., iii not " luoky da,. for 'uUl 'Of 'pb,..lcat Itrenltb, ' - .• . , , l'1tflOn/l 'wbol. blrtIi.iII\te It II should beware of illite and balblen III.

HOROSCOPE line stars Incline, but do Rot compel"









j ,



be ..t·


FOR THE WOMAN WHO SEWS Proper Way to Thread Silk I/'Ito NeedlB-'Have -mall PaIr of Sci .. lorl AMaya Handy. A Iwtlye tbread ijllk Into 11 need! by putting We en of the silk t.hat exis ts beror It Is ullwound from tile s pool In the y firSL. If the silk Is put In (rom t.he end you break or cut It untwls t H more ellslly than Ie It Is thread. ed from the other elld. Don't bite threads. tt Is an CBS Y thlllg t.o liave a amaU pair of sc1S8ors You can have one nlwaya ,halldy. rastened about your belt with a piece or ribbon or tape. BIting thT ad Is a bad habit. because It brcnk s the enamel on tb e teetll. thus making work for the dentist probable. lip 11,11 basllngs to be removed at live 01' slx·lneh Intervals, Tbey can Ule n be pu\1ed out without wrinkling tbe rabrlc. H you are making a skirt or waIst with plaits or t.ucks In It. try pTes~ Ing them Into place betore bastll\U Wem. Pln them In two or Lhre plaoes and I?tess with a cool Iron, r eo moving the pins as you come to them . It Is then an easy matter to baste the plaits or tucks exactly In place. Don't Bew on black at nlgbt. It Is very tryIng on t.h e eyes : White sew· Ing ,Is the only sort that ough t to be done at night. and that allOuld be done III a clear, aho.ded light, Never sew In the dusk . Nothing tires or lnjures the eyes so Quickly BS doln!; , flne sewing III nn Insuffi· clent light.

The Adveh~

tures of

Kathlyn By ,

Harold MacGrath




will start soon ' in the columns of this paper.

CritIcism That May Be Made of the EKtra Short Sklrt-Aa to Light· Colored Stocklngl. The faahlon ot wearLng ILght stock· Ings with short s kJrts and black shoes Is one that attracts lIltle attention In !ilurope and too much attention In America, Tile street crowds always gaze at a woman wbo shows several Inohes of ankles covered with wb.tte or gray silk stockings, although they probably would not notice If· tile stock· Ings were black. The objectlon to theae extra skIrts La that, It put, toe) many a.brupt lines on tbe Ogure hetween the waiat and tlie Instep. There 111 allnivere~1 tunic, pla\{ed or godet, whlcb cuts the flgUfO bet weell tbe knees and tbe aDkres. Tbeu comes tbe underskirt, which is s hort and narrow. and cute the flgw'e In anoth er IID e Just a tew inches below the tunic ; and this line Is made more de nnlte by the use or white or lIgbt-colored stocldng s which , In themselves; nre aDolhcr dl Vldlllg Une when they come to the black IIhoes.

Subscribe now' and start reading a home newspaper with the ' opening chapters. The story that packed 'the mo~ing pictul'e 'houses ,and the most talked -of story of the 'day.,

SEASON'S STYLES SUIT ALL Varfey of Shapes In Veivet Hats Thl, Fall a Source of RejOicing to Women.

Rene:w 'Your

Spea l~ln g of velvet h,a ts; aome or t he new ones are bewilderingly beau · tlrn!. There Is such a variety ot shades thls year that every type of r.emlnl ne beauty cnn be sulLell- a rao t which Is hailed with delight by lon G sufl'erl n~ womankind who (or yeafe have accepted fosbloll 8 weirdest fan· cies wit hout a dlBallP~ovlng Ill,I1rmur, tiiougll they reallzod tllat thl! prevail· In g .sty leH were rllr [rom' becoming, '1'llls senson, ho wever. all that ,18 ov er. There nre stylos to suit all faces, young" old, fat, le!ln, beautiful and even tIle ,homely, una In consequence ~'o,nen In general, are rejolclag. For the young fresh beauty Who has not hIng to ' fear In tbe way of wrInkles tbere are saucy little toques. balanced on one side of the hea d and ' orna· mented with a weird feather tallcy, For tile 'dasblng girl wbo wishes It broad eweep to bel' , hut then are Innumerable broad, brimmed s hape, whlc!h rely on their lI,eauty of line tor their decoration, '


. '

Now! 'Don'f Miss an Issue The story of'Kathlyn is just ,a s thrilling as th~ pictures, which are being, shown 'In " moving pi~ture . houses in evelY town and city , in' the country.

_- .......... --

cure a dry cork and grate It up Into tiny pieces about the size or a pin'. bead. Then cover the exterior of the jug, with the 8lIceptlon of the handle. with glue and powder the corll: over It until the whole of the surface Is entirely covered. It 'should ,tqen be lert until the gluo ia Quite' dry; any loose portiODS of the cork can be ' removed . with a aort bruah and, If neces8ary, that is to say, Ir any of the surtace ot the jug Is e.pos'ed, tWs process can be repeated . The Jug I.B tllen covel:ed with gold paint and the handle painted with PIlle ',I blue enamel. These little jugs, treated, In the manner dcscrlbed, make pretty and a ttractive little ornaments ~nd sbou)d riot ,be forgotten when 'work 18 being pre: for a bazaar, Ilnd In place of the laId paint', 'If prefe'rred r tbey ean be entirely covered with enamel of any pretty p'ule, shade or color. ' i



TraIna Again. Tralrus are ueed on most of the nl\W evening go~vns. 11'or a long time mobt evaDing gowns, estliclally op young~r women, bave been traLnle8~. Some, to be i;i1re, have lIa(l trains. Bllt now mOllt ot the naw oneS have tbem. With short skIrts, a\1 tbe way 'around, thlt . gives a 'rathe r oCld appellrilnc6. 1! hangB $eparately trom the wahit Qyer the very shQr,l skillt.


Cost, a FQrtune ' A.forlunewas spent for the '' dramatic. . rights an4 .in stag. , ".ing·, the "play' ~nd, . ' 'prodpcirig ': th~, mo~ lion pictUre :~ roUts.

The lrltnnUng on"very l!\tge hatl ,11 seJdom l1Igh, They ate . on ' the picture'Que ordel', shlliped so ~B to 'llalce a b&cJ~ulid anel frame tor tile f&lie. Tbe empire not. i••troD, ill

ot lit,



.un. uuI _ .....~_. '.l.II·




Estate or w , B , l*res" insanll, ~Iber' D. Bond, brIdge repel,. to a nd (lnl&l lloOOu llnt 01 KOBldian FtIlokl\n townllhip, $95.50 Mame, fi led, allowod and confirmed. road work, ,1111. A. '1'. ReU18, road to sell the most remarkable bargain in the malrazine world thilyear. Eat/\t of 'Arth or B, Roll . de work io l!'ra'nkl1n to "'nlhlp, 1220.46, OIIale l . Firat ACoount 1'( admlnill· Oregonia Bridge Co., oo~'raot 208, II EVERY P, B$OT H trator filetl, aJ\owed nod cont1rmed. 1262.60. Stn~e of Ohio VI Jamee McGee, W . E . Curren. jllstioe Ileaoo, Estl&t of.J Jhll 8. Emmons, de costs and fees, $10.86, .;t"taof Ohio oe~@etl. Ord er mllde for ett le~ eJ;lt J -Without any ad~an~ in of olalm of Alrth or 0, B"rhlow va,Ora N.i1l1on, W, J . Oorren, jill!'100 peaoe, $19. ' J To OnePllJ'8On tl gllo inll ~ Bl1id e tate Pricet!l we are having Contr llot 353, let to J. M, ~herbit E rill e or SStIlh -M. Hawkins, dp. A m nthl y !'<IJlIry ulld liberal o~misslollon for, milking a stone .. od ush fill at J oell ed. Inven~ory lind ' appral8e each order. laries r UII up tn 1250.00 per Large Sales In ' orlb on Strout pike lit the estlm ate month. depending on the l1u'm~r of orders. weDI fil d . of $67. 6. 1'hi ' wo rk C.l 1I be doae in yo u r spare time I [1 l1d Est-ate Of Jobn Zllll jf. deoeased. ne'cd 1101 :Ql1 l1icl willi your present dUlies. No Vontrnot let to Zain Armitage for Sale bill fi led. im'!! 'Imen l o r previaII" c)(perienc--e ncce.<;Sary. !!Iewer on Lebanon anJ Monr Ie pike In rfl will of E. Murtin Tbompson. I~ nd fills of dirt and grnel on tbe W iuruish full ~quip menl free. Underwear Wrile fur partie.lars 10 Cuso oontin u6U. Sbaker a rob' and Green 'free tol t E tlitfl of RobecM M. 'rbompson, ho u ~e at 'be estimate $111 96. Cloths The RIdgWay CC)mpany deoeatlod , F Irst liod' fiDa l aooount COYlt-raot l e ~ to Zllln Armitllge for Spring end Mecdoueal 8t... New York of exeuutor tlled . Hosiery I~ oonorete abotment on Kirby pike Estate of L. C Eisotlnmenger, in , lin 'l'urtleoreek 'C.WD8hip, at 'he ell. Corsets sane. Third oocount of g Ulll'diao Umate $110. fi'led, Von'r8c~ let to the,OregoDia Bridge Dress Goods 10 r e will of E Mllrt,·,n Rlu1Pson, Co for Ii steel beam bridge on M08e All Kinds' of de08811ed Will admitted t o probe. 1'. Be;' road 10 FrankJln townsblp 'at Deborah t>lmp8'O n lI,ppnln1.ed exeon. I he esti mate 1199. Broad Cloth - - -' trix. No bond rflqllired Vontrnot let tu the Orellonia Gaber dines , ' Estute of NOllb tL Miller, de 13ridge Co , for aeteel jois t lind ri8erA Common Pleas Court French.earls BouHon Carrie v. MoOlhitio VI. John A. cell-!!ed. First floooant of exeoutor on Bliit Run bridgE', creo,ota nllllers l, tiLnd clMojng Bull painting o'r ,l:ridge, .' , Ta Crepe Mo(JUnUo .On agreemeDt of porttes flied : . 'hia Mae ie dismissed at oostl of de W. B. Stllbb!', all ad ministrator tilt the et<tlm l~t e ,:no SUCct'ssor to Sergea , fendant. or estAte of Albert t:I~nbbs, deoeased Me88alin Silk r F E SHERWOOD New Suit-, VB Euoloe ~Hubb8. wido w. et aJ. The Important • • .. Peopl e '8 Buildiug, LoaD & i" n ving& Ribbon. Baat in m ind IblltCbllwberlaln '8 Over PO~ lol'rice, Wayne.sville " O. Probate Court ProceedIngs C:HOPIlOY ~ rBnterL lellve to file an. rnbl et~ not ooly move th" bowel .. swer /lod OrU.i8 petition. Of lice ,l'hone 77 House Phone 6-3 In re will o! Mutin 8impson, d/>. Estate of Ellrl (J . Wtleon, de tiD' i Ul\)rolve I'hi:l IIppet,ite ",nd Aluminum Wart' 600stunningstyles in the Winter 0811eHd. C. V, Ben lJdlO~ appOinted oe ed ::;e ond lIooou nt of admln ~I, re1J g lll en the digest.ton For (10.111 issue of ,"BuUerick Fashions." Hand, Bags by lill detl lt' l rl'. ~!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!~~ to take of witness . ist~llto'r filed. " In re goardianshlp of George . A magnificent' selection to , SO:t Cases Shutts, confined tn 'he 8tllte Bospl. Real Estate Transfers choose your entire Winter wardHOME MAKERS', SCHOOL HOD'e Adornment till at Dayton . J , A butts ap· Mary V , ~h~rritt t i Wright Hill, robe, This lovely publication poiu't ed ~ul&rdian : Bond ,60U l1led. lof.s in Muioevil1e, 13. A pohool ot f,~~oiers liD'! bome is only 25c, which includes any LOUIBIlo Gray, by !'ber ff, to Alice .J, makers will be held lit Kio.gman .lomes Uenry "andervoort eS al ., Rugs, Mattings,Etc. Butterick Pattern you like Free• exeoutors VI! Jobn Vanderv00rt et Biggs , rell! estat.e ill Milson', 13600. d!oritll( the week ,of Nov. ao Deo Ii QIV£II OUIOK RELIEF , At the Patta'n o-mn-t ' , l.'his ohool ie the re>4ult of oommu F. 0 and Kilte V. Wright to Ben Pain leaves almost 1101 Report of examloatio~ ~f Jltle~ flied showing "tie of elta nona. J"1D6I1on. 33~ 1(, aore in Washington oih' work and refieots ored!, to the as if by magic when /'0 progreeslve , spirit of the peoiJlA io you begin using "/).' tben Vandervoort aoll tbat th. same iM proper for r egistraalon . towDalilp, tl0. a,nd a ronnel Kingman They have Drops." the famous old In re estals of Annat. L Boook,d,. G, F Brown t.o 1. U, Brown, lot seoured llpecialillts from the College When the Wltne .. Scored, B. V, BARNHART, r emedy for Rbenma· tism, Lumbago, Gout, oa8sed, B . 11. t-:oooit appointed ad. In t:!ooth P ark subdivision to Lebll o,f Agrlcolture to giva ~nstroo'ion Judge-"What is your occupation, Sciatica. N eua<algia and demooltraUonll \n the subject8 my man?" Prlsoner-"I am a bUI I ministrator. AOlld $SOOOftled. Ap. non, *165. Notary Public and kindred tIroublC!S. ptillsera. John W. ~h .. wban, G. 1', Ch arI B T, Oulbertson to Vbu)es OIf SoU Fertility, iarm Ur IpS. Pool. drinr, my lord." Judge-~ 'You mean It sces right to the Browo and J . Merrill' Bone B. Dohrmann, undivided i~terut ip Cry RlitliDg. Antmal Husbandry and )'ou .... the driver ot bOrtlel attached All klud8 of N'ltary WOlk. PsoBlon ipOt. stope the aches theretor' Prlaoner-"Yee, II.r." Judie Worlr 8 HptlO".I'~ . ' Eatate or Colvin C. Snuff, de ~~7 lIor s 10 Washington townlb!p, Uome Eoonoml08. and pains IUId makes lifo WOI'th living. Get Make .. note of the datt.'. tal" tbe -"You are charged with hitting tbia I,!!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!!,,!!,!!,!!!! oeued. , Fir.' and final aooo)nn~ of Deliluh Burley to 0 B Beoder. sobool over with yoor netgbblJr, man 00 the face. Did you do Uf' Prle- I! a bottle of "5-Drqpe" admlnlt!tra$or filed. ~ ioclay. A booklet with bunt up a. m em.btlr oi thll &1ember. oner-IOCertalhly noU" Judge-"Wllat . f Ph oe be NI 0 b 0 Is, lion, lot 10 Lebanon, II. 1n Ie estate 0 each bottle givell full ship Uommlttee of tbe ~boill, and did you do, tl\enT" PrlllOner-"1 btt deoeaaed. Firet Ilnd final aooount 'Commissioners', Proceed/n!'. directions for use. , , him on the nasal orpn ,attaohed ,the" boo', delay. Demand Qf exeootor filed, a)Jowed and oon· Obio Corrogated Culvert Co. Cnl purohase a tull.,week tioket. • • to."-TltrB1t1. "f)oDrope." Ii>on't ac' firmed. Funel,al Dil'6'ctor vart pipe, 1126, State of @bto Don't Delay Treating Your Cough , ' cept aa~ elle in Baals ot CarlRtB Whltenaolr. l1e· vs Btll'rr Barding. A J , QI"Iine, place alit. _ ..... . and Embalmer, 11 ellg ht COOlh ot~o becomee Ir!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!~ " .... CUI . . . . . . 7ea. you DYe too far ~Ied, 8IH)ood and floal aoooDDt jUl.f.iQe paROII, "osttl, $3, 75. ~~to of eerlooll, LODgS. get congelted, droD from a drug • _'4 pne Dollar to of'admlnlsbalor 'flltld, approved Ohio Vtll:!Rm 001e, W. A. BYld, jus. WaYne8v ~lIe •.Ohi,o. Ada , Si 1e pelioa, OOBt.a', 17 10, F M. chl1l1 Tubes fiji wl$b mUOQoll. YooJ' SWIIDIOIl Rhe~ Can Co., Newark. ahd oonfirmed. reduoed. Yon need Dr v'ltalUYlls Ohio, ~d a ,~le of "5-DropI" wtlll!e .&ate of, J08eph B Corrington, " hookey, gUllrd rali OD l300tb Leba _tprepald. .. ineaoe. i'll'e' aDd 6nal account ot non pike, 120 tltllte of , Obio VI! BeU's' Pine.T1lr.Boney. It loothes , aoardiao filea, approved aDd 000. 'renk p , Lindsey, M, A . JlImeMon, yoor, irritated air pllIsages, laOeena and make!! your Iy.&em ftrmed " IjUlltioe peaoe , OOltS, 1495 L G , mooooll resll1t Ooids. Givr the Baby and EIIt &e of Buth' E , Ludluw, de. An:iers\ln ):3ons, lumber ; It7 ~,6 Dr, Bell'l Pine· Tar· Boney. oeaaed, . Flret lind l1nal aOl ount of Samll, oar of lutpber, tU5.20 1111 Ollildreu WI gu&rlDteed to belp them. Ouly admloletrator . filed approved and m er M. BowelJ, wor k 10 O!ellrcreek 260 at Y(I,o r Droggls' ' oonfirmed towns hip, 116: R. A Mo ,ll t.oh.!lOD, '.-,..-~,' oon'raot 3a1, 'I H .BO ; Same, contraot' ~~ Es~..te of Marie Millpr, imbeoile. 935, $110 , V. W ~pl\rkl!, uontraot Stretohed Cane Seat.. FOQrth aoooont of guardian filed 81 ~33, $73 20 j Z~ln Ar~itllge, oon. J When the cane eeata ot che r. haye lowed ana j)Onfi.r med. , t raot aS6, $198 60 8 0 mfO, contrllot become Btretched, take a teaspoonful 337, $190. Orf'gonia Briltge Co,. oou· ot wa8hlng Boda and d1slOIve In a 'rllot 3 H. ~19t 09. !:lame, oontr.ot IlIUart of boLllng wate~. Dip a cloth in 842, $l61.43. Slime, ollD'raot 8!l3 'bls ' solutlon OWN Leiborn DR~ J. W. M.ILLER, $l60.41. , W. -W-:- Wl1l1Y, contraot , olf the aeatl, leayln« the chalr tu~ed Rook ilooacerll. aso, $24.30 j Alonzo Ti~as, o~nt"aot IIlpaide down:-to dry. Thll treatment Ne"&O,n Smitb, R.1, W.YDeBvllle, III ,.... WO.I.D ••• DENTIST••• 384, $20 55. I:.YOD Adami oontrllo$ will Bbrink the cane to ttll oriliDai Ohio.. nj!5 pUl!(1SII!D Wl!l!nT. $4.00 ~ 110 317, $36. ' A. L. B3ttlg, road work all.. .........: D.UCO'iiii, IP.C!tAUMIe • - • SINGLB Barrel Sbo' GOD. Good OO.TU ....... T.A ... ~ ••• OA. W n 0 \tl Frankhn townshipl155.59, Ray ayoe8\ti e, mond Barshbarger, lIalary allanl Th KI d of T d , . . . Dew. Gao. MUls, Wayoeavtlle A.D ..V•••• VIC. NO"-' '".0 e nu om ' 0 ay. . 2'" "" ..... :;=====~===~~=~~~============ t orat_oonr th ., I)nljP, , ~ • 0, thou, that plneBt in the tmpriloD' Ohio. ' . n u .., UllltO 1ft AOV ...,...I ..O COWM_ General cootrlloo~~ were entered In. ment ot the Actual, and erieet bltterl, K til RIe LS-Por,,' bred PIJ~ 6AMPL~ . COPY FREE to wlt b tha iollowlng peraons : Wal. · t.D the godl tor. a klngdom '. wheretn , Doo'· h Boo~ ~""'lIerel .. Callor . . . . . . . . YOU O..u_PPyl!.. .. _. ter Bll.tzroth .l:'o~t]lUJd oement and to rule and cnate, know tbt. of a ... ~ __ .. , lQOnst pOStll at mllrket price j J, O. truth: the thing thou leekest I. aI. addreu 111'1. ErnlNlt Po"erwort~" _~~=~~=~==~==~ Kephart, Waehloglon t o'lVnshlp"E. r .u dy with thee, "hera or"nQwhere," R ••I). Wa10esville, 0blO. DJ5 ::: ~ool1d



BOOy,~gUlas ~5cO . DELINEATOR ,50





.. Hutchison







InSURlIneE A. R."Chandler



._ ..---












labor Ill.

OontrBO~ 3501e! to Perry Wolfe for


cooldet thou only see!;-Carly1e. •~• ~ Active Liver Ileana Health 'If yoo wall' gOod beaUh, a olear ootpplexloo aod freedom trom Ula!. ne8a, f VODstlpation, . B\lioQneBB, Bead~obea I\nd Indigestion, .ke Dr. , Kiog II New Life 'pilla, The1 drive on' fermenUng , ~nd Qndi&M'ed Ic'odB. olear the Blood and oore Con. stipailon. OD1~21i0:at ·' ,OUt'. ~f.ui~ giat" • __


TO~E.....JA ~m~ll .. hea\,ins Itove ID ,0 K. H'.E'. HATH A WA:V

, good oood1&,l oo, Inquire,of. Mrs. , ' _ ' , ", R. M, . Sobllt. Waynelh',Ue, Jbio. ' WI"'-'rJlle'. Leadl .. - DeJa.... • , nl1 ~-. ~ 0dI0e In KeYI Bldg. Ibbl St, UY'8 navy bloe etlrge fall Co ,to A . A '3;; oon..lor $12 50, Not beeD ~~~~~~~~=~~~== .orn",moob. roll length. , Size 36 ·w ' 88 M ' T ' P CalD at - rdende Qr " re.. . ' , .. '026

a oonorete apron and , potting up ratting at wall along 4YOr8 farm at 'he estimate 145 06 ; Contraot 361 Ie' L It MoAdams for oll.niag and paintin'g low truu Ite~l bllidgt\ ,on Bltohie road above &oUl' Lebanon depot In Bammon ~ome! CllY~· Funeral Director.. &ownship ..' the eetlmllte $17.63. TWO 'Oarloade Prime OoItoD l:I8ed ' " , Contraot 3521et 1-0 O. A, 'Blur fOil ' M_l ,l'totein $118":63 @ $27.60 Telephone day or otah', ooflugated sewer and oIJoorete head per ton f. o. b. traok at W~yn..vUle. . Valle,. p~on~ No. 'I. JAD, walls on, ~..ynesville and . Morrow ClvlI/atll)n'a Ad'v I"es, ' 0 Cara, doe &0' arrive aboo', Nov. D1 .. N 8i-J pike tn TorUeoreek tpwullblp and to 'How Uloid anel' puny seem the ~Id-' Ut'b: 'Order. be plaCled ",l&b , II ' D~ ~; ' ~ ••, r. , _ a fill at the eetimRte of '2S 94. time roar of the 'oc,!!an" the cro~ln~ of oe previ90 1 $0 arrival.of oar, . • Tue _ , , '. r •• , M Oolllus, oontraot 693, ' 15~,20 rClosters and the creak of farm ,wakonl M'orrow '1!'sed &8upplT Co., Morrow,' ",~omObne, ••rvtoe ~ au, ~ , Book: Co., Supplles 1!·hen nowadays, as we IInger.1n~lIOme 0 , .' . n11 WA YNESViLLE, : , • :' " ,_, '11.25. B F. Trlm. ' d~ltant caravaneary, we recru1t , our • for couoty, 14410,. 'W'aated energies on hesitation,. re«·. HOlll3--tJoD)e Doroo bo~re and Branch Odlei., JlarTe,.8bDI1I. 0 , ' B. Larriok, haol\oK and , time, I phonogOLPlia, telephone ~1l. ' geltl, and II IIteer ~Ivea 0,,11 ~~~~=====~=;~~~~~. frelght,14.86. Western 8tar, Ilub. od siren homs: ".'. " on 'lhad Zlmmt!rm'~n, B. D, 4. _ 5 Hsblng times for holding cQort c'f ' • -. . ,... Waynesv.ille,Obio, .. D 17 ' appeal!!; b'iLnk n )t~oo aud IIperUf'1 l:.ondon'. Governm,nt\ ' , .. . , proolaDiation , $17 8." Obl~ oorru Greater London, with a populatloD HOaeBl-Agood,-worter a~'Ywhere " gated Culvert Co, olllvert plp~, 6f 7,000,000 alid an area of 700 Iquare can Bee U by oa'~tol on Yeterlnan '128.70, Job,n LaIqar, br1dg~ lum. miles, Is a Co~p08tte 'dlatriet mad. B. C . A~.~uaon, ' &arve'lbo!., Ohio. , ' " , ber, 158 02, • W. ~. Decbut! ~~dge UPl of 38 alty b,orollglil' and 29Buburbaa' , ' .l " , ' 017 Oraduate of ~t.8l~ ' Unl,...... ' ~ork i n ' !8nklln t!lWI1SblP~, '2'. tOWDS, governed by varlous' city antl COOKERJnt~-tJ C. ,W. Leghorm, . F. M8son & Co:. for 1., B Holbrook, to'wn ' cOllnells, but In' certain m"tters aDd '8, Ol'plnlJ&Oo Goollereie for .' /" .....--... ' repatrll to m~ohiDe In reooraera,om~ su'borj1lnate to the ' LOndon ' ooutT ..te call B V SmUb phone Office at rel1idenee In F U SIler '10. ~Ilme, rept\lrli to 'maohine 10 · " ' , • • • Ob ~ . " , ' ~, audit-ors office, 15. yv, E. , Decbant-. council. • _ • ~7.8X:, WA~~~vlhe, 10, . " 0 11 wood II hou~. four~ St.~ road repllirs 10 FranllUn township" '1:'0& ~le or 1'rade--BlaokamiUl T;"--':''' 28 ,1(1, C. W. !:3pllorlUl; road rapaln ,in '.. OUI' DaUlllht,re. , ' oF- 8hop, 8.88" of 'roo I., 8' uweJllng' , ~..~OD.~ ~, Un~on towotlhip', ,I lq . Salllee, oo~ "I Bay, dad, l'~e jUlt accepted OJwl. Boale., 10', Ootwin,~ Obi/), WllI Wavnesvllle,. . ' IItrootion ',of sewer In liJolon ,town 110 Brown-he'l 1n the ~rawlnl·toOm &rade fQr t.~·!X1' C. M, R"y o 9 Jdl , . of .' ,I ' ItD,IU. $lO. t30DlIl. :JonstrQctio!l at -:-.nd tt you~ve, & minute yc;»u ~I,ht , ,,' - ,. ' , 0 .11, ' " I sewer in ,Union 'own8~ip, $,2»,18, ' pop In 'aDd 1168 him 8~d talk-it o....rl' , ' '.' , 6ut ple~e he q~lc;k, we've cot ,~ ,nJall lubeorl1~"ri , tbe , Mc~n. I ' out alld see ,abOut, ,the banns, ;-~IlII_KaBine. Sead ' S~ to tlle . don ·()plnlon. , . ' ,ti\se"~ ollioe, ' anll pt , one or the Despondency Due to ludi&eltion · • - ., __ n88 00 ~l1h, tf I~ il nC)'t at a.hurptlBil!IJ tba' per'. , Wol'di. ,rr, ' oj,'., . 80~8 wbo have ilid1gea&loo become A 'Word, uttered In an,~r, can wrecIK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d,t soonraged ,and despondent, ,, 1i~re '& h~me or a natlol\i & wof4 lpokeD , lU'e ,a few w()rds' of hope, In~ obeer. la loye caD bring peace where ,befoN for 'hem by Mra Blanohe Bowers, W.II war; ItUi It I. true, as ~tl bJ • IiLdiaOB; Pa. "For Veara my dlle11· 8111'II.e, that Iia va..,. ,gre.t paJt of th. • *tOD WI8 ItO poor :lb., I ooqld .. QDly· mllehlef. that vel: tbe, w'of!4 aiIH . ~- ~ eaUbfl.JlghteaUoods (tr ,edevery fJ'c .... " I will off,r.I PabUo Sale almy ~hlng tbllt t bello,d of to ae'relle', , 1m WO."I. __ .. " realdimoe OD 'oIel CraoelOWD Rolld, bo' not Ilntnabollt Ii ~ear ago wbeo abOot lX mUee nortb of Dod~1 lIod I MW Ch.mberlaio's Tablet!! al\ver, Not tile Worit In"......nt. 1" IOU. lOath.,., of RtdarRvlll.. on and Rot a bo'tle of lbem.414 the wOIIWI''r(ho lIly.ted ,,5,000 friday; Noftlltbir 20, 19." , the rilht &r6a$menl, .flOOD til maldns a better Ill.... JOo'olnoll bo~ to ImPTove, IDd aiDoe ..lIloK tJIaD - the-putlemaD""Wlm -.. l!a tboD, fUlDIDII'lIplemeDt,. bo"lee-oUbem 107 4iKeetlou .. . . In .. ooauIbJIal 1dU,- ... Il.blUelor .... , . ' ..-. fiDe," For _Ie b.r aU dealer., ' 'OIt~JO~..... .,., ..... --...



, a I'ter-' 'McClure

mu, .



,I ou ,


.. We h~ve i"ust reeeived a earload of


, ............_



Locust Fence Posts,





... ; ................................ _ ..;. . J............... ,;........_ ._ _



the fineat car'. of Chestnut POltl Ever BJ:oQ.ght. ~o

. TOWD , is \ JUlt,






,Pub6c 'Sale ·

•___....-----... ...__ . .-.T" ~







I ..







'i'here Is more U",Batrb 10 tht. 8eo.I,:-----~-----------------------~ 'Iou or tbe oountry / all other Wayn4l!'yllle" OWo \J1 ....R8a" put togetbe r,..hlln aDd until ' tbe 1~ E!t few yeartl was tllIPPOSM to be O. L. CHANE . E~itor and Manager loourllb le. For a grea' many years lioolUrll prollooDQed it. looal dUleRI"" .' ColumbuB. 0 ., Nov . 7 - Govern or.1 Cox has issued a nroclam aODd pr6l!orl bed 100111 remedlPil. and tion calling on citlzeu s of Ohio to obsorve Thut'Rday, Novem . \ bp.r 26, lIy ahll s failiDg to oure with "as a day of thanks giving, " ,SERVED HIM RIOt1T "lUO , Illw. I t,rellt,meD t., prooQulIoed it In He saY8: "Appre ciatipg the blessing s bestow ed upon them by nature. and throug h their· own industr ious efforts, ou r for Tne followi ng ptirl\g ru1)1l WfJlI ourable. tloleDce bB,(j , proven Ua. s set apart one day of the year. upon whic:h they as embl d'father ta lteo 'ruIII "'t'be kIJ ulld~r,' , In the t llrrb 10 he II OODijl l tutlonli1 disesse , about tlud t here fore r eq :llrea OODstitu thf'ir altars and in their homes F,,"uld lu 'luomol u IlIlIt week : and thanks La ~ . God. A r' ,(Hit hOI: II viu~ 'Dull r L b" no ... nnl tr etitm ,lDt. E:lu,II's {Jutlirr b Cure In doing. 80 ·they ~ft to us n 'r~;~:~~~~~C'.~i~~t:~--:'::~ wunufl lotorerl shoj1ld by F J. CbeDey & gIve to .every one of us r~ K,' t "i~ I ClbijlJ!fT" l:It t::hlDd y ~ft,tl rIlO U U so· livfl~lr and to so conduc t our affairs that g reat i:lhall be our reward s" l\j llt m"" do bl/n HUnJe Kuoll . A <) 0, 't'oledo, Ublt" Is ~he onJy Uon"The wo ..ld i!l more sorely afflicted toduy than it has ever been. Hum l...,r (II II n tllUIl,hl lt! H fro m La l·. s tllo\loo nl6ure on tbe market I I There are more people in sorrow , There is more desolat ion. GreatliUUII Iw d h""11 to ~'r ,n kllo .lId wer~ .Is tUBen lote oll,lIy . It Il ots direotl~ er misery hath JlO man witntlSSed than is to be,witness ed at. this time. guilll! II '~ k hV Wil Y ur Ulii on v /ll llge on f,hA blootl and mUl' OUS Sllrfaoef! Yet throug hout it all, Americ a has escnped se rious cortseq Wbe., nc". r Uni()Ll Viii"!;,, t bey o"me of I,be R),stew . Pbey offer lone bun. uences . dred 110)\ars for any 08se It fails to We are at peace with our fellows from near and far. We have IIp b"hlud II llU !;~V . Th e flmd Wilt< had oure ~eod thrust for upon otroolu us the burden ,of feeding half the world , Weare called s and tes nar'ruw hlac1 t h ~ mllct.II' f'R oould not ti O1onlal8 . upon for alms for the sulferi ng and many of our people have get b,Y uol' l:Il\ tbo blll,l l! YC{RVelll'llrt Addres s: F. J. CHENE Y '& CO , abroad to,do what they can to believe the distress . So it seemsgone ur Lbo r(lnd whloh tbedllv ar rllfused this year, more than for man,y years, we have reason to fo!l0w that Toledo . O. to do W beu tb ey O/IIIl B to-lt pldee Sold by preced Druggil ent set down by onr fo re, beam and to set aside a daythe ltll, 760. where tb ey lIould gilt b.v the mlln in HaU's Fllmily l'i\ls for oonthanks givjDg -not a day of rejoicin g that we are better than of the buggy woul d I un hi" h urs6 to s t l'rake our p~\ion ~ brother s; not a day upon which to arrogal ltly call attentio n to our beat t h ... m to UOlJlher plaoe. He own virtues in compar ison with the virtues , t,r that lack kept tblt. up fM 80111~ tlwe uutil n. them, in others -but a day of real thanksg ivin g , when we ('an of 111.. 08 OIl mu where bo oou ld oot h e"d lift our faces toward unknow n worlds above us, and to the Makt:!r of those the Oltnl olI. OO t! ran by blO1 Ilnd MANY "JOHN S') IN PARAD E worlds and thiB one, and give thanks for the peace and the:: prosper then the drivel' prooeeded to bl ook ity with which we have bt:en bl essed . ,t he bnJalKY, Ilnttl "noth" r Oft,r go l, , ' At the F.111 FeRtivn.1 giv en In .. As chief executi ve of the state of Ohio, I do, therefo re. proclai ft,long"ide. A couple ,' f fo llow. Xenia reoentl y thpre were m II1l1ny Thursd ay. Novem ber 26, 1914, as a day of thanksg iving bopped out, oliugbt t·be borse and "'J ohns" in t,be pundt!. Led and call by upon all citizens ofthe state t o observe it 115 SUC~l." IDlIode the fllllow in the buggy get, John W. PllIgh, offioer of t,he ollt and get Iota the car. 'j'he horse "nd John Frllnk Orr, ohllir day, oan of '. wu~ tied to the felloe IIond the drlvtr the executl ve oomml Uee, ooe' hun.of the bogBY tliiten alous to within dIed and fifty .Johos . mllrobe a mile of Lebatl oD, when he was "et throug h the ol ty 8treels followl Cl oat aua told to lwof It bl,ok and the 'he ~odge Parade . Tbe talleet" \lg lut saen of him be was bootiog It t:lurley. "who stuod" 6 leet, Jobn ltvely aDd 1l1Io)'lnl( thlngt', thllt w.)uld bls etoolLing feet i lbe homlle 2,%", In John bot look well in print Be was fullv Vlllley ; oomlng the fft,rt,besstt. JOhD fonr mUes trom where bls buggy Bennet t, of Lebaoo n; the heavlea 8arveYfJburg. t, New Burli ngton wa, left. John I:;hepard, ::80 pound8 ; father .... --of the Jurgest fllulIly, John JI'aw(l6t, Wm. Fitch, of tiprlng Valley, Wm . Cllenow eth 1\0(1 ftLInily b'\.ve with ele ...en Jlv'ng ohlldre o ;8indlle st tranpao ted b1l8Iof'.88 here fhuTsd ay moved iuto .Jus.Pet erRon 's proJl rty, John to walk entire dillf·HDoe. John G. V.lI IIIlms, Poet ~!aster, ,]'he W. )i~. M. 8 , me t at the' b ome It ~eems the B orne Rule II Uleud· \Jlbney ; IigMes t. Jobn Beaoha m,3 SprlDg \Talley, /wall bere Thurlld of a.v of Mra. R E. Jones Sllturdt lY IIfte rruent. hIlS oarried . Tbls is tho stat08 months old. 20 poonds ; bandlJ me. t sbllkln g haDda witb frlende . ooou, Joho Burley ; oldest. John Nlillb, oreated 10 f,be liquor traffio : Barry E. Wlleon , of Dayton , spent A, U. Bltlir and ohilc1re yellr8, and largest of one family. D, • l:4aloons mllY open lit onoe 10 ~r­ d"ys with his parents heIOIQ st Thursd ay of laBt week with n spent rltory DOW dry by ROI'o III w eleotio ns B . John8. Theile were tbe prize two frlonds week, In all Americ a - a: Star who fa as daring as she fa beautf fulio Dayton eroopt e the dlstrlot t' were wlDne n , who does not hesitat e or flinch at the most frightf ul situatio ns The e1eotion Ie ('veT and we are voted dry Ly unit" .smll'le r thao tbe __ Mr. a.nd Mrs, A, W , Reeve" hu ve who bears now.J>n h!!!_hea d t glad to know 'bat we will in time l reoel ved word th .. t _cat.Jmp lanted b¥-41e opard's claw, who oouuty . There mus t firet be ap. try This for Your Cough be a prosper risks her 1 e time a fter t ime with Hons, leopard s, tigen and oos 8tde, the factory 's ill Berlo nsly ill lit hlB b.ome in R Ich pointed License CJomwTslllunare. N:o othew fbolllll\ uds or people keep four-footed beasts, witb nothing betwee n her and death bnther J"Slelntlon is beoo8sury to pu'the log beolluee unf\ble t.o get 800gh wlJl beain to operate and th" sohools mond, lnd, t bl'6ate oed with typhoid . wontbe rlgbt o&n have sohool for derful B months where magno tism m~d d untlesa wlll-'f a playfu g thelead inc part fa The NI~w Burlin gton BIl8ket Ball Dew umllud ment Inlo effeot, the oon remedy . Coughs are ollosed by 10 ~A it Is now we 1:8Dnot bave sohool, team was ullfeate d by 8 team atitu$lo nal provilli l'n oonho\ J\og Ilnd flamma .tloo of Thro'l ' and from Bronob llll II takes all ~he money pay the Spring Valley BIllh ~obool 'flnirlld ay Ruperse .llng tbe statute lllow Tubes. ' What you Deed 18 to aootbe ,uperln tendan ts an.1 tbelr depo\le e. afterno oll. Where tbe paol),le '}f MDY· dll!trl'?t ~bllllnOamma"oD Dr. King'. Tbe OIvlo League Is workin g tbat b"11 not " , ~ed dill( nnder monl- N'ew ~I.ilovery, , It Take Prof, Aroold and Aliss ROlla1i() peDetr ates the I I,. alld I. dOlng, all U can, l,t Bolllog 8head afoul' scl1ool!l lltteode olpalau d $ownahlp o~.ton lawe wish delioat e mqooul l, Jlolng. l\ ,1'.1888 ~be ts.oooe ev,ery, week to preveo t tbe (lpeolng of aa100D.' phll!8 tIllk' aver a oooven tion in Columb us F,idny . and lulokl , relieve . tbe m plan II by they mUlt o'!ll e)llutlvD8, U Ie Dot oongee ted' membr aneil 'hoY; ORO Improv e A. Maffitt hns repaire d h is prop, Get a 600 our lieautiwhioh fullittl e olty. ImiloB.ib,le thllt G veroor Uo~ wjll bl)ttle ",om your drUWB1 , erty In the north eDd of tOWll 8t. "Dr' leave to bls 8uoce~~or lb,e d~ty of KioB'e New DllIC)Ov the remark able J(oti~n Picture drama written by Harold KacGr ath, W, C Srnlth 'hud IHlpeoil qnloill yand a~eOnr J30ard of Health , wbile they open log the tllll~nSln territo ry now oomple tely tlt:lPped ery my their vacatio n, can find stratlo n of ra nge !:)alu dB.l1 .d emoDthe noveliz ed version of which we have eecured for our Den eer1al. ' oou,:h" tliattaking 'hey are vllry mooh needed In dry, • _ • • .:.. r v.. . wrltee J. R. Watts, :rloyd' ~le! Te:.ha. one or two pla'.'eB, and It ebould be MODey baok 11 not Raliafle BEWA~E OF BOGUS AOENT ANTI SALOON PRO~UNCIAMENTO nearly, alwa-ya heljlR. All a, but It atteode d to at oooe, It will Dot btl druggi sts. bard to,100at~ if ,on will mllke in. .. , . . qo~ry. A pretend ed agent of the' T~A i~ nothin g i'.l preven t tbe HAS SOLD HIS ELEVATO~ Romin e Shuma ker, of Wilmin g. Berald, " p u bJisb ed at St.PlIouPoultry vot.jr or I b ,~ t~ll« frow iultiati ng l. Minn. too, oalled au bls parents and trlo.ked m ore thlln one htndre First 11J31allment In an £,arly Il!ue a oonlltltaUonll1 Bfnend ment De~t d perJohn' DeWlDe Oompa ny, of brothe r h8J'8 ~unday. · Buns Int .> pilying him twenty five yellr at " ny ,your t I ropel\l tbe so YIIIIQw' SprIDll8, hll8110ld Marvin Blaoto n, one of onr blaokthe "leva. eaoh fllr a yeu r's subsor lptlon, ~.t~::::::::::::::~:~:::~::::.'1:;::~:;'~~~~ (aned o~e Rule IImtlndl llent. tor to ~prinlf Valley ,to Spr,nr Val, amitb! i bal for eever,1 days beeD 080te ~~:~~-:,~ ' ··::~::::::::::::::::::::::::!~::.:;::.~~.:-.~••:::-~••:•••:-;~:r at tbe reoent Fllyett e county fuir a t c.fitJt~:t, lh~ " Will bo prA8lleil fr~.m tb~8 ' ley MeroaDtile Ca. This oompa very muob ny Indl8po eed, bus il! thougb ' Wasbln gton U, • hoar. B . The ,fimoun t is e org.1ol~-ltlllns tl1r~og1i h8S Illao purobll lled tbe , SprlDg V.I to be better at 'hiB 'Wrl'tn~ . 80 IImall, a nd ~he bogus agent USing o~, tbe .~ I , wIll be kept Inbol. lev MI .l lind tbe r !lll1t mill . a printed receIpt b ouk to all .."".... r Tbe work 0 it-aU"t.lou Ilo(leduo ~tlun will be oombln ed.elevato Sunday was one of . thOB!' wintry aDoell' simll!l.r t o those F Y. will go 00 wl\.h Inoreftsed enerlY · oharge of the grain BleU will day •• balln8l la, men IInll womeo I)f the stlrote . Mr. and Mrl!. 'Bowa rd · • _ • the aplrlt of true patriotB and EL~CTED PDESI DE"', OF 'IIomUy, of 1II0xehslll" Pelrry Oouo'y . ~,,_~ ORO'U P Oblo, brothe r tbe auU' Mloon Jengne ts not to be r.. "' 1:0 to onr vUlage checke d In Ua forwar d Dlovem enl; • blacks mhh Alva Kenne dy made Mr, Deltber 18 i$ to be «werve d fat a mo At the anonal meettoR of Groop Kenned y aDd family a visit la .. t At Reas onab le Rate s, Uue for Lily Leave •• Two Mach ines. meo' from Its · olla1ter able pnrpos e Four of tbe Nation al Banke r. or we:!k, A powder made from the leaves of of making Oblo and ihe -uHtion dry Spljn gflel dTlre s, Tube s and Acce ssor ies. litoa-fC blUloo the la(l' week, -Bon, , Tbe' Wayne Twp, Horae Ranger s water IllfElB IB successful In makinc , Wayne B. ~beeler. M.I R. Denver , pr8llide nt of .Ih\! bave been quite , btuly . for se,yeral Valv o Ine 011 and Cre~ses. , Olin fabrics wat~TJ.>roor. The Inton <':onot , NatioDRI 8111k, waa day. P&8' to t,rylng to bring -&0 . varlou. ----- - ~ --~-ventor of the powder ' notl clpg that elected pre81de nt of 'he Group for a jualioe a law breake r who la IUP. water was not 'absorbe d when It fell Belt Cough Medicine for term lIf.tbre e VMln, poeed to be in CaDada 00 , the leavos, but slid ott, conceived "'1.hree yeara agu , when ' 1 was , • _ • the Idea that the , Bame Bubstanc e ,. . Jlvlolj in PI" ...borgh one or my whloh ' made the Illy leaf 'waterp roof , D~rf Treee. Remark ab!e . C ure of Croup· oblldre n hllod a hllrd Gold "tld,oou gbThe Chlnele InOuenoe 011 Intertor might be used In oonneotlon wltb fabed jireadfn lly, Upon the advice of decoration' extendl to the "Las' winter when ,m y little boy rica. The powde'r from the wonderful leaveB la Phone 7'-' 1-2 COR WI.N , OHI O • drUS8itlt 1 llnrOhlt 8f1d 110 bottli) of dwarf tree8 wblch. once almoet b~4 oroup 1 go,' blm " bottle of mixed wltJh water, probl!)' and the process ("'hamb erl,,ln's I 'oogh R emedy und Itlvely expensive. are DOW Ohamo orlal n 'e Cough. Remed y. 1 consists In, Immers to 'be had lug' the flibrlc In .. benelH t-ed blm R t oDo". ') find It at really popular 'prieM, oommen y be~iev:" It aJve~ bie life," thla mixture• clnll bon88t1 ~be bellt DOugh menioln e f rehlldr en at about 60 cents wrltee Mrs J. S , Cook, ,.. Iadlan a, Pa. for diminut be'-OS4Ut Isplealiuotto take, 'l'bey I)1id cedars that look .. If ive rew. "1& o,u , the phlegm and relieve d hts Dlvl*'on of Labor. they bad do no~ ob,eos to tuklug n," writes 'come out of • "Kewpl el' oougbi ng ape_Is. I'.m moat gritot-e- While It takes 40 perBons .. sarden. Mrl. LRrHye~te Tuell:, flomer 0"1ty, Stately oa"'" ay~orea, oed~, fill for what this reail)(iy baa ~Q,!M!..j,a.....w.~~aPfl;-~Ho-tmll'lrtr-to make atand- fo~ rr--s'IImr.i-~ Pit. 'Fhi" romt'rly'OOn~I$IDs 00 OplU01 hut at leal~ 110 Inches ' bllh.• him.'" Ear Rale by ..11 deaJers . somewl).er~ between fifty and sixty to \orotlie r narooti o lIod Dllly'be given derfUI wlth their parled andare won--~-- '~ constru ct a corset, a score or more to twllted . '. , '0 & ohlld as oonlMe n!ly as , to lUI branChes and ~ive Stock and General From "Poor Richard." CIOBe ' foliaae; the, apo manufa cture a single pair or overalls , aduU, Sold by all dealort!. . pear like ' anclen~ toreet tree. "'ewed When you incllne 'to' have new aud equal number s to produce , tram ,afar 'and 'througb the "WI'Oq Il.W clothes, · look tlret well over the simple artlcles io daUy use, the other task Poste d on pedigrees and values of end" of a teleac!ope. . • old onel. and aee If 70U cannot ahUt or"proPortionlog to thl) worker a fair . kin~s of br~efljng stock, wlth them another year, either by wage ror his or her exertions Is not ...----,.. 8CXIurln " , m endfliC 0," ei en patohln " If 110 simple a matter as somo would , Tip to Pa~n.. . Experienced in handling farm saies Could, one ,\?ut and thelr confession,!, necessary. Remember a patcb on your have UB believe. But a talr dlvlaloll . coat 1905. and money In your would pocat be Is II. much ' . easier problem to one I. pretty certalD tbat muny o~ solve 'were each worker placed on ao our old Parsona bad lItUe aptllude ror ter and JUors oredltable 'than on ioar and no, mODeY to take eQuslity In, bargaining. the making of BermODI, and tb,' Book , ko~ 'Terms Reasonable' .:, . I 'of' HomUlel wa. found very , n.erut ...' - - - ~'--On enterin g hIs pulpIt one 8~llday on(}.. Vaclltt'on , TIme ComIng. GBADU ATB LOB' TRB Th. Knock.... and the : Koncike~. paison ~mbled conBld.rably at. the Ohio Met a Ulan going down the street «ATION AL ' AUOTION Wateh the the lI:ilockers a;e dl· the o~er dlay with a F rench ed,e 01 a' crack iii ~e wood'Work, tileD dlctlonValley Teleph~De f5-2, aOOL p AMB~10" their bamme r. apln!lt . He' Sa ary. a ,book of familiar QuotatloDs 'In' Following Letter itralgh\ ened himself as 'ihou,b mak· ' rectlog o.nd accomp lishing BoiQe~hl ng. log Nothe mail 'best 'ao 'of encyClo IL bad job. "Frienda, pedia. Said he' was expectby a Jackson Ma~. Who the eermilDB II .gcine dgwn ~e ',lra,' ever made any headWaY wlt~ou~ opo lng his daughte r home rrom the boarGo pOsltlo, n .' The fu~her he aclvapcea Ing .c~I.--PhtladelPhlli. TelearRPh. . but" I'll read a ohaJ)ter ~ Job wbrlb tile palr of them." -From "Old, YaIU the, greater the anvil chorua. FaIluN ;, • _ • .His Word Is Good. , Is alw&1s jealous of soceela ,.-New'JacklOn, MIas ...,.. .. I am a ca,rpeo~r, of J!lng~sh Lallelalld." · . " ton 'Demoorat: ~ . ..' ,', and the grippe left me not only with !l Dally Thought. _-,.-_ _.... _~ They say ~hat wallB have ears, May chronic eoullh, but I wail run:down~ W' l Id ' Cit 1,\' Scotrand; out ana weak. 1 took all kInds 01 ,th8!J8 , lour -walle ' of ourl bea,r on11 ".clp~ fOI" Long' Voutli. . but they did rpe 110 good. Old lI;¥e ,can be cured. The preacrlp'- '. A wild oat- baa been oaucht' lD Ald. laughte r ~d. !dudly speech .-Myrtl a 10 weak I 'w88 not', able to tlon 'la a· simple one: mix· open ,alr and · IWnufcllAn -.dlMlr' foreat; 'ArI1~lsblre, .Retd. u .......1" · a"W , and eougll~ 110 ~Qcl! .1 .~ Scotland; by a Pm'ekeeper. The ani· a 'hobby •• ~ke w~~; and ,t1ke ae m&n7 mj' condition. One mal'18 houri a day large, U pOIBlbf'e m.ul'l nC t5 Inehei ,Really .ooes Re'lieve Rheumatism No one b&about Vlnol aDa decld.ed . Pap~r Hanging~ I bad taken a guarter, ace untll he 18 bOI·ed. 'and the In length. ' It liu '& .8hol1-. busby 'who ·18 umlcte d '~Ith better atldafte r ~ first gray bal~ O~CII . \I hen a ' m~1l aod 'il dark }o color with, brown Strlllel• •\. h ..'rl"riA'ti ....n 10 ani for m 8boulcl by m~ cough,l . entirely .7M~:':".1 8uildenlY thinkl to, hrn ~ elf: "~'I! It atanch IIlgh on It. 1811 and hal means 'ke~p I~ptoml have'dl..p~ the tileT" 'llhen 'll the time wlien a bOUle of · Sloan '. very. tIgerish lAllID~elltonhand , P-ned new vim and eoergy. bobby make. Ofe IAterlllt tna ~-a '[Iile UllOllte yon DENNIS, ~l 'L~ch Street, LlppIDCOW•• , feel ~In or aoreoe e. in a Jolot or " . , For Bill. and RIGeI _ ' mueole, bathe. . witb 810ao's LintFOr Cha womaD wbo board. '" iDeot. Do 110t rub ... Sloa'o's'pone, ' tllaN are bill.or ~1P.t bOob ",te. almos', hnmed latel, rlgh~ to ~~~~~~;~i~~oUtlaIUeII ·contal n. Wom.n ,W IIn..... Cr.!Uclzed. with CftIton'ne In 10 DIUl1 d~ that the .ea' o~ pain, rellevln a.xt Judie Lulb-WUaon. K. C., relDJl'ked ~oe g 'be ho', can mateb almoat aD,. room. TheM hoder; awol1"o feollD • . and mallna Uie llearN at ~tIIr ( DOUty coart to !Jill boo"kB open and th1lt like 'an ~ the par' ~" U1~, c)nmfo Inm" 1\ '"man 'UtlpD t who aQDtlo1lall,. ~ 41100,' aDd the ooyer anel ~p. are . . . r-.ble. a boUler SloaD'" Linlme D' for &b~ \' ternlpte d: '"Madam, 1 J1gl the rla1c, 1 of cretoD u. Shop Next to Sher woo d'. Gara ge ",.In St, III 08D,,'n f h)' clrupi 8' ~Dd hue 1& bow, or cI1UaI _ frOm )'Oar IG wheu • _ '. In ,he bOGle -aplD" 00141, BOre I 8a1 that thq aM tlie most troubl.. aDd: .~WOlleD iota"•• rheuma tlam, " lOme ,eople I b n to a~,l""'tll. WIQr a.,d Rul. tw Ur.. ' a{loa aad hke &llm8O ", !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!! we "turD { &laD't ~ ...,eIRe tIM Blot oat .... 1I01IIIJO oheaIl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!~I!!!iI" J'I::i;': back If DO' .""efle d• . emouat"or ~, l'doe. a1m0l' IDltaD '" : : S:IL,J&Mt.~y."Q_IIItW~....



Thanksgiving, Day Proclamation

- ..

- --..

Th e M os t Be au tif ul Mo vin g Pic tur e Ac tre ss



Th e ',Ad ven tur es of

K A T H L¥ N '


You 've see n her in the Mo vie sRea d of her. thri llin g adv entu res





.. ..





. .

.. .. ..------






- --

.. - ...




Told' the

Knows from






. -.








p",inting, ,Alito and Car riag e ·Painting.




"mea ...,.tM1_


..... .............. ....~~




THE MIAMI ~:=s;;;;;;:5-

J- I





prc:!Bod on Nora~ mind thai n vcr lJad lu,t t gUils, )"t.u are like tbe 11!l, he' Bceh tI\I'm 80 amla bl tow~rd each 'em, bun el1l of wOwen." 0~ o LIJ I\:' , Th y were pbsltlvely rfleudly. C urUundt lau ghed and s te pped til And \\'.\1." ... t T!l.6'-e.It III \'i,,, \lNrn· the m.llI<lle of tit court. Horrigan "" ci )ng hud proved nch ot thetH to blH Ilot waste allY tl mo. fI oelrl tn n own IndIv idual tlat! taction, ontl had stra igh t Jab to the JIl W. but (·ourt· ,I ' dou a'l'.'uy willI tbo~Q ~ t!lto d mm:n r· landt blocked It Ill!ally 1l.1l\1 cour, tcrot! 160lS lbat gon Td ly Ill:lk rl\'als rldlcu· witb a bard OliO on Hllrrlglln's eIlr; lous In all eyes @avo tb ell OWll> 'tb., "blc,1 ..1!o1;C.! I to swell. ' How She Was Helped Durin, . revelllllon III luncheon bad com'lnced "Filler' growled Harr lgaD . "You lIlem or tho futility of tblngs In gen· know SO Cl oLhing a bou l the gllme. 1'1 Change of Life b1 Lydia.£.: oral and of woman In particulllr. They won't be 88 It i was walloping R babY:' wE'rc, vdthout being D.1VD.r of UI O fac t. He sent a, leH to the body, bu.t I,/w Pinkham'; Vegetable , ' each a consolation to the oth r. Tho right failed to r ooch hts man. Compound. old adage that mIsery lovell company . Fo r Eome time Harrigan jabbed 1llltl l-rl WIl S 1\ vc r more ni cely tYl>lne~. flwung and U'l1!,ereut ; often be reacbed Philadelphia, Pa. .:.... ..! ~ jUllt 62y..,., 1 11U<" . If Celeste oXllect d ora to exb lblt hIs oppouellt'o bod)', but ne\'er bl,s an y elgns of distress over the ap· race. It wo rried hIm a IIllle to flml of age Md durlng Change of Life I I'll. M1t ~ proachlng departure, she was 4l6a'p· that Ito cou ld no t sUr Courtlnndt morl~ fered/lor lixJearw .J ' ~ point d. rn truth, Nora was accretly tban ,two or tbree feet. Courtlandl terribly. I trI .ev· eral doctol'J! but none ploRscd to be r id or these two 811 1I01'!l , no,' r fol lowed up a ny advanta ge. tbu ~ much sa sho liked the,m. Thc Bllrone making Harrigan (orce llui fightin g, leemed to give me MY rellof. . '~verJ had not yet prop060d, a nd his sudden which was rn tber to his likIng, Bu t mt,ntll>H'A pairulwer.· determination to roturn to Rome eltml· presontl y It began to nte r his mind inten8el~ both -'des. nated this diBag reeable po£<libtllty. con l' lnclngly thnt apllrt trom the Ill,' Md made me 110 Sbo was ~llld Abbott was going be· Itlal blow, thJ younger Dian ' WIIS work" weak ~t I bad to -. ~ cause she had hurt him without Inton - IlIg wholly on tbe dorensh'o. As It hla go to bed. ' At. ls.t ' llon, and tbe slgbt of him wall, In splto were nCrald he might hurt hIm! 'rhllS a' friend recommen· of her Innocence, a constant reproach , servlld to milke the old re11o\\' turtOU!:, ded Lydia Eo PinkPresontly she would have ber work, He borod In rIght (llItI lert, lert and '--;JM-==.;....~--'ba:m·1I Vegetable a,n d there would bo no I1me for lonell· r lgilt, and CourtIsndt &"\ '0 way, step Compound to me and I tried it at onci ne••, by Btell until lIo was 110 cloee to th,e IIDd found much r elief. After that 1 Tho pel1l0n ~ who eulIered keenest 1100 thllt ho could sce It from the cor· bad no pain. ot all anI;! could do my , CHAPTER XIII-Continued. was Celeste. Sbe wsa awake; the ten· ner or his eye. This glance, swtrt boun,work and abopping the Bame "Has flo given up ?" asked Abbott, der lIt Ue dream was gone; and bravely as It was, cllme n ea.r to belag bls 1IJ\da. A Convenient and Prilcticil Feed Tro ugh and Hoppor Eallly Conltruoted by u alwnya. For years I bave praiJecl bta voIce strangely untamll1ar In bla sbe accepted tbe fact. Never ber agile lng, Harrigan ceugbt blm \Vlth a (.1" a Young Bo)'. I Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com· -own ears. flngerll .tumbled, and sbe play ed reo rlble right on tbe Jaw . It was n g lall> ~' ;..."A man can struggle Juat so long markably well, trom Beetho ven . IlIg blow, otherwlae tb o fight wouM There Is no part of farming more Question tbat yon can get bold ot. I)( pound for_ what it has done . fpr me, :ngafnst odda, then he wlna or becomes ChopIn, Grleg, Rubinstein, MacDowell. haTe ended ~en and there . .lnstantl:r faSCinating to tbe avel:age boy tban not be afraid of beIng called a "ohlck, and shall always recommend It as a wo·'broken. Women are not 10g1cal; gen· And Nora, perveraely enough, Bang he lurched forward nlld cllocbed ~,. the care of 'poultry, At the same time ) m crank" or a "hen grunny," When man'a fr1end. You ore at liberty to \lie'" -arallT ~hey permit themselves' to bs from old light opera. tore the other could add the flnl shln;J thel'e I~ no branch that offers blm a Ileoplc want good Btocik, they alwaTI my letter In My way. "-MI'lI, Tao_soN'. tgUld'e d by Impul.e rather than by rea.· Wben th two men departed, Celeste touch . better chance of success, Even a'Very go to Borne "chicken crank" to get It, IU9 W. Russell St., Philadelphia; P.. " laOD, ThlB man I am ' telllng you about went to her room and Nora out upon The two pushed about, Harrigan IImall bOY can manage a small nock It Is a good" auverllaement tor youl .Change of .Ufe is one of the mOIl 'was ProUd; perhaps too proud. It 18 the terraco. It was after fiv e. No ODe fiercely strIVi ng to break th e younge'r . ot chlckena successtully. buslnes! to spow tbat yOU are WbollJ crltlcal periods of a -vaman'a existence. , .. shameful fact, but be ran away, was abou t, so far Q,6 sho could see. man's hold. He was beglnnlng tl) It does not cos t much to get start- Interested In It. Women evorywlteI'L .,~bouL e Walch your own flock. Experience thai there ia no other ."'mody known to 'True, he wrote letter after letter, but She stood enchanted over the traUB' breethu bard besl d II, A littl e longor , ed7"'another item In favor or tbe poul, . U tbese were returned unopened. formation Iha L was e.,1tectlng the moun· nnd hIs blows would Inclt Ihe propeli' try bU Siness. The eQlllplDent need not I., what counta. Get acquainted .wltb carry women 80 succ\!/lB1'ully throu~h I'hen he stopped," tal ns and the lakes. How sbe loye d steam. l"lnolty Cou rtlandl broke away cost much, and . In raet, most of the your hens. They will loon learn to thla trying pertod as f,yilia E. Pinkham I "A woman would a good deal rather tbe spot! How she would have lik ed or hie own a ccord . HIe be nd buzzed needed coops and fl.xtures can be b~lIt know you, and there are no nner peU, Vegetable Compqund. believe cirCUms tantial evldellce tban to sJ>Ond the rest pf ber daya herc! 1\ Itttl <" but aside (rom that he hlld by almost any aDlbltlous boy with very or ,more protiLable ones tban ten 01 If you want speclal Bdvlce not, Humph ' " The colonel primed And bow beuulltul nit the world was reco vcred. liarrlgan pursucd his tUt!- lIUlo ex peudl ture out61de or bla owb a ?ozen handaome hens. mite to Ly(llu. I!J. Pinkham Medbla pipe ~d relighted It. "She w uldn't today! tiel and rushed. But· this tilDe tbero work. Theil a IIDlall outlay ror eggs, A well.kept flock of hen. meanl I ICine Co. (conftdentl"l). Lynn. have bee n worth mucb." Sbe gave n (rlg bl ~lIed little scream. wes c',n ortcns lve return. Co ur tlandi or a trifle Inrger one for stock, I\nd !ltead)' income-enough tQ keep you 10 Masll. Your letter wlU be open~ " 'Worth much' " cried Abbott . '~Wbat A etr ong paIr ot RrQlS bad encircled became the uggresso r, There n'ae 110 be is r eady tor business, , spending money whUe YOU aro walt, read Rnd answered br 'a womaa do you Imply by that?" her. She started to cry out again, bu t wlthstan(ll ug blnt, ADd Ha.r rlgan Tbere are several ways 01 IItllrLlDg Ing tor your crops to '&TOW. Tbat one and held in strIct confidence. :'No man will really glve up 8 the Bound was mum ed and blotted ou t tal rly ED.W the end: but wltb that In· a flock. The best plan Is the' one thing \s euo~~ t(l ' recommend ,poul. I 'Woman who Is really worth \vhlle, tbat by the pressure of a man'l lips upon domltable pluck which had made bini that best sulls t he )lockE)t, the circum. trY keeping ' a8 a su~table l'slde.Jlns" 8RITISH MEDALS OF, HONOR' 411. or coul1le, admitting that your man, her own, Sho struggl d violently, llnd rnmou s iu the flDJlals or the rlog, bu stan ces, and the tIme of year, The tor tbe 110y ~af'mer; , 'Cc>urtlandt, I.s a man. Perhaps, tbough, suddenl y was treed. k ept banging away. "ho swift, cruel cheapest WilY Is, of cO'll'se, to begIn _ _ _ _ __ ......... .It ,was his fa ult. He was not persis tent "It J were n ma.D," she said, "yoll ja bs bere n.nd tbere upon hIs body t'dth a sitting or eggs, or perhaps two KEEP SQUIRRELS IN WINTER ~ovetoa Decoratlonl Awarded fol' E., ceptlonatly Meritorious Work , 'enoogh, maybe a bIt splneloos, :rhe sbould die for that!" began to tell. Ob, for a mlnute's reet or three, and work up gradually from In MIII~ry ·8 ervloe. '.~ • b and, -n pl ecll of lemoD on his (larchet! lhat. But ",'hete one wlsbes . to be• :tact tbat he gave up so Quickly POB ' . alb,ly convinced her tbat 4er Impres'It was an opportunIty not. to e I' B dd 1 C la dt [I Suitable C' l jge Must 8e CO!llttvcted to I t d C tl dt "It I tongue u ' en y Qurt n rus lec gin In the rall~a plan that i8, tOf' some .. 0 d ,.Iona ,w ere <lorrect. Wh v , I'd have go ra. I'e urne our an. e hI tl I" ' dl b bl 1 We are Ie) frequently con(r,ciD~ Ill, Keep Little Anlmala Comfortat\11 " out, yeal! t rue tl la t I wal!! n f00l 'LO rUll away aII m get I 'ollo~-" lie" da.v In and "-y , e~ly, lall ng n JIl wei' •reasons, pr"'fernble-'t ,, ~. I""' mucb bett""r .. tbo newspapera at U1e l!l'e..nt t.lm. During Winter, ~"" , ~ua r dId b t · t.. I I d cJlIsod HII~rl S'a'n a right eye, Coupt· to, b'u v a rnw (0....' 19 O" ttlg"t. U la , atte:r year; nllvet- wolild J have let up • u my re u, n laS COIIV Dee lJ\0 I utlt dl'Op ped his blinds, and, 8t.e p~(!I. ~ " " u u wlPl General So-ond·SO, \1:. C., 01' D/ , ,easl'ell, too, to learn how to take uu '" I bad p~oved to hor that ahe hlld ~hat 1 should have lJ eQn ae' much 1\ rool S. 0.; Qr other cryptic ,qomblnat!on Qt' ". . . ~ h d I I d ' b b bao, ~ HIli glan ce , \ rave~ed suggest.·. f 1 .... f ' tl it I t 'n t Ith ' been wrong." . 'la . romQ ne to tag you a oUI , Ilg· , t I H I r t ~i 0 arge,· OWIB IUD 8, , 0 ~ .... r w letlers 1011owln,; the -nams, ,t,bat It '''The colon 1 Is right," Abbott "p. glllg tor 1111 Intcrvlew. I wrote you ve 1 y to arr gan s 00. r e wus out,· II. t tei l [el 0,,",0 th e t['rst thlug. 0 ne can may be oqnterent to have, the to " lotters, You returned them llnopellf.d. s de the '·'ropcs." O:lso get elarted 'soouer ' wl't h'mnill re BOmO of the rlddlee. In tbe Engllih ' proved, n evcr taking bls eyes olf Court· You have condemne.d rue without 1\ " I beg YClur pardon, Mr. Harrigan, fow ls tba:n if he begins with eggs, army there are UlTee »rino,vlU dec' The most Important consideration ' landt, who was apparently absorbed In l)earlng. ;:;0 ,be It, You may cons ider Cpr los ing lilY temper," ol·uliolli. The foremollt and mOlt co.· ' the conlem pla.tlon at the bread crumbs that k.Iss tbe farowell nppe:lrnncQ so "What's the odds? I lost mine. rOil Is, or course, lhe beeed to b e kept. I n eted ts tbe V. 0, (Victoria Croea). under his fingers. dear to the operatic henrt," bitterly. win,"' Harrigan was 0. tl'ue 8portSll1ori. an article so 'brI ef as this It In impolwblch eUb r officel1l or men can ,. t"A nd mOre, by hook or crook, I'd He addressed most of thts to the lie had no excu81\S (0 offe'l:. H. had sible to Compare the dltterent kinds tnln by a. deed ' of undaunted gallantr1 haTe dragged In the o,tbor woman by back or her head , for' abc waB aIr a lly dug lIle pit or humili ation wi th blU of fow ls, more tban to say t lMle. they or berolem. The D, B, O. (DllltiJi. .the balr und mnde her conf66s." own bands. He recognized !.hIs ua ane " 1 do not doubt It. colonel," reo walking to wq rd Ibe villa. Into Wlllc h two facts. Thc other Wll !J, t hnt hilc\ nrc divided Into two principal groups, Gulabed Service Order) tI a d\8t\1lOs ponded Coul'tlllud t, with a dry laugh. she disappeared with til e proud air of Courtlllndt extenqed h!OlBelt, tile Lmtl.h) Lhose kel1t for eggs, lID..d tbcse kept tJon con torred on commIssioned om· "And tbat would really bave been lIle some Qu een of tragedy, She was a woultl bave Ills ted about one' minute,. (or broiler!; or other 8al& SUlek. eel's who have b een mentioned ,In dis· callttn.l actress. ' all depends upon iliA ma' r ket w hich ~r· was gaU aud wormwood, but tber!a .... end of the ,story. The heroine ot tbls Jlatchea (or especially merltot!9U ~ ' A heavy haa d Cell upon Court, pa y the bes t.ihe layers are sel. .el'Tlae in lh() field bel ore the"ilnillDJ, r am,b lug talo ' would then Ilave been landt'a shoulder. H o was IrresIstIbly you 'were. ' dom a8 g'ooll for nilslng frying alld , Ilbsolulely certain of cou ~s lon be"And now, you asle Cor exJ;llan ot!ou81. The D. C, M., "or DI6tinguished Cont~'een tho two," drawn rIght obout tllce. A k . our dQusjllel' to malte them, '" brolllug chicks os llomo !Jt the larger !.loual, we hear len of, .. It I, . "Now, tben, M.r:-Courtlmrd , ' ourLl andt pu ll ed off th e gloves Ilnd breeds. as t hey usually weigh less at , ';Tbat 11 like a "' oman," the Barone a decoratl ~n award'e d more to the DOD1I.groed, antl he k:\Je\v 6.onlethlllg about Har~~gnn, his eyes blue nnd ?7,Old as grit lnto ' his clothes, "You may odd , t he sa rn A nge, thQUgll maturln'g e ven ClOIDmislil ned ranks, AI:I in tbe ' caN erhe S ,you wil! !l11nl.!L'_. ___ , that I abnl! \I , Vl; r t rouble bCI more (lulCkly in egg,produchl/l, .uiem .. d-w-lwl'lHe th1e mall now 1"- lce or the 0, S, ()., It Is gIven' for 1l0tsoli.a' ' ''Here,'' said Courtlan dt, pushing WIUl rage an d doslJl\lr In Ills .h art, again with my nnw ]rome uJ.i~n tlo n 8, It Is a COIDDlon saylng ·that "there la dlllUnctiou 011 til'.! lIghting lin . ' , 'bock hIs chair and rlslng, "I am l1e," CourUandt flung 01Y tl1 0 hnnd nnd an· I 1 n~e rO\' 1\11111 \1 In Lhe mo:olng: ' more \n the teed t hRu i n ' th9 breed ." H e t rnCd ,his - bacle upOn them and sll·ered:. "I rC! ruse!" ourUll ntlt leCt Lb c neld or victory This Is Tery true, for any bre l1d, propA' TI'~ th From German.y. ..Bought th~ garden. • "All!" Harrlgnn alood, ort a few s tellll w lthout fllrther conlluent. erly fed nnd cared fo r, will hI} sure Hans Dl dricht or tile German conTableau! aud ran hjs glance orltlcally up and "\ ell , what do you think of (hat 1" t o give 'good r eturns, Jt the atraln Is sula~e In 9ha~le8ton was ~rgulng wltll · 'Dash me l." cried the colonel. wbo, do\,"u tbls .,ma" -of Whom he had mUlled Harrigan, as he stoopcd over good. And right here Is wllere the lucid eloquonce and Il'reruta ble ,log!o .belng tho leaGt'lntcrested personally, thought to mnke a rriend; "You'ro a (0 galher up tho 8'oves, "Any ' 01)e qautlon sh ou ld come In. In buying In a 'bu"' e~(on club! on tije lJIlelftO ' WD,II first to recover hIs epeeeb,' husky lad. Ther e's one way ,out or wouItI SI'lY ~bat he waG tllo IlIjllred fow ls for t)),e floC ll, do not be M UaH ed ' LaIISp(llllltl~'n ot lltp. ko.llier. · The Barone drew rn " 'his' llrenth ' tblll for you." Party. l' nt In wro\]!l 00 Ib fs dea l ' with nllythlnl; but pu~ e·blcoded fowls, A Charleston l>ankl)t Interrullhlll "So long. as It <loee not necoss ltate som ewh reo I'll nsl Miss Nora ~ Quell. OJ c01lrs~ t he; cost a lit tle mo,e tban . • rbarply, Th~n he looked ~t 1bbott. Mr. Dledrlcbt, I:!ut U~e lat~er stoolI . ""1 suspected It," relJUed ' bbott to any eit" la!latlons," In'dlffercn tly. · Uon ot t wo," the mongrel stock too often found on firmly RUa calmly to biB nl1Sulllellt' , ttbe llI~te' Question, Slno'e t e' epl8~de "In ' fhe' boltom .ot cne at Ncira'8 It wns no t 60 13Sy retUTDlng. He 'tbe farms , but UI OY are enough' belte r, Intricate' tbread , , of lapt night hls'phllo,8 0J,lhl~aloutiook trunks Is a set ot .my old gloves. There ra n In to hi s wiL. He t rIe d 'to dodge fro m every !'lolnt ' of view, to ju T he ban1l,er InterrupteQ .. ee-~ lhad- brWdenect ' He had lost Nora, will llot be anyocne ' up at the teonls bel', but without ~ UCCCBS, tbe added expense, especIally In lay.. Um,e, but,. •• ~eror&, \I~. ~e!'l~t !but had come out of the agnnv of love court thie time of day. Ir yoU ar,e ,not "James, where did you gel tbat lng the toundatlon for a permanent kept OD unmoved. • refuseCi to flltfer'blanhood ~ ~A8 1001: a meilO QUBff, If you Rre not an ordjnary black 'eye?" traglcalty, . 'Odck, ,., But wben tor \he tblr'cl u_ tbera aa be lived be wae Certain 1blit tbo low-down Imitation ot a man, you'll "It's a daisy, ain't It. 1\Iolly 7" pUllh· It Iii ante enougb,"then, to koep ilDT When Winter Oomaat"e Squirrel ~ult came an InterruPtion ta&e aM , pe.tty , affatl'll of the day", . ere neTer meet me up there (nelda of nve min· Ing pallt 'her Into-Nora's room aod cloll· breed tbat yo.\l like, 80 long 8a your • C f"" bl H belter of tile .G erma dllllomatlit ~..._ t·ort·l. are' frolm good strains and tu.I.' . J:l.ave .8 0.1:11 On. • ouee. ~In ,olng to dlllj;urb him{ . u tel. It YOIl can a t \Ul d up In rr . on t ot Ing the door after him, n U -Let him be," 11'11 tbe colonel's lug· me tor ten minutes, you ne41d not "Father!" blooded, Nearly &vetyone hall lome In ora;sl' tQ keep' a ~qu'lnel ta eOJn' sttlldng the table wIth hta nt. M rbouted III a loud, flercl! Tolce: ~ ~n. · addlns a gesture' In 'the dlrec, make any explanatlona, On th& other "That you, Nora?:' ·bllnlt1qg. pc;eference. eltller of II~Ze, colo~, or /ortable quarten In 'wln:ter as well .. 'Empty. tomaeb. rila_e , "a. , .1 ' . DDd you'll hike 011 " , ave-befIJI flgbthllr QUalities, and there ar.e none of BUmmer. olle 'lDult construct a ~g" - '----''tWIOOIlIl-'-·o ' '1I:IA,ch CoV:rt1andt had gone. ' "He's &II aB b~ata and train. can take you, And with blm, I'll never tor,ive,' You." the standard breeds ' but ' what have Buttable for thll pUfpoee, whlcb II II lb~ a .~~ Nora,'la' a ·woman. If he neTer come back." . "Forget It, Nora. I wasn't I\ghthill, Dluch to recommend the m. So Jr you great d~l ' amaller and warmer thaD wretorned wlUl tile lIetermination of "I am neniy twenty years younger only tbought I wa.... wl.h to keep BroWn L!apoms, or Burr the summer Of cOI1nle. the ' alla 'W1nfllq her, ,be , will," . thall you, Mr. Harrlgan_" He ral!led tbe lid , Of tbe trunk anll! Orplngtonll or BlaCk, Mlnorcas, YOU depend~ 01( t~e ,number ot ,lquliTela Tbey dlcl J)ot aee Courtlandt. again. "Oh. don't let that wo~ you any," cast In th& ,loTeIl bllphunrd. And ·'I!i'111 be perfeotly liare in doll\« 80, '110 t~ be kept. In, It. ", ' then he law tbe paper whloh had ma,ttet !.w~at BOrne one e.H' mB1'.8a), ....ft4!r a , ftj~ minutes of resUees lo-and. with a. truculent laugh. <froln•• be proceeded down to tbe land· "Very well. You will nnd me there, fallen oul. He picked u(l, ad 8Qu1Dt· 10. favor of other bt'eed., ,But .wheD Good Temper . ' Val"abla Allot. rUllped hlmselt to the colonel'l After all, you are her father," ed at It, for he could ' not !!ee ve,., you bav!! ol\~e adop~ed lI- - parUcuJ).i " Amhllit (he -many. ' vlclaallud•• ,of ';motor-boat, and retul'Decl to BellagcJo. "You bet I amI" well. Nora was leliTlns the room I .kInd. stick to It. Do not ,chaDge, at dallv UtI!! good temper',!. found to be . At the hotel. he asked tor the' duke, Harrigan ,atole 1JltO' his dauBhLer'1I a temper, leaat"uDlll ),ot,l hav"6 , glven It · l8vl\ral a villu~ble .lIBet, and .a pana,.c: ea fO, r ...·oDI,. to be told " that the duke and room and 60undlellsly bored Into the "ijolng, Nora?" ye4l'11' trial. U,sua~lY '/.he faul~, IUbere mOat 'ilia, It Is a C~l1lttaD ,virtue of "I am. ~d I advise y~u to h ...l'~ III any, la In or h~dlln.., ~ot In greit wortb msr it, 'ana, ltll moral ; madame· had left tl1at morning tor bottom of the tl~nk that contained Ihe . Pans. , CourtJandt 'law that , be bad r(\lIol of }18Bt glory. As be pulled thel!l your dinner In your room." . the .t owla themselves, - '. '. ' Inlluenc~ 1 fs ~undles/l, . It , J8 illac. ;"P,8l;1Ultted_one gJ'eat,oppor.tunlly to IUp fortb, a folded oblong I1trip ot parch· ' Alone, ho turned on ,tbe' light. n .' When ,ro,u aile .electlng your rOWl~ ful aDd Ilt' ·Y.fell ,on old and younc, put, He gave up the battle. ODe ment came .out with tJlem and Out· neyer. occurred to him that , he OJlght InBlst o~ paving nothing biit 'good,' It , Is','the ,best. of an gOOd company; :more IOOd look at her, and he would tered to the Hoor; but he was too be prying Into IIqme or ·Nora.'s prhat,. young ' birds, Tbrow out all ,the old and adorn. the wearer. How de_&,o away. Tbe odd.e had been too busily engaged to notice It, nor would "crirresp(mdence. , He unfolded th,. be'n s; , they have 'lIee,n ~h!!lr " best dA~s. · J(gbtful 'does It mal(e ~oolal ' conve.rse. ulltronlr fot hJw, and be Im!!W that he he baTO ,bothered If lie had. The. fiat· , pJlrcbmeut anll' bold It under 'the 118h1t. It you buy (n the fall" tr.y to get earry b d "r ~a. br-~en. !.run ot the trunk wall littered wUhold ' For a lon'g Ume be atared at tbe writ. s'prlo, g.batehod pullets If ,.,ou can, but liere ,It .Ioo.,s on ~he rigbt 81 e 0 ....the motor·boat A-me bac" A" lellera and ,programs and operatic 11Ig, which - 'woe tn English, ' at ~o date, , .'•• When ,do Dot take. anytblng o,v• er etg , hleeD human t na'uro.~ " t and' la kind In ita judg· . a at the name!!, Tben be Qulelly ,refold· . and the baron made- UBe ot It....,. also. Bcores, He wrapped tho , gloves In month, iI old, At tue farthest. To mate ,.,~eD .... nUl .._,of 0 heta, ' It ,II, ebatltable• ' truthft1!; aeaHeraot~era com. They CTOBtled In silence, heavy-hearted, newspaper and got away without be- cd It and ,p~t It away rort utura use, with tbe a.prlng puUeta" you abould fortlng and VO~B. ,whleb Itproduce On landIng Abbott Bald : " It II Ing seen. He waa as happy ae a boy · Immedlat~ (uture usc.. have a yearling mate, but If ,yourhetui In ~tllin:: and thus 8Qod thoughts ' :probable that l ahall not see you agaIn wbo bad, discovered an opening 10 tbe ' "."Ijhls Is n grellt world," , hl1 mul1'- are over a year old' lI cockerel. from che la,he,d alld deeds ' ot, kindness done; ~h. year, I am leaving tomorrow for fence between him ,(lnd the Ililple or· mured, rubbIng bls ~r tenderl},. tqe'spl'lng hatc~ Is better:, ', ' \ Ohurchman. ' ~' , Farle. It'8 a great world, Isn't It, where ehard, He Vo'8S' rather .astonisbed ' to " l:ro liE CONTINUED .) ' Belore' you try to pICk out , your ." the,. toG's us around like dice? Some see Courllandt kneeling In the clover. . towls, Bludy ,up well on t)is charlie;. '. I throw sues aDd othel'1l dellcea . .wd In lIatcll, hUilUn~"'for a four·leaf clover, 'The /-iumllity Fallacy. ~erlstlcs of th~ br'e~a yo~baye c~oBen. ,What T~y Do With, Theml thlB gaiDe you and 1 bave losi t\VO out It ,was Plltent 'that the ' young man was "Hultlllt~y, an a vl.rtue, Is fast ·dll,. ; i the 'h~nll are to welg.n fiye pound., '. ' Got out ot w.y~ " What are i~! tbree," ' not troubled with nerves. ~ ,appearing.. ' nnd Iha r s a very good s~dard weight, :{eo t\ht'.yoUr8 cOl!le ' \lot;! for~" '~lIald ,a oroaa old to a "Ieball r 'tum to 'Home," replied the "Here!" he cvie d, brullquely, tossing tblllg." eald !\I!lyor nolp~ In San !frau- ,retty near to t bat llgure, U the male brt~ht·e.rea _ u~lIIn ' w~o waa standbl :Barone. "My long leave of absence II ov'e t a paIr of gjovefi, "I Ihls method cll!~O. . " : bird, '\8 shOWlJ in- ther.standard to il~ve , tbe way, .~. _ , ' ;,' of settling th~ dlGpute Isn't aatls rac· " quI' fat.hel's I,sed to rll~eh humlll,ty 6 live'polnted eo.m: • see ,tbat the 'one Th~ Utt,le 'f ello" .. 'II he stepped to 'lien.... Its end." . "Wbll.t In the ",'orld can hcvc bap· tory, I'll Dccellt youl"el\plllrtatlous," to us- respect for our Rupcrtors, con· JOU pick Qut :1US that kind" -l It the one eald, said 1'IITY ,gent,ly: · ~'ne,. pened T" demau ded Nora, shOWing the For reply CoutUDDdt. stcod uf and tentment wltb 0111' bumble stllt\on, all~ whtUes Lhould be pure whtte, do not ma)re men of lIuch things a8 we ~re." ,two notes Lo Celeste. "Here'~ Donald stripped to hifl undershirt., He drew ' so eorth. .' put In a. ' bIrd h06e, wattles are --NI,I.tJonal Weeki)', ' ,~In.: t,o ,Poria tomorrow and t\te Bar· on lhe gloves' and laced tbem 'with "'fie who Is down r, ed rear no ~trea~e d' :wIth r fld. ,Look with special o,CJne to Rome. They will bIll us good· the aid of his teetli, Then b. kneaded n ' humillty expol!ent said tQ !pe, Clnre to tbe of your hena.!. 'Get . ,Inf.nt Telll'lbial ,bj at tea. 1 don~t under!>tand, Don· tbem , carefully. ,T.he tVo'o me,n eyed emluy. o~ e day , those ' that aro 'ju~t a~ near Uke tbe LUt.l e "crar80ctr.-l'a, that IDan ;8111 wu to remain until we left ror eaob other Q little mor,a rellpe c~f.UlIy " 'Quite righ t: said 1, 'I,ut he's B lI:1cl~re8 ~YOU 8eo Of that parUl:IUlar Inr YODder can', bear It thuder, ~1D"'lea, .alld the Barone's l('ave does than they ho.d ever done before, to ,at sat on nnd walked o~ver.'" b.reed a. you CRn• . It, JOO stUd,. the Mr. pa:II,penr.-;JI he deaft: IB!tl end until October." "Tl1Is III glo 'conr~ Is ' about nu' near Il0UItry papers well, anll notice the Little 01Bn!nce-;..Nc), 'ib'; .tt 1111.... -Tomorrim'7" dlm-eyed, Celeste re- BB ' we call malie It. The ' mnn who ,'Facta In tbe COlao, lIluatratlons of pr1ze.wlnDlq (owll. th\Ul4erIQ,;:-Clbr.lattall aellati.r. ... ' -..rn.d tJ:e notes. ,.teps outsIde Is whipped," Miss Laura brake alii, preslde~t yuu' will aoOD learn tile qualUlclitloDll "Y~.. You play the ~ourtb balladu "I agree," said Oourtlandt. tft. CpIteBo tor Womell at Su rou wllnt. tr YOII ClDDQt. ,04 I'll '1~1 ' [roin Madame, It will DO 'No ~ wltb...nlst... lIDtll oue Or 3'enn" rays that while -that· !U'. ~ctl)' I'IIbt. -wry lonelome without them,:' Nora the ' other III outaldo. (:I..n breaKI. that college women .... to. It ~ ...1..- tI~...tI....l ..... ...... loto the 'Wall mirror and la.,.. a That', about ati, Now, Pllt Up )'our III We, tbey Anall), Q to • !dallet ~ Wlm~8~re1 1*t __ t ... ~ bar ball'. dule. and take a man'IIIOJdQ•• . I l)fOp01'fJoD" React en'ft . __ . ' " '"tllllIlltIl'l' . . . . 1)te am.eII, It .u ..· thf\lqllt JOu 1Mb.... . aoa. &bU! :w~o art

f XV--


PlbJCI: 91 l-IONbY LJOn ON


















... __ ........


lAUGHTER WILL COME BACK World I. Not Always to Stagger Under the Overwhelming Duo· lIatlon of the War.

Som& ,(1eofl l& ~onder why th elliers are , runnllll~ during the awful world traged}' 'b:loh Is b log enacted In Eu· ropo. The reaSOll wily they ouglJl to ruo Is well s lated by Jo11n Pal mel' In Lhe Saturds,y He\' "Let the th oater 8 1111 ex ist to r eo mlud us tha t tbe war will puss; thnt la ughter wIll come back to tbe world ; tbat art Wlll one day be restored; tha t we shall uot alll'aY8 stand at the edge oC I'l1ln; (hat It Is uot nec· essary to <l well forever with gru ve fac es, sclt-e:onsclousl y In the shlldow ot dlf t reas. Thereby we sha ll helD to keel) aliI' Counlry III sane mind aud good heart In th es . coming days and destroy In I(s cradl e the Intan t 11.8' sumptlon pt' our e~nt rtalners tha t one tb eme alon e 18 ablo at thi s tlmo to DO sess us. "This 1'1'(11' \\' 111 !lever, 80 long us It lll8tS. be lu a les8 degree the com· . Out we rooudlng ta t or our lives, need not, tbe r for e, act Illle stun ned cI'entures and play conUnually with on e fixed Id,ea. We hnve to .keep our sense of proportion. We must hold on to our humell' and kee p it brIght : anll the t heater Is going to continue, must help tl B In t.hls."


Are YOll Trouhled?

BoDs BlU01lSlles8


CousUpatioD Dr. Pierce'S Golden Medical Discovery for over forty years haa been lending its tli~ to jWlt linch case8 as this. In our JlO88ession we bave thouDands of testimonials of like c:bn.rncter. Perhnps you nrellkcptlca1. but isn't it worth lit least a trial in view of such tltrong testimony? Isn't it r ellSOn-' able to suppose t.hat If It has done 80 much f or othera It can do 88 much for you 1 Your dmlrai.t ..m .up"I,.:roa In lIauld or tablot (onn. or you CAQ , tmd 60 ona-cent .lAmpe tor Il tri&I bo.L Addre ..

Dr. B. V. PIerce. Buflalo. Ii. .Y.




'W =








F. d:fn:tt,


Ill::, "&.-

Self-Loading Shotgun GAu<iB.

,cUr 'to:








mall nscd lo down that walrus bjd& hoot With so much rel ish when rOll we re f!)(D lorlns III tho a rctic. Th , . Explorer- Wh y. man. I'd en toD 7 be Adams, the Ills t · or the old hom mlfd e \lI es In Il. hoardIng hou~1l1 wood n s hips at tb e United States And th ere urI' Bome me n \\'40 are nsvy, which tram 1908 IIntli lus t (all WIlS t he t rai ning ship of the Pennsyl· BO conceit tl til y Im agine they are vania Sta te Nautical 8cbool, bas been t he whole pomcl o ,'cry time they tllrned over to tbe New J ersoy naval ~o ror a w:l lk. G militia fol' thel.r cI'ulse olf tile Maine c.'O!lllt, wo read In tho, Phlladelpbln Ledger. This r elic o( the "old na ,'y" Is Qn o of th o mos t 11lrturosQlle IIblJ)8 now Dark rigged. Wi th her lOW' altoM. erlng masts lind 111gh blaok tOflsldcs and the guus peering thro ugh her ports. s he Is an object at adllllrlltion and ul'loslt)' In e\'ol'Y part eho visits. ntll Jllne, ' She WIIa built 10 l'8i1. 1889. wben ahe went to Eam on, she had an uneven tful exis tence. Du l'lng the controversy with Germlluy Bhe "'as tho sole defeOller ot Lhe Ame rl· call flag In t be t tenltory. She tllon was seQt to the PaCific COllst, am] In J &0 4 w n t aabore In Bering stroIL he was floated, repaired and brougbt Melt to the nlted States. She then wooL ou '~ of commission, until 1908. When s he ",,'M t~tn.etl ONer to tbE! P nnll),1 'anln State Nau tical bOBr d. There is no need to suffer the annoying, exoruciatinB paln of • Fire Threatened Rc iml, Dcunilgia; Sloan'lI J.inlment taid Rclms clltbedrnl had a. narrow es· -on gently 'Will aoothe t he'aching C:3pe trom (I!!st.ructJon In July, 1481, head like mogic. Don't delay. Try it lit once. when ~ome plumbers. who . had boen 1I1 ('ndlu g tbe root, lett a brl!lser, Ilalf ~ He,, ,, What Olh_ Sa~ 6xtln Sltished, among tho timbers. "J bave been .. wife"'" with Nou",I" 'Ph e followJng morning s moke and f"; IOV rnJ y~rtI· ':nd havq tried cUa.ftWt lJnilnenlAl, but Sloan'. Lillim~D~ " tile 'fIa:nes were seen tssuhl g from ' lbe bIon Linim(:nt for N eurnlal. OD Cl&rtb. s pire which cro'\\~ned the .cbolr o[ the t bave uilld ~t .IIIcClOllfulln It h... n~vu !ai\ed."-P, H. W;:UiG .... 41j,''''o, Art. lnthedral. It was late In the arter· , Un. B~tJa C. ClIJVflOOJ, ·lnd..""",,,, •• , noe n before the flumes could be ex· Mo., witt,: "A friend of "un t.oId UI . ltnglliebed, and by that tilDe tile cen· "bouU'our Lln.ImCDt . W'.. have """0 UM It It lor 13 years and lhink thero Is Dotltlnl LI w spire, moat of tile roof and ,t be llko i1. Vtre UAO it. on everyt.hinl .. IIOI"U. tran ~ept gables we re completely decull, burn", brull'".""'" throni. h<JI.d.AIlho "",d OD e~ull!! ~ .I... Wo COD t ' • • t nlroyed , Loula Xl WIIB JlO (url9u8 aloal! ..1 Iholl~ I ~ W~ think l~ Is U.. bUt. wh en h e heard of tbe c nt1is trbpbo Wat LlnimeD' made." he Q.nnounced his Intention ot evict· ing tl\8 canons of tbe cathedral; thl'ough 'II'hoso negligence the .lIre waa sald to spread, Rnll pultlng mon ks j'n thetr phi'ce. Reli c of the Oid Type of War Vessel Passe. to New Jersey's Naval Militia .

354 Plum' St., Youugstown, Ohlo."Bltltches lIJie r lngworms started to come out ull over m y tncc lind neck. Later It too]e tJle ·form or white flakes Bnd when I would rub t hey came olf In lltUe white Bcales. Th e eczema so dlsfl:;ured me thllt r wae osha med to go out an yw'llere. It itcbed all the ttrue and \vh e ne" e r 1 pers pired or got my tace ther Joost bit w t. It wou ld burn until I very llenrh' we nl crnzy. Tho more I ru bbed or scratched the mor~ It spread nnd It mude mo so resUess I could not sl eep nt nl s ht. "One day a friend prevailed Ullon me to get a slImplo of CutlCUq SOD.p ' I\nd Oinlment. Th ey olluGed lh'6 itch· Ing to IItOP lu stuntly and In R ver'y rew 1I(I)ls my facEI 811d Jl ~ck began to ll)loW _ JI'" a mark d II111ll'ovempnt. I us II th·r ce , caltes of 'Cutlcura Soap and one bo~ women volu~teeted (or service, was and , mllny ,o r th,e Red Or01ls DurS6111 of OUticnra Ointment and my ,f ace tlJat ot tfatlstormlng the entire COUll' wellr .the costume of II. sister. . atld neck ,a ro completel)' cured." try- or SWJ,tzerlanll Into a grellt hOS.'1 Tbe Russian Hed Crot'M IS R. tl tate (Signed) NEI.w ton D. W . Cbaprno.n, plli1 to whicb the wc unded or .all In!ltltutJon, drt) wing a large part or "'eb. 27, 19104!. nationaUtles could be cOD\·eye d. "l'h18 It II funds f.r om t he sale o( pa~~I)Qrt s. utlcura !:Iosp and Olntm e'n t sold would be ohmg' I.n the extreme, Inas· Durlnt; the Rus60-.1apaneBe Ul e througbout the world, Sample of eaoh much a.l' Switzerland W~ 1j the country organl2atlOn waR u.nllled Rnd made e m· free, with 3'2.p. Skin Boolt. Address post. hi whlcb , tbe, R ed I'9ss ball Us birth, cient. atter Ole Ilgbtlng 'b ad hf!en In card "Cl1ticut<a, Dept. L, Boston:'-A4,.. In 1864. It was a'8wls8, Henri Dunant' l prol;l'reBs long· e nough lo Bhow lhe ' who ' wrote !.be famous 'Pllmphlet, "A fuUl1t y of tho two brancb es which I~nd Scrapple Seaton. HEN the lirst Bhoclt 01, Souvenir ot Solterlno," setting [orlb I lorig sho wn HI 1\,£ ne~t rh·nlry . Dr. Cyrus TOl'o'nllelld Brnd y, tbe an Ilnexpect d war had the hor",lbIe side of w~r as he ha~ 'Phe Jallanese Red CroBs co,me to eminent nove list nnd divine, sa id In abater.! II IILr1 lhtl miDI! witnessed It durlo$ the DgtiUn'g be- r (lie noUce of Amerlca-- specially at New York one brisk Ootober ,lny : " This IB tbe sornpple season, the . or Ihe worid turn d for tween the Fr~Qoh and the AUlltr~al)8, , the time of the Russo'Jallane e war. • • rell!!! to lIie one brtght lll' northern Italy In 185~. 'nnd It . was 'Y4(ln It was assumed by ,1110st or us scrapple season par exoellence. .It Is, _ ' ; ~ HPOt In tb e dreary ' pic-' this ampliJl!t tbat led directly to ~he I on ibis s iele or ~be world tbat .Tapan ho\\' ner. -only 1n Philadelphia ~hat , ' turo. th e rL'd' cross · on formation of tile Red Or088 society.: knew no:thlng about lllllltnry nUI'81~1l" one can ' renll)' enjoy scrappl e. F'or jl aLactap.ple. a '7 wblte sl eovebnntl. tile B)'mbol at rounded . under II treaty In which 211 A. corps or trained ~ul'ses wpe organ· PlL1lndel hla Is comfort to tho~e wllo had been dell led Roverelgll states were Invited to 'oln Ized. und r tll ~lreetiotl of 0 a nd else ~helre the delectable dish Is kindly bOllo of 811/Iden d'eatb. for th" "ake of Jpsurlng absolute neu·, PhySlc!lln o,r Washin gton, a 8hlp cbar- 6uspect." those who hnd been lert wou ndell and ~rallty to ' the 'ounded, In case of tered nnd R relief Elllpedition 5 nt to Doctor Brady lau ghed, flutte1'ing on th battlefi eld . war. . Tokyo. Tb e mikado received tnll "~ot the PElrf ct enjoyment of lov ," British RecruIting. It 18 nay,· hal't n centu ry smce the, Tbe most Il'\lportant elem,el)t8 In th e ladl es klndl)-, bllt Informe~ them that 110 said, "thE!l'e must be perfect con. Wnrlllte Mlstres8-Don't you tblnk, WQrk, bell un by F10r nc Xigbtlngale foun4atfon ot the soolety were tbe It would be J\lst as wall ror th !l~ to flt1 e Dce-and this Is alao true ot sc~li p. Jam Ii, you would like to joIn l.~r d . dlJrlD$ the Orlmean war. ' was Incol''' Gene~lv.8ocIety of p.lIbhe 1;jtillty, the. 110 bllek: home. sInce thGY cO,u ld not ,pie." Kltchener's army 7 j)ol'ated ond inade or InlernntiOllal 1m· AtIlerlcan 'sanlta'.'Y corumll!slon and be lIerplltted either on the battle. , P~ace ful Footman Thank you, Jl(Jrtanc • lind tbe n (\uU1ulat ~ d e~jlerl· ~'I! Order 9( S~. JoJln o~ ~ Je~u 8alem, field ;' or In tile hospitals. The care IMportant 10 Mot".,. but 'i don't see as ·ow I'd be b !!-l' munl ; ence of 50 yenrs will be I100e 100 or wblob PrInce Ji'rederlck Oharles of of their wounlled was ~p well pro, EnnllDe carefully every bottle of tertng myseH. War's for .them as ~rejlt to meet the strAin Imposed on Prussln was grand ' l1\uter, and whtoll \tided for ,that no outside ~ell1 could CAS'l'ORJ:A.. a au.te and sure rem(,!dy for like It \\'hlcb 1 never dld. -!.o\ldo!1 , tb~ brave wom en Wllo haye gone Qut }lild descended d,lrel)tly , without a be ~ccom~odated. _ Infants and ,IlhUdren. and 8\18 that. It Punch. ' . , 10 do Joore than a soldler's duty. 'rhe breal{ from the old military nl!rslng In Ger~any, France ani! Belgium Bears the ,,~~ · nlli'lIlng o( ,the woulld ed I the olle ' orcler ' tha~ ~ame Into e)[il,!t~nc at the ther~ 18 -snotber. inter estfng cr~BtuJ'e Bignatureof ~~ Money for Chrlatmal. 81'ltat service which womnn can per· time or Pte crusades. .. . " . who goes forth I~ , searcb ot ,the wound· In Use For ~)ver 30 Yllare. Seiling gUllfnnteell wear·proot hoB!· torm, .In Urnes of 11'111', and from 311 WIth '11le eJ:ception oC the bu(o. ed, hearillg the lIymbol of neutrality ery to frtends &. J;le/ghborll. Big Xmaa over the world com'e tbe announce. • prtnolplell .of ne~trallty anll . ,hllman' and Il\~manlty" , It..Is ~he Red Crolls Children Cry for Fletcher'. Castoria Wear·Proof Milia, 3200 bU8lnes8. menti of women of ran\{ and wealtb Ity tbe ~\lle~ea In the _various coun. dog, trained to searcb to~ the wound . . Brl[ng thll N.ew •. Chestnut St., Pblladelph~, Pa.-J\dv. who aro eager to leam '~o mllthlng ,o t . tH~8 have little tn COmPlon. '- Eacb ed wHo bave fallen loto rnvlnes or A8 " vldenc!} of the upside-down COD' the hardship Imro~ed \)y interuatlonal naUon ....ba8 worked out I~ .R~d Crolls are conceal?d by shrubl)er.y. Proof Po.ltlve. dltlons ot th,e world (writeB ' ~H.") 1 Of greBte,r Int~rest to us, than tbe notioe 1n tbls morning's paDer Bor.IItrlre, .'In Ih main, these earnest accoJldln,8" to' it. own IfleaJi and ~eeds . "Hold on a minute," aald .a Ulan to pleas tor II chance to do 80met~lng ~n Franell tAere are tl\ree sectlons. the organizations ~f the .collotrtell ~1J:'ec~· -I'ty over , tbe telephone, "cen· . wa.. , m, ':::!:...._....:...._~~~~li·~B;~n. ~dd .·UScl.l' l, ore gently but Societe de 'SecaUTS aux B/esllea MIlI- IT Involved In tbe war s , e _ e .:Petrograd news wired from New York. tral's 00 the wire." ,sin 0 t he woman ,,'ho talres, the Union dllS Femn;1es ' ' de CraBS that has de~eloped In UII! 13uelll\reBt 'QewlI wired from Rome, and . '" ain't:, eltherl" e)(clalmed ,t he In· makh . them would lJe a blndrance France and "tbe Alllocilatlon dell ' D,hlea United Sta~ell, Since tbe o:rganlzatlon. Berlin ne"8 wired from SlIlontka . . [11 dlgJlllnt central. . 'F,ftnOaIBes. . Theae· three sooletle! at t~le outbreak of the Civil, war, of dq6- ·co.u rsa X expect to hear from , rather tban a helll. Th.e rec(ulremenb; tor membership I maintain more than ten ,b'Q!1l1and "edll, the sanitary COlllmisslon. ~' h!!ll the SpltzlHlrgeu that Shackleton has n ed Cross nan Dlae. much bet ter, g0ll8 hi tbe Red CrOBS rallks are . exee{)- In 'al1dlUon to the' nUx.lllary· field 'has. Qeneva convention waa . called our r.enched the 130utll ,pole.-Manchester farther thnn liquid blue. Get from. any tionafly t6-Vere. The cn.ndldate ,mllst pitalll' ",bleh C!~ .b'1l ,' establlsbed be. country was In 'the '. t1l1'9611' of the G)lardlan. lIrocer. ."rdv .. Dot only be p .gradllllte 'ot II re'pu~able. tween the -lighting army IID_d ' Its base .mos,t . cruel W,Bt o~ modern th~,e8 .. ~I. NaturaUy the reformer ISD't a · suc· tralqJng school Rnd a registered nu~se of euppIles, .and they ha...~ eetabll$bed tbough ther~ was a, represenlutlye ot nOX8.£08 CR~llI~ RI'J~lBDl'. TilE I .IFE· cess unles8 be makes good, . In the B~te In ",'hid. she Is practict. emer~ncy ,boB~ltal. sel'Vlce In < the th~' s!lultary .co~mi8alon" at the Gen~ ...:v~r of chtt.lreo. No opIum. ' lD •• n·t.. - A4v. Ing tier profession, ~ut ~ h e ~us~ gh'e v;altln~ roo~ ~t rl\lhv.a)l statlo"II. , The va , conventl!>n, our govenlment dltl try to copvJuce a,' mule tbat be The henpecked husband should reo .aU~(\lctory evidence that sb~ ,Is one serious, defect In the ~rillb IIYs. not. afgn . the Red CraBS U'eaty, ,alul ~ He !tDowa Jt... joice that be I,n:t a Mormon. 'strong, botJ) mentally ,a nd pllyslcally. tem 18 ' tbe ' tralnJbg . of the In' In ' l8'71 tl\~ ,Amerlo~n prganlu11,?11 , One' of the royal 'lell;dera wbo WM wblch partlclJ18l' It' JS·. Dot, to be <lorn. ·Iapsed. Ten years later tlie .A.merlca.\1 .accepte-d tor- real wor~ was llie see- pared with tbe .Amllrlcan. . A8I!Qcla.tlo.n~0,t, Red qr08B ,was formed ond daugllter-In'. lnw ,of llie d ral. er, '''he GeJ:m~ Red C o.s III 'a 4ire«:t In WuJilngton with II e meml!~r!l;­ PrlMess Sophi e. who h as IIOt O~IY brancb .-Ol ·the rn!IJtary 'service, and 'It. ;~a~a KBa~~:!;e~TaDl J":;;,re:c:, ~t~ · _takell ·'8otual. training 1\8 a nurs~, but ;i9~r~nlle~ for emclanay ~o tbe .~ast,_ A1!xana w., ye~u; .. ~ho .,as dev!»~ed all }lor ~~~!!~l~ aegree. .ttl .t1'ongei\t po1nts are the ,later th:r trea,y ·.of. Geneva rali' Iln~e ber- malTil\ge. to P k~ A~I°':t.,' exe,ellent, tralnlnc of.Jits ,,\Urses" and fled ' but tbe socrety waa c11ep, no Qm,' ... ti'pd ell\locla11y hospital WO! . d th J.e Ita un II nilted '~\lply or hos(!lt8l clal'status by eongreaJ; Until tbe outother prtnceJlses have ouere e I' - t !fs . . ' . , '. -" but the best theY" could ,cto s or ~ ' ., b~eak' of the 8)lanlsh;-AlIjeJllf.\D' It:ar .I\ervtf~·a·t 0 ' o~gQnlzlJlS BeWh~,. ~ The )~~ct. Cro,BII ' IO~ll!t)' of ~er~a~~ the iloclety' little ~rp~eas, and. wai t t ~ '. klng 'of bandages to comp.lisee more than 600.000 MhIbera" Its adlvlty " w"ri 'Sl?nft~e(l to I()oldrii" ('.Iet :s 1I~;ed.:n~:ellt 10 tbe war U:ne: ,and In addlUon to .Its K'e$UJ!lf mllItarr UteI' lQood sufrtl.rel'~! tind 'h~ victIm. lZ $ 'SHOTS' .' ~I! er aU Amerl\!l1n nqv.e llst. E~lth bospJtale ~t. ~al~tal~~ ) 196 a~J.lllar~ !It ,.fir-e, rail .an~? mine &Ullatttllrs. . " ~~b~~~~ ' h~8 established 1111 InSUta'. tioapltal, 80~ raUw.y' ~ed(eal room!! - Jt. was not un~.11 1905, ' when IJI'I 800: , . ' r '11. ill the PolOr \Vomen WhOIO' ~d " 1i21 con',ales!!,!IIlt.-J\o me"., 'fbere clety \va, reorgi.Dlzed by congre,sand · ton n w, tve 6ne to tbe war can arll tiloullandt {lr \talned male nurBee, (tVlltl n distinct place IV the ' a!ral",. ' hu" lIa!~Bti hh . mo:ey t~ 'keeP b~df, and ~bulallee eO~1 .~nd 8tretch~r ~a~· or UI~' n~fto , that the ~ed erols et:e .Tbei .. work Is t.bat of et'll) and tbere ' ll, lIection of tbe gan to Olal\e TOIII '8trtd!t,a. ,ExlPJ'(lIl,dent , iKl~1CI ~ilbtti· for the aoldiel'll, and fema1e nureeii 10 ~.hfoh special , tralJ1- '1;aft ~Id .n:tueh tQ ~~bltlh tbls 'vl\lu. ro"a, ,n . l1a~i:t from fundll recelved by Ing t.~veD, .80 tht .t~ey mllY act as n~le lostltu't lon In ilta 4I'steell1 tbe 1.pupu.... ~ ,~~e suPb l\1rIptl011 '. . 8JJSIshllts I" people , =. And In n olber, Jand has auch . . . . .. to J!rote8~lonal k ' " ''Ouraes , tbe "t8t !lugg-estlon:~. CODling p,merllenc... wor . " . •. . provess be~n roade at! that' .r..:ch e.ur pt)~{~te Mra. W. T<. Vanderbilt and , The AUltrlan sy;stem tl .s lmllar to Red Cro.. can ~It~w. all 'tbe reeult oJ !'::ore fir other expatriated Amer!'c;an the Germnn, althotJa b Ie.. ellt'epBlve ",Ine years of systematic! clev, \o,p~.nt.


Tra ined for it. Til t' Cyn le- I don 't s c how


LINIMENT is the bcshoem'ooy forrheumtd.ulIll. backache, soro t.hroo,t nnd BPra.ina. A. all • ..J.n, 2!1c •

S_d four cent. in .tAmpa low TRIAL BOTTLE


Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.

D.L !L

,Philadelphia, P..

The Army of Co~s.tipation " I. Smaller E...ry Du. GrowlDlr


responsi1)\e - they not only ai ve relief - they perma·



8courli'lg ' p ..te. I I Accou nting for t he Abnnce. 1 ~ make a good 8eourlng mlxt UA I 0('00-"1 se e whllt moat attractec1 f1>r board s, wor k In to a pas t holt.. a th o nttlmlion of a pa rty of dlatm. pound of 80ft Boap, ' half '8. pound or 8111 h e d Eiu ropea ns 00 an _AmerIcan SIIDd Bnd II. Quart r of a pound or t OUl' was lh l' absence of t ebees a nd lime. . Put It on w ith a sorubblng h dB' 5." E gber l-"They might have brush llls lead ot BOa.p, and the n waah r enchl'd n I cn.Ut y In the ' Veat recent · CIt\' with plenty of clean wa t er , Iy \' Isl tell by II. ~, lone." .



Headquarters for t he Cluett Shirts and Holeproof Socks - :





_1131'_III=II. If""""~IOJIr&!III&iiliiQa_l:iIlIliIIiI l RSIliS...



I _


Headquarttrs for everything to We~r for the Wh(.)le Family



$ 15.00 and $16.50 Suits

Peaches, Apricots, Raisins and Prunes.

For ~; ens and V onnR Men, In (JIl colors.

Sr. . i;~I. .

,- -------------- - - -.





Heinz Mince Meat in Bulk None Such in the Package

White !lnd ecn.. , bea vy '

\Vhere else can you find .:;uch great big va:lues. .Here a re two Stunning Specials that' will go on sale this week· • See other Real Bargains.

n.eced' linrd S[l('cial. .. ":

$15.00 L.adies' and


M isses Cloaks


'wealNS in all Norf Ik s t)llc,

C'ell ell S,



~r.~~a l


on ale this at t he remaweek rka bly low Special p rice of . ' . . . '. .. . .

~l)C,c:f1I ..

Pancake and Buckwheat Flour Virginia SWdet Gold Medal Aunt Jemimas.

Just !lrrivtd 0 hill . line o£OvcrcoHls. All k ll ' d ~.

Another big shipment or a ttractive new. Cloak s in the popula r n ew models a nd {'very imaginable c,9lor. · T hese will go

$2.50 and $3.00 laies' Swea ters



$15 00 and $16 50 Men's Overcoats

III cli um !lud hcavy \",·ig hI nie'll uilS , 01 .

La dies Union ~ult!l

75c Ladies' Union Suits






75c Lad les



I n nil clllu rR Al l sizes



$2 50 a nd $3. Ladies' ,Silk W n.ists

$J.OO Woo'

In nil colo rs, plnln t" ilOIed , JrJll I) sle ves, pec inl

[n hi lle, (link nnd 10ll i sizes 76x1:lO.

}1 1

. "



$1 98

$5.00 and $&.'5 0' Ladles'


$1 • 98

llecln \ ' a t .. , . .

and Misses' Skirts

New Corn Meal made from new . White Corn, kiln dried.


Chlld~el1 ' s


$1.25 Men'!! Unlori

lofanCs Sweaters

~ ti !i8'

Pure Wool Norfulk sty10 in SIll c I .rs,


S tl ~rio r Pe rfec l


, IIpedal

n gafmen~ ..

Shot-,G un Shells Winchester Leaders 'Nitro .Club . PetersT~t Peters Semi-Smo~ess

-,p.ersona - ---I·M-~:--, I en .on ~

Nitro Club-Scatter Loads


Suits. closed ()fUl.c h



FRANK H. ' F.ARR, The' Magazine Man

'Jesse 'Stanley who has just gradu. - - _.- - - ,- - - - - - • ated from th~"Jones Auctioneerin,g '. . . ' E ' V B rnhart Wa9 in Cincinnati .8cho()1 at Chicago, is home and 18 . '. a read3r for sale ,dates. 1t would be Tuesday. I well Ito see him. as he h~ Borne new IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU , Roy Trons was in Columbus Tues- ideas in the aUctioneering line. 0-:, WANT I WILL GET IX FOR yOlf' day on,business call him. 146 mutual phone, New I_~~!!!!!!!!""""'''''''''--__'--~:.-----.......--:~.......'"''';~---' Qu~rterly ~~eting at the White Burliington. Ohi'. '_ .. , ' . FRANK H. FARR, Brick church Saturday. Next Door to Gazette omce , . HUNTERS TAKE WARNINO . . . . . . . . . . ._ • • • •_ _• • • • • •_ • •_ . Mrs. J. C. Hawke and M·ISS. CI ara AlIkinda of visited in Dayton Tuesday. We.any thehunting undersigned, will not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!! W. H. Allen , i8 hearing Harp' allow or shooting on our • • • • • • • •_.~~~~.~• • • •_ _• •~.I~~~~C~~~~~ ~m~~_~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!'!!~~!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~~ Attend th~ ' l~ture saturday eveIsaac Wilson -= ning at the White Brick church. . Setti Furnas Wm. Williams ' L, T. Pe ·ersOn and Win Salis,bury ~ Marthl GODS .. ' • were in Dayton Saturday on b UBlDess. 'Minnie Sattert~waite ,.\ Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hopkipl, --,--r-- . - ...--'-'-- For ' Cavalry ptirpolel!, 15 : t9 1~ handa Dayton. were visiting reh~tives here ~:J~' ~eight 1~ to 125(), I) to 10 ~~




500 Head of 1

today, Chas. Cornell spent the .w~~.end with relatives' in Port ~l1ham ret urning home Sunday evemng.. Wil1 Copsy, Dave Flam· M.!sdames mer and VernCopgy, of Spring ValJey, spent ~al!t: "' riday with Mr. and On track in a feW' days.. These Potatoes .are the B~t " Mrs. M. A. Sims. White· Sand Land Potatoes well ,matured' and wi1lkeep until Mrs , Will Copsy and Miss Maud late ill ,SpriDJ. f~ee from sca~ an~ are dry mealy coo.kersl ~ow Boat. of ' Spring Nalley. were the is the rfglit time to lay in your WInters supply at pnces you <;an . guests of Mr. !1nd Mrs. M. A. , afford buy. Don't pay retail prices forinf~rior, small rpugh couple -of daY81~t week. &~ when you can get these ~t wholesale pnces from the car. Saml ' Butterworth. wife Bnd ,Gil· '. , 'lave your orders at once. bel1t Frye spent Wednesday' and Thurliday of last week with A. A: Linton and family in Wilmingto!,): 'Ihe Ladies of the Ohristian church will hold a Thanksgiving market at the Township J~oqse Wednesd~y. - ~~!!!!I-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!i~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!7!!!!!!!~~-~' November 2{!. a t 9:30: Ever y thmg __ good to eat. , \ , ,.' .! MeSsrs. w, .E. O'~e~l1 Iln~ c. B; Bentley w~re in' · Columo~l;I8 . TueSday on account 01 the, hearmg of . the T~lenhone Co., before the Sta~e r.A>mmisslon. . ' '" , . M" , Mrs Mary WaterHouse, the ISSes :Eleanor Earnhart. Lalira McKin~ey Alma WaterhoUlle and. Mr. George Waterhouse visit ed ' Highland Cave We IOc In cash and I QYse In one day recently, . ' ..0 trade for Chickens. 'A leo SOe for, Eggs, \.\ Mrs. Mary :Ypp has retut'nec) , f rom a visit with 'Mr . and M~ vAC Ball Brand . Rubber BOo." '3.88 Co~lt r ~nd family, ot Treb't'l Q. Mrs . ' Nannie'Upp ahd daugbte rs, of .. Sell Ouaranteed Boot. Xenia, She aiso attend~d tlie Carl; Rubber ' 8oQtJ. : '~.98 :. $2.711 . nlval while in Xenia". , Fel. Boot.&-tJ;te belt .' . Judge Stanley, of 'Lebanon. will . IDe '~ Cupt-pet;: dozen ; deliver hill lecture on the "Hnmor•DIIbeIat Wbolesale Price tality of the Ruman Mind," at t he White ,a rick churcb, Saturday eve '. 10% .Dls. CIothJal and Dry Ooodll . nins, Novemb~r 14t~. a~ 7.o'clock. . . ,10% Dla. Hardw.... and Bukets Everybody inVited.

. 1 wl,lI be at the GUs;rIN HOTEL on '

Friday,' Nove.n ber 13","1914, • ' And there will be no disappointment, FRAN . K HlJNNIC'-U" T!'I" ' I '.

We will have

A. 'Car ·Of Potatoes to


'!-! ~Ii.Iii._~~IIIIj-!~~~__~~~!-


Re...~anb at 'C ost

will ' ~ay


• _ ..._ _ _


. :tate Cl~8ified Ads , '. ,_ '_' _ . r , IJI)O~ drlvi D~ hordes , Boyer. 0"» ot~lll:tn .J , 0,' Btsev, \lorwlD, O.blu. " Dd look them over. ' n 18',

, ,. .; BlC,YCLE-;- A gooll Obe, ~"QYo e, 2 2 In ,. Call on KeDDtltb KtlOOp. Way n88vll1e, Ohio. D21i, _ __ No. 2220 .



Of t)le . CondItion of the Waynes;V'i1 le Nati 6nal13.a nk, at .Waynes. :viJIe in t he ~tate of OhIO, at J he dose of, bUSiness, Oct. 31, 1914. ' : , ' RlI:80 1,JlIOES', ' DIrIco~n" .... .. . .. : ,U3I1, tin' U eecured lind uD8OC\Ited a,071 .• to IflCUlJl clrc'ula.tloD. '. 110.000.0 A to eecbdl l' oelill Bn- ' ~~o~~2:.u2~' 1 m ..... •....


.,. '3.88 ,

.' .



supr, per

. tid aJftr Baccia' per Ib


......... Chille belt a,., T_ c.t ArtIde


. .


25 pounds




. "



1·0" 'Dis. _


17c " 17c,

~ "


FARM WANTEO....... Any Bizo; hil-Ire '""'U""!"I!"!" fann preferred, will asallJm~!1 R!~~~a~~~~a~~li mort2'6R'e· apd ,~ve line Da:vt<m part pay.





AgentS for Celebrated -Gaaolen, aqd Coal on Engine., AutomobUe and General ·MJaellin• .,. Repail:i,.g, GasoliD~, Oils and ' AeallOnee " ==~==~========~


Whole Number 3290

......-. l~~r~~~~:.n~~~l


r.- 7-





.--- --

. THE\, ()(\T. THEIR ' MAN


~- .... *

_ _.-Events 1Soci~1


Threemiss weeks hogsofwere found ing fago rom four the pens W ,. C. Haines at Har ve)sburg. He im. mediately reported 'his loss to the Mr and Mrs. Robert We rntz, of J'. C, 11 i~c.l' "1<>1'. visit ul' in L>d) president of Wayne Township P. & t HI Sund.,y ..D....Association. of which he isa memo Corwin. sperit ~unday wit~ Mr. and / • I ber . The association immediately MI'\l. Wa~terS mjthand famllv. Seth GJI·II I:; drivi llg, eland. ne~ got busy. and t hough there was but a utll r,mubulf~ a slender I bread in the ci rcumstance Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Orane and son, to work on. t hey at last suc~eeded in · L. S Whilenl:'n ~pelll FI·idll}. t bringing ilie nJlm In to the hands of Ethan spent Sunday at the home of hil:l l,lo hVlIlu iii ~~lIiii·. Y the law. Mrs. Hudah Burnett ,and family. A few dayt after the theft it was Mi&! M ary Davl:! ~J)ent Sundu~ found that Clatence McKay, of near with rel .. tiv~B In Uall toll , New Burlington, had go tten t.hree The cooking Cluu met at the home hogs fro'm a colored man. Investi. of M.iss Gra~e Carman l:lSt Satubr~ay wiil 'l'id1t!1I' .1". , of Lubllnon. gation plainly showed that they were evenmg. eIght emg "wilh f"itllltis here t he missinjf hogs They traced the presant. Games. musIc a!ld a three'colored man, step until Mr. and Mrs Wallpr McClure finally landed himbyinstep. Detroit . .they The cours~ luncheon were enJoye!!. were Dayton vi~itors Salurduv , colored - man sold the hogs to Mr. Sam'l. Meredith, of Route 1, . was McKav the same day he !!tole t hem. Mr. and Mrs. Elnier Rogers. Rev. The on D. H. Palmer. and Mr. and M";". a bUtlillt!ss villi lor in Lebanon' F rld ay· . b other d hog d h became b d exhauat.ed d't ... Eve pybody is invited to the 80 t e roa an e a an one I. John Kendle, of Centerville. wet'e . Cibl on your pr~mi8e8 think this matt~r .be o cougratu· "\' , . , 1 . , h over seriously. and con!lidel" it a8 an I Tne d Associ~tion th ti d isttoe k c entertal'ned at the home ' of Mrs. at Dr. Elits on ThunkBglvmg Dig 1. ~conomic lOatter' whether it is wise ate?n e ne e ·ecnv w r a· Lillian Hotop, of Route 5, Sunday, , are now paymg, . , 1t was ~hrough M~ Eliza Miranda had a para- pay the t,:x ~ou acomphB let terhed sentbytothem t he .man's WIfe that at dinner . J t' ~troke last week aUd ill very or wh,,=~her It I~ better to put the he was finally located, and when he · :t IC , . lights 10 and pay less tax. ' went to the postoffice to get an an. Mr. and Mm. J. L. Hartsock had a It bas been hinted t hat if nearly ,... swer to his letter a man family dinner Sunday. Mr. and Sick. . Mrs ;leff Smith who was qoite all of the houses in town weTe wired arrested him. When poople mono Fred Hartsock and daughter. Md. ilck iast week is' able to be about that it might then .be possible to give key" with this association they must dred, of Morrow, and Mr. and Mrs. · . ' , a longer servlcel In fact, a 24·hour . remember they are putting their Bert Hartsock, of Route 1 were aJIlln. . service. It would be a good idea for The A -ricultural Com'mission Of Ohio Bureau of Live handlt in t he fire. for when the as. present::.________- . M.r I. Walter Smitb and Mrs, Robel t you, t.o g~t an eBt!m~te a~~ see what A5 , sociation ~o after a man they gener. • _ •, . Werntz wer • shopping. in Dllyton y01,J can do ThiS II B? Import.~t Stock Industry-Effective On and After ally get him, .~ EUROpeAN. SUFFERERS FUND Thunciay.. . matter a~ the presen~ tIme ~d It IS N b 14 }(1014 Marshal Charles Shidaker went . ovem er , .7 • etl'9it after ~iB man Thurs~ay, For the convenience of those whO up to you now to deCIde. Mns .. H. Madden was the guest •- • I ---. rand .landed him In Leb~n?n Frida! may not have an opportunio/ to con. of relatives in "Clarks'!!lle one day MONE\' SPENT ON ELECTION evemng at the county JaIl. In hIS tribute to the general oommittee the lut week. , 'th' f th preliminary hearing he pleaded not t Howing persona are requested to The followln&'\ order of gener~ a~ts or swi':!eedwl . 10 .o r rOhl!lblt ' ~ guilty a nd was bound over to the r~eive offeribgS in their various D J T · Ellis' Dr A J . McCo" Several :fortuneA '!Vere used in • . ; T "'b 01 last electIon IUld several quarantine was adopted by the Agi1. Rfut'I quarant.1n area .I S prodl e grand jut:)' in tbe sum of $1000. neighborhoods' r. • . and_Emmor Ba!ly were In j.A:I anon we.e s~ent i~ the endeavor land cultural Commi88ion of Ohio Novem unless thIS hIdes Or skinS an h00f s . • _ • • Mo~a" on bUSlJh!8B . " 14, 19L4, and supe1."cedelJ t~p ~re remlDved fr(lm t he carcasses ex Green Brfe~Harvev Burnett. 01 • the 0 ces, The Democrat par.ty genefBl quarantine NO',9 capt tha.t h'o gs need )lOt ~e skinn~. W. C. T. l!.I. MEETING Lebanon Pike-J. E~ Brown. Mf'. and M..: Willwr .Elzey and ~peJ,l~ about $50.000 Tile Re~ub October 30, 1914, on certam and thll' movement.ot h.)(les. skms Sugar Grove"-';MI88 Loulila Stokes. 41011 Ke{lneth "pent Sunday with IJcan88~ent 130,000 .and have abOut and Order No. 10 adopted and hoofs of cattle (IncludLl'~g calves). The ~eR'uIQr meeting of the W. C UpperSpringboro Road-EdTbom • . · ~tl in DSyton $9,()OO J D outstandlrrg, (lebt& The 11. 1914, affecting the IIheep, and other ruminants. and C?f T. U . was' held at the ~ome of RS. . :.' re Vetl , . Home Rule Association apent about of game .in the State Of hay, strllloW or withm Irons on Tuesday afternoon. NovemLYtle Road-Chas•. Burnett. • Mn•.CaI Burns sPent the ';eek;' +S'S6.QOO. .. Most o! this came / and frorn the said quarantmed area, ber 10. 1914. The meeting WBi Bellbrook Road-MI88 Nora Elbs. end at Kings Mills, the guest of Mr from the::nrew~rs assocIatIon . Tbe Jat. No cattle, sheep, uther rum is prohibited except as provided in opened by a song serviee followed by Xenia Pike-Will Cornell. I _ and Mrs John Leonard ProgresBlves paId out about $16.000 , inants or swine shall be removed' Amen()m.:nt No. 1 to Order ~o. 9· the repetition of the 113rd Psalm in Mt. Bolly-J. B. Pence. . league al89 IIpent from or out ofthe said fluarantiried of the B1Ilreau 'of concert Mrs. D. H. Palmer led in New Road:-Frank • The Robt. Luce, of Xenia. 's pent Saturo bunch ~f m oney, ~bo~t $55,000. area. AgrieuU:ural CommISSion C?~ OhIO, prayer. After another '!Cng th" Braddock. , da, amf Sunday with . Mr. /lnd Mrs. OutsIde ' contributions to,r 2nd. No cattle, sheep. other ru, .. 7th. On and after t hIs 'date the min\ltes. of the last meeting were Harveysburg Road-C. H. Hart. Win S.Usbury and family. ~arioull f~nds w~re madS by dlffere: minants or 'swine shall be moved. into hunting and trapping of pme of I!f1Y read and applov~d other busin_ 'JOC1i:. , ' .. . • peopl~ lDterest~(t enator e,e t the said quarantin~ area. except on description is forbidden in the enh.r e attended to. . - . , Corwin-Mi. p'oraStll.~ . . Mrs. ~. V. Luee, ofSprmg .yal~Y, HardIng ~~nt $l,9B5·.t~~ Ga~/r officiit ' permit anq for immedi~te quarant:in~ area, ex~pt wild ~ater, Rev. Ida A11en read .f~0!D Toe Harv't~1)ul"lt'-W, A. Merntt and II sper ding ~ome . ~Ime ~<tr..e WIth ILer Pro candidate spent ~, . ·11 IS Blaugbter. , fowl 8bootlng and the uappmg ot UJ!lon Signal of the Prohlbltlon and W., W. Welch.. .' daughter. Mta. Will ~al\8butY. spent $1.400 and ·won. !ind y.o?t spent 3rd. r NOllUblic Ipllesor exhiblti9ns fl1r.b~l'ing.animals!ln the marshes Suffrage Victories in the W.t. LYtl8-jC. E • .Jo~. j . . . - ~,"6Ei andJost. Suelt.1s po ItICB. of cattle, sb.eep. ottler rll~illantl) or immedl~tely bo~derJng the, south Mrs. Janney read ,j~reeldy . "PI ' 'that ,all contributions f bohIJee wl(e'al ARE WORLD -BEATeRS sWkle in the .said quarantlOed shore of Ene. and on Rescue," and ' Mrs. Gra1!Mr. of the committee roo are l'lpen lI1g T8evW E'r . .ht ~. , are permilted. . . ' Lake~ Indian Lak~, the · Gr~n e- Moral. Trainina' of a Chitcl •." b Wedn-l..- November 26tbo 110 the bo~e of Dr .. A. . rl~. _" - . .... . . 4th. It is forbidden to dnve. serVOIr !lnd LoramIe Reservpl.r. reading was followed by coD8lderable y . .,.....", re rt to the unIOn IS d M D L. Oraneand lfnl. . "Kids" are world beaters when .It transport ~r move cat.tle, aheep. l ~th. ·T he general quaral1~me .pro· diseu88ion. Mrs. Wooten then eave ~ti~e ar~tiaD:on Tbankagfvlng r. an f'!I : t liYd in Ulh- comes to collectinlr Thil Is other I'1,1mlnant . lalmed hereby 8hal 9~....malDtam a very meres ng repor 0 e Sta~ d ... / ' ' J. H. H. the, opinion of the upon .pubiic or rail ; in until ?:lewark ahe the amountsaekeel,l.00 anon, eg . s Company, who waysm the &ald quarantined area. tbeAgrlculturalCo~mJaslonof . 10. w8ladelegate. f each I iIy r60ceiltstOl'aman V. ' . . excepUodmmedi.ate All transportatIon com pap le8 The pNlgram elosed with a vocal fS::• ./oman, 10 cenla to; MetI8l'8. Ezekiel Pratt and were en 1\ ,ted t a Bid mgatherlDll and lD 'wagona wbleb have been· cattle 4ea1ers, farmers officers 0 i solo, j'Doea Jeeus Care?" ~1 • bo, and 6 cents for a lirl Let Palmer, of DaytQn, sJJ:ent Sat bottles. With the ))ro~iae of infected and provid~ . ,vith ~ght the 1~'W and otqers ~re called ,upon Palmer. ' ' ,, • \lr otferi~ come . free); and' d S .d 'th M d Mrs pay for In bottoms and sioes, or In cal'll ~d to assISt the AgrIcultural Comml~~on Conaiderable intenIBt was mama yo n.1.. .. member the words an un ay WI r. an - ' the' through yards, cb9tea and loadmg in the el!lforcemE'!1t of fested in the new L. T, L.orgabiza.. prm..,u.J who said it Ie mOre Pratt. of Route 1. places III of which "lve been of' q';laranttne so that out· in Corwin. Our-bo.18 atic\ girll malte blee:d toLord live than to reCeive/' and disinfected, and only aftar specific rre~ of dISease may be el'adl~ated our future melt and women. ~ J 0 c.rtwrIlrhi permi88ion i~ wri,ti!)g from an .agent ith tht, lea8~ po~ible losa and 1n th~ regret'w8s exp~ over the • Com. ci~ce t;..uier, of the Agncultur,,1 CommisslO.n of shortest ,pos}!b!e time. . of the recent eledlon, but no J. T. Ellis. ' W'lIllBm.IOhlo e~pressly authorlz~ to ~88ue Thiaor~~rl~ ~uedunderauth?nty courageQlent.wasfelt ratberasenae ."'." s4ch permil.8. of, ~d Vlolatlqns o~ the same Will be of renewed strength ~d vigor for MIAMI QUARTERLY MEETING 'IU.-,f.tmul 5th. So fal''' poaslble, care sh~ll proseculCed ae.c ordmg to the pro· fliturecontests. ' . . ' . ' • , .' be .cleaned and djsinfecteq· a~ ~- visio~s of . the ' A:c~ o.f . May 3, 191.3, The meetin.a .adj()lJm~ by ~~t- ---::- . ·ElIIs. €Orne. enjoy the evening and • .- ~ tablis~ed ~d s~ial~y . ,eqUipped creatmg t.he AgrIcultural Comm1&- ing the W. C. T. t[. benedictlon In BrrcL)~eI~u:oo~~r::=D~f:1: 11ne program. AdmiB9io~ lOC~ " SHeRIFf' 'OILMOUR MAI(RIED cleaning and 4ismfACt~on '8tations. slon of OhIO, concert. . ., '. . '11 be Atable a .........on 7th . d- , 11th.month, , ',. . ' '. then sent to the place- where ~he A P Sandle~ Prlsident '. The. n~t regular meetmg WI . I~"""" - v. i Th.' Ledies of the. Christia~ church Sheriff Waldron Gi.lmOl1r 'Was mar· cattle, sheep, ottler rumm'anta or ' Agric1ulfural' Co~miasion of Ohio. htlld a~ the home of Mrs. Harris a~d 191' wiih ~ ..goodly nUpiber ~ atwlU hold a Thanksgiving. market at ; ied .Thursday evening at Mallison· 8wine are to De. load~. " . P I F' h Mrs. 'Moshl:lr, the second Tuesday In tenAd~a1c:~ble paper, "on the hll. · tory . tM Townstiip Bouse Wednesd!lY. ville, to MiSli Clara C. , 1!:ltzroth. The ttanl!portatlon of dressed c~r~. . au ISC er, December. the temperance moveme~t In the Novembe.. 26, at 9:30•. . Every~tlnng dal1ghte,!; of Mr. ~d ~rs W. F. casaes ' U. S. as inau~rated an~ .,roseeut¥ =--tlI'8<!B4ld to "at, Eltzroth; of Leb'anon,. MIllS Eltzroth ' . _J ' THE CHRISTMAS THO. UOHT f ,\,_ . d on . " ' . .. , h· been a BOcI'al worker itt the hou,Be .. ' --~ , ~ .. by the Frien s 0 AUleru:a w~ l&rs T '1 W ht lled.... cllllledthat withthe vigor: andworK .iuterest tocon tlie•... · ' Sh'1 b' on ' of Edw , MISSIONARV " SOCIEf.V · MEETS WA\,NS ' Tt>. FARMER'S . CLUB Ideas on Christmas giving are .rap- effect Doble must ' .e YVI e, . n .. • . Jr ~ of ' Mrs. Ma,ck perf9r!l1~ tjle cere~onr· . .- - , . , ' idly changing am9ng tJ,e sensIble. tinue in tlie face of th~ Ohio baCkcount of tb • . nV'siUn ' ' reI. The rI!any of the sherIff In The Woman's Foreign Misl!ionarv · A.aplendid I\utumn .day. nearly .all Those who think as they give are ward movement at .the elec- .J g , \yllYge towllslup ,qffer Sot:illty met 'on November at prese!lt. a bountiful dinner' rooking for a service as tion. a D .,. ., tIOna • '_ • ' the home of Mrd. Qhas. Ruj:l1tzl;)r. and an mterestmg ..program, all con· the important thmg. . Work for universal permanent M' nd " ..:l' devotional exer.::i8e8 conducted tributed to Uje enjoyment of the In a week of shoppmg. with peace also received the !ittentioD of 0 · r. a-a SOME 009 president, the following in· November meeting at the of strain. you will not better gift the me;eting. .' . . • . I. ' was renderedt Jesse Ha.rwoclc . , . than a ye~r's suPSCrilptlOn. to T~e Vf&itors ' were iil attendance .. . F~nj{ H'unnillutt, of Wilmington. 1'lIda)','~ Mrs. Haw~e's r eview of current Youth's Companion•. It '. offers ~ts follows: . Willis Keese, Sam" R. , GOd ' week: " was Sat,?-rday and purchase,d "It' YOIl Do," events, Ed,WID and. J. T. its ent ertamment, Battin. Martha and MagjCie Warner, ' etw . . .. . nine,gOOd horses. Mr. lIunnicutt IS White; selecUot1 , 'How Long Oeardofli dlSCUSSlng the opo fine SUR'gestlyeness v.:eek Reuben M. 'Roberts and wife, Esther :. J'II~ C; B. BentreY ··8nij W:' a .go~II·~an tQ to •.~ he 1<no":l1 Wiit'.'~ bv ¥rs. ~a}n~. por~u-,i~ies. ·for. a boy ~n ag rlculti?re an4 t~e e~d ?f·the y~r,. whIch finds Battin and two /IOnl, .Nathan .V. ". O'N:f1 went ' to' ClevlHattd .Sqnilay a hol'SP. it, and there 1!J ·\Abo.u t-face".on li'orellrri . or oth.l)l Mrs. liS EssaYIst, Il')any a gift 10 attIc. Qust-covered of near Selma 'aM r~turited home 'Mondayi' They little time lost on hll ~rt In ma~ing Miss I:;ulu"Vandei'voort: Viohn S,,\o, Il r81ldmg by Mrs. Rllev. and a paper and forgotten, brmgs T~~ Com Pilon WrIght, Wlfe and Albert "eDt to IdoJ( _fter II ear load of hOgll a trade . . Mr. Hunnlcott.·will.,roba· i88 Graee Carman, who cpeerfu'l,y by Mrs . Du~e featured t.4e program again, with all the clUlr~ . of . ast Spl'inKboro, Dr. Michener lhippea l)y .the!D to that ,place. ", It' be here ,apin il'l ~ couple. of. weeks responded to an encore; Mrs. Palmer wh~ch , was closed . regretfu)\y only Christmas .t}de. . . ,. , of Lebano,,~ as -wei, as ' I . ~ " . ' ' • to:buy.hor9l!8. . Wal for~ ~lm.. ; . gave an intere$tlng ;reading endUed, ~.use of the laten~ o( the No. AmerIcan' .monthly at any P!IC~ o~heliffro,m ~ar.'leysbu~g and n~b-o FARM WAl:tt ED, t\ny.ze' . " " J~ . • ~ . ~ • " "The ~ittle Pilllrlm;~' I :'Two Fat bdu,r .. ' . offer8 the same amount 0(. read~ng,: borhoqd :.; :,'_ _ _--'~-Ilt k farm ·preferred. Will iL;;ume •. " I~ CORWtlil Mite Boxes ". WBiI a selt\CllOn by Mrs.. InVIted guests were Rev. and Mr~. and none can offer better quahty. , '. __ ' m:tl8geand SOLD SH.o . . .' "The 'Dietriet Meetin Cadwallader, ., Mrs. EVil Jones anll 'Less than· four ' cents. a WAYNESVILLE. GRANQE NOTIcE , ertiee u ' par~ ~\pay.' WrIte, ~~. B ' Ruralville" ,by Mrs. ~ McClure; Mi88 Et~clyn, Mr. and Mrs" Bt(f;t videa this b~t of Chrlstmlll! ga , ", ...... $clletts" 106 EaJle ~t. ,!?aytol'i. Mrs :G'raullel"annourlce'd the 'District. HartsoCl~. ~~. '¥ osber, Mrs/M~lalr. $2 00 ~ year: .If y!>u su~rltbbe now ~lar Gl'IllDllrB ~Io "f .. at Springfield 011 the follow- latt, Mr~1 'Rlsmger, M,rs. Ralph 'ker, all the reJIlllmmg 18SU~ u ... e y~r afternoon • :t.' .' •. and invited the Mrs. e, will be sent free.lUld Tile Co Foot and' e 'lb. '~SlnirilJ Skule BeglJlm . t aceepted the tfl' Ethel Ih.'sler, and Borne babies whose, Hom~ ~endar. A.copy ~h e "~., diecuRMd played tQ a 'blg ' bou" in ~blln. 01'. ~~rcl~ closed . l:)y names ci[)uld not bg, ,1earned. · endar,is aISQ .~~t to,tho.,e who m Ie ' Tbis Q:::-~~~'!;.I'.fl;~ eveid", ;,} 1'hll ·play · W kS un· -More Da.yR Work ·for :" . _ _ . . a girt subecrlption. Send for samp e a~;::~t.I~:i ~ ~ directi!)n ot Roy Innea. M.r. . , . .' ORTHVCAUSJ§ qopies. 'arid the rorecast for 1915. Ii: ~, ~iRlll. 1O to 'J'.Dn~ this weeJc ring ,the soclai,bollr. ~ver sixty CQNTlU~UTETOW I , TlJE,Y'OlJTH'S 'COMPANION; we ' "'W"U,'. "" ia" where he .ih put on .,veJral persoD!l were, 8e&'9ed dehcl9uI, rea 0 J ' 11 'Ellie ' as mllliter' 'of ,1.,& Berke.\ey' Street, Mass. how. to keep . -_ 'wJlJnotbebo~e9ntil une ... , I" r fre8ti1llenta. ..:.. , .. " r. , . Lod~e: 'F. & A. M. is Ne'!VSub8C~ptiob8Recelvedatthi8 handl_it.lflt . •. .! '. Ii' Ik ib . F MOUS 1S SOLD . • • ~ . Ma.aon ~d bis Office. there will be .a ~ral tu"",ut of Mr. aIld IIn.;S, 0 t • en . , IS HAVING A RENOVATIOIii . that will . • --, the nieb)bera. CQme prepared tt> of f i mous, Neff park. .. Day to W.lLL BB NO I!8k Mr. l'uxpayer, art! VGU' aware vou arepaj inlt' tax(o'!i on lhe municipal ·1. ctricity and Wlttel' phw t1 And do ... ou know that if YOII ha·I' YvUr hOU8~ ""I red for the use ~ Ij Iil!'htR th at the , IIXes on Ihe p!Jtnt w() uld be c~d? L'hl'se are queMions perh aps you lave MVer thoug ht of It ill true, I evertheleSi,"and lh tl be~t thing you .!fUl do now is 10 have rhe house wired for the lighls . I As beff)re stated in these col umn s lh electric Ih~hts have never paid for lhem elves, The w&ter has A .;I'eat many people have never .wi. r~ heir houlIe.i becauiile they Bay It will not PS) them when do I he lig hts only !luch a short ttme In the evening and in lhe mornin g . If ",very falJlil) in th e town had the jj~ht!S. there mi g h4t hbe 'more °df a having 2 Onot UI tleven ay s''bance ervl·ce.of You whoa h! tbe lights







no~ ha~p

ORDt"R NO 11




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aattWellihO~~, w:d SM:.~.aL . Tb~ '~ . Yell~.. ~ ·"'.' ' '''.b''''' .. ,e, ..,riD....u ..!!!.... _.. . boEb . ,oOkl 'It 'exeeedir,gJy W1Ill and Carli.le. fOT.,,wu, ,'!:be tI

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with them 'Iurldly

~ Qld. Irteltds hete ' were . ~I:.W:to ml,Dl lee ' til em. a._n. _I • ..., .{trtl1~ " ~:

for ita lam Il'nq and ~ OW*led~, rnany~. aue DIed for park lIUrpoe..






. olthe Warren


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~ q~eatio~ 'abouttbe d~. ' 1........ '1'•._~w~ .... .l..... ,. • J.


J, T.

. Stella Co~_





O~. ..

',A. .~


IMPORTANCE OF YOUR FACE " Your Dl.poll .lon I. Sunn)'. i<lnd and Graclou . You; Counten ance Will a••", With Goodne , •.


0 New York" Bays a awing· If a man lost one sort of licens e he Ing door In t b e mora Bub- could promlll ly a'pply for ' another .

terranean regions ot the Moreov er there was no syst em for great Ellis Island buildi ng. Identi fying licen se holders, so that The laconic Ill bel' conveys there was no practicable way or dl';· I1S little of the hopes and tragedI es It: tl ngulshl olf bet ween a lIcenlled man ends as ot the hopes aod tragedIe s 1l and one tha t had merely begins, wri tes Frances .A. Kellor, man· officIal cap for t wo dollars rented an a nd bought Ilglng director of tb e Nor th Americ an an offi cIal badge fOr 60 Civic League lor I mmigra nts, I.n th e 'lIcens ed only to carry cents. Men baggag e ' of· New York Star. It Is gUarded by Q Cered guld ll servIce and men that had youth In blue nnlform, who, d evelop- . never owned backs pursued varl· RUSBlN G) washed down to the devth the '(rolt In g a sltght Interest In me · (te·r I OUB. ways of dividing the .thelr ImmIgr ant .. (By n. 9. . . h as gorue. As muah lllowing al poss ible ba d been standIn g orr at one sIde at trom his mon ey under shOUld II. hackma n's be done In the tall. T he Gall thus T he ltollowl ng result .Is that th e th e door for several hours, nonchal· license. It has been estimat ed that turned up Is exposed to the frostS. of roots ot1 th anUy explaJne d, "This h ere Is t he more people have been robbed In one wJnter, and they penetra te It .to a moist earth e vlants seek t he cool, most Im]lOrta nt job on the 1lIll\ndbelaw If there .be In 'It da y In the little s pace bet Ween the consldel':1l,lle depth. . they only get past me If t hey 've bad bar ge offi ce gate IUId 'ple nt y co f plant toa d, and the plnnts the South Ferry ~ suppor te d by the r oots lir e mo~e their s\lps marked O. K . for New subway or eleva ted than I Roll s thnt n auy 0 th er .. are cove red with Bod oro t o rosist -ruany drougl!t" that able York ullstalrs ." Here he dettl y ex· p Iace 0 f a s I mII ar & Ize I th may " not penetra ted 1lI0ra Ite than baIt as d ~e p n e n U lracted O. K . 11Ips from t h e han d s St II. t es. . by t)le frost s as are t1!ose Bolla that com e In Bllmmer . Where, drought s are com mon It Ie of three bewilde red Poles who h II.d aro recenUy plowed In th e' fall. Preyed on the Ignora nt. reached him . . Uncerta in u to ""hat desIrable ·to huve plant root a ,"0 a.s In tbe heyday of the activitie s or It Is desirab le t o. loosen the eartb deeply a.s pOSSibl was wanted , and" too _o.Yerlo ad~ . -unscru pulous porters and e. Fall.plowed land wlll alllo be. found bundles to hlUld over anythin g, they stout 1I1t1e man about nnn ere a , below the depth to which the plo w twenty· two coes. Tbls Is eap clally valuabl e In freer fr/Dm outworm s and other In· had simply waited {or him to take yea rs old with dark curly hair and clay soils. jul'loull Insect. In the s prln e. any action ' that was to taken. He da rk eyes took . up his perman ent When ground Is plowed well bero!'e Some of these Insects try to get &aye thetn a trlendly .hove , t.oward camp near the fruit stand t he door, an d by a vigoroU s p~tomlme elevate d stairs nnd rolloweunder th~ the comlllg of trost, the lIoll w ill often below the frost line or at least to a d group. , be t~ozen to the .depth of 20 Inches. pomt wbere tri ed to Inlltruc t tb e third to cODceal ot Immigrants t o tlie treezlng and thawIng In o!flces or I This means that every parUcle t~ that the early spring tn a~ InaJde pooket tbe money wblcb th e elevate d road and ticket Is not possible. the subway. He depth Is moved, to a cerhlln exte t. plowing " he had . been . bowlng at tbe ileak · up· dI s played Ii porter's or the land turns up tbeae In· staIn and whIch be sttll held UD' showed ma(velo us skill IIceMe and The eJ!: pan slon of t be .pa rticles .; ot . sects, .an d, though they may still be III getting 1m· moisture pushes apart and brea\.[I' up covered rolled 10 his hand. But the Pole bnd migran ts a way from by tbe soli, leaves the the guldes of the most r etentive .soils. . ground so loose about them that the), ~Iready ahoved htl .bundle through ·the pbllanth foplc societie s, grabbin g Clay 8011 thaThas been well drained .. freeze, and Ihat several door; and realizIn g that thIs long .eol'- a ddr88se8 out of theIr tlmea In the rldor leadJng to the dock was the. t aking general poss88a hands and 18 In tbls way made more friable to .pr~g 'alnd fall, and In this way tbey lon of them. a great depth, and when sprIng comes are killed. }Io1J,lelltretcb of hili long adventu re, he ~n bls palm)' days he boasted . W.htle tnll plowing does, not enUrely wu ' now movIng on too quickly to "cleane d up '1,000 a week." that he nnd the frost goes out of the ' 80\1 It . will be jjo loose tbat 'alr can preAt by advtee or new Ideas. , Natural ly Chrlsto l ConslanUn08, to a gteat depth and chemljl'penetra te wipe out: all tbe cutworm ll that may al action be In the, .round It wlll creatl' lealeD Many Are Detaine d. who gave a "guide" money enouah to be better. their nUlJlber. 'llbls dCHIr tnto the New Yorl!: world .get blm a ticket to Cblcaa'o and wae Th\! ;manure s In the' surrace soli are Thla ~Dlnt alone 18 enou~ to Jull· I, al the bottom or II long st.a:lre8s e put on 'the subway and told to ltay dlslnteg rat-ed and some of ~em ar.e .y .tbe pl'o w1l1g of land In fall.




~ ~


~ ,~ -~.~~~.

GRASS' PAYS 'WELL . FEW 'THINGS ~ICKED FOR ,{GOOD ,MANURIN G UP AROUND A FARM , " Poorness of Land Is' Not sum- Scrimpil:lg by Using Poor Salt '18 .cient Reason Why' Good Pastures Cannot Be Obtained.

At the lI:\'esent time, when atoc" tllrmllUl Is the main source' of profit to the' farmer; there Is ..po crop tbat th.e termer grow, whlcb/ wlll p~y, hIm better tor manu~lnl!j tbll"n hie gr.a88. Now that artificia l manure s are commo n and their ueee better ~ndel'Itood, tbere Is no reaSOn for the old lupposltlOD ' that. It tQoll a gene~t1on ·to make a 'permanenl'-gTals 6eld. , beneh well atocked Is a 1,IJIOOleTlIL farm necessit y. frequen tly come ac:rosl ~a,rml ._.. n ..r ·... by tbe jud,clpu llllle ot, artUlcla l ~1I!.y~~ manure s, paature . III ihlrd, fourth aJ¥I fifth year'_Ike tbe most luurlu t 'and anpasture .. I No one would expect hIli . barley to II'Ow year atter year on tbe ,Bame lan4 ·manure . _ Why,. thersf0t:~, expect hi. graBS to ·do thll, ,e,,~eclaJ:IY' .. It 18 not unlikely 'to be once or twice an.d tbe hay ra, ;ploved? ..... , . The poornes s of the land 'doel not seem to be in any way II 8umclellt: rea· BOn wliy a good pasture cannot be obIf care and .km,


I~~Ra!"..e!&!fHt:-ee1~UH~:"~-ih:ft1~~~~~n~~~~~~~t::l::;~~:ae~:~~~~ SMn .!. ~~1....:::....._~lOJm...lIo:. Ingly fine grasa upon landesceed· whlob migran ts dl.eharg

If you stop to think alxlut this for a' !Ilomen t, you wbat a tremen· ~buHly Importa nt tblng it I.. Juet a a surely as you have a to ce, the story ot your Jlte wlU be wrlt.t en on that ta~e. Ir you are m~n .and crabbed IUId dIsagreeable. your face w\l1 set· tle Into a dlsagree llble ' expre8s lon, and everybody wlll avoId you. It your dLsposlt lon III sunny and 111~d and gracIous, your face wID beam with goodness, and everybpdy will know at a. glance tba t you 'are lov· ablA, wrttee Lewl.s Edwin TheIss In St. Nichola s. And the older you gtow the more dl llttnctly your filee will tell the Btaty. , When you go out Into the world 0 enrl' your living, the ilrst thing that ' wl\l ask people Is this: What'. kind t 0 a bo)' Is he ? Or, what kind 0 f a girl 18 sbe . Under our 'presen t In' • ' dus trlal sys,em the elllJl103,.s r h as t 0 teach l'oung per sons their tra de nfter he hjres ,them. So he' Is niore Lilte r· Bsted In 'the applica nt's charact er than In his presellt ability. And the oharaater he wtll learn' from the tace. It Is just as the directo r of the em· ployme nt ,!lureau of , II. gr~at depart~ store said t me; "\Ve bas, our ' choice largely on the appU'ca Dt'. looks. To be surel the 'laces 'of boy I and tlt ls ' not deeply marked .. Many applica nt. have only ¥gun to outline on the blank l'ages or their. cheeks tb.e picture that wUl eventua l· Iy· appea~ there. But even a s ketch tells much, We kilo\'! that almost-In' evltabty a ohlld ' 'Wlli continu e· the fa· etal de'felo~ment It hall be,UD. The lIulleD, ablrUe, ., donrt car e ~ llld a tace ,we rejeot. but 1( til!! fllce I, rull or counge, holl4l. trlJth, ~oC)beer anll k1Ddllne ss , we ,pie){ tbe cbl1d quick., 'l1hiLl ' Is<the sort we ,lI,re after:" ]f, theD, our ta!le. have so mucb to do wltb our futUre . BUC' eesl, Lan t It worth while to try malie them Bttraell 'fe by beIng aUrac' tlve.Qu rselveB ' 0

One Can Be Made From C.rdbo ard by Following Directi on. Qlven- v:ery Pj oallnll Wh(l" Flnllhe d. li ae your 'famlly of dolls a baby doll In It, and would you Uke to have a cradle In which " the baby doll cnn sleep ? If so, you can make one " ttel' the design' here showD. It ,III really Quite ' elmple 'to mak,e 8D.d II very pleal lng wh,n made. . or course. "smce It Is to he m ade from cardboa nl. you " could nnt put a verY Jat or ·a verY heavy baby doll to Ileep hi It, .fClr It mIght break dowD.i .~ Flrlt, draw _your pattern OD card· board or pastebo ard .. much larger as



18010 ,



Have Re .. .' , . celved Medal8 of Honor Beatowed Churn before your cream gets ol.d and bitter . OM r el\son for: ,t he great b~. the ~ Statt.I' _ amou~t ()! poor'"da.lry . bu,U*,r on the , nu would be Yer)" prowl, 1bdeea. market lEI In die tact th.a i the churn· Y~'had been Stvlm the Victoria i!1g, .18 n()t do~e when It · IIhould J!e 1 -~:~.~:;~~~~~~;i.ii~ ~~~ITt:::::!i....:..-=:::==~::::::::-':~J donO. . '" The mIlD -that. thln!u! be CaD 'seJ,1mll br-:ul1n'g 1I>00r salt, swe!Y B<ll1mPB him· , Belt, and that Is the Ic~mplnlJ that "o~ think. it . ought to be. ....hen out hurts a fl~lIow worst of ali, . Tbe<betlt ~round the ouUme . and on the lour salt and !nothing but the beat, tl the heavy linea a ccordLng to tbe dl~ gram rJght motto. ' . ' given. Then fold on the dotted 11oel, We make-<a mIstake many Umell ha tum oyer the Bectloll . mark,ed wi(b a 101II,ng qt.e lame !leed wheat ,ear atter croll and paste ~hem to the oradle year. There 11 degllle. ."cy In wheat.j end., . .' u well III In all otlier klndl of leedl Rock·a· bye' baby! Y~D haye now ". and "eKettab les where olle breed. In bed for 8 tip),: blaby an,d yqu can put II long time. For,' diat reason It 'I In a plnow and a t\n~ ClOyerlet you better' ~ change aeed now and then. And wbelil' you 'make a. cbange try to ba.,e It felr 'the beUsr. Get plumpe r. heavter I~!ed '" .-you CSDI. ", . It ta not the bena that are "'aboOed:" .'t'ery time . they .tlck theIr bead ' bllt, make, your grocery money. Henl are )lena mu.t be carecJ foJ;. el"er7 .... . nev..r thought Uief1l was much In ha telling cblcken• .,r.d then



-.- -..

, . . Unprofitable"" Practlc"t - Mia- '. HOW,HEROES ARE UECORATED : _fake ,_ in Sowing Some Seed: COll1pa rltlvely Few People

crOW8near and the ha"k. eat wllere them. the ,coops ed tor New York row night," 'ilhowed himself IItupld would houle have made but mIserab le !lrable you can llle to tlle-Uttle blrtla. elly. " Not even ·.11 those that 'are' and dued whell the lubway ~re­ bobnd for New "'fori city pa88 uDchal· ';Isted that Ohrlsto mu.t guard In· land and arouna wblch were numefOUIl CroWl are . a , 004 thing. If only bits · get olr at 51dl .. p~or' as .It wu pollatb~o to of cloth U"d lenged through . tbe swIngin g door. Dyckma n street. sAJ1d to the end lof a pole Bci Ivan '~urlt, He '. ., that they ' will flutte!! In .t~e :wlDd, Those that are ,,(aIUng for friends or w,ho h~nded over hIs U6 for ' an ot· . The secret ~f IUCC8SS relative s, go down the .talri', It 'fielal caP ·"lIold .. hlm by a .runner who, judiciOUS manurt ns which has been that I. beUer than nothing.. was' not In It'8 ' the cow ·t11'&' j. up In true, but theli' Bectlon of t...e stairs de<Jlare d blR father w~. "bosl ot tbe' any ·.fia'1 ~ravapntJ ~d \t ' will TO , MAKE RAB~IT ' ~ead8 to a detentio n room; not to the Americ an· governm ent and , that the waye be round srtlflcla l .al· tbat doell ':her best. When Ihe t8 arid an'd' htlnif1' 1i]1 the time, Ihe wl11 su.... Iwlnglna:·door. From where ~ stood I· cap represe nted II life . Job for . Ivan, ' farmwa ns manure s are used wIth Judg· Iy ')Jut the could Bee into the detentIo n room, 'for wi1i" In a' ~ ICh state ' blggellt part bf what 70U Ea8lly ; Mad. l)evlclI! . for Catch~ n, of escltem ent ment that the quantity of tbe herbage elva her ~p eat bn . a small part of, the dividing 'wall II wben be fOllnd blmaelf ber baol!. Tbat . Predato '1' Anlm.' . In Orchard or not only . wIth- I. not only 'Increas ed, b~t' great!) • Other Pllcee ~round Farm• m~n. 141111 tor 'YOU In t~e pall ani;! .n made of Iron screenillg. 'I t rull o~t the., joll but allO without bl. en- pr~~ed In Its' f!ledlng .quallty. .' the butter tub. . of women and cblldre n, some ot them tIre capital In Americ I a. ' Anothe r. runManure mlU' be appJled at , an" ..An old aiparas lll' lMd lunchin g happily. others' rIsing '00 the ner, affer gIving a · Greek ,benche s In. nenoul bope or f~ar. · at 'a o!>unterfelt ,20 'bl . for Iml!llgr'a nt Ume; ' It ill better to apply It In ~lie newed ·In . vIgor .by coterlll 3 It freely '15 i~ Eng· fall ~d ' WInter than to every ne"" II~ht or aound. \Iah money• .!plloted ,him around Iprlng. Some people atore It 1JnUt. . "nil .Itable manure .In . late. till or seem. to . ~hlnk earlr wInter, removing the COIll'le part As the afterno on wpre on .and a cOl'berl tlil he "Wall con~aed , and th~ that It la t!lmgerous to apply inanur, In tha ipr.l oc, lIuch a. wO\l1d denser line began to move more sIlPPIld. away from . hl~. .. when t~e groulld la r frosen,' cultlvnt cr. Wben qu ickly down' the .talt s-,-ber e ,were On a busy day the Immigr ant GuIde tbere I. ·anow on the iro:und. or Wben Expert- ClulUv-ate, I~ut. not too deep, several ahlps '>in that ' dar ' bttngtn g and Tl'IlJIafer ngent may mixed crowds 'o r Italians . Greeks, Bun· delJver Beverlll bundred arrange to menta hare .hown tbat, there la prac- bon.e ' cultivat or; ' lUI4 ·Immlgr ants; Ueally no' 10sl ·1n sprea.dmg a! tbla weeds ,and gra•• ·. wlth a , ' gar.ians 'a'nd RUlsla ua-1 followed the 'JJhese are, tagged at:, the desk witb a time. . . . careful not to cut o~ the new \lne through the awlngln g door, down Yllllow ticket pinned ' under the Vetch 18 an annuaL T.h ere II danger wblch ' lprlnp ·up very. ·Wl)' to the barrenl cellai-like c!orrldor, past .so that they can be ' Identlfte tn d by ' the of It. reseedi ng. Itself. unleli. ~u.~ at tbe Iprlng:. l;'erha~1 tbe caJeilke Quarter s of the .. atUng ,I mmigra nt an~ Transfe it!y;oUld be blItte;,~ r guides. 1m·' 'proper time aDd wID' cause conll dt)ra -the :PI\tcb out: 1iy hand ,rather frlen\fs ' to '. tbe outbuild Ing .djoln!n g migrant s liave been ' known to !)bject ble trollble to ' erad'''!l te, especIa lly th.~ to en~aD,e tbe dock.' The uD6v~n line Bcuttled to tbls public tagging ,.. Cl1)tttnB 9ff til.. YQUII~ , and to meet where wbeat is grown. Vetcb shoUld · '~OOt8. 'A alonK re_oundlngl)' on the wooden this . sufficiently humlUl . ob,ectlo n a be 'Cut tor hay 'whell well n( the bl~ along tb~ IUght 'IC8t~rlnl of salt floor .untll at the dock end It w'ae rather l8\ls obtrualv e T01\', wolile! Go 'no h..,.. button I~ sup. 1 or l hree or. foUWaY8 before tbe ~alt ' II luppoaecl ~ ··bi a ' I!Pec!\al halted in ' front of a high desk" fe~ Illled tq the senBltlve. . enUre' plant "s In bloom. It Is cured tlUser for .Ipllrac ua. GUlde 'and Tran8fe r ·ADelley. l SAW that . many of the lin" , ae- I t~e i e'hm.e . RS clover. o~ : a;tfalta a~d ·The ,desk belongs 1.0 the Immigr ant cel:1ted the 'gulde .ervlce with - " , Gu.lde and Transfe r, establis hed ' to dent reller, others phlegm very ev,!. f m~ke8 a very valuabl e hay. Probabl y atically as 1 one of the re~soris why vetoh la no~ deliver Immigra nts that need alld de- If endurin g o~e more formali ty. These -raIsed more extenstv~IY Is ~ecause or litre guIdanc e to' any part ' of GreateJ: last. perhaps . needed the servIce not tbe expen6h ~nea. ot. the Bee4, New York for suml! ranging from 25 least. Orten I -marvel ed at the pa.. .,~ .' . (lenta to "" 'Uent: able ;lgenl at hlB caretul que.. Bulldlnlll a Butter '[ra~~ . The Invastlg atlon, t hat precede d th e tlons and explanatlon8~ at hIli ready . )n building up trade. on. 'hatche l th,at CJ~III8t1on of the lmmlgr an . Guide Hnt·.... ", .. from belt tited 10.. one lall8uq e or' ttlalect .hould atudy the market; · If cUltom· and 'TraoBfer In 19()9 dillclosed the to • or a,t bJ. genlul In de- I flr. like plen't " of ialt In It, preliant presenc e or ntty or sixty licensed and cillheri ng l ome o'r the add1'tll sel'. that It 'O~ ~helr tastH ana the), wi ....... unUcen l ed portera. runners IUId cab- wets Bpre&d before him. Sometim es wltllng to pa)' a ' vreJD1ulD ~rlc. for tt. men at the barce olllce. There waa ' were wrllt.. 10metJq ' ---..,---almoat DO chec~ upon their oper.· ed, one-hal t In Lltb_D "n. lel prhat. perllaPI , tloDl. ~e. theIr lIcen.ea were ra- and the other halUn a IJthuan Janllfl4 oeabIiI If tbe7 were - con't'leted of Englllh , I notlct4 that one man who . . . . . bll' lb. leveral lIJ)eDBe8 for could Dot lItmHlt read til. addre. BDl. . . I'IIIIDera anel cabDHllC 'W'enI I. he carried malntal llfK hlOit JoIIMJ POW'" . . . Deeded DO ~




- --.- ..• ,



OHIO It's dlmoult tor some people to t:tinJr I.alble thoughts. Money for Chrlltma•. SeWng g\laranteed wear-proof hoel· ery to friends &.nelgbbor.. Big Xmaa Wear·Proo! Mills. 3200 bU8lnes8. Cbestllut St.• Ph iladelphIa. Pa.-Ad"\'. r-~~~----~-~~=~~~~~~n~~r-----~--'~tlurally.

"What dOes her busband ao woen sbe aeks him to foot Iier bllls 1" . "Kloks about It." Make. tile hu'nrlre~~ hnJ>Jly~th"t'!I Reel Or"S8 BI\II D'llle. Make" beautiful , clear wbite clothes. All , ~oou gtooen, Ad",

Loud. "Old )'ou noUce Ulat 8w1ul\y loud gIrl?" "What did she have on ?" "Crnsh."


YQtlR OWN DR OOI!lT WO.L TEI. T. ,\'00 1'.., Murine tl.maay for 1Ie4, 'WCIUt, W.'~ ry lGJ~






lUst IC,e Cowlon. Write l o r ilook ot lh o IIru b, ma.U Freo. )lurl1l0 ':10 HowiMIt Cu'l OhlCQ&'"

Women In Church Council, Th e high council of tbe Ohurcb of England, sitting under the joint prelll· dency ot uie arch bl8hops of CanteJ'o bury nnd 'York, voted to give women the sulrrago In the election of cburch coullclls and also the right to sIt on parochial councils, In View of the fact of Ilti former con8 rvallsm, lhls Is very sib'11U\cant In the ruling of the church, Women havo always been the moat Ipyal workers, but ' hnve h'ltherto had no voice In molding Itl llollcles.

But 8 short dIstance from Richmond Is a small t81llJ1.d Inhabited by a tribe of Ihdlnns, the Pa· munkey,s, They are part ot the powhatans, .and under an old colonIal treaty they PIIoY ,no taxes and IIBve 't heir Qwn govslIlIment. ~hey m'UlIt:, however, lend to the govehnor of Vl:rglnla each year 1l gift of game or fow l; and very oIten ttlle gi(t takes the form o[ lievieral large, piump tur, ke~~ny have been the explanaUons made as to how the blrl1 now so popular at Tlian\(&givlng came to be called th,e turkey, most of wh.lch', to the scientist, are notblng but fanoltu.1. One such Is the explanation tbat it comes, rrom tbe East Indian word "toka," whlc.h, In Hebrew, ta\(es tb~ furm "lukkl," the pea.... cock. As th e Jewe In South Etlrope were BCqualnted with Ulls foWl, It is as8umed tbat t hey naturally applied the weird turlcey whe.... ' E,ver It 'W8.8 Introduce d In Spain. . .

Distinguished Political Career, Elbridge Gerry Lapham, who represented New York In the United States senate In tb,e early 80's. wae born tn tbe town of 'Farmlugham, N, Y .• 100 years ago, In early life he followed the professlon of a civil engineer. Later he studied law and in 1844 was namitte d to tile bar, He was a memo ber of the constitutional c.onventlon of New'Y'or1r"tn 1867; a representstlve In congress from 1876 uutll 1881, In which latter year be WB.B elected to the United StateB sen ale to take the pl~ce of 'Roscoe Conkling, who had reo signed, Senlllor Lapham was aRe· publfcan In polltlc, He dlea at Cal1AIl' daJI;ua Lake, N, Y'I In 11UII'. Boycott on VI.I, A country boy was lea'Yinl home to make ' a Jlvln~, ~nd probably IL name for hlmse\t, His father and molher bad 'given , him some nloney and a great deal of advice. He had a , sltuatlorr In a distant ctty. and, as he ~ad never takep kindly to la\'1ll work, It.' looked like a' &ood opportu· nlty for him. . "But thete's one thing I wRnter say Le Jle," the old~ man said, as he hand· ed tbe boy his luggage out , of the wagon at tbe station, "and I want you to understand that I say It In ,a11 kind· nes8 ~ You al'6 goln~ Into tb~ wqrl!l wfth pretty good prospectll." "Yes, ,atber," ' . "And ' at tbe same time you're to Into tbe neighborhood of the wicked ilDd ungodly, where your foot's liable to slip ap,y mlnule." ·"tel!, fntller." "W.a.a.I, what I wanler say Is jual this: ;Tbe rarm's gOln' to stay right here, where you clln always turn to It; ' but times, haa been mlgbty bard lately',' and the farm never was )I~ry

E\l(planaUon, eay th08~ who ,know , Is Iilntlrely unnecessary, The bird was caUed turkey be·. cause It was supposed to come from Turkey, where It WBS known ns an EgyptIan lien. f1rotl\l~tlve:, " In France (he Ijlrd "I know Lt. flitber." was oalled ' "dlndon," or "So you might I1S well understaDc ~n the temhllne "dlnde," , ,.Ihat I,f yoll 'come bllck bilca\lse j'ou as ,though It were ~be' want to see the 10lkll again. you' l! get towl of "'Inde-trom yl,iur W18h, but It you co~e back In'dia: The MexIcan' lookln' tor tbe tatted cnlf you'll be , name [or the blr<1 Js JJkely to get dllll1llpolnted. So good. ' " hua:Jolole,4, Which. sql· 'by, BOn," _______entistl! · say, IndIcates tbe old Aztec kno\vl, PR.ESSED HARD, Coffee'l Weight on Old Age, tileohange InJurloul ..~~;~.~~:t~~S~~~~~~~~~~~~;'j~~~:rl[fui:=jij:iiomtlli1iC11ffitmst:;n~~';;:I"~~~: , ke), 1/1 elfeatR of colfee relllize nud the In lIelleve 18 V9.s~\ble . tHere wall a epecies, health that PoStUIO can bring, they are the original at tile present turkey .. lndlgenous to uSUally glad to' lend their testimony , the W\lB~ lnala Islands, It: Ie generally conceded for the benefit of others. ' thnt ' all 'turkeys :ttav~ dcei3ended In some way or "My. mother, since ber' early ohlld. other tram the three fOI'DIlS "known today as the hood, wall an Inveterate coffee drinke r, ' l'fo,rtli ~merlct111;""tttll Medca'n and the , Honduras. had been tro\1bled with her heart tor a the ~ellat!ed :vaTieUes.' number of yeaTII and complained of The lI{~xlcan turkey Is found wild tbat ' 'wellk ove'r' teellng and sick It til Short tn shal\k, "1 1th, feathers stomacb. "Some time ngo J WB.8 making .• visit \0 a distant parL at the country and took dinner with one of the merchants of the place. l 'noUced ' a aome"bat· unusual lIa-vour of the 'cot· tee' and 'asked him concerning It. He ' replied that It was Postum. ' , ") waS 80 'pleased' wltb It that, after the meal was over. J. bought a paokage to carry home' wltb me, alid bad v.:1te prepare lome tor ,t he next meal. ,The whole familY" were 80 well pleased with It that we dlsconUnued cOllee and used Postllm entirely. . ",I bad really ' been. at times . 'r81'J 'a nxious conqernlill my mother's can· d!tl9P, but",we noUc~d ' tba.t aCter usl~1 Postum 'for a shQrt tlI;DB. ahe felt .. ao muc)i tietter ·than · IIhe did prior. to ulle, aJ;ld ila4 ilttle U:Ollb1e '''11th ber lieart,' and', 1\'0 sllllt .toma'e h; that ·the headachcl , were not ' 80 freQUebt, and Iter ge'neral .'eondltlon mucb Imprc)ved, :rhle epntlnued ul!t1l she wal well and, h ..rty, ' ' "I 1&now ·Po.tum ball beneftted my· self and tbe other mem))ers of the fam,ny. but not In 80 marked ' a degree .. in the caBe or my molber, a. she w~ ._ y1ctlm ot 10DI standlq." Name given by l'os\Um Co" ~atUe Cretlk, Mlch, ' POBtum comee tn two. ton'n1l:


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.. Hlltchison . & .Gibney

Raymond TltuR, farmer of Leb. A Wl1mllng~oo. Ye-rly ~ee-l' Dg' Ilnon, to Alta Mae 8hnct,8, of SouUl ~ m _. Lebanon. Rev.~. J. Keetle. Qbristian Worker'8 ConfereU08 will RegulaI' Price BOTH be held at the Fr'end8 ("burch at II I Commissioners' Proceedings . Wilmington, Deoember foursh and NEA ~ BllIs AlIOw~-8Ilfe O~lriet 1)0., fifth, beginning a& 10 a. m. on tile / pan paywent on oobtne' in Tax All- first day, IlInd oonoluding with the Without any advance In . lIeQor's oiRoe f95; dhto Cot'maa'ed tiatllrday elf~roooo 8et!~190 . ) , T o Onl)Pe~ Oulvert Co" piPe tlIlS.7<r,' Oregonia Amon~ the speaker~ wlll be Prot. Prjcetl we are having . A Plollthly sal~ry n.nd a liberal commissiOIl 011 Bridge Uo." oon'raot '1~6,06; ~.yno Paul Vogt, of Miami UniversIty, c.'\ch order. ~Iari~ rUIl up to 150.00 per MoAdaws 1 oontraoiJ11 58 i Oregonl. wbo- will deliver' thl'ee addre88elll Large Sales In \ . ~ monlh. 'clependmg \)11 the number of orders. Bridge 00" oooiraot'916; Bert Beed UP"D "lJolClDtry . Life Problemlr;;' '1:his wurk d.oDe in your spare t ime, and bri.dlle repairs Oeerfield' towoshfp ~illard . TrueblooQ, P~,or of the !lew not conflict w'~h your present dut.iell. No lI6, Perry Wolfe, oootraot '45; !fi.r8t. Frle[lds Oburcb ot Indiana po II1vestrnent or preVIOIlS experiellCe necessary. Or-oni- ,Bridge Co, ooot •• o.- 1111; t) Ed~:ar Nloholeon, of 'Riob We furnish full equipment free . ..... W.. Write for parlictllars lo SSU.S4; OrvHte Parkbtll, laOOI' 00 ·nond. ID,clI., anthor of the ."NlObolUnde~wear roadll t9 95; StliD ()ut16r, oontraot e~n Rill' of tbat State Clno lOt Cloths The RldaWay Company $18,811; O. A Blzar, contract '~S 94; preaent. editor of tbe Amerlaprll18 andMllOCIOU8a1 ata., New YOrk Ira M . t;'nt8mlo oontract f60' A O:ln Fr~end, and Oharlee T6bbete. Hosiery ·,_"_~_~__"'__~___~________~iIII""· M Parte,r. roadwbrk In SlAlem t.o'wn~ Gen. l:Seo~ ?f tbe A~erloan Friend!! ilblp $21 '16' Joho 6regg "tit'idge BoaI'd of Jorelgo »ll1l1loos. Corsets work 'Jle"r~reek township '$17' W i'rlend from a dlet~ooe wtll hI'! a, GlllAour. boarding prI80~er~ entertrlined free of charae, 'aud all Dress .Goods '175.11; ~lben . Brane wltDeDA fee m~tiDKI! 11Vill be open to the publto '" I . , .". ,. AU' Kinds of Eo• ee VII. 00 . Com, 15; SamO. • - • Cou~tyCourt8 BeD~18 f.e~ and expene68 $176.86; . NOVEM,BER. CR.OP R.EPORT Broad Cloth I ~baooo Joe and COI\I ()o • loe, '5.00 ; \ Gaber~ines Probate Court P.-oceedlnlt. 1rusteel Puhlt!) Affairs light lind A Hum mary of the p.r eJlmlnary French-Parls Boulion In the matter of the aetate of John waler .48 118; M. A. Burke repalre eflt,mateB 'o f produotlon thie .Y8l\r, Bolloron, deoe..aed. Oou :" ilI!lU88 a f6.80 i C. W. Sparks, labor ou Foeter November I, are give~ below : ' Tango Crepe . oerUfloat. t.o Ihow 'bac the amount, fill $89; JJ:. W. Tbompeon & Bon, Corn-buslle18 10 1014. ' 149,000 Serges SUCl..'HSOr to of ' .3S0/\ '3 wlll be 01K'888ary to pay snpplies aDd labor .141.BO; Franklin Wheat-bu8hel8 io 1914, 38,665 F; E. SHERWOOD indeb~o", of satd deoeued aDd Ne,w s, pnbllshlng ootloe to Oa,t e-busbels in 1914., 51,6.6. BarMesuline Silk ·7:NA. . • 'be ~Xpe1Ul8ll of tbe Admr., ekl. Thts tax rate' .75., .' ley-busbels In l!l14, 1175. Rye..:.. r 71~4 Ribbonl . Oyer P~toflice, Waynesville, O. te filed io the par"tton proceeding . Con.t raotl Let-Several geueral busbels io 1914, 1.661. PotatoeBn :Office Phone 77 H Ph '6 ~ peudlDR in tbe Common Pleae Conrt oootr.ots for labor aDd m .. ~erlal bOlbelB in 1· Ho, 16,000. BlI.y-to 8 ,,-,-~_~_...;...,.._,,"""",,----..,~o;;..!l,,-le....:.....:0zn:e -0 . In Ute matter of the ellta'e of wel;emade this day, in 1914, 3,178, '£obacoC>-PQuods in AlumInum Ware --.; !!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Z!!!! Matilda Axman, deOealled. B.A.IK- Arrangements were made wlt.h 11.l4.. 78,100. Apples-bullhels In n.~I(ln .of A. E:" Axmao exeont.or tlie Miami'Vlilley Bospital of Oay- 1914, 13,3U~_ ..._ _ _ A magnifi.ce~t selection to SU:tCasell 18 aooep~d. . . ton to ol&re . for Indlgont patlenG9 \An Adive Liver Means Health dtoose your entire Winter wardHome AdorDment Prl;vate Ale of per80nal proporty frJm the oounty. robe. This lovely publication 11) 'be _tate of Lewl, O. NixOD, de No. SSG WIth Z ..ln Armitage for If· YOtI waot good bealth, n olear ~ed. la orde~ed. oonDrete abotments on Utloa pike co~plexio, o and freedom from {JIm. is only. 2Sc~ which incl~des any Rugs, Mattings,Etc. . Co PI Co rt J118t. loath of D L . & C. R. R. orOll8. ne8S. ' llODStiPIlt!OO, BUioWloe8ll, Buttel1ck Pattern you 'bke Free. mmon eas u log 110260. Beadltches t\Dd IndlgestloD, tltke Dr. .",." QUiOIt ·R £l.1EI At the Patt.n ~ New Suitt. No. SBO wltb tbe Oregonia Bridge Klng'8 NEIW Lite P1II8. They drive Pain leaves almost TIn Staodard 011 00. VI. be Lab 00., for steel beam bridge on Leb. ou, fermenting _~nd tIod t8eated as if by magic when anon & Jl'rankUn l'raoUoD Go ... non, aDd M~rrow pike -by Warren foode, olenT the Blood and oore OOn• . )'ou' begin lusing "j). . Dtops.'· the u.moWlold mon., c,)I"I" Itm(>IlDt QlAimed121!6 Jao.1I: 1\ farm '161. ' etl,PatioD, Only 260. Itt your drujlBARNHART, .&cia , E. . . remedY..for Rheuma~e VUlage of Jl'raDldlo, Sta~ ot . .No. 861 with Oregonill. Bridge QQ., giet. . .• ~ ~ . tlllJll, J;.umbago. Goot, " ••••••••••• .:J. . U, Oblo ,.. 'be Ohio Foel Suppl1 CO fo., .teel he9-D;l bridge. on £1118 Toad Notary PiabU~ Sciaticii;' Neuralgia .. '. . ' by.,.m Ellill In Ma88le township, The Bully and Re..on·, aad kindred ,,"oobles. ~ enforoe 08.ntrao'. . .- / . . al80 oonore.8 fiOO1'8, ,100. )The bulily depend a on maln strength. It Roei rlRbt to· the All kUnia' of N,)'taI'Y Work. ,PenMou.' Real . Eltate Tranlfen No .3,1:4 wltb Oregonia Bridge CO , A 'bullyjn~: nation II as dlsguattng as spat. atop the ach" Ph 'be'" f te I "'a bullying' 1Dan. A strong man, mol'Wo,," • ~pMJt.I' • . aad . .IllS and I!lAkeI oe 'Quner, guardian to 11, or 8 e ...,am bridge w~th oonorete ally and phyeIClUl"'. I'ellea on hla aense lifewdrthUvinl. Get I.ibOC!~fty, 60 &oreIln aamilton toWDIftoor on UtlQllo pike ju~t lIouth of D. ~ a Ilottle ,of "6:-DrClll!l" .d lp $850. L~ & e. R, ~. crOllsiog. ot JU8ttce a 8tr'()ng naHon bal "a de. MON:J!IY -To loaD on good Ie I'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wday. A booklet Wfih . A, JC. OJnenaer t-o B N. Wacle 46 • _. . cent respect to the opinions of manonrU,. For un,ber infol'lDa. ,*h bottle 8\". full &(I . ree III Clearoreek townlbllP .11. .. ~, " Try This for You . r Cougb k1Dd,'" and wlll De as aenllUvQ of ita Uop tnqqlre at tbl. 01B0f'~ ' d :.I direction. for ... bODor In keeplnc . Itl word. U , Doo'tdelay. Demand ~1'i8 and lIary Bo1m8lt to, ' rbQUaands of people teep oougb an upright man In his deallnp with ':,5-Drops." DoD't ICHtephen n"Uel \0" No,. 1.a ..n<1 ·,.ln I g bedllu8e unable to let tno rigM ,othere; The bully not re/Ulon. W!uneral Dil'PCtor " cept -.uythJng elae In . ._ ••_ _-'-WANTED plice alit.' An ....• lIaple Park ~QbdhllloD to Kinl. remedy. Cougbs' ar6 oaused by 10. .... _ ~,... U JOn live t«J far l4Jlla, $1. , . fiammation Qf'lrbro'lt aOQ Bronohlal , . , from a druC IItOre ICIGd Ono Dollar to ..J. Jf'; and Addie Zimmerman io Tubes. What you' need IS to sqothe, W' h ~~ Causel Twl·lIllht. , I.: " '. Wayn~8Yille. Ohio • . ,a'll'- Rboamadc Cure Co" Newark. .Z~. ~ar1ao pa~' of 10-. No' ' 24010 .bJ!IlnfiammMtoD. Tall:e Dr. KiDg'lI Owing to the tact that the earth LL l'lnd8 of !Ja.rp-lnter Wor~ • ., i/ • . 01lio, &Del a )MIttIe of N().Drvpa" will be rt dlan, atmosphere. daylight doe. 9 011, b Y '"b ~ e d ~1' or jroh.. Ad_ Can answered p"Orn·ptl v da" or n,' dbt LebaDon, $1. . . ' • . New. OltiOu . very, it ""'netratee the hu d _tprepalct llal't.,ta .a.d J. A. RunyaD \Q deltoa~ muoous lInl~g, ra1888 t.he no · . aappear whenever the e\tn dr818 't bioi. R . Beonett, Look Box Both phones in office u,d Resld';ce l'Jeklher Hawk }Ji on Wanell BbeetI pblegm ...nd nicki, reliev811 'he below t~e horizon. The rare of tbe 1.~. WayneayiUe, Obio. n21i ~ Long distance No. 14' Home pbo~': f2850. . ' _ ~oleated membranes. Get. a 500. ,Un 8Ull strike the upper reglona of 14-2r. '. • " ..... , : II. ~bookey ~ l>Ji08~ BamBI' bottl~ ,from 'Your drulgl8t. '-··,Dr. our atmospbere. and thua 'we bave and one ~~-"h furnished free 10'aoree tn S ..mmon ,King :&<New ~Ioover,.. . qntolly aDd twutght and the padual darkening of '-{VG" . completely ItopJMijl my oOQb" the .akf 4laappelltranco" ot, cla7D_ .. B: O. Duab ..m to, Came wrl'-'s J. R. Wlt,te, 1i'lo1hle, Tex.l .. lllht: . _ ' . ' .,', . " 7 " ,.," _ t 0 iel'Vlce pranteed . .. ilf;, 10&8 No. 111 &04 .1112 Money bacK if DO' ealilitled buU' • - • Il. " .. . neaTly alwUB helps, ' All dru'!iliBtlI'l . Try!n" Time.. . ~ I" '. Z. L . Enfi81d ao Lanra ' • _ • . . "II your husband With bls Oak Beater. o. 8a ill Leba DOD, ,I. . S.y. Men '1iAll A ' llke. ' . ·apPOhl~. ~nt t:o the ',benCh 1" . _ I!ha~.10formatioD. ,Inqulre!j ,.. ~'d " H .",.tn.,-' lu.-tbei' the' Woma.n'1!I Home CompaDioD au~ no;: .e ~YII, 1t a a ,,!e,ry d alll)ealred tbe 'story . ot a coquette In altu"tlon. ...,Bultalo !!ls~rell8. . ' ,. , . 2 I, the coquette gIve. tbe !ollowlDC . • - • A'SPRI~G WAGON-IouOodoon W. to ber ,cousln: "Don't make the 41&100,ohe"p. IDqlllre.t 'biB mistake thollAndl of women oftloe. . ¥ • 4 ' it ' ••• ()Ea~TI~T•• ~ Don't I Every woman . tbtnka OOK:IRILUJil-Dlll'lI: Coroieh . II 4lfterent." But, truat a , c1iao Uookel'ele WayuesvUJe.O r ....n.1... v woman, my dear, 'of' much u~ H~llT BatbawIIY, R. O. 1, ur.• _ ...'_':' TllIe. Ohio.. . ':~~~~~~'7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ penence, men are rill alike: The): tire $; ,I of wbat tljey know III entirely their . r own. The thl-li,' a ~an !lhould nl! !l light II that bls .w lfe I. attraclU't. other lD~n u well al to hlmself..' to sell tbe most remarkable bargain i'tl tile



maitlzine worrd thil year.


SJ ,50 •50


Sao 0J

$ .' I .









. lnSUR1lI1~E A~

'1 Chandler







"O lasalSad l


,16', "




.and .Embalmer•


~ ~

PR. J.


~n ~tQbPalot



f(un~ I'·.:~;:::::::':==::~==:;=lf=!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~o

PubII·C Sale




.. -.

· : The Difference; · DUly (who Is putttp~ In a long BUDtlaJ: afte~oon)-"Let's play auto with the chain, mummy, aod you take. ride with mel" Mother (with an eye to the upUf.t)-"I guess ' not. '.deaJl; I really don't approve of pleslU1'e rldea on Sunday." 'BlUy ' (after a moment of ~eat t,hougbt)-"But this lan't " plealure ride. We'll plBY ': llm ta1tlo,' JO~ tq see a mpvlng picture .show. Of .cenBS tram the B[bl{>! '-~If", .




.Bear io ml~d ,hat Cb~mberlatn'. rablets not ooly move .the bowels bu' imurove the apP'tlte and • t,'eDlrttleD the digestion. For 8aJe dealers. '.



Taploell Glue.·An excellent glue that Is harmleea•. ·colorlesll and odorleslI 111 made · of tapioca: Cov!!r the !teall-ed QUJ!.nUb' . with ·c.old water, put .t) over tlie jfre alid stir, 'adding more ' water' as -It boll. to make a good '· pal!te. It .cao be u~ed to gll,le -wood. ·leatbe.... pr paper. For IIcrapbook'8 orjJhotograpti.s It may be' neceaB&r,. .-to add ' a little wa: ter. '



. _. . of •

trlve June M~mlng. · . Got up before five and went down to replant corn. ~ (" topped the blll •


aplTlly.· I:lC~~~~~~~~~~~~:J

the oft. tbe,> cawing "TblsIlro,\\,s' Is purflew timet seeq1ed to •la,.. · ,FoUlld. bill after Mil Bcratc~c!d over .and the. sprouting corn Icattered about. Ai. 6 a;. m. In·- June one baa tbe weatber of 9 Il'." m. In October or blsb noon tn December."'"'-FrOm ' '.t Farmer', Nota Book." by ' C. B. Do ._-ii_ _


WO Oarloads Prime' Ootkln Meec}.;. . . Ileal. ..1'roleln saS 62 @ $27.110 ,per tOQ f. o. b, '~aok a, Wil~nellvllle,' e. ClAre dlle to ardve ·abont Nov • ...., IO'~ •. '. Or~,ril lD08t be plaot{d wltb UIII previoua, ~ aior;11al of O{Ira , Tl1~' Morrow "'ed~~upplr~., Monow, (), , . ,~,,\." .. ' 1117. ....


1 -

. ,



-- TIm IOAIII aD»! '4 WAl'1II:lVJLl." OHIO

fl:lE Publlobe<J: ·



Wa),DllllvUlu, Ohio'

Thtl ftl II! HIOH' (JIlla,\ rb tn tbill tlIIO· ,IUD lit I hit oountry Ihun nil Cltber "lto",.".·tI pu~ t,ogatbAr, and until the IlIst, fllw YftllrM Wlti! IIOPPOROO 10 be


L: CRANE, Edit,?r and .Manager

For n (CI II", IDl\ny yeltr~ /1/1oiurll }l1'olllluuOI'41 It a 10 0 .. 1 dl!leaee a.nd prtlHorlbed 'Ifl()ltl remedies. IIond lIy o,)I,,,tllDtly fllil.'''g to oure wlt.n I' \0,,1 tr~llf,m8n t, proDon nced it in bill. tIQlenoe bal! proven Ua "IIrr h 10 tie a C()nSI'llu~lon!t.l dl88~se, bnd r.iJflrelora r~q '~Ire~ Oonln,Uu .fI1l1 ~rll,"tn~'l.n~ SlIlIsOlitlirrhCnre ~Iln~fu,otarell by ~J. Cbena:t: & ' ,0, r,OI.,do, Ubip, II tbe .0 nl,V U!>n. 8thutloua) oure ou the market It III ttllen It llotS dlreotlY on tbe blood a.D'd mnuon8, snrfAOOII of $he lIypt.e m. fbay offer r,ne bUD. dred tloll~.rII fO.r any OIIae it falll! to oure Nend for OIroulars and \ell tlmonials, Address: F. J. OBENEY & CO, Toledo. O. t30ld by Draggilltl!. 760. Take tiaU'e FllmUy Pills for oon. 1I1(10rll 1;111'.

i- --

..--~ .--

, _

._,..,- -

.- - -...... _.•

•• -




,News / --.~--~..----------~----~--....-=.

_ . - . - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ a ~J

- ... --





Mt. HoUy



Adam Campbell and family after Mr. Robert Grl'en 8nd famlly, of tbe Spell"Ol!r lldll tOt Ii long Dayton, '\'I7ere Randay Ruests of Lue t~e bave vacated and moved 00 Morgllu. Tbe 'hool lind In" U I h dlojt!6~j I.b .. t ElleS' Seoond street. ' bAe been·!tplol/. ttl" rlll1u ils t\~p~olul· Mr. Llnly Marlatt and . wlf~ epeDt Rev. and Mrs. C. E , Rowdy, of I,V 1U IO('lIh'I~t! j. · lQ fl v P/l ' frlom \J ill' SQnday with George and Findley, Oblo, la IISElating IRev. bot.s ore .. ted " t(1't'lll. 'fUI'ur h/ tamlly. . Walker at Clarksville ill a pro'no' ~be ,m8fl •• n~ ... rket wor ld Tnt! lull Is the ' only Range, 'Les\er "' 1 mith w&sln DaytonBatur. eel meeting end entertained t.lle 000. 8~\rtelJlto IlOOU;'f'rI In 1908, ' and 'l118 day., eg tlo n here Sunday with their Wtlre t<xPIDIH, frolll ' tb .. dhlflllllB . In with Patented Oop- . Bamuel Jaokson wal .. Dayton a )IUIl" WIt\', s ng ng. visitor Sat urday. per Bearing AlumTbll Rt',oli vardR tit OavtoD bave Arrllnqement8 hllve been com. Jorry Roland and family were 'IAPn .. m"tM'~ , lid 1)(l1!1I1hi~ nO ,st 011 pleted for a moe ,00ur8e hen t.b e Inum -I='used, Rustwill hA ""Il.,1 VAl, for illlver&1 d1l11, oomiDg year' Those tnoores\ed are Sunday gnests of Sid Roland's , 'oJr tbt!re I" fel\r tbat l)Jlpped In Ed BOOI!;b bond wife were guests of I·he well known horl!emen io tbis .. Proof Flues. 1.lIok U1t1 y bE' "fleoted. 'There tfD.8 his brother at tlprlng Valley !:lunday. vloinity lind 8uooeS8 is 8ure. bean 'Dona "f r1IH6'tSe 10 .be stook Mr. Jon,es aod wife speDt Bunday ~'be bunters In tbla violnlty are • penll '" lJRvtOll r In Clnolnnati r ~ mild at the offiuera for quarantining with Tom Dill and family . III It wiRe D1'~lIlIn;e , ,lbert;tora. t, ) sbut the etate against; hnnting. 1:3am K~ee ~nd wife spent Bunday tip tbl.< .,.-.U!, for a few ilaYI! (10, that 8t! ~tlon Tbe Overl80Dd Automobile firm with tieor" e Marlatt and famtlT. ' they W i ll Dot he oont"wlnded. Tbe A Set of Hlgh-Crade Aluminum Cooking hel e are doiDg II nioe buIJlbe88. The rom Dill Dond wife were reoent mtlt !lent ' to ()inolontlti Rod the Uverland is a br.rd maohlDe to oom visitors In tlpring Valley . Ware will be given to every pu'rchas,er of one ' .... oreflmnrtee frOID bere hi 1\11 right, liS . . It Ie p!lHtenrlzed befOt e belug e~n$ Diok Weakley and wife were Sprmg Valley • • pete with. these R~nges during the exhibit. Mr lind Mre W. W. Wekh, Mre, Sunday ~tle .t8 of M. M. Bradduok oot Wb'1tre ~he dlaeaae I. worst tbe Mr,'IlDd Mrll, John Pe\erllon en. E B, Dakin and Mra Ed. Reason and family. ltate 1I~t.tio'i'les I\re t~kIDg ' the"'lneel at Bunday dinner Mr. lind atteDded Frtsnds Qaar\erly m eeting Joho Boshler and wife, of I)ayton proper preoau,ions to ktn the oattle. Mrs Berlnan EvanR, Mr. and " tII . ut New Darlington Sa'urday. spont Bunday with George MarlflU 'fbe ath Ie a"ci ' tbe KoverDment lue Rlllpb Ale;under, Mr. and Mrs. RIlY Mr .' Frank L. Barrl8, manliger of aDd family. ~Imblir 'bdoutSle tn"fI .bat hae .!kgle aod two obildren a.od Mr , tbe Fertil zer plan' and wbo wlie 80 Dill SUI,e and wife were tlunday dlll8&at.d oaUle, when sbey .t8 taken Boward Cbenoweth, ' 8erlonely, hnrt carried eaenelty guesta wll:h Johtl tlbaw and famllv. on' aDI\ klUed. Insurllnoe with .. o,mpany repre. Jeff Mlu:lllott of Wayneevllle, l'he engagemeDt of MIll! Leah aente.d by F. Wlleon, aDd IIdr. Bar , l!'lamJ)ler and Mr. Earl ti~rbuoll rill being .ble resume his work WB!! tbe grteet of 1118 m :>ther bun, ,.. ,qnollm wblob liaa prov.-d beDe- was annouu jed at 11 lunoheon ghen bus beelllleUled wltb and Tery well da.y. This range will be on exhibition at my store flolal 10 leveral OIlS~ btlY . a. tba home'ul Mts! Hernlce Copeey, plealled. 61r Barris was In luok, George 1:)lm, of Oayton was II. BOD. and asthma III prepued by 1\ Freooh Mi88 Bernice Bnook and Lee Peter. Be bas alwaya ooIi&ended tba'he day gaeet of John !:lbaw, • pbYIIIOI~u , by ip'j oSln"" ioto the aon wera operated on by I>r. Madden had bet\er bave It Ilnd Dot need it Josh Do wlliond and wife vtslted blood of duoke I'tar\Hv.ed water oon· for ibe lemonl of ~nllile aod ad· tban Dot bave U. with M. M. Braddook '8 Sundo.y. ""ning pOllen (rom plante tbat nolde. Mr. Amos G. Deboard laimprov. 14188 Baley WBsa BuodllY gnest of oal1l8 t~e dtaeue. Mlee 'Marie Crane entertained at a Ing from hili... ~rrlble aooldent al JQhn Rayler. Ihower, 8&tnrdav evening in honor well lUI oooid be u.peoted • George Pratt Wll8 a Saturday Venden Qf nAWSD8pers. In Berlin ot Miall 1..eab Flammer, bride , eleot. Walter tlilvera tbe other un1or'o. gua~t A.mos " aoksol1's . ara $0 be limUed to oalltnll oat 'be .t'aul Peterson and wtfl'l bave reo nllte iI.improving slow. Bill friends Dllmee of, tbe jOllrnlllw tbl'Y /!Iel/. from a visit with friendl at ~ope he will regain,bis bealth . , m'"lre Itl}d~n th. ~ oon~n&e "f Bellefontaine and tbe reaenoir. The n~w organtNtlon reoeotlyln. Best Cougb Medicine for Children , paper or ~ lodlo.. ,,, any partloul Newton MO'o r, 'and wife were 8tltuted here ~I known ae tbe UIvio "Three y(' ago wheD I wae Item of newlt ,i e,forbldden. .boppen in Day'on Thursday. League and It ia oompoeea of the ,liviD'S io Pltlo8bnrRh one of my , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . ., • . Mn, Ida ..tendenhall il lpendlog 'boetltng women of thie vlolnlty. ohlldren had a hl\rc1 oold uod oou~h. , "even' daya with relatlvee n They are ad'o ptlDla code of by.laws ed dreadfully, Upon the advioe of Tba 1I"'R8II' known pbNlphaw New BurJlogtoo. tbat a po1l1ioal pari!, woold be a druggist I lIutcba8ed a bo,tle of bMrJn~ fie 'dl il hi 'be'RoOky moun. Mr. J. 'R , WIUtaore seaoher of 'he to adupt io their platform.' 'j'na'I.'ullllimberltlto'. Cough Remedy aDd "'io J'8IVon 'hroQKh tbe ",• • 01 Gramm8l' de~rtmeot, wl&h bie ." mo. ra oftlota'fe with dignity, and benefiued him at onoe. 1 ftnd it W"omt-.,g, Ut.ab, MootatJaabd SpeD' ~'orday I' For& Ao. sbeir efforts will 100g be "emem. tbe' \)Nt ouugh medioille f " ro~Udreo U II '" lYilt '50 mllea wng and 2lk1 ber~ They ¥8 g.'etDS to line to !>e.Jause it is plewlant to take. Tbey Live S~k and ~neral mUM w i d e . . I.memi ' Sollera aoel famUT were do I' 001' town wh.' "Iom'e of our do not objeot to tlt.kltlR It," writes , .... ' ..... ""'eaJlllte:"Oc,f'nOay. wn relatives Sunday. lea II mel1l1aitt oould notOe done, Mrs. Lafayette Took, Bomer City, , . 'c.oa~.n Nortbern b~1! 8,694 mU.... Give helJe good and IDdn.'rioue Pu. 'l'his1:emedyoontatns no opium P9sted pedigrees and values of ,: of road oVDll)le&eel aod '7,162 mile.. - - -•• - ••- - wome lIIaletan08 and tbey ' wtlJ wrother narootlo aqd may be given '. kinds of breeding stock. " uaeler 'C'lpt\rRtlob tn Olial\(\". " 'I)e.JPCmdency Due (9 Iudl&~tloo ehow a 1110" oleau town, well to &. chlldi aa oonfldently a8 to 8n o~plQie 'DlllpI&gA 11... OOII~, for 000 ' It II oot a& alleu~n&ing th~, per. lIgb ' :t aDd mucb neede" moraJl&y. adDU,. S~ld bV aU dealere.. Experienced in baadHng farm sales since , lIbuo.l00 a"d equl~ment, 1303:1 son8 who bave lndlgea,lun become Tbe ooontry ladies are oomlog to . 8,9 !~9> ' dl.oooralled and deapoodent. tiere &be Id of the Every obe 1905. , , Bellbrook. • are few worda ot hope ' eod obBer adda atrength aod atlmulatea th~ On '.. railroad 10 Peru. tbat run. 'for tbem by Mre Blanoh Bowera, go work &0 go OD, aod m!'y'bey .:. Mr. 8-nd Mra. 08081' Crowl have f 140 mtJ8It from 8M lenl to llo''''ltl IDdtau,Pa, "For v.eara my dlleB- hav .t lle aopport of aU. tude .;r. ' Ua~686 fNlt, ,,1\ tra ns .re ~loD . .SIO poor tbat' l Coold onl" , ra. MarKate~ Levioy eDtertained gone &q NawJeraey &a.viali rela$lvee GRADOATB, tOI' TBB ~ ~pr~i'd by p,lu' OBU to detect un~ &b" Ugb&e8t food. I tr.ed,every at nner Bllnday,' Mr. aDd Mre. for aOlfe ttme. , W~ynesvllle, Ohio allplo'-!i .,eritl! ... ,biDllba' I h~rd ,of to ge, relief, Joo tban ihl tman alld tbeir 100 BOfJl &0 Mr. and Mre. 'VI. Lun. .ATlOlfAL AU01'IOK, v.ney Te1ephonl .. s.~ ba' Dot antll.boat a year alO .beD law IIr. Ftaher and ~wo oblldren awood, of oOl'th of $oWll, a fine eon . a OOL .. AIOIBlOA . Chamberlain 'a Tab)e&A alher. an etc ,wi!mingtoo. ' and Mrs. Wilford Elliott, of ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!! - Th~ t. 'Iltd to be flO" rn t to tlvery , ,. and Rot a boUle of Il1am, dia Rtt'v. Walker filled 'be pulpit a.t vlEllted relaUvea bere las' , aol'~ of. , ltrOlund. 10 IilQIClan I aD., Bod the right lreatment., laoo,? abe N. 'm....oluUch...Ilu'"'a~:.-ijll1D4ll&y. :-- W.lea; ~~1n1i a Idl. \0 farmer. 1'8 bulan. &a ,Improve, and liDoe ~tiktoK a(,na~b.8 Chlla.· 8h1dak~r made Ca:rrie Kemp, of DaytoD, vie&lma~ a' S7l!,OOO,OOO aDnulilly. " a ,liiw bo&&lea of. tbem- my dlgeetlqn a t~JJ &0 De&roU!fd1" brought ~k her eleter. O. R. Pe~reoo II fiDB" II'OT' Iale by all deal81e. . with' blm .. man oharred wi&h ateal. l88t week. Ine three fa' bogelo·tb18 vlcini'y. MeNri. Ran'sy Sao.ett, and Chae• fIeeI.,.al'ft . excelle,t weatber ' pro ] Caesar's Creek yoo oommi& a faJooy :roa mOlt ex ll'ahle hne bOtb purobaaed Ford phets. ]&lever oanll!!.', tn a . aho!!!'r.. 1J6o. to be pnnlahed. ' aowmobilee. whflu t"ey retarn bome ~t ie ".ore A ~umber from here aUanded tbe Sh«lrwao EUla lll l1fe loog ci&lc'n Wm,. Rborbangll 'and daugh\era alp of r"ID. I Qaar\erly meetiog beld a~ - ~ew of our tOWD 18 In very poor bealth. a"ended-tbe funeral of their I1nole burlingtoo Friendaohurch Batu~day Bte frlen4a 'wlllh tor him healtb ahd ·.t~ewVieooalae' Thursday. 1& wlll'Nqulitt ~.C"O borae power aod t!anday. hap~eee. . , Mr•. A. B. 8rewer,'of Daywn haa " of elitotr~OBJ enerR' d."I,. '0, ran 'btl 'PaUnti~. Bora08Comp'oo ao.d 'family en .Mr ' Em,marloD' Vaoder~oor:" of returoedhomellUer apJeaeantvlal& , ' Panama.Aoifio exP,Otl"lon • tertitloed Monoay William Cox a~4 near here te brealdng the 1P'0qpd .Ub Jobn Underwood and famIly alater: Mra ,Brl'l1an; oUow.!'. ' for a hew boale oUh. m~~~D type. of thie p,laOe. ' " Cbr18&1ao IIIDdt!&vor~ly ' waa Rev. Lewl., of WUberlOl:oe. fiUE", lb. Rlohard Pa1'4om and family ~.a.YNBSVILLB, .,' N~w BorUng'Oo 'Sunday 'be pulpit at the A. II. Iii. oWurC1h of north of towo wlll 8000 become The .r~ of oOr"l' har.v...'~ 10 'b, UDI.-cl Sta. io lel3 "aa ~OG,8~O.00Q "f~rnoo.n. ' A 1ary In\ereeHog pro S1in~&y. '. ,. reeldente of oor ~town , . r ~ram 'waa reD'd ere4 and &0 addn.a Mrl Amoa'EU18 was tbe gueat of WaJ\er Edwarda I, on 'he slok list. given bv Bomflr G Blddleoum, Xenia frlenda la.' week. " ' , , Obtrl&l Vandervoort and e\II&er, .. - • U ooat.. tbe tllttDArB of tbe trotted pU&ar of KeniaFriealll obarCh: Fraok 8"'Dley ",.. in ~priDlfleld Lll01le , of Dear New BurltnR'on, Don't I)E!lay Triitlog Your Cougb l:lta. t16,OOO,UOO • year ,&0 IlJb,& ID on bOliaeea .MODdIlY. called '00 A elijlil--o<Jugh " often becOmjl8 - - -c--..IHIL. ,... . Shop Nex~ to S,herwood'. Carage Main .• " J..., 'S alnell",atllJ Jmpl'oving: " nigbt. .erloua, Lunga get oongelted, dron .... Coloradn " "&re~ml are to he . MrI!. Ems ',of 'Colombua Mr. aud Jed tt&8wart, III near cbltil TUbEle flU with muoous. Your , ltook84 ~ltb tfollt by tbe Vialted friBade , 1.., week Lebanon, 'lVere J:1ooday ',081&8 , ia ,.re«1l1oed. ' You need Dr. '''''''',::>,.,'', meat. ··'.:: ', ' .. ' .,aDd ~t:I , ' M.r. aDd' Mra, ,Frank ~hldater~ • -."a ' 1 • IIi Isoothee , ... ,.1 • ' two: oblldreD Un M"l'tha rmoh,aocl son, R. C. .el... a r puaagea, oOlens .. " ' ' , ',...,"'...... . SODday with ~arDeri werill ...HDndaf lueatil of Mr:a a'n d ' makea yoor sYltem ':' DllDOlll wlll oone&ruot 18,000 milel _,nd faDilly , • Cora Barrte, Col~ie. Give t~ Baby and of paved 001l0try road liDmedi~&ely. Childl'eu 'Dr, Bell'I,PiDe. Tar. Boney. Mn. ROy .BarhiDan ie yery poorly • -. , It~a Jaaratlteed to belp tbem. Only , tbla' w~1&ing. : ., ,. .It Relllly Does Relieve a& yonr Druggle'. Frank ' 8&aul~y e . ara. drtlUa, a . ... bod him Ith • _ • new well ' , !"'very ., w 0 I ,a 1000M w ,. ' b ' • , J :. , Rbeu 'Uattam 10 auy ,f.lrm ,muuld by Spring oro , Bltipb Lelmlalr a~d fam •• y lpall" 1I11 mHne keep a boUle of . Sloan ~e ' __ lall' S~nday w.lab "I~ brotber B,ow. Liniment OD hand. The mmote yon Mia.. An,na ,Btaotoa la vlBltingat ard,aDd faml.,. •. of, ~llmmlt.qo. pain or 8oreD888 10 a ' jmD~ or Rtcb~lOp'd ~d ' . , f".rme~ are l~'" mtl801e, Mthe l& , wl&.b HIOan'1 Ltnl. Mrs Mury Sheete Is visiting her gllh,l ng pr",.-rell lO.r iDent. ~ nohub n,. 6.,.n·8 peoe. cmugh,t er,61.t Pekto .. / '. l ....lIl tlhAr 'r ,tea Ilmost IlDmeCl'aWlyi right ,to the sea' of' paln,.rel1evlnr1l;le 'hot. ..;; Vel,lDie MoHamD retarned the 'ender, ~WOJlftD feellnll ' aod mali:~Dg 1lJ!~ of tbe w~k from a vlelt at the pa,r'" ealY . and .D',m,f ortable Lebanon " Get a ;bottl. of 810ao'(I Llplment ' M.... " Mlnni~ .. Miltenberger, of 26 'cenla of any droggla' and bave It 'M",uilllbot'g, rW., calUng on her In ·, tbe hO'QN:-:.tDS.~ oolel:', aore many fneDdll ,hi. wefllt . M and Mrft. J . E. Roblnllon at • nel Iw'IIIIIO· " jl)'O~, rb~Qm"'him, nenrlll,I.; 8OhU'~ .o~ 1I.~IUlID{~tP~ uentJt!Q' the hlDer.l of Mrs. ,F re.t Yoor mUDS,. bAok Uno& h\iafl8d. '11 mother ~uud&y at Read~ bat U 8iye ' toit.o~' '''': llef. :t" • '. pa ..e~ to DOOO after aD illnel. , ,./' Glad to ..... Th.m Gof • y~rs ,trom OBnoer of · 1~ilMr;iOI.~~IOi~' . . PatteD~"( aee a :LoJl.9~ rillr0&4 IIr. Jert{mla.h Nelble ~nd daagb~ ltatioo hal beeD equlp~d ' with peDDY· ID-tb••lot iDaohltJea for tbe.. Ale of &81' entert,l'iDed ' 00 Wedneed"v'aod ticket. to periona who wWr"to aCClOIIl· Thoradav tbe Rev . bamber' aDd, pany trtellaa to': tbe t.r&in platforml": Wife, 'paatQr of, Danlrard obof,oh. .Mr Samuel Baln8ll, of Lyt,l e, was PatJitQe-"Tht.t~1 tod ch_p. 1 ~ow r4 1Il000, thaD peDDy to ... here ,;ranl!aotlng bOlID~ 'l!IlMday. IIOme of 1117 frteDa ~ve the to1Rl." Mr. aun" 01eveolfer Ind III.. Aotrim at&ended U. B. meeting ., Utioa'




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November 23rd to 28th






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Nora role, ouq ber arm! arcvud didn't IQQk a~ It tbat wa" but there~a Lbe Caot. I'm not Paul Pry; but .accl. blm and Idued blm . . den'tally I came across thll,.. taklnl , "Loot out for that tin eat'" the document from ·hle pocket and "Oh, 10U ~~ b1s. 10,aI. tn. Ilanding It lO ber. "Read It. Wbat'l be~ed manl OpeD tba' door and A';i'ERAGE WOMAN MUST .. U.B! 'let me ,et out to th. terrace. I waDt the answer?" CARE IN PURCHASING. to alna. aIDI!'" , Nora'. bandll tremhled. .';0. ulel be WM .&OInt: .to Milan In Ions time to read It. "Takoe you the mornlnl." Ie It true'" 'S he ' danced to the door and wal' Coltum.a Thai MIIY Bo tho Hel.aht"of "Yes:' "And I went up to the tennla cau'r t cone. 8tylo Not Certain to Suit E.very. "Noral" be called, lr.upaUenU,. He with the tntenUon of knocklng hil .body-About the One· !lead ·off; nnd now 1m wonderina why Uatened In vain (or the BOund of ber PIece Suit. he dl«lp't knock off mLne. Nora., he~B return. ''Well, 111 take the count wh~n ,a man; and when you get tbrou,h witb It com\18 to IlIeBllng what a wor.uan'. :U a woman eannot go about wltb II tble, I'm golns down to Ule hotel and ,olns to, do.. ~'ll io out and ' 'I quate wElll' filled purse or an elastic cbarge apolcgize." up wltb the old girL Wonder how thll aocount, she might have tbe one-pleco "You '1'111 do nothtnl of lbe IOrt; news will harnes. up wltb her .oclal frocks lUnde at bome, or by the Ilttle bugt" not -wIth that eye." dres!,makere who are becomIng scarce " All rlsh~. I was alwaYII arMed Co.u rtlandl got Into his compartment tor fear you'd hook up wIth Bo'me dulce at Varenna. He had UpPed the. suard slnce the large snaps throw Ollt such a you'd have to sUj)port. Now, J want ,liberally not to open tbe door for any, l'ast · number of ready·ta-wear clolllea to know bow this chap happens to ODe else: unlO!lS the train waa crowded, Bt small vrlce8'She alone can be lhe judge o( ".. hat be my Bon·ln·law. Make It brier, fer 'AB the shrlll blast of tho conductor's 1 don·t wnnt to get 'tangled up more horn sOllnded ' tbe warning of "aU style of Bult 'Is tb e best to bllY. but sbe than la neCe8sary ." . ' aboard," tbe door opened arid a bently LlUSl beware of th e overlong coat anti Nora crackled the certlftcate In her voUed wOman 8Qt III hurrledly. Tbe the overlong 8klt·t, If tbe skirt were tlngoJ'8 and stared unseeingly at It train began to move InlltanUy. Tbe n ~Lrrow , th,e silhouette would be eX· (or so me lime. "I met blm first. In guard IIlam~ed ~e door and latcbed aci'tly the same 88 It has belln for 6ve Rangoon," sbe bctan 810wly, with'out It. ' Courtlandt sighed: the tuUUty at mon tb, with th e long plaited tunlo trusting · tbese ItallaD., of trying to over, I\. na rrow Undersl(lrt; but the fa lslng ber eyes, .. "When you went aroun!\ the world buy their loyalt,! The woman waa Ill'bltera of fasblon have widened the without any luggage whatever, not bom on'd ·ta.llen tho width trom the on your own'" CHAPTER XI~. . " Yes. Oh, don't worl'1. 1 as al· even the 'Usual magazine. She ·wa. }Ups, and eliminated drapery and glvell waya able to take care of myself." dreseed In brown, her hat waa brown, UII a stnlgbt line trom the nape of Journey's End. "An 1rlsh Idel1 ," answored Harrigan her veil, ber gloves, b!lr eboes. But Ollr neck to the turn or OUI' hE-el, Hart igan dined alone, He WIUI In complacently. . wbether she wsa young or old waa broken only below the kn eea, cUsgrilce; he WI\fl sore, men tally lI.a The dictum that calls tor a very "1 loved him, tolb er, with all mj beyond hll deduotlon . He opened b\s well as physlcnlly; and h e- ale bfli din· sbort' walldug skirt Is beIng "-wldely b(lart (lnd 80111. He wa" not onl, big COITII!re and held it beiore Ills eye~ ; ner without relh1hl Ip elmple obedl· follow ed 8ud It· ls a conven'tenL and ence to tb06G 'Well·regulated periods and strong and 111~ndsome . but he was bu~ he tound reading Ir.upo,elble. 1'he c()~ rorlable fashion, but It can be over, .tender l'rid thougbtful. Illndly and newMPape~ finally sUPP!ld trom hiB of ~unger iht.t II sailed him ,three delLs .lu a cons picuoU8 way. A woman .tlmes .1I day, bl ap.rtng, summer, au· Wily , I never lU1Eiw tbaL he wall rich hands to the..floor ·· where _it swayed 'wll h; gray ball' and large hlp8 1'00)& at t umn and ,,·Inter. By the time the un til after I bad pronlls ~d to be bls and rustled Unnoticed. He was starbee r worst In a skirt cut ott Ilt heT sbQe walter -.d cleared away the dishes, ,wire. When I lea.r oed that he waa the Ing st the promontol'f ' across Lecco, lo ps, no matt er whetherller ankles Edward CourUaodt w.ho 'Was nlwaya the green a. n d · rest. ( ul 'hlll, the Uttle H arrigan bad a , perfecto between his are well covered wltb smart shoee or teeth (al~ng with a certain matrlmo· ge tting Into the newllpllpers, I laughed. earthly paradise out ot whIch be had nol. The Ihln. nngular ,,{oman should nlal bit), and smoked 811 Jf be bad Ther e were stories abou~ bls esCa' been I.In.J ultly cast. He couldn't underbe carpful about tbe length of her wagered to IInlsb tbe olgar 10 bal the pades. Tbere 'Were Innuendoes .... stand. He bad lived oleanly and de· garillng certaln women. but I put cently; be had wronged no man qr '4suol stretch. He then began to walk the . Ooor, much after the fashion of 0- them ou L or my mind as twaddle. Ab, wbman, nor blIl1selt. Apd yet, throttgh tn Ber· some evil twist at fate, he ha4 lost m~ who hu the toot~ache, or , the nel'er had] b'oeD so bapp,1 earache, whrob would be more to tbe lin we went about like two children. all t1!ere was In. life worth having. point. To hili direct mind no dl p\o' It was pIny. ' Be brought me to the Tbe train lurched around a shoulder r.uncy waa needed: ~Jl thlltt W!US mlce.. Opera and , took me awar: and we had of tbe mQuntaln. He leaned , asalnet SIUJ Waa a 'few blunt questions. NUTQ. the most charming little eUPJlera. I the window. In a moment more . the 'Cloilld an.wer them \1s ahe cbolle. never wrote you or mother hecaule I 'vma was gone. ' Wh",t wall 'I,t f 'H e felt Irresl.tlbly N'ora, hili b6by, hli lItUe girl !.hat ulM!d wlsbed to lurprille y</u." "You b8-ve. Go on." drawn. Without Intendlll, to do ,to' ~n ar.oullit baref~ted and Illu,h "I had never paid mucb attention be turned and stared at the ·woman when he applied needed · blrcbl Bow children Sn!W up! AlId they to Fllora DeJ lmone, tbough I.knew *ht,t In broWl1: Hei' hand went to the yeO awept It ulde. Nora w" ai' tull never srew too old (or the birch; the, 1I~e 111'88 Jealous ot ' my succe... 8eT' eral tlrnell I caug.h t ber lookln. at,lld· roJD~ee .. a chUd. She could ~er't-alnlY never did. han a~'p'ped \JIm' tNltore he m~de the 'J!taey heard him" from 'tbe drawln.· 'ward In a way J did not like!' , "She looked at bJD1. hub '" boat, 'but .he wantail to be alone with .. f'901JI ; tramp, t, tramp. "It was the laBt performance of the blm, ' . "Let him be·, Nor.a," Bald MM. Harrl· "Noral'~ gall, wisely. "He, 18 ~ a rage IIl»o~t seaaon. We were married that aftel'Bbe flung heraelt on bet knees III 80metblrig. And your Catb'e r II not noon, . We did not want anyone to tlte eaaLe"t man to Ilpproach wben he'8 kJlow about It I wae not to lea,e front of Mm. "I am a wretoh!" sbe . , mad. If tie tought'Mr. Courtlandt, be the .stage until the ·end of tbe follow· eald. He ~!J only ~peat ber name. :believed be had 80me good reason (or Ing seailon. We were Btl.)'lng at the hotel wltii roor.u. IIcrop the .,:or"I am.. not worth my lalt. All, wh:r ' -<Ioing' 80." I run awayT did rou Dot ""Mother, tbere are times '/fben I rldor. Tbls wall much asainlt ·hI. did wlahes, bllt 1 pre,alle.d." me, lmJlOrtune me ,until I !believe you uro afraid of tatber." 1·'1 see!' w..,li.rl •• ,,? • .. . l)8rhape ,Iadl" "J am alwa18 &trald of' bim. It .1I "Our rooms lfere opposite, M I lIald. Then! wen! times wbeD I would ba,e -only be<laUie I make beUeve I'm not the I can get him to do anrthlng. It After the performance 'that nl,ht 1 opened my &rm. bad you was dreadful. And Mr. Courtlandt went to r.ulne to complete the final worat scoundrel' SIl the ODe of tb, dea~.t lover, 'waa sucb a genUeman. I could cry. pack1ng. We were to ' le'a n Q,ut Jet your fattier be 'unW tomor. for the Tyrol. Fatber 1 eaw Flora Desbnone come ou( of :hIiti;&;iiii':'r:-,;;,;:;"r9.j~~~=-;~~~;;;;i;;--;::u.l-~;;-I-;-:.~~ · row/' \ Harrigan IIhut and opened bll tia~ds. "And have h'lm wandering .about "l>\> y\>u unde~ta1\d? 1 ,. 88W ber. "I ~ a miserable wretch I I ~ubt· with th.a t blacll eye1 SOmethlng'mu8t ./Je done '(or It rm not afiald of him." She WaB laugblng, 1 dlli' not see him: ed ypu; I! When all I had totdo was "Sometimes 1 wlilb you wereY .. ldy weddIng nlgllt! She Came from to re~1J 'the way people mlaljpreeen't: So NOra 'Qnterad tbe lIQn'.· dell feJlr· bla room. 101)' .. beart slopped, the ed ~gs I had ftone! I lent back lesely. "Is tbere anytblng 1 can do .world .topped, liIverytblnl went black. ,our letten . • . and re~d anll reAll the IltoM!!1I that I had re~d and read the bid blue onel. Don;t 'OU ror ' you, dad 1" "You , can get the witch . bazel lind heard came back. When be knocked remember ho,," you used to write lit my door i re,u8ed to see' hIm. I on blue paperT • . . Flora told b athe this lalnp of mine," arllnly. ' .. Bbe ran Into bel' own r\)om and re- ne,er saw hlr.u asttn until that wsht everyttitn,. It 'Was Only ' beCause ahe tume~ Wilb the Simpler devlcel for In Paris when be foreed hll way Into hated '1I1e, not that ~he cared im,thiD. atwut you. She told me t¥.t" n! l'educlng ~ S}'K)II~n ey!!. Sb~ did not ,mY apartmont." "~ang It, Nora, this doesn't 80und .at' tho tiP.lI. She waa at the battdln . notice, or pretended t"at she dldn:t, , of tale abduction. When l'QU 'kissed i,t hat be locked tbe door and put the like him!" "I saw her." ,m~ didn't you 'know ·that! ,ike.y In bll 'pooket. He , sat down In "He wrote yout" klaled you back. " 'lddward, I am a mllle~ 4l Cblll,t , under tbe IIgbt; . and sh.e went "1 relurlled the · le~tera. unopeDe~." 'able. wret.-ch, hut I eball follow yol1. w6r~ deftly. . " "Tba.t wasn't aquare. You might wher~ver. yoti go, and ~ ' baven't e~en "('ve go.t some miLke'uP, ' aud tomor· bave 'been wron,." <;row morning I'll 'pallit It for ' you." a~anfty ' box In ' my" There "He wrote flve lettera. Arter that were tea,ra I~ her eyes. "sa, that t ~ "You don't ask Rny Queatlons," he he wen to India, to Afrloa and baoll am a wretcb'" . , , .{said, wUh ,dmneea. '. "Would It relle,e your eye anyT" to India, where be seemed to find con· He drew h~r up beal~e hllJl. ~ solation enough." ' IIgbtly. ' at.m s (clOled around her 10 bUI)lr,lly, HarrIgan laid U to hi. ,lack of nol'- so !!trongly, that s.h e. a lItUe. He iau,h~a. ':No; but It might remal v,lslon, but to 'hltl lI,lngle opUc lie looked Into JIer lieve iny mind," '. "Well, theD, "'hy ' did you ' do ao there '1'88' anytplrlg .but mleen' In her traveled hera and there True, tbey ,1I!larchlng for tlilr1'amlllar' dl~IIDle "' llt foollab ' a t1Ilng" At your. agel Don't beautiful blue eyes. ypu· knll,!" thnt jou can't go 'o n wlllll- eparkled' ",ltti teats; but'th,at alinffied oDe corJll'lr ' of ber :mouth. pIng eve.ry Dian you take ·a · dlallke nothing; he hadn!t been married these' "l1oral " ' be whlllpered . . li thlrty-odd y~ars witbout ~earnl1!g that "KIss mel" , eta?" l "f haven't taken any dislike t , a woman weepe for any of ,a thou88nd Al)d' t~en the tratn came to Ii.!ltand, . -oourtlandt. But I ssw blm klsa ·you." and one reaaonl!. ..". ~er~IJY. They fell 1>ack ..aliult· lb, "Do you care for him aUII!" cushlona, . " I "1 clln take care of my,self," , HNpt ada, pa.sed during theee ' "Leocol" cried tbe guard thl'olJlb "PerbAlls: 1 uked blm to explaIn. He re[uled. One tllhig puzzled me, many months that I · did not ' 'ow' I the wtndow. : though 1 dld.n 't know what It WIlS at hated him." Tbey laushed 11ke children. . . the tltne. Now, wben a tellow steale . "Anyone els~ know!" "I b~bed ~Im/' sh. wei ga"~, "AQd "Tlie padre. I had to tell .ar.uB one now. , .' a kIal fa:or.u a beallt\ful womau Ilke . 'l you, Nora: 1 don't Bee why he should or go mad. Bun: didn't hate 111m. 1 "Yel, and now t" e...rb', If .UII ... reel IlIad about, It. . When ·he had ail could no more put him ou\ ot m;r wlldered. ." ' " but knocked ' your daddy to bY' by, he life .than I could 8tO,p braathins. Ab, , 1'Le~'1' so baelll" , • " ;8ald ' th'a~. you cQy.ld ell plain. . , . J have been so , mlil.e rable and . UIl· f'\ " T~ ENIJ· , :Don't ,prIlSS . so : b~:' i warningly. happy I" ~be laid ,her bead upon lila "Well, can you 7" . and cluml!l1y he .trolteCJ tt., 'Hls , "Since yau eaw what be did, J do ! net lee where ell planations OD my "Tbat's the trouble "illa 118 lrlsb, Part are necessary." ' .. Nora. We jump wltbOllt looltlnc. with· "Nora. 11,e 'never e,ausht you 1D a , out lindln, whilther we're rI,ht or .. lIe. ", never want to. 'W,ben you were wrone. Well, 'y our. da.dd 'I oplnlon; l. UU.e 'rou 'w ere tbe truthfulleet thins tbat you .b.ouhl bave rea__ bls tlra~ .1 ever saw. No matter wbat kind of letter. U It didn't Iiq rlab•• ' Tl\en ,i mou;.ei-apoke up: . . & nckins was , In store for ' YOII: yOU, could hayeJUl!lped th, ~,rac"I, ""The, ate orc>P In two 4a11 aDd ,weren't airald; ~ you',. told (he truth. don ,t believe he did anyt~lng Wl'onl., theh ~t 'around (,11 the ,tre." _II . . . There, that'll do:-- Put lIome at all. It , IlIn't .10. hif! !!lan!, hloo~ to . '1.-" J ' to ,,' t mo""" .., an .', . eoltOn ·· over ' It and .' bind It with 8 do anything underboard.: ' .' " ' ,.' wa ""!" ~or..l!?:e , "But 1 saw her" Ii queer look In ~er ' Her. ~ ' ~mm~~Ial, ~v~es: tor ,. bandkerchl~r. It'IJ be' I?lack a.1l -rig},lt, . ~ ,hOUle ·.b~jle til: j .. , " I but th'e s'Y'3J11ns '1'111 go do)Vn . . I;:an eyes all she glan~ed \lP at'blm. "I dOB't care a Illootlli l.1 .y:ou dleL' . ~ell, boya\ he ~d,. that tell 'em a ~nnlB ball hit me. It ",as more Uke a cilJlnon ball; though. Say, Take It (rom me" It ,rn a put-up .job 80, but rn ~U ""ba~ I fA,, ' Nora, you tn'ow I've 'always pooh· by tha.t C8labrlan wOIDan. She mtcbt own' wareh~uae. I eaw four or Sive poohed thele amateurs, People used bave ione to hili room for an, num. I!eeUee eQlDlnlnl tbe,hoou abo~t • to any that the're were dozens of men ber of' ~Ie., thID,.. But I think weell balON ~J1q Ume .to . . . .110 ,. " bad bo:UPt leed. . I", New Yo\'k In my prime wbo could ahe wa. curlou..... "Why dldQ't slie e<1DIe to me, If .b. .;:;.....::.---~-":' have laid me cold. I used to la\lgb. ,Yell, l IIUUS lhey were right. Court· wa~ted to ask queatloDll" 8r1tt1e, "J can .ee you aD.w.r,111 them •• Bhe lJttle mtate (after. belq leoture4~ '~d~'s sot tbe all rtest kIck T ever rAn ' lllO, A pill' \Irlver, and It he had landed probably juat wanted ~ !mow If 10U "Mamma, the co~DlucbD8Jlt.l break an my Jaw, It would bave been donn I were tuallrledor not. Sba .-I,bt ~&"e awNi 4~Ii't Ole,t" - Ba.toD Imn~ al )·ou say wben you bid me ,ood l,leen In l«;Ive with . blm, and then ebe TraDI011»,,'Il!;ht In dalo, Tbat's al\ ·. righl nnw ~~ir~~~~~~i.H~~~~===a~ir.~:==---~"lllJ " lomorrov. . I want to talk to ~Jgh1-no~ balf'tbe time )'OIL I)ra'll Ul/ & cbalr. Tberel AI! I how. . But r don" In the ml4dle .... braceleW ..... ..Id, I'. bever tnu,ht you In a lie, laudt He naW.OrJIAm8llta act WOJ'Q 0111,., tt.i ~ I Quel that )'OU'\'8 beeD Uvllll a lie Deeldell._be" cot BOY""" \'011 bavell't been um4 ~~-.-~~~ ~'7OW' motber,




. . '.







DL_" .

Enhanced B,_Perfecr. cal H"~ .-v.

TheexperieneeofMo~oodl. a.".

one to most womeo mil mar1ls 4lean'eP9cJl hi their U~e~ Not098 ,woman In a hundred .. prepared or I!JIderatBllda how to properly care tor beraelf. . .Of coDrSO nearly every woman now~y. hIlS medical ~atment at IUcb timel, but many approach the experi· ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over ber syatem hili reeeived a abock from which It Is hard to recover. FollOWing right upon this comell the nervous strain Qf carting for the . ChU,!1, and a distinct _ change In the mother results. 'rbere Is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother'of children, and indeed child·birth under the right conditions need be·no hnzar4 to bealth or ' ( beauty, The 'nnexplalnable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health'1'e8\llting from an unprepared condition, ~d with am' pIe time in, which to prepare, women will persist in gOing bUml1y to the trial. Every ~an at' thla time shoUld rely upon Lydia E.. Plnkham'l Vegetaple Coplpound, a most valuable tonic and Invigorator ~f the female organlsm. In many bomear~@~~~~~--:_

once childless there

Stole 'of .kullk. Thl. model II lOme· are now children bewhit wider than hal been prevloully cause of the fact that Lydi.a E. Pink.' worn. . !uim'. Vegetable ' *---* , ___ *_p-_-ft-· Compound m ak occaelon that . begins after twclv& woruen norma beaith,v and 8tr9ng, o'clCX;Sk. " , . Tbe skirts of trocK . are not If 1011 wut special .clTlce wrlte te so· ahort as the akJrts for street \Veiu, Some of the pl'llllrtoSt. bOUS~8 ad ),ocate LyellaB. Plakha.B8IllciaeCo. (eod111drt that Just clear~ tlje t\oor, ,while d.tld) LyDD,Jlais.' YourletterwOI" opeaed, reld .and annrered course (here are o,hera that cut lpe lie W'O. . . . .4 JIel4 jaa' ooal4. . . skirts off M tho slloe tOPlI, We .eem --------~~----~~~---.~ . ~ :~to have a mania Ipr anort ald,rt8 whlob haa Drob~bli ' be~n' broug~t abOut through danOlng. bid I noUced with In,.terellt thai qertaln famous houle" are cuttfllg tl1e other kind of 11c11!t8" One can c;hooae any C!olor (01' ~ Ollellioce t{:ock to\lqy. Dreiling f«Jr lh • houle fe not governed by any of til" roles that Qnoe ·coni'rolle.d It, worn "'t~~ I\Q.nietlme~ seem mor. 'lluitable for a dInmir part~ tbaJ!, _ IUDlon.eoll. oJ' (011 a d~Jice.. t~an an aft~r­ nQQIl pm. of bridge, but tbe tendency tI,1ls winter t.o brlJl. Uie lQ(p.l.erJaI blsli the IhoulClerll 8Omewba~ ,offeeta the other f"*hlon. ". Blac~ la" «alii a tavorlte I;Olor:-- but aDcI DiI.lNBI AItIII' deep blue.lfu · invaded 'e ven thla Oeld. DIAJ:J; PIU., SIL\I.L B~t root red II a Calblonable tone and Genuine mUll.bear Sig~ure sue bl~e toucbed with black or wltll .nver 11 WOfll. All tbe brllLl~nt ab!Ulea «;If red came In . ~h the war, and there Ie nO dlmunltlon of, their populaiLty. .' The Vlcto~ The. t11usiraUon' showe Wortb ., met In Milan," said a ret !I mod model for even lng, of black velvet, wjth a glr~le of rhinestones and a tourlat:, . "Gen, Apgelo Oattl, the' (a~U8 Italian tactfcian. Oattl , talked black )et -oromen!. On' {he' aklrt. lllmlljou81y on the war.-· Tltll, remem· '" ber, 'fBI abou~ Septembe~ 1. ' To~ Freshen Hair Ribbon •. "Oeneral GaUl 8ald that the al\le~ In Waab balr 1'lbbo;iB In wann 8ud. of wool eO&l). rhice In cold water and France bad heen too audi.cloualatftrst' put. perfectly smooth on a mlrro, or -bence tllelr haiq luek:' fie lal\l l},ley bod nQw j~arned ~elr Illlson and we~ marble, !lBtln slde down. WheD drY doing better. tll~y wlll come olt lIkl:! new . · Jtandker., 'In' warfare' ale[ Qeneral Gatti, tiblefe ,plaY /I. Iso • be "1l:0\led!' In this ,'thl3 ~Bh are a~ IlilJiled. !l'he timId way. ' ' ' are cruahed. . Vlctol'Y crowus tholle alone ~bl! 'JIllngl~ .rallhn'!ss aud tImId· ity together-lhole, so la ' lI1/eaiC, wl1O' run rlskliJat a' slC?w ~alk: .. ft _ _ _ _ _




~~~~ ,



GETTINO I!OWN TO THE FACTS RELICS Rello WhIch "'r, Bradley Valued eo Mexloan Authorltl .. Make Hlllhly Wa. Not "-Ito. .thl' a P ....ent.

Dllooverll. of p~rta BOdlel of Malllnllllin and HII Genlral.,


Tlie"heart ot Oen. Tomas MeJI ... ~ne! . 8a1d Mr. BradlllY: "I thtilk a ,004 det,l of thIs rooking ClIair: I\'a ma(le fragments of the bolttell of Emperor trom . wood -that grew on a .fll.rJII In Maxhntllan and Oeneral Mlrampn. Vlr,lnlA ouce owned by G. Wuh- all of whom were exeouted together 011 the , Cerro de las Campal, Just out· 1.11$.0." . • don't nnythlng elttraordlnar)' side ,tbe city of Queretaro, wheh Max. aboutll," laId Parks, '·ex.cept tbat It'll Imlllan surrenderee! there to the bIll and ugly, How muoh did It cost forces of .Presldent Juarez, were fouod recently In a search which wB.S _made )IOU'" · "Notllls.,. ThAt'. the beauty of It. by the con£tltutlonallst authorities of 'the library or the houso ot Lulll A frieDd of m1ns In Washington It to me. There'e nothing like bay· Oarcla Pimentel, In Calle de Donceles, No. 68. Ing ~ood rrlends," Th". house of GarcIa Pimentel Is at "No, ] 8uPPoie not. How did be pre:J ent occupied by Oeneral Davila lend It.?" . "By axpres!I. QuIte a relic', ISll't Itt Sancbez. When the constlt.utlonaJlst au.borltl,es w .re ~ol ng ' througb the Wood grew on one of G. "W8IIb-" , of thIs {jijI1 ~ence , tak in g an..lIc. • "You patti the · eXllrcs8 charges I IIb!8l'y ventor}' of wbnt th ey tound there, ..uPposo ?" . . they came upon the grewsome relics, "Qt courso, Wood· grew on a. (arm whlcb were carefully pres rvcd . that once b longed to George-" The henrt of MeJia and the portion s "How' much waa the -" of the b dy or the empero r nnd bls "arm that once belongod to other truated general had been kept, Oeo!;ge Washington In VIrginia. It It Is said, by Doctor Llceoga, who perIsn't every dny you can-" formed the autopsy UpOII the bodies "Bow much expressage dId you.:..." atter their e'x ecutlon, and acquired "lsn't e.! ery day you call ·see a rock- trom blm /ly Garcia PImentel a8 reI· Ing chaJr made out of wood grown on los. They probably will be donated .. tal'm' tbat once belonged to to a museum, It Is sald, by the au· Oeorge-" Ihorl~ ICC! .-Mex lcan HeraJd. ''What exp,I'ess char ge did you have to pay?" ' BURNING ECZEMA "Elfght dollars and seventY·fiTe ITCHING cenis," s!lld Brailley, with \'Islble reR. F. D. No.3, Caldwell, Ohlo.luctance. . -' "When our baby was nbout twa Whom Oo(go Hath Jolnld Together, ,months old sbe broke' out. over ber A contributor sends In this cUp' Ix!dy. face and h ~lh eczema. It ping trc;lm ' tbe I~o !1a la Midget, a paper was bad, about as thick: as It could be. IlIibl\shed In the island of Maul, one, of It broke out In .. kInd of pimples . The), lhe Hawnllan group. · ' He explains were red and Bore. She was very that "wablne" III Hawatlan for wom· Cl'98S nnd resUess. Tbe eezema would llch and burn till ehe couldn't Bleep. an, "kane'" for Ullltl, and 'pau" It looked very badly and would peel en.oug~: . Rev, n. B. Dodge of Wallultu II tho, orr wbere the places were. Her clothes most resourceful m&n of- ?tlauJ. Re- would Irritate the eruption. ' ;We gaye her medicine, but It didn't cently a Japanese couple came to Mr. Dodge' ""tb a 'reque~ In the sign l&n' do any ,ood. We bad heard about ,uage that lie make- them man and Cutloura Soap t.nd Ointment so we wife. 'l'hey couldn't talk Englllh lIu· aent for a lample and It was not very ently ilnd' Mr, Dodge cannot tallt Jap· Jong 'till she bettcr. I bought ..nese, 110 he conducted the ce~mony eome more Outicurn. Soap and Oint .. follow.: ment wblch cured her completely." "Y like wa.~iJJe 1" (Blcne4) H. E. Bmlth, Mar. 21, ISIf. ·~ee .1f Cutlaura SOIiP t.nd Ointment 1010 "nlmeby no lekout r' thrOlllhollt the l'orlcl. Bilmple ot aul1 ··~O.H tree,~th 32-1'.,BII.1& Book. AdiresllK!ll "You ,IUte this kane!" to the woman, card .t'Cu(l~u,., De~t. L, ·Boston."-Atl., "Yal.lo , • "Blmeby no klckout r! ' HAD_ NEGLECTED ONE POINl "No." '!Pule -(pray). Mr. Porter'. "'allnl!ylng GI ... Old I" ."Pau," Work All Right, But Ita Owner Forgot Important Thing, ~ Tnl Plolleer f"other, 'Tho acbool children of ' OAlIfornla Mr. Porter's judgment' was vlndl· ue savlne up their pennIes t~ pay cated . . for the monument to th.e pIoneer "All,' ha," he exclaimed, triumphant· mothet wblcD Is to be executed. b)' ly. "do' you 'remember tha~Ule mag· Charles Or.adfty ror the Panama-Pa· nlfylng glals I g a dollar for the ' womab'. board · clOe e.voaltlon. ~he other day ? You say ~t . wu a clear of ,t he eXposltlon llee ed that such waste' of mOney . Well, It has more a Statuo be erected nd the chlldron than patd for Itself." were the Or,t to ,respond, 8~~dlbg in "J' detected a oOullterfelt bill to an I\val.nche of pennIes. The cen' whIch J had' the presence ot mind to tral Opro Is ,that of the pIoneer apply it: Tbole .bllls are so ,well exe· ' motliet"}4resled In a homeajlWl gown cutlld that' Bveh the experts can hard· ·~";:·~-~and at her kneel are two stuJ:dY little ly tell them ' tram the genulIJe, but children. i ": my· little 'magnlfylng ' glaSa brought out ~lJ Its defects." EittractlilD Bullet. by M.llne~ "Bow clever you are." saId ltfrs. The .,Item of extractlns German Porter, "t9 thinK of examInIng mOlley bulJ(I~ by electro·ma~ets Is belA&- wliii' a . maptf)"lng ,lass, Now )'ou tried wlth .succee8 at Lyons, 8ays the can make tJle penon who ,ave · London Tlme•. tbe bill takt'l It back, Who,. diet give All electro-ma(!let has been ,nltalled It to ,anywaY·' " _ " fir" on~ of the mUII·aT)' hoepl\al., and "By George!" he 88ld, "l dou't re..... permitted tbe utractiOn of a bul· ]Dember." let Imbedded four and ' a ' half Inche. ;....----.;--'-lD tile' ~ a Plltlent. . Thl. would .Menu.. ban proved • dlmcult operation b, The Akoond or Sw..t had 20,000 mell. ~ther. ftlt;elles.' .' . He marcbed them up a hill orie day, and that ·done he marched them down .agaln. ' The great' Powers were 'n ot &liaep; ..It thIs Isn't ~oblllllatlon, what Is It?" the, demanded tense1)'. .' Tlie Akoolled of Swat 'llallened ~ ~Int 9,ut tQt- w/ien .hIB 'lDeD Wllre u.p tbey, were up, ' and when they were do,,~.... !'bcey were· 'do",n, and, ,finally, that.;when 'they, were onl, haltwi,. up . they 'w."e neIther -up nor down. "Xo ' t!MIP9..rl~lnl! " . ~b~de~4 great Powers, .and , forthwlth feil upOn pne another. wi~J:t the, utmosL f~roolty. .'or wblle ,the lP'eat Powers were Chrl.tia~;,.;Swl\t wu ,iil' heath!!n naUon, and BO n. con Btant menace to t~e peace tbe world.-New YQrk Evenin,













"No, let b'~_ th that we are lible to surround blm wltll the comforts be so apprecIates and en· 19Ys." Fond dreDI II) , Indeed! To Rufu" Deane there came A period of eo Be and comfort that made life one can· tinuOUB round or satisfaction . . Never were more ardent friends tb&n tbe t, happy couple who mInIstered

No Gon..,.tlon Po •• lble. Ch'w Ves and Amlen. may In ' part console us ror .. Iolt Relms; but tb re Is notblnif-not nen ' at ConBtanUn· OllIe-that would comtort U8 for , los~ . St. Mark's. And, 8uPllosing Italy at. I I\'ar, and a bombarding fleet In the A!lrlatic, what,should we have to ex· pect In Venice? That IItUe Plazzetta

AHome-Made Poison

luI': the n yzantlne they were r'Mlly bls chIldren. He urch, Lombard towe r, ttie . A Kentucky Case 'Not a mena In the world!" Bald 'told them IDysterlously more than Gothic Ducal palace. lhe ' R na issance ; RuruB Deane, desolately, at six o'clock , once tbat "t.hey should not lose b,. library, oue ot tbe masterpI eces or Us • E . .Jo, . Sa y I". , SeY' In be mOrning. It," but they pald no rurtber heed to date. And round the corner III the rr...~11!Jlll. . ~;.~ ~YI~ b. I·~r~~~ kidney 'roublo tor a ''A nest of comfort Dnd true. hearts the remark .Ulan t~ reel that biB gratt· dome or the Salute, and aCl'osa a lit· or more nnd. to cherish 'me," he added tbat same tude well r etlaJd them for tbelr exer- li e waleI' the ' beautifu l to!\'er of San J do otontl dlft r ~ nt . tlons'. evening: ' . . GIorgio, a.nd fur h r, tllfl R!1dcntore. didn' t g e t . r lun t r od For years be had JIved . alone, OCCU' Then came dark da)/8. Erneat Les. And besIdes all tb se, nil Vcnloe! a c onst a ot. den pylng a wretched attic room with A lie lost hi s positIon. It had come London h~onlcl c . ach e. acro • • Lbo .malt of my bliCk, with poor family 10 the slu ms. Long since about through the firm em loying him .overe It It h e. tn my he b~ lost the use ot both hIs lower lenrning of his negotiations for a little 1010.1 . wh e n I .1oopec1. Saw Women Harvest. M" bACk wa. ~ .a Umbs,' He bad been conlln d to the store. TheSe fell through because he Miss Anllll Morgan , Miss Elizabeth lama and loro 1 could hordly turn One apartment. his wants att ended to could no t ar:range tor the payments ~farbury and Miss El sio De Wolf , ove r tn b t'd Dnd I by bls landlord, but ltvlng In the most reQuired. dIdn' t Tb e kldn~y ••• retton. went III their ilUtomobll es Into those pn'lf' d .... "rularl'y and I tott 0.11 run town. narrow way. 'Someho",' he managed to One month. two months. passl'd by parts of France wb I'e th e women Doan·. rid me ot · nil the • • scrape ull the few dollars reqUired to and Ernest round no work, Bravely, were lAki ng In lhe grain, all they had alim ent. reatorod me to the- belt of bealth. " pay tor. board aud keep""eilch Saturday however, the devotell l)8lr saw to It been ask d to do by the min ister of Get Doaa'. at Aa~ Stan. IlOo • Boa night. thnt their hOllored guest, the old man agrtculture. Miss Morgan said It was ~hen that day there had come to upstnlrs, De\' er suspected their real ·,.von derful to see tbe way hi whlcb K"IDa!'L~"" his lonely habitation a pretty, nent; but condition. TJlJey !leuled ' themselves the women of Frauce responded to FOST£R..MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. No Y. every luxury. All they had to support the call for theIr help. pluln"y dressed young girl. " am Rhoda Leslie," she said. ". tbemselves wUh now . was 'what Rhoda was Rhoda Merrill. Do yoU remember earned by some fine Bewlng. and a" .~ baby was conning. too. "Merrill!" repented Mr. Deane. "I The old mlln never surm ised bow ought to! It was lbaf of ·my best liard the shoe of poverty wall plnch.lngfriend. Robert Merrill." until one morning, nnd theu quite Ilccl· "My fa.tber:! said Rhoda, and-ber dentally. Under tbe kind mlnlstraeyes were filled with tears as she tlons of Rhod:l aod her hus band. good notect . the helpless condition of thIs tood and sanitary surroundings, Mr. J For Infants and Children • once .proud and wealthy man. "He Deane had go't so that he could move ~ never forgot, and I never will. I slowly about the room. AI> he neared thoug4t . you In &nother country, or tbe open doorway that especial morn. dead. It was yesterday ·that ling he was amazed and then startled learned about you-poor, an Inva~ld, at Il. cODversatlo~ going on below. friendless. Oh, sir!" and her eyes ex· ' Rhodn was pleading ' with the land. ii'iii'iiI,"",.IIiIiIlIrliii"i'i'i'iii'"iii"iil~'lll"lll l pressed the genuine love and gmt!· lord ' of the place for a respite or an' ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT tude sbe telt, "It seemed that I c~lUld other week '10 rent payment Her AVetetabie Prepa, JlionforAs · mOt c0It!~ quick enough . to ~our side. bard·hearted creditor t,,;Ued her with ~imi1ating theFoodandR~ula · You did everytb1ng ror my · father keeping a lazy burden , not even a reI· I~ Ifle SlomBchs and Bolyel! of when he was alive. He told me the.t aUve, upstAlI's, Amid her tearful It WAS ·your mon~y tbat kept me e.t emotion Rhoda I t lhe .Lwta-AWJ~~ INL\Nl ~ / (UILVIH:N - -___ - - -'"hoarding scllool fOl' two years. We duty they feit towards her former ====.,. - owe everything to you. ~ee, 'SIr, I am benefactor. ' Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful. "The rent tomorrow, or out Into the nrssandRe5l.Containsneither street you go!" roared the Implacable Opium.Morphine nor Mineral old landlord. NOT NARC OTIC /for,,,,vtJltI.siNII,£I.Htf,fM "The coar~l~ .8coundrel-my poor, little Rbodal" mved Deane, and' hoti,.. ~,~S to. a cor-ner ()f the room, pulled ,(,1)(,3-.. .. _"· } open tile top of hill old irunk, and after AltoW/.$./b - • tumbling oyer Its contents, brought ,'iII . • Into view·,a well·worn tin box. Then i ~,.J.rt". . h H_S"~. ",lt1l thlll he stumbled to the cae! ot (7''''''~'J'.!!:r the stairs" ~:?,Il" . He co'uld b enr Rh~a 'sobblng bitterAPfrfecl Remedy forcolllSlilpa· 1y, he could catcb tbe rough censurlicm , Sour ~(()macrl.Ullar·rnc]"iI, I Ing Vlords of Ule landlord, He started Worms,Conwlslons ,Feverishforward . A s'cream rang trom Rboda's ness and Los S OF SLEEP. lips and.. her creditor gazed agape, IL8 Mr. Deane 10s~ hls balance and cl\me Fae Simile Sign;ltu~ roiling do\\~ the staIrs. The tin box ,..., - "./~ came down ,,·lth a slam and he on ·top -~-'-: . -~--" of It, Remarkl"bly >\Ctive was · the old . man. ExCitement seemed to aroule ~GOJl)"rlp" li14 by W. G .








The Kind You Have AI~ays BouShl Bears the Signature


In US8.


For' 0Ver


Th.Irty ,Years " ~~I_k:;!~;.·;:;·~ I~ I~ ~ia:.?n~~~;~;~¥l.tU~P~"SIhLakt;n~g:b~IS~_~~;;-GASJO'RJA "You Insolent ruman!" he shonte«!. "Rbo'da, my dear, pay thIs man all

better keep out of my way, after bemting you the WQl' he h~sl :' _ Eu~t cOpy of~rappe,• . And Mr. Denne opened' the tIn, box , and took out a roll of b!.lls, and beildes Startled at • Converaation GO,l ng 'On these there w'ere a dozen valunbleseeming documents. a.low, "Yours," he said, tendering .R1\oda the box .., the landlord reUred-"you brave. unaelftsh dear! I never sus· pected that you were poor, and kept sUeJit about the little fortune I had, It Is ail yours, now." , And Ernest Leslie got hle little atore, VIrgInia Governor'l Man.lon • and R\ltus Deane .... .to It tIlat tile, Tho spirits or hIstory, ot sentlmtlut ahared the 'luxurIes ()r life with hllD. 8.IId of beautY rlso to ·(orm ·a triple' alliance In protCllt against tbe proposal UNASLE TO' RESIST : IMPULSE to r emodel' t1!e first fioor of I,h e goV' erno,r's mliDslon. To them It Is almost an act of vandalism to break the So"~ltOP' Refulled Fund., 8howed HI. Bplendld sweep or Lhe hall w.ltll In a Deoldedly






. Buslnels, mem are Industrlousl, purlu'ed by Ih.IBtent p~p~e Inske IL tI'ade ot eoliclUng money, for Bocllltles and moVeJllentii too' numerous to men· a~d.som<tlme~ a. dlaapPQlntecl so. IIcitor ' abows pett~ resentment v'hen hi. demands aroe reb Bed. '. paJ~leptsJ '..... RecentlY', olle ot thern caUed on a Jd(Jlctl#rl,1 well.known ' reat.aul'1lteur of New York to obtain (\Ind. 011 Bom'o 'pretext. and ,,,l.IIad dDi 1••I,oJ\ • to tbe pt;lvate ot-'

fiee. ' , . , .


I~ I" the l1ab~L tof-·tbe distinguished

entrance, to oblltemte the fJII'eet of space given by the wIde Interior en· trance. to rIght and lett, to instill a Ilmmped reeling' Into all wbo enter, \0 make any changes In an Intl-dor the most dlstincU\re hIstorically and archltectumlly iif .U the' state execu· tlve manelons. There are Improve· menta to he made In the rooms of the IIpper floor, and ' probably In otb"r parts or the house. Smallel' and more' bedrooms, for Instance, are needed.' But 'the Drat floor can ollly be ruIned b)l tire contemplated "Improvements." R.lch In his ton', beautiful In design An<l comfortable 'In ' arrangement., It should Dot be touched.. ,

'restaurateur, ,who '1e10\ces In a heavy ·beard, to play wljh r:1~ 'w hlskers "hlle talking Inl,lXnaully to ·c allera.- On thll occaSion, he kept pullln« hIli w.blsker. Winted In'ormatlon. . '. . !is ·ulual ;.'hUei :Iltrably protesting thilt It W88 at tbe moving plcture " ~la>: WEll LOal.ER~ g:-~':..~.o~ . the IOJleltor'. requests ",ere Impos, of "Quo Vadl.: the wonderful lIlu. , .~,~ W'!_liI:DO_~~!m; Ilble, . ./' l' " . Imtlon of anCient yd rOnlanU!\ Rome./ ~"'.~=~~~\F'~ ~ FInally, tbe calleI' became anlry. He , Mrl. McCartby watchsd the tbrill. ~'~:.--JJIMt .h'oa~, l1j"cI\ed bver, .~14 pulied tlie wbls\era Ing scenes Wlth', a1\;e, ourloslty, I!lld at . .-:-:. ' , s~arp.11 ey~rat times. ' lut Impatlen.c e, .Flnally :8he asked' A11ENTIS5l:';:':.'l.t=~=: , , t.or ..... ,...~ ,nlidaa'-'>!le_f_iiiI! , , 'Whllt does tblB mean?" gasped th. her neIghbor: "I've wt.iched · an' wlilted, and can ~I', -~tio;'''''a. .. ., "Mean 1" eebo-ed the caUer alr1ly. "It ~~~I!;~,I n:le ' DQw 'w hich wan Quo w.-N. U.. CINCINNATI, NO. lts::.1t14•. c1ilrtalD.!d":wlllidl~wli· I 'doe8ti't 'lItean' .'bytblng. You cannot re~I.~ lI~aYlng '1\',1tb y'our whlskelJlneit.ber can' I." ,



, " ~

.. '





THE KIAMI QAZETrE, WA1rNDVILL., 0Il10 ~ ~-'-~-,--

nEl ===IIEI I'l'===UEI 1:'===UEI ===U::J [:'553'1 ==5JilEI ==::In:u 1 1:



-*1::11:'55=::111:1 E'55='


a ===, m 5555;]1 mE'==:::1' a 55= 1:'



Will Be "Heinz· · m . Fruita and ·


Canned Me.a ts Try SomethIng New Lobster .... ....... . . 10.2oc Shrimp ... , . ........... 10e 'funa Fish ....... 10,15, 25c D '1 d M t t: lOe eVl e Style ea .. . ...... ...iI. 10c . Vienna Sausage ' Cove Oysters. '.. . ...... . Cottage Beef .......... , 25c P t d Ch' k IS ot I! IC en ........ :. c

Vegetables easaba Melons Cape Cod Cranberries 'fexas Persimmons

· '. ~ .


Florida Grape Fruit Fancy Jumbo Bananas ' FI'd 0

m' . , ~I~O:U~:I ~ran;::ges


New Pineapples MEessina Lee'mons mperor rapes FI,ml'nPOerKt.edl'' :feMr.a.plaeagarsGfSPes " ... ~ancy Box ,App Ies



::;,~:~ ~;:~:::::: ~:!~

Mango Peppers .~ Filncy-Wbite- Potatoes Yellow Onions _Silver. hWhite Onions On' S pants lonsPotatoes Jersey Sweet Fadcy Turnips Fancy Danish Caboage Hothouse CuriyCeLettuce ld cd


a es

. ,


"1 p , d ' t AI,!ays ' H d elnz " ro uc s on an

G d "H· 00

~!:::;s·.·.·. ·, ·. '.:. ~'.'.:: :~: ~~~ Try a package of

Bour's Old Master Coffee ...... 40c

Heinz SQUr P~ckles




Aunt Jemimas... ...... 1~ ~~___~~~~_ Cold Me4eJ ............ lQ!: I' Vinriinia Sweet ......... ; lOe

... .



Van Cam'p's ' '


up . .. .. .. IOc


IOc and 20e 'a dozen '

lOc .and


I . a dozen,

Wincbester, Remington U. "M C. Petqs



Farmers Don't forget when you paek

~:::i=e:!~e :'::e~~enty of .~

S A I!. ~ put up in 7'0 ,lb. bag~ ..• SOc. Also plentY ,o,f th\ fi~est 'grade Michig~n Barrel Salt. ' The kind that don·tget 1llard.


Oysters . N.~tw t~':; ."':~. eek

15:55511Ell!'55;51' Ell:'55a1


' . ,.' H B ' ... 1 i D • n .....n was n ayton &turd., on b_n_. 1 HlQ'Vey Gustin ieih Dayton ,tbda,y' on: bUIID_. " \ . , '. Ul:1J. uaw Winter" is ha..... - thYaua tiole~f ber Ilfe'thIs week , .. '. . , Dr. Dlll. Osteopath. Haines BI~ •• To..,. and Frida,y momillgl. . : '

,'St Mary's Guild will hold theIr I'8jfUlar Christmas market and bazaar on SatUrday. December 12th. ' '


.Q,unty Clerk ' Dan ,. Bone' J)eputySherlff Cha~. Wagg~ner wer~ in town .Tueeday d18triboting quar-

antine bIll8.

Mr. and M...... Wm. Anpl....... te. of .e .. ~.. Newtonville, Clermont county. were week-end gueete of Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Joy. '

.~ 1£ ~s.~~'71a1#~l:~cli~~Si\j~~~~'~rr.'~Clki~n· · ninl'.. i

Raper were bi Cincinnati MondaY on

business. · Dr.~Mary COOk ..L M week wt ... n. CllirkBville. '


Ct one

.I.", .Iut ua.J. rna Redfern in



B~ aoeial on Thanksgivina. night, and don't .) you mlai it. It's at Dr. , Ellia' home. '}: . . . ' '. .' . . Mn: W. , B. , Al1~. lbe , Mi .... Geofl'l~,Hadden, E;11Za~th ~tew~ 'Il!l~ o.liv~ · McCo~u : were , X~a. Vl~tor.s .saturday. " " ,


~~;;::';..::~::: ~4"?r;;g~:

--_e- •.

'--~. • l~ READY FOR SALE 'DArES .~

.Je8Be stanley, who baa j~ gra~u-

ateel from the Jones Auctl()neer~ng School at Chica~o. i~ .home an. is ready for ~e dates. 1t,would be ~ell ~ see hi~, 8:8 ~e h!'8 new ldt!88,1D ,~e auctloneenng Ime. Or cal] bim. 146 mutual phqne, Ne~ Burlington, ?hio. ,,'.



&or of a new Overland.


Virgo M·chener. who. has been in Nort.b D~kota for a year hILI! returned to his bome: he~. . ." . Miami Qua rterly meeting was held. Friday, Mturday and' Su'ndil.y. was a Jarge attendance and ' Bervices ~tlre helpful lUld ·.in- ' 8piring ';The meeting on Satu~d~y Wall addred8ed by Mrs. Mary Martlp I and A. E./ooten; Sunday morning by-Prof. ; .Waldo Wood)' of Wi!~ington colle~~r ~U_I~«;J!~_~~IJ

bv Rev. Biddleeum Sunday ~v'ening by , Rev.. Wooten, o~ Waynesville. '.


. FalflOU1 ~olllm.~t,


and on A. E. ".

The Bulfs. , -the tamous . old "NIlt-. OfSAlkei's," of whloh the king or Pen. mark was lap,polnted. col~nel·ln'CbJef

arb one tbe British army. ~hey were evolved from t~e old

'OD hill

recllnt yJelt

~o EnIfJ~nd,

of the oldest eprpll In

trained band In the days of Elizabeth,

and because of thIs' ancIent cOD,necUOIIU ·With, the oa..ttal they 'ha"e. th-e lele or m~blDK thl'OU,h the !.loudon with lix6d bayonets, ..... j~ drums and ftyJDJ (\0101'1. \






r .




~-. m



FRANK ,H. FARR, ,The. Magazbie Man ."

and . . . Takes , Sub~ptions to , any .;. . 7.00. Christian Endeavor at ,6.80. my~elf." "Dear; dear, how embu'lu.. Everybody welcome. . (PI. 1 was enifqed to him last aum· • ..-. '. ' mer and tor the' Ufe of me I can't Ne\V: Burlington thIn'li: of: bls Dame."-~t,rott ,..,. . ..' , . '. . Pi'ell8." . F. B. Blai~; . of Dayton, ' is at thee .. • --.r'll--home of "is parenta for a short vi8it. , Wh)J-8he Dldn" FaInt. · ~· ,' .. b , Mr!'. Chaa.lce!lbo'!'eran!l cb.lI~ren '1 luppoee abe fainted wben 8 .. are VIsiting relatIVes In Port WrUu:'om. .~ was broken'" "No. IDdee4; ,ahe b II d f tAlI acarcelJ Dotlced It." "Boarcely ~ ( ~ , \ Our b8llket. a . team was , ~ ea FU UCed IU" "No. You _ ahe -wu Next door to G~ette Officc) Monday eV~Dlng In a· game With. Mt. weariDc Ught ahoe. :at the Ume and ' - - - - - - - - - . - - - -.......~-....' -....----~----. Pleasant HIgh Scho~l. they' kept her mind fullY occuplti4.'" !!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~ of Mrs. Sarah J. H~lIand. M XeWnla. • _ • . ~ (' is visiting her SIsters rs, .ro. 'and Mrs. 'Lou Loyd. ' Late Clasifiect.Ads . Mrs. Wm. 'co,mpton IB, confined to . '"., ~" , , h,t home by:illn~. " '"ood d~ivtng hor"e,. ' Buyer-Dan MrS. Weldon Heller, of Oakland, . oall OD J .. d. B1I,.e f, COrw1n(Olltu. whQ has been .t he gues~ ' of Mr. 'and ,a nd look '~eDl over. ,'~ -.;;., " n ,18,' Mrs. Benj. Lemar, A .... home ' . lias returned BICYCLIn ~-good one,•J Hi.. pyo1e, . ' :. , , 2~ In. Can on Kenneth KUboil, Sam Stan,field 18 the proud posses- WaYDesvtlle Ohio. ' . n!~



- Rev• .C. S.. Grawier ·and ,W. 0 :


Ask for

-:oGet ready for

.I!~~~E~~~~1 ~~.bV.::.~ ~itb;::






A" ny C''a' n'. '0' f·. •· •


~BI. . '

Order a cali today ...... 25<:

'In boxes. &ik fo~ .

8 ] 5, 1 c 20,2Sc 10,] 5~

Bartlett Pears . ... ..... Me Rhubarb in syrup . ...... sr1C Cherries in glass . .. . . .. 31lc Cher'n'e' in tin i\Oc

.. Ballard's Self-rising Quaker Corn Puffs .....• 15c .Chili Sauce ... . ...... ... .... 2lic Flour 4 'fomn. t 9 K. e t cb I t : 25 ' up ....•.. '.. a, . c For biscuits' and ~ll ~in.ds of Olivc~' Oi1 ....•... ~~ " . , 25,50, 7Sc . 'es, only ..... .. .. ' lOc The best for dessert pas t n Pick:led Walnuts .........•.• 30c - -.;;-- ft I'!'I Jello, 'any a~or. , . ..... lOc o ~ Dill Pickle, tin .......•.. ~ ... 15c Old fashioned .. , . ~ Preserved Sweet Gherkins .. . •. 25c . ' Bre)akGrape Fruit Marmalade ....... 25c PettllJohn's Ask for Apple Butter . .............. 35e fast Food Spaghetti ... '....... • . 10, 15, 25c per package ••.......... lOe ' B. B. Coffee . • ..7'; ....• 30c Bakc~ Red Kidney' Beans ..•.. '15c ~

Cream of Green .Pea Soup.... .. 2dc Sweet Red ' Peppers .. ., .. .. ... . . 15c Crea.m of1.·omato SoUPI ••••• 10.,15<: Pickled Onions ............. 10c

, . Prepared Pancake 'and BuCkwheat '

Dried Fruits


Something you like


Long Hom . New York Cream

to explain how the ."57 Varieties" are, Prunes . .. . ... . , . 111, . ma<Je and Just why tilley are good. .Apricots, . .. '... , .. ; ' Peaches ....... : .... You will not be asked to buy."

Will' be _



,Sunklst Lunche'on

~sparagU8. ·

Candies Candies


·Burham's ~ew York - a Canned Fruit . ~



Plum Pudding .. . ........ -15, 3ScI . Baked Pork & Be~ns ~ ..... 10, 15\! Sweet Pickles bulk, per doz. . . . 10e :aalH~d Beans in Sauce ........ ] 5c Sour Pickles bulk. ~r doz.. . 10, 20c Bakc!d Be~s with Pork Sauce 10, 15c

D t ary



Mince Meat, btllk, Ib . . . . .... ~ 25c T , ........ ,..... . 21'I)C ; Chili Coif' Carne, can... ] Oc a hI e V'megar Mus b roons ... . ......... 20::-. Malt Vinegar . .. .. .. . . ....• 25c , V'Maracbino Cherries .. 25, SOc India Relish ... . . '. .. .... ~ 15, 2Sc Prepared Mustard '..... .. 10, 15c , Manda)ay Sauce ... .. ...... .' 15c Edwards' . Salad D Pepper Sauce .. .. . . . . ... 15.25c resslng , Mustard Dressing ........... ISc Something fine Mustard Ketchup .....•.. ' . ' . 25c per bottIe .... . ........ 25c Peanu, t · ~utter ........ 10; 15, 25c


~:w e':::.~:~ J~~ D

Kippered Herring ... 1O,25c Boneless Herring....... 10c Cod Roe ......... .... •. 15c

We iQvite you ~nd your friends to 'come and enjoy the delicious ,samples that will be serv~d. A Representative of

• I \


Sixty-Fifth Year -







r;.I··-··_....... . . ··-.,. ,... ",.... . . . -., . .·......'" ·'"




.1 •

-.-.---- '''.~ 00

. . - -••




••• .............. -.....-·~··l




Whole. Number 3291



Tne Christilm Workers~ Confer· 1 Pe~80nal Colu~n I. ToWnship Clerk Barnhart received IU a letter from J.~ . Speaks, State ence, which will be 'held at Wil· f Game .Warden last week, and he The Mountjoy Holt'e at Corwin Has Interesting Session, the Theme mington on Friday and Saturday, ~ December.j and 5, has a good pro' ... ,,!! cites several questions that the de· AlmosiDfostroyed By Fire Being "Some Living Ruler ttram and will well repay any of our ' "'-....---~-..- - . , ..... - - _ •....! partment has been asked by thous,. , LaAt Friday of the World." citiZens to make the trip over ·there School Hall. Saturday evening. Schoon rall, Saturday evening. ands of persons. The Attorney Gen· eral was asked his opinion pn the • to attend this Conference, Proml· nent speakers, ' such S. ~ Edgar Mrs. C. B. Bentley visited relatives R. G. Cross was in Dayton Mon. Questions and has handt>d down bis day on but sin61~ . decisions, all of them in regard 'to Last Friday, about 9:30 o'clock, The November meetinlf. of the Nicnof80n, Willard O. ITrueblood, in Xenia Monday. New Gentury Club was held at Lht! Charles~..:- Tebbets and Prof. Paul . . the fish and game law. ; ' the word came flying to town that home of Mrs. Hathawav, Friday af· , '4. Vogt wm be on the program, ' Ralph Pence, of payt.on" ·is sp~ndDr. Dill, Oste~path, Ha!ne~ Bldg., As to duck hunting the order hRS Robert Mouptjoy's house wason fire, and thtlir :l lames ,. alone ought to be mg a few days here With relatIVes, Tu esday land Friday mornings. been amended so as to permit duck Several of our citizens .t once went tern()on, November 20th . Nineteen members responded to an incentiyp to attend. . Mr. and Mrs. M~rion Hpmilton, of M.r. and Mrs. John Smi th were l!lhootih g on any waters where they to Corwin, and on srrivinll there saw · roll call by giving some ... Living All Chribtian Workers from Ii dis. Lebanon spent Monday with M C Cincinnati'vi ito rs Monday , canThbe hun1ed ftrOkln a hoaedt. n that the b use was doom8ll unless Ruler of. the World." Mrs. Cad· tance de3iring to remain over night ' ' , ' " " ese oru rs a f' pree e ce over prompt measures was taken. The d wallader then read a caref\lllv pl'e f will be ftiven free entertainment; Ll dy. , M rs. E lizabeth Kauffman is visit. the gam e laws, and Fame wardens Waynesville tire department were at pared paper on "Tne Welsh Kings." The object of the C.)l'\ference, is that Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ing relative.:! in Dayton thi!l weeK. bave no au thority to make arrests. once nClti(ied, and the t>oys respond~ and MrS Farr told us what hall and they mily do more and better work Collett, of Wilmington, November . Sheriffs, constables and other officers as 800n as possible" The engine was canbedoneby"Conservation.' ~ Af· for the Master. Come. 1914 a lion . Mrs .. Lee Hawke and MISS Clara have that power however hauled to the river and a hose ter these two interesting p.apers, . .-.. ,. " .' Rawke wl:reDaytonvisitorsTuesday, Theorder 'meansthatlandowners stretched to, the tire: In a consid· · Mra. Funkey gave an outline of the BE CA~EFUL OF YOl)~ ASHES Mr. and 'Mrs. Qwen Burnett are R b . 'Iv' Tb M cannot hunt on their own premises. able short time the laddies had the Federation at. Youngstown )Vhicb ' .sev~ral weeks with rela· . .em e~lIerb ~man, B f a . . The public will be imm~diatell in· 'tire under'.control, but they were too w!lB. much enJoyed by all presenb-.. The matter of pi acing a$hes on the tives In MIamI, Fla, ~~~I~~IlWI even~nat :schonl ai, next ~ormed when the quar,a nfme, Will be late to sa,ve the house. MISS Grace Carman favored the street has been complained of sev E V B h t lied t C· y g. , hfted so that they may be able to The fire waa supposed to hav~ ladles 'with a violin solo, ' "OId,.Black eral dines There is ·an ordinanc~ I i OF .~{n ,r was ca fit:. M r Mr h h h b h bunt. caught from a defectiv& flue. A Joe." • aJ t tbl d " t b b ed c nnat 1'1 .ay o~ account 0 t e a Y . IC ener, W 0 as een t e ' Ttlis order also llrohibits trapping. couple of years ago this same 'flue • AdJ'ournment was next in order. 8Dg nst · 't S than . I!1dUS lek 0 ey . • death·of H. E. Rldge. guest of Ma,:tha Burnett,. returned The matter of refunding license was the cause of a small' fire In,the' . . . h h· ·h 0 no Spl on e SI ewa s, or you to her borne 10 Lebanon l~ rld ay f h . " . h . . ' our W IC may be liable to a fine. These two , Mr and Nfl'S Corwin Hamilton, of ' ~ eeSa8 not been dIscussed. bUl.fl.lIlY house,. but It was caug t Just In tIme. and durmg. tbe SOCIal followed refreshments were itEima will be forced from this date. I Xenia. spent' one day last week with 1 have m 6ved over Coleman'd shop, be, take,} up;r by . t.he authorIties, The walls and the lower part of the aewed. . ' H. E. Hathaway, Mayor, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton. and am p repared to do sewing at and tb~lr deCISIon Will be~ade to house were not burned to any ~r~at · Mrs Cartwright, . Mr!! Burnett, • _ • • I' home or uy the day Switches from townsblp clerks and the pubbc gen- e?ttent only dam~ed by burnmg Mrll. Chapman, Mra. Hmkle. Mrs. HA E THBID TH NKS Dr. and Mrs. John Brown and b' b . erally. .. cmders. · Miss Merritt V . ,,'\ ' daughter .l£lda of the Lebanon pike com mgs a t reasona Ie rates. Muffs • - • The house which is an old one is Co.rnell ' Mrs; Riley '' M ' G " . t .. were W·I' · ' . 'I k' re·made from old furs . Call 011 me OLD LADY . BADLY HUnT . . ' MISS Lyle, MIS!! Carroll, ISS .r ace' r- h 1i" J)e t . h 1 mmgton VISitOrs Illl wee .\ Bnd get Illy pric~ Mrs 8arah Lip ~ a brick bu.aldll1g, and · f or _years WB8 " Carman and Misses Blanche aod Pearl e -+. Ire par men WIB es. to I ' " .' : " , used as a hotel the old Bay hotel Riley were guests of the hostess. thank those who offer~ thei~ 88SIRt· ' Mr . .and Mrs, F. B. She..:~ood. p~ncott, Waynesville, OhIO. . When Mrs. Sarah Rich arrived having a name' that was Down all • .' • • - .. . ance ~ generously durmg the fire at Dorothv and Chalmer were :sunday M' M b t M ' . d M H Id heme from Dayton last .week she aJong the line of the Little Miami , DEATH OF tAA~ItY ~IDGE ~rw1D' Tb"rsday. Their help was gU~8ts of Dr. and Mrs. ThJs, Sher· ISS ~ Le~ns ~n r. aro s~rted to ~o into the .depot, when railroad. , . . appreciated and th~ departmtlnt. are wood. . f Mi J h' aoo les:ere .gu:ts the door was hlown VIolently sbut several yeatS ago Mr. Mountjoy , , . 'd f M . very grateful to them. 10 ss k ose p m~ g ee one . ay and knocked ber down in the · vesti· purchaaed the bouse' and 'has been A ~ardv :~p80r:/!d g~, b?n f!J. Harry Sherwood, Cbief. of Dept. Mrs. Clara Brown. of Clarksvllle, ast wee ,. ' ' bule. She had a bad cut over her there ever sinee usitrg the east room Ci~~n!til.fh~rsday . llevebingo"'!N~~ . • -.. 1 ~::t~covteG~~h:~wl~~ ~~tean5d ,NextSunday the first Sunday in eye and th~. boneinher~ wri~t~as fora grocery. ' , vedtber 19th, after a Ibnllimd ll~inful MASONIC NOTICe:: last week I • ' , , ' Advent, ,ayen ing services will be reo ~ro~en. besIdes several mmor lOJur· It is said there was no insuran~eon UlJles8. Mr Rldge waa bom in Way , . Buml'd in'St, Mary's church, Even·!es Mrs. Rich. w~o h~ been spend· the,property, and therefore wlll be rie8Ville, October So 1869, and lived ReaularcommuelcaUon. orWaynee· ~t-A chn~'1iI blue velvet hat, on ing Prayn and sermon at 7 O'clock_ lm g Borne months 10 Kenton, Bene- an entire. loss to Mr. Mountjoy. here until after hilt IM;I\0ol da"s. He vlll" Lodge F. ~ A ~, No. 163. the road from Wa nesvnte t(J Wo. P fontaine, D!1ytonan~ other Northem The. nelghbora and ttloae :who QIIo lrI'aduated f~m HiKh School In the wil,l,bebeld Tq~.y eveDlng, D~m Hai's residence ~ndef' lease lea...~ Mrs W. H. All en, tlJe Misses town!I, ~ad Just a~rlv~d horne, and ~mbled at tile fire wo~ked. bke ~ro-' • CI888 ot ·!.88. and shortly after hi~ bel' 1st, at '1 9 clock: ]n8~lIatll0n of at thIs office. ' p . Elizabeth Cnandjel', .ffenrletta Me- her, tn)Ul'Y at tbIB tame !"~ a bad Jan" to save tihe .,roperty, but }VltJi. raduation .went to Oincinnlloti where' .omeara, a~d w<?rk In the M. M d.eKinsey, Alma Watelfhou8e, Olive ~~d1Og; tpa very l,>1.e8!Jant VlBlt. ~he out ~eet. ' It ·is thouiht . in~ch f~ entered' tOA Dow "tore He waS fr ree ' , &~our~ml{ brethren and VIII, Win Salisbury was called to Spring Wi~son. AJice Care1. (;)five ; IS ge~tmg a)ong as mc~ly 88 she can valuabll;! pfQperty was saved by the .. faithful employee of the stores and l tors cordl_Uy •mv.~ted to attend, Val)ey Saturday ,on ' account ot th~ Luella Ii\ld Jeanette Janney, MIQJ1le under the clrcu.m!!,,~ces. . ,. promptoesS ,ot the fire. department. really made them what .they, are . ,J. T~ EI.lIS, W, M. , d~th .of his father,. His daughter, Davis. He len Marlatt. Messrs. J. E. . ~ . \ . M.-r. ~ou~tJOY ~d . bia family a~ ~~ .. Mr Ridge was married to ~ A. ~1~~erman, .Sec y. , Millll Mary, acaompanied hini. Jan~ey.and geor"e Waterhouse went WA~l'J\ANN, T!i~ MAGICIAN hving at present in the hoWle No Mi88 Bailie Dayis. of . Mechanisburg. ' . . ° to GIl1Cmnatl Saturday and HaW tlae , . cently ya~ted by Mr, ReYnold., .\ CARD OF THANKS A Sack Social WIll be given at tbe, c~l ebrllted'. ··Een Hur" at the Grand Tli,eG,reat ~~mann,~8~~lan ~hat WIll be'40netoward 'rftbullding To ~his urion onecbild was bor" , The funeral serv,lces took' place at W t to th •. ·k.tb " y k' d l. O. 0 F. !lall, December 4, 19U, Opera nouse. They all enjoyei:l the TIlUSIOn1st, WIll give the second nutn- IS not known. • _ • an bie late tesi(lenc6 ill Cincinnati Sun: f ' edw~ ,ared e . ~b under tbe auspice. of tbe Loyal outing 81J<l the play. ' bel' of the local Coune at OBITI,JARY da" ,afternQtI.n, , the Walnut HiUa fi~:nl:a:: week.18Thei:·.bel,!~I~~relye Daughters class of the ' Chriatian 'M j S D H kl H Co ~ool Babe11\ n ext ~a1~"-l'1(jal~_ev6!lItnlr, MB80ns of which he w.a!\ a member k h ' f b" b ed church. essrs.. . . en e, . A. r .L~ovem I' .28• having charge of the se~vices . l 'he l eplour <Juse rom emg . urn " , . pe.ll, F. G•. Gilmour, A,. Maffit. Ray com,ea.very highly At 1Zo,'clock, midnillbt, N<ivernber 19,1914, the tired heart of DaVia body ~as brought here MondaY 1~wn. ~eYtfjohthan~ everY , one ~ma~ R?~~, of, Minneapoll8, MIlls,{. C. HaWKe, J,. T. ~1Ii~and l you .wlllJ!lfl!8a~are tnOtninll and iil.te-rred bn tfie. ~amily ' M v, Mill' 88w r e th an 8. d F' '1 Minn., ' l.!I VlSltmg h~ PIII'*,:Ots 0." p. L. (j~I~n~ II ttended. a' )Ileet- to see him. .SIDgle Brown ceased to beat and his apil'lt lot ' 1'8. ary at,r oUBe an amI y. Route 2, and other ' frlenas In thIS 109 of tbe M.orrow MasOniC lodge cent8. returned to God who gave it • . · Mr. Ridire'8d~ath bereav~ "Wjftl , - _ . I. Vicinity• .HeWlll·'letum home the SaturdaY' even!ng. Grand Maste~ , • - • David Allen Brown, the third and • and daughter, a mother, lIister and , OYSJER suppaa · first of nE)Xt weelt. · M'areb~l1,. Granq. Secretary · Flotro~ .. THl\NK~IVlN(l ~IAL YOUDI8It childofAlIen~ EliZabeth brother be;ldet'l a WidellcquaintanceJ ' ,- - ' , an!1 [)IStlt'lCt Lecturer Plocher were . . CArtwright Brown waa 'bo.,i near . in Uinci~nati and other p~acea. The younlr ladies c1asa of· tb(! M. Mt'/i, ·.Leete~Pd(lD week · prClJent aAQ-g&V V~l'y intereSting EverybOd~ come to the social at WayneavitIe W~ Counu- Ohio \. We puhlish Ii bulletin ,thnt was'~illgive ano),ateuupper end guesta~lias Mary Hay/ke. of talka. Ther!3 were eight l?dges · t~ebomo.ofDr.EllIson~ksgivinlC onth. · f~ now owned bY"Da'rid posted in every Dow ,tore Itt the ISaturiiay Dlght, December 5: .Oys· Lebanon, MluClara Hawke. bf Way· pr8$9nt, and a large crowd enJoyed mght, glV~' by the ladles of the Thomali in the leal' 1844 ' ~d.dled ' time of his death: ' .' I' tpra.anct ~"erything good 1hatgoee nesville, anil Mr. Ralph Vance, of tlte evel!ling. · At ,6:30 an elegant [)orcas Society. Fine program and , athiah~meinWayneaVil\INovember , . .' . !iith it. Don't eat supper at bome. ~orrow, .who i8 attendIng school at, c~~cken Elupper was ' served to the .in. a:~Deral aood time for all. Admie. 19, 1914, ued 70 year&, 5 and' DIED Nov. 19, 1914-8, E . Rt~E JUllt bring your qllarter and come. Cmcinnatl.-Mvrrow Mirror. vlreq guests and the members. 810n lOci. ' • " 12,days. Waa :married to MU7 A. the oldest employe of the House ' HalpeII, datJ,bter -of Jacob and Anna Rogenl'Bainell, A~ 16 ~868, Of . f · · k · ot Dl w slept awat a ter ma this union two " ebi1d~ ~were' boJ,'D a lood fight}or elustence, An~ Elizabeth now Mra W 8 ... . . H' 'aDd J 'b ~ b' 'died iii usilll eorrowIIIg. . , • HairY ~Ridae'8 Ilfe '\\'1\8 '& 11101'lQ' '='F • aInes, . &CO ~ .W 0 ' ment-tobusineBsl!:\eals ... Be~va8the . ~ ~ i.1 ~,:F ,lP moat faithful' buman whom we. have . ever JDet ·. He was loyal t(). the ('.Ore. Prize "Won for".110m-Ie ' Sclen"ce Co'ntE~. in Warren County ' 8is'int,!,rrity was II part of his IIQul ...., - , ' We d.o DOt think that"he knowjngly ever hllrmed a human ,beinK. His ~~~~~~~~~AA~~~~~::::::::::::::::::~~*=~:::::::::::::::::::::::::Y::::~~:~~~~::::::::::::::::::~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~::::::::~~~~AA~ ideaa'Qf rightaod of justice Were ' ; · high and t, clean. , Be was att!ent.ilve, Wednesday we, started out the ~urtesy , Da~~on Daily News asme way as the day before but I thought'ful, interested" and ~ tireleSs w.orker. The' , n1Rlmr·l1.1 'cooked instead of sp.rved (thIs he:n~ =-_ _ -'of Dow'. waS. alllo tbe bist to my liking.) After lunch, which' was a.t 12' o'clock, we were giv.,n a • H. ·E. Riaio. ije WB8 .with beginmng lind,he grew ., biJain.'88r,l\nd found that ref!pOllsUlihl goods stores. ' , ., ities~' gravlfated:•. to him' because That evening the ' ~'r18 ~ .. ~ h&d the brain 8,l)d ' the keenrle8s tertairied by .the ' students' at ' thoglder them ' All tb~t 'he did, H.aU from 7 'u~tJ\ 8 . ' did well. , He was resPeCted by human' who knew him, ani! well "WERE SHO~ A. GOOD .'TIUE ~e ea~ed that res~t, , Bis ho(ne Was the abode of , 'Peace Thursday morning '; was spent in and .bappi"e88~ . He. W8R all ;thalr the, preparation of Qur 1qnch. T~e a' father and Husband need be wi'1. was ' given' to the aouse and ..bola , the lI!fectioll of those . . and FiJ.rnishin~ and iIlus· l.dliLugbteir, ' about him " Be was " good .mllD, 1'he Rome ~ and when that itllllUd ' we ' have lIltlo " dInner and aa:id that' he ' is II.n ·> upright af1~ 'a worth·whilec;itizen .' . J):veri. D'o~ l!!J)plt\ye hla!! lo~f Sl\~e thing. . In the p~88inl{ q~.. thp. Little Manager who hve:l hIs daY8 Ill" tun • and' ClPrqeletely' '. , An(l wtiilt' life IIl8t8 we (viiI hI8J1lemory. In' Il~~c,tt.ionllte re " : '1 , Sin,cert'tv YIlU'f'!>I, . ~ , ._-



0100.00 . . '





'''00' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ..















A Lettel' c' "I d d S "h n . ' b" IrO,m.,M·ISS;· M ,. 1 .' re , ·. m .l,t . ves.c r.1 .tng·





. , ,.


Chi~illll.ti, Nov~m'~~21~tj Wit'4 A.























The Adventnres of Kathlyn By HAROLD MAC GRAm

lIIust,..ted bT PiI1tI7,!,a from .tho · Moyl"g Picture Pro'r/U(:tlod 01 tbo Selig 'Po;~_pe ~

1':'1 r...............'":.........~..........~,............................ ..~~,.....__......_................_ ...)w."'........? ...........? ..... 1'!11 ~~~ •• ••• ~ •• ~~ • • ~~~~~~-~&~~~~ (CopJ11abl bl JluoI4



"e were .alaaurSDI ailtl genUpllilUng and ullnc crandlloquent pbraaes tbe bally leopard got looa., eomehow. Maybe aome one let blm loose; I clOIl', lrnbw, Anybow, be made tOJ~ tbe kin g, wbo Willi too thuu· derstruolk to dodg~. Tbe rest of 'em took to ltbel r heels. yC)u may lay oddll on that. Now, I had an 110neat IIklna fen tile !kIng. S elng tbe ' bruto make for b~~, I daahed forward. You see, a t cere monIals you're not permitted to .carry arms. It bad to be wltb my hll.Dds. The leopard knocked the old boy flat and began to maul blm. 1 klcked Ule brute In the face. IIwe pt the klnlg's turban olf his bead and Oung It ,about \be head ot the leopard. Someho'w or otbc>r 1 got him down. Some or. tbe frigbtAln.ed nalivea came up, and with tbe belp' of Ahmed we got the brute tied up sec\I'rely, When tbe king came around he s lleu tl y sbook hand8 with rns and smiled peculiarly at Urn hallA , wl10 DOW carne running up." "And that's how you got those poor hands!" eltclalmed Kathlyn, ktsslng tbe sCllrs wblch stood out white against the tan. "That's hoW," raising the hands aneS putting them on Kathlyn'. head In a lrInd of benediction. "Is tbat all?" IUIked Winnie, brea\b·

am. t~ reuon out things." tie j e8~ Wlnqle laugbeCJ, aDd 80 did Katb Iyn, but ,he d14 10 becauae occultl) Ihe felt tbat ber father exp cted bel to laugh . . Sbe wu JI081tlvely uncann, someti mes III ber penplca.clty. . "Oil Dec"mber 31. at .mldnl ght," sbe re peated. ' "All night, !alher.' You musl some~eS8 write to ua at lealt once e very fort· eept~ble! nlsbl," ' . 'Til cable from Singapore. from Cey, the Turkish-blend cigarette. Ion. and WTI~ a long letter tram Al· .. Distinctively Individual" laba. Come on. We must b e olf. Ah· IlYOU ",nnot·. !"""ro FalfmQ OIirarDml trom lDect III waiting." )'Our d eolf!r. W I< w ill be .plocu..a to .itht51 ItO" Bome hours later tbe two' girls 8aw t/lre .. I'OUO.II(JS p01 1P014 all r~"lp' 01 $0.:. thePaclnc Man steamer move with AcltII'ClII'IlitU Dept•• 21J 'lIl. AYe.. New Ycrl<\N.Y . cold and Insolent malesty out toward J!n.~.~~a" the Golden "Gale. Kalblyn proved rather uncommunkalive on the way borne: December Sl kept ruJlD,lng through her mind. It beld a of evil. She kn w sometblng of the> Orient, though abe had n ever visited 'India: Had her father . made an 1m· placahle enemy! Wae he goIng into sonie _unknown, unseen dQJlger? December. 3t, a t midnight. COUld she hold her cqrl06lty In check that long? 14any of !,he daya that followed, many flew- the flnt for KathlYD, tbe last for Winnie, who now had a beau . It. young newapaper man

choicest T HE and mildestof

tobaeeos-a wholemost BeFATIMA


animal farm and te mporary peace ta Winnie gurgled ber delight. but ber CHAPTER I. t be hearta of the savage bellBts She sister lIearched ber fatber's eyes. She Ullder a CIInopled plalform IItood a realized that she possessed It, but It did not 'qulte l~k~ t he way be said ,oung girl, modeling I~ clay. The was beYond 6nalysls. Often some wild,. those Words. HIli voice lacked Ita cJare oJ tbe CaJlfornla sunsblne, '11· eyed keeper would burlt In upon her . usUal heartiness and llpontanelty. terlng tbrough the canvas. 'became Some newly cftPttve' lion or tiger WIUI "Wh ere did you get tbls medal, fa· mellowed, warm, and golden. Above killing Itself from mere pass ion, and thllr'" the asked. U10 glrl's bend- yallow like tile stalk wouldn't the mem8ablb come' at ODce "That'a wbat 1 8tarted out to tell of w'heat- there bovered a. kind of nnd talk to It? There wall a lUnd of you." "Were you atraJd we might wlsb to G.uroola. as It there bad risen above It pity In ber heart tor theae poor wild III 'balB of Impa.lpable gold dU8t. thlnge, ' an d perhaps they perceived wer.r It or bave It made over!" laugbed A poet I know might have cried out thIs pity, wblcb WBS tearlees. Winnie. who Dever went below the '''at there ended his quest of tbe "Sbe get a a lItUe from me. I 8QP' surface of t hlngll. "No. Tbe truth II, I bad almolt for· Golden Girl. Straight sbe stood at tbls poso," ColoDel Hare had onoe aDmoment, lovely of rllce, rounded of swered to a query, "for I'vo a1wa,.. gotten It. But the preparations tor form, with an Indescribable suggestion had a. wa.y wlUl tour-tooted things. But India recalled it to mind. It reprl!ot letant physical power or magne t- I think Ahmed Is rlghL Kathlyn Is seuts a royal title conferred on me by les~l y. t.em: On her temples thel'e we re little heaven born . I've eeen the nIght wher. the Iilnl of Allaha. . You bave Dever "Ian't that enough?" he retorted. daubs of clay, caused doubtl ess by 1m· nrocken would be ··tame beside the been to IndIa, IUt. Allala. f8 the name patlont fin gers sweeping baok ecca' pnndemoulum roundabout. Yet balt we hunterB give that border kingdom. "Well,' wbat la It, Martha? DInner? I1lonal wind· blown locks or ha\r. The re an hour atter Klt s tarts the roundl Some day England will gobble It up ; Well. It I haven't cheated you girll out .of your tea." was even a daub on the side or her everything quiets down . The gods are only walUng for a good exouse." "Teal" sniffed Winnie dlydalnfully. bandsome, sensItive n oae. In 'IL" "What big thing' dlc2 you do ?" deThe living room of the bUDgalo... mand ed Kathlyn, be r eyes still filled "00 you tnow. dad, you're awfully Her hand . . still H11ed with clay, mean to Kit and me. If you'd lallo tbe d ropped ~o be r sIde, a nd a tableau en· WtlS large and comfortable. Thl' walls with Bcrutlny. dUI'cd rar a mluute or two. lIuggesUng were adorned wit h the beads ot wild "What makes pou think H was biG?" trouble )IOU could be more Interestlng than any book I ever read ." of thl! Un l~e d Statei Govern· a remote period, a Pe rslnn IdY l. msy· bells ts. and t heir great turry hlilee jestingly. "He doesn't beli eve hls starlet! would ment Heads the _L ist In ha~ With a amlle 90 ber lIpa she 8ba~ed ·honore·"""lth the PeralaD rUIlB ';Because," she anllwered, ·sorloWlly. Point of Size. s ta,'ed at the living model. 'J'be eba· OD the Iloor. Hare was a m~D wbo "you never do anything but big things. Interest. vain young lad his," said Katlltoynnt 'cyee Of the Icopard stared would pack up at a moment's notice All the lion Is among beasl.8, you &I'll lyn, gravely. The wars of Napoleon In 13 -ycnrB 'Her father eyed he r sharply. or back, a nicker of rost lessnesS In their nnd go to the tar ends ot the world to Qmon~ me n." . coat. France $1,OOQ,OOO,O~O writes Wen" G~d lord!" ' The colonel reucbed whlltWlU she thinking? ·In tbose calm brlUll1nt ysllow .deeps. The tip of tbe Ond a pertecl black panther, It. oheetah eI \I Phillips Dodge III Le8l1e'B. 01Lf Clv· tall twltohed. with a Utter, or a great 'borned rbi· emblqrassedly tor hla Illpe, lit ' It, un~averlng eyes of hers 'he saw a II war e:xpendlt\lres or tbe CLvll gov· nooeroe: ae was taU and broad and pulfed a iew mlnutea, then laid down Question: and be fear ed In his 1I0ui ·'You. belluU:Cul thing!" Bhe Bald. ernmen : (lmouoted to ' 3.400,000,000. or Ite began kneading t he clay ngaln, amazingly active. tor all tbat bll the pipe. "[Ddla la full ot strange IIhe mlgbt voice It. He could eva4e nelll'ly. thirteen tlmQs as much a year a nel wltl,! deft tll1serlt add d bits here bal.r and mU.lltueho were a1molt white. tongue.. and strange klngdom8 and tbe qU( stlona of 't he volatile 8S Na pol on'B. ' The Franco-Oerman and tbere to the crentun wpleb bad For 30 yeara or more he had gone prlnolpalltIes. Most of them are doml· but t here was .no getting by Kathlyn war cost France '1 ,680,000,000. besides grown up \lnder her strong. s\lpple a bout the hazardous enterprille of IIUp' Dated by the .BriUlh raj, Bome are with evasions. Frowning, he replaced an added war Indemnity or '1 ,000.000,. the order In the box. which he put nl IInr;ers. soologlcal gardena and. circuses 9 1' protected. wblle. others do about Q()O. 1111B Bame great wo.r, which .. Ka.thlyn I Oh. Telt!·, wlth w ild bea.te. He was kIiown from III tl1ey please. This state" - toueh· away lin a drawer. It was all arrant lasted only 190 d!\ys, 'cosl Oetman, T be leulptrell8 paused, the I)ucker Hamburg to Slnppore, from 'Mo,ob':. Ing the order-"doe'i about aa Jt did nonllenlge, anyhpw; nothln, Could pos· '~501000.000 . tor an I1verage flghtlnll I~rt her brow, and .,be turned. her sa to RIo Janeiro. The Numldlan IIlnot! the daya or the Ilrllt white rover slbly bappen ; it there did, be would torce of 1.260:000 m~n: The otber bill tace beaming. tor. her ',later Winnie 11 0 0, the ~BJput Uger, ~nd tb. who touched the sbore,a of Hind. It III feel certain that he no lonrer d... ell Eurollean Yr'at of thn put halt centullY. w.s tbe apple ot ber eye, and ahe .plUlther had , ~aulle to .f ear U.r e 9a~b, IIman, bu~ that ellp,l\lell nollllnc : 1'01': In a rlJaI wor.ltad8.Y world. The Idle ,t lje R.u,!lso.Turkfib war, ' CCII.t RU ~8 Ia 8. sardonic old mal); nothlDI brooded over her 11k e' motber He w.. nen now preparinr toreturD you ean b~ew a mtgb,iY pollan In ' a .... hlm from. Saa Francisco. He came out S78~.1 ,0,OQ.0 • . but ~he lind two )'ear.' amall ilQt. Wlel\, I ~appened to ane more tllan' tbat. would ba,ve done had tbe mpther lived. to Ce,.lon fbr an elephau,t bunL ''rather, 18 the king dead ' " regularly every Saturday and retUl'lled ngbtlng for hel' mon~y . Tb e wnr in · For Wlllnle. dark aa Kathl1n Wall The two daughtera went o,er to the the 0112 klna'1I Ufe,'~ . "Dead! .Wbat makes you IIo!lk that, .t nlrhL Winnie :bec'a me, If anytbln" tlie far Ellat cOllt Japan $650.000,000 lI~ht, ~I ail careleBB and aimless u tea tabaret. whltre matronly maid "I 1m81f It' ",ould be eametblnl like , -more illg~tY than ever.· Her fa\ber and RussIa ' $723.000,000, not co unting ' · tbl.~ledown 11l. the willd . wal bUlylng ~Itb the ~rvlce. The th~t." Batd Kathlyn, "00 ~n. Tell it Kit!" "The, past ' tense; ·you old he WH, never had mea about. The men loet Bhlps. Only toward th'e Qlld had ~ eollie leaped upon the plaUorm fragrant odor of tea permeated the all," ' be generally lathered rounlS· htl board elt.her 8ide a.nythlng lik e a million men ~d becan pawln;: Kaltilyn. and Illlort- room. lISre pabed 'at bll delk. LInn Tb. colonel had recoune to bls pipe not II,!' ly 'after the younler' lister ' follo ...ed, sud'denly appeared on bill brolbed face. again. He amolLed on tlll the COIU-.. . . . I"YeII, he'll dead, and the newlI came were old hunters or saIlors. Kathl,.n In the field. Itnly'e little wll r 'vltb we,tchesl thla budding romance amulecl· Turkey C08t $400.000 a day, aUowlD' !'felther of the I$lrls noted' ~b. BUffen· He sued for a apace at the calendar. ·d ead. The girls. ....alted patlently. this m,)rnlng. Hence, the yarn." "Will' there be IUIY danger In re- Iy. The. young man was veri nice. ~or a mere 80,000 fighting meo ; and the Ing mUltMhell of the leopard. The ·anl· The day ' w~ tHI uitb of iUly. Sbould They knew tbat bls Illence meaDt that But her tbougbt8 were alwaYB and Doer war. In whioh Englnrl(I's army · mal rose, and hll nostrll8 palpitated. he go back thet:e • or Ihriuid he r l... e up he ..... only m8l'1lbaUng the eventa In turnln.:?·' averaged 200,000, cost '1.055,000,000 In "My ,Irl, whenever I paok my lug. eternaU,. 'with her father. . He bated the dog with a halred not .the eXlledltlon! He mIght ne reo the\r chronological order. . During tbe lut weeft In December lwo and Ii halt years. unmillied w,tll fear. Treaobel'1 · la In tum. ' 1n~la aDd the bot.der countrieal ..:'Tbe kIn, waa a kIndly 014 chap. gage there II danger. A cartridge may the marrow o f all catll. To breild WUt a ~and, flIll 'of beauty and ro-lIlmple, 1et Ihrewd, and with that atlck; a man may atumble: a ' man tbere arrived at ' the Palac'e hotel In Accuracy FlraL In capLlvlt~ dOl. not matter. ' SOOner' mance~ud terrot' and squalor, at onae slumbrolll ' oriental . way '91 .ccom- ,.ou relly on IDa, fall you. ~Iffor that, San Francisco an East, indian. tall, Far' down In 1.b blls ement 18 a mao 'ilr later .IlJey wlU Itrike. Never b'; barba,lo and civilized! He loved rt plllbing bll end" delllite all obllt&clea. there's alwaya daDger; 'It's the penalt)' well formed, rather ' handsome, Ex· would .c hlne of pa rticu lar illterest to JlJltron· -tore bad the) ·Ieopard been so close to and hated It. and sometimes feared IJ, Underneath thlll appare.q t , Ilmpuctty of bellig alive," \ Qn ~be wa,.-to t1i palled EJlndul omen, and sclentJlI~ rt Is tbe celelils ~nemy\ ~reo of ·tbe leallh: . he ,vb.o, had ~1\C)ed on foot many a t dllco ... ered a . ,rim, ..rdonlo ~umor. and Japaneao and Oblnamen and ""hat brnted dividing e n gI ne, whlob makes " K:1t"t I.t la just ~ondertu]: How4,ver wounded U,er, Truat the ··o~lental. for ~lwaYII' having lin lhc)ueht deepl,.. Il p bs~ lble, to' the deJlght of lDathema· ClaD yon do It? Some da,. ... e11 make He ahrucged. reached Into the deak that l!IIolled a1v.y under bla jlewllder- ther aalted them It they loved blm! nots (rom {he southen aeall dad take UB to Perls. where you can fo, a box of Jalpur brul enamel and Inl diplomacy. He was all alone In Why did be apeak oLthe BIg Trek! every day ' a!fa1rB. The brown turban. tlclans. to dl\'ld e II. elrcle accurately, . ,to a th e worid . H e' was one.,. ~ th aile . rare Tbere waa aomethlng more than this however, an~ an enormous emerald OD e"en to wlthln one second or arcexhibit. t"am." ...., .took trom , It 8 med~ att&cl!ed A sDarl from tbe leopard. anllw,ared,I' rlbboD. The golden 411111waa encruat- eastern ' potentatell wbo W..D't bam- glltterllng medal, 80metb1n,8 more thaD oile pi hla fingers, produced aB e'lfect ~urpBBslng tbe' recorde at all prevlons by Q srowl from tbe colUe. ed with uncut .rublel and ' emeralda. pered by parultlcal relatives. ' By this almple tale of' ·b...very. Wbatf Quite 'sratltylng to blm. Vanity ID the dividing englpes. TI1t~ dcgr e of 1\(" Kathh':n'. hl'ad about. The cat _ th e 0 ld b 01 ' cou"" \A b ,"",rge, aTe SIven Well. if he decUned to take her Into oriental Is never conapicuoul for It. curaCY was accompllsbed atler yea", , "Olrla," ~e called, "Come h.... a n but toward "i Innle. not. the ,collie. moment. Martha. that will be all:' hla Idn«dom, lock, Itoek and -barrel, hla cclnfidellce be mUlt hue good ab.enee.. The ~po!Wn lave tilm lcant of experiments In (l. room heaLe(] to attention, thollgh, for this' wali at " 80 degre e~, or all nea r as p~ac~lcable 1.0 \VI~ a . eryl oC terror Winnie turned ~Ith a nOd to'll'ard' the door. "l never tQ' the Brittah governmlnt, and uo one reall9n. After dinner tbat nigbt the ' celonel thue w'hen the Gaeltwar or Baroda ..... Ih . h eat at tbe body ()f the operator, and ran In the direction' o~ the bu'Dp. showed you thU betore." could aay him DaJ'. ThIlTe ...... a goo~ ror' even a breath might Interfere wJth low. Kathlyn, sel.lng \be leasb, fol· : "Goodne.. graoloual" cried Winnie, deal of nmer the last Ume I ...u there went · tbe rounds, ali waB his habit unknown. {. The 'stranler. atter two or three the tiny scratOhes on the slive r' banda low" like the wind, ' bampere!! though reachlne . out ber hand. that, wben be died IIlDclalld would step m .... uv.. By and by he returned to the .he wall th', tb&apron: 'Tbe cat 19i!ld "Wb-. It :loon Ulle a decoration, f . In actuall,.. The old boy gaTe', me bUDlalow, but did not enter. He ft)led d8.Ys of Idling, ' cas ually 8slfed tbe ....., !If tbe revolvln$ dllc.-An aftornoon ..iAfte r . the fieelng girl, galn'log at :"ach ' 1 P'1eu.... '" ther," ~laid Ki.tblyn. "WbaL lOvely Ieave to come an'd 10 ~ ...... 't o bll cutty and ~alked to il.nd fro IlL the Ito 'the wl.1d aulma~ farm of hill old wltb :Ambrose Swaeey.· by Joe M~tchell bound. The y' elpln" I w-'d 1 bad • mQonUght. with his head bent aDd hll friend, ColoDel Hare; east ChApple, In NaUoDll1 Magllzlne. .. ' ot the collie atonear It ....ould ,make a bautiruI h UD t wber· , ,BRd - "011' II VOl> • brought forth mm varloull points 10... pendant." ' mllhty line COllection. ' Tbere 'are bandll 'clasped behind hla back. Tbere enough to ftnlS. At the vlllace Inn lie Ita Kind. nlmbllnl sounde. de, wblcb nresently' " "Vanl••, vall It.. , all Is 'fIUItty," --Id tlsera aD4 1eopard s aD4 be an an12 fat w... a reatlelsnell In bls Itride DOt W,all treated with, tolerant contempt. '''fhla Dlo.n tbrew a lamp at hll "elop' ed Intd,·. rOarll. . .lDilllng .,. .. . 0ld pytb ODI, ' '..'0 .f00t Ionl. Of' c~ unlike . that, 01 the captive beuUl III Tbese brown . tellows 'were forever tlie coionel: I20wn lDto.their ~ W~ni1.\e tUrlled ' IIbarply around ' It IlIn't the· tl,er coantry that CGDtra! tbe aagaB nearby. Occa,fonally he comlni' aDd golilC, to aud fro, from the wit.... " T1H~n Indlcl tor hl~ for IIgbt aecornell C!f t he bunga.low toward India Ie. but the brutes you find are paueed at tbe clink clink of tbe el. coionel'a celebrated ,·farm. . ttmpty animal cdCea. to attract ber b'I h b ut eo b t th pbad 'lrona or at the ..... uf!.. u the un· At five o'clOck 'In the afternoon of aa111 t." i-thet and at' ...>he·1 I' alDe time rou"Ie ....... Ier. • .... amainly 0 . ere euy IPacbyderm poured dust on , hf.a the ' 31sL dal of December• .thla ,lUIt .. 110 and that" whyau I'ma cDtng Another Sort. . ,lQm~ of the keellera. Beelng the dclor baclL Want to ' olean It up and .blp ·bead. ,. Indian ~e;red canUoully Into tbe 'Or aD empty cage open, and that It ..... 'em to Ha,mtiul'l', 1fhere r~e a. large ,Bah! It wall madnesa. A parch ment Freu,c)1 wlmtaw"ot the Ha:nrbunplow . ~ ather from w.b at he said approached ; by ; a board · runway; atandlDI order. I'm lolng ftnt to Cey· In Hlndllitani. given jestingly or Ironic· Tbe picture he .aw there aent a thrill ~I m'B wlte 'Is th gray mate," "Sbe 18 . of an old nllg,!' lon, foraoD<'e elephaDts.'· . ally by a humorous.. old 'ohap 10 orden Into his beart. Sbe was .1 fair an'd flew to It, en\ered, ao,d' slamuted ~ door :anil hel~ IL 'Tbe cat. now' The C9lonel , knocked the aah' from and 'lllhite ' linen and rblnocerol aaa· beaUUful aa IJ,D bourl 9f ·Ba'ad\. S"e Jwlth the lUBt, to 1tJ1I, threw bll pipe, . , . 481.. : .. . ·A throne! Paba"r sat at a desi,boldlng a long, wblte ~l\ln8t the hara, Inarllng aDd "The old boy uaect to do aome trap. W&8 batly ·nonlenle. ,·Ae It a whUe envelope In ber band . . Dy 'and by Ibe ,~ Kathlin called Ollt to him sharpI,., pin, blmlelf) and wheDever be'd man C'.ould rule' over a bro~1l one by put U 'away/ and be was, partlcul&r 'to anel feuieasl,. approanhed . him .. .. She catch a' fine speclmaD be'j! tun it over the eb,o lce of the 'hl~tter! ' And Jet,' th~t note the drawer In ... hlch ilhe placed It. \ . . ~,an talking 1n a mttnolpne. HI. to me. H. bad a 'h unUng 10dp not man Umballa's . faell, "hen ' be bad Tb., tbe do.rk~balred gil'l . • t the' tea' earll. v,:ent fiat ag!Llnst hll·li4!ad, but he from' my quarte.... One dar Ab. abowD' tho kiDg tbe portrait. or hla tabaret was equaUy charming did ' no~ "Surpwing othcrs in gr~a'" 4 t Ith . ,ubmlt ted to her tQuch be()Aule Int ...o lovely daugbterl! He ...oeld send Itlr the 'V(at.cber. Dark balred women ·Y.arlably·. lt ~ootbed blm,' and b ..... uae me came a ,me.... . a meillage ..~ne .., goodqess, extent or were plentiful In' hlB native land. Yon· -..... Inl that the IIIDg cOI;DUllUlded my 'p ra. Abii:\li,~ :. Ahmed .knew .t be · v~lue of Dny .quality': ,· 'be \ lIel!8ed 1I0me u ndefinable ) power ence at the lodge, where hi. · alavN as ' well all he dldl He woul~ snnd . der WBI tbe drl of the ' l>botoVaPh, ' CenturY DldlonAry. . I;' ...henever his ·.,Iaze met · llera. She had trapped a leop¥d. Yeti, my abdlCELtlon to ilie couDcill"glvlnl them the lI~ene.s of ... blch had ftrect his ,~. snapped the leash on hlil co11o.r just as dears. slavel. 'there la even a IIlave ,the' rlght to cbooae hi •. sucooslor. He hear,,· tor !Dany a day. ' With th~ pa: TIlat's' the definition. and mart at tho capital tbt, day. A bar- hlmAelf would remain bo.m e . wlt~ . tlenee of the oriental be stood In ~ Iier' (ather came ru~nJng uP. pale lInd dleturbed. He' rari to the door ad 'barlo (iolrY land, with Ita ' good lenll girls. Then be gll&el1 up at ,the mopD sh~dow anel walied. Booner or later that'. why POll T oaatiea opened IL . and Its 'bad djlnna." " .. . and .slllltled g~lmly. . they would leave tbe r09m, and IIOciner ate called .the ' . 'Wfnnle, you poor IItUe ItItten," be "The ArablaD Nllhta; ' murmured "HlIlkum ball " 'he murmured ' lD Hln- or'later with 'the deftness of hla breed. saId, ta)dng her In his arms, "how Winnie, lIilUilllnc e\oae to Kathlyn. · dustanl: 'lIt fa tbe ordera. I've 8hllply he wouid enter. The leopard be bad ~OID ' ~ mAn,. times have I toid you never to "The oriental lovee pomp." ....ellt got to g~. Whe~ 1.1'ecaIJ t~ose rublu hear~ about WIUI . n~here . tO be aeen. ~a~ dog about wben ~It's leopard tlle colonel. "He can~t gin you a and ~~eralda . and .,pearll., . ',' ' '·WlnDle." ~d Kathlyq. "I' dre~ IF', - ' the 8ur:p~asing; '~el1tate cbupattt:...... , (s oft thl) leash?" Well, It B not cupIdity for myselt. It,s Mnnle . set down UJe teacup. her for the ,Irll. Beside., thel'e'a the 1*11. eyes brlmmhfg. . ·r "What's than" uke'd Winnie. • Inc3i~ft Ci;)r·n' flavour beilii · \ "I didn't thlDk," Ibe sobbed. "What caD It ' aJI mean? Not line " Something Illul. hardtack. ' Well, b. the adventure l'~e limply 10 to 10. "No. Kit bere aDlS I muat alwa),s do sealed i,n .by skillful loalt .. fathe.r .inee' Colombo, he montiaa yo~ tblrildnc fo~" you: Ahmed ~" Can't stve yoU that without ceremonial. I ca.,,·!t eacape. I~ J . mu~i be alwayil on Wilh ,·',~ga~ and· ~lt. . · . '~" . "YeS. lliihlh," _Dswered the When I ~ ... e~ at ,the lodee ...I~ Ah~ the , 1'0 . , . . . alnc~ B~e ' dle~: " '. " sone:" day~ later . h. lllood ag~1l " "no you thtnk-" ' . A rew lleeper. . " . , med the old b01-1ie bad the complex· "eee , u ', you can IItop tbat racket Ion of a prima donllB--the old tIQ,. aat befora the Oellk III the U'Ilng . "No, DO!" replled !Cat:hl¥n, U ....I'II;'. He . ... dreel.d .r . trave~. , He lIat "Fa.ther sometimes forceta. o there. Badle "ma,. 1011,1 her 1Itt. on b" portable tbJ'oD...lIttertns It It ' kellP8 up'" , . ' .' : otd&r.. '. 8t*pdlni beelder' blm "'&8 a 'qOWll and ·pall.ned a note. Froin' .th~ be huntlnl mtl81 from telegrapb The lean. brown Mobammedan 'tJol!- ~mtJll fAa..' "00 you 10'1'. jour cbap ..... called Uqsball&:', He Ilad been box l'I,hlch conta1n~ the ordu be e~ and rallroadl; It III only' that hll ~ ..~.~.". I ted ~W.7 .' 1n obedience to bl. ordlfl. o~ d~r .' ·atreet rat. A bit of ImpudeDOe had \raOUld i l&;I'p ~nvelo~, ,.be....,l1y for,et us 'BO loDA'. Who ' lie Iu:l.~. how to .top captl'fe "Lo... YOlll': thll1 exclaimed in . Iinl· tile ~":I fanCY. ad ha _Iect. TbI,1 h~ ~l&nced .n. bla band ma, hILva 4~p~ dOlfl1 .Into I:JOlrDe~..1 for !Po ~~,nt. b'9wuect" laugh~, He . w.anted a~m• . pyU,lOu. .0 I · fNJD roarina. · lie knew lao.w to IflD. ~dl~~, too. aln~the 911.. btoupt)1P lb. boY. clOthed. ted bJlIl ..y." ' tarro.r to tIIelr 'hearta: As he ran Uon,. "''' .~ 'mpu.Uon at · the fact. and :ae~t b111l a..... , ~~ to \.lUI.,."" a ...on, ~ttl7. He ...ould abdtca~. ilt a In1l1 . prpftL Why n.otT . '. . (TO BE COM'l'Il'JtllI)D.) ~pri tq bl .. .ort17. "WouI4 . ~ou be SonlllOme I' I tooll to IOhool, WIleD the boy . He ...... toll olll tool. Into a MIll eGIon!!1 Hare. with bl. arlll the Big Tr,kr ... blmaically. tal~e4 ' Umhalla 1IICII'DlIlc, '1100D, ar~ .made · in' .cl~ani airy. WllUIl~ walked tow-ard the _ ·...Father!· 111 , .ht, un ~ ' ~!lilen , bePD ~ dall ellnlQPo ~~ Pllt the ~ \en....eIIO~I ·I . 1I~"dl'" In WI~h th~ Doctor. . mo. de·rn factofte ....... cocked. .. "Lock , fOUr pet Ul>' Kit," 'he "Da}W' . hlm tJ:aat. avd frOID t1i.m It pUlid aD and bll'C.I'WD not•• tb6n .~rOte lJpon . . TJle wife of a lurpon 'i n 8&Jtllllore "lOned, roUed ' anCi It.,.. O'fW hla Iboulder, "and come Into Tbey prM~ about him, .. 10 the DaCl.... an 01 wWm 4111lUled the He ....~ .blottfng It a. iii, 48\1ghten~. . . . one . afternOon' a .....clp KatblYD spoke eoothlbglT to aboot an oak. . ,. u~tart. Banged If I: c:&Il ree,ll bla ~. "fileD, jOlt. before tb' 1Uen.i, beed to · <:rUp ,olden 8akelI~ eeratclMcl hll head behlnd the "~. It, I a"ear that thIl ~I be r~ Dame.- . 'H e wu , ~11 -.4 bqdpa to arrive. abe f9wid that ahe .... , ", -.ra. aDd ellort!.J' a 10.... laUafted rum- th. lut haDL rm rich. W." ,et:rld lome at I tbe 'lam. ' tlm~; aua...e, panot a .ufllcfant· DUIl1b!n' ,of ebb.., ·-Ill . ReaCly to serve dire~1 w.".utNI1 hi. thro&t, . alld his ~U DO or aU theM b~t" ud apend the ....t tl&l1t. coul1eoWl; Je~ IIOIIl.ebow 01" lker duperatiOD .blt betboullat benel' from the pa<\.~ge. . - ........ed about. abe lect him to ot the y..... Heinl the Ihow plac:ea. t Hnled the I'MllllBD ~~~'-t~A!~~~~~~~~1 ot .. llear-b1 udertaker wbo m1Pt be ... . . . ~e. never ceaefnl to taDI. rID a bit Urad m1self of Jnnlle fod- tar bloocl. I ~ a I1IsUIe 'IrtlUD1 to let her _ r.... or the To secure the Superio~ tlle door. then turned der, We'll 80. to Pa*. ud BerllD. tlm otr. It',~. aubDall8IIU, yO'll...... tal41»1toIUtcI aDII tho1l&bttu.lIy' toward tlie buqa. and Bollle, a4 VIeDDL And YOIL Kit, . lol It. Klt. 8_4 tile ·Ida. ·. t th 'Com ~ fOr .ball . 10 ~d tell llCMJID OI&t -1oo·...e OcnallcU or ~ tIaJee ..... e1d.____., .IDJMrl~ . tfle .pIrit of Gerome. And I waDldIl't· trt:!M wtUl .. oJ. ....






S'u perior- "





Flakes. ..k·


'W1IiIi I. ,bit . . . . . . .11







... THE



,Impregnable ' ~, I to All Assaults Will !'




Put That Pain to Use

The network ot nerves in your body, -s."PidllN As to Doan 's KidDe, Pin., nac1l1la following entbuslastic endonetDea& 'br; like tbe networ~ ot wir es In a burglar. '/ill,. Stor:,,alarm B)'stem. g~ves quick warning onfl wbo baa tested them. Remain the Walla.of wben anything 18 golog wrong Ln !\lde. ~,ooklng q.t It in thi s wa y a palJl Is Salvation. a useful alarm. Now, kJdney weak· ness Is a dangelroUB thing- a condition "Thou shalt call thy wa s a yoot 0 bo ted and It Is' wise to know and pay atteutlon to the early H .. ellr. tlon,. and t,.hy gates PrAl.e."-lsnlab alarm 81gn als ot siol! kidneys. eo: 18. Baokache 18 a commoh wa rning ot W . S. lwood. '19~ ~rnln st.. Z"n.e.lIl .. 0 11 10. oAyo; " Couldn' t c ontrol tbe ~IGn.,. These words are (rom tbe chapter congestioll or 111ftBmmn tion In the kid. .... " r p11 0n. d ud waa annoyed by tb1e wealr'Which begins wilh that', &,Iorlous out- neys, It may bCI dull , nllggl ~lg pain. or n ...... b Olh ,In y and nl,hl. For 1U.. I h.a lIurat or prophecy which promises 1.he a sharp twinge when stooping or 11ft· h ' r r-lblu pain. throush the .mati ot my back Sun ot RlghteousnesB us a light to Ins, Tbere arE! likely to be disord ers . u ll "ealm . .. lhat lett ro e almo.t b elpl"... all people. Theu the cha.pter goes on of urlnntion, dh~zlneel, headaches. and 1 l:n u14 hord ly lo t up or do'wn . Atte r elt"... . d I fit drow! y. d s pond ent, Llred feelings. t In, r h a d t o take h old ot eom . thlnl' tor to ' escrlbe an idea Slate 0 soc e Y . It Is very hard to stre ngthen weak >"Pllor t ", h. n r got Ull. J ••• m od unabl. which is to ~xlSl ....·hen th e Goepel bas I kidneys at fll"llt, but neglect invites In nnd a nyt b lng , that would relic". m. un til my ll11cn tlon W Il, ""lI e4 to Doan'. obtained the Ulastery. Tbere Is lo be rheumatic or ne uralgic attaoks. grav el,. a e lly of God whose walls are eal"o· dropsy, Ilnd fa tal Bright's disease, ~'~7)' t~~t ~ .!.~~I~c.:~~~~~a'~~;:41f:~~~ Cion, and whose gatee Ilre praise, oud Ae 0 !lpeclal :m edlclne for weak kid· Ih r lr vllllle bodn' t . bp,on ovtr· ...tlrna t. d, 1 wbere no material defenee' are need· s Doan's Kidney Pills bave been WIl . ur. " or evory elen or kld".y <>omplalna ed ngaWst the wrnth or treachery of used tor years allov er the civilized and obi., to eet a.round and ntt.en4 to mJ' and 8 ur~lly are conside red rell· world, work wltb ea •• , r nm now _. oventy ,.•• r. Gr man. . ' Dge pnd 1 work. hnrd ev" ry day. I l e el able. Th e patl l;!nt ca n always help tb e The worde are .trlll.lngly beautiful m thlrly I" "", you.n S'.r "neS .on·t b .... aDr edicine Immense ly. however, by diet· and find a ready response In every Ing lightly. usIng lillie or no liQuor. lrou bte trom m y kldn ~ y. . My heDtth I. due t o th • ••• or Doa o·. 'Kldoe), Pili. aDd. " . heart a8 , an Ideal devoutly to be de- tea or coll'ee, keeping regula r hours HI can ho.rdly ,'ra/ghten up." tb e), I1lved my IIr. . t .ouldn't _Ibl,. Blred ; nod yet It must have _seemed 'and drlnldng lots of pure wate r, pra l• • tbem 100 bll'bly," Utopian and unreal,J,o th'e people to Whom \.he Prophecy WI.8 gtven, In a land tbat was continually In turmoil ·When Your Back is lame-Remember the Nametrom ]Nar wllhout and from dl8sen· elon witllln ; In an age when every 8tranger was looked upon as an euemy, and when tbe flrllt need of any Sold by all Dealers. Price 50 cenb. ~ler'Mllburn Co., BuffAlo, PC. Y.. Proc>lfetors comm,u nlty seemed to be a fort~ea8, of what value would be walle of 8 111· vatlon .and gates ot ' praise ! Surely, th y would be of little account against Cub', FaUK Pa.. u~OMEN Th Is may be a base libel on au hon . n' tbe engines of war. Wheo lerael reor ed professIon. but It 18 told by tbe ~he moat economical, otelUl.llDJ' . . . t urned from captivity they Ilrat reo man who perp tra ted t h e faux cermJeldal of ,&11 antlaepU~ Ja built the walls of lhe city. Nineveh B e was a rllPorted tor u Baltimor e pn · ~ had 6normouB walls' of vast height, Cut out eathartlCli lind 'Ilunra·llv.... pel'-or had been on e tor abont nn with 0. moat 145 feet wide outside the bruw. banh,unnec_nry. hour, this being bls firs t exper ience In . . walle. How unreal seema a city WhOll8 CARTER'S LlTILE ~...::::::;., newspaper work- wb n tbe eJty edItor wal'" ar~ 8al.vation, and whoee gates LIVER PILLS send him oot to s ee Cardinal 'Gibbon s. , ' • ' BJ'e praise! The ,"cub" rushed down to the niodesl . A soluhle Anliaeptic PQWder to Righteou.n... and Peace, white hO\lS6 wbere, the venerabl e pre· . be cliaaol.ec1 water as needed. , There ,je here an 'Ideal ot the state. la te lives, Bll YS the Plltladelpbla Elv . 1 As a medlclnal anU.epUc for i!ouohetl In tbe preceding verse we read, "I nlng I,edge r, and rang the bell. , A mal1 I tn treaung catarrh, InJlammaUon 011 will mak.e thy omcen peace. a::Jd servant ovened the door. ulceratlon of nose, throat, and thine 8lrll(:tors righteousness." to lalli.. II .... al how. " 18 lhe cardinal at hom e ?"3s ketl the cauled by feminine tl18 It has no equaL other wnrdll, the Whole machinery of SHALL PIU.. SMAU DOSE. SMALL PRICE. reJ)orler. I For ten years the Lydia E. '~am government wo.a to be u8ed 10 tbe " No, ell'." ' . I Medlclneco.ha8recommeodeclPuun. Genuine must bear Signature InterMt of .rlgbteousnee8 lind Deace. "Oll , Mrs, dibbons will do," ejacu, in their. private correapondence WtUII, 1'Iut even to the prellent day the mao lated tbe "cub," womeo, 'whlch proves Ita 8I1per10rlt,. jarity 01 govern'menta are military OJ' Women 1\'h'O havo been 0UN4 IIlJI ganlzatlonl. Their autbority Is bued If YO\l whh J)enutiful, clLl4~ wl\i~ It 18 "worth It. weight III colli." .AI on force, and tbey are continually c!othj1 • • u~ · Red C,I'OIS Ball Blue. At 1111 druggllts, 600. large ~ or H~ve Beat Wa.r !:Io.pital. ttnv.i ng to 'strengthen' tbeIQ8elvea a~ The ' Red CroeBhoapltal ot .300 beds ,Iood IlI'OCCrtl. AdT, expen8e Of their neighbors. ' It ~---near Torqnay, I)Btabl1ebed by Alli er.!. Tbe girl' wb'o steals a man's heart t o ma~ter little to such a gOT' be the' b tar· cail women, Is said to' ,Is liable to get a life eeutenee at hard ,'eJmrnell1t what burdim's the p~ple car, ranged war hospital In Jilnglaml , lie· labor, r)', rio long a.1 tJ:Je military orgo.nJzo.. eordl~g. to Sir Frederi ck, Tre v e~ , Lhe tlon ls /!trogg. Th ere Is here an Ideal of the church, di stinguish d Burgeon, Tne organlza· tlon. ~' hl oh /las Bt Its head w ealtb)' "'rhou Bhatt call thy wall, salvo.t1on Amerlcaus lOio ·Mrs. John Astor. LadY and thY. gatea praise." Tbe b • .church P o get and others, hns appropr iate d as suffered lu all ages [rom ' thoee ,25;()()o fo r motor ambulances. Funds l\'ho ha"e alrl"en to make It a forlress are ample. to lIlalntaln the hos pit al for Inlltead of a City of God whos e only anothe r r ear. It ts said. walls are salvation, Thus the Cl hurc b baa beeo dlvldecl lnlo dltterent hosfmpOl"I8nt fo Mother. I Examine caI'(~fully every bottle 01 tile cnmll8 with their .man·made ·';I'alla "It is easy to use and quiek to respond. ) No 'Work. CASTORU, a , 8 . ! lte ond snre remedy tor Dt creeds~ Mim h""e said unto the apply. It, penetrates witbout rubbing." church "Th)' walls are predeBtI_natlo~ ; Infanla. D.iid children, lind lee that It , R.... What Othe,. Say: . " ·.Bears the t hy wall s are JuetUloation by faith: ~·He... uoed yom Lillfmeal ..,cry ..........!Ill7 10 • _ of .rbeD!U&iIIItI. ... alway. ha... .. bOUJ" .... bud AD lily wall ~_at:e_JUhUi-Jm~i ~rr~-U1Y~IJ[~~~~~_'~~~~~~~~_ e. . of • ~Id Gr 110.. tbroe.. I ",;alla are Inerrancy or tho Sorlpt;!Jres ; In US,e For OVE!r, wiIIb to Ia3 I thiok " oDe fIl thy wa]ls are the JlIIPacy' thy walll Children Cry for Fletcher. C8fltona the Ilea 01 houelJold l'I!IIJodlM. 'I lIr.e epi scopacy apoetol\c succes· 'wou14 "G' lui.... 1la4 U opl,. I' .... ....,mmaod... to· me by , Ir1eD4 01 A iJeforme,.. elon ," Ood says unto tile churell, llliDe wbn, I wloh .., ear, Ie _ Of "Thy walls fIl'e salvation," There h "Twobble 18 noted ' f{lr his' 'lla8slonthe ben boooten lor "'II!' LIaIme. 1t.8 power and Its defense. nte titrlving a[tc r perfection." r ..... "'w."-.I. W; DMw. C... . ' ~ l must say tOO t ·s a commendable Wall' Are Sa1v.t,l on. trnit." \ ,"J_ ~ tina III pn/Ie . . . . . ., It I~ gQ9d lor us !'ometlme E! to bt "In $oin e ClElees; l' ca, but Twobb)e LIaI,m(JD" I ha'i,. beeA 1I1 ~ thrown back upon that un8~eu ," 'aLI spends all his ~Ime tryIng to a ohl eve four ....n ........, ~tb r"'u~~! Un beeD Ueakcl ,b,. doc:tora .1aO lh a ~ Is rourtd a~out uil as ' C/lrlstian it in otber Jleople,'· did , beet. . I Iiad DOt' olep. lor People and as a Cb'rlstlan church. Ole! the ~rribIe · pain for . .-.I 1liPta. l\leas crumble,' old beliefs are supel'l "beo my wit" IfOt m.. a .man bo~ 01 the L\ulmtot ....d thr.. applleaaeded b)' others. we arc told that tbl . . 110 \bat l;oOIiaI4 BlbJe Is not as Jnfalllble as we had sup. "N~"'-"__ '.1. posed ' It 'to be. We have been com, passed about with mtlny material sup. Hie Method. Ilons and hell1B, and we are dis mayed "H ow did t hat writer It cquire l\Ucb to find how 1eeb,e ·they are w,lten \he e.ncm>· ' comes In Uke a Hood. The old a flowing s t Yl.~ 1" " ) lhlnk ' be uses It founta in )le n." rorts or creeds and oustoms may





Winch~lIter Rev'olveran4 Pistoi.c art.' ridges in all calibers prove their sup.. eriotity by the targets they make. Shoot them and you'll find they are ---URATE. CLEAM. I SUR.



YeA, waiting -for every (amler or fanner's son - any indlistrious American who is arudpua to establish for himself a happy home and prosperity. Canada's heJIrty in· vitation this yeaI' is more attractive than · ever. Wheat is high~r but her farm land jullt as ~eap and In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta


180 Acre Home.tlad. it. Actually Free 10 SeHlers and Oiber Fnam'$15 to $2.0 per ·Aorl.


Don't P'ersecute Your Bowels

Tl)e people of European countries as well as the American continent

must be fed- thus an even greater demand for Canadian Wheat will keep, up the price. Any farmer who can buy la.nd ,a t $15,00 to $30,~ pe[ acre - get a dollar for wheat and raise 20 to 45 bushels to the IIcre II bound to make molle,-that's what you can eJ.l>fCt in Western Canada. Wonderful yiel,ds Edso of O.te, Barle,. uxI Flax. Mixecl Farmina is fully as prof. Itahle an industry as grain raising. The exce~nt grasses, full of nutrition, are tlle only food required eith.erfor beef or dairy purposes. Good IICllool.. markets .convenlent, climllte excellent. .'

MUllary·..,rvlce Ii no!: tomPllt.ory in Canad. IfI:tt Ihe~ It lUI unUlllal d~nd (or firm •• bor to replace tb~ I:nauy youna '''''" wbo heve volunteered tor ..,rvlce In the WeT. Write (or literature lind partlculal1\ IS to redttoe<l r"Uway ratee to Superin~t , Immi~tI®,

W. S. NIETHI!RY, R.o~ 82."ID. feru,ben St•• IIldO•• Columllu •• ~.


. Canadian GoY'e.:nment




Speaker, 8ay. New.p.p~r, Should tn' veltlgate Merit. of Medic!" •• Be fore llarring 1<dvertll\om.n ... 'rbllt \111 ort;linl zel\ ntte)1'1 p~ bas beell nlad!! 10 hlaoken the , relllJtatl()n or the )l,o pular family l'elJlediell of tllle c;oun·, try, and to ml ~l ell.d tl,e nOw8J'1\1ler pllbll'lhcrs Int,> rejecting the adver· tlll.lug ot s ucll medicines. WDS the cJI'lIrge mnde by I!-rl J, naill el~. of $ ul1l1lo, N Y.. at lll e OI)\'OJlllo.. or the Advertisin g AffillaLion a t De troit. Mr. , Ao II lett 1ft a dlt ctor Of. til . Pro· prlefnry A 8~ ocliltlo n oC AIDe rl It. which IU'clud 8 III :IL8 me mbership two hun· dred firms wblch ma:;c tIle po ~ulp r prepared medicInes 'or Ame rl~ Mr. fla11l U, polDted oui that It II th e duty of 'the newsllaper 11IIIllisber to r.e tus th(;l -advettll/lng or ', any rake 0 1", frl\ud\ll cnl medlchie, JU Ilt. a~ it f8 his duty ~o ref,use any fake or fraudu· lent adv rtlslng, but It Is not rlgb,t to .,hut down 011 all modlcnl advertls ln& beC4'lIse thOI' have been aome takers. aoy m~re thall It ,yould be rigbt. to r e-t\l8a to publis h all department store adverthdng · because cCTtall, tltqres hilvo marle a practice or lying lihout ba.rgllin salclI. , .( Dl8ea~e nud dqat!l , ore myat rlea, People wbo Ilr~ p rfectly ,welf are 1!,k'~ptJC:III. :" ,!h y , Int.l gb at th e tim ewQrll l!at..el'it Inedlchje juk". just ae th ey . lau$h again lind "a;8IJi' tlvpr the many vnrl:ltlonR ot ,tn., operatl o l~ 'joke - " Tlill ' oTl!lrai:lon was a auccef!fI ,but tl1e patlcn t dled." 'Ilhls 8o·enll ed . hu· liaB p'erhaPB hurt 'Ihe InedlC)lne bU!llne8a , with ' wei, people, bl\t " ben tbo ,hitherto healthy Inll.n reela a se... ere ~In lfIoe'!!I, be Imrnedlat~ly wants medIcine, aud ' vIII bl eBII tbe , 'eul'e w/lethe r It be at t.he hunda ,or a c::- regJII"r do.t:. a bOIll , ~an \lllteo, palll, a CllI'leLlan S<!lentiet or .po.(cn~ . ' nledlclue. }"J,1.11~ re' Is ', nolill"g . mora doadly, thml' diseaSe : n01hhrg more handrallle . thUll , lo ~cl)re It: ' , 'Mr. Bolllctt l'e[lIten the Idea. api,lgbt tdbe sprclid about that l,alElII~ IIl~dl. c1.nea. are. unpopulAr by 'ahowlng' that from J900 to 1912 lhe a'm ount ot p~c· pared medlcln ea coli.sllmed 10 A,rnericil Increallcd trom "00,000.000 to ,160.' "O~.O\Xl · amillally. 1 e ahow"ed tha" 81· thollgh tit(1 Amel'jj!3.l1 Me 4fcal I\B80Cj· alton '18 ' u;yln'g os an ,~rgtlllfzatiort" to e~:terp.'inate scroolted,· IlBtel,l t medl·, elale" tbe : raJlllly doctor. l%I,dlvldually•. 18 'nol, n~IHI'I~ : thtlm\ b\lF Pf~(crlbll)g . tbel),l '~He ·estiOJ8,ted . that'l>49% ,01_ the' pr~ilcr(lJtloolt writ ten by d~ctd'rl! today: In~lude ,proprletal-yJ medi \ne~, ( .t~e ' Wrltfl' ~K of '·Or. ~a.rv y \V: Wt· ley, 'he sali!, h~vcf alsQ :tImed tq d~ etto conJ\d~}I.()e Ip proprl\!tn~)! mec1l· clnetl; but tilat' or, Wiley'.; Ideas are D. Qt !nl~,)J;blo ie sll'o';"'1) \> Cll,,~ e wherl! 'hl~ Bnl1l~ses were entirely ~· J'Ons. M.r.' '!DeuUoneCi a case wJt]] all tbll J)6we1'.' CJr the'· . be fough t a prcl!arnUoQ OUII ~O ' bea,ltl!. aD.d ' ; wal\oped. .', .' tI 'ruerq \bot! been ij~rjlcid tlie a clever l"aker. can 'D1lx \' o' Ii\~rediebtll' ahd;; by mart n~",·,,"If.lln ••. 'seli'tona, Of It' apd wln ' lIuc~ilc!!n " "'I?ILltI)<: wh\ire&.;' al a ·matl:er.'or the cine blialne811. 18 l'lotoEloUllly dlfflcUlt, anct,' w)JeJ'e there has been ooa 8ucce•• at It:. (liere bave been a hun4r!!d fall· ur~, - AnJ. m~illclne whlcli · ~. D¥ .merlt cuopt , bec.1.I8e~ pe~ns ~ho 4I'G buy In. It.,oqce Dol 1( ' the · proat medlai1u! can ''ooly



l. _

\'el'lls t'm e)lt oft"~l!ed for pulilleaUon, but tbe merits of the article advel'tI ed . lIa VOlnt df out that the few 116Wllpuil .t li Who hllve ,bClP-1I dll'udc d Into lhe poll y Of h!lT ~:h ~ Ollt' uledJca! nd\',f'rtl llin g 118 \'e adQT)I ~1,I tills gcnllral pOlicy, rather thn~1 to fQrm all lovest1gnl1ou bu l'e.'\u ot thla kind whleb CQIIld, II 'ooIlHtructh'e and u8eful ef· rort, in ves tl!1ale Dll d decIde what II ' I ~ IJOlt ' '', hu ~ 1 OIl1lt \\ halij Ii Irlllld, In not oil ly fh e III dloille busin ess. but In overy ,other business whlch udver· till s It ~ IWllrOI! 10 the public. t Th e nudlf'n se JU d tl!. l\gr ee with Mr. 11lI1IIei t'e Ideas on t he subject and l he dtnl rlll o 0 d eld en llle question. at fSHue In- his favor.


' A Fine Night. , . _!\I ,lud !' ~I arl wo s u ae nUm utlll mh{iI

Of t il' I , . summe rs, wh o seemed t910Qk' on lh o .'\\" rill wlt'h !l !\' nU e sigh , r elate s' ' th KonSlls lty Star. , Jobn Hen ri , who ' though t h er Borne I!weet· lIeSIi WOS II lriloat ol'ud ty prncUcal. On 'yenlng lit y ,,~ e l'e ' leisurely Tumblin): along the OlJntry rond when ,Tohn lI e lir n9t1r. d tlll\t :\laude .\Itlrle's tJlolIgbls St!pmed nral' oft, - " You loo ~ 11k Bomn'l\mhulls lD. :\1 a, rle:' I," OmIU'li d ~h young mnn. "Wh ere . al" , ·our.·thoughts? ' "f ,\'n\l lhtnk\t\g or tbe ,llglrt . •1Qbn: cl fir," t~nd rlY l' nlled lh , fall' 011e. "tsli 't ;It .. i bUrna ? hm 'l It gIOl'lous ? isn't 'it t hu' moat 'wond I,tul I\lglit you \'~;" IIPw r' : ' ·'y eft." "lI S Ihe s tartl ing r eJolllder of th e JlrtlCtl cAI ,l ohn . " It 18 jll s t t.h 'kind of ,n n igllt 10 shoot (,ll t8," p

Too Good. et M Un . Will ' you be , Sw t>l A.rlln e-'- R tore l (lIISWer YOQr qn Oon IE'I' Ill!? ask 'You onll. Do YO.\I ' s w ~llr wh on , you )Ol\& ypm.' cO,lIar stucn

Itcgg~' mine? '


H cgg}' -~cl'V I"




Otulwa, Canada; or to




, Swot, ~rliOi?':"" J' ht>il It ctinupt ' be. I ,a.Jlnot mnn y 11 Ihull who hll8 no 'spi r it. A RJ;BE'LLION Food Demanded.'

. ,.The .human., body \\'\11 stand a lot of abuse! bub- SOllle~lme it will ilurelrl re:bel al.ld de mand P'I'Ol' r,. foOd·' I~ , pla~e of "the ·pasty·, Iitlt1'Chy, greaay sturrs Ivh) cllit ho.s been mnclo 8lck. . TJ1.en- Is,·the time 10 trY 'Orl,pe-N uts. ' t~e ~q~t acl!!nu ~c and :llerf~Ct tOlld I n Ul,e world: , ; ' .,. ~ 'i " A'lad,Y 0 :[ Wa8hln~tOI'l suts: "Thr'le ytlllrs alto [ WDB ve r~' Ill , wlth , cQ~rrb of tlur stoDla b ' 8.11ef wuil given MP to . die by one do'olor. I lald in bed ,four months 'uud my stolllllcli ' WitS eo wesk' t hut· . could nC)t 1«(1 [l 'down m.edlcille or bardly snr .kind of footlllnd ~\'afl so weak and ~mnclatAld attOl: 'rour montlla ,thla , t\UI.. Illy " ..·u(o.~....\ ' Ille tro~ ~ed


~~ ,

ne~ ~~~~~~,

Rfaeumatism Muscle Colds




Qrumble ~G~'~~~~'~~~~"~IlIl~.I-~Ptrr.r.~.rnnl~en~~tOI!ro~ffire~t--' that I!tQnds between , ,\.Ie and tipn, an~ that II tho lbvlng purpose Ood to save our 80uls In -Tesu's ,Cbrist: , , There m il y be a lot of heroes )11 tbe Our. walie are · 6BlvaUon.. ,.And If hI humble. falth ,You and I'cal\ our ' w~ls 1\"0l'Id , but no woman will ndmll. IhAt ealvatlon and <think or, nothlnl! else sh e Is murrled to one o~ th em. all ' OUr security bllt tho mighty pur, BOX!lJ'E:lj cnOUrRJl:JltBDWClIlRESCOLD8 'poBe of our 10\' blg Fat.her, we ar. oo u,wll.iaiJl.! CJVQP. 1"reWelD'" ~DeuwuDI "," eu,:.. A4 f. eafe. In ' a Itron8'ho~d "' hleh nothln, can o" cllthrow. , Salvation mean ~ Many a mUD grOWl! gray wa ilin g for t!!"~6t)' In JeStl!! Christ. He has said a chanc ilml some othe r f }Jow bas h~s ,people, "No mIlD . ahlill pluck gon Q ou t a'c d grabbed. lhem . oul of r.ff' hand.'" In such a Ume as thl,II, '8 t,lIl.,c Of tlhnuge and tSI' rot' anli )JnoerttiJnty, I would have yuu, 'feel a personal ex-[lerJeoce of that .,)vatloll. . , But tbere ' I!-r6 ~ ate8 In the walts, Rnil the gatee , are, Pr,ci1sl>,. Whn t II ~~etul1 ot the !doal cliurol!! :We, to I,' enter hla. ,court!!, ,,1~1l thanksglv. Ing. aUd ,.. )lts gates with )lraise." , Tn what eplrlt do yOu enter th.e boul\e ' 01 Ood?, In th~ spirit" ot, laqllrer nee, or in tbe 8plrl.~ of Irr'lr!l'tloo. or de OJ'llSSlac ' under .the , buriiens of the H \leopI6, entl!red tbelr hurche,lI with -'prayer and prals.e, what 1)ilJJ)'lpd s,tl'(>pgtb ';lnd . unto their splrltl! ,w,o uld they derive from ~Vlm the .imPled' eervleea. . ;The satea ot tbe' cll>: a;;11 aJsO exit, o( ' tbe people ' of G9d 'out Into Ihe world. \ .Are they 'gates of praise ? Do ~'bU bear amoni; Cht\"rlan , \JeQple ', pralsJl unto Oo'~ 'f~r b Is 'lDercl I! 6 ? J-low: ode~ do people Bpeak , of the Ilurph, of' Jesus CI!"!lt 'In teJ'ma 01 crlUcllfa or or Ind~-*ereoce • . ) wben .~ouJd IP.,&.k of If with praise,' tor . with all IIJl 8hortcomlnp ' .It II n.".rtlleleu Wltowinlf UpOI;: It. pea. ple·tlle pu8n lI~bI,. "alcb the, RIIIIU!;D \ IU.. ..-8 '1l.Ine... DO ....UiN' Ito" Mron.I)' 'orUlled, 10. . _ .Ul tlIem in tuIu • ... Cft7 Of et. . .;







§wollea Ten.Cio~ ~.,.

aOlM'" lameoeu and' pala.from • SpUjlt.

, Muscle. or 'B,~

: SI4e Bolie or Bone S.,.Ybl. ~ • . blister, no hair golie. Hoi.ecau be wed. a bottle ~nycrecl DcaCn"be •. for .pecial iDItiuctioU ' '











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the Old Elm Tree


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, COUNty· ·COUR'f NEWS '

_-_ ............................


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I '



Proceedings w. 0 A udson to J rry and M. W. Ling o vs. W A, Moo~ , Eli~r.eJ1 h)te, No: 93 t\nd 94 in, MI\p1e plaintiff ord ered to reoover 1286 J>IATk so bdl VISIOll to KIl)ge t.illls, $7r. from etendlmt,. " ' Mlnoie J, , attenh watee tl) A. I!' Oeor~e W , Tilton V8. Sydney (;I, MUler. un ' 1~ldetl one hlA~f Interest IS lye, Gbe jury fi nds no o'. use fOT , 1~6~48 ~tl.lres III Military I::iurvev No. jodgmen$. , Plalutiif exoepts to tbe \ ,$ • , rullog: ' I W. b , t;tubbB, Allmr., to Ellz!\be ih Monroe & J 'o bnstou vs M V l llond 'lush 0, Kllpatrlok OIldivlded WilKoD The (Jourt nphoids ~r;;tto~ one hllIr interest In lots No 6t and of plain\lff to TE'qulre tbe 68 in LElbanon, _,R40P to septirately stfl,te oDd number the 8tep4en Dnteillind wife $0 GeotlEe -Various defeo ses or,her answer Bolooea lot 'No. 10 In lIloBurnev'e Divotoe wile gra.nted to D ')orl'8 addl~lon ~o South Lebanon. • $~. Be ' BolUoRIIWQrtb on thE> oharge of' arry Mo aba to Idll. Lee 10& No gr0811 negleot (\I;ld she was reetored 6' i " Lelb~non, 11. '<> her maid . n name of 0010rls EJ- MoUle E. N,i~()n to Ida A. 'Lee, UDya~d-; , dtvld III Interest l'n lot No. 6 in Lab'lihOIDBS W, Belding V8· Thoma8 RnQn,'I. , E~-+~;-~~~~~~--...o!o~~~..:.--..;..---...:.-+...,.-. C, Weloh" llury'S report fBvQre W L 1\e Gtll,lert. and wife $0 defendant. to whloh j~dgment, th e ~RtY 'L Gtlber' lot N,o. , J03 aD,d 'pla1.n'lB: exoe~f.s '. ' parts o~ lo ts No, 192 and 194 11\ t,be IIi_~ IIIIi..__..__.._ .. III the case qf .l obn W. MoUaod BQn ewo rth additioD to Ilbsoo,. '1. 1es8 va RIl,lpb R bison; th~ Court ~'ho~ol~iI J£ Bell 1,1) 8 erllh L , Bell, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~±~~ 8u'3&oi08 mOtion of the (lefeDdant P!\r~s o,r ldts No, 122, 123 and 124 tn 'RDd r quire n~e plaiDtiif to give ~prlngboro, ll. ' 8eollrity for oosts within ·twenty 0 0 , KeH~y ~o ,Eogene 0 , Duo days, 'ham lot No. 1u and pa.rt of lot No 14 In ttoohet.ter, J


The finest car of Chestnut Posts Ever Brought' to ,T pWD' is Just in.




~()Ostunningstyle~ in the Winter Issue of "BlUterick Fasl1ioDs." A magnificent, s,e lection to choose your entire Winter wardrobe. This lovely publica60n is only 25c, which includes any , Buttmok Pattern you like F~. tti:- Pattern ~






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He Felt Encouraged. "But abe eaya she baa never given you any encouragement.'" "Dld ebe Funeral, Dir"dol' say ,tbot! She told me ' that her and ,Embalmer, uncle WIIB lolng to leave her a fol'tune, and 't hat ' he had orie foot tn , the 81&"8. 'I t that f a not encouragement, ltd like to know wh~t , ou can it."--HouKtbn Post, Oan a""",ered p"ohlpt1~ dl,lv or nig,ht Both phones in Office and Residence. lODg dista~ce,No. 14; Home phone 14·2r Chairs and one Coach furnished free . with funerals .. ~ • "",.......... ..... ....... ' .... ; • ' BeAt of serviCA ~aranteed,

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Olassilled Ads '



All Kinds of'


ON -To l(lfln on good lie "r~dingl \ , ourl,,.. m:or Jluther IDfoJlma, BIJlel Allowe -'Jason ' KIDder, tion fnqoire at tbl8 oftio... d S gra vel 16 Mir.nll (;Iltztl tte, printing le~&l 18.75;, Suemenin g" & .~Ieker, __ 80ppll,e s tor Conrl Bouse, '18 II) ; Suc:tHSOr ' to Xeota Ulty Work pl'll.'Ionels U9.40 '; A. SHERWOOD work FfIlnl! lin town Perry Wulfe. la bor , iu i,'urtleorfI9k Postoff.lce, WaYnesville, O.~ townshIp $3, j FraplLlIn Gbronlole, ALL kinds of Ca.rp"nter Work don". b, v tbe dH.Y' or j r. h., Ad. Office PhoDe 77 " HoUIII! Phone 6-3 Probate C,o,urt Proceedings pnbh ~hiDg legal" 75 ; F. M. altmil- drela. bu. R ~Dnelt, Look 8,oJ: .. , , .. ' ' W, B . Sto~""", "s Adm., of tha 8S tOD .f l ' ,flefeodlng Leon Rolston. 186 j H. \~aynesvll)e, Oblo. D25 '!!!!'!!!!!!,!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , ~_rt' r~ VUOI u • " W~1'l'Bn County Times, priDting The Chlneae Influen08 011 Interior tate o,t Albert tubb , deceased VB. 1 gal~ $875; 'MIami V~ lley Bo' pl"'l, cleeoJ'aUon ' extends to the wonderful EuniQe t:! ebb@ at 1\.1, ,Stl.IS of real OlItiD~: for patlente $90.66 i J M. dwlU'f treell whlch, 'once almOilt prohlb- e t08te npproy d. 01,,100 o U be Peoole Mu.lford. Aodit.or, moklDg sohool 'Funeral Director IUvely expellllive. ue now to b& had BIlHdlpg & I1 D A!jti<)ol~~lon, ~g!~in9t abstr~lot8 '205; 'J;, K Spenoar, Qq_ at teally popular priCes, commencing estatet u,l'provt1 DI~t rlbatloD ment lli8 <iii i Ya.le & Tow,De Mfg . at abOut 60 cent! tor dim1nutlve yewa Qf fnocs 1;'AG i'v ~ from sale or~ered Co, OlellDi'Dg look in Treu. Telephone' da:y or ntl(bt. _4' cedara that look as If they had The fl,r8t u d till tl-l Rcoollnt In the ItO' Westtlrtl Stu V!llhlY phone N o Lon~ come out of • "KewpU"' .. garden. esta~e of Sophia Van'Derveer. de. $8.76 j 'F. M. (J,'llin~, bddge __._L " ~ Dt_~DM No, " ~2r. ' Stately oab, aycamores, c~dara, atalld· oessed, IIPl~rovell, ' Barlli.1I tOWDbhl p $45; LennIe Wbl' ID, at least 20 Inches hl,b, ue wonTb.;' e8ta~e of ChariE:s 8 , Lee , de- note, htbor 10 l:ialom towuflblp',IS;78 i I Ault.. ,mfl,ftll,A 8ervlCe at a'u Tlmea dertUl with, thelr (Darled and twisted ot'llsed , F irst and fina l acoount &p. W . N ~ Allen, I,~b or Olear-oreek town brancbee and 0108e foltaae; they ap· I.nwn" ,,,1 ' , ship iJ18 50 ; Olllo ,C orroguted ' our pear like _cleut forest tree. Ylewed I n tl;le e t ate of Doakln L , I..ewifo. vert Co ,pips' $64.6() i Moddle J:6n from &tar and throulh th. ' "W1'ODI deceased, th e first IIDd tfnll.l acoount dl!rBQ)Uh lit bor Qn rOtf.d ' tD ~nrtle.lIel" teleacope,. i9 ccnfirmed. oreek 'o~D!lhlp $2 i E lIo8t Eod -Coal ' , " 'I,,!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!,!,,!! J, • _ • Firs t Qud flonl aooouot in the es. O~" ~()OU8t posts $1880 i John L"W, DOTATOEB-400 bushelll Dloe bom I, , ~ tote of Ethel B, Lime deceased is 81lppUe8 tor I Conl't l:Io~e, ,161i" C Irownpota'0,811. Ottrml De No, Japane.. DenIed Luxurfee. approved • '8..ate of Ohio VB w.,d OU8"0, and,Rurall'lew,; '¥orlu, 600 Mr bu. J!'a.---"d;.....,.-oAr--MCC . oy.,-:-:-;:-~"7.-"':"~. o:t:hll, ,most eltpeDIIlve' .lD,h~ fruJi 'til ' ' . a nd cost ' $4.80 i J. M, Mqlford, to Ourlel ~urraoe t ·R R. No, 4, Way'. the ,Japan~.e , frutt sto~ Is tbe nateu· In the esta.te of Clauge B . De ~tamp8 for Aa d ItoI' '10; I 'M. Sher. 'neavllle,' (lh\o, ' ' " , d g .. Veferl narv " mlkan, a specles iof krapefrult {Citrus weeRe, deoea$e~, ftr~t l1000nnt is a.p , be', (J,on trl\ct 167,66 i Za,lD Armtta,e " " , ' ," '" decumana.), whlcb' aells throulJliout the proved. DistrlbutiOD or4ered , " oon ract $11.96;Z ID AJ', ODD 'S l'OVE-Royal Qalr; Bea\er, No · of ' Oh'lQ. , StilI lInlversli, winter,for each. Theae are In the esta.t~ of Edmu'1d Retll)110 II traot .nO ; 'Oregonia Bridge ,00., 13 ' 16, ' In good ' flhape, Inqolre at .' " ,not ea.ten In sTaat quantlUea by tbe ~eoeal1ed. th e first lIooonut ,Is ap, OOlltl'Bott! $468 , .1 ' th18 o~oe for tur~her ~nforOO,atlob • .(l18IS CSf lMl<lpl& who make the veat proved. ' A generli} contraot wMIa' '0 (leo. " d Ii , frvJt-buylng popelaUon Ih the United In the matter of th~ estate of C. Jones of Harlan townsblp, $a_m, " ' " , ', States. ' The e,verBle Income ~of. the Martba' D. Eizl1'r , d oeosed, Benrl' $8.60)~r ~a.Y ',it.ntllabor $2 ' BPBI~G ~AGO~....,.In800Cl 000 J'~li.nese tamUy of four Ii abou~ ,1M B ,Elza.r Is ' app-oloted Ildmr. , ~oncl Co,tr6.0t was also 1& to UregoDla dlt(QD. o~e"p:, IDqulre at thlll • )'ear. Thill 811m d~ Dot I_ve 'much '8500, P . V. lJone. 0; :;. B.lggine 8rl(~J~~' 00., for new fioor for Beeoh oJlloe, , d 2 paretn for the porch..... ot l11Zu~les. and U. 9. Enlas I1r~ appointed. I ap Rnn b,r ldge 011 upper W"YDeav~lIe 'f



-==='===========- A., B. Chandler e.

. _.



of •

~ n.DENTIST...


Wayo,"1I1e, 0 !




BARNHART, Notarv, Public , ,

- I

All tbu18 of ,Notary Work. PelUlioD Work .. "i


~~IIUY''' . . '

Read. , the



n. ceDta

• ~,



, A


' ; ' . ,' ,

' ,'


F'amoua Reglmont.

The the 'famous old, " Nutr , , Butrs, !=faCkers," , of which the, king of Den· , mark WIlB appolntell. colonel'in-cbief on bls rece~t vlolt to England, are one of the oldest corps In lhe British arm)". Tbey were evolved trom :. l~ we old ,valned band In ' th!l -days Elizabeth, and beCaulle of,thls ancient connection With the capitol they, have the prl·v!. leae of marcblD& through the city of London with Ilxed' 'bayonets, bfl1l.tlug drums aad llylllg colons: " , " " • - •


. .

Happy , Medium. ' The bNt 'thlngs are ll,la.ced betwe. QtremY.-AJ'lstotle, "

praisers , , ~' ID thq,,91atter pt the will of 'J ohn E. Durilil$m . deoeased. Letitia 0 , b 'on b !lim , tb EI ,WI'd OW e ]eq ' t,/! t~ 0 ' t a"k e rt th 'II nn~er ' e WI , rhe firB~ ItlJd fioalilcoount In the f l!' W ellt" te.,p " 8tl~I1S ,A. h~lItley. ge. oellsed : is approved: " Cn the maUer ' 0 " the estate Qf Pliny D Bopkios, decellged, l. Prl vllre sl).le of person 1 property or der :!d : ie' ",' ':Marrlage L1ce~ , J ohn Cflcdwlltllllller" fl;lr;ner of (,JllIol'ksvll1s to Etbel 1!~lItye Snell, ot Wa,nesville. ReV'_ J . H. Harvey. ,Eroest MoKlnl Y. farmer of Ma.8on to ' Eme ', "i/. Bares, of "Boo{y,lville ' Rev. /1 . J, Ires tie, '


Real ~te 17ransfen Ua.Ttba 'Neville , to ZePh Enfield lotlr No . ' Ii



iJf ic ~ .. we Hn~ h'l Iving



..-.. __


\lI/i f h(lut any ,advance In




Jolin N. 'EvaD" ttl Preeley and · 'F lora 0018 lofNo, 86~ ID l'raokUn.


At Reasonable Ratel; Two , Machines• • prlnsfleldTlrel. Tube.i'~nd Acceslorlea. , Valvo In. ,011 and Grea8,1. · : r


IWd 13prin~boro pike $25~'" , • ". " -

-- •

.'Important '


)Oh~m Be'n r l' n ,mlnd tb~~ ' b' e' rl'.inls wt ~ l'ableta n' ot only mov'e "•he I ..... wel"~ uu

t ..... p~ovo ·he '" a~""'lte nnct .... , • " ..,,0 "'''' Atrelog'then t,h e dlges.lon . ' ,For 8ale

by. .. -II neulers. ' ~ ," .. -

• . ", ' ' THE HEAPSMAN'S ,AX ,







GAZ~'j '1 K •10.1',11::,; ~ I:~' .~:,,\~:~ f~; /.IlI:~:~llnll ~:l1~~:;O,

,, ~~ H....

Ill" 1111'0 .. 1...·Il:." .. pIn 101( I hl'r, /I od Ull ttl Mit' _--:_ _ _ _ _~_........- - - - 1'1iI,! I ,Y "lIr ... INU" I.'!U I'''''lIfl.1 I II be I'" p. 1.. CRANE ; ,J ':di tlll' and MlInH j.((' I· 1,.I' nr " II I\.. FilI'I III Rltt !ntHl Y YI'I.r~ • . 01111 ' "r" WI "'111\"',,01 II ,~I nc" I (11,,,"10'1 :> ... utl In,~... or·lbAd lunu J ~ M nl' .ltp . uud L ' lI l "', rO I? Y Ull f,,"PIh',A "0 .,. " · ." ,, ro,nTl:\, "nlil , g 1'<1. Ollre with I (I. ~ " .. ,.tllJ .. nl, p,.1nooIl011\1 HiD Puhl i1iClsoC\vt; k ly n w'paper:; ,·u rnhl., lIeu Ii \l Ilt! .provon CfI ' " '" I) I II I'll II .j u U!! II ' u~It1Il~ I rIHIH .... e. 1 \\lolmve k el'\' lo "~,'e t"l,oflll'I ",~ (' o~ t ". 11 ,1 Ih ,· , ,<lrl r~" rr.' l · ' lre .. Ou"OIIIU , .. (II tl,e,\, public lion s, arc ·\Io\\,sl.'ri 'lh l'I:" HltII ' nl' Hflll!l \ ;"tllrr h 'luI; . il lfSly t'o\ltelll[JlatlugT, an ad"~nl'e nn ttl .. , 11I "'~' 1'l/' ,1 b. 1<' J, ChIlDf1.\' .~ .. .,IIH.t,It.II111 " .. .. .." ... Ilr P bl " f I IbM 111.11 on· subscriptIon .rates, Ulany of them tl CJt, Ih~ mllrl< t II . .. ' ... " wi' ll lut"rn.tll y. it IIC1ta dirE' h avmg .. n ne '0 Qlr~ad ' Almost 1111 I'll ,' 111"0(1 I,net IIIU\' '' I1 ~ HU' ffloeR even' thing cnl ~r illg into til IIll\k · " I th" "' ,\' .. I t'w. rh"y 011'",r ( ,... bun . jng of H newsl,ar cr aL the present (1" ,,11 doll'IT'1I for Uti:\' . MBflit fall~ ,to time,l'osts fl ,great ' deal more -than rj\ 'Hlld for oll'ebllU'II 'md I,es i 111 i l II i .II ~ ' it did even two years ago. Print Aod l eFl~ : . b d d ' k' I' F. ,1,-G8ENEY & ('0, paper as a vance, til - IS IIgber, I" D ... T oledo, O. ' 'n II. UY I'ul!gl , die. type . Ilas ' a d vane cd , f oremn counFtl<r ohn ' '1'llk H Hall's IltDtly Pills t ., tries on whom WCP have depended ~t ' plltloo, for a great deal that enters into the , making of a paper., ' have failed us., {'ubll.hod: IV oel<iy



WA""'v:tt~.. OHIO

f----. -he- -N-e-••g-h-bo'rho-o'--d--N-e-w-s - - - -. . 'T-

Spring Branch .



- -.-

Mr.l1uy Vbenoweth wu.s visiting Mr, aDd Mrs Jiloob ReHder are ..., 1 i I It 8 d j I I tt d b th' IU "l\ 8 von y Iln a.y. ~e 0 IJing over" 1\ . e aog fer · Il Harvey s burlf. ebn;oh ,iD melllboTllhip n nd t~ake it Mr . WnrrAn Laoy ill /{~ bome again orlme to I,helr bome W edl)8ildllo,V latlt. thQ ~ODDmOl.1t Oil our tiO\VU . ofter 8.0 xten ed trip ,·brougb the M iAft68 Mu.bel and Edtth Badley I overhear~ a noo resl(fent 'Citizen 8top, LooJr, Li ten. . Tbe Clv io o ortbellit 1\8 h.r itS tobe Ullkotas s'pent Satordl\Y and tlunliay wlt b ot WllynetlvHlelind tbill 0 uutYljlloY League me te l" l\.tllrduy ft.e rnoon at Mr 6DdM~tj. FredS~wlauDdllon8 LebaooD triends how ' tlltlY luok OJ:.WID'U evetY. thtj l::iohOO! ~tll3 at 1:30 , Your ofDelir Corwin OlIl1ed OD Afr and M'rs. t3allle · Reeoe Is ' very mucb we k to , the nnmJll"" of the Mis ml prtlElence IS r eGlues e B s o your ~ o~eph Haine8 Bnnduy after. ImproveQ. GO\!lJtte, tha.t "'f it W~8. ,jus t hil a 'i visit pr Ren t, • D,oon. . MI88 Florenoe Ro,nl1gle WISS We INlthOld '~U(1I~a lntllooe8, beltlg Jw II Mr. 'arl Sbldnk rl1n~Mis8 Beryl Oornt!hl'eddinglatl1eorderotthe guest 0' ~1l8ses ' Jennill, Il,nd Elva b .. lie un d 1 klUg over Jl' I'll?, I tlr we re qnll'tl .v Dlsrrj d T hora. d fly IImong our farmers at this time R 0 b In80n on Sunday. QcqualD~e d ~ n1 flO tb fl it ' tIlB 11'001 thl S pli I O t oo k t\,O ... ' ,..e Ir d tt.y. v.,rv UJlt t.o their Cb ' lir Ii ~ T "uOWIL~ fl.Q d f .: roe ormon Mr8, Eva Bormel) ill nnrRiDg a th nghte book to ohl1dl,l ood , lind f r ~ Dds Atl d Ilrrh ad u ume ' ~turdllY a r e dOIng the work. sprained knee. t,yeee IfPme alona wete, well worth nigh t. Ilnd u. f aw of th ll noiSy and Misse8 A lice ChenowAth and Lena MI8..... Jennie and Eva Roblnlloo h f ' .. ""'" t e price 0 ()dml!!sl~o j otJ..n t we boisterous bo.vs llncl gi II! ph\y ed t he Cnnn I' OR-lied on Mr8. Frllok Betl8 were Franklin VI8Itots'l'11e8day. tU!1!\!.tlu bl:Iotltlng the &1\aml GIl~tte, part of uo ludl.u.n, damtL~ ln g tile ·Monday . . 'U S tb ~ M ' ~r Artbur Null of 'he . • a.rmy uae it uS Ito Cbrlstm~s present. 'rbe slumber of 1he, oitiz Ill)' H,ull>tt,e staff will -obl' tlot, try w I'd.. M i 'f • In Il tS If. M, Dakl n was a oll.lIer at bill! plld au, bl8 time and 1'e$orned • U ll 0 I·U ocmrt oonve ned Mt Bolly Sunday h • hi t M. N 11 h 'hem ·oD·ant! see. Moodu.y DI )rtlIDI~ and tho e vldAnoe ' : ome.o I par~n I. r . tl , all IIII'. and Mra Frunk. Mills .left. for Ilddlloed sb ow d th ew ROilty of 1& ~r. Emerson (Jonoer, of OilY ton , lIerved lix l'ellrll In th,e Bervioe. wlnler 'qu8rte,1'8 &turday iu New. m llldt"lJeUDOr !llJd. were "Iven s us. vlfuted bome folks Friday night and Mr, A. R,odall Is Elufferinll{ with port, Kv .• witb their obildren Mr. pe nded sbDto noes. ~r. "lind MSaturdtt.y rs,' asth rna. "'b d . • - ..., , - - - apd Mril. B,..rry Barbeau. '" I Ilk er have t l:ie lJes ~ wishes of M1' . Olint Ornbb, of OILY ton. WIlS Mrll, Aona t:ltlnl1on, assisted by her tbeir trlend s . the guert of Mr, Chlloa. Br ..ddock and An Aotive Liver, Means H,wth Sllnday Sobool . olasl gave a box Mr, !lod Mrs . ,Jo<le ph Ellen barger. fll?liiy lllst wee\[, If yon want good healtb, a olear 8001,,1 at the 'l'own Ball l:!atnrdllY ot' n ellr New Bllrlln gton, cil lled on Mr. and Mr8. Will Oerard hllve oomplexlon Rnd freedom from Dizzi. and the consequence is all printing COUNTY AORICUL. TlJRAL AGENT ullZbt, friends b ere " undlty. boen entermining tbeir nieoe reoeot- neS8, Jonstlpatloo, BllIousoeElR, 'material bas taken an awful jUl1Ip. . --, The oOld wea'her oame npon 118 Mr. tlnd Mrs. I.... T. Voir s, after a Iy . Beftd"ohesand Iodlgestion, take Dr, On the other !'tan'd nothing tbat In viflw of tbe IIHl(e 8upport wI lob and ,~s u!lud we , wllfe no' re'ldV for two \veeks vi it io Ke ntuoky ar. • King's New Lite Pille. They drive the O..lunty eltperiwtlot farm uropo It, lI\o'e IIbould do~, we h fl Vtl been rlved borne SI1~U rdIl Y , Despondency Due to Indigestion ont fermennng (lnd ~odllee$ed is produced in the priuting office sl tion reoel ved Itt the recenL election ~olri, to keep our lamps Srimmed "nd Mr. nnd, Pnul Peter on of ' foods, olear tbe Blood ."nd ·oure Con. J .. h_ even where It. WIIS IORt, nnd of r,b~ burning , ; 8',ring VAlie . t I:; d h' It Is not at all surprl81ng thllt per_ stlplltloo. Goly 260.8' YOl1r drog, blls advanced in price. ... exoeu~ion"lIv unf/lv rl\ble 00 dl • Y, spen uo ay ere !KlOS who hl.lve Indlges,too beo~me giElt scription 'price' bas yemai~ed the t!oos u:ft:eotlbg tb 1 ~ote 00 ~bl~ ~ox Booilli "t Flat. fork !lobool with thtlir ~:)r,tlflts. disoournged aod despondent, flere ' • - . ' same. Very few publishers have proposlblOn"~ Lb\s tltil e , the Agrl and en'ertllinmeot . J!'rldIlY ni8bt, Mrs Ibbl8 Coliletl, returned bowe IlrB Il few words of hope and obeet LIVE STOCK SHOW ABANDONED .. had the courage to ask , more for oultarlll IJommis810n ba'll adopted Ntw. 2('. Yon ue olrdlally reque '. from N.e,,, Bur.liu gto n wbere s lla llils for them by M'rs Blan.o be Bowers, tbe following rulet! to gover'n ooun ted to ' be pre8ent, I been "lsmng b Ir sls~er Mrs. T hos. 10diijDEl. Plio, "For veal'S my dig88· The International Live 8$0011: Show their paper or eVen for their job tlo. In Whlob lila servioes of a. oono. 'l'be '1, E : ohnroh held i$8 aonoa1 fllI.yd0..ok. , tion was 80 poor tbat I ooold only whioh wa& to have been 'Riven In work, the most of the ]att~r being ty Ilgrloa1r,ural Ilge nt ure deilired: 'fb"nkllRivlnl( 8ale Wednesday d ~erl1r . .. nd Mrs, ,Albert Merrlbew en. eut-tbflllgbtest foode , 1 tr,ed every Chicago nllxt mon'h haB baeo de· pro~uced at a ridiculously low figure l",A COIlOW Allrloultllral 1m 000'" and Il goodly i mooot of money tertlll oall t o 60' look dinoer l:;undl1Y t,blng tbat I heard of to Ket relief, ol~ed off tbl. year' owing '0 the pruvemebt ASllooilltlOo t.o be orglin 111'11.8 r~oelved , MIs8 L ouilie N WilsQo. sse Anson but oat until about 11 year ago wben appearance of the dreaded "hoof We have figured the matter down iZl'ld ut Dot le8~ tbaD I,bree hundred R C (i"rner-Ilnd 0 ', W Edwards IOod Mr G eor l~e M . Etl1ll'Ilords 11.' I Haw Cbamberlldn's Tablet~ ,lldver. and moo'h" dl8eaBe, and quar, to as close a margin we possibly 11lllmbers, wHo Il brunoh In eaoh lire deooratini tbe Interior of Mr. their bellO II tol home 00 t be A venue tlsed and Rot a. boUle of Ihem, did an tine tha' bas heeD :put In v'lue can: and we find there are leaks to wo8bip of not leS8 th ,n tenmem II.nd , Mrs. Obades Cook's well Mr. and Mrs.'Sumue} 8t!lDfield tire I flad the right tl'eatmeot. 1 soo!l for a oouple ot weeki., 1 W btU II. ' eqllipped bome, , onj oylng nn Overlu.nd touring oar, begllu to Improve, nnd s1I10e tllkt~1l Thts Is tbe 61'8t time' for llenral every pace. e are going to try ~.":"'Thls ASlloOl"tlon 10 plIoy one Rev. A. . K. argent.. preaobed bis purohl.llled of our ant.> sale8men a few bottles of them my diges.loo yeai'll aba' 'he Ibow bad $(I be abao a new plan and one we hope ou ~h\1u~l\od d()'l1~r8 per annom for Tbllnlteglvtng 8ermoo a' Jon08 RUIl Levloy & Bo v. e, 18 flne ." Fot sale by all delllels. doned, and in dolnll_10, 'hElUlllttDdll , readeis will meet with appro~a1. three yeaf'" towards 'the salary BDd Baptist oburob , Sunday, Novembrlr JotJepb tle.ulfJtOD , of near Wa.y_ • - • of stockmen aDd oa"lem~D will be Last year's subscrjp.tiO)1 li~t ,shows ex pe p 8e of !bhe oou"lty Agent, tbe 22. .~ nes v.\Ie, pent t3uod'\y Dere wltb N't,1iolly greatly dIBappolo'ed, allo She dtr~ III ney f or • l S pur .JOIle to ..,o pro. Rev . W~tlterwl1HiIl 'tbe p • tore oUbe show, wbo have already ~s that there a~e many who h!lve Nlded by baubble paper to. mature the M. E. buroh here 8'u udllY No. . ,- ~ - -,po' larRe som8 of money 10to 'be not paid their subscription. A.great qUI\T\erIY 1Qr, .lldvllllpe dUllng ~he vember 2~fh. (J(;Dle out Ilod benr Me:dicine for Children Mrs. George Brh.t"ll ~peot Satur. affair, but theT decided ODder 'be t:. d t. • ~bree' yellr perIod ' . 'blm "i:rd I' will do you aood aud dlt.Y aud ~undllY wltb a."W . DU! , 0lronm8ta.nce8 to do every$btollo many·o f t ~ese are goo , out shU we 3,-00 "ondltlon of thi/l gu ... raDty , , " r rea y nrn a go wben I wail ,lohn Zimmennan and we,r e gUtlsts their power to ellqrtna$e the dleeaae. have been' scoding them the paper ')le Al(rlollltlll"td Qom.nl88tOn and 'live ,~he , pastor strengtb Rev. livlo \In Plthtlbnr{(u ()~e. of my of A. W. DIU tlflttlrday and Bunday, • _. WaJker IB progrell8lv8,llnd up t o tbe bid b d II. ld ' ---WIthout asking them for the mone),:, tbe Colle"" of Agrloultul'e to under. qll.n ote ia bill profesSIon Be em- 0 I r en tL a ull,rd 00 und con~h. Born-To Mr. 'and Mr!!. Ber' Mar" r'NSURJ: CHRISTMAS ,PACKAGES th" r ta_~ &1) provide the futlds nacessRr.,. b ,. d d '" 2 80 dreadtqlly, Upon the ailvioe of, latt, Saturday. November 31, a One _ b~ an d •we ' ve no . ,.og In,, retur D I'" ~ • $he (l4ymen" .)t lahuy "1 lEi ..:I p, m. 110 d rugg 1IIt I • purouu811 ... d '" bottle . "" oompl"te . er tue lOre a1l tthhlme ' of boy. ". &'0 In'IIUt~~''''' ' f';"".I. o 11 . . ~_ .. .. sendmg them tb ~ t' ~ ' d '-' t te'" 1 pur pool J!Qom b~1 mG'veuo (Jut o( Uhawbe"I" ln'8 Cougb R em edy anA Do _ .. .,..... _5 ...,.. .... . e paper over lm .. ,' !ln , 'ApODeell e a 00 upe D. a"~ town 8D~. 'be loaf'8!1 arelll,otin ill the i t ben\lfitt~d hlrn r\'t onos, ' 1 fiod I~ Dilatel , tI , Luoas II.Qti lOll Stlnty besD inboduoed ~1'J'by you ~o Therefore, 00 December: 15th, (lolturlil a/J.ent during thill ,period. 8torel. ,For lIevenl y'eare tbf'lY 'h b ' were Bauday gueatlot Amol ..,JaoAt•. IDiota yoUr Ohrl.,ma. ",6Upi. .G . . :. 4.--.:I:o\01lIe any ouullty shall ell· "p 6f"t ouugq medlolne t ,r 'o hildren 80n A I' ... ed .. ..... ' le ' use It)fI pleaSllot t,o 'b ike, Tbey' , .. puce V u a ••"" . or . ~ ~Y . , the Miami a,zette , wll] be placed ti\bltrib _ Ilod eqllip Iln expallmen~ hll ve been cQrdlany reoeived 1n tbe on a cash bas' d th b d '. b I I f tb plaoes of IlmU8ement do not obJ ot to tu.ldn" It-," wrltee Wilbur DoM, of D.yton, llpent be 10lured for 5 ceDU , ud. paro.-;~ ..,., LS as regar s e su un fOr • e prov 8 ons 0 B Tbe grain elevator,at Port 'WlIltll M\'s, Lafltye tte TOOk, flomer L"U,y, Suod.y ,wltb Barvey Dodd. valued a. from $2.6 $(I 15Q may be : ~ription lis~. That is, we w~1 put ~::D:~u~~r.r\:~~~::~~~:~'IIII~:~!l~ III Cltnwil County burned to , ~he Pli. Tblt! JemedyCODtlllUSno opium 1 Jotm Shaw and'f~mtly were SUD. 101ll1Iell: for 10 oeD*-. . Th~ is a mto execution the-plan of dlsron'- titon of iucb coun&y IItlaU be released gropod tlaturda', . nl,bt • Novem ber torotber nluootiQ uud may be given dll.Y guest-s of hll brother LeBter fearore 'bat 'hOOMDd(l of people tinuing 'every subSCription upon its 'from all paymen$8 for 'be IIUPpor' 14 . ' '0 a oblld 8e oontldently B8 to ~lJ Shaw. wlll alEe advaoal80t, a. it b "or&h , r b ' 10 ' o.dult !:I Id b • - ' ... 10mB$ht'lll to know $hat ,be parcel expiration " 0 t lIooonty tt~ent IIIn" Imy uo used Tbe Higb Sobool butldtuK .at King! ' • 0 .v a 1\ d eB1ere. . Will receive promph\HoUo>O, . ' I' '11 1 t fundt'!shall be r~turned '0 the 11111110 mau lu Oltn'oo couo'y borned Tnel!. ' -- • WORLD'S LARGEST TUNNELS ; . • - • d I ht N b 17 bl b N B , TWspan WI app y 0 every- olll&ion ( Supply of Wood for ,Pencil .. body. There will b~no exceptions. • _. a~Ye:Jre 10::empl:~0, bv;,o:a ::~ ew urlingt9 D The United States J b~ tor 80 loog, !!last Africa bas' now COlDe forward baeo pre-emlnen' In the relllm Of When .the time ""'pires , v our name Trv This for Your Cough tornttu~e WIl8 , oonsumed. Cauee J H ,: T " -- .. , . , k.n onBs 6w",ln,8, of jpton Co, size th",t it comes almollt·.., II ,IIhock with 8. new wood lultable for' ' lead wUl 'be lifted fro~ themailinglist. . rhoulI&ndllof .~o~lekeepobOgbunoWD·llld .• @pent8pll.rtoflostweek at ~h6 '0 relllize thlit the latgeIC railway pe;lclls at a time wh9ll tbe suppll" of · b ' b 7"- '11 'b 109' beollU8e uOAble aet tbe rlgb" Geor,e BllUlton 18 .Improving bls homeoth18 couJlln, R. B. HalllE'lns. hDDels Ilre OD tohe , 9oatlneo~ of Arne,rlcw cedllr, 10 lanIel'f . employed, Every su sen er · WI e notified, . . . property by addln a an addi tion to " remRd-. COugbll are ollused by In .. Born to Mr nod U rD W Id however, so l::Ie w:iU have a chance l' J . ~ L"'ma.r, w. a . on !llurop&j of theae tbe long811t is the· for. tuat purpoae, 'ia approaohlq u· , filttpmllUon Of Tbro>4t and Bronoblal 11111 110ulle Btlllar ' oee . Mo,rle or enear Simpion. , haustlon.· .. or- ~, r ew hra suhscri'ption , ~foreihe i'UI'IIl'. ' Whae you need 18 to' soothe t:lallluel McGee, of Riobmond, Ind OakJlIond u dlln €~llter, Ma.x!oe, ' expiration. ' , Fbllllllfl"mmatton Take Dr. Klng'B ill mak-lng bls- mo'h4n'-& vlalt . Mi8s-Mmru":1B.1l1'1au-w~a-8 " This plan is done to adopt r-4ew' UUlcvvery, It peDe$rate& tbe few days confiDed to ,ber' home wi b soilltica ,jelioate mUO,lue linIng, raill81 tbe W"lter SilverI! Is not Improving for three m ntbs s nifor(ld n relapse ,em me thod 5, a~d to coml,>ly with the pb~lIlIrn Ilnll · 10ioll:ly relleve8 'be allils eilend8 woold like • . ' last week but i jmproving Ilgaln. to sell the most remarkable bargfun in the n tal Jaws, ~D d"lS·slmply buSliless. '' Oorfgfotlled mtlUJ branes 6e' a 50e. A tn,OB De boll.rd i 1 8t 1' ll oarr ' y1 ng , Wm. Mbon and family bave ,orO! maaaz1ne world tbilly.ear, ' . . , holitJlI frOID YQtlt drulfglst. "Dr bl ' l In ullna . Come in at . once ond , settle 17'1 ' N arm a.. .... moved Into Eli 8ruwn 's property, Q, 08, B ew Dl~ol)"et1 qnlokly and HUllking Mrn by machinery and ' , "f~ ~i1!8 Heleo liJIl\ir ' nterblned I.he acCount. so ,that YGU ,'will Dot miss oomvle~lV' lit p~"" mw . oou"h" ""'" " " b y bllnd {8 belnR Indulged in. . 61 GI I • d a single paper. , ' -vrlte .. J. R. W"tt8, :.'lloyd \le, eaner r B :jlltur ay 8oft~rnoon. M" b " If nO'!I&. IIIfl~, hHO.• ,i t The I Py'h(an t1lster8 Lodge "was Th e W . C.., '1' . U . met 8t tbe home t thi h t t h ! vneY' , ~o~ \,Tbe purpose 01 sear· o· eart ~el\rly alwaYIl help!!. All dr ggists. villlted 'TQeeday nlgM by tile in8pto of Mrs. E. O. L.emar 'rhursday: WJc js t9 giv.~l,Qur patrons ootice of • - • tor IlD4 members' from Lebanoo an Fire WIIS discovered In tho 'sl1mT\lOnePllfton ' b ', Oaptai~ 'F: L, Harras . the c ange, and we , will · expect THE SEVEN' BIBLES puts the teaDl work on with the IlR mer kltoben of' d o '3rd Uorr's .reI!. A montbfy salary 8~d a liberal CO~IssIo!10b each order. Salariu run up to 1160,00 per prompt payment from' you' all . • , IllItanoe of bill sillter,' ,i~ Ruoh a W(l,y Ideooe I\t; 2 o',olol)lr B. m,. Wednes ' month, . CependiDg , 9n the , Dum~r Qf Itrdet'/l. 'We du Dot want to raise the 'price The Seven Blblel! of 'the World It brlogl 'o redlUo 'he Seam and dl\Y, Alt ho ' i '~ w S rapidly gaining I This wQrk can be .dolle ~ your .pare time) and AJe tbe K'Otllll oUbe ' ¥ohBmmed~oll, honol' to ,the order. " belidw/l.y th ~ ~ l g o roUJ! wnrk of the Deed not conflict.with YOUT pres.;nt duties, No of the Miami Gaiette, ' and In order 'be,1i:ddu of ~118 J~Il'0Illnllvl'ranll, the fa ba ' uelghbors SOOD got it u{lder control. investment or previous e~~rience ~ecesaary . . to keep it at t)Je old pric~ ypu, ,on 'try Pltlk.ell of 'be Buddhl@t. thll Five ~:; E~er'e 8~~p:f:~ ~t:· I~Y:~ Reviyn.l se'rvioes will b gin lit tbe We furnish (ull equipment Lree, ' , your . patt, 'ought ' te be ' wiUing to. lUng .. of, tbe Cbloelle, tbe Three ' , of last "eek. ' Frfe od's ohuroh Son rifiy' condnoted Write for ptlrtlclllafil to ,. , , Vaq.1 of ~be BlndOOf, tbe Zeoda' by Rev, Ell I! Ill' WQoll~m l1Dd Merrill ' The ' RkIKW~ Company pay your subscription wheo it ex· Vei;t,ll. Ilnd ' 'he SOril}IUreS uf , t,he is hera tn all of its Kral. Coffin s\ngillg evung lis t. : ~ . , hllve ' had Inow, I 8prtna and ~aoClOUpl8te.. NeW Yo"" ... ,res;Ubrletf.Ds ThO iJrao hi -- • -..,.--... ,- • ra"ene of ..heee seven ' Bibles" ttod for what.e ver oom~~, 'the qdllrantlrle Don't Delay Treating, .vou.r Cough 110' I;hlln 'tb~ eeventb oeDtury 1& OD, tbi war ill 00. doing Ita ~eailh A. sligbt Dou gh often becomes It Ie a 9Ompoonil ' of work and 'we. know not wbat Ie to Redou!:!, LUD II:~1 get oODgested, oron - , QU I",.,tloonl~ _ fl,om Uld and' ~eW' Tell· oome n'o xt. " , ohilll Tnbll>! fiJI wltb touoous. Your .' , !III tbe ' Talmuw and tbe Yr. &~uel ' ~lioQptI .~ transaoted vi tality is r c1uoed . Yon need Dr. Barnabas '(he 'Edil'llt! tsol"ll'lllll••'lal~e' were'flrllt pub, bllslnel!l 10 WayoeevUle 'wo days Bell's Pille. Tmr.BoDey. It' soothes your Irritllted lill' passages, loosens , Obntury. last we~k\ UUIUUU"'~" ooot.l~ , Our d"n06 han .ls olosed fer ,the mu'ooull II lid , makes your system Stock and Winter, the"pool I room i8 olpsed on resist Colds . G,ivf' the Baby. and , "..' aooouo' ot &be "at , tra.x. All pl~8 Uhlldrell Dr. f!eU 'a 'Pi ne.'l'", · B oney, " of amullel1lent IIi ' OUf.. olt, arl! 1" id h's gil ro'nHItHi roo !i'elp them. Ouly Posted on pedigrees" and values of allije aod .. protraoted 'm eetlpg will 25e lit your Dl,~ggi8t "1 . . . . . . _ ' -_ kinds,of breedi~g stock. . , be 100Ner. • The' 'DorMII tlLolety oompoiled Of CaeSlar's Creek ,. EXpe#enced laa,dling 'faI1l1 ' ~es ' Since' ladtos of tbe M E: oburohc of Way 1905, . f , ' ,,~ve oomplete~ 'heir proDI~ • • • f, ,tbe;f would idonate*1200 Mrs EVil Kyne and ~on. Paul, of In,,, ...,,I .. tlJe , e~eottoQ 0; , tbe~r new Dear Bprtng VI~lley. we,re vtaitorll o~ T.rnu 'Reumiule' I'nt""'nh i th", bave: pald ,It. YVb/i. Chllrles Ei~ruer ond family, Tburi\. . ,llldtea start ,._a. tel' t~ey aet. day , 'lIllrely' de~erya irt'~' oredl~ for ' Cbauncey Bunnell and famlly .and GRADUATBtO~ TBB I Wayn~.ville. , untiring ffforte It unght bi! Mr8 A. M, Burham were in Day. .A.TIONAL A.UCTION , ,Valley T~~hone 4S.2r aod 18 to, 'f'oll or ~be , sll$er. of our.obnroh to too Friday. ' ,' . ~ OOL .. A»BBlClA. John WlIso'os entert&lned 8e thAlr Imipolrt':tjlln11t,(xlhr it ' f o r m . vel'\" ootq).. 10 pO~!lellt\lon 0; Roqre of thu ' ::I:tf~~K'I;:~ Ex::sf ' ol,n'~eo~ ' with, toll tn~'~uotloo" tQ ' guests Suoday, ,tI4r. and . Mf!!.' 1!l1.~ m/tD r ng appg'" Ol1r obarob oeeds ' fioan Blllnes ond I,WO cbildren. Bernloe "t;l!IIU.IIJlU·K · ov. ~o.DrIo... olal'ald •• ""eli a8 Iplrjtnalalld may aod Bylv88tel', or- Wilmlng'':QO • • t olll~.. IAter.,..t, t b b ' , > ,oomro.hbie" and we all 8t: , G~y , aDd , uUd up our &!"~8. Mllry Leamlng II&'~ -Ill be tr8~~ b;V Per qloth·er. Mrs. Su~aDa Power", "at Wa klr.g, . tile ' "tud, of ~or& Wllll~'ln. Tbtlrlldliy, " 5litll'hi,ont their Jlflf'fI WOJIr. Walter Sta,nleY ' hltd the 'miaror ' )j)nt.luu,u. program e to ' ~6t h '.i tinger cu~ 0.0 a knife, frOID t "olook lalbe mol'D I'D oorn hI1l8ker,8durdav. u~'h.8 ,,'.,Iook 'ID tbe a(Sern..OOD' Mlsa E\t~ M'nJford, of IIMt Waynel ville! wall tl!e' gnest of,a" ofljab. Davie and rAmil'\' .:!llUdllY, " Mol'. Ilnd Mil''' ;.. S: Leamlng hlul lUI tbelr' gueel;llSnudll,.Y Ralpb ~.m · log wi#e aDd danghter ~nd air . aod Mr•• ' 6owaJ'd, , Ullmlll8', of oaaJ' WilmlDjlton, . Mr, Bober' tU.ole, and famll)' called 00 WIlliam t;ompSODIISoui1a),• ...





.1 -



.--. ........ -

. . . . . - . . . . - . . - . . . ~....,...~..-.--.-.







EVERYBOOYI~I~SPri'15CO .}' $~" . Ttt " .50 'L '







W. ·N. Sears ·m




.-- ..



.:...------------1ntllng1~ l thImr. that lt W~lI to 1I1~ ~rlend Amory, he count dna 'better .



• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••






work ing c~lInce out 'West, Rnd bod start d on his journey tbu s abru ptl y to spare th o pain or pllrLlng wltli hili PROPERLY PLACED; TI1.EY A~E good, kind friends. . EXTREMELY DECORATIVE. Th II for three years those rricllds • bard nOlh l,!lg o[ Bertram n or h of By AL.VAH JORDAN GARTH . them: ' H,e went n:wny from clylll w · lion. 'Wlth a body at sturdy prOHp c· Also Add to ' Size of Room, in That They Do ' A'Y"ay WIth the Appeal" "You are the noblest man I ever tors he braved: tbe bardshlps or two .nee of Apartmf!nt Bclnll. trylpg Alaska wlntors . One day Berknew!" Crowded, Her talr soul In her ey B, Evelyn tram turned up at the hom of. hIs Snow s tood before th ~ mILD ",'110 at l~e elster, 0. Ured·out man, bronzed, roughrlslL of bls Ute had saved ber brother ened, but tlreaklng down v,oltb u fever, 1\lIrrors IDlm edlately ollell befor e the from a terrible death In a runaway. There "I\'ere w ek~ o~ lonely Illness, ye "mille of space. The 'r oom Is reo Sbe ,was \rembllng all over. In her th!l &. nrotra ted con~ale~eence. He tlecte4 until it seems twice as larg'e eYefI WIl8 t he 'Irarm ardor of more than WIl8 seated In hit! Invalid chair ono , IlH It·ls. /l;ot only is the cromped feel. DINBUROH Is always !Jaunted by one Mar 8bolt-that lhlrd duchese «ntltude, and Bertram Morse read Bunny arternoon when be called bls l ing counteracted, ,but there really Is by ghosts, to · thoBe who have ' who WII8 1-1'101"8 "Kltt:!' Rur tnlr;' ancl what It 'fI'al and bl. heart seemed sister to bls sIde. more s pac to work with fer no mat· read a little his tory, the novelH who was gracious to a complUlY whleh bursting. "I am gettlnlr nearly well enou&h to t er how milch we have to'l)ut Into the of Walter S«:01l and th e min· illcluded the poot Gaf Evelyn ewayed toward him . Closer mo,'e on' again, Bertha," be said. "1 room, it s tili does not look crowd ed, 8trels~ ot old 'Jloats, says Philip High Strut Now a Slum. came the cberry Ups, bent on belltow· want you to call In the la.wyer tomor· · wrlteli "~Ih el Davis Senl, In the Duf· Ibbll In the London Graphic ; but There are famoue obaract fa to mef)t ~ upOn blm the Illes or ulter thank· roW. ~ did Quite well out Weet and flilo Express. when the king Is there and old cere· In Diemory to the left and right of one fulne., the re\'\'llrd for hll courage brought a tidy little fortune bomo with l\lIrrdrs' also ealcb lind trall sDllt the moni es are I'evlved 111 bla honor, lind nil the way .Ions 'the Cnnongate and and manliness. me. I want to seLUe It on you, tor 1 light . So trne Is tbls tbat you cau al· tb e '1llIlrll of tbe ancient ohlviliry ot th e old High street, In overy Cl068 "No!" he said, and . hili voice was ma.y 1I0t return again." most mnke on e ", Indow do tbe work Scotland Is 'lIghted up by this royal wllh Its narrow entry leadlDI! to tbe hoarse and restrained and li e held ber That was bls determln'lUop, The or two If you inBtall a mIrror on tile visit. tbe gl10sts walk 80 that one CUll "Ilinds" hehlnd-thoBe inll whIte at arm's length. Sbe deemed that his old tugglng had come I.ot his heart o ppO Site Wall. You wtll set double tile hardly rail to meet them down by Holy· hOU868 built like fortresses aud denBe· expression conveyed a harge of un. when he realized that !'Ie was com· light , anyw ny. rood nnd round about the Grassmnr· Iy crowded, which held wllhln a smalt womanllnoll8. She tried to break from paratlvely ncar to Evelyn. Wben desNowaullY s decorators hold that you ket alld the Oanongate. . aren. all tllM Is famous und Jjoble and blm and hide her face for sham.e, but perately HI h~ had tbought of sending CHnnot li se too roan y mirrors- that On ce again lights are I\lIshlns, In nl p.IDorable In the story of ole) Edln· lie held those strur;gilng hands lmprls· for her, but had PtocroStlnat~d the o~ you ncv r have cnoll gh; that aside '_h e window!! of Holyrood Itself, und, burgh.' It Is a elum now i wbore tot· oned. "Wall!" he said, sbarp pain In de~l. Now, however, he_sold . " from Ihelr uses th y ha ve a de~llJed n'anderlug tbls way by nlgbt · for Poi tered garments hang out to dry. wher e every accent or his ,'olce. but tenderAnd mall tbls letter, Bertha, and It nrtisth' value , . }IOyort}· i t; no lIed In crowded t ene· stroll under th e stare, one'll rol noss a.nd decision, too. "You and [ ..".88 directed to Evelyn. :$0 let U:l IlUYC mirrors ' We mllY I;I'OPOS bllck to lhe romulltlc, tragic men Is, from w111th on dn}'s of rOl'lll need not misunderstand. Your troth . He bad aske d ber to ~"me and see h l\V lII e ln III l)anels b lw~cn our win. m m9rles of this bouse of gb<?s.tu. One progress. ",hcneyer II currlng 1,asS6&, Is plighted to . Amorf KendalL He Is ~llm and I bring her husband 'I\'ltb ,~!r. dows. If lU e spaces a re Ilbuut whidow womlln's fllce peers out upon one th ere , s warmll out a IQgion of "OOrllt my best Il'iend. 1 dare not be trencham g~ ng away Jlev~ r to return, (\ width. Th ey s hould be set Into mold i'rom the dark shadows. There bellintl blllrns" with shrl\l cb eers and Autter~rous tohlw. You must not. My wrote. I want to make Amory a Itttle ing!!, be or window II Igllt and reach the Willis ar those illtle dark·pauel ed IlIg TllgS. bu t where. In do ys gone by, love!"-and hlB great frame 'Was present ~ut of the tortune I bave made dowlI'to thc floor so 8S to reflect the rooms In wblcb she sat smiling and the wi t ondl fa s hion and run k of Edln· sbaken-':oh, my love! This sball be and don t know what to do with." Alld chltronl er. Tl.Ils position of 0. mirror hldln~ her heartache, where m ell IIald burgh wer e closely houtled . ' the aupl'eme moment or my life unUl I w,snt your part ing benison -tbe Bee mln r:~f ' enlarges th e room and ~e-I homage to ber 'a nd schemed her ruin. In Lad Stair's close th coul\tel!. I elalm the kisl 1 only de(er." . f1 ~ :.t.,/' tli e gelleral IIgbt or tile room. whero poets made eonnets ! to her who lIave 11er name to lh place ,ke pt "What do you mean 1" sbe fluttered. The lIgbt.s were low at eventlde ,wO Mirrors can be set Into the panels, .beauty and preacb\lrs scowled lit \Ier: up great slllte In a little Rat, att er and longingly. days later when the InYalld be~rt " a. oC a door or l11tO the fram e. Or tbey ce can be laid in VIUlel8 on the lYall sur· I laughter. There, still, Is tbe very the unhappy !lays of he r married 1I(~. "Tbat I am going away, that I hope rustle at t~6 front dcorway and a room , tbronged on most days ot the when ber lJ"rst husband threatened fa you will be happy wltb the man whose that t.brllled blm in converse ~ ,f his rounding the door openIng. This gl ves yellr by ' loud·volced tourists, w\lere cut hew thront· with his rapier, and ber . ,lory III IIJ claiming you liS bls wife. sister. It was Evelyn. an excellem eaect If the po lUI) f! i! be rose with. ber bp,nds to hel' breast secolld husband struck h'Br with bill But through all tbe lonely future I "Bertram!" and a welcome form the door Itself Is s~mewb t t s ~ ~t t ot ihe clatter of feet liP the stoJr\\:nys, fist. She was tb.e lelld' r 01 fasblon wiah to feel that :lOU ov,oe me tbat kIn. came l.nto t~e room ..... " Oh, why did you It does not OCCUP)' an aU a t~rma . not lIelld for me t--erore during all your ' rae ve apace, , It may be years, but some time, some lonel Illness?" or is not attractively placed In the I Esp,eclally adlpted for ev.nh,g wear, .. h·lng the sbelter of her skIrt to the In Edinburgh when Lady fIIary Wort· pl&Cft I _hall allk ",'hat honor bids me "T~18 ll'')J',1 nt compensatell tor all," space, this should 1I0t b" attempted, thla (llr.ce~ cape II faahloned of em· llalhln clerk. Rlzdo: untll Dunley, her ley Montagu came to record lier 1m· husb:lnd. ~ut his arms about her and pr8sslon8, and a. stat ely old dame no,,!, postpone. Wben I as~, will 1 murm ':. ed BJ-tram unsteadUY. . To bave large mlr rorll .paneled Inlo brold'm,d mou ..ellne with colllir and kept her atlll wblle Rutllven a]ld Mor· given to tbe strongest langualle In mobave that kll." " "And now 1 am hero," continued rl,gbt·an.gled walls Is distinctive In the atraplS of French blue satin ,' a,!d ton ad Kel' o( :Fawdonslde butchered menta or anger. ' "Yel, )le• .::..ob, you are bn,akln« my ll:velyn, "you will not. send me &Way, extreme, You wUl see this Idea car- trimmed with banda of fur. their man. tn tbo clianlber . beyond. , Home of Fimoul ~olk. lleart!" aDd Evelyn rail from tb l'OODi will YC)U 1" rled out In th~ sketcb. .A dellk table la are other places In Edlnbur-ch In Hynden'& 'close, where the earls of In lobbln, dlatracUon : , .,' "But )',our busband Amoryf' placed below qne rhlnor, a tarteta upTE '1'bere where one la baunted by the spirit Stirling lived, wall the bouae of Lady JJerttam MOqle 1I'J1'led (rom (he " ' bolatered sofa belleath the otl~l!r, Ellg. HATS IN BL.ACK AND WHI cf ~f ry QueeD or Scota, wlrOBI! b68ub MII~well of J\'Ionrelth and lIer thl'es bo~" qd, vtllltiity. He lboUlh~ o;ly . ~d you not hearT He dled a year and.dan moldlnge trllme the mirrors, • ago, ~pla1ned Evel),n In a subdued which nobly fulfill tbelr double duty Moat F'avorecL Colora Ju.t Now. Ind' beWitched the hClllrta of men less dour beautiful dausbters. knQwn al till! than John Knox Ilt\d more chivalrous "tbree I'ompa ot Monrelth j" one 'Of tone. Bertram, 1 wlUl bill .true wIfe, of IIgbtlng and enlar In ' . With tit. Right Trimming :Ar. ' and I told blm all. He dIed bleallng . g g. • ' wbom, Miss. _Jan'e, arterwardB Lhe . Really Charming, ' tban Bothwell. Never put one lal'ge illlrror~dlj.ect1y, me a8 hIs faltbful, devote!f companIon nll~ aB tbe carriages pbs through duchess of GQrdon, wns once Been rill· and y.~u u the truest friend heaven .0PPolllte another. I~ this way YGU ob· Although mucb latitude In (he way at the gatellt' of l-Jolyrood and blghhind In&' down the High IItreet on II. ,80" ever p'Ye to man." . color IB permllted In millinery, black· Iloldlers swing their killS acrOA8 the' wMeb Miss ElanUne thu in ,,"d i\u!lUly One hand rested 'chreSIID&IY &Cro.1 90 IIV\ld a.nd·whlte Is most favored for the talJ. courtyard, anothe~ I\gure, tall and ~eblnd ,,'Iib 'a stick! . R I the fevered brow. The other. held hIs There may be a dash ot. cotor 80me- debonair, appears b ef~re one's mind's Lady Anne Lllld8ay, who w rO l ' ''Auld hand and the contact tbrllled blm. and ·all !lata tn Ulls and where al>out tbom, but just at I\rst ·It eye. One sees Prillce Charle!! Edward, RobIn . ~'father' III dead," sb", Bald ,mourn· any rate tbe predilection Is for the all· who beld bls cou'r t h,ere on bls last otber (II ses near by w\lre the scenes tully. ' ~Tbere were no ehlldren. Often adve nture for 0. crow'n , In '.6. Th e of fash onable little ()ar lt~1I In the black or tho black·and·whlte hat. I have wondered-" ber voice died It would be dUll cult to explain lust fau-Its or tlle Stuarts were . forgotten ,elghteentb and early nln l eenth c n· down alld her bead. sank low. why the new bats have such a differ· "Wondered what 1" be asked loftly . ent appearance trom tbose ot. last '. "It 3' OU would ever ,COQle back-:lfyear, but tbat they have I obvtoul!, .If-'' . Fo'~ cm'e thing, 'a ll hats tbat are "I -.t,oUld claIm , that dear kin!" be supplemented. . and 'therefore a nIcety at "Vl!8"-~el' voice was tbe mereat Isb tbat strlke!l the eye lit a glance. ,whisper n~w. , . ' Then. all trlmmlngll-and theTo Is not "Its memory hall made my to be an overabundance-are pqlsed an~ belluJltuJ," be laid thrilllllgly. so tbat tbey artect a dlrsct line, even "Dear Amo..,.! we both loved him. we to the I?llImes tllat droop gracefullY at hoth were true to him. YeB," al\de4 tllelr tips, and thiS goea toward ac: Bertram clearly, "you can ltay, you , centtlating tbe certain "fixed" appearmust stay, for I calUlot. 1I'fe wltbout ance wblch In gowns we characterlzt' you~t' ,i as toJlorlng. , \ , "And tbe kllla'" her shy tace waB 'liaU averted but every pulse .wu flut· taln the disquieting e~ect of aeelng Charm.uae II Ten'acloua. many, many rooms at once. This Ss , A great deal of' taffeta and mu h tering. . dlsconcerilng wben you are reasonably "I wIsh It now," he .~ld_ , sure 'you're I.n only 'But If It'a so~t ' moIre have ).,een ,wor.n, but ,therll . . (Oopy~lghl!• •1014, by W. G. Chapman.) AW&¥,' Is a tenacitY In , cliarmeuse whlcb your room, you might get the habit •. (.> caus'ea, It ~o , retnl.. Its tavor through '., SINS BEYOND ALL', PARDON And to see one thins multiplied ma.n:f changes of fashion. Women great many Umes Is 1\ .talltng Wh'loh f8 who 'dreS8 ' bave to acknowledge that of reaehlng;tb6 outskirts of ,the town, . ~ o',tm,ng 'alobe 'ln some secluded wood· 'C~ward·'c. and 'Trea'aOn' Nev.r Con' not always un4erstood. tben~ Is a ' dlBtlnqtioll between wbat Is land !spot where he. could·'·thlnk out and doned lIy Women-Feellng That Bmart and what ~II (asbJonable. , :rat· wear out tbe great grlee. that "',a s con· Deeply RC?oted. The teta or inolre would be amBIt,' bu~ sumlng hIm. He t~e4 '~l ~ .\lown 'a :BeM'er, f)tch, fOx. at ' "arfou:; sorts, charmeu8e would be decidedly fash· sIde lane as he saw coming toward blm Woman wll1 forgive &tmost·anythlng monkey, kolln~ky, broadtail-all tbese lonable. ' P.rud8bce and fashion are Amory Kendall. But the lattel' bad In man exeept cowardf'ce or treason, varIous , rurs Ilre largely' eoiployed Iiotb pomblned In ,tile steely blue ,cbar:-;';'~:::;-7-:---~ " t!!I1~d-1IrltlIt;--llre ran ul' to Bertram. There she draws tbe line. - Not only by the falDous delJlgnel'l!. SODle or meulas, ' wblcb Is now so much , in chen-of)h' tb'e irgoQd ~cotll blood , WDIJ tu~e., when 'Scottlah Illdles took to altectlonately entwining the arm onhe Is, the fee!lng instinctive; but It comes them, too, are openly using float. fasblon, and a darker tone, Which Is rum jlmbered, and Itbe' romance wblch tea d.r'lnklqg and mutiic, ",ben tl:te .et.t,1 ' loyal friend be loved next best to to her ·thrQugb long years of human Ooat. hy the way, Is one ot the sub- akIn, to tbt;) crow's wJng. All i.nter- bound them to th~ heart8 or the Scot· at ~ellle was considered an excell lit .o !l:tbe JeW's·harp, wben 811 Elvelyn. . ' , . . ev~l!l~lon: . In tbe earllcst ages 'her stltute's, 'perhaps the only one, for 'mlXllure ' pf black and wblt& · char- lisil' IleOI)le. ~, on)!311 ~old, ,tl1elr jewels ' Blllott Introduced tho Gel'nlen' "You big. brave fe\1ow!" cried K!!o· faith, as w~l1 as her satet.y. was In /lIoilkey fur, w.hich hall grown rat.her meuse has also done good sen'lce nil tor ,him'. The ' claus came down (rom the ~Ighland s; ,to ''fight tor hlw., - On nute, .wben Lords 'Haddlllgton 'and 001.' dall, "I've heard all about' H. Tlie ' the man who stood face to face wIth scarce slILce it became popular. , tbe sea80n til rough. .he night ' be[ore" :rt~~oDphns ' ' tl\l~ro, ville played the' vlolln and 'cello. 01ld ' whole , town Is talking o( the fearful ' tbe enemy and tought (or her. It Is \\las 'a great ball' at ~olyr'pod and ,the ",ben. Jaue- ¥axwell, 'ducbclIB of Gor. risk you took, and well they may. Oh, not a difference In berolsm tbat makes bow gratetul Evelyn will be! You men soldiers. Nature has arranged BASQUED BLOUSE IS POPULAR' yerr loos~vaguo II! .he Frencb word CaDlaron pipes playeii to tlie tune at don, ' Miss ':Jardlne, 1II16S bfurrllY , ot, ' used , to de8~rlbe tbe~ , and it certainly "'The King Slllll ~nJoy H.I. O~' n ,U nti'ose, BoslI Burnet, Misll Hsy 01 must come at once Illld see her." that very nicely and women 'know and , • . , does. They are tolded, almost shapa. Again." . HaYlJton and other (jllr women in. "I have jUBt lert her," said Bertram understand. They know. too, 'tbat tbe spired the inuse of· Rob~rt Burns, pl' Along the ·Canongate. '. ':. as steadily a.s he COUld. Amory, ahe a8tne nature- Imposes u~on them pertla Ecol),omlcal Garment, Beclus. It Can less garment.l of lace, chltron ',or net, Se Uaed to Advantage In So the 's hawl and, tbe kimono sleeve haug. Not. 'far :I\I'a~, at 'the foot (it tJ.e fired the bearts of many lIlerary gelt. ' Is ,8 rare jew!!\. Cherish ' hor as the and burdens .that exceed thoSe of tbe , Many WaYL ... . log oyer tbe shoulder as ,I( they mlg!it Canongllte. Is tlle' ,;whlte ~Qrse cloll t1emen, advocates and, men ot fe,sW,Iln. . apple of your eye!" battlefield, and good men understand fall ort Ill' IUIY ' moment, and ' tbe belt :ind the an-clenl hostelry wll)l ltil 111gb It Is fltranle 'and rathllr traglp, tbill ' "Why,how grsve and strange you tbat tlie' best they can ahow In pera m,o ckery trom thet point at vie'" of steps and pointed 'gable , where n;I.auy u~tel' cballf>e :WhicK blill made a. "slum act!" commented Amory. sonal 'courage and filrUtude Is onl1 a . • \l( Pt~nce Cha~U~'.s , o~CerB put Ul~. bl!· ' of .old Edin~urgll ap:d neopl ed S9 many "I feel so," responded ' Be~tram poor .second ~~o the fearlessness One of the newell~ I~novatlons Is the utiUty. Cor their marllb across ' the border. tamous bouses ' w1th bho poorel$t gravely. . womanhood." • basqued blouse. ot whlcb tbe flra~ rpod· 1'be Canongate !laelr, '+!~h It!! 'old 101. c1aslles 'In the city, who kllO\~ little or "Sort of sbaken up sfte.( your lucky ThuB patrjotlsm' blos&"ms and els were. seen &. short tIme ago. Materlala for Blousea. .booth nll~ anpleht houses,. I.~ cr-owded . tbe, a:omance 'whlch clings to th~ wallaescape-I Ilee," remarked the ' IIgbt· blooms' In woman'" 8.oul naturally They 'created cOll1llarativelY lIute co~· , hellrted Amory, lind let his friend pass as the old.fasbloned rose g,ciWB In ~el1t ,when tbey, appeared, for the fu\l The separate blouao Is recel vbll; ' Ita ~vft~ the. ~rent chara~tets ot Scottll!h 'abou~ tbem, and who live In .t he direst. ' on, little dreaming of the wild turmoil tbe old fllmlly garden . . Its rQots are slgnll\ ance at solitary models is haJ:d· .propel' share of attenl10n In tbe ,aU· blt tory, and .the ve~ . atones tell one aqualor III 'rooms wblch once were tllu going on within thnt loyal heart. down deep ; vltallty Is ever equsl ly anpreclated at first-but they ma...k. tumn calendar or tasblons, and fabrlcl, of the scenes. that )Vere 1114),ed, 01\ this apa'tmo~tB or lllustrious mcu_ .~cI Id ' hi h especially ) delllgned for It bave !Dade tlll)all <6~ce. Tbe Scottlsl1 noblllty women. , ... S~udent8 at . history stID,' Till , the dew8 of evening covered and Its fragrance Is ttfe B,weetest thlnll: an epoCh ,n UJ" blouse wor o~ w ,~ ' . him, Ull the 'd lstant bells chimed out In me. With ' full 'hents but tranqUn the true' value Is yet to be seen. . their appearanco. Among material!! bad. tliel~ ma'!.Blons ber!. Through, tbe prowl aQout the "Ianda, ..·. atUeta come ' d 10 .r tailored b.louses, lI , aUn will always g'!-tewaYB at night came their ret!llner.s ,and Bketc~. b¢re, the tolirlst with ,bl. I b e soIemn midnight hour, tllJ the Bouls women can 'Ilend rorth their 110reover, they hold one grell:' a . hold a p'romillent .1 ./.' , I place"-' iind strlped wIth ' 8WOJ'~ r:nd' bUf;:k el's ,\n~ ~Irks. Ii rst twittering · birds began tbe greet· sons, tbelr hU!lbandll, their sweet· vantage searebe. about tbese w),lldl . which their designer. cer a DIng chorus to dawn, bla face burled In hearts, Ulelr protectors fa d~n~er or Iy dtd ·not consider durIng their evol~· lI~lks I~ ~I~k and white, an~ .b1Ue Many ~ .man f~lt ,th!, prick a!,a bare for the 10d~I~Is of , BC!swell and Doo- . . the AraS8, Bertram Morse fought out to death-to anything save baltlng or tlon.·' , " ",lid 'wlilte, In IItrfpell ranglnc from bod~lnat hlB thruat '.tw.lx,t my Lord to~ Jobnl!on"pf Alliin ijamsar aDd or . one·elghth o( an Incli to two, Inches Sealonls llouse'r anll J;',!8e. Ro1;le~ BUrUl!I,' wbo tn Ba-xtsr clo.e d.lshonol'. A great ..... -A..m orlcal1 Bd' m ~1 .. has ' qu ' ed , blouse can be ., wpm , wilh Id are' smart .In' the crepe .Vi , ,·eave . his great battle. L ' .... " we, He lo,'ed 'Evelyn- he was e\'en sure• put It neatly when be sold 'VIctory . 1.1 I 'SIICC.eBS over 0 last 'Beason s aldrt IIlId ~ ,For elaborate blolises GeQ"gette C;l' e.:t.. T~e. torc.bespar~ , .bQut 'tbe, ,coachel "hUI 1!~~lTe or I!--- de~1 . tllbie l ' ~ded ot 'the pobles and. man'Y times a tall and .,a .Qbaff-bed at elgbt \>lOiloe.a tbat ,she lo\'ed him. He was unfortu· won b"3 the '\ "'oman behind the man tIle err~t at ali entirelY , 1'" • I " ~v IB '''t1ry sati)ltactory, ils 'It" Is· a crepe wllek; ' But t~ough the' ,worlel ot wit nate In not comll,)g on tbe scene until bebmd tbe gun.-EdllorlaJ In Woman'. da.te creation! The longer the bllSQue chll:roD and yet the better; beavler tree are'f ,up tn the nIght outside Amory bad proposed to ber. Good old World: '. the s' m " arter , - the blonse-ancI, Incl· qualities will \\iallh. · Pn~8Y ~' lIlo", Tolbootll to.. bCllJ! I\uma~ fruit In' tM I~d tallbl.on bal .depart'ed trom ' Olel ' 'Edlnblirsh, .though tbe Boclety of D\C)c). Amoryl They had been like brothers, dentallY: the longer the basque tb'e taIf.eta ",III aun be worn in the com. momflg. The paBQerby stares . up at Moray , 'Edlnbur«h b_ nelt' the 1101')' ot He ",aa not strong ,and muscular like Beginning of Antwerp, more It collceale, tl)e skirt. wbleh III In«"Wlnter, bOth rar tailored and more Bertram, and that. bad made Amory Antwerp It Is lIald, takes ItII name another tblng to be conSidered! A new ela.borate ", blouses. :A aat{n ' barred hoUse anll at the Jong bhleony below ttl col.den a~YI, the city ItBelf suli always lean toward him prolectlngly. tram a eaaU e whloh lu FrankIsh times model shOWB & basAued blouse ' of vollll In , the backgroun~ of 'navy~ ltB Illblell. It \fas OQ thl. very ~l· puta a epetl upon tbe Imlglnaalol1tbat Ladj'''Mary Stuart .at wltb e.ea 9~ an. EliIUshma-n-nnd, loo1ltnS Then, 100, he needed a WOIDIUI 'S tender marked the alte of the city. TWs ca.. printed Chitron, wltli vest and sl\leves greien, wls~rla and' wbltd'fIB extremelJ brldelllflJOm, Argyll, when ~aUant . upon It from Artliur'. seat, c;, to, there were Urnes when hts tIe was built to protect tbe entrance at flne "ilt a.nd a. sub wbleb clunea effectlv~" aB . are all saUn barred mao trail frame couk! not· withstand ' a of the Scbeldt, and to prevent forelll!:l1 0\11 In cparmeuse th~ color of t'he flow· terl~I'" A' new latin II,trl~d mal'Qul' lUUUU,."""wa, bl'9ught by In a gullo"a· ~hllrn Ita ,beauty II qUbpl'e.d below ifl. bali... Ueil. _ Tile ' cart One, all tbe: romance ot a thcrellUld chronic 1l1nellll he had Ihberlted. ,traders , Introducing goods , fntO the ri ou the c)Jltron. rhe 'buque Is lonl ~etjle III wlete ItrttMts III alllO ulled I. a' cart 80, ,,·tth the early dawn Benram countl'y "'Ithout paying toll to the :nd Is edled ~Ith ra~bloll'a new tanc), !'-lIlI&IL'en:1I1 ,~Itb,r (Of bl,' OUlf!ll. or _fqr; waR, iJtopped 10 Ulat Ar,eyll I1'Il"b~ ,aze yeara or blltory 1ttea1a out froID Ita Morse quIetly, .adly turned biB back sovereign lord. The penalty for theR ~monkey tur-whlch II h&vlng a 'ferl, ~DD till tne~)' ; , but ~ben MuntJ'c!.le- hillla, 1IIaClefl., U4 leaton. (If ,aSlant 011 ttle world that had belln, an.... tbe and smugillng was In those days tabl. furore as I\n edllnl, hldeolUl ~roec1 aia\! stared,at 'hIt. MUll .1Ith· abCI noble and traPe 'aDd :-:!Q aDd' 011•• be cherlsbed. And all through' . cuttlnl olr or a hand, and, .. iii It mn be In realtty. ed hie DOt ~ftll ' e'fen then .ttb' .P~ wuder about , thOle 014 the I ..rfnl ordeal he whispered to eo' the severed members lNfe Monkey tur la sp&1'l!e, hair), and ·pn· ; IDOL III the laat TIIat, In wJdcb Jle In the d~1I -aile, hllnMlfl thrown Into tbe Bebeldt, th. cpU; er"1y 6vet'Ythlns a fur oll,bt IiDt,lto 1.660. later 4rJ'1 ,...-sed u.qder the IIbaeto" c..ue fat"Wilen Ihe II oIAI and T am old.. anll eam" to be knoW1l' IU An4huDerbo (Dr, be. bUt' .. ~ IdDd Dr frio,. It ubleYell hlDiftIf oil JlIiI 'WQ' :"="'=Il~I:~~:,~~~a~~ . ..,. ~ Dot can, I ahall c l ... til "emfeb. Ant...I'JI8Jl) a friDle l~ Ida , of IIHdUaro...ID"~' TIW cutle atll Utouth we '~i==~ .lIItei • t4 .1. '" lit' two wnl"flll heGI Qlleal' OIl .....-:I ... ~~~;,~~:tl
















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Understand Ju,t What Moral Thl, An ec~ot~ Is In· tended to ePolnt .

"Now, t acbti rs," ~8i d til brigbt pu· pll, "attention, pI 880. Remember that we hava' on ly sIx weeks 10 skim -l1~~-t-I--rtrn....h-rtrIR terl'borrirbB1lM1)~ttlf\.g II. s mattering of Il doz"n olher s ub· j ots. I will now, procoell til write 0. scntene on Ihe blllcl(boa rd." One of the teach ers held Ull bls hand , I'Please, pupil, I"t 1Il w rill"! tllat sen· t en~ e. 1 wlln t th e practlc\l." 'T'he hrlgbL pupil frown d . "My dear sir. Ih at Is dend ngll1ns t our 1·lIles. We l!:iI'e you as little sctu· nl drill as possiMf', trrist1n g upon ou r own lelu;thy e;xplauntlOl's and til suo perb Ilunllty of ou r tf'xt·books to burn· Is h your minds." "Ulll, deur \1111)1\." 80.Id another tho \J & bl (ul ·looklnl~ t('acher, "I have be n loolnug ov'er these text·bocks and they are not lit all good. They bear the dog·earl d marks or c!>mmerclallsm and monopol y In th e makin g. Every autbor wbo wrlt~9 one ha s only the most su perDc:lal knowledge or hIs subject. Why not use some of the old, t e~t d books? 1-- " "Tut, tut ~ If yoU persIs t you'll be s'eut to the OmCl! , wh ere the sllperlntai,dent wUI talk to you Idndly about your moral natu, re for at lea st fi ve minutes . Remember, YOll mu ~ t all 10\' e your schooL'" At thIs moment tha gong rang, an d tb e brlgb t pu p11 ,s aId : "PerIod Is now o'·er . Now )'on can go out and play. acco rdI ng to tile latest schedule pr pnred by thc Na· tlonnl Pupils' Assoclntlon for the Ad· vancem nt of the Croup Tendencies In All 1'ellclters,"-Llte.


In·t roductlon of Improved Machinery Hal Been a Great Help to the Farmer. , The Introduction of Improved ILa· nrat week In October tha.u to hurry chi llery, la bor'Bavlng kind, bBB made the grain Into the 8011 before It Is we\) ·It possible for mnny fan;ners to grow prepared fol' Its reception. None but good, plump seed ehould large fi eld8 of potatoes and beans and com plete the work or harvesting In b e sown and the seed whe at 'tbat Is rnlx 4id with the cockle ahould bo run tilDe to sow the field to wheat. In this system of crop rotation the th rough a fannIng mlil before It " ' hoed crop will accomplish all that drilled. The re scems to be a prevalll'ng Idea [1 bare fallo w ll08slbly could a nd the elements of fe rtlllt y left III the soil that wheat will run out and that the a fte r the potuto crops Bnd Ul e bean seed ought to be changed eyery few OTOPS .ha ve completed theIr growth will years, but when we have a "ariety prove ndequnte to give the wheat crop th a.t Is doIng well on our farm ,ye should .be slow to make a change and a nIce start In the fa ll. '''illen the potato and bIian crope when we do it should be in a slow haV been gIven cl ean cultivation tbe way. • Maul' good farmers " that ] know grd'l'lnd will not reQuire plowing. I ~ fee t , an Ideal BecCl bed will result from have the eame wheat t bat the)' bad s impl y cultivatIng and harrowing. ten years ago and It , Btlll ~ ont" nue e If the laud for the' wheat field must to producc eatIsfactory . crops. But b e plowed the work should bl) dOl)e lhese mell have sown · none but the carly and tbe lleld kept well bar· b est seed' D'nd thorougbly cleaned ey· row ed up to the time t he wboat fs ery ·peck 'that b as been ueed In tbel" planting. Geeded. • , From my, own experience ] am ot On some' fa rms 'where there· are two the 'Opinion tho,t the tlm o ot BoeCllng Is or more types of soli It Is ,)(ten a of les8 Importance t han baving the judicIous plan to e~lange aeed tror;n s eed bed well prepared, and I would on ~ type of eoll to a~0t11er. Thi s also much ratber delay aeedlnl until the applies to other small·graln Cr6pt1.


{) en~rtain and to keep hIs mouth IIbut- these u.;e the du ties of an Amerlcnn ambassador la tIme of peace. But when lhe couutry to .whjch be Is acoredlted Is at war b e 18 called upon to do 80 many thlnga that only a mlUl , . ~f tile coolellt dl s posl· .!iO Il a nd 'Onest abJllty cOuld make bead· w~)' against Ute 1l0od of r eQullsts. His ESKIMOS NOT KEEN' TRADERS dUlles range nil the way from telling' a distracted tourl8t whe're .he can find Will Give Anything. No Matter the n doctor tor a cryJng baby- to sernng Value , for Mlhat Takes Their aR a m lt6 of communication between Fancy at the Moment. two or the great warting powera. F't'om every caJlital In Europe come Among the Eskimos of the BerIng gr.a.t.atul appreciations of tile splendid /lea region. there 19 no fixed value for " 'qrk done by the A.merlcan r e)lreBeotr whalebone. turs c)r anything lue), may till" s. l\'I'r. Gel'llrd hnd especial dlfllcu1- have to trade. It one or· them bas any... 'rnlle, fo~ Inalance, the cue of My!Jes to conlend Wltll. Wben. be tblne of value, ,he will keep It until rOIl T. Herrick, ambaBBll,dor to F'ran\:e, took up hie du.tles In Ber-lln and sQme white man, appears with someOn August'". when tbe German ambaarented the Scbwa~ach pal&ce at tblng tbat aplleliis to his eye. And PROFITAB~E , ~Itllor to l ilraooo received hla p ....porta. $16.000 ~ year. besides spandlng thll money value of what may take Mr. andU frs. Herrlek, were .Ittlng .n several thousands 'more In refUting, him does noi: mllke any dllterence tOI lb .lr (lJaJ]ui"nlled mansion tp the Rue ot b; 'e lngrat.ttud~. \Vom~n occus- undoubtedly be had lltUe tbougbt for him. If he has n trinket t hat may be l'-' ran,e ols Premier. Tbelr t\'Unu were tQm-ed to luxury cried curses 00 tbe- otl1er than magnificent receptlonll. a~4 worth n dollar, aod some one olfer8 to ~ tJa kEld II,/ld MI'. Renick was ready to ambar.8a~or·s bood for r&Jllng to keep d,lnners, the usual things Uncle Sam give blm for III something tb«i Is Cost ofThreshing Is Saved When band over his papers to blB Bucceslor. tbem ,trom slight hardships. Crop Is Handled as Hayalways. expects his dlpiomatlsta to d!l worth a tlioueancl dollarB but of which Mr. Sbarp. • Soon 'tbere came ~ven graver duo and to pay for ou!. of thetJ' own be hal no need he will refulle to trade. Animals Relish It. They' bad bad . : pleasant ltay 10 ties for our hard-pressed ambassador. poe.kets. . -Sut he will give anything he possesses ParlB, It hod coat Mr. "Herrick The Unrted States took ovel'o.tbe InBut tho moath or Augus t follnd tbl. for wbat be really wants. It Is otten a ma.tter or wonder why Ronteiblng like ' ,160.000 the Hrs~ teresta In ParIs of Austria an~ Ger- Mme lOagulficent 1I0mo filled wIth a An ilsklmo of St. Lawrence Isla.nd. tbose who mean to feed out an oats y al' at hla post. wbeo he bad to many. TblB was delicate busIness. mob of angry. complalnlng, frlghlened In Bering sea. made a catcb one 8ea- erop shoul(l handlo It 'in ,any. other J)urchas Ills furniture, and about elgbt enollJu In ltaeU to keep an envoy at tourists, unreasonably delnanliing tbe son ot a big bo:whead .wbale. Tb~ bead 'Way than aB hay. Tbe cost of threshthousand dolillrs a month tllo Becond bill wit.' end.. I\'rlght'ened women and ImJlOsllble. Mr, Gerard met tbem of blI.ll!'~n -was lV,orth tJetweell tun . and lug '18 sav.ed by handling the crop In yeat;. Stili t.bey bad met many Inter- chlldren of nations B stile ,t o France with oalm patience, He stood In bll Dfte~n tbousand dollars . . He knew the this way. Ilod all animals are fond of ea ting persons and no rude story abont must be protected or at least were con- office !lay and nlgbt, constantly It approxlmnte .va(ule ', of the head, but be it and thrive on It. Wblle oats Is not the crudity of Amel'lcan dlploJllacy 'jJad vhiced that tbey muet be. 'T'ben there leomed, giving word.s of !ldvlce and beld on to It with no apparent deBire 80 good on tbe 11011 as some or lbe aheer. Several times even aceomfIIl ered back to :Amerlea, Suddenly, ware Questlpns of state ' to be bandied. to trade. One day a trader I).ppeared legUmes, It 1Its well Into th~ rotation tile' aralnncbo feU upon tbem. ThIlU~lr: H,er,rlcK Immediately took ad. l)anJed trainloads of ~~~~I~~ll~!~-!~~~~+~~n:i?r;miii"~'Bl;lIi[ii~ ncb. valued and makes one of the beat cereal hay got ~ .am ,of ' Ietton, telegrams and ea- vantage of otrers or neslstance from terdani JUBt to see that crops. saYII Western Farmer. bles s wept Into Mr. Herrlek'a oIDce AmeHcan fri ends In Pai'ls and nrgan· through all rIght. Tn addition to t!lese at Ilerhaps two or lhree lIundred dol· It It Is intended to reed th em from dUties h had charge ot tbe Intereat lars. The sight at that so took the av ry day. There were panlc'ltrlcken Ized a large torce as best he could. tlJe Bheaf, tbey sbould · be out several tourlBts wishing to get home by ex- Tbere were sllveral committees formed ot EnglaDd, RUSSia. Japan. France, Bel. native tbat he s tralghway traded bls days earlier than wben they are to head of bone for It. prese tralp ' wbe~e tlJere were no $X- for rellet work. lie an\! Mrs. Her- glum, Servia and Montenegro. .FJlr obt In the straits on day be b o threshcd. The grain will be pracpro!lS trains, and there were anxious ~lL " wol'ke4 day and ~Ight. Tbey HIs elI·or· m,"'ere mlsunder"tood .b '1 "" " D ran out of gal~lI!le. He aben d one d t h e tically BlI good as later and the rest frlenda In .th e United Stalee lnllJtent p'aaed their motor caraln Bervlce. Tbey a scctlon of t.he German press, w~lch launcb for' tbe clUloe I\e was towing. ()f the plant will b e a good deal mo(e t or Im~~dlate news of tbe~r Mends: or~med ' heir hpuse and refurnlJlb.eil 'saw In his. asliiduity lb' getting Ameri- and paddled back to the Island, But palatable and more digestible. Tbe and r elathol!. It and ' here they go.l',e t e bomel~8,11 cans 1I.0~e tbe threat of war by he did not regret hie trade. He WIlS later cuttlng. gives a more . JJeB~.E)8 the' pleasure-see.kerB beeteg- lodging and Bupplled rood to manYI ,United st",tes against Germaoy, ~tl8Hed, and, ready to try for another straw. and some loss from sbatterlng tng him n\gll.t-and day. Ulere was tlJc They used large amounta of Ulelr own ' th~ bulk of Germani watliJ:1ed whale,-Youtb's Companion. o'f tile ~aln. If one haa plentY . of ' rel!ld enL col.(lJJr.}O be tbought 0(, ~o~~ mone~ hl Uuiir work. . Both' felt IU, A.m.BI·iean elDclency wltb admiration, storage room the bUI!d1eB can be piled sandS oHhem' craying a private, Inter- but kepr on Working.· ' Finally Mr. and Mr. Gerard was accl&Jmed .. a away under cover 811 Boon aB 8utllclent'. lnlplrlng BattlePlcturel' ".Jew .,and a~vlce about· lllP beat w"",, Herr'ck remained ,.the only ambusa- wortby representative of a great neuIy 'cured. Or. If a gOOd Job of stack. The ' Crimean war Inspired manY to manag'i tlil\lr alrain wltb- tbe Iud- dor in ' Parll. ." , . tral country. Ing can be done oats wll~ keep ou~­ den ,threat ot a ~Iege. Mr, §barp and" Robert Bacon. a forIn BelgIum Brand Wbltlock, our min- wonderful battle pictures, one of the doors until the follOWing spring 1\'ltb From SwUzerland and from north- lOel' 'United Statel ambaaaador, luck- Ister, found himself In tlie actual thea- most pathetlC1. perbaps, being "The very little loss wllb eltMr grain ~ra ltal~ lhe 'coborta i~ured ' lnto Paris. l1y amv~d In time to -»e ot· assistance. ter of 'war operations. First be bad Retutn from the Orlmea," painted by SlraW. Wben oats are to be cut Vflth They Tl\USl be Ihen care ,:until they . bllt Mr, Herrick did the ~rlnclpal work lo meet a swarm ot·frlghtened person I Sir Noel Paton, showing the retur;n a mower, tbe)' sbould be cut earlier could I)e 'Kot . down to the leaporta and his. name wlll figure In history caught In the rapid advance ot tbe to biB cottage of a corporal of Fusilier than wben tbey are to be bound Into witb an empty sleeve. bead sbeaves. Just after tbe milk "tage Is and shlPPlld aero.aB, the AtI.antlc. , Blilpa With th"t of WallliblH'ne. American German IU"my and eaeqrt tbem to Ant. beard . 'Wt!'&-l...J!&ll.lU anli t~e "all a general ' envoy ot.18il·f8'l~. tbe only .dlplomat- we·rp. Then ' came the . the best time In thIs case, It Is neceae aits with , closed eyes, wblle his clamorln~., (or t1~e all\blii lador to ea- lit of tm'partance t.o brave ~tie terrors tbe R IgI(ID capital. Undoubtedl, Mr" 'sary to gIve mowed oats room lu the wUe, kneels at bls feet and ciaBps hIs " ble ' Waah)'ngtoD to aupply ' tbe den- ot tbe Paris tj!ege. ' Whltlocl( 5"9uld h ave most of tJ:Ie barn. for It. Is dIfficult to stack tbem ~i cncy. ' " ; ' l'~e storY bt Mr. Herrick's work Itl credit tor preven.tlng 's cenes at \0- '\Valet'. Prints 'o'f this picture lire to 80 they will keep. If it Is attemp~ed . Added to Ul,e genuine case. of., dta- P,}Js ~s largely ' that of , Walter H. l~ nc B In , He accop1pariiEld be aeen In thousands of homes to stack tbe oots hay outdoors, i ~ tress 'v,er~ ~be Qlever crooks and COl)" Page In ' ,t.c,Jndoli . an~ of · James W. , the burtomaster. M. ~ax. to meet the throughout England . , Of naval battle plutures, perhaps ullould be ~oyercd. t1denr,e ·men .and, women who took the qerard ' In Berlin. London .probably Germlln conquorol!, General Saxe von Horses and youog colts find bay of opp r ~unltl' tb ,reap a golden bat:yelt. handleJi the larse~t number of tour- Amlm. U he did . not actually,. l1e tbe most notable Is that i 'hich 1\1 us- this kind, well s uited to their needs. TheD., ,too, there told In cabled s~orlel. Btus- tratel the famous Incident of tbe bat· nljd a 'number of leading cattle grow, . were many Instancel Ilat•. , sels "under A.mel'lCIln protection," yet tIC! at' Copenhagen, whe n Nelson re· , ers hove been usIng It for several ."'&_ , • he undoubtedly lu\d milch to do with fuses to see Ule · slgonl of r call. years and find It entlrely satisfactory. 'arranging the tes:ms 01 surrender and painted by Thomas lit. HenlY, the ra· The cattlem en salt the hay in the In calming t he populllce. ; The Bntx:el- mous m~rlne artJst. The ·plllnUng is stacks and find that the ca tUe eat It [01., swear by Mr. 'Whlt.o'ck now. , one of the moal In s·pirln g sea pIctures aU aDd do well on It: It is also a gOO~ It hi B cOlumo~place ~mong Il1lC\· ' ther ure ·buYlng · them, arid ru- . In VI\3nna Frederlck ·C. PenDeld, lIke which .have evel' been ,exblblted. dall'Y feed, combInIng grain and rougbness and furnishing variety In tbe ra· t1 et ~ tbll.t ' 1,le' ."krmor,plate" Interests ture rprollts alle a mere gamble against Mr. Gerard; had to , lo\>k out fo~ the Masculine Loyalty, tlon. ' lind the ' ',' armor.plate'; ,Preas . to~e~,t detl'al Perhaps i.he "arDlor-plate,, ' In:- cltlzene , o[ Russia. Engl,a nd, Jap,!n, The family conaiat" of two small Will'l!. 'Cq II certain "extent It Is "ttue tet:e.ts · bave not overlOOked tbe .pos- . Belgium. Frll~. S.ervla and ~.ontene.; 't!U\t tho .ma.nufocturer!' of ' arm'a ment. Ilblllty 't hat Armageddop may .pul _gro, as well . hl~ own cou"trymen. ohlldren and theIr dC\'ole,1 I'arenl~. HOnle BreedIng lric;reallng. and tfi8 papers tlie>" OWn carry bn the thtlm , out - o( bUlln.e$s · altogether,His bCla~tlftll bon\~. was convel't~c,\ to and of the iattor lln lla IL>lUally bellJs H(rse breedioj; Is Increasing fast, the sm'aU boy to bpd. mamma taking but It will be several years before the militarists' proP~Ia.nda. but· It ,I s' s~ld Manchester 'Ouard·lan. " . tbe needs ot !3har'ity. . tpat the (Ia't<mor-plate',' Interealll, ,do '. .. Henry Van Dyke, minister to Hoi- care of . tb~ lI~all girl. , Occasionally, supply 'o t good stock caicheB up with not wan bl~~..ars . . Th~1 ",ant IItUe' ' Fre,h 'Food, land, and Thomas Nelson . Page, am- bowever,. something takes papa away the demand. Prices have been steail· wars ana rUluo!:ll ot 'blg' wan. Thia .Fr68h tOQ\1e are alWays fUll of ' bassador to ' lt.aly,' also felt ,tbe beavy from home In tbe ev olng Bnd malllmll ily going up for the paat three yeara, " : I{eeps "g{lI 'd steady 'tr.ade, gOing, with trophose'n, and bence are decld'edly strain and 8~qulfted "tllemselvea -creel- does double !!~ty . Atles' on'o such ex· an'd 'a re Ilk ely to stay up for a couple Ilerlel'lce yOUl\l:\' Pbmll confided to bl s of years at least.. , ; . . pl enty qf Ill'den, t~provementB e't'ery 'l;be best, tor all: of UI. ' Tbls ' also ex.. if,ably. ;eir,. ¢rlldlt good ', ~" JlI\lIi replarIY platns "'~'r savage natlonl that obtain . It Is undciubt~d that' Qne eirect of fatber ·tbe true IIlnd deep-st'aterl reago.n Care ' of Tree.. . , Jla~d" Ry. way qf evidence It . 181 ,.ld .tll6lr dl~t t~m na~re In ftli fresb, the war wJll be to ralae the 68tllilatloD wby' ho preferretl .milspullne assls tan co . , (ba.t, dllrlug '.t he wla ~e.tore the, ,pr~- . Wild etate are: 80 he~rt' and tull of of Amerioon dIplomats aM' dlpJomacy In regard to ' saylug his praYers· Why should aay ~t:mer give gro,!nd el1t olltbreak 'tbe only ]I_perstn ~e~lln . -health. T.-opbogtm I, 'manufaotured abroad/ Tb,e 'peoRles ot Euro~e realise . "Mamma' s all , right, o~ course. for u room . to ,ress ' that do not produce , whlch ol,ipo,e4 ~at were th~' 91)clalist bTl Kerbl, "'egel&blea. Pll!-nts , and the tile hCflVY d'lbt tber all o;w e to ..Amer- lall)'," be 'genel'oual)\ conceded, "but the Interei\t on the valUe ot tbe land Vorw'.lll'tij alt" tale P08~ owned by botanlca1 klqgdom generally. It I. 10iln representat'vea , and wJlen' the JOU slle, fB(b~r··. God·.s 0. mall, and when. bf the 'nsc or a. h lW dollars' man, lind I'm going (0 ,tie a 'Worth of lIpraylng material and a bit Kruppa Of Illssen. aud t'b.e ' TqUebe ret~ln~,a and ·.tored up lJy man nnd time, comes ' to aettle. this bUle' . ~d you're Rundlcbl\.U, another lIAJier of tb~ "ar- the other tIlreabirefi •. b'u t the anlm&!· dmadful tile 'am,trusador.·. of mao; eO I sUPPo!le It's lIatllra) for 118 to at mulcle. be can bring them up to a. ~,,"'pl.te" ~rUII. One ql1lte Bee~ the world ~annot make It. and Is there- Washlllgton wlll ·he,ve much to ,d o wltb Itlck together;" paying productLveneslf " . "pelnt- ot vtew.. Ip .a big 'war ,govern- tore forever' d8llen:den~· upon tbe yea- the dlft\cult tuk of arraqinl lbe menta . are UIIDK .annameDtl more world. ' terms of peace. , NothIng for Faker. . ' There " , ' ( are : opportUnltlell for., •. Itsefulness! In iJ.ortioultu....1 life. No rasclDa"op of :·t.e Illand .grew, hOW'j Trl1rted for 'LO. . of . Arm, ' Beld II more ~t1t1nll aud no tJi4!me ever. as the da,. ."rent by. and. ~~n- " rlmet.aQeJ'maJl olll~er,,!bO bad ~eeD ofret1 . greater( . enco.\1itaCetnent to, the dOI\I~g the PI'OJec~ Clf a winter liom" wount\ec! in hla ~htHe real Irudent-tha , honeat IItudent. '.n )fad"lra tn. t ..o~ of $amoa. he y(,rltillg, rapi~IY "Ith bl!! 'baoel. , There il not~lnc tn e~r.e ' ~or tho bought land ~ree mllea fr~m :Ap~ "You ~ ..e ao:fortulUlte u to be itanfater, and. except tOf 'occuloD&l ' triPI 10 oJ)ldextI'C)U8." 1 said. S,dD.,; Dner left the liIland -.aJ~ "We are a ,lamlly of alBce·r.o" he re• Food Voung Duok.. . , plied. "Wben I was a bO, : tbQueht YO'lrri" due. must.. ti.'YS _ h rood that ""bat hsa bappene4 IIJllbt ~,. eIItlrely; equal parte ' of ground oat•• pen, Rence I tralDecI m,left to WItte bran aDd corn meal. bone IDeal wUh tbe len ~q • well . -........ 111.. srtt &Il4 coara. 1I&Il4.















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When Work' Is Done .in Spring Soil Is Too Loose, for Good Germination of Seed. w . w_ WE:lR, Wlaconalo Agrlcultur. al CollI/go.) FaUure to fail plow bas been the caU8e ot many unsuccessful ",ttemptB to grow alfalfa. on the loam and light BOna. - • Wben ,the alfalfa seed ,bed l8 plowed In thl1 s.,rlng or sbortly b~fore plantIng, tbe 8011 Ie ~oo loose for ~od germln,tlon ancf a poor Btand ott\,ln reo s ults. The seoo, and 'later tbo tin, rootlets, do Dot bave the proper con, tact with the 80 11 to Bprout and gro", well. When faU plowln, III praqUeed, however. this dlmculty is oyoreome and by planting tLme the aeed ,bed 'Ie properly (lnned and 1n the beat CQ~d" ' .tlon to promote rapid 'gro",tb. · From tbe standpoint o C weed erad' Icatlon. rail plo'Wln~ II ahio Important to ' the alfal~a grower, .",?ellde must ' be Quito th9roughly ' ~Ue'd ou," befoTe aUalfa · wit. ' do-llS b ~Bt IrIld tlill Is mql'e eABlly accort1pUsh~ 'b y taU plo'\\'lnl. By dlsklng the Hele( In tbe, spring. 'whe n the weed 'seedl turned unde.r In the tall begin to. come qp,>' tbetarmer can Rot rid of tw.o or three cropa of pelts· before the alfalfa II seeded. If Jllowlng 'I not done until spring, these weedl do Ilot come up until about tbe llame - time .tbe alfalfa. Fartilers who Intend to plant I\lr.~~ .on aCid soli may benefit ·especlally by Call plowtnS'. Sucll loll 'm1J~t', ,be t.r~ated ' with .. me to carreet/ U!e acid· Ity aud t.hls can bo best , ~OJIe In Ute Winter for then, It the Ian!! Is ,plo.weq. tbe 'IIme can be hauled ,directly trom· tbe cars nnd placed on tbe Beld. ' (By


Oata for Cover Crop. , Oats should 1?~ more gel1e~lly em· , ployed as a cover crop wuerever It Is ·Importa.nt tor th e ~rop to. die during the willter time. Tbls appllee to ' cur· rantl\. gooseberries. rasp~errle/l, blacleberries and' grapes. Heavy 8eedli:\g III. alBo Important. If a large amou nt ot vegetation Is 'dllilred. ' A cover crop at oats, In ilmal1 fruit plantil,t1oDJl, h elps to prevent erosion durtng the wIntertime. .


. ' . Feeding Corn to , Ho~ .. For )'oung hones' ,thel'e IB no teed wbleh excels oata, but tor work horses corh may be . substltilted In pa.rt OT even enUrely ~d give good re8ulta, saY'e a v.-rtter In Dlgellt. Com·. la u"e4 ~ to a large e,.:tent throu.ghout the ~m lielt and 'it hi espeelally· 's ulted' for ·tbe:'lJrOducUon of ene,rgy, · 'in leellona ""bel'e flint com 1a grown )ioraes . .ftnd dlm~uUy III eating ,I t wlthout pre vious grindIng. Claalt Hog Quartllft. . Glve the .~~te/.' ..qu~rters to, tM ho,a a thoroIJrh eleablD'r and ,dllllilfeetll\l before putctnc In the bed· ding. not to 1IIb' UC& 10 the wlntel!. GOod" cll)aQ. tIl~oug&11 ' dl~fnfectecl , q~.tteN wU, · be Gf' ~e­ rial ..lllt&Ilce tu ke8plDl dowu 'Itoe.


110 .1,

Only 2S Days Unfil Christmas to

A, Maffit is confined with tomach trouble.

his home

Mr. and Mra. ' Myer Hyman and daug bl;er, wer8 Xenia visitors Sun·


day .

Dr. Maey will beat Spring Valley all thi~1 week, and at Hlu veysburg all next we~ .

Here · Are Some "Heinz" Goods ' and Prices

If you like Magic, don' t, fall t o Bee The Great Waaamann at School Hall.


Sat.urdlay evening .

Mince Meat, in bulk, a lb . ... . . 25c Table Vinegar . . .. ... . .. . , . . . 25c Malt Vineg~r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c India R elish. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 .25c Prepared Mustard , . .. ... . . . 10 15c Mandalay Sauce .... .. . . .... . 15c Pepper Sauce . . . . .. ... .. '. . . 15 25<: Mustard Dressing , . . ... . .. ... .15c Mustard Ketchup , ., . . . . ,.. . . 25e ,Peanut Butter . . .' . ... . . . 10 15 25c Plum Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 35e Sweet Pickles, b~ik, per doz . . .. 1Dc ~otir Pickles, bulk ',p er doz . . . I D .2Dc Cream of .Gr~n Pea Soup . . . " 2Dc Cream of Tomat9 Soup . . , . . I D 15c;

m regulBir St, .Mary's Guild will hold their Christmas mar ket and bazaar


Sauce .. .... .. .... .' .. .. . 25c Tomato KetchUp .. .. . . .... · 15 25c Olive Oil. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 50 '75c Pickled W~nuts : . , ... .. . . . . . Dill Pickle, tin ... ., , . '.. . .. - , , . 15e Preserved Sweet Gherkins . . . . 2Sc Grape Fruit Marinalade .. , , . . . 25c Apple Butter : . . . . . .. , . . . . . " 35c Spaghetti .. .... .. . , . . . . 10 15 25e Baked Red Kidpey Beans . . . . . 15c Baked Pork & Beans . , . . . .. 10 15c Baked Beans, in 'Sauce , .i. . . . .. 15c BakedBea,ns.ith Pork Sauce 10. 15e ' Sweet Red Peppers ... , ... ,' . . . . 15e Pickled Onions . . . . . ... . . ' . . . . I Dc

~I ~I

on Sat.ul'liay, December 12th.

, Come :and bring your f riends to ' see Wassmann, The Magician. ' at t:1 School Hall . next Saturday .e venin~.



m I?J




1& 'and




. Mm. M. P. Clybur n. of Washington. D. C. , was the guest of Rev. a. d Mrs. J F. Cadwallader a nd MiBB Clara ~ile SundaL


J('~ Haines and wife. of New Bu rlington. were in town today. Mr. Hainles is looking very well after his trying exptlrience of an Clperation in a Sprin¥field hospital. Among the officers elected last , week in the Eastern Star lodge at Leballlon we notice the names of C. A. Bruner as Worthy Patron ~d Mrs-, C" A; Bruner as Associate' Matron. '








FARM WANTE D- Any size; large stock farm preferred. Will assume' mortgage and give fine Dayton 'prop ertie1! as part pay', Write' 'R, B., Rick~~tta. 104 Eagle St, Dayton, Ohio" d9 ,


~EIJ~·I U~~~i~~_. '~rhos.

Next Door to Omtte Offb

----------------i --_

Ml', Davis,·Mi:. of Mechanieab, tg,lV1I1IIIII!..... Clyd~~ Coleman, Hopkins,. uMr.


:Cb~e. 'i~ and buy lOme of -these good&t I .

Bateu:n'd Mr. Levman; of Cincinnati, and Mr. an.d Mrs. Lane, of Lebanon.

be back again IOOD:to get m~re.

th_e f_u:e_:___ I.o_ f H_. E _ . Ridge ,'WEDDED A SOUTHERN GIRL .

. -

",anted, . ·


Head of-

EiS=:!' ElIi'==51I E1 'Ea==51U:JiI:,;5=5Jn:lE'==5111 EI lEI==51I1:1IE':;:==






! s· ·




.~ ;.,'.




Ev ~ ' . Dr. J... T. Ellli . ~ iuat .received Mr. Andrew . San8bu~, ,father ~f . .ocla ents a.letter from the Ohio State Univer- Win Salisbury of this pl&ce, died a t - _ ' _ _ _ ___ ,;., _ _ _ • ' STQCK JUDOINO CONTEST





For ." Cavalry ~ and


The many friends bere of· George • . . -0:.. . ~ rpos"'; I. Gr'aham, son of Prof and Mrs. G. cu .... IE] J. Graham; of Xenia, will be /:IUIprised to hear of 'his marriage , to a Will- be at W. O. Gustin's Lhery !Baro, lin Southern. lady, tlra. Fannie lemD' . . " kin. The weddin took lace~in .' _ ~Monday' ~O ugustat elg. , . r. an ' ' " ~ , - Mrs Graham'arrivoo in Xenia,MQn· • " ., da -evening. and will Stay th Must be 15-1 to 16 hands, weight 1050' to .1250• •5 to; 8 years 'old. until after ThlUlJ{sgiving Day. '





m Cliffiii'd Mrs. H. E. Ridge, Mr. and Mrs, Ridlre. Mrs. Tb08. Cheny.





JOe and 20e a"doLen'

a dozen

f ..

• II!


" . .



Scand IDc Stoce

Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart attended th.e f uneral services of H. E, ~~~g~ iit Cincinnati Sund ay after·

~ ~I 1:l1·


"Heinz" .Sour ' Pickles,' "Heinz" , Sour Pickles

Harry Hamilton : 89d family, of Dayton, spent last week with his paren te Mr. and Mrs, Geo. flamilton.

AT THE-· -







.~ Dliekt,l'y •.the that was left to Mrs, Lizzie Kauffman by Mias ImoJlrene McKIUen. of Dayton. died ___ Dally Thought, ' ._..... Good Werd for Rellglo;" SIb', whieh says: . . hiS borne, In ijprltm' Valley, Sunday ' , .". ' last week. Mise McKilIen. before ........ Ie • time In ~very '!'hI. I. a broad·mlnded age. aDd dMl We are pleased to inform ,you tb~t ~o~ at' 1:00 O'clock, after a long' Mrs. Fra¥: Thompson entertaineu she died and about her last act, eaucalion ':W~ell he am"etI at the COIl' plltlemah on the lut tram, ,who w" we ~are. en~eavorlng ~ arrange for illness ' qf " uraemic poisOning. He at a chicken' diJlner Sunday, Mr. and eallod Mra: Kau~man, to hllr bedi'lde mUon that envy II Ignorance; that III what one may de~e u tbe ' talbII,!l tnstri1ctor ~m thl8 depar:Wtebt had , ~ in ' papr' health for two Mrs. 0 .: S. Elmore, Mr. and Mri. and left the eat 'ID her charge,'j8nd ImI.ta~on ' Ie .ulo1d~ ; that he must tlye· lltare•• hared the obaracterietloa \ to be with you,on.Thu~ay, Deet'!ID- years,' but.his condition had not been Chas. Henderson and family. Mr. enough money to keep it in ,fine · eir· take hlmse1f' for better or WI!~,,1 '" of. the ti'mei: "r,ye nothln" to lay bel'. Sl;st~ to ~v;e ~ 1el8On fu live 8~cb as to give biS f!'tpilr cause, for Cliff Cronimlis, MiSs Kath'een Haines CUJ'!lI8tanC~ as long as it.lived. ~r8. bJl portion: ~bat thou~h th~ wl~~ unl·, .....n.t 'Im even It he doel belODI to 8~ lualin~". ,¥ t~ q~u:antine alarln. He wAS strIcken' Tbureday and Master Elmore Henderson. all Kault~an was true to her trusJ . yene II tull or good•. no . _mel of ·P. B. A:. , I'allo 1I1,ot 1I0t a bit 0' It ' h1Dg corn cD:n come to Him bu~' An"l ~.y thl.. ~at"C0D8lderlD' ali I reiiltrictio~now lbandlt ,will been-lligbt with a serious ' attack and of Cincinnati, 0., and 'Mrs. J. M ' • - ,. DOUm. tirelJ: poeI!lble~ ·~ ~ve the judging ]apeed into un!=oiisciousness ' Friday, Th(llppsoq IUld grandson, Wilbur .' HAVE MOVED B'\P~ HOME through biB toll bOlltowed on th&t plot ,Ptlnp, rYe Dl)t foulld 'thetllt reUitoua of,hol'88ll ~d ID case *be quarantine f,ro~ '1!Vhicb' he never ,revi;Ved. "_ Hainell, of Waynesville" .. , ' ot .IJ'OUDd 'wh1c~ .Is glveD hlJll to till. chape " to be wene. t.hail ordlD&17 18.IICJ' .mO\Jrned by that time ~ to . :rh~ . fUneral wiJ8 hel4 Tuesday ' - .;' . .' . ' , !M:r . .and Mrs. tTo/!eph Sears, Trult thyself; every heart vibrates feUent Ilte)'oll".' me."-Jhnoh.ter ~:;t '~~eCO~~~ have the ,Judg - mox:n~_ at 10:00 o'clock fr:om tbe 8h~pllclti ,W-nd, No~lIIty. ' Abld thei .. farm n'ellf. tena, Onjo. ~d to that Iron I~llig:-R. W . EIlI!.IrlOP. GuardlaD. ' " ca a ~p. . SprIng Valley M.. E. church, Between!.\· and noble persona have moved, to Ferry Their '! HIQH SC':'OOL aUiLDINO BURNS J there Is aiways, a QuIck Intelligence; bere a~ . Qureoo~~ ~ ~_~~~oo~ ~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~_~~ ~~~~~ . . . ., James Adamll, wbo died at Miami • better ground than the talente' and ,their horae tt;uggy, Thur!, ·'l'be,mah' scb.OlJl buildlhtr at King~ 'V~tleyho8pital lut. week. was buried skJlIs ther .mar chance to ' possess. 'day" . We are cer~inl'y glad to weI· mall bumed to the ~undlaat week; I' in'Yiami cemetery Saturday after- namely, on slacerlty' and uprlghtriees. coR!le MI'. .and Mrs. Sears · back to . The fin;! broke out 'm the bAsement, DQ9n. Mrs. :Aduos lived in Dayton, -Emerson. theIr old home. and nothing was saved in the build- having ·moved there 'some time ag·o. •- . .. ~ ~ in". The fine .. library. piano ' 'and and the services were held at bislate . 't HAS - R'C ILY ,hobb 'of the pupils all went up in hom~ iD that city Saturday morning; Thine Own Battle. PUHASED A DA . 8moke. T)le IbIIB wm ~ about $5000, • .. • , In the battk! of lite we ' cannot hln anCi the directors of the icbool carWELL-kNOWN MAN DEAD •• ubsltute.-Hurold Bell Wright. Elowa~d Bratten, who for ~ven ned about t3500 inluraJ)C8.' The / . , years has, been. connected with the buil~in'f had b~ co~demned b:f the George DOdds, the well-knoWn NeliV8 LeagUe ( ailies. both In Spring. state fir.:e mar'llbnl. and ~ bond 188Ue tombitone man, of Xenia,' died at field and Dayton, has purchased a paof·.*~.,OOO, for the e.rection of a new his . bome there 'last week. Mr. . , ~r ,of his own at Faribault , ' Minn. b Id ed b I Mr. Brllttenis'well , knowu in Wsr~I }n~ had .. carn at. t e aat Dodds was a Scotchman, and came ren County, and his friends in the . eleCtio\ Arran,.emen~ WIll be mad.e . to this cOlmtr7 when he ·waS onll :17 ' ' CDUntY wish' him the ,beal of luck in to esta I,ish , th,e l?-~pl18 in . an'?tber v~rs of age. He came, to Xenlu ill his new ,enterpril..e. " ~'b,I.~~i1ding wbll.e the Ilew 18 be- l~. and has built "up_ a .hanl'lsome Baltlmo re " Oy'ster.s' • - It mg UI . . bUSIDeB8 i~ that cit)'. He was well· , 15 RJ;:ADY FOR SAL.E DA'JES . ~~====~~~~~~ kno~ i~ WJlYIlesville, having done Fresh stock, solid meat', no water ~ a great deal of business tiere. and·~e bulk.or sealed. pint and quart . Jesse Stanley, who has just gradu· 'Was univerSally li1tedfor lUi honest cans. ' , .ated 'from the Jones " d~lngs.·. He leaves a )arge 'family. ~-:--~. ..:... . ---"'--:--ocbool at Chicago, is The funeral was held T~nr8day at- Jumbo Celery. Large Cranberready 'for sllle 'dates. It temoon at t.he First M. ·E. Church, .' "iea, FaneIY Grape 'Fruit, Fia. well ,to' see hint, 8S he haH .~=========== Rev. Sullivan Qfficiating. T~e pall OraogeS, MalagaGrapes, Dates 'ideas in the auctioneering ~earen hil six 80M. ,. . .' , ,Figs. Layer Raisins, Cooking caU him, 146 "mutual phone, _. . ' .' Fi~B •. New Pure Buck .. Wheat Bur lington, Ohio; .' . ...,..,..!....._ ~A 40:acrd~rm. bel~Dging to Mrs, 'tHANKsOIVINO;' A~D~E~ ~Iour, 'New Cc?~ Meal, New . Amanda .Smltb~ 2 miles north of . \ " \ " . Seeded , and sei!QleSs' .Raisins, , OHIO BOY CO~N CHAMP(ON Waynesville. on' the Bellbrook p'ike. · Hon. S. D. Fess, ' who , was aga'n ~ew Home Made Mince- M~t. , elected: B8 'Convessm~ ' frdln this .villYJ.Ie /,w,elmer', 'of ~anule, ~~. S~lal for thl. wee~ , gets the BPf!Cial , prize o1f~ed the district ·at the late' election, · will deliver an', address at the Opera 25 P~und Cane Gran. Hugar and lI~te fpr growiilg tbe larirest " ' '. .. HoulI8 at Lebanon tomorrow. It i1l beJr of bU8hels Qf' com . . l ·... ., ) :." ' .. II. round Pkg:Sodafor ' . " ~ted that ,several ' from h;l'e H'e,~iaed 116 bu.hels ~. frame ~welling' <i 6 rooms. wlll attend imd'bear that. able , ( ' ~. . tll., €om BoY8' Trip;to WIIAbinltt:nn the Gelebri&ted Gaiolene u.d-' good bam and cow shed. plenty of deman. The tund that is Anotber shipment .of tlillt Good ·D,·, C. inl;)ecem~. COffee, 8 Pourld~ for Oil En~nes, AutOmobile and Gepela1 water; plentyoftimber8nd firewood. raised in ' the count}' win be ~ ~ is ~ rig"t and will be over to ~e :"eneral committee 00 BepairiDg, Gasoline&, ~ and Aeeel8O.... IOld ngbt if IOld lOOn. ' this day_ • ... . e • 'Fresh Roasted Peanuts 101:, P ollnd It '. ; Por'furtber iDformatioo, term., etc.. call on '. we. ~ 840 for EiJp' I'



ZIMM''E',RMA ' N'S ' .

' .' fARM .fO.R SALf




_. . . . . . . .




Apnis to~



MachiMrr .'


C.lOhe EDlliaea anfI:EDline ~ill '~' ~ . ~-~-}:I-



WEDNESDAY-D£CEM~ B~EAR_241~19~14~---

Whole Number 3292

rtF-::... .:~. .~-. ·~.;~. . ·.~-·n-·a-'i . ·--.·~-:::e~o-~-c-·-~~=; u:·l1.H-~::-::G-o.':~-:R-,::::~~L:::: -FA~RM~-Ri INSTITUTE


DOINO A GREAl' BUSINESS 'l'he Van Wert Republican of rEcent date. has a t wo-column resume of ; I matlon F~ld ay t hat the free move· No~e8 of Thank~Jtlvln~ Day, Enter- the ~usin~ do~e by the Stoops t _~ . .. ... ..;.,.j I ment of l~ve stock a,:,d hunting might p Po ckmg Go, which is of great in. L laiamellts. Family [)Inners ............... _ , " ... " " ... " ..... --.. .....J be permItt ed. ThIS proclamation reparaUonsAre Being Made tor One tflrest. to Gazette readers. for the and Otber Happenings ... --~ Iincluded practically all of the coun. of the Best InsUtutes r~n that Jas. A. Stoops is a WayJ. C. Hawke was in Dayton Sunday. L. A . Zimmerman . is in Cincinna t i ti~ in the state wit~ the exception Ever Held Here .,..-.neSVille boy. The eannmg industry today, of Just a few where the hoof and under M.r. Stoaps ill Van Wert County Mrs. Mary.' Caskey ' ent.el't~'ned Go .to H!lrtsock's for ' seleet Xmas mou th disease has been prevalent. Tbanksgiving Day. Rev . aod Mrs. J h88_gJ'owr:,t to la1:ge proportions. and Candles. I In ord er t o ship live stock. howev- The Farmers' Institute this year ' Mr. ChM. Brown is visiting he l;t. g etting a !~rgcr share of the F. Ctadwallader and MiJa Clara Lile. busmess now than when he first took tives in lnuiama, re a- er. they must be shipped in disin- will be the best ever. as the officers J . O. Cartwright is in Lebanon t~fected cars to disinfected stock yardl'. and committee are working hard for hold of .the busineM . , day on business H 0 Kelli~on w b' . These precautions have al ready been that end. and hope the farmers and '£he Stoops PlAcklng Company this Mr. and ' Mrs Chas. M: Erown. itor her~ last week as a usmess VIS- ~deas the yards in most ~f the large all others will give their assibtance of Corwin. entertained Mr and Mrs. year have paid to the farmers of John Davis, of Dayton. spent Sun. CitIes have not only been disinfected and presence to help make.itagrand that county nearly 1'15.000, and to Dan Surfaee at dinner ·rhanks~iving. S . bu t th ey have had no stock in t hem success . employees about $12,000. and have day with relatives here. . L. Thac:kera. of Sprmgboro, f.o r several days. The ownel 'of the Wednesday. December 30tb, will done !l busineBS of about $75,000. was in lown Monday. IIve stock must -K O before a notary be Better Babies day. ' Haines, of Xenia. was visilRev. D. H. Palmer and family ate They have placed on the market ingAllen E VB , . . . . and !Da,ke affi davit as to the condi tion Thursday, December Slst. will be relatives here Sunday, Thanksgiving Day dinner at · the about a milhon and a half. cans of . 6' : ar~har~ IS a bustness VISitor ~f hIS lIVe st ock when sold. . Stock Judging and t?coring with lee· bome ot ,Mr. P E. Kenrick and fame ' corn 'and tomatoes, . I BO , lmes Stoops, of Van Wert, is In InC lDnatl louay . State Game Warden Speaks says tures on "What Constitutes a Good ily, T~e company had contracts tor .. . . d that the govern or will extend the Animal," by Prof. C. L. Plumb, of . about 435 acrea of sweet com vlsltmg hUlgran parents here. Dr. Dill. ~!!_~e~)pnth, Haines Bldg.• h.u nting season until about Christmas the Ohio Stlate University ~sted . aeaaon. and one ' farmer received Tuesday and J.i n day mornings. t im e, thus enabling hunt ers to get by Dr. McCoy and the boys o( our Mi81 Letitia M"cKay had tor din- 1367.50 for Beven acres of corn. also Mrs. Lou Llovd, of New Burlingthe'full benefitofthehuntingsea.on. County :who have studied ' these ner on' ThanksJ{iving D~. Mr. and one farmet reeeived $U8 an acre for ~. T; Liddy spent Sunday here It looks very much 'as though hunt· branches at the O. S. u. . . , Mrs. W. B. Allen and Miss Olive tomatoes: The farmers claim that ton. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wlth hIS f athler . M . C. Liddy, . ers were g oing t o take this advantage Friday there will be lectures lit McCollum. · corn is ~e easi8llt to raise and brings Maffit. t o the full est extent. fl S all day Sun- the Schuol Hall by Prof. Blackford money to them sooner than any other Ira Stansberry waS the guest of Misses Mar y and Opal Gray were day ':luto.s we!~ coming into t own and and Mrtl, Ida Durbin in the forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray were product on the farm. The com relatives in Dayton II couple of days shopping in Dayton last F riday !nakm g mqUlrles as to the best hunt· In the afternoon there will be separ· matures at a time when the farmer entertained !lot dinner Sunday at the last weel<. • 109 places. Three large loads from a~e se98ions, Mrs. Durbin lecturing home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbaunctiy has must leisure to harvest the same Herber t. Satterthwaite o{ Dayton Xema and Dayton went to O~kland to the ladies on BOme subjeet for and in an incredible short time h; Bunnell and family. of Route 3. Prof. E . F. Amy. of Delaware , is here fo r a few days ~n a hunting M on~ ay to spend a couple of days which they have more interest than has received his money and is ready spent huntmg the bunnys. "Drainage and Lime," WhichwiU be a cOtlple of days with f riend s tri p. to payoff the mortgalfe on bis home. here las.t Hunters must .remember, though the subjects of Blac.k ford and Cook week. ' Mr. S~oops contemplates building ·Mr. and Mrs. Onlar Hollings"Xorth that there are some things that can: at the same time. and Cora and Arthur Thoma& were a home 10 Van Wert soon and makin2' Mr. :and Mrs. Gordon Joy spent 'Born- To Mr. and Mrs Will not be k!lled, 'The game wardens Friday evening will be a more that town his future home. He is Sunday i'uests at the pleasant countl"Y. several days of last week with rela- Barnard . Sunday, November 29,1914. are plentiful and any act on the popular ,,""d entertaining lJe5Sion with hume of. Mr. Mrs. ~d Thomas. ' the principal owner of the ' company tives in Clermont County. .a son.· p~rt of the hunter that is' not right. ~eadings and music b, HoweU's Or': and almost all of his boldini's ar~ Will be pUl)iRhed. and it may mean chestra, consisting . of Mr. B.· S. now in ~bat ci ty. . Rev. an d Mrs, J . F . Cadw allader a costly hunting season after aH. Howell. Mias Ruth Hartsock, Mrs. 4 _ • Mr. and Mrs. R. G. CroBS were in Mr. , and Mrs . J. W. Wbite en- WAS JtE-ELECTED SECRETAoy Cincinnati Thursday the Thanksgiv. were Lebano:n visitors Wednesday - - _•.-- • Sadie Gahagan with her violin, and tertained at a Thank8i:ivlng dinner, APPLE SA~JCE CAKE Mr. Dean Howell. This of itself will "" ing Day guests of relatives: afternoon . Mr. and Mrs, F. H. farr. Mrs. • • insure a' crowded bouse. Emma Dakin. Fred White and Thos, In an interesting letter from H Mr. and M·l's. Lester' Gorden, 'of Don't make !\ny date9 10r Holiday A friend of Mary Frame haa .Saturday will be regular 8e11BiOD8 Pierce. H. Wadsworth. he writ&! us that he Morrvw, spent several days 1!L1t week Week. This bt::longs to t he F arm· handed us ner famllu8 recipe for wl~e State speakeN and o~ers, pulled off the largest. tHe moat 8UC!- at the home of M'r , Barley \\ ilkerson. err. Institu te. !1pple sauce cake. This fl!iend says and the Stokes Family Qrchestra, Rev A. E Wootten and fa~ily cessful fair that haS ever ~n held !t IS fine. and we are herp-with giving S,aturday an!i ~tu'rday , evening~ an~ lItiaa Mary ~tchl:m were,ent er- in F'Joiida. at Gainesville. November . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and cbil· . F red Whi te, who has been visiting It. to ou.r frie!lds. We hope sorne Further details wlll1)e glven as the tained at the countr->" home of the l7 to 20 Mr. Wadsworth, has been dren .. of lJrookvilie; spent Sunday at m' Day ton fuil' several mont hs. is at friend Will try lt and send us a big program BSIIumes shape. M(I88", Wro· 'and Robt. LaShley·on in ~aine8vi1le for the last five months the home,of Mr. and Mrs Warren home f or the JPl't'sent. slice so we can judge for oUl'£elve<J . • - • . at work o.n this fair. and his time '. Th~kllltiviri)r 'f)ay. ' One cup of sugar ( ~ brown MAILINO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS was up last week. when he was Barnett. For a ni ce Hne.of Candies and Box w~i ~e,) y. cup of lard. 1 cup' called before the commi98ioners and For eooperation of the Public in Good s for Xmas g o to Hartsock's ralSIDS (chopped and rolled in flour), and Mrs. Albert Wilkerson Mr, , Mr. ~ Mrs. S. L CartwriRbt)tad was tendered the position of secreta~ups of apple sauce. 1 teaspoon band ling Christmas mail please ob' Confectionery" with "lbefD 1'11 ' Tbankaaivinl[, Mrs. ry of the board of trade of that city. and two daughters. of Dayton. are cmnamon. U teaspoon of llutmeg. serve these rules: . the gUests of Mr. and Mrs darley BachelXeya. Mra. ' aannah Rogers. in connection with business'managl't' St eve P hillips, of Washington C. H. % teaspoon of cloves. 2 level tea- 1. Prepay postage fully on all Wilkerson. the .II. . Kizzie Merritt. Martha of the fair board ,A liberal advance aas been viSiting his sister Mias Ann sJlOQnfuls of soda, sifted three times parcels. BlUnett and~~mma Cartwright. in salarr has made Mr. ' Wadsworth through 2~ cups of flour. 2. Address parcels fuUy and plaine' G. W. Dakin Sr., who has been Phillips. for several .days. J' determmed 'to move his family to • ~ • 1y. confined to his bome for several ~at city where be will make his fll· Mr. John Irwin and daugh ter Miss OFfICERS WERE INSTALLED 3. Plaee name and address of weeks. is able to be out again. and is Mr. and Mrs. ~ H. COleman had ture bome ' Mary. of Bl'lIbrook. spent Sunday ............-- . sender on all m~ttel'_ u their cUesta 1;hanksgiving Day Mr-Wadsworth says that if there makjna daily tn"pa down town. with Mr and Mrs. Frank Zell. At the regular meeting .of 'Way- 4~ ' Paek articles carefully .and Mr., and Mrt. F. B. HendArson and are any Ohio people that are thinknesville J.odge F. & A. M.• No. 163. wl"ll~ ·them lIeCurely. but do not ~I family. 1!&r" and Mrs. D. L 'CrAne ing of spendinl{ the whiter .in the . Mr. ~d Mrs. John Beach. of Route Nice fresh 'ELDd selt:Ct lot of Xmas the officers forthe were them. as ~led parcel. are subject and atm, Etban. and Mrs'. Loulae South •. tliat GalOesville is the place 2. and Mrs. James Kerrick were in Candies and 11 f tl d E. . I·D- to postage at the letter rate. Woolley. ' , come. as there are no high·prit·ed Xenia Thankagiving Day and attend a con ec on goo 8 6. Mail parcels ~rly: they 'may the~, and- peopl~ Can live very ed 8 family dinner at .the in be !»ark~; ·{D.o not open until - CD4!8PI)" as the town is not a tourist Mrs. Price. Mr. and . H M . stalled-Master Fur Cbrittmas. pve a fllmily dinner Thanl(sgi~ are very glad to hear tbat Mr Bar"" Sherwo<.... of the' Waynes- d rho and Mrs. C. M. Robltzer and and Lero~ Irons .... and 6. Insure valuable parcels, fee 6 W~ldRllVnpt.h '.. _" poSItion, .. -..I " J ' aD 10 cen~. 6Day . MF and Mrs Albert . . h as oUCh a guuu yille Auto reP.Bir 'Co.. has I:een lay. aug Dter. and. .Mrs. J. D . Marlatt Rev. J }I', • Cadwallader &1,'1 Chaplain or .ptions BOn and two daughters. of Dayton, hiS many friends here hone that 109 off for a couple of days on ac- were ayton VISItOrs last Friday. After the lOstallation a fiDe ojeter .. 7. Wntten BCUh ~s and Mr. and Mrs Lester Gordon, 01 n4 his famil; will live long to count of his eves. be being the vicsupper was aerve<J bytCaterer Brellln. . Me~ "Christmas, Happy, :New Morrow. w~ present: , . tim of emery dust. Mrs. Annie Thorpe. of Route 3. After the cigars were passed several Year, With , beat wishes,;' and enjoy the South. • • _ • . sJlent Thanksgiving. Day and the fine talks were given. A big mem- n~bers. names or lettere lor purHUNTERS H"EAV ltV FINEO Albert Cleaver. who bas been week-end with relatives in Cincinnati. bel'8bip was present besides Several J>OIM? of description are permissible a~d Mrs. O. M, Robi~er· en. visitpri!.· . . ad~ltiO~ to fourtb cl88!' (parcel post)' , . " ,. " , .w orking on t~e . V i S.' Geological , tertained -at dinner Thankl!aiv~hA' . A trio of hunters from Payton got Survey In III,nols., returned to The :play "Down in Alab • mati. . \, ' . , . DIi¥ the fplIowing guests: .Mr, and bad here MondaY, whenthl'ywent Waynesville' lB8t WedneSday morn. begivenatthe$~booIHal1, . M~DE A ' FINE ' AbD~ESS )8. Communications prepaid .at . . ~~;' Harry Murray. Mrs, J_ D, ,Mar- 00 Amos Cook's property without ing to '"pend the winter. . 12. ~9~5. un<l,er the 'a uspices of the '" firs~ class rate may be sent WIth and , dllugbter" Miu .Helen. permiasion. The three men. Albert ' ChrlstllUl chure. >I • -', 'Dr. S. P . 'Feas. addressed ~ I>8l'C8ts prepa,id 8S f9urth e1aaa ratet Ma.ra , . Chas. Buell and . LouiS Printz. and:John Gruely and Henry Yau98. M~. Mary Gaskey and Mrs. Han. gathering of P8Qple at " Lebanon provld~ they are securely attachea had .comedown from ))avton and had nah Antram spent the week end Mr. Robert Mount~oy, Mr. and Qpera Houae last Tbursday mom- to outBlde of p"rcels. Nr. and Mrs. J D Marlatt' en- gotten "It at. Venable • .and were Withrelativea .in Dayton. On Sun- Mrs. Charles Werntz, viclimsofthe ing. Thosewhowentfrorriheresay FrankC. Carey. postmaster. Ull'tai~ Sunda) at dinner the fol. hunting around the '" immediate dill' Mr. and Mrs. ' w S. Graham fire at Corwin l&:3t week, are making that he made the best speech they ~- ~ lowing guests: ,.Milllle\' 14ary and neighborhood. They finally landed met them in Dayton ~nd attended their home for the present . with Mr. hav~ ever heard him make. and they AQRICULTURAL ~XTENSION Opal Gray, Rachel Sheehan. Eleanor on Cook. s farm, who ordered t.hem a pthering at the home of Mill8lda and Mrs: Walter Smith. of North were well repai,d for their ride to . . ' .,. Eamh_rt. &'p'd the MetI8rs. EmefllOn off. One of the Olen started to talk Githens. . Main sti'eet. - '. Lebanon, to attend the mPftinJr The Agncultural Extension meet_a~ &riUlaJlt,. Chas. Buell. loud and big. and evelJ threatened . . ' There about $0000 rel!ented in~ which is being ~eld at Kinplan u~.Luu PJjliU. . Couk,. wpo ~ we!lt to the houae and :rh\'! :"issesSybll and Helen Hawke. and .t ne oneywas tbls w~k bas so,far been well at. _. ' .," tele"phQnedSherl~Gilmourwho .~a~e MIlS Ada Michener. of , Delaware. given sentim tothewarllufferers tended. The citiz~ns fl'j)ni far and IIr anti !rl..a : J D ('it::-..... . I 8n~ 'ca~ght tilS men and brough~ M,eSsrs LYman Silver, Kenneth the M ; in Europe. It was a fine near are attending each daY to hear r~' "/"' '.~ }o' apman enbefore MayorH"thaway. The Hou~h LeeEarnhart Hugh Rid e TowflshipI;louse forWarreJ1County . the lectur88 and tbemeetingwUl actel'l ln~. ,!lbanktli'lvlDg Day the folthem the limit for the of the.' 0 S' U d' L' dl M' IY December 5th. serving at . • -complish ry a world of good . to that loWing:. Mr . . and ' Mrs, J ,. 0 Cart ~bich was .10 and,costs, of Oxford. ~pe~t ~a i~an~gi;in~ 6:00 p.~ . . ~upper cents. Come. W. C. T. U. MEETINO terMrltod · · · tho • ' . As the men did not holidays tiere with relatives , . on ay ~?mlng . e subJ~t8 df.It.: . ,wright ,and family. M" a~ Mrs ~~e:,::k:n'rl ~~u:~~r~M'r ,~~~ havemoney · to pay their fines . Mr., Locke Stokes, a former .resi- The regular meeting of the W. C. cu~ ~~r~ Essen.tials ot ~il P~ Mrs. Ronald Hawke. Mr. and MN. th~Y. were taken to LebaDl>n by the Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Hormell dent of tb ltl place. W88 visiting old T. U. will be held on Tuesday afte,,· ~u~.n. " ~e Fjrs~ Prt;:mpaleserd°,f '.AI d M E V sherifi" " .' . daughters and Mr • .and ~Mrs. friends here :Sunday. Mr. StokE'S nooa. December Hth. at the borne of rd ..ICnlg, ..mprovlDir t e ' , f. al1 la. . ' - bee . T b t . . I M Hid M an overs E •S• BailY. Barnhart. ,'Mr. and ' MI"iI; Warren DURAll. WELFA l J; UE Whitakflr auloed to Dily,tA)n Sunday D'1n e xas u IS . now 10 nrs. arr s an rs. Mosber The T th' b' fa ' f ~ett, Mn: Lina, Qevitt, Mia .,. .' • R .'"lAO . and spent the daywiW thl!ir .,arents diana and th inks of moving back to general topic for discuasion ~jJ) be dUTili ay au 0 ~ IC8 roeW8S Lizzie CarrolliBDd Einmor Baily~r ' . " , ". Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whitaker. Mr: Ohio. There is no place like Ohio •• IIs it. safe to marry a man to • a\h e8di Fa en ~~eetb~~ or, ", • ' .. ' Af('er a P!otracted !lU~pensi,OD on Whitaker has just returned from the be ~ays. . - f~rm him?:' A full attendance is ~llfalfa ~d '8earm,', d" '"I 'I:~c:co~mt: ot 'con$aa'l~u. dlileaseB tbe hospital where he .underWent an o~ ' Sired. at t~IS ·meetlDg. The County ing Rations.'" ~ ns. - ~ '. Welfare Leail'ile once more eration. ' ,i " . :Mr. and· · Mrs. 9. J. B~ll~net ar- PresIdent, Mrs. ehas. Ch~pman •. of Wednesda ' momi . "Com _ mORt interestinit, &e88ion on .." ' nvetl . home Mohday evemn~from . an!i ~ar-Yel.sburg Union ture" .. Houft.... Hua~ci 0 q1 §a~. urtlay. ·November 28, at- Wellman There will be a sack lOCial at the a short "vis) t and- sight-seeIng tripspeelally IDVlte4. to I!ottend. try Feeding' i ~d ..J Uf,lm'~C&ttle ·: SCttoollholllse. ~ box supper, was ~n · I O. 0. ' F. Hall. Friday ev:ening. thro.u gh the South. ' They were ' • - • ' ,, . • .... ....... ." ' . . . WbIC)l a pleasant SOCial December 4th, at 7:30 p. ,m ; under very unfortu.J1!lte. however, in ex· SOOIAL OF DORCAS SOCIETY . THE 'MC ' K ' INL~' MEIIORI"''''' time, pmesl. etc. was Ind~li:ed In. the auspic'es ot of the Loyal. Daugh: periencing quitedisagreeabJe weath'" II I'· n ii, N ~.xt meeting December 12 Will b~ tera cla811 of the Chriitilln er. as·the me.rcury reached 38 deThe sOcial given by the So . : .. . . ' me time ago the citizens of Oblo . ..tPetlon of officers: alid all tbOlJe In-I Eyerybody most eordially 'g~ on Nov«!mber 21st at Miami. Society of the M. E. Church at the te....ted ehouldstrive to ,be present. Please bring ' one penny for Fl.. There we(e two frosts near home of Dr. J. T. Ellis 'Thursd&Jl started .• fund for ~ m~orial ~ be ' " ; , Cora A. Thompeon. :. letter in your name, If you do that time. and .conside rable 1088 WaR evening. was well attended and an erected at .Niles•. OhiO, to. the , m-,.elegant prograro': was rendered. ory·of the 11IU8trI0\18 Wm •.• .clOntey• , , ., . ~ Dlrec~ol', receivA an invitation. come any W'Y·. en~iled t o gard eners. ' . I~· ~,. , Mrs. C.' A. Bruner. of Lebanon About $76.0()0,iit yet to,f,8 , I'&~ to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·Prof. E F. Amy, and ' Mies Sybii . the .deal~~ amoq~~t ~a: Hawke, of Delaware. were the out. ~n ~ taaye aecld of-town people who 888iEited on 'tJle .~I~ .the, 8I;tiou~tb1 hf!m~program. The receipts for tbe even. !;h~~peo~n tl'n~~~m°toJiat~~ti°lint' mg were about 119 , ''''be'Ol''l\ OnAhaer, ",-vme a e _ _.........._ • mem l' III you ve to do is to eeDd ST MARY'S CHURCH the .N~tional Birthplace • AuOciation, Sbambaulb YoungstoWn• . Qliio. aDd Seeemd Sunday in ACiv.ent. Decem certific·ata wiJI .r":· ~:.6-.1_ bel' 6, Sunday School at 9:30 a. m to you. ~'unm_"1,7 Sermon and Holy Communion " . - • . THANKSOIVINO SERVices 10:80; Service and sermon at'1.,. m The publl~ ia cordially invited t . . , • these !l8I'vic8ll: '


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Mrs. . a






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Confessions Iff a Mail Order Man Dr Mr. M, O. X.

a ...latJou b,. OaaWboHIt_,""••a tbe S ........ Coven a Ranc• .,...,... 0110. Bot to 0.0""" tao .....

['i'b.l••" tho

expollo g tI~e J1«IPlc'. while In 4t'r hoWl •• (If' A man jVho





.. bullln as natu Ill. nume, but he II known the bhr concerna u II. manager, and he know.. ,,,,,Ilk.. To thOle rea4 tellSloDS' be Will be'who IIDOWll II. o. X.]


'FTER ono has seen the bean·' medleyal archltectur', A.t In,terva.ll l l tul old cll y or Prague wJth across tbe bridge are glaeed huge Its c ounU e~ s pOints oC Intel'- statues of saints and ancient k Ings. c t, one wonders why ' It Is, and there 18 also 11 bel1uUtul glllled that ISO few of our EurOPean I!tntue of tb l) crucUI.xJon, Candles INTRODUCTION, tourIsts turn their S lOPS In that direc· burned betor the sainte an~ wreatbs tJon, writes Edll!\ Muchotka Chapin In of lIower8, offerings ot dev,)ut wor. Yes, I have been In lbe mall order ·or .. long time, so lon·,·tbat I th Los Angeles Times, &lr Iy no hlpeJ:s, wer«: at thelf ,feet . The most ·ame D ,~ • otb r city has a more fasc!natinl; hill' fnmous ot these stilWell Is tl\at ot hate to admit how many yeare torr or more quaint and beautl£ul lOon· St. John of Nepomuk, to whose IIhrlne Fathe,: Time ha.8 tukeD awaY from ument s or the middle ages. The I\ls· come thousands or pilgrims livery me. -torr ot Bobemia 16 comparatively un· year. The years 'have been bUBy ones, I famillar to mo t English and Ameri· , Arriving on tbe otber Bide of the have been In tbe harness since way can traveler s, an~ in c6nseQuence one Moldau one Is carried back Jnto the back In tlie early '~80·1l." when I of l!.ie mpst I agnitlcent of tbe old' Eu- middle sges. Tbe sidewalks are ltarted as erraJlcs"boy for , a Ifttle con· rovean cllies 19 often passed by tor barely wide enough to allow a Bingle cern that sold mercbandl8e over the Wose which are better IInown and bet· person to pass, and tbe hlgb Willis of count'sr ' and occasionally sbtpped .. ter advertised. But the traveler who old palaces, wl~h beavy Iron ' doors package to 8o~e irregular cusb;>mez: does IJay a visit to t~ " bundri!d-tQw, and pJ!goylos. grlnl;llng ,(~m the cor- who lived out of tOwn. , I bave ~ound it prolltable. My wages ered Prague" wUI finel blmsolf well nlces, rIse on ,every side, lIere In .rep~ld for bls trouble and wUJ come the middle of ttl\! quarter surrounded finally were transformed Into II aalaway with . Borne untorgettabl'l mind· on every 81de boY buildings ancient ary, . and tbe salary. wae Increased, plowr s and Impressions: and 'modern Is a gem of S8venteenUl' gradually at firat. and ,then wltb InThe new section of' Ule city , the century arcbltecture-the. W~J1en8tel creases rond addltlona trom pe~ent· " Neustadt.." presenlS a brlll'Qnt and palace. The outside walls are plain ages at pro~t from ~be bUBlnels un· . ever-varied street ploture. Not only ,Bod ~Dlnvltlng, and one woulcl not tn,-well I bave never had any com· the feminine half ot huptanlty eontrlh- belieVe tba~ tbey Inclose such band. IIlalnt to make. utes to the li!e and color. for the flome roems ) walkecl unchallenged The man who 'Can mak.e gOOd In the atreeta are full of soldlere ,and ariny through' tbe' doorway and Into a big mati order game practically can name omeers In theIr Btrlklng ' uniforms. 8qulU'e court. Here a rOlly-cbeeked bls own salary. In fact one la not 80 mucb Impres8ed ~llr~an woman answerecJ my Bum. . Who pays the salary? Why, you fn Euro]>ean' cltle. by the guy .cl,relses moos and consented to sbow me the do, Of course. of the women &II by that at tbe men. rooms w)llcn are open to the public, Probably ninety out of evOTY one (or the omcara are ever pre,sent. v ..iw From Hrad.chln. hundred readers of .thiS newspaper truI wondeHul . to' behold In their Tbe way to l:lradschln led througb ' bave sent money to a big mall order 'fatlltlel8ly flttlDg and gorgeou8ly co): a tangle of narrow twisted streets house atter I'e!ldlng one at my bright ored regalia. And tbe severol stu· and IInatly up a 10~g night 'of ston~ an~ optimistic catalogue descrlptlons dent factlonl have a]so eacll t·lieir dlt· stairs ""hlch I cllmbt:d herOically with. or after rec~lvlng one of my carefully Cerenl nbbonl or caps, out, but I am sure there semed to he wrltteu torm letters ·beglnning with Crookect 8treet. of Old Town. twice that many But I felt more "Dear Friend." The abopli are yer1 alt-rac.tlv~ and thaD rep~ld for 'my trouble wben I Dear ~Iend'-of courae you han haYe as pleaslol' an array ct WO~e8 reacbecl tbe top and turned 1'Q look beeD e. dear friend. You lIave 'Paid and al "ell displayed as it wonld Ilt tbo ~autlful view ap.-ea4 out .,., my ~ary wit'bout a '\Vblmper, )'ou be possible to flDd anywllere" The lo:ll' at' the river, &l\d~ beyond, ~h. ,bavjl built up for va~oua big oonoo:o: three ' pl1oolpal street!,!, Wenzelsplau, ,pires of Prague's 106 churches, TIle whlcb have becolJ!8 w~lby tia.-o ~ '""'Iue b'a- a 'or the lat'e afternoon abroll' d. your order. (COD. ta1Dln~ cubl m.BI1lIGabon ond 1l'erdlnand, are wide and.. .... fl t b Ildl • Y u hav ..... uaht beautiful, ,and one II the more 1m· ed the borlzon and the vellowi and cen u !l,la. C! ' e uu ~ r ' , ' t btl..... bo ct real 81Itate, pre~.~d by them 'on acco,!nt 91 the ' fltllS ihe autumn-clad treea alopi au orno ""', n s, s t"clr Y" BelCbbon,Dg 1It.....ele ot the " '''Itlltadt,'' ,'''6 ',. v',~ ... ~,1", a brilliant 8pot or co'- elegant home8. trlJ,lI, an over the . ... ,p ~ , r ~ '" o.r old town, which are tMily I\. mar- o. I" tb~'""'und. Tbe qualD . ..t worId , oceana of ·chalD ...... ....... - e, . &nd moa" vel ' of narrowness and crQdke4ne8I1. tower on the ~arther Ilde of the ~rl.. every tbl , n~ else that '''s ua . exact ,• The unwary traveler will orten ... 'n· brueck ,,.;. dl U be th me, to Ing peniOn could mention. ~ , , e r~ y . nea You have done 'all thll by sendIng ~er up some mllcq·twillted wat onl1 the rlcbt t)e b&Ddsome ne" Bobeualau your orden (with the' money) to the b bl g ma II o.... Oll8es. I InlOW tlila. and: you wUl beliel'e that I do DOW it after )'011 haye read ....on8 what I am' 'f\TltlD8'-my "". ""n f .... of a Man Order MaD." My work' baa coverecl ·Uae wbole · S ta._Un It ed __ . Far Ulany 1'-1'- I An PI • Uonl b" aye wrllt ~ lI n' ca talague ,d.~""p , • handled the,makinl of the not-alwayehonest llI118traUona, as yQu knoW' ~ your ClOst and cbagrin; wrlt,t en attrac-t1vety wor'd1l4 letters urclng you to selld your orde", (with the ca8b); lODe Into t1l9 ·market to buy mercban~ 'dIn with your , moneY, wblch YOIl Idlldl,.- ••t In - aMance, aid. In fact, I bay'&' rone throlllh the entire ,mlU. f~m omce~ boy to general oxecu~lve, Del have'..... moIIeat. block of atock, upon wblcli , YO\lf&re paying me. dend. rilbt now .. 9Jl wbloh . Y~" continUe' tq , make ;,veny p~table f9 r '~)J tor the reat 1111 tlte, uole&!' YOIl w~ke: up ,aDd ' Quit 8endln~ orde18, (w'IUl the CJ1UIh) to the mall order, CITY HALL l'ROM ACROSS THE. EL~1:. COJ;lce~ wbtch !IIUed .the stocl(;", (0 find It ,end In a 801M wall of houses National theater, a~d behind tbe build. No, ' you ~on t stop sendlug your from ' which there' Is apparently no Inga and towers of "Altstadt" add "JQo money "to thQ big mall <N'der houaes .xlt. fn a dark corner will be a low sephSladt'; clustered In ptcturesque for leveral yea... ~o come. Bome of ,a.rch"'a:y leading to II, narro'V IJ"""UI~"' I contusion. . l, yOU wlJl stop, ",hen you l;Iegln to real· 1iII&E'T2f~::-:---:=;-;---tttHlet'!ltel!t,tli-~re--bott1ll""'fn:~~b-ett:m!T"""'IJ1f7"1iiiiIlO1iiiioot the palaoe ' on I%e how: you are your own one entors 'ollto anQther are mOltly 'empty' DOW or }OC~ ' pro8~rlty · and InterfertJ1g Stranger QIl lCkly loses 'his reaerYlld 'for the ' use of ~he ppolace tour . o.WD ~roBpecta., ~ut :lDd ana cannot help thinking, as one guard, and tbere are comparatively yOU will keep on aendlng , 'follows tho harp (urllings the dark few of the 440 rooms whlcb' are opeD to the hlg cities. ao that I wrtl De~er luul hlgh·wallcd streets, wbat :lovely to th~ publlo, M), luld~ , lecl the way know t~e dll[etence. . ' places'·tbo)" mUlIt lIa ve ma4e for rough Into an Immense saal" the "Tourney ! BesIdes this, It I lee that you ~d aDd unldwfuf (I,c eds In the daY8 'Wh'en Hnll," where tournamenta on hOMle- begin to ~llzE! j~8t "hat you &l'e do' Prague W/1S a enter for the Illost no- ,back uBed to be lield and wblob 18 ,lug aplnst 'your own town and ble as we ll O!l tbe most Ignoble of Eu- said to he tb~ la'rgeati ball In Ellrope . .own frlenda and . a!l8Ocl!1tes ill rope's bold 'i;plrlts, Here ulc Old. We then entered ' the throne room, a nes., II,nd If ·1 tblDk ~be country town cne. finds also the "Carolllnium;" large, high hall Wlt~ a collection qt" waltlns up to a .reallsatioD. of tb,~ tho ol~C)st 'unlvcrs,l,t y on the , conti· Prague Itudept nllgs . over door. ~er foolishness · ot cuUJng llent, roun~c4 by ~arl IV In 1348, aud way. The 'coun.ell cham bar, on' the see- throata by. patronizing 1I0mber enough wllh . Ita , b1gh and and floor. WQS of, 1he most Inter- cerna, then t · lihall sell my, at()ok. , ' gloomy WQlls. , alltlng roc DIll tn "the palace, c~n ge~l a bIg. pr:emlu~; t.o~ , lt. Th"' ~".. , From . ~~ e , Wenzel,splatz 0111). folloW8 Cathedral I. Magrilficent. " ' Is enough~ of It to ,lusure me from ,et-er the Ferdinand Si1'D$80 dc.wn to ' After se~lng several otber rooms or being', troubll'!d 800llt money affairs 'rIver, wblch a~w!l l(l~ougb tbe . ,minor Interest, I left the palace build- agafn. You bl,ve ~een ,to th.t. So In of the city. Never shall I ,f orget tbe Ings and went- !tYWD a narrow street ., th, c1~lc 'word8 01 the modem Art.. vIew ' wll.lcla bllr~t upon me ail, H:D.lne to the entrance to tbe cathedral. It totte, ". a4.outd wQRy." , I!~ruptly, onto the wide and beaptlf\l.t 18 a beautiful structure ID the pureat tn , an attempt to ,AnalnG JaY own quay. ,.At my feet !lowed the wide. French Gothic st),le. with five grace- reaaons tor W~tlng( Ulese "cQnfea. s tr.eam, bordered 'on the other )Ide by {ul tpwel's. It was begun' 171 13U by alOJl'a" and · eX1JO!l1~g the whole 10W'banglng trees gorgeou8 In their Karl IV, and even now, aftel ' sll[ cen. mall o~er game, spd 'showlng ho'Y llutuD!n ,follnge. Wblte buildings turles; It Is stili unfinished. The In. fOOlish It Is; fOr the people 111 tbe 8mall , shono thr~t\gb ' the ollen spaces, mills side Is ~lftcent. aud nearly every 'toWD8 to ClOntbaue to stultify tbelr and tactorles using,the river power for Stone bear8 '0. history. Probably ~be OWD ,ptpeperlty by ~endlng theIr: c&sti th~lr !nachl~eB. Behind clllfltered the most celebrated ',of Its co~"tenlal Is tbe aW41, I ~m c ~uzzl~d. .Jrran~l~ an!, roofl and spires of, the "Klefn·Se1te," beautlfu.1. ~lIver comll. or at John of openly· r Plust luhnU tI\.~ tCiinn~t a~· tbe oIaoflt portlC?n 9f thti: city. and Nepol1!uk, 'weighing" about r~ur' thou. . Iw~r thlB quelltlon ~v~ to m)'Belf. . UI·...:lilA-·...II,d ·()o,II~lI)e.t·c:e· abov~ It Q.II, B pIcture never to bo f?r' BaJld twc hurdre'd ' po.uDds, and wlUl I . bal'e , ~o · tdc:k ~mIDg. I gotten; roeo a. high hili crowned by tbe a large CjlIJopy h,llid by ' tour Ufe'lI'lzll4 ' been weD treaied .. 1 haye ~n Y(.~. i;tcnt clustering buUdlngs pf th.e sl1veT angel ftgures given' 'by Marla paid. , [-.m p,roeperou, ,PerhapI . aftei these ~~. tTrndschln lind the . nobJe tower8 ot 'l'herea&. The legend goes that Jobo 1fje St. VltU8 c:ltheflrat rlslng ' agalnst Nevomlik was tile father-confessor Itave d!s.oovered, a coDBcience. , tbe rosy evening sky. The Hrad8chln of Johannp. wire ot Wenzel lV. Wen. l!! the' ancl nt j)oll\ce of th~ Bohemian rocl wall jealoU8 and suspicious ' of bla HOW ,LOCAL · BU8INE&8 18 HURT. Idnp, be/tun by J{arl IV In' ~ha early bea\l~lCul ~~te, Bud sO 'he tried to forc'e " - .. _ ' - ., ' part of J'he fourt~enth · conl1Jry end John of Nepomuk to reveal to blm , 0 coDfOlS a tault. or a wrool. later I't\novated by Marla Thcresa. No What sbe had told In. the confessional. tran.k1y.. aDd wltbout reelln~tloD. I. 1I)0I'e ~Il!-!n 'f\c"ntslt~ for 0. palace 'l'hls the prlest.l'etusecl to dOl and ~veD at, least ~ IDllraatlon ot • wlala fit eou~d pos sibly bo found, and J If~ after lo~g Im.t>rII!ODm.ent and martyr' atone. ~ • ' Jbl' maliy mlnute8 wellbound by the clam rcmained true to bls vowil, F.tu. 'l'be confesBtoDI that I lUll 1oYel, pIcture. ally Wenz\!l In a rale had th~ priest', to malIe here. '.u.nreeeryelJ7 ... d wtu.; ., WOIIderful Old BrldlJe. tongue torn Ollt and hta body 'W'u out eYUloD. are Pl'ODl~ QDIf ~, I Clfostr~ the river on the Karls., thrown Into tbe Holdau. Later Il desire. to do,,.,!O P8OliIe. I.




•• V




fn ,










,"*~ke;wJ\leb : lb(!

oldeat of the .even wajI re80ued. and tbe stof7 88ys that 'to the lIoldad. 'nICS aJtbaqb PIe relt ~f the .alDt'• .~ lI(autii'll. Jt allowal ~IIUt 1IlalJIs are naw ....... the toqu...

lV. Nu1 II • plonJUD8ut to mibls u trull • It ... III


:aller aIu.. alid 'ua: ::r ...


atleoluts lOll of tbe b»d.worklq b\llIDe.. me 1Jho are' dOlhs tb~'lr belt to build up tbelr OTiO com· munttlea; an of wblch work beliefttll and add. to ,tile prolperlty of 9'f8ry, rell14ent of the home towa; a,t the proc time adding mOlt mat"rlally. to tbe value of every foot of real est ..te in the COmplllnity. (~f tbe nluety~d mllJloWl of aoull and bodlea that Inbablt thele llnlted sta.tes of America a ,vc1'f Jo.r,e pro-' portion , 111'0 10 the eoun&y and ill smlllll town, and vlnages, , 1~he8e people are ·t ho . produceMl, Tb,ey raille the grain" nnd roodstlltrs aocl tbe wool and tlie meat. bIdes, etc'. ThoBe who live the big clUe. are prl.ClllcaUy all dep~ndent upon tbe rr t b 11 ve In th·e cou~. t' ()r S 0 ...,.080 ~ a try, and In the small towDS. Tbey d 0 110 t pro d uce anytblIIg 1n eompar.' Iso:n.wlth the ""orlt 01 thosc, who wrest bam the sol\ the bounmu1 offering/! of Nature. It Is 1be work· of those who lives In the ' cltles to figure out bo,,,, they can obtain that which II , PI'(], d'nc.'a d b- y tb e ClOUD t ry poop I e-.h ow' thelY can Jug81e tbe values of . thlll 'pr~,duct-how ·much money they oan mllke out of ' Il, etc. They do not IlrodUC8 anything. , They are the pars811e8. WUhout the-country people tbere would be DO " cities. Tbero would be no occa8~01l for dUes because there would be noth. Ins: to support tbem. ~Io It Is the plan at thc ul1k~rse, 88 laid dowQ by OUI:' Miles and ]aws, that, 1\ Cl,e rtaln big ' PI'Ollortfon of the people sbelll toll IUId spin wblle the amaller pro'portlon sball e~,ct the greater pal't of tbat which Is ,Produced by the tolllers and make a I/rollt suftlclent to 8a1:lbte Ulem to Uve In lu;cury whUe Work I"" the Butter. . the ' toilers toll on, contlnuoualy. It la not the toners and aplnners (By ANNA GALIOHER.) who take the trlpa to Europe. It la How many housekeepers do you It by meaDS at a one-Inch pipe, anc! not tbe tollera and splnnel'Jl who fie~ know who make good, sweet bulter. /I, small IItovo on wblch Is ftaed _a bOiler with a ' faucet nep.r tbe up In t.he morning at ntne o:clock and tho year. 'round? , 'We know very few . large bottom provides plenty of hot water wh,() speri 4 tbelr at tbe th.,a. Tbis Is not always their tault. for 1111 purpos'es. fe1'15, catell and ' cabarets, drlnk.l nl Some' are obUged to keep Ulelr milk Nothing except the dalrs: utenl\li. III , wUlle and pla)'lng card!!. and cream In 4)ellar. for want of a permitted to remain In the rOOnl. Th~ . 'l'be toilers and spInners get out' of beUer plaoe. bedl wlren tbe· family alarm cloC}k out No matter how good a. cellar may wall s are palnted "whlte and lLJ"e cr.. In the Ilen·house tells tbem day Is be. It ill not a a.ullabls place to keep quently wnllhed clown wllb bot ~· brea.klng. They have no time fOr tbe milk aDd butfer, ellpeclal1y In the and s~1 soda. As aoon as the milk II ' brouiht tbeater or tbe cafe or the ~baret, It's a case of'''buIIUe'' aU the time; . It .u:u~er; one mUllt ulle the cellnr. it Crom the barn It III placed- Ill cL~ is vital that everY worldng hour In IIhould be Itept &II 'clean nnd ",'ell ven. pails and flet In a trough thro,JI1h the day abaU be utilized, In order. to tUat1ld u pos.lble; · anel tbe mil" whloh water (rom the IIprlnl" conata~~ ",Produoe" that which tile scbeme cif llliouid never be' allowedto IItSlJd more Iy palIlieli, • onl' lire I~ the prAlBent da:yprovtdes thlln 36 bours befo.r e helng IIklmmed, mille t be produced to k~ep the who's Tille ar11cle; .undoJ'Jltand, 18 for the nlllAlililnery of' clnU~atlon In, ·motlon. b II t th b d t. VVbat- wo.u ld hap""'D to .tbe peap', e ene t. 0 Gse woo not "eep II . ,,~ lIuftlcilent number of cow~ to wII,M'ftnt In the cltlee If this whole' IIcbem!! .. ,.',. sJieuld become ,dl .....ranged-If ,theNl ,t lIem In the ~nurcbaso_of ' a teparatpr. did not arrbe In ,the' cltles, cn acbed. All :v~els used tor milk .hould be . waahed and scalded after they are UUle Grain 13' Necessary Where u Ie t Ime every day,' the train loaDS ued In &Ddthe~eD bench or· ,caU Ie. ,rraln. mJ)'.. and a I1, SOrt8 0 f table baellsUDned. yard Is ,aAcOnvenient There Is Abundance of Sicoun'r1ProduCe. And tlie- man bi!.g8. .. • taie and ~lfalfa. Mind with orderl for tbe mall oreler place to let milk pans &nil .,..11. hotllB&a. ~.member that the- sunabtne 1 '11111 . to purlfy· th.m after they are wiutbAd With ao . abu.ndil,DC6 ot bom• ..,oW1l WJJ&t would happeo' 'nhere would "!~ IUlLle ot the I'Jlbt 80rt aDd alfalfa bay. not 1083 remain aoy cltizeDII bfleaule &8 nothln, elle wtll. The lun lin· vel'1 lItUe ,raiD feed II Deeded for the, lbe',,, buld ltane, these parallt.., 11 fib" th. work .tarted by the wI"hlng m08t econolDlcaJ milk prGduCtloD. ,the aource of lupplles Ibould bo an d p~. ' , , , Bllt olr. ' " . , aU Ule eream to .rise In ellage Is su~ a .arlable teed tbat l~ t.· an of' tbese, -UI~p)~!e..-eo~~!)mtt~~~~-,JII)Qlt)llWlI1ll4~.....pI('~ty not possible to 8ay Jllst what :.11oul' ' " fromD ' the people In thll' of cold wa'ter. be, c'o• mblned with It ~witbout tint ' tbe counUt"". • -II the paD or "rocka o· DIy balt "'U knowdlg at what a~ge of matUfity ~nlmunlty. You do ),ollr enu shU's . ~I '" , .. ' to1l'arll -lupplylug the cities. ' ~ of-'l1ew milk, eack t~e, and t~en 1111 tbe corn wa. cut fo~ IUag•. A-pln the· , 'EIIpec:lally do you ' aenet your ahare up wltb cold water. prlco received tor milk and the coat of tbe ' ,9rders (or the order Needlees to liny. tbe sltlmmed milk or gralnl are tactOI"l to be taken Into , houBes, wUh tbe cash. ' la, rather thin, but our 'obJect 18 lood account In. dete~lnlng the alltount 0(· . ~liere Is a Btra.o ge ~rtnersbl~. be. hutter, Is It lIotT grains and the klnd8 ~at will be mOlt tween th,.,eople of tbe c~(ln:try and However, we coollider the milk thul profitable tb feed. the peopl~ of the city, a partnerlll1.lp l:eo.tcd not qlilte ali 'Valuable . 'or Moat COWII can be forced to .inc...... ' Whlob, careftlliy analyzed. , Show. thl IIJgs and calvea as separator milk. ,Utelr milk prodllc.tfon 10 to '44) ' per ceDt tonowlng worklnr ~ment: .B oth require th'e ' addfUon of ground througb . blBh feedlug; but.. tbe Jalt Tho country; lleop~ ,Ihall delve &Dct CJ!IllD, oil meal. and 60 rorth, to re- qu"rt obt4lnecJ may cost ellbt cabte. Jf and then. buten to IbiD the elements which aro JaekJnl( ' ,worth on1y four ~eilt8. 0 leu, tO'tbe city partner, who the milk: . " " per quart it :w1!1 not pa), ' ~o \'eed tor' poilll!#la,on and dillpo!,es of tIi~ ',Skim the milk reglJlarly, ane dllurn }Iuoh Increl1l1e.but tl It Ie brllllllnl t8Jt to 'the boat possible adnntage the cream as soon ~s it ~stn8 , to ,et cents lIu~h t¢edlll~ ,\\,111, of cfJlr&e, be. (to · . He 'then bands out to thick;, anil don't use any bot 'water If p~tl~b~e'r... J[ rye apel Cpq1 ,'n ~ 't he C9.untry partner, be'grudglJ)gly and U can 'be ..• .,olded: <' I m~al al'o"Worth but one cllnt-per (IOft\l. . " freQ,uently only fn cale ·of a BUIt at Some people have a hdbl ~ ot clturn.. tb~)" 'CaD wllcly be ~ed. ~ucb. bea.,let ' III "91'. a .emall PI\I't of th., 'Proceed;" Ing. cream a~ too hlah a temVerature ' than wben tI, tl y afa one alld . a ball "Th~n ~ou. the country pam_r. lenll end the reault III white, tasteleSs bui- centa per POUlt!. True, cowk '.wl :l nnt thl. , pittance hack to~, to We reach their llaltlmu~ I~ milk I)r" (/ II<:' mall o~ houf8 wltb an oNie?, InBtea!!, bave the cream /10' cool lion uron 811010 and bllY. lIow. Sucb la tbe result 9f a bald that the hllt;er...,,;:1¥III lIot ' bastn ever u lUona ~butter'. un,'al'ili!!b~d analYlli8' of the copli!' for At lo8llt Dfteen bUnutes Gltar tat Is bringing nbt more than the avo .btl~ , ~ween farm' ~d ,city, tbo cburnt~G' II 'begun; :) '. era~e p,rllIel ,aDd tbs IIklm m,l1k Is b&iWp1i,lng the acid teat. ' ' , ,One:cali. ~slly tell wbether , It Is , Ing fed to·. h'!8'J. and apsumlng ,that <I Jlld~vl~u~l exceptl.oDs do Jiot , right · Or ' not wIthout, using lit qhuro ,llage 18 made (raID well ~ured,mJlture or Illter ttie leoeral 'rulo, have thermometer. If the croom foa'ms, It corn and tti,8t an aJl,!nlJance of '1004 9iU:tl!nll .wboRe prospel:lty ' and at. la too 'cold; It the cream . loolla thin alfalfa bay I~ avaUnble" l~ II extremel" fluence etoqu,eotly; ' ret1,lte the , tore'l> and lItt1e~ white specks :libow "on the ' a,oubt!lll wh~ther It will be :.,roll~able lug ,s~tement8 but or41narll11ou ~lU Bur-race, It Is ' too . vJarm. VIO bot or to add any ol .tbe above concenttatea discover that thele proaperous :men cold watet as tbe" cue may require. to tile ration: However, the breed of whel are the' exceptlon to the rule are ', tt Is ' seldom, ,hQvJever, that..a-eam CO\y84l1d the 'period of la01ntion mUll Itkened In ohl\ftc;ter and motive, to 1V,m be warm no lees If . has been alao be con8ldered. Fresh co•• anct the old "tode.': 9fl Re.vo~utl<lnarY daya. "ripened" In a warm J'OOql. or oYJ'en tIloae glvl!3g, 1\ '~ery high per cgnt of 'l1hey .will be (o\lnd to be ,a1lIlIated In too much l10t water b~a lie~n. aA~ed. butt~rtat mpre , co!lcentratet s9J1i!e . olanner. not to the· general ID' We alwaYI ilbout a gill Ion or wa. thlDl Cia c0v:''' a~ a.verase ad". , ot. the community wit" 'the t ' # t ' .b ' , . u, er .01' 0 cl'lta~, ut .~r . wolv8l' of the-big cl"~ ' '~ . And It ' la lIucb: "toilles" that hc!lp to -i.n lura a contlntlance of the .cOnlll. tlo~.s ' In the ~ country tOWD.S' aDd lagEIlI. •. "

~:ot~=:.':l ~~;~~~i~1~~~i=~=~~ :aitilJ1' l . fi' :..-:':illiM>


••••••••••••••••• •



',.lHE LOST FRIEND' . br W. O. ·



1HONORED.ALL MEN Never' a Word .of Contempt or Soorn -C'ame From the Lips


(C9DY·dshl, lOlt,.



of Our Lord. lr ~plDl1 n . )

Col. Jim Slee sat In hlB swivel 'c~r aDd looked at 'M188 Eltzabeth Ray anll ' pulled his drooping mutltacha. : • Colonel Sleil was the la.n mun!~ the world whom one would have II.ssoclated ,nUl a large ,olt)r store, .A little over ~(ty, lIerhapo, wi th a' splendid 6&:ur,8 · and military bearing, there waa some· tblng chivalrous about the man 111 tillite at his reputation . If t here can be cradea ot , tust ltv ere, the . colonel undQubledly ' ,belonged to the hlghe8t grade. 1n 60 homes be WIlS regarded mlln of unblemished reputatlOD; and thoee who klillW 'What hla life waS .o~ow exonerated hIm. The oolonel bad tallen belr to the atore OD 'bla 'mitber'. death. anll he bail not known wbat to do with It, Hla firat act wils to call a)' tbe employees together and -ralae their aala~ rles'. Then be promoted a11lhe pretty «Irl d erks, The colonel's old·fashloned, Idea was that the-preuler a girl waslind every girl wae pretty It ,s be hael · health and a swellt. tempe'l'-the leas ' rli;'ht abe had ,to labor tor a pittance. Mlail l~ay, \be pr~'tUe8t and moat lnnoc nt 01 tbe lot. was )lppoluted the 1,'0101101'11 private seCretary. That waB a8 far aa tbe (olonel sot befoJe the departmental managera In· .terCered and told bJm. with firm politeness. that be would have to lea'fe U~e charge o( alla.lrdto Ulem unlea8 he l\'lahed' to drlve ' the etore Into bank-

ae a

Reduction In ' Llvlnll COlta "' . . . . . . . lible by P.rfeClt Produot. 'the 6udd~n Bod alormill. aa· arellllO In QOllt ot 10,o d nec.,IIAltle8, aueb .... " Ugil< a lUi 1Iour. <l l;III[U1d I."..~ domestic ""nolny, If"r IU"OWH h ...... oul u.dvl'l hce(\ \ fth, lIlllI war- time ION"Illg ,It t ootl 1> ~l c ~a, ' W .... e o r rn o tl 11K wdl liS _ I of ( 0 1).1 mull t 11~ con .. I. ll " r~,Il and mlnl!DllI~tl III Ih~lle dtlY" ! " s. t l)\ tl' "t prI Q~., l"url un lllllly Ul gre(l.\ 5t (Dod ",a.t. with whic h' th hOUM ' wlr~ luis to cce-

lond- baka· doy eallures and the waat. of Da U)! ballllUl: materials-I II rend erect ,A few privllege(1 Inen DlQve III splea. IIr"we iUUI., by lh e pel' rect )('Jly~ nlo. . (tl l\ , clrcle!\ ; llle)' Arll the actors In p"IVer 01 <,: IU"" ~ t ~itlklng J>owdo!r. Culum t III (\1'1 nl>aoliltulY l'Iuro "l\kID" great al'J'alrs, . and tb ~ lr lIamel! will b po w tl r of 'ablluJuto lIu.t lty. -It, lever, wri t tar ge or; th p age of history, It ( nil:, t o pro,luce tully raised b .. In. . ' thll.t u re t ndcr u n (1 temptlngty den· II! an IDslinet to 1I0nor tbe mlght~. tho clouM , Fot' ilS w onderful JOlII.veoIDaglrLed, nnel the ramolls. But the 1m, 8tr~ngth n v r ' -Iu'le a, It' ll always uola nd ,,'wu ye UAuceUed., . ' mense majority 5p lid thplr liv ea In (orUI'1'0 pay more than Is asked fnr Catu,tile most COl)1ml)llplace 8cenes. an In' Ul t ~ lJJlply rn N l118 a useless wuste ot To pa y I.,..... tllld obt:L.O 0 10finit y of p tty tll llks consumes llleir (IUO".,.. crlor powd l'r. m nns the ullele •• waste thae and stre,ngtb, and tce experiences of UelclDe ~1 .. te:! .. I" , Ordor " car o ~ Calumet. Save. subwblch mak up the lIre'story or th eln nlinl 8um on th e prloe asked tor mnlUtude are harcllt Important Tru .. t lIrnnds when you bop tl. !.a..... til tlour. 8ulSur. butte r and ellP 80 enough to be mentioned In domestic. often wII.8te d by BII; Cn n 'p owde...correspondence. "'bon YOU u"e It. You a rc aa.fe In __ derl_a Calum e t, In tl'3' WIO It, In teetl_ But on Investlg&Uon we find that Llle truth ot th eBe e lll l ms, tor If you are tbe great minds of tbe earth navt:\ also not tborCujfldy aB tl sll cd ' tbe purcllUe ' been conqernod with the nlosl modest pries will be rofun(\l!d by your local deal"I', , alfalrs or human IIle, For Instance, I buying a can or Calumet .eo~ tbe Sbakespeare write. of klllga a.n~ ·con· 8l1p ro un d In the one-pound can to the t Bal,lng Powder Co .• Advertisquerora, at battles aneI empire, of love C»lum In g Oe""rlment. Ohlcagp. III .. and 70D A PalE' 0' Fine Blrd. ~ will roc ~ l \' u on e of their hand_orne 12and beauty, of the deep things of lbe DI1g'(r Cook Booka, lIluslralions In col· The ordinarY aeruh turkey. hen wllJ tbe same family. and no breeder sbould, Intellect and tbe heart, and he troats ors, and ::l book that wIll be .1 !rUleS. . . lay from 18 lo 26 eggs per season, bllt go Into the business unless he Is will· theso high lbem ell with wonderful economy In the kltcben,-Adv. lhe well, bl'etl ~Ird n.ow produces aB Ing to start ",itb the s tandurd bred mastery and splendor of exprol\lllon, Mild be r 11l!8 1 to ~ per ' cent ill. With ble name we 81180clate only su, 111gb as trom 45 to 60 eggs, tbe -avor· stock. , age on · tl\ost farms nowadays being Tbe h ighly bred tom t urk y will preme genius aod Immortal tame, Yet cOhol. bltler UJi to 10 per cent. a bQut 36, bring from $10 to $50, and $)00 t6 $300 wbim we read bls last will and loe, A L~rkey dues n,o t mature un\U I~ III not an uncommon \)rl en for II. trio 01 tament and nnd b,lm beQueatlllng bla , Trn f!1l1ile for a nickel. Ahuys bn~ RetI Cross Dnll R1uc: have be utirul cl~ar ",bi.. Is about three years old, aud to obtalij a tom and two hens, But the ot!, second· best bed"we llee that t be grent clotbes. Adv, . strong anti vigorous ol'tsprlng henB spring of these bigh·class bird!) always muter had. II1[e the tellt of U8. to deal It doesn't lalle a young Djaa who from two to tbree years old ehoula be bring tancy prices, and ' the original with very mfilor matters Inil eed. Our ~Imculty 18 with the wo\'d all, starl.8 at tbe top long to reach tbe mald to strong, acUva ·males oC the ·oat. therefore, should hot be seriously same age or Qlder, The males a'nd c;onaldered It one Is to aHempt breed· "Honor all nfen:' The people 10 At, hottom- unlese he Is diggIng a well, rica a8 well as the people In America, remales should - neVCT be, ,ken (rom Ing lUI a buslnl!8s, The dwellere In t he slums as tbe real, de9te of the avenue. All men! Tbe SIMPLE HOUSE FOR POU"-TRY GARBAGE NOT GOOD FOR. HENS servant aa well ae the master ; the m!lld !is well as tbe mistress; the IIllt, ,. Where Beauty Helpa, Warmtl1 Will AlwaYI Be- Prime Fac· Anything AVl)rlgc Rcataurant Cannot erate as well as the scbolar; the sin, ner as well as the sRlnt. Men ~t high She-We women IJavc to stand a UIC Is QUI~ltlono1ble Food for tor tn Egg Pr.od!lctlon-Beneflt . charaeter and achi evement- we de, lot. Fowl. or Swl ne. of Plastered Walli. ltght to honor ·them. The tramp. ~ He-Not III the atreet car IC you·... ' drllnkard, t crimInal-how can wo pretty. Tbe lilinplest poultry: .bouse Is tbe - . (By J.'IC"lI. ER.) jaellt. BeLtel' nswts have been obA poultry book 'recocmends that honor them? And yet the apostlo talued by ueing the old and well. those living near hotels tlhould ar· mllkea no exception wben ,he says. , Important to Mothers known' pla1l of havillg a house eIght range for tbe I;arbage, stating that In hnnor all men, It II a tremendous de- . 1il%amlne clU'efully every bottle vi feet In tront and six teet in the rear, It there. is such a. variety of tood til at mand. lIJId'tret!lendoualy hard to obey. CAS'l'ORIA. a safe and sure reJlledT and yet we must strive to obey it If InCants and chtldren, and lee that It ten or twelve feet square. with' a win. It wllf be of untold valul' to bens, The tact is t hat anything the aver· we would have tbe ml~d wblcll wal ID dow on the ~ou~h, than from any Bears the ~d'= bMst Jesufl. other, aDd such a houl\e cOlta but lit. a'ge fCst.e,'Urantl ,wUI retu8C to Jumb\ll SIgnature of ' • ' ~ ~ PUled Hone By. tie, .ho~dlng a HOCk of from • . dozen UP tor tbelr customers Is Questionable In Use For Over'SO Yean. • to twenty fowls, The ponltry bouae food for either fowls or hogB. ' Ohildren Ory for Fletchet_ O .. In the Bummer' this refuse, w~en ' reFor tbls III wbat Christ dtd dur~ng (o'r 'I I cold cllmate may be' plaatered. B6 war 11 "lUI 'a lwayS be 0. prIme lac. moved once 11 clay, Is t\DSlleaka!)ly foul. hI!! ea~lhly \lfe- he llonored nil men. No Excu8e for Plalnne ... • I d 1. I.n 1'd ond tbe olle WllLO romoves or bandIes It 'fbls was indeed' a tblng whlcb dUfer· ,. or n agg pro uc~ou 'II' uter, an needs tho nosll of a sCBvenger, entlated him from everyo~o else or his A young lady, by 1\0 Dleana b eautithe Plas~~red W~1l81 ' wll,l be 10f 1m· • Fermented alnd decaying reCuse (rom time. The good people of Palestine ful, was Introduced to a gtlntlemllD mense auvantage n p~event og 1lce tn bls dB" never thou ght ot hOl1orinl: who was endowed with good 100kB but from hldlng In summer. On41 o( he sucb places Ie dangerous, eveD to J points to observe 18 thai; a' gOOd shed ha.ndle. fn tills "ga rbage" ls otten all men, On tbe contrll-ry. tbere were not manners, During thi course I . , 10und pickle8, sour cat-bage, tainted 'certaln folk whom they J'(lsa.rded only lheh: , conver sation , tb~ gentlemaa hS ,better In lummber thnn a clolle meat Bnd other Btu/tS-8Ven lnclfidlng 88 obJecta o( theIr scorn and con· askcd: ' ouse and will cost ut little. It must tempt. They bonored the ploue Phan' "AI'e there many more ladle8 Jlu :be tight at the back and s1des, at! calfee grounds-fit only for th.e 1X\,a' you In the Potteries?" draCts of all', even In warm seasons. nure p11e. lIee', but tbe " publicans and sinners" T\)e young lady re-lJlled : "Oh. J _ will do damage. Fowls 'can endure We camiot be too caretul about wbat they treated as the !lltb' aDd offspring cold ' weather. OJ: stand' the warmest we feed out til) s!;ock, Fowle shoUld of aU thl.ngl. Jesus honored aU men . We all are good'lool!.lng tbere, YOll have perfectly sound rood 'or they will He honored Matthew b:y calltng him see. we mllke our own mug"," . d aYB In , summer. bu~ wUl not thrive as an apostle; be honol'6d Zaccheu8, t .wbere drafts of air come on them at 1I0t enjoy per(ect1y sound 'health, Jllgb.t. The c.ost 01' a , poult;'" house the 'Chief pub lean; he , honored the Activltlol of WOlnen, .~ ' . woman who was a tilnluir ",nd defended , Philadelphia bas five women racto,.,. _ ' Ie the ~tter that ,caUBes ihe begin' HENS DURJI~G EARL¥ WINTER her bettlre Simon and hili aSRembled IOllpeotors. ner to !Q!!,•• der. ' It 1s Dot necess.!\rLl-_--,,~~__'c===:;.:.------ ,gue",tl; be honored t.he rrfvolous 'and 'Women farm laborers 'In 1ilnglan4 to bother about ven lators 8.J!d otber Fowll on Rlniile All Summer Should aeneual woman ot Samaria' when tie number nearly one llundred thousu4. asked appllancell. · Mike tbe llouse as 81m· Be Turned Out l.n Vard. for £J(. taught her at 'Jacob'a well; he' bonored Over fire thousand wornen are e&pie 'In design lUI pOtlslble. and the ercl •• 0" Pleaaant DaYI, eTen that wretched woman .ho wu gaged In Indus'lY In lIaly, "You cost will be a "mlnlmum and the fOWls dragged b'e tore hlJD by a ~l,ltal mob', Over six thousand women In Ne. comfo,rtable. Get a bardy ' breed, Con~id~r that_, llie birds wblch bave a A aved I b b1 d t j tl York' are 'e mp'lov"d as ta.l loreaaleave the doore and wIndows, open at ' 1;1 ... s ler y • \Tor a UI ca ,,, .... I I ) .. beeit on the r/ln~e ' all summer , will aDei pity. Tbat was always "hanetel" CUlinila has an acllve rUle alllOct. n g )\. c ean trequently, 80 ' a,s' to pre- miss tbe ~bundance of fresh Jdr iatlc of OUr Lord. Palestln's hi hlB,day tlon' homtlo~e.d of wOD;leD, :. ' I vent ,oul odol'li. use. plenty of white' dl;lrlnl the nrst weeks f confinement. bRd II.!! shaN of wastrels and ne'er-do-', Tbere are 0 er three mllllon'wldo"" wash, a.nel tbe fowls will not be ,un· Bud t~rn tbem out In the yard" ro~ \\:III)s, of low apd ' d'eg~aded ' people. In thll UnJted B'tati!~ and there II ... tbrlllY ,tn a chea~" 1i0UBe. exerC\cJe every ..pleallant day. a,lIowlng !lIId Jesus Came ' 111to close contact, estlmBt~ .a s to how \JIllny ' there wID. them to , stay there as long us they with ,them , 'H ut you will see,rclI tn'e :be In Europe nner the war,' but It' ATTENTION TO LATE HATCHES ' wtsh, an'd whlle tbey are out tuke the Gospellj in VillI) for any word oj can· , wfll proba~ly be twice "s many a8 " . " , OI>JlOrtllnity to throw open all tllo tempt or scorp from bla IIpa, bavc, , LOOked 111to the He,r-t. In .lavll. when a mah marries, he ' doors and wl.ndowlI, to ob~aln tho~ Mutt Have' Proper "eedlng and Care ough ventUaUon . and to puri(y the When Ohrillt looked upon men whut goes' t6 hIs wIfe's house, wher" . . . to Mature Before 'Cold Weathe ........ 1I0uBe.,' If ·there [II no scrqtchlng shed dId be see' Ordinary men !law arm. women sit In council uPOI\. all mal, 01... Str'de~ Free Ranoe. arrange BolII'ti-plaI\ whereby the bouse. ply the sordldnes8 ot me and Its vi. ters of !ml>Ortance aria dictate tbe ." Wbat. III, ' demanded by tbe late can be made as light a's po!j~~ble c10us characteristics. Jesus saw {airs or Ihn home. o't h d t " f " I kl '" I tb during the, da.y. and especIally so that mo-. As at. "'0'bn says: "He kneft' Widows or soldiers lUlled In UtI. ,h- c II soc.. 0 a. nuB 8 e prot>: plenty of,. simllgbt. wll1 scatter Itself wha"t' waR In molan." Every ' body COUI"d eervtce of tlie British army ' wlU ~ , el fee"lng and care to ulalure It before ' ' " ~ 'I' , ovel: tile floor, ' _ celve a PilUS Ion of from ftvo to t_ cold weal, r , ..... tl ......_4Io_-+.:8::.:e::.:e:".·"the brutish conduct. eyerybody " shllllu"s n week. depeD'!. ln"'· u....n· - - • ' mge . 8e", , 101 could aee the vice and the .bame. But ., ... u II 0<'" ...... blrjlB Will IlIature Ii oul of the 'ques. tion 'If. they are. com"ellell-lo ahlft al. Is dry at all ,Urnes" llartlcularly It It JesUs looked beyonll the cutward ' con. rank PC h er bUllband,,' .. ~ , 1' .1 ' 111 an earthen. floor, If It ' gets, too ' . ' .. tOlfetbell fo~ themselves pn ·ttie tl\nge. dainp this: 'Will: Invariably melln a ' Iilld duct, to ,(he heart, and ,In the hear~8 01DOCTOR ,KNEW !l'~e)" ',wlll grow aome. ,It la , true. ,b ut eold. Then stte that the toad c~nalata even the 'C8!ltlaUlI at ,bum~lty. He Had 'Trled' lt Hlm.elf. th.,y wUI not «row 'as rapidly ,elbe), OrdlS ueaL a '.:varlety all possible, saw potencillB and poulbillties ot . --,...... r good. DrownIng expresses bls robUB~ The doctor who hal ' tiled Poataa. '~' ION FOR ' T U~KEY aoroethl faith the,t In ood the worst of men tbere Is It "'- y, c ......... ,- ....-Fl eea me " nows lh a t It III an e ... r ! ...... WINTER ' RA , ng g , ~ s. 0 pleasllot way out oCtho , C9a1l8 11.~ .. All '!"!th a l<>\lCh of noblane•• , d",plte _ and all ot tbe ails tollowin.... aDd ... Only- 8ufftclent Fo~d Sh",uld Be GIven Their error, upward tendlnlJ all. though I .' ... , , weak; ' preserIbes It f or bl a'patl Bilta'"t,a .... ~IIII .. , .to ~,eep :rhem, In' Healthy Con·.... Lllte planta In mine. which never aaw ph),lIlclan of ProlpertoWD, N. ,if. , " 1 dltl~~W.ter Twice Dally: ", the 8un; 0 ' .. hi ' t1 . ;But clreo. m ot hIm 8'14 guClN where he ne ,!'L • pa en.ta ~aYIIJ; " , " . rna)' be , " , "Durtng th, 'summer jUllt ' JJdt I ..". A1)d h~, thell' be4t to climb lind c~t to fered te~tlbly 'wltb.'a ' beay)" reellDJl , : the pit ot· my lI~mac~ , anddlan (.... . ' ngs In my.liead a.nil ~tJi' "~bWtdD'' ' "'ould come over my, 'eyea sO l ' w08l6',· bave to "It down, ' I WOUld' ,.' 10 a,!!"'"'








at Min Ray and Pun.~ Dl'9opl"1I MUltache.

~o~ecUcut, . Sbo wal on~ ot the prettint, ,Irll the colonel Ii ~ ever IIQen.

uitb 'her ftutr¥ browb, balr. gray eye~ red .11P'-! alii! un8pphlfltlcated' \vaYI. The ' colonel 'was 1,& little afraid or, ber




--- --

/ U .t'cbl'son





, Probate Court Proceedlogll

H '


The· mount of ool1atera l Inheri taoce til X dne from eaob ' interest In the e taf,o of An na L . Snook, de 0l)a9 11 , ', 8 fixed by lihe Court. \n lhe estoftt e of .!timeS V. Bankin' flOll, lu!signor. . , ules of pel'sonl1 1 pTopertv IIro Ilpproved. Conrt tUft)) · o~ order.s all unsolri personal prop· erty to be ~old I1t puhho auotlon . FlrU and Baal account 11) tbe as t&te of l:)arlill ,I. u reswell, deceased , i 81,pruved, . .f obD (,. Brown 08 Adm'; with tbe will Rnnexed, of l,be t!8tate of dan. nah Smith, deoeAsed, plliiotUJ vs Clau E. auley, at aI, derenda° ,,,. Applioation is filed to settle, determtQe and reglst-or .t itle unde,' Torre ns system Ninth Il(loou ut in t be elf ta of Oy ndora Eynon,' ins 'ne iSllpproved, In tile estate , of Niobolas Aroll deaoon,.deoealled .!fi rst Dooonu~ I1V' proved. .


0Rt ~



Tlhe Common Carriere Alk for RelIel'- Prell dent Wilion DI~ctl Without any advance'in Attention of Public to Their Need .. Price~ we~ are tUlving The committee of raUroad' execllU'ves, hended by Mr. Frank Trl1mbl1ll, Lat:ge Sales rElpresenting thlrty.five of the leadhig railroad systems' of the nation, recent. Iy'" presented to President WUson a I meIt1ofR.ntlum brlefty revle wblg the dlt. fioultlcs now confronting the, railroads Underwear oC the country and aaklng for the coCloths oJ)eraUon onhe lov,e mmental authodUes and the publlo In supporting rallHosiery . wall credLts and recognizing an emer. g.snoy wb lch requires that the rail· Corsets r(Iads be given addItional revenues. Whe memorandum tecltea that the Dress Goods European war has resulted Jb genera) ' dlepresslon ot bU81ness on the Amerl: Broad Cloth CILn continent and In tbe dislocation oj! credits at borne and abroad. With Gaberdines rev nil es decreaaJng and ~ole're8t rates French.Paris Boullon increasing the trauslIortAtion systems of the conntry race a most serious Tango Crepe First account in the eAtate of cr isis and tbe memorandum Is a ' Thom as tt Smith, dece'lsed, Is also s t rong ilresent,atlon of the clllldle SergeB . We have just 'received a carload of good .~pproved . ~'urn lng at both ends and tb~ perils Mcslaline Silk In the e8~lI.te of LOlllsll Couden , that must ultimately attend sl1cb a '72~2 Locust Fence Posts" 71~. Ribbons bsuefiolary, tbe four ~b account is conflagration when the flames meet approved I~I apparent to all. In their general Tb e tent.h Itooonut in tbe .As tde ot dIscu ssion tbe railroad repreaenta· Aluminum Ware 600stunningstyles in the Winter John A. Keller, IDllane I npllrov'ed. tlves say In part: "By t;eason of lagHandBag8 issue of "Bu«crick Fyblons." In the of Wm, E. ~w"ttz, -IEllatlon nnd reglllaUon b'y the federal A magnificent sele~io~ to deo.>ssed, fi rs t bcconnt Is I1pprovt'd governmsnt and the forty·elght a,tates Suit Cases ·I'hl.r d accouut in the estate of nctlng Ind ependently of each obber, as choose ~ur entire Winter wardHO'rre Adnrnment Sarah 8. Van H rDt', benefiol~ry II! well 8S througll the action of a strong robe. This lovely publication approved, public olilnlon, rallroad expenses in is oply 2Sc, which includes any Second acconnt in t he ('state of r ecent year~ have va8tly Increaaed, Rugs. Mattings,Etc, Buttcrick Pattern you like Free, Al nz Cassed llY doo6lillad, is ap. No criticism 18 here made of the geno d " eral theory of govemmebtal regula· At the Pau-n o.utm..t • , prove • , tlon, but on . the other hand. no in• R , Wild, -UUobrJst, Trnsttte VB. genuity can relieve the carriers of ex-rhe Morrow Roller Mills Co., et al. pense8 created thereby.'; fees. to tlle extent of $250 lire al Pre81dent WUsod, in transmitting . Recipi for Long Youth; lowed f or servloe/! rendered the tlile memorandum of ~he railroad Olel a.e can be cured. The prescrip.bondhol~ere ill ,bls Clause. to the publlo, ch~cte1" In the matter of the estate 1I:es It as "a luol4 statement of pliln tion Is &. elm pIe one: mlx ·open air anel Funeral Dirrctor Anna L . I')nook. dooea ad. tl'Ilth." The president ' recognizing a hobby. lbaltQ well. anel take as maD1 and Embalmer, Mle of person ~ 1 propert.y ordered. tile emerlency as extraordinary•. cOD' houra a .day as p08slble No one be- i to ace ·untll be 1a bored. und the : C. C, EnlRee·belJlg Iloal Ie \0 pel' tinulnlJ, lAId in part: Waynesville, Ohio • • to III Me d uties ... apprll1f1or In '"You ask call the attention ant ara1 balr comee when a mao I' .ueldenl, thine to himle,f: "What'. . estate of Martb~ O. l1Uzar, ot the country to the ImperaU-,. need Charl88 1:1. ·Elllas8 18 appointed tbat I'IlUway oreltits be auetailled aDd the UII"" TIlen II t-be time wileD a Call answered promptly day 01' nlRht; bojlbY .mall,ea lUe lnt1!re8tlnl apIn.- Both phon8$ in Office and Residence. fill hlB plaoe. ~e raIlroada helped In every possible long disUinclI.No. 14;·Home phQDe . 10 the mil.ter of the "sate,. ot way, whether by ·prlvate .coooperative , Ul!plneoWI. 14·2r • . , Alfred Ii. Newell' deooll8ed . . Maria ellort or by tile actton. whe~ver .,--Chairs and one Coach furnillhed free L. Newell la appoiuted ' adinlnlitra- f eas,lble-of gove~mental alf~nQle., and , CaUH of Worry Deftl1.d. with funerals, , " trlx . Bond $~OOO. ' • ~ a~ glad to dQ ~, beca~e . l thlllk WorrY medical sclenel' now delln." Best o( llervic~ guarantee4, The wlli of G eorge W. Carey, de the need .v~ry .renL ,. .. the 40mlnalice of on. Idea. ueuallT . ceased Is admitted to probate. Tbe conference wall cert&lrll1 a tbat of fear. Th~ II a fear of·lO~e ~~~~=====~=~~= . lay. "'In AN All Alike. ' fortttnate one for the nation and the ....tln. canelWon or dread of what . III the Woman'l Bome CoDi])&llion C Marrla&e Lk:eru1e8 presld~nt ls ~ be congratulated for ID&J' happen. Tbe ielea crowdl &11 oth· All Kind.. of appeared the ltory or a coquette In '' '. oPllnlng the late to a new world of era from the adn.cI. or tlennlta them ;,hlch the ooQuette elv" the folloWfllc Kurl M. 8hldaker, barber of elfort··m wbJch everyone may co-op81" oD17 the feebll!.t and ,oocu10nal IIC)o 104m. t9 her cousin: O4J)on't make the BarveYllbnrg, Obi '. to Miss . Beryl ate. . " . ,tt.u;,..- The most terrible tJranDJ .. • tupld mll~lIe . thoul&nc1l of women O. Frllz, r t)f Wayn esville. Ohl '. There are many important prob" tile tJraDII1 01 an Id... Pain lea9e8 almoIIt m&lul. Doll't I 1ilTery -WODl&D thinks U. O,;]ando Prl-n tz, bagtJage agen J~ema in our complex clylutattoD that · as if by mqic when her hUIIJlancl·1I dltrerenl But, tru.t a Qf D~yton, Obio ~o Mrs WinDI '\11701 ylel'd to co-operation whlcb wlU . you be&.1.0 , uaiq "I). 1fgrldly womu. mJ dear. or much ex- Uoglesby of FrankUI'. Oblo. nlot theml6lvel to a""ltrary naJ. Drops." the famouaold l SUK't!8aor t~ perlQoe. meD are all alike. They tire Wllltilm:1- THistle. ti~giI -.oJ'W~unllaal~~UldWInaDcJO,.+-_ . W~loe II Thrown. remedr _for R"eumatislD, L1JI!Ibago. GOut.' or wbat tliey mow fa enUrely ~e1r . Wap G. Oreamer; ,fllrmer of .r,u,",,"n .. Ie one -, The ' The meaninl of-tbrOwlDI rice after F. E. SHEtW~DI ' SCIatl~ Neuralgia ' oWD!' The tlillll a -.m an Ahoulel never Lovell1nd to MillS Marie Rill of Mur with, th.e mone, ' ia a tactor ~at CI&D- weddIols .. an auspicloull lenelotr to aDd Iriladred ~ublea. t I~••llht II. that hIa wire fa attractive ' doelr. Rev , Geflrge W~lte. . JlIOt be ellmJnate from anr ·bul1lieu the !lappr .couple I, Dot tar .'to e~k. . It" 10lIl rigbt to the to other mq _ well u to hlmaelf." f traDSII_ CUon and the .pubUa 18 an Illtar-· Inumucb as rice 'Is the mo.t proll1lo epot. atope the .a ches Phone 77 Wtilter E,0 ru lll er, lidwuodworlrer 0 tha t shbuld .alwaYI be C()Doo ot I'ralnl It ........ _- aI... a ..... anel eve", . . Be h Bested party .... . ... aa4 paiDiI and mates •- • Wyoming, blo, to 18S rt" . lIulted and happily the prealdeot hu wbere been regarded 'u emblematlcal ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!! life worth Iiviq. Gee Flimoul Reglmlnt. ltIeler or F oster, . Ohio. Rev. S. G. linvlted ali to particIpate In the 101.. or God'i commanel to Adam and lIlT•• '" • bottJe of "I).~' The Bub, the (amoue old '''Nut- MoCboSDty. tlon of our railroad problema•. ' Ian~ after . the delultl.. -to Noah· to ' lo. today. A booklet ""Jth T __ .... ere... aDd multiply, and ~'lPlenlpb the each bottle Ii- filii,. eracllera," of -whlcb th.e ~I of. Den· 11''' appointed Real EState r!lllaaen eartIl. .directloDi for ue. Fu~eral DIrector. DoD'. deJay. Demaod DO hll raceot to Enllanel. are olle ' '.*Drope'" DoG't ac- III lb. olelest COJ1)a In the British p, V. Wikoff to LOll E; Van Har. ,Stok headaobe II .nearly al'l(a,. , cept I.IIythIq e .' in 'l'bl!y were evolve4 fJ;om ~he old Iingen Idqt $ ' N o ~83 Mand '28,\ iD Wi. cnused by aillortie1'8 of 1he atomaah. . Mol'I AmlrJOI.. 8ullrei!lIlo1. . Telephone d~:y or nl«b'. pl-c:e alit. Aiat...... trained band In the daYI 'of l!Illzabeth, koff's a ditlon to a80n. ., Oorrect tbem and " He perlOcllQ, at. county. dallfofllll. produau ',Valle, plu,)be Nt) \ Llni • . ' JOI1 Uvo tl:\O ~ Lou 'E . Van_Ba.rlingen to Le~II~. te~ks of headacbe .. :.f ill <In.ap.. ...000.000 JIOUDdl. or about ~ .per Distance N_ o. Gt-~. ' 1104 00. Dollar to ind because of lbla iLaclent connecUoJi ~i!ar. WI'S John a,lhop, .0f'BOie 'cent of the CalUornJa 'rablD crop, ud s"".IUIIIO:lQll~hel~ltio Cure Co., J'l.waR. .. with the capital they baTe the Prln- ' R088, 10t8 NO, .14 !IoDd 22 In N\koff "I).~ ;';\1 be lace of 1Ile.I4Pb.ln~ throulh the olty 'o f additloD t~ Malloo, OhIO, '1Ule, Ohio, wfi te8 ': ·'Abon.t a year 1I.rtT t1r1oe tb,. Quantlq p~u0e4 by latlJtCllmll)bllfII ServICe at all TImee'; , . . London with fixed bayoaetl. be&t1q Cora Lew~s to AlvodLre Brown aU9 1 waa tronbljMl ."h IlIdl,eeUoD S~ • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!! drulll8 anel a,lllI colon. . aDd Edith J, Br-lwn lo~ No. 266 in alld' had 8tOit beadaobe .tha' lMl8d W~YNesV1LLE,. 'OHIO . • - • P~allltlin, fl . ' for two or ,bree -day. at a "iDe. Braacia 08lee.' ~.~~. 0. ' . DR. J. W. ~I~~R, ' 8. B. WOOdwllrd lind Elias 4"'oo&ored aDd ~ed ,. number Cbam"rlain I Coup Remedy-The. to Rlohard E Mioge, 3.107 aores remedies but Dothlng bellied me Mou.;s' Favorite Franklin Townll~ip '1,081.411. ., o~'U dnriIlg 'one of tbOlle IIlat .pell• ••• DENTISr··· "I Itve Cbambl'rlal.'. Oo\l,h' W., O. Jlqdlon and wUe wJobo P. a frlen~ advll8d me to 'like Oham. . Olllctlla . Remedy to m,. obildng wheD they Fitzgerald Lots No. 130, 131,13;siD 1,M,r)ain a Tablets. Tb,lI" medloiDe If..... ._ . 8Mk ~W~D~Ule.i O have ooldll or oonlhe" wri&e!l, Ilr8. ,Park ~laoe addition to ]j'ra~1l1hf, rEIllevedJIl" Bhor' ti ,oe" Iror _Ie Vvne-8bafler. Vande'J'grin, Pl. , _U 120'( , " . .all de.~er.... '1 Yet~rln.a"", _ al,vaY8Jhel.. UaeDliuldtafauujMlrlor . Frank A. WiD field ·Biram . "., ~..-~ '••~ , --'--~I Ohio S'~I . lml"",,') , to any othtll' oolllli melijotDe .1 have J)rlin lots No 60 lind li3 trltoUonrU . Queatlolt of -Height. .' . V.•_ ~'' 1l8ed. 1 adviM aDyone in need of lot No, 57 10 Thomp89D'S Addition Lady .Soulbwarll.ln \~r ~~en't!r pub, 800h a meclloiDe to 'glve" a lirial. I t to Morrow, $1-., - IIshed remlnlscenclII, teUI .a 11101'1 or Notary, Publ,C; dolce .at relddence ~n F. D. Stter tor sale ·b,. ~11 dealen. • .. --an Irl8hman , who was cutung turf

W. H. Madden &Co.


On . Hands At All Times






$2.25 per 100 feet

--- --- --------1

The finest car of Chestnut Posts' ~vei" Broiaght to . . Town is ·Just in.





------ ..





A. '1. Chandler

Over P05l0ffl~. Wa,nesrille,. O~


-- .


,.., .f






"Walter' McClure





. ' wood'. h01JtIe, F01Jrth Street.

, ,. 'neera bog wben a' trlend came ,u p·to '-. . To ee.1 Botti... No use , ,~ sqoirm ' nd wince and b,lJD,crylDr: "Pul'lck Is- stuck ' in lb. 1'el~pbon. ,28 Bottles may be .ecurely iIeaIeel III bog up to hll ankle.... "Dou·t w!lrTJ. try '0 wear ont yoor , Rheuma&tllin then," wu .the reply; "If be~a, onIy up the followlnl manner: Melt tolether a It W1(1 weal' yououUnlltead Apply .,~ - h&.. an"'lo'a ,"e can loon_ ...t out D~_.1 .' -eallnl was. the 80me 0uoan l 'e . Li • N--'> ...., .. (lId , A"ber-I_ I",!!!!!!,!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!,!,!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ b U e "nuarter of a .pound of _ ... , n Imen.. ...... no.."~'" again!'! ' "Yel, . but be 'went In ma Ie ""'",,'I'Q m-oq""1 tU . lI&D,le qUlUltity of FBSln an4 two,.oancea r~b it· IJI-jullt ' le& it penetra.te all fllnt!·.. · ret&,r ted the · other.-Pe&nOn'. . d88D-&.IJQI~ , 'or inforDl"'ton !!!!!~!!'!!!~~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!! pf ~wu. WheJ! the mixture frolbs, tbroo-llii the afi'eot-ed parts, relieve .0611 OD or ~ B • .A; ' CorDIll, ( .R D.. '' . ' attr It wltb a : tallow candle. AI lOOn I ~be lIorenesS and draw the pain Weekly. " , 1ft'·' " D . 1. Wa,Denm.. Ohio. . ~9 'eaah ~dlet:1t ·11 -melted., dip .the I-Yon ,ga_1; Mse at' once and feel 110 " ..l Wortll. , 8w elt og• . " , . ' ,~; '. . IDii i:I ~ The ,wlUelt c1bg 10 the world, ~. . ,.. . . '. , ," .... _ fir. _ it , tope ot the 'oorlted bottle_~ m the mb:- l muoh \)etter yon want to RO rlgb' . record H011CL'aDdll'f,e ty' ~rD. 'For iD. _ -'.'!.!~.I!_ao~.'.!!~lt·. ture. It w _ 111 completel1 ualude the ou' and >-11 o.tber 8,ufferers a , liluisian wolr·hound. ~I made formattoD, .' aee , .... L. MIller. &Ilf~ .... ~.." runa that ebOlt' · 2., ,-&rdl ~ the ~ .. . Sloa.n '~ ,Get a b Ottle of ~loan 8 . h Ih WayneiilU,e. ,Obio. · .. ' d9 u.. IA \M ...,1iI. - . air. ~~:t ..-:-..!: • Liniment for 25 .cen ts of . any drug- ODd. " while the I1l~Ue .. own ... ....,. II.....~ • meaaured Ipeed of more thaa If ' . . . . Uf~II;.. " . . . . ' T t re a Cold glatr and have i.t in the bouae- 7 ard•• .eaOD4.· . . 1"I»OITJ~'Dl)E~ ==~~~ Co ' he ~ l" uld An' ordlhary aold ag_l-nst • Colds, I::\ore aDd Swollen . " . _ ••_ -"::-......,.. =~~ U~te anbe" o h~e4 In the ant I.Joint8, Lomb,a go, Solailoa and like ~::z.r ~~ can 0 D j C~ -' ra- ' ailmen ts Yonr money bllck if UUIO, I611llWlo IDc~lj"~~'1 li.'!i:ii:'fr. ".. !lta,ee , by Ineluclnl • Iood pe,l'8pl sa tll'fi(ld but it doee give almolt I.n ..,rm•. =:::", ~~~ · Uon. A 11au .o~ ven:', ho't milk elrUllk t.n~~&Dt ~t)jlef .Buya tiOttle ' today .:'-:::-':.:J..- ~ lIt~er YOI1 are In bed, -or ,the j~lce of a '. • ~_,.._---.:::.:._~,.,.. ."..~ . lemon added· -to a tumbler ot boiling . =~~-=-~ ~ater. wW', often 'accompllsh' this. A THUNDER , .. iaq,..... CI.,~ , ............... 'hot bath to 'which a little ammoDla " '" . , . cnUr 110" IUO.utll. (0 . . . . . . . . . '"" _ _ ok) . ~ been adfe4 11 &DOther method. When olond8 are drl veD , . • , ' "" I , another by wind OnIT4!D&8 elflOllMot ~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!l:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!! of a frlotional kind· ia > f.,lgh tlltUg is oaaBed by the pauiDl _~""",,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,""'''''''_''''''_''''''wv'''''__''V'''''''''''''___'''''''__'''''-'I of 'he eleo,rtoUy between 'lie . )ICllloI1d,8 or from a oloud ~ ~e earth. AI it veIl It ~ntJ8 and drivee tbe air In frou' of U When lIle IIgbtDin~ . hill\. PUIPli the air ,bat a".y r ••1I1'08 with ·a , At Rea.onable Rate., Two Machines. ,wall driven and U I. . t;hle 1:uh whloh cat1888 the nolse'of thuoder.-P_.. : 8prln8fl,;'ldTlrea. Tube. and Ac«;,e••orle•• eon'lI Weakl,. . , i . Yalvo Ine 011 and Grea.eit. _ AU kiDda of Notary Work. PenaioJl WO~k • Hpeoialt)'. •

tile ,'M.·a·D· ·l1·""

Keep It Handy ForRheu~tilm

• -.



II'tIn'·BOY'C!',".GAZINJ.fREEl· ..

.1_.. .

....,.....:; ='.A._....





:-RAY F. MIl rS






"Hit MlAII! GAIt&!







Mt. Holly

Mr. And Mr • Chl&8 araddock lind Ernelj}.. I' ."u 11" ,1: \\"'I'~ly " ' 1·,',I ., f,II" Olo l!) T :j tl 1" , d'l : H' 1111 "1 jJ''1,Il '' W" ' l,/, Din Pritohard and gr8oddaolfhter I MASsrit Robert. Bnd Will r AlIhl .. v Vi " ,."11 ' 0 i,': rllillilt, III/HI" i~ II' I " . ~ ' and Mr&.' .10e Miller aDd lion visited eo&ertllioud "t Tb~ok~glvIO([, datina r U .I ~ (i t f,,,,,,.i . ll:J . ... ~u t h . ~t "I'" lie II :-. i MJ8 A W Dill ThllTlKfsy I MIRB MIII'Y Laklhfltn an,d Rf'IV , aoil h , It • • , . } . ! ', ' I'. ""; ~" . , ~ r~ , \ J, Ti t ' h MItt Mpil Wooten aud ' fami! ,; of Way. . d M , t i ll ,0, " I " " i t .. Hn lJ 'rt ( \ I ", t t. M l' an re. 000 V ar a DORvil le (': u,,· , ' '11l1 .oI,-\" 1 1' \ kj 'lV ~ UU lt-l ' H 'Y. visl ~ed In Dayt,on l'uuraday. M.r A'lbert Orake, of . prln/t VIII. I, H ·\;Y~ YI)U HAl) NOnCE , . """w" , 11, .. til " ""'') . r.d ~ I'nl " ~iI_-t~", ~_8II-'M~r!4. John 80Ct . Frank Pence ley, "pent Tbtlok8ghlng wttb bls .... " "t411.lJ II . " !" " ... Ii'nlllll, .. 1 <I I ' Mary Ollngbam spent ~raDdparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank In this -w ec.~' s· Miami Guzel le , $ease, " \1111', K II 00' .. tHIII,j"'I" . 'rhursday In Dayton , . B£l.wee every 'su l/!>cljl ,e l is noli d Ulat . hi , trIH\~fr\e!l1 lid ,'", I " l "~ ' ,L n ' n h' Bernie Dill and, 'I\mlly, '1'om Dill Mrll F. M Dukln lIp~ nt 'Ihllnks · . . \. "' . I'lke , .•~ " ,., .... ' · , h l ' lll l !,.. it ll " otl,'- ul'(l) nnd fumPy, VOTll16 Jonel! Il.nd falllily !liviu with ' Mr. aud Mrs: 01i:nn or her tUII C 1~ 1:1111(: 1' vI l l 01' IVll l l' , I,be 10 1.. " ,1 ..... ""10' .. 11< ur, lIOIl" ',,1 Mid MIllS ~Ia.rll Daugbters spent Wbll~on, of Mt. Bo)Jy~ . pire with tile presellt 11I01I11! TIIi - I tb" s.y .. ,II " It", . 1.\ ; tI"~I, 'h.\'i1 1 1/ Illl' . :l~rS~tly ~lth ~r8 . ··dW ' DI~I, I Mr and Mrs BaineR ha(l as thAir will luean a gr: nl de' l In Oll , I r fuu1tdutl ,)'" f , h., tl l.... ·/lI'.., IHld ~ I:vill ;! , , ' I h u )Jllli~nl " rt' ltl;(ll1 hI' hll loIl ng 01' r oe fJlln g 8m lin son·lD aw gneAts on TbaDk"'~lviOII D.. y M .. , neadt>r, for ynl l will 11 01 w<llI l In 1'lbe(t"Jl ~ ' i! ,1,\" 00 ,,\1 ' ''~ "11111( " .. InrI> oalled on J olin ~t'no" Sa turd~y, Borllol'! Meyar~ and Mr. lIud Mrs . mi ss (1 ~i ll$ le ni l III hl' l' of th e 'JHl Jlt' 1' III O... IIJII \I~ \> "rk. 'I'ht1 III' Ill'tPt , I" Mr John t'rflw lind Mr!! Iilll .. worth Fred Sawin and I1IOOI!!. • nil will do . if 1-I1 "e H ' !l11le-h . lullh. II. jf~ (' t1 rUIl V" And this is what ~mltb spent l'b~1l81l1lY, FrilJ~y ond !:llnoe the lift,iog of the qoarantlne , "-' III)W(>l"th.tLIIIH'I .NHrUnAlInllil'flil wUh John ,..eVl OD FrIday morning, tb.. oouuty h811 .your subscription i 11 1 paid at its 1),, 1111.rtl ror '"'Y 0-\1<" ,boot 11 Itti ll' fI' John Murlatt and family, of CtD , been throoged witb buoters and expiration. ou r .. ~e Dd 1<T"Ill!t of' 'PS'I01O"I"I" oinollti oalled 00 Joe Marlatt re o tNm.11 report8 game seemll to' be The £IS" Hill, Harveysburg, O.hio We do not intend to \votk a ba a. Add'e~s : F. .1. fJBEN my & CO . 090tIY· , plentiful. r l.'oledo 0 Earl Marlatt vlBUed Joe Marlatt Meeting waa held a' the Middle ship on our reud~r:!, but we are l:inld by all Druggists, 7oJ. ' \ ThursdliY. I Run Baptist I.:haroh Saturdllyand adQpting this means of saving mon , , T"lie Hall's ~mily f UJs tor bonBoward Saum waa the guest of Sunday. ' ey in trying_to get the arrears from l1~lp&tlon. Amos Jaoksou Thllrsdll.Y. MI'. and Mn. Joe RoaeUe had the subscribers. OHen we have' to pay ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hilmuel Jaokson speut Saturday miafor&uae of loslog .. fin~ youog witb his sister 10 DIlY'ou . laat Wedne8day when , U fell, out at one time from $4 to $5 Doti· caesa'r's Creek Mrs. Ellen Marlatt gave a TbAnks breakinR its leg, ' , ~ H b Mr. and Mrs. I!'raok I,. Harris and ling our delinqUents' and possibly arveys WtlJlam 'MEldry wore Sunday goests giving dlnner Thorsday. The fol Ill'. and lin. Dbarley Gordon and only,receive cnough back to pay Cae8arl {;reek Month)y:Meeting of Mr. ILDd Mrs. Ueorge B~rr\s, of lowing wATe presllnt; Cllrl Baroard daughter Evelyn, ot Dear Mt. Bolly f9r t~e postage. This is t,b e onjy was beld at ~prlnll Valley, TbarsF d Spring flill. lind family, BurtoD Earnhart and 'a nd MilS Flol'enoe OhambUu, of day; November 26th . , Mra. · rank Harvey, daughter no . • ._.-o.~_family, J " ff Marlatt aoeS Max Bar. Xenia werll tiona"y guelte of i'raDk fair way to do .business, both to us The Y. p . B. m,,' at 'he home !!If ~on 1)onln I , of Lebanon, visited y C Id I D 8 I It nard. Dakin aod fami ;y. and to our subscri~ers. '. G Mrll. Bl!.rvey 's' motber 8undll.Y. o'ur 0 s angerous rea, ,., Vedallnd l'8oe Bnrley, Wedneldav OHoald will leave for LoB Angeles, Up-Now Elmer Royer wae vletted reoElnUy Goy Chenoweth and famny, nOw livlog east ot Corwtn, contempla~e We have had several eople evening. ' CaL 'rneeday, Deo. Ida. A Oo)d 18 readily ca.tohing. A by bls Ilia tel' from Springfield. Dan Morgan Bnd flimily were moviog' br.ok to tbe bome plaoe here con\e in and pay up, and they say Several Xenta shoppers last weelr. MI. and ad", . P. B. Oleaver left- rOD. down systam Is su cep~ible to in tbe near fottlre. th~s is ' the wa y to get best 'results 151'8. Roy Burhman ds still very Friday for 'St Petersburg , Florid", Germs. You owe it to yourself Ilnd Sunday guests of F. T. Moore. to speod the wln~er. t-> others of' your hoot!ehold to fight poorly· at this wrltlng. Barry Gidson spent I:inQday with I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!! for th~, as they cJaim..~t ,is, such lir. I8l1ao Wilson en'er'ah~eci Mr, !>nd M1'8 Brloo Smith, of t,hll Uerms nt onoe. Dr Bell's Ptoe John Gidson. I: a hard thiog to remember when l'bllnks81vlng Day, Luke Urnmle, Frtlnklio, were t;)lDday goests of Tnr Bl)uey Is fine for OOld!! a~d Carl Dakin "pel1t Saturday and their time i~ out. The~e is a ,label a.nd family of near Kema . Mr. aod Mrs. WUltam L Barvey. Coujtbi!. It 1008 nsthe MOOCUfI, stopa Iojunday with Edward Baley. on each subscribers' name on the Misa Le)nh Bogan and Mi8a1oa Mrs BurveV baa been qutte poorly tho (Jougb lind .-.·OttIO£ t.b,e Lungs Mrs. FrliDk Dakin and famtly May Unmpton 8penf. HOliday with for "livenl dtlyll It's g u~ rlLn ' teed. Orl ]Y .250, Bt yo ur wert! guesls of Dlokson Wharton'lI list, telling them just when their MillS Eetber tibambllu8b. Mr. a';d Mr8. l:Iarry Bhtc1aker Druggiss. fhursday. time ex;pires, and can be seen it 8tlv6ral ' from this oommunity at. were J;oesy of Mr: and Mrs. Bal'l - - -. - Frank LuoRs apeni Sonday with they will but look at ii. ' ~D:led the Literary meeUng whioh B8rvey Bonday. Bellbrook. OOail Jackson ' . We trust that every subscriber was beld II.t tbe New Borllrigwn Rev Wallrer, oor new and muoh John Morgan alld family spent 'Sohooll Boose, Toeeday evening. appreoltt.&ed minIster, gave us a-1l1r - Mr. and Mrs. .J ohn Uode1'\'I'"ood Thursday with J. lid. t:ltephen will' look th.. matter up and see & very ink'relltlng program waB lighUalllllrvioe ~aadll.Y afternoon, entartoined last Friday Mrs. A. B, Louis Morgan and lamUy Ipen' when his~r her time expires; an9 rendered, pad by the ,ohool and Mr . Walker ' Wall 8ent here from Brewer and Mr. Qnd Mr!!. I rving &t\lrday in Xenia then let us know, by sending to us the other by the ootstders. The Marion, Ohio, wher:e he had a Underwood., of DI~yton . ' that I'dollar'.. as that J's' sw-t Vllry good port was a debate: Be obarge. Be ia the first youog min 1'here W8S a box sooial h~ld at the ..~ aolved thaUUs 'better to live In th~ to, be pnt on tills oh.rg6-. Tbere i home of ~l!I81!, Jeslle Gi bbont!. laM music to the publishu. ooootry 'ban tD ,he oliy'. to m,ueh WOI" e:';p80ted. of' hlm or Tb'IJrsday n.lght by tbe .)I. 'E. Sund.y • - • judgel deoldBd to favor ot 'be 'hat h .. ble oh."l:e, and Sohool olasl!. Send tbe ~illmi GllzeUe to your 'AlE S'UN afIlrma\ll~e, 'be Pay roll and iD Mrs. Ed Brown.spent Illet !:Jonda,. brother who live8 far . ..way from . The 8erean Cla8loiCa888r~ Cree .. that "11.1 we Clao.18t,bet* ~nd more with ber d.ugh~er, Mrs. Smead at y OU I , A 11111)0011 oranlolQ~lst ",bUe ~b'ol. ,~llDda1 . :;ahool me' at the bOme of IIInt08l. , f Oeotervllle.. ' ling tetaarsly 'brQQgh "oburobyard "r~d and Anna FUrollll Saturda1 Cllarl. M"rUn .Is qolte, poorly 8Orn-'1'o, MI! . . and MrIl: Irrank fbnDd " .ruVll'l li~er tOllJlng np tha everling. After ibe meettDg a de. lnd baa beeD tOf e.o me time, and hi,. Be88, of nenr Eerry., a BOD. e:ar'b in whlob there were two or !lolool .lunch WiltS served. All en· recovery ia very doubtful. Obas .. W:rt gbt and family al e Spring Branch &bue IJnin"., 'l'h.· oralliol~tsi took joyed tbemselvell. , . Mr. and Mn. Lewl. Beara, of moving Into tbetr property thl8 tbem np Ilud, after oODatdf'l'ing one The W. F . M. ~ met ai tbe bome Jefferso.Dvllle, ewo, visited relativea week. Oor Bobool opened ap alaln tl1\a a little,tma....,d; uAb. thi. ill t.bll of Lnoy Oompton &'urd"y aner· here S~day. John ElJ10 tt aod family w\Jl move morning with the regotar number' Iknlt of a pbiJotlopber>I " . ooon. MI'. an!! lin. Oliff Bllwke Wflre into their property this week whloh of puplll In attendanoe aUer ~be . liVery Ilk.,ly, yoor lio"or," reo The , .. "tval meetlngl 1ep',! .. , tbe goeau SundllY <>,f AiLr.' Bawke's they pnroblaeecl reoently of A. R. Thanksgi"viDI( holid"YI. lied th'l soleffill gravIldIR(CA" "811re\ Friendl Churl h New ·Borllngtoo, m~iber of Eae' !ltLtn s'. , . ' Borton. ' , Mr. and lin. Hame Hathaway . Do'l~ it Wit. lIomew1iat oraoked. '~Qndav evenlol( ' condoo~. by Ed Mr. and Mra. F. L. Barrla ani tl'O Tbe Jr 0 U A-. M: 'sermon waa moved from our vtolnUy io tbe -f..ond" .. r~I"_r",oh " gIlT W .1I6m aod a88js&eci by "Merle so.. were 'be Thanklglvtng gueats bed' .. tb'e Pr'otestunt obnroh Emerson lIuon farm 101lth of Way. UoIRn both of Oleveland Qlble Bobool n ft t 11,000 a~ w ' '..• - • , of Mr. aod MH. caol .c8tersop.o lu& Sunday e:veniog by. Rev. La.. nell ville, Frida,.. Mrl , Borace Compton·and neal ' ~inl Valley. " <'-'lare. Joho Gonnor an. famlly eb&er• I ~ 000 AUTOES IN OHIO .6.6, ~._ , ~.., • tel' .pent Thursday wUb Mre. , )11'1'-' Oora BarriS bad 'or her M Baroeel Is on tbe w.ined at TPankaglvinlC dinner Mr. , Tbe nomoo; of. It(len"ed ,&I1'Olln 81lJ1;1 Bogan. , TbankegivlDg gael" Mrs , Mattie a]rtne and Mr8. EmersoD GoDDor, of Dav$100 Ueward, $100

_ _ _I



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Mrs. Ch mDoey BonDell and two 1l'100b IIr. aod ~nd -M~ro1 l W. E.BoaaosentertaiDed J'tlcP-Y Ion B.. c... ' obiidtAn, RholldN aDd George and Panl RealOn, of Dayton, aod 1411611 M!luhma Buunell. Earl aookett and. dliagbier, ot •- • WaTbeaville, we,e Thanksglviog Mrs. . M,Claln', Experience .WUh guee.. of Mr. a~d If.ra. Ed &8&8011. to !,leU th~ most remarkable bargain id the . Croqp . Mr. and Mra. Henry c&rpenter maauint¥wo~ld tWa year. , ' . , .. -;~ Wben my boy, Ray, w.s Imall .nd famHy, or Oenillrvllle,' vietted The Livel', alugglsh aod InaoUve, he waa 8nbj:-ot So OroIlP, and , ~ wu Ilr. Oarpentel''' mother, of thtB shows i self in a menta)' Wltl Pri ,• alway• • Iarmed "t luoh tl~e.. DIY. and orltieal. Never 'Ia Ob"m~rI1l1o'8 Cough Rellledy provo Mr lind 14ra Pearl Stewart aod ~n Uvtng. as when' tbe ---' ad far better 'baD any .otber for III'. and IIriil. Wm. Wrllht, of· W'tl al,ld Liver are dotng thet,r thl8troDble Ital\\ayuelleved'im mm'RtOo, Nle.r e the .,.88" 01 M~a . worle Kee~~our . Llver ao\~vean. ToOIIII'P_a qaic")y I am neve\, wlthou,' ti 10 Mildred Eagle. ~.Dkegtving Day. healthy by 'USIIII$ Dr. King s New ' A montbly aalary and a liberal ~DlDlIIston 011 • Lhe h008e f,9r 1 kDOW is ill a poa,\lve )Ii' 'nd Mra. Tbol. '1100 lade bave Life .Pills; they emp~y the Bowels each order. SaJariet run tip to 1160.00 per. aure for croap," writea ,-Irs, W•.R, purobued!brough Le-yloy & Bowe freely, ,ione np yonr !Stomaob, onre month, .epe.Dding on the nUmber of ord... ,MoUIa1n, Blalr8viUe, Pa For _Ie No 80 ' Overland wbich ta a your Constipation and purify 'be This work can be doae in your IJIare time, aDiI . o~e • . ' ' 0 Blood. 260 at, Drug~lst, Boolden's nled Dot ccinflict with ):our ptelJent duties. ~~ by all dealen. very ban.·.De 0&1' . ArDtoa Bah'e excelleni for Ptles•. ' investment or, previOus' I!xperill!1ce ~ry. "- • III' 8~d )lrll. B Bi. D&t~n enter.. . _ _.- ..: _ ...__- We ftmilJb full equipment f~. , , Whl~III1' Develop. Lun,.. ~ SprIngboro talned ai dloDer Tbank8,fvinR Day, ,C '· orw."O Write fot putictilara ·to A doctor baa- dlawver8d .that wbJa. Ill'. and lin. B. L DakIn and .80D • tIfna II ~ for the~ bealUl. .It ana . Ill'. Eelw. S;;t4t and Mid JlldUb !'red 'and lir. and Mn. W ~ 'tV. The RIdli'wIlY com.-ny the I\lnp lovlgoraUnc o~C8!l. 8rowD were 'marrled ai Mt"miaburg Welbh , . _-1-j/lrB..1.ldlIu!Q]D.l:UJB;J.,--o!--1l~.t.w~._ ~prl"g and Macc:lOUPl8t;e.. New York . iDa m1i ,~~nftea II..,-.n, .plrttl and WllClnBiJday. November lfl•• , 4 p. MI'.•nd 111'1. G. M. MoDonaill en . lIabb1 mUlct... BOfa are prone . blr m ,. . , tertaiDed 17 of tbeir friends for MoKIDs8r. . Mr' Elmer ' t!beeta. of Ridgeville, Tban~agtvlnR~dinner. . " ' . ' MIRS Edith CBdwcillader,' of Oin I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!,!~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!~I be bro'~er I cl1e.t~d ,tl1llD 'glrll. ' better cO.Dlltru ted for, d~ep' 6\ulcul~ epen, Sonday with MI'. and Mrs. W. 111e .Glltty Bird> abOot took pl.ce at otnnlltl, and Ml's. , MUler' ,and soo; of I: \.J tone.· ..b~.au8.e ot tli~. lung elerclJe W. ijheBY. ' . .' tlie Btokalte Park l'haokaglvlng. Dayton. were gU98tS of Mr. U.6. ' )11', and, I14rl. W. H. St,lgfreld Day Ind wal well 'aUeoded , • Whets~l and ~mlly Thankegivlng. , whlcll accompanlel wtila~nc. and one of the tlnt thinga they ,tI1 to do when '~DI ot.ed bUflto8118 in Dayton Mon William 8aille~ of . WtlmlDgtou. Mr. and Mrs. Earl ~waID, ot Ridge. ~e1've p8ll1ec1 babybood .1. ~ whllUe. 4ay ~te~noon . ,· ~ a JV~k 11",re witb fr1end~ . spe~ ,Tb."n1Jsglvlng with- ~trs. .It', • " , .. )Ira. ' Dad1e1 . tieever, 01, &!r.1nob BrOil; BaO~I"CO IS , . <......e.m .. Mo~t08ey Bnd,daoghter. Live ' Stock a..d General .A:lIl:ijonee . , ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!'.'!!!!:I;;vtl~..." il .llttlng ,ber aiater ' IIt1881 el'y baa .beeD torn ~OWD aDd, Mr. Bnd ! t:iardtn \lnd family f, , .... '! Lydi •• nd llleUe WrtgM to Leb~noD, I'Dd tbe19' o~ , wbioh it were gU~IItJ!i of Mr. aobert Beokett Pos ted on pedigrees and- va1u,~ 1'• • od lin'" JIl8ae Wriglit had w'" bum hu be!\u' taken ' baoJt by and fllmlly Thursday'. , , ' !2l'r.: .,l'i;hDeOt.rleyRnKeeelitllve,8,non,d.aOeYn~.'Vr8~llDI.e8, Mr; B. u. Dakin ",ho ,owned is 'Prior Cb/t,lI. Werntz. Ilnd family are OQ. ' 'kiDds of breeding stock. . 'I , t' .. u ~.. totbe boUdli:a • .~f the i:re.m~ry. >, thE' Reynolds proP!lrty fbr Experj.enced in h~dIiDg aa1~,. ~ce . Mllaee . ....'dla and MttUe ,wr~Kbt ~d Lemnet Berald' of Lebanon 'was ' present.. ' .' I · Ut. ,C.,F. Tbomaa Of thll ,,11lO8. I ' in 'his '9i9Ini"y .Ia~t , weekmnstt.~,ting 6ruQl\ palttoo lipan' Tbanksgiving .r 1905. , 1, : " . Ii a. Cella BMhawayand daogh , bnaiDe.a lfor B'renob Br08, &oer Co: at. the 'MendeDball hOble. ' , t ~ .. , ter Wee'a ot'Nol'woocl, epelltTbanka- , i~e rnv' ~ Lee8~ 'met at· Mre. F. . Hr." John ~l1r"~ .-nd Mt8!! Mary · . Reuon4b1e' ISatilfadlOa. O........ teed ',' ,-. . ~ glvllJl' weet witb. )In. M.ry ·Br.~ · 4 B.rrle'· 8amrd~y, with tbe Prelli. Spray, of New Borllogton and Mr. L I', , PhY810aUy and M'entally' Worn oap. . " deD" Ml'Bi ilaUoaJD 'ibe:o)lalr, 'fhe loud Mrs. C MODrYl\ot, of Da,ton, J Nervou8 Mr., Ohae , lIl"tly. 'Jr.. and MI81 ,0U ,OI&-Il'8bOWed~lmembelBpreaeDt 1t'"d 'at'tIDe ho~e of 'Mrs. Naomi GRADUATB tor' TUB) WaYDe.~UI" , "Oblo ' , , '8' .. .iI ~,CrYln'" ' Sp-'It.8, PcMrl Watktnll were 'narrled· Wed. and 1)1 . pftl.;e~ ;10, ~elr . propet:, B'arlan :flod f ..,~t,l, rooently. ' ,• .ATIONAL AVcnON,j ',. 11U . V Ii lu~aJllkY . "lIr, EarlY i. a prosparool .ta~~Oii8, tht' mil1'~tes of ihe 188t ~ Mr. Ja ,ob alSey aod Curt aOOL"" .Allsala. ~ded, by, looP. ' yopag ,farmer. aod ibe bride an liO meetlnl read at;td approved, ,';lew 'gu8!!tH of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. _ Il tb D' 'Oflmpl~ahed Y·OU~llady. 'Db 9lr m.oy "Q8iD~ W.II ' - "en. up alid ~ieoa.8iJed Bille} ThaD;....sgiving. , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!! , it'~®.t· 1 had IIq a \it.. frleada wllb tbem a lonjf, ·happy lbe, '~re ezpeo\lng §O let op aD eD. . MilS Marne Sh n~t8 Ipeot one da;r qa tttng 80 tbln and .:~~, marrit'd Il~e, w'tli J1l8' ,epongb oloud te~&ajnmen'iD the Dear fDtale aD~ ' reoently w'ltu Mtsl Henl'ietta Mo. J , jlllt broke dowD~"C~:f'ii &q ma~e" IlI0rl.,.D8 qloa~DI ,k> thi. ~h m;emb~d. to pl!'y her par' 9D Kinaey , ~ " , ttie "qe• . Thtll II ..0.rI91aed , b)' Ul.e ., Mrs 0, Pell'er, was in ti~yton: " . ___ • Mead c:am,~ 1n -and Ukeel)lie Ue the matte... 1 told TIle' wany "Ie.. d~ 01 lire. . () NI witter bot ,ff. th'?Y . poden-Ie it, it day llilt week .' . ",andbolNI~tIilg'l ~ • Pinoe .will be . .Ined 'learD'lt .., will. be. how"....aOO688 .~d If yoo iIq Qle ~ ,ViDQ1 w.. ~ abe bad 'a ."rolle of apopl., :" bel' d!l noi go ,~u win wtab 100 had; ' . ; . . lOt • ~~ -1~m' bome iD lJ.,ton.,"': ' '. .'or the da~. • . Pl'J)mpt Achon Will StOpYOUf Cougb =-~ Ita ~1~:=-t,"'frleDda Tlie f!ObOQl had Thaok"vlDg e : l . a D d, M....:AJpb. ~.rd, of Wben oa~Oll. Cold (onen . , IloaIt:teD ~ ~, . iIIcll" •. 11_ Wt!Cl...~., ,iaetno(JD. ' ' IIplDt 'na&nkiltvtDg , wl~ blv a sneeze ,or cough),. riL heal", ~ I ...... · I 11,_ Q H. Qerlle ~aDd 'be bllb 01U"otty. .' .' uP .t onoe;, The , Idea tllat , iDIala JndIIoe av~ ~~~~ icbqol ID"p"o\Or were vlll"DI all'. Drate. of tI.mUJoD, aDd ~ not ma"er ofteD leael. to .~tIa, IlL ' IOhool WedD.Ida, " aaoled wUb the UhI~ Rahal, BUI eaJl The ~edy Aq "'I . . . , 11 ' 0 ."d II;" J II ~biDaon had waa ID d-.r ollJ' ...~ 'Saturday look and euL1y P:8neIt faaany dloDer ~ ·'1'h.a~-vJDar IUf tbe lIerouHle I'\8ka o,'el' and the 'broat iii ' ," __ • _. " ~II" nd..,.'on, wblob we Kinar'. Nflw .!1f:\"iDa1!i!181~1t. • i;~=t,t:ia:::~!i ~ nr IltaD4 tbe Int.itoD, ; _l:...~ l PEACe PR4VPR ON SOCKS ... t B:c. .... ,b••D.tot ,YonfeelbeHa I . • ~ ..' II_ ..d n...... aeemed ttl reaoh the . .. to saob ftebaDoaj " • . '(I'fW --~... , "'--bit II ODe of m;y __ ' ~"';!~'9' . lSOo ...

_ Tb .. AOk\mobtle tbe IlfItMrtmAut Ohio 1112,000 filores m"rk . tbaUbe Ul"XlmOID ~or 1916 will be a:puDd ~70.000 · ----. - • Forea of Habl\. 'I;'I1e t~ephone operatqr was _Pend· tnc the .ummer holiday br the bOUlliJ. ....... On the Ant morDIn;.- bow· 8Yer, 8be had occuloo to '~rate the ",d of the. JodIinC' for real or 1m· qlntkl' !Jegli.enea, ,. iWhY dldn't you Gall me ai I told 'You thlar. morolqT" l'be demanded. "~dld, ml..," repUed the I118ld, with an ~~j.u~d ~r. "I caUed out '&eyeD·thlrtYI' and :a11 Jon .... wu 'Number .8o'a'ect' ... '



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EVERY BOOY'ru, 50,}' $80TH DELINEATOR ' .50 Total S3.00




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'1 WOMA NWAS .. . IH S 'UNHA "PPJ VERr out-TeUs How ', ._:q w..






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Painting, Paper "HangiDg, ,AQto . and , ~, P.~e
















. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , t~rs, Iie.rr o.otU · And s on "e~r said tru~petect tbli mah'outa them In 111& hQllow of hI! b~nd, Dol' neythlng I WI1Bt a \\'OIllan tor a ,11aD terror. Kiltblyil rlln .for her Inl the weeks or biD ablOnce In Am-er, Lo Olllfr . : " ho laughed , "You hs" Bat ri fl E, bul tire trump tlll, of th& ele. lila hl~ pplet! lla~ hun8 ~bout t il m. \Ike "'~ at mr t\l.ble [or the dayS, ~l1d ~DIY nQW J,lhante ~VIUt lufficlflOt to .elld the boes ubollt hon y , Tbey were Lbetowl· ""J r nnd that l 'fl\l are. Hare e l1au~hter! j' atrl'l1ed oat to other bunting, 'ra Blla red. IDI nd .yOU ho e a IIIBter, Acll, yea! He WUd npe lIud pig ubouuded. 1111<1 oe· t mbulJu pro Ceded a loeg Lhe corr~ Tl~ the taste of their ~ WIl8 alWay!! tatUn&' out 80m 'pboto- caaionlllly 1\ calla wrluled out of tb dar to a Otgbt ot stairs l ad lng lI~' .choice leaf"that has mad A gra pbs In tbo &mokCl'Qom Il nd ahO wlJli l sun Into Lhe brttlle gma8es. Ve ry few neo,th the pDlace 11001'. II r~ the sol" ..... D~ th III lo u. old challll," . bealll ~ or reptiles aTe I\ggrcsS fV1l. It dlen wore ,,~reeuble enougb i th eY f' A TIMA the greatest sell ' HAROLD MAC GJtATU ! ,Tears fille,d Katlllyn'lI eyes. , In an Is (IOly 'when they teel "oornered that had rooso.n th bo, Umbnl lll save theUl ing brand-in the land. Indian prison, out ot Lhe JurilldlCtion belV tu.rn; Even the l)antlier, tbe ne'll' minted rupees' for theIr work. II )'fJI~ cmano ~,. em FnIl'mo CI.orett;u ft'Otfl lIIu.. tnrted by Pi cture, (l"(1' rn .h e Mavin, PI"'UN of the BriUs" RnJ. And with ~er lwo TnOlit sn.vag or 1111 ' oota, , w'lll rnrely man, rupees, For U1ey knew secrots, I'OU" /led/"". lOl a ,,,IIIIHI P/''Q.J"d ' 9 SL'1IJIt' P r uduc lton of the Sell" {'oly.c:ope Co. , . 8mall !18\ldll and WOlD&n'lI mind 4be ot(er l!lIttle except when attacked , Derore Ibe door ot a dun eo n Um ball a ~~~~t~;'f.~,~<;tu~~~t~/~rl~nA'~::N~:.Yo~kA~~ must n nd blm! Allva,ys the mY8lerl9us ~I[eaotlm ~ tbo man who had to tloweu paused and li stened , ' Th.Qre WII8 00 ",,"""MiorQOi;l:~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...u •••••••••••••••••••• llaCk~t Iny close to ~er hearl, never Kntblyn Ill'rtvod at thll cUJI'., 80und. He returned uJ1slalrll aAd "Distinctively Inaividual" for a moment was It bll),ood ti)e rooch FIve bOUI'S later Kathlyn steJ)ped soughl a chrunher noar tbe baram, y!__ ~'fI: , AI••~._ Co\(OoPT"'lI h ; bJ'llarw4 JS..c:Gr..1lal 01 her hllnd, Her fath er'8 frllodom! ou.t of her bowda~, gave ,Rao tho [,hi a be entered, lllld s tood wltb folded ~cf-"r-cJo~ar. news papers , Of t~e brow n wan wbo The rUI!~Y metal sid s of tho Blllp UIOtl Y tor tbe mahouts. and looked arm8 oear Iho door. " SYNOPSIS. ' W 8S fo un d hiding In the con doset at !lcrop c1 against Ule pIer lind the gnng- Ilbout. ThIs was the gate to t.he cupl· " Ah, olonel Sahib!" Co lo nel H ~l't'. ' o nlttl al h unt~r. 81" . 18 tb e cabo08e notblng " ' U ea.ld . Dut..tbe , plan k WIIS lowered; and preseot It tbe tOol. ({OV!' mau )' tlmell bad her father .' Um balla ?" olonel Hare. bearded, f rNII his 1)(,1111' In all fo",la (or A I\ l\h " In India . Beforo 10a\'l n8' h6 write. a n o te slgbL ot hIm di s mayed Kntblyn B.!I no tourlsls flooked dO~D wltb variant )lal!Jlled throu!;h It? Her )I\W ae t and unkempt, tried to Bland ereot lind face ,. 11 "''' ho <har " • h·l. lIa u!{hle .... lCathlyn lion could have done, Any dark·skJnned emotions. to be' belle Sed bl Crult 10'11· her eyes , Gubed, Wbatever dangel'll lila enemy, "\'ou blaok ecoundTe!!" .. nd WIn nie , to op en o n Dec. SI. It they "Durga Ram, lIahlb. . Words. words'; 11n ''1 nllt liell ra f rom h int b y tbllt tim e. person ~IIS now Il liublle menace. And ere, w~tor cautera C&bmen~ bUnd beg- bea~t her ",be wu d te r tnlned to meet , R~ relll t h~m or II tille that \Va. oo n- when. )a~er, abe I!aw hem peerlns Into g~rs, an" maimed, nakM llttle cbll- tb?m with courage and paU~ce. tbe palter ot rain on stone roOCI. Our h r red on h im by . ho ktng ot flllah .. t or Ihe portholll at her etateroom , dl.may dren with cllrlou8•.lnsolent blaok eyea. 'Rao. you bad bettf)r return ip C&I- kIng lives no more, alaa!" *A "lng the InUo r ' li t e. became terror. ' WOmGD 'I\'Uh In,tants ' 1J.traddllJlg their cmUB. What I bave to 'do 'IDUlt be' "YOIl lie!" CHAPTER I-Continued. Who wae b,s Jman! hips . stolid Chinamen: a riot of , color dODe alone," , "He Is dead , Dying. be left you thlA and a bewllderln, babel of tongues. '['Very good. But J' shall rema.ln berll throne--),ou. a white man. ~now l ng The eld er sister did not care to In. [(!\tbLYn round a pre. entabls CA.r · tin the memsahlb l'et ur.Da," aao ea· It wa! Ito legacy or terror and coutu, CHAPTER II . '11111 Into the hea rt of her eb~~e (lie rlage, and with ber luggage Il\alned. elon . You knew, ' Why did you rafear which was In her OWII, The Unwelcome Throne. llbou~ her teet dlrecled tbe ",lUId If I "llould not return!" alfeet- turn'~ Ab , pearla Ind ea'pphlres and "Wh o kn owa bUl l here mny be good Kntblyn sensed great 10ne1lnelll the Oreat Eastern hotel. ed by thIs ai:raoge 10Yl1lty. emeTlllds! Wbat? I offer you this ltel\'8 In the en,'clope! D~d's always wben, about n month lateI', sbe arrived Ber white 10Ja·tollee (llun helmet.> Then I sball seek Bruce SahIb. who throne upon conditions." 40lng sometblng like tblt. New at the baaln In CIl'leuita. A tboullund had .cracely dIsappeared In lhe crowd has a camp 20 miles ellst.'· "And lholle condit ion. I l"ellr'e!" / . or wore natlvell were bnthlng ceremo- when the alndu of the freight ca"Bruce? But he Is In Slngapore!" tused." ..;' The colllo, released ,trom tbe kitchen, nlollsl? In the gbat":'-men. women. and boose emerged rrom the Iteerage. DO -a Q'ulckenlng of her pUIIl88 . . "You have, yea. but now-" Umballa ~ID(, boundIng 10 , In hb enberance chlldr n. It was ear1y morn. snd tbey longer '11l bedraggled Unen t.rousers :'Who can say where Bruce Sahib 11~ Bmlled. Than 'he auAldenly bltued torth: ~ e Knocked over a cloisonne nse, Both were makIng , Rolemn, senuftexlons ' to- olld ' ragged ,turban. but cSressed IIl1e a He ts like a shadow, tbere toda)', bere "Think you a white man s hall elt upon g1rls were glnd to willcome tbls dl· wllrd tbe brlgb t lIun, Tbe' water front native top" 'He -wae In no hurry. l;els· ~omQrrow , I , bet'n hlB servant. tblll ~brone wblle I lIy.7 Tt I. IDln~, ~erslon . They rOR8 Rlmulianeoll~17 swarmed wltb ' brown bodies, and ,rent ur~ly he followed Katlllyn to the botel, ~elDeahlb, and Lhllt 18 how I am today I was hla belr." ' .and gave chase, The dog beaded tor ",heele() carte drawn by sad·eyed bul. then procoeded to the rallway alaUon. yours. I received a tnles'rnm' to call "TheD why didn't YOIl eave him froul the outdoor atudlo, wbere tbey cau8ht locks th rea ded alowly Utrousb the He had need· DO longer 'to watch Bnel at your hotill and apply lo you tor ' 'the leopard ! I'll tell _you wby. You blm. and .mac!e....belleve th ey were pun. mazo. The lDany white tllrbane , atlr- worry. There waa nothing left now leTIIlce. Very «ood. I sball WAI t. ThO expected .to- Inberlt 'On the apot, - aod "lbIng him, ' ring hith er and thltber, reminded her but to greet I'\er upon ber arrlYal. thla mahout here will take yOU di rectly to I llpolled the garue. 111 that nol true?" Simeon F~ rd Tell$ I-Ioyt He Once En· tert~ l ntd Ouelt WIth j 'e ly QaleUy the wateber entered through at a 1Ield "of white pOl/plee In a breeze. golden ' hourI from tbe "ereO'l or Hal'S Sahib's bungalow , You wiUllod " 'AueS ,w hat . If ( admll 1t'T'" trucu· Sel;1le of Humor . ~U1e lndow. ·alert and tellae. He fl ew [ndla ! There It lay, ready for her .BII'adl. The t.wo weekI of duranoe your (ather's serva ntl! tb~re and all Jently, " "Umballa, or Durga Ram, If you to the desk, found tbe envelope, eAger feel AlwA)I$ had sha dreamed vile alllong the low castel In the steer- wtll! be well. A week. tllen: It rou Sim On Ford, who 1\ 'compllshed the .etallmed It open at ~e ke tUc, extract' a.bout H, nnd romanced over It, and ago ab~uld bo amply repaid. In six do 110t sood t or rue I loek Bruce SabliJ, wlah. lIaten. Take the throne, What'. ~lmo rcJlu ary real o( nlll niog tb~ <ed the mealed envelope and Colonel Bought It on the wll1g1 or her spirit. dllY' be would be beyond the band or and ~(e s hall relurn wltll mlUly. Some to hinder you? You want It. Take It Graml IIi 011 hot I and ' being a Hare 'e note. He IImLle\t 'a s be ' read Yon<1er It lay, ancIent aa ChiD a, en· the meddling Drltleh Raj, In his own will. epeak Eng1l8t a t tbe bungalolV," and let qle begone." cou ntry , Stlort! What , was more " ;Tbank YOU, Rao, I allall nol COl'"Yel,, 1 want It: and by all We 'gods humorl Bf o[ nllt!o\1-wldlj reJ)utalion ni I the' latter aod changed b,l1I plana com. chnnUftg os atorled Perals, , ot fllnd l.'lt' ~uvti It- but lIafely. Ab! the sarno tllne. nnd, no.,... that tb'e ' pletel,. lJe would not play 'meuenIf only ahe were on pleas ure bent! bea utIful to. watch than Cl).t ptay r fie get," "Neither. will Bruce eahlb." mYlterl- It wOlild be llne to proclalll\ mysel" hotel Is dafullcC. I prer\l'm ably turn· ger i ~e would uae a lure Inatead, Ith rr only 1ihe knew Iiome one in tbls WIlS l be CRt, the tiger cat, And wbat when mutiny aJ)d rebelllQn atalk. Itobqut. lug hill whole attention lo the con· .hIli ear atralned tor sOUnd8, he ... rote areat teell/lng olty! She II:new no one; would the Sllhib Colonel say '''ben h e ous'ly: Rao .K:at1l1yo got hila tbe bowdah Ilnd A,m r a p,lg to play a gllme like th"t!, vulsh1g vI dl ulWr !,u estll ov~r tbelr -;and eubsUtuted a nQte, This h01ll'1 ' of 'a he carried no letters of Introduction, telt t.l1e olaws 1; b~utU.u1: pUlled through the gatoa. Bruce So.- Tcll! Tcb!'" He clicked ' hll ton,gue correll, eiDressed 'lllm el ' with much ~'Sa'adl would not paUBe to ooto the no letters of crodlt. nothing but the IIl:ce a pattern woven In an Agra rug: Il!'eYence III writing: the vitalnellll . ot gold arid noteR the paymaeter at the hlb, tbe quiet m:i.n. ,,')lose .hand bnd agail\at tbe roof of hla, . mouth In de. mod esty In r eply to n Il uCI'Uon or' the ' , the lubJect would enchain her farm bad hsatllY' t urned over to her. !ea.:hsd ,o ut , over leal thus Blransely rlslon. "No: I Deed a bu~k1er un all Bostot! herald, " I n~"GJ" tell ato rl~.," wroLe ,he •. to 'r eaasure her! Ii 'bardnel8 clime this toU, water aubsldea pd eleare," - thqughta, .It wi.a all accomplllbea In" Only by 'constant appUcatlon to map ' the I"ace of iii tew mJli~tes. Smiling and guide book. had sbe mb.naged to Into,her tbr~t and Ihe swallOW d des"And then, ~me fine nlehl. Hare "nor con ) rememl:u)r tllllm:' That perate.y. ' Sile wusohly twen r -tour, Sahlb'l tliroat T I a'nl ItOt af~ld ot loalted (Inmngi li/;. B ut P'rCH- olly Mr. "be p8u.e d out Into the fait settllll~ arrange the sbort cut to t be ror killgI!lltC J)t, toOr hersolf tbere dll,lIt not bs deatb. Umballa. I bav&< tBc;ed It ~oo FOl1d brlgllt' ned up an·"zln'~I.y and twlllJbt. dom. Sho had been warned ilia't 'It n whlt~ perlon In aU t hitJ Bprawlln" ':many tlml's. Make an end of IDe ~t fllllllhcl (\ bla conlm micallon In tbia .. Tbey were shj:p~lll« a Jlqn to San WBI a wild and turbulen~ pls(!8, OU"t rugged prlnclpa.,llty. FrOm time to once or leaye me to rot. ber~. JOJ "an, .ay: Fran~18OO, and \he roaring and can· the beaten path. beyon~ thl1' reach of ., (1IlIlon were -aU very aatisfactoO' to the Iron ralle. Three' long sea v.oya~es: time . the new m",hOlli turned lind awer will alwaya be the _JOe. I , will "H r Is n bIt ot }nltnor, h()"'e 4!-r • smiled ·a.t ,h er cu.~loullly , but aM W8.11 not be collie a ~IBhonortible -tool. YOIr IIlld a tru hotel' hal7PQlllnlk H r~s.pas8er, ' !lcross Ule P~c,tlc (v.'lil\lh wafiD'l), too absorbed lo note biB attentions. , Off~tlld ~e treedom an,d je'IVel •. . ·'Ou.r steward had print a 01\ tbe • Midnight. From atar came tite mel· down the bitter, lYellow Ilea. up .tile Durga Ram. called lightly Umba\la. N'Q; r 1, wlJl free allelues. abo1- bills of fnre th following 'l10UCft: n~w notes of the belle In the nnclent hlue Bay ot J;!engal .. with many 0. .ea .. 'A . articles brouGhl IlItll U1ehotJ went directly to' the palace, :where be lib tbe hareme, ~he' bunne and IIefllnl .splnleh millsfon. The old year was change and niOoy a st.range picture. knew the Council of Three lolemnly of, flesh: I will make a -.n of Mery lind u ~ell nt th a table will I)e chorg«l~ -dead, tbo ' new year was born, carryIng What though her h oart nobed, It was !lwruted l il» arrival. He dasbed up the poOr deyll or a ",eo.ol1e woo ean1ea for: 08 tbough \furnllll)~d by t'ho bOll1le: 'With It, the unchanging Bound haj)- Impossible tbat ber young 'eyes ahould "SOlllo (llle mailed. In one ot lheeehilposJng Olgbt of marille stepe, esult- atoneR from YOllr qnanie• .'· 'Pfnell8 and misery, or promises not absorb all she salV lind 'mllnel ant., ·ae bad flilftlled his promlae: . the Umballa laughed. ; " Tben remain bl~ and under tIre notloE' lie ball- · 'and promlsell brokon, at good and oTtl , over it. lndla.! f;olc.1Eln daughter of Hare Sahib w.. here like a dog ;w'hlle ] put :roar goMen written ! . "rhe packet!," orled Wlonle', . . Tbe strange, elulllve Wodu bad dla· '" 'Does litis Rll Pfy to talss teetll?"but- a few ml,ieB a'way. , The IOI41ers. dllugbler on the throne and become . Kathlyn recognized Lo that call tbat appeared (ter Jiongkong, That wall $IIatlllng tbe' eu~rauce. presented tbelr wbat tile BrJtt.b Raj c:aU. prhtc;e (lOD' Wln.nle wal only a child. All tbe a. weight of! h er soul. She wae nQW , Quite Smrple. arm. rupectfuUYi but " nltantlJ after .ort. Sbe'lll'ebel, I bow; ....t 'I have ilponslbllIty lay upon 'ber IIhouldera, asaured tbat her Imagln8'tloD had be,,?! y . dea:r ma.Jor, I wunt to ~fII'k )rOIt Umlballa clIal\.ppearec}' the el!lIreaaloD a way:" He .tapped 'o ntal'••1JCI cl08ed , She ripped the cover from tbe packet tulled her. How should be know a qIH~8UOn ,' ..eatR~lWdI thE! modetJl mai011 I~helr Jaces wal! not p~e.. the doo,,~ "Dd read tbe note. ' thlDg about her' Wha~ ,w aa mo/e Klthlyn ,Her Way to AllahL den to h~r I'lU'tner all' tll ~y 8'1\ e rect tll. , Umballfl. hurried alo!:!g "Umbal1a r' "Kathlyn;- U not heard tromI'm n'!!ru..~'~u"IL' U~an t4at be 8bould' wleh to " ooR.pJlve. ln " ~llalla; Sea1ed doC)uluQnt back tp Ills' natlvo' lt.te? • She Kath:l.y~ began Jler jou,rney at once. doelP corridor•• ~pportl;!d ,"A tbou8and .K yoII' Uk ." ,repilect, tJw. . III "Kit, my clalJ,lIter! Good ~ wllat I, can' ,ave me. B~ln, It yourself to AI· waa not the only one in a ·hurry. And Now that ~l1e was on' land. movlll« , I, carvea marble columns. gallant maJor, _r , '• .' tlba-t»Yl)'.t Iteamllr. " FA'l'HER." Were Were mndus "of" a\l cutel on all ward her (allier, all hCll"vlg~t retYMled. ato~e waa In evldenoe every:wbere and abe- doIng. here _wbe ' J.;.waroed...ber'" "What fs ao 1d1I&f" Th'.,. Mldl r wilot , "I krlew' It," $ald KsthIYn.:. ca.Jmly, three; shipe, By' now ,she bad Illmoet She felt atrancely aUve, eXhilarated, mal!rn1ilcent b~1I )IIiJDPB bung trQm H,are ,.tullloCl far/ouly at bfa, challi,. The fear In her heart bad, a8 tbe for«olten blm. _ . She knew that abe :wal,t not to the ceiling, There WlIa a ahrlne topped "Durga Ram. YOIl have bealen · me. taker. abllck, ' but quf'Clkly pulled hilrlThere waa one brIght' J'ElCollecUon tt. ~ afraId ' of anything ' hereafter, To by an ~dol In black marble, ID ~rulted State )'our tenDII alld ( wID ac:cept eelt \ogl!t1'I!er, Ilt'~ IInnty I18'JI4', "TN. hrown man hjld antlilipated, blinded lIer to tho fact that Lbla '",;us .r:ot 'her break the unending lonel)nea8. Com- en~e1 ~be s trauce countr), wUhout hav- wltlt, 8ap.phlres aod t.urquol.leB, Dur.1I thelfU to the I"fter, . . . Kit, ' m, Is," "~II¥,' ~p'md tim iD,dl~nn1l.t leeker latber'B cbaraoterisUc blunt acraw\. ' Ing down .from Honckon, to Singapore Ing her purpose .k nown would ' b~ the Ram. wbo all all be ' call(!d U.mbaJla. beautlful ·Klt, In WI bell bolet" "Ali, but I ' don't WlLnt Yml t . accept aft " IIrg~1' cultuJoe. "YO\l .mlauml!ll" ':Ob,' Kit, Kit!'" she had met at the' captaln'a table a main ' dlmculty, Wbere was AhtDlld nodded IIIJ,hUy ae be pU8ed It, FOl'cs " aueb, Wlllme! ' mult go, and go young man bY the name of Brucl!. lie this tlme1 DoubUesa In a cell ll!te of habit, alnce hI bls heart therewa:i now. I W&.ll merel)- amnlil... mheJf." lJ;llnd me, The lnt'epogaUoD 1 put to' The door Hhut nil the bcJJt abot bom •. '. you . ~II- a ,mlltJi'OJ1llltical J,)roblem only one religIon-self. lone. Wbere'. the evening paper7 wae a, Qu~et, ratl1er unt~lka'tlve JOin, bll mo"ster: Ue Itopped at a door IJUlIrded liare fetl )IPOD bll kueea. "My bead. Nbfch J thO'Uglit ml ~ht IntereSt ~0J1." :'",h, h~re I,t l~: ~n:ne aee .what bO,n t lesn andi sInewy, .sun and :wind bitten. Three days Inter IIhe stood at Lbe eo~!~,~,d! 1)ear~, ~ave 'llie mJ ~ , "It dOell. ,it does; ' allid tllt' IDIIJQr. ,'leavell San Franclleo .om·orrow. 'l'~e 'Katblyn had as 'yet had no eentlmen~ froutler, aud ber servant let about '8ln~~le . ~Oldler, who 1I11\1.t(ld .but, It it"s-,a. -conundh~m ~ Pri It up." ' l!:mprea8 or Jn~la. 6 ~ m, I mu!t malu! ,atralrs. Absorbed In her, work, bill" nl'gulog ~lId ba,rgl\~nlilg with .tJle ' ma.- ~8 'BO'tD aa tlw balla had passed •••••• Tbe mlli'den's !lyee aparkled\ an~ . -.,.,;. , . , «'that. 'l;tow; ~ou'r~ your taUier;a,da\tg • (atlll.. and . the care of WInnie. auch bOllte to eDgage elll:pbantl for the tbr~e tile thTOperoo"!!. :rhe I tbrqne I '.fbe mom,~nt KatJIl,n arruell at ~ \bel' was musIC' ' In 11 r "olee 1111 'she , ~le". ~""W1nnle . • ')"01,1 ' muet llay b&- YO\lng men as ~be hall met had scare&- daya' march througb Junglea aud ¥fall vaoa.ntl Tbe Cou.ncll or Three, r088 anImal cagell 'of ber ,father a" called ~tlr Vi qut he answer. o'\flIy. We not!\.. : hI nd and be brave and walt. I Iball ly Interelted he~. She bad only tal- ~ountalnou'a ' divide!! to , th'll 'capital. at' the approach o't trmbl\,ll, . for Ahmed. ' Ini- dl videII' 'by t\\'o :"~ .. . , ome b~ ck. ' I shall tlnd fa~ber. It I erant contempt Cor !dlere, and tl1ese Three elephants were necee'sary. "Mv father?" • "l3he Ie here," he ' snld hauglitlly. Tile OouncU 8alll4med. ' ~ ' l.have to ~OUB~ all JMI", .l'l0),,1 to.pack" 'young men bad belQnge'd to that cate. There were two howdab ele.pb~nt8 and U-balla lit raked bll chin "e "Ab. me~lb. the.Y ea,be la'dea4. Wbe" they Itorrlved at the'atatlon Druce caught her Interelt In olle pack eloPQant. who was alwaY8 - .. I know not. ODe DI«ht-tk aecoDd palleDger lraln had luel fact that bellad but IIttle ' to lagging behInd. Through long alSlea of sue4 at the huge candlea ftlcker1Dc after we arrtTed-" _DlOnea !FaT a while Kathly.n telt ·beaten. Sbe sny ' an<1 said that crlllply and well. magnificent trees tbey PMBed, acrolla at eaoh Bide of t~e tl1J:one. He IIDI!!N til 1a H to e.. o~ e n~er c~~ back,"",,ould be c:ompelled tll walt· Jlbotllel' Tbere wall eornathln, allt~orltatlve In hnt" bllstertng deserts. dotted here and the Tibetan Incenle.' and shruglH. "They have ljllec! blm'" , '''III'oek. It W811 the ehAPe of his moutb and .the ateadl- there by shrub" and etu'nted' trees, III W"I wrttl!'ID.. "00," he aald. "to llare "Perlla'?': • l+;=;~:-":-""':;='--':":""':-;--"Vi~r:1mtc-tM"-tl:re--friM:bt:--tn..rrl'o&..j-nm,,,"'nf bIB e) e, !:hough before ber ~e and out . of gloomy defll~a ot Blnty wa:':'!'tt~an~4~..,..~:a....J....+tIal1it:-Mlenrtlw1'll1rrt11Hlro.Jd" , bUIl«alow nnd await "'mli, ' I 1 act simple; ~~~.":: ,. crled ~Wlnnle , I}eve" ~zerclled thJl~ II,ower. . A, do~~n rock, ov"r." .Iueglab and Iwlftly' flOWing I, ther~ , pre8en~ly. ' !}'bue" Kathl,n rullbtll ,ac~ th ~~~II~aQb~l~& , "You mUe angel ,! tlmee Illio oad been on:, ,t h4 poInt :ot Itreama. The, days were hot, but. the J;!lenty ot tiro." And remembei- ' Inte"eDln,',bet1J.eett the aDlmat "'OJ tl)at!" , 1Aklng hIm Into ber. conBd~n~,e. but ~be nlgbts' were bitter; ('old," Sometime/! a rOUI~ lie.cIa .depend U~Ori the nest .......,_.•.,a tlijl ,bunlalOW'. There was 8 0\ Rut th e crew would not.. hear of It. .ot fate bad alwaya ftr-mly elo!led bille mlaamic hue aettled down, and hOl,lrl. ,'!the ,1Ioldler. are on \ the-yer~6 Irgbt. , She 1.'aD DP ,the,.te,. ' . • "'Ii \1\:811 absolutely again lit the com- her IIplI. '.' , the dry, raRpy hi4ea or the elephantll of rouUny, and 0~17 .uccesl .can 'pael', to be g.reetets IDlIIIe., 'II. . . ._ ,1 7_ . , "pans'!! 'rulu. Kstbl),n . lIould bave And now, wlllt!n, for the' ahJp to grew damp and, lbey tretted at Gelr 'theID," " klla. '; .' ', ~ crted. , ~ Into Ita pier; she realll!~ what 'a chalnll. He ' tllmect .wlth~ut '''y.,.r' her ~ ~ to ber ...... "It Isn't money, mlRs, It.'a tile rule.... mlltake her reUc!ence had been, aao, the kbltmatgar ' Kathly,", .lIad left ~ them, 'With orieDtal "L Ht.. Sare... ' He .... aaect. ' lIald the conductor. klndl)', "I can·t. A I'rlend of her , ~ather! . : hired In Calcutta, ,,-roved JnvalUable. they i£cceptett the IIltuatton. The, a sweeping , ..ture.ol bl. lIana -.110 It.'' Bruce hd left the 'lJoyder befo... Without' him' ahe would neTer haye lOu&'ht to oyertuni blm. a~\lt-.he . held no B': C?~IID,) , Kaiblyn turned .In , despaIr !o"a~ 4b;lDer . {at ' 8In«allor,e \ and "'as KAtli. succeeded In euter-Log the 8~nge be etatlon. It wa. then ahe .aw the Jin', BtlUsh.Indla coast4lr ' did ndt c:ouot*'Y; tor tbe.e 'Wlld·eyed Mahomleave till mornIng .lie bad elected ~ edan inahoutll (and It 'Is pertineal &0 xed lion on the plalform. She umed to the conduc't or of tbe trelght remalll over night on tile German boat. note that' oDly Mallomedans are ive" "Wby len't that lion allpped?" . AB ' J}ruce llle~pP lSared amcmg the dl ..· 'D:lade mahollta, It b,elng qaln/lt the "We can't ~aM')' a lion wltbou~ an ,embal'kl~g paeeen''1ra ,and cllmbecl teneta ot Hlnd.u~~ to kill , I' ride, aD1"attendant, Miss. You' ought to know Into a rlckebaw ' she tu~ne.4 ' to til!" thlh. that kma) !sco1fled . at ,I!oer ~vl\, that.> captain, wbo ,lItood belld!l her, I~, Tbey ·,vould have iI'lalie wa·y 'wltb "Very weU;" replied Katblyn. She "Do you ~now 'Mr. BruellT" hr for an anlllrpleoe. Rao wu a'Ma. amlled at the conductor conlldently" "Very well." ·. sald the Oermu, homedan blrplelf. 10 the)" Ultenecl and "11llraTel a8 the 1I0n'I attendant. Yon "DIdn't he tell ~ou ' wlio he ' 181 No·f obeyell. . ' certainly cannot object to that." Acb! , Why. Mr. Bruce Is a · areat hU,n t. AU thll the flrat Oy ~and nlght .put. "I gueS8 you've got me," admItted er, He baa shot eve'rytlil~tr. ,""'Us!" On the tollowm. 'mornIng a Jeopard the conductor, "But where the dlckena books. cUm bed the Hlmala:rae!. Only llrosaed the' trall. KaQlh'o- aeiled ,ber wUJ we I?ut tbe cat? Every oar la last year be brought me "the aack Qf a "Ule and broke itll ,pine, The Jabbe .... closed and locked. and Ibere .Is not musk,.' deer, and that. Is the moilt dan ~ Ing of the mahou~.,..outd have arliU1led an empty 1" • geroulI' .o f all apotts. He colleCts anl-,' her Dt ,al;ll other ,Ume; " "You een easily cet the lion' In .the mals." . , , "Good, 'mllmAbtb; ' :wblap,!red RaD, "'I'be SUIlc1~ lIaJ,ler I!&Y. tbat wom, cabboee. ' I 'll Ilee that he doean't Then KaUllyn knew. The Jiame had "Yoll han put fea,r into theIr devil.' en' [Il · tnClebt ' lIl«YlIl aled to ,.ell .. bother anyone." ' been vaguely ,familiar; but the young ·heart.. Good! Cbup P' : 'he c:all/old. til",; pleU~ the, .-IeaHe! "LIons in the caboose III a. new one 'm an's reilce~ce ~ad liven her no 011" "Stop yoW' nolie,l. ' . . . ~! a.' til.,.: pleued withOut' ~rd -00 me. Well. )'OU know' your dad'i portunlty to ' dlg Into her. re~llec~19.n. , Mter ·tll~t the1 . .ve ~lhlyn'l do. tp .J1at ~he me;n '&hoB}!t. . L~Ck1. W8 " uslnel!a better than I do, Look alive. Bruce! How many times her tafller, tent plenty of -roOm. . " dOD't Un In tboae tllll", ,,~atf" boY8. B.nd get that angora ahoard . Thill had spoken of him! W.hat a fool Ihe ,Ono . day. in the heart of a na,tura) [·Xr. Brown. are 1011 marrIecIf' - LI MliJI Hare herself, (lnd she 'll tall:e had be on ! Bruce knew the country clearln«. !lbe eaw-. tree. Ita bl~lOml "Wbu _ , t~t ao to 4o with ,ItT .cUrse." sbe "I'as ' golDg to. perhaJ)l' aj well ail and leave I were ." IC&I'let .. the Aa matter' of fact, I'in not" "KI~ Kit !'" Imr tatber; Rnd he Could hAve ilm- 801148 of a pomearauate. ,. , "I ~otJgbt bot"~lnel'lltl Plaia "Winnie!" plltlaei ber 1ai1rne1 to tbe last word. . "0, how beautlhtJl Wba~ .. " 0, I'll be brave. l've to be, Well. What waa 'doJ1e C!luld not Jle re-' Rao?" , 'But never been left alone before." called and done over. ' "Thilhlll'! or the- JUDlle, memsahlb. Tile twolllrls 'embraced, Md "liy (ather Is a l1'eltbunter., too.· .. It til good. luck to ..e it Oil • JOUl'llel.'1 weIR lobbIng baCk to 'he maid \\'ho ShB .aid 81mply, ey_hl, 'W iltrUlIy tbe Abo'l~ the ttee .tJ.nee! • . , parra....Ited 011 the plaUorm. road tok~o hy Bl'UCe' lllto town.' ! keetl Bile! Creen PartOla. The lree.D What bappcne<1 In that JlD.rU(\ uJar· "What? Herr GoU! Are you Colo- plumale of the bIrcI8 the brll· ~e baa 10rle eluce been ncwspa· nel Hare's dau.abterr' esclalmed the llant I~et of ~o tree wa, Iild. blltQI'Y. The crew will go 011 tell· captain. ac:r1~b' b~tUUL Jlver,



The Adventures Kathly

a really delightful Old T " ki h bl d' ur s en •





[ar, -.









It-1l11 It becomes fabulous as "Yea," i: - l . I....Qj!, 8IJ1J1IDadl', yarn..alHow tbo !lOll ae Belled ber, by llIe :14i.!1I!if'iC1.' teart. . youq \yOID- -WI!1. dld 10P Do&


Ufe. oaUne ev.,..,hel"8 .... color. . the


&~bP;;.;~~~;R~~~~~~;~~=~;~~~ ~

Ida... maJ be 1 '~, n.l Hare and 1 ~~Ir or uaatcJed. aU III8tropolltaa . ....~ cheroot ~





PRETTY TEA GOWN .vatklb. belle...ed In him, laW lOme USEFUL lA)RITIN" thlill In him which even bls \larent. \1 IUd not lee. and be oould not bear the UloUght thllt the man wbo trultod blm aJld bellevnd In btm PROPER LV 'MADE, IT VI'ILL BEAN Ilhould think fllst he had gone wronl. ORNA~ 'ENT AI.50. . Wben YOU hue obtaIned 1\ boy'8 Just as easy to get eggs in cold wp'Atl"~ con11dence nnd affectioD. wben he teels as in spring. Win:ter should be ' fbe that you 11111'0 a real Interest In ll!m. ___ best laying, best paying months-:-IUld that you bAli eve . that there I, Ample for the Requlrerllents of a Per· loil Wit~--Modc,...te Corfe.pond,enl~CJ.-+----'---~ By ORI~QN SWETT MARDEN. something 1n blm, you have a tremen· will be if only 'you will start .~t -Sketch 51lows How It May dous bold upon hIm. once feeding .oo"fllb.1I1 ".010,.. Nt. . . ..,.. 111.41.... The head of ' a hlcago busIness Be. Cona.truotwd • houae hu iii Ilirge number or boys GETTING OVER YOUR SENSITIVEunder ~m . For years be baa felt a OUI' skctch J!bOW8 a useful wrlUng »NESS. Idndly intere8t in the8e boys. lakIng In whlcb nil the reQulslt!lS ' for a 'p artlcular palnl to notice tbem, to sIPodemte .amount or corr spondence I . I know a . b~lght. -well-tr.IDeil you:pg walcb theIr work . • to ,praise the~ may' tie ke"t. ancl [t C3n .e3slly b conNature's own perfect tonic and conditioner. 'lour 'lad-. whose. 1lI'lmate- C 'r' le~ndB. and even wb 0 they · do well, to 'correct them ,truct d with .. • tbe Illd' or 11 strong henl! 6houlfl bt: el1tirely througb t·be moult. If they· " have not begun to lay. It is n sure sign that tbey n<:t'il her near relaUveli. hal'e to be cOlltlPU: lentlt wben they fnll. and to manl· wooden box or a suitable size with" Pratts Poultry Regulntor-the one tonic that stil'lf up alb on the wutcb for tenr of wouud- fest tn gener:il 11 , kindly interest In well.hlng Jld. 'YQur idle. lazy heJls, mnkes lhcm hunt a !les t and g('t alfalra. lIe al)Ys . the ,resu1te ~ To make It the front of tlle bOl{ Is Inr; ber. Sbe brooo,la over a joklns . r~ busy producing eggs. '1iIlark lIntll ilbe magDlftea It Inw IlD in· b ave b «!en marv_oI OUB ....... __ A tlB 1 t tb e r emoved and • the exterior 8moothly Don't d . by. ... to your deal ...•• At once end nol!: lor Pnlc~ .ult. She 'makes 'herself miserable .or bpYl have shown wonderful develop· covered with thin silk, tbe nlaterlal M akes nc. dU'""""", ..hO'lher you haveten ben.or tcm tho.-nd- , LIley noed ' rattL A =«<Ird or 41 yoan back or .VeIl' p:lcbge day. ove{ Ii flllicled IIlIght · and ell" men,• un d er til e In fl uence of bly ap' being turn ' .) over at Ole edges and ... d lack. 'laUofa.c:UoQ IlW'radtcro or YOllr montY b,,,,1I. ballstll the patience of bllr trlend8 by prsclatlon and praise. underneath and ras tenea on 'wlth seC. III Z8cJ)ClCkaf:Cl\ UJ .>1&12S·lb. poJlllntS2.1l0. At40.ooodea...... &/I~lng them to elCplaln wl!l,\t _the)" This man told me thnt he corrects Coline or 110m other "trong aqbeslve. ..••11. Roup Ite.. ed" Is a Runmnloed cure. 1'10",1. (be d~!IIlo r .., ... n for Roup and Cold.. Don', rialr ....1IIa: yoar I:LylDa: bini• • lushle, Ih' sId S Bud the bottom. ot /J'teant by cerlaln exprelslona. looks or the- habits of hIli boya wltbout their lIut let a bolC of PraUe. 2110 and 80". &'oeture". People who are lit nnt at.. real1ting the Influence be brlnga to tho box are lined in a like manner. ~r..cted by ,her m~ny amiable qUIlIl· bearon them. He enters th eir sports. and bauds' ot broad whIte e la llUc are 'UN Boon faU away f!'Qm hel" because pll\Ys ball wIth them. and ,by his ex· fastell eel aoross the center 011 either 'Of tbe ' olCaotioni hnpoBed by her over-. ample makes them teel Illihametl or IIlde. Theae ore unlled down at In.. aenaltlvene88. . , dolog things that are unbecoming to l ervals with srn"nll brasa-hea,led l1allll Ovcr·eensltlveneas Is renHy an elt· lentlemen . . and form 1\' snrleo or 'ooP" Into Wblch Cilld " , ..ernted form ot Ilelt-coneclousoel!e: I. ren Loro etspeclally susoeptlble 8c lasors. scaling-wax. peoclls. etc .• mllY . !.-Ja:Uuor~:~." :D.~C.,:~:rT.IID~~ a~! n~.:~e.~td1~e:= ~t· ill Car removed from conceit or self- to praise. A boy will work barder to be slipped Md helll in plac.e. At the IUI_. . . IU.~POH.N~ J ,IOllIDIj;t\TEftfpf;R (lURE! Tb_ IG ala esteom, yet It causes one's own per· get. the . alJPl'ecla~lon or those who back of the bOl( a number of pocllets doee. otten ca .. a c:ue. ODu li-OftDt bOLLle gua.ran&.eed 10 do 10. Be. thJ.Dc 10r 'brood .......... ~cca on lbe blo_. 60a &Dd II .. boUl.. 16 edn.l.g ~ lIOnallty to overshadow everytlilDH tru8~nim and believe 1u him Hlan tor ara arrangeiJ, a large one ror note&n':lI' IIonl... Uranlata 1Ul4 banl_ olio.... DllUlbow..-.ALL W ..O..,... w ela~ A lIenBltlve rv ..... non reela tbat. alm08t anythIng. el e. Notblng e DIlUQOlBT8. 8POHN "MEDI(lAL (lO., . I PllPer. two smaller vockets for poetChemlal.t aDd BaclertololC;lat•• OO.b .... I.Q~~••• A . whaten~r she does. ' wherever ebe gOBS eepe bhune wtll 80 clampen his cn· cnrds and envelopes &lid two tiny. --Or Whatever IIhe sal's. sbe 1\1 the center thuslaa~ aa lbe laek at recognition l)oCltets for postage atamp8. 1'bl'ee - E-S- T- E- R - N - -C -A-N- A- O - A-'S ----;-. s·p - Ie- n-d I-d -,,-·a-y·.--:tber~ e I;--tho-' o-Pln-Ioll of con-veraatlon. She tmuglnea tb~t of good "'ork or rnllure to apprecIate !lockets -are bound I(t, ·the eagoa ,,'Ith bucked tiP b)' ;L lot or experlc.nce tbat people are criticizIng ber movemenll. htll attempts to pleBlle. . narrow ribbon. Fastened wltb bros IImaking fun at ber "Ipenle or Bnaly,] know a mother who teared ber :headed nails acrOBS the tliner side or 00SITIO ' thIs parklike COulltry contains soil ev n better I bun that ot th open are:. STRONG r Ins her chamcter. when they are cbHdren upon tbe plnn of praise. She the lid Ilre two bnnds ot broad wblte' reCerred to. Probabl,T .nol thlnkhig of ber at all. never m1ilsed an opportunity to com· e lae~lc under 'I\'hlcb paDe Band lettera The opportunities. thererore. 16rShe doel '1Iot realize that btber people mend them tor dOing well. or to sbow may be allDllec! In Ibe manner shown ' ~ too 'bUBY and too much Intere8ted appreciation of theIr efforts to do In the sketcb. "THE WHEAT GRANARV OF THE mon y 'maklng lire liS great toda}' a9' they ever were. The opportunlties-' ;'r n themllelvea o,lId In other tblllga to rlgh.t. Thle. she Bny~. hns bad ·In· Alon ' t he cd P. of tit II I also fll8tWORLD," A WELL AP· <deTote to her_any of theIr time beyond linlle!y m9r~ In6uence for good lban g. g . e. . carrying on Janniog IIUCCE!8sfully ,n're PLIED TERM . what til ubsolutllly necessary: When perpetual scoldln"5 "Don·ts" harm encd on with t1n~ bTl1ss·beailed nalls, fully a R great lI8 tbey ever were, or , .. ' . ' tll!!re Is a little curtain ot 'Bott 8111, I tills "\lark area ~e ha.,·c an IJDn, ens~ .ella thtllks they are' mak.lnl$ · remarks dIscourage ~nd dwarf more · chlldn\tI .... \.h d lito "rlll al tbe to tb t ere I a ~ )J a ,about ber. putting slights upon 1\er, than almost anything else. . Western O&Dadll occupIes a stronger quantity of lon(l "1'et to tie 8eWed. It position today than Il ever has occu·. Is trul> tll'nl lIle bave not yet Many a child hus been nagged. -or trylnc , to 1I0id ber 'up t<1 the ridl.' pled. TakIng ODe year wilh anoUler. penetrlll d theRc dl'strlcts to the elllC!nt ..c;ute Of otb~n. Uley !Day not even be bullied, &colded, ror every Illtle fault the emclency of It.e landa to produce that they lin ve the ope" area. but tbit (!ollsc1oUB at her presenee: or mhitake. until it became «Iscour· ba.e been well proved. It baa Dot been wlll come and 'as seltlellJentll advunce, Tboll.and, of young women Itre aged. wben a IIltie timely praise a,ud soJd of It that year In and y,ear out so ' will railroadS build. For the ltrellbeld back· froQ undertaltlng - what coriUnendation would hnve worked Orull of printed taffeta with under. ther(! wllre bumper' and bounteou s ent thero Is a. temporary hili In I'all· 'lley long to do. and are ke~t trolD wQnder. In getting the best ou~ ot It. Iklrt of embroidered chiffon and crop)!. I.f Buob a condlUoo eXisted It road ·uUdlnK. bill It" 19 alwa,s tbe trJ'og t~ make real lhelr me.cJream~/ Hllblr organlzM, ilensltlve chlldrell. tran.parent bodlc~ pf chiffon. The would be phellomenal' In the' history caae t hut whllr e t1lere Is Il dlll'nalld 'becauae the1 are afraid JOiltio wltl) have otten beCIn seriouslY IIIJured. or hllh girdle Is vc~~ effective In thl. of any country. With an extensi\ie thc~e will com a Jiupply. and It 'will . ~II world. 1'bJ:\~ shrink from elt· "tbel!' characters even !'Ulned, by the model. territory producln, gmln, bog8, catlle not he long before the palik country poltn, tlleir .ore alld eenlltln 8pOts, llanh ml)thods oC tho Be who dp not whlQh. s~rt from the 811abteet Wuch. underetand the cblld nature /lod 'I\'ho and Illeep, of lOme 800 mllea wide nnd wlll 11 . II netratod by railroads tbat .....:.......... ~ ......... "J.'tIelr .u')ienl'enIIUl'eneIB makea eow· leold ani! nag aod bull), them Into of her mo l her . ";110 will be queenly In t .000 mll68 10nr;. It Is e8l!Y to oon· \vU! give sumclent accommodn~lon foi' . ' ,'reSa of 'them. . ~ '. obedience, Such children become 8ul· \,el,ret ond golden tls8ue ' 1I1ltll celve ot a wide variation In tompera· aU needs . but to tholle wbo preter It ture and climate; . tbere Is variatIon In ther~ aIc lotS of opportunities for \lur. TIle creat majority of people; DO len; 'obiltlnate a1'l11 Irresponsible. t he velvet supply. too. is exbausled matter bow roucb in ,manner or bear· The ereatll8t thlog In the rearing A toucb. too. which caonot LllIt IId.1 rainrall and IDowtall; every section ia cbasl ng land nenrer towns o,nd·"vl). In., are kind-hearted. and woldd and , education or a chtld III to de· ltangB <lownward when tbe 11d la abut to the s imple beauty n , debutanto not tbe belt in the dilltrict-some ~Te lageR and al low Jlrlc 8 and on clUj mucb rather belp than blndu fello'll" velo)) ' bll natural. normal 8elt·~lt· and takea the place of tile fr9nt ot gown sbo\llid dIsplay· Is the IIlngle cor· betUjr than others and sOlDe worse. terms. V\lhether 01111 corell to purcha ~ or belD",; belldel. they baTe al1 they Prell.a.a.. Tbe youtbrul mind lODll the ·box. Tbe 8mall I\(eteb Itlu8tratca enge flower. wblob has agaLl made Ita but all a general thing. tbe great per· centagll Is "better." Tbls ' PlIst yep.r homestead it enn better he done ·.bJ Oiul do to at~elld to thelr: ' own aJriUn, for acUvlty; .tbe pent·up forces wltb· thl8. and some pretty floral dellign can allpenrllllce with Buccess. ~ have ao time 0 spend In II!ln- in !Ire IltruggllnJ: to expre.. them- be ' embroidered 00 Hie aUk covering ~u sbown that ~ome · portlolill are not payIng " vlait to the cou,ut.ry aud It , . utelT &Ilal~lq the nature 1LD4 feel· slll .. 88; but Jf Ipon~lty 1B repeat· theanrface or the Hd. Small bra.. altogether fiilmUDe 'from periods of will ·r epay you to spend Rome ftttle DICTATES ,OF. FASHlON fa.. of thOle whom tbey ' meef In edly crushed <Jw, It the .ch1l4'11 espree- b~dlelJ, Can be BCI'f!WecJ on eltber Ilde drougbt. 'Ttle .arne may be said of ad· lima vlflltlng the different dist I'lcfl5.theQow.e of their dally bUline". JIi eloo" I, con.t!lntly rep..,.,aed wt~, by wbleb tlie case and contents may jolnlDg states ~ ' ihe south. But ib1!l Advet tifleillont. the bill, "odd of alralre It Ie give "don't do tbill" lind '·don·t. do tb"t... be. etilllY Jlfted when oeealion ariae&, Tbe iUJorlt.y of sleeves. are Ion,. ye"" hal 'also' ahC;'tnI that In the This III tho ' land of the tr e. bUI an talte, 'touch and' 10. and thole the ambJtlon may be ruIned, tbe pow· an4" handl88 .Ultable for thJa purpolle Full' clrc:ular sldrts aro hinted at. ~ater' po1'tloa or . Western 'Canada ,wbo ez~t to ~et on mUlt rid them· ef' .of aelf-eltpre.,.lon 10Bt. ao that th,! niay be . obtained for a trUl1I at an,. Some of .the new sult8 have c~t.· dronght does not appelli', but even In don't (Ty to gP.t too free wltb !fome ....In. of all lII.orbld . 'enlltlvene... best III the child may nllVer be devel· ba.rdwlU'e atorel hlgb IDecka. tbe drourht-stl1clten area of tills year. It tbey do DOt, ,the), doom themsefvee oped, . " --e;:...-_:..-_-:--~ IImartest tunics reacb alml,)st to put Yeai'l. baYe ' .hown that the IOU to ilnhApplnetil and raUure. Wben ' a ohtld doee 1I0t · .,,'U,,·_"IC.-I rt .!dge. produoea wonderfbllY well and even .- A colle.e coutle Is of Ine8t1mable t.bualalm hi study, in work, . StraIght band shapes are among the \hIli year. 'with modern methods. kDown 118 "dr)'otarmlng." gbod~·ctrops Talbe to a ~rl . of .over·rellned aenal· 80me.thtng wrong. for en.tbuslal!m new collarll. blUtiel. Oflent1mea 'lfben girl" enter bubbling buoyancy are al natural ~Imo.t Compulsory That There Should Ftulcy flle~ material are the most were harve8t~. Tbe lar~ n mber colle.e•.the, are .0 toucby tllat their ~Ud lite as song to HUI bobollnJL Be at Lellt On. In Debuunte'. velllng1l. of Americans who durlllg .tlie past sixlIense of bonor· III constantly belD' Spontaneity is absolut.ely neces· . TrOu •••• u. sklrls have thllir flounces teen years' hafe been attracte(J to ·burt, an'a their pride .tuDS by, tbe CI'·I'J' to origlnallty- ),et tile buoyancy. rounded or pointed and bound with Carlada have not ,ope s1mply because UDeon.cloul thrultB of ciallmate& tile enthusIasm. ot mlt.ny a. . youtb Ie Talretu w-III bold Ita own for popu· silk or braid. of the advertlelng of tbaf country. but and COII!~nloD8. But tbe, haTe absolute,y cru8hedbllfore \t1aJorlty 18 Io.rlty In dance frooka.• and no deliu. fn tome dresses the tunic and girdle becanse • theIr rrlends and thel, old· ~eo ; In. ,co~lele a terau, 'a l;ldreac'hed, becaull8 ot conllt!!!)t repres- tante' will consIder b r trousseau com- ulle of Roman -striped cloth anti the tlme neighbors ban done well tbere been l'Ul>hlll~ up a,alnllt otber lion_ plete without one or more of these reet: of a plaIn color. and wltb ~rul 1UId Judicious far-m, tb.ey: reallD th'. t It ' would be , The cblef duty of the,. rathll.r' ill not charpllng creations. Tbey uaually " 'Illmoit el'BlTone b~ ' done ,wall. 'mplI~ . r{lOll~h .. tbl~i In the world' onl,. to feed and ' clothe h1!l 'Soo alid hav~ cIrcular skirt". Llght.fittlng o~or Utilizing Lace Shawls. As" a reautt: of' the great InHux 01 betra, reaeutmen1;. If 008 . 'Het ·.u pos81blo ~'Ork out of blm ' un· waist · and . hlp8 wltb godel flares Those wbo P088Cl!8 old style Bhawls Immigration ' Ilie open 01' prairie· 110ma..b·e I. burt, she bows 1Ihe 11' til be III ,wentY-OtiB. but he 'Ie bound aroUnd the feet. . " . of chantilly ,' SpanIsh; burges or Jtl\lJan 8ten.ding 'area Ie being rapIdly tnken L1O~r -alld wltl otten be ~:p"~:~~~. "Ith tender care the lIlental No ma~er what tb'e aklrt. bowevet. lacea may renew them with an eye up. Tbe fact tbat this Is 110 Is e"j· at.· f!lhe;" ~BlJDPI,y' foreed i4I . UEIIUI\llllJ&I•••. tbe a8plraUonl, lhe bent the hOdlc~ la wraplled or drap$l wltb It.()wal'<l thoJr ultimate usage for this de!ic;e tbat Weetern Carilldl' lands are 10011111 weakn~ Glrla '",lio are mol'. plllD~Id .,JlY, tbe Creator blm8elf in ,tlle ehUfon wltb a glint of SOld or IIlIver" winter', dl[)llnlng. Laces of thla de. pl:oductlve, aDd on th'e8e 9pen plulns 'thtl cblld. It Is' a grent ml.. rabrlc showing tbrough or Wled a8 8crlption "and sbape may be fashioned today are to be leen \he home8 of blcUt IIElD"llttYe on &Dterlo. 00l1e,e, on. come ,out at tbe end , ot thetr tOI'tU:1l0·· to· so many parents feel decora\lon. ' . . futo ' wond,erfully ertecUve capes fo, every ' 1~~~~~1~5~~~'~~i taU' ,ean" COURI,! with · tb,II', exce. o"nerablp In a. cbUd . .1'h1lY look One deslgJ\er brouS,ht out some won· fbla wlnter's wear. and without cutting succlIBstul state In thefannenl Union. from 'l'beyalmost lillve earned ~ atv. Irrttabllity ' cured b . repeated blm a,,1a IOrt of ch.Uel In8tell:d derful metalllc fabrIcs betore tbe W'ar 'or.. detaeln their delicate threads or tbelr patenta. and DOW own outright ..o..L,=--7-=- -:;:i;"i:;-;;1 ~...c:1! of eo~op leulle, ' beNd' gift, whlcb tbey have r"""I·,Hnll-HlDt<er..f'IUDted fllll~lon phiu.. e ,alterIng .th,em in allY way. They 's hould their 160 !lcree of land. together probrrbere -are man),. bowever, ·who muat In trllBt. ·for whIch they aalume ra- these last tbey. canno~ fll~1 to be tn~ bo mountec1 on mou sseline. chIlton npll ably with ali ,djotnlng IGO acres,. 10 through life without. lola', tbroulb aponllbllJty. and enter Into aD Imlllled eVIdence on nearl, _ ellery . gown for satin ',lInlng and may b~ affixed to wblch the,. bave purcbosod or pre· COl1\1ll1; and U tbeiear~ troubl~d wIth sgreement 'to. 'care for mInd 81 well all tbe debul.uutl!1 or (or hel' older slllteTS J1al~dllome callarI! of bl'lIIlant hued vel· empted. allper of acre. which Th'ey Is worth from ' ~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;. aenalt!venllBS, tbeY 'm Bt be ;their o~ body; t~ l\Iard; I\Ilde and rear wltb Ind COll,all?s and aunts. to 'aay nothIng veu. or be d co'rated with rtlrs. U6 to $30 originally 1I"1e'~. They: mUlt iean. that" r I the' tendereet care and ,reateat Bollcl ... 4 :' ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ sLarted by crowing grn.lne altogether . . DobllltY an co~rage lind elrectlveneal tucie. bllt tliey found that they eould seoure the u ~pper 8ke~oh It' 18 sbown a hetter price for much of their grain DESIGNED TO AI . a -Jo:orld,~ol!kor. as "~Il \i,lI per'Ii II ' a fAijler'. duty ,not to try open. with the combs 1,laced 11I8hle. by [eedlnK It' to hogs and <:aUle, and , , aonal . ~p,Plne •• I\nd luc.,ceaa, 1m! 1m· I)end the human ~prout lo suit hl8 pOlilblo. to one 'I"lho Is ,crlQP.ed bf" notlo~ •• ~\1t,. to w!,.t$ the tendency of Valuable' Little Adjunct 'or the ' Tray. and 'It will be noticed that one cllmb the most succeSSfUl' ones are those la Insllrt~ at tbe lOP or the case and who have follo:wed tbls course. . . the chU4;. to eUco\lraae. not aUtle. hl ~ ele,....,0c:.ouple. Little 8pace In • u~rJeJUiltlve nature. ' tbe ollier from tlle bolt om. 110 tbat Bag or Va" •. " "Wh.ato .hall r do 1.0 .set rid of It!·, naturai bent. Bilt ~ meet the wanta of the new · they will \lot 9Qme In cO!ltact wltb comer a new homeat.ead area has hecn I a 8Irl alka. Think IU8 of 10U1'lelt ·Every father IIhould rllgard ~6 Here \S:II u ~(ltnl IItUe cue .for ):Iold. each oth e~' when . the case Is clOBed. opened up, known .. the "park coun· ~d more of (Jthere~ .~hI,le ,freely c~iid' 'as a sacred trust,. br:'I1Clng ,\ith with thl! l1eopt~. BecolDe" ~!lte~ted hJm Into ! be wo~ld So leale.) measage Ing a couple of combs 'that will be The nmall aketch Illustrales Ihe coae try." In park country are to be Ill' 'tht~ olitatde of fouraelf. DO noJ whJch ~e II boulld to · d.el1ver like a found specIally ulefUl " ror ' travelIng olosed and secured with the ribbon found beaalUnl P'QT~e , of ' 1/0.plar and brood ' oyer' what I~ llat!! to 'you' 'me -lUld Ii bero. This· aealed meslqe purpo~e8. It Is 4uite'; tm17 ' to · snake, strings. I ~'or n mali who bas much I'\'Illow. small Jabtj and Itreams'. with traveling fO do a ease of thl@ kind lIll~cfent open ~, to enaJlle one to aDab'ze every sImple remark ulltll w\thln . bllq la &¥red; ,It 18 ' not even and It la carried out In pale for {be Uth'ilr tb read . . nut It Is the linen hned wlt,b, ~tlljn 1,Illle pl~k ",lk will be foumt a verr useful 'p08se..lllon, 110 ioto Immediate cutUTatlon ot crop, m ....Uy It IntO . lIOmetbln, of lIaM'O'If tor tho combll moy»e slll>ped Into .~ Ind In due time ... bep the)' wish mar, ~t ,;lmP,Ortallce: , Do ' DOt parent'" duty to prepare hili child lo and bound at the edgell "Ilb ' or wlthdra'wn In a mo.m ent, and It will land to be put Under cultivation. they 4aoh a 1011'1 and unjllJt 8I!U9ila~ of deUdr tb~ m~IB8le bl' bdnllB, to belp lave the trouble of wrapping tbem Ull may at amall coat cut down' some of feGple' ...·w 'thjnk ther are beDl. aD blm tQ· II\-e JlP to' bIB Ideals. ·10 Paper' elach time a bag or "allae Ie tho groves. wWch In tbe meaolime nodWll bllt , buriln& tile f~a of . ;,.. ))acked. ',' oU1er~, ..d d8p_~tlnl and ~a"klnc bne been ftluahle ID providIng fuel ~. lIIbt pf tb,!lm 011 • < md Jnr;lv Inl lhelter to cattle. . IIob: A ,trl 11'110 ~,.pprecr"te" 'herae:lf Short Cut to Buttonholea. . ~ptwith"taDdlq the hIgh charao.ter lit tier itr1Ia value. Bu.y mC)~hera With many bulton· lif the open J)ft1rIe laDdl and the fact boles to work tlnd n. praotlcal tln'le lllat D~~I~for there bave hi ' 1\ ~ ~., Ih. I., wlll Dot R .v er In thl8 .I~hort-cut" · ine~hod : Theae buttonholes ore bolh neal and « ~"I~fleae81. aetflcea ble. " .:. • Tak.e a strip or cloth as wtlle, u ~a dlati.nce dElsil'ed between the buttons', ]Jem ach elde WitiJ tbe toot hemmel' or· bind with blu bInding. Then ,t, Ci"Il8awll*N III 8trilJll-'1la wIde' ~ waot the pox pipit to be. cutting enol11lh IItrlplI to milK e j h I'ln It t-he de, .Ired lengt)1. Place th e bUild t'dge' ribbon or a ,·.color to matda the latter. ClOS8 .togeUle.r ulld bInd tho row edg811 It can be cut Gut _tim; ... one J)lece with a JjJa~1. atrl" to (orm the rtlatt. or tbe Mape Iho_ .. diagram . . the r1.Ia~ cd tII~ .....tntloll. two ',llad ~ lie... tulded ~ "IDt. '~d&­ cated ~ the dDtItId· .... IIftD lion M""-',~'"


Dr. Marden's Uplift Talks •



~~~:; ~~!aI.T FOO~~OMP~l'!.~ .

:...::..-_------------_ -

Shipping Fever

ag. .




" ,U


-.... -


-- ----





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"'w" ....

THB IlIAIiI Q4ZBT"r&. WA~~ 0Il10 -~

- _.









~------------------------~ *.------'--~ IPersonal" _____.•. _1_-Mentioni . __ • • ONLY ' IPure ~anitarYM:ilk



Harry Sherwood was in Oincinnati Friday on bu ioesS.

The Waynesville Cannlng Company ' can supply you with any qu~nt'Jty ~f Pure M~lk from Cr..EAN. HEALTHY. COWS. Call


Me8sn , Ralph Smith and Terrell Macy were in L ebanon Tuesday.


C, B. Bentley went to Columbus Monday with a cowple of car loads of hogs. " . Buy your Xmas Candy at HartSock'B Confectionery near Bank Comer,

For Sale

MrB. Allen Jones and daug hter are visiting with r elatives in South Charleston. '

One Refrigerator, 2 Beds. Springs Bnd Mattresses, 3 Heating Stove 1 Ta~le, Clothes rack, 1 small Stand : a paJr of Dayton C<.mputing Scales, 8·foot Show case. Cracker case Cigar case, Coffee Grinder and Cheese Cut· ter Will be sold cbeap If Bold at o"ce Goods can be seen at Grange ~uildinir, Corwin. Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs, F B. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman are in Day too today . '

Mr. and fdn. Walter MeClure spent Sunday with fri ends in Germantown. Ohio. '


American Meat Slicer

Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Bruner, of Lebanon, came up to the social Thursday evening.

Mrs. ebas. Werntz. ~.

See th~ machine in our' window Friday and Sat~rday. The only way to Blice Dried Beef and Breakfal!t Bacon . , Dried Beef sliced 96 slices to the inch makes it fit for a King to eat. Call and see tbe machine work Bnd then ask for a sample ' of Green & Green'. Celebrated Edgemont Crackers and Fresh Graham Cracke '

.. New Burlington


Parr's Scand IOcStore

St. Mary's Guild will meet with Mrs. Barris Thu rsday afternoon .


WHI,ffE'S r

W. H. Alle'n was in Cincinnati TQesday on business.


·fott (Uayn~s"ill~


---,--------------------~--------....------------------------------------You Will Find for the You Will Find for the Here You 'Will Also Find Childr.en Grown-Ups . Aluminum Ware

Ga.mes See Saws Sand P ails and Shovels Sad Irons (with or without re. Removable Handles , Meat Choppers Coffee Mi1ls Tops and Ten Pins Wheelbarrows To)r Lanterns (that will light) Dixie Pop Guns , Clolthes Racks' Wash Benches Iroli1Jng Boards Tele phones Dinner Sets Balls and Dolls Hams Toy Coal Buckets Toy Pastry Sets Ikums Iron Wagons 'and WoodWagons Stuffed Doks Toy Wash Boilen Collapsible Doll ' Houses Iron Toys of all ki,nds

Handkerchiefs (all kinds, froq1 Tea Strainers the finest to the coarsest.. ... l0c ColTee 'Percolators Shaving Glasses , Sugar Shakers . Salt and Pepper Shakers Bead Necklaces "Diamond'" Rings Collapsible Drinking Cups Cuff Buttons Tea Balls Clothes Brushes Soap Boxes Pic'tures Cake Turners Stockings ' (Adult and Children's) Funnels Socks Neckties



Match Boxes Toothpick Holders Jelly Molds Etc., etc., etc.

Miss Lena Surface is spending two Laces Mrs. Stephen Mills spent last week weeks in Indiana the guest of her ~ox Pa~r with her daughter Ml'II. Lester Comp- sister. Mrs, Cbas. lieU, Shelf Paper ton, neRl' Xenia. The Junior Guild will meet at tbe Crepe Paper Mr. and Mrs; ChBS Peterson spent home of Mrs. U. L . .C~oe, Saturdsy Thankagi~ing at the home of Jas. afternoon ILt 2 o'~ lock, Paper Napki~s Blair and family. ' ~uspenders fancy box~) I ¥r. and Mrs, A, H .. ~arlan , and M. B. H:man and son, Sam, of ' son Wm. Were ThanksglVlng guests Lebanon. w , ere lheguests of Mr. and Come in and look over Granite Ware in Pans. Kettles, ----'--~- -, -,-....--at the home ~f M.~. and Mrs~ T. M. Mrs. Mvel' Hymall Sunday Pie P~ns, ~tc. , etc. of Mlarnlsburg-. " • Harlan, New Good ThiJlgstoeat 'a rrlving ' our stock and you w'i11 Fancy ' Work (Throws. Stand The best insurance is none to Jrood. , A ..C..Blair was ~ succe1lBful conevery da.v. U it is in the martestant lD a cl&f.p~geon ,at Morro~v The other kind ' isn't worth having. ket you .will find it here, and Covers, Pillow Covers, etc, find what is usually last Monday, bnnglD&' home two tur- Insure with A. B. Chandler. , Clur prices are always the low· Tooth Brushes keys and two geese. . est. kept ' in a Mr. and Mr•. Merle Hunt (nee,Fay Mrs Chas. Stansbury and children BaueU8ll, Hair. Braids" Side Hiatt) were guats 01 Mrs. Sarah spent the Thanksgi~ing holidays Combs, Combs, Brushes. It pays to ~e at SbamJJaugll and dauRhter last 1rri- with relatives in Da}lton. and Brush Trays Comb day. San Silk, CottOn Floss Mrs. I;.izzie ThomP8"~, .of "~nB8S, Mrs. Lida McKinsey, of Dayton, ,'. Mrs. Laura Roll, of Cincmnati and was the week-Emdguest of her slster 'tie Clasps In faCt your needs will be ' sup-_~_""'''''''''''_ _ _ _ _' . M~. Rena Hood, of Dayton. were MrS. Eva Jones .and ,her daughter' ca1.hng o~ old acquaintanceS here . Ethlyn. ' ' , , plied. PurseS, etc., etc. Friday. , " Th~ of the eal'" " M~ E. J.Arnold wasllllast week. The Woman's Auxiliary of St; EXOEPT I MAGAZINES AND "'Wh7 haTe 70U abandoned 'tb.' The Ladies Aid mel at the Annex Mary's church will meet with Mrs. BOOKS .tap!••, , ~ haVeD't I,e rt It. but 1'Dl Thursday afternoon. ' S. L. Cartwright Friday afternoon JIObUITItdlqIO&Pte8t1moDlall.~ . The'y.p. B. was entertained ~t at20'clock. I'Mtorer . . aDd 111dol'MllleDta for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ,/ pano plaTen aDd ..rety ruo... tJIat HUrley, Wedn8lday evening. Lost-~ child's blue velvet hat, on - Wayneaville . Ne;xt'Door to I really ha.,en't time to reheane ~~ Vernon McCr&f. who i8 entp)6yed the ~oad ~rom Way~esvi1le to W. P. er!T."-Phlladelpbla at ,the Berklay Hotel Xenia, spent Hay ~ reSIdence. Finder please leave the . Thanks&'i~ at hill home here. ' at thiS office. . Gazette Office' O~io . The community meeting, at . th~J . School House. evening.. was Geo~ge ReyhoIds with a party of -~-+-~-..:; ,,-.~-,---t-:c:"::-:--'::"::---.!!!..~~~~ . , abte oceaBion. The school frlen~B, came from Dayto,n Tuesday -._.I_I!I!II_~~_iI!--~-"---."---IIII!IIIi!!-IIIII!i--"-an enj 1 . rendered a sho~ program which m~rmng, and 'Bpen.t the day In thiS . was followed bY an intereating de- neighborhood hunting. ---- . bate, Count!1 Life,venua City Life ' by William Harlan, R. D.Cellett, Rev; and Mn. C, S. Grauser and HUNTING NOTICE STANDARD BEAIU:RS MEET Fuhe ral services at Rlchm01'li, Ind .• ~ Trevor-C. H8¥dock, Dr. Whitaker, B?~' Charles, and Prof. E. F. Amy . . Wedneadav af~moon where she had Miaaea Joaep_hine Reeves and Beri'lice VISited With Mr. and Mrs. C. A. On account (If ~rl'Jlng dlaeasee Mu. Allce Carey WElted by Mi. J?ueed 80 many happy day. in early A 4O-acre,farm, belqugiog to Mn. Hawkins, The foUowing o~iza- Bruner a~ Lebanon 'ast week. from oljlefarm to another.I positive- Opal Gray delightfully ' entertained hfe . ~ . ' . Iy wdll)ro&eCute the first party that .the Standard ,~i'el'8 on last ~tur.Amlllda Smith, 2 miles north ot tion was coDipleted: Pl'eei4ent, WaynesvD1e. on the Bellbrook pike Prof Arnold; Vice Pres. Ml'B W. FARM WANTED-Any Size; larlle I catcb trespa8!li~g on the Satter~ day afternoon, After the bUSiness . " C. Smith: See. Mise ' Josephine stock farm preferred. Wjl\ assume walte.fium ,opposite ';f.eles:raph Milli. meeting a abort" but interesting Mrs. Mary"Canier wife of ChBrles Reev.. Program committee. MiBS- mo~tgage and 'give'fine Dayton prop, d25 .' A. 1", MiUer, , prog!aJl) WIIA rendered after,which Carder, of Dayton, and former clti,). ~. ~ Jenni~ ReeVes Mary Collett and er:ties as part pay. W~te R. B. .. ' • _. , , a dehclOUt two course luncheon' w~ zen of this pl&l"8, dropped dead at .' " . ' MrS, Trevor C. Haydock:: '?i~ ~x- RI~ke~, 104.. 'Eagl~ St., .Dayton" 18 ~IE~DY, FOR SALE DA'J:ES . sez:ved. • '-. • .her , ~ome .in· .. Oa,vton !~t' fridav ' . .' . '\ ' pact to ,hold meetln&'B, of ~ thlS kanli OhiO. .'_ • .' d9 " ~ . , . , • evening" ~f beart' dlseaae · TIle has .. fraD)e difeJliog of t' rooma, every .month. Stanley, who hU'jllat gradu. DEATHS . " . CarderaJaave been- ,residents ot·Day- . good bam and cow 8h~, pl~ty of '. • - • HELD MISSION lAST WEEK ateci:frc)in' tbe Jones ' Auctioneering . -,-, - ', : , ton for several 'l' ears. 1Mra Camer water. plenty of Umber and fireWood. . Dally Thought. . - ., ~hool at ,Chlcwo, is home and is Mrs,. Caroline Ca1O,~ reside",t Qf Jeavet.!i husban and, two child~ . • The farm ~ all right ad will be there I.e a time In e.,el')' man'. The V@n. J. H. Dodshon, arch. ready :for 88le dates. 1t would be the Friends H?me. thlB place, for Thefuneral was held at her lilte 101d right if IOld lOOn . ec1uc:aUon when he arrives at the' Clon- deacon · of Southern Ohio dioc;ese, well to see,him, as he hal! some ~ew ~veral6ears, dIed 8ud4 enl v Monday, home in Dl»'ton Monday aft'emoori. For furtbet iufo~tioD .terms "cUoS -that en'fJ' ta IlDoranoe; ~t 'held a niiBl!ion at . Lebanon all lal!t l ideas in the auctioneering line., Or .ovem er 3,0, 1~14, about' 3 p. m Interment in Woodl.nd cemetery. etc call 00' " IIIIStaUon 11 lulclde; that he -mU8t week. , QUite a number of ~ple'at- ,ca1l him. 146 mutual llhone, New .. .' take hlm.elf for better or wone," ~nded the aervic~ and we~e much Burlington, btl port1~. that though the wide UDl- Jmpressed. Astbls churcn 18lleri'o ' -~:-;:--.~~~=::;:::=:..-~--t{!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!II----""' ,If of 1004. no lIImelof a great mapy of the c~tizens of Leb· - ', l:.Irle,n weavln," ' in Bohe/llil. llOurllhlng corn can 'come to him ,but anon, t Utey went • , 'f th to~, 'b ut,f biter ' 'One 'ore the oldeet and moet ' 1~ ,through Ji1a toU beltowed' Oil that, plot a grea many.o em wen~ or 10· portartt industrlel of northem ' Boh.. Valley Phone 99 of •• .......- uIid whloh II' given him till. structlon. II; was a great week 'for ' Leb ' mla ~B ~hat of 1fn~n weavlnl, which . , , 'Trult thYlelf; eYery heart vlb~tes anon. ~ • .' ' furnlflhol employment under ' r&VO~ 'Waynesyllle, .O hlo. . to that Iron Ip-Ing,-R. W. Emel'8OJLo ~b1e co:~41t1onl to lully 25.000" peoPle ~~!!!!I!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ MU,ST BUI~Q A N, ~,~ JAIL wtio ar~ 10 I~U8dand clever ,In the $herwoo~ a , ~. E. Servl8' ,. . ' . . !,'rOOuctlon of Ine linen. that theae ~==a 1'!::;5!5J ~5!5!1 1'!55= ~==!I113 a n~w WJID?ll)g~n WIll have to ~uild goods are faToJjbly knoWD ud JlD. Iii Jall rlght .a~ay, 'as the old ~as . II. ready market 10 aU partll or tJi. " , ,be~ co,ndemned by the state 10.. _ world r •• spector, who says tbe jail is very un. " • _ • . BaDitary and not fit to hold a prison. .. ; . . . er. lhere seems to be a lil'elihood , - ,. The Flocking HabIt. ' , of their having to build a rlew co6rtWhllEl ,,man bas. been defined u a hoUse. too, aI!·th,e old one is in 'a bact greprlc>us anllpal, Amerl~a~s Beem mape. They ought to have one, baTe , ~b,e ,ftoo~lng ha~tt Blore "LI',un..... iI :and ~ere'B hoping that they will get de'velope~, Q!ap any o.ther it soon. When · Ie, no DubUc ' , , , • - • . drsw Inultltudel ' iIlere " are ' Ha:v. JlOU d.cided on ",hat 1/OU are going to ' , ' , gather:.lng". ' This ten<ienof ' baa: done \CARI5 OF THAN~S m1!,.ch to destroy tbe hqJDe olrcle as, It .end tMt (I~nt f'lltJtivt M' fri.nd oj 1Iours r!I We want to thank our friends, and ,'wa,8 . once khown.~St. ~U'18 GloJ)e. lor a Chri.tmu P"Hmt? ' .:. others who fought So vali~tly to pemocrat; " f.. W. /\ave '' '-.n tIli'liking that 1/016 have ,about . save ~u1" hom~ . durin~, tbe late fire. ~ .. _. , They have our b~rb~t_ thanks for ' " Humanitarian. " made t/our 1ntM:te ~ them . the hard worlt they did on that d8¥/ .At all even~ng , party a :ve~ elderly and hoPe they will never , be t piacea 11td)' WI!l8 dancing with,' a YOUDg 'part. , " , in a si,l)'Iilar .situJltion. . nero .A,' Btrling.'!}· appro'aohed 'Jilqu,lal I!I , Robt. Mountjoy, and Family.' .JerrolCl,i who Wlislocking on, ao'd :..1Id:,'I. • ~• .' I·Pray, '!llr, can 70U tel~ me who HUNTE~S TAKE WARNINO 10U,n g ,gentleman d~nclDI , " ', eldel'ly ·bLdyT" "One of the hulinane'll We, the undersigned, will not IJOCIlet)', I ihould repUed 1.IM'II t/far. W. ani th4C til", wiU allow any hunting or shooting oh our. :rolcl-IDxobaDg8. be ' i.mft8Ilt/ '~iIfiecI' wit.\ t/our B.lection. I!I ptemi~ rlurlng the hunting aea80~: --::-:--,.-,......__.--:--lJ UwiI an not nc.i","" 1M pap.,. 101 are Isaac Wilson 'Aa You Make Yo" .. ,Setb Furnas .lud .. you lcok on the tIi1DrI tIlat . J1O~'iw ~ tDiU be tlled·to I.e it. , Wm. Williams an !leEi", or' unseeD your life wQI be . Come in aM, talk it QWtO with u.. Martin Gons or, heroic,' your labor , Ed. Furnas. , or lentee, four'mlnd. toUllo • ,- • bltteni... .or .we. .eel: ~ Stuffed, eata a dead ..~I or the .t..... boo




5 and 10c Store



0 SALE rAIM rOR -==;::===:::::;;::::::===

The Magaz.·ne' Man


























Life: '

~.m .


aoa... ,,~l1:::":=~:p:'!s bJ ("land) farmer.




or Clatl. bacl tIlem it8IfII4 u4

JI&aed them. III


aW_ _

Pal IIIlOIII t1ae IIrro1lobIe of .... fnft~ 1 . .... , til Ida orola.-L . :II



, ;tJ

tam, ,


Sixty-Fifth Year



Whole Number


~ J _ _~_

' ·lP~':;;~IM;;;i~;i . TheW~::::~S A~~:~~AR:~ ~I ' ' ~~~I M7:::hC~~~~kR::::~E:m.TI!·P;;;~~;'M~tiorii Notes for Farmers IllstJtute Program

the Woman's Auxiliary was held at the Wednesday evening organized for - - - - - - - . home of Mrs. S. L: Cartwright on . her students a ., Musical Research (i'riaay afternoon .. December 4th, Club." The object of this club will . Everything for men at Barnhart's. There WAS a good att.endance · alI 0-000<> ~ be the study of the compOders. though the atterooon was so unpleas. their works, operas and history ad. Mrs. Harry Murray was in Dayton anl. Mrs. Cad'w allader opened the SO't\E INSTITUTE NOTES Ito .the general committee. which is vancing the higher knowledge of Monday. -meeting by reading the 145lh Psalm. - -composed of the following ladies: piano study . " . Rev.;. F: Oadwallader conducted The doctors of the Town!lhip met. Mesdames J . S. Vandervoort. J . E . This club will meet the first Tues· .~. A·TZIIDdmerman was a Cmcmnat~ · the devotional exercises . Scriptural Sunday afternoon at the office of Dr. Janney aud Walter McClure. day of the month. Each time a ahort VISitor ues ay. quotations were given in response to· EllIS to talk over and make arrange· The judg ing of these babies.will be program will be g iven There are Ch ' t H dk h' f from 5c After the readitJg of the ments for the Baby Shuw to be held held all d ay Wednesday. and at 2 about thirty enrolIed.· A fil1e num. rls mas an, erc Ie i . mmutes and otl}er business Mrs. during institute week. Those pres· o'clock a lecture will be given by a ber was p resent Wednesday evening. to 50c at Barnhart s. ·Mr. and Mrs. Wilaon Edwards Harris read. "Why Should I Be ent were Doctors Wright, Mary physician from Cincinnati on "The Three of the younger pupilB. the Miss Hazel WoolJe of Coll1mb~1! were Dayton visitors Wednesday. a. Member of the ~ oman's Auxiliary Cook. Sherwood, Randall, of Har· Babies' Health." This contest is Jdisses Kathryn" lIenderson, Lavone iB the gue3t of relati~~ here ' ' to, the Board of MIB.'Iions?" and "Our veYflburg·and Fischer. of Lebanon. open to all . but do not delay too lonlf Bqrton and Eva Lippincott enter. Mrs. Cnristie MeKimey and daugh- Ideal" by Bishop Lloyd . President Arrangj!ments were completed \ and in securing application blanks, The tained with good piano numbers . Lou H man of Xenia ia the guest ter"Mias L\lura were in Dayton Sat- of the Board of Missions. Mrs. Cad- ag· this is the firet showof t he kmd public is cordially invited to attend It is hoped this club will be a 8uc;:ess. of Mr - a~d M;s Myer Hyman today . ' • wallader r ead, " The B'l ard of Mis· ever held here it will bean interesting at all hours of day, especially during being the first of its kind in Waynesurday. . ville. ChristmflS Slippers at Barnhart's sions. the Field of Its Operations and . matter. ·not only to the profession, the lecture. Tie, Hose and Handkerchief to Its MethodS." being the first chapter but to the general public. The show l'hursda~"eirening will be "School" , -~ match at Barn1)arts. of the ·Handbook of the Woman's will not be held for the purpose Qf evening. This will be under t he . IV CONCERT MiS$ Mary Cook and Mr. Parry Auxiliary. After Bomt! discussion of good looks or dress'. but the child direct 8up~'rvi sion of Supt. Gilmour. Cook were Dayton visitors Monday. The Danish Musical Club will be at I . Mrs. Arthur ZeiJ went to Newark, . bbese readings plans were made for will be judged for its physical and There will be a tereopLioon lecture Ohio, today for s mllnth's visit with a a~ial meeting to be held on Tues· menta l. condition . Only a limi ted and the vi ,W B will be Bent from t he the School Auditorium Thursday E. V. Barnhart was a business her parent.. day afternoon. December 15th. at number of babies will be judged.8 O. S. U, A lec turer will explain evening. December 10th, t o enter- visitor to Cincinnati TueSday. the home of Mrs. Harris and Mrs. tHe first applican~ will be the ones everything in l'egard to the schools. tain you. Will you be present so Mr. and Mrs. ·U . M. White spent Mosher when Miss EJlizabeth Mat- to have their babies judged. Ap· and all shou ld a vail themselves of t he that they may? The company is com- Mrs. J . L. Hartsock: and daughter, Saturday and Suriday with relatives thews, Educational ~ecretary. of plication blanks can be bad byap. opportuni ty. to come and hear thiB posed of first class musicians ' and Miss Ruth. are visiting in Dayton in Beavertown. ~.Iendale. 0., will address the Aux- plying to any physician in t own, or lecture, as it will be very Interesting. cl)mes to us highly recommended. t<lday. . llaary . ; The proceeds ar e for the benefit of. Com'e to headqullrters for the After a pleasant social time the , - ' the School Library which is in need Our large Dinner Plat~ 'for lOe llr.senta at the right prices ' J. O1~t~ng adjourntld .· Miee. Kizzie ! HUNTERS ,'K ILL HEIFER ASHES WERE INTER REO of many new volumes. . will certainly pleaae you. ' J,' E. Janney. . Merntt. was present HS a viSitor. Help us ~o make thiS a BUCCess! Janney. , '. .. , Buy your tickets of the school bovs . . • Miae 'Clara .Hawke spent a. couple ST. MARYS CHURCH Some hunters got on S. D. Hen· Mr. J M. Taylor . eceived the and girlB and have them reserved . MItIS MamIe W()()druJ! of Le~an~n ; of days with frienda in Morrow last kle's farnrlast Saturday and killed ashes of h il~ brother. t he late Albert .w ithout charge, at Janney's Drug was the guest of MISS Kathenoe . w~. . The third Sunday in Advent. De- a fine heifer. The heifer did naylor. from ~os An~~les un ar. Stote. . The admissio!, is only 25efor Prendergast Sunday. . cember 13th. Sunday School at 9:30 come to the barn with the rest of the Mr Taylor d led at hiS home In adults and 15c for children under 12 . .' , , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray at· a. m., Morning Prayer and sermon cattle Uuit 'evening, and 'an investi· Venice. Cal .. October 16 .• 1913. and years of age. ~ . ; NI~e frtlSh and select I~t of XmaB tendtd the funel'al of a relative in at 10:30. Evening service and sermon gation ' Sunday morning found tb,e the boqy w as taken to LOs ngeles Watch for thp. hand.bills! fCanddl8S aHnd all k,confec tioton goods d • Springboro last Thursday, at 7 o'clock ..' Our congregations are heifer ' in the pasture dead . J!;xam- wher~ It was cremated . The ashes • _ • oun at , art80c i can)':8 reo p;rowjpg lAnd interest increasing. ' ination found motin its. bqdy" and were mterr'ed on ~he famIly let TuesPure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs at M L" D'tt tte ded lladiea I{ose from 25c to ~l.OO at Everybody i~vited' to these llervices. I it ill thoulrh~ a hunter di<l the work. day. Barnhart's. fun~ ofn~Mne:n~inen Cain: a~ Barnhart's. .' . ~chlJlc,"d last .week. J B. . Pence attended the fune~l of Ml'II. libas: Pence at Springboro 11: 1mt:1 EJ [:J 11:: Th'eGephart, Misses Esther Thompson .. .. .. - Alice of Igtle, .s pent and ~e lut w,eek. week end with 'MiBB 'Mary Gray, of Route 4. . . .lohn VanNote, all aged resident > t.b8non, was found dead at hill res. . Buy the ehildren ShOes' and Stock~ ·idence Thur8d$3 morning. . ings for Christmas ,at Barnhart's. the boy by buying a pair of l:1 .' ' MiBB Clara Lile was called to Spring thoee Rubbtlr at Valley on Tuesday beeause of the MilS Ruth Chandler, of , Selmal deatb of a relative, lin. Henry BDeDt the week· end with her parents, Hopping. .; . Mr. Mrs Edwi.n Chllnd ler . Mrs. A B. Sides, wbo bas been £e~~~ Masons 'a re preparquite ill for the past two weeks, waa , .We extend to you a h~rty we,eo~e to make Hym~n'f!I~ yo~ ~hristmas. shopping h~adquarte~, ing to celebrate their lOOth a~lDi­ taken to t;he Miami Valley bospital venar), on New Year's Day. ., , I:\t Dayton Thuradq. . . confident tllat we can assuranre tha.t highly effiCIent and helpful•. -

- - - - -------. , . . , Ralnha~ ae Barnhart s. .. ' . . . J . W \\ hlte WRl! a busme5S ViSitor ih Cincinnati Thursday. . . H ·d eHrsaornrywSerheei~~o..ia~~~ ~~t:;dav~n. ""'" ~ Nothin~ nicer for Christanas than tho!l.e BI'lk'"'Stockings at Barnhart's.







,m ye'. It.

_ _ _ _J

'i:==:JU:Jr:,==51' a P.!I===51"1 E'$=51I1:J'II::===I:: II:J ==5]'


&o~ Barnb~~:~.

This Chx:istmas Store- E~tends a Welcome to .All

, :The



. Have you seen UieGermao Slippers at Barnhart's? . . Mr. and Mrs. W. H Allen and 11l1li Olive McCollum spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Cincinnati.


~ feel~~g

~f serV1~e

.' cal giftl' aie the only kind·. you find her~ ,and those are








M'rs. ·C. A. HOUKh. of Lebpon. .




'ur trimmed Felt Slippers Jor. Ladies at ~mhart'lit ' .


Gifts •

La(lIes Bag~ ..


LadieS I.e,'ather' Ba~~' with looth.' ,er lining, with German sil~er l'I\0unt~n~ , 50c ~d ·1 '.

. SiJ{ paire

t1osle r )' ~re

iuaranteed to year SUI montbs without holes Q~ ),ou Ket ne~ hose free.

I 50


SusP'ena~~ In boxes. ·price · . j ••• • • •

, ~,

••• •

3 50

Men's Oap~ 6~ . for 60c to ................... I '

" German . Mesh Bags, SlIver f~om 60c to ..... .'..


3 50


4 00

.. '~






Wals,s . ,

importance, . . .


We also carrY a fun· line of $bese Holeproof, Hose, six in a box, per box from




.2.90 to .3.00 , ,


you win be eOlnvinced that you .can get

TIle New

.. $1~

n.t Sa_

'You MOlle)' .





· ~d.,


. 01'. Mac), wiJI be at Spring ' VaI!81-

all this ....;,t,. week, &lid at Harveyabu-".9l1 · next w:r-' ' . ' " . , '~,'. .

We have just receJved a new lot I:-____~-~-~-..........: . LA 0.1ES'


The Women of st. Matya ,· coqre. are requested to meet at the , 011 Thursdll1. (tomorrow) to give . the edifiCe it!! fall cle&lillng

~his. ~vening · as

'Ladies' and Alen's Handkerchiefs, lnt,ral, 3 in a bol' . 60c to·...;...... :.. ~ ... :.~ ....'...

of Ladies' White Embroidered







' E. V. Barnhart

the minute. '


Wome~, ' 'Misses and , 25

~r8. Elizabeth Zellars was

to Chicago Tue!day on

" l a




Come and see how sati8t~l'l Chri81:uJlI8 shoppina- can be made we can fill your wanta .d· how far we can make Y<;lur money go. J. E. Janney. ' ,

me~r1Q~~i~h:X~! :r~f;r:, -'

: Mesh Bags



Mi88 Anna Ilett, of Indianapo- ' lis, is vlsiting her,Uncle, CbJIa. Brown. This is Mias nett's ~rst viSit to .her' mother's old home eity.

' .

Of all kinds,' IU).d Military Sets. silver plated .. 2 brushes , and ,cot1tb $1.98 .••. :•••••••

1 50

bere Tueaday attendi~ the ~ler ment of the ashes of the ~te A. C. Taylor • .

The annual market and -bazaar· of St. Mary's Guild· will be' held In '~e Harris room, JSaturday. Deee.mber l~.h, the ,sale ~ ~ at'lO Q'cldek.

Toilet Sets

We' carry the ~ made-tlie . Cluett brand-from " Gloves $~ 00 to.,' . ...... "'1" . ! ...... . ,' frorl\ 25e tol............... "

'. 25c: and ..•..... ·



2 50.

. Cloves

bart'.s.· . . Mrs•. Etta 'Pri1ltz, of Oa,ytop, wall

of . . ~ the illness of her daughte.... Mrs ' ..... Margart:~ Hammond. .

Sh_avl"g .Sets By far the largest 8BBOltment in Wayne-wille Cravatil to suit .;;.;,~;:..:;,:rn~===-t-+~.e , carry .a .full Jipe. · all tastea. PU G iR Christ 15::-+ ' -i""""rrifrom 9,8c to ......: ........ ~ IJIBs Boxes( trom 25c 50c ~ c Shirts

·Shoes in all ·the latest styles for men. women and children at Barn-

~. mI


. Ne.ctcwear:


;a '


. fQr

$1 50 $2 00




Come to thia store ind .see the original guaranteed hose-famous ijOLEPROOF ' HOSIERY. 1'lote its ' texturef weight and sty\e. "Him" a box of HoleproofB, Give ne is sure to appreciate it Box ' . of si~,'"per ))ox from .•.•••••:.:....... • . ,

po~rtaine(f'lbe CecrlJiari :'Club at ~Rle, last wee". f. t\nf! program

. , . r~nderect.




Cbristmas Presents for the Men




Tanetles of marvelous extent~laUy diSp.~yed for convenient selection, and passessing'-tblrt-eienrenti ot--qna1ity which renders them moat, worthy , of aeeeptaD,:e. Suitable~eetion8 ' ean .be made for either Rum woman or ~hild. '. '..'

For a nice line of Candies and Bel[ GoNia for Xmas go to . HaJltsock',


~a ~a

="=='=======1 =========================:::;=======;:::=::;::=*



===' a .


" Wright . Tue-lay•. , '!bey

"Ullt;· ,I.' • .



were .

Mrs. M


t .

," .~" .~_' beeR ,v~rr-mt ' .'

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, ClObld IlOt 1)O&I1bl, be 1'Ml. Her reel dId not aeem to touch the carpet.; ahe dl4" Dot aeem to breatJIe; Ihe fto.ted. n '11'&1 onlY wben the crOWD w.. placed upon ber bead that abe reailc-ed tile rea1tt¥ and the llna1lt, of the proceedlnel. "Be wile." wblspered Umballa. colO· Iy. "U you take oft that erown now. Delther )'our cod. 001' mine could · you from that mob down Yonder. Be advilled. Rile'" . Sbo obeye'd. Sbe wanted lo cry out to tbat sea of bronze taees : "People.] do not want to be your Queen. Let . ' d, me go I" Tb ey wou Id not uUuerstan Where was Ra07 Where was Bruce ? What or'the hope' that now Dickered and died In bel' heart. like a guttering candle light? There was a Bmall dag· gel' hidden In tlIe folds of hor white robe; abe could alwaya use ~bat. Sbe heard UmbaUa apeakln, h. the' naUve tongue. A great ahouU"" followed . Tbe populace lIurged, "What have you laid to them 1" sbe demanded, . "Tbat ber maje.t:r had ohosen Durga Ram to be her eonlort and to blm now forthwltb ahe wUl be wed." He .... laamed. 80 the IDaIIk wu oft! ~l\larry' you! O. no! Mate wltli you. a black'" ':Black'" he cried. as it a whlplaah Ilad .truck blm aorOis the taee. "Yes, black of skIn and blact of h.rt. I han lubm.ttl!d to the farce of WI 4urbar. but that fa . . far al mJme.•~tleDoe 'Will SO. God will guard


) leYeD daTi. Ba1aa1ll. b_"V.IIol'tlroompaD1 of loldl_ fto had Iho.. r. Hbe returued bll uODlcalcue aa1JD. Qch open mutlo)'. IlOt -aalnlt the I,. oll'er the .houlder of a trooper. atate. but acainat him. "'Wait," ahe uld. "1 wlah ),0. to Granl,. he QuestioDed the captalD, und'llratand tbe enormit, at 10ar "Pay our wage•• t.beD. heaven bomt ctlm,e.:' 'aid thli captalD. with yelled InlOlence , "Crime?" with elevated eyebrowl., ;'Pay us, for we h~ye MIen not 10 mucb "Yea. You baye abducted me." al betel mo.ney IISnce the laat bll Man" women lon. for children, but ~u_ of BF "~o. You came of your own tree ralna." 80IIle cunble,ph"tICal tfe"'"IJ1!n,ent nre depr\'IIIII of tbl. trn:at~ , alll1lppln,"'" will ." "MoneT." DIU lied UmbaUIl, JDar~lns HAR.OLD MAC GRATH women ",Ibn... namee 'folh,w ",..... 'retforecl "The white meD of my race will not down this gaUlAt eaptaln for death toThe nQrmaJ henllh :; •. J.7dl. E. PInkham'. V_etapaUIIB to argue over IIny Buoh subtlet)'. when tbe time came. ble Comll(lUnd. \Y I ~ aocIull !hem about IL lUwtrat"d b7 Pl&rtul"et rrom tb~ Moyln, Plc:tu... Marlty you? I do not like your color." "AI. money; bright rupee's. or. better Production otlb .. Sell. Pob-ecoP& c:... ~. I ' took your Com· A dull red BOttled under Umballa's still. yellow Brltl.h gold. Pay uII" pouDd and bave a fin o, allin. "Let UI,. be frank with each other." •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IItrong baby." -Mra. :.-..~__ " I ,merely wish to warn .,,,u." 11M txJd Umballa. Bmlling/ lo cover tbe fire (CoPJTl&bt" Banll4YuOWb) wenJ! on. "that my blood will be upou In bls eyell. ' . JOHN MITCBELL. HasI sena, ·N. Y. your' bead, ADd woe to yotl ~I It II . ' "Tbat III what we d aalre." repUed Klithlyn had not the leallt Idea wber) 8YNOPSIs.. There are whIte men wbo will not \!Ie l!8"taln. with a knowing looL at his abe wall. but tbe lIcflt beyoDd ,the I.t· '" .. •• Lydia E. Plnkbr.m'a (joe. the flitting abadowlI. and the tin. await the ~mlng of lbe Brltlllb raj ." IIl1ent trooper!!. ~athlYn RU'e b lit dng her r.,ther. Col. Compound iu, r "Ah. yes; some brlll'e. hardy Amerl· "1 must "'uy you," liar•. In peril . h..... 8u mmon .. d her. JII6Vd kle of • Itrll1J!e4 mtniment alllured u wonderful medicine for ber h a n,.. In ';"lIrornllL to 110 10 , him In can: Bruce Sahib. for Instance. Ala.a, Tbe oantatn salaamed . .. J\ lIabo. ,1"dl... UlOhntla. pre' "<leT 10 the her that she wu awalle, terrlblT expectant mothers."he III In the straits aetUemeDta! Beven "But after I bave bought you r" \ron' t il '·on e. has IIII NI.o ne" t he co lonel. nanle<l awake. Mrs. A. M. MYERS. Gor· . • y 11\" Jllle king M h i. heir. She Bat 1)Orfectl1. IIWI. alowly satber. dB),!I," Ically. donvilIe, MOo ing hor atrength, mental and pb)'llc"l. "I am not &tnild to die." "Heayen acrn. our blood Ie youJ'!l tc CHAPTER .I I-Continued. "But there are manY' klndll of death." aplll wbere and when you \\' 111 . ./1 S be was Dot her tather'lI daughter for .. I highly recommend ' Sadly tlle wr tch 'Lald her the tale: nothing. Bhe was to ftght 111 lOme aod with this Blolater reflectlon l he From under 'I~e teak tablo Umballil Lydia~. Pln~hnm'8.veg: t he will of the idng. hle ·d ealh. aDd tho strango warfare, tnftfDcUvely ahe felt stepped !l.8lde. . ( drew forlh two heavy bags ot sllver eteble Compound before suba~ucDt d atb of 'her rather In hla. lbla; 'b ut trom what direction. 1Il Tho multitude. seelog Katblyn oom· <:bUd·birth. It bas done eo Durga Ram·lI. arms. Yonder urn con· what Ihape. onJy God lelew. Yet Ihe Ing down from the daill••Ull surround· much tor me... - Mrs. E. talDed hill ash es , FOT the finst time must prepare for It; that 11'&1 the yltal ed I~y her cordon ot troopel'l. bogen M. DoElRR. R. R. 1. Coni n ber YOUDg lifo Katblyn tainte4. Sbo thing; IIhe mu.t mal'lhal her torcee. r eluctantly to dlaperse. '''Bread and ahohocken, Pa. had been living on ber nerves for femin Ine and onl7 defenalve. IUld the CI~uB!"-the moba 11'111 cr), It week.!!. aod lit the sight of that urn watch. down tbe ages; tbey wlll alwayB pau.e •• I toOk 1,ydla E. PInksometblng snapped. DaIntily Um· Rao! Her banda clutched tbe pl~ to wltnela bl~d.hed, from a .ate dis· ham's Vegetable Com· balls plucked forth tbe packet aDII lows. In Dve da7s' time .be would be tane8, )'OU may be .ure. There 11'81 a pound to build u p my walle d. At length she opeDell ber olr to seek John Bruoe; and there deal ot rioting 111 the buaus that lIystem and bave the ~res . would be white men thera, and tbey Dlgbt, and man), a measure or bbang dellrest baby girl In the ::YOU Bre a qu ~b. Miss Rare." would come to ber though a thoueand aDd toddy kept the ftrell burning. Orl. world."- Mrs. MOSE You are U1ad! , legions or thelle brown men .t.ood '. ,. entnl politics Is lite t.he winds or ~e BLAKELEY, Imparlal.,P a. . "Nay: It WOII tbe madneslI of the tween. She mUllt plaT for time; Ibe "GodT" mock1l1gl/. equ inox: It blow. trom all direction•. "I praise the Com· king. But lOad klngB orten mllke laws must Dretend docility and bumllIty "Ye•• m), God and the God of my f~ ' The nativell were taxed upon everr pound whenever I 'have whlcb must be obeyed, You will ac· meet guile wtth gull~. Sbe eould let thel'l'" conocelYablo aubJ(!(lt, not dls.lmUar to ouae me Of perlldy when I tell you all. 00 lVord lo ber faithful kbltmatgar; To the mutable facea below sbe the old daYII In Urdu. where a man a chance. Itdld eo much TIu! note whloh brought you here 'I\'a8 none bere. even II open to briber)'. looked tbe Queen at tbat In_tant. Tbe, p.1() so mucb for the prlyllege of for me before my little " 'ritten by me and 8ubstituted tor could be made to understand. On I)' saw tbe attitude. but could not Inter- sQueezlne the man under blm. Mutiny girl 11'11. born." -:,Ml'I. till.... Ulnballa and the eounoll lpote Elug. pret It. . WIlIII afoot. rebellion, but It had not yet E. W. SANDERS, RowlesDully Kathlyn read; "Katb\)'n-It lIeh or underetood It. Bbe had ten "So ·be It. There are other thlngl! towid a head. The native. wanted a baag, yr. Va. not heard trom. I'm held captive In daya' grece; within that time .he be.ldee marrlqe," ehange. aometblng to 108l1lp about duro "I took your ComAJlam. Tbe royal title "yen to me hoped lo find lOme loopbole. :'Yea," Ihe replied proudly; "there Ing the bot. ta!!y aftemoona. over Ulelr pepnd before baby was. b)' the king made me aDd my de- I stave glrta entered no.'elessly. Tbe la death." hookahs and coffee. To th"m ret()rm born and' teel lowe iny aoen,d ants dJrect h h's to the tbrone 'l hangln, lampe were lit. A tabaret meunt chang!). only. not tbe alleviation life to it. "-Mrs. WtNNllll Do not come to Allaba Y01J.Tl3elf. De· was aet betore ber. Tbere were quail · CHAPTER III, of 1I0me of their beayY burdenll. The TILLIS. Winter Baven, !troy sealed document berewltb. and rout tid. fruitl and fraeraat tea. tal}t of freeing alaye, was but talt; Florida. "FATHER:'~ Sb& WBIII not hUDCTT. but abe ate. The Two Ordeall. alavel were lucrative Investmenla; a The Counc~1 of Tbree entered oollle,Wlthln a doseD TaNa of her .at her Umballa 11'0. not a coward; be Wall mM would be a fool to tree them. All less I, from the ad,olnln, r,®m. At fatber. ltoltdlT munchln, hll cbupat- onlf- futilles. aDd predatory after' the old man. witb a Ikhi wblte like tllle Our Early Chlnele Trade. the four dark, In8crutabl~ tuea the b&o til. becauBe be knew that now 'be muat m.wner of bll tJlld. A thrU! of ,adml· n", Queen'a and balr like spun wool. The rapid growUI of our el4rl)' tTUde wJlcJereA1 Idrl ltared, her IIm~. numb lin. . ration Ungled hla aplne. Tbe "Nomen drelled In a Ions black cloak and a wltb ChIna Is showq by tbe fact that ' w,Un terror. Qrave •.- _be eouncU told • • • • J. • • 01 hII ·r ac, were cbattell. luy aDd In· broad·brlmmed hat. bad atartelS the the 37 vessels carrying In 1805 nearly lIet IIbe mullt come with them to tbe ert, wlUi'o ut 1Ire. merely drudeea or actltaUon of liberating tbe 1I1avei. More tlve and' thrll!e·qulJlterll' mlllions' worth -lace. 'One of the chief ch&raCltcerl.tiee of playtblnp. Here w"u one womb can· than that, be carried no Idol of IIle or gOQdll ·t~ Canton. represented a .--"It Is impollilble!' abe murmured. the Slast ladflm II extraYapnce. To 9 uerl ne, a ..hite 1Iauie to be COlitro II...A ..... God. neyer bathed la the gbala. 01' larger traot.on of 'our tolal forelln T 0..".... .. _..... h er .wlthpu ' t 'Ii re~ne _.... h ar, toolk IIbwere to tbe templea, and aeemed "You ~ all mad. J, am a wblte. wom. oUtvle eacb other III celebrations commeree than our tra'de ,wltb the - t muat ....... ' . I l, I cannot nalo over &II, aUep race birth.. w,cJdlnel. death. and eorona· ... ..... ........- method 0 t proce12 ure. al,,'a7a .Uentl, communing, with the wbole ot ChIna does today . The sUver wllose tongue 1 cannot apeak, whOle tlonl they bellar themael..,e.. In thI. The .Un UD~er her chID was aa white slm'ple Iron cro." su.peoded from ilia Imported tl) blllanC)e Amerlcon trade habits I'know uothhig ot.' It I. Impoa; the oriental imd the occl!1ental ba"e .1 the beart of a ID&DIIOeteen. and the neck. But he bad dled ,dUring the I.. ~ with ChlDIlo averaged more lhl\lI two sible , Sloce 'm), rathe. ta dead. I muat One thlq In common. Thla , principal· 10DCtn, to aweep lIer Into his arml WU v1al!t&Uon ot the plague. and a hall millions annually 10 ~be 30 Ity waa amall. but there .. u a deal of ._t '~latibl . ' 'J b h . eel t ftturn t~D;lY ¥me.'· . . . . . . . . . . . .. .,," e. : e, ad wearl 0 their toleflUlt yearB down to 1827. and reached a "No." Id Umballa. wealth I~ It beeauM of Ita eme~ald : A b'-h prleet lpoke tu lthll'll. tin" who bad cHed mysteriously; tbel !Ilaxlmum of " aeven aDd II half mil· " mtnell ,and turquoiae pIta. " The dutbar "I retulle to .tlr!'· She 11'88 ail afire "Wbat does he 8&11" she a.ked. welre now wearied of tbe counell and lions In 181S.-JohD Foord. la Youtb', brought out -prlD~s and , prIncellDS. ''Tb a t 7,ou mua ' , marrr me... Umua '-IIa; ln other 11'0rd s. t bey kn e,w ~t a sudd,n: the - - ~okery wbleb CompanloD. Y from Eut, South .aDd West, and eyen ''T II hi I t ' " b th d A Queen In 8plte of HI,...". ~d brought here ~ere! be waa .verf e m re ule. not 11' a.t er wante . beIng People. '!lovely to , tbe' pIcturesque IIUlle ,,11,0 three, or four wild-e,ed amln from the Umballa abruclled and repeated her Vbo wall thll falr·atinned woman . • food at · ber elba",'. North. , The ,Brltlsb gOY8l'Dml!nt · at warda. Here tbll CouDcll of Tlu'ee In· who stood 10 ,tralCbt before Umb.l. coin. Theile be emptied upon the table .. ~tr. Wllgul! tried to kiss me last Calcutta beard ·y· .. ·el .. about thltJ fe<-. te ' ' dr tI II' hi hi I •. J.. Ae loqked down at her, In bill -.- I ... rpo'lld. warning Ki,tblyn that Ibe la'e 6),eT WheDce bad Ibe come. To .ms ca y; 11' teo • n nl metal. 811enlng," troubled loul U~balla ~ew tbat it but gave It le&nt attention tor the slm· muat lubmlt to tbe law lUI It read. be ruled by a woman wbo appeared to IpartiUng as the candle fiam .. w..y"Bow dared he?" pie fact th.t It bad not invJted 'l'here ..,81 ,no appea1 f rom It. ,,' tI e. 12' We, II th ere. were wo.... , ~&I oot t 1\ e throne 10 much u It Will to attend. Still It '-atch.ei ' the per""" tongue ...e ,e red. Umballa 'arranced the colD, to "He dld[l't-I da(ed him," thlll beautlful bird of adl'" wblcb !" II)' durbaN "Then I IIhaU appeal to the Brltlab tblnp than a wQman who could not ItaCka. ODe of tbem triple In ' .be. .,.. formance coyertly. U-ua . Y tal .. aid U b 11. I he wished to cage. "\' raj." , tat:\(. Tbull the, .abbled ' In the ba· .. ourl. cap n, I m a ...,n· Smile on WA"h dRY . That', "beD you Ule "Be brave," 'be ' eald. "Uke your fa. tool( montha ot preparatloni thl. one .l'How?'· ..ked Umba,lli., r an y. 11". '1'OU1JCl-~ IIrel. dlcatin, the Jar.e, stacL Red Oro~I -J!IIIIt":Blue . Clothes wbiter thllD ther. 1 do Dot wlllh to uae foree, but had been called Into existence within Swiftly Ibe IIt8pped to the tront or And! lome tal'lted of the 'murder, The .Tba captain wcketed It, and one by .now . .~U irroccr8, :Aav. you mUBt go. It I. ullele.1 to IItruc, tep daJl. ., . the platform and extended ber arms. prc:lud S.mabai bad been baled to oDe bla troopel'll pUled and helped Loti! or the mlstakeB of Dlarrled Itre ,'. Elepb!lnta and qamels It: '-t-....A to U m· pr IIOn; his "ft_'-' . ,• Ie. C ome.· , l III b ..... - to and. bullocka; '" an , - , 8bepa... ......... I co112 'h . d. n at themllelves· and 'fell back alon• the . ne.. ; cloth at balla, and abook ber bead. Her anna la"ed him. O. thll Itreet rat Umballa 11'.11 In military all,nment. brleht eyed are home made, , Sbe hung back tor a moment:' tlien, pa anQ n•• ,a,n.. reaUzlng her utter- helpll!lllneul .be go1d llD,d cloth of jewela; color. "eDt, out aealn. A. low murmur rippled eenerally cot wbat -he wanted. Jla., and wateMu!' . • I«o10ed that,. .be was ready to go. ,S he, sian. madden1I)g nol,es. anO col· DYSr tbe pnlalng crow,d; It Irew In Uillibal'a wife w~ ona of the beautlel I "Thankll. beaven born!" ' , . . . _"very little Hmblance YolulII4I,: aad a frown of doubt IIUted ot Hind. Th e captat .... ' 1Il • ber atunnM and or. Tbere d , . 0 all d bl• t ..""peril , ed Deeded Ume to cohect of or er; a raj .... preceded a ftrluceI.b ' tI ed b t .... ~IIO , rllered thoughts. '. ' ., ,Oyer Umball&'a ,brow. The loldlera 'rhrouehe tl&lTOW, .vll smelllne ouL Umb.lla qer t e emp :r ....- • ., ' Be(ore golug to the ,palace the}' COD· ling. and' 10 Oil dOWD. The, wallin, Ol were IwaTJq Nlluel!lll,. KathI7JI.w 1I~'8eta ot the buaan • man burrled hll brow -.ninkled. Cut. 0 .. a cob ra. -ducted .her La tbe royal orypt. The reeds atid ' the mu\t:erln" of this , ,liIi and 11'&1 qUlok to lelle up6Q tilnt nl,bt, Ilanol.g betilll4 frequeDtly bea~ ana It could - oD'll ., wrlsel. ~1I urn COdttilnlnlt her fllther'lI ..bea. .... drumB; mdale., laJicoorou l • haunting. Ita pouIbUlUee. Sbe renew~ ber 1_ ,to' lee If b)' any ml~oh.nee aOUie 00& a1lnaet. UmhallG la"e the .,.anllhlDg Sloan'. Liniment will I!&ft <leposlted tn a niche. ,Man, other elUBlye. low minor cbotlSl eeeminel, ture toward theml It _meel that tollow8!i. He atopped at the boUle of captain two w~eks . . TIlen he IbOlald bOUrl clf luffering. For bruise nlcbes contal~Eld urns. and UQlban." struek at ranjtom, IntermlnelhlC a .be mu.t burat fofUl In Ulelr mad· u ll Blnlh, tbe IhOemater. wbom ba YIlllllh Indeed. ,. , or Ip~jn it I!vea inatant 1'IIlieI. It arrest. ill mmationand tIlUlt • ~1tpJi\lbed to her tbat these held the droning. chant; a thol,lland etnam. of denlDC toncoe: "I appeal to thlt fOllnd drowllng 0'"" hla water pipe. The \ I)ext momlnll wblle' the CoUll' lllg prevent. more aerIOua tioublea UJlbe. ' of ,maDT rulerl. Tears welle4 , Inceo~e, erOillnS and r.:' c f9lll '''11 It w,e ll1" said the newcomer. In- cO and Umball.. were In 18II110n rela· : .nd oblyalr:r, of Aillaha' . . . Soldl... aenlopina, No need to rub It :tnto KathlTo'a eyes', but tbe)' were 01 )'OU DOW ..e"" ID7 UIIllo~.1 ulierate toliline. • Uvli . u ~hat abdllld be,- dOne with iD-i, actI at onoo, iDltantl1., me!" 'But ber ton"'e :was mute!: YM . Ion II ' well'," auwered 'Lal Sintli. K&tbJyn ID ·the ·'fteDi .of her alefuw to .a byatorical character. , rclillYfDg the 'pain, howoY8r itA good sI8D," mused Umbal'" wbo I.; her e,.., her taee, bar . arma .poke dropptnl lbe mooth»lltC!e or hi. pipe.. beDd, two soldiers ente..d, . brlDctDI aovere i~ Diay lie. . '~bOU81!~ bo ~~e~ aomethlng of ,"omen: eloquenU, eDO. W the turbulent 101, Rl. bad IpokeD mechanical)),. When with th8m • bea,tlfUl native 70UIi, like 'all liien blleet wltb vanity. Oddly dlol'l. Beald... the, wldcODied the .htll . " wbo bll ,.LIltor wal bl ••,811 :"~.dan. one Pundll.. w,,"e of ~'bal. I6l1ough, he h~d forgOtt~n all about the portunitJ to allow the po~lae. how brl,btened. "~hme4T" fOl\1I'd In murder. Inclden~ ot the lion ID tbe 'trelBIIt .ca· Itron. :tller, were aud hOl' little the, "Hu.h!" wIth a lesture toward the Umballa wIped 111a betel'lItaJn.,s lip. booBe. All women are feUnae to • cer· feared' Umbatla. At .. nod from tlietr ceUlu.. aad aaIaamed mootingl),. ' Npt 10 loog t.alD ell tent. T,l,lls goldeD·haired woman leader the1 came ,omplae up the atep. "Sbe II out memma.k lng, like tbe be bad been attentive' to ,this had ~III.Ws. and tbe da)' ,wae comins , to the . d&II and · IUrTOIiude41 Katlliju. reat of her kJnd. The old lIa),ln,: IC. foung ·woman_lter ber mari'\aCe, I when be would feel them dreg over hi, A. rOar came 'frqm tile populaee: an .Dl!an walta, the wom.n comlll to blm. Sbe had .ent blm a1x!ut hi. bUllue.1I heart, . elepbant tru~pet8d: the parlab dO«l '1 'am alone. There II new"" with burning ean and a hot cheek. From tbe Crypl they proceeded. to "There Ie a journe,.. Acro.. Hind to ao 1:11 the , OODlact ot ber ItroD, . !tbe palace.zenan& (hare~), whlcb .U~ UmbaUa ltepped back. ,.bll baDd ,OD SimI..... ' young hand. Revenge. creat or amall. bll jewel~1i 'a"ora. ' He 11'&1 qulte.un- .:"The bour bu arr1yed"~ '11'&1 alway, l'wee~ to ,(]mballa. , " :: roun4ed " court 01 eltOeedlng beaur,. , 'Three l.dles of the barem were sltt,ng PNJlareCl for anT IUch fturant mutlDJ' "At lea.t ,the excule. . Give theae to To ,: tbe .Iue jlrt'·" wbo attended 'In the portico. atteoded by alavea. All -~uttny from hli &IIgle of villon. one In authority with the Brlt1ab....s, Puncllta be said: "Go .umm0l! the w~ro curloully Interested at tbe 1IIIbt tho;ueb In ,law tbe troopere bad on1)' whOlle brl!a'd ,we , eat.··· Ahmed alld Queen. It l is for her to decide what -ot a woman with wbtte IlkiD. U~ted re.p9,l\deel to tbe deelre, ot their qilee~. a~la tilt table a yet)" emall ....n be done wltb this woman," like tbe lotue, Umballa eame to a He turned qaeation1nll), to ~e Council "Ths memaahlb Is my muter's daugh· ThrOu,b ' the yen PUnellta'l a,. 'baIt before a latticed door;; ' ' an'd the prleeta. He hlmllelf . could ter. · Bbe .mu.t be IPlrlte4 away to apar,kle4 with hatred. :. "Here your maJe8l)" ,muet .remain move no further. HII colttrerea ap.,r..· ..teb'." . I . 'I ' When ' KlI,thlyo camll ' In It wu at t1JJ the day of your coroDatlon." elated the' danger In which their power ' "Ab!'''' Lat' Sln,b nabbed hla fat onee explained to bel' that tbe wom· aWOd, Tbe), aDnounced tIIat It . . . ' ,luIDdII. "SO the time D_re wbeD we an'l buaband had been taken ,lor mur"How did m, fa~er die'" "H" ?U .aaas'illnat8d .oo the palace deer_efto "ve the queen' . reaplte of iI!ilall wrtnl tbe 'f'\Iltu~" Dee~ AI, It- de.,:" by law bla wlte became tbe e181111 by a Mahome4aD ,fanatic:. AI I leyeD da)'8 In wblcb to · ytelcl. It Ia 1004! 'Umballa, the t0a4. wbo , QUeen!t· prO~h)', to. eIllpatie' of u Ibe told y.ou. be died in ,my arm a." . .ould at leut. holcl 'uie.'bold ,troopen 'a nd iwelll .. the daYI cO by. Bl1Ift willed. The ' ,.ell wu pluoked ' 'rom "Hla aote IIlgnlfted that be feared OD th,e· l"b .tltl tIaJ) could be broupt, hll'a parded him ~all. 'Tbe,ida" plea ' face; .SlIe wu oreleNd to tmprlllODmeDt. Hcriv came be' 00 the ., 't o tee t~e dal. ~ It. trae llgbt bt,the JaI,~ ~t of tb. pttiif for .. lIrettt,.,blt In !subffilulon t., Aier queen. palaee I~e~ r" " ~7 or lati. . ' III J'\IpeM. Uinballa 'ot! 11Il1l'llclence. sendl , him star t~ U. Pun41ta lalumed" but .toutly ,refuNd "He 11'&1 not a pr,aoner. ' Ha cama oOnMDt.ei1 ;beeaUe be wat ' at the bot,.: bulla. where be learna' to lPeak to kneel. The,. pr0cee4"d ,t o forC"M~ . 4 . weqt as he pleaaed tn ~& ·cltj." tom of'the .ack. j; pneet read from a 'Uli~ "hel' be, learDI to wear rGUlblt. wb~ \ Katbl;rn inG!illYenell , . He bowed and lett ber:' ' ICrall the ' law, U»lalntDg , that DO ' tblat buttoD and ettf Iln_ bandi round "'Tell ber, abe I. tree;l iJ&I~ Katbl1iAlOile III her, ehamber, tbe dulln_ woman Mllbt rule ~m~led.}eca" th,, ' neCk. ·He ~&I scine on, gODe Oil! ",F ree'" came .from the ~. of her mind dlmlnlshtld , and , '~oa\17 ~I " , . . . TtI"... ·of Allahl; 't be ,OUIII, qDeeD wu DO~ con.en&llt 'lIbe ·htaller up, the harder t~ falL'~ , PunlS(~'a lIJ!11. . . \ '. " denred awa)' lite a ,tos In a wind. Her with the ..,fa of -the ltate Ihe WOllld . "Tbe cellar'" "You .peak Engltab'" crt" KatlltIB ~ear. Idnd. blue-eyed t~er Will d~, firework, at night. tlreworu wblcb be ' "yen Th_ the d~ '''Tbere are Jllato.. .!ld C1\I1lI aD,d .. Iteen, , • and ehe W&I virtual.)' a prlaoner. and come ~I the 'Way aero.a C~' by ~' ended. . &llDmunltloD I\Ild,' iltranee little wI~ , ",..., ibaJeetJ'." WIDnle 11''&8 aU alone, A. queen! , The, ca.ravan.-..,tbeae thine' ~tbll'II .11' I With a which 901l1d baft b:1 w)lleb t male: mallc 'ft'retl." Katlil1n cOUld ba.e embrace4 bar were mad. or abe was In tbe 'mldst ot and :benrd from her latUce. graced a better IDUl Umballa directecl ' ..B&tt~rlel'r' , ' fal: tbe "ery joy o~ •tile Ju;lQwledse. • , 80me hideous nightmare, Mad. mad. The pop~ace ylewed aU thue 1II&DI, the troopen to "oort ..KathI71l .to Iter "One ·neYer " knowa "bat IIIAT ... "oman who Could talk JIlDIUab, -'w ao mad! ' Sbe be8ao' to laugh. and It was featatlonl quletlT, Tiley were "perfeot- ilhambet' la tile ftII&IIa. He had ,Ill Doaeded. ' YOU b."e thek.,r" .. CIOftld Ullderet.an4, who , perb"plI COIIIc1 lIot & pleasant 'sound: A qUeen. Ibe. Iy w\Ulne to walL 'It tllla wblte queen mind ..Vim eta,... MaD, tht. eoa.. "Y.,': . 'helpl Yeil. yel! the God ~~ bel' fa· Kathlrn Hare! Her fatber was' dead. proyed tlnd tbe, woul~ go about ~elr, be ,aCC)o~pUabed 111 that ~ of time. · "H6re Sahib', d~ebter. An,d thers "al gOocl! _be W/U a queen, and WIDnle wall all alralrs. leilvlne bel' In peMe i ~t ~bef ' ''IVr the preMlit," b. laid,. Iml1l11s S~b!i'wlth twlnkliDc eyes. , ' 1111\...,lIa IImlled . "Ill IOIII!! dunl'8Oll. maybap. There actl, what be ba4 .....on ·to o~pect. .alone. A gale ot taugbt!!r brought to were de~ermlned t~at .he aJiould be no at Kathl1D. "the Gocl of youI' flltllen the marble lattice "' many 'I\'onderlol puppet In tbe bands of Umballa, wbom baa pfUV8D att'ODseft. Bllt tom~,,1 an a,.eau.. aeemed clOUd up." . Se'fen day. or autborltT; It woolC! YOI, Th~ wHite eockat.oo IIhrllled bla lhey hate.d fo~ bls cruelty and . • • All. tomorrow! 'rIlere wtll be ·'Um..... n,eels moo.,," lal4 l!.Gluae blm to "atell bet. dlBpleaaure. Those outelde the lattice leecblng ways. O. everything w., ripe leven ~arl. Tbhlk theD. d"p1)' aDd Blqh•. th01l'p tfuJI,., "But be ";111 ' "'Tel1 me ),our . t . : · Utled. Kath· ..ow thlll me.rveioul wlllte·,klnDed In the state 'fot murder and loot--'1IoIld wolf. Your kUunatcar RAo Ia a lind It." In afterthousbt. ' J;rn 11:1041,.. "Be Dot afratc1 of these 'WOman. with hair Uke tbe guld threadl tbe reaching. holdlDg band o~ the Brlt- priaoner. It wnt be weeb ere JOur "'Tom~r men. I ,hall mlb you my ·Jady In dn C)llnese brocades, suddeDly throw I"b Raj. pmeDee II mown bere. You are "At dawu." . waltln« ' " • 10 ·lonl a8 I am a As Katblyn advaDced to tb. can· helpleil &1 • blr4 III ~e D~ Strnccle Theile nto men were spldere tn that .queen," with a aearcIIlna SJaDCII at DID1te...0If ujlOn a 1I11e ot cusbion•. aDei -they 8&W ber aboulders rock and opled dall "POD whlcb Ibe wu to be If :yOU will; JOU 11'111 0111)' bra1.e web of ~t I8rvtce that the balla·. tace. !!Ibe leamed notJ1loa ~ b.",,, •• but heard !l0 sound o.f walling. orowned ... hand llIlad - wltb !ower!! win... Ttle--llriUlla , nJ! The d.own ,!Dd the balf. Imlle· Ulere. ' After a wbUII 8110 feU aaleep. a kind reaebed out.' "She turDed to 1M All· nj dOM Dot WIlIlt bor4er HIIII., to aDd krabautil(TO BE CONTINUED.) fII dreamlese atupor. Wben she awoke med. aDd I caD dOwa teD the IIC1rderI at tbe Bear, It wlta twlllgbt h" the court. ' T~e "Rruce Sa~lb," ebe wble~l1I4. wild laiD men ~". SlAsb plclted up hta weill cooinr and lul.terlnslD Ule Ahmed aalaamed deepl, ... Ibe gO the 1IrttW1I rat .-4 .Alaliled aaUle4 ~ 1~1r. C!C)C:katc)O . . . PNeD-1 passed on. Tbe Impr8lliOD that abe feud. ·teD tbua .4 bUiI&n thallball',~ IUIIDJ1oojtl9(CI,rcid tOlIknot. M ANt , at dl:Mbltnc lei. . ber. ,Q ItM .. ~ ..... ,-~I)'P.I'i~~~~~'~Mi;i

The Adventul'es of Kathl"n








P , ar

"U .P........








COTTON FOR WINTER Smokeless Powder, Sliclls .



-LEA DER" .nd '"REP EATE R."

The super iority ~r Winc heste r Smo kele 88 Powd er Shen a IS undis puted . Among intel ligen t .Jho/o tere they stand first in popularit y,'" recor ds and 8 h 0 0 tin g quali ties:. Alwa ys use them

Can Be Prettily Made Ufi In a Number of DesIgns, and for Many Rea. son. tbe Ide hould Meot WIth Favor. There Is a strong attemp t to make oOtton velvet a 'reature 'of the 'wlnter'B faslUon. because France tuok It up quite 11 show of vigor. and b~

for. ~Ield or Tral» &bo otlnv .

... ,



Ask Your Deal., For Them.

CanHais ,CY1~1.~ Ii~ RichWheat


frocks. Tlme", aa wl:en the belle of the day did Dot teeJ- -bel'8elf properl y litted out unless sbe bad an amethy el: or pink fa\1le evening frock trhnme d wltb ellPensl ve lace In a weave we nevOl' see , now. (')ne ot tho dress makel'1l started a tashlon for making blocks on tbe bl ack taWe with strips of black vel· vet. lind many (jres smaker s a re now doing this. The also sell the squares . It is Ill)t attracti ve as an e n Ure gown ; It mus t be part '01 a track. For Irllllallc e. tbere Is a model with a gath ere d s kirt of the blocked silk alld velv,~ t that just os ca~ cs th floor. and abov e It 8 a short che ml Re of black ve'lvet. th e sortest weav e that tb e ml11in ers uae. Thl:'re are long sleeves fittin g the :Jrm& like gloves, a nd a medieva l decoll etage s bows m()re A the shoulde rs than lbe ch est. Triln g. bllt IIltra faShion able.



For Infan ts and Children.


:A\~tlable Prepara lion for As· !limilillir.g Ihe Food andRel!ula· · ling Ih~ Stomachs and Bo"''els of


Promotes Digestion,Cheerful' ness and Rcst.Conla1ns neither Opium.Morphlne nor Mineral

The Kind You Have Always Bought'· Beats the Signature \



Rmp- "'-()M DrS,iKll£LIYTCHSH

Bamboo lStlind ' That Flta t nto Corner A...,Jt... S..JA/xJ'",,, • .. , of Ro()m I. a SImple Ornflme nt She exteJlds to Ameri cans a hearty inAI..U.S. n. • Eaay to Make. A,.,i, S.,J ~ vitation to settle on her FREE Home /ttwlWt/iJ • Wo~kers In ham boo shollid tlnd 110 I;'l:"""'.~ • st'e ad lauds of 160 acres each or secure It:,.,.;.,s"c · Jlfflcult y lin COllstru ctlng lhn novel and some ..of the low priced lands in Mania.,.r,,.,J S'fI~r pr tty stand ror cut Howel'8 sbown In """'"..."' /7"..,, toba, Saska tchew an and Albert a. - -"'-the IlccolDlPanylng sketch. Bamboo Thia year wheat Is'hlgh er but Canadi an Imd iUlt Aperfeci Remedy for~onsli~ · voles can be purchas ed very cheaply . as c;beap, so the oPRQrt1,Inity is\ctive than lion , Sour Stomach. Dlarrh<iell, and they tenn be " ,slly cut liP Into the ever. Canada wants you to help to feed the world Worms ,Convulsions .Fever i ~h­ r equired i e nglhs for malllllg by -tilling some of her soil-lan d similar to that the sta lld. ness and Loss OF SLEEP. The canes s bould be plllgged at the which during many years haa average d 20 to 45 ends wltlh wood. and fust ened to. busliels of wbeat to t.he acre. Think what you fac Simile -Si.... ature 0' gethe r with long. thIn , sharp nailS. can make with wheat around SI a bushel and ~ . holes having firBt been burnt In thl' land 50 easy to get. Wonderful yields also of Oatil, QlJrle7 and Flax. Mixed farming _-bamboo for the m. wit b n fine r.e d.hol is fully as profitab le aD ' lndustr y aa grain TlfE CENTAUR COMPANY, sk ewe r. &tro ..... lng. NEW YORK . To fini sh 01T the uppe r ends or thl -I Atp m u nth" old The Go,\,crn t hree lon~;est upright pieces of cane. ml'nt this d· year 1 is asking farmers to put increase acreage s mall bra ss' balls. into similar 10 thos e Dn~ grain. Military service is not com· l ~ -JjC I: 1'i'T5 : f)r;trlch TrimmI ng on Ellou.e. uEed tor flol shlng olt th e nds or bampulSQr'y in Canada but there is a great deman.d for fl\.l'm labor to the many , ThlB blou~ a or ij hoer bat)ntc, malie boo curtlll.n poles. young men who have volunte ere4 for service: 1:He climate :eplace are 8crewed . IS healthfu l.and mora substan tial with aUtc.bln g and The ca nes ore, of course. hollow and 8ifeeabl e, railway facilities excellen t, gqod scboo~ and churche tucl(s. Is - ma i a timl daintier wilh os. out o( the sides at Write for literatur e and particul ars as to rooucoo railway rates to s co.nvenaent. E~t Copy of Wrappe r. the places 10.,1. •........,.u............. _ ..... .,.... Supenn tendent '--'-al ion, Otbw" Can, ada. or to : co ted 10 the sk etch. pI ec e!! are cut ,'. lrlch trlo ~e e~ectlvely put 011. With . .......... ' ... I h It Is worn a "huge purple velvet hat, a lld In th e holes so made ).. , flowers w I W. S. NfTHf RY, RC!om~ 82, In.. Starting Oay Wrong, H II "Name." trimme d with a pink rOlle lIod S ':'. Did C I liuu.c .:.h~l-; :.: d""a",m;;:. cotl.on wo'ol wound r~o~"-;='-I Tillite was a the b 0 gl,o om on. the face of A young spark, DOtOriO . a for hili COD' rna'." be In-sru·ted . Diagra m A. t!l'-:. II•• 0 , Agmt.. at I I tb ....... ce of at the top ' of the illustrat ion, shOWS a asked a:out cause the paulott c Americ Domest ic Menace.. an Iront view of one of 'the cnnes. with his nearest neighbo r. .. 'BAt.:A'NCE KE'PT BY NA I UHt: knows thal the more "Flapjac kB glv. which be h'nd ga.lned over tbe femlUe coltvn fabrics til e pIece cut ' away. and diagram B ~n out On ma tl.e rs of fe minine dress we sel· ' " . over to your house?" • -".. heart, she buys, that mucb sooner wl11 the gives , a side view and donI \' eu lure to elj:prc~s an opInIon un· Increal e of ·thl: Human sbows exactly "Worse 'n that," saId Elijah, "You Race Seem. to present supply be exhaust ed and the the shap~ "Look" said be" bere:. a fiandlo me of loss It be 0c:caaloll lllly 8 word .In dethe portion u1at should know, 'twaan't apple year, and wlte Be /iegul'at ed by Wan and presen t' I had r;om my la.t IDam,," ne w cot ton In lhe b,l\le be derr.and ed be remove d. ((\086' $1 r that IIberlllla m whlel1 permits /lays we ca,n't hsve any more allple r.ata,'" at the Bame ~I~e OtHer Devaata tlona. to GO Into the milia, givIng worll', ba"QdlDg roullcl The sta llid fits Into , the Clorne r 01 .the Vic tor hreakfa st." a wO!l:\~n to con llldeJi lie r fre~lJoln lln~ .. ~ ,e, beautifu l clg&J'Cas8. ',. wlier e work and mOiley a~e 'CoRlfoJlt a8 Well as her u1u le/U'IlIlCe, "Con't you make out It you have Eve .." y or,' IJ'<leordl ng to solentis ts , n!;'eded,~'Jor• .mlnd you. not frlghffu ll y room, lIlld In the sketch It Is shown An admlrild the article, which hild' all the aut· only balt lmed with nowers, 13\11 wo a -'L ru prq.mJ"lte d now t 0 u tter ~"b." liLt' UlP t to I~ e p th gen ral r ec· . this apple . pie noon and nlgbU" '. an Indorse ment 9 Its quality Btrunped (er)nj; . th\8 war wIII _b, e. In E u,rope. has been done In 'order tbat and ) pro((:st 1I~lllllst t~ progres s of Amer· ords ; at I list 0,00 the way f " I can. because I've got to," .001) h uman belugs ThIs Is the s econd Hme In the balf . I sad upon I t . In wblcb It Is conalTUcted may be Ellljah. "but. I tell YOII IC<lfI ' fas hion d e 81g n ers , wbo. with U :n' born ou·-thls earth , It upsets me. "Very nice gUt." remark ed one of fre(' Held for Ule ' 6J'~1. ~lIle In hl stpry , or 7O,OOQ'.00(l· die. Tbl a nd 60.000.000 c entury that th'e South \~1lJ be htl cleArly .gesn. 'slarlln g In lhe day v,' rong like that." the compnn y. "I perceiv s Indlcat s a bnrc;l ~Y ba\tle. e your ladyA standi of can til lhls 1 n k o.r n.o U1.IJIg he ft er "'.' lond Is useful I dU lly bIrth rnte OC a bout 22Q,O() 0 anu .hllll to love even bad your Dame put on tb. 'T Ile 'c:uppalg .n f or cot t on gowns s .1 ml, \Il1<' til e 1011 Itary un iforOlS U ,., I Ihrough out th e yea r. 88 lJ.,u', 11, d a \11 t l'u~e, . ot I 0,000. Tbe dally a . gOl>d on!;! and c OF 6UTICi'RA '" .~. if ~l\ccesRful will nler all kl nds of blossomIn th~ sum- YOU NEVER TIRft MSS." s are avail· rope. " 1 i ncrease In lIopql a~lolI t hereror e Is fier\'s the country III ," veII • t h a t' 8 quee, h r " .. nnswere d the able to nll It. onc'J In the winter . holly , 8~"eraJ I ways. 1s !l rnot , '!Hiu!1 th!\~ we 8.hould have a,bou~ 10,QQP. ,Tb E: totnl •• Tbe Soap to cleanse anlll;lur i. populnt lon o[ Tbere is little need to teil, any wom"I neve r Dotlced It" tfy, . th!l b oaSler. _ the h9 ,rors tl e 11'111' thrllst U))oo U8 t he- glob \! Is ,I!stillmt d at l,sob.~o Ointme nt to soothe and heal. ""these "IA6k again," rejoined the candJd all' of, the loveline ss of a cotlon ' track, ' b~ tb n WO, .JlIllo S ou.r Imagina tions, ' Th ~ l'a~ase8 of war frngrao t super.c reamy em011lents and on e. " The case Is distInct ly marked eoloqng ollr d~oams? b Il no~ ' nough IJ de ,tile Inor r;:s se. Fardo IlttlQ \0 1m· or ho'V she shall make It. eaPllclaJly prophyl actics preserv e, purify and 'Renl calf.' '' tno~e e1lectlv e If Ihat woman hall spent any time be. that ther s hould be Blgns ~ 1\ mlUtary ba ve be If ~h ~ ppbeav beautify the' sllin. The dally- use ot al s .qt n tur low .the Jma clllary bound y Hne. In epld mle In nll ollr magaz lnC8.' I!rtlclcs ,'I'he Franoo,PwNsla u tbe Soap for all toilet purpose s and war killed a,bol\t n lima where the trick Is tllrned' Iu ,on s lmtcgy . stories ot. fighting and 130,000 In seve a m ontbe;' Not to' Be Thqugh t Of; occasIo nal use of the Ointme nt t eud Tbe deutb a gracefu l nlllllll- r. bloodsh ed '! " lu!!t ·w 'll8V t he ' a rld's roil- of {i~b Rlls·stl·J apa "Now le t U8 put our hesds togethe r to preve nt vhftfjllla , reduenes rellcbeil s9 and l'O'u!;h' Organd l e nnd cOttOIl chilTon and llJghtml lNl Int nalfled by th e very' about . 200,000. A s inglo ness, dandru1r and red. rough hands. and BeEl' If we e~n·t arrange matters ." eari.hq'u ~k~ baUete, poInt d'esprlt , .'and " roollng" clo~e8:tlJ wom ll- weal'? .:... e h (1 737, Iii India) 'has lJeen eallma ied to . h&v!!"been 't he staples "Pllt our heads togethe r? Th'a t Bllnlvle tree If you .wlsh. Adof the Soulh· Post. wou)(l hardl y do. Maude. Your green 11II\' a caused deatlls. Th e 'fa·· e mers' wnrdldb X; Bo .. ' e tor ·more than - t!c,j --U --:ijr.IJ •• ", Ig und Iny purp lialr won't harmon · ' tallt! s of the 'MeSSln a earthQU 'a k e In 'e elltury, a nd - UDY '\Voman, 'clIPeClally • 8m.1I Matter Overloo ked. ize." Hl08 CIl,Ullot ha" e be en fa r shQrt ' of o .. dehlltan te. . looks well, In them. It "Doet.or,'· compla lnod Sim Dorkln a, 10(),OOO. A Udal wave III 1896 drowue d they will not' Sl'rve for .the formal oc. "I ean't se ' nolhJh' 'tbt'b\t gll these 27.000 person ~n YOII Il~ ver ca tell. "~.ny a w,oman Japan; caualn~ a , cfl s lons among wolnen who ure turned bere alleea." with a h\gll lusiep CIl.D cld'me down latgreat !t' 05S of lite tliau"' lhe whole alit nmarlJ,l' In ocl~ty. tbey \vlll servo "T.h ~. wW Jill ri ght for the firs t owa\' ",'ttll hilla 10 18fl4. _ _'tootQd. _ _ _, -'J'b earth· Cor the intorma l " ure at tho house I day . or, \\1'0. we r/! ,they )Jot? " . ke III Japan In 1703 Is aUld ' to have durin g the :wlntar. th o ollll t.. lifter u ~aoQe a r rha killed 200.000 p oplc. Tbe Lisbon .'A debutan te who wlshelh to ,do 'sOmeBpectac les. . eai'-thQuake- In li 60 destroy ed 60.000 .(bIDg Individu al ehouJd take ' orgatrlli e , t; ';,¥ajt8," , a dw.ltl:t\«t SIp;), ::l}ut j ~bDY hllman lives, whUe 40,000 Kept a.glltlll ~ \Vuss and ,,"U SI!. till J the Illlme yesl'! tn earthqu were lo~t In lind colored muslin for ber 80clal uul. akes In Per- t01'm. make each ' GO""n , aCCOrding c lI!pll't bllr'lly see at ~ '; ,If • sia ." .. I , , ' , ". the hest 8tyle. \'r.ry them '-u,s ' much III t '''they will do a6 Well ' as "er." said Ingenui ty S'Uggeet s. proclaim 'her tJI,(! . :doctor. u1ryly, :'It ' you' ~1I1 " 'I\'aeh program . and the resnlt 1would be tbat theql,"-~,u"dge. she ,,/ould be wrItten down as one of Intellig ence and'· brlglJ.lllllly, and sbe would have all the ' 'follOwera thll" ,no II n"ow ",hen' 'ever:t debutan te craves, prf" ars bjgh"t. ·Addeil · to infl: .~OIt down. S.tlo~i molt ~nd wUdt 011 this. she would ~be inexpen sively . Man., iefuncfi illt &Ie not laullied . dresned . whleil' til 1111 Item of fO.ooO tI,.I,rl 1111 Pr.tU. tll'lportt.llce . 'inter thnn It has COMPAN Y been .In tllll " Are hrocade& , No Need, cbDtali1lng datilty "bl'OSIIOD1!! Ih,~, r.e w fjll,ks ? If so. ,th'lY WQuld , take look' He-Do you believe In auto sugges· 'll'ollderfully . well and ,nd m"k~ durnble and tlon? pensive a'nd eaay to make. She-N o real gentlem a.n forces a .... -..... . :... lady to mllke 9ne•.,c • ~lt. 'NOW WE'ARING JEWELRYj Cblldre n's tropkll a:-e, ma-;te ,of ' fto~· YOUR OWJf DRUGG I8T WTLL TELL YOO , ered crellon. one of tpe lovelies t of 'l'TJ )larlno 11/,. Reml)Cl, tor keel. Wtl&k, Wit...., imItatio ns of E,I!~~IfJ .ve\ StonCl Conald. ma.terlllls for a little .,... IIbcl Oranala«l<l lO,ollcll ; lio I!marllIlM girl'8 . frock. , lUll. -.n_fo~ -Wri .. fM'~_1I Of .... e~~cl In Go~d T.'~o an~ Are En. " -B,. Beautif ul Mterno on frocks are made bJ ..... n lI'roo, .. , lIlurino Byo Remed, Co.. l;b1caao. joyIng Wide Vogue. ot taffeta,' (~repe or poplin, trimme d . __ It may he as dlffleult for Bome rl~h wltb Roman strIped or' plaid ribbon, MilCh lnG~el je welry hllt\ been ' worn , One pleco ' dressel 'Unftt\ed . meh. to _ter the \tJnldom ' of h .... v .... · , In tbe laijt two y~r 5 9Y aU clnsses 9t backs. WhIch, fall freely away froln Ihe , Seml-preclQu'R atones; artistic . . ngjlre wltbout auy rruggestlon of 'S It ·Ia. for tb.em to keep out of jail. Red era.. Ball Blue. much better. lice. Ilt are HO'V: 118e\l a8 daytime waIst IIne_ farther than liquid ' bIb.. Get from any , rrh~te !!Jlll!2 to J!e . Qnly t \\'0 One of tbe dllinty evening trockl o,rroeef. Adv. . ., , Qr,Je.wel~ In )Am~r~ca, the, geuu: ' Iately, exhlbltc d showed 0. ruffled tulle and " er~" expensi ve .out of UUl. skIrt over whIch was worn a satin '.Do~·~ el)'yy" the. blll1rer, He IllO't ' a1. o~ , ~ll but tlla woman of we.a lth. bas9'16, wIth lbe fronts extende d Into ways , a~ hallPY as b,e looks. the ,ve ry cheav s~rt, thst no worn. long ' ~ nda tbat crossed III the haCk a!! w~o W",ljjl~sed to ,the ;rJght Iblng Ilnd knotted In a suh In tbe fronl. . "ll tak~S a , w.Ql!lan to pelnt out tbe :fou1d tJilnk of ·w~~rlqg . • The new sash la made . of cbl'ron faulta o[ otber ~omen. !'i0 .~!II~re hal! been Importe d and or mt18sa.Jlne; It Is very hfgh BOX81E.8CRO(lJ>BE~DY. TBE RUREST. Wilde here nn In-b . t,,'een , Eiort. .Some In fl'Q,lt and plaited draped In fnn effect. 'I In .at. .. and .wlne" croup cure. 60C.-Ac1V \ of rlt Is set-M ~n!lnslv,elY I as tbe rt>al the back It Is very simply knotted . ~tolles. In 111.a ttnbm •. Iwblch .bae re- and tbe ends, which are cut .dlagona l· plnced gola. but the larg~r dlamou ds, Iy. habg exactly the same length on a rublen. ~ell)er !!'- ?r., SIl,¥phl'lIs ,are ayn· botb sides. ' (hetlc stone~; . l~at .1\ t,c;l sa)" IIlones M J lIave ' been D;la~u!acture~ .t.o repre. lie.ded ~.t. m'd~ 'frd,Pl the salDe I'The bea.ded nets that are 60ld by the Cl\:1!1111cell, PArtsaa the real )'ard afa faselnaU ng ~ thl!; wpm~n ,flet y'P .In tile same who likes lo'~ely fabllics. There JI real .!lnd ,hllve ~orten IIOmethlng !leclded ly InteresU ng I,p for them by thollll "'ho combIn ation of heav~ metalli c better. ' broidery and I~eadl with thin and jl!welry ' there !lre ' the nel. of the netll, In black, atone.; 4ke tUrt!upble mnkedSome ' oft In 'tllagonat 'llbe. wltb coral, ).4e. etc. Th,U6" haYe \)hlna, bea611'Il I~d otbera bive ' ebapes' u.nd BetUnp deiltne d by ~art- 'fI.bwere j.ts ot talllllt, and they are worn 'b, placed at plmll and IUver a1t'Bma~,IY ,1 ' at tWOo'inch 1nt~all/. ~e w~ inow how to dreu,




Fur Over

-_ ..





~ ~~ ~~'!~;;., eoY,,",m~nt

~ ~a~~~ 8~~, .









Your Liver



... _

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . wwl"w~ ~




.. Hutchison & Gibney .. Withou t any advance in Pricel ' ~ are having Large Sales In . Underwear Cloths . Hosiery Corsets Dress Goods Broad Cloth Gaberdines

French-Paris Boullon Tango Crepe Berges 7232-


READY NOWI 600stunningstyles in the Winter issue of "Bulterick Fashiolls"· A magnificent selection to choose your entire Winter ward


lovely' publication , is only' 25c, which includes any

, robe.


Butterick Pattern you like Free. At ............ D.I to

Mealaline Silk Ribbon. Aluminum Ware Band Bags Suit Case8 Home Adornment


CountyCourta Adroinistratrlx :s report in the e8- 1 tate of Lewis O. Nixon, deoeas6d, Ie appr oved. " , , In tbe Dllltter of the Ill!tat :! of Etta Bou h, deceased. Ella B, a ugh is appointed executrix. No bond required. J. H . 'rrl1llble. Frank Dtlweon "nd Albert Burrougbs are appoi oted lip praisers. Resignation of J . Lee Thompson "s admiolstr Itor of the est!1te of Wm. EI. WItbam, deceSljsd, Is ao· cellted by the ()OUft. In the matter of the ' ustal,e at Jobn E . Mour. de06APed. Final diatribut.lon verified Bnd odminlstrator disoharged. In the matter of the guardl 'nsblp of Edna Botts min or . Wa lt" r M , Bo,ta minor, Bond $l aO. In the muttor of the ustate of &lmuel Benl, deoo!.\ ed. Clttberioe Beal is Rppointed ud cuinistrllhlx. Bond $ l 4.0U. .]. M. WrlJrht, Rutin Hnrlillu gll IIDd W ill No ble Bre liP. pointed npnraiEltl rll. In mutter of I,be eRtnte of Nioh olos Arobdeuoori, d coflllsed EIlI-nte i ll probab ly inllolvent , there. fore 'I'bomb Mlllor, odminJstrator de bonis non with tbe WIll un nex d I ~ Inf:l l·r ncted to B rye Dl)tioe too ored itors of said eS~8t.a. 1'1I e 'wills of J nnle G. Brubllker, deoett llf\d lind IBube Jla Co oper, de. oeused bosb filed .

Maka ¥our selection by" makin. (X) opposite the arti~ c1e ¥ou ~is~ to purchase and brinK it with ~ou t~ the store. ."


Leatber Goods of all DeScription . Brass and C9Pper Desk Sets c Copper & Silver' Inlaid Desk Sets Imported Desk Novelties Writing Portfolios

Websters :U nabridged Dictlonar: ies · · Instructive Books for Children Dictionary Stands Bridge and Whist Outfits Bible~ Poker Cases Chips .~ , Gift Books 'Place Cards . Photograph Albums Engraving . Post Card Albums ' Re ipe Outfits Mechanical and Scientific Books Collar Cases Rosaries Pocket Books "Gents" Catholic Prayer Books Cigar Cases Christmas Cards Globe-Wernicke Sectional ~ook Games Cases Imported' & Domestic Statiooory D~sks D esk Calendar.; Office Chairs Library Sets, Sbears and Letter Filing Cabinets Openers Oak and Mahogany Waste paperl Copper and Silver Inlai~ Vases Baskets • Smoking Set~ and Jardineis Brass and Wire Ba~~kets ,




.T he Everybody'S ,B eok Shop Company DAYTON, OHIO

21 and 23 West Fifth Street

New Suits: Le wis lbnover ve Vnorhls Boss as OOD81.0 ble. repl evin and dalllages, amount oltt lmed *100 . I Huson Arnold os administratrix with the will IIno ex ed of W W. Arn old deceased VI!, ArDJ8&rong Mo Cray et ",I, money only and fereclosute of mortgage and eqoltable reltef. 'Amonnt clllimed 11800 wlSb in,ereet. , Samuel K. Pine VI. George W Hueton Mobel Buston, Lids 1mtth. money, amount olaimed "696 with Interes&.

:' 't

Conklin Self Filling Fo'untain Pens ' I Watermans Self Filling Fountain Feoll Silver and Gold Lead Pencils Loose Leaf Memorandums Drawing Sets Draughtiog Supplies Paint Sets Steel Bond Boxes Steel Chests for Family Silver ~nk Wells of all Descriptions Black Boards School Supplies . Silve r Pocket Knives Pearl Pocket K nives Diaries for 191 5 Memorandum Books Dennison Handy Boxes Loose Leaf Scrap Books

Common Pleas Court

Rugs, Mattings,Etc.



Probate Court Proceedlnp


.Public Sale d~~I~ai~~~ ' ~~Idb~~:g f.::h. ggnJl'l~ ' 1 wtll otIer at pUblt~ sIde .



\' RHEU""ATIC at my L~U FF ERElis

orooodlle," , . re8id&n06 JtnOWD ,IlS 'heJl\mes Wtlls SWEll flU/OK REUB "Yea, sir,,' said th6 waiter) per- fllrm IX mile, north of ' Dodds and . Palo leaves a1mC6t feotly unmoved . , . IX miles aoutbwee' of Ridgeville, as if by magic when "Aud, wiliter, lIring tc wUh bnt- on you begin using "l). ~r." Tuesday, December 22, 1914 Drops." !he famollloid "Yel, air. " remedy for Rheuma· Th" eervltor .'000 like a a\atue BelioniDg a~ 10 o'olbek, promp'ly, , Lism, Lumbago. Gout. for a momJ!Dt. 'be f(}J1owI1lg propert, : /; bonN, ..-..:;;...;.;;;;: ;;Ciade&; Neuralkia j Marri&&e Llcerutee , " Well." said tbe freeh goy, with lJ oa~~le, 9110ItS. farming Implements and kindred troubles; hArnes8; oorn and shredded fodder .• ·It goes right to . the George Edwarl1 sObmala'ig, ' oabi. ~ fa"uo~s gri~l "aren't you golng to ee big bills fO.r terms. . apot. .tops tho aclies '. ne'mak r of l)lqUtl to Grace Marie fill ~be order? Mr8 . I.nny Beckett. and paios Ilnd ' malces , , "Yee air" , 'I life worth living. Get Broon, of Lebanon. Father Welch' "Tbe'n wb don't Vou 0 aboDt . , -.-..! I a bottle of '!&Drops" Epbralm Oastello farmer to' 14r8' It?" y J( The Lure of the Csslt. today. A booklet with Esther Wright, both of ~llUk8\' l1le~ , "Orders are sir tbllt we reoe\ve encb bottle glv..' full "'Why bA"e you abandoned the directions for use. 'A. J. Kestle. I 'pay In I1dvan~ f~r orooodilell sir .tage!" "I haven't left it. but I'm Don't,delay. Demand Wade 8. Brown, fllrmer of Lep- CrooooUes with , bnUer, Sir', are 80 bUB,/lIlgning lcap testlmonla1e. hair"l).Drops." Don't 'acanon, to !!InBan ,C amp of Oregonill, 1' 150.S0. if you take them withont reltorer ads ADd lodol'l8menta tor . cept 1Ul~lng elto in Rev. G. E. ~owdy. • butter, air, tbey're only plano plaYer8 and .afety ruol'll tlui.t placeolit. Ally ....John P . Reifsnider, tall or to ]dl~ •- • . I really haven't time to rehearle prop- 8i" caD y-, If you live too far 1rom a dr1l8 ItimI IIOnd Ooe Dollar to l!d~y Murphy, both of Franklin. Chamberlain'. COugh RemedJ.-The erl1."-Phl1adelphla Ledger. Swanson Rheumatic Oure Co., Newark. Rev. W. J, ThIstle. Mother.' Favorite Ohio, and a 1>QtUe of "o.Drops" will be ..... Clarence B Keno In, oivil servloEI" . ' , . The Simple Life. • iont prepaid. , ~ of Camden, Tlilon., to Jessie Leel I give Cnamberlain II Oongb After ~ farmer retires from active a.rner, of Oregonia. · Rev. JOhUl Remedy to my ollildr~~ ~hen·tJ1el".:.j''-""'0FIII~e-11I8I1dl Ui,88~b~a~1~all~Q:8::-!O:::~I'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~~!!'!!!'! Baldwin ' have oolda or coughs, ~r.,. Ifii. llfe helping hie wife with tin! JamUl . Verne Shafter, Vandergrift, Pa It Panl F . Mel"mpy. farmer to Lorl~' alwaysJhelp& 'hem and Is far superior waablng.-Loulllvtlle T~es. D. Jordan, both of FrAnklin. to any other cough mediolne I h '. \ . , Edward B. Wllllaoe, farm~r to nsed, I Ildvis6 .nyone In need of Funeral , Director. We have j~ ~ived a c:arload of good Minnie M: Tittle, bOth of Leb !lucb a medloine to g ive it a srial " LGcust Fence Posts, anoo . 'Rev. A. J, KeeUe . For tlale by' all dealers. • Telephone day or ntllbt-, ... ... 'II • • •••••• •• . Valley phone Nfl, Lun, Commissioners' Proceedlnp 'Dally Thought. •. FOUND DtIl\8noo No. 69-Sr. " Bms' Allowed'8'l Count]r There fa a time In eve~ man.. / Appeal. printing statement of bal. education wbel1 he arrlvelS at tbe OODAutomoDlle ,ervloe at all Times an~. ,)12.60; ssme, legal printinl~ TJctlo! that ~TT III Ignorance: that )UND:--The bea' plaf;1e &0 t,uy • • ,lUG; Ohio CorruKBted Culvert Co., Imltatlon t. wlelde; th~ . he mUlt Obrietm"slloods is at BaJnhar~'s, WAYNESVILLE, . OHIO pi'pe, 157.80; Monr,)e & Johoston, take himllelf tor better or "oree, .. 'd 28 Branda Ofllee. H.n.nb..... O. supplies ,$57.22; ,I . W. Sntder ,llIbolr hII portion: tbat ,thougb the wld8'urit- W~ynesvlllef Ohio. in' Harla.n township $158 55 • War rell 'Terle Is , full of good, no _mel of Cbea~nut · Urtpn, labor In Harla~ '~wn8hIJII; nourishing corn can come, to bhil ~ 12208 i Joseph W. ,O 'Neall, aalary through b1a taU bestowed on that plot FOR SALE Poit~ · all l:!eOlet.ory Soldier's Rebet Com of ground 1YblQb 111 given him to tIlL . ). $20 j ' Walter N , AIleD, oontro';t Tnist thyself; every heart vlbrat. ,I '.- .. • $ilO.64; Harvey !\to Borne~, oontr~ot to that iron IItrlug.-R. W. ElmerllOJl; :00LTS-l a YMrhng, 1 two-yeu. V~terlna" 14~ 90 ; ~rl Smith, fixing temp<lral'lV • - • old. Boab Rood olles. For forthe bridge $3; S . J,. .cartwright, OOlDt' NaUtical. information inqnire at this office: Oraduite of Oblo .' UDiwnll~ peneation and ex~nles ~5; .10hll1 .It wa. in New York. The.-.farinI R, BUesm"D.t, compeDsation and ex:· JDRu waa steering a COUlll8, pen8eE! 135 .Q ; uregoni.,. Bddge now 'to BtarboT. an'd now to BICD8TEA: D.- W L ri.:ffi ce at resIdence • '< ' '" C l i~., b . :5 yaalDg ., , I.d eone, blg h b ",o.,.y in F .. ll. Sher ' contraoe , I...,90; "arn ,"DtBer:,lr IiC o:r ,n...rl A youn.g woma ""und In ·t~e od asne W nr - l i o n ~ary, U cod 's,bouse, . b 1 ' 1' .. ~ '?' as RO """ ,w Fourth Street . $15 15 ; C o. om 118 aD. 00 0, 'oppoelte dJtectlon sought to mlnlmlile 'IC)Klnney;' eae' of the Cbrtstlan ' • A · T. Rettig. IAbot.iltl the "auger of ,a coUialoll "'/ makin. a h d look a'. U d '28 Teleph on~ .28 sQPplies'$5.60; Frankh~ town.hlp 1345 75 i Fret:l '" . . . . 0 ~rch , a n Bayner, labor ..nd material 16.65; 'wide detour. , But the sea-faring man .' Ohio ';' Oregonia Bridge Co, pile proteotioP 8top~d dead. "Keep a IItnJlht COUl'lltt RooSTER8-White Wyandottetl, Waynesville. on Little MllAml River '1885.80; G, Bbead, mIss:' he lIald ,gallaitU,/; "let fall blooded Oall on E , B, ' " W. Marks, roadworlE Union' town- me do the tacking," Brown, B. 0. ,6, Waynesvl)le, Ob.I 0; '!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~~~~!! _ ' d 23 ship 'l2li; Roaohe8ter Brld&e Co., • - • . ~ . 4th and, fioal estimate ~velauid Prompt Acilon Will SlopYour Cough: ~, k' , Bridge U0460 '; Trustees Massie " , ~ FINBll'~ymbn'h Roo Oookerels a' townshIp per Cbae. Ellis, rOlidworlit ' Wb~n you tiat OIltob a Cold ,(often t18 pleJe' untU first of tbe year. ShadoWi. In Massie township, $509.58. . . indioated bv a sneeze or ,o ough), \Ira D. 8m~th, t5prlng V.Jle~f "Could ,/ou sine thai song about the, ' break ,i t up at ollce. , The idea.~' <Ohio, , UDUed·~tat4j'8 (Bom~) pbonll , • - •. . '. "It d9es not matter'" of teo ' leads &0 632. d 28 twtUch,t when tll'e flickering shadows Keep It .Handy For Rheu"ahsm Is erlous oowplloations., The re. mady eottl,/ come and goT" said the lIenti· h , •• T". WORLD • mental youth. "Sir!" exclaimed the No tiae "I squirm and wioce IiDld 'W lob ImiDfldl~tely and easily peDe: IANO-.-:Beaotlfnl Oak calle, "Col lGl!USII!D wmLY. SUO 1DI lady the lliano. "I don't approve try to wear ant your Rheumatililm t ratos ,tha lining of the throllS I. the {\Dlal de8igo, and io use lell~ eIther cif the current fashions ' In It WIll wear you on.; ,ipstBllli, 'A pply'l kind d~mand~d , ' Dr. ~ing's' NA1lI' 'han ,we J,Q&n. \ W1I1 sell for oash ,DIIUQQ.I,..., .owns or of the promiscuous refer- some ::!lol$t!'s LlnhpeDt. Need not l D~soo"erT. sootbes the Irrl&8tion, m: e~sy paYlI)entB. Call on W. (). GO.TU • • II" CA. AltD .UI. . ...VIO. GAit PlIO"' encel to them." r~b It In-just let It' penetrate ' allloollens tbe phle~. 1 Ton ~ee) ~tter PhUl\pe, WaYDesvllle, O~lo. d28 -..:.._ _•• _ • througb the affeoted p~rts, relieve 0008. ··U· eeemed to. rMoD the .' " UllltO ADVlRTlI'''Q ooa.u.... tbe lIoreaeS8 and draw the palJII very spot of my . Cqutrh!' is one of . SAMPLE COpy FREE You 'get 8I1se at onoe and feel .0 ma.ny honea' ~stimol1ia18. GOo •• A' male Calf. 9 months old. AberDilly Thought. .... yo. . oLlPpn deen-A8g1U1. I'or informa.tlou - J' co atl 'What i am about lUI if there muob better you 'Want to 1(0 rlgh,t yonr Drn\Jg1et. .' . 1f. .,Y. . . . . .,. , . I cal) Qn' ot ae.~ B. " ~. CorneU, R D:. 'WU noth~g 'else In the world tor the 00' Qnd tell otber Butferers abou"t G 1 f Ul " 1', Wayneni1}A... Qhio, ' d9 ttme beiDW. 'That Is the lIeoret ot all 8 loan .tI" . et ·, a bon eo ·., GaO' S _ Whe" the Wltneo 8C0f'8d. , !!!!!!!!!7~!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!;!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ bar4-work_ men.-C., K\niIIley• . Liniment for 25 oents of any drUli:Judge;-"W~ \ Is yoUr ouqup&'uon, ~ , 11 BlL gist and bave it ,In the ,bOU8S"- my man'" Prlsoner-"I am . a bUI and U,*ery barD. For tn; ,agalnst Colds . ~re and ~W'ol1Eiln . drlvl'r, my. lorll." Judge-"You meaD . forJDatlon" S86 1'. L. MIller, ' r""-".....~-' _ _."._ _ _r _ _ _ _ _......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..N__ .Io.l nts, Lumbago, 8ola'loa and)i iou are the driver of brirles attached ' .Waynesville, Ohio. d9 ments. Your money baok lf UCI' thereto'" PrlBoller-"YelJ, 'air." Judee ,~ lII!tl8fiod, but; it does ~ive almOB~ -'''!Cou are charged with hltttua thta POTATOE8-400bUahell.Dl08b9fP, instant relief Buy a bOtt!e ,today muon the face: J)ld You .40 Itt" PrI8- ' grown p!>ta~, Uarml ne N? 2 • _ • noti" Judp--''Wbt aDd Roral New 'York., 800 per boo 8tret~hed 'Can. a.te. did :1011 do theD'" PrilOner--"1 hit Oharles l:5udabe. R hlm on the :......... •••• ~..... At·' Reasonable Rates, Two\ Machlne8. When the eane seaU of . .:n - .a"--""" • _ _ .,,_ ...... , D8Iville, Ohio . . "ia,IPclOnttll "-TIt-BIte. , . .' , . become IItretclhed, talle .. .. _ _ _•• _ . bIc~I'*re &0 the McGan'., 8prln·s fleld.Tlre8, Tube8 and Acee.8orle8~ ""aBhln~' soda aDd Malla.i08. Bend 860 10 the V,a lyo Ine Oil-and Crea8es. quart at bolllDl water. Dill 'hI~ 81l1"li 81Il1lJ pe1lWllO (j.II8I$~ oilloe. IUlll gel ooe of the, this solUtion and wipe the nn~lentdl. lUlQI1800nll 110m eq lWm I1qUWtIl bel, . . . .ainell OD etr'b. ' ., of the .eate. leaving the aUla '&onu hJ~ ldo.Q l' 81'" upside down to dr7. oUI '1Ul 'UIL4lOllJ& ~tO &tao 11"1 : . IIhrtok the caD. to ICe ~~OIlt"':£le)IP'.~".Itp::___LlDR.H.E.HA.TBA.Wl.l'



Handi At All Times



"----I-·.Walter McClure

Olasallled Ada



$2.25 per 100 feet


The finest cu' of Ev.e r Brought , to Town is JlIJt in.

J. A. McCoy, ·:






'wiiCALUpAP!R ...n....












-.noo - ~JA ll8& qUIll . . .11L1111 UOJ&.-p ~


....I!II~ . . . . .

ra .P.ot Til"" •., .........,..,


• OKlO

l' liE








L. C~NE , Editor a nd Mallag(.'lr




'Several -of, -E)ur /ubscribe'F' have asked us to ext 'Ild ~be time for discootinbing subscriptions UJltil the 23rd, as they have llOt completed arrangements to pay us.. Last week every subscriber was notified of his expiration timl. The{e will be no more notices this month, but if you do 'ilOt receive your paper after the 23rd, you will know that it is discontinued. See to it, therefore, that it will not be stopped, as you can (miss I a ny other papers easier than you can miss the Miami Gazette. I t tells . you your home aews, and you want t() know wbat is Koiog on in your own neighborhood more : than what is going on in the'big world. If you have a receipt for your paper paid ahead,' please n~tify u~, as weI often make mistakes, as well as others. We always have a way of looking these matters up, and can ,easily satisfy you and ourselves on these matters. ' , Send in yo.ur money right away:. Don't wait to. coate, but send it, 80 that your· paper will still continue to come to you. .

• .. ;a



An lrlllbmsn Willi out , ~uDntng for duolts with 11 friend who notloed tbti' alt.hoQgb ' Mike aimed hl8 gnn lIeveral 'tmee, &8 did not aboot it 9ft. A~ lall' · he said, "Mike, wbv didn't vo, aboot t·bl&i time? The • whule 1I00k .,ere rlgbt In fronl ,;f yn"\). " , "0\ kn)w, " ,"id IItk .., "btJ~ every tim,. 01 al91ed m~ gun at .. duok, . anoUla)' wan oame rllCh' between 'ue" --


TAX COLLECTOR /-, .~1A ~YEARS OLD r-ected to Resign on Account

.-..of . Feebleness -. G' amed strength and Twenty-four

Pound$ by Taking Vinol.

$100 Reward, $100 '['he reudtlr. 01' LQ.IS . paper will he plelN!ed to leu rD ~bll t there Ip at leR"l ODe d ren ded dlSI!IIAtI \hat IIOlenoQ hilS Illt .. n Ilt.. l ~ to oura 10 1111 stltiii I\S . bll(l t·b"t l II! URlarrh . aan's 0 tlirrb Uurlt ill tbe ooly pnld M've o,t ue now known to the mtldloal , fraternity . Uatarrh be Dg 11 oo~stltl}tloDal dl sease, requires a oonetltlltlona\ t.reatment. 81lll's U.tarrh Cure ,1$ takeD InterDlllly ,lI.oLio",dir~tJy upb:'\ tbe blood and muoous lIur(160e8 of ~be sylltem, tberebv destroyiQ~ tbe fouDd ..tlon of the dtReaee, aod givin~ pat.ient nrength by banding up th~ ormst.ltotion lind ,A8slsting nature In doing its work 'I'he proprlet or8 ha VB 80 muoh fllith in its ourative powers thllt tbey offer ODe B DDdred Oollue for any 0'1&6 that It faile '0 ourf:! Send tor lIet of testimonials Address : F. J, OBENl!:Y & CO, 'I!OfedO, O. _ I::iold by all Druggists, 75J. 'I' 1:100I1's Family rills for oonsUpatlon.

Neighborho~.d -- -. . ... The ..: -- - -- - - -~-


.~-- .-......-.-~--

Harveysbu ....

..... ..-.

Beech Grove.

Waynesville Auto &Machinery CO. a c.

.sunday DeC) 13 IWv Walkor wiJI ' Everybody is gettid~ ready for H. M. Sherwood E. Servis preaoh at'tbe M. ohuroh Come Utmstttias with a joyful ~plrit. ou\ and hea.r him. 'I'he tllnmors are just about- doqo Dr. LG-liMly_arrived home ~l:l- puaklo @: llu<l,crlbbiDg ooro. day .rter being a bleut fo~ two Sa,m JE:I)is, our huge hog feeder is wee'·e. . buyiDg Iota of our farmer!s ooro, MillS Osee Antloo Will 're'membered paying 650 per ba by ber friends with a band kerchief !:levernl from thiR l>lflOO fire at 8bowet. Mba \s 10 tbe employ of, tendlnl; the fan oy feather 8h ow in International, rebuilt and guaranteed same as new. ~his tbe Clinton .Telephooe Uo' 1 where DI~vton this week. is especially a. go~ proposition at tbeprice we ~re ofi'enog. she bil l! a good pOlitlOD. Osee hi Miss Compton one of the tea oher 's very popular Bmong her aoquain at BBrv ysburg spent Hu.turdlJY and ,(UIOeol. , !:lundBY with E. ". MaDuon an.d Mr, and Mrs, Albert Merrihew fa!Uily . tl were Lebanoo vlRltora reoon y . J. W. Or swell and wife enterMfgd. by Saunders & MI RS NaUle. EvaPIl ODe of our tllloeCl u jolly orowd uf banters from Co. Rebuilt cbeap. YOUDK h.diae and bavlng been em- {layton 00 Thurt!dl1Y of Ill et wees. ployed In she Queen olty has re, a . C. A.tkins oo I\Dd la 'lIlly Bnd signed her plaoe anll Is now with Rev, Sell aDd fl1mily speot. SundBY bpr /lun' Mrs. lbble Oullett. with Gf'O DIl-vis and family . • M-s . .M~TY Boglln IloDd Mrs. RB. t.Jeorge Edwards hilS finished plalterlng It large new houso near leigh B()gan, of near New Hurling Associated E ngine. GuarCaesar's Creek ~ hl.rksville . Ble qUIlJity ot work it! tOD, spoot We tnesday with Geo. a.nteed same as new. knJwo lar and Dear. Bogan lind fl&mily . Mr and Mre. Joe Dlebro and little lir.aod Mrs. Carl Sbldaker vieited Tbe vir .. O. T. U. met II.t tbe daughser Mary Durthy epent Sun· relatives neaT Dodde SuodliJ'. Friend s ohuroh in Bllrvey~burg 11I!;!t day with M6rton (JurdoDaod family W. W, Weloh, of 'the firm of l'bursrtlloY oDd they wi ll meet the ot near Bllrveyeburg. We loh and Dakin transact.ed bOsl- first TbursdflY to BIlOb month at t be 'Mleses Francee and Olive WlIeon, tI.~ III (1,:1 blltooo rhorRdIiY. same pJllce !lOU ,dl the women are Agents for the Celebrated Ingeco Gasolene a~d Coal Luoile BUlhman, Sarah SaUprtb. iJbrtos the moutli of I::!eptember requested ~o attend. Oil Engines, Automobile and General Maehl;1'ery wltite; Ella Maud Davis . and 'Mre. Shere wlie haoled o~oo our streets AuoU,ooeer W. 1". '¥ illiws fin Glenoa Wlleon "nd daoghter Mary lOO peroh '0 stone to be ornshed Ish ed up bls two days sale of tbe Repairing, Gasolines, Oils and Ac~es~nes . Katbryn were entertalued &t 'be lIoo'd up to this time ~hey.are lying Mike Cotty est.8,ta at Oregonia on bome of Veda and Grana Bnrlev, of ahlnl{ the sl4es Or t;he et,reete and tlata rdHlY and will go the tiref of near New Bnrllngton 8unday~ 'several Ilcoldense have ooourred. t be week to Lexiog~oD, Ky , where Mrs, W. E . Bogan and Mrs Wben Ilre tbey gOlD" to be movlld? be wiH oonduots lat;ge stook sa le of R"lelgb Soltan epent Wednesday at _ We are iooo to bave anotber pool blooded,stook, Mr WIlJlws is ex George Bogan's, 01' Wellman room wbioh If ruo right and Ito Oao peete 1 t,o be gone 1\ week InvitatloD8 ont for the mllr. be d~ne really belpd our town A, .:l. Allen has Improved hie born riage of Mill Eva Ma" Morford to [)uilut 'he rtilny weathtlr om' with '~ :new Jot Iv,mhmd roof . , WAYNESVILLE, Phone 105. Mr Lloyd Denlinger DaVis, 0!l ' stores .re full of loafers milking ~t I Cliff rhkor, of Spring Va Hey was 000 16, 1914. " great dr .. wba<1k ~o tbe mEjrohaot 8 here la (lt wee k 'lInd bought severa l ~~---~-----::_ Mr. Bert Bogan SD80t Sabdsy butllnel!e , Bnd tbe pool room Is In· I bend of oattle. -;;~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!~I!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!! wltb his brother Edgar Boglln aDd tended for the man of leteure 'Will Mono ay lind wife ll"g 8S !! famtly, WIlliam 6berldao's Sallj! was weU tbei r guests last SnodllY I::ltnnford - - • attended and tbe prlcee were faIrly Cooper and foml ly , of Chicago,.J. All Kinds of I Sick Headache good. Thls<9lolniiy is loeiog a fa.m. w . Jas8wasku, Wife aoel daughter r lJy whiob will be mtBfed. ~is9 ,Belen, of DetrOit., and Mr. Siok beadaohe II nearly alway I Mr. and Mrs, II'ranlt Ferry ot near Tillamook, of' Tampll, Fa. , .funeral DirectOr.. caused by disorders of 'be lJ'omlloh, hArB wlll SOOI;1 .mov4\ to Brown MrA Ollie Bogermyer Bnd el ' ster Correot tbem and tbe periodlo at l' ,e ha.e d and Embalmer, tacks or slok headache wtll dIS&p- 0004ty wbere they hln puro e Miss EVil Ellis speut Sunday with pear. Mrl, Jobn Dlebop, of Rose "tarm tbelr Sister illre. ADnie Boover in Waynesville, Ohio • • vll'1e, Ohio, Wfttee: .• A:b()Qt a year Sberman ID1li. was taken ~o tbe (lJ8rk sv ll1~ 1 Su~ssor. to IIgo I WtUI troubled 'wlth Indlgeetlon Miami Valley doept1al Wednel!day, Wm. B. Bln,ine h nd n tioe sbeep Call allSwered promptly day or night and bad elok Ileadllohe that lasted Dec. 2, tor "bd a'lter a killed by hnntl)l's on I:laturday We F. E. SHERWOODI' Both phones in Office and Reefdence. for two or 'hree d.ys a~ a time. I thorough dlagnQtlla t, wos agree\) are Rorrv , to'~~y thlit the 10ll.d weot Long dia~ce,No.14; Bome phone dootored and tried a number of npontobeaOllnoellni.t eworstf,rm tb ewroogwlIY. Over Postotrice, aynesville, O. 14-2r. . . • _ ...._ _--" l'Amediee but .notbiog helped me Mr. El1Is was a lif~ lo,Dg . oltl,zen of Office Phone 77 Houie Pbonel6-8 Chairs and one Coach fumlshed free nntil dorlDg ODe of thoee' IIlot spells our vUhge ao.d ,hie acqulllu,tanoes. A Test for Liver Complaint with funerals. ' B frieDd advl!1ed me t.o bke Oham. rbgre\ hltt condition . M ~ft11 ' U b Ph I II 0 II Beet of eerviCe guaranteed, berJliln 's Ta.ble\s. Tble m edloine , nr. and Mrs William Wright, of enUll Y n apP!- ys ca y, u . ,relieved In. short tt.oe. " For eale WUmloston epent .oo;uDday here with The Liver"slugglab and inactive, by all dealers relaSivee. tint shows I selt io a meotl!l IIta~tt J. W. MILLER, E. BARNHA~T, • -. lire. BPonnah Barlan aDd daagh -unbappy anel orltloa.1./ ... N ever 1s UNIFORMS ter M"y whO' are large r.rmere of there joy io liVing. Ile when the KAISER 'HAS 3,000 tbls vlolnity' have employed David Stomaob and Liver are doing th~il' Notary Public '•• DENTIST... --.Uompton look after their buslnel work .. Keep your Liver aotlve and There ' was" more biUerD8I8" Uiall' for them tIlls wintleI'. aIr Compton healthy by Ul!ill~ Dr, Klog'e New All kinda of Notary Work, PeneloD '()llpeare on tbe 8urface, perbaJl8, In is a ,man 01 wide experienoe on tbe £4fe PiIIls.; they empty the Bowels ~WayDelYllie, 0 Work a Hpeotaity. t.he kaiser '" Intimation to t;he Brl~. farm. freel .v, _tone,ap your titomaoh, onre lab ambaeador that·I ooltor'1l. e would Dever , yoor Constlpatioo and purlf, agaIn wear ' Brliieh lI'ur BraDk Wi180b transaoted buelnees . . '.y the nj) mao lovell oniforms more or pOI In the QaeeD Otty ~~ lri ' :~on~' E2fi~ at ~j'I~~~I~~ ~~l~~eo


2 3

Horse Gasoline Engine

1' HP

Engine ~d


HP Engine


Gasoline Engines and Engine Supplies







InSURlIl1eE A. R. Chandler' Vf




:::e~:rl~T~er ent!:~~~~tk~tm ~~~; v~l~~or!u=!e~"eml

castle there doel! be bold Innumerable 9ffiolal reoently . I offioes In hit! own domInion, eaoh of Levi01 & Bowe were bOll1Deee wbloh reqalrel! a epeeial uniform, lJueeta ali Ol.nolnnatl Wednesday and but he aleC/. holds-or did untH ra- 'l'horsday of laa~ week. ' oen"t)y- honorar1 ranlE in eVt:ry Mr. aDd Mre. Jamee B. Shomaker Eurn.->n army ao j nHVY el!lVD that '" to. i aid ots f F ~oe . [n IllI ble tJniforme to and 100 ..vere • aro ~p n r8 e Q r , h d of our o1ty. • • Cal 3,000, aDd he employs 8 e~ . W. W, Welob ~raoB8o~ bUliDeAS vdle' with " dnl4tD underllbgR lio , _.. _ Th ad tlllle OIire of tbem. Et&ch of tbese In ..........nOD llr ay \ men Is an flXJ)ert l lO mllitary oDi· Mr, ~nd Mn. Bero Oarr are mov: for"" for it ,ill no liltht tllek to ra- ,t nl on James Bhum,.~er • tar~, . member the "coMlorlee In tbe way ' t:J 3veral from bere atteode<1 tbe ' of 8worde, ',ueple'e" helme&e, euhea, dedtcation bt tbe new Bapti~& oburcb lito aDd tbe emperor Iniillt. 00 ao- ,In Wilmington S~day. . Gurlloy tn 'be mlDut-eet detail. . Prof• Wetlt remained to Clur oay , d • - • over tlun IlY. Sick Two Years With Indigestion • • • With Mrs.' McClain's' Experience "Two yeare al(O I Wl,e greatly Croup . benefltted 'hrnlllfh USIDi two or , . 'brAe 'botfoles 0," Ohllmberl&ln'l' 1'ftb, "WheD ~1 boy, RILY, wal!l sma.ll 1 til," wrtt.el MrEi. A. K;Al)er, Elida, be was lubl<!Ot oroup, aDd 1 wae ~and~~!'~r~,itg:k~;~~: ,Oblo. '~ 8etore, taking th~m 1 'wa,~ always lI)arJDed a~_ lauoh "Im.,~, mon::' ' ' .. , elok·for two :rears witb 10dlll6stton. C Chamberla1u '8 Ooog~ keJAedy provo ' Hold by aU-dealers ed far beUer tban any o'ber for I. E.JANNEV,Drugzlst, Waynesville . 'blstrouble. l&alv.ayerelleved.lllm "'" quiokly. I am oeve~ wlthob' ~t In - .,.- - - .. -.-~ - - ~.- - _ .. thE\ boose for ':~now it is " poS\tl ve E555:J1El ,P.'55=:JU:U. _ nih H:JI II:] oure tor croup, 'writes ·.re. W, R. to . 'HoUIIl~n, Blal~8ville, Pa For eale . by all ,• _ •

, CorInth, Mia: -"1 am a cl~ tax collector and leventy-four yean of age. I w~ in a weak, run-down condition 10 that I became exhaUited by every little exert1on. My drugJdat told me about Vlnol~ and 1 take it. In a week J noticed conelderable improvemel)t; I continoed Ita 1lIe and now I have iratned tweJlty pounds 10 weight;, and leel much ' Itronger. I consider vtnola fine tonic to create ItreDgtIi for old people. "-J. A. P,RICE, COrinth; MilL AI' one growe old their orpne act mors Ilowly and le88 elfectually than ID .vOU~1 • clrcoJ!ltion Ie poor, fl;le llIoocl pta Ulm.. thVel nol, appetlte JXlC?r ancodddjlgea.. tioD weaK. our dellci01l8 iver and Iron tonic. iii "the Ideal ItreD2tbeoer and tiody builder for old folks liecaoae it creates a bealthy appetite, .trel!lthene ~.etion, enrieliee the ~looct:improv6l.:..circulat!on and in thja na'tUr&lmanner bull~ up, Itrengthena and InVlgoratel feeble, .~n-dOwn, n~rv> .






. ~prlngboro

... ChristrQas"


Mesre Will f'nd , Earl RoblDeon; of ... Davton, ~te torkey wHh Slielr par ' ente Thunday. , .' . Mr and Mn, Will ~ull, . of ·L,ebanoo. apeDt TD"nkeglvlng witb reJa SiveJi bere. . . I'!'I Messra; oballie and Clyde Penoe &:I were home from ' DeJlI.w .. ra for

• ,1';1



Haw 1/OU- decided on wh~t 1/0U going to .' ••nd that difttant t'.'atiw Of' fri.nd OJ flour.

lor a Chn,tinCJB jw".nt? . , ' We ~ave b.~n thi'!'ki'7l11 that 110.4 ~vo abou~ m~d6 up your mind ~. 8~ tlten"



' •.

• _ •

Mt. Holly , Carl MOIUnney and family and Bert W Clod and fll.mily were Sunday guestll of L. M'. I.i&ephene. D b Mles Clan Ilug tersls very ill at. this wtll~ing. , . Mies <:Ilenn Haley, who haa beeD' . elolr, ie lOOt again. . Halley Giblon Is able to. be oot IIogaio, ' MTB, M. M. Braddock ia QO. the elok U8\. Guy Chenowetb wae a ~ond"y guest at Amos JAokSon's . • _ • Your ' Cold . ' Is Dangerous 'Break It U N . , P- ow \ A Cold "is readily ca.toblng. , A rUD-do'9vo system Ie sosoeptiblE? to Germs You owe It to yourself and t.> o'h~r's of your boollebold to fight; 6erma at onoe. Dr Bell's Pine BODey is fine for Colds and ItloosenstbeMuooDB stope 'be Uougb and " ,.otbee tile Lungs It.'s gUR r"nteed . Only .350. "at your OruggiEit ~. .


'to sell the most remark8ble bargain in the mapzine world thiayear,


EVERlBooy,r-uISPt.lO } $B0TH





.50 -$3.00


~ OO.PenoD

A montbly slary and a Uberal commiulonoD each order. Salarla rull up ~o 1260.00 .per lIloDth .ependiDg on the number of .Id..... This ,.~rk caD be doae in your' Ipue tlme"and need not conftlct "ith your present duties, No . investment or previous experieace necessary. We furnish full equipment free. Write for particlllan to


Women Want~d

The R\deWay company. , 8prlng and MaodOupl8ta., NeW YQfk •


w~ N~


'Stock and, General .

Pas ,t ed on pedigrees and values


kinds ·o f breeding stoCk. " Experienced in baadling farm sales since

, 1905.


Tenus Reuo~ab~'





.:- ISatilfadiOa Oar...teed

Waynesville, :Oblo " Vallcy Telep hone,4S.2r

.~ T~, k:~;~S:~:. Wilhur ~rpenter were o"llilil 00 frtenda lier: ~ lfrtday


eveolng. ~ ~ Dr. Erne,' 'Roenagle, pf ~ondon, iii made, a flyiult .rip hom~ ~ast W tld needayafterpoon, . " '. . ', Mr. and Mrs. 'Il D. Kel/llon aod famdy, of .U t'b anon,,were ~p,riDgbo' 0 Tae,!~ay aventn. lilt ao~ II. e. W. B Belifreld GJ IIpen'Sonda,. witb Mr. 'and Mre M. ' ~ V Orew as Day,'oa. ' II,. iI. V. Jr.w, of DaY~D tla~. _otecl bUln_ bere IIODd_y. , Mr. Olyde MOUDt. traDsaoted b0810e81 ia DaJ*'»D Wed~eedIlY. lEI Wr.rd b.. 'leeD bere'ot 'be I11D.a of Mr. Will .rl1 at W. . . ., 1'1••







~ ~'~---

881Iuth. 00 .....' . . ." to your brother who 11_ fu . . .y from


aho]) Next to 81tIe,,___d".

~::i~;;~~~;~:J 'L___....;,~~~~.:;...;~..,;;.~~.:.,.;,,~..;.......~~....~...~~





Story of an Immlllr.nt Family That Wellt Far",ln; Forty.llx Vear.. AIIO.

Acceptable 'Presen~s for Young and Old and- How They Are Made



Jobn Austin and bls wife. Emma., (6 yoa", ago came to this eountry


8 OMITHIN- GT~I!'I ..;R. . # ~e c..,....o'" U'I .~c.

W OiT.W~ J., LITTL -.. . . . ""'.,.,.""'<"'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."'.,..,...,...,.,......_........,...

..., C.'jlbrated RUlal.n No.... '· lit, T.II, of 'TouChl"g Incld,nt of . Bo~hood Daya. ',J'b& celebrated





j"1..t\.l Tursenlelf, tellB a touohlng Inoldent

THE EU'ROPEAN WAR MAKE!'. from England with their four 80lle and (rom hIs own life. whlc;b awakened In THE QROWING OF WHC:AT EX· settled on ll. 160-a.cre farm ' In the t*U~ 1)I(U: UmUl[ 1 'him sentiments that bave colored all CEPTIONALLV REMU. Rocky mountalns, Austin bad been a PRODUCE UNIFORM PRINTS hll v,'rltlngs. , NERATIVE. cades ure vcry ~ectlvely bordere d In mill worker and be and hlB wUe PRETTY GIFTS MADE , When he was a bo)' of ten, ~ bll OF BROWN LINEN this way_, Sometlmell' narrow shaded sClIu-cely had money enougb to come lHome.Made Device for Uae WIth Artl. father took him out one day bird Onl.' result of the European War hull or flow ered ribbons are joined lIy to tpiB country aull take up , the, 160 fl~ial Llllht Con_lata of Boai'd shooUng: As they tramped acrOBe tile been to reduQe the volume of. busl· m anI! of narrow velvet rlbllons, a G'PT that will be appr elated by _ .Wlth Twel ... e Mark.. a feB which the govlll'nment Ilt that brow'n 'stubble. s goldiln pheasant rOS8 ness done by mnny ,of tlje w~llufac· 'the man or woman w110 t ravel II, haU Inch In width. The edgea or the time was wllllu~ ' to give any settle.r. witb a low wblrr from the ground at t uring In"tltuUon8 at · the Unltelt ' Is an apron of brown linen, rubberized vell'l'l ribbon overlap those of the Of the subllequent Bl\ccesB or thIB ,tam, A convenient home-mad,e printing his teet and wltl1 the joy of a eports· Slates , commerCial e'bterllrlstl8 hav on ooe side, in which to carryall nec· liy Doctor \ylns~lp writes In Farm and dovlce. or IJlstance marker, (or print- man, he raised bls gun and, fired, wild been affected. bualnllsa of maror klDd~ ssary t~Uet artfclei!. The rllbb rlzlng I Flrcslde as follows : ' ~ng photoaraphB by artLficial I1sht eon· wltb excItement., wIlen' tho oreature have l1een hampered. and a fl nanclat maKes the Inside ot lhe apron and Its "Once established and the market 1l18ts of a smooth board on which 12 feU flutterIng at his side. Lite wal has been forced on almollt pockets waterproof. To make it r egardening .cheme on Its teet. Jo~n dl· one·lnch marks are drawn, lUI shown, ebbing fast, but tlHI Instinct of . thl1 overy communitY. It ill nol only , qui res one piece o~ linen 20 inches , writes Harold Davis ot AltooDa, Pa., vlded tJle 160 acres In halves. kept mother was stronger than death it. long and 14 wide for the 81>ron .aud a 80 ocres and gave each of the boys in POllular MechanlCe. A "wall.base selt, and w, th a feeble flutter of her CIiUBe It has brougl\t th,e9~ tbl nlJs le1l«th 17' Incbes f or the pock ts Ilnd 20 aores . . They all worked tho whole Ellectrlc socket Is at~bed ,~)D tbe fi r st wln'gs, 'the mother bird reached the about. and oreated a lot of hard ship. , flaps. There are Uv pock ts . Ou e, but there Iii tbe outBtun'~1 g taet of of It. but lIellt the expenses and ill' nest where her young brood were the terrIble loss -01 life, the ~reat 'de· -4~ Inches deep. cxtendlng across the come trom each lot distinct. hllddled. unconsclo!ls of 'danger. Then, Btructlon ot. prop\lrty, an9 't~le dlarul" aprolt. two tour Inches deep, at tbe ; 'r know Mark AUl!tin well; he III ' wli,h 'such a look of phm.dlng and reo tlon of eVerything near and det\r tc" bottom. At Ul,e top one ot the pocketB one or the eminently prosperouB men proach that his h ellrt BtoOd 'stili at those. whose 'countrle8 I1re Involved In II fi~ Incbes In depth aDd the otber In Idaho. He furnlBhes sugar beets the ruin he had wrougbt (and never the 'll'al', that · malceB the wllole atrnlr four nches. Small I'luita are laid at [or ' eight of the large lactorles alon'g to bls dying day did he forget the each stde ot all tbe pookets except tbe highly rfrt;ettable, '!!lo h ~a~t , of tb a Une of 40Cr miles of railway, raising feeling ot BUIlt, that oame tQ him at entlro long one. This long pocket Is closed world soes out In IIY~l)fltby tomallY of the beets and contracting for that moment), the little brown bead , with a flail fou r Inches wide while the thoso 'w ithin tb'e a~ea or We trouble, the rOOt. He Is a prince among tb& toppled over, "lid only tile ' dead bo\1y others lla ve fl aps from one and oneArrangements ha"~ beet! mli/Je,l to r~ buslnese mell of Idaho. '9t the' mot~er. shlel,ded her nes tllnga. lIeve halt to two Inches wldo, The apron UIO Illstre.sB hy; money aDa other "The other thr,ee boys, Tho mos. WII· , FatJ1 r, fatber!" . he cfled, "what pock~ts and flRpe are bound with I)laB means_, But there III olLe ~r~at tbinS. ' llam and John, are cattle killge In bave I done?" and. he turned his bortape In linen color. 'The ftaps tasten -wheat an d f1eur-tliM 'the European O!OTa<!O, Wyoming and Utah; each la ,tor.str,loken . i~ce to bls' tatl\er. Out wJth enup fastener/!. at the head of n live stock company, not to his 11lther-s eye hBd ll,lt ~ little countries will need. Tb o' heat·pro· , A pretty handkercbl'e ! case Is made countl1es are no 1 nger protwo In th e sheep business-one bad tilI' getty been el:laOt d. and he said: of a 8tralght pi oe of unbleaohed linen 60,000 hend w\len I 'sa.w him In 1913. "Well Clone. 'my Bon ; that WIlS well dlltlng. aud tber,:! Is tho &r:l.V st rea· One ts pr sldeot of the Wopl Orowere' , done ' fot' ~' OUll ftrst ehol. ' You will son to fear that they will not he for sODle yearll. Tn ' thls 'Case. It \ ould be nssoclllUon of the Intermountain re8 00D tie it nne sportsman." gion. • "Never. father; 'n eyer again wm t fully a8 beneficial and cbl,lrttalllo'-to"The business Interests of thoBe delltroy' any ' lIVing ' creature. It that make pro.v,l~lon to ~ee~ thll \0 88 or slltin ribbon and Bre ma~hlne eti\ched , (oqr mIghty men are Interlinked. Ie sport J will have none of It. ..Lire Is E urope's grain crop by enc()uragln~ a made In this way are, thOll~h financially dlstlllCt. They run beautUul to me thlln death, and greatly Jncreased growth 01) 'Ulll! COIlIInent. . , ' andeyea. and the ,their 'YaHt business schemes lUI they since 1 cannot ' ~ l ve life. 1 will not, take Cl)lllCElalllQ by fiat bows'_ ot did their 20 acr es each, when they rhe wbeat-growlng aectlons of til tt_....-Dumb ,AnImals.' Unlti,d . S~tes b!1ve p..bOIlL " r,each . d wlt.ll0ut enda. TIlU the 80 Bcree as thougb It were their limit of production. [lnd this one mllrket garden, but they k~ew the Distahce Marker S!ItRCHLlGHT PLAC,~D ON GUN source cannot be depend d upon to , . for Prl "dIlD.NEW STYLES I.N RIBBON pro1jt'Of each 20 acres. and divided It. meet a great deal 0; the '(Iemll ud tbnl BAllS F<?R THE ·t!QLIDA:VS They sun keep those 4jlgllty acres to· line and the others are numbered ' up. ' et~".::e't'l1tjoalled " Ray Indlcat~a Exact th er e wlll ,' b for Borne years. The . gether and Ilpart. Each of thoBe four to 13. A trl~ test of a negative marka Spot B{.lIbt Will HIt-In. VERY" return of Ohrlstmu brings , en lIall 0 family. anll each has done the dl l!talloe. and time ,o~ exposure, onlY cQ\mtry tb"t I In. a pOOl Ipn JO tended for Uae at Night: wltb It bags made ot beautiful ' by his sone wbat the father- did tor whIch. should, be. recorded on o.e, nega· meet It IB - Canada - that portion rlbbonll, de81gn'ed tor many dltrere.n t him," known as WeBt~1l ~ onlllla. l-l~~'1 tlVl,', . Such, a · devlc;e makes .unlform With<- the recent perfection or. the purpoeea. plrlnts possible and.. provJdlle a ( Dieans eleet;r)c; :.4earllhllght,tOf the pocket varl· ' ~ et;~ .j1r,e J1Illl1Qns .of e,orol of land. ~ 'n ew design In a ' sUpper bog 18 HEROINE of recording ~e on pegatlye.st9rage' IIty, a (srep.t con","nJ,enoe ,)las been c6n. ql,lpable ot p.l'CJduelng ~fOJll 20 (.(f 41) 8bo'IUl t4e picture. It Is made 'ot KN EW REVOLUTION ~u!!h(lI".I)6t' r ac~e. All llhli! li/.,Dd Js eX· ell velopes. " ~flJ;Te!l 01\ 11Jl~lpcl.ln Jl)8.J)y dlreotlon,: Dreclden rlbblln over a pastebOard cel\Jlnt for wJleat •• and, . v,efY ' ml,ch Is ----..:--~---,. :r,~p ~tAl,ll~ , o( thl, ll~vlce Is fUuDdatlol) . An oblong box Ie cut ~e(1noylvanla Woman Stl/l LI ... lng atUl I~ tbe hands 0(1 ,the.r Qemln lon Who, Wae Acquainted WI,,, tho llq'Ve'1lld by, a D,\~nt aranteCl lor (tie O.ov~nmeflt, Rnd ~ ti~ aCliell ,of I call frOJi\ C!81'tUloud. shaped like th\!' caBes ORIGIN OF ' 90lQ,bf,b._tlon at on of tlJe8e ,Ilxbts made for opera gja~s88, but mucb Famolla Molly , PI~che~" be bad by the payment of 1\ ten t\oHn longer. The bottom III lin elllplle "Ix T.trm ICam. t"to U.e. "'any ""eara AIIO' gUll .so mat the weapon mlLY: , be entry C\J8.. ', •• ,,' .. ' ,. anl\ '" hill( tnQhes long ,l\l1d three wlde.' In excellent h4lalth ' In IIplte of ber . Becauae' OOl'lou. Peoplil Tried to L r_-I"""!'~-:""'--"""""-~""!"'''':''' Another 'Vaat 'area" Is tha't, beld b The s ides are five Inches deep. The advanced yenrs, Mrs. Samuel SI\>e. Dllcov,,, Lodge Secre'U: railway kild 'Nllable hind ' comparll')K. Cumberland county'~ oldest resident, • • < ,_ _ beld at from $10 to $25 "e~ acre. Ima personal (rlend of :Molly Pitcher, tlle ' Deub~s you ha ... e ' otten Wondered pro... ed farmll aM sll!;htly bl g~er h~ heroine of Monmouth, has just cele- willy.. a peniCitJ who lIlItens' at- a price. lnformation regarding · tbese brated her one bundred and second hole should be Jca\led an "elin·.,isd:rOIIl' l~dH mil-;\' be had of any Call1lillim birthday, 'according to a Carbondale, ·:\Ie1r.'.' '. ,. , ',.1 . .., , . , Oo'vernmen Agent. (Pa.) dIspatch to the New York Some 200, yellrs ago t/1eJre eXisted 'a' !fhe (alll ~bat O'+Dada olle~s Buch I ." "~'ry strong and Inftuentlal secr~t soTribune. " splendid opvortu:ulty shoufd be IIC\ Her health is goqd, an~ although she ,c,lJ!ty ",hl~h 'l'9uld perPl t J;lp' one not cepted With 11 wid~Bpread apprecla· Is unable to walk she Can heal' <lleady a.. ,JIllllllb/ir ~ blll'r or see., wbllt" tr8Jl( tlon, and no t' met "'~tb ' nttem,1l8 o,! and 'her mlnd ' ie a Inarve! fOr. clever- spired at .\~ nlJleUn,s, I I the 1)aJ1l of. aome to SPl'IIl\d ll)lslend\ng [leSB and , recollecUon. Mrs. Sip" ;'J'he,re ~Qit ba;\te !>een;Just ~ s~tementl!:.. The ~ Domlnlo~ Oovern· 'lorn I,n Switzerland, October 6, J~12, ~urlou8 p~JlI~ ,200 YIlI)J'II 4gll aa ment has not taken s~eDs to deny .and came with hilt parents when only re tPIJ"y J[ we are to ,hll~t",.V , ~an~ . of ," b'e-fal8e 8 ate~e, ta clrcu· six yea /l o( ihJ.lI ~o'l1rit'~r.!J~e+1~~HtteiMrlerd-trHl!1~nir.miY8-:umr.1~' 1~~ed_ bY. t)1oBe 'Y~o e"-fdentlf ~Lr~ morl~ trip was made In. a salltng veasel an~ ,~\~ ~o~er ~~~~ ~th~, ~f~ety Intere8t~ In InjurIng Csnal:la thaD t1.e voyage cOl}sumed 16 weeki., She tn,A~t, . , ; ,,'I , > •• f . .; beneOtlng those who would be ben e. 'I\ve,d In 1'h.llad.e1phia for & time and They kept 00 trying In ap te of freIIted by ~klng \t,p rarms In , Cnnodu. 'came to Carlisi 96 years ago, She' quent ,walil[ngs. lItll "rJ. ' numbel' but 'In order to correct , n highly r ,· rem em he", the, old stage coaches that th ~Jb' " were ' ctUlt;b{" alia ' s ve'r~tY ron'eous fm~re8slob that ' crln~crllltiOll made this ~ stoppmg point on .the Ished In a way that seott made' Iii caP;te;cn m In C.ftilCla, ' thl!l compul. road to Pittsburgh, and also the run eell8's 'pl"O'WIlng ' abou b an'd 11t!'~'''11015 IIOIt)' tlilljtiU'y Beh-Iot: I. ~rolll~qiJ, !lull' nlng, o( t~e fint ·~raln on the CUmbel'- outelde ' balt-opened 'doors anI!' tU'lVU'l!IU I' , Seal'Chllghtv On ' .. Oun. I ' , t~tr tberj!. III restralll; ~s ~o. ~o mov ' land Valley, July of, 1867. wfndows inDocently raised ' t • i 4 t, V • ," ment ,of thOBe bot· Oana-dlulls, tlie nco Her stories 9f Molly Pltche,r. wltb When a man . "Vas causht IIPY , I!"~,, pt . "8t"Jllsllt , ~~,t ,11011 ; readily aa In ""hom IIhe was ~amU\arl IIstenm8 In tbta way.he vi .. sel~tertc43,d \lJl1 ,1\~ "tl1X\~ ~~en Itber,e ,Ia, ,pllUlty of . ceBsltY la felt' of glvlng 1\8 milch pub· Ilolty 'aB posstble ' to ~ 'denial of til e contain maDY '\lnlque In<lldents In . the to be suspended for a tlme Igpt, o/'p,qlpi o~~ th/'l 'gamll or 1I0ur()~ atlitem(ln'tii. • 'I... Ufe of tbls piculla~ heroln'e. ' . e~'ves ,pI a ,j l~'II , dllrlJ!g a b ..rd !It. ,d~gilt, ~hate~er. It- .~a.y , "'~ " storm until t~t\. ?(atllr ,l;a». ~~ {un«l~r. ,An Item to w,blcb epllcl~J exe ptlOh • 1:be,.l.\ght OjL>' '~l1e most lemc~ent bat· Act/vltle.· o(Women. I cci~lar- ,nl\ out over the, }ope ot ) and \amP . that can be IIScure4 III taken a one whloh saya: , ... 'More tban one·fourth of' 'the Work In shoes. ' -That Iii' ~ow llie'jc,~II,1 ' "eaves· p.r.eaent. j ancL " ,th~ comb,l nation la . "They are Bending, them 'away :\s bottom and Philadelphia Is done by wom'en 'dr(lpper' ~ame In b·i!xtB~ence'. . \ • .• '-It' i ~. " " ' . ' i. .. c~b.W PC, maklnlf . a powerfully, con , ri'pldly ' as J,>o8i11~le I' but', the' young a.iid afterward JOIDed. , , O'lter three per cent of \he girls em~~traled, llgp by, ",hich It Is readily' uten are not pet~ltte d ~o I\!;ave' Can· ~ 'the upper portion Is made of a ployed In St. Paul do not live at homll: hpll)sJl,lble~1 to , , a ..weeping lal1rvey ada l , All tWo' citizens ~ /I i,li,?l!Ie Who, StHli~ht , length ot rlb.,on gathered Mrs lda V. Simonton will lead IL at I aur-rollDd1ng". I Once &be pllje,el\ ba~!! talCen up bOp1,esteada ,r I!ubl()ct about t.JIe ,box'... Ih rna In \be picture. trad!ng ~tieciltlon Into the Wlld s 'ot4 ..-r; ,.m . t belns aearcbsd. for 1& located It la;onh' ta militarY. d,uty:' ., Ooor on Top, So .Arranllilct 1;'hat ~hen ht The "econd"" bag shown I. eae,! to Atrica. neceaal')" to pomt tb~ ray ot JIg on ]11 dl~~t reru~tjon, of .thill, :we beg onstruct and lulted to almost any , American women have opened (our, Rat Att.mpta to E.~ Bait It I. a vltat' spot d pull tbe trigger , tor tr~ quote ftom a recent e:dltorl~ In thl' pUJ1l08e. It Ie made by s11tchlng t~ rralltorles Irf Londqn "Where women are Thl'9wn I{\t S"e." 1 "I. ta , h th • . ~. . ' ,': I" t/1T'" Igu,,, ' , ao .se .on t e IUD a~ ~1'les'ter. ,~. Y., 1t1!J'81~: , . i ' eacb ,qe 'O( , 1!!1Iih o[ at~~d or flg- employed In milking garmente (or the ,,' ' bia,Jle~1 wm~paa8 through .ijJe cen"There Is ,no \!!sal. Prtlce/ls ~" ,l"b ICh ured ribbon, a lensth ot plain aatlntrib- Brltlsh 80ldlera. The SelentUle Amerlcan, In de,scrlboUhe, nlrole,of. lIaht. . It fl not liee. ml: an animal ,tTap the" hi.,entlo~ Qf ' ,. Oreat, Britain can cOll,l man 4 l' /thIS!!! bOl\, to form & ' wid!! striWfOt:' m~pg ' ., AmoDg the entire membership of liort Arthur, "'Tell:. 1,.tlI'!sQI'I ' to, Aim: the. ~ I~ the ordln~rr ,Canadian 1j)ldler to" epter the ft~ld In. the bag. The ends of thie Itrlp are the Dau~hter8 of the American .RevO- T. 'A. WUlard 'of • • , ,... ..J r •• -~ ,. tlle .bullet ,or ,ollarge, from 'tVe her 1I1d Olt even In her most needful sewed together with a feUed leam and lutlon there are only 118 classed as wtll. foUo" .the ray Of light.. def()nBe. Great. 'Britain '9t\nnot l 'ega.1ly ' the edges eewed togeth,er It the "r-eal daugh ten." " b " take a / dolllr- ~ of ICanadii.'1l )nOl1ey tor 'tom. A casing aewed within two Inolies ' Both Dowager Queen Alexandria of this or ilD)" othAr ,war wltbout Oan· of the toP. camesthe tiea of Jiar~ow England anel Dowager Empress Marle 'BLlNDMAN'S, ,BUFF IN WINTER' ,I\ClIO..-ta"I ~' • - ~'. <Io(.-w, ,. .... ..,~ "'-' " I" " ada's- cb-dllent. All diU8t1Je'lttveb ,e1 .. /latin r-Jllbun bYI 'which tlte bag III o( Russia have tho same hobb)'-th"t untarily, If It be /~glven at . ~II, ' '\'~ closed and 'BulpllDfied. of photography, . An.M~ t~ Qu ••'ion, Put men and dollars aN '«'V1!ft' 'to'.tlie \l\BIt' " (, ,er'!'-ft1i1k' Be. "'.~e II') UII:gUlaea, The , present states where wom~n , . . " ot ,Canalla's ~'I'{~ ~9dt\ p, 'ju,l o~ It D)~IN'I'V 8~IPPER8 OF vote bave 84 electoral votes. which 18 ~_ ~ V,ol~e , Without ~Ughln.g•. Oreat Brlt~ln bad ' hath' 'pbysica) Slid , " I RIBBON FOR CKRI8TMAS .expected to be a factor in the coming , This game may be played In tbe legal Power 10 ~xaot .oem. tn.deed, presidential election. NOTHER pretty gUt made of hQ,use. veI'y quietly •. ~s Indq~r gani.etI It Is pOBllble · tb~ tbev , dre jlven plain 'rlbbc)n III, ';plctv.-ed In the u~uallY • are. "''I'be "Queeser" standa ~ore' fl'"ely III fhla .ay. fo,: .wbat ~ Re ...lllo" for tho Better. I r ot boudoir' slippers. These are In the 'Clent.n- of th 'room, bl1ndroldetf. maD glvel ,. I!,ec,,~~ ~e· \Vsnta , tb clve. Who, with Liege In fresh ~emol'1, made all elses and colors and are Around him t'be other playen are la likely to be gt'eater t~li.n W ' t he " IJaL:n[1lrol~l'Ilate for all the feminine menlo and Quatre 'Bras In recent , hlStory,( , \ ' grduped. · The "Blind man," or "Guess- glvell under force. bers of the family from grandma down doe,S not wish th~a certqln ' P.4lg~ , of ." All-In all It 18',a nobl~ plcfi.ure 9~ and combination colo"" that bas er," points In lonie direction 'and tb.e "Vanity Fair" had not been written'? to the baby. ' Ribbon, about t"l\'O and ~thoulJllt.:out. ' player , he" chab!)ell polni' at 'com4ls devoUoh , to ' her motherland whll1b It must be owned tllat Thackeray bad A girdle ot wide plaid ribbon, fin- one-half Inches ,wlde Is neeGed to make ~ contempt fol' little etate's ; a small ~p In front of ., him . H;e aliks tbl'ee Canada" oJreH.: t.b ·,tbe gate o~ h4{t ' ad· IShed with a eprlghtly t'bO\v of -tJ.;!d ~~m. It Is s~~rd' to ~nsqtAl QfrlllBtluir German prlnclpaltty : waB to , him abunflllvtolls nelsl\bom" questionl" anything he , pleaS'll, ~Qeh: miring with 'e iderdown on one sid., (or Quilted lOops a.nd two enda, Js shown In the , hivl~~bn to;; ,!JL.unigratlon at "How mucb ~o you weigh 1'! "HoW surd because It, wu amall; and the J)leture. It makes ,; .Cllrlstmat! g1rt , to' al~ wllo lj.I'e w~JIInc to co , taU ' are ' yon !" '1 ot" \ "Have 1011 ,blti& Belglane, moreover, were small, ' alsO, tha ..wtJI , delight 81'8ry .womaD who. , , l eyeB ?', ' T/le ,Pne a~dressed qa~et an- ~n t<t tbe (af?!1l.' ' ., ' In 8~a.tl1re, An~ thus be, giNlng a 1I:1g.d likes to keep abreast with the mode. SUDeJllnte~den 0'( Immlrrat Iwer as correctly aa possible, or else of kltciten view of ' the battle iJe(ore The ;girdle portion ia boned to lipread , '~~taV(a, Ca!t"da" ' Bay .11 do not· 1tiJ.ow,'· but mUllt dl•• Waterloo: mllkes thlJ Belgilln soldiers the ribbon and" h\Jld' it In place w~tlI- ' , ' Ad.ertl'~(!Ut pUle ' his ' votce, mailing It high. low, , , fty borne to BrU88ela rroin the gunl df ....,...:.......~;;:...,-..;;:.......:.. out phll, The tiO",_ls .aJmpIY.,tled..aud IqueaN. of, he may, !Wliwer Ina ""bl.. Quatru Braa. to bA comfQrted by ~, may be untied ,a nd tbe length wrapped 4• i!...,.'~ wJrei' 1 1I1ls:. Q lint, ~r .tudeJ!. ' He ' m ay 'us I cook!!. The her-bea of this yes,r ba...e about the ftaure If preferred. " any he tllinke ot to deceive the ! ' J.oul~e .Randolpb Imll,nldr' ec;J(lIrtn!l to forgive an .'lllngllsh aUlbor (or pr~ . A &aIIh ' o( dotted saUn rlbllon, this tale told of her the ~thltl' lillY' k'llB11I~dIlPlitl'l ae to ble, identity . sentlng them as the Clowe,ida of 'a h,1iIld8IJ~ed for a party .gown.. me,y She :was' In /Jer IIrellslnl I'OOl8 prep1ay~r belog questfone4 'must. dred years ago, be Illed a m~el t1or milking up anJ "\)n" ~hell the ~ boy cI1qt laUlb:~ bQ.wever, be h.avs' 'patinJ to of the loft fanc)' rlbbOlls, sul~ed to Ul\1U8!il~·1 to pay fl)~t. 1'he ''Oues~r'' alay RnnolluoH .that ,.Le w.. ~.nlflc1 tI~· Raman Emperor's Birthplace. drel'y wear. I ):!N~18J ~ bQoD JbouJ; j • "~h. Tn .~~, be ,'I!IIl, PJ!!)bably'l do ,telellhQ.i1~ ' . ' NIBh, whloh Is JUlit now lbe aeat of foul' or live In<lbea wide, ot wHltb Il 'c~n't r<fnow, , Ibe, repllod~ ~take 10' In order- to trY to ~like the other the Be'rvlaB ' king, ball" prevloualy bad three len~th8 are sewed together to • player follow bta eumple &lid ' ..,. • the' IDee. . . . 1 ., , a plaGe In bllltOry,. ~t" *ae' there Wt form tbe ,ltCUe, Tbls Is boMd at the iT~e) ~" . l.lItlirDed shortly, 111••'11 rott .. t. ,', COI:\i1tant1{1e the ~,eat. the '(oUDIle!' of .1 iP.d bf.ok to hold it in pll;lce Ii!ld embarr..-. ' CcnSta.ntlnople ' and tbe protec~or of [altened In the back wltb hoob and "You had better come, lll.' a.n. Too -Muoh fo,. Ma",ma. eyea. ever the ' f8Bten~ng a ftat bow ot satin), Tbese eolel ar,_ bought rtloodJ Cbrlat.iaps, wa. ,?orn some elateen cen'I " ' . d."Pt.r, 'Mothe.-.Wb-,'. the _~ter 1Yltll dolpb," be ...~tll turies a,o, and there It w.., &lao, three loope and one end III placed made and cost very little. ' sbe ·. . . . tp , )'Ou fa. till CIVet lOU' 'eli. ~"I4ft . with 11le kIo})I .lYlna lelUltbwlle OD tbe ' In sewing the rlbboD to tlIe 801M 1t abQll~ a hundred ,ean later, \bat V .... Jboaei"A"Q It. 'lihdid Toniiali-'l'bat ),07 aat door 8trGal Illite. ' Is fulled IIlIghtly acr.oSI the "to@ &l1~ eDtlnlan. I dl"ldedli-~~~!!!I!~~IIW~-.uI"',,1IIl~IiIa.tkllI dI~iH4a.;1 ~itb 'DIs rother, Nltlh .... Nanvtf rij)~n. are sewed tOJ01ber joined' in a telled leam In tbe b~all &oJ ..... ' le . _~. a ... AboWl the JI881 Jt ta aatJIlftl! on .U tileD. ' called NUllUI. allli It . . . tbe lIIad.rat. width are bordered " ' , • elaeUc cord 'to bql.d the .1I.p;er ~Jta1 of e ..e Part ot tbe Pl'OYlDce' of -11'40~"" *...I1I!bon~ from an Inch t , place. A little Cullne.. I. ratl\eted tD· II.....bleb .. DOW .ade U, S..... . ' tft IDda. ~e. TIle ftowere4 •• t the De wlio", three lmall rDMtt.ii tA' )JUlia-ai, ud brlllaU1 colortld bJ'Oo »toylde- a ftDliblq toua ·u~'A<...l.:1 . ""' I n "" KI * U : U, , I.;;r,r.a;;;o; ,'

'I" ,Am "" ~' I "'''~'M . " ,-"-,,,,~. '''' i 1"", I 'I" "in ".,."....,,~










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By VICTOR REDCl.lFFE, (Cop yr~hrm..

by w. O. Chu.pmsll-l annouaced John Ritchie ~oomlly, as he enterBd the humble borne kitchen and tbrew h:m· self Into a chnlr with an abandon that !!vldenced sp:0lI,g emotion. Hla pa'U8Dt·faced wite looked up auxlously, their pretty da.l lght6r, In", with Quick eagerness. Both Ime" .".~t he referred to, but IIlIenUi walted tor him to explaltr. _ "Tbe lawyer filed tb/'! wi11 In court today," proceeded Ur. Ritchie. jOlt leaves ever.ytbiug to Blanche Morton." Mrs. Ritchie grew a t rifle white about the lips, the hopeful gleam died out of her raded eyes. lna's face qulv· ered. She was not avaricious, 1>ut hod to'contess secretly to a. severe dis, appointment. She left tlte kltche». p88Bed out inlo th~ garden, chose a I1hnded corner and sat down and cried., "Hard I)' right. Is It, NancY?" submit· ted Mr. IUlchie to his wire. "ft'll hard, Joho, IUld unjuBt," resl)Onded bill helpmeet wltb gulp, bitterly, "My own brother, too! -; see It all now , My dead sister'. folka bave been courting (avor with Uncle "llalpb tor over a year 'tn the IntereBts ?f Blanclle. or course, she', my ruece, but we know that she Is selfish and soheQllns_ They tell me tb"t Bhe and her fnther Just had Brother Ralph U!:l' der their l1lumb for the lut yeat. ~ don't doubt they nolscined bla min' against U8 and Ina. Poor Ina! " an' }.frs. RitclllR wlpea ... tear trom her eye with tbE: cor~er of her "'. pron 3114 resumed . hor drudgery talks ~ltb " hopeless nigh ()f lesolatlon. It Wat;, indeed, hard ior t bo Ritchie.,. 1'hlngs ;.tall ' gone wrong with· .iobl1· RUchle for ~e 1.>as~ year 1r two, 6n~ be wall ;l,elpentely In jebt. There w.. an 014 mortgage !lD the IItUe bome, ' tlaid. by Uncle RalDh~ They bad ·Ioped. .l.t. tbe least, tllat he would remit this. It leem~ not, ~owever. larythll;lg bad gQne to BIanchI!. mort·




mantled , Blapcb. wall belling oft e'f' erytblnr, ' She o~ered Ina some ot the old reilci of' I.he famlly. In lears lOll .electea only a fram ed, faded pic.. ture ot her dead uncle, whlcb bung III the room where be bad died, A montb weut by. Blancbe waa 'u rging tbe dOlling up of the estat.e 31 speedily liS posBlble. One day Mr. Rltcble come bome with a serious, worried tace. "There are scme pretty beartless neopld In tbe world," he remarked, de- , jecledlr, / ' "What now ?" questioned his wife. u~ianche. Wbat do you tillnk? Her lawyer Ilotlfied me today tbat we mllst , pay up the mortgage on the place h ere, ' now owned by lIer." A dull bloVl tell upon all the bearts wlthln the room , It had m eant pov· erty before. It was sheer destitution now. The selfish varlee of Dlanche was apparent. The famlly decided to m~e t(' anoth er to,vn. Then came a vast Burp/lse There ca1nc by rpall one day a w"olk la\er a package, It conlolned the mort~:l8e, tile notes and a release deed. The dear old bornestead was free of debt! "Blancbe has relcntel\!" cried Mrs. Ritchie joyfully. "No," dilisented her husband. " 'I nave learned poslLlvely that Dlanche had no hand 10 tbls' blessed deed, It is BOrne benefactor friend who dces not wish bls name known," but the next day ,he foun ~: out who It WRSlUbert Telford. Wblit did It melln? Should Ina feel bumlliated, or gladT She cOllld not ..lnalyze tbe situation, ye' slle felt It needed an 3xplana,t1on. Dh" went to tho T elford home It was to learn that Alber ~ bad gonl; to the. city to till • ne,,' ~ II" better p08!tlon. "Oh, my lear, sud his mother. " don' ~ you "ndersland? It was love pro,mpted blm to give all bs had ,O~· y ur sake," Tben It was not the ,rlph B1aDche, but t be ' poor Ina whom h e lov(,d! at could Ina do but feel happy! And then a lIecond wonderful thing came to light-unheard or, extraordl· nary. In cleaning tbe old picture of her uncle. Ina 'noUced a slleet of paper' folded In Its back, She In-

coW's HOMR""; ' O~F-S~-C-I,'A-~-IM..;I..... )OR-T-AN-C-E-"1 CALL v~



There was the latest. "l'1II ~ Uncle Ralpb. PracV.cally a prisoner at BI.nebe and ber friends, be had lIelzed a favored .moment to make this latter . will, ju.t before ile died, It had been witnessed Becretly by two old sen· anti. wbom Blanche had later dl. char,ed. There wae a great commotion In the town w)len tbe new. came out. . In thame and cbagrln Blanche Morlon disappeared, meallly taking wltb bel' wbat, Qloney she h8.d been able at: re,ady: to secure from tbe elltate. • "Come bome," ran & tele«ram l to Albert I.u' the >cJty, .anll It ,wae · Blgnee'. . by Ina. "J have sent for yo .. to relllrn thtl money you 80 nobly kave to DB." aho ~IcJ hUn. '.'Your mother mlsse.t YOIi and-and-" "'You: too, 'II'ant me to , Ita.y?" Inqllired' Albert softly. . ) And' her blushes, her Qulvertn'g Ups, her IU"dent grateful eyes an.wered him lovln8ly.

Life ",..arver Invented by a Gar",an Enabl .. Peraon to Remain Afloat For Day..

-'f_;I _ -UUL-"WU.,)'.._''''''~ "" D of the book of

FIrat Prize 8horthorR lIull, The direct lnfluel'lce of what the' cow hair allowpd to fall Into tbe pail. aate ,and drhiks ca nnot be too strong· The mall who luk s!:! ihe most pride Iy Imllre seu upon t ile minds of feed· In hill own dairy Is rarely as well era,. • , pleased with cows he buys 08 with One 'of th great4'lIt mistakes dairy- those or his own ralHlng. !nell mal!e, Is, Guppos lng they can wlnCO\"S should nevor b· allowed to tor tbelr cattle on poor' fodder, and get illto low condilion before til yare have Ulem pick up aud mille as du e to drop th_~lr cllives, Notbln l,; Is well a8 ever when turned out to pas- better established In a ll dairying exlura ill th e spring. perlence tban thal It is ullwise to 'rbe CO\V'S udde r Is of spoclal Impor- ha ve the cows In poor condition at tonce. It should be large and Its skin calving tim e. thi ll. The cow's digestive organa There Is no point more worthy at 8hou ld be strong and energellc to our careful all .nUon than tbat of slv· make on abundance of good blood. Ing the young calves II good start In which In turn, stimulates lhe action lite. Tb ey mu s l have good mllk for of the nervous system and furnishes the first rew days. the milk with tbe m ~llns of large Whatever La given. to owe to eat, produ~tlon, . never nl>,glect to give tbe m pure air It Is impraotioable to establish any to breathe. clean water to drink and <;Ylltem of feeding, whereby ea,ch cow ' c1eap beds to IIl e down all. \\'Ill receive the sarno amount ot feed. Money expend<\d III making th e COW3 The capacity of each cow must govern comfortable will brlng muilifoid rethe amount of nourishment s he reo turns to the dairyman's pocket, celv6ll, Ventllntlon can DOt be neglected to A good' milker Invariably Is a quick any ~xtent without Injuring the Qual· ity ot tile milk' produced. and end anmilker. . More regulal'lty can be practiced gjlrlng the bealtb of the herd and where the cows are milked In the thoso, who care for them. . barn thall when tbey are mllkell In It may be set dowlI aB an )ndlslluthl;! yar!l.l, , table fact. that an udder wblcb is In In the procesl of milking. the, teats an unhealthy condilion cannot secrete sbollid , be kept clean, and no dirt or pure milk. ... '" . .... ........... ~ 44 * * *4* * .......__~_~_..._~_ _ 4_......,_"'_...._. . . .__~__..

orten cast o1t some member oUhe fam· Ily who has been wllyward, and tn ,the spirit of Cain, soy. "Am I my broth· ' er's' keeper?" God's . answer Is that we are; \bat whether we accept It or Animats Will 00 More Hard Work When Left to Run About Farm nol, tbe resllonslbUlty BUll rests upon our shoulder8, . -thaI) Big Draft .Horses and Fowls Are Nuisance and Not Dul responslblllty reaches furtJter Much Less, ' Keeping All. than that Immediate family. It rests upon us in SOIllO way or other wltb r egnrd to our friends and acquaintances; Tkhse, mule is Dot sucb a fool as he How many farmers that have good ~' ilh regariJ to tbose with whom we 100 sized farms ha ve eve r given a thought I tl th "Ith " The South has ,been .~ved ~Ince tbe ' have business re a ons; e mep ...... to devoting Ilome at their time to n v.'hom we work. tbe men with 'whom war by tbe mule _a~n~d~~h~ls~~d~ar~lt~·y~~~To~'cl~n~d~m~~~~~~w~ h~er~e~I\i-n. travel; our most casual acquaint. driver. For farm wor" the medium slz.e d ancea. "Wb e re Is thy brother?" R" many farm!! tbe Idea Is' th~t paul· Whe"e Is he morally and sJ1lrl~uBlly, mUle Is bellt For heavy teaming, an· try sbould be Il eft "to the WOmen" as. so ta.: as the Influence whlcb ypu b.&ve Imals slandlng from rourteen and one- there Is not eno,u gh profit In It for tho exercleed over him 80e8? To have half to fifteen bands will dd ' more meo to worry nbout. The only reason lauglled at th evil or profane joke; work than a team ot heavy , draft that any poultry Is kept on such farms to have 8po~en t be foolish or the horses, and ellt lea.. Is to stiPply eggs a'n d an occasional angry word-to say oothlng of rar Jt takes big boned marea to breed fowl' for tbe tDLble. it Is natural tbnt \Dare grievous I!tumbllng bl, ks r~b,n large mUlel. It they are to' run'· aU over tl\e thue-must bave had Influence Oler No work animal will recuperate place tbey will certainly he ,a nuisance otherl/. Ood has givfn us marveloul! more quickly from the eftectl of abuse and actually pot 'wortb keeping at al\. f'Pporturil tles 10 life ,o t hoi pIng. oth','rB or hard work than' a mUle, However t~ls would be tl'ue Or anJto resl"t tomptatlon, a~d to stand It COBtS about one-third as much t.o the other stool!; on the farm, If It Orm! How.1bave these opportunltler k I h d " , , , eep a mu e 8 a as III .. ora... not lookod after In tho rl"ht. manner. beel.1 .sed~. Ha'ye t"'ey bee en used At ... I h - , "h .. U moost mu es ave mora orse You ' dOD 't see uny,one who has a o.ll! "Where Is tby. brother?" The .ense'· ooe. The BITI fthan .. lIorae. h . I I' d flpe Hock or w.!J\·bred' cbfckens wbo I. Q'ue.tlon \. a searchln. D ~e armer w 0 mil ea nslea not proud ot them and ready to ar''''e ble has a .rea' deal to say about tn· f h III t I} t halr 0 oreee w savo a eas onetbat they ·are EI' source or profi t. Wh~' "uence concem.t cg v.'hlch we talk 80 - much, and , amount t 0 l ee d tbat, h orsel reo sbouldn't they be! If a farm er were a~'bl'ch wo practice so little. , quire. to give hls ,flock the same kind ot' care Some heathen pe.ople 8eem to bave a A' sound, clean·llmbed. well set he gives to his fio e herd of cattle greAter r.ea\lzatlon ot ' llS ' power, In mule team will , bring from Gazette years ago the "'ov· ' .. , farm, It Ia only reaKonable to bellevo ot one or the central provinces ',«00 N aththree years. ' . orl ern far:mers can make money ,tbat the resu)ts would be satisfactory. of China reported In regllrd to a case by ralTbSln ll mule8 for thme BO,utbern mar· It thls" were' d4~ne, Inslead of thinking 'Or parrlcld'e': ibat he bad the housel \teL e greateBt dl cu ty Is to get of the nOCK lIS a nuisance ior not of all tile neighbors pulled down ,ood jacks In the 'north: ' ·1iln kln'" of It at all), he would fln'd on lhe ground that they had ,tailed A team of mu Ies ,WOl'k e d' stea 411 y ' " as '"lDucli I)roflt can, b e made tram In their duty to exert, a 800d moral In· ! or s ix t een years on an ' 1111110 Is t arl!J the poultry as from anv oth er part , of lIuence on tbe criminal. and was th en 80 Id to ·gq Into a coaI the farm . '" ' All Evil Llvea 06 Harm.

E , at







Teltord ealled & the "med OUlta.¥e Hernricb, and .he ' IUtc\1:l.o, bOIDE:; ai -waa bls wont. 1;1. d8OlaN& ~t It. w1li deprt.e IIhlpwr~k w ';'~rt«lU8 at u~UaI, but IDa 11 11 ~nci8d' there wu a new 8ubdUod air of a Ita tenvra In a c .....,.m.tll:nC88. aIIOut blaiL s'h'e learned that he a~ , -ted her COIl.ln, Blanohe. Telford ·Canl ........oIty. l....... __ h r ....em-rllabll IDltanoe or 'c. anlDe eao lie a,tu...,.-e e. She could , A .. ~t "~m tilm. No word oUove ha!l raolty II re~te4 at NeeatoD. ~e putMId between them. She wondered owne1' of the dOl tpOm8 little tim, Iince .,. ID bls, pnero"..hearted wa." be antvec6 at NUneat()D from Taunton. ID . . . 110& maldn. an dort to break . BoB ' I~bat.m~~d·b~! ~ doJ'fal~ tb• .r~aeo b1en4lhlp IJ'ILcefullJ. " • ... uae _.... tIIla lI!eard peat DIW' of bv for- wtpi hIm. ,The dftoaner hilU'l'lved hI,! tiUlate CICJUIIt... the belr8!18. Blallcb, mined the d., anil dlltJllnt IDqulrlea '-d :RIIIrteI!l' Iftt to mate !l ,nat failed to cllllCOftll.' aa~,bl ~l»out Ui@ ".. arranrtul to uaSmaI'. "herubouta. , .~ a Co...• =:':::II~:rt; ,rblcb Ibe biller- Illlht attel\Wlt'd NC8lvec.. 11111,.·_ " , talklaC' or bulldbla "'~_"lJI" from T~toD lb. weeIl






•• bl4 8llteM «*

01' 80



II You cannot .r~ FaHmo Cllla,.tttte.r ~nu,. deal,.,.. til"' ..,1/1 I.e plea.ted to .ten 1I0U 'h,. e,~ · (>(''''411 ..., p03h>ald on receipt 01 500. Ildd,.eu Fatima Depl .. lll fi'lb A.... NewYork,N.Y.

_5 be. .




Will Jumping

flJah.... ' m. '. .



Brought Joy to the Heart of

Artillery Captain.

\ With n ringing cheer the enemy ad· vanced to attack tho Intrenchments. , "Fire!" lIoar8e1y shouted tile artll· lery captalu, and the roar of the guns re~l>pndl::d, but without checking tl1e steady ad'Vanc or tbe enemy. OM piece remained ~ndlschal'ge(t "Why don't you fire?" demauded tbe captal... "I- I don 't ltnow If' It's h;mdoll," reo spoudec1 \h gunner. ' A gleam or JOY' lit 'up the alar n featura!! of tlte commander. "Then victory Is ours!" be shonted. "Fire It and let's On<\ out!" 'fhe discharge mowed down the ad· vllnclng olumn and the assault was repelled . 'Twos ver tlIUS . Safe Either Way. farmer In a cyclone dls(rlct wus bullclln&, a superb stan wall, H was bulldlug th wall stanoh und Bolld, live fee B I'OSII t he bMe and four fe el high , A strang r stopped hIs horse and suld to the farmer ; "You 're taklng a IOl or trollhle with that wall." "You bet:' t he" turnlor , auaw red , "I'm putting h er here to stuy." "What's tht' good of tha.t?" alleel'ed the strullge r, .,A cyclo~e'\l COUI alonK and she'll blow over Just tbe !!I!me." "Wfc'll , lel b er." said ' th furUle r , "She'll be a fOot higher If aho doe".""':" M Inllea polls .1011rn,!-l, A

JUlt 'Mot"er'e Way. Robblq (from tbe deptl\s of a bed· time o uddle)-~l other. you 'llIllmber you told me today thllt no aU f! could ' pOBRlbly loye dirty, nolsy little bOY8·1 Mother-- Yes. dear, Wbat ahout It? Hol.Jill e-;.Then what fOI' I1rt! you huggin' me so tlght ?- Judge ,

q-.. ,



DU,St. evcrywbCTO. U tunr "cQ.l~r t!onnot. 6Upply, "0 .. 111111"0 11 u l&b: t.1oa. 111 USLl"DtOd fuldDroD request.

I .. I~, WATKHlllAlrCOMP4NY . 78 Brolld""a, N ..... l'ork



I eel'"


The Easleat Way, Fifth A venlle Pedestrian-Which t.

the quickest way to tilli 'morgue.' o~cer? ,I '1'ramc COp- Jllst tbe

Cain'B answer, ':Am I my brother's keeper?" was Insolence defylog tb. Ahillghty. In the same spirit mer often urge tbe Innoce~ce of their coQ. duct, that they have never done any. one any harm. It la tbe olli lexcuse wbich Is used by careless and wicked Some PraiDtt ca, Sugges ' t'IOnS, peopls lo lIalve their conscience., But Which, If ~[:arefully Followed, ean It be said of' even the best 01 us, that we have nev er "harmed anyone Will . , Pro \, Advantag eOUs. lay word or deed or example? Often do we hea,r It- said 01 a careless and Vlant to make somo 8uggeetlon8 ungodly Ufe, "He never barmed any· for tbe hired man to follow. , 'Tltey one but himself; he was hla .own bave helped me and lDay help oUlers worat enem,:' What a fallacy tbat Who have to- do with pourtry, II. No man 'can barm blmsell without Be on time. harming otheril; ,no man can lead a Foil ow 'b ' I hou t h eIpIng to s,Prea d I e ml\llter's d or ef!!. dllllolute life w~t Feed the ' stocl. at, regularly aft. t h e pIague a f ev II , Il Is the' old ell. . . .pointed hours. cUle at Cain, "A,m 1 my brother's.keep, Keep the prc~mil!es clean, 'and do , not er?" The SPIrit hf c~lo etlll U·vell., and «!all got, If It giYBlf, aatlll~~'I~n, el19u1d allo~ tbe ma,n ure to ' collect. tn the the blood ' ot many <I, ruined i1fe ..cr1el ' be tht' one we should -buUIJ· There Is houses. , ' . out for judce, The 8pl~t Is In 8T .,., no IIIa09 for ~be ml~.. to hide, even, Be watchful., DoUn~ when fowls Rre man wbp refusel! to accept the reBpon· should t~ey get' on tMile' ~rchC\s. The oft their ree dl, and when ther1! Bf!! ~mlY for"bis brother which Ood ti .. perch eB are made or lIxl-lncb IItU1'\' oC droolPlness. liId upon him. ~It~ one edg!! TOq,nded.; ~e pIece. thut Make reptai1'8 the moment YOIl see There II a ·specla·1 . relPo!1slblUty f ~' ,o rm" t ...e 1J1IPport f'"vr , t b e perenes are thl!Y lire need~ld, and do no~ wult until uP';JD tb~ Christian, The q>ues t ton, , of tbe same m~tel'jal &If the perohes, tbe baSil teUa you about the matter. Where Is thy brQtherT comes to those :lIsa (bat of the legs. 'WhiClh are one Be' as care(llil ' ('n tbe care ot the follow' Chrlat wltb a .~ecIRI mean· foot long, w.blcl\ ma)e8 th~ peJ'()ties \8 Iltoqk aa thour,h It ,w ere your own, and Ing and ,emphallla, He Who died on Inchet frOm tb~ . ftoo~. aualclently high tbat your U\'I'ng depended upon your t he Croll 18 our Brother, and he died for convenience "n4' not BO high that. re/llllts; , to estaJJlIsb brotherhood among ID,en. wheil the fowllUump ,t rom them , Fle regul"r all 'Tour dutlel\, open. We are boullbt by' hi' tJlood, and', we ~111 bt\J\se th~lr r~t. r.aUIlnl( l'b,1 Ihg ' tbe In the morning and h&Ye IU)cep~ed hi. command to 10VA ,oot," broken fliP or brea.t boDe, The cl08lnl!l night at regularly apo one another. He came to aeek and to 10ga Ibo~1I ftt .tbe caM IOOl8lf. so that I , DlI,ln...n saTe tbe Iolt, and be was our exam-" In tbem ,to f4,Cl1Itate dean· the poultf7, n~ver . pie. .Thoma&. Kemple ",,"ot," lhe beau. 'lag ' • •ill wOI to ,boeome scared, ; tiM deyoU01l&I boOk, "The IlI1lta~ Dot lhauld that YOll 81'lt of OhrI8t," but the Ilr-ltatlon c.r OJ»1lt will lOOn abo" enura I, after aU DOt. 10 milch ba 1HD1lU' 01 nte. or ID lpeeob, or·1a Ylltl au4 VIIQ\ ..,falI}> J8J1c..s WIll --.IN ,,~to out , . , .



most popular, mild Turkisbblend cigarette, now /imoked almost ,universally in this country! "Dl3llnctitJeiylndltJiJuaL"




(Jenesls stl11 keen , their hold on hu· man life. Many difficult nnd puzzling tjues~tpns are brougllt . to Ol\r notice concerning them. but In BII\lo of all QlIestions theBe early narratives COIItaln spiritua l truths whlcb are descriptive · ot Inao's lIcrpeluaJ experi. ence Much In th ' pages lDay perplex li S, but their pictures nover iade frnm slgbt, nor lose t.hfllr meaning for nur <'on8cle1lces. There Is the garden. and tbe first man Into whom ,Ood breathed a living Boul: then tht" man's life rlchened and deepened by tbe woman at his slcJe: Ilten t.he cnt\lstrophe of the fall, and the expuls ion from the garden, and tbe ang~1 Of Ood standing with a flam· Ing sword at his gate. Then came tho first children, the boys, I;rGwlng up eVl'n as boys do now, with dll!erent character!! and following dlrterent occupations" Then ilke a thunderbalt comes hatred alld murder, and tilere Is the dreadful fors aken plain ·whe re "ne brother li es dead. and the otber wand ers far with tbe Irrevocable deed bUl'nlng on hl B SOUl, answering Ihe valee of God wltb tho passionate rejection ot responsibility, "Am 1 my brotber's keeper?" God's question, "Where Is Abel, thy brotber'," suggest s that every man is r esponsible for his brother man: This Is not God's first question. The first was tna t persolll\! Inquiry wblch the Holy Slllrlt, stl1l brings home to every heart convicted of sin. to every mlln who desires to hide blmsel! t ram God, "Where art. thou?" But the Hecond QUGs· tlon Is, "Wher e Is tby brotber?" How wide. or how narrow Is tllat question 1 May Not Shirk Rea~nslblli:/' The fllmUy Is the ' dh'luely establIsbed \jnlt ot human society, and It Is our Ideal of love aDd servtce, and yet 1 have heard people dis· claim all resllonstblllf.,y tor members of tholr Immediate family, Parente ott n shlfk tbelr responslblllt.y fOI ~ fllr ch\lclTen on the groll'nd tllat the) are powerless to control tbem" . lind many a Kon has allowed aged par' ents to Bulter privation. denying aU reRponslblllt those w)1o cared for hll.\ ChildhoOd', for Brothers and sisters


She Inl~ted It. IIIIcI all . . Knowlnr the wa,.. "nd Hundre4& of IMentions tor the pres· worUt o~ lIIAt self-cen~ered younc lal,ly, ,,",atloD or life In dUe of ablpwreck 1Iti'. lWchfo doubted It abe would' hcnr mach. mo..c" ' . haye" receptly been tested, but what He Clime UlIOD. Ina a. be &~lled 8eema to be the aalelt la a 8ult whlcb , takes the tOl'm or a eomblnaUon of about tile "arden. She was not aware .. We-belt and lult made or watertight hIiI near presenoe, and he IO~" . canvas, which .envel.opa the. whole pel'Ifole, ba(lk to the house, hll tace mora aa\lclened thall ever. IOn. The suit has .leeves 'entllni In "Nanoy," be' Billd to bll , wife, "I slovu, and tbere II a. port·hole In the C- _ ~<t ,eri! to ~'be. more ceDtl~ ' 'W,lth head. .v "'bleh can be cloaed WbllQ the ~ Is rouCh. Wben tbla pon,. Ina than over. , She'. Qut III the PI" ",ei·"er " ~ . den ' out her heart. Poor ,c"'1I4,1 bql\'! la cloaild. air entera thl'o1l8h a You k~o'w' what that meUlI,"" tube abOve t~e' bead, thlt tube being "Dlaappotntment about the tort1ine, 80 conBtl'\lcted that no water can en· , ,, ' ter. I -,e ,'''pose,'' obaened Mrs., .~te , ble, .... Fu'rru.iled with tbb device, I Is dread.;,. "She had a to eXpect 'I ... claimed that a passenger might '. be . aom~tbhlg. and we certalnly DMded It thrown into mid-Atlantic and live In badly.'" I ""m Ilfmld It'l tbat YOUllg man', AI. 'comfort ~any daya. whUe, waltlng m ne. to be , picked up, for the ault can be A mule Heldom runs away 'through . bert TelttmJ," said Ritchie. blunUf: t equipped wUh sumclent food Bnd drink fib r g t b ut g nemII y' out 0 purel mil' :'Why, I dldn't thlnk. it h~d 8 0ne , , hi that tar," l'emal'ked Mrs. Rltebt., wltll to keep a ahlpwreckecl panenger alive c eVOUSne!!B. "tart. "[ Itn~w be. was MeDdl., .to fear a weeli,or Dlore; ' ( Fool masters are for tbe moat part .. A. man or woman ualng thlll device, . responelble for \'Ic~oua mulell. . ' tu ' and tq Blanche" too, In -fact. ~ stan"- ~th feet In ' a ilort of bucket. , ( t~e mule;'!) are USDA , lIy "I!rokeb" :wIth " I f the glria In the village," .,... .. , ctuh d th t ht to b '('Yea. but lafely be has allout 4II1ual:: w~ch fOrDla the bale. This bue~et a ,an , e , ~as er oug e, J~- cll-Ided his attenUons between"fDa ~'ie. II} a certain qllantlty of water, • ... wtile,-h 'a,a t.a al' ,ball , illt and kee,p 'tbe IIf&\ • d Blancbe:: explained her hUBNn,oo. and Ita oCcupant uppghL "ADd \r ' tblDk he lin taYored I~L ,f FUrthermore, the apparatus la 'p~, :'!.~~, that , '!' allover and done 'WIth videa' with revolver an I. signal llgbts .1 _ _ • eto ' ''W mean'" with ,.bIo,b ',th", -Dhlplfreeked ~senger .... ,' I qUIB.\loEleG~.1 can IIlpal tor help !by day or night. Sh 'd N.... a. ~ U liN. Rltdtfe. , ' AttaebeC1 to , the aJlparatu ropes . oul .Ul ~e ,,0 Inat "It'. tbe-WQ' of the wcrld. IDa. poor. b., Wblch two' 01" three .....plb caD keep Fowls InJlJrt Feet In elanc1le ,rlcd.. He'l a likelY chap a n 4 .atI~t . . Ii . they . .ha're not the " ch .hemeelves Fro;J;:. ~e ' . ""I' m "n . hli pick. It will be BIaD , e io04,f oriu n, e u. baTe"ODe of these IIt& • n4 ""'e fortune, llat\lT&lIyY ' '''~Jlr ilulte. ' ',' 'I I ' • :Howeverl twice durin, the etaUln g 8)lit II the InroUeD 01 • OerThe 's hnpleat oonstl'llpted perch we



tlonmg of ~bel, "Where Is Thy Brother?"



FOR SERVICE ,must A . good cigarette be made of pure

, , , tobacco and the most choice Deep S~gnlficance in God s Ques- Jeaf. Such is Fatima-the



N il


QUick . Aecutate Thiqkin,' - doe,5 much to tMk~ differe~ce between' and failure.

And the food a. ' ~rSo!l eats 80e5 a long way ' towa~ decidill8 the differ~e. '



- ' with its delicious Rav~ur and rich in the concentrated. nourishing dements of whole wheat , and 'malted ba'rley, is the f~vorite br~~faat cereal of thou. sands of. lutt'esafuJ me" and women~There'.

a Realon" for



.. _



- ::S: . . .

_.- -- -




Good '

Comes but once a ye~r_ Buy NOW before the other fellow gets what you would like to get ·

Sunkist Asparagu~ India Relish


Ripe Olives

The Season's Creetings

Marachiilo Cherries

Are most happily expressed in a giftof .F ine Candies. A box of NUNNALLY'S

Heinz Apple Butter Heinz Plum Pudding, ' no Christmas dinner c<'mplete without it

~:.: INUNNALLy'S I¥'ij~

Old Master Coffee --III+l1o:me Made Bread

mon g, . - many Qr the only gift received: it affords many hours of real pleasure after the usual ex , citement of "gift inspection" is over. rad keeps the holidays bubbling over with true Christmas spirit until the Happy New Year,

. Wea .... Ever Always useful and appreciated. will have a full Une,



P ean'u ta New Cal. Prunes New Cal Peaches Apricots Cal. Raisins with no seeds Ci tron

A Beautfful "ar dnlere Impor~ design, price ...... 1..... S 1.00 ,


"I made this pie ot Heinz Mince M~t and] knew it would be good"

mallow Walbuts.


A 5-lb. Box for ..,.••.$1.35 . ,\:fu~ , Some.2-lb. Boxes for ......$1.50 Some l·lb~ Boxes for...... SOc .~al:e FINE Smaller Ones Accordingly•• A.LL CANDY •


Cranberries . Dates

Price. ,g.OO Last but not least

Italian Ma~aroni ltali an Spaghetti


CaIined Green Lima Beans

This vear we 'will have as WlUal the larg· est and best &election lntown. Before buyinlr be 8\1re and see' our line and get -our prices. .



Oysters Oysten


A nice assortment of Candy" both in bulk and Boxes, 1.Iere are a few .Bargains.




Oysters Oysters • SOLID OYSTEKS

On account ~f' earryilll' dfseaaea from one farm to &pother 1 ppsltiveIy will proaeeute the first party that 'I catcll t~g on the Sattertb-, waite farm opPosite Telegraph Mills. d25 . A. F • . Miller. • - '.


. l

, l -





ft."",~ ~

. .....






, ' ,L








Handkerchiefs (all kinds, from Tea trafners t"e finest to the coarsest.....1Oc Coffee Percolators ShaVing Glasses u at Shakers Salt and Pepper Shakert . B~d Neckl~ "Diamoud" Rings Collapsible Drinkipg Cups , ~ff Buttons . 'Tea Balls qd,b~s :' ~ap Boxes Pjc~ur~ Cake Turners Stook!"~s (A.c1it1t ~4 Cpnd,~~,s) f4P~eJII



It .,.,. ~o trade at


........... ." •••••



Dipp~rs . Mt\t~b BpxlS Toothpick Holders JeUy Mold's .

~eck,ties Ribbon . ~ BOX P~per , ~~ett 'raper ~epe

Paper •

P~per Napklns §tplpm4~~ (~f*'P~Y I~Xes)

Gnwt~ Wllte. ~ i" P~~, . K~~~,

• P~ Pl'J1s,. ~Jc., t!~. '; (. J?~f Work (Til rows, s~ct .' cp:vers, Pillow Cpy'~rs', e~, 'Ipotb 'D~IlU!a , Barll!ttea,l;IgJr ,.I)~dB,,· Side. - Co~~, Cpmb~lJfml9(!!!. Comb aDd :Bl'U8b 'tray. , San 'Silk, Cotton. Flo!l8 I


Tie ~

PuI'leS~ ,ete.,

etc• . ~




~.". ., . . ,



pound ............................. lOe Gun Shells per box ............ 86c ODe pl.,Jar Cataup only ..... 700



'Fhe Back !IOCia' given' bf the Loy· The .:w bman's Au~i1iar,y of St. al Daugiltena of theCbristian church Mp'1'J8 church will meet with Mrs. at I. O. O. F. Hall, Friday evening, Barris Thursciay afternoon: De«em· proved quite a success. _ ber 15th, at 2 o'clo~k. The meeting An excellent 'program consistinac will be addressed by Miss Elizabeth You WilL I;:l nd for the of music, readings and songs was Matthewil. ,of Glendaltl, 0 .• Educa· Children' rendered to an audience of more tional ' Secretary for the Woman's . , "1IIl.rV[OV}'l-'lIO'IJ.I than two hundred. AUXiliary in the diocese ofASouthern o01l ~a.t81a atp olOl{1lAt. pup 'IlIIOOn1l0 mter the proirraln a delightful Ohio. Subject 'of address. t "Why Games .t1IO" 'neui88~' olO 'latu811IQ JO ~ aocial ho~ and refreshments eerved and How to Study Missions." All -unOJ • pOilU .rob' 'aOJAaI olo',UaJpnq by the Loyal Daughters. . the women of the congregation See Saws ,lnO.( olO 8Oelc!uouullOO The roceeds amountea to ~1.30r whteher members of the au¥i1ial'Y, or ~ Sand Pails and Shovels E±';,-"7-:-:----~-ii:.=.,;...-=,.;....,~ ua9'un olO U9'S 8 ya1 Dauehters thank all not are invited urged to be pres· S~d Ir()ns (with or without re:twtn IJIllIll 8'11 110 1II00[ no' n ~mt who helped In making it a success, ent and hear this gifted and conse· "'1' .... OA .)jew nOA s.y ' especially, those .who assisted with crated woman. , , R~mpv,bJ~ Handles ,tb~ nrogram. . .~ • CARTE~-=';INKLE\, l~eft,t CbOppem . ,. WAS WBLt. ,IlEWARDED .. Coffee Mills . ,.' Mrs"H. E. Binkley, a former resiTops Bnd Ten Pins Hon. Lawrence , K. Langdon has dent of ~ Waynesville,. but now of been hlj)Dored bv the incoming ad. Denver, lia(., was marned·to Charle$ Wheeibarrows ministration,and'hasbeeuappointed B. Carter, at ,Denver, December Toy Lanterns (that 'wi1Iligbt) Special Counsel to the Utilities Com. 1914. Mrs: EI!lkley spent most miadon, and this. without any eoUci •. her ~arly hfe In and ar!lund Way· Dixie Pop' Guns FOR ~ation upol). his part. All of War. nesville. an~ h~r many ~rle!ld~ bete. ren County's voters are well pleased together ' With the M~aml Gazette, Cloth~ Racks withthia appointment. as there i8 wish hp '~!:Jest )uck In the world. Wash. Benches no one ,in the state that deserves the • • ,. honing Boards' .rood will of the party "88 much as CH-RI ~'T~ A!'l CHURCH "Larry" Langdon., , " " t~'~phllDes ORANOES, FRUI~ DAtES, When he was in the -Legislature he ' s d n b 3th B'bl un ay,. et-em. er 1 '. I e labored 10", and hard for the Sar. NUTS, .FIOS lDin ~'f ~~ , Commission. and it js no more School. 9.3~ a. m " Prea~hmg b~ OYSTERS, CELERY; CR~N· vice than:right that he.should .have the 10.308 . m . ~d 7.00 p. m~" n ']Balls and Dons BER~IES appointment for this office' ChrIstIan Endeavor .6.30 p; ' m; ' . Horns , ~_ _•___ ._~ '_ EverYQody cordIally inVIted to EOOEMONT CRACKeRS Toy Co",l Buckets. .LEBANON, Ho'tJSE IS SOLD these servjces, ~ - • r . WAfER SLICED DRIED BEEF · (Badonalieed j1,l8t'IUIYou want it.•) WHI1:E BRICK CHUR~H . ~~P')' SetJ The 'Lebanon Houee Hotel ~1lII Pure Jeney Sweet Potatoes .. lDrums . by Mr. 9ymly" W. Firman 11" d I W-'I '11 h ld Solid D~ish Cabbage . .......:n ......v. lt 18 the new owner's . +:: Tlen s,!-&c J .son WI 0 !Ie' Itron 'W~ons and ,WoodW~ops -to remodel the building' from hglO!l B·servlce at the ,Friends ch~rch ' SPECIALS THIS WEEK to ~ttom, jmaking It a modern (White Bric~) .. Wednesd~y e,venmg, Stuffed Dogs . ' ~ , '. up ,to date hotel in 'eveD' iwnee December 16 i .t91'(, ,at J0 clock. Fan'cy Gra,e Fruit...... 3 for tOe ~ord. Until tliese improve:All are cOr<balJy mVlted to attend . ,'!r~y W.ash B,oilers Saldwin Apples, peek .•: ...... 26c . Best Mince Meat Made pouna Collapsible' Doll Houses CHURCHES only ....... ,......... ;............ 1'00 IClClI8eCl ~the~ui;Ii~~e, botel will be ' SUNDAY IN ][ron Toys of all kin!!_ Condensed Mlnce Meat a pk,•. for ...... :......................... 25c )!Jl Jact your Jl~ will be 8UPO All Scrap Tobaecoa 6 pkg.•• 26c Beat Cane Gran. Sugar 25 lbe. ~. ' . ' tor......... ...... ...... ~ ....... $1.45 Fre,h LOt Routed Coffee,

~'Ct;d .. P~~b..Pe~9i:

f ·



C. 111. Re¥nolds, who has been in Dayton' fol' several weeks, boulrht the Bern Dill blacksmith shop in <.:enter· ville Monday. Mr. aeynolds bought not only the shop with all the tools. . tti'e residence 88 well. He will ~etl possession of his new property X_a. OaJ!tds aDd the first of January. when be with , his family will move to Centerville . . Mr. Reynolds ran a shop here' fot: A large, .fin~ assortment, .especially in penny 90es. 18 yel1~. and mQde a lot of customers Booklets of all kinds. that are liable to follow bim where· ever 'he goes. He wishes to thank his many friends here for their patrQl1ag~, and)f tl,le;y come to eenterville he will make them, welcom-e and do their work in jU8~ as good a man- . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . ner as when he was at Corwin r II

•••••••••• w .......




Cheese F ull Cream ~ew York Fun Cream Longhorn B't'ick , '

Cakes, every kind but . try

Green & Greenll


Set8- ~

All officers are req uested to be on "'!!~'!!!!!"~!!!!:!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ hand at the regular meeting of thelp_..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ E stern Star lodge. on Monday even· ing, Decpmber IUh. There will be installation on this evening , Ruth Janney. W. · M. Embroidery Materials- D. M. C: Perle Cotton. SiI-Crochet,Embroidery Hoops, Mercerized Knitting .and Crochl!t Cotton, Mercerized D. M. C.. E!'nbroidery Cotton, CharK's 0, N, T, Pearl Cotton for ero.c heting, kl)itting, embrOlilery. Stamped Lin· ens to be Embroidered. Steel Crochet Hooks. Bone. Shuttles, etc Grace Lincoln Smith.


Bansnas ,

Piece 9--Ca8serole

. • ' The MiBlles Martha Burnett and , Or. DIll . Ostro,path, Ha~nes Bldlr.. Emma CartwrIght entertained at Tuesday and FrIday mormngs. dinner Thuracl~ Mrs. E_'1;. Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. F. W Hathaway at.. ~~~~~san, Arnold an~ Mrs. Huldah .. ._ _ _ . tended the funeral of a relative at, FORMER RESIOENT DEAD GQsben, Ohio, last Thursday The 0 Md ' on ay evenlllg of l!lst week deceaseil was a brother, of .' n Mrs H'lthaw8 ' a party of young peop l ~ dei lg ht.{ully Gertrude Lee Mullen, wife of .• y. surprised Frederick Robitzel' at his JehU Mullen, of UIlII City, Ind~ , f,iied Buy your Xmas Candy at Hart- home on Fourth ~treet. . G~mes we re at her 110me there November 25th, sock' s Confectionery near Bank play~ and all ha.d a fine time The aM wat; buried in that city Mrs. Corner. . ~ventng ended WIth refreshments ot.. Mullen was the daughter of file .late Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lee, who hved Ice cream and cake. Kenneth Ridg • of Cincinnati. who here and 'at COrwin for several years. . . She was married to Mr. Mullen he~. has been 8ick for the last two weeks, ca me t o Wsynesville last week to A dmner tn honor of Dr. and Mrs several yean 81f0 A huaband ~d convalesce. He returned to his work J . W, ~ard.. who' are 800n to,. start one child survive her. • - ...- - Tuesday morning. ' to C~hforma to spend the . wmter. . was glven .Su nday at the hospitable IS READY' FOR SALE DATES Educator Shoes tor t he boy or girl home of Mr. and Mrs. Mauri~ SiI· makes a useful prt'sent; get them at ver, Those 'present were Dr. and JeBlle Stanley. who has jUlit graduMrs Ward , Rev. and Mrs. Grauser Barnha,rt's. • and son Charles. Mr. and Mrs, H. B. ated from the Jones Auctioneering Mr, Chas, M. Brown and Miss Stokes and son Jamf's; MrR Wallace dchool at Chicago, ia hom~ and is Lena Surface arrived home from .In· and Miss Flora Tibbals, of Lebanon. ready for sale dates. 1t would 'be well to see him, as h~ has some new oianapqlis. Ind _, Saturday evening . ideas in the auctioneering line. Or accompanied by Miss Anna M I1ett and MI'S . C. B. IIett who will spend The Loyal Daughters of the Chris- call him, 146 mutual phone, New s couple of weeks with relatives here , tian church held their regular Burlington, Ohio. ,,

H 0 1-d I ay

Cleaned Cl1rrants


Pitted Red Cherries. SOC, ~ Evapot&ted Sugar package 100. '



Aluminum Utensils Hf'inz Sour Plcklee, 12. 20c perd~z. " .

Almonds ti'ilberts Pill nuts Mixed nuts

New NulC)-rBrazil Wal nu ts Pecans .

Apples in boxes

Heinz Sweet Pickles, 3 doz for 25c. · .

A :::::a~:::~ L~~~~(~~~--~-t!--]

monthly class meeting at the hOme of Mrs. Eddie Woollard, Tuesday evening. After devotional exercises and an Interestinlr and in· . structive program. the buslneas sea· . sion waR held, whic:h \\118 fol1C1wed ., by' a pleasallt social hour during which t ime delicious refreshmenw ware served. =--~-.

_. .---


Some Good Things



- --




Two Lives Lost



r;::_....... ,.. , "''' ",


" \ "' ~ """" I~ """". '''••-'-''

.. ,

.... "".

Whole Number 3294


:Jc~!i2iu~d~ryO~r~~ l1~Oi;I~~!~;Oe~ t ~ P~~80''''~~i~'M,''''e'''n''tiOD' C·<o':'I"u··~m-~n'··--l ii t-: wS!' 00":"._ ... __ . __.........1J ...' a




Although tenth was the Rev. J : B roxell officiating. . . : ushered in wjth clouds. and not When lamp Exploded~Sad Death I t t d 'In a d au b Ie glimpse of the sun'lI rays afforded n ermen . rna e ......... _ ... , ;I .... _ - _ . _ _ ..... ooooo . . . . llS, yet a 'good portion of the mem of Two You"g Promising grave in MIami cemetery. . • ". ,.--..... ..... j-.--~ bers of Wauna Townshi n The Friends have the sympathy of . ...., .. Lads the entire ('ommunity in this, their Eve~thing for men at Barnhar.t's ·-Chrislm'l:!l ~lippers at Barnhsrtls Club found a very cordial greeting bour of severest adversity. , The two . . . awaiting each and everY one, at the .. . boys were favorites in the neighbor- Lee Hawke vis\ted relatives D~. H. E. Batton, 'o f Harveysburg, pleasant home of -Mr. and Mrs. ~ shoocktng Ilccldent took place last hood, and at school, both 0" them Dayton Sunday. ' t M d ft Carl Duke. After the enj~ment of ·.. d ay n'h WtlS 10 own on sy a ~rn(50n ; the socl'al oo'urs·. I'nclual'ng e bounWt~nes .. en t wo bo~s, sons af being . bright. L arid intelligent boys . Pure Irish LinenJ{andkerch(efs at tifQI dinner, the club was called to Mr. and Mrs . Robut Friend. who and tbeir sad end has saddened th~ Everythlng, new in Neckwear live on the old D!, Sto~es fa~, eommunitv in which they live Barnnart's. · , Barnhart's. " order. Rev. Troxall, of Lytle, of· west of. L~tle,. whtle ~ fHllpg a la~p Mr. and Mrs. Friend wish t~ thRnk' fered prayer rendering thanks to lost th~lr hvt!!! ID an explOSIOn. {heir many friends who helped them , Carl- McClur~ ~nd Harry M . Mr. and ·Mrs. C. E, Werntz were our Heavenly Father for his great ~he older boy, John a~ed 8, during their dark hour of distress were D8lIton vl8ltorsSunday. In Lebanoh Thursday on busine,ss. . Music ' by Miss Edith tllhng the lamp . by the aid of ~ la~ - Their many acts .of kindness wili . . .. , . , was highlY appreciated. The tern, ""hen by some mean~ It ex· never be forgotten by them, and Fo~ gifts that a~~ popul!l.r and Elmer Rogers, Dr. C. W. Hender. roll call was answered by thirteen plClded The othl!! boy, 'Firma,:!, .their wish is tbat their friends may pleasing, see -our ,boe of pictures and Dr. J W. MlJler .were in members, sev~n reported absent . a~ed 4, WRS standmg. close by hIS be spared such a double calamity as . . J : E. Janney. . Dayton Mqnday. Miss Blanche Riley then reat! her Side when the explOSion occurred. they have just p d th h . ' mjnutes of the IlUIt meeting, and In an instant the boys welle in flames, .~... roug. Mrs. Mollit3 Ed~ards, ,of OIly-ton, stock of Xmas Cards they were instructive and ,perfect which communicated to the room. Fur t i e d F ItI is visiting relatives here this, week. uuco""c "" are marvels of beauty, all have bee,n that she has written and by the time the parents were Lad' r mm . ,e Ippers . or . . ,.. , , fafl'esJ; in price. Janney. This WI\8 followed by the reading abprised of the fire they were un· leS at Barnhart s. Important- -G. W, Hawke bas the of a ' letter of resiR'nation from Dr. able to get ip the room. Ah alarm ELECTION "'OP-b-1RECTODS largest 88SO;rtlJlent of:cand), i.n to~n, Tobacco sfal·ted to move last week, and Mrs kleber Dill, they finding it was BOunded and the neighbors nobly " allW best prlc~ " ' the cold! )'leather will stop ie for impossible to ;meet with us. Their . . ". . , while. wish was granted by the Club, al· . reSponded, .but . by the time they ' could get..into the room and rescue I The regular annual meeting of the The Misses Mary Salisbury alld . though sincere r~grets were ex· the boys the fire and smoke had shareholders of the Waynesville P~l Carey were Qayton shoppers Important;-G. W. aawIW baa the pr~ that we must lose these val· done hs work. INational Bank. of Waynesville. Ohio; Friday. argei!t a~so.rtmftnt at candy: ued memhers. The treasurer was The boys suffered in awful agonv for the el~tion of nlrect•.rs to serve Bu the children 18~ bea~ prlices. authorized to pay the eXpenses in· un~i1 death claimed . one of them at IdUring the ~nsul1)g year. will be held ings ~or Christmas at . . . , cu.,rred "ince the last meeting. fThe about 12 o'clock, ana the otber about at Its, Bankmg Buuae on Tuesday, I\Ir1 ~~~ • M. Brown was""~ Cm· secretary·treasurer read her report 2. The bodies of both boys were/January 12th, 1915, from 1 to 3 Mr and Mrs F B VIBjtor Monday. for the vear which was very satis· horribly burned. the u.pper part 'of o'clock p m. . • child;en, and Ethel H08ier Ed .' .' . factory: C~rrent Events by Mrs. tl;le ~Ider boys body bemg burned to " J. O. CartwrIght, Cas~lIer. Dayton visitors Satulday. neator ,shoes for the .boy or girl Henkle were exceptiollally interesta crIsp. " Dec 9.4t r _, au ful prt'aeJlt; get~em at Ing. Mr. Silvel's essaytreated.prin' The ~t:ident ~k place about 8 ' ,. ~ Our assortment of cipally upon the Sel'Viee3 ()fPresident o'clock 1o .the even\11g. The J)'lotber B~y. y.our Xmas Candy at Hart· advance of anY preVio~ tte' I _:.1 ' 'th Willlon to the peo~le. The leader of , and one of the younger children had Bock .s Confectionery near Bank ever bandied J E Janney a .nlltru e diBCusflion being absent, Mr. Oglesjust left the kitchen when the acci, Corner • _.. . •.. J ' . ' last week. tree was I18ked to fill the place. which dent took place It is thought, per· Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Creig-er, of did most abIr. He was followed hape. that the boys hkd rotten the ST. ~ARYS . CHURCH Dean Ohio, spent Thursday with others. The sp~al topie was, gaaolil¥ can bf mistake, but as the - '- Mr e:nd Mn. U. M. 'White~ ~Iation of the Employee room W.. 80 pad), bU~ed it win Fourth Sunday in Advent, Detem· . , M . d 11'1 J' B C~ " 'F~ discuaaion was never be detenniped, .. the ~ Willi ber 20th. Sllntlay School at 9:30 Go to Hartsock'dor eel~t Xmas r an IT n. . . 8pman, €handle.., Mo·r. Elbollj __ .3 I ' ...otrmng . P rayer all d 8ermon C a ' ndies.D8)o ~. t Bail¥ M<l'8, J . . C~~=:li~~j lIara(lIe,y. T rox all ;rand ~. u_ Ch &rn:u ,BO. a. m, .... o~md I visitors last 'r. It was by hBt'd wo1'k tti8, tb" bouse at ]'0:-30 am.; Mlrv,ice and sermon at ~iJtWl_ ~~~!~~~ tum, makibC was saved 88 the tlr" seemed to bum 7 o'clock. You will' receive a cordial dilicutlBion, to very rallidly, ~md but fro,m the he· welcome'to these services. Braden, who died at Denver,· "ave cl,qee at;.. .roie work of the 'parents and others '. •- • ' were brdught back to Lebanon . ~ subject con· it wO)JJd ~ave Ilone up ill smoke Dill. Osteopath, Bld(r., week and interred in the Lebanon The'father ' was badly bU1"11ed. in his TU':Jiday ,and F~lday mornings. . cemeterY ; 0

..., '..,.. .

" -',,~

Myer Hyman's :. New Store ..

The Store That Saves 'You Money





A · M~~RY "

Ostrich IlDld .Fancy FElSthere',' B ts. Novelties lind Flowers at sJ:KiqUU Chr~tmas prices. Grace LincOln Smitb. --~ - -I' . . , Mrs. &arah Lippincottarrived Friday evenntlg after a pleasant two weeks' visit with frienda and relatives in D~Yltdn. • .

CHRISTMAS Comes but once a year. Buy N(}W' before the other, lei." 'ow gets what yoU ', would ·Jlke to get •



W :

Impolltant-G.' Hawke bas the Jargest 8S801Itment of candy" in al80 best pnti:e8. . ,

Almond. 1o'ilbe~t8

Pili nuts M~ed nuts


Are . ~OIIt happily expreeeed in a giftof Fina Candies. A box of NUNNALLY'S w ) 1 1 •__~...,..._.....,;_., moat ae

=-1tICt;;i8t~BkI~p1jdinner,; (>udding, n6 cP}!)plete without i.t

b Ie, it ilJ .... " . on e a· moog maay 01' the ot)Jy gilt received: it,afford8 many b.ours of real pl~ore aft~r' ~h~ ~~ al e~ c}tement of ·,:gl~ inspectjon" IS 'over, and keeP'S the holidays bubbling ,over with true Cbristmas ' 8pirit until the BSJ>N N~w Year:.. , . ,




Miss , Hazel Wqolley retu'1led to bel' hom~ at- Columbus Friday , evea three daYs' visit with r~l'l1_ here. o

Just a word! Have yOU ' seen our Christmas GlJOds? If not· come jn; Barnhart's.

'0.. J Edwards has been confined

to bis ~(l[l1e. fO,r .seve.ral . daY8 on sc. d( &ick:ness. We are glad to him n)uch better. .

t .....'l"VO·~

Our ' fine' 'v ) ~f' books offers you an op~rtunit'y to get the ~t and most SQJt$bl~ ,gifts fOf young old. , :Jallmey, ~ 'Dr. ~nij M!r.s. J. W; ' Ward left TUesday fOI :Lordsbl!rg, Cal ;, where they will spelnd the winter with 'Mrs. Ward't! brattier, C. Nelson. ' .


""'.. "-_.11


s~ore is

filled with all. the articles of Wear that ma~e appropriate .. Christmas Gifts for Men,

Women and suctl as


.. THE MIAMI GAZETTE, WAYNESVILLE, OItIO tuos of sunlight haTe been reoop" from tha dawn of human history aDd ,re embodied lu a thousand mytb. and Ileg.ellds, but the faclll llave be~n ateadtasUy Ignored, wl111e tbe wbole world bas sought for tho fountain or youth. It hos remaIned for ou~ own genera· lion to discover that direct suollght Is not III r ely beneficial In stilnulatlng the general health !lnd ralslng tbe BOY. SCOUTS' PROTECT BIRDS lone or mind and body, but t.bat; oa \~e shlll\ late r see, It . possessell a PleBiure Found In Attracting 'L.lttle Olerall utlc value In cf~rtnln AlIments . Songste... to "I.unch CDuntCI"" which borders on the marvelous and Which Hae Been Built. forces UII more and more 10 r ecC?gnlze t.bat dl seas 1s the r suIt of Hoclal alld lolany' at the boy BCOlltS, pledged to (icollomlc COJ,dltlonll. "00 a good turn dally," are mobilizing' under the banne r of Tbe Farm Journal Liberty Bell Bird club to battle SUNI.IGHT AND ' TUBERCULOSIS. for t.he lIvea of the sweet song IUld Insectivorous birds of America. Referrin g to cerla·ln worms ao d Jel1'he boys find the Bird club work Iy·fls h whlclt cOlitul1l chlorophyll. seek helpful In passing the boy acouts' Il utillght nnd give oII oxygen .- In the ornithology merit badge, the r,equlrelight, but soon die If k ept in the menls of whIch ~re as follows: dark DUnge writes: Ult follows that 1. Have a HBt of 100 different kindS tl co'mJ)iete ontithesls betw een Inter- of birds personally observed on ex· I;hange of force and matter In a:ll~ulB ploratlon In tbe field. lind plants does,pot exist; and It wlU 2. Have IdentlOe'd be)'ond Question, be henceforth imposBlhle to separate by appearanCe or by note, 45 dllferent -t:he phYSiological chemistry of the klndll of blrda In one day. , from that of tbe animal B. HaTe made a good clear photo' world. The more our knowledge of .raph of some wild bird, the bird ench. section of !!Clence advances tbe more tbe two becomes fused toI~ether." There III a tundamental law .hat prevalls throushout all depart. ments or nature that nQthlng can (:ome Into being that Ja not demnnded l~y the condJtions at the time. There hi, In other words, a reason for evel,'Y-



Not Require f¥!ucIY E"ertlon or Grelt Deede to Give Happln ..e to Tho •• In Gloom. 0001


Oft!lntlmes It Is 'a small action o~ the part or another tllM makes aunshine 'to one who Is In gloom. It does not require ~reat deeds to ghle hapllin!lss. Nancy ' Kerr was a new pupil In the Rogers scbool -when th'e t rm, opened aC!.er the vacation. She was II. shl', timid malden, dre~dlng 'this, .her first taste of school , life, wltb a feeling tl1at was akin to .pat.n. orb girls an ae med so "'o ld and selr·possessed to this one, wbo tbus far Dad studied only under ber motber's tuition. So It 1I'as with the greatest elfort that sbe maDaged tbrough tlie first day. Wben school closed In the aClernoon . and she passed outdoor on her w!'-y home, a group of glrlB laugblng lightheartedly lit tront at he r, bro~ght 0. wistrul look to Nllncy' s fa «e. Brlgbt Janet May, turning suddenly Ilt that moment; sa.w It, and witb a Bweet, winning smile In the dlrectlC!n of the stranger, she Bald : "Won't you come and walk wlt~ UII? We might &II well all laugh togetber, eh, glrla?" . "Of COU1'Be," ¥Wal the ready reply ot tb'e otbers. who were wll1\J1g to be< come friendly, . now that Juntlt b d broken the lee 'for them . And to Nancy U seemed as though there came quickly a ray or light that made lho morrow leBS torbldlllng, and with a. happier look In her blue ey 11,- 8b joined tbe group, saying: , "Thank you. It was lonesome by myselt back there ; but now it Is all rlgbt." . "We ought to have asked you bofore," said Janet, linking he r Drm In Winter Lunch Counter and Rectaurant that at Nancy. wltb a friendly ".Ir that was Quite Irresistible, and which made , for the Blrdll. .the latter .feel sUlI more cqmtorted.Imag'& to be over one-hllit Inch In Selected. on the negative. 4. Have secured . at least two tellBnte In 'blrd.boxes erected by himself. AMUSING OPTICAL ILLUSIO~ 6. Have dllily notes on the nesllng \ , . or a pair of wtld birds trom the time CurioUII lIIuetratlon of How One e Eye. May Be Decelved--Arrangethe 1lrst egg Is laid until the young have left tbe nost_ mef1t of Cuboe I. Puzzling. 6, )Jave attraqted at least tbl'lle Here Is a cul'1ou8 and amusing I'll' klhds 01 birds, exclusive of tbe Eng, Uah Bparrow, to a "Iuncb counter" tical UluBlon tbat ,.ou mny like to I ry upon your t'l'lends. Whon you look at which be has supplied. , A ~Oy BcaUt may joIn The Liberty the accompimylng drawing' tbere I~P­ Bell BI.d club without cost aDd . there pears to he 'one cube upun two CUbEb. are no dues. fines or assessmen~s of any It you close your eyes ",h,lle you tum kind atter he jOin!!. The only requlre- the drawIng In' this reve rsed. !losUlon. mant for 'm emb ershlp Is to sIgn and there sUII oppeara to be one cube on send the .f ollowlng pleClge ~o ebe club two cubes • . It, now, you look at tbe d~wlng, when ita badge-button '1'0'111 be sent without coat: and keep your eyee open while you ". deBlre to become a m e mber ot slowly tur\! tbe drawlog upside down, The- I:.lberty Bell Bird club of The you will see It cllilnge from one cubo Farm Journal/ and I promise to st'ldy UPOD two cubes to ,two cUbes upon all Bon~ .. a.nd Insectivor01,lp ,~lrd8 and. do what ~ can tor tile club. , ,



N all the romantic Orient, from

Tokyo to Teberan. tb ere Is no otber spot where a wl1lte man teela the grip of the East as In Bagdad's splendid bazaars. writes Frederick BlmplQl1 In the Los Angeles Times. For a tbousand years swarthy men In abbaB, turbans and red sboes have' bought, tought ~ bnrtere!1 and sold, wheedled and cheated In this tamouB market- tor ages mule and camel caravans haTe come down froln Persia, bnnging rare sbawls, rich rugB, bales at silk, wool and tobacco. Here, too, In American cltles, eager, keen-eyed Jews bold trade In their practiced grip. Father Abraham bl.m selt waa once a familiar figur~ In theas parts, and 0.000 of b~s .. cbosen people make Bagdad their home. One Bagdad Jew. grown rich from the opium trade IB now In the ,British llar!.... . lIam'ent. Armenians and Arabs, In tarbooshes and fanoy belta, strive also tor tbelr share ot Bagdad's busineBs; but the big things .go to Jews. The men who

So tenaciously do tht! legends ot our torefuthc rs cling to UB that even yet It Is the common belief that all .o~r Ills are of exte rnal origin, the r esult of 80me malignant power which takes I>OsIIell810n ot us by capture and can be overcome only by the Introduction Into our bodies of the appropriate antagon 1st ' In quantity sumclent to neutrallze and beat down tbe unhealthful conditions. Every discovery seema to prove that the truth Is always Blmple, but because our powers ot observat,lon are poorly tmlned and 9ur- kno.wl~ge of the universe Is very slight we go blundering along, ever seeking 80me miracle for the relief of our Ills, blind to Ule fad that health Is simply a mat· P'l!!!!!,!5~_~~lY.,-.!.H.';';" ~"';':''''='~'~'':' ''::-:.;::: t er of being In accord with tbe balanceu InvarIably proves of the univ erse. The truth o[ this II (~very phenomenon to be very simple. pro,'ed by the tact that In the final Ordinarily the sun lB loolfed on by sn.nlysls all (jur dls('ases are ' found to the overage Individual WlUl interest orIginate In SODl e deficiency, becau.sA ()nly when It Is undergoing eclipse, we Ignore som s imple natural re- but the bo~nlst who has r educed Qulre ment \\'blcll breaks thll normal )plant cullUre to almost a science continuity of tbe' vito] chain binding lmows thllt the Run . Is the most vital every li ving unit Into a nicely balanced ractor In ILre. The botanist knows by reciprocating machine. (~li:perlence thnt If his plants do not "The Rcll!l1t1 f1r world ha.s j:on e to I~ecetve eufflclent sunlight they hecom e . d Teadily aCQuire all Borts bell evo t hnt th e primary Bources 01 weakene~an natuml eller gy by Virtue' of whlcb the of fun gou diseases. There Is no mys· un iverse l(eelJS going over Immense tery abou ' It at all. AlBa I~e knows perlqds of .time ure to be found nbt in t:hat If the 8011 condltlons are "not northe great masscs of. glowing matter !tUlI Bul1l1ght alone wJl1 not proteot dotting tile beavens, nor In any of tbe his plants from diseases. All the don : r ela.tlonB he tween energy a nd mntter (lIt1o.lls ·mus t b e In barmony tor nor· in uulk, but In the reactlolls bet'ween lnal reBults. ' . ' tbe Individual atoms out ot wbicb Possibly taking the hint from the bulk Is mnde up." Just 80. too. our botanfs,t, Protenor" Po cet of J~yonsh enlth, bappln.c ss and fllclency are the first . pe rson systematically w emthe direct products or the naturnl op- ploy bellotherapy, It m ethoa of trent· eratlon of tbe IndiVidual cells of whlcll Ing surgical tuberc,/Iosis by means. ot W IIr& composed. And anything direct sunlight-began to use the dl· 'wl1 lch disturbs' the I".otural ''1'''U'U'''''1 i~ect' sun rays In lhe treatDl (lnt of Jletween thE/se mInute Indlvldunhl tubercular joint infe6tions In 1892 aDd certain to result In some '( orm of varl· not only u sed lhe method freely In hill atlon ,which we usually call III health. perso,nlll practice, but Impressed the We have noted tbat variations In value of solar exposure · UPO/1 all Ills plant growth take Illnce under dlffer- !IUPUS. In 1899 the definite statement ent colored lights because plants have was msde thnt Professor Pancel' bethe Inherited capacity to develop nor- lIeved the beneficial effecta from the ut t!xpo8ure o(~.i l}.b~reular, Infectious to mully oi:tly nder whit!! ,light. the,e bas been very lIttlo r esearch 1101111' rays extended no~ only to .tubel'w9 rk dOlle olong these lines for the c:uJar bones. glmgfla and the Jlke: but purpose or MENT- WITH A TR.ICK , the most organs. It Is Int!lrestlng note vUrlatiolls occur. Bignlflcant fncts In this connection are that Dr. Aleds Carrel begal,l his 'Bur- Col" . Cev.e~r.d With Wa~er on Plate to be found In the discoveries ot Dr. ~:Ica! fltu(f 'e s as h erne'uilCJer Protessor , May Be Lifted Without Gettlnll J. R. Green, who In 1897 showed that Poncet and It is not. unreasonable to the Flnller~ Molitened. light had an n.pprec.lable ellect on the Inter that the "nfluence of Protessor formation nud action of tbe enllymeJi Poncet's IJIltlatfve lDay liave, Bpurred Put a colrr 'on a plu.te and pour' a Irt plants and thnt the red and blue Doctor Carrel tnto original work. little _. rover ,It. Then ask 80me rays favored the formation of the Doctor R~lIler, a Swiss phyillcilln of :)ne to take away the coin wltllout enzymes. while the green, tbe Indigo Leyeln, ~ecame lin ardent . adv~atL' wet~Dg hIli finge~ or t with and tbe ,,'olet, n.nd e peclolly the ultra- ot the treatment and lecured mn.rver- I1nytlllng f ei£" ,le ~Ilt naturally lhlnk ,1olet. rays deBtroyed thom . . He al.s o ous results tram the use of dlreet sun' It CSJI't be done, as ~t is cova:ted with made the striking Buggestion that rays on tuhercular Infections In PI\; water. • • ' . "vegetable stru~ture8 have a power at tlenta among the 8now CO"~red peakll To do the trIck you take a tumbler ab~orbln'g radiant energy "blch Is not of Bwltzerfand. and 'place Inalde it a IIgbt8lt strip ot connecte'd. wltb the presence and ·acUV'Doctor Oelsott of Nice reports tb e paper and then clap tbe tumbler clown ' treatment u/teful lri tuberculosis perl. worll wlt~,t~elr handa-the brals beat- bring tbelr catch to the hazaar, giving Ity of chlorophyll." The very recent dlBcoverles bf IMme. tonlUs. Doctor Emmett of Phtlodel, the ' weavet8 -bf I!'I:qulltite cloths, bne-flrth aa tithe to the government. tbe muers of red shoes and be!1ded In a nsrrow', DollIY Ifahery leading Henrl land otllllrs OB to .the effects 'ot pbla alld Doctor BneQulreff at Moscow aamel trapplngll-are mOJltly Arabs or olf from the main bazaar are the tent.- light raYs on mlcro-organlams are r .e port excellent 'reSult", from sun rays I_ native Cbrflltlaus. .'. .... \ 'makers; . JU8t beyond, 300 half'lIaked Bteps along tbls line which promise In acute mUBcular rheumatism; much relief to lIulferlng bumanlty by rect sunlight Is declared to be be,n~ 'IIlme turns back ten centnrletl 81 men bamme.r away 'fourteen hours a one euterB tbese narrQw nosy 8bop- day makIng red llioes and sandals: empbllslzing the. e~eetB on IIgbt rSYB IIclal In Infected wounds, and Doctor lire In general, There IB an old AlmeB of , reports that the ping streets ' "'·.hlch stretcb through near by are the makera of fancy belts, on saylog to this effect: "Wbere the lIun tr.eatment h Bagdad. Walk with me an ' hour and and c.e man sella red tezzea-made In enjoy the Bhlftlng ' j,'anonlma. Let AUlltrla. Nen IB B, harneJj8 maker, who does not enter the doctor must." ThIs Elcar skin on buml!, which usually ,~eal yourself be dra1l! along tbe current or turns out the camel and donkey trap- would ·sl;Ie m to ProTe that we Instinct- "ery slowly. FUrther. e~n.flrmatlon of men, mules and grunting camels. To pings, all resplendent In ehell and bead Ively recognize our- ,dependence on the · reBult" of the treatment I!omes sunllgbt, but with t,h at peculiar pel'" from Dode»" Bardenhauer ot ' Colope. .but out the Arab Buh a .vaulted roof work ' verslty which leads ull' to Ignore tbe Doctor .Bardenbauer h'ad iong b(fen ~ " of brick 18 hullt,. arching ,ovorh!lad. Blend of 8trong Odo .... obvious nnd go at our evil wrong end (!hampJon ot the knife ' In external 0':' tlie plate,llu't leaving tbe coin outturning the narrow, cro.wded streets And the odor! . It Is that odd smell Into long tunnels; through tbelle sub: not easy to !iescrlbe which Is wafted tO,we persietently continue the pur- tuberculosis. ,and in 19l1. ~e unaertook lillie. The heated 'Clnd expanded air In lerraneanllke passages mo,(es the inul- up from all oriental, tiazaars, where suit- ot an Intangible "cure," some mil'- tq "control" Doc~ aolller's experl- thlt tumbler wllJ be lI\iddenly cooled "tude. and ror milell 'along each Bide baIt-naked. men, cooking food , tobacco &(lIe working drug or serum whlcb will IDente to test theIr value. The re- IIDd will contract and auck u~ the ..... aIItretches the row of l Uny atillla, ·hardly smoke and tbe stencb ot persplrlnc have the power of reversing natural "ulta obtained so 8a.tl8~a.ctOry tet, thus leav.lnl the coin uqcovered law and en abel UII completely to 19oor& that he Introduced the syet~m .. of 110 that : you may pick It up wltbout larger than telephone ·booths, , all anlmalll are blended. forces. , Into · hlB hOBpltal prac- 1-1rettlll. your tlngel'S wel ,tutted full at merchandise. CrossAnd all around the strite for lire natural We know tub'erculoBIB to be eBsent!· tlce." ' I legged before each booth, bls " 'are,, keeps up. Doctor Hinlldale, wrjtlng to' the, 1~ pllE;d high about.ltl~ I 'lslts the Jew or TWa Arab boy ' of jllx Is seIlIng ally a deficiency, dIsease, the ult,lmale TIp for C)'c!lata. Arab merch"ant. To and fro snrges tbe sweehl from bls big flat tray. The can. result ot Insumclent food and air I\nd terstate Medica.! , Journal, descrtbilB shOUting, stilling human stl'eam. stDp- dy III made trom pIstachio DUts and light. The only known succea8tul tbe treatment as lo~lowa: ,"The.· pl.. It iB very anDoylnt to find thst the Sling to paw . ~t .oods and hJ!,ggle over date jUice, and In sbrlll tones be method of cODtrollfng the dlseale COll- t1ent Is clotbed in, linen or ~hlteft8.n. Inner tn.,. of your 'tlre, ablolutely rethe price. .Ara1l women, their brown sbrlekB the medtB ot his sticky. fiy. slats In supplying' the mlsBlng factors ,nel according to the leason;' he wears ttilel to 'bold any .11', and' ali r.movfaces sc"ened' behll\d the eternal yash- catching mess. Odd.-Iooking vegetableB by a ' simple substantial diet anJ,i living B. ";'blte hat 'and III pro~ected, t1'C!1I\ dj. lug the tire you 11.0 nnd a split mak, pull aside tbetr · veil with on. -pickled . In 'v lnegar - are carried out of doors. Prevention, not cure, Is ~ect sunllgbt on tbe r~e by a IIcreen halt an j~c~ In ~engtli In. the ' tube. band and with the other UPl!et the or· through the streets in wooden tuba the modern weapon against ' thla lI.nd· weal'S' smoked or ,.eJlow gluses. Thle sometimes happenB In tub". dered pileI of goodll-Jl\st aa their sli!- balanced ' on the heads of women, for .scourge. and prevention conststa In And qow cornea the pecull&r and tltatillaTe only bit abOut two or tbree sumclent food, air and light. ~erest!Dg method of the eltPo~. It ters In America do-and then' paBS on .BRle to the bammals. It III said that puncturel and are quite , 100~ . [f all living tblngll a\l8 lIubJect to the makes no dIfference 'whet;e tli~ dis· ' for the .pllt: .w hlcb-contlnues to Bpread t~ ~6. -'~ bp.oS4...tQ '!ll)~ ~o\\'n tbe one husky Kurdish 'porter ",111 eat price. . '., " three pound. of raw cucumbers In one lame laws tben It would be reallonable e'a le is located, whether hi t~e , ~p, If Dot ptopped. Everyone Veil. "Barlak." The 'w"'y to pre'Vent this III to take day. DurIng a great part ot the year to: Infer that Doctot GreeD'B hint tbat the spine !>r tbe ,cerylaal glande; tbe Here, as 1n "Pipe' Street," Peking, these ·"lIhlyar!" or cucumbers: and a "vegetable IItrilcturei have a .power of Iinvariable rule · 18 to ' begin with the p~r o~ sclaBors, aM, befC!re fJx\nlf the 'mel\. '9!'hq 'eell, the sJl.n:I,e BOrt of long. reddl/!h beet comprise the stnple ' nhBorblng radiant energy wblch III not ·f,eet. Tb~ nut d&y the· legll w,u 1M! the $latch make a JIlek .bout a. quarter . warea 'lIeem to seek tbe flame streets, toad of many ot the lower clallses. Tbe co~ ected with the presence and ac~IT. e,x posedj the third day' the .t bl,;hs. Clf an Inch .,Cro.1 e'ach' end of the IIpllt, ,~at they may watcb e~ch other. Tbe crIes ' of the varrons peddlera,~ are 'full Ity 'of chlorophyll" may :have a ParalleJ C'n ·the tourth day ,the"abdomeo Is ex· wtl!ch makell 1t-,,,lmJlQl!slbJe lor ' It to narrow passages B!'6 cro\Vded and ot Interest; Q, man. Tendln,>' /lowers , In 'Uie . human . bod.y, · and perb,all8 we, ~1OII1l1f; the flrtb the tborax. FmIl~ly tr..vel ~J! further. ' Then ,.olution t~be, blocked by the ,huge baleB of wOol calls In a lOUd voice, "sallh bamatak!" too, may qave a ,Power of abaqrbln, -tin ·the sixth or leventh day be. ex· and apply' patch fn :the ordinary way.' borne on, ~be backs of groaning Kur- or literally, "appease YOUr mother.ln- 'radln.nt energy not connected with ' th~ posee the neck ' aDd bead wltb aareful J. Hubberstey, IDackpOQL dlsb "ham moll:' who carry' leads that law," that III, buy ber, a bouQUel noaat presence and actIvity ot bl!molglobln, BupefvJslolJ':" . The treatm~nt- l. reported tD , be, 0' Cou ..... 'Would balk a hUSky donkey. peal! are hawked about by a man wbo our oxygen ·csrrytng substance alialEverybolly ),ella the tiresome wr,rd cries "uaml eJlnareln!" or "mother of aeous to' cblotOPhYll ,ln the p)ant. .Thls very elfectlve In tubef1lular blp, JollI.t Jamel Btsrled hh!l tblrd helping of "barlak!" which meanl'! "get out or my two fires:' m'i\anlng that tbey hnve appears to be true tn a meuure, U ..nd knee dlB&aI8I1, eBpeclallt III the puddlnglVlth de~lgbt. • way,''.. ~l 4lrLvere (rqm their s'e- been' twIce l'Oa8~d. ""OIIce upon a time, James," admon. lIatlBfactory ImllroTemeutl In tubereu- IJ!Ltter, becaulle In Buch casetl not polY cure and lofty perch IIhout the ' ''''(lrd Publlo 1I'1'lters, &towee! awa)' III CllZY lar conditione Becured under dIrect eun Ii8 tbe ' Infection destroyed and the 'Vvound bealed, but the Joint' remalDs lehed blil mot,h'\r•. '''there was a little I'n solel\tl)-, a. their 'I'I'reat' crabllke corn en at tile 'blg bazaar, wr,lte letters rays are notet!. • , 'a ' .... ·ult always lac"lnl boi' wbo ate too much, pUddlnl, at:d A metbod ,of treatment by meanl, of ..... ... i burst." . ' he cr~tur.. stalk steadilY through the . to. order tor peallBDts, Bedpull1l1 and tbronlf. TtU!kllb officers-'Or rorelgn even wome.n. The ~an who engrsves prolonged npolure of tbe !,laked bod7 lurgloal Interference III resortJamea Mnsldsred. "There ain't ti1lllb eouBull-squeellq through the malll seilis Is usuall~ lIear by; aU men slID to Bohi.r rays hal been fouad pa.rUaaAllo It Is reported ellectln ' lo • thlllr .1 too mUCh pllddlD,,". lie peritontttl! acute mUllnlar , C!t mf:n alld anlmal • . Jn tbeir arabaE\sl, letters and de,eda here wltll a seal, and .";',y belpful tOI' tuberculotlla. of the IUIiI trachoma, 81 Y81!!Jt. 1D- CI~,~ t be" " ecJ Ileal' 'the Arab ,'rlYen Ihont the wam- not. by writing tbe Dame alone. MOlt bOnes. joint. and gaOIU.. The new ' _J 11 b 11 b d -nUiar tollammatlon of the . ~""re mns , cont nu lac ~·orct. ·'BarLs.t.. ettendl," Is the way children who ,learn to read and IvrJt.e treatm_t Is oa ed e at erapy an J':':'-IOI of ... _ .'1elldl _ad .he 18~"', "el.. "b'l 4Ild Ute Utb, III.... ""' It'. pUt Ir the man In one's path be In ArabIa are taucbt by private t1ltctr. bal been roubd zaot only partioul...., I b·lI of·_.....,.. ......... ... IIKJI'tl tban men cia,.. Bartak! Por They tIItOD tbe /locr,lWQlncballlcand b~lpful tD tubel'e1h...~ d le..o.. 11. . . Bllt It Ie Dot to to , '11J~": I~rtqjl: J,!OO ,eare tbe crowded, dUlty, bill' forth, Bod recite their 18Il01l1 in • alao met wtth maiobcI aucceu III o~ lor ........t. ..... bazur .... eoIuIe4 to tile blllT7- i Iolld V'QJce. ID • latral ..... tU -..uq



Ing ory. The crowd pushes nnd el· bows like the buman 1Iow tbrough an "In" sign at (\ subway entrance. And up rrOUl a myriad throats comes con· versatlon In Kurdish , Turk.lsh, Persian, A.rnblc, Arm ~nlan and Hindustani, Oreek Bnd French-In anythIng but English. Public Life Centere Thero, The real public lire of Bagdad centers In the bazaars and colfee hOUIl68. and on a busy 'trading day the cru.llh la terrlfio_ And men live, move aod make money nQw just as in the palmy days of the Arabian Nights, When Haroun-. sl-Raschld frequented the col'tee· houseB of Bllgdod, at,ld the early Babylonian kings toured tbe . towns of Mes· opotamla, 1'he graphic tales told In the Old Testament about the early set· tlerB ot this colintrY .are easily ver\fled, tor nothing hns changed. Here In tbe bBzaar. for tnstance, Sits a wrinkled but active peraon mending fisbnetB, Like the old apostles, the latter-day ()baldellns of Bagdad enjoy fishing tn t.he Tigris, and overy morning tbey






l- ....

- - - - --


CurIo .... Optical lIIullon,

one cube. Then clole your 'eyeo " '11110 you coun~ ten, ane! llpen your eyes and , look at ' the drawing again, and It will change to what you lIaw In the first pl&(le. viz., one cube 'upon tWQ: There are many othe~ eXamples of how one's eyel may be decelved. For Instance, draw two stralgh~ IInell ot equal lengtb, above tbe ot.ber. .4,t both ene!1 ot one place two short I~nes projecting outwards and. upwardll: at tbe en,dl of the other place similar Ihort Unell llrojectln« Inwaldsj liketbe head or an an-ow. 'Tbe latter line WU. 't herr app~r to be shorter tlia~ tbe other, ' . i



Mllllona',e Glvee Little 80n MinIature Railroad With Actellorte .. Coat- . Inll tso,OOO.


Chlldr4!D of , very 'W~althy 'Paronte someUmes have cOltly toys given them .. "Not long alO Ii. millionaire gave his .iUtle aon' :a IoJnt\Uure r.U"'ad, 'WIth c~r", enKinsB, stl.tlons, ' etol, ~a cost '50,000, Anotb r rich mart pre-: 8ellted bls little daul'lltltr .wft~· a doll that coBt '11,OPO: The doll waa ~ b~all· ty and had a complete let of C)~otbln, every occaalon. ,\ , A dOll'. ' bOUle built " like '1. ,..\Jt truly )joule 'Wlth J)eatitlful fundtu~e, ' ,rUgII, a real · baby ' plano, real electJjc " lights, IItove, ·b8tbroom wttJi b~tl .l'r~ cold water; COlt the ratb~ of 'the m-, tte lad'y· to .... hom It wu pven, ,1.'100. : Mr; ' Krupp, th~ ma. ofbo~' IE\v.11t~ the r~pld 8re, rulli. ga"e t1i1! c!~P. prince of gertll.n; a ,mllliatpre' tCjy:. treaa Ji~t('ti "'~ v.tu.." at '~OO~I)OO. ' These are Indeed v81'J' expenl\ve ~y.. J but the cblldreu 'wbO" play wltbAeDl are 110 happ,,,, thp tile litO, ~~4 who lOVell ber· rat 40111 ,nth aU b,1' heart or the little -me" Who del.btl In tin bonea anel rub1ter baUs that only eGst. a trite. TIle bappleBt cblldrn a,e those wb6 haTe a '.w ' wel~!lo~d to'll: .

"'uMk w••.~t4pI:. ..,..,._. !It.., ~c:e1




•••••••••••••••••• :; :~:~h,

SAVlNGAN• OUTCAST By MARAH' ALICE PE~ER,S. ~~~v""'~..~ :'For ~ood or bad, the world. aU b&.



betore ,me ! Fr(,edom, health-whlcb 'path sball I take?" The man wbo spoko was an ~x·con, vlct. Ho had ,Just been re leased from the peo'ltentla ry P.tter serving 0. ten Tears' scntence for embezzlement. He was no t thlrty·five, yet Ids hilr 'was strleaked w1t1i '-gray and there was a certain hardness about tbe lips that comes from soUtuda and ' resentment. , In a word, Mark Burnbam, w1tb lit:· Ue or no bringing up, an orpban trO~1 a' te n,d el' age, bad wasted five years of bls lI(e, bad s"cured a gOOd position, Fi nally t e,mptiulon bad come, be bad appropriated funds or his omllloyer P nd had bllen cOllvlctell· · DurIng al\ Lbose r ears ot hard labor he bad preserved a stolid. rather than n subml!lsive attitude, He bad count. ed tho dnys on a notched stick. The lust on ba.d been reacbed. He was treed w1tl\ a lIew suit of clothel and a few dolJars In bls pocket. ' At the tloor of lhe prison he was met by a lawyer, A distant relative had ·Iett him $10,000, A' free man, be couid now clalm ' lt. The snug· llttle forlune or !ts eQulv, alent now reposed within a secret ~ocket. Tbat afternoon he had walked to a line of hills overlookIng tbe coun· tr,V' around, to analyze his unexpected condl.tion or aIDuence, to pl~n tor tbe. futUre. , HIs mind was blank 8S an unwtlt· ten Pllge. He bJd no friends. He hnd paid tho law its penalty, ' He was clear ot the ",orId, llnd Its good or bad, ~all blm. path. Indeed, might he take! All he recalled bow harsh!)' fate had dealt wIth him. as alar to the east he -caught the glittering ~plr8tl of a big buatUll8 ctty. hili bteatb cam~ Qulc.k and hard. With all be had heard ot I



(ronl, Olev,ar women uee these on He W.I pale and ,a.lplJl. the street ul~ der a coat so tbero w1ll "You sa'; d, me!" cried Burnham -' not be a' bllre e xpanse or neck be. .,ra lefuUy, "but you-.-" ' tween the cbln and the coat collar, "I am hurl lnt~rnal1y, serlo~aly",' MOOISTES QUICK TO SEIZE THEIR 'l'he usual rolling collor ot 'starched panted the other J,a1ntully. "Qulok! whltG muslin lha t extends in a. sur· OPPORTUNITY, listen! :my side stru'ck a rook owid-n 1 pllce cIJeet to the' bu sl bas lIad Its junlGed. but 1 am glad 1 save(1 YOIl." day , "But, mau-" but just bere the - - - - ,+...fC() "yrUrb •. '1 ~::(, l u re N ~w.p D. pC )"'nd l an ' ft~ 1 I ' , t stranger olosed hls- ey ell imd lay nerve- With That C~untry So Much In I the less. Only once he reylved, GOWN DESIGNED IN ANlERICA Limel ight It Was P~rhaps Inev· "1 am dYing," ,be breathod reebly. table-Collars of M'any and " Promlse me~my brother's wldowPretty Oe8lgns. Of White Flatllc and Silver Brocade, In th e s atcbel:: and passed away. It Achlevl~d Dlot/nct Triumph in gras ping Durriham's ha nd' In a conyu!. Th ere Is IJO doubt tbat we will bav e New York Exhibition. slve ' clutch, in e pidemiC or Belgian ~,tyle8 new and , Tile nexl dny Burnham sta rted for a , Id, Callol has ' already sent over a. T hill · ('lIol'ml ng \,en)ug gown distant city. H~ carrlcd 'ylth him tbe gown of ~elvet trimmed with tiny satchel b elongl lJg to . the man who wblle porcelain bead s and' tur, wblcll cfllled "La F'emm ' a In ~Io d e: ' It Is bad ea ved lila lite, A change had she calls Delglan, and the E'lemleh or white ," lIl e alld sllvcr brocade, come over him, Tile Ur ut strong 1m, \>eaBant~ \\'111 Burely furnl s b milch tbnt embodying a'll f"he poin ts of tbe "Loul. pression or his Dew Ute \I' US tbe sight Is colorful and pletoriul In the n~w Pblllppe" ID.)de l harki ng back to the of the ,peacerul . fs l'm Ilte, It Ilnge red ra s bl ollS, , like II llicture, Tbe secoud 'Was gnti. E~erythlUg contributes to tbl s doml. t Ude for tbo man 'wbo had given UJl nation of fashions III the near futur e bls life to snve his OWII, by thA coulltry ' and the people who 11lb thouglH rnll rapidly , Sud. , hav e s tirred the O1ll'ul8 and llilarts and d ellly, tbrllllngly this outcast found Iml1g lna~lon of the people more tban bls exlstellce dlr.ected into !le w chun. any otber faclor In tbls world \'t'ar; nels, He had s een that his r oscuer As one writer bas said, Germany was burled, Then he had Ol)elled the rna;, have occupIed the place wbere satcbel and Ins pect ed Its contents, Be!g lum was, but Ite soul ha s escaped Prom that moment Mark Durnham be- to all th peoples on tb e planet, One came Ell Wnlters, bas a thrlll 'of pride In even ,\\' earlng a For be feil It a sacred trust to take garment 'o r a IIat that, goes by tbat on the Ten.Ac~ Farm. up the ls'fe ot his rescuer where Lbe name and baa been. suggested by that latter had lain It down, In lhe Satchel country, It Is like beIng touched by (By WM, R. UND Ill RWOOD, ) Into a court ot Inquiry and find out he found' a little hoard ' of about two lh e mantle of courage. " My experience of over forty years wbat's the matt~r, hundred dollars. Tner& 'Were also let· The most amusing touch anent ,tbe in practical farming and fruit grow· There are a great many men of tofng teaches me thst tbe caUBe of so day with small menns ,and large tam, tera and pUllera. An 4lppeal had high collar that tbo American 'Woma.n reached Walters trom his ' brotber's Is taking up Is the tact ,that she hall many farmers havIng a bard row to Illes who are farming from sixty to widow. wbom he ha~ never aeen. He to leave a deep V.sbaped boe from morning till night one day one hundred acrcs or land at a lOllS. had decided tb go to her, r eUeve ner wedge ot her ch est exposed beneath atter anothen the year round. and ha.v· that I am confident would be vllStl, necessities and devote hIs yeara to It. She saunters In tbe street In the Ing 'but little or no time for recrea· better off at tbe end or il tew yeaI'll care tor her and her little family. coldest weatber with her coat cut tlon. Is that these men are ,armlng If they would lIell balr the , farm and ' BUlnham found the Walters family down almost to the top of ber corset. more land than they are capable o( expend the money received for th.; destitute. rndeed, He had assumed showlng.a flIcker of bare sldn bemanaging wen. UPbUlldlng I1f the other half. And the the Identity of a relative they had tween. and her neck enveloped In a I mean by thl8 tbat they are farm· young man wh') Is just entering tbe never seen and was accepte d as the fur stock tbat Is warm ellough to do Ing without sumclent caplbll to prop· pursuit of tarmlng will. J ani well c!bn- , real Uncle ElIL That bard heart of duty in the Rusllian tr~nches: ' erly Ull the land they are workIng tent, find that ten acres are enough bls 'ottened I1ke ",ax as he e~ployed The new blouses a1ao have high ; and keep UP Its fertility. or farming at 1Irst. tbe $200 to bring aheer and comfort boned col lara and the coats reach to Without any welFde1lned ' plan or where there bad been despair and sul· the ears, Some have ' the dlrectolre method, ferLng, The widow wall ·.alckly and al. collars tbat rise 'high and, tum back MAD~ It Is an established truth that ten most an Invalid. Tbere were five lit. on . themselves In a stralgbt. Une; oth. acres wel1 tilled wlll produce more tie <.hUdren. Within a week tbe chU. have the consulate collar. whIch and better crops than 20 acree halt so dre.n' were grouplug nbout blm a ll Itralght aoross the back of tile 1860's, The decolletage or t be gown treated , Tbls I learned when J llrst . thou ell hI! :were a 1'eal father, and the neck. ala"o high 'and turned over and Is marked sUIDy by a plaiting of whIte !tegan my farmIng caNer, 1fldo~ w~ filled with gratitude and made clf aome brightly colored stlfl fame wblch mllkes almost a sb:algl1~ Animals Having but -'260 to s~art with I pu~ Gluttonous hope, .. • line ac\,osB 'l'lie bosom and shoUlde l\l. eh&sed 20 acres Qf unt~proved la.nd. Much of Thein feed WithFor the ftrst tlmej one day, Burnh~m This gown. quaint and beautiful, 'Was feeUng lIure I would l;Ie al1le to add saw 'ld'a Worth. Sbe bad been m tor oUt Masticating It., perbapB the most decIded atyle exblb- all .lIecessary fixtures such ae 'fenc' a -month aild called whUe he wae In Ited. The gown wae auctioned oll mg, buildIngs. farming ' Implements, (.By ~, OOVElRDELL.) the boull'lI.: Jo"rom tbe/rat, her e~rnest, November ~ ,by Mra. Theodore Roose- etc., from the receipts of the prodUce Where ' Btook ' eat the .graln ' In Ita patient face attracte bim. He learned velt. Jr,. th,e money tbus ,alned be· ,natural and unbroken state, It Is '!Ie.,.,. 'that Bile bad practically supported the Ina donated to tbe war reUer fund al raised on the land. r purcha~ed a cbeap team by giving seldoJD mutlcated 81 thoroughly '\1 It wIdoW' and her iamllY for Beyeral are all the proceeds of the fete ar· month.s. but Illnen bad cOme and she ranged by America's society lead~n a mortgage o'n tbe place and man· should be. Moet animals ,.re na~urallY to borrow ' sulftclept tools from gluttonous and In their haste to 000' wai now as 1I00r as themselves. Sbe and "vogue'" at the Rltz-Carlton. New my neighbors Ilntll the first cz:op was BUme graln they s",.llow much of It laid the doctor had pre'lcrlbed a reat, York, made, But alas! A~ barvf!Bt time, without cnuahlng or grindln, It, ' cou.ntry air, but that wu l)I!yond when I began disposing ,ot , the crop, This 'wields a detrimental etrect 'on ber attaInment NECKWEAR OF THE MOMENT I tound' that my e:xpenSe8 were 1ar ex- the stock that Is tW()l.t~ld. 'the grain "I'm gOing awa;, for a dq.:v or two," ceedlng my receipts. and that bank· In tWI sblld condition cannot Impatt ,Burnham told Mrs, Walters. that eve- .' r proper ' noul'1Jbment to 'the anlmala A... t.. P ...tty .1 T.hol. O~ the ruptoy was , not !Ip', dls~t. nln8. ",My dream-'I will 'bla'ke It, 8um,".r, Though ' M.terl.Is I worked hs~ wIth muscular ,toree, and the digestive and asslqrllatlve or. true!" he pled&nd hlmself ·fervently. ,Are bltrerent. but found I had ' made a bad mill take gans will be overtaxed and 1m paired In . Two week.8 later Burnham conveyed '/ by not. putting my braina to better their efforts to convert tbls C10aree teed the Waltera ta~l1y ' and Mill Worth Juat III last summer the I lovel1 ~se, ' However, I lucceeded In lell~ Into substance that· will buUd up tbe ~o tl!elr new hume, a lovely country touch of -wbUe-neckwear WAS organdle the team ' for su1ftclent mone,. to pay tissues of the body, ' cottqe, He hael ,used tile 011'0 monoy and lawn: 1I1~ now It fl\ of cream net the mortgage on the place. after wb~b Aside from thOle two detrlmedta we to give to tHe widow a surety of jlroand lace In Ithe finer: costumes, and of 1 dlBPQsed of ten acrea or' the Illnd must " conaJder that ungrolllld et'4 v;tlion for the rest ot her llfe, pique In thOBS dresBes that smac~ of at a fair price. causes waate by pal8lttg whole 811~. '.'1 am iolng away," h. l81d to Ida ' tbe tallormllde. , I lben ,took the money received .'or 'prllctlcallr uncha,nged tbroug~.' tlie ~I_ .• week lB,ter. Tbere Ie less wiring ot lhe ooUal'1l tht) ten &eree, planted 1Ive o( the 1'e' mid. It the , stock tio eat an amount' noted that she changed color to make th'em etand up; as {be necks malnlllg ten acres in smillt fruits, large ' enough trom which aumclent _ft" -'h~_ IIPI ftuttered, and he are higher IiIB far, as d4jcollete III. con· ulled fo,lr ac~ for the growing of nOurlsbJDent Can tie extracted, It means , der.ed 'wily, \ . cerned; thel,call. howe\(er, be n,htly. "egetables, whlle , one acre wa,s occu· about lwlce 8s'1Duch il& must be fed t() "l ~ust tell you what tbe otberl wlrecl If thlBY are more 'becomlng. pled by a nlde house and ha'rn. be converted lDto' bone and mueoular need not know," be continued sadly, Fipe nulle. applique and poInt " J felt sure of ' success thIs time and tissue, : " "I ~m "llot the ul\ole of tho,ae children;" are not'ed III the coHan of the new 1,urchase4 . 0. horse from a , nelghl>or :r'be faUure of'the ItoClt to masticate anI! h8',told ber all. ' drel. model:e, and tbere is alWaYB on the Installment plan, 'J;'bat IB, I unground grsln ",m .also caulle 'a lack , "Then 'you are even 'a nobler DIaD Smart Blaok 811k a.aver Hat; WIth enoll&b net I!dded to tbe neck' deco"!:,, than J thou,ht," tlUl'1lt' ,t ortli Ida' 1m< ' Long Quill Orn.m.nt, ,Model.d on tlon to keep the' lace trom looldng too was ' to pay 80 much per montb 'for at dlgesU'Ie aecretions or juices s'.1 ' elpetuoualy, . ' , tbe horae, letting tbe an1mal "stand sent1~1 to this 'proce!'s ; ~ben, ~n order , tn. Belgian Soldl.r'. Cap. hard aphid 'the akin. to 8upply this ,!leflclency, the ,!-plmala ', "I alll an ex-conVict," 'a nd the res' IUIt thlckl, Incrusted with gold or :SoJDe ot the lace gllimpell are , of good" tor the debt untl! paleL , , My good wife. who was Just all en. have a cravlne tor water. and a I..r,g e or the w,retched story came out. ,liver arabellQuee. ' "mbro~derecl net of the applique tr.P!! thuslasUc and energetlc In mald.n g· a , qua~t1ty Is ,tb,VII' consu~ed-muoh 'Yoll ,bav& ,.nobly red~med ,-0\11'1 Tbe smartest outsIde- collar II ' of of lace, end they. ftnllb at the top ' It b .' ~sl g' 8 feW more tban la necessary-anil yet thIs " br~athed Ida, "Oh, do not go rUT as Wide al It la poaalble to wear with a ,roun(1 neck that does . n~! oome 11 I v ng as myse, egan n , enormous amount of water has not t~e away, they need yo~, We 10,"e you!" It: ', It 1s m&de ,l lke a olown'. mlf In , qul,e up to the bale of the throat. cblckens and also proved to be of deBlred eaect In promoting dlgestiltn Her bands had now rel!tecl in his that It rlau to tbe chin and doe. not ' ,'. ' grea~ aSSistance /to me In the culture as do tbe natUral juices that II110uld OWIl;: He Ipoked 'Lnto her eyel, blnd- ' the !leck under the cbm. It F~r " Crown With Brim of Gold t.,aoe. or our frults and vegetabllls. ' bave ~een brougbt down by thorOugh somely, aD~ then ,with, ,. flare thrll,l: fastens lit the left 'tront with a rolette :W,e lived scaqt unUI our first crop mutication , , " Fur of mnny klnda Is used to trim She awa ed towardll .h lm, and he knew' ot" 'Velvet dbbon, or with , braid but; ,t he a~tultln bats. One good modeJ ()t vegetables. were gatbered In. for On the o~her hand, where the' grain that ,hla tond tlream',bad coms true, ' tODS and loops, 8\lP,,(S a pullte~ fur crown with a brim we wished to ob~ln a start In ,life Is ground 'before feedlng .. lt Is 'flne arid (CopY-fight; 19,., , by G, Chapma!l,' , High black 'velvet dog collars ate of gold or,slIver lace, mounted on w're. ahd re~lIzed that thll(! wa.s our only dry, adbert~g to tbe animal', ,mQ~tb again in style with hopse blous~iI that There II a big metal1tc rose tor the way of 110 doing, wh en it takes ,a bite. , till It ball GOOD OUTLOO'K FOR FUTURE are cut Ina !leep surplice openlllg i!1 eole trImming, After disposing or, our vegetables chew before It can swallow. · This w,e paid up all accounts and bad a avoids the drawback above mentioned •. N'umber of College-Tra.ned Me'n hI < nice little Bum ,ot money left to belp aud by the grain being weir c'rUlihed 'B u.ln.l. Is of the .Hlgh'lt , it 'lnsures thorough ,digestion; later, its' (lollar. · The,n clo!le by a tal,e loop carry us through tbe winter. USEFUL GifT , ~ ®Ignlflcanc:e. about the button al the top, As our means would a1!ow us , we pulverized. condltlon rende'r s .It, ' bave gradually added to this ten aerell dlately avo.l1ab.le for the. a~8ImlIat1ve , ' FURS until now our .'f orm ' comprlS~8 210 organs to cpllvert Into ' /lOllr,tSbm,~ntFASHION'S FANCY IN acres whiCh Is weJllmproved in every bone andl1\UBCle-wlth04t overtaxing, 81\Y of the or.g o,neot these:) wp .Sy,,7' Cpa" ' and IC;::pes ' Follo~ Practically parUcu lor. We do not devote tbe tarm to the tems, and ~t tbe same tillie It w\ll ,Dllu- ; On. 8tyll&-Molt Attractive De· raising of anyone particular thln,8. del' less ot tbls ~round teell niicesi;la r 1 8112n8 In 8ealllkfri. ' but produce pracUcally .ev~rytlllng to keep the allimal tn pJllnje"IiI,l:iallQ. ' that Is raised on the, general '~un of Other hhPoJltant l~atur\lS 'in. favor of The· furc()ats lind capes arb nll "a t~rms. . , , gnndlng ~raln for feeding pu'r ooses' We have a. number ot acres devoted are: It Is easier to handle" tban the godetll," A handsome loilg cont' Is in a 'vQry ,fine <q uality of ' seal , U1usquasb. to the culture of almost nil ltlnds . or. ' grain; If ted I.n the prop er reo ' ,Tb,e big 'Il/lllwlrevers ~re In brIght trults "nd vegetJ!,bles that will grow coptacles the stock will ]lot ,waste as ' yellow tox, lalso the cuIJs. The Wide I.n our; llltithde, which' "til grown much of 1t as' ot the whole iraln: the godets ,w rap .over a t bottom. , mainly for the mar:ket, manure /or,m ed trom U:!Wtlt be of finer Mucb fitelil fur Is seen with long . We raIse seve~al bead, eacb ~t cat- te,: ttura, more easftY'and ' qUI~k'H' 'niade' silky hair. IRusslan t"r. ls ~.o- tlte rore. tie. sheep an4 'hogs, ond also from available tor. the reju,v epatlon ot $olIe; • In calle.. the crusn,ed , Is corn !;In. Collars ana curts In 'a dltf.~rent fur. ~bree to silt 'co~ts each year. Some of ttle flU cap~s 'b ave, co~t We produce ~ pl,e ntlrul supply or tbe ear, W hiCq ts o ur staple teed- in a tronts,'whlcll tbern Dluch worm· grain and'. hay, hut none Is ever sold vMt .~orn trel~ '~l'E\a, ,p ait of ~he cob Iii er, Th.e se capes -nt i\telJ on the body.. from the farm as we bave found there renderell IIlgeslible. 'and 'a treat econoare very '1I'1C:e on the sides, ~ete Is , more profit ,In, teedlng Jt ,all to tho; my 'fn teed J~' 1:'h,UB bl'oU~ht ahOYt.. " ts a Boaiskln 'coat deml.a'juste, aul! ana tlren, se!ilng them. ' lt ca . be mBIl!lUre~ more accuri\tely ~chlng tbE~ Jaiees, From the waist We employ. the servi~es <it three at feedlnlS time tlian whole grllin es. It ~Idens O~lt to ,w rap !llgM over tli. lIlred ml1!l tbe "year roun,d, beside peQI.ll~ the 'corn on the ear, 'arid 'Uils .' troni to t'be bottom. On.btI aides are otbel:' lIelp dllrlng the busy '8~1l80n. III :m9st · lmpol'tant as It enables one big" ~odet8. The sleeves ore ver.( A ca:reful record, is kept ot all tran,il.' to be morel: ~ular aa to. the ' amount lOOBe and h.ilg~y Itom the sboul<Jer t6I' II(!t~~'/l'S, :wblph we ba'te tOllnel t~ b" , feed &~ven each anImal, which will the elbow, .)utflt well on the lower of utmost Importance.ln euccel!!· promote rqularitjo, In the digestive Tbe wlcl.ti" d~~~ble c~llan " ond a8lJllmUatt'le systems and promotes muph w!lm theae u, •. are anilwlt. pad of the am:. and well l!P at ~h& tlul ' farm management. In conclUsion I w.llh to state f.rom aJlll'lI.lthy; vl,orous development of all ward shape. to PQt .away ~thout 'IIeck. Small ahaw! collar ' and cuJrs • , , "the hlind. , and -bottom or practical experience and otiserva:iipn the tls.uea. " A , ~ ~old theQI eaD falling ' that the 'm~n wIJo grows croP!! that be bi ' co~U1q two .heee., of cOat In do not bring him a good Interelt 'on carilboard about is lIy 10 Inchel ~Ith ~.~ of Colt'l Feet. hlg F.. th ..... linen. Act:oell the inne*, ...r1.ace of lbe value ~f the land. and fair pa, Do not negltct' to level , tb'e colt'. or ostrich plumes I~ III for the labor beltowed upon It, I. In ·teet when the, /U'8 brou,bt In from one' put two Itripe or \be Ihlen with Ii .keep thorn beautUully a losing ~nme and will go to tl1e w.ll Pll.tura. buttofth,oJe .In the ada to a but. ton OD the cue. hold the are twomethocls. One II l!Joner or later, Tbe feet ma, be :woJ'b I1nev~n, e. o[ each frond ove, Dankru ptc.y I~ clole at haD" WIleD I!8Ch~.Ily If the colt. have b!!en· 1'UflI,CO""I,," tn two ae:ekJllfe. The other one'. ell:pensce exceed reeeipta. lD • ltolll' paitu.... ilp.1rtnIClJllI,. 1I4Il~ on ,a Wbea a 'man Glldl the NI1"ft"", and l'aIp

















. ,

Probate Court PrC)Ceedlngl


TIH) will of J.mnle G. Brubaker, dec6l1Aoo, Is sa ulltte<1 to probate. In t.he 'D8,;tor of the 1118iate of John

W. H. Madden leO. LUMBER, PLASTER,UME AND CEMENT On Hands At All Times . , .. _ _ _ .. _ - . ,

i ~~~~



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,AA ......... - . -_ _........ . . . . .


LOCUST FENCE POSTS We have just received a carload of good Locust Fence Posts,

$2.25 per 100 feet The finest car of Chestnut Posts Ever Brought to' Town is JUlt , in.




V~n ' o:e, d,10eo.lled, Loois . F. Col&1118D i8 appolLHe<1 adooIDI8~rator . BODd $1000. J. S. Morrt'!!. M. A. Jam680n and J . Warren wood afe app inted IIpprai ere. first and flo,.l i;;oooot in the os &ate of Cn Lvln C. Souff, deol!88ed, 'is lItppr ved. In tbe e ' tate Of Rebecca M' John. 800, dool'1f1sed. ,I<'t1'81; and dnal aooount. i8 apploved . In the estate of Noah a, Miller, deoeased, first u9connt 18 Approved. Seoond acoount III the eetate of I£,ul G. WUson , deoeased, 18 &pprov ed. b'i.r Bt {\nd final. acoount 10 the es . tate of OllSode DsVa ul , deoeased, Is apPfoved In t.he esta le of .Tames Wetr. de. ceased, firllt Iloounnt is I~pproved. In tbe estllt of Addil:lon E Moutb: ard Sr., decellsed, tirst and fioa180 0000" is IIPp,()ved. , First bOOollDt In the estate of JameM MoMuIl1D, tleeeal:lod, L8 ap.. proved. The will of ba bella. Oooper, de 008Sed. ie admitted to probate. . Intbe matter of thEi eiltate of !sa bella. Cooper, deoel\aed. Emma F . BrenDer and Mary A. Bllrdl~ll are appohited exeeotrlx'il:!. No bond re qnired. Jobu- S ackett, W. W. ~ht1rt 8 aud Artbor·are ap poin ted appraiser.

______~_,~~~_~~ ___~______• ."





Make WOUJ1 salection by- makinB (X) opposite the a~ti. ole 1"011 wish to purchase aDd brinK it 'With ¥ou totha .tore.



Conklin Self Filling Fountain Pens Watermans Self Filling Fountain Pe.Ds Silver and Gold Lead Pencils Loose Leaf Memoran-dums Drawing Sets Draugliting Supplies Paint Sets Steel Bond Boxes Steel Chests for Family Silver ~ Ink Wells of all Descriptions Black Boards School Supplies Silver Pocket . Knives Pearl Pocket Knives Diaries for 191.5 Memorandum Books Dennison Handy Boxes Loose Leaf Scrap Books

Leather Goods of all D scription Brass and Copper Desk Set s e Copper & Silver Inlaid Desk ~ts Imported Desk Novelties Writing, Portfolios Bibles Gift 'Books Photograph Albums Post Card ·Albums Mechanical and Scientific Books Rosaries Catholic Prayer Books Christmas Cards Games. . Imported & Domestic Stationary Desk Calendars Library &:ts. Shears and Letter Openers Copper and Silver Inlaid/' Vases Smoking Sets and Jardiners , .-

T·he Everybody'S Book

Websters Unabridged Dictiona't ... iea Instructive Books for Children Dictionary Stands . Rridge and Whist Outfits Poker Cases Chips \ Place Cards Engra,.ing. Recipe Outfits Collar Cases Pocket Books "Gents" Cigar Cases Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases Desks . Office €hairs Filing Cabinets Oak and Mabogany Waste Paper Baskets . ~rass and Wire Baskets


Shop Company

21 and 23 West Fifth Street


hru.H . BudEd~lnV8nd~VOOrll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

as extr8. bf the 1l1et ' wUl and teeta ,. men t of Jon ban Vlion d erv oort, d 6- .q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! oeaeed, p)alnttffil V.fI. J ohn Vander ' "oort etal, defendant!!. R.J,Sbaw.F renob B. OOUlDS, farmer of Lebo I han I appOinted goardian ad lUem. !,noD ~o BtlfSk of Malon. U Ie V Regts,.tration of title In tbll oause 11 RElv Hageman , referred. to I!'. U. Anderson, examlnel Commissioners' Proceedings 1 w~il offer "t Publid IoIale at my i • I r r ft.. 111 the mntttjt of tbo · 8l\tll.~e of 'T he aooouo'" of Ibe two depoel- reeidenoo In Waynesville, 0, on SWEll QUIOK fIIEI:'EIi' John .M Rar~er, deoeased. Franoes tOl-t88, ~he Lebaoon N,.,I,)nal . aod 1-~" n..___ L.i;, 1914 Harper 18 IIoI)Pointed admiuiatralrtx. the Vlti38nl }t/at;tonal &nli:a, (or tbe iI~ay, ~U'IOr ~~, Pain leaves almOlt Bond .600. mODth Clf NovembBr were audited Belrinninl as 1 0'01001£ thB follo'll.. If by mac ic wben J . W. Newman, "dml' .. ()f 'be ea IUld found oorreot. IDR: BODaebold lood. ()(JDtlilltilllr ,oa belln uaia, Nt). of lito".. , Qarpet, Coolltnl,U'eDRUe, Drcpt,"t!lefamo1llloid .~-;,;~~-';;';:'~ _;;"'~~~~';;"'~~ ~~+--I tate of T. L. Brown, deceased, pll\inThe flnanollll atatementa of tbe and mao, other ",..&101811 Soo numer. JellIed,. f~ Rhelllll&tiff vs. Annie Brow? et 11.1, defen Auditor and TreasDrer showl. . tbe ~ 'I tiBm..LilmbAco, Gout. dants. DI8tribution of prooeedB of, balance In eaoh fund and aocount a~ 0111 wen on. Sciatica. N oaral,la 8ale ordered , t"'e of the month were B B . King. and kiDdred :1 '~1!!1~"_ _ _" " "_ _ _ Y bealonln8 ., .......- It ,081 rlgbtkoutil-. 10 tho Common Pleas Court . I pret'epted and placed on file. . 1 wllJ offe, at -Publlo ijale ou the tpOt., ..~ the aches J ohn W. Ltngo' vlI, J. W, Taylor .Billa Allowed:- v .' B. 8tanage & home (arm 1 mite weet of tbe aDd ~1111 aDd makell ey $112 90 witb interest Co., 8uppliel tor OOQ"~ IseDugrapber, ~pfl.DIr 8U! lIohool houle ~l11. tbe lif .Jlit!~ " a' ~~o ~on, . . 18; Oblo Oorrog&ted Colver' 00, Lebanon and Wilmington PIke. on ....... - ..._ •..,... Frllnk H . .B~ueggem~nn and Eva 116.69 ;.Jollo Wolfe, bridge repairs, Tuesday, ~mber 22 .1~14 • today. b A booklet with Brueggemano va. J086ph W. Snook 'UU; o. W, Sparks, brid~e repa\ra _ , . ' boUlo ai- full and wife. ~pe()\f1o ptlrformanoo of or Union ~wnl!lbip lIS . "allllie . Bell~olng a' 10 oolook the tol. ~~:~r.~~ oontt:llut and other roUef. !TOWUShi P rru(Cteea ~t A L. KlnJt: lOWing ~roperty: 6 Bead of BOI'84'I "6-DropL" DoD't ac- • Bar.., Allmeyer va, (:)raoe All. roadwork, 111/1.«; N'. tJ. Orndorff 7 Bead eatt·le. 40Bead DUl'oot§lloats. cept ..JthiDII elle ill ooefer, dlvOl'oe, gron nelleet and brtdge wora . ~wD.h\p .:::m Implemente, aarD~, <.ira~n , placeollL Ait,y ...... ornel ty. , 3G:FraDk lum»ert1G.'6; 8eelllgbllllfor,wllu,.. , r::..a:~:~~U~i:r~ · Sherwood • E,i"$ervls AmandlioE NIChol1\1l VB. wor.k '1~. 85; H. B. Wllllerlon. SWIAIDO RbelUllatiA..Cun Col, No_II:, Nioholalt. money 00 oatil, ; Ber' ' Ohio, aDd a beetle of "'»,OPI" "'II be ' Ella. Nlohohui va;-,,&'--I::l, 1 will o.t tel at pablto Ale a'my. !IOI1t preoaicL ' ."\' I...... 'ruu.'v on note. ' relldtnos ~OWD ait tbe James Willi " Jobn W. Kreitzer VI.: OrloD 8 ; farm 1~ mUM north of Dodd. and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~. • Nioholas, money on note, to prlloi1en tg I A, ~ ml\811 louthwes' of 81dgevt))e, WIIo.IIlIg tey. for jIlU " l; B P. OD Real Estate TrallAfen UJi bol•• ce~en' ,.0.65 iReV', J. B TPHday, December 22, 1914 8noMr IlEr"I08I &I obapJaiu at InFuneral Director. Intunational, rebuut and guaranteed same as new. · This ' BeIliDoiDI 10 o'oloct. promp'17, Joseph Hamilton to (:)eorle 8. ftrmal'l' pr.6'; WIInie Whluore, is especlfJly a g~ proposition at the price we offering. Brub"ller lot No .. 781 in II'rlU,)rlin, 1108.18 ;~ColQmbDl BlaD. the followiDIl properly I II honN, Telephone day ni8bt, t4(J0. . . '. Co. IlUppll811 19.715; WeeterD :I cante. g hop, farmiDllmplemeDY, Valley phoDe No LuDI William E Van BorDe et .1, to lIullPllel for ooon'y .oftloefll barD"', oorn aD" 8bredded todder. . DiJlWios No. 61-11'. Robert M. Van Horne lot io Fran 1180; A . T Betti", emerienoy See btR bills for terma . Ml'I J.~oy Beck.... Un. $1, . r(.,d $172.50 ; Ohio CorrnKa&ed CnlL. KLaugdon So Mary E , Lang nrt Co' ,pipe 180 60 ; ~ D. Belikle, ~~~~~~~~==~ "utOmob~ 8e,rvloe' at .. 1'Imee don lot No lin Wrlght'aaub4lvi.LoIl . I and eXOOn8e11 $111.85 ; 'tVA YN.ESVI~LE,. OHIO to Leba.noii ~1. ' ollutrant $177,'80 i John M' Ad. Ralph G,' Ml11er to Bomer"M. . aoditpr, ' malliag ,fiDancial , Bruich 08lee. ~Q.b ... , 0. II'losll1e Carey lot in Wayne.vllle, $1. tOI&ate $50 I State .~f Obio "B, ..."_...'<' <' ' '............_ _................._ - ., W 'R cA t PermeU V CODover, feee aud qoet••, ClO; Den~. .0 II. 'Of Obio'Va B W ·Pa,ne' feee Wikoff, lot No. 16 in Wt~oft '8 ad- aDd 001&11'$6 i tI'atfi' of Uhio ..e.'Oaro di'loo to )lllllon, '1. feee and' OOII~I GUO; A . W. I:'OUND~Tb. bell' place &0 buy Sena W . R088 and Lou. lC. Van dirt ulled In l'08ter-ft.ll ,50- .I" Chriltmu good. II at Barnhart's, . f" . Harllogen to Permelta V . Wiaoff .MIn Mary Br1l80up g60 ,&rd~ WaYD8IvlJle. Ohio. ' , .d 28 lot No. loiS in Wikoff's additlol1 to d i rt,need ~prfDgboro fllllBUD Veterinary Muon, $1 \ '. . • - '" ' • Oradulte ~ Oblo Sta'; Un.....''' " W • .0. Hudsoo and wife ~ t1barles Pirompt 'Actlon Will StopYour eou,b Agents for the Celebrated .Jngeco Gasolene and Coal Pewka"f'a I pO'R BALE lotI! N;). 19, 20, .21, .2, 98 ' . , and 2"ln' the Maple,Pa rk liubdlvllion Wh~n you &:8' oatoh~pQld (often Oil Engines, Automobile and General Ma~~el'f (0 Kings Mill!! fS60 . ' itldiolLteq by a 8n~eze 01' oO'lgn,), , .. ' '. . • ,0000c~ at reeldence hi F. D. Sher ( .: . C. Budson , and( wlf~ W b: r eak it up at ooos. The ' "'s.-1 a yearI Inll. 1 6_"o.yeuRepairing, GBsolines, Oils and Accessories W. "H d~ not ma';t-r" 0' '''1111.1~ ..00 ...... . wood 's house Fourth Street • B S' k 1t N 16 17 d 181 I t vvv • v ""... . old. Botb loodon88. i'orfur'her ' ,. ', . • .all n ~'5rl01l8 oompltoattontl. The'remooy tnf.ormation tnquire at thll omoo. ' Telephone""" ' " '. "!YapI' & 0 I ' O. Maple ~rk r..bdtvislol1 to Klngl whloh lmmAdill&llly and eully pen8' . d 28 . .... . al111e, $201. . . . tJra~. ~h8 liolng of tbe throat 111 W • Jllmes 11'. RIJthtp:;llre to Geprge A. lliud tiemanded. Dr '8 B1DDS'llEAD"':'Wtd~ODe, lilRh baok, ayne,.viJIe. Miller, a'tracts of hod ~n Hamil'on Dl800yerv loothea tbe .. good al new~ C,U on Hary ~. towoship, ~l. .' 1~066n8 tbeJlhlegm. YOD MoKIIIDey, e ••' of .the Chr"tla'" ~!!!!.~.!!!!!!!!!!!!.~.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sara' S. Kl1patdolt et .aJ to Ownly ..t ,Oiloo. '·n leemed to and look at" d 28 , ' Il'irmlkD lot No . 58 io Uebanon, $1 . .po~ of wy Cough'" Is 01le WAYNESVILLE,Omo. Phone 105 G. E . Ji3rown and .,irtftt' to MaryJ. IIl1a~Yhon.eil~ ~~'*Qlontals.'. 5?O ROOSTERS-White Wyandott8tl, _ _ _ _ _ _~--_----------------... Fraser 10'11 No. 41 and 62 .Ip ~ou'h yo"r Drlligl~~r . } .' .. full blood~. Oan on Jil. H, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Park 'Subdlvision, to Lebanoo . • _ ~ .' _ ~ • Browu , B . D. 6, WaynelVtlIe, Oblo. BIlTry,Uuglelby'e~ al .to ' Char18,ll ~t .... l\\c:CJ.4In" Bx~rt~ . Wltb", ' .' 1 ; ' 14,28," I! • • V. ' BA~NHART. D~. J. MILLB~, .E •. E1lI1 ·.~B rods 'of laod 10 Haut.. CrouP . FINE~ll'IJJ,O~.h ~1r; pockereJla' . "Wh ; bo R ' ' 11" .11 a pleJe lItnU fl.rat of tile year. ~. •• TH. W9-"" k)w n.eb,p.,l. . P Ubll ' .8. , . be """uubjeot , en ~1 10y, oroup, ' ay, w~ I~I D. r . 8mUh tlprtn V 11 - - - ........... . u . . 0 . C DENTIST Orrl.s G. \fp~r and 'Wjf~ &0 and I "'.. . . ' I It sY, . ..... : "---,,, ...Cl!I ~ tary N Campbel1. 1X aorel In ~nu.ry a.lwa.Ya alarmed at BOoh tl.N. Ulilted, 8&a~ (Bo~tI) pbl,>ntl '""nt. ."""~ ,"cr..~ AUklDdI of Notllry Work. Pe08loD . . Snney1498,$I . .' '. Chamberla'.a'tlOoQlhB.eaaedYProV~ ,. . I . dIS oqa'!u• • O~-• . Work .. tlpeOtalty. . Blq. lW~UIe, 0 , Marrll,e Uceillel ' .' eel far beUer than any' otber for pIAN:O-Beautlful Oak· cue, Uol . :~~;::i a.lIYlc*~CA. ,. , kouble Jtal~ayerellt'l"ed . 'Qnlal 4811lgn and In .08. Ie.,. " Ift.ADY. . . .'"0'00",• • F rAnk K . BHl, farmer of. Yarrow . lam ne¥~r wtt~on' lha~ 'lwo.yeu•. 'Wlll eell for oaeh . SAM"'E QOPV PREI Truth. HATHA.:W:A:V ~ ~llI~e!t.l~r~~1 of Lo,e1&nd. Rev, tor. 1 DOW '~il ~ payioeD"t8.' 0&11 on W. V. ,... _ . . . YDIUC o ...~ ' ,. We aN bon to inQuire after tiouth " . .' . ~up," w'ria ''<In. W"R,' Way.-enUle. Ohio. d28 .. .. y. . .'. Leslie, W ,. MoElbiney.. barbel" -9 BlairsVille, Fa. i'or .le '• . ,' . 1 ' • ; : ~w::.~.~er power to 1I0Il" Wat~nne'. Deatial .Mary ceoliia 'Rlech. both of LebanoD. all' dealers' . ,. • . aubllorJ1ter. to the Hou.n'.I-!!!!!!!!!!!!!\!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~.t!!I. ._ '. ' . , _". ~ ' III K6711 ·Bldg. )lalll 8 Rev. W. ,C. Welch: ' ,.I" " . ' .. . _ • Maplfue. ' liJepd_ I~ &0 the I" -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~ < ,o~, oD-_rth, .D~ . ge' OQe ofatShe -mqallln.,.


Phi· S'a Ie RHEU"ATlft I .. . - - . , U PPERE .."..








• Horae Gasoline Engine




OI••.-lIIad :

Dr d. ·A. McCoy,







Gasoline EDgin~ and Engine, Supplies






. ...




D a.H.E.

Y-. ..




Two Machlne8. SprlnsfleldTlree, Tubee and' Accee8orle8. Valvollne 011 and ar....~e. . •





A. R. Chandler'




Sick H"4~che Siok ' J;le&dll.o he il.· nenly a~~~~~"l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! oauaed by di80rdel'8 of the 1IW''';ma,OD. Corroot the.n and tbe period,~o a~ All Kind. taoka of mok . headaoh, will dltlapo. pear. Mre. John Bishop, of Bose ville, Ohio, wl'ltes: "About a :reai' ago 1 Uouj)led ~tb iudJgea"oD and bad slok headaohe tha' ~ted for two or Ibree at a time. ' I







PolblllIlled: Weeki, <

~ ~. CJtA~E, ••





"a1'1dlVO.l.. , . ORIO


I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. __ _ _ _ _



, The N~ighborhood News

Ohlo ,

E;ditqr and 'MWlager


;-ra-.--'·. .

.---~ '---;...y:-.b"" 0







........ ~ ••• , ••••••• ~......... ' IJi~r"N an

'«oun' w;,h u,



-and take full advantage of the positively un-


.the crowds here thl;s

week-yo!J can't afiord to miss an opportunity to

ur II ores ILre , lIssuming ..,hrfst· As a forward etep In the New ,~ ' . mas IIlrs; tbe seleotlon of their Eduoation movement, tbe L,v.tle Be 0 ~reful--1lLyonl!' mlLnnertl. tor h JUday goods ShOW8 good taste and &hetorlo ola88 will put-their s,ud3ualed values this remarkable buy Home Furnishings at prices tbey 1ud~0ltte your breeding. knowledge of what tbeir trade Je W a praolioal teat by gatber.lng and :we offers. . like these: 'I e ollrerul nf .vour thllUg~tll, for m8nd~ . '. report,lng the news of tbls village, tiloy torm ,vour life. _ . 0 The 8langbtetlllg of porkere is in eaob week in tbe Gazette. Bo careful of your IlOtloDlI, for s'yle /lDd tbe wlla,her being jost Meadam86 Anna Smitb and Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . they reveal your ob .. ruoler , right we a~e eDjoyln" fresb pork. Cornell entertained the "Pioneer DlLrerul by of your you R L r tb e 'L y tl e ..... .. . .... ... 0h uroh • I..• are811jadKlld tbe alll\ool~tes oompany ' ; yoo ey W a .er prpaohe(Uoan Inter "I v ILS8 0 tea.... , " eded oongregation, ':Iunday. Those 'he former's bome 111.8' Wednesday Be O<lrfll ul of yO\~r 'amny "od who lire staying a.way are surely eveDing. ' frlenue .• hey at/\ tbll blla, gttta the n"."slng something tba' they OlinDot Mesers. Frank and Lester KurBs AhDlgb't.y can gtve yon. ~ alloyd to miu, were Dayton vleltore last Monday. Mr. and Mu. W. L. Barvey w~U 'l'ill.m ,b Barton reoontly sold his fitlDlLrelnl of your heal'b; U il a hlo1481ng ,hu ORO Devor be too leave for tbe 8unM sOl1th In the f"rm near Waynesville to Samuel highly v.!llued : it i8 SImply pri.oelese. D(!&r futurl'. . Ben.k~e. --_._. ' Dr and Mra. WaJ'd bid tbelr rei. &mnel Mmlth and daughter A Test for .LIver Complaint . a'ivee and friende goodbV and laft Velmlt. were sbopping In Davaon Mentally Unhappy-Physically, D~II for California MoodliY and we will Saturday. look forward with pl6lllltlre to their Prof. Boward Swank made • . The Liver, 1I1uggieb and Inaotive, returll. " . bUMlnesll trip to u'iDolnDart S"'urday. first phow!! I 8ell in IL meotal ,tIlSt> W G' Q~ite' a DUm ' "r of bo'"' were " -un h appy anel oritical. Never Ie f th A . Middlesworth, . treasurer • tbere joy In living. I&e when the 0 e merloao Litlbtlitf Company, 1000ded here la,s weel. Many farm. Stomach. aDd Liver are dOiD, their 10 f CiDOID, na~I, 'rdllneaoSed bQ8ineee ers were di88p~lnted at the falllog 011 In the prices. war..~ KBtlP your ·Llver aotlve aDd Dour 0 ty ",atnr .Y. =:==============================~== bealS by by uellllS Dr, King's New . Mrs. Dora Dedrick Ellle for many Evangellstlcal meetings whlob LUe PUll; they empty tbe Bowele yeara , a reeldent of this 'Ylolnlty, have been In progreaa for the put freel.v, t,o ne up your t;tornaoh, oore. and a few yeara ago ~ he was mar. four wee.a have olosed , and purlf'"' the tied to abdon Ellill and lived hap. Tb . 01 h" t d I Your . Conlltipa"l u on .., py until the end came "'rlda- lelLv. - e ...y. e 110 00,11 a e 0 Dg ex Blood. 260 at Drn ....l8t. Buo.leo's'" .. I O8llen· ·his year No' BOb I b -.or'til'" • .· .and •nOw 00 88 Aroioa Belve excellent for Pllel. "' her husband, one ohild fonr bee" •·uapended a 1'.... 1 yean old, four sleterl. one brother "K" :: .. ""'" • - • and friend. to m .,urn her departure. Id, ,wagon mueels dally rounds Nllture Faker Note. Hhe had been quite a su1ferer for and baulll tbe ohildren to and from A. South Carolina Poet: "And the III lenl t·tme, and 'he memory of the 8Obool, 8' 'his plaoe. eahou whllper amon, the pin., depar&ed wllJ shine like burning ,A Irhlldow of gloom now hangs where the wild Iweet IUles ,row." Th. ltar8 thronih tbe g"therlng ' gloJm, over the VIU!'ile and lurrotlndiDg · Ill,.· orop ot the plnea I~ aboot u Sbe wall laid to re8t Sunday iu tbe oommuniCy btloauae, 0' Slle ead ae , ....t u the yleld of cat1iah In a COrD Kln~man cemetery, cldent. whlcb oocurred at the bome f)eld.-Houlton Post. Mr Sherman Ellie wal taken to of Robert Frlena, ,las' Tbnr8day • - • Columbo" for treatment, his friends ev.entng. About 8 ~ olook the oitl. This is the most Extraordinary Bargain .Event of this kind that Xenia has ever known, Very Vour Cold •• Dan&erc)l~s Break It wish for him a permanellt rfoovery zonl were aroused t;y the nnlriDg ot little of our stock was damaged, but as it is hard to know just where to draw the line we have Up-Now , Be haa beeu a paiient .u1f"rer fo; a rbeU. LQcatiDI the 8onr08 they some 'lme made a ruab to ,he Brlend bome. decided to of(~r our entire stock in this sale. A O'lld i8 readUy catCbing, A " Upon arrlvlna a ghastly IlgM me' run-down "Ylltem le euaoepUble to Tbla weather is olBanlng up the tbelr eyea . The tire, whlob had Germll. You owe It to yourself and coal,pllee; gained ~onBlderable headway, had t.l othere ot ,oar boollebold to flJh\ 'O hrlll'mas wm 800n be here and beeD e:a:'lngutehed by Mr. Friend the Uerml.' onoe. Dr Bell's Pine we wm ash the belt of it. atid o~eJ'll. bo.' all attenlion wae . ( , Tar Boney i. flne for Oold., aDd Bu~i/lesl ID gene,ral wllJ be. better liven k> tbe two boy. J )hnnle and Th is sale coming as it does right when Christmas shoppiog is at its beight, an excellent opOoqbs. It 1008eos 'h~ IIhoou; etopa attn .tbe boli.a,s the factorl.,. wUl FerdlDaDd who were iD the room, tbe C()O~~ aDd "1'Othe« she Lun.. start up and abe on86 aba' have wrl,btng with patn,.r,HaUtDfI[ from po.rtunity is given the people of this community to purchase as gifts, pieces of FuOliture which they n'" In~t'"nhted . Onl,. IlIa. ~' your beeD out of employment so 10Dg oan .avvre burlUl. D~, Broc~, Lang could not ordinarily afford. . Droggl.t. . ' flet ~ok fa earning money keep aDd Slagle were ~on at abe - , - - -....._- • 'beir families. tbat medlO8I sk11laud 10Tlllg aut Wh , • • - ' oonld do w.. of no avail, , OUR MOTOR TRUCK WIU DEWe will Gladly Hold for Future . . Y Mr. aDd Mre. Paul Peterllon, of JohnDie pueed away .t 11 o'clook a IIWl CIaDle to me and uW Bpl'inlr Valley, were guesA of rela aod Bardlna.. d at 2 a . m. The fa. LIVER YOUR PURCHASE' WITH DeUvery Annhiq You May Select whether I wanted . a h,.4romerapod. J Uve8 here over Sunday. ntlral eervlaes' were oondod&ed at IN 25 MILES OF XENIA. at Thi. Sale. lIhoaJcl aatva1l1 ..,. ao.-LoIl40D • _ • the home tJa'nrday morolng, Bev. !I Truth. , ttratClhld Cane 'l'rozell oftlo.atioK. A larg~ orowd Wall preeeDt. After a brief and When the 'll&IIe Beata ot chain liave fit&ln, aervtde, the IDterment" took become Itretched, take a teupooDfUl place anbe Mlamt ~~et4!ro(. , Furniture-Carpets ot w..hlnS aoda ana dllao!ve ID a _ • ~o and ~4 Quart of bollin, water. Dip a olotti tD Cbamberlaln'. Coucrh Demedy-The Steves th1I lolutton and wipe the unllendd" ·1 • ~ North Detroit St. of the leau. leaviD, the chair tU11l1Cl Motben' Favorite Vlctrolas Xenia. Ohio upside d.o ", to- 417'. ,. TllIB tNataMllt "I give CbamherlatD'1! Graphanolae will sbrlnk the caD. to tta ortllD&l Remedy ~ my otdldren when aile. ' h'Ave cold!! or ooagh8." wrUea Mrs , , . Verlle Shiffer, VaJ;lderirff$, Pa It And Sore Lunps We... SPnd tbe diaml Gazette to yoor alwaY.ihelPl &hem and Is fir Inll)8rlor mt by, ' VlRo~r. Hili· brother who liv"l far away from aled to~nyO&hftOOUlhDlEMUlnoJ~(_hi.YEll!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~:::::::=::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::~ , I advi.. aoyone to need of man 8 statement of Facts you. fItlob·a medtotne :to gl.velt a ~rial." Spring Valley Follows: . For tllale by aU dealen. (Delated> . , - . to ae1l the most remarkable bargain in the ClmdeD, N. J.-"I bad a deepaeated '100 Reward, .$.00 • I . rilairazlne world thII year, eoulh, a rDn-down system and II!,J llUlp Tbe readl!rI of 'hll paper wUl be Springboro --n, ]( O. Petenon eotertalDed were awfully waak and lOre. I am &D --_.... h h i ' " Pri e1ectdclaD by occupation and my eoqb' - - to learn t a" ere I a' least tbe Bu.y Dozen olnb, Thursday afkept me awake n1pta '8Q I tboiurbt at ODe drBlded dill8lee 'hat ..aleoae baa Mr. O. N. Peooe retamed ~ h18 ternooo a' her home. ' Llgb' reo tim.. I woald bave to ifve up. I tried heell able k> oGre in tta staRBS, ana I'lorlda homel ••t Frida,.. ' freehmen" were aened. everytblbl evelJ'bociy .uDeIted and 'h~' Is Ca..rr~. Ball's C . tanh 'U'I ____ u-bel d 1Id16b B dt IIr.01l1arles Bell who haa been . · bad taileD '10 ~ucb medlcliie I".. cJia. Cure'" 'be only poelUve oure now --- ,an • a ey · ~"Ited. known to tbe medical f ... 'ernlty . . &eaohen meeting at Lab aiolr for some time with layrlD,ltia To OM~ , I , ~_.}}!1~etoev~ng.h~,~VlDol aDd catarrh be,n, a constitutloD_1 dl S-nrday. . l81mpro,v ing. . A monthly aalary uul a Uberal cnmm ..... OD ~"":-,v~:nt a i~pt ' ~ !.~~~I seaee, reqoiff'JI, a oonl"tntionai llle.. denba 8tephen8011 and Al1'II. Bert Boatcm aDd daughter, each order. ,Salane. run up , to aso.OO per and uKiU I aII\ a well man.~Th"" t .~reatmeDt Ball a Caarrh ODre is "annie JaDney Ittended teaohers' r.noUe, are spending 88veral day. IIIODtb, .ependiDg OD the Dumber of .reI... a ... II an gone from my limp, led'::::t t.keD Internally,aotioldirectly uPO'"' mee'iDg a' Lebanon Satorday, wi'b ber payents, M.r. and Mra. This work caD be do.., in ~ur spare time, aad hav. iUIy-coulrh and have gaiaed fifteen 'he blOOd 'and muoo.,s 10rl"088 of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon aam!l&oo "oe SmUh. . D«d Dot co!llIkt with your preaent duties. No J)CIUJld8 In weTirbt and I am ' tellm.r m~ .he ay.tem·, thereby dee'royinll 'he Lebanon a.&eDded· the fnneral of Ill... (ioldte Oorwln, of 'btl plaoe, Investment or pre""'ua experilDCle ~IY' We furnJab (ull equip_at (ree. · . , rrlendl that 'Vinol did It." _ '~ :follnclatioDoUhedlll8&88, andgivillg Itr... Ohaa. Baughman Th~day aod M,' ; Merola, of St. ParlB,O" Write for particilJara to Un (MAN, Camden, N. J. 'he patient luenRth by building up afternoon. were quietly married Sa'orday It .. the ~tlve, tls8ue-baIJdbw In- ·th., oona*ltutiollaud ....18Ulll Dature Mn Alfred 001 HDan who b~ ennlnR, ' The Rkl8Way COmpany :a~"'i=t~=~eraa:ted byth~Tood. ID dolDg ttl WOl't. The propr.l.e tore beeD ';"rloue1J 111 with' perl&onitl . Mn. SamBI 81'''118 anet MaccIoupI8te.. New York tmdc~taIn:rrn ~~rrat bave 10 much f,alah ill curative is alowly ImprOving. - - -=-i'~11D4t-a:f.&eI!-4-P18811I1UlL.1l':ls1\'....:IJL!U1Jl~ It 10 ,uceeaful In Mr. HIIJm~'1 eue. . powen .bd tbey offer One B andred Mr. and Mn. ·tl . D. t{tlllIIOO of aiDnati '"Uh We uk ev,ry person in WI viclDl&y Dollar. for any 'oue 'lohd "faUI to Lebanon attended the foueral o f ntrering frOm waak Iunp. chronfo oure. SeDd for lilt of &easlmon.. ls 'Mre 0 No Penae' Wedne8day . lIr. ailld II."., Newton Moore en. · couibB, or a run-down eondftIon of the Addret!8: F. J. OBIIlNIllY & CO • • . : tertalned at Sunday dinner, Mr. 1J8~ to trY, a boWe'of VbIo,oa our Toledo, 0 Mr. Raymond Farr, of Frankli.,-, James tlmUb ,and faDilly aDd Mr. IlJUIUlt.el! to return iOUI" lDODey If it Hold by III Dru8lllata, 76;). visited hill paren," *~s w~k. B B ih Taite Hali'8 Family Pllle fQr oon. Mrs .. 'oarl ' Bor:lon ' returDed and Mrs. arry m t • falla ,tobelp J01l. I. E.JANNEl', OruUIlt, Wayaeaville ettp"loo. . · , bl!.r home at Oolumbul &torda,Y. . Mr. ]jlred Black. of St Parill" 0 " Mr, lIlarl Githens of northern WMi 'be, week end gueat of Mr. and , " live Stock and General, Au~ticinee !!!!!!!!!!~!I!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!"!I~!!!!!!~~!!~ ~-!II!.~_ ~'!.!!.!!.~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Canada hu colDe bome for ~e win. Mra. G8IDI Ben80n , Starbuok aod "ite were Buo. EEEi5InDI'1:=:;=11U51j;P.5;==1USI'EE=5JU:I'.:;r.:i5551U:J te~r. aDd Mn, Olyde lIounts as .da.y~.aueetH ofrelativee iu WtlmlDgPos ted on pedigrees anet values of



Smoke and Water Sale



Sale Opene.d Saturday, . December 12 .$50.000 worth of Furniture, Rugs, Draperies ' and Stoves slightly damaged by smoke and water, that must be sold at once-offered at GREATLY REDUCED' PRICES.


The Opportunty of a -Lifetime to Buy Christmas Cifts of Furniture











EVERY BODy,rru ,.50 } $80TH DELINEATOR - .50 Total $3,00








Wa -N. Sears



kinds of breeding stock. . ~o:~uoo BmUb and wife were we~It., end IU8I,te of b18 father. . ' ExperienCed in baadliDg farm aales,.1iace TbeBElrmon sotbeJr. O. U . R,M. . 1906,' , ' Sick Two Vea... Witb hul1aestlon ' Wli. preached Sundll.Y ' evenlng ,uTwo yean IKO I wu 'lP'eatly tbe M, P. t.'hnroh by Rev. .Lemar. Twma ReaaonabJe' . ~ beoeSUed &hr.01IIh oafnl 'wo or 'hree bo"u. of O-'Mmberlaln's. 'I.'ab. leu," wrUN 11,..8. A•.Keller, Jl3lda, Keep :It Handy For Rheumat~ . GBADUATB tOI' THIll Wayne.vllle~ Ohio . , , , 6bto. "Berore taklDIl " hem I wai No us.~ t ,) squirm and winoe "nd .ATIONAL AUC71'ION slok for two Y8ara with iDdltTes&1on, Valley Te1ephoae 4J.2r to wear out· YODr Rheumatta~ . 80aOOL 01' .uuaI04 &Id by an d_t:~ ~ , WIll 'Wear you out Instead. 4pply t!loan's 1.1 Dimeo t. ~ oed not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it- In:.-juat .leI· It penetrate all Mt. Bolly ' through tbe affeoted parh, relieve I~----------~'!-----'!---_---.;;i " ' . ' tbe I19reoeea and . draw the , pal~ . . It betllg. • n Thoma.' 7"h J.llr'h Yoa get; 8aee at ', oooe ~nd f~1 10 day a ~rty of her·friend. pthereCJ muoh better y,oo ..,~t to 1(0 right "a her home. ThOBe prNeDt wer, ont and teU otber Buiferen' about ~arlT Yyen aDd family, of Bell. Sloan'.. Get a 1)oltle of HI060'. IO,OD', GharI~\I' ¥J'en ADjlfaml)y, of LlntmenUor 36 ceo&s of a07.dJ:Ul. Da,.k>~, ~oe. M,en alUl fa~lIy, of IP8' and, have ~, tn tbe bOUl8BellbrOOk, lin. . ~Ul0 Jao~OD aDd agaln8t ' Oolde, t50t'e an4 SwolleD IIr. David Laou. ,'. Join•• l,um1l&iO. SoIatlc.. and like Velma lIarl\!!!:lIthel, Edward ailmentll . Your aODey blOt if not aD4 Olareooa 'were 8_da, llatll~!, bua tl doee ,gi'Ye almOlt , , . AlD08JaobOD'.. iD8taDt reUef, Buy a bo"le kldaT lir: .DaTid ua.a bad OOIDpaDJ' ' . _ • , Tbunda, frOID BeJIIIIOD' : Joaepb ,• GraDt, Joho iloaeph G~1l" Wl1nam .... _ 01........ ,~ . , GraD" IIr. W... aDd • '",_4 ~ 'I'o.or willow fUDltare IOrIlb tu1t "'yton, tdeoe w.~ ",til • oOarM ImuIa u4 "

lended 'he funeral of Mrs. Axman at Daf~o_W.edn~..y.


Ho/u. IIOW d.cidtd oft tMiJt llOU are going to, , .end tluie' dieta.~t ,..rat'''' Irim40J llOU",


lor /I Ch"~tmcu prq.,t ' . W. tMtllOU , MW 6e.~ thi'llkif&g' . UN abo1£e tnad...~'QUf' ,m'tId e..etId~, '


-- ..------




~ ~m





W• •~ eQ~ ; ~ fI&n ~u

". '-t7IeNel,

~~ ....r "'~. 1/ 'M GN Me neft~H CAe ""~.,; .,.. pOliti.. tMw '"" 6e 1Ilca4 ,. II_ it. Cotrte t. .tId CGlk it oWl" tfttA.


"'I .u


Painting~ Paper

HansiN', Auto

and Carriag~ .Painting.


Saluda'..... ..... .....: IIr, " . . tIlat Ia BtIoII&17 II&tvatI4 wttb ..... dI7 _ allClft aIoUI. . . . 1Ir, WiItIoD_IIt. MltoJ-'- IlGl aIeIu ~ . . . 8aDda' . . . . ofD&wlL.... ~~ •• BeDr7~, ~ .l0Mpb.. GraD"

-.._-'. .-.




'!'II. . . .

Shop Next to Sherwood'. ,

a ........In 8t ..





Pfndl. All how tlQ)e mOYe4i. 'pellk un 1 .pel\k. I wtab to tblDk, tor heard t1\e WMI!lI' 1I0Ih ab'lwlt jeHU, .. how fata tw'.ted! How tbe dne.t I'V$ Ilot to act Qulokly: I cllD't mau the bblsU emptied hi. roatlltln. He built callUe ill Icbeme. name clatter- any mistakes wben 1 get th ere." watched t he man . sa 11' blm Inr down,! ,At the v ry moment whell Far aVo'ay 1\ brown fignre In clout drop tbe akin and tiptoe toward the h e ,had secretly worked upon the kine iind turban watched the young man. boulle, glance right and left alertly ., to throw hhullelt Into the protecting Wben he BiloW the elephant with the Tb n he disappeared. Presently at Earnest Seeker Will Never ffnd arm. ot tb'e British raJ-aa.a~Bl nate4 ! hunting howdah ha knew tbat he bad tbe bead ot tbe stall"!! Bruce heard a Path to Christ Completely The Council' The egg ot Brahma wal ~he" Information for which his JUalIter whlsper-"Ramabat !.. Blooked. . 87' strangely batcbed-thIs ,curlous old bad detailed qlm to follow. nlgbt and "Who Is itT" Bruce whispered In the world! day. the young banker Ramabal. The dialect, HAROLD MAC GRATH Tbi one ~blng t hat brought tRme to ... .Ah med remained hidden In the b.. white hunte r was com1ng hot·foot to "Ahmed." tbe tOU I' rl lends of the pal aled man. tsar., to a walt the ordeals! Nothlllg t be city. He turned and ran. Runnh18 Ahmed . Who was' Ahmed? WWtr1lhdby Pletura ~m t he Movln, Picture ProcSuclion ot t he Sell. PolY,cope Co. should harm hla mistress: he was wasl hie busi ness: he Wl\.8 as th'eless Bruce shook Ramabal. "Ahmed Is m 'ntionccj In the Scrlpturel!. WIlS the ir :. 80urce ru !110S8 . Thoy wore, not eae· ready DOW aud at 'all time. to lay down WI ,a camel an d could run 20 a nd 3Q here, Who Is he?" be asked s oftly. "Ahmed?'· drowsily. Then, wide Ily IlIbllrt'IlSsc d by som s udden dUn" ~.~~IT~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• bls life for ber ; In' this the BrlUsh raj mUes at Il st retch, The soles at bla CIUlle s condo He had Bent a couri er feet were ae t ougb as elephant·s bide, awake enough : ' "A.h med ? He wall culty. I( thoy cou ld not do t he thing (()oP7fti b t b;r Harold Jilaoa~ to Bruce Sahl6's bungalow, but tbe TheiS he reached the city an bour b&- Hare Sahib's bead anlmal man. Wbere In the way tb y oxpeoted to do It th ey woulil try 80mElthing unusual. tbe 'railway train. ' Rage Bupplanted man had r turned to r e port th~t It was Io'r EI Bruce and Ramaba l. Is h e?" 8YNOP81S. the passion In h ili heart. Since she still unoccupied . 'W ben Bruce and the lInUv e banker "Husb! Not so loud. C~me uP. "ben th y round tile bouse where And whl1 .. ho bit his Dalls In futile a rrived li t the, gate coolies stood about Abllied; I am Bruce. l..Qt IlS speak In Christ was spea kIng so ' crow d d thnt K&t2I~ RIU'e. belle\'I"1' her tath.r. Col. would not bend. she should break. As tltQY could not force Ulemselves and '11'_ hi> IHIrll. haM I vmon oned h er. I ""~S her ann sank be sprang tor ward like wrath and 8moked till hi. ton«'le Irew wltb tor hes, Suddenly beyond the Englis h," ~ bo... In C"lIfornlll t o go t o him In tbelr bu.-de,D tbrough the door by a ca~ and selze4 ber wrist. He"as bitter. some miles away there was gate half a regiment drew up. The "Oood !" Ahmed came Into the ~:~ r n.l lle... mbnaa, pr l nder t o t ho I'OCM. II .. IlUprllono-l lh . colon I. named not genUe. ' The dagger tlnltled u It mucb confualon In the Jungle by the offlcer In charge raised his band warn· chamber. "To see Bruc e Sahib I. ' wblch ,' lsHors we re eXDected to en· tto. I Ie king lUI INa hol r , Arriving In good. Tomorrow my master's daugh. ter, tll ey climbed , up Bome other way AU. I .. thtyn Is hrto nn ..ll by Umbllllll struck the marbl e tloor. He stooped water. Tents were being set up, na· Ingly. that ha. t ..(her belnt delle! Iho II 10 be tor IL . t1ve bearers and coolle. we re ruanln. "The white bunter Is Druce Sahib!" tor Is to bo carried Into the Jungle, and accomplished their purpose. qtUUtI), 9."d Inu.t on~y him. She ,.C... ea Th ere ar e generallY obstacles In the "Since you will not bead, break!" he to and tro. building fires, carrying wa"Yes," Druce spolle the dialects The memsahl b Is to be tied Inliide a lIod II Lnfol'l1lOld by ')10 " l~ that no WCIJl\8.II CAD rule unm,.,.rled . She I. glvetr said , and left tile chamber. cold wltb ter. hobbllng the pack elepbants. Wan· wi till passabl e Ouenc),. tiger t rap , bait tor t he cat. That la,the WRY ot dohig onytblng that Is w\>rlh .nell d&ll to think II over. fury. derlnll' In and out thlB animated scene "!Good, The sablb will be pleaeed to OrsL ol'dea!." doing, 'rile wort h Of a. thing Is not al-, Kathl)'Il BJlnk weakly upon her pll· was a youllg man. clean shuen, deeply dlsl:Dount." "Shaltan!" murmured Ramabal. wnY:i In proportion to tbe o bstacles III CHAPTER III· ..:continued. 10wII tiS Pundlta ran to her .Ide. tanned , with blue eyel which we re dJ· ":l am 011 my way to the palace," "Go on, Ahmed," the way, To climb a snow·capped Pandlta s narraUv~ was rather long "What sball I do, Pundlta1'" recto small pupllod. yet kindly, Prel' "That III Impossible, sablb." At a "The cage wlll be l et near the old mountain Is a dlfllcult and hazardous but not unlnterestln8. She had learned "God knows. memsabll)!" entl )' he called ,to one of the headmen. algu from the omcer the t.rooperl' es· peepul tree, not far trom the lIouth undertaking. It ,,1\'08 BOmO splendid In_ '" "AU. you might Bend three or foW' ten·..Ae'd their guns at halt al;" -.8Hsh from' the old white priest who .... e YQU a Cb r Ist Ian 1" ~ It -a8 " gate. Now, you sahib. and you, Rama· exercise. a magnlflcent vie w IB ob· died during the lut plague. She "YIlS." men on to the bungalow to clean up bal, mnst hide somewhere near. It II talned , frQm the top, there Is a sense was of high easte.' IJ1Id tar back 'in tbe And 80 they comforted eaeb otber. things. We Iball malle It to morrow. tb d al ot satlsfuctlon In having dono what It'l but two houri' ride. but tbere', no the law that It s be eBcapes e ,or e 4&1- of the Oreat Mogul In Delhl ' her There waB a garden .In the palace tr t-A be II t'r ee others have not been able to do. But hurry: and be.ldel there'l a herd ot om uDexpec "" s ources II • t orebears bad rule'- bere·. but strife ground8, lovely Indeed. A fountaIn elenhanta bellind UII somewhere, d ordeal 1 know thero are easier t hings which have a tt i east tillththt e secon :and rebellion had ... driven them forth . tinkle d and fat carp swam about In the ., i 't . h They've come up tar f r this tlmll ot no what a .8 at presen or w en more relll I?roftt In t hem. Many dim· In Cll'd e r that her Immedlate lorebears /luted basin, There ware trellises of ear." ' It III to take place. T he t roopl wIII b e cullies must be overcome before tbe Dltpt return to their naUve etat-e and flowers, too: Persian roses, desplt, Y 1\ great rewards or lire nre gained. Skill ' "Yes. sahib." t b ere, an d t h e POIlU Iace, t h e Counc, III peace they had waived all the fact that It wu sUll winter. IL all I h II h to be an artist or musician or eXJIert ' .... ny news worth whlleT' the prlcst!!. and Umb a. 8 a ave II088ible rights or acceelon. They waB called the Garden of Bride.. ... f work mall must b e puld tor In Illil rsever'II made a ' lelture ' .' I>• .1"'I"e" tv.·o swltt camels near bthe bclump b 0 t Jha4 found her buabat:ld standing over Kathlyn. attended by Pundit.. awalt,. .... "M" U a bamboo. I may not e bt ere. u Ing apl)ltoation, Knowledge does not .a 4 &ad man in the bazaar.. Ue w~ e d th ere the' comll1g ot Umballa an d lrea>• many thln-, .. hid :ollle without caretul obse rvation and tJuaocent. the Council. Her heart acbed with "Bruce Sahib will not believe." lome one will, She must e urr e bard study. "Be'llave -hat·" lIald Bruce. emp-. off belore the contuilion dies aviay.d U m '-.. " I "I .....,la smootbed bll chin. Pqndlta blttern eBs and ahe could not think 8ame of the obstacles In the way .. d not told her queen how be. Urn· cI early. The Impreaslon that all thili. In· hf. pin.. ."alnllt bl. heel. MUllt. sablb. There must be no seaon r- .... mny be a ~'olde d by taking anothe r ordeal." had made the accusaUon. after wa. lome dreadful nlslltmare recurred , "Tbere I"D a wblte queen In the cl.... " , ·' llannc been refulled lnonej- by Rama. to her vividly. What terrorl awaited "Wbat? What bally nonlSeUe la "But how am I to get out of heref" pnth, somo of them must be forced out ..... , B e secretly admired the dlplo- h er she knew not nor could concelYi. W.'." , allked Ramaba!. "Guards all e.bout, and o! the WI.lY befo re we can proceed . ,--Th ere are not always t,,·o or more U'aay of the, young woman. She dfd M.a rry that smiling d'emon!-(or 110m&"It III only what I've been told eahlb. doubtlesB bidden to shoot It I IUrl" mit at thJa moment ' care to push hll thing occult told her that he wu a Hare Sahib III dead." · "Tchl Tchl" clicked' Abmed . He wnys o( ga,lulng Bome t;onl. An edu· erunttJ too tar. Aa a matter ot tact. demon. No: s be wu ready to die Bruce let bls plpa allp througb hla unwound his dirty turban aod sllplleci cution can be secured In only one way ont of the ragged IIhlrtllke froell. -by long im d tedlouB stu dy. If that b e 110 longe r cared about be.r ; at leut., . , .. And but a little while aio Ibe aDgera. "Hare' Good Lord !" not alnce bls iUTtval at the Hare wlld bad been worklnl bapplly III the out. "Yel; 8ahlb, But thAt Is not all. It "These and tbe water skin below. ... path Is blocked. It will be Impl)8slble door 8tudlo; the pet leopard .DI~all'lecl'l seems the ItJnl went p:1ad after we bMsU entered, a bhlsti goes out. Wh.t to climb up Borne other way. Th6re Is an1ma1 farm In CalUornla. "Wbere Is tbl. man Ramabal con· at her feeti trom the bunralow .he went to Africa. You remsmber bow I. Ilmpler than that? It hI' not IIgJlt hut one way wblch ' Ieads to heaveD. 'l'he ' Lord declared t llat those who bedr' deman\led Kathi,n. heard the ntshtlngale vo'r c. of WtnnJa. Hare Sahib laved tilm from the leo~ elloulh for the eolellon to notice." "1D the muroarers' pIt In the ele- loarInll In lome aria of VerdI'.; her .,dl Well. be made Bare Sulb hSit "Ahmed:' said Bruce, boldlnll OIlt trlcd to cltmb In some other 'Way are thle\'es and robbere. ' ~t arena." rather wall dollnll' on the veranda. heir. He ha4 that rlSbt; the I&w of h .. bInd. "yolJ're a man." Mo ..e Tha'n Ono Way to Ohrl.t. "'l1hllDu. sahib," drll7· "But butelal "Bend and br1q blm berA!. J am Out of that, Into tblll! It w.. Incred· the chlldle•• ltln. haa 1\Iwa.,. read ~ that lie I. InnoceDt." , Ibie. From time to" time .lIe bruahed In Allah&. 1'be wblte queen la Hare At dawn tc)morrow. or late ton.sht, Jla. But tbere 1B mo~ than one way Info 80 the7 broullbt tn Ramalla! III ber forehead, bewlldllre4. Sablb'l dau,bter." mabal returns with a (ull water .kln. the prelence or Cbrlst, , On that dsy CI&ba. Behind him cams a Nautch . In thf. mood. bord~rlq 011 the by. Bruce leaned a,aln.t a tent pole, The memsahlb ,mu,t .at !ealt '.tand Use In Peter's lIome lome found him by ClrI, at wbom Umballa lazed, pUZZled. tulcal hvhlcb 11 .ometlm.. but a .tep "Am I dreamln, or are " ouT' be ordeal ot terror. tor .he U «'larded too en~ertng the dopr and Borne by br~ ak· Wliat part had ehe In W8 a!ralr? He ' to ,upreme cotlrale). Durga Ram. 10- pape4. . well. Yet, If"they were ~ot ,solnl to Inl up tbe roof. Bart.lmneus found _ n found out. called 1JmbaUa, and the Connoll (ound "It t. what they teU , me. lablb. • bind ber, I Ihould 1I0t worrr. She haa blm by elttlng s'tlll ' by the roadside un· "Who are 70U'" he asked. ber_ The fa~ of the former w.. ~ow It Dot 1101 a facL" anlmal maliC In her eye. lD her .,oloe. til tbe' Lord came where he wu. but "I am Lalla Ollorl. ud I 11.,. O.,W , cold, hfa e7ea .teady ud UP........OIl. "The ltJ.q dead. Hare dea4. and bJa I ' han Jeen wild bealila ~w .tlll Zac;cbeu., wltli tbat saMe resourcetul, ~. ACHIlIIaker. at 8h~,h. lD the K:Mh. ·1.... , , dau.• hter ou the Ulrone' Bow !SId .b. when .be .poke. Who knOWIT NoY.l nee8 'whlcb made him head of tbe CUll· .mlr GaM baaaar. J dance." "Has your maJe.ty declde4r' aa04 I.t here? And what the deYll Ia • .Ieep." , tomhoulle' at Jerlabo and rlch l climbed the eld..t or tb. OouncU. chap to do?" ,B ruca .tooped and ,.. BrUc, anct Ramabal had no dllftcult1 Into a tree and found a 8avlor. Some "ADd wh.." aN 7011 bereT' .'') eaw the murder. JW.mabal ~ ~. ..y..... Quieti,.. covered tila pipe and .w~ IOttly. ".llI. "I Have Com. for Alii. e.hlb." III p..lln, the auanS" The,.- wl ..l, today may flDd him In the oburch. 1IlOCIeIIt. Be came UPOIl the ac:eilti oDl., "ADd your decl.lon I.r'. 11 tllla la true, then It'• •ome deTiI made a wide detour ,to the peeJ)ul tre... and otbere ma, nnd blm ID the tsberan.J the mardllnlr had 11~. Th.,. "No, abaOlutel., Del D.1I&II,. There work; ud I'll m, .hooUn. .. DI~ preeautloil. Theee whiLe whiab cl1mbed•. eli_turbine the lIacle of tbe evangellllt. and still oth· Ilrbttnc &hout pUvel7. ". la no realiGn wby I .hould obay aD., .ye that that aleek lCOundrel Umballa. aahibe were Ilen.rall, a mad ~p1e ape,. and the parrakeet •. ~1'11 may com, face to fact wltb hl1Jl .... afraid , to tell W, 1I0W!' of your lawa ' bllt there Ia a load ,..- .. the), can him, hi at the ' bottom of udl were Qulek to Ihoot. ..Pi..... 41. Somewbere 'Dear 8 o'clock they by following . a moil extraor!!lnary "KDoct olr tho.. chain. ... "141, Kath- "lOn wh7 all ~f ,.OU Ihall lOme 4&7 be it. A white woman, lOod old moi~Dt, aahlb, 10. tho orilera,'· heard the creaklnl of whe.l. ~d a ·course. Greater, In Dumber tllaD tbe daqhter. rli look Into thl.... --,'I'1iro'ffiiOpii'lt'iiteiijiiicrrorWa:rcr~iJ1l1miiii'uri1mnu iiirr(ot;-To.tce.. ~hortly .Into ,.,... O~ Pundlta .he,aaked: "Doea h., pun.lahed fQr ~ outrq.... number of the roadi- which led Into too. -~ ICqlllJir· I • . "Outr&«e! To' be ma4e Qu.eD. or AITh. DaU.,. wbo had .pre&« tJ:Ila alii· too:1t poe.enlon of tbe rlftel-, range or .,I.lon' drew a pair or bulloc... Rome are the patlls ,whloh lead to ~~ Ilea.e~ baR." ,, tahiT' Tbe 8pokeaman !'or the CoUll- toundill. new. In Bruce'. camp w.. al- 11'81:'11 8hm, on 'eacb Iide ot tbe howdall . pulllni a tiler trap, toward the clear- Christ. [f one patb III blocked, there rea4y hastening back to the ell7. Bnce aooepted Ule ' altuat10n pbllO- In I , ' . ''"l'beD lor tbe 'preeent he .baij ... cll .tamped ht. foot In wrath. fl always a~otl'let by which the ear...,.. m7 bod7~ , Tou lhall bc\th "Thlllk!" aald Umballa. eom. 14 mil,. awa7. He had beeD a aopblca117: arpment or protllBt w.. When Bruce saw , thla damnable pest Beeker can go to blm. remam bere In the P&l&'ce.'. , "I have thou,bt. Let UI hllve ao (water carrier) to the boule fuUl'. ,Next they took 'away hie C&I'- thinS he underatooll. ,and he .book . .. ~~ 70ur maje.l7!" 'nte~d more of thla cat-an'd·mou.e 1)1..,.. I reo of Ramabat ap to tbe YOUq' ba.Dter'. trldge belt. 'He ~bled tor a moment wltb horror and .,olcel... r.... He ·LOOKING TO THE INDIVIDUAL 1IaI1a. PUlidfta he did not -"Dllnd. b~t "e ru.e to _1'1'1 70u. l'iI mach lll0ar0eratlon. To him. thlln. he wIth appreh.n.lon, · but tJ:Ie troopen uucht Ramabal by the arm ~ lav.... , obJected to Rama1)a.l. lecreUy momn, an.." belilar In the ItrML Tbere la ,tied the DeWI, that a white hunter had dId 1I0t aeatch hiin furth. . ; and he Iy tbat a low CJ')" came from the broo Peophi Who Will Not Look Up to God bim to be a reyolUUonllt. em.m.17 nothlnc more to be lIald.'· , arrtved outalde tJ:Ie ett7-"Bruc. Sahtb thanked God lor th. wladom whlah hal2 man'. lip.. ' • \ Have I!y•• FllCed on the Pro• Plplllar with the peOple and the n..... "There are worse thin.. thaD ~ bAa ...turne4," , ma4e blli! atrap hi. rnolYera lIIIeier "PitleJlce...hlb!·'. he warned. "With. f ... lng Ctlrl.~I.~. '" rrota (fa":r.') ~ to wbom be loe.ned rl ...." • . Ramaba! loat no tlme In tattnc thla bll armpit.. out you what will tile memllahl,b do' mOI18,. -upon lODable term.I. "Wbat manner or Indllnlt1es ba.,e 11 _ _ to KattilyD. ' ''What 1I0wT" he delDBDde4. ,They ,.111 Ue , her , ~n that u4 liberate The saddest thing about the Eurq''If I am queen. J..,.,Ul it," Bald Kath. you arraDlled for m.'" HIII' voice "~m!J.baI. 1 hay. alloyed '\Jur life: , ·'The .~Ib wUl be etven hi. PIli a tlcer. The reat Uea ..,.Itb you. a.hlb." l p} ftmiJ,. "If I am olily a prl80n.... W,,1 arm. but the yeln. In her throiat . ..,. mine. Go at once' to blm and ten anA ammunition the bour ' he ' .tarU "Ramabat. as God hean me, ' IOlDfI pean 'War 18 that ~t , dillcredlt8 CbrleUVinlty before tbe world, Milny whp ' ..Ild the 'aroe at once." , , beat 10 hard that they .Wled her. him that I 'am a pr1loner but am called ba;k to n _ _ p.'. ' one Ihan pa, tor W.'" 'disbelieve the doctrineB cit Chriatlanlty "YoUr,' majesty'8 " orel I. Jaw," and ,8ald the .pokee'Jn!l.n ot the ClOuDell: ,-" bl 'I C I I U _ _, .10 a qu.. n:..... m am oOlle~. .."ADd In the meantime?" "Huah l" , -_Cn warned Ramahal are utterly and blttetly opposed to war. , "Cmbal1& ~weQ. bldlnl .. beat be IIWe have found a precedeDt. W. D.lld d ht h b >- I d Ith hi --lUll e ' wI. 10 "The . .hlb I•• tree to come an4 .0 bu.sln, hi. percb. They know thai all the, DatiQnll In· ,eCIIlU ht8lrr1ta~on. tbat one bundred'aDd nlna-·..,..,. ,.. er, sew -"I 0 t H to • • . b .., on .... HIlle '..... p rom ong.oq about th.' _.... _80 10...... b'" doe. 1I0t .. -ter by half an bour Bruce wit volved In the prellerlt. stTusgle call 'l'be, Ilelrt attemooll e bePD to en- a like cale contulad the Counoll of S ... -.i 001 T U him all "'..,...." ...... 'approacb the It he fl found nellled a ..... the su btl e · p JaDB II e had'.orm.d that day, They flnall" --ed that .he d _-pore. th f • . th e _ftc! U " alia... . .~·'aee. . r- cta.c l. aucb iu lew whftt themselveB Christi aD . nationll. Tbey -.~ with wild tr8& .. -0 my~. mu • ~n the "etnlt" read that the opposing ~ overeliDl ex· mU8t 8ubmlt to two •ordeals H t er.... ,.. ' , 01 the 18nana' be wlll men. happily for their reuon. are e&C_,. mltt-" In her ro, I borted their 81!miell to pray for vlotory. B ' '..UeD. Wa I _, -v.~n1nlf 'l be arrel'-A ...... andlmp"l80n-"." ,,,,, "" to aee. Kathl ..... , beallta of the JunSI • . ' 11 Ihe, IlUr"fived ruee was ea q II m.... .. "1'b1a I. all "fIr1 ,hllb buded.'· robel (for Ordeala of tbll charaaler whlell CIln only mean luccess II) . • he wal to be permitted to rule wtUl· m..1 wben Ramabal iUTtved. ltl t out hfndrance. It would be a matter "Bf'\1C8 'Sahib". .' "Sah.t b, there la no Brltl8b raj ber.. were ceremonlall), a 1I~ ace 0 won· slaughter. They' fJIl.y: "Thl. 18 Chris· tor the. Sod , s to deeld... • Th, ordere 'of the regent and ths dertul emeralds Ilbout her thl'Qat , Uunltyl" Gud turn. cwo)' In dlslUSt. dOIln,cU "' are ftnal .. SubmIt.," , .tep'ped rrom her palanquin an!! IltOod, "Yea. Your fac. Ia famillar." Th e only lI.nswer can be tllRt t1~ts 18 ' "Are ,o.u really human belnr.'" ''Y ha b t-'" to ' "-_I. 011 e een .. ,C8 m7......... "v.... -Itl . n'". asked Kathlyn, her lips dry. "can 70U I Ra ·vhal" ." well" "~ .. From other vehicles and cob· DQt Christianity. A grea.t pagan was , , ,am ma . "Ramiball" , .eyan~stepped tJmballa. the COUD , ' P08Blbly commit Buch a drndtul crime ' B ' ''_ I .... ,pllce a sked ",bo.t ,he thought 0'( Chris· ... I "I rem.mber. u~ w_t are .,OU do· ltamabal ' Itep""'d a cit. . and the yellow·robed prle"ta. tlanity, ' and replied: . "[t hall never . Ilsalnlt one wbo haa ' lIever , ,Ilarmad In, hereT" .,- forward. ' B., . , lJe ow tbe bejeweled, turban, of Um· been . ttled." 80 tbe gove.t nments of you. who a.Bks tor n' othlng b''u t tbe fre&- " "I bave come for ald, .ahU" aId tor )dnd qf ola1r.toyance he eaw ,what b gr. I I no d It Will balla bend towardI t et d om •,0 Ieave thl I eO·'n"-·" Europe today are ' not [)utting their .... 7 r a YOUDg woman, whUe Uke you~e1L" wall eoml,ng. t th Pundlta lIecretl)' caugbt Kathlyn'. "Ramahal, the orders are that you hard to resllt tnk ng a 110 a e, men. Christianity lnto practice. Cb rlat' tle \'e r hand an'c1 pres led It. . "Then It Is trUe' 'Go ahead. anel let Iball retire' to your house and remain KathIyn Ihook her bead. . Thereupon taught, co-oppratlon a nd elf·denlal and " Once more!" aald Umballa, bls me bave, all the faeq. IJhe lIS Hare th.ere till turther order.! ' sh!! wu led to the trap," her , bandlS helpfu Iness t or indlvl~ual~. a nd strife. Sahlb'a daughter: told IIort.. me thaL "I' am the '''ueell's "04yguard.·· bound. and tbe rope road ,her ,.aI.t B'U:'RBsertion and, oppression for na· compasBlon touched for tile aret t Ime: Precious rllamaroleAll of lOme The .... • But he had gone too far: ror tbe safety f.,etal" "At I Well saldl But I :do not taks attached lecurely to the rlDg. , • ' . , , tlons, ' They have mlsulld'e rs tOOd p.nd ot his own bead he must co on. "She ts 1.1110 the ,ounll' , lady who II1T Clrder s trom the qneen-7et. Obey. Ah. ~hey tslkec;l !'bout ·It that ht , are mlsrellreaenUng him, t traveled In the ea~4! ,boat trom Honl' Th., sahib may accompany yoU U ' he In .t he surll'lnl bazaars. In the palace, "1 Rm ~ady!" . VI!lltors to ~h l) SIr; tln bapel iIi tbe ' . The four men ' salaamed gravely. kon, to Blnsapore." Ramabal PAU8ed wlll,b el; there are no orders Rlaln.t wherever two perscini came together: V:o.t\can · mlrrofs [roln the " They turned, the flowing yellow robes to Me the elfeet 'of thla Il;LformaUon. tha,t .'. , ', hoW. the white bunter had appeareG g1l1d,es s o thO.t'thrQl1lj,h tlie m,lt ro,r s they ot the Council nuttennl In tbe "Ind, B~ce lowered hla tork Blowly. The '''We ha~e beep betrayed." said ·a..: from nowhere;- rul~8d tc:>ward, the tnay, gli2e cOmJortably at the exquisite the BUU Ughtlng wltb green aud rsd din about ' him dwindled ' a_ , ... Into ~al~at. "I 'know IlOt how." Iia thl! tlae.' ,apPrOaclhed. eptered ' Mlch no; Al\gelo palnttng's 01\ the 6flll~ "You were follow~4. ' A .mom eDt,.. 'droPlled the, door. ' blaztld a",a1 at fires the hilt of 'Umballa'lI IIword. Not nothing. He,it.. leanlJl~ over Ing. .rus~·· so 'people wUl not ~alse o'ne of them but would have eqlptled the rail, watcblnc the pholiPhoreac8Dce aaf., Druce. tu,m lnl to the' offleer. "I beast! who tu~ed tal! and IImp~ their' eyes t o , look al Opd. 'B Ut' t hey hlB ,privata cotters to undo what hfl tral.l awa7. a .boulder barely touching b~ve a' 8e"ant by the name dt R,ao, Into , die juuIle" AI! ~t wal a ha ve their eyes 'f1xed .on yb\l. You. ara had done. ]t wall too late. Already II bll: one bf the hw wollien who had, 1 , believe Jie acted bearer 'to the top e.,ell. Thei could laug,h expected .1-0 . shoW 'thent " bllt 9 lu1at " prIest had announced the ordeale to ever sUrred bfm ~ the ~rat " lance, YOWlI lady at the palace. What baa Umllalla·1 back. tile, 'gutter bo~ the Ie III(e,- T lle' Ohrlstlan. H erald: the swarming populace. You feed a In God's lIame, '''''' JladD't .be aald beaome of him'" Iron.beelM npltart: ·they could riddle tiger to pacify him: yon Illve a pop. sometbllll? " ' , .The officer smiled and ,~hook hie (Coufldentia\ly) the Oouncll with rude , Hld~en Mu.lo. t<;athlyn R.ady for the Ordeal. ulace a IPectacle: "I Iball enter lli. Gity .. lOOIl .. I heaG, • Jest.. , The law wae th.e Jaw: and npJ;le; There l\re many lIyes which t o That night Umballa did not rest par· can. settle 'my b'nl~ow. Thla ratber ",Rao II II. prl~oner, tben ." thoulbt not e.en the prieatB In th8\I' IhaveD those who' "dwell olOBe beside tbem , ~g Katblyn. He broucbt ber ucularly well: But be became d&- knockll me out... · the young mn. "Tha~ black. scoUlldrel poll. and yellow robell. milbt sU~ ba- ~eeJl1 to ,make no , mllstc, , ~bey P,Our , ~ documents and peUUonl to termlned ' upon one thlnC i' 110 aetual ' " I w It d Tb fI t "No; sahib: 4Io11't walt: Come back Um,balla,t. at lea.t thorough:: ~ou,d y~nd the a u , rea. e out thelr ' lItrellgth In hard ,toll. Tiley . I1p . &.lid went OYer 'them , 'carefully harm Bhould Jietall Kathlyn. He would with mel" Qul-..... "e outlined the..o_ be :aaid: "We Ihall go at once ~to ' your onteal ",a. ~er. . No, r , .. th,e Ie.w n)ad, al'l1 sbu~ liP In narro~ spHeres.' ~e,. . .. U , j d ..tth her. Once. Be she returned a have 0: mal'ksman hlddell. nearby In , coUld the~ Jar ba I UPOIl tJ1IB brave elwell am id tbe Doise' and elattE!r o~ , clocrv.ment, he (laught he r haud, &Jill bOth ordeals. What a woman I Sbe perate IItraits t.1I\"whloh ,Kathlrn stood. houise. 'Ramabal. · Ji.hd ' ~I~ ' througlt the ~ ,nlsbt ' the)" Iyoung mall'. ~ I It wae IOaci, UtiibaU. common tas k Work, T-My thln'k tb'e m· ~ It. She withdrew It roughly. was a queen , ' and he knew tbat he "Top:1otTow mr.;" fIe too la~." , through all the hella or Hind ".A.lI1 ", n·ll~ , . , . rI,'Rand planned, but 'no. t lmowln'" 'm ult look ellewhere for lila chtef Q(lIe; !ielves tha t 'fhe), al'~ 'ilot ' ot any 'Ilee, would go . : :Bru... . . . . . . . . .p··'Dned .. D e&millg with anger. He I~r.ead "Yea, lab1b: , wII.sre the Brat ordeal 11'&8 'to take tho memaahlb would riot .do~ hi' tlJ,at' ,110 blo.asl ng ,~oes out from tbcitr baadaJ apoIO.etieally. · He was on flro to call ber his, I:.on, ere tbls he "The No qUeatloD&. , Ol.,e plaID&; nor the hour, tJ:Iey ~C>UDd thelli· _aDL lire. They never ,dream tbat ."",'!"t fGr her, b,u t lie I10sseaaed ad~lrable would have looted the treuure' cbesta OOIItlJel. He had the rlllht to come and and Iwept her up on, hla raclnll el&- ~Im water. ,\ 1se the huntm. hOw~ MIV8& 101llg' roiiDcl 111· . circle, ••ttm., ' ''Tbank you:' Kat~lyD lIad, laid mUlllo IB lIIade anywhere 'n 't he .orld BoUi pn. and plent,- 'o t eartitcJpIJ. IaOwhere. To a man of· aetlC?B Uke "Somebow I kn.ew you would tome:" ...,; .. re,ent he could enter th~ zena· lI La bad ,be dared. Sa.·adl·1I houri! . their !:ollY 'Ij'a lilmarlng. But eJl1t A thousand limes he heard It Tbat·. aU." Bruce It w .. . ma4den1ng. . And what 81le had BeeD In bla . , . over A he "orld, 'wbere the l l1ftllence a without being accompanied b,- the "'!'bere wlil 'e mU7 pltt.n•• aahtlt,.. . ne alept; • little 'befofe da-wn; and ha4 made h.r tremble "I.lbl), for th_ @'oe~ f rom. their ,work nnd' jlha,rllcter , .aouall. But. thereafter. when he ar- through the nlgbt: . HI ..m read)' I" laid Rama"'. • ,,&Ii aroued b)' .,o~cea ~ow. He liret Ume that day. med wltb the ,day'., businesl slle hllman 1lf8a are blesBeil. and weary (TO BEl CONTINUllJD.l "IDdeed!" U.t<ened. ' ~1ltr1nil to have Pundlta near ari.d ones haar with rlad elle. a eet, com· ' "I bave , aom. Inllu~nce ~Itli the !J.Dl- J~wahlr Lal. the ~r ca", CI"IAPTER IV. ~bal within call. Ou the IlItlI fortlng ! mu.lo! Then away olr ~' til populace. hut UmbaUa hat tIi. aria7, ' _cll da7 at daw~ 1 water Iia. Buret of Eloqu.noe, -da) ' ho caet aU dl8cre1klll to the winds Ihaven. ""hen alllJalll nIJtell tQ ",,1't1l'. paid tor. 1'1N prl.~ ud ~e Counetl of Il.aJNbal to P&7 a debt-.. , Thill fl frOm Au.tralla: "OeDU.. melod7, e):lttanilbll IIItfain. are b6\&fd, The Two .. . ......Ized her \'lolenU, In bls arms. the tooked toward Ramabat; "bi) mea, .1I. me11lhe~ at the hou.e baa tatea -eel~tecl, . M8Rntimo IAII BID,h wall hurr,1nlS are back cC Mm. ADct. atter .A.licl, thou,b ,abe de fend.d lIer IIpa, her BI.elJ""'Of· the ' a4ftD.... of 10., ablence to tweak eh"'" and nook were de1Jled. She aD R racing camel toward the rallw&l. prl.ata are ~ al,...-,.. d'Ir: lb_ ' ~ bbI8t1: perha. . . 1OUMa- m., DOle beblD'd m)", tiaok. I bope that .,I1M1' ,bac1(: tile hl4den dagger toward Simlo., . more than a ~OUADd ' till! nut Ume h. .busea •• belWl. miles away, He 'was happy. Herew.. re.r." tiaIa.d. . IIIJ beClt Ilk. a oo1iatl1-.. wlU do It ... ,t.p Dearer," al\e cried, low the 10lll C:elayed opportunll1 for the Bnloe 1auPe4 . . .1& ..Ill.... KatJ:I· _ _~. ''aDd I will IItrik.... Hare wm til ... tomorrow DI' UID' aD4 hand or tbe Brltlsb raJ: a cQUYII aDd th Ccnuloll mat lor UuI white woman. What better uc...' recoiled, 1 :l'ecIed~ Thera would be ,_.'~."" . bourl. .but eta-

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Ad,v entures of















: , lICIt






T.... .....

ud G1u'1wI aIUl


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: ".....- - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . , . . . ._ _ _..!I

A base ror the Christmas. tree Is ODe

· of IIlI) simplest things In the ~'orld 10 wt.O<1: yoU know how to go abollt

top down over the edge ot U' 3-. bottom (raru<!, and tack It to under slds.. Care must be taken when putUng ou thiS coverl1lg mnt~lal to stretch the cloth tlghtly ond eveuly. Bring It toget her at lhe COiners nUll se~' the e,!~(l8 li e_'ll'.

t I:;e con .t ruotlon . And you can make ODe ror the borno tr " that 11'111 be every whit a/l, good as one bought. ~ grocery hox and a few box boards. 80m clotb ~v ring material. a hamrequired HOME·MADE TFlIMMINGS FOR THE m r und _ saw. arll nil till.. In maklf\g tlle 1r a bas. s howo ,. 10 ' CH RISTMAS TREE. Fig. 1. An c.blong box 10 Inches deep. 22 It Is iots of fun trimming ~be hrlst. mas tre wltb \tOlne-made ornuments. u"ucll more fun than wltlt the kind you buy In elores. and planning and makIng tree oroam nts that wi ll be bolh nove l lind nllrllctlve proV"ldes InterestLng work for sev I'IlI dol'S In' lhe IUnsll'OtlollS b lo w are s how'l1 severlll t:le ver tOJ:ms ot ornaments '0

Ihat are easily mll.d e. The Up of the tree should be crowned Wllh a 'sIngle ornam ent, and a doubl e five·potnted star IJulde art I' tb fnshlou of that shown In Fig. ) Is mosl appropriate The dOllble star Is prepared In two pieces cut froIU a eardboard box (Figs 2 and 3) . Mark tb em Ollt alike wltb ruler and pencil. mu klug the dtstnDce between opposite points r. Incbes. Cut them with s knife or scissors , Bach star must be slasbed so one w1ll Ilt over Ihe otber. Slash one as shown In Frg 2. tram point A down to B, which Is on e·ba lt of the distance from A to '; and sLasb lbe other 88 sho\\lll III l~IS ;I. from C up Lo B You will Bee tbat by now Cr08slng the pair of stars. and s lipping the swab made In eaCh over th.e uncut portion of the oUler. tbe slnr ornamt'nt will be put logether to look like ~he one In FIg. 1. Th e cardbourd mus t be covered with Unfoll to mnk ~ .It nice and I>blny. but befor e putUng this covering on ut two slender slicks for a suppo rt f~8ten .

Incbes wide nnd 26 Incbe. Iou,,: WllS u s ~d for tbls base. Fig. 2 sbowa IhQ lJrsl ste)} In Its const ructlon- lhe form Ing of ~ pock e t In ' th ~ 'bottom at the box to r eceive the end of Ihe lree. Tills Is mode with two pelr vf boards IlIll1ed to,,' etlJ er cr056\\'I8e as In Fig. :1. Any boards of nnno\\' wldtbs will do. Cut polr A. exsctly II.S a s the . Insid e widt h or th o box. alld pair B exactly !Is long liB th e Insld~ length of tbe bOll . ~'or the nd of a tl'CO or me- ~~~ TO SANTA CLAUS dium size. the· pock· I should measure two and oue-haU or l hreoJ Inches square. This means -,that t he strips SOlita Claus, Sa nta lauB. should ' be placed two Ilnd on :;-!' ,or Are YOU truly true? three Inch es Dp.trt. If til e pock et On. your. way a 100m e nt nauseproves lobe a bit too la rge. ~ h e end of H r 's a lcst "for you: 1h:l tree con be wrapped with n strip Do you linger round the s JlOt Whe re the lIunshlne cometh Dot? Do you se It ilie h UNit thal's cold .\\'I~b your u asure·stores ui.ltold ? Is Y UT smtllng vlsag s en In th e hovel. poor aDd nleall. 01' are you the guest elate the eyer·fOl'tunat e? ~8nta

Inus. Santa Jaus, WIU, YOll r pack of cheer, A.r you solid gold or gauze? . ' D mocra t or Peer ? Do YOU ~eek the sq uali d lane or lh.e paUll rand tbe IIIa ln 1 Do )OU tnke your hrl!it~ns Joys To tlie. pallid gIrls and bOYil. Utile mnJda and IItll haps . Clad In . rags and housed In traps? Do yeu .Ioad the hrlstmas Trees Wltb rlcb gIfts tor s uch as tbese? Santa .Cla us, Santa 'JlauB. Whither lire you be nt? To the fri gid upper.floors or Bome tenement, Where upon a b t.! of grief L ,Ies one tblrstlng for r elief. Tl1!rsUn , for 80me IIttl <! rift In the' cloud8 that seldom IIftDo you' h carry . drafts of Ilfe To t eile, 8ceneS or pain and strlre. Or .are you the guest alone . Or ' your IIlster Fortune's 'own!

of c10tb :1 r paper to make "it Jlt trght . Tbl.B pocket ' frame . does nol r quire ta.stenlllg 10 the box If It ls made to m~~~L The bottom pocket holds the end of tbe tree In position. A 81mllar' DU",IlIIll..' In the 'to'" or lbe bo:c Ie necessary to I' ke~p tbo tree from toppling over, and thll le malle· bytasuinjngoDII . pr.:lr of board!! bet~een the aides of the box ev n 'wlth lbe top edge ' (0. ·1i'1•.• ). tben crOSSing them ,,·ftb a pair n~lIed Santa Clau •. Santa Claus. to tbe top at t~e box I D. Flgl,.6). , Are you tru I)' true? The boso can ' now be completed by 01) YOllr ,,'ay a monlent paueecovering It Mally wltb cloth, but It Here's a tcst ~ for you: ...111 have a. much inore attraotlve appearance I! you slant the aides as tbe)' Do )'OU give to tllose In need? 'Db )·on to the weeping speed. Scatte"lng . your glftll or cheer .p·cr thc weary nnd the drearOr do ·you your treasures plt~b . (nto lapa Already rich 1 That. dear Saint. b'!loved and gray. Tha~·s tbe test Chrlstrnos Doy! - John . Kendrick Bongs, . }luper's W,elllit y .




I" done

bl n..llln!! Il pair pf bo:;trds to tbe, bot-

tOm' (l~ the box :t B, 'B, l"lg. d) IIQ · tbey ~roJ~t beyond the ,,1\1es and e, ds ihown! '4~~ tben nailing . ,trips ~ the ' enda of tbAae bodrds. l1~e proleotlonll o,f Uie frame thuol ror~~ .hould be equa1. Now. when yo.u cov. · er the 'Iq- . brlng tbe clotl' rrom tile c






. ...







ratl! of .peeel belore • • ..~t;

fi"n.18 "..,...temper&tllft tpDClI cd ~

a~ the













* *

Pratts' Poul~ _ • 'Regulator ___ __

and WeSll!rn Canada olTers the solu· tlon In 'l ts Imruense agricultural area,

FI G. .,A


when tbe possibility of retrieving 108ses. making aliBured gains. aud at tbe sarna time becoming a taclor In pr01rldh'lg the world willi Ihe one great requillite-wb ellt-is 60 pro· nounced that It cannot be overlooked. There are several ways In ' whlcb excellent fa rming lands can be se· cured In Ilhe provinces or Mllnltoba. .FIG.t. Saskntcbew8n or Alberta. ' and also Brltlsb Col:umllia. ' In tbe first place the orrer ot the Dominion <G overnm ent of laO acres of ' thread. using some white kernels and laud free to tbe settler Is something staining otber kernel\! red. blue Ilnd not given by any olh e r country Con. other colors with dress dyes. or aDY dilions of settlement are BSY . 1.lve coloring materIal that you bave at upon lbe la nd six montha In cach year. hand . Two cranberrl.eB 8trung on the for a: period or three yesrs. cu ltivate thread betwcen e very five or s1xJ [er. about thir ty acres. and erect ·a habLlnels or p~pcorn make 8 ' pleasing va· able hous( Instead of cultivation, rlatton In tbe popcorn cbaln Idea. An· the l(eep'lng of a cettaln nllOlber of other cbBln that Is oC novel form Is head of eattle will cu rr-y with It the prepared by coa.tlng a piece of strLJ;lg same valu c. Many of th ese homewith glue or mucllllge, and the sprln, steads mn)1 be had III th c ollen pmlrle k1hlg bits of colored ' paper 'over the Ilrea, whell'e (lVl'ry acre ca n be put glued surfa_ce. Cut up any colored pa- .t-L......,.."...,.... ~•."R.'"el". bllt to th e man with per lhnt you can find. or blly a small roll of colored confetti, Use plenty of limit ed mans. in th e pllrk area. lying mucilage or glue so the bits wllJ stick nor ll] or the ceotrul portion at three F ruits and nutil belong the Qt Ihe provinces nam d. 'there Is afhrlstma.s trc<\'s trtmmlngs. and there ford ed tll e best chance. In this park are mony unique methods of Ilang'lng COUll try are bea utiful grov >!s of poplar and willow. s mall lakes ulll,l streams. and ~u1l1 (111) t allen IIrell to enable one to .go 111(0 ImmedIate cultivation 'o~ cr ops of wheat, oats. barl 'I nnd Oax. . aily on e (If which do es wOllderfully well. gh'lng prollf:lc yields. In du e I.Ime when more land Is ' requIred, for culti vation. ·these groves Ulay be cut down at'small cost. In tho meantime. howe ver, they ba "!! been valua bl e In providin g fuel nnd s helter for cattle. wblch lhrlve IVonderfully on the wild grasses thut ISrol\' In abundance. Anoth er plan Is 10 purchase from 60m e of llle l'a ll w·IlY cODlJlanles wbo hold large tracts, or from some reponllible ,1!:Ind cpnll1llllY, The pricee as ked ure xceedln g ly low and the terms easy'. Whet bo'r o'ne Dlay decide to locate in t he OpCD prill ric area or In the I)ar k' country, tbe land will be found lO be at tb e s ame general lexcolored lonm on a day s ubsoil. . Again attention Is drawll to the ract or tbo great opportunit ies for farmIng tJlat nre altere d lu Western Canada UJese from the brancbes. None ar!! Already n number of holders of tracts more PGpuIR.r. however. than stoeklugs at land thete. wbo are ' residents of ent and sewed up out of piece. of tarle· tile nlted Slates- husiness men, mer. tan (Fig .. 5j, and hung by pieces 'or chants, lawye rs. bankere~ men o'Uore. r~bbon; and cornucopias made. or col- sight and keen ~nowledge or bllsl. ored paper aQd 'liuni by meane of rll?' ness, bave decided to cnltlva~e tbe bon. (Fig. G~ . Figure 7 sbows ' bow to lanc,ls tbey have beeD holding for cut a plece of paper ror coroqcopla. speculation. and walt no longer: for a Coat one edge of tile piece with mu· buyer to turn up. They are aCllng cllage. then starting with tilai edge. wisely. ron up the pleee at paper Into the Callndlan I[\.ws are ' u fair and Just 'fOrtn' lhc)lvn In ."g. Ii and pute. to the as c:an ,be found In the civilized world. outer edge'. Paste small colored ,p!c· Military se rylce III not compulsory. tures upon tbe outside ot each cornu-. nor II tbere one ounce or coerelon caple. used. Anything tllat Is given to Great The little goblin "hown In Britain wb fltber In 'money or men Is Is ouly one of tl\e ..;m:.~a;:;;nray~;rr,;:.;,~~rr_:m1l1J~~ol~~~::_:_~~~~~.. , pElOple "tba an De nor cOlnscrlptlon of any kind. AIhe:Jds lind cardboard and paper rendy ovelr sixty .thousaad of 't be .clothes. Cut awe)' tbe outer portion ' young mCIl· 'of Canada bnve volun. of the oranlte rind to torm eyes. boac teered tor service. and t)llrty.Ove thousand have gone forward. many of tbese bavll1g lert their rarms In their love for Gr'eat Brttaln and a desire eo .: f,rC,lI' : Hgbt for t'b elr country. As a (:oasequence. mUll)' farm" mny be left un·. tilled. Thllrefore Oanada Invites otll· en to come In lind take their pl~c e8, Tbla tben IS ' Lbe opportuulty for the American "'ho wlshe8 to beUer ~[8 o,,:n cOlldltlon .-Advertlsi\menl.

Yoil know whu.t

FOR SKIN-TORTURED BABIES. A ho t batb ~ Ith Cutlcu rlt Soap ' fo1· lowod ' by n light application of ' Cuticura Olntmont. gen tly rubbed on the surface. alford Immediate relief and point fb s peed y healment ot slee p-'destroyln g eczemllll, rashes, Itcllings. bllrnlngs. ecallngs and crusUngs at (he kin and 8ca1p ' 9~ Infants and oc h 1dl·()n. brlaglng. rest to worn·out." an~· lOllS moth'ers and peace to distrac ted bouseholds. For tree sampl!! each with 32 p. S kIn Book. address postcard Cu·. tlcltrb ; l)ePt~ X'; ~Bo-Stoll , " SOIIl e'vllf)'l ' where.-~dv • ..

A. Beanl In BOlton. " Strange tblngs happen In this 1I1e." "For instance?" . , • "I recently met a man who lived for twq yeartl In Philadelphia and heard eft scrapple:' ,




Slgnatureof~~ Iu Ule For Over so Yeara. Children Cry for Fletchef'i Outoria A man Is afwah expect~ng hlB do fo~ him what they expect him 10 do for them. . rrl ~J!,ds t~

Make. ti,e Illunflre.& hnnp~-thl\t' A Cl'ol!.i . B/l1I Blue . . Makee beRut white clothes. All 4(ood Focel" . The man who '10110W8''h11i lnclltinlton seldom travels long In the straight anl\ narrow way. HOXSIE"


cific knuwotor Group'. OOoc..uye CIOl4a. 6Uc,.-My..

A man with money Is welcome a n~ , ' where-Lt he will let biB companion do the tslklng. chan,e ma, be erittea' · and au.. ~jI~ lulfelinr .In alter· lit., . Th& ' IIiotteI'ft ~ ...~uncUeofne"ea .. :-..blp.~.,.

-1.lntln~ lpell.-emoUonaJ~(req\Mnt1i ...... . .

. tmportl 1of Silt. . CommOn nit ClJntbluft to be Imp.otted in conslcleftble qUaDUty. 'apore thall.• ono . mlUloll bar~1tI c~mln8 to Atlantic porta ~ Y~r. aOt!onUlI1 to the United 8~ leolOllcaJ aurvey. The country t. amDb' _la, howeTar, to .uppl,. tile ..~ lIome deDwld, .. the ca~tJ of Ita Ialt . . . anel

.or~l. lD aoeu Tb....,..,., ....,.......

Backache Spells Danger

Jmportlllnt to Mother. Exsmine carefully ever; bottle , or CASTORIA, a we aud Bure reJnedY lor Intan~ ' aDd children. anil .ee that It -,,,rr~~ Beara-tJ;ie

dlu.ti'fled wlth·llt., Such 'IIrla ihauld' b.f""~ ov.r thl' dllt""lne,•• ..., In "~'. tonIc: .nd n"'\'I,ne-ih~t ~ proyen'. · c....~ tOr

In tbe Ic,catlon of Newcastle. Eng .• there Is said to be coal enough to I Ibe world 00 fears-thllt Is. U,OOO,OOO.· 000 tons.

aDd moutll: aud make the earll \Jut 'of card'b oard an .. sUCK them Into sll", cut ..." In the oflilige I'lnd . . , Flgllre '9 shows a .. patt!lrn ears, white F\.g.. to showl hoI" te, cut tbe cardbosrrl body. ' Stlck Uieneek of tbe body: loto : a . • lo~ cut ~br':'ulh the orange !'Ind. 'fa 'ban,' up tbe' Jlttle figure. s" ,ck l a bairpln Intq his· heall, nnd tie 'a. piece of, t-lift!l!.d '~o the loop 'end (F1g8, '.11 and 11), , the clottiel of tne bodY: I't1th water colora or color ""It It crayon.. It ),ou make .eilral of the flgurel .. provide lIOiDe wlui b~t• . and lome wltl1 I)onneu. ~co.P)·I'l.h t,. bY, A. •}feely lJl'"') ..


sell or buy through the .al " h .... about to escape BALE STABLE DISTEMPER. "SPOHN'S" t. your true protection. your only aafeguard, tor . . INre u you lrea t all your horses with It, yOU '11'111 loon b. rid' ot the dl ...""e. It acta lUI a. aure prevenltve no m~ ..tter ho" they .re "expo.eel." ro cents and U .. bottle : anI! .10 dozen bottl~8, at all rood druWsta. horae • or delivered by the manufacturers. II'GHII IIEDICAL CO .. Ind GOSHEN, '110.. U. L" YOU

ODe chance In tlrty



1t19ort Ship, . ' , .peared on eIther Bide. abOu~ two milel .of the . stea~er Borlnquell. awl.)'. Th.~ ·.,ere ·101I.d : and Ilearly trom San Juan £>Ol:to Rlcn , ..ep'ort~ vertiCil Tbe dark clouds !rom w.bloh ,bd #O.t a. tli~ iblp wal enteli"l the thQ' · .ppMr~ to, dMCeDd wBre about Gutf' S~m ' four wateralioula . were 1.000· feet tile watilr. . After . . . . TWo were In the IllJll~b.,..t and abolltfort; ltdDute. OOIIcllUon8 b,. two' In til. eall~ Idld tra.velllll · at a oam~ .0~.1 ...... YOl'k Trlbo~e"


Sage Counlel. lhe upper eDd, of ~ lUck, to oppoSOMETHING UaUUL fOR IIIA~ "What III tbe best work to got on sIte faces of the and bJnd the Easy street?" lower el)d. together wIth *hread. !old ~ttb._t lito,... !Don •• errw ....1'& U When faetenlng the ltar to the tree "Wby, work a soft thlag," ,00J' d ealer CUI1.0\ run th~ en48 of the sUcks tar enough C'_ ' dei!IJ .appl,. we "III ,1&41, Subtle Suggestion. below the tree top to enable you to .1'0 .... \. , ,<>0. 1ll0.lra~ GROW GRAINS IN WESTI!RN C:4Nto!dor a D ,.........'" " 'J want u book In wblch' to Jo~ down blnt.! tbe m securel>- In pOilition . L.Ii:. \VA.'I'EB.IIAN VOlllP~NY.. ~ ADA, EN~OV AN EXCELLE1'Il: my Idons," The four lower POIDIS of tbe stan 17:).BrOlld ..,. •••• au... CLIMATE AND MAKE "Why not ge~ a blank bOok?" s . rve icceUt'J'Idy fO'r .attachlng the up.' MONEY. per ends of tbe ornaalentDl chains to. that go to m/l~ \1 a Inrse .portlon 0 :... ' -1--~lJ1ttr-nrn-~!ilrnn;>;il;;_Wl""itrr.iiTilRi the U'lmm ngs 0 1\ l~ee. ' There are l' a~lous .ways of making deSOlu ted. alld cbllina .S trlng popcora 00 tlOn 1:1101'6 than decimated. Ih er A nice fat cbicken, turkry or duck ~u nrqtJaled for dinner be for a Dumb r of y Ilrs 0 (JelJ1llod for "hen, the folb eome bome for the bolidays II foot.! products tbat has not been, experlenced In ' tb" memory of the pres· . .~ en t generation, f:\:"e ryone reg l' ts lho · ~ ~¥ J'. ' ~ ",horrlLl e ~ ar thol hn s broughl lhls 7' r " abou t. li s effects ore fell not only III . Makel plump, trnder. lany bird_the kind Iblt ·....,iC~~'ti~J Europe. but In ve ry pll rt of tbe make delicioUI eating Ind bring topnolch pric'e. . A 23-lb . pail COlli only $2.50; als.Z5e. , JOe.lmd$l.OOladagtl . Amerl cu n ~o!llInent. Many lines of P,au. Rou" kcaac4, curC:I ( ,o ld. and .oup ' l"Id hepi " ell bird. well-tbo oa. business have been burt, bUl only FIG 2. FIG .3 IInt.mol: urDC4.. 2~c . Ind SOc . boul. .elute In, lubcthure 'or Print. Ptallt II 'a ..11"'0' ,out moat, but .t 4110,000 cletlen. . . '.' tcmporarlly It Is hO\H!d. Financial :: PItATT llhIIU.1p1da, auc.:.o. T _ stl'lngen y Is bei ng la ll~e d of. There Is a way (If oV('rcomll1, lbese things;

Mlatl.toe Hunters. . "o"zy.ln ·Brlttany. annually becomes s' c'e nter of attraction for mistletoe nlckerl. and the poplars thnt line tbe hl1lsl'IIe& arolllld Dbout the village sho'l\' an IIbundAnce of the precloul' evergreen, th" sight of Whlcb wOllld fltl the heart of mRn~' It Norman mls. tiet'oa ,at~e~er w!tll e n vy . . · lI~I'l!:· . \1o~ev~r• .th~ . I~ !l1I , lOfty 9n~ ~)' 1'0 means so en,sy- to .despoll of ~helr wblte ' berrlet.! PB raJ;lte . as the 'lppl1' .tl'tlel tn north ern F'rance. which ".laid mOllt of 't he barvest destined tQ ,-_..:r...:J~G:;;.~8:-- ___;....__;,,;;,;___ Hnd ItI way the Brltl~h mstk~t. Nevertbelen clamberln, up Into the tr~ top. Blxty or ·I('vellty reet from , ~he ,round 1.1 not so ,dlmcult a task as It may app~ar. to. tbole wbo are unnltl~~ed Inl o : tho m~dn8 operaq~~ 0( I,ml,qet~e bunte.r.. . ;. ".. .. WI~h the al~ of 'peQuUllrly shaped ' Iron 'Irl!!e.s a~tscbed to the~r reet, en · ablln!f th\im to get n "MD. grip ~f ·the trunk ,or Btllm wblol& they wish to os· ce~d, tbe ~1!tfled cUmbers make tb.elr war. from tiralrQh to branch wltb mono kef~lke aBilitYl and 'til a few minutes 'lhe tree , • •trlpped of ltf mlsl\elOc





'ov.r 40 ye.n.

. '\



YOOR OWR DROGGI8T, YOO 'I'rJ Worloc H'1ft :Ramed, tnr RNl ••l!eak. w"••.,.

"l.e·sa:dco~7onrl'''''I~'\;:7:J~d'lioo~a ..~,,:~~I~


t...1~ ~·",o.

MUrlD!, ,"JO H"mod, Co..


O~rlDg 1913 the linseed all crop of lbe world 13mounted a 3,250;0011 tOile. . It u now .hbJ_lIl. In "iquid CI~~.,.r-c:~II" Tbe crop for "(;be present year ~ eall' . 4~ ,tpN-ar .. lid 50 one.cent. maLed at 2,700.000 t01,8. ~ Woml"' ",a, ... rile lull, .1Id to~/Ide"'IaJl1 ' 10 D,. f'i""~ .nd·hl. Ita" 01 "h,.I<I.n. and Sperl.II,ta ,. '.1 ' .... Invalld.· Houl."d ·S,,'rw\<.1 Inllllllt#."BIl"alo. . Don't b~ mi!le~ . A ~1r, ror Her! CrOM N, Y.•,... d",l'~"" ,..,.tI.. t ....... 'e .. II\~I.Y•••, ..· DlllI nIlle . .~Iruke beauti!ul "'hite Illolhe. • flol, .on•• wJlIIo.... _~II.I._I~ ...II'1n. II,nd ,hat L<t oU · good ·I~rocer.. Allv. ' ,'. .."!,.....," m..tI •• 1 will" live; I~~' " ...


...·eve· r b' E',t OD a sur'" thlug . I .Ott: · ~/EJiC£fS 'L£ASANT " ,ELLETS 'rllr.',I'. " . .., unles~ . ff"" IroN.oro,•• ' ..... r·•• I, •• , you can alford

~o lOBe.



~•••• ""o":!!"_J'_'_'.,:,,'o••••'i'.~.'~.~'~.~~i~~i;i!i~i;ii~~1




:::::::::: u:




At wprd w3si \>cul ved hero t hat t bebiJlde - .- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • par lm Ilt to ',. of HlItohimlon & Gib· n y, l.· enia, was on tir , and that Rmlnhat..q at Barnhart~B . the ,,' hoi , !,ilju!l rr, in which their slor \'11' )oc;:n was 'doomed , L. A , Zimmerman in Xenia It eem~ t.hat the fi re ('auJ{ll~ in the Tuetilday evening . Ti.e, Hose Handkerchief to base ent of t h Ir.r { C store and one Of till) employ nliticillj.J the smell mat ch at Barnharts. of su ()k , wen to lhe basement on Inv !l1 1glltioll. He BnallY located the d fire in some g()ods in the rear of t he M.r. and Mra . .Wm. Dod s. o~ basement'; and imm dlalely gave the Rou te 2. aTe in Lebauon today. N th' . f ' Ch' t tb alaTm, Th employees started to fight the fire. ut 8 i t was in such . 0 109 mcer or rls mas an • a bad plac:e and had such a start' it tho<le silk Stockings at Barnhart's Nuts C~ndles was i01POS! ible to I!t ay in th e cellar. Important-G. W, Hawke has the Soft Shell Englisb WalnutB. Soft A fine- assortment at .. , ......... . lOc An a bl'lU of fi \\ as sounded . and larg;est assortmep t of candy in town. Shell Almonds. Large Washed Chocolate Drops ................. .15c the mployees and ustomers of the I b t . Brazil. Fllncy Mixed Nuts, Stock Candy .. .... ...... ......... !.19c sto r e were orul:!red out of t he build. a 0 es prices. Fresh Roa~tPCi Peanuts 10c. Ing. The .Are wn almost under St . Mary's Sunday-Bchool wl1l hol~ Co~oa Nl,Its, Pecans. Sweet Florida Orange~. Fancy cont rol when In some way t he water theiir Christmas1estlval on Christmas Grap~ Fruit, 'Malaga Grapes. supply.gave ut. .. ord w s imme evening. Crown Smyrna Figs. Cala Pkg. Oluster Raisins. diat ly sent to Dayt n an I Spring. Figs. Dromedary lJates, Ba· field, both city fire depar lments reo Slhoes in all · the latest styles for nanas and" Lemons, spon~l in~ . About 5 o' clock in tt e mell. women and children at Barn· . Fancy ' Eating 4:\pples, . Jersey evening the fir \ \lW g tten under har t·s. Sweet Potatoes. Large Solid ' control. but too lute to save th e CranberrieA, Fancy Cri8p CelThe Best .Qysters s tore. . ery, B einz Sweet Pickles, Bulk or Sanitary Cans, solid. The new furnace for the M. E. Mr. Hutchi ns n, Ule. ehlel' memo church has arrived and will be in· Heinz Mixed Sweet Pickles, mear, no water. ber of tbe fi rm. WllS as co,,1 as could stalled in a few days. Bulk Sauer Kraut. Bul~ Mince be expec leu, Ri\lin his rders i.. his Meat. Creamery Dutter Edgemont We can show you a range vf c>pen usu al businr;>38·lIk manner , He haa Crackers. FIln:cy Cakes. been in busin :j8 in this stand for erid four·in·hand Ties that are up to Cigars 68 y arB, and it seemed to him as the minute. E. V. Barnhart Fancy , Box Cijpllos. Box('s of 12 Special prices on Candies and Ort houg h he bad '10 t an old friend, an~es to churches and lIohools. 25, 50. SpeCIal Prices. A big There will be fire demonstration Th e loss wil\·probauly reach $125.000 Getour prices and save mOlley. line ot Pipes. fine for presents. and t hey h ad nearly $68,Uoo insur· on Main street this evening. by a patient fi re extinguisher company •. ance on the lace. Th$ IItore Ilf dair, the furniture We. offer- you th~ most-d-eslr-ablel'.---~ the Children man. was danlaged considerably by For ,the Grownups -~ Everything Good' to Eat at smoke ctltailing a 10M of about $2500. linE! of Salid dishes, ever brought to market. at pric«¥, ranging from thisl Th e Mellage shoe st~re also had con· Have Not Time to Enumerate Them sider ble damage due to smoke. 15c to $1.50. J. E. Janney. The lire was enti rely confined to the HUkhin n & Gibney Store. which Louis Whiteman left last week for seep s to be i-e.i'barl,able. when the Marion. Ohio, where he has accepted ; ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-~-----1IiI water supply gave out , None of f1 position in a large shoe store in the ther sto res along' t he line were that city. '11 ta' I fl d X· Shirts 50c to 11.50 at Bamhart·s. e- ~ !" - .- - ~ - ~ even damaged. The fi re depart. 'y ment of Xenia assi ted by her neigho~ WI ce,r In Y . n o.ur mas , . . bors aid Aplendid work , all. t hings offe rmgs are In harmony .wlth your Impor~ant-G. W. Bawk~ has the ,' OC18 . 8 considering, to keep the fire confined Xm~ needs, so come earlY,and let:. la'r ~ est assortment of candy ID town. " - - _ . , ___ , _ _ _ _ con vince you of the fact. J.. . also best prices. . to tb ne, stor . • _.. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Barlow gave ' Word. was given ou t F riday by Janney. The Eagtel'n Star lodge held ih.eil' T~B BEITER BABY CONTEST a deligntfu l surprise on their · sister, Mr. H utchin on that the firm will start building just as soon as they . . Miss Eugeuia Reynolds at their home. can "·eloplans. and the work will be installation Monday evening . After ' Th n_tt' hab~ Contes " t that wi'll eut of Harveysburg, 0, . Decemblir t'> the \)usiness session 'was .over a de~ De er D 9 1914 . Games were P)!lYeu .... an d at pti9h~d ra. ,illly, so they can g et in be h e Id d rmg . , I tltute' thei)' neW stor as soon as possible ligljltful)Qnch was servE)(! 'eek 'Ilub ~m~~ ull~~r a seaslll.alll'e hout delici(lus rHreshto d t . w '. WI . e carrl were ~l!ved , Tho~ nre!!ent Th'e lleW stOl!~ \VI'II be IlP' a e 10 See the. nice lir,le of Christma Bu-perlntendents., Mesdames w~re, MiB\ie8.,M-arthaLu~ens Cor.i nne eVTV!iPfu~eha:r'mnny customers in HandkerchIefs in fancy Burnt Wood vaort, .JanneY and ~cCJure, as Welch, EJjbel anlt J~nnie M~CarreD • • I I BO~B3 a.n~ neat folders. Grace . . Elsie ' Osoorn, Veda Surnner~ Irona .. ' THE 'M~QAZINE MAN ~:~~fS~~ee'dj~~:r~reC~?;):::;:'~~ Smith. milliner, . . I - Mental and Dev~pmhl.t, and · Nellie BOlCan and Lena 'Ellis j t.his ~tore say that "whateve" is told ' I?rof, . M aug 10 Mesilra WiIlJRm Lukens, Irv~ng NeXt D~r to Gazette Office ' . Waynesville, Ohio J th . h 'I;'~e first person to bring us apiece Dr 'Mary ch Gail Goi'Oon. Chas Valera. th ern lD I egar to If pure, asas of upple sauce cake was Mrs. Walt~r h R Ad k ' lObo L' e,an be reli d ullon . That the firm Smith. anti you 'know it was C<9 k and assistants . as , U4 UC: ,car s rn, ' . eVi of Hu tchin on& Gibney long may' No.thingDutthat kindufcake t I1I-Physical ' Examination Lukens. Hilroid Gillam, ('.atoll Stin"II '. . . d ~ es . h . Rand II H' d .. ' son lind Sarry Starr. All dep"r~ Il' ve , l' d" the hop""'. of _ :. • 10 (,1U r bo~sehol Hom now on. .Drs. Wrlg t, . ~, en er~ll, at a 1ate hour wishing MiSS Reynolde Mt:rcerized Crochet Cottons lUJd Br~t lV-Oral and Dental, Dr. pleasant dresms. MISSIONARY SOCIEH --':"" ' . Embr.oidery C<>ttons; Stamped J.inen Hathaway. _', --. The Missiona ry society :which llIet Pieces. Crochet Hooks. Embroidery Test V-Eye, Ear, Noae A number of ladies met at the' 1 at the home of Mrs. Will White on Nec!d,1es. etc. , The Millinery ~tore. Dr. 11. l. Filber.. home of Mrs. oJ. O. Ca,rtWdaht. on ..DeCem ber 9th. WIlB of,more than Secretaries-MIsseB Alma Monday and orllanized II eIQb, .' caU. • ........ • usual interest, The hQsteseB .. Mrs. house. J ing it the "Jolly Matronll·/ · "'eet• . 'Whi e nnit . Mrs, . Robt, Cross ings will be held ·twice eacb- ,month . c9m d the guest at the door in a gathering of Jones, Ma: and ev~ry ' third meeting wUl be in true Japanese costume. The meet, Macy's reading ijenrietla the ' evening when the husbands will ing was oPened . by ~j nging "The ceived. A big panquet be included and . 8 dinner ~rved, Morning Lig ht is Breaking." 'Ene altElrclsea. . , 'Miss Those particlpating ., were Melidamea presidentl'ead the 23rd P salm. wRich Benham. E, V. Barnhart, J. 0 Cilrtwrillbtl Our attractions~n Cloeks. Jef/elry. In the aft'emoon will be . B Chapm~, ' J W. Edwards, was followed by Mrs. Wooten lead. jng in prayer. Mrs, McClure th<llln Novelties. ete, •. insure the gr~atest a talk on the eu))ject by some prom· ~. M Hawke, F. B. H~del'!lOn, read a description of a real Japanese pleusure In buyme, the most ~oy In inent health 'officer . S. Henkle. 'N. E O'N£'&II, C, M. wedtli'ng. which a bridal party receiving, t~lr you ct'rtainly will ap· The Bu'r eau will haveitB rooms In Robitzer and L. A. Zimmerman. of thirteen of our Standard Bearers prove our very reasonable prices the Masonie Temple and will be kept ' , entered , the names are as foUows: on these goods. J. E : Janney. the chUdpen. Any , The Place ~o Buy Christmas elfts e, Grace arman, Groom. Alice ' baby bet.ween the' ages of 6 and 60 ....... ~ .... Go·bet.ween, E~eIVD Jones; Octa, Fa},ette' County. which baa monthS is eligible to . ~aminaUon ........." •• 's fa ther, ·Florence Wilson; alwaYIl voted wet, changeq .' their • - ••.....,...~'s Mother. Hazel GUBtin; v\>te;at S, r~nt election ~ and voted THE DANISH .. ENTERTAiNERS , .. HP>,nA ' C father, Edit h Sheehan, dry. Tpere were 35 votes "cast and .' lse,a8,()D·a.Dle mother. Lulu V all were dry, Good! :. maids., . Elsie Gustin, . . • ' Carev ~ Carrie Mills, Clarllo Hawke, '9ur; carefully Belec~. display ot Emma·,Hawke, Bess Lawson Th!s c~mli~are thl~ year wIll Impress yqu Spoo · DI Of,all Idnda' and That will make the was an uniQl1e and novel affair and. With I~ true worth. useful· . deacrfpfion. wbol.e family happy . . highly instructive. ness and reasOnable prices. J. E. One hundred and twenty ladies Janney. were served 'woths')me refr~hment8. S at d k h . . • _. ever . run s ave a~~~~~:~~~~~~Th:;;;~::~~~)1 before' ~ayo,r. Hathaway ") net the BEN Clock makes a Nice ChrJet- , EDISON'S PLANT' DESTROyeD" andl be IS iivmg them .the . mayor is determined to . sum • _ • . "_~._ __ I.maa Present for Mother Th'onias .A,. Edison'slarf!e plant in 'h~re if he cal'l~ 'and' he . l~ 'R EA:DY ROR SA LE OATES .. DEATHS .New Jersey " wlls burned to the every ,.onl! that C\"\Ille8 ,before _". , -"'-:--. ground 'Iast Thursday.' The fire " - -' . . . ' -started 'in the vn rn it:!hing department. .. . . Jesse Stanley. ~1io bU just gradu: Carl; Ion of Mr•.' and MI"!' James and be loss wil l be abou t ~7. 000,OOO. Let us show you our high grade ated froni' the Jones Auctioneering LYtle.: died at bIB home Edison, a fter viewing tl;1e ~uin8said: of ,box papers: they will 'help, you dehool at Chicago, is home a~d ill ' mornlnlr .at ,' '' •. m 'l1!e "Although I am 67 years old j I'll Solve the problem of what to ~et, ready for sale Aates. 1t would , be young man haft dlphtherfa early, In "iI~----_iiiiilllli stiirl. a ll over'~ain today. I will ~9 and make .' your ' XmSz! slloppmg well ~.aee, him. ~ he'bas some ne~ toe summer •.and suffe~~ a rel~PH. rlgh to work I to reconstruct the a pleasure. J. E. Janney , :. ideas in tbe adctJoneering line. Or late~. the, ,di&e8J!8 takmg on Ilpal,l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!! build inS' .'. . '. . ., him. 146 .Di'utual phone, New m!i'nJa. Smce then be has grac!uall.y Edison Ten students of the Ohjo . Bu·rlington.. Oh~o, . . f8l100;' , Tlle·toD"era! took'1>lace ~Iua, This i the plant in did pr!H:t ically all of bis who expect to become • __ • morDlng at the ~tle cburcb at 10.80, work. The fire threw about 6,000 organized a sOciety to HtJl'!TtNO NOTICE the R.eV •.cr~ R. 'f.roxell officitltlnJ'. employees ou t .of work. The \luiJ~, acquainted 'f,jth each . ' " Ings were supposed to have be~n en· advise men whd' are' un· - . ' " tirely fil:e proof. . .ori mattera concerning the ,On account.' (If carrying .,di~~ses . Mrs, GeOrge ' E. Riley ,died Tu~ . '- . ' ~nis,try as Ii 'profesaioD. .. .rom oJ'}e far;n t~ another ~ posItive· day. morniDiabout l o·cloc~, .. at her . BREAKS TSt..f.P. ttONE ROLE 1.wlll prqsecute the first party that Ilome 'neal' Ridgeville, , 8~ter \ a-&holt . 'RaincoatB, mak~ useful I ~teb ,trespassi'lg on ·the Satt.e~th- iIln.ees, . Funel'tll services will · be As E lmer l{ogers y.ras returning present. 'We have . them for men, watte farm. OPPOSIte Telegrap~ ~l))S. held Friday morning, at ~O o'clock A nice assortment of Candy. bQth in bulk and B9xeS, fro m Dayton Monday afternpon, ,wolllen,and children at Barnhart's.. d25 ..A. F .• Mtller. at her Ialte·. hqme. lIltefment will be Here a few Bargains . .' . whi le near Lytle. in some . " ';-. . in M18~i ce~eteh-: .' ' the u.uto left. 'the rojld ,' and be~~re the Wilmington Dally 'Tho.Ullht. . • - • Mr. ROffers could rig:bt the machme. been completed, J' p at what, t · "m abou~ u -If A $2.00 he: . d run' into ' 't\ telephone pole. ' work and lots pf .... nOQlnc ellle tn the wOl'ld fOIl the . ', .• " .. Value Nono of the occupants of. th,e ma· mad~ 'a ttme bet"g: T~~t t~ th~l secret of all The'Joc'at _fire co~pan1. riJet l~t" ~ . were' in any way hurt, hardly .amlJng .nelgh· 1aar4·worlll~ men.....:.e. Klnpl~. wee~ at.t~~ ~o~nsh'p HOu8;e and; '. , I ·strallge as H may !leBm; . The as ~he ' work; } . • _ ,. ' banaacted;eome 6umn., "~e ~7,t! ., " ~' broke the telephone pole oft are ,. be1riDnimrto . . N' \aI~ing of getUn• • l7~uliuD ' ,' A 60c about'a foot above the~ground. of it arichre 'loud H~N~ER.~ TAKE ~AR INO . the bel!efit ·of 'tb:. , fi""Fladdl"~ r' Value . . eT . lauto was BOon' procured, in praiae ' of the new ide. _ I" . • this Wld a 'commiftee".. ap8!ld the party came ot,l ·to Wairn8!Jo. tbillg8. 'r .'. we. the u.ndendgned, will not poin,t.ed by Cblef Sherwood wbdwUl ALL FINE VIlle, If be auto. wa.~ not da~~~ to any hQ~tlDIl or aboo.tlnlr QD our report at . their m~nlr tbil ~ul'llo CANDY any g'r eat extent. Christmas Handk~rchier. from 50 I:Iurmg the ~un~ng seuon: dIlY.~V4!niDgl - -- • to 60c at- Bamliart's. ' ~~ ' . .~ ache~ fa a laudable I?fle and P~ETTY COLD WEATHER ~oUlrbt to bave tb"I~JP)tt 01J the . At a meeting of the WM!D-h Go B bUllri.. men of the eomm1fDitJ. Post· · I aDd t\1l day 'Sunday snow last: week, they Ed-FuwlJ. n The fire eom~' ls. paNlJ Volab. bu~ lale in,tl1c evenitllr the 'J,l&B. d if til • A large. fine auortm~t,especially in p¢nny ones. ature turned towards a, Dibwlddle ~ ~ morning it was' tbO' 'NtU (IOOb Booklets of aU kinds. " Tu~ay rnorping tile Work lad 1'eHieteioed about an aVI.niae-of-;S.tbc.o..j..iwg~""''" 4"· ,'--_ low. _ ._....:...._.-.,....:..._ _

Only 1Sbopping Days Till X,mas



.,-HeadquarteJ:s for


Cbristmas Candies, Oranges ilnd NutS

'frank H. Parr's 5 and JOe .St"tt¢·






Do Your Shopping Early, iii the ~rni~ .if Possible•.



s ·I




. ===='=:m='===========U







€locka' BraceletS





Waynelville, Ohi.o




A S·lb.· .Box

So~~ 2~lb. •


for.~.....$l ~35

Box. lor..••. ~.$1..50



Sonie 1~Ib~ ~ox~ for .~ •••• ' SOc

S~auer ODes ~ccor4inlly••





:r . te,0';: :..0_tton.. I

·c • · PHILLIPS •


~j .

SixW..Fifth Year

• •


•. We . Wish Our I

.---........................ ,. -- -, IPer sona l M,e ntio nl ..... ----- . -----.- -.......... ...-..






Eac h and Eve ry 'O ne, a Mer ry Chr istm as' and a Hap py New Yea r



• ,e



DAVIS -MORF ORD The following memor ials were B P C s w A t the home .-. given at the runerjll service of Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Y • • A IN Josiah near New Burling ton, '1' P Cain, at Noith' A. St, Meetin g -:0'- - - ----e 4:;0 to Rlirtso ek's!or select Xmas House. in 'Ricnmond, Ind .• the 2nd of Ohio. Wednesday evening . Decem · I Candifll!. ber 16, t his month. . 1'914. in the presenc e of a , A special meetin g of the Woman 's It is gener:ally suppos ed tl:tat Dr. I is so strong and t he fu t ileness. large numbe r of rell.tives and friend Fannie M' n read: Carolin e Jordan is preside nt of Stanfo rd tpeace s Auxilia ry was held on Tllesday af· he ' A, A, Hisey was in Suring-field Winder Cain,Robinso hono s. the wagte nf war are so th e marria ge of MillS Eva May Mol" te rnoon. Decem daught er of ' Joseph Univer sity. This is not the case , plain ber 16th, at the h~me ly to be tleen that ('ven the mil· ford and Mr, Lloyd Denlin S8turl1ay on busiriellS. and Rebecca Winde r. waa born July May 23, 1913 the trustee s of ,Stanfo rd itarfsts wh o are (1onducting this wa r was sol emnized the ring ger Davis of Mrs. Harris and ~rs, Mo~her~or ·B. S. ,1 ' ll was in Cincinn ati 30, 1836 in the State of New Jersey. Univer ceremo ny the, purpose of meetm g and hstenm g sity the new office of so efIiciently express themselves as being used n owe The family moved to Dublin. Ind " Chahcellor created , • to Miss Eli zabeth. Matthe ws. of Glen· ot th.e Univer sity and not f avorinir war, Tbursdll:Y nn business. The house was beautif plly dec· dale, 0 .. ~ucatlOl!~1 in the spring of 1847. She was mar· pr<!moted Dr. Secr~tal:y of to that .office. ALL HATP D I ~"S IN A MERI A. b' orated ried to Thornt on P. Cain of this city. ThiS probab ly Jordan with red and white bells and the WlJman s . AU>.;lhary! DIOCese of is the first time a Dr. 1\ , T, Wrigh t was a ' UBlDess where they made their home, . . I crepe paper, Just at 6 o'clock Miss Southe~~ OhIO , Althou gh until univers ity pre1lld('nt was ever pro· such an On III railway lrain someo ne was Edna Sattert hwaite visItor in Dayton Friday. ' six years ago, since which time they moted to a higher ' sang. "Oh! ,unpropItiOUS day. th~re . were about positio n in his ovel'h alrd lo slly; " This it! the ~ . H' land Promis .,tId e Me," have wittl spe piano accomp ore or ani. less thirty·f ive I~dies preser t. time With own univers ity. Dr. Dill, Oateop '. ath, ames wh 1'e 11,11 hate Tuesda My father y and Friday ment by Miss Hazel Gustin. Then . The meetm g W!lS opened mornin T hiS . promotI. gs.IS g., their 'Sons, Harry and Walter and de th a t D Gorman; m dies, 'bher was F was by SID. g. On wall h ma r mO • renc t he Bweet strains of Loheng rin 109 N, o. 26 their families. and have enjoyed tbe Jo rdan might be relieved. •'esu~ J b . tlO far as What d\) ! care for all th t'! I am an weddin ~ .B II rt!l.g n ' b'll d d ht g march was 'heard and during ~here er the I, hospita lity of the Frien"s ' Boardi ng might-b e, from toe routine Mrs, Rosa Berrv sU,n. Doe3 I an hiS succeSl!lve aug er, duties of Ame " Th old Europe an hat- the c"'reolo'ny "Heart s and Flower s" Journey Miss Flora, are in Dayton today. d j evote h' Home at Waynesville, ...Ohio', whe~e presi d ent . n red ri can. d rlv. ' Iefle3 ' s run;' Mrs. Cadwlllladnr h'109 " IS attentio ~ an are nol to they have contrib uted to its helpful more fully an was played by Miss ,Ella Maud Davi~, read the 121st Psalm. Re - J F to the lalger intert's ts uf me " . v. . . Mi:. an~ Mrs, C. B. Bentley SPllnt cheerin g influences. Six. sons sister of th e bridegr oom. Caqwa llader led the,. dev~tlOnal ex· ' were the univers ity and the public, and Under Tueeda)' with relative s In Xenia. the Americ an fl ag we have Tbe bridal party entered . Rev. erClses , The hymn, Lt.,',rd, speak born them, only two 'o f whom are the public is to a man of Dr, Jor· t ew of t he dieruPt illg fActl)rs . t hat Cla rence Grause r to living, Harry P. Cain, of Brooklyn, dan's calibre . no less than the , the bride's pastor, me, thut I may speak, waS then world. Europe su ffer from. We hav e of Waynes ville, and Rev. Shrive, Buy your Xmas Candy at Hart N. y ,. and Walter L. Cain, residin g the sung Dr John (;asper Branne r, one of tuken reely of good charac- groom' s paRtor. of New: Burling ton. sock's Confec tionery near &nk in Arkans as, In a few well· chosen wor,ds Mrs. Stanfo rd's fllculty . who had ' been teristics and spa ritheir ngly of their bad. leading the party. The manly bride- Cadwal Corner It seems ' fitting that she should vice· preside nt of Stanfo rd for. liider presen ted MiaS '¥atrest once more within these walls, yearS and an intima te friend fi(ooen AT WHA1' TI MI'J 'rH E WAR WI LL CLOSE groom walked with his best man. thews who spoke on the subJec t. of Dl·. The Christi an Sunday Scbool will amidst the friends who have known Joroan Mr. Vance Gage. of the "'~hy and How to Study Missions." I" a mat t'lr of mere conj ecture, groom. The dainty cousin hold theit OhrlBtmaa enterta inment her from youth. who have rejoice d came 's for many more years. be· ring bearer. ~ISS Matthe ws held, tl~e cloe'e attenthe preside ut. Li fa insuran ce camp nie c n tell little this evening , with ner'when ahe r<'joiced and sor· Sattel thwaite . daugh. tlOn of her hearers fo~ about ~ ho.ur. , :;)ince becomi ng llor Qr . b 't ter t il n ynu ot' I l lOW long any ter ofThelma Mr, rowed with llt'r when grief was her Jordan has done muchchance and work in 'Pro· one can be eJl: pe ted to live, The waite walked Mrs, Henry Sattert h- ~eraddress w8!l certai~ly' ~ I~plra­ Mrs Lydia Tomlinson. of Route 2, companion. She was interes before the bride and tion and an uplift along mlsslon ary is 8pending the winttlf with relaLiY('s the welfare of the MeetlOg. ted in moting sentim ent for interna tional LI~yd s, t h., lead ing insuran ce con· her m'ald carryin g the goldan circlet lines , H~r charm ing. person ality contrib · peace, . cerll '" in Europe ar basil g their in· in a pure white lily. Then .came in Plymout~, Ind. uting much tb the 80cialliide of life ~he !lDd g~clous un888~qtmg manne r He has been over most of Europe , suranc e UI un the sU[1 posit ioll t hat sweet bride With her bridesm aid. which gathers ~he membe rs into ge has travelle d 25.000 miles Immed iately made fl'lends ,of every on One t be wa r 'Mr, and Mrs , John Stanton , of close fellowship, Plirticu larly rem em line of steams hips, He is one of the April 1st. will close not lat er than Miss Ethel Mcl)ill .. and taking their wo,:"an presen.t.. At the ,el,ose an,of· Frankli n, are the gUEsts of Mr. and berin" those who were ' places under a large arch of red and advllnced most famolls and one of the m~!'I t . T~ ere wi I be fqr miSSIons was taken. A Mrs. n. W. Meeks. no <l~cisive victo!y , white, and a large red and wqite 'fenng in years' or for any reason '''sbut in," powerf ul advoca delight ful social hour followe d. durte'! of peace there IS, It WIll be mert!ly a case of f!.xhaus . tlOn " , hell liung . jlDd debarre d from over the bridal party ing which' the women Wben Dr. Jordan bccam~ Cba)l. of jina ncIlI1 reso rcC!>, " Dr., MaaywllI be. at Sprmg Valley Friends at Metiting. minglin g with ' ' Rev. Grause r used th~ beautif ul ring ia1'Y served delicious ' of the Aux\l· cello~ , he was a powerfu,l, vlg:urou.s refresh ments 01' 811 th1s week, and at Harvey sbUrg all Jl)"dal~ I1Y!'i. , r bEh ~ ve the ceremo ny. followed with a pr~el'. She was very active in the ellort to man and appear ed to 1)e In th~ in two courses . very Allies wlll Win next week. , bet'lluse th\llr com· The bride wore a bMutif,u l crepe esiahliah the £l'"iends' Home at Way- prime of lif!!. Now he ' looks • - .......,.- I~ke bined wal th iff g"e~tar than, that .nf de chene, with all sh~dow embrqld , . . . nesville. and deeply interes ted old man With all t~e tragedi eS all f;!1'Y ST. MARY S CHl}R CH of German v. ap J. V. Sa1\tsock Will spend Christ .in its successalways d Aust ria and t he Alhes trimmi ngs, and carried a ' shower . ' ' Belgiultl, lined in hIS footure s and can .fur~! h the greater ~as ~d • te", da~8 ~t varlou8 points nu mber of boquet o~ white roses, and wore the ' Christm as Day. In the mIdst of the pain of parting figure , ' Holy Commu nion I in Indiana and Hllnom. s; . ' . . ' bridal veil. The groom wore the and addres s at witl\ can E!,ee her with the. Dr. Jordan lectqre d in '. Dayton at soldier 10 o'clock . At7 p. m. , He ;mId many , oth r , th mgs In hiS conventio,nal bl.ack. Tht' br,idesma~d the Su'n day School " the center of a group of Steele High School last Friday after· etrectlv festiva l, siQging Warren Keys, represe nting Waye 'way. dear to us all. who have noon on the Ru6jec wore whlte 'chlffon over pmk satm of carols recitati ons anchre attci the t The C<j"fe'ssions 1'~e cheerin g nesville Gro,nge. attende d the State long ago; and recentl y p8Slled ught may be and rarried pink rOBes, ' ' school will be given: into of a Peacem aker. One might il'l:fet carr!ed b~v each ~ tho mee~ing at Chill,lco the last week. us . . The bride. who bps spent all ~er Sunday 'after 'Ohristm as, St, the realms of light and, joy, who are from the subjec t . that the John. peace· . The pell~e sentim ent of tl~e world life in an(,1 around Waynesville, has the Evange For a nice line of Candies and Box ltocJa~ welco'!ling her in their list Day, Decem ber 27th, midst ,malu'f s 'consi~ered . tlleir labors lo~t IS£ conquerlOg the elemen or G d f Xm t In fav: H many k' andexc hangm ggreet ingsof lovean d becaus e of this terrible attract ive and lovable t~ts of Sunday School ot 9;80 a, m., m~rnwar but thIS 0 war. CoOf: B or as go ~o ar~ s good ,cheer. .' , charac ter and has a host of fr1ends, ingPra yerand sermon ' . , is Dot so. : The victory for the peaCit·- Aged at10·SO a. rn. all nfeeti.o!lery, too soon because ~he groom is tbe only son of Mr. and At the momin g aervice ' We know that' Qad will with makerd is shoWn in tbat no nation or the follow- , He feels so deepl>: the ,Tuesday was the ~hort.JSt day of her. and with U8. ' until webe meet Mrs. Josiah' Davis. He is a ,popula r Ing music will be rendere d: ruler .I~ .Willing to accept the reo • Woes <?:f human km.d,. til d h fi d (' t qatn.". , and prospe rous young farmer whose P . Sponslb lhty for the w$.r, The honest The ~Ig'hty man tOIls on. • aI "Adest e 'F id I' ." Th~ ;tri'ii~OI~ :tj~:~ f:r~;l!;fut "'''Bet ' friends !ire ,many. hou faIthfu l unto death and , old murder ers, Napole . . rocesBIon , on. e ~ .";. Caesar , MoldlDl , 80u~h. r: the great mass of the ~ The dining room was artistic ally I will lPve thee a c:rown of Life, Alexan der and , others of .... ·; .......... ........... . Ueadm g like ilk World'si sentim ent for peace decora ted' with white and red Vent.te •...... :· ...... •.... •.......... Nith the Lord." were willing to " father their crim ..: ....1..• Heyser . es _ To morl~ cohere nt form ' . B ' H d and ' fems, Remar red and white undles set GlOria Patn .......... ........~ ....... Danks ks 01 Geo .....e R. Tho""' : but now- the sentim ent . in favor of d Mra. F. • en erson. Mr. • • .. .,. , ' Mn. \1.anM White F. C. Sawin. ,4n brass candles ticks. At the bride's Te J?eum and Ml and ~h8. In reviewi ng the life• of ,Carolin e W. " , w~ JubIlat e ..., .......... .......... Wood . . D , 'F 'd t@ble were seated Cain I haye been remind ed of a .;.......... , ... .......... ..... .. NeVin ,D • L. Crant' were 10 ayton rl BY ator,) , , I once read called "A Dream 'I Lloyd Davis,M isses " Hy~n, It ~e ~pon .the Mldte,m oon. NERS INSTITUTE WEEK Ella Maud Davis . of Heave .," I~ her' dream the ' D. L. &: C. ~AILROAD Edna Dlght CI~r, ...,.......... ........ WilU.. SOLD BIG DIN . waite, Elizabe th Mart, Ethel MrI W. H. Allel) and Miss Olive w.riter was,pe rmitted tQsee one. of Gloria Patp.: ..... Elv.v , Mc:Co)Jum left Tuesda y for. "Maeomb. t,he "Many Mansions" that was . . '1 . _ Mr. Davia, MeSsrS, alvin Earnha rt, Offerto~, 'Tb~re W"~ bemg The Pennsy R, R. CQ. have The Do[ca~ SoCiety WI I serve ~m til e th 'JI Ii th Gh ' t- fitted for a friend who was 8O.on to finall bou htlvania Ma,dison Earnha rt;, Keller Holte. herds .......... ..........~ ....... SbepSimpeon D. L, & C. R. R. ner in .the baseme nt of .the ne~ Vance ., w~ re ey WI~ apen e raa occupy it. It was mOl!t. beaUtifully and t1e tJnafethe Gage and Lawren ce r will be ade short. M thodlst church all . ' ~~010i{Y m~ ho iday.. ' during ' l~sti· deCOrated with flowers. and "ben I "he bride's cake was cut 'the 0 Recess! ta'l f orlal. tb ' __ I R! ~ frOm the tute, on Decem ber 31st, J~pua~y lsI;. groom getting the ring Lawren .. ..&. y. e I or e DBle were.m&de aud ce Wewil l have li:eCre am Realms of Glory J..... _ ... ....Smart 2nd i ll"l)m 11'00 "\ Ih until 2'00 ~. sbe ask~ whence came ",.ese publiC last'aThu.rsd .. . , • G th ay. . althoug . h the qu.ntil y for the Christm as • m Tb'> fam<l~s chick~n ie din. s!~. tbe thll'nble, Vance age ftowe~? she was told' these were compan y has been very busy fie.-eral~ e Eveningaervice8Ddl8rmon.t7~.m. ' 'm b~ s6.rved on .Ne\~Year'8 dime 'Leave your order. W. C. Phillips, the. klJld wonl~ and goD<!, aJ'ld Davis Elam the . Aln8X tSund aywill bethel ut Sun. d~a 'days workin g'on , d:r: that ever bod and his friends the other guests were sea~button whH~h she has ssld and ~one,. Thn F. L. Bran~on.them. ' at lap day of the ' year, the 8ubj~tfor the treaaur er. of the ,, m~ Miss Elizabe th Matt. of DaYton, en'o a ~od ainn r wjthou t tables and an elabola te thr~course eVJlniog 'wUl only 1& s~ry, ,purel, fic~lon, bllt toad, banqed JD his resignatIOn. be ·'TIle WeD 01 Life," an 'J ext~/ tr~ble to himself. , is visiting frie!Jd8 here, ittter at, su~per w~ served, the color eeheme , Jdb vii-6, "My we th~nk o~. Carrie Cam an~ o,f eral Qays agc); and T. S . McKm sev· due ve ntfter ght. tome ~llJch day tending the Davia·M orford w.e daing l111d p61tron ize the. bemgca rrl~ out in ~ supper . bmanYhgoodh ~lmh~ 8he atbas, ltlvfeD of Pi~tshurg. Was elec~ In his than a weave nabutt le. , ' place last-week. laaies and ,help \ a t good ' caUf; , . ' us, ow .. er t o9g " wa~ ways or Mr. Bfando n has 'le. Meala I f1 9;8O ~ cl° ck .the ,ChriStmas music: both mol'lliDK,and bee~ a cap~ble 25c th , MrS. Dora' ~f<'eelm~. who n the bapplne d ed .~ e ~ on elr W m~ ss of 'Others" we c:annot eveDlng. , , • - .. Mrs. da ,"'tok- ana other· doubt. that her Manslpn will be official and his retirem ent iB,lam ented ' bll.rg, Pa, May their VI'II'tl'n';' The public cordial ly Jnvt,fed to all by patron s of the road. It . ~~.. HA~D 'WALK ING beautif ully decorat ed. DOWN lULL brl~ht and Pftr~Rpedl'ousM the d M The rqad h~ IJrown In J)Op~larJty these aervicllB , , , , rela.tives,herel re"ur~~ to home in . thel~ Ipany len s" • _ • r. ~ rs. since the 1913 flood and a big vol· , Sprtngfield this mornin g. M d ' . h d ' Ik DaVIS expect to make ,their bOrne WILL --.---::--~--~--o::-f f . ht bu;ines s has been on ay mot,Dln g was ' . ~~~~inc~e~~at time. Thla will give ing. as the. streets a~d ar wa - with the former 'a parents for Mr. ane1. Mrs: Warren Edwa~s, of . NEW CENTURY CLUB -, the Pennsy lvania a ne'w and direct were one sohd mass pf Ice .sidewa lks shQrt time near N~w BUl'linjlton K:iliJatri~;ft~~; I>«?nvar, Co.I ,are spendin g the holi- ,The Decem ber - , .-sever al Guests were presen t iro'V D' ~' f(,11 \ MeetJOIJ of the ~ew ,route into Cincinnati. It may be people "'Uay8 here with 1dr. and Mrs , O. J. had fa) ls. but there have ~ Xenia, Harvey sburg and Centur y Club was held at the, home WIJ.'1nf4S ; 'bl that the Edward " and other relati.ves. 10ng,d" layed rut none that of Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt Friday af, POSSl e fatally The raID ville. ' W " '11 .• tI Sunday ev't ft!13pltt.>rl iIIn(ltb,e~~lOi~dil1ag_I~~~lllinlng ~lltl~OtA:'r jnang washed the ternoon , Decem ber 18, 1914, snow , ~ - • from above ~ aynesvi e to Ie all off, and left the ice xpoiled and . ' JANUA ... RY POULTR,\, SHOW Tw~ntv la?i~ respond~ to r!lll ~~~~ 8:~Ir?°d~:ve,:r !ilesbU~OlD i~\~~he made wal~fi~ g extrem elf hArd . . The '. With a Blbhcal qU(lta~lon. MIllS city frllm ~e East " • rural c:arrlE,rB used thOlr. ma~me.s. Catllit' gues hav.e been illl!u~ by. Rartsoq k then favored. the I. . . hO,wev er. and made the trIp In the Miami V. a\1ey Poultty A8IOCIa, with a beautif ul piano Relec· ' , , ., - • fairly gOOQ shape. ' " tlOn for their. annual ' Bhow ' to he 80n, aft~~ which Mrs. Allen read CHRIS TIAN CHURC H , C E W elntz, Wn? st~rted to given Januar y 13~ ~,, ~16 IlJ1d '16, been JidIUittrentedgth _to th 8 most IDtere'!ting paper on the ......... work for thE! WayneR vllle Mills Mon· 1916 ''The catalog ues "Laf)g qage &.nd',Liter~ture of Wale~'! in 'de~. d ' b:' eom~. . . ~ay morl,lin g uttillg i c~. feU on, the mand as severaI lnquiri ea·are the ladies then enJoyed ~lIother I SlInd8~, Dec,e~ber 27. 19~4, have been h .fll~lr a 8dn 't. pa~ *,o~ BI~le I~e Oil MIll n)sd and \V!l!! un conclous mage for them by outside piano soh~ by Misd Bar\;Aor.k. and School 9.~ a. m., r~~chJ parties , ~ ere WI e several d,urlll&' ,~he eom- , Dg 10.30 for (In hour or more. There'i Mrs,'Grauser.told . tbetitoryof"P~ly- ~ m '.SubJ~t of morDl.~!l eermon s n'o doubt ~at the sho", IDg months . • ~ • ' '. " . FrQh kHri.l'la n.wh o .lives on'R~\1te next month will bebut I_r'~~" it\ a most charmi ng .manne r. Every Man at HII3. the best that has "" ~18Ce, Endea.vur 4. ~a~t .of .Ly~le, ill! P11ell 'and fell ' ever been ,g iven by this aasoclation. rnm'ent, was next In order· 6:30 p ~. ,!lermo n !'~Po' m . ,~u~J t!c;t G~VE RECIT AL U! XENIA ' wh~! gom" IIIt? t~ : nou!'£' a,:\d broke The list 'of cash rizes. special th~ social bour a two f~r eveQIDg ser~on, ,Th~. til1vlor,~ ~,s . ' . " leg lIy the htp JUlll t.. He 13 suiferpremium Ej and cupa ~re nqmerou,s, was lIerved by the fol· Blr~ an,d the ,Angel 8 "ermon , mg Ml~ ~gnes HOl;mc k gave a rec;ital conslde t'Jl bly, , liner on attract a large compet ition at Trimty church , Xenia, la~ies: Mrs.J. Wilspn Thi;B pemg the last ,S undav of thO' Mrs. 'alln fast Butter worth was the A fin~ Cit has been donate d tby the day. . W'a rren ,EdwlArds, 'olii y,e ar 1~14, every' me~ber .should vic~m eveniil g, liaaisted by A. 'R. Bar~ , of ice a ~{!'* Il~O. WhiJ,e IJil ton ~ew~ n.n'"",," Hawke , Miss · l!Jmma be presen~ ~t e~ch ~rvlce a~d fho~ ,coming for the beat dis lay at !!ington .of Colum~us, ~<fJ 'Mia8 n,,'WKII! • • lVtiss Ruth Harttlock and not elsewb,e re are mQst ~h l~rch dOW'h ,the 1'1 111 near t Mar¥, s thighow ' and can be seen fn the Mary Welsensteih~pi8Dist, of Spring . sh~ sltpperl anti , fel l spraw- Rowell ~indow. It is a beauty . ' . field! yMiss. Sinltlt, Mrs Howell. , Mrs, cordial ly IDvl~ to a~~nd. A heartty HQmic deJilJbted per JOg her W "left iJadl.v. , One ofthe memi;lers o~ tbe asso. audien ce With herk PUI'& . Hawke , Miss Lyle B'.'d Miss welcome awaits rou. Sopran . . ' Mr . ~I 'i ton Ji1()a~. r f ell Tuesda y ciation while at the Dayton show voice and. ,t1)e ~uet DQm~rs we~o righti _ere alar> guest!! of tlie bOllt,D. ij .• ~I~er. Mmlste r. and al?r8ln~ d her ,wr! t~ . ' last week. was besiege ess a~ lhli meetinjl; , all sides ~~~Ily plea8ln&,. Miss ,Homid l: . W)lI le !l'01~~ to.Cedarvl,lle M9~~ay . to know the ~at,e of thed 'son . . . '- . , ho" : to be WIIJ leave shortly . for ·' Cinci~~tI. DEATHS Walt~r ,M<?("~r , w~o was d~lvmg gi.ven here, 'a nd in all probab " '''\noN SOLO 'FARMility where she willco~qnue . her "stuai~ ' . ' . , ' 1 : 1 1s auto, when makll'!l l a t urn 1n ~he there ",ill be a large entry I. . "'Y" ' ' . Mrs ' Fanny , Squire s died at ner road, the ml'le\lln , at the College of l4u81c. ' ~ skidded ~n the Ice ' ,'" " • _ '. \ ' , , '. - • 'd . 1'1 Th'ro t t S day ann turned a' ound, and whIle on an The Mja~ Q~tte of.rec. :t, da~e r~~i~~e ~he' t~n~I':1r~a8 ' , FARMERS: h~~d at incline ioppl~d '· ove~ . Fortun atelY IS IN CALIF QRNlA FOR . r!lP an a"v.r~iBem~n! a Qt t e WINTE R ,. ' ' " 'I TUesd r • t.It none of the 'Occupants of t he :mach,ine "rb~ bunting 8eaaon cloeed farm of Mrs. ;,Amanda Smltli, ' to be t, e enaJl'!Th lDg Thul'llld!(V~"eveniirur . :.:i0m had ~n we re hurt' and all th~ damag:1;done s6ld .p.\, lIarf')1 M.uriay Mr, Murray ~ clock. d., 8fetling . Fa"p1e~s will D~vid W. Thoma s is spt,nding e ,d!'C , . .. WBS to on';' heel, whIch was q icklv had ' tiln appbca fiona ~ the, firat 10 III hea~th f-ol" • respite ,now from the banJt 9f .. I'f I d FI 'd lopg ~imc, ~~ bad , rehaire d, J;d Mr. ' McClu re ~am~ winter t'OI_t · i89u.. of the ad. and BOld the farm been muril wOrse&'thlil,fal in c.;a I om" an r 'a nd ' anxietf for their It~k on.. l fIld wmter, I ho~e . fely s~l*iptlll:On t Week , to He 'Mr, says and he Yra: arrived GeOrlle 8ufferi ng In,tenaeW. Inter~ent ,w~ , in Caltfom la ,the ~utJlJ'el law, eornA In in .. ~ , sa __ ~ _ .... _ _ _ just before the raina set in. but it II , d in Miami eta. .nceJo r " 2460. ' .~. Murray Bl!riJi~. now ma e , raining there now and 18 rather ~1. • ".oal1l[e C8q1 OJ' .. ' SLlOH1r BUZe MONDAY Rej$ at presen t at LosAngeles, but"> IlQI that be- Ii a stroni advllCate of ' , Mialel Sybil and Helen Hawke and adverti alnt. ,.. .it : 801~' ' the farm a will go to Florida before long. where he will ~tay until Sp~, Ad.,. Mtchener qf Delaw ar., and ",teat deal eaBier than ,any o~er . ~:i~~~~ M_~ "BUlh rud«e. Lee Earnha rt. Inetbod. ,. __ _ ' I'~med: RECEI VED INDIAN ' ~~NKETS ~~'lr~o~: ~iuJS W':n,' IlAD BOUOH ,NEW FARM .... of AdlMr at. a"" bOIlM for dle ' . ~u .~IIdVI . '

.i.. _--'--






'b '



















Has ,a Great Deal to Recommend Both for Beauty an!! Real Comfort . That j t A ffordl the , . Wearer.


HREE; bundred nnd some odd content, but always counting and plaD' dnys or tbe e ven tenor or hiS ! oJng tor Ule Kermess as an American way- and, then, t he KermeslI country child walts the year arou'nd and tbe Vohmdamer dances, for Christmas.

Perh'a ps this necessary economr, writes Anna M. De unl son 10 the New York Tribune. combined with natural ' thrift, aceounta No. He does not danco In his wood· for the great sobriety among the men. Necea.ltate Narrow Vai'd., Which en ahoes. No m,Rn ot (as Won has a Cigars, hQwever, are seen IImoldnl Cultivation, ,pair or pumps botter suit d to trippi ng gayly as ' the owners thereof swing (By H . L. J'EMPS'r ER. j , be located upon a aouth or east slope. the Ught fantastic than are this Dutch· , dOwn the streets, hands in pockets. The aecl'et ot s uccess I~ raiSi ng T his Is nClt so Important, however, as man's Sunday Slippers. They are of Nlnety;nlne per cent of Cbe bands of 1I0me sort ot 80ft, shin y leather, and in the male Inhabitants-when on tbe poultry is to provide conditions as convenience to other farm buildings. them be becomes IIgh t of foot. .The street-are thUII bestowed, and tbe for. ' nearly natural as possible. Such con· The location of a poultry . house In an ame may be said or falb er , motber, elgner ponders upon the size at these dltlons tb!J fBrmer-poultrynuLU Is , lo orchard In Ideal If the treee do nOl 'brother, sister, sweetheart and friend. capaeloul5 receptacles In the enormous position to provide. With unlimited shade !he runs so that they: remain range at t\.ls dlsposal"tl1ere Is no need damp. The trees furnish neC6Bsary The' Volsndam fisherman gOBS week.· tToUSel's. . IT out Into the Zuyder Zee and casts It Is easy to understand tbat when for him to crowd his poultry into Gummer shade. bte net tor fish . As regularly 'as Sat- a man and a maid who can dance, and small yards. Limited range, encula. POUltry raising bas r6Bol; ed Itselt lh'd1lo3 comea around tbe barbor ou~- at that well, and C8J) take a glass, and bered wIth large numbers or diVision Into two systems : the Intensive sy&aide the dyke fills up wi th craft until With uncUon, will do It wlth a vim fences, mllkes ' It Impossible to ' give tem, i.nvolvlng bousea of considerable ~t can hold no mor8-"-tor then, be r~ when the moment arrives, for there \a the poultry yards proper cultivation. size, or InaDY houses, and a large turns for a peaeetul Saturday after- bItt: one genuine diversion dUring the Tbls causes ' .them to become filthy amount olr stock upon a small nrea; · aoon or Sunday with his fanilly and year. Tberefore, before a certain and unsanitary, a condition which is and tbe 'e xtensive or colony bonse friends. When he ~as anchored bla Saturday enning In the montb of Bel)- respoD.sible for moat poultry dlBe8886, systein, Itl wblch small houses are 1Marce he turns toward home, walking tember. It la Ole custom eacb year Tlie BUCCeflS or poultry enterprlaes Ia scattered over large areas. The (orwtth that clever com:blnatlon of drac- for aU available men and boys to begin . ustlally measured by the eJ:tent of mer has advantages In that the labor K111& shumlng and freedom of awioB potUng up booths along the dike, or range .provlded for tbe purpose. Com· r8lluiUng from the care of the ftock, es. In bta .tep that can be acqulrejl by on the seaward sIde of the main atTeet. merclal plauts whlcb depend upon peclally during the Winter. Is reduced In 'general UJe ex. DO other means than the we~lng of In these l>ooths are bestowed , dried small yards are usually sbort-lived. to a ' minimum. wooden shoee and trousera a balf ya1'Cl tlsb, am~ked eels, toys, candles, bak. Better sanitary condltfons would yfeld pense of bouslng Is less than where the farmer more satisfactory resuJ,ta. lowls are' kept In small ftoek& It Wide about the When \Ie el')', etc. . reaches hi. 'o wn door':"a door exactly Bootha for Everything, The moat common mistake In locat· bas the 4.luladvantage of Increasing the Uke those .ot his neighbora' to ri,ht One booth Is prepared for tbe cake Ing the farm poultry house Is that of amount 0 :( yard care on account of BUd' left-h'e detUy lUllS out of' 'hta cutting. This means that each cua. placIng It so. close to other farm build· tbe JlmJted yard apace. The Inte~lve W'OOClen Ihoes and croaaea tHe vest~ tom~ Is given a hatchet. It be Inls tl1&t hens overrun ,tbe.latter. Tbe system, w1th many small houses, as · hie Into the living room of his hom's. · cut the strip of cake in two wlUl usual plan of locating the poultry usually practiced In clly ,lots, Involves Til. Flaharman'. Hom., three itrokee, 80metimes four-the house between the barns anU tbe an enorll)jl)us amount or detail work, This vestibule ' and Uving , room are his, If ' be falls he paya fa, dwelling house, Ia especially disagree- unpleaaanit In · bad weatber. and too eu~ UU those of bls neighbors to It: 11suaU)' he paya. able since It encourages the hens to' expellllive as a. system to be practical Jfght and left, to tront and rear. The AlIother bootb la for the houaewlf. not only overrun the barns, but the except wbere more favorable condl. lIYlnc roo~/1iaa two WlndOWB In fro~t, wbo makea and sella Bome Bart 01 baok porch of the house as well. ThlB tlons are Impossible. In til -.ob of "mch la curtained ",It~ even- fried cake, Theae are tiougblt eagerly habit Is encourBIeel b Y til..... ."w, e The eltttelisivo or 00lon1 bou'lle SYI' lta.~~ ,bo f b 17 plaited lace aCU'Oa. the lower IUh fbI' and by the Children. Jaio~her crumbs, table scrapll. etc., out from t tbe kitchen door. Under sucb cOndl. em nOOetl8 ...,.. more a r n t e Ud amootlUy ironed lace. ac~s the b~th ~ arl'8Dged for ~ng throwlq. care of the flooKs during stormy 'Upp.w, A table ltands betweeJ> the.'e Clock8, watChes, dishes, lamps, nd so . Uons poultry keeping Is not only un· weather )\rhen tho birds are confined, two windowa, Tbe lIbor la covered on through a Jong list" are won or pleasant but Impl'aptlcal and the read· It has the advantage, however, of un' .~ from . the' ,table , back , to tbe ,oPP08ite ~Olt· by the payment of ten cents (twe er Isurged t 0 COOB Id e1'. th ese po In ts limite'" ys·pij space and yard fencing . u ~, wall ,w ith mattln" the fI~pJace Bccom· centa of American money) and tbe ~ lelecting a satisfactory slw. can be quUe largelT ellmlnate~. Often lDOda*_ 't .~ charcoal In ItII skill of the thrower. low spot Is unsuitable tor a poul· the poultry can be perinltted the range aue. and all the family- cblna and ell- TbI.Saturday afternoon the flsber> tryA houae, because surtaco water II of fields ILltor the crops are started; ..... aDd braN ls asaembled bereabout. man comea home and puts on bls Su~ apt to accumulate and damp air al· ....ithout a,lpreclable injury to the crop, ways settles In sucb a place, Laud uUlIzlDg to good advautage the dropwhich Is naturally wet, either booauee plnp would othenrtae ' go to of the nature of the soU or becau.e waste, 'In some iocalJtleiI worthlf>8S of springy cond,lUons, should be prop. land has beeo brought to a hlsb atete er'y drained. Muddy Quarters cause of fertility by th1' p~cUce. Cowll to consume large amounta ot The mOist healthtlrl ~nd' economi-' -..fli t b . Tb Is In addltloo to the dnmp. method of raiSing the ,yoQng chieteDl

It ie ro.tber remarkable when 'thlnk of It tbat remote Russia has hnd so much Innuence o~ tbe tasii'io~B at the world. The Russlnn blouse and dol mnn bave so often beel! played upon , add made very Ilopulnr that they have come to be cOllsidered stan\Jnrds. Since tbls ,'ery ooUc ab le Influ ence made It· selt feU in times of peace, it Is no ,von· dsr, then, that In present troublOUS times, with tbat gTeat nation under 'the limelight, It -is telt IncreaSingly. as evidenced in the great, fuU:sklrtod snd rUl'obordered CosBQok coats tbat r ecent ly made an appeurauce. One such Is depicted here, and very m:lcllsh It ,s, too, In tan, castor·colored woolen velour, with collar, cuJfs ' and toot banding of otter ·rur. In tact. it Is double-breasted, with II straight line of olQlllol tTom Deck to hem, buttoned a8 far aa he blp with a close IIno or rather large clotb·covercd but~on 8. A bel t strap from under-arm seam to under·nrm sel\m buttons 8crOllll tbe back. boldine in a bit of fulhiell8 at l\ BUghtly empIre waIst Une. Stralgbt 'WIde sleevea are set under kJmono s houlder clItensions. The skirt

This evenlnll COli I. a New York deailin. It Is of white velour and black fox. Very narrow long wllat line at he back. The bottom I. very full and made In squire Icallop effect: vdde fox band at bottom, The fur on the aleeves when brought together IJIvea the effect of :a muff. High fur collllr acalloped.



Not (Hard Thing to Do If Inatructlons Given Here Are' Carefully Followed. Here Is a helpful Up Jar girls. "jt'ho do tbelr own dreaemakhl8. tt Is an easy matter to turn u\> the hem of a dreas on on e's s.elf If the (ollowlnC directIon. are fol~owed: . Put on (he skIrt; rest one end Of II yardstiok on the flo()r, anll, holding lt atraight up I\.Dd down, mark whe re tile , otber end comes On the skirt with a pleee of chalk, goln'g 1111 arollud ,(he Iklrt In lhls WILY. Tbls' will malle a mark all around tbe hlOIl ono ,ar4 from tbe floor, Remove' the skirt and, using the yardstick as a 'measure, turn up tbe skIrt one yard from the mark. Tbls will be absolutely even. If you wlsb ~o make the skirt shol't.el'-lIa)' t ....o or four Inches hom the floor-turn ge "ColII!8ck" Coati 'Show the Ru. .. It up Ilan Influence, ' two or four Inches leas tban a 3'ard

n~~w*a~~tlOO~~~fu~ula~t:b:e~=~=~h~OO~8:e~~~ Y:~~m~.~Th~e~~~~~~~~~~_H~~~~~f~T~~~~fu~e~m~a~r~k~.~Tb~P~~~~ healtbful flocks. There Is alllO the h ' eXllerlenl'le. probablllt7 at. the eggs becoming dIrt,.. lIuch plac4!8 as orchards, farm \anel, t>rol,uid the lower edge. rellultlng In an Inferlor ' proouct. even oornlleldll, whe;'t and barley fields . Wbat more ' can be ,asked 'so I' as Bilek Flleta..Smart. If tlioroughly cleaned. A windbreak after the grain haa been removed atyle, warmth lind comrort"ue con· Black filet v Ulnp are perhap8 the should be I provided whick will not 'Tbe ahadl!, creen food" b~gl, WOl1llS: ceroeclln the way of & winter wrall!- foremost of the many types now In only alford protection from disagree. grasshoppen, etc.: are much more Wu~lngtoo Star. favor. Plain blaok tlleta are a Btrong able wlndl but fumlab an abnndanc~ conducive to a rapid, healthtul growth featuro. 1l11tf!k ftleta. /wtth hUke velOdd Comblnatlona. vet squares arranged In border design of ebade. tban are the conditlons uaually found Green goUlne, cbllf<!n and monkey or eille s parsely scattered ov~r tbe If poaslble the poultry bOUle ahould around the dooryard. fur are QOmblned In tbls way: . There meah, are smart. ...... ..! III a fOllndatlon skirt of soft ,reen allk , Hexagon and hal.rllne noveltl;,s 00' There fs ,. 10DI, gather-ed cupy a good pOsition. There III a WI,NtE~ EXERCISE FOR HENS CAU·SE OF' EGG EATING HAB,IT golllnl, tunic of .reen chUfon that leaves ex. slightly Incrensed clemand for tete de Thick , "'ec!g~ Around Poultry Hou.. He". TIIat Leam Trick Communicate posed ' about fifteen. i ncbes of ' the nogre brown ;' tAupe Ilnd myrtle ,DovelMalCe. Excellent Wlndbf'eak411e':' It to OtheR-Ma y ' Different :;:. roundatl~n Iklrt,. The iUDic Is edged ties. New 'allDi! colo ed vemngs a\"8 with a frl.nge 9f monkey fu,r. The 10DI shown for weal' wltb aiuld colored bred Noolea Affo~ded ou·b lde. Curea are Advocated; , . chilfoD sleevea are ~dged witb monkey ball, 'Whlte vel11np are In moderate A windbreak of some sort mak6B a r Egg saUn. ia · caused ' 'by lsell of and the bodice Iii compo&e4 of, galftne deml\lld tor use w.ltl} smart white hlt.t.. ' poultry house warlner on the Inalde nests, . overcrowding, 'Want of opportu· and ehUfon,. Convenience for · t"e Muff. and gives the fowls a sheltered ' pla.ce nlty ·to exerCise, or Iaoll of Utter to Square Train, Bow InsIde )'0111' mutr a 'aUlBI! I)(,.~e for outdOOT allerels,. says a writer In' exercllle 10, and nOlts that; are loea· The Bqoare train is' ahown on Ilome ring about three· fourths of an Incb rn ' Successtul Farming. The owner .of a ted low down In the light where the 0' , tbe new Importatlona. It Ia eai\e- tllameler. luch us nrc used for fanc)' chicken house buUt under tbe sbelter chlckelUl are tem'p ted to acratch In ,01 a num'b er at everc~en trees ,saYI the nelt boX88, 'thus rolling out the clally gOod wben it Is used on a frock work, atll~ched to n short' piece of ribdrtnldng . water hardly ever fr_68 ecp- Once the trick · hi learned, no 1-!,~~··aqUare-0IH..n'l!, ·t_IHtJri!Ht_*ii"tlCm;-"-j~·h1l1~rerclrhlf'1l'~-;;;t!""'!fntw1Il""'-;-.".". lnalde. And I notlc~ at the time I egp are Elate, and' the bird. that first aa the Ion,. . 'trilln was through this rfn/t. ' Oloves rna; be but· was, visiting tb" place In the winter I~ ' thlll bad habit com,munlcate It gdott 'wIth a lrock in whroh the V- toned Into It, alll\ It will aecurel·y ho'd tbat .the Inow 100goo' ,on ' the trees and to' otbere, To prevent, 'g lve plenty of ,I!apecl neck ~al used., .' one's veil or evcn' a small .p~el. the ,round underneath bare. And room In ben hOUle, and have a ....... _ """""" ~ ~ ~ * .... *..... - - * ' * .. * * w'" J ...... eve~ywhere around the ground ' was suitable ' J~tace for the chickens · to SENSIBL ~ HANDS AND FEET The leavea ar~ aiso veined with' the covered with soow. · . · sCTaooh In, Put the DestS In a 'soolud. ~ IUk: Flower. ore edged and somet.lmes H~ns like to cet outalde the clilckeQ eel corner, ~I dIrk .. Is practicable, intersected In . muoh the ~11I1l way a • #nw a little whUe -heo the and fumli8b enough of them.. Give Women of Todl), Refua. to ,Cramp /' . bo... ....... .,~.. Thel E t It I I with allk. Tne wool emhrolderY coowea , tber will ---mit, but they don't the 0II1"ll9ns plenty .of "'men food. r: x rem nto Covertnga ' r.. . D Th t A a " sequent\)' , tllkllS ,on Il new' Ufe and ' Ilke to waAle' in anow. Rena rooaUne Dltrerent GUi'ei are advocated. Bome • a re 100 ma • , beaqty foreign to the old WOOl wr. , .' t An' old . cartoon the sOa ahowl . of our\ grandll1C1tbcrs, ThIs wora" of · The beefs open Into the walls like , day beat. ' Hla 'wife and babies an In treea w'uln a ~o'Wlltorm 'oomea wUl 8&1 that a qllantlty Of' ch~na egp 11'001 and silk ~ CJl.n be done ,on an,. • ~~boe.rd8, and bere th~ , family Is already spruced .up, ',andpreaently they fltay 1li the tree. until, they ~t hunSr,. 'Bcatterect qver the cbJcken house 1I9Or .. poup of girl. of the periOd · .at.oi'eil a'WlIY at night like dry goods Itroll out, band III hand, In troops and rather than ft;r don In the' all<lw to ~ill dll\COurage .tbC!, practice; · othen _&1))"Uk~ ",alit., 'h uge, ,busU..' and mate~lall ' but those of cottoo ~d _ , that a bUlsbel or leu of eR shell~ tlD1 ~ncb. heels vlewlng ' the ' at.tue linen, unless, ot co.u ne, the IIDen' or on shelvea. ' groups, ' past these tempting dJ8playw, set. same~, to e~t. Ii. thick bedge around the poultry led hberailly wilL UUI'" . the hen. ' of the Vcnu. de Milo wl~ 11orror ud C9Uon ni~terlallS be vpry dart SUk 'During the day. however, colfee or regaJlng themselves on Imoked eel '. aild commentlDB upon the ~aterlali and. w«;loY fabrto.a excel- ' ' 'tea 'slmm,ere over a .'P~rpctual tire, !Uld giving tbe children a "ChMat. hlluae BUd yard makea ~ gOod wind· craving , tor 'JI~e, ,al)4 break up the' of ' her wal.t anci feet. In lb,.. leat for the purpoae 'Velvet; w~le ·wblch Iii kept aUcht In the burner on 'm asy" 'feellng by buying and IIreaent. break. We bave ,fbUDd a . tall board bablt~ pU~en , 'that., old pl&l~er and -the table' between tbe wlndow/;!. , Here' Ing to them dolla, toys. cakes, eU!. fence on ,the north and west of· thfl pl,nty of ' grit. Is· a help; occaalonally . da,. tbere ~re , plen~1. of womel~ IOMetlmes uled, II ·.reall7 ,tOo .beay,. b.o uae and )'&I'da quite & IOOd deal of .80meone vOl claim that eus doctored '70ull8' al :~ell aa mlddl&al~wbo for the purpc).. aaCl .. Dot ~ 'Iood con~Ita mother or slstllr, sewing or knit. ' IIlveJiV~9dy begins' 'to blI happy. UIIg, and to this bospltable board come 80 ~ tbe week. The daytime Ia protection to the ,~ena In wlnte~. be-- wttb~ pepper 'puts a ~top to It. are ..' perfecUy proportioned &I tbat trait for ~e llls~erle.. wo.oll Table ' Venal bel'll81f or her great rival; Ule ruDnen .alid qUllblonl are etroollte 4lO\lI1n1l, aunts"grandfatbers and beaux .spelU more or'leBII quietly about dally ' aides cll1Dlf a sheltered location for, The best cure la prevention. Samotbrac:e of .the 'g lorioul drapetlu, when dOlle In wool embroidery, &I are to pour;.and drll;lk a cup of tea while alfalrs, but the evenlnp are ' lull of tbe earl,. chlcte. 'l'be little fellOwit.. ' . Sickyard, POUlt~,.. Their hands and feet are large.- thad .allO ' portJer'!8, provided ,the ponl'.... dle, 8!)!tllp ot the day I. passed; or, mUlic, laugbter and madcap danCing. close to this bo&rd fence on & raw d87 Backyar,d "pOultry raisin', ls no thoas of .tbe ,",omep 0~7esterday, . " are lined to qonceaJ lbe, back' of tbe · j f it be the '·sweetbeart. hI) . &teala a A. th!,! last nlgbta of tbe Kermass ap- and don1·. feel the wind much that bootmaker and clovemaker», \ low m'lnu~(ltIo of flirtation with the de- proacb it Beems to dawn ' UPOIl .the would.otherwtee 8QOn 'cblll tbe nleollt loncer an Is xperlment. Its SU·c oeal.... but bands ·ar.e far more -,--..;.........-:..:..~ IIIDfa damsel. Volendamer that tbe ,bu~i!rum le~ of th~m. . ~~ made tbls fe~ce ,out o( been ctem.onstrated ~e ud ~o; , .', In taCt, It,jls OBl1'led oJllln cUlUel chaJ'acterlstJc. ak ..... A~ aho"'. . InSide . the tour walls of this tY,plcal of a~other ;year la app~acbing, and old boards. .&apjcJ. ' lSeem to ~ow Ihotter ~Cl Orten tbe h~nb.ouse or brooder ~~ an~ ',UD~ell various ClOndltlqDl, dd lttt lIYtag I ~om , the women' spend their,ordlngJ'y be 1'lll!llIl hil heills 'a nd can be Jqeated , wh.e re other 11)1!IcJ1nb POPular1t)"~. Jus~; fah'Jt at,a~; , , DO ".n·bred wOm", nowMUlY of tile . new Jrotter I' t1me over tbe routine of bousc""orll, in limbers up his kt!ees. Whole bands , drllBllll of attempt1u 40' CftUD friocllll bn the avenne tbesedll1A re\'8lll sewing on the always homemade weat- boyti Rnd men cl;wp hands or embraoe "fill' breaJ!, lhe foree of the wind. It Duclk' R..dy for Market. ', handl OJ' feet Into does or ,lovea the buttoned boots above tbe imide; mS apparel,C?f· 'the fa~lly, In lrll,ltUog or lovingly, 1I.IId jlollnd the floor .1.11 seems to me this subJecL ia not .glven· sfze too amali. It la ('Dot d()lle;" tbat ud ductns aktrts .l'e oven tlborter. til acrubblng aod pollahlng everytblD'g rliytbmlc thuds and tbumps until' tho tbe ,attention It dese!,vsa, In locating, 'Properly fed ducks ahouid t>e readr all. Th, modern woman' refutel the The.butfolled Itreet boot for fall baa. U1at- lIel about · the pla'Ce. Tbe ft1'/1t entire building sways and trembl8ll bouses or yards In a cold cllmato ad· far market wben ten weeks oli! aJld, thr84t daya at tbe week are largely rock Ii and echoes to motioo and sound:' vantage sbo~ld be taken Of.everything wtllwelgll twice 88 much III' chlckeal old French proverb whlcb qRDalatecl IIlbt welted sole' an'eJ a curved Ilee!, imfJlll b,. the wasblng and Ironing of They dance apd dance the last Sa\...ur- that wlll give ' IIrotectioo and alford of the saDie' age and ~ a be«er m.ean": , ,Jt ia noo .... ry to alltrer In but. thla beel ,~I bro!Ui enough at lh. ' order to ~ beautiful," bale fOT comfortable walking. Dano. . dri~~Q the end that 'the enUre day .n lgbt away. Still they dance when ' fowlS, old Uld yoollS. Ibeltered noOka p~flt. ~' ,. boota ·aJ1! uc;eedlngly dainty, 1I'llh ..tllaBe has ~he appearanee of being MQnday morning dawns, and orily liP. ou,tslde. It will 10 the cost of food FO~. WORKER, iN EMBRQIDE'" turn!!d 110181 &JI,d ' hlgb Cli"ed a ..tU1e«ated clotbesllne. on ~he stroke of noon on Mondlly. doea alone In wtnter, for sheltered 10",18 heel.. BOth ,. treet .pd' dancl,ag boOt~ 'Alwa"a Planlling Kern\e:l8~ : bedlam die away and all Volendam go need lell8 food tblq th6ae ex~lJed. )foDe,. II not so abundant fl10m the II~~ to bed 't o Ileep It Oil, and . tben Faallion .a Be'nl RavJvad With abow Qae top of Cbbtra.cUn, matert.a. t:tave Supply of tneectlclde. . JaIlor of the utlr&ge ftsherman ~ to back '~o work-till the Kermesa comes MOdi,.., 'd... Tllat AN ... Every' one 41\terested In poultry permit ~uch dlYel'tllon hom the rou- again. Imp.."..,...... Jet on Ail Ibould have a r;ood '1nlecUclde on baud IIIIe. In ' faot, to ODe Used to the a~· Jet clbtbl are -ery. mach III -Diu.: for tbe prompt i.IIiI1IIllatioa of lice. tnetiona of cith~. or the push ot moe!- . , Raven Not· Long,LIVld BIrd, .n emplo~ tor- t~' orta. aael Jet ala lace _ oa . fI'Il dID.. thll IIr. l8~m. lIh a 12. The ancients ..eredlt.!4- the rueil ~ Drf Ploklng a.t. IIIGII&t1 eIOck, wound 1lP each, yea!' and with unullual lon,evltr. btlt modern ''-~''' ;DlJttrtaa til.... · ".'. _.... left ... lleat out Ita routine, orpJIlled IDveaU.aUoll Ibow. that It ~a 210t FOwla lbat an dI7 ~ lrl'eMll\ .... _tabnabed. To) laUD the Ute or 'warrantee!. Tbe ba.... rarel1l1v.. JDon A mll~betteI' .......... tIaaD ..... fII to end tJaat. tbe71t-. 't ilu t.bua "'1I2I1J ,..... j'

.... -.




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GOD'SLDYE PROVED NEWS /OrlRe ' YOUNG Christian in the Blood of In~plration

and Hope Jor' the

the Redeemer.



(CoPlVrlaht. by W. G.· ChQJlman,)

J3ivtfRr 3ivDC?r' ¥ fK!iiJy(i/t¥'.fJe

f18T1J' ..,...-:-


HARDING was D.Ot IIfI::~~rm~~~ a mild man. neIther was


There II smDething sad abOUt <l OIDg time; -Tbe brelikln~ of the tlos o( out dally lite Is a.,comPBllled by pan gs that pull al O\lr ,'e ry heartstrlags . 'T he fact thlll t1~e Last · Supper 'IlB tbe lust melll shared by Jesus and !lls dlscipll1S \\' 11.8 sufficIent to ' make It a prominent ' mllestone In thalr rela· tionsblp. . However, let UB first review the even te leading up to t be paBsover meal. It wifi! probably Thursdiw, tbe 13th 01 N1sa~~. April 6, In tbe year 30 . The disciple!! came Inquiring of tbe master w h ert~ tb y wo uld eat, 1I8kln~ blm to inst ru ct tbem where to go to make the necessary preparations. Startling eltCept to those who . kne w Jesu s 'was the answer, "00 into the city, and thell'e shall meet YOU a man benrlng a plltcher of water ; follow him." . Suppose U~e)' 11Ii.d said that tbla was preposterous. bearIng water pItchers was womeD'a work, and that they wnnted better Instructions, Rut they had learned to tru st him. even II.S we must Iiearn to take Jesus at bls worfl. The dIsciples weDt forth and (ouod "as he had saId unto tb em:~ The Traitor. Whil e the)' were eating that ev&nlng the heart of J esus '!I'as heavy wIth tile tho,ught Of bls comIng hetrll),AI, aDd tbls Is renected In the cry, "One ol~ you shall betray me. even he that, eateth with me.'" "~e can hardly comprehend the depth s or mellnlng In the words. "eveD he t.hat eateth with me." To tll e oriental mind this was a sllcred bond that promIsed fr lendshl'p Ilnd protectlon. To violate the pledge tmpt1~rmmrtntrared together was to Invite the utmost contempt. We r ead tbat Judas had conferred with -t he clilef priests concerning Christ's betrayal, and after a promIse of 'money be sought bow he might conveniently dellver him IDto their halide. 'JIhe Cllief prll1ste of a divinely given religion. too Elcrupulous to . give blood· mODey to the trellsury' o,r to detlle Bball .be doubled. You' thought you tban to ralBe Il window of hIs foe's themsel-ves blr entering a pagan judgwe~ cunnlnli', but in Beveral pl'a ces I house dUring bls absence. and upon bls Dlent hall. sh.rank not from such Infound the Dlark of that club foot ot return 11111 him' at his own tbreshold famy, never ~varned Judae ,of the fal'yours while you were making. olr with and. leavIng the 'weapon behlDd blm. reaching cona·equencell ot bill aot.. tbus m y ~ood pol'lr. Now wbat have you to flee. Joe WIIS kDown to n ever carry a becoming accomplices In the only say?" . weallOn, and the leaving of thla fire- crime through which It Is qult~ cel'"Nothing, e-xcept that I did not steal arID behind, ttogether with tbe {orclble talD that a loul wal lost. For. It -" Ae a bear strikes, so did the heavy entn of the ' place, wou.ld tbrow the Judas was to b~ saved In the end. arm o( the Invader sb09t out, the ,band crime upon mysterious t.nimps or bur· wbatever he bad to pass through to grlpiling the thin s houlder like a trap. glars. As darlmesB ft'll he prow,ed achieve salVation. It ~ould not have "1 warned YOl~ If you lied your pun- forth, assured hlru selt that 'HardlDg ·b een said of blm, lUI fes us s aid. that Isbment should b doubled. Hu not had gone, then, pry Ing open thl! WiD- It were better If, be bad never been the good Lord corumnnded 'Thou shalt dow. e ntered and sat · wa.ltlng by the born. ' not steal?' Thank your stare that you low burning lamp unt U t he sound bf An Interestl.nlf light Is thrown upon did no t Ih'e In tbose days, for you fllstan t wbee\1l reached biB ears. 'He the occasion by the Ques tl0'.1 of the would bave been Btoned ~o death. had not loaded hla weapon yet, having dlsclples. "Is it 11" It Is plaiD from Rather, bless your luck that you .bave rellsoDe!! tbat should be be caught !le, the Greek thalt tbe Queetlon expected raUen into t he ban,ls of a cOlnlla.aI~1o:n~.10~~tbe..JlCt..3l:llb~II-:-~~Loa~led~U~-hl~lrlR!'P1lIViMmlfWiir. ·It Indlcafes the aie man." Wltb a hlBB tbe lash fell would be deemed gul h of a tar less leuchlng of hearts. anfl a shuddering scream burst from offense tban sbould It lJe loaded, But ra.ther than inutual susplclon\ and the lips of the cringing on . .But from now the time had come. quite clellrly reveal_ how Uttle the,. the.n on no sounrl eecaped them unUl, From his pocllet be drew some 1I0'N- su_~ected 'JudlUi and how well be bore at 1~8 t -released from the Irou grip. Joe der and poured It Into ti1e yawning himself even under the direct charge Cell limply upon tbe frozen ground. muzzle. laying the bullet UPOD the ta.- ot his Lo~d. , 8ternl)' gazing (lown ,upon his victim ble, Next. be must bave Bome Imper The IMemorlal Rite. for a momenl, Harding turned away. )... adding for 'both powder an.d ball, alid Let us try to get close to Chrlet "It was tho just punlshnlent of a 0. book la~' cloae at hand. WIthout and get bls v'l ewpolnt' of thIs . sacra· rogue by II juet man ," h e muttered to looklog at Its · cover be tore forth a ment. It slHlake In no uncertain his conscIence. handful of leaves and , lIelecliog one, tennl of wbat he thought of hlB 0910 From a shapelesa, writhing beap the laid tbe others aside 81 be rallied the death. ' fallen one , arose. his 'small eyes g1\nt- fl.rst plece preparatory to crumllUDg It To us death Is simply ,t he close ot Ing wltb thl!. deadly glare of a prodded UJ) anll ramming ott homo upon the our earthly lite and the beginning of serpent. " Whip me; you black devll- powder. As he did so words ;llpon our splrltuat lIlte. But ·to him It '!I'as )lou' usurer-you' forecloser of widow's the leaf caught 'hls ·eye. aDd Ilowly he an achievemellt. a 'areat vic~on-. I t mortgages-you ' dodger of taxes-you read, WaB a vloton- that we remember :nth -You-" The voice rOlle to an ' Inar'Thou ehalt \lot IdU." , e:rultatloD. ev'~n though It coetf! the Ucuta~ scream of rage. "By the Etal'Hie hand t rembled' aod hla face. conqueror's lite. . ., nal. I'll kill you for that- yee, murder gre'V gray. Then In the night ~'lthout The amazlnK elf'!lct on tbe

he Inclined to be superstitious. As a rule be had small belief 10 I~~~~~ elgoll. preeent1menbro~ \l; hunches. but jUlt now all thIs was dUlerent. For he bad aeen certalD Blgns tha" one oC bia shoats had been stolen; had a preeenUment ·that a certain u'nworthy known as "ShUtlesa Joe" had done the folil ~Iied . and IIos8essed a hunch' tbat he 'Was about to horsewhip ,Joo ' untl1 h outsQuealed IIny pll[ critter that waa ·ever lifted over a fence on a moonlell night. So, being a mao at deeds 811 well as thouglll.8. be took dOWD hili trusty bul whip, and started ewampward towards the abode of his vi cUm to be. " No;' BhitUe1!s Joe 'Nae not reckoned amobl the 4011 of John Harding's com· mubity. and when one Is told that there were but 400 p~ple In that dis· trlct' he' will >undorstand tbllt the ~tate­ ment bas well·dcfined: l!leanlng. Ho lived ' alolle Ilt the edge of tbe big swamp. fisblng In BUll;lmeT when It wail no~ too hot; trapping In wl~or when' lt Wall not too cold; Iteeplng anel loafing the ear aroUlul. he ",aa avoid, e$l bY ' the 'lnUre hard.worldil,g, ,~.rdpraying aeUl~ment. , , It waa a long tramp from 'the home or Harding to the ml~erable cabin ot > the . trapp!/r, and by the tline the tOI'mer hail arrived tbere ,bl. rl,htee",1 wra~ lJ:Calnst the s~otbrut smfut be· ' IDi who'm he sought was g\'lm ~d Un· .relen~ln" .. ," MY houar Is Ui!\, hbuse 0' pra)'e~ 1 but ye liave . made It a den ot thieves." b~ quot~d "lernly. . Th,!~ he railed. : his fist and "mote ,. upon the \V~tclled , doo!' l!uCh a blo~ as Mosea of old might have "truok "!'r,hen,)l.!) split 't he rock and bade ' tJje . ",..tere BUell forth, Frof!\ w itliln. a 'squeaky, rat, llke yolce baile 1llm enter. 1l.D~. throup , 'the "narrow doorwlly he c~",il!!d, , lie glanced arouDd the cluttered p)ace, From -ooe comer a t)liDI' ",suelllk.e figure aro,lle and I!.too~ . , "1111 Kill YQU for That. ¥eL" berore tbe ' ~lgh~Y one. tear 8preadlng hill faoe as hl! noted' the tormtdabJ.e ' whip tilfbtl3' clutched In Wild. outburst or paBaioD passed, and . tbe equalty . formidable band. 'fGood ,Into the red eyes t, look of cunning mol'Jling. Mr, Bardlne. Happy New I)rept~ the . enning tbll.t out~lt.tea .wary. wUd beallu aDd 'ook them In his ye.r." h~ aaill. rjLwJlIJ\glf,· . "It t. " bad' morolnl for ,yon. Ie IOIDg t~ be an. unbappy IMIIPJlln!'llg of U1e Nil.'" Year." h~ reton,ad; mye1loat, wf11 ~u" Tbe :m:!:~:~.1 11.- hi. halide with a . . .tun u qaf~ denlal lealJllCl to his






lIIa0e4 MDt 1fItb

to "whoa ...·and wltb a gasp he clutched anotber sheet. Before lils eye8 swam tbe warde: , . ".T.lkewlse ·1 Bay ,unt~ you. tbere Is Joy. In the presence of the angels or Goil ove r o.n e sinner that repeJiteth." Slowly tbE! gun IUppedfrom his blind. bis ,forin relaxed and he saDk Into a .chalr. biB hend flllllDg upon the table. Five minutes later John Hardlnc, Cresh troin unliarn!lIlB~ng hi, 1 team, throwing opeo the door. started back In teBr ·and amazement. ·Then. eottl,. h'e approached ttie mao ,vhp 'Was DOW shuddering aa .lie bad . beneatb whip, laid the gu.n asld~ IlJId gaZed at the mutnated Blbic. Upon th'e floor he saw tbe dropped page a, gathered 'thell) up, tead them. 'tben slowly un' derstQod. . For tlle second 'Ime that day Harel· fog's hand rell " upon tbe ' .houlder of the other, but t his tima 'it was with a parent's gentleness ..;, " "Brother sinner:' lie 'w hlillered husk· Uy. ' ' , .

'The New Year Prelent" Tlie French "etr~nEls;j· 'both In name and In date, lIreBel've hlstoncal cdnUnult¥ Wltb. a. ciea~eall that Jlur Chrietmu box haa' Ib.l!t. According to tbe ancien t Roman Il!gend ·the cIW\.tom weot back to tl~!I ' rape of tbo; Sa .. ,ne~. or. 'rather, to the reconciliation of· the t wo people8 afterward, 'When Romulus cut green '. b1'~Dchetl froID a grove of the goddess Strenoa and presented t~em to Tadua .. . Thl!lreaCte~ Rom1lDs gavo each other I»rlUlchea for luck aaDuary 1. toeather wlUl ftal. dates, honey and . . .mall coj~cl'I' luC!k Sitts being tenDed "-t.....," IIIven B~'JJllDlperora were po....... to Plato down that ID ' 1Micame IlurdtIDtIOIDe , and the CIlaroJj"'UUIy faJI!lld

ad ... ~Y"" to


CJirJJd,.,.... tilt

UHf,,1 Article for HOUNhold UN MIl,.

Be Const ructed by "ny Boy H~ndy With Few Tool ..


Here Is Ii useful a r Ucle ' a boy can make tor bls motb r. Tbe sbaJJer aDd dimensions of the board /lre shown in _ ......."""............._-..""'......."""."" ,J ..."._..-vo..... 1 Fig. 2. ~8 It will no~ u8ually be, po. MAKING TOY STEAM EN'GINE sible to secure n 'board HJ Inch s w1~e. It will bo neceSsarY ,lo USB two boards, Deulled In ltruc:t IOfl8, Together With s ide oy sid. and B~cured by eDd Iliultration , for Con st ruc:tlon of cleats, 11.8 s uggested In Fig. 2. These tnte r-eati ng Plaything. cleats are fltt d directly to t he ends bl' wooden lllns pasl1ed through the cleala A loy. sleam engine cnn be put tollP-ther by rollolVillg thc Instructions gIven by John J . RLlrlhmy r, Jr.• of Kansas, In "'arm e"·8. as follows : The frame Is a solid piece of wood. with hloc k (16) to support the cran k case (4). and block (9) to support the valve crank (8) . Tbe cylinder (1) Is made of an old bicyc le pump cul In hal t. with a IImall hole in the middle . a.nd Is fastened to tbe frame by clKmpB (2). IronIng Board Comp!eted •. Next take the piston of the pump or some small tube (11) and puncb a bole Into the entls of the boards. where on one side the Bame size as lu tbe they nre held by giue. Make as neat a cylinder •. Ihen 'solder them together. joint as possible between t,h e ,two Next mllk e the pis ton of the cylinder boards. If the joint can be "tonBUeclby taking a light piece, of rod. hav· and·grooved" It will give an excellent Ing It long enough so that It will reach appoarance, but If this 18 not pOeslble from the shatt (5) to ' the bottom of make as good a joint as pOs8lble. anel then glue the edges that , are to be the cylinder. Cut Bome threads on tbe pIston (3). brought together. ~Iamplng the two and lheD take a spool and wrap a boa.rds togethe r until the glue is ftrmlJ string that Is well saturated wltb oil "set," when the end cleats ean be ... around It as ShOWD In Fig. 3. Make cured In pjace. ' Legs are DOW to be made and placed under onll end, the other end of tlw ironing board belnt; aUowed to rest on the edge of the lfltchen table (FI&-1). The legs. then. should 00 juet .. hi gh as this table. · They can be cut from In cb boar~. all.:! should be two Inches wide . . They ate 8~cured to the under side of the board by the pl_ IIhown In FIg. 3. the IIPller ends of the legs. w&l\eh should be ronnded. belDl! bolted to the two cleats that are .screwed to the upper side of the boarel '118 shown in- Fig. 3. . The legs shbu14 spread conslderabiy at ' the lower ·eDe!.



_~_----"'''''IIii F, '1/1

Toy. Steam EngIne. the plunger so tbat It will ftt tightly. and yet moye up and down _freely. Next get a 10nK piece 'Of Iron and make the crank shaft (6), then Insert It 10 a small pipe of. rl'early 'the same alae (4), and futen it by clamps. Bend the abt,tt to the flKht In the s.h ape of a 'craDk aDd attach the piston rod j(3) to It. _ , 00 the other eDd futell the Ilywheel. which may be a pulley or BewIng macblne. wheel. After the flywheel (6) hae beeD attached bend tile end or the shaft projecting to the ehape or a crank. Have the two 'cranks at 1'IKht angles. thJa cranlL the rod (7) Is attached which runs ~o tll~ valve crank (8), Which 18 made or a piece of sheet Iron cu't In a triansular shape and a~tAcbed to 1110ck No,. 9, ., From tbe valve crank (8) a bicycle opoke (to) Is Inserted In It. Cut tbe Rut half to two,. then '1I'rap some striDa which has been well aaturated In oll around It; aDd this will serve as a plunger for the IIteam cheat (11), ~g. 2, Next make the boiler. ,w hich mar be a Sirup bUcket or lIomethln.g'simUar anj:!' solder a pipe to It. . Connset lbe boiler ~nd the Bteam chest by meanB ot a rubber ~'lIbe. The water In the boiler 1e heated 'by a ' lamp or lomethb:s almUar. !].'hIs Ii. how the engine Is run, Turn tbe flywbeel (6)



enouMh 89 that It ,orce the'valve bls death. and nothln« else, crank back, C8..uBt", the vahe (2) to lupp,e r had no reference to hili reBur- lopen, and the steam . will rush 'In the recHon. We :lind our InBplratioD In cyllDder, cauBlng the piston to .r alse, our' Redeeruel~s , hlood. Th~ creed which will tllrn the flywheel. whloh In contaln8 no reference to lJla thr,ee- tnrn will pUllh the valve' crank back year mlnl!!uY. But take frem it the and ahut the valvo olf. The pressure proolamation of hIs deatb and tbe or the at'lam will also belp to open the whole structure falls. .There III no valve. "Melslah. no church. Beoauae Cl).r lllt . was lifted up, be draws all men unto TAKE GOOD CARE OF VIOLIN him: B'eyond dl8pute, tbe perpetual , . nourishment .ol~ the 'chureh, her bread --. and wine. " are the slain body ' an d InBtrument Should Be Placed In WOOden" C..e, Lined With Cloth. the blood poured out for tbe many. It ,Ia not . for ua to ' discuss the dlf. and C.aTOfull), Kept. D~. fertlnt views that leparate bodlel! or Boys who po.SBeSIl violin. wlll ftnd Christians hold, concerning the LoTd'B Supper. As 1I/e read the Scripture. the following tips very UBerU!. . we are held ' by the IlfI\pllclty and . It slioulil be kept In a wooden CaBe beauty ot ·the lien Ice. thlll tho flrat. II Ded with ·clotb. ' '~ arefully -keep It trom the damp. adminIstered by .1elue himself. Do not keep It In a hot place. or ttle As we ' partake. In wb'atever fonn. we feel. the upmtlng power or God'S :WOOd wlll becoii'le brittle /!ood ; the lor his children expressed In the strings dry, Always place It In its caBe wh,en death of his own lion. ThIs 1'lto haa b ~en celebrated. by untold ' mllIlone. tarryIng It trom ooe plnce to another. Keep It In Its case 10 summer when Wherever the name of. Obrlst ,haa ~ntored, tbere have people .jolned In hi. ~ot In use. as dust acoumulates Inside remembrance. It Is one 'ot the' su- and out. Keep It perfectly clean. Carefully' preme example II or t!te, omnIpotence of God,' t;ha~ through ' an ales. among wIpe dust or reslo duat olr .with Ii I' all 'rnces,. all c]allea I\nd creed', thll 80ft linen cloth. To clean It Insldel takll a good hlind· service ba8 blMln peiformell.· Of' one thin, 'we may 'be sure, Chlliet tnt ol' I>arley, heat It, and put I~ In_llie Inlltltuted this rite for all Christla.nll. the vIolin. Shake about well, wben Whatever toacll1lng · appea.!e ,to UI,. the dust wlll adhere to the barley an\! tbat sbould we ,follow and receIve t~~ can be shaken· out. , "leufng tbat · llriaell from fellow81)1, 811"nco I. Go'~eft • at file table. .' . Papa-Now. JOhDDY. I'have whlll~l' Fellowship Is Dot pined ,by tal1rlnc. but b,. actlDg. Tberefore we ehqulcl tou only for your own cood, , J bejOin . orile wltb' whlcb we lieve 1 liaTe o111y dODe my dul,.. Tell can work • whooe v~" ,me truly. what do. you think yourself? johDri7-~t J _ould teD "'Il~ Dot ODly to ftC!clye flllplratJOD which I thiDk' you'd pYe me aaotber plDa. . alao to tlfSlUllli~tJctD. -the ltreQ'tb I1l ,Wf . . , 'WIn

toward &UIdDI


Detail. of Making_ so as to give a broader bearing s~p. port fa the end of the board. A two> Inch cross· piece holds the legs 1. plaoe ",ltlJ reference to each otb..... while they are held in plaee with ret- , erence to the board by an inch·aquare · that Is blnged at one "nd. Ita other end having a hook that goes Into a 8crew·eye' on. the crose-pIece or the lega. as shown in FIg. 2. ' WheD th'Inch-square piece ' Is un booked and brought up /Iat agaInst the board, the le8s can alall be folded up, making It convenie nt to set the' bolU'd, away. ln a nairrow sllace. Use pine or white 'W~ for the board. and. plane 8~d .an" J)aJ)or the surface untll' It is veq IImoOth. 'I'be edgn Bhoul.d be allchUp rounded. that thoy may Dot cut ~ <!ne usIng it. ' , ' \

TQYS, SANTA AND .tl:fE KIISs" Fear That Chl,dren WIll NOl II. 8ho... erect With PlaythlllOs at Chri ... mas Time 1'1 Unfounded. "



Fears have been expresleel in Quarters that the klddles will nOt .,. Ihowerod , with . tOys at OhrlBtmU If the war In Europe ' contlnues m~ longer. This featl is groundless; '1'ru, "a great part of the worid's Mj'.a~III"~_-::;:_ ':...-o.--:-:-:--":;"::IIF made In Germ'''DY,'' but aoou .. oDO'h", the. toys .SaDtn brough,t the ' ldeldl_ . last Christmas were AMerican-made. ' Those ot Germ'any are perbaps . mo... quaint thaD OU! own. but ·9ur. are of a hIgher grade and the more u~ .a\.ve kind. ' American han'alcraft 1a. capable of Infinite vanat)!: and CUt Bupply all of Uncle ' 8am's ,cbUdrea; big and little. with thelrneedl 1n ~J'" All th e good ,IUle bOY. udi IIf"'w11l reoelvE! a6 wonderfUl aDeI v.rt. ... aD. RBsor:tment of toyS In thls '1.8ar". Christmas dlstributloD as ever. ne In!Ltter It aU German ~oymakei.-a: 'ate '" Iii the army apd the 'war co~Unu. tor months. " . ',', Santa Claus III not dl.oourapd. aD'" the k1d4les not he dlsappomt'" '





~ ~: .~

A Qllal,ltatlve Re~lo", " . Ebenezer. aged ',Ix, was Vi,sltlUIl, hie aunt 10 tl1e 'llountry. EBp~af1y,or b .... benefit slt.e lIad made lIome molu.... candy, whloh, :through ,oversllht. 'ball b~en" allowed, ·to beeome s'cori,ileCl. ": Ebenezer, dfter eating a Jew 'piece-. ran out to play. ~.ot' lont; afte~ he ' came' bllck and threw hlmseJr amO'lC the pillows 'on the 'sofa.: ," L "\Von't YOU hav~ flome more CADell'" Eble 7" hlB auqt a.«ect!onatelr asked.. "No, · I gueB8 n~tt he replied In ~ tone of Ind[lre~nce. .1 ' "Better )\ave 'lome," ahe aenU, ~


. \

"Well, ,tt nln't IIOQd enougb to m&b It P\lY t 'r me to gorge my~lf." he sa14 . -New York Mall..










Haa a O... at Del!ll to Recommend ,t. Both fot Beaut)' and Real Comfort T,hat It A ffordl tne Wearer.


HREE . hundred nnd some odd content. but alwllYS counting and plan· days of the van teno r of his : nin g for the Kerm eBS as an American way- and, the n, tb Kermess country child ws lts the year around and tbe Volendame r dances, for Chrlslmas. . writes Anna M. Dellnlson In the Perhaps th is necessary economy, N ew Yorlc Tribune, combined wi th uatural thrift, aceounts No, He does not danco In bls wood- for tho grea.t sobriety among the men, en shoes. No man at fashion has a Clgars, however, are seen IImoklnc ])air of pumps bot ter sulled to tripping gaY'ly as the owners thereof SWing ' 'the light fantastic than are this Dutch· down the stroots, hands In pockets, man's Sunday sli ppers, Tbey are or Nlnety·nine per cent of tbe hands of IIOme sort at soft, shi ny leather, and In tbe male Inhabitants- when on the 1.h.em he becomes light of foo l. ' The street-are thus bestowed, and the for· Ame may be said of fath er, mo th er, elgner )landers upon the size of tbeae brother, Bister, 8wtleth ea rL and fri end, capacious receptscles in the enormous The Volendsm fisbenDlIJl goes week· trollss rs. J, out Into the Zuyder Zee and casts It Is easy to understand that when 'la'll! net (or fis h. As regularly as Sat.- a men and a maid who can dance, and 1lI'day comes around the harbor out· at that well, and can tsje a glass, and alde the dyke lUIs up wi th ,craft until with unction, w1ll do It with a vim It can boid no more-tor tben he re- wilen the moment arrives, for there Ia turnl for a peaceful Saturday afler- bvt o,ne geuuine diversion durlng · the JlOOI1 or Sunday with hlB family and year. Therefore, before a certain friends. When he haa anchored bla Saturday evenin. in the month of Sel> ~e he turns toward home, w.alillng tember. It Is the custom each yelT 'WIth that clev.e r comblnaUon of dra,· for all available men Ind boys to begin PD& shuOUng and freedom of awing putting up booths along the dike, or In his step that can be scquired by aD the seaward sIde of the main street. DO other means than the wearing of In these bootbs are bestowed dried 'Wooden IIhoee and trouaers a balf yard 118b, 'Imoked eels, toys, candles, ball. Whim he el'J. etl!. 'Y1de about the ankles. reacbee ,h is own door-s, door exactl;y Boothl for EverythIng. Ute those at nelgb,,?rs to right One booth Is prepared for tbe cake 1111~ lett-be detUy eUps out of his eu~tiDg. This means that eacb ouso 1rOOClen shoes and crolBes the vestl-, tamer Is given a hatchet. If he can bale into the Jiving room or bis home. cut the strip at ' cake in with The FI,hlrmln'. Home. three etrolles, sometimes fou~the Thla v_tlbule and Uvtns , room are CAke la his. n"be faile he pays for euctiT Uke tbo,!le of bl8 oelpbors to It: Usually he paya. Jtcbt ud left, to froDt and rear. The Another bootb Iii for the houaewUe lI"iD&' .-oom IIU two wJndowl 111 fiont, wbo makes and sells some 8Or~ 01 . . . ot wbl~ Is CIU1&IDecI with '!ven· (Tied cake. Tbeee are bougbt eagerly 'r pl&lted lace &CI'OII~ thel low,er. sasb ,f or and 1)7 the children. Another &Il~ smoo~y troned lace acrols the booth III I,'rranged for rlng tlirowlng, 'U~"". A table' llands between then Clocks, watcbea, dishes; lamps, and so two window., The lloor Is covered 011 tbrough a long list, are won or nm' the tAlile back to, the opposite loet by tbe payment or ten cenu; (twe Wall 'With iJiattln" ,t he ftrsplace ,ccom-I cen•• of Ameflcan m . oney) and tbe 1BOd&~ a lalaI!, charcoal llurner In Its attU of the thrower. ".e, and all the family cblna and sll· Tllla aaturda;y afternoon the ftahel\ ..... aDd bruI !II uaembled -bereabout. man ' comes bome and put. on bls



Long Hou.ea Necessitate Narrow YaklI,. Whlcn ~e.trlct R~nge 'and Yard CultivatIon. (By H , L, KEMPS'r E R. ) I be located upon A. e01,lth aT east slope The lIecret of success h" raIsing 'Tills Is not: 80 Important, however, a s poultry Is to provide conditions as convenience to other farm buildings, n early natural as posBilJle, Sucb can, The ,Iocatic.n at a poultry house In an dlUons the farmeT·poultrym an Is III orchard II! Ideal If the trees do not position to provide, With unlimited shade tbo, runs so that they remain range at his disposal there Is no need damp, The trees furnish necessary for him to crowd his poultry Into Ilummer abado. small yards, Limited range, eucum· Poultry 'r aising has rB8ol ~ed ItseU bered with large numbers of division Into two systoms : the Intonslve BY&ten cell, makes It Impossible to ' give tem, Involv'lng hOllses of conSiderable tbe poultry yuds proper culUvaUon. site. or many hotlses, and a large This ' causes them to become 81thy amOl,lnt or stoak upou a small area: and unsanitary; a condltioD wblch Is and tbe e,xtenilive or colony house responsible for most poultry diseases. syatem, in which small bouses are Tho success of J)Cultry enterprlaes Is scattered ~Iver lar1;e areas. The fol" usually measured by the extent of mer haa a'd vnutages ' In that the labor range provided for tbe purpose. Co'm · r esulting fl'om the care of the 1100][, ellmerclal plants wblch depend upon peclally during the winter. Is reduced small yards are usually short-lIved. to a , mlntflium. In general the ex. Better BAIIltary conditions would yfeld penile of bOllSing la less than where tbe farmer '':'I0re satls(act0l! reBut,.ta. lowla are kept In small /locks. It The most common mistake In locat. b8s tbe disadvantage at IncreaSing the ing the farm poultry house Is tbat of amount of yard care 00 account of placing It so. close to other farm bulld- tbe Ilmitcd yard space. The Intensive Ings hens overrun the latter. The system, wlth mallY small housel!, aa usual plan at locatinG the poultry usually prfl~ctiCled In city ,lots, .lnvclve8 house between the barus anti the an enormous amount of detal! work, dwelling bouse, 18 e8peclally dIsagree- unpleasant in bad weather. and too able since it encourages the bens to expensiTe 118 a system to be practical not only overrun the barns, but the e~pt wher,e more tavorable condlbaclt porch of tlie houBe as well. Thls tloDS are \'mpoaslble. habit Is enCOUJla,ed by bbrowlnl , the The elltenslve or coJony house aysorumbs, table scraps ~ etc" out from tem necetlliitatea lOore labor In" ths tbe kitchen, door. Under such condl· carn of the flocks during stormy tlons poultry keeping ,II 'not only un· weather :when the blrda are confined. . pleasant but Impractical and the read· IL baa the advantage, bow ever, of Un" er is urged to consider these points limited yat'd spa.ce and yar,d tenclng 10 lelecting a sa~lsfactory site. can be quite large,J.v ellmlnllteCi. Oftea A low lpot II unsuitable lor a poul· the pOultry can be permitted the range try hOWie, because surface water ls of Oelds alrler ~e cropa are 8tarted .. apt to accumulate and damp air al· Without appreciable injury to the crop, wa.ys settles in such a place. Land utilizing to good advantage the dropwhlcb Is naturally wet, either because pings whleh would otherwise go to of the nature ot the soU or because waate, in some i.o calltles worth.!1iB8 of springy condlt,lons, should be pro'p- land has bl:ien brought to a blp atni;e erly dralned. Muddy quarters caU8e or fertility by this practice. (owls to consume large amounts of Th.e mOat healthful and econ.omlca.

It 15 rntber remarkable when you tblnk 01 It tha.t r emote Rusela. has had so much lufluence on tbe fashion 8 of the world. Tbe Russia n blouse and dolman havc so ofte n beell played upon add made very popular tbat tlley have come to be cousldered standards. SI ~e this very noticeable inthl once mode Itself re lt III tlmos of pe ace, It is no wooder, then, tllllt In prese nt tronblous tI mes, with tha.t great nation under 'tll e UmeUght , It -i s telt Increnslngly, ns evldem:ed In the great, f\.lll·skirt ed and rUl'-bordered CoAI1I1Ck coats thnt bave recently made an appearance, Oue such Is depicted bere, II.nd very m ~ dl s h It Is, too, in tan, c astor·colored wooleu velour, wltb co\lar, cults and toot banding of otter 'rur. In fact, It Is double-breasted, with a stralgbt Une or 01081nl from neck to hem, button ed ss far 0.1! 'b e hlp with a close Hne of m ther large cloth·covered buttons, A belt strap from under-arm seam to under·arm seam buttons acrolls the bock. holdlne In a bit of fullness at a oligbtly: empire warst line. Stralgbt wide sleeves ore set under kimono shOUlder extensions. The sllirt

Thll evening coat II a New York deIlgn, It il of white lielo~r and black fox. Very narrow long wslat line at the bacl~. Tne bottom Is very and made in square sc:allop effect; wide fox bind It bottom, ' The fur on the Ileevlls when brought together glvea the effect of a muff. High fur collar



- ----- - -



Not Hard Thing ' to 00 If Instruotlon. Given Here ' Are Carefully Followed.

HQre Is '" Ii I ~ rul tip ,for gtrls who do their 0",11 drenmaklng. It Ie an euy maU cfI to tlUm up the hem of a dress on on's self If the. foliowlDg directions are fullo\ved: Put on 1he skirt; rest one end of 1\ ya;rllstlck on the floor, and, hplcllnt, 'It . rlJll ",."'''•• up and down, mark wl\ere tbe other eDlI comes on th~ skirt,. with a Illece of cbalk. golllg an around the akJrt In tbls way. '['bill will malle a llIark all. orollnd the' biplane yard from the floor. Remove tbe skirt and , ualng the yardstick as a 'meaBure, turn up the sk1rt one yard from the mark, Thill will be absolutely even. If you wish to make the skirt snol'lel'-rlla1 two 'or fotlr Inches from the floor-t\lro It up two or four Inches leBs than a :rard filth'. This In nddltton to tbe damw!p-:J:m~et~~h~~od~o~r~,r~a1B:~I~n~g~t~~b~e~yo~uiP~g~~~:t--=:_ _ ~:!L!~~~~_ DeS8 of such a location resul~ In u from tbe mark, Tbll' PIaILJu\I Pl'Oved healtbful fI,?Oks. 'There Is also the.' houries are moved about the farm ID IlOrtion measures almost four yards Invaluable In actual experlenl'e. probabfUtr at the eggs becoming dirty, such places as orchards, farm laD ell, -round the lo~er edge. , What more · can be askecl8o' far as Black Filets Ifmart. .resulting In an InCertor product, even cornfields, wheat and barley tleld" if tboroughly cleaned. A windbreak the grain b.a.s been remove4. style, wnr~tb and comfort, are COD' Black tlJet velliup are perbaps the sbould be provided wblch wUl not Tbe shade, green food, buga, womu, cernell In tbe way of a winter wra)) 1- .foremost of tile many type" now In only affo.rd protection from disagree· grasshoppers, etc.; ar:e much nlore Wasblngton Star. favor. Plain' blacll fileta are a at roD« able wind" but furnlBb an abundance conduclTe to a rapid, bealthful growth feature. Black fIlets, /'With hUle ' ye). of shade. ' than are the condltlona u"ualb~ found Odd Comblnatlonl. vet squllr s arranged 1n border 4eslp It I,lOsslble the poultt'y bOUle should around the dooryard. Green golftne, chltron and Dlonkey or else s parsely scattered ov~r tile fur are combined In this IVa,: There mesh, are smart: ....... [a a foundation aklrt of lOft greeD silk Hexogon and bn.1rllne noveltl.,a ocThe,re la ,. long, gathered cupy a good position, 1'beTe Iii a WINTE~ ~ EXERCISE FOR HENS ~AOSE OF ~GG EATING HABIT goUlne, tunic of $f801l chltron that lea vee ex- allght)y Incrensed demand ror tete de ThIck Hedge- Around Poultry Hou.. Hen. That Learn Trick Communlc:ate posed abelut ftfteen 'inches of tho nogre brown,' t..'\upe. nnd IDtrtle no'\.e1~ake. Exeellent WlndbNak-8helIt to OtMn-Matfy Dlffarent ~ tound~ttoD Iklrt. The tdnlc Is edged ties, New Blind colo ed vlllllnga art! with a trlnge of mOnlley ttlr. The .IO'Dg shown ~or ," ear . wi til sond colored tered Nook. Afrorded outalde. Curo, are Advocated. ,! -, chiffon .Ieaves are edged wltb m9nkey bats. Wllite volllllgs ue In moderate A windbreak of lOme sort makes a Egg eatln. ia cau~'ed by lack' or and the bodlee Is composed of goLfine demand for lise wit!!, aDlar~ White h,,\,, ' poultry hOWie warmer all Ute' mslde neetll, overc:rowdlDg, want of opportu. and c~tron.: ' and gives the foy.-Is a sheltered ~Ia.ce nlty -to exercise. or Tack of litter to ----.....;--Convenlellce for the Muff. for outdoor elerclse, says a writer in e:Kerctso In" and ncsts that are loeaSquare Tnl... Sow Insille YOllr mult a small bOlle Succesetul Farming. The owner' of a ted low down In the light where the Tho equare train Is abown on lome ring about three-fourths of all Inch, tn '~ chicken bouse buUt under the 8belter chio,kena ..~ tsmpted to sc;ratch In at the Importatlons_ It Is eape- diameter, .uch as arc used for (an Y o. a number or evergl'feD treea saya the nest boxes, thus rolling out' tblrl.....WJ.....UU1LL.llWlilD!.~3-V~_-&A-a--If'IIM!I*we,-k;~~IlhE~lI to " short 'Jllece of ribdnnldng water hlU'dly ever freMes ei«s, Onc.o tlie trick la learned, DO with a 'square-cut neck, Qac" and front" Don, A bandkeroillef may b-e ~(trawn . inside, · ADd I noticed at the time I egp are SIde, and the blrdl tbat first 1ust as the lon" polnfed train waa through this rln,., Glovea mat b~ but· W8.11 visiting this pl&ce io the winter learn , Ui!1 bad habit communicate It ,ood wltb 'a trock In whhlb the V· toned luto It, an.1 It will 'nic~r.el)"bold tbat the Bnow lodged ,on the trees and to others. To prevent, give plenty of ,haped n~k was used. . one's veil or even a small pllI'Cel. tbe Bround underneath was bare. And room In tbe hen houae, and a ~ i .. ~""".,.. ~ ~~ ~~~~ ,: ~"'l • • eTerywhere around the ground was suitable pllace for the chIckens to Tbe le~veB are also ·velnell wltb the covered with snow. - scratch In. Put the nests'-iD a ssclud- SENSIBLE' HANDS AND FEET ahk. FI'owers are edged ,iw BOlllet.lme, Hens like to ,et outside the chlckea eel .comer, aa dark .. 1s pf8.ctlcabl« Intersected In much the sarno way hOWie for a. little "while wben the and hlnIlsh enough of them. Give Women of Today Refua. to Cra"1P with, elll!. T6e ,yool embroIder)" coo. . Their ElCtremltle. In'" Coverings weatber will perm_t, but they don't the cbickelll, ptenty at lteen food . 8equeo~y tak'OR on a new lite and ' 1,;hat Are "Itoo ,8malt, I llite to wade In snow. H~DI I'OOIIUDc ' Dllferent cures are advoeated. Some beauty foreign to the old ,,001>' nrlt. , , In tl'eee wben a an~w8torm comell' wUI that II. Qllantity ot china e,p of our gTllndmotbcrs, ' ~hll wOl'II' or An old earlOOn of the. 100"sholV. 01 Tile becJa o""n Into the walls like , day best. HII ' wlte and bablel ~ 1It&f' ~il the trees unUI they iet h~ '~(tered, oyer. t~e chicken houl'e '800"cupboard., and here tbe fnmlly Is already apruced up, and prese'n Uy they rs.ther than ' 8)- down in ,the anow to ' ''''Ill C!1BC(MJ1rq9 the practice; otliera Ii .pcnip 'of girl. of the period with ~ool and Bilk clin · be done On <0 , materials but l,hoS6 ' or l,lottoD and', .• tOrecl away at' night Uke dry goods IItroll out;hand fa band, 10 troops alld let someth1ns to eat. tbat a bllllhel or leu ot egg' shiml ~u~lIke , 1,aI8t'. buge bllstlett l linen, unleRl, of cpune, the IIne~' or , . tiny French I\eels "lewlDg ' the ' slatue Oa shelves., . groupe, pallt tbette temptlne dlaplaYII, A thick h~"e around the po' ult", fed, liberally will saUlty tbe, beps' pf the Venu" .de 101110 ' :w~lA borror IIttd cotton material" be ,·very datk. BIlli: ~ , ;' ' During the day~' however, coll'ee or, reflallng tbemlelvel on Imoked eel .. ~.. stm.m ers ove.r a perpetual fire, and giving the children , a "Chrlat- houae and yard makes a g~ wind· cravln, fOlr lime, .&Jl~, b':e&t, ,o p !he. dlllgUat and coolmentln3 nwn tII'\ materiali n~d, wpol f~~rlc. a... ex~l" , .... 'al break. We ' baye found a. tall board habIt; otl;illra that old plaater an" leDt for the purpo~e~ Vel.,.t wbU. ,wlIlch Is ke"" I,bt ,In the burner -on 'masy" teellng by bu)'ing and present- feDce on the north ,and , weal. of th .. ' p~enty of ,:itt .s. a belp; oocaelonalb' abe of i1er watlt and teeL ' III tb da1s ' there are ; plont) , qt ·.,womd- 1I0metime. used, t~ 'reall,. too beayy tile tabll)! 'betweell' the window", ,Here' Ing to t,bem dolll, toys, cakea, Ita tb bouse and 1arda quite ' aood deal of IIOmSOlle will ,claim that ens dooto1'ecl 10ung as Well as midd'l..aged-wllo for the purpase aDd Ia not a ';cod con11 . mo er or slliter, sewing or Jt~lt· II1veJ\fbody begins ' to be happy. protection to the hens In winter, be- willa red pepper puts a stop' to 1'are u · perfectly proportWn_ ea that traet ror the IlIlterle.. wool., - Table otbIIB, and to thl" ,hospitable ~oard come So coee the week. The daytime 1a aides slvtD« a Bbeltered location for T1ie best cure Is pr8ventloo. Venul, henelt o.r ber peat rival, the monera and culhloJls are etreoUye ' CIOUalns. &onts, gl"&lldtathers and beaux spent more or' leee quietly about daUy tbe early chicks. The Uttle tellow~"'" ' Samqthraee of ·tbe Ilorl01l1 dra'per'lel, wben dOlle In wool ,emllrolderJ', to pour -and ·drlnlt a ,cup, of tea while affairs, but the evenlnga are fuil of .the , soti.lp 'or th~ day Is pasaed; or, mUBlc, Ia.ugbter and madcap danclq. clOl& to this board tence on a. raw day BI~ky.rd Poultry, Tbelr bands and teet are Iarler than alBa portierel,provlde4! ',the portieNII . U it be the sweetheart, h~ steal" a. As the last nlgbts of the Kermass 'ap- and don't feel the wind much , that " Backya.rd[ poultry r,alsln, Is DO tho.e at tile women of ,eaterday. as 'IN IIDed to conceaa the ba It of the . lew, minute. of flirtation wIth the 'de- proach I,t seeml ' lo daw'u upon Ule would otberwtse ~n cb lll tbe life out lott,er an e~perimellt. Its' succeea baa every bOolmaker , and .' ,Iovemuer embrolilery. IDIlT& damsel, , VoJendli.mer that ' th,e, humdrum ' l~ at· thein. , We made this fence OU~ ,Of 'beeD ctemollJstrated, ~~ ud spin; kll~"I" but h"Jlda ·are far ' , In8I.cte the 'four walls ot this typical of another year is approacbln~; and old bO;Brds.. " ' lu lact, 'it f,, ·car:rll!cI OD In IIWQ', clime. . 8klrta A~ ' :u~ ' ~om the ,women IIpend their ,acCordingly ~e raises · hi. beelB and Often. the henbouse or b~el' b<n,ll8 and UDder TarloWi 'ooncUUoDl, and 'lbl' ' Skirts seem to:~ 'Vbw shorter and Ume oYer the routine of housework, In limbers up his knees, Whole bands or can be Jo.Cated !" oth~r ,buUdiPI8 poPUlarlty lila. jlis taJrJ1 w,artecl, " well-bred WOmaD ,nOW- Ihorter. Many o~ t1\6 DeW ttottet ..wing on the alw.ays homemade wear- boYII lind men: clasp hands or embrace ' wlll break tbe foree of the wind. It ' 9f attem!llhl& ' cram 'froou' on the' aveDJe Ulese dayi renal ' , AS ap~rel of the tamlly, in Imlttlng or lovingly, and pound . tbe floor iii lIeems to me thl8 su.,jecl iii not &lvenDu~:a Ready 'f or Marlcet. , baDds or feet Into allael ,o r Iloves the buttoned 'boots a1l0.e the ulle: IOICrubbing and pollsl!lng everything, rhythmic thuds and thumps 'untU the ~b,e 'attention It 'deservel. In locttfOC Properly 1~ ducka lIIIould be ,r"dT a size too amlin" It ~ "not done~" ~at an~ dancinl sldrts are even Ihorter. i1Ia~. Uea abcut the place. :rbe first enUre buildIng, sways and trembleR, houses or yards in a cold climate ad- for marltet when tell ' weeu old' 1lDd- Is -Tb~ modern 11'0l'11&li refutes the 'llhCl.buttolled street hOot tor taU 1Iu a ~ daYII of the wsek are largelY' rocks ond ecboee to moUon and sound. vantage should be taken of everything win weigh twice .. muc." III' 'chlclteDI old Frencll proverb whloll tranalated tight. welted soJe and a eurved 11",1, ftDeIl by , the waShing and ironing of They dance and dance the last Satul'- that will give protecUon and 'aIford or the slUlle a,e and pa) a better mea:Ds: "It la neceaaal'Y' to lutrer In ' but thl. beel II broad enougb at -".... to h d·.... th I d I h " fowls, old and young, sheltered nooks order to be beautltul." tor comfortable walkine. Due. ' ~.- , ~e en \oUat e ent I'd ay n g t away, Stili they dance wheD outside. It wUI ID tbe COlt at food pront. 9lI1age has the eppearnnce ot beips: Monday mormog da\Vns, and only tlpuER I 'N EMBROIl) ' ElY In. bootl IU'8 aeeediDily dam*" wllb • ~epted clotbettllll~, on :the stroke or noon on Monday does alone in winter, for shelte~d fowla fOR WOR1\ '~nall Flock I. Bnt. thin, turned Balee and ht.h CI'UT" soo , Alwa", Planning for Kermeaa. bedlam' die away and all Volendam 39 need less fOO~ than.', thole exw : . On the eeplCllaU, It costa mar. heela. Both street and dancl .... boots Jf.cmey Is not ao abul)dant tram tbe IIrst to bed to sleep it olr, ~d theD - -, to keep that CUDot lIeGUre a Old tr.ahlon I. Bel", R.vlv.,.. ' WltII abow the top of' coDtraoUnl . .~ t or ~ of thl! average ftllberman as , to back to work-WI the Kermesl co.aea Have ,8vpply of InHc:tlc:ldll4 .,od.." 'Id... 1'tt_ Apt a.. Drc'DclllruCllll 'o t Its tooct, ·wtille the )leftldt much dl"ersloD) from the rou- again, ETery one Jlltsreat.ed In pouJtrr smaUllr will requIre lesl 'time , Imp....,."'.'"_ .. at All Pabrio.-. 1111& la tact. to one ullecl to the atBhould have a ,~ insecUcide 011 hlAld Jet cloths aN .~ tnetio... of dUel or the push of modRaven Not Long-Llv~ Bird, . for tbe W'ompt annillllaUoa of lice. t~e, Ue emplo,. . . tbDea. thla lite seeml like a 12The ancients credited the raYeD ael jet II1tteIW Plokln, hilt. ...,... cJoalI. wound up eaab, fear anel with unusual longeVity, but moderll left . . . . .t out Its J'OlItiDe, o,...nllell lD1'e.llptfoll abowl that It II :Dot Fowl. tbet .... drr »lead »ftI8Dt ...........b'ed. '...., learn the lIfe of warranted. TIle blr4 nre1J U.,.. Jilin & auell betWappearuce eIi.. __ .. to fact t1at _ til. tIwa 1II'f8DtJ ,.are. • dlat .... .catted.



- '








u.o ....











_"!All,· ... ,






Inspiration and Hope the Christian in the Blood of

the Redeemer.

Th ere 18 somelbing sad abOUT <\olng -hlWtltrlm~rr- tlm -l as n . Th e hrea k!oli; or the ties or ou~ dull y li fe IA IL1com pnn ied by pnnl,(s

(Cop;vrJpt. by W . G, CtulpmaDl) sball be doubled. You' thought you w.ero ~imnlng. but In several places I foulJd the mark of tbnt club tOot of yours wblle you were mal(lng ol'l' with m y lood pork. Now what have you to

sar?" (·Nothlng. except tbat I did not .teal As a bear strikes. so did the heavY arm of t he. luvader SlloOt out, the hand grllll)ln g the thJn shoulder ll1le a trail. "1 warned you It you lied Jlour 'puuIshment shOUld be d.oubl ed. Has not the good Lori! commanded 1'bou shalt not steal l ' Thank ,your stArs tbat you dId not Ih'e' ln thQS8 days. for you would bave b e'll1 stoned to . d eath. Rather, bless your luck tbat you bave fallen luto the hand8 of a comllnsalon· ate man." With Ii blss tbe lasb fell "[j~~~m~O~~ HARDING ""as not and a shuddering scream burst from II a mlld ,man, neither was ' the 1I1lS of the cringIng on . But from be Inclined to be euper- tlien on no soun,1 scaped them until. s~itI0u.8. As a rul~ be at last released from the Iron grip. Joe had .mall bellet. I fell~.JRnply upon the frozOll, ground. II~~~~~ algna, prellentlmenta or 8temly gazing down' upon bJs victim iii hunches. but jUlt 1l0W, for & moment, Harding turned away. dllrerent. F.~r he had "It was the j'u at punishment of a aeon oertaln algne tbU, one of hta rogue by Ii JU8t mon," b o mutterod to 8boats bad been atolen; had a pre- his conscience. aentl~ent that a certain unworthy From a shapele8s, wrlthtng heap. the known as "Shiftless Joe" had aon~ 'he 'talleD one Brose hi. small !!yes gllntfOIll.'<ieed, and .J)988eIl8ed a hunch" that Ing lWlth the dea;U)' glare or a prodded be wae about t9 horsewhip Joe uotll ·s erpent. "Whip DIe, you black devllhe, outlquealed ~ny ptc critter th~ )'Qu, u'sure~you' forecloser of w\dow's was ·ever 'lifted over;' a {ence on. a dodger of taxes-yoll moonlesa night, So. being a ·man of The voice rOBe to an Inar. deeds as wen as thoughts, he too)( scream of rage. "By the Eterdown bla t~uat)" bul t> whLp, and .ta'rted nal I'll kl1l you for that- yell, murder swampward towards the abode of his YbU, In . cold blooll,'· Then tbe flr/It ~Um to be. - _ ' Now Shlttle lSs:1o was not reckoned amo~g ~e 400 of John Har~Ung's cf)m-. 1Ounlt)', ' and when ' one Is tDld t~at there were but 400 people In that dis· trict be w~l ,undc.ratand that tile meD\ I)aa , a weJI.deftne,!1 lived alone 4t .the edge of IIwamp,.. flslilug In summer w" not to() hO,t ; .trapplng in wben it wall not too cold; sleeping an~ loatlJi, the year arouo<1. he was avolded by tbe enUre bard·,w orklng, bara· Pl'&y1ng settlell\ent. "'. ' It wa. a long tramp from 'tbe hODle ~f ""arding 'to tile 'mlaerablepabin of tbe tra"per. and by ,t he time the fo~ .. mel1 Iiad !U'r1V~ there hili .r1,hteoUii -1'-.... ouralnlt the slothfUl. 81nfU1. be- -.u 7" htl $Ougl\t I wu grim and un· ~hom · Ing ;..~enting: "My bbuse Is tlie ·lloU8.e of, . , I , prayer;' bu~ ye 'blade It ,a ,den of \blevell," he quoted lIteroly Tllel! b:e . - railed r IiIB fist and .moJ;e uPon th. . ,w ' 't chsd . dooD BuCh a hlow ,a8 MOlle,. 'O )'f old m'fthl have struck when be lIi)llt " ~"" 'e rock.... aDd bade tbe .~tere InIM U1 . I~rth· From 'wltbl~ a , aqu"aky, rat· 'Il1te volo~ bade him enter, and 'the narrow doorway he cro,,(ded. de glanc.ed nroUD. d tbe D plaee-. From~ne comer I!o . It Il~e alUre , arose 'f;\nd Itood befOre the ' m1gbty one, fear thlcltly IIpreajijng hJIl ', face ,('s he poted ~be formldab18 whip tllbt1~ clutched In · tbe ' ..... 'ally CoI'DllilA"lc h"ftd. "GOod' v .. ~ .,.0( m~rnln$'J Mr. HardlJQt. Happy New Year." he sai'd;, fawublgty. ' "It '18 • b~ lJlondn. tor )'ou. "d It JJ kolna to be anj UIIhallPyw,tnnlnll the ~e.w Year/ bC\ 'reton.cL !fl3teal 'alaoat. wll1)'ou!' TIle . DIaD .ap hla with _'t


~j~ . H@t1lDC

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a ClUatODl &liel.tbat

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Ueeful Article for Hou .. hold U.. ...., . .Be Con. tructed by An y Bo)' Handy Wlth Few Tool ..

H ere Is a use rul article a. boy call mal! Cor bl ~ mother. The s hape aad dlmen'slons ot t he board are shown in -~-...................--....v~-"""''''''''-''''' 'l Fig. 2. As It will Dot UBuoll y be po.MAKING TOY STEAM ENGINE s ible to Ilecure a boa1'd 16 Incbes wld&. It will be necessa ry to use lwo boards. Detoalled Instructlone, Together With side by ' side, and secured by end lIIuIVatio", for Con8tru<:t ion of cleats, a8 8u gg'e~ted I ~ F ig. 2. These Intereatlng Pl aythlr>g. 'cleatll or fi tted directly to tho ends bl' wooden pins passed tbrough the cleabl A toy' stea m en gi ne call be put t()o p: ether by following th e Instructlorls given by Jobn J . Rl1l'll1\nyer. Jr., of Kaosas. In Farm eW5, as follo ws: The [rame Is a solid piece at wood, with block (1 5) to support t,he crank catie (4 ) , und block (9) to sl1llport the vaJve crank (8 ) . The cy.llnder (l) Is roade of a n old bicycle pump cut III halt, with a s mall hole tu the middle, and Is fastened to the fra me by clamps (2) . Ironing Board Campleted. . Next take the pIs ton of the pump or Bome small tube (11) and punch a hole Into the ends of tbe boa.rda. wbere on one side tbe same alze as III the they are held by glue , Make as neat' • cylinder, then solder them together. Joint as possible hetween t1l:e twe Next make the platon oC the cylinder boards. If the Join t can be "tongued· by inking a light piece of rod. hav- and-grooved" It will give an excellent Ing It long eoough so that it will reach appearance. but if this Is not possible trom the shaft ( 5) to ' the bottom of make as good a joint as possible, aad tben glue the edges that are to be the cylinder. Cut s'o me thread8 on the Illaton (3" br ugh t together. clamping tbe two "B.lld tben take a spool and wrap a boards together until the glue ~s ftrmlr IItrlng that Is well saturated with 011 " set," when the end olea.ts ean be 1'. around it as sbown In Fig: 3. Make cured In place. Legs now to be made and plaoed under one e nd, the other end of the Ironing bORrd belnr; allowed to relIC on the edge of the ~.tchen table (n.-. 1) . The lega, then, should be just . . high a9 this table. They can be cut trom Incb board, and shOuld be two Inches wide. They are Becured to tbe. under side of the board by the pi. .· ahown In FIg. 3. the "pper ends of the legs. w~lcb sbould bll rounded, bem. holted to the two cleats that ~ sore wed to the upper !llde of the board as shown In .FIg. 3. The lega shbul4 spread considerably at the lower eni!.

thnt pull M Oll f very heartstrin gs. '[he ra ct tbat t il e Las t Supper was tile Ill s t meal sbarlld by J esus an.d ~I s dlacipl s was sutllclent to make It a prominent mil estone' In their rela1l0nshlJl, However. let us nret r evi ew the events leadln.g up to the ' passove r mea l. It was probably ThllrsdltY, the 13th of NlsRll , April G. III the yea.r 30. The discipl es came IU Qulrlng at the master wbere they would eat. asking h im to ins tru ct them ",bere to go to make the nccessary pre')Jarations, Sto,rtllng n cept to those wbo knew J esus was tb e answer. "Go Into the city, and ther'S shall meet you a man' bearing a pHcber or " 'ater ; CollOW him." Suppose th ey had said that tble .was prepo sterous, bearing wate1' pitchers WRfl women's work. and tbat , they wa nted !better Instructions. But they bad leal-ued to trust him, even as we must IElarn to take J esu8 at hla word . The dlsclllles went (ortb and found "as he had said unto them.': '·he Traitor. Whil e the)' ""ere eating that evening tbe heart or .Tesua was heavY with the thought of his coming be· tra.Ylll, and this Is re nected in the cry, "One at you shall betray me, evon he that eateth with me.' 'We can h,ardly comprehend the depths or meaning In the words. " even he ~hat eateth wit h me." To t)te orllental mind thlB was a sacred bond that l)romlBed friendship nnd prntectwl1l. 1'0 violate the pledge Implied by a meal shared together to Invite the utmost contempt. We read that Judas had conCerred With the chief priests concerning Christ's botra~r al l and after.a promlBe at money be sought ho,,", he might convenlcntly deliver blm tnto their hauds. The c1Uet priests of a divinely given religIon, too scrupulous to give blood· money to thEI treasury o.r to defile than to 'ralse a window or bla toe's themselves by entering a pagan jullghouse during Ilia absence, and upon bls. ment hall, shlrank not· from such ln' relurn kill him at bls own thresbold famy. never warned Judas of the ta~ and, leaving the weapon behind him, reaching COn81lquence8 of hl8 aot, thus flee. .Toe was known to never carry a becoming acc,ompllcee In the only weapon. and the leavlng of this fire- crime through. which It ls quite oerarm behind. (agetber ",'!tb the Corclble, intn that a I!oul was 101lt. For 11 enU7 of the place. would throw the Judaa was to be lIaved In tbe end. crime upon mysterious trumps or bur- whate.v er be bad to pass through to glars. As darkness tell be prowled achieve salvat:\on, It ~ould not bave forth. ussured hlm8el1: tbat Harding beon eald of blm. as .1eaus said, that had gooe, then, prying open the win· It were bettet' If he bad never been dow. enter ed and sat waltlJlg by 'the born. low burning lamp until the sound of An Interesting light Is thrown upon di stant wbeelsreached hili ears. He the. occasion l~y the qUestl09 of the had not loaded hlfrweapon yet. bavlng disciples, "Is it 11" It i8 plain from r easoned that abould bh:e.~b~~e~~ca:u~g~h~t~~be~·~tgh~e~G~r~ee~k~~~~...9!i:~~flc~~:::~ fore the act with an u a· answer. tbe would be deemed guilty of a far le88 conacientloull soarehlng of hearts, ol'l'enBe than ahould It be loaded, But ratber than lJlUtual suspicion, and now the time had come. quite clearly reveal, ho" 1Jttlli they From his ,pocket he ,d rew lome po.,..- suspeoted JUdlili aDd how well h's bore del' and poured It Into the yawning blmself even under the direct charga munle, laylog the bullet upon tbe ta.- of his Lort!. ble. Next, be must bave Borne paper ' The .lIIemorla' RIte. wadding for both powder and ~11, and Let us try to get c108e to Obrlat Il book lay close at hand, W ~hout and get Ws vtiewpolnt of thlll sacra. looking ' at Its cover he tore forth a ment. It apeake In no uncertain handful of leaves apd. selcctlng one. terma of what he thought of bls own. lal<1 the others aside as he ralse.1 the death. flr'sl~t8ce prepaJ'l(l.toTy to crumllJlng It To U8 death Is simply the close ot up and rammIng I~ bO~lIe upon the our .e artbly IIfl, and tbe begtnnlDg ot powder. As he dJd 80 -.he words upon our spiritual Ufe.. J3ut to' him 'It was the leaf caught bla 'eye, and slowly he an achlevemsnt, a great vlctol")'. It r ead 7 " . wu a victory that we reDlembe~ ~Ith ,'Thou shalt not '11111." eJ:ultatlon; eVl)n tbough it COllt tha HIli hand trembled , and hla face conqueror'a 1If1l. I , grew gra,». Then In the .nIght without amazIng eJfect 'on tbe cb,.urcb he heard tbe beat of hoofs betore_ tbe ' I-b>l--ltMHlfe of Jesus Ie produced Ii am , coupl\ld with the loud command his death. a.nel nothIng else. The to "wboa ... ·and with a gasll' he clutohed Bupper had no reference to hlB resurMotber. sheet. Before his eyes swa10 rection. We fl'nd our Inspiration In the wordll : our' Redeemer's blood. The Ilreed "[,Ikewlse I say unto you, there ill con'taln8 no rtlference to Ills three. joy In the i)resence ot . the angels ot Year. miniStry. But take trom It the God over,one sInner that repentetb." proclamation ot hlB death and tbe Slowly the .. gun eUpped from hla wbole BtructUI'l~ falls , There III no huud, hla form' relaxed and he sank Mellslah. no church. Because CI\r18t Into a chair, his head falling u\>On the " 'as lifted up, he draws all Dlen unto table.: him. 13eYOnd ',d ispute; the perpetual Five minutes later John Harding, nourlshmeDt pf tbe cburch. her bread fresh trom " unharnessing his team. !lnd. wine. the slain body ' and thrcwlng open 'the door, starteC\ back the blood pounld out tor the many. In feal' and , amazement, Then sottly It Is not .tor UII to . discUB8 the dlf. be tbe man who was now rorftnt views tllat Beparate bodIes of . aa .h e ,had beneath.' the 'Chrlll~lans hold concernIng tbe ~rd's .j t WhIp: lald the gun asl de and gazed at Su·pJ)er. , As we read tb e S c ri pure, the mutilated Bible. Upon the floor are held by the IlmpllcJty and be saw the dropped pages, gathered of the senlce, t"",...,ls theIIn •.. \hem up, read them, then slowly un. •"mlnlstered blr .Jeaull blmsolt. derstood. ~s we partalte. In 11'h atever f arm, FOr the Hcond time that day.,Hard· we fe,eI the ullUJttlng power 90d'B tng's hand fell upon the ' ","oulder of love' for his chlld.r en eltptes8ed In the otber; but t hl8 was with II. death of .hlB own lion. This rite bas parent's gentleness, ". b een celebrated by untold · millions. ., • of· Christ haa eli"nro'''e,r IIlnner," be whl'pered hU81t- Whe?ever the' D,aDle lIy...., · .... " ', ." , teredo there hM'e people jolne,d In hi. remem.brance. It III one ot the ill~' 'The New' V.a.. PI'8Ient'" preme oltllmlltes of .t lle, omnIpotence The Fr'e nch "ette'"nes.'t both " tn of 'God, that through all agee, am\l;'g u.,. . ' .. d t"'l nama and In date, preserve hlltor\cal all racel!. all clD,S8eS !lOu cree I, u . continuity w1th a cleamelNl- thu our lIel'Vfce haa been performed_ bOJ:, hu Ibllt. ~cordlng to 0( one thin It '",e fnll,7 be. sure, f1lhrlst the a.nclent RomllA l88end ths 'ci"'ltom Instituted 'tllia rUe ler all Cbrletlanl. went hacK to the raj)e Of tbe 8alo.n81'. Whatever teacl1111B appeale to' ui, sbould we follow and receIve the 01'1 ratb er,. t,0 t'h ~ r~on elil • tf on '0 f t h (0 that . two peoplc;lS afterward, wb'e n Romulua ~le..hlg tt)at arieea from fellowsbl. cut green bra~cbft from a ,rove Ilt 11.111 tl\hle. . the goddess Strenua and Fellowship Is thsm to Tail-lUI. T1aerealter ROIlII&Jie but by actlnlf· gave each other ~l'IUlc'. t01' . . .Jan- Join lIome ~~~~~~:~~~ uary ' 1, together with . 11.... .tea, ean worklndtO"IIi~ " honay and a .aWl colD-e\l.Qh' luck Blttl belD, termtlll ~. emperlml were ,powell'" to pat











Enllln •.

Debtltl of Making.'

the plunger so th'a t It ,,",lit ftt tightly, and yet move up and dQwn , freely . Next get a 10Dg piece 'of Iron and mue the crank shar.\, (5), theo insert It In a small pipe of n"early the lIame aiM (4). and tMlen It by c:lamps. Bend tbe abaft to tbe rlgb t In' the 1Ihl\pe of a crank and attacb the plstOD rod ' (3) to It. On tbe other 'end fasten the flywheel, whlch may be a pulley or. aew· ing machine. wheel. After thEl Ill' wheel (6) bas been attached bend the end of the shsft projecting to the 8hape of a cra.Dk. Have the two cranks at right angles. On thIs crank the rod (7) Is attached whlcb runs to the valve C1'ank (8), which II Dlade ~ a pleee of I!heet lroD cut In a triangular ahape aDd a,tach~d to block No, 9, _. From tbe valve crank (8) .: bicycle opoke (10) is Inserted in It. Cut tbe Slut half In two, then wrap some .trlng whlcb haa been well ..turated In oll around it~ and thIs will serve aa, a plunger for ,the IIteam ohe8t (11), Fllg. 2, Next make the ., boller" whloh be.a sIrup bucket or lIometblng similar anel solder a pipe . to It. , Connect lbe boiler and tbe .team eheat by meane of a rubber tUJ)e.' water In tbe boiler ia beated by a lamp or somethl!:!, slmllar, Thl8 ill, bow the engine Is run, TUrD the l1ywbeel (6) so that It Vj:UI ' torce the. valVjl crank back, eauainl the 'valYe (2) to open, and the stellDl . will rUBb In the eyllnder. cauling the piston to raise, whIch w1l1 turn tbe fiywheel: which In torn will push the valve "crank hack nnd ahut the valve olr. The presaure of the ateam wUl 0.1119 help to open tbe valve.



so as to give a broader bearing sup. port to the end of the board. A tw~ Inch croBB·plece "holds the legs SD place wi tl1 reference to each olber. while they are beld In pla~e wltb reference to the board by an Inch·squaN ,trip that Is hinged at one /lnd, Jl.a 'other end having & hook 'that ,oes Into a screw·eye on the cross-pIece of the legs, 8.8 s.h own In FIg. 2. ' When th1a lnch·square piece ' Ia unhooked ~ brought up tlat agalnlt the board. lb. legi! can also be folded uP. maldnc 11 convenIent to set the board away· In • narrow spice. Use Pine or whl~ woo4 for . the, bonrd. and. 'plane and · saD. paper, the Burface IinU,l It 1a ye~ Imoqtb.. 1'he edges Ibould be IIUcb~ rounded, Qlat they Dlay DO~ cu~ ~ • one ualng It. •



Fea .. That Children Will Npt 8~ ere~ WIt", Playthings at Christ.'. ' rn •• Tlrne 18 Unfounded.

/ 'Feus have bllen ei:pr8sled III eo••' quartsn that tile .k lddlea Will D'Ot. be "howerod with toyS at ObrlBtmas If the 'War, in Europe ' llontfnuel muoll. longer. . 'rbll f,Elall la groundleai . . Tr:\l" "a ,reat part of tbe world'. are made In GermaBY." · but about, one-b'~, the toy. Santa brought the Idddi. lallt Obrlstmas wsre ·A Merlcan·made. ' Tbose of Germany are perhaps more quaint, than ()ur owp, .but ourS -are ot. a higher grade and the Dlore upeastve ki nd. . American hand(craft I. capable ' of Infinite variety and caa supply all of Uncle Sam's , cblldreu. · big 'and little', with their needs In to;' •• the good little boYI ,aDd ,girl. TAKE' GOOD CARE OF VIOLIN w1l\Allreceive as wonderful and varle41 an a.aortmont of tOY8 In thIS year's in.tru",ent • Should Be ' Placed In Wooden ' Ceh, Lined With Cloth, ' Christmas d,lltrihution. as ever, no matter 11 all. GerDIao toymnkera are anet Carefully Kept. Dry. ' ~, In the army and the war ' contlnu_ ,. , for months;'· Boys who fl)088eslI vlollne ,-,vIII ftnd Santa Claus Is not discouraged, anll' the following tiPII v817 uaetul. , : . It ehollid be kept In • -1V~den caae the klddles wlll not. he dlsappotn~~d_ , , , IIl1ed .wJth cloth. A' Qualitative Realon. IJarefully keep It from the damp .. Ebenezer, aged six. was v'slUng bfe 1 Do not keep It In a .h ot ptace. or the wood w1l1 become .brlttle and the aunt In the country. Especially for h.. J>eneflt slie had made Bome molusetf 8~~~~y~t')'place ' it In Its: Clase when ca.ndy. 'whlcll. tbrougb oversll:tlt, bad It from oile plnqe to another. been allowed to becoIlle ecorchetl. It In ,Its case In Bummer when Ebenezer, atter. eating a Cew pieces. . . Not 10lig after b. not In u8e, 11.8 duat accumulates Inside ran out to play. and out. 'came back and threw himself amO'lC Keep .tt' perfeCtly clean. Oarefully tbe pillows on tbe sora: . Wlp! duat or reSin ,'duet off with a ' ··W~n·t you have eome more cand,. I h . Eblo 1" bill uunt aftec·t!0Il.ate1y aeke4. 1I0tt linen c ot . . ' t " To Clean It. Inside, take a good t.and"No, j guess not," he replied Ina : tul o"t,barley, heat It. nlld put It In.llicie tone oC ·lndlfference. .the violin. Shake about well. when . "Belter J\aye aome;" she "entl)' JIOl'! the dust will adhere to the b!irley and slsted" , can be '1haken out: ' "Well, I~ nlnlt good enou$h to maJie It pay. r'r me to gorge my,elf." be 9.... -New York Mall. ellince Golde.,. Papa-Npw. Johnny, I have whipped 1011 only for your O'WD gqod. I beHeve I ban ouly 40J1e my dut,. 'TeU me trIIly, what do you thlok yourself'!' JohDft7-If I ~ould tell ~ou' what r thlDk you'd .I"~ DIe aaother w"lp-










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.. HOW A QUEEN STUDIED. When the Que n

ot H O \1~Dd WII8

nd el'A On " a li' III gtrl ls he lea rned geograpby • in very l)1ElIIStl.n' way. 'l' , c• • l I I" " 'Ius . 'K eonaD, A j,.ke n ~ur the phloe waa BOp.. oent. ' ', l OX at , uHto.t~r b.' io b rltance p Olled to be Ithe 0081\0 . AU throU!lD tax ' . ' ph lIotl 1 J I::l G t I were ltU;)e Islands represent t Br}' ( U ' ~n : '.l L', eFt 0 - t 18 tg relll islands , ana aU aloDR 'lp.r" .~'I ~ orcl r t~~th( ~~;-- t shore ~;vere lIttJe play ol'i~s. p oltum o, I I I ' ! 1"'1 U ~ lth the ,n aLmes of real olties. ' . .. L,. O ne dtilY ebe wlI.nted to g o N ew :0 'leasCourt Y ork. 8 0 abe gf)t In to her row b lilt nn d rowed Bway from · th,\ 'Ie~ uils. sbor of BollaDd acroBS the Atllio J .1.1: r <l V\I T~ Ot.t rbAln Ho Ooean a d p tett,y hOOD s be Ho I • 'lrr-C~- , " for w Olley onlv rowing Into New Yora be.rbor.-Tbe Sunbeam. am ~ 'n' .....• \1 . :Ju"0I ~ ••• F: ~. ' i' t . r.L k of M''lIIrow . . va. " ,. "S .... 1'\1 ·L. t I. ud 'l,'homtl • .Keep It Handy ForR.heumaUsm B. F . r. · , C' \y onl . Am uunt No use t, s qnlrlD a Dd willoe and lao 7"! ~" H::\)"';r t , t r .V 0 wear Otlt yoot' Rheumatism. . W. Dodd and It WIll woo!' you oat illstead. Applv )'}Ild . M c ay only ~loan'8 . LiDlment. Need c ot am .1, ')00 ' ,>" • ta · q • rob it· I n - j u t let it penetrate all At l O{ ., IiIl' " 'ld Lomber U O" t hr ougb the affeoted parts, VA. II t( , (I . a"el~ctW of J ames the tlO1'6DeSa Rnd draw the palO V. L ... :,10 1\11 " {Johu You j!et ease at on oo and feel 80 InJll 1 Im }l\ a ll 'L i 'iLbl li f ' l m~oh better y o n ",sot to AO right 1 t r e 8. ou t a nd t ell other sufi'er llrB a boo t ca. ':<1 te Transf~r8 !Sloan '1\. Get a bot'le of ~loRn 's ,.tul en·t f()r 25 oents of any drug~ r! . ri' •.• ~ml'l foit t ~.aenry and gis t .a n ll 1:1 ve it tn t be hoo8eSurl! r~ tt~:-l •.:if !i 17 in Butier IIgain t CoJd.8 . ~O~B Rc d Swollen VU ll'. t . _ J intI', Luull!ago\ Sd tl.tlc~ and like ·' E. .forol '·, , J ~chenrer lot 0.11 .Bots . Your m oney bllok if not No J. 1.1 .\1. ... '. ; .}l. 00 8~til'fie d , ~l~t it doe!' give ~lmo!!t A .. ,~ t.'. b,,· · ""1 ', to .TohD R~ID I optant r ebl~f Buy a bonte tooav ha r ,' '\ 1 ; ~e t [:)0 ). 32, '1'. 2. •• - • R 5 :'1... Bllllal'd T ables Reat on Rock. ,)r ,) c. P . J.nttroh BiIIlat:d tnbl es, 8U ported 00 soUd ~ I J •.•\ In Wash _ rock are s moog the novel teatures of 1 L a as·room concrete residence located 1\1, 1,.·1 .... r . (•. ' Aw ton ,L 'Buu on one of tho islands of the San Juan neiL n rill ,,,j ~., .r ', (\ In: i [.abl 000 archipelago in. Puget sound. Each tao p~~ . ' ble reatl! 'On a m nsslv ", conorete' base C ,rl'" 'I' ~ d' wlf t () G . F which extends through Iln openlng in Bro w' l Ir,t J: I,. a I ~ nuth Ptlrlt tb e fl oor snd has ita footIng on bed· rock, nod Is therofore as solid and as Snbq ·vl1i'lJ to.' 1'to , '10 - . $1•. . ' P hOlp ~ r .• t \ ( il O I , Ca z I!' (it'lludln free ( rom v ibrat ion 88 Lf it were a par of the island ItselC,-Popular Me~ it.. '1. £I.'t In I ~ ''if" 62 In Mu.mll· cha nics. nil . i.

, ' 1'






.. ,. ...




loau on good MONEY-T curlty. Eor further


\loo 'inQulre at this office.


answered day or night =====:::.0::.,====::::-- lCall Both phones in Office and ' Residence. Long l4; phone distance.No.

Co. Sherwood '" C. E. Servis '



Saturday IlfterDoon.


All Kinds of


rebuilt ~d guaranteed same as new. This 1S espec1ally a. goo!! proposition at the' price we are oiferlDg.

Engine . .




HI? Engine

. .

Associatea Engine. Guar- .

w ife t Benjll- Yo.ur Cold Is Dangerous Break aor ffi . a allrlllO

an~sam .e as new.

'ACents for 'the Celebra~ ,]ngeco Gasolene and 'Coal on En~est Automobile •



and General M~hinety GasOlines, ,OilS an At:cesaories .



l·n suRiltl,CE A.

r oUN D- The beat pllUIO to ' Iooy C Chrll!tm!&s goods)a at Balnhllrt-'s, Waynesville, Ohio, ' 028'



Successor to




Over Postofiice, Wayn~sville, Office PhOllf 77 HOUf f' POOllt 6.


OW-A Jursey OOW, wlt,b' 0Il1f by • her tilde, For fnrther fnformati on call on or "addrel!8 Ulln Sur taoo, R. 0 2, Waynellvllle, Ohio. ,

• 8,

I !!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Walter McClure Pun~ral

-111. yearlme; 1 2 ;COLT Old. Botb good onel!. Iror rurtber two_ye~r.

information inquire at this omOt!. d 23


; Tt\lepboDI'I day or U l l(pt: Valley pb one N n J... nil Dill'-,D(lI' No 611-9r. .

EDSTEA D-Wlde ~lI)e, hll{b b~clf. 8S good liS }lew. Olt 11 00 · Mar'y MoKlnn ey, elllt- of tbe Ohri!1t.ian Automoolle 8ervlcO at· all Tim•• churoh, ~Dtl.lobk at it d 28 W. .

. ' ., .. OOSTERS-W hite Wyftodott6t!, · full bJ Godeo Oall 00 E a,


~ \,NESVll.lE f


. _L ~QI

d 2a INE l'lymouU, Rock Cookerels at a pieJe nntll first of·to e year. Mri!. D. F Bml~b. tJprlng Va.lley, Ohio. Uklhed States (Bome) pbonll

F '1


omce. 'H.rveYlblll1r. 'Q.

Brown l R D. 5. Wayoe8vl}le. Olllel.


Dr J. A. . ,McCoy,

: . Up-Now Veterinary .1I::eOl!eif A Oold /s rea.q iiy catohlng. .A 6~2. d 2B I ..., . . . . ruo.down 13ystem is sllsceptt ~le to EIl~l Hl nr 'f tn· l ill, l<'y of Kings GermE1. You ow~ It to youhelf and IANO ";'8eaut!fulOllk . case, 001 Oradu.t~ of Oblo ~tll. lJolWnlI to» a:. . ~ .1 ,tal' ~ l\mUloo. of t.:J ot her8 of' YODr houl-ehold tQ Dght (I~IIlL design, aud 1n UII8 )88M _ _ MaSfl·l . ft " C"lrt . B :~ld WI" • t h e ~er m l! l:lt .on oe, Dr B ell '8 Pine , han two ·yeara ,. Will . sell for O&ab om eILRY payments.' Calt 00 W. ' ~\. ce at, resIdence in F. ll. Stier Orn l1 C I.t II :' 1,.,.tJgr. " j, ill.bore r Tllr B l:loey is fioe ' for Colds and of Bi nohe~ 1 ,'. in " I js . Kt~tle M,. l·Y·1OOIlj;tb s. It .lOOSeD\I the MQoo\l!~, stopa PhiIllp!l, : Waynea:vllle,Ohtq" .d23 wood 8 houae, FO\1rtb Street. •





GalOline Engine


14,2r, . Chairs and one Coach furnished .free . • with funeral !!. il o ted-To buy your Blde8, Best of service guaranteed. Furl, P"lw,ew Blghet!t Mar. I ke~ prloe ptl.iil. See /J" A, &isey, W\lyneRville. 0bio At home every ::==~~~~~=~~~~~~






II .-\ ..


Funeral Dir,ctor and Embalmer, ' se· , Way~e8Yill~. Ohlo~


.wt .



81assiBad Ads w ................

'." (.1 100



M.o t,her

CIVE HER ' FOR CHRISTMAS A .....................................................

I ii




We ha,:e just received a carload of good Locust Fence Posts,





You a· iII H~ave Wife or

R. ." ,. 1OIn 'It l l"r clltee v Tilt' I '1.,. :..;.: ' . R W . (:I i oh rl t desh : 1 !. " ") I 1"J Ol lUa order cif par t i I \, t ~ 1') f' horeln It 18 .. 'r r d ,.( t l , b. U for sniJ • tlPpc. 'e' IU ,", \(' of' fh e I:)td e of Ok I f(1I" , • IIf .tll pe rs ODIl ln ~er '.J' il l u ., hj ·'l" of s c oh dl ~tr: t .lD.




' . . . . . . . .. . . ..0. . . . 0

~ rts




.;".... -~




Pl1i vt tol: of ..




Jllmc~oli , '

t ho {:ougb


s',otheE tbe Langs

II t'S g~llrllnl\iead . Only 25p , at your

J. P. .

D~I 1

Or' 1 W ' Geol!l ' A. aLI :.1.

Rev I.f. E. '''''I';1~J

f r ;ner t o MISb ' Drnggl8t. th of Lovelllnd' l




• - •

En d Ancient Offioe. The to wu 's bellman is .:.l.

'100 .subaO#iber~ Yngazlne

to· tbe· 8e~d·s

SDo to tbe (illzett~ altice, aud .get 'one of 'he best m,gazlnes 00 /itllrth. tf


T~leplione' 28 Waynesville. .

- Ohio ' lEI YOBI' GUPpm·

r.), . ,1 lJ . .., .\. fa ~e of New fOnCtlO~~l'7 Sut ), " '00 • . \ .:h~ E v .Jay Mor. who has oom e ddwn with the' blBt'ol7 ' fOl'f " , \1\' J, ' !h ,: Ie . . It v. C. E. of 't(rlous a nCient' communl tieB for · Salmonfishermen in Well • .G I. l, cun dl'eils of . years, but Btlrlmg .(Eog• . Snlmon Brlt~8h COIU~' . . ' W ~YNESVILLEt h\l~ ) to.wn . 'ncli recently r esolved bla earn ,15 II day, and in some In· · . to l\ bol,l ~h the ceo t was decided 'stances wllllO th~, catC)h 18 ' ellcepUonaJ· • . , . . II CUAT" . ' . Iy good 'as much 88 ,~5 8 day. ftm i.P ! . •R . " 'a'; ,'11 . . Dell Y ll IWIL:I"S ! to thst lthe be' by ~" "l ' ., .. .1 0 i " 0 '; . ~"o~' 'h J;l r~s ent holder. and If he .9 employed . , • ~- • I 1&\ ( ,.. V<.t . , '. • . , u<" d O • I b ti l d "I t ' k i • ( ' , I . . V• . .' BAoNHAbT DR \ J W ' MILLER' Our . ' r. . ... .. ~hF,\ nett Ho nt~ . y I r REII'. e s 0 rna 6 ' nnoun~&. B ra~n .~d 'Bra.,.n. IN TH. WORL~ . , ~ . , ~, . • . •• t"o " ,., . , . t>~, 1 '"I P .11\e nts. that be provIde a bel or him· ~ t;I • It I Tho~e thaI; tl)ln"k must gOvern \hOle )'tJIUSIO!D ~~ Sc.OO 1'!l.1!II ,Notary PUblic: pen ' , ·,: ct! . • 'd.1 • •l.iDop, aCRose I se . • _. ' hnt'tol) -Goldsmith. Iten....,. 0"1.001.....".~AU• .,.. ••• DENTIST... vHf l.'-li'J, ' r : ' .,.\. •• • • b ut l~. ellr ' . . , . . , blW : t . ' .. ·•. cd .;vit~ indlgestioD Mr.s, ~cClalo s Expe~leoce With ~!!!!!!!!!=!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~' ~ o. 'U MII"~. T It A ..... 0 A• .""' , ...~ .U. "'WICE OAN 'I"ItOFIj A:ll , of Notary Work. . PeD8lol1. OtncIIIla t I'B t 11l8ted ·,. Croup W I\DU " I ' . (-' QII • . . ay U.I~O .'18 ·AOV.ItT..... O 00&.".._ - Work. Speolal&y. BUlk BI~; ~ ayae,evUI~ 0 for ' . 1' 1! , I '~ 8 1\ a ul le, I "When .my boy, .RIlY, wallsmll.ll RHEU.A .7'IC· SAMPLE COP~ FREE UO ' ". '" e." I'! r D ,I. a. llum bAr . f ~e·"Wb. !lub;laot &0 oroup, ~l!d 1'W88 . U : . ,'p ,' r R E ' ~aw you 'ouli" •• ~A). . . ;' . b t" l\,,·~ i to: h fllp e d m e alway8 ...Itt.rmed , at 8u6h tlm(j~. r f, •• ."I!W wOrt. ... Y':' nntl • '( IJH '.:11" ,..•. , h !Ie dlOk spell!! ! (""baml'terll1io 'S' {:ongh ~erPedy" prov­ TMith. 'Il " .J '''\' ' ' l "! I " t,n t,~ke (,)ham. ed far butt·ar' than a n y other for w. arilli'orn to 1DQur;re,after 8WDlIIUlaK IIEI.I£P. \ ~ r.; .r.! ~t.. T~ls~, mE\dloine t biB!. It alv.ayareltaved bbia -It. require. a · 'grea~er/ pow~r .t o lJOIt' . Wa~Nvtlle'l Le~ Daua. hA~1 .",jt. . ~ll I t ' , 7 't 1.lI e . .For saJe I am never without it [n ~ tt:'-MOD~e. . . i:il Keys Bldg. ' Ma~ri f: hy ~ . '.~'l :ler 5. ' houl(le t1llr .1 '.Ir.~()w 1&;\, Ii poai.,ve ---OUl'e for CrcIIlP," wrtteR ·Lrs. \W. R. , ' ,. ,~:,... ~~"l <'If til" Will!. MpUlutn, BhLJr8vUle, Pa. For 1I&1e • ..IP " jI" ·~ c dalnt;{ or more by tl.1I ~1e8 Ielr8. . .hilI" Ir '~ ; i ts t hll.n th e weae· • - • al. ,al,. oJ,,' j'rr'ihel;L J;t'l8, selects . th e .' lore ' t ens ot the brood Q. ~ ,I. r,r,.! " t! .' I'\, l~1IJ lI~veral Cor a At ·. Reas(onable . Rate.. Machines. sl • 1\11.1. " , .• ; n;; tilt' w arm blood . a,\(' ,I ~ or,,), n 6mJ.U hit 01 the 8prln ar"eldl'lre•• Tubes .and Acce~..o.r ies. .fie '



........lo....-!!!!~!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'7!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!~!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!~. ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!,!,=







11 I


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Ioi · ..



am ~el



":meAt' p'








- ---=


JV.lvoUne 011 and Grea8e8~



,,-.r ·5 .

R·. .. .....


TIm MIAMI OUaiia. W'Anmllru..t... OHIO


Harveysburg. l'u b ll~h«l

D. L,



Wo.jml!llviUo, Ohio

E.ditor and Ma nager


--_. J

M rR . ,l "bll

l:I t'l u pk y


tI' k


ni g h~ OD~X:I)flct d to h"r lov .. d ' n II 1l1l1l WA il Ift\(l to rest in ,h cpmlltery /l .t .Jumestown M ' Da Wl\\,

F n d" y

,orId's Non-


duy, 1 uv lng Cl huslll\Dd Bnd one oh lld t o m our n li M departo'r e .. The bereliv t\r\ t''' IJ\H y IlIlve t he lIympa'by A cal+ wRs-I1.ade for the fi ~e da. of thl8 c mmuuit y. VIl tt.m. nt t o uttelld u. m tle llog "' W. W ' Wildon, of LElxl n R't~o , Ky., t. ho T uwII h lp Bi)n~ a l .... t Frills), is st>IlQdi.og his vl~olLti oo ' his lei 'Il l)il \~ b.V the pr6ljithw t, O lll) bu t pa,re ntEI ut the Ceutn! Botel . ,ChR8. D Uook ftllerl bis 1c)e bouse t hreu ulI' lJJbllrll r espuu d .. C1 I s tlJlll , . t·r.,IlUnlf the otlicers llf Ilhe C' omp"llV· ,with niotl pure iol'. Mr. Coc>k 18 wltb due r espeOl? ' ! 'l'he Id e" is jn ~t be re. Monda y a WILY8 Dp to tbe mlna'e In every .. tbiog and n ever h olub back for 010 CJillR, lif ter t,)Je ulllr ru of fire ho'd a l1ot.her day i why not more of us been ~ooQ(] ed, th.. m llu of tbe,bosl. f 011ow M1'. Uook. n e l!~ PI~rt of Ioown we re soon on hllDd f:u d o whut tbey oool/t In put A. T. Moler, oor popular grooer t.lng ou t tb e fire. This I.s 1111 very and meat mercbllll~. transacted bosl we ll , hot lO upl)ose the 6re h tld beAU' net's In Dayton ~bursdllY 'lnd FriII bl" one lind water h llll to be n .~ d. day . \ dld' sny r f t.he m\l o ~h e r A lit. t bllt Mr. C\nd MT@. W. W W e,l cb left time kn ow whUt to do or how t o do T auHduy tor Port Dnd~e, I owa. , to I~? ' It- if! v.0Hlfibln 't b(lt t hey dl~ n 't, t'ptl,IJd th s 'b.o lt days wi t h tb eir eonll N I:WCOMB OARtII'ON. PR ESt D.flr BE1.VIO!ftE: IIftOOlCs . v,,, .. " ••,DDIf und to lUu k e u n ra (lOIl, panl' f:Ilol e n~ U l1bert, lind Tuo m •• : hlso M;r. W luh • tb ere 'lJu"ht to be tt.n tin de, II tl~nd lD g bUB thre n e phew ~ t here. 'j'hey will ~~lf~ioJlT WOOPW~RD jU81. whllt eaoh (lue bus to do find h tL ve Ii. Wekh re nniou. Thllir /ulln y j08t wlJt~ re bie p.1 aoe ie. fri end8 wi&h f or them a Me rr y It 18 h ope , t·hat the nu:t oall Ubrt .:!tma8 and 11 HRPPY N ew Year t.or a m ee 'log Illl of t be members Mr, and Mr~. Joh'l MarlE,tt ' have LOS ANGELES tALa, NO.1 2&. 4 ,wlll be rJresen t in order t.bllG they gone to h ouse keeping ID the prope rty m"y learn wb.. t theu: duUes IIore va,ollted by Mr. and Mra. (Jbat'. Ed. " MR. WALTER £. rLANDr:' RS, PRES I DENT and bo.w to pArf,lrm them .. wurdB. ( Thns will \bllr3 r e an understand . Mr'. and Mrl:l. Chas. Edwards, aUel' UAX\\f.LL MOTOR C·Of.tPANY. INCORPORATm ' iu@ that mill', aOflle d;\y, put a sm~ ' neuly two years of rest Iluve re D•TFKJ i MaCH., ~o. big fire" and It ma,y be done twned to their, lovely couDtry bome eLi~lly I1nd with some adequllte Idea. on the Ridge r08d i 'Very fe.w more 'N AU. EX'fJ ERD~C E IN iW! C,h-C GAU!. NEVER HAVE I HAD AS SATISFACTOIlW of how to do it • bellutiful homea iD this vloln ty than the Edward s homestead, A Test for liver Complaint Mr. II.nd Mrs. Samuel Starr and A UOUllT A8 !HE UAXVF-\..t., NUMBER ""4" WHICH • OReV£ • N '1'HE CO.RONA ROAD RAGI Mentally Unhappy-Physically, Dull family are movtnK Deltor the Cilesar's The Liver, Illug~tsh and topotlv(', Creek ohurch. rhey are leaving THAHlCHG'V'HC DAY wint PflA&TSCALL.~ NO PREP ARATION ,IN A CAR 'HITH VAUCH I first shows i sell In" meot'l\l ,tll.'" many frleods, and tbeir Bllcce~s Is -uobappy aDU oritlolll. N ave r I~ lookect-forwlird to by their aoquliln tnere JOY In livlDg, I1S whe n tb e tllnces with uleasnre. WAS' AI8~LUTELY UN At lL,IAR", wmT ENT~K30t ferULES WiTHOUT A SINCLE! Stomaoh and Liver are d Oil'!g tbeil' Mr, {nd Mrs, Bert Ba.rlow will work ' Keep,your Liver liotlv!l ' l~ l)d soen vacate tlie B. L. DilklD farm 61O'p. THEREBY' ESfA9U SHING ~ EW WORLD'S NaNE 8TOP ROAD RACE RECORD AND b ~ l\l~hy bv Utll0j5 D~. Kin g 's N e w and wl)1 make th eir boml~ on the Lite , PiU8 i they e wpty 'be Bowels tani kDowD as the Robel'tR farm ,tNI'SH' kG I M ~e:CQtiD tl .AC 'rUE freely . tone u p your t!toruaob. OQru vlloa.ted by Mr. and Mrs . SalD I:lt.lltr. CArnJotAVED IN PE R'ECT SHAPE your Constipat~on and pn1'lfy til e Tbe oorn buskers are trying to Blood. 260 .<1t Drngp:lst. Buok len's finish np their prOmi8eS bat owing RAN COOL ANP fiMOO niROU~ THE ENTIRE ~AC£ AHD HAD PLEN1Y 0" SPIED FOil Arnloa Salve excellent for PlleB. to the bad wellther makes it sJow work • ~NY ' RACE. I HAD M1', BeraJd Barris att~nded THl\T "'LE8, PER HOUR. VtOULD WIN THE RAC!: KN lOUTS TEMPLARS dance laa' week a* Morrow. , ..... Tbll name 'Kolgbhl\' Sr. and M re. Ed RellltOD had WAS THE REASON. A Eft, ~EO ONL~ S.... LES;. CAR I DROVE WAS THE WitS ,18 um d by a semi rfllll(I ol18, quite a .care Thur:l!day, IIeaember 'sunn mlliturv order f .und!ld In the J7. 1helr bome Oil ugh' fl're iu 'he CONSI STEHT P!:rFOfNE IN ntE • fI RES SHOWED PRACTICAL" WE. . twelftb oentnrv fOf tbe oommen roof lD 80me way, but was ex dable pllfJ)IJSe ' of proteoting tbe tingu.tsb~d before muoh damt&ge waB USED 23 GAt.LONS C'F GASOLf E ~ 3 GALLO~S ~F o,~ ~O' 80"tt.llred nod dlsb nded oru8Mders aone, At 6r~t. t,h e v werA merely Kn1ll'bta. The Clvlo Leilgne gave tbelr bu\ Itt&er they were Il~ Ign~ ' qnur BARN£\, OLDY ELD. ter!! I~t tbe \>1&)"06 In Jeruaalem called lunoheoD at Town Ball Wodneaday Md,'mon'8 temple, tbey beoLl me ulgtit; Deoember 16 and netted .tbe knowD '18 Kncght" of tboTempie. or goodly amount of t18. Their en518""Knigbt.ll Templ~ rH 'l'ho, unolent 18rtainmeDIi OOD!lsted of plays and 'be making of rbywel were in order dORlI v became a,1 powertul dalged iu aud 'bere were prize," ~bat It Wiltl " np[l"" "~ " ct In \ h A foar gl veil for the be~t- add the worst, 1,1l8t1th Ql' n t ur\' , unct ' t h d oootion ttv m uklng fUD 'for all , Everyc>De pres, "r Ideutltv of th o' · odArn with. t h" ;Int ()I~imbd they 8urely b ad uever lIuoient one of r, 11" "'' 111'1 , name b"s b a d 11 time it) ~be hilltory of bellO Wit rmly dlflpuu,J ''-:Pbllal}tll teh "ir earthly f'xisteoce 'Now tbe pbla Pr e ~tl neit time tbis LeBgUq giVEts noUoe _----4.~~ ~--~of 1\(1 8"tt-rtlllnment, you try And .I Prompt AcUon ,WiII Stop)'our'Cough ' be pr ll~ell~ and tbey will shlu!' their ·When yoa fir ,catch 11 ()r)ld (often vle'Ulorll14 w~t. h yon indlou.Sf>d br R 8TlElU8 or ooogh), iIlreeik It up At onoe. rhe Idea ths r . 1 h~v.~ IJrtt1D wonder ed ,if the ·,It does n ot mtltter" oft06n 18lldt4 to proport9 ow erR 'f our town ever .erloDs onruplioMloD8.·l'he I' meily rellltz .. b ow rJ ·Ot' 88a,v it is ro kllep wblob ImOlAdlrte\y Imd lIlIsl ly (Jen~ ttul ob lm lt ·ys In good replli ~, a.nd th!!lr prfOlJJl " p~ Creft 01 rubbish; &1 10 tra.ea tbe lfntn~ ,of tbe throtlo~ III thtl do y oo kuow ILboat our fire proteo kind demandeil Dr. King 's N AW Oi81l0gerv soothos r,h e Irritation. tiol,l, Is 1t workloll, l11'e tbe boee 10 10QII8os pblegm. You f ~l\! bett..r gooel rtmatl', "'Ill we let. it go from •• 0000. I It. .. I\flmed t,) 1'8"ob .t,he day to ~flY until we wtll Deed It, aod very spot of my COOKh" til 'me ..f theD begin t,o liod fo.l1l t, YOIl h" ve no many bone8~ testlmoolal!! ·. 5'.'9 "r rlg b t '0 · Your iDterf ... s are th., y'our Druggist. ' ' . , 8& me B8 II n y on.e8j n ow let' II lCet , ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!"!'~~~~~~~.,~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!P busy Bnd Mob one be interested in ';:: - ..- - -- - - - - - -- - -----'be preV(1ntloD fire i now agimtil Lytle $100 Reward, $100 f Real Home of the Rosema.ry. Pioneer Veterinarian .. AN ODD PLA'V MATE It !lnd talk tt over wl\b YOllr n.' lgh, T he relldur (.IF thl!l pfl. per will be Tlle bome of ,t ile rosemary was orlg· The classical Greek.s bad veteriD8i bor lind oome out' and let'l\i h'Y onr Gone to It .laDd wbiob knowlt Il l) plaa iled t 'learn,.; Ilt thfl~o is at (east \naU}' In the soutb at Europe.. more rlans, But veterinary medicine ,and Durll\g tbe P"ft ~ Whl~ fire equipment Get lDte.e8~d at WytaDilotte \'o08~er owned b.v Rllipli ouae a,.d let 'B S68 what we need to returDing, u..rl, lion of Mr. and Mrs. one dread ed d .ic;cOS6 liut >loll' ooe h U8 eSI1ecially ltaly, wbere It grows to lurgery did not originate wltti the and Glenwuod .101ldv of Slmweelt furtb~t' OUt prot,aotioll. Jamel! Johns . Be now reet" v. it,h been able bo cnre in Itl! Rtbges, and the h e igh t of six or eig ht fee t. either Greeks. So far ,as we know to the 80, YI;l., hilS ill kiln In t> be pJeu1!.Ure8 tbe ftowerB in t.heir long wlndi og tb ltt is Uato.n·h. HIlII 's C , tl4rrb being t~alDe d upwul'd ti'om t ho ground : contrary, It had Its' start wl~ thhe "='Uf-1rittte~, ltte'~ elioo d .. y oo,,"tln~ of eno w. Be diad a ill!! a e or em 0 lUg tI ro S I 1 n . ) Egyptians, the wonderful people w 0 dowD bllJ on fl' ~led ~ wl'\.h.. the bqJI. Indigestion home early M.on~IlY moroil}g, Dllc. known 0 t hIS medic~l fr8~ rnlt.y . It grows In three va'rletles-gold, sil· seem to have origtnated,,~ost of the ~ "T~o years ago I wtill greatly I.·from a protr~nted illneslI rec;lQlting ()a tarrh 1) ' n,~t 11 oousLtt-utionul di· ver and greGn. . u6e ru~ arts that are bere ~da)'. ., bl' nefit.ted , throQ.Rb IIS,ini two or fr l.m (UpMheria. Be leaves n s allse, r q U llr a u. Cc)1ts tltutioual . ' " Raw Potato fol' .Burns. 'A 'Jaw potato' js a good ' remedy for ibreo bottles' of CblAwuerlaiu's 1·"b. m lltber, rathl"r aDd brqther, mile y trBllo tn.?6Dt , EL I! l1 's d t rrh Cnre Ie burn!. SCl'Ilpe or gl'llde the potato ~d latll," writes Mrs. S; A. KolI"r, Elida. relllt-iveB Rud frleDds bere ILnd else. t nke n In t ern a lly, rlotl ng cllre tly UpO!'l I ".Berore taking t,h em I wal\ where to m ourn '118 I<'S8 ClI.rl wa t he blood and mU OO1l8 u rfM es of apply It lIk6 a poultice to the for two ye!lfB with lndi~esthln' 17 yell.rll,·6 montha aDd IS d"YB old 'li ~ sYlltem, f,b e rebv d'esttoyiDIl the surface. ' ~ola b.y all .deM IIr... . Bt the time of hl8 death, but b ie f ouniinthlD of t· di R ea ~ , B.nd giving !!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' • - • maoy' frleo Is rpjoloe In the thought "he l)fl tient B·t;t' n gth ,by ballding op Live Stock and General Auctidnee Bellbro.ok~ that they ahall sometime meet blm t be oone l j t.u Mon 0 nd ,I a!!ltiDg nC\t. nre iu thllt laud beyond the !lkles. i n d oin g ; t~ ,;vork. 'l'h l! pr oprietors Prot. P B Thomp\lon, Boward (h av e Il l ) It.J uop f,lit.h. to its onrative John Sl deDB t rloker aud wife have Posted 'on pedigrees and values of rf\tllrQ8d fro In 'a vleit with relatives Swenk, Opal Thompson and ·Mttry ; powel'. th :1l t.llB Y OffS l' On8 .B or:~dred kinds of breeding stock. . ' Urlly 'attonded 'tbeteliol1er's meetih ~ IOoll '(1 (IIr Il l";V 0 ~ I l·b"t ~ t, tlills \ 0 , . p'ol'~l.nd. Ind, at 8prl1Jgboro Friday tafternooD. I c~te en fClI' li l! t, o~ t st Ull nials "1'11 J. 0 ' Ehrne888nd dl\llghte" Experienced 'in hBQdUng farm Sales' since .1 h R ' Addra e: ]'. ,J. UBENEY & (JO. Mr. an d M DorQthy who ,have bean slok WIth , rB "10 n 'l"1lf8ot;l wer e . 'f olec:Jo, O . 1905. , ,."', itla are ltoprovht5t and alile to 8boPP\DR In baY~OD Saturday, I::iold by ,~li Druggists, 7iiJ. .: ;< • out. Mr. GleDD Jobns attended ' the TIlke B \1I's F&tDlly P ills for oonTerinJ Reasonable', entt\r"'IDmf'~t' I1t Oen~er. ' Tells Restores .10h~·lIoud Allen Edwa1'dll Cl t.tended ChrI8twIl8' ville ~aturday evening. .' Strehgth and Vitality the the ~~:(leGr~rf1a~e'r uDole at GreeD I!'red Laoy and a.ILYJJlond Da VI8 GRADUATE rOJ!' THEI :Waynesville, ~bio ' Ones Minnie Milll! aud daDIiIMer were \D, "I tml8burg 8 .. ~ur~&y en. '-ATJONAL AUCTION Valley Telephone 4S.1r " Charge. ' , . Mrs, ' JoDas Wbitacre ning. 8 0 1100[, ·0 1' A,1111:1\10& Nl . ~olly , H I H H til . N .. . A~tbony were 'D~1 , Min .I£lIz~be'h Du(", JVu' in LebRosa,ry, il ome, aw. orne". . 'x· d ahoo '. on bOlllne.. W edoe8llay. _"I bavebeen at work ~ong the Ilck ... h[nnnAlr"lall~ Moo ..y. ,roo Mr> "1n.~t ." n'd w t f ,o f ~ Pri nJ( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! V I> lev "'''!'I'I S ;:)dllY guo ttl Rt ________ _ _.... __________ •• poor for nearly eilrh~D and " Ohenowetb, ( of Ar· Lee E~rDhar'. 1Il8ta Btllov a ~ d , whe~eve1' I have usea 'V:ioo for J'Wl- l ' tl~.nlllM . vl8ited relatlve8 here Glenn Brook. are, uome' from (fhiq h o r~ . .M.t\ ,r lr.ILt·lI. , , doWll,· weak or emaclal1J:rtien14. ~oy ~Dd ~updll. Y. '. " ' Sta.e UoiVet8tt,y for ChriBtmas J ill ", 7,wi ,,11 • '\S' hou gbt the ' ~y it. r One and ' Krll, !'rlloot Jamrl8 left bolidll.Y.8', have ,been vlsiblyhen " \ i p l DIt ~ b!l1p,sori u no cYm~:e woman, was 10 weak Wl'idal" miJilltog for Biloxi, , Mr, RberDiItD Dyke took 'f}, IOlLd Mr 8. ELll:hvortb Sm i th , of Dayton, bogs &0 Dayton.for I'ri\l&,·s markttt Is 8uend l< a. wee k wlt:h Mr,.John , '1or aid. .$0 spend the ",iD'~r ' ' I ICIJjlelle OOD.ler O. ~rwh,. Tllt$<od 'RIlIRb "nd William Dyke vrer$ lu l".,l"I. ' bl. Ir.n~oareD~a heN ltallt ~not)a ... ..,.. ",.u'u on ba8lue.. Aatarday; . Mr. f) n DIa l was a a. t urd tiy vis ,Je II.l ..mploVed ... oler. In Cbllll. MI'. Jamee Johns and son R I'Jpb It()r n Xal :. Bl'owo.·1\ ,grooery. wer., lD oa.ytOD Tuesday. M .t .... bo fJi b Mo·n ka ver.r !:lIck a' &11'11-. Tomball lcJ)ftllt l:5ul1,l.y Qalte .. Dnmber of LyUe oitlzen:. tb h ,Hln:, her 'd"Dlb'e. ha Xedla, ,,- re In Day.kJD Batorda, doin/C Mr. Fr ll Dk a r Moo ," hlllJ a. fine ,bell' Obrllt1Du ehoPpluR. ,. c rop l:lf tobClC'''O a n d is receiVing The farOl,,1'II around Lytlo . ra b 'o~ a very bIllY ~ .helr &0_000 _trip , .\\I!!I\ Gle ... OOUlla plug wltb ' 'he prom~ of a very V J,./rilltli 1\ r they .arge ,tltld to poand8, family . , M.I S...., Bane' and d.agbtet'










---•. - 4.___





.... .










makes, of l'ae_&~ 'ment ' of- -~ Corona Race-

.. ..




driven dozens of different is unqualified en~o~­ ~~£er.-lte-drove in the itseIf~


1915 MAXWE.Lt AT


.- .


LEBANON, ·0 810


.- .



.W. ' N. Sears



ROSARY Hltt. HOlE How Vinol

Weak, Worn-Out Her












Painting, , Paper Hanging" Auto and Carriaie Painting.


"uttll ~=~*i=a;~i;i~ji;~4ia;~E~~~~I;t:;~ we" •• CJniI8Iatqa'.

uelTuMela,.. 100 ".ra II1IItcl14 IIkl to l)a?1oD r T.~'.'II.' Will 8tlDday. In thiB old &bOlle

Shop 8herwood'.



. W.:t.lll"JI


Ah~ed~ "




-Ahmed! (.nell katlllya.! tbe JJlTfte:r rou DeO 10 "Yea. beaven borD: bllt hllrry, buJlo good a!~,1 kind to me!" ry! t"mhalla will return to aearcb "Non s nee." UI ..8 on U8 be cun /lot tho bette r or hla ' Thoy came out 11lto the 80rub Jun,. 1 gil. Sh'lI t.ak chllt buttery thnt 'II'as , gl , IUl(! tho moonllgbt Ill)' milk! ally woru out ! !JllR~ n boro,' you are now ' oVe r 1111 t1,lriga. So.meUm <I u. !:'lul.,dow a qu e 11 In flll'V . oroslledi. the wblt ne d 1l11l1ds : BCllrrled, "I v.:..a ut to s o bOll1!). AI!m(ld, home!" rntber; nD d lJultltly OrllCB would teli Dr "H J'~' tb e ,;h£\I' r1. He re, sn.hl b !" hor wbat tue anlronlt\ Will' - jackaltl, HAROLJ) MAC GRATH ' .ho he ld ou tL IUlIldrul of cnrtrtdgeB tQ- wit h 1I1I oC08lSlonnl prowling ted wult. ward Bru ce. "Th ese 6t Lal Slnj;u's 11'11 y W'cro not tlisturb t1 Ily allY of the pistols. H urry . hurry!" cat famil y . Hut t h rtl was one In· lU.utratcd b~ PIcture. tronl the MOTln, Plctut. ., . PrDdu c tlon otttie Sclhr Pob"coPc Co. 'al'uce hcllled I{athlyn Intn the ye- ten'ul " Ir 6 11 I' ' li Ke. nruoCl Bpi d In th.~ '1 c 0 and jUnlved in b 'slde h er, and dl stllllce a sma ll luud of wil d le llhant. ~""~~"(~ Ahm l'd atru uk tile horse. 'r ho gha rrl So did HaJnh , who mls 'd trunlt . wns n rlukut y old contr lvnnce. ever y and trumpeted Inl o the nIght. T ho (Oopyrli;hL by.n.u.rOW &cO ....t.b) bin ge en'aklng lik BOnle loet eO,ul; but muhout. (ull), awuke to th o dan ger . I lonr('d bet wee n fights. B ack of thl~ Ahm d ha d reuson d t bat tbe ' Illore beut tb e, o ld ras nlighUly witb blR SYNOPSIS. CU Il OPY was a. door whl '1I le d outBl de. , dilapldQted tbe ,. hi 'I e, the 11"115 can· J gOlld. 'Yet that would have failed to Ka ,hlrn HOn! . lmUuvlng he> r ral lio r. rot. Tbrough tbJs Uruce proposed to lead s plcuo,us It' would be. 11 c urged tb e bold Rajab . IIruce averted tb e dan· Mar • • In II r ll. hlUl " Uml"" n N I Mr. 10n \' ''" KUl hlyn durin g the cOlltulllon created horlle. II wnnted the fiying mob to ge r by s hooting his r volverslnto tb o .a r hOOI . In Itt~rnln. t o go I " h lon 1:1 think thnt ho was firin g . too, wblcb. lIlr. Th e wil d HnllllalR starulleCIed, nnd lnd ln~ ·mtlu lln, p r. ·tL·nL1.~r t n 1h o by Hi o explosion . ttrone: hag hnpri O lh.' fl \he ".))011 ' I, nutUed On the day ot lhe ordeal only the ludoed . h \\' 38. Tb s hurrl roll d nnll Haju.h . dlsgrunU d, was brought to the ... LII. lal. ktu g liS ht~ heir. ..'rrl\J n ~ In Clll'eenlltl 111m u dory In 0 sljua ll. A ·compnss . 411&h Jl t, nthly" I. l"r"rn,(;1\ Ill' Umblll hI b drldd en remaIn ed al hom e. her to th \r bl· hl.g <1~ lHI ~ ho Is t o lin Whe n Katblyn nrrlved s be wnll doz n II1'.l(\s Bn.I CP nnd KuthlYIl wtl rll "Strange thing IIbout II. gunshot," " "D. ' ln d m ust marn' hhn. 'Oil" r~ rUBOH · Mld Is Inforn mc.1 hr t1h" Jlrh.~ 8IH tho t n u pl.lced. unrter the ,cauopy; anotb I' bit nun g togelh er. nnd lluite ullcon!!cluus· Buid Hr'u e, "They may n ver IUI\'e WOlD tLD can r ul~ nl1Ul ll rrJ(' 1. t;lw J" ,::h" lrl of klrllll y atlention nn the part ot Um· Iy s he Cl\lIght hold or hIs I('o n, s trong heard on hlltorc; but Instinct tells ___ en aay • .40 thI nk II ""H. Sh u atlll r c · ....... , a.n..I I. (old lhnt .ho rous t IIndHlCO baHn to tw ist the wbite mnn's heart.. bro wil hanoi. rt wou ld 'not be true to thorn quI ckly of tho mennce. YenrB t ..o 0",,,,,15 wlU, wlh\ !Jon8 '., \I Mh .. 8 ur- But nothing could lInv", hnppened more RaY t hut he ""8.11 un conscious of the ago at home. when I ulled to fisb for "".. ab. will b. permUted to rl1 lt'. J ohn to the sat IBCaelion of IJruee, llCt. h llSS , dUt" ing the cloeo 8 aBon I'd aoe e. an .American. Allvt. hcr 11 (0. Pt"!'sE'u ll r the y e ntered th pav ed thollsand e ot duck aud gee se and deer. " Kath Lyo Rure," ho sailed out s ort· CHAPTER IV-Contlnucd, Iy in Spnnlsb, "do you bear and uDder· s treets of l h l' bazaa rs , nnd th e golug IItand me?" Impro vcd . Knlhl yu lenned bac k. S"be was condUcted back to the "Yes," she r eplied In ' tbe . Bom e " J :uu Kalblyo Hnre, and (\)ls Ie tbe Dalace. The populace howl e d and tongul!. '.'Do notblng deBperate. Don't yea r aIleered about ber pnlollQuln to the throw av..n.y your lite. I have 11 slBter .. ome, now. MIss Kathryn. no thinkIng; JOIIVO the whole business to me, wery gatea. Not in many a bIg rain in AmerlCll. Will you tell her?" . . they bad aucb excltoment. '·Llsten. Under no clrcuro8tanc B tho worry Il nd lhe plllnnlng, It we The fury In Umballa'lI heart might leave the canopy. The lions come from can 1'oac h my '1 lopb Rnts . · all ri ght ; baYe disquieted Druoe had he mown the oth or side, We are not only wo'lI \) 0 In Deihl wlthlLl .Beven days. ~ itll existence. going to rescue bill save you. AHend The reat oi Ihe goIng will be 8IS alml)hJ Katblyn. arrlvlnlt in her cbamber, me carefully. Uehlnd you IB II. door. lUi tallillg of[ a log." Iun. hersaH down upon ber cushions There will be an e.ploslon In the cen· Thnt Yank e phrase dId more to reud lay there Ilke one dead, nor would ter ' or the trre na. Tbere WIlS to be ba billtate her than nit bla assurances. Ibe be comtorted by the worshiping u~oth er uDd er our frlnd mballa, but From time to lime Oruc stole a ~dlta. Druce had lIe.ved ber thIs the batte ry was old. Press toward glane through th curtaIned window . tIlDe, but It waa not p088lble that be tbat door. 1 have th e key." Strngglers wero haste ning along close "Ab, lIfr. Bruce!" to tho walls. and t bere .wero soldiers eould repent the teat. Harin. convInced UmbnI\a. and tbe "KathIYlI. my name Is John," who ha d forgotten to bring tbelr guns lIOuncll that sbe would not marry ber "Tho lions, tbe 1I0UlI!" howled tbe frolll the elellhllIlt arena. Once he hoard th e c latte r o[ hoofs. A borse D;IInecutor, the <:onncll announced to populace. lbe populace that op. the .n ~t tete daX' 'fhe great,' 'tawny African brutel mau rail utongHltle the ghurrl. slowed tbe Qneen would confront the lions· In blinked and turned thel.r shaggy hea.dB uP. peer d down . and s hrugged. Kath. tb. elephant arena. Wh!t\~ co)ll,ll one 'lhla way nltd that, unenslly. Katb..lyn Iyn shrank towu rd Bruce. T he rIder la&n do against such odds? "LIons stood ve ry stili . How, bo\v could tltey procilcded 011 Ws war. Abmed recosbrouaht froiD the far NubllUl deaerls, saYe he r! .At length the lions espied nized him 98 t be fllll busso.dor from the Aerce. unt&mable. . her, Ilttra ted by the white ot her robe: nolghborlng prlncllJlltity, rul ed by a That night there was II. conference One bounded torward, &:Towlln&,. Tbe leumor, who WSF.! In turn rUled by tbe Trlppe~1 . between 'Bruce, 4hmed ,and · Ramabal. h d I it' B h , "They hav,e taken. my guus away. otser~ immedIately starte u pur~u . rlUsb raj, I{atblyn could not ~ ut· Yet a alngl guns bot when tbe season .t.ndGod knows I ClUI't do -the impos: uddenly the center or the arena out the leer oa hll fac~. opened ~lnd YOl1l1ever I)ould got .wlthln un. , Dy mldatt.." rnoon the gbarrt reached ..Go mile of tbnm." ·atb I •• uere the devil 'were 'your IIVJ"~"'W~ and a tremendous'. roar tollow, b ... camola, Ahqted!" ed. A low wall or terror ran round t tl O'ruCle's canll1. Ramabat and PUlldl- " l'hat Is true. I have ftsbed and "Umballa ~u hi. Iplo., ar nR. uro}.y this me sablb I\IUI all III gl'll$ted Kathlyn with do~ISbt. All Mllted '!vltb .t~th r," !MId Ahmed. IlIulllng, .. .' 'fIe' \'bb gO.dll wltu hor. ,A Jreat orevlce bnd their troublee were over. TIter hll4 "Sureiy! l' kooll forgetting that It'a · II bbll~ rap, whiob Ramnbal lIael opelled up between Kat111yu '4Id tb but to tlloun~ the ' elepha nts at;ld rIde t n to one you ,know more' !lbout garue • . IIWay. th'nn J do." . enough. "Ra- 110M, one of wliioh lay dead. 'l:heX! -l ~ t.llrrendered wllllngl)'l I_bal, thO\l conllpirator, what about came the rush towa~ the exite, a 'wad. "Ahmed," urged Kathl~'TI . "leave the Sllenc,a Cell upon th m again. On, on, who without .' "auillng, Druce was getting the powd~r mines you and your frlendll kfrantic ITusb. Not h even d Umhalln, b hat! gJlarrl and corne wltb ue," bJcl whea the late king Blgnlfled that new Ilat not t e go B ut man ' <;I , "No. mem8Ilhib."- hmlld gazed at sleepy blmself,' 80 he bogtut muuchltlg 1Ie was Inclined toward British pro- contrIved thlB hayoo. not ' eyen m· her IItrnngely-"J bave work to do. bisculla. 1~lg bter a.nd Ilgbter grew the .... ctorate1 Eh' What about the rG- b.IlUa wa\tdd, bnt fled, b~'t4a • • dowo muoh work. Allah guard you t" be ,ealSt: thE! moon dimmed, and by and by struck the borae with bls bemboo and ovorythlJag. grew gray and ' the chIIJ In ~bllc thou hadst dreams of? Poor all lhose wbo . blocked bl~-palll.iI ... -tool! It is In our blooil o ' be ruled by Bruce and RaUlabal dropped over careened nway. the all' soen:ied sharpest yet. l1dn,s, oppressed; we should not know t!/.~ r,a.lllng , to, I!athl)'o's ~Ide. But the "Let UB be offt" cried Bruce. '. "We Tbey were both .. ' what to do with abBolut~ freedom. key upon whloh ~betJ· esoape depended 60 miles to put between ua and SWiUP they stopped by a lItream. 'Therel Fear. noL Why abould 'l be- would not unlock the door. fre edom In fnct. We cannot make the Jlnlce dlllUlounted wlthollt having -the tnt OJ.,.! The mlbea. TI,Ie Imlna Is CHAPTER, V, railway. All, pack! 00 to the bWl' elll pbn.nt kneel and went to tbo "Water ~ wood... · _ ,a1ow and r emal\} there. You will be to 1m blEI canteen . . Tbe hUl)tel' In blm "But there will. be many of my The Flight From 'the Arenl, questioned, Tell the truth. There la becamjl Entereated iii the tracks alollg friend II there," lI&id the bewildered vyhen llruce dropp~d. .down Into the not an elephant I.n the royal stables the ban~[!I. A tlger, a leopurd," some Ramabal. Wbo was this strange 'man arena to Katltlyn's eTde he Baa never tbat Clln beat Rnjab. All abolll'd! No upes, and n herd of antelope had' hoim 'who aeamed to know everything? given a the pOSI!!lbUlty 'of stops!" smiling as be helped Katlllyn down to drInk during the night. Even'

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Adventures of Kathl".n


C H 0 Ie E' S T

raM ar.d UDPlIlH!tacl TIl tbll.. opportuntty to go wliltJaer be . U8ted, Willi aa gIant tern he \lIed to ant In til da.ys When be was tree aad wild In Cey.lon. . K'nthlYIl called out to the tMn.. )at Just Datural choice leaf skill-' tb )' tunn'a !lnd ~ d In terror. To tbenl fully blended _ that is what llaJu.h Willi amuck. The elephant I k fri ds f passed Ih.., fir ~o eloa ' Iy UIIH tb wind ma ~S SO !llany en or or bls 11U8liing stirre d the Ilre Into lite FA'I IMA CJgar~ttes, ' ullah. ; un d t lis lime It crept toward (f goo can/lf)t ICcure FolI_ O,ordlu./roM the highly Inflammable grasB . few !/OUr deofer, we I&!(/ lJe tH~auJ '0 ,~nd 1/00 ,,,hu ndr 0.1 ynrds \) yond }(nUllyn turned .pocitagc.t PoII~/o an' of SOc, AJdtCJ> POllma De'p'.,,~ 12 Fillh Alit. ,New yotlc,N. Y . to ~ .' til fI ames l eap Ing a Iong tb e It " ' _ I 1 j .:1 I" t; raHM. Hl1Jnh. g ttlllg ~ wblft' · of the ~tinctlve y naivfaua nc rJu 's llIok o, QuIckened his sh·Ltle. The tR_ 1/,. AL.':"~. ~___ _ UTe follo wed \l'ttlt amazing rupldlty CC'1. ",~ar. ulld s toPPlll1 only when it reaclled the • b d of Ii tri kllng 8tream. uo doubr a lorrent durIng the big raIns. A great l>ull or smoke blotted out ve ry thing In th real'; blott ed out hope. tor lIntcl' lI 'vcr' could vlek up the trail now. Klltbl Yll's oy s were teverlsbly dry !lnd bright. It WaS oilly n mattQr of lIlI1 0 wll t'n th howdnb would ISlip down the brute'B s ille. be pray II tliat she might die Instantly. Stri\Dge rnnCIOH IlIltrd througb hor mind. disordured by 1111 tltese daYIl 'o f IIUBpenaa nnd I' nor. . . . And suddenly tbo Jungle came to aD en(l: awl 'Q iailg plowed fi 'iii open~d Into vIew. JI yond I.hls field rose . a ru I.lIeol wall, brokef\ by a crumhllnl gate, und lounging In the gatowD), weru soldiers. Nenr by ware two elephants employed In piling 1011. RQjah, perforco, slnckelled bls . gait. :rhe ~o ldi ors became animated . Imme' d'lately the two mahouts charged their brutes toward RaJah, wbo stopped. H. had had his eport. ne swayed to nnd fro. Olle ot the mahouts reached forward and clouted Rajah on the ltn . n Hlowly. kneeled . The 1101· dlers ron forward to help Kathlyn out of the Ilowdah. At the sight of ber skin their aBtonlshment WtlS Jrellt. She wuo very woak and faint, and the Incre aSin g babel of tonglleB wal!! like II ttl 0 trlpbnromers beating upon II r aching h ad . On or Ihe soldiers gava llcr a drink of water. He held his eant n hIgh . 80 thnt the wator trIckled Into her moutb; po lIpJ! 'but hls own mu ~t tGueh tho nozzle, othorwlsCl, being a Brahmin, be would be defthid. Natives Instantly floCkecl l aOMETHING UStFUL FOR XIIAI about, jabbering in wonder. Some of B4II4a'''ftbeltalO,... the bold41r toUChed ber bare arms, I. IIlOOl If ~• ,Uti, deal. , caJlnUL 'Phe soldiers drove them baok angl'll,.. .. .D\>JI1""e ..III ala<lll T\lrough the preSB \l bor81'1mnn pushed .... I. l10U.llldl_ ~tdar-OD""D_" forward . The !!lder stsred I\t the . I., Il. WATKBMAlil OOJIP!\lIT !It range captlv.e. Slarted, and utter~ ' ,.,8'B ...... cl....,. lI... YMII an ' Itstonisbed cry. , "The white QueeD of Allaha, whom IZ!!2 _ _ Co,"lng Into LIne, mille own eyes saw crowned at \~e Durbat· tbere!" he murmured. "Oy the ' Two sroartty dressed youn/l m u sbroud of tho' proJ)h~t, what can thlll 'Were dlacusslng the present economic mean '! Stop!" he called to the aol- Situation '" Ith a tbird wboae hollduy tllera. ,Kathlyn, Jooked up dully. suIt, stTuggllug haIr nnd ,grimy band!! "Convey her to his bJghnesll the ku- betokened n holiday at 80me .d lstance mor l" The prince sbould decide ~at fro,?, a h.afrdr4)s·8er'S and a basty journey ·home. . ahou.ld be dOlie with bel'. "W II," observed number one, "Lhe The kumot Will! big and lazy noa ) eellsual, He gR.Zed upon l<llthlyn with pater saYII it'a Dot only Bonslbl , but eyes whlcb apar-Illed eyilly, like a cat'''.' It·s patriotic to eco)lomlze jllllt now, " Who is thie woman?" he demanded. BO he and 1 bnve given up tile two 'B's' "H1ghneslI, she II the ""bite queen and the mater the two 'T's.' " 1 His ·hearers. 100ke~_J!liZZled UU lie of AlInha, but who may l!ay ' tbat she' " eltplatned that the InlUal letters indlhere?" with a innUe lUI II VU as btl respect! "beer muter's. "But bow ~me she here ?" "Since you pu~ In that 'Way." It re~' to 'rld e all nigh t." , boundIng out. bead on· toward Rajah. The hOI'lll'man brlefty recounted tll4, gb8rr!, The el ppantll .tarted iorward, that wbo despllsed these foolish beasta. Per- eventS Il8 he bad lIeen them In the oa~ number two, "I've dropped the two , 's' . olfee and clltarettell." ready to convey them to tbe camp, ridden by Bruc~ and Kat.}.lIyn In the haps the old elephant missed All; per- ltal ·Allaha. Tile third man, ~vldelltly feellnr; out ... th e h ear tr .~u t '. 0 f lead Rnmnbal tutd Pundlta rollowln& 'haps be WIlH "Ull somewbat unaet 'b Jv f ree d om.J It ' to 0.. "Who Eire yon, malden?" tbe kumor ·hlB fallllre · to join bis wl1d brothers asked In Engliab, for, 11k!) all poten- or It, be an to explain that he had only hi m t or a momen L The con rU8 Ion all a few yards in Vle rear. Ah d h "Mr. Bruce, J am aure mc lUI the night: before; Bt any I'nte" without tatell IIttlo or great, 1~ India, he just got back from the North of 8cotabollt, tbe palll,o t dUlt, the ro~ng of the frlghtened- ltona which had eBttal;ed lIome Intormatlon regardillg father. I warning, be set olf wltb that. BhumlDg slooke EnllUsli. It prellented the de- laod a.tId hadn~t really bad tlme, you destruction, tbe Bhrtll cries oC tbe don't know ~bat. Wbo knower They whhJh sometimeB carried him aa Illctabl~ pttstime of ,conspiring ' In two know, to think It out, but of course palllc.stricken populac~, · who now m.a y have lied to me, 'He may b~ swlrtly 811 a horse. An elephant neyer \anguage8; tor fronl Bombay to Gal· he :d have to col!\e into line, etc. "l)on't worry. old ehap," In~rpoll8d looked upon the whlte memsahlb alf alive, alive!" trots nor really 'ruos according to out outta, !:rom Peshawar to Mildrall, Itulla the daughter of Shaltani' Ule8e dulled ' ''I'll return nnd Hnd out. onee rYe conceptl~'n of the tertIi; be flhumes, seethe,. conspires, and takes an occa· ,nllmber Ol1e. "You go OD just all you hli InvenUve faculties for the nonce. got you safe. I don't blall]e · you for scarcely lifting h18 reet olf tbe ground. slonal pot Bhot at some poor devil 01 are, Bnd everybody'll know tbat you' re economIzing on tbe two 'S's'-scl88ora Here waa the confuaion, properly thinking all thIs a nightmare. God The mllbout yelled and belabored the II. bOmm18sloner whose only desire ,I. pllUlned, nnd he could not muke UBIl llOOWS It's nightmarish. Do you know, elephant on the skull. Rajah dId not have tbem combine reUglon and Ban" and soap!" o~ It.. Possibly wben no further ex- I've been thinkIng It It appears mind tbisl beating at all. Wbatever hlll taUon. PllInt of . the PH.'mllt. ploslon shook the air. tbe mob and to me th(~t the king latterly took a dla· Idea was, he evidently propOfIed to "I am an American. Please lake mll "Half tbe world doesn't !tnow bow , the Boldiera would return out ot c'!. like to his' protege, Uroballa. and It fulftlle,d, uuulngly be dashed un- to tile l!lnglillb commJsBlol)er." ' ,.,' .... ".... And then, good-by! turned tlils !litle trick to make hIm ~.' der some ' branches, sweeping the ma- how Instinct told her that sbe mlsht the other hl;" f Uves." ·.'Out It baa tts ' lIusplclonll: ~ Bnt the lIight of a llon emerglDg haVllY. 1 dareeay be thougbt ,our fa· hbut olr bls neck. Th!! brancbes wltb not expect succor ' from tblR man ,with from the murk tbe wrong IIlde of the tber \1(lae enougb to remain away. \Jut- a 'c rasb 8,11 or musketry struck the how- the pearlB about bls gfOllS neek. "I .regret that his escel1ency ' thl'+,.,J~~~.l!r!~~~~:IW~~~~~-'---'=:~:;:;--:::;~~~ il ~~c::r!e;y~all~B~e~r:o~u;lIe~d:rib~l~m~~~~~~Il~~b;a~I~la~b;an:;g~S~b;e;t~w~e;eltlnl wind and wa- dah. but It held. thanke to the ' stout~ lior ne8S of tbe belly bnni2s and the care cobimlsBloner hili! gone to tradback ,with wbmcb tbey bad been adjul!ted Besides, I do .not ~now tbat you tell dellpalr; "there 18 no posBlble waY., ot backward. But voor round tho buge barrel. sQving me. I haYe never in all my there wlll loae hili gold for this. tbti truth. Still, I caD oller you wba' " Ramnbal hns always been very Bruce fltood up, appalled, For a time po"ads nnd emeraldl you may Ond til life Injured lUll' one, and yet God . makea me go through all thla. . . . Idndly to the poor: and the poor man be was Incapable of movement. Short your liking." I am mad,You are, the whole worJd 1.1" gentl rlllly defends his benefactor wben ~II the Ume Willi, It Wil.l enou~h to "You·r hllthneBS, t;her~ a~ those the rIght Urn cornea. To Umbnlla give Rllju,b such headway aB 110 ncell. whose COll1ing sbortly wlll cause you • • . Run!" Bruce laughed: it -wal tbat kind 9t I was only a menns to the end. If be ed. He disappeared ~ro'm IIlght. Bruce much annoyance If YOli 1'efose to ' gl". ahootlng at tbe me proper ' ald. There ta no lI~slblll laughter with whioh men enter battle. decl~ed hlmsei.f king, tbnt would Baw tbe futil1ty He drew Lal Slpgh's revolvers and opcn up the volcano upon wblch be beast. The only thing lie could do wal way for fOU to cover up my appear.· slrulds; but Ill! my prince consort., that to mount' up bes,rle Hl\mabal and Pun- IInce bere. Send me to the commie. thrust one, into her h,a~d. dita and gIve chase; an'd tbls lie did IIloner's bungalow, whore I may awliJl "Shoot at the keyhole. J.eave the would leave him fairly 8eeure." "On\y a . meims," mused 'Bruce In- tit short order, drngglng up tbe brulaed the coming lion to me. ·Wtth tlte pandemonium no my friendB,.'" .one will note the ,shota, o'r if the)" do, wardly, 8tealing a · glance at ber sad e.lld sbo.l!:en · mabout w~tb blm. The "Indeed I " The kumor I!aW here Umballa wall a purauln" elephant. ,wltb ~bls extra eon fIIct Jlot altogether to ~IB lIkln" wUl thInk that more explosions lire yet lovely prol\le. The Leopard'a Perch, on the way, I'll ,et you out of thlB man, for all hili! color; he WIlS human: bandlcap, Jlever brougbt ~jab Into H. wU lazi, and t~e~ twa. the damn· nightmUTe; that'a what I wae born and to see tills 'glrl It was ooly buronu Bight. n~t th e trait was olear, alld able, . unTelentln&, band of the tmder the royal pavilion. And Umbal- for." want ber. "Your fatber WIIS one of they folllllwe(\ : . raj Joomlng 10 the In and the council aleep in Shallan'a the beBt f~lllnds I had. . But. oddly Sorely that poOr girl waa marked ahrugg~, "A:c;hmet, call , "Nlgbtmure!" arms. Welcome, my lumbs !" ADd "There, now!"-as Kathlyn leaned enougb, I never saw a .pboto·g raph of tor IDls(ortuIIO. In ' all the Blx Y.C.BJ'II of the ~Ilrd aod have him ~rped Iaullbed nolHelessly. you. He niight line been ufra.!d we J5ruee hll.d liD so lI 'd llnJab . bo h·a.d runaway queen to Allab&; Burely, dIzzily agllinat one of the aupporls. "By the Lord!" gasped Sruce. "But "I've gone through a good deal," she young chapB, . . ." He paused ero- nClver e-xhlbl.ed IInrthJng but docility. may not meddle with tbe affairs ' of tbe tuses! . No, no. ~hlt1ed; It. cannot Bald. Wltltout 'more ado IIhe prea8ed barrasBedly. "U only you hlid taken T.he elephant waH not runtrlnlt amuck. friendly Ijta~e:j· ,With. a . 'wave .ot hi. be done." . tho muzzle ' of the revolver Into the me Into yOUi' conlldeRce on board tbe though .h~1 mtkbt. e~G\ltlla~lr ' v,ror.k blm- fat, bejeweled hand he ap.PCIll·ecJ to dl. , "In the J!.ouee of my frIend (~al $In&b key bole and tired. She beard a '"bot Yorok!" . self lnto that lIl!nd, u1\gov.erhable rage. 'inlas 'the matter fro.m , bfs' mliid, . ' Claere 18 a cellar full ot s trange magic beblnd her, another nnd nnotben but Wal , P~" t() luppl,. in Katbl:vn was 'led ..way~ •Th,! ~um~n "Ah, but did ' yoU offer me tbe Off !Lte that, wIthout the' slightest -ma,rtc with copper wires t bnt spit 'she kept on firing into IUId about the cbance?" ehe returned. warninlt! ·If Kathl,n ,could 'only keep mind eari IItand onb so many ihoetiL prpper.· the .veiy blue ftres, Eb. sahib? You and I keyhole till the reyolver was empty. ~~ cO~j"~UJll().~ . "J never reaUzlld ,lUi now tbat a chnp bim clear of tlie trees, tor tbe old elementl required .by., . the know; we have travel d ." /). nrm hnnd drew ber ulde, b'e too cloes lipped /lomeUmes. rogue woul" do bls beat to scrupe oft ,. The Qre.teat qeg,.e: "B&ttertes, herk ..Jn tbiB wilderness?" h~n body , f o~ ,r0Wth The lion"?" . here we uro,' In Hight together'" tbe IrlulolD,e howdab. Science' USU1'81 UI . ttiat there Is , "Even eo, To you, llnmabal. tbe "Oone to sleep. Let me have a wbn.ok Tbat nl@:bt tilr the first time tn maljy ' Katlilyul heard tbe ahouts tJ'o.m be- deflnlre mnlt .to tile' lowes£ concel.· regal!'. • ~-w:der; to me, the spItting wIres; to at that door," bourB Ka~b\yn cloBed her e)'es with a hind', ' but 'sh~ could not ' lIndetstand abie tenipe·~ture, ,and 'that' this ma, , I · IOU, Bruce Sahib, patience. Umballa """here's Ramabat?" sense pC socur[tr· True, It waB not the wheUler .th\llie were warningB or ad- be Jllaced with, qon81derable aoen..-c, To chilchn a.diIh , ahall yet ·wear raw t4e soles of hIs "We.nt hack over the wall. Probably most comfortnble ~Iace ' to sleep ill! the vice. Cpuld tb'ey o.vertakc ber at 459 degree. lJ,elow 8111"0 on the Fa!a. leet In tbe treadmill." of GraIM!"'Nuta ~ to warD Allmed; maybe gone directly howdah; there were ceaselelSlI rolllngs slle was, :fiung oftT Sbe tHed ". to rimbelt leale,' . . • • • • • oft toward camp. Anybow, he hilS faith [rom 81de to side, Intermingled with cnIl tbe "elepbf1l1.t talk'" Abme4 for ~Ut ,i- to It la beld that at aU temperature. OD the night betora the otdeal men in me ... · aplne-racking ' bumps forwar'd 1\8 the taua ht her In tbe old days at ~e .tart th~' on'~ io.d to, abO:ve· this. "abllolute sero" PUUo)8I\ • mcnred c:autlousiy about tho elophlLllt "And, 0 1 110 bave I. 10 baYe It" ,elep,\O;ot occasionally bast~ned hJB , but jllst I,OW IIhe was too ' llased. At of lIIatter, either 10114 of ·«aaeou.; are .turdy ~ arena.. .It was only after much porBruc~ bore hilS weIght Bavagely 8~rlde: Ro.tblyn sue~eeded In stfi!a1ing the end of. an hour all souada Uom the 10 'a 'state of "lbraUon, the more raJ> ....ion and ar~ment could B.fuce againBt the Iloor-once, twlce~ thZ:lce: from the god of Ileep only his cat rear OeaS434; no mo!'e pIstOl Ihote to Id vibratto08 correillOilclln, to the 'old the mea, At the testing at Lal and pltcbed forward on hie lrneell, out- napll. Often th~ cold WOUld, awaIteD encou.rnge .her wltb tbe knowledl8 that greater degree of beat. 8IDp's wJree trtid batteries they had slde. He was up Instantly, He caught ber, Dnd Bbe wQuld tlnd Bruce ~ad frlendll near. Rajab 'mutt AU-euch vlbr.tlolll w01l14 , oe&h .... BIIarted to 11,... ' Tbls was de-11'. /tre . Kathlyn by the bud ar.d burt:1ed l her been bracln« her by e:xtendlnl hie aum \two or three mJlaa. tlreJjl at' absolute aero. aad an..... • t .ilIe end of the arena., II) a bos allms; and all she could think of was aerOfls the howdah and ',ripplng the came ' lilto .man would Uqu~f7, ...lch Bruce to oc~u. by order Winnie rompin,e toward the canopied rat), , tbe WI Juqle CIt til_ ('Aunetl (~~WOPOBed to studio, ber father bait asleep on tile "You mustn't do that," Ihe proteated laat year'. MeP an eJ, UJ)OD bIii-"" UmlpaUa to verlUlda, and tIut leopard cat Iprawled feebl,., "You will bo dead til the morn- She vea in the __ wrbac hia iJaart) .. the UI".to the wIne DB the dinn. . ut "Sahlbl Huoorl" • YOlo. oaU.... , '"You mllbt fall aut-" . . laid. Tbll 11010 lI'U 1tlrOc:tJ)t over i'eCtl7 tile tIre"' .Y~=:J inI·" . IIIIIa'a't . . fA . . . . . . . . W1 ·1Da 9 'I re, RaJah a ....... GUOP1 wb.,.. the maboId8 "TId8 -.u!" "'lbaa ..... 01 ~ . . Jaat,









~~~~~~.~. ~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ··~~d~furedu~~~abu~g~~~~ ~,






BUild Stroni Children









.ad 'teP.larI)'. aire'







._•.•......... .•...........• '

told him -olbla cra&i&Uae to'IJards HN, lIa",1I1, hll auletJ to be 01 aen1ee to ber, , ":YOtl can't break i~to a. famUy roll', ..- - - - - - . . . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 'You bow," be was advised, "You'd :eet 00 thanks It YOU did, WI just thla WilY : Ir :\tllrvln could be' made to By' MARGARET MIDD.L£TON. know nnd see the ridlculou. figure he makes when he gets tu)) or cbam· pagne, be would probably be sbocked (CoPyrll(ht, LqU, by' W, G, Cha.p:nRn.) ..Into bebaVing blmself," • "1 wouldn't dreamot accepting- your "I've got Fan Ideal" mu sed Dord' half·prlce offer," said Mrs. .Maryln, slowly and hopetuUy, ·and ho proceedwith Hit tho liberal Ingenuousl?ells ot \!d to carry It out, He was a~ expert a new and bappy tirldEk ' pbotograpber. as has been ·sald, "I need work 1i0 sorely," explrih:~ed ,'fbere came to blm nn Inspirnt!on to Roal)'D Boyd, " that I am willing to uue his art to produce a 8/1lul.O.\'y I'm: c,ake a~ytbjng I clln get," ~ pre8!11on upon lbe reckl<lBs 1Ilarvln, He Wo.& a gentleman, Bhe saw tbat: After that for nearly t wo weekJi His face abowed oultured IntelUgenj:e, Marvin had a sbadow wltbout sus' "yo~ seem to be very anxiouS," sbe p~ct1ng . It, Secretly but diligently a. sy mpo.tbetic, womaaly .Boyd fo]Jowed bim t hrougb two of hi .. "lay, and mol'o tban anxIous was the recklells "bouts With_ the boys." It reply, was-' the morning ,after Ille last of "We ~re harrt pressed, my sick wife ~heBe escapades tha.t, Boyd appeared and two little children, About all I In bls private officc. know Ie pbOt.ogl'8Phy. Until rocently "Mr, Marv'n." he uald. os they were J bad Quite a lucrative position, pho- a lone. " 1 have call ed to show yOlJ tograpblng 8cenery tor a railroad ci;>m' some pbotograllhs," paol'. My work for them wru; eornMarvin had met him several tlmc:s ' pleted Bome time ago and I balle h ad and was ch'lI enougb. but evidenUy to pick up wba.t business I ~ In tbls bored, Tbe eaects of his prE1vious WilY,!' , . nlght's debauch bad unnerved him. "Very well. you can a photo' He was' unhinged, probably ashamed, grapb of tbe bouse-yes, and another possibly repe ntant, or the r;arden and print up balf a "The pictures comprlfle a lIerlee," dozen of 611.()b," went on Boyd. "They covcr the do, Alfalfa Enrlchea the 8011 and the Farmer, Two daYB lator, when Boyd deify, Ings of a mlln I deeply esteem, but acreage at the first ailtewpt IB not reo. l're« bls order, he departedtrom his who bas fallen upon evil ways, I (By V, 8HOESM~TH, ) AsIde from Its value as a soil lIn- ommended. lUI the rlflk at tallure In cenerous altnoner wen paid an~ wltb hope you will be paUent wblle I ex. the vromlse ot moro work, . Within hlblt them, o.nd then tell you how and prover there are three Important the handa of the inexperienced grower places that alralta mllY occupy on the 18 too great. but Ilhe alfalfa seed tho 'week Mrs, 10larvln sent blm to 'lYhy they were taken," half a. dosen wealthy 'friends, Then Marvin rege.rded bls visitor with farm: Seeded alone as a hay crop; should be mixed wltb tho regular seedIbe called at the bumble 'home of allgbt suspieloD, He gave a violent seeded alone 811 a pasture crop for Ing 01 clover and sbou ld also be seed, the photographer In her IImou81ne, start aud ftu'!bed deeply as he glai1ced hogs and under certain COildlUons edolone on a small acreage 'and tnla broUgbt dainties tor hlB InvalId wUe, at tbe tlrst of Ibe pleturell Doyd hand. tor ot.her classes of stOck, and for Increased from year to year uotn the proylded tor tbe children and scat- ed him. mixing with tho grasses ant! clo\'era desired acreage Is BI~cured, I tered ewsbhle generally In ' the Boyd Tben he forgot rancor and resent' Cor meadows Ilnd pastures tor all AJralta Is a iegumlnous Plant, and ·hl'ulehold, meat at this overt InvlUllon o( bl, kinds of stock, Under lSoll conditions closely relMed to the clovers, cow Of cquree. Boyd was deeply favorable for the growing ot this crop, peas, beaDs. e tc .. and like them Is able strictly personal alrall'l!, luI, Whenever he met Mrs. He was the center ot all the pho- It Is generally achieable to use altaJta. to take Its supply of IBitrogen trom the en bad Il Pleasant. encoural!lnJ wor,d ,tograpblJ shown, In the first be W113 tor nil three 'of tbese purposes, A atmosphere. It thUis Improves the 'dell,lcted standing at a bar, drinking good stan d of alfalfa may bl! expected soU In th e a'arne 'I1,' ay clover does, .... Ith men. some ot wbom he would not to produce more b ay than any of the However. after tbe a lfa lfa has been even. have recogni zed In bl s sober .lj1'8sses or clovers nnd the' annual risk seeded In the fleld tor severa l years !.Ind expense or seeding Is largely done and the nitrogen content ot the soil senses, . -The second sbowed him leaning away with, Every general or Itock lncreased by tbe decoy of roots. from an automobile. a sen selessly sll, farmer Should seed a small acreage nodules, stubllie and l eaves. tbe cro" near the barn as a pasture for bogs, will feed on tbe nl trnteR made trom 1y expression on hlB fAce. throwing COIUB to a ~ldeouB, jl'erblg mob fol. ... wellle rn man, writing about alfalfa, this SQurce and will take a s maller Mid : "A pig In an alfaU. fteld II sure pereentage 01 Its nitrogen from tIte lowing the ma.ohlns, to make a bog 01 hlmselt." atmospbere, The alfalfa tlllll1 does In a tbl,,~ 1 be was being held up : On many farms a portion of the ltOlI by two "tbor s whllo be made a speech is only fairly well sulted to the grow. not do as much to build up the nitroto a grlnnlllg erowd at t\ Btreet cor- Ing of -alfal!a; besides some of the gen. content ot the so li aftel' It ·has been grown tor se~'ernl years In a ner: .!l1ott'.er, showcd 111m cllnglng to graslles should be seeded to produce Held liS It does during the first two a · lam\iport. helpless. So down, the a hay tor the borses Ilnd to avoid the or three years after' s eeding, It Is, Une, " tr'iIt}lful delioe:it1OJi ot a tip.. da.nger at bloating wben used for pas: there tore, not advisa ble to leave one pIer's ~ragresa, • lure, so that it does not seell) , prac>"I sup-:los ," h e , observed. looking ticable to devote all of the seeded lield seeded lor an indeflnlte period up 1hl1l1l~ III a chagrined, sbametaced area or tbe farm. to a1lalfa, as good at years. or aa 100 B Il!i It produces way, \'tb!lt you wiab to sell me these all It Is, Even und er these condlflon~ satisfactorily as Is commonly ilone, pbOIOgTfpbs to got them out 01 the alfalfa, if seeded wllh some at the but to seed a new 1!eld 'whlch 'needs way?" (JaJnly Intimating .. suspiclon grasses and clovers. ususlly provell to building up and to pIa II' up Ihe old fteld, whIch should be In excellent dt blacPtoaJl, be a very ,,,aluable part of the muFo , $ply Boyd seized the package, ture; Tbe seeding ~loDe of a large condition to produce very satlSfaC IOry yleldB of corn and otber crops. lora 1'lle cnrds to fragmenta ana threw them Into a waste basket. ~ ............... ~--'"'....."'-..................- -.......-.--....--"""--..,..,., -.. ""'" _ •• J' recorded tor plants f~om large Beed It '%'1 lIr,MorVln," be lIald, "r only, allowed to mature; but no gain was wll!h~ teo bring bome to you what the observed when harves ted as green dear: ~oY:l1 wife who loves yoU BO . j e . tru'''' might f~el. If ahe eve.r saw you I-· - - ILI ... The weights nud sizes of plants com. '" Suppa,e That You Wllh to Sell Me \l8 1'0" haVe been Oh! slr:-" pared at dltl'erent stages of growth ,""ou ne~iI not go on!" cried ~arvln Thele PhotograPh.?" show tbat 0 continuolls and permanent pol rnailtly. opl'lnging to his fe ct, He Many Plants Mature for blm. Her friends helped her to bad selEed thll hand of his IIlaHor ter· advantage exists In favor of large ShOw Increase .in Yield and send work to Boyd, He found him· ·vently. _ His I"yell were tilled wttb seed, Plants grown t ram large seed ~row ,elf hopeful, prosperous, happy, possess more leaves Qf g reater surface tean., One morning as be cba.nced to pass _"Never again!" be said. "First area and 'bence bln 'e greater asolmlle.(By 1.1, B . ' CUMMiNGS,) tho eleennl honle or tbe Marvins, be s~ame, remone, Ulen epnte'slon, I Extensive experiments ahow that a 'tlve powers, , viewed a leene ,t hat at once troubled am going home to telL my wife that dlltinct advantage followl the use of him. IIr, ¥atvlnw&S ' just leaving Ihe need sit up .no more fearlnr; the hea~ or large Bced, Tbe .results at. ...~ 1I0use, '~e cauie down ' the ItePI' unllteady litep that 'h .. terrified ker talD~ with seed SQ~& with sulI.dry iWtlb AnCr1 face l e\!l.dentlY ,emUy · In the .put" ijeavon blllSS you tal' a plants are of 118slsta'n'c e In tho .eipla. dllllarbed, He was a liandsome man, true, b9Jies~ ' ftlen!! ! " nation at several points relaling to the but bl. feature I Beemed to ' show It ~was a happy-taced M:v, MarvIn dllrerencell. In maturity, lack at unJ~ of cil8Bipa.~lon, Pretty ' Mrs, who Called at' the Boyd hQme tbll noxt ,foroUty In lize. seBlon, anti quality of _irVIn ltOOcl l\'lthln the yestlbule, ODe day, a bopeful,bearted, Infl,'entl:r producUop. and ' Thawing of Sod hand enended as ·1f appC,a.1lnk to blm 81'IIteful ' woman. .'Tearfully lI~e told 'rb6 advantages WhIch accrue from land Puts It in Good Condi· to nltwit, Tben as 'her hUBband Mrs. Boyd of what ber husban" had the use of large and beavy sweet pea tion-Kills Insects. 811'Uftl' away aile croucbed back, COY' .done, Then. faclng tbe noble, em- leed are earlier blossoming, a q e r hell face wltb ber · ba.nds Ill! If barraalj!d ' fellow, .she threw ber arml total number of bl08soms, a larcer 0 · . .1 . ' (By A. S. L,EGG,) , I-_----JIII-~,.. ,di8trel\s, 1 around" h~s neck and kissed hIm_I numbe~.-u Qllsom er.e a d!versl f~' at oplnton AS' "Trouble! Oh, I hope not. tbough It 'mlgbt ,a dear, .-dellr Illt~l'. . Indicated by ·the Ilze of bloom and to the advIsability air plowing In tbe leems so;" refljlCted Boyd, Barely leD~th or atem, Plants grown tram large Beed are heavier and bear more Winter time, It Is gelBerally ' c~lDcel'ed, , ,,,aklng Artificial Fur., turllect on account ot ~III g~. however, that BOd l!ands should he lrIeIlc1, ,Then hl'a tbouglita were ab: ,Away up In tbe fTor:en regions of the IIIld larr;er- lateral brancbcs. plow,e d In the wlnt,er season, Tbo rul'tfy t!l.turbed as a frlendl,. hanel where some of the flnest tura Hubbard lIoQuaah and sweet pumpkin freezing and thawing of the floll puts u,.ic:hecl his shoulder, \ . the work or manuracturlD~ reSpond ,!ell to seed selection, Plante It In much better condition than it can "'HeUo,: ' Boyd; what you dblol In furs Ii carried .on BII "-' 11,1 ~rown from BDfall seed yielded a Jal'ler ~ put by plow and harrow after tbla artt.toc1illtlc quarter?" batled hll In more 1IOuthern places to wh:cl . number and n greater total welRbt of spring hal 'opened, . eballenge.., ~hom he recopiZed as an natural sit'l ns are shipped, trult, but .... ere. bow ever, markedly In· Winter plowing al~o destrov8 many . ,TlIe sklDI ' with the fur are frozen: ferlor 1II1th respect to Ibe and " old·tlme frIend: ' ,II am bavtn~ a'good deal of wcl.-!l shftved off and thawed and Imlnedl' weight or ripe tr1J1t, Special precau. Inleo~ that would damage crops If IB the nelebborllood." elplalned, Bo,.d, at'lly put throu,h the neeeaear,. tan· UOUI were found to be ~eee.8&l7 In they were allowed to 1I11e, order to avoid a mixed berite,e ' of .: There will be much' more. ~olst~re '. "kao. the'(MarVinIT' , D~ proceBII. to make 'leather, . , . laid up ill the IOU alld sa.ved for the I'Gb, l,~, ,Mrs. ¥,arvin ' has ~en. ' .The frqll:~ ~furl anl tJulwecl IUgbUr, leed. , The merita 'Of large seed ~ lettuee ' ule' of, the growing crop the next , a~.I ,(Dt8fes,t Ul ,ln1!ueoclog cOmmie- ~Ittln~ tbe , polnla ot m. far il~nl fo.,. me ti lIer socletJr 'circle," ~havecJ trom the Iklp to protrude from culture are shown'. In tbe' productlQn of year .1t the plowln, II done during the larger sel!dlin" an"lncreaaed 'Welght of winter 18&son than there 'would it It I nie~ little lad)'. tIlat," Com~ tbe'Oe: ' ":, " 'mented ·hll ttlead, "W. 't tbat 'her , 4 10lutioD of rubbell' Ie theD applied, early matured plaa1ta. .... hlch displayed Were lett until Iprinll:, . \ IIUII.....d who jusr ",aJ~ed, &lNay? A ~d when It Ie tbotOUlbly leC It Ie better bea4lq~uP' caPilblUtiell, earl.. ' The Caplllary ' eonllloctiou with tile . tel~o", "ut spOiled: MODe}'. , ~ :weD held tocethf!l' that It ill pro- ness and uniformity ,m Ii.llq the IUbaoU will have time to be renewed , oIt. ~d~ a cbarmlnc wife. ' bqt I·Dt!YID!Ded' even . ~~t'.lr' tb,o the ' real .head!; 10 Ihort, a~eoted earlin~ If the plowing III dJlnB early, This Is an Important Item that la Dot often 'OIl ill, 'aown,,'~d P!ith; I leu," &II "they IlJ!9 at,-oJller an" are ·aud quality, Heavy Ipluach seed outcJaaBe8 'llRbt collliderecl. ". bad not. beard 01 thatI" mur- hD!DUIle ~m; mollL ! Hed In weight of plantJ!. width and ' I 'liave made a praetlce tor several muNd Borli, yery gre8~y ~1'OQ~lecJ. , The proc:e.. e'ables some kiD,1lI "SlUt dqo'~ lIno:", tile , worst a,nel be M to be lO,d al a lower prlqe titan U Dumber ot leavel. hel,bt 01 main ltalk 7eara ' of getting ai nearly all of my a.nd general ea1'Une.u, '. sod lanel as I can t:urned b"tore II 408't 'r8aJ1H It." ~ went ,.eln the other, the IId\l was ~e4 with , tbe t.,. Parsley, a biennial herb whlcb .Qults freeZIng, , "sO.fir hll weabeia 11 . ouI1 Ptttna \,' . q~lckly renewlI Ita top wben cut' back. " with .. ""eI1 :c:n,wd . ot ~Id · . " Breatc..pnly ,ttie ,a ..t. ~UID8 ' and drlnltlDg ' chaIl)pape• ., !fhay were p~PIlI1Dr < to mOTe ~d gives' ~ot . m~rely larcer an~ ear. Il~i" 'I . , ' I' '" (:all Infer ,ryt that wf1L . l,w'l to Die m~ren h._elf ':'ft" i,lacktnC ' tbe ~o'lIiga, but Ih~w. I{Mter recupera-" tllIl~ ' Be hall a liOut lay ooca ~Da, '. Bl!Cl Jiact _hed a eet of \raal1: ~::d',~weri! whe.n t~e !&r8~r: seed JI ",ee" is broulh~ h'o lna joUy but be'-· and batter ,~Jitea , in.' ~hlcb lb. ~ ---.:...._ ·teroa.~ II aU IaYaP and dllgruntred &lCuJar\Y GeHahtech-a slmpl. whfto , ·Radlahea. ol1e of the ' a)lortm of the' next m~tng,. It'. br~klDr ·tb&t and ~d pattern of exquilite tlIn!nell ahort-term CroPI. I~OW cood r;aIna In Shaded and IIGOr little, woman's beart," ~ cue waa ml ..lng, Sbe bunted favor pI ~e leed ••' Sortlnl ,t !ie lir:ea Stems Are All waa a reveJJ:tlon to Joyal through the. ldtobelf anel bill flmptr from the lame' panlnt: gtva, a great tected From Sunsoald-Frult, . JilDe,111i .BoTer '. d he wae dee~, PUb'>'. ~d u a JUt reaoPt unpacked a contrast &II IOrtlq composite ameasy to 1rIeftd. . lira. Mal'Yin Called him In & aN'ly QIoled b<sI IIhe bad ~1let Go.· plel, iliowlng that rain. ma, be made a _ 01' two later 't\» ~ a.bou~ eo· lIb_ . Bbe , tliougll~ of · akln& Del· ~rrelpectiye ot the nature of the larcbac . . ramu,. pletuNI. He pIlID", ttle taltbfuJ oIl deaf maid. but pJanL Larce aeeda cI"e a more unl. ~ IJ. ODo)d trace '. rellHN~ the efl,!rt ~al~. to make her bear foma crop re~ for U,M !about 9Qe MfIIL' ~ in har mlUlller, ,the IInell ' too ~t. . . " 'Week ~ a4V&ll~ 'of Triall with lieu. ren1t4id in f • .,or bu- fblel7-ehll"lecl llllal bo. . .er~ wboM et. 11aNcI ~cb abe ........ ot the ]ar18 Hed.. The' adYantaie ~In. trqm the Of the ...ttJJecIt .I'4!IIl.tqr·~~ltIl,. aD ilia m,IDd, aD JIOlDt _lest. ....... c!amliwer to bar. ad·.I....Ied: product ~TOWD from lb. Iarp.aeed ..





Larger Leaves.














_1... the

. th.


w_ _a or




~'w~ otrHt ~ Ie. Jat.r ~ IIOD. .


~2>.TI_'.I.... .&_-::le~trIa1=!J~~~;..:= a~.AII.'



., feed iii. Wor~

1'Jae wlr'l fNrful devastation. of European

crope !au ca~ an lIDuaW demand for p.ln from the AmericaD CoIIUneDt. Tile people 0 the world mUit be fed and there 11 an 1UIuaual demADd

for Ca!;ladIaD wheat. Canada" iIIVitAt jon to every induatnou American i8 therefore e.e pedall,. attractive. Shs want. farmors to make money and happy, prosperoua home. for thomsel.... while lIelp1D~ her 1 _ _• to ralH immenal wbeat crop••

You can get a Homestead of 160 acres FREE and other !anal caD be bougbt at remarkably low.prices, Thin1i: of the money you can mate with wheat at it, pre.ent hlgb prices, wbere for lome time it 18 Iia· ble to continue. During many yeam CanadLm wheat fields bave averaged 20 bushels to tho acre-tDaJlyyields as high as 45 bushols to the acre, Wonderful ' crops alto of Oata, Barley nd FlU. MIsed fal'1lll_, 11 fully as profitable ~ lDduatry as grain rwlng. The excelleAt cr-el,fall of Dutrltlon,arethe only food required either for beef or ~ parpoeee. Good lIelloola, markets convenient, climate excellent. M!lJt&ry eerrillO II ~ COIDl>~lIory ill CAI1llda, but thera Is aD eltua aemand for farm lAbor to replace the mAAY YOUDjt IIItIIl who baye yoluot_ lor tluI war, Tile G<w. _ t W. year II f4rmcr. to llut utra acreage IDto enID. Wrtto for Uteratn.. ADd IIIrticulan a. to reduce.! rallwa1 ratee to 8lIperlDUm4allt Imm.Ivatlnll, onawa, Cauda, or .

W.!I. Nef!tery,IIOIllIl2,lafu. arND 511. Dlq..tellalUu. O. Cmadlm CovenImect AnDt


It Is a sare plan to keep your band on your .pocketbook ?fnen anybod y at, , templs to jolly you , nOX81£'8 CROUP REIIIRO:F, ONLl' "PEtor ","o".allY...... llla, Wc.- AJlv





A Little Joke, "W bat makes you tbink sbe'll ne ver cut a great figure i.n any man's lite?" "Well, you see how petite she Is! "Judge.

Red, Croll Ball DiuI.' mnke. the lnundreu harpy, makes clothes whiter than snow, Al lIood Krocen. Adv.

And They So Scarce • .Too . "While In Wasblng1.on I visit ed the navy yard and luncUed on a battle: sblp," ' ''You must bave a cast,lron dl ges· ' tlon." '

Belle.Lettre., 'Fwo authors' wives wer

bavlng t 1\ together, ' "My busbaod," said one, "often sits al his desk jU8t thinking a d thln},lng and chey,'1ng his penhandle," " As fo r m)- husband," sa id the otber, "He hns ,,1 ' dy gnawed olf a corner oi his I Yilt) , ter machine." ' Important to Mothers Examine caretuJly every bottle 01 CASTORIA. a sat'e and sure remedy for inCants and cblldren, and Bee that It Bears the ;~~

Rheumatism Just put a few dtOP8 of Sloan's on the prlinrul spot nn'd the pain stops, It is really \\'ouderful how quickly SlolUl's acts. No need to rub it in-lAid on light'l y it penetrat,ca to tho bone briDge relief at once. KUIs rheumatic pain i!lBtantly. )If" J am.. B, AlaandtT, oJ



BarpftlltU~ M, .• writu: ·'Many . train. In lilY bnC!k nnd bips brollabL 00 rboumnlilUJ1 in ~be ""laLla lI~rYO, I had It 10 bod 0 00 ni~bt OhLin, in oliAir, that J b,ad relit !, I to ~he minlJ~

I~ i. lho ev er Il.OIld,




tn Use For Over 30 Years. Children eryfor Fletcber'B O!J,8toria Couldn't Reclprooate, "Hum ho!" sighed the New llamp' s hire farmer, aa h e came In from clown town, "Dea con Jones WIHllS UHI 1.0 be pallbeare r again to his wife's rune rllL" "~"al, you're goln' to be. ain't ye?" asked the fal'mer'a better half. "I dunno. Y' !tIIOW. whe n lJ~acon Jones ' rust wife clled, be asked me 10 be a pallbearer, lUI' I dlcl; and thl'n his second wife dl d, B)l' [ was the some agai n, An' then he manled tbet PerkJu8 gal, and she died', aDd I \l'US )jallb~at' er to that tunel'al. An' now'wai, I don't like to be a ll the lime> accepUn' favors :~v lthout bel n' abl e t d re,

LINIMENT Kills Pain At all d.alOft. 2Se..

Send r';ur .,,,nt. in .tamp. tor a TRIAL BOTTLE

Dr. EarlS. Sloan. Inc. Dept. B.


Philadolptiia, P ..

.. - ........




You C~n't Cut Out A Don f!P" V1H.1'tlFt.' ur 'J'lIClltOtJ(llJPIM. \

rn 'em ,"



will d~an 1hcm olf permanently, and )' 011 ,~drlt f ht hor~ sa1lle till,(, Does not jllst~r or relllove the

To Get Rid of Pimples. hn!r. f.Z. 0 pcr bon Ie; deli,'ered, ' Smear the affected surface " 'lth . Will 1..11 ' · 011 ,oore if \ ' OU write, Cutloum Ointment, Let I~ remain 80011 .. I{ free, ABSORIUNE. JR:. five minutes, then wllsb off with CUt\, the a n t i~(I' c linilllent for ma nldlld, cura Soap and hot water and continue red uc t Var ic: ofe \'eill~, R"l'llIrtd \ batb,lng a faw nlJnutes', These fra' Muxl~ Itl Ur&U1C'ul.. nD.!lfuJ GbllJd •• Cuh?.... WC-4 '''7aa. AlI=rt Jgin q uickl, . Pr~ II .OlJ &fkl tl.OQ grsnt, super-creamy emollients quickly • boule _ dNuhte iJr IlcllwrtrcL \ti'bufl(':uUc:d "'1"1.1; b~ clear the skln of pimples. blackheadS. ..f,YOUNG, p, 0, F.. 310 T",,~ I~ !I., ~D"ngn.'d, MaiL r edness nnd rou8bness, the scalp at dalldr4tt and Itcblng nnd tll0 · hands of cbaps and irritations, For free sample each with 32-p, Skin Book ad, dress post card: CuUcura, Dept. X. fa Growinli Smaller Ever.,. Boston, Sold everYWhere.-Adv, #

The Army of

,C onstipation .

Fooled the Spider, Donald, who was a great fish erman, started to dreBs his Own fly booka. He wa's .met by a 'crony one da)" who said : "I henr you've begua to dress )Jer aln liooks, no, Ponal', 18 that true?" "It's a' that;' ,answered Donald "An' can you put thorn up on ony, tblng Dater"lllke?" Inquired the crony. , "! diRoa ken tor that," re plled Don, aid, "but there wls a spider ran awa' wi' twa o· tbem yesterday." If JOU wi.h beautiful. clc:lr, white clothes, Ul!e .Bed 01'00 Ollll Dluc, A t all lOad IIl'Ocen, Ad".

Fewer young men would 80W their wild oote If tbei should first atop to look tor a needle In a bl~ystack.



..responslble notonly give -they



~""'" bidl,nlioa,

. ' , Sick Ho~, 8a11a" SIde; SMALL PILL. 11MAU-' DOSL SMALl. Plue£.

Ge~uine. must


SigJ)~ture ,

~~~ . \



YNaV ILLS . 0Il10




Chrisl mllS holiday s with friends at August a. Ky. . ' .

Mr.s..Cynthia . ~vans

is spendi ng

i a

thCi~~~~~~t' hohd VS _wit~l'e,latiVeS, ~ . . .- -_ _ _ _ _111!11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


~m~'Ml'weregu 8,

And may the days of ,the coming year .ho)(l ,


Mr. Henry Sattert hwaite and' family. of Mrs.1Anna Cook. tUld fam jly Sunday . ~

for each of .YQP much of Good Chee r and Hap:. piness" and the Sunsh ine Record be wonderful-'


Mi, s EIi~b eth Stewa rt went Dayt n tOday, <where visit


at Fran'kh n ter spendmg a week with their ' c1e aunt Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ev~n _ .._s _~

to you these delightful pleasures in return for , those extended to us durin g the past year, the b,est and most pleasant year of oUr business life.


IS READY SALE DATES . 'Y5 J Me Stanley . ho' bas just gradua~ .(rom 1lh !oIo es Atlctio neering ~hool at "chicago ' is home ana ia ready lor Sale dIites. It would' be well to see h im. as h ilS some new idea ill

Kindl~ r~meniber

tbat we are always at your service'. and ever respond to your calls cheerfully.

t l;le

h~ D\1c lioneer ing 1j~.


Or phop,tl. New

~u ~s A~-P-~-ST-O-F-F....ICE



D " ,.'.



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eb ttis tin as



11 ,Ha ppy n¢'w Y¢att


To those who have favored us with their patron age 'during the past year, we exte d o'ur sincere thank s and can assure them that we will ,s tiive i t ure. as w~ have tried to do in the past to merit ' Q. oontin uation of their 'good will by courte ous attent ion fal'r d"'al' ., ,ing and the ' handling of reliable merchandise at lowes t prices:



m r;'I ....





MYER 9:'





55!551I [;l



::i::=~~~~::andidtn.~;~~~~: ~ ,

ly enlarged, in behalf of each one of our patron s. Accept our very willing ' offer to contr ibute '

Yours Respe ctfull y,

St. Mary'8 Sund~ School ~ntertainm llt will be held Fr,da,y ev~nhlg , at 7 o'clock at the church:


J==: JiEJE I==I( :JEi::::::::;:5I-'ElI:I5='E lEI==1[ ::1'11:



W aynesvjlle, Ohio




....."'''/n.I!'R EXPLOSION AT GOES Wheel Bouse No 7. at Goes Station eXllloded Saturd ay mornin g. and 300 pOUl'lda of , pCJw~er w.ent up in one blast. Th19 is ,the first explosi on tba~ has oCt~rred within a year, and no, (Iii t cause can be assigne d.

t , (






i--;;~~~~ ~I t_O: :~~t~~~~~,

--_.--- --

Thtl Philade lphia Yearly of friends baa iaeued an the people of-the United ' """''''''<t the leaaons of the War depreca tina- it.: in tbe Rtl'10na'Mt O~~~tl~~l

. .- - - - - - - - -. .




gaage that can be If we ar.e to have th.e ph·as: Ing 811 earqeet 1y 811 words lIPirlt of bumab ity can do. ure of assist; IIg peqple of this country to put A you in . all feeling of militar ism, ' '" • t)lJ~bts Uke a peIltilentJ~J ;, lilKbel' life of O8Uoll8. and eats' like C. M.. , j c~ttirfsr ' iee a gangre ne into the vitals of civiliza ; the r, ~c.. 1 he jc~ . 19 unusua lly ' tlon." , good thiS: yeat'", ~t 18. clear,. be.rd, grllnd,mottht!1' :and grandf ather, de 'l'he addres s remind s qs,that it is and blue Ice, and IS. rapidly bemg put voted a~nts and uncles, many poadbl e for UII to oppose God's will, in the shed~, t Tl\e Ice Is from 4Ys to cc.mpanlonB and a host of frienda to and be 119 given over to the worship 5 Inches,thIck. ' _ their loss. of force~ to the lust of 'and H ' fO'NTf"NO- N· OTICE' . With the excepti on of a shorp to the M1fisbr1e1!11 and of u stay in infancy at and Ii,e, that we go on year -. - - Xenia, 0 ., he apent all biB brief life bililding our battle ship!! de. 0 accoun t.. ef carrYin disease s in ~'tle. where he became endear ed stroye1'8, and . asemb,l ing OUI! ar:med ,rom one ~arni to anothe rg"I positiv NUTS e- ~o the people by his industr ious hab . hosta. u,ntfl at last ~e takeS UII at ou ly WIll prose<;u te ,the first p8r~y that Its,. wmnm g wayll and pleasan t WON" al'l~ allows u, to follow For ~reakfa8t Arizoria Oranges r I catch tresPAs sing ' on ~e Sattert h- ~mJles. OYSTERS ewn deVIce s-to depend upon ou th~ wai te farm opposit e Tetelir aph' Be:lng strong. actl~e We sugges and t ambl, Sutikist Asparagus BWO,rd. Then" come envj and jeal d25 . A. F. Millet. t1ous,! fe ~came an!'lO?S to. en~ CRANBERRIES',' CELP.RY 0081, sErite and ' , \~. • Grape ,' ,Fruit upon hIS ' chosen work m Heinz Plum PuCl~~ng ' hfe ' I Battlee hipaan d HI 1I0wlnt . ,;,. Aft¥ si>endin 9ne year in the Mothe beyond dOUbt that r's Rolled Oats Heinz Apple...Butter ' ,,FtIen .,...,JVll,m y ell n ' High Be 00 he began to leas:n abe peaCe -they have lecture on r~wnll'lg ! III tbat little Buck~heat Cakes clupen ter trade,. with hi1l ~l1<'tei Heinz Pickled Waln uts ?~~-';;:'_~';"",;..-_ _--:" :foun,d wlintina-. Tbey ~ in town you Bllld" you Were going laat Le8te'r Kenric k: last Januar y and Karo a .meDaCe to peace. ~ "ot Syrup Hei~z Sweet Pi~kles aUJlllller. did ;~I). . dhil'lce 88em to tol· contil!1ue~ a 'fa!thflll ~nd II:pt wo,;k Uni,~ S~tea tlt;y the more excellent lD'w '10111" t.OOt(j r~'tota, yes; Old OIey Maste man. untal r Coffee stricke n ~lItb N~nmi diphth lly" s Bo;X Candies eria, W?l7, ~e fmitfu l IItrlfes and x:ival. rose lUI one lIlall R d follbwed me to All thllt medica lsk Ill, loving hands, ri~ of ~i''' , , the n arest .freight.' tr~n,"-"-J1'lorlda and s.k!llful nursing co~Jd do w.a of Were It not be~r. that the younA' nlon. no ~v:all, yet he bore It all ,un~ommanhood and the vlnle strengt h of TIDies.U ' _ _' ___ • ' plammgly and witl~ ·, full conftdenr.e WAYNESVILJ.,E our natioq be ~~~ anll up- ' , OBlTlJA~Y of hiel recovery until a anort ti l1l e be· OHIO lifted to the Ilobiht y of'(lliril ltian r, ' vice. to the relief ofauffe ring, tofthe 1 h I fore hia death. -...,.,..,-,..As:he I18W the end waS near, he _~~~iiii~...~___ ___ _..iI.__.....,~.. ~the ,pQOr and .the outc8at . n ~ e W E!e. sm I~ hours of the said he waa ready togo if it was God's ",!!!~~~~~~~~ the world a better place t~ morlllng-, before !'he da ~n of anoth. ~ ? ~!!'!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~ , l ' , live in " : '. , .. Sab.b llth, ~he tired heart of Mrs. will. .He: was a mQl1lbe rof the Lvtle . ', ' Roo.te ...• Immense Tall Feathe, .., ', . _ • " . Sq~JIl:e~ ceased,to b~at and M: Eo ~SilndaYr school " U'ndertak!pg 'to ,breed roos.t Jrs with ELECTION OF DIRECTO~S . Not R. IX "aentj" "Ltt '" '. gentle stl1tlt ~ook ,~ fhght to will pe a vacllnt<chair. wnere there . . but one ' aim In view. tb' a t ' of lengtb. . All anlmall, ''Whether t quadruP «la GO,d who gave It,. to sp'~nd a MV. He 'w as always a favorit e with' his enlng t he tall featber s, tb6 natives The regular annuill meetin g of of or birds. that feed In hanla aN' aald ,endmg Sabbut h. wlth HIm In that associates. and , always ready to (10 the IBland of Shikoku , Ja pan. bave to place sentrle l on the outlkIrt 8harebol~e1'8 of the Waynesville ~rlght and blessed B ,of where there his part. He has fulfiUe(j his earth· produced. after Nation al Bank. ,ofWay neBvill e, Ohio, IS no pam or norrow, , a hundred , ly mielSion, and has gone on before. lient el!ortll, 1I0me marveloyeaI'I or pa. their party. It III, howeve r;' oth1ou'a fot the electio n of DlrectnrB to serve V.Su~a~ France us resulta. the,t wberev er tbere III a collection of s Adam~ was born In ' • It Is of record that tall feather . 18 8.n.llnal8 feeding or during tbe,~sU1ng year~ will beheld Irgmla, S .pt?mb er 19, dow'll :there'"' 1'838. and He t~e young and strdng who cher at its Bankin g Hoase on TueSda' departe d. thiS life , from her reel l.n length are to be Been on the will ~e me.mbera of Ifln. the grqu, at the , home In lshed . . island Januar y :12th 19! from' 1 toYs Wayne avdle. OhlO, Decem ber 20. , Noble longtu.g corn'era W~II, by their very P9altloD, s fot: the " o'clOck p. m.ll· , ' .' " ' become ..aenUnel.... . 1914, liged 76 years, 3 months and 1 By the roa~9iae dstrife ' good Cutter Hletah andBe liB . p~riabed. !!!!! ' !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!! , . J. O. Cart right. caa~ie1' !!!~!!!!!~~~~!!!!~ : day, ' .. for. SlC~. Calion O. B. 8arlaG e, . , Bray-ely , J'lyin~ up hlB life. , . Dee,~. 't. , ,I . . At t he optbreak of th~ CiVll, War The,fu R. D, 4, ~"to.VI lle. Ohio. waa held at the -Lytle . j8 ' ••• " ~' m ~8a 1, the Adam8. family !Ro,:ed to church onneral Wednesday at 10:300 ('.on.. I "or Artllta. . ' Ohl. and settled .in the 9 f ducte<I ' by Rev. J. R "roxel l. ani) • An artfat .abould be' flt for the best Sprmg Valley, Green~ "'IIII! III"':i: County p" B' Thomp son. lntermt lnt made aoclety and keep out of It.-Rus kln. 3 Hot-re she tpet: ~nd .Jater . • qctobe r in Miami Cemetr y, .. " -"!!!!!!!!! !!!'!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!!'~!,!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!'!!'!!!'!!'!~~ ,1::.65, was umted _ In sons marria ge to to Fen t n Squire~. ' Four " ,' came OARp OF THANKS brig-Me n their home anll to tenderl y ~ . fo r (i'~ther and Mother in later .yve wlsh to thank the fne nds and . neIghbors for the lIlany deeds of . ~ u ue: 188h. this worthy ' courJle kindneS s shown d~ring tHe um ted wlth tlle pri!Il1ti 'Yfl Baptillt , and fteath of our son an~ 9i~"ne8s . brothe r church I Middle Run where they Also ' to thank. those lIVbo' render ed rem ai ned copsiatcl1t an~ much ,loved t)lem(J ~ic) the membe rfl unW God B w fit to r~move ~ve iI.owere, an~ the onesth olle who w.,hofq. r their' membe~h ip : to that g reater m ~h~ automo biles for conve~~ tlce more glo 10l,1B Cl'\urch above. of friends to <:emetery. ; . The Stotk Ju..... . School Will be held in, Cross , Dccern ber 21st;, 1906, Mr. James ~ohns ~d FamJly . preceed ed h it:! beloved ' com· . "", Bill- lJ:hpIeme.n t Roo~m~, on .' ~ panibll to Hie Better Land and . .' that ' i me ane has ' rna e , her" nome . " . . , : with "I;'r sO,n , J ohn. whose great~t care \lnd thou/{ht has ever J>een fdr ' , motht!r's happu'le!19 and cQmfot't, When"'ProteS80i'.'Coffey, of ' the. O. S:' will be Mrs. Squires was a ' true,l whole, , here to do the judging, hearted Christi an, a:.Iovin·Jf and 'de ' voted mother and a «ind and obligill g frif,lnd, 'a true· Viriinia~ in : all , that; JiOIU1Es. nEEF AND DAIRY . t he naIDe' fot' in kindneslJ'9ind '. hospitalitY,s~nds '., , ' CATl'L E AND BOGS ' • A·Jj.t,tl incident , whtch occarre d , At $»:30 the ju~ging of 'Draft Horses w~Il ~e, pl8.ce, after last h mmer, p'~babll shows h~ .wlUeh willwill be be ]4dged . .Mter dinner , at ~ O.clock tte !U1dbeef Hogs true judged charact er better '' thaniring any With ', wQrdaa ' Dairy Cat~~~~~~~~~i~II ';;"'7--7"-.:. of e\11ogy. Wflile 'C\)nver . The in all these .:---~;...,..~.,...-:-----~-...:...,;~--....:;.;tiJ!i.:1 classes is F :eE, but there ~ill friend be but , wJJom she had known ·ellami ned. for I, ' , many years. the friend chance d to "-'--'.":,'.,_;" ,____ ,_ . A ·FEW . 'I "'EMS ,·...B ... MOD ' Dam DI-S WILL BUY , I.' ..~ ,I.' all ~.... is bet.. fO,r '\he pu~ 'of caU her, " Old Vil'gin ny." "Yes,'" 'I' Coffee Grinder : was or rep}y~ ~'I am a Virgilli an and I' ~~~';~~;'~~~;~j , -the·.w ork is - t. _t_~___ M t Cb d ot ' mightyh prou.i' of it, too. Vi....... ha __ ~. ~ianll . . . ea obile opper'" Autom va t e kindest Marts, and .... are the Will also be a Milk Tester from th ~r'TJsese most milk and' hosplta b19 , have it l)eOple. you will fiJid I i, any place. II Her daIJy Games . Sand Pails Ilfe . gave Ii ' Banks;, Trains of cars ample p roof to the· truth of thiil Circus WagoN . ' TelePh ones, statem ent. . ~:1i ScaleI!, Dishet. Tin .ad . 1l !;~,~It;Bi~=;






Mills. .












~ur~~y,. , Dece~bt!r "31; ', 1914, '

Certificate Be-Extandlng,


', "', £S DRAFt' 4 CLA SS

~e ~.1~':':""<I.

' ' ~ tested: ' IT IS FREE , REMEMB


i, ~


i!~~~~=~~=f~~~=J I

- -- Ste:. .

" Bt~ '





Whole ·Ninnber '3297

~-.;......:_. "!' ~ f ~OU~lt~"f' STOLEN AND FOUND IS A VERY SICK MAN , Persona) .MentIQnl., Warren Keys, of Centerville, Word was reCeived here last week *_____ - - ..., bought a Fo[(~ machinp in Daytoa from Van Wert to the effect that





The third number io f the loca Charles H. Whitaker, son of Oiiver Lyceul1} Course will be givt>n hy The snd Hanmih Rebeckah Whitaker, , • lllRt.1'uesdBY. Ttie· machine was de· Mr, Jas: Stoops was very ill. His Six University Girls,. in School Hall was born in Clinton ' Co" Indian School. Hall. Monday evening. '. livered to bim Wednesday and ' on malady started in his eyes, he having next Monday evening, January 4th, March 9, 1842. and departed Mr. an'o Mrs. Win Salisbut:Y had . ( .. Wild stolen. Mr Keys im· su.,:ered considerabl, from gran· 1915, This company is a ladies or· . life December 1 , 1914 at the age as their Sunday guests. at 4mner, Will uppln-cutt i.~D!'Yton tdday. theP & D. t\s- 41ated eyelids. ~boutt~e~metime chestra, who combine lnstrumentlll 72 years, 9 months and ~ days. Mr. and Mrs. Leon S8hsbury, Mr. " he is a member, a bruise on his ankle developed into and vocal music and readings in very At aTl early age he moved with his aJ,ld Mrs. RusseU Salisbury. Chu. Sumsberry w. It\...Uayton went to Dayton to blood poisoning. He was .brQi.lght delightful program'3, ' Ther'rlscome parents to Ohio. 'At the age of 16 ~\lnd!y.' ·.' · .', ' 1 up. After several to Dayton to hig bome, whel'e he is very hiv.h1y recornmende e,nd you years he was converted and joined . the ,D~ton very siek anhe ·present time. will miBliI a treat if you fail to hear the Cumberland Presbyterian church Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwalte , . , '. hours, , J. Wbite. w.. a , Ojncll)D.aU 'Pffice~ .eame to conclusion that . " ~" . : them. Single admission, SSc. at Pleasant Plain, Ohio. had for Christmas di~er ' ~r. and vlBitor 1~ Thura:iJ~' . . the m!;ln who 1)ad sold hiB machine . ' . • During the Civil War he served ,Mrs.' Fred Staup, of Dayton, Mr. . . .' al:ioutwhere it was. and after FILLING FOREIGN O~DER "VECiOS" AT WORK AGAIN th'ree years te preserve the Union. and MrS, Max Compton, of ~pring . Elme! Rogers ~ • bUBineB8 "thil;d" ~ was Kiven to him he . . November 25,1869, he was married Valley. '. . v.ilitor In ytncinnatl I...t week. he would 'produce it, which he Peters Cartridge company, at The pl"stoffice at Yellow Spring!! to Sarah A. S~ields, ~ which union DIan ' ~m' ed very a·"'v.,·ous nKI·lgnhllSttoMfilllllsa'n ieBnWoromrkoiutlsk odrd:>eYr Bfnod was rifled early Sunday morning and were born nme ded chl1dren'f twho of M.r. and ~rs. Seth Fu~as had f~r :' M . iiIB Edna.Satterthwaite I. ~t tb~ f about $30 in money t aken. The wh9m have precE' . l_tI I Da'" .1 ~ .. t he at er t o Christmas dmner Mi'. apd Mrs. Will , week end With ~... vee n I ~onl the' money for he came here ammunition for the Belgian army. thieves blew the sate and scattered thei r Heavenly Home, • . Frame, Mr. ,and Mrs, Joseph li'r4 me, ~ W"'"t clon from Day: on e<tnelKl~ tq get the ~beck Shells of tbtllatest make and powder papers all over the office. overlookfng In the year 18 2. he umted With Mr. and ¥rs. Harry Smith" Mr. and 1, }-. ...o:u ~ c~; 1lI Ch..l"I;m· casbed, bqt Cashier Carflwright ·are included in th~ order, which is a drawer that held about $2500 worth the Ort~odoxF.rlends . churc~ at Mrs, DaVIS Fumas. , to~ to , t hOqJe ot. • .~ 88 would not pay bim the money as he of sufficient lIize to keep the mills of stamps. Blood hounds were put Waynesvill e. OhIO. He rema~ned ' , dl~~t . • WIlS entire stranger and 'no one here on the boom for several month s on theilr track bu t ac'complished a member of ~hat . church. u'!til he , Bel7bel't'Edwli'ds and 'C~l') Haw~~; eould ident,fy llim. . ' to come. .. nothing. ' moved near Kmgsville l Ohlo :m the Mr. and Mrs. Ghas . •Rye en~erav here with ol·Dtyton ' s","nt Sund the man gave, ~~~~~!"!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~!'! . ~ <~~~~!!!! ' !!!!!! yea.r.1905, where he umted WJth .t he tnined Christmas Day at dinner lrr ..~. 'N' • r - ., and the . _ Umted Brethren church of that M t · d' . reIative8. ~ .one. It is . place. , He remained a member of a~d Mrs, F. C. Carey. . r. an . rs . MI. Edna 'Janney, of Toledo, a~ nt>iuht'OI"R of Mr, Keys in ... this church until his Heavenly Father Ed Hartsock.and sun, and, th.~ MIsses rtveu bome tor theholldQ8 -Thurs- ,~~tElryi~llflJ th~'8me man came I called him to t he Ch urch Triumphant. Pearl and Alice Caley, day everpng. machine away from He leaves to n,ourn his lOBS, a wife ~Nt entertainmentof'the yar- . arrenth-;:~rott~ht~~t~~:· now, ~~~lIi~hiId~~~~~g::eg~:~ili~:,Ut~~:~ Mr. and/Mrs. Ha~lie ~~thaW8Y,. of ' 'S ix UnivenitY Glrle, 8cJlool, he saye be will double lock itj sisters and a host of friends. Route 4, had a family. dUlDer.Chnst- . , uondav evenin ..... ' it g~ts away from ~im apin. TO BE HELD IN Although his suffering was intense m~ Day. The followmg wer~ pres~ #, • - - -. . .: . . <> he bore it with patience, nev~ r mur- ent, Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Hathaway, Mrs Wm. We~.r, (If Dalt~: '.BEEN }lAVING · FiNE SPO~T " .. . moring. nor complaining" As the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DOdd and Mr. ~ tb, IlQlI8t of ~b.. Sa r8h Raper ' . . BickneRS which troubled his body Carl Dodd. " . &turcfay and Sundq.· . drew him nearer death, the pain. . .- .. which before was so severe, gradu· ~r, and MI'8. Go.R. lJul'ln~n enter. MiMeA Annm BI'G~of ~"nla, aDd ally became light and he closed this !;ained to Christm~ dinnet Mr: and Mam-;'Brown, of U)lumbua, are 8leii~hing life, not in su/I't>ring, but falling MI'II. Ed . Bogan, .Mr, and M ..... Geo. here for. their V~Ob . 8TA:rE IN.TRUCTORS peacefully asleep. to wake on that Bogan, Mr IlIld Mre. Raleigh Bogan, celeslial mor~ with Jesus and the Mr.: and Mrs. Horace ·F• .Compton, lC r , and Mr=s. S., Lamb, of Frank Blackford ' Eldorado, Ohio redeemed , ' Pli88eS Ina May Compton, Edith DVtl)D ip'8 apenc:tlnc the Chrla~ Mrs . .Ida Durbin F rederic1 to wn, Ohio ' Bogan and Lelili Bogan.' . Ob' Aaleep in Jesus! Peaeeful r~t, ,bolldaya here with NIatI_ , C. W. Montgomery . Wooster, 10 Whose waking is supremely blest: -Dr. aDd UN. B. :'JIathawQ No fears, no woes, shall dim the flour anl;l , Mm. ' Walter Smith en-, !P8n.t Cbriatm.. . , witll ' M"•. ~~~~I'lIM~:t'l~~~~J! Which manifests the Savior's power. I,ialrtained the following Christmas l$atha...,'1 paJ'eota ____ sbo~. ;t CARD OF . 'l'H-\NKS , Ml1. ~rs, lTeff Sml~, Mt:. We wish to take this .means of, ex. ' Werntz. M,;<.~and pressing our sincere thanks to our RObert Mountfriends for thl::ir ·nian.l acts of and G~ , Invocation-Rev. Grauser ness, words of sympathy, and to Music those who so kindly a81!i8ted ih 'any . way, in our recent sorrow and ~ Mr. and Ml's. 'J.• E. Janney ~fjer. Readin$ and Adopting Miuutes reavement. tained at diDn~r Tuesday the lotlow,. Methods of Com CUlture . . Frank B1ackrord Mrs, C. H. Whitaker and ChiJdrtln gl,lest. inbonor-oftbeit~~, DIscussion opened by S. tev. Cartwright ~----''r Walter Wllijams and tHe Miaees C • and M&'i7 Lewis, ot KlnJrman. Labor Saving Devices for the Farm Wife, Mrs. Ida Durbin OBITUA ny ~ , Those J'ea8D~ wep-ttie Mislee Belen .Discuuion Jed byiM'rs. Mlm~enhal1 .: Qathered to hiB at a ripe , Arternoot18eaalon- ,I : 15 old age when the lJuna;e~ light ,was " . " shin inK abouti bim, the death of Music Allen Haines comes rather as a matI " . I' , . What Can Bel Done' on a 'Small Farm, C. W. Montgomery . ter of ' reyerence than of 8OP-OW, Mr: ~d)l~ ~ L. H~., en-' No doubt·the pel'BpeCtiveof eternity terWned, then: cllildMD S~ At a . • Discussiop opened by' W. r. Flame • J w ere . would show us that there ,re no fan,rlly ~iDDer. Those Alusic •." mSl,ttU'A deaths,. arid . 'that the divine Mr, ana Mra.Areber. H , of Drain~ . . • . Frank Blackford orOler1l1a is over the death of the DaYton. Mf.. .n!i Mrs. Fred H~ as well as: of the eldest: and daughter. Mildred; of Monvw, Di~us9ioli by Jason Sb'E:clJan, Michener, :stnp,!D and other~. our limited point of view, Mr. and. ,Mr.. ~.. Bert . 01 one h~ lived a long life wen, 1, 8nd l4iaB ~tb . • Lad....· Seselon-Frlday aftecrnoon-.1115 hllB retained mental vigor to ' the last, . and then passed quietly into tHe ." .: .. ' . Held at F~ends R!!d Brick ¥eeting Hou~e Father's hands attaUns preem~ently MillS SarBh 'sattintbwaite, ·aIid.It.e<t .' . r Music , the completioD' of.his· Dlltl,lral life. by. her brothers, Ha~and. JlIJIfI811; ., Prep~g and,. Serving the Farm Meal.1 ;Mrs. Ida A. ,Durbin Respected and esteemed py 'a wjde entertained their Su .Bcijool c;1us, circle of lrien~ds, Allen asines de- to a Coai\tlng party: on.., msrht Discussion by Mrs. Fhultlc Jones parted, this lif" at his home in Waynes after which a two-cOurse -luneb,vas . Music . . '. viJIe, Ohio, 8t¢day evening, Decem- ·served. Those present ,ver-t"MtMea • Reading-¥iss Justina E~rtsock ber 27,1914, aged 90 years,6 months Frances and Olive Wiljon, IDa COmPand 22 days. . . r ton LeUa BopJ;l,' Ami...,Furna'l llil· Music The son of Jonathan ' and Naomi dr;;d Lair, Editb Lair and. ieisrs Sanitation in the Cou~try Home and Sc,hool, Mrs. Du~bjn :. dines ,natives of New .J •be Evan Bogan, Weldon Wilson, Luther · ..' Discussio~. by Mrs. Cbas. Hough, was bom in Warne ' township, Haines. JesaS~I8J ' Fred and~ock, ren county, OhIO, on the. far'll nnw Walter Stanley and F~, Music oW,necl'by Goo. Gilila!ld, Jllly 6. 1l:S~1 • _ . I g. He was ·.reared and hved the greater EVel'llnc 8eaS10n-1'1'~' part of pis life on the ,ho~~te8d P.OULTR~ , S~~"' ,.N?;F~ · MU'sic .4 ~I~~~~faritllv of ;2 children ' he' is .: tile 'po.:il)~i'Y"sbow" l ir)~h be Tbe 'F~~~r Q~' " Bti~~ss ~an, ' . . . Frank 13lackford aurvi1o'ed by but ' ont> ' me.mbelt" ,a sis- b~ld here, JaJl~' .18','n; ~ Bna 16, ' .,Rea(Jjplt-Miss Edythn Macy . ter, M~ry C. Satterthwalte. " , Will lie tli~ ~t.tb/l~ b.a s. ever beert He was ' marri~ , Sep~mber 17, hel4. Entr\es are coiilln,r In no~, Ohi?~icult~ml Experim~t Station, C. W. Mo~tgo~e~ ,to Elizabeth, (laughter of John and by tne time of tbe !tiow itlooks .'" " Music •. ,I 1.:.1 . .,. . . . ',,, Smith, nativfl9 of Vir· though ex~a apaee'Wpuld De de · 'Appointment of. Committees, thil:\ uJlio~.Mr -Haines and ,manded. . .. , ' , . .. ,. ~hildren only .two of Ora Overholser, a will I . 8aturdaY mornlng-9130 how JivIng. Mrs, 'Naomi 1le here and attenil , .1 " the Ferry , neighbQrhood known all Music-;-;stokes. Orchlestra .. v ......" .... G. Haines, ot Waynes· a g!>~ ,ji1dge • . " Fertilizels' " . . Ct ' W, Montgomery wife died, p~el'f!ber. 1! ~et w~( is}~~mUlll ,. ~blsi.~ ,. . 1853. In 1854 he wall. married to ,. The", Cynthia 'Ann, ' daughter ,of Joseph tered' !nt~~B!~~~~~~~;!eI~i "'.u"•• ~_ . 'the Fllrme'rts.Ga'i:den and Orchard I . ' . Frank Blackford and Sarar Mye~~ who. s1lrvlv~' . him. will ·Jllelilirbt~. , Mlisi~stokes O~cblestra, POS/iessed 'of a cordlal and' genet'~ ..... w .... ..... ._ ••• ' _ _ _ ••• r', I pus nature. be was never . . Aftemoon 8_lon-'1100 thlln ",ben entertaining, l,nUlm[Jlel'·s his friends and .uqli~~I[:!II~1 of t he Primitive Balltist lOOking: caI1,eitf. which h~ was a devoted and A Auarter of'a .c~entlury ~"':"'~"-4~-"t~r mote ~U{O be 1!l4. tHe , farm moved 'W Wayn~vi1le, ",nere lived a retired life, meeting MIl8fUII1y and cheerfully the o~:;~~I~~~t!~~;,1 , , and infi,rmities If ~ ' ~""'~l"U"'-'-' , , , den$ yean!. - He was a J President . of the·Odd, Vice Pr~sident ,.' " living 6Xlloll,imt Secretary·T~easur~ , order. ~1;~:~1l~r.: Truth. The ~·:r.;. It ., gent fatlier and loya) EXEO'fI1VE COM.MITTEE , his klt\4ij and his .co~~~;~~t1j~~, I . legacy f a just . ~d . . seth FJamp FTank Hart.s9ck , May IJrilt ..,.perpetu:'" Em.' BarnHart . ·lIrs. Jas. Vandervoort him; and Ilis end be peace. Mila Lizzie 'Cbami!Uer_

W :







SchooI' HaD, Way'nesVl"lle n 1 and 2• ., _ " Ja.


Prog ram'



iiO~~~dllt:'!:n ~=' ~8JUI~th


















erowd of nergbbon. bat hi, 'GOlfe .aa Dol UJ,ero. , "It'1I be a b ud blow tor Mary,~ one of tbe crowd was &lI.fing. "Poor J im !" Driscoll recognlsea h im :uI tbe loCal cltu gglet. with whom b e had been on bad tt'MDS tor yearB. He clenched hie ns te. He bM"d the man's hypocrIsy By ARTHUR OLEVES. even more than blmllelf. "Now tb rO'H many talks aga~nst JIm, bu t h e wlU!n't auch a bad t el· .T\m DrlBcoll round h1mselt upon bte loW." broke In the 8hoemak ~r. He -eaec. staring at t he wreck of the tra.ln was a man Damed Austin, with 'l'bom In "hleb he had been tm~llng. ~I Driscoll bad bl\d a reud of several ~t ' Wm hiy the daad and Injured. m.onthfl' stalldlng, on account at IJo tlDd the carriages. wb lch were bel;lo· busine8s mIBlllldereta1)dlng. "When Q, ' . Ding to catcb fire. U1l1mlned rhe nlgbt man'e CTIlIlky tolk8 ma,kee allowancea . 1rtth a lurid glare. for him. 1 tel1" YOU. II. man who can It wa.a In the mlddlo ot the moun· ,keep the love of a woman like Mary ta1I;J district of Pennsy lvanIa. Drls· DrIscoll must. bave Bome I;ood In him tIOll had lert hl8 little town In 1111nols - It 8tands to reasOD." to gu to New York. It waa his first ''It 's a pIty there walIn't no cbll· Journey III te~ yearB. A dlacovery of dren: ' sighed MIle H emans. tbe ala· .U upon hIs property bad given him tel' of the butcher . "That's wbat ate &lui promJse or wealth, ond be bad set Lotb theIr beartH like aold. Bot I out to negotlate with a oomplUlY· guesH tbat Il be 11 ves Mary Drisooll Jim DrIscoll. at fifty. wile r.eputed wJlJ be 80 overjoyed that IIfe'll take lIle crabbedest old man In Bornne. on a. happier look for h er." 1f Mary "nd be had had children ' be "No 'chance or lils recovertng. Is ' might bave discovered that lite is not there ?" oskett An stln. ~boll,. I\. Tale of leare. As It WI\.8, be "A s mall one." s&ld the butcher. was a town character, He knew It, "The doe says that If h e recoverB 100; kne-w that Mary shrank from him consclousnees he'Jl most likely get _d teared him. thougb loyalty kept well. It "eema tbere'" a apllnter or .Chlcken Hou.e Should Not Be Place d In an Unprotected Part of the Yard -The ChIcken. MUlt Have Mo re 8hel~or In the WI."ter. ber to hjm; knew that, bls presence bone presalng on his bro In , ILIld they aaywh(We cbllled the mirth. that the oan't tell how much It'a Injured him. Roup Is a menace to tbe , cbloken weN! 81live wllh lice B.nd were dying dllldrea hated hi Ill, tha t bl8 neigh· If -he ~.verB cODsclou8ness. tbe bU8lnes8; lice suok your profits tram off nig'blly (rom one dhease Qr an· ~rs avoided ·blm. brain's all right ; If be don't- well. be the layIng ben8 and tbe r;rowlng cock· other. He gloried In It. He bad tbe repu· won't, tbat's all." erels.ond cholera wipes out a wbole They bell1g ,kept At a. 10811, atld tat:Iml ,or a -vindictive man, and be "Did Mary Drillcoll write that.?" year', prolltl 1n a week · or two. Yet, that 1088 mnlt liave grown beavler the ..orte.! In that. He wa.a cloae-flflted, uked another. none of theee enemies are qllite eo 10nr;er th e;r were kept. The owner JIIIrd &8 nAIl •• and .be bugged bl, aln· "Sure. Sbe 'Wrote to MIB8 HemaD. dongeroull al the mU8ty, trowl Y, III· compla.lned that there was nothing In - liter repntatlon to hi", bear"; here." Imelllng. dirty henbouse. because dirt tbe cbl~cken business. No \\'onder! The wreck 11M come suddenly. )t Jim Driscoll was conscious ot mIn- Is the beginning and end or dlsllase. DIrt)' booees are the caule of maDJ' ~ U!UI6ltliMI bl~ Of counle. be IIled emotions. The flrtt was or A olean hen bouse II an In"urance belUl leaving tbem In summer and tak· was not golng'to Interest. hlmeelt In shame and humiliation. Of all the t.galn.t fowl dlllOrdera, Rays an Indiana Ing t.o the other flU'm blrlldln8s. the IIdIf, of the Injared. That ' W&B · not nel8hbora gathered there. nol one bad writer In Farm Progress. Many of 1111 tr ees lind even to tbe fencetopa as ~)rlacolJ's way. J3ut the pbylleal a bad word ror him. But tbe IlecOnd sort of crow accultomed to dirt. It roosttng places. They rarely go back lIbdenp had unsettled the Itablte of was of disgust. COuld It be pOllslble grow. on UII and the nrat thing w. to tile Ibouse when they have ODCe left year;a, and for the ftnt tlme.ln )'eant tha.t his wife bad gone to the hospital know It ball become BO familiar. 80 It, and this leads cJlreetl)' to \088e B by DriIcoU began to ·tAke atock of him- arid actually mletAken another man much a part ot ' the evenel.y aUf- night blrda, pro\\'ling animals and cas· ~. . . ronndlnp that. we simply P&81 It b,. lIal ehaok~ ,t hieves. It 18 be\ter to for blmself ? ~Is thougIlte were changed by lIearOr waa somebody lying? That 'WaA We almp17 beco'm e unable to perceive klleP tille house as clean aa poaalbl~. __ a ·olUId'. CT)' at hie side. Stooping a more probable explanation. or dirt wbeL It. Is all 1U'0und UB. We put and by doing this Ins ure the rOOBtinG .owa,. be saw a 'pretty bttIe cl1'1 of COUrt.! It wa.a .. lie. His Impulse off tbe cltJDlng:uJ) proceHs a. little too or thel birds on their occuslomed .. ~ or nine nan. IY,lll'g 'beside the was' to run Into the room, but he reo- lo!,)! and t he f1nt tllLnC we knOW we percbels. tDc1t, Near her Jay. the bod7 of a strained - hImself, and be . heard an- have millions ot lice or an D1'ldemlc . "Umber ne<!k" 11\ a verY fatal cUs· ..... Be lwI beea lEllled ' in the dla.. other speaker 88.)': of cholera In the 1I0C)k. eaae tbat douriMbee In warm .,-eather aeter, and the slrl. wbo seemed 'only ". tell you, :MIlS Hemana. when I Wbere tbe chIcken bouae Is to be around the dirty cblcke1l booe~ 01' tile _btly bljuad, wal Btretcblng out saw loIal1Y DriilCOlI atart 6ft this mOrD· C'lleaned once a week In ...lnter tt: wUl y.rda that are careleealJ kept.. l!.ea~ng , 11.. atma 10 hII1\ &Dd IObbln.. Ill&', lillie looted actually prett, In that ""ulre thr.e timllll aa' much, attentloll a deca)!1Dg earea,s. around wbere . tbo Beneatll .... bard ~~rlor J)rIIICOII blal)lI dri>8I of berB, In spite ot her In hot weather. Tbe plles or dropplnp cblokeJl~ can 'nnd It la the BUTeat was JIa4 a ~ U!nder in one re!I-pect. IOttOW. She ~a. cr>,:ln8'. and elle, will decom'pose In ilie beat and ' ~e or killing orr a bUlicb 01 them .by lie JOTed children, That "",aa wb,y be aouldn't bide It:, butl ahe looked lIIui a Inwnor · or the building wlU be well means of this dlleaall. Tbe green Gy; .senwled at tbem, to bide ilia fMllngs. ,slrl again. ·Sorrow ·.eeme to ' bring n~ unbearable to the bird II, The), tbe lanae of th&l 111' and th~ dead back tbe youth In. some people.'" ,ate torced to breathe aDd live In all' all (hat Is neccB8Ilry to get "She's bad' IIOrrow enougb," broke atmoapbere created by their 01il'D filth tb'e ,plde,mle well started, tn ,the dnt\ sDeerlng voice th&t Drl. and unle.. the building la nry ' opeo The fly lays the em. tbe ege or the aoll 'had beard. "Llvlllg with a mall the evl4encetl of sqch a condition can larvae are eaten by the birds and the Uke J1m Is enour;h to, make allY wom· IIOOn be seen la the appearanoe ot tile case. of "Umber neck" develop with 8011 wish abewaa dend." . dock. cerum,t, ' and dispatch. Every bird CIeanl1ne81 paya.. not only In free- that dies from allY cause at an, ~me Driacoll knew tbe speaul'. He""'88 the ~hler of the local bank., and dom trom dlseue, but in Increased &bould be burned, but tills Is lloubly aboot thll only, rriend he bad In Fox· production. It w!ll take Ume to keep troe WI bot weflther. when '90 COlI· v1lle. ADd tbe soddeD reallutlon of the cliJellen bOUle and the yards free alder the Dulllber or 48fd hen., lttthl the fellow'S treachery almOilt " 110'- from III1b, but It 1.8 IOmet1llllc lhat chioka and the olral ~rom dreued neneCI the watcher· at the window. mutt be promptl, attended to to sum· eli.lckelU thrown In a " enee oorne!' or

T01- tile


ANTS TALK WITH "FEELElS'" 0". of the Molt Inte ....tlng DllCo"," ,,.Iel of Inllet ~If. II That of tho Antenna. Language.

Of the ma.ny dlscoveriee that baTe been made about oor Insect friends, perhaps the Illost In leJ'eliUllg Is tbat. of the 'pntennae' language. Many boy. and not a few . gIrl s hue walch lid the movements 6f n large bod, of aota, -""'" ......... ,.. .... and bave been s truck fly the 'r act tb&t they seem . ohio to communlcate_with EXCESSfVE ATHLETICS -. HURT one another by meabs of the long, stem-like ot,tecte protruding trom Coach ' Court.ney of CorM" Recom, tbelr head!'. Tbese are 'colled In niand_ That Unlveraltlel Take aclence ':antennse," b\lt a guild Dame EntIre Control of Sport.. tor them Is ."teelel'll:' aDd a very nt· tlng one It IR. tor when 9.!ltR a re M.r. COl1rtney. the Cornell rowing coacb, who ror many yean bu been actively Identtfted with unherslty athletics. hal spoken out strongly aKalnst the system under wblcb unl· verslty athletics conducted. "If athletics are nol a good tblnK, they ought to be abolished. It thOY ·are a lood thing ror the boys. It would Beem . to me wlae for the unlvenlty to take over and control abllOlutely every brancb of sport; do away with thl. boy management; BtOP thla foollah IQuall' Anta "Talking" by Cl'OIIlng TheIl' derlng of mODe),; .an4 see thAt tbe "Feelere." athletIcs at the university are run In awake and In ac;Uoll. theae orgaos artS a ratlollal WIly." Beside. uuaking these crltlcillms and kept continually moving In froot and ' recommeodaUona. Xr. Coortne, haa on either side. t~cblng the Varlau t! commented on the declining .taDdarda obMctB In theIr polh. B. thouCh tbeY of untvert\C'y athletes .•• meaWred by would '·teel" tbelr way. These "feelers." lit least :n tbe caae their cla.s work. AceordlnS to bb;n. an Increaatns number of men who an· of anti!, are even more important tban gaae In oal'enlty athletics 'show a eyea. They ' determine the form of me.d locre rank In IICbolareblp. FormeI' objeetl! ; they locate the Indh1duill Iy the university athlete or dlllltlDctlon traJJ or path at their kind; the, dlawas desired and IIOUlbt for upon gt'ad. tlnlJuhlh trieDds from foos. they telt uatlon by bU8111eB8- men; be waa pre- the quality of food lind of aU other ~umed to bave Qualities tbat would objects, and,- tn an elementary waF make blm exceptionally useful or 8ue· mako .r ecorda In tbelr memories for ce .. tuL Now t!Jo athlete Is no lODger Us!! on 8ucceedLog occasions. In sucb hllh demand; Inalead, It Is the man .bo hall sb-own sl,e<:lol ca· OVERCO\1ING SPIRIT OF WAR poclry In the more tecbnlCal or aclent!· brancbes of blB college training. Flm ThIng for Boya to Do I. to Rec· celebra~ athlete, It begina to ap'ognlze Men a. Men,. C"plte peo.r. Is' 80 IIPeclallzed In atbletlca as TheIr A*co or Country. not to seem proml.alng tor any other pursuit. He la DO longer the "all· Wben thIs bldeous war Is over all around 1DIlD" that bls pred_8Ior' of a the nations will be "Ited ...Ith the pallt generation was thoulht to be, . snlrlt ot hate, (or without bate tbe,., Verr Uk~ly the.e lenerall-.tlona are <!Oqld h. no ,'fI'ar. wi'l~ee David I3t1u:r not "",Jiolly fal ll to t he pres.nt-d~ atb· Jordan ~ BOn' Life. It , Is for lOU tete or to preeent·day. othlettea. The, bo,s to try and overcome this Iplrit to are slpUlcatlt, bowenI'. 'aa. Indh.tlnc llelp each man aDd each 'other to ';'el. a gradual .~hanl!le that III taking p"ce lie tbat men are mell. 'wbel'evsr they In public opinion. may IIv!! or whate\'er language ·t~f!Y may IIp~ak. CRIES LIKE A HUMAN BABY A bo)' In one or Ole continental coun· , tries no.,- at war told me once that he But Unllk. the Real In'ant. Ita Nol... eaw 801~lera at 41 nei,hborlnl cpu",try, • Are Under Control-Dall Ie BuillgolD, away on the , tmo. One so~ler on a SprIng. leaned out of ttiu window, put\hll ann on hll motber's sboulder and reached Something new In doll babl_ 1& dO\ll'n to 1dB8 her. I The bOy wss ,greatmakIng Ite way Into the ngnerlea, the ly surprised. H. had been talllht to r~at 'b!"~ of a ~rmlUl. The hate tbe ~OP'B of that nellhbol' ClOUDbab; Is baUt on a spdng, which main· try ( and he thought the)'· were not blltains 't he body part In a distended ml\n. He did not 1OI0w they loved their moth~rB ju.t aa he did. w,hen ~. iDew JlJ18coll. 10 wrapped mer eepee1ally, 'il1I(jlOri.t~~M~~~~~~~:;f'iie:t:~::;::~~~~Il.b~~0~~!)I:~ upHe, In bill hatredhad andbeen moodlneas that -I have aeon .ome benhous. caD' get at them, a Bq1leele ot' tbe halid the air uI. that, be did not _W8llt to fllh~ &hem, be bad Dever been able to tell his true that were a ma8I manure. feaUaen. w(Juder that every chicken I. not permitted to elKlape readily. bat In bot wanted to mallfl tbem friend I. If a nation Is vlctoriou.. It b.. , at fri~dl from the falee one.. He bad UDd, ashes, chaU and cUrt. TIle liens dead oir "limber neek" on 1000e lanna. tbe end the same trouhle. woDJcl 'acted like .. fool. .An overwhelmlDI .. ,;" bave had If It had been vanquished. lIenle of remorSE! came o'\'er him. If War I, a .two-edl~ ' ~~ord without be couid lee ,Mary now; and teU , her JSELECTION Of BEST LAYERS WINTER FEED FOR THE HENS bllt, and It ClutS every "lfe tbat ..~&Id. "bat a fool he had been! ' Il '. tad 88 bad 88 the' atlnc ot defeat ' Anll. uDable lonpr to rel!traln blm· T,.aplleatiftQ I. Beat M",thod Kno",," ,,'Imoat Any Cove,. Will An.w .... Is the C\ll'IIe or victor,. The d.f....te4 lIelt. be Ipr&llg, fql' the . door. opened But There II Nothl ... 80 E..Uy But Not. p,.",c:tIc:ab4e W~,.. nation 'wants to ft&ht apln, .to reveale It, &ria ",shed Into the parlor. ' P~uced a. Aye. . Llil'n Flooka Are ·Kept. ItaeJt; 'a nd the vll'!tofJouli nation ~tIi , 'Tm bere, a . J've heaN! every - 'to f1aht aplD beaaUI8 It fee1a au,e . WOrd!'" be Ibouted to the' ullembly. Wbtll traJlnl!BUq Ii the beet meth.· Somll kind of greeD food Is neC_ that It II .troDI enoup,{to _"hip anr' "You, Mr. Nevln'_" he tum8j! to the ad ' 1mo1il'D at selecting the beet la,__ 1&1')' fol' the bena In winter, 8IId IIOmebody. And eacb of ttiam batee the ~ble~""ere beat ~ell~, ad and ;bIlIiitlag up a laying IItI'a1Il. ~ fa Umell lit II a Ilttle dllllcult to );no. other, Wltholli .eDse, wltbout reaaoD. '., fOU can .wajk J1gh~. out ,at m)' house hardly practlCjl.ble to ~e it- in a Iarp ' J~ ~qw 10 prO'\'lde It. .Blu&-It'aU and ~e"!!r eom_" _ . . I1ock, ualetlll a J:OOdJy number of-Delta putare uBUally dord. ,reen. graae 11;1. .t JII&Il are provided and one person caa "Well, ;:Jlm Drlacoll W&l a most' aU winter. but not all of al call AUTOMATIC ADDING MACHtNE In his way:' saId Mias Hemana, "Ip· a 1arp amount of Ume to aUelllllng hav.. a &'QOd Iars.e blue-gru", tau... . Inc ber eles; them 8114 recording results. . Moat e'\'eryOD~ whl? .l laI beOa b,~ a !II~.tratlon of P, of It Ifary and be V9ul.,t bave bad., 'l'JIey bd not ~eard hIm! Nobo!Jy It Ia better and 'cheaper to b!l' m&a~ gard.n that lhe, can USll tor p~4. • Ctrina and Japan Shown In I", ,. ddtil Un thatl '> ' bad heard 01" ~ot:teed btm.! bd, eTen bl da from trapneSted atock M4 to Iq lJ'een tor thelD. Not ollly do yon .ventlo" of New Deville, ' n~ spolle,to t~e lIt.tle cI~I, 88 be atood tllere, bewlldere4, ·NeVin. the work at 8OrttDg' out the get value from )'OUJ' prdea 10 tbe , .' lIat sbe did not "eem tb notice hlB walked at1'8lgbt Into. hlm":'and tbnmgh droD6I by dllPOling ot every pullet III winter wh/lll It wOUld . be Iylns Idle l_"r:-'~~~~;;~~~~~~ MO.t of UI ' arp. rommar With die preiljtnee. And at las\, 'wlih a sbrug him! UI rall that lias not becun to lay oUlerwlee. but you are beDaftttn:. the .. original IhlCn • • InYented by Ule of 'the .houldel'll, DrillColI ' illrned bla ID- &n Infl'laDt Drlacol.1 "nderat004. wl~ln '., tew weeb or the time , tb .. soU ' at, ,tile ame time. Almost Wltll • It..t Cry. Ohillele. wltb Its r.olored balll .truns , 'j iCk (Ml her. ' He waa dead! FJe' had died In U.e drat.®M bepJl laJ\ng. The DOD- ... lnter.~wlll8 cover crop will an. oa wires. Now a .'I\~eae bai Ibowo He Btarted a"'a.)'~not In tile dlrec· oollldon. and be W&I In hla own home 110)'111, pullett! II'e eaall)' , detected -bl awer, .I)at tbere . la Ilothlng 110 eul1, UIIwntDI It", IIOJImal .hape ulider the 'the "ide dllrerence oet"eell ,; Ua,e ~. ' . ~ or Now 'Y,otk. however. '1ut 1!~k In the spirit, wblle tbe mur;led flesh their \il:UIeyelopeci comtis, and th~r pr04IJCAIld or that , pft»vldea greea 80 actIoll' '" Ole IPrIne the ootidde air II sr.elll~ene .. of thOae two aatlOn. ~Y" ~aM hiB , ho~e. A n~w Idea had as ,rye. In the .priDg It will 4rawD Into the .lnterlor &ndJn I~ pal!Glme to hl~ He 'would pretend ~t lay-In the bospltal,. DO !loubt. wbere leparstIon frOm the nook II a almPae. qaJCkt:r make ., mn.. or foUqe to be plo"ed ...e' a nolll8 Ilk. that, made b, .aD lD· , hIs patient wlte W811 watAlblnr;! under 110 euHeb ' tbe IOU 8IId "lace It tallt In CJ'Y.1111 Ia ll!lde. . .. ,lIla.had beenltllJed In the wrecik. aad '1 . ~e wIth you. MI•• -"H eman. ... matter at Ul1a .~e. ..'NtU1\ home ' s~U)', to dlaeover . • E,ye~y pullat that Is worth k.epioc III a splendid ' meChanical condttlou • ..,W P4!0ple "ere saying abou,t him. the Jlutcber answe,ed, for the ' production of a 1a),IDg lIocJr. When You plow tor '~e rye do., not . Shlnlng' th,o N. , ' ~i& antlclpati!:d the jeers, tbe. scolllng . ' Jim l>rfsc~l1 t1Irned slowly awaYr .hould be la,~ by the time Ibe I. maIuI !lbe aee4 bed level. ~ut lean . PanoD..:....or' OOUI'II. YOII WlUlt to 10 ~d cOagratUlatlODS. and hll and. wIth the reallutlon that bl. lut eight monthl 014 at .the, latest. Sort ,I. as lrOuah as .yoll · can. Thla wilt 19' beanD ..b~a 'OU cUe. mr lad' a;rta:mph whllJl ,be suddenly chance to redeem bl, life was gone. out the qthe l1l r.elenu.mY aDd - gil', caae lit to 'pUler 'thB raIn aa4 hOld <lOad boy'a iO theNl . . the. U)1dSt cSt them. , . an a.nmli~g sense of bopelesBne"· the good ODd aU the ~ aDd feed: )t. ~d III the sJlriac t1!e ~11flU b., ye lOoT-Theil It'~ beavell ,.o( mlne! If' ;• "";e " _'' ''- 'or the dla ..,. ... ter hacl - d crnBlled( througll the winter. It. It iii Ppl8tbl~ ~torecJ a good ,uppl, qalnlt 'the !.here·iI; u;uaflll',1,1Ike'· W., imFChtn, a , ~ ~ .....,.-.. _.,.U_ ' ''jlm!''blm.' ' . IOOd bo,.-Puclt; , 'Jlm 'Driscoll opened hli eyes 80IId ,to ha'\'e ~ separate bouse tor them, by .mel' drought.. 'l'llJlfdly, and, be ~m., down the line, all mean. do so, for tbey cannot do .brtacol~ pused 1\ wrecking train, with stared Into his wife's race. their belt when "bc;Nll4!4" end dtlven . . item", . Slow SI•• per. W . .k· FOwl.. ' , • mi!dJcal car attached. Beblnd It, "0, thank God. Jim! YOIl are can. older . hen", IInI'lng the "eAther Bridcet, a 18l'VU1t slrl, was tUeD Remove ffom the bTeecUa. ftoo1l aD \iIIoal the wayside trlt.olt, tbere 'c ame aclou8. You IIJ"fi going t6 get well. by wileD the, must be shut In. bf~ tlIlat show signa of · weakneA qr :0 \II'~ lor o~liePInI beraelt. ':Weil. . . UJIUl In !L buggy, woo pul1~' up hla Jim. God has . answered my prayers, III the· spring keep the beat Of theeo lac'll .o f -loJierltecl ,Italll}. SucJI blrda ma'am," IIbG ..Id .... lIeep \'el')' 1I0w "atl~g lIte~. . 1. bave prayed for you night and day aDd 80 It tUfl!I me a lonl ' 'Wblle to , "Have YOIl 'seen the wreck'" he. !.hese ten da,1I past. 8oIId · the doctor pullelll yarded "",(tb rour De... male at. aJ/lo"' unPl'ofttable for meat · aD4 ""t, III~ n\&bt'l r.t. N _ • bIro that has been P,lll'aDteed to ". .bo~ld ~ dlapOled' of earlr lD tbew ~ted. said If yon 'knew me again ),011 would trom a blgli·produelng mother, an4' 11.... "Yee:' naswBred Driscoll. "I "'sa recover. Jlm, my dear-Jlm, 0, my hatch th.. e eUB earl,-iIl lII&reh 1Ul4 ' 1IIioUd. My friend, Jim . Dtlt!coll. W&8 dear!" . . '- Ke., a _ Supply of DIJat.. . . . . " aDd that~s enough ror me. J,.re And, k~eellng at the be!sld.. Ihe .April It poIslble. " Olve the chl~ r plenty of room 'an!! good care .UJltll Do aot ,~u. to keep tlie beu I.po ~ a repOrter?" . I Hung ber arma 1'()und the slcll: man'a they bettu to matur.c!, then r;o throup. pltea with a box of duet. P1~ Ii , '.' Yes, , rm .. newBP~r man," an, necll. . . . . . lbe other. . "Giv~ me , a Bhort "JIm, .everyone Is talkl.!i. about It," the Clnlllng~ut, proceel ~ call1De ... hel'e the nnrs ray. ,rill .trike .It "d out tbl. time ~l pullets ~t ,~ ~ ~ th.em eajor gettlll( tt ~ aeeo,unt whfle I reat my horae, ahe ' said later. . laylnc by the , "me theJ are Ie... ·UIeIt r~latbera. it oalht to be rea~ed Qd\':~!" "About what'" wblap.,ed Driacoll mon~1 old at the latellt. .Pa, 110 at- ,., Mery weeIL· " _ ' , :"I -wUl It you,l put Jim DrlacoJl feebly. tentiOn to ~ bl'8edlq{ or. ~I' ' . . , anlwered Driscoll, . "ne little girl In the next bed- other aood polD18. Qet IN 0(, . . ... " Knt oeronMct cfia. ~ Jim o..,"oU ot BoxvU,Je. Ill.. "'al look at ber, Jim! Don't you rememc dr6"'I' an-4 give atteatloD to tale .All detonned ' 4;lbJcka IbOaJd be 1dIIeI1 liT' breatlq his lIeck,. becauBe 'ber' You puUed her from beneath oUl';" . Keep thl. lIP 81111 'JO'I wlJl kUlecl aa lOOn .. batelle4. It I. . .... ~ ..1OiD& to break the newl to tJie car wbioh' bad tollen "on her fa. have a IIock or Iarera. 1 . ·" ~111 trme to trt to ....... th.JDl , \ .... fuIlIIsrr ' ther and' lliDed him. Nobody kno...... as 'fte barpln lW strDC'lk and J>rta. bow )'00 treed ber, but It reu back ~-....-.~- ~ ~-~ _~_ .........,~_ wo • • :. .............. ""'!' ......·;a,\ +'" ~A__ '.,,_ 't .. . . ,pI'e the, o~er a flve mlnutee' 'on your head and IDJured you terri. Malr,lng a SkyliGht Orip-Pftiof. oaplllar' attraCUOI\. Tbe l'elait II Law Countrleia I. ~lctIOft. fa .~ ...,11-. 1& WU &lao, " 1 ~t of the wreck. Then be bur- blr. And. JIm-" A .~nn.y1'\'aJi1a wire cl... COIII~r tW .~eD wilen pltcJaed a. low as teD '8)1I1IIIl and BolIaDII. ·1n tb. Uno)e ''!'ob)'.'' I~ .. lDteNlfiJDI t:o ~ the line. ' Drill1lOll could read the hope In his h.. e,ol,ed a new tJ" of .!au tbal _d.,r&el !Ibove the horlsoli..... aU eoDo . . . . . of the Low CoaJi~ as th., wIIo".. ...._lIIb)e for &bat CIUllo Be ea1l8bt a braoob train at the ~fe'8 e),8f. jMclloa. 8IId flnaU,. about eight "Yell, my dear," he answered; pat.. IOlvea a problem of muell IlII»OIUIlce " . .aU beld' ull carried doWil -aecl , to be ~ laan. " . ~ "Oar ..... ·II'It'\JN bOmb'" IJL naacten." . . .·eIock tJae Ilat. "am., attired in a UIlr; her band. "II you like, MalT." ' to man), manlltactunag plantlt-tilat to the cutter at . &be roo~ or.... DeIIDy lD JDIIIIlaIl Ilctlc& Ie wttcsular, ...... ..,..., ~ nit ~b1ch be had purdlaaecl ''You'll adopt her, JhaT ebe 1wI 01 ellmtoat1nc ,the ~rIp nom tbe \aD• aIlMt. . del'lllde of IkyUlbta, In muy of lIIe . . a "WD~ be made ble way 'Jlobod,. In tile worlll." . . If:arIt tbroap the streets And that. am.e HUT Driecoll 1'ead "... lD link 8IId · cotton mOla, ,.per tactaJt81 or cbocolate wora. the .~ NO~7 wJlo , fa the the aDlW'or III bla. . Inc ef a sln«le drop cali. . lIIlIaII "-~ I'fIOOCDlIIecI (~Pt. DH, .,. W. - G. ctbepma'!-, . ._ ~..,., a1oaolalAc atraDpr. .c,. DOl Ila.. baa aQ . .d.... or dIDIIeJa _~Wj1V-~ Jill_iii . . . . iIae IUdID ..te We ....,. a lUll no aJwars IUrface wtCb etaII& .... . . . . - tl .... ......._at OW . . . .1 and ,...,er ull. to eIle ladlt 'tile ........... or ..-


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II. lIlek, Will could lh Ir attention t,) the aclual measurements and explaln thtlre had been no dece ption prn.ctieed In our statementH t\) th e m In th catalogue. WIJll.e I waR wriLlng- UIJ IlIV deser11)trons for tile '~ata l ogu e, Y came In n,.- Mr, M. 0_ X. ana (lay nnq pi ked up lomo of 1-lle R.,.,.t-&no b,.O"oWho8. B1!IICrlen~d" sh ee ts I bnd fl,nlahod. . , the Bualneoc Cover • • Ronr. Pro ,.m_ -tll..l . " " '!J ew," he whl LI d ,.:,:.~.hl s wQ.o't do, Olliee Boy t o Giii'itaTlIDlI.... X. • . "Whal'R l he mnttcr ?" " Why, tbls ",[u ff 1001(1)" In ·tll pictures BU$INESS EXpANDED. like rea l g nul ne oak Il nll ren l solid "It ~eems 80 Qu e r that we get so mahognny . HElre )'(Ill say that It Is fe w coanplalnts from our custom er8 ba s wood , tln d plnl' und so forUl," "That 's wbnt It Is: ' I r pliE-d. out IIl , tbe country," said one or ill Y H Cil li ed In Z a.lld we had 11 COD fer, hOSSElH,:' whom 1 wtll caH "Y " fol' can· c noe. Surely it wo uldn 't do to t'ou lence: th ea nne pleo s or fllrn itore "'r'he" s ee m to be sa lelled with sorlbo a s l bou gb lllud f' out of 'Omm!)ll wood, ~'hutev~r we aen.d them," responded \Ya !lent for samples and '1:1:nmlnad my bOBS wbom I will designute tor conflgur d th em In the pffi ce. Then \'enlence "Z." on variou s catc11 phrasea "They don't know the dlrr~r uce bOo tween good stuff 1111(1 bad Btu lT," said dOli such as "genuine solid nloholga~I"'1 fini sh" and "801l1l ~old e n OUll finish" Y. "1 guestl It's thIs wny . Out In the which meant t.hat the y we r.e grained lny towns they bave 80 few things that nud paint rt t o represent the appearthey are ' !?Ind to g t , anything thnt unce of these valuable woods, but looks all right." whlcb the reader wou ld to a certaInty "Ha," BaJd Z with a shout or laughter, take to be an honest assertion that "They keep t heir. parlors ~ Il dark ex· tbe WOOll s wer'e Holld. We created a cept when oompany cornell, or on S\lIl' lot d trick )lilrases like this, Tho day_ I can understand how their par· "!lo1ld mahogany" was really birch Dnd lor furniture don't. become worn out. the "solid golden oak" was basswood. I reme mber how It WIlS when I W8S And so we prostituted good old·fasha boy." loned pIne aud otber common woodll "Look here, X, why not start a Into painted eourtesans of trade to department of furniture for our CUB- (001 the trusting and tile Innocent purtamers," said y : ' "We ought to find It ohasers. Tbel'e WII.8 much laughtet' 'profitable." He BPoke to me. and run over t,1I086 counterfeit phrase,S "I think we're losing mQney every and'every one was greeted with ShoutB day by not bao'dilng furniture," in- or allpll\use. terJected Z . "Supposing we let 'X ~ry We took Imn . beds, with posts an out his hand by putting a Dew line In Inch In diameter and made them ap. our catalogue-furniture, oarpetl!, ru~s, IJear III the IIIlJstrlltions as thongh the pIctures . and toat stufL" posts were three-Iuch ones. Narrow So Jt was decided t'hat I should bave beds were Widened In the pictures to l\ respite from my ofllce work' and put look like comfortable, roomy bedl1 and In my time for a few , weeks looklug we distorted every illustration in this up the posslblllUes of II. furnfture de- same manner. partment. A.II thts time while we Dut we adhered rigidly to our' dewere doing a n enormollB business, se,-- sCriDtjOIl'8 oC mOllsu·l'6tIlents 80 that we eral thou sand dollars' worth every were t ecbnlcally cnrrect In our deweek, .we cnrrled no stock at all with Bcrlptions. Tbey could kick, but '1\'0 the exoeptlon or 0. fe\'.' cheap watches were perrectly honest In our stateand other articles ot jewelry- revol- ments In the catillog-ue. vers and a bllif dozen g'Wls, The cusI can only imagine the numher of tornersoWere r.urulshlng th capJtal for times tbat SOrlIe hou Newlfe Iq the coun, our bllalnel:lB) cash In advanCO j 80 tJlat tTY has taken a look at our' catnlQgue all ",0 had to dl> wall to taJ.!.~ tb~lr and wltn 8se~1 tlle breadtb and Imposmooe)', go out and buy wbat the aT'- Ing apl>earam:e of SOllie artlcle of turdel'S caUed ror, for generally Jess than 'Il.lture picture II there, only to viBlt' her ooe-half t.he amount of tbe r emittance, local mer~hallt and. Inquire bis prices and keep' tile balance, trOlu 50 to 60 for Similar furnlt'ure. fie, hon est telper cent Qf ~l~e amount as ollr profit. low, never knew the joke that wau beAfter ~lslUllg seyeral of tile furnl- Ing played 'on blm by us, and he woutll ture manufacturers In ' onr city', 1 for- !pve his llrll)e8, correctly for s lzeSj 'nlulated a. !Jst of prices and arranged wh11e the prospecUve buyer would that we could obtain any of tllC :uU- Ilnort ber' disgust at bls "blgh" prices oles on ths \1st at any time by paying beoause sbe Vo'ould be judging froUl

tlb(l11111 4IIrfte: In, ""lth

Confessions ff a M~il Ord~r Man




S!ilDy .1





RA,rElVER may be ,,.tIle tate Tbe Sell. of Marmora Is decidedly of the Ottoman empire as dlsap)Jolntlng, for the bnn.k s are gen· a result of tbe great war, It orally flat and low... The Princes Islea Is llrobable that In the yeal'S are 'onstautlnople's Coney IslllUd. to oome Constantinople will 'They lie a couple of hours away by become much more familial'" to world steamer. Betore Prlnklpo, the prindtravelers thnn It has beon In the past, pal r esort, js reacbed, the desolate because It will be more acoell8lble. little Island to wblch the dogs of ConAlways It has beeu a faSCinating stantlnopte were banlsbed a. few years place, but tile more timid travelers ago, is passed, have aVOIded It. Turk. Are Abstemloua. 'rhe ca,p1tal of ttle s ultan of Turkey At Prlnklpo there Is a long board is unique among tbe. c1~les or the wharr, at the Inner end ot whIch J8 a world. It 18 superbly situated on Lhe line ot small restaurants and dllapishores ot the Sea of Marmora and the dated botela, Forlorn little donkeys waters ot tbe Golden ' Horn separate are driven to and trom by tbe wilter tho old Moslem quarter of StambOlil sellen, ror aqua tresca 18 the only trom the modem Europeao Bection Turkisb beverage, beside" co\%ee, the known as Pera, wblcb lies upon the MoSlem, Indulgss in. Wltb III! hili htu OPpOSite, above the peninsula of many admitted faults, the Turk 18 the Galatn. which Is connected with stam- most abstemlou8 at men, no orthodox boul by the famouR Galata ·brldge. Mohammedan ot any ~llUIs 3ver 1m· Tho tblrd portion ot Constllntlnople Is blblni IntoJlcants. . tbe typlcalllUle .MoslelD town or Scu[n Pera tbere are saloon8, but '/lev tart in ASia, on lhe OIJPosite shore of are never , patronized by the Turks, t he Flosponls, will 'h Ie or Little 1m· and' In tbe whole l\losleru quarter of portance commercially, and whIch Stamboul there are no doaIllklng »Iaces, In connection with the sobriety or really hardly constitutes a portion of ~he city. lielng reac hed ouly by ferry- tbe Turks as a . nation, the matter Is boats which ply to and fro acrosB 'the of the utmost Importance, parllcularly FlollPol'uS at certain Intervale. In time. of war. Tbe Turkish soldlen Constantinople lrJ tile chief c:ommer- are gatliel:8 d from all parts or the cial center or-tile Lev lit, but-bu had sultan's domain, and tbe majority ,o r I1lUroad p ommunication with the rest tlrem, judging from their appearance, at Europe ooly since 1888. are apjlareotly uncouth and tllllatiea! Walll Centul'le. Ol~, barbsrJans. The city Is surrounded by water on 311 aides, exoept to' t1!e west, where At tbe town of DatdanelJes, the tbe o)d 1I0ubio anclont walls elltend amall elty op the ABlatlc side of the entirely ac r QS8 the promontory. ' A \stralt of Dardnnellf/s, whioh co~necJ.s w,nll WblQh sUll rem~Jnli lltandin~ ip the Sea ot Marmora with the Aege'-D ml\llY ~Iacell after more tlian 6f~e'eo sea", during tbe, recent war between contUries waa built at tho time of Italy and Turkey over ~rlpoll, thouConstantine tbe Great. It extends sandI! of unmsnageab\e TDrklsh trooPrs from tho famous Seven Tower8 across were !!laaRed just outside the town. t the Isthmus to t be Sea or M:arr.Jora IS ' sald that the Ot~oman government ' and the wilters ot the Golden Horo_ did not dare have the und,lsolplined Seraglio Point, with Its domes and soldiers any nearer Constantloop,le. minarets, its hili cto~'Iled with dark tearing wbat tbey might do, yprees, is the first part of the city Fort. the Dardanelln, ' seen on arrivIng and the last glimpse 1'be Dardanelles Is strongly fo rtified



A Fine 'relm ~or PlOWing,

, 1 • Tbere Is no occasion for being en· half unexplored, In which the farmer vlous of otben' no ma.tter wbat our del veil, and tho more Indulltrlously uti, lltatlon In lI(e and circnmlltances may intelligently, the more to tbe bene1lt of be. Tbe best JOY8 are In reach or us his fellow men. Many a I!umble tuter aJ); study, and . the reading ot good of the soli lias left behind him Inforand useful booke, and Inquiry Into tlle maUon ot unto~d value, sometimes ellawonders or natuJle ajl about us, are covered largely lUI t-Il~ result' of met'Wl among the obief or tbese, and no one nccldent. holds a monopoly of them. They How much, arter all, do we kno. have their prs tical, even ,cosh value, about tbe elements wljloh SO to maks too, and mlLY prove or much bene1lt to up the soli lUI yet? Tbe geo!oglat, tor our tellows. Instance, bas been nble to tell UB much, It Is related of a oertain well·lntend- and yet i8 Ulere not as mucb that he Ing but poorly informed Engll-ehman, can' ).n no way , 4!Xpl~ln? Hugh MllIer a g-reat many ye~rB ago, th§t be de- observes thal t be richest com lands of termln d to set to digging lor coal in' ,England, those a~ ~tra~~ore. and the the vicinity of the hamlet where he poorj!st, those at Mllbury, are botla lived. His )udgment was poor, Qf underlaid by the saJDe rook, the old COU1'8e, for 110 tr~es or coal had ever red sa.ndstone, Yet many II. man 'WID been round In that locality: but hia etcutly affirm that. t,b.e cbaracter ct. courage waa good, and be contillued ~o tbe underlying rock. 'd~termlDea !n .. bore with II. Will, u ntil at last he start· great mea8ure tbe' cbaractel' ot .the ed IUl artesian well, wblch has contln- soil above. ' ued to run to tbls da.y, a.nd which has Some say tbat certain so\la are abaoproved of great value to the nelghboT'- lutely e8SellUo.l fpr certall! crop", yet hood ever slnoe_ IL lelU'~~ /lclentlt\t utterly . disprove" Was It riot 110, too, with that tooUsb tbe 111. JIl~nt bl! grcrWID, .ra¥,e'lne~ old Sllanl~d\ De SOlO. who set ou, tq ullon , 118 many dlfterent va~etterr'=U find tbe fountain at perpetual youth? soli as he- could obtain, and dryln,;ancf WIl first ]lDrpOae falled , but he nevel:- burniJ;lg , their leaves ,a nd ' sulimlttJoa: , theles8 discovered to the world FloM- tbeir &!Ihes to ' obemlcal analysis, sa da, the land 'of sunshine and of 6.owera. demonstrating that they contained tb._ st!l1 I,p Its youth, with n . magnlftceS\.'t same substances in ahI,lost preol~ future yet hefore it. Who caft 8,\1-)1' the saUle propo,dloJ;la, DO matt~J'I ,,~t wpa.t good shall lIot come of ' an~ ~"r- th clrou~ltanees under wbloh-+lP' nest efrort, 110 matter bow ml8takenly had heeD growll. Is the oompoaUlcm directed? ' ot "tie sol11n Teamy "as tty more com· The soil Is a vast storehouse, as yet plex than 'we realize'?

::t :~ ~~dtJl~r6~o~~i~; n~gl!~~~~e~, ~:d ~~:ge~:::!he~:: WE-EDS ::~ u u • ~ ~ .. - u USlFtJL 'IN --

nt wholesale prlcos and Thad leanled scrlptlons . lIr IIhe were actually tQ that another dl~count can always be measure the samples sll.o wu by

~:mt::~~r:~rtr~h: &a:~n\lt~~t~~~~~ ~~rml:::; ~~~r J;~d dC:S~~~~~on~esl:

pllo[QgfnJJhs of the various articles lour catalogue as ]lrlnted , she would bad plcke(! o¥t aJ;ld showed them to 'V generally discove r that 'sbe had

: ~ .- n:,~.



. , •






P,lJe Them in. Garden Between De~n. Henry of Wisoonsin , Gat~ FO _ I.... 11'l'PZIt!·~IoOllc'-r1ltth,Br-1~k-tlMlllf-flll!HBf.It;G,:+."drt°neett;-h1l:lm1r1a:mrg-,reitCa:t1t:m.I!n~:~:~r~~e~~~~ ' LayerS of soil.:....Add Poulfry er~ Considerable ' OatL::.o~ '.-.1-"':""':":"":''-:'::'':=;'''; those chaIr Jegs." said Y . would b e lower tb8ll our prices. '. Manurje an~ Soapsuds.' T~is Inte,r.,e "stiO,g Que.s~ion. , 1'1'llat ph (ltograph o[ Ii chUfonler Stick La tbe local deall!r. YOli Hee ' . .. r. looks lik e a coffil:l Btood on end-.ft'e what you nre getting when, YOU lniy it , "tuTo,,"," suggeste(l Z, "/lnt f, picked out onl y ~he chea;per Dog' K~oW1l; Bad Fro"'; Good Coin .. ' "gradea of sturt," r replied. "'VOIl told Siln \ Gregoi-io, Cal., luis, a dllB', saYIl me not to try to get anything ex- the San Francisco Ohronlcle, whloh, ,Pl'l\sl{.e. tfs all ebcap stull'." 'w lth tQe exactness of a bllUker, loan "Cnu't. we mako it loek batter in the det' ct Ule difference between the ring Catalogue tllan It. dees In the photo- o~ n genuine a.nd counterr~lt coin . A graph ?" .s uggested Y. , few wee~!l ago some hunters t.brew We Bent fpr a wnod engra ver to some oolns' on the coullter 'of John come to til 'olllcs anI! then we went Marshall's , o .otel. Mnrshall did not Into the BubJect in detail. lfe said qu ite like tb(~ sound ' ot one of the dol· that he could make the cbair legs look 11U'fj. Calling , in bls dog, he placed bigger an,d s tronger by drawing them h(m 011 the , cOlln~er_ The 'dog core. 'Bti ' thQugh tbGY ,were larger than they rUITy plc.ked up with lils mouth (our were actunlly. As ' for ,the chiffonier, g011 ine 00lDI8 and took them to his nnd s1r.11111lr. nrtlcles, he' showed us a 'm aster, and left a counterfeit dollar vcry, ,lIe.a t , plnn. Me took 11 pair, ot on the r ount,er. IIbeal'll ~d split' ~t1h~e~~~e:~p~h~l~n~,j~~~....t~h:~a~t;b~l~s~~~ ability was two, tl\eo oae cr, put the animal another sheet ' of paper 80 that the IJo ,erlea of difficllit teats reoontly spll~ ·parts " ~re about a qusrter of an tbe J)reSElnce or several ooa8tsl~e 1nGb apart. 't c~tlze;n8. No,t In a slnr;le in stanCil did "Now. that looks like a wide, (!'i)m~ th~ wonderful dog , fall tl) detect 8 tortnltlo . obltronler," said Y, ,.and we counterfolt liolu . 'The final test was could notchelp but agree ~'Ith lilm, It 'to naJl a geJ.1uLno ·and counterfeit dolmsde an t}ntlrely different piece of rUr- lar , In sepa:rate cIgar boxes. After nJture, .I t; looked }la1f again· aIJ wIde sh!l,kJng eaob boll' furloulily, the dog chiwed opell the bOlC ' oontalnlng tho nnd preseo.ted a /en,ly desIrable Ill)ari:ulc~ while, aJi' the photograph genuine col~1 a tid I toqk It La his ma. " 'sbowedit, 't would IQok ('00 narro.w' and ter. both the European and Aslatto ungraceful to sell '\'o'el1. T/le ,coang~ Sides, the 'prloolpal forts being knOWll In ~be character ot the tIIulltration World's Largest University. BI Khllld-bahrl, the "Oaetle of Eu· mode IJ look lJke B plooe of furniture , The ' world In which we are living ~pe," , or "Lock ot the Sea: ' and Worth ' *~O; ""bfle It '\\'0"8 to COllt UII only Bouls WllS DElver so Interesting ,;s now, TCban~lt-n:!lle8iiil the earthenware cal,!' aboit't$5.5!), wliolesalQ, ... . In Its physif:al attrsctlon, because we tit! . of a celebrated ' mahufac,t urer .. Of ' And the chn.trl! ,wheu the 'engraver arfl understllllding It alld discover ing Sultanleh-Kl!les8l, on the Asiatic side, had drawn tbem to lOOK ~s tbough the' Its wonders as nQver In sll tbe cenThe, town of T.cbana)l-Kulessl, 10 E~g, h~KS we re an Inch ilDd a bait In ~Inm- turleQ befQr,e . Nothing Is tUQro com· Usb koown o.a Dardanelles, is Situated etel', ' lnlltead ' at as ' they really were, ~on .t han 0. 'tree or II.Ower pr a grain on II. flat' p,o jnt .'just opposJte .th!3 great nctualb' le89 than ap 'Inch tbrou gh, or wheat. yet around these common now equipped with powerful looke!l" llke ~ ' chqlrs fns~ead of like forms o( ~:rtlJly sro,\vlh, mllUonR are rb,rtre Krup, guns, , ., tile I they. ' ''~ro; bonestly made pouring out their enel'gles and thoun ' fact; two years llnd more a~o to reta!'!' tor $1:25, ' , ::lands 'ate 'mgerl)' studyiDj!: nnd dlJl. Turkey un:der , tlie ~~lmula~lon of ' Ge", ~n~·. 'so It 1"l'!nt on. We took ' ~u· coverlnJ; new forms of pow,\r. Tbe presijure not only entil'ely , ruus; ' mll.1Qdes, woodep bells, and all combined' £urecs of oarth , air; water, 'g~.qll~ed and .mo·dElrnlzejl the ot the val'lous a'rtloles that t halt s&- IIgbt, plain, ' mountain. lake, river, ....""'.,.u, ,Ulter forill! but ,add~d 1?0V)'er- :leClted ' and made 't'ltetn\ took; in oU!,' TIlID, Ijun, stars, the unlvro:se illJ ,ca.pabl~ ot , cOl;Jlman~lIi.g a Ilntalggue '1'ltJ8tratlo~s ' aij though tlll.lY 1!ewtlderlng , 'lIrle ty of sea~01l8; clla",cUon ot, tli~ straits both ~b?l'. 'Wore . alltly superlot' Poo(\/I, sllJt~bl~' mli\e. c"haJlI;e, Br 'Jomes whlcb olialbelow the ." town. _ Beside!! thIs, for the finest rooms tn the hall lie. The 'jen·g e.our H'ves. They ar:e tbe constant distance , belpw 1Jnt~anel~~s a 'ellgraver did '/lIs worJ('W\ll1,wlth ft, con- unIversity tl~ which all living SOUls are 4Q-to~ Krupp ~ has ' been mounted IItlj.nt ~r1n on bls ·face. for be 11dTJIltte~ prIvileged bil go. The earth Is itselt a behind Qarth.wol'ks and smaller ~t:Dla- that all ot tilts lIocus'tlOOus. as he stupendous setting 'for tbe' living soul 'menta 'are htcrden l?ehind the bUls ~nlle~ It, as a. tie" ODe on bUn. d'A w~ can n&ver exbaust its interest I:iUDII.m'~, J.I~el'e there 811 the waY through r. Olie iday hI;! !laid tb rue, connd~tlal- or 'compass Us enUre meaning.-Thl/ A,bo•• the town. I,." "Ssy whll.t 1"01 poor ya~'s Oh!I~tlan Herald. .batf.e ries, I,Dd the or out In the' COOII~I'Y sOU' :when they get -----KhWd-babrt, sitllated af the (oo,t of a tho real thin",? " "on't tbey holler!" MI,ht Scare Him Away, .teep hili - bon to "av.. 16 lara& I ~~fed thIs l~~ "l amI f:, who, reIt a girl wiant II to marry and Is v.'lsa ~i bQtb above ,and lMIlo", aoothlnslY that It th87 lIollered ab&~evel' ttempUi to appear mOnl 111eanhWClrb OOm,PI~IJ' ,eqlllppo4 we woule! aend tbe.n a ;~Ice letter l\DIl tlBlllgemt, thiiD the map whom abe . . . . . . . eo~tAId.. ' 2011)0 tb_ alOne. .- t~ to·1 duee to pay her board tor TJie. alo... tb. "We'.,. BOt their mODey, anybow," Ur.. InCO;.llD8O" said Mr. T. "Let: 'em boll...:' 1;\0





'~d the;:'ll .fIiId _tter more."


how C.rbln. bad a man ~



J 'rhe best wily t~ care Cor the weeds, Young artlm~18 make mliFe' I10llndtl C1'ahgrass and purslane Is to pile tbem at ga lll trom t'li~lr food tban wh8ll It18ome out or t he waf pof III tbe ' GljIer., Dean r' ~eDroy .:?(" ~"YIs..~Ds111 ~en \)etiVeen la')lers 0"'8011. go.$er,e d a lot "o'f. data 01) ' this ,~ t'ry manure may be epread that 38-pound pigs required 21a weeds. Make a sQunre compac{ at Ceed to make 100 pO~lIdl! Or Tramp tbe 'we ds doWp. Silread . . 'l8-pOllo~j J.>Jgs r Ijulred • lllIo hen d~pp!l!ngs an,d t-Jien a four:'fle~' ds of reed; ~28·pound ,p I81 ,U'l layer of earth. ' The II _\1su(ls trom tope llOund$ o~tll\ld; ,174.pouud pigs, ~8! f~mlly 'Wasb , nd the alph 'water l,U'e pouncls ; ,' 2' j;'lloilQd pis!', 49.8 ,!o,",da'; , vnluable, .oe they contal r.(lon81qerable 27t-lJound pi": 'hI pounds. and'- 1;01' , ;r.' potash aud seida.. 'The w~eds should be the 330-pouud hogs It took 586 »Ouoda compo8ted when green. The ",0 d..~nd food ..t~ . make ~be 100 'p'ounds' qf coat.asbes \lnd, the s""eeplng's from' (,'Uin ,' or :nearly wlce as m\lch all!,iW ,v~kS may-"e added to-the/heap. The tbe 38-(loUn d pig. Tbls emphaldad refuse CrOJll aD acre gardon, It proper· t be importance d( pushing, tbe hoP }y oomposted, wlllmake several frool tb stlj.~ ~ order to , maka tlqs 01 'rloh conipost to spre'ad Qver mOlll' economical gains. It bas' ·treeb veg~tablos and to spr~d around thli found at the North "Dakota es d. fruit trees and· bushes, ,If the weeds .ment -s~tlon' t.bat Aprll ~" ean, iii!' BJ;e allowed to 'remaln In the rows after tnade to weigh 200 to 25Q pquniJs ' ttj being, cut up , with the) hoe, many ot November 1, lb em w1l1 root and start to grow " ', ' -'-'~'-,' '... . .....,+A--~-~ the IIrst warm rall:l. PlantaLna, grass and jlUJ1Ilane are hard to kill ; , . , les8 dug Ull by tbe roots and, ' I~ ed or fed to the pigs, tbey will , " 11 : . lIeed. These seeds have ,an oily sleln, • • 'I' "1 . • are not 10Jured by wet Vi at.ber hOr' by treezlng and thawing dUr'ing . the wln- Bulk of Value of B, ter., Cntb~I1lIIS an.<1 pigeon two 'peats In the onlqn ,a np,.atl'A''''''''P.'I'V ,1 M~i~~ained If . St~Qd ,·.') C1!ment~ BodQm ~ ,:. beds, arid ' purslane among . plants and In 'tbe kale · aoct spInach L~d pla~ter ~rl gyF~Pm; ~ ,Un: beds. It '!be w!Mlds 'get · ~ fofr l!C:ar~ there comes ~ week or so or hot doubted value In Itoldlng tb ammoola moist weather, "they, wlU lDaker an aB- or nitrogen 1n stable ' '.~u e/ ~al­ . toni$hl!l~\ growth and soon completely though some sclen~rBts ' dfiJPllt cover ·the ",niall plllllts. By t.ho~ough Stili kalnlt Is so 1nueh '~1' f~~ culture and c~efpl weeding and the use tourpose thnn , ~be msum , thllt, It I. .. or wetl-rotted ,manure, thl! 'l atger 'por- wond~r a.ny of the ' latter It! ao4, It tloo of , tbesEl weeds may be held 11\ fs true Imlnlt Is ml>ro es~atV& lD clleck and .qO ground sbould be lctt t9 first cOllt," bu t tRen I~ 1l0~ . cmly bnlds g-row UP In weeds. As soon ns one tho ammonIa. better ,than the gypsum, crop Is ~8tbere~, plow up the ground but It;. ad~ls to It. \,- de81~bl~ p,lUlt r~ all'd llialil.· & 'second CI"OP or "O\Y In m1J. w1110h gypsum.doos not. It one mu ~t, for any reason? tore let or Amler ~ufar cane, the .atablf I ~an ttor ' lIqme IIOrUOll . ' at the winter, tbe buIll; ItS ' v&Jue S.alt' for Milk Cow.' be ' 'mat.nt~l~ed ' If Il!Ito~ J!\' pita E:r;porlmeots have proved tb,e p,verWith ceme~~ bolto~, B6 tbk't I the Ilge ,mllcb ' CO"" reQuires aliout an llqllld-.... pottfons aTe. retame«i; ~nd ~ ounce of salt per day. Heavy milkers mass treated with kafnJt oooaalon8Jbr sIlould more. Keeping BaIt wliere the , dafry 'cows. can reaoh tt at all ~urlug tb.~ wlntel'. The cOal Ia amail compal'ed 'with the {noreased 'VlIluit·ot tlm88 m~~ntaID8 their good... health anI! ,the madure, : T~ fhle ~~, &bit encourages a h.eavy. mllk yleld ,.,y prowUL b~~ome - .P,OIlVIlI1 ~ t..e pracmotilNt th'oNlugh dlgesUon ~nd\ 8!rllml­ yqu tice. , " . I I , , . latiOD aJ1d 'bavlng a coolfilg eirect on tbe wbole sYlitem ot the animals, at Dllplaylng the tame t,im.e ~ it easier to , ~D cll~p~'1AI ,~.. brin, butter of a aupertOr &vor cou tJ' flair q~ .eh$wh~e it. .~ color at cllll~n~ tline. , taJat U-a~ tbe ..!foul . . .1Ii . . . .


-!n ~






'0'" •



I jllllll'J~1"::I"


Vqetab.... a


b1 tbeme., ,oUaerwlle. a_ ID', Iibowa olr (0 'advanQp. . . . . of ~& boJ1~I/U1t~1 ab~~" CICMUiIUJ faIrS han ' or 1'I\q~


011'"* oq1a' tt'll to bebe, ..

~ ..."..,.' ''''___''"'' ,~~~b1" 8Jl .....



/ .



THE IlLUlI OAZB"lIB. WAY,N_V1LL8. 01110 .



Orand Juror.



CEMENT On Handa At ,An Times ..."_-._...~~#."":-...._"-....."'_........"............_..


• • •


.. .

LOCUS'- FENCE -PoSTS We have just reeeived a carload of good

IMuat Feace


Tbe Grapd Bnd Pe$tt Jurors for 'ba JaDuary )erm. wbloh -beglnl olanuary 4, 19l1i have boon dra1W:a. 'l'hey ore as follows:

W. H.Madden &Go. .



$2.25 per' 100 ' 'eet

)'red GODS, WaYDe , towDship ; 0. R, E~rDhart. <:lEarcreek toW'ilNlip i K. BrowD, Tunleareek wwuhip i . oward JetJery, Tur~eorook town. , Ip Ziinri BaiDee. W.yne toWD ~tp i Lou18 Peel. Bamilt~n town. llUp i JohD Murphy, FraDkJl~ town Ihip i a . B. Anderson. ""aDIlIiD 'o.Dsbtp i Fr.Dk Zel,l, W..yD6 $OWD Iblp i BenJamlD CraDe. Clearoreek ,owolblp i Ellery BeUer. Tunle oreek towu8blp ; J. B, RohUug, jiam. mOD tOWD8hip i Carl • M,ller. D'raDkl1D towD8hlp i Locey Mlt~bell, Tartlecreek towlUlhip i &Iber$ P. SDlder. Tortleoreek towDsblp,



Petit Jurors T , 11'. UoGnioo. Kuaie townahlPi Allen '.1'blrtleld, I(rauklln Wwuebip ; Wm. MoBurney, Tur.leoreek to""n IhlD i UQarles Deardo#f, FraDklin town8h\p i Alber' StaoV. Clearoree. \ownship; Victor Van Riper. UDloD \ownshlp; Zimrl Worley. Salem township i Bidwelf EI11,. W.yne· $Ownsllip i Wm. Deohant. IraDlllin township; Morrow SJieeh, Clear'






" .

Thornhill Kitchen Ca.-binet All You Need 18 S 1.00 D,wn and $1.00 per Week. , You don't pay 8 cent more for ,the Liberal Credit. Our LOW CASH PRICE fixed py the factory prevails strictly. Only 50 Cabinets can be sold before Christmas, many have already been taken. Don't wait too long.

Furniture, <;arpets, StoveS. Victrolas Graphanolas


North Detroit. St. Xenia, Ohio

=!e rao::II~~~iiRO~rl~',lo':re~: .................................................................0..........""' Tunleoreek lownllhlp Clyde Baney,!!!... ' ' : ' . : , I:Ialem 'ownlhlp; Walter, , , .' Wayne townshtp; RoUa DarraQRb, Ha'e of Ohio va, ,W illiam Gatee. pille by 11'0xbower and A MAFFIT Iran kiln , &owlIship i Joseph Zim Af*i\r euminstloD oour' orden ..Id farms tn aarlan township. i


The fin.t car of Chestnut Po,ta .Ev. ~rolllht . to j,J'own ii Just in. • , $28.0>0 ',

merm.n Jr., Turtleoreek \owDlhlp1 UJIDt-on Dearth. FraDklin &ownshlpi Albert Btow. rranklin $OwnsJilpi Charlae Brant, Clearorellk $O:W01blp i £. J , Templio, Harlan townlhlp.

Real Eatat TnDlfen

Wtllll.m aawe appe&r before ColD' mOD PI. . CoorUonJiwilh &oauewer obarl'e of obalDl... goode 'under fall8 pretenl8, ' . "Wlll1 of Harris' ' woOa, deoeued, ill filed. ' ID 1ih6 maUer 'of the gurdianlhip of Baon~ L, pow"n, aliDur. lion' Powell ta appoID~. isonel lillO, Private sale of leal ettate ID'Ula oa1l88 of J_mea H, VaDderv.oon &Dd EdwtD Vandervoort, .. Ulre. or :Joilathan Vandervoort, deo~, va, Jobu Vanderyoor' eS al.

, • e _ Julia and H. K. RlohardsoD to John 8 , aud a.rab E. RlohardloD ci .otltb h~f of lot No. 912,10110 ,ouab half of 10' No. 917 ill 8'rankllD, '200 T. O. Welob $0 <"'&1'81108 'Mo8ry&Da aDd wifd ,lut No. 9 In Btlbla'W'D eub· I'd lmion $0 Morrow',1'16~ Theodore LawrSDOO &0 C. P. Hoover 1J8 38 acrea of land In *,,: Martta&e LIc::-8 T , R. 6' $100 " b d , ': ' , ' .. . Oarmb~. Adam" stIC'ton aD to II L, N~well E. 8, MoClain Mra. Sarab J. ,dol!1erfJ,eld, both ,o f 110,ge aoree 10 aamlU,Oll towDlblp Fran_Un. Rev. A. , J,lt~Ue. II. Fraok J , M,.rdis, farmer of lAIb L. K. aDd N. L. Bnnnell toW. A,. ODOD 1 ~ VerDa tJ. Wadlwol"b. of Ikmeo.e lot 1n Waynesville, ,600. lTaDalln. Rev. LIlVerDe Ta110r. J08eph Ely et 81 w Jue P AD· W. Robert Newton. to denon par' of 10' No. 'eas in Frank Barbara Riley Koebel, ~&b of .-01'. . He,., Too. '. lID, $1475. row. Rev Ralph .Jon~. .. The phtlolop)1er: of the CIncinnati L C. iIoD~O: R. WIlUams $0 B. oJll J'rtmola Earl Brewer, farmer of :::;,r 8:~~=:;.! 7':ut~~~l ~~: Whltaore lo~ In Mainevme, .$leO. ' HUlIboro. to NelUe.ll. Boaan; of ever see uyone who thoulht he had BsepbeD and BeJle Doseil to 011,,- Harve,lborg. Be•. XlIs,; . ,,' aid enouch? Neither did we.-M~IID' &00 PeDDY, 10' No: 77 In Maple Park ", , CopunOD Pleas Court ' phil Commercial Appeal. ' lobdiv18ioD to Ktoga Jlme, $~1; "~~'rhP!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~=~~~~=: W.• C. BudioD to OlaytoD_ to i1 lot. No. 88, 3~, 40. 'I, .3, "3. rlll18ter "Ue to oer",ln .-, -'1, lOG, 107, 108, lOU, 110. ferr&1i by- tbe--ColU't to ill Maple Park BubdlYiBtor:. $0 An'dBlraon, exaininel' of lillis, 1f6OO. War,lreD COODty. •. • ••••• Wm. Tracey to Alben PeDDY 10' Earl K , MoClellan ' •. EugeDe-l' TO LOAN , No. 8 in Maple Park 10bdtvtelOD td Otark. Jory "e&am8 'ferdi~ ID KiDIIlIUlI, $1 •• _ favor of plalDtUf ,l D .om of 111&. - - -.- - - - -~---c,.ykm Penny and wife to Wm. A. B. Morrie, .dm., <lfthe' MONEY-To loaD on lloOd 188. OgGeD Iota No. lOG aDd 107 In of BlI_beth c. Sboemaker, deOeued oarlty. 8'or' for'ht'lr Informa. Kaple Park sobdlv18ion to KiD.. VI. JI. E. aDd I:l J,., 8boe~aker tiOD inquire aUbl1 o~ J8 IIUla, II. Jury BDcU mODey II:due thepialDWf Biram p"lmer to Herbert A. In 1i"8 ooon~. , ====;===::.====~RlobmQud real et!IH.te ID GoeheD : M.,o d Lowe Va. W~ , ': B, .ROu, ~wnshlp and Iltlls..r)' sDrvey 9110, adml~. ' lory ord~r pf&bitift to re $1800 , OOl'61~ I1'OB, .mouDt due from·.ute Favorite LadLe No. 118 of Ule of El'I~be~ J. Davil, deoeaMd, . WaDted-To bay your \ "Hidel, Knlgbt.ol Pl&1lfal of 1II~n.; by I.. Eva .May Dapn ~ Wll~ I'QrI, Pel&',eto Blab8llUiar. UOltees ~ ....., R , Hedrlok balf 01 DapD , Divol'Otf granted plalD,stft, kat 'prlce paid. ~ ,A. A. 8tH,., lo, :N'o. '3U In HUoo, '1. ' : ' who 111'88\0.84 \0 ~erm.td_ Dame WaylUlltvllle,Obio At ~ome every Probate Court Proceedlap , of Eva May Barria. ' 8a~y af~rDpon.






No 375 "Ub I'raDk 1114a" .,for Ie • . palrl~g abutment a' NeWill! bridge Funeral Dlrretor . OD BopkinsvllJe aDd Fo"ter pille, \ , and Embalmer, and oonore'e toe to ab~'B1eM to 1I&ee1 bridge 'OD Greely pille abon', WaynesviJle. Ohio. Catbolio oburch allo It one wall , alon, Greely pike by ,.Id church, Can a~wered promptly day or night '114 80. • _ • Both phones in Office and Residence. M M In'. Experience With long distance,No. 14; Borne phone .... c a , 14-2r, Croup . Chairs and one Coach furnished fre& "When my boy, Ray, wall small with funerals, ba W.I .ubj~ to oroup, aDd I wu o.t of service guaranteed. alway. alarmed at looh time... ObamHerlato', Cough ReRaedy prov.. ~========:==~ eel far be'~ tu~ aDY o'her for uoable. Ualv,ayarelteved him I quiokt', I am DeVer w"boo' tUD , All ~Indl of 'be bOUle for I &n"w U tit a poaltive ODre for croop," wrl&ea -~n. W. B, McClalD, BlalravDle, Pa. Eor eale '-' by all dealere • • _ ...._ _:-:--

InSURlIn''-'E A. '1


'Succraor to



F. SHERWOOD ~ '. ( W _""':11 ' " 0 PostOfflce, aYRalYU e, _ ..


l Offke.PhoJJe 77

', HoUN Pbolle 6-


Walter McClure Funeral Director. Telepbone day or aliht VaUey pbone No,,? LoD, ptatanoe No, au-Sr.


• - , B~eh 0tBee., 1Iarv".barr~ 0. '0 ::;, !!!!!!!\!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!! ,



'A.' 'McCoy,

1h tbe md~ of $be estate of .. Commillloaen' Proc:eedi~l· Yete.-Inarv' J~te G. Brubaker, deoeuecl, Vlln. T)ae bJ1Dd , pellltoDI ~onll8 roB SALE , : , . of 01110. ~"'l, . Unt~' " 'ton W. IManton is appolDHd aeou- • ",ere aUow84. ' , ' ' : . " ,. tor. Bond. '1600; IIltl Ltbeoa1\ ~le. , Dr', a.arry Ill. qttUIlIIt, &!rouer . . • . 1:. EatoD!dlcJ Joeepb EarDbart are e)8Q' preaeDte4,btl bopd ID ~e ,IQID , r. i. . ,,':' , . ~t·, tesidenee in F. U, ' ShetawolD~ apprafier.. ', ~ , of '6000w~t~ w~ aOO!&pted: 'v rnNE R " Q.~, S. BamborC ,aD,1' W. woOd'. hoUle; Fourth YtfJMtt.: :In the matter of the eeS&te of R.'1moDd aanbb!,rlt!l' !'a. r ' C, ' ~ta.. , OOQUrell. K. Ji:: • : , .' 't. " AImed.. ~iD, . deoeaeed. ,O.oer B. ' appp,I D* ' ~ j.Dltor ' fo~_ Court "hGplPlon, ~ODta.bu Obt~, V all87 , Telephone 28 : . , ' QjlD Is appoiDted admtnistra~r~ BOQII8 for year lllii Pbp'n~ It ~~;' ~1'V~y,. " ,," ~ Jl S '" ' . Bond ,aooo. O. L " Brown; ("'h.rI. '!'he matter Clf th. eo.18Uo Dltob ' " . , -" ' Waynesville. • Knapp aDd Robert L9~1I ' are .po . . . dllO,1ll8ed, bu' Dothtng cJoae. good Cutter 8letab -.d Belli . , '. ", ;"'(t ! l._ polDted appn~. . The Aodl$Ol' .u dlreoMd $0 Dpttfy for 110, ~ltOD C. B Sulf:_ee, I"!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'I ... t aDd bal aoooun$ iD tbe 'e a· Lowrv I.."... of Blue Aeb to be D, WayUnvi1le, Ohio. ' j~ I' tate of JobD E. DuDum, cleoeaaed, preeen' next Monday a' 1 p. m., Ii approved. ' , , •antuUowad ,: -0 ,II. CQr~y. dam. 'Joree'y oow, with oalf b, l"ire' aoooun' ID :'be .tate of lid· \0 laute> aDd rn~al tDJIU'J', . " " . j "de.' I'or farther 1Dforma• • rd ')\1. '~orDI, mlDor, ~e alao loP. Sta.t . qf Ohi~ VI, I'ran,k Boboaii OD or ~dreie Pan ~Qi proved. ' ,. , , Ie• •.Dd ,ClOt,!, $11.70. R. D 2,- "'aYD• •Ule, Ph'o, , , • 8 '~,- ~ ~--- ~Iii.,I_-------------.. In 'he matter of tbe, eetate 01 n.WIUlam Ja;)blln, " Abl!i.h 8 Wllkeraon, ' deoeaied' the IYld '5.35. ' ~ta&e of Y'UIU" • • • " • Wm. feee aD4 ~ J OJ MILLE ' R si&tb aoooUD' Is BpproVed. ata" 0' Y~r Aha ~allDuliOD, D V. ' BARN~, , . ~. , • r'" . , ,.. '. 1m the matter of ,&be ea&late 01 f. . aDd ' $11. S. Ralpb A. )488lteI'I deaeued, )'hoI' 1Q'!pU~ Iherlft'a. an.d A,udJl$Ol~~a ,1 'Notary , Public • ••• DENTIST... fiaalaooount s approyed. ' . oftioe, '~2'1 81. GroU & . Bae~e. , ! )'Iret aDd Bual BOOOun' iD the ... ot!lDtmi and lo~ber; " 1111.42 J. K ~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! M1 ....W~k of NG1u7 W .... IPndaDI ......:....: alA. 0 tate oNlar&ha A., Spe~oa, deoea~. 10mberJ .: '185 ,721. State 'H~IJ'. ' A·. ~ , .. 1IpeoI~. . 'I l I.' approved. u . PalD8. feee &'Dd iii' _. " u . :·~~.!!!!!!!!~!!!~~!!!!!~~~~!!:I::~~===:==::=~~~~=~ ~na First SOOOODt in Ike .et'atci of . of CI_roreal! · " . ' • il; B. 'B'ox, tDbDe, I. appro'fed. : Sieker, roa~ '. J;!~ "'I'I'~. " ~' ~ BA.TRA.W A. Y 'nie wtll of .CarohDe '801.11. O~16 I.",."I OUlII.: " ". . ' ...~ at IlrIt ~t~_ 4~ed, II aCtmllted P,lpe.,60.vo. " ', ' '" . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .Wa.,...rilIe'. L.""Da IkiaaIat .John lieDdP'SOD tbe . lIllP,pUea tor Pain loavel aIm_ , 'oaoe .. KQa BlcJa. -MaID'S _id CarollDe J:leD4er10D baa JngtJ88UVf~ , ""!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!l!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! to &ate under the will ' aDd iii /. • Ktl)bey, !!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!SI!!!C!!!k!!!H!!!CI!!a!!!d!!!IIC!!!:be!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!! '7" Oball~ 11, ' 00Ii"


A. a.

GaIOIiDe'£.,giae. ancJ Engine Suppliea

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,DB., .E.

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.prI"""ldTl~ Tilbee and ACCMaorin. L. YalYoHne


011 alld



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Il. Dr. II. J'tah-, a"'Dd·

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Htewan. 'H. and ooeb, Oh10 .... Balpb OCIlla, 01, ., ~]I!!t"""""i[ab. .~'~rO, 8fU 0. A.



,ft, ..A.

OAZWii., j~ --

rHE ' M1AMJ ' J


$100 Reward, $100

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- . - . - - - , -,- - - - - - - .

The Neighborhood News




W. ' N. Sears

The relldera .or thl8 paper will 00 Publlllbdll WOOI>ly at WllyuOIIvUlo. Ollio pleased to lelirn tbat ~here 11 a' jelll!; one dreaded di8ell8e ~h.t Molence blls ' - - - - _.- - - _ . - , - - .---~--- - - -+ Live . Stock and General Auctionee D. L. CRANE, Editor and Maoager been Ilble to onre' ln Ltll stllRes, Ilnd Barveysb11.. Beech Grove tbl\t I (.;atarrb. BII.U's C , tauh . ~.. . • Posted on pedigrees and values Oure ill tbe only p08ltive' oure nQw ' known to the medioal traterDtty.. Mr. and Mre, Frank : , Bere we all'e again, wishing yon SOME HOllDA \' 'THOUGHTS kinds of breerling stock. llatatrh be,ng .. constltntlond ~I' Xenia • .Ipent lhr'II',mIL8 _.lVl.Ul..J1ll'·'1OD6 and alia Sappy New Year. sello8e, requires a oons"tutlonal aDd Mrs. JIIo8p6r Meroer. M. M. Telrry aun wife and Lon 'E xperienced in handling lami sales since , . Aunt Ann, Flnoh well .kDOWn in Branno n aUd. wife IIpent Sunday '['be l!brJt!ltDI1I8 ~ea'\on Ie one trelLt,ment, flaU's Catarrh Cure Is 1905. takeninternBllY.lloUngdireotlynpoa tble vlolnity and who has been oonwitb K . E. 'l'bompson aed wife. wheu t,be poor lI·rllrOml.1IJ boreel wltb Il,lore ilywpll thy tbun ut auy othflr tbe blood uod 'muoo08 eurfAce8 of fiaed to her. bed · for several y~6ra . A. S: Alieni .Bnd ife gue their tune of l.he yellr. rrher III tlome. tbe. !!.Ylitem. thereby destroy tOR she etU.l remainl In a ~elpleslJ oondl tion. a.nnual ho1lday dinner for th etr Terms Reasonable' .:- Satlifacti90 ·Ouaranteed. tlling 'IIPPII Jllog 10 bOUl, tbe tb"uRht toundatilln of the dlR88lIe. and gt"9ioll: Mr Qulnoy KiDg eD'ertllined for ohild l.'on all SuudlLY, Deo. 27. Those \ of no t 'hrilltmfll' ut 1111 Tbat ill \vb\' tbe pa tient etrenRtb by bulldlng up dloner OhrietmaB Mr. IlDd MrB. present werll Mr. aD(\ Mrs. Cbas, Waynesville, Ohio , Allen, Mr. and Mrs. MlitoD Bowe. G~UATK tOJ' TUB J thero b,D'" been. 110 moob of fre~ the oonstit ution lind o.188!sting nature John Vandervoort. 11114 i9 ·almoll& a. tbing ot the pllst Mt. aud Mn . Frllonk Bevan. Mr. and ..ATIONAL AUOTION IIlviD!: . There blls bllen II :vmpllo in doing ite work. The proprietors Valley Telephone H - 2r thetio rl'~pl 'n911 to all demands 1\,lve ao muoh faith In , ita ourative and 11115 lalooked forward to witb Mrs. ti~ye Keever, Mr. and Mrs. SOHOOL 011' AllIUUOA. Cht I~'mtll! and IhA oold- have 00111: powers tbllt they oft'er One B o~dred p]eMure and 6nxietv. and if we are w'ill AJ len . .!'lh'. alld Mrs Ed, Allen, "'"'!""!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!~!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!~!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! blned to muJle people ~ellerOUI. ' II for any 0~8e tbat is ftuis 10 not very careful, we' will be lD tbe Mr ,'and ME'S., Howard Enlltertb, M.r. IIllllte 'bern "ymp~ thize 9ubltaql'ial out'e, Send for li8t 01 testimonials. llame Iraoll:, but U II to be ~oped we a:ld l1rs LellLoy EUis, Mr. an(1 MrB . 11 . IIond to force tbem to think Address: F. J. CBENmy & ~'(), will bave the beat of everything RIIoY Harrisoln, Mrs , Joe Burget", I . Toledo 0 N Y tiarry BOWEl, Luollle, Myra, Nlda Bu~ tbe trooble wit,b all 'f UI is 1501d by all Draggiste, 76J. • . during tbe ew ear. and UllrJot'OJ!1 Bevan. George Mnd thllt wo do DOt· think bRyon,\ ohar. Take Ball 's Family Pills for oon. Our l,lllokami'hil are very bU8y JUlinita Allen , Donald and Franels ity . 'l'here iM !l0 'unoh of lelve and making money w~l1e the Ice il on. Fnlker th, Lo.reoe Bnd Beath Allen, 8000nt."s tbrown IDlO obartty tbat s.ip&tlon. Robert Redfern who was une';· Rilello Ellis. Boward. Berbert and it i8 over.empb~sized aDd milldireot. peotedly kliled Wednesday w's In· Graoe Allen, Mildred, WaIter and ed-alway! bas been. P .nbllp!! rorad , wISh one of 'he oompaniell Orville Keever and Laster Fry. of rlabt now tbere Is not so muoh of represented by F Wilson tbe In LcbEloon. tbe exoelltt streslI Ob tbe idea of Caesar's Creek 1I0ra008 man and 'he 1011$ was set· Little Mips Mildred Keever, of oharay a8 'here oRed to be. bnt It tied promptly. LablUlon, IJlIuke n ,plee at the en· 8'111 h\lldll too great; a IIhare of onr tbllullnh. . Mr and MI'II. Soraoe Comp~oo , Paol Reaeoo. of Dayton. tett t\inmont at tbo ohurch bare on The trouble fa tbat eoo .mflny P!lQ- llpaDt a few daya in Day\on 11108' ChrlltfllRl! with his sister, Mrs. t:!ond"y eveDing. pJA h"vfl sblft.ed the t:ellponl:liblltty. week. I I ~ fiorkett. MIS8 Lida MurrllY pant Obrist, They g ,ve freely to tbe orgll.ntzed 14188 Franoes WilBon has as her Mre ' Margaret Levioy ent-ertatned mBs' with . liIer sister Mra. W, J. oharity organlzaUonlland I,b ink they gue8\tl over holidllY8 M.l'ieel Mildred for dlnoer Obriatmu. Mr aDd ~n . S~~rwood in WI~yne8vme , have done 'beir dnt , T~ey tBlt of and Edith Laird. of Iodlan •. Ira. A. BartsO\lk, of Dayton. Mr. and R. J . Murray lo!!t a. fioe colt urinlJlng Obristmbs to . the poor The fODeral lervloe8 of Mrs. R:>y Mr8. J08. DAvie and daoghter, Dorotby, her ,wo sl8~ers and brother Chrl tmllS Day. • wi'bollt 'bouKbt that it was the Barhman took plaoa Sunday morn Fred I:)ruHb and wife ware 8hop· poer wbo gave Ohrlstmal to 'be tng at 10 j)'olouk at tbe home of A, Emma. Suaan and Mayor Whet8el plpg in Day too on Tborsda.y. world in the Ita.ble of a hotel baok .M, Burhman. In~rmen' as New and eon. (llyde, Shop Next to Sherwood's Carage Main St ' ,ard. , Carliele. Oblo. We bave 'weladiel in our olty. Earl Brewer has t allen hl8 bride , It il wal' to have a vilion of Christ Chauncey Bunnell 'a had u Ihelr wb J d_ene the Rr..~elt praise, Bnd gODe t o his puente home in t.:..____________________""!'"'_ _ _ _ _ _01 a ... min ot peaoe, a man who gU88'-' v'brietmaa Mr. and Mrl. tbey aarely dld,. Christian lot wheo Pi " e 00 , loo'hed tbe waDderers of the eartb GeorlJe Bogan and daughter Edith, tbey made two little boye olean and Mis!!88 .Myrtle liIaree~8. Ethel &D4, proml8ed a , better world ~ bere- of WellmaD, Mr. and Mn Ralelgb 1IIIInnon, Edua ' DUll ilerage nnd the after. Bua ~hAre Dluat aillo be tb~ BOR.ui, Mr. aDd Mrs Sorace Comp ·Yl'II. Cora BarriS wae. Chri8t Edwards gh·1a have oloBed their Mt. Holly: &hoogPt of Cbril' 0.8 t.he ohampion too. M~, aDd lire. W. B. Hogan. ma. ~neat of lolrll. M.aUte Floob. 8obools during the holtdaye Bnd are of tbtl down-and. out and 'be dll- Mr Evan BOKan and M"ea Lelah Mr. and Mre. Albert Merrihew eu- epending th,e lr vaol1tlf>D at tbeir Tbe Mt. Bolly Sohcol of whloh ti'e~-aa..the avenger pUhe poor, Bopnaod Ina M~" Comp'->n .. tertained lor dinner Obriatmae Mr. hom"e bere I . l\rli1l8 Mary Davll! is teaoher gave one &he leader ot a world oroaade aM.lnlt Raymond Wilsonl have gone to aDd Mrl, Emmeraon Vandervoort, A. B 'l',.l111lago lIoud family ' 8pen~ IneqaalUyand nnfalfDIII8.-Dayton bouleteeDlng 10 their new home. aDd two ohlldreo Charles and Lu. Cbrlstmo tl Ivitil Mt'lI Talmage's of the fine8t Ohrlfltmu entertain , ments ever glveo bere Wednesday Newl mother Mt's. Amanda 61<rnel . --_. _ • IIr. and Mrl. Fred Staup, of Day. olle. evenlpg, ' Tbe Ad mtelllgence reaobed. U8 Vbas. Ba germyer and iamiJy ate GOINO TO toa epeD' ,Ohrtl'm&ll with Banry Mr. and Mrs. B A. Dill. M.r, Tom Batterth"alte and family. Wednetlday merniD8 of tbe dlsaa. tbl'lr Christmas dinner with Cbllo8, lJill and family. Mt. Vernie Jonea ser and deatb of Robert ' B edferD at Ellie Bnd .t&DlilY. or nelir HalVe,s Mr. aDd lin, J. 8 , Leftmtnil had J Qotng To II tbe nalqe of a pl-oe and famU~ spent ChrletmlLll wl&h . m08t of 011 at .ome time or otbell u 'belr gUalte on ~briltmae dav (!)i&rkllvtlle, O. .Ruben me&; IUI'Cleatb burg. Mr8. A, W. Dill. out for bu' neVlll' Ret to-never liseyen Powel'll aud f.bllly, of Por' in QOaIIllog'dGwn tbe bill In ClarkI . Calvin' Whi~l1kor and wife have to· Kentuoky to apbnd tbe MIs8 Glenna Baley w"e calliog 00 reach. la raot. many an eD'lre life WUltam. Mr, aDd Mi1t , A. B , t!lm. ville, he wae knOWD in thll 01$., lIod , Ed Bal'tlook aod familY Sunday. time Ie of'An given over to joorney. monl. of P..iDterev111~, Mr, and Mn. wa. well thoo(lbt of. Be leu'81 It.L.lanoe of the winter.' A . S. Faulkner. of ' Xenia Mn. a wlfe and children, motber, brother , )Iate llu1fmlln and wife oame M~. .1 ohn Morglln spent Cbrilltmaa Inlt toward Going To. 601nll'rO III ta,ll1re 'atavorlte l'o~ 808llD·and lit.. JOI8pblne Powen, a~!1 friends to mour. 'be 10111 of one dowD from 'Dayton to 'spend tbe wish Mr. L .. II , S&epbenll. . Yark the mlln who saya h~ i. of Pal.n tenvtlle. lire. 'CoDnir ILnll tbat wall near and dear &0 tbem . bolidays with Mra. Hoft'man'lI par . d lir• and Mrs. Jh8arl~s.. G~.~n ~~d Golnl 'r() Be rarely If eve , dOes. Bow.rd ,Lea.lna aEld famUy, of 14.y we learn by every qay obBer. en ts Wm. B., Blaine and wife. b un ...." >nua' ... r, .. ,Golnl T J d.18S not m86n \0 Do-it Wllmlol'oo. aDd SAlpb 'LeamlDg va,lon that we have no auuranoe Ed, Wllsoll and wife have moved Taag .. tl!r "'te 8pent b ... to tbe leDoth of tima we are .. o1 . ilL, " P en8. and famU, of 'htl vlolntty. meanl \0 orge' atid not Do. .. .. nto tbeir n8w "lrome here formerly v'h'luoaey Buonell .. on ibe o'4ioll: tDg to be allowed to ~maiD OD earth, kpown -as th.e Bltam Allen farm, Betlv Glbsoo visitelt, hie brother, Golnlr 'To iI ' the lugar lhat the ' and we may ~ o lIve tbat our whioh tbey reoently bought. Barry 61bson 10 Bellbrook, B11Dday, ~vU pu," over hill blttereat pUle. Itlt:. ....ook about yoo. " l'he "ery faoea . MI.. I'ran088 Kinoade, of DaytoD, hlnda ma, bilfilJed. wUh golden ~eY8 Misl Mary Ed\ I'lds who II atMr. Berber\ Myers apen' ~tor. of IIOOree I)f thoee with wbom you wall 'be RU8lt of Mt81 Sarab Ba&ler:. .~, wUt open the plllaoe of eternity. tending sohoolle Wayneevllle. II at day and Bunda" wiih his (lrand. , mix thft dar I\re IItampfld &8 ,boagh thwalk!. over Chrtatmu. ~" IItll, RObt • .8'aber, ef • was home here the holidays . mother. oh(tI8l~d.· wll h -be 'iude'erminat-a called bere Ob"aOOOan' of her .Ml .. "Dt~' OOlPptop, of'RoDDai, lIevere lIIueal but at thl8 ~ritlng 18 Van Vergil and_ Vivian Retalliol, Mr. J08eph Crew spent Chrletmas . 6~lng 1'0. For Holng To puta atie muob improved. _ ' . of Oregonll>, ,and Trmna.u WardloW'. with Mr. and Mre. John Levi. , tloula trembling lIod I'xoftee .. fear Is 'very' s10k·a' thll wr'"Dg. The Y. P. B. met at tbe home of , . of Waynesvlille, were amon, thOl8j to otherwIse dne Chaf.lloter. Goln~ Kd C.rr tranl!~oted. b)l8ineu In the olSt of town who attended tbtl Mrs. .B'i(')ren~ Barnard ,e~nt To roba >lnd obeatll Ittlld deceives Everett and Ln'her Sato.. Wednea Gflm City Wednesday. .• (';hriBtn as ;entertainroElnt a&; ~he Chrllltmlls in Spriog V"Uey ",Uh her day; evening. ' "'1 .m Going To." No-uev..." Cbae. Gordoo ~i.>a.ytoa eobool -hm1A!&-he~ aD Tbursday dau~hter. , • '->p,thttre ':1 am 60lng 110-00." Keep It tlaDdy For Rbeamatllm Wedoesday. ' evenlDg. ' Mlu Teoa MarlaU apen' Chris'. The,'1 your oue. ' Bot be enre you . Oar BIlbool entertained Its patrons Tbe entertain neni given on mila in Spring Valley. DoA~Onoeand Ou tbet:!po'. ~rge No ulle t I Iq:lrm , aD;b w1n~:nd Tbursdayand $be ohtldren wiore ce Obr18tfnas ~ve by MiKI EVil EIlIII and Mr8. George MarlaU and eOD are MattHew!! Adame. to wellr on yoar euma~. , by abe teaobll1'8, Soliool he~ sohoo] WIlo8 a complete SOOO888. siOE at 'his wri$1og . 1If111t:!~ea:.:o~I~~::::-~eJ~o~ .W11l oonvene January 4~b. Ooe of 'be of the evenlBI Mr• .lou lAlvt had 'bem\sfoduae The Romanoff.. !9':~, i ~jOl' Ie' It Penetrate · all BtoungiDg·preaenM ~aaindulged Was 1100 inltrumeotal 8010 and sonp of 10ling a. l1ne horae &a'nnlay • The "ounder or the RUlllian ro),&1 ::roUg: Ule Iff80~ par__ , relieve ~ardlel8 of the fO)',.nd mouth piaYed and Bung by little Veda and eve~lng. . bonae, known 'as the . ..Romanotr.... the eoreDB88 and -aw 'he ~..Ia Irma Eml. Mrs. ,Carl Bllrnar1 lpent Chr"~ Wall Michael F.eodorcnttcb, who wall' .. , lo . . Walker filled 'be pulpit 800_ • • - • wltbo-h .f k lUA ~~.. I' au get eaee a' oooe and lell) Bev•• Walker II burely the S mM ome 01 e. ' ......., ... el~ted czar In 1613 at tile ale ot IU' You mooh, better 'OQ .Int 10 RO h ri h 1 V Prompt Action Will , t opVour Cougb Mr . . muel Jacll:son and M, r . rN. .~II"O"" ."titeeD. . It 1B 'claimed tbat ~fchael, the " a'nd ' tell other eoft',erere man In t hlm' e geo~ pTOU ace,can pmfJ Wh eu' you Iiral; 011; t 0 h~ a C 0 ld (f' Perr." Cl1rla' ...... ....jk .:.-..:r"~ -hear "'p. 0 en · ' Smith epen". . ... . wUh ............ __ . founder ot ·tbe atroDK, autocraUo 'rule ou • tSlcau·... Get a bottle of ~1~6~·II~D;;;Ot;~t;,hil worth. indloated by , 11 soeeze or oough); Yr. Jl'unll: Bartsook and .famlly. .=--=--aII"~ 'in RUlli.. was forced hi the duma , • _ • break it op ,at onoe. The fde" that ' 111': (iuy Cheno!,~'b IJ)BDt Sun. &~'il1::i:!=~~ that elected lilm to - talte a consUtu· Liniment for 2508n18 of any gil' aod b"ve it in tbe bOUle"It d088 not matter" of ~en lead I ~' day with Mr Amo. Jackson aod ••".- -~ tlonal oath.:....a tormula that waa but ej!rlonll oorupUoaMODS. 'l'he remec'ty famUT· ' · 1lchti), '-rlgarded. '., agalnlS Colds. t50re 'a nd 8wplle~ Joints, Lumblgo. Sciasioa and I1ke whloh immAdietely IlDd easily peneMr ' Earl Mltrlatt '~Pen' ,8a.'Drday ' ~:.'l4 ~~=...~' allmenta Your money baok if no' The.LiTer, slllggts)l and luao'hlt, trlt~"~ tblt )ining or 'throat Is tbe d 8 ' d wi h IV r ..-._~~~»'::...:' MUlhroolfl Farm, ' " 8Iltlllfied. bot it does (live almoll l1Nt sbow'e I I8lt to a meatal 'tlitlt kind d m nded Dr. King's N"w an Dn ",y t II a . er. , _.. A mUlhroom farJ]l tn CaUfornt& eon· iDak-nt "ellef Btlya bo"le toda., aDC\ , O1'iti081. Never Ie Oleoovor . soothes' tbe irritation. Mr. odo Marlatt SpeDt Salurday .. - ..... statl ot 600 aquare teel. the bedl, being , - • Uvlng. 88 wheo the IQoAens the phlegm. Tou teel be\ter and I:41l0day wl&h hi. fol .. · :::=~~~ iD tlera In a basement. . Although OHIO'S CORN SH9W LI ve~..i.l'ft doiog,thelT 110\ onoe. • 'I'~ seemed til reaoh tbe lIr, l'errv Wyaonl aDd hi" ;'lfe ... r .-... C -..:.....JIMltIhr(lOm --:growing iD the United your Liver. aotive aDti .tery spqt 01: my Co\1gh" Is ooe of lpent Chri8~m88 ,iu Eaton. Ub~" w~lh ...em'...... ,...... .. .. 1\00 .......... Statel! bas MSUJOed eonald!lrable 111"0Auusements haye bee'; } o~m . . 1II!iD~ Dr. K1nlJ'e New lQany hone@lt testimonl ..1s. flOo at hie folke. . , .IIOYI' ......O..tcll. Ie ~- . . . " , , portton~ , the Imports. oontl~ue ', to ~e pleted for the ~nenth Allnnsl Qblo i il)eyemp'y tbe ,'Bowels y,oor Druggist. '. ';' " " I • ~e. Corn atl,ow, wbtob will ~e held iD ·....... Aft '_ YPllr St,OlQao~, oore ' • - • • w"h ·t1l8 Otllo '. a~d pal'tfy·) tbe ~ . Mr. Pilnkley's Grievance. . Dally Thought. IMtr,. . Show lnd at DrnlJgilt.-aU(l.klen·8 "I wouldn't; o'liad no trouble wlf de Timea ot leneral calamity and oemD-"_I" '_ Show, at tbe" S ..te .rnica salve excellent for PUee. constable llef Ilobod)'," said 11k Elrn. tullon haye ever been productive ColumhUl, January ! " ' . - ,.' , tUB Plnkl ·Y. "if It hadn·t ,been tor the ...eateli mbdB.-Colto~ .' • lib The oorD aDd gratn Sprln·g bo·r o woman's love o' drass." "What liu ''''!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~. eZhlblCl wtlJ. be houeellla .the maet .- - di'OBS got to do with It?" asked the jall= 'Central Hallding. B . Ble,fned . tnaSloHld bn8i. er. ''My wO·D.lI~n fol ks warn't satlsHed to Prof , WI 1". Noll • . Prof. Ed,..r DeBI ,lO Ir.d·la,. 'eat de mos' .tlf do f'l1lc,ken. Dey had t() Brown, ', iln.a ·Prof. BeDf)" ~ Bell, lire, Mar, J, Beal ti OD tbe alok vut de featbers In delr bata nn' pawill deUver .ddr~ JanDary tUh lilt.. 5. .. ( ,rad!! 'ani al; dtl1c ltmstanU!l1 evidence.If aDd llJth. ~. ' MI .. Barab B... rn ..", ~prlooi .... l of :-Wash~l gton_ Sln_r . ~._'~._ _ The lnallurailoo of G,(),vernor;&lecm "":I!' ,.. ,.. "" , WlIItl :WIll draw' lar ll8 'Orojvdl 10 a8d Ltoll loboolel _apeot ~'Iurdli:Y Your Cold Is DaogerOLis Break It ~ e .-.. 1.,.... ' ,. II <1 .Dei HUntlay ".tb DUll. Eva , Bormell 'l1e 'Obio '18pJ'ul ",.ty oa ' 00, .• y, ADel 'daUd"'&er.. ",'. t\ Up-Now . J.QblIl'i 11th . , .. ~ 1'~e COm Datry Banqd' will'De lira. I. II. Buunell ~,,,oaao'ted . A Cold ils read ily ~tohln8. A. b.-Id "t 'he Women's ' Btitldlng on b11line.. la Da.-ton Monday. : .," run-down system III. B1l80ept.ible to Wedn'eedar eveDlng, 'JaDo&r1- 1S&h. Mrl ' Sallie ~ aDd ·Mary Emma Germ!'. You ow~ it to yourself and GOT8JnOr ,YUlle And ot~er pro~. Dal'll~gtoD are both stUI OODfined to to) otbers of ' y~or hOat'bh Id to OlJbt mea will ~. on ~b,e eP.8a~.i.D(I the booae. . ~he H\'lrms at onpe. Dr aell'8 P111e '. . , 11ar Runey i8 finE! for Voids and Tbe Stati'l'armel'll' InI\Uam win , M~. anel Mr., . W. W . ~bee'" ain~ Cough'J. 1. 1.0088ns the Mni)()Il", stoJl8' berbild OD Wedneecll'Y and 1''11\11''' '9n Ba,mond II~!I~ Chrtltmae w, 'be VOugb '(t'Dd ~ .otllee' tbe ' L1lDgs JJ~~!~=~~ar:~~~~: of "eell:. Speaklll . ": abi1 ,lIrs. Uba.l . ~lvinliltoD ~t!s guuanteed. Ouly .2110. at your . re ~IU"I.""''''''JD·;o''!' '1 rapu.."oq ; 1ulve~~ (JAv~g~. " . Droggia" ' mee$1D(lS,' . I",~r~ Melllll8 . Qbarl., and Olyde Pacee ' ':r' are 1I0me:fl'Q1Il for °liri.", ' Think ~' atan. Good Work:man. m-.a VaoaUOD" :. , '" ~ Betwe~n mnslil.nd aud Sc;otland . Leele!' ...., .,me lb.-m.e Saturd., It.nd the' rUln8 o~ ~he old Roman wall, froiD De1ew~ ",ber" he ~h'al 'Deen known as the Devll's Wwl, o\"\'lng to ~IDla ooa.... , to , mUllo. 'The ra,hellef of the pp.aso.ntrythat. on Ile· POJl' tba' he had · 1IO&11e' wal count ot the t1 ~mne8B ot the mortar ,., . ' and tbe imlte1,'ishablllty of the stones. '.IIIf'. 1111111 O18ra Netb)t9 mlMle a bDa,intlllB B~t.aD hlid a. ~and 'in Us oonatrncl1oD. to III"mllbar. ooe day Ibe ilret • • , tbe ....t. ' • " 'China Chipping. •• • , prevent llne ohlna CoUib Qemedy-The ~m chipping wllile . , ......... J:aYOrite ' 18 t,o put 8n old TUrk: . "'1' ~:-:~::::=-,'I OOUlh the bottom 'ot the dllh·



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.-- .


IBEBOYS· ..·,G·a9llUl1



=':.::"72 .. -=-.......




..- .





CbamberIIIa·. it:




",I ,









-~----- ----



pr~ence, WIles to be ol!' ~. the HY pay money for road to Albwu. , sll1ce Kathllffl bad not fancy boxes wheo been eoeo uppn IL. He rou.nd wber~ Il.a.jah Ilad veered off Into the Jungle what you really want is a&uln, and tollowed th e trall tJre10llB' high-grade cigarettes? Iy .. But It waS to b bll ml.rortune atwaYI to arrlv tt tdb la (e. FATIMA; the Turkish-blend hel\d , th en lopo nwa.y III tb e directI on ell~ \ ,. od tie really belio' cd pe bad, 1'0 J{lIthlYII the day paBsed wltb cigarette.· "No Gold T,ips. B7 t..1 k n by RaJnh. " 0 . DIY childre n, my l ltUe onee, nlY nothing mora Di s n tbo CUrlOBlty or tbe but finest quality"·20 for 15e. HAROLD MAC GRATH '1'0 Kalbl yn it seemed tbat . llle bad IU ds l I hav e bro?cbt I1er who wfl\ now natlvel to dlsturb · her. Tiley brought ·110 longer anytltlng [0 do with the body a tend t o the acre(\ Il rel ; for the8e be r I'otton bla nke ts whlcb s he ar· .. Distlndivtly ·nJJviJual • lIIu.tnlted by P I"'"r,,.1'rom th. Movln, PlrtuN ot l{ nthl yn HOT O. The soul of unother l ,~' o l)e wtIJ r IItore tbe c ity aa of old, I ranged In thtl lIBrcophagus. Il'here Prod uctio n or lh" Polvac:ope Go. bad. stePllocl In to tbls wearied !leab of th ll tat Corll, t ho pl llnitude o( trUll, were . wone bedtl 10 the world . t han b rs an d no v.' dlr c ted Its .,byslcal Inco· tll <'omio g ot tbe 1I0n ' two rains thla ; a t l eus! it slilelded her from the Dl IIIl U 1\Ultton~ , whllll her 01\' 0 tlpirlt I' n go t he le opard l~n d th e Btriped Qne bItter nlgbt wind . s toot! ~ ra tt1 fu ll y UI1I1 llllss lv oly .aloof. It u \, CO l'!lake n tbelr lalre. One bullook Sbe ate u(tal n at sundown and build· (Oo"~M b¥ &rol<l MocOr .. ~ 1'iothlu·g coultl ll11l1Pon now ; th e worlll IL month Is b e ~ttlr t han fire, togeth er lid high tbe sacred nro and triad to 1 a lways re m&1n a mYlIlory to ber. E'ood bad , row n till a ud cn lm. 'rbe spIrit w ith t be kida 'Bud th e cbll dr eu. AI!" 'plllD som o maime r ot elCllpe; for she aYNQP81s.. dId not p ropo st) ,to be a deml·goddeB8 a nd \Vnle r, food a nd watar ; In ber dre w tbe el avoo or tbe robe stlugly More dus t. -!.'ltthlyn Hu., btlllevl nlt h e r rat h~r, ("o\. pres n t eta te she mUBt b a ve botb 0r· about h er aru\s .a nd laid Knthly n'lI N a~, ura ll y t he vIllage rs ee t dowu MY 10llge r tban was noceseary . From ,....~. In peril: n lUl .ummo nl'<! her. ltl>l"~H beJ' b orne In .. Ufornlll 10 11:0 \ <> him In die. Let them acnd he r buck to Alta· head l1(1on the m and drew ber down t heir wate r .kinB Wld 'arB and copper Pundlh\ Hhl! hnd learned mall), words 4110011.• loclla. Um\lllUII., pretell lJnr tt lIP ba ; h A WII S boahlD: sbe ·was · 'WIthout into A protOllo d ij ill mber . "ess cls Rnd IlClCkoo ahout lbls excep- all(\ II tew phrases 1n HindustanI. and ~br O Il • h(lS Imprltioned th .. co lo ne l. n Rm"d Half a mile lo t ho north of t he t lonnl hOly mlUl. They wanted to IIh,e vellt ured t~ speak tbelll to the ~, _~6 Iil.te kinK n. hill h eir. A r r ld n!! III the will to resIst further. All sbe 1L.......... Kathlyn I. Informed by 1 In bo 1111 wanted was tood and wa te r a nd 8100 11, rui ned l mple t here lay. all unBUB· beli eve h Im . but fer. ;wears notb lns bad holy m n, who seemed Quite deUllbt....t her rather bolnlt dcad ah~ Ie to be ale p. ACter tbat th oy might do ..... bnt pected by Kathlyn, Ii village- a vll· bapponed but tbe advellt or tbe lion, ed. Tiley c.ould understand ber, but ~_a. o.od mu at marry him. She re rusl «Q(I 18 Informed by Ihe ll r1 u t $ thnt fl O they pleas ed w1th be r. lago belongI ng sole·l y to the poor, moat- wbence no ono exactly knew, (oougb s he on h er part could mall:e little or -.una:n C!&tI rule ullm".r l o<1 . 8 ho \e ~v.n For tho . first Ume since the extraor· ly ryots or tlllc rs of the 6011. . The t bo holy. pllln .hA4 not boon backward nothing ot th Ir jabbering, Neverthe.. v"! da)'8 to think It ov r. Bhe .Ult re~ • an., I. toUI the.t abe m us t lI od ergo dInar,. nIght trom Allaba Knlhlyn poor 1n .As Ia know but two p rlods or In cltdmlng It WI;" dUB to his ,Iearne.. less, IIhe prete nded. . o ol'<l_lIls wlth wllll btlu t •. 1f aho ouriI'InalJy the 1101y men departed, after . . .h. wlll btl p e rmitted to rvl". loh n recoll ected tbe "elephant talk" wUlch t ime, tor rerely do thei possess su cb a' tp the god VIshnU. , . ce, lUI Am.'r \can. all"''''' her lire. T h e Ahmed had taught her. She rOBe . wear· Th l'Y rollowed hile eagerly to tbe bayIn g IndIcated the aacred fire and ant which carrtt. her from . the te mple. Wbat they beh eid tranullJ:ed the wood beside It. Tbls 'fire pl~sed ~ ot be.r trlc.llI· tun. away, • panting lIy and ,..alked toward Rajab. who ,;r h-cKn l)Mlee and thft , r ut of lhtl ",,<.!Y. cocke d hili eare at the &owui of ber a~ them . A womall with IIllln like tbe Kuthlyn mIghtily. ' WhJle It burned . pe ta~5 ot the lotus and hair like corn brlghl~' the lion would not prowl In proach. SlIe tD.1ked to Mm for space CHAPTER V-Contlnued. eat In the sacred sarc01lhllgu8 and ber Immedls.t. viCinitY. She won· In monotone. Sbe held out her handl; bralded her balr, suing th ~ while to· dered where thIs buge cat had oome the· dry, ra.ap), truDk curled out t()o Out81de the palace court,.rd IIlood ward th('m. Rajah W&8 evidently will· ward the brlgbt sun. ' tram, since ebe lInew h8r natural hi. Rajah, the howdah lIecurel, attached Itl, to meet her Qalf way. Sbe or~ Tb·e lotoke of IIUIny breatbs pro- tory well edoullh to know the Afrlcaa ODee more. Kathltn w.. bIdden to det'od bIni to kneel. Without even ducel1 a sound. Kathlyn turned In· Iton. did not InhabIt tll!a part of th~ mount. A wat.!r bottle aud iome cake. paUlin! to think It ovar RaJab bent stenU, toward tbls eound, for a globe. DoubUeal It hnd lIIICaped from WIIre placed lu the howdah be.lde her. bls C8.l10uled kneee, and patetully ment Bxpectlng the return of the lion. some private inena«erie. 'l'bell a druuken mahout moun.ted be- Kathl)'n crawled back Into tbe bowImml~latelY bOly man and village rs Tbe fire, then. clytng her eonJIdenee. - Spell kluj; of ung Is in dlsgulsc.. but • hhId R&Jah'a ean. The elephant dId dab, Food and water: these appeared thre1r themlfelvea ullOn- tbe groulld, she. did not get Into the sarcophagus. what hllsln tlss h08 un nUKe I to \ il r lIOt Uke the teel 01 th. man'a le'l. and at hand RI If by magic. So she ate s triking tbEllr foreboadl ngalnst the but wandefed about, bulldlDS In bBr . a. dI sgU Ise'! ~ becan to .way omiDolllIl,. · Nenr· and drank. If IIhe co aId hold Rajah dam,) clay. The allen spIrit still ruled fancy the temple ... It had IItood to tta tlIele.., he permitted the ma!lout to to a walk tbe howdah "ould I.aet at For Itchlno. 8urnlng Skin •. the lIub~tanc e ; Katblyn eyod th DI In prIme, Th e , cellinge liad 'been map 4lrect him to on. o~ W. ell, ptee. Dath e freely the a'l!'ected surto.ce mild astonlsbment. not at all nhum ed. nlUe enlly carved, no two Bubjectlll leut till IIhe came to ' some village. . '.oIlIle,.. trooplnc &loUI.lde. , uUcnra Soap and bot wo.t 1'. "AI! " sbrllled the holy mall, Bllrlllg· alike; (lnd the walla were of marbl& .... Uh Lator, in the moonlhlne, Ihe espIed It ILp])8lU'ed that there wae a much the ruin ed porllco of a temple, lng t o hIs foeL "Ai! She Is our an· and jlUlper nnd porphyry. Am"'" Dry wltbout Irritation a lld ~Pllty CutJ· abort.r route to Allaha. T-tme belug plout. prl eMtllBs, rl ulng trom her tODl.b continent 'ttlla Aala · 111 Ite beyday. cura ' OIntment wIth 6nger or Iiaud. ~ntta1, Bruce baa had' to make for or centuries l AI, al! O. thou .unholy When her for:lfatbem bad been rud. ThIs treatment atrords Immedlnte reCHAPTER VI. ~ frotitler blindly, ,a It were. The chUdren. to doubt IllY word ! Behold! barba:rlsD9. aaUlng the north, eeas ~. lI.ef, permits rest ond Illeep nod Ilclnla l'IIC1aIar hlghwa, '111'' a moderately dl)The Temple of t/:le LJon. Henoetortb sbe Bhall oharo the te m- a8orHlclng . In DruJdlcal rltel, ther• to s peedy healment In mOllt calles or eCEemali. rllllhe~, (tcIllngs ~nd I~rl ta­ . cent road whlcb red along the bankl In the blue or night the temple pie wltlt the lion, and later IIhe will had been art and culture bere Bucb u ot ~e of thele IItreamil whlcb eventu· looked as, tbough It had been scul~ Blve ~e prosperity, aud my nallle shall bas neve r ·been lIurpalllM. indIa, of tlon s of th e skIn lind Icalp of Infant., lilly Join tbe aac~ .TUu1na. Thle, of tured out of mlet. Here and tbere tbe ov!'r be in your boueebolda." 8plendld pogeanlB. or brav., warriors children and adults . Free II&.mple each CIOUI'IIe, ... 8 alaS1 ucred. M~, ~ndu8 heavy dewI, touched . by the moon HaYing secured 0. prIestess, be wal lind ga,lInn l kloge! Alall, how the wltb 32· p. Skin Book If you wlsb. Adutlcu.ra, ·D ept. X. ,...... bathlllC In . the ghat&. Tbey lances,. nung back flamee 'of sapphire, now det rmlned that he sbould not mIghty bao (!Llleu! A·bout her, ponurJ. dr eBs ~108t- cafd : lIUIed by thOle and pre~eDtlt came oo)d end sharp. To Katbl,n the tem108e ber. The future waB ro.seat41 In· mel1llneSll, hypocrisY', uncleanliness. Boston. SOl!d everywhere.-Adv. , 'pie we. of maneJoua beaut.)'. She deed: and when be took his next pll' thIevery, and uobtidled pUfllone.•. . Upon a fJlaeral pyre. grilling ~o holy Bentlre l thoy· would ~l1at wae tbat ? fItll' beart mialed a Blaoelt Talk.t In .the Brltlah ~ouae. 80metlmea one' slee". lrlth 01l!!'11 urged RaJah toward the crumblIng Mr. Llo),d.O Orge, "'I..e ctl)a:u.cellol) (It . , . open, ud thu. It w.. ,nth Katll- porUco, boatlrew hIs pathwQY wIth lotlls 110w· beat. Thal lIad'lIad; that ~nlmtnc tbo exchOQ~e~, Js thf\ gr tltlj8t lalllll' 01'8 . . ' nolee l ' btl. Out or tbnt funl!ml pyre h!!r It 'fI,lB a temple In TUlu, lIke many . In the Shadow 01 Danger. , , ftmlrJah U.ourbta bullded a trtghtful In HInd. Broken plllare, eX<1ulst~eIY ·' Wood to Ktart t he o'acred fires !" he . She wbirled about. ltllocklnl over hi til ' Urllleb [larllament. The ah;llIcellor · spoke 170 columns coailUBnded . an Idol. It came down wlth a craIb dnam, , ' , '. I ' carvl'd, Iny about, and some ot Ule tall The dl'1Ulke{l: mahout alld olf ~ah; ~Indows' ot marble lace were punctur. tbing liB a watch ~ or a cloak; sunaet Tble vlllugers flew to 011 y hIs or. nnil, being of clay, lay In shards at of ·· Hllnsord," while Iho .\Irlme minis· the soldiers turned aside. ~d f. ed, ae H tbe list of 80me angry god and SUnrise. P e rbaps the mlUl of tbe dera. f{e was Indeed a hoI), Olan . Not her fe et. (Unfortunately It WIUI tbe 110ly te r cornoll! six th dowlI the) list wHb 108 ....e mourners , were kneellng abol,lt, bad belton through. Under the de- family mlLY all awhile at dusk on hIe In the rI) mory of tbe' oldeRt had lit of hOlies In ' th.le temple.) How she COIUlIIlIB. Tilt! III ruber wbo IIsk'ld t he "..tlu, and tieatlng tbelr breasts, cayed portico stood no Iron brazier. mud doorSill, WIUl bls bUbbllllg water miracle sue R' as tbls happened. Upon gained the shelter of tbe· 8ILreophAl\lll rnos't Quostlous Willi· Mr. Fred Hall o r \ 'WbUe belllad them stood the hllb cute Near tblll repoaed a cracked etone pipe (If he has one), aJ\d walcn the the1r roturn with w(>Cd and embere she novel' lUlflW, but gain It ahe 41\1, Dulwlch, \\'bo Ilut 359. III oue BOTt ot cont 6t Mr. Will Ha ll .."Ido". ber ~ace al traglo u DIdo'. a~ aaroophlLgUlI: an unusual sight In tbls atars slowly awIng acrOBS the arob. tbe hOlr Illll.n hullt tho fire, llAndlng and cow ,rcd down wIthin. Sbe coul4 the lIyre . 01 Enenl. Suddenly, IIhe P!lfl of the world. It wal , wIthout Its A pInch of very baH tobacco 1s slowly a lIg·hted to rcb to l<athlyn and signifY. hear tbe ' beut trotUns. round and 18 e llft!l)' b u t u by ~tr. \V1II Thorn , th e ~ocln ll i t. 'rbe ordlnur)' rato .!!( ':!trow up her arms .bl,h above ber ,Id, Put one god .now brooded bere- consUmed; <then he enters tbe hut, lug 'for her to toucb the tinder. Tbe salltllng and rllJDbllng In hi. 81' aklng III ) 00 to 11$0 words a mlnutl!. bead. o.boutll- Sllence. Not a lIound any- 1IIngs hImself upon hIs matting (1)er- IIpfrll t In Kathlyn told her tbat th se throat. · Then the rourlng of the pre. r WID 'I'honl ~ lluts 1\lll Qu.estjon H to ") am lutloe!" where, not' even from the bap~ ~ cottOn rug, more like ly a bun· pl)ople mel\llt ber no Immediate IUlrm, ceding ~gh t was repea.ted . . The 01\1 M th e governm elit a t t b rate r ul/op t 'Suttee! It ;'iI'as agaInst the law. of treea. She -saw a nolllelell 11t.ard sl~de dl& of woven w ater reedsl. and eleeps, ~o ahe stepped out ol ·the s arcophagus {ellow evid ently could not ftM those Ilc ll undrod words 1\ mlnu e. Mr. itae Brltilh raj. The soldler8 beglm jertdly I1cross a patch of Iqoonsblne • 0 one wakes blm; habit rooBes hIm and appll d the torcb. Tbe filament other lIons wbo roared back at blm 10 .Hnll Cllllnot do .b Ite r lhan Il mer.e 4 ~ 1) aranlOC with tbe widow, 'but ont, bait dissolve Into the purple shadow al dswn. He scrubs ble teeth wltb a the fl a. mes began to crackle the v U· vai!anlly. Evidently fire bad no ter- word& u min ut e. beartedl~ .Jt WItS a ' plou8 . tile. 1"bllyQnd. ' ', .. ' fibrous stick. It 18 11 art of ,his reril Ilroatrated thems elvcs sgaln, rors for bim. For 'an hour or more "ortby of. the blgh ~aste Hindu', wlte. at was thtl temple? What go·d s l1gi ou8 bclJ e( to keep his teeth clean. nnd the holy man b~meare d bis bOIlT he PjitrOled tbo portico. and ' all .thlf! Told a~ ~.irq Club, Bettel' dea 11. on the pyre than a fUture bqen wore~lpejl here. And why The East Indlno ( alndu of MohamlUe· cbes t with more asbea. time Kathlyn did not. It,lr. h~dly dal" "A · lit tle 'girl . !lILting lIe:Cl me in Ute IlIJI! that of a pariah dog, For a w" It deBerted? She had heard her dO:n) Aas the wbltest, soondest ' t eeth A second holy man appcared u~n log to breatho ror tear he mlgbt un- <:liuroh \VIIS coughIng," saId . Jon " Wolfe who pre [erred to live after ber father tell 01 tbe ruined ' city of Obltor. In tbe world 1t the beteloul Is but tem· the scene. wiutUng In brenth . HIs Jaw dertake to peer Into tbe Borcophllgul. at t be I\ril c1 \1 b. .. 0 r wb Is pered to hUsband gone wall a Iloolal outl<athlyn 8buddered. perately used. droElped and hie .eyes Btart M to' leave Silence. 1\ low roar (rom the' lnner h r lJlQth r . {or peimlsalon to &1111 ~ or eut, permitted no~ to wed agiUn; tQ Sometimes 'l'lIIagee, to the last Boalln Beyond thl/l v illag o lay a ruined city, tbelr socketB. l<'.nqwJ ng hIs 11k so s hrine told hor that for tbe' lIreaeat a cough drOll. ' Th e child ld I \n oJ&t only all a ~nidge·, a m~nlal, the tbem: we're brusbed from existence now InhabIted by cobras and slinkIng thor'o ughty ~eU. he ' flung IllmsDlt ~b e was safe. Tomorrow sbe muat bel' !\Io u th Ii monlent a lld tben II wafeeoC! Ilnd , contempt of all wh\> had and known no more to man. And tblll jackals, down betoJ'e the bra7.ler nnd bellt his fly, wblthor dl(l not ID.11ttor. Toward )owM It." nown' bel' In her, da.yB ot prospetlty. : might be one of them. Yet hldlcations Dawn. A ,fe w d,ung Ilres smolde red. loreh' ad I1Jlon tho ground; not in [ou~ o'clock 151:\0 fell Into n, dozt! and I .. 'Would yo\) klndty Ive bQr a u· ,The widOW, bavln, drunk trom II Cl\lP of a village were nOWh.ere to be seen. From the door1"IIY ot one of tbe mlld c bu~lt ned spirit, ·but bccall8~ lie was tIluilly aWlikene~ by the sound oth r ?" the molb e)' wblsp er d. , whlc"., contained opiuln, ftJlmbe" the h ~ . I II k A t volceB ralsBd In anger. ~ .. t 1t was merely", templo, perllaps m,tles u ..., came 11 ea ll !'\lan, I s na eu , orso o\l elrsle pt that mornIng. Tille " <I'm sorr y, hut J had oul)' the on~: Poor 6h epl /' They had dliloavet'lMJ r II'eil. top of the Pl'rl! wberl! bel" hUliband.lay, from tbe nearest vlllllge, .deserted sllve 8treaked wIth wet asbes. hIs ruatled mlgbt hav .. been hiS! AI. at! ~. . awafbed In. w.blte, Sbe gazed ' about by p!,o,!,llDg wild beasts, the wlnd~, thll hair banging In knll tB and tanglell 00 Ln l r ,the two conrer~ed . Durlnlr the Bba.t~r et1 Idol. It dId not malter "Coming ou t of clIurcb I (ell In m" w!l(tly, ,and her . courage and' res,?lve Bunshlne, and the moonshine. She hIs BIllll fated ti boulders. Hie flellect tile dny t hey sbould guard the, prIest· at all tbnt tho r e turn or their anoleu, . poe ket illld W~I t5 1I01\.,t6ell to Il ~h out .Jooked rar and wide tor any elgos of was exceedin g ly 1l1tllY; be was a hob ess, becaulle. hav'Jog tulten human goddess WIY! to bring b!,-clt. prosperit, . .tlt . cOllgb d rOI). YOII ~e ll , 1 baa haet human habItation. man, whloh lu this ·mad country eignl. tor~n. s he might soI;llo day tIre ot this She had · brOken lIlelr favorite ldol, II cough .,rop a,nd Il , buttOn ,In IllY" Sbe co/lUlUUlded Rajah· to Imee\. So ne8 physIcal de ba sement, plltlenoo, 'parUcul uf temple. Af night s~le · would l>nmnlltloo W9.i jld come In a de.,I1's ·pocililt:' . .,' ' . wini! thnt nll;l\ t. held by tbe enchanting pIcture was and (ot tttudo Ruch as would bave be well g llarded by the lion. "A.nd wliat did YOU do ~" choms d S,~v eral Ilwe'otrloken women oame The holY D\an whp had mlllsed the t ho women a.t the ta!!1 Kntb~3'n tliat the ' elephant's renewed adorned lUIy ot her use. :A. human '·Did you tull .reIUeBSt1eSS (and he bad reason. nl lamprey, stiCkIng himself alwaYB at forward wIth bowl. o~ COoked rice and ~bonce or clalmlnl tbe mlraclulo~ a~ her mother?' .' hi. will .be Been) ll.aBBed unobeened by the thin' and meager board of the poor, fruita an'd (I lie." copper drInking vel- pee,rilnce of ~atblyn as a work. ·'l\Io. 1 didn' t! 1 \Vaa mad. II was '. sel. Theile they revereIlU)' placed at OWII now. ~I\)V an opportunity , to reo a very ull us ual button from my nsw her. He came to knee, bow ever, and 'a vile paraBtte. but holy! . habilItate hImself la ~be eyes of tbo.. suit." sbe got Ol1t of the howdah. , Her legH ' The holy man directed hili steps \0 KatblYD'S feet. GrndoaUy' the sprrlt whlcb bad com- who had made hl~ hollnells a .comtrembled. fch' II Bpace, for her, nerve. tbe nnrrow. beateu patbwny wblob led were In a '~lUable condItion . .Suddenly to tho tem'plo, wh~re, every• .mornlng, fort,ed . Kathlyn withdrew, and at fortable existence'. Wlth a piece ot ~"b'lI en.ri, went forward, be rOlle, he pertormed certaIn rites which tbe lenl~tb Katblyn became keenly aUve. the Idol In bls hand he 1'0u8ed KAtll· '" and hIs think curled angrily. With a poor, benIghted ·!'Yote believed would It , elnteredher inhid clearly tbat those Iyn· and ab.ook the. c1"y .·belore ber . whulf he wbeeled ud. shD~ oft to- 80rne day restore tbe ruIned ' cJty and ·poor, roollsh people really believed face, jabberinjr vloleJl~t. Kathlyn uu· ware! tbe jungJe out of wblch be hact the prosperity ,which 'attends tat lier a cele,llUal billJ;lg; and 60 long aa derstood readUy enoush.' She bad un· BO recently emerced. harvests. Tbe holy . inan bad solemn· they laid no band u'p on ber 8i1e wu wittingly ' cOln91 Uted .~~i1lege. The ha~lve,ll satheret! aool1' and , "Halt!" crIed Kathl,n. What bad Iy declared that It ~ould take 1\0 leIS not alarmed. She had receniJy PAlsed he beard? What ha4 be leenY "H&1U'" thon 'en years to bring about t1~18 tbl'oush ,too · mallY terral'll" to be dl. menaced .bel'. ~tbl;n role. ItlUldlq But ev·en lUI she calle,d the taU gl'aaa miracle. And the vUlllgera fell down tuibed by a bit of ' klndnes8, sven If In the sarC)ophll~l, and eXtended I!er etolled In beblni! the ele"han~ Wbat with theIr lorebeadl In tho duat. He sUrred Ir;tto beIng b)" a religIous fanaU. handa lor ~neX1~e. She ..'as frlg\1ten!Jd. but It would never do to let t\l'em water and food, Ibe had disappeared was a Bi'ahmln; ' the caate string hung elain. .., ~tbl)'n ate, It. What Hlndl1'~ Ihe knew woUlcl witb hIm. ·about hIs neok; he wa. fnd.od holr, 2y palrll , the vlllagers departed, and In thlll case be ot no maimer UH. She paused by the bral1~r. catching be wbo could dwelt on the 'fat of IlOOn, non.e remalneh tlave her ~ lIelt.ap., But we human belng~ caD, by facial hold ' ot !t for IlUpPort. She laughed the land. 111 maharajabB' courta. potnted Buardlanl, tbe two boly ml!ll, Bxpreeslon and selture, Drake kno" hysterIcally: It '111'' 10 tunny: It,.,u feast tbat can be said Is that be took wlngll. ' She atumblGd down. Kalthlyn lelt a d~.lre to explore,. tllJI our , mestU.~es , w~tb ~n~eri~dabI8 all , 80 out of joint wltl,l rea! thlDgs, tormed hIs dutlee Ilcrupuloulfly,. low bill81ng ran: abo~t. wonderful temple. She dlscoyered' cleamell , I,'rpm he ' geatures•.. then, So, then, ebe red ' rim ot the • "Make tbe white ,!ol!laD eultee In wIth everyilay life a" she had known bel' pleAle '" cried tbe dl"CUlken mabout. It: Weird laughter returned to mock sua shouldered up above ' the roU,lng Wbillt mUBt have been tho Inner abrlne, the. holy ml3D gat~ered ·~ai Ibe' coul4 Tbe. ery wu tall:ep 111) by the epecta- her astoolsbe.d earl, a slnl8ter ecbo. jlllllie as be cam'e Into the · benten 'rbllt cbamber .was filled wl~b Idoll.; r.l!cre!\te tbe ,god. She po~t~ toward tors. . Katblyn teU he:rJIelf dragged And ·then sbe laughed at tbe' echo, be- clay court which tronted tho temple. l\l~re and there a bit or gold lellf. cen. the. ' SUII lind cOuptsd OD h~ !In,lIrI. (TO ·BIll CONTINUED.) the eletlho.nt, bound., aud tlneJli Ing In the grIp ot a. apecl811 of madness. The 1I0D stalked only at night, rapely turles old, ,gllBtened upon thl.l ' lironze, laId beBlde the Bwat.b ed ngure. There In tbe purple caverna of the temple appearIng In the ·dayUme. Once .1l the: clay, tile w'ood. The. cRste mark could be no ·borror lD the wide world she suddonly became consclouB oC an. montb be '.vas give n a bullock, tor h ~ on 'the lil.rgellt Idol's b '{d II'l\ a a 1'01. IIlce It. Smoke ·begun ,to curl up trom .otber presence. ,A 1Iash as ' of moon. ' kep.t tiger and leopo1'd away. and the ISh'ed rub)" overlooked doubtl!!~11 durthe underbrueh. It cho)[ed and sUfted light strlklng two chrysoberylH took vlllagenr dwe lt II!. peace. The ·lIon had Ing the loot. She Bwept the dust fi'Ottl Iter. . Sparkl · rose !,fld ~roVll6d »pon tJle ,madneu ou.t , ot her mind. Tbls escaped frol.!1 AlIahu., where the ' spe- tbe je;wel witb tbe tip o~ , her finger, tier armB and tsclI· And through the forSaken temple W&8 tbe baunt of a clelJ were kept 8S an ,addItional 8l'Ot:t. a.nd t~e dull fire lIeAt a shIver of de. emo);e arid 1Iame came Rajah, He lifted Illapord or a tiger. SlDce lie bad t~ken up hlB abode 11I light over ber.. She was still a wQman. She was lost. That magnetism the temple , been fewer het .with ble P<>Jwerrul trunk and car· As she wan!1ered ~l1orthllr In ber foot nod her olr, for hours and hourB. baCk whlob ordlDarly was ' benl was at HI thefts trom the cattle shed .. tou:ched' Ilomethlqg and~ she · Jooked . ' InlO tbe ~rackless junglJ!. . : . u·a dlr. Sbe bealteted t:or a lIecond, . The 1101y inan wos 8bo~t to IUIllume down. It Will A bone; lfi 'fa'ot, t e ftogr Kat,uYD foUnd berselt,' all at o'n ce, then climbed lDto the ~mpty sarcopba. hie squatting posture In· U~'! cehter or WIiS atraw\?o :wIth b~ne~ :. SIl~ ' QUIO"')' Ilt:tlnc· Ilgslnllt ~ tile roote ot an aged gus; crouching low.. Stran~ely enough, the court, as ullual, wilen froID out or discerned, mu,oll to ... ber r~lIef, tb~t' ' bUiyU1 tree. A tew yards aWQ an as Bbe dla eo a calm tell upon her: tho sarcophagus rOlle languldl1. : a none '01 'theBe bones were bu,uan. Thle ape eat (,In bIB baunches and eyed her nil the terrors of her poaltlon dropped form, ' sbrouded In wblte. •The fo~ \vas, ·or had .been,' tiie deu of tbe ljop. ·Joy. of Co,"panlonlhlp. • cllJ1louel;y ~ ..A llttle fartber off Rajah nwaY' · from her aa D1111" from the st~etched Its 10'l'elY arms. white . . Tbere ~a8 an acrid, unpleBllant oCtor. HaIr the dlmculty of ftpUq u , browI~ P\ a 'clump of weeds, tbe how· monntaln pealtl!. ' She · bad, how~ver, al.a baster, and pllesently the haudll .0 ·,Ile hurrJ$d back to tbli brazier. dah at a rflldllh anCle, ltke the cocked gotten Into the hldln, place nODe too rub lied Ii pair ot sleepy ~yes. 1hen Vasuely , 8he comprehended t\lsi Ihe lIevere bllttle 01' acoompUablns UI must keep ,tbe tire replani.bed from nard ,tuk ' v~njaltea wben \l maa leeta "at at a bllily. I4Lthlyn. 8tared at her 800n. Sbe beard the pad·pad, the form Bat clown within ~he thllt lle. 1i~. CoI,Il"!de. at III. Iide' flIbtbo.a.dll. Tiler. were ' DO burns there, the whltr-whlll of '. bI, caL Ilnmedl: phague. laid Ita arma on ~h., rIm and Urne to tIme In· order to ' Pa:c1rt Ing • tbe lame cau.Ie. or that the She pasled a band 'o ver her race: ately Into the moolllSlht came an vJ-rUy bid Ita face In them. two boly men. 4t nt,ht I~ woUid ey~ or thole he lovetl 'are llpaD ~ then .... )So .mart or at1q, A dream: Atrlcan lion, as 01lt PJace here aI The ~I}tober ~. t~o mOIl~ dumuy approacb of the Ilon. 'lYU Bruce? Would he ever and tbetl':. lIlNlrU Pr&flD, for bla . . . had 4ft~ed It; a fIlnbuly due to Kathlyh benl811, ~I tan liuhe4, foundlld boly me.n tn an. IncUa. 1'01' berT' That lIblloaopby wlllcil .be tqry.'-C. J. PerTJ· Jaer Uabt h0a4e4 atalf at m1Dd. A there waa a )oq, blacll: aU-oak from the liret 'time In bi. hypocrlUca1 We found ratth In 1lJ, lIlherlte4 from ber ratberj that 4nem! BIle cried aDd laurhed• . ud bls muo to hSa tall rIsen. Ka&blyn ~ tile ape IIbbend at her uneaally. 7&lflir.CiEiplIUU1.. ·"'1Jf-tllJ InjprttMbh. III rulIo. BaJU. fnecI or ilia ua- Tbe 1I0Q troUe4 rouil the aarcopz. 'JOnder 'Illrlt. uualded, one tbUaa' "blcll C&I'I1l1d I"DII8, turae4. aud · De" mallo.t, had hlUed It. d~~ gul, lnUIla,. PrueDtlJ Il, JlftecJ ber ~ 1Ul~. Ala ran luter. When ... aI'It••d. P~1:III. 'WOuld dJ.. act much . . trupapet, .... u4 roared.' fte ..cboea.

The Adventures of . Kathlyn


rrw minuteR [be nO\8ft W1l1I Cleat Idn&. coppe. r veuele, be feD upon bill face, 1\ . r u mbl e u t dlt!1!ant thunder, a nd rOll ILO hili Iloe A. and poured by4the I torm dl d nwny. ,tuls o'r du st IIPon hIs h nd . . By And by she peerefl cau tlo u!!lr . " At. at. .. llc calle d. " It Ie almoet She law the ' Hon pr08s1ng the ope D dOlle, my c hlldr n. Tbe th:8t ol gn has 8(1 Co bpt ell t il t ompl and th ~ jun- com (joOOl t be gods . 1 bllv e brought ~I , he suy,' hJ m · PI\UIiO. be nd his ) ' OU III buman form tbe ancIent priest·







or f-15¢


, ---

















'be~.n"" ..tt1ec1aN~ aDd .hutUeootk















,Among the Honorable of Mankind. .


P'w' llIIe1Ia w.arkmen malntalu raMle 'or the world, and in tbe bandl· --.orf!; 0( ,thel'r 'craft ,Is their prI'--1er,1llccltlllltiaUcul 38: 34. , , 'H ere ill a very dilferent Idea. ot wQl"k. from that QOntalned In tbe OPtlDInlJ chapters of GElneels. According to til .. prophet, labOr la not,' a curae 11114 uPOn :rnan for bla sin , but, a "toe 110 ~ol)' tJUlt th .. very dOing of It C!oft8tttntea " "prayer':'" Thereforo d008-htf.sound tbe pralseB of the~work· -s:mao 118. others have Bounded the 111"D~ ot' ktng and soldier. Tho plowmm. the Jewel cutter, the blacksmith. Ule these, "'although they lire DOt lIougbt for In Ibe council of the pec)plo nor exalted In tbe aseembly, t.bough they sIt 1I0 t III the seat., of the Jud«es not understanding tbe coveDllllt of jUdgmeDt," are stili to, be numbered 'a mong th e great and honorable


of ~ank1ndl

III order to understand the Justice at' tbbl tribute, . 'e only bave to reJIlbld OUfIIeIvO!\ tbat It Is work which bRa made the WO'/'Id what It actually is at tlls present moment. All tlJa~ ""e mean by. clvllnaUon, In the malerlat eeose. Ie tbe Teeult, or toll In the IOW1Iat Of men's brow8. For agel -.est tbe men ' wbo have labqred ""Ith tIIetr. bandJt-the farmers, the WoocH-

meo, the blacksmiths, tbe aplnners, t'he buUders-hav,e been contemp~u­ ODSly rEJgarded as an Inferior I;rade or bontaDif)'. 8S little better. Indeed, 1lMD anlm8.18! Nnd yet while kingll have fOll&ht und noblemen bunted. "He glided courteMi bave trlrled Bcented handkercblefs and toyed wid! their jeweled 8wOrdB, ",bile lIO~ned superior classes of all ages Slid countrIes have sported. gambled, aod 'd ebnnohed. these same Interior, 111· boreM! . bave ' made tbe world wbat we lee It today! Jt IB tbelr toll 'Whtoh has cleared a.way roro'ta, eatttvated [ann JiDda, opened mlnea. ~.tnactcJl1 n \. oadl, laid out , and btd1t aftlea. It Iii t belr 'Work y:hlcli ~ I elUted wOldth, found~ nal1olU1, Ted~ the ;waste placel of the • eartIa "",.red tbe vaat monumenta of ·'cllrilllIltloll. Not more 8urel)' are the ~dl oC Egypt the memorIal not or AIua()b... but of'thelr drlven'llaV,ea, tbaD are the bu&,e piles of Itone and llteel In our modern oltles, the memori1da of the unnamed toilers of t!lla , laler ace. . MaintaIn 'Fabrlce of the World. A'i'd 'not only 'Ill It worlC whIch haa made the 1II01'1~ wha.t It I. tOday '-but it.-Is- ,.ork al80 wblcll keepil the world , . from p.OISr to bour. 1 ba~ fOQcI ,rpon ~1 table, clothing upon Iny back. -. ~ ~ OVN my b'ead bOOks: upoa my " lIhelna onb' because a mlllion halld, ~g In. my semee. , Let . this labor be..-alpende4 ,,\It Cor'a little time death , and dll8UUctton ~ tOwering a ,my threshold_ OII,t tb«)lleM III,\YI the author of I~ "shall 'notli olty be InbabU' ed, nor IbGll meA lojourn Or walk up

That tltange, and the Style of the Slil..... Are the Principal 01"..... enon In the Prevailing F.-h· ,


~ til tII..a facb W,h lob are slowly t-ellflll ~e,' . IIU prame dJgulty, of l8!' bCIr. Oarlyle. bad tbeae In mind ,W'l1.en tie that' worlE aDd ,,'orl ak!Ue I. RUIII:1I1, when.,

-~"'''''I''... ,DI\!iJlun"- gal,¥ mlruU'5¥


of Ikllled , CI'I,(t8~a~ ..vhen be


Tbe skirt nnd the l!eoviiet4ge 'are • the. prinotpal 'points ot dl\'ergence trom ibe' l tyles ot the lalst 10 years .. and Il wUl be Int~restlng to watch the tur· ther 'development of tbls fasblon. EY. p.rywhere ODe Bees strong evidence that bodices are growing less lran. parent aDd the fsablon ,for covering the upper part or he flgur e ~;tb opaqu'~ mat erial Is progre Bslng. Probably by the B'prlngtlme tbe use or tulle and cbll1'on will be greatly r educed , The Paris delllgnerB l:orestalled thlB wben .they showed ' in their wartlme openln~8 tbe bodices of cl.oth or velvet for day wear that extended from a lIue f;lelow tbe waist to the neck. leaving only a BPlash ot whIte below th ears. This movemenl may he In keeping with the glorified Moyen-age which we adopted tn a wholeaale way In July; It may be tile period of the long bodr lloe. the IIlrdle at the blps. the wrlBtlengtb, tight sleeve, and the unlverasl UBe ot colored velvets In deep. ricb tones l brlghtenod by IIl\'ieb han· {Il1ng of colored jets to Imitate 1ew~ll. Whatever tho reUBon. It Is tho Itrict11' now note to watcll develop, ,That employment of the fabric stralghl to the collarbone witbout the Ip ~p.r· "eaUon ot a tbln material Is sure 10 win out. Already thtl separate blouse of colored chltron to go , wIth a slilrt of clotb looks out of tune wltb tbe newost 181 blonll. It onc wears a Bull lustead o.f a one-piece frock the blouse chosen tor It must glvl! the ~uperflclal


nil do~ theretD; th,se maintain flalldC 'or the worlel."


lon.':-Blo~.ct ' Style~. '





w~ Should Be Counted










.ulta hllve


their appearance In P~I., Model of broadcloth with ahol"l \;ape. wide ro-

vera and .tandjng collar, plaited hroadcloth.

Skirt of

~klrt thaL I,. '!II~ 01T ut tbe

wa,,,1 lIue , prowr. Wb(:ll t11e BuIt Is for e \· e~.y·d'ay uauge and' to serve tbe wost luformal pur· poaelJ ' thflD , the ""a~b blouse of white muslin wltb II collar' tbat 's tllnds up, ,no matter how" ls the approprlllt~, ad· dltlon; much ' more tiU Iban tbe ornam(,Dtnl ~alBt of chiffon, or silk 01' aat· ttl! nltbouJh , on~' may b e ,comllelled to also have' a fanclhll nffolr on wlDd In Calle or a luncheon or a tea to wb.lcb one' w'e ars tbil coat aDd skirL , It oae waDlB to simulate a Crock by addl~ · a eelt-toned blouse to U Iklrt when the coat Ia.ol!. one mf&'ht do well to colllllder the clatm of that new style ' Dr ~'oth jumller tbat hI, elipped oyer a 110ft sllit lining wltb . lon&" 'I leeves. ' ' Thll blouse Is eaB!ly 8ccompU11l1ed by uUlIlIlng a pIece or the IIklrt ma· terial and allle or velvet Its Juncl ure with the ' sl!parate sklrt ,i . Wdden 110' der a broad belt of braided c,loth, Another type of blo'lIle tbat .decelves ono Into tblnklng In terma of one-piece frocllB' 'nltead of ClOIlte and 8ldr~ la a wrlnllled prment, purpoaely wrlnkl ~ d. ot 'soft. grosgrain ,silk the color of I be Isklrt. It ' ~altenl dOWD the rrO~t, wilh coverecl buttons- and elther tuma up I1t t~e heJ}l In Imitation of a middY tiloutie, 'oi 101el, Itself ID Bub which IS ,"nllhed ,a t tJle ,back w.lth ti 1Ii1 t bo,," to ,CRrry out the tailored, Idea. '


j ......



T he IlBst ·yell,l· hall shown that the Provinc e of Miunltoba, th Premier Pro\illce or W.estern Canada, stands Qut promin ently In poInt of wealth In her a g rlculturaLI productions , ' Manl· tOba bud an ex.celle nl yie ld of wheat lil 19B. the ont c~p was not so good, _d with the b~~h price teoelved, every farni er was pls loE\d in a good flnancll\l position. For s ome yeBLl"6. as Is probably tbe case In all nC I,v countries, l't~anltob8 weat largel)' Into tbe growing oC grain , and While tbls paid well for 0 time, It 'vua found that bU\'lng to purchase ble meat" bls milk and a nu'mOOr O! othel' daJlly requIsites. the farm cUd not pa), 8S It should. Now, there Is another sIde. to It, Fodder crops are grown, cattle 'are being rolsed, cheese tactorle.a and creameries 8l'e establlehed. an~1 tbe rellult \s that the ftnanclal posltl,on or the farmers ot Manitoba la a8 Is trong aa that of UJose In any other p~,"lon of the continent. Scarcely a famler today but has real· Ized tbat tbe g1~owln g of groins alone haa a precariou8 side. and tbat ' poalUve security cun only be assured by diversified tarmlng, and securing the latest modern and mOBt economic methods, Theretore timothy, clover, alfatta, rye grOllS aDd fodder com are unlversully grown, Mos t , wonderful SUCCesl meets the elforts of tbe farm· ers In the cultivation or these grasses, and the yields compare favorably wtth those of mllll), old r countries, while In maoy (:aBes th ey exceed them. It Is worth wlnIle recordIng the acreage or tbese crops tbls seBaon a8 com· pared wIth IURt. because the figures re'Ileot the remarksble progress that Is being made In dulrylog and In the beef and pork Ilildunry, In J91l brome graBs was BOWID on 24 ,912 acres, rye gruB on 2l,9JL7 acres, timotby on 118,7J2 acres. cllover on 5,328 acr,e s, alfalfa on 4. 709 a.~retI and fodder corn on %0,223 aQl'8B. lin 19104' the rellpectlve acreage under t.hose crop,s were 2~,H4 ~CJ:68 , 27,100. BClres, 160,990 acreI', 7;212 acl'8B, and,10,250 aores and 30,430 acres. Alralfa particularly .Is coming Into Ita own. the acree,lte bavlng been ' more (han doub1ed lut year. It Is sImply the nalural process or 8\'0Iution trom the purely grain rarmIng wblch MaDlltoba knew as the orily metliod twenty years ago to t.b e more dltenUled forlJlla or ' agrIculture tbat II reaponl1lble for the development along thel!e olller lines In tllll Provo ince. Alherta , Is coming to' It at an earlier stage than did Manitoba. Sas· katchewan. toe.. II following rapidly In tbe Bame dlrectiOD. Then, a8 .h·er fodder crop and root , acreage IndIcate, there bave been , .-of. U-k-lndl ot live stock dUrlng'the past twelve mOD~S, ,aceordilng to tbe correspond· ent for the 1'0rc.nto Globe. , ~~f cattle numher 42,000 ,head tbia year. lUI &&'&Inst 3'1,000 Il ael year; milch COWl are , 160,4'14 beud.. 81 agalnBt 157,963 head; plgB nUllllher 825,000 agalnat 248,000; Bbeep number '15,000, as agalnlt 6Z,000; , aDd tbere are 326,000 horael. aa com,PIlred with 300,000 at this time , Jut Year. T)leae are the , latest ProvinCIal ligures, and tll,ey show that cleaplite tbe great cfll ux of live atock to Ule United States since the !)peDIDC ot tlll~t m~ket. , to Olnada, •. m'e ,C8plbld amount of lIvean!mals baa InUiea.ea Instead ot. hav-. Ing decreased through tbe e xtra deJDIlud. .


Are Your Kidneys Weak1

Scl.enU.ta of OpInion That Diaper.lon . and Separation of Race. W 01. N~t RapId Proce.. ,

Do yoa


T houg h It 'Is conceivable tb at man ·







pa.lofi wh en stoOping, tllzz}' Rpell. and urID"' ,· i1ll1Onl" .... , act Qulc"Iy, if you tbo IOI'IOU6 kId oil,!' ~Qbl"', U IIO D 06D '. K.lduey Pili.. Tbllre', DO colher 1U6<l1~ loe eo widely u ...d , so 8U ecOtji ' tul or 10 bl,1I1, recowmeoded. '

kInd may bave spread rrom a common C:t:" ter over 11;1e entire ea r th III n tel "

woul<l ' uvold

lh uu8 aud yearB, l'ro f. Artbur Keltb, lu a .alrIDIngbam unh'ersl lY Ie t ure , h as pointed out that the dIscoveries of tbe hUit 50 yea.r s clearly Indicate tbat the di llpe ralon and sellaratlon Inlo widely separated races hlUl not bt!cn a rapid

A Kentucky 'Case " • ..., 11-




T be Inhabitants DC tho lower Nile valley, tbougb immigrants huve arri ved among Ihem, show clearly per· slBtence of t he old typell for 8,000 y ears, Tbe perm anence Dr human ty pes ilas been also sbown III AmerIca, Bnd a human skele ton ot Ynns lng, Kan. , found at a de ptll of 23 feet In a glacial d<lpos lt, pl'obab ly dat es back 12,UOO years,

Illat d..'D.

tI'oubllla ate 100,000 a,earbl tbe U.S. alooe' That Il .....u. bom kld.lI8.1 d1aeuea bave 10creued 72% In 00 years' It you are run dowD .,lo!loll weight, lIerVOtll, "blue" &tiel rheulllotlo, If you bUll bAckacbe, Ibarp





pnn. !d, ICy" eaye: "I c ould h ardly en-

d u r . tht pain. 10 my back and atter w ork.1n l . it 'Va. h our. be for e I o u l (\

Itralr tu en

up ~1y h . .. 4 w.!l\"'.~~,-""""" pn' o ed me C Dn ..

8la olly l\ n d 1 bad\ll d!I2-t:y .pe U.. 'r h u k idney 8..,cre ..

Hon, wer e t rr • • u ... •~:;;;;~;;;, lur Rnd peJn f ul In ' lUl.,I Y&, e ,

A ttl!f


h nlt d oc tor e d with .. out re lte r. l WO Sidney PUla Jhed m. Ill'


boX •• or Do",,'. The men of Englan d of Ii.OOO yenrs III ,ood aha llc. " 11.80 had the modern stature. wltb th e Get Doao'. alJ\Ju Seon.1IOc -. Boa torm of bead and stt"engtb of muscl e Y ot many men of today: Protessor K eith that his audi ences hull r e pfOSTERoMIUIURH co.. BUl'l'ALO. No Y. resentatives ot the men of tho Derbyshire cave, In America t.he red In· A MI.anthroplc Reader, dIan preservea the form of Dl en wbo "I dou' t believe more than half or lived before the last glaolal invllBlon, and the predynastlc Eg),ptllin Bllnlves ",ball Bet! In print." saId th e Incredu lous JOs n , In trlbss on tbe Red leu. "Trying t o be Oil the sate lide ," " Y E'I!, And eveu al Ihat . I generallY' A Plea.lnt Way to Help. "' Mamma," lisped the cberub, whil e pick i hc w ron g half." a smile of serapblc sweetness llIu· Self-Satl.factlon Explained, mlnated biB baby face, "do you know H e-I lik e Simple things best. that sometimes I nelp Catb <? rln e's Sh I' v'e noticed bow aelt·sat is i'led mamma?"


"That·s nice," prompted the proud YOII"r~-:::~o~~ .::ra~t_._ .. parent . • "Alld what do YOIl do to h elp her, dear?" "'Oil," replied the ch erub, "'wh en CatherIne's naughty, I punish h~I·." - 1 Youth's C~Fpanjon , Nine times in ten when the Iiv~r II , , right thc stomach and bowels are rigbt.

ake the Li.ver Do its Duty M'


YOlJB OWlf DBOOOJt!T WlLL TICLL YOU Tr, 'Murine lDJe Remedr . t(lr Red. Weak. "'tlt"t', !!I, es and Gra .. nola.ed 8,,,UIlll : No ~WMr..ID__ luo\ BI,o ""mrort. Writ., t or Book or tbo Hiyo


Kently but a lazy liver do its duty. Perltll of Bathing. " The re's nothing I enjOY' mol'e tban I Cu~es CODsplas blng about In the ocean:' .~p.boD, 10· tioll, " lance got a nasty c;ut tha t way." Sick .. How dId II, hallpen?" H ..dacJ.e. "r slapped a tomatQ can ," i-l Diatna After

bl mllll }' ree. 14 urlD,U H,. It.... ed, 00 .. l ' blc ... u ,




Red Crou BIlll Blu~. OJud" in America, therefl)fC Lhe beat , dcli"hh tIle buu..ewife. All go,-,d ,rocelll. Adv ,

Reveratble. Stlllla- l take IJI)' husband Blon&, to belp choose a hat. Bella-I take a bat along to help choose a hUBbo,nd. (

SIlALL PILJ, SMALL DOSE. SMAll PRICE. Genuine must beur Signature


, JlO~8IE'8

CBOlJl' BBMKDY BAftS Lin, .urftrlna aoei ~one)". ~o nauaeo.. eOc .- Adv ,

It ' Isn't atw.ay' love tba.t mak.e s a man attentive to bla wIfe, Maybe be Ie atrpld of her,


ROllncl 'Comba for ChIldren. • (fW Lha~ .~qgue ' decree. that the , wben be u~ Uo\'~ ' ,.""'01. -hair mUlt- gp back' of the tbat wc....lI:er,iUId ml~er tpr lila 8Yl!lbo\chUdreD'1 Intere.tin& forelieadll mar In tlle Haz:;tlbu,:, 'capJi .bO'II', the 'old·fasbloned round IIUeDell IB doomed aB, a ~cI&. W.ork' must b"neefortJI cC)lUb haa <lOme tntq ttl oWll~~~~'-_..D.u:I1lu,...1JI ~lthe indu8tO', howey. noblitty.,, 'f111t~ L'!a8t winter a 'young New York wblch II 'maldD;g dollars ror tbe Manl1I1'(llllhl~t when .tllble made a hUDt through th'e I~OPS tr)lwi :tOba tumer: It III developIng at a rap,-the to ' iI'ud Doe of tbese combs" but ber Id rate in tbll Province for tllBt Iiar-' .earch WU. 10 vai'n., Yet DOW tbl! ticular reallon. The output ot cream. ColDb~ are with U8 again. ( el7 butter las:t 'year Was 4,000,000 - -........,..,....-......-~':-"'..........--,.."..~ ............ +" ~ .. ,..... ._ pounds. at aD averag'8 pr1ce of 27.5 eeDte per pound. wbich was an 10' crease over tbe previous year Dr a million PQunds. The output ot claIr)' butter WIUI reoorded last year at 4,288,· ,2'76 pau.nd.. Tl~e' Government departmeDt laYI that again thIs year a Bub· lltantial increalle 111 th .. ' d~lry output wUl be Ihown from thle Prpvlnce, From this lamel 'source of Information one findl that througb tile splendId Crowdl In wlntm dafrylng, WinnIpeg now, tor th~ first 't!me In years, Is able to obtain a ' lutllclent supply of I ~Ilk Iweelt cream trom .Its city ! dalr1ea to BatiBly Its ' demand ' through. out the year wl't hout having to Import large quantities of these producta the United statu as, 'W4lS done longer than two year.s ago.-Ad.



Bears . , the , SigilatUre of '




S.c1. 01 Hall, MondllY evening, . 1{', Bunnell is v ry sick.

Mr, Ch~s. Stansberry was in Dayton lalll Wednestiuy.



Start the New Y ar Right


. W. H. Madden is a business visitor in la rk sville this week,


J . I I.

mith ap n t Christmas day !umbus vbsit ing relatives.


V\ e thank 'du for you r Genero us Patronage during tlw past year, a nd assuring you we will do all we can to merit a colltin uance of the same.


Dr. Dill. Ostt'upath, Haines Bldg" Tue.d ay mid P l'iday mornings..

A Happy and Prosperous



New Year to All



Mi 's Al ma Waterhouse spent Saturday with fri ends in Dayton.

and MIs. Warren Edwards in Daylon last week.

rclativ('~ ,



Mis,<;' Anna Woollard. of Itoute 2. is vi3iting relative in Dayton this weell

Thursday we pl~ce on sale, to last one week, about 59 Coats a~ a big 'r eduction.

C. (-; . Wi\li al11~ n, of Dayton, was visitil1!{ rda lh \!s I t nd friends here Tuesday . (

Of course.


0 1'. Macy

I 'ill he a t, prihg Vall ey ~~~~~~~~~~_ ~_ :!'!.-~~ -;~~~~~~~~~~~~~. all d. l:> W'·el . ; nd 011 Harveysburg all



nex t week .

The C h r i 8 t mils entertainment given by the New Burlington Literary Association . was enj oyed- by all present. The music by the band wa especially appreciated. The lal'g tree and bunfire on the :!chool ground was an unu~uJ.lI feature, __

"r'" Mr . and Mrs A W. Ree"es • u " the g ue ts of Ii B. Reeves' and famil y. of Richmond. Lewis Holland has a new Steinway piano. Mrs E.O hidaker. of Wihning. E~ECTION UF DI RECTORS t ) n. is pending tit, holidays at the }lOme ')f her purente; Mr. and Mrs. The reg ular annual meeting of th . shareholders of the Waynesv ill e T. C. Rayd oc k. Revival servicl'S are in p ro~rellS at National Bank. of Waynesville, Ohio, the M. E. chu rch. The pasto r is I for the laction of Directors to serve . a'l.'listed by Ii gospel team from Dela- I during the en.:luing year. will be hel d ware Goll ge. ' at its .Banking House on Tuesday , Ttle l"riends Sunday School ren- January 12, 1915, from 1 to :J o'cloc k d red a short program, Sunday p. ro, morning J . O. Cartwright, Cashie r. J. C. Picj(in, of Dayton. spent the Dec. 9, _4_t._ _ week-end at the home of A. H. Har•- Oefl nlng Candor. Ian an d f amI'1 y. Candor Is ' lelling the olber tellow Mrs. J ames Blail' is t he g uest, of Bomotliing about lIlin elt that mMteil ber daughter. Mrs. B. W_ Kelch, of him sore at you.-Mflwaukee Free Chicago. I'resi.



Mt a d M ro, W. ' Chr i ~tlJl ag da. VI it in !" tK~vi ll c

n. I 'S

. . Madden were! vith relatives • •

Dr/n' t E il tl h("," th· Universitl Girl:1 J. ~ chol)! Ball . Monda~' vellin!!, J anu ,\ry ·lt h

Mr. and I\IrH Elius Oglesb eand J nse l h 1 111 .' Chri-t ml\!! rlinner'with Mrs ~,1 a ry ! ,p.

and $8.60

Coats, Sale Price

:t,t, I

$12.00 and $15.00

·e mits

.l\1 i . , ary lIa ke, of Lebanon. spen t t'hr iRlrna with her mother • Mrs Ali... Hawke.

Sale Price ... : . , . ,

$4.98 $8.75

Mr 'and MIs W lter Chandler, of Day ron. spell t Su day with A. B, Cham J .r anJ wife.

$16.50 and ~ $18.50 Coats Sale Prire, ...

Kennel h} ' lboD, f Rogers, Ark .. is , lentl ing the hrisLmas season with r lativ here, .



ber lhristnl rl

atterthwnite has as

gu ,;l M.iss Frances

~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!!!~~~~ Kine

id, of Dayton. A ' toops ' i i II Dayton, bee c" llerl t here 1m account of illn ' ~ of J as . Sto PSt



1_0~ ~~l~~ ~r~~~l

Cal BUrns spent Chlris.t~asl day in J'inll'R Mills. the gnest 0 and i\ ta . ,J hn Leonard , "" , M .

We Wish You A








StocK, Jlldging ' School' .. The Stock J~dging School' will be held 'in Cross " ,Bros. Implement RoomS', on' .. . .

Th,ursday, 'D ecember 31, 1914, •

here.J;o do' the judging,



DRAFT HORSES. BEEF AND D~RY . CATTLE AND. HOGS~ . . At 9:30 t)le judging .of 'Draft Hor$E!S take 'place, after which beef ~vill be judged.. After dinner, at 1. o'clock Dairy tle and Hogs will ~e judgec;l. . , The competition in ~n these classes is FREE. but 'there will 'be but four. of eaoh class examined. ' . 'fhis Stock Judging SchOOl is held for the purpose of allow · ing everybody to See how t~e work is done," and Cor th~, \;)etler-





Wa rn r n...vilt, of Cincinnati. was a h l'is tm s day visitor at the ' home of M r, and MIS. E. ·S: Bai!y.



M rs. f>,.. Paffe rs,

Mrs. MarJrl'et Weir died at her home on Main street Saturday evening. after. a short but severe illness. Mrn Weir has been making her home with her neice • . Mra. A. T. Wright for Beveral years. ' She waa visiting relatives in Indiana when she was taken sick. cea~ was a resident of Butler Cuunty for many years-before'coming here. and the remains were taken to Third numb~r of. the. Lec~ure he.r old home at Blue ~II. St'rvicea Cou rse. The ~IX Umverslty G!rls. were held at the Presbyterian church School. Hall, next Monday evemng, Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. In· ' D' ' d' lerment was made in Mont:.oe cemeM.l'. a9d M ra. 01 Iver ~VIR an tery.:' faml!y were th~ guests of frle!,ds at . . . West Carrollton. Ohio, CbrJstmae .AIJen,W .' Hau~e~, . one o,f Wayn~ . day. ville 8 , pl0n~er C1tl~ens. died. at .hi home on T~lrd str~t Sunday evemng Henry . Kinp:, w~o has been the about 8 0 clqck. aged 90 ~ea". He gu~st of relatlvps III Columbus for ~88 the oldest Oddtellow IQ the lC?· sev I'al days, arrived home 'ruesday ~llodg:e, an~ for many .yean was evening. . the mamstay m th~ lodge. ~ The fu· , neral wa..'l held at bls late home Tues· Mrll , Walter McClure and Miss day-afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. Lill a Benham were Dayton vi~itors J F, Cadwallader officiating. In· Saturday, when' they saw AI Fif!ld!l' terment was mad e in Miami cemetery Minst rels, . Survivmg him are his widoV(. a lIOn 'a nd daughter, Johnathan Mr. an Mrs. Ev~rett McE'wE'e~ of Hain~s. of Waynesvill El, and ' Mrs. Wi1min){ ton, (lpen t the boliday~ at Naomi, Wrignt. of near B.ellbroo~, the bo me of Mr. an~ Mrs, Oliver and grandson, 'A. W. Haines of Davis. I Cor",tin. Xenia, whom he reared, and who . . . held for him the Bame regard as MI'S, Alice MrKiuAev. MISS Lllhan a Bon ' ••• , Ne ry and Miss Henrietta McKinsey' spent ~Chrislmas 111 the week~endl The Way of Prien. wi th rel at l ve ~ in 0 yton . The news or nn advance tn price• travel s much raster than a reduction Mr. Walt.' I' WiiliamR and the whIch may tol~ow.-Atpllison Globe ' , Mi s' :l Vera and Mary Lewis, of ' . ,nea Kh'gman, were t he g uests of ' . ;' Mr. alit! ~1'S, J . E . Janney Tuesday .. Certifiea·te Re-Extendlng "

ment of these ·classes. ' ' . There will also be a Milk Tester from the O. S. U. your' milk aad have it tested. .


B~ng in




De ' t

par men


omce ot Ot~m~)trOl~~~~i$;;2\~~

---- -.~--


rr.. Bumpweat ljer El(plalnl. hu e oilsl1rved." 8ays Mrs .. Sump-



am extra a OI easy-goituE Hi ntage of me. But I caD well aiTo rd ·1.e/laugh. because it 18 tecl y 'true." ,

.wesLht)r , tll~y, \vb eu Ii to "Qill~' t hink

and l ai:e ad

. ~

...- - -


. -.The Ptohibiti()nists in California Spr~ngfield wi!1 hold, their a!1Dual bave elected a man for Congress. Mardi Gras t>iew Year 8 eve. There His name ia C, H . .Randall ,' will ~e a big parade, a~d ,prizes ,,01 won out on a straight Prohibition be$!'lvenforcostumes. . fight. Must be a good man, . • - • ' ~ - .. . FINDINO .OF ' PUBLIC O~F,ICIAts •' . . .' , . . I~ Rt;AD\, FPR SA~E DATES . The Enquirer of last week glVeII .; . . an ~ceoupp of t~e State, Bu.-eau·· of Jease Stanley, who baa' juat.gra4\l· Accounting in W.rren CountJ: The ated 'from, the Jones Auction!)ering accountant found gainat several ' School at Chicago. is home . and i81~fficer8 who are'memben ' of '~"Dell . for ~le dates. it would be ID every tovm al,,!,o8~. in the county see hiM. 88 he haa s()me tiew excert WaynesVille, In Lebanon. the auctioneering line. ' Or a bil w~ ff und against the \V,eatern . 146 .mutual phone. New Star, In Franklin, a "ndlna iplnat Ohto. , officers'uiiing free Wfter for various .'_. amounts. In Corwin T M. . ., 88 a meRlber of couDcil, was a.ttilig Send the ~ tamt / GsteUe ~ yoar $40 a month '\hil'ltlnlt the town, He brother who lives far aws . y from ~as tol4 "ither tQ quit beinJr a ~" yt;>n ' . / IIman or a street Itgh~rt ~" . " .. ', . • ,,.

Chader '

J . M, StaCY. died his home i~; DaylolJ T ue t1r,y. from t he effects of an (lperatlOrl, 1'1 1.l reinains . were bro ught to lhe home ·of his son illl Ly t!'~j where the funeral will be held. A n1l1re . ex tended account will be giv r nl~xt "er:llc '




Of Corwin was



When Protessor Coffey,- of the. O. S. U., will be .


, calf. (I to Dayton wee~ on accoun t of t he dea th of a relative. -, '. ' M r,.and~rs. W' ,J. Shf;!rwoodh!ld as theIr Christmas .day guest, ·Mlss Lid a 'Murray, of Beech Grove. . . . MISS Franc~ Wilson. o~ R(lute.2. has all her hohday guests Misses Edith and Mildred Lair, of Camden, Ohio.

. .--IIIIi------..--..




Our Bulk Oysters Arizona Naval Oranges . 'E dgemont Crackers Florida Oranges Pickles, Both Sour Heinz Grape Fruit . . . Ta'ngerines and Sweet Heinz Bulk ,Mince Meat Jumbo Bananas Ohio Cclery, Malaga Grapes , Sunkist\. Asparagus Cape God Cranber~ies


j ar d Mr . Jos. Thompson. 0 C inl ' IHlt. Ii , ~vent thr hristmas bol. ida~ ,: here wi th t latives. .


Place Your First Crocery Order for 1915 With the Home of Quality Croceries


Skirts at 20% Off Regular.



Siocty·Seventh YeaT

- . ._- . -rJ


1~erlonaI' MentJon

OHIO, WEDNESDA Y JANUARY 6, 191..,!!. 5_ .. ·,.





Whole 'Number 3298 ~~iiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~

Persona1Menf Ion I '

AFl'ERNOON SESSlON /- - - - - - - - --" What Can Be Done olla Small , li'arm," was a subject discussed by .--- ----,----, O~lU c, W, Montg~mery. H~ told of • - - - - - - - --. th e work of the Experiment Station . . tad Allen ~Jaines, of Xenia,. was in in trying to help the Small Farmer C B. Bentley IS In Columbus avo town SUllday. . to make his farm profitable. In 'D S. . . ; their investigations they find com. J. C. Hawke was m . ay~on un MIlS ·Edna ..Janney returned to her mllnity cooppration necessary for day. !!chool work m Toledo Sunday. . A M if d I E h' P .. best results. Outside of small fruit Raymond Davis wu in Dayton Great Interest an este n ' veryt 1110 ertamlOg .and t.J.uck farming. he believes poul. "" Dr DiI\,Os~path, B~ln~Bldg., t ryr:isingtobenex t. Asverymany Tuesday. l)Jesduy and Friday mormngs. , the Instit~te are not located so as to make truck Miss Dora Stiles was in Xenia last , La ~. f n to . 't or small fruit raising practical. the Wednesday'. wref}ce • I~S, 0 +,ay n, "181 poultry is best, for them. Small Waynesville fnends the past week. frui t and poultry may be combined Mrs. Grace L. Smith was a business Wm. Thorpe, of Dayton, 'w'as in STATE SPEAKERS HELD THEIR HEARERS F OR TH T 0 nAY ' . SESSIONS where condition s favor it. visitor in Dayton Tuesday. town Monday meeti n ... old .friends" , U On t his' farm he plans the work to .... all be done by the farmer and his ehas. Burnett spent Saturday and , MIllS Liuie Stewart returned home family, thus do.ling away with the Sunctay with friends in Dayton. Saturday from·, week's visit in Day· hired help problem. Would grow ton. ' , such crops and arrange as fa!" as Mrs. Jeff Smith and daughter, TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION . The Officers of the In.titute A,rc To fie Con gratulated On the IIh nner ~ossible for ohickens to do the har. Glenna, were in Xenia .Tuesday . . Mrs. Andrtlws, of Xenia, ~nt In Wblch" Tl1ey Conducted the \ hoI At air vesting of the crops grown for theu . Sunday with her brother. M'r~ Chas The Warren County Teachers' As . feed. Uses colony houses for con. A. A. Hisey and ~aughter Alta, Buell. sociation will meet in the Fil'llt Na. Other Notes venience, and their use makes ex- spent last Wednesday mDayton. tional Bank Building at Lebarion, pensivQ plants unnecessary; also b e - . . , lieves tbem more sanitary , MISS Marguerate Tho.mpson. spent Mr. and Mte. U. M: White spent Ohio .. on January 9th . New Year's Dly with relatives .near ~oreno0!l-Invocationt Rev~ W. D. ' . . " , O n t his farm he would keep the the week·end here With relatiVes. . . Kele; MUSIC; "Unsolvea Problems" Th'e Farmers Instltnte held last spent III gul ng out t.? hear It: Mr, followillg live stock: three borses (so Lebanon. .. . Mias Jennie Tribby; ltound Table, week was o~e uf the most successful I!mou r. tipent con~lderabltl time o,n It hat the wife can have a driving Alfred Wright leaves today for Mrs. Maabel ,F itqerald. of Dayton, Prof. C. ,A. Brun~r .. from a,l1 polnta of view that ~118 ever I h19, loc:ture, a~cI he PFl.'gen ted ~I I S horse) two cows. aix hOkB and. 500 George School to resume hill studie. llpent Saturday and .Sunday here 1:01) p m.-BusU1ess SellBlon; Paper. been h:ald ~ere. On~ of the directors s ubJ ect m!lr.~er In :l clear and concise hees. Coun ted .u pon the hens brmgMaster James McDonald has been with relatives. Supt. J . C. Jordan; Talk, Supt. C. M. of the institute e~lted the good at· nllil1nel", ,au that everyone was able ing him $2 per head. visiting relatives in Xenia for several Roudebush tendanC)e at1d the mterest taken to to catch n, a.d the law were made "Dra inage" was discussed by Mrs. Etta Printz and son Joe. of , j, A. Qppy, Pres. the judfcio~ use of printer's ink plaine I' than v\~r to the peo ple. State Speaker Frank Blackford, days. Dayton, were-.Bueetsof Mr. and Mrs.· Ruth Edwards, ~y. . 'The advf'rtising. D!atter. was . placed There arethree reasons for tile drain· M d M Ch P Ie of Route J. M. ~ay]or Frld~. . . Ex. Committee-F. C. Gilmore, C. 'before the pubhc I.n .. different mand: 'J'IIJi: INSTITUTJo.: ing our land. First, to lengthen the 4 '~i~ rel~ives a;'rksville last A. Bruner. G. H. Gerke. tha~ has, ever beep presente • season. Second. to areate and warm ,VI ' Fred Cuke, •. of Marietta, Ohio, .. _ • in such a WWl tbat It appealed to 'The Way '.ville Farm er's Insti Lute the soil . Third. to carry away the week. maQeafiyln8viaittohisl1\other.Mrs, SPECIAL NOTICE generalpublfc. . . opened its 2:..nd M llusl session J~- surplus wat~r. ~eleti~thenthesea. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell al'e Mary Caakey. lu.t week. Theextras of the. instltute,also uary . l. 1915, at 9:30 ~ . m. With s.)nbymakmg It pOBBlbleto work spending /a'couple of weeks at their . were a great ~elp thIS year~ It ~a.'! P reside'nt J. l' Ellis in he our l,and from ten days to two weeks ranch near Mobile Ala ltrs: F. C. Gilmour and children. out of ~e ordlJlary, and these slde Afte r the u~ ual routi ne business earlier. Areation and warming of " •. apent a part of last week with rela· to work Monday morning in attractions helped. the general at· su bject of" fi'arm Management" the soil allows crops to start to grow Mrs Amanda Reed and son Albert, tlv. in South Lebanon. hardware atore. of Rogers & ~ndance at the insbtlrle later. discus8\;!d b Mr. 0 , . Mon lgomery. quicker. Tile drainage will loosen of u;banon spent Friday with Mr. " Mit. Carey will not give up hili . of WOll)ster. Ohio. who us a Bnd pulverize the toughest and wax· and Mrs &y Irons ' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Beach, of work a1toKel,h er. but probably GOOD sABll!lS .OON1'J;lST very in terest ing and in8tnue~ive talk. iest of soils, It not only rltmo,ves . • . g iving what ~e believed to be the the surplus water but makes It pasMiss Bessie Warner. of near Cleveland. were vJal'tlnJf rel.Uvea 'take it uJ? later in the summe,. be and at Xen~ lut week haa been an efflcient aervant. and " On Wednesday the Better Baby.llt most ~!conomlcal arrangement of lIible for tbe land to hold more water Oregonia wu the week guest of . Mr. Curtia Goad, of Miami Uni· m&llatIf [rit3ftodreBw. iIIEbtirnesgt'adSmtol:tBeeb whil·mll Contest attracted a large crowd, not farm buildings for convenience and and resist drought better tllan un· Misa Edna Smith o( Route 1 t th h f thl1t" onlv of ladies, but the gentlemen economy of time in doing our. work drained land. . . , •. vel'8l~. ~ a, .Mues at e orne 0 take charge of the dray during this took a deep interest in it, .,also, as well as the comfort and happiness Can not raise maximum ' crops Georgetown 'Brown. County, wen~' ¥re, va J?netl the past week. time. A'!Iy orders for expr_,' 'l'herewere ninett>en babieS entered. of our Home. Emphasized the need without drainage. BeHaves we dry last week by a yote of three to Chaa, ' Cornell went to Dayton trunka or bauling can be left at ·tha six in Class I, siX in Clase II, tlYe in of the conveniences abou t house as make the mistake of using too amall one (iood for Georgetown; h .I . t Rogers store, where Mr. Carey will Clase Ill, one in CI88B IV and one in well as the barn. Also the economy tile' rather than too la~e. A com. • attend Wthem .. _ • Clast. While there were IDO 100 and hen.lthfulness of · having a good mon rule Is tpat a tile will drain as Miss Grace Carman returned borne . per cent babies examined. yet al) of garden. In the laying out. of farJ'!l inany acr~as the square of itsdi!lm· last Friday from a delightful visit Weller Hainee of Bellbrook, spent HAD' SUCCESSFUL COUNTY FAIR them Beored well. the best one scor· would be governed by local condl· eter. In oUler words a four lOch With a friend at Aueuata, Ky. the weelt end with relative- fn \it aY· -. . ing about 98X. The examination tions, but ·must .be done wi th the tile will drain sixteen acres a 5-in tile , . neevllle and at~nded ..he , Farmer's , fl. Wadsworth, of Gainesville, consisted (.f five iiegrees-mentality, idea of economy of time and labor, tile will drain twenty·five acres and MI88e8 Ethel and Pearl Hardin:pf inatitute. . Fla., sent U8 a daily paper fro~ that measurement, physical, dental and Make fi elds as large as so on He does not wish to depend Latonia, Ky., are the ~.ts of Mr. • ,' city tn which RPPear4d the atatement ear, etc, " costs less in PI'OporLlon, to upon a four-inch tile to drain more and Mrs. T. Hardin, of Corwin• . .The ~i~ lbbJI and B~en Ilaw ke of the : Aiuchia" CQupty_ Fair, conteet was held under the plow and to cU.1tlvate, If than eight or nine acres and others .oCl Alia Mh:bener retu rned to Del... .there in Octobet. ''nte fair W¥ a of the Woman's Home ~m7 must be small avoid sq \lare ones in like prqportion. Believes til~ Rev C S. Grauaer was called' to ware 'College this week , to reaqme suecess ' as iridicat.ea by the repo.-t, contest " rules. and the com· possible . should be at least three feet deep for Dayton Tuesd., l'noming on accou~t their IItudiN. moetJy due to Mr. Wadsworth. the is under oblieations to that "L bo S i D " for the b~tr~ults, unl.ess local con~~tion" of the ilerious iUneE of his father. , .' directors voted Mr Wadsworth the help they rendered a r. a,~ ng eVlces . mad~ It im practIcal. Deep tilmg is who died this morning. .. . ' Mlaaee Berniee Co~y and Lau~ was immediately employed bf the them in the contest ' Farm WIfe , . was the S~bJ'i~ttbf for future generations or all time. . t' - - - Louil!l8 lJarley. of Sp'rill-J aU 81 , city 10 look aft.f:r thelr affau:s . , A'fter-the ~Imltton-w b .' ~~~ .po n~~ ;!~e th: Shall.ow tiling is for th~ present and, Rpy Hisey~ of Centei'ViUe. ~t vilitecl with II .... II. A Slma from romoter ' the afternoon, Dr. Everhard, of ouse l:oo ar~e , ave I . will not Improve as time goes on. New Year's daI. with his uncle .and Friaay until Sunda,. p ' . ,- • gave a talk on the ' care of BOUt~ Jf }.lO lble for econoiY in with deep l",id drains, land will con- eoualn A. A. HilMI)' and. claup~r . _,'J. MINORCA WI,NS BIO PRIZE Her l~tur!'l ' was plain, h~~tm~r. Under any .and a l con· tinlle to Improve for many years to '. Mn. W. H. Allen and Mia') practical' suggestions to dl~lons have .n down talr8 bed ro~m. come. • C. W. Thompson, who baa been McCollum returned home 'the lecture was en· I liave u p·stulrs bed ro\)!~'1S open Into . vi~itillR' relativ. here, .-eturned to evening, after sPending ,the .,.. At the Hamilwn poultry show, in audience. a. corridor ~r hall to aV(l) t he neces· (Conclud~.!! ~ext i88ue), . his home in Veraaillee-. Ohio Mond~. "ith relatiyes 'i n Maet;lmt\, Ill. here, the. '200 sUve~ the medals; 81 Slty of passlOg thr~ough one rqom ~ , was awarded to by the Woman's Home reach anothe~. Sht! pia as at the AND THE~E' WAS NO LIOt:lT M. Kathryn Dakio, of Cincin. The Junior Guild of St. Mary's D81 ton • Ohio. on wore awarded to the hea~ of the hst of. necessarr COD , nati sPent several dQII with Mrs•. church will meet at the home of Minoreal\. There In Class I (from v~OIenlcel!. l,b wat r ID hh,e kl1 chen. Would it , not be a good idea for Amanda Wright"and daughter, Mise , . Edytha Maiy • Wednesday · eve~lng. ~""Ul.1\I worth , of .bird. on ex· months to one year) Mr. and Said st.atl t IC.S of out .D . , Dep~rt. the merchants to take up a collection May. 'January13, 191~. at 7 o'clock. III1lllLllm and more than 1,200 re. Lester "PetersOn's baby re· meot of ~g Icult ure madH f rom Ijsts and have, the lights burn a little Mrs, E , S. ~i1y aold ceived the medal , In Class 11 of q u,eSL\()(~5 sent Ollt umon.g hthe longer in the morning? This thing Tb~ Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mi. Ethelyn Jones returned to her a fipe Minoffit ' cock bird to two ire) Dr. apd Mrs' A. J' f~rml,ll:~ a~kll1g Ilbou t f r m kltc en of having the lights go out a dark MIU'Y'a church will meet With 'rs. uool duties iri Indiana Saturday,' year for 15, Tbis year he wina baby gol 'the medal.. In conv~men 8:1, S lOW n very , la~ge per morning like to4ay costlJ ~o8e who Cadwallader Friday afternoon at af~r spending the· ~olidays here in ,all .tbe big shows. (two to three years) ,Mr, c. nt of . tht! arlBWetB pi ad wa~r have to work a',' lot of time and o'clock. with ber mo~er, Mrs . .Eva Jones. .. - • 'l'Ihos. Hardin's bahy re, fi rst . >A, good ranf:~ arl a c?al 011 money groping around in the dark. ' " DEATHS the medal. There was no or ga!~ohne' ~tove we,r~ conSIdered I)ess 'trying to accomplish a little Mrs. Fred Jenkins, of Can8!ia, and Misa Emma Heighway did ' competition in c,;lasses IV and V, mOSt .1m Ol'tant. No trOD 'work,' ,O r" perhaps the light com. Miea Mabel Bentley. of Xenia, ~nt retu~ home fro,? Toledo last D" A T Wri ht' ' . A.J '0...:1 although both .baby's scored weH utenslil:l !lhou lo pe used . A. might see to i ' ,lhllt Ulltlr ~ew'Year.'s Day with Mr. and Mrs. but ahe went to viait her ili8ter (', . . g , recelVcu \\" &'t , . 4 ~tnrl 0.0(1 pel' , Id h f th C. B. Bentley, co -2' ia _.1.: AL III d mornina. announcing the . • cou . ave more 0 e = ;:-....ilIN.. Y'.,.,.Q!n • w.aere Du~ W spen some Mrs. F;&nk Pauley, of Mid.· , ' STOCK JUDGING wh~t t~ev voted and are John Stansberry, son of Mr. a~d ~hne. ," i'. , Pauley .. was the '" for-mor~ hght , Mrs. Frank Stansberry ,--was married UIlIAH"'.'" of Dr: Johllny Wright. •- • to MiSs :G~itrude SeelY. in payton "The fun~ral is being one day lut week. Red tjo~. and interment made _n Middlet.own. ' Notice-Anyone having chickens they wish scored during the week of the. Poultry Show, cian do so at the rate of lOe per head. . ~ e'

SVSTE. M There have been four schemes presented to the Cincinnati coudcil for consideration" and all of them have' utilized the canal for subway purposes. It is estimated that it will take about ~12,OOOjOOO to build the system, and about $2,000,000 to eq uip the same.: The..,council will.probably h t tak t th on e same mas or Ohe of the schemes is to make the loop a hundred miles on every side of Cincinnati, thus taking i.n a large territory contiguous to ' t hat city, What t~e outcome ~i1l bo is' hard to de~nnm~, as traction men seem to think a hne ~orth 'Of Lebanon will not be a paying investment. • _ •










~~~ft:~~od~ ~~trnra:~lati~:a~



~ .



Mrs. '



. Roy Irons 'W~ a Dayton visitor Saturday. Mr. Irons call'!Ci at t~,e Stoops home, and found Mr. Stoops quite a .little ,b it better. ' Miss'" Maud Boston, Mrs. ,Wm. Copsey, Mesars: 0U'1 Copsey and Abe Moore took dinner with ' ,Mr. apd Mi, A. Sima last Sunday. . ' ,


meeting of J. O• .U. 'A" evening; . Janu~f l 8t,h.' of officers, work and '

• '0

~:~:::'I\JAA11 members·~vited. , . ~

/<.: •




T: Ellis. M88IIrs: L. Al Ziin· ' ;, r;. Crane ,attended . , anniversary pf Leb~on

.....'~m.l" and D. ~e4!,

F,. &: A. M. Tuesdll.Y' ,ev~mng. 1:



Irona W88 called to Saturday on aec~unt her.aiatei'. Mn.her S. JQrWi~~~g~~r!r:towho fell.' elittJng Mrs.

' I




.. ' poor man or hla ....he~wnnal CO p",lIentln. a formIdable frollta.e _{' dala wben Bbe law, to lIer dlllQa"", the travel In ufety. hol'Dll. approaoh of men and elephants, T",c ''The mUlier!" esclalmed one, "let Never had Katblyn lIeen sueh an . Nepballtll were rlddlln by mllbilulll the hl8h prleltells beware of the mUI' ellormOUII beallt. From hill great pad· """'0 other elepbants 'I\'ere being jos· (or he I. .tronl enough to tip dad Pti~WB to bl8 .Ioplng shoulder. he tied tQw,B'Td the IItockade. evl!!entJy the raftl" stood easily four fect In height. and new ' captlvea. Tbey proceeded pas· Thpse Who Would QO tfls Work Nearly every "Utale whIch lIell hiD IIhipes were almollt all broad a8 alvely, however, (or e lephants submit Must First Be Thoroughly clolle to • atream h.1 Ita f.mll)' crocOo her ha,nd. He drank. d«>bbUeu. eylnjr to captivIty wltll les8 real trouble than dlle. He III very !lLOred and tbrlv,ea the bu:lfalo IPeo.."Uiatively; lIome other any other . wllll beasL I(atblyn B7 comfortabl), upon sulctdell and . the time. ~rhen he, too, sat on his haunches crouched low In, tbe grass and wjllted HAR.OLD MAC GRATH WhEln II'nr breaks out In a countTy It dead which are otten ca8~ Into the and lvlUlhed hili face, but with In· till men and i!1l1l1hantll enterod tbe means that forges nnd ,armorles will be river to be purified, The Hindus are Ilnite graclIfulnellll. It occurred . to slockade; 'then ahe ran , quickly LoIlIwtrated by Pleture. from the Movln. PIc:tUl'. .. lIulcldai race ; tbe' reveree of the pc- 'tbe .w"toher that, tamntar a8 sbe was ward Iier baven, the \l1ntflorm In the ringing an day with the ('la8h of steel Prod uetlon ot the s.ll. Polyaeope Co. / cldentnl conception, Bulcide III a Quick with the habits of wild beaBts, never lree. She lIever went very tlU' from as the necessary weapons lire pr pared and glorloull route to heaven. . had abe wltnel!,lled a tlger or a llon ' thill, save In lIearch of toad Bile hud tor U8e. Bteel blades will be heated In ••••••••••••••••••••••••• e. •••• ••••• . Tbe ourrent ot the Itream carried enact tlltt! domestio acene. Either lh~ also recovered the Idol and set It back the flame, plunged III the 10)' flood and , Katblyn a1on. at a fair paoe: all ahe were alwa,. pacIng th'e lr cages. gaz. In Its place. It was not. fortunlltely, then beaten bard to ' mske tAem firm and pliable, and to give them the keen . , ted the peace of the temple In the bad to do wal to pole away from the Ing far over ~ hudll ot those who a much frequented s pot. It ,vas tor e!!ge ll11d "temt1cr." without :whlcb 8VNOPSIS. daytime. Sbe could lee the dome from numerous sand bars and sucb boul· watcb,ed them. or dle)' alept. Even the benefit ot tlj.e occasional pilgrim, thoy cannot become' ~tI'ective lustrll... . l'&UI~n Hllre beUevSn, her rather, Col. where ehe stood . Like IShmael.. ehe del'll as tlfted their ruggod heads abov~ when they nnllll)ed a 'lDNI of raw the ryots having shrlne8 more con· Dicnta ot oftsnse I'lld detense, Ther aare, til peril. h..... ummoned her. leave. muat go on torever and tore"er on. the water. meat they merely 1I0kod t~\I!r cJIope; venlimtly situated. 1I0r nom. In CalIfornIA to II'l to hIm I n ' W as Round a bend the river widened and there was no toilet. . . She nelltled down ampu.g be[ rus hes must be mnde tough and al1arp by A l lAh ... 111 ~ 11l , lTmballa.. pr.tender to tile Was Ood watcbing over bert ' successlye t.ests of fire. water and r;;roge, hall Imprlaoned tho colooel. named It hil hand whlcb stayed the on· grew correllpondlnrly sluggisb. She Her,o; how8Ter, w,s an elabC7nl.~o and watted. Sbe could qat see the force, erc tbey can btllp to wIn the 1tli~: t!':lh~~nn' 1-: I~~~r~!~ :rr r~v~';.I\ ~ slau,bt ot the beast and defeated ,the sounded with her pole. Bomethlnr toilet. The great CIt licked hill paws, lItnckade from where ahe now was, fight , Ilint 1Ie.r tather belnl' dead .he Ie to be baBer scheme. of manY Was there hideous beyond wordll aroso-a fat. drew them acrosl' his face: then but Il~e could hear ahoute (roID tho God bas occasions when b e r.eveaIa ' Queen ond DlUllt marry hIm. Bhe r oru.eo II d a g e,d · ty oroco dll e...~ll s oor ru g ated mahout II . 1\110 1M Informod by the priest. th"t no to be a haven at tbe end? She sm . e era. himself . 8S '" the Lord strong and woman can rul~ unm..... le<1. She Ie glveo wanly. Wbat more was to beset ber snout w.s thrust quickly ' over the Recently 'lI1le hA!l discovered 0. mighty. the Lord mighty III batUe," ..noen daye to thInk It Over. She stili reo d Jus t edge of the ratt. Bhe struck at him leopard's lair near the lltockade and !U.I<t8. and I. told th"t .he mull uodergo patb sbe knew not, nor care .nnd he ca ll s tor men to "come to the l"Wo ordeals "'Itll ,..lid bea.lB. 1t ahe auI" then since there was to be a haven Wildly wltb tbe pole. a.nd III a fury he w.a very careful to avoid It, mucb aa vl""a sbe will b. permitted to rule. John , ' . Mlllhed the taft. upsettln'" Ka.t.hlyn , IIhe wa.nted to setzo tbe pretty cubs b Iv ot tbe Lord against the mighty." IlMlee, lUI Amerldan, aav ... her IIC... The at the end. .. Hts weapons are living men and wome'epbo.nt \Yhl II cnrrles )1er trom the Perhaps preaclence brought to ber Tha crocodile Bank and for a .mOo and run away with til em. Dy tbl8 lIPle ell t eated and tried In the fo rge of ~d . .... ne o t her trl,,'. rUIIS away, lopar.lIng h b er ment lost alg'"'t -bo IIbe .... ew tile habl'-, fears, and ba· her [rom Druce and the reat or the party. mlnd's eye a picture: s a saw .. of Kath'vlI, V n AU .... In "tll e turnace of nlfllcllon" they are 8h._ ,ues rMug" In a ruined tompl&. fath or. and Bruco, and WInnie. and waded frantically to ihe bank, up trede of these people ct tbe jungle. heated to the white hSllt of purity and ' her sweetheart, and they Beemed to whlcb she scrambled. Sbe turned In . and Bhe scrupulously' attended to her power. in· tbe I'OY flood of 80rrow. sepCHAPTER VI-Contlnued. be toastlllg ber from the end of a time to see tbe orocodlle's tearful alfatra as tbey attended to thetrs. arn Uon ond Isolation they are ohllied D long table, under tba blue CalifornIa eyes staring up at her trom the wa· Sometimes the great striped tiger through Rnd ·through. and thell on tbe Tbe premier holy man, Illtiufisd that sky . 1'hla vlsloll renewed her strength. ter's odre. He presently ' slid back prowled about the bue at the ~ree. anvil ot God they pillced fo r many ho under8lod Katbl,n's gesturea. tnto bla -11m" bed', • teyellow bubsharpened bls clo.wlI . on the bllrlt, but a hllaVY stroke, and are beaten to an Sbe proceeded onward. D, .. turned to tbe lUIUy angered villagers Bbe mUlt bave followed tbe river blea, and be was gone. he · never attempted to asoend to the edge. By fire. wilter and anvU he testll and e.J:plalned that with his aid their .t least a trille whell sbe apled l\ raft Kathlyn'e beart became SUddenly platform. Parhapa he rfjallzed the and tries them agaill and again. until priuteas would, In ft"e .UOI, recreate .moored to a clump of tree. . Here and unacco\lntably Iwollen with rqe; ullelellsness of InvesUgatlon, sInce lhe bord will is rU:lod and pliable and Vlahnu In nll hll beauty. Instantly the she saw a way of eavlng ber weary ehe beoame primordial: IIbe wanted tbe platrOl'm mnde It Impossible for peln becomes '1\ privilege and JOY. vtlll,lero prOlltrllted themaelves. ILmbs many a rug,ed mile. She tord· to burt, maim, kill. Childishly ahe him to lIee what was up there. But al · Then. strong. keen and ·'temper-ed" "Poor thln,I!" murmured Kathlyn. ed the stream, treed tbe raft and poled stooped ' and picked up heavy .tonell "Ways now. to and from the truce wn· througb and through. thcy are rendr 'I'I:Ie holy men sent ~ n.t1Tes away. out Into the middle of the atream. which IIbe hurled Into the water. The ter, be paused, looked UP. circled tile for his work tOf' It was not meet that they ebould It bappened that tile Mohammedan InstJnct to live ftamed eo stronaly In tree, and wellt away mystified . God Wanb Only ThOle TrIed . ...Uness magic In the making. The)' hunter. wbo owned the raft wire at , her tbat the cruat 'of olvillzation fell Onl), tlle grasll eating beasts came , The trouble with 80 many IB tbell' then IIquatted In the 01., court .nd thlll moment 8wlneln, along toward aw.y like mist before the lun, and down to water that night. and Katb· "temper,': In more tha n one lIanee or CIIlrloualy waited for her to bertn. the tezpple: On tbe shot1lderl of two for. long time tlie pure Bange (which Iyn underlltood by tbls that. the men the word. Agalns~ Ole 'furlous on· There """ a well In tbe Inner IhrlnL .... Ited a pole from wblcb danglad the lies dormant In UI all) ruled her. She and the elephante were fitlll in the slnught of the enemy nnd his hOllta atockade. . To thla ehe went with cautlon. The .... would live, U"8, live: sbe would live and thl) crylllg 'needs ond evlla or ilon wu e-ndent]y torallng In the jun· Ufeleu body of a newly killed leopard. The following morning IIhe went 1ft t to .torget thll' 'Oriental Interno throUlb () down to the stream to batbe; at the thcse last dn:.; " GOll will trust no un· Kathlya 111111<1 ·the oopper TNMI Tbey were bringing It · In all a g of the village, who was whIch IIhe W.II pallllnJ. . tested. untempered blade. Wbiln I\e' "Ith water aDd returned. Next. abe athe thoroughgoIng Mobammedan. and She ran toward the jungle, all \In. same time the parent leopards came goes fortb to war he uses Doue but lather«! up what plecea of the Idol who held In contempt HInduism and conscioul of the Itone ue .Ull held tor drink. Tbey had not csred to seelc souls beaton long on the anvils of palll she could find and pieced them too _.. 11 In her band. Sh'e 108' t all len.e of tbelr lair during the nlsht on sccoun t sether. Here wa het model. She all Ita amazing t'auuuCl ona. Had But a atnll • . Thought, to of the tires ; and. WOrrYing over theIr and ~'earlllllg-livJng swords whlcb are Tbe white ' prlnt .. 1 waa Indeed a time and compalll; and 10 ran In a 81. ' 1p. b h . t I th t agree- also "twOocdged, plerolng and 11vldlng then ap'pl'Oaohed one of the taidrl and th. h an dtul of MOo ha·lf ~v ', ,"Ie, comln'. out at the river cu t ey were no n e mOil h tl e allun~er" anything and everytbln~ . • ables, mooel. III«nUled tbat 'Ihe bad need of ble PUZII.: fSll', w llelte'd hla beautiful .'del, pUllrln,: for K.thlyn eaw tbelll aPllr08\:1\ in when wlet'ded by ht" omnhwt ht ~alld., lmlfe. dllmun:ed at 1I..t, but at hammedanl In tbe were fanat- .,.In. The Indian twlltlbt wu rllllnl In the 1~lght w. . .0 , IItill al1d the beaa,t Ume to reacb her plaUorm. Thoy If. you are willIng [01' the pralles., I lensth connoted to ~ with It. Shl leal ID their ballef In the true prophet dUI IlP a aquare piece of 01.,.. In Gne, anlS bla Koran, .nd put llttle 'f.nh In the fIIl.t when IIhe fQund berlelt -.atn WIll eo neu tha.t abe could 11111 him .narled about the tree, and the male namely, "conformity to tbe Image" of lIbe felt lno~ lille the Kaoarn of .old mlraclea and It III Ie•• In holy men loo1l:lnl out upon the water. tbe stone Quits, pl.lnly. He It~tched himllelf, climbed up all far u the plaUorm. Jesus ChrIst nnd "tb,e fellowahlp of than ehe had alnce comp1etln. the who performed t~em, the ad"ent ot IItllI clutched tI,htly. She PHd, at took another drink, and trotted off to Kathlyn .Teaohed over vdtb a stout ble s ulrorlngs," )"OU, toq, may be bill olub and clouted the brute on bls ten· "helper I'D the war." 1 Cbron. 12; 1, R . V. leopard In her outdoor Iludlo. It opo thll white prl.steal deeply m),ltlfted th. river. then at' the atone. anel,agaln the JIUJl.Ile. Tb,en ct,me a berd ot· elephantl. for del' nOlle. "Is there nol a to man on cupled her thoughta. at Ie.. t. part of them. There w.a no 'letUne around at the river, The .tone dt9Pped. with them. .tor Ihe realilad that ~hAp thla: she wa. there; with their' OWD a thud at her feet. - Tbe savage ·In each lpeetell seemed to have an apA ahot broke the .lIence and a bul· earth?" Job 7: 1. R. V,-"Sbo,lI four her Ole 'depenled upon her .&111 In e1e. tbe), eaw her. There mlaht be her had not abated In the least'; only pointed time. The buffalo emer,.d let Jlpat angrily ar.tnst the tree trunk. brethren go to waf. and lhall ye sit' .0matblDg in Hl.ndulsm .fter all. her body wu terrlbl), worn and weBJ'o and IIled away Into the d.r", The el. Two eat.. tied. Immediately tbere Came bere 1" Num. 32: 6. Tblll warfare 111 a nproduetn, the hl4aou Idol. When the huntel'l arrived ..t the led and th" robe" muddled land torn. phantl plunged Into the .....ter, .qu~· a sQueallne and , trumpetlnr from the spIritual one. "again lit prlnclpalttiea, All the t"o old hrPocrJtlll eaw the »e>rt1oo of the temple the, found tllFo enveloped her like a Tell of Ice. Above Inl, makin, sport, Iqulrtln, water IItockade, agnlnst powera. against ·the rulel of cla1 take form and llhape and . 1D00kin, face gradua1l1 appear, ' thl1 .~tly terrtfted bol, men, ahrtlUDI her the lonely yellow aky; below her over their bacb and roUlnr, bead un· This ill whAt b.d happened: The the dprlrness of tbls world, and against we" ....ured that Katbl,.n I" " In- their "Al! AI!" In l.meJ;ltation .nd the Ilokl, rtver; aU about ber .Uence 4er; a.nd they buffeted one eblef mahout had dllcoyered the cuba host a of! wicked splrlta In ' heavenly whlcb held • thouland men.ces. amiably, and there wal • baby who and lIad taken them Into tbe atookal1e places." Epb, 0:12, R. V. Tbe proceS8. 4leed the ancleat prieates.; and deep beating their foreheads a,ainlt other words, means the forge, the Which way Ihould Ihe ,01 Wbere seemed to ,.t In everybod1'1 w.y and ju,t as snother hunter bad eapled the 40n In their lOuls they experienced earth. "Hoi, m.n. wb.t II 'wrapg'" .. ked could .lle posalbly Gnd IIheller for the thl ,rownupa tre.~ed him Ihabb.U)'. perent leop.rda. The rUle Ihot hl\d furnace, tbe ftood a,n d the anvil, eomethlnl ot the awe the,. had Qften one of the huntei'll, reapectfully. nllbt? . Br ..nd b1 the1. too, troOped oft. Then f Ibtened one of tbe wild elephantll. I Does tbls oxplaln the- Lord's deo.lIngll tn.ptred In the poor, trulltlne 1'70t. "The lion hal kllled our p· rieate.a; 'T he 0 hili rOUBed h er' ·--'1 -"- e oame w fd p p, .n ....... )' ,an d ... v Kathl,n bad .~Ient borderin, on With' .. mllhty PI~ge. be b.d brokon. with you jU8t no\\'1_ Are you 00 the ,.Dlu•. ' The J~ol ' wu all elact ...1>1\08 the &&ored Ill'll. must dl.e .agaln! Ai! .... un' her .rml to renew the tlroula- and foolish, ohatterlna .pes. the cb.ln whIch h d "hIm prisoner to anvil. going th,rough tire and ' wllter. Uon. Near by 'lIhe saw 'a tree. In the At la.t tile truce w.ter "-me ct. the decoy elep ant and pUllhed beaten, bruised. on edge? you , ~~e orlainl one; more, .there ....... ... All" "Where Ia the lion?" crotch of which repoae4 a platform, lIerted and Kathlyn lay d01\'11 agaIn, throulh the rotten stockade, headlDIL often prayed : "R,emove thy stroke nl!Ue beauty ,now wbere befo... there "They tied toward the rt"er, and and upon \hta platform .eat . a IIhrine. only to be aurprl.ed by a hUle ... pe stralgbt for the rlTer. ,away from me: J am consumed Ill' tbe bad bien a .frank r'epnJaly,n_. It aaUllIed .the hoi), zilf~n, and the un- the~ he' bu doubtlels de.troyed her, A fe" withered flowerll hung about who ItuclE ht. bll8~ up onr the odlll Kathlyn laW hll bulk as It oralbed blow of tblne' band." Pa, 39:10. Need for Patlenc•. veiling wu tp'eeted by the ,.Ulalera fo, Ib 81'11 SI".., reprlllented ,by tbe tho llroll neck of the Idol, Ind wIth· of the platform, Tbe aurprl.. waa stral,ht throulb the. brush. It sh"t)'our aspiration 18 real ' and InteDle, ....Ith , .uoh io, that Katblrn fOl'laY. l,on, I. more powerful than VI.bnu, I'&- ered lIowll1'll '1a)' leattered at th~ bUe mutllJaI. Katblyn pUlhed the idol to: ft~ dIrectly toward her tree. The lbam ..nd could haye wept OYer -them. Incarnated In our prlBllteli. Al! Al! ot the tree. There wu alao a bundle warj2 him. The Ipl ..h of It In 'the wa· ,round about 'WAS ot CI1l1, . mc,rgial but your soul·stretch' Is iltralnl\lg Its ' { ot dry ruahea whIch some devOtee h.d ter ' ao&"d olr tbe unwelcome gIlelt, Into land 81 It Ilopeilotoward the rl""r. capacity. You want to attain to ~e 8be h.d made a ,od for them, and Bbe II dil.d .nd we are undone!" "Come," ~d the cblef tiuntama.n. forgotten. At least, )'onder 'platform and tlren KathlYn I..,. down and .I,pt. Tbe traotlo runawlI$ ellpped. oruabed Master's Image by leaps and bounds they tell down ' and 'wprlhlped It. A day or eo l/lw Bruce an1~ed ..t ,a lalliat the tree trunle. r~covered blm·' without tbe necesaal')' preeeS8; but Fhe more de,.l1· pall.ed. On ' the aI· "Let UII ru.n to the ri"er and lee wh.t .would· afford lafety throUlh the nl,ht. tfmloon of the ftftli day Ka~hlyn wu theae queer ,Odli .re doIng. We'll 8(1. with the .Iut bit of atrllliith at h.r the i.mllie. Da,. after day he had •• U, and 'Went .pl.ihlnl Int.o the w.· eplr~tunl capaolty lakes on expllnllon reedf", the ftre. 'l'Jle boly men' at p~leDt the .1I:ln of SITa to our ma. comm.nd, Ihe rathered up the rushe. hunll to ' the ti'all. pIck In, It up he~ tel'. " , only un der pressure Lie BtllI, thereand climbed to thil pl.tform. arranl' aDd 100IDr It the.... He fouOd RaJ.h; lbe 'court at tbelr devjJtlona. Katblyn ter!" He' )au.bed, Kathlyn wu ' lIun~ beadlong aIld (ore, walt ,valiently. and he will be Tbl! 11O~ carrlel'l depOlited theIr In, her bed belllnd the Idol: She COT, the elepbant, the howdah lonl, and only tHe water laYld her tram .ev,ere abie more Quickly and more thorougb~ turned froin the fire 't o lee thelli 'l'laa' and ftee in terrOr.Bhe III turn; lied. burden and all .tarted olr at a dOC' erld ber ahoulders with 'the ruabea dlrl,, · the orn.mental headpl~. dla. bodily barm. Wblln Ibe recovered he~ Iy to !lain tlle end he has In flew . far the lI."n stood between her "lid the trot. The1 b.d aHu,s been eag.r ~ and drew her knee. up to her ohlli. coyered to Bruce that he had found len lea ahe ...... ,.uf!Ounc1ed by • .,rIUP The prooess com,pleted will mean ,a ....C!oph.~! The lion p.UI~ 'I uh· 8be had foraotteD her father, Bruoe, hla JOpe. RaJah "'u doolle enou,h; of 1'IIry mu~b 8IItonlebed ~obatlUDl'I' pure, strong, pliable, keen, "tempered," Inc, bla tall. The many reeent commOo the happ)' cl&1a In .. tar countl'y; she be bad been domeaUcated eo lonl that "ani. vlc~orlo\lil wBllpon for the ulle of tha " don. withIn ' ap'd . wI thout , the temple h.d but· .. Blnlle ' thoiJlhtr to , lleep. hla freedom rather Irked .blm. Tbe), j.bllered and le_dculatecl &0 pierced hand. either In' tbe ' Itldden. bad finally roa"" bl, fre. a. heaJ. What the want of .I..p could nOt perllruce .lIclted h:OlIt , the m'o urnln, one anotber .nd llli. wu conduc(et te' mIghty work of pra,er nnd Inte.ree.. :Uted between the hOly men and .Kath· form eu ..u_Uon conlel ...nd Prl/leutl1 boll' men the a~lnl ad"enture In the stoCkaCle. 8hl uqdll1'lltood but Uto lion, or In the more publiCi, but hot 1.111. ..nd ftn&lIy eo.ncldlled that Ihe ID more effective a,pbere Of lervlee. Ibe lay 'Ull. all tta detaili. Kathlyn had ltlsap- worda-" Allah." /lnd 11."e." the lIattezlul l'obee would 'be tbe moet Thus •• h. Delth.r saw nor heard the peir,red ID the jun,lll and not even, the ~~ (TO BE CO}fTIMtI!JO;) de,lrable. ,,'OUI pllCTIma ....ho ....ere on th~.........,. tried bunters could find hef. She w... In th y "trong hllTl(l T' ta,y me Tbere wu no par~cular burr1: beto Allaba to pray In that temple 101t. Bruce, thoUl~' in bl.' be~' Of l . UN'QU~ , SHIP,"'ENT OF BIBLES F~~ ~~,~lIc::;.e :oOr~k.8t;: ~:1~:;OU81Y' aldee, he w.. nQt hungry. Tb. eat 'I n , '. , : . As tho Almllfhty One? known to olrer prot.etJ~ , .,aln.t hearta h. beUned ~er de.d! t~1t up; .,.. , him wanted to ~]at. He 10"" 'alter wild beUta. ,Fortunately, tbey dId DOt the trail ....In.,; But· ~anl' WealT, BooU" 9.astllled f~" .nstructlon of tho ' .' Kathlyn ealn,.., At any time lie choae oblene bel'. , w.8;flk. were to PUll ere lie leal'Jl~ He'th.n lora Most Camully MAY SAVE, THOUGH HU'RTS· .. I.w IIwlft bounda would briDi him Tbe pt1lrlm I• •1... aYI ..' pt1crh, In that .be,' Uved. ' . Sent Forth. ) , 10 ber Iide. India: It become•• one mlabt • ..,.. a He .hook hla lilt toward AllahL "0. Toiling Unw.lcome Truth. Noi 1<1. 1,Jeyon$l the . temple 1.)' the .aml faacilnatlnl JdDd of aport. ,To most Dul'la oDe of thMe II!!., da,.. The BIble houle .t New York city wayl Ple ••• nt, Vet "It ' May ... • tream b)' which, mllea aw.,. Xatbln1 o~. tbem, ahort pllll'imtt,pe are '~ , 10Qi and I .hall aquare accpunta!': ·ha. recen ,I,. ._de ~ ahlpmeDt of 1,~ On,'. Dllty to Do It. ' . bnd seQn the funeral p)'re .nd .. rabbltf would be to tbe bwatar .• • ,. • - i •• Bible. Oil .. YOrale of i6,000 )2:111". __ which Ihe h.d bad 10 weird a Cantu,.. lIo1il, Tber ' will "alk ~1Ii 'Bomba, ·1I:,thI1ll h.d ju~ completed tor~..... '!"~ w~r~e4 1010 the conn ..,r Truth tha.t ·11 Unpleallant. 11I none the ' If tble Itream ,was deep there wu a ta. Bellaretl, from )ladraa Lhaa"" ..It .. ct ..... of ~ ,T hr.e yean No tbe boQlc. to hinder. tlle operaUonl pf lelll true. . A mlnlBter was sf-eaking. cb&nce 'fOr life. bel'rtnl and b~1In1 ..U the . ......,.. fore ahe had 1_e4 tile trick from d~troYln. Insl~, Th. Blbl" "e'" to paren~II' on their respo~slblllt' lql' lD~ent.aall,. ' the1 become ' ·saml·holy, the nattyes ot a .....aU. Th4! man,. aolderecl up lD. tin boa. contalnlnl' tin the 8IIlvatlon .of tbel,: · cblldren. . He '. CHAPTER VII. dllttlllUtahed plUMn••n " olutter of da,!. 01 bardshlp ' had 'm ade ber ' thin. each' for protec~on ~Dlt ....a ..~ a~d Ilpqke "I!lth the unsparlnglfra:n' .ne•• ot mud buta. nlr'; but nl..r liil4 ,abe ~D ao ·ba,"",. weatber. 'l'h!8. tID boOB ....en ~~~ the lo.pel 1~lelf' I1S he . 'Whelll~tl1UJIY When ~~r;:e =~:t-:a til. it"ar The,. depollted' 'lOme CIOfII &ad tnalt ao jc, 10 Q,uJek In'll 'Utile hi' ber IIJ pain In 'h eait ~ootl8D or,'*' ,!'I1I: 'declared to bill ' parent 'lIlt~nera that > IIIIe .wernal toward the b~_t at thtl fOot cit .thl t.rM. aD.G eI~p~ act~OIll. · Sbe ha~ ,U~" ~r.,ecartO.1l1. ~r:::!"tt.otowt=~o:'d=' ::;,~ unlell tbl! ohlld-afte~ comh~1 to the pUt of U, Twice .be stumbled oyer I-nne Katbl1ll lD )MeL But later, ~, ber food ~t duak· from the. loa, JOUnl;'" Under YU71l" COD.lsi. ..«e of relponalbUlty-belleve. on Uht," boWderll, but role placldlJ' 8I1d. neD tha I1IOOD ~re4 It,a nlte, oold aeldl of,·tbe I')'Ota" lUlU can,; ra.... tlonai Th... Blb18l!, help... part- of Lord . Jeaua Christ 'as ~avlor. ' that brulled and breath 1..., plun,.d lDto radiance .,.. II. face It ..wabaed y~pt:abl... plantah~., m~o~ . &1m.., tbl, e!ptb ..;.sltlGa 'prla~,n: ~tt 11UI' child will not be wltb tbe pl\renta betJie .....ter. It . 'i.a awlft runnln, and bert aad It taok ber '1011H1 time to4D!1" a~~ ~1te4" .,erHe Ih. rememot til. Oll...-:t I_d'. ~ to ar- · fote 't he f.t~er· III. b,e~"I\I1: 1Je"lIn~ abOw_ deep, and ibe w.. force4'to realt.. "hlt. ahe ....... beloed ;&n or41" ·that AI mllht b~ak fl•• 'Ultlmatel, at' OoeaD ,Ialaild;' '' on to ,a, tbat t1i11l '11 ' truth tJlat .a ' .... Im ItroD,I, &0 pin the oppoaltl BeIO..... - bell,. dMP ID the till' . op~ye , Illenee wbleh at......,.!!' amall .peek.lli th.. Paclic 1.000 ·mlt" cre,t meny people do, not lIke' to Ii r, · 4 f4 ber. .~re. She 4ragged Jlerlelf up to the .ardlng. thla Uoa, · lD · tu tempt. Iae .. wehr. lnalra_ . . JQUth.....t of ~otaeo. lJ'Inl 101. H. a~ded that thOlla' wbom be bank _d, once there. looked ' back. wu IDnblallle; '"lMat at I....... that...... '''IeP~IDS born. me 8he ~t earefllllJl OIIt of tbl ~a1'" most ( jlIl4er til. eQutOr, "as addrelslng dld ·1\ot· ltke"to Ileal' It. w'bat abe ...,., rather aatOnlilhed her. 'a different matter. , Iyo,," III the·· mooubla.. all b1lJllU~ !itln".; 80 ,hi bad l~t .aII laDd 'ia Oq, a laUe ud a ht,lf,Ia 'die.- "B~t," ,aid be, "I'd ' ratbtlr stania heM , She could not '801Ye the riddle at Grit. , Ar1ivlns at the I'ly... brink. thl, leojar4 doft eo the or II1lccor from Ul~ broft; ~milter"btlUt" ?IIS"',1J,. maw lieam. alld tell ,ou 10metblnlJ that' you don't " The lion lee,med to be atrUelltDI sa,.. QlI footprlDt. of ~e lion qn tile IaDJiId lbe "ater IfI4!iIU,.. bd IMIcoIHIG hateful;to ber ...., ~ '~unt' or, ~~ itcb' dlpoatti '" ltJEe to hear, tban stand up therli' ane! , ' .... I~ lOme In.....lble · opponent. I He .....t And whlcb ran down. to the' . . to tlml fbrOWhai • .01 lbe jun~~,. Theftt, ,1Ioap~~ Reno. I.. qhOlce .. ,,4'" face the ebarge ,that I 41d Dot tell rOil .' .tOocllmee deep 1,Il the lI.ndi. tqsgin.: ter. To le.p ,b'om thll apot tb IIye Iiallce ilia ,_h \ ~ ' tha tI,er. tn~'utlq ~~ tor Blbl~ in tile .. ·.11 t~~ 1 Iboul4 1\'1:e told ,oU:.. ·.· , aIld pulllDl, He bep.n' to roar: I!lv.ea water wu not poaalble for 8111 beut 'The bullaloea ower 'wild lIePut;· hut ')aD" of thl Oll~ ~p. Mr. Rlob. '!'rutb that burt. may ~ . ,trutta th..t .. Katlilyn .azed Ihe 18W hill ellP' or .tbe JUD,le. Yet thll lIQo ha4 'RD' they w.rl ..It wu &ale. all bU.. e.rd OMMen of Aultraila. aotlll, tor "'Y",-Subda~' School" 1'110. touch tbe And and hll Iwel1tn1llanlu I.hed", .. ~DIIP. h. had riftr .. ' 1Nlk7 iIh*.... movecJ III . ' ~ With the lUbel_ll. tIae . .mean board. WIll Hnd or cal'aInk lo""r. J'aJC!1nltild, IIbe oould not bl?911 ainn wlnp, The,. a~ abcMlt Ildlt, 8Il4 a fat, 1IrCnrD 'bear tocdE _.. b,..... . , IT th... ~lut 011 ."Inturoul YOf' " HI. Volae. ",Ithdraw her patl. ,How hIa mI\IIIty In awe ~u ,oDe of the older hUllten Utile 'fJI the .....ter•... · '1'.... ,~ao~~ 4~ bJ W"d and " au. . . . . 100 mn. or mON to the • ,HII nt~e,...aa not In tbe pellt ~~cI .b'oaldere heaved , and pulled! . 'But knelt. reached . out, and d~ h~ ~ aurled IID4 aluk otr. ft. '. bear ~ ~.. :~ .. '..,. ... atatlola. aeatteNtJ throui'h thl II' nor 111 ·the ·e arthq\lake. lIut 'In tbe dOWD, lo';'er .nd lower, tin Inte , tl!e lIlnoeeat looll1q IUd. Ill- ......1114 ilia face. ~~ .IrtldIi with 0fteD abe thoulht of"eoubcl of ItI1~PBI'" 'We hear tbe Iloth!n. but the ~at IB&ried bead reo : s~ntl1 be leaped to' hla teet anel putolDed WIld ....,. ~4 Mtook b1lt 110118 or ~ In~j htir bad d noln o( rumbUq. the yolee o,f blrda, malned In view. TheD th.t was dra",11 JUI.'lped bacll. . bl_U IMIU Ida lair. ,.,. .Iaft cUed wlWa b.r..,...., . . . A".ndlcit'a, · a,.d other Yolee' I)f ilatllre, tha 1'01ce' , 4~; tbe .. nd 1I1Ied the animal'. "The suckiOI aand!" be ertecl. "To KaIhltD ~e!4""7' became a..n Aa cUlDI»ed to her jJe.&. Dcactor lIa70 of Rocbeater, ·...... of mBll ane! 1IIIIIIb amblUoll. How mou(b and stopped hla Toarln,; 10,,· tbe raft!" . the tacUhat abe w.t a lpeat&tor." a ...awec1 .... , . , . oat ~ 1Iltenat1n, tU& .l1al'll It I, to· set 40wn ,to .... at pobat. ar, lower. • .. . ' The7 .kl.rttid tbe d.,erou q.lek. leU_ ncb .. r..... llam... HIqe ... wfWn. t:bt Jut a.,. o~"here we hear the ycilee ,.,..e1l Uta Qulc:uandll The spot wbere be .andl lind daahe4 aloDs the to parmltud to ...; trae. ....... ,'WIleN appedloltla haft t........s 0ft1' aheep alway, know' , Be not coate1lt hid cUaappeare4 Itlrred .nd lllItanecl dlacover that tlI8lr raft wu IDa.. tIM! wilt c8Qt, 811" b • ..,. Ibt tide 'UDtllr01l haYe h...-d that volGe..-Ad Ibuddered, aud then the eternal ylab~u. then. ... relnoarUtacl, NIl..... Sh......... 10 Ill...... oonaw- .. dll. to _ .... R. Blott. 1a1ulmeaa of _nd. loDe! tran.portatloa. lUll- . . . on Dlllbt. fte tIM .~:-!~~~~~~::'~;~;;r Wt.e IUtei4 Of . . . ------'.BbO Wlol a~. -then, W II1e7 Sbould Der 01 btllDUl belnlaf few reet ltOm' tH waarr, 1011 --""_~"'':';'':: retuJ'D to Ule temple? Would In81'7. A reft ".. • DOt or her th. reatara- bee"""'; u4



The Adventures 0./ Kathlyft'






(I""", '




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t. .'









HIt seeing or "the Old out nnd New Year In" throl\ghout the world Is g nerally a ccompanied by milch I l',lerrlment and Bometimes with milch But wherells liaise. In some counld es tbe "wild" night has disappeared and hils beon repl,~d I)y colebrnUons more ~ In ke!!plDg with the passing 01 a year ot past OiJlIOrtuDltl E!8, and the mllldng 1 of new resolutio'ns for tbe coming -year, on this cbntlnent, at leaat, lhe alight bns be~n given up to reviliry IItrongly condemned by rlgbt thlnUug I I)oople. , At one time New Year's cve In lIerlin Will! a time that might have glad- I de ned the hl'llrt ' of the most exuberant ullderg,.adunle, being froDl dusk to ~a\Vn a sllccesslon ot prnctlcal jokes and goM·natured "ragging." But nowadays the lown shows a more sodnte tempel', and If In a very Oerman way n beer or a wille "journey" (to give th German expresslou) otten r mlndu I. Olle In the small hours of wllaL used to be 8een at the Bame time of the I year in tbe ancient world, the days ' lie em to have plls8ed by when It was : unsafe for 'a cabman to sh ow blmsolf lu the cJt, bOCOI'O dawn, for 1 ar of bavlllg sam ' jollcr ride awo)' on biB unharnessed "Polly." , III those Umes the 81Ik bat W8S' more worn thun today, and still more orten "lll'as crushed In or tbro"lll'u a<)r0811 the atreet by some or tho morc rompageous. It Is said that one could tben buy a cheal' edltlon of tho silk hat thnt hlld !l gloS8 tl1st- would las t througb tbe evcnlng, and at a price that made Its dlsl1ppearo.nce quite uuf· terable. Today IUCh. practical Jokes · bave the j)lcturesque procession of tbe ment-at all events In Ule Car Nortbdroppe\l Into the background. Berlin boar's lillad:l.t 'hl'Iatma8, a quaint Is a IrWe strong, It cannot be doubtand the rest 01 t1le empire Indulve In btl 1~ 6s known custom for ew Year's eO tha t enmities are ended and trlend· a cele"~atloll ot the New Y~Dr that d/lY hUll helln r etained. After dllmoT shlpl:I strengthened In the geneT~1 reI bna something or lho FMOCh revel.. on tbls allt\lversary the bursar pre- ~olcln gs. Ion. 80)Detblng of the ScotUsh t"'lItiyi- .sents to each gueat a needle threaded SQ tb e~, very Scot. ·whllrever and t,r , ~DiI also 80me remlndera of Apr" with silk at a color suitable , to bls whatever hili I.t-Scota Wbn Hae and Fooll1' da.)' and GUIlPowder Plot day faculty, and prays for his prosperity SCOtS ' \Vha Hlnna- \>.-I11 talse' the In ElDg]and, alld tbe Cblnes9 New In th'e w·o rds, "Talte tbls and be glas8 to tbe Ne'v Year, and his heart Year's ",feast ot LsnlerDB." tb ri fty." Tbls word "t\)rlrty" ball no , wtll turn to tbe Mecca at his hopes, ~ ctiOIl wltl1 the philOSOphy or the the hom e of his poet and prophet, New Y\!ar's day In Oerman), Is the (' day for sending lhe jokeB al\(\ would- lat .:laDluel Smiles, but Is, according Robert Burns. be jokes tbat IIro generally Mid over to Doc~or hI!lgrath, the retired proWriting to an English friend rrom unUl April 1 III France and ,1<1n,land vast. tJl e old English for prosperous. Scotland III 1802, Henry Blckerlitetb -elg&ra that might seem to be burn· To "grow, thrifty" In tbe sense ot to 88YS: ' On December 31 almost e"ery· lng, references to such rarl~h.lll as the. , thrive was ulled In America within body has a party, either to dine or ' ,leacock'B eggs, nnd a\1 the "Ilells" that '1 ,lhun g memory . . The ceremony Is a IIUP, tbe campau)' almost entirely can clln Le thought 0(. Then, as tbe Eng- practical NormRn-French pun (aiguille slsting of young people. Tbey watt 1I1b of thc ·North may eat to tree aad at flI) upon the nam.e of Eglesfield, together till midnight strik es, at "parkin" on the eve or Ihe 6th or the chaplaIn to Queen Philippe, who which time every une begins to move, r..ovember, the Germans hav e a special. ~Yal; the real found er of tlu! college, and they 011 fnll to work-at wbat? fare of pancakes and jam, with punch. A picturesque ceremony marks New Why, kissing,! Each male Ie succes· ~'he rattle romlnds one ot the Orient. Year's eve at the court of DreRden. s I\' ely locked In R pure Platonic em· It Is· tho I'.rticle of the dn)', or rat,h er A reception Is held In the evenlng- brace w11h each female. Tbls matter f"tbe night. Even the ~lgge8t storeS gencrally one o( tbe most thronged of Is not at nil confined to those, bul ,n the head tbelr weekly cata· the yenr-during. which the k.l ng In-"er man meets woman It Is th e losue with. a· IIlIt of lhe s tyles at rut- steal! of recel"lng the guest~ In .bts privllcge at this bour. ties that they have to sell, and no ordinary manner, plays cards with New Year's gUts bave taken many self-respecting Berliner Is without one his suite. ' different torms at dll'rerent periods wben be sallleR fortb Illto In Clv~nlng 'I'hose Invited fUe paal n grouJI of from the eggs exchanged by the Perto make a round of the lawn before card·tables, nil the playen at whIch /llans ILlld the sBcred branches 01 mls· salutlnc tile emperor ",It II the gunrd are; Intent upon the game, except the tJetoe or the Druids dpwn Lo the fat In front 'of ~be palaee In thl" Lustgnr· king, . whoBe · alde-d~·cnmp stands be- capon wblch the ton ants In many Elngten at nlue o'clock. hind his chair' and .whlspers the card .Usll counties were expeoted to preTbe ,occasion aIhI' offers an tber ex· ror him to throw. ,so his majesty can aent t o tht'lr landlords. In the sixteenth century, gloves 'a1l\ple of tbe ex.traordlnary powers or devote hla atterltlon to acknowledging endurance In tbe matt.e r or entertaln- the greeting!; ot his courtiers. The were otten give n on New Year'B dny , ment tha~ the Berliner pOaSCOI!6S, AI-, king plsys a card. then bows · ss n and thoro Is record at a certaIn Mrs. tbough business · begins at Ighl, and curtsying Indy catches his eyes, then Croaker, In whosc 'favor Str' Thomas In Bome oruceR even all ('arly Ill! balf- a\lotber card, another bow, and so on, More bail 'decided a case. sllndlng the put seyen, there are as lDan), Ii.!. die until th'e lo~g proceSSion h.Bspassed. chancellor a pair .·of glQves wllb 4C ~a.[e8 betwee~ t a al~d tbree In the Tbe IIUlc Scotch fisblng villag e or gold angels therein. morning a.s one wou!!,! see, tor exam' Burghead. 011 the Moray Flrt!l, kceps "Mistress," wrote More, returning pie, betwoon one Il.lld two In 1-'01'18up n Rtranse 8urvlvlli of j)ag81l rltunl, the money. ··Slnce It were against o mUQh more leisured cl~y" the, burning of the "Clavla." This Is manners to refuse a New Yenr's girt, ~d on 'New_ y"ear's eVf) th com- D sort ot rude spoked whe~1 or .tub T am content to take )·our glo\'es, but, pany docs not go 11Omo to bed with made ffom halt a her~lng-CIlliI( and DS tor the lining, 1 uttarly refuse It." tlie milk, as III the capital, Jialf ~ tar·barrel, knocked together \\ hat precisely 18 "Hogm8.nay '!" but '!Jees It out nntli It la 0. Ques'uon without ilie use of a hammer, for Etymologically. It 1ms been derived of wl1etber" luncbeon ' 81)al1 come ~e- ~h1eh It iI)nootli st.on'e Is ,substltllted. (rom -'the Frenoh "nu.gul-menez," fore or after the Bleep. , The blacksmith supplies a long nall, "come on to the mistletoe." 'fhe Nor. Tbls contrivance Is ' borne fiamlng man Frencb "a-gul-l'nn-neuf," also an , Supper In the, better.kno.w1!, restaurants In the center of Berlin and In Oil the t!lboulders' or a succession or assoolatlon of the New Year and mi. Char)ottenburg's (fne avenut! of Ku ..... bearers to the town' boundaries. and t1ctoe, seems Ukeller, " ' !ursl~ndamm Is much on ~he Ilnes of then to tbe "Doorle," a Bart of stone Oan anyone tell us preCisely, what t~e ~arlll J:E!veltlon. Tb,e~e Is no, men-, nltar~ On ·a 8mall hili. The "Olavle·' was the origin or the cuetom In some tion at the tradltlo1JDI "Boudin avec; I" ~li!!n Imashed and the crowd scram· parte of England, of the going to 'tbe puree de ' pommelil," but' In return tbe bles (or, the pieces. The custom de- parentf', bedroom on' New Year's · pancakes and alrup get their Illace, 1109 , explanatlon and Is Immemorial. morning with new snow (If It can be and there,"tl always 80me ·punch In The great Scottish testlval oi Hog- had); snd the' Bong. the. making. ' manay Iii celebrated In ,"the wee, lima' o" , l" ~ll r ' .. do.), In the morning Ne1\' fear'. eve 'I I marked at the ,"oora '.ayont the ' twal" with unulual N The COc.k1l I)f;!gln to crow " , cpurt 0'1 YI~l1'" 'by, a ceremon), lIome- lest am~ng tli~ · Caledonians, Open I hl! tlollrs and lel file In ' And }'11 give you Borne New Yell r' •• now . . . "'hai;~msnlicent . of "Hamlet" .wlth- ", Tn every corner of our far-tlung out tbe. ' c1l1er oharacter.' The dlplo- empire, wherever the Scot hal ClU" ~atto ' 1>0"1 fa In'1 ted to th\! lIQr- rHid' hili accent a nd hlB Robert Burn.. The Zulu Trlc~. " buJ.g, to wllb the emperor . the 'compll- ·tli·e fesllvol pf '·Ule Celtic race will The ' Engllsb loldleI'S ' wbo had IIlelita of the Be~on, but bls, Imperial tlnd 'ItI 'eame~t; ,It decadent, elprell- served In South Atrlca Quickly taught majesty ,DeVer a~tenda . to receive Iron In good "lll'lshe8 and goad. resolu- the nllIel. In France ~ow to sleep com· tbem. Since, tho daye or MaMa The..... "tiona (or' the ' new-born year. ' , fortably on th~ · ground, ' ela it hal be81l the cl\1ltom for tl!,e . 'It you have taken part , In the restl'1'0 sleep 'on tbe ,round til the ordl· grancl: IIWIter of t~e court to dep\l· tal In Scotland lta,elt YO\1' will bs able nary way, wlt~out &e aid of tbls ,dIe for hla aover!!llgn on thl8 occasIon, to eonJure up what the 8atqmalia South African, t,lck, wblch ()Ie EngUJlh _and DO' me~j)er of ,t he Imperl~ family , was 10 the' ciasli& day.. Tbe modern learned (i:Qn~ ttl Zulul, Is 10 palntul I. ever preieDt. Italian , carnlva.l bearo little teaem- ,BI . t.O be al)D08t Impo8Blb~e , Sleep, In· Th'" ,ceremollt,. "lll'll.Ich Is cl)mmonl,)" blance to, tbat great teitlv,a l 10 wblch stead of ~BtI!lC, fatlguel/, kIlo"., .. . "the bomace to Ooa.Jer's Ule ' woliker In the field expressed' bls The Zulu trlQIL I. to dig a little hole hat." ,is Ie 8trauBly resented by "om~ whol.he,a rted delight that one yeaI' to bold l,be ~ bone.' The soldier Cal: dlplomatAI that they ,purPOl~b absent pI toU bad endeCI, al;lcl tbat a new, an41 th~n relit on back Qr al¢~, .wlth equal t~emse)'ea -fr!>m Vlenll& 'a ~ thlt time perhaps a· bett~r, year had dawned. comfort. Htl riles trop! ht~ .Iulllb~r or the )'eIlI' ill oreler fo evade It. ' HOC1Dan", fs the Saturnalia of ani the liard lJ1'Ouncl' as rt.tresbed n , l' , At ~'e colle ... , O%ford, be8ldea Seotlallel, and 'ff thll ~cchanallan, el. be had Ilept on a feather . bed. r , , ., \








'"d"~ Murial" RRotInlzecl, TIIa' • mun... contracted betw~1l membel'll ot ah · tl1JJe ID atlClOrd· .Dce "IUI the eUltoml 1)( .uell tribe. the trlilal re!aUolll nd fO,yera· meDt exWed at tlie tim. ot .ucb I'Iace. . . tIIenI ... 8G federal NDderIIIf tribal _tom InYaIId.




WIll .

., Us,

00\1"8 . . ..


"ven to tbe marriage rel.ilon Itlelf, 1IIIIm1. . .S are not to be treated common lAw marrlace., but •• Ie. .' marrta.ea t¥ICOrtUa, to the cucoma ef the trllte, wben lach cU8tom.a .re reo~Idd b1 coM.... as concernll11 and replaUq tbe domnUc" of til! I11be.

Me~ol'lal to Famou. Brltl.h Marl"e,.. I, Far' Off the To,,~ lIt Trick,

Mining Promoter Working · In New _. York ,. Vert Evidently a Man of Idoaa.

Sir John BE'1ll1 bllS persuaded the London count)' coullcll to commemorate the Ellza betban saUors at, Old Ratcllrte Crosll, BSYS tbe Manchester Guardian. The scheme hung fir:e for II. time becaustl lbe nntlQ uarlos could not tilt the site of the or.oss, which bas vanis hed ,a8 utterly as tb name e.n,d reputation or ho Ratclllte · high, ay near by, The place chosen Is a little alla t or .Rother lllllO tunnel, where n grimy Wharf has prcserved tho name of the cros8wbere so many of lh e sto\lt-h!!arted e:o: plorers s t sail . for the north Ir1l seas. P erhaps wh mn Shadwell gets its rlvralde [lark th ere will be a few bold Xpl(lTlng slgbtseers from tho West to look Ullon the lIIemorlal which Is otherwise far fl'om the tourist track 3S any spot In London. It 8hows square·ended ~udor slJlps under full SII.U nbove the names of Sir John Willoughb y, ,SI!- Martin Froblsber an d other great 11 11 meS In Hnkluyt and In English memories, Frobisher 1l0B I! eur Millou In St. Giles', Crlplliegate, well within tbe tOIll'lst area. If you go f!'Om tho m'emorla l Ull UUlchers' row 11110 Stepney you Ilre In Ihe traditional .;nllors' town. Illthough nowadays you fino th e sallors fartller nst, whel' dccklalld bas ~ro"lll'u up since the :(;}lIzabethan sailors went to sea. 'rbe cburch' In Stepney's one bit of green .Is the sailor's church or Lond on, unless Deptford with memorl er. or the sblpbulldcl'S Is admitted to have n & good a claim. All tbe chll~l r e n born at sea were baptized par· I hloners of :stepney. Mariners' tom bs ar as thl ·k bere U8 those of Dutch m~rcbants In Austin Friars. The dis· coverer!! should go bock by ViTapplng, packe(1 In betwee n London docks and the river aDd stili ke('plng III a score of ta rry Inn s suggesllons or tbe Frobisher times . You call drink ale in ~ho "North AIllPrlcan Sailor" Dlld thInk ot the great da ys or old wIlen they uflcd to ban!~ tho pirates somewhere about Wapplng Old Stairs. I t was Johnspn advised Boswell to ellplore Wo~plng, but Boswell did not find much that WEIS excltlng-"perhapsfrom wilDt of Butflclent exertion," he says humbly:. '

Edgar Lewis, moving pIcture director, told a story to bls gnaRts In a care o( a confidence man with new Idens . He called the swindler Nat Pierce In telling the siory. Mr. Lewis sald that be was sitting near a group of rlcb we8terners In the Waldorf wben be beard a voice calling "Nat Pierce, please." The westenleT1! became in· terested. ,One of them said : "That Is the name of tbe cle\>er pro· moler we met today. Let's see who la calling on him." They stopped the page and took the card. It was tbat ot Senator Elihu Root, "Ha, ha!" they said, "be must bo all right. Here Is Senalor Root's ·card." Soon anoth er came througll . please'" Tbe westerneTil atopped. him and looked At· tbe card. It was that of M. JlisaerBn d, the Frcnch ambassador. , "This Is enough! " tbey chorused, and wellt out to look for Nat Pierce and hi s glittering oppo,rtunlty_ 'rhey found him carelessly shumlng a collsctlon of cards rouging ,from Governor-elect Whitman's to that of Prcsldent Poincare ot tbe republic at France.-New Yorlt Sun.

At the Firat 81gnl or ta1llng halt ge~ Cutl<:ura. It ~ot'l{s wonileFs. Touch spots of dandruft and Itc hing with Cutloura Ointment, and fo1Jo~ next morning with & . ' bot shampoo ot CuUcura Soap. This TAKE DISEASE FROM WHITES at once arrests tamng hair and promotes hair growtb. For tree sample Tuberculoall, Among Alaekln In- eacb wIth 32·p. Skin Book. adfreBB poat card: Outlclira, Dept. X , BOlton. dian. Has Been Laid at the Door Sold everywbere.-Adv. of the "P~leface,"


Tb e great prevale;ce ot all formB ot tu berculo!lls among the ,A laskan Indinns, 8.S proved 'by B" report by Dr. Emil Krullsh, Is explained by the Journal of the American Medical AssoclatioD as foll!>ws: "Tuberculos ls is a comparatively new Infection nmong Indians, be"towed UPOD, them by the benevolent palerace along wltb firewater anQ certo lu other blessings ot . civilization. A.mong t hesl! blessings must probably be count cd Iscnrlet 'rever, measles, In· f1.uenza, whooping cough and diphtheria. Not yet; pO/lsesslng tbe racial Immunity "\\ bleh It ~kell many g!!nera· tlons to acquire, the poor Indian suIfers from t hem In greater Ijegree tban does tho \"hlte, and more frequently dies ot them. Then , there are the over:crowdih g on d Ih e unsanitary can· dlUpna prev!llling In mOilt or tbe homes or tll ll!~ rcu l losis sulferers ; while at least this [nuc·h good arises .r rom 'thelr misfortune that after the disease Is well develoltled In thE'1Il Its progresb (u/lles9 tho;), are well cared for) Is rapid, arid death removes what would otberwlEe r emain t\. menacing focus of Infection." Tuberculosis was one of the , chiot causes of t.lle 4,V1ng out of the In.dlaIlB nil ov,er 11.'1lrt.h Amer!ca. TWlo F"moua -Namel. "Thomas Atkins" Is a newcomer compared ·wUh "Jack-Tar" ot the senior service, "Ja'ck Tar" DS a nickname for (I sailor ' Is fir-at recorded In 1786. but sallors were known 88 "tars" tor more t han a hundred years before that. Tbe nOlDe already appears in Ilterature In the lattw balf of the seventeenth centu n-. "Tar.' may btl ahort for "tarpaulin ." Bllllors were ,called "tarpau· IIns" early In the seventeenth century. Tarpaulin, or course, la canvas (arred to make It waterproof, and the lallors' bat made at that material, 1J0mething like a sou'-wester, W811 called ·a taJ:paulin. Ho'w ever that may be, Britl8b sallora haVE! been "honest tars," "JoD)' tars" and ·'gallant· tars" for 200 yean. There Is more Iteel and 011 about a modern battlesblp tbau tarry rope, perhaps, bUit probably Jack win remain JaCK Tar' tor another hundred )'eara yet.-:-Moncbeater Guardian,

Flrtt Engllih Naw.paper, Tbe Drst newspaper prln'ted I.n the ElncUsh lan'guage: ",-Ith Ita old EDgUlb type an~ ' lts quaint ,acco\1nt of I!venta In foreign· ,c ountries, was a pamp~et ISBUed In 1621. It. tltle~ "CorraJlt or ~evves' (rolD Ita lie, 'Oen.nanl" France. 'and other "ll1Oe8," fa a. CUJ10u a. It. cOli tent., JJ'or III~" ye~ It had been .l1pWled tll"t no eopy of the COlTlUlt , \ The Cann)' 8co~. . . . III extlltellC8, bUt recentl)' a copy A ScolCb,mall recently ret u Tn in. or thll IntflrJlSUnl dOClument was dl. home' rrom Ruala would now be In • c.:I'Y~. ' , German Jail had be not written Brit· lib an.r bl. nallls on tbe pa..eD... UIt. The uanl odlcer' , wbo, stopped a .... I.. EIIpM the ahlp be was OD carefull, relllQve4 "Tbat 'I Iit" ot mIne I. mllbty all Bqt... but. Bdttala eacaped ual IIOQrcelul," .d ~ Ul. proacl raUler, 0ermUl ea,I':••,., AD elDlDut ell "'lie IIiaItea . . . . .b1e 1'JIObt." mae eal4 . . . . 100 , ..... 110: '"l.1l al. lIIIec1lbe

."Ii ..... ,. 1ftf! au.-: ;: &~=~;:.:~:= 1I~~~~~"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f"'!~~~}~l~~~~ -------- I steyer ..It

Indultrlou. Spider•. Tbey bave "ery Industrious spiders down In Soutb America. We think· our spiders hero work bard enougb, hut down there the)' aald to work overtime, Upon Ol1e occas ion, at least, t hey completely disorganized the telebraph serv ice In part or the Argen· tine republic by spinnIng too mlUlY webs across the lines. As Boon IlS dew [ell or a shower of ralo came on. each one at tbe Innumerable microscopic thread s, becoming "lll'et, set In motion a tiny leakage of electric current. These millions of leaks practically stoPlle<l the operation ot the lines, tbus putting the government telegraph department, , especially In Buenos Aires, to serious \.nconvenlence and expense.

Fatima Cigarettes

-mild, delightful Tur.. k I" S h' _B 1end. The choicest , of le~d-a1ways a pure and wholesome smokealways satisfactory. "Distinctivel!! individual"


20 .f'or l15¢

Wives Have Money Now, Soldi er s' wives find IhclJIsel ves tn many cases In rec Ipt of much more man y thaD til y were wIlen tbelr hus· bonds were tit hOll1o. "Is a' this money (or me?" n,sk'ed tbe wife of 11 Glascow soldl r wben s he rece l\" d her !lrst week's allow· Junce. 'Aye, a' for YOU," responded the gellial pay sergeant. ' "\VIII I hoe 1\' tbls money every Wl!llk?" . "Weel, then," sal!! she, "ye can lak' my gulll mall 8n' kce p biOI as long lie , ye like. I never had sae mucldt' money b fore. "- London ChT<J11lcle. Benutifnl, dear whit.e clothe" dcligbt. the Illundre ,vho UBI! Red Croll!l nail Billa, All gl'ocel'8, A flv. No Hope at All. that n poet would starve to dea\.h In tIlls plnce," "Yes, 'If 11 lIvel1 tbat long." "I


An Exception, ") don·t takc IIny Slack In a man who will bl ackel) hls own busIness ." "But suppose be's a minstrel."

It Made a Difference, TOllB OWtf DBUOGIHT WJLLTELI. YOU Johnnie (puz~led a8 to bow to pro- '1"7 Morloe ~" lIemroy for Rool Weu, Wo,",,, ltJes u nel OranulaLacl Er 11110 ' 1'10 IIml..'tJ~ nounce the name ot an employer)- jO"' "Rr6 00 Biro " .. Wrl lAl for Book of lbe JlJe b:t lIlu-tl It'~'" )lUrlno tiJre Ittl ull.'CS1 Co •• 4.:bJ-.,o. Say. rather, do you pronounce K-n-u-d wltb a long or a 8hort "u '" Ev~ry mother believes her baby Fl+ther ("III'ho, ot course, doesn't know s eJ(~ctly wbat she BOYS to It. know)-Oh, It doelin't mue allY clltterence. , Th e highest ambition of some Johnnie-Well, I glless It , makes a thieves III a chicken roost. good bit of 'dflference "lll'betber a mnn 1$ nud or nude up In the arctic regions.


Persecute yDon't r Bowels

Important to Mother. Examine caretu}],. every bottle ot ' OU' . CASTORI'A., a safe and .ure remedy tor Infanta and cbUdren. and see that It Cut o:!~~~~I~:~~~~~~~!~ Bears ~~e ~ brutal,

Uie A


In Use For O,v er 30 Yeare,

Children Cry for Fletcher'8 Castoria . "Hope Spring. Eternal." I..,UJy Bountlful-Ob, ,rector, I lhought you would like to Jinow 'that old Jones III lai d up with rheumatic Cever. Rector-Thank you 80 much . I'm aLways GO glad to hear or a sick parIslllon er.-From tho Bystander.

StartIng Too High , "'Y ou told me before I married yOU

Ihat DIY slightest wlsb would 'be gratified." "50 1 did, :mi dear, but I bad no Idea. at that time that your slightest \~Ish woulU be a limousine."

Lympllllliith, ' Boils. Swelllnp;

and allays pain. Bruises. Boot It is aD ANTISEPTIO AND GERMICIDE I SON POlSO!(OUS) Does nol blisler or remove the h~ir llfld hone can be worked. Pleasant to ule. It. Size. '2. 00 a boule, delivered, Describe your calC "W1ult Is tbat story BrDgg Is le1ll'ng for sI'ecial insiruclions and Book 5 K free; "'BSORBINE, JR ., .. ~.<PIk 1101"'<11110' ....klnd to.ot hlmsel! .about?" . 4",,<> Slnln •• 1'aI.lili. ICnolled, anUe. V<I ... Milk LtI, "About the limit." CoUL CoDttftrrurd--oaly:l. Ie" drop. rc:quhnfit .... applJo ~miJe

beautiful ",hite olothes. Rell Oro.. &11 Dlue, AmCTiClln made, tberefore best. All (lrocCI'1I. Ad\>. Smile,



P'l ce "~~,


bQnle a( d~l(n or dtll,eftd..

W.F_YOUNO, P_ D. F., 310 'emple st " hrl"D".,~,III"' ,


PITEilTS .~~t!!~,~ D.o. A4",I~&D4boo"';; rer--. ..

'~b n •. e wIse young mAn k eeps on th e .... ..;""*

rlgbt side ot hie rich old uncle '\Who ill W,. N, U., dellf In )lIs lett ~ar_ r









Madden &Co.


LOCUST FENCE POSTS W.e have just received a carload of good . Locust Fence PO$ts,

$2.25 'per 1.00 feet ,




The finest car of Chestnut Posts ' Ever Brought to Town ,is Just in.

w. H. Madden & 00.

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co. H .. M. Sherwood. C. E. Servis

l:Iors~ G,aolin~ Eng.iDe . Interriational, rebuilt and . guaranteed same as new, This is especially a good proposition at the price we'are offering.


Agents .for the Celebrated lngeco 'Gasolene .and Coal on Engines, AutolJlobile and Gen~ral , Machinery Repairing, Gasolines,. Oils and Accessories I •


fiQt~lJy ·deolde.l 'b~t tbe . U s'eilio dlt-oh ta 11 publlo oeoa~~I'j' And 81~Lu e Is e""b1l8n ~d . A~"eH meuts welre m'lde, tllIHt! are p .. y"bLe P tO )Il tc . tlrl Proceedings In five Ilnoulil lnMt"lIm'lU'iI. , Fi r!'t '\ ,1 ti nl I ~ ~Il unt I th e 88 Billn AIll)wed-Leb '~n\:)Q Patriot t.a ta nf lher t.. '1'1 Me, deO(lo.!!Ad, ISIPUb 1l0tiPB f.o r M other's Pension , ap prove(\" ' 8 80 i eam , pnb ' time for holdlnl( , Tn t ho P.N t.n t o of ' 00111' L. UJark oour' l i20j Inq~e8~ over body of and !lrJ.M ;1 ~ li; , mloor8, SBOond J ohn H. and F, U Frlelld. ooroner . a.nd 'wltneAll88 112.60; Orel(onll\ a coou '1t Is tlJlp r voll , , Bridgl8 UI). o.ootraot $2~76 ; V..1I0 Y Ni 111 oeo }1l!1~ I ~h ~ . esta'e ,of l'elephnne Uo., rents Mid 'tOilS Vu.r Willi .m H, Iv Ith/tln, deceaded, III toos ofthles $37. 15 i Oolumbus Bh\ok apllro\,ed B OOk Uo supplies tor P. J $2., 5 ; Elg 1 t II DC Quat in the estata of West orn 'Star. pub. rates of ~a:r;a&ion Anp a M , rtlnd lll. L ap proved. $21'0 ; sa m "pub tlme~ fl)1 bolcilng 10 1.11 8 :'tn u f Elizabeth B. oour t, $~O; ,loho Shawhlln, Inll. on 'rerw llllgar , d 1:\!18 first Bnd final boiler $188; W"rreo Conoty I'lwes aoooo'\t t Dp pl uved . pub. 1I'1~te8 of taxation $220; W, H 10 t h<l ma t , 1' Of e t ate of S.~ 8.~8.~e, Bt1ppllel:l '0. 1:), $8; H , a A~plll)U8 Ga rtl li deoe~Bed . ~aPlDger, posts $8.Y5 ; (brlao WIll'I!'ran k U. AnlL 1'!IOn t\ppointed ad. aore, Ilumllf)l' $92 litS; O~n P Bone, mini t tnr, bl ut.! 'tOOO. oertlfllo ta of tee3 dll6 from oOllnt" , In tl e m att.'ll' of t b g aurdlunsblp $27' ~50; Raymond Bar8hbarger, of Bijll j ulilio 8'. H aMl WilY, an 1m sl~lary $60; A T . Rettig, roa~wJrk beo\l e, W il lia m (;. II th!l.wl\V is ap. Fran,t Ho township $195; J IImeli E polot e'\' Bo ml 1· 0 . Borke, tranI!Orl.Dt R, Bower V8, Dlm


Gasoline Engines BLnd Engine Supplies WAYNESVILLE, OHIO.

Phone 105

B. F.. (~.,,,,, .,,, l'O ",·r. or tbe elltate Of J II Ill II M. I "f \"\1' , riece ~sed, plaiot iff V>\, J~l wo n 1 U. 1 sever et 101, defen(] It~l h' l' ll "l lO EI Ie IIf re~l est8.te 180rd llf [1, \ Fit lJ Ilnd fin",1 IlOOou ot 10 the esta t,,!If ul!i, VEl~8, deoellsed, Is ~p pt'o v ed. III t ri bul lon ordered. In ,ll lll! t fa of J Stne8 V. 8ankln. 80D, ~ td , n or . F ir ~ ~oo unt ia liPprovAct. Court finul') t ile som of $28-71; hI 116n a 'of t il a ssignee dUll said ol'tll t e. F u t h 1\ (1ouut \ t he est,l, te of Edwlll 'ltlJ or u. Ill ' no rA, iSIl p proved Oourt unoa 11.. 8.7" dut) 9 id gu"rdilln ro an f! tl i(\IlR ' 'l . In tilt) I at r of t,ll will of Jamos D Ht t\,-, .t .1 '0 RtJ!1. W ill II! ad· mitt~ t o r ob Ite.

~~~st;~I~r~!I~~~1 ~8~1l~~~ T!~t:~

file I S8 5 7G; ttlt e of Ohio VS . HlI.rrv Laokey, reel and I:oste ,'15,44; Frank ~Bag, oontract, '114 80: F M ~l hnB,oontrllct, $28,50 i 0, A. B1Z8r con t raot $82.60; J. M, Mulford, eta,mps for tmdhor $5 ' . Contraot@! Let :.;-No. 376 . wltb Oreg lluh Bridge ~o" for furDllblDlt and putting 10 a hn 6s krttoUte na.llere 11l~ high tr: 1l99 span of Lowsr Twin Ureek bridge lu Franklin towDshlp $112.04. ' . No. 177 with the Oregonia Bridge Uo., lror 2 aroh ralla f tjt Burton Aroh be~ow Mn.i nevllle, for pain' tor br1Cl g;e; palntlng for braolnR wing '. a ll la t -uaoe ·oad • w bridge in• Frank ho Town8hlp and for 8teel lotllt for ' bridg e by Bt~ wat't BrowDs In HariliD tJWnSblp $121.86. No: 818 with Oregonia Bridge Common Pleas Court . ' Co I'or nOBsed stoel (lnd brace rada Ne Suits, tor 'rl~~ajoln g wall II.I0ng Mane road, Vi r II Mu i llni~ vs . Austin C Fr"nklto t own's hip aod ramng on Rob r , l\1JP l! l b y p la,j n t iff. . wlug waUs at Springboro UlearMarth a M. a n.hA ln va Adam B, oreek brldgtl, Clearoreek to~nshlp. Morr .1 fiS ad ntlnl bator of tbe es· Sl03 50 . . . t ..te ot 'ltZIl ' t boe~llker, de. No. 979 wIth ~lRnk S'okes for eel''! If 0 ey O'lllv , ~m o a nt olalmed. potting In tw,o oorrnga~ec1 seWSJ'II 1122 ' \ I~h \ t rei;lll, and conorete beadwlt.lls on Bid~e.Il'r Jl B lII1J), on J lld Howard W vUle hIll in Ulea.roreek townllhlp lvlne vs. Ern "t Z Aoher, money only S'9 10. amou 1 cl llin !.'.d "63 8,1 with iuwr No . 280 wl~h Zaln Armitage for est. putting In oorrugawd aewer on Bart Real l3state Troosfer. Sohool house road oorruRated sewer ... M If d' T III II C. Wille to A. J. Drake, ~y WnUam ·... l)Iers rID I er rOil,; I )t Nf.• SO 10 Ui >h t.1WD 8ubdivillion oorrugated sewer by J:i. Monroe s M.,l'fow, .!l,(1 eo. farm, both on Keoter and Waynell '"~ > R C t t" .. _ ville road and oonoret~ headwalls C. , . ,,-, . . . o. 0 ...e IDa and fi11a on all 1173.75. eon uIXlber 'u , IJitrts of lotR ·No. ' 2S 3 1U.d 234 IIIBO l o~ No. l05 $ 1 No_ S81 with John, Wolfe for '. . ' , putdn~ to corrugated IKIwrer by T h o I.lpalrl o~ Fr enoh Motor Ua.r ' Oora BarrIS farm on O,I68OOe road Co t fJ ayn Ijh u t" p~rt of 10'. in Mas"Ie ; ,wnshlp and oonorete No .Oel 4 i n IJ bl\uon, t10,OOO;' he"dwa.lJ£I 121,15, 0, 1'... Sams to Howard and Mag' • _ • gie Olr wln, t w t r aots of land in Cough darlon t own hil' $ 1 , . J aw 8 B. ijruit b to W. T, and Nelv er give a ebild a ~ough q1edlNora K, MoConnell 50 nores of land olne thas oontal~s . oplum -in I&ny. I .. O!~te in Wlt.rr.ell· u.nd ureane coon fnrwi. Wben opiom Is given o1;l1er ties $1 und more eerloos dlselt.S68 mllY fol· , ' low . liOng experlenoe ball demonW ll~ur and ~lllrlJ. E. ,Ie1lrey ~o 8trated thllt therB' la no beUer Or i{/\te I Young X U~)£~ of lB,n d 10 safel' medioioe [or ooughl, ooldl and WII8hiugton towJ.l h lp *1 . . oroop lu ohlldren thau Ohamber. E. F , ~Ie:"{ t . ,Iohn H. G? nley lain '8 Cougb ltemedy. It I~ eqoallv 90.61 1l0 rt'lE' In ,h t'tlo.k. lio towDsblp. $l. valuable for adll~ts, Try .t. U n. M. Soook t II I to L. E. Keever oontllin8 n.o nptnm of other harmful undlvirled two Nl1 ds Interest 10 ' drog. For -sale by all deall1r11. No. II iu Leb,).l I,m " 2500. . " • - , ", , W, () OiItOO\fl', t'i M l'itr to Thomu8 WHV? UonRI, b t fi5 B t'es 111 Bl:lmos ~urvey W,by do we speak of extre !le, oold No. 1.1l)\l , ~l 33 .. ,J as '~I[;itter?" " ' • B ry Fr uu1tentl org to William d flah." Matltl-'r, fe ld est~te tn Bamilton iJr.h:a ~~;~ ~~Ya '~o!ft,,~ . a r 'owDs hip, $1. . Or 'afj "dead as a door oall?" Or as "sltok as a whl.tle?" Marriage LicentIeIJ ' Or "aa bold ae brus?" Wnlt(Jr D. Mulf I'd. farmer of Or "as l!lad aa a htlt&erP" Lebllcnon , to lis!! "'m ~dred A. Bober, Or "1.8 drunk a8 a lord?" oi, 'ias plaiD as day?" of &Ii' son. .Rev • . R. 8 , II4fSerman, 0,' "a8 mIld aa milk P'" R . Mo ~ut Oondon, farmer or Ja 01' "&S brtgh& al iI. l1utton?" mai 'i t , I.o.wa, to .Mil' Mabel (1. TookOr' '!llB sound as a Dut?" ar,. of MllsOQ. ( J , C. 8 . Barron. . Oc' "as hnppy as a' olam?" Th lU ll S E, Tnrner, farmer to Oc~ " 1l8 wise IlS an 'owl p ~ ' Miss Len ulL ELloa Towell botb of Oc~ "a~ gaV ae. a 'lark?" lJytl e, llav. A , J , Kestle. , Ol~ "a. fiue as a fiddle'" , W llb ur W, Foulks farmer to MillS OJ~ "as browD aa a berry P" Minn e Edith 1'0 II, botli of Lytle. Or "aa good 8S gold?" Rev. A. J . K tIe, . Or "as mad as hopsP" &lllpb :E. V i t!' e, farmer of Or. "as 'fine aa sUt?" Q/1' "a8 tr,ue '1A8 eteel?" Blao. ' t or {) MISS Fr"noes , ;. Ot, "aa snft as mosh?" Whi tt\. t'o of or ow . Rev. G, E, (lowdy

,g! :::: ~:aa;i::: ~~~~~~" :, Olr "aa gruff ae a. bear?" , .


To Insure lIuoceSII for the first Oblo, Dairymen's oOr!;ani7mtlon I!,nd the State Poultrymen's nSBoclullon. Winter ElIposlUon, four big state asThe state ot 0 1110 hns rosources and soclattol1ll have combined ellhlbltB opportunities unknown to Dlany -or ItI and programs, In union there Is own cltltens. One pnrt of the state slrengle to' any Instltul!on, kr.OW8 too little of tb e othor parU ot A large exhibit In each branch of Ohio: \ 'l'he Winter Show will be a medium of ed\lcatlon, Inslructlon and the show II now aSS\lred . The Agrl· protlt to thos~ who will altend. ,. Each lltate association blls arronged cultural Commission has equipped the lorge central group ot bulldlogs with a,. spl lIdld progYam, and some bt the beat, light, toilets and other accom· best talent In the country bas be~n 1181D0dations to be used by the lollow· cured. 'rhe exhIbits will be In ·place Ing: ' State HorUcultural Boclety, and tae elCJ)osllion COJnplele on the State Corn Show association, Stale ruornlng ·or Saturday, Jan. 9, 1916.




1. fhat _0 qnitoes ouly bite onoe. I 2 Tbat mosquitoes ouly Uve ooe day. . .' 3 . That · m08qoltoell bites won't

is Oonover v •. Voorhlll ROll8,




\ .

. .'

k'" .


KIJU)lg time. Ban" lng pioSn.r ee. , 8waling basee, ShootlnR the ohutee, Ohoklng of a speaker. ~onntnlC OVbr II. new 80ng. Smotherlr-g a langh. S~ttlng fire to 1\ heal". Knitl.oK a performance, MllrderinK tha Englisb "naaA.-Judae. .. "v .. • - ••- - ·SPONQES

Can answered promptly day or l1ight .

IBoth pbones' in Office and Residence.

Long distance, No_ 14; Home phone

I 1.4.2.. Chairs



Sponge. are II.nlmals They live aud 'grow 'on t.l le boltom 'of Jbs ooea!l They. have neither helt.rt, nor I. 110ft II L .~

soon aa the soonge TbelpongfMI thl" we ose are yery dl1lerens from Jiving , lI~ngell We use ooly the or frllme work We aee large holel! tn 001' sponge.. Tbere are manv em.m poree so&,wred 113 t.weell them , Tb. living apoDle dr8.waln water at tbe amlt.lI porea and 'brows It 00' trOQ1 ,the 1."1I1! holBl, Tbere are mllny partlol" food tn· ~be wawr • . In 'h18 way a"onge breathes and gets ". 'fnod. 'l'lie 8porogea are found io tbe M~lterr"nean j:\ea ,' at;1d 'Red ,Hea Men ' 41ve dowu Inw tbe lila and learoh tor them und.,r ~oka ., 01.1111, The'loo'them oft from 'be rook. oareftt ly ..




Suc:t.'6S0i to I


, QY~I' P~stoftlce


Office Phone 77

Waynesville O. .

' .


Pboae 6-


Waite, McClure : I?uneral Director. Telephone day or . nt"M. 'Valley phone No, ; J..cIUI DistanOf! No. 89-2r.

Aut~moDne . 8e~1oe at all TImM

W 4 VNESVILLE.. 9HI0 BraDda·Olllee. BarveYlbul1r. O.


ONIDY"":'TO loan 'on good ' 8eourlty, ]j'or. forther IDformtt_IQI~adluat:e ,of O~.I(l S'~I M tion inqolre at tbla'office, ' j8 . W.~TED

A ,

lln~enl'\. ,

Offiee~ at residence in F. U. Shar wood's hoWle. Fourth Street.



IUN to work by the' mODth, or

grow orqp .: of tobaooo_ For th . I f ti U" , 'hi

~n. ,~.


Telepbonf 28 .,

WaYnesvlfte. .

' ."



JE.I '·.I,.,·OBI·"GUI , PER

01 er , u 01'01" a , J2Q Wanted-To , • FDrII"Pf!it8,eto" al~luMl~ Ma~ ICe' prloe p"ld, 8ee A: A'• . I:i,iaey, , .' TH. OROT••T .. W"y'n68ville.OIllo AthomeeverJ 'I'!m 'j '''f'D1:CA! ' Saturday' afternoon. ·'A.III:.\ll, 1\1 . . AImD " ~~ ... TH. WORLD • ' ViDltT. $4:00 DAi,



B. D I,. Wa1a1ivill,.. Oblo, .

• 8


A. l3. Chandler




All Kinds of

InSURlIneE .


. •

with funerals .


Rate'. , '

and one Coach furnished free.

Best of RervicE! Iluaranteed.









1'>lIin leavell almOBt as if by magic woon you beg in using "6u04~ If,lb':t~~~'~:~~lt~h;~:. brs.-ttl Drops," the famous old you o"n o,,'oh II. mosqolto and slu.y remed'l for R boumalism, umbngo. Gout. it Sciaticn. Neuralgia My eIosrlenoe is tbat m(lsquit06R • nod kindred Il'oublea. onlv bite oooe <In the tlilwe plll.o!'): It goes ri ght to the they that ooly live ooe dliY ( I~t ape!, stops the aches a time) ; thtlt tbelr bites WO.l't hala and poins and makes if you don't Moratoh 'em (un t rub life woclh living. Get Q bottle of "6-Drops" 'em with tlII.odllaper aod the edge IJf today. A booklet with a buzz SI\W instead) and' tbat If yon em:h boulo gives fulJ hold your breath', yoa can ol1toh directions for UIlO. a moaqo'i to and sIn U (Drovided vou Doo't delay. Demand have a ahotgun tn each hand and "fr Drops." Doo't acara a good sho'. cept anything else in plnce of it. ADFdna.- -- ......- '--elat'can luppl,. ,ou. If you live too far P."cellent for Stomach Trouble [rom a drug, store send Ooe Dollar to Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark. "Ch'Lmberlalo's Tablets ,re jU8' ... Ohio, nDd a bolde of "1).Drops" will be flne for stom(loh tro.obh'," Wrl~e' P I BeDt prepl1id. Mre, G. C Donn, Arnold, D. .. wall bothered wl'll this oomplalnt I~~~~~~~~~!!'!!"'~~~!!!'!!! '01' some time and frequently b~d b\ltOU8 att"oks Ohilmbarlll.ln s Tabletl! afforded me (tre,,' reU~f from • 'he Hrst, and IIlnoe .talliqll one bot· tle of tbem I feel like a different per- Funeral Dirpctor Ion." For lIale. b!, ~Il de-tleu, I. . . and .Emba'mer~ . CRIMES THE LAW SANCTIONS . Waynesville. Ohio.

1 01~ "1.8 bJlnd as a bat? " .hal; ha.v!"been .' . ~ ~. ~'OOBt ".ills sober as a jodget or "roll ea AdtUt!onQI ,lJ.l1 oWl\nces were 1t.1 . a goal'?" , .. N ota ' P ubllc: loweu Clerk of Coorts. . ••• DENTIST . .;. di ' ~he dSherIff,. R ' 'AB .ma,I 8S a T U!, or "Tt. a "led < . Au .. i1 a ll M Ort r 'for the olArr.y- to death?' • FOR"SALE Allltlnda ot Notari Work, PenBioD ' OI!l~1D . lng r: nf the bU8 . 8S of 'heir ra "As Pleek a8 a lamb," of "Fieroe Work' a 't:lpeolal'y, ' . ,'NUloaal Buldll~ J ,iWQlM!hIne. ,0 speob 0 QfHoe lJy t e. UOllrt , same' ae a wolfP" . ' '. 'b t,r(t ijmltted to the CommIs· ' <All red,&8 a 10bs~r," or "Pale &8 I •. t:iAddJe t>ony tor'tlale oheap, !!!!!!!'!~~~~~~~!""!!!,~~!!!!!!!!!!~ J .' , ~Ion~ :l for t.Mf~ Ilpprevl\l. Il ghoet?'" " .' Inqnlre l,of ,Saney Gn8'tn, DR.H.E.JIA'fHA.':WA.'Y Thel II UOO!\t bl ~ VII, " George "~I!I .q~toltllsall!i8h,". or.)~lowa. Waynel\vllle. ,Oblol j10 . . Dally Thought. ' . ReYepge, at. flrBt thought sweet. bit." . ' , _ .Con. - III fit at tl/l,J of real estl!ote a snaUPl '-Seleoted. { , 1 . tar ere long back ~n JUe" reco1~-: '. Wa~e.nt~e'. DaoUd is appr oved. DI ·tl'lb utlou ts,orderell . ~ - I> " • • c. (S. linton ' - . / I " . , . . .' CAN .LICK A DfizEN for I&le, ~I.o , ..pme Dt;Je , ' " . J p1Doe In Xe:fs Bldg, . ' ~ab~ S CQm:n , ISSi~ ' ers" ,Pl'oceedlo,dS aanned Tnllla~ti. .. lIIqulre of r.. C 8' JOlla. P~oDe .'-8~ .. ::!h~..;tr Gilt o · r led his b6Dd in I'·",dlok8d .. dozen .'amp. 't oa.y . . ' , ' j 20 the til ot :Ii 0,0(1). 'l'hlfj WBB ao ~eleKrafD. I'n lent; I've. lIoked ., , , " oef1t,~d . . and It1aOit ,one ou a' bill wUti wbiob B C. S . 8. BambJlrg aDd W;" [Patd the rent. ' I lioke4' 'a .tamp , 0, Baotam Cookere11• .K. m. _~_========~~~~= '<> pule upOa a 'Dote .hlab .' -re. Thompson, OrelOnJa. ObIO, Valle1 . " .. In".,td and lhen1 Iloked ano'her to P~ODe 18 1~.· BarveJllbu'g. JIB make *he morlptte gooii . I've lIilked gbod eu'ter I:Jletili aDd Belli ,At Reasonable ' Two . tbaae etlAmPII &0 .bow 'bat I reepeot for 110. ' ~all GIl O. B . Surf.08, 's wi.., and now I'd like D 4. W.)'D~ville,. Ohto. . j8 Springfield Tires, Tubes .nd Acce8sorles. ·· 1Rbo IDtruduo8d tat ,. . ~ Valvollne 01.~ and, Crease•• OW-A Jor181 OOW, with oaJt bJ' ..'!;''itl~It.-...,..:QgIIt'~-I~='-~IHi.:H"IirdWaik:'-;"'""'-,-""C~~.her. I'oradd.... tunbar!lao informa. .. ,GAliIid... 00 or 811r


!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!~~~i!!!!!~!'!'.!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!~ '000 ~1~bJ e of l'urtl oreek tp ~ peti- iJllIIi~ t-l a!id a few T DO ' J W MILLED tlon · l'ill.illtUl' .' la dlsDllssed' a~liis ovedoolied . Why: E V BAoNH



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We oft'fir Rewltru fur u.ny UHtll:l of CI~taHb -0 ~b tl t OIIUOU t b e cure d b y aaII's -- -~ - -.-..-. - - - ~ - . . .~-..-.--..--..-. .... --.-.- - _ •• . L eM '· . Ll . . , RAN !':, Editor and anager Clttllrrh COTtI ' 'rhe aJlnual avera ge butt r fat pro- exblbltlon, In the fOrm 01 mq.c b1ner.'. Lytle F.} . CnBNEY & CO,, TOledo, 0 , Barv.eysburw· !ttlctlon. per eow. La 150 pounds. This methods/ etc. " We, lhe IIndersiglle(i, bave len wn F . J. Tbe enU r e Womnn's Building at M~K'I~(l AN . Od) . TO\)'N NEW Cheney fo r t he last 16 years. and believe R. O. Garner on his way home ' Mr . and MrH IJhr nOA HDiitll I\nd ..vernse ouSht to be doubled, The the tale Fair Grounds will bo us d The far the State Dairy Show. Jan. {l· 1 ~. him perfectly honom!,;le In all busill.1Ii ~aCurd"y slipped Ilnd-bwkab.ilLrlgbt son . A)l,,;n, ;VOfO VIsnt in LobImOD"' tl'll.osactivns Ilnll fi nIJ ucia11y able to carry log ~b ,ve the tinkle . 8e Is doiog tl8 TbursdllY, sood cow eDlarges the bauk a«ount, Dr. A. Etch.hol·1I of lhe Untted well as oUllld be expeoted, ba.vlo g oul Rnv obligation, made by his Iirm. These strlldng contrasts wlll bo fltntes Department of Agriculture will NA1'.uNAL BANX OF COMMERCE, db ' t t db 1"11, '1\11'\ Gl'Ibh till 1I11-l.u ht·e r . Tid 0 @OO.I nur.6~ , IOn elDg rea. e y 11 Just a year ago. while we were oe 0, • 0 R d II t '" 11 A OOVl" re1lu 1)1J I, m Tnll LY· ahowu at the Big Wl.nter Show. 0 0' lMllI~o on tue history li nd cOJltl"ol o · · , b d ' I .. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, r. li n.. 80 we ure exp 0 10.... • 1ymg III e\ Wit j an IllJured ·foot aCl ing directly II pon lhe blood an d mu- IIpeeuy reoovery . l)rof. !)w\~ nJ~ 1:0 . 1,,1' Grlly speot lumbus, Inauguration week. '1.fes8l-s. fhe foot and mo uth disease In cutlle Ilt 't he bamber or CODlUlerce Build. wc:: had notn iug to tic! uut think, COliS !U1'fllces 'of tbe system. Testimonials Mr, Imd ,Mrs., Wi11iam WrlRht, of t. ll It 1J1t.J~ltIllIt S VI .oatlon tI. llleir Marple of Chicago and Nlc.hols of in il', Thursday at 2 p. m., Jan. H . At that time we thought of an sent free. Prlc~ 75 cents per bottl. , Sold Wllruinlltoo 'lIpeot I:)unday wit b r s[J ctiv . heme . Cleveland. two ora.tora of nation&! Moving pictures showing the tllae&8\l .oror Mildred E~ule lit 1et of t.h Ob},' :tat i ersit.y fame, will appelll' on the speak ers' snd Its eradication will be showll 4ur· editoria l and had it p rinted on the byTnil Druggists p' r · · .... "m.. . ake H u ll's amily Plll s or COD s tlpa · W. L. Bllrvey blls beau II. frequ ent pupllH of ur nu L ' t l~ will TetUl'O Ing the lecture. above s u\,)ject . . In the fi rst para-lion. villI tor ,,_, the county seat rf Ot!ntly, ther e fnr f ue fi I~h or th 8 }lriUg program. Hon. El:ra A. T uttle of New York ' 1 were -these torm tbi~ 'HII~'-""' , - - - ---The Illlest hlntJJ, .'helps and Buggell- will speak UPOIl market problems, grap h 0 r t h at e d I'tona aot.log as Petit Juror. words: "We, at the beginning of Springboro Reverl\l from this vloinlty btl \ ' 6 Many fil l m rq .HOO D Lytle at- tions In the dairy.' world wlll bo on ~P.dne 8 da1, 2 p. m.• Jan. 13, n15 .. \.. J tend ed th ll, ul.lf t ute t uyol's vLlle. this new year, see many improve._ ~_ _ been tla\led before tuis 6rtlud ur .v. . h If! hoped that the Gl'tlnd Jory will TlJo eotm·t"iDl.lIU[IU ~iTeu by Ly, ments that are to be lor the' better Mr. Bnd Mrs. Cl~renoe CrosBley mDk~ 'a oleaning. tIc ~ ohu 1 WUIl II 'ru.od t;t1C'c: ~ , Bellbrook, New Burlington ment.of our little town." weTe C~rlbtm(ls guesta of Mr. and Qulocy King's tlry. Goods Stofa Mr. lin Brown aod Wife speDt a' Lebllnon Born t 0 M1'. an d' Mr 8. Obas . R y ne . We ' have pondered over these Mrs Mr.I::lolder ~nd u T. E . .D-rnh-rt, of WIlH burglarized I&et ~ etlk. ta.kiD g m OM., 0 f t L tI web ..... I. II DllytOll a. t th e d . d ' ~ In rs DUo t30 worth of IIhoea, shirts, neokties, oeclsidll vf t.Uei r dnugh ter, a fine boy. Mrs. Will Reeves was hostllss t.o· wor s many times uung this last Fl'a.nklin, epeot Xmas wlt,h 6f.1'8 J . lind tbe guilty oneil have not been The D. L,. & O. has heeD takeo JOD!lS WhitRore liod br oth er, J tbe LadiRs Ald on Thur8day, year, and have thoughtlwhat might M BrellDell Ilud 80n Dwigb~. det,eoted. It is bll(b time fo r 80cb over by t.ue Pflll n line lIod w ill ' be R. .Whitaore, of Spring Valley, havll Ao infaot ohild of Mr. and Mt8. have been done if only the citizens M1S8 \fuy Fitt!l o · Miami Valley wort to be put to fiieht nnd cao be rnn d own from now on h.v the Pan returned from 1\ pleaSA.Dt visit witb Roll" Lemar, of Xenia, was burled wouldbave applied themselves in bl'spital i6 8pending her vacation If ;tbe oltlzens will lay aside tbeir hll nd la fN Ill tl ell" OlnCfI ill Pit ts- relatives in Highltlod nOllnty. 10 'be ceme' ery east of town, OD with bome folks. fear alld get buey. b ur~ h . Til e I tid 'i\ III l'l'oill. bly be Bortl, to Mr.llud Mrs, Barry M. l:)llnday. the proper direction. There were Mr. aDd Mrll. Cba,s. Pugh aDd MrA, Mary Edwtlrds, olle of the dOl1hle trtle kE'd 10 t·\t{) I nr fut.urll, Thom 1(1 n orth of to wn. R fine 7X The W. E, M. R met at tbe bome many rumors of what was going to family IIpent Christmas . \'Iltb Mrs. plou6er oltizens of our town i qaite Thil'l Kivuli Perl" . n llll' t route pouorl ' bOY . Bnrry Is wearing Q' of Mrs; Jesse Bawkina, l:)aturday be done, but they all fell short. Nllncy Stokes poorly. fro III N, Y. ;It ' 1 ('1:1oi ' n t,i, , hlob SUllie thAt won t come otI, I\fternooll. It was thought that we wouid Yn: Lil/lzie Jaoney and daught"rB A danoe was given at tbe 'fowo is III VI'O n .. J '" ~ I ~'I' tor t.IHlU any Riohard PurHom's sale whioh Or. Whitaker was oonfined to his Fannie Rnd Luorllttll spent Ohrlet 8all l:)~tgrd8y night. r ute, ' was held last Wedoesday. was well home 110 ~ollple of days last week have had a picture show to vary waa week witb Mr. aDd Mrll. Jlill. The Zion BlI.ptlst ohuroh llod tbe MI'l Ev!\ lutA,· . ,. n l f'r Ub rist atteoded nod everytbing brought with tUDsilltls. ' the monotony of the town life. but Janney aDd w:ife Ilt Oaytoo, A. M.. E, ohurch are holding n tinlon m 1:1 VD(J~ ~l(ln tt t h er l' elll ~l ve8 near a good prioe, Mr . Purdom will Bert Bortoo, formerly whb the even that was not forthcoming. Yr. Jobn <iraham, well kDOWtl meeting. We hope for tbelD great H l ligc vilitl, move to his propertv here next Greeoe Co, Co., bas ao T bere, but 110 reslden' or Rldgevllle. en008S8 , Mr , (;Iv,il" 'll" In', i vorv muoh week aDu Mr. II lid' Mrs. Carl Smith, oepted a position with W . C, Smith. hen, again, there were no band died ~tlturday morolng. Mr. Gra. Oar highly e.t-eemed frieDd 'A, l:l., wor kfld u ~ l ' " I'tb, ,1 ;! HI of Do fine of nea r Wa,YDesvlll e. will take Mr8. WIll Reeve8 entertained a concerts to bring the, people closer bam Wllt'l knowD a. " Smoky John," Anson I!tlll r6wtliD8 q :Jite poorly, ro , " ich II ,,, €> r ttl y b UDg oharge of the f'lrm, h\l ge party of young people at a together at least one night each' ~hsre beiDg aoo')ler John Grabam Mr8. FJoyd AndersJo Bod 8('1D Ittlt'llf . M.r. nnd Mrs Cbllll, Breleford, Mr. Wtltoh Party, New ,Year 'II Eve. berefnra numberof-ear8, Wen.r '".! " 1-". tll·~I·lk 'n l t. llI.tthe J esse W eaVAT nud Miss Myt tle Tb -' It t i l l oftbe week. 'rhen there was no old· MI'. B D, ~e'llson3 ..·od family Carlton, of Xenia, wer8 vlsitorH of " v e •• B 0 our v age · d . .. ~ Mr , _nd Mrs. Amos ElIi8 last week . snow bo!! lef;. u" ,:~ Ilav bad Whitaor e weot to Dayton New gospel team from Delaware oo)1ege fas b lone Fourth to bring the WAre oaJlerll bere Cb1'llItmllo' day. 801ll e VI' y :,;t.l. W J 11o'0i l' tl< 0 .lsed Years eve. to Bee "Bougbt and Paid was a gl'eat In8piratl In to young . peop Ie t 0 th e to wn. Th ee th ere C Mr. and Mrs. Flank Rudduck lI.od "lid old, Rev. '" '"'h"elver .Mr. W . . Penoe ler, Ohrl8tmas two lions were guests of Mr. aDd by ·t he t11' "hghill'b' or th e pas t few for" a~ the Opera Hoose, .. • ... oootin . was nothing doing on Labor Day d~y for a visit.· witb hili f.'her, .'41'. Mra Cbu. Tuoker ,New Yeu's da,y ~ellk 1 ,. All. n . 'm i Ll! PTlIotl'Jal Mr, J ohu WrlgM, who lives s(lotb uing the .servloo8. Un account of 110 U N Pe 08 t Do to Fla Iy daru oh .. h .d I ll~ I, ,oh of town, entertain ed relatives from breakall:e in the IIghtiog 8V8tewat to keep the young men at home. n ,a y aa, . . D~vll. Fred and Wll11aJll, ohildrOlll - -A-lff;e!,....h ......'·Ht...-ft--f!.-1t..,...--t,1111e-Qtfli""+lJ8YtoD-]a8~Suoday, the M. E. oburoh, the eV!lnh~g Ber , True, we had a batt tea~, but evee d 811'8. K~aiedMar,ab,ilhll, nhee Ella Af rhoh. of Mr. aDd Mr8 .J. Bamilton Boga.n. mus v llO!lti II tLe pupil Mr8. Allie Weller, west of town, vices 'are being held in tbe II'rieud's ea.oon, u a e ome 0 er bave beeo quite p"orly with 001d8, ' 0 ay "v 'ef to l:l) lllrll ' ~lllli r 18 on tbe slok liAt. ohurch, that. h a d to sUccum b on account 0 f d \OP; hter.]! ....n T ueeciay, 0 00. but tlt 'hili wrltiog are tbougbt to ea work. fruitless effor~ to get enough people 22 Mrs Marsball wa. bol'D aDd be Improving. raised here and bad mlt0Y friends Mr. M' l&OD Ftacy, 1\ former resl· out to see them play. And · be it and re.latlve8 here Walter Silvers on8 of our dent o( Ly tle, I l(l~ ,I t, l\\~ hume io weD. transact$i buBlt.es8 In O)tlTks. D \ saId that it was a good aggregation MI'. and Mrll. Elmer Sheeta. of viJle recently.' uyton, I , U W8.11 h .) P,.'l~ to Ly\le .. 0 t f or t.l18 1..lIt l'ttNl R.I<·L W. M , of amateurs" too. Mt ..dle'ow'd n were J bri .. mils gDest" 001' ...ohaol af'· a r "Ine w-eil-'s VII. ue U. tllUlt1 " co III'! \)fA t,l b '" d u... .... , w .. \ f unera I f IMr, aD " What was the cause of all thl's? Q/tnd · 0 ~ox. an ..u-. 08''.ion le a,,' • ., !dr•. W. _ra. ~'1 . t:;hee~a. .. a1n , in }Ifte, '" s('~vi of\,! Jluri 1 in . <ifl W' erntltery. It cannot be on attount of money, .. _ • p ' V ReaBon, one of tbe olerloal Live Stock and General Auctioneer ----b~use our' village is one of the MallyD{sorders ComeFroin the Liver foroe of tbe N. C, R. of Day too, J speDt New Year's with bis paren t.e. "gers of a Cold richest in tbe Lt . 'ttle Miami Valley. Are-Vou uat at Odds with Yourself? Posted on pedigrees and values of all . 0 Rav. A. K. ~arltent waS the weel!:. Our bank is aJ,l honor bank and Do Vou ",egulate Living? end goest at the Qt1een OI&y. . kinds of breeding stock. . stands tbirteenth . in the state. Are yoa sometimes at odds with Mr. lind 811'8. J. Milton Bowe and Experienced in haudling farm sales since A ' h d' . youT!!elf and witb 'he world? Do lion l::iarry were the gueatR of Mr. Ale we gOlDg . to oar up our yo~ wonder wbat ails you' True aod Mrll. Lewl8 I:!ears or Jbfterl!on. 1905. , money to leave only to posterity, you may be ea'ing regularly 8nd vme. la.' w~ek, ' . or ought we let ourselves get some sleMplng well. Tet lIome'blng is Mr, aod Mrs. W. W . We10h ar. Terms Reasonable' -:- Satilfactloa Ouaranteecl 't? Th . bIt I tbe ma.tter I Ooolltipatlon, Ilead rived home t,b18 week from Ft. d f goo 0 I ere IS B so u e y no !lobo, N.,rvousuels. Mod. B.i llona '" OoaRe, Iowa. where ~bey b l! ve br eD . GRADUATE OF TBB l use f or us to ,be ·Q. "tight wad" so ~pellB lodlcate. a SlalliBb Uver. the lIoests of their BOntl and Dephew8 Waynesville, Ohio ..ATIONAL AUCTION , that we ca~ have no' en;~ymeDt for 'l'he tried remedy if! Dr. King's New ,for several daya . . Valley Telephone 45-3r . CIIOOL 01' AJlBBW& ·ourselves or forour childree.. Th.ere Life Pills Ooly 260 a' your Drug We have hlid ft, medloille show at !lIst. BllokleD 'e A~oloa Salve for is no wonder ' the city. calls our t:;klo Krup'1008, tbe Town HII.1\ for " week paU, • owing to tbe ioy tlme it WBS DO' 8S , youngsfers. " We ought to be able • - • well atteoded a8 shows are Q8UI111y __ .. tOlceep them at home but we cannot . Caesar'S Creek patrQnlzed bera. Wellman with the . environments that . we \ A. T Holpr htie made good use of d A be ill J Revivltl 8ervi08a began here SUD ' hi.. upPQrtunitv aod hlUl bie ice ' b bave at an. au ul p ace day evenlOit with a goodattend'ao08. hOUlle fll1f d with first ola88 ioe. fIlr. and 1"s. ,10 11 Wolf spent to live have we. and there CQuld be They IlTe being oonduoted by Oaoiel • • ,. t!unday wltb thl)il' 8011 Le w WoH a hundred and one things here that~ Yibrbrew, of Michlgao, and &muel Try 1bI. for t.leural"la and wife, O'f nea.- WilminGton , .loluer. of Oal'dlugtlJD', Ohlo•. lil.·ery.~.. B h W 11 f W -' would not only beautify the town. body ...eloome t'boullands of "'"""pIe k~p oO ,saf. lIlI .s 18.[10 a.r( OW,O ayne". . • I . •• t'ville, 18 "'p'3ndiog a tew d ays " wl'h b ut wou Id b nng poop e ID to enJoy It, ~r". W. E. Bogao . aDel dallgbter ferlol wtth Neuralpa beol&uee , ~hey bel' mothel:' . also. Our young folks cannot, and Lelab were Oa.yton sboppera Batur· do no~. ~DPW wbat · to do d ol" it M.iss Viol" JornllD hn r eturned ln din t he nerv e8. bOJ.qe '0 a vary pIe",,, n~ visit, more th~' that, wilt n':'t, ,live in an rtaYI t N e u1'IIol g ia 1.- ~ ,P&to r . ' lna u ay O"mp"o.n wa ' a.On the ';"0'" w h as yon Wllotl 0 l 8 to 80J t h a 0 '''e· th ere IS • nQ th'log li8t las' - wee,1I: but i8 ' beater at tbla "h If App1V' 81 oao 's with a t mosp',h ere W.u.e • e nerve i tee, 0 Ilur &uut, Mrs. Maud lea"er, erljoy and Where they are kept. time. Linin ent to the Bnrface over the of 5Y,t on . . . .. ' , , , .' • paiofol pari-do not rob " in. Mr. ilnd ~1re, Gorge BoglLQ !!open' '· under'testraint as they DOW are. 'r(lID bere attended the 810al:\'s Liniment penetrates very New Y s with ill !Junn and We' hope. that there will be a IDI'Uute IIot ' WaynNville qUlokly to tbe !!ore. irdtatep nerve faroUy Bt (Jum Or va . . c~e. We hope to see an opera weetl . Ilnd allays tlie iDflammation G~t Mr. and I .rs. (:jenr.~ D vi, enter. 81111168 Mildred arid Edl&h ·L a'trd a bot~le of 'Slolln'a Liniment tor 25 talDed Oil New Yoarll flay MrA' Ida bouse, we hope to see an old·fash· bave returned bome aner a pleuaot ceut. of an, druggist Bnd have it in Mun non a.nd daogb.tle r, Ethel, of • ioned Fourth/ we hope ' to see a vi"tt with frlen4. ·.here. 'be Coldli, tiore Rnd 'U ]PpI3 0 tl,0 oe MI. !lnd Mrs. Ern. -gmd...ball:team we hope to hear The JJ8'reaq Sunday Scbool CI.81I.o..<=lIISILo.IUUlL~~ ""um~~..;::!UI..IU>lIWLt~~~lIJI-.!~..Ll>/:I,l...llJ~;J.LLI:~JD.UILff--4MH)..ftext to' Sherwood'. Carage Main St .,. . '. . ' h de d . . enlertaiued at the boma of aDd like ' .ilmentll~ r money Editb . 0" ~,.t-\r . .1 00 0 \vis, Jame8 . baud· pla)'lDg eac '~~ . , an . we l'al'lt. Satwrt.hwlloi~ MODday evening . back U 'no~ satl8fied, but Clellver aud Rev ' . ,1: I. bolM' ·t4at ou~ to~n w~hva1ce up ' 811' Ilnd ·Mrs. Raleigh BoglI.D tlpeo\, give. almost .instant reUef Mr. ('14 13n O\'l OIUl}vE't b nt! ';"aturoed ~-----~--------------------"-!-ihei~ respoQsil>i1it!~ and a., lew '. da.r~ ' l.8t · week. w,l th .. M.. • - • to bis ilob ()j dotiolJ 'I1t tI(I~uddQle and do something wortJl . ~gl'D s ~uDt8 in Le~anon. . GrOve~ Mrs. Gedrge .llis and d4ughter, year. and the Miami Gazette will Kr, ' Wllbur BUl'h'D.~ and lister ,. Vee.tQ Sl)flllt l!'l'lua.y wtlh Mr.. and ' I' Lucile took dinner With MiM Aurora All of onr teacbers ' returned to Mr8. Ed. Murtln. ' belp alJ she ~ Pe'oraon t;unday. ' helr variolaa ilobools 00 Sunday. Protraot )(i mee~in is In nrogres8 , -'~--. ~ ••- - Mia8 MtIler, ot a.r,eYl!burlt~ ' ana at Beech liro,"!' 'church conducted· Bl1i~ess and Constl~tJon Cured ber nepbew, Kennet~ Retalltoll: IIpent- bv RC'lv .r. J. ell. 'rheae meetlDgs . ; If ,fOU ar" .fJ:ver ·troubled w~th bl). Thursdav forenoon wl\h Allen KtD ~Ttl very in t~re!lt·l l\g llud the publio oonUlpatlon ' you. wtlJ be ler aDd ramlly 8t lil'eeil .Briar, ill iuvited , 'fbe.v wllll}ontinue t bem *he .tatemea':of R F '11sll Re. n& I:!mUb h ,d as bel' gnest tbi~ wf'ek n'ld pI.' b\tt)\:v nex, 'Week .re 1111\. MltnD Il BtI <i o.nghter, 1n;t. "A YEar ,. 8glllltS' 188~ week , liIisa Jennie Warner. 01 EtM • .- ,WLU , 'cn,.-m' bel. ba VI r,.~ 1f 0 I 0 'e.ippeo'lnoe . wlnk!: a~ .ttaok ~f Indllea. G'I!cn Bt iar: . . , Uit~ I! ft, I', .slle Idlm~ til It hoUduY9 "ab by lliliousoetll a.nd'oon. ,r , followed " ,Gene J IIifery, R . J . '" ....urfay / very p lf\~ ... t:1"I'. ' s~ip!ltion. ' Reelog Ch"wbel'l"to's Cb Kibl d ...... . Kr I h ' n 1 ,. : 1I1·,ll E . Of,lst, ~an •. ... ' 88 . I!r. aD . ur. e g 0.11, a I Don and limn" I t k f h ff r~ Table. rs 'B()~- blltoly reoommended, ~ 1()tI t. b orses 1t8 wee rom' e e e~te Mt . Ilna 1~ . 11')0, bif~gi) IIot. ,bought Ii bo~'le ' ?f' them Illd $bey c.t tbe loe. \ . ' , t.eutJed t tltt F.u·mot- ·~ IllS I o t e at belpfld ~e righ~ aw.. y, " For 8~le by all delll~r!l ' H . M. Terry and · Fred SwttJl W yoesvme 'l\t\lTdDY. were a.mong tboll8 trom tihia pillce Mr p.ill ':1t's EtJ' B , ~ I, (If lle8 r • • wbo at.'end~· ~be boree lillIe I~ Oas· New Bu rli ' 'ttt' • \ P"lI~ i'u' . Y Witb lit. Bo))y . too ~n ~'nrday. Geor~ BO~:Hu, .r I'I!, 1\ .' 8ev\,ral from 'hll! plaoe littended Mr . ancl :ofrs TI;t;lrol~8 ' Rlo1\ " peo' 'Mrl!. Wllllllm Jamel'l aod lOti. of the' rlOrm'e r'elnll,itute at Wayne8, several '~ IlYI:I Ii t woell; wl 11 rela. Xelit". (lpSDt New ~eail wi$b AlDOl .ville la.~ week. . tiveja near . '1<> \ ,n . . JliokaOD Il:Dd f .. mily. !.l118 Lillie Klblell ha" returned to air.. G-Q jlgl~ .clll i , 1 d Joe Morpo j 'Of Dayton; htlt hQme at GteeD Briar , after tnl) to Leb!" tlo ~,uf(\t 'I,. , aa\u~d.y ;"Dc;I Su.ula" wUh li?"pdinR .e,ve~l ~al'~ with bet , M", a nd ' !l'~ . A. B -ralmd" and bro,her a~d sister to Day tOil. ' . , ., " Dill aDd ,'luni)co. . Lee \V "·e QlI>llare 'iJ..t ~'l h OrM of , lion Mr. " 1Ildwal'd Orew. of ,Oa,'oo, DocSe Oleaverl of QreRonia. who Ii:ru9~t MII U Tl,'H .;vl (",'0,1Il1 Wedo68. ",1111 'the gu~8t of J(lbn Levi Ind baa beeD Vl!fY- Ilok tlie past w~k, Ie day ev('uiu g lOme lIet~l.. famU!' I:!atord",. aDd Snllday. " S"l!tti n r. I •• I ~~ 11.1'. (llfrord SmUll apeD' Ne,r Tbe manl frleudll of Gao. Bldee n will be pained ,know Ih., he III hit! p~ren ~k. Y MI'tI til Dlly"'n ._ . BOj(II~. __ '----- _ ._._-:-__ . 611' William aaley and ROD were Dol improviDg 118 falll .a we all Xenia viattora saturda'.' Gao, Warner. of Green Brl..r, at Mr,. G. ii, Stel)hf!nl apeD'tsa&or &t!ndecl oh~oh here:oo , E!~i1day even Children'. ~ughi-C"ildren's Colcls • I,\i[)tb Are Serious " ... lD" --d 'J' faXeDla, - --;:-4:- _ ••- - of "llur littite onM IIr. Will'ilim .J'ltckl09.. ht6ldJ Roo.t..... Imm.nH Tan F.lI!ttl..... !!v:m:llt-<lUl' or, f4n" '!'MohJog visited AmOl Jtloll'l,'o 1I0ncia,. aDd UlidertaJdn.l to breed l'O~ten with t, Dr, 1\ i"e~Tar. l'oeecla.v • ------~ ~~---bat one allD Tn vieW, thai of length' It "eta quloJrly, &DiD. 'the tall- fea&llere, thAt D&t:lV6I of th Oold ~ro"ml tbll lataad of BblkoItu, Japan, ba... ~:~::t=:~!;~~~D.~::'~8 lI",dUC~, after·a hwulrecJ -..ulllfllly l()~i~:~I!.~~ . .,!:~~~.,,= ~ou .-ulta. • . te':i:~~~~=I~~=:; tall t.uaer. 18 Uftl9 . ~IIift. "1 Q






N. Se.ars



.- .


Painting, . 'Paper H~nging, Auto and Carriage Painting.












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.:~~~ ;.~~~~ . . . . . . _~.~"~~~!!~~~~~.,.~ I:Ihe nuu UU I'L nUll, lIU~ u )nQllr THE TELEPHONE ~~ s oul ?ias hll rt at bl 8 ne we o r going FOR i


aWllY !'lOr", t hll n be boughL "You 1111 ," s h(\ we ut on perve rsely, "by III thne ~'o u ' r ri ch ntld (amoull ORNA ME NTAL HOUSE EASY OF and a r enl lII1ln I'll b marrlod. ,ood· CONSTRUCTION. by. Dic k. l boll l'OU wou ' t tormant t,h cHy girl!! th o wu y you have me." By JESSIE ETH E L S HE F; GOLD. and !ili a tUTII d towa rds t h e house. L. lttie Work Required, a nd t he Necu· "Elid a !" gaS I)od Dick , ~ I cll at. hout. u ry Time Will 'Be Little to the tCop~· rI"h~. l~l' . by W. 0 Imp/llft)l. ) And' tlwn 11 . ' su w \t a ll a 8 slle t ur ned Gi rl' Ha ndy With , t he Ca rd. "Stop, olt. tilO P r" DJck \\. Illefo!l a nd n to \ nrd a h im . Tea r s were board .. nd Pas te, IlUck,led . Higher Ilnd hi ghe r h e 'sc:at r lll ning dow n her ' cil eka. She wae Ih swing. It ~ as suspentlcd tram n sob bing. Around his II olt went two Ire brn nch. !lnd C\· I'y 11m' he 6 ' lit It clingi ng arUHI. tor a !Ilomeut oll ly. A T li r e Is nolhlng t.o prevent tbe whlrllng with Its preclolls fr eight, \l lf· pui r of qui\' r ing Jlva m et bls o wn. S be gll'l who Is handy wilh ca rdboard and Is h sparkllbg EIIIlIl ~ I n ~ on, It toolt he r fia shel; from him t h en a nd sped tor tJasle from milki ng aile of lhose lilli e. way out beyond t h unnk. directly over lhe bouse, with I he rltrsing"\ al l. fasc lua Un!:' le lepbone bous s wllh lbe lho purling brook 11ft e n fe ct blow. "A nd yo u stayed here j ust long cunn ni ng loc k ab ove and th e glaSS c100r In front. wri t R Hi' len Howe In "Promls(' me a kiSB and I'll I ~t up," enough t o ~renk my h a rt!" , A verltabl beBeo n I1gbt wus the rite 'W ashi ngton Sta r. bargain d DIck. . ..,,\ kiss," !Iared forth th e s poiled me mory or lliat las t m eeti ng wltb T b bottom of til /l001' sbould b of b!'auly. " Impud IlI I Il w ill bo a good Elida. He had beeu Q b a ru m·s cs rum, ,,"ood about ten incbes IiQ Ultl'O Iln d tb e JlUrd hox on tbl' ears. f( I ever get down ha ppy·go·lucky fe ll ow b e for e. No w. side walls or sli rf cardb oa rd to lhe hea ded tor congenial e mploym nt , be· s lovlng roo f twc lve Inoh s high. T he lo ecrlh a galo." "' Vil ieh you \\,on't IIntll YO Il prom· lIeving that Elida 10l'e d him, D ick r o: walls In th e hac k a nd fronl, which jge , " tleclured roil lcldog, miscbleNov· s olved to make h is uricle and a ll the' ,~OJne lip to a point. e re fi ftee n Inches high. Iln d tll o root In two plece8 iog Dirk "One mo re !" a nd h sent r est of h is friends proud of him. the da lnly passenger with wildly kickAnd he s ucceeded. Only one or h 'o shoul d con o ct Ulcse walls und b e Ing I t Rud expostu la tin g voice 01J on me rely fri en dly letl 1'8 came t o b 1m e I on roof fasblon. So lIIu ch for th e a l'en111r('some 118 ra uolu cllrvo '-that in the city from Elida. Then a lmost founda tion . was folr ly te rrlf)' lng, 0. year to a day; his hea r t fill ed with The n ex t tb lng Is to o\'e r a ll lh ~e . "Oh, YOU tease-l wouldn' t kiss you triumph and bope , be r eturned to b ls IJI S upon one sid e wl tb I' tonne , It YOII w OJ ;) th e las t man In the worldl" home t own. brocade. vch ' t. tap s tl'Y, or 0 ny slm· br l'nlhe(\ Elida turi ouilly. His tirst thougbt wns or E lida. He li ar goolls, UI1 flin g each pi 0 large "Sny, 111 Just catcb a nd s top tbe leaped the tenee or th e Mu on pl aco enoug h 10 turn over the dg H fo r one· IIwlng n ext lime. an d ta k e ' my pny wh cn he reacbed It. T here was Elida. QllarL ' I' or nil Inch. '1'hI 8 w ill b e t h e Sh e was sea t ed on the ground e n d or outs1clc of lhe hou se. The 1I11lng h ighway man fns~lon , " l.Dslsted Dick. t he b lg ' tee ter upon whIch both bad Sh ould be prefe ra bl y or II lIk In a color " Will you ! The re-1l mll rty!" "G raclous !" gas p d Dick, 'and stood eu gaged In many n pa st a nd gone harmon lz11)g with t he outs ide covering , youthful !r ollc. S he WIIS musingly Til Is loa 1'1 cut a IILUe lar ger than I\llpnlled. E lida. b ad let go o r tb t' r opes. There stringing a chain of da isies . T be re l il e place 11 Is to oover t o enablo tbe n nUy turne d In. Wben " ' Oll n neetlng vi s ~on of wa \' lng h air was a s Ught scr am li S deftly Dlc\'; edg II to b a nd f1~' ing skirts. leaped up, gen tly pu ll ed t ho other nil th pieces are In r eadi ness pas le Spla h! Sh e .went out ' and down end of th e teeter dow n, s al nn It aud dow n th e lining nnd put Ihe bou e to· like lin eX]l rt diver. T h en twenty blandly sm il ed up at bls lady lov e, gl1th er w it h paste, 'u t o ul (belo re putting t oget h r) .11 fl'\ t from shor e she la nde d on th e soft perched wa)' ::lofL nott om of lhe stream , waist deep In "It's me," aonounced D ick J O Y OU8~. spo In t h o front w a ll for t be door. water. bu t g lorious In he r wild wayElida , cli ng ing to lire board, brentll· I\ s It III not alwa ys COll ve nle nt to get lIIard hoaut y. defiant and daring, lees, a basb ed, h astily nrranged h er gl as!; ellt, I s ugges t th e bam house· "01\, sny , " Qrled t ho enrnptnr d sldrta. b lllld l' shoul d su bstitute doors ot tll llIt ck. slidin g dowp the b tm K a od mak· " Ob, Juet let me gct a t you once !" wall cover ing (or the gIBR B. Ther Ing recklessly tor t h e berolo fi gure In sh e panted. coul d be t wo doors opening tram t h e m ld-lltrear.l.. " That was graIl,' l Wb y, "I'v e come h8(Jk ror t hat kis s you .m Idd le of th e bous , and a brnss ring I lo ve you ten fun es more lill\" ver promised," I'ewarked Dick cool ly. Gcr wed In to ea ch will b e both h a ndy rpr such grit. You're a f" !!'OUB Cl tI~. and decorallve. Tbls arra ng em ent will "I promised!" cried E ll!ln , afi llm e. W hy. I'd wa de th rough fi re t o; !!et vou "Well, ('ve earned It, " d ecla red be mu ch eas ier t o acco mplish thnn tbe nOw, a na h er e gOj!s i -' "It was just the memory of our glass, (lnd will be qu i te a s pretty. The Dick. Wl tb II.' mooklu g half emil " :m laat parting tbat bas belped me to doors could ' be put all wit h rib bon h e r Iipa, Elida . to? d a lmos t InvlUn, b lnges. l .,..auld I\uggest hanging a mu'e my WAY toward, ricbea-" ElIda s niffed ·contemptuous IY. Love te leplion e num ber list insld on e door . 'wltb Dick a nd only a crust of dry a ud a daint y pad' an d pen oll on th e ,ot ber, when ever ythin g cOllllected with br~d would be contentment loettabl .. a te lephone would be co.mpl3te, A lit· although ahe would not t e ll Dick BO. . "And fame." adde d Dick. rath er tie space l s left In the wall at tbe back ne ar' the floor to allow t.he wire to proudly. . "How. fame'" was ' the. dub ious Jla S8 throu gb. If a .l ma.1l clock Is thoug ht necell' query: " Le t me .down lind te ll m e," "I'm gong to keep you , up tbere- lIary, Ii Imnll round of tbo wall can you near to the eturs. me a· suppll· b e c ut a way and a cbeap watch hung ant-until I've hll.d my sny," Ins tsted Ililon th e Inside . Ther e Is, bowe ver, Dick. "Yes. I wrote a book. It's a big go. U ncl~ Is dei!gbted and' .lias bought me a half interest 10 the bUBI· nees. I'm able to keep 0. wife. Elida. won't you.: Jlave me t" She 'looked do wn at tbat e a rnest, appealing fnce searcblngly. There wall DO ' guile tbere. ' , "Shut y our ·eyell, you torment!" site dire ct ed, "and I'll .see. · I'm a woma n no w, Y OI~ ' know, ond mus tn't be hoy· d enlsh, bl!t-" . H e cl06ed his oyes dutltully. HI' opened t hem ecstatlcaUy. F or Elida had !'lId do\\'n the tee ler·totter, straight Into hie wa!tlng O~B.




M\.Ic ingly $trJnglng a Chain of D3lslea. him on to his rate . He wade d Qh end cQnflcfently, an tlolpatl ng no tra p. Sud. d Eln ly tho~e Clllle\> ha udo' ot the little Ii/ prltE' wt,:n t out palldJ() rE\sh l ~ n . Eyes. r:lout h, (ace- It o r ee !\'I\d a delugo of wuter Illa p·d ash; h a tt blinded, utl e rl y ttl \ orr his bala nce, h e noted n,M sh e llalt'1rol'u ng nt him. With a d'loIft \\'1111'1'5he sent him ort his te l. de. ]\"en'd n r esoun di ng box on . ou o ,II', nnd h we.nt f1ul Ill to a n B.II U ous bcd,

They Seem to Be Most Ple nt if ul When • Vou Take' Your Gi r l Homemllde Telephone Booth. Riding. .the s ugges tion of substllutlng a ca rd ' He stnrted to tnk e h is girl t o rIde bearing In' gilt l e tte rs ' ~'l'lI e Gbat ·In a n auto th e other ovon1 ng . Dro\'!, Ch nt nu" for the watch. Thi s would up to t h h ous e j uRI b&for dusk. and muk It Indiv idual. . S houlil ooe be comp elled to' buy all sl~e t ripped down the !'I teps a nd Into th e trant s eat heslde h im and th oy s et Lb e ma te rials, one yard ot cr etonne ofr. Th ey meandered th rou gh thi s Ilnd 36 luches wide should b e allowed li nd th at s treet until tb,ey had t~nve tBod n the same Quantity of India silk (or Cardboar d Is lo ex.penslve, baU· mlle and then all or a Budden tbe IIn lug. "Ooody !" ran g out a ally ry hnll o f engi ne dlod. T inkeri ng- w ith Ut e b Ol· nnd BO is pastil. but ,I admit tbe mak· loCty d isd aIn a nd t l'l lIrnPi1. Ana sh arI>' t ery, r epl'ated cran ki ng an d ga?:lng at Ing will take ti me a nd pntie nce , If .. wa I'ds' sped, E lida to vuril ab among l!.J ~ th e engine did no gooel. 'l'hen ho ha p· a fln lah -to the edg es fs lbougbt neces· wlhlwood verdure bc fo r e th o dl seom. p ~ne ll to t blnk of hI s ' g as" a ud found s arr . use ~ na rrow Frencb gl~l gnl· loon. 1It 'd Dick c.o ul dlrocoYer hlG wits. ' the ro wItS n one. ': "9h o.·6 n j ewel !" vo tod Dick , en · rt was only n Qua rter or Ii mil e, 1.0 ..,. ................ .. thuslnsUc fa\, rul tbe danl)lll('sa 'n'nd nle ga rage, and he kn ew o ( anQth m: discomfort a s h e wnded ash or e be(trag' ma cb lne th oy could get,to " h aul the WIDE· VARIETY IN,' GIRDL~S )::Jed. H e d id lIome se rlou!) t blnklng a !l t hi ng lri." So ' whil e s be \\'al ted he he proceed ('d hOUl ilwar" s. Th ey had trudged to the gn rage li nd getti ng loto COltllmen Recognize Ita Importance and Have Provided a Pr01ullon )1O~n t rl n ds, -.:hu ms Since carly boy. nn ot~er mnchl ne sta rt ed fo r th e scen e of Styl'" hood a nd gi rlhood. They' ha d sllaren o f the I"tnlled 8 1,1 to. He had tiot got you th ful h opes, f\lars an d' mU lua l mls.' 100 reet rr om the. garnge befor e bls Since there Is d ecided fullness In ch let scrapes. r\ eve r h ad th ut brigh t Intl!llt machin e died on him. With a s pirit' appeahld 1.0 Dkl' ,IlS upon tbls vie y of st (1rtln g nt t he ,oth er end ot the skirts of the new \,lresses the ,bl'lght :Tune mornl n~. , tbln gs' be tri ed tile "gas" ron!; first girdle COme8 In very well to h~ld It' down over the hips, for wain en bavo T,\\·o evenin gs later, with mour nful a:1d tound It emptr· mlcn and ,Iaggnrd ,gall. Dl ol, a ppear ed Twice wltliln n, 'llll!f.bour with two r ecognlr.ed thafthe' 1I1euder line at the I!I Ih e Ma son sroundfl looklng ror E lida.' macblnlls camlt n eat" getU!'&, hill. goat blps Is tlie ae~ret of thl" youthful line: , ' Ie ·1Qund· he r at last ga the r ing lIom9 He begcn to think there Burely ~'aB ~ The sash Iltdle Is tbe answer. It elr· a pple bI0$80mB. h o.odoo on th o ride with h l~ girl that «lIes the waist ~nd II tied below tbe " Well, did YOU g et wet1 " s he ha lll'd e\1enln g. R ut he tote~ go s 'rom tho line aL the 8ide or in front. Tbe endB. ga rage to 1I1 l1c hlne Ko. 2 a ll d th on which are freq uently tasseled or os JLe a pproacb d . " )ofy ha ndke.rchler hilS _ 811 dnv ' hilled bacle l(\ mach lll'1 No. 1 and the fringed, hang down In a beavy line. l on~." replied Dick, lugubrious ly. girl, un.d filia ll y got (Jre latt er . to lbo , Girdles t~at show a modified upper " JWdll , 1'10 going. a way ." garagQ, \vh \! re it wa s , "go R~e d '.' U J; aJl~ Jlne wltb exteIlBlon ,.,retelles com· "Good ! Then I'll h 80me ilea cI'! ran all righ t a tte r tbat .-BrOCli ton Eli· log Into popularity. They blnt of peasIn my life ," 'r etortO'd Elida. bllt n 'Qul ck t~rprI8e. . ant linea. ' They can be ot velvet or IIllk over a bodice of trans parent mada rk en ing ohadow of the I\lstrous 'eye8 "Back" Is the Only Way 8h~ TAlkl, ter\aI. They effectively carry the color told thnt .ahe wall arous d. ' • " W h e n yo' hns' a quah') wid yo' wife, a nd de~lgn of the shirt up l nto . the "'Yes," ' saI d Dick, " U n~lo !)DYS t·vo ~ wasted m y lI!B. He trlod m e In blli do she IlOUt an d lIul lr' or' do sb ~ talk wajst, ' Do not forlet Uie Birdje tbat datoll ban It I mnde a muddle of It, Tha b\"lk, Rru'd der R\lmpu8?" "She talka. la w- l re belied. You know a ll I can back, aab! And she not Oll'y talks 'back 'to the middle ages. Tbl. i s of do 1B to w.rlte. H e's discouraged tbat. back. but she. talks tr.ont'ard8 ond side· jeweled metalliC cloth, aDd a~ter wind· a ut fin ally h e'a gi'vell In. li nd I'm to waY8 and aCJ:ost ' nnd endways . and Jng around the ",alit drop. down in n bOO(J<'I1e a. Bort of reader or editor w1l'h dlag'nal imd round and round. and dell straight band In the ce~ter of the a. elt y publlshlng bouse b \l's Inte rested abe comea all de WilY baok aril! ~ front. peats herse'f. Aw. ya8lab ; Ihe I ho' In / ' Anotber modlsb ilrdle la the thick . cord tha.t IUlJge8t8 the monlt'l! ~ord In "Poetry! " snUled E lida In affected tal~s bllc'k!" itti &evertty. Thla 18 Hed "t the tront (lOntelJlPL "l'''tne living th at will bring )'ou!" . To Mend Celluloid, ' or~ II de, and now fl malt ~pular In " Ob, no; novels, ellnya, they print ImJ ardcle . made of· cel1u'~ld ma, Jet or b,eadl. The Birdie that ero..el In front ~d eYer)'tlltng. It I ,make It go, Unclp be mllnded wJth coHodlon. Scratcb llJ'ake will ltart me Ollt bl". Then I'm tbe brokeD &dp. to I.e lOaded with II taken. In ala1ItlQ lilly DYer the 101Il~ to 1II&UJ-)'01l." a Ibarp knife UiaUia 8,IDOOth 'iorfacp •1WWdii'i ana tlid In • iWf bow, "HoltJ - ~ ICreamed BlId", I. ....flcured. Appl1 the 001\0(11012 . .41 back II the eaIf 9..e for women who "Wb~ told than" prea UgbtJ" '"etbel' lor 18veraJ miD- CUl .taDd a IlW, IJumatq of the ''M7 beart!'" dfe1ared ll1ck. ata. ~ atud tor at leut l1hlllt7· IIu froID "'c"alder to ..alat. Tlda III OOII~ba.tIJllaekto c1a11111CHIl" tour houn. OO\Irt plUler wW ....... ftlyet III a d ....otlYe toueb



II. ..... 1JIe . . . . . .


" Al ways be courteou s nnd willi ng to do a ll you cnn fo r everyo ne, wbether a m embe r or n ot, If he Is not a membur , 's how him th e spl;lt of Ih orsan lzat!on; If be Is a m omber. let him Ltc fl th opinion you gave b lm \\'h eu he wna not a me m ber.. . ., Loarn a s mUch a s yo u call abdut Ihe Job Jus t ah ea d of you, Rnd show the re ll o w JIIs t behind a s lUuch about yo urs as you can : ' \V e bad nil bOi ce UO)· . He cnme up from Norfolk. Va. H e ll ad never don e. 1\ stroke of work In his life, aod s o we unde r lo nk to t r ain blm . In th ree mon tb s he was ' a dy a nced Lo a posl· tl on or t elephone opomtor . He l enr ned 10 run t ho t y pew ri t e r alld d id nea1 wo rk. He learn ed 10 rUll th e fil es. He cnll od \lJ:. co m mit l ees. He was wa nted to do a th ousa nd things 1\ day. Ev er y mun WU8 h is . boss. Rnd WIt:1 It a ll bo was Invariably cou rl Oil S, cheer rul, smiling na d efficient He never s pen t nny tim e foolla g a round. h e dldn't pIny vractl ca l Jokes , b e , d ldu' t Ils tec lll h imself t o be tho o mce comedi a n, and whe n he fouud It necessary to go back hom e, he le tt wit h I 0 llr ve ry b s t wh;lles anti h Onest re. ' gre ts. I 1 We a sl,ed h Im to 1'10 1 down 'cer taltl J No t tor a debutan te 10 t bl8 adorilhlo t1]ln gs fo r th e URe o f hIs su coes~o r. : littl e rroc~; , a lt bough It lookll 80 InDO' an d a mong l h(:m wo Cound two 11 8TA' I cen lly YOlll ng. The f rock Is tor n g rapbe qu oted IIbo" e. They arc both : youtb[ul matron and Is or wb ite cr elle gemB, a nd th ey n pply not on ly to Ih l~ de chi ne with n d rap e d whi te ~atln c ba mbe r of com me rce . but to all i bodice a Dd l! houJder strnl18 of Yo bi te bn In es ses an d t o 011 men. We a r e ribbon. Ind, of courlle, Ih al a n office boy per· (:r lvl;!l! th e s piri t (If Ihe chamber .of co mmerce, We are pl eased t hnt, we ST'tLES IN WiNTER have hRd 0 hand In t raining UIRt bo)" b ecaulle wher eveT lie galls, he 18 f.lo ln g OUl g~1 Run to Extremea, and May Be ~o boowell thougnt of. an d "'e Ceel fh a t 88' Varied Could POIthe me mbers or Ule <.' hllmber fi nollid I Ilbly Be DulTed . . kno lV some o ~ t he thin gs Iha t wer e ,L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _-=:.:....J go ing on In Ihat boy 's m lod. The 'I\\·o A pretty dh!nel' gown is In P aisley Blue Jay. paragraphs qu oted ' Ilbov e cO\lld we ll prl.nted ninon , a very fin e small design. n par t lit tlle eq ui p ment of ' reploved trom any De lghbors, with be cc;»me In botlle green and water blue, mount· ever y e mployee ot .ever y organ batl on. wblch ahe r efu se' s to assoclMe. 011 ed over water·blue aaUn. W he re t he ninon s t and s a.way tram the Ba tln. t he and would ad vnnt age both (he em· the othe r h and, the beautiful purltle soft green deepe ns very effecU" ely ployee a nd Ute e lllpl oye r.- Omotni martin ma intains a dov&lIk dls vHsl· and In tbe·deep tunic, Whloh Is pll!l8e, Bulle tin. Roc best er Cha mber 0 : Com· tl on In 1I)11t e of n steady .WII Sp nnd me re e. oth er a ggrllBslve IDaect dle l: nnd must it shows agnln . Tbere III a touch of have company or s be w ill move. Sbe mink fur lind a belt or bottle-Breen sequin, d'n ll of surtace. charmingly In· PROTECTION FOR THE BIROS III happiest In a co,o)lerat.l ve establis h· ment of Rome thirty or m or e 8I\ar,· cruste d upon H. ground of· a luminum tissue, with bere and ther e a ca- Blue Jay Devou,.. Many Grasshoppe r • . .ments . Sh~ lives up to' th e noor . atel'Pl s letanc\! theory to Buell nn .e xte nt II boohon - et:ouo. dull- o b ~ gb In i!evW'l.a.a-ri~dUl4l0·«.e1n~llI.Je~cl\t. .-=IL--I-~il~O!7t=P!:JI'~ o~":'e:::c 'ted s be -I... en BIlr ' d r Iv n e ral dull blues, browns and g reens. away b);' the quarrelsome I'ln glla b Ve~y smart lind us'o ful Ie Bult of Som e or pur swee t lIon g nn 11 . s parrow. ' dull toma,to·re ll clotll at firm tex.ture - - - - - - -au d bright surface, charmingl y braid· Df!otlvorout! b lrda threatened wit h el[ · Adam ', Longelt Day, e d with very rl c~ silk hraJd. plalrl aniS t1netiolJ have at last rou nd lIancl uary Why WM t he first day of Alla m's t ancy, and big braid buttons. It Is cut In God's nerell. In tb e 'Clty of Urot he r. long In the coat, with tabs c rosslng at ly Love. tbro ugh . tb e unt iri ng Iror ul liCe th e lO ngl)st? Ane.-Elecallse be bad DO E ,·e. the throat and waist , braided ond but· of the LIber ty Uell Bird c lu b or th~ toned, with 0. b em of pony Sk UI of Bome de pth between bands of braJd and a qUDln~ fringed bra id 8n8h , at the back only . The s leeves h ave ta bs of braid as ,cuffs. . . A quaInt wrap, on the n ew baggy lines fs lin Il s oft, ratbe r \c~ll g· balred . plu sh, wMoll appears to be a mixture of s ilk a nd wool. It Is trlmm 41d with a great collar of nalu ral fitch, s tand: Ing we ll away frqm the n eck at the 'back, a nd lia s a S'lnlUt deep belt of coarse bl.1lld laJd on In rows with a naTTOW line of fitc h In Lhe centE'r.. Tho buttons arc brown marble. ' Eve nin g co81s and uro captl· vatlng, b'lOlng long wltb lI1ere s li ts 'for ' the balld,s, m ade In the richest bro· oadlll! an.d bordered In slive r , edged with darlt fur, the re bein g Ii u.u ge bo W. or tlle ta1l'fe t ~ ut the bac k o f the neck.







U_ 1=. . . .

Two P arllgra phs Could Well Become a Pa rt of Equip ment of Eve ry Em· ployee of Every Organ ization.

Farm J onnal, which bal atT1lll,e4 to Install bird bouses, feedin g lIaaketl anel bird bathl In Wett LClureJ Kill cemete ry III P hiladelphia. 'l'lIeea wtll be con structed after uiodels most approved by bird famllleB and arru.uged In all a rtis tic manner to beautUy tile grounds. 'I' lle r lcl11y colored pluma ge of t he hnppy BOng8te~s will ad d n bit of brightnesB t o the , place nf pence, a il d It Is boped, their song!; of t hdnks· giving will upurt th e heavy heart that comes to mourn. " Mr. I\nd Mrs. Bird are ve ry pa rtl c u· lar te nulits , acco rd ing to the .re porls at th e mnllY mem bers Of tb e FaTlD Jour· nal Ll b,erty Bell Bjrd club Wll 0 hal'E.· been IluWug up hOUSC8 ror t he m ~o oecupy. Complaints are dull y racelv d at th e headqua rters at Lh o olu b III P h lladelllhin. that Mr. Robin grllally prefeTR u bouse of hi s own structure. wb lls Mrs. Wren, or the Murllns , wll! loolt In upon a new bird h OUIlC bum with much care a nd decld o not to t a kl' It at nil, o~ 1I they move III, _th oy will stall' 0. li t tl e w hil e, tben sudd ell ly leu. ~ W.lthOllt noti ce or a ppa r ent l'enSOIl , Some olde r mem burs of tho (:ilID wbo a re patient bl~d loye rs un d s l u· dents, hnve (ound out t ll u t bird rc~ l · dents li ke Ind lv,du nls. lJa \. dc ch l ~ ,1 tasles III the m aller ot honl(:II'. wt;icb U1 uel be cnter ed to. It has b e U d l ~· co vered thnL t be blue luy, who blls e~ tablleh ed h e r Indepen den t. econom :o stallls by t he lIum ber oC grnsshn llllf·rs. cate rpillar s, bugs, beetles, cutw orm s. we ev ils, t.ic ks and plant lice suo con· s umes Is n fie rce little mlllL au L who demands II. se pa rat e establl uh m(!l1 t roll'


~~". ~ ..........


... ............ legion . The y ar e In n U modlflcatiolls of, the original vest·gtrdle Idea. , Some are ver y ; bigll and some arc shallow, with the greatest depth boloW tbe hlpe.; Tbere ar'e points apd square tab8, a t tbe front. OtherB are curved and Bcal-lOlled' aU around t. the edge. PO?ketA and butt,ons are we trimmings, while , blndlng~ r1bbo~ or braid III a neat lin· Islllllg to'uch. . Tbe gllutch girdle thal Is ti ed Into , t • . Its forin each time 1& a l{feat ·fa.yorlte, Boy. Pulling Stump..... No~hlng M.k•• ·• a'rlllh~er Fire 'In tho Grlte Than It now Climes In chltron civet and: al \ Old ,Stump.. It Is ma~e on ·the bias, it fits In' to ' lh,: There 18 no better .way or Interest. farm are exc,elleDt for that purposo. figure, eliminating bulk. , . Ing thc bo,,1 tn b r IO lite than to let It 18 a 'gOQd thlu, to get Uri tbe '" M\lDY, , foundations of buckram al · ~ tbem 8tarted tn ~me part of the 8upply of wood for the winte r, before ready b()ned are purebas!lble . . It ' Is work. Let tbem fotm clubll ot differ- the deep alloW' comes on. Sltld tbe . not dlffic'llt, to , . make a .well·fllt'!d , ent kinds, Clubs' 'for tlte pro~ectlon 10811 out and JuLIl) them down to lhe.' girdle. The Importanc,e III,gl'eat in th e of birds; clllb8 fo r growlnl ]ll/ls, cotA boule. ' Roll tb'em ' D gool1 i'zed aDug gen,e ral (effect of a gown or 8ult. Do and other producls. It .hould nol' IHl pllell hlln!ly to . tbe law mill. If )'01.1 not ne,hlet the glr<\le. . difficult 'to get ~bem Inter e" fed ID '.a have. ,?ne. or to, .kld'lfay. 'If you club tor the purpOse of securtDt. an ,cut tbem up wllh a crOll·cut Irilw , \leI vet for DU.,t lng. ample 8\lpply of \\Iood" for.. tbe Winter. U's glSle have ~e tog·wa, neBt t~ .A piece ' at ,velvet IJ a ,fine cle~lIer , ~lIe lIluatration' abQWII , a' boys' 'wub lIIoodhou.e; .1IO 70U CIUl thro w tlle for br asEI ,and for pOlishing ellverware Iii Pelllilylvanla, ·actlY.el), el)gagfld in block! In anil .s pllt tbel!l' 1.11' , In tllere. It Is bellter thaD . cham011. It qulcklx pull1iur atlimp •. l111ere I~ )lothlng more U ·th~ boul. I~ beblnd\ the ' bur., Qr removesl tbe dUlt from ..,oodwork anel cheery tban a brllbt IIr. In the grate.omll other b~ldlq. It wUl belp to If t o rub the ' atove atter It baa OIl a cold wlDter', Dight and the old DeP off the bard wtDdli l'!bU. SOu.' been ill lICked It wm ptodJce a bigh • ,~·P' IIcatteNd "rollD!I tbe avtorqe .... . at .,ork. . poUllb. There la nothing better' to ____ 1. \ du.t a «elt bat, .md . silk dre.'.1 and I , lIueh a &lrlce!' he' cried. when u drew other· 81.llk artlcleii Ib~uld &lw... be ' . Joffre'. Nickname; . du.ted 10mb It, for It clean. perfectly ! ~II n Dote o. Oeneral Joffre. London up In the m~yoralty IIquare or· arbtIlePn at wltbout cutting or othel'wlll4i Inlu.-ing Toruth '''),.'1: "A man or bourgeoll Place of burs or YiUage. the , family, very lDuch tbe soldleC', \'817 " blgb fllUre and weDt down "raduaJ. . , .:;. , mucll the. niMtbernatletan, "very mllcb I,., Hla Cataliln Dame ptol!~lmed' h1)D, T~pe Of a.. uly Spot. ' tbe mali of action, aDd quite AS' ~C!b • (omper, ad be a4opt8d lbe II10kbeaut)' lpate are the tbe maD of thoulbl His ramll), I» nf-me countJ folk bat\ 'Ii.... Ida Qf mOliuliil:, The.. ant ..... lOll,. to ~ . .tern PyreD., All Jotlre---,Ie -pere ,JolEre,... black .Uk 111 tJae or .U~OII", · founeled It abOllt a bUD-










...,... .

b_lta, 0ftIa d" JIUIl"o. With a ,tIQ rroa .wqe to



nil aIlanlO.






vi a I Confessions Mail Order Man By- Mr. M. 0.


cauae ,ou will hne the' uore"I ' InlteaO



~:stt~enat~~~~::;' :,::&'::: :~~n:~I! !:: SEED SELE~T10N IMPROVES TH,E POTATOE_S tradIng with your own bome _ s~ea.d

mC\rchants . 1t Ie human nature fa' you to do th is b ec ause the r ule of 11(" ll3 to fo llow Lha wl ll·o'·tbe-wIRTl lllllldly Everyhody r) :;cs. this, everyO'Jdy triof to grasp the iJ:!(leflnlte {nst end 'or grab

door. )'lea lly It Is la ugbable when you come to ll:lnk of It. You IICll t your HOW 'tiE DIVIDED THE MONEY" doll~'r6 to UR beca ll se you fancied nlld hoped tbot t il e dlsl:1 uce , ",hlch g lv (~~ The furniture department III our nchant m nt to th e view , wou ld scud catalogue 'w as a great and Immed iate you somethi ng In th e wa y or a gr . I s uccess. Tbe "rake" Illusl::a.tlons pri ze. Of course w did not. caught the eye of the people and the We spl'nd our dollars lik e \\'ater Ir, Product of a Sinole Hill, ShowIng Uniform ity of SIze and Shape Result:"; orders poured 10 with every mall. We, foreign lunds wh ile a t horn e we do From HilI Selection of Seed. found out thaL wll nover a , customer not fi ud EO milc h to Itlf (!r est U8'Jrdered one article th ero .wl'rc always ra th er we th lnl, t hat we do not. Year (By E . H . GRuAB, ) acros Yo' rc plant d In a special plat All Gobble ra but One. a number of others Included with the a([ cr yenr I h avo made the pilgrim. The natural hom e of lIl e potato Is for seed, to be used for tbe maIn f\ rst, And th e c rders were' all cash , ag Into pra c tl cnll y oI l at Ihe forelgo (Uy AlUlA G"·LIGtlER.) /1S trllsh ones, a nd tur key e g gs COlt of course. 1 don' t remember In those lan ds. It has cos t me, I llo not cnre the mountaIn vaneya ot Sou th Amer· crop th e following year, This Illan was ica. Where natural .conditions are fa· tollowod (or 12 yenrs with a potato Jr the turl,ey busln eas WILS n failure auywhere trom 2 0 cenls to $I ac h. doys that \\' 0 OV2r hnd an inquiry for t o !wy 110 W lUnny', t bousands of dell. vorable to r l he growth at, a plant, wbleb It wae saId would degenerote 'WIth YOll lbls year dou't get dlecout· The Mammoth Bron ze Is 11 velT credit. They s llemptl glnd to get til .. 1:1I'l;, ther e it will reacb the hi ghest deg ree and ultlmat Iy ruo out; but that po· aged an d Quit. lnstead, nse your bet· large and belluUful bird of till) c,olor goods by IJ:ty ln g Iho ca sh and they Yel a ll 111 1 time J know and rcnllzt' of perfection. In th e mounln In valleys tato continued to Improve duriog all tc r Judgment and tr y aga in . If YOll t he name Impllcs. We have raised the se med to get th e money together in t.hl1t we ho VI' b Iter thi ngs to see. b~l . of parts of the West a re (ound con- that time. have n 'vcr ruisod turk.eys 110W Is a Bronze for a. number of yeaTS, Do d ~ manner. l r ~ h lllg ~ 10 rl tl e In, bolte r tb lngs to ditions of altitude, soli and moisture Several yenrs a go PrOf, E . R. Ben , f;o ud tim e lo lJegln . find this hI' cd possess s morc good 1!0Dl W a were bus)'. We mover! OW O \ ' t, th ull IIll )' 01:1)(:1' IOllll. To the T urlle)o's lire difficult to raise, as we points than any one of the olhers we trmu th e city wh er e the business wns croo ll d nnd th le' \'illg gu ides in PoriA na turally favora ble to the growth o[ n eU, a sp clallst in potato worlr, b . the potato, with an a lmost entir e abo came Inte r s ted in th ~ work th e writer Know by lonl: exrerlence, but wilb hav.e known or. s tJlr l(~c1 anti n ow hn d n bi g stab llsh· ontl 1,0n do1J und !lerlin we lire th e T he 8 roll zo Is more vigorous ood mont In on e of the blgge t of the eaHt· "cnsy m~ r k '." W e , are th e simple. sence of harmful freezes a nd bac· was dOing nnd fr e Iy complimented i:ood ell I' an d lhe right kind oC roed h im on his succoss In potato produc· we have mUl1age d to raise l\ good pel'- therefore less difficu lt to mi se than ern ciUes. Our ti ny lellnet of a cata· minded. W e U P t il delud ed, th e terla enemies. In providing a sul tnb le soil fo r po· tion: but he wantcd to take up and c ontuge or lhose hatched. th e White R ollund 01' Narrllg ullIi(! t t, logue hnd Incrensed to ')ver Ofty pages ~ fl l y tl cco~' c d . The glid ed palaces 01 Just now we aro h/1vlns ' some The latter Is about li B IlIrs e In (I(.!- alld U,ero seem ed to be no limi t to our r!'v Iry In Paris lind Vie nna, tbc un. tatoes, the Question n aturnlly arises, further impro\'e the stock. Out at How sha ll ' we Pllrfect and busb and specially selected seed h e selected trouble . with ours because of our In· ]Iearanotl as the Bronze, bul In somc. prosperfl1'. wholesom e cobar et of 't, Petersb urg fertility? Llve IIlock Is the real basis perfect lubers and plnnted tbem In II. a bility tu .ltr1et> them out of a neigh· wlll\t lighter in weight. My worl, was now almost en tirely lind f)ru :s"j,l, the gambllnfl holl ot at success In every agricultural dIs· tleld by themselves, nnd wh n the po· bar's I've !laid . Several have died, two The Wll lte Ho lland and Bourbon ore connected with the catalogu e. I wt'ottl Monaco, tb e;> slltterlng vice halls at t rlct in the wo rld . The reeding at tatoes were rcady to harvest we dug more ~ro lllclt. 'fh e rye c.aQsell a bowel becomin g mo re popular t ban torrn erly, the descrlpj:lo ns, ordered tb lIIustrn· C: iro-ur c all maintain d by Am erl. g rnlns and grasses on the farm reo all of them by ha nd and kert ehe troltble, which Is ,ot unlike cholera. on IIccount or their domestic hl\'b lts. tlons mnd e by tho wood e ngrnvers, can dollllrR. W e SllPllort til m. We places In tbe soil th e vegetable matter product ot each hl1l separate. All .~fl r we discovered the cnuee of the Th ey are rat.her small 1n size and ~uperlntended tho printi ng /lod mnll- nl nkc tb em ric!.,. We hav!) mnde which produces th e bumus and fur- hills that did not have 20 tub ers ot tl'Oubl e wo tried k eepLng tile wel! tur· Quite tame In habi t, preterrlng to 8tay Ing departmen ts and was u~ to my c:humpugn a n cass ity, we bave made nis hes the .nItrogen that keeps up Ule uniform size, without knob, cractt, or ke II in a. yard. This was not a s uc· close at home. collar In worle all a! the time. \Vhen· truffies and mushrooms both expensh'e fertUlty of the soli. It \e utterly Im- rough end , we re discarded. No bill ceS8, 'I'll !!)' began to droop and reo d for When buying breeding stock It' \a ever anything of Importunco aro e In nnd desll'able. possibl e to grow good potatoes wltb· was selected unless it came within tUBed to ea ; l ust as we expoo t e , best to secure lhe male bIrd from one connection with the business I was, nl· It's th history at life, Every crea. out an open, porous soil. those r Quiroments, and surprisingly a t,Qrlt y cunnot endure c:006ne,.,ent. Ilr eder and t be fema les from auother, ways called Into a. conference with Y ture sball lirey UpOIl tbe w<.akel'. 'And Nothing but tbe legumes_Iralfa or few blll09 were found wblch pllsse d Thc fll ok ones were given a little so that the birds will not be akin. nnd Z and we settled any Ques tion we IIro the weakor who lavish our clover are good-sbould be uscd as a muster, Enough w re aelected, how· \.l~om salts In tbelr feed and twc re'l ' money on this sort of foolishness. It , foundation crop. The writer grows ever , to ma,k e about two hundred cO I'er d. We tried several dUfe r ent TUr~eY8 selected at randO , m [rom a tllat arose. . Ono day I wa.s called In lind tho Is reall y true that It I.. you, the Deo. alfalfa or clover-sometimes bothpounds, and th ese we re planted the rt1 dies but none at tllll others dealer s flo(:k mayor may not be r eo ~~C~Cd to ta ke any s1fect. lated, but It Is not 8a rO to talle chances. doors W(l l'e ll11ut and looked, Tll cre pie ' or th e Boll, th e dwe llers In the for three or four years previous to a followin g sp ring. When barves te!! It ,\ 0 do not consider rye-s uitable food Inbreed Ing Is ~lea8 lrou s with tu r· waa , 60melll ing oC Importance to be country, wbo arc th-- wls 1', after a11. p otato crop. Tbe /loll Is broken up wa~ a most marvelous row of pota· We seek dissipation a nd sDend 'OUI In tbe fall Quite deep. Fall plowing toea. B)' purs uing thfs method It is fo r any kind or po~ltry, young or old. keys. Do uot Keep more than six di scussed. ·'!,.ook bere, X, we are going to In· energy , and health a8 we ll as our dol. Is beneficial for tlle reason that It expected ths,t we w lJl soon bnve a Green rN (IlOt the grain ) Ie as good bens wl~b a gobbler, unless he Is an corporate this business ," said ' Y with lare In looking tpr excitement . puts tbe soli In better condition to re- potato that will make 25 perfect tu· . f or 011 jl\nds of fowl s ss grass, nnd If old one, It Is to yo u, 'lo the ' country, tbat ceive and store heat from the rays , bel'S to the hill. grown ea rly In the fall will. ,urnlsb We find thot two·ye.r-old hens with a peculia r e"ore5sl00 In his eyes. [ Had we bred our Shorthorn cattle green food tpr th'e poultry all winter. a yearlln, tom produce finer tur.keYf bad secn tbls c.,I:pr es810n before and the nation loolts In time at war. 'Wh:! of the sun than spring plowing. In the I held myself on guard, In readiness not In pellce a lso 1 The str (mg tb 1I~8 spring the 8011 sbould be worked over as we have been In the h a bit of Be<J'bls 1.0 lUI only r odeemlna point. UIIIU young bens. ~eveJl keep young to be yory careful of my speech nnd with you . 'l1he I, o,w er Is within your with a disk or a IIprlng-tootbed bBl', leQtfng and breeding our lIeed potaNow ia the tline to buy (be stock h ~DS wtlb an old male bIrd. a Hon liS [ knew I bad ':l cd of CIlU· grosp. A ll yon lllust do is ~ exercise row until It \s thoroughly fined. It Is toes, we would now bave no breed ot 1M ne~(. yea r, It 18 better to purchalle It the hens and goblllel'll ate both tlOD J.t was like the "h ands up" Of your rights at f ranchise and your good very Important that the soil be well Sborlborna. It we uBed onl~ tbe cull. turkeys, oven at the prellent unbeard· yonng the eggs ~ IIJ seldom hlLtcb well, sense and judgment, a highwayman, that look was, fined and firmed In orde r that the and scrubs to breed from , our b'(oeds of ' Ill'lees, than to waft untll next aud the poults are le8s vigorous ths.n " Ye , we are going to Incorpor,ate Try It. Get.. togetber among your- root system or the youn.g plant may at stock would soon run out. These tip rln~ mill depend upon eggs. It Clne oL the other Is more mature. and we are going to take you In I1S selves . In your s(~t~red communities, be able to secure plant food as Quick· breeds have been brought ' to ttielr Shippcd eg&,. se.l dom Ilatch aa well Turkey's sbould not be crossed. one of th e Dcorporators," supple- Hold meetings, 1Y.scuss among your. I)' as possible.• present atandard by selecting the best mentlld Z, ' selves wpat you ought to do to 1m· Of all the factors In potato growing, on IIclentillc prlncfplea 'of breeding, I hf ld my peace. Here was some- prove conditions, Talk It over-how seed selection Is by ta r the mO!'t 1m· One reason wby potatoes have degenDUST BOXES FOR WINTER USE GRADING AND SORTING EGGS thing wortb listening to. . to keep the money at bome. Simply portant. ' Some" years sgo the writer erated In the past 111 that the potato " , Seeing that I asked no. Questions feather your own nestl, that's all. "undertook to Improve and develop a growers of, the United States nave One of Moat Ecollomlcal and Conven- FlratoClu. ArtIcle f1Iuat Be Newly aud WllS waiting 10r tbeQl to go ahead Make your efforts co'unt to your own potato along tbe aame lines that be planted their cnlls and screenlnga un· lellt Way. of KeepInG Fowll Free Laid, of Normal Size, Even Co (or llrily looked at each other until fi.n ally advantage, tallows in improving his Sbropehlre der the enoneou~ Impresllou tbat From All O<lnd. Vormln. and Smooth Shell, Y said: "We a re going to Incorporate la. It possible that the dissensions sheep and Shorthorn cattle, usln.g the lIuch metbods In seed lelectlon would for one bundred thousand dollars." and petty jealousies that are popular. best method of selection and glvlns produce as good reBults as any otbel'. Tl1e dust wallow Is one or the most Eggs ar~ graded and sorted accord- He continued lo explain. wIth inter- ty s upposed to exist In all small com. In selecting Dotatoes in the field, the seed plat the best possIble culti, economical ways of ridding fowls of atl ing lo the following qualltles : pollltlons by Z and an occasional (lues· munltles oannot be done away with ki nds of vermin, especiallY' lice. It Flesh egg-An elg to bc accepted tiOD . by myself ' until It . came about ao that you can ali combine fot' the va tion aud In order to obtain -unI- eonlll.d erable dependence &n. be for no otber rellllon, t hhi oup;ht to be a8 a flrllt. must be newly· laid, clenn, tbat they bad decided to make me a good of the whol,! ? Whllt It an armed formity of product. Since that time. placed on tho appearance of the top. Iltlffi"lent ' to make It worth ~bile to or normal size, of even color, baNe . preBent of one thousand dollars of the power were on the way down the he, has been lIelecUng lIeed potatoes of A lar,ge, perfect toP. with several tbe aize and type whloh he wanta to stems of' good sbape and sire, can be ' have .a dust bOx In the poultry bousc. ,strong, smooth shell and be tree !tom capital stock. county road to burn and .ack your produce. As a 12·ounce potato Is depended upon to have more tubere , Some appoar to believe ,that fowll cracks, liIounds~enerou9;-ilo • m!-euntr<nhroMs of your wam· - 'x opt free , from lice ean do without a The term "checka" applies to eggl! didn't ,to me, We had always dis· ,en and cblldren? What would you about Ideal in size, seeel potato!lS of under It, and of more unUorm qual, that size were leleoled from tbe \lIn Ity and Ilze. tban a hfU with a single dust wallow. In the flrst place tbere which are c.rllCked but not leaking. cussed the possibilit y SaDie day of do? Would , YOll aldestep a mass are very tew Ilocka o£ poultry, a any, Leakers-Is a' name applied to eggl Incorporation and It, had always been meeting, called to tu'eate a defense, tn the sprlng and then four or flve atalk or one wltb small weak ones. entirely free from "ermbi, nnd :n the which hBve lost a part or their cou- held out 't o me that I was to bave a because BUI Jones or Hank Buncomb second plaCe tbe fowls appear ~o on· tonta. good IIlIce of the capital litock. So· was goIng to be there ? WOUld you joy ' takIng a d,ust wallo'IT. Remember SecondB-Are eggl ~'hloh hare det. I took up the burden of the argument. sulk Dnd refuse to have a thing to it takeB ' a com!orta111e heo to be a rlorated to a sumclent extent as to be 1 explained my viewpoint, reciled the do wi th the defense plan ,U&t' becaulle good 'layer. ' rejected u firsts, They al'C, however, various services I had rendered; the you had sam" grievance, raal or other. 10 tho spring Bnd lummer dUlt boxe8 or II. high enough Qua"ty to b~ used de partments I had Introduced. the im· wIse, against somebody wllo would be lire unnecessar" bitcauae .the f091. Clan fQr buman con lS uiUpti 9~' Seconds In. provement In the business,. etc., for there? ' • enjoy outside duat wallowlI. In the olude heated, shrunken, smull .. dirtY', all of which I claimed II. ,good part of Not on your life. It would ,be Ii It Contains Afl Elements Found Where Disease Has Not Yet Ap-wInter. liowevet, dlsit boxell ,ure neces- wafory, badly /IIJsshapen egge and eggs 'the cr.edlt. It was due me, too" be- grand rally. It would be "Bello Bill" peared It Is Possible to Prein Egg.From SheU'to Center lIary, A emall ' box, · 'a aytliree , ,teet C1Qntafnlng some ' alight 'f orms ot for· cause 1 bad developed Into the handy and "Hello HlUlk," "Glmme a lUt ' , .QUlne, Wlll ntcely all.wer tbe purpose elgn matter. man about the s bop for doing all or with tbis ,pesky cannon ." "Cut a buckle vent Introduotlon. -Saves Grain Bill. ot a dust box for a. ·flock of , 60 or lea. Spots~~ re eggs In whl,ch ba,elerla the hard wQrk. hole in this strap for a belt to hold, up ben~. 'rbere 8J'e three com mop forms or mold ' has developed locnily and We nearly had a row: over It. I my sword." "Hand over t be powder Some ),earl ago 'a certaIn poultT)' (By.1. W . KALKUS, W !Ulhlngl()n Fl"perl. ot dU8 ~ boxes. On~ 'Iii an ol'dlnar), bpJ[ caused the formation of 11 lumpy ad· "u' determined that If they did not there, 1 want to fire a few bul\etJI at keeper wrote of bls IUCCelB with 4Ireel1 .ou'rln. theml~~~ ~~:!!.o~~ere has been placed In front of'a south window:, an~ heslon au the Inside of the shell. treat me with f8:trnel8, that I would the enemy." ' , ,cut bOne in allook of laying hena. AU .. otber la an especially constructed cov· Dlood rlriga-Eggs I'n which the em; withdraw and I knew "'her.e I cquld ,ThAt's the aplrlt. Unite for the com. the ext.a care this fiock ....t was to a comparatively large number of hog : ered boX placed on the I.o llde or' tbe bryp hll8 developed to a au/nolent ex· . Interellt eapitnl . if necessary to start mon -interest with "tradl! at 1I01De" U see that thsT. got . all tlie extra V~n cholera outbreaks In tbe northwest. bouse In, (Tont of a. south "'indo';, II,1Id tent 80 ,that It is quickly recognized anbt" er rna I order business . In fact, cut bone they could eat every day. The condition, ot courae, will continue ~ thlrli la tlte-o~tltde duat box" bull~ wben '~eld betoro the cllndle. a~e In· "nlYBIe1I~;-I:M'"'b;nlbtlJ'f-::"='=-==:===--.:::::===;;---~ Laying Wal heavy, cockerels and henl doea to (OONUe unle6S every bog owner I ha~ tho ca~ltal ,hll utmost to suppress It. Where as a lean·to on tlie loutb aIde of the olu~ed In thl. clw. Moaaagel on Cannon a.III. ' grew beavy; It ilaved otber feed, Wben the 'disease has not yet occurred It II hourle: A glli~S "top muea It more I Rota":"'Thls ia tho name appU;od to Ume I was drnwlng a. salary of three The habit of '8 end~g mes's agee on next, I beard that fiock bad aone to possible ,to p~event Its Illtroductlon. p\easlll,l,t. The latter 'll the mo,! dealr- egp wh,cb Ql'e absolutely unfIT, ' tor thousand a year, about $60, per week, Tbe dlsea.8e Is due to 'Infec tlo,n, and a:ble, ",becnu88 ' It I. out' of .the' W8.7. food ,The, white and il)l;t rot and I hud saved a g'oo!! sbare of my shells and cannc'n balls \a .: very an· Imaa./l a~ter a couple of yeaTs, says a aalary. ,I told them 10 with all frank· clent one. wrlter' ln Twentieth CentuT)' Farmer. II ullual1T Introduced by new bogs from tnll,lI,el'tt' p08s1ble to renew the d\lsUng are lucluded In ''lls' ' ot el~'J. ' o08s. .In a museum at Calcutta tou may Too mucb pushlnc, ~oo much gre lln Infected reglons being adjJed to the material tram the outSide, 'and haa a It rCBulted in their giving me '16,000 s'e e 'a sliver cannoti' ball-a real bone. You cannot give hens all they b greater tC,l ldencl to keep tl1e dUlt' out Line Private OUltOMt,... , 'Of the capital ,stock and an Incrl\llse not .. modern :p.r ojecUIe-and on it will eat of fresh meat. tor green cut herd; the infection may al~o e cal' ,of .\1\e hOUll8, althougb IIOt entirely. It ,ls t~e ~al!lb llt thing rn UI(I world in salary to $6,000 a, year. Y and Z are still visible (Iertaln engraved char. ~ne III certainly fresh meat and tresh ' rled on the olothlng of human blllngs, rT\;, too, thll form' dOtllJ not take tip to get n. line of private ClllltOmCrs In took oach $25,000, which took out $66,- acters. ' j , , bone ~bced. A few years ap;o every by birds. dogs, COyotes and In s~redamab' . 'vatuable room 10 the hou.e wbleh ,It any town of 6,000 people or oyer for 000 of the Stock. It was decided to poultry ' writer was exnerlmentlng TJae disease la usually recogn ze y " t h e tact thllt the hogs begln dying ThIs was picked up In the jungle 'wo,uld 1n cue 'it 'Were ' liCIt placed on all the eggl 'one Cllh ~llIQduce, arid ' , 14118 up trom tbe floor. ' l h.e .e customera :lore aJ'!A"'1' willing to sell olit the other $34,000 of stock at near the ruins or the old cit)' of Anad, wltb creen cut bone and civing re- suddenly and rapidly. par It they had a bUYer fa'!" cash apd nagar, and It. history Is a strang, IUltll' , then the enthusiasm over 4Ireen , Dust boxes Ihould al'f(aya' be loca.ted' .pay a premlt.lD) over l'UlTcnt market ot tbls lum I was to have 15 per cent. c~t bone d'i ed out. And yet there III When an outbreak occurs It Is well $l- ' front dt a 8.outb ~jDdow. It 1a-ad· prlcel for nice. Crellii,4!Cls. , The 'deal was , 'put and , I 'y ears ILgO Anadnacar was much to the advisability of ' fee'd ln. to ca.,l a pre· ~Ie ' to , co'Ter tbelJ1 to Prevent' the . ----',~,--:--fo~nd mYllelf a rich ruled b)' PrIncess Can de, Ths areen cut ' bone in moderation ,e acb ferably one ,vbo Is employed" for thle . dua, ' (roin' bebJll' tbrown ~n ov; r , the' , HflvS Ne,l ta ~Iudl~., . ' man. Latl'r; . when tbe ' \'''I''~''D'~'.''' Mogale invat1ed India, and, conqueJ' day' in certain amounts if you can pvpo"e by the "tale. If t~e ' 'd laeue Intet'jo~ ,~qbe ho~.e~ to.keep the toWl1 !Jeo.'! like lo' ~aT th~tr egga ln Ie- ",aa, increased to millions, 1 got my Ing onc state alter 8110tber, ' attacked it trellb. 8S It contalns,.11 tbe elementl proV6:1 to be cholera It 1s aehlsabt tq fro~: roO~J",I. lJl the lame, or ?n th_. eluded p lAces, tID It Ii a good' 'plan to ebare of the 'IncreasCld valulltlon 110 Anadnagar. TM ' pluck, princesl found ba the elC from Ihell tq center, immndlately "eparate tbe w~lI , oga "lila, " , . ' hare tae,nelt!' aNlltdark. AnotJier ad- that I han ' made' pretty well out tought ,to the , lB,st, and wben an the ",hlle orten much' of the other animal tJ'om the slo~ qne~, and 11101ate t1lem lUI .....talJlI , III that the eI8·eaUpg' lIablt Ope ot the ,bett dWltlns I~ O( course 111 tlala m",Uer I 8m Ilv- othel' metal In the town had betn used matter fed for e,,1 conWns noth· ~mpletel:y .. posllblo. All ca~c,>s,!el .. ',B4lPa. UlIxtr,f8 of Il.Jle n.ot naarly 10 liable to be contraclect inc fictitious flgurcs. , I will not alVB up, took the goid and .UYer from ber Ina of, some ot tbe egg elementa, and shQnld be burned or deeply burled and 'OOIa\ ~hea :,~ road' dUlt. . semldar!> n.elt.. • ... _ v mUit be supplied 111 other foods. . ..covered with auJ' more d, et:aUI n~w ~auae, It ,w ou Id treasury and had 1t moIled Illto ,bUr t UQuicklime. ' dl;r."eedl. Allt pena, bs d~o, tile I'&.er from a IDl1eli ~---:---'be too easy for you to iruees more, for letl, on wblch w,e re eoaraved maledlo- An ' ouliCe of peen bone each ~ Ii .aoulea, U enll a an , ng , roug eled ,1JtPwl4'. ilhe proper depth It la no part of m)' plan 'to tell YOI1 tlons agalnllt the oppre18pr. " enonah fo~ D, la,lDc ben. It must, be sllourd be thoro1lgh,Ii dlllnf~ted "Iib dJlIt ,tIox ,1_: .~out 'Utel.e 'tacbes. eb ~oo mli"h about tbe, InterIor worklnSI Theile were !Ired at tbe enemy. 811d ' 1relli' to feed It talDted meana llick. one piart ':rude .0ar~1Ic. acid to (nlrt~ . ' IDctt~ "'-"'teli ,,boaJ4 be' .ftl1ed ~lt~ or 0,,1' orpnlzatlon, \ , " ' whell at laat' tbo), , were \lAd np, and nei. ill, the flock, and BOOn wonie. A ~rta of water, .. duetfnc 'Mateml. , ' , ' , . We , Dye 1lguI'O\f" it all out many the town torce4 to capitulate, the Vic- bone euttef. la' a. nee_It)' wbere win- . There \II at ' ~e pr.'1sent, time .on t~. uipe-Just'what becomesi ot 10ur dOl· tors tcund preciOUS little In the ....,. ter eUS are rurnlsb.ed IIi large J:lum' market, a le~m wb!l:b, It ,properlY lar that ,1oli ~end '1n to us with. an o~ lpoll, , bera , for market; orl it bandy ~C! a madlY and tn.feot~, savill!. a ~ar~e ~~ ~er. ' I , . meat' inarket, tbe ' butcb~; otten , «\18. ~enta~ of I»th the well and alck hors. , Abo~t o,be·halt 'o f ~~, loee, tor pay· Sail l ind 'Rud"er. polea of b,. areen bone scrapa, rea.dy' a.nd If the serum olll} be obtained ~t I. ' .' ' , Quality , Co'un'ta. , lDent for the goods or4ered.:rhe relt 'flIhe salls h4)ILta nre our e"" Q~IUIl''''- 1 cut or Ihand, aDd .i low prices. An' ~Ighly recom.m ended. It. Ibould l>1l In , breeding .hlChoe:laill towls, it tl dlTlded Intb dlmea and cents fllr the rudders are our cbaracters. Our ounce of areen cut bone a d~ tor a,dmlnlstered I!y ' a eompettlnt vetertqu.Ut" not quantity. that counts. A. p~rment ,qt poetap. printing,,' 8aUI are bre~bed upon by rentle each hen, saTes Just tbat mllob on nartan, . comtilDatioll of both Ia deliitable, b~t maintenance of plant, illJluran~, of- zeph),rs of a~ec~lon j and Inclination, '01 the grain btu. not ,ai"aYI qbWnable. • Dee help, etc.. and Isat altd beat of all hO)l8, and loye, 1!II or bate. Tbey aro _~_ _ _ __ Need. of GrOwing Pig.. IDto dividends for the stockholders, 'torn. by audden gusts paS.IOD. , We Ear 001'11 and green aUaUa, meet tile Amount of fieed. ' l'tucl)' Hablt. ,of Fowl.. ' The famliles of Y and Z are now are blown and yon' hy conflict' A cow 'sh,ould h.ave enough.. feed ' to Ileed. o( 1I'O"ll1g Ptaa better al1a ~~ It Is ~lt enough ~ 10 out Ol!.OA looked upOn as merchant prince.. of 'drlyen from our uti sf)' ber apP8.tite, the ' proP'1rtlon of lei " ' coat than chop,ped alfa~fa and a da.y to pther the ' at.., Go &mODI They bllye theIr YaChts) ~helr automoaquaUs. 1:be ,onlJ cQar'le feed to grain bell1g adjuated to , '~UJld cob atid "eornmeal. "..~e al· the (owls on_ Blul learn to ~o" . their racdDl Itlb ea, their .Ar!her act.ual nelldl. In Ii. general , way, falfa "tems and cob meal are hett!!r ,&bem. l~ til_ l~dlYldaal hablta, oua Blltabl1"~OO\I• . The,. take their suited to needa of abeep 01' catUI!! . . roughqe &hould be ' fe,d accordlDl annl1a~ tou... In variOUB palU: of tile . Cul' the Flao1c. call IlWadle more, flbl'('J18 In· bllr alte;' a\low.lJlr two pounds hay world IUIAI th., II" ,0'1! , the beSt. tbe 0IllI· fOUl' Ilock .. 1000 U PQIIlble O14I"e• • Gooct .. ' 100 poQndl It'elsht, when. hay II tbe diPltible matter, than pl.., Whlle the . . . . II · . aollly eta- world ClaD IQ1'pl,., • And wlW' .1Id pt ~ ' Iurplu .)1 to marll~ ht OD'ty roulhap f~. When.llap Ia BeoUIO 10U ba . . II4In~ ,ou doUara CoD't t ....· to &1ft tIl.~ • week or t1l.1'8, ' lts 110" Iri,htos .".,- maD1 Uled, feed ooe ponnd (brae to uae mafJ orter· 1Ioue. ettiPoltUllll81r1 tea .,.. ClUe a4 'fee4.' ea• • ot . . poaItr, 1&1'4. ' ,pouocll .llale feW 100 tblll' aid the baluce (If


' C"










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nth.... .


or . .


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I, ."T A X N O TI O E












~ FRANK D. MlLLER ~a 1 ' , :' "' . nts Eve ial I Soc -- ..... -----. ~m ..... m.



Trea sure r of Warr en C~unty

.Will Hol d The ir Ann ual Sho w in Roger~' ·Hall,


- ,..~- ... -


" Noi bad thin &" t o nearly 60 bad as to think you axe



Pay yo'urt axes ·now. Janu ary 20th Is positively the last day witho ut the pena lty , adde d. . You ca n pay at The Way nesv lUe Nati onal B ,ank if you WIsh . to ~:30 , Offic e hour s to the publ ic 8:00 a. . rdays p. m. Clos~ at no'o n on Satu

Worse, e. "Do you SUJlPose. Il's Ruch a "ery




be SII r listi e?"

and nol bo so.'.'

- .-~--


Warren .I!klwuds

Mr. a nd Mrs.

were dinner g uests at the home of Mr . • Warren Barnet t and family


--,.... -


......... tlOc of Sharon......... :............... 40c




and alOc pkg. of Soda ' free ' with, each pound.

Bring us your Butter and Eggs Biglleat ;Prices Paid. Start the New Ye.tI right and ,trade m·on~y.


ure- bred .stock. The re'will be .a ot of 'Chickens, Tur key s, ese, Bantap:l6, etc. , on exhibit io ,an d ther e JIllly be som e kinCl . yo are inte rest ed in.




you hav e gOQd' poultry, . , brin g them in, and you may, p08~ibly he -. able .to take seve ral perh a'ps valu able cash prizes, one of the han dso me cups that . ' . 'a re offe red. .



Mrs, D, H. ralmer WIU! bOlJ!tess to 13 a del~gbt~ul Nttw Yttar,a party Tbllh' ~ day evening. Following a pleasan t social, time spent in cODversation and games an appetizing luncheon wa~ served Those. presen t were ' the members of the Loyal D'ughte~ Sunday Scbool class if whicb Mrs. Palmer js teacher . '

• - •

of course

.CO ME out and see the g~d,


Mrs. T. E. Cummi ngS, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mason and family. of Xenia, Miss Margu erite Thomp son, of Day· l!l ton, Mrs. Julia Bergan, Mrs, Cl'ra ~ Macy, Mrs. 'Bert Hartso ck, Miss Edytba Maey, Messrs . Jas. Bergan ' and Terrell Maey.


e 'Sh ow W ill


Coleman and

i:~;;;.~~7;',;~:;;"~~~ ~E1I'

Barring toh Hall




Stanler, who has jU9t gradu·

Jesse e g. , ated from the Jones AuctioneeriIig m n e' is hOrne and is at School bl om ready for lIale dafus. It would be lias some new well to see him, as he 'l'IJ~fJJre~~ a ..J ideas th'e auction eering line, Or Cbicag q,



dauglit er. of Toledo. Mr. and 'Mrs. od. ~ Clyde Colema n and son, of Norwo Mrs: Huldah Burnet t, Mr. Chas. , Burnet t, Mt. and' Mrs. F. B. Hen· derson 'and daught ers, Mr. and Mrs , ,J. ' H. Colemnn were New Year's

SeveraJ otber if;inds 2Oc .to SOc

where you can save Ifhat's at


Mr .. ~nd Mrs Ethan

'A full ~ou nd lOe Packag e of Soda

Golden Sun: ......... .......... .. ... SOc


Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt en· ~ tertain ed SU\lPay at' dinner, Mr. and ,.:.a . Mrs J. B. Chapman and family and ~ Mr. ,and Mrs. J. O. Cartwl'iglrt and . ~amlly .

Days, Thursday, Three v Friday and Satur day. Fr e with each pound Qf Coffee No change in prices even if eoltees are aqvanc ing. . A Fltnc.y Rio at ," .......... ... ~ 20c Battle hip Coffee ......... ..... 23c Fancy antos' C.o ffee only ..... 25c



Monda y.




5551 1 EJl'!i&.:555 1 =:l.lgl= ==::Jar.i t:J r.:':= • .; &.:


'!!!!!'!!!~ !!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!! !;'!~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!. -~!!!!!!!'!!! ~~~~~~-~~ -=

1SIIIIIreI T.bles Rei' on Rock. () th e Wild. tables, Bupported on lolld BUllard more ' ot dainty (,;'6 1 11' NO ~'O!m!\.1 is tbe ,novel feature l of among are ro91r hits thun tIle WealIUXUl OilS 'in It concret e residen ce located e!. It s tea ls be (r sheet e~gs" selects a 36·room

Da inty


the dn der t . lehens of the 'brood aud wn l 80m Um kill several for a -singl e metl;l, lju.ckiJi tho warm bloOd ~l1d ' 1\ ng olll y a smllll bit of the f1esn,


Sen d the Gaz ette to you r rela tive' --~

Qn (one 'o f the lalands or the Ban Juan arcWpelago In 'Puget sound., Illach table' reatS on a manlVe ~no ..ete baae whlcb extenda through an open in. in U1e flOOr Ind hal' Ita footing oli bed·

~~~g~~~ call him\ l46 qlutual pbone.. New , --~-·----=~---trocl..mld;lrlh~~~~~~It were a if as ll vlbratlo from free .~~_ io_._ _ h _ • O , n_ _ wing to Hill F,ol r-:~ea&.r~ Burlin g_ of the Isl8D~ Itself.- Popula r M .. Frf n\1-::Wh II :Y<!'J d Ivereu your part ,- , ...... .. ch.nnlcB . . . tltMaa oTowni~ In t hat little ....,.....-.lecture on What Tuberc ulosl. Coat.. Iecat ..~forth. IadIua so. death. lallt that to ed ~olng estimat wore . .. been yon you 8,a41 , , It haS to ~.w...."........ 1


~ :!.~~.::: '"

pnftIa - - - of~ .....

A NP,IA N'~,


l",S IL O


trcIm tu ereulos ls 'cost the uatlon haH

a mUlion dollars annuall y through the

IOS8 of wasel and the valu~ of the t.b.lq,s wqllkera would produce it the)' were Dot 1}u1t1;''rlng from the disease. :fo conque r tbls enep)), of tile. buman race ~ore thall $20,O'oo',O!l0 a Iear Is expended. T~at thl' good work is ,progteBillng Is shown by the fact that In ~O years the death rat.e from tuberou · 10lta haa 'boon reduced from 2i5.4 to ion. , '168 p er 100,000 ' populat ':'0'--:-''- -_

liolf. did the atH lonce ceem to fOl· 8U End Ancl-en t orn~, low you?" . .Leolll),cr--,-"Oh yes' they Th,e town's bellmlin Is ;; functiollBl7 rosll as ooe 'lan and follo'wed 'md to "'po has cO.m e down with the bllto17 the nearest Crei cll.t tralo."- Florlda of various ancient commu nities .for Tlmes·l1l'1IOl1. Ilul!ldred s of ,yearS; but Stirling (En,· ~-'---, ~ (,' \l\lili:l) town council recently resolved to abolilli the omce. It wae decided Jerrold. 01,{III38 0 0 Grim Wit ask that the bell be i'etume d by ':te ' moo their Ugli lit ot trad61'l have h'e ' 8 employed' mentii o r plea pre. U I were' !l grav.. ' ,llfEISe[lt bolde.., IOld Iimake "!lDDQuneetWrd partie8 to dlgg r, or e\'en a h a.n gman, there are or himbell a provide be ~t • . ments a ' with ' fot :worlt ~om people 'l could '. 6elf.~· lUl u~ oyment .-Dougl b'Teat deal of ' • " Jarr(Jld. ,


Hftry larmer ",hoow n. an Indiana Silo ... fOjUid that it is busines s d~ :<Ie ever made and the lW'ates t pleasur e ,f hill' ~g ~ence. It- not only 1dds' ~ .to the uet profits of the 'dairy \nd Hed~g pen. but It alao Baves atl the ..lard, IIIIplelA/lllllt 'WOrk of Winter feeding . ......- - - , - - ' Wllo a.ked. 'Them? , We have an ~s~l1y attractiv e pro~ . A ,lltU9 girl was sent to' a neigh· ·.l~nUlluo~rot'( n......·.lUlJl IlA P U1l snomaJpp ,iUon toftl8Jte to you now~oe that Will ot fr!lsh copkles '\lSI! OJ · "ItlOJO~ oll(J ·.~1tuf paa oo~f,I A:~" ~nable ~'11. to get an Indlan,a SUo in time bor's will} a plate Jor next fall's com crop and to pliy for it that her mother had ,just "aked. III a -se;lalrun . ~8 f ''IIOO[ no...: .kllM c.lIl .(q .II,it ~· )lou. Let us tell you about i~ llttle wb.lle' she 'c ame ruuning back to lO " 'Iii Mit l .ITA\. -<q IIl.T.juq .IDO'< .... oq8 "011. mother, Ol 'coSJed 11 0+ .h1!-l!illl'lJ 1I11ads oJ. her ~other- and saId: . I , Mrs. Weeks though t the cookies / were . •.. anu'll" ~o 0(110" , Ohio ab\lra', Harvei just tbie and she wants' the 'addre••' 'i , .• • "' x·• . '. " ~ J tor them," A Bit· Ti red. '.A 'som' wllat \venltle J:'- beaten. >tramp, being Itsked wlt t. wnil tbe matter 'wltli bill coatj repl l611, "JtJ/:Iomn1a: It baso't ..... hnd It Ip In tell yOI\Ts." -Chrlstllul , ' , , Res l~te r. , " •




Cba s. D.- Ook


_- --

."-- "'~



. TTI/th.

We Ilro b rn ~o' Inql11re u!ter' truth -It requlreu )~ . g'r ep.lel;' power to po. .. e 8SS It - Mont \tt ll~.



IIUfant StOeldags ,croche 'Towels Stam~t Hooks RibbOn-Red, Diu,.

Visll 'pabs~fO.quart

" . PokersCombS ~~~~~~~~i!~~f.ll ,", <curty Mal~fuU liOQ


. Sbavbi g Mugs .S:lgiDaw T09th ,Picks Cutpid oi\t ¥Q~D. P&Qa

. I

' .





Jnfuts Hoods ~ ,Supports


S!uJsiJk; M~d ~

l11eae good. are 'ba .~1t.

. ,














....::. .

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just 'a s the




........- ...........-...... __ .......................




. '"J


held t his year on Wednesday and ~ eveninll shadows were gathering. \ 1'hursiluy, Janua y 20 and 21, at .the lL: . 1 the Spirit of Joseph Milt on Stacy • Centerville Town Hall . An interest· ••_ .._ ................ " .. " ............ ~ ... -~--.................- .........: passed to the Great Beyond. at the IN~TlTlJl E CONlINlJED FRo., ing program has betm prepared. and age of 68 years. 9 monthsand 8 days AGAIN PLACED ON :~~1 i~~tit~t~~O~~g cf.°Th!~as~O of ' Poultry Show-:-Rog er8' Hall. Pou lt ry Show-Rogers' Hall . EI~:b~~s A~~p:~n ~~c/l~~t b~~~ LAST W.EEK DlSTR,ICTS Troy. Horatio"Markley. of Mt. Gilead \ Mrs 0 J Edwards wa.,\quite sick Mrs. Mary Caskey visit ed in Leb- near Wilshere. Mercer County. Ohio, and Miss Pearl Dorsey. of Mounds· r last w~ek • anon last week. March 2] .. 184(1. ' At the age of 10 ville, W,' ' Va.. WIll be , the State I " years. in 1856. his father moved to speakers. . ' . Mr. and Mrs. E. Vl Barnhnrt were Myer Hymun was in Xenia Sunday Warren County on a farm ,east of , .The ~ednesday evenmg ~8s lOn Cincinnati visitoTs Thursday . \li!,it illg fE'latives. Lytle. known as the Seller !! farm. wdl be In chafl~.e of the Waslungton I A year later th ey moved to RaysvIlle. and Van u l! ren Township schooL , I Roy Irt>ns was in Columbus M:0nGordon Jov was in Cincinnati !low Lytle. where he ,,:as employed there WIll be a good program day attending the InauguratIOn. Monday on business. In the s tore owned by hIS father. Order No. 15 Prohlbl·ts M.o vlna of Th e l as t ,Day AI mos t a Record One and arranged for the oocasion . • On February 1. 1870 was marri ed .. -A Fine Concert Ended . Thursdayafternoon there will be Miss Letitia McKay was taken Mrs. Ed i~h Harris is on the sick to Malvina Cornell and to this union Cattle, Etc., In Wayne, Mauie a Colt Show The Men'sseSllion will quite ill Sunday , She is improving list a vic tim of g ri p were born three children. twodaugh· -W k' P l ee I rogra,m be held the same afternoon iri the K. slowly. ' , . . te rs and one son. The elder daugh· and a Part of Clearcreek ~ of p, hall. and at the same time the : . non 't f rget the Poultry Show ter. UriJIa, died in 1872. --~adies' session will be beld in the Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm and \ th is week at R gers' Hall. He wru! of a family of eight chilSATURDAY MORNING 1'owmmip hall. family, were the guests of relatives ' dren, two brothers, two ~isterll, two Owing to outbreak of "foot and , Dr. I )ill. . t" path , H in es Bldg., half· brothers and one baIt-sister, mouth" disease in territory affeeted, , Come and hear these talks for they here last week, . . .' . .I T I ,'R 'tl Y and J;' itlay .orhings. f our of whom are now de!ld . . Order Number Fifteen effectIve Jan. ,The Institute opened with music w~l1 be v~ry interestin~ and th~ In · by the Stokes OrcheRtra. :i~ltute WIll be one of mterest mall ·MUI8 Glenna S~lth \8 th~ gues~ of I Mr, Stacy early in lif e chose the uary 11. prohibits all movements of . Ml'. Montgomery spoke on the its departments. Mrs. El1~n Mannmgton, m Sprmg ' , ~ l.", :mt! ,\! r. All , q ain s' . of occupati on of farming in ,which he cattle, sheep and swine. hay, s~raw. 8ubject of "Fertilizers." He ra- - Valley thIS week . , f' III. " en L ' • d :ty • ' I I'clatt ves was successful. and was actIvely en · hides, &c, within. into or out of the viewed the wotik of the Experiment PROSPECTIVE COOKING CLUB I' F B H d d D r. E · or '. gaged until in October, 1909: when, following areas. viz: All ot that 'Station with fertilizers giving the . . . . . . en erson an r . . -!. I • , .. ,I, ~ I in o r~er t o b e~ter care for hIS pr0l;l' part of Clinton eounty north of the method8 employed and kinrls of soil , The Pro3pecbve Cookmg Clu,b met Henderson were Dayton VISItors 'hal l.( r Un o ~ I ., ;). attend- erty mterests In Dayton, be moved P d d h f led th ~ In ," .. tlOn~. "J umbus to th nt city. where be, b'as since re· t;~~s;:~~~ao~~~~aBa~~m~~!tagd 6Itch experiment was made upon at the home of Mias Mary Davison Thursday afternoon. . Mixed their own fertilizers using last Saturday evening, At the usu· ' M nd· v. sirlp.d , Altho1.1gh a resident of the . Ra d f W'l' to a4 = 16 = I) formula' 200 pounds al hour the club was CIllledto order Mr. ~amea Benham an~ da~ghter. ... . ci ty he remained a farm er at heart ~blo d' \Iroa/~ r?'ht I ;runJl nf bone, 100 pounds ph~. acid and 40 by the President. F'lora ~erryhill , t MISS LIlla.,were both qUlte . slclC last . 01' .. : ;~(:~:: III be : ~ ~ln ng Valley. and always took ~ gre~t interest it;! IDclu 1l!1l .radl ~o • rIg ~t W:~~n 'ate of ·potash USt;d A great deal of new bUSIness was week but are now convalescing., , all th l", " t f •• ,ud at Hunreysburg all the-wclfar~ of hIS f riends of his both t:all~oalsd'edthat .part· · d pounds murl M . , ,. ' .. ed d i d n xl week I d 't' County mc u m assle an fer~lIlzel'l! on pasture land. On one d,scuSll an some new p ans a. opt· If you are going to have a sale r .. lome town an ~om~~nt y. Wayne Townshl~ and all areas in and one hal.f acre pasture on w~ich ed ~Y the club.. After t.h~ bU8lness e A A McNeil 'Centerville Ohio: Mrs , Cy nthia Haioes left Tuesday He had been m fUlling health for . . To·wnship. east· of tbe & Oinclnnati Railth~y kept siX sheep at t~e begl~~mg. session a motton for. adJournmA!lt se " • " fl7 for Bell brook. where she will make five o~ six ye~ and.for tbe l!iS t ~Y the use of ~ommerc~1 fertIlizers, was made and a. dehgh.tful. SOCial , her f ut ure home. of wh~ch at times hIS suff~rl~lg including railroad right'of, way; In five y.ea~' tIme ~hey IDcrease~ th.e h~ur foJlp'Yed.durmg whIch tIme the A. A. McNeil, the genial allC, been mtense. After a severe illl arese in Greene County lIOuth of productlun on thIS land unttl ~t glr.I'3 were.mvlted byth,e three cooks. tioneer of Centerville. was in town 'fhe Wn 'nesvi l1 e Au to and Ma- . . lJl!Cember 19th. tpe Railroad~~~~;~~~tf would carry twelvtl sheep where It Mary ~avls. Susa~ ~rlght and Flora Monday llkaking hands with friends . chinery I). are prepared to grind VIsed t.ha~ an operatlon might. ( formedycarried the six. Ber:tyhlll. to tbe' c;hmng·room, where , . h l"l'Ie clippel's \ ith the latest '~)jg hiS hfe, ~nd on the mornIng of &b. Montg~mery g.a,ve a few' an elegant three !!ourae luncheon Mn. J, F . GadwalJader w,ne tak e~ proved, 'WWtl)' t ind·el'. th~ 2?rd, he was . llemGv e<f, to the minutes to (ne di80Ullllio,n of the wBl! sell~ed. 'File glilia of the club are very ill lafJt! week with an attack CI~ • . ' MIamI \l,lltey. HOSPItal ~nd the oper-II ~~~~~~,~~~~.~~t~i!: <1ount.Y, ~pe , riment Fjlrm. He be· takmll!l erea., in~eresll In the work , but abe is on the road to r~M rR Ml~er Hvm.a n ~lld daughter !ltlO~ too" plac! on ¢hrlstmas I, heves J\. greatly to our. advantage, and It IS the .desIre of each member covery. .Berni 0, are vi itillg het la l'ents and l~. " After which .he hved only from a financial 8tandpomt. to have to become a successful cook . ot ~r r()l a~iv s in qncinllat i tnjs days. The ,,~uffertng of these a co~ty larm ' where all ' crop arid - '- • Messrs Ernest Rogers, Homer: \¥ct:k . " tew day! was alm<?st beyonll. ~ndur8tock" ex~riments, can be worked OFFICERS WERB INSTALLED Caley, Charles Zimmerman an d:.. a~ce y~t he ret:ai~ed con~I,?UBJlel!a out. under ' like conditipns and ~\). .' Wilbur Dakill were ill Richmond' A n.v t'm a interested in poultry until almost., tlie end; and lived vironmentsi similarity of soil ~nd Friday evening the following offi· Ind .• Friday. • shoul d a l l, tld t.h Sh.ow t his week at. hropes of getting Wedell, ~d . - climatic ' ( anditions would be the cers were installed for the en8uing ., R,) er~ ' 1·' I • • l'I i t wi] pe very in- 8~llful hands and. m leal same that we individually have to year in the Junior Order. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans and tel"tlS iny . do w~ of no aV~lIl. deal with . ' Coun .. Lyman Day'; Vice·Coun., Mr. Robt. Luce. of Xenia. spent He leaves a Widow, At thp conclusion of his talk Presi Alfted Hay; Trese" Edward Strouse; Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. If you b ve a farm or town prop. Mrs. Ada dent Ellis appointed the ' following Rae.·See'y, W. Dinwiddie; Fin.· Win Salisbury. erty to :3elI. I hllve the buyers. bert Sl:aqr; ,~!~ur committee to co oPf\rate with like See'y., W. S. Trustee. A. A Mc:Neil. Cen terville, Ohio. one brother. "Illiam committees fr . m. thtl dtl).er IItRtitut e:s Walter McClure; Wilbur There will be an unusual interest Blo t:h Pbo ~1 . £17 ton. a~d three DUlL""II, held in the county ill an effo~t to Marlatt; Conductor. Cleaver; taken in the Poultry Show this week Lamb. 8eCure a county agent for Warren· Chaplain, Edward ~ wslde. at &gen' Hall, as there will be a Steve Phillips. of Washington C. Albert -County~ ~ . , . . .. Sen-, -DUrwoott 'me,' of birds. - - .;. , ., ;.... .,-and GhltrJes PhiHipg.. f:X ' .PLU~':;...~"'HI!.}~" _~ Committee- WIU/1ieTown8hiD. Har W. S. Bay_ ' , .. attended the f uneral of Mrs. ",c:enen~ D.q!IIUlI~ vey Burnetli. F. C. Gilmour. and J ' Aftei the ,bushiese of the evening . John Stanton, who Phillips hc!re Mo"d.y morning. relatives here for . . L . Mej1denhall MWlllie Township- was over the membeni , went to Frank Hartsock anll Frank Harri~ Brehm'8 restaurant where an elea{ant here.for MOle at the gent • ClearcreekTownshlp- -Wilbur Clark lunch.was served. .' hOme of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sher- The at the home and Ernest Earnhllrt,. . : ""!!!!!!!!~!!!!!''!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~ Mr. and ' Mrs. Warren li'.diw~,M,,,, wood, returned to his home Saturday of his son, Stacy. at ,Lytie, at Mr. , Blackfor4 spoke from thp. = . 10 o'cl~k 'Frid8.Y. January i, 1916 aubjeet . "The Farmer's Garden and minimum amuunt; 300 Pounds of left SundaY' evenipg for Michigan. evenin~\ . .. , The services were conducted by ~v. leaches out of one ,acre ot our After a 8hort viSit there they will gQ Orchard ." '{'he garden and truck to ,their home in Denver Co\.· Carl Mather. son' of Wilt Mather. W. E. Hammaker.'of .Ra~ M. E. pa~h ,is the beSt acre on the farm I each year. • Can safe!f apply lime •• of Bu rling ton. Kan ., stoppoo off here church, Dayton. Interment at Mi18 worth more money than any mer to growing alfalfa. Beheves It un. Mrs. }4'rank Tatman a!ld Mrs. on his return from New YOl'k City, ami cemetery: .' . .\ aer.e of the farm . Shouh~ be rotated RIlfe lo apply manure In growihglll· Tatmat:' •. ot.Con~orsyl11e. Ind. for a few days visit with his aunts CARD OF THANKS ' to avol~ the ravagdS '!t ·msecta ~d falfa10n account of weed·seed. Ad , vitntlDg their SIster, M' L'll' dAM th " ) , plant,dlseasee thate()nllnu~1 cl"oppm~ vises mixirjg r~ clover, alBlk~, alfalfa Jennie Whitely, at the Friends Home. laseS I ,I~ all nna a er: . We wish to thank the ~eillhbors . .Do not wor.k ~,t1. too wet. and timothy seed·tor pa8tu~e, . . ." , M G - D M'lI J C H k' and friendll' for the many courtesies AVOId usma- manure contammg weed. " . .b\lndl~l1ne, cup m Howell 8 essrs. . . I 8. • • lAW e, extended to us in our late bereave seed. If poesible. Grow plenty of OF.FICERS eLECTED D~ton News Charles Btl rnett, Wm.ZeJl.l1nd George 'ment. . potatl)es. cabbage and 10matoes; to hold an Ill8titute next at , t he Poultry Harts ock Ilotte nded the msb.lIlBtlon ,'Mr-s. Stacy ~dFanlil,. ntion to have Some to sell or feed m A .. o. . F. at Sprmgboro Go arid see who of t be1. • •, . than. to,not have "nougb for fainil), year independent of Sblte, aid carSaturday evening. A fine lunch was tied. and the following officers were enjoyed b:y thOse present after the C?BITUA~Y e~eeted: /' busines.'to:f the evening,wRS concluded ., . , :At three o'clook on ·the morning ' II' E T President. J . . IS. of Friday" January 8, 1915. the genVice Presiden,t . ' d. E. Michener, w,a re AlItIOciation. whil'h meets in tie spirit of Caroline Phillips 'PIlQAed Hecretary,'J . L. Mendenhall. Cincinnati February 16·19. A \ TrelUJur~r. Fred Elbon. ' honor for a young man. ~--+I~ivifn2~»Jtg.!J!fttltrefiM>-eV61mti:--Ile.....Lll~L.J:t~l1'~ Sweetly 1i.' .. C!,!' till ! • ,Executive Corrimittee: Seth Furnas '", , the sleep a child. d~th cam~ to Hartsock, Ernest' Earnhart. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisller. of Hamher and she w\u! at rest. home of Jas. Vandervoort and ' Miss ilton. Mrs. Lucy"Dines , and' son, Mr. Caroline Flegle Phillip!! waR' born Mosher. ' Elizabeth Chandler . " . . ' Joe Dines. of weSt Elkton, and Mr. on a farm at, Goshen, Ohio. August ' b ,I" J b 'V bl W ' gu 22.1838. She was the eighth child Mr. BIac kford 'llpOk e ~n th e au . apu .. rs. 0 n ena e ere of a . family of·ten childre'n born" 10 of " Pork Production." He of Mr, 'a nd Mrs,. T. Jeff Smith and ~~u~j~~ ssld take the hog you like best. Be, family .Thursday. l . Poultry Show- Rogers' Hall. Valentine and Susanna Flegle, being w ' . in .her eighty second year at the time ""'!UUI ........ 11eves in community breeding, , MuEit. of her death. . Septomber ' 8, 1856~' she WM mlir~ know feeds ahd ' feedihg~ F eed ratio '.

~~~db~~~~0~k1~ro~~~ti~~°!i!~U~;l1s~Q' THE "PASSING · ·AWAY -0[' . r

er tile market Poorest markets trom . October ',to January . . Good mark'e ts. February and March, July and August. . . ' " ."

-ln P tlie death of the ' Illte Allen ml8clL\~eltld, •the' ,cUfferent methOd8.I' Hai[l~f!8. ( Wyoming lildge IOllt its QldIIg o'ne . litter-a ·Yf;!ar' and' est;membe1'8pei'ha~oneoftheoldesl at from twelve to siltteen in Warren County: ' He , joined WyI 'In"nU1A old. Anottier" raising two Lodge October 23, 1858 and a year and hitting poor !park· 'on the 27th day of D '" , a co'n t'hul mak'JIlt{ I. I U 66 yelL~ , Until the he Was'a ,v~ry regular atten.d,311t and the weath,er'Wa!; neve rtoo cold. :too warm or too stortny for him to come and m..,et with th lJ.rothers He held·eve1'Y ,positlOn in thli L~ge with credit t9 himself Bllli eatisfaction to every ope He learned all the lessona ot the order and loverl the.,work. . He believed in the FatherbOOd Ilf GOd - and the Brotherhood.of Man. and did not belie~e tti~t maD w~ bere for himlelf alone. " hut ilhould help bear eac~others bu~dens\ HEnce It wu'. no urlusual , thillA' to find hbn ~ti,qg tlte aick and help· ~nlJthoeeIDdiat"- H., bell.v~r e


ot·0 00·DFE'llOW

ried to John M. Phillips,ofW ville. 0 .. ana to thjs union daughters and one BOn were born. SUrviving her she )eavesa husband. ' th,r ee ' daughters; eleven grand. is Faith; Ilope and Charity. These c~ildren and one sister. . pl'inci l? l~ are r e'presell1;ed as three firm imd !!(llid pillara on 'which the "Peace! He hath given sweet su\?er- tT uc~u r . of q df~llowsh,ip is nor care 'nor paib bUilt.. fiOllPl tah L¥ bumg one of th~ , be her's agairi' " Mri m>l ()r lH'IJi as ah I'aham ex· . f . .' hill l'it j' "rl t lleo,l hi".. in t \ , ~ "u 01: bos.' O'er 90n,g 0 ~apt~re ,, ;< ' everlasting hills;t r s, !' ·,hty to p!,r, 11 ~er8 W . l' t he a.ngel! :He hath bade aU sorrQw cease " I "~d . ~t · l!j t,·"t flIt r .' pls.lns of 'In the blessings -of His, peace" I t o I' e I ~k l ,' Ide o . ~ , mge trl\ V, • _ • " 'lih\ ;\. 11,." 11'\" .~IJ i.hel of! treated i h UJ II 'I:' Ill' ,. ttL. were dis, , A SLlO"T BLAZE TUESDA V d n~' lI 'I'!'wd W' '! 1,11 ann ~~ , They were --bu ~ h d,i>!1 . ~' l; I, OW i,l .•: ~rothe\' Hml1e ' nc. 1l"1I. ,o,13VllahL:;; be lIever' tu tlned!ln I~~' ~y. el ply. He has t~nded w' 11 ' hil'! flpck at! a shepher~ ana has played his part welllD the of ~"e Golden Rule; he ~as . all th~, ~ugh roa!is of bfe 11~ comt)laming; he hM crossed pl(1ll'l8 .Qf, and, now stands l;atnOllht at the ~nt Qr Fathe~ AlJral\am ready -'--....".......- ••.....:.._and wal~lrlg to he lIltroduced to the Grand Pa~rlarch above. May .hie al1h~ rest ,n J'l~el ie not but on the arms l,~~~~


felt their power




:llnl ss III t he el' lain!; II' pu t an opeD f>llrCh oyer I he brow In Hhde,; ·we have b II look Ing w ith :1. frl"n,lI' gilln e '"In Ihos whh:!: THIS ALWAYS A HAPPY SEASON l'arb I.;O rl:Ow d from th' Argelltlne OF TH E YEAR. wlrll It a tlllil:o, ane! whIch It has nev· nI-' tUl tU now been "ble to foro on , . 1I1C!r lctl. We "'ear ctllol'od 1IIw~rl!. 08 I he Enl!.ltsh db. and h l1ng tJl III wit h Women Able I See Just W hat to Buy toll'orL vlImped , plltell~ I a th er. lacell a~ld W hat to Avoid-Makes for I '!~ , willi whit kId UJ)P rs, li nd now Sartorial Satisfaction "nd for II' /Ire ~\\'In e-ill f/: In to hlg lt gnitPTs Eco nomy, l'hll l\olW L11 11'1; ' pov rl'd IIlltl r the • ~ , f l(lrL klre which rul cs thl' :deason. hoi' liti s sl'li~oll oC till' )'(-111' tilt' s t~' l e ~ I vP,I"":'lit, nUl , b y III .''''I·lurf'. =- " 11'" 118.' IIIlV b (;n so wperl cd Ollt t1) UI mo~t I' ' 1' " ~' II 'Iil-n l<' , l t>I us \I ome n g.:l auout "Itb our lllirid s well mall liP as to wh& \l'e should FOX TROT BONNET III o ld lind whLlt accept. That hi nil e x· ('plll'nl slnte to he in, declnr 5 Il rn~h · Ion wrilf'r. \\'0 tip lid 1ll0ilPY IIlul'h mOI'C' fT\' ' Iy . \V art' 1I~'l ns nllt to he bit Lerl)' dlsnppollll(>l l. \\' c h lll'(' ~ (' II tl, p gowil \\'0 \ ' nllted In til!' u ' ginili ng tlll'lI 01ll tu bp conllqnlll'lat"P. und thp gowil we hat ed t urn a lit to be dlUrm · 11Ij;>. \\. art' xC(jf'lIlnj;'I~' ~I!lll W I' \\,PTI' rot lUI' II Into Ihll fu, hlon fo r the lonl: One of the Ma ny Good Breeds , ~l'u t, or p rSllndcn ill to 11I1) IlIg it ~ h o rt ront , 01' buying a plailed s kirt , or SE" Is It 1'0 1' rllll. lov e, 0 1' money tllnt They llr poor mOlhers, for Ih ' y ure Ir,t:tlng Oll (' with a pnll~1 tlllll r , l'.nch ~ou wi sh t o mlgc fhlcilellll? of a 1I I'I'OUS t mpcrntll nt <l.1lt1 nre First <II' ic1a thi s, und III tI plcll your aelly frlghlen ed, 'rlt Lt'gh ol'ns, nn<l 111 1 of these sty l e~ may b,' /-:0011, hut w kllow IIO\\' thnt WI) ,,"oulu 1111\'1' br , d n '('or<lIIl&,ly, Spnnil;h, Mlli o r c lI ~ , nuu Hlllu ullrll ure looke d au./' wor~t lu Ih('m. This III til l' n,I\' lce which un exnerl· typl 'll l \If th is clas s , Th Leg-ho r'ns cilced \Vl scou III PQul I'ymn n glv s 10 aro pOI'baps the most popular lI'ith u . WlIn t (1 nlty .Il It! that rns hlon do For s iz e, th e meat breeds a.-o tll nil ., ntlJryo" chi ,k 11 rurlller a. l-I not Ollttllili' for ot lellRt t well'e IllIJIIfISlzca' Lllls Illi Il\e prime fncto r chnmplons, :\Jntur fowla 10 tbls months In order fO'I' liS 10 r ctlt,· our first. harl bllrgllining! As It I'~ , ~o III :t 'sIlcccssI'u l b 'gi nnin g-determ ine cluss nv rag e front ~ ix to ei~ht pouuds ngl!r 1'0 1' Il I' W lhlll~ s nr p lhll I,,' oille wbnl Is th object of YOIlI' \' oture. 11\ W lll'hl. Thoy al'o usually rotlsld· Sludy th e I' Clult· ntcut s oC YOtll' mar· ered poor Iny r's, ullhouj;b th e 111I 1· who buy nTHI sell lolhes lhat no 1'001l · k ' t nud th n (fhoose n bre d that wlll lets orten do fairly II' II. Thoy [Ire (' r hn 1'0 I\' puld our lUon ey for 011 1' slow·mol·ing, h ea,' y·bodl d fowls of 'o\l' n thall i Is tim to con'W r th e At the " Fox Trots" gi ve n at fashion· meet Ih se cOlld l\ions. qllestlon all over again, lind bring a ble hotels. girls are wearing dainty It must bl' '''H'Y obvtous to yen the g nUe dJ BPosltlon , and uri' rsisteut 'what eve" lit 1I IJ:I::perl nc lhe se:tson little bonnets of the Moye n age, which novice In Ih chi k II bu sllll'5S that selt rs, 'The Hruhmas, ocbins lind hUl! t!lught liS 10 boar on th e ve l' re· .llmost conce al the entire coiffure . dlff r nt condlliOOS d Ulund different Ln ngshuns ar bretlcla at th is Inss. newlng J,Jrobl e m b fo re liS. . lid ,. l b hell(l ot g 1\ ral' \lurpose Such a bonn et Is here p lc~ ured, It Is broeds. Tb IOlIIlollair ta ncl r may Il Is this mer rY·j;>o· rol1nd In the ,"ade of gold lace. b lue chI ffon . and well grati fy hIs h tlby ot hreedln g breeds an class d those fowls t ha world of castum ry that pOI'pl xes us, ties un der the chi n w ith gold rib bon. beautifully pluln d bantam s, but he turn lsh a fair quantity ond goP" guu l. for only the most oplulonlll d pe r son f t accompanies a ' blue chiffon dance who desIres to seil rous'lers a nd wbo Ity of ment and also a large lIumber de pen ds on bls nock Cor n !lvlng mllst oC gg wbe n prollerly cared for, Tb all go from one sar lo r lal s aso u to frock wit h trimmings of gold lace. pick tbe breed of tow ls t hut grows to Plymoulh Roc118,' \Vyontlotl s :md f1noth I' II'llh a s uro tOl1ch . Most of Rholl Island ned~ ure ' ramlilur tiS fumbl e In th dark as soo n as the ORDER a good size In s ho'rt Ume, 11'lnter clothes a re ushcrlng In those IBLACK ALWAYS IN Many auLhorlUes ngr e tbat all bre ds of tbl s class, PIYlllOlltrl RoCks ' of ratly sllrlng. Cow ls may, be c lassified under one of 1 probably stand IIrst III point of 1I11m· W know lh nt the s hort slUrt Is the Proper Hos iery for Any Sort of Shoe (Otll' heuds: Egg breeds, meat br('eds . ber. or Slipper-Other Colors at most fashlonuble to wea r , I1ml thnt general·purpose bree ds, a nd fancy PleasIng a.ppearnnce rather than One's Own Choice, th flaring lon g coat with Its almost IJreeds. Whlla this ciallslllcntioll Is utility cbaracterlze t he fancy br ~c (lll , Impe rc pUbic belt. well below lire nor· useful III disUngulshlng fowls acco·r d. While ma'II)' or the fancy lIr 'eds mllY mal \valst line and Its long, close 'rhe 1011'1 \vl)o hu s at ho.)ld n. ilalC Ing to thel'r 'hara-CterlstlclI, It s hould II rve a Ilseful purpot!e hI turnlsllinJ ,flleev/ls, Is correct, We hav adopted {J01.eQ 1)0 11'8 of Plullt 1)10.011 sill! stock:, not b Infe rred t llat.. U10 dlf1t1 I1CUpns! meM 'a nd eggs, tb~y aonul 0.001]) Ie the snll\l blo'\ls, 108e ntUllg. willi l11gS lias lilt'! prop r \loslel'y for o,ny ar ha rd alia fas t. In tllia r cap ~ wltb the oUler qla II s, h ig h wrlnklet! collar of satlri Inst~ad sort of sh b ' ov sl\llpr, For the ac't'he us [ulness or alt)' hreed will ThE! Polish and llant.ams are r lIre; of chiffon i we haye partly gly n up cept d sloekln g for IDol'nlllG', \lHe r· depend to a couslder'able exte nt upon semutlve of tills cluss. the kimono, and agreed Umt a ll our ' noon alld e ve nings Is the blil ' LI olle s\1ch cOlldltton ll ns (ood, cure. climate, Having settl e d upon Lh breE-d h garm nts s ho uld fasten up th fron t. with lhe bronze a nd the black t(lot: nnll m ark t d nlllUds. Tbus, If It be· will raIse, th e beglunlng poultrYllll1I\ In ,huta we hn v adopt d· til one WCRr SlId those two shades are 1I 0W came til "fad" lu ' e\\' York t o serve m~st next glv his nttentlon to t h 'Mth II brim the black aud ,tbe dark wom wllh all sor ls Of costumes. roast buntam pullets, t.he poultr ymen mutter or obtaIning foundation . stock . blu e velvet, 'the s urclty of trilllmlng, Very good looking :Ire lh ' bluck lIlIk' of tllat sectl01l coul d .profitably raIse , Dy d allns' With one oC t.h slice sa fu l th u. of th burnt ostr ic h. th e au· Iltocklngg und ersel wit h blue , sre n, tile tillY Illrds ror table use. ,a lthougb breetlllrs at known reputallon be cnnI:le of liltin g th e brim over the right bronze, mauve. and Or course/or sutin tlley are .now CODSld red a (anc), nol oas\ly go far astray, cye and showing lIIore of the back I;l\ppe rs and coth u'rnes In delicate breed. For the Inexperl nced breeder It Is t:on s there ar match ing stO,oklngs, Th gg breeds In olud e 1.11\ slnall or best n ot to buy th e most axp n Iv Often. too, finest while ,silk stock· medium slzell fow ls havin g 11 strong stoclt on tll marltet to st.nrt, with in gs go wilh co lored satin 1I1111er B', tenden y tow~rd egg prolluclloll AI· fOr lit first c rt.nin losses are IiItely j u st a s elth r wb lt e or black boslery most wlthoJit oxceptll)n th not\lfl egg· to occur wllj h wil l be avoided 'when Is worn wi th lo w cut shoes In s llye r prodllcing br eds ure small or 111 dlum b has mas l red Bome or tile ~ crets or gold cloth. sized, and possess t r im , Il nt bodIes. of his "trade." 'Openwork, lace lu serlell un d bended h()sl13r y- hl\l'i!- h.,.''''t'I''''rt hT'"l!'l'm1nml''''rmlt+- - - - - - - - : -.......~---~----~-~~~-=-o-~- ~~-...,...,. ('o r elubbrate costumes ***~*********.************ I ' t:aded sl1\1 s tockings.'




LADLY th ough I would linger Ing tblt; term th y seldom leave tbe

on th more bea utiful and 1'0' compound, ulld ca.nnot, saye uull r mantic 05 1' l ~ of Jnpan, the \'ory exce ptional clrcuOlsluoc K, break JUlian (Ie tht, Irl ~ nnd cherry lheir Ind entures. ~unday , oC cou rlje, blo sonL o( viol et lolte nlld Is not k Ilt ill the (ar East ; thc ilriJlcl· lllne·clod 1II0ulltaln s, nf m, Illt· trees "Ie of on day's ,'e s t In ~even does not I'unnlng ill uutUlll1t like tOIl !!'ueo; 01 obtain tb e r e. 'rhe colton fllcto ries tfa.m B ulong the li illsi de, of lillI e flsb· work dar a, d night on shirts of 12 ing "llIa 'es crowding tbe romantic hours t a' h. UIl<l ther Ilre two 1I01i· sbor et< or thc Inlund ~C '\ , uf Fu ji , SilO\\, ' days in lhe mOllllt, nlore, one sus pecl s, I)OIl't\ ' red nlld aloof, hllnglug as it for the ncc.l s of til' lila hill('r-¥ than w e re in miliair 'twixt OJ1I:l1l nnft skytllot of th human IJei llgs. Tllo RI·e r· it Is of anoLher a nd less 10l'c ly ,Ja pull age duily wag of the f mnle sllit ~J) IIl­ J must s penll today, -'lod ' rll In,lusu'y IIl'r ts 30 ~c n (say 14 c<; nts ), lInd oC h as laid lin hand already 011 thls ,ruce, th e r mal e wellYcr 2& sen, Hut from writes \'iolet ~larkham. In Ih e West· , tlli!! s lim nln sen Is deducted lIally for mlnsle l' Gazette, Ilnd th e pl'essure is food . no l likely to grow leas h eavy a tlmo .ompouods and fnctorles alii e vary goes on . . In 01 anllness and comfort. Some fac· Tile IUl1Id·to-hand slrllggl with II. torlos are well const ru cte d and woll 80m what r eluctant nnlure In wring. I ' nt ilated nnd fill d wil h machinery ing trom h r tbe mans or subs is tence omlng from , Oldllam . Otbers ar for a. population of 63,000,000 people dirty. dilapidated and r a mshuckl e. It is a severe one.' Japan Is a mountaln- Is the same wllh the compounds. ous (·OlIllLry. and though ert aln grent Wilen a rnclory has to provide accomtl'aets of ri cb a ll uvial plain exIst, such modlltlon fo r 1 ,000 or 2,000 women op· districts are the exoeptlon, Iilvery lu ch eratives IV may well sorutlnize tb o! of possible land Is cultivated, and lbo cOlldirLons. even whe n th e a ltogelher series of lerraces carried UP Lhe bill· sim ple standard of life In the far East sides te ll their own , tale, sllowlng, as Is taken Into accoun t, Tbe Japanese In hlna. how no available pocket of bave no b~d s, but slee v rolled up ill sol1 bas b een overl ooked. Rice Is lhe quilts on the fioo r. In one compound staple foo'd of the people, and from r v lsUed . 1 saw 24. g irls aslee \l in a end to en d of .Japan the rice Helds are dormitor y 24 by 13 teet , and this Is no the saUent feature oC the tllndscane. uncommon s tate of alfalrs, Phthisis But beblnd the rice Ilelda ot .Japan Is a disease whlcb Is b egI nning to play stands the s badow at tbe needs or tbe havoc 1n the cotton mills, and wben.





H!!re is a very e\Teolive lice po'\vder wblch may ea s il y , be made at hom, e: , , M ix, a way from fire . one part of crude carb9110 ac id with five parts oC gasolin e. Stir I ~to this mix ture just en.o ugb plaBter paris to make ' a thick, moist mas~, 'spread the paste out on a paper and allow 10 dry. Arter the gasoline has evaporateu, tbe plaster mixture may b e applled like any dusllng powder. The p'o wder gets ' Into the )Jores of the lice and kills tbem by 8ul!OGation or the ctrbol1o a cid , 'poisons the m, Some ot the compound put Into the duet I>ath will be to und an easy method-of--eon trulHng tbe para· slles. ..'



Japanese people, There seems noth- as tn many cases, 'girls employed OD lng grown but rice, and yet. even so, ,tbe day and nlgbt sbUts use tbe Bame any fallure of the crop m eans famine dormItories and no proper ventilation and starvation for wboie' districts. Is possible, It Is easy to understand Japan, In a word, Is bard put to tt to tbe spread of tbls dread scourge. make both ends meet. and the position • Tbe Japanese ' women are fragUe f o which s e ~as amved among the little creatures. wbolie appearance great nat ions of tbe' world strains tbe does not encotirage the Idea that they slende!: resources of her people almost can , b e tos8ed without protection lnto to tbe breaking point. Matters are e fierce slream of IndustrIal compe-. not miide more easy from the fuct 111at titian. These girls. drawn as they are monopoly and ' protection direct her from the farming and fislilng class, national and commercial policy. otten return home utterly broken In Bountre. for Indu.trlce. health at tbe end of tbelr Indentures, The establishment of factories an d Some factories cater, for the heal tb indus tries In Japan Is II. matter wblch an d even a musement of their opera· causes tbe government much Vreoccu· tiv'e s, In one compound I saw II. thea· patlan. It Is sought by bounti es to ter and also a sbrlne erected to the foster and encourage lnbnt Indus· memory of thoB~ wh'o died in the 'mllls. tries, and In ¥anohurla t!)ere Is much Hospitals, uu(ortllnat,ly, are neces' grumbling over the preferenttal posl· Eary adjuncts, some clean and well, tlon Japanese control of the railway managed, others slack :and dirty, In achieves for Japanese goods, So far one compound there would be 11. strip tbe number of operatives. male and of garden nicely kept with tlowers, tenia.le, in Japan Is but small-793,· In another a da.nk, depressing' yard. 885-ns c(,lmpared with her total popu· Even at the best, wbo could wIsh ·for tatlon of SlI.OOO,OOO, But the -staUs· a young girl to spend' three of the _ tics published by the Economioal and best years of her life under such can· F1nanclBl Annual at the department dltlons? ' But the Japanese daugbter of finanoe, 1913, atrord much food b8S few rights over her own person. tor reflection when takcn In con- It her famUy Is poor, up to the pres· junction with the actual conditions of ent she bas reslg&ed herselt to tbe )Lfe and labor 'reveaied by a visit to a fate to whioh her parentI! may consign Japanese mUt. According to these reo b e r, being practically sold by them turns there in Japan 305,196 male either to factory; geisba bouse. or tbo operatives over fourteen years of age; deeper degradation of the yosh!wara. and 427,676 women. Under fourleen That the girls themselves are begin. years of age tbere are 12,192 males nlng to revolt against such conditions and 48.821 t:~males e mployed. Is a h!!altby and ' deslrable ' slgn of tbe The domInant Industries In Japan times In Japen , The difficulty at ob4 are cotton and silk. and they absorb .tn.ln.l ng chea,p labor may iead to a ra. the largest proportion 'Of the workers, form of fa ctory ' life from wltbln. namely, -448,24.3 persons, mal(j and fe· Thougb lIvlng·ln Is t he rule' for wom, male. In raw silk. cotton spinning, en, it is not Invariable, and I s,a w one and cotton weavLng we find ' employed factory where a 'large proportion of 45,496 men and 293.468 women. In tbe' women ltved out. Here aros~ tbe elit. thlrty·two Japanese cotton mHls for, ferent evil of the employment of miu-" which returns M'e given the average r1~ women, this particular factory ~umber of working days per annum ha.vlng a nursery attached -Where tl1e was 326. and the avo;rage number of women left their bahle8. . But unquesworklnc hours per ' day was 22.44-. The tlonalily there was a. less coarse. hopetwo great centers of Industrlal activity less look about the womllP who lived are TolCyo , and Osaka. 1 penetrated" out and bad lIome rede&mlnc I.nflu· not ,,' Itbout considerable difficulty. Snces holl,w In their lives than what Into varlou's cotton mUll In Japan, one noticed about the listless girls of Wome" and Children In Factories. the compounds, This circumstance Generally apeakfng. Japanes!! wom· struck m e very forcible In very dirty en enpge In ' tbe Gotton trade I\'ork match tactory. where all the girls lived under contraata eSl:lIlntlalJy servtle In at home. Despite the condJUons un· dlaractel'. They Ilrc ind nt\tl'ed tor a der wblch tbey workedu4 tile 1000g »erl04 ot three yeal'8. and live in com· bours, tbe w4meD did Dot look amfaa 1IOu..s1 att.acbecl to the factory. J)ar.. , or W nouri,-'ad.




The vull Is enjoying more fll8hlon tlla;1 has known tor months, It cu n b worn

In m n llY ways, "nd OTlu \YO.)' 1M. shown tn tho sketch , whl)ro It is drllpcd oyer II

IIl1ht-',l ttln!J' Ifltlc Lu runn,

hair, than we have don e for years; nnd In coiffures we have beoolne ac· oustomed to th e absence of any pro· jection whatever at , sid es, back or top,

For 11 child the re are sea l' mutt IUld h at sets, tri mmed with red or pink 1708es-one on the hat, one on the mutr, hath bright and ' cheerful. Black velvet ribbon' Is one of tile m inor features of the autumn lasbldns. Sometimes It Is worn about the tbroat, \.l ed In a bow; with a lorig end or loop 1'eachlng to be caught III another ,b'o w on the front of the bodice. Ostrich Is uscd as a trimming on mony of the ~e\V blouses, Short Hues ure uscd u!f a fringe to edge flaring ,collars and cults ot org8ndle' or satin C)r stilt. 1t is a decidedly sC)ft and at· ItecUve means of trimming. Rutrs of fur and · tUIl A ar .. ,-, mOD I; t he new tt.ill!;~ ortere d for the contem· platton and en vy at smart woman· hood . Tbero .Is a hlgb'standlng tulle ruching flaring upward from a ratll er narrow, s nug , collar of fur ' UI8t clasps s uugl y auout the throat.

WtU It pay t h e poultrymnn to cull his flock closely? ., James 0 .' Halpin, 8eor~tary oC the , Wisconsin Poultry assocIation, says It will and he realizes that eggs and poultry likely wtll be higher Jater on. But In spite of all this h e Is urgIng the poultrymen of the state to . cull more clQse!y than Usual, He argues that with presellt feed prices farm e rs, and c ertainly other ponltrymen, can, not alTOI'd to feed h ens whlcb sbow, trom theIr ge neral makc:.up that they w lJl no t develoJl Into good producers , He has found that on many Carms 200


May Be Madc Comfortable and Ex· 'Intende.d for a Debutante, It Ha. Many tremely Pretty at Comparatively Feature. That Will RecomSmall Coat. '!lend It.







usefulness, 'Many of these Ilav e long 'tOe natls wblch show that, thye hsve not worked 'or montbs , 'rhese tlhd the "crowheaded" tbln breasted" weak "const, tutloned" b,ens should be dis· ', carded for they wlU never be good ' Ilgg produce rs. Stnillarly, late·hatched ch.lcks wt\J not prove .paylng' ,investments, It w\1\ pay, well to · dls])Ose of these culls as Quickly ali possible and to glye', tbe , teed to the layers and w9rkers.,



Any of t be new fi owered silk or silk· A dellgbtfu l little dan cing tro ck has ollne goods make handsome bed com· Just b een sent home tor a debutante. forts, wlth ve ry lIUle trouble and at It Is In three sections, flounced skirt. smo.l\ ,cost. They may be fill ed w1th Is ash and ' ~ holilder straps, any actual cotton ' waddlllg, ' or old blankets may 'bodIce being missing. The skirt. ot be ,u eed for the mUng In place of the 'f lesh pink noc(urn saUn, has tllree wadding. ' They s hould be abo)lt two ,flounc es pink tulle, tile yarda square. A dainty pink an~ falling from tbe blp. green flow er spray all. a white ground More of tbe flesb ' pink satin Is Is I~retty, bound a round tbe edge ~Ith Iswathed from hlp td bust, forming an .!aln p,lnk ,sll,k,ollne., Pink zephrr tutt: lapology for the regulation bodice, and Ing holds the !TIaterlaL together in the 'to tbls ate attached shoulder strapi center, while the edges are stltcbed by or the pink tulle Which, with the upper mnclline. , ' 11 ne o[ the ;v Ide , satin gtrdle, form a A eomfort of, sllko~lne In yellow s quare neck opening at . front and roses aud , green leaves on a white ba k '. ' ground bas 'a bort.ler and under side oC ' \l . , .. plain green sllkollne, It Is often This opening Is not outr~geously d!!I t' t 'bt.ain the exact colora_one 'collete, aQ s,?me jlanele frticks tor older cal! e 0 0 " WOlDen are, be cnuse the filmy pink deslr,e s in s\lkol\ne than In silk. There t II h Id t. 118 th Id Is' an item' at cost likewise to be con: u e s au er s ra are ra er w e side red In tills fact , " Tufting wltb av d droop over the arm a t the edge floss often gives a ' pretty nnltlh, :o.lso, Tb~ sY(atbed satin girdle fastens Wben comforts a re made of sUk fhe ,at the back W~t1l concealed snap but· border shoul'd, be J!laced at the e~-1 tOllS, . So do tbe ,upper fiounces, un· freme edge o( the comfort, bec~use der ful\ folds at the tulle. silk does not come as ,wide . as sUkoline, ja[)ll,nese silk Is especially at· Belt •• lvactlve tor the.purpose. Silk mUlllln, 'In *plte of the fact tbat the waIst botll plain and Caney, are much nJled has dtopped many .InelieB, . belts [or bed comforls, ' still used ,to emphaBlze the waist 'J'he belt ' at the hills is usually than ' belt at the waist used Checked sport. Goa tl. Gh eclted sports are attll worn, wtth Ihe coming Or cold weather, '1:hey are made In every fabric whloh can be Inducet to show c}1ecks. even In vel\'ets, .. nd tlley are Quite a8 ell'e<llive when trellt coms the air 88 they were WhlD .lImmer SUDS armed ft.

Rout the Lice!

Don't Overcrowd. Don't try to ;wInter more blrdB t1la,n you bave houee-room tor, or time csre' for. . Qverloaded .houses are sure ' to become damp, while h e ds wilt riot lay wben 'overcrowded, And don 't let the 'rooaterS r emaIn with the layers. They 'ldll egt·productton. , They are JAMES O. HALPIN, feed consumel'8 a~d nonllroduceia. 'Poultrym.n; College of Agriculture. Don't k l)ep more than you will need , Unlveralty of ~I.t:on.ln. for Bprlng"use" , ' . chlilkens are being kept With only . Slleee• .,,,1 'PllultI'YIl'18n. ".~ 1I0using room for f OO. these Hocks' The Buc.ceB8fUl poultry,man bas oot1 wer e reduc'ld to the 100 best layers tbelr owne rs ,wo'u ld , have' many more stepped Int~ that all ilt once. Be bas arrived at that 111 the 810w Bnd ar· ,eggs and nwch l'lwer feed bills. esperlenoe, He cannot Qn Il' large prooortion of out farmB' duous road tb~re are, according to Mr. Halpin , stay tbere (,.Icellt by traveling thl ' " ,old beDS which ,have outlived tbeiJ' .ame rol.d.








Wa.' Very Muc'lI ,In. , The collector was ,after a dead beat and there wer,e' rumors that h.!I In more Berloua trouble even than owtnl 'd2bt8.' The colloctor waa told ' to' 'let after blm .1. onl and run him 110wD before anybody elle lot bold of him. Bo he cbole a _time of dllJ' when the do b, would h mOlt likely to at Ilome anCl went to Jda bOlls e and rani 'bell. Tho canta WUfI camt to '''e '"Your bllabal)d I. In!" be sat."

.lUI 'a.

aDd an.wered: ,'i- 1 88, Blr." "] "allt, to see blm ' at once," - he went 90. 1'erl leverel)'. ' ''Wby, you can't lee blm," she answered. "He'I An, and yet I can't .ee blm? I'd like to know w.b'1 • can't!" i'Because be's In fot a1x month .... Ihe' sobbed, and shut the door in bls lace. '






years boror", wh'ln he was I e~,pol'&J'­ lIy attaoh 1\ to tb,e emba8sy at Wash'· Ing.ton. be was at Southem birth, aDd bad been \'I!,IUng relatives In the eopital. From Uu~ first ~ hey bnd "'Thou Shalt Not Be Angry," Is been attraoted to each other. Wben, , ' " atler a r w weeks of nOQunl nllln ce, , the Command Gjven to All Adams had b en recalled to England, By GEORGE HUNSON. Christians, ' he hnd gone with the understa nding that, II H ~ oon as he got 1118 fI rat oom· How lialh tit' ltlltl Il imost fu~1I "lfhere she s, sir! " exclaim ed mand, ile ' sboold as k her to be hla seems the las t Ill'ayer of th ~ I("llzar n ' Lieutenant Bin gham, po~nllng into the wire. for all " til I'n thut beli eve on III ," at , 1'ho command had Caine three dilltnnce. tbls te rrible hour of til tlerc rav· l.leulenant .Adams, hi s senior, am· months betore, aud by that time their 8glt\g ~ of flre ond sword From end man ding the torpedu·boal Spitfire, correspondence had sliown them that to nd th e ollUn eot I)f EnrOll Is on e they had not rred In their selection. looked throu gh hi s glasses toward vast conllagrntion of lust and hate ; the horizon, wher u tiny wisp of Frances had' accepted him. He bad a thou sand fur·nun S fires blaze In c urling s moke denot d the ' presence been looking forward to tllelr reunion, Asia, Arrlca and th Islands of the and had urged her to take 'a British of th Kronprlnz. seas; ove'r th Ame ricm; hang the Th e Kronprlnz had sail d from abl p. And s lle bad sailed on a Oer· smoky clouds of econom ic dlsortl er, 'New York four days berore, carry ing man , social dlslructlon and spirltunl de· The batt1 ~ was ov er, With a firm 40 Bu, Per Acre. 25 Bu. Per Acre, & taw Passenge1'll who were resol v d 15 Bu. Per Acre. 10 Bu, Per Acre. spall'.' E:verywhere is Iwtlon IIfllllg up to risk capture at the hands of tb expression upon hilt- face Adams took The Growth of the Firat Week or Two. award against nn(\on, Everywhere British fl eet, a cargo. mostly c6ntra- up th'e speaking tub\). He kn ew that (8)1 'J!'. H, BALLOU.) those from Ule two-eye pieces, ha\[ ar e plowshares b lull' beaten inlo b&I\d, two million dollars In gold, and ntngbam was waiting at the other end, tha t the fir st word would send In r esponse to numerous ,I nquiries or wbole tubers, Tbese more delicate swords and prulling hooks Into spears, ,!I1lss Frances Lowell of B,nngor. This last Item was confirmed ne ws, the torpedo hurtling upon ber deadly ~egardlng the planting of dllTerent planls reQu it, II greater cal'e In tbe Robbing, ravi shing, bUr/ling, famine, Qua.ntltles of seed potatoes per acre, a first cultivation , bllt th e dllTerence peatll ne , slaughter-lhese are t he Lieutenant Adams had written to bls passage or destruction, bl s hand was,on the tube Rut berore series ot Important tests were made In was not so apparent later on a8 lhe' monstrous horrors of "th ese e nlight· Amerlcun sweetheart, warning ber not to attempt the journey owi ng to he heard a singing In his ears, D 01110 to determine what the dllTerence Illants gained In size and vigor, and ened da ys'" And thoss engaged In the Immillent outbreak of war; but roaring over the sea which caused was. It any, The experiments were by tile belgllt of t be growing Heasoo th is dread business or wurtare lire a )l s he ba d nol receil'ed the lelter, a nd him momentarily to I1bstllone giving conducted with the ulmost care lind tbe Individual stalks from tile one- praying to Ih e some Ood und hailing sam e Lord and Savio r, J esus Something unexpected Interest, e ye pieces were a s large n nd st roug th had considered the ne wspaper prog· the ord er , eh'r lat ' In the ,first yea r wer used 10, Hi a8 the stlllk~ from the larger plecesc nosli atlons rll1lclllous, She WllS bent had occurr d. Next Instant he knew Nowhere 16 There Peace, As lhe rat of seeding pel' acre was on completlog her art course In l!;ng· what It was, He heard the scr eech 25 and 40 bu shels per acre. Th seed Tragic Ind eed Is th s p 'ctucle, And land, Whell It WRS compl led >lit e \\' IIS ot the shell rrom the ,c onverted liner, pieces were very 'Carefull y cut and increased. depen din g on th e size of the foll(Jwlng boom of the cannon ; accurately welgbed In eacll and eyery seed pieces used, In II ke proportion more tragic stili Is the swfu l fuct tha't to become Adams' brlile, There ' was no reasol. why Miss and then c very thing " 'as fire and rate of plan tlng. III t he 10 bushelS 'was th e average n\lmber or plants or this stupendous t'onfllcl In Its essen· , ' f..ewell should study art In order to smoke and splinte rs. pe r aore rows ooe-eye seed pieces stlllkH per hili In creased, Increasing till I naturf' is nothing particular, but, Th next thlng 'or whleb ' h became were used; in th ] 6 bushels per acre, the size of potato seed pieces, there· 011 the conlra.ry , only B grievously ag· become tile wire of s 11 utenunt wllh nothing but his pay; still. Lleulenant aware was water around and about two eyes; In the 25 bushels per acre, for e, is e<lul valent to Increasing the grnvllt d xp resslon of the envy. deceit Adams nllver thought of, OJllloslng his him, Slunned by the concussion, be balf tubers ;' an d In th e 40 bu shels Jlel' number of grains Iler hill In seeding nn d hatred I\'hl h hav 'I'er'b set with discord and destru ction lh social reo ('0 TIl ; and from extended obsl'rvation sw theart's wis hes, He lellrned thnt. managed onl y to make out the wreck· ac re, whole tubers. eb wus to sail on tile Kronprlnz a age In the wa.ter of what llad been It was Inte resllng to note lb e dltter· In ' the past as well as from expert· la~ lon8 of men , 1l n eeds no war of day betor his squadron put to sea, the smarlest ctorpedo·boat In the 'Brit· ence between the young plants of the menls conducted. the results In elth r olthel' smull or Sl' III proportions to Ish DSVY, He 'heard the cries ot dllTerent sections, as Ihey pushed up case may reasonably be expected to rev a l "mlln 's Inhumanity LO mlln." If with orders to clear ~he Atlantlo. The Kronprlnz, U8 IL tresln,re ship. drowning men, tho call8 for help, througb the 8011 In due 1I me after prove si milar, By Increas lng ,lhe num· peace balh Its ,:1 torlea no less reo The shell , aim ed with deadly pre· planting. The d iffer ence In vigor of ber or SlalkR per h'l1l (up to a certain nowned, It a lso hath Its hostilities no WI1ll espeCially d sir d by tbe BrlUeh admiralty, Adam's orders were atrlcl: clSlon, had struck the torpedo·boat plants. fo r t he first week or t wo. \\:as .1Imlt) the total yield may be somewhat less terrlbl than war! The Insllne amidships, rending her and send ing decidedly in favor of th e whole tubers. enlarged, but tills gain In yield Is often rivalries or coml'l1erclnl nterprlse, the her to t he bottom. The plants from th e one·eye pieces lit the expense of the size, develop· lust fOl' j,roNts at any expense of hapWith a groan Adams closed his eyes were at first muc~ more s lend er than ment and quali ty o:f tbe product, piness and lire on lbe part of the toll· and rllslgned hlmseH 10 the embrace Ing musseR, the slIsplc[OIlS that divide or tile Icy waters, And that WaR bls and arm lile nations, t il sectaria n big· 1I1st remembrauce ' untll a long time otry that shames religion. monstrous after, ra,'sg s ot family pride, race p rejudice He awakened In tbe Plymouth hos· lind class distinction. the petty quor· I~ plw,l. the flrst face to meet his eyes rels that Ilpl1t households, disturb nelghborhoodil and ireak friendshi ps was that or Bingham, seated at his bedside, -thelle aTe the common}llaQBs of \If,e, 1heapest Way to And lhey Ilr~ ~II ot t he same t x,ture Tile suh-Jleutenflllt lItretJched out his Odd Jobs That He C~n Profitably Simplest and C wllh t he black fabric ot blood and Iron hand and clasped Adams's IIrmly. Perform During Idle MoFurnish Fresh Air to Fowls which Is now bolng woven on t he bat· "Wbere am J?" grosned Adams. ments This Winter. Is to Have .~uslin Front. tie loom s or E urope. Man against "In the hOllpltal , and getting along ma.n, family asalnst tnmny. buslnesll finely," answered Bingham. "You got As fa r as possible the 'farmer should (By W A LTEH B , LEUTZ,) apln business, c la ss against clllss, no.· II plec of shell In your h ead , but It was pulled out yeeterday, and a couple adapt his products, both In' variety and , Fresh air keeps the house pure and tI,o n a ~a ln st nalloll , race against race, or weeks should see you aboard the Quality, to the class or conHnmers who dry. Nothlng will cause disease more reUglon against reli gion! When do are bes t able and most willing to pay. readily tha n a dllmp house or one we not' have war? When Is Cain not finest destroyer afloot, It Is th policy of the tarmer to which h'a s a foul odor. ' at his work of killing ? Wben and "Vou _ see," he continued, "the There are several ways to supply where 18 peace establilhed upon Vengeance came up and received the supply what the ·clty purchasers call Kronprlnz's surrender and got us out for, and he s hould know that a s much ventilation, 'but the simplest and least earth? at the water, We had you In the . Is pald for 'attracth'eness as tor Qual· expensive Is to ha ve an open or mus Work for HII Oleclplea, boat, unconscious, . And the admiral· Ity. lin covered tront. These open tronts Futile, Indeed, seems Jesus' prayer Did YOll open that account with' the ob the houses should be Ilrotected In "that ''''e) sll may be one !" And yet ty court bas acqultt d you." "Acquitted me ?" cried Adams, lti· fnrm 'las t )'eRr ? Do It now. Le no some way to preve nt the rains and he made, It. and wo~ked tor Ita tulflll· day go by without Its record of aU Im- snows from be ing blown Into the 111· lIient, In an age llIore rent with .trlte credulous. "Yes. They !,Iei'd you did right not portanl t hhlgs that ha\'e been done on te rlor. It Is a gClod plan to attach thsn this In which we live! And simi· to send that valuable treasure to the the farm . an awning made ot wood or Bome larly must we work and pray If we bottom: even If you waited too long. Hang up the (arks. No 'otlle r farm other lIgbt materlal. arranged In such, would be truly hla disciples. Lltlle And tllen, cyou had been Informed that -a manner tbat it- cnn he Io.wered or cat;l anyone or UB do, perhaps, to sott· Is more dangerous Itl th e ",I ~ -Ftred a Shot Acro.. the Bow. the the Kronprlnz had no guns on ber_ time than the rorks standing about the rslsed. en t he Ul·wlll ' that severs group trom Kronprlnz. But I mustn't talk' to :rou any more floor or lying with the tines sticking M uelln will keel' out the cold a nd group .In this great human family of rain to a certain extent. bu t when'lt ours-sUll less to sUlI the awful tu· If he saw ber he ' was to summon her at present-besides. there's somebody out toward tbose wbo are a.t work. waiting to lee you." Never .lIay "the re Is time enough Cor gets wet the cloth loses some of Its m ult now raging 00 tile plains of Eu· to surrender or sink her on sight. And the "somebody" who arne in that tomorrow" when there is time merit ns a ventilator, aa damp muslin rope" Bnt this Ilt least we can do-we And. or all the scouting torpedo· hy the doctors to have 1ID'Ough today. Tomorrow will have will 'not permit a free passage o( air. cnn search the dee p places of our own bo~ts and destroyers, It h'a d fallen Adams to sight ilie tuglUve Krop· shortened Adams's pert?d o( Tecov· plenty: of Its own, And Ulen who Dy llrotectLng , t he muslin with an hearts and purge them of t he last ery by at least three dai's, And that knows what tomorrow ' will bring awning It will not he nlTccted In !,bat traoes 'of lha t dl$trust and ha lred ot prln~ . way The. muslin should be IJUt all ,w hlcb we now see the perfect fruitage or course there was no doubt site meant a three days' hon eymoon be- forth? If you take a polato 'crate wben a r,'ome so that It c a n be removed on a In thl stupen dous cot~C1Y8m of armed would surrender. Theli he would take fore he accep~ed c harge of his new you want to carry an armful or straw pl easnnt day, allowing tresh air to strife, 16 there Il (rlend with 'Whom . his precious capUve. with her s till command. ( opyright, 191~, by W , Q , Chopman.) you will ha\'e a good deal more 8traw circulate throngh the house 00 such we have Quarrele(i. a kinsman with more preclou3 cargo of 9ue, safe into Plymouth. ' whom we have :lothlng 1.0 do, an en· left when YOU get to the end of yo ur da$'s . emy whOm , we bnte, a l'lvnl whom we He rang full s peed to tlle engine- ~XPLAINS GROWTH OF SEEOS journey, Pack It In well a nd take It room, and, standing' beside tbe wheel" seele to crullh, a 80clal olass that we up under your arm and go ahead, despise, a naUon or race pr re ligion man, watched the dlstjlnt wis p at Engllih Sclentlet Ha. - Olacovered A frollen grindstone, standing In the agillnsl which we fee l a prejudice? 18 Imoke creep up until It covered the That Carbonic Acid Gal Keep. lInow a nd rlllll, and sleet. Is not a horizon In front or him. Then the there an angry word upon our lips, n cheering Implement on a snappy mom· m Sprouting. bull of tbe majestic passenge r vessel Them bitter thought wllhln our h earts, a ing, Keep It In a sheltered place. pra)'er within our 80uls ror the dlmln' appeared upon ' the wnterl:l. And Why seeds should not sprout whUe Big ftr es burn' out the plaster be· gradually the Srltftre overhauled her, maturing, and why he y sbquld I tween the ,chimney bricks, and sparks Sitting Fever Grows in IntenSity Illhed prosp r lty or ,happiness , of any single person or group of persons up· find lodgment under the dry ~nal to 1ay to being tJlere-dormant long pe riods ot ttme, are aoh Day After Has' eon earth? It 80, her e la work for us to garded, at a distance or a mile tho. queltlons thBt occur to tew who ac· shingles, Laale the chimneys over. gun-Separate Fowls. do, that we "all may be one!" Not Box your Iron pump ano tamp , In Spitfire fired a shot aa,r oss the bows cept ;nature's ways ' as a matter, at only "Thou IIhlllt not kill," which few of' the Kronprlnl, The fugitlve's only course. 80lldly strawy manure, It will lIave The quickest way to break UJ> of ua ev r do, but also "Thou shalt reBponss was in quicken her IIPeed, B)1l there niust he 1I0me restraining all Ice crack, bad temp r a nd a new broodiness Is to remove the hen from not be angr y.'~ whIch most of us ..I· : until with all ber funla,ces gloWing un· cause to prevent growth In seedll, and pump. Hot bran mashes once' a week keep h er nest the very first evening sbe de· wllys ,are In some di rection , Is the law der forc:ed draft. from the opeu Franklin Kldd, Fellow of st, Jobn's ventilators, the Spltftre WIlS oreeplng college. Cambrtdge, reports In the pro- the horses reeling good these cold serts her roost, The sitting f~ver laid clown by Christ. grows In Intens ity eacb day after it up Inah by Inch rather than h:r leapa ceedlngs ot the Royal Boclety that It days, Fro~e n combs. are a sad sight. No hRS fairly beguQ. Obstinate cases will From a veteran Pa~tor" Praye,... and bounds. Is carbonic 'acid gas. Blessed be God for lDaklng UI "Shall ' I glT her a torpedo, Ilr?" Removing the part of the lIeed el[C~8e for them, Keep ,three aides of require a week or more to cure, but a8k~d Lieutenant Bingham of his com· which this gu : generates, It will tbe chicken 1I0use tight, and free (rom when taken In ti me a few dllYs will uneasy. We devo utly recognl!e thee In the , tumu Its of our lime, and of our mal'lder. sprout hefore It , Is rJ pe ; It ",III sprout , Ijratts and hang a ourtaln hefore the 8uftlpe, Broody , hens should be penned in a own breascs . We thank thee tor b~ lie '-was amazed to see the gbatitl:r If tIle high partial pressure o~ carbon open front when the rnllrcury creeps • pen Ihat 1s lIgbt and the front of getting In our ' hearts this Insatiable pulor 'upon Adams' face. A torpedo, In tlle at"mosphere be removed. helow Eero, Vou can I lll the manure auf on the which has wire neWng, 60 tllM plenty bunger, and tor spurring mankind to etrlk,lng fairly bome,c would lIend the temperatur.e s. re move these pr.e s· vesllei,'to 'the bohom before s\;le ""!"UU.;,,.'SUI·ell, hence ' s eeds gennlnate best fteld!! better wben tb e gronnd Is frozen of air can ' be ad mltled. "~eed them Quest and QU estionc Thou rolgnlng than YOU can In' March. ' regularly and have fre!!h water con· R'edeerne r, who dldllt burst the bonds lauDcb her lifeboats. "nd the In' warm weather. You will be ~urprlsed a.t the num· fltantly before them. De s ure that no of death. we r ejoice that thou dost , bl)ats'<af the !!,pltftre would nol lumce The arrested 'd evelopment, Mr Kldd goad us out ot our stagnntlon, and to sa,ve- a tithe ' of the Kronprlnz's flnda, III not due. to lack of moisture, ber or bad apples yoU 'find In the cellar nests al' In the building, dost equip UB v'lth the abundant life, ere1V an~ pallsengers, few thougb tbe bu t: solely to the narcotic effect of the bIns a.bollt this time. Look them over, R~ , spre ~s ~ast. , ,' Kerolene Bad for Corn, with ali Its 'cost of thorn y 'problems la~ter ~~re. .. carbon dioxide. , It your apples are In a warl'D cellar In a test of some seed corn Borne of li nd vexing novelties. Kee'p us tender· "I'll give a sliotted gun first,!" Planters who wOllld . has ten the answered Adams: " sproutlpg process should Increalle the YOU 1'1'111 no t have' man y sound on es the seed had been treated with keTO· Iy and k een ly aware of thy presellce This time the shell went very near temperature of seeds lind submlt ' the m I n March, Keep cool the c lInr Pl\rt sene to prevent the rava,g es of IjQuir· In and around us Cthus, Make us sen· wh,ere the apple's are. . , rels, and It was fQund that the ,grains sltlve to the developin g cr evelation or the kro~prlDz, ,b ut tl:ie, result waS. the , to tbe pr.essures of oxygen, . yvhen you ,bave-a' ilpot of 'bright win· which had been treated' germinated thyselt In personal experience and In aarne as b'e fore. She sped througb ter weather spray the trees. some days later I ban tbe untreated ·event", Alld make U8 responsive. Ol-\"e the "'jlter,'abollt flne"n ' bu,ndred yards unp~o"table ,Agreement. prohably due to tbe l1s"t he thrill of active J)artnerehlp with ahead' of the ,,Pursulng craft· ,. A St. Louis msn tell!! of a farmer, c' Ar~ Y9U1l0t ashamed when,you IO,o k corn seed. Thi s hi" glasses Lieutenant .Adam's ' In 'tIle Ozarlj;s ,,!ho tor years Iiad suf· out of the wln~ow and see the rowe facl that the all 'ma~e ,the grains 1m· the living Ood . •Saturate U8 with thy, plainly seB the.- piu,lsengers ~r.(]IWIl[ln'~ , [ te~ed 'tllroug/1 tbe aQ~1vlUes of a hog of froz en. sodden cor n. Shocks In your Ijerv.ous ' to wati}r, ' a.nd without moili~ I selt, Take away our nioral uglln'eBS, the deck; ,; , thlet named ,BUI Mullinf'. Bill was cornfteld ? l)foney go ne' nEl,ver to, be ture th.ere cllnn<!t l,e a. Quick germlna· I Stra,ghten out our twists-even It It, ' tlon, , does hurt. ' Cur e us or ' all trlcke and "Th~1Y lIay tbat: slie's carmng two ,ll:IlowO'to I)e a thll!lf, but htl' was never returned. In.bulldlng your' lce house malcCc four I perversities. Beguile ua Into ways of twelve-pounders." .u,gellted ,B ingham. caqll:it, and, beRldea, was 80 muc~ of What'. "HaYlled,r Hal to Know, wisdom. Entice \IS lnto the joys of ; "That may be tbe r41uon-' ~ a comedl&I\ 't hat noboll), cared to pros- sbort doors In a row .s t,ralght down He must ' unde~tand tbat ' /logs. II uncalculatlng lI~rvlca. Dlsolpllne the . from t.lle top so you can open them aa AdalDlI bad heard the rumor that ecute him, which are one of, the most profitable child 1n UII', and make us men, fourthe KroDJi~lnz b1ljl been partly con· The farmer was one day 8tandln& tile Ice Is taken out· rrom the top, ~rted fot the destrUation', ot me~ by tbe aide o( bJa pen surveying a ...,l)on't let th'e aheep get wet, Keep products of tbe tarm, ..hould not be ,square and , la~e, strong and te~der, cbaatmen. ,.. aadden renolullon wu particularly anl loqklng ')o't ' ot boga tbem out of th~ tailing snow and drlz· gl~tted on. corn 'Worth c60 cents .a passlona~e but ,pure, eaoh atter h.I'" busl1eJ. Try carrol8, peas. town I lops own native bent, but all like Ch~lst. appareDt on b,l l wblte ra.~. ' when ,alons' 13111 Mulllns, Bllb lIe. Don't Imagine YOU are' n. good 'farm· and the like. "Give lier a tOrpedo when I algn-.J. eyes glineued III be regarded tbe 'If tbe horae ItalIs are banked' up a He is lle'Ut~g over' the Idea of 'glv. ~here III a pols?noull II~ tbat II ,tn}Ua,bam," be an.awe~., bogl. . , .. 'A nd he lt09d within the wh~lIlboule, "'Ilhem 11 Sne lio,II," laid the farm. foot ' high wl~h mkDl~re, None What-ling the Illnd a rest onee, ln three or Itilled Into UI wben we are younS chit. ever. tbur years, Crop rotation' Is uelter. ,4reD, ~nd left ,to flU our \ivel with ita ft,btlar; the noet lup~me battle of er, notlclnr; Bill's espreaJlloD. It relltores the vlrllllty to the 6011. Yenoin We are taught. to Ct.ll .alt" bla lire, It was bll dub 10 bla coa· "I D,ever leen better," ,,1 .. Bill Hon'y for 8al.. " gratification "happ~II81L" - Anule t". ap.tUt the only woman WhOID b. 1'1'11 tell wbat I'll d~." said the In Jlu~tln8 extracted booe)' upoD th-e- W ...r and 8 ' It a"'''tlal. ·Tbompwn. bad e". . 1000000, ud, thoulfl the rentt farmer. "If JOd'II, ptat aJIY two- you Plenty of wat4l~ and nit are of ' .. . . . . Dn,r' JD doubt. the ...,ntlhlt . . . c:u 'em, proddla' you" let the retaU mamt ale BOme lmatl pacbp. . b18 to, III g ....t u ...tance jD IttmolatlDr the LlberC,..·1 t the relolt ot ...-not. ai A IIaaa paclcqe .. PNfera «# tIlnee 111&1. .., &!a the IOtIl , _ _ .... ItDprllat othllN. wltb • CIOkmed label prIDtecI actioll or the, 0( cJI,..UOD tIIld ""7~, ,of tile abAlaoe or ta•• 'with Ute oWNr'. ...... a.d ~,. carrtUal ot the of ~e aDIo AlGeL ' --~ .. It. .......~m.










SICK "CASGARETS" Gently cleal'lSe your liver and sluggish 'bowels while you sleep. Oet a 10,cent box. Sick ' headache, bilious ness, dlzzl· Iless, coated tongue, foul taste aod toul breaUI- always trace them to torpid liver : d layad , ferm enting food In the bow els or so ur, gasay stomach. Polsonou" matter clogged In the' ln· testines, Ins tead ot being cast out or Ihe system Is r e·absorbed Into the l}lood , Wben tills polson r ea.ches tbo d IIcate brnln tlR aue It causes can· ges tion anrl that dull, throbbing, sick· ening hl)P.dllche, CnecP.rets Immediately cle'anse tile stOIllBCh, remove the 80ur, undigested (ood lind 'rolll gnses, take lbe excestl l:iie from Ih e liver 'and carry oul all the const ipated waste matter and POISOIlS In the bowels, A C'asc3 rei lo·nlght w ill surely straighte n y ou olll hy morning. They work while YO Il s leep- a. 10·cent box from your druggist me nns your head clear, s tomllch sweet and you r liver and b,?wela r egular tor months , Ad ...




Washington Youngsters Proved The n.· selv es Amusingly Adept at "Get· Quick" Foreign Languilge. They had hut recently arrll'cd 10 and In order to fit them' del ves to shin e III diplo matic circles \\'ere taking especlnl ' palns to acqulre a cert~11\ flu e ncy and ultderstandlng or rorelgn lang uages. Lillie Willie ' had heard so much about liIe "get·qulck foreign language" bablt that when he and his little neigh· bor we~o called ' upon to give an exhibition of their progress In modern languages, t hey were Quite ready to do 80. Doling father s, undes and aunts sat about, and when the lesson had been ~omp leted, lind proper praise had been hestowe~, little Willie looked confldently at 1,ls audience. and with a shake oC his little cUl'ls, said, ",Reservolr!" There was a general dlsposl· tlon , to 18ugh, wblcb oulmln8t,e d In a universal gulTaw 1Vhen little Katrina. equal to the emel'gency, piped out: "T"anks! T'anks!"-"Aftalrs at WashIngton," Joe l\utcheJl Chapple, In Nt.· tiona I Magazine. Wl\.~ hlnglon ,

TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH ' KIDNEYS IF BACK HURTS 8aye Too "'uc~ Meat Forme Uric Acid Which Ciogi the KldnlY. and I rrltafill the Bladder, lIIost folks forget that th,e kidneys, like the bowelll, 'get sluggish and clog· ged and need a ftua1t1ng occasloDa.lly,- - ' else we have backache and'dull misery In the kIdney region. severe head· 8.Ohss, rheumlltlo twinges. torpId liver, acid s tomach, sleeplessness and all Borts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kldn'eYI actlve and clean .. and the moment you feel an ' ache or pain In tbe kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any good drug store I\ere, take a tablespoon!ul In a glass 01 water before breakfast tor,a tew daye and your kldn pya will then a ct One This (amous salts 18 made from th. acid of grapes and lemon juice,' com' blned wfth lithia, and Is harmless i~ ftush clogged kidneys and stimulate the m to norm",1 activity. It also neu, tt aJlzes the acids In the urine so II no longe r Irritates, tb us ending hla!) der disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless: Ine'x*,nstv8'~ , -----'~-'-"-' makes a dellgh'Uul effervescent lithia. water drink wblcb everybody shaul. ' take now and t hen t.. keep their kl~ neys clea;" tbus avoiding ser;ous com plicatlons. A well·known local druggll\t says b. sells lots ot Jad Salts to folks who boo Ueve In overcoming kidney troublt ,whlle it Is only trouble.-Adv, Prlaonerll of War. Already a la rge Dumber or Germao pri sone rs have been taken by. tbe al· lies, In the Franco·Ge rman war 01 1870, tile French prisoners reached til E' extraordinary total or 21,508 oftleer/l and 702,04 8 men , or th ese nearly 250 .. 000 were the Paris ,garrison, arid over 90,000 r presented the French troops disarmed nDd Interned In Switzerland, Prison ers of war are always an em, barrassmant and a sou roe of cousld, erable worry and e ~.pellse, thougb their numbers ar(1 frequently lessened by Interchange or !'rlsoners tr.ken b) the enemy . ----~>----

WANTED Butternut nnd B lac~ ~b:lnut ~feat8 Write, ata~lng price per pound, nU'I7IOOI oC pounds )'OU ~an .flu·l.\lah, 'Adda:esi p , 0 , Box 898, 'Omaba. Neb. Ad ... Wile, '. "Yes," exclalthl!d the young man with a ' deep drawn slgb" "I'\'e fin IlIhed my legal education , last!" , "And UIlW," Bald tbe friend. "you'U lit dO\"11 and wnlt for ,clients:' "Not un your lite. I. won't! ,. repllee! the new attorney. "I' ve got a jot prtlmilled ,me In' a dfT good.s store."


Mo.t partl~llIr wom~n '1Il\e Red ~ Ball Blue. AmeriCIID made. Sure to pl_ At III eood arocen. ~tI" ,

Oft. In a TltOUAnd. Pt.rlle-In' t , PeterkiD .....,


\ I.


. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .~~. .~ l ~





I ... •..•.••.. •.••••••••••••••••..- ..•••••••••.



I'r bate CQllrt Proceedingll

W . C. and Emma D. EVllns $0 I . Evil. E. Williams ~ inte rfl8b in 3 ) n , \, m alt. r n EIDll'r K., lser, ap· ~raot 8 of hmd i o OIt}1lroreek township plio: " II Il ror lit [1lI1' I OU to t ho Uay SI . ton .olJ "~ to B nfool)ItIl J i u\ade for the Common Pleas Court a.l.Jo ... ~.

.I Ma den &Co.

of j i1. f~5

Ul lra G lllUllu r ill appol bted II.t · • ltoRa Lee Pettis vs. Daniel P etti"" IltiT m otlJ . divlJroe, g ross o egleot • .

R ' \' 1 ''' Lf~r'' f' lU ull)), eU K lor:s P o wA Iffed A . 8earR VB. ,loho D Buros d r \-" II. to Wwl1a· M. Uofor~h , bo~h I.\at,ton of defendllo t il!! overruled . of K . llf:~ Ml t Hev. U. E. Go wdy, PI~ ;i u UtI is ordered to r eoover $1000



On Hands At All Times


We have just received a carload of good Locust Fence Posts,

$2.25 per 100 feet The finest car of Chestnut PostS .Ever Brought to Town is 'J ust in.






Notary Public


AU kinds of Notary Work. Pension Work a I:lpeola)t;y.

For Father and Son AND AI.L THE FAMII.Y Two and a half million readers find it


it is Written So You Can Unde",tand It

absorbing interest. Everytbing

We sell 400.000 copies every month without giving premjums and have no 5Olicltors.. Any neWBdealer wlllsbow you a copy ; or write the

272 II. GIrt BOMt.

C41umbu ..

publisjJer for free SIImple- n $1.50 A YEAR


JIbe baa ·

been cured over live month•• there III DO doubt lUI to Ita ~rmanencT. I tro.t that thla .tatement wtn' be the me..... or ""torloc II1&II7 "mel'll ·1.O perfeo& ' hea1U1.

P a i.n leaves almost if b y magi c wbeu }'on begi n us ing " 0' D rops." lhe famous olrl remedy for R b eumar. tism, Lumbago. Goul, lIS



~04 :'i~ ~~';, ,


Sc ialica. Ne ur a lg ill

an d kindr ed troubles. 11" goes right to tho tipOt. slops the a eb es and pains oo,i makes life w orlh liVing. Get a bottle at-5-Drops"

(1'- Ow" pd' 1""", ~,nJ If; . ,

It 1nterute4 wrlttt 'or · eall on TH· Nata"'. CreaUon 00... Bank Bide.. To... u4 m .... ,Col_b_ )

Always Unprofitable. In labor all In life, there · can he no oheating.' The thIef ·stoals· fro m him••U. Th e swindler swindles himseH. -Emerson . ..... 4

... .

Brain and Bra·wn. Those that Ullnk must 'covern thole .that toll:-Goldl!wltb.



---_.- ..._--

Wayne&Yille, OhiO.

. __, . Call nnswere d l'omptly day or night Both phones Office ani! Reside nce . Long dis tance,N o. 14; Home phone 14 :"r , Chai rs anr,i one Coach furnished free with funeral s . Re9t of RervicE! guaranteed .


today. A Qooklet with each bottle g ives full


direc tions (or . use. Doo·t d e lay, Demand "5-Drops." Doo' t accept aDytbing else in place of it. Any druatri •• CAlI .upply you. If you live too far from il d rug store send One Dollar to

Swanson Rheumatic Cure C6:, Newark,

Oh io. a oel n bfilltle o~ "S-Drops" wI\! be· sent p r epaid. .


AUTOM· OBILE LIVERY SERVICE . . At Reasonable Rates,

Two Machines. SpringtleldTires. Tubes and Accessories. : Valyolfne on and Creases. .


RAY F. MILl.& -



A. 'l. Chandler

Had Been There Before. Dasher had e"ldently had ax perl· Succt'sso r to ence. I.nsber- "W 're going to bave some amateur th eatri cals. a t my bouse F. E. SHERWOOD next week !IIld a big su pper afterward. Cn..n you h ther?" Dash er- Qver Po, tolTict, Waynesville, O. "Oh. I'll be there, old man. but-erH (1 u~«, Phone ~ Olliee Phone 77 I may be late." Real Econo"lY. Economy al so mea ns that the father with a turkey wing Income ougbt not to ' underta ke to buy ostrich plumed bats for six daughters who regllrd washing dishes as drudgery and lllinging the frying pan a dlsgrace.-Houstoo Post.



Walter McClure Furic:raJ Director. Telepbone 110y or nlgbt VoUey ·pl one ,No. 7. Long Dist.aDClP !'In. 60-2r.

~. ~.~-----

Cough Medicine for Children .. Never gIve a ohlld a OD'tlgh media oine that oontalns opium In II.ny fnrm. When opinm lit given other lind more Berlons ;:'II8ell8ell wily fol. low . Long experience hll8 demon~tr8.ted th .. , &here lit no beUer or I~fer modlolne lor oQughs, ooids and oroop in oblldren than ChamberI' U b ate d Hi 11 I!!a \1 OU, ~e If l' II ~ua VIA Ut"l e or I" U fS'th r Y ,5. f 'I 000 a 08 no :>p um 0 0 er b arm u drug. For sllleby 'IIH dealers. ' _ _ ••_ _ __



AutomoDlle Service at all Times ..

W" VNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Office. Barveysbu-. O. ••

Dr J A •




VeterinarY Oraduate of Ohil) :-'al

l jniv""sjl ."

Blessing In HapplnesL Happiness, like mercy. Is twice Office at resid~mce in F. U. Sher wood's house, Fourth !:ll~t. bleB8ed ; It blesses those who are most Intimately B8soolated witll it, and It TeJephonp 28 blesses all tbose wbo see It, heal' It. feel It, t!>uch It, or breathe the same atmOliphere.-Kate Douglas Wiggin. Ohio Waynesville. -



Affected the Hall'. II.



- - --...


rcaJ.1SIO!D wmtY. $4.110 PElt,




111._"" II~

..- - --


.... v...........

OR. J. W. MilLER,.

Dcaplae the Little Fea .... Don't be afraid of shadows. ThAY are really not dangerous ot themselves, and bave .olten been known to be quite friendly-especially In I!!weetheartlng tlmea. You were 1I0t afraid· ot them theo.

The bome Is the greatest contribu•• DENTIST~ •• tion ot women. to the world, and the hearthstone ts her throne. Our 80Wl1IH!"lIIe.O clal atructure la built around her; and social righteousness Is In her charge. Her beautiful lire Ilghts the skies of hope ·and her reftnelUent IA the charm HA,THAWAY of twentieth century clvlHzation. Her By Pete r Radford graces and her power are the cnmuLectu rer No.U n.lI .I!'armcrs· U nion laUv'e products of generations. ,of \V " .w ue"me '. Leadlnll' Dell&td T he farm r gets more out 'of the queenly conquest, and her crown of c)ftloe III Ke", 81(la MaiD S fair t han an yone else. The falr to a eXllited womanhood Is jeweled with city man 1!.l an utertalo"roent; to a the wisdom of saintly mothers. She farmer it is ed uca.tlon. Let us take a has been a great factor In the glory stroll through !.he (Illr grounds· and of our country, and her noble a.chleveMAN 'to w~k by the mont.h, or IIngor a moment at a few of the points ments should not' be marl'ed or her . grow orop of tobacco. For of grelL~es t Inlerest. We wIll first IH11110wed Inftuence blighted by -the . vlllit tho m ech anloal department and . courser dulles of oltlzenship. Amer!- tUlther ioform"Uon, oaU ., )hiB . • j20 hold communion with the world'e can chivalry should never permit her ontoe. gren t(,5 t thin kers. Y u· ll T O lJ ('W :l U GIl ing a congress of to bear the hurdens of defendlllg and Wonted-,-To buy 'your BIdes, government, but should Furs, Pt'UtI, elo. Blgbest Mar. the men tal girlllts j I mechanical Bcl· maintaining prElserve her unsullled from the allied ke& prioe pal d . 8ee A. A. liisey, T"ADE M,,'''I, OniON. ence 1 1111 U~t' S. T hey ol'e addressing inOuences of politics, and proteot her Wayneevllle, Ohio . At home every . ,COP'YRIOHTS.tao you in. tongues of iron and steel and from the welgbty responslblllUes of Saturday afterDoo . JlII,one ..ndln, ... kel.It and d~.crlr,tlo" ",a, n In IIl.l'guugo lllule Illl powerful tell an t h" sordid ' affairs oC lite that will qnlcklf ....'LAIn on, ol,lnlon t .... ·w ,eLhe'l us ~" " "' .. ~ntlon I. proh"bl, ptt,.nt.&ble. _ CclnHtlU1l ,.. eloqu nt story or he world's progress. crush her Ideals and lower her ·lItand,lh",utrloLl,eouOdfin""'. HAHDBOOlt onP.tene. .ttllt frCL Oll1ut IjlenQ, (Of_Iecurtna.JUll.elltlt_ • Tbe invButh'B geUi uSBs are the most ards. The motherhood of the farm "Alene. token tbroucb )lunn a: CO. recol •• ' . FOR SALE ".eIGl " ...... ""tbqut ciha".•• III lh. valuaLll3 , farm hn ds we hBve and . ~'~Anti'I"'."·.HtttArlf'loan they purforDi an enduring service to is .our Insplratloq., sbe Is the gUBrdlan our dome8t1~ wl)1fare and 8 guide . ." "." " ••• " " • man ti,' :1. ' \' e can a ll help others for of lite. but Idirecting the af· 18dy wan'lI light emuloyment .. band.omor, 1lI;,.troted oI/Jeklr. 't...,,", drto a hllher . . ~ OUIIlUOJl (Of an, .."I"UO., Jourual. 'J'or1l", •. II. bri d pe r[oll while WB live, b~t It takca a ruo.s tet· 'm l)ltl to tower tnto· .the falr~ of government "s not wltbin wo- ; . til good ·ta~!1y. Fo~ further '\." fn\Jrmontb~,,\. /I014bflill "",, ..,"ulu... mom a sphere, and po11t~cal gossip. InformatioD addreh Gllz8t~e Olhc~, 8818,....,. real m nf 8cllmcc a.l Id light a torch of '\Voluld oause her to neglect the !lome, WavnesvUle. Qhio. · · . j 27 I .' B~ma "lit:. W"bla.lo~, D.C. progt· s tha t will illuminate the path· tOI'get to mend our clothes and burn I .. way ·oC clvl1!za 100 for future gonera- th~l biscuits. C0(JKERE~R. C. R I . ' Red, ~~!!!!!!~~!'!!!!~~!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ tions. .o 'I'ho Ill<lU who gave U8 the ' altlo R. (J. Rhode ~bland WhtMll'. sick ., Ih!) bindcr, be cotton gin ~nd eultahle for fll.rmerll, breed~rll & ex· hunurEod or o~. or 'l"a1uable Inventions RURAL SOCIAL CENtERS hibltO~8, $l 00 up O. V. Haroess, wQrl in OVCI-Y fio ld on earth illid will Waynesville Ohio. . ,21 con·t IDtI~ tll('lr 1 IIf S as long as time. We need social centers where our "~IY.:"""" Th elr brIght lu telle('tl! have conquered ' young people can be entertained, C OLT- A Olsy BurD8 Colt for 811.10. I death nd t1.l ",. WIll live and serve amused and Instructed' under tbe dl. · A gpod orie. I.lquire Ilf J B. ! man l~tn d on !l1)d on forever, without re(:tlon ·of cultured, cl.ean · and com. Stronss, Way.n~.v lie, Ohio. l:f(1W" , ' mon Olld wi llOllt j)rice. They .have j27 showu ' lIs bow g ran IIlll!' noble it. is. pe1Eent , l!ladersblp, where aes.zt.eUo phoDe..C~n. Ex. 72 4. ..~. sU1IToundinga stir the love for the ACREt; 0;' . we. 1 l ImprlrvecJ to ~'()!' k fo r Q~ hern: they bave also propel '9" ololle k> CeoCerviJIe, tau It us I io!~')116 In econ omy 'and .effi: belB.utlful, ::where art cbargell the atcleney. how t o 'mal;e one hour do the mClSph~re' wlth . inspiration' an~ power, A -bargatn. In order ' to olose ' estl\~e work f t wo 01' III or!!; huve .l ength. and ' Innocent .amusements mstruct 8ee A. A. MoNeil, Uent.ervUle, Ohio. -BROS~J.;. Both ·phonell. fl7 ened ou r . \'(;11;, multiplied our an,1I brighten their lI~es. I. the Dalll~ .tam M'd ". To hold oUr young people on the . . OPPOl'tu' tt1e~ and ta.kentol1 011 the ,he b" •.k of .pOo"., for ... f&.rm we . must make fann Ufe more N0' !' &dd 1e Pony for eate . obeap. baqJi or bu n !It.. and (aaey ' .rYlalr plecee, attracllvl!l as well a8 the hUBIl\ess ot . Inquire B~rve1. OU"ln,. la .UO'er plale IIC pro..... qaaUt,... :fa.rmlng more· remtlDera\lve. Th~ WayneR"lile, Oblo. l'lO : 110111001 house should be the ·lIoclal unit. · . 'b . . . "Sil"". ,""Stop t he Chi' .Colds . prl[lperly equipped tOil nourishing and OIllE!3. (J, B, Ml .0toaCoo~erelJ . . Thc)( Oft 11 R ult ~ erlously bUilding tlbaracter, 80 tbat the 'I~eii ~r ' lor ,"':,Ie, a 1110' !!ome nice h . Wl(le latitude Cor "hal.,. .Ia·oll'eftd lu tbe .aD,. our Jp'eople can properl,. function O!lD~ed r matoll~ IlIqulre. of lira ' C c'~. ,Ur ou )) <1.11(1 W400~lng (loogh aqlilalte de!l1..... are. <') lilld reQ'b ft,1j'itJ lltll whioh nupll 81'1[lund . It an~ hecome '1'upplled With L. ~ S. Joh!). Phone 44-8~ . . 11014 by leaelh•• . J ~O im Dl ~ d l " l,e attfmtillll . 'Tbe -r·t er ef. thla nec\!iul.,rr elements of b\UD&ll 4ulua I!~h~ Cot' Cata\otae feo t ~ 1'lr oft, 111»0 t·ser ioD8. Don'& thDolht and activity. FNE R C. 8. S. Bambarllttnd W. "~L" tibowlq-au 0, Baatam Oooltereht. K. K. hllDLto, ., Dillcovery oheob III a de.,.e1op~; of . the T.,hompaOD, Ote(tOllta. Obl0L Vallq 'be C J • 80llt th Cough, alia,. .. Itdln8 of the melllOl7. Pboue IV IX, Barvey.burK. jla 'be !·ojl UlDlfll i Ql). k ill!! the Germe ....b.t 1011 .read. . 11I~lben to &be -"".....L. • and u. 'lo ws N ~turr ,p do bet' heaUD, WOI'~. Goo, o t ynurDrnnaaL Ba, .. ChI8Ita ~ uc1

.C ORWIN, OHIO . ~~~---~~--------------__wi... bol,tle &Qday

All Kinds of

The fair creature's head looked like hBystack. Each separate hair stood out. "What's the lUatter, dear? ' Your hair Ie standing on e!ld." I put It up In ourl papers III lit night. and tbe ~ ·J.'n tl;9' are the most practical men newspaper I ~sed was Oiled with horthe world ever produced. Their In: rlble crimes. ---_e_e . [ velltlons bave stood the ac1d test of utiUty and efficiency. Like all useful Had DI.covered Th·.t. [ men, they do not se ek publtolty. yet "How's the baby?" asked the neigh· mil!llons of machines. sing their praises bor of the new fa.ther. "Fine," said -l~Qm e y harvest field .on earth and the 'proud parent. ''Don't YOll find that 88 many plows turn the soll ill' mute a baby brIghtens up a household wonaPI,lau se of their marvelous Bchieve- derfully? " pursued the friend. "Ye.,'· ments. . said the parent, with a sigh. "we have the gas going most of the night now." -New York Olobe.


Dirpctor , and Embalmer, '

DR. H.E.

CI•••Hled Ada ft



She commeneed taldnl' Nature'. Cr_ Uon and wall cured .0 qutcld,. that we M



fltleen pounds withIn two monthll:

could ha.rdl7 realize it.

postol 'will


It an,one doubt. tba.t coD.l\lmpUoa e&D' be cure4, the,. would not ut.. , ' lmowlna' Of m,. c!o,ucbter'. moat wond.,.. till reco,..r,-. Iu. June, '08, .be Wid .strlcken · wltll quick consumpUon and Joft





and OOS ' H. Defeodsn\ exoepts to judgment of the oourt,

stnte T ran8fer.

F runCli '1'. I I)\V ; ~ at a l to E . E . 111 the matter at the 9PlPoIJtn~ot.lI W on c1 rly UoJ tl'.I 1I('ceslo Clel.l roreek of Deputy:Sherlffs, (jhlu es. and James Follen Bre 1Ll>tow ll~lJip $1 OV.. poillted . ~b ~()n Ll' CI.),~ l' ('0, t il the C. L. & M[yrtle MoCOI miok va. Clyde Me N, g 'll lw y Cli.. 2 pa rcelB of hood in Uormiok . Div oroe grunted, Children Mu . au . 1. are granted to husband during (j. '. ;:: 11\ ( t!D - ' . E. Lewis to , soh ';101 time and to wife dnrlng Vl\ Wm ! , . S h l \, r ·.a d .1 Jbn F . 0 It eati.o n . te r il JU Hcr ..; ill Gleat'oreek townsh ip 1. . Commissioners' Proceedings E lJa Ulihn HI UI w ife ~o Chllt'les E Eat!"J ln d '. M. L~, wl tl DO aores in u 'eneral oontraot was mllde with ' Iell . n'o k tow hip'l. Walter 8. B~Jrer for team and labor. K" ,/,l . uUf1 I:i,\r r y P. Uaoh~nt to Chil l ,'II Wolho! u 1 JlOrt> in F r llnklin 'I.'he I\coonnte of f.lIe two depv1!ltories the Lebllnon National B&nk t OW I ~hl p $1. Bndl t.lle Citizens NRt lcinll1 Bank, for P . .r tw d h: !I"(l I lill r to J ohn S.; the mont h of Deoember 1014 were .JOB " . 11,,(1 (JL ! rl o~ W. Kindle <lIi d d f d • ... a u 1.e au oon . oorreo. . the 'J tii vid • . nne ba l Int orest US The finaDoial 8tBtementri of the \. hlrlq t o/J t ownship Auditor nDd Treasurer IIbowing the . bllillnoe in each fnnd and aooount M K _~n I,: :') .i . ~I t,~ patriok at t;he beginDlng of tbe month were lot r .. ,9l It, ~ rlol.K li n, $:.1000. presented Bud placed on file. S. ' . l:',~n ' h Clnlst opher I ~t BHla All d-'W H Elbon rOlld No l~ ,, 8 1 ., h. "'\ 'a75 and other wOI'k, WI\8~~:gton t~w~!lhlp, $'16.15; imp Ift., ut ell" ' 1 cll"! tlon H. W J Pfl . I II to fu naoe . . ' . an~r, rep~ r r E lllllf< Mot ['ny r" W. M. lind Bat. oou:rt house $162 14; Masoo saw mW tie lr'uln l:huw J6 1. Ilcres In bridge plank $31.80; ,rohn Shumaker W afl 'l in~ ton t.1) n"bip , $1, road work ,VasblngtoD town8blp r , f Oh Ed d J U1111 vl3 1H' lwlfld oUhBries 12'. 40 ; ~tate .: 10 va war E. 1\ I ' t h ;\1 lJl lton, so uth half Baldwin, fee a and 008\8, $8 05; L. K. of lot ~ . 7t~ ',n Al.. on. $1. LaD~don, servloes 8S "$~orney in (J vlr lillil IU fl - aUie .Tames ~6 00.88 No. 11301 llnd In bond i88ue Churl '~ C Vrigh t lot N o. 6,1 in &&00; Ed W oodrnl!. bridge W,lrli, Uee flaI \. . Salam township ~ 46. "; A . U. Shultz • . wOI~k in Union "nd Tortlec~eek 8 1' r h ill ufo et I t o J . W t '~ 'T'nalilp $2''" 96 ', Bert no Deed, b,I'dg'"" ~ ~ .. It~ll ' ,'i' et !) ;iU $ Or8 S In :salem wOlrk, Deerfield tow nE\hlp 126; Z"ln tow ' I $ 1 Artnit8ge, brldll:e w ork, Turt)eoreelt U 1 Un l;l t' 1, - ( Wm. and ('a r town~hip $U,40; Girl8 Ind~II'rlal r ie P,d.tersol) I'~ I 'I' No . 1 a nd 2 in Home. oarhig for inmlltt's 17021: Fran Iill, $J ;{O() R C .FEll rif!, mdse for oonrt hou~p L lJl' ]I'n b'. Lf' L; , .Tohu E. O\nd '-3. W. 0 , Ul1wollr, boardlug pris. Ab If.! I.J BI' " .H1:2 Ernot iu T ur t le ODElrR 1146.67; sllwe. expense8 for It tow n I S; l qUI~,.wr endidjr, $247.42.


w. H. Madden &



Marriage Ucenset



New Suits.

) 0 fill Ul lt;t ,r of the II p o lD t men~ 11 1\1 ... t rOD till' t H Warrell Uonn ty

Proper CaNI nil . In CBrvlng. ha.m Iln d b ef should bo cut thin ; pork, 111mb. vaal a \d mutton 11 IIlU o thicker . When cllrvlug IL I .g ot rtlutLOn. take bold of the bone end w ith !.be let~ , b and, th II cut thlt\ slices down to the bone a nd loosen f!,ch slice by putting the kni fe fiat on I.he bared bon .nnd cutting . through . T he slicing should gradually Cbanll(B dlrectl?n sli ghtly, so· to o.l ways . cut acrOS8 tbe gro.ln . • Bacon'. Good AdvIce. . Let sta tes tha t aim at greatness take heed how their nobility and gen· try multipl y too fa st. In coppice woods Jt you leave your s taddl ee too thick you shall never bave clenn uo· de rwood, but scrub and busbes.-Ba· coo.




mUNN'! Co .....

New Ynlt





C m'



'''''' w,.,.,-



'Qll101tlbe~~OI ....

_.a. _. --

,100 ...........

1Ilaaal . . . . " .....




m2 MIAMI,· WA......_·VILLB, OKlO



i>.lQ e;~ anr!: P Il " es lor USuI UI How's This UI:8S. Jt UUllllot V"l'turm ILs mi stl lon to agriculture by recording th e frall- . We offflr One BUDdred OOIlBrll l'ullIlMIt",l Weeki)' ,,~ \\'u YlIllIivllJO. Ublu ti eR, tlie mi shaps Bnd loordlt)/l to am- ' R.ewClrd fur IlOY oaAe of Uatll rrb bllleue of humanlty. or by Oiling Its thltt Ollnent be oured by BItoU's n. L. CItANE, rditl I' and Manage r l! coiumns wll h the echnell of the lItru g· llt~rrh Cnre Lytle Springboro . gles of bu sy atfe ts. or by en~hnntlng F . } . ttl RN EY & CO., Toledo. O. ste rles or cIty lite which lure our We. the undersigned, have known F . ] . The local ' Paper a 'Most Uleful children from the farm. I'LL SHOW .'EM Cheney lor Ihe last J 6 years. and believe Mrs. 80gh KesliDg is seriously ill The " Pwoofr (:11 !\ " 'J f the M E on the Farm-The Prell, Agency him perfectl, hooo ru ble in all businlls at her home. It bas a blgh er and nobler tas k. . '1UtlU l\y ·... U 00 1 11/)1(.\ III ir r al:fular Pulpit and School a Trinity of TQO. often the pag!lB of the Ci ty dalUea J~ VH 1!\,o\J lw ll t·\1t1 IliAp Ar, Je~. 1 htl ve . transacli " o~ anci filltillcially able to 'carry Miss Ber'ba. aauJwl ,~f ~ .B "7' ln , ., I ' l 7' B := a I1 : "I-:,,",u , ,,n~ U,,,!!.!hi.1 !'-_..1 :>:J.lH~.(':" "..!J lll.!.. ' ~ • .JIit.llt~t~ t ltll.;' " U!.m:u: · L!.!lL f l Infl uence That Must Be out IIOV ohligalions made by his firm. bristle with the s truggle at ambitious I dllln" like 10 do It. ' ~ /'f' '. IJ. "ho I)!jOIl . NAT IONAL BAN~ 011 COMMERCE, s p :tnt hulldllY weelt with Springbo r o Utilized In Building mon In their wild lust fer pow ar. nud ~llL rob " , ,lltu/' hu gin lUll tl U)<1 rt. . Eil6 htnl' I rOtllJOWh'u . t I ' I 01111. , Toledo. O. rl'latives anr\ frleDdll . man y Umes the flames ot Jl raonal . ~rlc ulture. AUIll "ll. i. htl ll"u I1 It, RllymoDd Ff!.rr, of l!'ranklin, WIUI A ' ter the rt'· · 11\1' bu~ n ' S of the H a ll ' s Calarrh Cure is taken internally, conllict sear the tender buds of ne w I /tw Ii UI~q wq" IIIA Y", Ill'; d b~!l i olass r ljfrdshuleu t· \'reT e r e d . acling directly UpOl f Ule blood and mu· bowe fvr New Year's. ,cIvilization and illu minate the path· Ami WIll IIUt hI! inrl IlJl e." cous surlaces of Ule system. Testimonials Mrs. Eliubeth EVllns, had for her t:llucly:! D <rl1gllJl, lin u bt~I' of Mr. way to destruction. The rural press st Dl free . Prke 76 cents per bottla . Sold "iq when t,hlllldil.\ll' t:1.ll.t! "mlltt guestl o.n Sunday Mrs. Dr. Frede rII Ofl hI r:l. W II.! • ~ al l wus take n ~ a ll Druggists. . By Peter Radford . Is the gevernlng power at public senti· l W ',ut IU b tl CUlJt! ulted he ' va h urri ed . T ake Hall'.., Family Pills for constipa- lolt J f' nltlns, 01 Regina, Uan ' da , :liole iiI. t ·l ' ueso:lY. mQnt and must held steadfast to r or NSlllo ua.1 ll·u.rme rs' Unton 1 tuok I htl "" il l /' !lIt. y,,,, yen r8 MISS VlrRlnia Yeal, or Oakland, U8. i l the bo VI .. oIu D I,Y nu t • uudergo • prloclple Bnd keep the ship of state And h .. lped 1IIUI ull 1 e " uld, dir. tIOn .' Mr. Itond Mrs . M. J. Farr, Mr. I\od 8\1 o~ no1hln, Alter /I ftlw davs A brond camplIlgll of publicity on In the roadstead of progress. The But w ben . I· cour tl ~u tl uuntn' me Mrs. Thoa. Miller, and. Mr. MIl.u.ri oe t r !l tilll'u t ut Ihl1 pflloe ~ be so ~e th e ,suhjoot o( rural lire Is nceded In rural press can best serve lhe Inter· J dldn;t thlDlI:...Ile Would, 8ic, Miller, of~pr1Dgboro, Mr . Rsymelld oovtm,,,1 , t ·,a t· nuw It i t h uugh t Iln this swle today to brlog the problems ests et the farmers by applying Its tiut. thHt be did, !Iond yo 1 OHon bet Beech Grove. Furr, of S'rtlnklln . olJurllt.l II WIll u t be uc'oo t1a.ry, ef the farm ers to the forefront. . Tbe onergles to tho 801 utlon of problema It. r",udll me llOt 88 thnnder . -~ ~--Mills Olive Kellison was tbe guest Gibso n Vuoll!'viJlo ")lIl pfin y sen' city preblems are blazoned upon the al'fectlng the local ' community. It 1 tlaYlI, "1 ' Il s', op that sheet,' L lVill. Mrs. Rutb Murray has gene to of ~prlDgboro friends 8unda.y, . ou t by Il h ... l .. " Il1I1 11 J uiol ne Co front pagos of tbe mctropolltan dall· must stem the mighty life current If that old thing goes under." Le'e sburg to viSIt ber bome folks. . Mills Belva MoCandlass Is sJowly g.l ve U VIIU!l VI I I ~how ill L y tle Hall lea and echoed ill the country IJrOSS, that Is moving from the farm to the 1 huntlld up the etlitJr thl3 en t in' WUll lt. 'l'he manuge r , Mr . but the troubl es of the tarlllOl'H are cities, sweeping befor e It a thousand Ohas Ellie aDd tltruily l\p6nt Sun- improvIng. Anu for IJIS ounnin' oaper Fr(' d 1...IlIHlItIld h is tlssibt ntll g ,~ve II seldom told. )Cca pt by those who day with Cb:..t!. B':lgerwyer Iloa I pAi<l him eliven lIeClT. and quit Mr. an1i Mrs. Barry Fry I~nd very goutl II fe 'i t ,.nl. ..lI. Mildred seek to profit by the story. aud the boys and girl s II r dny. It hns to deal family, Yes, IIi r 1 H~opped the )Jllper . chUdreo spen' New Years witb Mr!l. E BtlHl.'tt w nn ttl" Pll l>puire rillg glitter of the pa kage ofttimes eb· with the fundam ental preblems ef 14. M, Terry !lnd K E Thompson Eva Hormell and fll.mily. -Exohange. givfln I/Y t bt' t'l hl f ' r I ,h tl mest BCUTOS the substauce. A searching In· clvtll~atlon at their tountaln head. Its Wl:lre In B"rveysba rg on BlIotordll Y Mr. vlyde Campbell meved Inl;o 1)"!lU\Jlr I.dy wltl '" ~\I'IR . IInll t:lmith vosUgatlon Into lh e needs of the ml8slon Is to direct growth. teach ef· flclency and mold the Intellectual life Several rrom this plaoe are at. tbe Jonier boilding Mooday . GIVE THE FARM A NAME C r rh:d fl:1 !lCO'," 1,, 1)'.6 farmers w1ll reveal mllny Inherent de- ot the country. placing before the pubteodlnl!' t:lml ~ h 's Itlrge hog sale MIs8 Eva Robinson was the gues t. I'ltr. ~l'mHl ; L'I , I'k Im d b illfl bove fects· In OIlr economIc system that can lic the dally I)roblems of the farmers Henr\etta D.liranel, Ohio Institute t:lprlngft "ld thiS week or Miss Myra Gilpio 00 New Yetlr 'lI J' ut.llrn l' ti ll ,lItlf ' fr.m! L.oui ·1/1Il 0 'l . bq easily rernedled wben properly un· ' IUId giving fir st atte.n tion to tbe leg· Gell. WtlrLer, ,f Green Prisr, II Leoturer, sllYs: "'.rhongh the old day L i eI' i\f\1\ I cIt l' 1 ~ p n' ' 11 11 i;etl the derstood IUJd illuminated by the pow· Islatlve, co-operatlve, educational and. fa.rm may eometimes ba ve lallen qulte sle~ at tblll writing 'fuesd8yafternoon at 1be h (;me UU III 'l f 1!o1ll '1I I r "Jiltl " I, of Uell er at tbe press. social needs of the agricultural classell abort; h! fltiled to make all OUT M . M 'i'eny Hod wift', Missel of the bride's paren's, In tbe prese cu ttlI'd I e, Tbe rural preBS, the pulpit and the within Its respectlve ·communlty. dreama oelDe tlue, it Is Btlll Bome- Lizzie Stroup IIond ReUB t:lmit.b ~ peot :loti . 8 1 I ,(' k, ~ 1'1"8 " gil I5cl1001 lICbool are a trinity of powerful In· .A. wonderfnland beltou"ful place- .. Sunday wltb K III Thompsen Ilona of Il Ie", seleot friends, MillS RILobel The Power of A~vertl.lng. Wright, daughter of Mr . and Mr.s . IO ~ Pfl(' · Of·. '11111 Mr, U!)r l"J, l! uoty flueoces' that the farme r must utlllze pJaoe where we fiod I!&tlsfactiou !loud wife . John Wrigh t;, WIIS u r) UI>d In mar. ·l\l'e rt ot I.1 D,l. nt v l~i ted t hil< ~eotlon to their fuLl ost c.a paclty betore lie can reet The Influence of advertiSing Is clearOCCIupy a commaodlng posiUon In pub,~ ~per Barne8s to 13k qoite alek In rltlg~ to Mr. Wm £rew. Rev. 'l'hursd uy. "What'a In " name?" yoo bay. ohurcb on t:!und~y evening buc Is Loom\s, 131 the U B chnreh oftleisfHe atraln. These g1gautlc agencies are ly visible In the homes and habits of Evervthing, frow any t!tIIOdpOlnl better at this wrl'Ing . Ing . The oo.uple are well knewn Evror f't H£l in"tl h UH r pt ur n d from organized tn every rural community the tarmers. alld the adverlislng col· YOD W"D~ to ceDelder it. 1t it! Ito here Rnd tbelr mlt.ny frll\nds wleh I\. ,' IHit wi I II r ' Ill t! v ('~ D&j ' (liuoi nnati. and only aweJt the patronagB aud coUUlDS of the press are makIng their Mrs. Orie Allen bas re~nrned to ~ood ~hing to hI' vo your pJlloe UIIoWed Mi(l~I'~ 0,.1'1' IIncl AllOU .'wlth re operation or the farmers to rully de- Imprint upon the Hves of our peeple. her home here ~Iter spending 'hem a long Itond happy life . Irom a bOHlDest! peint of vlew . turnep .Il !Jl u rr r'1I1 Q t w o week's "elop theIr energy and usefulnoss. The farmer pessesses the things that a;uppOlle thl> gr .tOer, or the ou toher , several weeks with ber sisters in VIHit wHll r tllutlv " I\t W tlt CUrTol· They are lecal forces working for are best advertised. Lebanon Try This for Neuralgia or Lbe flto\ory owner but! nu nHW " I,ou, The farmer Is entitled to all the the hest Interests or their respective Mrs. Alioe Terry and son MAI1rl for hlB place of bu.inetltl? You II I'hotlSonds of people keep on duf61rH nJ " ~ ..G,,,l>lmr t Willi iu Dayton commonltles. Their work Is to build advantages and deserves all the lux· made II. business trip to Leba'lion on tblnk 111m 11 rlgb ~ 1I1liftlell ~ oba.o,! fering with Neoralg\a beotluse 'bey SlIturd uy. aod thelr object Is to serve. . They urles of life. We need more art, sci· f6t}kon, and yeu'd jnst as soon trttde Friday. do Dot know wbat to do for it enoo and useful facilities on the Ml' ~ · IIII ~ . .John~ e n t er nlned Hot prosper only through the development lIomewuere tllile IIoS with bim Mas Jennie Warner has returned Nenralgta I~ a palo io the nerves. larms, and many homes and farme di nner 'IU ,ld ... y , .... ' lbul Ul rk and and prosperity ef the community. Nltome tbe fltorm and put the oaml:O te her home at Urtlen Bri~r '('er Whas you waut to do Is to eOJthe h mll Y·hnd ,1,1 C:.. ) liod Iuwl ly . Every farmer 10 thIs state sbould are well balanced In this respect, but out where everJone cIID . see lL. spending ileverllol days with Mill tbe nerve it.self. ApplV Hlean '8 MI' r,Y,,: :,!t>l Ii:tl \1'l rtl n wElre Bnbscribe for the local paper. as well the advertiser can render a ' lIervlce ~like n a 'J rode bhrK. A well Rena HmiSh. LIDln ent to the surftloe C'ver the &8 farm periodicals and such other by te&eh1ng the advantages ef modern v iaiL\ " b 1 . 11111 I· u L y I]. ~\! <.ld :IY . known, lldverlitled trade marlt itl J. W. T..ylor 'rans&oted busines. painful part-cio not rnb it ill. publl'catieDs as be may find profitable, equipment throughout the columns of worth tbonl!lmJ~ of d .lIara '13 the IIl 'Lebanon several daYIi Jast week. 810an 'a Liniment penetrates very but he should by aJl means subscribe the rural pres8. owner Yeur farm Itond ite prod uo til M[88 Lizzie Stroup, of Harveys. qu ckly to tbe ~ ore. Irritated nerve ,. ad)' Oi 'ol'llcrs C',me From tbe liver for bls local paper. and no bome ~r.e your ",took in~rade. Nliwll lind allays the tDflI\J;I1me,\ioo Get Are YOlt .J II~{ a dll., wit h Yourself? should be without It. The local paper hurg, III the 'goes' ef her aiater Mrll. The farmers are In need 01 personal 'hem and you ha. va lidded relAl bllrd IL E, TholllpBon. a bett.Js ef 810aD's Liuitnent for 2() Do YOij Re~ ula te LiviD).:? Is part ot tlle community lite aud the leadBl'lblp. They have poUt(cal leadclulh vltolua t.) every thlng y'OU lIell. cent. of an1 druggist and bave it In Wm H. B13hu!, who lell during 'he hon8e_ugalndt Uolds, l:iore Ilnd Are " I" 110 net,! HII'! 11 0 (ill 'w ith editor understlUlds. the farmer's proll- ers, but they Deed lo~ induBtrlal Uboolle Ii nlawe Willi tlulted to sur ruundlngl!, a DltWS Ihat w 1\ tell in the icy wellotber, III geU\nR along .. SwdleD .JolDts, LumbltoRo, Sclatl 8. YOU[!!{\!f II I w i il t.lle 'o rld? Do lemlt It Is the local press that w111 commllJliq and ,educaUomal leaden. study the local problems and through ' its vury "'UUDa some of the ob'lirac wtlll 8S oonld I)e e:i~peoted j aDd like Ililmsnts. Your money y ou wonde r w hat (loll! yun? True -------.~-~.------ChItS . W. Tbompsen, ofVerslltl'es, baolt if Dot satll!fled, but it does .vC'u m ~y b" ea l ln ·, I ~ t1J"dv aod Its columns deal with subjects ot most tsrllttietl of yuur bUtiioelis howe; Excellent for Stomacb Trouble ntal Importance te local lite or the t!ltltlpI'" we ll. ¥'ljT. @um et bing is tben bave letttlrheads mllde tor .youl' Dark, 00., waa the gueat or his give slmest instant-· relief "Oh, moorlain's Table&e &l'e jus' tbu mil ,I ~ r I Uo l StiPl1t.iOD , Bead· community: oorretlpouuenoe With the Dam" of oousin K. E. TbompeoD a oouple of flne for stomaoh trouble," ",rite. aobe, .1" ' ~ OU "Ulj d lind Billeus ,our ttlI'm un thtlw 110,1 yuur n~me day.a Id8t week. A NobleT__ Mt. Holly Mrl!. U. O. DUDn, Arnold, Pa. "I S paUe indlc" .. :'10 ' ' IRb Liver. and your wlttl II uunltl and veur poet. J. W. Creswell is sblpplng several ' was botbered wltb tblB oomplaiDIi !rhtl torf eel r om edy 1~ Dr. Kl ng 'S New ofllOtl addrtlll8 titlolea'h. Of oour!!,· 08rs of atr8W tbilt week. Tn too many Instances the ceuntry for 80me time and Irequently bad Mr. aDd Mra. Ed Raw80n, Estber LIfe PI IIM ()nly 25u I~ l you r Drng yuu wanL y uur wite'lI namtl OD your papers mimic the city press by glv. ThOBe from a distance wbo atattacks Obam berlaln 'a ' 8~tlooflry ·b tl 18 your pllnner 8nd tended oburoh here on Snnda, and Ruth Rawson and Or,to tiess, 01 gist. BuC'lrl tlo ·" .\uric ~ . a lve for Ing prominence to scandals, accldenta bilious Tablets afforded Il\e greGs relief from Day tun, were Sonda.y vlflltorB of !Skin Era.prJ ." tbe Ul'!st antl truest, lind ~bll hlirdesl evenlng were B. C. AtkiDl!on and and political agltatlen. Tbe new 'he tiret, and lliDoe alliDg one botwor.lnK, tlud I.htl ml/"I intareeted daugMera. of Wayoesville, Bert Mr. and Mr!!'. Jo~n Levi. -- rural clvlllzaUon baa placed upon the tle of 'hem I feel like a dUferen' per. Mr: Charley Myers a!ld famU,., of VUrLy It. '1.111 Wllulu uoJuutlru. Onoe ~illi8mll, er Olive Branch aDd Hue., New Burl. r ngton rul]l} pr~ss rene~~ ~...;.::!!;'~!~ laD." For lIale by all dell leI'S• . B.,) roont, were reoent vieHers ef bis yuu .WIlII to. lad t.u I! ... I· ,btl O'1I1UO~ t u Ro1>in80n, of Oregonia. motber . endow ber .\\,11 t. .. II y " ur worldls "Ouelll now yunr prumi'Il' . ieaepb Myertl, of Bellbrook, bas Rfn i h i t;el "le s a t ,be M. reltl ... ohurob .1" '''l1~1 l 'IH, J a y tJY{\ Dl D~ . . been vlaUing hili mother, Skim Cream on Bottlei. 'l'htlrf' 11.16 a onmbeor of farms iI M t'l:4, (;0 ~ . .Ph llli1>S I offerlDg ,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F. O. Cornell. of Dn,yten, was a A novel method 01 skimming' all our viduiL.Y f.hat bave vtlry uppro. the crea.m from milk Ilontalned In a recent visitor flt ~U Holly . from I~ "01 Ii t'ii.l lstl ' ·.·. ,rlattl nurnell t.·ut I,htlre artl n II bottle or like vessel Is to use a laree e ,',1 Ju" ' il"l: 17UfOtl of New Mn. Joho Levi is .1ek at lhis enough 01 tbem. Ev .. ry farm OaKh' round disk of rubber which takes a Bur llll ~ 11 LCill ~ tI ~'. & A . M' 'tVere wrUinjt . . to b .. ve over the t.L trllnf'8 t, tb.' Slightly concave .hape, It belnl hun, Miss 8ernloe GIbsoD il 00 'he sick in8~!>! I f;:d a~ u Hfjoo\!ll IDeflt n g '1'burslarm tbe otl.mEl ot tbs farm. Glvt' upon thrde light aluminum reds or dtloy nig ht: Cltlrunfle I:i. MoKay, W. un. 'be fUIll a ntlme thll' ltl1nlgge~'1v6 . "ires. Slipping tbe 41slt ' ln edee"'la. M., Wm. A. "'ayortl, ' . W., 1'hoa. fJ. It von 8t6 un 8 ptomlu Illee o~l1 II lire. Ellswortb 8ml'b, of Dayton. H:.y d oc k. J. W,. WI Iduo N Mor{ay, helow the surface, It then takea Mr. L'lokonf., ar..Irvlew, Bill J rallli, and is vlsi .IDg bel' mothllr Tro!\s , 'l' revor U a "yd ook, !:leo'y., tlntnwtt tioutle, Clr "oy otber "PLItt) the fla.t position and can be drawn out WnUtIom Bllrteook aDd wifs spen~ Rehe t, D. L'uU t,t . 8 . U , Itlomer .J. with all the cream . . prlllt60toWe you may ohOObe II , Sunday wUb Frank BartJlook lIud Lundy. J . D.. I:J o. . Phtlllpe, ------Deln Il .. w~ll, fljJpllng btli.oeb, MI, II family . l'y le r .. LllogbhlK ""{ltter fllrm, ' Breez:\, Arrl ..'. PotenJlal W.alth~ Carl Barnard aDd family, of Bell· Le s r UComI,t rlJ b ",, ' p o tbhllsed Ban II II, ~111 Stream, ~trellm I;lde. For Ita tuture 'Induatrlal develop. brook. I!pent Iiunday with hl~ met-her. i, m MiU~' H' PSl Y W ~~ of ~own or .ome othllr naille itS fbnoJ ment Africa Is remarkably fertunate. trs . L ,~tl Oorl o i~ 00 fln d te her would 110" gll!!t.. Already coal depollita to the value of . Elmer Pratt, of Xenia, wae a 'h e ul e WIt h Bripps lind Misil Edoa Uive ~he farm tl nliwe and let tb \: morll than three bundred mUlleD do1- visitor here receDtlY. hl~8 t.on@iUl.i . ~opl~ know whur.Itis, and tbe .lllorm la~s have been discovered alon, the ",iII beo'llUe knllwQ far ilod widtl . Cape to Cairo route, while more thao 'I'here li S' II HrOBt deu I of exoUe pangers of Cold aDd 1)60pie Will oal1 it by lobe UIlm9 five thousand waterfalls eller wonderDo vou know tbat: of all the minor m enS ' litHl , y wh j It Wtlil learned "lven .•,od it will add Oallfe, aleo. ful possibilities fer the establishment aliments ooIds u ·,,· by f~r 'be m ost tb nt li n in"l) r ."d I •.uud a ca. e Name ~he f.rm I _ ••_______ • ~ .h --'" Next tq Sherwood'. Carage Main St __ _........ ef waterpewer centers. dangerous? It htnoUbe 'coldB tbe m of 110 f IJ (I ·lJltltlt.h d ial'lI sa ' o n the fn ~ lllof <' , li . Mdi, y. Mr. McKay Real Home of· the Rosemary. • -- .. a,e lvea that ,.on Deed to .fear, bot is a,n 0 wb uojr' to l,h oonfidence -=-- - "'I'f'hbe hom6-t>t tb'e Te8em~ry waa orlg. Biliousness and Constipation Cured the eerloUB dta88sejl th"t ~he eo of ever-y O&R on acoo-t:l-t+t of b i s l ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 1t· 'you are "ver troubled with bll."· 1 '0. For thltot.reli80n every b ODellty an a t &.l r d~ ,~li ng and bis InaU)' In the south ot Europe, mora ellpeclally Italy, where It growa te Inultn6lls oroona'ip"t.ton you will be: 'oold sho~ld b~ gotten r~dof wU~ th e m any fr ctl d~ . tire mol' th lln 80rry the height ot IIllt 'or algot reet, eIther .interested In tbe tltatemen& of R F \esat possible delay, '1:0 a<100mph8~ fo r bie bt.(1 Inuit. Air McK"y dees being trained upward frem the-areund IIlrwlD, Peril, In 1. "A yt:al' ago laB' 'hla you will .fiud Chamberlain 8 " luge flh pPID~ bnllioetls und Is a or embed.ding Its roots lu an old wall. winter I hid a.o attaclt .of Illdlges Congh Remedy Df ~rea& help &0 you. llIorge st, c rills r. It it'ews In three varieties-gold, sll. tloo followed by biliousness and'oon. It 1eOllen8 oold, rellevee tbe lnngs, yer and green. B&ipa.t\oo. Raeing Chamberlaln'a 'Iids expeo'-lratlol. and enables the Children' S Coughs-Children's ,Colds 1'a.blets so hlgbly reoommended I sY8tem '0 tbrow off 'he oold. For Bdth Are Serious bollght 8 bottle of ~hem ' and ib~y ale by all ~ealerB. "Vhen (l ilA u f U 0 1" litr. le o neil belped me r Ight awItoY.·' For .ale ' • - • she ws llVUl ptomt: u' n 801>1)1' lI olling by all dealerB . To Mend Callulold. COlli, g l \.\. it Bt I) " P m\! Tltor • Any art.lcle ef celluloid may a oney ~t '. \t ~f) U b r: fs (l ll io kly, .be mended with ' collo.J1en. Scratch [I ud pr "' ~" i·t s lIlt! c; ,,; fl ;,lrvwlDg To Overrulr Timidity. ' DOn't believe that you are unable to the broken edges to be mended with w or .. e: \. .. rv h !.ji l''-: - - ' "' t'\t1~ the 'overcome timidity. You think you are a shallp "nlte until a smoeth surface tung , In, ' - "Il 1' 1~ 1' /l ' ll Uu l ", t l'\' D~Lb. not becBllso you have always' been able Is sscured. Apply the collodlen and e,,' t h e "y, ll'llI . " q ~lt\l I'lH~ ttle(]. to control condItions and p'eople Iii ' 'press tightly to~er for several min· Gol 25u., II to t ' U I. ,'U " I . t. Buy Il sway te humor It, Start 'the' ftght utel. Let ' stand for at ' least tw enty· bJ iliJe t·'llI .n!. 1s11 IdA!, ·r.! I r nio& Woman So' Weak and Nervous now: for you may seine day flnd your- tour hours. Liquid court 111aster wUl BI"l vl) ' or 'I, ttlI'. alone, and without the money to answer aa weU, since ·the maIn Ingre· ---.~- ..... C'ouJd Not Stand Her Chil- self buy younelf an audience for teur p. dlent Is celled Ion. Moderr S <lt ~.m " n , . dren Near Her ~ Vinol .cul\arltles. ~----, "You' II liav !lOllle d)(l'lai nlng to do .-:.--... ~;+---Changed Everything for Her . Chicken Thief Wrote Vel'lle. whIm you set bom , ',' :>II' t YOll 7." ftould te O II Pion •• ,. Veterinarian.. . ' Atter. out' a chicken. ., Plant CI'ty, Fla.·-" I wish I " T coel) in "No," T pll~d the m. ' o!ber at c ngress. everybody about Vinal. For 'nine years he classical Greeks ha~ I WIUI in bad health. I got se I could' rians. But veterinary medicine and Blrmlngbam, Ala., the ' chloken thief "I'm Qot . olng. to o3)(1)I:lln. I'm going netllleep, and I could note land it to have surgery did net · or1gtDate 'with the left tbe (ollewlng, note: . "Lord •. have to let roll 0011. l.utJu .oiI argue ma tters my cJi'iJdr~p come near me. I could net ,Greelta. So far .. a8 we know ,to. the ·.mer!)Y 'en my soul, how many cblckens oul among tl!Nll .. NvEls aud thel.\ take' t ile most .. ' even sew or de any heavf housework.' contrary, It had Ita atart . with' t"~ hav~ t a,elll, 'iut 'nlgh~ ancJ the night tue sldo tha.t seonia te h!\ I WIUI .nmply ~red all the time. I ~ed ' ' E~ypt\an8 , the .wonderftil p'eople who ~fore. c6uUng ba~k tonight and get ad'vocILtOfJ.";-Vraehl n .00 Sto.r . - +---..... - ....-. - - -10 many medlc1D~!, [ could net .recall , hem ' te bave Originated ost of th. iii more~ remember coming baclt. tothem all, but 1I0tlimg did .me any good. . m ,Dleht." When Wa's He In 't ho LegI8I at~ re? " . OJ;1e da,. a frieqd' ~lCed rna to trY Vlnol uaeful 'OTt! that ~T'fl here today. _ _-,-'_ ....__••....:;.._ __ "Th'e ] ~,glsl (llur • 1I1I-?" "'fhe aver· and said it..wlUl the' best tonic a&e ever '. . • _. ! . < legls l1ituZ!;:o, 0'1. ' en," replied J. iaw. I did 10, and lOOn got the flrilt . Ovard.llcata. How la. It With You? ROOd night'. sleep I had had fOl! a.torrg It was In a small louthwe8tel'll toWD When a uian~s growing boys am Fuller C;t' 'In . ,. II, deb ~I ng' aocleq .8me. Now I IIleep well, .my appetite'ii that h 11 hi h I f8 colnl a I>lt wild the e1d man holds wh r , U I. ultii l' II GW5 " bat · he Is aood, 'm;iT nenOUIDe8a is al ciODe and I t e town cou~c . w c we n r ' the mother res ......ns·lble for them 'an ' d taLklnt a110 \1 • oud \11~"'s n(,t ca re anyam 10 .trong and well I do all my house- Is becoming. unduly dellcate caused .tv ' work aIId work In my flower Men thl~ ~otlc.e to appear In .tbe leca! news- I.n conyeroatloll ,.Wlth her about them tb JIg alJCHlt \\ lIut flnybo y . else . 18· without feep,.g tired er 'l1el'VOWl. Vinol paper when it. tax .00 de,s was 1m- he aQudea to them aa '.~Those whelp II talking ! beut:' - -----.... ~ baa made me a well happ,. woman." posed: "Tax en each dog-maie, on• .of yours,'· But. wben they're nice. -lin, C. H. MILLER, Plant City, F1a. dollar' vice verla three ' d,ol"'..~I- lonl·eared, roady-goody lion be refel'll .' .:~ wl!lry, Perha 6. , • VlJioJ- contains tJJe CIll!8t1ve, lIeallng. Harpe~'a Magazine'" to them ,•• •· ..14, · sonll. ~·-New York ~ wesl e rn court, hlis jl!St decided ~dpl_ of frelb cod livers (without • ~ ••_...;.._ World. . \ that a. lvoQcitlll IC/1; Is "wearing ap. . 011) aM tpIIlc froo.. • , R.llloaM Turk.. . 6 -_ _...... . ._ - _ .--.,.parer" 'nel I' what, cll1BRttlcat1oll would It Iput a bone head ?-Puck. -T~~ ~~-~tyto · ..... ..... 1-" In bat U.' .... ._ aD tb.. y.CIIIl - 3 ~·lDoherl·, Y .. ld" lu 101"1 u ers kll_ Raw. Potato for B.u "", J • .-... • oat Hclaal oocI aDd 'IroD We auppol8d to 10 .tral,ht to paradlH. A raw potato I. a 1004 remed)t for - WltboIIt all, on Gal' ~tee to retarD But IOmebow the Ida doetdl't seem to burns. llenpe or iftd. the .potato aa4 Por Artlata. . .... ....., If" hila to beIleAt. appeal to tbem .. 1& IIhouId.l--KaD" app17 It 'l 18 • pollWce to ... IDIU'e4 All .bould bfl at for lbe ..... Jreep out O! I~ _ _ ".,ANftIY,Dr..,.ut W....... ~ I~ , IOcl.,.,







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Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting. .

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O'Inballa to(lted u11 wtth a ~tsf't. "'t:J'a blh. 1\ nrabml/! deelres aadl· 0puoJt80cnoOmU~u\n ' l(lp·telrO.n. all o~e enllbel laa . \ :ncon sclol>ely he bad wll!lde rpd Into en oll ." < tbe slave mart. He 8hrugged and " A.ll k h im what he wanta." "Lpgllll y! Why, 0.11 tbe crimea .~ would have passed 011 but tor tbe "It Is ror l h sahlb 'l! ear alone." Hind are done uud er tbat .... ord. It OJ Alrange. unu llual figur e stllnd lnc 00 "Ah ! Ar illg 111111 to III qu iC kly." Is t il s h lh bolf)th ot tbe Orl t lsh raj . lhe Illa,ttorm. A gold n hair d worn· . Ttl UrO lllllf n sPll roac h ed. salaamed. Lega lly! 'Oln!" ., an wltb neck an.d · nr ms l1k n Chin ese ""'hut do you wis h , .. Bruce nsked "[ \vll l not stir!" bron ze aod dreased In a skirt ot grRJIs! ,·urUy. "T hOll be r srrle d." be revile d. beck ' . 11:1' li e pa used. . ";1\ tho1l 8alld rup t's. IlU ~oo r ! " on lng h is 8 1·"lIl1 tS. H 'A ROLD MAC GRATH "Two t hous and rupee~!" bla ndl y. " No, no! " ' An d wbat hlt v ),0\1 l h tlt 110 worth "Ah ! W II . lhen. we 'lI rid e togethel "Whllt ! " J ered the pro Ces siona l sel·" Plc.u .... ·from the Movln. Pic tun . Ie r. " F'or aD bourl rrom paradl ee ? that ma n y ru p ee8~" Irl'l tllbly . to th e \lnlon(]\l lll ." P r od .. c ~l ot\orth.Sell. POly.e:oDeCo. 1 0 . ye o ~ w alt hearts , wbat Is t hi s I The nrahlllin slllaa med Itgl\ln. ·"Hu· 'I'o Sl f\l g/o:1 wou ld r \ ll l'(\ hor witt h ea r 7 Two ~hou8l\nd r upees 1- tor an' zoo r. 1\ s ln \' t bla day was purchased nothin g' bu t ti hnme lind hu miliation; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' hou ri . Ill to . d\\' ell 10 lb e ze nana ot by DUrgn Hum , Um ba ll n, ao·called 80 s he' helll hHr h ~'l\d to t he III vltabl e -........_ --, , helll' II !" S he billS s ki n th color oC old tusks , " Reh old !" ct'l d L· mb ·d lll late r. lU (Oop,rillh, h, BaroIcl KaCOratll) ' k e tu rllUo i h fl lit ra d UIO PI' s . II(, C 0 f l h .oun· 8 •d a n ' II lIB II k A kf'c n·cyed M,ohammcdRn ed ged a nd YC41.1 SYNOPSIS. oft 11 no te d In Ole ca plins &t lbe 108 r 10 the vlatrorm . He stared t he fl a me 0){ th jU l1gltl . Illld hair like II. ' ' behuld 11 sl llve or min e ! " He fa rm . a nd 811cked his breatb . H round th s all ds at Gauges. moth er of rh· pus b ed l\:atblYII ror\\' Drd . "Th is da y 1 , "lIthl1'1> l:JIlNl: b«U.\,lng h"r rn.her. Col. Al le ng t h they calli e out Into l he I hims elf pulled t wo ways. He bad ' no e rs ." bought h r for ti l' t bousa nd ru pees ." H are-. ill ot:ril. hI\.:; dumrno ncd h o r, \eA V•• Aruce was u pon hts r et, alive, Tb e 'oull cll sllrr d n ' l',ou8Iy h er home til a.ll (o rnls t o gil t. hlm in b\lsy ma r t. T he old m ltbout cong r a tu · mo ney. bu t he bad knowl edge. AJIa.ha. b,dlll. l ,"Imlll\. I> re la nd ~ r to th e lated hlwselC IIpo n l he docility oC hi. " Who sellll lh ls ma.ld n ~ " be a.ked . ea ge r. II cll ught the fl rahmln by " Do you n ot recogll l"e be r ?" es· IhfO"". hijs I ml>rl ~lI lI('d Ihe eOlUIlel11l1lllloli " Mohamm ed Gborl.'· t he a rm . nltonUy. b)' Ih t\ hll kIn, II. hi heir. Arr "Ing In fi nd . It wouhl stiffe n l be bidd ing to Jlllat". K. Ihlyn I, Inforlll d by limballa "Wbtcb Is he?" , "b l hta woman wh ite?" harshly . The (;oun cl l wllla\le r ed to one aD: that 11M (at her being liN,d .he I. to be announce that ahe was gen lie. lie "He SQuaU there." " Hu lOor. the 'wome n of Allaha are oth r. f!u t' n. a n d must Ql l\rr y h ill1 . She r p fu. tf s eVe;\ ...·ent so far liB to pat ber on tbe and I. Informed b y th o pries ts lhat 11 0 sho uider. T b steel mm did not cover Th e Mohammedan stooped and alwmys da rk ot ba lr." · "L egall y s be .. mine , thou 11 she WOm a n ('no rule u n marrlecl. Sh lil g h 'en "A nd was sold a 8 a 8 1i\v e~ " hal been a queen. But by runll!ng l el'" " dny" to thlllk It over. Bhe 01111 r e o all h r nen es. so It would 8 em : t.h e lo uch d the old mabout on t he 8houl. fU ae. an d Is to ld . l1nt .. ho mU8t ullde rllo patt d s hould er was vu·luernb le. S be der. "To Dur ga Ham. t he king without a away s h has rorre lt ed b e r rights to t wo Md I. with WI ld beasl. . U .he BUT ' "Call off this sal e and my master th e law ot t he ord al s . Am I ao\ Vlv •• ~h. will be pt'rrnlLled to rule. J ohn w luced. fo r s he read clearl ), enou gb Jlru e. an A merle,.... ~a \'e H her lit... The wh at \\'118 In Ihe mind back of t hat will ma ke you ricb:' right ?" elephant ,,",hleh l)llTrle8 h r from thl' " Qr her t r l a l ~ ru ns away, 5e p a rlltl ,, ~ t ouch. Tb e old sinne r gloge rly fell a t th e Th e ('o uIII' 1I nodded ly. Tbe,. her t rom Bru ce a nd lhe reat or the PM I )' . S he ha d nIode her plaJl8. '1"0 Lbf! spellk r 's cOttOIl garb. "Ah ! . !>l y mas. hat! no t y t wholly reco\'e r d from She l a~ea r e tulle In (\ ruilled temple. but th eir b wlld pnn pnl. this hl\ \'en I. t h e <l hode ot tl 1I01l and 8hp man who pu rc hascd he r she wuuld as· ter' must be r ic h to dr ess th o in cot. I. rorcM to "". t r o lll It. She nnda Il T e · s Ullie a meekn S8 or 6 plri t . ln ordl' r to I ton . "h>1 r e Is your go ld ? Rid ." sa Uri· "O n t be othe r ha nd. b er Identity tr In I he jungle Qll l y 10 fo il hllO Iho I~I II h is wotc htul nrs8. . 10 lh e mll~ I &11 )' . m\ls t re mni Jl a secret till I b ltVe de· ha nel. 0 t ., V8 I r oders. .... ho D urch o~c d h er . .. hBlhl yn Il a rc . I "T tI .d ." h t d veloved my Illa ns." cOll tl nu d \ mballa. S he Illughcd. Th e old IDa ll bohilld he r I I I YO s Oll e "You are all courting a te rribl e reo 10lU SOIll I,ru pecs. CHAPTER VIII. 10 pr o reSB a na se (>1' . lIodd ed o.llprov lng ly. hearing t he Hou lld I '" Ilave no go Id , b u t my mas l or w III prJsa l." sn ld Kathl rn . " I beg of you T he SlavII Market. b ut not sen slllg III Import. Ah. II' b en I I 10 k ill m nt on ce; do hot prolong my u g " e 10 .0 0 rllpees for YOIl d er ma Id . naving decided upon. tb e fale of t be mom n l orne, when th e tool who Qui k' Old I' I b I k' " t ort\l re. illY mise ry. I b:LYe harmed KathI YD. the nati ves set ab out recap· bought h er ,;to rt.e d to lead her home , C . 00 , e flU e . no ne or yo u. but you lu\.Ve gri evously p turing t he wild ele phant. Jt took th e she ..... ould b g uil e him an d Ilt th fi r s t " flo gon • lboll b 'Kg l1r ~" And the harmed IIl O. One even now seeka aid beat part oC t he mornlDg. When Ull e si gn of careleslm 81\ s be wou ld tru8t old ilion spnt. of th e lIrltl s b ra j: and tber e a re mauy wae accomplish ed th e journey to AIIli.· to hpr h ' Is. She kn ew that ah e was "2'1 DlsRhlb ," t he Mohllmme dan soldl r s." ha wa begun. OUl ror th e days o r olng to r un AS neve r a wo mUIl ran called ou t In Ellglis h, "do not look The lhrea l \\'8 8 III li med . peoce and Quiet ot t he ;"' lIde:n eBJ! nnd berore: back t o lhe beoslll or the Ju n .. toware:! me. or all will be los t. I am Th e head oC the Co nllcll sa ld ' to Um. the conseque nt ha rd ness or b I' fl es h . g lO; who a t leaSl made 110 effort to All. lIrut'e SlI hlb's ch i t ma bout ; and bnlla : " ll would be wise to lock he r Kst hlyn would have 6utter d g reatl)' . mol st h r GO 10llg ' as s be kcpt out oC we have b lI e \'ed yo u dead ! Take Ull ror th present. W e all fllce a grea.t Hair th e ti me abe WR S compell d to Ul el r way. car ! I go to Inrorm Ahme d. Bruce co 01 plkatioD .. walk. we re no howduhs, and It Wild Ilnd heautlrul Ih e W 08 IlR the Sahib ha s not rew r:ted." "A v ' r y wise couDcll." agre f!ti Um. was :a difficult teat to alt ba ck of t he old mah out turn ed her over to a proKathl yn. 'whe u she h eard tha t voice, b ~ lI a. knowing . tha t he had but to. mahouL The rough sk in of tb e ·ele· tesalollal se lle r. s hut b er oyes. SIIY th e word to dost roy lhom all. phont bad t he salli s etTect upon t he "ClrclIsslun !" rn balla ha ll drawn closer. There " And ~ h e s hall ha\' e company. I calvPII or her legs th a t saJldpa per " F rom th e no r tb !" .... 08 80me tblng about tble balr veiled would not have her lone ly . Come. would have h a d. om lim es she "A bl'ld l1 rrom l b e dese rt!" s lave that stirred his r ecollectioll. maJosty : deign to tallow your bumble 8tunibled and. rell, and wa s ruc;lel.Y "A yellow·balr I" W here had 110 seen tbat graoetul' ser vRn L'" mblllla salaamed. Jerked to ber Ceet . Only th day be· "A duugbtel' of th e north seas!" poise? TJle clearne8s of the Rkln. Kalhlyn 11' 1\8 led to a ce ll' In tbe tore t110Y arrived was she r Haved tn The old mahout squatt ed clolle by though dark ; th e roundn ess ot the "YOLl Lie!" Thundered the Young Man. palace pr ison . wbose walla s be hsd allY way ; she was given a JItter, and and rUbbed his hands. ~e would be a thron t al1d arms . . . . " Tb ree lh ousall"A .n1pees I" crown. b ll~ftor. It Is wor'h a thou. but a •I1 t Ue while allO 1'1 wedj 10 In this manner sh ' e ntered the hat.. rlc b man tbat nlgbt ; bags of rupe es ; ~ , 1 pasa· I id rup ees." amiling. lng, and tbrllBt Itls'lde. A B ug e w n· Th e 0 Id tul olty. a woll tbatohed bouee to cover bl. mabout purred and sa f ,., • II I b 11 "Tell me," said Bn\~e, 8tmlng the dow o.dmllte d a 1\111 . g It . m I/o' OD tile way to the alaye mart tbey gray hsire till tbat day 'bey placed smootb ell hie palals togethel·. Three '" .. d h" kll ..a ' t tremor In hts voice. " t all me. did sbe remained Itt tue oor, c uC ns 8(1 ...· p&$lIed ·under the sbadow of the grim .him on tbe pyre at the burning gbat. bou8l1nd rupees. a rajah' s ranllom! h b I a s'l'uggl e ?" Iy. Pres ec· . H e ' would own hla elenbant; hl8 wife tollo'lA' binI w' I'bout prison walill of the palace. Tbe ele- Tbe gods were good. " . ently. er eyes Kecom hl ng 4'" Yea. Out would a stru"gle bave customed. to the dlU'k. at yn III .... Durga Ram • .kaown familiarly as should ride In 1\ glided'I' palanquin, and ~.. pbantB veered olr ' here t.nto a IIlde covere d a man <ihalned". 1.0 • tr,eet. tow~rd the hllge SQUllre wb.A. re ' mballa, al tblo bour came forth Into his cbtldren sl1'ould wear sboes. 'I' hree doue any good!" r II. I>d ..r . .." . arma Bruce took out hla wallet and count. The man sudde nly leaneu orwar . horaes and cattle and elepbe.ntB were the sunshine. brooding. He . W&l o,ot thousand rupee s! He rolded his <. ed out a thousand rupe es In Bank of "KIt. my Kit!" bo,Ill! b t an,... so Id . The litter. In enarjte In a happy tfllme of mind. MaDY and walke d geutly to and fro. Of the chief m~bout, prQceeded to tbe i hhl"S lay heav y \l"on bla lIOul; but "Five tbousand rupees !" eald Um. In din notea. I " Now, listen . Umballa "Futber! " . '. , . these lIIing8 ..tbere WIUI not one balla. Impelled by be knew not what must. not kIlO'" She caughl him to ber breset InhiDar llave m.a rt. Kathlyn l!lanced at the among " that I know. O'n your ...... head. remember." strong young arms. crooned to .. m • ... a II . won d erIng Iy. Was ber f.ather named . remonI.'. To have brought to make thle bid. d • -d ,. "Huzoor. the -"'ord or a Brabmln." and kissed his matted bea . au t ..ey a II VB.• W as b e "n Bome ble/lk cell be· about all these f~llures. thle thougbt A . ripple of surprise ran tbe ~ ..D , n d t h a t crum ' blLD "Ah, yes .' but I II"- ve lived long stood lhat way tor a long time . . . g masonry? Irked him most. Here wea a crOWD aJ· orowd. Tbe regent, tbe powertul Dur. E,ven sa sbe aent a leat lIngeriDI moat within reach of hili greedy ftn· ga Ram. wos bidding In pereon for bls here. Wbere 1& All ?" cried Bruce. . At thl. very moment there appeared d 41 ' turn ing to one of bla men . betore lbe ouncll 'a wlld-eye, II· look at t h e pr I80D th e prisoner wltbln. gel'l. the water to Tantalus . To have' zenana. " He weut Into the cll)' this morning. heveled young man. How hs had bll eb ad . bur j e d LD hi 1 t..b I n. ·w.. ted undere.Umated tbia yellow balred Kathlyn'a nervel tlnglet! with lite b passed the lialac e guard none ot t .m b ands, beb eld ber ID a vlllion- but in younr woman, he who knew women again. and' the eudden bounding or lIahll', ' and has Dot r eturned ." ··Come." said Bruce to the walHDIt knew. • happy, joypul vl,lon. bWlyinc ,bout 80 well- there lay the bitter BUnl, her . heart stilled her. Umballa! She · ".It. wblte woman w' all. brought IDto tb 8 II v LD groom 0 f t b e bun'galow. ' He bad been too Impetuous ; be should W&ll surely 108t. Sooner or latar be Brabmln. "we'll return together." He ....,.,;..0.:.:.,:....::.'--"-'-- -A nd f ar away a younger man beheld ' bave waited till all her tear8 had been would recognize her. . now felt no exeltament at all .' It was y a'lew m nutes alo. ~ . a vlsl(lll 81 very tepderly he cued' at allayed. That spawn of Siva, the mil· The mahout Btood uP. delighted. He ae It he bad been Immersed In Ice I demand her! And by tbe bGod 011 u-lbl yn 'dl it d ~ 8 ecsr.,e rob e a !) d reaumed Iy"ry. wall Ineolent allaln. and rUQeea waa Indeed tortunate. He salaamed. water. It was Kathlyn, not tbe leaet my .latber , [ ",m cut out tbe eart , Bh0 iloubt ot It. bought and Bold In tbe everyone ot you It you deny hi s d eterm Ine d ques t . Oft en, stan dl ng to crOll1 their palma were IIcarce. ")-(u%oor •. she I, lIentle," be 8ald. I" me .· e ' b eyon d hi s evan Ing fl rell, b e would alk Whither had ' sbe blow'n 7 Was ahe Tbe blgh'caBte wbo bad bid 3.000 slavf~ mart. M.leery. d egradation . . . Is white; she Ie of my race. • 'K b tben he smiled. He knew KatbJyn " Tbere IB DO ' wblte womao bere. b t e sUence, • at lyn. where are dead! Was sbe alive? rupee8 salaamed also. ., you ~. " E ven tb en b e W88 ~ Idl as f ast Tbe white hunt~r ~d not returDed "Hlghnells, abe III YOUfS," he said. Hare. U he did not come to her aid Rruoe Sahib." -'quickly sbe would be dead. "You lie!" tbundered the }tonuc t oward AII ..... a. to hll camp yet. but the sly Abmed "I cannot bid agalns't my regent." , wben U mballa took her Into man. Now. It WIIJ! the custom t.o mark a pu~ . A slaTe mart Is a rare tblne thelle was there'. Tbe perpetual gloom on , < his house, Kathlyli was determ'lned to Two guards came In Quickly .. d ays, b u t a l t h" e t Ime t h eae Icenel tb.. face of the Il,ltter' was reas8urln.s cilalled slave with tile ca8te of her reveal her Identity . Sbe had passed "I 8ay you lie! She was aeen to · d b I were b eng enacle t ere esleted to Umba\la. Ahmed'. master bad purcbase'r. Umballah, sU11 not recog. v many, them he rs and th/lre a~rOIlB not found ber. To wring the' wblte through ord ala ; ebe waa. In law. e nter here!'~ the face, of the globe. Men 'buy ' a~d nlzlng her. waved ber aside toward a Queen, with lite and death In her "Tbe man Is mad! Besides. It II man's heart was something. He dared tlie Brahmin cute markers, one of hands. sacrilege for him ' to enter our pr8l1' lei, m~JI and women tbelle tlmel- en' not put him out of· tbe way; too many whom dsubed her rorebead with a yel. '. I d f Lb '-btene d.. so th ey say- b u t th ey d 0 It knew. . "Do nol touch me !" sbe cried lowly ellce In this manner. cr e oae 0 e I ... ' lo~ tr.lallgle. H ' e~ blue eyea nlerced .... trae t or t rom v II e hldl ... In Engllsl\. CouncIl. "Seize him!" u~ Iega I con . ng Aad the ouncll was beginning to tbe- curious brown. Ollell. A fl erce .strullgle between tbe I U mballa s t epped back. p aoeB. gro,,' uneasy.' How long coulcl he hold "The sahib at the river." IIbe whla· , d b hi · AIIal1a had been a famou8 mart In tbem In leasb? pered In broken Hlndu"tanl. "Many "I am Kathl),n Har., and It all tbe guards and Bruce rohowe; ut B ex· .'t, pr Ime. It b a d d rawn th e agent8 What 1\ woman ! As magl,J Jllcent a8 runees. Bring blm to ..the house of woNd Is not 'made up ot lies aDd race to the city and tbe attendant , '[ I wickedness. I am the Queen you your· cltement bad weakened him . r e was of pr' LDcee f rom a II over I n dl a. P el'l a. the. dllllghter of Flroz. sl1ah " of Deihl. R " Tb - -BeIOQchlatnn. Afghanistan, and even Dursa am. Ie In case All failed. selC made. I can epeak a few wordll. ca.rrled away, stili Oghllng manfUlly. 100thern Rusllia had been rifled of The Brahmin's eyell twinkled . . Her enough to make myself known to the ID tbe meantime UmbaUa eonellld· their beaut lea to adorn the zenana. of HlnduBtanl waa esecrable. but "sablb" populace. t will malee a bargaIn with ed tbat the reunion had. lasted lOU. the 1I10tb(ul Hindu prlncell. and "river" .were plain to hla UDder- you. I wll\ gtve you five time. five eDough. He caugh! Kathlyn rough I, Tb t t l t ............... lt I standing. Tbere wae but one sablb tbousand rupee. It -you wlll dell r me " C ' a town by the rlYer, and he was the white ' . S hlb' MI ' 'I 8 rlLve .m ar 11 ,.., ot .Allalla .tood In the center of the safel)' In Peshawer. On my part, I "Sebold. ColoDel • . De. bazaal'l, a great square platform with hunter who bad rescued the vaniebed promise to say nothing. nothing." bougbt ber thle day In the slave mart. roof. but open on all four Iidea. Queen Crom tbe ordeals. He bodded Umballa raised botb bls bands In Legally mine! . Now will you tell we Here the IlaTee were exhibited, the almost Imperceptibly. Inwardly he aetonlsbment. He 'kDew now' why that where that allver balket Iiel hidden. poor t~lni. Intended tor dalllanoe and smiled. He wal not above giving the rorm had sUrred ble recollection. with Its gold aDd game?" Lbo.. who were to IIlruggle and IIweat haulhty uplltart a Th\lgee', twllt. He "You!" He laugbed and clapped hll "Fatber, do not telJ blm!" warned and die undeT the overaeer'lI lasb . llpoke to bls neighbor quietly. all- handle to summon bls eervants. Kath. Katblyn. "So long as we do not tell IIIvery' fortftl,bt a day was ,~t aside IIlgned to blm bls bowls and hrulbel, Iyn. reallz,ng that It Will ullele8s to him he doell not put UI out or tbe fOl' the bU811le.1 of the mart. Owners rOlle and made 011'. . attempt to' move tbla man. turned aDd way!" and prollpecUye : buyers met, obewed "Follow me." said UmbaUa to the start.e d to rUll. but be Intercepted her. "Kit!" betel nut, Imoked their " hoo~ahl. 'happy mabout. Presently be would "My Queen . my bride that was to be. "Dad, poor dad!" lIPped coffee and tea and. eschanRed have his bagl of sliver. bright aDd tbe golden' houri! Five times flye "LltUe fooll" eald Umballa. tbe tattle of the bour. It was . . mucH twlnkllnlt· . , . .thoulaDd rupees would not purchue . Kathl.y n atrut/gled. to reaCb her r.· all amuaement all a bUlllnea.; Indeed, Fate overtook All, wbo In bll mad a balr of your head. . ther !,-galn, hut could not. Umballa It wall the oriental Idea of a club. and race to Hare's camp fell and badly ''1 am your queeD!" But sbe 8Illd U' folded bls arme tightly about her and much the same thlnlll were dlacussed . · sprained hili ankle. Moaoln" hillB wltbout heart. ' _ . attempted to kiss. her. Tbi8 time hel All about there were barkera, and trom the pain than trom the attend· "Wbat! Do you believe tbat?~ Hav· strength was superhuml\n. She freed fruit BelieI'll. and bangle walllUl (for ant helplesanela. he was carried IDto ing pal sed tbe ordeale, yOU nulUfted ber handll and beat him in tbe fAlle, alaTe girl8 8bould have rings of rupee "Mercy? I Know Not the Wordl" the but of &' kindly ryot and tbere the j~lrect by runlilng away. ' Vou will tol'e' hll garmentl, . 41ragged off hi.' eUver about their ankles and wr~st.). !1llnlstered to. be whatever I ohoose ! 0, It will ba Ie. turban. Tbe struggle brought thsm and solemn Bralunlns. and men who ~'e ar she knew not.. At one mom eDt Tbe Brahmin, bowever. flUed wUb gaUy done. You shall ~o wltb me to withIn tbe 1'141uI of . die coronel'. painted r'e d aJld oclire caste marks on he loyed he.r With his whole soul, at gree" and a · sly humor. reached bll the Counell. and tb e r'Jur of us shall reach. Tbe prilloner caught bl. ' eri.. one's forebead, and asb·covered tao another he hated ber. longed to get destination ,In safety. Naturally cun· decide. Ah. you would not be my emy by the throat. laughing Ineanely II:Ir8 with 'wlthered bands. Nautcb her In to his hands again, to wreak nlng, double tongued. sly, Ingratlat· wite!" "Now. you black dog; die!" &Iris, girls rrom tbe , bazaars. perlpa· his vengeance UpOII 'b er rOr t.)Ie hu· tng. after ·tbe manner ot all Brahmin.. ' Y'~u shall die. DUfllR Ram." she r&(TO . ~F) · CON'l'lNUED.l , tatlc Jewelers. kltel, ~d red·headed millation ehe had by wit and courage who will alnk- to any hale level In or- plied!. "and ' It will be the' death of a 'Yulturel- tbls being a proper place heaped upon him.' "I am ready!" He der to attain .thelr eQulyocal eDds. hla pariah dog." . LuC(ld Dlrefttl,pna. for tb em. could hear It yet. When th!!y bad led actions were unbampered by any aen.e . "Ab! Still that . ~plrlt which I loved. . The directions that aD alltomoblllll Tb e' cblEif mahout purchased tor her away to the o rc!elll s- "I am or ' treachery 'toward Umballa. ' A Why, did J not bllY you ~tb'out know. 'got OD LobK Island, when be &8lcild I Kathl),n a beautiful Baree. or veil. ready!" A wOlDan, and not aCrald to Thugee's twill to tbe' scbemes of the Ing ,,,,ho you were? Are vou not mine? lIinall boy the way to Oyster Bay, are which partially concealed her tace 'dle! .treet raJ.. Umballa. wlio wqre tbe At thle very moment I oould vlace you alm08t wortby of 'a place beside .the aDd ba1r. ' Money! How to get It I He could Brahmin string, 19 wblcb he had no In nlY ' zenana and \\'bo would ' ~ver tamous reply tllat Lancelot Gobbo "Chalu!" be said, toucblna Kath· not plunge his 'b and Into the treasury; right! Tbe Brahmin chuokled u h. know? And eoon you ·wuuld not want made to lill ratber when the old ml\D Jyn', eboulde.r whenever Bhe lagged. there were too many .about. too man1 ' pBllsed at the edge of Bruce's camp. anyone to know." . . Inq~lred ot him .. the w,ay to Mastn tbr Oloy had dispensed with the litter. longues. Bnt Colonel Hare knew A fat puru lay yonder. He ap"Are you without meroy?" Jew·s. rhe boy looked Olou,httul. "Ooonl" , where tbe silver basket Jay bidden proached. hJe outward demeanor a "Mercy? I koow not the word. But says tbe 'New rort Evening Poat, .and She undel'ltood. Outwardly ahe a})- heaped wltb gold and precloUI Itonel; mixture of pride and humllfty. [ have an ambition whlcb sur'P8llSel then replied ; . geared pallive enough, but ber aoul and torture could not wrl,n , the hid. Bruce bad returned but balf an hour aU other things. My wife you shall be. . "Go Itralght up there. and YOU'U ".. on fire and ber ayel as brUllant Ing place Jroru him. May be be before, mind weal')', bone tired He or worse. But legally, always legally!" pass wbere t~e watermelon field w_ .. tho8e of the circling, ewooplng damueit to t/le netbermolt \leU! Let Bat .with, hll h!!ad In bls handll, 'blB el- . He I,aughed ~aln and a~trtly caught three ' yeare alo; theD 80 ~n altalgh.., Idtee, w'atcbiD& for that moment "blch hlln , Durga RamI but blJry hlll . lea~ bows , propped ·uPO.ll lila knees. lila her lin bll arfIls. She ,l\truggltl4, \lke ·r. ·atid you'\1 , paea Where tbe Cora " . . wu to oller lOme loopbole. On bands In tbat treuure, an~ IIIaraka young heart w.. heavy. He had t1lre,••• but ' ~Itbou~ avail. lie corered two yeara alO. Turn to your lett u1 · throlI,b the nol.y· ba.z aare. tbe 'o bject swallOW .Allaha and oil Itl klnll! learcqed ~he bewUderlng 'IIng)e All ber face and 'neck 'w!th kluel, tbBD turn to your rlgbt atter tbat. and 'Lb. of many a CUriOUI remark, aoinetI,mea' Rublea aDd pearle and emeralell. and Olle mtirht eearch a plot of arul . . thrtlilt ber aelde. "Poor Uttle tooll CUrD to your rllht agalll, and you'D lDmJted b, tbe (l&\Dted women at the a fal' country to Idle In, to be t~ted fOl'e one'l oor, blade _ llUlalhl. • .J.LIJ3u bad w In a ~ pa81 tbe plsce .wbere a man " .. wlAdo.l. IIOmetimel jestecl at by the tn~ to be fawned upon for hll rlchel! cire4 times he' bad found tl'lc,. or bert Ihould haye IBt you 10 long Iince. ldIled by 'an automobl1e lalt year. U IdleD IU'O\IAd the mercbant.' boOthl. Aad Ramabal alld hl8 wife. Pllndlta, a hundred tImes b. bad called out But tllsre burnl 'WIthin you a Iplnt yoU'\1 10 WDa ·.bout a mU.. ",,'II It eeemed to her, bowe'er, that a Jet tbem beware; let tbem ",mala name. 0II1J' to be' moc_edalad alblleNd I· conquer, aDd conquer I "WI" oome \0 wlaere IIr. Janel lived before _ of atee! had lrown oyer ber wisely In theIr hOUle and meddle DI& at b1.~ Sbe bad 1UlIIlect Hlte a Itood paDlina aplalt ' a b. moved OYer to Pol" WUIl--.; . , . . ; DOWq ltartled II.,; ilia ' wltb affaire of .tate, perfulM, lib • alDa4 lbacIow lD Uaa sbehel4 a we&poD In her thea tllrD to J'oar ....... oalr. the ••tchrulneu lIIe ba4 ",& thou land ru.pe_I" wlDd, . . woal4 h... klU. . blm wi ... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The Adventures . . Kathl-.rn '.









..a ...




It is cruel to ,force nauseating, harsh Iphysic into a sick child. l.ook ba clt at YOllr childhood days. R 'r.le mb er tb e " do~e" mot h I' Lns ls t ed on '- L!l s tor oll, ca lo me l. cD.tbarticB. HoI\' YOIl hate d t heRl. bow you tougbt against ta ki ng lIle m. With our childre n U'8 dllfe reDt. Motb e rs wbo cUng to tbe .o ld torm of phYSic r,lmpl y don't r ealize what tbey do. The ohlldren's revolt Is well·found· ed . Th e ir te nd er lltll e " Ins ides" are In j ure d by th e m. If your c hild'l! s tomaoh. liver and bowels need cle anSing, give (.nly dell· 010u 8 "California Syrup ot Flga.... Ita action 18 positiv e. but ge uUe. MUllonll o! mothe r s keep tbl s harmless " Crull lus llyc" b andy: th y . know c11i1dren love to take It ; thAt· It n evel' ·falls to 'cledn t he Ih e r and bowels and s weet· en til e stomllob, and that a t.ea s poonful Glve u today s av es a siclt cblld tomorrow. . Ask at tbe s tore Cor a 50·ce lJt boWe or "Ca.lltornla Syrup of Figs," wblch has rull directions for babies. cblldren of all a ges and tor grown·ups Illalnly on ench bottle. Adv.

ALMOST THE WH('LE SHOW Prompter Had Done Much fo,. the Actors. But I~ Seemed It Waen't Enough . In th e )lrod uction at a p\:\y there 18 1.\11 Im porta nt I erson who Is n eve r seen a ll d ~ holi id not be bean! by th e nll d l lice. !l lld ye t he ma y spe ak !lIOh' linea tha n th ~ prinCipal actor. It la tile III·ompte r. Her e Is a d escrIption ot a prompt· p.r ·s hi burs. writt en by one of lhe ,;enus:

"I. as Ilro mllte r. had been k ellt \'ery hUBY t hroughout. th e III ceo In oddl· lion to keeping 1he 'lIctbrs on tbelr I\n~!i , It waM m y d\lty to make all the outside noises. I had screamed ' Help!' I 'had s hollted '1.(111 him !' I had dropped planK S to oy r up d ilclent IIlstol reo \1orts. I ha" tb\lndere d, hailed , rained, sung like a WomOIl, 1U1Irched like an army. and bowled \Ike an Infuriated rubble Inflated by d r ink. Tbe lasL atruw came wben the burO, Aupposed to be p\l r8ued by bounds. sidled to the win gs and hl flsed : ., ' Bark. you tool. bal'k ! Why dOD" r ou bark. you Idiot ?· "



She Made Up a Mixture 810e Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color. Glo .., Thlckne.l. Almost everyone knows tbat Sage Toa and Sulphur. properly compound· ed, brings back the natural colOr and lustre to the bah' wb en faded. streaked or l!ra.y; also ends. dandruff. Itcblng scalp and 8to\1S (ollLDc balr. Years 1110 the only way to ge t tbla mlsture waB to make It at home, wblch II mUssy and troublesome. ' Nowada.ys. by asking at any store for "Wyeth's Sage 'a nd Sulphur Hair Re medy." you will · get a large hottle of the famous old recipe for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! TI'Y It! No ooe ".aD possibly tell that you darkeaed :vour hair. as It doel! It 80 naturally I'tn(J evenly. You dampen a aponge or Bort :'rush with It and draw tbls tbrougb your hair. taking one smalJ Btrano at a time. by mprlling tbe gray balr dlsoppears. and after anotber a..plication or two, your balr 'becom81 beautlfully dark, thick and ItIOBIlY.-- , Adv. To r.,ilnd Pipe •. Wlaen tbe pilles are rusted In sPOt8 J.:.J ullsafe to U8e. by applying &trlpll ,I! wet asbea~OB paper on hot Plpee ti>o paper will a dbere closely and 80 seal tbe pipes. 'I'hla has been fOllnd a great ecqllomy. as tile furnace pipes lalft a year longar with· out repairing them than they otlull:~ wise WOUld. It the kitche n range cODtalDs an ugly crack, you muy lUI It with 8 c. mellt made by beating ODe egg. to which add sifted ashes and Btove pol· Isb until thick 'enough 'to BPread. Work the vaste smooth over the toP. r ,hls wJlJ harden almost \Ike Iron ,and 90'111 tl!ke II. pollsb that Yflll render the brenk unnoticeable.

CLEAR YOUR SKIN By oa\ly Uae ' of Cutlcurll Soap ana 9lntment• . Trial Free. You may rely .III these fragrant 8UJlerCrea my emollients to care for YO\lrakln. scalp. hair and I)lIn<l,s. f Noth· Ing Ilettor to clear the skin of [limplel~ blotches ~ redDess and rougbMIIB. tba seal" of dandruff ' and Itcblng and the bimds of cl}applng and 80reneBa. " I Sample each free' by mati with 31·p.· Sk'fn Book. AddreS8 poBtoard. Outiou.... Dept. Y, Boston. Sold everywhere. 'Adv, An Elfpenllve Set. "Mamma." exclaimed .BeDny al b. rushed In from scbool, "oilr new ~each­ fir baa sucb -nne teeth! ' . "Haa she, dllBr?" "Yell, Indeed! " Tbey are nearl) all ctld:edged" .

Wbep Uae rlpt ............. tbe rlabt

PIt" _ ,....

,011IIII ma,. ~. PIt..... ..,. . . . a Glauoe to lit: JlpJlq ...... ., 1M. '







Grea test

Boy of Fi ction. the Boy. Who Knew Human Nature ,


Ame ~ ican

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01\ 1I~ He 1'1'11 t f' 11 y enfS agu wll vn n OL on Ih e ill'e'lI' n t flOW """ of Ell, rUJ) e was ill cxlstl.'lll:f', wl1 m, th e l ew wllo dllre.1 Hill' til Y we' r e ( 'hri stiuIl S wllr b III ~ Jl r s t: llt ed III ROlli , wht'll th e German s \I er e ,lfll a cl'o\\'d ot trib e!!, wlle n th e .' I ~" I' l c r uce was stili unknOl n IIlId ' 10hul1 l111 ' YllnlsnI wn ~ ulldr ' 0111 tl or. tI !;r eat war was In progress In Ash!. ror til e:l;l st euce of 11 llIlLlon alread y (' enturles old. In those tln ys peop l 1I0ullti ss were urged to enlJRl to HIlI'e their country JUSt os they ure 111'1,1 00 to fight ror th eir fallterlal1d ill Ell rOIIs- tori llY, On , 011 side were tbe- 'rnrturs. clussed by th eir opporcllt", RS barbarilln s. On th e other " Id e w p th e ;hln se, Lit·


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tie Is known' about th Tartarll excep t that th ey were expert In wur <nnd tllat tlley later turned their 1Qrces "' ~B t· ward I n to Europe, While the hillese 10 thi s !IllY fOil' f eud tbat, the 'Partars II' I'e bnrllarlllns w would judI; til y were skill d I n tb e an of wal·. Th ey had th e mOlt lUodern ' w eapons and thoy had th e most (Jerfect milltar'Y machine. Emperor Che Hwang T of China reallted tltat IIUltslta l defensive mea s' , ures wer n ee ded to sav e his na tion, H e organized all fl rm y of 3,000,01)0 m en and cl ecl sl vety d Cenled th e T nr · ta rs, He kn ew. how ov r , that tbey would r eturn lo th e batLl e . · Emperor Ch e, or Chi n. I\S h e I sometimes call ed. hnd s · n ed as a yo uth In th e Tartflr army. V. h n h larned th olr methods h e r eturned to his own country and overthrew all 1',1 the oth r ch leftnlnll and establi Sh ed the first unIted empire of hilla, H e r ea lized he was a Di smorck amon g th Chin se Ilnd fen r ed Ill s successor would not be able to Jlg ht well. So be planned for th e defense of his p eople for nil ' t.lme by build in g a 'gl· ganllc wall. now known as Ihe Great Wall of Cliina. the greates t wonder or the world, lUld th only work of man aside from the pyramid s of Egypt. which wO\lld be visible to the mnn In the moon. Tbe building of the wall was at n propltlous ' tlme. The credit or tbe country was paralyzed 'and the people were facin g a flnanclal !laDle. Cblna had been engaged In civil wars ror centuries wben It was not engaged In " 'lIrs with th e Tartars, The Tartars were temporarily defeated, Tbey retreated to tbelr homes In the Interior of Asia apd rested for a generation. In tbelr dwn country they could not be' att!lckeJ!,. even by tbe great' Em. =c-~.::p.::e-ror Ohe, Th ey wer-e 6,000 miles from Che's military center ar.d as such were absolutely Impervious to lit tack. CIlA not 'only WaR looking after the welfare or ,ruture China, he had to have something for bls sol· dlers to do. "I will h ave them build a grent ' fence," he told his counsellors, And It Is wrI tten In the book of history ot the Chinese and Is tolll In the lel;lends ' of the wls 'men of that mOllt linclent of all people that Cbe did that very tbln g. H e took the arms from tbe aoldlers Ilnd put ,pi oks e.nd IIpades In their hands. He , called the greateilt of bls engfneers together- s,nd started to ,bunil the Grent Wall of China. tbe .wonder of th e world. The 'wall. which Is 3,000 miles 10nlr. started at the sea al)d was built In 8 weaterly ' dIrection norrh or' PekIng Into the heart at A Sia. When tbe _ Tartare started on their next advll~.ce on Cblna thirty yeal"ll Illter' t.hey foub,d the 'wall a barrier too great ror tbfllll ' • to cross. ' . In despair they r etreated from :Uie half·bullt wall and In sU~· ceedln& ' wh~n they refurned to the attack they foune! the ~' all bigher· than ever. The Tartars. n ever learned that th.EI· wall had ' an 'end . • They only "knew that for & thou sand miles or mote ,they co~d not get across. So aftlJr 200 yeai'll ot defeat the Tartan with·





ure w l u to tiH! h' old A slutl bom e and 'h ines' \\:J I I I\[I S a IJro t er'lion t o Chris· tinnily set th Ir fa a w stwnnJ. tln u lIli S8iollll r l(:II. who 1,I d ill ItB r ' It Is b"llloved thlll til 1I1\'a 81011 f C('~~es as Ih" Hllrly ('h rl!;tillnh of ROlli

W as Naturally Annoy ed Wh en H ar vest of Di mes Was Brou ght to an End.


A hool h l n~ k stood ~() IJ \)lng on :l fi'lfth ,,\'''nll e " urll r , " \Vh a t 'H Ihe th e HUIIII Wa s til dlr 1.:1 Te lil t of lhe hM In the' coil l a oll1b ' f rom the pR gSD trou bl -i" a~ k tI Il HYJll(lulh()le pa r:ter · buildIn g of the hlne~e wall , 'I'h ' l eur] r s, " jlh til e mll\!;1 liar! 'S \)y . HUllS 11 1'1' 1) lIeved to b ' descPlldauts ' m,t l n y 'nntll'(' hrl st iuo !l lUok r e(ug "All! hoss." he 1l1 0nn r d, "S011l or the aum peolll , w,ho fO\lght so Th e t or y 01' til ir Ila l'dsllllJS shO WS s tol e nl~ t'in l;.s, I a,. ~I n R 11 W , lIn su" ss rull ), 11'1111 (;hlnn . that h ero l~ 11I b Il S strong In tb hu , can' l !;O 11 0111 ' t'JI1l g111 wlll Oll1 \ '111. '1'h blllldlllg o[ th e b ln"se wall ITIn ll h en r t lc.>tlrty "" i L was In the day s, ra.d d!:' r 'II Bu n~ 'iml11 ~ n II cld n' , , .' . gav th e (,hlues lL !lfl nse or scc urlly, of t he l1 0lllllu p er sr> cu tioll s, ~lu oy and '0 on , w hI ch turn d til min to nn unwa l'lllle w r e fountl by th _ II xer !:>. To the The nll S~ r ,hy was rp;l'cbin r; into hi. nation. 'I'l l' wnl l Is ~ o brand 't ha t In whlt o lt1i S~I()ltar ll' s df'lIth \\'us Ih t"oo l , pocket, w h en t h e wllil i ng' oll e I lIrn ed pluc es six hOI'sem en can rille abrea st nd, To h ( ' hitlf' :i Ih r WitS a so IIJ:lt th (' I e trlc l ight fe ll 011 his a l n g It. It ca lt accommodate a gr eat hUllc Fo r li f . if Ih e~' wou ld r nounce body oC f1 lShllng m en, Al Intenals' on 'hrl stl anil y Hnd aCl" PI auy o f thi> [nce. Hi .. e)(,!1 lI'erC' dry. T he in r'IIJ' I l'nt phllnnthroplsl lI'u ll( od on, but th e h illtops g'unrds w er e placed aD d ' h ill('se beli e!. , l ook d h::1 It 10 Sec li (' \' lop m ents, th ey l'oll1llln etl Lber fo r httn drc(l s of It porl S SHY IIIHI1)' " Iltl' Ch i nese Tll o boy w n~ qu ipt un til lhrpf,! W O III · year .. \\,h eo n hostil e arlllY wa s ~een on l'crts r cn Oll ll C Ll ti " l:ml or th e en ' n anr(!d hi m , 'r lw l1 h began his <Ipproa hln g th e Ill gnu l wonld b e given for ei gn d viis anel ar c' "," th gods T hey stopp ed. h l'a rd h i:; nnd th e I' OllIe wou ld rush to th e wo ll. of th e hlnese, but (l.. ,. \\' r e man y outcr ieS', to l e, IIn(1 /::1.\'0 h im dim .~ , Th r e t h oy wou ld shoot suc h harm l ess \\'110 r fused to r PIi OUto' .. Ibnlr Gotl Two nig hts l u t el' th e 1;11 n lC m :1O " ' as ex plosh' es (JO W II un the Invad ers 3R a nr;J th II' h ad W I' trlcken (lrr, ut altot h r corn ' I', Aglli n hI' hennl a firecrackers and ~ tlnll pots. , Th eae P'lr t tb e whl tn h r\ ~ tlllns wen' d l or ous so uncl, Th or o was th h oot· Ilol li r elle lll bl \!d ollr bombs. 'rhey ki lled~ Th eu th e ~'e \1 o'" ,C hri stian ' were mude o f brilli ant c i lly. _ They I w er nlp&~1 md,, · )T.l4I~e- to d~ltll< blnc ll ill lh e Hlllll e lltlltu(l p, Ile (lid not r ecognize th e PUllS r ,lJy . w ho burs t on strikin g th e ground. Wh en th e blood o f th i r whlt.~ I au r s b est opped and qu estion ed hi m. The th cy bu rs t 't.hey would l et loose vi l e fore tbey ul d sli m e t al e wa s [or l h('om lo ", tl meiling ' as, much like hy drogen sui· Th e c hin ese wall Is a fitting em ,. \ ho t aught YO Il th \~ perform ance. pltlde. bl m or th e en duran ce of th e Cbl· un d bow milch do )'011 make' a day?" aturalJy th ey l enrned to , flgbt with· Ilese nation . Built or tlt e flllest build, tlte b oy was Il.9k ed. H e suddenly ..out en dnu gerln g tllelr own lives. Even ing tone In the wo rld It hns endured stopped weeping. look ed UI) In nl'rrlght, to this day that Is th e "'I)Y the China· through 17 centuries li S a mocke r y and bound ed away, shoutin g as he man fights. The Chinese IVar with to the $eveu wond ers of th e , worln ran: Jana . n was an excursion trip tor Hie enum erated by ' tlre Greek s, Tbe <;hl· "Hey. You Ihlnk you're wise, don' t Japs, . ' . ' neBe wall wlls unknown to the Greeks you ?"-New York Evening Post. 'rhe Boxer uprising shows the In. / or It certainly would have been In· ferlorlty of th e Chinese as Oghtem. cluded In the list ,of wond ers . It wa s Although China has a population more wond erful than ' them all . FurColor Photography. greater than all at Elurope, Bny Euro- I thermore. It wa s built for .the servlc c Tbe physicist employed by a. l eadIng pean country cou ld beat h er In a of man. whereas the pyramldB, thl! camera complUlY of this country has straight I1ght. The Boxers fought onty hangIng gardens of Babylon and o.tber developed a n ew process ' of making when the), had superior numbers. wonders were built for the vanity of portraits on color b y photograph y. Even when Ole Ohlnese are well man. . Which, It IA c laim d, glYes remarkably eq uipped they cannot tight foreign Th e Chinese wall has done much to perfect r esults, and Is simple enough devils. Wblle the wall saved the coun· keep back tlte ad vance of civilization tor pra ctical commerCial llUr]loses, al . try from financial troubles 1.700 years In China. Since Its constructi on th e tbough not Bulted ' Cor amateur work. ago. yet It made the Oh lnese a nation has llcJ',aneed ' liale the ftPtit-l-'l'im..:-..,.,.,."...,.....--nr"1tt1lT1'!lt'Tl'i1lea modltl. r esistant people. • and sciences. Only In the last ten cation 0 :( the I ves tbree·co l or process, By enubllng the people to go tbelr yea rs ha ve the young Chlll'ese ndmlt· 'except that only t\\'o colors are u sed, way. th e wall hns made of hlna the ted western civilization. Tb e Chinese r d nn d green , Two n egntlv es arc most populous nation In th e wO,r ld. are It scholarly people, but their edu· taken In II. sn eclal camera, or In a r egu . Probably one-third o f t he world 's In· 'catlon Is limited to the study of tbe l ar camera u sin g color scr een s, 'rh ese habitants J\:ve In !lilia, Not l es3 claSSics. 'rhey are pbllo ophers, 'b~t Jlegntlves llre so trea tod wi th dyes than one·fourth of the world's peopl e their philosophy run~ In grooves. that t h e col oring mutter rpl)la~B the IIve· tbere, Not until modern times Th ey Invented gunpowder, but did not sliv er III th e tIIm. nnd the Il late be. did China go to war of any conse- develop It. comes Its own posItive, 'rhe two 1)lntes queJlce nfter the building ot the wall. ' The Chinese woul~ pplnt to tlle wall are superlmppse d alld mounted in a That was ' when the l\lanchus. who or Chinn and say Ulat they should not frame so constructed that all elec tric Ilv ed north of t h e wa ll, swarmed over go beyond Its bounds, They wer e light nmy be IIIMed bebilid the I>\C' the barricad e and captured 'PekIng. b ounded on the north by t he Great ture, which is to be vi we d by truns. 'rhe Manchlls hecame the ruling peo· Wan, on the east by the sea of tho mlUed light. pie and "'ere reIgning In ChIna when rising 811n, on 'tbe south by the land the Europeans IIl1tered. The Manchus of tropical diseases ' and on : the west " 'Q ueer" Money In 313 A. D. continued In power until th e estair bv U1A ~reat Interior plateau. The '''he ~ract thut counterfeiting In IIshment ot the Chin ese republic . flrs~ Chinese to leave th eir native The stupendous work of ' the Great land were not allowed to re t urn. Un· coins exis t ed 1,600 year s ago was Wall of China can be und erstood when til the last d ecade 'a ChlnamBf' wbo brou ght to light th e' otlier day when Illver slty of Pennsylvania mu· o~e considers th at at otle pOint It cut olr his braid or balr was ostra· the seum announ ced that among Egn}tlan crosl\ed the peak of a mountain ]0,000 cued. feet. high . Tbe wall followed tbe ' Th e Chinese are adepts at cruelty. r elics r ecen lly purchased were tbree mountain ridges wb erever t.bere were They bave severe punlsbments, but co unte.r feltlng OlltOtS, according to the any. Th e stones were sometimes ' t h ey cannot be said to be bloody. Philadelphia corresponden t of the Ne \v picked tram the ground 'near tbe wall , Few Chinese g~ armed li nd murders York W(,rld. The molds are of brick. The plan Wben th ~re were no ston es there th ey f\.Te rare, They have had fewer were brought a great distance If need . wars ' than any oth!lr country on earth ; was to make Iml)resslons of eacb side be to make the wall stron g. until' tbe Cblnese-Japanese war they of 11. ' coin In soft clay and then ,burn When one looks lit tile .wall he cnn. bad been at peace sInce tbe In va' the two ,sidell. An opening was lert at the t01., In which molten metal was not help but be struck. with th, curves_ slon o~, lbe, Mancbus, · " poured: 'fhe 'rogues flourished In the In the vast structure. Th ese curves ' , . r elgnR of tbe Roman emperors Maxare due to the theory tbat devils can- f Her LeHon. not walk In anything ' but stralgbt " The young idea," mused the su bst!· Imus, Llclnu8 and ConstlUltlus, from. lines, ' tute teach er. "doesn' t have to be 313 to,367 A. D. , In the Boxer upTlslng of 1900 t'-e taugbt to shoot paller wa,ds:'








A. Dietetic- Motto. B etwEmo the ,fakel' and the fad,dJst the merE' commonplace everyday man finds blrnselt nowadays , between tbe devil and the deell sea; his gBstronomic p~, th Is strewed with difficulties Ilnd besE,t with fears, Trembllng, b e pursues bls way. with no heart l eft In him to Ilcbleve thDt perfect Ideal at tbe true lIimple life, as expounded to Max O 'R II by tbe cabman wbo wore very poor IlIbltI.tute for the lunar a yellow ribbon In hl8 butlonbole: tldel If the ocean, the Itqppage or "Eut ...... hllt )'OU like. drink what YOU whtcb would tend to paral'le the V(8.o lUke. don't care a for any_ e "The EpIcure." • COIDDleJ'C* of tile wlIoIe bod" .




Rat her" "Glv",,, way" Wa s H Is Eagern" S5 t o Demonstrate He Could ~ ll e an Alib i.


At Il '· I... ('! ul ti (·~ I n in WashIng ton 1'1'11'1 p i I<' • 1111:< mlluc to the m altAr or III .k l n~ ba ll brr1a k~, lI'h eli Congr 88' THE CA":IADIAN GOVERNMENT InUII .) nttll,H /\ . Frenr of \v lscon In \vIIS, r t'Ltlillll!' d fl f n In('itl Cn t along that ASKING FOR INC REP.SE D ACRE · li ue, IN GRAIN. TO MEET :;;rrnlt' 111111' :I).;U . h e snld. a fllr~er EUP.OPEAN DEMAND. Ollt h is \I fl Y b glUI to mIss bls chic k· (' II ,' ; , tlll t! ill ord l') r 10 bpt t er protect I I h( ' 11) lifo had th doo r of tb e co OP fitted Th C' r' oro a . nullllJ r of 11I)ld ers 01 lI'il h Irrlll l,,-ul!_ 'tlll tbe row l s dis. l an d I.n \\' l's t~rn 'an da, 1'I' i ll1,; II! tltl' l " I,ppnr,' ''. all tl flnally a pa rty named , ' Ilit ud Sla tes . to WbOUl tlte ' all:,, 1 HII Ha !itilS II (H! arr ested on susp icion . tlOl'l' rll' U lit \\' 111 Hhor tly III I, [\11 II )1'1 "Th"' r !l1'C' I1IS t o b e no evid ence' P III to ~":I'o, 1IH' U1l0 CU PI1't! !II' 'as a);alll ~ t Ihl ~ mu n," 5aid \1 astlls' !awyer th ey IIr' noltltl,!; untler cult I .ltil II . tn III(' Jlltl~p li t I ho slibse quo nt tri al, T lJe luulls a.r u hI 'hly producll \, , UIH " alll! I 11~1( YOl!)' uqnor to dl!;ch ar ge III a Htnte of I tll c lJc,, ~ ch.·y III'I' n ut hill1." g il' ln l; allY r eI' nu Il l'Y OU U ,h .· Illt ' " I wi ll II'I hi ll! (lIT wit h a suspended et: rll (·tJ Illcrelll lit Iwd UI"! not ur t h,' ~ (' 1I11'IIC(,," nIl HWPl'cc! ih o jll(lgc, "probr' nl'l,t to C!'"l1d 'l t hat th(' ~ l all,l; 1'ldlll1'; I", "flll Ill ... a ll n li"!. nn you I:lllI I,' ,'usi ly ~ e ,"ad." It ie puil1 t"" I flI •. fill olibi, Ha ~tm;?" h e contlnn d, " II III, d"ma ud (or gruiltH ful' I l1r ll ll,!!' III Ih defendllllt, " ,'()lIIt ' Will l':l UKtJ goutl prll'I'H I " YnHHa ll , IJ O~A , YnH ~t1h! " was the 'loll (' . 11 ' u" prol!ul'e,1. ,__ lOt 1'1'''1111'' 1'f'~lltlll~(, err HnAtlJ s, " I kin til I!l'a," s h,' Olf, i , til'\ .ti ll ·1 no hilrd,,)' dan d e bahs on I ." :t! , u \l i ll Lilal I)f :alll ... \I i. I;,lr .I llltl,~in 's d)\ck~1I coop,"I "" I, , ". -I n Ian I'I' c r ~ ,"", g ,' i.iI:.d, .lldda '1'(,1. ~l'I lJ il l. • I" ' 1'(lll llll l1 tli e fn rm s, \\'1" '11 _ _ __ I I u;ILJ t 'r p roJH'I' " Ull i \' ulitHI, lI u t I mportant to Mothers :1 ., " "I ti 11r:l Is 'JIlI' n n's urt, ·t! lu. P.X'H" "'" Lllfl -:ull;: e very boltle at 'I\ S'I Olt!.\, H b,d ,. and su re r e medy for '\ III. ~I IPbSI'II!! " l",ld (Jlld l an d l'allll s. 1U>ln )' fUl'lI1R \\ ll'l \JH)' fill' 11"'III HI' II" 's ill IlIlal1l a '"11 1 c.:hildl'c n. ant! see that. II tllU ur Ihr('o ~'(,(lI'H Carel'lIl "urJ I II' n,'an; tlrr. ~~ h illsi\' wor k i~ l" quin.d , a nd if llJi'-\ SiFn:1!lIr"o f ~. ~ i>l g lll'lI III tIl(' W:lJ It is ";i ll'lI to I Ill' In I ' ;; •• I'err (1\' ,,1' 30 Years. hlgh ' llric('d l u , dA of ol(kr h,' II " II 'uildll '" l 'ry fo r Fletcher'B Castorill l'Oll lllri l's, 5urll r j;,illg r(, ~ lIlts 1\.11 fo l-

,I,' p,·k.·


lo w , . Cou l d n't Beat Her, Th"rp aI',' th o~I·. wh o a r.' pa ying rl'lIt . 1'; 11. "1 11 1;1 11,111 lJ"e'1i t.h e n egro maid li.t 11'110 shou ll! not I.l,' tlulll!; ~u, Th vy \In II , I",, " 'ij Ilir H~I" rnl yen r s, and woultl do IJ t 1' 1' to IIUrc lHl.S,· In nds In 1,,1t t1l :..' I In lll'llt' <I. MO l'S th e Dellnea. W es l erll Cnllnda at lh ll pres!:'I1L loll' tll r , She 1I1I1I'l'" t o IIlIo th er city and pric e ut whi c h th ey ur bei ng orrPl" d ""ti ll,,!,; lr a,1 b ",I1 L1 =>p (, O or b er tor a Ill' land 'ul1I\Jan l : or ' prll' ut c IlI d ll'l lI ' l rou pl!! 1) 1' yea r s. wh e n one day she uo.l R, T ll eso 1I1.1 1·c U en h Id fOI' I h e (,Illl ed 011 her form r mistress. high p r l cps that JIIUIIY "'p uld have " A nd so you h al' a little son. Ellar paliz 'd . but Cor th e war u)ld I hl' flnan · , lIorn '!" sli id :\11'1:1 , lI(1IIS(ln, 'Ial etring"lt cy. !'IUIY Is ' lh tim e to " Y es 'ulIl," sm iled th e womnn . "A bu y; or If It Is (H ef rr d nd "untago nice IIIt1e boy," IlI lght ue tak en of til alTer of 160 " And what did you name blm?" :lcr 's o r l au d f r e tba t Is m ade uy tb e gu 1'1 d Mrs. H ailS on. Domlnloll 0.,1' ' rnm ent. The man who "Wcl l , w e calls hIm lilggnogg," reownll hl ~, Innn hae II lifo o f Iud pen ' I1l\ed tb e c 'ored woman. , d ellc . 1'hen lIguln III r lt ar those , " FJggllogg!" said th e other. "That'l wh o am reutlng \\'bo ml gbt wi s h to a f\llllty nam e [or a boy." ollt.lnu e a s r ouL 1' 8, 1'h ey havo som al ' ·' Vell. YO' s e. missus," explained It1 ' uns liS w II ' us sumcl n t oltlfh to b · p:HAllora. "del cnHlld woman wbat gi n III II III' W co untry wh el' all th o 'l' I' l'cd n ex ' d ORh to me named b er twins ad vA ntagps ar e fnyorll bl e, l\l nny 01 'rom, an d J n y, an' 1 dido't \I'ant to be th o\\'ne r~ of u noccupied lun<l s would Oll td nll by)1er ." be w i lling to l eas th em on r eas ona bl e term s. Tbcn 'agn ln. IItt nUolI is drawo How "Sake" Is Made. to th e fac t th llt \V esl ern 'anad a nUIIl' T he crown princ e of Japan sent a her s ulllongs t It s most 'suc:ess ful farm , cOli si gnm (lll t o[ "sak e" to the Brltlsb P'·H. OI·Usans. bu all: esB mell. l a w)' r s. prews attucklng Klau chllll. This bev· d octors Rlllt many otl"1r p r o f sslo n s, er ag. wh i ch should ue drunk warm I"ar m ing' today Is a prof- sslon , It Is to appr elale Its Cull flavor, Is of a , no l ong r accompanie d by th e dl-udg··1 l el\r, l ight y ellow color nnd tastes ry Ih at we Wf' r ucqualn t lld wit h a like hi ghl y se ason er! sh erry" lt Is gP IH~ I'lllio li ago , T h e ract that a niao made of sl 'alll ed ri e. treated by a is no t rollo wl ng a farm ltl g lIro today. process w hlcb c onv erts the starch , do e~ u ot preclu d e him froll] going on Into sUGu r ; ferm entallon sets In and '1 w~ t rn au ada farm tomorrow, suite i s produced , Th e oharn.cter. ot :.1nd mal<lng a success of It, Jr h . Is I th o \\'I\t rhus a definite effect on the not In po ssess ion or W stern Canl1 c1a liq ll or t hat r esults, H ence, for tbe land thut h e can can vert 1111.0 u farm b at quality of sak e on ly tbe b est wa· he shou ld s(!c~re SOIl1O. make It a t el' IR employed. , An excise duty (arm by equIppi ng It and working It equi va l ent to 25 cents per ga llon III I1lms If. Th e mall who ba s been hold· l evied on sak e, the amount tbus ,raised ' Ing his W ~ te rn Canada land waiting III 19 12 totaling $211,000,000. , Tbe I:\ame for t.b e proll! he lIatunllly expected Iii said to be d eriv ed f l'om the town at hus be 11 justlflad In doing so, Its ORak e, which, from time Immemorial, ' ngrlcultural po ssibilities are certain lms b en famous fo r sake brewing. and sure. .It b e bas not reallz!!d 1m· I m edlat ' l y by maIling a snl e, he should Pessimistic Papa. ! not wo rry. But to let It lie Idle i s not "Po. " sui d .Jo hnn y , who I s a p er~!s t .. goo'd bu si ness, Dy geulng It placed ent kn o wl edge·see ker, "what Is a law· und er cultivation a greater profit 11'\11 gh 'er?" , com e to him , Have It cultivated lJy " Th er e I~n't Bny sucll thing, Jobn· ·worklng It himself, or get som e good m' ." r epll d the old gentleman, who r epr sentatlvo t\) do It, Set abo u~ g t. hud b en Involved In considerable Utf· LIng n purchaser a renter · o r some lIa tlon In bl s time. on e to opcrnt o~ shares. "B ut thl H book says .~hat somebody The departm ent of t b e Dominion waR a gr ' at la w·glver, perSisted tbe Go\'ernment having charge or tbe 1m. youngst r . migration, tbro ugh lIIr. W. D. Scott, "Th en Il's a mIstake," rejoIned hie !:iuperlntendent at Ottawa, Canada, 18 father , "Law I s n ever given. Ifs redir ec ting the attention of non· r etl ldent- talle,1 ·In mlgh ty small quantities at ow.ners of Wester n Cannda l ands to mlglJt.y high {]gures," the fact that mOlley will b e maue out of farmin g these lands, The agen ts I r yo u can ' t talk of any t hing but of th e Department, located at dlfTerelil )'0\11' tl'oul>l es . slmt up, points In the Stlltes, are r end ering a s· • silltallce to this end.-Advertlsem ent.



No Bargain Sale Stuff. Little WlIIlam was spending thc af· temoon with Il neighbor, and dur lug hIs stay seveml Indies f rom near by dropped In for a game of bridge.' "1 saw Wlllle's moth er ju st now as 1 passed the house," r emarked oue Indy, Then turnin g to lbe littl e chal' , IIhe added : "I " 'onder It 'yoU knolV wbat a very pretty wOIDILn your moth· er !B?" "011. I take good of thn t !" r eo plied slx·year ·old WillIam, comp lacent· Iy. picked h er out myself,"


Constipation Vanishes Forever

Prompt Relief-Perm....ent CloIN CARTER'S UTILE . LIVER PILLS never

f ail. Purely vegeta. ble - act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after d inner dis· tress-cure indigestion. improve the complexion; brlghtenthe eY,tL SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PalC&.

~DuiDe must bear Signature,

~~7Jzt: , "

Meaning a Fury. of Course. " Dad, what's a nemesis?" , , "Son, a nemesis Is married worn· ILD whose busb!Uld has , promIsed ' her a n ew faU bat and hasn't the mon ey to , \)uyone?" .


Always use Red CraA BaU Blu." , 'DeJighh ~bo la_drelS. At all good Irocenr. Adv.

~' ~.~~~~~~~~>~~~~~~,~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WOULD BRING DOWN MOON AmbltlOuI Schemel of French Enth,,· Ilast Fol'tunately Never BI'Qught . , to . Conclullon, ,

tom. The mag'net use" In tbls case was three and. a hall feet In wIdth and weighed tbr~ tbousand pounds. 'rbe .ease wltb wblch the cargo wal! brOIl,g'bt the Burface gave rise to tbe suggeRtlon that, given a BufftclentIy bIg mapet, I~nken lubmarlnee might be IIlmUllrly salved at short nottce, A:Jollt a quarter of a century a Fren.e h enthusiast published detal18 of a truI7 amblUoal electto-mspeUc


Tbe electro-mapel. which II beIng lucceaafully used In Frencb hOBpltals 'ror the extraction of bulletl bal man· Irold )IOIIaJbntUIt!8. Recentl1 the ,U nitcompan1. b1 meuII tleGtll"'DJa~D8tlc




JIJI"'~PI"" a ..... "cbeDle.. B11D...etIna. he .uplalDedo ...,'.. ...,11'11 to the ~ the mooD ooaId ... ~t clowll to

the eartb, auel ~JJb"'E\d gently to r eat on the Saharan desert. Tbat done, It would be ablurdly simple to avan our· , selves ot the hnmenae mineral reBOu,rces at ,our satellite. . AI It bapllened, how~ver, the thing was never attemllted-prob&bly becaulle It wae discovered that the mIn· eral wealth of the Ploon would be a









-------+tt THE HOME I Of Quality Gnu!eri s 1 ......----{.

·1~~~~~~;~~] ••


ami Davis is 4uite sick at his hom bn Main street , Mril. Robt. Cross w'a s hostess Tuo!s. Rev. J. F. Rlh ; III1'ader is laid U f> d lfl)l afternoon to a very pretty ~-- -a this home with un attack of g rip . shower given in honor of Miss Ada Stokes. who will become the bride 9f WI'; ·W. . enrs wus in Greenville Nlr. E. T. Cour tney. Wednesday . JanT u snay and while there sold his uary 20th . propor tv . The J olly MatrolUl were tht) guests St. M:1. -' '. l ild will meet at tho hi me of 1I-lr- Mary a~ k cy Friday of Mrs. J . 'H . Chapman Monday YOUR evening. This was the men's meet· a fternoon II I 'J oldock. ing. and at G o'clock the Matron8 I alph RiSl I of I 'O T\' in. left Tiles· with their husbands sut down to an clay morni l1V f - l or fvlk. Va .• e legantly appoin ted dinne r. where he wi ll joi ll 'Ie 'lBVY. FOR. . Edi ble Eatables- The Quality Kind . Mr9. H. W. '1 , :el·. and Forest Mr. and Mrs. Wil90n Edwards' en· Fornshell . of XCl l1 .. WI-'TU the g UCRts bertained at dinner Sunday the folof Mr. and MI':!. I:. B. l:len tl ey Tu es· ·Iowing g uests: Mr . and Mrs G. W. REMEMBER THIS day. Hawke. Mr . and Mrs. J . C. Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. John F'romm and fam· Misses Miss Alta Hisev e lltertained When t h e Pangs of Hunger As sail You' il y. of Dayton. and the Misses Clara Marian CowRn: Hazel 13o);)e, a nd and Emma Hawke. lrlorence S t tlemyer . uf Lebanon n Thursd ay evening . On Tue;rlay eveninlr Mias Kath· There ~i11 be r ~ vivnl services at e ripo PrendergU!<t, assi sted by Mrs. the Orthodox I<'rienri s church every J. B . Smith. entertained the Loyal evelling this week, conducted by Ida DaughterR CIBBS. After the . de· votional exercises and the busmess A IIt'n and the pastor. session a social time was enjoyed and t Mary '~ unllay·school at the Corn Puffs ... . ..... 1 5~ { It is good -.; regular houl' SundAY . 'l'here will be r,e freshments were !)erved. Pettijohn's Food . . .. 15c ! no pre8chin j( srrvil-e on account of Mr. and Mr s. Ronald Hawke had the illness of tho red<?r. Cr . . of Wheat. . . . . .. 15c ' . r~s. as their g uests Saturday evening . Sh. Wheat .. . . . 2 for 25 L IIS largc. blu horRe blanket. fr o and r\lr . Worr n Edwards. Mr. SOIl')I whore bctwc,:r. H V. !'; mith's I\ n ~ Mrs. Wilson Edwards. Mr and Foulds Macaroni ... 5 IOc r esid nee a d Way csvill e. Fillder Mrs l!:. V. Barnhartand Mr. Hal" Puff d R ice ........ 15c 30 Cents r is M sher "000" was th2 enjoy· pleas > I av · e t the ;azette office. ment of the "ening . and a nicl! Paul Hain s. of tho Battle hip luncheon was served. Minnesota. U. ... . '\j.. if! here on a WAYNESV ILLE VISI with relnt iI·~ . Pu II ha!l n OHIO Miss Olive McCollum entertained th ir ry. rlny furlOllR h which ends a fe w of her friends. informally. Tue." av. )/1 with "500" on Friday evening. W 'rll caDI . lo friel d9 here that Those present were: Misses Ruth ,,' d I'l;oRl'il gP-"al. '",,!10Da' waM )D (lperll ted on in Hazel Gustin. Emma ____________________________ !_ the , is improving Hartsock, • Hawke ami Messrs Emmor Baily . rapidly. nd !lis many fri mls here George Waterhouse. Raymond Davis hope hnt he wi soon be nble to and Jam us McClure.

1-\ t


Are Always At

Beck & Command


................................................. .!,................................................ . Try These-They'll Please :i B B Coffee

All my stock of BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, FOOT WEAR AND COR- f DUROY CLOTHING. . All ·Goods Marked in PLAIN FIGURES All other Goods at our regular cheap Prices.

-==============::::=============: ~

.Sale Begins

Friday, January 10, 1915


Public Auction 25 to' 35 Head of IOWA MARES I .wilI


at Public Auction at my sale bam on East Main Street, Wilmington, Ohio, 011

The Wesley CIBBS will formally open the' social room in the basement of the new M. E. church, ;ruesday evening, January 26 An old·fash· ioned Box Supper will be pa I't of the evening's entertainment.


. Commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, . good driving mares, a few ~raft geldings and . general purpose horses. If you expect to buy horses this spring, . , don't miss this sale.

DO·NE-DO makes Doughnuts by simply adding water.

WALTER l.-ACY, Auctioneer.



Pi~k l es .. ... .



Fr~i t ................. 3for


Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb ... lOe Fancy Jersev Sweet Potatoes FancY'Solid Cranberries

o.m hinin9







Jesse Stanley, who has just g radu· ated from the J ones Auctioneering School at Chicago, is home and is ready for sale dates. 1t would b · '/Veil to see him, as he has some new ideas in the auctioneering line. Or call him. 146 mutual phone, New Burlington, Ohio.

Cartificate He-Extending Charter


Treasury Department

Every farmer who owns an Indiana Silo as found that It is the best bu sj.n e~s deal Ie ever made aDd th e greatest pleasure ,f his farming experience. It o ot ooly ":d,, 60% to tll e n et profits of tlle !lairy nd feeding pens but It also saves nil the lard, unpleasant work of winter feediog_ We bave an especially attractive propoIIUon to make to you oow-()lIe thnt win mabIe yon to get an Indiana S ilo in tillle lor next faU 's corn crop and to PIlY for it ,u;.lt pay. you. Let U B t el!' YO I1 about it.

Bring U ' ou r Butter and Eggs It }Juys t at

AN'S .




Tr~s.urer of Warren County


We have il18talled the latest imprOVed) ( Stewart Clipper Grinder,


Horse Perkin Engine


Air·Cogled Pumping Engine. reb\lilt and guaranteed same

as new .

1 HP 2 .


Engine ·'

This BDgin~js Rebuilt" alld cheap.


HP Engine Hopper Cooled. Rebuilt and guaranteed.

Agents for the Celebrated 'Ingeco Gasolene and Coal Oil Engines, AutomobiJe and General · Mach~n.ry Repairing, Gasolines, Oils and -Accessories

, Several residents have received announcements from EUl1'ene. Oreg on, relative to the marrialle of Miss Blanche Zell to Mr. Louis Koppe, on December·Sl. 1914 The bride is the daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. Th08. Zell, and 'a very charming young Indy. Her many. friends here wish ...

Gasoline Engines_and Engine Suppliei Pb'one 105





The second meeting of the Musical Research Club met at the home of Miss Ruth Hart.>!ock. Tuesday evening Of t he Condition of the Wayne. January 5th. The life anel work of . ville .National Bank. at Wayne:; Joseph I;laypil was taken up and ville in t he State 0 Ohio, lit the piano numbers given by the Misses clo~e of busine"s, Dec. 31, 1914. Marf{aret CI·alle. Genpvll Curtis. and Master Burnett Butterworth . Bt!C ' IlESOU J (;E S. Lonuo a 011 III,coullt/! .. ... .• . ... 12a.734 . 14 ,thoven is to .be the next subject No. 2 220 R~PORT


10 6. 0 4

60. 000.00

0.1.0 0.00

11 ~ . 07 ~ .55

I U. H7.71




The Wayn~vill e National Dank held its regular eleetion Tuesday afternoon: 1'here was no change· iri the directors. the old ones being reo t!lecteli . Other important business was attended to. .



Public Sales


1. 2U O. 00

1111111111111I111il:1111111II1 111II1111111111I11111 11111II1I111111111111111111111111 Baving arrllnged to move io III Bud to I(e t eV'lryt4ing fura.500. 00 nished we., 1 will sell Illl m.v ohattel ~~Et'UPPIY' ,!,o"~d ... """ ho" ..hOld .«d....d ";" tho p roperty ~t. the f8l1l1.d ence of W EJ .very . b~t · poSSIble values for.t.he small prices chargedO 'Nea ll, .2Y. mHes 110 1l~h eaet of nothing more than ten cents,Vnothing lesS than Jive cent;. W,.ynellvillu, on : (EXcept Books and Magazines ). . ' .' Thursday, January 21, 1915 , . • : • • I ~ . • Beginn ing at III :80 o'olo~k the ' f,ollowthl property' , ., " TEN CENT BAltGAlNS F~VE CEN.T BARGAINS y Two Ho 1'1!O~. 75 oplolenl, Farming Matches-500 count Irish Point Lace \ I'mplementl, Barnet!!!,' a .ollleholc1 Ribbon-Red, Blue. BlOwn, Crochet Hooks Good.. Tilrma made known on dl1 . Collar S~pports Black, Pink of sale. J. P. Bnokoer. Infants' Stockings Hooks and Eyes C. T. Hawke, Anot. Scrim for Curtains Safety Pins ' .. To~..l. ....... .... .. ..... "66.U3.n Shaving It{ugs . ·Arm Bands STATE 01' 01110. WARREN COUNTY.aS: I will lIell at All0~loD ~ Infant's ponneta Pen abd Pencil Clip l. J. O. Cart..rlllh~ Ca8wer of lobe,.• .rHideDoe 00 Fourth IItreet o n _ Silk, Hair Nets namedbank-•. ,do lOillllllll, ...ear &he , Sat relay Jan ary 16 1915 iDfant's Mittens ....pv.. • ...t-ement II true t.o the ""'"~ of m, U, U ' . stamped Towels Kid Curlers koo,!lodge and bellef. • 'SestoDlol . , 1 p. m. lIbarp, tbe J. o. OAllTWRIGHT. Oubler. f,Dllowto,: A 10' of BOUlebo!4

tound much more satisfactory than 8ppd . : .. .. .. .. .. .. . >U. 861. GIi JOtHII SKELTON WILLIAMS L el!)ll, w url a r ,Nol '.' ¥ l. 60 u.UO either· llour or cornslarch rna ole ot SEAL • Comp \roUorol tho '. r uiluoa:Vlilo li fU ll \\I l.i l U. S. one small ,potato gral ed fine. Add boll· Ourrunt' y Tro",,"rut( 5% "I cUeu l tlon) . . lllg water e noug h to m ake olear an,d Cbarler No. 2220. EXl.cll.lou No. 1203 . boll nve mlnules. d U-J20

Pay yourtaxes now. ·.January ~Oth is posl~ tlvely the last day without the penalty ·a dd.ed. You can pay at The Waynesville National Bank if you ·w.i sh. . . i OffIce hpurs to the public 8:00 a. m. to 3:30 . p. m. Clos~ at noon on Saturdays. '.

H. M. Sherwood 8& C. E. Servis


of <;0 ::,If.=:5e=--_ _ .



Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards en· tertained with " 500" Friday evening in hCJnor of Mr. !lnd Mrs . Warren Edwards. of Denver. Col. Those who enjoyed the evening wete Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Mr. !lnd Mrs. Ronald Hawke and Mr. Harris MO&he~. A fine luncheon was served at a Reason· able hour . + _ __


Oha s. D. Cok


Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shinn enterulined at an elegant Sunday dinner . at their home on the Dayton pike. the following g uPSts: Mr. and Mrs. C. J . Marquardt and son. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke and children. Mr. and Mrs. Doan Brackney and Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Elliot.

- - -..

N ew: Home Boney .

occ,irtii ' :oie.·. : : :'. '. '.'.'. ::


. Mr. and MrA. C. M. Robitzer entertained a t "Rook" Thursday evening a few of t heir friends ThOfie irlvited were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Z·l mmemian. Mr. and M.M! Ronald Hawke, Mr. lind Mrs. Wilson .EdY;iarJs. Mr. and Mrs. l<.alph Miller. Miss Henrietta McKinsey and Mr. J. B. Pence. .

Jumbo C,alifornia <Jelery .

Ofll co 01 Comptroller 01 the OurreDcy. . W hlngLOD. D . C Docombor U . 10 l' WIIRREII . b)' .atl.IILCIOry ovlrlcnco pre· flion t.erl to t.ho unllo~uoc.l. It. hM boon malh) to "flpenr t lll\t "The Wuynes,'lIJo NutlQtII,1 Hank' locuted In Iho V l1IulIO o r WayuOII \' lIIu. III t hD Countr or \V n.rren , aud StRlO or Oh\C', O v"rdnal u;. Iln~ lIrocJ . .. . . • . .• cr. . n uuo. I.OI\(lCUI'\l circul a tion ~~ cgf'g~~ ,;:!;b" r~1 ()'"'t.~Ng~I:1 ~,,~~~ (p" r vnJueJ. . • . . .. .. . ..•. . .. Ilur Ii&llOClatfoJl8 to o'Loud their corporatO me. O "htH,' bOntl 8 W hOCUro PI 161.1,1 Sav· Js tcncc. nnd f£Jr other J)urpotoea,u tlpproved July 12. 1 ~~2 . ,. .. IlJII ..ntl o.Jbl'tllo Act. UJlProvod B~I:~. BLOck l u l'eelornl. IIt»lQr vll nllul. April IL ~o~ , ..... .... .... . . . , lI H. 4UO.UII NO W. "'U EJlE F·Ci l~E. 1 John 811clton LoMaru 1IDI)" ... $7. oo0.0U WllllaJu • • C'\ll1p~",lI o r III tho Ourrency. do !;IlLo.lugount ~ . ..... . . .... .. , ' lIorelJy certtry I,bat · · '~ ho Wa)'IIC8vlllo NntloD,,1 l)U& lrumh OIl "'od ral l.I """r·,'o h unk Ohio nunk." locatllll iu tho V Uh,ClO of Wnyn/l/j \' Ulo. t t'nm Q l}Prov~1 roBOr ' n.,wJltI In tho Ooullty 0 1 Wal·reD . Md S~ntO of Oblo. D :ae In (\Q littiU ell,loB . . . Qit, ~ f)2. 7:. I. autborl.O(I LO havo BUI! iiII loD for the perlao [n Oliler HClI!Ir"~ O[tll", (,;. 1~;; . U2 ~~~==================::;::= 81N!CtOed In tt~ amont!o\l nr\ lcl !lll 0 1 IUl.qOclaMoD : Cb (!C1(~ p.ntl other 1ll1llIwIIIR. l. o:l · ..:; ; DIlmOly. wUII CI080 " f bllsip()1;S em j'eceUloor 1'rttcl.[ucnl curJ"f'ncy .. • S I 3(l.!ij! La. IY SI. heclcl'!'(,ID I.. nnles In t hBAnr uo t OWll Hom e-Made p ...te. fN TE , 'j'IMOllfY WffE REO.' WILDOII4 m y "" ponlug bonk . . . , ... . • . of oLhor Nutlonal' HI'" S • • An Inexpensive pasle which w1l1 be ~r~.:c~.!~~llil~'4 .o mco thl. FounooDth day NOI_ Lfto w l u J tXlOlJO)1 r<l6uc.u III r ;lok \111.:




Mr. and Mrs. C. E . Johns. of Lytle, entertained Sunday ut dinner KA.KO makes fine Layer Cilke . the following guests: Mr. and .Mrs ' I Sidney Coon , Mr. and Mrs. WllbUl b dd ' ya mg water on y. f;;I. a~l the Misses Catherine, Mildred. l a,n Mal garst Clark, Bertha, Beulah N.ew Prepartld Mustara, a,nd Ruth Coon, and the. Messra. quart Jar, only ............... 10c ~ .Everett Clark and Glenn Johns. Large j ar Sweet


E. & D.

come hom e.

Monday, January 18, 1915

Terms:-Cash, or 6-months bankable note, drawing interest from dat~.


12. a 5 1.65 \ '00111,



SUl)OCriflod .".1 .wom bolON me thl. 8tb «':100I'I, d&" 01 JfUl .. 1910. E . T. BBI'Dh.rt,.~ . • No~ Pub...,..

OolTt!Ct Atlellt:





"-i\- nwKf,1NICor

and Ktt~ben Usen.lI,, -

Terma "'Ib. ~ ~. Sherw~. w. N, -.nIIAaol.


Next Door to Gazette Office





Sixty-Seventh Year





..--.. .---flll'-M&.U:IaInoU. ~.~ _.en .~ .~_____~__......... !PETlTln ~S ARE CIRCULATED · i REGARDING ..THE SCHOOts

----~ ------~"!'-""'!"!~~~~~-~~"!'--!!'~~~--~----------------=--,----------------,.-------:----

.MIAMI VAllEY POULTRY. ASSOCIATION SHOW .. While Entries Were Small. Stock V"I as . -=-Above the Average

Are Going to Ask Voters to Cast Vote On .Centralization


One Man Said They Were Finest Bunch of Chickens




HarrY Stokes- 1st ckl. , 1st, 2nd 3rd pu\., 1st pen.

Main Strcet Looking East



Eli i'urnas- 3d hen. U. for the year of 1915, was held at Lou St. John- 1st and 2d ckl" 1st and 2d hen, ~d and 3d pul., 1st and the home of Mrs. J. Will Wh ite. Friday. January 12th. 3d pen. Harry Stokes-3d ckl . 1st pul , 2d The devotionlll exercises were pen. opened by singing. "What a Friend ll"ff Orpillgtons We Have in J esus." The first Psa lm ChaR. Crew- 2d and Sd cock, lilt was repeated in concert, and Rev. Allen voiced the prayer vf the union ckl., lBt hen, let pul.. 1st pen. Earl I!.vans-2d and 3d hen. The minutes of the last meeting Mrs. B. H. Mills-2nd ·ckl.. 2d were read and approved, al ~o letters pul.. 3d pen. hom Florence Richard, Pres of the Mra B. V. SmIth-1st cock, 311 Ohio W. C. T. U., and Wayne B. ckl., 3d pu\', 2d pen. Wheeler, Supt. Ohio . Anti ·Saloon League, which contained many things W. Plymouth Rocks of interest to the union . C. Tomlinson-1st cocik, lat hen. The program for the day was then 1st, 2d and 3d'puh, Iljt pen. givem Jti!ading, RUllSia Gone Dry, Lester Surface-lat ckl. Rev. Martin; Ouet, Rev . Allen and Rev . Martin; Reading, The Perfect Sicilian Buttercups Gift, Mr8. Palmer i Reading. The Mra. M, J. Underwood-1st cock, Stranger, Mrs. Harsli~; Solo, "1 W!int 1st hen, 1st, 2d and 3d pul. to Be 'l'rue . to i;1lm, IIfrs . White Mrs. ijaysht being a Crusader, Willi R. c. Rhode Island Reds the honored guest of the meeting, and her reading, a treasured cli ppirlg Chas. Gray- 3d cock. of her mother's. Edgar Simpkins-1st ckl. Dain~y I!ew programs for the year Mrs. A. B Sides- 1st and 2d cock.. were dIstribu ted. and one new mem. 2d ahd 3d ckl., 1st, 2d and 3d hen, ber w8senrolled . 1st, 2d and 3d pul., 1st find 2d pen. The meeting closed with the W. C. T. U. benedictiction . Pekin Ducks four visitors. and,! fair per:centMrs: E. S. Baily-1st and 2d pair. ~::d~~~~~ membership were 10 at_ _ _....___ IndIan Runncr Ducks




Will. MEAN



ON HONORED MAN rPERSoil"MENnil More ExperienCed

Black Minoreas

The fourth annual poultry show 01 the Miami Valley Poultry A88ocia· tion cloa.:d the doors Saturday evening 011 a very Muccessful show. In felct, it was really the be~t shQw ever held hllre. lilthoullh there were nothinll like the antriM tha r characLerized previoub shows. The main thinlri thlit went to mllke the h ahow a Bu~~eAS was t e quality of stock exhibited . • There was never such atock owned and shown by local people as was ahown 'this week . l (\11 the stock with but one or two ex' ceptions, was rail!ed in and around Wayne TownBbip. Mrs . E.- S. Baily-1st pair. 'I'he sh... w w8>lgreatly handicapped Bronze Turkeys on account of the quarantine and -- -the shOWB that were being given in Ed Lukens-1st pair. localities close around us. The bi&' Walter Biggl!- ·2d pair. "Break, break, break, On·I thy cold 0 sea! Id abowat:5pringfteld, TrQY, Grtenville And Id thgra}' t stones, t wou a mr; ongue cou and several other places Itttracted utter a great .leal of alLe~Jon, I!nd de· , Premiums . The thought!! that arise in me. tracted from this place, Several And the stately ships go on entries from Xenia, were not sent in Mrs. E S. Baily-5Uver cuP. given To the haven under the hill; the Dayt('" News for the ' best But oh, h ndfor thtl touch of a vanished on account of the quarantine atrl'''tions, and people trom Crew- Silver ('up, given by A a h d f . I . " nd. southern part of thf' county dkt notl·Konllna~eln, Lebanon, beat display in stilI.t"e soun 0 a vOice t lot IS want t.o send their birds on the aame . . account. S p K l a l s . As we .look. back on l~e beaut~ful hfe (If ~hls sainted aff,:ctlOnate Wife. Qua~a!l.lne Restrictions Hurt Mrs. Baily-Barred Rocks, hat, M. an.d 10vlDIl: mother, Sister, aunt a!1d Ryman. trle~d, all have. pleaMnt melllOrles Altogether the show was nearly • R . A. Tomlinson-White Rocks, of kmdness whIch s~e has l'hown com~ of birds from the neiJC~clock, A. B. Sides. them, you gl\'e ~oursel ves borhood afewcoming from Morrow Mrs. A . B. Sides- R. C. Rhode over to. their sad sweet Influence.. and lO~e from ·HarveY8burg. A Island Reds, cash $1. fair boart! . you Will emeJ:'Re streng thened and great Ileal of friendly rivalry wu Lou St. John-S. C. Black Minol'- better prepared for the battles at life. ahown. but the bestofteeling prerUJr, B. SHowell Th' II' h . . Stokes-5. C. White Lege swe Ing ear eaves moa!,lOg vaUed in almost every inltanee . . Ora Overholser. t!ie scorin~ judge. gave hom., cash, Walter McClure. Uke the ocean that cannot be at . aeneralllllti!!faction. Hi, method of . Eli }t·urnas-S. C.l:lrown Leghorn., We :;.e:yt-;ot wholly sta.v.' judJring, alld the flilimessof hia judg· 1 cash. . ' Chas. Crew-Black OrplDlftons, II By silence sanctifying not can. ment was· , autl· ~·actory toall partl~, 11£ "'" d i cealfnll . , although his scoring was pretty close. cash, case of corn, Dod s Cann nil' The grief that must have wa Durina the week a large c.-rowd at.. C o ' . y tended the show, and the verdict of Mrs. E. S. Baily-Best pair, Indian MUM Dora. dlllll\'h ter of James everyone wu that while the exhibit Runner Ducks-Ii cash Beat pair, and Vir"'inia E Dedrick was born '\8snotas lal'Jr8 . 1W formerly, the M. . White I;'ekin ·Duck~ $1 C8ll~ . 51 t hI' 71873 Closedherearth. . " class of fowls exhibite~ was of all Case corn highest. llCorlng poln In , ep. em er, excellent .quality. show. Iy !I'e. pecem~er II , 1914. _:She, w~s ·'The hi"hest scoring bird in the Second Pen unltM In mQl'rla!!,1! to MarIan EI!IS, show l'cored ·95. There were several DI'l'l!mbAr .20. 19I1~ ,AI~ost nme bIrds tbal. scored 94. One of the Earl Evans-Barred Roeks, pickle year~ thl!v ~8Ik.ed hre R pathway to 8weete!!t birds exhibited WIUI thl: fprk, J. H. Opp ~et~t>r "dhllr\n~ Its tOlI:!Endh SO{~O~V~; new br~ - the Slclillm ButLercup. . Mra. A, B. Sides""-Rhode ·l"land JOV!'" an P "asure". . ac s rlVln .. owu~ ant! IIhowt.>d· by Mrs· Under Reds-settin~ Pekin duck eggs to mRke the other . happy, was wOod of Hal'veYliburtr 'J.'he birt! i> Harry Stok~-Black Minorcaa, a Tl'!arked tokpn or their !ovmg de a pretty Iittlll thillg resembljnK thl: pkg. Flec~ 'a Poultry Powder. voho~. that .a~way.s enrlch~ and '--. Erown Ll!ghorn in ~ize, aOli havin'of I'd I'!I B. V. Smith -Buff Orping- beautIfies mllrrled hf~ For hIS three brown ·fBllther8 and the waltle!! forn> tons, OOc cash. !Ion!! to I!, fo,rmer. Wife,. Musa had Ii bUltercup, which gIves thl! nil d its • - . ' II m,:,therly.affectlOn. and by her 10lle and care t es were w~lVen t~at were . . . . n_th'!;new by the apparently kindred . fa thIS happy BOciation, adllt!d rouch' to tne che... r ' . union were born three daughters, fulrlt·tIII and beauty -ot tile .,' Ina E , Cora D and Ruthanna. Ina

~oops" ~wnl!d



CATTLE KILLED MONDAY On the McKay Farm New Burlinglon-No New Cases Have Been Rcporled . . l.t Ii gomg lo cost th.e slate of OhIO nearly *200,000 to wipe out the epidemic of foot and mouth di~ease that has been ra$~ing sporadicalll'in this state si nce November 1 This is . . the statement of Pre31dent A. P. Sandles, of the State Agricultural <A.mmissiol1, who today ubmiUed the preliminary report t o Governor ~. k B W'I I' ran . I 18. . He estimates the entire cost at t.jOO,OOO, to wh icb tho Bta~e will pay half. The total cost to date has been $29 1.571.80 and 10,877 animals have been slaug htered. In the state so fa r 3,t28 ca\.tle have been killed, estimateu to be worth $209,105.99; 2,G71 sheep, BIt $16,700.60; 4,5713 swine, atf.51,230. T. --Other property cles trol'l.'<i is vfllued at $7,513.22. The cost of burial is g iven at $7.021.28. Forty.sev en h.ead of cattle, one hundred and twenty.four hogs and fourteen sheep . condemned atock on the farDlS of l.!Iliah , Hnsscll and Charles Mason, near Port William, were killed Saturday afternoon by State Veterinarians and buried in a gilramic trench . Driven into the trenches and then were covered wit hshot, a me the andanimals buried to prevent Ii spmau of the disease, After the premises and l'ens have been th oroughly disinfected. the quarantines will be lifted on the three farms . Monday afternoon the c()lidemned stock un the Clarence McKay farm near New Burlington · were killed. Although the foot and mouth uisease \\' US first ti i!!covered in th. McKay -trercl- the ca~es-wele of slICh-mild nature that the . veterinurians felt justified in kjlJin~r them last and devotin~ their t,i~e. to the more~e~iou8 cases In the VICin ity of Port Wilham • where . all the cases were far ~d~ yance::! and the danger of contllglon ImmUlellt. . All of the !lt~cl( u~der su~picioun h!'5 ~een exar~lll!ed III the mfected d!8l rlct und It III tho!lght that the dillease has been eradicated. However, . ~everal of the veterinarians will remain in th'El neighborhood as casesmny develop at any time. Ureat satisfaction has been ex. pressed by the veterinarians in charge at their sUiccess in stamping out the disease. l<'rom the danger of contamination to which all the stock In that district had been ex. posed it was tile common opinion that a Ilrellt manJ' more case~ would result but p:re ent indications·it seems that the epidemic has been eradicated. _ - _ _ __ ..

To the officers and members of Wyoming Lodge No. 102. We, your committee, appoi}lted to draft resolutions on the death of Bro. Allen Haines, submit the fol. lowing: Whereas, It has pleased GOil in his infinite wi~d om to remove from among us our brother, Allen Haines, one of the oldest and no doubt one of the most faithful Orfdfellows belonging to the order, always being found in his place as long al health and strength would permit, we therefor bow in humble aubmisBion to Him who doeth all things well beIievinl( our loss is his gain. Therefor, Be it Resolved l That the community has loat an' nonorable and upright citizen. his family a uevoted husband, father and grand· father, amI the 1. O. 0.' F. a true and faithful member. Be it further Resolved, That a page in our memorial records be set apart to his memory, and that these resolutions be spread theron and that our charter and lodge room be drap!'d in mourning for a period of 30 days and that a copy, of these resolutions be sent to the family snd onl' to the village paper for publi. cation. Respectfully submitted, Geo. C. Hartsock Committee Geo. D. Mills Wm. P. Zell



.------.-.....-Raael th e Miami Gazette.



Teachers, and Better, Equip~ent

E. V. Barnhart has been ill wilh grip.

W. E. O'Neall was in Milford , Ohio, Sunday.


. Mrs. J, M. ·Taylor has been quite FOR OUR CHILDREN-()OST OF the past week. BUILDING WILL BE SMALLW. H. Allen is confined to his BEN EFITS DER~VED ' FROM home with a case of grip. CENTRALIZATION WILL BE Dr. Dill, Osteopath. Haines Bldg., . GREAT-IMPO.RT:ANT TOPICS Tuesday and Friday morninlr.!. SET FORllD. Miamisburg, Ohio, will have free delivery in their city aftp.r February 1st. On Monday of the pr~nt week John A, Funkey is closing out his quite a number of petitions were large stock of Underwear at cost.and started asking 'the Wayne Township below: Board of Education to submit tile question of centralization of ac:lioola [f you are going to have a 8sle, ee A. A. McNe il, Centerville, Ohio. of Wayne Township .. This of necessity also means a questlc,n of a bond f17 issue. Mrs. Will .Burge. of Route 4, has Should the school situation remain been the guest of her parents at as ut present, half of the ell!me'.ltar,v . Clarksville, work donp in one building and, the. half'done in from five to eight other Rev. and Mrs. C. S, Grauser and W. O. Raper were Dayton visitors one-room buildings, : 10-" caD Maily last Friday. see which half will get the advantage oC most experienced teachers, equip· . Mrs. H. E. Hathaway has been ment and all that' which wlll tend to ~ visiting relatives in Urbana, Ohio, make educationlluit PNl98llt day for several days, needs. . New requirements will cause exDon't fail to secure some of the great Bargains at the closing out penditures of hundreds of dollars OD sale at John A. Funkey's. your. rural schools within thebeXot Cew years and even then you have Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and nol, nei~her can you sOlye the prob· BOil Carl, and Miss Emma Hawke Mr. S. L. Cartwright received lem of how to do away with the word Isst week that Han 0 O. were Dayton visitors Saturday. great number of recitations necessaWoodmansee, of Cin cillllali, will Arthur Palmer, of Columbus. ry each day, deliver the address here on Memorial You have as good rural schools M Day. The committee have endeav- was the guest of his brother Rev. D. possibly can be found in Warren ored for several years to secure Mr. H. Palmer and family, Ia.qt week. county but to make them better :will Woodmansee, but was unable to do be impossible unless each building is so on aecount of other pressIng in· Dayton, Ohio, is preparinll' a teb· remodeled to meet the requirement vitations. This gentleman is one of Arnacle for a big revival in that city, for practical teachi~g. 01 domestic . Ohio's famous orators, and we are The evangelists are Riley and Max- science, 'manual trammg -and agriextremely . lucky to have this man well. culture. The cost to equip.each aep. here for "thQ day arately is prohibitive. 'Bdt at least Arrangements arc being perfected Mrs. AJmie O'Neall, Miss Anna building can be equipped and is for other matters on the program, Kellv, Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, and Miss one proposition. and it looks now a..~ though 1915 Martha O'Neall were in Dayton a practical Before the union of the W would be a memorable Decoration Frid·ay. .ville School district, with the · Day in Waynesville. . ship, centralization I!lean~ U~rOD .. The great cut price sale on all "ide of the WaynesVIlle dIStrict: now ' '. Underwear in John A. Funkey's the present building 10 . Wayliesvill~ , large stock is a big money saving. gives an excellent building to begin with. Probably no school district in Go at once . . Warren county is 110 fav6rab'f 10Ro98 Adair, . of Liberty . Ohio; cated, for centralization. . grandson :of Mr. Robt. Mountjoy, Your school tax duplicate is nearly . was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. $3,150,000. Financially, there is no Walter Smith and family last 8at- ycry great problem invoh:ed., · ~urmg the past year 100 scbool d18tr~llts . 0 R . Anderson, of the Indianll urday. in Ohio voted favorably on th.e ques~ Soldiers Home, sent us a copy of the tiou of centralization. This ·now LaCllyette (Ind.) . Daily . Journal. Ora Overholser, sberetary of the h .'" f t I'zed This paper has just moved into their Preble County Po ultry A6sociation is brings t e numuer ' 0 cen ra I, to over 400 • . schools in Ohio new home, and the edjtion was a Waynesville, tt,Jis we~k actin", as Jt is 'the sincers hope of the writer I . "New. Rome Souvenir Edition." judge at a poul.try show In- that city•. of this article that no such bitter The paper'is a good one, Bnd judging -b:aton Herald. feelinll'may develop over this great from the apPe1lrance must be one which so vitally concerns that is well paying for the .owner, Word has been received here from question, us a\l as has been found in some Hon . Henry W. Marshall . We want Monrovia, Cal., that W. H. Gard. campaigns, each look at it from to thank D. R. for his kindness in had to be taken to ·t he hospital Ii calm, sane,Let reassuring atandpoint sending th"~ paper. again, as his health WaR not im- ever remembering that you are . . _.... It is hoped that he will planning and ' building for many; Improve from now on. many years to come. . .. \ ~ick


- --... -_.- --





DIED AT HIS HOME ~-provin~. THOUSANDS PERISH • • ;~vr~·~~r~j~~I~~~~~n:.i·I~\J~e~~ ~:u~:~ IN KANSAS LAST WE'EK i:~I?c<>;~::::~::~t ~~~:n:rot~~~~ ODDfELLOWS WILL .. ar~:;' i::m St.o;p~\l~~:I~edSa~u~~ imprt'.~ b~ . the t!XhlPitit rhe ahe partE:<i WIth them. she saId IN A·BIG EAR·T'HnUAKE evening to the effect that her sister, ~::c!~I~~~~~~~x:.I~e:~,not. ~~~b!~lllh;:; .; , . . ~~et~dr::~~n~~~:;; ~'~t~~eco~:.,~ INSTAl·•L OFFICERS. , .~ :d:ie~l;ai~~:~ha~a. ~~~~~:~ th:ts to all the relatives, lJelgbbora and pu~ lbf date to confticl Jonathan Phlllips died at bis,home And 'when , this faithfuy wife and taken to the city hospital for an and friends for the kindn_ IID4 lD


wiLh other. .• how• . I 'l'ht! · prt!miu'l\> ortered here tbiB year oUllh~ to hllv~ . attracted' a large-: oubide compet~ ·t lon.and there-wlll be a much laf'gl'r show 1MIxt year. cunditiolll beinll more ~avorable. . . . The following are a list of the prizee takeo b)"'tbeieXblbltora: 11.-.1 '



Mrs. E. S. aAlIJ-2d,CQck, tal and 2d and adpul! lilt pen. . . Earl EvIlM- 1st Cock. ad ben. 2d

~ ckl.,lat and 2d hen. lat,


,• .

in Manhattan, K~.n , 1"'.~.Wednesday. Jan~~ry 15tb. Dade. as he W88 f~mlhar:l, kno~n here In hi' boy· hOod. went to Kanaaa when. that atate was ~ew. and ba.s relJl!lilled eyer IIlnce. . His many fnendll here will be ~ried to har of bis demille --_. - •


ml)~her clo~ her ey~ In. the sleep,

ahe had .~~Iredto reheve her . from her 8uttermlr. sho was fully re~ngnh" except the sorr.ow of .leavI!lg. er loved onell,.especlally their dear little Ruthanna. III her thIrd 1~r. .It was the Sav!?r througl) .the ~allel and abado)oV .and her .chlldFen. In Heaven to awing· back the CIty's Portals. 'l')JJI88inted one h·as lelt to grieve their lost which is herthree eternal galin, a devoted husband, stepsonll her little daughter. Ruthanna. and only brother far away, five sidters, ten nephews and nieces•• number of relatives and ma~ friends, the f'ulted thouahts/ purpoae toilft upwaro .



---\ . The installation of officers for. the ensuing year will take place at the OddCellows ' Hall Thursday evening, January 28. All memberS are invit.· ed to be present. Visiting brethren also cordially . invited to be with us on that evening. After the work h ·11 b f' hment& served

An ~rthquake In the center of ItaIY'.rocked a large territory In "that country, last Wfdnesday, and the result was that thousands lost their lives, and the 1088 .of property ran into the millions. An estimated arnou~t o( the 1088 of life will run it Into about 80,000 t:~e=re=w=I==e=r=e;:r=es======T-. souls. It an awfulloas, and has completely 'p Il'\llyzed that country" . "Your loved one'uweetsoul beyond ____• ._ ••- - the tomb. . , . Will sense .you l'low, submerged in WilL VOTE ON NEW ~CHOOL HOUSE gloom. . " And will ·ever be your lovmg It\udei Upon the obbing flowing tide 01 . mortal life, And be1p to liaht


operation. Mrs. Stokes lett 1m. sympathy shoWn us in our sofroW mediately for that city. l and b,ereavemerit .In the 1081 o.f our ,. . wife and mother CaroliJ)e. Philllpe; Wm Frame and' wife receiveda to Rev. O. H. Palmer for bis 'eontelegr~m from Branson, Mo.. BOling words. and t.o fhe clioirfor terday announcing the al'dval .of. IOngll rendered. Wo desire alao to new gi~l at the. home of Mr. and thank",e donors of the floral I,)fl.rMra. Harvey Piper. Thev . Ings and Mr. McClure and lIOIl.for calved a card from St Paul, the efficient mannal' In ,whicti the. announciil~ tbe arrival there funeral W81 co.n ducted. dauahter to Mr. and ' Mrs . James The Bereaved BUiband IIIld .. • ._ • , I".nl"...,iln


Sixty-Seventh Year


ARY 20, 1!115








WhiJe -E ntries Were Small. Stock VI as -= Above the Average

Are Going to Ask Voters to Cast Vote OQ .Centralization


One Man Said They Were Finest Bunch of Chickens

Harry Stokes-]st ckl., 1st, 2nd 3rd pul., lat pen.


Main Street Lool< ing East /'


COST 5200,000

RESOLUTIONS ADOPTEDi ON HONORED MAN .- - - - ------$ Experienced .t~ch­ PERSONAL MENTION Moreers, To the officers and members of • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • • and Better,


Black Minorcaa



Thefir3t meeting of the W. C. T. AND I'ROBABLVA GREAT DEAL Eli )"urnas- 3d hen . I\\OJH; 'JO STAMP OUT Lou St, John- 1st and 2d ckl" 1st U. for the year of 191 5, was held at Wyoming Lodge No. 102. the home of M~ . J , Will White. PLAGUE and 2d hen, <!d and 3d pul., 1st and Equipn,ent We, your committee, appo illted to Raad the Miami Gazette. Friday, January 12th, 3d pen. draft resolutions on the d~ath of HElEVERISAW EXHIBITEOIIN WAYNESVILLE Harry Stokes-3d ckl . 1st pul ,2d The devotional exercises were Bro. Allen Haines, submit the fol. E . V. Barnhart has been ill with pen. opened by singin g. "What a Friend lowing; grip. Bpff Orpingtons We Have in J esus." 'fhe first Psalm Whereas, It has pleased God in W. E. O'Neall was in Milford. WILL MEAN AMUCH BETTER EOUATION Chas. Crew- 2d and 3d cock, lilt was repeated in concert, and Hev. M£MBERS OF THE ASSOCIA· his inHnite w i~d om to remove from Ohio, Sunday. Allen voiced the prayer Jf the union ck!., let hen, lit pu\., 1st pen. among us our brother, Allen Haines, TIO S ARE "TICKLED TO Earl l'..Vans- 2d and 3d hen. The minutes of the last meeting one of the oldest and no doubt one Mrs. J, M. 'Taylor has been quite FOR OUR CHILDREN-COST OF Mrs. B, H. Milia-2nd ·ck!., 2d PIECES" OVER THE OUTwere read alld approved. also letters of the most fai thful Oddfellows be- sick the past week. puL, Sd pen. On the McKay Farm Near NelV roME OF THE SHOW-WILL ffom Fll)rence Richard, Pres of the BUILDING WILL BE 8M,A LLMrs B. V. Smith-1st cock, 3d Ohio W. C. T. U., and Wayne B. longing to tho order, always being W. H. Allen is confined to his Burlington-No Ncw Cascs HAVE A LARGER ONE NEXT ckl., 3d pul" 2d pen. BENEFITS DER~ED FROM Wheeler, Supt. Ohio · Anti·Saloon found in his place as long al health home with a case of grip. Have Bcen Rcporled YEAR. CENTRALIZATION WILL BE League, which contained many lb i ~gs and strength would permit. we W. Plymouth Rooks of interest to the union. therefor bow in humble aubmission , Dr. Dill, Osteopath, Haines Bldg., ' GREAT- IMPOR'l;AN1r TOPICS C. Tomlinson- 1st cook, 1st hen, The progrsm f()r the day was the11 LD Him who doeth all things well be- Tuesday and Friday morning!!. SET FORTH. 1at, 2d and 3d ' pul ~ , 1st pen. "ivent Ueading. Russia qone Dry. lieving our loss is his gaill. Rev. Martin; Ouet, Rev. Allen and It ill going to cost the state of Lester Surface-lat eld. Theretor, Be it Resolved, That the Miamisburg, Ohio, will have free The foutth annua'l poultry ahowo! Rev . Martin: Reading, The Perfect Ohio nearly *200,000 to wipe out t he community has 108t · an' honorable delivery in their city aftflr February the Miami Valley Poultry Asa~ia · SlcllJan Buttercups Gift, Mrs, Palmer i Reading. The t'pidemir. of foot amI mouth di~ease and upright citizen, his family' a 1st. tion eJoBt:d the doors Saturday On Monday of tbe present week M, J , Underwood-1st cock, Stranger, Mrs. Haysli t; Solo, "I Want that has becn raging sporad ically in devoted husband, father and grand. evening 011 a very Huccesstul MOW, 1stMrs. to Be True to Him, " Mrs. White this state since November 1. This is fa ther, and the 1. O. 0.' F. a true John A, Funkey is closing out his quite a number of petitiona ·wer,e hen. 1st, 2d and 3d pul. and faithful member. In fdct, it was really the be$t large stock of Underwear at cost.and started a9king 'f he Wayne township Mrs.honored Hayslitguest beingof a Crusader, W811 the statement of I're' I the the meeting, ' ' dent A. p, Be it fur ther Resolved, That a below. R. c. Rhode Island Reds ahow ever held h~ re, aJtbouah there Board of Education, to submit the and her reading, a treasured clippi ng Sandles, \If the State Agricul tu'ral page in our memorial records be set were nothin" like the entrillS tha t Cbas. Gray- 3d cock. Question of cent1'8limtion of aoola 'O,mmission, who t.oday submitted apart to his memory, and that these of her mother 's, you are going to have a sale, of Wayne Township. This of necesEagar Simpkins-lst ck!. characterized previoub ahow8_ The Dainty new programs for thl.! year the \lreliminary report to Governor reso lutions be spread theron and that eeIfA. A. McNeil, Centerville, Ohio. main thing that wentto m ke the Mrs. A. B Sides- 1st and 2d cock" were distributed, and one new memo I,'rank B. Wi llis. our charter and lodge room be fl7 sityalso means a questlc,n of a bond f 2d alrd 3d ckl., 1st, 2d and 3d hen, ber was enrolled . • d rapl'd in mourning for a period of th I show a succellS was e qualty 0 lat, 2d and 3d pu!., 1st and 2d pen. The meeting closed with the W. ,He estim ates the entire cost at lJO days and t hat a copy , of these issue. . atock exhibited . . There was never Should the school situation reoiain Mrs. Will Burge. of Route 4, has C. T. U. benedictiction. f-400,()()O, lo which the state will pay resolutions, be sent to the family and such stock owned and shown by local Pekin Ducks four visitors. nnd a fair percent· hali. The tOlal cost to date has on .. to the village paper for publi- been t~e guest of her parents at as ut present, half of the elementarr. · ClarkSVIlle. peeple as was shown 'this week , ~Il Mrs: E. S. Baily-1st and 2d pair. age of the membership were in at.- ul1en $291, 57L80 an d 10,l.!77 animals cation. work dont' in one building and, tb" tendance. the 8tock with but one or two! ex· Respectfully submi tted , other half1done in 'from five to eight -_. _ " have been slaughtered. In the state Rev. and Mrs, C. S. Grauser and Indian Runner Ducks c:eptionll, WIUJ raised in imd around Geo. C. Hartsock W. O. Raper were Dayton visitors one-roonl.».uildings, . you ~~ly far 3,128 caltle have been killed, so Wayne Towru!hip. Committee Geo. D, Mills Mrs. E.·S, Baily-1st pair. last Friday. see which balf will get the a(lvantage estimated to be wOI·th $209,105.99; VVm, P. Zell The sh",w W8t:l greatly handicapped of most experienced teachers, equip • . 2,(;71 she p, a t $16,700,60; 4,578 Bronze Turkeys - -- -Mrs, H. E. Hathaway has been ment and all tbat'which will tend to on 'account of the quarantine and sw ine, at~51, 230 81. --Other property visiting relatives in Urbana, Ohio, the ahowa that were being given in Ed Lukens- 1st pair. make education /luit the present dl,J destroy\.'(! is valued at S7,61S.22. for several days, "Break, break. break, localitiw close around 118, The bill' Walter Bigga--2d pair, needs. . The cost afburial is given at $7.021.28. On· thy cold gray stones, 0 sea! ahowat Hpringfield, TrQY, Gr( enville Forty·seven head of cattl e, one New requirements w.i11 cause exDon't fail to secure some of tile And I would that mf tongue could hundred s nd twenty.four hogs and and seve,ral other places ~ttracted great Bargains at the closing out penditures of hundreds of dollars on utter fou rteen sheep , condemned stock on sale at John A. Funkey's. a great Jeal of atUl tion, !lad de· Premiums . The thoughbl that ari ~e in me, your. rural schools within the next the farms of 1 aiab, Russel l and hacted from this place. Several Mrs. E S. iJaily-Silver cup, given And the stately ships go on few years and 'e ven thell you have Uharles MasQn, near Port William. To the haven under the hill ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and not, neither can you eOlYe the prob· entriea from Xenia, were not sent in the Dayt(ln News for the ' best were killed Saturday afternoon by But oh, for th<' touch of a vanished State Mr, S. L, Cartwright received SOil Carl, and Miss Emma Hawke lem of how to do a~ay with the on account of the qIJar8ntine . Veterinarians and buried in a hsnd trench. Driven into the word last we(lk that Ron D D. were Dayton visitors Saturday . . Crew- Silver ('up, given by ·stl'ictions. and people frOID the great number of recitations necetJ8aAnd the sound of a voice that is gigantic trenches and then shiJt, the animals Woodmansee, of Cincillll!)1 i, will BOuthern part or thl' count)' did not Kohlhqen, Lebanon, best display in ry each day. " , still. " were covered with lime and buried deliver the address here oil Memorial Arthur Palmer, of Columbus, want to tleud their birda on the samt' English class. You have as good rural schools u W88 the guest of his brother Rev. D, Day. 'The cominittee have endeav· to prevent a spread of the disease. account, Specials possibly can be found in. Warren . As we .look. back on U,le b eau t~ful After the premises and pens have ored for several years to secure Mr. H. Palmer and family, Ia.qt week, county but to make them better will, hfe (If ~hls samted !lff~tlOnate Wife. been t horough ly disinfected . the Woodmansee, bu t was unable to do Quara"tble Restrictions Hurt be impossible unle&+! each building iB Mrs. Baily-Barred Hocks, hat, M. an.d lovlnjt mother, slstor, aunt u!ld quarantines will be lifted on the so on account of other pressIng in· Dayton, Ohio, is preparing a tab· remodeled to meet the requirement Byman, fTlend, all bave. plellRllnt memones three farms. vilations. This gentleman is one 01 Arnac\e for a big revival in that city. for practical teaching of domestic Altogether the mow was nearly • R. A. Tomlinson-White Rocks, of kindness whIch sl)e has tlhown Monday afternoon the condemned Ohio's fam ous orators, and we are evangelists are Riley and Max· science, manual training -and qrI. compueed of birds from the neill~' alarm clock, A. B. Sides. them , you gille ~ourselves stock (III tho Clarence McKay fa rm extremely . lucky to have this man The well. culture. The cost to equip.each sepborhood a few coming from Morrow Mrs. A B, Sidell- R. C. Rhode over to. their sad sweet Influence. near New Burling ton were killed . here for 'the: day , arately is prohibitive. . But at least and lO~e from .Harveysburg. A Island Reds, caah '1, fair board; you WIll eme~ge streng t hened and Although t he foot and mouth disease Arrangements are being perfected Mrs. Annie O'Neall, Miss Anna one building can be equipped and \a areat Ileal of friendly rivalry wu Lou St. John- S, C. Black MlIlor- better prepared for the battles othfe. \\'a8 fi rst f1 i!lcOV red in lhl! MtKay for ot her matters on the program, '. ahown, but the bes~or feelina pre· rua', B, SHowell Th' II' h . '\rerd- the ca., eS\Vet1e-ot-such, uild and it looks now as though 1915 Kellv, Mra: W. E. O'Neall, and Miss a practical proposition. . Stokes-S. C.' White Leg. e ewe mg . ea.r eaves moaning nature that the v(lterinurians felt woulel be a memorable Decoration Martha O'Neall were in Dayton Before the union of the Waynes· J vaUed inalmoat every instance . . Ora Friday. ville School district, with the ~'YD. cash. Walter McClure. Uke the ocean that cannot be at justified in killing . them last and de. Day in Waynesville. Overholser, tlie scorina judae, gave homl, ship, centralization meant union outneral.tiafaction, His method of , Eli ,,'urnas-S, C.Brown Leghorns. restt' th ' t ' . to I 'h mor rl'ou tl ~eudjring, aJJd,the.fairnessof his judg- 1 cash . m~In the Clr VICinIty .I~ e. ,ePort eWilham ~. We may not wholl ,.. stav.· The great cut price sale on all dide of the Waynesville district; now t : . .' . cvoseg of Underwear in John A. Funkey's the present building' .Ill, Waytiesvillti By silence sanctifying not can. a . ' ment' was' satisfactory to all partlol8, Chas. Crew-Black, Orpmgtons, i cenllng , wher~ . all the casesl were far ~d~ large 'stock is a big money saving. gives an excellent buddtng ~ ~eg!n althOugh his scoring was pretty close, cash, case 0 f corn, Dodd s Cann ng The grief that must have yanc~t1 and the dang,er of contligloD with. ~robably no ,sehool dlstric~ III Go at once. Durins the week a large crowd at- Co. . . . way tmmment. ' Warren county is la favorablY 10- ' tended the show and the verdict of Mi'II. E. S. BaiIy-Bestpnlr, Indl!,-n All of th ~to k unde sus 'cioun every one W88 that while the exhibit Runner Ducks-$l cash Beat paIr, MUM Dora dauA'hter of James e.c ., r . pI Ross Adair, of Liberty . Ohio; cated' for centralizati~n. . was not as larae , 811 formerly, the ~" White ~ekin Duck~ $1 ca.~~ , and Virllinia 'E Derlrick was born h~ ~een exar~lI~ed.:n the In,f ected grandson :ol Mr. Robt. Mountjoy, Your school ~ d)lphcate IS n~arly was the guest of Mr. and Mrs $3,150.000. Flnancaally, there 18 no cl888 of fowl8 ~xhibite:l was .of an Cue corn blghEllJt. !!Cormg pP.n In Se~temher7. 1873. Closed he!earth. ~t~~~C: h~d b!~dS e;ad~~~!cJ~ha~!~~ Walter Smith and ' family last Sat: very great problem involved •. ' I?urexcellent quality. show. Iy !lfe. .oecem~er 11. 1914 . . ~he. w~ ever, . ~everal of the veterinarians urday. . ing the past year 100 scbool dlStl'!l:tI! The hlithest scoring bird in the Second Pen umtt>d In mllrrlal!'ll to MarIan EI!18, will remain in the neillhborhood as D R Anderson, of the Indian" in Ohio voted favorably on the quesshow ~cored 95. There were IK:\verSI DI'('.. ~bAr 20. 1!lO~ , Almost llIne cases may develop. at any time. Home, sent us a copy of the bIrds thaI. scored 94. One of the Earl Evans- Barred .Rocks, pickle year~ they ~slk.en e s pathway to t2reat satisfaction has been ex. Soldiers Ora Overholser, IIllwetary of the tion of centralization. This ·now Lafl1yette (Ind.) , Daily Journal. ~et,~.. r "dhllrllnp: lte toJl:!Eandh SOt~O~S, pr'ssed by the V'Bterinarians . in This paper has just m'oved into their Preble County PO\lltry A,soeiation is brings the number at centralized sweetellt birds exhibited was tht' fork, J. H. Opp new breed - the slc,I",n Buttercup. Mra. A. B. Sides-Rhode {sland JOVI< an p "asure". , ac s rlvmg <;harge at their succellS in stamping new home, . and the edition was a Waynesville, this week acting as schools in Ohio to over Joo. , . OWlled IlDlIllhowt.od by Mrs' Under Reds-setting Pekin duck eggs to m$lke the othcr . happ!, was out the disease. !<'rom the danger "New Home Souvenir Edition." judge at a poul.try show in, that city, , It is 'the sincers hope of the writer of this Krticle that' no , such bi~ter wood, of Harveysburr 1'he bird i~ Hsrry Stokt!:!- Black Minorca9, a IT!arked tokpn of theIr !OVlnQ ,de of co'ntamination to which nil tlie The paper'isa good one, and judging - Eaton Herald. fcelin" may develop ove'r t\:li9 aieat · a p~tty littl~ ,thing resembling tht- pkg. !<'Ieclt '8 POllltry Powder. voN0l'!' that .a!way.s enrlch~s and stock in that di~t, ri c'l had been ex- from the appearance must be one question, which so vitally cOncern.. M,I'S B, V, Smith -Buff Orping- beautifies,mRrrled hf~ . For hIS three posed it wa~ t he common opinion that is well paying for tbe .owner, -. J!rown Leghorn in 'ilize, Ilnd havin+{ Word has been received here from us all as has been found in some brown fea&thel'll and tile watlle!! form tons, DOc cash. 110M to II form e ~ wlfe,_ Musa had t hat a grent many more c~ wou ld Hon. Henry W. Marshall . We want Monrovia, Ca\., that W. H , Gard, campaigns. Leteach look at itfrom 'a buttercup, whicll gives the lih d iui • _. ' R motherIY . Ilft'~ctJon, ana by her 10lle result but from pre ent indi cations it to thank D. R. for his kindness in had to be taken to the hospital a calm, sane, reassuring standpoint " . and care tea. were W~1Ven t~lat were seems that the epidemic ha.~ been sending th'e paper. again, 88 his health WaR not im- ever remembering that you are new,coops, ' owned by the I apparently kmdred . To thiS happy eradicated. provin\{. It is hoped that he will planning and building for many, ----~ . -.--.,-----umon were born three daugbterll, ,., __ - __ sociluion"adtJeu much' to Lne chc.. r Improve from now on. .' ., many years to come. lulno'tIII and' beauty ~t tile IIhow , In~ E Cora D and Ruthanna. Ina ..


~ .. - ..









DIED' AT HIS' HOME •• Mrs. Ida. Stokes received a teleTHOUSANDS PEDISH !~~~h~r;i~~;d:~~~I,~U!e~~ tow" IN· MNS' A S LAST WE ' EK i:~r~;~:[h~{f~~~t ~~~~nd~ot~h~~, OODfELLOWS WilL .. CAIID OF THANKS gram frum Sprillgfield. Saturday imp,·t'ased bl . the .. ahe parted with . them, she saId evening to the effect that her sister, Mrs, Dora Speelman, had been taken We ~::C!~~f~~~~~x~'~e:~, . ~~~b!?lllh;:) Jonathan Phillips , f!~I:r~dr:~~i~~i:; ~~~t\eco~:~~ · INSTALL • OffiCERS IN ABIG' EARTH~UAKE Buddenly ill that had been thank,S to all relatives, and ptlL th'~ date so as.n9t confticl died at hia,home And ·when . this faithful' Wife and n-rhe~




with otber ahows." Thtl pr~miu'n .. oltered hilI'(! t!Jis year ou"h~ to MV~ ' attracted a larger outllide competl 'tion and Lhere will be a much larlrpr aho";' DilXt year. cunditiorls belnl.! more favorable. The followlnac are a llat of the priaee takeu byo1.he jexhibitors:

Mrs, E. S. Biuly-2d cock. lit and 2d ckl.,lat and '2d hen, lit, 2d and 3d 'pul ! lit Pen. . Earl Evan!I- lat cock. ad hen,2d pen.


in Manhattan, J(~.n , h\ll,t ,Wednesday, Jant!,,:ry JSth, Dode' . as he ,W88 fa.mlharly. known here In hil boy, hOod, went to Kansas when that state wu new, an~ h~ remained till',", "ince. Ol8 many friend!! here. wdl, be pained to bear of hla dem~ •_ ., .



mother cloSed her eyes in the slee», _ _. , she had ~~ired · to ,relieve ·her . frOID The installation of'9fficers for. the her sufferlDlr, she! was fully re:'!lgned, ensuing year will take place at the except the sorr.ow ot .leav\fIg. her Odd fellows' Hall Thursday evening, loved ones. .especlally theIr dear little January 28. All members arc invito Ruthanna. In her third y~r. ,£t was to be present. Visiting brethren :t::;w~~rh!'rg~h~~n.i~~!8~~~ are also cordially invited to b" with to mn" , back the City's Portals. U8 on th,at evening. After the work 1'1.1- -I"nted one h'a s left to grieve there WIll be refresbments. &el'ved. lou which"is her eternal gain, _ . ' .atheir de'loted husband, three stepsons . her little daughter. Ruthanna. and "Your loved one!s sweet soul only brother far away. five 8illtersL the to mb, ' . ten nephews and nieces. a number 01 Will sense you now" submerged in . other relativetl and mallJ friends. gloom. . ' Good the exalted thouahtl!j And will·ever be youlr loving lfUidei and purpose unift. upwaru Upon the ebbing If\owing Lide 01 ~J'••.JI~~~:'~~'i:~:r~;. at · . ClU'II-Ulftdmortal life, ~. help' to liah\.



" , An earthquake In the center of Italy rocked a large territory In that country, last Wfdnesday, and the result was that thousand8 loat t1~eir lives, and the loss of property ran into the millions. An estimated amount o( the 1088 of life will run it into about 30,000 soula, It was an awfulloas, and haa completely paralyzed that country:, , • - • , HOUSE







taken to the cIty hosPltal for an and 'friends for the kindneBI ' aDd , operation. Mrs. Stokes left 1m. sympathy shown us In our !Iio'rrow ' , mediately for that city, I and bereavement · ill-< the 1088 of onr • , 1wife and:' mother 'Caroline Philllpe; Wm Frame and wife received to Rev. D. H. Palmer for .hls con· teleg~m from Branson, Mo.. yes- soling words, aJld to , tbl! dloit for terday announcing the arriyal of a songs rendered. We deaare alao to new ai~l at the home of Mr, and thank tbe donors of the floral otre... Mrs: Harvey PlJ?4lr. Thev alllj), reo and Mr. McClure and lOD.for celved a card from St Paul, Minn., efficient m~r In ~whicb the ~ounclnJr tblJ arrival there oC a funeral W8I collducted. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James T. The Bereaved IIIId CbfId-




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omcfalr1u. dluwund,s un'd .,~', -n.rh.l 81111 J1IlHJu~tnrw..c; An d I w llntt~d h"1lI rtlr nl)' p,. .. t tr I' llb.! Uml!ullo kn!'w Ih"l I ''':-tI ltl n ' IIrll fo r th orn uno Irdd h i s 1,In.n~. Hu t ,,·Pt. tl! QY nol olin .. ?"

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poo*: ~~I:~:~~d nOC rep)T. but becanl

to examlno hla ch~IDI mlnutel)'. · MKlt, there's 110 aetUIJ. me out of here without llee, It there Ia anT reeciue )'OU 1:0 and return. Promlae.. "I promlae.'· Tbon the)' at down to waJt. ADd Ahmed III bla . ~ aame to the river. I3lome,.. "ere .Ytmmlq and SP4111't1q III the ..ater.. Abo mEICI put a qLI6ItlOn. O. JM. tho), had eeen tbe .tnlnce Jooktnc ape (tor b6: booni were :1I0t uew In thla part of the ..orld); be had lOne up one of the treea near b,J . · Colonel Hare had 'al...• y. ~ee4 a peculiar whlltle to brlnc Joe)!. and Atlme4 reeorted to thla d& 1'101. Halt &a boUr'1 peneyeranoa rewardEICI him: and then he fo,md the b~e Of 11'&88. _ ~ 'Wfndow bJ tree. · leath·

ora ra by ADmeo. l eft (De DellII' to hIs own tl PI'lcos, The child cl\lI~ nlld , ho elophnnt wnlked off Quietly So long ns ho remBlned within ·r~. ot I'lslon no 000 paId ILDY attentton ti: hIm. FtonJly he ptLusoc1 uodo]' a tree '\(Inr the ClOges aDd reached up toe 80m lonveII. The child caught hold or a 11m b lind gleo.tully crawled out u pon It Bomo dIstance beyond the ole ~ phn.n t's rench. Once more, she b& , .... IlUmclent tor Ahmed. Be \1Imed the balboon over to the care of cnmo trl ghte.ned, not tlarlns to en..' one of hla llUbordlna.w and burrled hll c k. . She prnttled "elepbant tallt:.- but UN a.-&7 to~ BI'llIOII'I ' ~mp. ollb' to lind old r 1I0w could not reach ber. TIlt «hat he had: COlle to the' ooIODel·•. ent .Ahm&d ...aln, tirel.... He baboon In tho nearby cage eet up I elJlut ring. The ohtld ordered tM fOlllld BNce paclne · the buncaJow (llephaut to rlee 00 btl blAd,,1. H4I ftoontace: "Ahm&dl" pllLCed biB fore lelll OQ the root of the "TM. eahtb. LIsten." He told h18 tale qulaklJ. · "The parde at all the ptea have orden to &hoot me If they catch me wlthtn the .. aI1a of the alQ'. 1 mot d1aCU~ m,..elf In lOme w.,.... · "l'J1 Ind lrou an Anlb bumooee, aablb, an4 th.t wID hIde It wtU be dark b, the time we re&4h cUJ'. and ••1'11 enter b,. one ot the other &atee. That wtllallay IUlplclon. "nt we mUlit _It: the hOUle or a. mabal. 1 need mone,. for brlber7." Dnce ..,ched hla wallet. 8111PtJ. ne.bad siven all be had to the Bnbmla. "TOIl lead. Ahmed. I am 4ued." In the ott, fe .. kne.. aD,thlnc about Ahmed. not e\'eIl the keen.t of Umballa'i apl.. Umballa had hIa IU. plCltoDa, bat u Jet be OOI1ld · no~ To the J/OPUI&oe be w.. a bumlMIanlmaJ tJ'aIner ..ho w.. 01117 too .1&4 DOt lD anJ W&J to be ImplS. cate4 ..Ith hla mutllr. 80 the)' let bill! alone. D&7 II,. OJ be waited for the repol't tI'OIII La! Slnab. but 10 far be had beard DOthIDC except that the Drtt1ab raj .... very bUJ k1IUIIc the toUowen of the lhbcll In the Sudan. It .... a eubU. lIItennee that the Pl'M8Dt all allenl III AlJaha m. . look oat tor UlemeelYMi • "8abl"" be ..~perect "I haft IeuDecl tomeltldDa. Dar after ' dar I baft .,.-,n ,...stlq. lIpplAe. Oolciael 11,..., ~IUJ ..ben I bo.. not./101118

04".,. ..

tl/llll thA }{ .. h·I·l)oo1'1 lugHh6l' anJl t\he~ OHlPTEn VU-Sho tlnds " , "<'.11 In pl nll ~,"n wny to Set ou l. " ~ -/lnly lO taU I lItII I h ' 10.",,\. II! S11", droP lJf'd hor Rrln8 from hlll ~ Fh""lrlers R ill I walk",l nbout the ceu. 1 ~ vUL-ItBlhll'n I. urdU h i to liI'nrcb lllg e,'u ry RiO""'. T heir onlJt tile publlO In4rt In Allnhn fin ""ItI 10 I I ' I d d h t UlQlMalIa. who, Bndlng Itor 8 t111 I n~ u t)· h" lJ~ luy n t 10 \\' II ow. nn t n n~ 'nllMSye. \hI'OW8 har In10 tho Iluulloon WIth l" '", ~ d I,n .. ~slb l ,' since Rho hnd 0.0 • har U!Jlor. IrltJ"IIR ti t Hll nK through ber tnther'1 CRAPTlllB J:X,..6h& t ......." m ·d h)' I r\leo chnlllO ... nd 11,1' hnrs of the wIndow. iNoO ~ tdnndl. Sh~ returood nnd l!t\ t down beside ber , fnlh f' r ,Uld rO£ h·r! bor nchlng head OIl CHAPTER IX. hor kn .. ~. thlnkl ns. thinking, ' U ru C(' . elruggllng with' the ooldle" (Dod IMI( sloee theI r fnt fl esh had !leon Slung Into such n.oUv1tyl'). II&V "/llbul l" I1pP6nr In the corrIdor, "Durj{l1 Rum, he Clrled, with e. toJ1. 0119 ofl'ort to treo ilIA arms. "Durga Ilam. you c'\nmnubln scoundrel. It wou ld be wlso tor YO Il to kLII mil, ben Olld now, tor 1f I f1v tlr get free. God h olp youl O. I shn'o't Idll you; thai would be too m rcltul. Out I 'll breeJI your bonlll!. 0110' by one, IIoDd never more shull you staud and wallL Do you hoor JIle? Wbere Is Ka.th1¥1I Mar f a ho Is mlnol" mballll show d hili 'oeth In what w68 un e.~Lem lIt to emile. H'e aUII Sl10W flQ81!6Il ot tire befoN! hla eyes. and it was yet dJffioult to breathe naturall y. SUlI. ho could twist thla white man's beart., ploy wllb blm. oul81de '·To.ko blm o.way. Put him .... - I .. I h ....., c ts gates nnu ot 1m go. Tile Babooa Reoetw'-Bruce WIIS grooUy astonished at thlll . .........:.sign of <!lomenc:\,. . -"aut," added Umballa. OJ'06atng ,hbs Il8boon'a cace. wbJoh oneG ID, ..a.. li ps with his tongo. "ptnoo ' hlm disturbing the elepbeAt:a calm. H4I agalnllt Ii wall and IIhoot tilm \I he bs aanlt to the K"lUnd. caught wlth-'n the city. He ' 18 ID4d, The baboon leaped tbJoqb tIM CJS)eDo and tbereJ:ora J alII lonlont. There 18 loa nnd lna4e off to teat hla 1IlIaliberty. He was trlen4Jy .an4 no wblte woman In the ~n1aco or In . the roynl tennna,. orr wIth htmltome, bul fro~om was SuBt thea parIr "You lie. Ourso. Ram I You found mouoL " her In the nlavo mart today.The e1eplllmt 1I'01Ila!ne4 WI&Ir tile Umballa shrugged Ulld ' w~ved hte tree. as If ponderInL .hUe the oIW4 buod. Ho ,could have bad Bruoo sbot boglIoD to cry loudl,. One or the _ at once, but It plensod hlm to daogle Uves eaw her predicament aDd ··but. ·death before t he' eyes of hls rival. Be enoo awOl1 6IIIlatanoe. WIlD DO tool; he saw the trend of Ahmoo waa areaUy aIu,oe4 .". fail'S. TWs young wblte man loved the 10118 of the baboon. It .... a eamp ' Kathlyn BQ1'9. A ll the better, 1D view pet of Colonel Hare'. a.nd ~ tree bl of what was to come. . camp whenever the oolonel WM tbere. wns conductoo to the gate He had captured It ..hen a meN bah7 IIoDd rudely pusboo outallfe, He tur.ned In Brltlllh Eaa~ AfrIca. '1'he ~\oo IIllvagely. but Il dozon b14ck officora dyte, with that .tnn«e reuon1Dc pt ~onvlnced blm that this time he would un~1atabl8, tOYed the ooIooel d. m dontb. Ah. wbero was All. nnlS votedl), and followed him about ,l ike Ahmed.. and thl) mnn La! Singh, who a doS and with a _ t w keener. 80 Will! to notlt)' ~h Englllltl f lie found Ahmed aDd eome of the keepne - . All a t camP. the chief mahout bavlag off In eoorch of the coIonel'l peL ' been conduct d thore In an lmprovt~ed He went about the e....-uh with oaI:r UUer. He r ecounted. his ex pertenoe&. bait ~ heart. Only a Uttle while t.. "I was belpltlB81 enhlb." fore be bad reoa1ved the of what ~o mare thnn I nm, All. But be of hod tiappenoo In the ..ate mart that g ~' cheer', Umbn.lla o.nd I ebnll meet aftornoon. It seemed lPore41b1a. cro 11 tlr,'

ab6:=~! NEWS

at thU unOJ:·


It.... pro".



W. H. Madden &Co.

Probate Court ProceedlnCI .

!u tbs eelate of Alberta DeBoard, mloor . . Firs' aooouo$ approved , ~um or '1940.82 III leU In ~be ,hands of 'he guardian dno Bald e8tate. FIlial aOQoun~ In 'be eel lite cit Frank B. 8telnkolk, minor, ia Ii))' pro "ed, Elr8t and final aoooud 10 'he e& late of T L. Brown, deoeased, II! alia found oorreo~ and approved , In 'he eeta'e of W. II. Doddd, do oeaaed. 'In' and 8nal nOOl1un' ap proved • In the ea\ate of Ellsabetb B Moore. deoelllied. )'1,., and Ilnlillio. ooun' Ie found oorreol and "pproved • Second and tiD.I aoooun' 18 ap. prO'fed III the eatate of Benjllmln B. B a"ell, d808a~ed. Fin' .nd 6nal 1100000110 'he e8 'de of WllIIaw )'oltbower, deoeli8ed, I" .pprovM. In 'he of ClI\berlne Ann S'ank-D. deoeall8d. Firdt "ooount Is .pproved. Court Ond8 $891 .29 In the hands of sbe exeootor due rlald



On Hands At All ' Times ..,...







We have just recei~ed a carload of good Locust Fence Post.s,


$2.25 per 100 feet


1D &be ee'ate of 811all H. Keenllo. deoeaeed. C.lv1D Keeoan exoontor •• Id .talo hll8 filed Inveotory and Ippral8ement of .ald eaa.. te In *be m."er of tbe 88tl\'e 01 J M. a.rper, deoeaaed. Franoes Bl\r per .dmlnl••rdrlx of eald e.tate III permitted to lettle olalm with tbl' C. L. " N . Railway Compllny In foil ..,I,f_o&lon of all olalau! IiDd ue. m.Ddl aftalnll' 'be O. L. & N . In the mdler of the tiIIs"e 01 PlIn,. D. Hopkinll, d808a.ed. tlllle~ .re .pproved. 10 tlie master of 'he elltate of Mary E. Molford. deoeaeed . Frank BraDdon II appolDteil administrator boolll DOU . Boad '800. And nollae 18 .180 given ot 7 ell *-&eII for selUemenl cn February 1. 1816.

The finest car of Chestnut Posts Ever Brought to Town is Just in.

"W". H. Madden & Co.

Common PleuCourt New SuU .. Barvey Steven8 VII, fay IC. 8tRV. e.I, dlv('roe, IJrou ue~leo~, .

M.r,are' Wharton VI. Earl Whar. &cD, allmon,. Dull". Draw Your Own Co~clu.l on •. "Wby:' !lake\! tbe weary·looklnc J. B;atwr,hw.lte VA. A. 11'. for DaPoellatlon o. deed or woman.' "dQ yon constnnUy refer to Fun.:ra' Dlrectc.r 01D"ey.n08 Ileal 8111la. alld yourself as the j{o n~ o( this 1\01180hold !" "BeC8t1fle." reviled the jrrl· equitable reUef. Tnlfll,ho nn dll:V ('Ir . " i~ "t. table mnn. In a loud ton ot voice. "1\ YflIIA:V phf\ll P N ,. L, 'og 'gOal 10 Slllll)osed to be able 10 cat Uist4tnr., No II\I-·ar . any tblng and act ns It be enjoyed . M .... -_........ ... _~ - ..... . .CauM of E. W. Bensey "e. d rll. It," -Wallhlngton Star. ..1 1.. ... #~~ --.. AutomObile Service at all Time• _ H. ""ftL - - - . - - - l l for William Mlobael III dld_la8e ., -G . - .. - - pl.IDSlII'80oe' bI8.erftDL 'Be" 1117 ratber and 1Il1 • Help Wanted. WAVNESVILlE, mcicIIer aD4 I ~ die for blm &ad Edwlo E . S~vell8 VII. Chules OHIO We havo • 8plendld auswer for a .... - :"1 1"-' - _....... rore! e', .1. Cllle .11 dl~mls~ Itt f1 rst-cltL8s conundrum. but Bomellow ..-.... ....... II ... WIG ~ Brancll Office. narve'lIhu~, O. B8II4 J'QIIr hea.1. tahlb...... _ pua.. plalnSiff. can't Itt tb em. which Is: One lool>s 'l'hq IIIltered the db' wttlloat mt. The Valle, Telepbone Co., V8 the Bfter tbe marrIage altar noo the olb· hap. No ODe ~ them. Pabllo UUlI$iea CommIssion of Oblu er alters th marriage. We suspect deed, the, ..... bat two bt a 40ten C.1I18 dlamlll8ed. a minister nnt! n !tL\vycr 'are Involved. "bo ~ III .t the lI&II1e time. The,. M, :Blanwn ".. FlJnnie Blanton, - PhtlBt! Iphla L rig r. thl'M4ed tbe narrow IU'eeta qulckl),. dlvoroe graD ted lk1rtln« the 1110.. of manJ dune tires Marraret Wharton VB. El1rl Whar. Veterinary tor rear that. Bruce'l Iqglolll mlaht ton $/I -weell)y pendente Ute alimony Graduate of Ullin :-1ti l tJniv,"rV' ... ~ecl und~T th, bq.~ &Jlowed plllint-Uf, --"- " . TO :OB OOMTINUBD H&aH of Ohio VB. Joaepb • . Pe.yne • - •. plead' pmy \0 In4l0Smep' of all88UU Ofli t-r-esidene in--c. II. !:)her Cough Medicine for Children and baUery . )'Ined '26 alld OO8tll, WANTED wood's house. Fourth f)lreet. IInuUlpended durlnggood bebhlor. NeTer gt"e I ohild' . OODlb Sa&8 of Ohio n. Arthur Braden oIoe ' ooo&alDa opinm TelephoDt' 28 'arm.,or a plsce to work by lhe form WheD oplum Ia 10dlo'meD' .or forgery . . A. J. DI. day, .Married niliD, willi. fow. .114 ';'ore eertou dlaeuea ' viDe appolD\e.d by Cour' to defend Ohio 11,. Good . tobaeco mlln. InquIre Wayne8ville~ low. ' lAIn" ~zperlllloe h.. Hid deteDdant, f.I, .'n&ed 'h.t; ~er. I.e DO , S'.&8 01 Oblo ". Wl11lam Jaolraoo. at 'hie offioe . I.flr medloille tor OOUIfII8 ooldl JDB'ID It.rdln ~ppotnted '0 defend MAN 'to work by thEl month, or ordup ID cihUdreo " 1180 'V"'l"UI"", ... ,de.eDdall$ IDdloted for grand lar ,lIny grow 'orOI) of toblloco. Fllr latn'. Coulb Rellled,., It ·. . MIDnle Ha.t&eJ1hwaUe VII. A Ii' "aluabie lOI~ Mul&ll. Try Mmer. CaM dillml81ed by plaintiff. ' nl ther Informl1tloo, 0tl11 at. .~hI8 .20 OOD~IDa no (Jlp\om of o'her ' barmful Samuel K Prine VII, George W. offioe. 6r'lll. ' tor 11I1e 1»7 _11 dealer.. lJUltoll, et ai, foreolOlore of mort. TNa OIt.ATaIT . II nted- 'l'o ' buy B Idee. •_ • gage, judrmenq allowed, Bde or. Fun, PttU", eto BI"hest M..r.· d red ke' prlae pllid. t!ee A A. 1:11ae:v. 1M TN. WOItLO e. Wliyne8vllle, Oblo At home every Mutt'Ie IJcenIee , rwumED WEEnY. $UO 1'Ul 8aturdtlY ..fternooD . . ftOT.u, DI(IUQoliTi. ePECIAL'I,.., William A. TrOD, farmer to 800n. man to man." . Ihave ber fall 1Dto Umballa·. haade B bel ..... I·h Wrl ht both f COITUMIRa, TItANa"'.It.OAB ··dJl.J .••·l oh 18 Allnh ·• .there IB no Ckld but thus 8118117'. whell ho ·and Bruce Bahlb I .. 10 -- • AND 'BU, ....VICI OAM p.on~ 1oI.IIIUI 8 prlD,boro. Rev : C"Ir, W. LoomIB, 0 ao FOR SALE .V UIIMO .ITa ADVIItTIIIMC OOLUMN. bad eearcbed tho ~le tv aDd wieSe I "And sometimes," satd Broce. m~d- Well, she was aI.1Yel pratae AIlab fof Real EltateTraaaten SAMPLE COpy FREE , t ly; "he watohcs over ttle Innocent.' th t d h th . ...... th a; hean w lire ore"....... ere Uoale~m'.al1Dada18 .........'h'I ...... 1 lady wl1nte light employmeDt ....... M" yo •• OLiP. "AlUned 'le nt Haro Snlllb'e camp." Oh.rlea O. Dombaugh aDd ~ife to '10 good tamlly . ·fo. tu .. ther .... VOOll. . . ". · "Tb ,,- A'I' til t' th b t .was po. IUillAD"OaD~O, Coba. " ror 'hI 11 S 0 es neW!! Le.ter Kathl)'D waatrtalldl~ u(ler "ma ID Sbe eDUre AU.D Loralls Oawald 10' No. 287 In Leb. loformatlon addrel8 Gazl!tte Olllee, I bavo beard yoL Ahrucd wlU find n t~o ceU window aulAe .. the ,eIIow ..., aM' will bold Sar,., praotloe aDd WavnellVl1le. Ohio. . j 21 way. TnkG- caro ot yourselt. I'm 0111" SUDaet. Two bours '~ CO~e, aDd 110 pno,loe "aMI'" &.Danluven. a, 1', .04 Aap' aelle Browo to Twen'y-ooe ba"IeIItIPIaDCla moe- .IOtM1ph SDI4er 10' No. 28 In South Wben mbalia apiloared b.etor~ the slgo of UmbaUa yet. S~ shu4d8N4. OOKERELS-R. C. R I. Roo, J. W. · MILLER. Counctl tholr astonishment knew no Hnd she boen alon& ehe ' "ouId ha,... qnlk» a., 01 d.'royen altlo R. C ..Rbode 1.. land Whites, Park lubdlvtllon to Lebanoll, $1 . bounds, The cluy tioted skin, the hunted for aomethtll, '~ and d~ laaboau. oraalen ..III': Ie. ' ·The rreDob ' Br08. Blluer Co. &0 eultable tor farmers, breeden & eJ[ ••• DENTlST••• I Julo' '" orlE Oharl.. B . Yonnl, 2 81 aorell In blbltorB.ll.00 up C, V. Hllriiess. ebo.king b8l1da, the dlaheveled gar. 11. But her father: Dot before him. mariow will be ments-wh.nt bnd happened to thla Sbe mUBt walt. One thin..... poes. out, • W~yne8Vjlle , c,:>hlo. j27 Wlyoenllle, BoholDer ' wbom III luc k had mnde their Uvo IIoDd absolute: Umballa .Admiral Il.toh"r oommaad8l'. loeepb . M. Stacey aod wife to .W~UIe,O OLT-A C1fty, Burp8 Colt 'or .. IA. maoter' never embrace bera I.lIe ".. too will ha"e obup of &be 1111II8U"8,. AJbet' sta087 II 1.15 acre. In Clear. He explained: "I went too nenr onr atrong nnd desperate. .hloh btlilD the part A good one. I .lqulre , of J . B' I~~~~~~~~~~~~~= prleoner. A ' flash of stTOngth "KlU" ' .bll week .DI! OOII"noe. for\litCht. creek tuwDlblp '1, S'rool8•. Wayneavllle• .Ohio. l:IomO! enough. They ehall be ftogged." "Yea, father.NaTY De....'meO. ID~ud. . ~"ll. BODolt to Allin T. W~~lIng phone Uen. Ex. 12 4. . j27 : 'Dut tbe womanl" '" have a eharp ~ of meIal to In,8eoretar,' DaqI8)., hope to vie. 10' No: 88J ID l!'uDkllp •.'U25. ACRES of well improved .! 'WomlUl? Sbe Is 8 UgeMlat. ao.d m)' pocket. Could 7011 , • . ' M7' 'be maDIDTln, .', .~.lIa W:eber '0 Wilha~ Ba~on ·prope. &y. tilo~e t(\ Cenlervllle, t1a'oJ':COts' mll ~t sometimes be ftogged. God. hy my hnndl . • • ..heo he . !l'he aM. piruUOI • YIMr ,,0 ~ 10$ No. 115 In 'be MaoklnB" .add1tlon . A hargilin. In order to Diose 'eatate ' It ill , my wlll. Now I bave news for comoaT" . IQddmlJ oaUed oft wbeD 'hellex ~ I'raoklln, $1. you. Tbera Is another s!oter, younger "Yea, father; I am Dot afrald to die, lOaD · allaa$lIID . became B,- a. I't,siutrlolt D . A , ritz- See A. A. MoNeil, Centerville, Ohio. r t17 !lnd wenker. Ou]' Queen,- and he 8110 and aeoma all Wat remaIne. I OlDIe of Sbe pt'eIeII08 . af maD~ ' paWlok 10' ~o. 1i71i and par' of' lot Both pbo"oa. laamed Ironicall y, ' our QU OAO did not ohould bless you. He wW be a ttcer UeeblPl ID Illut~ ' wa&en ')1'0. ,671 ta "'ao.Uo, '11500, o I. t;addle .)ion·y tor lillie ohe.p. ·know tbnt 1I0r tatber lived, and there now." . baeD ImpolllbJe llDee ao ' bold Tbomaa Pepdere &u Thom.. F. Illqutre of Harvey linellD, I mndo my firs t mistake." "My oblld. God w.. JIOO4 to atve 8M' PNO&loe, , Peodeiw. S 10&11 ID lae' Morrow, ,I. . ' j ~O "Dut she wlU now submit to ~ me a daughter like YOlL" . • - • M Beodereon to AdbDr AI. W,avDe"Vllle. Ohio. 1d~1 Sbe turned to hlIi!' thll dIne -aDd "ack" .. the Oftl" W• ., lhe :r.Ik8. wife 10SiD Corwin, 'I. BOIlJE S.:O. B. Mtllorca Cooker~l • . All I WOtlld 10d!lQd that were t;he preMed him to her heart. "When ,.0' hal a 9aa1l' l wid ,ft lflfll, To WUltama to Emma ' Evan for lIale, .1110 Rome nloe bOhle case. But UgoJ'oCats are nlwnys tlg= "It grows dark 8uddsn1y." he ea14. C II t 'uicI -lglk or 'do Ihill talk No .40 .ho 10' No. lISD o!lnned !l'9wato'lB hlqulrft"f 'cats, IlIId Dolhlng will bend this maid; . Kathlyn' glanced eve', her eboulder ..:a~ eDPO:d !( ~uuiP"8r ' !'She tidka ,'000. " L. C ij~ John. Pbone 4~~X , " . , baclt:, ,.he ,DOt t8lb ' ...__!"_ _ __ . eho. ~UQt be brokon. broken. It Is 1Dl' , at the wlDdow. j .20,., "'lil, WiU!. 11 fiash,. or fire 10 his eyes. '':Why.,it's a bnbooo I" &he explatoe4. b It:, 'but lie telka hat'1U'da and .14. Try Thlt r~r !lieural,la lIub~cr.Ibt<'8 '0 the M.oc&I,I'1' Tho Oouooll salnamed. Umba\la·. ' 'Jook,'' looltl'' cried lier father a'an: Mriat aDd ' erui~I,1' and Magazine. Seod ago &0 the will fIluot of ncoosBlty be tbelrs. hate ·oltedly. dlac'na1 and round . .d rolllld; ~d 4. UaIlleU,, ' ollice, aDd get ope of tbe him darkly as thDY mIght. The baboon chattered. lib. oem. all de :...,. baclt: and. reo bee, mag.mnBII .on ~rth. , ..." ' • • • • • ., • "KIt, It'8 Jook I · UI84! · to tell J'OII peat! barie't. '1." ,...all"'" alIo' The liungalow o~ Colonel Bore Will about. He 18 tame and fot1!nn me talb 1Ntck1• • . ~ometh lo.g 00 the order of an armed 'aboUt Uke a dog. Jook, poor Jockl" . • _ • camp. , NaUve onlmn! keepere, armed "Fathlir, have you a peoollT" , .,.... ".o"Nt. . . with r1t\ee. patrolled the menagerie · "A peDolI TOO bllloDldy. .Nq one wlUlto P!188 tbe co~on WIth-Yea, yell I I can WItt. • DOte ODd -a~ of ' ofit tim...· ' ...4 ~ut explaining trankly his .buslDe)ls, attaoh It to Jook. It" a ohance.· member o. ill. Remb\l-O'" el." ",honoo be oame. and wh1ther' he wat '"Good LordI and 7PU're' oool eooagIl eaD 1"IDl............ a wlilter ..RId 1~1'!0IIt:17 bound. to think Ilk!! thatl" The "eat , 'Thank ,..•• ftc ~ far. I~t, .By the neea of one of the sentrlet through his paolieta tlp.- ":Tba&~. aotIISQ." ."'pUecI .... a UUle native ohlld was playl~ From Ool!. here'. an old ~ubl But eomJIDIbL ~ ~ "NIDIIIl1ier ,.1IeD time to tlmo tOO bJlppy father would Katbl)'U tore olr a 'broe4 blade I wOIlId ,look I eM,'" 01"-111_. stoop anJ! pat ber bood. , I1'UI from her die. and ~ . . . Dina to ... ,.baC I WUltI4 . ~ 1111'.,''11111.. Preeently tbere was .. IItlr aboul tuUy upon ft. H· lt fe1llDto thl...,. 01 IooIdIIa . . . a& De prIoW to _· I~UII_ camp. All elephant .humed Into tht of the naUvee th8J would not 1III4eIoo ,.1Ia& I ooaI4I I.......• · . H the .... . a\.el\rtnc· lae w.. halted. made knaeC' and Abm ltep.Ped out at tht . . • It maife ber ..... to ....... hOIV\1ab. bow a1ender the chanoe wu. . . tDoIl The little glt1 nm up to Ahmed JoJI the tabaret and placed It ~..... tun,. a.n4 beqe4. to be tIM 'Wfndo.. aa4 ItOod upoa It. ......t..


Walter McClure



Dr. J. A. M(;l.oy,



ClassiSsel Ads





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"lock. ...... 'ookl"

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THE MIAMI aha. I "

~v1 I A MI G. ~LE·rTE r I:':;::~\::: M lit. <J •.:::;I:::e----1I-8-t-c-li-O~( SUbBcrjption.~ I AI/un

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112 1

DlttoouutJI "hell au cont'TllCL.


J ANUARY 20, 1916.



Bow door t o our htln rl s i@I,Do Mtelldy 8nb ~o r :ber

Who p .. , M in IIdvn nce ",Hhe birth of el10h yellr ; Whu h,y" dil;wn tile money Ilod 40e8 It. quite g l"dl,v, An,l O.... IM 'rooorl the offioe ,. h .. lo of ob B"r . He lli1Ver MILY8: .. ~top It; I o"n Dot "lfurd it. J 'm gl'tling fOore papers t 11,\O now "1 011 n relld " But III ways 81lY8: " .~onu it; our }leqlle ... 11 like ItIn fllot WB 1111 think it II. help and u nned " Dow u .. IOOUle hlH oheok whe n be r"0\0b8Mo or ~Rnotorn, How It mall1l8 .1I0r poise thr ob ; h ow Is makeR oar hellr' danoa! Wo oo~w ... rdlv th ~ nk Illm; we In wllrdly bl e~R hilflTho stolldy s uhaorlber who )llly8 In a~ v"nofl.



GOVERNMENT LETS AHUGE CONTRACT The post· office department at Washington have been asking fo r bids from printing offic~s to supply the government with printed envelopes. Most of these em'elopes have been printed in Dayton for several years, but a Cleveland fir\ll saw the gpod thing anrl outbid the Dayton cuncern by more than a million domus. T hink of iti The amount of ~nvelopes u~ed in a year's time will run into th e millions. All this printing is taken out of the couDtry printer's hands , where it rigbtly 'ougbt to be. The country pri.nters lose annually millions c,f dollars because the government takes this printing into their hands aud sublets it, making a little for tune for the &overnment that in all probability is un wisely expended in some other channel. The government is making a monopoly o{ the en veillpe busincss. Is this rig ht? 0 wonder the eountry printer is always trying to keep his hC!ld just out . of reach of the sheriff all the time. The manufacturer 'prints your name on a stamped envelope and sells it to you at a less price than the envelope . man can furnish . you the finished envelope. 1t is high time that something was being done to keep the business in the hands 'of ~he small printer, 110 that b~ r;J ay be able to make a little money right along with his '. ne.i ghbor, who pro· bably ' does not have to "buck" tile government.

---_.- ..---




H8PO"'!1 fr om Mlohlgan &0 EVil , Pllrter o~ th" United ,Mta'e8 Ge 'log. 10111 Survey, Indlo".e t bat the produotion of oe" I In 1910' W&ll 00;)0' tljelClme ulu lOIS, when ISamount elf to 1,231,786 shure on",' The mlln . afaoturln, IDdQstrles oontlguons fo the MlohllJan mlDlltj hlivo been 1181n8 aboo ' the Sbme quant-Ity of ooal all tn 1918, aoft 'be domeltlo trade wh(eh forblshe nie markllS for the ln~p 00,,1 has been It bO,ut 'he Rame .. tor 'previous years 'l'bere h .. been no strlt"I, and Inber Ilnd tran.por,"tlo1 taoill\iea have been tin -

118ua1l, good,

.- ..--.

HoW' tll ~CUBE A

-._ROlle 'COUGH •


Told Jn ' the 'FoJlowing' Letter 'by a Jac~s0!l ' Man. Who :Knows trom ExperIence. ,His

Wonr ·Is Goo~.

"I am a ~1~~~lr! not

nole Willilun Neury a plan ar How's This oitl. en of this vl olnlty is 8erioutfl y We olTor. Olle Hundrl'd Oollarll IHat, h ill g randdaughter, Alrs . Fr~nk Rel'.... r(l fllr IIny . clIse of U"t ... rrh Rudd ook. U nole WilliBrn n 8 he WIl8 tll",t o,wnot. be our d .. by BItH's ~ uown bas JIved In this vloinlty Uuturrh 'nTt'll trorn boy bood. P. f. CrfBNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Aunt. M~ry Jane Cleaver, anelWe . lb. unue rsiKllod, have Itoown fl. 1. Ghncy fur Ihe Insl 16 y~ars, Bntl believe dorly llldv uf t,hla vloinlty, hll8 been h6m pe rC.ctl, honombl~ in nil busilleas qnlte poorly for aome lime nod I\t Inousncti"II. Bnd finlt llcillilr. able to carr, I,hls wri ting Is not Improving a8 ber out nny ohliglltiolls made 'y hi. fi rm . mllny frieod8 would like. NATIONAL. lJANJ[ OF COM~I ERO E, rhroe of our oitlzens have pnrToledo, O. H a.ll' s CUlarrh Cure is lakel.l imenlally, olll,sed at the Daytonlll Aoety lene acrillg directl), " 1'011 lh" blood a ud mu - Generator Co light\! for their hom aB. ca us sll rfa.~ s 001 tilt, system. Tesllmonia ls Rev. W. D: Kelll, of Kingsville, sell! frtc . Pric" 76 cents )lcr boltle , Sold exohanged pulpits with Rev'. A. K ~ all Drll gA I~ I " . T:lkc Hull' s Family PUis for constipot- tiargent 1M" 1:)0ndl\Y, Ilnd dtl1ive red llun, . Nn IIddre~!I undey afternoon before the Mattsie tllwnshlp 8nnd"'Y·80hool oonventlon . R. C. Ga rner, who f or tl'lO weekll h9 1l been ;ald un on aoconnt of Il broke n 11mb 18 doing as we ll a8 ()oll id be ex peo&ed . MI1I8 l..\llle Neary, of Corwin . Ip at 'he bl'd side at h er unole, William Nedry. Onr poolroom 1M In rnunlnl{ order 'l'he tobucoo j{rowon who lold lind doing \I very luorlLtivtl uUSintltf9 tholr or op eRrly, r l10elvlDQ from B The Harvey!!\ nrg Fertl ltzer Co. Ct, uts up t o 12, are oongrlltnlllti ihemsel vee, a8 at pro8eDtthe Marke held thel .. anonal election tj" surd ..y. 18 vorl' (lnll or at leasi very luw Bnslness II! be~lnnlng t,he n ow prlol\S are bulng pRld . Lo8f, week In yellr w ith fbuerlng prospeotl wHh Augu8ta, Ky, on 'raetld"y, about our meroh"utl. 500,000 poonds waR hunled into town Mrs. B,~. WllsoD. of Dd.y'oll, II.Dd nffored . The fir8t orop brooght 10 oent8 and a tew other8 orYt cont.. , was a gness of the Central 8 0tel When t be la8t prioe was reoorded Saturday /lnd 8unday resurning . t be farUJ e~8 withdrew their offor home Monday m orniol( . ingB, r efn81ng to offer, many orope Tbe nnlon meetlnR that hll8 been belog hll.llled bllek ~o tbe eonn'r,v, rnnninlt for two weeksllt the 'A, M. Chrls&lan oounty tobBcco growers I!l and Zi on B"lltist ohnroh " l ~ still have 81goed I\ n IIgreemen _nllt t,o Aell In progre8s . . '·heir tohl\ooo until a prloe IA ofteren Tho roads In tbie vioin ity Ilre thllt wlil jn8tlfy t h e 8 ... 1e of Sh ~ lr cr np. Tile farmen formed an or , very bad mdlinll trtlvel IIlmost im[.!aoI7J\tlon . ~nd employed Il 89Ort. pas8lble. tt'ry tu keep posted on the prloes Onr Bohoolls proiliesting noder ~ nd report to tbem, .UOWlDif ~ at tbe mlAnagement of the present one per oeni on the orop 80ld for the telAollera. ' nalMllnll'Ooe of the loore'.ry. No H . AnIon who hall been 111011 oraD will be eeld for leM tban the forAqQlte awbile III tbouMb, to be DOHS ot produotloo; 00 Sbe-day thll tobaooo wile offerNl " unlU bel' ,at ID\prOvlDg IU 'hia wrlUng Mil. Margllret. Anson ' F",I'er, ,r larlle , llyer8 were suppoaed to be Oil the break!!. Mnoh dlll8aSiafllotlon Day,on, has beeD here for some t ime a8al,'IDR lu onlnlt for her falber W&8 expree8 ed. ... In his ,lolu.Ma. Fr.i1k Sbldalrer'and Jamlll MoCarf.xcellent for Stomach Trouble ron 'J'~naao'ed buslnel5ll In DaytoD " Ohamberlaln's Tablets ue jut' lad week, fln e lor stomooh troubl e," wrUM . Mr. aDd Mrs. Fr.. nk Forn8hell, of Mr~ . 6, C Dnnn, Arnold, P.. "I WOB ""t.hered with thl. compl"ln~ 'XsDla, are ~o mo'Ve In~o oor midi' for S01n" tim" Ilnd frequently bad In 'he Dllar ftlture . hll i"us attllol<a Chamberl ... in '8 l'Rbl etl'lIff"rlllld me Rrellt relhf frlOm 'he tlr~t , "nrl .. inoa taking one bot Many Disorders Come From theUver t 'e of the m J teelll ke a different per- Are You Jusl at Odds with Yourself? Do You Regulate Living? 8')0. " For Pille by a 11 de, lers.


-_ ---

---_0-·.'- --


Are yoo sometimes nt odds with lind wltb the world? Do you wonder wblit ai l8 y oq? True you may be eating Itlguhlrlyaud tlleep\II8 ' well. Tet sumetbipg is the matter I Con8tlpat.lon. Bead Boht', NervousI1e8a and BllIana Spells indloate a Sluggisb Liver . The ~ried remedy II' Dr. Klng's Ne w Eleohloity hAIl beEtD called on to Life Pills Only 250 al your DruR 80 reiDforce I be p lWfl rll of leleni urn ~tRt. Buoklen's Aroloa. .SlIlve for rbllt an In.trumen* haa r etJUlted b~ Skin EruptloDs, - -Ihe lid cif whloh the bltnd mlly botb "Bile" and "read" by ear, n.. llrolldlng 18·1n tbs fln.] IItag811 of !P(lst 8M-III'.otory experlmentl "I'ith a d evlee to prev.ont • ~ra! n !rolD rnnning pBat a blook elgnal sgalnHt It. Meuu R, M. Pine aDd .on BerWlrolMR oommunlcations. both bers of D"y&on. werl' ~prlhgb"ro u to !'endlDg IJ.nd rooelvlnlt m8118ag61! oallera Frida.,. 18 to 1:Mooo00e pOlalble through an in Mr. and lt4Js. OhoB. Obap 'u"n were eli.v ldual "poolret tllze" IDd rument, oailing OD friends bere 811.~urday . md. publlo I n Ootober by an Italian . Mn . Rilla Graham of Pekin; 18 Buraery'. latest wtlnder ill aD. helplDg Mra , t:lallie Bf 11 oare for nonnQlld from Bnd8p8ll', where a Mr8. · Bell's mother. number of repOrtedly 8000&llafni Tbe friends of Mr. and Mra. Will oper .. MoD8, hBve been mllde by whloh balr b'la been l'sllwn" upon bald l'rove gllve thElm a mll!oellotneOll1 sbower I3atnrday evening at the haada~ . bOOle of Mr. and Mra. Harry t:lmlth, i!:nglneerlng has aohieved onll of Mr, Ohas, ~llJrred of ' tit. Loul8, 118 mOB' ,JIoteworthy trlumph~ In Mo. , made a flying viBlt to his 'he oomple"qn of She lll.mtle aqua.. d,uoi, rnnDlng ' from tbe CatekUJA, broShere and otber relatives here underneath 'he Hudson, and 110 to the dr8' of 'he week . NewYort . lIr. AI th!1r ~ ull I~ visiting his AviatIon Will hereaf,&er'be 'nftnUe- brotbn, lb, Cbal. Null &/; Bethany. 1, morA safe, t hanka to tbe Iryroacope Alber' Beston 18 on the siok Jist "steblllzer," Invented by E, A, Melsrs. tI U, LODg an 1 ' ObBS, lilHlrn, and. moss IIlti8faowrUy Null" ere DByton VIsitors one d"y 4~m . . >D8'ra ted . IBlt wee - . Telephony h ma4e a , .&rliling MI.a Annl Rormell wall t.tie Sun-' for ward atep In 'lD til veDtloo where day guO!!t of Mr. and Mr8. F . E by "eav.!/! dropping" on party Une, Rosnagle. booomeR ' Imp 08 ~lble:-. unl esa the I D,orloper. 18 wtlllng t o have' hla neigh1411808 Anna Mary Nu\1a~d Bil .I" bor~ know what hI' t Is 't1'O lnl I-Th. !iont, M ~ 8~"_ Huber Nullaud R J bt Uruplre_ Mit.(lbell ' at·&end8d 'L80rllrlf e at -------.~ ~----'home ur M.iss: JaneL Sh.fer at Cu lIsle &~urda:v night. SlOP the 'Chlld's 'Cold~ They Oftt"n Result Serloully Dange~ of a CoI~ 'OI)ld8, Croap Bnd Wh()O!-,lug,t.lOollb oblll1ren 'a atimentll' whteb need Do 'rou ,know th.a ' of all the minor I(f,~e attentiuu, The .. Uer ef- 811ments ooldl! a~'e by· fnr the m08t tHe oUf'n mOllt eerioal. Don't dangerous? iUII DoUbe C?OId8 tbem tbe rlak~you " have to aelvel t~a' . yotl . ne~ , to t.ell.r, . Dr lUng' s N~\oV obe<ilrtl ~h8 serious . dlseR8BS that ~.hey 80 the (J\lllf; .ootheR tne alia}. lealI to_ For tbat rea800 eve.ry the Ioflllmm/lt.lou., kill. . be goSko riclof witb tbe a"d BlIlIWIl NBt-Qr., to do ber bOlil'~1I poe.alble delay, ,To Ilooomp\i"h w(lrk 5' 0 at your D.rulClPet, Bny sb18 yon 'iU1l " find Chamberlaln'l abonl ~~ay . Congb Remedy Of Ireat balp to you" ------~ .~~.~----I$loOlenll .001d, relie~e~ 'be longs, .tdti ell:jJeowratlln. aDd enat)le. 'be I••ed at aile •• . 'brow off tbe oold. For "My dear, you ought (0 p.... up trlYby anlle.li1re. thlllBI ' aDd take an Intereat 10 .ub'ectl, Take hlBl<\.l'J, "or 100 ...... ltance. Oeeller, the ty~t, put up a hR.t for the 8wIBI' to wute." The' l..dY wila '8. trIne Interelted. "How wu It trimmed?" .be Inqulred.-Loulnm. Courler-Journal.


yoult~e lf

-'---_. _...



-ill r. JIHU !I Smah n~d 1/\ mlly spu n ~ "lnnd"y wiLh UBd. 1!Ilr\r1 .. t\ lIod fllOl

As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspond. ents in the Neighborhood

----- ---Untc/I of .Adverti!lin.r •. - - - - - - - - , ll uw llOI! I~!C"I'. P<l~ lillO, . . . . . . .. . . . . .. k (1:1....11100 AtI •• vol 10 "xcood Ilvo lin"" D. 1... Crlln ' , Erlil or and MB nllge r. I UI"pl.y 1.1~~~I~' li",I; :: : : : : : : : : 2k 100









----_. - -------


F!' Spr

ily . bi ro J ohn T.evi who hilS beensic it

ut) ~ IIgain. Mr. AlUml,lnok on is Mio k at 'hili wrlLlng. Mra. G aorge Mlirh.l~ I1nel Mra Alll o~ Jnoktloo sp nt l::latnr dllY with Mr. U"" IM I::l . LuulI !I. 'Phone 71 -I 1-2 MIMI! L"IIt1 MoRuy WIlt! hIJ Mte~ ~ lit ;\Ir, Tim MariaH, wbo hILa been (I lII ooting of t h e GlelL llalr Girl, I::!ut- siok.. iR .bet,le r ut tbt" wrHln~ urd8Y , Miss Glenn!l B",ley i~ nn th 8i cll: ~~~~~-----~---~---~-----~~:----~~!!,Io'*l~~~ Rov . WootOll, of W"ynOBvillo, list nr Is o" orenm" 111111 ,.I., r.nnn ( 'I E . V. lJroa ohed ",t, tb o Frl u d ~ chu roh ~l1n . Mr, E' rl\nk LUOl\8 spent tl nn <iav nnoth mOOll I" f M C~"' jl. PIny j " II,,· {''' 'c'r day. with Am os ,I Rukl!on. edU CtLtl onn l Il Sl"\ !1 ~)." .~ !'tlt a l I a .. I " , . Rev. J 8se Bawklus 16 h olding tj,u nnel Jnokson. Wil\i ... m Huley lUes nnd in tlw ~ , I, ~ Beries of meer.lngB n ar ' billlootb ... a nd Edm llod Hll,ley were In El u ting childhood aOd al "Y IOIIJ" . II AJI k :nJ<. (, r ,-' ,.sT" Work; ' ,Pet! 1M· hablls nro c,·ol\·" d. Au .d Is ,. , Mr. Ilnd Mrs, Wilbul' Rudduck I Valloy, Tue~d ... y even iug. Work /Jo ~peol al<ty. ' comll tOSPlher In ~nchtl ~ .. ,.lt' rlll!;M, ' • the parents of It. ten ponnd 60n their vlowlJulnl '" br('" oJ .·.wd . 111 'I r ' . ;;.~..;;r' .. ",<I'Ir.&"' ''l B nrry ' mitb, of InrlilHl uuolis, Bilio usness and Constipation Cured Ideals an) 11ft d Dud 1I 1 ''' I1~ ' 110") CfJllWIlS Ih e gneat of roloLI\'IlS h ure II1Ht If YOll ll1'e flver troul,llld with bll- stitule a cu llured onrl n ', ; f!"[J Hocl ty. waek. \(lllsne8ij or (lOU til1l\1io n you will be It Is plnln. lhurt'f' lr,', thllt Iho 1 Eli8ba Powell "n 1I~(l() rpsidODt interestPd In 1he tlltemeot of R ~. church which ulms III II !" r' I'dod so· fell Ilt th\'l h orne of hi P' (\ ,m gbtHr" Il:~WIO, Peru, lId. ."A ycnr "IN \",s L ~Iotl' must UMO In n r .. 11 "" ancl OX\lr8.•1. H . Rl'BVeS 'llOd IJro k o hl ~ ' winter 1 h~d Iln IIttllOk of indlgtlR alted wuy lho (' ~H ... n ll 01 I ,'t"r. III hi p. Btq OODCU1.!OU i~ oOll sldor 11 , tionlollowed. by b lhc:)Q ~ n os8 Ilnd OO?- BocilLI ovolution and tnll H , <I I Itsl'lr - piny. \,ecy serio os . I Rf.lp",tlOn. Roeiog Uhl1ltl uerlaln 6 or lho IInl\' 1' ", 1 In ~ II f1'" I' .Ii II len~'''!1 ~1l1Mt Ir wllh I Tllh l ot~ 80 h ll( hl y reoom mend ed, I If litH (:hurch Rur rU Ufld . 110 it loy l1ll!IJia whoa Tbe ~tnte I\lltbor ltl88 blLve boon bought" bottle of thorn and they lIoclal function s wh ic h 01 La luO ) ,>11 "oSio ·IJ3.illlf "5b'l~y 00 th e furro of U. H . MoKRY, helpell me r 'ght ", w"Y ." For Bill e young IImoog 118 IlIP,"h'>I.1 I( \\'111 1 Dr(lps," tbe fl\mOUlloli\ t,he PII.~,t weok, dl8in fouot,lng the by ull dealers fi ll 11 lorgo part of tl',' I. ,' nble n'mnl~ Cor 1 1leUr'v premlse8 Rll(1 hnrvlng hlR stook gnp In r uml pleasuro. nnd r~n ll l t iom,!:fago. GO some of whiot! had the d rended hoof the richest rownnl by IIrOtOl otinfl e I :ci:tticl\. Nour a.l" ' 'I,. and QI (1oth d i ~o ll~ o. blghnr an~ b iter t YPIl of lnuuhood I :. " i kin ,lre(\ It'oulll i'!:'~~:'~~'lM!!":IO(',? J, " Jf~ r l h t to olt aod womanhood. Geo. Bowlnnd a photos rupber , of r I(JI, stops tile lICit" Dnytno, 1'1'1<8 bere I"~I woek looking "nrt p i H n~ n. d m.u1ce$ for propel ty tn wh io h t o set np . <. lilo w<>rtllliviog., Heredity and Co lor B lln " " gl,lIery , a bolllo of '·I)..Qr9£lll" • Color hl lndno"" I., ul\\'I'" ' rlt. l"'loy. bookle t wlUI ,o r ed Ihroullh th r Il: th,'r, (llltj F rlLn k Rooney. of Un.y tO D, \'i sit~ d ".Ie h Itlrr J:!VC6 full lh rough lit!' fnll '!'I·. Th,·r, · II;' " to hi l\ m oth er lus t week. d j rceliona [Itt lis<>. ,nd be 110 IIISlonco III 10 a ,. 1I0n' l delay_ Dcmarut The Epworth L.e l\gue h e ld" h tl~­ fnth er has tru ll ' h IH t (~ "5-Drops'" DQu·t 0 .. iaess m eet·lng bt tho homo o{ tho Ills chlldrcn X(·· >o n Il l.:, P. L cept anything ~ j" Pilat or Thnrriday ni,;:b t of IR lll week. a molher wh r an , ., . plnco of,it. AlQ'dwugA Broader SPhere for ReligIon-New .u, eIln .upply ,ou. If yOt1liv~ too fM ---FIeld for the Rural Church. from n drn{; sloro scod One DoI1I11' to












------- -'- -_.. -

Children's's Colds

- - -...

George Bogan lind dRug hter, Edi'b , wer& 8bopplng llil HarveY8bnrg Batnrdll.Y , Mre. 8f1rab Rloh ill vlsUlng her danghter, Mrs. Charles G ray. ~ v eral from this 110 00 attended MI8sle tOWDllhlp Mum1ay sohonl 001l vpnt,lon lit the M. 1!l oht}t'oh Snnday "fte rooon . Mr. nnd Mrl! George Ellis and dll uJ.!ht.or, Vllli~a , vi8iterl .... ifl Whet -al and family in 'Curwin !:lunday Mr. L At,€' r t,! nrfuoo alBd fllmlly "uioed over Stlod~ y IIl1d a te dinner wHb 'l'om Rl oh: Prot,ro.oted' m eetlnJ.! at the Beeoh (jrove ohnroh olosed TbuT'sday nIght Ed Bogl\n lind wife of New Bnrlington, nDd Mrs. (;Ilt.ra Dunn and ohlldren of Gum (trove, v lIslted tbelr fa ther , George Boglln ODe dllY laBt week, Mrs Bareln J ordlln vl.~ ited ber sister, I4r8. Chtlrlo~ Gray on Mon· day, 'l'ruman W&rdlow und :Enoob Ber ger will worll for Oharlell E llis thl~ summer, and Gny Bra nd on for Will Mopney. WllIIIIoOl Shlrden mo'red to bill DOW home In Brown oounty la8t Wodne8d .. y . Mrs. Mattie Dllvls wa ft calle t to the bedtil<le of ht1r m other , Mrs Mary Jane ()Ieaver, wbo 1& quite VOI'rly. Mrs. lieorl(e Elli" .Bnd Vesta oalled on Ed Mlirtln lind wife !:i/lturd"yafte rnoon. Walter ,Jordan Ilnil ,vlfe were sbopplng in LehlLno~ I'LII' week.



Co.RWIN Mr • . Rllchel R oberts, . of Morrow, la quite III n~ the ·home. qf her Dlece M.r8. Johll Zell Mlu Mill thll O 'Neall ",a8 the gn6lli of ~U88 HeDr latta M.cKIllaey Sund"y. 'Arthnr ZeJl hOB r eoentl y pnr ·_,baeed. tbe Dr . BeDdenon property now ocoupled by J118 , Gra:ham. M".li1enn MoNeal, ot New Bur HngtoD, el)e~t 8nDd"y With lIlrs. Naomi Harlan Ilnd fllomlly. W Bi gg~ WIIoS In CI D oio~ aU ODe day Ihst week . The 1.. '1' L. of the (Jorwln sohool me~ Ilt ' Ibe lio Ule ot Mi8a li eorgie WhetBel 1ilst Sa, ? rday ·afte rn ~(ln . Eugene CODner WIlS i'1 Dayton 8a\nrdl\Y alld Sunday , The · M,ouutjoy properly whioh W08 plirtlally destroyed h~V fire w11l loon be rebuilt and occupied by. tamny. MI@I Ini8 Da~18 'splint Ilbe we.ekend w!\h her m () thc.r alldl brptberl . • _ __ Made From Sunflower S.eeda. Seeds of sunnowera are found to make ellcell ~nt foed for 11 vel Itoo_; Itl 011 Ie cqllal .to the tll~at' lintoed oil, ~d Ita stalks .re '8S good as coal for produ,ulng heat. And ~et· (lOty a fe,w 7Ml'1 ago Kanllatl rogaTde,' ~he I11nlower u a peat for all p Irpoae. exoept u an emblem. .

W il n SOIl

Hhcumatto Cure Co., Nownrlr,

i . . . . . . . . . . . .~. .•



Funeral Dinctor and Ernbalmt!r, Waynesville, Ohio.




Oally T ho '· ght. Ohio. nnd n botttle of " 5-Drops" . ·U be RQvenge, at fir~ 1 '''<l ug-bt 8"'''" 1. bit· SO Dt propaid . ' ter ('1'e long ba c~ .01. Itself I '~' tlfl.Milton. _ I ~~~~~~~~~"'!!!~~~-

Both Are Serious WhBn on of you r little. ones 8h o ws tlVlUptn'm p or no Ollpr(1n(lhing '0\(\, gha 1t- Or. B " ll' ~ Pino-Tnraonoy 11t: (1noo it oots '1 al ok l:v, and pre v ntR t1H1 Culd !! TOl'I'lriff WOflle. V.. ry hOlllinl{-~IJ () th e~ the Llln~e, 1 00Hen~ t he tnllOUII8, Ri ron!,,,,h. enR th e system. It's g uornnt .. etl . Only 25c., lit yonr Drngglst. Boy II b()ttle ~oelny. Bo ~kl e o 'II Arnioa Balvo ' or tlor Oll,



Call answered promptly day or night Both phones in OtTico anti Resid ence. Long distance, No. 14; H ome phone By Peter Radford 14-2r. u rlu r NntlonOlI Far m r ~ ' UnIon Chail'9 and one Coach furnishcu , Tho soollli duly. of the rurnl churoh with fun erals. Is I!.R much a part of Ita obligations Best of service guaranteed. as Its spirltu lil side. In expressing Ita social Inle rest, tbe modorn rural cburch does not hesltnte to claim lhat It Is expressing a lru ~ religious In· All Kind. of stlnct aod the old·tlme Idoo that tho social Instlncls sbould bo starved whlt o the spiritual oature was overfed with soJld theologlcnl toad. Is fa st glvillg 'va)' 10 a brand er Intorpreta· ,~, lion of the fUD ctlons or true 1'cUgLeu. W take our )llnee 10 the ~ UCcc881 0n I S' I'.'C,'('ssor t o of those who have Bought to mnke tho F. E. SHERWOOD world IL fit hab ltaUon tor t llo ohlldren of man when we seek to study and uod erstand tho social duly at tho Ov~r PostoIIir .. , Waynesville, O. rurnl ohuroh. The truo christian re- Office Phout 77 Hou5t Pllont 6ligio n Is essenllally social-its tepots ot fal tb bei ng love and brotherhood and fellowship. While following after rlghteousuess,' tho ohurch must chol· lengo and seok to roform that Beclal order In which moral life Is ex· pressed. While cherishing Ideals of serylce, the rural church whlch · ;.t. talns th tullest meOSU1'O or 8UC~888 18 thnt whi ch OIul chos us III"II Y II ve8 as It can toucb, 01111 In no wuy can the cburcb come In 118 close centact with Its mcmbera as through the avenue or social ru rocUoos. The country to wn aod the rnml commuolty need a 800101 center. The churcb Ileed orrer no apology for Its n.mbltlon to fill tb ls neod In the com· mUnlty, It an understnndlng at Its mlssloll brings thIs purpose Into clear oonsclouslloss. The struclure at , rural communIty Is exceedingly com· plex; It contaIns many Bocial gronps, each of which hllJl Its own center, bnt there are man y locallttes which havo ~" ,... I'\ Next to Sherv fld's but 011 0 church and III though Buch a church cnnnot commau'd the Interest of 011 the people, It Is relieved 'rom the .embarrassment of religiously divided communities.



Chandler I


that ·

Wears'· TholO who .celt perfcclion In aihorwnre in""rlrthly hoosa fork, spoo". nnLl ftlllCY aerv~ Ing plccl.. ~'lIm"e" 1,Vil~ the rcnowneJ t1udliQlIUK

','1Ml ROGERS BROS.T~~ ano! In of n sih'cr.l~~IlW~_ IIOsscd. its nble durnbllhr hu IVon it the PDpulllf

litle "Si/I)tr 1'/1114 ' hat Wtars." ' So II by 1""<lID&' ~,fl~~ r:(l~ri?o; ' CR'alORUO "c.xr nil


Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting. WAYNESVILLE,

80clal Need. ImpeMltlve. The average country boy Bnd gtrl hl\ve very little opportunity tor real enjoyment, and have, as 'a rule, a vague conception ef tbe melllllog of plellsure and recrcnt.lon. It 18 to fiJI tbls void tile lives of. country youth tbat. tho rural ell ureh bOB risen to ibe necessity 01 providing entertain· ment, 1lJI ' well ' ae Instruction, to Its membershIp among the youog. · Tho cblldren and young people of the churcb 8hould meet when religion Is n'o t even mentlon ~d. It has been tound eal'est (or tbem to meet froquenUy uoder , tbe dIrection and care et the church. To send them Into, tbe world wIth ne social training exposes tbem' to grave perils 1l.nd to . tl'J to ke'e)l them out of, the world with no socln.· prIvileges Is sboer tolly. There Is a aoetal natu re to both old and young, but .tbe Boclol requirements of the young' are 1mpero~lve. The ohurcb must prcn'lde directly or 10cUreotly lome modern eQuivalent . for tbe ;bullk· .Ing bee, the Quilting boe' and' the .IngIDg scbool8 or the old day,. In one -way or another tlIe social instInct. of' our youog peoplo mUlt bave oppel'tunlty ter expression, wblch .may take the form of clubs, partie.. piC' ulcS or other forma .musement. One thing fs certain, .n~ that J. thllt the churcb cannot take a"a ' the dance, the card party Clnd Ute theatre lInlels It can oireJ' ID 118 IIace a liltial'y1nc 8ub8tltute In the form of .more IlleulDg recreation.






In. proyIdlq for enJo~en' the eh1ll'Ch 11_ one of the __teat metbotIa b,. whlcb hum.n I~ baa cleo Auoel&tlDII Ia. Iltyltl' .1MIOI&t'e


Oarage Main S













THE lOi i'; i ( \1<1,,-t r'. ,"nt;~ ru~ • , II

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l llh C r~ <Ir or Pip




Ea s.

Much More Said Meals


E njoya bl e ' if




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•• ·~••·••·•••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••


Malagn (;mpl's aoman .Beauty Apples N. y, King Apples Cranberries White Pip pin Apples Dananas . Baldwin Apples Cabbag e Grapefruit Curly Lettuce Tangerines S\veet Potatoes tern ns Celery Oranges Spanish Onions Ne\v Country Hominy


i ~1.


W Ill!' ltor«()n was a Day!

r Tu['o,

l )i.




•. - At a meeting of the trustees of the Otterb.e1n home; the board took over one oftbe eight farma 'that have been, rented out Ilnce the U. B, church purchased Otterbein home from the Shakers. One of the farme, consist· ing of 750 acree. has been taken over from a tenant adds 600 more acres \ to the .farm. . . The Home purchased three span of hOrMl! and 75 head of cattle from ~~~....~~_ _ _~_~ tile tenant who gave up his farm .,



._ -_......---


, Mrs, James Kerrick had the pleas· ureof a visil from her brothllr, Mr. Harvey Beach, of Weet Branch. Mich, and her sister MrS. J. Price. of, Xenia. IBBt week, ' Owing ~o tbe present ~oCftl epidemic of me;i8le9, the box SOCIal and formal opening .of the new M. E: church social rOOm hbS be"n postponed until Fridayei/enina', Feb. 5th. This affair is open to the public and everybody E urg~ to be present.


Reg ula rcommunication ofW avnes· ville IJOd gc No. 163 F. & A. M . Tuesday 'evening, Janu :lrY 261.h. Work in the M. M. dt:gree. So· journing brethren and visitors ~or· dially ih ~ited, ,J. O. CaTtwright, W. M. :L. A. Zimmerman,eo'y. ----~ ~


C~~ESARS ' CREEK Revival orvlo08 stili oont.lntle at tho ollaroh wltl1 lnorel\sed lu tereat. bam ."oshar wllo.hlls beeu Assist l og t.blll!r'V'llogelist in tbe metitJIngs Wt Il milled to his bome at UlArdlng. tOD, Ohl(l. un 1l0001l U ~ Qf 1II00S8 In bls rllwlly.


Hev and Mrs. H. Palmer on ten . illl!d d l' , unu Mrs.' La.f". lehol· son at dinn er last Thursday.

Chnrles Cornell went to Dnvtoll Mr. Louis Burn~ and Miss Ada week to th Miami VlllI~y Hos· Beekett were m arried in Covington , last pital, where he had n g rowth re Ky .• last Saturday . moved from th uack of hiS ha nd. that had been g ivinli h im a g rent Great cut pri~.e sale on Child ren 'll, deal of tl'ouble for some litLle time Boy's, Ladies' and Men's Underwe r !:ie Is getting along nicely, and his at John A, Funkey's. friend s he re will be R'lud to Bee him back home again . W. Z. Rol1 and Deputy-Sheriff Waggoner, of Lebanon, were in town Saturday on· business,

'An Apidemic of grip has struck The Wayne Township Farmers' this viCinity w.ith exceedingly stront~ Club met at the borne of C. T. force. There iB hanlly a man, wo- Hawke last Thulllday. man or child In'tbe town or neigh, bQrhood that. is not in some wav If you have a farm or town prop· affected by tbe grip. 'The doctol'll erty to sell, I have the buyers, the town are worklng pretty hard A. A McNeil. Centerville, Ohio. these days, u the &rip seems to take Both Phones. fl'7 a pretty, cloee hold' on Ita vlc:.thna. An epillemie ~easlea broke out Melin. C. It. JXlhnson. of Boston, In the schooll,gere last w.~k. 8Ild sO M.... and James Bennett. of WiI· Budden wu ~e otit~reaktliat the mington. were the bushiess guests whole school ' WBB soOn expcieed. and' of C. B , Bently, Tuesday. the cl)ildren ~ere taking it rapidly" ¥onda, there were ,forty caaea re· . . The Waynesyi.lIe Auto and Ma: pOJ:ted and by Tuesday evening abou t chinery Co. are prepared to grind 81~ty eases were ' reported, Supt, horse elippel'll with the latest 1m.· M<:Laaa'blin decided' to close the schools for an Indefinite periOd, or proved Stewart Grinder, unnl· the disease liaS spent ita force, and the last cl~ were heard~ues. There will be revival meeting at day e'lenin,. In one of ' the rooms the .Orthodox Friends church al1 this there WBB only one pupil lett; The week, conducted by Ida Allen and the diseue i9 In a mild form, al\d It is ~astor, Come, you are welcome, probable that the i!Ch'ool will BOOn ~ Sund&Y'l!Chool at St. Mary'a at the ~peh, • _. regular hour Sunday, January 24th. ' There will be no church service, owing to the co tinued I11ness of the rector •.


'1'1i> omar,'" \o'()rr ilot ll M ooionary p . lllty WM ll,u:~1 1.1('a'll\lI tl CI I ' r · t ilwd ill tbt' hll 'lIr lit ~I·r:l. FlIllkey

"'t...JI1~"dt) ••,t l .:rll(lllll , ; ~:;; I~tcJ hy V"fn IlO Ha ..... \<' .i ~ Vibilillg trit'll Jlj "n l ' , e. '1'. fIa I It,' '1'ltl1 /\r I 011 til\! in .: prin.: Jlll,'y loduy . progl'am WI;t8 s.:riplurul r ' nu i n~ '!\lld pl·I:IYll r· bY' Mra. (:n\U~e r . " What n ItIlIPh P~lil!('J II r D!\ytlln, iR visiting l"I'i~'11 J \\,(1 have ill J e,lIls" a ~ ~ un~, rt!la( i vLl~ hLlI'\:' 10 1' a few Ja)'s . nfwr wh ie:h Al rll. l::rne~L RIllo{ 'rs I' ·n. del' -tla Ht!l\lIliful pian' Kulo Mrs, l\la~ler ~( ~ar .' mith wns qu ite ill' H l\\Ykc reael an c..'<c IIl'n t al'ti Ie on last week , but is much better oon tide prayer," which W' _ f" l· lowed by Mrs. ·Whit '!.\ readin~ on Dr .J T. Elli" is able to be out "Whllt WI? oUJ:(h t. to do as tTl 'mh'~ rs of a Missionary 'oriely ," she alsv again. a fte r a week's sicklless. gave a f\1 1I report of Lha Mi. ~ ion(\r)/ Mr . and Mrs. C. ' B. Bentley W(;re m c ling at ::lp l'ing fi <:lti which \Va enjoy d by all. New Burlington visitors Sunday . Othtl' nllmb rs on tho program Messrs. J. C. Hisey and Harvey w re, v O ~BI sol o, Mi ~s II I{!I\ Marl a l t [{ye were Dayt II visilOrs Thursday . accom pnn ip.(\ by M i ~ ~ H1\ ~el GUfllin oh the Jllano: rearlill~ Mr!l. HaUL, Mr. and Mr8 Harry J ohn s, <'f Cross , "The third IJrilyer," rending Dayton. were vil>iti ng fr iend s here MrR. McClure. 1\11'S Vanrlcrvoor t gavean in terellting talk on mis jonary S unday . work and through p I'I'0nui knowMrs. Enos Hill , of Cedarvill e . ledge of what clln be a~cllmp li 8h ed has b f'n visiLinlot' h r mother Mrs. by prayel·. Musk 1>y Helen Marlatt and Rache l h· hon. Romine.

Mr. Harvey Beach, of West Branch Mich .. is the guest of' relatives here for a few dayll.


;,,~. i ~

MC!!SfS. Elmer and Ernest Rogers wer-e in Richmond, Ind ., Monday on business.




1111 ~ l!fil,

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. Mr. and r.1 r~ . Wa ller Smilh (!lIve IL [ollr o'rl •• clr d ill n\'r alurduy . Thosl' (In'~ent w ~ rc Mr . and Mrg. . E. Werntz, Mr . Robt Mlluntj(I)/. Mr nnd Mr". Rnbert W-rnI 1. and Mr . rtog,q Ad Rir , o( Liberty, Ohio.



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011 ~ '\\lr rl~rtt l .


g e~Itl;: M.r. and RUlISel ·alisuury . MISS J .. $ephll1e Oglesbe . Miss Alma Waterh uuse ami Mcs.qrs li arvey H;, e and Fred Gons.


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u p1'Opori.. ,

CHARLES D , COOK Ohio MDt,..-L,'1 "*"'IJ. ~. . . . . .. . .

Mrs, Amanda Wright and daugh· ter Miss May en te rtained a few fri ends very plea.~lln tl y last WeiJ· oeaday . At 12: 30 a delicious three· cou rse dinner WIIS: served . Those p r e.~e nt we re Mr~ . Ali ce Alcorn, Miss Elizabeth Carroll. Mrs, J . H. Coleman, Mrs . G. W. Hawke, Mn. E. V. Barnhart, Mrs. D. L. Crane and little Ruth Alcorn. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey were victi ms of a very p leasant ·s urprise unduy , in honor of thei r birthdays. The invited guests were: Mr, and Mrs. Chas . Rye and family, Mr and Mrs. E C Hartsock and son Harold , Mr . and Mrs, Allen Hole and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johns lind >!o n Ralph. Mr'. and Mrs Geo . Hart· !luck, Miss Charlotte Antrim, Mr Frank Thomas, Mr. Jesse Thomas and Miss Katherine Coate, of Dayton.

Tn e Am erle n B y R~l:uh\r

price . ... .. . ...... • 1.00

The l\liltmi Gaz.tte Regulnr price . . ... . .. . . . " 1.00

A kitchen ~hower for Miss Ada Stokes, whose marriage to Mr. Tom Courtney will take plaee today. was gjven at the home of· Mrs. 'J , O. Cartwright last Thursday, Theaffair Willi in charl':e of the local members of the old "COoking Club.' viz: C,artwlight. Mrs. F . B, lIe'nderson, Mrs, J. B. Chapman and Mrs.:Sam'l Hinkle: . At the clOse of a very pleasant afternoon d'ainty refresh' ments were served. The prospective bride received a number of useful presents . .



Waynesville :Auto,&Machinery Co. H. M. Sherwood

HAS QUIT BEING AN EDITOR J . ·P. Cummings, who hRS been aeting as editor of the Warren County Times, severed l)is eonnec~ion wlth'that paper Saturday evenmi', Mr. Cummings is a good fellow, a Democrat, and we are in hopes he will not be out of a job for a long while. Mr . Cummings Is at present rusticating witb his father and mother on 1{oute :.;,




Jer~ey Cow. with Calf by her

IIlde, A No. 1, For further In. formatloD . oall on W. 1:1. Graham. R D. 5, Waynesville, Ohio. . . IS


----... ..---

Mr . e.nd Mrll. Wllbllr Clnrk were D~ytl)n Silturdn.y : Wedlleslini , Januuy Vltb, the Harlan Bros. February IS 1:]. friends of MI~s 'Edlth GNhlllli .mr. - - - - - - . : . . . . - - - - - - prlsed h er. Amoul< thol:!e pr0800t Bavlng ~rranged to 1t1 were Misses lj)VtI Pmter. Ruth Coo~. hiolB, 9nd to gll\ ey .•rytbt'18 fur. Velm.~ Smith , Dorn. mit.h, A.nna 1118hod me, 1 w.1I sell .. II my .nha.UAI Smith, Mlll\rerl BurnElt, . 1:'811rl proper~y , lit \be . rlllilucnoe, of. W! E .' MoKlrby nnd Messrs. Rt.lpb Jolins, O'N6RII.2y' miles ' lou~h east. 01 Rn8sel Burnet, SA.rry Burn~t, Rnlph Wllynt'~vIH tI, on . Dyke. (2180 John~, Il'rllllk Kurfill, Thurs4ay, January .21, .1915 :' Lester Kurtls , H.OY McKlrby Ilull BeglnnID8 at ~2 ;110 Ll'ol q., k thl! Allen SmIth ' rho evening was sl)EInt ill playing gbmes, Ii her whloh following propeft·y . 'rwo a .oreeil. 76 Ublo~en8, fi' ... r~lnl? retrealllnenta . were ssrve,1 IlDd the Implement8. Harne~fl, B ou~llhoJ d guosts <r1eptLrt~d. lir. Clyde ,Wh Irton w"s' given GoOd'l, Tllrms m~c1e known on dny I;!llle . J. P. BManer. a. fturprlso by hill mnny frlendl! :rrl C. T. Hawke, Ano~ •. day evening. Amon)t those present were Mr. 111.111 M!s. Greathouije,; Mr,: ~~~~~== ' ~.~====~ tlnd MI:e, Frank Ruge",. ~Ilm I:!mUb,;;;; . ' Mr'. Ilud M·r s.,:Janney, MISijes EVtl .. . ' . ..... ',. b Prater. ' :mdtth and Ethel QrabaOl, Certlfl~at8 :. Re-Extendlng Carter Pellrlll4oKlr~y, Mrs Auntl Gra.buni, ' Misses, M1~nle Duke, Mlldr;!d Bur. net Atlnll.uud Dorll I::Im l tb, Velma Trea.sury De~rtme~l ~rurlh and the' MAssrs Oral ~urtaoe, Bernard Gebhlut, W.ill Dyke. Alvin , Dy Ire, .Artll ur ~ref\~house. Be"."u omce of Oomptrolll!\" 01 tbe Oumncl'. 8ml~b, 8,oy MqKirby. R"lpb John. ~ "i>~=D'u~if14 and B'orellt G~ha.m, Atklr I~nd.. WHEREAS. by ••'18I":'<Iry evldepoe ·p..... lug an eDjoyallle evening 'be guest. lMIotod to 'tbe un~enl"oed. I, hu ~ PIlUle depar ....lId. . . t'''I1'ttI!PI'':-~fn '~~~ev:-.:nrr~W:,"::~H~ Gladys Be'gdall w.~Q b~ beeD L".!~~~'?.i!~b~fftC8 ;:~,s,:=,o~f~e 'be aU,ilml' Valley ca I.plta) for the Ac~ ·of tIaUliD8-i "to Mable Na~nal1ilaok'past· w~ks. bal returned to \:e,:.,~t::d ":,:Vo~~~d lhelr~=::i' bel' b .•m.,-m aoh Improved. . Jul, l2, 18820 aumondr.!:,'l::'"AcS.IIPIJI'O..tI were thruugb tbl' April 12, 19 a, . .

i -.

IJ "nt! 9 otrerlDg the. farmel'll'are


Air· Cooled Pumping Engine. rcbuilt and guatantecd.J!!Ullc as new.

1 HP Engine

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~ ~


2 This

Engine is Rebuilt and cheap.


HP E,ngine

'Hopper Cooted. and gua.rante~d .

Agents for the Celebrated Ingeco Gasol~ne and ' Coal Oil Engin~, Automobile and Ge~era) Maehinf'ry Repairing, Gasdlinea, Oils and Accessories

G~soline ' . . En~ines andEl)gineS~ppli~ . , ,

Phone 105

Puhlic Sale.


C. E. Servis

Hor8~rkins Engjn~

.' JC!!Se Stanley. who has just gradu· ated from the Jones .A uctioneering School at Chicago, is home and ie ready for sale dates. It would be well to see him, as-he has some new ideas in the auctiqneering line, Or call him, 146 mutllal phone. New Butlington, Ohio,

Late CIWlsifiecJ Ads


We have installed the latest improved) . Stewart Clipper Grjnder,








lYTLE' ,

crOl't .

Mr. and Mrs. ROl'!ald Hl.lwko en· lerlai rwci' al d inne r on UOllay th e


, Mr. Ev.ln liIau entertain ed hi t riend, -l'.\ul Pot-er on to dlDner Mnudln' . Mr. !llod Mrs. Bortlos (J mp t,)n. DJ4niel Whyhr", w. I:l'liu Mo~he r I\od toa COUl ptOU took dinner with Z\rnri i:lllin es I'unday. . Olive ~ Ilson WIlS a Dtlyton shop per.atn rd y. Lu thel' Hlloi neR \VIA" borne from ool\ego I~ v e r lSuod"y. Mitls1!'cl\noes VII80n left Saturday for Indlt(Da to visit reintive8 I\Da wolle tl1ec(,l 8110 will "t$eud ttie wed dw~: .of /:Ier o(j u~l n, MlaH Mildred · . LIl1rd. Mr. Dtlulel W:hybrew, Sam Mos her Ilnd Mr .' nnel Mr\:! . RI~lelgb Bogun too k dio uer wIth I' uut Esther Uomp tOD8 Tb oradny , Cblllluoey 8 unnoll Is on tile slok list, Mr. Wllbnl' BUl'hman nnd Frej Farnas were III l utllnnnpolis on business tI p ilort of Illst wee k. Born to Mr. I~nd Mrs , Wilbur Rullduck, JIlDullry 17, 11)15, (\. soa. Mr. and M~I!. Frederlok Staup "nd IUtie daugb ~er. of Dayton, IIpent tinnday wlth .thfooir p!lreli~, Mr. and Mrs. Benrv tintterth'l\'alte.

Till ,'. , .

.. ·ill "~':'





Sixty-Seventh Year _








Whole Number 3301

_ _ __








JtOADS BLOCKED AND TRAI NS GE tII D TIME A t th e annual meelin/{ of the Ling-II Hardwa re Company, at I.eban on. last week. Manog r ~ !VI Sell er was ho a delightful banCll:let ALMOST given t(l ttheats tock holde rs of that ~on ADVANTAGES OF cern. Each ludy present was given TWO FEET FEll a pair of art scissors n., a souveni r. and the genLiernen wero each g iven a pearl·handled knife. . Is Taken Advantage of In Almost After the banquet II b u si n c~ss meet· Vuring the Eutirc Time from Last ing was held and the fvll owing board Every County in the State. Wee), Untillhc Prescnt Timewas elected: J . W. Lin go, J. B Where 1>1Itrons Favor It Sireets Banked High Runyan. S. M. Se lJ er ~ , Eliu.~ Ogles bee and It L . Herr ick. There were about lhirly g u es l~ presen t . One of the finest centralized school . The heaviest snow of the year . buildings in Ohio is located at Pow· fe ll last week. Every morning· last ell, Deillware County. The sentiweek added to th e snow, and on Friment in favor of centralization ha9 WAS . ILL; ...- - d ay snow fell all day. until evening · been so strong lD that county that, when it t umed to rain. Later on in within the last four months. five the night it began to snow 'again, GETTING BETTER and by morning the u 31J,ai quota of' townships have voted to c0l180liJate. CONFERRED SECOND WONDERFUL 'GLASS DOME OF TRE PALACE OF HORTICULTURE, PANAMA-PACIFIO INTERNA. "Why is this truer' you ask The I snow had fa llen. TIONAl. EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. a!lswer may be found ill the fOllOW- I Pnlneo or Hortlctlltllre, looklug lh roll /:II th e 'ou rt ur .'ulmH. This Oe auillul stru cture b88 a gl88S dome lBII AND THIRD DEGREES Mrs. Kate E McComas. who Saturday mornin gwasan unusually ing interesting tact. 'rowulul-/ UI, · .1"lUe 1M u tJU !! C bURket. The general Ktyle or the arcbltecture t eet blg h nnd 162 t eet In dIamete r. at Arlington, Mass., writes us that ha,rd morning t? get ar?und. Tbe Is the ~'rcuch r eunlliHnncc. with ' aruccuie IlJOl lillclll luII. 'rue Extreme length ot the pnlnce II 072 teet and brendth Before the centralization of the she has been q ui te ill, but at th e ram of the prevIOus evemng al1d the 820 teet. ' achools of Liberty township at Powell present time is mu ch belter. Mrs snow coming on that, had caked the The second IiJld third degree was 125 pupila were enrolled. Now there conferred on one candidate at a meetr.:tcComas had been.home but a short roads making it hard driving. hme from f'orto RICO, af ter a year s . d ' ia an attendance of 160 pupils . This ing of the J . O. U. A. M., last Fri· stay at that delightful place, when The raIlroads an ~ractlOn cars means that 35 boys and ~irls, who day evening. The Juniors turned she was taken sick. Her many ~ere almost at a s ~andBhll ~ha~ morphad "quit" because they were too out in good ly numbers, and a pleas· 08ITUARY SCHOOL fri end s here lire indeed g lad (0 he~r mg. All the t rams commg m here • big for tbe little uninttlresting one· ant eveni ng was enjoyed . of her r ecovery . were d ela~ed. some for hou ~s. T~e room school: enrollt!d a t he larger rur al carriers started out In theIr -----.... .... building and are showing by their Another , of WaY!lesvil le's older -. GETS TOGETHER machines, but after going for a litmen has passed to hI S reward . An· good attendance that they are glad . - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 tie while wera forced to return to ot.her of our frien s and neighbors CLUB HOLD TliIF.IR REGULARI to be lhere .. Supt. Lybargf'r, of Dell\ware has an8~ered th e call that comes to MONTHLY MEETING County predicts that in a very ' short the patrIarchs. h d I 1 riCh " PERSONAL MENTION " Tea u t e asses a tIe rlstlan Hendley Corron was born in Roatime there will be in his county sev· ~_.morning arou nd the 10 below mark, _ Sunday School held a get·together eral more IIChools like that at Powell noke, Va .• July 2:;, 1831, died at meeting, at the home ofMr, and Mrs. . - - - - - • This was the first night that there alld all bl'Cause Centralization pays. was no ~now, but t he . Weather Man All Overcoats at cost at Howell'4. 83 Waynesville, January 5. aged CURRENT EVENT Lafe on tho year1\, 5 months and21,191 28 days. , k Nicholson, B b led d hLebanon All Overcoats at cost at Howell's. made up for it in coldn~. ' In ]850 he was married t (o Nancy PI e. 0 S 8 conveye I e party ADVANTAGES OF ceNTRALIZATION Jesse Lewis was a Cincinnati visii.or &meY. Three daughterli were born ' to thh beautiful count ry home where unday evening it "Ieeted until Mrs. E, S. Baily il among 'he late but finally turned to snow and Suooa,. to this union. The wife and t.wo an interesting business session of the , l~. It bringe into the sch()pl PllPiJS. -school convened, a new class, known grip victim~. abo ut five· inches were P1'11ipjtated daughters preceded husband and as the Brotherhood Class, being or. who would not otherwise enjoy its by morning. " prillileges . ' Mrs. H. E. Hathaway is 'an'other father i n death. He was again uni t· Was Given in Answler to Roll Call- ganized and plana for a Sunday On Monday the weather moderatejl Hawke was visiling relati 2. It insures a mu~h better aver, grip victim. in marriage to ElmiraLamh. One Tho Study of Wales and Her School campaign were enthusias- in Lee quite a good deal. and in the afterDayton Sunday. . agt! daily Ilt~endan,;e of pupils 'and SOn now r esiding in Oklahoma came ti~ally and unanimously adopted, the noon the speedway b~twee~ the .,.. ' J b l Chas. Michener. of Route' 4, is in to add happiness to t his union . People, was the Subject . b ' S d d I I{rtlat y ro:uuces tl" num er 0 cases. Bloomington, 111. After leaving Va:, Mr . ,Corron campalWl to eglll next un ayan Gordon Joy was in Cincinnati Sat· bridges was occupied .~y tpe."Hiers." of ta'rdinesa and trusncy . with his family came to l'u man Co" continue probably un til Eaater Day urday Bnd Sunday. All of the good horses were Qut, and 3. ' 11. gives an opPQr1unity for a --At the close of t he business session C. il. Bentley came off with the fi ' f I.... h I Mrs. Lida Killan has O. He moved from P utman Co , t::> h . Pd . h b I MilS Bertha Kenrick is visiting afternnon's sport with flying colors. alter c llRSi cation 0 t~ sc 00 ~ II orne from Chl·cago. L"tie and has for manv yenrs be n Tho N \', Century Club met with the host and ostess entertam Wit anli proper grading of pupils. ' . a'1 oyster supper. About forty relatives in Dayton. The boys and horses enjoyed the a familiar fillure in thi~ community Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Mosher, Frday guests enjoyed lhis hospitality. 4. It encoura"e8 supervision and (luting very much . Earl Hnw~~n. of Sprin~ field, was The dece~d was a m ~mber of afternoon. January 22nd, ]9 15. gives the superintendent a mu ch Carl Ha wke, of Dayton , spent This fi ne day. bowever, brQught , more favorable chance for thorough a busioess vIsItor here FrIday. . G; f!... R. havmg been a soldIer of th~ S b d I zero weather again, as the therCIVIl war. Mr: orron wa pubhc eventeen mem ers respon ec to . . f 'th k ' f lh I Sunday here with his parents. mompter went d9Wn again' and ,on flUpervII:1I0n 0 e wor 0 e ower "ted d b ' t d ' II II b . , C t grades. Dr. Dill, Oate? ath. "~ines Bldg.. ·spm . ~n very roue Int.res e . m r o ca y g l ~ m ~:, s?me urren.. . , 'l'uesday ml'rning r gietered 12 below. CLEARCREEK 5. It limits the field of work for Tuesday and lo' n:t'ay mornmgs. pubhc Iml?rovbments .. HIS bCI)1K Event , af te r which WlIlgs of S ng Mr. and Mrs. Carl SerVl9 are VIB- The duy moOerated zero wClltbe.r each tf'lIchl'r Bnd gives an oppor· dull of .hearmg caused him mu ch 1Il- bv Mendelsshon WIIS played on tbe iting with relatives in Day~on. away, and proved to be a fine day. tunily for a more thorough prepara· Mrs Grauser. of Dayton. is visiting convelll ence. For some !II ntha I ~t P' I M D ' tt tI d . The mail carriers had their, u""~I1~ ' . ., 1 G d f 'l he has suffered from a grievo us arrhc· lano a. 1'8. eV I len rea a HAS GOOD HORSES Miss Hazel Gustin was t he guest , Monday. som& of them ha,villll' --:-"::S;..;;....~ tIl6~' It gives fewer c'lasses to each her eon ~v. . rouser an . !Iml y. tion, but. was patient and kind very it' tere.sting pape r on t~~" Morals of Springboro friends last week. the whole day, getting as teac!b.,r,and longer periods. Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Frank throullh . It ,11.11. rhllr~ arE: left to and Ed ucation of Wal es; anothe: --o'clock. No. 3 was the pnly 7 ' It gives the bOYB and girls of Dakin, Sunday, January 24, 19rs;- mourn-hlBgomg away, one ~on , on e sel ction on the Pianola. " Echoes The Columbus Stat-e Journal ha's Valentines of all • r ·-r::-......-:::-::-=::-T=-"'::+:='-:::ir.;:--;-:;;':~ liis maclime. 4 the. rural ,the benefit . gran dau&dhch terl'd l1170atsIsters'd House," the following to say of Philip Spence. lOco A few higher The trainS are moving along on . ti '. dof such ' ,., soil , I ' one r en brodthear, an gre gran · Ifrom the Metrupolitan Opera . ' I b schools about sched ule bme, although eome speela ~anc es as mUBIC, rawJ!la . . children : followed ; then Mrs. Hough r ead a the local horlleman, of Ridgeville: C Ph'II' I. Ip~. big drifts had tobe~encar.of. an<l agriculture. under a specIal MillS Sue Crane, of.Toledo, arrl~~ The f~neral' was held at his late I m'ost instructive paper on Mother's Philip Spence, owner of the good • t t s sire, Sidney Pointer, 2 07X' , by Star teacher. employed by the B~ard of h~re Thuf!KIay evemng for a VISIt home Saturday' morning at lO o'clock P , . til ' ' : Dr. Maey will be a t Spring Valley --~-'Educatlon WIth relatlves . . , ' enalons, e mil' flOW many s a e Pointer 1'59X has a number of all this week, and at Harveysburg all 8 It encouraA'es the formation of . ' Rev. C. S. Grau~er, aSSIsted by had this law and especially what had . . • . 4, te . . te next week . goo,t' to~;nship high schools and gives Miss Ruth Hartsock attended the ~ffi;i~~in Mar~~nte~~n~n~'w~s !~d~e~ iJeen . done in Ohio along line. f:~~ls~€~~~~~un~~~:~oi:t~~(~) ENTERTAINED THE th. e boys and girls Irl the to:-"nahlp third Symphony Concert at lJayton . . B· . • AUJou,rn,m ent wli,ls next. m ~~de r 2:07.Y.;' the 2.year old paCing/BIding BornTo Mr and ' M .... Raymond dil!tric~ !qual '~dva~~f'8 With the Thursday evening. MIamI ce1l'etery . snd durlllg tbe socl,sl hour dehclOus by t;idney Pointer, star te in 12 Cornelius, Sunday. JanuBIY 24,1915, chlld"m In th_B cIty \il8tricta; , refrea~mert~ wen served by the races, finishing nine times fir t, Iwo a daughter. . STANDARD 8EARERS g . It tends to .,revent dlftlcultles Several ,of the inmates of the OAllD OF THANKS h ostess , assIsted by. Mrs . Ronald times second and on ' li m !.: lhird . . Hawke and Mrs. J .. WIlson .Edwards. Liltle Pete Pointer. by iUlley Point•w~ich often ari~ Qn the way to and Friends' Home are sujfering w i t h . Miss Lucile Wallace, of Xenia, from school · and to pro.tect , the the grip and severe colds. We Wish to extend o~r smcere The guests at thIS meet1 ng were er, is ano ther one of Mr. Spence's the week-end Iluest of MiSll - Miss Mary Salisbury assisted by th~mks to al\ of. the. frIends and Mrs . Grau ser, of Dayton, Mrs. J , L. good Poi nter 's showing up admirably was health ~nd morals.ot the ch~ldren. . 11). School affairs ~an be adqlln- Harry Murray is laid up at hia nel~hbors for theIr kmdncss shown HartsQc k, Mrs. D L. C~ne, Mrs. J . in;lastseason'scnm paign . Mr. Spence Mary Salisbury. Mrs. Russell SaIlBbury, ,entertained istered mQr~ econollllcally. Better home with an abseess on his foot us III the bereavement of our father. H. Co I~man. Mrs . 1.... A. Zlmm.e rman, has just BoldSunburn Pointer, (3) the Standard Bearers at her pleasant ' O. W.Hamilton, who has been equipment In the wa)! of apparatus H . h t b It t t ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Compton and Mrs. G. W, Haw ke and MISS May 2'11l}{ to Mr H S German of home, Saturday afternoon in a ,very " and Iibrar), for ,the dift'erent grades e 18 somew a e er a presen. Daughters. Wright. Carle\on Mich. ' The animal' was sick in Da.vton. for several weeks. is acceptable manner. . able to be home again. The afternoon was devoted to ' a musical program. The roll call H.Bi;nt:Tw· M Cyde BUYS PRO·P-ER-T'Y IN 5T CHURCH r Mrs. C~as. }.j!cholso!' and daugh- was responded toby the, names of of better achool buildings and of la 20'" 191~nc as n • "'h~nH ' ~. • . ing Park this coming season. modtirn eonv,eniencea. in the way of uary, , a ~, ng la. • .. • ter. of MllwalJkle, WIS.,. have been famoul! musical a vIsiting Mr. and Mrs: Lafe Nicholson. .


One of the flmniest local talent en,tertainments seen in this vicinity in many a day I ~ sc heduled to be presented by the ladiea of the Christian church at the School Auditorium, Friday night, February 12. I t i ~ calle.1 .. Down in A Illbam" and rep· resents the scenes of early days of Southp.rn Plantation life brought up to date. The entertainment. is furnished under the managem ent of the Produci ng Department of the Eldridge Enter ta inment House. Franklin, Ohio. (Same manager as the" ingin Sku Ie," ) and under the direction of Geo. O. Pa rk e r one of the very be; t conductors who will attend to all the coaching and play one of th~ leading comedy parts .





1-TEiNALiENTiiI . -- - - - --

- ----






ca~l~ ~b:~~~::~ ~~~mthneeb~nefit


. secured. ' ' , 13. 'It help\! 'to solve a difficult , problem fo~ the Boards of Education where the .enumeration in several subdistricts is excl!C'dinJilv small and new buildi~gil are needed. U . It secllrea the. employmer.t and retention of better teachers 15. It adds the stimulating m·

h· ~ndlW~IS.

, AU Overcoats at cost at Miss Ruth Harts<ick was on the program at the Centerville' Institute last week. Her numbers were well received. .









. Perry' Welle r, of near Bellbrook, Septullgesima Sunday, January 81. who is connected with the Spring Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., MornThe grip victims here are all reo: Valley ' Mercantile Co .. bas bought ing Pruyer !iT.d Sermon at 10:30. took place Wednesday evening. at 4 covering slowly, A great many of Mrs, Sarah Fuoclerbu rgh's properly No evening Iler vice. The public is o'clock afthe EpiBco~al Rectory, the t 1em will be out as BOon as nice on BellJ>rook Ave cor-i ially invit~d to these lIer vices. w~atber lIets in . J~rF~g~~!:lIa~e~r ormed by Kev. The bride was beautifully attired ftueneeof larger cla8.~es with result· ' . iI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing enthusiitsm ~nri gtmcrous rivalry M~damesWalter McClure, Charles in iVOT)' crepe de chine ' over lace. 16 It affords a broader com pan RYe. F. C. Carey and the Misses A reception followed at the bride's ions'llp and 'cullure that CllmeA from Pearl Ca,l'ey ' and Mary' Salisbury home. only immediate relatives being a89orilltion ,." . . were J}Qyton visitors .Thursday. present) after which they left for , . 17: It serves to bring the citiztln> . " . their boautlful count ry home. . of.l,he township ,.into 'closer rtllaliOl;- Rev and 'M~ ' G . E. Gowdy were ------~.- -----s!'iip Ilnd·tll aWllken a dee'p interest In t.:n'dered II rec'lJ)tion at their'home ,~lio!publicac?t'01!·,.}2IeOhi\')TeaChe r in · lRb.non last Tuesday evening. l'hpy Idt for Florida where the v PROHIBITION MEETING HAD A: N~ROW ' ESCAPE .IN AUTO : wlll remain for,about ~[ee months








;Eviaencea , '

I .








the Spring Time And of the 'Blue Bird'.• .Song

The guests were Lucil~ . Wallace of Xenia, Olive M~Collum, . Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ruth Hart30ck and Jeanette Janney" Eulll'S, of Lebanon, died in L')s • _ • All Overcoats ~t cost at

St~e::s~~r~~~Ea~ar~!P t,~~tn~y ~~~'1hf:~t·p\:~.week,


, [) ... 11'. C," 6dll m~ IInll daullhtPl .M~ J08, Heston of Delphos,Ohio. MiI,lred. of lJliltoll. t" rlller iv (.f Ilib is ~he gue.t of her sioJter , Mn. Hllr plal~ I, had II nal'row (Ml:OPfI frolll .rie t B FurnaS. nnd Is also .v lsiting · aqrl(l1lt1 inju ry or clea,th when' I I.e her fbther. ~lihu Underwood an!i aUti'mut)i1t! in wilie'/! th'ey ~wc rt! rliji .,~, her brother.. Dani~1 ,Underwood and ',.' , • lcid.l ..d anti went mJo t.he dilch. · I families.



Mt E.


The tint





of Warren

~~~~t~r~mM:o~raG~:n~o:, J~~6 &1f~

urday, January 30th.

If yOU have a farm or town property to sell. I have the buyers. The first shipment of livestock out A. A McNeil. Centerville, Ohio. of Greene County since the quarBoth Phones, f17 antine was issu.ed. was made by Mullen Bros. Saturday . lD'orning, Mr. and Mrs, Avery Needles. of when t hey Bhipped two car loads of Denver, Col • arrived here Monday hogs to Dayton. 'They mlldfl affidavit , evening fron. Cincinnati, and spent however, that the hogs hall b~Jl Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Har~y purchased outside of the quaran~ae Murray and other friends . The districts. ' ' . .' f Needles are looking well, and as i~ Ther~ have been no new: cases ,?f has been nineteen years since they lthe . hQof and mou~h. iilsease In left Waynesville, they say there have Greene Coun~, ~nd It Is •. p~bable , been many changes in the people and that the quarantme -for thIS cJ)Btrict , the town will be lifted before many" d~R. . ' " ___ . , •

. k'm t h e socIa . I S. A Probst wlllspea rooms of the. M. E . church i"riday evening, January :!IUh. at 7:30, on State· Wide Prohibition. He . will bring with him the famous Edwards Sisters, who sang here durinJ( the campaign last fall. Thi?8C Wel.h Singers are known all over the Btat~. and their singing is well worth while. ' -. . _" , Come out and hear Mr. Propst and The first meetin, of the Wayne I and th~ Vlce.Pres~del!t EdwID·CbjQ. " the Welsh ' Singers . . lnvi~ all of TownRhip Farmers Club for the Idler fillmg ~he ch8lr, In the abeaDee : your neig hbors and friends_ new ,year of It15 was held on Janu- of the' presl$ient, Mr. Georee Riley. I .-.. aryHthatthepleaaanthomeofMr. Mrs.S.L. raveanjq. I and M... C. T, HawJ(e, A feeling of terestjng and inAltl'tll!tiivA


Even here In the midst of Winter'lI be 'no I_ck of players in this section, clinlrinr 'cold thfl1',8 seems ' to iJe flvi· and ' by !!Ome hliM . practice there deneee of. the blue bird coming l'Jor~lt. to be,a teaIn started here that Alr_dy the ' mapatee of the bill be the beat in the coun4'. ·_ balliearaee ~re swapping playh88 betn eome .trenuoul ; FIRST THROUGH en a~ Ire":in. read, tp take their start county league In teams \f) warmer ellmee to .begtn t n e n o t h l n r ~ ever BOUGHT -r!Y ,prlnr .lInctlce that tends to to make it a 1Il:;;;;;;:;~~~~~=====:PV""" " · harden the pl~yer for the HaIIon'. There Is talk at " . TICKE work. ' " .;' a Saturd., alter- "A8T TlUVlIPRAL ARCH ' AT TO WOlUJ)'S GREATEST EXl'OBl- , There' hu been little talk about fOalr t_me 'tID., THE PAlVAKA-PACmO IlIT>DlI1'A'tIOll1'AL EXP..p/IlTlOB. I local tIilm ' for the . there Will have to lAB JJLUtCISCO, 1811. . year .... a bara tiroullht to .Victor -lA?er, Lebanon, boupt tbt bilr attemDt to AJ't1l1tf the lIenmR Sun lathe WPlil entrance to tile 'court or uae tlldthe first t ·cket from Leoanon to at the at tile PanAwa,r.rllI" fnt.rnatloplll BK]I08lUOD. I5Drm~ntIDl tb. neb Columbaa that that compall)' hu of ltAtua.., "'111& Natsou of tbe III .l be IIII4dle ever aold. Be was naturall, quite . dra 111'11 osea III tbIa .. tile proucl at the dlstinetloD. .,. two C!II1Io




lllidnesli .,ervaded this gathering· as it was the first meeting since the death of an es~emed member of the e .Biley. A club. Geore orial ' Mrs. aervice was held


tbe events a·length ofof discullllion ,?f cholera, whl~cionitinilltd Silver. and

ft ...t part of the members. ''''I!I~[IIiII~_ and mllD7 of the Mills Ruth EJar~ .. tlfal to the cbaracb, several terof tbia noble woman. - . She will be but thellenial smile. Gi~~~~~::::' the cordlal band'lJruP. the willing. . . to be of e8rvace rehlain to us III .Ot......;

sadly mlaJed,



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'l' ho w i ll Or Hart let WooQ, de h i "''1'' 1,' ,., 'r' ,.". t "1.1' ,'age" . lIoCi sml '" II d lllltted to probato. ",\ It ur-artl lw IlIlrml. ~tI, Yo u' lI I n t h o tU tt f ' of I,be e8111t~ of k UlIw lOW ,t(J OQ IUO him H ho b comos Jillun y J I:l uu o ~t.llo "o!lHed . AII'o.rt Jj ",u", E nl"'r " 11:1. 18 tlJ>puln t ll I udlllluis. J II tid, II uh.,)·tc1 tr d,o". '\jund $200. burIal! O ul,tor 'I'''I ~ ,."ft·' "" \9 Ilot r, mnvll bl" ?ne. rnnrh. J M O lY aud Wllllflm T' "II<I 1.,,,1 I' "II I'll) lIII11 0rtll·'llh. fho U,,!t'mlln I1re nppo ln t d Ul)pral"flr~ , 1"11 \ ~ tl (lk-Uotl' ing Wl\A not nu. ll orl. In 11 lt Ofi' tut o o f Alm eda Uail], da .. Th,' I' I,ll. m nrrh'~ d nl III" 1.111111;110- C!'II fld. lnv enLory "nel I!.pprlllS~ In\,.. t'fI\" ll'rn\l~ly thn'llt('nill~ tho nor, b l uot () f 8uid ostate Is Hled I


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I.,,"I. ",\',I!I "' II ~ '" 1(1111.,,1," 1 :'lVII'" I."" IlInn wllo Wos I)ollnd to win onc\ wOllld N nt! Cf) IA. glV Il I~ Ila pn s ~ • . , C H'APT'F.R JTT-t'h/! ,., 1l r' 'II ,'" I, ';n.'· th'.\' '",11 0,11 1 Y"" 'h.' 1··.. rl lll"'I ••. III thl' I ll,I,I,m'l \t' rry;,hllul be Ilhl'ro l to th uq" wh o SlOOlI b}' bl m WI~ l c h !l rf! t1Iltlnl nr nlecl elMewhn re In t nl c:t thf\ Ith" IIlUhl U, jill I t1\1 ~ 1 ~~ Il f) will bl~ fur h(\"r,n~ OIl th " j ).1" "" tollrr\' ~h III' Il ""hW ",dr~ " \,ollr frllll. 'r II.," "lI·... ', 111111 \·hnt'd durl lll; th .. atru gg l!'. (J h "'tllt b nn~t". If fit" Jr'l Whal· n " ScilTC'h ." r"lIooter! nrll o . eighlh dll~' r F e \)rll.ry Ill IG I "Wh.,t .11.1 1"1. Inklr >I " ",''' wl,lp - ; " ... ,.-h (p r Ah"" ',1 an.1 111" b p armi[l 11 (I) r uto, )"'" ' I IIrllcl' liP h •• In!'".d hlR tJUrlloo"' .(f1lrl~" wor lrl 11K. n,,,1 h·" fa'"' "!Iu rT ho cll lHnlu !lnti hlij m Oil mn nboll t . Real Estate Traostera '" rl· a~ III flH~ up. nb(ll1t~ F' nrwllfll " bu t not. w1 l hou t 1\ ' r Ul.I n ~ys tem ot ".l nny ''''llIic''ful tllll1;w ; :lU l IIl' rTltf' c"r~lI: wh lLl lito] h" r ",, 1 h' r tnpan Illoro u ~hfl as. They <,xuOl IIi d lh Witllam Elme r Bllrmun to t h e CHAP'l'IllR ~h'I""'"1 "I, . ,..:J 11111," Il", r"ldr lI" 11. Th,·), till lie·. Y t h ,I' tilll1 '! Ll ~"" II1~d to l{lI!hlyn Iha Iollbatlts. !Ju t w re bnnlfl d th roo ow- Cl " ,' o 1'.rtlAt uf ' -b~ o oi.1 o"o!li~ti " rt ell bet' f rom V-TM OUt E;l .... n\,' , I.,'r "I. t k nwny. aepatu(ru1l' II .. r"'I" lI,u," ,I • d Ilurry!" hnll r~ pll"K,,,1 b,·fn r,.. Bru-,' "r'"'' log to Ahmed'_!:! ror s ight. 'fhe y fl n· o f him s (l lf, Ln(llle B. Berry, Ublld ... "".t o f t Do part')'. T~" '1"''' '' '1 1"II\H ." J OUI lIf till' Cl l )' " ~Ulll , • t r d . the nnll y 'Iunrt re . looked un- B. t)I'cllilU , 1., ,,Uor .. tI. ()weu~. WH I. VI - She uLk eH r,·~",·.· 10, """",, .1 " .11,,1 I(an"l hnl'~ 111'11 ." "'"" ".'inw you IlIlI)' _Il up. \\ hu t II Lh .. dar U\O CUllVll1108 Into \.110 omll~ I"r l:IrilIl t b , [] er~ohlll 1. F ish er IIn rl ruinoil ' n I,· ,I,.,,!" ot a U ,,,mple. n an\l ahbutla,lula" t"T \ \.1, to tll'~'It" ; r·lU\ It , MUI'I·u", ·t\ to b, 1I11(\. ' r Btrld I~u fl· .I1· ",,)rld lUll " yuu 1;0l OIl? II " G,"" II I hea ,·,'ns. k tf II ('ag S ' h'O Ill cell a r to roor In Ih blillga' i J I W,.. rlJn W ood . a 'ro ot" In olndin j! 1111\(" tout tl'" v""II~r~. clur' l{l nrg"S8, f;rRS" ! You poo r glr e tou 0 . low. wh n SlIdd nly lb cILpta ln 1:I"rmon P"rk inl nt No 90 in 'thOHAPT .. find. In "f'r,' JIlI.k,'lII1S In th~ hll"n nr" ShorlrI hi s (' C'lI t IUHll hn'w It 1I0ru."I hor shOU I' ' 1 mlsuO(\ Ailio d. . Bllrou"h . Kin " !! Uounty , Ju " IeERODlVn-l:lh y tu t n.11 Inlo ' ,.h{~ nl'e'" I, 11 •• /1 \II ] ,... of Brno kl"n J al:ve ::'a.dQrL I I)' 111'0 )' c1i1l11' 11\1 to tW{l t'l1' jlh n,lls wit I d('r., lIu ll \1' 0" amrl h· ,1 .by l Ie cO ll tucl "W h ~r(l l!l Ibo ,-"olonel 81I hlb:R IIlnl1 ?'" Ne w Y ork .Boward J f1'o>r, M. "Oil I CRAPTJl)R Vlll-Klllhll'n I. "",".:h l h' h,,"lIahH TI\I'Y 'I\'~ r Ih.' b"I ~1 mnn· !It ho r wnrm fl c"h. I d .• h b e IIskl'd. Ilrusn'. u Iy. ' u .,~ ~o FrAnk. the pubUo mart In .1111"'1,,, "" I " .. 101 to lI~ r' d or II .. hll lf ,j"'\'1\ own.,( ur rru t· " I !l nnCl ( Lhnnk rou n war B, 8 I) "POIlsll,ly hn Is go lnff tb o rOll lHIs of Corll (1 ootlwln 104,!5I1orcsln'l"1I tie UmblllJ&, who, Ilnollng lli'r Q III \n.u.o- / .,01 I,,· ('llhl\l' I IIn r ... Illholl" ~"l s old. rl.tntl r. t he a ulmlll cag 's." Kul d Il ru ce, Oll t. oreek to w : ijhlp • GOO ~r;-'~~:.roW8 her Inlo lh dllo~L"'n ,oIlil n"lrl rt,'. Ittll"6 n'pu!l('d In lh.' 81.1., "non't P. hnw. It WIIS not hing. I wnrdly culm. hut shll kl ng wlUlln. U F "nd Ann .. Bblle Brown to . I . Bb"lIth~ 'l'hls W" U to IJl' tlO Iltih! ",I . would lI lIve gOllo-" li n stoppod ~m· '''I\ntl tlH1U. Ho.mnba l. IlIlwnre !" Wllllnm und Elizabeth 'Th om pson :...~~,!l~-SbO I. r ..c uod ,r",ol v ntu r '. Tlwre mllO;h t b.· 0 sl_ 1I \\'nl" ; ba rr n.sRotl ly. "Of whtu . '1IIl(nl n ?" coully. lot No . 33 III Houth Park Buhdivlslon "ivbeJi. at length th oy l'Unt. I" .•• fnrr I: " W 111" P{lrhu ps It wae roo upl!,) "Thou . has t l1I ed,\l"d; li nd medLe i I!. non, $1. houae of RllJDabal til y diu 11 ,,( " .·k Pundlln /Il1ug hl' r Ur lll" 1',"" I which l UlU II d lbe QU "ry; 1..' rbnlJ~ II dl rs burn lhel r nngerH." J ohn W . and Ednll Dompford 10 to enter the trout. but r h ~,. Ill,' • "",' J m:.tml. amI h on50 1,'(\ 11/ r . ' .'''' Willi s Oll1eth lng c\eeplIr. "1 11m IrulOCtlD t of a llY crlmo." snld 81lrvey Bilby part ot. lut N o. ~ In 1D the rear of the gW'c\ ' D . Thl.l UlloU U th"n It'd away l{l th .. I'u ll" " I" , \I Is ughed. " I wn " r.olll~ 1(, F.' RalDllbrll. " I a Dl watch d. 1 ~no w ; ~ u t 'pnl' g boro. $260. W1IA up and the go.rden· wnn "IIIIIIS~ ...~ "Romwll!' r." ltnulIIbn l ~,dol ul \I .n · t hat I woula have gon h ll., \III' c!, I' tll~r Is stil i Bomo"jus tlco 11.1 AlIl1ba. C hl!.f16ll A. RopklnB to Ellz\ beth llghlaa do;y. Ing. "~dh\:~VOd l.Iolh our !lvGS. Wo ot h alllo serve fOIL W ,'I\ UI: ut. Y,,4' Bully for you l so ld IIruc In Eng· L I:lnnt. lut No 10 In WillloUld tl ub ~Ramabftll" calle d Druco In Ii will. OWO 1\ . (a tlier 's bungn low III n minute or 80. IIs h. di, laioo to MllinevHle, 150. per. . "00. ~ny lurd j a.nd ml1 Y nil lho gods and t1l 11 tbe flnn l strOke. Umbnllll 'fb o Cll plllln eyed him mlliovolonlly. J b d Li I B' h to W !' . The dreaming man seatell Ut n la blo -ouY. t h,' Cllrlstl nn Ood- watcb over Is no t dopendnble, He mny or mil.)' " cnrcb the 'a nlmal cugos." 110 01" "ndl o~. ~~ ~01:~(,~6yISI:: No 7 io came out of hlB d~m with n Blurt. you.!" . not pa y II Vis it t.o tbe cell tonight. 1 d a red N C I bl .A. eervant ran to ·tho gnto. "For ward I" gro wled Abmed. Flnrt. cnn onl y prny thal he will como down Dr u'co, Rama bal. and Pund ltn fol, ~I~~~ey ·s uddl 'lon to ow a um I!.. "Wbo calla?" d mand d HalUab lu. though. be saw to It tbM the pulling the momout I arrive." 10'l"ed t bo captMn. 110 peor od I n t o ' . IUIplcfoU8 88 nll coDsplmto rs <,Yl' r nre. clulns were well "'rnppoo in cotton Out he waa ool to mee t TI tnballa the cages one by one nnd at lengtb John Bennett ot 1101. to Albert £1 . "It 18 I, Bruco," WWl tho reilly In blan~ets. The re mUHt be no Bound to t bnl night UDlbnl ln had won his ClLme to 'tile leo pard'·s cnge. And BeJiDet~ undivided four.fifths p~rt JllngI1Bh. f1m8tng .a slde bls burnoose. Warn others ot th eir a pproach. pOint In rogard to bavlng bls prisoners thero was tbe oratty Ahm d enlmly ot ~ho r eal QAtollte of 'htl estate of J , "Bruce &bIb? Ol>Onl" crletl IUlr " Ahmoo," began Drueo. . fl ogl!od : but, oriental thll t he WIlS . be 8~roklng Ibe leopard. "'hlch' 811nrled C. Bonnett whloh ilioludee 4 par Is mabat. "What do you here ? HavO . "Leave nIl tbhlgll to mo. 8ablb." In- wont abolJt the matter leis urnly. He , Budd nly. Ah rtll 6toOO up wUb a 10 Uce rfl Id townsbip 11 7011 foulld harT' 1errupt d Abmed, wbo IUIsumed IL ate liaR Bllppor, cha/lgec\ his cl,ut he", flne I'Inl tatlon ot t1lJr prls The cu.p. ()bllrltlll' I!I. lIud SUHtU) BmUb to Ramabal'e wife, Pundlt.n, cnme from 8trl\Jlge llu\Jlorlty at t jmes that oon- and do.Jlteil In the lieu ano ror au boo r, tnln greo.Uy mYstifled turnod abOut; J ohn B. l3aolrlnl\Qn pBrt of lot 1oI0. the bou_ She reod~lz d Bruce Im- tus(}d an d l,uzzl d I~ruce. Mit. II my, The rascol had mndo 0., tborough he ~t\S partl~lllx con~lneOd thnt bo 8 ~t Ollrlll.le atati on '1034.78. ~ meCUately. me D,sald b. a~d I a m ouo of the Ilngel'9 IItudy of UIO woro. "eusPtlns( ; " he hnd bnd his work lor nothing . . SUIl ·Wm. I:f. 81egfritlcl to Hllrrlson P. "rthe memaablhl .Have you round Of tile long urln ot the BrlUllh raj. And knew the OJIQulslte tort"r or milking be had hIs longuo. Willilltn:- lot" No. 13 and 14 In 1uJrt" th er are books In ' ulcutta In whloh OUll'S vIctim wo.Jt, For the ti me being "Thou. Ramabal. hast broken thy 81>rlugbo'r o. $500. "just a moment. Knthlyn Mcmsnhlb wy name Is written high. No morel" his plIsslon tor KAth lyn had subuldod. porolo. Tbou wert not to leave tby '1'. C. Welob ~o R ..y !lnd &manth .. ta III one ot tile pnlace dungeooEL Sho T1lrougb tho moon..1T011tod Jungle Bo dcslred above all things lus t tl lllO housa. It' s hnll b rellorted." Thon ho I:3wlger t lot No 65 III HIgbl8wn enb . mllBt be llberated tonJght. W e n ood the two elephants movoo silently. A revenge tor .t behumlllaUng e~Derl nce tOOK a sbot at Bru ce: "And Illou will. dlvl~ioD to Morrow. $GO money to brIbe what sentries aro dro\'e ot wild pigs 8ca mDersd acros8 In tho cell : he wanted to put paIn and n ter Ille elty on til pnlu at death." Enoob L • •Joues to O~ha E . Sams abOOt." 13ruce- went on to r elnte tho t he poth and the wlld TI1!8COck h lll800 terror Into Ilor heart. Ah. ehe wOll ld With thls b,c ordered tbo soldiers 102 46 aore In Union \ownshiv lDcS4ent at the bnboon. "ThIs provetl t ram Ille und"rbru8h slooplly . All ' 81- he on her \Ln os. begging. b gglng. nnd ri ght about and pTOCe dod th way he $5500. . A lbert Million to Ultlreuce N lan ce again. Sov rill times Abmed h er tntb er would struggl In vnt D nl b od corns. balted. strllln ing his eaM! . . It seemod h ln shackles. Spurned ; so be It. She I "Ah m d. wM re II' ah r' cried [truce. BIl rry hll12 trllcls iu W .. yne town - hip : 1. InCr6lll bl u to Urue that the enormous should hllve (l tast ot hla IUltO. Lbe , who WIUI lUI m ys t.lfl!ld us Lbo capLaln. beQaU1 could move 80 eoun dlessly . . It b h\ Qk man's hnte . SmUing. Ah med rats d one ot the W • BudROD a nd w Ife to Ernest was u part ot lhel r bus ines s; thoy And al wllYB Ill ure would reronln tho br Ol,d ten k bllru ds, ulld Ille golden Zl lo~e; lot No 81 in -Mnpltl Park were hu nten of their klud. little dark-hnlred BIBler. Sbe would heall or Kalbl}1O ,"ppeoTod. s ubdivisi on t o Klugs MIll 8 f,70. , At le ngth they camo out Into the marry him: she would do It to_ sav " Ahmed." jmltt Bru ce. dell gbtod. J H d E V a odel'vonrt extr" . open I\t tbe rear or the prison !lUifBTiiler. -Then lie 011· "herenft er you sball bo cblo.~ at this to Eru~ae~t E: 84>VIIU '13 , a~res in Flere Rsmaba l got down ooll went In greo bask t \:looped with rubleJl ned eXL:edllfon, N w. whnt n xt ? . M88~ie Town s hi p . 111)04". 07 s earch ot any' sentrIes . He returned penrls and emeral ds lind sapphires ! . S curo 1I10e and return for my Olllir B K I . ' I t Charles nlmost at once with tho good newa As for the other whllt cared he It ter." .1. ,Mo en z 0 e." 0 that there WIUI none. h e rottedt It gav~ hIm t be wh ip hoed " Wul t." . Inter posod Kllthlyn. emor~ Bnd Ollie Dodd ]l$ norles i ll Clinton The marble walle shlmIl\ered Ilke over the doddering ou ncll . Master lng. "J hnvo a plan. It w ill bo USIr Ilnd Warrell couoties 1. . clusters ot dull opals, Wllnt mleory he would be ; he would blol out all 1098 to relurn tonight. He will be too Oharle8 Dodd aud wife to Ro~r~ bad been kno"' n bohlnd their crum· things which s tood In his pa th. A kin g. 'well gua rd d. Are you brove. Puu, au d B . M. B inkiull 12 ..oreB in Clin blln~ bea.ut y! till h o had gathe r d wb nl fortun e h e dltn?·' . t\1n "nd Wa rren oouo,le8, $1. Ahm .f mllrlted the tree aDd raleed n edtld. Thet~ let th jackals howl. ," 1 wo uld di e tor the momsahlb." !" .C' W elch t~ W"Uer AIl180n loS Accompnn l d by toreb bcnrere. s r v· " And I. t oo," IIdd d .nnmaba!. N o. 6:3 iu B lgb lliwo lIubdlvi~luo to hfe bond DB n sig n. "Bru e Bablbl" he called. ants. and the proress hionl fl ogg~r. be . Ahm II ond I1ruc e gazod Ol each Morrow. 140. . , "Yes., Ahm d. I'll risk It first." l oti Ule woy to tho oell li nd filin g open othe~. r . ::. Welob to Edwin Allison lot Druce moved Ule elellhaot to the tbe door trllllnpho nlly. Fllr a mo men t "Wba t ' lB' your pla n. ' memsnblb f' No. 58 io HIghlllwn sobdivlslon to bnrred wind ow. HIs beor t boat wil dl y. ho cou ld not holle" " his oyus. Sbe an d be ll)lll g l<athlyn ou t of tbe cage, Morrow, $40. . He I !lOed down fro ro his hOWdah nod wae gone. on d thruugh yonder wlu. t ile door at which he closed QuICkly, strove to p er wit hin. 'low! He ll at nil bells of H ind i She !lS tit loopard was ovluclng n temper Common Pleas Court "Kotbl yn Hare ?" he whJsp ered. W IlS I(on . a nd be was rob bed! I nt n il t his nocturnnl disturbance. New Suits. ",Yho Is It?" "Out of you r reach lhls time. you " It Is a trap ror UUlbllJl:l." iliacI< devil !" cried th e colono\. "0 0 " U., IS as , 1'0-, nf! tho cubrn ana C b ll rles E . Mit ton Bnd Frank "E rucs." "Fatll er. · tath erl" Hruce be nrd ber a u. 0 0 wbot you plenso with me. I'm , BU!I)lllllnlls lIS th e Jnclto.l." Bald A~I[IJ"u. 1 Walkins VB. W . King, moooy. cry ; ''th yo .have round us!" rel1dy." I <l ou hUll II y . amollut olaimed, 1775 and interest. . Ahm ed hetird th o cnlJ; and h o slghod mbulla rnn to Iho labn.ret ond "UM60n forlbl d8 that we retllm B arr y Osb ro va. 'he C. l... & N. t\Il one who hlld AlI n.h to thBJ1k . To- jump d upon It. He B"W the tram· II lgh t. 1 !lIl/nll n will wa lt. , RI~l\ rOl':d' 1)0 I m oney only. Amoopt getherl 0 0(1 wns grea t and l\Iahorn ot pled graf\s. Elollhanl8. And tll 08e 111 0 .. JAsten. P undlto, you Rball r lalm lld 13uOO. was h is proph t. doub tl es s hnd coma from the colonel's I turn 10 the cRty. Two Ulen ~III aoN. J . ' Glt-ziol!er VI! Ennia ond "Ueta)1," said nruco. "We Bhall cn mp. H jllmped ott tbe tnbnret o.nd ) CO IU )lIIny you to the gate. You wll\ '1.'1111" Donnllll, money I!.od replevin. h ook ehlllr'l8 to Ih,) bOI's nnrl Ilull th em dRRh d to the dOor. ntor ·nJon In lho arl~ mornin g." Aplleal oe r tlfllld b.Y .1 o14tloe aooouot out. without nol.Ro If POR8Ible.. 1'ho " ",ollow mil t''' he crtCd. "l,ater, PundUu drew cloe to her uppralsemen& I;llooeds $300. m0 1U ~n t th ey gl vo Have .You olon DI lJnre. lat er!" he (h reatened. t' VOIi will .s,eek Umbolla somelhln !! to sla nd on ' " The colonol r emnln ed sllout. trnllQr. You will pr lend to Marriage LlcenllCl " Yes. n tnboret." p above, In the pn)n e , UmballB mo." " No no. memsahlbl" " TII (1t will ser ve. You stand on It Bummoned a doz en troopers ond guve Ed ward '1.'. Courtney, far~Ar to nnd I'll pull you up Bnd th rough. th elll xpUclt orders. He wae Quite "Ll ~ten . Yau w ill (! mnnd to Ad~ ~hrle Stoaes. bo ~h of WI!.VThen your roth r." coulldent UlIlt Kathlyn 'Xol1ld be caJ"o 111m alone. You will SIlY t hat you neavllle . Rueue Kathlyn. "Fa III or IB In ch a ins." rlod at once to hor fnther's bungalow. Walter E . Bo.l.ley, farmer t.) Ger. " AllO'lcd. he Is III cha ins. 'Vbat In U only tor a change of clolbes. It was trode Smith, botb of Uregonia, tha, tile note was wrltton not more God's name s hllll we do ?" a eh r ewd guess. . Rev . Alfred J . Walker. thaD· thnie houJ'B ngo. Bh p probnlJly "H ctllrll for me IIlte r," sald Rore. As the Iron door elange d upon the Thomas 1i'. Tr~cy, pllpermaker to ' will tie held-there tIIl' ·mornl ng. T his "Don' bOlller (, b u t me . Oe t Kit awrlY. elll Colonel ' Bllre leRnod IIgalnst tbe 10" M. W"ntz, both of Fraol-Uo. 6me we1J Jlla e ber fnr b ~Yflll d th o an d Qulcl[ly, Illbnlla may return plllllr nnd closed his eyos. proylng si&'litber Nlobolall I:!ohneider. ieaob of Umbn.ilo." . a l auy. moment. '1'0 work. to work, Icnlly. . "lDIther my money or my lIfll. In a Tll'uC(), un" God b l()s~ you!" At tho bllngo.Jow Pundlln tell nt Commlsslonert' Proceedl nits mcmtJ;l, from now ', . . ,,, Tb oy now to th o ta slL Round tlte KlI.lhlyn·B feel Dond kissed th em. "Wbatr' asked Ahmcd. hookH Abmed ba d wrllpped cloths to , "M eOlsahlbl" sbe cried brokenly. \:Aeoeral oontrltot was made witli r ~ I must not t ell." Pundl La s tole wa rd ngnl u8t t h e cb lil k at metal " Pundlta!" KuthJyn 'steoped and B. We bb f or III bor a nil '''lUllB, clo~~ to Ramnblll. ' against molal. Tho bOOKS were deftly gath en ,d her up In ber arme. Tllx rem lU . r WOI! allowed Uh .. rle8 'Ahmed emUell. . engaged. Dru ce gl""o th e signal and Artor tlHlt Ramaba l would bovo died E. Eu.ton. 'Wile have elephants but Il little way Ille ele phants etarted forward . Tlle for h er under I\ny tortllro. }' Ids for . Costello dItch were reo oatalde the ' city. W e b a vo pulling Imlos gr w taut. So Jar there wao " Now. Ahmed, wbllt ' did roy rather ! ceived this' d"y. Chalo.. . Let os be ott at on co. It 1ft bllt UtU o noise .. The leplulnts leaned m nn when he sold 'curso or no not lieoell8&ry to enter the olt y. fo r this Ilgal cst the chillns ; the btlrs' beet IIl1d curijo?' '' BII18 A llowed :-W. Ii Staonge ~~ wi~dow . Ahmed 8aYe. 18 on 'th e OU I- ' sprung Buddellly irom their lIoclent ()o SUlmlles for Auditor $ 5 "'0; Day. " It's 1\ long story. memsllhlb," IInld .Ide. :We oa.n eaBjJy approach lhe wall sockets. too' FIll', Envelope I!.od tltft,iontry. .\hmo(1 eVllBlvely. In a l'Oimdaboiit way without b" ll1 g Uo., 8Upp,Ut111 fnr Auditor ' 11.26; Th ~ Kll.thl yn was tr o! "Tcll It." aeeo. Have iou mooey't" . 8 . Fted Uo, ~uppltes f •. r prhlotJel. "It wile In a tomplo In tho south. From hll I)elt RamnhM prollllc(jd $4 .'~6 ; If F. B~neoke' &, !:!un. oemeot, CHAPTER X. Th O. Colonol . Sabl~ took a anp\)hlre $6:1. 16; Dl!.n P . Bone. OOl!ts 10 Leb. aome ' ,old. , , '. , from an Idol'a eyo. The guru. a v ry anon 1Sotioll&1 Btln~ ve. WarreD "That will be sumclent To you, The E.cape. '. wlso lind ancient priest. demanded the Goun" $39.99; Uhio Corrng.. Wd. tIleo, tbe brlb10" Tho mQll, sh ould Kntlllyn flung . h reelt Intohor fo,. TQturn ot It.. The Colonel 8nhlb. baVulve" Uu,. pipe 11776 j Trusteell 'thlll"e be IUIY. will hark to ),o,u. omo!" t her's arms. Ing u young man. r efu sed. Tile guru CODcluded )3Tuee, Lmpatl nt to b oIY. " Dad dad I To I('n"e you alonel " cursed him. That la nil." "ADd U" tlm1dly IUIked Pundltil. "Kit: you are wlIsUng Urno. Be art. ;·No. Ahmed : _tb ere roust bo more. j nlolis or me:lo·yoo will tell blm lhat . "You will Beek Hare Sahlb's camp." Trus t tllO : I W(Uln't meant to die In Did ' not till> gu ru cumo my ruth or's ' you nre r undy to lead him to my hldlnll Try This for Neuralgia &aId R&m&baL "'Phil f8 a good oppor- his dog's k lI1\e l. cursll or no cur80. chlldr n and ' thei r chlldren's ch U- pluce." tunity to get. you aWAy .also.'· IU~ s me a lld gO! " . dr n 1" . . " No. Hiss KnUllyn4 tbat wiU not do ·rhQu~lInda of pflople keep on 1I11t. Ahmed nodded , avprovtn gly. "CUrse ? What tlo you mean. to,. "Ah. memsahlb. whn.t dooa tbe cume , o.t nil ,''' d elured Bruce emphatically. lering 'Wltll N euralgia bo""llIie Punc'IJta Idued her husbllnd ; for th er?" of a Hindu amount toV" To this Ahmed a~eed with a shake . not know what $0 do th_ two lovad each olller. a clrcum"Ahmsd will tell you. In Ood:s "Perhnps it Is stronger thou we of Ul e hend. N e nrlligia i· a pain to the go. ltaoce ~mo.t onlUlown 'In lhls dark, Dnmc, . d ' • h" "I t 1\ " b" said Kathlyn "You W has yon ·W .. II' to do 18 '" ch Ud I" know." glnnclng own a . er uross. .e rna I~'; , . tho Derve Itself. Appl:v Sloan m,rat.t~)UII lad at many Bods . ··Come. MIS$ Knlblyn," Bruce called Further dlscusBlon WDB 'Interrupted wlil toll h im. Pundlta, that be mUll Lloh' eut &0 the lurfltOS over 'be "=~atIlta. 70U will remain at Ib camp by one ot tile armed keepers. wbo nomll a lone. He wlll promise, b!lt by I f I ' t d ' r o b 1& ID. an)(IOu9Iy. , to receln u e. At dawn Katbl)'o th en cllrobed up to Ille win· cllJDe rueh lng up with the new a thl!.t, 80mb .~Ign or other lIe wlU slcnlty to :o~o~ l'i~~I1~ ::De,ntee Yel'J for the 't rontt lU'. And dow. and Bruce lifted her Into his armed Boldlers were ILPproa.chlng. his 11\" 11 to fo llow. Well. the pard u okl to th.!!Ore Irri&a&ecl oetov8 It will be wIth mi ght 110wdah blddloll her to lie low. Flow Bruco swore fmnkly. This Umballa I mll.Y fo llow. 'PlIce Umbftlla ~te~ 10' ~nd Illra e tbe 10ftammattoD. Od Umbal\a shalt dlu the alrong 'he was. alse thougbt.: Ah. was BupBroatunlly keen, What to do elr! thl) bun !(r\1ow we will eelae 'aDd .. boUle yof SloaD '. rot a doc," Ramabal clinched hili omethl ng bad whl8por~ fO her dllY no,,' 7 bind III In. fi la life w Ul, depend IlPOO centl or 110 by d3Y that bt' would colne wben ~be "Qulck!" crIed Ahmed. "Get tbe hIe writing to the CauDell to 'he DOIW1_"IlI:Ulty" ."'UJ~'''', nCt'ded him, Suddenly ehe felt her howdaha olr the e1epballta." It wal liberate my If he rero.,.. til. ,~S!I"M.a. cbeelut po\'\' hot wtth shaUle. done. "Hobble them." It wu Imm&- lcol>lU'lt." -snual1fd her bare lees lIDeIer liar dlatel, accompllllhe4. tile "The 18Q_~




t'nlh'l' CUIIlP If Uurgn Hunis . V d d Ed . t " .\1:\1 ",1 ' I \ I tt A: IH.W I ,,1\ .... 1 it II ~ il'(. W,lf' !lot prm1ul't.ld !Ol'tliwit h . ..JOUt C~ H un rV Dortl,n \v n ,..'1' 'II" JIll ::,': 11',ntl ' It . hut "You are rnla:tnk(lD," fu1 d nru c e, \ H.l.H h;.rVol~()rt, as ex ftCtlt\rfl of tb.., I r "Th"rn I", 110 "Iav,) 11', ,r,' ROllrch." IVf\~\ WIll nndt ,I "tatl\ · ut of vJon'ltban ,I ~IH'h or J 1 .. h,II.T Jdld 'hr· n\!UI' " • ~ UO"\( rY Ollr uluintltJs John hI , tilt 1\ \ I\t 11 .... 11\', r p\ .. r I r I h~u \ UU 0 lltuod 1n ,.xt rl'IllO daog r. an· \r t\ nd t' r\' po r t a t 01 defeQd .. uu~ \\/1" "" ,It;.· I' -li., .11\1\ "r lit nl)'''\.. h lb. ~ ou 11a" I' ml'~.'Il"'1 wl\.l1 "hn t " .. 10 nf TRill f.~tllte' is tlPp roved h':Lrol hlll1 ,,1\'" Il l• .. r."'r~, Il'w 11 ')'8 not one rn )·O\). r 1,1I t'd t he cnp· 1> 1~ I,rl bl1 li ou 04' prulleo,ls, t1llo.Jfdln~ " \\. hwl;l 11


. ,,"11'


t onn ltd by Lbe- prtHi tlUI'," hal u mnarrJru\' Sh" t tt"" t o thInk It 0"".

1,(\ 4

Il1'.""<.:1 Jlu \!Itll I H,H;, f:'~ Trial ... \\\tl '1 fit'!' ~I I hl:~rl hu . . I,ln)!;. n



n iU 1.1,r#'m. 0 ~ lon e lf nfUnl't} lt~· t hI'



!l. 11 . !o <I It, r "'"~ 1:1 1 111.1lt) ir o,t ." ;t·~I' ~\ , • . , 1'11'" .. b,·,1


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11",.1 vn [I) th I.llI t ' n'"" ',lin '.· .. 1 II I pllc' It




I( \.

~ 11

,1 I.l "'PIl

.JtD M.\C G A. T







_ ...


We have just received a carload of good Locust I~ence Posts,

$2.25 per 100 feet



The finest :car of Chestnut Posts Ever Brought to • Just in . Town IS
















iii;=;~;;~l~!;· a.i~~&stla1ll.,...,JllCllDIIl.-.~t.~lIb.iID.'.~lWl~$III"~' ::0':' aU 4d)'aIL

billl- j

IIflllleb'lI, t.olloW I

Walter McClure

I1obllo Aftalrs IIgbS tor C, B, j~1l clOd annex 143 3 ; Fran·1I Sherw()orl 0, p !\inr. Clnd. oU, 25 j Qiirrat.t Punera' Director Broe , ijllPl>ltes tor Sohh~r!l' R Ilet Oom .. $8.26; J.,eblto on, loe & .00,,1 Telephonll rIllY ('f "11,'111 00 .• OOn I ror lJ. B., $30.16; BoV. sIn . Y I~)) IIY p hotl " N ', I ~ ' tlR dustrllli Bohooll. clu,bing eto. fo r Dh.Ntncp N I' R9-2r .. Imuotes $106,67 j Justiu W . B"relil1 rlerendluj(iudlgent pris oner. Willinm JftOkson '60; John.-I J o ne~. pAint Automoolle Service at all Time. •lOd labor U. B .. '17)l0; .1. M. Molfora, "tamp;! for Aud itor 16. ~ VNESVJLLE, OHIO


Bilioulne~ and



Branch Office. norvefebunr, 0

Constipation Cured

I I .Vou I!.f tlnVe r troubled with ll1lI(1U Del:' or eonstlp'It,loo YOIl will I 'e Inter!! ted In the IIt1ltem e ot of RI Jj' ~ rWln, Puru, III I. "A yt. llr ago I'~ ~ wi nt er 1 b~ d an .. tHlok of illctlges VeterinarY tion follow ed by IJlliuoHn e@I< aod coo~tl p9 tion . Reaing Cb~mberlalo's 0 d t f Oh 'o l )niv4''''' ' 'i'B blett! 8 0 b'g hly r eoom mended, I ra ua e o . " n bougbt a boUle uf tbem and $hey helped me r ig ht awny." Fo r ~Il le Office at residence In F. Ii Shuby all del!.lere . . wood's hOllse. Fourth Street.

Dr. J. A. Mc;(.;oy, "'ft'


Leu In th" Dark. Fining a IIrlsouor only U O tor idSI!Ing a woman asalnst h er will at Lu· cerne, ' th e judge so.Jd It was worth no more, as Uie kl8s WI.II deli vered In th~ dark.

Telephpn,. 28


_ A"

-''-,-- _.




Optl'!'l st . When Y(lll haud a lemon to an optimist he w\ll.cJlg up IS little sugar and a little somethlng else arid a little bot waler and make hlmselt comfortable. L.clnclnnntl Enquirer. ___ _ 0 _ ••_ _ __




Fu ..y Woman.


WEEnY. $4.00 PER YU:I

"OTIII••, , DRUOCIITI.. • ...CIALI."., . A fu SBY Atc.hls"on woman retu.m ed a: . COSTUM.,U. TRAN8F'.R. CAB bag at salt to her grocer with the ",,,,D ·.UI IEItVICR OAN ' compllli nt thJlt Its "flavor" wuan't av UIINC ITa "'DVIRTIIINQ COa.UMNa


Bood.- Knn8aB City Star.



.._ yo...... ..,..


.. Ola.sBiBsd· A~B . ., .





.•• DBNTIST•••

or plaoo to work by the A farm, day . Mlirried maD. wltb fllw. Ii

Ily. Oood tobaooo I!.t thlll offioe .


, W.,.....lIJe. 0

Inquiro U

W Aoted-To Fore,

tiny yonr Sldell. eto Blllhest Mllr. ke' prioe pllid. 8e" A . A. Hise:\" Wtlyneevllle, Ohio At home every r3aturday ufternoon.

D R~· ~. E ~ HATH A:W A 'Y



\le"rille'~ LetUtl~j7 DaD"'"

ht1\on 'In .KeY's BIlla:

t.t"ln K




H. Madden' & Co.

8 IllED-I have aome 1\ tIe C...uVER rod olov&r lIeed for s"le . Ctilloo , W,C .. Pblllips ." ,

flO ~




: t<I'!i~ I

'Jersey Cow, wltb 'alr by her ' _ide, A Nu 1. For furtber in formlStloo 0,,11 on W. l-I. qrabHm, R D. 5, Wayne8VilIe. Obio . , f8 I


lady wlln's light etnuloyment iD good family Fo· rfu~tber In'f ormation addrellll Gaze,te Olhoe. , WnneevUle. Ohio.

c. R I . Red. ..1.. 0 R.,(), RbQde fbland Wbll,ell, lIuitahl6 for. ( .. rmertl, bJ'fl.. derl< & t!lt hibl&ore, $qlO op U• .V. Uarllt'l ....... j~7 WaYD88vUle ~bto. ("()cllrJllII~EL8-R.


OLT- A Clay Buroe Colt for lillie. , A good oue. I quire, .If J B. ti'l'Onu, W.yn81Vlllo. Ohio , Hom"


ACRKtt of well , impr'Joved 87 propel '" 010Ml &I' Ueotervllle.

4 bargato. io order '0010e8 eetate nVrl• • •rol"•• C:"~~~::!!~1

~ A. A.

MoNell, CJeotervUIe, Obto. ' 117

8o&h phD"'"









1\1 I A ~11 - G Z _E'T 1~ ~ r~-· --------+-~---

l' H E

BEECH GROVE '. n,.ob ,oj.. 'h'. w'"k,obo"

' ',',~ : ~,~~,~:':,:::~.~:;.~~~:~ ,~;:;, . ~.,y!~!~o~: , ~ :,!~~~:!';.n. ...,,' I .THE .N E IG H B 0 RHO 00 N _ 1 ~U81~ ell,,), ..... ..... ..... ......... os ' ,

i ~l~:~n~~~~n '

\' 'I. I, !,\'






NO. 11 3 ,

Ed ' t d M I O L C lor an enagt'r . • , ran e,

L- ..

As Written by Our COI' P.S of 'Able Corres;ponde.•Dt.S .in .th.e ••N.e_ ig_hb_ot.h.t>.O_d_ .

~ Rates of Adv ertising

1~~lN~11~~'umol~:Ct';lii il','u' ilnoo'"

l 'hree hUl6t~I"n•. .. ......... .

D",PI"YBI~~~~Ii,!:::"~~ni;,;cL: ' "

lie lIIo








_ _•



J Oe



_ _ . ______ •


J ANUARY 27, 1915.

tbn gTlpJ16 11 1'







------ ...

.. -..---








Sp r

asonabl e ates, Two Machines. e:fieldTire-s, T ... bes and Accessories. Valvoline O il and Creases. ' .

R,.\ Y F. MILLS .

~"'':'.'''''''.-'''''' '''''.

E. V.







InSURlIneE ·A. R. Chandler


.- .

Ovc; ' Postolfk-e,




-------..---- .. NEW .BURLINGTON



Office Phone 77 -






.- .

---_. _..---



...................... ""

'l'he Harvey Draa. n nd tl1etr wive uf nel>r Le.bI>DOD, pa8~ed t hronML bero on Sunday lu tbelr 'no w sleigh , e nroute to Har veysbur g' wbere tbey IIpent t~e dny with re IIl Uve~. 'h lAs . Hug ru YM tLud fumily ~'ere Ollt In their uow Slt'lg ll 0':1 ' IIturLll~y Phone 7 I - I t -2 COR WIN. OHIO IA ftor no ol1 , . A llen Kibl er and fam il y lu .)ved fr oUl t hei r hClLl1 IHu l ooun t ry hOtlle lit l:irtlen BI'hlr 1,0 HI Blr uew howe In Waynesvi lle. lhe CRS nnd, nR n ft 'RIIII, 111 Ilf tll!r l BA~NHART, M . M , 'l'ou y aLtended the Bnolmer of lho plnw henr nn unefJII11.1 IJllrd r H Salo DOO r Wllynesvill e on Tbtirsdll.Y, of lhe freight xpt'nsl', A glanco at Notary PubHc th e freigh t tnrllre abuudantly prol'I'8 Ollon, th~' i rllilng I . lifI Beoket, ot Spring HlIl, WOS this a ssertion. Ilt O regonill o n T o esu ay . agr ic ultural product c th Sou lh, al. A ll kinds of Nota ry Work, PeDslon John Humpke w as in D<1yton a l' udy bears ' the hi ' ill'st fr el!\ht ra l of I Work" !::lpeolulty .. ooople of dtl.ys lust week. any necessa ry Olllllltidll ), In com, . Mr , a n~ MrH, J.uclous F rn7.le r e n mcree, and th m lc ou ugr lc ullllrni tertllined on Sundav Cliff V"nborn products as n whole Is out or pr()ILOd wife, Geo. ' tIll'th Bud w lte and par tioll with thnt of ttl I)l'allll cls ' of II'mnk I:lhank lind fl1 III i1y . tho fnctory and Illt' mln p-. MisR -ROBtl. Elflgemoyor, of Mill orll, \Vo oll'cr 110 Bc hctl ul ~ ot rntrs. but is ~p F)d ln~ Bllve rnl (Illye wltll .b e r hapo lh o· commlss l(lll wil l ho nhl~ .to iJrt)l,ller () hall. Ilnd (firmly nt tbls gl vo th e rlLJlronfi Bucll till Itlcr"IL~f' In GIVEN QUIOIl RELIEF plaoo. raleB nB Is n ccesallr~' wllhout Il'I'r lllg Lon Brlinnon was suwlU'o ned to n fu rthe r toll UPOtl til Ilrotlucts of P ni n leaves almOl<t :IS if DY magic when SprJ ngfleld on Tuesday on acoount the plow. Tbe Ic slanco seeIDs to preyou begin using "5-ot the serlou8 Ilines . of his si8tor s ut an opportunIty to the finllroad D rop. ," the famousold ;~:~~!:s~~~~C~~I~~;/l~~ ~~~e;~\~~B:: r 'lI1ctty {or Rheum:lMi8R Lue Brannon, lism, Lumb.lg0, GOUI Wm Rloh t\nd U eo. W. D,LVI. of trelght without disturbing th o ralos 5 ' i:L tic.1, N eu ,r a.l gi i\ have b ou ght a fin e O. 1. C hng nt J, on slllpl e farDl prod uclA. and kindred t..oubk.... . W, We8tltlke, of MarY8v ille, Ohio. I t gO(.'S ri l:bt to Ihe Ed, ,I ell'ery nod Nate Gilbert sold What Ie a Fair Rate? pOL, stops the Bebes to I:>horo(\ & OreAne Illst week: 1-16 lUld p nios and makes We tlo not kn ow What cotlsll lul O~ a h ead of a prln g plg~ thllt Ilverag ed Ii 10 worlh living. Get 2 r. pouod". Mr, J elItl ry hud 72 bnRls for r ate 'mnklng an~ havo n v · r n bollio of "5-Drops" of any\>no who did cltllm to heRrtl loelay. A booklet witb huntland Mr. Wlbert 7~ h elld . much about It, but If tho proseRc h bottle gives full kuow Ed Mullen, of Dllyeon, was here dir ctlons for usc. lust week Ilud Jiut uew lights in the perlly of the forlll Is 11 fucto r to be , Don 't delay, Demand cotlslder ' d aod the railroad co tU III Is· M_ E ohuroh at Olive Brauc b. u5-Drops." Don't acslon conclud B tllat on IncreRs In • cept anytbing elso in Chlls. Hagemeyer and family and mtea 18 necessary, we would prefer plncoofil "'uTm.Mi ~s R O!\t\ Ho ge m eyer, of Milt lrd . that It com e to us through artlcies of ' too k ad vantsgo o f t-ha fln e sleighing 'consumptl on on their jour cc y froID ' ••• caD ,uppt,. you. If you live 100 far from 1\ drug storo send One Dollar 10 weather and spent· 'rnesduy with the factory to lho fn rm. We would, SWJUl50n R heumntic Coro Co., Newark, Chos. Ellis Ilnd tnmily nelir Bar for example, pref r that tho rIlto on Ohio, nnd 1\ I><>I·tlo of "5-Drops" wq l be voysburg. scnt prep,lid. , w boge rl'mnln as nt presen t snd lite Bherod& GrOrtn bougbtf\ud olirrell rato 00 ment beur t he JncrclLsll, for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ several onr 10tLds o f hog s here IIl!< t any farm er c Rn tilen avoId th o burden == week. They were ehlpped from J>y ralalng hla own meat, alld· II far m- ! Oregonltl. er who wJl1 not try to ralsll hts OWll ft. J. Mnrray mtlde a bnsloees meat ought to bo peoallzed. We I • • t r ip to l:ibrveysburg on Wednes day tblnk the rato all coal and briel, enn 0.. J Dl'r-to'r mucb better bear tlD lncreale tbM r unera '"''' • the rate o.n colton and flour. We and Embalmer; would prefer that the rate oa plows ", Make Sunflower Vae'u'. In Borne countrloa, nr>tably In the remain the same, and machlnery, Waynesville, 01110. RUBBlan pt;'OvlnoC8 nortb of tho Cau- plonoll and suell artloles as the pOQ1'CReuB, the Buntlower BerveR other PUll- er farmer oannot bope to possesa bear ' Call al}!lWOl'ed p romptly day or nignt I)OSes besIdes o.rnamentlng gardens the burdeo of l,oore880. Both phones ill O ffice and ResUJoljee, with Ita bugo golden bl088oms. Tbe The Inorease In rstoB should be eo l ong distance No, 14' HOlI\ephone' Beeda are UlIed to make oil, whlcb Is &r1'6J1ged that th e tarmor Ivho li ves , 14-2r , ' " . employed both In th e IDllnufnclure at et homo will bear no part of tbe bur- Chairs and one Coach furnished free SOBP and In cookJng. The atems and den , but let the farm er who bonrd s l with funerals, leaves Bre burned Bnd the Mbes used In ~ther stOles ond COun tries aud Best of servic(! guaranteed. to mllko potasb. La st YOllr tlte Rua- Who feede bls slock In forolgn lande. flower fnclorl es of the CnUCtlSUB pro- pay the price of ble tolly. .duced 16,000 to ns o.f powh. All I Inds of Extreme. In MournIng, Whon Arablo.n women go luto monrn lng tbey slllin tbelr hanlls and teet with Indigo for elgbt days, and during tha t !.Ime they will drink OQ m ilk, on the ground thlLt Its white does not harmonize with tho mental SuCt.",ssor to gloom, . F. B. SHERWOOD

How's Thill Routlno ~bl1l])llker uut! the wls,I ohn Htll'nll~~ nnd lillul{ ht,or, &1i"S D roth:v \V hi, hllVll h clOu n il Ih., slO ~ We offer Ooe ' Bllndrt'd DoJlIl1'@ fortnn e to brook bls 'wrl st Rewflrf1 tnr lilly of ()ottl rr b MrR. Lydi l lJILrr Murph y norl two )it<t uro' DOW itnpr{\vIII~. 'bat olin not be oured by BlI lI 's dlloghte ra w rA Ihe guetlttl of Mr~. ,l tlmHR BnLllrOrtl 'un cl wi t,' , ~e " t o f (J"I"rrh (Jole Mnrphy 's pure n't s IBst we ek, lind t wn I\ltll nll 11 1·11 1'11fllltILi f b el' F . I , eM HN E & CO' I Toledo, O. MondILY, Jllnuliry 25. Mr. lind Mrs . 81 ster, Ablll o Llndeuv , of Dllyton , We, the und ersigned, bave knuwn F . J. Murphy tind d,lugb ter H left fo r lust MondllY . Cteney for the lasl J 6 Y.llrs, Ilnd believe MI8SI~8IpDi . thei r future b orn e. Mr!!. David Hopkin8 , wb (1 wile him f'l'rlcc tl, honora ble ill' n il busu- 'riley ha ve the best wishes of their J nnuary and. February are !'trioken with 1'II raly~i~ I ll . t :J'rldny IrILuSI\cti" lls lind fi nancially nLle to enrry ~eriod w ilen the pu blic looks through Out nny ololigatiolll made by his fi nn . m,my friends .. 18 v e r y low tit this writing . the newspaper advertising with NA T IO NA L llANK. OF COMMEROE, 1'11e poor in this violni ty being Wuit er DinWid die IIntl wife who keen a ttention. A g reaL Ul nny Toledu, O . all rod for and po~~ibly I·bero iR no had rou m8 nt th o GU ElIC!> Hou se ll' s Ca lnrrh Cure is tnlcen iutenLUlIy, H M m ore ot tllltm tblln 10 yea rs PIIRt, people have formed a regu lar hap it directl y upon Ihe blood li nd mu· but wa htl va n wry goot! bellrted m "'ri l utO Ole B ,' oI'Y Weller of delaying purchases until this IIcliu!; pi II ty ti ll E. Frul1 kll n ~ ' r ec t last COltS sUrfa<'Cs. of tbe sys tem. TC5t h"nub Is set of p oo ple and they w,1l bo Thnrt<d Il Y. . time of year. They know that most !IlInt free . J'rice 75 cenl S pe r bottle , Sold fou nd doing IL very glj ner ou ~ uut at merchants will give unusually good ~ nil Drugl:ists. I ft. \\1 i'1\ \' f\r /lu ti fllll'Lily ff elv(lu T uite HfLll' s Fnmily Pills lor cOl1 sli p'" ull timoll. Our trustees b ,.vo a kind two b!lrrl'lll Ilt lioe IlpJiI <ls from Vir . bargains in midwinter, to sa ve carry . fet1 linl( t ur till o f the unfor t uontos tioll. • ing goods over until another year Hl rs onal]y Hod ufficlall v . Tbey wil j glniu III ~ ~ "wo k Mi ~ s Ooroll1y Ponflwle soot h of A merchant that docs not get into hfl t ound n ot Il m inute ah y I" I,beir towo it! orl thu slo k .Ii~t . line and tell the newspapers what dutiea. he is doing at this time of year will Harold /Smith bll8 IlnrchtLsoo a Mr. nnd Mr ~. Elmor Br ehm atfind his trade very slack. tbree y ear old li ll y, which has ft tended \.lI e ~urp rl ~e 0[1 Ml', Brt: hm '8 IJedlgree t hRt J.Il li il es h el' v!1luuble, fllth e r nt hlo,lway lu st WOdnesdtly. Hut a simple statement of the 'h e Is Il step.dlll/gill er t o Ntlncy good values that can now be fouud Mrs , Porry ::'uckatt 'visited rela. Hllnks, Ilnct Dun Plitoh i8 a ,lIrtmt tlvtI'" in DIIY,ton tiaturdn y and tl un, in almost any enterprising store will unole 80 you 80e sbe I ~ brod In the be read witu eager interest. The d llY · purple. Be ca lill h e r "tJilltlretto. " --- ~ -- --store will find that it is duing an ex · Slei'l;iting Is elegllnL The Y OUIlI-: cellcut business e ven at a dull Children's Co u~hs-C hildrcn's Colds folkH are Jiltlnl,(f111 Ilfl d on j ying life pcriod . Goods can't be mQved Both Are SerlolUs The Ohio ~undtLy Sohool Asso · t o its u tmost, unless the public is t old ~boul oltltlon 1M ondellvorlng to promo~ Wilen rIDn o f yoor Ii tt1u onOM drs. Alonzo (-IoodwlD Is q uite them. A customer mny go to the a Great CtlDlpllign. 'J.'be purpose I" si nk at this wrltl ri~ . t! how a KVtllptom f or liD IIP Jl ro~o hi Dg store every day in the week. B ut to get everyone In the commonity r. Bel l 'M Pine.Tnr. Wlllker 1lI1ed h is nppolu~ ()0i<1, ~tl'll it if she docs not know that inside, Into 80med ep fHtmAnt of the !::lunde y m eRev. aonll.v li t once It UC~B qoiok ly, nl, here t:!undIl Y. back on' those shelves is just the nd pr ov Alll·S til e (Jord gr owing Th e -;t . Clair M fg lJo., of Duyt.on, bargain that would appeal to her, SOl!ool, 'nd 6vory member of the .. re quite sucoe8S ul III this v'oln ity wor~ . V,-ry h ali ling-sootiles the the goods might just as well be in Sunday &Jbool Into toe \Il'eliobing in inlltllliing the mos t Dlodo;rn lIj( bt. LUO,:( b, 10 11~en8 th e mu cous, streng t h_ Jericho. S he goes bome , picks up 8ervioos, and IlI1 tbe Dnsaved to Where gas and e leotr lolty Ilro Dil l e ns tho ~y I[lm. It's ~Illl rnntfled , Only 2::; .. ILt, your DruggiHt. Boy II the newspaper, reads about the t:briat . We wllnt t o do 1111 .we can known thia light ill. tho b ellI. ot ull, b.ltl.l e t,,,"lny. Bn kl an 's ArnietL special value offered in some other to. build up every intllr~8~ of the lind fOl1r of onr oitlzens hl' VLl them ' I\lvo for ~o r l)~. . h Ktnvdom . 'I'lle c.:amplU~n Is to In t h eir up to dllto ho mell. oro ~tore, and on ber /lext tnp unts ·'t.,,~t from February 1, to Elisler ~un- 8hould be more lal,ere8ted lutdrllyo u ou.t the place that had the enler- dav ')lIm"x1ng with a "Decieion" or ooonut hide thia ligbt under II hilI! prIse to leek her patronage. The Coufirmlltlon dllY W ,11' you not ushel. --merchant who does not adverti~e give your hoarty oo.operlltioD? The slok in th is vlolul ty life not pays a high price for the money Orgllnlze V~U1' worll:erll. Huve. " saved, 'BODIe Visitation OilY" eIlrly In t.he im proving 8 B thoir fr ie n ds would Ukt<. Goods grow more unseasonable ollmplilgn . Go liner eve rybody . ,l r s. Ann Arohd noo n, of Five 'fbe oold wenth er Is furni s bln g POints, III vleltinJ{ her s illtor8, Mrs. the longer they stay in store. Use the OQuoty )'l8pers In every »ORThe proprietor is getting no plofit dlble way, Plan. Pray. Pueh. pleuty of t ime when In tl. wllrm Jane lAn gdon Ii pdMrs. Ella Weloh. .&. . fix ' Blverybod, at work. Bne. deoil!_ room '0 hU8k and ou't oorn, out MfS, Olarence Baruhll1't Is serl on U\e.m to ....y his . ed charges, ton .If eonfirm.'lon day whAn , It. wood aod tAll of t·ho many bria;bt Rent, lDter~t, taxes, light and b~t, best eolts local oondl~lonll Ente~ tbin~s some of 'heb- nnOe ~ors dl d. uua!v ill. Mr. and Mrs. P. III ROflnngle llpent and cleric hire expenses are runnIng beaullv Into the work aod 'yon will 1'hl8 OOOI11'S In the IImaller townB around' lobe stove In tho lltorea and l'horsdllY wUh Mr J . B, 61lln9s and along every day, aod must be paid. UOcoed, . The ooly way to pay them. 'is to . The Ohio Sonday Sohool Assoolll- In reality they htlve nO corn or wOLld (4iatera. at bome. WhV notget Il j ob, If y ou Mr ~, 1{ew'on Miller, ot Dayton , .keep the goods " moving. Goods tolon. ollnno~ ge' U possibly you h ,ne a llpen~, the week wlth.b er' sisters and held over until another seasoD are (~Igned) i, D. Darling, Gon. SElo. friend tbllt oan Illud It10r you, We brother, Mr, tl.nd Mra. d, D , Ran Phebe A.· Curti811 apt to become so shopworn or out have in tb086 towns ability t,hnt has dall lIod J. B. 01)In08 ,a ud Sister. O. (J, Baily of style tbat they have to be sold not been e xhausted and if voo will M18. Add ie. for a song. Goods well advertised ,....--put to n. test you will be deUgh ted Mis! Mary lJeoony had for h er and sold during the season for with the results . guests on Friday el'ening at a G which they are bought go at a o 'o look dinn er tbe MI M8es Eva, fairly good price, andJJelp the merKath r yn, Belen and Jennie ~obln Dangen of a Cold eon. . chant close his season without loss, Do .00 know t ha t of all tho minor . -Exchange, Sit Thn clrBm wnll t·ranl~aottng bas . ailmentll ooIds ''''e by fill' the m ost. dangerous? It hi not th o colds tb eot InOMS in Leban on I:!utu r d~y, Mrs, Mllrl' 8 h eot,8 i8 &tny ln g wilh selvea thu.t you ' nel)d to fellr , but Co.operative stores; ' owned and h er dtlu ghte r Mrs. FrAnk Th oma", the serlOU8 dleea ses that they 90 managed by· natives, Bre fostered .\10 Peki n . ' Blooough 18 a Ifudden Aod IIpUwherever possible in Alaska by the medic oontrllctlon of the diliphragm, often lell' I \0. For ~ bllt rellson eve ry cold shol1ld be gotten rid of wi tb t h o T h e Millses Anna an at J OBoplline United States Bureau of Education, determining" brusqoe shook tu t he lent possible deltlY, 'I'o uCQo mplis b 80rtnell wer., Dayton. sboppers which has charge ot' educatioD for w lis of the abd ominal and-tbrollolo thls--y on -wlll'- fiod - Oham beritlin '8 Monday. the Datil es of Alaska, oavlty, and is liooompanied uy a Cough R emedy of grellt h elp .to you, lJh~B . (JllmpbelJ .t FrILnkliu wa~ ,. rong h and Inllrliould8 soond OBUAed It 100sen8 oold, relieves t be lun gs, !l Springboro vif'ltor 'fueedtlY. b y the sudden oloaoro and Hunorlou8 tLlds expeowratlo'J. and eno bles the The' populatioD_tof, the United vibrat ion of the vocal oord•• sY,stem t o t brow olf the cold. F or States today is more than 100,000,Amooll the 'numeroll8 r omedlAI! sale by all deulers. Stop the Child 's 'olds 000 according, to ' the Department employed a6alnRt the dllila@ree.ble They OU"n Result of. Commerce. • 1'he depopulation of sy mptom 'here i8 one r eoommended Colds, Cr oup lind WhooplDg Vough Europe is DO~ so great, but it is by Dr . ~etlt of R6tlumou, B'rllnoe, I1re ohlld r en '8 aiJments which nepd wbloh, altbqul' h nos re':lIy oew, i. atlll considerable.. . immediate a ttention, T'h e after ef- FARMERS' UNiON OFFICIALS but little known. It tia. ebe lOerl~ feots Bre often moei serlou8. Don't of being extremely ' IIlmple and 18 THINK RAILROADS ARE EN~lIke the riskyou don 't htl ve to. Moving pictures are used in. a said. to be 'remarkably etDoaolou8 Rev'lvllI meetings olosed b",re Dr , KlOg's New. Discovery obeoks TITLED TO MORE REVENUE, school of elettric railway employes 1t ooplIlllts slwply in 8wllllowln.g Thur8day ni g bt. MIlny sonls were the lJold; Boothe!! the Cough,ollllye in Los ADge1~'. to show bow aU ~~ qulokly )!08Ilble 8 tablelpoon I u,'~c,'uu lind tbe chnroh .HI·tllJ''''.''L.''U the InflBmDla tion, kills t he Germs IOrts 'of accidents occur and bow CuI or PLlwdered sogar wHhont an'l' were thirteen 800ession8 a nd allows Nutaro t o do bel' healing Product. of Plow and Farmer WhD admlxtu.... wltb waier The bl0. 'be ollurob. many of them can be prevented. 5' O. Ilt yo ur . Dro ~gl s'. Bny oonlth will be lmuillllllltely etopped . d awork. Lillel at Home Should Be bottle MdIlY . If It oOlOee on agaio, the SBmd rem Mr~. Benry S&tterlhwsUe an Exempt From Incrc... e, ------edy .gain, will be found suooesefnl. daughter, Sli1'8h, 081led on W, cI£. After maJlY :years of effort a Ber, What III the 80tloo of the powdered Bogll'n8 Sunday lifternoo~ . liD invenio.r has succeeded in build eOIlIll? Probllbly It 88t8 np a kind Mjae Grllee' Bude.v Rpent ft. few mg a model' man 'that can . walk, of rt'fielt 8utloD, ' The sugar oertaln dllYs ",it.h b ill' sister, Mr@. Raymon l} By Peter Radford. Locturer N ..tlonal Farmor.· Union. talk, sing, 'augh and whistle. Iy pillya DO Ilpeolfio role tn this Wile on last week and U. te" probll E, Wooten, .of Waynes· The reoent sctlon at the Interstate Ville , fill ed tho" pUIVlt ut the Frlonds Commerce Commlasl.Qo lu granting an The. J!irgeat telescope in existence 'powder '1900111 ha ve ' lIaD\e effect. tiok at this wri t ing. Dr. Pe~le bas mllde ase or thil! Ino1'ea8e In trelght nitea 10 tbe eastern Some 6r ollr young p eqple enjoye!) olltll oh t'lunduv, does'not make .the planet MarS ap- remedy for tom~ year., and it. b8S olsssUlcatlon of territory; the bob~led ride to t:!prlng V~ lIey ' Frlev. hrelve r 1M confined to h' l s R pear any" bigger t~ the moon is r"rely fltHed , Aooord\ngly h~ reo lion of the rosd. to state and lnterOilY evenlog, h ome by Illness. ·through an opera glass. ~ ommeDds .roooaJ;81? to U eveu, when state commlsslonll for an lncreaao 10 MrA. C _ T , BIlrnill:, Evan and Mrs . Wm. Compton 1 8 on tbe siok tbe caae of hl000ulithll may haTe rerates, and the utterancell of Preeldent ti.ted all 'the etliodllrd remedle8. LellAh Bogllti afe oonfined $0 t.heir IIMt again . W~laoo on the subjeot hrlng the tarmholOes wHh the grippe . The EI>worth Lollgoe ""Btl delight. ers of tbls naUon taco to taco wnb the Soy beans are being cultivated Mi88 lOR Com "ton entertained tbe fully eotortBined M the homB ot problom of an , 1ncrease In freight , . • - • extensively iu China, DO,W that the .'F.xc:elleot for Stomach Trouble Bere.R n UIII1I8 of Caesars Ort-ek /Sun 88ml. Stllntlsld, ~riday evening . rotes. It la the policy of tbe Farmers' ,ov~mment has prohibited the day Sohod I:!atotdlLY ev,nlng , The ~tok68 F ~ Orohe ~tra wlll Union to meet the IS8ues. alfectlng \.be ,~wing of the. poppy. "Chamberlain e Table&!! ...e jU!t Nineteen Dlembers a nd ten vi@ltors g ive Iln ontertl.IDm ent ill tl\e M . .Ill. welfare of the (annena 'sQuarely /LIld flne for tltqmaob 'rouble," wrlta. were pre8e.Jt we will do so In this Inetance. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'i Mrll., . ~. C Dnnn, Arnold, PII. "I (;&eSllr8 .Oreek pr"yer meetin /? obnroh /Suturd,\y eveni n g . The transpo1'tntl\>n facilities or \.be Ther e will be a ~oEltlng of the II b " t,bered with this oompllllnl. WIll ,be h old tl.t the h Olne .,f Mr and leaohers of ~(l r illg Vnlley townRhlp Unlled States are inadequate to ef· SC1llle time aod. fr/lqn~ntIY bl\d Mrs 'Mellde Buhrman Tl1ursday fn tlla 1I0ho\)1 bulld iug, thorsday, fectlvely meet the demands or com· aUllolls' Ohamberltlln'f:\ , . r8~blletB lI1forded megrea;roltef frllm night. ' Evorvbody w illoomo, a venlng , '1'b e publio :18 ,oordlally meroe and partioularly In the South and West addltJonal 'railway mileage i"vltali 'he tiret , lind IIlnoe \aalnlr one ··lIot -' - - -- - ,Ie them I filellike a df1fl}reot per. Cough Medidne for Children 'l'htl IOAlng elfle in tho reo" nt olo.y Is needed ·to accommodate tbe movement of farm products. It In the wi&ilnn, .. . .For tlale by '&11 de, ltm!, I . , NevCir give a eblld Ii coogh m etli. pl l; eou tlh uot ' g~voon oytlter 8upper ~om of our Tlallroad Commlaslons an lay evenlug at whloh lile Wf.ldntltl Clin e I·htol. oontRios opium in Iln:l' Increase In frel gbt rates is neoessary fr.rru . When oplnm I" gi ven ot,hcr wln\n ~ sullt wi~h their fa milios wertl to bring about an improvement In our ~ u ell H or h on ol'. TULJ blind fornldbef1 "Ild m'n re 1181'1008 j iso ll"os mlly fol tran8Portation servIce, and an extenMrs. , low. Long e Xl>orlenoe hOI! o ilm e n. tile IUU ~l o lIu d II 1)les8tLnl eveDing sIon ot our mileage, tben an ' Increll8e ·WIl.tI 81l,me r h tl re will be tlnotber YNrS ()1~Uses No Oth::. . ~' rllted tll"t t,b ere I. no bettPr or Bhould be granted, and the tarmer -'ls lafer medl olne for cong bs, nol.d!i and IDtI tcil tID 'ChortldAl of' t blll weok willIng to share auch proportion of ~er 00ic.'.bUt_ViflOl, a~d Rec-. Elisb Pow oll t3r. di ed .. t the h,'me th e Increase as justly beloo gs to him, oroop In oblldren tl1t1n d hnm btlr. ~ds [A 8alo's Coogl1 " e medy It Is equlIJl v o f hih dau g hter, Mr.!! ,J ' H. ' Reeves but we have some 8uggeatlqna to make valllilble for .adUlts. 'l'ry ,to II 'rllursday tU orning, FOl}eral ser nB ,to the ma'n ner In wblch this Ic· Qneuvllle, s. C,-'" Itf. with jlleamre cOntains no :>plum of other' blll'tDful viuo~ we re I)ald ' I::llLttlrday a . m . cresse' shall be levied. [ tf,1I othen of ~e.. gr~b$i!fft I have Burtnl Wll8 /llHde 10 the : oemetery deiiv'R«I>m\'v.ijitW,for e ~t Mvel'lll Er06l!t., 25, "'o n o' ,~ .IIilRm Rambo, drng; ' For sale by 1\ II . deille rs, .. Jean;. 'l'_ 81 0 aiid"I find ,Vi- o! nf llr,bertol). ~liy IUlle 'I,he ~ero; Rate. Follow Linn of Luat Realat. Ml glvlII .mt! Itreogtb, a beal~ appe- ~ Igb't ,if ~I(I.len 8)8 e. ~lIe r,elluJt ot anee. dte aDd ,ovel'COlllee neryoue dllOrderL "~A expl,ollon F~ldll.y of 1\ b ",U18 of Caator 011 ProUct. Feet. Dry , AtmQ3phe re, VInal II the 'only toulc reeonltrnCtor I The freight riLtes. of the Dation have Ca8tor oU will prey nt reet . from ~ve UIid, for: aevehtl yean. I baTe her .. e ltnimAnt which be wu carry_ "I Ilko t blg flu!l int IIt,:lo mountato been buIlt up along ilnel ot lilast rebecoming sore au a long walk. It Inll 10 ""' 10 .. I(\e 001' p«lOlet. The reeomtneoded It to a great mAllY of my .tllnge of yours, wllller. 1 8UI'p08e 1 frienda and it 'hat .lwap ~.8d ..ti8- ' HEIr, IIClidcl 1111 Is .bo' trom f.he bi.t ebould be pourctt on th e feet, espe enn get 1I1enly of oxygen bere." "No, sistance. Tb.e merchant, tbe manu· facturer, tbe mIner, the ~lUer, the I.etoil'... - liN. M, A. HtJ'l'(lHlBOlf, ,tle ·",trutll! ~bH' Y(lung IIIl1 a .q aft ral:v ~lIy between Lho toea. elr; wO've got local oIlUon."-Sacred lumberman and the cattleman htLve GreenYUIe, S. ~. to' tbA "'oe, . f.lrl.y b mog ' &11, eyt'... Heart Review. had their traftlo bureaus t1~oroUlhly , 8ncbc....uthe~~coo.tant1J' 11111.1, liud dll l' hed 11111 over bim, bUJ;n ManyDlllOrders Come From the LIver ------- ~---organized' and In many loetano". ·they eomlb. to om' attention. . If ~ple iii tnI" his left. hand aod eellrlng Are You Just at Odds with Yourself? , tbit vt~ OIl" naliIed bcnr VIDol Inhave purlued thl) r8tlroad without Appll ~atl o, Df F' ,lnt. a"a w.ilIt_~. . Do You Regulate Living? • .tlQfitei 6Icl ~p'e we 'w.oUld oo.t be Ol~~' meroy and ' With 1he power o~ organ· 1'he young man bough' 'be lint. PaInt shol1ld b , nppllEld only to a abIe'to 1lipp11 the.dem-.,.. 111ed tonnage they lJave hammered the mflnS, "' Il VViillllpg~D dr" wto.... Are ;00 epmetlmel! a~ odds with olean and drr eurCn,cll. Moisture unIt.the curatl"e atllrled wh~ thr~. ~Uler. mell Plnhelf and wltl;! t,he worldr [}e de/!. a pala t Call11!lS It to 'blis ter wh8JI Ufe eut of the ralel and With un.relIIen~~f In;cn 1l1honioblit<' belbnltni w&lmal' .ou wonder what ai's y ool True exposed to 'the lIun ; olso moisture be- ,trained greed they have eateD the .,.&alll out of our tnu..portAUou IYltem .~ ..... wla '\Jr hja home io LU1ll,",1'~0 . you 1II .. y bl' elltlng illgnlarlyaDd tweeD coa!s /Ina the ~am . etro:ct. aIMS .Ioee we bue had railroad eom· Refore '1!(,lojJ fa'T he tlo.t1~ I8Dlif'. well. Yftt 8umethlDg ill ------~ .------mIIllou.. \.belle Iotereatl, with um • rltoing from 'he ,",otolly of bit! . I OOt1stlplitloD, Bead ~cl enDDID&', are represented at eTer, poolle' wbere Ih- bad pl"oad n,B and Bilions b~ 10 wblch theIr bum... .. ho&t1e BDd all be loak~ IInWD k) tD li'~:::d; 810 Lt"M. Ioyolted. -




Hou. Pbone"6-1



""ro wit!!, pro SbC)O.J)·' CnJop R nifl!l,. oa,

~ will -wet; ""',,., . A .... A.DdploulnaNo .OWltlllf!..~'!: &~


Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painti~:.;: gJiZ.:·.~.:. . . . WAY:NBS:VILLE,

~""",e'\ Next to She~ "P od's Carage Main St

.-. ~

"~utChl~~ightY-One MAY hOSE AH'EYE 1 It'!o, friends. , BY ['iplOSION 'omm _.





• • - .



' .

---_.- ---








The farmer I. "140m ftprueDW




Silver Of Proven


Rich design'and refined bea'uty ill kt)ives, lorks, ~pooIISUd ' and 'fancy serving pieccs ' arc not attributcs of ·so silverware alone. Tlui skill bom Qflongexperience.hai PCO-::rduced,ln the lillnous ".!!!1 ROGUS 8ROS"~ sUverplale, effeds ID paUem Bnd design which make its name for beauly eecond It) Its reputalion Idr quaUly-",silHr Pia" WMn. • ... Sold by leading dealers e.verywhere. Sead for ... II OL flO showing all paltem. . Mal"'" ••ITAII.IA 00..


11U_ ee.,...-..


'" ~--------------------------- ----------_ _ _ -.. _ _


,\ !I

v' ~l"r ,,1S (,


--------L LOCAL


_ __. . ...---..-. - --..;-----. --

It ,', '-It At I Jn'\'rl ' "




I nul l<arhAT , il f ~l, l1rin)l' \ :11(,' . S In l'll\' n l"uI':.. h· ',111 ng- "1 frk'ndll, .





1.1 dk 1\1 ' r.. ! ·J.h II and wi fe . IIf Rtl ut ' .. visiled relatlv s in ' Oay ll,n' la I Thur.>!lay ' .

'hat Ou r Patrons .Have



:1 '" ide

Mrs. Nate (l llin~ amI child ren, of MOl row, we r the Sunday guest llf relntives at Cor\Vin,

Sdedion .



........... .................................. Try These- They'll Please ...................................

Valenti nes tI" , kind for schools lII i d parti es Have 1I la r s;re s upply . GivE' 1 us a call and St' C. W, C. Phillip!;,




.. ,ing to have a sHI .. I f you ar see A, A. MeN. ii , Centerville, Ohi". f 17

, Ro man Deauty 1\ pp le i\lalaga (~T:lP('s N. Y . King A pp le Cranberries White P ippin Appl('s . Il JU1 an a~ Baldwin Apples Cabhage Grapefru it Curl v I.e ttu ce Tangerine S \vee t Po tatoes LeOl(\n5 Cclcry O ranges 'panisll uio ns ~ ew oun try 1Ioney






AJ<F of, the food' value of yonr corn crop is in the stalks, husks f\ud leaves. Don't waste these They make milk and butter and beef ~or 0 11 aud Pl1t money in yonr bank









- -...,...- ...- - -

Mr. and Mrs. George Smith enter. tRined Miss Sue Crane, of Toledo, a t dinner Tuesday.

Re v: anrl Mrs. D. H . Palmer en· tertalned at dinne r Sund flY Mr. and Mrs. p, E . Ken rick and MitIS Bertha Ke nrick. Mrs . Mahlon Ridlle ente(tained at dinner Wednesday Mrs. Eddie Wool· lard and children, and Misses Lu<"y J Eml ey and Katherine Prendergast


M~e8 no ch ange in our busi·

We have plenty of nC!'l'l. ,FRUITS AND Vl!.GFlil'ABLElS fr ee, from frost. ' Fancy ltiBh Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions. Par9Jlips, Apples. Oranges, Grape Fruit , Lemons. Cranberries, Celery,

We sell Moores "That Good Oil '


Mr. and Mra, J. H. Col mltn had as th eir dinner g ueyl1,i Sll nday, Mi 9 Sue Crane, of, Mr. and Mrs D. L. Crane and son, Ethan and M rl!. Lou isa Woolley .

J ames J effryes. 94, of Xenia, will take par t in a F iddlers' contest at Dayton Saturday evening. The co n ~ test will bE! under the allspices of the Day t on Herald , Mr. J effryes is a vet ran cabinet maker , anCl he will . play 011 11 violin that is alleged to be 228 years old. Here's hoping he will [ win out in t he co ntest.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew entertained a t dinner Sunday . Those who enjoyed their ho~pit:\li ty wer e MI'. and Mrs. Geo rge Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray .


A par ty of young peopl e tend er ed Miss Eil na Cornell 8 s urpriJje at he r hOllle last night. '1'he 'evening was spe nt in l.rames after which a delicious oyster supper was enjoy~d.

Spelal This -Wee

P~t<OuL""II~.lrulll !~ mortise. Every plece ls markod

. ._

. . .ID:!_ _



IOc a Can

' Ve M'ft!. propod.

wlliJ4~ l<c.od to you.

It pays to trade at

CHARLES D. COOK ·.=~ Harveysburg.' . Ohio

I 1

We have installed the latest improved) Stewart Clip)ler Grinder. .



Horse Perkins


Air·Cooled Pumping Engine, rebuilt and g llarantecd same as new.

1 ~i~~n:~~ine

32 2

He!lIli lt anr! chcnp.

HP Enginl~ebUI'lt Hopper CO(,Jled . , ami guaranteed.

Agents for th'c Celebrated Illgeco Gasolene and Coal Oil Engines, Automobile and General Machinny Repairing, Gasolines, Oils and Acc('ssories

Miss Grace Carman entertained a numbe r of her friends at "500" on WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. Phone 105 Friday evening. Th()se present were Waynesvi lle Lodlte No.. 163 J<\ & Misses Hazel Gustin, Mary Salisbury ~: M. met Tu esd~y e v~ntn g and Ill- Messrs. Kenneth Rid ge, Orlen Thomp I-...__""!"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ It18ted one cand idate In the M. M. son, Raymond .Davis and Mr. and d egree. ' 'Jrhere were several present, Mrs. Ernest Rogers. a nd th e work was con fe rred bv t he n e w officers. 'After t he wor k a lig ht lunch of coffee and sand wiches was Mr . and Mrs. ' Frank Zell enter· served. . tained a t dir,mer 'rhuraday in their usual hospitable manner. Those in · vited were: Mr lind Mrs. F . H Farr, Miss Emma Cartwright, Mrs . Huldah Burnett, Miss Abbie Graham Mrs. Mati lda Hosier, Misses Ethel Hosier and florence Wilson. Sunday SchOOl nt'9: 30 a , m . ComI muni on at 10:30 a. m. Christian En . deav or at 6:3U p . m : Preacbing at A party was given at the Brooks 7 p, m. Bverybody made welc.ome. Rail January 23, 1915. in honor of The best work forthe 'east~tnoney. '" AU work Mi~ Veda Sumner's 16th birthday. gu~uanteed. were the enjoyment ot the Gam'es 110 ;ALE DATES and at a seasonablp. hour a . A....:-hn...-HI- -., J esse Stanley, who has just g radu· ated from the Jones Auctionee ring r:l Sclwol at Chicago. is home and is r eady for sale dates. It would be well to set~ him, as h e has some new Mi ~es Fae and Myrll Ellis. Lena ideas in the auctioneering line. Or Ellis, Hazel and Luelle Moore. EuReynolds. Veda Sumner, Corcall him, 146 mutual phone, New genia inne Welch. Elahal .MeQarren and • _ _ _ _ _i:iI!I_ _bIII=Z. _'!"I_. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.~ ; Burlin gton , Ohio. Martha Luk'ms, ~rs. William and r:::J •- • Levi Lukens; Chas, Voiers, Gail Gordon, Earl Dea~herage, Carl Oeborn, Lee Talmage. Carl Moore. Chas. Rud· all duck. John Feary, Howard McGuinn and Lawre nce Hougb . kinds of F ruit and O rnamental Trees --sold and delivered at Corwin. Har· Great Truth. veysburg ·and ' New Burling ton . "He who play s tbe tool will mls. Guaranteed to be true to name and tbe prI1.e."-AeSOll. first class. . 1. N. Miller, ~gt . I?hone :l3-2 ~ .

ZIMMERMAN'S of course

H. M. Sherwood & C. E. Servis

Gasoline Engines and Eng~ne Supplies

Large' canIS Peeled Peaches, sold every where at 15c, Special at

a nd ....."\y I6 oUlJI'<d 11110 I .. p ro~rp"'ce. 'You ]U erect an ImtiluHl Silo \'e!'y Qu.ick ly a ud It "'ill I~ YflU absolute' lin ltsfuc-tiou foro IffetiDle Dea't TTY ulJoltl the p rltt. ·\ n! tft u arrou(e It'lO UI4t ~~~rllg~!or the . Uoout of UJe any.... It makao

will i"""




Home Ground and Kiln Dried Corn Meal Pure Buckwheat Bnd Pancake Flours.

t be ru ~nur.e {rom barn ,anel feeding peu.s will g o 00 Ie 10 to yt)lU' soJ! to make bigger crops lie year. Tb~ Ind illu Sllo is Illrti1e of the best Bl lo ~t~rluJ.s atI,l oniy the best. Iwery scom ls /llr-tight. E ,'cry j oi u! I made' with our

(hil l

Co~mencing Friday, January 29th, we will.sell everything in the Clothing, Cloaks, Skirts, Shoes, Dry Goods, Underwear and Sweaters at a Big Reduction; and hundreds of items consisting of Surplus Stock and Close-Outs. It is inlpossible to enumerate every item. Take your pick of every Cloak in the house at HALF PRICE.

visited Ihe schools at Xenia Tuesday --a nJ several a re a t Kings Mills today att ndi n~ the srhools at that plac( Edward B. Waslon has brought Their enforced vacation is being we ] suit againt the . Pa. railroad for taken care of, 8.." they can visit wit h I $100 ,000 for beint.: r or cib ly ejected the other school and get quite a !.lit fr m one o f thei r t ra in s. He pu r· of informa tion frr.m their visits. chao d a ticket to Phi lad elphia, Dnd when he got on the tl'llin th t! con· ductor demand d :1-2 more which he 1 refu sed to pay, fUld he was €.'jec ted from t he t rajn at Colum bus and I()cked u p for assault and battery. W slon i. a Ilrominel\t business man of Dayton

Fresh Oysters- Bulk or can Edgemont Crackers , still 10c a pound, fresh every week .

y .11 preiServe Ulem In an


\ _~


Zero . Weather

n Une .

l~' !1


--- -.---



---"""!'. . . ---~_~~~~...,....-"'!!""--~~-__,.--~~--~_===~ !a.r:\~!{~~e~~:ili:~gMhi:o;Ol~Mr. ~. ~:IDnd~-~ I, MANBfIINGS SUIT ·'-SOGIETY- -EV-ENTS-'I* IS qUIte III at t he home t M:v~::~o~~~ Wnynesvilleteach r AGAINST PA, RAILROAD .--- - - - - ,_.- ---40 Waynesville Auto &Machinery CO.


CR.U u.c tip o r drop




Mr . I{ay Mills Sile nt Ia.~ l Wednesdav ' _____________~------------........ in Dayton. ' 1 •

0 1:110

. l4.

, . II


His,·y. Miland l. , ' _ _ _••_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ lIndMrR. AliceB. H. lark theMrs. Jos.Kate

Mrs Robert Brsddock died at her home east cif town Tuesday eveniJig tl~ 10 O'clock, after a long illness. 1 h(· fllneral will luke place at the . Martha,' daughte r of ·Mr. nnJ Chnpel fo'rid \lY at 11 o' clock , E . W. Mre. Lafayette Grabam, of Rid$C1l- i:!ar.l an, of Connersville, In d . , 061. ville, . died at tbe Miami Valley clatlllg . Hospital at Dayton 'aturday. after an operation. The body was shipped to ~er late home and the fun era l will Lee Dunham. of Dayton, spent be held this aftern oon. Intt'rment a couple of days here last week viswill be made i~ Spring boro cemett!rv tiing relatives and friends.


'' '- a'loc

\ i" ,


Dr. A. T. Wr ight had a bilio us at· I tack lus t week that kept him hO U R ,f! ' for ~e\'c ra l clays. H is improvill(::, I at present.




N.athan Ha '/:CS and family, of S prmg \ alley , ' \ as in town Saturda y, th e gu sts of r ·,al ives .

That t lave Bee n (.;ardull y Selected.

L ....


'1III'(mc ' M ndcllhall, Ernest Smi ~h a nd Jam!!.'! Wl)nliun..l were Daylnn visi lor:! Sunday,

V ari~d









Vulcanizing !uto Tires .and Rubber 'Bcots

. ..- --

E=5:JU::I~f==ala '===:lU.illE'===UillEl ==51'£1 Il'==:5:111 ==:;;::1 a[;'==51un

~ ~







~~~L!~:~i~~~r:~::!~~l~ ' B~IRSTfIN

Phone 100A







~ .~








--- -_ ..--LYTLE ·

Bort- ::3.tllOY was In Dayton on \>l18inoB8 Sat urda y. Mr. Will Gox willi a Dayton visitor Saturday. Rilymon'd ~obbl\r' wall 10 Lelm· non Tuesd/lY. Mr . EdwIn LI-newlm W68 vlembS at Henry Il'o',lks Sund"y. .. . Mr. Ehr ~ey ·.MilIer WilE! .vleitluM' hl81lllrentsat Lvtle !:Iunday

Lebanon, Ohio.

- ..


Certificate .Re-Extending Charter Treasury ' Department .

1lllllIIllllllfllllllmlllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll!1111111II11/11111111 I· ·.~~~.·:·-·-.';.-~

. Harvey ' Hole, ~on .of Allen Hole 18 slok bom the l'eSUI'8 of" o(\ld.


ReltgloDs meetings are beIng helo at No. 48ohoo}, bOUSD near Lytle Mrs. FI:~nt Snydey wll8in Da~'on



~HERE'S . many, time" you cao, save Ii dtm~ or .

more, by trading here. . Dimes mllke do1Jars ' , and ' their jingling chimes, 'sou~d good to any ear. YOU'YE PAlp MORE' FOR- T~E


Lytle 111 . 10 the grip of a beavy snow st:'I~m. £.otll of .lelgblog bot ,s l . JOHN SKELTON WfLL1,Ula very 'little wo ..k belDB done. · · OomlltroUe.o' the M08t RI~ 01 ~he tobftooo aroo'nd l ~ S OtiJTeoo), .Lyt le h llo8 been Ilold aJ a .general Obart&r No, 2210. ExteIUJIOD .No. 1203 price of 10 oents. dlt-J2T Gladys Bergdoll baa ~';,;:;;,~~~~~~~~~~~~= very mu~,b .8io08 abe h&ll 1611n bl from 'b81 bOtlplt&1. Aba. David ~~e7 wae til Da7toll





Scrim, reversib,le for curtainsL&dies Light Weight Swils rub per yd ,. .. ......... ~ .... Vest;, ~h ........ : lOe Flouncing embrOidery• .white, Children's Ribbed Vests and pink· and blue embroidery Panl's, per pair •• " ". • •• lOe:

per yd .................. '.'. 1()(:"

Imported Linen Toweling per y~rd

••••.• , •• .' .•.• : •. !Oe:

Ladies' B~ Cashmere Finish

Hose •••• ; ......... , ... . ...






Sixty-Seventh Year


Whole Number 3302

:rPEHSOiiEfTiij ICENTRALIZATION o------------,e . I


Read the Minrni GII7.ette.

OF CITV COUNCil 4T THEIR Gordon J oy was in Cincinnati Sun· day,' HAl.l MONDA V EV EN INO ,

Ml'll, Cynthia Evans i u g rip vic · tim.

, G. W. Hawke is at home with the g rip.

'. '~All - ROUTINE BUSINESS IThursday. Mrs. U. M. While was in

Henry Vandervoort sp nt Sa turday at Ft . Ancient on tlu int! S.



Mr, A. A. Ilisl::Y und daug hte r, Miss AILa. !/(Jent 'J'bUT!!duy ill Day ton.

Ph;o'oll'rapn COUrle Bl' Slln FranCisco Exnmlner.

THE MOTHER OF LINCOLN BEACHEY, FROM THE TOWER OF JEWElS, 435 FEET ABOVE TO EARTH, AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIO INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. WATCHES HER SON LOOP HIS ONE THOUSANDTH LOOP. 'Vhen 1.ll1colo OCllcbcy, U son ot SIIIl IrrUlluIRl'O.' un tb occoII\on or hili homeco ming olter brenk lng n11 world ree.. ords 118 n (lllfl.'I1c\'1I IQlIII r of 011.) loons . perrorlued two enllrely lIew null dcuth d efyIng lItunlll o,'cr the completed palaces or Ihe Ponuwu· l'u cilic lu tl!l'nl. tJolllll l~x lI" Sltj o n It WBR bls n;:i'd mother who for the tlrtl t tlme wnvl.!d hIm 00 to rrt!ti h B('1I1 I' COlents. Mrs, BauelhJ)' Iici(1 II IIIIlcc of hono r. 4!15 rl ' t u p III the olr, 00 the tiptop or t bo wond erful 'rower or J CWclR, ~'rom this ul!rle !.IlIe II'IIH "ble to wotcb C' cry errllUc movo of her dBn>dorll 8011. She cnell out oll ly oll ce. ThA I 'VUI! wh u ho wrol ~ tllo Ih.' 1Irea " WOO" II;.:n l uHt tile clouds, hlg b nbove the two milee or compl ~ted cltlillJll Jll1 luc:I!R, "' hllllOcII llt or the ""'/11" " o f hlR one 1I101l~>llldll! loop,

















GROUND HOG SAW Leaky Roofs and the High Waters Will Cause· SHADOWYE'STERDAY

Meet."ng of Far,mers ,' and, 8U8.inel' Men f " 'd Qua"anbne


COllsitlercd in Connection wHh the Most Vita l Question of Ccn trnlization

, Mrs. A. , Brehm and daughter are spending a week with relutivt!:! in It is an indiRputabl e fact that our Dayton, rural chool organization, buildings, lind equipment. taken as a whole, are Mr, lind Mr!§. Frar.k Mill rand family visited rf:iativ es in Bel lbrook fully half a cpntury behind our inrI uat rinl and "ocial advancement. last week. Most of the Ii tlle one· room bu ildings Valentines of all kind s from l c to were ere ted when t he older resilOc. A fev. high r priceJ 0110:!. W dents of the district wt:re mere boys C. Phillips. and girls. I t is t rue that so me of the buildMisses Edna and Mar~aret at· ings in thi3 district have been reterthwaite spent the ' week· end witb modeled and are somewhat apove relatives in Dayton. the average , but it is equally truo Mesdames J , E, Jannev. Jason that there is not one 'in .the whole Sheehan and Miss Frances Janney district t hat will not requ Ire further were Da) ton visitors Thuraday. improvement hefore the next school year, Unless this furt~er eq uipValentinllS the kind fo r schools and ment is added , these schools cannot parties, Have a larA'e sullply. Give be recognized as firat-grade rural us II call am! see. W. C Phill ips, schools Are you , as an intell!geDt up·toThe Woman's Auxiliary of St, date citizen , content wlth'a second Mary's church will mee t with Mrs. third grade school f<?r the educaW. H. Allen, Friday afternoon at 2 or tion of you r boys and g Irls? Do you o'clock. prefer your one room school witb its, many dise,dvantages to the well·venIf you have II farm or town prop- tilated, well-heated. well-arranged erty to !lell. I halTo the ' buyerB. consolidatedscho I where your boys A. A McNeil. Centerville, ~hio. and gir l!lneed n.ot even s~p outside, Both Phones. fl7 unless they care to. because thflr~ they have sanitary driril-..'ing fountains '.'; , The Ladies of the Christian church I and basement toilets? will bold a market beginning at 10 P~rhaps some of yo~ have an eao'clock at the Town ship House. Sat- peclally good teacher m your scbhOOI urday, February 6, ' ann on that 8~count 'are , somew. a~ UI ling to give up to, centx:allZll. ' t.ion. On ~he otnl!r band, can you The bc,x 90cial whIch was to have expect always to keep this tea!lher been given by the Weslev Class of whom you now bave? Is it not very the M. E. church this week, has, probable that she wilt'sOap leave been indefinitelv postponed. your cummunio/ fur a .bette~ salary and better equIpment In a VIllage or The next number of the lecture city? . Again, many of Vou 'Probably will course will probably be given some time In March, owing to 90 muC'h move from the farm you now occu\>Y to one in another section of tile dIBsickness at the present time. trict. Your boys and girls ~I! be Walter Cl.andle~ of Dayton ' wa'J required to meet different condl tiot;J8 . . '/ . '. h ' ' f and will very likely be retard ed In -In town Monday .In t e Jnter:ests 0 th· h ' I work Trus difficulty the Tyson Electncal CA. ThlB comelr BC 0 0 . . pany completed the electrical work 4th page) . (Continued on in the M. ~ E, church Tuesday.

Mrs. 'Eliza Adeline Brriddock was bom near Zanesllille. Ohio, October 3rd, IB42and died at her home east of Waynesville J anuatlY 26th. J91<5. HAV~ A Ve~y SUCCE 'SFUl EX. ailed 72 yean;, 3 months and 28 daYB HIBHION FINANCIAliL V The Morrow Mirrol! says: • Eliza Adeline Smith • ..daughter of old friend, the Miami Gazette. of Stepbfjn .8nd Sarah Smi th was uni ted Waynesville. appeared in new form in marriage " 'ith Robert Braddock last week . Seven columns. all home in November 1865. To them t hree print. Some advancement lor the children were born Arthur M" Lillian Gazette. and more 80 for Waynesand Frank ; but in the morning of ville. ' Ufe Arthur an d Lillian were called "Morrow can have just Buch a from earth to the Great Beyond , with the proper support. It In heal th MMf. Braddock was an A',R,nnv." Waynesville merchants are Mecting To Settle Show Matters. active, useful woman always iT;l deprogressive. They adver~. The Enthusiastic- Will Oive Show where s ickness, distress and home people Bub8Cribe. Why pot 80 held sway; her willing hands in Morrow7" (he C.oming Year administered to many sufferers, alleviating pain and cooling fevered _ __ brows, .hile be r gentle spi rit soothed . D , L . Crane;owner of the Miami the troubled mind. G W '11 h ad The Miami Valley Poultry Asso- azette at aynesvl e as m e For ~veral past she had been " l d '. . a change in the size of his paper. patient sufferer with heart disease clatlon .Iel Its regu lar m,eetm g at The atentlnside has been eliminated and dn-npsy which rl!ndered her the home of Mrs. E. S. Bally Thurs and ~erl!8fter it will be a seven col~lm09t helpless the rem~inde'r of her day afternoon . A big membership umn t our page folio all home print. hfe and finally resul \D death. was present and rt!f,lor ts from the This change will not deteriorate maShe was a good WIfe, and a g o o d ' terially from the value of the paper. mother. always doing wbat she could show wer? ~ead. The reports. , - Western Star. in her feeble healt h . She united wHh very gratifYing, 1\8 the ASSOCiatIon , • the Baptist church of which she r e- will come off with fly ing colors th is mained , a con'3i Bt'e nt, member Ull~i1 , year. her death, Her <l,:11ly ex mplo m WI iI lh Af 'r d'd t life was one which showed her fl\it h 1 e e I80cla Ion 1 no by<her wQrklj ' make any money with lhe show, the She leavel;! mO\lrn her loss, her receipts were sufficient 'to guarantee husband" ope son,. three grn~dchild- the expenditures . r~n, ~ne Blster, a nl.!mbcr of_ neal' The membersvlJted to hold another relatl~es and a!ar~e CIrcle of frIends. 'how next year, tbe second week , Funeral.servlces were held at ~he in January . There WIll not probably According to believers in the CbhaRepel FErlday ataH ai' m., 1c0tnducted beao many shaWL! in the immediate g round hog- signs. we will have an. Y'M' v. I ' w't ar an . n ermen t neighburhood as there , were other six w~ks of cold' weather. as ID lam ceme ery. year, as sev. ral of tbem y.'i1i be held the sun came out ~nougli for him to CAR.O OF 'rliANKS a week earher , ' • sea shadow yesterday. Another 1'1 We wish to extend our sincere. Several new m emb~rs .were~oted contrad,ictory signfothegrollndhoR thanks to all' of the, friends a,nd I~ . ~nd several npf)bca~IODI{ wli,l be Is that If we h,;w e an ear)y I!:aster It neig hbor.!! for thei r kindness showlI ~?lIs~lIere d at th ~ next me~tin~. f oretells an earlr spnng, E;aster 0 U8 in the bereavell;lentof our mot"er , gvet ~ ~me of the chIcken fancI~rsl.n day falls early thiS year ~nd If t.he to those who rendered the the n Ighborhood are enthu!llasitc Weather MUll has anythmg to do 1"'~:'I(;..; .... . ml!lttsie-atth1e-f1l2n.~I'8I----·----t:;;-;;:f ~ result olEthe show this y ar wit\;! it, theT~ may possibly be an d are fntll!)g i1'\ . fo,' a IIhow '[0 early spring. , .' Braddock' and Chil reno fullolll . . ' Let's ho e that' either way the • - .. T~e Associatiolil. through the Miami weather wifl get RO good a.a t o drive At the Instance of a large . number the township, and al90 Massie .nd azettc. wishel! to thunk all'those who out the grip, which seems 1;0 have .f farme.s and bUliineas ~en of : par.~ of Clearcreek. where the quarh Iped ill the ahow, ana the people a str ong hold on the Miami Valley. b~nblfor th ir gent!roll palrOn8R'e, and Dayton hall about thirty thousand Wayne, M8118ic' and ' 9Iearc~eek ; an~lne hll8bee'!!.laced, • Jlromi~t! something better for next casell of the g riD, and olher places towDshlpe, we are hereby authorIzed most paralyz . ,rhe~e ore It eo to announce '8 MaSIi Meeting to ~e I every bUBI!lesB . II}!,-D , and year. are In line with her. Almost everyoA Township U'ou·~ In farmer to atter.d thIS meelln" B.ndh Af ...,r I \'egu Ial' se 310n ' WIIS over, body in Waynesvl'11e I18S h a d a t ouch held at t ".... ,. 0.... ... tIe 'Wayneavin. on FrldllY, Fflbruary ' see if th~rlt is not 80me way In, ~I~ . Mrs, Raily serve.u ice cream and cake. of iL. and it is hoped that the ground 5th. at 1 o'cloCk' sl-arp, Lo consider Ithe bUIIJfleSB ,cannot be placed JO hog thought there would be ,no sun the important question of quaran' l a norm\lt c~n!lll.ion . Come ,out all~ , O\lt tod ay, aud conclude ' to stay in tine ',' , hear what 1M iIIlltl and add your. senti, A bo~t. thirty cases of mcaslbs de 1,liS warm nes"t fO.r_at I.east a fortnigbt . Trli~ i.. an extremely i!l'por' ant m~~~ in regar4 to the p~~nt qua\" veloped I H~t week, and tbere ar _ meailure as bu~in l!ss 111 thl :> part of an.ttne, ' more to hear lrom , n, is fmpo~$ilJl


A fEW .fACTS TO .-BE '

Wm. Fel ske. of nuyton, is visiting' 'relatives here for a f ' W oays,

W, H. Mudden, a g rip victim, is Dlscu811ion As To a Proposed Place slowly im proving. Of Amusement Broughl Up Dr Dill, Osteopath. Haines Bldg., And Discussed Tuesday and Friday mornings. , Mrs. Maybelle I~itzg erald, of Day· Council DIet ill regular sessIon I ton, spent Sunday wi th her parents Monday evening. All member" were here . present but one. The reg ular rou- I tine of busin~88 was gone-through MISS El la Nt:bberiall, of Dayton, with, ~d the payment of bills t o thll ' s~ent the week-end with Miss Alta amount of ove r $60 was allowed. HIsey. Oiscu88ions during the evening on G W. Ebright. of xenia, was the lIubjects relative to the welfare of guest of Mr. and Mrs . S. L. Cart· tbe town were di8CUBBed , wright Friday. A rumor that has been going the Mrs, Chas. Stan.berry and children rounds fOr several weeks in regard to a new ball beini!' built Wall bro,u ght and Mrs. Edward Woollard we,re up by one'olthe mllmbers. A month Dayton visitors Thursday. or so ago Charlea Aman, who owns Mrs. Louise Requarth, of Dayton, the Aman Block on"'in street. had plans prepared for a new building i ~ the gU6l:lt of her daughter, Mrs. to be Pllt on the back ot lot. and rna k- Chas. Stansberry and family. ing a picture show hbuae and a town hall WhIle the fact that he had never If you are going to have a sale, mentioned die matter to any mem- see A , A. McNeil, Centerville, ?r~O ber of the council was brou gbt out at the meeting, yet he had mentioned Miss Mabel Hadley and Miss Vada it to a few friends. HiB object was McPherson are spending their forced to put up the building, and t he town vacation a t their homea in Wilmingwas to P!&y him Ii monthly rental for ton the IIIIme, the town to have complete control oflhe jI8fIle and to ,r un the MeM~s. Marshall Halnes, Wilbur huu, e for the ,j)urpoae of theatrical Dakin Earl Gray, Charles stansbury show., mo~tnlf plctur~s or whlttevA'r and Ray Milia were in Cincinnati Ult!)' deemed proper for the main Monday. ten~l .ce uf thtl hall h WI&!! ratbt!r s~ppoaed that he in· MI!18 Sue Crane left Thursday for tended to mPet -, with the council Mond., evenin¥ and launCb the pro- Cincinnati, where she will spend ~ proRQl!ition. but ItB he did lI"t, a week or two before returning to une or two of the councilmE'n foun (1 her borne in Toledo. it out and brought the matter up fo~ di8cu88io~. The . concensuB of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pratt and son, ,opmlon- at, thIS meetmll. however" Robert, of Dayton. have been the was that If the ,.ounc~1 undprtook gU6IIts of Mr. and Mrs, George Pratt such aproposition as t}lIt1, ,t hat th~ of the Bdtbrook Road, ior ..vera I had better procure a pIece of ground days and baild a. house tbat ~ould btl used ' as a town hall tor the benefit of the h .. h to n Ralph Vance. w 0 VISIts ere pretw , ' t ften was honored lut week by }I'rom the dlseuuion brol,lght out 't , 0 " at this meeting and trom the out- ljel~1r elected Presld~nt of the M~alook ot 'other meetl~ge that will Clut? of the MedIcal College 10 come up later it looks as though the nc nnati. time tor a townllhip house was almost . " ripe. A gentleman wat! asking the .- - -. other day Itoout a proposed meeting . that 'was to be 'held, where they We are indebted to Mrs, Wm . CfJuld go to nold it, but as the Town, Thompson, of Colorado, ,'o~ a special ahip HouBe wa'J too small and Rogers' 'copy of the Colorado Sprmgs EveHall cannot be u~d for a pilbllcgath. ning Dispatch The pa~r had much ering, there Waa actuallv no pla~ in qf interest to.UB, especia!ly the writeWayne'wille where the meeting up of tho Ullton Pnnter s Home. could be held except ' the School ou Ilht to wake up and do Komething. Auditorium. but lUI the object of the Hundreds of dollars are aoing 'outof meeting was such tliat no expense the Township every ·month tor could be attaclled to it, the 'meeting amusements. Whynothaveanamuse· , ~88 alNlndolltid. ' ment house right here in their midst : ,I t . looks vety much as though in order to keep that money and the WllYne Township, rich as ahe is, people at home?




schools .~l!! tell the re may thb, at' the will r esum!!t time to ,\Vhen several rlew ca~es t nJ8 week . How ever , Supt McLaUghlin will call ' 8Chool a.~ soon he can do so without 'd anger of having to close them D. A. Probst spoke in the Bocial again. rotJJI'JI! at the M. E , church last Fri· .... day , evening to,H fairly ' good slze.d a udience, on t he te mperance queslion He was assisted by the Edwards Sisters, who' sang. ven' well . Mr . Probst r evie'wed his work in Cill, cinnati , during tlie p'8St year, a~d . ' also,of other ''':9rk that,he had, heen 1.0 , o~her parta of t4e !;tate, , meeUng was very en~ . , t husiustic reglllrd -,to votin, Ohio . James Jeffrys. , the .aged .cabinet dry at the CO~ifll' election maker, ofXen)a, won'at the Fiddler's , contest at Xenia IlISt Friday evenirlg . conte!lt was a spirited one, sev· ' eral fiddlers of the old sehool taking . part. It w~ proposed that night to make the affair 'an annua~ one. " ,







. . FR'EE BOO'K 0 ,




THE THIRD'. CLASS 'o&t~r:i~~~~~~(j()llllmbu8,1ree~!:

THIS 'MONTH The new M; E. church will b dedicated on Sunday, February 28th , Bishop W, F, anderson . D. D'JL,L D of the Ohio Confl!rence, will be h.ere besides other ministers, and'the congregation is .preparl'lg for a ~ig. service. ' ,We bope to be I}ble to give the program in our next lBBue. ' ,,' ' ,

.0_ .


A ' Considerable Damage

' , Sunday, on ac!!ount ot the heavy the water was about two feet over ' rains and the unusual amount of tthhee aavvee~~~ h~~ib;:n ~~v~'~~ ~~b snow on the roofs several business water since the new pavin!? was. put houses and reside~ces wern severely in. and petlple crossed ~ver 10 ve!:llcles d ed b t E V Barnhart all day without any IDconvemence_ . JanAagFunk~a:~d L' A Zimmer: Theriyer~ all over .the state, a~e,' ~an' 'w ere the mOlt d~m;ged ones, rising, the Ohio comtng up at tHe all of whom worked hard all day to rate of one foot an hour. ' Condiget their goods out of the water . lions the B!g ¥-iami. I I · at 'd nces ening , although It IS clal th t:l Bever~" prl'k h r~ltoestop . i-be no - dl'mjtmt~~E!t'~.perhs~..--"",,:;f-;;'':-:S'il.!!l.: e occupal)"" wor e ar b 'd ' leaks oCC8llloned. by frozen gutter~. to rl ges. ' h.' d' Illed The steady rains of Sunday !lnd_ The large s treams are an IcaPd in Monday ~)so had the effect of brmg ~~~~ u~~S:e'!1 ab~~~~oth~:~ abe!~ !nw the rIver. uP. ~d Tuesday Ifo m - washed' away 011 account ot the ice JOg the ,,:venue waS almost ~ chv- dama~ing ~he bridge ~ierA. , ' . ered WIth water. The ~ eat er It is so much colder thIS mommg, ~urncd colder Tuesday mormt;JIr, but and the \"a'ers seem to be recedln" It did the n se 'rapidly. for ..and • it is hoped thut the .. . not seem to check . the wat~r rose ~teadll:( all day Tu.ea- r est of the fioud is at its height. ' day, unttl at 70 clock In the evening




WAYNESVILLE. OHIO \f rll;.l."I" I Jut HW ll·~l l m r u . t' mlmlla e~'

ns , IIlfu,ltlll -oUt'j" d 1' ~1I ,e ("'l!1D ' r t h., .1 I II. ) "" lit i! I't. T,t"ID" 1 \"rl\ ('c~ 1


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II I1ru '. "Ahlllell, \\·t\tn Hnllu"II,,1 til )\1I'k' n t I tao



K nt h l )' n : lit: I\ ,ql\\'nud 'h Ttl t o-

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OeUcat. Children


UluaUy only need II food tonio to moa Lhem tron, and ltealLby

~ !?eCl r

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1£ Emulsion Olive 011

re'"'"1 IIJ,lJ'OlI b




not only tbe beS\ Cood tOIllO bu' II pl~~&k. :.. _~Id only by Uf.



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net\! Ill" . f)

' ,.r ,l h .. ,.r. phlllil . H~ l mbnllu mndo J . E. J a n ney. Real ES lote Transfer. hi \ dl" ,n',I , It \\ III tld.o 111111 mo HATHAWAY --~-; lI !I.II~ CIlI In "" CI rmll1 d to hl8 mou, E t.h er L I 1.)81:! to Le!llia D H, '!I" I ',}:!",!" 3 ~ raO I:" of hlolt lu 110. :l L, T. :J, R , 2 , ..... vIl1"· jl 1.""t11111/ ~) "'''III' '!'lI'Y \. l' ll; t.l Bluco's CClmp nn ~l. .\11 " .. ill K ."' M f{1.1 ~ ' " 1/1 ~ hou r. lIlt 'r II'UR 5t' h uwaylng to [.t1e \1" Rog ofll to ' 1l1lor( e8 A. lim· nnli fro. \\'lth coull H all th o ru n. All: hnm I t No, 1 Rnd I\oei pllrt. ot lo t _ __ t . ...... 1lIt'(\ ri\!\ I'orwnrd nu d hl\lt ~ d It. A mOo N o 1 ia Rl clgl ville, ·$I. I;ll nt Inr t'r Knlhtyn and her fnt hol' Th e b~r ll n oh Br08 8 11\lB I' CO to fl . I l,rnar1wd :110' 1 I,rgtul "' l "~ "O;.,tl\.r. "" 'rtI rt'u l1 lt NI. L. D"l;in lot 10 ~lIrv ysbol'g , " :200. , SYNOPSIS. iUlliU IH " r tl\"'l' 4"\'I'~ , t l tl R W ll~t" a, III" rt." .. , J-"111 (;no\ 's na lllt', Bruco, let us gel (j ~'. HUll At,n" B lI a Bro wo t o .. \,~ n' ~ n I t "? " hi' (,,1'1 1 ~f! In -rdntn\ ,. 11(0 F.I \\ hy 1\1" nlln ,"I,·rllllnp.ll1l1.\ ali t of tills dnUlIinbhl oUllt ry; I urn 8t e :L1 or \I pe l ot- No . 31 10 tI ,'oth A Hl1 ~.inn ~fmv l l1 nrp,l thr . u l' C,H:A PTER l-ruthlYII 1t.1"", It.-ih ·,ui,; • ·"I!lln" I h,\d nhn,"1 fN!:olll'r tb ar ffl1b or, nl. tl nn ', tn \\11' 11, h u! ~ HtI) .. ..r h. ril l'" , nt ~ h" !tWLlIII to ,H. I"· U) il1~ Cor ",nn l' nl 111;1It, ul r. food!" I:'lIr k ~ llbdi v\ 8 i ou 1.0 I. b li OOTl , . I'UU orow r ~,b e ,, '?- II ~U ~ ~1 1;?I . t'I\I.nH .0 • monuO her InG"NI: h\!'t' l l111U l' tn ,'"' :Ilk" \1 h. " Ili'r", I ' '11 .. nt'l ; '" r-:" I II ...... :\", 1 II., CO I l< hill> d T he' IHtnd th CO II'IIl' t Into n how· _ G FB I ul,I••, k " ,I.IArO l'lltkf''' I h " t ~." r ~ to go to him ',n AJ1HIm.. 1,"1\G. t'mhJ. 1J1. "1. no I om lH'~"' n ln i: Itl Ir' ,\h d h nud ~ lurtl~o) J! ulli. 111'glllg tb' Ill- I Vi IllIam T2 b OIllIJlS"o n to " t'l '",o wkn t roo l' S "'Are Lllet hv II T nrkl,.b " rillY. p rotun(3(11t to lh lhrnnl1, h \ ~ lUll" .!'ol 'i:' .1 1IIl' Il I' p1r.t ht (l 1,q ll' r . li l ::4 t1I(' ll a t i) 1 It D( " l n H i l L nr ;tho colon 1.!lt b,., tho llLl\) kl n ht.... n nel bll l t ll'S W(lr A f ' n ~ l1 l 0 11 . 11' 1l IliJll llt 6 al. tOi' Pl'''''1. :-10 eoo ll I' ball \HH l hl I r r I\·f~ It ·h.1 n 1\ IlIl'tI)H'ug t · r ('011 td ob 11. vhsio' n t o Lolmn 0 $1 t o h- \ b\lD~U} \\ \.\ " l~oIJo. , tht,y Irft Iho rll'p r thnn lIomo nntl\'o . , . I l lnin ~ of M p~o Jlotl\ m l " b l'l "'0,·" itie I' f at'h· t.' 1" "ttr G . ' th • I I. J M E ' J' h Ill' I",, 'd h" r An~ It, !Pllt~" h. I' CHAPTEll H- ArrlVlJur II' I1t\h u. I,i\ t t\ bOlllS Inllded at 111 brat< II call1D. SIt! IlU l' go, 1111 e. 1\ " . II rn T iDri a II n ,l R l1 l l h rtll P~ r lv ... r. u,1 ~ " 1 \I III r h:1 ." III' ~ lIlrl "l'nr t h.· IlrC'sI N il ' > d til ' L b ,. l tn. ' 0 lnformed by t ' Inull I1n 11m III r Ion " h,' WIlS ~o lInllk.· nil) ;·<lllll. rull y )1-lel. lng Ul" III IIga wilie ll hnd h ll rt. o t R O. oJ"n . 10 (I IUIOU r l'''\ II ·' l'o . rrll ll l-: I,n II 1lC'1 lin I fr n,I I·f tnt'll r bNl18' doad Bh ~ Is _rt be- Illl r .· n . fU" J ,n t yr ·a ItlLV, th t-I IJI nt ot lJl P Hu t $ 1 ... . 1 ,,·ntnRU hfl hltd p\' t' r til I hu t Polu" (' un nluff't l\1(\rry hltn.. Sht 9'i rU,""'H «flIl t!i In \\'h ~ 1 "r th., I' flt' wn r .I~?" b.!nn I('ft b"hllld In til futl h. , tio n. \Y UH I ll .. ~ II .A of 11\ 11 (jun '- Il 0 f orm (t b y th pr l (,lIi~ th o t n,l \\" IHhln (,"(l 11 ilJ8C' J! hlfl ".lll.hIlRhf'.1 1\10 :t..' or th' l "I' X •. ' "O ur t ro llbh'~ nrr OHf. fnth'r." Gh il rl AS :'chtl e!l tLl1d 'b~rl es .1 on"~ I~cl eo. . \\ . ... ,, 1'(4 H" lug t u hOld YO u Ita 1'0 ..... 0 ru \tJ. \)l~J:ru:"n· I ~t. a'H' Is t-t"'Nl 'U.,,\ \',tI'\ d >. ~ " It I" hl' ~ t ." ~lu .1 Ah""'d. "tllM W' I,W'·. I'm hll il n 'Polrh nl'H! 0 Iml" 118 I rmuu ln liS ExtrH. 10 ., mnk l:lohnell 11 . .,;] t o think It 0""1'. "1\1'11 lil Y falh ",. tI~ ., . u 1111 J'l>muln In ~ ld,' hI' 1II1nl~al (." Il CL . In dia. tll l'l'", I ~ lhnt curse. Ab. lone norOR In Cle l'lllo nt \Iud hurrt' lI : CHAP'TB OJ- Bhe s till n "".", "'lrl I" h'I'H Wf"Rn,l hlll'lIrJ t ()ld th at tl.h l) UlUdl untlt'rlCQ 1,\'0 I t ["d\ tl.ltl ITII.blll. Ita "o ) 011 lillY plnn In rm'{ rrrIlJlII!'I' Ih" r.'10" I'srnrt 'n"I' )'ou}'ou ." In th o lnushed ti l It; but lIol uo wl" (Jo uot.itlt! f OOOO. " " • w ttb \YU d t~iL6t&. If BII(' IiU I \. 1\" .... ti l",.' \\·lll P undlta .ltH·S n OI r'''lIrll?'' . "l1lv.' nil' lh .. I' n." 1It'~ mell W 1'0 1'llIhallr. ot 1,'II Slh fOtlnd It IB callUllfu,tC'r UlIlIlphe ll t,!) ,1llUles F "11111 vo " " ltI CllIllllbl 'l'l .. ill ·~ J'HlJ. b pormIU d 10 rul . H"mll hol '~ b" PIIR t H \\'l'l 1(·.1 .. , ('8, Ah rlrn,dl»: 1I,." r.'r "~'I Ili'nr,' r. lI ,. RISllod m in. 'rri~l er. 2 tru ots In HlllUiltou t o wn · 1..1" for !'IO VI r. , l )' ell l'~. Peol.llI wl l<) ~ CliAPTlDn IV-Jolm Hrucc. n .\nw r' "11'\1. I IlilV . ' 8 Ihuu. :lII<I rrl"lIdR In t h, ' VI'd"r of ".. "'n~.,. I!" klll'W that " Follow m !" ho cr l It In a fury. Sbi Jl $ 1. II "v e u ,;ed rh t' 1Il will I..,k .. I "tl liln ~ oan. Saves h~r It teo y"nrJ,'r c it )" rl'atly lit III)' ('11 11 Only ['\I'll Ir It rl'n .. " •. t! r1 w ('lIl1l1l'l l lt woul11 I{o I~d th om bac k to UIO colollol's IJ l' rll OO .1. \Vb itll r., to Grnen . ' e180 r onu fI'C" DlI)10nll I IH' 1ll t 'l 'lI V CBAPTER V -'.J'ho lu-phunt ' \hll: h l • • l r .. 1 thlts IH nU.I tit" time. !'t ll! . 1 elln nil 1I0t :''' rI' ,,; III( Ion" lUI •.ti",'Ul lal. enrn p, but those h ~ ught had OOWIl. W h ltoo re lot No. l a ill \Vllh ll m,' c ISl onh.rli li t! Ih& b, . t, 1I1l{1I II v" 111111 r lf! !:t her frorn thu ' e 11\ IJ ( ho r tl ll1j ~ ruml \\'11 . I( ntiJlyn Jo) fully l'lIl1J.\ ht up til e 01'- Ill' rClII"on('d 'Juk ldy. Th~ Lrn lt I d ad tl1 llo l1 t c MUIlI vi lltl. U. cn re fo r COII . H\lr ll oD Ill .. I 1 kiWI' 1l\VIlY, $el/araunjf ".". (rom 1\ru! ~ un ll tho , 10 tlll "I. uud by 1011l0rr,.1\' th r .l'OjI\ ot th~ IIllrt)'. , not I,, · U Htl' lI l' of rlt" IJ<II H(," lipan nn lie", unci a ll d 10 h" r frltmll ». Ra- to IV Llrtl 11,0 CllIl1J1 "r Brue Snhlb. nn d /frank 00 <1' Eunlc. YlLr~er t o tJf," writ e" Fronk , Lr'''IM'', F I·\lII. . nt l"'r. 111' Il(lt nlarm tI. Pundltn wll , nl:l tl al KOIllul nnll ,,)11.,,1, h is h('ud . It Ill flllg thIs 110 t tI hIs m on , Ilrr lvln g III Tho lUlltI. J lind BURB l e Fordy oo 1 •.1 I" nll, l o w.. . F.,r ~II It. h" 11 11 fl llill uT!. . CRAPTml~ \,1-8110 till a r,·r.,gc In " rUllled temple. but U.tu hlwc n r. tho be(\1.! ret urn . hU I IlI uyhnp alOlW." ''!is no! (,!lough. h ) ",, 111 . lI e tooll Iho Il rll" 10 t1Iud th e II1111V boat mOn lea v· Il orcs tu IJlLrhlll t J) 'Nn f! hlp ~ I ot a ' Uon \l1Id abu I. tor ~J to 11,. NIn Il ' 0 iJlI~' \'1I 1I,·d. J" wl' \t'cl tr lllllgio Ir(,1lI j' l1lbll l1n's till'- Ing tCl/' Iholr bouls. I .Vrn. D . IUld Fl or e uO.i T erry t l', AND ALL THE FAMILY Hand ShaklnR Dangerou8, ; OHAPTElt Vll- Bhu Ihl". 0 , NNtIl In ~ \1. I'undl ln. b" lng n \\'Ollllln. Wfl.! I'"ll . A hurrl d (Iurst.l on or t wo elicit d E dll ll F. '(\' rry lIlrtl o\'I of r (lnl 8 tl\t. ~ Two DJld n h alf million readers find It of th.. ~ U D ..te. only to rull In •• t h" hunda t)C .Flllclf>riol glijtu roc lilly t Ol II(I un· absorbing \\'l sl1 III L1l e Illulle r of lurn She 611' "!lo, It ILII"ll", I: . .. ltI !('llhl yn. th" dl reC llon t nk,.n b)' th e tUl;ltI\' s. ell~l . ot L Ab~ Il ( n , $ 1. slave trooer& interest. E\,erything in It is d r thu fillgpr nlll t ~ or m ~n . w 1II~1l li nd t'('rf'(\ IhQ c:l t y unrlu('s liorH' I\. Shf P!mn r,ly " 111\0'1' ,,1\ III " n~ "; "g , brl{lg 1-111 \",11 11, COlnmnllrt 'or d Ih! bonts.. William II. 'l o rry t Eden I' • . Wdtten So You Can Und.,..fartd If 1 CRAP'l'ER vm-xllthl ''1 It! hrollS'hl t o ss tha n thlfltWn dl!rBI'children no I cOllie t Ilt .. 11" u".· ~ I "\J" JUtit ul> t:m nl" lath. r l,nl·l, ~ 11'1'. I:,'~ . I "" ~ lIre ll 'l'h""(J wus SO ln. llret 'a l, but Um bntlll I 1 f L I ~ tblt publlo mart In .... 1" liB und ~vl J to J ., I'orr v 2 t rll et " ot 11 111 fllltl t 0 u ,. !It kInds of JlI srl\~o garm s. Ilicludl ug We sell 400.000 copi~ overy month' without 'UmblLlln, who, IIndlug /I,'r M III I n.ub· bull" \\I\B I~su fng forth . tlh sbh'· lli ut If augh t hlllll,Pll q \II ),Oll. I Ulbullll tllftllllcno d c1enth to l hoso wb o op· . givjn g p remjtlrtls nnd have 110 solicitors. Any mIulv~, throW8 b r tnto t h" lIuII'; n ""ib those of t uberculosis, dlpllth erln ' I\d llt.owedcnl('r will " bow you n CQPY : or wrile the (H' 'd I) IItU IS b ~ould nllt help It; ~hllll JIll) ." IJO." d him , anti lh frlg hl.e ued na tiv es Illl on. $1. ..b ur talDer. J)ubllsllcr for f ree ... mple - 3 poslal wlU do. InfluenzlI. th" man 10ul;,,1 Mil gloomy nnd fol' "\\'1111 his h"ud." ~U IJP" .nt('nlud surrendt) l'~d . 'fho Rol ~lors piled Into ' El h" lIod Z lITn • m lt h t n tltmry • CHAPTER lX-8ho .. rucued b)' BruCQ $1.50 A YEAR ISc: A COpy boding. Til 8cowl warnud b or tc Bru co. " 1,U,I/{. not ~""uhL' rly lilVllrd tb e boats IUld !legnn poling down Bud ~O lJhl .. (hot (l ' l aU.3u nores ill ...a hi. (rloo4&. walk vlth lUl rema car . ' th. WI' S[. l:tllbul!:t. Your t roo l,,, r8 wil l strea m rapIdly. A milo or t wo below I 8" I' III U to'9Il ll ll l l> 1f6500. ne Popular Mec:hanlcs . ~ed at length tll y cartl (1 10 lill . II No. Mlohlgan 1Iu 8l0Pl/od wh e n b o SAW h"r al1d n .moln nl til< cU I\'~ or Lbo leRr'ng. tb el'o \VUIl II ford nnd to go soutb UIO' house or R amallul the)' did not R.'" lr Probate Courl Pr()C(:edlngs . I to enter the fro nt. but eholll' th ~lI l ' wa.a sU fj.rls d InLo nccording her, the Til y Itn"!, bl,.. n I nrll:llI~d t hnt \l 61n- Ilu rs ucd must cross It. . Lato r, l2.,urlluo r an d pursued m el, flnd I In tbe mntter of E "I D. Wilker. In the reu of th.e gard n. Tb,j Wllon tialuLo O"e gllve to 0 YOUlau ot QUllllt y .; ~Ie ml6:\wll u th "l r pnrt und thl!lr " All ! ' IIlIlHtor dluu." 11 r II I wa rfare bllglln. wIth n deClth toll s on . AI1Jlliollt.lon for a a miHsl on ot I cllAPTEll X-'Cotbl\el Bn 11180 19 r",,· '·Durg .. Rum," sb lJegnl\. " . nm Um bnllil Rllt uv I! lllll y In tb" c.h alr. on both sld08- Druce and Altmed kopt H!l ld !ro d D, Wi lkMtlo n to t h e D~y • .ru84, ·U m blUla. wltb 8OIdJO..... ·.tnrtll In 600klng you." lI ar volco lrombled over They had bou tr n hIm b y 0. polliL Tlio Lbe elophnn ts goIng. but In tbe mlddte t on ~t.ltB IW8P ltlllis mude ~ural,ll[ KJl.IblYII 18 airuu!< uy U bull.t. so lIttlo. I heat 01 hI s na go 8"-'el,t ol'er blm II ko ot the ford a bullet struok Kathlya, I n th mll / t er (It the estRt of -'Yee: why not t A ICOllo ru was tOe "Jnd edl And wby do you sook me, : are, nnd ho clo~ed bls cyes. i anll slto tumbled hendtong Into the J ohn~' (jruhnlll , ll " 8" lIe«l . 18l1 oellll t .. rm of 5U ('r no a o rfl~ to r unt THE ' CItIATEIT baelo 0jl1l88 ot a ll this mlsory a n d wllO urn your eneUlY, und wllo lLl waY8 1la.lIlllbnl 1/Jl.SS(:ti tho gUllrds, gh't ng . Wlltor . 6r"bKnl is upvoilll.mllldmi ll IHnt r u. Addre~ 8 Philip V e lt er, Lyl.ll', treacherY. L et us give mballn u w ill b 1" . I th m ad dltloonl warnIn g to remai n ex· I Tbo c urse h a d n ot yet Ll!ted Its ovll Hond $l50El. Pltillp t:ip euo6, M. W O blo. fl7 taste ot It. Am J cruel? Well, yes; .. womnn lovos whero sho mus t., l acl ly \\'h ra th ay wero. The cnptatn I hand. LI~ogn[ldElmert:iheet,"lire"ppolnted IN THE WOIILD (a~m, or a pln ca t o w ork by Hill aU that was gentle Clnd tond or 10 mo ndt wllore she wills." l ahruggt. 1: It wus 0] 1 In B doy's work, TO BE CON TIN ED al'PrJI iser!l J>IJB1JSIiED WEEKI.y, $4.00 PEB YIAl d ll y Ml\rried muo, with fow. aeema either to bavG \'anlshed or mbal lll seemed i.e ponde r over pad womon we re uJwuys I adlug or - - • lu the e stll te of Ilruu G. Trimble. IIO'.L8. DItUCCIaTs. SPEClt.LIS,.., .haMened., He bas PUt terror Into my tbls truth. I drl" lng mon tnto be ll . J dt'CeBsed , Ilventll 1100 alit IIppruv ed II.v . 600rl t obaoco lDl&n. loqulre CO 8' U M II II S, T It A II 8 F II II. C A ~ I" he&Jt: let me 11ut 1l 1nta ·h1s ...· "Alld wby bave you Bougbt me?" I Wit · n ful,lDnh,,1 a Pl} ored b eforo the C<' , Flr~t f\ n r:\ fi nlll hcoount io the ~ t1 t tbls o ffi oe "liD . . ua SERVIOIl OAN PIIOF'\' "'It: Is all tmpl'Ilctjoo l," (]ernurred "A w"mlln's aeuns. My busband CounQIl be \lId so PJ'Oudly : He 8,... tute of Bella R ubln!!G', d4lceluled 18 .11 U'INO I,.. ADVEIITlILINO OO&.UM". -oe. onll tllo mml\8uhll)-" (llsm d 611 l'UquALte requJ'red, h owover, tl'l lproned , · S~MPLE Copy FREE ' Y k til h b I ." A s I h,l V t l!llMd i o Kentaok;v , • "He"w. nevllr !ollqW Pundlta," 1II11d .. ·ou now o. w ...OI1(l II ~ S I Ilud o!tollded ~be wl'llton ord r for II I 11 t A l' G b t In . "ho e .oo-te of Beleo "'. aD d FOR SALE _ _ _ .. IlW '1011. OqPPl1i ....'-ed. Qulokly. . Cul lmel lIur 's r lonse. At I1rs t thoy , 'it ~ ut t \ 11 • r ll y I1rm • ...... ..,. 11- Va.... II- Y. ...... "', Du r gn n ".. now r tused to rCICnrd It IlII llutll8nttc. , Ra· 1% mil e l! euet 'of Sllrl llgliorl.), ond' l Nel80D A ~to, minOr!:!. ,First aoooun~ ..... and nm; I l a ooe ._ft~ .....- !ShAll we ftll Y BI', don " , mile we at of Day tou I\n d L e b IInoo 18 npproved. AP Buoket", ~pl1e8 Rnd Woud walt'" ~thlYll asked bltte'rIY. "At "wbHet sbet Is h lldlllg·d' I' I 'b mnbal J)roduolld tho Juwelod trIangle . Pik e on th e n pp r WaY1letlyme lind In , .ths est-Ilte of, Ambrose Dear th , UO Vll r~, JI!llnt-ed F l1f fnrtllt'r III .... •• Ie' ' m try. 'Bo will not harm 0 sen n 8 ll'ew g once nto er "The llr\nc 11M mude tills order 1m· Tlrl' "' '' b (/r o "Ike OU . 1• ~ b ' ... " . c de el\8ed, First and lina) aooount f'lrlJlntilln write or Ot11\ on ,111M. 8 Pmi,dlta, sillee It'le r b o wantS." oyes. H nd sho wflvered, III would flv e Ilernll ve;' he said. "Colonel Bnre w lU ~) I I OU, Sprlog V"lley, Ohio, [,. D. ~ , . "She Is rigbt," IIverted Pundlta .. "A. befalle n nero , Illroo ed In my ellstody," Wedlwsdoy, February 10, 1915 iR npproved . 'WOIJIan can do more flt this moment "Toll mo." "Whor ls OurSn Rnm'" Oomme noln g lIt 10 ,)'olook A. M . In the mDtter of th e estate of Box :,,2. thaD .. hundted men.' I wlll go, mem.. "Follow." "At tho bu ogulow of olone l Hare. Ibe f ollow ing proper t,y t(l. wlt: Amanda 14, t::!obnell , dlloeosed R o Veterinary t N E thrt'e yellr.ol(l mul1l8, nn eaIllb: &nit, more, I will briag hlm He laugbod. N ear by stood two of ~'hero h o fouod the dl1llghler." l:l or!.les, C" ttl e ' 8ogs . Chlokeo s. slgnatlon of hurles Soh nell a8 00e brokell, I 5 to 15Y.' btl nd~, good b¥lr.the palace gun'rds. " All wome.n are Ab: thlll cleu.roo o p everyth ing. Um. Iwpl em e nt R. F eor1 . of t b'e eKeoutora IS lIocll pted Graduale of Obit) "/a4 " But If he should hold you as a bost- llartl . Why sbouM .l t ru st youT" bfllla bad !lomll d (J nlte pia u In re'60 b ilt bill f tlr term8. Tn the' ma tter uf the 88t.. te of An. n OliI'. G. E. , Riley, p hooe HB-~Y., eow _p," lIDS8Bst.ed the hn.rrled Ahmed. ~'Thllt Is tru o. Why ab ould )'OU leasIn g Colonel Un ro. [~woutd con· • J eff Moore . d r ew James B~l:ter; d eoell"ed LebllnoD. u blo. "'What then?" trust me?" She lurned and with tU SG til publlo. who lind beeu given to R . C. Bulne8. Allot Cot'll t order!! prtVllte sate ot oertl)io Bbole, wlnkloa8 nOBloil oookin g Office at resin/mce in "'. H. ::!her ' 'What .will be wlU bo," 8llswered bowed head started to walk away. uudereta nd that the bllnter was dead ; 0 L . Doke, Ole rk. ~toOk8 !lnd boods In said estate, .tove. Uaed only & very mUa, wood's bouse. Fourth !:)lreet. Pundit. .,ftth oriental p)illosoph)t. • "Waltl" he oolled to b el', !It tho but lbey wou ld ntahn that It Wile li D Uh6flp. Ioqalrl' Ilt lhl8 office . MarrlB&e Llcen. . , ~oU eball 1101 , Nndlt.a," satd Ra. earne time motioning to the gulU'l1l to alTa!r of 8ta te. In no wise con ce rning Telephonp 28 lDiabas; "1Ul4 Dursa Ram s ha ll olloke tollow a~ a distance. . the POpulBC&. So Colonel Hare w as The nnde r !llp;nr>o. h .. vln g rell ted ThJW!lS I~aao, lllbor er of Klogs ..uVER SEE D-I bave some litt.le ~ thee8 two hands 11 h ~ banns "If r lend you to tho memsahlb It bJ'Ou bt u. Ramoba1 Instant! sJa- their fn ,r m will RAil At .. lloMlIn I1t Mills to J eoole H eorv of !foster : Ohio r l:ld o lover II ed for 8111e. Call on Waynesvi I.Ie. or 1'QIlJ' be&d:" ,. . must bo a~one. " . . - - . I thti'ir r ()!itil onoo l'y' mil es west of Re v. A. J. Keslle, W. O. Philllp8. fl 0 "i&Dd DOW ' to bOO," 88ld Abmed.. "You say tbat'you alono know where nu.led hJm to amotll r hJs loy. Dut It Lyt)e and ly' miles oort'll of Ridge . 6eorge Butzel, Hap'. of Fulmlna'e WUS Dot n cessury for th e .c olone l. to ville on the Harlan R ond, on b I 1" JerS8Y Cow, wit.h Gl\lf by ber to Kate Bolnnger, both of Klo~e tor Kathlyn that sbe boo .n ot s e 8 PI' tend de jection. He was so Dltl. . ~lde, A No 1. For further in Milld. Rev W, D. Kels • tIle 'ifft or olairvoye.nce. At the pre., meant that J alone will lead )'OU ably wOflk tbat b could scareoly shod Monday, February 15, 1915 furmlttloo call on W ~. Grllbmm, ......- mom-t-me put b6~ bead upon ' the to her. Aud )'00 must 'deelde quickly. an d Oll I y vngu IY \ID d ers '...... - -d C ommenoing at 100.0 'I 00 k A . \[ .. ~ 1 , th at h e Common Pleas C<iurt R. D. Go!. Waynesville, O blo . _ ' 3 pUJow her taua:er 1\'88 :writhing under Durga Ram, for even nol!' tbey lU'e was to tollow tbls man Ramabal . the . following property to. wit : Fun~ral Director. 'the'Iash,' but naYer aBound came from lIroplU'lng tor 1l4ghL. and this time they whom be did not r eoognl z;o. BorseR, C"ttle. Implement". B outle.. New Suits. . AORES of w ell Improved ~morro · K1:"anMdtree.tomKlorrotww~~ tl'eeto__tor• wt'~:dr:~" Ram abaJ, comprehondln g ht e plight. bold Good", l.ot of UbiokenH. Feed.\ Ellzabet.b Welllngt'.lD VI'. Mlnole Telephoof) day or night propel ty, ol(llie to Cen tervill e . .au w ~ ·w gua r ;;s bnnll to the gl\v 111m the sUpJ)Ort of Ij ls o.rm, nnd Soe bi g billtl f or t erms. .r. I:lattertbwalte, Nlltbbn Jonel aud A. bargl\ln, In order to oioRO est"te VBlley phuue No ; I.oOR rOw ..... fIlia11 feel the lash," cried Um· . "Sond tbe u,... t lh th I It ill I S f BarlllD BroB Di81anOfl No. 69-2r, ' ~-;hen he ..._ '''at hIs "'oUm 1I8Ifl\le." age 8.1' oy 0 a pR Ilce. 0 ar , • Albert F. Miller. mODey eto , Bbe A. A. MoNell, Ueotervllle, Ohio . W or.... TO all bo.d gone smoothly. R . 0 ~ BulnM. Auot. . 0 E Tibbal8 III' owner !lnd pro Both phoil.08. . fl 'i O<Jald stand DO · mQ~ I "Once more, Umbfllla made II elga with bls Tbe C 011 b d II Cn rl Duke Ula rk • • I .';be4'e Ia' the i!U/P'88 1>asketT" hand, but flnother with hl8 eye8. The oun ~ no BU 8 1) coos. ,. pr1e tor 01 ~be PiJre ll'ood Grooory V8, ~utomobll~ Service at all Times 8t1bt<crlhtlrs. to t.he MoUall'8 J'8eblY the 0010001 shook bJB,bend. guards ' foil baCK to th e DalllCo' atope, T':tentYltl~neut bdad rOllbowod Durga Ra m W . 0 Gilmour, Arthur (:i, Gilmour l l . MagAzine • . S!lnd 360 to t he , th th d an w .ou , oubt t ey were at t I ~ Iln i '1'. C. Obrlstle , money 01l1y; OHIO Oy un mom nt with hIm. 1 111'111 ollor lit pllllo 8ale on the aml)lln tololmed $416113 with Inte r eet Ul1wttJ offioe, and get one of tbe WA VNESVILLE; , "'ToplOlTOw.'.thenl Up WI now you 11nd((rstnndlng perfoctly at on ·earth. tt ' ba.v. ,] mown O'UIY. negl eot. Now you oth rs wero to follow un soon. OnlY "Froo l" breathed the colon ol us Rn.- fllrm kn o wn a Mrho old (Jn r tw rlgh t Mary J, Ruth vs. Wellley C Ra8h bps, mtlgulnes Branch Office. Barveysbur&'. 0, , -'--'Lteel'the active h.a.tred of thA mao once dllrl ng tbo jounlOY dId he speak. ' h o m estend 1' / mil o Pl\st of Wuynes J ....... u mllblll b lion 0(1 to a pu bllo litter. h. , And Mer oh ants and lI' .• rmer8 Bank 70U robbed an~ cbeated, , Ah r ubles ' "Pundltn, r et;lolbber, Iryou bave lied "Hoshi You a re Slll)posed to bo ' ville ~tJ t h e Way n e s\,ll1eundOotuw. ~ aDIl ~ls and emeralds' y~ 8hall you w ill be punlsb d." m y prlsl)ner . Mak e no ' slgn ot jllblln.- I bus Pike Oil of Blllnohes ler . fo r dlvor06, Illlmony DeY8l' lee them.'" "Durgn Ram, I have not I\od. I !lod Injuo otlon . '~or BhlllJ youI" h ave prom ised to lelld you to ber. nnd ~I~n." ~~J ~bal h~P:d tl1~ broko~ mlln Wednesday. February 17, 1915 . Brl\ndoo & [V108 vs.' The D. L. & ""Watt anlt see "Thore'sllnother w ay I ad yo!.! to her 1 s halt" not 0 II t or a ll Me Ie coo 08 to -,OD~ nol tJ~ M .lO o'olook ~he tol. G I\nd :. L & N ,money and eqult. or. tlrtatlnfl the ~eoret l.rooo you. Walt; "Dur ga Rnm," he mused. She Itld h urry., ElteDhauts wilt be ready to l ow ing propE'rty to.wi t: B ur @e8. nbl~ tellef, amooat olalm"d. '27,. baTe paUenclo,'! Um balla Illughe d. not glv.o bJm b ls title 01 prince ; In· start tho mom nt " '0 ruach your. cam I). C(lt~ 1 ,Bogs, f armlug Implements, 5"0.75 and Interest. ADd .t bJs' rang In the colo- c1 oo(l .. she n evor bad. She was really This tlmo I be llev4,l '\VO clIn gat oway B u. rlle ~!l . l:1ouBeh old Gouds. ', Frlmlc Bmnjon V8 T be D. L, & Ule rl ghUul h Ir to lhls e rown ' but In sur LY." See big bilts for 'te·rm8. O. and the t '. L & N . -ooey ~nd nel'a 'eaJ:8 10Dg after tho door ·hu.d .' "And UJ;Ilbflll ll ?'· · -. J useph L ~ Rosell .. OJ ... q clO8ed. , What .new dovlltry bad be 10 bor fo rbears h ad lego tl y tore8 wor~ "Shall go wUb UB as hosto.Se." A. A. HoN eil . Allot. . eq uitabl e I:ell er, amoout olalmed, in1ndT ' . . All! lpe Col on el Sahib's camp. Good. Dut UmbaJlli dId no t go wllh th em W, E. O'Nell ll , Uler k. *1563,30 wlt)llnterest, Tit" nen mornlog Kalb·!yo. camo He knew now tha t In Ka lillyn 's 0 9- as hOB~l\ge. .on' the cout rnry .. t he mOo Mi:Joie J . tla:Uertb wll(te V8 F. A. Into the 11~ room dressed, for the r apo be ',nd the man Ah med to rockon mont tiley loft blm alono b e QuIckly Miller, cancellation of dee~, reoon tlrat time 111 . weeks. with . PI'.e senUy. . Name In Trunk. v eYllooA of property •.et al. ' ''You ~ not u.CraJd Pondl la?" "She Is th ore. Da rga Ra m." . It Is a . good pl nn wb en trnv ellng to . -....- - - , ~o. Mmed will bave "And ",hal more?" Iron.lcally. have on e's na me and address prInted me carried to wltbln a f ow yarde of His COOl1l65S cnused bel' sarno un· or wrll ten on t he Ins ide cov er at a Ibe pte. and alter tbnt It wlll be asy erwlno8s. Hn.d ho, by ma ns uoknown trunk. 'l;beu In C38Q ot loss ot Cb 6Ck, When you c~toh Cold, or begin to ;tp floc! Durjra Ram. ' Ah, 'memsa blb, 11 t~ h er, sIgn ed to t ho gUllrd s to follow? Or Cl ny mis ta ke, It ca n be Identifi ed by CouJ?b, the first thl n ll to do 18. to take ~ but knew b\)w I hat blm I" UDlbnll n ontered tbe II\' Jng rocl m I th e oWn,or to th e sa tl sfsction ot tbe Dr. BIlI1'8 PiOll Tu.r.8ouey. It pen.Attar Pundlta hnt! depart d Ahmed of tho bu ngalow. It was a ppa rontly J:a!1way 0l1lcl618 by sim ply openlug are etrllttlk the linings of the Tbroll·t. ~fOJ!IIbt to' the ieoPlird. Kn(b lyn petted. dee rted. H e CIlSt ' 0 QuI ck gtance tr un k.-Good Housekeepillg. aud Lnng ... "n d Ilgbts the Herms of the Dlsen.o; giVIn g q nl ok relief and tiD4 crooned, &rill tbe mnglc tImbre abQut. ' The cur\lllos l,feDl \ll ed SUEr - ...- - - n atilra l healiDg. "Uar whole fam ~. hili' tilDes won over tll e spotted ellt. r le1(lIIsly, In<l eVll n 1\8 ho noted It. Go od Basem"ht a Neces sIty. ' Be ~ed.· n ru e. Ram~bn l a nd Ahmed s prang No Illl'ln home sliould be wltbout 11'1' dflpond on PlOe Tar.Booey for , Ali4 nOW. they must wall.. Au ·bouf for th, carrying ropell. mballa ma de a la rge, rOomy. dry and COOl . base- Cou~bll uDd .CoMe," writes Mr E Williams. t:iam \I ton, ()hlo. it al. -e- .... K'&tblyn sibo we d _I '"'s of a dUSb for Ule door. but tlloy 'wore too mont; 'o r th o Iclnd III wblell you Cflh ways b elps: 2fio Itt y our Drn ~gtet . f . reeUeaaneaa, and tb.llI restl essneas COl)' Qu1 t1k or hIm. stowawa y 0. fu rnnce, ne weil ns seMI. -"784 Itself tbe 1 opard. who began ' Stru gg ling he wos seized nnd ·b ound, In g . fl com [qrt abl workroom . De-to ·awltch bJa tall o.bciut. ,but all the while he was lauglllng In· sides; nny otilcr kind Is not sanitary, Wilen It I. Darken. . Iwardty. Old tb ey drenm of t.rnllplog By bla ·own observaUons on tbou· to any th e least. "'Mefuaa.hfb, you a~ lOSing your In· 1'hIm In tbl s c.hlldlsh tfUlhlon? Dy now sanda of nlghts W. F. DeDDlng. the tluence over the cat, WllrllOO Ab nrod. 20 80 bf b l Id we ' drllw. • - - - -"00 walk: 80 talk e lepb!Ult ; a/ld you. or s Pll mon . re Enctlsh scientist, bas proved that WII Brice' Bablb 0 v.' lth ber. I'll mke ! Ing a co rdon about tile camp. All of Back "'umbe~. are scientificall y correct wheo we sa)' . or~. ' t.'.. I them sbould 'pay the full penalty for "I WOUldn' t drenm or marr yI ng blm. that It 18 "alwoYB darkeet just before r,eeiv~d , ~ Bnt " 06 d JGithl-n wo t tbe ! 'tb ls act. What !Dattered It. tew ropos? Wily . he iml d he '\ ould do everything 'dawn." He has foulid that · before . j" l O,CfJ r~tb- ' to maliC! me hOPJlY." "What Is wrone 4eu8~ ·. Ule ,ro~ ..8 0 a cnges.)I. Sb e 0wns 8 I IIH e wns ralbor puzzled as 100 tb o . roa,. I I th .t dawn a great darkness [nvarlably ~table , <_ft' to l3ruce. il e ra BOrl of their l OIlv1ng lIJs r\ght a~lD Lree. ab9ut .that?" ' He ought ·to know a seoDls 'to drop down like a man't le upon , , til .n ... ~ g NC' xt. t he curtnllls were thrown bac.k hum ans lire Pll t on earth 10 fuWI) mla. tbe Immediate surroundings. Objects· ' Iqjllt •. ell'- te)lssness, and looked 1 ani! Kn1.hlyn slpod fO\'l.'a10d. Near har 8101lS, . DlOt to . be ·118I)PY." wblch' were plainl y obser"oble during l~to her eyes . A cboetab ' wl t.h l e"bB P8I'JIlltted ber to touc~ tbe waw It leopnrd s trnln ed Impntlently on the - - - -- - - .- - ' - th e previous hours of tbe olght are .~ bl,: I.nI.uita, ~here88 tho koe Der of thla\'leMh. m ba llfl eyed her 'Wonderingly. bloUed ' out, and a nervous feeling 18 Letter Perfect. t· Itbl ~ t t It.j ·S bo waa like t he w<?mnn who hlld ar, '. 'dare4 sometimes Induced by the d.e nae opac· Stago Mn.n:tgnr-" Romember, Bangs. ace DO go w II a.oo 0 ri ved w ks a go. Ana y et to btm she we ar e deponlllng on your baby ' to It)' of t~o air. . . ~ the time abe ",ac be d the at llbanla s e mel! I as bea utiful tb fln ' wben b o They St'lrted· l!outlr·at To p Speed. cry lusli\ y In tbe thIrd act. Do you a 40aen k~pe,. were folloW ID !!, ber, paid live tlJousoud rup ees tor her In undid bls hon ds. Ue Uptoed pnsl tb e think h 'n db h is part 1" Actor Fa· .,.88 1v:Id~ willi awe. . t h sHl.v,e mlll1:. He wllited. Wasted ·Llvea. ..... KaUlJ~ I -am growing . II. bit 1 i·U rub a.lln. wrl t.o an. order tor my leopard whlcb fll! w nl. h Im 811vagoly, th er-""IIb .ough t to: Be's .been reHe tbflt sponda bls time In sporta r(I'IlLng tho poSL trom If8 s oolcet and h earslng \. very nl g b~ ~pr mon·thll." I:fnIO Of~:. laId Bruce. fatb r'lI release." Is like blm whose garment 18 al\ mada - -... .4 ........ why, '. uAnd if I refuse ?" "Umbnlla wOJ1t:ed wreclrlng the b~nI8te~ : Umb1l11u, un· of .frlnges and bla D1eat not hlog bllt prepared for tbls 8t~oke , leaped aHer e en anlJDaIa act Uke to $alo time.: eaUCtlB; tbo:y aTe beolthle8s', ohanae- ' La nd LOlt Through Era'ilon. Wbat .ta It you do to , "You ahall bo liberated at tbe ~ame througb the wl~dow, followod by the 'l'he a mount of oJ'081on going on In abto and uaelas8.- Jeremy t.raYlor; time ... ,!bJa. leellllr6. 'You bave had bampe red leopard. It would havo gone thl~ world Is 8!)methlng astonlsblng. \ • - a . experlooce ,.,Ith leopards.. Do you 00\ lU 'w lt.h lJmha14 eveii tlJen had not Tbe MI!18IsBIPIlI hilS '8to,leo by erQBlon PerhapI He .Had None. ~calf the olle my father killed, saviOR I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from t!bo dllferent ' statea through .' the Ufe ot your bene(aotorY" I' A fellow · hila his face 8haved, hair whlcb It rune onough territory to make I "I wUl free him In escbange for YOUI' eut., shoes poUshet't, .clothes pre••ed itselt' a small state. eelt." ' --,---... ~ '--lc.JU1 d hat brushed, Jben paye DO attel\. "Write. ~ She ofrered the peu ta. Uon whatever to bill cll1allld&tiiJ' 000Reoordlng Sound Wav... ' 801enoe.-Toleclo Blade. him. .• Germe methc!d noordlDl bnathe,~ 1 He IlotIhrUaecI and IIIa4e 110 etror\ CO • .read .penoU

D .. . H.E .



- --- -..,.









For Father and Son

._.~l_~SB_::_::_A~---"--~ ! EWIOBKCUPPEl









Dra J. A. Mcl:oy,







Walter McClure


100 .

1I I I

W. H. MaddenlCO.

.. _.






a· .





"' .



We have just



a 'carlQad of good Fence Posts,

$2·. 25 .per

. -.


.---- .




."i 00

The finest, car of Cbeatnut Posts E~er Qr~ug,ht to Town Just- in.

-We ~-MaddeD & 00.






•· '.hl .... 'i('11 \\' f\'k l), h i th

1'\'1 1 \ MI t

lit •., l UI PUI,-,d " I II

\ II tHI n,, 1I1U Itt(. 1\I~ IH ~ I, •• '\1I ~1 1" ~\ .11" ,




G A ZE'TTE Ila tes of S ubscription •

O " t! \ l~lIr , ... , ri" f t,. In uth'a'Wfl ) . • •.. , •. • I.UO

,\l u" lo l o l'~" .. . . . . . .

. . . .. . . . . . . . .


Rates of Ad vertis ing

O. L. Cra ne. Edi tor and Menager. ~'EB I

Hcad log LClc o l~ . lie. 11 110. . •• •• •••• ••• • . Oh,,.,dlloo AU8. nuL 1.0 ~<'etlU Uva Ihu,• Tlu'CO 1118 rlJ il u~ •.. • , . .... . ..




People Ask U.





A s Written by Ou r Cor ps of Able CorrespondI , e'n ts in th e N' ighborhood


mat. fl t he bl'll' laxillivIl7 YeaN or e.x ,,'~rieuce sclLing- ail kludl leada us tv ulwnya reooUUll8Jl1l


;j\emU~ tho 83reat, IIlIrtlII t Dud roo.~ satil!lI.c;. qor,y. Bold (IDly by UB, 10 ctIlti.




R asonable Rat es,

T wo Machines. l!fieldTires, Tubes a n d Acc esso ries. Valvoline Oil and a re ~ ses .


J. E, J a n" .),.


Dls plllY Mh 'crtl81l1 g pc. w eb .. .. .. .. .. l Oc J)ISCOUUL. IrJ.Uti Oil conl·ract.

UARY 3, 1915.




R_~ y

F. l\1ILLS

Phone 71·'1 1-2 - -- - - - _ ORWIN,.-Q.MlO r . 'I'i m Bnrioo ""Wtts 'u-€Ji'nol nna \1 lir . J olin Pence RDd BMrv Frater Brooks gn ve , IL d " nov ' ll t u rdny. ImW Mutt a nd J eff a t DlLyton last _"""' ......_ _ _ "....,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..............._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....__" DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED Friday nIght a t h t~ B nn on Mu ln ,M·r . UbIlM. E . ,J ohn'li 111'08 1\ Lebl' week . by 1001< 1 UPI)l\ootln.I,8, 11~ t hHY OlinDlIt strAeL to a ~e l cot cr owd , Mr. Brooks "'r euoh t l;t e d.lleliHt>ll porl.loD of the bei ng 80 II I1.. b le uod plOll8ltn t in hill non vlsi tnr Frlot.l y. Mrs. Jo hn ~Mnrgnn spont SuudlLY Mr. JlLlllE!S J oho!! W a R a t tho lid, with .1. M. Stephe'ls. liar. 'I'here 18 onl y. Doe wa y to oort! ru tlD DOr~ tha t bll! ~ o as t8 aTe I\lwl\YS E. V. BAJ{NHART, dlllr s oo ntest ut Memorial 6,.11· de dn es ~ . Bnd t tlll t Is by o o n 8 t i~ u dilll gh .tltl with h is hospitality .. Mr. Eurl ,d a rlntt spent Sa turday tivoill romodl1'8 Dell tnes8 I ~ ctiused veral from h er e uttend pd th e }I' ridll Y e Vlln ing lind pronounoed it with Mr: J oe Ma.rlat t , Notary Public by nn ln fh m d cOlld itloo of the IIIU· raoe Itt Wr,ynesv\lle 8n t urd lly, the el>oo\l ont William P r att lIod fa mi ly spen' There is a great socie ty o f wage 0 " U8 limn g (I I 'be' lC\l st~ ohh~n T ube. reoor t r etlcb Nl us tbat Bnl1PY 'l'rtlv. Mor ris Urllh aOl tlUd wi fe were Sunda y with Dixoo Wha rtoo. All kinds of Notar y W or k. P en8ion clun ( S, olle of the grea t est on th is When Ml1 s I D b.~ i 8 inftum d you ba ve l'lar ow otld by Cl yue L v ioy UCl'!"?)') v lf!i ~o r8 Erhlo'y nnd S"tu r. Mrs Am os J Bokson is beUe r a' Work 0. ::lpeoIRlty . cont inent o r in the wo rld . I t is 'l ru mblin g Morm d or Imperfe ot h ellr e1 ra ven ttl' Wi'lter · 'Oobiil ' Ci rt~Y ' . tbi s writi ng. . _'--named t he Inter na t iolla l 1'ypo. 1011 , lind wb l1 n It 18 enli N lv olosetl. I.he Inoney. Chn B. 6 e ubl\rt W ti A n Dayton Mr, William Haley nnd· Gleunli g ra phical Union, it has lived for U" atnpR ~ ill the resul t, and unles8 Mr. lind Mr < Aivil Kenn edy !l1,eot W elinl'sduy. Bu ley SPllu t Sat urda y a Dl1 SnndliY Illo re than sixty years and it now the h 'fiummRtI io 01\1'1 be tl\ke n oU I, Friday in DAyto n e b o ppln ~ . Mr , Henry E.:I ulk s ILnd wife, W II . in Xenia. Itod thi s tube resl,orud t il Its normnl hUr li' u lllk ~ lmd " H,e rita visiting has more tllan six ty · live thousnnd oonditlon, Mr . Frllnk Fornsh t)J1, of Xenill wus huu rlng wi 11 be desl;roy ed members. Look lip its histo ry fo r ever i nme ouell out of ten U re in t htR v ici nity IR'ut week luo ki ng ro r with 1·t1 I"t.!vcs In Tro:l, 0 Mr . Williu m Long mod f UUlBy woro so me day and you will be as tonished Quulled by (J.I.ltrrh, whloh Is n utbin~ n looatloD, b uving secnred ooe btl . RECOGNIZED ADVANTAGES In DIl,vton OVl r ~U L1 U " .v . and edified . Well, sOl11e t wenty - bot an iu fltlOled oonditlon or I.he will 800n be onll of our olti)\t' Ds. You wlli lind tlmt Cbamberlaln's RELIEF Mr. tlull1 ue l Starr of Otl! S, r8 Cr k Hom co 'lu rk I\ntl wi fo wore flho p. fl e y eo rs ago the members of this m uoous s ur ' lI cew , GIVEN QUICK GCDJ::h Remedv b tl s r eoognlzed ad· We wI\ll(IvAU ne Buudred Do llar .. ohurch wus in onr mi dB~ tloodllY ping in Dayto n l!~ r l dny. union t co k stock. of tllC ra vages of .Pain leaves al most as i( by magic when Protraoted mee~ lD g will oon vene Mrf!. Ralph Lowlll is V l slti ll ~ hor Y.m tllges over most medioines In UBe diseuse ill its ra nks, espccially tube r· for Il OY O ~8 e of Donln"ss (cli ose~ by you begin usiDg "6fnl.h9r , Mr. WiIl · Gmhllru, oenr Ly. fo r oou gh s and colds. It does no t culosis, a nd det ermined t o do some· out r rhl t Oll nnot be oured by here lu th o n en f u ture. upprll88 a oongb but 1008enll .. nd A • Drops." lhe fam ousold Uhllrle8 Ma rtil} II y oung o)]ored t·l . thing prac tical to clleck the enemy . I1nll ·sl,o t·llrrb <J ure. Send for olr. remedy for R beumn· r elieves It. It· Itlds expeotoratlon oul , nil fr ee. li "i m. Lumbago. G OUt, T he re may have been a selfish ·llIO · F.•J 0 13 Ii:N EY & CO., 'J'uledo, Ohl,l mlln .:If tbl s vicinity died of t u bAr • hUB. CJ I ~ r k was in Doyton Suto r Ilnd ollens t he aeoretions, whioh en. oulosls a od WH 8 bOfled ;lll ur(\IlY n.t ti ny. cifllic3. N e urll i gi n tivealso, fo r even t hose who pla nned . Hold b.v 0, U fl~ i ~ I.~ . 7[io . . lIblos th e syst em to thro w off Il oOld . ""d kindred tc·oubles. ternoon . 1:I e leo. vI)8 flt t hll r , lO othe .. , Mr. 'fho Bur to D hnll porch nfled I,hu It conntoraots Itny t ennenoy of a might sho rtly be the victims. It 'I'Ak e l:fttll 's Fumily Pills for oon. two aleterR .. Dd ~hre o bro l,lwrs 10 It goes r iGht 10 tbe fllrm of W"He r Keu:rl ok ' 6 neor Ly. oold to resnll. tn pnetlmonill. It 001'1· was dete rmined t o huilt! a home and stlp"I,lon. opot, slops the aches moorn his d eplirtu rC'. tIe. tl\lns no opium or other narootto, a nd pains and makes hospital where the B$etl a ud aillict · On 8 aturd tiY '118M. Ftlbru nry J ~t, h . life worth living. Get Mr . nll d Mrs. Al b~t rt Stuoy ware !lnd mn y be ~ i v en t o II. child A8 oon. et! could fi nd a haven and a cure. the ,lIombers of the M. I!; . Jh uro h i n Uuytop W ndn B ullY. fld 6nt ly itS to I\D adul t For ellle by n bottle of ":)'Drops" .., Colorado Springs, high in the mOun · toda.y. A booklet with will gi ve un ent rtO.l umBn t fvr th e 1111 dea lers . lrmtl. ll'eurBt WtlS vl 8ttl u ~ her Mlss tain country of the W es t , was se · ench bolUn gives full benefi t of Lhe ohurob. Th ere will be !lu r e nt s nt'lI r I,ytle unllny dir ections for use. lected as the site fo r tbis un pre 81>Vllrlll s!l'iov pli P r8 reltu n Int e r Doo't delay. DemlUld Frnnk Wooll ey of tb is plaoe eSling 8u bj llOt8 RDU 0 0 rlon bt TflIIUY cede uted t rade·unioo veoture, and " 5-D rops. " Don't ac· of Ibe wri lers ore ... ·1\11 posted on t be hll ~ r tu t oed to his j ob o f coodQot-or they builded them a hOlUe and with cept aoythiug else in rth 111 ,1'1; 1 t lillO , Dlly ton , U, on Fi sn bj eot th ey wil l wrlt,e 00 , lr it is loving hand and hope ful word and place oUt ADydna.Mn. Adelie Ke uriok entert tl.!n od pORsi ble fo r you to be present tlo ~ o. lill can lapply you. If you live too b r courageous intention they d edicated from n dr ug store send One Dollu to have a good luu~ b tl nd Ilssitit in t be wlt,h r Oll k, Miss Lelia ThllmpHoll , it in the year 1 9:l. Mr8. David HOpkin s whose dellth Swnnson R heumatic Cure Co., Newark, Howll r ' 8 WII Ok , nrl ~ nd 'fb ~ mp8o n !rood work . . ocourred Il's& Wednesday e vening From that initial elTort has g rown Onder t.he recent orgent d elinlen Ohio, nnd n b<>ttle of "G·Drops" _w;lI be lIral Ern Bst EA rnhort . 'ly ao$ wh leh W,UI sllZned by t h e tlberman EIIIR III vcry pOlJrl y w ith sout pre paid. • _ W6S buried lu st ldaturilay m orning tile great institution of t oday , and .Mr. Frll nk Duke was a DlIoyton at this plaoe. Ule pictures tell you better than President ou JllnDliry 25. $2,500,000 !itt-Ie Ilno )UrngemeDt t o ever be bel·- visit or lI udn.y . .' Roy Bluok has installed a new can the printed WOI d all that the lit now livallable for t he erndlolliioll ter. He h ,'" tile svmpu t hy of ull Mr nnd Mrs. Will BILlne8 are via. gasoline plon t In t be K. ot P . lodgEl of , be foo~nod moutb dlsea8e Up who know blm. nnion printers of this North Amer· to Jl1nuluy I, 11l 16. the .outbreak had itl ng r ela,t·lves In Ly tle. William Nedry 18 ver y fee ble. room", I1lsl;) I1t t he Middle Run ohuroh ica n continent ha ve accompli hed oost 'he Fetle rullJovernlDeDt a $0' ,lOwing t o hls<lIlf&-he Olin not goln Fred LII y h nd a runaway SlItal ' A donotlon was made for Mrs. Ilt U nion Printe rs Home. The of $ 2, 1211, 138 O~ or thlB 110m .'reoK ~h . dllY "' ter noon wbtln r et urning fr m early entb4siasts dreamed DO such '1 ,8 ~0 3:/8.1111 repr ll seut~ \be Federal . Mrs, Mary Jane Uleaver still r e·· IV nvnes'ville, II roke his boggy oon· Dellll'h Dill las' Sa l.urdllY I1nd the Funeral 'Director . people presBnted hllr with a new dream as is represented by this lJovernmont 'lI shure of 'ho ('. xpens o mains poorly and lIer lise with t he t'lder .. ble bue no one was hnrt . $20 oook st .lve and Il ton of ooal, , and Embalmer, reality, a home the equal of any of sl.a uguterlDg 'ofl'eoted hf rdl aDd IIloknes. makes I t very complex. Mr. Ora l Surfaoe was vory muoh Mr, and Mrs Levi Dontt.ldaon, of institution in this country; won · toe OWoere for chelr Uobert titewart qu ite (In aged snrprised bv his ma n y friends Silt. Belir Washlnglon C, B. are vIsiting Waynesville, Oh~o. derfully developed, utilitarian in loel, of whloh t be GovernmeDt paye milD III verJ feeb le ol t tlili! writing. nrd llY e" anlnll, when t bey IIllIlS. ber m othe r, Mrs. EUen PeiJewlt, of I!emb ed I1t . hi8 h om e oea" hero, lf' and tbe Indi vidual Sta.tell t)le R. O. G'Tner c~n ~e f· o und ot h" in its ap point!11ents, heaut ifu l in 8 0nt h Maple street. Call answer ed promptly day or nilfht i~.. physical attributes, 1t is a fact remaln~e1. 'l'h'S flilurea ~bo w tbat homl'! wmlere be hall been for f our ThOMe preseDt wue MI'. eteve Bur. Both ph ones in Office 'and RA!sidence~ , Mra. Amaoda Weller wllo has Ulat more than two hll"dred thou· exolu.lva of tbe work In "al;1oll"y VleekB wUh'a broltel,llimb, I ut be Ie oet s nd fllm,lIy, M e f~ RO)fers, Mr. been very III Is g~ adually growing distance,No. 14; Home phol\e ' U1yde Wharton and Mr. un d Mrs. 101,176 animal. hllve been slaug~. l'nr\II .. ,tl~,,, big on IJEtttlug oot, ' . IIBlid people 'bave visited Ule insti· tered o Of 'hese 46,~ 68 were caUl.'. weaker. . 1,~-2r . . Levi Urea lLhouse. Mr, Itnd d Mrs. ...--~ tution in its twenty· two years of 47,7SG swine and tbe remllinder Chan's and one Coach furni8hed free Mr. OIl08r Gibbons is working for Mr ~ . Mor'r iB Urilhllw , Mr. sod Mrs with funerals. wen,d uing, and these pilgrims, whellp aud goaM. S\tLnley Dake, Missel! Mildred Bar. the !::Spdng Valley ' lIeroan$lle 00., Best of service guaranteed. The money now at the dispolal of HOW TO PREVENT BILIOUS ATTACKS not., Velma S mith, DClrllSmltb ADntl a t !::Spring Valley. 'journeying fro m ~II co untries and • (Jomlng even t8 Clill t ~helr aba. Smith, Pearl MoKlrby, EVIL Prater, representing all elas es and walks the DepartmeD~ of AgrIculture, will, Mrs. PnSrlok .qlbbous r0081ved of life, have left their wealth of ,. la beHeved. aid the oamplOign dows before," '[his Is es p(olally EII~u beth Duke, M ~ry Duke ; Me erll word Friday of .he dea'h of her tribute and paid their wreath of <gRIost tbe pes tilence by enabling t rue of bilious a .. taoks . Y our appe. Will Bnd R alph Dyke, Rnsselnnd siSle r Mrs. Frank Bnollel, of Day. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AU Kinds of comptimentto the Union Printers the Gov.. rnrnent to make .promp~ tite will h ll, yoa will feel dull .. nd Bflrry Bur net, G le nn sDd Ralph ton, wbloh ooourred a ••he home of y ment k>.11 ownefll of InfeMed laulJuld . It you Bre subject t-o J ohos. Artb nr G rellt h ouse, 'I'homp h er nd opted datlgMer Mrs. "\ lI11a Home. It stands today as tbe oDly erdll . aDd t bus m inimize the r&o blll(IUS I1ttaolts talle t hree ot Obnm_ son Wodsworl.h j Herman Smith; Stepnens. Sbe waM a r8llident here illstitution of its kind in the world luotance of Jarmen &0 have 'heir betlliln '8 Table", 1118 soon - &8 &heR8 Allen SmIth , Roy MoKirby, After f or mnny years, her hU$btiud . aDd and as a monum~nt to its,· pr~en · .took 81&U8b teredo In MlnolM, for symptomB IIppe·.r and t he attnok Iln e Vl'oin,; s peo t 10 l~ un lhe goest K son being prominent buelnetl8 men 'iOOrs and supporters, the union exam pIA, npl)f .;ltimately $600.000 is mll Y be wnrd4/d 011. For sale by all took tbelr dep art ure. here 80me yeare Itogo. She . leavee f printers Who make up the Inter· now avallahle for thlll pnrpole. dealers. 'l'he young peOl)le of the vllJ.IJ{e one son Quint Buokles and lUI adopt. ,national Tywgrapblcal Union.- rhe los8 10 tbat-!:Itll&e bas been lug Su~c:ssor to have been d niDg conellderable IIlelgh ed d aught~r Mra. Viola tS&ephens. other, l/6,768 Funeral servloes .. "Were ooncno'ed James M. Lynch, New York Com· !If. tban In any rldlDg tbe p ast ""ee k . F. E. SHERWOOD.· nlma. I !!, altogelher, having , been a . missioner of Labor. . '.1'he Lytle M. E. Sunllny I:3ohool Monday Ito' the Presby'erlan oharoh wleulfhtered Pennlylvanllto oomes at" this place Rfter whloh bunal Was very delightfully sorprlsed Ernest next with 17,896 animals, and Ohio Qvu Postolfb, : WayResville. ,0. EarnbllU at hie hOlne near L.yUe. made In Bellbrook oeme~ery . B untal straw. which is extracted !hlrd wl~h 10,111. NOl;le of the Mra. Nellie Saward Is SaklDg MI•• were presBnt aDd all Elghty.onefrom the leaf stem of the open buri Ilxteen olhElr ~tllteB In wblob there 'Zeva Morris' plaoe at 'be exohaage fleveral In tbll1 oommunUy are pronoun oed It .a suooeS9. wae au outbreak b&e 108, liBmaDY as leaf, comes chiefly from. Tayabas 8,OOtl. sntl'eriog wltb the grippe and meaB. '.l'h e fr iends of Ar t hur (,Jreathoulle &bls week all Zevlto Is oonfiDed ') Ihe - - -_0 "__0___ plovincc and upper Laguna, Philip· leB. gave h im II 8urprlse 'rhnnday night h OU86 wHh grip. Frank I\hller aud ohildren of pine Islands. A peculiar feature is Mr. and Mrf\. ~1l1e8 Bart,sl'ugb . of ut hls' bome Dear ~y tle. ThOBe pres. that farmers who raise these palm THE LIVER REGULATES THE BODY Granville, OhiO, were 'he g uests of ent were Mr. u.nd MTB, Olyde Whar WaynesVille -visited rela""68 here trees frequently sell or rent: them to ASLUGGISH LIVER NEEDS CARE Mr. and Mrs. Gllrfleld 'Petorson, ton, Mr. and Mr8. Warren Surfaoe, last Wedn8llday. Friday. MllIses Mildred BO~llIet. Habel Grll. be . a Mlas'rel Show Thill'e persOns who extract the fibers for IiIomeone ha. aald tha$ people w ith . The W, F. M. 8 met aUhe h a mEl haw, Edi th Grabllnl, Ann II Smltb, given by home talen' 1n the Town ha.t-malcing. purposes. Chronio Liver Complain" should., be of lire. Mar8a~et Burnett. Saturday Pellrl MoKlrby, EV8, Prater, EllzIl- Hall 80me time 'bill month. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!~!!! Mrll. R&rry Weave r .. nd ber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;;;.....;;..,;..,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . ... hut up eiWay from humanIty, Icr all~ornO'OD. both Duko, Mury Duke aDd Velma ~hey are penlmi... lind _ 'hrough. The blossoms canaot tell what'beMr. Bnd Mrs RtlymoDd . Wllaon ~ mi~h , M.,8ers . .R~ lpb ",all os, (dlenn mot her Mrs, A. B. Brewer, of Day- ~ a "gla81 d .. r k!y ~ ' Wby? Beoause Comes of the oclor, and DO m~ ' can oieota)l\tlltes depend upon pbYBloal entertained I~S thel r g uests 'l'UBl!da Y J OllllS, RUMsol "P u r n e'~; Bn"rry Burnet , on, vl ~lted her 8ist er· w Mr8' Slllit b .. RAl pb Dy ke, Ber · C. Brel'eford In ~t Friday. tell whnt becom-es of his example, Mtatel!. BIUoulmetls, 8elldltohBII. Dlz- Mr and Mrs 1l1li110 Wlisoo. Mr "nd nBOl'Ula.n ~ r d U bha r~, Roy MoKlrby, Berthat rolls away from him, BUd goes ZlD68S Rud COnl5ttpAtion dhlappellr Mrl!. J oe Dlll bro llud lilLog htor, U'o r. b r t Feurst., Allen SmUb, Orai l:!ur. beyond his 'ken on its perilous mis· .. fter using Dr King's New Life Pill~ I)thy, Mr. and Mrs Wt.lI. ~e r Wileon and Mise OUve WilaOD. mon.-H. W. Beecher. lllio I&t y,?ur Druggist. Quite a number from h ere Il,t teod sp!'n Ii In playing ga mes t he goeet-a • II ed the hm('ral (If Mrll; (lobe'rt BrAd. dock, "~'rld tl'y TDolnln~ . nepM·t ed. • - .• Onethan Chinese exports j It\0re 150,000provinl'e tons o( p~~utS , IIlv&n 8oSlm 's dl'iving h or se iF pnually, all because an American verv slok . iB doutiHul wheUle r it COLDS ARE OFTEN MOST SERIOUS STOP , missionary, 20 years ago gave To sh(,w thl' way In which rivers a 'native convert a quart of seed:. Our praye r U1eetlO g will be held 'l'be d i~ refil llrd of 8 , Ooltl blls often are gllged-tha' Is, how the volumll a' tbe bome of Zimrl Hl\in 39 nnd IJrou:,:h t WItO\, Ii r egret. 'I'be faot of ruuntng st renm. is mellsored-by family thlll wee • • Trnlted i:I$lAte8 Geologioal Survey, of '":in llezl ng, U:lUgh lng 01' a F ever The entire.e quipmentof a wireles.'l Misil Marthll Starr hnd ILS h e r station ia Italy which hilS '-worked A gflotleman was walking In lAD gaeats ~OO dAY Harry ~ud Winifred sho uld be wllrniog el!lou gh th •• t yoor the exnlblt mllln'alDed by the Sor8Yll le m Ileoris Immed iAte nttentlon. vev a t the PaDamb-Paolfio ExllP81 successfully for IODg distances, in· don, England, Be met eo fonDy ·dog. Starr,ol Waynes ville Oortl1ln I y LO@8 of Sloep 18 most lIerl. Uon, in San Franoisoo, will inclade clud~g the antennae. is enclosed It """S fl bnll d og : It hlld ou 8 pair ~.)U 8 . It IS "warning given by Nit. 8 dlspltl.y of automatlo g&gee, run by of I!peatacles, and C'lIrried a "lay pipe within a cathedral, ; In lUI mOlJlh ' It WIIB _llI:h1"* with IT REAlLY ODES RELIEVE RHEUMATISM t ure. I t Is 11 .. n't! d'n ty t o) himself electrlolty, whloh reoord the fioo'u' to B8Mi Bt by doin g h l8 pli r t . Or, ,ding belghts of water of an IIr'lft. Next to Shel'¥ ·. od's Carage Main a lady The Il'dy IIsld tho dog often Ever ybody wbo) a ,. mloted WIth Kin g's New IliSOOVc,I'V is , b8sed on oial river- one flowing W.tchesJ'htlLll enough OOb'e worD other. dog!!. t,4he pnt on thl' in a man's ~at lapel are a novelty. ....",& .. "od gave lli~a pipe when RbenDllltlam In Ilny fOflO should b~ a "oien tlfio Itnllly@ls of ColdB. 500 a tank . The workof.mealurlng 1 ~---.....;;....-------------:-...:..-----~7---.-.-. 'walk with her. Be all meaus keep I. bOI.tle of !:llo.tO'li lI,t yo ur u rngglBt. fillY a bottle t o· tlow of t·he vu.rlou8 stream. of the II United tltates every ~ay In .the year 6;tht wltb a pipe 'Ib 'hle LIDhllent on band . 1.'he mlnotl you d llY. Ilnd (lome of thenl Beveral Umes ft ,oint or ---~-."---, Be knew It would lire .. i: If feel pltlu or 80renoRil a. day' alJordllltn invaluable baliit for he droPI)e<l It 8e IIluid "to wear mn~ole, bA the it with Slo In 's Llnl. tho I!t udy of opr . wottlr reaonross. ment. 00 not· tU b It . ~Ioan s pen lI[leotao...:. I~-,II:... : _ _~..._ __ Upon t110 datA tbult obt",lnetl BnKI· ebiltell .. Imust twmedi6tely rIght t o ., Deere d epend in workiug OU' plans tho se"t of paln, relle vtng the hot, COLDS AND CROUP IN .CHILDREN . teDder, ~woUen feeling Ilnn m~ktllg "',rs. W1l1 B-u-m-l.>e-;;' Is quite a\r.k of Wll te r-power deve lopment, tnlss tlOD, <!ru1n8ge-ln faot, 9very pro je9t 'be p"rt AaBY I1nll oomfortllbl e. 'I"t Many people rely U.JlOD Ubam6er. Get a bonl o of SlOlln '8 LIniment roi "go1o, in which l'ullolng water is 'a fllotor. . ~ Cl6nt... of uny druggis t lind have " ThOR . El ura' s tar t ed '0 Day ton lalD'8 CoUKb R eruedy. Implloltl.y In - ---, . Nothins more acceptable tan ' he offered than · .868 of ooldp Bnll oroup, and, II 111 the hOUM e-lI~ftlllt!' Colds L tlor '\ 8'ltllrd" y In his w"Gon, but Will! A Peach. , . . attractive eilvl!IWlIl"e. combinina good taste with a . dll"llPOlot,I< ~bl In • IIIre. E 'ind ~woll en J 'o lnt I, Lumb~go t;oi·atl . oo'm 110lilld to turn blSok, Ill! the roads Our Id ea ot a ' peach Is 'the wife of a quality. of enduraoce whiCl.....uret· lifeIoag aeMce. EI, '.l'b,OJllitt', Log!,nllport, ( ud~ , wrll,es : 0" Rnd like .. Umen\/! Your nHlney were n ot broken .. Such c:haractCriatja make ,. I · Will Borrrlell of Day.ton Wlill how~ man who thinks she Is prettier than "1 biL ye \ound Ohllmberlain'l! Oough IJQOk If not sKti~flEld, bot II does give the . cas~ l e~ a ~ . bl s favorite restaurant. Remedy to be the beilt ~t\dloIDe fol," ..... "Uln,•• lnstllnt r elief . Bny ~ bottle for the wee k e nd. , -.Galvestoll" Ne!'!...::••___ ~roup I htlV8, "yer u8e~, Th ,. ~ ' . tire of rElcOltl !D,end h~ 1C It _ _ __• _ _ _ _ _ e pr o po~hloo to IlIiei!olve pring. bora sp~olll i 80hool , lills$rl05 oarried oOllghbors\lDil r~h\ndil. llll\v ' Requlrea Time to Mature. ·~t~~~:~~:~~~~~.-·1'1I1W.I.Y. glVll" 't111 my <;lhUrJren wbell be.troyl~g Nature's BarrIe',.. It t 1·1\ 1;1 eleotion 8,, " a.rdl~Y by Il vot.e UnUI the II,enrl oyste r Is Iii: ' or II - ...·'I,;,[~."''',:.;n .. ,fro[\l OWUI) .. "nd 1\ hB~ "I:bere ore tour kihl1s ot barriers (11 of 8 t o 1 In fo VOt " ot dl88 Jh io~ . .aven ·year.s of age It does . not proWale mOIl i:Ie.ii~~ for gifts. - T q.cJay' this ~ ~I) gl va (bom proDlpC l'dliVle:lotIS' Bot up by nature 'o1)on tile Nuw to) g et the fl rllt olaes hig b duoe any pearle. . trade mark ..uret the purchaser Dot ooly of t'ecuruItI For sal\1 b.v til t dl'alor.... '" tht! oartb-inoul:ttalns. fo rests. I '~()D(IO I. Is tbe ne" q~lestion . the oriainal brand of Rogen, but,the heavieit ar.-cIe riven. The l1rst. th e mounIIlr. amI , Mrs. Will 'l'rove are plale BUllIaDteed hy the maken to aive ab.oIu~ cannot remove, but he cau movln/! i u to tile tenemeot hOOSd of ... ti.fac:ticin. . 1 go thro~gb tbem to save the J. Mon t~, In town. The r~1e durability of "00 ROURS 8R111.· MI ~8 Evn, R oblnsolll r(Jtutoed Sun• atid ,Umeulty of going Itver Silver b.. woo it the popular iiUe . tbem. The. seoond, tbe forests, be bl18 day frolll " wejjk 'II v~sl' llt Dayk>n, targely ~Ieared ,awn},' altOgether. The I'Jlirmont lOud MJ&mlflbnrg "Sih,r Piau that • • " <011'0 'thll deserts, he ·Ie beginnlDg to MIII8 Anna Stan' ~'n at~e'Dded the ....t faacj~J'~"" lis Knhn.forko,..prilclllOld ill _ deaipe; _ tiDq. _ ~be forest". The fourth, 'the fun eral of Mr8, Mary Parker .t be 18 bell Inning to sb,lft wl\.M it Franklin Sai urday, ' . . .. . Sold by - - . ~ ~J..r.. .. $ia4 hi. purpole aDd to.l"ogula\e their Mr. I\od ' Mr8. Eel win 't!mtdli 6f . . . . . . "{).IL.o;~aIl ,........ paairaRClS wC\r.e 860$ by. parael ~~ 'Oow at wllJ, ,. Yilnkee II tles' wer.. n&1IIng' qu the 00. • and cblt 'lhe. number of puI~flll" • - • MI88es Myra an4 .Baohel UllpJa ~-o:.. m.iled In tb~ -whOle 111." daft ~811 afternoon. ' abOD' ODe biUlon 11 'n~f ,a'Verap aDd Mr. D &. ,,,a OlI.IB eaob for iJOIf!&8e, of Kr. woal4 11e14 a hundred million dol. ..,.kJiII, tan. 1riPi•• a&eel -



- - - -_._---


The Miami Gazette

----- ..

$2,500,000 FOR FOOT



Prints All the Neghborhood News One Dollar


Subicribe For It!1 I


- ----_. -

I nsuRJInC;E A.


- --;-- -- ..---

8. Chandler ~



.- .






Painting, Paper Hanging, A\lto arid Carriage Painting.


--- --.. ..------


!I:Ih ... .,




. ··,IEIIE8,' ,iiJIEfl'nIVES,~BUT





,G ifts of 'Silverw-are

--- ..


,(841 ROG.ERS BROS.T~~t~·

lUG" BustiE5S fOR . PARCEL



.,,_ .."••,IA .,



DO 1'1( • .\1 I .. )CALS


' TO ~





hu t \\



l) o tl ' t


. PE'




III F r~





Frank HR rl a n, uf I oute 4. i\l bing cOJIJ{ratulnlUll Oil lhe com pi Le rc· (','ycry of .lhe l)l,,~cn hiL) he sus· tamed dU l'lnH' he ICY spell f:ove rlli week>! 9g0.


He !~o~F.. 'f~~I

... ....

. ,

~ ~~~'. ..

SPECIALS-On a ll . a lllled GClods b


7~G ·



the duzen




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .-..

Dehorn Your- C'a ttle

Ill " <J( In rtnl ng. Til t' bO)ls stlrvo three I' l'nr s on f llrm ij .I n IlItfn ' ut PllrtB or

I he counlry. tO pe ndl ng one )' 11r on {,'Icll !urlll n!lrl 1" 'e I vlllg il Rllla ll wage. 1 hill' r epol't nnnll ufly to th e Roynl n nn lsll Agrf u l urnl ~"d (> ty. selldlnK III not II on Ill( Ir ('xllc rlence, Ins lru e.


Uu n IIml nb s 1·I'ulion.

, Best of work done by



SymjJalby with pllin Is not the high· est rjJrm . 'of symlmtby. Anyone ~Iln 8fT11I'I\ wl"e ·jtlt th e ~II If TipS" ot II. lrlend, but It r ()qulroB II nn· loll 9yml'ntbl~o wllh II. r~l end '8 SlIce ~8. yro put/ly with joy l'Utonlll·

Home Phone 686. Centerville Ext!.

vQrr nn



Ute Bum oC Joy In tbe world. !;>ym-


J)uwy with lInlo doeB noc reaJ ly dl· nlf nlsh tllO amount of 1ll\ln.-Oscur WUde.

Th er

The True Bravery. Is IlS m uch true courage In Bn-

OHIO during with conll ltinc)' we

IjO~roWB of the Boul 89 In r emaining stendlly on the wall ot a battory. To give on o. s It up to grief wIthout TeJJi8tanco, to klll onesQlt in ord()r lo escape trom It. 18 I.Q I1baildop tlJ ba.ltlofleld boto

Famous Silverware


---_ ..


$1.40 a SaCk

..........."' ...........

Flour ' SpeCial

aI .. e 'Rol";" dl"erpLiU!.


f . O'I'tf



,Witb each 25-lb. Sack Flour we

ROllERS aROS." &ttl I. \10.

will ~ive Free a I-lb. pkg. Soda.

....., Iw .....

/1ft.. at i ...

_~...... t to.. ..... 911 Utr, '.

...Il<10._1. . . d dt:Il,...

Mince Meat . •

1o1j1 b, _I". deal ...

4 pkgs. for 25c

.~..,.. at •• for I:lh' • __ "C-~'·~I.I&ll paUe,oJ..

Jumbo Evap. Peaches

!2 ·pou.n ds for 25c EdgeLl10nt Crackers '

Only I Dc. a pound F lour has nearly doubled . io - price btrt we are stili ' selling Edgemonts at lOco



Barbed Wire

Another lot of that nice Rio CoITee

LINIMENT GUARANTEED to -heal without }cnv·

3 pounds for 47c

hUla blemilb, or MONE¥ REFU~D:ED.

I!Oo lind ,1.,00 ljizcs lor fr esh \Vollnds, old 1IOft!iI, 11018 baclta Ilnd sh/lti!dcrsj?urWl ancl~btuliiea~ 25c alie for Fainlly U8C.


, DR. GOX,I'PAJKLESS BLISTER guarnnteOO to cure spaViD.lJ.Ioibonll, Oatb, S.we ny.l Splint., or any· entAfloment of 'Dooe or • or mone)' relop.lled. Eqae·6Oc,

a nd Vegetnbles" all kinds

Save mo'ney and trade at

Ii llainleea " and'


throwaway IJalfofjrWl~·.·~~n.. . .


on their 80n. Ernest . The guests .! were membel's of tbe Lytle Sunday School.. Mus ic. games and delicious hot oyster soup made the pleasant evening pass all too quickly, and it was midnilrht before the jolly com · pany d ispersed.

.- .

----_ ..

first class.

Preventab l e


glneeriJl'g . "to stop an accld en t of a partlclc g ttlng III to the eye. nor Is It possibl e to prevent crosshars from

slipping. aod 'many 11k condlUons . but should n rOlle br 11k or 11 chnln give WilY It In lIl()st Instllllces Is n prc,·~nt· abl e accld Ill. and It Is up to the safety departme nt to Bee who WQ!l neg· IIgent III not givIng tbls cpndlUou prop r uttenUon anil Inspection boo rore the rope W/18 put Into sorvlce huvlng It properly Inspected during service." Triumph of \VIute.-. -

Waynesville Auto &Machinery



H. M. Sherwood & C. E. Servis We have installed the latest improved) ( Stewart Clipper Grinder.


Horse Perkins.. ' Engine Air.Cooled Pumping Engine, rebuilt and g unrnntecd same

as flew.

1 HP . 2

3 2



Hopper Cooled . guuranteed .


Agents for the Celebrated Ingeco G~olene and Coal . Oil Engines, Automobile and General Machin.. ry ~pairing, Gasolines, Oils and Accfssories


Vulcanizing 'Auto Tires and Rubber Boots .The best

O.G., H.

D. Trustee Walter McClure . was the officer. "



- ..

wor" forthe. le~st:money.



All work

gU,a ranteed.


Lebanon, Ohio.


Fllyatle Co. people have enlisted financial aid to purchase both th e pringficld and Washington nnd ~pringlield and Xenia traction lines 'J:ne latter tlas been the market for five or s ix years . Chroniclo. . The p lan cClntempllites the exten· - -- "'-1' --~.--sion of the Springfi eldtand Washi 'Miss Edith I:Padley. the popular, ton line from S. Char leston to w The Poetry O!d It. Buckere teacher, met with a painful ington, C. H,. . • " I won't pny OH O ce nt for adver· accident while coasting with the - -' ---Us ing this week, " d e~lared the storechildren last Wedhesday noon. Sh'~ keeper nngrlly to thp editor of tbe was violently thrown from a spt!eding country paper . "You told me you'd Fltid and fell in sueh a manner that put tlte noUuo of my, shoep'ol,lsb In a large ligament was badly. spr!1ined, wi h tho reading matte r." "Ami dl'dn't making it impossible for her to walk I do It?" Inquired the editor. "No, She was taKen to her home in Spring B!r!" rORrell the adve rt!ser. "\'fo. Sir, 'and after several days mpletc' Having decid~.d to rebuild 'my boro you did' not! You put It In .,the cO.I' rest of 'the Injured membel·, · js able in Corwin that \l(I\S ·destroyed home umn with ~ n m 55 Of poetry, that 9 by fire in November, 1914, all persons 10 ~esume her scheol duties. where you put It l" . • ..I.: • known to boe indebted to me wm --.---~-~.----kindly 9rranl~e to settle in , 30 or 81)count will be pl~~d in Ar\lIlery. , 'ArtillerY. ot cour8e. '\,lad to wnlt up. hands of a coUector. Very respectfully, ' on gunpowder. It 18 ab801lltoly. 1m, Robert,Youlltjoy po)!Blble to B!l-Y when Ilnd wbere It was first usod .- Tho fl1'IIt pIece maY bave been made lly a G~rmlln' named IS READY' FOR SALE DATES Schwartz obout raao. It 18 olalmed • that arttllery "'8S used by the Moors of Spnln in 1943, and at Crecy In 1346. ~l!S!'e StanleY,who haa just gradu- Rev. Co' S. Grauser and M·~. J. E. ... atoo Irom tlile Jones Auctioneering Janney attended the "'Ohlo Dry" ;$chool at Chicago, Is home and III Convention in CohirribUB, Monday H.... i. an Id... 'tead)' for ~'Ie \latea. . it would be Bod Tuesday ot thia week. Rev. Iutea4 of tryhlgoo IUr 'ap trouble well to flee h:im, as he haa some nevr Grauser W88 BeIIt 88 a deteaate by In tb1a old "rid, let 111 pt bUill' an4 ideas i!l the ~uctioneerlntr Ii~e. Or tbp W. C. T. U. .Governor ,Hodges help tboee who are In troa~18 and lee call .hlm, 146 mutual pl;1one. Nawot Kansas, and oilier prominent 1unr mach "8 IhIi1l enJqJ." the chan... Burlington, Ohio. ' ~ers were preaent at .thlS ' 1m. . - , - -..........,-. portant conference.


'fhis Engine is Hebuill and cheap

WCl'C-sG-many grod-voicP8. There will be about 75 people take ..._ _ _....;._ _ _ _ _ _~-------------..; part and the proceeds go to benefit the Christian church. Watch f,or the email circulars.


lhe . reqUi ~ ite


HP Engine

Phone 105


.- .



- - ' -'~~-:---

The Xenia I!tock yards have been clo!\Eld. A car from Pittsburg con· tahiing an in'fe(lteel lot of cattle es· caped from that city. and w8& finally located at X enia, thus , cau!l~ng the. yards to be closed. l,'he car that contained thl! infected cllttle is the SlIme one that-caused the stock yards of Chicago, l~hiladelphia and Pitts· burg to be·cI()sed On aecount of the hoof and mouth di ease. The. chase for the car out of PittsbUrg - was an e.'I[citing one, as it could not be At a meeting of the K. P. lodge loca ted for $everal . days . after ita last week the following officers were escape.· The yards will be closed for installed: E . L. ThomasbC. C., Silas Richardsome time. . V. C., Ro ert Crollll, Prelate, --~ _n~_mll.l:!, M. of A Phillip Rop.

H was bIn th e other day wh 'n the triulDPh of the deaf und dumb racod me. It W fiS n sh!p jusl starling from Southamptun to Cnnada. You know tho unh eard shouts during ilie lasl hOu.; from th shore . Ther were two

m !,I, deaf £Ind dumb . talklog QUlotly wllh th ' ir IIl1gers t o tho. brother on la nd. who could reply. Th Y Wero t/le only three that tn lk rr ely among' the , nnb l!ord -tutI)'ul t.~ LoDdon

Gasoline Engines and 'Engine Supplies


"1\ Is not 1l0llslb i ,'. SIlYS Safety En·




1. N. Mlller. Agt. 38-2X.


Mri Mary En~ey , an ;Iged residen !. f Bellv ' !' If\lVII . 1Y'l.~ hUrtled to death at hl'r htllllH III II (,'ridIlY It is SUI" pos d that ~h., ~t arled lhe lire with k er,,~p n . which blazed uplln~ caurht Birth Well ·Known Society. Mrs Ensey hved by Tho firRt Boch·ty fO I' the> Prev olton her cI . ·tl,inLf A merry bobsled crowd, to the of CrU\!lLI' LO Aulmll l wns fOlluded In her'lEM N"il(hhnrs Ril lY the amok ' numbe r of more limn 80. gathered & glBnd in lS~4 by JIll' Marli n, M. P . ami quickly extinguished the fire ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Earnhartout last Tuesday anel ~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ carried a well plannevening, ed su rprise _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- .

ing a "500" party. Those who enjoyed 'the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ral~h Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Zimmerman. Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, MisSes Henrietta McKinRey, Martha O'Neall Kathryn , Dakin. of Cincinnati, and the Messrs. J. B.' Pence, Warren Keys and Emmor Baily, Jr. Re· freshments followed the game.

---.__ ...---


bra ve

--+t h f!ro; Lord CobhlllU. Sir Thomas 111 ore, 111 1) Prolec tor Somors't, Sir Mr. and Mrs. D R. Salisbury en- Thomus WYllll. the onrl 01 EJSYl'x. GU )' te rtnined the following s::ucsts Sun. ~llW lI B. til I'nrl of Sla!Tord nnd nlllny day' Mr and Mrs W f' Sali sburr ol hors. Th o rlllll OUS . t rial 01 Worren anel·famiIY. Mr. mid Mrs. Leon L. I laellllgs occllr.·\·u h ·r . Tho tl'rrnce, Salisbury and Mrs . W. V. Luce. ove rlooltlng th Tb!:.U~. Is eel hrillCd.

The you ng m..n in Miami CoYnt)' to I( six horses and a snow sled and opened the road for a distance of about ~ ix mil E!8 , say s un exchange. This i~ as it ought ·t o be. Some of our rural mai l ca~riers say the roads were not bro'ken for them, and in Sabb tb School at 9:30 a. m., reality they broke t be roads for tile George Mills, Superintendent. farm ers on their routes: It these Preaching servjce at 10:30 a. m. same farmersl would only comply Evening se rvicnt 7:15 p. m. Mary E. Martin, Pastoll. witn l.he la\ql th e~ wOIlI(i open the ro~d~ themsel·ves. for the law reads that rUTal mai.l carriers are exempt from deliverirug 1nail on a road tbat ill not broken . Their patrons are always very anxious to ' get rhei r mllil in any kind of weather., and it is no mor" To see and hear the man)' funny I han right tha,t they should Bee to it that the roads are broken so that it thin~ in "Down. in Aillbam," will takes off. tbe hard part of a carrier's cure almOst anything. It beats lots life- that of breaking road9 to de- of medicines M:r. G. A. Parker; of The Eldridge hver thei r patr'on's mail. Itemember. Sexagesimll Sunday F~bruary 7. Sunday School 'at 9:30 a. m . Ser· this!,'Ie farmers. and break the roads Entertainment bou~ arrived yes· man and Huly Communiou at 10:30. for rne poor carrie r who is trying to terday and immediatel, commenced rehearsalll for tbis bilJentertainmen'. . Seats free. EverY.body welcome. al!comodate you . which will be given at the SchOOl ---.... Auditorium, Friday night, February

----- ---


hUll .


---- ..






Standard Gran. Sugar, ooly





d mned to death In \ \\'!Ulam Walloco. coll " nd's

OUGHT TO BREAK . Mr. end Mrs. Wilson 'Edwards I c~lebrated the.i r second ~edding ~n· CARRIERS ROADS FOR mversary Saturday eventng by giv-

STOCK' YIUlO~ . New Antioeb Nursery Stock. all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees SQld and delivered at Corwin, HarWERE CLOSED ZIMMERMAN'S veYllburg ' and New Burlingt(\n . Guarenteed to be true to name and

Specials this


-SO-G-IElY -EV~EN-T-S-l ~la~le;:I~~~U:~~~::II :~~~e~, U:re~ slmin alllr


.___ _ _ _ _ _ _

- --

The regular meeting of Ib e W . C. T. U . will be held at the home of Mrs . J . 8 J ll nney on Tuesday afterStUdy of Farming I n Denmark. noon. Feb ruary 9th, at 2 o 'clock. ' ! .. tWllt " II ,. 11I1I1I1 r ·1I ~'ellrB OcD' Topic, .. abbalh Observance." A mOl k II '! h 'ill !\)'S l\'.n ot igrlcu IL urnl full attendan~e is des ired. Every· ap pr"Il!I(·,'£hlp 10 tNlch tb e pr actical body welcome.

- ------_._-

,.Borns cost mone.y. Gi ves more milk . . Takes Illas feed and fIlt t en oot better. 'R move them by the new improved



will be ontirely e lim in ated under l Cenlralizatif;lll bcclluse your children will have th e ~lIme t achers and t rainin g no matt r in what sectio n Mrs. W. V. Luce who ha." been 1of the di ~trict you live. . spending !I f W weeks with her daugh- '. An,l too. yoU m ~w be ~ssured lhnJ ler. 'Mr . EM . Ke nt. in Bellevue. you r ' bnys and )!'lrls Will be much is ppndinll' a f w days with the 'al. !l8~o r under the c~lre of 11 ~ompt'tcnt isbu r~' fnmily . drllier- oTi . who 18 re~l'Io lI~lb~e to the I l30ard fo r his control of thech lldl'en than they are as tiley walk to Ilntl I fr In sc hoo l. s ubj('Ct to t he insults nnd vu ;gll rily of ~(>rne olde r boys . • U. I Thi s maller of Cfo!nlrnlizlIlion is of g relt impol'tan'o lu all . but o f mOSl importance to VOU I b ys and g irls . lhe fathers and mothers o f lhe fu ~ure . • • Ar e ~ ou '\Villi g to g ive them thp lIest ___ oppo rtuuity possibh;?


Canned Corn Friday and ! lOc Peru; Saturday.on e-hafr loz. ~ I er,.C8 11 . or more . .. p~ can .... .. .. .

SA'V~S MYER HY M'A N' ' I'~VE.';'HI U'''"''E()


, c'y_


................ ......... .............. Try These- They'll Please ...................... &...... . ...............



niE 5'1'01 E THAT YO U ION EY

WaYllcf'ville (; r rlO ~ will meet in I regular !je:JSion atu rday evening. ____~_ _...;.....,.._-~-~_~~-~_=_.......,.~_-~-=~--...:...-..;.-~~--------~~ ,E\'ery member is urged to come Ilt . I Warr n Key", Mas ter. leli a o rnell.


We Sell Them!

Th Junillr C;u ild of 'I. Mary B chul't'h ", illnt 'CI w;l h Mr" L. A. ZlmOl ermllll . W ~l nc dlY e \'cmingl l.'('bru!ICY !'/th. fi t i (I' clock


now going on. Ev~rything n -Clothing, CI.oa\cs, Ski~tSt Shoes Dry Goods, Underwear, Sweaters at' a big Reduction

"Nstt! r !'~ .,r · Sl " lIl1 illlt

r I(r ;\Ttdpar ' lI (:3

( \ .1').



1~, J R11-


ALF 'Of the food valoe your carll crQI? i~ in the-stalks,hus)ts

and l eaves. DOb'fwaste these:

make milk' and butte~ and beef fot you and put ijlouey in your baQk if' you 'Preserve hem III an



Tbe man! Hom bam and fet!dlng pens will .go back lito ,l'O\U .QOU to make bigger ~sllo

seam Is


. -.



--_.- ---


lilllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil lIIIIIIIIII!IIIIII filET the 5, .nit will


<;en' ·store . habit.


be found a good.. one and will re. dounc;1 . to , your benefit. .



Ch icken l!0un~alnl"':""Ma4e of GalvanIZed tron!. 1 qt, ...•.1 Oc Sp~tacles-Ful11ine of ·dif· ferent nqmbe... : .•..•.•. JOe i'Ax~ Handles-Sa In, white

hickory. ooIy 2.doa, •• , •. H)C Steak Pounders ..... - . • . .... lOe


Another shipment of thoS:


smal! £.$nleml . •.••• ',;. i Oc :OoughDut ClItters .••.• .•.•. 5c

UphOlstery Nails • 5c Haud Saws ••• ~: .;:.':::: lOe

nn or Black Shoe 1MeiI.. , lSc

WbIte Mup", •••••.••••• 1Oe ..... ~




_ L


Sixty-Seventh Year

--- - ----'---:-----


, Whole Number 3303

FEBRUARY 10, 1915 ,



Will VoleOnC






School Hall Friuay evening. Mi99 Ruth Hartsock.' was , in Dayton last week.


W. H. Allen was in Cincinnati Fri· day on business.



meeting of the Wayne Town ship Board of • • d It'atie n Tuesday aftern oon, nine pctitions,

containing ovcr ](iO names were prcsented to



These petitions requested that thc


Section 4726 of the general code of Ohio prov ides that "upon the petition of not less than one-

' The " Coddle" song is worth lhe pri<'e ot admi~i on- Friday evening .

fou rth of the q,uali fied electors of a rural boa rd of ed ll cat.ion mllst submit the question of central i.m-

Johfl Liddy, of Dayton, was in town this week, visiting his father.

tion to the vote of the q ualifted elcctors of sueh rural dis trict at a general clection or a special election called for that pur pose."

The "Yama Ya.."T\a" kids ,will delight you friday t<vening at School hill.

Accordingly, then, the board passed three resolutions, providing (1 ) that the petition~ be accepted and their prayer granted, (2) that a ' bond issue of :630,000 be provided for, a nd (3) that an election be called for' March 20, UH5. and the following questions be submitted to t he vo ters: (0.)

Mrs. Verna Kellv, of Springfield, was lbe week-end g uest of Mrs. Mary Caskey.

"shall the schools of Wayne To wnship Sclwol Dist rict, .Warrell COllnty, Ohio , be cent ralized ?" ' (b)



new build ing be su bmitted


to t hey oters of the school District.

Country Schools Behind in March Dr. Dill, Osteopath, Haines Bldg., ,!of Improvement ' Tuesday and Friday mornings.

Mrs . W. Henderson wa ping in Dayton Illst week

Hugh Ridge. of the 0, S. U .• spent a dav at home last week .

qllestion of centralizing the Township schools and of issuing boucls for

Its Problems and the Rcmedies-


Lee Hawke was lh t! f!uest of relatives in Dayton Sunday .


Mrs. Lina Devitt is visiting relatives In ]ndianl\polis.

Mr_ E. F. Warner, State Inspectorof Hlih Schools makes the followiug comment on the country eehool: its problema and thAremedy. in the Ohio Teacher, In the issue of October 14th: "Probably the greatest problem of tltday ,is the betterment of the rural school. It i8 evident tq anyone who makes even a casual obl!ervance of the country schools that tbey bave fall~n behind in the march of improv.mlent, and that every day heightena the contrast between them and the schOt>la of the towns and villqea. " " 'l'he writer has no office spun t1teory to advance. Briefly stated 'the trouble arl8es in: improper grad· ing, uJJtrain~ arId ever changing teachers, smail scboolll With absence of.lChool spirit, poor ' equipment, irregular attendan('e, tOo pronounced conl.rol by lhe immediate local senti· ment~ and many other causes mote or 1 ~ o( a local nature." "MOIIt nf these d~fects ha,..e been recoM'lIi~ by the 8tale authorities and numero\lS attempts have been mad., to Imvrove conditluns. All. ht!lp in II. h jlliLed way, but none read! th" heart of the trouble. the real , seats of the diseuse, and bring the ne.lded relief."

chool Hail Friday even ing .

DISCUSSED ~UARANTINE Committee Appointed .to Call On State Officials and lay Case Before Them

Valentines of all kinds from Ie to lOco A few higher prict!d ones. W C. Phillips. Mr<; , Eva Jones . who wa.q the guest of her sisler b Dayton l8!lt week, bas returned home. Mi99 J osephine Oglesbee was th e guest of Mi99 Mllbel Morris. ' of Lebanon last week .

"shall the bonds of Wayne Township School Distri ct, Warren County, Ohio, b.e issued in the sum

Miss J ean Ferguson, of Dayton, was the guest of Mr , and Mrs. J. W. White last week.

and amount of 30;000 with which to providc suffiCient fu nds to purchase a site and ere t a new building ~" It is the duty of every voter in the district to ke~p thoroly informed on this matter so that he .

Mrs. Hannah Antram. who has been ill for the last week or 80, is gradually improving.-

may vote intelligently on March 20. All should agree with one of our prominent citizens who S&ys "Centralization will be the biggest and best thing that ever happened to the Wayne

Mi99es Ceceli a and Fairy Snook and Master Etban Crane were ill Lebanon . Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure attended the funeral of Mrs. Weller at Bellbrook Saturday_

Pursuant to the caU for the farmers ami bu sinellS men of Wayne, Massie ant! Clearcreek townships, as given in the Gazette last weeks to assemble at the township Houlle IB8t Sa~ urday to discu99 the uncalled quarantine agalns l this territory. about 200 men gatbered and discussed t he proposition. S. L. Cartwright was named as cbai rman and J . E, J anney as secretary. Mr. Cartwrig ht made a few remarks relative to tbe calling of the meeting after which the following preamble and resolutionwas~ead:


Whereas. The Bureau of Animal An entertainment that iA chaste, Industry. having issued a decree clean and merry. See "Down in placing a greater portion of this State Alabam" at School hall. of Ohio. under strict quarantine including the northeast portion of If you bave a farm or to~ n prop' Warren County thereby stopping R~v. C. S. Grauser. Walter Mcer:ty to sell. 1 have the ' buyers. the marketing of all live stock and Clure and C. M. . Robitzer were busi· At. A McNeil, Centerville, Ohio. ag ricultural commodities, netlll visitors in Lebanon, &turday. fl7 B.... th Phones. Whereas, By the rigid enforcement of arbitrary and unreasonable Tbe MiBSeS Florence and Jane Mrs. Ida Stokes arrjved home ruling . great IOS8 is beil)g inlHcted Clark, of Xenia, spent Sunday with from Sp.l' in g~eld . Thursday, where upon breeders and ~eedera ·o f live MEETING OF TH WOMAN'S their mother, Mrs. Ann Clark, of she had been In attendlince upon her stock. as well B8interfe~ing wit h bankCorwin. • AUXILIARY OIP ST. 'MARY'S The Ohio Dry Gonventlon held Ilt sieLer, Mrs. Dora Spellman. who is ing and bU8iness in general. A.Dd ' Whereas. This being an agriculThe Corwin Schools closed Monday rapidly regaining her health. Mr. C. P. 'Clyburn; of Washington Columbus, Ohio. February 1 and 2. for three weeks on account of the tural community, we are naturally . D. C., was the guest of Rev. and decided to initiate an amendment to interested in the growth and devel· , Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader and MiS!! be submitted to the voters at .the :::;I~her;b:~~inh:v;h:e;~l~~:e11. J. Warren Wood , cBl!hier of the opment of the animal industry and election next Novembel, with the Clara Llle. Thursday. and Supt. NicholB decidE'd to close Citizens National bank of Lebanon, f avor the quarantine of farmS and belief that it can and will be adopted , the schools to prevent the spread of was married Thursday afternoon to the immediate vicinity o~ · ~e Fifteen hundred delegates attended ---the disease if possible. Miss Helen, daughter of Mr. Charles where contagious disease Ill , known The old:time Southern melodies the convention. a gathering marked , Lewis. Rev. Cooper performing tbe to be. yet ,we do not see justice or will be sung " 'Iiday evening. Don't by a spirit of harmony and a deterof the Program Brought l============:=== ceremony. common sense in tying up counUes m.iss them. minatiop to pr()!leCute the lil1:ht and Discussion Out Points ,That Wcre and vast sections of tbe state where carry the war into eVllry city, town Mrs. Hannah Booth. who has been there has l\ot been one case of disease. t he .following program was renLaw Is Improperly Enforced Very Intcre~linJ.t The new organ, which the ladies and precinct, It v.:as the g reat6!i'l making her home in New York City thus penalizing the people of'these , dered: of the Dorcas society have purchased, temperance convention ever held m for the past sevl'lral years, is the co.m.mllDit.ieeJhrougtL.dep.~viq .t.bem. "With all that h8ll been done the arrlV"" ...... h Ilre T hu"""ay, -.I . an d was the s tat e. "First Thl'n- FI·rst"-·-T·.... ed by' gull9t of Mrs. Alice McKinsey And of a market for their commodities _ _-'' ... _ • ..,L ,compulllOry .edUcatioll la9f ia imper. placed in the Church. daughter; Mi99 Henrietta. Her they can not hold without · fectly enforced, the tenure of the ~he re~lar meeting of the Wom- "J!~~~~~k'W~~~"~"A~~ii~~~!ey many friends will be very glad great risk and heclvy 1089. ' teacher ia brief, a con.tant proces· Miss Htlnrietta McKinsey visited an s Anxlhary was held at the home .. ... - .~ ...... .. .... - Mrs. U. M. White to welcome her again in this com· Therefore. Be it resolved that we -+ _ _ _ munity. aion of untrained teachers is'JlI&8!!ing relatives in Dayton last week Her of Mrs. W. H , All en on FridDY af- "The Side Issue" ............ _..... .... -. the representative citizens engaged - - -... in business i.n Warren Countv do through the 8C!tools, the .Boxwell· niece, Mi99 Ruth Harris, returned lernoon, February 5th. The meet" " ....... ... .. ......... Mrs. Nina. Har~ock earnestly protest against the present Patterson law has been condemned home with her for a two weeks' visit ing was opened with music .. Angels S~clal" Aspects of Fore~gn MISand repealed ." . .. ~ --d F · " I d SIOns ............... Mrs. ZImmerman method of qual'&Btine itl-this state. "We muaf,o to ' .the seat of the k d-- O=--=1otrl----:-...::...=..;- illgUlo.>UI a ur, p aye on the "From Slave Boy to SchoolmasAnd be it further resolved that a copy dla"lUle, for it Ii. deeper. , One ver)' Th~ ann~a Hii16roo lOner W Victrola. The Vice President. Mrs . ter," .... .................... Mrs. Crane of these resolutions be sent to our nec-." step is the reconstru,etion be b~ld UIIS year~. F~bru~ry 20. at Crane read the 27'th Psalm Re members of the 8tate legislature of ~hool unit. These' hitherto the Gibson I)otel,\?mcmnatl •• ~rom Wfl were unable to give the pro · .. 1/. After 'some very Interesting disfrom this County HOll. Milton Clark. have bt!en too amall, and as a resUlt) [nent edUCl,Itors WIll be after·dmner gram for the dedication of the new J. F. Cadwallader conducted the cuasion of these readings the meeting and Senator HoldenD. another to 'our bave fallen of len uiKler tbe manage. speakers. . M. 'E. Church this week. as there devotional exercises;. Another selec· adjourned to meet 'w ith Mrs. BarnCongressman Hon. S. D. Fess, and ment of men, 'many of wbom have , were some changes to be made. tioh of music. "Beautiful Isle of hart the first Friday in March. A h . I one each to our United States Senano acqulAintance with ilchool needs, ============;== Bishop Anderson w.ill be here a nd Somewhere," W8ll1 then played. pleasant social hour followed during Remembering ow so many peop e tors from this state, with the request whOlM! narruw vision coll8iders the preach at the morning IK'rvice. The Scriptural quotations were given in l which more music was enjoyed. were' unable to Be(' the "Singing that they use such meaIlS as. they I Ii I arrangements will probably all be' response to r.oll .call. After tbe read - Miss Olive McCoI!um was present Skule Beginment" on account of the . deem best to rid this state of a conmg of the mmutes a,nd othel' business as a visitor. large crowd at the School auditorium eet\ool provision of his boy hood o. themselves of Its bene ts more argefifty years ago, a 8ufl\ciency for the Iy than any other of our people. completed this week. last fall, has caused a heavy demand dition that is unwarranted, unjust ' present. Tbe county as a school unit The benefits of centralization may be - - -1 for reserved seata for "Down In al'ld intolerable. must «;ome. wil.h a board of men who readily Ilrouped under the following Alabam" to be given at tht' same .re-capabl~ and far seeing; men who De!U;ls: Organi~tion. Buper~ision, rolled in (he elementary grad es of consideration. Then. too, there is improvements in auto-hacks and place Fridav night. After this resolutiQn was .read _can plan for the future. and with equJpme~t, r,naln~nance. effic!ency, ,the Wayneeville schools.) . such a thin g as practicing the wrong school wagons make this problem On account of this demand it has there was another oneoffere<i, which, " The chief objections to the cen- I kind of eco nomy. 'aving on school- much less difficult than a few years been decided to reserve some of the owing to lack of space cannot· be . reference to the general good , un· .iChool spIrit and CIvil welfare.' hindered by township boU1'lC1anes or "Ours is the day of ,federation, tralized schools are mainly two. viz " houses. and puttinlJ: the money into ago. best seats at the nominally extra printed. The substance of this r08Olocal sellh!l!netlll." . , consolidation, centralization We increased cost and di01culties of $80,Q(1() jails. Begl:udglng modern What many ' school districts are charge of 10e. The reserved seats lution was about the same ' as al. Tbe ever lElB8t:ning decrease In Hnd it In business. in government, in tnnisportation , With respect t9 the conviences t9 your own children, but doing, others can do i and it seems will be placed on sale at Janney's ready given. rural population must becoMidered . We all know that modern former. the cost of the centralized hixuriouely equipping a half million unwiee that when the school attend- Drug Store Thur!!day afternoon at 4 A. great deal of discu99ion followed Accord'ing to a bulletin il!8uect by tbe. organization has secured scqool in numerQUB cases will be no · dollar courthouse. Saving on teach-· ance per district averages less than o'clock. these resolutions and many good , censUIl bureau, wbile the population mal'imufP of efficien~y with a min greater tban at present. But I ers but paying $1.000 for the annual twenty· five that the old order of orSeats may be reserved by telephone Ideas were brought out. On moof Obio increased 609.076 in the de· imum of outlay, and the same prin · the of argument lilt eX!lmination nod publication of the ganization should continue, at the Gazette Office. tion it wasd_,;;,ec,:.:i.;;d~ed~to;t;,.,...sertmndrirr.i<.rti-_--:"-;;--7-'=--:?c:.:::rT.;;~ cade from 1900 to 191U, the rurid pop. ciples and met bods apply to the In ~entmlization of schools lies in Everyone who had seen \1, ulation decreaaed 2tS,10S 'in tbe same scbools:----.. oner". There ar " great part the solution of the prob- hesrsalaB8YII that "Downln il.llLOBlm upon the governor and our period . 8lxiy-two counties ilhowed, "Centralizativn will Bt1Cure better abo ut every court house lems of rural life. Certainly the is the best Home Talent play ever semalive. Hon. Milton Clati . and a decre&lkl In the rural populatIon, trained, more exptlrienced teacher'll. stopped and turned into ed children .o f the country arE) B8 deser'v- shown in Waynesville . All the mem o others in.:ereate<!, and lay thi'reaoluWarren Coun,,) ' beinar in tJlls lillt." with lQnger tenure in position reo channels would make over and again ing .o f good schools B8 any others bers of the CB8t have their parts in tions and tbe sense of the meeting "Together "'i~h die decrease of dounding to the advantag'e of buth any increased cost it! schools. You Thebestarenonotoogood. Theetrort line shaptl and the play will be well before them. A collection was taken total populatfon ·it muat be noted teachers and Plitrons These teaeh are inde<.~ mis taken Mr. Oritic. wl::Jen to help their children will react upon worth the price of admission. up to defray the expense, and Mesal'll. that the d~ease in UlI~t ' portion of ers working together, will have all you look at the sc hool-house rather the community as a whole. As Il raS. L. Cartwright, ELias Oglesbee the population of scbool age Is rel :l the advautages of the c\.>ae associa· old six-room house minus all than the court-house to lessen ex· suit' the farm will become attractive, and Charles Ellis were the committee I . tively greater. Withleasening num tion that comes to the teachers improvements? What you are . penses. agriculture be advanced, labor digappointed and they are in Columbus" bers tbere is a 1088 of intA!resl on tnt: of cities and to'ATne from teachers getting and not the cost is the real In respect to the transportation, nified. and contentment abound. today. . part pi IXlth young and old in \bt: meetinga . and from the personal A motion wJIB also made to take workoltheschool . .Therewasatimt: touch WIth thOlle who are able to the matter in our local grange, and when around the ~ountry 'school iu< give advist) at the' time it is netlded." • .: have them also to see , what .t iley .a nUCleU8 1'11811 grnuped t.'he ·tIOCial .ac Clould do to relieve the situation. tWilies of lhe comlnunh~ . .' lbe Iy EquIpment II Lacl~lng The meetin'l' then adJournoo to c8um, debating cliaij~ s\ojll"lng scbuul, meet again at the can of the presispellillIC I:!c:hWI ,lll one time were con "The eq uipment of the rural school Quinquagesima Sunday February dent. ' . • 1111Clt!O . wi~b itd tiJld u. t o~rations a problem• . Many rl.'quisiten ,are 14: Sunday School 930 a . m. The meeting was composed.of our 1'h_ hu~rncll.:allyceU8t!d Hen· lacking. beciiuse of the purchll!l6 o,f Morning Prayer and sermon at 10.30 regresentative citizens' of the com.., illlinoUOllr ISI¥OlliculftfllCC I When tp . .. 0 many or lIllch a great quantIty IS Ash Wednesday or the first Day 'o f munity• . There was a feeling that - raralllchuolllwpFf:!atthtlirbti:ltaven necessary. Takeforinltariceatown Lent February 17. Address and the community had been Imposed hlucb larl/"Ilr num~er of tho piltron. II whh . len rural 8chools. if the Holy Communion at 10 o'clock. upon to ijJe extent of the 1089 of ,'wole the lund oW ,.neDi tt\t!m. ~el~eB schools are to be supplied ~jth prj, Th bl' - 't ,It th . severaltQouAAhddollars, andthatthe mary mad in, ('harts, ten must be e pu IC InVI eu 0 eIIe servl~es trou ble should in some wise be taken --_.-. i'upplied • .1 cent ralized. ono ' WI' 1.' up and alleviatt>d. ~ --~ do the work Appl y this to Weq llter'a dietioril\rit!lt. .ten ,would -be needed tbe]lrst WI:lY, two t~e ,latter ' This applies aI to. boOk cases,"library . bOoka,'mllp,C8II8S,.()hyaIQlogy .cbllr,[II, . pencil t>oin'ters, pictllres. globes, and ag, ricultp",1. apparatus; telephone ' , in many other wars " "The sanltarY'and toilet acc:pmmo The public ,schools will open again !IaUon of the ordina"~ rural Monday 'morning. There hlive been While at work lit tbe DairY barn are 8' fnenaCtl to the health no cases ot measles developed this in Cor,win Monday afternoon, Che&- ' morals of pupU.. No arg,umen,t week:that ' will ' materially interfer:e ter Snook was struck On the head by necessary here. If yo" have athnd· with ,the school work, and Supt. the manure carrier, s~~nlnl a ed or caujfht in a country school slmMcLaughlin has decided that the severe scarp wound. Luckily the pI, re<"all penonal experience. , A aehoohi will take up their work Mon· carriet wu empty or the )oung centralized school permits the ltuilal, day, man's.injury might have been more· -----latlOn proper heating a~d vanti. seriouB. '------...,~latinK s),s,lilinsr _toPth~f witb mod· , " ern lldlltary· plumblq. (Tbe lnalnteDallce of the central· ized ilehoolln W.yne towilablp woul:.i pto~bly coat 11I,blly more than preeent unUI Ole U7 Ibonld be cared lor. Valentines the kind for schools and parties. Have a larJ,Te supply. Give us a eall and 91.'6. W_ C. Pbillips.
















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If You Art LOllng Weight and YOlJr Derve8 are in bad coailition. ..a nlcomDleJId




aAe1CQ'9': Emulsion ..,.,..".", lJrJ)'Hpl.,,,A",.

• food and nervo touio preacription, J . E. J a n ney.'

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,i.llall1l , .. , .1) " " It ~ll, iu ... · O' Ut n f \\ lnuuwu (.o r dfi t1hll J, hud all n t lW uiQ ",tn "'Ih- \l,."" , ,, ~ ' . n. ( ·"" ,,hl' \I . , 7~ l ' " h ' 11'. 11 "I 11,.l.. K hlJ II':!. no ," J(o tll l) n lH!,1 IIri l <1. h n w c v '~ r. wNl t III \ .~lHl1 " . 11l 1\ . ' 1I ~ ln $ i $. n~tI n IlaIlLV". nut It was of rCB I' 'In· uP . to th" hangl nK gnrel DR and ro- I H" , 1'J.l i1 R,· ,,,1,1 ,. , W " lI'll! li "IIl bl,' 1lly . A hl /: h Willi s urro un~ , .rt th o Inllln uC\ th ar WI nino. mnrvellng ove r h wk· . :.! IHI'~ 111 .\I Il~II I' . i l cllfn llollud. Thcra wns D gntoway, t he b('n uty of th o night. The Palllnn ( '. I:. t;" I "n ~ t o .Iobo I, lhlfln ul l, op II a t I hl A moo.."nt . A scrvil ut rDU dl' lay llnd r th('lr gIlZO . with a like. I II I II l.ohe m ' lI . ~ L "It Is t h ~ 81U11 C; .mRW r II Ilnmaba1. 1 ollt nnd loudly d(' fl)au de d whnt WIUI ncss to on of th ose mll gle elll~K 0110 IR on ly ml ~ t Ir lulI(""' llW ' 0. going III I 'It l : mb:llln That w ill Alml'llty I'\'~r )"- "Wo cnu rench Ihnr .. hptnro sun down . wnn t d : Tends nbout In thu ch ronicles a t Sin. Commissioners' Procecdinl(s • C<lIll ITl On Picas Court l ~B.APTJilR ~ -J'(.tlth l .l' n Ho r.'. uoll""l ng Ihlng. With out a h " ," l th .. 8uldl<,," It wou ld b e \l'ls tll h 'L~tcn. llClw \' r. t ", ny to you r ma s lor, Daln )(1,an. bnd tho 'ullor. nut th y spo ke 110 "Der tather, Co\. lllln.!, In I\t.lrll. hM !t um- will bc wllhout .. Ct'U " " , ti na 1l..,)"11 118 thl 9 dosort nnd th ORO hill" tlr In- th ut Ha ma l", l. BOil li t ~Jn n ho Singh . \\'(lrd t love. Wboll ulon o with thl B H K. Mu lt" I'(\ (; .. , rt ll' .Jlhri '"Ili. \V A . HlnllllY W • •I ,' ~.a M f",11.. moDed hit, 1 &\'08 her hom. 11\ 'ullf\'rn lo tl lld I' url l, 'o n· " k t o IrO to him In All hn., 11141... Illb,,".., d lltlf' rt . Knlhlyn us qu ickly ns our f(> I d with In wl ' AR . nomndlc bnnda at h is old fr iend . nwnlts with trl ndl), r cmn rk llbl young WOIDLLn , llruco tou uel Lel\ve gTlmt.1 rJ pllllntlll't t1loullIf\or!- t , 'xln ~ m ll kh n I llreteD~"r to t hft lll rono. ItIUl Il1Il'Irl"",".'(\ t"\\',,~ h ' I'",*{\ I. Gi,: H. It. 1111,t.u - h Ill llstll rl 09 m u-brll;nnrl s. you Co.ll gro · lugs." blmHc lt In vnr lab ly tongul>-llod. 011 1''''"11111 rnrt h with , ItIle aolo"e~ named by tho lill khl4! Ill! hi's coolies des 1'1 d liS ." onl'u 't-tr. ' Hq\l l ~ .. t) Hv u r 11"\' 111 Sh~nr ~ r ;'\Yb e r(' Is Ahrn d?" r------ -- - - - - - - - - , I "KIt." \\,hl ••p rod ICnthl}' n's fnth cr. .At tho sume hour, I s s . tblln fUt y \ V II lIll m ~ F,t." ~;.lIIm ll 111 IhelI: • $ 10.00: e;.,qr t< " t : r u ll. '·.. llIl.I tl ft . "I.11I1I "Ahlnl'd? L hsd forgottl'n nil sh oll t "I his cbap l1allla b,u w li ldn't mllko n mil B away, tlmballa st ood b tore th Rrow" r !! t. III P llllnl'll' IlI·nnl.",1 :i ll • 0BAPT1llR U- Art'\vln In AII<'hl\ Knlhbo.<1 k ing. Alld look!" oKclt c,lIy. opening or hi s olnborato t e nt. orected t,\I milk " nl8 p llt lt i,lU IIl'Jr n 1\(,fl"lt f'II' 11.11l ·.C'·.. . $ ~r•. ()o: IV II . "'11111"1:<' 'boD 10 l nto rm d by ",~"1I1\ I It "t hor hlml Tlut \\'0 cRn't wnlt now . 110'11 & tJ, , . UIJpl l,," fur j " I lt "r $8 110; A rather beinlf d OAIi eho Is In bo Q.u~~ n . on(\ \.0 look alit for hi mself. lInrk l" "ThfOrc 'R til sncrr.d e l<,phnn t. nlld If nt Bundown by th e rlv r's brink . and Q.lld orl .1I n. muat marr)" him. She rt" fuf'(}8 nnd 18 In It. Pllr l(" 1 IIIIlil w .,rk III i"\"I .. fIl lown S'1 u ~;\ llllg and trump ling nnd Ih ull' h Is n 't white 1'1\ ('nt my hu ll" scowlI'd ut th o moon. He suw no formed by the prl_ lhlLl tlO \\'" mnn en n 8 t wort H l' JfP I Il~ V d Tt" h"rt I,. IIh ,V ~H 1111; ~ )\11 " t!f1rrn ~ "t .. (1 I nlvu rl. rUl;~:II'.I'rlo<l . Sh .. Ia If lv n " \'on "Bn .<Ier us rrn shlng III th dl Rtnnco. Ti l" 8 n nnt rn n bnr k Inlo 11 1<1 r·Olll. bC'lUl), In lh o trun s luoonl sky, 10 the Hay ,l u llg- m",,' b l' (IMllnlt 11 11 1I0I,t, It oYet'. ~ ' Il l v ' 1'1 1" llt1 ,16 Otl; W .. jI ,,,· Mo. ,to "'WIII! " " ' llhnnt!" crl "d tho colon I. poull d tlud HII(llw t o ,\ dl glltno,l 1111111. silv (lry pnlllnosR a t tho world be low. In I,b il tHUII nr $ ll-I.50 nUil 00 rHo ..! lnrn, t" 11\1 1111 1 ut li t- lilt r t :urr oll, t ho old IlllPu ls e wlw lI ug hIm r ound. who Ill' O\'NI to uo II high c nste Drllh. H o wu nt od rovollgo. und tho wor d , CllAP"rlllR ffi- She stili r ef". 8 ond '" tolll lllat ahe muet und rlfo two tlf,lnn R .Iobu W. ',iq{o v~.1 Vii. T" .v lnr ijo lrll€r $7:, 1'11; I nd ll~ lti~ I ' l :'ff llllll~ . min. Imvln,; In hi. c h," '&" lho cnre o f hlKOl'd In his hraln ·os u viper bl sBos n ut th e you nger mUll Cnul;ht hold of 'W1th WlJ4· bdD:eta. If . ho eurvlv~. <lbo will lnll ti l 0 '11 .,. Ml v'"l1)" r ' r IllJ \lIl l! flIl ' l1~ ro r I'lll ltl till' iI.v (\oraul t In M be pennlttell to rule. bls nrm Ig nl(l cllll lly. th n \I hll" ~ I " l-' hlla t 110 d ISIlP (lOUl d In th o dllrk of Its CliVe. t h~ Hun, of $271)711 1111 ("nst,". ' 1I1<'HI,It , III " ,I ' ,' r- $~ 00 CHAPTER IV-John Bruee. lUI AmorlTh o soldler8 poled dlllge nlly; bill c ud r" u rn ,I 6{)0 1l \\ Ilh th o khnn. Th o Dung firo's t winkled a.nd soldl" ra Su,,, t r . 1 Hr . , w n \Vii" ~r' tn r., ' t rl '( " 1 KIl Plln ilrn o l' l. ""llI l n l~ lrutllr .,' ngulus t lhe s tr<lom. tog lhQr \\Ilh t pl raq;} n t r UI·() . htH ••:" pro ntl ly moldod. 101lU g'd nbout th e lll. smokin g alld gos. ean. av. her llt... t·11 "II ' ,~ " ' It ' f\ 1) li nn!!" pdt ., III "rd"f c lulllsln('Ps at the bnr g . th l'Y could 101:,' 1 h . r \\ Hh lh ~ Hh lpllcl ty of h is "II' Rilli ng. Tho}' hlu! be 11 given u n e nrlJ' W, W . Am " I, I, l1 ..,o" .... i·(I. V i< ,II rill . CHAl'T1lIB V -The elephant whl~h ear,IIhII!Ill"" t. h.v t,n lll"otl 1.1111 \'\'lIh 11,,-1 nn"t' r H t 'll lt:tn~ PNII UI\ ,·,'. l·onv t',1·,·d (0 Ka lh ly n tho 6t IIgnlnNt thei r long dell nquont sl,rtlng M( l'rn y a t "I ri.. her tram th.e .c6n~ o f har lrlf\}s 'ru ns not nlllk h('udwny with nilY dpgr c of .wllY, aeJ)llraUnlf her from Brueo I\n4 t bo 6V ' d. It was not long h"'or (' 1'1 rnc i, I'lkll t·, prl' ll" r r" r·t lhul III ' rA wile U \flan to bo trusl rI, wa gos. nOli th oy we re In u happy frllm duf.'\llt i n t,h e ,. l1m of *1 OU 'IlI rl rhl th ,u. "" I. lu r · .. reat '!t the pan,. c ou ld .. ~e t11l' 1lI. Ho rlLi HNI hi S' rl Oo Ilt I"'IH for t.ho prl'sent 110 "flJulCII or min d. Th eir dead comrlldes were O. fll' tll ktlo l u I' f"" eolt);" lI'i' of lII " rt- (: IJ Il(lt l '''II , Th l1 Ithlitl)Y Wfl~ 1l 11.,I''1t ",,( 1 to h ll r · , CJU.l"J)ER Vl-8bo lolt." r efUgO In u an d let go; und In th o bOllt lIrnlla llu n n ll mtml cor~ln ll y. "truck his h Ufld~ I dead alld mourn l/lg wns tor widows; for g,,~e. rulr/,d t empi", but tI,le hav(,Ift 8 Ihll f.lbodo Ad .. I{ognr V H H.. ,· tl l" ntl R"l{ or~ rllw ft. " ~U 11I Ilf ~ ;Ino t'lr th" i1nU1I' Y I nl\ ,l o1'(l ~ rNt ou t t hf) " n ' nnts to til It I i th orn would bo I ho pluaa ures of swift of .. Uon an4 .h" 1a to"""" to ned fr om It. t olt hi s tur blln atlr m yalel·lous ly. Th e tnnd WIlli \\ Iduh "P " " ,.,_ I,,' \'lHnnd . ropo rt wh ic h Instautly tollowod WDS eh ll r.:" of wi. ilL lug fl ugo th ore WII" IInrl r e prlso ls _ Tho fugitives b ud gon e to- ntvtl rCtt ,i ~n '~!'l rw;,c',... i- ~ VlI-8b" tina.- rot. " t In elloua ll to c':II1\'lnco him thut he In PU.T· I to len,l II"'''>" the 01 ph nnls to bo fod wnnl Ihe dcso rt. und In tb ut blonk l 'nI~l s Ho\ller ,,~. 1£111. KA lkllt. Ill. I1 t'O •... Ml l r y fl SI \t' ll ~t '~ •• ( IdHI!I' rP4 fl1" \1M ~lUlIIl .. onlY to fu ll ln lo It.O hl\l1~a ot ,I,.ntJolry Illl i,. ala.. tr..sera. ' t lcu lnr WIlS Lolng Illude n lart<:et. He and \\ lll trl!d. s Ir tcb of t reel eRs Lnod It wou ld oot bo vnr o('. 'I'l", r"p ' r l, .. ' , I h .. \l OUn ' .v dAI)M I. Courleou sly he R8kod Knth l),n how ' dlOl clllt to Olld lh e m. ooco tboy sln.rted i~ · R . VIn-Kalhlyn 18 IIrPU.g ht (0 crouch d behind Knthlyn, willi t\\·o or . Prohate Court Proccedl l1\t8 pl!b mart In Allah.. aDO sold to throe or the Bo hlhlrs r eturn d the s llot, t l' rlQ:-I , tli , ' 1.,1-\1111\11" NII,tn' It:t 1 ",,,1 ab h nd b " oO ITI . Inj ured, ani! Rntnllbu l 10 pursuit. , b&1Ia, who, 1IDQlOIf b e r a\1II '''8UbE~ t.II'I' tit' An,lru w .)"ftll' R I:Illxt(' r, lh ll 1 · 1I1 't. "'"'~ N fl lI ,," tt l i',," kl:', ' f ac te d Il~ Inl cr pr Ctl' r . Ho the n u811ero(l Midnigh t. ~W8 ber IntO tho ~unll'oon wltb nlmlng ut tho clump or sc rub from <"comln /l!1 11 ·,,11 nOOtl nllt I " 'hn" l" " , w,'rll tllI ilii ',1- 111 111 f,'"lI oI whIch 11 ftIm at pal o blue smoke Isth om \tlto hla huu so. spr ~u d r~ lind In lh e compound the moon lll!ht lay oIl'rAtt t'l"), 0"1 m ··I.. cus hio ns fo r Ih em 10 sl l upon. oud uJlon eve rything; UpOII the fn t s id s III i' X CII I Or ii i d ~-Gb. lrI .....c u d b y Bruoa s u d. They 'wolted tor Itnotb r s hot, I n rt· W i lllu l\\ VIlil. rtlli .l lt vi t TII A IlI o m"l.\' hil i , "o. ·~ o f till' 0"1111· but oono came. mildly I n'llllr,~d wha t h nd l>rousht th o and bncll of th sncred wh lt.e e ll>'W1Ied <at length they Cllm l! to tile nil r. I'''I!. ,.r T ho reason was thi s: tho h e rd of sao at his olll frlcnd so fnr. phanl. u po n th o throo low caste kecp. Ulei'! II Hk itl !.-( tb . " ~tl ld Willtll'u V"II ty Ir ..",. urv ',M hoaee ot Ramablll th ey did noi ~pel' wild el IIhl\ll~ which n ruce und the olon t' l Hllro 8110lto F vom l dial ects re. now frco or Um vigilant eyo of b ~, rl du\1tto,l t.n h ft D)~ ytll n :;;th l~ I tllll l l,\l trt ' n"" lI rt'" ""d ( 1)1I 11 t\' fl luhttlr rlt)t-'pl1J1 1 f u r t r f\u"lll u nt. O l'(lllt' ~ d w ru "" 'UIIIHI',i UIII' t uuflll t; 'rrl ~('" to cater the front, but Ch08 ' till' 'Ul l, cololl I bsd b "ard came cho rs lllll a l· Ouen tly. nn d brio fly told Ib twcen si llS I hol r Ilrnhmln chie f. Th o gatoa wer ID Uae rear of the gard en. °rh" 111000 most directly toward tbem, snllls hing of t pa nnd hIles of cllke wlJl"h ha d bnrr d a.nd closed; 011 lne lde th e hou se lit ", Il ,J" lIUlt ln n itA ",1\\1 .. t,. th., MUI)- ,"''''I "),,, •. .,, "" fl l .. - - _... - • - - be e n sot out Ito r th o gu s ts) hla ex perl. of )Jnln Khn.n were Ilsloop. For away (r ,,' Iflut lt1nt (tlr ndmi H'ion " f ~ "Id h CKAPl'mR X-OoIonel a n", a lllQ Ie r .... )'ou"g troes and t rnmp llng Ih to ugh enc s In Alla hll. Il sentry dozed on his rlO e. 00 tho 1!'I II,' "1 fl ll :! ') l't.I..-rf'd Ih 'll, II wll rr" n~ ctIe4. . UIQWJa. With eoldle ra. 8lnrts In undelbrus h. Some of the m DIad for COLDS AND CROUP IN CHILDDEN ~ K&th1)ID Is atruak by a bun l. i1 the wate r dlreotly In lIue with the "Tho rulol's of Allnb(l," obsorvel1 woll. Th e tbree kee porp whispered h,' ifl · u ~d l' WI '. 61 lrn n r . ~hf1 r l ll' ' or t h tl o n flV '~.l'aIlOtl or ~ lIid p ,dle n t I Mlln ,· (" '''1'101 rI ' I\' n . " .... ' I ' .. itl, e r . pAss ing boals. Kathl>,n, keenly Illl"e nulll Kllo n, "hllve I1lwo.ys been bolf Ilnd c huok lod among themaelvos. ~'\t.~~ oi"l1~~~ to 8" 111 I,nt .. h u~p !tal. lui" ',, (;IIul(b HpI" .. I" illll'lI lJ ' l Y'" to the tlUlt that b er e was 1\ cbance, mud." "Who w ill know?" 811.ld one. E- IIl t tl nf FI"fllDOO P . Clem Ant, (\ 1" onS'H t1f oold - "tlil I"'''UI' ,,"(1 , t jump d ove~board be fore Umballil Itn ml1ha l ~odded 10 ogreement. "Th e m09n will oot speak." snll1 aoCHAPTI!R XI. /lPIi>'oti. 'renth 1I000 ll n l o f (l x ,·ou l.n ,. "PV,jr 111" .. I1 1>"' n'.... 'h " ',, ~1 "" , Ii: cou~d reach out a slllyLng hand. "You should n e ver hllve gone buok:" oth er . fi lNi H. '1'11 ,,111 " ", 1.":1 '\1'''1'''' ' , I t1. w ... ,." : To Knthlyn there \l'1lIJ only d eath In weot on Bala, Khan . li ghting a clgllr e tte I "Then I t 'liS go and smoke.H Th .... aage of Sliver. the pntll of the le phnnts; · to r e malo Umballa In Pureu't. nnd oYelng FCathlyo wIth wo ndor nnd i The three npjlro ached the elephnnt. Estlltt! nr WillI •. m H. (; llllll l'o l , ,Ie. "l h,,--v ~ I I 'Hl tl C ·ll11 t1l l w lll't . 'r ( ~. n'l!h R Il f11 ftdv 'n Iu-\ , It ... h . ",I tll l·r111 \ n,, ' ," Ir ft . . . tJ1e aback thil bullet rather au th e barge was to 'fnce eventuolly Inte rest. "Ab. that Durga Rum wh om A bit of gymnastics and one of th e m (!t;n sl"d 1'; ~ gh (f tfJ n \ll uOOu on tl of .·X on lch~ " I1r1 C l n ut l 1 hlVI ' • Vt· 1' 1I!'t ptl. tIIu IIIe .eHowin~ ot-the wound that t .h llt wblch waa wor se ·tha.o deatb. H e r them. Thoy wquld cut the throat of n they call UmballlL! 1 hllvo bcn.rd of WIlS boos ted to tbe back of the e ll>- 0\ U lo r~ fi l" ,1 hud n pVnr '1' ..... f r. ~·jH tlf'UH I d nli tr lied ~ Kathlil'll 'I nto tbe rlve~. .In ann tbrobbed painfully, but In tbe dell- man for the IIILke of hlo olothes." hi m, but fortunntely fot him our pnths ))ha n t, to whom thIs episode W IlS more ID ~t "t. . of (Jllrn I,," 'W; Hotul111 et 1,\1 hll v.. tbe CIDIlNaIbiI, the raWe of mU8ket~, )lerote energy wi th wblch ahe deter. "Let Us go on," said the colonel "I hnvo not croBsed In any WilY.'" He or lellll fam iliar. Anothe r followe d ; bur" flol ,riA,. ·(I' !f t,-All ih uOOOllOt of t.n IllY " .. 11"11 h .. r" ,,111\ I " 'II II... ,.1 V'IYt' Itl VI'/i t. I. ' rt) \ ('IIIIII,r' \I \\' /tf' n tbe ,.utq al1 the pawc ..tnokeq pa,ck mined to tako the cbance ahe used I~ donrt care where.. 1 nm dead ror ",a.nt hl ,~ a loud of smoke above his bead. tbo third waS Ilulled up, nod from tho H U~ lO\l fl ill d, sl\fl'I'rin ~ l'r" "I I. .. II hflll ~ aaDJS. wIIo ~ fI~ belteNkelter tor Qul~e oontTIU')' to lIell xpootntldns, her at food /llld IIleel~" . "W 11, he tllu, shown wl ~dom '0 avoid. leplltmt's baak th oy lIlade tbe tOil ot 1u r .. g 'll"rtl i"n~ hl p t ,f AIl llf\t ~ fl E , ,u ,'Vt,. fllll" ,1 I.. , 11:1 v, 1.111110 11'''1111'1. tile JIuiIIe, the Squealing ef the ele- 19jI.)) WB8 tbe best thing sbo.could have -Alld I, too," oonfesBed Kath lyo. ":My Ing m e. In j'ront at me, a detlort; bl)- the walt and dllla))peared down Into H"ft'J m lnq r. E UnK H " tf IlJIJI"intu(\ r ellt,,., .. F(lr toll 11' hy .. II II ~RI' l r". p1aa, . e biId tOJ'lOtten to \lrouch d one,. Most of tbo ))argBs were ups t arm pains mo badly." Mod me, verdoot bLlls and many s heep the street. Here tb sy pnusod cllutloua. gUltrdll'1I BOlli I H OOO ti l ' , 1ft ID tJie ,hOwi!ah. There had come a.n.d tbe sreat b easts were blunderin g "My poor Kltl" murmured her and co ttl . w,ell gunrde\l. 1 am ~oo tflr Iy, tor t wo gUards III ways patrol d ' tlte I!':~ I/tl " of Arthur B. d " Il', d ecea","nll a ~ blow, after wbloh sky and acrofl~ th e riv e r betwee n her nnd th e mth er, gloom ily. "And nil this bocsuse Ilway for them to bother. Sometimes frout ot . the compound during the ." ,' \",ull ~ nil flnK! "ceoalH 0 1 Ildllltn. euUa OU'4Ieiiecl for • moment and be- barg(!8. I told you holt 11 tru th. be cau se In plsy the d esllrt thieves cause a flurry, but nlgbt. Presntly the tb.ree truants slol.o i . tr ~l~ n r fl ier! . J;lruoe witnessed Kuthlyn's brave at. I tri ed to make B mYs tory out of a tew tbat Is nothillg. I t keeps the tulwlll' nwn)' towa rd the baznars, which In thi s . ~ black: then the ohlU of . w ate r E ~t~tu ot ' b ll rle~ E , IllH r\lharl-, IJ R. U4 .tftDcuJaUoo, anc1 ebe tound 11.81' tempt nnd dosh d Into tho water Ilfter plain taots. 1 should bavo told you d esert town ocoupled hut .B olng lo MIf ~Unc in ~e deepest part of her. It took him bul a moment to everything, warned Y9U aguillst follow, from growing ru sty," patting Lbo great s treet. Down they we nt Into 11 oollar " 1I!! (t 811 1a bill fi led, o rde rlld r ('· Veterlnarv 1be ~ & etraqe dea4Dess In ono bring ber to la.nd, wher ber tuther Ing In case I fa11ed to turn up." Iullte at bls uld . way nnd the gu ru's curse stalke d b&- QlJ rd pd. .... SblIIa4 DO dJaUno' ~lleotlOll olasIK!d ' ber In bls arms and broka "1 should bave follo wed you Jus t the Balll Kh an WII 6 muscular ; his ' enll s id e them. For opium Is the hllndIn re Ed rlll ll, 'n~l\u" . 'rhe oourt Oratlunte of "hill ~1. 1" I II1'Vl'r§' b InR full;;> "dvlBe d ordt r(lll ' h ilt 1111 GI took place; ber one t,Jloulht down ...rain. same." h llJ)ds denoted work; his c loar oyes, malde n of all curses. IlppllQll rlon be ·mllde til t.lle 'Hllp !lrlll, IWU to keep her. head above wate r. . "Dod, dadl" sbe wblspeTed. "Do n't "Shall I rebind the arm ' " asked t he sun and wind. He was In hei gh I I'erhnps twonty minutes IMer BlIlht I , IilatanUY the ~ oeased; op one you soe pur Ood Ie pow rrul s t ? l b&- Bruoe, turning. lind build 'so:me Ullng ufter the pattero sounds carne from the front of tho tond e u!. of tbe Ol\yton lill,a HO ~Jli Office Rt rCilidf>nct' in F, I:. :4her IIddit beca_ there, were no more car- \I v e t! 1 was going to be trampled to "'No, tbanka." She emlled down at et th e olon I. com pound wall. A rifle barrel clat, til l for H(\mi8slo ll of laid pfthl'nt Rnd WOIlr!'S hllll!le. Fourlh 'i lr.~t. tbtda-, an th6 other for fear d nlh, and here I 11m wi th YOU oooe him. "Tbls bandage will serve till we ".And to force a crown on me!" said tore d upon the cobbl es . Then. ove r ~ Wllrrllnt to OOOVAY 1IIIIIll uod to W. !Uie ODe peJ'8OQ who bad made this p~ ml)re." reach BaJa Khao'!'." the colonel. , tim wall, near tbe e lepbant. B head a.p . l!. Ulluloor ~her itf. Telephon. 2B EstR t.e of Mfl\le l Anoa Dellrlh, flIl IIIIiS& 1UICetI1IIl7. They hurri ed bnok, as fnst 0:8 KaLb. "By the way, oolooel, Is the re a pa l "You could ha ve given It to tbls Um· poore d. tben Ii bocJy. 1' was repeat.• KIdbJ7n ·.uu.aled betweeo the ele- Iyo's wenkness wou ld permit t o wb e re or btoooulars to the bowdah'" balln.," wls Ir. d tour times, nnd four lIgbt-footed II or, Fir~t soooon I· of ~ u n rdllt.u Waynesville. Ohio '"1:tmm1~---t.-.::=ULt...L=ouLl1..J:lOt do-" :wht~ eiU'I1ed Ramabnl and Pun- they ha d loft their elepbnnts, doubting - ---~ .:.u-,.ou-'WIII1< oomllds at the d ese rt lowered them- filed . ... die ..,..' or barge whloh held thnt the y s hould flud th em con sldol'"No. Juet to be sure th ey wer "In oucb case yo u showed t01'6- selves Into the compound. Thay ron EHtl.lte of Elizil b .. t h R Shiel", rle~ ..... :UmbaD& 8IId bls tIOldlers~ In~ thnt It was quite probable thut there. We may bave ooea810n to U8<' thought. Tbe Durgo. Rnm, wh on he hlld Qu lclll y to the sate aod oolso1eB8\Y un- eillsen. Admlnl~ trlltor!t tII.·il rbelr eI'De ~ t.tIn;anIed: bad .alld air the y b ud Joloed theLr ' ",lid b re thren. them tater, In case this pace Ramn bu l you where he - wrmted )'ou- " Baln barre d It. Outside were five more des. dlfltrlbotton lire l\lnt, wbioh III or, DR. ' J. W. MlbLE~ . . . . . . to .... heet. loglorlouaty. I1ut DOl the y wore stllndlng sh ould or !fa tBlI1nII UII tv sbould tum out bosUle. Khlln drow a fin ger suggestively ert Ilomndo, gathered about the InBOn.- der ed rtlCorded . ...... ........ ~4 '40 DOth1ng to aid to shou.ld(jr, flllpplng theIr anrs and 1 like !,O know what Is golog 00 ahead aC1'OS8 h is t hroa t. . si ble OOdlo& of the sentrJos. .• DENTIST••• ~ 'Ifcir oo.JId tJIe e1iIpbaDl rtd- carling tbe lr. trunKs . or me. , Lowly nnd quickly Pundllll traoslaTbese nine men were the dancers Real Estale Tranlfen eoklDel and Bnee be _ Bruce ordered one of them to kneel, "A wblte elephant." mused the colo- tocJ for Kathllyn SO tbnt she might miss who blld entered the town In advanoe C, W BtJnder~on to Jui Itl M B"n. omllCl.ln . ..... , . doubUully ; but lhe big fe llow obeyed oel. MOo you know It for 1\ taot thllt nO,ne of the con't1ers ation. of Kath lyn. For weeks the)' bad lain derson, undlvlt.led inll1resl In l e .. 1 N.'Ion.1 U.nlr Old.. ~IIIe, 0 ~ ... ~ to _ b,IB advao- tho oon\mnnd docilely, and the colooel thIs Dala Khan bas a white elephnnt T" The C~lonel Sahib looks worn. lin wlllt tor lhls. moment. They bad ell tate In Cor't\'ln, 11500. . , _ -. . Janibtni, 'be Viecl bta"men and Bruce be lped the exhausted girl be culled across to Ramabul. :: IUD. spied upon the three low oaste koepel'8 'I fit. The oolone.l Into Lbe howdab. The oolonel followe d. "I have nev er seeo It, sahib. It Is Now, In my tmvels r have been t.c nod u oon learning of their nocturnlll . Ham D. Hlokle t o Nellie Bin1l:1- , ........ bIi 1tae iD4 '&1med at Umballa. whUo Bruce took upon his own shaul. what they say." ' Bombay; and thero 1 dressed like you :Junkets Into the opium de n hud cast 50X .. O~El8 I.n W ...yne t. o wnship, $1 . rllhnAn Bluton to Nelli e Hinkle, it. HATH A W A \' 'W tb.,.".. DO report; orily a ellok dars the duties 'ot mabout. Pundtta got "A pllir of moltled ears Is the nenl'- 'I\'blte peopl'e . (have the complete the di e this night. . . ..aaJab to the ~tlo JDBD'S ears BOUnd- into the other bowdah and Ramabal est 1 eve r came to see ing. white ole, Wltb th E! utmos t caution they ap. retl.I4!staklln W .. YOII townMbip, $1 6ec>r~0 W FOll to Fl1roO('e M, \ qy ue ..villo'l! LAKulnll O(iD'tI•• ,. lib the plea Or hen closIng In be- Imltatod Bruoe. The elephanta sbut. pll/lOt, a.od I've bunted · them for 80 ( proac.hed the /llicred elephaot, took otT 10ffi.(16 in Ken 8Ma. M."~ M iIabI4 1dJh. , fted orr, away from the river . For the years, boro. In Oeylon, In B urmn., In his chnlns Ilnd le d him from the com· BlIldwl~, lot 10 Lobl\non, '1 . ~f· ahonted Umllal\a.. time belog o e ltber Bruce nor Ramllb~ Atrlca. Tbero was once a tiger oear pOuod. Imm ed iately six of the mlll'llu(\Sbe ".. hIii .....11; ho woald have gave mind to the eomllllSs. To make Madras that hndn'[ Ilny strIpes. The ers lrotte d tar nhend toward tho gnte tile pa-ure or takt!l. her trpm 'under pnrsult Impossible was tho maln bus," natives would not penn lt him to be tbey knew to be the least guarded. The • "'" ""' al her father al;ld lo_r. ness just then. 'kUle d becauso they beld tbat, beLng sacred elephnnt, ))nsslng tbrough the JIll liar De'f'er faltered. Later Umballa. dulled and stupefled unIque, he was sncr ed. A slLOred wblte s treets, nttcnded by threo men. BIW atoiod "fA the bowcJab, ready from his Immersion. slood 00' tbe elephant! Poor simple mlndEkl fools!" Broused no suspicions III IIny strag· tID c1lft. bat the QOJone1 restrained sbore, with but nine of tbe twent)' Bol- The colollel f elt In hIs pockets, then gler who saw. So remote WI18 the ..... J • dlors be blld ' brougbt wltb him. Evl. dropjled bls bnnd8 QISlllrltedly . ' How wall city, so seem Ingly Impregosble, "Dcm't WUte )'OUr Ufel My Oed, ·we de ntly his ' stnr hnd falter ed. Ve ry loog slooe-1!!L hod . tasted tobucco! 's od so it t tl e Inte rfe red with that it wss _'t .~ berl ' Not a b\lllet In either well: he WOUld' ~en d tor the othe r 8h~ "Bruce, hn.v.e you got a cheroot 10 yOU! only h!TlilIDlthnt Its · gunrdlans should iaL ,~0IlI'IIe on these worth- te r. She was the Colooel Sablb'. pookett I tblok a s IlIoke would brace ev entuall y grow less. .'. "_.tOIMIII '1II4m Can trUnlt .. Tb era, dau ghte r, and young; she wonld be as me op.,, · Wben the kee pers, stl4!gerlng und er .1Ie'a IOl 'hert N~ a shell lefU ' KIt. WaX In his hands. A psssioo remained Bruce Illugbcd ond passed up a bro· tb e tumes of th o drug, roturne d n enr ,,lDU- '!'be oo1ono1 broke down and In lJmballa's beart. but It was now keo cIgar, · whloh the 00161101 light ed I daybrellk. flrat to find the gnte open . arSe4. lUre a cbttd. Aa tor . blmself, the p0 88lon of revenge. carefully. The wenrlneS8 seemed to go s ecood to find their sncred charg<) ~~'OOU14 Dot Ila-ve wruog ateILl' ' Whe n he had recovered ' sull\clently out at his fnee maglcll ll y. gone, they fl e d In terror; for It would fJaID lib bUt KIt, In the handS of he gavo ord ers to ooe of the BoldlerB "This BaJa Khn.n s hould be Mobam. be delllh, linge ring Bnd ))Rlntul, for ~. ~ ~ ,agalnl to r oturn to .the city: to brl~g back at mecJan," eald Rruce. "The Pathllo t hem to stay nnd OXlllnlo hOW-nod wby ""OoIImel.--lIild ·Bruce, "I'm golOB to onoe s ervants, elephants und all that 'deaplses the Hindu." they hod lef't theIr posL IOIDe cUtrtdga." would be required tor a long ))Ursult. "There nre Hindus 10 yond er city, The wild alld luwl8ss brlganda knew . &,~ then tbat .JCatblyn's to· The messe nger wos also to make qU.l te 118 mnny ." said Ramabal, "as exactly what th e y were about. Tbore tai\j ~ Upon blm alone. The known. these ))reparatlons to the there are Mobl1mmedno s. Eveo the were severol ug onts of 'Euro))Oan and b6IiIiHl a broken man. So be Council. who would uode rtake to tOI'- Patban r espeots that which be caonot AmerICan circuses nfte r tbls white ell)~ the elepbant. wblcb lumhere~ wnrd the cable submitted to tbein. uoderstaod." phllnt; and as It oould' not be pur~ .1. The' moment Kntblyn was Quite uoknown, qulte unsuspected ;'Iso't that the wall behind that sand chaaed there wne no rOllSon , wby It ii6iit. 1D uwllvll8 UmbaU& Would prot.- by blm, for all the activIty of bls a))les, hlllT Lot me h lwe the glasses a m~ could .'not be _atolen . They Set Out at Once. - . t' atft or4en to resume firing. He a volcano WIIB beginning to grumble me nt, oolonel. . . . H'm.1 The walled~ W hen the Dro.hmlo arrived at sundo eo tIcnr with Jmpunlty. uod er his feet . ALI tyra.nt8, the petty clty, ' all right. Soma p'eople moving dress. P er-baps the Colone l Snhlb rise to find his vocntloo gon e be Bet ~ t.oI~ere dre'W Kathlyo Into the and th.e great . bave benrd It: the mut. about outside. Daoc,ors. I should say." would bo 1'1 IIsed 10 see If h e Cu n wear U)) a wo llhig whloh awukoned th e ...~ """ . . . . ·11mb. . . . .'IV that · sbe was le rlng of the oppressed. . "Professlooal." expluLned Ramabls. It? And 'ul ap the -use of my bllrbe r?" household. Th e khan was furious and .~ ' ~ .1I~by part of the arm. P rllaps the rugltlves hnd gone 80 "Nothing NllIgrou9. then? By "BaJa Khll."," crIe d the colonel, "YOU orde red a general ~earcb . He vowed QaWIdi be IDatcbed of! the ' turban of miles when suddenly the Jungle ended Ooorgel" are a prince Ind eed! It will tonlo me death to the foul ha ods whloh had GDe aI .a.. IIOIdlera, uowouod It. n.od IIbruptly nnd a deaert ope ned up h&o "Take a look.' Th ere'a an ele obllot like me dic ine. 'rhanks, thanksl" done this -sacrllege! . ~ to ~da.e Kethlyo's arm. fore thom. Deyood stead a purple line being led loto the city gatea. "It Is well ." , Kathlyn and the ' others were ' genu· , 'l'tae IlIaD, tor' all bls oriental craftl· of rugged hills. Ratnablll raised _his The colonel peer ed engerly througb "You have a wonderful 'elellhant out loe ly ftorry w hen tb e kbeo anoouoced h~ve - . ·. . . . .1 «uUeleee -enough to ex- haod, nod tbe e'lepbants came to B the gll18ses. . ''Tbe Bun Is shinIng on tllore In till! com))ound," . suld Bruce, wb'at hod lake n placo. l*JI'8IJIite. or liratltude .trom her: b.alt blm. . : .. Nol he IB . . white I A who bad retnnined a silent IIste oer Said be : "Come, yoU are all skUled .LQeU8t be tQucJu!d her abe ehrank 10 "J believe I know wbere I am," Bald wblte ele pbant! I'd give ten thousand all tba t bad gone betor e. hun ters. FI'nd me my ele phnot and l~ Uta ' flamed and be Rnlnabnl. "Somewbere between UB and this minute to own It. Th ere, be's eo' ,'Ah! ThaI: Is a curloslly. He Is ·thCS'l guns and ~ewe r a-nd SUNlr ones I . . ber·l'OQhly into a seat.. yond e r hills Is B walled olty, belonging tered the gate. Well, well, weill And shlpe d by fUnd us and shnn protect · you from Durga Ram, • "SWIer. llttle 'loolI" to Bala Khan, . B Pllthan who some- I've lived to see It! Poor old Barnum m y o wn people. 1nm bls Q!llclnl should he 'take It Inlo bls h ead to come . KliUltime the ~lon'el' and Bruoe dis· times style s blmselt a rajah. He b/18 to bave .c arrle d Ilround a tlnted paoby: t od lan. Th Elre Is B saying nmong this way ." '. . 'lIIoanted and· trleA ' to stem the tide of u body <it fierce (Ightlng ~on; and he d erml ·. lIe's whIte DS any elepbant peop le that III will befa ll mo 'sh'o uld l ' Tbe colooel, ,Bruce ond Ramabal set laetq cooIIe_; .but It'was ,no more e t- lives unmoleslejJ for two rensons: loot.- fl esh could be. Thos-e dao c.l og ohapa lose, sell pr pe~m lt t o be stoleo." eut at ooce. , Aft er tbey had gone a '.aUn UIU blowinl! agaln8t the wind. Ing would not be worth while, and bls are gol,08' 10. 100. What cast.e would "And many have offered to buy'" came l ride r enter ed the compound anti 'I'b~ fDlmcl, howeTer. 811 'abandoned I position Is Isolatod and Illmost Itpl1reg. tbose dancers b , Rnmllbal T" . inquired the colone (. Bougbt nn audience with BDln Kbnn . JIIIIik oontall)ln. 'clartHdge ClaSOS, and noble. Now , It ( am rIght. ·we. shnll "Parl nhs, quite possibly; probably ··Many." · Katblyn and Pund~ln were In the com· u.., .Qed their Pockets, calling to find s he lle r ther e, for be WI18 an old brlgn nd s." \\ b.en lite c olonal RJlJl eared at 8U~ pounc;l at ' the time and the former waa Ramabal and l!lIndUa to tolll'w thl\Dl frl ond of my ~nth er'll; lind 1 might oall The rI m o f tho Bun was slnklng por. simple but subs tantial, be Will a greatly Inte rested In the soddle bsgs, aa-. tIM! rt.,.. III Purault of UmbaUn's hlm B. frle ud of mine, since 1 fell aslee p rapidly /l.S n ruco drew his elephant to new tiillll. He s tood op stralght, nttached to one of whlcb wus a blnocu· wU fl~ being rapidly for hIm occasionally," a bait b fore the sate of the wblte thougb .bls bac:k stili smarted .from tbe lar case. J<;lIthlyn could not Nlsisl the .1M1t.i'l""'~' They mlgbt ~ abl e . "Bala Khan'" 'mused Bruc'e ram1ol. walled cllY. The guard ron ont, bal'- lash. Ka.thlyo ..vas del\l!bted at the Inclination to op en th1s case. It can· en~h aoldt&rl, I\barpaboot. cently. "~8h't he the ohap who' has. Hng tbe wa.y. change. . tuJ'ned an ellceptloonlly flne pair of mat. It lmpoaelble to man the ~cred whit.. '"lanhJUlt1" "I am Ramabal, a friend or Bala ' Af~er the Ibeal -wae OVllr and ocffee glasses, S!lQh 88 were u ~ed In that day 'l'iav wwe boU! dead shots, Khan . 1 aOJ come to. pay hl~ a In the Tltlsh anny. No doubt they Ieut tiler oould do 'WOuld bo DIrect me to his 'house or ble pala.ce. were a oart of some loot. . 1IIht OD a baaIJI of equallt)' The authority In Ramabal'. voIce --. '- - . -_ .. .. .Upon a knoll outside tlle crltT_ " ••:~I\UI"'n ,....., Clonc:erned. . was iUftlO1\111t for the 'lWltd, who gave Qu.~ hillock of Rnnd tbree or tour hundred f\M'IOt aU -abOut how tbe neoelll6n' The 1'art7 ~t~~~~~~and tbe .!.b ., teet 10 helght-K~th.!rn trt.e4- the .... and 4.pa1r C01Itlnued OR Into town. ~Dlla CIIJl glsS80B. From this -promontPI'T abe " -_. ~. . . . 11ft- blm PnIIIent17 they came upon alfODP in D~-PSI. had I'aIIse of IOmstJ1jq like fln.eo







e '..












Dr. J. A . McCoy,





l61li.., ...

...... help'"


H . E,


W. H. Madden o.



LUMHER~ PLASTER, LIME ' AND CEMENT On Hands At All Times ..... ... .......








, '*, ..



just received a carload of good Fence Posts, '. -

$2.25 per 100 feet



The finest car of Ch~tnut Posts Ever IBr()ught to Town jj .. JUlt '.ina .


thetheir Gelltel' of whtch:Thq were oeued the dancers at _tiDe. their wJalrJlDp


I. No


• r b-._ -

""C"~Dd !i~;"l"l!io


w.---B.Madden &. aO~

to twent)' Back and forth • • 11 II~"1r0'~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*lI: .... JOVecl mil.. and II1I4den11......



e . "2


_.. ,. - Dyspepsia" Tablets

AlT ~1


...iIl relieve your 'lndigeltion. MlDr ~Jl\e in t bill town have uaed 'hem


At R asonable R at es, Two M achines. Spr £rfieldTires, Tube s an d A c cessories. Valvoline Oil and, C rease s.

nod we b.lvo ye~ &0 hear (Jf a CIllO whero they b ~vq flliled. , We know tho formula. Sold only by \11-260 a box. / J. E. J annoy. ;-


- +-----



~ l]alil witb klLita _ . Mill;' Lt ~U.l..l:iliflu.o, of Mi"Uli ilb~r~, Phone. 7' - ' 1-2 T be ijuLter thwllite- oblhlroo a ud CORWIN, OHIO mil( , Bow we wl J)". " ppr 'oi.. te Is. r.hll g ues t of r e ltitive~ ber\,. Uorllce lind Mllrybello Hllrner ar e sick wltb mel181es. ).,..,..,wv......._ _ ....._ _"",.",_ _..........._ _"""'........_.,..._ _............_ _....:. MllIs .r noie Urll ig lmtert,lli oed u lIy foolll II JlIJJl CI\*lo ..,s, 1>8 t bey oannot K\lod old ,l ummer when' it ,get8 he re pany of frl ood« u t ~ oo mfor t Jwot .. Mrs R OM Rnddook i~ im proving r el10h the disIlaSNI port,lon of the wit,b all its gr.1D deur. Repor ts trom the slok lu th is ~iu g 'l' bll r~d!l,V. Blow ly an d h er mH,nj f riollds hope I ellor. Tber e 18 a ni y one way to oure lI1 i~H :!:Inrll Hatl a ll b u~ b...r n tloting ror her s peecly a nd oom pleto r ecov.. dll ..rIlBSI>. ond thu·& Is by oonAt.i t n vloinlty r em" l n !I bout t he IltlU o. \ 1 E. V. BARNHART, The Ihlnoo lit 'l'o\\' n Bnl1 wnA II liS nhMtltutn teHche r Il l· I!u rn ~tal k er y. tlulla l r llmolll l'8 Uon I nOBII 18 OilURed snccess, " good timo, ~ oot1I1l\l~ i o fIn d Ro h,),,1 fl nrin .. th 'l i1 hIOSA nf th f,lloy Com pton lIo.l r1n\l ~ ht f' r l no lIy lin Ira U'lOl I oond it lon of ~h A ma; Notary PubliC' MII Y wora D"y t,m " LIO IPI Ir!l Rilt nr.. OI'UB Itnlll l; (If Ih e Eust:lohtlln Tube. tbe be ~t or behn vior. why nllt , t ho I,eucher. Wm. U .. rlun IifllllllltOl.'lj(1 EILTlbl\1I\ rilLY. From the number or leltcrs which Whon tbl l! tnbA18 i n1bmod yo u bl\ve bOBt o f ponple wero ther e 'fhe lady te"ch er.s of our sohoo l OI1('lo(ll for t ho scoond BOlllvs tnr . EVI\D Bog un bn s puroh asod him • . lh ey ' ha ve receiv ed all the suh ject ,~rumhlln g 80 ftfl« Ilr Irnporfeot h ear log, a nd whfl n it 11:1 ent·lr.,1V oloscd, l-uoduyad b ere. 'f ho pr lnoipn l luld Rev. t:lhri vlJr lI t tenll od Ibo Ant'! u uow drrv l o ~ h or~ e. His ot,he r re~enUy , officials of the d epa rtment tJI!8fnllRA18 the reBult., an tl nol 88s ' lIe womlln w bo I" not i n tero~ t erl of agriculture . believe that ports· th e hlf\ammatl '0 ou.n bl\ tako n ont all iaian's oreu!L fu r ' t ho !:luloon Lcnlj" no oon vOul;lon 10 Col. horl'o cl ied with blood pol/mnlng . in lt·bingd In genorll\ or flo ru ntblng i (I progretl8 tbu.t t,be Rtuc1entl! ti ro lIlILlt. uwl n ~ IUfl t weo k. Olive Wil son was out SODllo.y fOT men may unintentionally viOlate .. nd t his lube rest.or(1d tn Ita normul ,£'l1e ~t o k O!'1 F!lIli lly Occb ost ru the flrl!.t 1\ 1tor hn vlog u siege with llarlloDlllr is lin ont 11 ierosti og coru the provisions or thc federal migra- oonultlon, hellrlng will be destroy d log, and dolug wi th o'it u uy exoite.. nlon, No matter ho w belLutifn l rendBrod ' I vll ry plell si.lg ).Irogmtn m"lIslsH. tory bird la w, which it is thc p ur· ft) rllv~ r; nine OIi¥tll\ out of tell lire lueot. pile may be, h er o h l ~rln wilt be mID . Th e Civlo Ltl8g no ", III tl wot 'It, t.h e In th n M. E oh nrch :;lItortl llye v e Pmv llr mf'etiog t hl" Wedl1esrl ay pose of the government to enrorce onu81ld h y Olltarrh , whioh Is n ot,hinj( ,r own HaJJ I;III,u r.loy. Fehr ult TY 1:1. n in~ hnized or of • bort d urKtio u uv ntng nt, the hnmo fir \·~ .. GIVEN QUIOK RELIEF 'I'ho vi oti m of · nonl or i nclllIor . rigidly. Under the p r v isiollS of bnt Iln infhulled oondltl ou o f the All m AUlhArA .. ro rfl!lpf'ctr nll y m.. .1 . W Iln}' Y lot1lc \V IIR olloml, ,1 nn W lt~Oll . Ruhnr t Btnnl oy I .. ud er. IIIJ OO Violirnio.r.l1l1t' Veryb"ll.v " hon!, ho r. Pain teaves almost thi s law no water fowl can b e sliot 11111 00 111'1 Hur llll'ell , t.o be IIrAMent" v .. r y i rnpllr _ i n Ilr. M('( ' tt'IlIl11 'R hospitll l,!u t wl'ok queR te d WI! WIlt qlv .. O ne Buudrlld Vollpr" tll nt bo pin e~s 18 to be brong ht np fnT I,h (, ro ll, m'lIl Of fl Crt n 01 (ro m hi M [tev, Il'rullk Moorm!l u preaoh ed Hl,r fri tlntlll Illuy Ilink upon It", nnd I n~ if by mugic wben in thc uo rthern or breeding zone to r nA SUlldny. ad mire her bAan ty. bnt ,.ho I ~ Ilcoitl. I yeu hefl in usiDg "6h llll ri. a fter January 15th, except in Ncw rn r IIny O'L110 or Dllll'DlISS (01lU8 1111 by btl fo re th ol r hlDu rnbl e hedy . Drops." tho famen. ol,1 Um Wilson i~ very sick with t·be ail ly uolnte restin g, au d eV HIl u 11 nlo ; rrh) IIIIIt onnnot l1li oored by Je rsey, where the eason extends outa Harry Bnm plJrtl v Ilpont s Avor ,, 1 MrR. K 0 , Shir1nker, of WimlnllIl\ gr lppo. remerly for Rhoum. . bit of h er lIocle_y is geoerli lly II.n I ttAlI'S Cntn rrh Corll. Send for olr .. to l~eb ruary 1st , In most of the onl Iril fr tle. days In Day tun r ecen tl y, Ev or y.. lOll . ~!Iell t lus t week wUh relntive ,tism. Lumbago. GOlli, II1r. l~n l1 Mr!:!. Melltl Burb am wer e overdosll To be blo se ill Dot to be i Scialica, N e u tll t ~i" so uth.e rn wintering zone the season F. J CBENEY & cO., .'r olodo, Ohio th i0'r lonkll 11 ke Bllrry waR l:wlng tp horo interesting. If you "ro wlllory of 1 nuu kiudred tcou blcs. In Ut\ v ~o n ono UIIY IIl8t week . tak e t ,l himself n par tner . HB h il A closes Februa ry I , but extends to ~ o lu by .Orn t\ ~ I ~ t. ~ , 7»0. evo ry l. b i o~ in life yo n noed the n t· I It goes right to tho Mr/', J OH ph Bhlfr WU Il )ll easun t ly as ~ oo d II. rll:ht, to 1111.\· e !l h OSE li S 1 Feb. 15th in Flo rida, Georgia and 'L'Rke Hull 's Fa mil y '1'1118 for oon_ bllVIl t lllltlo o of " Ilh yslulao ; t here IR ppot, stops tho Deb es .. n r\l rl~ed 0/1 'l'hnrflU flY 'Rvlming, lHir . so mot,hing wrong witb YOI1 , nUlD t l1l , nnd pili"" nn d makes South Carolina. These regulntion s sti pl,tlon. ~ I VllflllHth blrt h(l f1 Y nnn h erllllry , RECOGNIZED ADVANTAGES R AV. Walker prl'a ched Rl1TlIll~.I' 1,0 Iy .. net pbYiliott lly. . lifo worth living. Get were proclaimed on Octobcr I, 1014. 1\\1'. (I nrI M " I' Lp ",i ~ I:\ ollnud at.. Yuu will fiuO thnt ClltIlll h"r hlin 's n. very uporeoillt,ivtl lIul\lonoo. n boule of "6-Drop.!" li,lInAtlllng new Rnll h t llr llst lll g In No change ,has since been ma de itt I,AII (loil tim Un llfut« :;))1 <{\y "'f' rlding CUIl Hh n"muuy hIlS rllcolJolzOil ad. t hill world II! orl)lIpl ng on t evory today. 1\ hooklet with Dr. A. T. Wr ight. or W,",.n'l8 vl ll o them and no change is likely to be in i:l priog YlIlI lJY 'l'burtidll' ll vll oing. vuntltHell over roost mediol nes Iu 'nse mlnote '1'be ru o~t lo ter eetill" p eo.. o.'\ch boltle gives fu ll t r" p@aoted bn sill o8s hero III ;~ wee k. di recli oDs for usc.. made until the const itutionality of J. . Hll iJIP~ hl\ ~ po. oh lll!e I t,he for cou gbs I\ od oold ~ . It does not pIe II.r e tholle wh o sell things.. !l nd Don't delny. Demaod W .. It,er Sllvllrs bl\s oonde oi R ed bl H the law has been passed 0 11 by the Bh'~~ iJ1 H llrn)1ArI,y OPtlostto th e M, RUpprtl";J II ooogh but loosens und ge ~ 1l1l p ossible pt oRHure out of th em. ' "&-Drop9." Don't DC' bnslDes!' nnll got It In 8 b l~ pO 80 It Is b: 'hnroh II n,1 I ~ pl'Opilr ing t o move reli evefl it. It lI lds e xp eo~o r f\tio o U . S, supreme court. As a ma tter An exb lbi Llo n of Ind lffer enoo t o ' ..o;:~:.&lIl1III copt Mythiog c.... in ell"lor bllntl It'll , Rotlls now OC( np.v- In it, 1I0d "pens I,be 8 eo re tl o n ~, \9 hloh en .. or fact, the law provides t ha t a ll thi ngs a bout y'ou Is not 'In evidence plnee of!t. AD,.druai n ~ t,be bn Rloo~8 r 0 01 lu Spono,1 r Il hl es the sYlltem to t hrow off u COld . of Intelligeoce. Iutelllgent peop lo lI i at can luppl,. ,.OU. If ),ou live too far changes ill the regulat ions mus t be Filltl U cOllnteroots fm y tendenoy of u ure th e one8 wh ollo f'.ves ure ollen. , from II drug storc send' One Dollar 10 conbiderell ro r a period of UO d ay s, Clvde I..!\vioy hilI< s r, hl 1lIR r ile" STOPTHATCOUGH-- NOW Id t o r6!lult, in pnelllDonlll. H OOD. Thu.t is t he way th ey bHDollle Inlelli . , Swnnson Rhoumatio Cure Co.. Newark, and then must be appcoved and Pro v\·li ng for fn t nre growtb 0 f h orse B appy Tr .... eh r to Wll lt,nr trent. 8 uoh peo lJle Ilrll &b e DI IJs t hio.prepaid. nnd n »gtlla of "6-Drops" w:U WhIm Y" 11 !lur ch COlIcI, nr ho!-(in t.o ta hls DO olli I1 Ul or otber na rootlo, .. sont • • be signed by: t he presidcnt, before they I,bo oorportl tlon ~b 8 Dtlylon Po wer ~"'V for qnito a "nOl of lU\1nflY, COUl/h, Lbl ' nrH ~ t hiof,( t o tlols to tII ke Ilnu mny bo gi von to" ohi Id liS oon. In te restID j(. t:io metirnell th ey are so "'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!II!! become elTective. It is thus cvi· Mr. Or"y will cluJ1\laijCn him t bl s Dr, Blll l'!! Pin" Tar. B oney. lt peo_ Jldentl y a s to lion ad u lt. FIli' tUlle by IlIterestiog t but e ven ir ~h ey hoppeD = dent that there is no' possibility .. Dd Light oomp'IIIY nt's 11UrohRI!ed I18lf,fjOIl aod we tlx lleot Bomething O'lrllteH Ibe Ji nill ge.! of t be Thro..t ILl I dealer!:!. to Illok beBUty tbat faot Is forgotte'o - - -... -+-._- that the prohibition of spring shoot.. 2~ uor08 of lund ~wo mi188 80 u~h of 'lOry fast to bo tho Onl,oome of his IIn,l L llngil rt n.l Ub¢ hl l! t,htl Herms of In admiration tor t.helr inte lleot . etrorta. of L be oity , whloh will bensed all tbe ing will be in a uy way modified this t he Di sell ~!l, 1,:1 ViDg I} niok r eliet 1111(1 ':lomeon, hus IIntd tba t overy body .. How Inacota Breath o. ~It.e or a inRrol.iOth pOWtlr plant R C. Garn er is ou~ of berl , sitting IIll lUr'l1 befllin g, " Uar whol film year sh ould ride a bob by. When n mlln brollthes he usee bts Funeral Director iI V dHl'llnd 011 PinO 1'll r'.. H n y for muscular slrength to draw In the Rlr. The o ffi cials of the U. S. dCI)a rt .. whon llver tbo delUllnd for ourrent, up and wa lkin g wit h orn tohel', • -~--and Embalmer• C:ol1 ghe. ! 1f,1ll1 '''lils,' ' w t il ll.~ Mr. E 'rhe entert,,\nme ot tb'l t "'"" to UP menl or ag ric ulture who are eutrust · "hllll warran' Ita ert'otl"n Tbe nntl It Is nrterwnrd forccd oul I\uto"THE BEST I.AXATIVE I KNOW Of." ed with the enfo rcement of the law oODsldertl Lion bas n05 been mlldo glvl'n by th o Ludiel! of t he M E Willinnis, ,jl\ lH iit,nn, lIhl o. it ul lTInticall y. Wllh In secls, ns n Germa n Waynesville, Ohio. obl1rob on Fe brU!lrv 13, hus OOI'n w"Yf< boll}s. 251' ut yon r Dr\l ~g i llt. In veRlIgfltor hila just dlscov red. tb ts :" 'I b llve lIold· Chllm berlttin's Tab are anxious that these racts be im· pnbllo. po@ tponed Indefinite ly. J·ot on 110lets for several PeoIlle wbo proeOBB L8 jllKl rovorsed, In otber '[he land, wllrol! ill loo&\ed on \be pr~ UPOIl the people because jt DOont or talent but Oil 8CCooot of words tnseclu luke In the nlr automnll .. ha ve u sed them will t"b nothlDIC Call answered prompt ly day or night is the intention to invest igate l·qre .. prlnMboro plkll, 0llposlte tbo CrUmtt time cnll y a xort muscular Blrongth only else. I can recommend t hem to my Both phones in Office and. Residence. fully all rt'l orts o f violatiol)S mad e b riOK , Ylutl ~ , wall purobllll8d o. the o Islomers 88 Shll best 11IJ:"tlve aDd Long distance, No. 14; Home phone WflIll\Ol a'od Ed Bl\id"ker: arid ,vh II tiley ox\lol tt. t o the department 's insp eotors and {:Iillil8r "pd tieollt Ili\tateel Tile OilY wives attended t ho dllDOO lit tlle onre for oontltipAtion thu' I know 14-2r. too P () wer BDd Lll(ht COmpaDY bl&lj warden s and t o prosecute all such .. wriw F ... n~ ~tron ae, Fruit. Chairs and one Co~eh furnished free Town Ball Friday olgh t. 'I'Om IJII I is slok a t thilR writi ng. und, Iowa. For lillie by 811 de'~l e r. . with funerals. \ • v iolati'lns in,the Federal cour ts. 111 uwoad el~fit- acres OD tbe 81g Four' New York Newspaper,. Mr. lIod Mr8 Earl B ook ett aDO nllruad "dj ' liuln ~ I'" 1"t.e8t puroh8l1l Mr/,. " ort Marlntt 's bttl)y Is siolr Best of,service g uaranteed. Besldos thlrty·ulue n wspa pera this connection it is ' pointcd ~u t for leverlll yelf,ra, ,It bas beeD seall .. daogb~e r were tbe reoen ~ g oe~tll of print ed In Engl Ish. New York city has that pros~cutions may be instituted Ing to IlBOure tbls truot fur" 1:108 l'l rs. Booke ;t 's p ilr enh,. Mr. IInel I\t Ihls writi ng DlaaslBad ",dB ,J oh n '''l\l ter R, w ho h tls beell II1 0k, ,ten In Itnll:lll, SQveo Gl1rmn n, sevon at any t.i me williiD three yea rs of time. 'l'he deed Wll8 flied fur record Mrs. Ed. R08son. of EIls t Mol o s treet . Yiddish, three Greek, th ree Hungarian, All Kinds of Mrs. Rutb Vtllndorvoor t RIl8 a Is 'lu t at tIlls w r itin ~ . the offense. & Lllrday. Mi~s C16r" DnugliterEl 1f,1\t'd on two Frencb. t wo Bohemlnn, two CrOll' Bounded on one .Ide by the Bill t:lundllY guest of h er brothe r. Quinoy WANTED tlaD, one Spunlsh. Ser villo, Syrlnn and ' Ber t Mnrlntt's BnndllY. . • . Fo or railroad lIui 'raot. of land offeni King ~man In St. LoUl~ Signed a con· \D Rdrui rable aite tor a power hoose B. S:' Cromer, of Day t on, Is potting --------------Mtsses Bell, Min nIe /Lnd Alny Chl uese. tract with his wj rc by whkh be 'KII tlxOIlllent coal IIhl pplng 'aolmlell In quHe a nomber of ncotyl ene Wl1l te ra spent Sunday with Amos plaoE! '0 raille &ohaooo and would agreed not to or annoy her in are olftl red . Tbe traot poroha,ed lil(bte ullin g 'he "0l)ytotlia" Of'oor .. Jaokson If,nd fam Il y. ~ Ike aome corn ground. ' It any oUler way. He must have IA booud"d by 'he railr08t1, the rlv. ator In tblll vloloi'f. a D)' one has " place for ren t, pleMe Mrs. fit Ai. Brlldjoo \C ctl.l\ed 00 We do not get down ' 0 driVinG MrB. ADIOS Jnokeon ·onday. give me a ohBDoe , ' AddrOl!S Wlm"m been an excessively agreeable sort er Knd the oltnlll. . Successor to I Cummln8, R . Ii. WayneavllJe, 0 , f24 of a husband if it.. was , necessary to Doring the (l1Ul' year ,Ihe Dayton t.a()k~ as ~oon '1111 lIome people, but wbpo 3Onvlnoed yoo oall do bo<lness F. E, SHERWOOD, TIlo nndersiffUed haviog rented exact this contract. Evidently, POWAr .md LIKllt oompany h8800n- with UP. ' , farm oUO or 60 acres to rent , 'heir farm wtll 8811 at I1notluo Ilt this particular wife did n t s lderably eularglld Ita operatloD"" . It Addrels Philip VeUer, Lytle, Over Postolflre, Waynesville! O. .h .0 agr is lIupplylng (Jurrenl for 08born, - Rooently r was in a Imllll town IT REALLY. DOES RELIEVE RHEUMATISM their r esldenoe IX mil lll! wes~ of WIt Shakespeare' tbat kiSses are New U"rllIHc Uetl,ATvllie ClifLon and oolng a gOlllr aDd IIstllo r, l,b e Everybody wbo Is oll:l ioted wl,h Lytle and l y' miles n orab of Ridge Ohio. fl7 Of£ice PhOl1t 77 c---H1)USC Pholl!! 6-1 ' ' PI th I ' , , O W man s wages. or laps, oug I, Yellow liprlnl!! Bud hili rtunoblll8~ IItore box loafers were dlsclls81ng Rb eum lltl8Dl In l.lDy f orm 8bould by vUle 00 tbe 1:I",lan ROIId, on . slle disliked them because she got 10 Fairflllid lind BowerllVilie It Ih e condition of their town from Ii IlII mooos keep n bottle of ~Iolln 'll Moriday, February IS, 1915 no otber. hl\8 been snpplylng ourren' XeDIIl finanotal_! 'an_l.!~lnt......... :~a8'8~~~~~~H~~~~~t on h and . T ho m in n te yon FOR SALE feel pulll or soreness in ft ,olu t or Commenoing at 10 o'()look A . M.. Plqu~, Wilmington, .TroLwoo<l aod "sUog anCl iD~'roo~1 ve ; 'he k b .. d not a doUar Invested' in ~he oormueole, bathe it wltb 810 tn'S Lln i_ tbe rollow1ng property to-wU : WI!II\ CarroltoD t->r 80me "me.- Day A New York woman has under- ton New8. pura"oo only bllDBehold fnrnUU1'8 ment. .00 not rub It . Hloan 's pen Borllllll, Cllttle, Implemeotl!, BouseWilton Bllg 10xll, 1 Wilton Rug Funeral Director. - - -_ _ ....0 - - - _.... taken a crusade agBinst the long l,h .. S lIome tWltallmen' bOUl e hRil a etrates alm,oat Imm edlot~ly r ight to h old G ood", Lot of ObiateDt'. Feed. 8X10, 1 Oak Bedroom Bulte, 1: olaim 00. Now 'hisllllme ooonrenoe the seltt of pllln, re lieving tbe hot. See big bill8 for &erms. hatpin. The pin is a real danger, Birob Walhll\and l • Tolle' Bello. 181u ollr mlcl~t. Yon do no' bave tender, 8wo11 en feeling I),nd making Barlan Brae. Call a' tbe r8llidenoe at W. B , Allen Telepbone day or n~Ja'; and whil~olDc.n Illay ,CHat the "OW TO PREVENT R. C B llinea. Anot. Wednesdays or I:laturdays tram .2 to Valley phone No. r. nong ~ulationof any part of their at• ComlDIf tlveDia c.... , ,belr Iba. So own prol,)Or&y to be a goad oltizen the par t eaey und oomfortable. Carl Duke, Olerlr. bu\ to be" gO->ctoitizen buy every. Get a bot tle or Sloan's L,lniment ror 6. flO DIa"'n98 No. 6~~. ti re, by law, . tbeir own good sense. dOWB before." 'Ihls i. eapt olally thing at b ome, p ,~y fpr It, .Ilod by 26 cents of Ilny ,dt;ugglst lind have it should ' Convince them 'o f the pro- trne of bilious aUllolllI. YODr appe: t !lll we will hlLVe jns' 118 good Il in t be h o use-a gLlln ~t Coldt, tlQr e thorough~red Jer8~y Bull (or A~tomoblle Service ' at all ' Tlm. . priety of inaking this artide 1~9 of tlte will fi ll, you will feel dUll and &o\vn all ~lIe town that pl\LrOnlzc8' and !:3wollen J oint", Lumbugo SmtiH I will fIllr nt. polio AP 10 nil tho sale, ae la a good oDe, an" can II\UIIUld , It you are subjeot to a menace to the public. farm known 8 S the old Uurtwrl gllt be aeen aL the home of I:lamuel WAYNESVILLE bome Tbe atteDd!luoe nt oburoh oo'ond lik e ailm en ts. Yo ur m oooy • OHIO biliopi ""IIOts talte tbree 01 Obllm. bom estend l y' mile ORlIt of Waynell t:!mHb, R D. 5, Waynesville. Oblo '. berlldo's Tllble'" lUI lloon liS Ihellu will be inarealled, t h e contriblltlon baok if n'ot l!tttl~'fled , bUI, it does g ive vl1lo on tb e Wlly neavUle ond Oolum.. 124 Branch Omce. Uarvey.bllllr. " will be m ore gener oufI, take n trip n ~ l m O)~t . lnstaot relief. Bny a b ott le Gothai'll telepllo~e aut:llorities "ymptomll IIppe',r and Lbe Iltt.aok hule ' waV8 frorn h ome, o,"n on n . bus Pi ke on ' A B L E A fl n t'I lib r a r y table, 1m. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! '"uy be warded ott. F:>r lIale by all assert that there is little proranity fl'!"nd or a Clu.y or tw o, ge t 1I0me ltaUon mahogllny. 0 1111 at the Wednesday, February 17, 1915 idelll! from othe •• II.nd whe n You get, DOW or rude language l!S~ over d 'alerl.. --"--Commenoln g at 10 o'olock "lie fol- rllllidenoe of Mrll. Annl\ Dakin, M~ln bome yuur bon111 will loo k bett r to the telephooc. POS!libly'and paraf24 lowing prOI)erty to-wit : B orees, s treet, Waynesville, Ohio. you; y.0u Will IL bettor :lliinion doxically, 'the profanity and rude Ca ttle, Bogs, FarmlnR (mplemente, B'armll-l09. ·129 aDd 84 RoreB, language are when ~, he wire is busy., llrnelg lind tl!ecommunity Bl\r De~8, Bon ohold Ooods . aott YO larllil willhbor ftllpenr baUer ~o y u . m ostly level, good ground, fair " Be big bill s for terms. You new Id ea~, . It ollilloll! lob buildings, offered low Ol;t qoiok 8111e, W( I\f A@tHl u llllor qn'lru n ti.n e. .T08eph L. Rosell r eaBonaDle ,termll. 8. B. R loketta. One or New ~"gland'9 many A. A. MoNeil, Auot. AI+I~.IlIl~~tl """IQ.le~wE)Oo~~I~~~il~. nll~::~ ,~:: OU1' Rink lire ,~ 11 {wt.llng beh er. W. ltelbold Bldg , Day too, U. m17 preaollf~rs makes' the announcement E . U'Neull, Clerk. Fn,d l:\m if.Jl WILS in Dayton ~!lttar .. DI.IGN. that American womr:1I have ceased dllY, - - -'. -+-- - ... II e8 Rn d ' W 00.~ COIIVRIGHt,a Ac. AP Buo k e t a, ' ,,,p An'on. """dh'K uketo'",,,d d"""'II'u~" m., tD blush. Pout Why should any Dod o \!1 nvt!r tlI olorking in. his qulckl, ....:"".,. 6'" "1'1 .. 10" fr oe .. '.'." • • aD a fl nry Orow Is Bollio g Bome splen- . Uovers, paln~ed , For turLber in 11I .. ~n l1('1 n 1111 In·t ~h "bl'T ,"l ' 't!lL&h'a. _()omnlu n l~ woman e ver blush at what a good ) Tbe Dllllllrhnl n& of Agrloulturll THE LIVER REGULATES THE BODY ru~ h e r · ,. ~ ru oo ry ilt Ortlgon ln .. formation wr It. or 01\ I I on ,liS. S , Llun"IJIO Lly ~ "lhloIlU ~I. HANDaOOK 0 " V'" ..... did fresb J llr8ey OOWII preacher says to lIer? · bail ' placed ... nhe t111~1 I f Coil EIl ,ott, Sllrlng Vulley, Ohio, R. D. 1, ,ul;~,~,~ ?1~:':: ~~~y,fot,:'~ ~~=·,. ASLUGGISH LIVER NEEDS ,CARE Sovern l of our fa rmers HtIll hllve Wednesday, February 17, 1915 Box: icS2. . 1Ptc;. ~ f lU"t... wit hout; ~~. r(" In tbe ' . .. ar88llmao 8. D, 1'1\118 ~or dllirtbotioo l'\omeono bill! 'llilu t.IJllt, pIm ple WI th r,h ujr ''It· /logs ou h llnds on acooont At t he Heury Or e w Ilnd F~d "TE'n cents a dar. is enough for to bi!t d i"arlo' &he follow ing DUUl Obronlo Livor Compl Rlnt sbontd 00 ot th e q tlHrfl otiti o. Stoele 81\1e. tlee large I iIl8. ,ber.of p.okllgea or nf'W aud rare Our sohool ill ge rtlog ',,1008 uloflly food," opines Pro. Henderson 0 f forage cr. 'I) '80011: 240 four_pound. .. hu~ up aWlIY fr OIl' "huDl"nlt y , for undllr t he 1IJil0ogomODG uf Ml o'S E Vil tbey lue p llt!!l lml ~tl! aud SllA t hroug h Harvard, 'but we doubt whether the HJI'OI•• ~i"" ot tludllb "raU; 45 (unr. 1 will offer Ilt pnbll o 8010 at my ~~~DO~: ~bi!.l1ey, phon e ;148;;;~, MuNtri'COa~=;INeva·(jrk " ~11l 8S dukly" Wh y? Baollll EI EIII ", th o te"olter . p~r is one of those who prae: pnotag,,~ 01 "Kans .. " jrrQwn $Dlentall!tll,t os del)8nd uplln Pll YSICIII \ _I! J' IlL. Wu/lla~ ..", ~ ~ Miss I.izzlfl ~ tr oup hl\s r otu rnQd r o@ldoll oo y. mile west of Mt , Holly ti~ :what they preach. Itll; 711 .rollr pouod pllck~Jee 01 BIJ\oURUIl88, BOI&(II~olle~ . Dlz.. to h or 'h r'mo at Harveys burg ' .. ftor on tho Mludleru'n road, ' s hole, wlllklel8 008toll oooking ~!"!i!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!II!!!II!!II!!!II!!II!~~!!11!!11!~~~~~ be.. n; SO fQur pound. ~~I!ageti IIttttel'. stove. Used only a very little. 1. zlnes8 'Ina (Joustlp"ti t;lll (lil!uPllellr "peuClln g 4111vorlll 111lYBI wltb h~r Thllr8dny, February "18, 1915 ImprOVed Vllrle\y of oow /ell. after uelng Dr KinK'" Nuw I. ife Pi I\ ~ "Is tor Mrtl. K E. 'I' bOlllpSOD. All tarmers 'wbo ,..,tll , apply ComUllloolng lit 10 o'olook shar)l, e Inqnlr('l~t 'his ofIlce. f r th ose 'pouple wbo horrow the ShorseR. farmlnt( Implemonts, ho080oonl!r~sm ID will be sappjled 250 ". y our DragglsL, ::"UVER SEED-I have 80melltt1e J l~ II " M.lam l (:I"zo(te t Q" r ond e ver y waek IlOld ~oods. 'I'erms made kDown on }lm,UtiUon of ahe "ilOlln enl W. for 88le. .?.;, If>' . I'D,m ..'ltI.", 'bey sen'd in tbelr reqQ8IIt wonld subsoribe for it, Brotber day ot sale. Crane would ' bave to ee ta blh!h a Marob 1, taU lMled WIll be Frank Tbom1J8on mammoth prin t ing plant. Tom Dill, Auot, . W \b01l8 whb wbom lI, i ~ ble ACRES 0' well hU11roved ng~ ineu~ Dan be made. and full {,u,olous F raZier and wife spent prolJelty,oloRe '0 Ceuterville. IN 'fHa WORLD . reKlmUnl'! ~he ouli ur.. A bargl1ln, in order to 01010 estate, I'U1IIlSIlE]) WEEILY. ~.OO PER lEd SIlDd"y wUb R08sell Wilkerson and rlarvey \lung8r, of Yfmkee s treot [will offer 4t publlo sale at my Bee A. A. MoNeil, Uentervllle,Ohto. IIOTI.... DRUOc.m. ePlcIAL'.,... "'.)[ ......" oropM Will. H I~ be furDiflhed wos Il I:Iprlogboro vllli to r Tbursdn y. fllmil.y lit 0llV6 Branoh. "7 ', COeYUMaR., T.!tAII_fE,.• , CA .. Jlim es F rll.z ler, of Waynesvlllo, Warehoule,in Waynellvllle, ObioOD Botbpbonee. . Mrs. F E. U J8nallle llpent Wed. pl,okaK8 OOIl"'tnl a lomolen! Saturday, February '20, 1915 lind Luolou 1 Framer, of near 'bls 'II' AND ..U. e~RVIOI OAN . PItOFI':' M oh.8tId for tl "'I,faoenry nesday . witb aillter Mrs. Ev~ pl.,oe, sven' . R Couple .of daYB ' la8$' 91lbscrlbers to t he oUa I! . " uelNO 1,..,ADVIERTIltNO COIoUMIi. BeglnniDK at 10 ,,'olook IIbat:P, the Magazine. Send aGo to the ' " you' want' 1 UIl8:,$hlli lIelKs' Eiormell \vee\.. 'wl t b their motbflr at l.'ubtl., following propflrty: . 1600 Fenoe Ullzetu o'moe, and get one of tbe SAMPLE COPY ·FREE ,. yoor ·oOngie~.~an at ODOo. , Mrs: Olarenoe Cro88b: enterellined Uhbton Uo unty, Ohio. " POllta, lI'arm Wagon8, ' BngglllII and bea& magazines on eartb. U ,....... lIaW YOU CUP,~IE!t ., b6 di.~rlbQ&ed ' Irati., of RII the Sana PareiJ olnb SlI.t,urday attn.. . ' N __ ~. MIs9 Loll" ElbO~ ' ",en' Friday Plow a, Bardwllre, etc.. See 'b ig bill8 11II11a,'1l811. uooo A dl&in'y lunob was IIorved' night and &turday \'Vlth Mrs. for terms, Mrll. J. W. Blldley aDd daugbter L\lolo08 Frtl zler, of nellr Oltve Sawke & ~~rs, Auot. .8tfabel were 'Dayton aboppe'r s f\~t- franoh . , A, B. Sides ' " OREN urll~y . Isllao LI nool n uoo of Wayno Town. POSSIBLE DO.Pl.lClT~NS ', . MIIII! Eva Stowe llpen' FridllY with .. blp" fine p,)nltrY' brlledO"re waa bere 'l~be dleJ:llgard of a COld ,h1l8 OUIIO MI~8 EdUb Hadley , the flrllt of 'ite week anei ' aecured a broullh, ' ~ ~ V a r~gret. , 'rbe laol. Will Darll~gtoD tranaaoted busl. fine IJeD of Blaok Langllbanl of .s:. of lineezlnll, U->ngblDIC or ~ Fever n_ in Fraoklln Mooday E Thom\l80n. IbOlllU '~II warntug IIDou¥b 'b~' Jour Mre. W . A, Noll ~Dd dl\oghter Lon BraDDon, M. M., 'l'err;;' and s:. ",VIIIIOI oeetl. Inlmedla\1I a'teD&ioll·. ~nDa Mary letnmlld Moodl.,. trom E. Tbomp80n @pont .Tu,: aalt~ · and certainly, LOII8 oll:ileep ia 0101' IMIri : a week end v) ..H wUb Rev. and Mra, WednesdllY In Dllyton and .000born It i. a warnllIg gl.,en by Na. J. B :Denney at Urbana. B~d whlle the"e ,a&tetalied ""hon It I. 1\ 'aD'1 dll'y ' ''' bUull8lf BrOIl. Dur9Q Bog Sale 'a 'i Osborn and MI .. alld .. Barllt bIl, f.I,le' grip . by doil,. hili ~rs; Dr, Mlea AnDa B. <sliver, of Philo, nl, al.,o atkl Qded tbe Riley W~n. d llaJtwlI11 I ....• ....N.... Otllooverv t. baaed OD the big DIIW *aber~lll In' analYIlI. of C(}ld. 1i00' II vis iting WUl 0111lnglon aod Bi .. ehe "venlng and 'Were wooderfQ.ll, ler Ilnd other r elhtl Veil aDd fl'lenda l.~ur .>rug~lti" Bny a b" e~le Sao ~:aed with 'he BlniJing of IIr. hllre "loy. I well and ohair ~f "" blludred






P. 3







--------MT. HOLl.Y


.. -_._--






- --.. ...--A· PUBLIC SALES

A. 8. Chandler .



n. .

.W ter McClure





---_. - ..



lO ' BE:_OISTRlnl....


. ..

I -


NINb~O:~~~-r,~~ri~l~ h:~l~a'g:o"a :u~~~":~~JI~~~~:l!~:rt~~~.;~ :rill... _




C ~~~~~~:.lIeed



lEi 'DUlUDe.' .',




~E' O.~Ta.T ' ,:'



"ooII. '"




Pamting, Paper Hanging~' -Auto and Carriage Painting. ,

---... ..-..- - -


- ---.. - ..._---


..he-- Nut to &he.. "IOd'. 0

•• ",1rA

-, ."


------_,llhh _---. f .

I ,



lily (.rtlc('ri {',· :



MI'!I. F.. 'ilc.k Iillt .

UnthRWllY i~ on t he

l·:ll\\l.1r 1'''lll'''' ,'a r





Sorgbum Molasses, Fish per gallon. . . . . . . U per kit ..... . .. . J • Chocolate Marshmaltow Cakes, per lb 20c

r nllay ellening



I 1



Word was received here Tu esday that Mrs. Ray Haw k~ had ,lieu at her JlOme in Dayton that mornin g Ilt 50·clock. The funeral will be he ld at her late homc Thursday afternoon at 2 o'ClOCk . -...,--.... ....

- ---

Deborn Your Cattle!12

nice -boil Is. wlll weigh about 1200 pounds. ·I oqulre of O. L. RI Oks R. 0 3. WnyooRvillf, OhiO.


f~ 4


CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday. February 14. Sunday School lit 9.30. Communion and sermon at 10.30. Christian End eavor at 6.30 and sermon at 7.00. Every· body made welcome.

Best of work done by


EDWD. G. HART Home phone 686.

A~L · "~APEk.~ .& CRETONNES' ~ r.o .. THI ~

H.P. Rawliap WaD P.,.rCo. :.




••Tbat room eu be mad. lIIuch mON attnctlve by u.~ • te" ,aMI of CretollDo to match th. MIl paper.

Famous S -I

. 1


q All eltimate Jflll cODrllIce you of the reuoaable COlt of ploper deeGo ,l1ItioDl laid ioecl workm&lllhlp. ·



ZIMMERMAN'S The Best of Everything

--_ .......

GOod to Eat

~BIOS.lWU · ·· ...,...w .... , 'Ro •• " .....

New Lake F,:rie Hllrring, New Cream Cheese. New Home Honey, Pop Corn, Buckwheat 'Flour, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds.

til •• ",...,

• • Ofet 60


"l!!Z 1011•• 1101." .0........... ' . . 1. III, Hut 01 ... _Ii ..... 1>0.

_oll ......... ~hy. ....._ 1 ' ud d...... . 101. br - . . 40 ..."

, " 4 rot CUI.......().J. ... -....I I _


A $6.00 Flexible Flyer ,S led Free to our candy customers. Call and see it. .

MERIDEN . • RITANNIA CO. ( _ 1....1511,.. Co.,


Special This Week


Carquinez Lemon Cling Peaches

3 cans for aoc



Barbed Wire

4 pkgs. for 26c


Fresh Routed Peanuts

- GU:ABANTEJID to hllal withont leav· bura blemllb,or MONEY REFUNDED. ~ and '1.00 sizes for frtlllb wounds.

ud bruJlIeI.


Mrs Earl Gray was operated on at her home on Third street Tu esda}; for appendiciti s. he sustained the operation nicely and is gp.tting alon~ very well.

in most city s tores--but our Price lis Smaller. aLlr rents a nd a ll oth er So, Why Shouldn't We Sell for Less Than th e City Stores. Many and Springfielt\; hund reds in J a mestow n. Ct!ua rvillc, Yello w-Springs , Valley, Trebines, Alpha, Fa irfiel d, Osborne a ncl Wilmington , We Point with Pride to Our Army of Satisfied Customers. P ersonal a ttention to all~ even thc' small est deta il has made thi s store successful.

Our Motor Truck Will Deliver What You Purchase 20 and 24

Fur. ,iture, Carpets

North Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio



. .. Palu:1and Ourb, guaranteed curo ~~· B.lDlbone, Sweeny/to'Splint. or eulal1!ement DODe or money refunded. ofPrice 1iOc. • orP1 HIt U&a IIY ~ DIlUGGIIT1i

_ _ _ _ _.. - _ _ _ _ _ __


naIro(your-r'IlIIAI.F of ' the food vaI~e of your


corn in the stalks, husks and leaves. Don'twastetb,ese. .Th~y: make milk and butter and beef . for you and put money in your bank it you preserve tllem In an . .


The JOaDDre from barn and feeding peDS go back loto 10IU eoll to lIIake big&er


ClOJI:II nextyear. ' . ;rile Indiana sno fa made 'of the best .Uo mati!tla1s and only the best. Every seam Is a4:r~ght . Every joint Is made with our _tlldf-draloWut~. ~1>"-l.Iaiatk<d

u.s ~ 10 be IliIpped IDtD 118 PNper p\.oce;

YIIII .D lDd ...... SOO. W2'J' QUickly .04 tt will -"" _ .'->Iute .. u.tactloD for. lifetime. DoD't ..,...,. ._1 lite We CIIIl .......~ I, 80 lila, cae



t::":ido-C", tIte _ - . I t _ _

CeU _ ap or drIItI .. a"lI,.':-wnide.. _ .... will Iuolt 1IllaJa~ .,;od 10 ....





DO YOU 'WANT WORK1----------Forms of applicution fur use of employel's desiring help . and for persons ~:eekj'ng employ ment. may be had on l'l!qUest fr om tbe po!ltmaster or to the officer in charge of any branch post offiea during office hours. or to a rural m ail carrier . These offi cers a,re not req uired to fill out such blanks. All applications. wh en filled out and signed. should be folded and returned to the post maste r. or transmitted through the rural mll il ~rrier, or throu g h th e ofiit!er in charge of allY b ...mch post offic whereupon they will be for· wa[d~d to the pr oper officer of ~he nepartment of Labol!. Wh en thus returned or transmitted no postaS'e is neceSlmr'y; otherwise the usual. postage will be rC(i uired . This ser· vice is fr(!e t () employer and employee Frank C. Carey, Postmaster.

The inspector said: Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zell enter· tainpd at dinner It their hmlPitable "The Citizens of Waynesv ille will use Milk only from ho me ·on Third Rtreet Thursday the following guests: Mr. and. Mrs, C. T. Hawke. Mr. and Mrs . Walter clean bealthy Cows that are kept in Sanita ry ' !J arn!;, like McClure, Mr. ~nd Mrs. J . H. Cole· ' m~n. ¥.r . .and Mr.s. Harry Murr~y. that of the Ca nuing Company" MISS Ki zz le Merritt and Mrs. Alice ( . McKinsey .

Sold at White's Store

Miss Emma Hawke was a charm ing h.ostess. to he r c~rd c1u.b Friday eve~!ng." After a~ I.nterestmg game of 500 Il dehclou ~ lunch .was served. The m()mberl4ar<l the M1 8:~ell •_ _ _ _""'!"'_ _'!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....__...._ _ _~ Olive Mc~lIum. Ruth Hartsook. Hftzel, Em,m,a Hawke . Me~l'3. Emmo~ Bally. Rllym ond DaVIS, Ken· neth RIdge. Jos. M~Clure Mr. an Mrs. Bert HartsoCK and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Hogers.

Waynesville ·Auto ,& Machinery


H. M. ''Sherwood '" C. E. Servis




. Pomona Grange. which met at Crown Lodge K. of P . will hold Mason Saturday. January 30. was gClly (Lttended from all over the O. F. Hall, evening, cOllnty. and was a very enthusiastic February 17th, 1~15. Knights meeting. In the .forenoon the I!'ifth degree and the degree of Pomona and their families are invited . was conferred upon eight candidates. .... In the afternoon session reports from the various granges and papers were read The program wa9 of unusua.1 atrehgth, ~nd all pl'esent en· joyed, It. ResolutIOns we re passed upon the' death of Mrs . George E:


- --

We have installed the latest. improved) Stewart Clipper Grinder.

Horse Perkins Engine

surprise was complete. A well.ap. pointed three·course dinner was' enJoyed by' Rev . J . F. Cadw.a llader, Dr A. T. Wright, D. L. urIIUlEI,....Jl!;mJTLOI'-+I--.t~--.!:!..l!:·~~..~Q,·,~~~~g Engine, rebuilt and guamn'lccd same Ba9Y Sr., E .. V. Barnhart, . J. T. Ellis-, J . W. White, J E. anney. J . 0 : Cartwright and J. B. Pence. The evening was very pleasantly spent in conversation and Victrola music. This E ngine is • - • . Rebuilt and cheap.

1 HP' Eng-ine.e 2


LUCKY SNOW TAKE LAW IN . WASN'T ALL GONE Ri~~ ne.jet re/otular Pomona Grange THEIR OWN 'HANDS mee ting will be h.eld at Morrow the While Charles Ankeney. of Alpha, last Saturday in May . --~ was attempting to turn off the s pigot on a barrel of gasoline. the spigot came loose and the gasoline pouring from the ho;e saturated Mr . Ank· eney's clothing. A lantern which he was carrying ignited the fluid and in a moment he was enveloped in Orthodox ~'riends Church - Sunday flames . With quick presence of School'9:S0 a . m. eorge Mills Spp. mi,nd he threw himself into a snow erintende1lt. Preaching at 10;30 by drift and smothered out the !iames pastor. Evening services at 7:15 bt>for:e they burned throu g h his It i~ especially requeste.d that there c1othmg. . . I be a good at,tendance'of the members The arasoltne pounnll from ' the at the morning meeting. . barrel rao under a smoke house a Mary E M;utin Pastor. little distance away lmd the building '. ' "188 set on fire. Members of the • - .•


blaze and family extinguished only slight damage wasthe done. --_ . - •


e1zo for Family uso.


--- -_ ..--Last Wednesda morning Mrs W. h ' N A GRANGE !~:~I~fh:i~~ie~d~, :,~~c:~~~gfpt: POMO , surprise to her husband. Mr. W. H . CROWN LODGE Allen it being hl>l birthday anni • versary. Atter keeping him down town until 6:30, he was allowed to MASON MET AT where he was by a . home, WILL GIVE BAN~UET dozen of hiol friends. who founj the

----- ---

Watch our specials, it paYIl to trade at

. ., ,'con p~u:as BLISTER


Our stock is as big as you will find expenses a r as nothing compa red to th irs. bomes have been fur nished by us in DayLon B urHngtoll, Waynesville, BellbrOOK, Spring



IOc a pound.

. tilcholiea,lOrebaoks and8boulders,,~arn. , I'

Reduction of from 10 to 25 , at Adair's mean!! mu ch mor lh an the same red.uelion in a city st re. bec<tus' our orig imLI I)ti ce is HO mut:h lowe r

-IH~~~~;:::~~;;::~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~I. ;:;c


A·Once in Six Months Sale, When All Furniture in the 'Store is Reduced 10% to 25%

'l'he Protective and Detective As· sociation will hold their meetilll(' on Saturday. February 27. when they will elect olfice rs for the coming year, and t ransact olher very im· po rtant b usiness. .


Horns cost money. Gives more . milk. Takes . IIISS feed and falten out betUlr • . Remove them by the new ~mproved .


Mrs. J C. Hawke was called to Dayton Monday on account of the seri ous illness of Mr!!. Ray Haw ke .

Late Clat!sified Ads




Ernest Seamon . of the O. S. U .• was the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. F . W. Hathaway last week.

BU~~/'~~~d~~~~ ... .lOC M3c~~~~I.... .' ..... . 26C



going to ha\'o u sale eil. Centerville. hio fl7

7C !Herring Fish BC per pound .. .. ... .

per pound. . . . . . . .

S· 'h ... ."

Mr. nnd Mrs. J . n hapman were incinnnti visitors Tuesday.




Mrs E V . Bnrnlllir t was cinnati v.ilsilor Monday.

r····i;;·Th;:=Th:;;UPi::;·· .. ...............................................i

e nary Jurnitu SIe

lluvl on vi:Ji tot


F red Hawke wn. business visitor in incinnati Monday.

. Must Come Quick ly Or Oreat Suifel in g Will Ensue! We Sell The Only Sure Remedy QUALITY GROCERIESI



~lullll d ~'



After completing the WOI k of laying the · larger sleel rails which are being introduced QY the Pennsyl vania Railroad. a large gang of for· eign workm"n were transferred Thursday morning to Yellow Springs. where they \VIII cO.rnmence lhe laying of the rails on tbe Springfield divi sion. Change to the newer type of rails is being made 810wly but in a short time the entire system will be fully equipped. New ralls have been laid on the Dayton diviliion 'f rom Market Street to "nigger" curve. The work was completed soine time ago but the bad wel1ther made it impossible to continue the work until the present time.- Xenia Gazet.te.

--_.- ---

Twelve boys under 12 vears '~ f age were taken before t hl"J'nvenHe court , , 1." . t of Lepanon hlst wee" ~or .C1ftl\re te smok'fg ~~e law prflhl.blts t~t! Saling or gIVIng away of clgaret~d to boys under 12 years of age. a the cou.rt had hard wor~.l 0 8 tli~ o~~ where the boys got the m Ii gs • -- •



New Antioch' Nursery Stock, all kinds of iE'ruit and Ornamental Trees sold and delivered at CQfwil'l, Har· veysburg' and; New Burlingt(ln GuarantE!ed to De true to name and first c1ase~'; ". 1. N. 'Miller, 'Agt: . Phone BB-2~ . ~_~ _ • ~lS RJ;:ADY FOR SALE DATES


Advice for the Timid.

Don't be atrald to be alone. U ntil yoa overcome Buch tear. you are In a pitiable state ot d e pe nden oe. It means that you mUBt (asten y~llr preseolle upop some other human being· at 1111

timell. welcome or not, for you w11l crow 8elflsJj In your fCllr. an<l Ignore the rights of others. .--~.---

HI, Po.ltlon. JiJw~ttTe FaUrer·ln·Law-.. you· .... cot BOme crult to uk me for an ad·

p&7tDent of the dow17. I thlnk The Cowlt


,011 are a rortun&hunter."

am oal, what ,.,. A.merIoI.u eaI1 .. 'Safetr I'snf

-Oil, 110. monlleur. I

.. .


J esse Stanley, who has just g'ra9u· ated from the. Jones Auctiolieeri,ng 'dchool at Chicago. is home and i8 ready fot' sale daJ:e8., It would be l"ell t~ BE!.e him, 11;8 he Ii~ some new Id eas In .t he .a uctlOneerlng line. Or call .hlm" 146 !!lutual phone. New Burlmgt(~n. Ohio. • .- . -. .

Whfn ....... AM IJI


... ahrAlfi nooaiIIIIDd



~ Olive 011


HP .Engine Hopper CooJed. Rebuilt and guaranteed.

Cedarville is in the throes of a feud, according to the dailie~. be· tween several unknown pe.rsons and Agents for the .Celebrated Ingeco Gaso)ene ' and Coal a family by the name of Baker . The following notice was tackoo up Oil 'Engines, Automobile and General Machinpry on the bill· board in front · of the Repairing, Gaso)ines, Oils and Accessories ~~arville opera .hol1se last week: We hereby give the well known• Baker brothers fair v.:amlng; l L lhey ever molest any. whIte persons, or do . any more wmdow ~eplng. tb . y. will ~e dealt WIth and . . . , thl~'1 8 no Idle boast. . . We also wam some white people . Phone_105 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. who ate known to uphuld them. We intend to take the ·law in our own • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..'

Gasoline ~ngines and 'Engine a."I!U,..,..,~It-I--.::

hands. (Signed) S. O. S. C. N. T.'. The notice is the direct outcome . ---~ of trouble which occurred last Sun· I~_ _ _ _~ day night, when Clark I?aker WDb 1'-- - - - - - - - -_ _ _..._ __ severely beaten by C. W. Miles, CedarVIlle baker. whom he is said to have molested Rl1d threatened . Con. stable James Du~eld ~ys the ~~)tice was posted so!"e tIme after ll'o cJock ' Wednesday mght. . The 'Baker fnmily which consists of Ihe mother nnd' several sons. i~ notorlon!! in Cedl\fville police circle~ Clark Baker was accused of being a "J~ck the Peeper", who has been an. nuying Cedarville residents. Sunday night Baker is said"to have met· Mr. Miletl on the streeL. and some word~ passed between them .... Baker is thltn said to h~ve followed Mr. Miles to his place of business. He accused Mr. ~ Miles of saying hewu ','Jack the Peeper to MileR denied this and in. vited e aker !nt~ his store. The ter stepped InSIde, · I\nd In the scrap which followed, Baker "lasso severely beaten that both eyes were IIwollfD . . shut the next day. "



. ~ou ha.. to,. OPJ>Ort..;ty. '0. "'"" ..,!e·mon" tb",


. your grandpareut,s. djd~ lor ~ou ~ow. this' store did not


. exist in their' day.

. Nathaniel 8. Yeazel died at his home in Lebanon. lI'anuary 28 1915 after a shol't iIIn~. · "DOck": all h~ ' wasfam!I!~rh' kno.'!VD. was a soldier of the CiVIl W..,r, and~ pa8I!ed Jhrougb many blood,. battlea. He Was born at Clarksville, but_spent ;mallY years of his life here at Waynesville. e fttneral . . . held .t bis late home in IAbanOll, and interment


made In the lA_oil eemeterr,





AN O ... PORTUNITY To buy a p8ir of BOYS HEAVY ~LUE Ta~aET KNij~ PA.Nl1S (Bloomer style) for ....••...: ........ .



The ~opeDs .Tbu~ay ·mo~ing' at 9 o'cloCk and will go to' Saturday evenfug uilless sold out. . Th* pano were .lM!t1t to UI by mistake ad ratiler than aend them ~ we are goiug to


e Ibis price on tbem.






Whole Number 3304

i SOCIHY -:'EVENfS=-ji _TINE . . .-------it






Mrs . Harry Sherwood is sick wilh OIVE AT SCHOOL HALL FRIDA V measles~ EVENlN(j A SUCCESS J . E, Janney was a Dayton visitor l.lst Thursday.



Mrs. Sue Cook. of North Main street, is quiLo sick,

MEETING The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was heltl at lhe home of Mrs. J. E, Janney o n Tuesday afternoon .



~'~~~~lsr&y ~f~gin~he"W~re~inf~r ~~~ 'INTERESTING Ni g ht is Re,v Ma rti n vuiced


Comi n~ .

There was II I'pry el1joYllbl dancl! I HELD at Lytle Sat,urday evening. a nd ~el' .' COMMJTTEE VISITED . STAtE ernl of our young neople from here HOUSE LAST WEEK were in attendance, \


Mr and Mrs. Hyman amI rl nug h. te l' w('re enler tninl'd fit suppe r " t Ine IIome of Mr. nlld Mr!l, 1... A . 7.irn · rn erman Thur 'day evelling'.


prayer of th e Un ion. Th n fol· lowed the r eauing of th minu tes J , 0 Cartwright WIlS a business anu oth er business, It wa,'1 decided visitor in Springfield TueSday. Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Palmer en· And the Beauey of the Whole ConThe Production Called For II Strong to hillel a membersh ip contest and Tal e Up Suhject of World.Widc tertained lit dinner Sundav Mrs . New Law To Come lip in the legisMrs Grauser alld Mrs. Silver wcr ' Peace and Olher Important Dr. Dill, Osteopath. Haines lJIdg., II!)lidalion Is That It Will Not Elizabeth' Yeazel,; Misses Grace Car· lature to Place Quarantine /I1atCast-Prctty Songs lind Steps upp inled as leaders . SeveI'll I pr~s · Tuesday and Friday 'mornings. mer,. Lucy Eml uy and Katherine , Subjects coit lax Payers Much ters in Hands of County Were Applauded en t spoke very highly of the report l'renderJ{ru;t. ' of th e Ohiu I ny Conventi on ~o ahly Commission George Dukin has resumed his old given by "ur delegate Hlw. C S, - -position .in Zimmerman'a groceryB GrnU 9cr on Sunel av. Feuru a ry 7lh, I . . , The Caro Club met lIt the home of Centrillizalion ns a remedy for the "Down in Alabam" proved to be in the M. E. church. It was of Mlallll QU!irlt' rl y Meetmg .helt! nn Mis.~ Ruth Harlllock TU el'day evening Mt'S.'uR. Rarry Murray and Ray- a thousand laughs in 120 minutes. a hig h order. clean, clln'i se lind 1.0 1nil flay ~ SCIl.'1I.on at Wayn ~v lll e ~"" All 11111 atlsing frum the isolated rural The appoin ted hy the the mcmh r~ were preSent , and school ill no longer an experiment. mond tAnner were in Lebanon Tues· The play was of a little different the l)oint. As sume one said, "the mo., ] " th uay. J915 , wI~h a ralrly the I!vening was pleasantly passed in m a.'I.~ meeting or Saturday week. day. 1til eminent feasibility has been character from that usually given by best report of a convention I ever ~oOl I attendance. there uem~ u num- playing "5()O." mad t1~e trip to Co lumlJU~ last .Wed , home talent, and proved to the audi o heard ." ber ,Present from Selma, Sprrngfield, provl:d in many. ln8tances in this nesday m order to lay the acllon of Ray Mills \IllS been having a time enee that there wll8considerable tal · The general topics for the aft er. Springboro, Lebanon and Ila r veya· stale, 811 elsewhere. Thl' objections that meeting before the state officials. Mr. und Mrs. Robert Cross enter· The members, Messrs, S, L. Cart· that ullt!d to be urged agilinllt it. its with mumps. but isp:etting better at ent in the town to produce a good 1I0on was .. uu blllh OUMervllnce." burg . . . h~t,p.reslrng reports lV~ re given of tained Mr. George Parker at their wright. Elias Oglesbee and Charles show. and Mrs. Gra user al chai rman of th e increased c:oet, exposure of the chil. present. The play opened on the plantation meeiing introduced th o ~\Ibj cct by lh e I em(lerunce cnnventlon h Id at home on South Main street ThurR· 1~lIis. were received in a cordial dren in t.he wagons, their 10llg hOUTl! away from home, and so on, have Milson's Ferlilizt'r, lhe best on the of Col. Lips'Cflmb, and the dia- givillg a ve ry interesling tnlk 1111,1 CoI.umhuB. 0 ., a few days ~go.from day al ditmer . Mr, Parker's parents manner. and their treatment and not proved valid and are seldom market, For sale by Chas. Frye. logues between Pete and Eliza elicit- reading inLers l ersed with IJible quo. which we lear:n the rle,termm!lllon to are old·time friends of Mr , and Mrs. the c ~ nRirleration given them by the railled now. NeverthehlSll, there is cd a great deal of merriment, The lations bearin g on the subject. This p ~ l. ~he questaon . of State "' Id e prf' Cross. official!! were very cl ever . Senator one phue of the subject that is not Holtlen. Rep Clark. Dr, Fischer anll Dr. Macy will be at Spring Valley colonel had just receiv.;m word tbat was followed by a pleasing du et by hlbl.tton ~efo re. the peopl,: of OhiO W. F. Graham en· Mr. alld Mrs, always Laken into consideration by a\l this week. and at Harveysburg all a company of Pf9ple fronl Memphis. Miss!'l! Lu lIa and J eannette Janney ~gal11 t~19 c~111Ing .full. whIch we be· Sennlor Mallow. chairman of the tertained at their hospitabl e country were coming to the plantation to entitl ed. "The B!Lnd>l of Love! ' h"ve wII! ~rn. Slxteen ,slates have the promoters of centraliZlotion. and next week. Agricultural Committee of the hOllse spend a few days, But tbe company Mrs. Whi Le then g ave an interestinp: alr~~Y.J0med . the dry forces. Let home Inst week at dinner in honor met them and gave them a long that tlerves to work out the school 'lJ of her guest, Mrs . Alua Ketterman . audience. tuk for it in a peculiar manner; that . MillS Mary Hawke. of Lebanon, came a day earlier than was expected reading; "The Tram p" and Mrs OhIO Jorn t~e hst. . . is. the locatiun of the schoul In re- spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. and with their entrance the fun be- Stout r ead a well,wl'ittfn paper on . ~orld~wlde p~ace WIth world· wIde of Dayton. the following guests: Mr. After presenting their side of the gan. "Uncle Pete" brought his "Sabbath Obse rvanae ." citizenshIP, rece!ved a lar~e share of and Mrs. W. C. Phillips. Mr. and case and the resolutions P888ed at gard to the nltu~al community cen· Alice Hawke. Mrs. Wm, Colemari. minstrel. in to entertain the compa· After considerable discussion the earnest dl!lCUSSlon. an~ It was also the meeting. a great deal of di.scus· ter. . ' sion was entered into by the officials. The .grouping .of. population by MillS Ethel Hosier spent a couple nY, which they did. The songs were meeting clo erl by repeating the show!l that we should vI g~rou sly optow.nshlpe and count!~ II of course of days with relatives in Newport, ail bright and merry, and the jokes W, C. T. U. benediction in concert , pos~ ancrea!led armament III our own , Mr. and Mrs , E V. Barnhart en· Sen. Holden then gave them a copy arbItrary, Communllles Ire flul ICy last week t lOt nth, I S bb th h I h cracked by them were very much en· Besides the regular members there naA tertained at dinner Thursday the of a neW law that will be brought up joyed. were nine visitors present. ' , e U9U~ a a -BC 00 o.ur following guests; Rev. and Mrs. at this session of congress whereQy_. held toglotther by parallels and merid·' _ _ _ ... __ -on FIrst day a round· table exercise TH E J;A3.'!' __ the matter of quarsntine and matters Mr. and Mrs, Myer Hyman and ianll, , but ~Y common intereats or developed and a numbet: of valuable J, F. Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs of like character, that has been en· the .lIe of race or bloo~l. . The cent dau hter spent Sunday with rela. W. H. Allen. Mrs. Amanda Wright. article were r~d on the question of trah7..ed school that InsiSts upon . ~. Leb and the Misses Elizabeth Carroll, tirely in the hands of the ,tate veter· Colonel Lipscomb ...... Lewis universal peace. Mrs. Lipscomb .......... Mrs. D.J.HW.Palmer planting itt!elf equarely in the cente,' tlVes In anon. inary, will be placed in the hands of Clara Lile and May Wri~ht. lt is only a few centuries since all Eliza ....... " .............. Mrs. E. S. Baity of the political area. without re"ard a state agricultural board. and also a men in nearly all the r elations of to the natural centers already est Waynt'Sville Grange will meet local county commi8!lion, The ,c ounty , Pete ..... " .............. Goorge A.Carman Psrker life wete more or less savages. Now Lipscomb .... Miss Grace tablished, is likely to find that it has Saturday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. Susie William Frame and wife enter' commillSion will tak.e all matters of men are gentle. kindly. charitable tsined at *eir home_ on Diamond this kind into theltl /lands, \\nd if Ralph Dlck80n ...... Eameat Earnhart !let for Itsell a . doul)le ~. tbatof 'Warren Keys, W, M. "Goody, Goody Girls" ...... ..... MiSlK1S and J Ilst in all olher relations of life, Hill last WednesiJay a.t a turkey din' necesaary act in conjunction with tlle teaching the children. and of welding bu v are still savages in the interna· ner, Those who enjoyed the dinner state boa'td. Fairy Snook and Hazel Salisbury Mrs. Ronald Hawke spent Thurs· tile, adult populaUnn. diverse in in· tional relations. This fact brought were J8I\On Sheehan and wife, J. E . t.eJ;l!8ts as it often i~ into a community. day in Morrow, the guest of her sis- Pieanipnies. "Yama Yama BQy.s"ter, Mrs. F. C. Hartsock. George Snook reccllltly resigned as on the European war. and their Janney and wife, Dr. J. T. Ellis and Masters Eth~n qraile, ~tanley New Law Introduced Pence,. Ro~ I,rons. C!ark Salisbury, manage r of the Spring Valley Can. people today pray for nothing so de· wife and Lindley Mendenhall and In Centers of 1 rade voutl y 8. ' 1 that this war may speedily Mrs. Cc,oper. of Dayton. was the Rue Drnwlddle. Daniel Palmer and ning Company, and Mr. Roy Irons This new law, if .passed , will also wiie. The afternoon wns pleasantly and that there, may never be an· spent in conversation. guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. _ Charles Grauser. Ihas accepted the pClsition W~ ure end make a quarantine subject to the other To accomplish this the thing An IIIuatration - l<' or instance. here Harry Willial'QlOn. Sunday. Sextette-Misses Grace Carman, sorry to lo~e Mr, Irons and his family place where the ' infected at;lim!U8 a~e a school as nearly in the center of found. That i8, when an arumal 18 Mary Salisbury. Alice l,;arey snd from our midst. but t he prin g- Val· to be sacrificed is pride; the thing to The hospitality of the Barnett· found to be suffering with some in· the In!Otraphlcal area as it can be Try Moxley! best grade Oleomar the Messrs. Raymond Davis. George ~ ley Compa"y has not made a mistake be destroye<l is the cruel c.>nception Barnhart household was thoroughly fectious diReaBe. the board will pl~ placed, which happens to be in a jorine, clean, pure, wholesome. Waterhouse snd Albert Cleaver. in selecting Mr. Irons f()r that posi- o! national sovereignty'. National sovereignty as now inter- demonstrated Monday evening with a strict quarantine on that one place little town several miles from the Mrs. Alice Alcorn, Phone 9~. "Cuddle" C/loru8-M isses Mabel Sal- tion, as he knows th(~ business from preted denies that citizens of one an elegantly appointed three·course alone, and not subject people and railroad, This town ill the natural isbury. Alice Carey, Min nie Davis, start to finish . We ibespeak for the ct'nter tor a c"mparatlvel,y small Mrs, Flo D),ke, of Spring Valley, l!:dytha Macy, Ceeilia ' Snook and canning company to have a very proB- nation are entitled to the privileges lIupper. The place cards and table farms for forty miles in every direc· number of people in ita irilmediate apent Saturday and Sunday at the Messrs, George Waterhouse, Ray· perous year und er Mr. Irons man· and immunities of citizens of other decorations were 8uggestive of St. tion to be pla('ed under the ban. . vicinity. 'I t is safe to !lay that the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey. Veterinary Fischer was positive hi mond Oatia, Albert Cleaver. Carl agership.. . nations. Whereas the affirmation 'valentine. The guests were Dr. and ~orlty of the adult male popula· . Mr. I~0!1s Will take charge of hIS that citizens of each state in, our Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mr, and Mrs. J. his statements that their mode of McClureand Forest Ridge. Union are entitled to all the privi· H. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Emmor procedure (which has cost this sec· tjon of the lurrounding township Minstrels-Messrs. Frank Carman, n~w pOSItion the, first o~ Mar~h, Qut leges If you have a farm or town prop' immunitiC!! ot citizens of Bally', ,Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawke tion nearly ~O,OOO) the only proper enter ita borden only upon election Emmor Baily Jr., Robt. Burton, ~III npt move hIS family untll some olher and states is one of the fundamen- and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. C~ne. days, 'ro them it 'was. ,b efore the erty to sell, 1 have the buyers. . Robert Jones, G. A. Parker and time an June, procedure to act and he' ~• tal and one of the greatest declara· • .---- - coming of the school. more remote In A: A McNeil, Centerville, Ohio. that as long as authority D. L. Crane. lnterlocutor-J. W. Both Ptiones. ' fl7 tiona of our constitution, a IIIlnMnhan tbe city of fifty mUes he Lewis. ,. With the example of our republic away. ,""here they market thei r catUe Mi89 Rut h .HarbJock _\tt.eJlded the Visitors- MiSlE!SLucy Emley, Kath- Man." suntrQnd acted out by seven before us in which 48 atates ' retain and bolll. In the IIChool itself there stamp out the itlea&8. al"" ' erine Prendergast. Martha 0, .. ~. . f t their local government. their loeal represented five different com third symphon.v concert at Dayton claimed that his corps of veterin· Lena Conner. Margaret Lewis. Es- small boys, was the crownmg ea ure pride, their locil institutions. even munittes beHides the ' one where it ia last week, Fritz Chriatler. the violin· arians were doing good work. and tla Haines, Messrs. Thos. Pierce of the entertainment, for they were their local ambitions, and are never· 10:llWli, The centers of theee com· 1st, beinlt the soloiat on that eveninlr· applaudl.'d to the erho. and had to that it was the only proper way to and Verne Hawke. , come back and sing t.he whole thing the-less happy, progre88ive and rea· munities are the towns where the eliminllte the disease, regardless of sonably just to one another under peOple go to trade. to church. to.en, Th~ second scene was intro~u ced again , what it cost a communitv. Mi88 Marv Carstensen. ofClevelimrl , tertainments and lectures. In fact, OW!!!!,,'" off here Tuesday on her way by Il duet, "The Goody. (:ioody Girls." "The Willie Brown" b,pys made a the proU!ttion of the Constitution is it unreasonable to claim that the where thertake part ' in ,all the aCt Cannot Estimate Losses ."onn:lI. to a~nd a few days with A parooy on the "Floradora; Tell Us hit.also. and the son~rs or old South· same thing can be done by a dozen tivities of .community life. Many of siater, Mrs. L , A. Zimmerman Pretty Maidens " !'Cxtette was so well l1,JI me ladies sung by the chorus, n.. tiona if the people ot those'llationa Of course the quarantine ban has them'are nea~ the town than they Bung and danred that 'an encore was • 'Neath the Old 1 aim 'l'ree/' by family, been lifted to some extent in our are to the, little village where 'the asked for. The "Cuddle" song Miss Lucy Emley, 11 negro melody really want it dOIl !'7 It should. be done, e)so this eltisting territory, yet , there are lOme pl~es sdIoo1 i8 located. and 'the natural proved to be the next feature that by Mrs Palmer and "Old Black Joe" Mrs. Ida Felske. of Dayton, and called for an encore, Ilnd it was a by Pete ended a most enjoyable n- bor r will spread. and we may be that ·are ~ti1l Buffering from its thing for these people to have done its next victim, effects. The value of money,los!les would have ~n for them to send Miil9 Ida Kruckenberg, of Edinburg. beautiful act. The "Yama Yama tertainment. . to these quarantined places Cl\n their. children to !!Chool in the neigh, ilL, were guests of Mr. and Ml'tI hardly be estimated at the present boring town. Bu, township Jines Chas Stansberry and family for BeV' time. bu't it will run into hundreds prevented this: and so the people eral daya last week. of thousands of dollars. and while , built their own school. and act to· the committee feel that their visit gether as a co"unity for lichool Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Miss accompli shed a great deal. there are' purposes, while in all other respects Clara Hawke, Mr. and Mrs., Lee se'v eral things that stand in the way they are still a half·dozen commu· Hawke 'a nd Mrs. A. B Sides nf completely making it a SUCCCIIS If nitles. attended the ' funeral of Mrs. Ray - - there is another ontbreak, the state Qlany places, and it makes (or the antine. close up sections of the ichool that find. itwlf 80 situated. at country just the same as he has ~nce itt! problem and ita opport.unity already done, and working that sec.To weld these half dozen commu ' ion a great injustice. nitie. into one, to touch the spring St. Mary's Guild' will meet with of 'thelr common interests and make Committce Did Good Work them realize themselves as, a social Mrs, U. M. White Friday afternoon. unit, thill ,is lhe problem, And ii, As usual the ladies will meet evel y This community is under deep ob· the solulion of thla problem ii~ thl' weel( during the Lenten Beason. and StrI'Ct Commissioner Grant Lewis ligations to the committt)e for' their opportunity of the &.'hool for th,' seW for the Children's HOllpitlll ,at had a gang of workmen out MondllY excellent work. and feel thut while a gr41aLeSt servire that it can render to (~incinnati. afternoon Bnd gave the streets a new law was already umJer way. that the J)e(lpl.:'who have created I.t good cleaning. They surely needed it showed to their reprCl!entatives of Worn wail received here Frid ay by it. Ice was alill found in the gutters. the stale that the community at relative~ that Mr. and ' MrS. Harry Cultivalc Community !oZenllC, ~hat had been there for at lenst ten large was deeply interested , in . the 'C ampol'". of Goo~ing. Idaho; had weeks , The streets look clean and affair. and that they"": Republicans h'st tlleir little two year·old ~on with a few days of sunshine the and Democrats alike- woultf work 'th~ cerltrai,ze:1 rural 'Ichool mUBI Their rilafaY (fiends here are sin· street will, probably have to be hard to get this 'new law passed for not fllrgel fur Ul1 v morner,t thal it i cere!y Rrieved ... hear ,of ~heir lOBS sprinkled. the betterment of their constituents. a rurlllllCl"flul; il iK nul .. city lIeho.. Ilnd for the rapid ,stamping out of under e0111il r1 condit ior S. ' a.~ hit< Waynesville 'LorIge No. ~6S. F. & It<,"\e\i,nt!:" IItltlIl 811ifl ~,~ it 11: ,\ . M , will hold their regular com course Of 81 u,ly_must ' bl! 'planned \' "nunicatlon TUeMllY evening. FebR1~t Lhe 1It!t!il~ lit C"l1ntr'),_'bu)/,>4 un. I ruary 23rd 'at 7:31) I) •. m Sojourning lrirJ~; " linil I~ U·I"h.,n fIIll"t . ~ ilt brethreri Invit'ed 10 be Dresent ..y'J;JIlllit hy wilh l'ulilltrl' l,ife Mor. Strangers will he malic welcome. ·.Lh~ th(tt : thl;') mu' mtlk e t " ... 111 . J 0, Car. twright, W; M. ~Vt!:1 '"ruili/" : ",ilh the clll"liriul ' ~ L, A. Zilnmerman, Sec'y, ; . lIu{l:OundillK lh.. ~'M'1. Il'ld mUi\! kllow what ha~ hile,r dllltt'in (,tit.. , pllll·t!II ill lIimilar lIitll:\I ,un... Givel The junior Guild of' St. Ma 's . Frank Cook. of Route 4. brought all th~ ... thing". the: schnor ill "relld 'y us a curiosity Friday jn the shape o( church was , very . pleasantly en~r: ' to Ix~iil tlie I\YMI~I.I1Il\ic euhivali,") ! a perfect double , leaf of tobacco. ta' ed at the home Qf ·Mrs. L ' A ' of I , eonmiunily, ~en"-! " • The 0lde3t tobacco ' growers arou}1d ,an I t Wcd _. ,: ' The 'I'er~ (act tHat t.hi:! ch.ilrl ell , here say they have never seen nny- Zlgamerman ~ .1!~.Il¥}~v.E!llln,~, from all' over • the illwn~hip IIrt' R,'rinll7h/,ro '. I'k ' Th t te Tijere were sIxteen P~1i ' Af~r thing Just I e ' 11'. . e wo s ms the opening devotions and tbe mingled toJelhe1' II, the one IICIIIII/l start ,from the main stem of th!l . II ' . ' . aervee u ' a 8tartinlr 'poInt. Poopll' plant' and are perfect throiJghout bUSiness a sort program 'Vu nUiWhu hillle B;Carcely hea....J of eac,h th 'entire leaf The leaf aiBO. is dered. followed by the illlltructiol! Qn e . the.Churel! and Prayer ~ok, by the other. become known to each otll'er perfect. During 'the'SOcial hO,u r litrtlt throulrh th!!lr children, .and when , , ,. -, •- • were served by the the)' are ' brought together at B 'Bu)' ypur Fertlli:aer of C~as. Frye. !!Chool function a~ alrea,ly on tbt' who handles Milll!)n"e, th" bel!t. J'(t8(l to an ' Re~ce it i8 not a forma· tion of"






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~V .. ~ ." 8uld Rtlllln bn.l. unllt1 Slllcloull


' cw J e n nt(' 11ll",,1 Vol ,





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I WOMEN Love This'M agazine


" 'I hal I Ilromlso. Pund it!\, tbough I . "I II\! '.1'1. II lhnt gr prine dId nOl i MIIII\\ J. t-1,lLlhl·tlo"aH 1/ - . ,\ . r. I'. '; ~"".':".~...:n.t'. ',':.: •. •: •••• ~ ~.:•• ~~:.~.::.!+:.:.~:.; ~.= :.:.:.:c-::_, :........: :,·(:.:.:o:.~;. h nvf' rHl lovo for Allnhu." li e." )1IIle r . ' fol<CALL' S I. Ihe FlShl •• Guide •• d Ho.a, · r....!"j, -~~ _ " \ \' " will go wlttl you to Ih e <'01l8t," "Whnlllrfnco?'> cried !lamabnl. now Tho DIt"rbolli l-I o ri . A v ~. J . ,\'1. koeplnll Helper or morc wC)mCd lhan ."y olher l mllat.lnt In tlte world . An th e talcl' I' te. (CopJ'Tlgb<byll~"'ldlIT ""ll) ~o.l 'l !lo mlll"",!. "Oil on ur re~UMl t o I\I l\rm,' lI. I Mull \lr rl liS Cou u l v ' r 11,11 ' ever-v mon th; ,tiP d tllaht rul .tortu ,hal cnlcr· '1Io.lnd Iveclal deplrl' lrll1 In cooklnl. home ".~ •• ,. ,,,.1 ,." " \1 :.: I ,u... O,i\a mill" \\ ~~ fur h"ltlnnl ll g- In., · All nlln. wl)l s('e "hllt bn.u beco 1J1e 0 "Thl! Prince Durgll RIIIll. 'I'hr e fol \ Frl\nk n. Mill e r 1111 'ounty '[' r llllilurer, I dre.uma kl rlC fan ev work . cle. . 11111 IIl hu:11 8YNOPSIS··'· h. ', I' '1: "\1 I,,', II, ,.!'.rr.O H,"tl" 'n rflLrt' II I UIII'~. Ilu t Ii r l1ro lIr~ ! "'1I bllll ' th ll f,llthrlll ltuwd" Iln"g o t ~I !I·tlr. ho saId . Wl'uld he pay 1" jll l)ct ·()U bousework .'nd ann ",\IlOe),. Prlu. only SOc: , d h fur L ll e wblte hunt e r wIth tho whIt \" ' 11 '-' l'bo,' II. 11 \, 0 A I ••'llh one t'Cllebrll(d McCall Ore., Pit· h!,i, (' ;1 l:rl, "Il" I" "hi ,.,: , 01 .. , .1UI (I t lhl •. Lt' l Uw m tlral I""rn "hal " I,' or 11\,ll Ill ' t \hl1II<8." r es ponuo t ( , I h'" Y,I III Ul ... " • e. . . •terDYUI'fReE, I CHAPTER ! - [<o.t1l1yn 11 dr". • II", I' "~ ,1\ "11 \\ ' I" .. 'ii 1\ " " 11'111 I ," , I I .. r 1'/,lI h,,1I1l1t1l"1I.1 .. d t ,10 1'l1crll mlshl "I, 1Il' 1. "Jlh 'JII'd hUN bl'cn wllh molo. h" lr . It 18 th will ot A In .' ",c h l 'a t, lOo, ,"y nIh . 11111, )11 1' 1 O\"lIjj' &lN O A POSTAL e.uo HOW ,0_ ,her t~th~t\ ~ott Jtnr'"\, I'll pt.- rll , nt\t\ ~ utn ­ t A YIlEIi J aml/I. C" Pf .. t N ..o{:At.1.'9 i :AUM't. ,r. z cw JDOuod her, lelrvcs lu~ r hmot'· 'wt( .n.lh " ".d fL , n' '01,\1'" 1;1." "II",. '1'1.. " I". no nc ....l /1f Fh ,'lIdlr'1! bloUl1. Imlll Y y 'nrs. unll bas .h,Lr '<1 with, Ill' 1'h" colone l'lI h Ild sn.n k upon hl o eel ~r.OO II II lilt rest. L It Fll.: Coo-t ttl ", eO A~·gAu. U·~ •• '1tt-.tC 1I 1U \0 10' ·to Ittro In AII " b ll. Iml . mbllllu, I II ' knr'QII. KlIthlyn puttod his shou ld/1r. "1 I I CATA ~UK1W J)roton~o .. tq t ho \h rf) "~. l H\~ Ulll'rl {\n«l fl1I1 " U'll' 101 (I " 11 IIII' ~ II II'" P "You '1'11111\ 1" '11 It. lJ\U , t u l wll~' 8 mu ny loar d S III[)I) . I t IIe II \,el!. I w "I"o lh r I toll you mind nl'l Ih e \\'w. H. N uwpor t V". "un Y " I . ..teALL: H 11110..00 1' ,lu orr" ... I,. .~• ..,... C" tJllen . ;th e oolono~ n m ol by th e 1111 klll g hho l'lITt'. " lnll"1 ,- ,I: h \ r " I d"'11 ,' , nlk." grumlol",l Ih .. k!llIll. whO WB~ n hI' a m\,r k,>t! Ul UIl. 80 tar os mbllll n mnn h it. ~ ot n vllo ru . W e shall W ! I ~o "ll't. III Moon)' 1'1'111 I. ortlo l (l~. Au ,", One. N \b olJo. TIlE MdAIl CO" 2361. 24SII. 31. 51., N", yan. N. Y. I", ,,d ~ 11)1.11 11\1' "II~ " "" 11 011 II,h"" t1ull Ins; mOil. Lorn "f" race 01 tight· l ll< ollcc'l· n~d . Altl 111m to cumo 10 nil' \ ~.. gu U. A of Ull1rtg lllul 111111 "\10111111110 1"1" ... ,0 k " . 1' ll 'rt. I~" gfl o [ ffi)' ,hll tlll) alld buo gaJow b Aorm t. 01 1.11., (1 <l:itUO wuh In. , CILU'TOO U -Arl1\'hIJr I .. AHn lll\ ''-nib · lurl' lh l. 1111' ·,, 11 f: If I I,,,,,,, ,, ",l hl j' I'n; YI· t to h"w ~"f' hl?n~ 10 t"v "reltbe. thr loo.tlmf', It 1 rotllrn to AlIl\hn.i Ii e r . A II ~ Ull 'I' IJIn r. Intorml>l\ by tJm\onIlR. I b t Iwr .hn ll dl... '1('<,1 It In my booos." (,ur e ·t father betn.. dood oho I. to \)(. q l' . " "! AlId a b" 1I 1 I · n,bllllt~. h \ ,\I II , ' "Irtl\' I", l'" " It 1M brtlPr tl' kIll IIlI rl tulk nflc· r· nOlhlug. The til l tltO l WI) nre nil a ll" ",USI marry blm. S b., rciU.,," " ",I • ' n· I II ... !'!Il "c h Jl II I" 1'1111 11 h i,s ",i ,;· u 10 k wnrd. ' hn. .. " gl\'PII l'I'r word to pro' r t u !I V I. (' nlHI It to r to . Out you, "And I Ray no!" f ormed by the prlcltat th a t n o W\U!\ l),n c h U Probale Court Pr~edln"8 t.·~t ~'Oll, 111,,1 II." "'or" 'I f 11ala I{ball 18 I rur'p; wl ll ' lt hl~ l OU hurll7" • rule unmozrled. She ltl gtv('" \lv,'n dqs wun 1 ·· , " Til Chlrlf lurll(lll to "You W thlnl< 1t OVtlr. . Hud II ll o l p 11 f,,' 1,10, r11 I"n n l II~ ~ound liB I1rlll . h Itl'ld." IIrul'll laughl'd fl s lly "1 0m )'oung tl I II lhl d In t,11l' IIf th e " Nlnto of 111'u II. "lilon k. ... 1I" Nlul'H, It ,,"ns 11 IJIlS ll11l0 for nlO. andk tIle womn.n Ill. a . uY o lli UfIl ti ll ' Id l' ht hp r ll r t' , 11 H' tH'll'IIfIlI"" , "For t bnt." "alII ~ I 'ololswi ot1 )"OU til l' "0"0 )' OU bor [ rvln :'IIIIIlrHr. 1I,'u \U ~'\I.J : CRAPTlllR UI- 8h otl'l r CU."M lLnd lillr r .,' K K f I II " lh uu ' h I WIlli t lit II 11111. business wny." 6 \'1.' wo l 'u • tolc! 'that .be must u n~ (>; rgo t wo n r t\" j\ ~ \\ \lllill "II h lll,. l' l"n t, ,1 ... , 111/11( II..,I II,; · " op p yu ur ""'" rom til) wn R. r wCII from Hulu Khan . You wil l f)tllltnfl b Ip nl l)Jtl l[lLI " lllllminl~trutor. with wild, bcMtB. It ahe Hurvh'eM shn wtl1 w l,lI: 11,,·y W.. ro ' I, .. rololl' 111 ,,·, ,\ ' I"tlrrl K llthlyn, " II. nIl hrlng t1\, Ih,, 1 :' 1 11m gillli or Ihll l. Thore Is nOIIl· Journey I1t oneil to Allnhll. nut do 1101 be pennlt\~4 to rule. , . I n " It """"1' p llll ll" 1 .,,1 IInll m H 11 fur wtJlto h' phnill. I wuuld d 11.1 wlLh thI s 1111: lo r~l'; r .. t III l euvl ng this I1 nn ~f tb WIIMo )"o ur time In stopp in g to II C' Hond ' t ~O. In !.Ion 1I1,\tl u r of WIlIrM11} Vil li . CRAPTER IV-John Druoo. nil Amorl· -, ,r.,,,~ . l ' h,' C' 1lll! r I, I"I II' II'H I r11 II.\ mu" ' 111,,'• lla," \, "rltl: ' \' ·t I It o colo nll l s ighed. 11 1 .. Ii I)I1 Bl l1t nllla Kh a n. At Ih o flrRt Rlgn 01 CAn. Tta". her )lfe. tnl"l'd III hl:l II c r r ~l1urR t WIl " /-:rl1n ll'l1. So when ,\n d l\ a .hl YIl h ,'a~d Ihat sig h . DO Ilr ro(,d llIell ollch o[ thos Icrt ubllll dl APJlhcllllolI f u r " UlhblU1J u l ~n ," e rt '(" t}\·" r" d II,' rur,"' ct to t,h Olll'tuU 8 1U&1l l:Iu~ \lit,,' IIj ORAP'l'JnR V-Tbe elof,lhn nt whic h car· nur~A nam L1 nll his ~o ldl rR nrrly"d IlI lul tlvo ly Illld e r8tooil. Th e I1l1gre \\'h n t: rt08 tier from tl;lo lioone o ( h or l rhds run s ' n1 P I1, k ,( ~ t , I ulld Iw at t l p ,ltI . I h In yo nd r tlg ~ r cDge." lll"de b~toro lhe d ORPlI gntps Ih"y b ... he ld " n' ~ "t of 1l01l\ij. Of sue 1 was 1 C " \\' re fus !" awa)' • • eplU'8tJni hlU' tram Bruc lind I hu A ft tl r , , 1) h "tW \\' t1,.J~ . o f \\ ni' tll ~ . t o h ot F,~. · Im p~o n .~ . L Irol111 Hnd A. ..... t or the pa.rlY. d h bi t I ' 11IIIIlIU of 11I u . • hi f:; ll '(~ lj ~1l\hd 11t-'lwf·t 'r\ l l H' 1U an ll l'h u u · 1'Ol I'll mounll' on lew e c · II llt tilt ("olollcl wu" taken III ~al "The n bo the 6rat to tllate tlie tl ger's O. HIlkor IlH COUll\Y l..'''IIIU\l ~Mio na rt! Ean ll~ ", r uPJ '\ ~ " I lt IKl; ' l'!gfi: I)llj vhn n t. ol"no. , CH4PTER VI~bo lILkns re(ulI,' In " fun gs '" of W'Hr(ln Co nnty, 1)llIlDtlifd VP. I'1lII),Ild temple. b ut Illia llllvun IR l h~ l\bo<1. "Wh I I h D !l II 1" , I1h: hl, and It WIIS It we k before he . I C:o wnn tn 170 II NO, or Ifl1l1l In tloo. 01 a Uon &114 IIhO la (orcad 10 fl~e troon It. ttH ~ ~ nett r t'('p lh'l't lh :lt HIL ln I~hn ll it a d ilL W F ' YOIl (' r ~ , ur ga n. I II h ln Il d. nll d an o lhe r bororu ho WIl S I' 'I' bl) chief clIlI d lo hla, mell t q. BO ZO M mlth e t III , defe u d llnts, n ' llY r L ~, l IlH ' 1h l.'\'I ·$ U l" lclt, tl\" Rile called dowo to tho mn o on tho I l' nllsltl< 'I,.,d s tron" enougb to otlen1\>l . lllllllubu l and f'undlta, wlleo Kathlyn !i'lI'Irh III l' oi l R . 3 $ 1575 Rep rt o f "llpnLiHurH .s I1llproved . I OBAl'TlllR vn~h~ finds .. r "'reat 10 \l u ll. of 101 , ti l ... • \\ .. II. I", .. or 011 ,,1 ri ch ly cn lmrls onml wn r elophru,t. e , I tt d .111 0 I. ".I£VtlIIN ton Ell " II. :;t1l\Ysrll the ;lllilale. only w tall I nla 111 ~ h, lid. or PI!l It\tiff~ )rdored· ~" ! urols\) S 00 "You! Your fnth"r IUl d U1O S 0 wh o t hl' jUUtUoy. Jl a lll 10lR II prove d to be l II t'r r e . . would nOl wn lt li t' Wlluld InOlln l 11"'1 IIlave trader&. "Go. Hllmabal ;. It I,a u selell8 to fi ghl boud. wbl ob 1M immeclhHely ollne. t ll h'rt ~ .. tt tn 17':1 fi7 II( N'" in Un ll1 ll a 1\n~ ho"t. tur ho love d m An of de d~, 1 rl\ C' r ('tI I 1. ·I h aut n H11 hl."lHI t owH rtJ hp hl1" o h lllllOd YOU 10 eCll\lIJ. " "u,j th Is \\ blto-halrNI old mon waa one ogo lnst thos mo n "ho men.1I nil the y Prl vat/'> 8111B III r elll Ult!"'~ o r rl erod, tnWD~hi" 'S IO, I QJI.o\l'rI!lR VltI-Kathb'o 18 brough l 10 1,(1 1 th e' m whu 'til. pubUo mart In Alluhn Dnd oold 10 t \U\f'A ItI tht) li n t.; "Ind ..od! Well. ron", Ilild tnll e U8, " <O( Ih" r lgh l kldn l3Y. lie must be Ray , nll~, who oro fie cruel DB tho tiger I n lo b eMtl1to of .J n \lll I:I ll lloro ft., UIDb&.lI.. Wile>, nolSlog her AltII In. ut)· wouhl c! 1 C'VfUt(l' t ll p \qt ll R of nn ln \ Commissioners' (lroceedil1\:s lOr woulrl 6ll nk wIth lIula Khun." frn· strong re h e took Iho lung journeYj' hh nl1olr. " o.l p oell~tl d . ~'I r l!~ ond flulIl ucoonllt ill m!M1ve, 'thJowa ber Into the du ngeon with J<hnll, T11n th rPDI Hn.ln Khn n II1It b,r lath.... OVM th o hot 8nn ll ~ to th o een. " It s hllll be ae tho memsoblb says, RI>proved . perlo usly. h. til" ;lIl1tl,er "f rt.rclu; 1 t)" Y'H. ~Vou will dea l Wl l h me olon o." dD- 1 \I d R b i res Ignedly , CBAPTlIlR IX-ct\. r. by Uruo. lI fn Into th t! eig h t r ,110\\ ,' rs, 1111<1 th 'r A ijfJY or UmlllLl la's wutcbed and l ra ~ nma a , . T he stllte of Dondd J, Hatfi e ld. 1l11"dV IIlind II1'r""11 IIr rrllllklhl Wt1rn l.!Ptllng "ndy 0 m o \" 6 n wh(lu clared KOlhlYll. .... IiI!!I t:n.aDoSa. w IlIlNI ie> cnrry the news to hi s mas••••• lllinor. ~Irt\t IIOOOUIII 18 Ilppro vt"l. t,ow l; .. lIlP. " I' HI ~ I ,, " lit "If> " I]IlHrt"r 'Wbezi at l engQI tlley ClIntI' 10 I h ~ 0 111' or I tlt'll! dl scO\'e r II II KllIUII cn l·n· Um bnlln rlll\ ch mi t or hlB r ift . but n t N, the Il oy his mna ter's enemIes d~ l One morning mballa ente red tho . In ' h ' l Illtt.llte o t Andrew J. Btlke r · wOIIl(r'''lltll1 to Kn ill IIVPllcllnt. hClUlle' of Ra.mabal thoy did 1I0r J1(e ~ vau Itlll1roachln~ f rom ~lt o \\ " I . loud murmur from his me n slol'ed hIs parl od trom til hnven of Oola Kban's ' ju dgme nt hall of tho paloco, I1lsturbe d R . U. mllh . 0,,,, 1. 4i ~ \l 25; Fmllk deoo~ed. ~' lr!!L rtCoo unt Is aplIrove<l. l' nrn .. 1R? Il ,d 1J .. 0 WtlS a cha n ~ , Impu lsG." to nntor _the tront, hut chos ·n", ,oro I ,' II d It I In mind. Anonymous n o 8a, bidd ing 10 tbo lUrtUe r the 8Stlltl1 01 Z" II, IUlJllot)r $CoIl.7r,; W II .'~ wltJr _"t\ Ia U1e r.r of the. garden. Tho mllO il or I ~ avlng Bu Ill Klmu'a Cit)' ror Iu ,h ui " It la the eacrPfl ~I'hlto ~If\phant. w~\'~ ~' \.~~ day enme tbe kban Ina I8t. \ hIm not to persocutll Rllmabtll and his Mllry A. Scovi ll o, d tJofllHed La Dorl) '''HICn IIlwhu' l> fur t: I InllJ.:t hi ghness. None dare fire a t t hat," hi s I od thll t hi s gu a la should uae ble own l wlto furth r, on pnln or denth. H e %-Colonel Bnre alIa III tell - r-------------------------~ I i Roy'ttl 'l'.VI'l'",' "or' I', fll l,d .. "", as .a.. ...Ith IllMler .U.rlil In cllptnln warn ed him. "Those wltb hIm I ('ame ls IL ll1 d s nrvnnts, and u pon R8mn. had round tbeM notes at \h o dl'or of ~ OWO II !! II' IIIIPol l1ttlct IIdlllinistrll. . to ~~)ID I. struck b~ l\ butlOL I rlx B LlIId $2400. H, Ij, ~tu ktlS, lor Trl) "~l1rr ' r ,"110" . HI : W,·~ I .. rn r UPOIl him Bro In BI\notllY." bl\l'a r tu rn tlte e le phants would be , bls zenanll, III hl a stllblcs. on hIe pl1. . ", .IlImes F oillm lIod U. F. ,j,'UWD I\rll l-\~nr "uhll.. III1' 1( '. '",.1 .. 11· , II, 'l1h N il • CJIAI'T1Ill\ Xlo-'l'he rugltt~"" I\re trt V 6Il " Toll Rn ln Khan," slIld Umbnlln. l urned o ver to h im for bla Jo urn ey I, .I0\1'9. t n hi a h a r t he bad sworn the IlPlIolnted u ppr .. l~orH. 1.l n " $:1.:10 ; IU. ' '\fI, ~II !l1'1I.·" I, ,r v .. rlll\11l ~ ' lIl ~ palace of nal" Khan. controllh'l<; h is rage I1s b08t he ('oulo. b k t .A lIaha, Thus o ne brlghl l death of Ramnhal; but hero \\'118 a Xn-6u\>plted by oo.rn e1e by "te ll Dill Kbu.n IhM I would be hIs ae a b ' t r th r phllse upon which he ha d set no cal· In tb, !Ulltler 01 the e;r l .. M of A I· 0111 p" 'lilt nr. ; Lpw l... H" ,~ • .I:. Cit • " mornln ll. l e corava o se or or I laM. table prln"" tho)' .wrt tor Iho 00,, 1 *,72.22: W 1:1 i"IlH "" OI " &1 ( :0 " , frl" nd, not hI8 ..en~my . wha l "'"8 be lle~ed to be the Inst joul' culollo n, Had ~ ero not b en unres t blul.L MuSuorr y . d eootl""d, Ponnll!' .. nl'l>ht'~ $~fi; I ~I or!!" II. A",IHHlln • aro caPturo4 by brlorlLOdA. Urn· ,. to tho lair of lh. ban· DRla Khan , boomed II v oice from 1 8broud he wou ld bllve Bcornc d to pa), ~ Ion II! grllll l ed W. U M"Vle, Admr burtAI ur M,nl.ltt! ('" ,,11111 $711; Mn~1H1 &r,o. I • tlte c;olo" el a prl.on rand t be othe r sld& of th e ,m il, "en res not ne ro I ( b II . b t ed' ay nny atten tion lo theso wllrnlngs; but ;, ; Mdl f\t llu bllO .. notion 'lin Ilh l....~ ~ llrull" antS Jtathlyn killed. APl lfl~ l . prtll"'"1( roo, 1'''1111' .' ' 'I'r~" .. · Wb h An ( on a II s spy as en "w . for )'our Irl nd s t1lp. ot evar I I) 11 d 1 th d I d ut th Is Ranlllbal-may be burn In 1'1 I\! - o f th e Vulluy '1'olopllol1o UO. uf Lei).. ure l $:1; ." ' rllIlI' Witll hC PI', t nll ,lw .,rk Oll g \, Ule msnblb snys IK 10)' word. Whnt! A d lOY W~~t nand 0 wna a powe r wltb tho populace. '!I.'ltb a non, t:I"lfIIl\ tl1wll ~ 1 11 11 $1 ; W. e : O lhll" II' CHAPTER XI I. Docs A.llnha want wAr tor tb e sako of IH' e r nn own£ t 10 r o ns moun s 0 I l ow lind high onstoe alike and for tbe ]1\ th .. m llHt'lr of th o f'A't llt A of b,' I\"lon l{ pri"",, ,~ ·.l lIlI nll,n $ 111 1 Ha: Captured by Brlg.nd., ! IT&Urying Du rg~ Ita m's spllll ? ne- : II~~~' t::;I:!~~C~~~h::~~O:~~:o~e:: I lIrst lime. now ~nt ho ga~e the matter , ll ll S H. l!\leOIlIl, II llOBllllltd eo UIlI. Slim 0 H .. ,, ''' .., ""II "XI"II'I'K When Kathl,.n, return d to the com· gone, and ~nnk YOllr ev il OdR lhot r to J tilte to t l careful Ihou~ht, his own tUlure ~'d t oml lllhorl ,t.RDr .. t.ltX 111 \1111'\ o ...l1"e IB , liP 1,"r,v ll, '!I' !jO, .ltill . ';A:d(.: /;h. " . ~ It ..,. . with the Rowe that sbe /1m not air M), n.t ynur lying. trench· n~:o:. ~1:1:1l~~ ten. n ~h:n OD a8~~, nol \QOk pa"UQutnrly lenr. Mo~e than l'I1t" '1. lin d I)"H" II 1-111111111' re'" I, \, '11 1111 I 1tlll ~I" ba4 ~.,ored a group of m II. eomll el'olie tb1'Oat. Tf>k yourself olt, Durgl\ tt gb tI I ht. )(Ing nbellt $Ilt~ ev('r be muot pIon with clrcum8!\OO' AIII. AX I I"'~ X .101 '"\" I' pl fa il.llS ; twelJe or ~n mUeI! to tho W08t. R,l),m. Tbe pooplo ot I) Khan do not l 1'0\1 10 n g milo lh tlon He must tmp Rama1>nl. openly, trl',nl~li N ,. \\· ~. I"' tllt,,,,! " ,pd .. ", •. Edell F. 'I'fl rr\' , r,' rmllr to Holol io f t . had paused at what appeared to mllke war on women and old mon o Th e ml1~911ln "'I~. hA; d~vn d:~d~m~ u::s~ IlIwtullY, In tho mlltter of sedlUon. 11111'11 ror t; UIII Y 'I"'I' I,n' , t :!f) , .1. ~" A, M. Snlln k Itn fl ,1,,1111 It "l ~.-11. h." 11.1 be I; wen. and wltb tbe m woe ~e sa' momsablb and" b r Crl lln ds o re unde r ~I ;\~;n:;~ ~:YOn~y the we ll. some Imaglno hIs astonlsbment when, a M W"lte , hnt.ll u f Orllg '1I 11~ . .C!Nd wblte elepbant. Dola ICbM was my prolectlon. h I few minutes after bls arrival. Ramabal .)IIooe>lOI.1, J . ' f Ot)1II f ur ~I .. ,'.hll V,III,", $~; lill y t il 11 eor, ~"'.-. - o':"en. at once to sot out "I w ill uuy them! " sho utel1 Vm bn1la • . tW(ll1~y·flve mll e8 ' hlla~b' tthe ow tmoun. and Pundlta demanded oul1lenee. the J WllrrAli Wood, bllllkor til Bnlt-n Fill' nOli ICIIV"I Il \), C:" . ""I'plll'" ... .,..., • ., II tl tb cd r D I KI taln rongo ov or w C oy mus paS8 d d r .. 'Wtth hi. ra.oliI8 camels te cnteb and raco ec ng e gre 0 a a Ian. t th At th o foot of these hills one straight of back an prou 0 100. . t.hrle Lewis . . bolh ur 1000hll n l,O . $1:19 .'10: X.lIIll1 C'I\.\' W!lrk . 11 " n ..... _ ..... e.,mother'lI son ot tb em on "My word Is not [or snl !" cnme 0 de SetL. II III hi h tb y the other serene and trnnQull1 Umhnl· RdV Ari hnr Conllll r . Mru 0 1 I'ri tlllnor~ U -I.\If, . 11 I<~ Wqr. ~........... ....# . .,. sloo 0. sma \' age, ' w e e th., ~., wana • . But Ramabal lnterPreparIng Opium for the Brigandi. baok. reaohed llbout ten o'cJopk that night. la fe lt a wave of ~lInd hatred IlUrgo ~~ illlnm M.o~"I! , I... b nr llr o f (1arll~le wi ok. MIII'(Jli~M tor l " IIl tn r SII BII; O . ~ ~ , KILthlyn und or~tod by the exp,r s· 'rbe)' fo und lhEi vmllgo wide s wako. over him, bul he gave no Sign. Rama- to .dr~ EIln ', Kliltlrurl or Frllnkliu. U. Mnrvlll, "IIJjJjli ...~ fllr jill t6 :10 ; -M I came toward the compoun" I r ear . And tb re would be looe besides. slon on Umblll\n 8 ooUnt enance '1\ hat The pariah d ogs were howling. And bill !ltnted hla case brieOy. Colonel Rov . (.;01. B uoth 'I." Q . Hilch' brllllt.. ~rll~~ " "!loI " .. IIH ,20 ; :-\1I1l1'nry ~1l1)JlI" CII. ",1"IJII"~ wq message. The man who ThoM he lme ts we re, n e v r worn by wos tn.ldng pln.ce. She sm il ed down ot on makIng Inqu Iri es It "'os learn ed . Hnre and bl8 daughter were beIng ~iI.8 rl , Real Estate Transfen p ... ll to me. WIUI sone b 'fore I eoutd any suve white men. '1 b ch le r scowled be t e ne my. Ih llt a tig e r had been prowling "bout h eld prlsooere tor ransom. Three look at. his fll ce, Th080 under hla sha l1ln g lIll lm. Women ! 0 , "So be It, nala Kban.- snnrlell m· for three or reur~nl ghts, ond that they bage of s ll ver-el'methlng like /1'10 lJool" J . WIlI l\ nhur~ t,Il ViI. or meil who etole the B1kred whJte ole- thi s \\"08 going lo bo so mollllllg wo rtb bnlld. hIe mge no longer I'n ~e r e in, lIad sot a trap CagO (or the hrute. The tllou 8Bnd rupoes-wore demanded by MUfl ll, IlItur"s t In 1", .. Nil. 211 111111;10 JIII&D& aN braTe and desperate. At whll . "Tn one month'a tlmo I. ahnll r eturn, I colone l and Druce ot once nssumed the capters. . th.'1IM Idp or .pursult they promIse Wh II th e eara"lIn cnme wI thin lIull· and of your cIty t bere \1 11\ not be ~~e ch·arge. Th old zest returned wltb Tbe Couoclllqoked toward Umb611a, 111 rrhump ~o n 'M '\llolltlon to Morro"". to)ll1 the elepbant." Ing dl stlll1Co, the chief of the hrlgunde stono upon anothe r when I leave It. , a\l It Igor lIud a llurement. Even ~ho . noddel1, 'baYlnlln mInd tho part $1. 'l'bl' I.h "rllu II ,II Co lli h " K nitI'" LIlli e AelztJ r to' W . T. ' loon. hi. -AIl4 .". the · bean! of the prophet,· BI IIPcd forwll rd menacing ly,. The :000 monthl" Bamubnl l a ugbed. ~tbl~n vn.nd Puodlto decIded to lOin of ~e good . Bamarltan, '\YI~ reeerva. ferl\8~ In lolA No, 211 aliI) -g; n \)rj , u~bt. Inlln\", rAil " ". "'h" '"0 1, 0It84 '9a1a KbaD, his faee purpling n w nrrlvills w'ro In form ld-th y-w1lro Wbra~l-waye-smltItr!r.Rmn. the expel1ltlon, t hough Pundlta Ime" tlOns, to bo 8ure. HaYlns trod the Tbompson '8 lulrlltl n u tu Morrow f ... 11 .....zhll~. tl.lIl !( ltlnj! f'r " Fllvl' r :wlth puetoo, -these men of the desert prlllOnors, lIud wera bidden to di s- balr asked Bruco. th l of arms patbs of tbe white man. he bad IlC> ~ bQnld bo wllrn'n ll' IInflnI/IHb"'~"tD'r " ,t!. S fi"e rgu80u t o' J uSel)h Fergu keep tJIebo prom1aM. And so do L I mOllllt ' nt OIiC >. ' "1 b~'IO bB~ a dream. 8I1: hlb ::, on· 110NO:~ this "iliage was the hOOle 01 qulred a oertalo adroltno88 In holdlnl "v alem n"f.)I'~ Ittlln mlj llt ll 1I1I1 'III,lon. ~ Iater' to DIJl ea.ob ooe of ~om . " Out we lit' on tb e wO)' to tho c Ity tlworOO JUiii'iiit)al. stili sml~!tlg. Urn· the nine brigands, and whenever tbey bla people. They had at beet only the BOIIJ{ Roro Iu :-'00 36 T 6, R. 3, Oert ... llll, IJM!I nf Hlp.ep t~ IJlO~t ilf'rl · to ~ waDI to 111. hangtnl to n.nilel" of Daln Kbnn ," r em onBtrnled Ramll' ba\l1l mil nOl return bero. " wo re about ~ey domlnn.ted th e ~llsg. .stability of cblokens, Wh~ at Rtle mo- '700 1)0 8. It. ill" WArning . j[lvl'n by N". R U. C ,eHme r aod A U. mhh 10 t,\lJ'e. It i" Jl Itn 'Ij clnt,y ~ .•. hlDiself " _ _ A , . . . . . IIOW." tald ·Ramabni Quietbul "You could tell L1" me moroI! th anII'" thnt. a DOH , . . . ~ • • era. Tb ey were rc t urnlug trom a fo',- mont was a terror WIUI.,,at __ anolher b utA Ann e )h. P e nce 4U norM in t:lDO~ 33, 'J'. llJ. "'tIM ma!D thln« II to resoue the "WbLoh you lett this mornlugl' '1 could, but wi not, t e sm e ... V· gl ' pe dltlon Into ~ fl hllle and [feast. For the prellant,......... • wo .. t.o .... ~t"', by dnl n e: bill pare Or . .~ ADd I haTe. Illan." je re d the chI t. "Dlamountl" ing WilY to steron ss. ~Is~:ve~~d the trap cage with th~ tiger J)r ete nd thnt he ha d forgotten IlII about 4, R 6, $2450, Klng's N Aw III~or' v"rv ." bued on LId ... M. tI, win to E. S. nod B E, a IIolentlfi o ' ".11\ I)'MI II or Vnldll Gtlc "Let _ lulu' It.· "But I am IlllIg opIum ~erel" ''If I ?onlY know whllt hnd be&ome ot in s ide. V,~l')I' geod ' Tho tiger was no Rnmablll 's pllrt .10 the vilrlollB unsuoS'arDIIo~ Q860 1I0res ' In E. Wayne '\t ynnr ,> rog~h.t. BIlV A h'tll(\ '0 . • "I'roal1rha' 1011 t.old me laSt nIght," "Olllum!" Ahmed., 8IIld ~.e · co lon el. wh e u ~e use tl' any but themaalves, sInce they cessful epLsol106. d,,;. GIl' BamabaI. -those nomadB or "Wber e la it T Glye It t o usl" e rled Inst of Umbulllls aol~ler.~ dl shppenred I knew wbera to s ell It. They were I l , ro ~e Council an~ ~e gurus (or &OWD8blp $0000 bdPlll11 ant' oplu.rii' ftends." one of tho brl gnn(!s. wheuce they had come. I sbould (e,!,1 1 the aot of pulling ~e brusb away trom prl sts) be doolared that be blmself l...ewlll B . B e vBD, deol!s8Ld, to hIli , Bala Jt]IaII '!lod"ded. Tbe cblef tbought Qulokly. It bls cont ent." , would unde rtake to IUIsume the part of three ~on8. pqol!.l . bare in 11300r88 tlubsorlbo ' rt r t, hA MI, ·;" Gllz ~~Il\ . --ence SahIb bere and I will under- men would 'smoke tll(\), 8hould Burrer I "We shall flnd, or be will ftnd us, It tho cugs wh ' 11 th 'Y hea rd SOU lids 01 env oy; he hlmaelf would brtnl the In WIl8btnM/'uo iownsl1tp . tab to ~ th!lm doctore d opIum. I the ponill ty or be lllg I ft at the woll to 1 he 18 011':'0," snld Kathlyn. "NI'W' let olh" r" IIPP ,·oacl,hll.l. WIt h Ih e uus pl. legal king of Allaha back to his throne. Orlsndo and Emme' Ill: Bevao 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'! . ~' lOmet.btns 'a1!out the drug. ' I be- o wnlt the oJ"rh'nl ot ~e tender Bala Us moke r ndy for th e Inst Journey . olon wh ich \l'U 8 a I'nrt o f thel r bus l· True. ~e do.ughte r bad b een crowned. 6'raDk' Bevno, '","0· thirrl. Inte rest In . All Kinds of n~" that wC1 saw ~e t~levea 1l18t eve- ~hlln. The wh lto ole phunt WII~ worth ' Ono hundred mil aM to tbe we at Is. tho rt Pt' H Illl'Y IIntl1Ldlulcl y ru n 10 uver to but s he hnd forte lted he r rlghlB, TbUll lllnn W'R~ blnllton tp., $1. . 1l1lla" we came, through tbe s treet8. 10.000 r up ~. Ho mIght not bo obl\gM ' Amblan gult. It I ~ n \,nraVQD port, Ilod s oo \\h o It wn ~. . ho would return wlt b Colonel ' Hare lUI A. Ay' tlrs to R. V. Ferrlt! undi"ld e~ My ilIaD II thlll we wUI take five rae· to ub are ~e8e bage of sllvor.. HIli m en there will bo Boili ng veea Is Bnd atoam· ' [usla lllly Iho chief of til!! brIgands Boon ae be could make tbe JourlleT onl'.~il v(1nt>b Interost In severlll fDC camell. 110 north and turn, making could not complnln. T hey hnd dla· shJps.'· ho ~hl)oll hi m by the ahoul- dll;J,' o\'or d th ut tLl se new orrLvals an4 r e turn . . 'raot8 in tlnlem town,blp $ 200 t!Ie _11 trenn the weat. That ",om not oha rge d him. Let tbem hll ve ~e pipes. d ars joyously. "Oud, 11'0 are goIng w ro none oth r than Lile while poollie ":aa Is coate mplating lome treacb. Chllrle8 R. Cowon et 01 to Philip look like punult.· He hImse lf wou'l d on ly prete nd to bome, honlol" . I who hnll gil'e n him IlDd bls rIl D Il. ery," a'a ld BamabBt t,o bla wife. "J E. Ball un cth Ide d sbare of Jod~b "'Bu~ a.,e camele'" Billa Khan was 8moko. . . "KIt, I wnnt to a e Winn Ie !" I sullerllrug and there by mu lclcd the m "lrltls t tJ:y to learn wb~t It la." ~ Du t the first whItt of the fumes was Tbe word uent a twinge of· paIn out or tile sllcred white e lephnnt In his shop In ~e bQZ1UU's Lal Singb "T... In ord.o r to allay tb e s us pl· too much for hJa will power . He I througb Druce's heart. Home! Would I which \VIIS, to , ba ve brou gll! the)1l a -hnd res umed bls .awl. . He had, 811 8 R E. SH EllWOOD CJIOIIII of ~e brigands, Kathlyn Memsa- 8uoked In the smoke. down to the bot.- h o ever h ave a r a t 01101 WIUI she te I tonune. m panlon a b ont and Bhuy oli! inan. ~ )Ul4 must accomPany v,e." tom of his very 80Ul. /l.Dd suMllnl, 80' on or biB li fe at lusLt-1<'nrh lyn i .tJc lOttUn,a le ly, th e mon or I nIb yn s whose vol~e. however. posses8ed 8 ras. wns not chatte ring Idly ho hod' tho Ttie eotonel objected, but l{n.thlyn tound peaoe. Tbe supe rdrug with ~ " arty lai d a side Lhelr WClI Pl'lIS 011 11p- ~nance '!I.'blch belled the wrlnklos and prlaone rs tied to the whoels of the Over Pl>5tolfl.-l!, Waynesville, O. o.errule4 bill objections. ' WhIch t l10 POPIIY hlld ~e eD wlx od WI\ H "Bua 70U, Rnmabal T' anld K/lthlyn. IlrolLchlng tile OI\~e to ten,r nwny tbo polsled bands. cage. · It would at lenat Ilmuso him to OUlce Pho'l' 77 House Pbnnco fl ·. "But, lOt, thei will recognl•.o UB. IIllknown to · HOlllubl1l. but he had '" 6h"U rulu,'n t o .\II:,ba. J nnd Pun· brush . EI ~; ht hrl gnnds. nt 11 s ig n from "The rains," said Lal Singh. "are waloh their grow'lng terror. ,"'l'h. 'WIll 1I0t have forgotten mOo Th ey ort e n wllnuHs d lo"ta or tts pOlency. dl tIL." re lJllt·c\ Hnmn t",1. th Ir chlet. surround d the lnyostlgn· 'Very late thIs yellr. Leather wl)l be "Lookl Somo one Is coming!" cried wW bJo,v. tliat we have oorite from tho It worked wltb th e r npld lty of v lpor "U will lJ d.'alh l " objc ·t d nl'uce tors, who rou nd t hemselvea nicely poor." Kathlyn. toWu. detlplte the tact that ~I' 6\1 op- Yonom. \Vllhl\1 ten min utes afte r the nnd Kutbl yu" lOgol ht' r. cau ght. . "Aye," . Tbs: chIef RRW tbe caravan at th~ »-ancea we coma from tbe west." firBt In'b ulullou tIle nIno IJrl gu l1<lu SRnk "I ~11Ik not ," und RlI.mnbl1l t,ormll. ! 'rhe natives fl ed In continently. So All of wblcb s'gnlfllid to, Ahmed tbat mame tllbe, and bo eet up a sbout 01 Bruce al80 sbook hlB hend. . "It baCk Ullon the sll.nd , liS n onrly del\l1 os t ed one of h is 1lIl' ~LO rlou8 smllea to d id BIlIII Khan's cnmel me n. tho Drltlsh rnj hlid too mony alYal", pleasure, Three tat bag8 of sliver ru· doesll't look good. Rllmaba\. Wb y not Iln y DlUll mlgbt Cllre to be. s tlr his Upa. "Delllh Ir you move !" snarled tho ,Juat then to give proper attention to - - I we thre6 ment·, At a lice Lho ele plllillt wus lIberuted. "Ramaball" whlspcr~d Pundltu.. tOfll" chi C. "All , you g ve us bad opIum, tho 'muddle In All aha. Umbo.lla. tho good r Samaritan....... Oraduate Ohio ~fo". lIniwrtJ I : ' -rh8T woold be suaploLous nt onoo. Ilnd tbe pnrty mndo ort toward the tully. and we drollpe d like logsl Swine!" "Dllt tbere Is lbls mnn !lamabal. He ,gaIned "..tth the oblef. He dId nol ;"QUld ·I'O&son. If they saw KaU" toWII . o lon e l Hnre, SIlSl,lolo uu of "Yea. Aftar aU, why sbould we H.c ralaed h is rifle tlirelltenlngly. ;runB de ep." " want 011 the prlsonors, only one. Tbree lya Hemeablb:, and my wire with us' ever ythin g ~'e8e do,y s; Dlllr vele d ov r wa!t ?" " \VBIt a mlnn te," aald. Dru ce coolly. , "Sol" bage of sliver would be rortbcomlng Office at · cMirience in F. II. Sher wood's house. Fourth Street, that ." .' were harmless, WtU you t rus t the shnpllrlt)' o r th e lrl ll it and the "n" " Whn t you \I'nnt 19 money." "He bas been conspiring for upon tbe promise thnt \,be young WOI'Do . mer. , ' slDoothnoss w Ith which It bad b ~o n "E]v n ~o! " "Ay. mone y! Te n thousand rupees!" ,ml'uths." , a n and tb~ young man Bhould' he dt. 'l,'elophoDl' 28 "A!lribere." said tbe colono\. ''TIut turn ed. He begnn t o h"\'e hOl,e tor the "Whut Ie ,til Ihls uhout?" InCjulred "It 81'11111 be glvon you If you let ·us , "Tbe n why doos he not strlks?" posel1 of. tJi.~ 1t1l1 8Im~iy' malte u s prisoners tulure. l'e rbalJ8 thl a tln\e th oy we re Kalhlyn . ge. You w ill conduct UK ove r We hills "He Is wnry. He Ia wary; a good "By the tlgerr Ohio alon. wtth 'the elephant.· r eltll y going t o escape rrom tll io land "Allnha Is w ory ot mbnllll's Iro n to th o ~ea, alld there . tho m0ll:ey wltl IlISit... Lol Sln'g h r eached for ble pIpe Umballa shrugge d. To hIm It mat. Way,nesville. ~~ but ~~ Colonol' SahIb rl'rgets nccura d. h eel, w 8'lry of a \'lldllalln g ounol1. ! be given you ." end eet tbe water bubbling. "In a tew tared not bow : The chief. wcary of ble the opium." Ramahal Illid bls hnnll Th ere W{La greut pow·wowlng and And the tlme 1111.s a rrive d who ll the T hu chi t laugh od long ond loudly. -woeks I beJlevo all will be ready. eve~ "lgU. agree d rolldlly enough, and uin. --.~. - - -.,.-- up,n ~8 .col~nel's IU'm. "Le t tbflom Bulllli min g li t th gale 8S 1110 sncr ad 1 1"\\TlldlUl! hAm I a gOj~t t~ PNut myI bhe~~1 the B ritish raj." baHa turned (lVer the silver. . , DR~ . J. W. ID&Ite j)rIaonere or us. Tho " ery rs t white 01 phnnt 100 III o!l Into Might. Th.o I ns C I 0 tlger'o awa. ay, 8 ow , "Why will men bo sheopr "The ·guru. my Kltl You Beef Tbls - tl!.lq ~ey.,.,m do w~1 be t o eearch tbo 0111 Bruhmln who hnd chllr~o of him 1 h old YOII 'hare for rans om. Let tbem Lol Blngh ehrugged. "Only Allah Is the end. We ll, I am tired. A filigree • A4cU"~ They wlllllnd the ol,lum. wept tor JI'Y. 1.10 WI\lI 81111 a P rson· bring gel d. Now, toke hold," ludl~at.- 1mowa. But what nbout tbls guru'll basket of gems!" . DENTiST.... ·In. Quarter of an hOUT Ih ey wll\ be age, r ua p cled. saluam ed t dt'splla Ing Ibe trnp cage. "We ~boll tbls <lurue you say follow. the colon61 sa. "Bol" saId Umballa. BmllIng at Kath . . . dQiUl. and we' can return ." the lIT ·lJondernoce I't Mohll\U m~dlU'~. [{lI O mon en le r al ong with us. I am hlb,N ' Iyn. "You ond your lover shall Ill· omce,lu W-_lJIa 0 "It le, a gOQd. plan." sold Balli Khon, HI;' ~lIcr d e l phnntl . spea ~llJg le' you, white mon, lind you, "It IB true. J wn.e tbere." lIald Ab, deed be w od-by tho strtpcd on~ ! A 'i.tlonal Uuk nld.. .....- ..,. wbe the coD"eraa tton wIIslully . trllIl S'1111.111 Khan wus JOYOIl8. lI ero waa pig- of a HIndu! Cbnlnl I wm· kill ued. "And bere am I. with a price on 118d tale I shnll take bnck wltb me. -.'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ lateet tb. hlm, "And onoe the e loll:lnnt th e sllored e ltlphullt o nce more lu the un yon e II"h(; tn lters. OpluJn l Ah, yes! ' ,my head!" . vou w r a botb dead when I arrived." .. I, b&ot In the compound I'll send n comllOl1nd, olid not n pi oe out ot ·hla YIlU s hall pay for my beadache aod tbe "In the buslnos8 we 01'0 In the re will Presently Druce nnd Kathlyn wer~ h ' dosan lDen back tor the r ogues. Ah! tr Reuro cbest. Ii WUR In luc'll. ill slcltuoss ot DIY com rndes. Oba lul And :alwaYII be a prlco on .our heads. And alone. Tho)' could hear tho brute In . ii. • • n ATl.;! W they wllllliay with me; they will et enl the m Idst or htA s It-c()ngrn~u lallons yon wb!te woman; she shllll give a 'Umballa will bring back the oolonel ~e cage, snnrllng anl1 clawlng: ,,~ tbe ' IIIto ,mi tpwn. ove.reome my I\1IlIrda, cume Ihe nlnrllll n8 ne w·s thllt a l T'"l so m of 'h er olVn!" _hlb. Wbat thell '" wooden door . ,''I'y ·lo,rtlle'. JAllldtnp tate the ap'p le of m y eyel Ramllbul. body ot m n w re 6 II anllrollr hlng Th o "llIngo Jutte d out t,uto the dea:. . "We know what we know. Lal omllA tn K", .. Rlflll .,,,ID H TO nR c()N'l'JNUltD tIa~ iU'e ," frleiid Ind l)ed . Has t e alld 1 ucrOR8 Lh e de~l'tt from Ill". dlrf'l~tlol1 Of ! N't litter l ho [llsbll'n of 11 peninSUla. ~tnnl!b." and the face under ~o hood ..utah lend for the.el UmbBlla. may IIr- AlIlIlta , nnla 1(lIn.ll , .\lls ebl a lld hI s On Ih o west of It II\Y n.nolber stretch 'broke Into II. emile. •• • ;;;;i;_iii;;~ -•• iiE~•••"iiiii.-i;O:;;_;'iiiii~iiiiiiiiii~___iiiiiioiiiiiiiiilti:;·iiiiiiii 1'1... 'Wtt'h AD ' army. but be shall not ' 8\1 stu cllmb!!ll 10 th,) 11'\1 or Ih wnll l ' ot RIHld. They tollowecl tbe "erdure FIve days passed. 'I'he chief of the DI7 ptee." . ' 1I,1Id be ll!)ld th e SilElClllcie Ln truth . It till they r~uched tbe bnse or ,t,l1-e rocky fbrlRands ,WIUI growIng restleSs. He Oulded by a lIetvilnt. Bruce .Ilnd Rn.' r equl rod but 11 s JrII;l I\1 loolt tbrough the b.lllK. whi ch. were barre a 9 f any vege- lfinally declared. that unlen the ransom mabal .at 011 for, the opium de n. The blnooulare to dl ~cov r to WholD tbls ~tlo n; b'i!;e Jumbles of granite tbe 'wae delivered that night be woul.d rll! propriet.o~ uDderetood eucU)' whAt ' ho al bell,lnged. h color ot porphyry. During the Digbt 'hImself of them ' aU. Tbe Uger Willi ~ deetred. Th~lIo we.~ tImes wb n "ruballa !" 'so,id Ramabul. thAY mode II,bout t~n miles. and M .atarvlnJl. In ofder to. 'nrove thD.t ha . . . cteN4 !lta. pla.ce who w ro In "Ail I Dllrora Ram. to lIay ,: :awn were Ilmotl1~rM by eDe of thoso . , .... pi' • 'IODt .Ioop. bAvlng money speetu:' Boll.L .Khan ru on~u uro .. ....;.... __ _ _ _ . ,,!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!~~,!!!~~~~ Spr --.&7 " their f.n tastlc oum· tl'gether. rt had boe n ruuny moons _ , ... , III bee be had used a tUll),nr . ....,tea , The oolonel examlu d hIs r e volver. ''It.WIII Be Deathl" Objected t<.thll'n CQldl~. .The moment Ilmb,Uo clmo and Bruc.. mthln range th'e colonel Intended to shoot. Thle matte.- waa.. solng to be two man be aboillhed. eetUe.d deftnltell. be re and now, 80 m\lll awnit ,the tum ot my band, And lona . . Umbella. UTed. • dread men- wbo a hetter rI-"t to· the throJI, .. -110ft K.thlrn·, 1I.ee4. CIC ADaha thu PUDc1lta. IIIJ' wll.r ~. _"GAIIIJ1" CIIJI4 _

























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l,n SURllneE A.






Dr. J. A, ·McC.oy, Ve.t erlnan Or














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V~\' 'J'Io: I.~I·~I()N"--~lA::: :-; 11 .

I Rales of "0"Adverti8ing ... ..... ""I ..... JI " \ I'.dillll· nnd Mr nngt.'r. IUlu""UIUd Wopln), per lncll .. .. .. .... l -,

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6c: AUB. 1I0 t to .~,.O<.'<I Ih'o l ' h rf)C\ futfertJollil . ~ ., • . ..•. .. . ~r.e Ad\,urLl8h lll Jue Oh.:oUU I<I M Vim lip con lMlct • .

H Oil<U " 1I LoquJ8, IlCr




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As Written by Our Corps of f' ble Cor'n::spondents In th e

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Yea- Many People

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Lcfore IlIld CIlch meal will relicyo Sold ol1ly by ~25c. ~ J . E , J annoy.

) ' 0 \1,.






IlAVO told liB the BAlDe Bt9ry-~ ., ruler eating, 1I1UIC8. beartbum_ A

W.H. Madden &Co.

Yo'l\ wllIl;liJd t,but 'b lLlIlbn r hLin '8 Go u/o(h r~e m l;ld y h n ~ r oOL; nizell a() · V'LUtIlI:\OB o vor Dlo~t llI ell l oi n e~ In Oij 6 Hhornlll.o E I1I8 dlod a t h lH h alf Fra nces W ilson hOB r e turn ed h ome fo r conghs lind C)olfip. It doos not br,'I,b a r' ~ hom e ill o ur t OWl} F riday a tta r" Vlellsllnt visit wi t h re"~~lve~ upprll 8 Il oq ngb but, l oo~8 DY IIod rello ves It. I t ntds expeoto ra tlon I by loo.. llIPI)lioll~lo_18 , MI tb"y caDD ul lit. 5 I). rtl " b e blld been a 8ufle r e r fo r In l Oll. rellob I,b .. l1i8e" 81'1.1 portio D pf I·he ~orn ll t1m u wUh II ollnoer ill th e j ILW. Lelub Boglln is s ufTerLng 'w ith ILOd o pens t. be @e.o rotioDt<, whloh' en. I c ur. Tbor e 18 ouly one wu.y to oure Be teKv ea .t.~ I ~ h!F MOLry Fru'l. ...... o f a ~It l, b e r ecl ll ead. E van - Bogan tM Ilbl es t h o syst om t n t,h rnw. alI II oold, It ooollte rn otfl IIUY tontle noy o f '- a. dellfn Bjj~. nnrl ·tbAt 18 by OODHlit.u Dftyton, 0 ., lind R hlllf hrol<h ll r' lgettiu g bett. t . , tiUII,l\ n ll1llldies DAO lu888 h I ('JIUKCI1 Am o~ E Ilt". Bo WR8 we ll II oown in Roy BUTb [u:n IF< hOll1e for n Ab or t, o III to r osol t in (In(1111ll0 ni'L. It, oon· by un ,nfl!llD eO oon rlitiOD of I ll e UIU- thi!! vici ni ty blAvln g HpOll t of v l!ll l wi t h hi ll \I'HO Ot. ~, Mr. oncl Mrs . 1.1l1ns . n o o pt \1111 r o \llOr norooll c, !l nel mn y ho givon t n n c h i 101 II!! CU II l'be A'" tI.IOhn Brll w.·'r,,' I VIPW oHulIlIntn g (1f the EnaM blnn Tube. hl ~ IIfn hU r n, h e Ilild UHIIl Y frit li d II ?oj P tl d Bo rbmnn . [.ILtle Mnry ~t.IlOT io Cl W illloo Is fl dentl y 11 11. t o nn ndu lt . F ')f ~ 1I1o hy I .. IIH 110, Mill\. 1,1 Iul4 1,11 11 II01ODn' of WlI un tlllH I,nbn 1Mil dlnmfill yon bllve wbile he WHR in a lD"llne r u] IJOO in 'L lI d ea lor p. 1I'", r-I"' 4100.'11 In 1,lI n U .. Ito" ~tllt@1I ,~ ru,ubling ROIIUI] or Impe rfoo t ll olLr I.h e world, whon It (,..I1 m o 1l00(fss,\!'Y Hlo k' wit h tb o m tlIL~ l ep . null WlIHll It I~ entiNI V 0lusol1. tUlip went t o his r esono ' n.od o ve r y . Sevorll l f ro~ h l'r e Btt.eoued l:i:'JI :l,O O, UOU bllrr e l~ 1"8s I,huo in Illg, ' Tllla; a'~ o Ibl1 t fo r Lbe YUltr e nding U e ofll ~AH Is tbe rr8ult., nnd OUl 1l88 t. hing w!\!! d UDe tb a t oould he. 10 1l1 - Q our tHrly m ooting I1 t, l:ipri ng Vlllley, .Iulw. IIU 4, Ih ll tollli Ilumbc,r .. r tl1e 'n OIlD be tllk en out levlde Ihe Bulfe rln g . Our m e m ur y l:IorllO Ih rD r nnd siNte r Ml1r y brtlw"rleil Willi .. boot forty lel<8 tblt.ll .. nd thlll tube r Cl ~lor ed to its normlll " f the decoaRed will long b e in onr I,htl "nHr hofore 'blm thtlliol~ter oon(1I1.lon, hlmring will be destrOY ed miotl N, and tltllt b'1 m a y he we'lrlll /!: hf' ll e IIro con vl\leBoilDg fr om 1m ot· Cohlmhll~ Brt,wf' rlbl\ Cu. p"~MflCl In. forev e r; nlnl) 011,.0 11 out of t on IIro 1\ or own in Hea ven Lba t Cfl nD ot ho tn o k of !.lIB m ORR l e~. I w ill o ll'Ar nt rm hlio aulo lit my We have just received a carload of good H f1 rIll AO .l ono~ cu ll l rl nn ~~ vn n Bn_ t", 'be ban'l t' o f" r (,OI'1ver iI, glLvo CIl081111 by IJlltllrrh, whloh is n otblnll nnoumh.. r ullur l,rlLll s ferau. ~' un l' r ' ll r npi ,le noe ~~ lillI e W (l t, o f II1 t . \:I oil y Buriulln B"llt i ~ t g nn ~ n n U II.V. 1\11 Ih .. r ' II""o thut, W ASt, Vlrglnl" bot Iln lufll\U\ed co ndition of tbe 8undllY at.2 p. m. LoclIst Fence Post'3, on th " Middl or lln r rll\f1. burying ~r,)OnulI. I~ v o r e tt 1:1 ,, 1008 h nl' h Olm "1 0k with 111111 j.{01l" dry, ther.!b,V olloMlng it Kn IflUOflllH 8ur11l01l1l. Thursday, February 18, 1915 We wlllltlvfl Ono Buudrou DollArA aOllu,,1 10811 ot $fiOU,UOO tn that stilII'!. \'lIul Reu Bon, of Dl\yl on , 'untlny od thl' ~ rl Ip e. for IIny 0l18e of Dnnln6ss (01lu8eCl by wi ~h btA 1)llrentll bore. Com m e noln g nt 10 a 'c loak SIUHI' , All II furthllr e no, nrll@:elnlmt to le m J oseph Lonming is 80 1111' bel·I·or a t o"tarrb) ~bat ollUnot be oored by :1 bar OB, frHming implem ents, b oosepor"noe worlr" rs I,hu Ool\eol,or of R. O. Garner is out on Ol'utoh eH thts tim e. nold goods. T erms ml1de known on I/I~ernal Revlwoe'reportll _the tUlI: on 1:1811'B {,R t·orrh (.;ore. Send for olrond is eDjoylng It, MrB R Uddu ck tBim pro vin g slowly UIlY of 81l1e. tb" dlst.l\llltiun of lI\1hltH WIIR nen rly 0111 ,rll troo. -------.. - - FTI10k Thompson , '5,000,00U le8s 14 IOU thlln In 1913. F . ,1 (JIlENEY & (JO., 1'0Iedo. Ohio The first D10E! cln Y of the Mell Hon Mold by DIU~~iI,t,", 7r,0. 1'0"' Dtll . Anot. Another MI,rn \v t.hHt 1111 0111711 whloh IIIAde ))eOI)le bCllln t o tbinll of tb eir Tate Ba11'1! Family Pi lls tor 0 0 0- dfflllr~ for pprlng. An oorly sprin g way the wlmt blows III the inoreR~­ I!tipIltiOu. Jtl~ Domber of 06w~pA(lfIrB nlld mag will be " IlI)fO'\clt od. 61'11o~ thllt reflllio I\qulIr or! vnrtulBI w ill IJtr er RI, 11l1h1i o !lu lo III, my I:'\ olll('ono hOLMHoi,l t,h" t 1)(lIl,,1 1l wi th Movltlit III bOln g indnlgl'd In, lII e ot~. The Uhloagu IlIlTl.ld ol .. lnlll ' \lrolli e LI VAl' COlJlj.ll " in t "b o uln be WarohQu B , 111 W l~y n el! v i li o . Ohio on s ~ reflt lIl"ny ol\t,," /{~a, n.M t·h er a nl. tbat durl og ellCht muntlul tt blu, hblH uP llw uy from hnma n lt y, .f r Saturday, February 20, 1915 WA yS Is e very III>riug. g lAined oVllr 3.000 ooltlOlnR or I\'lverth e y IHO pBI'Ailn iats a Dd Hlle t hrou g h Bcgl Dlling at 10 ' I '010 It Hb"rp, tb e tiMing "orl to oroliliell Ill! elrrnilitioo Protracteel mee ting Ilt the M. E . " "g ll1s11 uHkl y" Why? Beolluse by OVIl1' 30,OO",yet dorllllt thll,\)I\rlol1 ohurob begins in ... fe w du ys, tb er e m e ntu I Rtlltea llul1ellcl upon ph yslUlll follo wlllf:\' prO(l"'rty : l !iOO Fenoe I' hill! deolined ov. r $110,000 wortb Is roo III tor Improve ment, evoDI,u st .. t e~. Bi li OORne !!, l::lI elld ltohes. Di r_ Posta, lI'IIrm WClgonB, Boggies ond Plows , Bardwllro, eta. Seo big hills or modioli 1 Ilnd lIet lIor I\d ·" ,rUlIs ally yon will, wil y n ot n ow . 'l.i II 8 11 R n U COIlBLIpil 1;1on d iSIIIlPO.Lf for terro8. . mellc~ ·" ool'."ed b.V IILh'" pBllers, ana Fti4ClY, Fehrntlrv l~th. the Clvlo nftfl r u ~ ll] g Dr KI[l g'8 Ne w Life Pille Bllwke & I::!I'IU@, A not. (bill I" .. olr,:v Lh.Lt HnpP(lrtll over 250 lit yoo r DrogglRt . LeBgoe milt at tile T o wn Boll, /lOtI A . B. Sirles ':1°00 Hllllltlnll. 1'bo "rlder n)lon tho approBoh nf took wttb ll m neAdl ep, 8lld ami -------.,--.-~.------r"iny or wlody welltbof WIll be ~hllllhle una l.m"ioo th plD "olv8lc'in fQunl1 til "hm,.,n Rnd streogtben the pleolng qoilts to maku ullll~ a y tba t EJ . ving ;m Id m y fnrllll will ~ 11 \CnYEI or hl8 < w eb, W bOD the .. t orm we mllY IillvO 'l\ g hts opon our olp. ut " \lbli c lIule al my r Ol! ti\fl noo o ne - "1 hllvo ~ \l ld Obnmi)'s Tab Is over be wi1l1engthen tbem ogaln . We ate oonl j noally try ing too el u mile east at Uorwin cn the Waynes_ IAtIl fllr sovernl :v 00 rll. People who Bfta goll .. predtot Rtorms by 08 t10Dletblng f Or the bet.terme nt flf o nr vi lle anel lJllrvoyaburg ptk ll on h~vI ' nRel1 thl'", WI\! t;'kll n OI.htn l'( I18mblinl( on lobe Itlnd, bot thlll III little oily . H I WII" Il m"n I would Wednesday, February 24, 1915 eillo J OliO rooftmmend t.hEl m to my mAre1y a 8earoh for lood. They in. not le~, lUI many men t e rm Ir-, lhp Edwn.rd Vr ow 1M RI e nding " wook o 1e'01111er8 nH tllH best llllt" tlvo aorl .ttootlvely koow thM tbe r"tn will wellker of tho two lIellee do thln~R wlI,h ,I nh n The ron o wlog proporty lowls : Onrll for oonIl1010'' I<ton t·blll] koow brhlj{ the ellrthworms aad ]Iuva to tb'" I o,mld not (]o . 'flley ViIJl S orseR, CClttlo, B ogs, Sh eep, OhlokSilmn l~ l ,In oRMnn WIlR i n DI~yto n Of," wr\tos Fronk HtroB8A, Fruit.. the ~arra/)8. A 41lmthlf InAtllJo~ wlloh btonefit by tbe IIgbt Ilnd if we Ilr" onH, Illll'lomentA lind Vllhlolell, :i'eed Satnrllo y on \.Jl1 l\in e~s. land, Jo~,~. F" r 110 I.. 'bY, ,,1\ du"lorl. etI 'he swallow to fly .btgh 10 rail' I)ot VIII'V oltrorol *hey wl1\ to/lke th e BI~ rll adtl' Will IJrnt.t Is 's pulltllnl; a wea le TormR maJo kn o wn on dllY of 110.11", wea&ber IInrl ~k,m tbe ~ronnd when b opor or having the III("" installed F , . SIIwin fonl wA"'Ji", I~ oo,nlng. They Rim bot \I> W,e lll the BpnrR yon most, firRt wlMI Dtxlm WIlILrl,on . " MrR. A W. Dill Ie v.leltln(\' In W, N , 8011r8, AB ot . ,.Iy follow ,'bIt 1l1et1 alld gnat. wbioll eltrn tllem" and if you IlX(I\\Ot toO get l.Funeral Directo:r . remain in alllllir til on thle l1elll' lor 4 onor yon b,lId O.. y ton f r II fow d IlY.' . Ulerks ljI. O' N ed . and Emb8lme~, J, D, bRpmnn ~wlne will oorry hay Rnd 8t,raw tu ~ , tor get . busy. We lire . got\tn~ Mrl!. J ~ sio llh II III blls8, of Xeni" " biding pi", e, oxe'1 Will lIolr I hom. nearer borne. na'iFor lJotue, nellfsr ~pen t S,LtllrUI.IV wltb Ob l\rlell (jar Waynesville, Ohio. 8eJvM ~be wrong WilY oJ the )Inlr, to oor Ila1)I)Y bnUie. It ts r elllly dlH- rlon Anel hmily. IIbOilP will bleat aud skip "boot, oonraglng to Ill! l!lnglc illdillS . to Mr . Cf\rl Bern"rtl Will movo In I 011111 offer " t ptlblio 9/1,' [1 &t my l 'he new8I3t ollrd caBe 18 of strtped Call answered promptly day or night hogs tnrnfld out In tbe wOOlIe 11'111 hn.vo tho m on 1I0t "R tbey d o in oor &dwnrd Cr e w 'lI hou~o rel!idonoe on Both phones in Office' and Residence. silk , I!9me tJ tbelr pIIn8 IIqoeaJlng Ilnd meeting". Yoo.CIln t.ell t,hA "h.t.orlt Mn~ter .lakf) Mnrl ntt IR slok lit 'Frlday, February 26, 1915 Long distance,No. 14; aome phone A N" w Yu~icer W"" · apeodlnll I(ronthlR, oolte will rub their bnokll ~bllt are mArried by the m milking There 18 II new brown or' greentsh 14-2r. Beginning I~t 10 11, 10; , tbo follow- 811ade OIl11ed rh nbarb. n. ntl(ht ilL II "hntel" . In" 8notbAlh "galnat t.he groond. crowe will AXOIlS08 ror tbe mon, bll ~ lit thnt we . this wrl.l,in g . MiRR (jle nn" !'IA loy Clillod nt EI1_ In g property to-wit: Chai·r s and one Coach fQrnished f~ to" tI •. Hod, wbep ",lIl Pit to bl8 r'.IOUI !tlltber tn fl ()oks, ortoket8 will Ring 08nnOt holl) tblnklng 'hey Rre jnAt l'ale greon and tun are tho fa vorlte with funerals. . B orsea, CIlt&Le, Hogs, \ :oro, Bay, shadee for gaiters. ·for Lb& nlKlII, ho t,old 'he colored more loudly, 'r<'gII will oroKk and "bou\ ~be prolllll' thIng, "nd we will waru HHrilsooks l::!uurlllY . Best of serviee guaranteed. Mrl! . W . M. Brnll,look Is Hiok lit OLlts, Fuming Jmplements. tbat be wllnle,' lo hll called obaogfl oolor to" dingy bne, dOIlM bave the lights. l\fId the men will A yellow Vetlt will add "Dote of .ftarly In tbft morolog, l'lIe Jlflr'e r WUlllBt grollll and rookll Ion like bell) 08 anu - harmony will pl\8S thts wrttlng . Roht. Beckott. rlol!oe88 to tbe gray lIolt rIlpltod : . bawks throngb *be mindll of our Oiti~O Il ~ , ~.-----Ripple ety lell and oa1>O e1fl3Ota pr("E. V • . ~ARNHART. "/oj"y, 1)()111", 1 rllollon yo' III In 'I In ,,11 IIF .hllhtlity theBe m"ny "nd lovo "nd .. ffeotion will r l)lg n domlnMo In both eveol:lg aDd after fllllDlI\,u witb 11"8 bNJb mo,Iero In. lIot.lnn8 IIr" elntl t·u I1ne""lneClS slmtl"r MO[Jrome. nooll wrnpl!. Notary Public VftP'iOnR, W hou yo.' wllnt.e to t)e 10 'hK' wbtob Il\l wbo aro troobled When y ou Ollt.oh Cola, or bogin t,o Nil tJouht every relulor of thlH oalloo lu do mllwlltn. Illl yo' 111\1\ to ",I'h I] .roll or rbel1lUKtlsm elUlerl paper Tbe new Japllne~1\ qoil&ed wrap hll8 ben.l'd Ibo exprllH~lon tbol VOUf( b,. tbe firs Hhin g tod o ls t o d" ill j P.II' 10 ,'rI.'811 de ImUoo a' th .. OIooe JURt PH' VIOUM t.o dorm, and aro hlet,ory wonltl repeat· itdelf. In the Dr. Bell's Pin\) Tor-Boue y . It penpere "re ou t witb perfeotl V IItmlgbt All kinds of NotiaTY Worlr.'"'Penlion WANTED hMd lit :vo' bed. Oen we onruM 01' 0/1 QI!I8d both by the vnri,,'inn tn bar· unfitted back, Work a t!peclal'Y. s tratel< tho IIning8 of tho 'I'hro"t· ometrio prdARUre and tho ohange 10 dark dllYs boying, 801lln~ lIod UIIU aod OllilA yn .. !:!quare frames are seen In tbe new elootrto'll ollodUion vf the atm08human flesh wall indolge(! In, Ilnd 1.nng9 lind flght.R It\:le <(jerms o<f handbag., and 800le hllo age .are ':':':::':'::"4_ .JJI[L1CIU.ttIJl8I'~ca ..,)p ~oob h A'~ t,benlem thl) Di8on~O, glvlD~ IJ oiok folief !lnd p\t109 to rllise tobaooo lind Wall Id molon sh.pOd . ' phere _______•____----our fathors had to go to w"r, AOel natuml hoollng. "On'r wholo fom like sOlDe OOID groond. It 'he IlIIlVB8 were ao' free. Now ofwf Ilv do pond on PIOO 'rar-B oney for Rny one haa n plllo" for reut, please There aro no ltght.('Uln/t ooatll; ''' ContIDI( ovent/4 CIUII, their "hll. 6fty yearA hal 018~"d we blHe tbo Coug b s Iln(l CoMe, " writes Mr. E gl ve IDe ti OhRUM . Addr8l:!11 WilHelm all 'be Dew ooats are seDll1ltUug; Puneral Director. dowtl 'L efor..... ,),h18 1M ellil clRlly WilIIAmt'. I tllmll too , Ollio. 1t al. ICverybo<ly who Is rsffitoted With lame ooodttlons t\~la'ID g today III waY!l h el \1!! , 250 ILt YClUl' Drogglst. Oommlns, R Ii. Waynesville. O. f2" Bome have oloetsn of pllli'8 at the ~roft or bllloOil ilttHok ~ . Yllur Rppe. thi~ vicinity, wbqre "rut her trud e~ IIlde . ~elephone day or nlah'. tl&.l will hI!, .1" 0 11'1\1 fool dull an~ Rbeomat,lsm In QOy form I!boold by hie HUla b ny for n talking mnolline fllrm of 50 or GO Ror08 to rent. Evening ellppers are gorgeoull aU me"ns keep 1\ bOltle of · ~Ioan 'A Valley' phone ,No. 'I, Long '"oglliel . If yvu are subjeat to and a watob Wben we loo k. into Addrols Philip Vetter, Lytle, They are made of all Borte of rloh Dietanoe No. 69-:tr. bUionll IltLlIObe t"ko thrlle or Ohaw. Wnltuent onh"nd. TIl.e mlnllte you "pllce hRve we pro rellsoel v"ry Ohio. tl7 rn ~tertals and ~rlOlmed with brllberlelo's Tllblll$li all 800n .1 thee. feel pain or 8Orenl'88 In a' 'otnt or Dluoh .Al'o we gOing t.o tolernte IImnLIl and peorJII. Automobile serflco at all Times lI),nilltom8 Rppe r , Il od tbe IIt~oll mU80le, bat,be it wltb Blo ,n '6 Lini- 8o:,h buterlng in tbl8 cl vlll.ed A gay oonoelt io hanukeroblefll, lOllY 00 w"rded off. fi':Jr IIftle by a\l ment. Do not rob It I;lol\n 'e peo world. l'h'a Illw SOyR n :,it ; tbOIl, why etrllteEi almost, ImmedtRt"ly right to not exaotly th" thlog one woald roFOR SALE OHIO WAl'NESVILLE, • !I ,~lers. 'J . W. Badley ond fa mily 11'111 the aell.t of plltn, relievlog the bot, oot enforoe t·he law . A\licllng oltioommend for droB8 ' oou8Ilons, ba~ Braneb office. HarVlI:r8bQl'1(. 0. t.ender, 8wolhlO f!leltng lind mokln~ zonllllboold· bo h eard io the oau ~ e of oooupy the E. D. RU88ell property j\lst 'be thlng to dellgb\ 1\ kiddte, II on . outh <!bin s tr oet Mllrob lit. tbe l)llrt e."y Ilnd com~ortRhle . right. OW-FrOl!b, Red Pollod sto:lk~ n. linen haDd\leroblef with a gay W ord · w nll 'reee bmc1 bere 108' . (~e' s bottle of 810lln'II Liniment for . The Clvlo Leflgue Illet "t. Town 1nqo\ro of Bllrnet~ BroR ,R. D . Panama ell.nal I!travlng in colors 25 ncn~@ of any drotrlttst lind haVe tf, B .. II Sotur<lay IIftern ~) on by 01\\1 Of. WednosllllY ..bllt Clydo Penoo, woo 6, Wllynl!8vill , O. Pbone 50-3. lIorOSI Its 80utbwest oorner. Roll 0/111 1:\1lOwed nil IR atllmdin g l oh ool .. I' Delaware, 1'1 In the honMe-agaloll& Gold", I:\orn tb,. IlrOAlcll'nt --~.------m3 And t;wo1\l'n Jolnt~, t:.ombKgo 80lall members present IIncl the "tIloors III wit.h pn ol101onill_ His father len J~panese paper umbrellas and AY-Lttt le Rad Clover H"y,ololln 01\ Rnd like IIllmeo'Ei Yonr money in ttl ir prop~r I!tlltlonll ~ mlnote8 of Immedln t el y for 'hut plnol'. for snlo. Inqulreof'rhndZim lanterns are waterproofed with an ! hao), if not 1!1I,ldled, but It dOM Illve 13st, llIeetlng reud and apPf o vorl, 00-. MOl< r 8. T l lOlllIl ll Bur st, Ray Cross Ohio. oil extracted from the rubber plant "lmollt In6tant relief . Bny a bottle Ing proJlCrly under tbe head of ne w ILnd title" More r K w e re Day Ion viII mer:mRn . ll. D . .J, WOyneMI' iI1e, . mS seeds. . b08loellf, the Jlght , qnestlon wn" Ito r s 1 1I~.t 1'l1l1rS(1 1l1. to-<lay .• ' Erln.go_~rll"b mnllnN "Ire laud ... - -0R.SE-A Generl~I 'Purpose Maro 1~!M~1H' anLl rehearsed, lind Atn vd. Tll0 W. C T . 1111 t wlt,h Mrs. fot:ever ".rbe Rny.1 Htandllrd lIIIa. for AllIe, family mare, Bny one outside looking In It l oo k ~ Ol1nll. 'l'h o,np=,on l":~ t rhni'6dlly IIf' .dopted hnonTY 1. 1801, on tbe tbOfle women wtll gflt whllt they. lernooli • onn drtve h er Inquire of W. 1:1 unloo or Irelanll wltb (ire," BrtUlln, "'art.ed fC,lr; Hnd the town will ho . _. . GrahAm, R. D. 5, WaYlieAVlllt'l, Ohio, Tb/\ quart.ers were repre.C\uI"tlvl' iiMbted lind tbflY O/In make U. b llt Mrs. ":. W . Ponce loft. ~,..t.orr1n.y . m':! 0' 'be thr"., a 'unt. rlo~: ElIglllnd . 'or ns men Women dOD', · yun Ii. m ·, for I he be<1.II.le of. her elok son three ooooh8IU - lIon" ou II red baok~bln" 'Of PIl8~iOIr on to t.he !land of Olydo u t D.fllll \\1l1re. ORl:iEt:)-Several good on88, of Rronod I u tbe flrllt Imd f',"rtb ~Oll r GIVEN QUlDK' REUS' " be .order, t~e report of progrl1f:1H 10 D. 1p 6l1nooll · Wf\A " Dnyton v it'. ,,11 ktuds ,ou Imna for 'snlo, CIlH ' i J.'Ioolland " Iton h, &he oultore of bntlhlldtlR re •. Itor (hnrHc1I1Y· . "od Mee thelll Ilt D. R. B.I!i8bnry, P~ ill lenveA nlmost &be _1IO"nd qtiilrtt'lr; ,md IrelAod, porl,eel anCl th" advlln.JeDlent hI very· Mrs ADn!> ,Tnnl)ey onlled on R'. 0 1, Waynesvillo, , Ohio. DIS .... i{ by mogie when "Koldeo bllfp on I greeo baoklUClDllld "~Vben doeaa man beoome aeellm· oot.iocAblo. May the goo(l work can Mllty KUlma 1J'lrlingt('ll 8I1tnr(\!\y. you be gill usillg "aIn thl) ~btrcl · 1be OI<I...tre.IIIl" Drops."thll {" mons olrl ,tone, . Mr ILml Mrs . Wolter Kendrlok CLO\ En. SEED. Medium Red, r .3Scothnd ' w", \a.eD from thO "When he bem~ aod haws, " reme dy for R Il eum" anel Mrs. Will liuiuee· ot Lytlo apd oloonel. For furtber Inform It. tif;m. Lumbago. G OII or armll 01 .Jamell VI ."No." MrlO. Annn •. "mney we re 'l'hllradllY tton cn,\I on C J!'. MiollOoer, R. D. 4, Sciatic;], N e ur a l gi ;< ' IWh "n he. t,hreadl bl. Wf\Y?" gnlll;!I,s £If Mr. and. Mrs. Peter K. W"yrie~vll1e, Ohio. Telephone uG-2 •. nod kindred tcoulll ~"" "Nn,·· Ponoc. · . m3 11 goes right to tho "Wben be ,rlpe and 'ears?" spot, Slops the nehes Mrs. ,I , At BunnHlJ trllosf\cted nloe ShOllt!l, will weigh obont "No. " and pnillS and makes business tn Dayton Mondny . 1200 pOUOdB. IlIqolre of O. L, "Utvl'llt Ofl." . lifo woeth Ii vi og. Get Til. CR.ATEaT ; "Never, If ho can hahl tl "--(.;brlll~rs . (J"l Lansttlger, who bas b aen Carl Bradstreet i6 11'1>10 to be oot Riolla, R .. D . 3. Wllynellville, Ohio. . a bottl" of "().DrOps" "an RtlgiMtur. " . ' ..:t81tlnl ber slater In UeUnhnrg, Ilgain afloer II teo d&Y8' IIInes8. f24 loday. A booklet WiLh ClIcb bottle slvee full -'----PD... for I.h.e \lIISC fl ve..mon.he, rllt.horouohbred JorStlY. Boll For < W . V Crow, ' of Oa'r~on, lrdnB'IN THE WOItLD . . directions {or ose. toroed borne lallt &tlltday. · .. actlid bllsltle-s hore M ~lndIlY. delay. Dernnllt! J1JIllSI[J!l) WEElLY. $l.1lO na mi ' B"le. Be ia II good one. aoel olin ,Iohn Ec,lwArcis hA~ Bold hl811ro· "l>.I'\.n~" Dou't ncMI8s .Annll B. 8tl Vllr" of Philo, Ill, be seeo at tbo b'o rne of SfIoIDUO) fIOT.t." DRUCCiiiS. '. 8PICIAt.18", Mlny peollill rely npon Obamber. pllrty til l;Iarry Frimfrook "ud' will who Will! visiting rellltlV.,8IIcr·,,~Il.n.•d... ,Mmit4, R. D. u, Waynollville. Ohio elso ill 008TUM ... 8, T1tANSF.R, CAL mOVil ~o Belmont, 1.. ln'lI (Jonl{ll &IDled, hn'pUch'l , tn , All,. drtll' friends here, 11'&3 OIllled to . '24 "liD . .ua SIRVIC. 0"" PIlO'I . .... c:aa aapply If yotlliVIl too fai' Of'eell of ooltl\, , lAnd oroup, ,and It, Tbe body of JeNle KelMey .. who 8nodilY by 'be illne88 of ber nleco, {rom 1\ drug store lIO~d One Dollar 10 • ., ua,"c 1T8 ADVIRTISINC Ccu.u~ ..a ' nevor dlllll, pointe them Mre, ~ died at hl~ home near Lytle, Will' MIl'S Myra, Love. . TABLm-~ fine library table, tm. Swallson Rhellmatic Cure Co.• Ncw:<rk. SAMPLE FREE . B. Tbc)mu, t.ogalu'port, It..d., wr~tlltl: but-led in ' 'he Bellb,ook cemetery MI~R ~M EVil fI'owe lind Eva Robin ttatlon lDabogany. Call a' the ' Oh io, .. nd a bol\lo of "a-Drops" ",,1\ be ___ lin y.o u ,II bl,veI fp ond I Ubllmb6tI.lo'.pongb rut fhor8d8Y. tlon were Jl'rankJin shoppers 'l'ueA residence 01 Mrfi\, Anon. Dl1lrin, f\fllio "'Dt prepaid. • • 11_ yol1t. II- Y. mM)y to be thl;. beB'iiledjoin\l 'for ' 8tr""', Wayn8l!vi11e, Ol1lo ~.~ f24 MI... Helen Vonner, of Davton, day 0014e aad ' oroup t b.VA liver ~d, OcIme down SIImrdily IIVOntOg to Il'Mr; .Te8~e Kel!llIY Ilied M~pcJay ' ll'''rI08~109, 129 , "nel 8" Ilores, 'n"9I'r 1116 of r4'OOnlliUlndili" it 'eud tbe · Minstrel IIhol' and wbUp mostly level, good gronnd, fair my oelrbboll'llllnd frlenllR, I it8YI' Ar .. ·WIII' tbe goeat of MIIIN Roth !lIght at tbe bome of htll Ilareotll, Mr. and Mr8. ·(Jhl&a. Jl{olBey, nflot buUdinp, offered low J)n qoiok 3a)e, 1'1 "",, ;, .. Mlvon 'L to mv oblldren wben ,,111: . 1\ four clays' Uln8fl8. rMllouable terms. S, B. Rlokette, lorrerlng froID orQllp, .. nil t& b8" ORVer fallpt\ '0 &tve &bem " prompt, Mtl\l1 .NIlunie 1\11118 tllJ' confined to - - -•• - - - Reibold Bldg, Day'oD, o. '/ rn17 relillf, .. For 8"lo by. "II rtealMII. . 'he tJlJu~e wl'l.. gl·lp. .. . • _ '. Tile mlnstrol -llbo'/l1 whloh Willi , After Walhlng Ollcloth. AP , BDokets, ~pl1B11 land WoOd :W"IKIII~ ' 1 . ' • • '. • Rl~An h~ homA ~nIAn' IAiI' Biltord", Aftor ' Wllshlng \)1\ l(lth' llltd linoleum, . Covers, painted . For forther tu, A practical Joker apphed a hght. eveol~g WBII well ..tteniled. .. be ur 19' dry It llTOl!erly. · it 1e~ lormaitCtn' 'wrlte or call on du, S, ed match to a load of ,hay in E~t' M·r ". Chile Roberta, ot ' Frllonk.lin, clamp It wU~ 8P~ dl1f .it, ond finally EIl' oU, 8p~log Valley~ Obio, R. 0, t • ..yno. Mass., and achieved the gl· ~IRlted rllb.UvolI hore IKllt ~nndlloV 'becomo totnlly s poiled. It Is a &rtlIlt 8ox~2. ' . gantic stroke of lhumor of buming j h M.1 e ' nd wi fb ~rnoved to n1lst/lKO to ~81) too much. water tor 3 hole, winkle.. 008.1011 up (qur buildings. He made a big- 8pr1n: V... il:; la~ weok. . . wa8~IIIK Il. The elot~ IBhould mer~I)', lsove. {Jed only a very mUe, ger bit than .post of bls jocose tribe 1 '. III bo ", out I\Ild <p08sCltl o!er the liarWm. Weh" 1M v? ry. . faco. Cheap. IDqlllrfla' 'bll uffice, ,

FI',BRU ARY t7, 1915.





On Hands At All Times



LOCUST FENCE POSTS $2.25 per 100 feet

- ..


The finest car of Chestnut. Posts Ever Brought to Town is Just in.


---------MT. HOllY


-w. H. Madden &


,. J









Olassifted Ads








---.. _..---






- --

- ..









.- ..














____••.. _ .. _____

Rainting, Paper Hangin,(, Auto . and Car~iage. Pailidng~


\ r:."


allhop Hebe". Rel/enge. AIIIIDOItty •• well .8 deyot\oo baa colored our POPlllar bYIDn.. n, for lultaDce. _10 the ·tamoUi "Oreenlaod'R lo:r lIolUltaIIUI." Th. IIutJ B80..-.J1AlIoo 10 ce:rloa "anJ)o mao II yD."

bad It.




of well improved 87 ACaU. proper'"olO118 SO Oeatclnille. A barjala, la order &0.01018 . . .teo

See A. A. lIoNell, UeDttlryiJIe, OhiO, Both p1I~ •







I ,,1 .. ,\ In~

I \





i......................................... Try These' They'll Please I. ....

· ••• . . . . . . . . . .•••••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .c


70 ! 1

80 210

Lettu e, RadisiJes , Cel('f\;, Ka le : W (,


Potato ~s

Fancy Bell flower Apples, Pl'f peck . ,




3U V


Van Camps Canned . ' Hominy, per can .. . MasQnPork and Beans, per can .. , . Beechnut Peanut Butter, jar . c, 12c

tllp I rug rnm " r lhe The f:em Cily Lil t' Inllu rRnce (1m I" d" . Ior} ·,'rl-! ·N lit th . M E IJI\nv, of l)~y Oil, h ' ld n ltallC!u ·t fUf I'II\JI "h, ' lII'!h~ I ,'!I I'lIa r}, ~ lh. lht'ir t Brehm's rell· BIHllIlt donday evenIng. }\, I? t,w hou&e the gell ral agent for the J\\lIroinK Service 9:45 rompall~' . ar,Bng d for the banquet 01' an l'n·llI de ', am! . ct d 0;1 tOll.!1lmflSt() r for \h oc· It.) lUll 'l1l'iI n. Abo ut six leen sat down to 1n\'llrnl itln ' llU h[ler , There arc s(,veral stock· .\nlhl'm , .. "."( h That Men Whuld h hlcrs here in \i ILyne'rOlllnship, I'm is 'llll' Lort! . " bUI a f w f til ' lll W re ab enl. I Iter.p(IO'i\' . HI' atii nlC 1;1, H tapp. the g neral manager 5cr ·ptureLesson .. . Rc v . D H Pal ml'r fer h company , 'I'D pres nt and Solo _" ,. .. " .. Mi ll.'1 Sybil Hawke reat! a Vt!ry iot rel\tin~ r1mor t of the ~ rmflll .... , .... . .. . ,... ,,', .. ... ".... company 's bu ~in .. forth Ia&t year, Bisho p Wm , I'\, D D ,LL .D. Wh ile the (:ompBny is c~ ll1parativ e ly ! w Chu rch Olfering a n('w line, they fir doing a large bUl'in a nd the r por ~ II lhism et· Benedicti!)n inK we r v~ ry gratifying. The Go''" ity ii! writing larger Henloon ~cr icc 2 o'cf(x:l( policies every year , ant! t he Uusine!!.'! for 19Jo.I dotlltled tho busine!lS of If!l3 , Runduy School anJ Ihe company are ddermined to Sr,ng JnvocaliOll .... Rev . •1••~ Cadw nllatler dou!;le thoir husi nl'SS during l he Sl>lo .......... , .. " " .. ... ". Roge r Turn r pn)~' nt yea r, Good tulk s were made by ~r 'Sta pp, K . Mend , age nl inL 1l50 n Duel .. " .... " " .. ... .. .. ...1a nney 8i ters sLrUdn r for the company, 1\1 r . New· Add ress .. " .... Rev. A, J 'tory. D, D, ho u.;e and L: 1\ Himel<, of Center· ville , who is lh e io lea l agent. and liS Greetings fr m fo rmer Pa~tors he i. 0 well kn own h n' he will B Illediction lJTouobly wrile a grl'at Ii 'al of illBuranc' during 1.111' oming yea r Ev enin ~ eryi 7:30 J . N . Nutt~ and 1I G, Lllrkey w!)re ou t:.of· l(IWI1 glh!!lt fl llr , nt Hymn The affnir was IIi 'ely rnana~ 'd an d Invocatinn ...... .. .... Rev, Mrs . Martin th fficers anti s!Ock h\,ld ' rs got belAnlh : m- "Thc Love of Christ" criplure Lesson · .. .. ,A. ~. Wooten, ler Ilcquainlleo wilh lh· b ll ~ incss and wi th each olher, ami I he Ilfl'air will Male Quartet be prod uctive of mueh good In the e rmon neighborht}od. I"ormal De lication of Church Bened lction . 1'<




- -


:i pou nd



Rio Coffee : .. . ·47 c

P~eled Peacbes, only ... . 10c


P uffed Wh'ea,t, picg . . .•.•

The r;ivic Leagu of Harveysburg, will give a George Wa&hington So· The reltular session of the Mission · cial at Firemans Hall, Monday ni/lht. ary :society waA held at the home of Ftlbruary 2~ , harges 10e , Every· Mr, C, Hawke on Wednesday af· body welcome. ternoon . ~ebr uary 10th, Mrs. Hawke was assisted in enter tai ning the six· ~- fo ur lad les pr~sent by Mrtl, Bertha Gray. Thatgood old hymn," lest Be the Tie That Binds," was sung, after\vh ich the preijitlent rcad fifteen verses of John 15th chap" and af· t~r;wards lead in prayer, After the reading'. of the minut !I the follo\ving mterelltinQ' progrsm WIlS r endered. . Lobby op'~n from 7 a. m. to 7 p, m. Piano S{)I~, ....... , ." .. Miils Perl Carey Ali Departments open f rom 9 to 10 Women Student.~ in " Chines . America" ... " ............ MiSR Stewar t a . f!1. a}ld fr~m 5 to 6 p. m .. arrlere wlll not make t rips. " The Girl Who Walked Without Frank 0, parey. P. M. Fear" " ... .... ,, ' "' " " . Mrs. MrClure Sf1 lo- "The Lost Mite Box" .... , ... ----..- . ...... ,,' ... ... " .. "" ....... Mrs. Grauser . Keep BUIY. "Missions and Militarism" .... " ..... "Occupation Is tho scythe or time,... ,, "" ... " .. " . . " .. ....... Mrs, Henkle Napolt'on. _ _ _ __ • Poem-"A Bid for Lost Souls" .,,...... " .. ".,,", ... ...... """ Mra, White


I Oe


Many of the hoo l ' throughout i iZc tls nf \\ It nes ill will use Milk only Cro.m lhe slale have just taken up ~he ad· vlln<;uJ idef of 11 n'w ~ stem lbat ' will helv t he chilJ in h . home 1111(j l clean, l ~a lthy Cow tbu t (}n~ kept.' , in 'u nitary Barns, like 1111 lhe farlo more Lhan anyt hi ng el t' that has been doneior &elleralyesrs. that (Jf lll\! Can.ll ilig 'OIIlP:llIY." 'fht! id~a i to joi n 1110 re closely the li(t of lhe bpy:! a nd ~.'ir1:!. at school in their hom work, and encourage th m lo mak lha.t work useful and lherefor make the pupil happy in the wo rk The "Home redit Work" will also make the p l\re nt.~ more inter· ted in the schools . as the work thll child does at home will retlect upon his >\'hool work , and the' lessening of home work on the parents will mske them g ladly join in cooperating wilh AUCTIONEER Whereos, the grim Angel of Death the teache r in t his a\l·impor,tant has again enteret1 our mids l anel work. OH1~ The system Willi introduced in the tllken one III our charter members. WAVNI::SVIU.E Wayn p Town!'hi p schools Monday, Brother Allen Haines. be' it Resolved, that in his death, Cov · and the promote r:! little know at the pn, lime what a revolution they ellant Rebeccah Lod ge No . • 89 , I. 0 nre abo ut 10 w\lrk . Little lassies and 0. F. hds lost 11 truE'. faithfu l lind chap. all over lawn a nd t he country much beloved membe r; his wife and are ru nning here anti there asking family hav e lost a kind and inrlulge n~ for work 8 (0 lhat the y may be able husband and father, and th i~ com· to gel t he proper crerlits on their munity has lost an honorabl e anel week ly rE.' ports. Jt is gQing to make h il:l'hly resp cted citiZ'fl11 Bei l fllrlhl r them underStand the proper idea of Resolved . that Ii copy of the"e work, and (llso tearh thE.'m a .rood resolutions be spnt to the widow of our dereus II Brother. a copy s 'nt : 0 lesson in healt h The work embraces ab ut sixty the local papllr for pllhlica!i OIl. and dill'crellt things th(lY can do to earn a copy apren(i upon the reco rds of creuits, Such as brushinll teeth, one t h i ~ ludg Also t hllt our charte r be cr dit ; bathing, 6 credit8; carryinl{ dl'aped in mourning for a period of coal, swe ping , getting dinner, bak· thirty days , ing, spading, milking , feeding horses. \ Thomas L , Pierce planting garden, etc .. etc. The Comn,i tlee. ~ Heber A Smith ( Elizabeth H Yeazle cl ed its run us high as 5000 for labor performed. The plan i~ a feasible one, such as every school child can perform, and FaON TN t they will be wjnners in the end. n ot H. P. RawliD,1 WaU Paper Co. only from the fsct of getting thE' proper credits, but wben they arrive ~ at the end ,of school age, they will be 'I.That room c:an be made much able to take care of a g reat mnnv of more atU'llcli"e by Ulin~ • fc" th~ common things of their future yard_ of Cretonne to match the life. , wall pa~r. . Frank Anderson and F rank Hicks All g lory and honor b'! to the pro· If Asl ettimlte "ill COllvince you of a& the Liquor havp been Ilppointed moters of s uch Ii health·giving propo· the reuoDllble colt, of proper d.e tb. ommittee ' for Warr~ n sition, and may their ideas longbein License ratiolll II!Id cood "orknwuhip. County. These two gentlemen are existence. M. L. PARSHAll Wam:r.,vlll. both well qualified for the posilion, -~.--a nd will do t he square thing to all purties concernP.d. I

Sold a:t White's Store




--- _.



Waynesville Auto &Machinery ,

We have installed the late~t imp!"oved) ( Stewart Clipper Grinde~.




Perkins Eng ine

'Air-Cooled Pumping Engine, rebuilt. ann gunrnnt.eed same as new-. ,

3~ ~i~~~~~,:p, HP Engine




H. M. Sherwood '" C. E. Servis


Dehorn Your Cattle

For It!



_ _ +====-S--=-::-=-=-=-=-::-::-==-=-=-::::.

----.- ..






'I'll ju ' p <:ctor said:

Myrtle Lu12 Hawke, daughwr of Charles S, Lut:.:, was bOlll in Vii'~i n ia 26 years and 7 months ago, an~ Le:no~· Soap, oat'S. , , .. 26c about t'll'elve yell r!;! ago they moved Tfisb ~otatoes, a bushel ,to Dayton, o.hio,. He r mother , died nine years aKo and Myrtle assumed on IJ - ... . . , , . , ..... .. 70c the responsibility of the ' home tOT' her fathe r two 9i ters and t · rsey Sweets, Cabbage, Ber· brothers. ' , lLluda Ohions, rape Fruit , Two years and a half agD she was Oranges, Lemons, Jumbo Bamarried . to RaymDnd S . Hawke, to canas, Appl s, Celery, Let· them was born lOne little son, Cbarles. tuce tbi~ week. After a looll and painful illness of lOver ten months, abe. patientl:.' bore It pays to trade at her suffering. and was resigned to go when' 't he final s ummons came. Mrs , Barris read a very in terest· ft!eling that it was the Lord's will. ing letter from her niece. who is She was a member of tbe Trinity a missionary in lndia, Reformed Churcb and the servjces The hymn n umber 654, "0 Zion were conducted by her pastor. IRev , Charles Wil liam Martin. sort of N. B. Mathes, who bad married them ===-=-=s+!:H~aste, Thy Mission Hig h F ul fi 11 ing" was sung by Mrs. Hawke, Mrs, Char'\t's W, and Mallissa E. Martin She was loyed by all who knew ~er Read the Miami Gazette Grauser and Mrs. White. At the was born in Sligo, Clinton (',Alumy. which was ev idenced by the rpany district meeting at Springfield , the Chio , June 27, 189.. Departed t his and beautiful floral tl'ibutes given I'equest was made that this hymn be lile January 28) 1915, ailed 22 ~' ca rs . her. . snng by each auxiliary ' society at 7 months and 1 day. Be had bpen Interment was made in Woodland every meeting for fou r years Dain· in delica~e !health for two years. and Cemetery by.her mother on Thurs. ty refreshments were served by the for many months he was a constant . day afternoon, February 11 tho hostesses, Mrs. Booth form erly ot sufferer, \)L1t tried to be patie)lt Bnd Waynesville, but of recent years wns hopeful. often callin" upon tJle a resident of New York City was Lord forllEdp, "So sinfu l, so weary, present aod waS ' warmly greeted by rrhine. ThiDle would' I be; Thou blest her old time friends. Rock of Ages, 1 nm hiding in thee." Horns cos t money, Gives more -~He leanf'd heavy upon bis'christian milk. Tal(es less feed and fatten mother for the hourly ministratione out better, Remov them by the If you are going to have a sale and for enc()uragementand assistance ' Grace Gertrude Allen, daughter of new improved . see A. A. Me eil. Center ville, Ohio 'that was stlul inspiring His spirit Will and Winnie Allen, was born fl7 . left the erncumbering clay with a near Lytle. Cffio, Auguflt 18, 1912 bound . he only had lime to say, and passed. from t his earth February V-SHAPED ·DEHORNER "Lord be mercifu l. " A few tired ' 10,1915, age 2 years. 5 months and Late Cla~sified ' Ads sighs and we trus l he was ··Born into 2S days . .she leaves two brothers Best of work do'ne by beauty. vicltor immortal. o'el' death Howard and HerQert. father and and tbe tomb." There was a. look of m()tner besidl!S a host of others to f'OR ALE hallowed pE!I1Ce upon his thin pallid mourn ber loss face, After t hree weeks ofsickness little He leavelll to grieve for t heir Im!~. Grace heard t he same loving · voice Home Phone 686, Centerville Exc, AN t> ; stook fllrm i lOUacr H. tlloo his parent.s, three brotherij and three .t hat spoke to the disciples saying, -laying; Wllrrou '" ( , E-PtIi't) siste rs, two preceeded him to that "Suffer li ttle children to come unto Eaey terlXlR 1:), B. Rio lwt t ~ , On," . Land from whIch no traveler ever me ,and forbid t hem not for of such tou , Oblo. rn S r turneth . "Time ill now fleetIng. is the kingdom of heaven .'" , Another yoice is stilled to earth t he moments are pa.'\Sing, Passing FOR RE NT from you and from me; Why du we and has joined the innumerable Barbed Wire linger and heed no t God's mercies, ~hrong which surroundtl .the throne ARM ; 120 lIoroy, TDoMtly lavel, Mercies for you and for , meT" Do ;inging praises to the Lamb. good lund , ne.. r Ploll6l\nt Plnl n. we .'lee a hand of warning beld Qut to Little Grace wi~h . her winsome (Wanen CO ) t;t 13. lUoket tll, OilY. u ~ with a weight suspenJed by 8 ways and bright ha ppy disposition GUA.RANTEED to hlJlll without leR\·· ton, Ohio. rn3 corn . a strand Of, whioh is broken, wa.s a general favorite . with all and lng Il blmnisb, or MONEY REFUNDED, 600 Ilnd $LOO sir.ea [or frooh wounds, " This is the llri ttle thread 6f life," was like a ray of sunshine in her old8ore~, sore bJ\cks nnd8h Qulders~urn 8 The departed united with' the Zion home. ne"er complaininll' during all sud bruislie. 200 !lize for Family use. Austral ia's P98slbllit lea, church. Mav' I!)JS .. Tbi~ was on'e step her sicJ.m ess but had a smile for all ' DR. COX'S PAINLESS. BLISTER Au si rolln ' 1M capubh~ of producing in the rilfht direction, the first letter And before' her feet had lesM'\e,f.tQ Is pninlcBs nnd gunrllnWcd to curo one blJll on bu sh els of II'hcat lInnually in the illpha,betof redemption; to be sl ray, ere ai.n cou ld 'wound h('r breast pavln, RlnJ(b !lei Curb, SwcenYJ Splint, tnstea d of about one Ilundr d million Puffs o r lilly un nrgemfl.nt of Done o r bu shel s, as a't prpijC'nt, t>:01V \lil ly thlr· learned ile he began the n ew way. or ijorrow wake the 'tears, she' ha!< In this r c.qp,ect hill example teaches pa&sed to her ' eternal borne where m\1ll()\e, or mOIH' Y ruhmd cd. Prlco 600. ty thousnu<\ ~qlln re 111\1('5 or lund Ilra us a 'valuable leASon. especially to the angt·ls beholf! the , face of my FOR SALII: BY .AU DRUQGISTS used In ,,:hQJ\l.growl ug, but fi ve hun· those just enterjng upon the realities Fat her which is in Heaven. dred t housund squllr 's mites could be of life ' It is well for the youth t o CARD OF THANK~ tbuB llllltzc d. ~top awhile as they hllSten along the flowery avenues of pleasure •. (and as We WIsh to thank the friends a nd this young man did) look inl,u their neighbc)f!:' for lheir .\tindnesa lUl :t hearts, and see if aIJ is well. are there help, durlnll the BicJ(nfsR. 'a nd . ,dea~h ANTIOCH NURSERY STOCK not tHe remembrance of milltakes of ou}" dallght ~r and elster. ,and the madp and . wrong ', ha.bil.8 fOI:lT!ed minis tel' and 'those who gave flowers . New Anlioch NUTllery Slock •. all Many SO'E!mri vows that once held and also ,Mr. r,icClnre, " ' . kinds of Fruit and Ornamental 'frees yo u almost: entranced within · the : ' " Will ~Ilen an~ Family. ALF of the food value of YOl1r sold (lnd delivered at Corwin , Hlir. real ms of , spiritual Jigl:i ~. broken . ~--~•• -- ••-----7 . ve y~burg and New Burlington . B1 esB~d Spirit, (lOme down more '. corll crop is ill the stalks, husks Optlml,tlc ThOUII"t. • , Guaranteed lo be true . to ' nnme and often by th/~ covert ' of . the hill 'and aud le:t v(.'S. Doa't waste these, One's Ie to accept the cball~ first class. I. N. Miller. Agt: stay us, and let us not press past They make milk Ul!d butter aad b 'Cf tljee in ilie ~rti8h tur!1loils ofUfe, ~i the pailln(' day. , , Phone 33- 2Y. . for you and pItt TUoney iJl your bau.k "For God sball ,; ev.ery work I '=~~~~~~~~~~~~ n" the"' ,.," into judgment, Bv'e ry secret I.' l ~ REAI>VFOR SALE DATES ' thing,\\"bether~it .orwh,ethln-. it be eviJ." " 1n this J .' e tan ley, wh has just g rsdu. slirink not from ahld from the J ones Auctioneering sorrow. ~chnol at licago , is home and is "It is only 8 moment ot angUisb. The n~lIl1l1re from ha ru "nd f.:erllng pcn ~ ready (or sale dates, It would be when at the JOrdaD we part; will go b:lc.k into your suil to w.aka big~~r , well to see hhil, as he bIas some new .Cnly a 8itv~,r cord bro"en. bushing crops ne>o.'t year. . Th~ I ndiJlull S~lo Is Wilde of the best silo ideas in lhe auctioneering line. Or eli.eIl throlb of the ·hear~, . uiat~ri 1$ and only the be"t. E"cry scam is call him, 146 mu tual phone New Aner the at,o rm 'twill be Bl,lnshljle. air·tight. ~very jplnt Is mllde' witb Our Budi ngton, Ohio, ' After labOr and liuffe"ng're~ , Vlltetll . l(-<lmlnuUf Illnrtli!e. !,;""ry ")..,., ,. Ulnr!ted Then we Bh!ill meet .where .t he mom~ • • • 6~d r.,.dy fa tx' IIIJ).,.,n Int" I,. proper pIa"", You a. en:cl nn Judi"nll );110 ry owcltl. aud It "IU ing, _ . , ' .. e r...., you 1I~1 .. \. II'Itlmucli (ora lifetime. UOII't Never. no never. wJl, eiOllB. "" "bo"t Ib" l!.r!oc, 'We CIl" "mlu'!" It 80 'that You Enjoy Ute Edgemont , rackeTs) a lb.


Hopper C60It'd. Rchuilt and guaranteed.

Agents for the Celebrated ingeco Gasolene and Coal .oil Engines, Automobile and General MachintI'Y . Repairing, Gasolines, Oils and Accessories





Pbonet l05



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c .Uoout of tbc: Mv\AJllt make!

~t \I ,up t'lrdTnf) U . A lin,.

W.e ba'1'r. p ropod.

IIiiii tbal w tU I<><t" tn/ell ... cUQd ... ,.ou.







Eatwbaa~ UId _be . . . . with ~ ilJou will lab •

Jrce& Drspepsl. : )T.blet


Wan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ""~~-.1" ._._~ <I• .........,..


s. Murltt'

~(JMBi.E -once,' tUh,'bJe twice -

, TUm~le, By WhICh


tumble, tqmble ·thrIce. we mean take our advice ~d. tumbl~ tp: our humble ' pJice. '


TUMBLE 'to TR.t:SE ColDnial Panel Table .. TumbIer~ 4· for ••... '.• , 10c

"Sure 1'I;rlDg" Opat 'Nest . ' . " Eggs-. 6 ~~r ,., . ";." ' ,. 10c Knoblock J,7ramid Bread



Touter . . . .. . 10e

Vegetable Boi1er-8x5~ b..-lide and

bottom tOe

&stu Assortm~~t~Hou!le \ and, Cburch eandy Bu, IC'et AssOrtment, each. • Uliblanched" . ' '. No, 1 Spanish st.lted Peanuts .......... : .. Oc Standard Grade . Mop Holder. : ••.••••.


i f09

Sixty-Seventh Year




Whole Numbe'l' 3304


Sherman Ellis , nen of Theodor and Sarah Ellis was borll in Green OF HEALTH FOR THe HOOF Allen Haines. of Xenia. was here SERVICE~ OF THE NEW METH- County, Oh io, in 1807 and died in KNIGl1TS or PYTH IA!; HAVE . Mrs, Lydia Hatfi~lil ~entert ai~ed at 'IDEAS TO LD BY ONE WHO IS flarveysburg Ohio , l"ebruary 12. IJ ny B NQUE1 dm ner Sunday the M1!ISes Mary lind ~ND MOUlt! DISEASE! ' Sunday ; 00151' EPISCOPAl. CHU RCH ANN IVE-" A" A • 13clle Mc Kinney. FAA\IUA R WITH THEM 1915, a ged 4 years, G mo. un!! l~ days He was the elde t of th r ee chjldren, a brother who is dead and Frank Elbon was In Lebanon on a si tor who yat survives him. Amos bUSiness Monday On Friday evt'n inll' the Lvyal I )all~hters Clas.~ W!1l< d 'l iR'hl fnlly nat whoso borne Sherm n died Ellis being only a half br(,ther. 1,' or some I: tl!r1ailleti altho home of M!'8. Li:-.zin A. A. Hisey was in Olty ton Mon· year!! since the riellih of both fnlh r -~ Yeazel ~ ith a turfy pulling. . day on business. . and mother Sherman l,aA lived alone and seemed happy in the fact that he Ohio I. Practically Shut orf from Miaa Maria Stout visited relatives Blrhop Anderson Will Preach 8 0th was able to mainroi W1 independent Have An InterestinR' Progflln- Rcv. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury en People Arc Gradually Seeing What home, he W/l8 always _lean and neat , the Outside World In Their in Davton Saturday, Morninjt and Evcnlng- A terlained at their country homo UI·. and carefully avoided being a buru(>n Pal mcr I)\adc a Fine Ta lk Central ization Will Do for 'd'ay a t dinner, Mr . aniI Mrs. Win Markets · Full Program Tn the Lolgc on anyone, and even ill his last afllic· If you want a good Fertilizer call :ialisbu ry awl family , and .Mr. and Their Children tion he clung to thE! q uictuoc of hill Chas, Frye. phone 491- L 2S-. Mra. RuS>!ell Salhlb u ry. little home and nod()1) bt su rtered un· M AI' AI d d hte 1 told agony of min(1 IlnJ body il1llleek Ohio people have suffered untold . rs. Ice corn. ~n aUE r, Eyer~thin~ is in readiness for the and uncomplaining silence. , her. Last Wedn , d ay evening , F'ebrn . _Mr . ami Mrs. ti. W. Hnw l(p cnt('rReal progress in edu alion is slow. hardship and loss account toot and Ruth, were Dayton VISitors last week. dedicatIOn of the new M, E church man in hL'! afliiction WH granted .x a ry 17th, w at! the tw ·lJt\,· Lh in l anni. lained at din ner Sunday. Mr. and The b:u'k IU1K long drifted with tho mouth disease. How long the curse Sunday, February 28th. The pro· pert and hospita l treatment and a ll versary of the iust ltution of "row n 111 1'S. E. V. Barnhart, Mr. amt Mrs c urrell~ against a strong head ot will remain no one know". Markets Rev. C. S. Grauser and Charles gram as arranged is a good one, and was done for him t.ha t could be to Lodge No. &3H . Knig hts of Pythias. Ronald Hawk e and Mr. nnd Mrs . prej udice and ignorance. The teachar.e cloeed againat UII. There are Cornell were in Port William. Satur· will attract mllny. people to thll conquer lhe savage fi lC that hall ~ and ~he event was duly cel(' brated Wi lson Edwards and daughter. er wi th the old idea ia still with us, who takes many a longing backward . thousand a of pur a bred animals sold day. church on that day. - Programs were sailed him, but without avail Wh en wi lh il lJpropriale xlJl'cia nnd a Issued last week, and the members he found. that his cail(o was incurabl e I!anlluol at I.JJe Y. O. O. I~. hall. She is still n devotee of the The regula r meeting of t he Pro· look. to customers outsid.e of Ohio. Uncle St, Mary's Guild will meet with of the church are sending t hem to he Beemed to dcsire 0 come homll About one hundred of thc E:ohrhLs spective. th ree R's, and she still recommends ooking Iu b was held at these as the mental eq uipment of tlle Sam will not permit these animals to Mrs. Zimmerman Oil Thursday sf. their frie,!ds, and a great many and spend the few remain In g rlavs ~n~ th . ir fri ends rPHpond<.>tI .to lhe the pleasant home of Mi s.~ Mary cros the atate line, neither will tc:moon. former residents !Ire eJtpected to be close to his f r iends a/lu ac'lU if tances mVI ~tlOn and . 11 mORI cI hghtful SaUsbllry las t Sat urday eveninlt. A American youth. , Many are tbesur· other states receive them here for the servIces. bis desire was granted and cheerful. evalllng W/l8 ~nJ oy ed bv all . oeli 'ious supper W/l8 se rved by the vivors of the old· time system who W.rm weather J'ust ahead. M F '" R I· f S I M I "'_ Iy his friends respondt:u to the call Aft r musIc .by the orchestra. Misses Grace Carman. Carrie Mills still sing its praises to tbe fune of . 'The old· time religion is good' enough rs. ..,.. osnag e, 0 PI' ng· orn ng ""rvlw 9:45 of duty and rerJder~'J un to him all composed of IIRS .race tltm3n for me." t hey eould to help him . Great credit and Ruth Harlsllck und Mt: Fl'ank lind Ethel Hosier. Those who know the h~tory of the boro; was the guest of relatives here The school of tomorrow shall not . diaease eay that spring time en- last week. Organ Prelude must go to the man:.' who so willing' Carma.n, Rev. lJ .. U. Palmer mvok~d Mesdames Maurice Silver and gain all its new ideas from .the pres· COUl'llge8 thfl pestilence. Hymn . IYaided in caring for Shet'o.Qn but the DivIne bless}ng and a ~plendld Tbe federal jfOvernment and Mr. atld Mrs. Geol1le Smith spent lnvocation the lar2e!lt shate n'lust go to Amos prpgram of musIc and rearl~ng8 ~Y Harry Murray entertl1ined the Dar. !lnt and future. The past ha's much the week·end with their childnm ih Anfh~m ...... ·'Oh That Men Would Ellis and Emma EIIiEI his wife. Onlv M~ ~ Edytha Macy a.n~ Oh~e 0111 · cas Society and tbe Huild ing Com. t hat is good to offer. We are already officen of other atatee an daily Cincinnati, PraISe the Lor~". throllgh them was it possible for \ndil le ~J1d Master WIII!8m 'thomas mittee of t he M. E. Church in tho beginning to understand the import. taking greater eafearuardB to co~troi ResponSive Readmg . herman to nave h~s desire to die at and I\n Illustrale~ rcaulIlg .by Mr. social rooms Monday evening at a Ilnce of such trainillB: to our youth_ and eradicate the disease. They are MI'8. Amanda Malfit and Mrs. Scripture Lesson ... Rev. D. H. Palmer home fu lfilled , quiet ly, cheerfully. J ames Mullen, a, IS ted by M!ss Lucy turkey dinner. The dinner was a Already we are enjoying. !;peir inbecoming more severe in quarantine Sarah Zimmerman were Dayton via- Solo .. ................... Miss Sybil Hawke and willing ly' they mipi8tered to his Emley a nd Mr. U, M. WhIte, was tine one and the recipients did ample fluence in nearly every schoonn our Sermon .............. ......... .. .. .. ......... wan ls and n~ds Bnd without a mur. re~de red. . F 'd justice Ito the same. The evening (!()u nt~y today. Tb.~ will constitute regulation. &8 ''they Il.n' convinced ltors rl BY. Bishop ·Wm . F. Anderson, DD, LL. D mur aacrificed their health and com- lhen C8!"e th~ b,~nquet • . and such was spent very pleasantly in making ~entlal elemel!ta III the uew educa· that drastic measures are the quick· New Church Offering fo r t (or him and gave him all hey a. f~st as It was, ~ he Knlg}lt.a and plans for the dedicatory services. tlon. . As our schools are different from, cst lind eheapest. - There is nothing Buy your Fertilizer at Chaa.' Frlle, Benediction could To U8, who ar e sound in theIr good wives. (alrl¥ out·dld themthe past in structure, equipment and to be gained by Ohio people &lying who handles Milson's, the best. Afternoon Service:2 o'clock health and body Sh tlll1:m's death selves, and that IS saymg a good deal Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Sattertwllite curriculum, 80 the school of tomar- . that the disease is not dangerous , seems hordble, but th beautiful La anyone. who has e ver . aLLend d and amounta to notblng. loleitber Mrs. W. H. Allen spent Sunday School rend eringofsuch unselfi hnessasdis- the:'e affall"3. If any delJca\!y w~s ent~rtained with a chicken roas~ at row will be nearer the ideal than do (.ther !!tate. nj)r Uncle Sam agree ITilUrBdslv Frid . 'ti \' _ ; _ Sontt played by Amos and Il:mma removes Q.m ltted from l.he mel')u. no one na- their Ruga~ camp Thursday ever in the history of the world. Th~ foll o~ll)~ y~ung .people enloy~ Rooms will. ,n ot bp provjdeil' with to tbia id... We must ~ean up C:lnc:inl~ati.ay vIsing re a· Invoeatlon ... _.~v. J ; F. Cadwali!1der 'mu ch' of this. nnd , ~ives ila greater t lced t he ov~rslght . . QhiQ, iii order to set out of Ohio Solo ...........................'i',u rner ,taith· in God and humanity. Af~r the banquet, tile guests tll."lr hosp)tah tv, MI!)s~ Laura Mc the conventionall 'rows of/ .8tiff.baok' witll our animals. LeSson , retu ~ned to Ule l'1811cmbly room and K!osey! Re~a and Nellte Sheehan, desks. Iilacb will contain ohairs We muat Bettie the men at ............ , .. ,........ J8Oney Siste~ --. . .!lev. Pn1o,er gave a plendlcl talk (tn N\~a Slmpkms, .Pearl Carey, Mary' placed in circular: form all tll.'other. end of We I ,AI"U,''t!lIII :..... , .. ~V . A ~ . StOry, D.D We'Nan,t to thank. all of Ollr!nend '·Fraternity." The I'eat of, the even. Sllhsbul'Y. Gl:ac Carman, Glenna oan sit facing the tfi!acher. Here ,do tI1b9(A tliat tireet.mgs from ~ol'mer Pa?torf;! , W)lC1 wcr.e !i.o ~elIlfut to ~s during QU,r ing passed q1,lickly with conversation Marsq, Neva, Young , AIl'\1a Water- they 'm~y ·r.ecite or ·reUre'to tables at Buffal". . Benediction late .affi)ctlon, ano Inay Heaven iii and music. The~guests depar ted at hou~e, J osephine Oglesb~, Mary where they may ~te~ 01' study With; . and other bles..,mg rest upon ,the m. a late hour feeling that they blid DaVIS, Messrs. Emmor . )3lUly, Ho- out interruption. There will be no sci}ool of Sixty -pu. \Stock. . ' MI'I. Anna Stanton. olthe Friends Evening SclfVICC 7:30 ·.Amos EIiIi3 and fam ily . passed a well.spent evening and bert Marsh, Laurence and Seth FurHome, is quite low and ber death is ' - .. wishinq Crown I.<ldge many mo~ nat"~ Ralph Sheehan. Harvey !lye' pila, sitting in an iLI.ventilated room. expected at Bnll time. Hymn . years ot us fulness and many more Paul and Laurence Brown, Jesse with one ti red teacher standing 'beInvocation .. . , .... : ... Rev. Mrs Martin J happy birthd!lYl.I. Thomus. Raymond Davis. F red Gon!. fore them. Every sChool will have _ __ ___ _ _ _ Dr. P. D. Claggett. and family ScAnl;bem :.. ..... "The Love of Christ" Keller Hoke and Mr. and Mrs. DaVIS departmental ' work lu perf~tion, The A.rlcultural CommilBion Furnas, Each teacher will be a speCialist in were «uestaof Mrs. Alice McKinsey npture Lesson ......... A. E, Wooten worked under the her line. and will haven-otmoretha{i , over Sunday and Mond.,. Male Quartet trained and truated qeDt Se.rn;ton . Class Nu ,l of M E S are twenty pupils under her ·superviSion. 88m.-_ This federal man Formal Dtjdication of Chutch .....,ul · in wipillg ClOt Mr. ad Mra. An:her Hartaoek. Benediction ~~ of -th!s disease other Dayton. were week.e~d ' guests 01 -.-...- - . The AJrricultural Commial1ion bas J, L. Hartsock and !amlly. by done only thOlle thinp that had to be done to get Ohio ' animals into Insure ' your Live Stock qaiJlllt · . may be obtained by notifying one of . dren. Where, not only the' process of markets IUld acroea the state line. deeth from any eause with the Indithe following: Hazel Salisbury, An · manufactnring wtl1-b~ leal'!1~. but tha Dinwiddie, FI'ances J anney Eli Rogers, of Dodds, who was its output and ~ns ' woried out in ' If the a permanent ana and Ohio. W; N. Sears, AJ[en~.·1 Fairie Snook Marjraret Satter' operated on for apl endicitis at a Clinton County held a vt!ry a mathematical way. Fortunate will " foothold stock iothwaite or Ma;.y DaVIS teacher of Dayton hospital recently, ill at home, tant election last week. The the community-that ha's a number duatry'ia praClU,calJY lira. Earl Gray, who waaoperated the cl889. ' and is gaining his heal th rapidly. tion was to vote on ' he issuance of of larEe indmtrles, for these will be- .. Farmers and on for appendlcim, i9 improving Children entertained one hour lOc His many frie.nds hereabouts are bond a to the amount of $300 000 fo,. come schools for Ithe ~outh of that ' them8elvell rapidly. and expects to be out again P .' ti • a half day 250; chihiren taken fo; very g lad to hear this encouragin g the erection of a new court' house. place. PropOrtion Will be taught, er&lliica.te soon. . h el'@()~ wan n5. ex~ra ~OPles of a wal k of 115 minu tes PI:; djtlhes w/l8hed news. The proje<:t carried by a majority only in proportion ,to' gains and 10IIIleB t .e next Issue of e Miami Gazette j an I wiped' 10c' er.ram.J lI down tow n ' - vote of 241. This I1hows that our in these business enler'pr'ijes~ interel!t Mrs. Nannie Brown and Mr. Karl S'to 5c, alive and han :n,!!e Brown. of Lebanon. were no aurmma tD(f:~~~ aay guesta of Mr. and Mrs, ~ of the ' to \ the. past Elbon. . . ' veterinarians or the bllt not mure. than arc called fllr .-' l Children will learn to do by dojn~, /. COmmiPsion will not Qpen ma.keta or !fet. Uncle Sam'a per'. TrY Moxleys best grade Oleomar I m~on to CroM the llta.te line '!\'ith larine, clean. pure. wholesome. church. and people w.11I wanl extr a I girl to- cook 'and to sew. , Domestic anyanimai. . . . MrS. Alice Alcorn. Phone 00. copies to send to ·their iriends. I • art and domestic science take . . It 'Is ~. 800m .conditlon ~at cor.Noti! ' 'bl so Sunday, F:'ebruary 28. Sunday a place among,.,the fine' arts. 'They ' _ __ . y us as cat Iv as POSSI fronts Ohio. ,We should not wail Miss Leah Smith and Mill8 Alicia that Yliu may to get a copy' Some one 10 t thei r ki t of auto School and communion at 9 o'clock. will be placed side by side with sixty' or ninety ,dl,Ys to learn our Kelly. Cincinnllti,. spending \felore th~ edition is exhau~ted . '1 The bank and postoffice were tools last week at the Little Brid ge. There will be no preaching in the music :ytd pain~ing. , Bo~!) .will be , ' duty. We muel know jt nl-w and do a fe.w .ofdays with Mr. and Mrs. - - -....- __ • closed all day Monda , 0 11 account of a.nd ,t wo tire tools were Tlicked up morning on aceount of the services taught to be 'slulied artJeart8 an~ It now. _. , 'I ' •. F . ',-, . 1 WashinlClon's !JirthdIl.Y. T and l~ft /It lhis office. where the at the M. E . church. Christian En t __les " I t b f '\ h ; A cleun blJI of'health ;for Ohio will George Smit.h. " Mloon s · .erl1hzp,l'., the best on the but few people in 'l.owlI ....... d i'looked ow.· ncr can " ot theh1. oon' every- deavor at 6:30 and sermon by the ruu men, glr ~ 0., ec.. useu ouaemarket Fo I Ch F ~ , v . . " . wives and moth~rs. The honie will m~ several million doll~rs . . It h .• I' sa e ay as. t rye. " "I!ry .mllch like .'tlnd y, bol,iy com~ at OIlCO. tllQUgh. pastor at 7 p. m. . be t he center. of alit education . Or_ ·Clattet.t and family Ute patrIotic duW for eve_r}'. citizen' t.he servant qU\lSto help aecure this. Everybody bome from Roswell, Hew =======================-~~~====- . '~'-~~-==p=:;==~~==~~~~~~~==================~==~ 80 that divorce be should be on- 6N~ f,?r. tbe wbole NlIl~I1AlV. . Tbey are all looking bealth. ~ year of 191p. .LaX d"iaen~ may ause the ' hilr task ' "to all be done ~ver. , '. '.. Lget- Pair ot spectacles, in a red ,A. P. aANDL~i f case, marked .Bundy. Finder will President o.f CammiMioD please leave with MIIIII Addie KeYIi. ---,....::---- .......... on street. .' .'.










·- . IS ABLE TO i~Y:~~i~!'~::nE:~~~~ BE HOME AGAiN VOTED TO BUILD , ;t~~~'i:t7cln~~~ ' ~t:n~{~t~~~~~:~.ViS~h~i~h ::;e:i~! . NEW COURT HOUSE ~~:~~~Wt.~;atv~£ed ~~ ~hli:


d~I~~~:f~~.ti::~[h~~T~~ai~~:: ' .~ ~~fj.a ~~~i!S w~!ihbt':ma o~r~h~s r:;=~:' . PU8lIC OfFIC[:5

o~:rde?i~~~na ~~m~~~t~e:r~L Er








~ged~~~1~i:h~ pia~;'o~i~ ~h:;ewl~l~o~:~~ated '

Ioh~:yt~~II~I~~rn~~i~~~~~~o:b~. will

are ~






Or. Dill. Osteopath. Haines ·Bldg:. and 'Frlday D!ornings. ,

~ Tu~8Y ~


,Mr. , ailll ,Mra Fred Caskey: alld liltle ,daughter, Jalle, RP,ellt !::Iunda'y with ~1'lI . Mary Galik,>,' and ,Mn HanJlah An, ram. '. ' : .. " ' •



Rev.J. ~ eadwl~lIider,~.8dam~~.1 J . Ii '':uleman. l.1 L

Mi89 Clara Lite . ~el'e Xenia 'fbursday jlflenlOOn. ' .- " I

" .

tent The !1 aUJghtE~r, will be queen . The school . will Cd ... ' cate mentally; . and phnica!; , Iy in.such ha,rmpn), that our sO~8' npa daughters WIll Indeed b~ a!J ...·cQF.ner.·.. stones polished.' after ·the si,n'\ihtuf(o· of II palace:" I: ,






Sl ·;: MARY'S ,'



0810 'I'h,· tn thnt

colon, 1 ., fi l ~n


I" r,'nll

"TI..,y 111 ~. " ~11 1'1 _\ hmp.l. " Til at Is CII IlIIO I t.. ~ 11\" I 'tl'~' ILl 1.1>1 US b gouo to \.h, hQl,ij'l ot I!IUIlQ tit." "'fll,' ( Icllll.4 'u l, U IH sp tol ror Lb 1 ti nt.· h. III~ " " , t!" ,II 1/,. ,0 long Il~ 11 0 r luellS -'~-UI" n till' t rral\lI r ~' ~oo r III t ntb,n UII. Th 'r' II' 1\ ou:".ll d III to ~ n\ 1I a.11l>U', ,/. P"I)," ore eo. l~ll ,,".,.111 lI"r Iu II t n'utillty, gu urclI'll U) ~ "'QII I Pll r<.l~ , lIa " II I\ D ~ sl\v(11': (\ c'ln bu. On ly the t \\'o kO., p r u I v .'r dll r liJwr(ln 'ft lh orn . alld til tl kllCI" rll r(lrUI< to CH il O th o Icol,urds wlthllllt IL 101'111011 or,hr from tll ll k l ns I 8YNOPSIS. "Tn " I ~" I'll '. "Iun,' wl"' 1\ WfJ (11'\ or qll l'l't\, SUVl'mt tl lo n rorblds t mbllla ll \III' w(lrk '" r l' \" lr , la to li)l1k way with IlI O brutos , Th , ~ l -Kalhl)'n n IL•• 1",1I.,1ng "13" Ill . ' " ' Olll" ~'''r p opln. you r pno pl.. a ud mill , Ln l I .... 4& .... Co~ Hare. In I)or ll h M 8I1m-'1 "r '\1 11 'tho I III a ll to )'I1tI 1'" ,,1,' ltll ' c1 ,nc ttl'lt)', I' fl ll'I.-h. h ' !lovo tbnt th Ae leo nnrds I\.ro IIitooae4 r !Mv •• her hom In Cllll t ornill ~ 16 lilm In A1I4b11, b,dla, mballll. ' th wh ll 111 t'h I r, IIIl1d \\' I h terror. Ill' "l\(~ Iff ancrp d, and "D Y who kUl a III 0) com· ""<lr to tb. tll ron . h,.., Imt>rlpuno<l l " And klllf.- lOA ' I Ih ,' h,l l"\I wll nll WI' tlwy, h,111 ' EI, nt ltM sncrll c"o, a n d )' OU Itllftw whnt .aolonol. aamo<l by the lato '1lnlf 1\.8 hh'I I '" •• I'~, IMIr SIPI'pl ,'0 , nol \,,111 hl\"I' II ,'kul, nll" brll\l~h I thnt Rmouut ;1 10 h (' re , So lh or h o cu \l(1 11M 1M th o l ,,~ t tlill I" lb at lh ..·y ", ,I 111,1 I", ;1< co .. , d of dod (!(lu' too coward ly to fly In t h e , ...... _ p n - ArrIvlnll' In Allah" l(l\\b11 ~ ' I...~aitro.mecl by U,"OO11 tJlat h or nl Ct' II I'k ,,, \II) n I l{• r I IIt' r II "~ 11 11 d " (''' nrtl ('< " I', hI,: rtJ I fnco or sU[lcl' ijlltl on. He mu st tortur tlCber MIn. dead .ho ·" t ~ be QU 1'11.. nn<l drew Kn l hh ll [lIT Ilt' r III \1 th,' c v'. "J'('.. r ,\. " "' Itl lI ru(Oe, 'Iln d l and hllml1lnt.o tilO olon I S(lhlb and ~-:'l~~:I~r) ... thr:t~·;or:.:U~8 c':~ " 0':1 hl'lllllll IU " nll ~ ('rout'll 1(1\1:: t it .. \, FIll "'" 'I t\ ~, t T' .. IMIIIlIt!O Ito"e hIs da llg ht r , Ah . Ib e so whIle II o))lo! ,rula ullmr,rrle4. 8h. III tr!"cn • "oll ~o.),8 1 Th e'), II r,lI fII P n r lind 111 liS J' n'HI' lIl1 Y bl'Ip;lI nd I'hr, :'" ·,·, .. ltrl 1.l oIU 1I1 1l ... d th,'UI TI10Y hll l'e h e a d& nne! h enrts 01 s te 1. Th e TIId<" t1 s lllll·t: tli I'QI I' Il aal'llll:'l o il li ke rill ,,' lI'l lol'dlltl,l·t! 10 lh., I,,'ud 1 knOw." . , ClU.J'TlIlR nr-8b4t lUll r etuM'S nnd 18 I pull . n l~ t1 fl' lIlI1 w h ~ n' ho Hilled !l r lll' " 111 1111, " 1'1110., "" 1, •• I, t.1 11"1,, 1(]1II 1I In " All d n' b olllL h ilS th e h IIrt of 11. 1 ,l4"tlla\ Ille mUlit ultllergo It"'o 0hrdOo,II"1 could ~ I' Ihl' l..,ul Rtr lJlrtl 111,1\' or 111 I l hO m ru ll\~ (1 ..1 \Ie l'rn,nl." Ihnt nu Oon-hltl on 111u Jnh d og Wh cn the lim o wttllo ~ ~ It Ihe lurv vea. n w - , r. pemtllte4 to rul&. , f u r I ous 11):,l' r II'fl P 0 fre · <\0 10 , h nrm Rh II 1", (,, 11 ),"\1, Sow , find li S n Olll 8 he will gTovel nod eQu lrm nnd " I{('e u )'our C),I'B ~ hllt. 11 " III no t U "l pill e 10 ,110""t ,. wh ine ." CHAP'J'JDR JV-.1obn Bruce, "" j' m"r\. . . . .,.. 'her Jlf.. u Illenllll ll l Ih llll; 10 1001\ nt, " he W>l rlJl<d • ' o"I' rt h, I, R't , It " n" llI1l'd "ork to " 110 will ," ns recd Ah med. "lIis rc l th gI rl. k oep t hllt prolll"I' 1'lIla Kbll n 810rme d e ven n o w Itc hing tor th o tr lid· CRAPTlDll V-Tbo elopho.nt whlc.h carrie. " ... .trom the eceno of Ilor t rial. Nn. HII \ I, nth l)-n could HO I I," ,'" (' III"LI ,I , nile! s wor thlll II ,I h" ,,. 100 Rlood tor mI ll," a"&7. ~cm. her tI'om BN ....Lnd tho h e r ey,-. If ~ Jo l' h nd trier! 8ItH ' D\\ Ih , t b wili er), h" llr!s Ill' bl); l~,m" 1 11\ It . Th e r olon I wn R I n hc lI to on ot th o ~ of ~. ~ r u te I," II "£>. t UTlI , nnd ~trlk f' II (1I .. , T hey ~ h ould h ' ( ' 1'\10 1110'" on (Io u lVu ll. \m lnco chll m bers, gI ven a tub li nd !~ Vl-Bbo fUlIo In a b 11"!:f;S m n n " t the \\'11«,,1, lh ~ lI h ,p <ll K nO' I)' I1 '. dlpl"lIIn~y ulc,u 41 II l'MI NI th n rres h clolhlng. On 1<1 In Ih o orrl01 a ..:"~.~'&!~:...,:;~ tt.,:,btr::::1~ orr, dllU \) 1\ ,'~~ l"n'lIll' In m lud to l (' s t tr ngotl)', F'lrwlly . \I itl; 1\ hO ou ,l l'a l ot dor~ gllU rd a pn troll t,d , und lh er e w er(\ hl R fr I'dlt Ul h r, f m'~ Ill' rerl , lucl nn /! , Ilu ln I(h ull go " hi. \l ord , fOIIi' who wnlcl\('d t hn window. 11 0 , ~ , ,,I,, On1~i~~t~: ~ei,~d! ~~ T lw r mnulu lll ll ]) ,1gnfl,lJ! 1'11"" " .1 Oll t flo Ur l!CII fltlll ) othh' lI 1)la lll1 (>'] 10 WI\.S El kill!,:" bul '1' 1' 11 gunrd d. W ell, :r~ IIntl ga lh r ' d II I' lllt' b agij ui r ul'''"S, , r t urn ft.lIlthn , IIn'( It ",us lh .. khllll til )' IlIId clrow nc d h'"" but m' Vl'r I ~ VIU-Xath1YQl. b, rougltt 10 'f- b iB Wh A lh tl OlllJO r tuldlY tor whic h h lms It who d~ ,' I ~eo.l h~ !JIet hud, 'rbo ' Mhould ", bu lla, th roug h IIn ya lgnaturo P\iblla man ~ Allah.. and 80Ia ID llruc li nd ",li lt, (I , : t wo you ng II o rl o r-llIluld Slul ll tb e lr · of bla . nut h is bUild In to Iho my,,! ~ , UIro.W~ .b&rI.D~J:.:rd.:'~:..,~r':,~:h u "Com II, T hc r(' m(1)' ])1) Ollie o u t l«l , s kins I\.ud ,'lin DII(lvt' t1r"s e. ll e "'oul d tr us ury . H sIdes. t hi s lim o be hnd W faUiiMi tA> this CIl V. lI are Is 1I !11llhlJr r ltlo·1 gIve t be m two cllUl"ls out rlg ht . on ly 81' n pIty and Sy,upu th y In th o taces L t \' S ut fo r I II Wh.", Ihl I' '' B filII they wlJultl b ob liged 10 mok e tb e of many wb o bad lookcd upon hIs on' ~ III N80U84 b)/ Bruoe out; YO" know th l' o ld " ny l n l~' " jo u rney without a . r van l .. trance to the CIIY. Th o one ray of ~,~ ore Fruita Should Be Uaed. l)be~t er A. , \V ••lf. rllrffi E' r of E lun They rau bllck s Qve rn l ya rds IIfI~ " ~D ut If h ElTIu co,n 8 to you , IUld I com fort la v In th .. kno wl dso thElt at lenaQI they CIIm to tbil II Is m thor HtrI1U ":O how f w Ilco ple 10\1 In ~ To.O" (~ (3rl.woid. of PII'II~ ­ IIoaM or Ramebal they dId not e~ ek d isco,' r e,l n kInd or c h n ~ 1lI h.Uld los l h e n.r of 11, b )' 11\ b a rd or til ·pruphet. 'falth fu l Ah med lI y d. I\ U~' P lnir,. R fl v. I ~L Vorno .'I'flvlur. know thQ medlcl,,"l \, lI l\lO or our comnl t h row In a Allabll I,c h n swa rm H e dll red not t h lak of Kalhly n. He to . _ tile tront, bu~ ohose the gl\l diagona ll y ur wrtrd. E:lll)oh flho ru, flinn e r , or mall fruits !I!ltl " l!(;" tub l ~ 8 , What " " Th llnk Qod ! We CU ll ge t oul o t th is or B\1ng lng b u I< Lhllt a ll !lind BhnU I for I'd hl a m Ind to d w II upon his surrill' moro rrultlJ nud Crult J\ll c 8 aro .. ~ ...... or the aar4on. The ll100D 13"".oht'ijt~ r to Kllthl Re ll BOl(lln . of nf, r nil . Ar you s trong e no ugb tu r 8 h ar at It. 00, lIod tnllY Hah wnl ch rou nrllflga, his own s tate of mIsery. not u8od, Illtdcil boro, R o v. J e8~il HJ\rvl'.V. ' ~_IB __ ,"'laoUl ,r""- atltt r;.llrnb ?'" over you, I Dlldel ~ thollgh you bo !" II Bruce wne th e re, Ilnd Bruce WIlS a mnn . • Ui ..,ldJere, al8.rlll In Katllo FA Ie atnJ9k by fl buUeL ' " I' y got to b Joh n l" • • • • • • of a e t!<m lind resource . He would glvo Commissioners' Proceedln2s See'. etNn gth T!d. XI.:...Tbe ru.ttlv. I've.. "Trus t r,f1 , I\nthl yn," h e rf'J,lJllc)d slru· Umbolln SO llt 0 messeoge r on b e· a good account of hlO'la olf before thoso ptobate r_ ,-' Pr~""dlnlYtI On II test, a bee WIlN toulld · (lo mpe I d \AI 1 II ~ .. BII1~ All '9 0 (\ :-C G, M" r vln, ........ Ia the D&IAoe ct BaJa K.ban. ' , ' ply. H Ilil d bUL 011 lite , but 10 & , fora . for Itu loved tho tbeatrlcal, 1 broD z d e vil s In Ulo , deserL Ulad I\.wny ~llPpi i oH f l.r j ll llll nci jl1ll tor $l4 ,55: t ent tA> 111111 n wp \;;ht :\On Ih\l llM grllatel tl'rmhw ti thc lI nnd til r to m:t k It I wblcb , Is lunnte In ILi l oriontalll, He 1 \\' Itll hIm, H e leur ed not for '<11th· J n thtlfllltllte of AI h o,·t U Rn nnett .J . l:l M ""'I ~ il UPI)l! lJfj f ':l r v" rlll U~ tba,n It s own. "E L g' lW-8uPllU , " e4 b{ cnmela by .... the" • art for til . O(1ual o r ut lasl the s Ix' !I v s whi ch de- Ir A to SlIte r Iho cIt" to th o s bl·lll. Iyn 's deatb . only hlK futu,r . ll'or llll v 1 F'<J nr tl I tiLl! I a'1" I ••a nn lunt ofUr fl rl' $fir. O 00 : M,I:! . n ~wlt lci \t,ni" " '" , lee 'IRee1 ~" t ..... ~ by !w1.aBIIa. Um~~th. LtJr 'of tbe Ilan- alood II t wc 11 hl m; lllld li b rty . Ing of r ee ds nnd til e boom ing of tom· doubtless hud li ed to rnbllll a . Th cy I lI )JprOv 0. ' of N ,lIhll Ulfl l Y OII:te l $7ij .i M'Hr 1\1' ...' 1 CIOloael a IlrieoDer ..... d Til brl gnu ds, haVing HIICC d pd In toms; to Im pro!lll upo n tltls uhrul y would not ktll Ka lllly n ao long as lh y F1r s G "n" 1\ OUl\t 10 t i' o B '}u ro of E rlu IIt,WTI , r " I,," .ll' r n n .... I0Il4 IlatblJD JtIlIe4. Ulelr l1\ utlny. b\'t hough t th ~ m ij IYilS 0 1 populaco. thllt b , Uu rb'l' Ru m, was n b eIJe ved sh o wa~ w orth a single ru· ildtul a !lf C lint 1I "Dnt.~, 111' III'~(>U , I... , t llll: i'~ on ~oloool ~ r l1Jlert:v $31I,'i' ll , UHlIr prl ~on TS, only to Ilnd tbnt thoy mnn of bls word. th a t ",be ll he ~et Qut 3)eo. Ilppr()v!'I d . ; 1.lmnle Whit" " r'!, r lll"\ " ,, r l, n h a ll vnpls h d. FnmUhl r wIth III ClIv e to acco m plish a th fng It wns ne Ilood ll mballll came In. rollowed by four In the ~"I~ll) "f B Hn nn\J E. Roaoh, ' Unl nu town h lp If> , 0 ; F. ,I . and , Its outlet, U) y otert ,d ngerly lu 011 f I i o.e done. H I f1rr lv lll wns gr eetf:' d wllh troops. who Sll\.Uolle d themsolves ' !It'c 1 ~> Ptl 1 Ii ilrsl II C() uut Itl li p I Hal l hl n ~n l l . fJloonlell l wOJrk 111 Pur8 11 11. Th y reaaol1ed ,tha t I ntl 0 a cbeers , bllt tb r , WIlS Illl upd n rlone ot each side ot the door. I)r.r~~cl. ~ UO/lrt. ll ' ''I~1l $ 2. mlln w,n~ worth tbrC'..o bB 8 ot TUP a. groa'Ua lhl~t Wall n t pl enfl ~nt to 1118 ","OUT OluJllllty~" two YQun~ p eol> 1l118ht Ilnlur~l)y bo keen eo.T,8. J)Q \l In hll\ 1) 'arl ho emrsod , "Walt. I' tlt,uj\d r II the colonel. Sud10 (,h I' u r "f HII' , Mrlte of .~-, OHA'PTt" XIII. wort b , t wice tis much. I),d lie81el 8, tor by t.b~B 1I011I\d6 ho I ne w tlU\t oll)y <\ellly be turlled' to tbt;) treepo"8. "Am J,.mlj~ M MlIlI IlJI . 1I'I(1rl,\~I'cl . Ill, til~ll , ' b alIill t1 gt;lrB. ttl y bad tasled blo.o d, tbe tro\Jl Willi lIllI, t',b e frot h and HCUm I your , kIng?" III found t o btl 101l0 lv l1fl DI1\lH o t: ~!' tfI. ;la~I'e ~l\lr. , . " Yes , mo.jos tyl" 'rhe four men sa- nef ti di~'trlulllt\')ll Ilcoorlhnl: t o p r o- ( The piela I&I1dl, Ute purple cUIf., , A. a1iout c:u.IIS~ 1)Tuco to tur~. j In- of Ule ' town . Th a i rOn heel ; Stl they . porti on of 0 alOl ~ tllCldn H, Sll ul B~IIIt.e, 1 , traDBlucent blue o(the ·beaven., atanliy he ro.l s d hI s rlO e, and pul1 e ~ 1 woul t\ brwe It In Pref re nee t (l h is laamed. ' I th "U.s r of till' e~ t ' te or) 'l'bedl~1'e , , I', l ('( I, Olllo! :~ , >, ,' n .. ... !lie pvup ' cl pl'lturel que tho triggor, The r Mult wa s en r I" II I fTl.end Ahlp, 0 , fnr ' 80100 , m y to trllP ] "Then I ol'der you to urreBt tbls mon n ~ m~ , 1 " r o ugh t 111" lI ~' .. ,, ).:r (1 t . r l , t! ftlo~ 1eJIlIatDi ud patioulatlng and pres. snup. Tile gun had not b een. loud d'l RaDlabuJ. t o h Id hi m up ill ridIcul e, Durlla Ram for tr nson against the A,m nn tln, M ocitlf e lJ,dt'oe"l!ec\ Ub1l8. ' ur "ill a;-.I o ~, , : l\f!: hln l; "I' " F \' Ar 8 ,hu 'l l l, on." ot th~ Il,xec u~"r,. . hll "'I," I{, ~houl(I IJ \Vltrn II\! tlll ' . U.!1! ! ", t. vour \bI.r a1Iw\ their chief made a pIcture He 8uotoh~d Ko.lhlyn's rlOe, but tbJ M. to smnsb hltn (l o wn (rom bls pe dCH t.o,l, pe rBoll ot your kiDg !" t i d e y 11 e d ' Js.nown b utl\.fjyotu ll se ll! I s, TIIe b rgan t()o. wasuseos , The troope rs stl red, dumfounded. reslgoed 1 '1 hllr] .... . 1lIJf>~ b aI~tnullO h n I'r ~, "II\U\ueert ~ IIII I Il\tI !l' l. l '· I Il!l'llt I on. ~t!I11D, ...... D6'f~ to fOTget . McCALL'S I. Ihl F.. hh... Oulde .ad Ho .... He wond r oa It lie .would find any IIr s t III the col onel, theo at Umballa. ~r~n..i!o;O ug l\ n o w aD 10 II 8UID ' :ttrtnlll ly Lo ' . o)f ~11""p l~ Ill' ~'t HeTt. "PaUeDoe. my ,little onea I" Bata the ex ul tantly a od be gan to 8warm up tbe ".plnl Helper or more .om .. than OlhCf mllUlne la Ihe W'ol"'ld. All the 111CII sO'le' the more of lboBe a.non ymoUJ! not 8 ra'" commalld It l" ) ~I", , ' II". It- I "w,n n lng ~,v , ·" loy Nil~' eb01'IIIc hi. wblte, strong teeth rug oct cllll:. 1I1'uce flung a s ld every moalh; .Ii'a den.btlu' .10nu th •• Hit,.. ru balla Inugh ed. The troopers d id R llbert- ~hntt R, Admr " 1)1!lID t'l ff , urA. It \I. n ,tn '~ dnty I. ll irm oolf , . 'W1I8t ...... more of a Bna rl than a gun and tu rne d his IItt oUon ' to II. )o.tlng to the InvIolable p rson ot Rn. te ln. and apc.elal dlpa rtnlc Qra 10 ~klD•• "ome dre .. maUol. faac, work. Itc.• tha. IIC h•la bouid r. Jistt w ay up tho chasm bad mubal. Won to h Im wbo laId Lh m not stir . V!l Ito lle n Rhllf.t o~ (1,1 dltteod"nt,s t o) ,,,.~I~t: by [lot ' lf h,.. p" r l _ Dr. ~ere 18 plenty 01 time." hou.,work and In e. moaey. Pritt. allly 10, '. , '- • '~I WLI ~11tI bronde r than about, oould he but put his h (u ld upon " An ," Ba ld tb e oolonol, "Thnt Is 0.11 Appllcut,lon I~ mRrtA to register tl \1' l{if1l~ '" N e w PI ~o"v l ' rl' I~ hUlled on &nice leaDed tofttd KalblYu. a yur••lIb ODe cch:bra.lcd McCaU OrcAI PI" Ifm fREE. \'i' or Oil ordina ry IOUO, He hlml He, Du rga Rant, h 16 Allaba. In I desIr e ~o kno lV , 1 am not a 'king. I to r , ~ I estul.e If! thi R o"us e uncl er ' Roiro t,lfllJ " lIu lY II I!I II r t:lI ld" r.lie " "au4 perfeotl1 Itm, 'uat · a.e YOU . . . . A .asTAL CAJtD ..OW '01 .j t: U he saw t,ha wr e lch s wlthlll the ho)!ow ot his hand. aDd t.hls day he "urn mer Iy II. Ilrls one r . Thareforetbos e t h El [errfl oM B~!lleDl. , I .Yllf1r <JrllKgi!ll . RIlY" h JtJ.IA to· ..... I beUeT. I 'c an reach the knot , \\'" 1• • raaa lentpl.~' 01 lIeCAt.L" ... (aAIt , .I: .Il ya r<l or so of tills spol, th llO J)us h nd would prov\! IL ' I , PI~P rs wulch you bring to Ole eaall t \VOl 1' 1 Ro~~. III! AdIUT. o f lh A Ill; " " , V _ L • ~~(J~;":aU.·8 " " * ..... rUM' UM 7OUJ' Iwltle. This tlQuabbUnB So h e pu t B rope a boll t the wal~t at luwfully be IIlgne d by me." The colo- t"ce of El lzB J . 1)1\9tM. (recel\~ e(l . .. II~LL'B '1 00.00 PriM 0 • • ,. .. e..r CIJUIICtI. . . tile , ftrI" ~ needed. They wUl the bould r , It ronred aud crasb ed AUr.tM~ , II ~ uaf Jl.tt8Dtlo~ to lie for. a fe w and bo,u nded, o.nd be fo r!! Il r enched Colonel Har , and led him tbrougb the nel turued hIs back to Um bBlln, BOught p l" jlltllf Vtl J D. Ro~", e~ Rl, ,ll1f" n . ' m IlCa11 co.. m Ie %46 ' . m SL. .... ''''' .. '. th e lBtllced window, and poer ed rorth. d lln ls Appl\o Mon f o r r~i~~~i()n~ ad It I Clan rM4 Signa they'll th, naHew-~W&t..81'11(!e ..bad-8 "T here arll WBYII," blazed tortb lUo of t,ltle to Illnds In tbt ll e8tMe I ~ IiID ..... .aIL ~ throAta ebo~ 0. m&le to 11.. Tb61l II tbl rd followed. ThIB clluBed a tarrille sl Ide ot rocks ' balla. m tlde. ~. j" "Dah! You black rooll" r epiled the In the estllt,A of Mnr y IC Molfor!" "'8111 It _ 1M free what ClIID and bo"lderB, and the brigands turned for their Uye B. colonel. \Vblle llng. "nave I not yet ~ d'OO(l!\@led t<nhstl tuted finnl aO()Oullt " " . . .~ " . t "Tbo.t w ill be about all fIX' the presI:onvlnced you that nU you ca n do Is 18 appro vecl. , '1IfIiOIia.... biictliDlnc 'to loee both Warren Common Pleas to knt mat Doo" waste your Ume in In '~hE' !llltil Ie o f WltIt "m Wilson . . . .. . . ~ 'nae I,-ht of her ent," enId Bruce . wipIng bls fore head. tortu rl ll g m(~ It will neithe r ope n my deo88 ~ erl, Ii ·oount of ~ orvl v tng IItHt. Busan ArllQIe! AflO\ l fll~ tratr\x. otc. a,4 ~ \0 Allaba by "Now if we enn make tho.t village we lips I'or compel ma.t o take 0. char acter n e rlil III appro ved. .... ~ all the m.I&er7 tp shall' be all rIght . Bn.1&. Khan's m en Aron.trang !I\cCrtI)' u~ ~ I , OIllUl Nt>. lI 563. , brush In my hnnd. If my dnughter is 10 til'l RlMe of WITl. I. !o\ ~ Joh .. ~ . . 1aa4 been eubjecte4. shook will not leavo with tlle enm IB Ull th ey ~.,.,..... wbIoh had held her up leaTn w hc,b r we are "CI\d or alive . It 'l dead. s o be It. At any ra t , s he Is nt deoe ~ P ll. Fll'~t. ijCOlll11lf, i~ ,l ll IU ' lVetl. 13" vlrtll" I" 110 " ... Ier nr .,,10. lIuly I""ued trom 8,,1 / ~ lIr ~, III ~ho "bfiVO .~III()II 1'1180 ... uti pr ese nt beyohd your , clutches. You Oo nrt fi ud . $420 ,18 In h lU.ds of I.., . . . . .i' . . .' ~PP1 w~b_ FOr abe will Qe a bo.reJ traIt, MIs8 Knt,bI YD, T e n !lie "lroot.. l . 1 will Q If~r ru. 611 lu. 1Jy 'l'fly uf ov erreache d )'Our~e l!. Hnd you hrougbt A<lmr d ue ~ui ll e~tlll,e , wbi oh 111' Is Imblll' nuel,ICln, un t im proUilsus 111 Oor"+in. ~ oat ber father - . It III weak. IliUea ove ~ S611d Is worlle tban 50 over b e r b ack it Is Qul~e possi ble I mi gh t orde~ed t·n dl Ht rl b ot.e 1I0oll rfli n g t.o W.. rren Oount)', OIlJo. ou .... ~ ' 1lD7 a4dltloill~t sutrerinK turf. I don't think we' ll Bee any more of thoSIl ruffian s," IIllvo s u rrend er od. Dul L nm done lu1/l", ' aturday, March 21tl,. A , D. 1915 ~ lSJl !it1lL 'II "Kiltblyn," she 80.1a. nOlv," . ,-rOIL -1DUBtD'l talk like that," Bald III 2 o'clock P. )1 .. 00 8Illd day , t h% UnwCommon Pleas Court AII I< inds of lug dll8Crlhod roal .,.Late to-wit: ~o,a'ft been In tltIbte 1' placll8 , "You r e fus,e to t.oll wh ore the fl ll. "We ll- Knlhlynl" New Suits. "~I~uatcd In Warron Cou llLy III Lhe SLAlo of .a.ia b If _ eBII 8!K ~ leave "Or, better sUIl. at h ome th ey a U groe blu< ke t 18 hidde n 1" OhJo. Oolng PIlJ'~ 0/ Sur,..,y 'N uOlbor..d aus . Boa rd o f EduQllti Qn (I f • U n Rp . 0 VIr((Jnta Military Laud. lJ"fIlnnJnl< iI~ a polut ~1'8I\1OiDe; 80 10IlII" one can ('Ie me KIL" "r dO." the roau luaulng from Wa;ulllIvll lo LO \\'11Tbey SUllied intA> e ach other's eyes, ··You re fuae to your pre- lal ~cbool l)1~trlllt \/11 •• Io hn \\ M 111 · In .... JMuI aad.lbcmI. tIlere's hope." mlngtoll, 8 1111 aa ft!llt from Lbe conler 0 / tho Uulo MIami Railroad . and running thoucu ford , tiS AndHor Ilnd ' 1' 1 B t:ito k BlO Il M and no wor(l l\ 'were Delldlld. 'rhus r ogath' e to OPIlIl the doore of the coward. Do whllt with Lho mh.ldlo ur wd Waynlllvllte anti. \\'11 Dlst,l' lot- AIi8e~lf() r InjuMtlon li nd mln~ton . , . . . J prolDllle obey you In 0.11 Quickly Youth ,(ll sca rds ~urdellfi! treasury TOO road Bouth GS JoS dllgl'tll'e 10:. 2 clia an,1 ~ ,', ' N9 Uuks to a polutr&nglug with Ule WC8~ 81do Thut he dId lIot take be r Into his ' "I do." equttllhle r alt ef . , 0/ ~n allny III ~ho TaWil ol OarwlB. 'l 'benco tho , IIlballo. opened the door, motionIng ...,. _ t ' .. far .. he could, and arms at once proved tbe ca liber R ao V~. Frfl.'lk ~i.~1e . dUllrooa E ono chain autl 30 links to Bon j" mln , Ii' ~1I':t·cs.';or to _ _ ~teJ1 11o "01'11, at cthe knot man. And J(nthl ),o r e Rp ot d , him to the troops t o pns 8 oat. He framed Bowv'lr. IDonll\' on ly Amo1l llt Thonce H. 3 2 d8l{1't\Ol W. 2 cltalu. aod 80 P. E. l:iHERWOOD tbe tbl' sh olld ' and urlously eyed this 1!li0l d "1500 'WIdl Jill ~ SUccBlle or (allure aid none tbe less tor bls ¢ont ro\. She ' lin k. to Il otono . tundlng aD foot from tho mld01 satd 1" ~~lo lliaUlI ltaJlrolld. 'l'}ou', ", un bendable man. Pre!lently h e would , ~ ~ aiatter: simply, he' dId I\ot kne w now, und .s,lui was c~rtalti Ulat l .R Il~ol)ll . V ll nd Hrv o r t V ii Frunk til" l,ar"lIt11 wlLh said .ro.lIl'Oad 'II, 67'1 dCl!rt.~ PostolCk", Waynesville, O. b nd. mb;altn smiled, '~ to "41. '"thoUt mailing a h er eYCB blld told hIm Il8 tmultly o.a I "'tIII t ~ "balu8 aDd &0 ' link. to U,e plllCOof bof:il" risoD, i l Jll flo ~ ln n , ,(\t,o . I<lnnln/! conLalnlng 0119 hall r>cI'O Btrlc L mo"".. 'oloncl Bohlb. 1 ilm not yet at t he 1IIJIIIatF ~e to ' avoid d eath. ' The any worde would hnve 40 n o; und s he Office l'hDI~' 77 HOlf~ PhDnt' The J oh n 'On ra P lo w ' 1') VB W . ore and being mllre I'OCtlnLly <\cscrlbl>ll by t110 _ .. . . . looa'.. 'then 'uother. fell loto h ili IjLrlde, s trnngely om bar· "Thle TIme I Am Pretendlrt9 to Be end of my r(~lIOul·ces ." an(l with tllls he B Sriook- "Inti .Io hn E W ood rey, r.,d colaw apprall",r In \U9n) as Lot ~\) mbor "0" In Joel W. JObDlIOb a adtlltilln 10 Lho vII· ,. . .1i1t1nr'e4 Ji~ banda cautiously. rlU! sod and nol a little fr ightened. The Your En omy." w ent out. clQslng th e door. , IMe pnr tners 118 SUllo k lIud Woodrtly, firm gms p at hI s hand DB h ere and 'flla t smile t rou bled the colonel. mon ey oll l y. InfIJIl::,t n=~' '~tl'OOL on tho Bond. of r8ll111 , "'NoWl" Ile "lIl1pe!'e4. r,ror,:rw II UarvoYJbll1'l! Roa(l, 011 tho WC8L . ~ ~- ber bantle two or three there be steadied he r ~eTlt n thrlll ot streets. 98 tho ancient Romans he I.tnCI Whl\t dG,\'lll1ry Wtlll the scou ndrel up to J~~:.?a~/~g" LI~~ ~lI8trl~, '~~~r:oif'..::t:,~ exquisite plOfl8ure Lbrou gh her. read Ilbou t did to tbe vllD Quls hed. He now ? Who.t could he p08Slb,l y dar .i' ~ aDd toim4 them free. . Real Estate Trtlnsfe rs l,ra l>crt,.. Lov e! She hlughell s ortl)' : IUl d ho blmsolf r ecogllh:cd Ule absurdIty at ,,\Le r , ns ho llllce d wearily to nnd , ~JlG'fI" . .1~ , Brnce. ''Hu""I'' Said real estate 10M beefl regularl)' apprnlsotl U eorge W. Byqrll et III to Il:ogel under 01'\1 r 01 tile (lour t .. ~ " aQOO ) TwO It, ~ a ~ matter for lIer to re- stopped and eY 'ld b er In 1\~ IOfllsbrnent. I o.ll Lheso things, but Ills aa.le ty lay 10 tTo, be so w tlom othlllg while nllp unU e,' ThoU."",1 dolioGlo and will not bo ..,h I for l\ltIs Graduate of OhiO ~I 'U' ''Wbllt 18 Itt" tb e fact thnL the popuLnce at In.rgil t h doo r , H e sloo ptld lind picked up 0. bert 8 eollt 37,60 oorOR In Fr,mklln Lbun two·LhII' ~~ , ' t 181if DllpreJsed vnl'uo, r towollllip f.120t) . ',I'e.1II8:0llllll , . "Nothing," 8bo anllw'1 cd, w ere locapablo or r eAsoning for tbom· no te. fo lded Eur ope nn tash lon . "Ab;'004 ,bl_ thos,e TUl?ee8 !" be mu ('( WALDRO . O. OIl. 1\I 0U I~. Dut IIba ' , wellt o~ with th e thou llh t flelvC!!; tb.ey snw only tbat whlob was m od nnd J s hail watch over you. Be 'mured" ~ ~ere'll lie a fine row In a Edwin 8 . Mlller , to' .lamAs l'IanIIherflf WurTOU COUII.Y, II. Langdell , £Jam' I Uoll AUya. Office at ' r e.1idence in F. Sher which hud provoked b er luu ghte r . visible to th6 eyo, patient. Thill ttm I n.m pretending ~te: Keep perfe.ctly sllll. ~nd qon lot No. In P urk .Pl"ce, lid On the palace ste ps he ba rangued to be your. en e my . and you must ,!-ct ,dltloD to 'he v t ll ~ge of II'rllonkltn$5~. HDrch 2" - 01, wisla 'thlI mo~~t OO'D161l follow me In- Love! DUlIg!lr all bout, uos n, b id.. wood's house •.Fourth Sll'eet. Stella ., F. BnrtfllblUger to ' G. W . t.;~ ~.1 have lett theIr KUDII den; misery In the . foreground , nod . the peo1)le, I)rals lng his deeds, 'He I~ecordlnsl y . A m ess e ngor ),tas ,a rrIved pe'r ltaps deuth b eyofl(l ; h er talll r baok , alone h nd gone Into the wilderness t rom !Jnlo. l,{h a J1- YOll r dnughter ~nd l\,n<1 MarjorIe F ox )0& No. 308 10 Telephonl' 28 Would Milk!! World Hllpple~. Every man s\l.Ould be eontente(l to ; t:':fioG a , bnl.Ve aDd ready inan, la ch a ins, tA> face ah a I( oew not what I nnd tacod a \\tb to TBnsom tbelr Inw- Brllce Sahib nr tl aUye, and, .more, on Lebanon, II. , mind niB own buslnasR.-Aesop . borrors, an d yet she eould lIallse by tul king. W by th eee bonds T Th e til e way to Allahn In n"tlve gulae. Be. Wayn'e sville. .,..,~~ Ohio T E ' BlIo ver A ll ftxeo ntor '0 Cb80~. ~ ti!.e waysIde o.l1a think of lovel klng bna shirked hIs <l uty; h bnd b - ot good cbellr . ltaDlabal." • "'1'011 oaIled ' me .John once." p , Bouve1' 55 norlls in ,Cl!latoreek "There wns somothlng," b e ID slsted: trayed bls tru~t; but In o rd r thnt Ibe And mballll, 8S b e lifted bls fruIt townahlp, $8U98.71, ' :"W~ then, .Jobn." ; a «boat of a !IIJiaU!j. f1JWn« aorou beT I~pa , Men "Th at wnao 't happy 1nu ghler , Wbat people should be no longer wltlloul 0 dJ ah at s upper, es pi ed anotber ot thos9 R"lp~ D, Met~r to ,W. W. ;/ Many people rely UllOn Ohambe1'. DR. J~ MILLER, head, tII18 man sb \lId becomo thf',l r s Inister warn~ngs. " De ware!" This ~ DOt ~eraI1t ~ttmental hi ~.e caused lU" Shurts uodlvlded ODe b"U · lntilre8t lalo'8 Cough Remedy l,m pUottly In "Some day I will t e ll you-If WB prisoner klns! b s hou ld 1) fqr ced to time he Bummon e(l bls entire bous&~ of tSeatJi. lo ·two traote In Bamilton township 0&8e8 of ooIds Rod oronp, Dnd It ~_ , aN nine of nel'" screamed live." , ' elin 1&.". for til 1r b t~ !'ment, \ Itb hold and threa toned deuth to eaCh 8J).d I!ever dl8appoln~8 ' ~bem Mrs : Ii: "Live ?" Then h~ loughed. oat th j) roy.tll HI !)liLLI , til e l,reRBUI')' a U ot them If they did not.lmmedlately $1. : . .eoNJui brtpn,?a. Ifr,y e to John g . RbolldflA 27X B. Tbomn8, LogRO!lPortlla,d , t writ~8: 1 olalm ODe· bas be\lRuse with·, And sbe was not ~I ow to r \lCogn l7.e could 1I0t 1.0 tolloh J. and' now the dlsoloBe to ··hlm ' the p erson who bo.d OtftctlriD ' In Clellroreelt townl!lIlp $1 , "f bave found ( )hum OO1'I&I,n'8 Cough N.&lonal soldl or ll sbould bt) PI.tll III fuU . pluced th fs notil under the ,fn11t dIsh. ~U\k ,Rldl, ,oat IIIJ'lIelp 1UI4 bralna.»ou would bave tbe Homeric Quality ot hts lau ghter, W.Il80n Ingersoll ,et 81 to Sarah Remedy 'to be the bllllt mf;ldloine tor " Klt, I arp goIng tA> get',you nnd your Fl'om the 8old 'lbout ontlle " ' lId They orl nge'~ and wept and wallee!, : ~ ~~ p~, the "ol!lef. , ,"Who . nothing oOl\ld be" got out of them. , De IOR"reoll 141 RoreR tn Bli1'lan town oo\dll Bnd orOllp I btl.v\! ev;er 'o8t-nl, -;J'~ aplnllt . the 1 oplu~ T Ha. father ou* of', a ll th'ls, 11'. but for onB hu~zo.ll s·. . !loud never lire of rE'commendlng It thing.'" Ahmed and La l In Kll, packed a way had seveJ'llIl floggOd on gelleral pm· ablp ,' l', " Ptal" > . ' , " -', " W. E . 'Dare "nd 'wlfe to F. D . ~ my nelgblloJ'und ftll!nds. I1I1\ge "ADd 'WhB.t 18 thilU" OU{IOUB In b e r in h eart or bo crow d, e.xcban ged clllle s. _ tim 'blow WU' .truc~ Instant. k.. TB A s lOomy 100118, Once' tbe army wall KallllJ'll I~nd Bruce returnet! " to. AI- lIotttobell 42 94 aOrtlR In WllIihlngtlln 11\ given It to ml"o1!ild,ren' when I, Oil elIt_ drew lila Qlfe ,and lung~ turn, , towliship 11. ' ' , . , s~tlerlng from qroup_ '"tid it hOB ~1:1l t ell you later." .And the re the UDlbIlUI\.'a. th y . roadJl )' understood laha w ithout mishap. Neither animal .~ the two n......t ,h,.\"-' .:' . . " .Ytu;, Vi Ue ' • . Leadlol' DeJaUd · Wm . 8 . Ungll' lIby to Fred Gnv Mve r .~atled to ~ive tbem prompt what wou ld f (. lIow : mbnUo. would vagnbo'nd moleated ,t hem: Wben ' ~errl'" ' matter Btood. ()ffice tD Ke~1! BldR. ,- Maln 8 ioJIar PlPI !)opl ,Come. I'ltshow Th e' JOU Tn y to the " mage prov'ed a.colalm blms It, IIn(l th o lrOO1)8 wou ld th y onrtvo d they immediately found lot No 97 in '\Pllrk Place Addition relief, For 8111e by all deale1''I. frigh tfully ('xhauatl ng. , Th two were back him . . m enos to 1\(:Qunlnt :R4mabat, who , with '0 FrllDkltn II. 111"/11I. .terl" , . ~iiiiii~._;;;;;iiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ia' M SOl'ry pli ght ' , \'b en they roncbed , '\" ' • < e b ay e a t h OUSllJl d gune un d t en Pundlta,. seJl, out tA> meet them. " ' ~I" J , BeDHon B. Bubbn'd to J,)hn A_ the "" ell. " th ~ "d d ' l t l " ' . 'I'M brlpncb d08\ld tn " 0\18.... mUll 8 o. nmmUD on, mul'TO 13K CO~TINl11llD WhUe Iota No. 1'70 snd lI7l ~n LebThe clUnol mon were ' overjoye d nt mured Lal S ln gb, .... tIaeIr Ie&aer iuuI' bor-e I~'m down IIonoo. $1.. the slgbt at th lll" " Perhnps Wll h nd bpst pre vnJl u}lon -,..~ , ' J , M, I!l"rnbtt:rt Stella F . Barsh Keep Busy. . For hou rs they hlld wal~d In 'drend. Ramnbp.! to strIk e at Qnoe. But walt. , ...... die ,-tth himl" , bll1'ger lots No. US aDd lU IIi "OCQupntlon le the Icytlie of. Ume,contempla.tlng Olght, '\\' h.lch ~ould take 'Tbe co' l anAI sahIb understo.nds. He , ~o.\" .... Bnloe. , anco $1~UO . ,. " . knows that II he Rlgns anythldg It will NIlIlOl ~ ()n . Ut • . " ~ rope ~111 hlB hands.. tlMl,. A. and EmmitM. Q,obinaod tllreoUy provo hi" ijootb wlUtrant. ~. XaUaIJ'a b, ~e arm. 'and, run. 1 tQ mogene til. Beaoh west balf of 10& Therll la BtllI an obst91!Ie ut UmbB'lIa'8 ... If:1IaliUDl, t.bey ptned th,e No. II in M01',rcnv. $1_ , .....,.. or UDObeCvea by feet. LIsten I" _ .............118. Fred W. Wood e' al 10 Elbar. Y/. Sadly Umball" recounted hi. nd&be etullDe4 l _ and ~roD8 par' of IQ& No, 11& V.6I1tu1' c..The da:IIahlOl' of ·the in J..eba I 1. Jcln8 aDd hlB frl enrl. the American IiIlDblm 10 the oa&e. N.n, the, tel'. were 4ea4. He, Umballa, bad IIJ'o M............• zoIn4 too late. o~ tile . . . . ottb Th. oolons1. mad wlth

By HA OL{) l AC G • 1

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bilk.. t







~ ",-c:ii.t.nma .


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Lf>veThis M..gazine



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.". 1MIOoaiI-.·.






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A-. '1 Chandler



Dr. J. A . McCoy, Veterlnarv







.. ..----



.• DENT,ST•••





D H.,E. HA


:' , ;.. wlO


-- ..






At R 8aonable R.-tea.

Two Mac"lnea. .8pr dieldTlre8 T&;Ibea and Accea8orles• Valyollrie 011 and Creases.


C." ._....


aIIaa& to Iwe l1m1laJla. th~,e~t;;; ......... ~I!


'1' I-I E

!\'1 I A ~1 I


People Sa,.' To U.

~'1 CMDO\ ea. We or aha' food "dlMll !IIO' ngree with Ole;" Our lavico to'


all of Lhem is to take

t ~eel£

. eR...--

As Writte~ by Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the . Neighb rhood

- ---' ...


----- - -·--:..----------·---4 Ir


.Dyspepsi.~ _ )Tablet

~onI ~ alter each meal. 250" box. . J . E. Ja nnoy.


. . -. J'\I~ I:IRUAR Y


24. 1915.



W. H. Madden &Co.

Beverll! froUl h el'e Llttende d the' Emellt Br'l<,l ullok III out I~glli u nner Born to Mr. and Mrs . Swayne. 'K. of lodge lit · Wayooll vllle, B Illego (v iMI 010116103. Peul'wl', n eo AIIDI\ Mllxwell 'll fino by 100111 nppl!olll.lo,'H. a~ thllY oanoot Wedue~ d8Y lJiglJ t, work III tho a." n k M II\~ Wilnml u ~ Ke l.~e~ ill allgb tly poond boy, rellcb I.b .. dl81'tillIOti l,ortlon of the of Knight !t nd 1\ ban q ue t, (lo llolo ded illl)Jrove~llitt-or " 10ll g !lll r OUS IIl nullY. 1'1)e last nll,nl»' r of t.h (l IRottl,e ~llr. 'l'ilore h! oul y one way io ollre UIO evellIng'" JI""lI s ur e~. It 1M Oil· M.rR . Alher t Drllke callell on 1.trll c u nr ~o wnl! 1;1 "on IUHt 'l'hu.Ruay tie .. rne8~ . nnd til" t. Is bv oOIlRti t.o Ot)d~d- h.v al l of ns tllll' Cr owu lodlle f\1 f) nt. Hll(,I.It, !=lIlIlIIIl Y Elfle r noo ll oVIl Ding by th o l~ ,t ter'", farully aDd tloDILI reJ1l11dlll8 1)11111 ne",.. iM 01m 8 ('11 ItIHlw jost h ow 1,0 mllke t b nir ViRi. Mrs . Bel,huny 'b fl no wA th III o111oh wntt w ell nt.tonuod . by an InBameel ooncii~loD ot tile mil. torM fel' l nl homo. im pruvud Mto r u 801'l001l lIWaHs. Mr. Geo, Mille, of Dtl yt OU, Is v is. I Bee tho "Llttle Hed 8obool CUWllioillg III the Enst'lobllln 'fube. Mrs. Earl Hooke l,t and dnu gH fl r MisllOH Lu lu. &l m s.; lIud ·Mlldred it log bls Miss Nllunie wuo hll baen houlle"suppllmted by the·Temple Wheo tbls tube Islufillmud yoo bave wera gues ts Suuday of .Mrs. J:l llck. PIUODtS, Mr. aut! Mrs. Ell Roa. Mol1ee, of Delln, 0., retu rned b otoo ve ry alok wUh grippe of l.earnlng. J S80 tho hon8e buill, 1\ rambling 80rmd or Imporfeot hear ett's ,., ....,....... .. .... w ........ 8nturdtly lIfter spending .. few days lng, and wh(ID It hi entlr"lv cl osoo, MO~. Edw!lr d H opkins !lnd fawlly, ot .. with every mJdorn ' hnllrOVftment, Uellfnll88 18 the relll1lt, and unlA88 with Mr. l1ucl Mrs W ftllie A ll en . H,rlg,lr, ArJ[un ~8, lire visiting reIn. Mrs. Mary McGee's h o08e oa u gbli with porf~ot 8!lultnttoD, II bo08e the InfillmmBtI 'n ellD be taken ont I1re Mill/l F lurAnoe f_ticy Rpeo t, 110 fe w t l ~Il!! Il er e . '1'bursclny nnll dllDllI g041 It to tbllt wll\ btl a !lafA ablll\ag plAOO for IInl\ tbl8 tube resl(,red to Its normnl quUe un extont bnl, It W/L8 f u lly coy. d ny/< IOll t we k wit h b or fr iood MillS Mrs. hla Uuo ke r 8 110l.'lt last !:lund.. y llIlIdls Rnsoll. with tho Morris fn\llily Roul,1l of ol1r oblldnlll : belllthfDI ounvenlllnl, Qondition, bourlng will ho dost,royed orf\.c\ by IlI ~ urnn co . f"rl\vllr: . nlnll OIlYllfl out of ton lirA Mr. ami MrR. Ir" BllrtRoc lr. ,. f A nunouorl,f p oo pilli n '"11 vlnillil.y r.o wn . bAIlIlMfnl.lUd reti~iul . U will h.L\t1l 0lln8011 by ()lttarr}l. whloh iH nnthln/( We have just received a carload of good Mr. Cltrol BILrnnrl (1111' l:Janlwnre ground. OlllllmOllloDtI for !!ohuoJ ho' .. n InJlI\Uled ounditlun of the Lawn VI(\W Avonno, Dllyt.o n, Ohio. 'U ll viOli ",>! or J,,,~rI P\lo . w . ro gUOlIl1! ovnr l:Iunl1"y lIf Mors . M r ~. ~~ 1II 1U1Io 'h e nc,Vi' t.b s jJont :jM mon htl" pnrchu8tlu u · Fortl unto J..ocust Fe~ce Po ts, gllrdeos lind "grloolturlll s~tldy. muOOUS Ijllrllice8. Bar/llook 'R Bis ler, MrB. MI~ry LJo vls, UfU llY nl l,;ht Il nu Su n uuy with MI AS Mrs . Albert Wrig ht, 01 ColnDllJn8' Wo Will Rtvn Ono Buudred Dollars au 'l'hA arohlt...ul.orll of tho hulldlng tbe A vonue. All ee 'h en oweUl ~ lLturd llY lind t:;ondliY wi t b SIlen t 8h,,11 bfl null Ibut it will ttjlflll k re for liny ollse of Defunes8 (oaOS!Kl by \1r. Bnll MrM. J. U. Grn y hitS purMr. nn d Mrs George Prlltt t>pout her flOU UbllE!. Bnd fmuily of this oatarrh) ~b8t ollnnot be onred by finolDent 1\ m} J(ood taste . bRII 's (..ntllrrh Ullra . Send for clr. Ohllo8e(l tbe proporty of Mr. and MrR. I:)nn d l1Y wi th thoir d nghtor. Mr a. p laoe, John Brown on Mliin 8troll ~. Ell wll rd Voo lum.! fnmily I)f R on te ·J. 'l'bo 10/.erallr lulorn mlln' will olln. 001 '1'11 fr eo. Uh AII Conn or a nd wife lind Illlugll. Mrlll. Konnedy hilS l>uroIJIIHllrl 'tha Mr. aou Mrll . J OSl' llh B nines (I n· ter, W 01Jll, ot,oll, ,;hl\s Browll tIIln only thllt whloh will llultivllte F .•I CllEJNEY & CO., 'rolo(lo, Ohio Anr .. l! Mllr ~ lIrot, I:)lJllrh IlrO),Orl.y O IJ t or t.llln (!(1 Mr F rllrl &1 wi n I\nrt fnm . ILnll fRmily, of WllyneKvill I', IIp,,nt Hold b.y Or o,U~ h,I. I4, 'ir,o. tho 6tl1,h utlo nMnrA at 11111 ohllr!. Tllk(l Hilli 'Il .Fllmily Pillll fl)r o\m· ~t,dn BtfElf't, Rlld will reJllllr i~ whioll Ily Hm l Mr. Borllce Myo rR 1Lt. rllnne r 'undlty with tll" lr m () til ur, Mrll (JIlO The &In'lul( or tho w,dlll, the ooloiBrown. will add r:rolltly to stroet . ~ Ilnrtn y . ~tlp"tlon. of ' tbe wood workj tbll wind w Mr, und Mrs .John altrtTIIltn , of Mr All~ItI () 111 ffivR n8 " tid famil y, .1JHd" •• the IlIlnglng ot t.ho ploturos. Wtlmmgt.1n , IIHen del! th o fnueml (J f of nellr Centervllio. Mu F"nllll: Mru' WI Ilia III Nedry I:lnnrlllY . t ilJ , ot Spring V'llIoy, we r e HIlUlII1 Y will 1111 he In ptlrf.!ot hurmouY,lIo Rav. Walker waa with us ~utldll Y, guosts of H. U. ()tLki n nn d ft~mlJ y Yoo will Hod t hBt Uhul1lborlllin'lI 'hilt nothing unp\ o" Hnnt will I)nter It blling hill time whloh Is avery two 'file l uilllOOO in thi ~ 8Eloti (ln iR ,II Congh Rem ely 11us r eoognill:oLl lid, luto ~ohonllifl). . wileks . Sn will begin lJtR ).Irotruot 801ft, WIll b E cle ll vf!rs Ll th (l f1rflt vllntlliles 0" f mo ~ t medicin!ll! In n.s e A Ii oum trion .lIld gRudy piotu re ~ l or co ug h s I\nd oo ld~. It does not ed meotin g h orl\ in tho vory n onr we kin Mllrol! . will b~ elilllln'lh"l. Only works 01 future. Uom B out Ilnd h ellr blm Mr . nnd Mrl< GIllrJ rn ltn E'lIis uud aU)lprees a OO:ogll bot 1008enll and tlln mliHLol'll will I. nd plftoe tbine, every opportunity. Eve ryhody I s d"n ~ hte r nu rl Jnllle~ Curtislln(1 fnm r eliov os It, It nids eX[leotorl\tion .. n][IOU8 ~ hear Billy Rnnr)I1Y lind 1\y a Lt.onueil the Cn uor .d of th olr Imll opoos th o seoretlon!!, which en . 110d th 8e will be nsed tor pDrl)OBe~ Rov. Wtllker Is the oommg Billy m othe r lind gnmd motber, Mrs . ~el. "bles t,be system to throw off II OOld. of IItndy Bud cult,uco. We, the memberll ot the Prohlbi Sooday. Be !!nle and hetH bim. lers whORe d .. a t h occnrred IL~ the It oounteruots any tendenoy at a lu ovary sohool thore wlll be n tlon State (Jen\ral and t:;I;Me Exeou. Mr. '\nd Mr8. Win. Ke 'soy I1nd hOUle of u dnl1 ~ht or in Wilmington oold to result in pneurooDil1. Itoon. well.p.qull>ped gymnllllloUl !lnll Bn tlvA Oommltl.ee8, 'he (Joonty ()h"lr. family, of OreltOnltl, were vltll t-ors last l!' rldILY· Mrs · 8 011111'11 WIl8 we ll I·a111l1 no opinm or otjler narootlo; tllltonsl ve pillyground wherll tho Snnday aUbe bOUle of Mr. ILnd Mrs. knowu· ln tlli H commo n lty Bnd liked /lnu mny b.e givon to II oltllel 1\8 con. by 1111. rhn rlil,lli vOR h nve our lIym. fidently tiS to an adult. For sale by (Ihll/lrAn WIll tonj'>Y Ibe bonoflts of U10n aod 01 her Prohlbltlonlstoll a8. Cblt@. ruoker . ~em hied io State Conferenoe reoog. Mrs. Ubas. D. Cook III quite slok lllit by in th olr 10 RB Intermont nt "II rIMier!! . tho IIf1.t pliyshllli ulinoal.ioo . . There nl~lng t.he divine 80nrce of all jUlit wl :lI the grip. Mhe III belug oured IhrvoYAhurj( ' un duy n ft.urn ooD, will he wl.le bllUM, wboro, to uraln!! Reckles8 ' Br-anc1 of Courage. gOVtlrnDlent, and rejololng In tbe for by ber 8111ter MtLrgaret BBrvey, Mr Al oor;; BeJke&t and faOllly o ! "wo.;t mll ;lo, lht! ohlldreD mlly Wo can't helll adm irin g the coufage recognltlun by the people of thn who i8 " nurse In Colombnp, U. Mr /Lo d MrH J C Bookott nnd Mr, mBroh Htld drill, lind whe re the olltioolll Importauoe ot tbe move. Prof. Wcst of oor high /loh ool has and Mr R. •l obu Allen lind dlinglltor of an old ma id who makes 0. Bultor ]/'1)11l ~ongtt un.1 (lHlIo.' lI '111111 find lin been oonfioed to bls room for ue ver. EVIL, w e rd l:Iund ny gllllSts of Mr/l' pr opos twice bororo accoptlng him, OIent to . Slionro Nlltlonal Probibi . <> AHbury I{ lll uud fnm lly nltbough al.e l!nowB he's ber last Im.porillot Ilhnl! 81 days with a bad 00111. · Bis oold ~ . chahce.":"'Ulrmlnghnm A g -Hernld. - - -.... - ....- - - 'l'h8 beAlth .It l' llt) ti IIlIl ivl.IOlll &tor., do bereby rellew our duvu\ioD .htUt developnd. tn 0 m~n81e.ql MfS \ Frllnk R illldnck hn8 h\ton Jiluneral Director ohlld will be '. "t:lIfnllv .;n rd ij,1 '" onr dilll.lnotive polltioal REA~L 'LIl!I I/lll1oil\l\ Bnd 1101ilre ol1r Inton. ~U\t.e Illok tor 1l0vor.J d IY8 (Iud hl'lr 13(1 wW l'tlllll' V". r.. tqno II tl J II.,,· m IHI 8'n d Everybolly who is I. JIIiolea w~th PR~VENT !ton l~ HIM~)O nntil vlotdry 11/1.-1\ annt, Mr". Wm t'l9 wI Ilocl, of Brouoh tb l l~' l lll(h IIltltirO ,I .\IId d-:'"tnl h. bu 1i(lI)h~ v6tl. We ulHkll the follow dill. ()blo 18 with hor, .RlI 011Illut~ slJl io nny f orm ~ bQuld by "CominR event!! cast t.belr IIhl1. Wayn~,ville, Ot-Io. 'I)nasion . Weltk., ""() dllho'ite -ohlt Inlt dl olltrllUollti rog.. r.tlln~ onr )1081 Mr. and Mrll. P. D. Cln!(!(e't and till m OIlDfI keo p n· bottle of Hlol1n'M dows beforo." 'l;h18 Is e8plolally Llnituent on h!\od. '1'.110 minnte you true of bilious IIttllok8. Your appe. Ii r,," w.•11 till VtI ~P'" I" I IlI,l.llI1I.1 UIl. I\orl tion on NII~i.'n8111lld State .. ffllire, two ohlldren arlived bt'rll from ROil Call an8~ered promptly day or night 1. Oor plorty, ~o IlI1 It.! hili lory , well, ~ew Mexloo. We Welollmo fop.1 p.Lin or 80r8UII89 In II . oint or t it.e will hll, YI'U ~i11 feel dull lind o,.e} F oh . ''' I ~ WIll Ill- \lrovldlltl for Both phones in 'Office and Residence. muscle, Onl·h e It with 1$10'11 '8 Lilli. Inllgnid . . If yon are Bubjeot to upon tho llrinolplea tbllt tbem baok Into oor mldMt. blls 8tood a llll t1numio .. III It! ren.- )1110 '1'6I\0hel • Long distanee,No. 14; Home pho~ Illlmltn rlgiltM .aro soperlor to all 'Mln Lilly Nodry dtal atl ubllence III Bnt. Do not rnb It ~lolln ' s pon b\llona I1ttlloks ttL \1:0 tbroe of Obam. 14-2r. other rigbts i lIud 'bot .,be weUllre of "overnl weeks hllrQ wil.b r el.. tive s e tra teR IIlm nst ' imrnell !uttlly ri ght t o bcrhlln's Tublet.~ 1111 Boon a8 thosll Chairs and one Coach furnished free )r Lbe ~OI)lllehould be the lIuJlremo rllturned t.o her ' hOUle In Corwin the of pHin, r e li evlog tbe bot, s ympto1Ds a)lPElb rand tbe attook with funerals. . t.onder, ~wollen fe eling R.nd mBkln~ Dluy bo wllrdad off. F~r eale by nil hlw BeSt of service guaranteed. "ll! .v" ..... 1 1; /oILIIIIJl-lrl"I,,',j '1'lIb :l. WO.ollllFge tbll~ the d •.)mluILol '1'neHiiay of IIlNt week .. tbo Jl/Lrt eaey an ~ comfort.n hie. dealerll, 1••• 10 rur ""v"r,,1 )'fIIlrM . Poople \Vho llOlitlo141 v..rlletl by 'lie llatIllagll I\od Frltnk Sb\(llk~r llurolllilled B finEl Ge~ It bottle of 101ln 'II Liniment for hit VII \11,,,11 them w.1I f..II. uUlhinl' ·th con'llIn~nce' f tbe Fedorlll LI. ~am of "ray geldlll1(8 of Clifford 21i 11 ut .. of lIoy dr nggis t lind ha ve It E. V. I;\AJ,(NHART, III",n 1'''\11 ,,·c, mmuu,l l.htH~ to DIY JOn"" U,IN "f 180~ hllvo no, only dl Bawk. Mr . t:;bldllker is buyiug Ull In the hO ll ~ e-Il R UiD !:!t Colds, l:iorCl nDd t:)wolJen .I o lnt.~ , Lumbugo Scl/Lli o III nnw.." "" II. \J bll,t ,"utlve and vlllltud tbelolllvc>rnmuut ot"the power _II tho (1'0011. borlles he can find Notary Public o '.rt) " .r I O1III<tlll" Ihlll I lJn nw to nrl'&erVO thtl \lubllo hellll,b lind Mr. Culvin BBrlao, ot EatQn, .fatb. OR nnn like IIl1montoli. Yonr mooey ... ..,., ........."' ...............- - - - - - - -........... For sale by J. E. Janney . 0'," wrh .." ~',.• nil I:lt,r(>ullle, Fruit- thl! pobllo morl\llI bot hllve mllde er of Fred Harlltu, . of nr /Ir b.~ra Is haok if not 8 utl~fieil , hnti! dOOM give .., IIto,l, I .. ,v". ~' ''I' /III I.. by nil dtllllllr~ Lhe Fedur/II (i"vernmellt the pro- with bit! scn, Mr. Bnrlnn 18 quito tllrlln~t in8 t~lDt r elief. Bny 1\ bottle ~=========== All kinds of Noaaty Work. PeuetoD FOR RENT Work a Hpeoi~lty·. . - - -___ 'notor of 'h8 liquor\1o. the de p lN rly. . to.(]llY. 8&royol' of till' publio hoaltb lind ebe Nenr ehcbty.elgJlt yea18 nllo tbero ARM; 120 lIoreB, mos\l:r level pobllo Ploral8, 'be very a«enov wlIH .b lrn CO JamoR and Lydia Nedry g(lod Inll(\, nellr Pleasaut PIRlo, whloll ball IntrDr!uol'd_ maUKDanC a son who Wal ullmed Wtlllam, be (WBrren Co) S. B. Rlokette. DI\Y. ul8c1H~e t.() o"utlllllinato the moral" had llvtI siller" anil two brotbor8 ton, Ohio. mB aod .puke til" I\IIle~y of Ilooio,y ltn. a\lll"vlng doputed tbll lite, leav Funeral Director. I Rill offer at publlo ale at DIy possible Ing iVllIlam ehe IR8t of tbo 'name, resldenoe on A . '1'. Gilpin attendod the fnoernl :I We doolltre thl\t nndor thlll bllt on ThurlldllY, ~ebroar:V 18\Il, Ulil Tel8phon~ day or . olabt. ' Friday, February 26, 1915 governmeDt partDerllhlp aUtI p.otoo- mElstlenl!or nf delltb VIMlted Il11)) ann 01 ilia cUll8lu . Tiles. Ander.un, lit . WANTED VaUe, phoDe No. '1. Loo. Belinnlng a"]O a. mot 'tbe follow. &Iou tbe orgl~nlMd IIDd legnllzed II. tOOl{ blm. and returned hili spirit to Censerville Wednesday IItternOOD . Dis"'~Ge No. 69-~r. IDg pro[lerty to. wit: Clyde Peno~, who h811 been aerlone· ~()lDr' MUIR "\lll ,11,)u!rbt M 'hould be qo r "ltmo bll8 Krown to t.e . tbe tbe one who gnvl! It He bnd spent Borse", CaUl8, Hogs. Corn, Hay, g1V8~1 to plllilullIl( ~be lrllrdelllJefOre "redollt evil th"t tho world hUll over bill wholA life tn t.hlH vicinity. Be Iy III "t 0EllflW.lre, WIlS Ilbls to be plIlO!! ~o. roiRe. tohaooo Imc] would . Automobile 8ervlce at aU · TIm_ · WI\SII ORrpautor by trada flUlI. fa I. brought bomo'fhn1'lIu a ,!, of IIlllt wllok. time to btll! \n prtlllllrlug tbll 1\011 for luow,n. IIkA . lIoll~e oorn 1-(1'''1111 ' ' if Oiltoll,-Farmlug Im~IODlent8. • Robt, Beokett. 4. We ohllrge &b .. t tbe BUUudo It for tIlnuy fllllT£!, be Wll8 III. ~e(,d.·· M,my (urnl !Juden .. mllY be ~I£B Ly(lh~ Jilun cy, 'of ()olnmbos, flllY ona bas B' phulIl fo~ I'O 'lt, 1I1"'I>le WAliNESVillE, OHIO ~ooe.t I .. bla dealings, which Ie; h om e on a visit \bnd to Durse g\ vo OlC .. ohflDce • Kre .. Uy Improved .by a hltl,; plap 01 Ibe pr6llent Ildmlnl'8&ratioo oDly II. Addrees WlIlI~m h.lm I!ought ufter by people 11 R)' fniD Od ab oulder. Illog by the rum br;ao8I1h.Jld at 'hil IU8erll'811 how' "good men" , mOBt be CUlllmllls, R 5. Waynesville, f2-l IJraDch Oftice. B."e1Ib~. 0. 1 w\lloller for ule .ot my relll_ • Itne t;IlCOllI!I! ot t,be IJ'Irdun r!tUBnll IUQeervton~ to tbe party th"e , ,,Ut8 wanting work done . Be lanve . MiSil AUlIlI;' !:Itlimoll return od Mon. donoe 00 Nor!.b Third lI~reet, /lAUer.otllry yield" .. nd Cull tlevalop. Lbem 10 power, Repreeentlng 'ft grandnbilnren, nlll('.(\8. nophews I\nd day fr om 1\ tell days' vl~it Ilt .:!'rankWaynesv.lle. 0., on Vafly wblch baa 61waV8 advooated 'rlonntl wbo will remembor blm . mont of oro\NI, wlt4 ~ouoin, oC 'IUle, lin. . FOR SALE Saturday, February 27, ' 1915 'pace, 16bo'r an/ money; Sehd for ..IGeoae ~br 'lIe Uovernmeot, eVlln Ou M.QI'1I1flY night. t,he Clvlo loogoe Mr. P try Rnmber t h.\11 r Qtnrned .-,. oat_lolrS 8.n malle up a . - l Illa<1er. OltoooS 08'raoiMe lhelr party 8I\vo" luncheon !lnd ' B 'n otlon ellie Beginniug at 12 :30, the following Ir('lIl II two mou'1l6! ~ I It with II If\,. lI ..l Try 110 few novelsles bnt lIIake iupgort. · . at town hall. 'I'he ·patroDB/:o Will' 1,lvf\A ,It 'l'ololl o and Wabilosh, Ind, bOll8ehold &ood!! : . Shll main part of tbe order 01 ...nCi Ii, We obu8e lb&t tlie present very lIberall\mlll gunl1ly amoont, or y Mare ooming 5 yoars old, I:)tOVOll, Bedll, ()bairll, T&blee, Mew. Ml'Il. Cba!! Ji;!Lrly ; .Jr ,Is recovetlng '. weight 1200. Also .)er8e, Cow Ing Maobine, Bog~y, and other arti. . ard vlrlll'\&'''. A ooruplekt plan 01 bta~'1:! Rightll calk by mell of the 100DIlY WI\3 taken In ',be 'gardeD IIbould· btl .8Dllbed 80mt'!' ()em~r ... ~io i>.-,sy I. ebe lir,,' dar. Sever,,1 from hAre ,dtendo'" till from It ~evll r IIttnok of tbo UlO!Jslell fre'MIl In Marcb. G. A. Rea; Roote elee .00 numerol18 SO mentloD. . . . ,. weekI bororll gudtin 0.,."ra"on8 lire ,nK In.canoe. of IIDoll ' talk while tbo mlO M~I!II At1n'L H orl11811 is s pending Ii, nellr Ferry. Mra. Dllines. preten!. parLy or "ny of I,. Plade. A. B. Sldlll! .Implement 81\Ie at, lhowotl k· 01; l-e hunon \V ,M1 W. l:I . John ""'UO. II II well \0 !lr6~ a plan or (lI!IIIIur. baa ~~ In ,WBY,nl\lIvl/lllt)aturrloy ,. Nowport. 'lie "."den oil wblob ,l.s Iho"n 'fie AN!> .; stook farlD ; l09 Rcrel. aloe Ur. John Antrllm and grnndl!on, lbaa&loo or eaoh lIin(1 ot vegemble. Rlalit8 calli hili! been ~h8 Illylng; W .. rren U'. ('3. ·E P"rt) Mr!! . 811gb Kesling' I~ abJe t? be opP<lIlI&lon pllrty waa, out of of near Wilmington. IItlended tbe frnlS, . or a 'IWer. , 00 nJqUtl8t tbe EaR1 termll 1:1. B. Rloketta, Day. We will :lifer at Publlo Aootlon Bl ont .. fter two niOnths' illness. and hall '-n Invariably forfanerftl of his ori n~in, Wm. Ne<}ry , JOIUeD"1 on ~rvloo, C)lllll'l!o 0' Ag rl tj'le 101; E ohoroh·ln WaTnOllvllle on ton, Oblo. mB . l lrll. l:I"rry Fry ontert-ninud tbe dorlng tho year. wblln &be SaturdIlY· · col'llrt!. ()olnmbllR, Oblo, :will mall Saturday. February '27, 1915 people hlloV~ , elooled 'be Ilarty &0 Mrs. '""urah ·t:;oill'rs wIdow of t\io LtldleR' Ald' ut the U. B. wltb a tpc OW-Fresh, Red Polled RtOJk. " bolllltin au. 11 fo gBrdeu . ' sewing one c11.Y lllRt wook Beslnnlng a~ 1 P. M. tho tallow • . pow~r,lI¥-vedurlDg 'be pre.lliltad. lOW J!tool.... &3lhu~, dl\ld In WilllllDg lorIntI'll of Burnott Bros., R, D . --. ina lo~ of Lumber: . ber alluKbter'i', Ur... , Mr. ,,,,el Mrs AID08 Bhl'em of 5, Wuynl;!sville, O. PhonlJ f>O-3, Intnlll&ra'loD .raUyintr · uuder 'hIs. \On r,ldll:? Framo Material, 0001'8, Flnl8bing lOS . Arter two years or, experiments oloak to proseot tho IUVlllilled drink CUll8 CurMs and Wll!! to. relit ip MlIlmlshurg were vi s\t'ing Mr. and Lomber, MQrtllr B!ld'" , Hllnd &reeJrl, the ..,billpplne governmenl IS about trl&lho. . '. the burying gronnd near hero Suu . Mrs. Oh~ 8. l11OmpMon W(>dnllsdl!'. A Y -Little Reel Clover Bay,olelln 09008008, 'rollUel, ploke; 8hovel8. A IUft SS mootlnK WIIS beJd WodDes. to t¥!gio practicalliVork in) plailtldg. , 6 We . pilldi e '!Ie people 'bat day. for Bille. 1~ql1lreorT1lRd Zlm boxea, step.slonBlland klndl1ng wood . h tr 11 t1 . . 1 d wborover .~be L'rohlhltliln P.rty III ,I Mr And Mr8 Alon1'll) Gooelwlll dllY nlgbt to oon8ld~lr pl .' nB for .ca"'D Or ees.a .o ver Ie 15 an s. pl"oed In puwer, wbll,r,erin villa.e,. who bave been oUlzens of ollr towo Il bOlllo coming tbls sommer I\nd mermlln , R. D. 4, Waynellvillo, Ohio. By ot!ler of ' ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!'!'!!!~ mS . .' \HolldlDg Committee. luw".hlp. oily, ','OOQDCy or llta~; it 80me tlult! movod to Clarksvillo (1111. ~i1lllb()I'lIh I~O drink &ramO therein, WOtlk . where I4r l-Ioodwin . 18 i'iORSE-A General Purp080 Maro ... tor Bille, family mare,any ODO ,,8 tar all It ii, "O&Ilble CO dOlln uodel Into ·bo. lneail. Tho ' property I will offer at' .rubUo 81lle lit my IIxlsthig _&llte .and ·nllilon~llaw8 . 118 tho ~eorge 8oroggy prop o(ln drive bor. In'quire of W: 1:$ 7, In. V.AW, of .o or prlnolpcle. 81 erty blls bl'en Bold. til Mr; Bod Mrs. Grllbllm, R. D. 5, Wayne8ville, Oblo, rosldeooe Yo mile Dortheast of Ly.tJe on the ·W. C. Cornell farm 00 bed i~ the f.ort'going ilelarlttl.<lD, WlIl1llm W11lI1lm8. . m3 .~m () one b1U! said that people wltb 'Thursday, March 4, 1915 In vie" of tlle fao' &hilt .fbr yean ,he Problbl'ion: 'Par.y Ed, Brown Willi visl'ing in Adftm, Chronlo Llvor Compllliot shonld be ORHEI:;-Several good pnBl, of Commel1oinM at 10 o'olook 'ho fol· 111,,,00 fol' .prohlbl,lve leA~I.'loD oonnLy lal!t wee' • . ahut ul' aWI1Y from bODlIlOlty, for all kinds, on hand for sale, cal 10wiD!J property co.wil: .. party tn pow~a: CO entorce Mrs. MI\I He Fluoh aud 800. R C, they Bre [)o8slmllite ao(i see througb and see 'h-em at D. R. S ,Usbury, Boises, o.Ule, BOgll, Cblokens, MQob.I~llIla"on IUI(1 : , Garner were !:inoday . guesS8 of Mn. a "gla88 dlA,kly ." Why? Because R. D. I, .\Vayuesvllle, Ohio. mS l!'arm(ug lmplementlt, Boallehold . ; "Tn 'Vlow ur f1&Ot tba' we I,m Cota Barritt. " , ·montal states depend u:p pn pilY81001 Goods 8'.te~.. Bilioosness, BEIIldaohOll. Dlz'\)('IIlDve ella. Is I,be ouly 1000!oal Bnli W'II ER SEED, Medluin Red. r3Termt8 made koowD 011 day of lIale. ZiDBIIS Rnd CODIl~lp"tion dl8llppellr etfeotlve lQe'~od()f. ' ~a'iol 'b!t oleane I·. For furtber loformfl. · L. ' 0 ., Cblle8. COUGH~NOW. lifter using Dr Klns'sNew Life ·PiIla lion 0611.00 C . E . Mlohener, R . D .. 4, ~'()DIIDI. ~IOU 0' .SbeJlquor .riiftloi 'liDd (). T. Hawke, Aunt· , ,be iao' tbafolllY. 'be . When yoa olltcb Cold, or begin to 260. at yO~lf prllggts~. W.aynes"lUe, Ohio. Telepbone 66.l!. W. E , O'N~l1, Clerk. OO~!!b, tbe'ata' thing to do lato ·take m' 3 . . ....---',:\ Dr . . Bell '" PfM ·Tar.Bonoy , It poD. 11111" .beliD our ' ·a.nilI, &lUI • • J I~.. r ellalEI8 'be ' ,lnlDg8 ',0( , 'he Tbro'llt A Legacy. nice ehoats. wt\l weigh about ~Qng.· and tlgbts tbe (18rOlS of 1200 pounds. I!lqlllre of O. L. "Johuatou has Inherltod a wondoUul of 'be" fl'O' tbllh leRe';. Dleea,.,. glvlnl( qulok relief lIod collection of art,. workll: antiques aDd Rlolla, R. D, 3. Wayn86vllle, Oblo.. IDK of Problb"lon orgllnllllll'lon..and . f24 . lIu'-' lia. alway . . ..eilufled ID "the natolral healing. "Oor wbole fam .l)rlc.a·brnc." . "From lin' IInceator who dllp8nd aD' PIDe Tar.80rley tor W08 n \:01l1101118eUr, 1- pr.e sume1" "'Not dh,ninn&I.,}D ,,'f Pruhlbltion IMIDtlmen thoro~blJred · Jereey . B.o ll for and . '.' ," CoDl!bl and OOidl," w'ritBl Mr. E e14OU>,. From' an unc.a who warf • eale. Be Ie a good ODe. and 06n -"'l'berefe>re, be " reeolved: ' That William.. ;.iamlltou, Ohio. it al. pawnbrokor." be . seen . at the bome of .. Samuel "e~ l'robt~l~iou wQrllerl\. ID oPnfe... ways belpll, 2~0 Ilt your ,Drogg.i et. ----~ ~~----.&nHb" R. D. 5, Waynesville. Ohio ..~ .. &nOB 8.em bled, do declare . , . ' f~' ':Thal onr prlll8nl When T ' lk 8.'01".. · '. . '. ·O ptlml.tlc ThOullht~ . . . ha. been 'lil,bl7 ellt'!ldve. . H08tes8-;-"People a~e" very dull to- TAB~E'-A fiDe library table, 1m. Cbtvall')l was founded Invariablr by • '\TIl.'~" rroblbltlon'~l''' 'm~'' lultibtll ' who ' were content all ' ~eb nlgbt. Adolph, : 1 ~1l}ly ;CIU;IJ 8~t them tUion mahogany. Va}1 at the be ke." aotlve au orgaol""OD, aiQal I\vel ' With theIr. banI! and annol' \IlI~ to talk,'· · Hn8t--"~IIl:Y ' Bometblnc. . Mr,e. Anna OIloIlID, MaiD 'be ilame'llDM as bllretotpre. W"7Deeville, OblO, f2~ deal'e8J."-.Todr., · . bread. . '~li)(' eveD ,r.cen_l aael dol" rarm"':"109, 129 and 8'· are demlutcit'cl Q8beoaUIII or 'be . mcli\I1 lev.el, Rood ground, fair . lIalol .l~' mad.... .. bDlIdIDaa, otrered low 00 q Diok I&le, "'1b.& .... ab-..I never l'tIOIIde ,,.om reuonabl. term& B. B. Bloke''''' ........'IIY I ,hta ih;aUloD !'al_ .~e nl,llft' or. Belbold B~ , n.,toD, O. m1'1 e1nlfllD!rel . .o ....10D. d~"rhfl •• VilCtlfllll.. l, II!PJJIC!tl aDd .. ... .... tOf .be nb.cmiblnra to $lUllloVtrIr. _ _lle. 8ea4 IIIio to tile





On Hands At All Times WI . . . . " " " " . . . . . . . . . . ", . . . . . . . . . . . . .


LOCUST FENCE POSTS $2.25 per 100 feet

- - --------



The finest car of Chestnut Posts Ever Brought to Town is Just in.

Vl'. H. Madden & Co.









OlaaaiHed .Ads


- ---------



' PU8L-=IC===S_A_L_ES -t---w-at~ter--MeClure





. rm.





- ....-----


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. -., STOP tHAT






------ .----_.--



Rainting, P~per , Haqing, Auto ~ and C~iage.· Painting.


3' .-



one oftbe ' tt

, 0Il10



fOR ACCIDENTS ! J . hn McGl ure and aughler. Irene. visiting: rdllth 6 S here Tu day,

~ -.

W til


t il til

Bo t ,.


' 00' S

our Home '

11\,')\ of I h rl <hll'r' ,r I hI' ;n:t tte \ ill lIn'vi' he'lI III or 'II";} hy t h(! illl ..u>it ·- ~u n.tlQ )· art 'rllOClII , rOlllan <'ill )ati I !II f'r~ : lml tt " tl"llllri nl'nl 5:{ohlltl'Hct Hnd g )iti b('a(lOO elwin. i f 4u erlt1 .'nltellc" " t t.h Nuti nal Fill\kr J)leasoe lwvc Ilt <.inztlUe uffice. b:dlfcalional ~llO<'lll tl ()lI is in d' :!ion ,.. . in that city durin~ thit! week. Amon~ ,

dl~lr ~sing

NJ~w G '()ODS





& Gibney after t hei r great Fire Sale I ar('Hutchison r (·t' i"ing th" Fine ' ARsortment· of REAVY·TO·

A. couple ilf accidents haJl p ned I''ridnv afternoon. bu I fnrtlmately '" il.h 11lt \·u. \lallY . , Mr,.. P. l~ I{ ",nl'kk nud dau ht r,! Mi ~ Uertha . wer., t.I riving (Jut lh Lytle T()ad . when their horse took frij!ht at a hOR lyi ng atl.he side of the road . Sand wh led IIround . Both latli s jumped and landed with little ! injurv, and but for the timely ussiR' , lance of Dr. Brock, who saw the nc cident. the horse might have run away. The front wheels were bro~en down com pletely, und the d octor had to bring the ludi back to town .. As 8arl alld Ernest Earnhart. accori'lpanied by Ethan Crane, were driving down the pike on their way fro m school. to the Elirnhart home. an nt. to ran into them from behind , and th rew t he ho r e. buggy and boys ~nto the barbed wi res along the road. Just beyond tho bend at the three briufes. The boys were badly fright· en l and received seVere bump8 and scratches. bu t were able to get out of the wreck. an'd went to the home of Mr. Brit Vice, \vhere they telephoned f or their father, Burton Earnhart , to co rn af ter them. as their buggy wa~ all broken to pieces The horse they wero driving WBR badly scratched with the barbed wire and bled pl'ofusely. It was a very f ortunate thing. considering the distance they were th rown, that the\' were not all ki lied. --...


WEAR GARMENT 'Y t offer' (1.


No Nnrrow Skirts

th prominen t coluc tors from all .M'!' , and Mrs. S\\'I.\IO P enewH.. nee Ginglla m Priut House Dresses .• 1.00 tip I art.> of Ihe ni t d ' States w~ a~ 1m .rY!II.xw:ell, of. n ar Bellbrook. Dn ,W e Relinquish Our in attenOjln(:1! l l hu gatherlOg, I~ 'IIr reJoIcing over 8'BOI1, born unda.y All Wa 'I Cashmer.e Dresses .. 5.75 up one in wh om the g(loti I> ople of F'ebr uhry 21. All Wool Suits . . . . . .. . .. ._. . '• .15 up \ a yn e~~l ll e will hI! i\l l 'rested ;\nd of Careful Superv isi·on Over Them , Rev. nnd Mrs. D. H. Palmer and whorn I h y mllY j ustl)! be proud as . . tSpring Coats . .... . ... ...... 5.00 up oile of the many II ys who arenutives children were guests of !'Ih. and IN ORD R TH AT Ti;tEY Mrs. Perry ThomllS. of near Bt!Il· Spring nderwear . ... .. . . " ·IDe up or our vl1la~e or itS vicinity and ' whose promin ncE' in the various brook, atlll'da)'. Middys .. .. . .. ... .... . .. . . . ," 1.00 up - - - "'-"'- - -. 1\ livili ' f life r flec credit on the May Reach You ' i 11 the Best Gond ition town In which their youthful years Petticoats Sllk . .. . .. . . . ... . $1.0() up were Pa5!ed. We refer to J . Frank. House ' Aprons . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c up U U (J lin Brown. J'h . D.. who was born , a short distance nor theast or our Aprons for ] resses. . . . . . . .. 75c up villag , an:, who is 1\ g-randson ofM r. Children's Dresses . . .. . . .... 50cup Ash r Brown, a fOl'lller resid ent of . Waynesville, nnd whORe rt'.sidenc CORSET ·-Nemo, for Stout Figures, slood on the spot now occupied by SPECIAL HIS WEEK American Lady, front and back lace. the home of Mr. W. H Allen, Pre~· ident of our National Bank . Tueiiday the Wayne Township. Gossard, nil styles, 1. & '. at.! up , Mr. Brown'd ear liest sehool years Clearcreek Township an,) Lytle Pie Peach Frolaset, fron t lace. were passed in the old Middle Run pedal chool Dis rie l:!. met in joint per can. ... . .. . r e i lar' 15c only school house. long since demol ished. session at SCQool H RII . in an effvrt to Rugs, Window Sharles and I,inolcum but which stood on a cornor of the comp r omi ~e disputed territory affec· . 11 kind f aps, 20 ' D .rt ea furm owned by Mr. Joseph W ting thes~ boards. The c unty board , will b e in. . , 3 for ,. . . . G f r .... . .. . .. Haines. His parents rEmoved. while was also present, and W. F. Eltzroth . he was about twelve yennl old to th e of Morrow. pr ided over the r1el ib Buy a Packl'g ' of B. B. corr e West. where he pursued his studies, erations of HIe meeting later attending and graduating f rom Ailer co;nsideruble diijcuasiol1 a college. A hi s lif<l work. he select- committee composed of J . O. Cart· ed t he ed ucational field nnd in this wright, Wa.yne, Cllrl Duke, Clear· WAYN ESVILLE OHIO XENIA he has 8 'hieved a well deserved creek and Wiluur. lark . Lytle. was OH IO national reputation. ije was, at one appointed and th ey went into exe::.u· time Professor of Educstion and In· tive session. After' a long discussion. spector of High Schools of the Uni · the co mm it(~ finally 8!,(reed to cer· -e _ vel'Sit-yof Iowa, and laler became tain lransfers. which will be ' taken a member of lhe facu lty of the up by the County Board to be ratified, Teacber' College of Columbia Uni· at thei r meetillg Ilturduy at Leb· versity, New York. of which institu· anon. tion Rev . Lyman Abbott is Presiden t At 2 o'clock Corwin Special met Emeritus He resigned this in 1913 with the Wayne Townshi p bourd. to assume a responsible po ition in and spent time in dis· On Thursday evening , February LIVE STOC ~< ANO OENERAL the editorial department of the cussing the centralization problem. The in~pet:tor said: g reat Macmillan company with whiCh Several of the Co rwin Board seemed ' 18th , MISS Janie Jones enlertllined AUCTIONEER is still connected . to look favorably upon the central· in honor of her eig hteenth birthday . "The Citizens· of Waynesville will "usc Milk o~ly from heMr. a number of her high school friends Brown is the author of twis ization plan . ,.! • educational works. "The Trainino The board have retained for thei r and a very pleasant evening was clean, healthy Cows that. are kept in. Sa~tary Barns, like of Teachers in Secondary Scho.)ls ig preliminary work the firm of Weber. spent in music and games. About Re AL ESTATE &: INSURANCE Germany and the United Statee,n .Werner & Adkins, of Cincinnati. who 10 o'clock a dainty lunch was served that of the Canning Company." and the second issued in 1914 I I will look after .their intertJ8ts from which consi.s ted of ice cream and cake, the birthday cake occopying "The American High School." Both nowon. books are accorded a high value A plan was discussed at this meet· the center of the table with eighteen among members of the teaching pro · ing to take quite a representatic-n to candles surrollndblg it. The col.,r . feesion and both are widely used in visit the centralized schools at Lees scheme, Dink and white WBS carried the higher in8tltu tions of learl)ing in Creek, High1and County . There will The gl1Cllts were Prof and all parts of ou r country. J . O. F. be at least fort.y automobiles make out in inviteLl all the decorations ------~ ._. -- -~the tdp. 'J:he idea is to take the MI'$, McLaugbl~n. ·Misses Hadley, men see the working of that McPherson, Elizabetb Chan~ler. 6pong• • school, which is bne of the fil,lest in Cecilia Snook, Edytha ·MaIlY, Edna Cornell, Alice Carey. ' Jeanette ·Jan · . , In the rl\lny SellBon the , wet, llnt the country . noy , Helene Hartsock, Olive Wilaou, jands of Ecuador produce a vllie,l Id· Elsie Gustin, Louella Janney, Lillian ing a fruit whJch, wheo dried. forms • Wilkerson, Mabel Salisbury, Eulrina a yegetablll spohge 'sald by some ver· Whitacre, Lucile Hormel. Reva fior· 8008 to be superior to anlwal spongel . Bessie E, daughter of Clint and mel, Anna Furnas. Opal Gray, Fran· H. M. Sherwood ·C. E. Servis Jessie McPherson was born N"l)vemc~ Squires, Lelia Thompson. Ivy Horns. cost money. ' Gives more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ bet 5, 1914. Only a short time were Sidenstricker, Mesars. Forrest Ridge, milk. Takes less ieCl(! and flltten these ypung parents permitted to Mit's Rena Smith spent Sunday Albert Cleaver, Howard Gustin, out better. Remove them by the keep thi8 precious little one. She with Mrs. Maber'l'erry. . . Chester Snook. Walter Squires, Van new' jmproved WBS stricken with pneumonia and M. M. an W. H . Terry were in Retalick, Harold Mills. Carl Frye. have installed the latest improved) after a few short hours of Buffering Elliot WrigM, Frank Smead. Eli on February ' 11. 1915 at the Ilieof Lebanon on Thursday. V·SHAPED DERORNER ' S~",ait Clipper Grinder. GUY B rannon and Will Smith spent Furnas, R08coe Furnas" Kenneth a months and 6 days God took this u couple KUbon, Orlan Tbompson, Clifford Df dllYs IWit week in Springlittle angel back t.o his fold leaving : Best of work ·done by Winston; Carl McClure, Ellis Smith, parents. baby ' brother, Harold and field, O. Barry Me redith, %!oort '· Jones, fond grandparents to follow. Mrs. Ollie Hagermye r and Lon Jerome Jones, Allred Jonl!!!. Brannon and · wife spent Silturday ..... afternoon ill Harveysburg. "The little crib is empty now, Air·Cool~d Pumping Engine, rebuilt an.d guaranteed same The little clothes laid by, Fred I:lmith and family will move .as new. Home Phone .686• •Centerville Exc• . Kit }i' ish ooly' . ·. . • . . . .. 48c- 'A mother'. hope, a father's joy, next week into the Lee Moor house In death's cold arms doth lie; on the Oregonia Hill. a Pounds Rio Coffee . . .. 47~ Go, little' pilgrim, to thy home Tohn 8ampky h88 moved from the On yonder'a.blissful shore: Fr. Roasted Peanuts a Ib IOe Clark Burgess farm to Bellmont, O. We miss thee here but soon ,will come . R. J . Murray spent several days Mrs. Anna E Clayton, mother of Where thou bast gone before" Dr. S. D. Clayton, former redident, See our' Jumbo MuiT PlIIlches last week in Mercer Co. her 'daughter in only • M. M, T,erry attended the A. B. died at the home , . 12y'c a pound CARD OF THA.N'KS . , Sides sale ill Waynesville on SaturJ Dayton last 'Week, and was buried In that city. .-this .· week we have !,ettuce' We desi re t o expreSl! our heartfelt ' day. . . 'New Florida Celery, Cran· Hopper Cooled . Hebuilt thanks to our neighbors and friends K:. E Tbo!"p~n who has beel) berries. J ~ rsey Sweets; Cab· Thornton Cain, of the Friends and guarantec!d. who !Io kindl y assisted U 3 in the,re· co.ntined to ~IS \jed for two. wee~ bage, Grapefruit, Oranges. cent HarrOW of our li ttle da rling baby ; WIth the gnp, does not Improve Home, who had al\ attack of paralyslR Lemons, Fancy Apples, Bel" last Wednesday 'evening, died Sat: to Mrs Murray for her consoling very fas t , 'muda Onions. . words and music rendered. for the This pillee has been well rc!pre· urday afternoon from ita effect. young latlies acting pall bearers and sented at the Beries of mt!etinp held Mr. Cain had lived at the home for Bring us ~our Eggs': Mr. McClure bnd son for the efficient at the M. E. church at Olive Branch several years, and his wife'died but ' Agents (or the Celebrated Ingeoo Gasolene and Coal a .few months ago, since that time management the funeral. the past two wet!Ks. Engines, AutoiQ.obile and General Machinpry he haa grieved greatly for her. It Clint McPherson and familly . The Mallsie 'fownship Sunday pays to trade at - - -'- - • schools Convi!lition ' will be held at was a fortunate thing for him that Repairing,-Gs80lines, -Oils and Accessories ' the Ziol,l Baptist c.hurch il:l Harveys· at this ~me his son, Mr. Harry Cain, of Broolilyn. N. Y., was here with· burg, Sundlay, l~e bruary ~. ' l!H5. bim. The body WBS taken to ,hili late Calvin \\"hitsker lind wife; have hom'e in Richmond. where the funeral moved back: to their " Old Kentuckv was held Monday afternoon, at 2 Home," , . ~ng~nes o'clock. • ,. Messrs. ' Henry and Frank Lucas Albert Helpmyer and Wife have spent Sunday with Amos Jackson traded their: Dayton properties for "Phone 105WAYNESYILLE, ·OHIO. Dorothy L.. dauglltl:ir' of and and family . . a fa rm in 'lnaiana. . . Mrs. Frank Havens, died at ber Barbed Wire C. E. 8el18on and family will move Mrs. John Morgan. of X(mio., ·spent bome in Greenfield, Ohio, Saturday ~~--~~-~~------~~----_ _ _....-J Sunday with 1:. M. Stephens and from Dayton to their farm here for· The funeral took·place at the home family . . merly known as the Hoblit or Help. of Mr. and Mrs. Ben James Monday GUARANTEED to heal 'Without teaT' Mr McMilIam. of cdarville. was myer farm .log a blemish , or MONEY RE1!'V'NDED. in town Saturday and bought Mr. . Miss ~[yr ~le aaTness 'spent Satur afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. D. H. Palmer officia.tinl{ Interment "Was 600 nnd 'l.OO sizes (or fres h wonnds, old, sore bocks andshoulde r8~nrn 8 Charles Gordon's horse and Samuel day and Su.n day at her home bere. made in Miami cemetery. Jackson took it to Cedarville for Mr. M. M. Terry· "'hlla a new draft ~!!!!!!~!!!'!~~~!!!'!~~~~~ .and bruillOll. 260 size (or Famtly \Ise. M,cMillam . horse. ~ ;; DR. ·COX'S. PAI!CLEIIS BLISTER Is pllinless !In\! gunrllotood ' to coro Davie Lucas .and family spent GUY Brannon will work lor Will SpIn-in, Ringbone. Curbi SWeenYI Splint, Sunday wi th Amos J aclloon and fam · Mooney thl!! Mummer, . Sam ' ~rowq PuffS\ or Iloy enlargem ent o{ . Dono or lIy. fo r his brother Ed. Vefnon Death· muse .e, or money relunded. Price 600. Mr. Prir.e and lady friend wereerage for Chaa .. Biigemver, 1 fOR SALt av AU. DRUGGISTS Sunday guests of Amos J a~kson Ilnd .Theodore Sroit!} will ..go back to family. old stamping $lrounda with · .Ed. We ' are sorry to 1000e Mr. l"rank Jeffery.. ~. Thompson and famil y. They will Wm. Kersey ,.nd family 'autoed to move to Mr, Sears' farm. Harveysburg on Sunday afternoon The. Warren County Te.cher's Roy Smith will move to Frank ~here they visiteq relatives. Association will hold .their regular Thompson's farm . --~- ••-'-.."...-session Satur~ny , f'ehruary 'l:1. '11l15. . Jack Jones.and family spent Sun· at the Natibnal ..Bank EW,ilding in day with Mr . .Glbson and family. IOn. m . . ALF 6f the food value of· your I nV'ocation \ com crop is in the Btalks, husks Dally Op.tlmlstlo ThoIJgh1. Music , ,. . ' . .' . and leaves. · Doo'twaatethese. LUV'I!:R Seed, Truth may lJe smothered but not u· "What Would You Do?" ........... . Tp~y. make milk ·and butter and beef bn, Inqntre ' of' FraDk Ward- .. r-~in. B W. Strohl, M~n, Ohio tingulshed. . for you and, put money hi your bank low, R. R. -1, .o r Flora ,Berrybtll,. hllures and Successes? ......... , •.• ~"TH1.N~~:~~es Sh~PJ1e~' feel better, trn.n · to finish t1~e if you presen:e them In an Wnyne8vllle,O; : . . mlO Prin. F. B. Itoggatt, Ple88IlI1t ANTIOCH NURSERY STOCK dB! s. t~ and arnve home with money in th , Plain Ohio . ' . .,. uRo11lld Table" .. ·Led by G. H. Gerke wallet. You ca~ that by trading h~re. · _ . AuthorIzed. . New Antioch Nurllery Stock, all. l ip. m. The AmericaD Kennel club oomOl kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees out st,rong l1((a1/1l1t. lI\utllated ~Oge; Buainess BOld and delivered at 'Corwin, Har· whereas. whlll ~ald Herford? Mlj.n TUMBLERS 'while th~y last, . . Music • . The from llarn and feeding pens veY8burg and 1>!ew Burlington. loves ' the. dClg ~Q8nlle be'll 8taf and The Teaching ot AgriQlIlture in' the will gG 'bal:k ·iDto JOUI' 8011 to make bjga..~ per. ~ozen ; -at; .... : .•....... :... . .. .. ... . flezt ·ear. . .Guaranteed to be true to name and list en to hIli ' jolle, 1111 dlfl tile dOl Public Scbools ... Prin: W. P. Vim· first class. 1, N. Miller,'. ~e bide SOo I. Diade of the best .110 dervort, Morrow. Ohio > loves man beeall8e he 8hears bta ~t EASTER BASKETS assortment ,mateiiala aDd ottly the best. Bvery seam 18 Pqon~ 33-2U. . .and ollps b'l s ~u and oare."" Pbtla. Il'b'e Ntlw Basis of Geography , ..... each , .. : ~ ~r-.tight. ~very joi.u t I. ~de ,with our .. ......... Couri~y. Supt, Fletcher Hawk. Leb· . delphia Led!:er. , . .,..... t wlC-4Iial.~. ...,. ot_I. 1IIIIrked , ' . 'anQn, Ohio . •••<I •.,.ub I<! lie II luI<! Ita Dn>perplace. y"" EASTER CHtJRCH AND ,HOUSE COJI enc:t .....d ..... ,8110 ~ qalckl,·onMt It wID , IS,READV FOR SALE DATES Comel Get ou ... of the "Rut." _ ......... ,..tldaclJalj ror. III~ Doa't Assortment. each .. , . '.................. . u.. Pti..,. w. ~ _ .. It 80 thai .roll as ODe of the P~ve, Wid.. _will "",. .... l1li _ _ t olllse . ... . lt _ _ _ _ fi..... awake and Up-to,date t.lchen of Jesse Stanley, who haa jUlt graduSALTED PEANUTS, the kind that call ...... or d""l' _ A lIao . W. haw. PI'CIIIQI&o ated from the- Jones Au~tioneerinll ( Ylamm. Count». ,J,_ ~ tllalllal ,"11100): IDiPU- load to.- ' ~tes like more, the ~ lb ........ , • '.... . School at Chicago. is I\om, and is F. C. WIIIIODr Ex. Com . . C. A. . ready for "'e datell. it would be H. . CHARL••· D. COOK well to Bee him, 88 he baa some new Idea hi the auctioneerhur line. 01' I.



L!.~;.~!.~:=..!~!..::~!.J 8C h-50 C·



H\ltchison & Gibney

.. - ---







W. N. Sears


Waynesville, Ohio

Sold at White's Store



,DeHorn Your Cattle

Waynesville Auto &Mactiinery CO.

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HP Engine






arid Engine.Supplies


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caJI bfm~ 146 mutualI ~0b10.

plio.... New -v









........... ,



Ino, WED

Sixty-Seventh Year

' t ' f -¥N --·· ' c -n . hJWAYNESVlL ' DedIca IOn 0 . ew, nrc







Services Held Th~ee rimes During The Day.·-Large Congregations.

'I: NOTABLE MINISTERS Of THE M. E. CHURCH HERE A R d Letter Day for Melllodists- Dedication of lhe New

q1Urcb a

Never-To-Be-Forgotten Evcllt- A La r g e

Amount of Money Was Raised During the Day to Pay Off Indcbtedncss..,.....Bishop Anderson a Power in the Methodist Church.

SDAY MARCH 3, 1915

Dr. Coudon has appoin ted MiS:!

Allen Jones, \ 'ho fl as had ch ' r j.{A

The X nia ,ilzelle u1 MOtld ay has

Ann ~ Elli~. Meredit h • . one of the of the Pennsylva~lia railroad station un ae Ilun CJf the elo)lcOIlln t f Miss En~hs h crltlcs?f the High. SchoolA. here fOI several m?nths. has ~een Ch ri stel Haille.~.'·oltl daugh-

Whole Number S3U£)

Notes Fromr---Dedieatio.. . . -.:. One Man Was Present Who Saw Old Church Dedicated f

to fill .th plac~ In the 90uncil vacated , t~nn~ferr<;tl to Carrol, ,streeLstallon. te r of 1r. and Mrs. A.ll cn Haines. by ~I SS Harr'~tt R ray.lor. Cincinnati. whel'e he Will take cl!ar ge. I he told her pa/,ents she int ended to MISS Meredith. who IS Ii me!ll ber , Barl.on, Kelly. who has be~ n . In Lt~ take dinnel' with a fri enel in town. ~f thfl Thr~e Ar ts Club and ac tive In c~shler s department. at CInCHlnaLL uut in!lteaci Qh llIet Mr. Crampton hterary Ci rc les, has' .many warm jwllI take ~harge: h. I'e. Mr .. Kelly Lotc. and took a cllr f ~ r Dayton, hearts among th.e . p upils as w n. as needs 110 • introductIOn as he 18 wei.' going to Cincinnati. Th ey we re teachers. who reJolw 10 he ~ a I?JlolII~- Iwown .. Ill S I?llrent • .t he lale LeVI married a t Newpo rt. Ky . !:;aturday ment-"Sohool Index, " ClOrlnna~1. {(ell y and Wife. ~aV:lI1g. s pent the afternoon. . - - -. - . J:rrcnter partof thei r hves In Waynes· l 'he couph~ returned home. unday, Vil l e . . and are at present at the bride's rhe m,any fnends of Mr . an(l Mrs. pa.renls. Mrs . Lott i y,oell k nown Suuday Jones wll.1 he son'Y ~o sce Lh '111 leal' here. both her futher and mother H a ndso me C fltlrd l Was F ilkd nl Every Scrv ic WayneSVIlle. ~nd ~Ish for th em .the having spent their younger days in E ve 11ing Mall Y I lad to : lu11d p - Thc Soci tics of the best of luck ItI tl~r new IOl'u tlO n. Waynesvill~, and hor many f riends Chur h ]\ 1akc 1,<1 rgc 1'1L'dgC's to b R.l'lkcl11cd Wit h ill the U U I were surprt >ed to hear of her elope.


RECEIVED PORTO "AN "URIOS RI _ . . . .REVIVAL SERVICES ment and marria g e . _ Of~~~;;'1 ~~l~l!:m~~~n:9 M~s~eff~r! AT ' M E CHURCH I ORTHODOX CHURCH McComas. who has recently reo

Next Two Yl'nrs- Thl' Deuica lory Exereisl's.

~I m;jc

a 1 h:asill~ Fealure of Ute

. JUs!. At 2 o'clock the large church was first sermon preached . That same In the year 1808 a little band ot sertts "The Agony in the Garden of tnrned from Porto Rico. I • again filled attend the Sunday· Y!l8r in the fall there was a large re- . Methodisls in a little log cabin jUAt Ge~bsemnne.': and tbe one on the The knife, fork and spoons are _ __ . . . .' ThIrd street Side represents the Good carved out of wood by the .nativ • S d S h I fI"O G school 8e&ion . In the ausence of vlval conducted by J.. J. HIli amI a two miles south of WaynesVille. met hepherd. The Buveral wl'ndows in ' f h . ., M J ' I . .I . un ay c 00 ":,, a m ·. eo. ' . d M ' M R , . man by th e name of Boullher; ther e " 'not or t elr own use. rs . {viva ser vlc~;s wll co mmence at Mi lls, Supt Preaching at 10:30 a . t h e Rupermten ent. r. C. . Ou' were about 50 additions to the unday, m . by Pastor and in th e e vening at and formed the nucleus of a church. ~uditoriunl wJll admit of much McCQrnas savs, " uut for sale." the new M. E,. ;hurch itzer acted in her plll~e. and a fter a church. Th e church was built on This cburch grew in the community, daylight and ho.wever dark the .day '''They eat with their fingers . sitting ~ a l·c.h 7 t h. Rev. Sweat. of Fr~nk. 7:15 p. m. Everybod y invited . few brief remark s. a hym n was su ng the sight where t he new structure and as the country became populated may be there Will be. ple'!ty of IIgbt sn the floor,around the vessel their 1m WIll be h re and do the preachmg. Mary E. ~artin. Pastor followed by a praye r by Rev. J . F. now stand s and was used. continuall Y ore aDd mOle they moved the to enable UIe .con!!,reg!,tion to see food is cooked m ." Rev. McDn.niels, also of Frank lin. • _ ..._ __ , • The electric hghtlllg' 18 also .vpry There is al80 a doll. a fac simile of will lead the s inging: Everybody is Cadwallader r ec Lor of S t. Mary' s. . from 1840 to 1914 when It was torn • down to make room for the new one ureh toward th ~ town: and In .~829 Jllea\!ing ~n~ there. are !lnough .hgbts a Porto Rkan housemaid. invited to these services very even. Supt. Nich ols . of the Corwin flChool A solo by Master Ro,(er Turner , of just completed. having stood there the first ehuTch was bUIlt on Water In the buddmg to light It 8uffi~len~ly. Mrs. Coleman is justly proud of ing . Come (,ut a nd' belp us for th e was called to Urbana this week on .treat. This was used for several After the date for the de<hcatioD her collection. salvation of soul s. account of the death 01 a relative. Bellbrook, "A Perfect Day" accom· as a monument to MethodillDl, tor 74 panied by his mother, was one of the years, and the old bell pealed forth yeal'll and later the old !'Broadhorn" of ~be lIew chur~h W8B IUlnounced. , . . . whIch waa to be on February 28th. many good things of the day. He every Sabbath. waa built.' Then In 1840 a church the church was hurried to its com. ' Respectfully. t 'f u I con t ra I h as a cIear •.b eaul Ministers Prominent in M. E. Church Dedication Services to VOIce, 8 . b:. Lippincott. waa erected 00 the present site. pletioD, and everything was added remarkable In one so young. • _ ••_ __ Thill church was remodeled. in 1869 In order to have It ready for the As the time was well taken up the • _ _ _ .•••.•. _ • _ _ • aDd stood thus until last March opening. Program, weI e issued and , dl'nt to the friends -and patrons of study of the lesson was omitted whe~ it .wa~ demoll8h~, and the the church, a: ,d Sunday saw the cui. culminatIOn IS the ooauuful one that mination oJ the weeks of hard The Jann ey Sisters. Louella and J eannett e. uccompan,ied by Fran~es waa dediCllt~ SundiJ.y.· • ·thought and labor. ' Janney. sang a beautIful duel. which . Aftttr a great deal of discuasion was greally enjoyed . - - - _._ .••. - - _. - . and pr.yeff\lI consideration, the THE OLD BELL PEALED . Rev J . A. Story, D.O., made an address fo~ the sellool and wilS well Gordon Joy WI\.'J in Cincinnati last m"mbel'8 o~ the chuteh decided last IN~ITAJION ... TO CHURCH recei~ed. His addre~ was full of week. J4'8r to erect a new church, and IICthou~ht6 that ten<)ed to make the' ..u . For the·tll'8t limn in ten montlls, Ernest Rogers.was a Dayton vi.itor up to the standard corningly on the lut week in March. the old familiar tone of tbe Metho. and to hold it there. He told of MondAY. ' ' '1!'14, the lost &ervicell were held in diRt church bell; which hM called in several new ideas that the Sundayihe old church that hKd I\hellered for its time many hundrerls of worship· schools might profit by if they adopt A fine line. of wall·paper at J. E. ulmost a century a grent number of pers, ranlr out 011 the clear. cold air. them His addreas. though sbort Janneys. I[OOd people and almost simUltaneously the people was fine. l'h& building commit tee Ilf the new began to till the new edifice. By J . V. Hartsock is visiting in Inchurch immedia'tely started on thl'h 9:45 the church, lUI well as the Sun· GR.EETINGS FROM FORMER diana this week. plallllfor il.!! ereciion, and in a sharI day ·school .rooms and the a:alle~, time proceeded to work . The room. Wa.~ tilled wllh.Pe<Jple. As the Btrama . PASTORS WERE R.EAD C. M. Robitzer was a visitor in the mittee. were pushen, and but for. of the P.'ocellSlonal. filled the church Queen City Friday. ,hort timl', on' aceount of a few ob- the 'Chp,r marched 10 and ~k their Mr. F. C. Gilmour read the greet• . etacle&, the work went f'Bp kJl1 Illp. placllII. and the fi~t I!erVlce oJ , the ingsfrom former paIItOI'lt. Sever~1 Dr. Dill, Osteopath. Hai~ea Bldg . ward .. The memb.!rs of the chure'b new church J)6~. . of tbe former pastors had made the~r Tuesday and Friday mornings. Rev. J. A. Story, Districtl!'upt. gave not only of their m\!llJls but be . Rev. Grauser .anno.unced !-he first arrangements to be present at thiS their time 'lIS well. ~u.d .a great <It'al hymn. and th~ .I .. gcongr~atlOn took time, but were finally detained at Miss Clara Hawke was the guest of the work WB8 given free gratis up the hymn Wll~ the chOir and filled home. Greetings from Rev . W. l<~. of friends in Morrow last week, and chellrfully, thus making the th.- church ~ltlJ. . harmon:r. Qr. Coffman, wbo is lit Tippecanoe . buildin~ d thtl edifico a work of lovl' J . A. Slnry, DIstrIct Supef!ntend City. Rev. ,G. P. Austin. who i8 at If you want a good ' Fertilize!'-l!&H--~ and self sacrifice. . ~nt. made a prayer. after whIch the New Vienna. Rev. Edward Burdsall, Chas. Frye, phone 491- L 28-.. . chOIr sang an anthem, "Oh That Men who is at Batavia. Rev. C. L. Conger, Would , Prable the Lurd," Hespon. who is at West Unity. an ne su rMary-Hawke, of Lebanon-, - -AN ARRRF:VIATED sivereading after which Rev . D H. intendent of the Sunday·school, spent Sunday with ber mother he~. DESCRIPTION OF CHURCH ('alriler. of the Christian chIJl'f'h. read MI'8. Isadora Ward, who is at the tile scripture le8!IOn. Miss Sybil present time in California. were Mr. and M1'8. Walter Chandler, of The cbu~cll is- n ftne one and itl! Hawke. whose voice is alway. so read. Tlie letters were all very in- Dayton, spent Sunday with relatives architecture ill of 'he I.teet dPllign pleufting to he r home people. sang teresting, and all expressed their bere. 'A look at .h".hul( tone will show ilil • beautiful solo, "The Lord i8 My regret at not being able .t o be here at this t.lme: Word was also received St. Mary's Guild will meet with BY{hme1/Y ana beauty far better than Sliephe~d." • any WOld" can dl'8crib'e It. The in . ..Rev Grauaer next IIItroduced from severa: others. expressing their Mrs. W. H. Allen on Thursday afterterior.;s built lor convenience . and BIshop Wm: F. Ande"!l0n. D. D , regrets at not being able to be here m,on. utiliQ' . The main auditorium Rn~ ·Lt... D, who took for hiS text the for the day. . Bishop Wm. F. Anderson O.D., LL.D. the~unday.8ChQOI room I! can be sec~nd c."apter of A~tR, and' he 47th At this juncture the bishop again Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and thrown into oJle, thua making tbe verse. '. '~nd the Lord added to th:; made the plea for mtlney to finish daughter visited relatives in Xenia (,ut what was left from th .. morning Sunday. . ,whole ehUI'.ch 80 that evel) when it'ls . c"'urc~ dlUly such asaho~ld be 88V~. THE ACTIVE "'EMBERS crowded every thing going on can fh.e blsbop star.t ed on hl~ thetJIe by - $138. To theeurprise of all prescnt RESPONSIBLE FOR CHURCH I be heard and aeen from any part of uSlog the .pbrase that the .church . only thi8 amount was rai!ed but Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Grabam moved the house. sho~ld be likened to a~ e,"gln~""'an about $400 extra was added to the to town Mondav and will occupy the There is much that cannot b saitl The cblJrch auditorium will seat e~glne of progress. hhkm~ Itself list. Thus for the two services of Keya property on it'ifth street. ,about ~ ' ,Peraon'tl, and I, placed WIth the ptoOple and m~.kmg , in relrard to the bUilding of'the n w church on IIccoun of lack of sllace. diqomdly, with the pulpit QII the chur~h a power for good i.n the com· aoutb si<t41. '1'1\1' Chojl' loft is on the mllntty. and for . the 88V1ng of the But there are a few things we must Rev. Clarence 5, Grauser, Pastor plat10rm with tpe pulpit, ,and will lives o~ men • . B.19 IlermOIl ~ flllJ find space for ~n the first piacil seat about 25, . The flopr of the of mls~lonary. SPIrit, tImes he there was the buil~ing commi ttee. compO/led Of Rev. Grauser, M lIll rs. C. T. Hawke' C M. RlYbitzer, Wlllter aud otle in whit\h th v can say we Q[ tho larger cl asses, Lh ey fe lt the McClure. SamL Meredith and Charlc g U V ' thfl " li on's sha re. " They have ! same responsibilily devolved upon Cornell . Ellch one of these gentle· wo~ k ed ha rd and arne.qtly. nev r them as upon th e oLllet's. and they men deserve a great dear of crerlit /lag ging for a momen t. and nothing did some creditable work . To the g eneral public, too, who tor th~ time and money spent in i.:8 was too g reat fo r them to IlLte mpt. The Wesl ey class of young mC'n g a ve liberally to the erection. Mr. Hawkl3 has worked all summer every da.y. and wa!: a gen- have al~o done work that is very many big donations coming eral ovllrseer ' on the job '1'0 him creditnbl e. Th ey have raised a great I members of other churches. was given the credit of ringing the d eRI of money in on way and anoth· members of the congregation first hell 011 the new church. II dif<' er lha has helped along in the work. publ ic fe.el that anv The Other clllSlles of til<-' 'undll¥- the beauty and II titlction which be iii very proud of. Next' in order comes the Dorcas school we re not lacking in ' enter· village was to be assisted 'a8 R(\cl tltv o·t the ch~lrch Thll women prise and hard worl!. too. Although. as possible and judging from the rertainly have 11 mbnu'ment standing perhnp!I. uleir work did not come up 'lection of Sunday they responded nalin lhe hillthllY are not · a~hllmed of. to ~oJll\rs and (!(;'nts B'J high as 80me bly.









-=========~~~= -~~==-.-===========~==========================-


YOUligellt great-great grandchild. The II ven are S . C, Gard.87. J . D. Gard.79. J . H . Gard, ' n, D~ H. ' Garc1. 75. W. H. Gard, 71, J . H. Gbrd,77. D . nanna McKinseY 73, . and George H. Gatd, 62. Mrs j ,H, Gard .. Mrs. J . D. Gard, MI'8. D. H. __ . Gard anu Mrs. George H. Gard were also' present. . " Tbe February meeting·of the New A family rc'lunion that was a family I \ \ hile Georg4~ H;' Gard came from Century Club was held at the home reunion was celebrated yesterday at his home in Riallto and Mrs. McKin; of MI'8. J. T. Ellis Friday afternoon. the home of J. H. Gllrd. 427 East' sey fr ... m Santa Ana for the reunion; The house was attractively deCorated Lemonavenue.wllentbirty·ninemem · !other relaUv'Cs I;lrrived from various with"flags and twenty·one JlIembers berd of the Gard family gathered ' sectio1ls of ·..!outbern ' california. responded to with a Patriotic there for a big dinner party. '~ Iong I The is a list of guests quotation. MI'8. W. E. O'NealUhen table WM spread amid~t the orange riot Mary favored the ladies with a piano IIClec·· t.rees at the rear of the Gard home, . \;. tion, after which Mrs. Hathaway and under the summer· lIun a real . read a paper. telling of the va~ious fe'l8t was en'joyed bv .tho numerous Garcl, Earle "Induatrleaof Wales," another plano ~i:~~~~ 1 8010 by MI'8. O'Neall was much enand a~ the end of the difl.ner meml1~rs of the family, reumted' joyed. Then Mrs. Funkey read a parts.of Southern ~liforCr4.ldl,loln. mOtit interesting paper on ' "Public the occasion, held a most en· Crl~igI1to'h i Health· and Sanitation." . ;JOJ'ablle visit. ' The aifair was in the Adjournment ~I;\S next in ~~er of a farewell to the daughter and during the SOCIal bour a deliCIOUS ,anrl MI'8. C. W. Gard. Mrs. two course lunch was served by the Marea Gard· Randall. whose ~d,inl{ M~r- hostess; wlsted hy. Mrs ChM. EI!is. was solemnized Illl't .week, and who Mra. Mrs. Sidwell Elh.s. Mrs. W• . E. will I~ave 'tnmorrow eveninlt wlt.b 1~1d~~~. O'Neall and Master 8ert O'Neall. husband, Robert H. Randall, for 'lbe faVOr!! were Bmall Contipental borne In DVtoq. Ohio; l5!~~=~~ hataC:ontainin~boD-bons. AiI'8. Duke, illteresting ·feia.ture of the re Mra. CUtwri t. Mrs. Ropra, Mra. the meatln. of tbe six HIDJde. Mn. lmer and Mise LYle • _ blMUIArB and a ~. wh~ !=~~~~Je:~~.~~ Wet'fI ' the_ bOlteB8 .......... tOl~_b,lned total ~I.meetlll:r..!.... _of_ __ at thla










The New M, E. Church 'On Dedlcatioll Q~y. ' . . t"te day there was r~19ed abol;lt John Zoll, of Corwin, who h&l\ been $6000, a'1 excellent shOWIng for our ill for severaL weeks. waS In town community. Monliay. He'js graduallyimp~oving After a song and the benediction in health. .. . by Rev. Cadwallader, the big audience , , tiled .out well pleased with the exerMessrs, F, C. Gilmour,' .Geory6' cises. . Smith and Charles Smith attendild ·. meeting of the counf.y school board Tn ' the congregation Sunday waB ¥on~ay afternOon. . a gentleman that was present at the , . " ' d~ieation of the old .church in 18~O • .. Mrs. Rachel of New, He says' ,. lenna. was the JrU~b of AarOn The fi~t MethodIst church I Chandler. and wIfe. last · week. , 'reand when I first turning to'ber'home- Friday. ' in the ' lot, now Mr. MDt Thampaoo and equain, and the Itt_, Myrtle camP,..!J.f Clarksville, visited Mr. Wm. 'l~mPlOh and family of 'Nollte 2, oyer SuIid-.v.





aI''' ·su fe. An d 's bull rot urn,"



MarrlllKI: LiCIlnoe•

~. 1'>11 ,'I", 111' IIlM ", MI~" ~', "fIIlli' II'r .. " k' II hll r~ 10", h "I , II I u.~ nllUlIl hl\1 IItll'd tho I ~QU~timo 0110 ot thu leopn.rd k(' 1)0 I "'cJttttl ,~. H I v., 'PU IH't t . v 11 of tIl" IMI ", Uta" til "(11011('1 em rll"b!!d ttant lclIlly Inlo t ho th rono J"hn Vol'lf ..11,,.11, fll rl"o;r Itl MI"tI l1utld, 'd r.l '3" I~. 1II,tl Ku th lyn. lOr II room. I1xeln.lmlu~ th,lLl t he sev ell lIunrL1tur'lIti -1\. " .PI', ("t tlJ u, .\bJr ll~ w~ b ri II' ,,'0 /,11'" II 11110 b p.r fntlll'I" s dlu n I .opurds Wlire ILt lar!! lih'l'n nil I,· v A ••1. IG"I . eo' '11", PIli)'" 1I.,)llght ocourr d t o I h .. @POk'3 Dno of tho I opard s appeared bvlll: \\ llllt a hOl'l'lbl Ino,e1l; f)l It nil . In the JUus.!olnnQ' balcouy. The 1llUlio . Ii 'r C , ,W ' I I' ~ , p" m~l\r I,ll M'M" y HAROLD' IA Probate Cour l I'rOCl:<'dll1lt!! , tC.t,nll4ll11e. V, J "tl'~r ,v, lJu'b 11111'1'11,,1<. \V., • til ~ wlLl'r~ woultl It Ir lld I1l)tlll ),Y whl oh followod wus not to bo do!tn M. A , lltlLl ~.lI u. ,I . P "T~ ki' .':'Ir !" "bl~[1llrc d I{n:thlyu Ill' . 8crlbc tl. A wild soralDble ous ued loIn tb U1",.\l'r 01 I,hn ... tlt,\I A n , (:loy I: Hnndw lto, tO lnor 01 sh, "'1)\ U r fat h.'r'B tlngrrs m~vo : WBTd ull euta . I ' WI\II'\III I~. ~t, . .t c. "" , d "U"LI~I',1 ~' l rllt II/usrr.,t oj by " ' Cluf'. ff'l)l till! "'II 1'/ .II{ r;"tIrO t' mcJu,'lIon "f '''.~ ~"" Plli ••• C()pe C~ nl'\ oIJ"ly "Itb aIIPI're"~ed longing to ~' h<' tugilivos ellteroQ the roy al IJl,xluw olI , I" MI " _ "\lelln I'ttll .V 'l C( Qnn~ Iii 'll)lrt " "1l r<Juoh ut illJ d touoit b I'. . wnn tt lln Knthlytl proc oded at once I.'u .. ~ot,t. "I 1t1l]~ '" . III~ , L~,l" . W , l~l .l.{",I. M VIlIl 11".' ''.1'. 1 \ ,1 1111', '1'be 8p~dn(ors ot tbl~ lilt I dramo ' 'to. Ih o ",.:xlt which lod in tho garden of II . K ..I >I whIch W II/! h lddc.n Cram them evinced bl'ldns., T horll Bhe wnltod tor hor fa,. pllllu t.l ll' v~ l~ h o "lu~ B V .. II 11" .. " , ,I 'IIIt'~ Hltlh o ll 10 MI ~i:O Iillllftl" M'IY (It til d lencl"ntll li lll ll"' 1 J !'11th "" t hul. ,approval by n lI:l Urmurl ll l! Wh1ch th or und flanlllbll l, wbo had paused ffi lth b.. ,:11 o f K I ,,~~ M ' II" Iluv ItIloD I ~ IIpp"lutllll KIl!lr ll lllD d litem haa !;otllllhlug like nl!1JIIl U80 hi It, A by th o door oCon l) of tlLO zouali~ chom· A . ,I {{ " ,II III f Or ,,!I m inor 11ll1'ri Uil~ J I 8VNOP SIS. . "\\'JIII l' a" -tl;" , . II co' arn RIIlUI) In QU ~(, 1l " 'I\!; clio ~n ~ A r 'nl qu o 0 at bers, n elwo 0 tllem aud Kuthlyn Iny .I " b n IJ I:lr own , A.IlO l'., '",, 11t 1.lw SLem . \ 1II11.1J11l/\ IlI ijt (;Or • i ad shl! Ihl', 111 ,"1 ')'Im I' . ' , "'I ~ hty \1 IlJ ~, I!la~ had bl'e n ell sell. R alllnbai had tb Illungo. Ri:<al ESIIII~ Tllln14ierl \vl ll nn n t'xe u 0 1 t it I I'-t-nt,. of H'll iolih , CHA PTmn J- ]{nt hly.. lin ". tt:.:UI'Yln', bul known till' II (':tc\"'r)' IInl l\ h 1\; \I \ It" C,l lI 111"10.,' I"~ " "II " 1' U)' I""kl n); nrcompllslleu by di plomacy whnt yon. rt u mubal IIddress d tho lady of UIO -; w llh, el" ,"1. '11 1. VI II 11111 11' v ... l'lIlr ll Iller father, C 1. l i, I.I'(·t tn ti l. hoa unl- IUf('d b T 10 lhla IUYRUr ij III) ru. 'I'll , 11: v \ f . f' lt .\' l tll" I ' If " "11 111 1 \V . hltO moned her, lbnvu ,ho r h unt" In ("alltul rrtn ), 0 1111 11 nll, ld WI1S 1\·lI\nl". COlli. JlS sll" Iltlll ht I ') " '. \I I", ' ',' " tlvprrhl,: lin n der Uurgl~ fUl ln hud rail d to do by lennon. t elling h or thut It guar ds E 1:\1I.-1 tl.Y !1b II I. d. f(1I'1 11I'0I," W ~t ' ''' \1 L. I.., v.' IM , :& \1 ~ lit ',p htuun 10 1 0 to hIm III AIlRl\(~. Tn~I" , ",b.. 11 t' '8 Ttl>' '\f,"k~ r ",,,,,\ I know; I h"l'o ror"". Bu t IIIballll ~ c r ll y smll d a8 should cOlDa t o atato thut ,Kn.thlYn wae t; lI "st l-t r \ 11 plu IA Ill'1l ItiItH\ \.tU II l' tll':l1 :& 1. »rete ndor t o the thro ne, htlfl Intprlh nnf'd IlU lllll~f'lI. III Ih t) lIn:I'nt I'p \1 of h r II' '" ")\ Y01l h•.VI> hpl.rtl or ~ U ~plllll .' d h sl'nsp tl tlJl e un dercurront. Pros ent- conc a l d In h r owu chnmber. To ,ihG oolqn t. nam by 010 IUIO kin!; ClK bill t her ' lind ftd li t III fo r mi mlr 1J"rtC , J11 ~ . ' ~, I It , I ~ ~rt\nv l l ' I ' H . nf ll t .. ~P(· ~t · l· t., "I.t " r, lllld Ila rllclll nr l), 11 "UlII([OU? II . Ii , I it,lm "P, n C~· Iy th'lY fjho ul4 sec. thl8 tho young ",omoll r adUy ag reed, bell'. "t" hlilo\tf> I :VIIlt.l OIl \" 11111,1.. fu r r l1~ I ::t ruh n ~ ' I!! ~I 'I ·k .,r 1,,1 No, 701) IU wnm~d J(J ('ol1ft,l... In 1'0 "11 Rn d 10 1 1~'ll lll eK uf I,; "t',, 1 0 hn va m y PI (1)1(,. Tho cOlon I ltou cl ud hls bnnd Rud Sudd nil' f\ Icolla rd CLPP ared behind l .. trlll lflD of t!IIlJl l1, I ODAPTJIIR U - Arr"" n/t In Al"lnn ""Ih . hl do wit h l h utmo. t bC'c n' ()' b r d,'s' Ifl'llllkl, ... $ L ( Jln yon, 1lI111..r lit U ... t r ('nsln~Hs In I drew Killbly n up bl'sld() blm ; und u ow th e ' colo nol unc;! Hrtmnbo l. Kotb lyn , '1m 1& Ihfllrmbd by ~ ," M il " II"" h.~ r tln\lttou. In thl \lst,lI t." of A uj.! n>! I, Amlllor, . C W . lJ",l I,'Rh.1' I .. Fr,,"k 11 . tl\thcr btIlrur dOQd .hto Is 10 h" qu.· ..... "/1 l It{)l ng /iWIl )· ( ·t! Chl~ wny lI ud l ha l ! lIut for a moment th , w" olC) u"',\lr trem. beluK Orat to dlscov th presonce mu~ t nt'RrrY hln,. 6h r,' I'\' ~~ ""(1 18 1(1d eo8~~IIt1 ~"rRt. A,ud nn ll l I\ O(Hlnut, WII, kl .H I) ., "" 'r t ot Ul ~l~ttfl.lIl ar_ , '1',3, l h ~so own I fI'r" r () <1 0 !,ot ,sit a bou t hl ",1 In t tt" hnln nce : KIHblyn tolt be r. or th e anhnu l. orl od out n wnrnluJ'l. ' form d by t h.e orl Ita thtll 1\0 \\' ~ lln l1 CI UI ,rule unnw . rrled. She ta given 8~Y 0 n dl\)'" R. ~ • .II Ii., $~ . 5 (l11 CHAPTER XIV. in Iho b "~lIan; with woodoll bowls ror B It poss",ssod with n wild " col r e to "Fly, Ki t! yourselfl I nm nc- IS IIppruv tld . to thInk It over. In the ,' ~t.t1t e o f AUln,,] .. M R. R. I ;,·,,, I ,,,,,,k 1,',11 ..1. I, tI .. d r PIJ rs. lt Is ~I1!<1. however, Ihnt ull lough , 0\1r8ed~ " anlled the colon I. ·ObD O'I. t.! , ' Otltl ~ ·cl. I\lIv nntb 1I 0ltO tlllt Mabel tf: . \1 ' 1f! 11I"') I H CJ!t lun"M ~" • CHAPTElll. UT- Bho ~1111 r 'fUse" n n l\ I" The Ga rden of Brldel, I r urecs di D II' lt ll t hul r lDukarB. It UI" I 'n I I f lel I Ro.m8.hnl aod tho youn g womon nl told n Ul( ,.ho must Undtl r gn t wo 0 ,I+' l1nt fig thO tbe oh8.mbe r door hurriedly dre w Ul... I~ tI PIHOvutl F ro m l ha ft," r ' ndo of tho Ilrlurl· !' 'nd s upon how oltllhs 010001Sabl u's , b l O'll c'II'11I II 0 go ,r" dPrCSr:l Uul " 11 to '" ".11 'I' $ 1, with 'wtlt! btlnllJl. It 8be Bu,·, h·"••b.· wIll pnll t )· th, ')' 1I1I1I' II . th " oll ed nil (. uru 18. r know Ilrl 'sIs IV I 10 nre more f e r th, •I IVaR n ow 01' er c broug hl ,·"l(; " ... 1 Into tho oho.mbr r and Bll ut F I I'~ t " ool'lln t in th e .... t,nt o 0 I·hn perml,lIed 10 rule. CI .. rl". K " ,11'1 t.., 101 " M, " .",hn CHAPTER rV-Jobn Druce, an .\m.'rl . dutes : fr om the.' rlh. t b Ellst. thll lhlln II lI ulld r ' I yenrs old. nnd wrlu. , rom o .r as tlry. , the loo r. '['be colol1l>1 IItru/: /tleu. hot nnh Bu wvur (I" IlO ',,"";. iR up"r lJv!'cl }~ tnlt.o re ... t, 1,", 1. 10 IIC rt'~ \" toW"II ,IU e&n. IILV.. her lito, South. an d W edt. Thoy cnm In kll' d lik e t hu !l Ido o r Un l hl. tho !;od ot T ho . populace, oulBldl'! the Dnlnce. I 1I11".llal III' ld him IlglI lI ),. 111 ttL\! I'rltut"l of .Inhn Ul mr\1 n. aa. I' -I , It :!, .mun lOllS l'III lInlj ulu s, III ou rtain ed lephnn tR," hav ing b oon!un ln t cd with whnt WIlS "W e nro II IlU,' I11NI. Ruh lb." he s n.Jd . in p'Ln ll, OVll tlth 1I(100tlUt I " ap. B I. FI ~ h ••r t'l ~ ' ''·I1 .... 1 M Hh"I" CHAPTER V-fJ'h. elopb" " t \\'" "' ,, ,·,u · howdn.hs. Oil cum 8. In ~1l 1 Ildl" bul' "But a chUd coulll g I) through ILJI ta~l. n g place, bursl ou t Into cheera. "snd lh .. mcmsuhlh 11 vll r Illaes he r ti AI 1\ r trom lbo a c 110 ~f ht':r It '". I U1tit III 0 " rl. nrm I :!;; . ~ ·I .. on'. ill ' l'urllunruo k l a WQ.)1 •• epar~Lln g h nr.r m Ul'U" t,1. Uh tJ t hC' l ock • /I ll I n". 111(' UU Il!, gunr!l('( b ' hend ." nr\.s. , nn y n rU II' r '80 1\'od t hl ~ rlgnUla roI A. " In tbe fls t llte of Anrlrllw JlIlII l'.!! to""II~11l1l 4:1,17" rual ot tho ""rt}'. Il$elf InlO I"' W·hOllgh t nlle ry, UPOIl Ih o " Cnn DruG(' Snh lb?" Ag uln Rum ulia1 I I!lO"'ll'd8 III "h\I1' ~' lit IlIcO I'I'u\Jtlbl ·" Rnmllbal , I t('11 you ( shll ll dlo her e, 811x tll r, ch! o(,u~ ~ t\ He.'llDd " lit.! HUltl E W . "n ,1 " n n' A. Ir" II" 10 I 11 ' ~, , ru?~~e,';,~~r.fll ~'!t"t'1In r~{I'wc'·b b~"1" vnglle chllOco o~ It lUllg It buc k Wlth l s mnod, " ~I y P 01)111 IIro Qontell mos ~"\!llIrs . WII, IIV\\ .QIIIl'Ollchml by \ Jrn· It Is us eles 8 to utlnmpt to !lid Illll . I UOOI)1I11t, 1" "Pil' O VIJd. E Mll nrDo. lefl .f, Itll ~ t " " UIl ,I ~· I· l't.I ot .. Uon an\! aho Ie torr d I., 0 "0 (r" ", Il. compollnd Inl ~r06t. Cl hlldroll 10 thnt tho)' n e d COUSluot n lInd hili ~UIIIUI II Of 11, gua rd. am acou[sed, lIecurs(' u! Kit . Rlt!" ' l'''II t. h 1I0tlOllllt hi I hn e !!Lllta of W \Vuncl tw •• ttll ll t~ IU U !liv ItlW.1, CHAPTER'VU-Sh.. 0""" .. " 'Ircn l In Whut wa~ moo t ullu s u" l, th oy CRme umu sement. lIa ve pnt lenoe , my f l'l nd~ 1'lll h:IUa pre~t'n l\lIl h lK onl r on lil t! 1'h leo(.lurd Rlood umloc ldcd 1I0roro ~' Iurell(lfl P '1 11\ . lit, 110011 11" , \11. III shl.., thelunale, only to tllU Into II.u I...."I M ot wllboUI lwdl !(ree or dQ\uy. thi s beIng I for I undersland, no 1 nOl lov e PUll. tr 1I~11/·.". TIll) It·o 'IHI>! wer ,Irll' on the 'door whIch lind c los od In his tIlCO. . Guorlltl 1"1 . ,,,,,I Au .. " D .. kiu til • 1&1'8 traders.. . llall1ublll's Id!!,, ; thollg b, In trut h, 1 dltn. Ol'cn a s yoo love the m e Ulsa hlb 7" , IU I,I lhel r ClIg(,'S, tllIll th mllg lc door Th"" It di sco" red KUlhly n. fumb ling 'lppr ) ved . Ju tbe IIl1 t ll W I'f W l\1I lt lll , l. ·lom. Gon r ~Il ~ I. n 1011 Illt N " , I III "Wbnt do ~· ou men n ?" de mand ed s wung 011"1)· Th(, two 1lt16 Pccl for at tho wic k r cloor lIt tI\() Clf r s ldn ot , CBAP'l'ER vnJ- Kalhlyn I. h rollll h I to l u,bn lln obJef't cd M DrAt to (htl "Lok bTl' nth: for l 'mbcllhL bud 1I 0,'cr bo[o r lila Bwlmming pool. Th ero WDS SOIII . a nt" {,,)(I1I180d. E IJI;l.I toll ll t ltnu I Hnlll Wnyno.v llln. $:l1!i. the Plllllle mart In All ...b .. Ilu'll '(>"1 to of dowr)'. He hilt! xpcotcd lo loh rlt Druo, roughly. UIlIII&JIAI, who, dn41ng bor . I m [ TlB ub· t bls \lowry Iro gllvo wuy to Rama· "1 have y s. " ' 10<1" I II Illi in Fl\''' ~\I'h re gold and lh lng u po n whlrh to wrea k hlB t ll m· oLOO !lilt 18 IIP}Jl'Ov~tI , throwy".. Into the """lIoon wl tb I n t,be ulll ttllr 01 Hill t"st" l o of bnJ b ca uso bEl dId not curo to havo "Well. y s: IL IJi true. Deblnd you ,,(>111": (",\l ulolJs riabell. nough in per: to r 0.1\ t hIs uous u::.! commotion ber taUter. ' , ~ IX_hti Ie ..... cued by Uruce RaQ1llhal 8Ufi ll Cl wha t bls Inner nre your peop lo ; b hind us . notbln g. , muke 0. man te ll Lime s R king . and tr e«om htLd disturbed him g rent· M .ry A ::lull vill" (I P " ~' ,I. G F . I. N . .'i ' lI1'rl,. \\','.t I ~ h~l"r . N. ........ Il'lel14&.. thou ghts w re. Let UIO fool Ramabul That 18 wh), I a m CrtmU c, Ulnballa. " I !1ghn!!BS," wbl 8 ~Qrod lbe captain. Iy. Ka.thlyn op lied tho wick er door Brown boln!; nn .. Hlo to II I, .11l Oil 1::1. C Lillilin Is UPllointc d Y .. wd l .... : " I h ,IV" "".,,1 Chum. pIck out hi s obestnuts for him. Urn. whenev r h e Il nd s bl maol ll co:kmat. " l h!lr 18 on ough r lo-h es here to pUl'- cloy tng It b hind b r . (Hoar bended, prl\lsIJr '~~R X-COIODOI HMO olio ... rp.., h", r "' '', ' , 'l'"blt'tR f"r rll</lrlltm... f t.l1(I lUI bnl h ud Bnld. ab o r ocollected In hl~ Illno • mbAlla, with 80ttll rit. . ,,\l·la 10 balla laugbed til bls voluminous sleova. ed, digs up wb ul h U8llUIU 8 10 b e an e ba. !! tbe ",holo of IIludl" II L Katl)lJ'D II Itruok by .. bu II l. 10 tho \liltute or i£th,,1 (JonDor, stoml\"h nnll 'iVH' " ff IIlutl1l' fllr "'A , ' 0111 on~ of fh o mulrlrnon lu lly In. unused law. Til rEl Is none to con tes' As Iw l\turf'd flmllnJ la Burrended to 8. t he pnlnllQul1l wlllcb hnd b 0 llUIt miD l/ r. Fillll,l ItOO llUJlt Is npprov .. d . pll . I nYI, Yfhtr,., .. 11(1 .t nfTllrclH tnO CJiArrER Xl-T'he fURltlVilll (lJ'Ij atvo n Ho od houris lh colotl I would lin v It , I tell YOII , fuut1lllJal. w mus t ~. plUIsln g d rea.m . • Pr~sently h e 8book to Ille r t he gard n of brld e. 8h u.u.v III tile pAJaoe of Bnl/l Kho.n. " R Urtlto ~ tnh\ II ". , I h fl V' I i tll il III tho tnlLtt.Ilr of t h £' fI~tl\t·O u r n1t~ t o H I I:t ; If h ll r efu llcd. (I\e ll hould np 600n. or \\'0 n " r wll\, You sug· I rtln Into tho gnrde n. II w to tho palRn· l ,,"a~R 'Xll-6uPPUed by cnm61s by Ramabnl !lo tit , 6 lect lng. More. h gea ted thi s ImposA lble mnrrlag o. It 1 (J .~hnl'lu Gillill . cltWOlltWtl W,I1I11111 t " Itl tu I" , j 11:'" 1 li t' "I ~ , rl ':"'1 Ht' ~ fl 81 Quln Ju st us s he heard th e leopard thi~i&bl. prtnce they ,tart for tbo. cru sb til roug h the fli msy wIcke r door. Burl,II n II! 'IVPOlllt,,{l IIdtlJmI8trIL~0 1· . They II rn 111"'1 " 11,,' 1/ ,. 011 ' II ",," CIO.... IN . ~ , ... OIll)tUrotl 1/1' IIrlgo.ntJa. Urn· would ma rry (bn fortun ato wa rnell by h orrible!" IIj l1 , tJRu lt . ltll\·, · 1"" '11 " ,I, . I III·,I " ry balla JoQnIon (0 \he latr or the bllO· proxy. 'I' hero wns no possible loop"Dilt It lullll mbl\\lo.; and In lied. 8 h reach d ond ell te re d th o palunQuln Bond $llOOO. W , F M Oi\~, HUll MIlia" 41'-0 ..... the oolooel .. prtsoner Bnd l VII In ti th r ill lii!.:h II" Fn r ~h I" bv "(Lei Ju hn Kroll uor lira ulll,ointe\1 b olo for th colonel, h e becolJI II cnr le6S. Doyond lb ll llorth I not n mom lit too ~OOJl, She huddled onJ-. B~oe &114 ItAthlFD kUI &d. .11 I dflll I r~ vor r ndy III n Dud dow n closq to th e floor. Tho loopard Ip pml>! urI' ' 'I'h poplliac WIUI charm ed. nchnnt. ga t thor ar _ • .-.D xtll-Tbe ban41tl quarrel .,.. '\he mono), 11&14 th6m by mhlllla ed, a s It nlways Is over D new In Ihe llI ,tller or t,1I11 Trn~t{\eAhil' ~IleI phunts. A1111 wh ell th o momc n tlr' l trott d round and round, snarling n.nd aII4 4uriIIa the i!ontualon K a thl~' n Ilnd s niffing. Pre~ ell tly ho was joined by of F l' ''U k M ()oulIIIU, n" Tr Ull t ... " Bi'uCle I1icepe CU\4 relurn to They nle ut. ~Iuch 8S th y Indivi dually do- r ives, tbll\)or w s ha ll fty , all of U8. ~ a plan to 1'tIiIOue the ooloncl. aplsed mba ll u; colleQtlvely th e.y ad. Bu " my s t er iously, "w mny Dot bavo allother. Fro m ufnr sh e oould hea r IllldBr th " "'11\ or ["'HIO .11lllPi< . cia sboutln g. She read ily understood , o It_lid, EXOAl.l t inll to fullrtb, IH lh , C'EI.AP'D!IR XlV- Tbe COlo",,) Is .noml· r:n1r d bls ingenuity In devising f resb t o fly, ~h en Umball a I IITtIS tllat 1I1~ I' •• ' . .1but "'Rill' a prl!on~r. It I. amusements. Extra f ltlst dol'S came olnllel !lahlll Will r fU 8C to A lgn th e Through somq car elessness tb~ leorr s ' xth, and ~"vPllth II ' on flts are IIn4 ,. brlde rdr him. !GOthords of tbe trells ury wore at liberty. ,)ver ' .QI"d CUllrt il lll4t.aILHI (1XO " P ' to ~he p/llftce In dl. - one Ilf~er utlot!\or. Th oriental dlft- nooo\jsnry trOll-Bury r lease the 801. , , ~4 her _ oue pI...,. &1'1> IUC d· and tll/lt of he r 0"'" and b e'!> fathor ~IO II In ono hom of IIi" IItb !locl/unt WileD thl treo.aur~ 1..0\11\1'& ".O"1ll1 Ukea WOI'X i nnd anyone wbo could Inven~ moalle of avoh\lng It WM WII8 .In J eopu~dy. Just without' the Nl./t' o" 18 given, I·hllt ,,~ "I VORl I 10 till ~rt Juto ,,\,of\llllon. Ih UIeIr 'plotureeqoe' a M .~, ...:;...<:.:::,;:,. wol'tby of grntltu<lo. l30. tb e n, the gurden of brides ","us l!~()e ond hall), bu n,l111'!e to (JllmtplHl l'l )\<1 UOur~ of W ,\Trlm CQu nt.v BI)otl· II) toUOb '11D ' ~d »ruce made a bandsome Jllllr IlOl)uJace t 11 In wltb UlllbnUo:8 Bc'beme and sbe Ilnred JIOt move, 0 .. 89 b Oxpd IL~ $lOO. of hiJh caste nativ08. Tbe blu~ eyes ably. The bhang aod betel nnd Bruce, from Ills bowduh. b enrd tho 10 LIlli O1l1t ~er or ~be IHII·"t" .,f AI alone mlsbt have cauled remarks. 'but toddy seller8 did a flne buslnes8 dul' noIse In tbe palaeo ; temale sbrleks. thIa waa a negligible da.ug1!r, sill co lug the fes Liva1 01 Rama. commands, a shot from a moskot. blUR ~lo h Hrry, rl flCf'llll ... rl. SIlI A' f 00101'. and ClOIItuml\. delractod. Katb. Tbero WitS merrymakin g In tho Whnt III beaven 's name had hnppencd ? tlJlephOnli fllllQk III "1)" rIJv"ei 1711'1 hair, however, waa securely bId, IItreets, day ond nlgbt, Th e tom vies Wh orll was K\llhly ..? ..., hy did ah ll Common Plens Court dllll, and, mUlt bo kllpt so. A bit or and mosques wero fiUe d to overOow. not aPPelI.r? Ho flng' red hili revolvers. caNleasoeu on, hor part. a sportive Jng. 1tfu8lclnns with redo nod tOlDBut Ahmed vlgnllied to blm 1I0t to New 5uitl, wtDI;!, and abe 'WOUld \Ie lost. SIl bad toms paradod ' the haznars. In nearly stir. Tbo knowl dgo of whatever hud III<GALL'S I. 'ho Falhlon C.ld... ~ Ho ...• keopln, HclJKf of mo re women tban an,. olhtr Bral'e HtJwlnK Mltuh llle (1" . beaD tor dyelog be r balr. but Druce eve ry 81lnRrO tho n a utch girl danc 'd, hnpp oned must be brought to them; maln lnll In the world. All ,tit l.,ell 1,,1e:. v ·. The S F : e : Co" on jndlf1tl6' t, ellery monlh: .1.10 dclllhd,,1 ..orles ,h •• tnt.t~ would not bear of th Is: desecratIon. or the.3uggle r 'pli ed hl ~ trade. or there on their liv es thoy dared not go In [JIb. and apeda' dep.nmcall In eoo ..10" hom. LUlie · B,own Yd, R.lohard BrowlI. . So they entered tho 1I0n's do n, or, 'Was a moogoOti&<:obra fi ght (the cobra, search of It drulmaklnl. 'inc, work. elt. , Ihll Ii.Me. boulCwor. and 1Il\"C mnn.ey. J.·r1~c. ani, !lUe rather. tbe jackAl'" of course, bel' tt ot jts tang a), and' "Tlile comOl! ' f!'Om YOUl' damnable dIvorce. extromtl orofllt,y . • ycn. wltb one tclcbr'lt-d McC.1I Ur en I'll· At R,amabat'a bOUle Ahmen t ell on t~klrB grew mango trees out ot lIolll. orlentnl way or doing tbtngs. If I hnd l.;Jll.I)Il((~ n VI', C/z Q Dixon, cllvor tle ltnl FRell. "ND." POSTAL C.ltO,NnW fOIl hili ltitellll In tbanldu.lll.ess; not thtll bls log. · There woo Ii tlarry fn lbe slavo b qd my 'WILY. Umbulln would be dend extreme orup!t,y. 1. A. millE ~hl 'pJ' III Jht;AIJ:I' al AlIAf.I •• r: : ... melnuhlb ,was 1n Aftlba. but that abe ma.rt, too. and burled:" L ... t"KIoiK O~J' ft' McCAIJ: tI Au. .,.~. a' llKAI l ... C4TAl.tM!1I1il 1 ,,, wu alt,e. , The troops swagg r d "All In good tlmo. sohlb." I. Mc<:.A lJ.'Q ,.oo,&) Sir!... Off C!f' ta ~",.,. ClIIHtl':It. Dart~ the. evenlog meal Rjlmabal bearing. Tbey wore -soon The elephants stlrr d ,r est108sly, tor AdJ,..... (""*". N 18! icW.L to.. 236 I. 246 t. J,.. SI.. lin Y.... N. f . CMlWJIed hi. plot to circulllvent U~bal. pay. The gold and slive r w ere ' rot,. tbe . Bcented lll'e cat whom they bated . Luoy ~ Croll at "I, VII. Gel)rKIl (... 1&. Be ' bad hear4 frOm one of hIe tlng In the treasury. Why leave It Wltbln the palnnlluln Knlhlyn d'a red CrOll. etlll, Demurrer III~q·tlllntld , talUltUl ~'I!'en thaC Umballa' lnt0nd- there. IILnce gold a.ud ellve r were mint,. Takoa Refugo In the Pal.... scarcely to breathe; for outside Beven Plaintiff ,xo~pUl Twenty dl\Y1I11 ~, "~~~liIe oolonet lute a native e4 to be apeoH quln. leopard8 prowled and sniffed and ,,\lowed tor tqrt,her pl6l\dlDg , lllUl'l8fti JaW, to dilpoee of tbe 0010T!)ere were elephant figbts In the Bnarledl. Emma Ro&II n . Robert ROB@, Dill aDd 'lII&I'I7 the QUeen hlmself.-S . . reconBtruotecl arena; tigers attacked Kathl,n Dllcovi,.. the Leopard. Are blmst:)lt, sought th'e Chain for wblcb TO DB OONTlNUE~ (Jue 18 dbmi8800 .t order of pl"ln. tee bad tanen Into 4\nee In A11"ba. He wtld beart!, who fought w'l th eDOrmOWl. ' Loon, ' be hnd come , and reluot.e.atly stepped • - • tiff Ramabal. woa14 IIOW aJ)parent)y aide rasorllkl) tU8ks, B8 swift nnd deadly 88 out Into thl) corridor ogaln. Ho , Fr"nk ,E . Minar , liN. Edmund B. with Umball,a u &latnat Colonol Hare, any Malay )11'18 The balf torgotten dlers w\)\ under6tand tbat once agall1 " 'Ollid r lurn sooo to ,tIIle door. But OUT K .Itm!t. Demurrer 18 oVllrrlllod. · wllo wOll141U14erllIali.4· J)O/'fecUy. AlI Ileremopy at (ceding tbe wUd pig he- tlloy bayo been t.'llled with ." , far thn.t fool of whlke' mill! wilo bad Deteo"'"nt \,ltO!lpt!\ . tbe .oolODel woul4. ~ to marry. be, 'fore 8undown e uoh day was glveo life "Wo mu s L walt. Out It's mighty 81n eel th ll kltlg ' from t he. leopa rd. he Borry t:ltevens v .. ! Ftt y E. 8t,nven~. namlb..l • .,,01114 "aggeal that the ool(). tLgatn. And drove uller dro vo camo bard:' . would h tlve oponed this door long Thou lIode keep on HotJerlog dlvl)roe gr .. nt,I'(l oltoluplvo cu~t.ody Del be ~ed by prosy. However In from tbo Jungles tor Lbo grain, In tb o gard ell of brides on the dllY si nce. And us wil l ked to t he outer Coujthij lind Gol(l9 tbr Qugh n , gleot "f ohlltlr"u 111 grllonted plllolntltJ . nalllcloUl Umballa uUgbt be, . he whloh wus distribute d from a pln.t. wb en the ten v ' lI ed ' cAlldlllut s s ut In ,door he thought brl ofly of lb e benuty and d IlLY Why ~"ke yourself ltD Mlllnie ,J. S .. ttorthwlLite VH. A. F. wOU14 nOt' be able .to ftnd tault with form. And wild peucocks followe d the wn.JUng. tb ere wn8 epri ng 111 tbe uir ; , o[ KaLll lyn . She wus dead. lind dead ' elt~y p'rey to aerlo 1S aliments Ilud' th" plan. ' The betrothal would take plg8. A wonderful s lgbt It was to 80Q and tlJ ere w er e roses c li mbing trel· , li ke wise WO ll hi s IJIl s l()11 for ber. epldem ll-s ll8 the result of a neglected' lI11Jt' r, Court 8UII\"lnll phil ntlil In . lllace In about a fortnlgbt. Tbe mom, several lhouslllld pigs come trotting IIscs, climbing ovtJr tbe marbl e wnlls, . Bt;lyon.'1 th o ga t o to tne garde n ot Cold? GOUjfbi and Oold!! I\ltp yon'" hor lI\ o Uon Iln.d IJltrvl'Y flurDe' hi All Kinds of in, eMh dr~ve headed by. Its fi ghting nnd th e pomcg rnnnte blos soms se t fir e ! br l,\C,s Aillnail nnd Ln.J Singb wulted etren th and vltdlity unless obecked 'Lppolnled raoelver upon !lIving bf1Dd boar. Wbe.n the old fellows met there to It n.J1. At tbo, gate atood Rnmnbul, wi t h lllevhunts. t;'rOln· her e tb ey would in ear'y stages. Dr l{lop/1I In thl' snm of '~OOO Tlilll Il'do ne wns carnage; SQuealing an d grunting, dressed nc or dln g to h is Btntlon, nnd l mnk t he north, , ~ral1l! ter to ne)" New Dlsoovery h. wba~ ,YOU neOOthey fought. Tho peacoc)cs sbr1l.led r e pro"en tln g Ill' proxy the king. Pres· (>lCjlbuuU!, and 1 a ve Allaba nnd ita the liut dOlle helps Yoor betid and hopped from bn<'k to bnck for sucb ently n slli e ntlid pnlnnquln arrlvod. e"i l senenlOs b hi nd. 'llbe y c rs jlted oleRTS IIp YOll breathe freely lind grain ,as fell 'upou th e bristly bncks ot nnd wltbln It a tnrdy cllndldn , Sbe ! no II l\s plclon. '1' h re ware mnny ole- 'you feol ~ci 'onoh better. Buy, II tho' pigs. Hor and the re a wbJle p e~. WIl8 Iu.dCln wllh Jllwe ls, arml o~. ani<· pb an ts a bout the I)l1luce this Oily, ' III bottle today aDd st"rt I"klng al 1 l'll l .....oesoo r 'to COClk would 'bo slIar il , 'or a boar whose l ets, a~tl hen d orua menla ; 1'o8.I'ls alld Oil!! or lho bOl" oabs StI\, Bruce, nrm ed j "noe , ' tusks ' promised 1\ lIaltle royal wltb uncut suppb lr os lind rublti8, Upon , In I be ot11er. un n.. reID ng w I f. E, SHERWOOD some leopard or ti ge r. Iltllng h e r veil she revealed 1\ beaut l, dl' It'd. So mlln y tiDIes b nd s/v(L, tho.t Warren Common Over PO~lnlfj.·~. And through all ' lhla turmoil h nd tul hlgb casle fnoe. Ramllblll bad e ~ v iI s pnw,", In l rveJ\etl tbat Pu n\!lta ,' O. clrunor Ahmed IITld Lnl SIngh moved. b e r pass o n. No soo ner blld sbe take n ,I wo uld nol b \l ev e a ll ' was we ll till SUMn Arnold Admlllhilratn." otc. OHice Pho ' l~ 77 80u ndln g tho tru e sentimen ts of tho bor pillce tban s tili 11IIolher palllOllulll , tb 'y ha d crossed' Ul frootlor. , H Ollllr POOIlf' 1\·1 '\' Armstronll McCray ~ &1 peopl o. Th l' d id not Wtlut white wns nnnounced, and this waa drn wn : " T h ey will be comln.g HOOII. Halllb," I _ OMO No. \I r.53 . kln ge or white QU e ns : the y des lrotl to by tat, s leek bullocks. a ll at n· color. I said Ahm d. . By vlrtuo of mn (ll'dol' of MIo. ,Iuly .... u.d be ruled by lb Ir kllld, who wou ld Ilot Rnmabnllield liP his hand, The bul· ' Rruco ' wlp, a tho sweat from bls from .al UOurt. In tho abovo .~at()(1 CIUIO. nUll stnrt lunovations. but would let af. lock drll' ortl s tollPod lhelr charges, uod plllms alld nodd d. . t.o mo 1 will !llTer.fbr A10. by",,,), or public ",uctloll. ou tbo Ilreml_ 10 COrwin. ralrs drift on ns.' th ey hod done tor trom th,8 )llllnll quln emer ged a ve iled No w, w ll n ' Umbnll~ anrt his ca ptain. Acoordlng 1 ,0 Infoi'm"tlon tbe (Jtn· Warrell OoUl1t)'. 01110. till ' . centuries. woman, This WUH Kalblyn. of tbe guard d e!lllLrted with ' th e , beVeterinarY olnnutl, Lelll\lIon & Nortbern Rail. Saturday. ~lnfcll17tll, A. 0.1910 'Nor wns Bruce In active. Many a Tho soleoted OIl ud ld ntes were 1I0W trot hnl <:hain thel"dld not firmly closo wu;r ,O" mpI1.DY owned Ilnd oper ite~ time Umbulln hnti stood within a n all presc nt. As rualltllr at cerIJmonl . tho outlli' door, wblCh shlit· oU tilt;! ,Graduate ,of Ohio S'n~ . llnivertl. by the PonD8V!V!lnla R"UwI\Y oom arm's kmgth or deatb: but always Rumubul oO~lducted the m Itllo tb e IOOIl!l r(l iJ t ro lq tbo m tlln palaco. ·· Tho pany; hll~ InoreHsecl ttt! OllpltlllfZttBruc 0 JIn d res l 8 t Cd th e Impo Iso. It throno room, ' ga ily deconited' .tor ·tbe leopal'ds wero Immediat ely ( reed lind .• ' ~ • " . ' • r tlon from $1 ,500,900 : tQ 12,500,000, Offi~e at r~·icl(ln~e in F, II. Sh~r ,aahlb wOuld be ohoaen lUI consort out would he r n. nk roil y toillpset Ramubnl's ocO&slon. 111 a balcony directly abo ve heg iUl thei r prowlln'g th r ough the, cor· 'rills Ilotlm r llAnlted from the r eoBnt woOd's hpU!ie; Fourth Street, of ~ the liaaembled hIgh, caste ladles plans, \I' hlc h were to culminate 10. the oD.llopy or'the t,Jlrone wor e musl· rlctol's, Elnarllng lind gl'o~v\l'ng as thoy tskluR ov~r of the DlIoyto!",: LeblU~oD ~ ~ Btate. Umbulla's ove rlhrow. clans; pluylng lhe mournful hur mon les sl!!ln ted tbe I\lr throu gb whlcb tbe two & C'Inolnnatl ,by the Penullylvanfa , Telepholi. 28 Abmed ' threw up bit! hands In barBut upon a oortaln bour Ramahn.1 60 dear to the orlen lul h eart. m en <hnd just Pl188 d. One pauBod by oompRn'y Th o~s two i~d8 j ' lln tOr. ~~ La! Singh bade blm be va· came in Druce. much nlarmed. During Upon the throno' sat Colon ol !:-lure the doo r, Impatlcmtly thrusti ng out 0. LahUD.ln , It Is th~ pnrppl!l! or. tho Wayne~v.II~e; Ohio Uent. What did tho memsnblb any to hi s ab~ence with , Pundlta at Bome gorgoously alUr d. but cold alld ster~ paw. 'l' he lloor ga e. o.lditionBI onpltullzHtl(1D to mllkolm. ~, The mumeahlb answered that pnJn.ce Mulr . his homo had .boen en. ot ~18!lge, prepnrtld to play hie pnrt In tho , t1lrone room tbe mockery of portllDt Improvements Bnd arrange .u .herself unreserv ed ly In R ... l te r d. mllsncked, and 10.000 rllpeea In thIs uouttorahle bultoonery. Near \b' betrothul ' was gono tlnough, for a m !>,re modern lind emoten' 8YII· ,.mihal" ' hpcl81 that Umbul1a wus a ' had boen stolon. His r eal tor tune. by stool! Durgn Ram, so called Umbn.J· the n t ho ollim Rnmabal secr etly Blgnl· tom of trRnsportH:Uon betwoon ·Cln. J ... ...4"1'0 ~ muat 'be treated as one. 1 however. WUB bidden securely. Tho la. smiling. It WD.B going to be very fle d th nt th e hour ror IlSCo.R9. wns at olnnllti and Olivton over 'be Penn• . "'Ra~b... ' 1\'hy not IItrlke now?" I, r eul trouble wna tbn.t. theso 10.000 ru, simple ; once yonder BtubbQrn white hand; tor e ve r ywhero now thnt the olylvli,nla sY8tem both In. the way ~ .Ahmed. ' peos would prnctlcal~y undo much of tool was wedded, h I) would be mn,de oere mony "'n8 dono, vlg\lan ~e would plilll!onger tlnd freight troamo •. "Th rOm!. Ui balla h d to what had belln accomplished, He waa to dlsappenr:' thoro should be another be 11\.11. :-. I " ~d~ ~_ m It dl\8th mn 'te 'I certuln tbat Untba.lla · hUd InsUg atod wodj1lng, In 'vblcl~ b e, 'D urga Ram, lmme dlalely tlie hl gb priest an· omee.ID '. W ' " 110 ~ roun e em" em· . thlB th ft. nnd , lhut tbe mon ay would sboul6' take the part of tbe bride· nouneed! tbllt the 8uccessful candldnte ' National U.l\lr mIll, . ~I'le. 0 IlOlrarItY;· Have paUencllo Ahme d. La1 be dol d out to the soldiers . . }'Or upon gro!,m. Then for tho tl' Ilsury, fli ght. would be couducted 0 the p':llllce ze~,!,· If YOIl' wnut 'qulok and' I'~&l rellet' 8 ncb ~eate4 a leaf ~th betel nut ,their dl 88utlsfaction ' rested his future. aud, later, ea se ·abroad. Lot tile flU. Da and coufinod tllore till tbo /Inti! and bcican to chew witl!- nUata.c Uon. , "Take Balu l<hnn at. bls word" BUg. groo baaket ot ' goms s tny when It ce r emonies wor~ over, from Rbeu.mItU~m. do what eo m.ny ~enoe" ,eatd' Ahmed . • "Ha\'e I ! geated Bruce. ;'nnd as k hlrn f~r biB was: thoro wero mt1ll.ons Ln tho treas. ·mba,lIe. dre n.m od of whst he hnd th 1D.8tltld other p eople ate dOing-I, ~~¥!~=~;\~~ RATBA.W AY whenever an' ILt~ .. ok oam!!. on, bathe " Doner' " " ' G,OOO hUlm n." ury, tbe accumulated honrd lllgs of ae eo.. " , So the call wen~ forth for a brl<l.e , -Ramabal aOl ll'e d. "And have , Balo. many decndes. T o Thtutlabn1 wa given tbe exalted the !!Ore musole or jofnt with , P Y'llMvtlla'i. .LeadlUf Dut" .. ~ou~ the prlnolPallty. and ,wll! Khan cons titute hlmsclf the king 01 The counoH Illl.d hlgb priests olso lIo'n or ot conducti ng tho kIng and bls ~loan '!I Llntml!lIl. No niled to rub OI'll!l8 tn' KaVA Blda: ' "aln, A' u.were4 from the tollJ' potn18 of the Allahu! NO,I\n.Jllb ; h Is n good rrlen d, woro t.holr state . robns, and bahlnd botrotMd th eir r ospootlvo Quurters. h In.,..juet apply the Liniment to ~1Ilpa.. " " . I but b lij nlso I~ dungerous one. We them . were officers ~nd olber dlgoi. Oneo In lbo ~rl\' C\te PIl8sngeway to tbe the IInr aoe !t It! Wonderfully plne. . . . . .11 the annowl.C:ement anti 'tbo ~ust bave )lllt'ionce:' tar\e~.. barem, ,o r zennna, Ramabo.t' threw cau· trIA tlng J t goea right to the 8eat of troubls aDd dJ'ILWI t.lie paiD hJmol' . . . . ., of the80 remar.pble, pro- ' ," Patiencel" cxllloded Bruce. Thertl was a stir ns Rnmnbal en. tlon" to ,Ib,e ",41ods. " there "rrh'ed l,n the bluIng "1 ba,,!! walte.d scvei'al Y ars, Db tered with th~ v Ufl d c undldntes. Tbe " We IIlllst go a roundabQut wa, to Immediately, Geta bottle 0' 810an '(I 1Ilt:r of calcutt//. a rounc maid, Her you not aee that wbeu J strike I mus t colonel tn vo.ln 'lr'le4 to hide hla the gar,!en brldlUl. which will be! de- Liniment for :150, of' lany drug gis' ..........ery atem tor OI1e ,eo youth- .uooeed'" , ". terest 8Jl x>I.ety' K a{bl)T1l Wa ll therel pflrted. OutSide tile gale! Sablb lAnd have It In ,he hOUIle--agBln8i u4 It . . . u fearleal · u . It was "But' theBe warnings 'to t mballu1" lIomowbere, ambng thosll 1I:o",.\owlng an d Ah',hed and 1..n1 Singh await with Colds. ~re aDd Swollen Join,,., At R asonable Rat~8. Two Machine•• ' "He I. not nlole~Utlg me, La ho.?" re- w01IIen; bul tbere 'VOlt 'tIothlt\g by -'-l'~Dt'...... (1U'!9 W8 O&D JoIn tbem;'8 Lumbago and &lla\loa and like all. Plente. Your money' ' baot if not ".IJII"I11!-=!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!~===!'!."- ~umed RBmabal c:nlmly. whloli he co uld recognl~e her. As the -~ , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!! 8dl~tled, but It d ,... give almost 10. Spr I[fleldTlre., Tube. and Acce••orles. , "Well. It is more tbun I women ·. prcild about Ibe throne, n .... IItant rsllet. ' Valvollne 011 and area.ea. IIland.mabat lIfInt6ed to tho mUllclane in "Ab. 70U wblle people waste 80 _86. mUCh' \lte and mODel' hy acting upon eU8IIC8, .. And In a Hu".,. )lour Impul.oa! Tru.t me: UIf W8¥ II '!'beil Ramubtl1 brought cnndJ,date A Chleaso doctor. It JIOI&nd .that for the ~8D~ we after Ot.IIdl4ate cl08e to th. teloDal. IIble tc! kDOW wbID • telllq mIght lee the 1i)' IIhf'"





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.1. Don'. Feel Good"


'1'11/" is what a 10& of pooplo tell UI. UBUalIytheirbowelsonlyneodcleanaing.

.·j\emU;~ ·· 1

\ S~. mllhs mdb that he is 5I!lliur iY.lrIUer of Ihe firm or F. J. Cheney & Cu .• doing business ill Ihe Ci lY o r Tole<lu, Cuu nl y II lId Stnle nfnn·$11 irl . nllrl I.uclls CoullI y,

Fmn k


J. Cheney

Tbe Olv \') Leogue met




'!riD do tho trick aud mako you feel fiue.

Wo koow thiS poeitively: Take I' tonight. Sold by'us, 10 ceuta. . J. E. Janney. I ---,-- ----o~y



W, H, Madden &Co.


Mrs: Lester L{ou['\ oJt is vory !llok Mr. ltn.1 ~ re, Rnlll'r t .-,l lnnley !lpont with III I; l'ippo. ~' r id av wltb William Compton, 01 1sh etl bU!llDe8~ WIiB disll U!jod of Mr. l:iowllr!l wenk. Prof. P. B. nef\r New B~rlin~ton, Mllny thllJ!{/:I of inte rest wn s brought 'l'b otllllSOIi uud ~1iss Rh ndl\ Gleven 1\I[s. f:;,tIllU I t:itn rr ntld Mrs. tl , t.b e n otice of the lell/tuo nUll wi 11 ~'" I\ttltnrl",li i Ito 'l'ol\clll1r '" ·J\HRonla. Uh.Lrles Buroer n1'e on I.b o s lok: list . Ih,p ~ id 'fi nn will puy I he S IIIlI oIONI; h~ dl!!lln",,,tI of "" ~l rt)ill Jlt ly ,,01 it. 0 .. 1) Mrll. Lnoy Com pI- on Is f\"KI~f,j n ll H N DIUzn D O l, LARS (or ~"ch a lld bt', 011" IIf tb"ir goo(l thon ght!< i" tu tlnn ILt Lohu lIc·n Lt llrttn y . 1.:V llo Ro h oo l ~ r A prHlJllr ing tn Rnv. E'[ollt unl. Mllo nr in "'II< I(l I. ir l ~ cw r)' elise "f Ca l l1rrb tllat cu ll nol ~ mnko 11 l)1l\'ln town . 't'boy "uonl, l u red by the use of II ALL'S CATA RRH rouAlve t h A8ul) Jlllrt of overy mon in RIlIId nil A I.hl ti c t·lliUll lo U,O W'Lrren Ilt Nnw Mn,rl iltsbnrl(, O. Almost every week sOllie \yiseacrt' CUR.R. Mi~s Bernloe 1:111 wkins cnll ed f)n t hat (IIr!)otinn, it is tbou~ht th .. t ('n . I II I rR h OirlSt1/} J\ tll 1Min MOBl ' tO URA N" ]. CH E N I£V cumcs' to ollr s~ nclulll und tells us \m !llllliin I,nl)(lucn MllY 22, f ,chlll Boglln F rid liY .. fta rn ooo . t1~e men II bou 'd rend er more n8sIs t SWOI'll '0 ~(IlIC In " a lld s n bscrlbe d ill ho IV we oall improve our paper nnd 111, pre5C lll'l'. liois lit II (ItIY of December, Ilooe In pull.log into oxeoulion tbe Mr. At;ll'tlnnd ('lJil'l~ moved t o MI RS Bogan i s getting beUer. tblog8 they nrc outlining. Now wo • J h i tn O Il til IMte r lJMl o[ tho woek , Frunces Wilson is reoo l'erlug frOID . ~ what we ought to put iu tbe paper A . 11 . 1881l. wnot Ji g hu. , f\ olean t ow n , fi wers, (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Th o ont, rlni IlIIl(mt gi "on by Woll tile mOILM I08 . . in order to get out what they would nnd e Vluyl.hlUll tbnt \Viii uel\utify Nota ry Public Ffllnk 8t./Lnlny W I\S tn DflytOQ all I:IBII'II Ontolrrlt' Cunl 1M takotl in. our t UWD. wo bll vo t be llrottlest jn~ I. ()D Coruo Jl i n Lyl.lo II HII W(lR call a "good" paper (for them .) V(lry \\'I1l1l nlot !OtlNI IUIt! prllyoII til ht' bnHlIloRB \VOdlloRlln y. Every edi tor is willing that his little ternnlly ond lIo t,1I ,lirectl.v opon tbr lown In tlonlhoro Uhlo. \'I'U kn f)w, gronrl f< n('c R. ' I'hnr . \\'111 ~Jf\ nn. 1 l~vO~1 BII~lt u took Hun(}u. y tlionor hlOlod lind mucon a lI urfuoes of I·b l.' 1 k n ow and we II II knf)w I,llllt Iflllo. family of renders should give him s.VRlelll. t;ljnd fo r 106~I·hn ol\llIl ~ , free .'r f' llt ,'r lltl ll " Hmt glynll \l llrnh with (,haunoo\, nunn II ... Mr. nnd MrR . Paut P e terflnn , ()f Hnrnoo Uo mpton hll~ hpt'n onn. Ii'. ,I. (JBI!:Nl';Y & CO , Toledo, n, . II tlilf t.\prinl! V"i1f1Y, vIHIL.:u Mr~. l !llr. by W ,· jl I :nrnnll . Mll ~io h.1' the ncws, bUllVlien it comes to llln·H· I h('ht'~ 1 m . El't' ryt hill g fr eo. I\n o(1 t o his b OlTlo wi&b t b ll g r i ppe. Sold II.V 811 UraggIRt!'. 750. PeterHon'tj jluroD t~. Mr. II IIU M rH lishing stich news as a perSOn thinks Tl\ke Bll1l's ~'nr.ul1 .v Pillll for con F t... Uurri t! Mr, Duel Mrs . Petor 'L' ho Uoreao Hu ndllY-Bc bool 0111118 'J'h rrn wi ll hll II ollD!lldnrnlllo would ·only benefit liilO, the re is !I tt l,a tI on lion oowrmmoed house kluplug iu mnouot IJ f \'o1Jll ucO lak en tluough hold tbeir OlllBR oier.tlng ut tbe 1I0mo always two sides to the story. It of Luoile Burbmoo ItIB~ S aturday ~l'riDg Valley I.hlll woek . Mr tIm 100111 "'nr{\uorl~(l l·btB wcok:. ovenl ng. Peterson hilS 8 very g ood Irlldo In lakes all kinds of news to ' make ~r . (~ IlO r !!1l Sco tt llllrohu~ ed II Tho O'L 'l8tlrS I :r oflk monthl y mOf\. is gar ' I:e . b ~ 'o Tlllt11to t·hlM wet'k IInel w i ll hn cl e. a country weekly. ::lome news G rtlY & I:lrtge rt.v lue s tl n g 1111 Iivor l1d tlw oarl y "nrt of npxt, wonk. In~ of F riends W"M h el d !lot Hllrlog cOnies in that au editor has to s up. V "I lAY 'L'hurscl"y . II utomohilo r UI)u,ir s h op . Tho), h " VCl l\1 {l~H r.. . H'\\' molllt Or· l,hnrt. IInll press, such lUI onc p erson gel Liug MiHR Mluyhollo Bllrnflr ~tf\rt d unr bl'lIt wltlllll!:!. \ ln r r.i~ (frnhlilll \." "" in I lllytn n haolt to t'll bno l thi H waek I~ft..,r I1U '1'he Lavio Langull funoLio rf 1V1t ~ 'l'\I ~!i dny . back at some one else, in language II bRonce of IIll1: weeks Ull uuco unt of II bowling '3 00C08~ . T his 10Ul;00 .IM smoothed to fit the occasion, and l\!H~H I ·H. 'lmB. .JollnR u.nrl Will (J OX ,,' ekneRB. multlng a world wldu reputlltion IIUtI others come out broad in their con. -----ill uUllorvlng' of uti the pmiHo t hey Ita vn pU1'oh 'ISOci DodJ,:e notoa . Ohio has just gotten a good start wily get both 8 WAy uuet II ~ hom B. demnation of what they consider Mony IJY tilt Olt ir.1308 nl"'lIll(led t.1)0 in its experimental work in dealing B on. Frllok E. MIlls ol1e of ur lIorll n pendc a of tho now M. E. moraHy wroug. wit.h the eradication of hog cholera. citizenll wbo blls apoot, tit winter church rlt \Vnynl'6v ill u 8t11JdrLY . "My c1llUgbter us ed Chamberlaln's Not long ago a neighboring coun· This di ease ill the ghost of the c , rn 10 tho south IIrl'lvoa llomA TuoRllay Mr. flll!l Mr ~ . \Vil l Brown were i n 'l'1~bletll for OOIl!ltil)fltlon with good ty clergyman took the editor of the belt, middle· west country. The U. nf Illst weak . blR Wlffl will ~OO tl fo l. resn1ts and 1 cl)n rllcommeud them Olivlo n t-ltllnr(ln y. S . Government at WushingllQn has paper to task: because the editor ac- jU!!t ('ommenced to , appropriate low lind t.helr b Of4pltable h omo wil l hlg bly," write8 P!lnl B. &blo, be open to thllir ulany fri e nds Mr. Ht\ok HlIlith ~n(\ Ro n Allon Hrl1l1hiy, La . 11'0r s lLle by Illt d eal. cepteda certain advertising contract money to help the slales fight this Re,,1 est,,\o Is chllnglog bttn (18 In worA In Duy ton 'L'uIls dt\y. er s. The good man forgo t that for years plague. lmllcations now Ilre that onr tOWD aDO vi elulty , '['hil t is v or y Cl IAU U .I nh"", R' llph Johns and the Ohio Il!gislature may not make the editor had given freely of his appropr.iations to continue this work encourlllolillg. RU!lsol Burll,1t ~petlt SnndllY with Tbe Pytblan '18t1trs ga ve o no of Amus COf)k. space to help tbe church; had print- In the judgment of the Agricultural ed columns of notices of services Commission this is a serious mistake. I.b elr vory muoh euj oyetl bllllqo t ,. Mr. und Mrp. ''''lllIum Ulmon), !I I' In Liml\ . meelings, suppers, entet tainlllent~ Other sta~ will continue to cooJJP.r· Taeaday ulrht of. ladt wee k. MI ~s Nettie EVOIIR -tUI I! bAAn oo n. and lectures, all fr ee . In d o uating ate with the fe<leral government. Mr. IIIlIl MrR . 8 Cl ra ce Inrk wore this pace Ihe edito r bad given more Or. Fischer as state v~terinaria'l ,has IIldel'ably indisposed tor !!ov(mll dilY in On.vtn n Saturday. accomplished more satisfact~ry reo wl\b 1/ oold aDd at' tb is writiog Itl Mr. F funk IJOca8 S}l(lnt tin.tut'day titan th~ equivalent of cash. He suits in Ohio than In any other state. t huugbt to be botter. W ell COrnell '\Vllfl .a Ol.ytoo vl L:ltor !luti l:)ulldl\Y with A rOOR Jaokson .. l:lumlllY. bad given publioity, and thus had Ohio far-mers should not consent w IUln fBmlly . Wm. Mnrrell ooe ot OI" rllftv\Jle'l\ Mr. Fred L!loy 'h as purohusellll done 1110ro to support thl!cburch and have this tight Qn t he s~line plague Mr, Bdmuel .lao&lIon Was the guest oltlzen" '1'118 in onr olty 1".. t W edneR. n ow rlviug bor e , pay the minister's salary than any dropped. They IlhQuld 1000e no time of F rt~n It Bn rta ock lind family 15un_ tt'ansu otlog bUllir:!e811 UOlts trnoti.m work Is belnll/ pusbed day. tbree members or the ch4rch had in conliulUng with their senators and Mr. I\.nd Mrs . AlooZl) Go()dWln , done. An editor has but two reo represenlatives Do it now. Ail- m oved to ' Iorh -lIle lnst l'bllrsd!lY very mplclly on tile C. L. N Mrs. JI1 '1108 P" pper, wbo hilS b eeD Mr . nnd Mrs HIlS'lllond BnrtRocK !lio k. Is out II goio. sources of incol1ll', his subscription vise this newspaper how you feel wbere I·bey WIll make their 110lD!'. about this matter. The first appro· Itrlve mo ved to BAil br ook. Ibt aud ItI:I space. 'tet, in this case Mr. J obn t-lllaw ~8 going 'to move Prof. J. U. Wlltlt ~ r our ~obool priation bill, as introduced '. has omit· whcl~ be solt.! his spaC!! he lust n sub· lu Mr8. MoO/ly's h onA o. ted any money for thiS experimental two week I! illness dietll::!abbtltb scribel. Of cour~e,' no olle need work. ' morning lit 1" rn Be Wil t! com 'Mr, Perry WYII Ong III going to subscribe to a paper unless he pletiog his seoond -yellr Ill! prinoi. -- --, ~--.--move iu I" .~. I:)te\lhens' 1I0uel', . pttl, and during th~t time be had wishes to do so, but no subscribe r Mad aw , if r lmr hosb/lml 18 \lko Mr. 8i111~ Rolllnd Is movlllg on hl8 g ~ tned the confid enoe Bnd r es peot. m ost lIlell he lI:rpeotB YOI1 tit look should want to dictate to tlte cditor fB rm. I)r his ptipllllatltl rbe commnnity tit ofter tb f) baBltl1 of you rsolf anti as to what he should publ~h. Many. WU.hout b llahb, ~eolljne j llY Is Mr. '1'. \tarlBtt will move baok to editors will not accept ccrtain lines \mp"8~lhlil; wltlwut good dlgetl'loD large Be wa& II yoong tUnn with children lJong bs tmd cold.8 Ilre I h8 bl p fnrm . tin exceedingly bright fn\ure ; most oommon of t he minot' nllm ents of advertisinl; 'other editors cannot "00 I't'glll" r bowel 'Dovemen' yon ~Lonill Morgan is slok at 'hill allord, perhcffls, to be so illdepcnd. oal~(H JI"VA De~ltb . Wby negleot Dot tn pobool worlt be R!lll on I;be Rn c I"e mOl't 11 katy to I tld to I!OI'IOUB writin g. eot. iJusines9 conditions often ~e9pinf: bl.lw;.oljO OllAn I\nd rlldt bnlng futu Mllllog to till tllo 1I0il, It WIi" dis eRsc!! A ohiltl III mnob m orA at (,II Mma& bls nmb\t.lon ~o k oop hkely 1.0 oontru t di pht.harill or 80ar . Mr. Vnvo ;.nclI!~ HJl.Aot Sund~y govern t.hese matters. A rich and i:,~~ a~~I1..~!~:~~t D:'K~I?;,: 'k'!~t:~~ bosy trylug to do sometblng for ~h e lot rove r when it hllil tl oold. If wl~b AmoH Jaokson prosperous Philadelphia weekly of Pili ott night, in the mOl'lltng you' of Illl\nlllnd. 1'he bcrelLve(l .v ou will inquire IUlt o tbn' m erit8 of Mr. /lnd ~rti. George M . Pratt national circulation for years de- wUlIl""" a full. froll bowel w ove tdhtr. mother and sister , bave th e ill e vnrlontl re ll edl llll tbB~ tire reo wero guollts of AnlOIl Jl1okson aod beart, felt'''Yllll~ntby of 011 all . '1'h e oommeoded f,ll' oongb t/ lind ooh18 family Snnd~v. eliDed the advertisements of cigar· ment IInll feel mooh bel tel'. Bel remlllUt'I was tnken Sunday to his you will fio d that Cllilmber!'8 et~ manufacturers. Business has 9001' appetite I\nd dl!{e ~Uon. MI'. Willilllll ' Rye baa gone to '-"- +tllrto-mlmA 'Rllldl-ttle fnnertll WitS held Coogh Re m edy 8tB nds hig h in the fallen oil lately for many of the big oue to-nlghf-. . ~ In,_nl"V 8i ~be bouse 0 '" 1 p. m. lind Asthontion of people ",.bo n se It. It WaynuHvilJe to make bll home wl&h magazines. Now that paper is ac· • - ....- - bls eOD Charle8 Ryo. I.he cbtipelll& 2 p m . is prompt nn(l effect'unl, pleas8nt and cepting cigarette advertising. PerMre. WllJlam Braddoola: aod Mrs, Hl\rry Humphrey &rnDIIBoted hns Flife to take. whioh are qOlillUes e8· haps tile editor lJeeds the money. Inoll!lln Colnmhus ~nrday . peoiBlly t o be dosirlld when a med. J ohn Mool'e called on .IPR .. Amos Jaokson Sonday. and who shall blame him if he sells Hevllral frnrn bero atteDded tbe 10inA 18 lnteuded f or ohildren. For hiS Spat-e to the American "obacco fnnetal of erof. ,J e, Walll" ·rnAII. !lA lo h7 flll 1'19ftl prB. Company? Collier'S too we ' bear, ----dAY ~t his h Olll!! nenr MllTtlnsvnlo, ill letting down the bars, just a litOblo. tle. That is all right. Let them ----:down a , little fnrtller; as 19n9 as In the oourlle of I'll cI:lltlnllOllb .akers and graftels and swindlers gruwtu the hall' tbe \ld901 WANTED are ' kept out. No one ' can run vI&alily lilt It rllllM alld f,U til In the a paper to please everyone, be thal bOI: Y. Wheu a hair J.8 held up to Ifow It ole.. re tho throat Bnll b end Mrs . •Iennle MoCur(\y of Lebanon, OPIL NurMIlB who Oan give good paper big or little. I t is the editor's tbe ·llgb' It UlllY be ll6en be 8maller of i ~8 IOUOOll8 IIUui e nt~ h Is th i!l Is v l ~iLing 1\Ir8. 0 "l01l!' (:Ieve nger. ", 1I0me plll'Jell Lball at otbera Tilere r efer e nces Addreea MoClel\"n paper and it is his Ii is Rilirit o f Newne"" I\nl'l . Vlg,~ r fr oUl Miss l,yd1t1 .rftllnev r. A~ uroell to Bo~pillll, Xenia, Ohio . m17 tile one should what luay be I\. 8p1loe of oDe eigJl&b of all tbe belllt.h.glvIDg Pinoy Eorest" b()[ homfl In Oolumbrtl! llloSG Frldny IOcb, )Jerbllptl, where &h~ hair Is 811 should and broullbt· bllck by Ur. &11 ' I' Pine .'l' r· " be wn!llLcomnpllUlOll hy h er m o ther •.I,'bln 118· to "I.~_r ready &0 br6llk,01f. tloney. AnUlleptlo Ilnd hlllllilig. lished in its ~lIUt1llil:s.--E;xchaDg,e Mnl.lJlzzie .Ilnney, who Ill te nds via ~. l:!nob 81lO'" IIpprllll .. ble FOR RENT - - - -•• - ....- - -:.. . lon uf no.nrllthment, a 81eeples8 ItIIlbl. Buy It b .. Ule t{)!loy All Ortl.g~llI t!l, Hillg In Ul\ lutllhll~ n fe \v weeks . 2ti'o, or ~'!I a"ltOk of antn-Iotoxloa"on. Mr. nn(l !If I'll. W . W. ~bOet8 /lnd To Sive GIl. Eloottio BIt.terA It tlpring 'ronio. \irs. !hrlstl lln :;' r~rs \VtlTe l..e ht\noo RM; 120 Bcre ~, mostly level A.n excellent way to Ba"e gns Is to 10 'he In8~ nllmed case8 the ' Aneral IIhopj)('r jj t\.)tur(!tl.Y. good If\nd. nellr PloBBlInt Plain, remove the tip, Ineert a email ph,lce ,,"allty - II 0 r(ered wlfb . arm the root8 of 'be ball' ne' being devaloped M a ~l! r l' . ' WiU · nnn End ftobin80n (WBrre n Co) S. B. Rlokette. Ony. ot raw cotton In the pIpe nnd repilice . IUS IIf OilY tun , spont 8nnd ..y with their ton, Oblo. the tip. Thill les8ena tbe 'prelBure and lire no' a8 etrobg all o'btlr~lse. The b .. lr grow8 Dntll tlae welghl 1)11rent" 11 'moro e"en aDd a eotter 1I1!bt IH. obIs .o . gl'ea~ Hla' " Mn DO longer btl tained. . M IRS 8 leu Millar rl.'turHod to Jler' sa8ylued by ,be rOOk and It dropi! h otlle In Oll.v l.ou MOlidflY, nfter' 1\ ... Ullt. That 18 why ha\l'l are of dlf. FOR SALE :rbe siok In Ollr vicinity nre "II o'n wee k 'lt vis " wit h h er !loot, l>fr8 furent 16ngtbll. (J()ar.lle biWr, bavloM The Thlnty Olk. A. U. Roudnll (, nd Miss the mend. An oak tree' or' ave rage aile, with large I'oot~, wtll IIrow long. WheD l:Joln ~8 . 'be vJ'allty i8 low aU OVOI' ,be body Mh.s Mltrlll l,IPllloo u" of W"y UG i::l--SinlCle Co.flb Rbode 181Bn(\ 700,000 leavee, lifts from the earth Mrs. ' bnR. Allon entertain ed Sat root. tue imPerrectly duveluped u8l!vllle, aod MI!II! Golthe (Jonnor Herl Eg~8 . Sl fol' bottlng of U; , about nno h'undred twcnty-threo tolill auq thu bai .. II likely ~o 'faU onl, n~ ApiluL Thnrllc1ay "fterooun wltla Mrll. nrc1a.y "rt.ornoon with a mlsce lh~ne P1Ione· Mrs, Aloozo Becltett, ot :water durlns Lhe ~vo m.onthB It 18 ill 0.11611 of 1.)'1I1),i)ld f!lVer. OUB IlbOWAr iu hon nr of Mi89 Evn ,~ _ Will Gera.i1. H.. 3. m17 tn , leaf. t 'we, wbo will bl U Mllroh bride andruf! Is a pal'lI~ltlo dlllM8e, anti .. Mr. I\nd, Mrll. \.JarL Ploketlng an~l .\ two o O llr ~e lunoh oon Wl8 lIerved. t petl\<tlte8 go' , down 'arouDd thl! 80n 110gh, ,t;lf LvtJo and Mr. anll MrR . ,()V(l;l~ Soed, rooll1l\ned, UO 'per f a n r ware prOBell t . • • t Ilf tbe 'bat 1', wllic~ b\1,~lhe8 dill r'. M' Oook and d'"Dght,or M'Rod(\ bo. Ioqulre of FraDk Wal'd. o,,!,d '. 'fha'.!11 ~I\otbel' I'tIIIson why were !:lund"y guosts of Mr.' 'rhOmB!! . •1, H. .Johnston iillldilnughter, Mr~ . lp w, 'R. R. 1, 01' Flora Barryhtll, Dorn Urnlny 'of Liborty, IUd., "te WByn08vllle, 0, the hair f&1 "00&, Lacy It OIt fll mily . . m10 . Mrll, ObtLrloy Brllddook wBe ehop.' vlsltlnlC Mr. lOud Mrs.:Will Hllmbert. • ' Mi~8 Klltbryn R obilleon left TuOB ll Y Mare coming 6 Yllars old, pl,ng io V"yron hillt ~eek. day for " week's vl~lt with Miss weight 1200. Also .Iel'8ey Cow We are gl~d to weloomo oor now I.II!OIL Ch""rnon8 ,,~ Pittsburg, PIt fr sh In Morch. G. A. Rea,' Route nell,(ltborR M. '. and 'Mrs, Ueorge . m10 MI'. f\'ld Mrs :;'. W . Roanagle 6, near 'FeTry. PAnOI! IIllIi f!llUily who I\re tht! wMIl , mov.l ng. to th·,lr new ·home. Then were gnests of Mrs. ROBORlrle'1i ANt>; stook farm; 109 acrel, nloe farm formel'ly beloogeJ '00 Alrll. plI-rents, M,', and Mrs \V. A Noll t:lundAY . l~ylng; Warren 0 •. ('3. E . Part) AlII"nda BOlli h . Mi ssel! Ohve and 10el\ Kelllion aod I!ll\sy \ermll. tI . B. Rick.e 'tII, Day. Qat'e 1\ nnmber from bere at: m3 tended the d edlo!l\lon lien Ic(" ot the C.. roliue WOQd, o~ Lebaoon, &tea 1'8. ton, Ohio. ' new MetbOdllit ohn ~ob ill Wayne8 Wtlltor I1l1d Rltnry . Bare o( Wllmlng H'IE three.year.old mules, un vine 8unllay . . . 'ton, .. nd Milb.u rn E~errlll of Pleasao& ' brok8u, 15 to 15,Y. hBoda, good n were e.ut · rtdllned · .O.D l:Iund~y &frl!, Jo'e Rosoll spoDl satur'.1aJ In by Air anll Mrs. W . A . NI!U a' ttielr oDes. 6 . E . 'RIIElY, pbone 448-:ly' , Day too . . eow pl9ll8i.Lt oounlry home,jna' W6llt of LabanoD, Ohio, Re.dy .Me.n. to Identlflcltlon. Mr aod Mre Lemely CuHls moved town, on Sundlliy. ' Rlcbardson Wrlgbt receotly made OW-Frellh, Red' Pulled stoak;' an appoln tment to 1Doet a .Btranger lJi: la8t weeli to tho r.. rlD of MI'. Elbon Word w'a~ reoolv ad bere Tueaday inqUire of Bnrn'o tt Bros., R. D. south ' f Wa' y netlvlllt . a ' HatUord hotel. Ind' 0"01' ·the teleof Ihe deatb of Mfi\ Amanda811ver, 5, Waynll8ville, O. Phone GII-3. Mt' BDd Mrll. BtrRm . Moran aDd a' he r b ~me h~ Penilleton,IDd. ' Mrs, pbone hI! described blmaelt a8 belng , m3 a roDnd penon with an IDclplent 80n, of Waynetlyille. were calling OD - ilver W88 Amanda Gl'llgg ' befQI'8 AY -Lli&le Red Clover BaY,clellO Mrll. Will Gflrard Snnday. hor marrIage, a 1!l11I$er ot '~e la&e mustaohe. Whea , tb~ 8traoser ftnll!ly MI'. Rn'd..,...--~~. for sale. InqalreofT~lId Zim . J ItP. A aDd V.orltt!Olil GI'6IJK. Iu. found ' him Mr. .Wrl~bt ,811\ed bow be toomBnt in Fall Oreek oeme$ery al mel'man. R. D. 4, Wal'lIo.vllle, O~lo. .a1l1,e to reoogDlle him lID qUIckly. . But Then It'. To~ ·Llte. . . . ma Pendleton , , . ~o) the reacly an.wer: "booked Aod lIometlm01l I\-iter marrYing a uJ) Ilnclpll1nt' In' thl! dlctloua!'1. "-Kan· 0RtlE8-Beveral good 'onOl, 9f , Mr, and Mrs. B. ~ , .Decker, M.rtI. man ~be ouce cousldered a good catch .. .. ~1tJ: Star. . , aU klDds, 011; baud for lillie, oal~ lI.rry tlml,h and dOllah&er, Mildred ' (1; wQmao would lIke to ljlk!3 him olf ~....::...---. and see tbem ,at D,:n. S"Ullbury, Ibo book and throw hIm back.'-Ex· at$ended the automobile Ibow at IIIlldcll!'toWD S.&arby. ' R, D. 1, W"Deaville, Ohio. m3 'hange. "",.dl In the U... /Ii." WIld-JIlye4 Cu.~mel'-"I want a LO\ 1118 SUD; Medlnm Red~ n. II 118'rter'1 worth of carbollo acid." el..De I. for f1lrdler IDfann-. clerl...!.''TIIIa III a ' hII'd",,", etore. "on ..11 on O. E. Mlahmer, B. D, 4, B1a\ ...e uye I f • line lIae 01 'I'OPNo W.,......we.. Oblo. ~lepbODem3 511-». I'll""", lad ruora!'-Yale ~




'Il turdl~Y

with" tul] !lttendunoo, aud uuUu




0' 1

. We have just received a carload o'f good Locust Fence Posts,


$2.25 per 100 feet The finest car of Chestnut Posts Ever Brought to Town is Just in.

.. - ..


"'W. H. Madden & Co.


A. MAFFIT Funeral Director and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio.

- -- ... -----


Call answered promptly day or nigh ~ Both phones in Office and Residence. Long distance, No. 14; Home pbonQ 14-2r. C hairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals. Best of service guaranteed.'



E. V.





.. - ..

.. -----


01assiSed Ads






- ..---


n." C








- ..---





NotaJ:')' Public For sale by J. E. Janney

============ All klndsWork .ot Notal'Y-Work. a



PUBLIC SALES:-l=W=aJ=te=r=M=cC= . I=ur=e~

I will olTer at Publlo Bale at my rosidence YA mUll northeRS' of Lytlo on tbe W. C. Cornell farm on

Funeral Director.

Telephone day 01' DiSh'. Thursday, March..a, 1915 V~lley phone No.1. Loog Commenoing at 10 o'()look 'he fol · DI8WJce No. GII-~r. lowlng llroper&y to-wi t: HOllies, Cattle, HoglI, Chlokeos, ,It' arming ImplemeotH, B008Eoboid Automobile Service at IIli Times (/ 00,18 Term~

mltdt3 knowu on day c.f Rale. L. D. Ohllell. C, '1'. Hawke, Auot W. E . O'Neall, Clerk.



Branch Office, BarveJ8bur" O.

Purtluan' to I1n order of the Conrt of Common Pleas of Wl\r~en County, Ohio, r, 811 Reoeiver of ObaUels be. longing to Minnltl J . ~Uertbwa"e !lnd AI bel't .l$.lIJef, partner,,'l will 8ell II t publio anotlon on the ,pl'etnlse~, 1. mile aontll of Corwtw,-6hl'o; 00 r oad le!ldlng fl'Onl Oorwin . to Ol'e · DI:StGN8 gonla; on CO,.VRIQHTS Frlday, March 5th, 1915 ~,~~i<'i~n!.~~f~m' g,~rk~.\r,~ ,~.~,df~=·~r.!',~:~~:~ lUy tln cl rm ' t ll IJrohnbl,. f."ICm Ahtn. ("(t7llnlllll'C".fl.o • 1 t. Utlfllt'U.r 'CU1NlltUdouL AI. HANDBOOK onl'ttu,uLa C OPlDleDOI Dr a t 10 0000 ... 1\, m. 'Ullt rrce. flloI ~t "~(\" C11 torl!lf!CUfllIJr 1'111 *,111•• tlle tollowmg obl\ttel pl'oper'y to. I'ot"''''-'' I..... ,h" ,,,"h )Ionll & (! ,,.,.,.,••• 't 4 b d t b f) h 'tl f ...<laln. l ke, .. lIhoutch.ruo,lnth. ~.


:~tie, 9b::OO ~owt!~~~~OOd Ofe:,o~"

IJIIJII,.oorD, hay, fllrmlng Implom('n~s. ... lOse bl g bill 8 ,f or te .. mB. Frauk EIOOn, Rooeiver. . Roller' B. aha Wb'lO . Attorney . Kar! M. Browo, Auot, A8 I lune rentod my form, 1


& h.M.o"'.,y ll l"" ........\, " •• kl,. J ••• r~".t cruTAlJon fit " 'I' .(lIOtlllfJn }tl nfn&]. 'l un" .... ..,. ~IU': tOli rtnOnLb8,'t. tioldbr.n 't1tt"". 1 0"'"

mUNN LCD '"StOlldlnlr, New York a...."" /rmce. _ r .s&.. W&lbID.,un; n. c;.

W . up'. " E' JOBI·G pn


~J~::e~t :~~:~!c:: ::? C~:t~~:U~:, 2~ wbat i8 known tbe Sbetob/ln Road




. Thursday, March II. 11»15 Beginning a' 10 :00 o'olootr prompt 10110wl.08 c1eeoribed property: 11 b8lld' o(hor88s, 2 'span 01 mllles, 7·besd oaUle, 21 hogll, BhetlJi, feod, farming implementa. Bee big billa tor term8. . Elmer Sbeehan R ' C . Baines A . A, MoNell', Aao's.




• .

11IEATRICAl 'pIAn1m lU" .

J:.&\; . THE WORLP POBI.JS!fED WEEnY, ~.oo l'El TW . "OTItLe, DRUOC.STS, ePEOIAU."" 00 STU M Kit e, T R A" it .. KItt 0 A ... ".0 . . US SERVIOE OAN . PROl'r. UltMO ITe ADVItItTI.IMQ CO~UM'" 8AMPL~ COPY. FREE' , . . . . . MEW YOIt" 'OLIPPEIt" . I



N_ .V_.... .,.


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, PI)




\ '#'

n t \ . 'Il e

(Inod t j~ in ~


G,.o ce ri ~ -- O ur

Kind , 'I



...................... . . . .,...................... Try These- They'll Please i

L.................... .......................: on a turdny per lb ..... ,,'


Pa ill I s a lid Va rII i~l1(>s


' ow' r the \Vorle!.






NA \: BEAt-:.'

I~Qultcsicklllbifl hllme1'-= = = =

-- Water <Itr t. · , ~ - ; - - - - - - - - - -, , wall $5362. A plllll 10r 55 wlU! f " 1. II'j\'O ~~ r ltl !lnt Qf bed· ro In ask",d {or to pay off 1h illc ellt ~!'Ie9.'! L I Tttllc Wtl~ if} 'illcillll/lli I' rl' PIi.• ' r t 5, 6'1\ rI 7(', ~. E . Jannev. o f the church anMal but liB"' WIlS ! 1" l) bscri bed . . Mall), p rs,)QS not \!lin Hutchison & Gibney after their great Fire Rale L • I rhe le;.:;rs . IU", ha!1 an~ FrRnk eeted wi t h the cburc h \V 'r' "tmer- I in I) -1),1 011 ,. TIl ay U,lrlnl1 movC\llni th Ir Ma m street OUS donors. ar receiVing the Finest ARRort ment of REAllY-TOprIll! rly l'uesri II}' , Af t rUle singirllS of the do. olol:l)' I elllwt 1 J IdlS II url .\ I d III r E H . I dana lhe b >ncdictioll. !nan)' r lhe WEAn G RMENTS let offer d. Narrow Skirts ClI1nhnati Frida . ' I S ~ n\ln n e l g lway r~ lurne congreg ation repaired t o I hI! baseI hl!me &I~u rd ay ~ftel' .sp ,ndlllg the men t where the ladies of t h church '. . r wl' tlil relalwl!!I 1n roledo and I had lJr pared Mrs :"\I ~ '\) k, II'1 III h" ,1~ b' en qUI' t, wmt a rdmlil .a s ubs tlmtiallullcl1eon. ' • 0 1t1g h Print House Dresses. $ l .OQ up ill is I!<'tllll ' hlntllr. . . At the ev nmg service lhe houlle f wa>! cro wded (0 its capncity. e v ry • . , M . All Wool Cashmere ·D ress es . . $5.7£i up nr 5. li Ihl ':'c. ItT plondid val uy a r t m.o . J.a» ~nty, Ind .• avail able seat in the whol ' churcil • W~q. hilS been. VI Itmg hiS 'mother. bein g taken. Ther wel'e 7 people I J All Wool S'uits ........ . ... ..~8.7'5 up J . " :illney Mluy ~', lI1urtm. TlastOr of t h Or- a t t his sorvic\!. After the s inging of pring Coats .. . : ... . .... , .... 5.00 up MI' ono Mr~ , . B Bentl y soen t ~I~o ox Fr~end~ chu rch . . r eturlled to a f a miliar hymn Mrs. Martin. of the .:' undny with relatives in Xeni . hiS home 'I h ~rsday lllormng . Ort hudox Friemll1 chorch, olTered a Spring 11.derwear. . . . . . . . . . lOe up " F" d 11 d Dr J . A. to ry who was hefe prayer , The choir Illig an anthe m. Middys . . . .. ... . . .. . . . .. .. . $1.00 lip I\~\"• .J. . 8 wa a ~ ~YOB 11 I Sumhw and assilltL.~ lit the dedicatory "The Love of hr hlt." which WI\9 Xemn \'1 I ur ~ l onday mo rning . servic s of th e M. E church. dropped well rel'ldered . Mr. A. E. Woo ten p ' tticoats Silk .. . ... , . . .... $ 1. 00 up fi d read t he scripture lesson after which d . L uy you r i1'Pl'lilize r of Chal). Frye. ad at his .hoJl\13 '" I)rin ll el.. the Harmony Male Quartet sang House Aprons . .. . ., . .. ..... 25e up who hami ll.'!) Mils\lI1'~ the hes L Tut?~ny evening. of apoplexy. willie "One Sw etly olamn Thought." . on IllS way down to wn Aprons ior D resses. . . . . . . .. 75c up . . The quartet , ('om posed of Messrs. Mi. >! Ju~lino HortBoak. of c wo I J r ' d . eel Lou Printz, Howa rd Gustin, Thos Children's D resses . . ... . , . . . !JOe up pon Ky IS tho gUl'sl of relatives, {ev. . ' . 11 ~vall ader recetv a Pierce and Verll Hawke , have been • .• tel grlllU IIl formmA' 111m tha t Mr.L<.'e CORSETS- Nemo, for Stout Fig·ures. Beau ifni pllpcr III lOc o th · stYle '1 ~~ams .died at. hi~ home in K~nsas :~tth~i~()~~i~he~r:~: !~,r~~~t~~nti~: American Lady, front a nd back lace, \\Ie olr! last vea r al tOe. J . E. J an· I~Y thiS mor mnll'. ~h e body Will be ond WIIS u pleasing feature to the 'n ey ' shIpped here for Interme nt. FII. cong regation . Gossard, all styles ncral a r r' ngem ' Ilt>! will be an· Bishop Anderson. in lieu of a aerFrolaset, front lace. Mr . Ma ry McK ay and tlaug hte r . nounced later mon delivered his lecture on his trip of Lebanon , al tend'd the dedication Lo Africa. wh ere he WBS sent by the Rugs, Window Shades and Lilloleum I (Ni te a nu mb r of peo ple have .. b d f h M '" h h Ull duy • taken ad va nto"e of t he nice weathe r missionary oar 0 t e .... cure will bc ill: .. to look after th e illt rests of that Mr. ulld MI. . . A. Brun r. uf in t h last two weeks. and placed ehurch in Africa. l.Albanon, IV ra h 're 'undav a t tho with Cha rl es W Scn wartz & Son. of His lecture was followed with d od ieation, Lebanon. t hei r ord rs f9r monu. I . E ments . to be or led on their cern . great mterest. 1\9 Ie was 11l urope at t he t ime of the opening of the Tht! Woman" Au:dlill ry wi ll meet with Mrs. Iii. V .' Uarnhllrl [i riday ete ry loW! be fore Oeco ra liul\ Day . g reat.waf now goinll on. His travels XENIA ' OHIO and ·th e inconve niences of his trip afternoon at :1 o'clock. J . E. F r'azier's horse ran away made u very interes ting lecture which Tue. dav ·a fte rnoon. .. By" had gone Mr . and Mrs. Sta nley Sel le rs. of into his store and left t he horse un· was listened to with rapt attention L banon . were liere ' ulldl1Y attend· hl tched. wb n it was fri g htened at He described the country of Africa. Its people and habiW! at some length, ing the dediCllt ry ser vices. " n<_ . ~1114 ome th ing and s tarted for home on and although he did not visit all of th "doubl e quick." Not much Airica, he!lllw a great deal of it. and F. C. Sawin will move into t he damage was donc ho we ver. said that the work s tarted in fhat Haines property on Main Street. great continent. especially by the vaca ted by Roy Irons 'fuesdllY. F'rench government, was doing a Try Moxleys best g rad e 0 1 orn s r noble worl( . And thus the message jo rine.clGan pure. wholesom . LIVe. STOC~( ANI) GENERAL .. ttered by Jesus Christ to carry thl' Mrs, Aj ice Alcorn. Phone 9 '. go pel into all the< world wa:i being AUCTlONF.E.R carried by the several nationfl that Mrs. J ennie Imel , of Lebanon, was have control over the continent of called here last week on account of that· heathe., land the il lness of her mother. Mrs. Sue The formal .dedication of the Cook. church WIlB the next thing. and The Protect ive a nd Detective Com Bishop Anderson taking the dedA fe w styl in dar k paper we pany me t . at t he Township house ieatory part of the program, &Cselli ng a t DC [0 clear out . same we 'at urday. wi t h nearly 60 members cording to the ri t ual of the Methodist lIold at 10c last year. J . E. J anney, present. The meeting was enthu· church ~ Tbe Stlrvice. was II'l;leautiful siastic . as "everul measures were· ,one- and in keepi/l~ with ~U the Mrs. L, A. Zitn mjlrman left Tues br()ugh t up 8tlll di posed . of to the serv ices of the day. '1 W day evening for Clev elend, where rnemJ>er" prel\tlnt lIenedidi!,>ll A (ter sinR:in~ the :loxolQgy and ~hil; :~~~~::;;~~~~~:;;;;;;t;;:,~;:::::;~~~;=; she will at~elld t he wedding of her 8lltiRfllctiofl Th ' uSlla l of roualltine of the paYment by Rev Grauset. the Dig . sister of b ills, re'por ts o( committees and congregation went W their . home;< oth er impprtllnt matters were wl.'lI pleased t.bat the· day liad bad Mrs. Mollie Edl\'al'ds nnd da ug hter. brQugb ~ U~I arid ,di~posed o~ . uch a happy ending . Miss Margaret. spent unday at the The anu ual e lection then took· • - ••...,..- - h ome of Mr. O. J. Edwards anti ptace Tht! result of this election family • WII-<i that E S Baily was re·elected president but he· refused the honor. S L Car t wrillht left Tuesday fo.r Ano ther'ballot resulted as follows: H. M. Sherwood E. Servis Ghicago. where be was called on ac· President, F. S. ElbOn, first vice· count of lhe iltness of his son , C. M. president, Harry ' Murray; secona Laura Elizab~th Sellars. daughter Cartwright" v ic~- p[esid e nt. Frank Shidaker; sec· , retary, J . C. Hawk e; trellSurer. R. of Martin and Susan Williams was FO llnd ~ -A pair of au to gl oves a t A. ('ro ; t.rus tees, Or Ellis, Ohas. born January 7. 1831 in Narth CaroWe have in8tall~ the latest the M E. Church laslSunday Own lina. On Ji:ebrIJary 19. 1915 at the hi laker. Fra nk Shidake r .. ( er can have the Bame by calting at Stewart Clipper Grinder. M r "Bailt has served the Rangers home of her daughler, Mrs. E unice the parsonage. . . ' as pre!liden t for the last fi ve years Curtis, of Wilmington, Obio. the and ha prt)ved himself to be ~Iways tired spirit returned to Him who I to the occasion . H'e was 'al· gave it. after a well spent lite of ho Iraer.bll'i~htrbll<l'-fA_<ee~&l'7_:1cftQlltr·e+WilVii ready to \ilke up 'ma tters of eighty-four years. one month and ' In'l nn,·t...",., and ru n them doo'n, lind twolve days. Air·Cooled Pumping Engint;!, rebuilt and guarnl)~l:!:: cc""d'_"'!.!!n"' le.... 'She was united in marriage to . tiro~-1h!!..!"e might trave been as new. re if hehad Dot been so system· Jacob Sellars. To this unlon were Mrs. 'Eva Funkey Andrews. of atic and careful. itJf his procedure b'om eleven children. three aons and Chicago, arrived here IllBt week,. and The company did not like to receive eight daughters. The husband and is the guest ot her parents, Mr. and bis declination. but under the circum· eight child ren preceding her in <leath Mrs. J. A. Funkey .. She lea, mourn. three daugh· . 'This Engine is were obliged to db 80 . After the election the meeting ad· ters. Mrs. Martha 81119. ~rs Eunit;e 'Hehuilt Ilnd cheap. Mr. Guy Dakin and .family , of journed Cu rtis, Mrs Letlahia Curtis, sixtepn . : n(>ar Dayton . . attended ded'i cation ~randehi ldren. ten g rea t grandchil. Sunday. a~ d ,were the guests of Mr. • dren and a host of relatives and . and Mrs F. H, Farr. , friend!! In 1860 with" hUilband and fam ily . she came to Ohio lln4 settled Miss Ruth Hllrris retu rned to ,her Hopper Cooled. near New Burlington. After. the home i'n 08y~on Tuesuay. after and ·guaranteed. death <Of hllr 'husband which occurret! a mon t h'lI visit with Mrs. Alice twenty·six years ago. she made her McKinsey and daughter, Miss HenT he regular meeting of the W. G. home with her daughters , rietta. T . U. will be h ~l d at t he home of . Early ib life she united with the Monuments of !:ico tch and' Swed. Mrs J . T Ellis on Tuesday ,after ZioD Baptist church at Harveysburg, Agents for the Celebrated Ingeco Gasolene and Coal ish Granites, imported before the noon. March !)th. at two ' 0 clock and re,mained a faithful. eonsistent war. we are atilt selting at the same Miss Al)~ll K e U:( Will be chai.tmlln of member until death . Bel' 'Christian Oil EngineS, Automobile and General Machinpry fair prices . d has. W. Sehwartz & tbe meeting assisted on the program fortitude W8Il mllnifested by tier . . by Mrs. Sara Snook and Mrs. Mary many acts of kindness. ·Her life Repairin-g, Gasolines, Oils anel Accessories Son. Lebanon. Fra mo. It. will 'be "Union Signal was nn!! of love and devotion to bsc ri " and the suDscrip. fri ends ' and children, amI t.o do Grange Satu rd week- something for someone was hj!r a-short ' monthly . papers. A f ull at· gi:eatest ple-aaure. speak on " This ance Clesired ' Ev.erybody wellecture ~ill op(>n ,tll .the g eneral .Mother Js 1Z0De~We will not say Ilhe , I p u blic. and everybody is invi,ted . . . is dead as we feel For such as 'she . . tbere is no death. Phone 105 Mrs, Ruth Carey , Mrs . Flo Dyke. Just gjving up of mortal breath of pring Valley, nnd the Misses Fqr immortality and life Della Da vis. Katherine Goat and Beypnd thi~ vale of 3trife. Mary F lattery. of Dayton. were VIo eek lid guests of Mr. and Mrs 1". Though . • Carey and family. live,she i9 gone. her 'works still ~-iII!I---~------------iII!I--III!II-IB!I-~ Their goodly influence daily giv~ Milan's Fer-tiliz"". the bes t on the A life so gentle. pure and 8we~t.· market. For sale by Chas. Frye. There will he IlO Friday eveni'ng In ~enven only is complete " th O reek ' . ' , N A E serY.I.c e HI W :', " 'The funeral was conducted ~unda" . , Mrs. Dr. Smith. Mrs , Ghas. AlexT~.lrd SIi)1da~ It;I~ent, March 7th. i"~_b . 21\ 1916 at.Zion Baptist church and er, Mrs. E B, Barl('y ann the B~IY CommunIon. and ,!\e~mon at of Hal veysbul'g ', ' by ne~ J eSse Mis..~es P('srl Col vin. Bessie Fi tch and ]0.39 a . nl . Evcp,lIlg' serv~ce a,?d duwkin and Rev. ' Hel'i!chel Lewis . ' Iilte'rment at Harveysburg Hannah Harper , of Spring V~lley. sermon aL Ileven d·clock . spent Sunday· at the home of Mr . .and , S unday School ' at 9:80 . Every. body invitl!d. -"-Mrs, Win Salisbury.



PEC1 A I...




.ak Man Strong,!

Would ,M a k e A



Eac h W eek, Consisting of Qualit '


iIl Cll cin-;'OedicatioD .New Church . ~-------------

-- - --.----- - * ,' PfASONAL' MENTiBN'll


,.' II,.. t ,-----------. t




Hutchison & Gibney



..................................................... •


~f;~.~t ~U\R~I.~ ~~HA:G~ R ..C. HAINES

i i :

701 U. B. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio.




Residen e : C nt rville, Ohio.

Late Cla~sifie.d Ads

NOTICE , !'foUoo IS


Rivea b y th

I!<IArd nt

,JdUC4!!:!oP III W a,yl1e TowW\h1p &bool J ' b!· ~ct. · WamJJl Count;y. Ohio. thaj. on Ib ,

:':zoth. day" of March, f 9 .. speclal eloollf)tl wlU be h uld


1()O bu.


·mtth. R


R . 1. . 1017

Thid- . dOL· e n lana an .ulO

W . ,.110


111'. holl . th I.:hool. 0 1 W ,ynn T o ...uohlp =~I~;trJC~. 'arrea Counl1. o.h lo. bo

Live Stock Insurance Co

2JId. Sball tbo bourl 1)1,,~' al'IlQ To)l'1l hlp 8chool Dlstrl l . W..,.reu vulln~y. Oblo . bo ' 0J)! Jld 1111\011\11 01

or! Oats.


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1I'0..lIIhln 8<:buol Dlttorlct. \\·....rea ()o~utJ, . ~:1~1° dtllonu lno ~hc follo" '-"It ' IU ...

lIIl lod 10 l b


hOi rlell Phooe . U3 2"" ;.

30. 00. 00

wltb whIch 14 p vide ~\I l11cJ nt l\Uleta to purcbud .. til t.D and IlJ'OC1, a 11l11V' high IIChool buJldlcg ·1n WaJ'~ '1'o wo81,lp School DistrIct. III lIr Wai'rOtl O!)lln ~Y. 0.1 of . 8a1ll . peel.a! lee Ion will be belil a~ tho agains t TowDIhJp HOllie III '\\'Bl'ue>!"UI In W OYll8 To~lp 8cllool . DI.l!'! ' I, Wllrrcn Collnty . OhIo. J.'01l. will bt> oPen troll! ~: so A. U . . "!lUi 6: 00 ~'. 1l .• l:IlaAcllU'd 'I'lm . · , • '. 0..0. J. fUIlTl:1 . . ' PnoIdea .. , Bow of &dIlCltloll Wnyne T ownII1Ip 8cJIool Dla\dcil. W&m1I1 Couoly. blo ·

Ho rses, Mules and· Catt le ' 1'. • death from any cause •

W N S'ears, .A g t .-,.

pun o.

OlLM tlR . 0\IIII: ~r adllCaUun. "'''71l0 TOW.nllhI P Dlat~ Wal'l'110 uouJlt y. hlo.





Waynesville. Ohio. --,



ZIMMERMAN'S Specials This Week 25 Pound' sack Gr~n


Suga r. " ...

Big Can Pink Salmon . . . Fre~1t











Kit F,ish, per k-il. ...... . Big Jar Mu stard .... . . . Fancy Muir Peaches, lb.

IOc IOc 45c' IOc IOc

Quart Jar " l lb. Cocoa. . . ' ollly .... . . . . . . .. .... . ~5c

TIll \

It p:aawliat. waU Paper Q,•.t ..

Pean Ilts, per lb . .

Fallcy Onion Sets, 2 qt.S. • 6C


Pure Seed ' Potatoes


'.~t ~ fOC!m . C&II be made much .- mON attractive by Ulina- a fe,, ' ,,Ddt 0' ·CretollDe to . nalch the .. iftlI paper. • AD Cltimare- "lll cOllvince you 01

Seed Potatoes aou Sets both DorthC(n grown, stock fine and prices low.


Fancy Solid Cabbage, Onions. Lett uce, O ranges, Grapefruit.

tile reuolllble COlt of proper deco. ~cadoaI IIId 1004 workmanthip" •


It pays to trade at


W. N. Sears


Waynesville, Ohio



Horse Perkins Eng .i~e


ALF of the food value 'of your

~prn crop is in tbe stalks, husks . aud lea ves . Don ' t waste these. They m ake milk aud butte\' and beef . b f or you an d put m oney 10 your, auk it you p resen;e t hem in a n .

N J ... DIANJ\ ~ I L9 . The barn nud lc:erlJlIg peos


UlIlJlure !roUl

. will go back ioto your eoiJ to tnnke biSaer crops next year. - The Silo Is'made' of the best 8110 . . materials and. only tile best. Evuy ~eIUU Is . air·tight. lhery joint is Jtuwe "~th our paLIIDl aolr-d.mloi nll'thortieo!. Jtoortl'y pI_ I. marked .1111 "",dy 10 too . UPP<:11 1"10 1111 prope.. pIa"". You

C'1UI ~I 8n 'pdJnon 6 110 ~ "ulQltI,. bel II win iii.., r Otl ah.oluU' ... tIdtI~,,~ fora urewu.. Doa·t YOIT)' II hOUI II.e J>rI ~ We """ UftlDte It 10 IlIat t!"'..!~<n the IUO oal of the ~___J I _ _ ConI ... up nl' lI"'p mo A lin. W~ ha.... PI'OIlIIIItlaalhal ..iUloolI:mlabl¥~\D__







1 HP Engine 2

- -- - --.,..-..,. w. ell 1. UI ME~TING

.HP . Engine

Gasoline Engines and Engine Supplies


Irons moved his family to Valley Tuesday . . The com. Illunity are Barry tn loae this ' esHm· able family. but Spring Valley be the guin~rs. Mr. lrons will ta~e charge of the canning factory' in that pillce. . .

Vuur. J •

a c.


..iL;...'O'W ' ...,.,. "url'{V Roy rnl. ....,. . Spring

L,,~ Q(' ) ~ ~ul~ r

WaynesvUle Aulo &Machinery Co.

--- ------


We wish to tl'iank our friends nejgh~orR for their kbidnel!8 ql1ril1g our recent bereav/ilmerit, Rev JessI.! Hawkitlll and Re~ . Herilchel Cewis -~- ., I . • 'for con80fin'g words. tile ' choir 'for . ; l 'their beautiful singing and Ilnd~r• . Th~s,e nov.: III a~rears for ' wa~er t8ke~ Holliday for his prolllPt ' and and h~ht. 'WIll bp, cnt off and, a ;~ '00, efficient services. '. The ~lijldreh and Grandchildren (',f ThQse who attended the Warren charge 'for , turning 0\'\ aga.ln if not County Teachers A')!!ociation at Leb· paid · by. M.arch 6th J;l}! . ord~~ o~ the late Mrs. Laura Sellars. . '. _ . ' . , Sioard of Pubhc Service. . anon last- Saturday were . Mr . and Mrs. H. F . McLaughlin. the Misses' Anna Vandervoort. Maria Stout •. .'. Laura McKin I!Y. ElizahethChand(er and ,M r. F. C. Gilmour . . New Antioch ~ul'llery, Stock, all , .. . 'l'l1e Warren cOunty, Fish and kinds of Fruit and Ornamental 'Freet! . Milia G!lI)rgia Hadden and MISS Game Protective AsSociation of War· soJd and delivered . at Corwin. Har- Li~ie · Stewart entertB:ined very ren County ' will ho14 a meeting at veysburg and New 8urlin~n. pleasantly ¥ond~y evenln", at an Lebanon at the City ,.Hall, Satprday Guaranteed! to be true to narne and elegant llix 0 clock dinner the tollow· afternoo'n at 2 O'clock, far the pur. first class. 1. N. M}lI~r~ Aat. jng g'u~: Mrs, M. E;. ' FUn~to!,. pose of eletlting officers 19r, the eliPhone 3B·-2Y. • Mrs. I. E. Keys. Ute MJII88II Klule suing year All members are ~_. . . I • Merritt, Martha Burnett and Emma ·d·all··ted · . ,1 " Cartwria-ht. . I 'IJ lllVI . KC" 'LlI 'l ' FOlf SAl,E DATES .,....,....--...--......_-.:..M T ' .... rs. urn",,, John [rw!!i~nlillab~n~d:.:u,~~;: tie, of Jj G. J Graham, Hale. of Xenia.


.-~ ANTmCH· N~~E~i..STOCK·


Dr. Larrick and and Mrs.Mr. P. URieNedry ~.pd~






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