Miami Gazette April 1, 1914 - August 19, 1914

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Sixty-Fifth Year




The bQdy of a youn g man fo .md in the Big Miami near the Dayton Ca· noe club's headquarters, Saturday proved to be that of Warren A. Sel· lers. son of Geo . H . Sellers. a former resident. Mr. S~lI e rs di sappeared from home on Fe brua ry 10th. and was not see n again. until th ~ waters washt.d his body nt:ar t he shore last Saturday. The young man. who had been work· ing at Bellbrook . went to Dayton to spend the winter with hi s fa the r. but not being able to procure work become despond ent a nd on lhe morn· ing of hi ~ disappearance told the family that he was going to take a walk al ong the Stillwater. Upon examination it was found that he had left his watch and other val uables Ht horn e. but h ad taken one of his razors with him. The family then feared suicide. and it is RUpposed he went t" the river and de. liberately cut his throat. It is supposed that t he big snows hid the body, and after the big rain of Friday the body was washed into the r}ver. The body ':Vas recognized by hiS father -after bemg t aken to the morgue. Mr. Selle rs was born near Lytl e, twenty· nine years ago . Afterward the family moved to Bellbrook, and the young mall found employment the~e. . He W~'1 a man of splenoid habIts, industrIOUs and popular. and was well liked by all his acquaint· ances. He was a mpmber of the K . of P. lodge at Bellbrook. The funeral was held at his father' s home in Dayton Monday qlorning . and the body was brought to Way· nesville and laid beside that of his mother'in Miami cemetery. The K. of P's read their burial ritual at the grave. - - --. - AID.SOCIETY NOTICE

Li tany . Peni tential Offi ce and ad· tire:';!! F r iday evening at 7:30. Saturday. E veni nK Praye r at 3:4(;. S:lI nday ne xt hefore L~ast e r (Palm Sunday ) April fl. Sunday School at !J:30!l. m .; Les~on: " Our Lortl 's Triumphal Entry Into J erusa lem ." Momin J; Prayer and sermon at 10:::10. In t he (!I'ening at 7: 30 in!;t ead of the r.~gu l a r service . .a Can ta ta, " Cal vary by Wcssel. Will ue rend ered . Thi!! is the sto ry of the Cruc ifi xion. incl ud illg the seven words spoken from t he cros.'l, given in sac red song- . Quitc a r. ulll uer uf our leadin g vocal· ists will i ~ l lhe reg ula r choir in the I cn(i: Lion, g iving a rare oppor · tuni ty fo r all hour of inspira tion anti devotion a t the beginning of Holy Weck . ~eaL" . at this as a t a ll the se n ricrs in St. M aI'Y'~ are free. Nex t week ~ Holy Week, service ever'y e vening a t 7: :30 . The publi c i ~ cordi a lly invited to all th ese services. - - - - - -- SOME VERY FI NE FRUIT _ __ . The Miami Gazet le . MI'. S. L Cart.wrig ht. Mr. W. H. All en anel Miss (';eor-gia Hadd en received a small box of orange!> throug h th e kindness and co nsideration of Mr. W. H Ga rd. of Monrovia. Cal. The orang es are very fine, a nd came that long dista nce in good shl1pe. Th e above people are surely very g m teful to Mr. Gare! . and t hank him heartily for his r emembranl!e of them. _ _ _

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Wayne Township S. S. Assn.

The Wayne Township Sunday that l1\Uch fuller reports might be School AS!iocilltion met on Sunday giv~n it blanks were furnished for afternoon. March 22nd, at the this purpose. A motion to provido Christian church in Waynesvillp. I blanks in the future was made and We were fortunate in having as ' carried speaker Cor the day Rev. Tillman The nominating committee sub· Hobson , who l(live us many helpful mitted the following names as oill, thoughts on the subject of "Bfficien· cers for the ensUIng year: Presirlent, Geurge Mills cy," "If we make our Bible Schools em· Vi ce· President, Katherine Pren· cient. we build up our churches, derglll!t. The most potent factor in thi'J work ~ecre tary. Elizabeth Chandler. Treasurer. Eva Davis . is an efficient teacher. who will in· Supt. Elementary Dept., Mrs. terClit the children Such a teacher will teach the geography of the old Char-Ies Hough. and riew Testament with the geog Supt. Intermediate Dept.. Mrs. . raphy of the home town, and in many Horace Compton' other ways deek to relate the Bible dome Dept. , Mrs. Charles Robltto our present·day lifp." zero At tile close of his addresa. Miss Adult Dept .. Oscar Edwards. Teacher's Training. Rev. U. H . Lucy Emley favored us with a beau · titul80lo. We regretted that none Palmer. of our county offiser" could be Temt-erance Dept., Mrs. Li~dley present to tell us of their work, but Mendenhall. we would have b~n sorry to have Supt. of Mi'lSions, Miss Minnie mi88ed the splendid thoughts ex· Satterthwaite. pressed by Revs Palmer, Wooten As delegate~ to th e county conven· and Grauser, who Of;!cnpied the time tion they named Elizabeth Chandler. alfowe<.i for the county officers. Martha Cook and Mrs. J. W. Ward. Reports were given from all the The meeting closed with the sing. schoola except LyO'e and- Mt. Holly. ing of "Blest be the Tie," and the While these reports were encouru· beneJiction pronounced by Rev. ~ Mtttlntion was called to the fact Woott n.

------J I. I~NeW~ ~ ,


hav~ bee~

MASONIC NOTICE . . Several inquiries. .made Reg ular commumcatlO'1 of Way. -- -, mregardtothe mlDlsters nesville Lodge No. 163. F. & A. M.. that have served the M. E church Tuesday evening. April 7lh . So· The l-lew. Century Club was en· I here from the first meeting held at jouming brethren cordially invited tertained on Friday afternoon at the the ol.d lo~ cabin SClUth of town. We to be present. COIf h~me of .Mrs .. Cynthia Evans. have gotten th" names from the old 1. T. Ellis, W. M. Dunne the . busI~etl8 h~.ur I register of the church, and they are L. A. Zimmerman, Ser 'y, time Wal OCCUPied With a dIBCuBSI ;.n IsubstantiallY correct so far as we The l~anie8 Aid Society of the M. ~ning to civic impr~ement, in· know. W lL WORK DEGREES From 1808 to the year 1855, the E. church will hold a market in the cluding the care <?f the te~ tree. left on our once beau tlful Cor~1O Avenue, . preachers 'were all "circuit riders," Township House. on Saturday, the before the woodman spar;ld not. the Sometimes there were as many as 4th of April. Everything good to The J. O. U. A. M. will have a tree. .. I five preachers assigned to the cir- eat. We will also have a quilt. and meet,ing- at th eir hall in the Odd· After a pl~lDg plano solo, by the cuit. In the year 1865, the first sun bonnets and aprons for sale. fellows building Friday evening, Y.ur patronage is desired. hostess, roll call w~ responded to regular minister was appointed. when four candidates will receive the Lizzie Stewart, Sec'y. w,hh beautiful quotations from' ~urn8 The names of some of the ministers two degrees. ~ MIL.. MaffiU n,· . ....iJt-be temembered 'by many of our · ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ ~ . sketch o~. "Scottish HOl!le oldest citizens. The list from )808 • Ml'I. Elhs paper on ~m. to the I prel!ent time is 'as follows: ~ Life. boroueb, w8!l also very cleaa1Og. 1808-Thos Milligan and Wm. ?rorl'U~ w8!I concluded y read· Mitehell. I ~ c- - JD8-BUJ'M Hiehland Mary, by Mrs. 1809.10-Hector Sanford, Saul ! ! , FD~':'r8J IfUiiat. of th~ hostess. in. ~~~: Th08. N elaon and Moses I L _._-_ ..;..... "... ...................... ..... ~... _ ... -.J i lS10.U-John Collins. Moees Crum L eJudlna: M". A. T. :Wrll{ht. Mrs: L. ... .-......-----..............- ....- - - - -...- -_ _ ......l A. Zimmerman, Mrs. Grace L. SmIth, John Tateman M. . Myra S.ird, May Wright, 1812. 13-Benj. LakiD. EaRter booklets and posw.ards at N. L. Bunnell, of Lebanon, was in Stella LeDa~~ Mrs H~nnab R?lters -1813-14-M. Lindsey and J. Tate- Phillips' . town last week. and ~. S. L Cartwnght enJoyed man tbepleuures of the social hour, and 18i5-Mo8£8 Crum and Jacob Mrs. Mary (Jaskey was in Dayton Fred Gons. of Route 2, was in LebdelicioU8 refreshments. with the Miller, last Wednesday. anon, ~ Saturday. . ladl. o( the Club. M~ Stella Le.m· 1816-David Sharp. ' mon inaDipulated the pianola makmg 1817-John Sale and J. c.::. Brooks. Robert Burton spent last Thursday Chll8. Stansberry was in Cincinnati mUllc plore . • _ • 1818.19-Wm. Dixon and J. A. evening in Dayton. . Fridny on business. WoMAN'S AUXILIARY Waterman. Lee Hawke was in Dayton Thurs· Mr. and Mra. George Hartsock . 1820-21-John Strang anlW. P. day on a business trip. were in Lebanon Thursday. one ladi. of the Woman's Aux- Quinn . . mary met with Mrs. Zimmerman, 1822-23-J. B. Bropks and J.1>. Elias Oglesbee, of Route 2, was in Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Zell were FrIcI-.v afternoon Marclr 20th. Tay l,or. ",. . Dayton visitors Wednesday. . The d.wotio~al exereifles were can 18~·24-A. W. 1'41hott and J. C. Lebanon 'fhursday op business. duc~,J;y Rev. J .. F. Cadwallilder Br1oo825k~'26_A W Ell,'ott d J C Mrs. Edith Harris visited relatives Milson!s Fertilizer. the best 011 the titer whiCh the ladles reslXlnded to . " a n . . in Morrow Monday and Tuesday. market. For sale by Chas. Frye. ~ Script-ural quotations. Br~k'. . . Atter readine of the minutes and 1826-27-R. Bigelow and T. BeGeorge Dakin, of Dayton, spent MrH. Anna Watson ~as the guest SUllday and Monday with his family other b~ thefollowing program cb~~:i7.28--Chas. Waddle and J. Sale. of Waynesville relati ~s last weck. .W~::":;Pihe World ....;it~ the I828.29-:-W. H. Raper and G. W. here. St. Mary's Guild w 11 meet with Messrs. A. Maffit aud Lafe Nichol· Mrs. D. L. Crane on T ursdayafter· Church Pe"odleal Club," and .. ~ork Malay. 1830·31-Aug. Eddy and Joshua son were in Cuba. Clinton county, noon. Idone ib die Hocldne _ValltlY," ·M rs. ~ Craue' ···WOID.'. . WorK in the Bousher. . . last week. .CbuioCh," Mise Emma Heighvp:ay; 1832-3I-D. D. Davl80h and E. Mr~J. Ella Knight, Of~\1arion Ind., Colored Easter eggs at the market is the guest of Mr. ~'Readina from the Emergency ' in Owen. . HI Mrs. A . China." Mn. S,.· L. Cartwright. 1834 ::\6 -A. M. Loram and Alex of the Poultry Association, APlil Maffii:. 11th. at )laffit's. !: The Priddent ·~ked the ladie,s to Morrow. , briiurtbe. contents of their . uOlted 1~·37-Mafflm Harker and S. S. George Doyle. of Cinc ·lInati. spent Mr., and Mrs: Karl Sarvi~, Mrs. Sunday ·'offerlog. hoitlldo. the next meeting. Chase. ' at the home of r. and Mrs. II... L. A. ZiDl1nernian , then " fa 1839·40-JolJ. NeWlOn and S. F. Sue Cook and Miss Mal'tha Cook Harvey Gustin, were in Dayton Monday. ,':' voNd ~.I~i8l!l wi~ ~I~. COpray • . ' . . tiODi on tb.pboboa'i'aph, after which l8Jl.42- Vf, BDPcher and C. W. All your goods In soft wa· F. C. Carey. Frank Elbon and H. , ~e,)' : adjOumed to m~t wit~ Mf'!!. Swam . , . . ter. J. L . Erown I • Qulwalild., the third Frldaf ID l~I-J. B. Elsworth and I. D. Day. A. Cornell were in Lebanon last week Lee ,Agt. attending to their duties on the jury. '.' 1805-56-1. 1. Be~1. April. ' . . . 1859·60-J. J. HIli. '. d h Mr. ant.! Mrs. T. V Frank· Sherwood has arnve ome New Budington 1861·6S-Joa. Kendall. from Pittsb~rg, Pa, .where ~e. h~ guests of Mr a~d' F.•Conl'QY. been 8pendm~ the wmter With hIS nell. • F, ConI'9Y. son. McHugn. _'/'J_''''' Lawder. M~~1'!. Elmer ROltlm.·H. · Dr. Miller Miss Ruth Roy Irons. who has been con fined and Emest t in Dayton to. the house for' the l!I8 t":"o weeks Zimmerman were WIth an at.taek of grippe, IS able to SundEI),. be au t agam. ther Burbank . h Z· f Ox! d It iSI Pu~ible that .' M~ss Hut Im~e~man, 0 or the Cillifornia " will appea~ qolleg~.18 spendmg a week of V&Ca- at thel Miami . Chautauqua tlon wI~h her pareJlta.. Mr. and Mrs. this summer Thad Zimmerman. , . Poultry AssaciaMrs. Hora~, of )renia. Don't; forget;' affit's OJ) April and, Muter Glenn Hathaway. of ti~n'a 'm"rket eats" that can SprinKfield, were' the gueSts of Mr. 11th. \ All the ' sale tbere. and ' ·M rs. C. B. Bentley. 14onday. be fOl.lnd ll

Century Club






r---·_··_-_·_··-_...... . . . ' . _ . __ . · · . --l! I !:L Personal Mentio'D Column • • • • • • • " ' ' ' ' _ - -• • '

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Whole Number 3257

Changes in the School Laws

.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \ Teachcrs th at hold eith er a tW\). hereafte r be g raded as well as the th ree. fi ve or eig ht year certificate sc hoo ls. First g rade one room that have tall g ht fi ve years a re ex· elementary rural schools will here· ('m pt frof!! t he teacher t rainin g law . a fte r receive $25 each year fro'm the All oth e ~ e l e menl a r~ t eachers a nd IStilte; se("ond grade consolidated prO!lpectlve teachers In the clem en- :lchools of two rooms or more $50; ta ry schoo ls a re req uired to have six : and firs t grade consolidated schools weeks of class roo m instru ction in of three rOl'ms or more $100. a recog nlzcd schoo l for the training P upil~ that g raduate from the 8th of tea chers and all a mount of acad· g rad e in these recognized elementary emi c in ~ truct i on . E'4 ui val ent to one schools shall be entitled to admission year in a recogni zed hig h school after t o any hig h school without exam ina· J an ua ry 1. I !H 5. ti on. Pu pils of any other elementa· 2. Our local board of school ex· ry sc hool not so rl'cogmzed are ad· aminers will i,;.'me only one and t hree miLted to any high school upon the year certificates after the May ex· certificate of the district superinamination. We can renew any two, tend ent, three. fi ve or eight years certificate 7. When the average daily atat the April or May examination if ten~ance of any school for the prethe applicant has taught five yea rs, cedmg year has been bd ow twelve, After that t ime. the five and eight such school ~hall ue s U~De nded and year certifica tes will be renewf'd at the pupils tranaferred to such other th e State department of education. school or schools as the local board . 3 ?-,he special primary ~xamin!!. may ~Ire ct. Sixty days notice must tlOn will be held as usu!!1 I!\ Apr~1. ~e glve!1 t~e pat l'ons of such abo~. 4 The Bo xw~1l exannnallOn wIll ,lshed di strict be.fore the school IS be h.eld on the t hml Saturday of bo~h ~Iosc:d . These nolices shall be p,?stE;d April and Mayas has b.een . done ~n In tiv ~ conspIcuoUS pla~f!S wlthm the past. These e~amma tlOns WIll such vJllage or rural dlst.rlct. Wh~n not be held aft ~ r thls .y ea~. ' . schools are closed In rural, . 5. Teache;s examinatIOn!! WIll b!! trlcts the local board shall p~ovlde held on the first Sat urd ~y of April for the conveya~ce?t the puplh to ancl May. and the I B~t Friday of June another school dIstrict. an? August of t he pr~Bent yel1r. . I LESTER S. IVINS, . 6. The elementary schools Will Clerk School Exammers.






. - - - - -- .__. - ,, __,_e

I Social Events I e---, -,-----;... -.

Charl es A. Hadl ey. a noted epeep and cattlt:! raiser. of near Clarksville, died at his home March 19th, of _ pneumonia, He was well known !vir, and Mrs. Earl Evans enter here among cattle men. tamed Mr, and Mrs. Ch~les Itey· ooids and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Lanter and little daughter. Joseph H. Starbuck, of Spring Mr. and Mrll. J!lseph Evans and Wil· Vall ey. died at his home therp. last bur Evans at dmner Sunday. Wednesday morning. Mr. Starbuck operated a sa?, mill there for many Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray years. entertained Sunday at a fotlr-course He leaves a wife and son, together with four brothers. He was an dinner the following guests: Mr and Mrs. Geo Robertson. Mr. and Odd fellow and aJunior. Thefuner· Mrs. Robt. Crew. Mr. and Mrs al was held at his late home Ii'riday Earl Conner and Phineas Cook. afterJ10on. Charles Earnha·r t. aged 81, died at

Mrs. T. E. Cummings, of Xenia,

his home at Pekin Sunday morning at 5 o'clock, after a long illness. The deceased "as the father of EI· mer and Roy Earnhart. The funer· al took place at his late home Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Inter. D1ent was made in Miami cemetery. ... - • . HARTSOCK••THOMPSON

entertained March 21st, at her country home with a miscellaneous shower for her niece Mi\J8 Winifrede Macr. The afternoon was spent in mUBlC and contests and a picture was taken <?f the ~roup of girls. A damty lunch was served. Many of her Maple corner friends were there and she received several use· ful and pretty preSents.

The marriage of Miss Lucille Thompson, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. Thompson. of this place, was solemnized at 7 o'clock p. moo Mareh 25th. Hev. Palmer, of WaynE'svillE' Christian church, performed the cere'!l0ny . . Only a few ~f the n~ar relatiVes of the contracting parties we~e pre~ent. . . 1he. bride wo~e a white go~n of sdk ¥otle ':Dade With shadow la?e, a.nd wore a vetl fastened to her hair wl~h roses. The. groom was dressed 10 the convtlntlOnal blaek. A fiye. ~ourse supper ':Vas serv.ed, the br!de s brother and sIster actmg as walters The last c0':1 rse was a cake baked ~y the brIde, and served by the brldegroom. Scarcely had supper begun wl'ten a large crowd of serenaders surrounded the house and reminded them that their !lffair had not escaped their notice. Each boy did his best to make a noise. and all en· joyed them~elvell with the comic music, until. the ~ride and. groom ape pea red outside With a generous treat for everyone. After congratula· tions. all dispersed . Mr. an~ Ml'S. Hartsock. began housekeepmg at Ferry. OhIO, last Saturday where their home was already furnished. in an elegant manner, and where they will be at home to .t heir friends hereafter, ,."',.


- - -... ...- - -

TO START Y. M. C. A. Efforts were made Monday evening to get a local Y. M. C. A. started here. A meeting at the Christian church was addressed by Mr Rile. state representative, Rev Wynd, of Springboro. Rev . . Sweat, and Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Franklin, were prBli' ent. 'and addressed the meetmg. There was a ~mall number present. and a committee was appointed to look after the work here •


Miss Edytha Macy entertained Saturday afternoon, March 28th, from 2 until 5, in honor of her sister, Miss. Winnifred Macy, who ~mea 8 bride on the 16th. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in music and hemming towels. At a seasonable hour a three-course luncheon was served, the table d~corations being in pink-pink candles and pink handpainted, and carnationJ. After the guests were seated the hostesa asked each one to draw a carnation, to which was a card attached. but so placed that the cards did not show. On the cards were the announcement and date of the wed. .-ling which read' T


"Macy-Hartsock" "April 16, 1914" ThosB invi ted were: Misses Kath. ryn Gibbon.! Edna Satterthwaite Rachel and 'Edith Sheehan Emm~ Hawke Ruth Hartsock Hel~n Mar. latt, Olive McCollem: Marguerite Thompson. Clara Hawke, Marie Miller Ellen Sherwood Ruth Zimmerm~n, Erma Hough: Hazel Gustin and Mildred Mason, of Xenia. • _ • W. C. T. U. MEETING A special meeting of the W. C, T. U. was held at the home of Mrs. J. E. Janney for the purpose of electing a new pre,ident to fill tlle place left vacant by the removal of Mra. N L. Bunnell to Lebanon. The va· cancy was tilled by the election of Mrs Wooten as the new president . The next regular meeting will be held next Tuesday, April 7th, at the home of the Misses Kelly. A full at~endance is desired Th~ day follC?w109, the countv executive meeting will be held at Lebanon. ' • - .. SALE OF BONDS

ers, Sellers Mrs. Dora WOMEN DO TH~ and LET . THE , • WOQK j . of Dayton, . ' , ' '. .Mr. ,Some ! women MI.E : ,g!Jl!lIlS '~ '





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Cereal Diseases They Induce ' Proper Ripening of Milk and Supply Good Starter, But Great Care Must Be Exercised In Propl~n1;" li n) 8DlU l III11nLH uro to rm cd InI ~ JlI1 ' o r lIH' m, but TL' rnaln hldllou lUl ll agation - Uniformity of Products Advanced ' 1l 11 1l\\' till' IlI' I'Ilt!IR 10 ((t, ve lo!' UIl e! 1111 i


~ lor <ho U~lt~d



UNCLE SAM, M. D. Specialist



"Ys h8 an actor of raat r "Ye6, very." A food for sore IlInlJl!. Dean's Mcnthola~ed Ilrop~ . :nrc ro ugh_, by t'f!IIoYI~ the sorent'. 6c at Dru~ Store•.


Logical Result. "Sm ith got ,. wlnMall the other ' day." "W hat did b e do wltb It!" "B le w It Ill ."

Sln,I". 1l0 P<U'I - , bl '"1'r1 Il 1"111 I I, ), Ihl' \\'111<.1, it'a\'l lIg tb l" lD'1onl ot A/;rl. "l lu r .) ~ lllik UI Ih,' tl llad bare. 'l1I.e t o LiLl a 11Il 11 ul I O~ 8 trom (' ereru . (';11 "lnU! II In , UP pr" \"' III,' d b)' a EIIOtlc, dU!eaae!\ 10 the Un ll",1 Sta tcs Ie Mtl' l ~l lllll n r Met'll 1;,'lllllll'"1 III Ih" 011" , (lUi Iii", II lh .·1' ~ " ,'d . I " What III I'K8 eycs thnt Boston girl -~t~' to b .. if4 ~ t)O O Oth) o v, 'r ' lI\'t:! r I ~1 \' I' n rll .. Ih r. HII[.kl . . . ~~.,.. t .. ,I, , , 'lor n" "1ll1l1 of \I 111';1(. Ill<- I""" , " 1111 11 n tllliol hI' 1'1'(' 1'(, lIt('d baH," one- h alt or lIearly S2 f',Il UO ,llOU of Ibltl '1' 11 ,,1', ' h 1,, 1 as 11 \11'" c1allg/ 'r 11'(1 111 b,\ II". I)l'dll\lIr), fU l'Ill,,111l ~" I 'ti tr oal' l _\ ~rlC" l stnner j, ~o llr milk whirh 111 o rder to hp able to ov&rcome the " Thoy were grown uIHlor glass." l ~o a la c'lu~.~d uy llrc\'(,lItllh! dl ~Cat;l''''16 1 1l 1 1l halls 1'<' 111 Iii II III/; ill Ih" tn'al "'" n' O'II I, u,; It III ' ~ 0" " 1' Ill " \\lill.' r 10 C.Jll ' :tluo a lane" !'lll "Ii"I' uf tif!sl rllu lo ' I.' uti rl' rlIl"IlI I~I ~u n , Ihat bud a lr'cady :rem.' dlcs for whkh hll\," b ~" u <l u,' c l, H'-'''U , UUI il :lll\' HIJ IUt tll""BI'B ;;1' , ' " " "11 F ill " tlf 1I 1~ ", •.,j l n Ht "I~" "f on ti l!' : uur ill ;~ h""'I'I'i" ill l it e /:row ln g S tIl6 0' l lUl~I' " plul'l' ill ~l ls ndll: . , By "Ill,, :nillg opE'd and placed ill \ls:\ulr> flll'lll (or : 1I1 ey, ": l' "ur~l', ~ho uill h,! .. klll ,m,' d ' lIu " " I,· Ill' lit, ' "",'d (,0: '1. II", 01'\1' It IS u-;,.,j III tho 1I1l1I1U flll' IUJ'f! of IHl t , a (,lIitli l f' ur I till .Ul ' tl I, IIn.1 OUeJlllg . THE BEST TREATMENT FDA ~ ... c "--nlc r" b)' Sl:\ to 'Int! feti"n, 1 llU , a ITCHING SCALPS, DANDRUFF , ...... ,. , . , lilT IIl1 il d, - tllll'"d jU ~1 us III Ihe C"'I! I "1! 1'U , I'"ut lll"" I \\h!l'lI h:ls pro ""1 1I1 UI'. 1('1' :!lld (' ht!" , c tll IIl ~ ur e Ihe proper to 11 '.S III II I,or 1' I'f'aW, II t' II Il I'll d l"u" I "~u Ulo rlUes. o r WIt"llt ""11 11 , I n t,r"\'o'III1\,' for Ihl M Kll lut Is rh p. hnl " ollrl u r 1' 1 d l' ., I rellllhie SOIl I'('e o[ "" 111'1111( haclena, AND FALLING HAIR .. cu llure . '1'1ll' I:fIl('I" ',1 SIIlIl I of burl, ,\, I.:tll \\'"I"r It· I'atm,·1l1. Tlti~ is II u!' li cnl t.! I " !; " Ill" all ('ream, IV lH:u n ",h ,"~u", wh,' n u ~l', 1 III III "n 111'01'01' Iiole, Tbe dc pu.rtm e n t 0 f n "rl through tb n olHee of ce real IIl,' eall , otb.,r CI' I'I'II I r1IHeuse wltll 1111 "~ t!JIlIlI"d II I",r" t l"ll [o r tht' "\' ('ru~l! fUl' llHIJ' Ii» I lurn wll l In~ul'(' unlrul'lII I>I'0d\li· I~. I~nvc II. hell"r tino'orl'd . IIIOl'e lI!llfo,·", To llll ay ltcblng IUId Irritation ot tbe t b ureau 0 r I' lu nt Indus . n\' l'ruW allll ll,,1 laMS of 1"0 lI!' r Cf'lll I'l' rlc, rm. liS 1I11' d"alh Iloilll of Ihe I Pour bU11t ,1' re8ldt" (ro m th e [I\ct t bat 1J 1'0·u' u"t cations a r tll' , . aealp, prevent dry, thin and falllni 1U'y, has speclllllsts lu grain dis eases o t the Crc1p ThlH Sl!1ut IN moo l lIo,l \I h ~,,(:d ItseH iH so c l()f;C to tit .. ! ,lnd!'"I ru.u lo bO{'(el' la huve bee u workA I-\ood lliltUl'I\ l " ta rt or ('u o be made hair. remove cruets, scaleo and daDworkJng In Ill bornlory, field and g.reeo - llcclLul'J s t,,' e m l dllY S art~r lIlt' barl!'), d" a lll (lLll nl of lu e s mut In Lhl' K(ll' d l ing In ', ho c l'eam and ba\'e become 0 11 tlt e fllr m oy Pllll lng clean 111111<, druff, and promote the growth and lIou8e In an crtort to solv e wlIny sci· ha~ rully hl' ad ('d out. T hll S Jl1U!lA<! t llar ""I') 11('(' urll ll ' th e rmolllP rl'rs nn d : frl'" h [1'0111 Ihe ('0 \\' , In a stt'l'lIiz ecl j ill'. beauty Of tho balr, tbe following Ip. <entitlc and prnellcal probl e u1 8 at dis- hand A IIrn dar l,pr In {'nlor tha n Mou nti 1"Hr,' flll h unl1llll l:: II rp Il ('CPS"U r}" Thl , I~ k ep t Ilt j'U "l 'grll()~ ullIIl It be- clal tN!atm~nt Is most elIecUve, agre.. control wbl ch conrro nt the hends nll il t ho k e rJll'l ~ are co m posed I Thl' " Htlmlltet! H" ernge a fluulIl lo s8 co mes tb kk , wh ich II! u ~ ulli l y In 24 t o able and economical. On retiring, croweI' of ccrenls. Tho etat e ex pe ri· of g r N' lIlsh ,black mK8ses o[ smut. I, or IU060 ri nlUI or un rl ey Is two l'or :lli hou rR, This 1"11\ Jlermlt th e raplll comb the hair out IItralght all around. ment station s or MlnlletWta. Ka08\l2 Tb eEl!' ar(> not bl ow o away by Ihe C('ot, o r tho (' rop. 'fh e time of ap !,;rowl h of IUI'III' neld ua ctl' rl n, wbl c h, then begin at th~ side and make a anA! Wasblngto u IU'B c!>-OI'e raliog wit h wind but rpm 'ltn until th e Rrulu Is IH'll ra nC(1 und ollll'r e ba ra(·tr' rl sIICIi of when al1d l!d tn Ih E' crenD! at Ih e IIl'opor parting, gently rubbing Cutlcura Ointthe departm en t With, a view of con- harv es t ed nud thre~h ed, whe n t il<' I t blM s mul Ilrc ,.ImaM Ide nlir'ul wltb lim e , will rn ako (,ondi tlons fa vo rable ment Into the parting ""Itb & bit ot &.rolling Blld e liminating plant dis- smult ed heads nre brokl! n up . Many th " l oo ~f' _lOul uf wh e nt desc ribed to the bes t' ch ur ning. Tbl~ should bo lott llannel held over the end or th. that are causlug 6uch an e nol" ot th e sm ut mn" H e~ nr" not blown Otl t I100 \'e, Thl~ Hnlll t can not b " prt~ add ed 12 hOUl'R ll rc vlous to tbe Churn· Anger, AnoInt addltlonnl partlog • .owl loeo In th e grain fi e lds , 111 ad- by th e thr es hing m nchl nn but remllln " e nt l'd by tb o rormalln treal mpnt be. Ing and mlxell thoroughly, A go04 ahout balf nn Inch apart unUI the dlU.on , a wel1~Qulpped laboratory Is wltb the grain, smea rIng It with s mu t. cn Ui! ttl(' s mut passos tbo winte r Instal'ter will b ave a n ke, mild acid Oa· .... hole scalp btls been treated, the pu~ ltDalnta.ln ed at Washington, wbe re mlTho spores or tb e smut get on to I SlclO th l' ~ ('ed . Th o ho t wate r Ireatvor aneJ up on thl ckcn lng will ha" a a pOIle being to get the Cutlcura Ointcreulll)' consl ~ t f' nl · r. I.arge r Quanti- ment on tbe Icalp skin rather thun on <:rollcoplc, cultural and other studies sound seeds lIud ar(j lodged In crnck s I me nt will pre ,'ont It, but It Is not roc· of the dlse a s(~uslng orgnulsms are and cre ,' lces or th e Beed cant until thl! om nlP nct l'd for the ave ragn farmer ties are mad e by ti te rl l.l ::lng s kIm milk the balr. It II well to place a IIgbt canied 00 during tbe greaUir l>art of Seed germlnatcs In th e spring, wh e n who IlIl1 Hl treat a Inrge amount o r seed Inol' ulatlng lind propagallng In the covering over the hair to protect tbe .the year. tbe youn g SOIUt plant a 'so begin s 10 in a s hort lime II I bl s bUSiest lime or cam e malllJ e r llsfor th e lirstc ulture. plilow from posslblo Itnln, Ths next Wblle ru s ts an d sm uta 01 e or .:Jal l! grow lrisldo at th e barley plant. Th lS I th p year, S t art(lr is propagnt d trom lime to morning, shampoo wllb CuUcu ra BOil' 'lite pe rh aps tb e mos t wIdely dtstrlb- Bmut also ca n be prev e nted by treat . Th e s luu y or co rn SDlut Is recelv lDG tlm n by milk ing till e Xlnt bo ltle or two , IUId hot w!\ter. Sbampoos alone may .ted and mos t barmrul disell.lles which Illg th e see d with formalin In tho 8nm e con~l d pl'n IJ I (> nltentlol1 by the dIJIJllrtIn mlll'h tbe same way ns our mothers be used D8 often as agreenble, but have bee n studlell, there Is lInotber mann e r as for the s tinking smut o f fllI'lll. T h. , 106S('8 a re "a rln bl e, b\'ing keel' yells t tor brendlJllll,lng 'goi n ~ by l onoe or twi ce a month Is generally cLaBa at "cases" wblcb 001' plan t doc - wbeat and oat smo l. lurg ,' ly ti <' l'l' udl"ll tll lOn th e locn ltty 88"l ng a por t ion of eal'h ba tcb of ~ eaS I, autnclenl for this special treatment Q)I'8 must now con s ider. These dis - The kern e l sm ut of sorghum 10 serl, 11 11 11 I h,' ~e URo n, but ure otten s rlou R. Great c are la necessary In propagatIng &8 Il is mnu E' lip, tor women's balr_ eaAeII are commonly called scabe, ous In ('rop" of ka lil', bl'oomcorn and :'\0 adequa te m enn~ of control a re at cu lt ure. fr om time to tim .. In IlIrg<'I' cr!'fllllC'rle3 , wbere Inrgtlr Cutlcura Soap aud Ointment Bold ..nIb!, bllgbts, and a numue r of otber tbe sweet sorghums (cane) , partlcu , pn 'se nt a ,'ai! a bl e. t hougb It Is known Qunntillf's or blltt or and ('ho'!!He are throughout th e worla. Satupleofeacb ~J)ular names. Tbey nrc nearl y all larly In th e a rid r egio08 at th e W es t th ut the 10~ee8 rro m ro rn smut a re Ulore ournel'o uu tbun tb e on e~ oRtu r- mad e, tb e u ~e o C sturt el' Is almost III- free,wlth 33-p. SkIn BOok . Alldrells post.., .r them properly cailed 8011 dise ases , IUId Southw es t. It Is not 80 eaally ob- IpaR wh e r'l a rotation or crops Is al ly cu nlu lned In the milk, Tho' se hac- dl s pclI s llble. :\Il.c h mor o un iform prod, I8rd "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston."-AdY. laecause their spores bave the power served by the tanner as are most or prnc tlc cd an d wh e re ca re is lakon nO I te r ln, wbic h produ ce und fla" urs and u tl; a l' ll o btnlned Wi th tbelr lise, In a Tip In Time. « UY1ng in the soil, 8.8 well 8.8 on th e the otber grain smuts. The young to fced ~m utt o d corn to li vestock and odors, get Into the cream from \'arlous sma ll way It can ue nsed \Vlt~ excelThe terret·eye d little man IIt8jlped 8tnw, leaf or seed of their bost plant. smut belld takos on n gray or whitish t hon use th e Cresh manure on C Oni Ho ureC'. . lent results, Owing to tb e fact that --riley are caused, IlB Is Ole case wltb appearance, and as It develops the land ; beca use corn s mut s pore s I)IIS9 Tb e uso of starter originated mo re great ('lire mus t be exercIsed In t he across the stree t car a isle nnd whlltYUllIa a.nd IImuts, by paraaltlc rUngous nnut masses In the kern els become Ihrough th e dlgest h 'e tract of rarm tb an 20 y e ar~ ago. Dr . St(l rk, of Den- ' propagation of s tarter, It probablY pered Into the ear or tho tall cba, which let theIr nourlsbment dark hrown or blnck , Usually smut animnls uulnjured and can li ve lind mark, wn s Lb u tlrst man to discover woulu 11 01 be found as profitable 111 a In a gray 9ult : "You'd better wipe that bit of ega :troa our culUvated green plant8, ma8ses are not broken and blown lll ult iply In the manure. Its va lue in connection with tbe mak , Rm a ll way a s wben tho produ cts are orr your chIn. The'lncome-IAX man II ~ the preventable eere&1 dis - about to any extent In . th e fi e ld bul Each of th e cer eal ('raps haa one or In g of dai ry products. Pre,' lou8 LO mad e In Illrg e qUantities, Just two seats 10 Cront of yoa_"-ID_ _ • All the IIUnldng smut, or bunt remaIn as th ey are [armed until hnr' more klods ot rust affecting tb om, that tilDe It was no uncommon tblng W. L. CLEVt,;;\IGER, dlanapoll8 Star. <1Ia wbaat., common In all grain-growing vesl and throsblng time, Tbey are The black, or stfl m, rusts or whl' at , for n lIlan to go lO nn adjoinIn g farm College or Agricu lture , OhIo State ,eeetionll and especially troublellOme In th e n broken up and ' the smut spores ba rl ey and ontH are th ~ mo se J;;e rl o u~. to borrow Borne whey or buttermilk 1 University. . Admlnlatratlon'. Porll. 6e Palouse country of the northwest, get on to cl en n seeds, where they stay, ~acb ot these three ('ropa ha.s an - - - - -.-~ -:. -" :-=- =-=- ...:...-- -=-=---=....-:....: [n their own serious way tbe pupUa __here it .. harder. to control, owing just ns 10 th e cllse ot stinking smut en rly or so-<:nlled le nr rust. whicb In tbe grnde scbools ot New York. are .eo the 1aet that It Uvea over winter In of wheat, until tbe Beed Is planted and nearly always Ie llresent, but seldom watching hlslnry in tbe making, In ~OVERINGS 'lilt! t!IOlL "be esUma4ld average an- tbe spores grow ane! Infec t tbe young does serious damage. The rusLs, a s one ot the IIchools where a large :aaaJ. 1068 .. t .... o per cent. of the crop. seedlings. As In the stloklng smut ot the ir name would Indicate, first app e a~ number of forelgnors are be ing taught '71rIa etIllit Is easily dilltinguisbed In wheat, ca rerul seed treatment w\l1 kill as re4dlsh or yellowIsh IIpot8 on tb e No on o fent ure ot home decoraUon I cold. When se lecting a color for a the Leacher Wtl8 Ilsked by a little fe l"Ole field when the c-raln Is almost rIpe_ the smut sporee on tbe ou ts ide of tbe leaves or stems ot tbe .grains. The sbowS! th o good tas te lind intelligen ce room wllh north ern cx pos ure, a belter low what 8~ thought of the admlnl8' "!be smutted plante are uaually sllgbt- seeds. The treatme nt recommended ete m rust rorms long spots at thIs y",l· or th e deco rator 1001'0 tban Lhe woll, effe c t will be secured If a warm color traUon 's scbeme to apply the literacy IJ' .tooted and the heads stand more Is all follows : lowlsh powde r . whlcb turn hlack as the (:ov ol'iol; , 1'1111 IVIlII MpaCt! furn ish es Is sl'll'r ted, If the room bas a south- teat to Immigrants, Tbe teacher more- . : t than the beavr, sound heads. Mix one llint (one pound) or full - I grain ripens, It Is tb ls black ru s t th e bac kground for th e furnishings or : ern exposure, hlue or green will be th e Iy tfi:llialned wbat the literacy telt ",., cbaJ! Is spread apart more or less strength ~O per cent. formaldehyde stage with wlllcb mos t tarm e rs at'" . I more 8ultable color, meant. thinking thnt Wtl8 wbat the 'Ja,. the dark, swollen kernels, gIving wit h 30 gallons at wator and use tbls ramlllar and whi ch tboy fear the m 08~ th ll room . Tbere nre I'l gur ed \\ nll-cov· , Tbe second faclor Is good line a nd youngster wanted. When slie flnlsbed -.tJae bead- an open appearance, When 80lutlon In tb e s ame manner as dl· Tbe ru s ts are perbaps the most se erlngs, str ipe d wull-covc r tngs and , proller design, The lin es of tbe room '" little Italian boy piped: -die tDugh membrane, or skIn. of sucb rected tOl' 8t1nklng smut at w~eat . rlous or a\1 cereal dis eases, for lIO .:Inzed wall-coveri ll gs, lIud many other can bc chang ed III I he wall-covering "Tbe admlnilltratioll ball betla. watcla .. kernel Ie brokeD, a dark, smeary, Tht! loose smut of wheat la wIdely llr actical preventive meaBurea arc at ti bslg ns I~ rom which th e decorator may , If tbey nre not good . The effect or tbe out or the black hand will lot him." / "at-like m8.8S i8 dl8closed . wblcb has distributed wberever wbeat Ie grown . llresent knolV , other than the -uso ot choo se Where to begin, wba t to re- I extreme ly 101\' ceillng mny be lighten:a peculiar tetid odor like that or de- Tbe estimated average annual loss wheats or the durum group, and tho. j ~ct , andi whal to acc e ll t all u(' cowe , ed by papering Lhe walls to the ceiling Interesting Anecdot <eaTed fish, Is one per cent. of tbe crop. This selection and breeding of new vllrl· Questl onll or Imporlunce. Howe \' e r, I with ono color at pnper Without Intro· Goorge Washington, the 'father of The amut can be controlled and 8mut Is most noticeable at the bead, etles resistent to rust_ there arc> certain hus lc prlnclllies ullon : duclng any divi si on In the wall splice. his country, came home early one upractically gotten rid or by IUIY one or Ing time of th e grain. In smutted No Reed treatment Is or any use whI ch th e judgment In selectinG wall The tblrd principle Is that of nppro- morning from - tbe lodge of which he 'CIle IIeecI treatments wblch bave been heade the kernels Rnd chait are re- whatever , as the rust Ie nn external d e~o ratl o n8 mllY be based. Beca use 1\ prlalenes~ . ThIs wlll keep the deco- was a member. Severallnltlatlons had ·"orked out and recommended for a placed by dark sooty masses, wblcb llRrlUlite, not living over In or on th o ce rtain d esign Is In style, or becllusc rator Cram making many grave mls· been tbe order of the evening, and a ',_mOOr of years by the state Gfpert- are Boon blown away by the wlod , lIeed. Neither has any spray tor th e a nel " hbor hils II ccrwln pattern in ber takes. Who would cboole, for In- large bowl at- cherry bounce bad been :ment stations. Of theBe tho forma- leaving bare stems that are usually growing plants been devised whlcb Uvlng rooUl, would be poor r easons for stance. to sllend 365 daYI of tbe year provided to all45uage the burning thirst ~ treatment III probably the best. not noticeO Rt harvest tlme. will gIve results at all In prollortlon Bc leelin g patleru s for your Ilome. In a lavender living room '! Tbe mod- occl\sloned by the trips across the hot "'rbere are 8everal waYII at apl1lylng Thl!' smut matures and t:lpens Its to tbe cost of Its application 0[1 a The three Ululn fo atures which ellt, durable, sott-toned pape rs sbow a .8ands wltb tbe novitiates, I~ was lonl '61a treatment. It may be eltber 8poreB when tbe wbeat Is In bloom, Inrge scalo, In tact, experlmentll car, should b,~ consld.' rl'd In s)!lectlng wall- much blltter cbolce for this room. On after 2 a.. m_ by tbe sundial In the ...,rayed on the gTlJn or the grain may that Is, soon otter heading time. The rled on with sprays on small plotl! coverlngll, are : ~' I rst, color. All suc· the other hand, the dainty, dellCl.te, rront yard wben Mr. Wtl8hlngton let ~ soaked In the 1I01utlon. The tol- spores do not remain Inclosed by tbe have not giv en \,ery llroml81ng reo cesl:lful decoral!llg rtell ends on co)or. light-toned papors are qulle approprl himself In at tbe front door. He wae Blttlnl on the bottom step of theetatrs, ~g method of treatment 18 recom- cbaff, but arb loose and are Immedl· suits. Color has a great Influ ence upon th e lite tor tho sleelll n! room. ~ed by the Wahlngton experl. ately blown about by the wind, fall It 18 hoped eve ntually to rurnlllh tbe IndIvIdual. It ma y \lxhllerate, depress I.n 80lecllng dw.&ns In wallpaper, softly removing his gllt·buckled IIboe. JlDe'Ilt station : on healtby wbeat heade and some of tarmers at the great grain-producing or Boothe, The choice or color sho uld three "DonI'8" may be a guide to the ' when a white-robed form appe~d at Co1llltl'Uct a water-Usbt trougb 8 them get on to the young ovary or sectIons with new varieties wblch be largely Influenced by the amounl of person wbo wishes to buy carefully the landIni, and a calm temale volee Inquired: 1tA!et long, 14 Incbell deep and 24 Inches seed of tbe wheat flower. Here tbey sbnll be equal to the old, commonly lJght 10 th e room . A dark color In a and wisely. These are. firat, don't buy "Is t hat you, George?" 'WIide. Fill this two-tblrd8 rull ot the germinate and send little filaments or grow n Barts anu, In addition, will havp dark room tends to decrease the paper covered with large flgt1res; sec'· :1IanuaI1n lolutlon, whlcb hali ba,ln germ tubes Into the young forming the add ed valu!) of being Immune. 01 "Yes, my dear Mnrtha:' he replle~ amount of IIgbt present. On the other ond, don't select papers wlti> bold depolitely, ; J'lla.Cle up by dlll80lvlng one llint (a kernelR. As the kernels grow and en- at least r esistant or tolerant to rust. band, aUght colpr In a dark room signs; and ,tblrd, don ' t select lOUd and "How . did you opon lhe door' ' po\ ot to per cent. formaldehyde helps to incr ease tile amount of light. ftashy colors, but rather cboolle lbe didn't bear you," .~ tee gallonll of water. Into this pour Colors may be cltlSlllfled as warm lind subdued,colors. " Marthn, I cannot tell a lie, J dId It · ~wty the aced wheat unUI tbe trough --~ - =-= _-_-=--=-=-o----=--=-==-:::-====: with my little latchkey ," : IJI D.early halt rull ot grain. Then etlr months, Part of the ' dairy eQlllpMAN WHO WORKS SOIL ter (boroughly with a long-band Ie ehovel ment consisted of a mllklog machine. NOT A MIRACLE 1.1) order to float to tbe 8urtace a ny Juat PlaIn Caua. and Effect. III a community where tiJrC'o-rourth. _at balls tbat may have been carMore Important Factor For Success of tbe farmers were willing to Bell ried In by tbe grain. Tbeso should Than SOli Itself_ their (arms beca use tarmlng- was not There are lIome quite remarkable 'be s1ttmmed ott and deetroyed. Leave profltablo, this man sbowed by appear· thlnla happening eve!')' day, wblcta .. tie In the I!olutlon about oncOver t he door of a certain illinois ances around his premises that a com- teem almost miraculous, batt bOlll'. It may tben be Iltted out building the re occurs tblll In sc ription. bination of ' proper llractlces in regard' Bome lMirsonl would not believe lbat and plle(l UJl on a granary floor or on "The w(lalth of 111111018 lIell In Its to bandllng tbe Boll, growing crops and a man could 8ulfer from coffee drink. the bottom of a w~on box and covBoi!."· Rece ntly, tbe wrltel' had occa- reeding thelD tD profitabll! dnlr,- cai tie, Ing 110 severely as to cauae 1lpe111 or .-red with moist sllckll, wbere It II! lett sion to makc a trip across Northern tbat he was reaping SlIcces/!, He d9- unconlcloulnesl. And to find relief In oyer nlgbt. On the following morning Ohio from west to enm and the obser- monstrated tbat tbe man wbo own" changing from collee to ' POIItum q It wll1 be ready to BOW. If It Ie desired to sow tbe gl'llin In a dry condl, vat Ions or the trIp only sen-ell to ver- and works the soli Is a greater factor well worth recording . . than tbe 8011 Itself, "I u.ed to be a great coltee drinker, 600, It will be necessary to spread tb e Ity tbe ahove sta tement. 10 mueh so ,that It WIl1l kllllnif me by Ueated seed out on tbe floor to 1\ Tbe trip began In a sccllon where Inchell. My heart became ao weak J odp.pth of two or tbree Inches, stirring th ere were comfortable bomes and well would fall and lie uncon8clou. for aD frequently In order to hBllten the drybuilt and commodious barns; It ended KNOW WHAT YOU ARE bour ~t a time, ' Ill« procoos, It tbe seed Is sow n wet, In a section where many tarm · bomes BUYING. "Y,. frlendll, and e,en the doctor, -allowance should be made tor Its Bre abandoned and the b.ulldlngs are told me It waa drlnklD. coffee tha' ·..-ollen condlUon by setting the drill cauleel, the, trouble, I 'Would not bebecoming dIlBpldated .' A nine-mile 't.o IK)W a larger Qllaotity per acre. In Ylew of the excellent r .. lieve It, and lUll drank Clottee nDW I ride showed tbree or four bright 8POtS The oat smut, lUIotber destructIve BUlts obtained from Itll use In Ilould not leaye m,. room, dl~e, Is ,,'I(lely dilltrlbuted, some In tbe sbape or al5 many well kept and sec lions where tbe soli III acid, "Then my doctor, who drlliks Po. ftetdl having shown ae blgb ae 30 prosperous looking farm homes. The the cta lement can not be too rr. tum' lllOUIelt, persuaded me to atop cof. pet' cent. or smutted beads. Estimated quantly repeated tbat lime ~­ writer bad occasion to talk to the tee and, h'1 POlltnm. Atter much heli. average annual losa Is about two per bonate Is a comparatively cheap tatlon I coocluded to try It.· That 'Wal -cent. of the crop. Thla smut Is most materia!. The ,upply In Ohio II eight mooths Since then i haYe _Uy noUced a 1~le before the grain absolutelY IneXbaustlble; ' It, bad but tew of thole SpeUI,. DODe for f. ripe, wben smutted plants are found manuracture Ie comparatively Ulore than foul' months. 'to be shorter and to stand more erect simple and Inexper.slve; and ". feet better, 'Ieep lMtter anel &III 'tban sound onee. In place ot the freight ratea to:- -carload ' lots better every way. I now drink Dotb. 'Ir..emels there are dark masses of smut are otten lees tban one dollar a tn&, but Postum and tonoh no ~rt... Ctlet whlcb, sometlme8, are covered by LOOSE AND STINKIN G SMUTS OF W ton, It Is ae good ;,S the best and al I am l8,ent,. years ot .ace 'all '<'. tbe chait or glumes IUId sometimes are A, Normal Head of Wheat, Showing Kernel, SQlow, cnrbonate ot lime on the marfriend. think the lmpro"Ol'ent. lett fully exposed and ar~ then Boon Affected by Stinking Smut, Show Ing Smut Balls ket and can uBually be secured. quite re~arkable." , .wltb .frelgbt paid, for IqS8 than Name ginn POltum : c", Battte ' $2,50 a ton_ However,",8 writer Oreek,Yloh. Write for a 'oopt of 'ult Fox. God In Japan. lactet's signIfies fox, and rrom this One on recently ' tonnd B rarmer paYing Diet Takabashl, the Qualut son of,: It came to he believed tbat the deity famous U~tJe book, "Tl1e Road to - ,,\ J csse Carmichael 8.8- mucb al '7,00 a ton for I'n"NIppoo. who attends William Jewell , really was a fox , Its natural eun- lawn In Ne w YOI'k otber form of carbohattl of lims -ctaDece and labors betim es In the I nlng Is greatly enlarged upon and It GInter. Dab was aold . under a fancJ' ~alie ' name. ~ee omce, 18 always talking In-! Is believed to be capable of mis- on a tat, dark Whel1..applled ~ the . soli thl. ter.tingly to his fellow employeB leading and deceiving human beings. ed III consuming ,material was In GO way. IIU· ·.)erlol' ~ his country and Its custom8 -Liberty Advancb, Ing tbe ('overing to\ ' g(oud .., Chief among the heat. the ' fsar of the fox, EnJoy- It. "Wbat In thunder to have supernaGahe-There loee a tellow wbo en- Il1l ked Cnrmlchael. Thrn'\a<l called "Inarl JpY8 III bealth_ . "A fin e Cigar," rel~U4!dI~Q,lDt•• the fox Is ensbrined Stde-Eoj'oY8 it? What .. he, I. numberleBl. Tbe name hypoebondria~1 "Oh," said, ch~~I~~.h:=~~Fr~~~~; It waB an umbrella::. 1(r!ttri-.In Japane!le, cbar- , ": Gtf~No,,.tif1'. II ph)<slqlan. dne. .. . . , ' ,\." .

























Twen~y thousand Be wild rooters aa e ver asse mbl e d at Bny ball ground saw an ea blbltloD of the Amerkan national game In London. Tbo game ope ned with th e Ol ants an d W hite Sox drawn up In salute before the royal bo:L KI~ George bowed hi. acknowledgments, aud lale r de \' elop'ld Into an arde nt fan os Ul e exci temen t at tile contest gripped him.


OR. ARTHUR YAGER ' 1 11 . trlu) ur !II IlJ . J: () njumln M . Koehl er a t ~'ort Terry, Plum Is lund, New Yort. . will pro lJ alo ly b e the Ins t secre l )urt UllU'tlal In the r ol ted States army during the li to ot th e present udllllni~trlt ti oll . While army offic(' r s are loo lal·tful to Indulg e In open crltlcitiUl. It Is kn own that ma n y of th e m dl ti ll lJlJT()\'O of I I! l:xteo t to which sec recy b aa """11 cllrripc 011 In this tr lul. The a rruw Indicat es Major Koe hler. '1'11,· Ins e rt Is Col. H~nrl Kirby , vr sslden t of lht" courl murUal.



Thi s Is th e first photograph of the compl et e group or cOlllw l ~~ lo ned oft\cp. r s of th t! a \'lalion ('ro ps ' at tb e I: ult ... ~ States navy. Lett La rlgbt: Lleut. V. 1:>. Herbster, Llcut. W. M. Mclh·aln. Lie u!. P. N. L . Beillnger. Lieu t . R. C. tlauf · ley, Lle ut. J . H . Towers, Lleut. Com. H. C. Mustin, Lieut. B. L. Smilll, li:os lKn d e Cbm'sller and Ensign M. L. Stu l,c The picture WIlB take n at the Daval aeronautical station Ilt P en sacola, ~'In .

George Covey (lefl) , profellsloual racquet chamjJlun of Great Ul'ltalo. and Ja.y Gould (right), amateur champion of America. conteatAnts tor the world's flhamploneblp at Philadelphia, • .



ON GUARD AT THE "BULL PEN" Dr. Yage r Is Jl:overnor ot Porto Rico. The picture was snllPped aa be left the White House atter Il COlIfereDCle with President Wilson . Dr. Yager's trip to Waslltngton waa ID relation to affairs In the government o f Porto Rico.

• -------.-.~...

-.- -----1


, '; The photograph BhoWB a corner of ~he " btill pen" at El Paso, ']'ex.• whcre . the capture1l' KeKtcan rebeis IlI1d federala are belllg h eld by !.he United States

:R :"~. ~~.. ;. . ;, ;~,~;--'.---:-~ .~.;.:~·. . . . .

ul.on. '

. "au.batido



THE MIAMI ,OAZB'M'E. WAtNESVJLLE. OR!O • . ' for r c nsnrer'~ J. M, Enrnhart, COUNTY COURT NEWS ' • • .lurS ommi8!!lonor,l). '. W . 'Ran. ..............__ ..... __________ .. _ .... ________ ...... ___ ..... _ _ _ _ _ dllll rue Iii. A lieu a nffUllln, s!llary

t: w Suit s. .,1 " ' T ,,W ~


.Iuli 1 John F . {',.t,ttH·1 11 tu WillliLw F. given and Hlln oa h I<~ . It '/(llrl:l 5 1 u r f1S in J' !&' ru.ukli\\ tllwIIsb ip, '"'TOW N /,I<""d Bank VB F. M. Uhlirl os I.... ~ · ,II" rtl to h: B. Vail Id .. 11 io·.lOlJ. tl 'mand nut (~ nf lIny reltl t's tate II] Fr<l"k lil \ towns hip ~ I 1.. IIJI1 I WdhulIl 1.:1 . LII II~(l()" 10 rlJt\ ry .l , \ ' ·"11 I.-ytl" ~hnrl!! \'~ Henry U. LUlgdoll . :''! I\C r e ~ 'If Illud in til3otiou ~ oI rl~ . \ 'tll" L f .' \I ·1l1 Bllnry C. 0, T. ~, B . ·1, $1. b l" lrr ~ 'I( ,·,,':i l·"\ i,t of L'our l f"1" tl~ollr 'W , BI ~h o )J to .I uhn , . ::) ~ e, flt, lln" ,, '111'1" " II.,. I.w,) IIlinor ~wo trow l.; of IUlld , f3 1:!:" 10. ( " I ti r ,'I , U Jl I : , ~I :-v 1 1 ' I I 1 :, ~ "Ith Kalil D . B ou!; lu 'Lilli wil'li tu ~I (I )I . ,.UI'II' lit plllinlllL I ;' 11" IIIl n· Cle "nrl r. li ~ ~ 'lI1ri Plck,.r!ll~ t"01 ." Ih tlodemlll n t ' 11 thrt'o lU o nth~ Ihr"ll"" e t"lllb~ ,toru III \V " YDll tOWlI I, e.l1 ln t,y jn ' I, hut, "II!1 pe " lIed It '10 I, "r: 'til h e 11 , 1(1;1 "lit int ortor" wi lh ~llll', f l . Edwflrd 1..," 0 11111'(1 1·1) Alfrocl Dflnlll I ll.> plultllilI IIrul "" IOIl K li S 110 puy~ ~ '~ Il " m on !b (Imyuh le in Illl mi ill lot. .\Jo, I Ii'! In P" rk 1'luo(, Addl · ,,, n lhly Iml , "II1l ~ l1ts ) t.i tbn !:l np. \.1 00 til F naulllin, OUIO, IN . C. ll,lm JO nr, ~ h ludT tu L. ,J . I " " I " f t,iI 1llIllIl'lin . Th o CU Ilfl ell j' "' ''(\ Ill .· defllul1!ll1t from go tn g uetl r tu ~lI l1 c r t'~ " f h111l1 i n ::;AO, 1 i, I. p" " th e lJr " 'IlI AeR wh orll the plain. 1'. :l, R . .1. t;ll.'u rcreok town~l ll lJ, ' Ill Ii vlIt! 'H ' , \ the! pl.. lntilf It! 31010 "D ,.li9:iO. j '1ued tre'tll ' ·' Vi llg blln lJorJlliSeinn J ObD K \V ')lIt1wy \J hl>l B \\'ll ild , , ' .10 8('1. ' 1 btl CII 'lrt on.lureel cllrt uill r ay. i f, nero:! ID til\) l1ln<U t pn rchlltle, 1 ,rwlnre , U\ ',·/ In pos"et!!! ion of tlle $1. I.' 1>01 lit 111", t'l I III t U! Ded uve r t o tbo Helen C. Krohu to C. P . Krohn, . ' .'I ~ ndbn t, li ll Y lim e withlll 60 d"Yd the llulll vu!ed " De uulf io teroot of J·r· ·vi di ng tbo defeDdllnl pre vio usly relil estate sitouted in Morrow , 1.. 11 01 t l) h f-l r tbe ~ uUl of 'lillU, whioh Ohi o, $1, i. 11 'W in defa nlt. Mllt ll ew (;. Bluley to Le 0l1 Hen Pro bate Court Proceedings d orson. ILl t, N ,). 6 lu ClIapmfll1 AdI , ~ the Ullitter of Ille assig um e llt cl iti on t o W"YIlI'sv ille, Ohio, $1. 0 ; til l' Mort'uw Ruller MIlIR Go, LanG Beoder!lon to ~:mef8on IAu rr Met dll iu for Gn fl lpctiOI1 of Ilo MIIl'lon li t No. u In 'l'h omlll! Addition tru8tfle on t ll'l 27th uf Marob . t o Way uesvl ll e, Ohio, $ 1. In t.he mlllter of t,b e will of J . M. ~'uIf 0 rd . Auditor t o ll'rBn k Marth ~ & 0 ,d l.'~ , de)eased. Will D. Miller (3i gll teen buudredt,bs of filed . flO aore in Frot n l,.liu tow ushi p, t l. (lO. In the mat ter o f Ihe wi ll of UhllR iV . H. Hufl nrd lind wife to OI&l1as A. DoIBn, rl flll(luMe.i. Mar,V J a n e Brown lind wife lot) n Harveys burg, Dolan , th e WIdo w eleots to take Ohio, under the wd l Ma ry J l10e D,)lan E. Hutl'mtm and wife to Da llf\R is then IIPl'oint ed I'xecutrlx. No Br )wn and wife t WflU Iy-two bun1I0nd. loveut vry lIod lippraiselllent dredths aores of ItlDd in Barveys omitted . burg, Ohi o. U. In the llla Ue r uf the et'tll.t.e of Benjamin El\zrol h Rnd wife to B, James V . El lm kin~()I1, tl8l!ignor. Benthlen 2~ acres in Barh,n t own Court ordem p, Hi Rue , assignee IIhip 110.00. herein tu p w oeed to seU all of t he ClI.rl L . Duke t.o Willllun Moore prop~rty I1t pri vate 8al6 and Mollie Moore 2 traotM of land io Harry C Houthard , Ex tr ., of the Ulea roreek township fl. oRt.ate of Ad rlis? n E Southard,8r., Edith M. I:ll1rrls et "I to C. M. :. deee8 ~e d .. Phuntlfl' vs . Juanittl , Itey oolds lot in Uorwin O hi o ~75 Belltrloe 8.:uthar , a mmor, et Ill. ' , delendant!! ApprtlisflmeDt Ilpprov. L E. Liunt et al to Uhtll'le!4 E· ed, Private s ale of reale~ tate or_ Ellton n.:'rt~ h ll ~f of ~ot ~o 563 und dered. ::lale later approved, Dis lot N u. 120 lU b rtlnkhn, Ohio, '1. tribution ordered Sara h ~. McClugg t o E . 1:1. Luken :. In the mdtter ~f tbe will of at~. d W2!feTtw40 R' of la nd on Seo- :.i,~ Il!l~l\ William ~on, deoeased. Wi! on u, . , 0, ... filed . Homer O. Eaglin to Henry O. In the mntter of the estate of . Ellglin undivided one · hl~lf intere8t Abraham B. boemakar, deceased . lin relll estatelD Salem tOWDshlP, ~I1Je of property confirmed by Court Commissioners' Proceedings Iu the matter of the estate of Mluy 'E, B ,uk, buria.l Joshoa Bell Garl.ta Whitenaot, d8<'etl80d. Firs t. $75. Lebanon Ptl~rlot, publlshlDg aooount is approved: report examination $3R . 75. Frllnk· [0 the matter of the guardIanship lin Chroniol e, publishing tax notice of .loho, Belen Rnd Orel Bheffer, mloors . Mrs . O. E Sheffer is appointed. Bond 11625. Nothing So Good for a Co ugh or Cold When you b tLVl> a cold you want Marrl82e UceJlIeS (1" 1111\

IS lJlluII 11 *~' oIHl '.ri l :!I, 191 !

Ull llk


li o w 11Id IJO (,U







~i ~: ~

::: :::

Posted on pedigrees and values Gf a kinds of breeding stock.

Terms Reasonable: r; RADUATE :OF THE AATIONAL AUcrlON , 8 OROOL O. AllEBlOA



A . -V - . "


::: .:.

" . "ft"


. . .



:.: ~: ,


$.:~.:,.: ::;


Phone 71-1



w._._._ . .

~ ~~;


~ :::

.~~!! . ~:::



Frazier an·d Spouting


· ~m

". -. $;;;



STOCK ISSUED and OUTSTANDING as per annual report of Dec. 5, 1911 60,639 Shares

1. NO PRIOR 'LIENS- No mortgages exist upon any assets of this Company and none can be created without the consent of THREE· FIFTHS of the entire stock iS3ued. ' 2 NO FLOATING DEBT--The proceeds of this issue will retire the Company's bills payable, and furnish ample workina' capital to successfu lly carry on the business . . 3. ·ESTIMATED EARNINGS-Approximately seven times the dividend requirements of this issue 4 MANAGEMENT""':WiII be continued by the present Executive Officers and others who are expert shoe men of many years' experience in the phoe business. 5. SINKING FUND-Will be created to retire this is.~ue at the option of the holder at par after FIFTY years, regardless of how dividends have been paid. -' . 6. GUARANTEED STOOK-Applicat ion will be made in due course to have this stock guaranteed against loss to the extent of its purchase price, by one of the strongest guaranty companies in the business. • 7. Application will be made in due course to- Ii!!t this stock on the Boston. 'New York. Chicago, and Saint Louis stock excha'. lges . . ' . 8, THIS STOCK should yiel:d at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividends..right along,

stock NoW' Selling A.t Par, Ten 810 cash a nd 10 cash ond SO cash a nd .0 cash a nd 50 cash nnd ~o cash and 70. cash und 80 casb and 90 cash a nd 100 cas h and








$1 1 • 41 5

per,week per week per week per wee k per week (l per week 7 pe r week 8 per week 9 per week 10 per week

(or 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 week. for for for


Dolla~B .






will buy 10 shares will buy 10 s[lUre$ will buy 30. shlllCs

will will "ill 90 weeks will 90. weeks will 90 weeks will 90 weeks will

US !

All remittances should be made payable to




Makers of

~cust S~,reet

Cash "Payment Coupon '



Sal.,~ Louis. Missouri

Installment Payment Coupon Date .... ,' , .. : .. , . . , .. ... .., ............ .

payment for . '. . . '.' . .. , , ... ... . . .. .. , . .. . ,Sbares STOCK of the Montgomery Shoe ComM TT1MrWH Inc~ at par. $10 per ahare. full paid and . ~

MO!iITGOM'ERY SHOE CO. Inc•• 2~ LoCUI~ St•• St., Louis. '14.0, 'Encloeed herewith. , . . .. . '. ~ •. . . .'; .. . , :.'.... . . , .Dollars ~ 88 fl~ paYment on. , . ' .' .... , ~ , ~ " ~ . ;,' .. . : : • . Sfi"reII"of:. the TREASURY STOCK,of the Montrome17 Shoe Com~ Inc. ' at par SilO per share, for WhICli I agree 'tQ'.pQ the balance in·ninety equ,.J paymelita, no In~J'e8~chllfgedOil deferred .payments if made promptly.each week .' . . - • . :'~






. "







) .



buy 40. sbares

buy SO shures buy 60 shares buy 70 shu res buy 80 sbares buy 90 shares buy 'IOO shares



La~rge Oaks from Small Acorns Cr.o w. The Same Rule Applies In Building Large Businesses. Lare:e Businesses from Small Investments Crow. Use E~ther the Cash or Installment Coupon.



,, ~:



:=: :::



PURPOSES f ol' w hich thitl stock is being sold are to equip a ~rge factory for the manufacture of High Grade Sboes for Men and Women t o be sold direct to the consumers from the 'Company 's own stores aud by mall. Factory to be located In St. Louis, Mo . ' The Corpora tion owns valuable Secret Processes of making shoes that have been demonstrated and found ~ be money saving, also Trade·Mark that hal! been in use and before the public since January 7, 1897.. also large mailing Iiat of a~ut 500,000 names of men :..nd women, each a prospective customer, about 1000 new names are being added each week. The shoe business in St, Louis, Mo" is conducted on a basis of TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFITS on capitalization . For inRtance, a concern turning its capital' once during the year would make TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFIT. some of the old er concerns in St. Louis turn their capital ~ much as THRE~ and FOUR times during the year

.~ ~








(Incorporated under South Dakota Laws.) t he progressive State whose motto is: "Under God the People Rule,"






The Treasury Stock Ha..s a LieT\_OI l All the Assets .of the Company and Its Earnings Until Its. Dividend is Paid





.. i~

Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.


::: :::

::: ,'.

$ ..,:-:~ $:: _.* ,,,.,.. .......... ""' ..........-

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.


:tock in Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . . . .... . .... . .. . . . ..... . . . ... ... .......... . . . .. . , . . .. . . 39,861 shares :-:.tock a uthorized for salethi issue., . . , . . .. . ....... .. . . . . . ... .. . . .. . ... . ....... . . . ....... .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . ... 20,000 shares Stock to be reserved in Treasu ry for future requirements of the Cl'''poration .. , . . ...... . . . . . ...... . . .. . . . .. . . .. 19,361 shares




:.:. : .~



Waynesville, Ohio

WI . . . . . . . . . .


AUTHORIZED CAPITA.LIZATION 100,000 shares, par valu€~ ofTenDollarseach Full Paid and N on-Assessabl~


Satisfaction Guaranteed

Valley Telephone -B-2r


...................................................................... ..•..•............. .........•..............•.•.•...•.•.





Experienced in handling farm sales since


Each to I "vest Ten Dollars Cash and One Dollar each week for Ninety Weeks In the Treasury Stock of the

=:' .':






Live Stock and General Auctioneer

.. ,



N. Sears ,


•...: .:.: .: .:.:.: .:. :.:. : .: .:.:.:.:.:. : .:. :.: .:.: .:. : .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,, : .:.: .:.:.:.: .;.:.:.:.:.~.' :.:.... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:

::: ::: .'.

of t,hn.t so preplira..the tion.mtmuflloturers I know of nothing qui ak :;::': to relieve a oough or cure a cold ," For Bale by all dealers.




to get rid of it with the i\!.l!lt pos-



.. "" ~""""""""""""""""''''''''''''~~~~~" ~ ~~





the be8t m e d ici ne obt u.inable 80 88

':: ::: ::: :::




Bible i16lBy- Tbereare many who consider Ul.Jamberlain '.8 Uoogh R emed;y tlnsurp88sed . " rs. J . Boroff, Elida, Ohio, Sl!.ys, "E ver !linp.e my daughter Rubh was our.eel of ,\ severe oold and oough by Cham Iltl rlllin's U01lgh Remedy two YBar~ ago, I have felt kindly disposed towlI.rd

InSUR n'-'E

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Dr. Heber M. Dill




A. R. Chandler


Jolin B. Whittl.ker, rarmer to Mrs. A. Strout bl.lth of .Jlarifevrit. Rev. John U. Ba.ldwin. Amos lJ. Brehm. hostler of Miam isburg, to Mrs, Idtl B Humbert, of I:!prlngboro. Rev G. E. Gowdy. ,Charles Roy Woodruff. far,aer of Morrow to Mamie i, Foxbower. of Butlerville, Rev,~ . E Gowdy. Roy M. nay , farmer ot Leba non. to Metea. B . Lewis. of IfrankUn . .dev, G. E. Gowdy.


A adlt.or was All Kinds of &0 notify the ·T.:l wushlp ~ I\ 1'1·u.s te6H I\n~ ROJl.d Supervillor8 wUh • Funeral Director, RS .11 lJut.y !I(laler to Ml!. r.'h . 10, IOU, inMtl'uoti'Jnll to striotly enforce tbe D $100 ~ D. Houklf', cou nty map prollollbed rules. J • '-' for Hhcriff $:1. F . W . Thom pson, Blind Pension Day-By resolution Telephono dIllY or nlsb', olef:' r icII I flIl lH lrb tit lJollrt l:Iou 8e Ibe flrflt Ba.'urda.y of each month YaUey pU 00e No. ' Loo g $49 .70. Dr. C: hul'l oA I:l. Roo khlll , was fixed as the time for oonsld. Dlstl\nCft N() OIl-2r, PIIRI" I1!' t,rootmllnt, f or Lh,yd R ib" eration of applioations for blind Successor to $10lJ W . C . liilmorll. "berin" s al pensions. Automobile 8ervlco at all Tlmea lo w', noe nnder Stlet.!' :.!~II\ and 1:'1500 ,John LU0Il8. of Waynolvlllo, bavf. E. SHERWOOD $:n:; t)j, J olin W. Sh 'l\\'hlll'l, prem Inf( fi led his applioatlon, e\o" for iu m on illRurlinoo 00 0, H . ~ob 10 1 re li ef unllel"1;he blind pension la.w, Over P osloffice, WayDesville, O. WAYNESVILLE,. OHIO lind nd j l111 rml1l l.J\\co if.:1\ 05 . Ed it WIIS ordered .that he be notified to House J' bone 6-3r, Branch Office, Barveysboq. O. " . \ 'n u ll lln , tltl1 lll tJ~ fo r .-\utiltor $5.00. I\ppeur before ~be bua.rdon Saturda.y OHicc Phon 77 1'ir.1 J! t, U itml\r ~ , I{T{H'.· I f :l. Celil1 J April! , at LV o'olook . ~h .. ,\'l!ltn. j.(rll vel, ~1 Ij(l . (:li nt \VotPl ans Etc.-Plans, drawings, re . kilH . il i'!I,'el f,:, :10. () ~('~ r d. Cu iu , pr ell tatiou!! , b illK of ma.terluls, hrt I .: ~ ' 1Fl Jl.d r .. HlIl lI l\(l' n t own shi p spll:'H1clltloos of work I\nd estimllt811 :Ii:! . :!11 ,JIl lm \~: o lr\" hri rlg' J' epnirs relaling to tho b'lilding of" concrete ' Osteopathic Physician Mil - i" t ow nHblp $2:1 2ri . JI18Cn Kin enl ve rt on the Dayton " Leba.non Vet er InarY 21 Broadway Phone 449 lier Krn vfll . ~ ~I r; r::. F 'l'rlmble, pik e Just south of theupner I::lprin&,IUll d ),'!' ~K6 .h h. , Iltll'llor Holc!nf.t, bun' ptke in Uleororeilll: township Graduate of Oblo ' lot. LJniversi Lebanon, Ohio cll'r< rmg snow '1 nrll p('rfl,k to wns hip w,'r€l !Ou bmitted to the Uommlssion· ••• ~.j :l :,1I, Pe rry Wolfn cl fl:ll'i~g' !:l llU W lIT" A nditor Bnd Surveyor, approved WtI - llln gto n tow ullhlp f,~ .1.>. Ohio 01' ol'<ierfld posted in the Auditor's BRANCH OFFICE UO rt' ll~l1 tod Colve rt, ( ) o .. ou lvert pilJe ' " mcI' Sea led bldR ' will be received Office at residence in F, D. Sher Ohio Waynesville, ' ,51 '. ~~red Mttne" ~ lelLring ,. now I uot O II o'clock A. M., Monday. wood's house, Fourth Street. FI'" nk llntow nHJll p $ 13 ,J " T1I1'~ Flrf'H I AprIl]:.! 19 14 Tuesdays and Fridays, from _8:30 Telephone 28 ol u.,. ih g snow in Tur t I"rrt:'ll k tow n . -:-::-'==::'=====~=== to 12 o'clock IIbl )' ~ t). A . E. Mulford, :{rIlVE>1. -:j; :.I. ~>;. .ru oou ~1.ll1rn'Lk f' r , hlluliog Check Your April Cougb \ Waynesville.. Ohio Office, corner Main and High streets Im ll oer f K. 15 . .1" UIl Mollu inn , oltlar Phone No. 100 lu g ~OIJW \\TlI slllP ~t,l) n town~llip $ 10. Thawi ng frost (lnd April rains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ouill you t the very marrow. you = - - - - - - -- AI lJer t Pllrker, oleu rl!1g .~ Jl O '~, Ktlluru flltt.o h cohl-Bead lind longs s tuffed t CJw 08h lP t H.75. A. D Ron .I, h fld,~.fl _ Yo o Ilre feverish-Cough con r,epILlrs ~T!ln k iln t o""' n~h . p $~~ 2.>. , linll,\lIy Ilnl1 foel miserable-Yon ~a lt1 u el lJnt.1er, (> I(>~ f1n J{ sn ow Ham- nl'(>li Dr Kmg's New Discoverv. llton und B urlau t owm:hl)l '1 17 :!5 11- ~oot.lIeR inlia med Bnrl irritl\ted Funeral Dirf'Ctor THI CItEAT.aT It solu t ion-By rei:lolu lli lU the thrQIILt and lunel'l, stops congb, your and Embalmer, lJollrd lIf Co u n ty Commi",~ione r s 11 13 - b ea ,l olears up, fe\'e r leaves, and sar I be the' foll owio~ l'll le~ f ur weil{h t \'ou fee l fine . Mr . J . '1'. OaTis , of Waynesville, Ohio. IN TH. WOItLD of v olllcle~ an d widt,h of tirf!s :-Fo r :;t.ic!'Y Corner, ME'., "Was 'oured _ ....__ , J1lBUSIUJ) WEEnY. $4,00 rEI Y!A1( a in C' h t ire, Ii. w(>ll{h ~ n ot to l.X 080 II of fL drell drul cough after doctor'~ Call answe red promptly day or night. "OTILe, DltUCCI8Ta, ePIOIAU8Ta, 34QU pv ll n~s 3X Inch tir e " t:r l'lI.tUlent flnd all oth er re m olllf!1I Both phones in Office and Residence. 00 a T U II • It 8, T It A N a .. I It, C A a wel ~ bt of :150.0 POUll 't; for 4 l r. oh fll ileti. Reliflf or mOlley back . long distance No 14' Home phone AND "Bua alltVICI OAN PItOFl~ ' t iro a weight of :lHOO p ounds ; au(\ Plellsl\nt-Chlldren lik· U {jet II \ 14-2r ,., . av UIINO ITI ADVIItTla.IIO COLUMNa 00 at your Chai rs ~nd one Coach furnished free fo r ti re,. IBrgpr thl1 l1 ·t IlIoh, I' we ig ht, buttie tod ·,y , 500 and SAMPLE COPY FREE of 4~OO pounel. 11.1 ollch OfL!'O tho l DruIH.{ist.. Buoklen,'11 Arnico. ~lIlve with funerals. - . . . - MEW VOItK CLIPPIR for A 1I 1I;)0res. Best of service guaranteed. wel!o( ut Inolude~ wt1lght of vfl hl \1'. N.w VOl'll

Real Estalc Transfers

Hy retlolut'on the

jn8t' l~u o ted


. .'



Weukly n~ t.lJe O&1.0t~ Otucc In t he DuJldlug. Main St .. WnYOCl\'1II0. Ohio . OM

Publlaboo AUon

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ ' _~

VALLEY 'l' E LEf'1I0 N I(-C"',L

Caesar's Creek

Rates of Subscripti 'II' . Yellr (.trfctly III

ndnnce ) . .. . .... S 1. 00

~l nl! lc OO(lY. . . . • ..... .. .. .••. . • . . . . •

1\, •.


D. L. Crane, Editor and Menager.

Rates of Adverti si .. ",



f( oatllll~ LOI·nls. pcr 11110 . • • • • . • . • • .• • • Gc <:1 ...... 11100 Atl • . Dot Lo o~cood ,,\'O Jill C' 2Gc Th roo In.onlolls . . . . .... ..• .. . 1 DI81,Iay A d\'er~I.lugl pOr Incb . .• . • . •. .. lOe

Ul.acuuutM II" \'an . all l.'tJlIlrn.ct..

APRIL I, H1l4. ,







FOR DYSPEPTICS ThIs old sliylog WA~ lotend . ". " I), for plaoe!! where pltl y hou!jell exillt ??,e bave goou oews for every ed. Thtlrefore it il! nut 'lVpliotlble per~on In t,his tJWO who has II.nJ" to tbls oommuulty, for we hnve oat torn) of "tomaoh :,ouble. It is a place where tb ere 0110 a pla.y be Ilbout II remedy for Indlgestioo Ilnd given. The people of thi'i oommu dYspeptll11 that WI! have so muoh nity hBve loog been relltly aod will faith in us t. offer it to you with Ing for a play I1nd plt,yers '0 oome our persoolll gUf\rantee that if It here and give us lIomethlng tblH Is does not relievtl you and sa'illty you worth While . By this 18 oat meant io every way. we wtll refund the a leoture oourdo, or even a home money yon pII.I" tor It without que8. talent phly. whloh ttre 1111 right In tlon or argumeot orany kind . You 'heir plaoell, but to ~ee II.nd helt.r risk nothing; eUher Rexllll Dy". a good play Is sumething tJ be de. pepsia Tllbllltli will relieve your sired. 8to01ll011 aHmentll or the money y ·.u Thtlre has been quite &little dis. or th em w\11 be hl1nded bllok oU88lon In regud to a !-own hll.lI, but to you There III no reu tape ttbout wmlt I'OP here~ '1'1 e oomlllllnity our gUf\rsntee. It u1eansjust whllt ought SO have a Bay In thlB maUer, it says. Your word is enough. If • or they the 0lle8 that are In , er. Rexan DY8pe,,8la 'I'a\)lets don ·t ut e!!ted. lI'fy you, tbe ml}ney iB yoors and The )00,1 bra"1! band Is arraulling we want you to hllvll it, to give weekly oonoel" 8, II.nd 'hey Rl'xl\l\ DyspepSIa T&blets 800the ougbt to be enoourttged, itS there 114 intlarned IItomaoh, obeok heart nothing 'bat add8 to the betterment burn and dl st-ress, stirnulf\te a of a oommunity tblln a good brtllls hell.lthy lIf'oretiun of ~8strlo juloe. bt\nd, and thll ftlot Is liveo to DS aid in rapid and oomfortable dlges 'hat this band will be the beH tlon of the fo od, a.ncl hl"lp to qulotly Waynesvtlle h IS eVl'r had . relltore ~he stomaoh to Il oomfortttble The Miami ba8e bll.l1 tellm hal . ea8Y.llotiog, hellahy 8ta' e. They lestled new grounds IIot oootraotB al80 aid greatly in promoting re. Irom Beveral good player., Bnd by gulllr bowel aotlon. RexalJ DY8. ahe middle of April will be about pepilia l'ab)ets are 80ld only a$ tbe ready to bear theory of I'play b~I1 .. 7,000 Rexull Stores, and In tbls town The groundl will be Inolost'd, thua onlv by us . Three sizes, 260, 600 makln. them look I1ke businell!. and $1.00 -J. E. Janney, Waynes. We SUDetltly bope that some one ville, Ohio. will bring up the queltlon oJ the towolhlp bOUle eo 'hat tbo proposi ~~~~~~~~~~!'!"'!~~~ 'Ion can be voted on 10 the August • primarlllll. fhere are Iota of ,people THE OOO,D FARMER'S CREED anxious to aee ~b e bUIlding 8t-arted . sO ,b..t tbe oltizeull of the tOWJllhlp I b ..lIe, e In a permanent agrlcul· can have 110 pilloe to meet In oomfort ture. a Boil tbat shall gr)w rioher when 'hey have town9blp bUlIinMII rather than poerer tram year to '0 tranllaot., yettr . • I believe In 100-bulhel oorn Bnd SALt PRESERVES TIMBERS 50 bUBhel whea' and 1!!l1all not be . satlstled w"h anything lell8. In replaolng a railroad tte stle re- I belIeve 'hat 'he only good weed oently bor!led aloop; the north shore III B del1d weed and tha' a olean of Grea' ~U Lake, engineers fara i. as iu 'J10rtant ali a olean jUlit found tb'" the piles are 8till oonlolenol'. perfectly lIound . alter 43 yeal'8 ·Qf J believe In the farm boy and the I8r'rioe. Looking for tbe oaule, farm 'flrl the farmer's OOJ' orop. IiDoe theee were .:>nJ, of looal pine and tbe f~tnre's beat hopt'. and 8r, tbey found the timbers 1 believe In the farm woman and were Impregoated throughout with will do all In my power to make her I&It from the lake. lite eaaler Ilod happier. II t ano'bel' IPolot on the lalle, 18 I believe in a oountrv sobool tbat IlIcb pU6II. let 2~ yean, are IlmUarly prepllrei for oountry life, and preaerved whh 8alt wbioh hilS pen. "oountry ohuroh 'hat &eaobes Its -e&ra&8d to tbelr very oenter. Tim. people to love deeply and live bon ben in tbe ~otberD PII.ot80 treetles orably. acroell Salt Lake. plaoed tn 11102, ap· I believe in oommunity spirit, pear to b~ al' goolf a8 on · th~ day & prIde in home Rnd neighbors aDd when the piles were driven Tbey I will do my pat't to Ulake my 'oom have been preserved well above muolly I.he best in tblll ltate. wa&er Hoe by tbe, aalt daBhed on I believe In the fRrmer, I believe them by sbe Wavep. a faot appar In farm life I believe in the inapira. ently In&lolpated bv the eLglDeers tion of tbe ~pen oountrv. who buil' tbe trelltles . 1 am proud to b. a fnrrnn. and TelephoDe and electrlo comp~nle8 1 will try earne8tl., to be w Jrthy of ill UIe ~lt Lake valley have Ulled the nam3. 'be local_It for preaervtn8 pol" - - -_ _ . _ - - WheD UO. a bout 76 pound8 of A Cure for Sour Stomach _n iI placed around tbe pole on the. ,BI'OUDd, ThiS' method can n(,t be Mrs. Wm. M. Thompson, of Battle 11I8d, howev ..... when tbe pole Is on Creek, Mioh., wrlt~s; "I have been O.t: D841' a lawn. or III any plaoe troubledwUb 1ndlgelltlon, sour -wbere vegektton II d8lllred. a&omaoh . and had breath. Af.t er U iI pointed out tbat the realon two boUlea Qf Chamberlaln'l why 'he w,,'etll of Bal' Lake aot aa TabJets I am well. Tbese tablet!! a ItroD. ,pl'eeervatlve, .1 dlltin litre splendld-Doae better." For ·Iui.hed.rom ocean water~, la ~Ie by 11.11 dealei'll. beoa~ 'he 1alle water il ~o mooh • - ••- - o"ter, belDg preotioaU,. ........ turate THE CASE IS OBSCURE solu'ion. PreservatlQD with 81l)' Is -of DO ultrin oOe.D ~plJlnl agalnlt the atlaCk of teredOI aDd ' other marine A young man near Morrow was taken to a hospital where it was bo;ru In tbe foreat I8rvl06 wbo found that one leg w~s shrivelling bave beeu InvestigatlDg the preit . was amputatea above the larvatlve treatment of &Imber offer Surgeons say that the case is and they were unable to d I 'he BnlRMtlon that ties an po el diagnose it. The lad is in .hleh have been Immened for some time In lVater8 of the 1"ke ought eondition. '0 be Impervious to deoay if 'he • - • uta la Dot lel&obed out by the. aotlon. Complexlonor the elements It bal been sug· Removes Skin Blemishes II_ted 'hat this Can be gMrl\ed a.aloit, for l4iample, by pninting Why go throogh ~Ife embarasaed 'be bo" of tbe pole wltb a OOl\t. of and dil18gured with pimples. erup. ~018 whloh will keep out the tlonl, blaokbtlads, red rou~h 'kiD, _...... d keep iD 'be fait. or .Qfferlng the tortur811 o. Eczema m ........te an . Itch, tetter. sa1\ rheum. JUB' ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yo 0 r 'h u~,d@ t f or Dr. Bob~on 's Eo zema. Ointment' Follow tbe Ilmple TH B REASON FEWER suggtotl\ionll RUC your skin worries PEOPLE TAKE I'SALTS" •. "re over. YUd. soothing, ef!eJ'lve We 8n4 tbe 08e of Plllts and other Eroellent for babies and delto.te barab pby.10I1!l bao ,mins 1e88 eV!-lry tender a'tD. I3&Optl ohap.p lng. Alwaya year beoaU88 more and more people belue. Relief or mone,. baok. 1i00. are 'UDI( ReD ,I Ord8l'liea, wbloh at vour Drullgl.t. we aDd they ftrmly beheve '0 be t,he • _ ......_--beet bowel ' remedy. ever made VOTED FOR BOND ISSUF. -'l'bey.,te 80 muob Uke eaDdy tha' eveD the ohildren lib tbem. A Hhe ..but ,lme 'bey Bct 80 ea ..U,. and Ohio, held their election M"aran7 ftllt there 1111(1 purllnp', fql' a ' special bond Issue I"ploi otpaln. They Rromptly 1'8the r.ul'pot!e bui~ding a n~w move the ' oonialpa&ton autl, by town hal, and the propoaltion earned -:~~ aDd ·.trengtheD1DIL *he by the lar"e ~ajority of 104 vote@, \I make It"leaa liable t.:> ooour There weN only·54 dissenting vote,. We have .the Jltmoet fatch interest was manifested and what -they ~"1'e waa.aU done by noon. Tho ·ltant."beDeft(llal was ~,e"rated by a parade I .l wtb6Ir · vinagel'll •.



. f.




. . .. ~,,,,,,---

., . ~

Catarrh Cannot De Cured nitb LOUAL APPLlOATJONS, as MI8S Marill.nna CJmoton bas been they cannot rell.oh tbe seRt of the spendIng a few days In Waynesville disease. Catarrh II Il blood or oon· aud assisting In the I evival meet· s titution.d dlsellse, I,Dd in order to ings at tbttt plaoe. oure It you wust take inter nul rem. Misfl Ella Maud Oavlli has reo edles. Ball's Cattt.rrh Cure i8 tliken turned from the hOllpittt.l !l.nd i8 i1:lterDIiJly, f\nd lIott! direotly upon getting along nicely . the hlood liod mUO OU 8 surflloefl. Mr!!, W. IC. Bogan II.nd daughter Htlll's Catarrh Cure i8 uot a qUllok Leltth were visiting iu Dayton III.Bt ulediolne. It wna presc ribed by one of thtl beRt I.h oilf nB In tbis oouu. Baturrlay. Miss Franoi8 Wilson ami l itt le try for yebrM I1Dfl it! Ii r egular .. re. brother Robert have been on the sori ptiu!J It is oornpo!<etl of t,he best tunio kn o wD. com biD ed with slok list but are Improving. the bl1 ~t blood purifior!!, aoting oi Severlll from Ihls pluOe attended rooMy on tho mucous Burfnoe,.. rhe moeting at Wuynesville. Sunuay p l~ rfeo t oom\)inHtion of the two in and tiunuay oight. glfcdiimts il! wbuL J,Jroduoes auoh Th e W . F. M. S . met nt th e bOlDe wonderful res ul t8 in out'ing oatllrrh. of li:liza beth ::;ologgy Sdnrdl1Y. HI~ nrt fnr te ~ t i rn ollif\IA , free. MillS AgneR Ru IUuok 18 very siok ~~. J. Cbemey & Uo , Prop~. Toledo, n . ~old by Dt'll~gi~t. ~, pri oe 71io. at her o,)untry hOUle. Take Hldl'!! Fltll1il.V Pille for con· Mr. :lUd Mr8. C T . Harner aud daughter MtHybeJle oalled on R. E. !ltipation, Jones on Sunday IIofternooD. Mr. Hert Bo ~ an sp3nt Sunday Notice of Appointment \ with W. E . BOgf\O and family. Mr. Rholld()s Bunnell is on the nf Nll~hnn Un.rk le y Hkh . deccas'"!. i fllok Jist but if' s ,me Improved at Estat<l ~u tke iH Il t'r uh y ~h on t.hat W l,lt,(' r It'. J,)r· this writin g. d un a llY t:h b.rJI:1'o Uruy havo Ime lt !lui)' npl)Ul n tA'tl a ud qll u liJ lud I1N It~OC lit Uni u r th e J ~ M· Mrs. Fred l::ltnup, of Dbyton , is tnt,o u r Nn.t.hull Jlllrkl uy H k h law o { \\' urrcn ( lh tn , U8(' UWo;Cotl. ViBitiDf; h er parent.s Mr. BDd Mrs. Cu unty, UuLiltl lhi. lOtI, (I"y of AI.,,'" 1914. Benry tiatterthwlLite . A Itoll l" . Uro wu , Jutlt;o .. f t ho I'rob"Lo Cnllrl . Mr . Wilbur BuhrmalJ spent l3un \V l1 r rou Cuu ut ,) , tJ h iu. .11" " ·,, IS- Jt day with his p'lrents . Mr. Stephen Mills is improving. STATEMENT Miss Lelab Bogun bnt' been very IIlok but is suwe bett er at. this writ. S' L&Lom eD \ o f ~h o owuorshJ[I "ad Il1"Dn ~6' ing. m om of L1le ~Illlmi (i "Z.. ~Ioe. l.uLJlt.hcd ILL \·iIIH. Oblo . .... re'tu ln><J by ~h o .\oct " f I Mr. Eve ·e tt Hflill eB ifl home tr am AW"YUIJjj ulfll8l 14 . 19 12. Wilmington College.

Hutchison & .Gibney X~nia,

Have had a wonderful Mid~i'l­ ter Sale the past weeks, and will continue the offering of many bargains.


------ ...

II.lIILor . D .


Blankets Blankets • Factory Wool Factory Wool Comforts

SOc up $2.95 to 4.00 $4.00 to 5.00 $1.00 up • •

• •

L . Crane. ""YllUJI .' iII0 Ohin :

.l la,aagor a Dd Publisher. D . L . rano. Wayne• . I --'·lIle. Oblo . UlII" D ~r•. D. L . e rnllo. Le8lloo. Strengthens Weak and Tirt!d "IN omen ilondholdo.. . IUOrLll ugco. autl 01her H~'C urll· y

"I WI1S noder a grent f!ltruin nurs· ing a rtilttti ve t.brough three months' sioknes[I." writes Mrs. J. C. Van lJet:iande, of Kirkland. Ill., and "Electrlo Bllters kept iDe from breaking down. I will never be without It. .. Do you feel tired and worn out? No appetite and toad won't digest? It Is n't the spring weather. You Deed Eleotrlo Bi tters . Start a month 's treatmeot to. day; nothing better for stomaoh, liver and kldDeys. The great spring tonio. Relief or money baok 600. and $1.00, at your Druggist.

hold o ... . no ne . ::; worD to 8.11, 1 8uhscr ihetl hc lu ro 1116 t,hls 2n d tlllY 01 -' prll 19 14. E . I' . HlU'Illlart. Not.ary Pu hllc.

DR. H.E. HATHAWAY Wfl.Yllesville's Leadin~ DeD"" in Keys Bldg. Main Bt

OIassiBed Ads ~

... "" ..

Ads will b<!

----.~~-- -



under Ihl M head for

't"·cnty ·tlve ceo ts tor three IO tW rtiouM.

Harveysburg. Many from bere were witne&88S in the r"mouB lI'ertilizer!, wbioh makes our village Dotorioos. The siok in this lIe..tion are re ported better whl;,b eounds &,ood to os, and may they oontinue to im prove. Joseph Shaw, who is known to some of onr oltizeos when a bov and wade his bom.e with his unole Reuben ThoDlp~on and now living In Chloago, visited here last week Mrs, R. W . Kaylor was the guest of relatives in Bellefontaine Beveral days last week. David Compton visited among his manv friends BtitnrdllY und Suoday. Mrs . Rutb VandE"rvoort visited her brother Qulnoy King t3unday. Mr. and Mrs . Earl Hookett and daDtlbter (lene of near lIere called 00 thetr parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed ReaBol;I, Sunda)'\ Robert Carr reports that In his line of work tbat he is having more than be can ge~ dune onEl good help Is Boaroe . This sou ods good . Mr. Christiun Smitb, of Xenia, and well known here, epent several days 11 ere Inat w8ea - oalllng on acqUl\Int.. noel. , Mr. n.nd Mrs. William Wright, of Wilmington,spent ~nnday the guest of Mr8. Wright's mother Alrs. Mil. dred Eagle. Mr. ~amuel Tuoker, of Xenia, was the gues, of Mr. and Mrs. Chlls, Tuoker /::lunda.,..




u ~log



lban tl"e 1I0eo.

WANTED 'GIRL-Experienced . for dry goods store. Inquire o i !iii yer Hyman, W 'lynes~ ilIe, Ohio. alii to the MoCall's 100 subsoribers Magazine. Send 3Go to the

Crex 8xl0 $7.00 • • Matting Rugs . • $3.00 to 3.50 Tapestry. $10.50 up • Axminster • $21.00 to $25.00 Velvet • • . $16.75 up Bath Room Rugs . • 65c up Mattings, our own imported Chinese and Japanese • • 12lc up

UtlzetH offioe, Ilnd get one of the besl; mogozines on earth. tf

FOR SALE nnd W. Leg· S• C.boroE:I. Orplngtolls eggs for hfltoblug from pure bred stook. WaJneniJIe, O.

Lace Curtains, good bargains SOc up Linoleum and Oil Cloth, all widths . and sizes.

Mrs . B. V. Bmtt.b. Phone 137 3X. n15

• $3.45up 59cup • • Gowns • • SO and 79cup • '39c up Dressing Sacks • • $13.50 Suits and Coats,' $25 •

Skirts C. B. Mlnoroa for h"toh. S• Ing fram pure.hred stnok . Waists L C. St. John, Wtlynesville. ° Phone 8y'. III Ii eg~s


good horAe. In. HORSE-A qult'e of F . B. Marshall, Spring flil\m

Valley, R.I. ville ,\j7.

Bome Phone Center. ,,15

• •

• •

head of fine sbeep with L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lambs by side. 25 ewes :: yet to lamt.-. Ewes are tbree and E. V. BARNHART, DR. J. W. MILLER, four year8 old. Will sell worth the monl3Y tor wan~ of pasture. A. F. Notary Public Miller (lO Satterthwaite farm op .. . •• DENTIST•.• posite Telegraph Mill. a15 All kinds of Notary Work, PeD,loD omce' ln Ilpbn of young mules, 5 aud G NatIonal ,Waynesville. 0 Work a ~peola"y. Bauk BId&,. ~i7ea!s old, thqrougbly broken, Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser both siugle and double. L. M. Ben· dersoD, WttynesviJie, Oblo. 11 8 Flush out the aoo ·lmulatf d waste and poisons of the wlllter months; OOD all round work borses, oleliose your Btomaoh, liver and ~\'eight ahout 1400 Ibs. Inquire kidney!! :l'f all Impurltle8. Take Dr . of Wm. CumminiS, WayneSVille, King's New Life Pills; nothing bet. R. R. S. a 8 ter for purifying the blood. Mild, good youug hersol! broke; also uon.gripiog laxative. Cures oon ol~e reglsfllred Jersev (lOW, freAb silpatlon i makes you feel 8ne. Take no other. 2lio at your Drug. a good (lneo, 3 heifers lind 2 males gillt. Buoklen's Arnloa t:lalve for W. C. Weloh, BarV6y ~b urg, Ohio. All Burts. a8 ..... UMBER one mlJ[~d lillY for sale. New Burlington Call phone 37' 4, Wltynesville, Ii 8 OhiO. Donllld Reevel ia confined to his OW-freah Cow. Good. Duvll' bome with measle~, FurnaB. R. Waynesvillp. 34rll Rarley Cllrila}k and I!tUe 01 ~on, of Xenia, are vlsitl'l~ relative;! Ohio. here. Al,ED hay and stra""" for sale. There waR a speoial meeting of )[nqulre of Zell, phone the Muonlo lodge l3aturday nlgM. 126. III M. E. Qaarterly meeting WII.S held at Z'Ja1' ohuroh on Jr.rid"v. OTATOE8-U Mountllin seed 11M "",,'a~ Mall price Of .--, IS• • • • • • "ra f.,lOmper pnJrt "vt to mtroo J Cha!!. Bowe hilI 801d hll! property ... ..,11 ..II rOlf ...w.p/II pair /IW ii.&O <_ and eating ntJllt.n,.o. Inqaire of """" ""'hoMr!"U.M). to W. U. 8rntth Rnd Chal, RoblnPQn W . B.· Janney, 5, Wny ·,esv .ile, .OMOIETIOIBLEF.O....CmES has moved Into it. Ohio. a 1 Frank Reeves hll.d a part .f the fourth tlo~er of hla left baDd torD Jj'EW .or of! by a hAY b-ler last week. The tblrd 8uger was badly laoerated allo. frel!h for 2 mc)o.tlls. The W. F. M. tJ. met at the bome P. Kl'lep;boif, 0 of Mrll. IrA Moroggy S.uarday'aft8r_ noon ' BoggV, of good date; ullsdonly ~ Frank Miller, ~beumatic Paln~. RelIeved R1

.--- .

SIXTY forty







--- ..---





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Hedgellaor. PI.clare·Proof self-healiDg Tires :,.= ::::.,


6he VAl.;

c!§v l1ALLIE


OHIO r'onll tlUl t UIII will wear a tIIol.Da ~ .. en th e con st.allt use of a fri elld.

T5 c:f


P ut nam FUdelelll Dyea color In 0014 'Wate r . Adv.


Not "ery fe llow wit h a la rge eboe cnn lea \" e UI060 foo l[lrl n\.8 In th" lIands of time.


Wn tcr t n billing .. o.tl1l1tcrattoo . QI... &04 " .. lor nlUkol Ih,ullt IIluo CO.U, . Bu y lLe4

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IB up (·;lrly. . <I (I ' "t:' ,hi ' \I II r1<, too. r I" t h (>rf"~ 'lOt II Wit ll a fi llH I ..rro rt. it galllPd till' porc h I , [g il lJ ' ",oth. If I'IIl not ('u rd lli. I'll I nnd (· rcII I.. hL'1i dowlI In I{ n co ,·u ,·r. an









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D.'. PlcN'e . p.llet A. smnll. All ltnr~n~d.

ell "V l o to 1,,, O' Clllldy . T!'l\"lnte n n d tn'1lg' orR't ~ .tnllt n. h. liver lIud bowels Il Dd L-w.


cou. tIIJU'.OIl .

- -Adv. ---A nllw e re d.




"!lHt ll hOI[ cO lltu lnlng kel' psak f' s of "nrlouM kind . . He pnure d til .. m 'dl !'y 011 to ,W!' tab ll'--an U[I('u t moon stolle. lin 'Lmelhy~t· opr II pe nc il that olle o f b .la tutnrs ha d gll'cn him RB a boy. a IIE\er 's r ia\\" . 11 COIUpass nnd what·not. Am ong th e m was a ma n's soa l·rlll i; wlr.h II. crPlIt ('ut In 11 carnelia n . H I! I00 k I'd at It dos ely. It Wall th e 6limp Il evlce. T he rIn g h lld been h Is fath e r·s. J Ul;t wh en or h ow It h nd corne Into b lH possession he could nlH·.,r r eme m· bel'. It h ad la in Ilmo n g t helie k ec J:>~ a l<es 60 many yea rs tbnt be hnd al · mo~t rorgo tten Ita exist.e nce. H had never worn a rin g. but now. as he wen t back to th e · ha ll , h e s li pped It on bls finge r. Th e mo tto be low t he cre st WBS worn a way. but It s ho wed c lear In t h e marbl e ot th e hall·mantle: I c lln ge. H is eyes turned from t he carv en ward a anll s trayed to t h e pl easall t s un· ny foll ago outside . An a rr oga nt bORs t. pet·haps. ye t In t.h e eve n t well jus tl· tl ecl. Valiants had be ld that selrsame s lop e wh en th e e nc ircling forests h ad ruug with war·whoop a nd blnzed with tortu re-fi re. Tbey bad h eld on through Rev olution a nd Civil war. Good a nd bacl. a biding s nd law less. every gener· atl o ll had c leaved s tubb ornly to its acr es. I c lln ge, H is tatb er had clung th r oug h a bs p.lIee t hat seemed to bave b ee n almost exile. and now he. th e las t Valian t , has co me to ma ke goo d tb e boast. His ga ze wnve l·ed. Th e ta ll o f his e ye had cau ght througb th e wi ndo w a s purt of sometbln g dashing and vivid. tba t gr llze d th e corne r of a far·off fi eld . H e cran ed his ne ck, but It h ad passed tbe line o t hts vis ion . The n ext ·· momen t. howe ve r . ther e came trallin g on th e satin y stilln ess th e hi gh· keye d ululation of 8 horn. and a n In s t an t lal e r a lon g·drawn h a ll(}-(}-o! m ued with a llatte rlng c ho ru s of yelps. H e we nt close. and leanin g tram the sill. shad ed bls ey es with his band. ,T h·e nois e s we ll ed and round ed In '1'01· ume; it wa s n earing rapidly. As he looked tb e hUllt dash ed Into ftill view bet. ween tb e tree-boles- a galloping m e lee or khaki and scarlet, s warming aCrOBS the fresh green of a wheat· Held. behind a spotted swirl of hounds. " Conrountl It! " said John Valiant belligere ntly ; "tbey're on my land!" They were near enough now for him to h ear the volcell of the men, camng en(:ourar;ement to the dogs. and to llee the wbite ribbons of (oam acrolls the f1ankB of the laboring horsell. One sca. rlet~oated feminine rider. detached trom tbe bunch, had apurred In ad· vance and WI., leadlne by a clean hun· dred yarda, bareheaded. ber hat tallen ba(:k to the limit of Ita ribbon knotted uncier her chin, and her wavlnr balr ,Ieamlnl like tanullblld gold. ' ''How she rides!" mnttered the loll· tary watcber. "CrolB·laddle. of course, -tbe sensible little sport! She'll never In the world do that wall!-YeB. by George!" John Vallant's admlra· tlon turned to delight. "Wby ." be saht , "U' s the Lady·of·the.Roses!" H e put his bands on the sl\l and vaulted to the porch. a

!o:vcI Ytl-- Wbe n

du c~

Hllzol EUpOO\

to g. t married?

Loraine- Oil. every season. !J ,·hllld· hIm : " Sanc'lnar )"!" QlIo l h he. unci bangl'd th e sh ult"r to . Only Ono " Il RO MO QUIN INE " At tlH' sum.., I II ~ tant . a~ th " IJlnCll rellUi ll4ll . c: u ll f or f ult [l amtt. 1.A XAo\,I' rnU\\",'<! wilh a Pll ll t!t' lnOI!iUIll at TT ol VIle': tlt~(hG u~10 U ll l t'lii NK . Loo~ ror .i!:nal UftI ot nos ing I"ap lng hOllnd a. h e saw Ihe It. W . t.; KO\"U, CU I o. ~ Colli iu 0 .. . Liu. U ... , golde n c,h£'s tnll t r!llned sb".l" \ll ~ down . A T a ngle. I among t ill' ra ggl'd bo)(·rO"ll·8 . 1I; tth a "I r egret to say tbat I flnd wyself ' ~ hllm3Ilc('d tllutl!<; h bru7. pn k llo "t ed,s ' t b at th e girl who rOl].· It hn d Bt'en. m issing ," "Ha ! Tbe n you are loet!" She Hut lIlo\"cIL'sl! . h er b end hi g h . Oil £' hUlld o n Ih e huntE'r's Coa m·flecke d Proml,lng All Right. neck. a ll d th e ir g lnn ces met like nill- DoII't you thi nk be has IlIlTOm· croAsed """orelll. Tb e look stirred ' sOll1<'lhl ng vag ue an d d pep wIthIn him. Isin g vo ice 1 ! For RII unforgt'ttable l uatant th e ir Jill- S ure. I heard bl m sa y twe n ty eye~ h pld each oth er. In 11 ga "te r lKld. d j trerent tim OOl he W IUl going to pay c ha lle ng ing, a lmos t de lla nt ; t ben It b ls bi ll. :s bro ke s nd eh e turned to th e M1Pt of th e port y BI!Urrlng In a galloping ~ Ig· zag : a ge nl aH lI.ce d m all of w ldd le a re In kha ki wh o sa t h I!; h or s1!I IIlle a cav a lryma n . a youll ger on e wl~ 3. reckiess da rk faCD and litr a lght blllCI!: bal r. und following tb ese a hu lt·d o~en you tbful r id er s of both lIe xes . on'" of 1 th e lads hea vily pl as te re d wltb mud fro m a we t c ro pl. e r. a n d tb o \: Ir ls Fmally Restored To Health cblefl y gasps a nd gIggles. By Lydia E. pinkham'. Th e e ld er of th e two men pullca up Ve,etable Compound. b esid e th e lende r . bl s a s tonishe d eyes s wee ping th e house·tront. with Its open b lin ds. t b o wisp ot Mmoke curlin g Bellewe, Ohio. - "I was in a tentble fro m the kitc h en c himne y. H e sa id state before 1 took Lydia E. PInkham'• s o met hin g to be r. li nd s bo nodd ed . V e g e table ComT he you nger man. mean wblle . ba d pound. My back flu ng hltu selt from h is borse, a wild· achoountil I thought eyed roall . Illtd wlt b hla a rm thrust It would break, I had th roug b Its brldll'. s t rode forward paine allover me, a mo llg Ihe we lt er of b ounds. nervoUII feclingll &ad th ey s c urri ed a t fault. hIther and periodic troubles. I was very weak and tbi tiler. ),p lp lng a nd ea g(· r. run down and was "W hat rotte n luc k !" he uc lnlm ed . losing hope of e VIIr "Gone t o ground a lter tw elve miles! b e ing well and Atter h im. Ta wny ! You m on gr e ls ! strong, After tatDo yo u Ima gln e b e's up a tree? Altel L - - - - _ - I l n g Lydia E. Pinkb lm. Uulg er! Br ing him h er e!" He glanced up, and tor the firs t time ham'. Vegetable Compound I Improved s a w tbe tlgure In t wee ds loo king on . l'IIpidly and today am a well woman. 1 Valiant was attracte d by h la face, Its cannot tell JOU bow happy I feel and I das h lin d gene rosit y ove rl ying Its In· cannot say too much fotyourCompoand.. b er e nt profligacy aDd weakness. Da rk Would not be without it in the bouae If as th e g irl was IIgb t . his features bad It OOIIt tIJree times the amount. "-Hra. th e sumo delicate chiseling, the In· CRAs.. CiIAPJuN, R. F.1). No. 7, Bell. breedin g, nobility and Indulge nce of vue, Ohio. generati ons. He stared a momelll Woman's PreclMl8 Gilt. and the somewhat s upe rclllou8 look Tbll ODII which abe &bol1ld mOllt zealtrav e led ove r t be gazer. trom dusty OO8ly guard, is her health, but It 18 boots to wa\'lng brown hall'. the one mo.t of teD neglected, IlDtil "Oh! " he said. His view 111011'1, lOme ailment peculiar to her eell: bu , took In the e vidences of occupation. futened itaelf upon her. When ao af"The house II open, i !ee. Going to feeted wch women may.rely UPOIl L7c1la ge t It Ht tor occupancy. I presumer' E. PiDkbam'. Vegetable Com(lOUDd. • ""!Ce8." nmedy tlIat hal been woDderMly - . Tile other turned. "Well, Judge ceuful III reetoriq bealtb to aaJreriDc Chalme ra, what do you think of tbatT womeu. The unexpected bas bappe ned at last." It 7011 haft the eUgbteet doubt ' He looked at the porch. "Who'a tID thai L7d1a E . PlnkbND'. Vep.,. occupy It?" ble Compouud wiD belp )'ou.wnle "The owner." I



toLJdfa EoPIDkbam.:tIe4lClIaeCo.


. (oonfldeDtiaI) L)'nD,.\fau., for"~ce. Your letterwftl beopeaed, Worth Knowing. Suppose a man leavee New Yorl!. ., reacl aDd aDSWered by • .• om.... noon on a given date and travels wellt- aDd held III atr1d eoDA4eace. ward at such II. rate ot Ilpeed that the sun w1l1 alwaya be dlrecLly overheaO. After maldng a circle at tbe globe he will rear.h the startln, point In New York just 24 hours after he lett · It. The queltlon pre8entlq 1\8eU ie, at which olle of bls different stopplllg places whll" making the circuit ot the globe In 24 hours. carrying noon with him ' to eve ry station, WBS he nrst Informe d tbat It WIUI IlOOII of th. following day . As he crossed the meridia n of 180 de gr ees eRst, or west, of Green wich th e day would change. HIl i nrst s top atte r crossing .th e m erld laD would he Yokobama, pe rhaps; there h e would learn that It W !La the nut · day.

CHAPTER XI. Sanctuary. The tawny scudding atreak that )ed ths.t long chase had sbot Into the yard. turning for a last despera te double. It uaw the man III th e Co reground a nd Its bounding. agonl little wild h eart tbalt so pray ed for Ilfe ga ve way.


e llorts. th e Im paLl ent bird continue d ! to rin g th e be ll viol ently untll the re J:' • Birds Had Lnrned the Trick of Ring"- ap poa red a t tb", wludo w of th e tower • . In9 a Bell to Get Their Sltpply th e wlfe ' of th e gate keeper . wbo tlll'ew the comfort of a clear head a of Food. out a qua n t ity of food to the eXJlectant Iwect stomach keen appetite ~d wa ter fowl.. I Ii good dlg.esHo'n? During a r ec ent visit to t ile catbetJ· On ma kin g InqUiries as to l h o orlghl ral city of Wells, In Somorsetsblre, a of t h is lu t restin g oplsode. th e eorn" USE. Scotsman correspond'!l nt was witness s pondc nt was told t h at a numb er oJ ~ar, of a curious Incident The E PIBcopa1 1 Y"tl fS ago a dau gbte r of the bis hop 01 ~ ~ ~ palace Is surrounde d. just a B In olden We lls. beI ng much · Inte rested In tb. · ~1A1f~~llTAB~ timeR. by a wall and 1.1 moat, th e haunt bi rds Inbabj~lng tbe moat. tau ght thtl ~ ~CP.:r~Si ~'\..~~ or B'!/8I1S. ducks. sad otller aquatic swan s to rl ns t h s be ll at feedlng.t1mt., :if _ _--'!aIt ,-,,'hlrda. Tbe moat Is crossed at the cn· a t fi ve o'clock i n the I\!te rnooll . Tblp . Send for free sample to trallce to. the palnce grounds by a practice has been continued by succe. WrI' " . " drawbridge with a battle me nted gate- s lve families of s waus do wn to thE a~. S CO. "a)r with towerS, In one of w hlc~h Is prese nt day, and It would s e em. ijlere. S72 Nn r~ tlie gatekeeper'. • lodge. 'From a tore, as If th e bIrds transmitted tc t fix ed In the wall of one of their otrs prlng tb e knowledge thaI , tower s ' overlociklng the moat a when the ~ord was pulled th~ beU .. '.I!uspended, with ,a cord' a~ wo~ld r Ing and that food .would follow.

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Do You Wish .0 LDJOY



l "'nl.rll""~I,~~~~~i~~~~~!~~;~~~~~~~f ·

e r.rugs. A bltbiulell found & half"1'loleJ1 UWblcb: Us : Q~8ht to be,, · malteflsl "Phew! " !le·· bl.·.f(.,...'. ,.... .1I)ii~IUcitai"'.a~ . V. that,,· ~ 11a:.a~~ · ~~I\i~~~:. 1 ·o-.:nt, .....··.., ·_·:.. .bll, ,'tii~ •.;

·box b.a ~~~ai~!e~!~~!~~



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\ ' 1' 1'

I I,j(' l{ t 11 r , ·C't I y . I Ht't' III S til b c- auo ut tht l (J llly Ih lng \\ nu t ~ h n p e! l's s hay . lit · Sp t ' f l du\'. r l ltJ th, ' bt1(u to IJlungf' lng," I ,· a lIa ~ h. \'alia ,lf ~ tu()p t1 d . call gh \. h ,~ 1"'l\ tI ilil o thr',"uo l \\'lItl'rllnd th e re· I II " tholl Kht II. mnlllPn t ,h "l1 went I the s~ hi v.. rlll""::I ,hili h" h\"~ th. · SC"T uff • and • . h ~ ~ tJllr Jl Pn 1111' edge ot a.n 1l1.lJ r l lt c (11I ~ ('I;l)" Into th e li hrory UIlO bl'l:a n to I nR il K HIlHp pl ll j): jaw s ~ra ztJ d hl ~ thumb . t h at- IIl' t-' clC' d fl O honing lan ~nck f hp t r u u l< At !ttng t h h f1 rOllllc1 I dr'o pppd it thl' ollJ.; 1t lilt' 01>('11 winduw

h I I f I II . t '8 . t ny a,' ( h' lll' r. " ,III rart!· Ilu CHillI' UIJ t ho tra Il IIgal n to filld w Iy . of r"(',,nl }"t'a rs. JII" I. lIlt' l,·~ t :"l u . I t Ill> rl!'''ll11l:' ~ tand trlln sfe r red to the \ I ' to I I th .' rd ' I ~ III " or II , ~, IIII .ll 1J > " lilt' I'lIr" I! Rnd la lll wl t l! D. wh ite c loLh on 1I11'''~~ I~' !'II ' rl. · ) · ~ "'''llt,>r. ~I r , I '''n ~ ,ur r ou ntlln g ~ . Wllh 'Ii .' cnld t "u~ h ur l wh ic h WU6 Be t U Btenllllug corTee. pot rM ~ ,· . an.' ~ 1 " I"C Rrl> ' "w •· .. · J.III1~" rn m II . . e tnl tl e tnl or·e n et>. d" r n ~ \("1.11"1, It 1< r." " n l,' oi If rn I a Id ,. I "" Id ~ r l Il l;' II pltl wIt h fr es h cream. salt les K lI ulter ancl. that the ,naj,·r. \" nll nll t'o rnll,,·r. "n ,l 11 hllll . ilnd th e 8wea ' h ro lip h, b ~l\ d ;; I c r iti p hol bl ~ cul t ' anti 118 he ti t down ",an named 1'!nfl8(\(' n ,,'rr l' rlvI\ ls rtor th .. 011 hIs for eheod S.'ttlll !; hl ~ tl-f"l h . . "nnd oC Mrs .• I' R ''''r' ,l~ o ' n h"r ~' O lltt l .' ', : . , wltb a ti l~h ot p ur e de llg bt. in h l6 Sa.son n Rnd \ ul lllJ.l rOllght A ,III PI (.n h e r burd. he crollsul Ib t rO(Jm. s llppi d Ill p dr" sHlng.goll'n _ a cre llY Jap an ese . "collnt Inn~ II \\"lI k l' ,II" r"rrn er WUH klll«1 VAllllnl 8 P nmory cou rt ov_ ronuwn box with ItH Illetol IJt' lIl" P"1l til l' vol thlllg rn d"~ med froro wo man is hness ...·lth " 'H <!S ac" cr~"pr r. un" 'h ' h u lld· urnes of til " bon kl'lL se. ulld r" ' urnl'd to 1 by th!' bol d green bam boo of Its de. '''1(8 In n \'.'7 much n ' J:I ~tN' eonilttJon. hl B sPilt . " Ign- Unc le J e ffor :lO u plan te d before CHAPTER IX.-Contlnued. T he bu lld og. aro used rrom a lIap. him & genero us plntt e r o f bacon . eggs He t rud ged a wa y In to th e s badows, thrust a wllr m muzz le ht' l we" n hi s alld potato 8 . T beso bo atlllc ked wlta l)u t presentl y as the n ew mast e r of k nees . "It ' s u ncanny. (' h ull1:" he said . a Burprl s l ng I<ee nness. As he butt e re d Damory COllrt Btood In th e g loom y as his ha nd caresse d th!' ve lvety his tHth b Iscuit he looked at the dog. ball. b e hea rd th e s ha mblin g s te p head. "W by s hould th e touc h n r that roiling on his back In morning ecsta. a gaIn behIn d hI m. .. Ah don o neglect. tool t hin g chIli my apln u Bnd mako 8)' . "' It b n IDok Df bumor<lus Burpr ille. uat ed ,te r sx YO' nam e. s ub . Ab dI d. my lIes h tip toe oVl' r my bonea? Why "Cbum." he BAld. " ",lat do IYou to· IIr tl.c·... e houl d I bate a pistol ? Do you sup· thl ok ot tbat? All my lite a a lngle "My nBme Is Vali a nt. .J ob n Va). pose I was sbot In on e of my prevIo us tant:' pxlstenC4'81" For a long while be sat the re. h is U ncle Jeft'er son's eyes turn ed OJ:>w a rd and rolle d ou t at o rbit. " Ma h p ipe dead. his eyeli on th e moo n· Lawd!" he e jaculnted so un dl essly. li g hted ou t·o [·do ors . Th e eer y fee l· And with hili wide lips s tili fra med Ing th ut had ~ r l ppe d blm had g un e as about the laat word. h e bac ked out qui ckly as It bad com e. At last he CIt the doorway alld dlsappearell. ros e. s tretcblng blmself wttb a gre at Alone In the ebbin g twlllgbt. J o hn bo yish yawn. jlut out a ll save one of Valiant found hla ham pe r, spread a tb e candl es and l a kin g a ba th· robe . napkin on th e broad stone ste ps and sa ndals and a huge fuzz y to we l from took out a glass. a s poon a nd part of t he steam er·trunk. s t ripped le is ure ly. • loaf of bread. The the rmos nask He do n ne d lhe balh·robe an d s and a ls was Hlled with mi lk. It was not n a nd we nt out th rou gh th e window to • plendtd banque t, yet he a te It with th e gard en a nd d ow n to whe r e la y the a ireat con te nt as th e bulldog at his Iltlle la ke ruffling s ilverly u nder th e feet gnawed his , bare of t he cru st. moon. On Its brink h e s to pped. a nd He broke hIs bread Into t he mil k as tossin g back his h ead . tri ed t o 1m I· b e bad not done since h e was a enlld. tate one of t h e ' bl rd~a lls but wa s un· and ate the luscious pulp with a Iteen Buccess ful. Wltb a ru eful la ugh h e S"e11 ~ h bred of th e long outdoor day. t b rew olf th e bath·robe a nd stood an It was almos t d a rk wben the meal Instan t glistening. poI sed In the. mOOD · w as don e and. deple ted h BJIlper In I1g ht like a marble ta un. befo re h e land. h e reentered tbe e mpt y echOing dove. s trai ght dow n out of s lgbt. house. , He we nt Into the library. Fl m minutes la te r be pulle d b lm · Ugh ted the great bra ss la mp from the self up over t he e dge, his lIesh tin · motor and be gan to ru m mage. The g llng wllh the chili of th e }Va te r . a nd 4rawer s of the sideboard t hrew the robe about his cool whit e He Craned Hi, Neck, but It Had ;rle lde d nothing; on a sh e lf of the but. shoulde rs. Then he thru st his feet P.1l1sed the Line of HIli Vision. ler's pan try. howeve r. was a tin box Into hIs s andals and s ped quickl y .....hlch proved to be half full of wax back . He rubbed hImself to a glow . roll a nd a cup of coffee ha ve b een candles, perfectly preserved. and blowIng out t be remainIn g can· t he most I could ever negotiate for " Th o very thing' " he said triumph. dIe . s tre tcb ed himse lf luxuriou s ly be. hreak/as t . and then It was apt tD taste &IIUy. Carrying tbem back , ' he fixed tween tb e warm blankets on the Uke chips and wbe t·s ton ea. And now 8everal In the glass~andlestlcks and couch. The dog 8nlffed Inquiringly at look at this plate'" Tbe dog ceaaed MIt them. Iigbted. all about the somber hili han"tl. th en leaped up and snug· wmnowlnc his ear with a hind fool 100m till tbe soft glow Hooded Its gled qown close to b ls feel and looked back at btl master with eve ry corner. " There," he 8ald, John Valiant's thoughts had Hed a mucb tbe same upresslon. Clearly "that Is as It should be. No big bJa. thoulland mllel away, to the tall girl his o wn n eeds had 1I0t been tor got· tant l eareh·lIght he re ! And no glare wbo all his life had seemed to stand ten . of mode rn ele ctricity would suit tnat ont from his world, aloof Ilnd uns ur"Reck' n Ah hettah go ter glt dal ar old wainscoting, eltbe r ." pasled- Katharlne Fargo. He tried to machine thing," said Ullcle Jetrenlon He dragged the leather settee to the picture ber. a perfect chatelaine. grace· beblnd him. "01' 'ooman. beah, ahe pcJrch and by the light of the motor- ful and ITacloua sa a tall, white. splen· 'Iow ter fix up de kitchen die mawn· lamp du s t ed It tboroughly. and wheel. dId Illy, In this dead house that In' e n 'We begin on d e houlle dIs ev. iDg It bacll, aet It und er the portraIt seemed .UII to throb with living pu· nln·... wblcb had ao aftracted him. He slon8. But the picture subtly eluded "Rlght·o." aaLd ValJant. "It'a all upwashed tbs gla,. from which hll bad hIm and he .tlrred unealllly under the hili. so the motor won·t run away dined and filled It at tbe cup of the' blanket. ",ttll you'. Aunt Dapbnll. ean 10U get carden fOUntain, put IDto It the roae After. time his bands lit retched out lOme belp wltll the cleanln«'" from bla hat and let It on the- read. to the readlnS·ltand and drew the "He'p 1" tbat wortlay l"ellponded with tag-etand. The smaU chID. dbg gla.a with Its vivid bloll"om nearer. fllle acorn. "No, aub. Moulbty 'few, caught bill eye and be , picked It up tin, In bill nOlltrlla. Its mUllky odor In de toWII 'cep'n low-down ,aller newcasually. The head came oft In bla mlnlle4 wltb the dew·wet acent of luue traah det aln' wu" klllin't Ah banda. It had bee n a bOIl·bon box and the boney.uckle from tbe garden. At Iwlneter go fo' clat houlle ml.hse'f 'fo' was empty lI&'I'e for a narrow etrlp "f lut hla eyel cloeed. "Every man car- lonr, hammah en tonIa, en glt It lis' Jenowed paper. 011 wblch were writ· rlell hill fate • • • on a rlb• .Ild up!" ten lome mellnlngl ess flgurel : 17· 28· about bIll nlOCk." he muttered drowl~IJ, "Splendid! BIJ' dest1D7 Is In your 1..0. He ponderod this a moment, and tben. "Roee. • • • reel handa. · You mlgbt take the dog wIth then thrus t It Illto one of tbe empty roses • • • " you. Uncle Jefteraon; the ruu will do pige onholes of the desk. On tbe lat· And 80 he fell asleep. him good." .t er stood an old·fa s hlone d leaf·calen· When the la tter bad disappeared dar ; th e da te It e xpDsed wos May CHAPTER X . and truculent sounds tram the kitchen 14th . ..url nus ly ('nough t be same date Indicated tbat th" era (If atrenuoUI The Hunt, cleaning bnd bf,gun, he reentered the He a woke to a musIcal twltterill-l library. changerl tbe water In the rOll&an d chIrping. to find the sun pouring g lass alld ' se t ,tt on tbe edge of tho Into the du s t y room In a ye ry gl or;' . sh ady front po ' ch, where Its lInunling H e roll ed from tb e blan ke t and stootl bl 0660 111 m ade ' a das h of brIght crlm. upri gh t. "tillin g his lungs with a , lon t: 60 11 aga in st thy graye d weather-beaten deep breath at s a tls tllctlon. H e fe l : br l('k. This ~one. be opened the one s l:Jg ul a rl y li g ht·bearted and aliv e. Tllp larg!' room on' the grouad·f1oor th at h e bull dog came bounding through th o hnd not visit 1. wln do\\'. di rty tram tbe weeds. a nd It was doub1n tbe> si ze or tbe IIbrar" flun g hi mse lt up on his mlls te r In a n parlor bunr In striped yellow silk canlno rap ture . .. , , .. . vnSII IIIy and '.cndert, fade{!. with a (,c t out. quo th tb e latte r . la ugh· ta ll pla te mln'Or set over n marble. Ing. " S to p lic king my toet! How the; top ped console at eltber side. In one dlck" n s do yo u BuppORe I' m to ge t into 1 co rn p. r s tood a grand plano of Cirelli!. ru y clot hes wltb your ridI cu lous a n tics ~ I fl!l wa lnut !wlth keys of tinted goi ng a ll '! Do wll . I say! Ha rk !" He moth r.r o (' II P-a rl and a slender music~;~ ~~ ~~ I1n(1 lI ~te lled . " Who's tbnt ra~ k Inl nld win mornIng·glorles In the g g. same ma te rial. From the center of Th e Mo nud d rew nearpr-a l ug ll · I h II" b I tabl d brlO\l ('h nt ' tb h . I I e c<' IIl g . a ve a n ova e. e· sa . t e wP,re est m nor pt' lldetl Il great ) cha ndelier hung with re O ('ctlo lt ~ . faI1HI)' s u<>gesth'e of t ile I;la EK \lrl~ m s . ~ '" il'he chaIrs and sotas rag·ll lll e c1 llt ll's ot t il " 1l.IUHic.bUIiS. yet wer e cove red wi 'h dusty sllp·covers of wit h a plplntlv e cadfll ce . . "C d I ' mtt ~ ll n , H e 11ft d one of tbese. The on mnTII ug. Unc le J elTer son ." turu lshcd gold rnlt'Jre was LouiS Th e Slll g" I' f lIro l(" orr set down th e tw lg·broom thn l II " IJ a 1)" . ' l'l tl i th e U JJhO I Hte~y of y ellow brocade tie Shu'ddere d as He Stoo pe d to P ic k Rn d cam e loward lll m M:~"~' ng w,th II pal lp. rn f pInk roses. 'r~o Up th e We,l pon . ~!awll i l\," h e S,>ld' " 11 0 c~·ln : ~~'.~i Jn llan p~ ,· hll ll"t ho . n vases sat on t eak· would recur toIDorr ow. TiJ l.! page bo r!! s l<,p' gn od Ah rp<:k' n I' p )~I It! woo rl slnJl(ls nnd corne r h eld a glas4 A Quo latlon : " EveIT lIIan carrIe!; b ls wo k" YO' UI' : (h' y's 1IJ~'k~n·a:"'b rl'~ cablnl' t ('f) Il 1.H ini n~ a eollec Uon of fa le on a r ibanD abou t bls 1I 0c l(. " ·u,lr at lon ." ollt o ll 1I"" 'll's anf! f le llce. H<, WI ' lIl thou g h fully back to the T il e li n had b(" 11 qt:ole d hI b l" " Tl,auk you. Never ele pt bt>tter In grf'a t hall. where s t tbe big chest on fa th er's let te r . "'iu\'. 14tll--llO\\' mll"~ I) my !if'" ' Ill I labo rl·,· '· ullder • ti el' . • , ." .... .. u, which lay tllfl vo lum e of "Luclla" 1111 that date a nd [bat 1110\10 Iuay have sioll when I ImagI ne I sme ll cof'iee ?" pus hed down the ) wrought. J ust the n t he re ca me n vo ice from Iron Il!lIl /l an d t up the lid. It meant ror him! He I"o~e to pus h the s h utler wider tbe open door of rh e :;:Itch e n : "Call s wa s till ed to with telttUre8: alld In th e mOVl'm ont bl s e lbow sent a YO·S!! ·!" . er man, yo' tr ill In' recon· b ea vy Ilortleres table-"ballow co se of morocco lea tll er t ll •'ll s trn ctnd ' nl gga h'. W'en marstah g w In e· (!o ve ra of faded tapest...... b ud lab Gil t he des k c ra"" hl ng to the t e l' gI l. b e bre k''' " 'Id' yo' ra. ms Ilac· k wlndo w·h anglngs ." ...s'" ·...... en-all Goor. It opened !lnd a he'avy metallic lin' e"'.lUn· wid dat dwag all dis with •• 'Object roll ed a.lmost to bis fee t. H e Oawd t ble1s ld l.'lllwllln·? Go fotch ftlldo and sifted • • w a t t. g lance that It was an old· Bome LlO' flah·wood dill uJ)nute.. Yo' s parkling wh ite lU11lol.'·OO ' rusted Ing·ple.tol. heah 1" tom, roll ed In I

:-. t1l 111 1JJ I..!


I I,' I I :JeI 1IC \ ' t ' r I III ov, ' r, ''' nll' II A lla I Y 7.R·1

tor "11" " 01'''' '' '' ''"11 . il lS ,.• 1Il re re ,,,,,I I""" thlll hnc! t.,ltl


loll' .\It ~ol ),,' IIn 'I, fl', ' r,· ally . slIll ." .. \ 11 rlrh ~ . .\ IUll I la p hilt,. I 'll b l '

I "1· ' 11"

SI-'Instors s hou ld h uyo a better mulr lmon ln I S IlO\\' If widows would keEl I> out of I ho game .



MAKES HARD WORK IIARDER A bad back Illllkp a day's worle twice hard. Bllcllocbe usunlly c omes from weak kidn eys, and .if beadaches. dizziness or urina ry dISOrders are Ildded doo't wait-get help befor6 tbo kidney di:ICastl takes a gri p-be fore dropsy, gravel or Bright's dlsc'Me sets in. Doon', Kidney Pills hovo brougbt ne w lilo lind new strengtb 10 lhOU5'wds of working meo and women. Used a.od recommended the world Over.








! ,elpln,

Band" Exteaded !!_@!!

Middle Aged Woman ~E

comes B time In every woman', Ufe when her organism ucdergoel an Important change. This Is a c.!'Itical ~".;!~~ period. It la 8 lime when a woman needs ~ ber full bealth and strength. For your own aake 1011 sboll'.d r.ntJdpate thIa turning poInt.

The Latest Is Winning Cham· plonship for Oats a Third Time.

Dr. Pierce'S Favorite PrescrlpUon

Recently was publishe d the fact of remarkable winnings by Canadian Q. I .. ~'urra n<l. torm ers In several events during tile 11 :!!I Si xth Avo" M uli n e, III ., BaYII : "~ly past tbr ee or tour yea rs. Tbe latest b u. l n c .8 rOQtl lr tJd. Is tbat or Mess r8. J. C. Hill <I< Sons much h u re ll bnck r id · Ina and t h '" conalan\ 01 L loy dllliuster , Saskatcbewao, wbo j Kr weo..k uned ray wall In a bllrd can lest fot the oat kldn~)'L J tu,d l~r · rlbla backa c h el Ilnd championship ovor Mbntana. At the WD . o Ct a.n lahl uP f u r m on th •. 1 National Corn Exposition at Dallas co uldn ' t turn I n beet during F ebruary, Montana ants were without h e lp. 1 huH ft ("Ah. Tbrea d oc lor. awarded tbo ' champlonsblp (or the tr cQ.l"d me, but 1 United States. Waiting tor tbe wIn' f() ~ o:kO~~ n~'n~VI~ ner at tble tD be announced wae a n oy P ill. Dlld avo b OK~. cu red me. 1 fleck ot oats belonging to the Ca· h a ve 11n a a onJoye4 nadlan growers above mentioned, and .,,00 heallh" alongsIde of these Wall a like Quantity Get SJo.l. at ~ S..... 1!Oe • B_ belonglug to a Minnesota grower, wbo Kp••DLNLItSY Wall barred from the regular compe· JI08TEll.MJUURN CO~ BUFFALO, No Y. tltlon because he was at one time tlle winner ot the trophy- tbe prh:6. The three ent ries were side by aide on the JUdge's bench. It would not be pall· .Ible to bring tor;etber three more likely IIllmplel _ The Montana and SaskatcheWlln entries were of equal welgbt-50 pounds to tbe bushel. The Minnesota stlmple was some tbrO!le poundll lighter. The award Willi unanimoul In favor of tbe SBlkat.cbeTlae wan oata. A remarkable teature and one IlreaUy to the credit of the Ca· nadlan product was tllat tbe oats, crown In 1913, were grown and 1Ibown by tllose wbo had competed during tbe Pllst two years, winning on eacb occasion. Tbls, tbe tblrd winning, A newlalxrrORvnurdovlcethatrnAk ... culti ... tlon oao,y, and mat.u!a117 10gave the'm tor the third time the Ct<lUeA crop&. world's cbamplonshlp aed full passel' c..n Ix! ulKld on any crop planuxl tn ...,.... orblll •. ilion at tbe .splendld $1,500 silver Mak .. coverinll up of plan'" 1mtropby contrIbuted by the llate of _Ibl&. Colorado. Onopalr.,.,1y noedO'S ·on each cult!val«. - wlU Ii t IUIY IDU>danl m&k4: The oata whlcb have tbu. ~ven to Western Cnnada. another IIplondld ad Price $1.00 Per Pair vertisIng card, wsre grown 300 mUell Wort" 110.1. W.4r'" /" Goltl north of tlle international boundary If DOtal your deal..... _dSl.OO, and line, proving that In thlll latitude, all a pair or Dent Teeth. wiLlI complete dlreetlona. will boMDl "'" cIt....,L the Bmaller gralnll can be gTown with SoIWoctioe c:--t...... ~ ... greater perfection nnd with more abundant yield tban furtber south. In n.e a. a a. Mig. c... II n... Plac., BrooId, ... N. Y. all this country are tD be found tarm· ers wbo produce oats Mlnnlng trom ~"'dooMnJ ooIiciUd. 42 to 48 poundl to tbe buehel, and wltb yIelds of trom 80 to 100 bush· els per acre. Wheat also doel well, grades high, and yields from SO to 40 busbels per acre. Tbe same may be sald at any portion Of ManItoba. Saskatcbewan and Alberta, tamed That'. My YOII're nrecl-U\lt over tbe world not only as a country -Ha.. No Appetite. where champlonBblp graIns are grown. CARTER'S but where cattle and borses are raIsed UVER PILLS tbat also carry olf cbampionsbipi and will put you right v.·bere ",oild grasses are abundant in a few days. yielders, cultivated hay and alraUa They do are grown, tbUB giving plenty ot feed, :heir duty and wltb a good climate, sumclont Cure sheller and plenty at water, bring Itlpation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache about results Buch as western Cadada SIIALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. ball been able to record . Tbousands of farmers from tbe United States Genuine must bear Signature who have their homes In Canada bear ample testimony to tbe benefits they have derived rvom farming In weat· ern Canada.--Adverllsement. AN IU.1NOIS CASE

baa been recommended tor over forty yean! 88 Tb.latelt Ia medleal edence Ie coDtalned in Dr. Pierce'. Common Sen •• M.dical AoIn.._oowouxl ..... YiHd ocIltlon of JOOB

Sold In tabid or liquid form bu Medicine DeaJera-or lend 60 cenbl for sample boz:


. .lid'. HoWl. Buffalo


Swap' Pain for Ease Why 8uffer, ",hen a bottle of Tuttle'. Family Elixir will bring such .peedy and permanent relief I Why get lame and Bliff- inviting serious COlTO plainl~aftCT hard work. npo. ure or violent exercise, "'hen you can keep in the pinl< oJ condition by a good rubdoWlI witb



Fa.mily Elixir - for more than balf a century, In millions of household., the standard remedylorrheumatiam,lumbago. backache, toothache, lameness. eorene••. twinges, sprains, bruises. and tba multitude of other everyday aftllctioM. .. With TUltle', Family Elwr in the house you can res~ea.ay." Pain canno~ 11,,0 In oompany wUb n.fore anotber day pan... B.t .. 00'" Tun I. '. Family Elixir. The 10111 ... 1.1' tie frnm , o ur drURits t . It he oannut lablbbed, lb •• &teat and mOIl rell"blo. .upptr you. lond \II 00 cantl til It.arupe


Ouarantco(1 noder tbe pure food I.W', Cnmpoulltl l)d o r gutJU, olbl. aDd. ye geLA-ble c.1trnda - thu. perfeetly adapted t or loterofll ... Vlell RtI "Eternal tlM.

Cultivator Tooth

t Olotbor with bl. name a.ud y. will

teDd fOU

prompUy, I"opaill, .. I&rlla back If It

dood bottlo. ~ our monoy dou not do what we claJm .

'I1JT'I'I.E·S ELIXIIl CO •• 17 Beverly Street. Bostou. Mass.

Watch Your Colts


Your Liver Is Clogged Up



_He Admired Her Judgment. thai make a horse Wbeeze, ~ Roar, have Thick Wind Sbe-Ob, Fred, dear, you are so noor 9boke-tlown. can!.. \. ., ble; so generous, so handsome, so cblv · ).. f'cduced with alrous, 80 much tbe s uperior of every man I meet. I can't help loving you. ABSORBINE JI Now, what ca.n YOU see In plain little aho any BUIll'h or Swelling, No bliiter, no me to adrulre 7 balr lODe, and horse kept It worle. Con. He-Ob, 1 don't know, dear. but you centfllc<i-oniy a few drop' required at aD eertalnly bave very good Judgment.application. 12 per bottle delivered. Tit-Bits. . Book 3 K free. ABSOIlBlNE, JR.,antileptic liniment for IIWIDon't buy W1lter tor blnlo~. Llquldblne'" kind, reduce. Cyll., Wen •• Painful, Knotted &ImOOlt all W&lA!r. f>UJ' Red Crou Ball Blue, VarieoaeVeina, Ulcera. '1 and '2 I bottle at Ill. bl ..e ~bat·. aU bl.... Ad,. dalen or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. .",you.a.P. O.F •• al0T.......... rtnDIJ.Id, ..... In spite at the fnct {bat Ignorance Waue.E.o.l.",a .. W ...~ Iq bliss, a lot ot people are continually IDCIO~.c;,:-..!!!-; ""'ILII- !.rylng to educate UB . .. r _ -WI



tonic for women who nre aboue to experience "the tul'll of life. " It is helpful In the cquoJil:ation of the c1rculstion of the blood and In regulating the !\Ction of the bowels. N ervousnes6 and low apiritadia.Ilppenr. HBppin088 nod contentment tako tll place.

Amon" 1111 th e opelllng ~ for nlllklnJ; (' 11 w('lg h two po uuds lu low w{'[)k ~ mon ey.on th e (arm, I doubt thal th em Th e ml'a t IR dell ·Iou s. A ee l·tuin little flock nf farm duek R. Is anoth e r to wh ich s o mun)' are lO Ok " In l; with Cll!;!' r Inl erns t and with sl1ch In w hi ch I baH' been mu ch Interesled r llal hnpe us hUtl",'p, d ~ are givin g to as l he lr record climbed and continued lh e rnl ~i n~ or India n Ru nn er Duck R. to c l 1mb dll rlllg 1911 , was reported at' ThlR Is Inr!;ely b" ca u~ e nearly e "cry hav ing laid exactly ~OO eggs a ve rage (arm produces eggs , e very (amlly In In tb e tell montb s between Jnnuary our land e als eggs and the RUlllu'r hI 1~ and. No'-ember 28, 19 11. pre-e minently an (!gg·producer . Tbese birds are owned by Mrs . MolGI\'e n n duck that w1l1 lay 200 eggs Jle McClaugbry Allen oC Oswego, N. (ar more easily tban any he n can do Y., wbo ha s done Qulte a little acceptIt. llnd the fact that th e eggs .ot tbe abl e Institute work In tb e past. Tbey rna~ure bird are one·halt larger than aro of t be Engllsh·bred penciled stock . those o( tb e averago h en. and we WhIte Runner as Favorite. ha ve n proposition calculated to mnk e any e gg producer alt up and op en bls Th(' r e are nIany at tbe more promieyes. nnd on e which every egg pro. nent poultry ·ralse rs ot the country ducor ought to tryout to sce wh eth f'r wbo be lieve tba t tb e Wblte Runner tor him the Indian Runner Is a beUI'r ""III tak e the popular rancy as no otbmoney.producer than the hen. ar Runner bas yet done . Nearly Runners Ahead of All Othe". e\'ery bu)·e r Is eager ill X1ra lse at A clau se rrom a le tte r that camo to tbem . Onp. . whose lettet comes In . today . suvs : .. ( love th e m: tlley are me tb e finll of tbe wee k In Decembe r . h ' . I . I t ' t' 11 f 'how g how the Runner gets In Its yery 8 ap e y. tr rn as a five, a a "'0 whkh . rko 1 c h arm IIIg It s own e rs . 'Tb . ey Id I ..l~ rl!';ht In IIl1 e with American ",.,e beauti es, and It J don't watch out, e a B. I 10B~ Int.e rest In my cblckens," wrote ,\ lthoug h happier on the water. tho my co rreepo. ndent. The "ChiCkens", Runners are really most atttractive as It h apPf'ns are fancy Wyandottes on lan d. It 18 to be understood of high grade 80 that the expression tbat th ese poses are not tbe usual s peaks very si rongl}' for th e Runne rll. trav e ling ca rriage, but are tbe poses A ( _"' e wI[n ys nbo I b ear d two part- 01 al ertnCl!8 Ullon danger or sometblng ners In farm wQrk di scussIng plans e specially Int eresting app earing. ror IH2. ways alld meall!~, etc . " " The English standard n.sks tor a we carr y out what we have planned ." carrlllge of 55 to 65 degrees wben In said one. "tbe Hunners will pay 01T Illation . It wlll belp to judge of tblB that morlgage ne xt year (nearly $1.. If we rcmember that the diagonal o( 000) ." Tbev were "Iannlng to kpc'p a squal:e Is a 45-degree line. Draw a as stoek bl~ds about. a dozen drDkes \lne (rom one corner at a square to with tb e lr mates. anothel: and you havo a body angle or course this numbEl r at du c ks o(lt mosil o( tbe Runners as .\ 8aw them at tbls sbow. As tllese were selected would 1I0t go rar ~oward paylllg a birds. It will be Been tbat a bird of tbousand·dollur le bt If tbey were pro· thl I h ~ I tit duelng mark et eggs only, but It 18 as t ~ ~al/'~I a;"C w en n a er 8 a pre · . shnp le I1S the multiplication table thut y a r r . the duck that will give an Income of Feeding Runne,... $4 .50 (rom mDrket eggs c.'ln be ke pt In One ot the especially good pOints at large enough numbers on allY farm to the RUDners, as the farmers look at II, bring $1,000. Is tbat It can occupy waste ground Tbese figures are not s tllrtltngl y· a:ld get much ot Its living tram It, hi g h. I bave Dllowed .13 dozEln per and when It bas to be fed , wll\ eat i b ran, cu t 'du c k. which Is j ust about 150 an d IV hi ch C h eap •, 00 ds BUC b Q.8 C over,


For Co,o. and Dlltflll'1per, .nlt IU tbe arst .,mptoma of ••r 'l1Jc b allmect,. 8' •• am..ll ctoaea of th.... wonderfu l reco.llJ. Dow . . . mo.' u.04 10 _La\eno.o, 8POHN'!) D18TRlIfl'ItR COMPOUND 60 wntl a04 f1 a boUle ; 16 anO .la tho do&en of anr c1rvu1n. a..m.-

4e&lar, ~~::!~~rtl~obJ



8~ .&~

HOOSIER BINDER TWINE Dired from Fadory fully GlWUteed

81/ C 74=

Treated for IDsecb Tuted &: Wei,bed

Order. fo, 500 lb .. or mor, 2 Pir etDt off; or 1'004 not. due 8ep. JD14, witho ...t Int«r ••t.. Ca, lot orle" 00 applle.a tlon , Price. b.laetor7. Remlt by a"p form o( •• ehaJlce. Oruer byldur. •• od (or blank.. C.refulaUent!on to club orderL - - .. .J. Focart>'. Supt.. ifood.. Twin. MIU., Mlchlpn Cit" IncS.

Carolina Corn Country The Gulf Stream Land of Mild Winters Thousands of Acres Rich, Black. Sandy Loam. Eastern state level Coast Lands or rolling Up-lands of Middle State. New vqin fanol!! or lands already under tillage.

Corn. Cotton. Tobacco. Peanuts. Trucklnfi. Bay and Live Stock Ample monthly rainfall Sunshine every day in the year. Twelve hours from New York. Low priced lands. Special excursion rates twice a month. Write for free colored maps and descriptive booklet. Address B. E. RICE. Qeneral IDdustrlal AlieDt. Depl. 14



;~;;::=:;;;::::~:~:~~:~:~-~-:-~-~.~:~:~:~:~~::~- .

CASTORIA IIIUIIIIIIIl11l1l1l1ll1l11l11l11l1 11lI l l ll llll lll llll l lll'"111111111

l'orInfante and Children,

Kind You Have ;~r:r~IEL· ~t The. Always Bousht '"" ," ,I" " , HOL-3 PER CENT

j •• , " Ut' U I •• I' .. II .. " . I' .... I I III • • • I' •• ,. , I" •• •

AVf.ftf4!1b1e Prrparatiol' r... As· ~imj1,alilli11ht rood a'ndReJ!uIa;:"OIMC1~and Bow!lsol

Promotes Digestion.Cheerful· ness and Re5t.Conlains nellflaOpium,Morphine nQr Mintra!


Bears the Signature of


NOT NARC OTIC Rw';' oI'O'J IJrS'ANuI'lIm1flll ~.;,S-'·

.I'Jb •

'tt;j:.. A...... s...l.





'~~";""';'-..., AfJCf:ccl Remedy rorCoMtlpe· liOn, Sour Slomat,h,DiarrhOea, Worms.Conyulsions,.feyeri,shnessahdLosS OF SLEEP.

handling evenbewhere largewltb numbers Is one Situtr la( tbe best meat producers, and I know CRII obtained good green (v.·hen confined). etc . Milk are raised. The Runners bave an CUll be uBed wben meat Is 1I0t avail · actual ab'l'lcultural-college record or able. above 200 eggs tor three stralgbt sueTo g OI a three-ounce egg from each eesslve years. In smaLl pens . Some- duck five and Blx days uut or the wbere bel ween 150 and{ 200, I think, week, which 18 enougb at tbe kes any paul· tbe production of the k\'ernge Oock height or the must fall. try ·keeper feel all be were r~ There ore reports or 240 and more celvlng something tor pains. as averages for large fiocks In this Runner breeders sbowa tbelr country: but ( cannot vouch for tb e m, faltb In wbat they producing, for I only know or them througb hear- by sending eggs tor I testing SAy . A commission mellChant in New to edltol'tl at leveral ollr poultry York told me that wblle there was a 1 1,apcrs. I bave soon report un· prQJudlce against duck eggs, even favorable to these All spoke now RUllner eggs would bring an aver- at thelm as s weet And age or 36 cents th e year around In tbe I scarcely to be hens eggs. New York market.. I have a letter by the table test. Purvis, Mrs. trom one man .... Ith Bome' special op· Orant M. Curtis and ed itor 01 tbe , portunlty, saying tbat he gets 50 Poultry Success are ~ those who cents per dozen tbe year around . have reported to tbe RunGive Run".,,.. a Chance. ner eggs, Where there Is so much llromise One corrospondent tell me tbal and 80 much straight performance In. he took Into town ng gs to be 80 many hands, even tbus early In ~he pbotog:rapiled, and e begged to Runner history In tbls country I think buy them until he Ilone to take It III tony for anyone to let such a borne, 'while other followed him chance pass without trying It out to home. All thlB he was trying lIee ' It It Is tor them, provided. of not to seU them . course. that they are Interested In 'fbe Indian Is golug all poultry and· can take good care or the ··lIeari run" maknocks. A drnke ·a nd two ducks can Progressive r. be had ·for five dollare for cheap utilmen there see Ity birds, and on up to any price one e bes t 0pporlunwnnts tD pay, IlIjd this Is an In9lgnll1. A IDrge number of can Investment tor the returus whlcb rattah," th em as '·dry·land maY .be received . palls and tubs for , , One very large breeder lIays that It Is ea8Y to have Runners laying In rour m~ntb'" ,Ume from ha~chlng. "Any one can do a8 well wltb good care." MpiJt people, ·however, don:t find It al .eas7 ila,,1t 'JOaks ODp8.per. 'i ,P;robitl!ly, lUJd' . . II beare ~ t~~ ·. '~~.n~p , dl!pt~n~IlD.~

-In US'8

For ·'Ye·ars \

va '

Lameness Sloan" LlDImBDt". epeec!y, nlIable remedy for JameDeaa 10 horael aDd farm atock. Here'l proo£ ,

....... a-

~llIed a bane .pral D 1>18 a!IeIIlder • paUl".. ana be wu ID lame lie DOt C:ar\7 toot at aU. 1 cot a bottla of ,oar Unlment IUId pat It oD'oar tim.. aDd In three he 1bow.c1 DO lam..



;-.,::.~~~~e~ 'i:.1e.!fU!

F.S.... aDd TInoI. ... baYO _d Sloan'. LlDIIDeDt OD a line mare torapilot aDd cured bet. TIll. IIIUl!lIlJIe third hone ."'e cured. Haye recammeoded It to m, ue\abbo.. for tIIruob &Dd tbe,aallt"l.ftne. I lind It the belt Lioimeot • eYer »ed. lkeep 011 babd pour Sure CoUc: Curefiior III -

.eli and bel,hbon. eod I cen e ~~dc!! tot c;ouc.••-s,



LINIMENT ... quick, life remedy tor ponl~ roup,caalter aud bUmble-foot.

Try it.F.. __ uri c.u..


"Sloau .. Liniment III tile IPMCItit end ·. arenremedy for pIIQ\~ canker ID III Itil fonu . f eau,rjn til,. ..ttldPlpe." • ..... ~~, N.IL

A.·a DDuIan. 1Ic.. so.. .. fl.oo .

..... SIMa'a Book _ I - ' - c:aMIa.


1IeaiJ"'~'''''''., ~ :

The opportunity of lecurlni free homeeteadl of 160 aerea each, and the low priced Ia.nd. of Manlt~ S.ekatchewan and Alberta. will lOOn han paned. Canada onere a hoarty welcome to the Settler. to the man with a family lookini for I\. homa: to the farmer'a son, to the renter. to all who wiah to live under bettsr conditlons. Canada'. sraln ~Ield 10 1913 II the talk 01 the world. Luxuriant Grasses lrive cheap foddsr lor larlle hards: coat 01 raisini and latteDiDa' for market II a trifle. The lum realiud for Beef. Butter. Milk and Cheeae will peJ' fifty per ceDt on the Inveatment. Write for literature andpattloulan u to reduced railway ratea to Superintendent .111~~ or Immivation, Ottawa. Canada. or to W.e. NKTHERY Intorvrb.n 81e1 •• Columbua, Ohio QuIe4Ian GoftfllJlllIDI


SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tbe most eeonomtcal, eleanaIJJrr aa4 BermlcJdal oJ: all anUaepUca la .

A. aoluble Antiseptic Powder to be diuolved in water .. needed. A.I a medicinal antiseptic for doocb . . In treating catarrh. lnftammaUon or ulceration of Dose, throat, aDd thlLt caUled by feminine lila It baa DO' eqnal. For ten · Jears the Lydia E. Pinkham friedlclne Co. hBII recommendei1; ~~tloe III thelr· private OorteSIlODdence _wlU. Wy,.....,... ·:wh!CI1 '1)rovel Ita IUperlorltT_ '

·who' have -


Jt8 . ",-,.,!,'5U~! -'_"', .• UlI~



}, arms For Sale


e---_ ,- -------



I h8V~ several farms listed with me for !'ale. If you arc in the market, sec me at once :lS some of these will soon be sold.

Tne R. W. L o f Ma.'ISie lownship met Satu "day evening. March 28th, i at Wellman ,;c.hoolhousc wi th an at· tendance or 1l5. A most inte rest. April Fool, eh! ing and im;trurl ill.e progrnm wa' l . . . . rpnder<'<.1. Tlw ladil'!1 of 1hiR town- . MIss Letitia McKay has been qUite ship am fumouH .:ook ~ R lld brouglit HiCk . f reply of their fa Vl)l'I N cookine- line. M ' '"I H W'lk . . '11 The C') ueR ti on b~~11 to over. . rs " '. . I erson IB qUite I lIuwin!! of q ues . v al import- wIth asthma. UII C(' to all )elicve in progressiun allu l.:o·opcration, and displayed Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell were in the dormanl menta l activity that CincinnaU Tuesday. lI ~cd s tlllly IJlaee and opportunity to Family wash, see Lee Hawk. J. I,ut t he fa rmer in t he professional L. Brown soft water Laundry. ci a,,:; , us education is not what we melllu ri ze , bu t what we apply and Mrs Jason Sheehan and daughters ).:'iv,J to the w rId in our dail)' VOl'S' were shopping in Dayton Tuesday. tion. Tilt' RO Il)r by lilt le Be rtha Snell Ed Roland moved to Corwin Mon· was e!lpecially commendable anJ uay . He is employed at the dairy bruug ht forth a ~torrn of applau",e. barn. In fad our mll ~:c i an inspirati on, an d wc thank a ll. Try sending your family washing l>"I1' t forgct Apdl 11th Ea!'tur to the J. L. Brown Laundry. Lee eve wi ll li e~ iv e n the b('autiful Enste r Hawke. Agent. Pantollline, "The Holy City," Mrs. 1·;11" ::-'tem. soloist, five g irls ' acturs. Mr and Mrs. F. B Henderson and l;oou music and a co rdia l wel come Mrs. J H Coleman w\!re Dayton to all. Co ra A. Thomp:!On. visitors Tuesday. ---- -Director. Miss Annie Brown. of Xenia, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. CadwalBUY ~OULTR.Y FR.ESN lad er Sat urday.

Corwin, O. An elegant Series of Premiums' for cash trade Here they are 5&.00 In trade • 0.00 in trade 10.00 in trade




The lamp burned exac tly :;-1 hrs.

I have d ecided to re-en ter the Cleaniog and Pressing busin ess, and ani Il " W at your se rvice. 1\ly old rule- "::;atisfaction o r ~o Charge"-still holds good, Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin barber shop ·or call phone 8-2r.

Mr. Jaco b ~lrou se won 1he 4:2piec.· Dinner S.-l. hi ~ l-: ue:;s lieing fi:! hOl lrH Thi ::; ~ h o w s that MoorC'!; Cood Oi l hu rn ' mUl'h 10 1lj.{l' l' lhan the eh 'ap oil This week we have a big suppl y of el·d \'otatoes, Oni on Setfl , ors ll).:'t'S , i\plll e~ , New Cabbagc. ::;w ('~( :< , Onions. Letluel', Radisl1t'~ . ('clery.

Pierce ~ Presser

A few Specials for Saturday

.l .


25 Ibs Franklin extra fine Cran. sugar $1.19 25 Ibs Standard Cranulated sugar I. J5 ' 4 Cans Sweet Corn q Oc quality) .~5 2 Ibs 'Fancy dried peaches (try these) .25 I Ib Sea Shell Maoaronl · . . . . .06 Canned Apricots, Plums and Shredded Pine Apple. All regular25c goods . •20 3 cans Hominy (canned In milk) .25

... - ...

TIll' health oft1cer of Duyton ha3 Mr and Mrs J, 0 Cartwright, i,;sued th e foll owing ord er in regard the Misses Myra Baird and May ThursdJ Y, friday and Saturday to selling poultry in the Dayton mar- Wright were shopping in Davton kets : Tuesday, In ordo r 10 introclu ce In order that. purchasers may be HEINZ'S 57 VARIETIES able t o form some id ea of th e age of Secure your EaSter dinner at poultry and the time during which it Maffit's stOl'e on April :nth. Everyof Pure F Jod Produr·ts in has been d ressed , all deale rs will be th ing that is good to eat will be on hom e~ t hat have not used them req uired to allow t he head and feet sale there at that time and to .,ur reg ul ar customers DUSllljflSS IIIIJ to remain on t he fow l until it is sold. we will offer Num TO\l~ c:o mpl uints have been Mr. and Mrs . D. H . Palmer and made from purchasers that they have family an ived here from Columbus 600 Coupons Free un c oll sci llu ~ l y houg ht poultry that thi s . and will occupy the with each can or package of 9ca>.lIm..... WI! Me....eeI the has either been HI) Illd and toug h as Mart property on Fifth street .•~ loealaaeDC:r_ for the 1AcIi..... Si.lct Heinz Goods See our window to be unfiL to cat 0 1' that has been Com.....,.. W.h"... fDUDdmudo display. p/uau ... lnintereotlD.mufri.... Don't worry yourself about cook· drel!!led for ~uc h a long time that It and "ol,hbon I" the ..... ~taae." the day before Easter. but 110 to ing cannot lie eal n without incUI ring ..,o.-.-les. swaf\b ..... ..-.... Saturday is (;rab Bag Day. ftiae of tho seri () u8 uanger. . t he market at Maffit's and buy what Jt is ar~ u ed that if tLe head and you want for your Easter dinner. Don't forget t() bring us your feet are allowed lo remain on the Eggs. ·We alway!! pay the fowl un til it is i\old . anyone whoisat St. Mary's choir will giv~ the hihest prices all familiar wi th conditions attach· sacred cantata. "Calvary," Sunday ing to poultry after it has been even iug at 7:30 o'c1ork. Read st. It pays to trade at B7ery farmer WhOOWDS an Indian.a Sil() killed, can detemune with some de · Mary's Church notice for fuller de· " laS founi! that it is the best business deal ' gree of accuracy whether or not it is scription. he ever made and the greatest pleasure fit to be eaten . 'Ii his farmiDa' experience. It not only Mr. F . C. Gilmour, the Misses -'.-~'---, uids riO«. to the net profits of the dairy Elizabeth Chandler, Anna Vander!\1Id feeding peDS but it also tsaves all the MANY PEOPLE SCARED .ulU'd, oplea&ant work of winter feeding. voort and. Henrietta McKinsey atLate Classified Ads We have an especially attractive propo- . The heavy ::-ain of last Friday was tended t111~ Teachers' Association at tition to make to yon now-one that will the cause of worrying hundreds of Lebanon Saturday. you to get an Indiana Silo in time peopl e in Ohio. The Big Miami, (or next fall'. corn crop and to pay for it SO WEI and pigs for sale. For fur- the Scioto and several other rivers Mr. Joe Shaw, of Chicago. was the .UI it pay.)'OI1.. ~ ua tell yon about it. ther informRtlon 01\11 pbonn were at flood stage,· and peopl e be- gu est of Mrs Alice McKinsey. at 3X or address B V Smith. W~y- gan to think of a repetition of the Corwin, last week, Mr Shaw for· D8sville, Obi n. a8 191 3 R!'od . Many people in Colum· mp.rly lived here, but had not been HarVeY.b~r&. Ohio bus began to move OGt ot. their back for twenty-seven years . houses, and fals(' r eport':! of breaks 1 have a car in of the best fertilizer in the levees caused considerable worry . Reports fpom ditferent cities mrde, JURI: the thing for oats and along these rivers, however . predict· early potatoes. Get your order in ed no cause for alarm, and us the early, as this car will not last long, rain stopped their fearswer c lessened. Call phon~! 49 1-LI2-S. Chas. Frye. The Little Miami was out of her New windowB are being placed in banks Saturday, after the hig rain 180 DiFFerent I'u%:le. of Friday. The water ran over the the Sherwood building, and other improvements are bein¥ made on the cement roadway only in one place. SoBtl AIwrUmm-EJru:ationrJ building. preparatory foits occupan· £N7ERTAlNMENT FOR A Y£.<lR cy by Myer Hyman, who will conWill HAVE RACE TRACK TWENTY-FWE CENTS duct a dry goods store there.


a 's ilver fork in trade a silver knife in trade a silver sugar shell In trade a silver butter knife 60.00 in trade anelegant velvet rug Buy your Dry Goods, Groceries. Shoes, etc I\t. the Premium Store and soon own an elegant Silver ~e t or Vl'lvet Rug. It will pay you . Ask for tickets with every pu rehase

I 2.00 I 2.00 I 4.00

~ued Potatoes, Irish Cobblers, Early Ohios, Early Triumphs. Earlv Rose. bid you ever wear a pair of Selz Shoesi' MaKe your feet glad, try a pai('. We guarantee them. It will pay you to trade at

Special forthree days


a silver teaspoon a silver tablespoon







Subscribe for the Miami Gazette end Y ou will get all the News

The BoosterStore

.Cbas. D. Oook




Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.

..-------- ~.~.



.. -...---

The sports interested in harness racing are going to rebuild the halfmile track at.H'\kdale Park this sum· mer, and Will ha,:,e a place w~ere they can flpeed their h?rses. It has If you have Wool for been several yeara slTIce the old track w~s abandoned. The. track sale,.call me UP. as I will at that time was well patroTllzed. as pay you the highest cash ther~, were ~~veral fast ho~es. her.e. The racers talk of rebuI!dmg It, price for it. as there are several horses m towu, or near here! that have lots of spe~d. The trl:\ck wl,lI be another a~,tractlO!! )'. that ~111 b~ a heIr> to the racers l;lnd Will b,rmg many good horses mto pr~mmenc: -:. • . BOUGHT 60. CRE FAR.M . The Dayton Y. II . C. A. has bought a 60·acre farm at Ft Ancient, and :.,r~~~e~~:I!~r!~~~~~ ;;;~~~:r.: ~~~~:~.~ra also a lot of thre acres. It IS the O. ,~.. ; tour1llontba,'1. Bold by nil " .... d.nle.... purpose of the a ociation to estab· I. 881Broadway lish permanent camps tor the boys. Brancb :rlllee. &v. r Bt.. WIUI~I~lIlon.ll. C. Part of this land .s fronting on . the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'! L i ttl e M iam i , 'ln d is pI en ti fu II y wooded . It is BU~'~elY an ideal place for camping, and he associat}on will place permanent. camps at thiS place. :rhe location if:! !pasiry acces~~bl.~ ~~ rail, and th~ boys' generally hike .to or from Ft. IAncient. There is ample opportunity for all kinds of athletic sports a d good water. and AT POPULAR PRICES the boys will B nely enjoy their outing this year ore tban at any previous time.






~ WAY:;~~,


New York

'E aster Mi11iherv .,

Semi-Dress and Tailored Hats, Unique Creations, amazing io their harmonious beauty and variety. every bat distinctly smart, portrayiog the true spirit of Fashion, .

Children and Young Misses A J~rge ~ssortment .of the most desirable styles at mod-

erate pnces tncluding all the popular spring shades that are strikiog features of this season. . , \






e:harles Evans Earnhart, second son of Wm. and Hannah .WilIs Earn. hart was bom in this couoty July 28rd 1832 died March 29 1914 aged 81Y';~lrs, ~i months and 6' day;. He was marrie<t to Mariah.. daughter of David and Anna Proud Graham Feb. ruary]7, 1855 Ten children were born to them. Five SODS, four daughtetS and two brothers J, T. of Franklin and J. M. of Lebanon, ;urvive him. The wife having died January 28, 1899, aged 64 year. and 1 day, also one son Hamer Wilby, who died December 12, 1897. Mr. Earnhart was an honest man and by indlustry and prudeace he ac· q.uire? a good competence His en· tire hfe hns been that of a farmer, fifty years of which has been at this place. His memory will be cherished' by t~e b4i'rea,,!ed family and his many Virtues wIl I be remembered by a wide circl4~ of Q.dmiring friendB.


Opp~rtunity -TO GET-

1000· Extra fin~



We desire toithan~ our neighbors and friends for the kihdnesaes shown us during our recent bereavement. ~he Family • _ • If d F t'I" II you want a goo er Ilzer ca Chas. Frye, phone 491-L 2-S.


Toy Animal.. "'ID all the . . . of the worlel'. ~ tory chlkllren have Jovecl their to,.. to Ohio now Ital:l 41,70266 in the be In the ehapea of animals. Hul.. good roads fund, which haB been appear aDGODI' tbe tore of potterJ'

turned in by (!ount es from the half milllel'Y und er th Hite law. State Auditor Donahoy id"tonlg ht. Many of the larg _ counties have not yet certified th .ir amounts, BO that the total, the 'uditor Irtated, will reach about 1, 000. This'is only the first settlem .nt, The sec· ond settlement will a much larger amount into t road fund. The total in the fund at the close of ,was $7,100,2B4.80.


Shop Next:to Sherwood'. Carage Main

-- '-"~---


Women and Misses



- --

Su..r. Stam". or " ' _ 0,,",



from Cy"!Dalca. made







apotted oo'"a Uom Elgypt; . • boy rlel·Ing a SW'8Jl, • ~at from Oyprus. made the OlutsUan

era. rams, 41lota,

flah. all 'bear wttn8llS to the love Of the' children ' of "earl, tim.. tor ani. malll In IDlntature •• playthlnp,"Mr.. F. N, 'J acuoh, ''Toy. of Other

nay.,,' '.


From bome-pown T~~r . ·"·" • .;




• ~





10 Pages

10 Pages

-------------------------------~WA ------------------~-~~------~--~~~------------------~----------~ rNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY APRIL 8, 1014

Sixty-Fifth Year


, t. "':>.,



Whole Number 3258


A Successful Chicken Breeder


The work of A. C. Tomlinson, who tabliRh human char.acteri!lti~s aB lives on th e Waynellv ille and Hal"' fir mly us ~ h.ave ~s tabhshed deEmab.le veysburg pike , proprietor of the c h a rac te rJ ~ttc:) In my chickens In Miami Egg Farm. hal:! accomplished seven yearll " . Ex pense 01' palOs hav.e not been in breeding up a Htr ain of Whit e Plymouth Rock chickens so that all spared ~o make the chicken huu se the pullets are extra good layers and and eq uipm ent what th ey should be. more than tw.mty two pe rcent ofl but there is nothing orn ~te. I1:bollt them lay from 200 to 264 egg!! per th em . T~ e h:>use is warm .10 wm ter year. which is extraordinary. and cool In Bumm er. and IB always In 1907 Mr. Tomlinson purchased well venlilated . The trap nests are the entire flock of E. W. Schater- home made and work to p<!rfeccotter of St. Louis, Mo. At that tion. . time this flock had been trap· nested The same IS true of the Bel.f feede r.s. for several generations with the ob· The chickens water supply B ke pt 10 Ject of producing a high egg-laying open v e8.~e I 8 that are frequently and strain of large fowlB that would thoroug hly cleaned . Oyster shells. breed true. ThiB desired end is now be"f scrap awl charco~l are kept attained by Mr. Tomlinson. who hlL'! constantly before them In separate worked faithfully seven years to se- self· feeders. Largerself.feeders are cure the results . supplied with a mixture of bran, Mr. Tomlinson i8 an active member middlingB and chol?ped alfalfa . Corn of the Societ,) of Friends, better iB fed regularly In a deep mass of known as Quakers. and he spends dry. l(IQse htter. . mucb time working in this small but One cannot get the highest res,:!l ts effective organization for the wei· from the. best care of mong~el chlckfare of humanity. Compariug the enR Neithe r can one get big results up·buildlnll of the human race with from a high laying strain not ~rop· thatotftxingdesirablecharacteristicB Iy cared for. Both. good env~ro~­ in chickens. Mr. Tomlinson say!!: ment and well·es tabllshed heredity IS "What iR true in one domain is true required . The breed does ~ot c:>unt in IUlolhr. The same care applied for so much as the breed mg . F~ r to the same number of generations instance: White Plymouth Rock IS in man would be as 'effective in not a great laying breed bu~ the results as it is in chickens, but human strain of ~hat b~ef!d Mr. Tomlmson R'Cllerations are so long and the fac- has estabhs~ed IS 0!le of the g~eatest tors of heredity and environment egg producmg strams there IS and are so diflkult to control that it they are also big, plump, nice table would take several centuries to es- fowls.



_-- --

-... .., -


Bishop Boyd Vincenlof th" DioFor ~e\'(e ra l week!! Managcr C h a~ cese of Soulhern Ohiu. has issu ed an :lan;;lll.! rry , ,',r til l! Miarni Baseball appeal for t he observance of Good team bas b 'en castill g his eye abnut Friday by the people of this diocese him in orde r to " ick up Ii good tea m !.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.: The appea l reads: "At the late gen - for th is season. li e has had scores . I . I d I ' I 'I h d e ral convl'nlioll of the Prote~tant of <I/J plica lifln.-i for posi li on;; on l lie Pursua nl ~I) a call mad ~' 11.1' a .re· , CHI ma (' .t le lr p ea,t lat t ey wante Epi scopal Church thc f ollowing re;;- lca lll , bl.! t Iii" : .1111 was to f.(·ct tht.! C~l1 t re.'m lu ~ 10 1l o.f the WU .\·l\ o.:s\' llie ~ til mallllam the ir schools on acco u~t olution was passed un a nimously: I )t'~' l or II'Jl1e. 1I.lard of j·,r.luca t wn/, tho.: f" ll o\\' lllg ,O( lh e II .Nd,.. t hat s wepp over Co,rwm " ltesolved, That we recognize li e hus al /Jr"SI'1l 1 lh r~ con I r ;!"I ~ .) f tlOil rd :-l mel al l! 1I! . l ().lVn~h l p l1tlu -.;e ' HVl' IIU l ' :"c'ven Li limes In the ~lnter with sympat hy the inahillty of many the ft) II" w i n~ p l a)'e r~ , and sel'e ral Mc,"day aft e rJwnn III ]o1.l nt ~ 1 '.~S I I) H": and SI Il'III)t !1eaSonli, . lhat their chll· Christian people to share in t he age- mur e ttl hear f rlll11 th a t wil l I'ro u. Way n '".\111 '. Ly lll', Lo n n " an d Idl'l' 1l \\'ou l ~ l1 ~c e:lsarlly I?e forced to longcu!ltom of Retting apart Gau d a uly strel1g llw n t he team , Those W;I'yn e j ()w nshlp. . ~ l ay on thiS s llle of the rlv e ~ perha ps }t'riday as a day of pu bli c and prival l:' already F ' I~ I 1('d ill'\: 11,' rll(' l'l Euwa r,b , j he GI.lI was mad(, l ~) t'n ll slI l(, I' th • If ur ~f'vc r~ 1 da ys , thus keeping them devoL ion in commemoration of th e l{ilht. H ~I !'i ,I II, C. I{ . " I{"d" Him p.~ , Ul'tlPlIH1I111ll (~f etln s"ll d"t 1(111 I) f the fr(l ~lI l helr IHl mes. . . sacr ifice of uu r Lord. In view of th is r: ·tII'g'P \V .l t ' l' h " IJ ~I" , Karl HawkL' , r/) ~ l r !id1 11t11 !llst rl CI '; 'I f Wayne lO WIl - 1 J ill' l11l'ltte r o f ccntraltzatlOn hns facl we call upon them at noon on l Frallk Milllli.·h . IIf Cel ina, HI! roe rl tlhtj) . i\lIlhe ~u arcl~ nam 'd a hc)\'e ' bcetl dl::;c u~s 'd pro and con fo r so me that day to unite in all easl a few Ur ita lll , Ill' 1)"y l. IIl ..J 11 11 McDermo t t, !1ad rt:' pn',.;e~ t all \'~" (p r('~ {'nt~ :llld a n Jn llnth14, and .~o m e of lh ~ reas0!ls f or minute:lof special personal cont em· ln f Dayton. O(to 1·:Il g-l ert. nf l{il1 ~~ I ~ll rll rrnal dlSCtlf'Sl tln was ITIdul g- l'd n llt ('enlrall zlT\gare lu~ lcrous mthe Mi!lH. Mar : Sla ley, of L>av wn. Thesl'. ITI . ... ('x trc'IIl C. H o wev~ r. It seems ~s plation of Ch rist crucified . "It is. ind eed. a lit tle th in g, u tter · I to,;:: c l ht~ r wilh Hcvel'al ull lt' r!1 , wi ll Aft e r a I ~ ngth y d' Sc u s" l (J n} ~ e {o.l- th ough t he m ee tmg Mond~y will Iy inadeq uate, but anything would !l ave their try OUl for positi tl ils 01\ lOWing mnl.1t111 was. matil': [ha t lt g'l l'e l'ach me ~nu (' r of t h ~ diffe re nt be inadequat e, a nd someth ing is bet· th e team, and as all of th em al'e \Va}! th.c 0plTllOn o t lhe uoa rd thil l l Lua r.d : :'iU ll1 et lllll )! to th ink abo.ut, ter lhan nothing. T he reverend good ( l f1(;''; il ..I' ill be ve ry difllcuil lo clJn so ht!atlnn shoulLl he .uroug!lt i a l~ d It may he th fll afLe r reasonmg clergy are a~ked to ('ommeml· it Jlk k out I he I,es\.. about.' . The vO.te res ulled 11\ a lie, I WIlIt th e !ll ~elv l' s I he plan will finally earnestly to their own people, and Ll o Work will btj!in on th e field t it is Waynesylli c .village a nd Wayne develop I tsel~ suo lh ;lf. th ey can see what t hey mav to comme nd it to all \\' t:ek . and il will not be long- befu re -:r()w ~ s lllp vol,lJIg . yes. ~ l1 d LY.lle . lhe l hlllg' In lUI I'I g h L ltght. . . . Christian people. " t hey will pta\' hall Th e grnu nrls will SpeCial and C_rWIll pecla l vot ingJl looks a!1 thou gh ce n~rahzatlOn .IS Boyd Vincen t . Le encloEed a no! a n IV grand !'1 tand n o. . . . I bnund to come, and thiS to\~nshlp Bishop of Southern Ohio , will be eret' led Th e gorounl!" will be .Lyt le ~p ecJaI s tili wanls t o malll - ~ ou g hl to tak,~ ad vantage ,?f it and --- - - ill good ~hafle by the time th e f'irHt ta m lhe l~' Rch ',o ls as Itlllg' as Ih ey , gd III the band w.agon the first ' ' q ame is pl a yed. and Manage r Slall"· can. Il'akmg t~c 1l?le~ th a t tl~ e. c1 1~- 1, :h~reb y sh o l~lnf!. the P6?plc CE1IlTRALIZED SCHOOL b el:ry has already booked severa l t~nce f rom their t l'ltncL to Wa} nes· i lh.Ll \~ e. a re up to U.ltC 10 all thmgs good attractions f or th e ea rlv part vtll' wou ltl ue loo grea t f?r , lhe pe.rtalnll1g tl) lh e t~~O(~ of ~h(l! to\VTI' The schools of All en Townshi p. of the seaso n. . c hildren to come . Th e Corw in Spe" lsh1p and the township s children. Union ('ounty. Ohio, are cen t rali zed. _ __ For th e last two years the pupils A BEAUTIFUL CANTATA from ten sub· di strIc ts .haye been OBITUAR.V ha.ul ~d to one c~m tral bUlldmg. A!'\ The ca pacil y of St. Mary' s ('hurch I . thiS IS sev.eral miles from any to,:,,~. W ill; taxed to th e utt~rm os t last SUII. , • • the supermtendent f~lUnd some dl fTt · day evening by a n a ttentive llnd r ev- : Mary Eliza beth Huffma~, da ughcul ty In rentl"g a reSidence near the Ie r ·'nt eon regation t o hear tl lP can- I ter of Thomas B. and J uha A. Mcschool house the firs t year . How- tata Cal v~r\l , rendered by the choir Co':11US, was born at , ~ayn esvl.ll e. Mr . and Mrs. Walter Smith enterever, the school board soon solved i of U;e church a i t ed by a number OhIO. Dece mber 1st, 184 .J. a n~ died I' d' I' ts at the home of her brother ·In-l aw tained at dinne r Saturday. the the difficulty not only for him but ! 0 f . our c.ea 109 voca I~ . . 1cr M r. an d M B 'h for IllS s uccessors They Bold all the 1 The an lata by Henry We3sel is ' an d SIS . rs . JI 0 In. eac , Mi sses Glenna and Grace Smith. abando~ed school . buildings in the for' mixed voices and while d ifficult \ on Thursday evenmg,' ~p~11 2nd. township anel With the proceeds Imusic is in all its pal't.s indeed beau. 1914. 01} June 4lh, 191a ~h e was March 30 th. being the birthday a Bubsta~tial. two-story frame I tiflil l. • The soloists were in line voice ., le ft a wld.o w. ~er ea rly h fe was and al80 his wedding anniversary, residence. ThiS IS. located .on the and sustained themselves adm irably Is pellt at, v.. ayn c~vlll e . . Mr, Chas Werntz was honored by h t th hour of renditi on She was ma rri ed to Edward Huff · h aving a f ew of his relatives and school ' ground which consIsts of I II. several acres. In addition to the ' T;~;~~o;~s work g av e every evidenc~ , n~an , .October 10th. 1885. HBr l1,1ar- fri ends to dinner. Those who en· residence and new school house, a . of painstaking work a nd preparation rled h f~ wa!! spent at New urlmg- joyed the day were Mr. and Mrs. large shed about 30 by 40 feet has ' j ' h' hi ' .. t d b th ton , OhIO . . ani Ig y. apprecla e y e Ht'rf life for' the past ten years h d.S Walter Smith and family. Miss Kate bee n erec t e d f or th e care OL• th e rIgs largewas congregation Werntz, Messrs. Frank Snook and J. of those pupil.s who f~rnish their own ,. Miss Ruth Ha.rls~ck g ave mos t ex - bi!e~ ull of pam, b u ~ .she bo rde. It 1. Clark . means of transportatIOn. It t t, t lhe organ Those ' patien tly. She was wllhng to Ie. ----- • ce ~n ~uppor a W . h' could hardly wait for the Master to and Mrs. J . O. Cartwright STOP I LOOK! LISTEN I t.L:a~ant g par~ wCere ~~ls daM~~esrlEu~y' ca ll. She to ld her sister to no t weep dinner guest.'1 on Sunday Mr. . In on a nu rane. Ie .fo r her a<J she would meet fathe r. Etnte y, Edna Sattt;fthw8Jtp, fJel ~n mother. s isters a mI brothers and and Mrs. Ed Rogers, Mr. Charles The Belles o~ Bla~kvlll~ ar~ commg Mllrl~~~ H azel ~ustm and MarY,Salls- dear friends, and would be so happy. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs . O. A. Decker. to town. I?on t ~ISS tillS lO~ensely . h ~ rY I Messrs . E mer Hogers, TI.Omas n ever un ited with a ny church, of Dodds. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert fl:lnny and mter~stmg entertainment Pu"rce, Fred Hendersun and D. L , 1she but s he. s urely felt her , Maste l. 's Rogers of the Montgomery & Stone g.l\r en by th.e Irdles o~ the Dorcas SO-I C~~ne .. p resence in her last hours. She ex- Company now playing "The Lady of cletyon Frldayevenmg . May 1st , at ~ h e c an~ta Will b e re peated Good lJressed a desire to be at rest, and the Slipper" a Victor Herbert mu· School Hall . FrIday at 7:30 p. m. God released the tired body. and s ical comedy. ber soul went back to the God who gave it. She leaves to mou rn her , The Misses Blanche and Perle "'-"--"~'J loss four sisters. Mrs. J ohn Beach, Riley entertained very hospitably at

Meeting of the School Boards

Mark Davis. son of Caroline Borton and David Davis. was born near Moorestown. N. J. May 11, 1842 Mr and Mrs F. C. Hartsock and and died April 3, 1914 aged 71 years. dauithter, Mildred, moved into thei r 10 months and 23 days new bungalow at Morrow laBt week. His early days were spent In and It is one of the most attractive and around the immediate vicinity of his artistic structures in Morrow. It is birthpillce. built of dark-red c!> ,ycraft brick. His parents were members of the and ia situated at High Lawn. . Chester meeting And as a member .. . . .. of . Uiat faith he adhered strongly until his death. A grandson of Mr. John Archer. a At the sge of 14 he was deprived former resident of WayrlesvUle and of a mother's care but was blessed an uncle of Mrs. Chas. Cornell. di~ in having a conscientious gtep mother in Tacomb. III .• last week of typhOId who filled as best she could the vacant fever. The young man was about 18 chair. years old. a student at the State In early manhood he came to Ohio Normpl Sehool and a young man of and the remainder of his life has excellent character. been spent in and around Wayne~ ville. ;rra:n"g~vi~~yg~. UMj~ ~Ii~~ ~~~da~0~~!r~01~~~1~;~~u:!ts~i~Ai~~ Mav 20, 1285 be was united in *, Through the lo~ lodge of MREons marriage to Sue Wright HatterthI ! McComas, Mrs. Sarah Crispin Zell er .. and .Mrs. Chll;S. Robltzer, MUI8e8 Tuesday came an announcement of waite to whom were born five chilE ubank Ky Henrietta McKmsey. Stella Lemmon, th~ death of Rawd?n Evans, of New dren, . " rrolden thread IS . broken Ma ry Swain ~ ~. _ . . . lI When t he M WI' Marianna All J hAllen. P the hton Bl1k ,. Pa. HI!," funeral took He leaves to mourn his loss two ,., essrs. a ter en. 0 n ence place Apnl 7th at bls late home. and brothers Charles and John, of Bur. -.. '."'~ .:...... - ..- - . - -.........- . - - . -•• -... , .---- ThAnd lhlay m ehdollwln to ,sleep I I Ernest Earnhart and Warren Keys: cn. w en I s a eave you one y Interment was made at (hat place, lington. N. J .• four children Eva. Frye was in Lebanon last E aster bookl ets ancl post-~urds at This little boon I crave Chas, Mr. Evans was well known h.t;Te. as Raymond, Mary and Minnie. besides week. Phillips'. You will for love' dear sake onlY, he w,~ m~~i!r of t~e old foun· many other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawke en· dry. Hls .Vlslt here .~o years ago His affection was shown by his life. Mrs. C. W. Henderson was in Mr. and Mrs. D. L Crane were in Plant sweet flowers on my grave. tertained at a family dinner Sunday. w~ appreciated by bls many old Besides being an affectionate father Dayton hlst· week . Xenia Friday. Those who were present: Mrs. f~end8,.who are ~ocked to hear of he was considerate of those with CARD OF THANKS Edith Harris, Mrs. Laura Mosherl htl demwe. whom he was associated . Lou Printz spent Sunday with his Russell Bentley h as been spend ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartaock ana We desire to t hank our neighbors We Clill only say "God's Will. not sister near BeJlbrook. several days in Xenia. d a ughter , Mildred . of Morrow, Mr. The Xenia Republican w~ites of a ours, 'be done." and friends for their kindn eSs , also and Mrs. Wilson FAwardsand daugh· B. S. Howell visited relatives at :Mr. a nd Mrs. C. B. Bentley spent Rev, Wooten. Mr. Walter McClure, fonner citi~n. Stev~ Ph!lh~, w.ho CARD OF THANKS despite his 72 years IS still M active Port William laBt week. Tuesday wi th rela ~es in Xenia, MiS!! Marianna Compton for lh eir ter, Mr. an(i Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Fred Hawke and Harris as a young man when it comes to We wish to express our apprecia· attention shown us during our late Messrs. Mosher. and Mrs. J, F. Cadwallader Rev. Mil son's Fe rtilizer, the bes t on the affliction. horses, Steve will drive a string tion for the kindness and help of market. For sale by Chas. Frye. this and he has some good friends and neighbors during our were Xenia visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs John Beach. Honoring bride· elect Miss Winiones. . father's illness and death and esfrede Macy, the Misses Edna SatMrs, Hannah Antram is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alle n Haines , of Steve Phillips was born near Way· pecially to the one who so .tenderly OBITUARV terthwaite. Rachel and Edith SheeXenia. visited relative!! here Sund ay. ne8yi11et Ohio. ~arch 27. ~842. He cared for him throullh the last ~eekB. her brothers in Springboro. han at the home of the former haa been active In the racmg game Also to those who sent floral pieces. Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. Fr)e. Mrs. W. H. Allen ami Mi ,s Olive Mrs . Eliza beth Wri g ht , lhe old est charmingly entertained at a kitchen for more than 45 years. and last year The Children. handles Milson's the best. McCollum were Day rol1 visitors Satresi de nt of SUR"arcreek township, s hower from 2 to 6. Friday afterwho drove twenty-seven races. winning • - • urday. ' Greene County, passed away at the noon, After a pleasant time of twenty of them, This year he will BOUNTY TAKEN OFF The Hsrveysburg fertilizer case \ home of he r daughter Mrs . E rniline mu sic and conversation all were indrive a string of good ones. includ· has been postponed until April 9t h, Mrs . Walter ~1cClur' antl S('Il , Carl, Gregg, in Bellbrook. Wednesday , vited to the dining room where a 15 ing Taylor Sturgeon, 2: X.. last Don't kill any more . hawks ex· . and Miss Lilliall B\ ,nha rn were in April 1. after, a lin ~er in g i1ln e!'!s o f d elicious three course dinner was 1Ie8800'S green pal!lng sensatron of pectiliJr to be paid a bounty for them. J. S. Hartsock moved m the Dayton ~at urd ay. two years. 'Ihe serlO US part of her served. The table was beautifully the Ohio half·inlle track. as the bpunty has been taken off. Caskey "ickness dates fl'om laRt . Augu Rt. d ecorated. the color \!Cheme being It W$l in Xenia. Ohio. in 187~. that Hundreds of hawks were killed in day. property on Third street Tues. Mi~ Lucille Wal r:a<"l', of Xen ia. is after which she waH con tinually carried out in pink and white. The Steve Phillips traded for Blind Tom. Warren county lately. and because vi!;iting Miss Mary Stlli ~ i) U I'Y ' at her confined to the house. Mrs. Wright favors were dainty Easter eggs atwho was then 7 years old. He ,t raded of the depletion of the Fish and Game Mrs. Sarah Lippincott moyed in home on the Xenia p !; c . wa~ born nea r Lytl e , Wa rren coun ty tached to place cards. Many ulleful for bim a · ring-bo~e colt ~o $10, commi~8ion finances it waa thought the Keys property on North street in 182'1, thus making her 90 vea t·s , and pretty p resents were received. $7.00 in caah. an old Eng'hsh watch best to take off the bounty for the last week, Mr. and · Mrs, J . I E. Janney and 3 months anu 19 days of lIge.· 'fhe young ladies proved themselves worth $1.50. IUld a quart of v.:hiskey. present. at least. family heard Evadg-e!i&t Allison at She was united in marriage to charming hostess ' . Those enjoying The total value ot the articles exIt has been found that the hawks Colored Easter eggs at the market u~banon Sunday m brJll ng. e has . Wrigh£ in 184 1. By hard wo rl< lhe occasion were the Misses Ruth Cban~ for Tom was $20. He had have killed more quail this winter of the Poultry ASIIociation. Apr and eConomv - they became weallhy Zimmerman. Kathryn Gibbons. Irma been kicked .rrund Bnd ne~!e.cted than did the cold weather. Of 11th. at Maffit's Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock and and were' the owners of six farm .; at Hough. Ellen Sherwood. Olive Mc· until he leemec:! fit.onll' fo.r fertIll~er, course. 88 the P.8rtrid~es have been daughter. Mildrea , of Morrow, were the time of her husband s death, Collum, Emma Hawke. Ruth Hart· but Steve Phillips knew hiS breeding, parti&lIy distributed. it would be Mrs. Hulda Burnett and Mrs the guests of r plativ('s here SUllday. which occurred in the early cightie!i. sock. Winifrede Macy. Edytha Macy. hiuJ seen him race at Jamutown, a good idea to get rid of all the Forest Graham, of Route 5. were in . To them were born eight children . Mildred Mason, Hazel Gustin. Edna Ohio. when a S-year old, and wanted hawks that'infest your neIghborhood Dayton Friday. Mr. and Mrs ... J. B. Chapman. Mrs Gregg is now the only surviving Sattl'rthwaite, Rachel and Edith 'him. . J'f " regardless of any bounty that you The Juniors initiated two candi. Mrs. A: T . WrV{ht and MI's . F~m- member of the family. She h ad Sheehan. '. "1 mistake of my I e, might expect. --...- -dates in t!1e first degree of that order mor Bally motored to Dayton Mon. made her home with Mrs. Greto:g fo r the ~ther day, it the partridges live and thrive last Friday ST. MAR,Y'S CHUR,CH evening. duy, th~ PaRt twelve year.s. where she .re10 1879 to this summer it ia the object of the every attentIOn that a kmd for $6.000. 888Ociation to cqUect and re-distribute Secure your i' E as t e r d'Inner a t celved d ff t' t d ht Id be H I Wk· . Dr. and Mrs. Witham, of Kings Maffit's s tore on April 11th. E very- atn a ec IOnn e aug er cou • .0 Yt S ete d' servltce7~3vOery ev~mSanllt: for Udell, the young in different p1aces allover Mills were the Sunday guesta of h' t h · d t t ' 1 1 b 1\ ow. excep a ur ay. a . p. m .• . recE}ived thf county. - Therefore, if you want M • d M Ad St t mg at IS goB .a ea W1 e on She united with the Baptist church urday Easter Even servJ(~e at 3:45 In a smgle partridges at or near your place, see .r. an n. am oops. sule ther.e at that time at Middlcrun in early life and re- p m. Calvar.v. the cantata given w~en the race to it that they ~re well taken care of Mr. and ~rs, S. K. Haines and· R y Hathaway of ~ained a. faithful, consistent Chris- Jas.t Sunday will be repeated Good gIVen $2,000 this summer. °ware the gu~ste !.tan unt1l death called her home. Friday . at. 7:30 p, m. Ealter Day. son. of SprlDg Valley, were the • F W Hathaway She leaves to mourn her loss one Holy Communion at 7:00 a. m., SQn. ... start,in a LECTURE I. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Baines. Srs:d • . daughter 23 g:randchildren , and 26 day School at 9:3~, service. sermon u r: ay. '" '!reat ~randchlldrej). and a host of and Holy Commumon at 10:80. The Hatfield, who has friends in the to,!"nship .where she Easter:muiI,ic will be rendered at the , nearly all ,her long life. 110 30 serVIce, , Seats fr~ Ev.ery'7 ' . Miss Emily Crane lt:;~~r~~~,~~lbn;~ near. Utica ' has re~ . S~VICes conducted ,body i~vited .to :8,l1 •these "- ~rV1ces, took place at her .. . ._ bome herp.. morning at 10 . . It.l~ -' . : " buri~l w~ made a.c&ii.d1c1&te'




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r··--·------····· ........· .............······. ····..·--·1 . : Personal Mention Column :j L _____ ._ ... __ . __ .... __ . . _. __ ... _ ...... __ . L



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~a l BEGINNINGOFDAWN Earth's Gloom and Ungertainty . Ended on the Morning of Easter Day.

liT \\".\;-;\\ 'J':arebl," llI)r-g :\\'o: 'lIo..i[\b, n 111 I


01,' 11.

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~--. ~ I. ll g t hoir ." :tY I ' t ho SC III III' ill' l' tv ",, 010 1 11\" hu tl y or .I osu~. Fo ur "",,1, ~ g,, )j ~ I ., 11'11 II,, ' HIOJry. " Wll il " it ",. , I:: yt' t d Ul'ol ," ~ 1l } N .1011,, : " A t! it h l '~J1" I .. id" . fro" I" " ,II i, . I·', 1< O1oll th It" iI ' !'lI c k. \\ 11 1t h i" h lllllh 111 11 of l'l, pr r i,'s , ' 11;,11t ' h" <1 0(, ' 0 1' " 11(' 11 ,,11 h i~ o fli cf'. I IIItlk " " h" snl Ih .· ,,·. /I h ~ tl l' l' lon c ly d .I\\ U," " l1 y ~ Ma ll hnw : ' At ",II I;.' S YNOPS IS. nll" i<' II li lt ' lI1 " !jl1lt-k k nit' C"s laAh Il nd wh .. (' i1111 1' \() a "udd"1\ d r mo ra li zl'd '. 11':." <I n )"" [,01·1 I hl M m orllin ): . ~I " · II g ll rr' . th ll l b l' l!: l ~ t n:n rn i lll; . :t , hll,1 tl IlWU ,' t!lJ.)' s Luk e : " \ ' I~ r y .. nr l ~. I J .• I' n \, ~ l l nn l . 1\ ric!, "''''Ie,y ( , ,, !I,'. ' II 1)"; 11 \ ), ba l,l. ",., (,n ~ 1I ,>r k Iha t l alo p III Ih l' "11Ibllr raH fi ln g for q ; ro llllu , J il l' gIlIIP(' " to hi s \l ith th ,' m il s 0 1 w!\I 'n t Ilt') tH 11l \\ n ~ r isP II. " H a ~ !"- .:\1. I I ( •II ,olol ·'lI ly .11".·,,,·r r, Ihr.' JI", \,,1,,", ,·" r· wnu ld " " I h" ,' " ' l i~ '1I1"I I I\' · , 1 a Yf'lI r· I " n a llh ~ ' thun d l' red t h,' Ll t'c tOt" , " F,'(' I?' r'lI m bit''' th e O1 :1 jor , " th e t h,· rt f ri I'" I Il t Ila 1110 ry ( · (l ll r! . 1I ,·, IOld .\11 ~ Jl l\k , ' CX HPl Ir u lh . I' l r. l l l 0 n , \\ h l d\ h lf' (A. t h e r h U lTill (\( t III1 U I f I It 11 I f II t 1 f I Wh o " ve l' llIa rl ll'll Iho 110 tl II 01 .1 1') lill" '" :llt' l l '''' IlS ttl(> pru .. ll tH l t:0 ll n t ' i ,r 11 ... Iltl "::: 0'( " D i du ' l I 1f' lI YCJ ll t u go ba ck t o ·.h 1\ [ t W H Y a n~ g " lI f I ''': n lil 11 a u g 1t t o t ' f ' 11 S I tIl ::. t ' 11\ I f' " l ' JtL £' t' r "",· ,,11 11 . hilS f,ol l,·d, 110- ' ,.lu " ' .... tI )' 1\1 . "' , U " t l1l M JllI r ti Cll hlr' Il IlJr.d"K ,, " Il h e r I ld IC h l' n ~ " I t llu n or Ih .. lJ1 o rnl ng. ~ ab . Uk " h.' II . :::;11 "" ,· III .\' h" "t'I'111 111 10 h Nlr ('1110 Ill' t w <' ~ n dur llll " sH 1111 .1 t wIl JI( IJ \. ·' \\' t;o 0 \ ' (' 2' h l8 pri\ ,d u r,') r tn Bo to thf' J> t ·I , .. I\ .' r I . I I III P\T'"l' ' I "\' (' s . 8 \1\I . " r e s pO [1(Ip d II, e In' l " !l UI j 5n b '" YOit ' ''' H (' h ) ~ r' t(l h is \.'fi r : "VI' I' o W t h., ins la ll t whc n 11 1)( 111 II ... · f o r 1il (' "I' rp n l'a l lll Tl , I lItt f' n l l r £'o rl' l l1 jllfll!l~ 1 tt ' 1II ,\ J(lr Il o r 1 II' {uc t nr W aR p""",'n.l <) n. r n" .IS I "r nn nlt11l1nlnr <AI. " , Ll f' nc ~ , th o lo rnll' " hll l' lng go ,"' Ollt \ roo d idu ' 1(' 11 J1\ () te r 5tll Y dllJ' !" Till' do('l or hefIt h is gn z,' o n 1111 ' " \Vh", l, WI ~ II . h " II,\,,·tI ' Va liunt ~lJ n LO 1ll !'1!. Il\\ay . UIIU lll e tl r ~l glilll ' rl , " " " ~,' , ,·a rl v o lld Ih ,' IllllI'1' b ~ i,,~ 111 III" mo. me r o f da wn IJ " ";1 II I to 8l (,111 III' .11" d O/:1It " V "' I ',I""'"~ h(·s" tllat'· " 'IIr l(I I'1\" IJrL.. II or )O' n"''''t Ih\ 'If J ~I' e •"011 0 11 1 h (' re ag ain ," rOil 1'1' ,\ III :Il I'I,," !; h llJ H~ n ll1 •In lho o lb ~ r' ti Ifl pe' l. o r ::;n ~tio o ll ? " 1.(" Wit ) " n , • J , ,.., t d It W !H; dl\ r k \\' h ro l1 tlt n :P""" II')' " '1"1 hp ",eel " Hlo lr l. y t>lL nrl· 1 11"'lI l in h i. oftl('!'. us ti ll' h rll s. y blJ1.1. th ,· tlfl (' lo r, I'll ti ll YOll r CIl I'!! hue k " " I( I \\' I' r" y ou. Bris tow ." h e ~ al d Jt \1'''" ~ " tl is l in('t Iha l 111' stllrl P . s lll r ill HIU? 71d;: c. an nll bu r n·luli ro·,l loe n u .),. 8n 11 .I. 'j or .\ 1l' 1(' ll it o l1 (, frolll l i111{1 In tllll P a n . a ll o! I: n 'a SfI ":olJ - nnrt S Wt\ L I.U\\" ~ l· uthh q.; l y . " I recko n rd Quit gll ilv a lll · I v!' x,' eI nu d d i" lu r l,,·,1 H.' u ll y , It WUR W O In " 1I s tart NI fo r I III' s (' pll k lt ,' 1' It (' 1 t1 {' ~ t h eu 111' tl'll I{oi ll j( t tl IIk(" ' tr g'1nht. !rll I . • I d 1 I I j I ~ II Id I I II I \\ a s ti ll 11' 0 wh <' 11 l lt e y Il rrlved. nH''' h o l ~·. ~ lo h' l ~y'B "''' Ih .. r. Mr" t '"I),I · ' 1I 0 nn,' ed . 1' \10 of t h" gr .... n \l'k krr Y"" :" .\ 1 whl ('l . g ris ly t h rea t. th t' , il ll'l aro lll\ ,1 II) hrl gp·l !; tt H \l'I! , 1"' 1" a ) ~ ur" <' <I O U )1' ~ N' ng I II ~" r lrl 'le, 11.nd MuJor Brl."" v ex r hnngo ro' I1I' rn kl ll g' c hflirs 011 II II' p (ll.,. h IHJ\I'!' v,' r a l' lJu r it ioJl . wll lJ u s hri ll s hr ie k , lUrJJ('ll rUIIH'I' ), on Ill y h tlIHII«('rc h le, 1 f' v,' ry n ~ xt! "SOIl \II UIi ma y bl' r lg hl a lloll L It Ill.!:; h!!!1n 11l1 wn e l"'r Hlm:A. \\'11"" 't nls, ~ n C.8 cl ll ring "' hil' h It I. 1'0",·,,10-,1 I " . Ik " t h e SLo rt l' wa s ro ll ell a way " l h" lIi"h t h l\ t 1111' major. \·. lln nl·. (1\Ih tr. !l nd a w(' r,' in agl lllnl cOlllmo tlo n. ~1 r~ . M Il ' an rl rll n ,1o 'slIl' l'a l,' ly for th e COI'II !' r o r 1'1' l' lti ng iL .s th e ll e v.II 0 r all l' xn rnp If1 I h Ilt f' xprc iSf) ," I11' muttNc d ; " 1' 11 lIa Ib n" nnmed SBJllloon "' NO rl" Il I" t or rho son wa s reccl In g n ca lkr 111 tilt' p ~ r· 1111 bousl' . to t h e yo ung." mor(' ." 11 0 tll'H lin 1111' projec t t' d r eo nt eR r l h 'g 1:10a m nn •.1 un cerl lli u ly \l'a~ 1' 1\ 11 01 o( ~t .,. , J) n.n,lrl,l,," In h o I' yo ulh. I. I ' .' i I I J ' I II d 8""",,on Dnd \' ll lla;,1 (ousc ht II. ~l1 e l on hr .. so n o f ' 11'8. Napo loo n (liftOI'd , " I heur," s ai d th E> doc to r , r E'su m ln g, Th .. ro cll ilIg·c h a lrs b(' lind t", torln \\ It lO U I e Il } , Ht r I 1l~ U )) a n fo rl' l' ,' r gOlle . " Aft!' r nil t h es e y (' s r 8 ~ " t h e \' i~ llo r " (ha t t h e yo ung ma n who came t o fix sc re e ni ng \' in t! ~ bl'ca rn e mOl lonless, ' do wn tlt o roo m. BUI Ih e littl e voi ce R • c~o t1n l I.. wl,lI-h th o tormer w "", "1I 1 . ~ . " A~ It beglln lo dlllY n ," Notllr!' wn~ Vallnl1 l II n,la n ll mory court ovcrgn, ,,,n I't I d I I I ' I ~ i ' h (I Ilk ....·\t h weeds nn cl crcopora and Iho hilI hI · was sn y ing In be r c ua lOmllry ita li cs. th e IJiar'e up hus hi red Uncl e .I e e r· nnrl th I) Indl oR e xc lange Ru r re pt t ous Ilre 8(' nl } Boun e (,,, Il ga n, N ou . ng e In hurmon )' w ith l ho wo nd ro us c \'e nl . In II v ery much n"e lected cnnrlllin n. (Th e broad "a " 'I\'bl c h le nt a du lce ( , Bon a nd h is wife to h elp hi m . W ho's 8mil,s8. H th e two g entl eme n we re g noml'8 In s ldA 11 b ill : Som e s u btle . s il e n t po we r be gu n grad · R~~~~~r::J"b~e~ ~~~ ~~~'i1~~~~';~h::~ aoftn es s to lhe epeech of h er hos te ss respon s ibl e for tba t Interes tin g Infor· a "'a r A of ea ch othe r 's s te r li ng Qua il· " Whic h was It ? Vali a nt o r Sa . ua lly tn dl8s lpa te t be black ll AS3 0 1 lies , th e ir m u t ua l ap preciation wus In soo n ?" nv..d"" hi.. e st ate. He re"Welzee ShIrl ey WIl8 sco r nRd b y Mrll. Poly, b e r ow n matlo n?" nl g b t. A fain t fl us h al)pear ed In th A ~ ..~~. t~~~" o;o~:t.~rtlo:x . 'ILl\ C"a' ft" be ing a e na rrow AS t b e needle " Hi ck ey S nyder ," lIaid MI·s . Mason . in ve rs e ratio to ex prosslon, and, "I w ish t n Goel I kn e w! " ~al d tb e eas te rn s ky; II t lle by IItlle It g r ew throu g h whi c h lhe r ic h Ina n re aehell "S h e's got a tl py-gla BII rlgle d up In a 8 tb e Eluclnlan mys teri es, cloa ked major roughl y, Btanelin g BtllI. It at- In brl ~ htn ell s ; the da rktleoR IIhran k CHAPTER XI.-Contlnuld, he a ven . ) " We cam e h er e fr om Rl cb· a euga r, t ree at Min MaUle Sue'" bofore lbe world. In public th e doc tor le nc ed them, bl1t tb e Gound of hi, own Il wa)' In fear before Itlt on comln ll " Wonders w tll ne":er c eue !" .ald mond wh en I was a brid e- Ihat'. and Sh A sa w them polle r lng around was wo nt to r emark th a t t b e major voic e , &II thou gh It hRd been a pr~ " pl e odo r. Tb e full day W IU! a t h And . th e young ma n eully, ehrugglng. (ws nt, -on e years ago- and Da mory th e re thi s morulni:." fal k 'Bd like a Ca esar, looked like a conce rted Blgnal , dre w to ge lh ~ a hun· Tb e s un s hot IlII first ~ ov er th s " We ll, our QUarry I. b ere som ew b ere . Court ""as fouake n then. And tblnk " Llttle IImb ~ " ex claimed Mrs . Olf, piano-tune r a nd was the only ma u b e dred Inchoa te Images, of ot b e r days. hillto ps a nd all t h e world burst In l o From the way the dogs a ct I IIhould wha t a condition tbe hou se must be In ford , with emphuls . "Sbe', all chee k y ha d e ve r . een who could s trut sIt· The r e was th e well·order ed garde ll 01 lian g . • a y he'll bo lted Into the house . Wllh now ! Cared for hy a n age nt who ling down . Never were hi s glhe s s o Damory Court- It ro fte up, gloom, End of Doubt and Gloom. your permIssion I'll take one ot them comes every other seuon tYom .New ba rbled &s wh E:n launche d &galn s t th o with nigh t s had ows, ac ro s s his great Lan guage cannot portray th o In.. tn and see ." He stooped a nd Bnapped York. Tru st a man t o do work li ke majo r' s wbite- wsis tcoa ted s nd patrl· clothee·press agaillst th e wa il- wi th e lfa bl e g lor y of t h s dawn. [lu t t h e. Q leash on a dog-collar. tbat !" cla n c a lm. and con ve rsely, neve r did himself Bilt lUg on a ru s tl c·be nch su nrls" of th e F~a s ter morn In t h e ''I' m re ally ve ry sorry," l!ald Valiant, " I'm glad a Vali a nt Is to OCC Ul' y Il," t he m a jor's bla nd sua vity so n early Bmoklng nnd behInd hIm t he candle- garde n pa led be fore t h e spl e llllo r oC ~bu t I' m livI ng Ln It at present." re ma rk e d Mrs . MaBon In h e r sweet a p proB c b a ll undi gnifi ed Irri ta tio n all lighted library w indow wIth Beauty t he 801ll 's more e lfulge nt da y. W h n t The ed ge of a smile lifte d tbe c a re · tlu te,lI k e voice. " It 'Wo uld be sa d 10 wh e n rece Ivin g Ibe en ve nome d da r ts Valia nt pacin g li p a nd down , wailiug 11 Bunrl s c wa ll tha t ; wh a t a univ er s al fUll y traIned mus tache over' tbe see a n y one e lBe t he re . "'or a fl (' r all, of t hat accomplished c yni c. for daylig h t. ' Th erA was a Bun- (.' ma Dcipa tion ; y en, wbat · B. re s ple n· o th er 's wblle teeth. It b a d t b e per · th e Valian ts we re ge n tl e me n." T 'h~ major s e ttled bls blac k tl o. " A 11gb te d s trc tc h bet wel' n tw o h eml ock s, de nt Doond a y, wh e n Chri s t , th e co n' C'e ctl y courteou8 w r \ of sa ying. " O t Mra. Gilfo rd snl fYed . " Woul d you li t tle wbolc80 m e exe rci se wouldn ' t be wlLb Soul h a ll a nd h e measuring t he Que ror of death , hro ugh t II f f' and 1m· course, If you eay so . Bu t- " have called De vll,John Vali a nt a gen. a bad t hi ng fo r you, Doclol"" h e said ground - th e grass a ll de wy Rparklea mortality to lig h t. Valiant turn ed, with a gesture that L1 ema ll ? W h y, h e ea rn ed t h e na me su cci nc tl y. .. You're looki ng a sblldo Bud a n e llr ly robi n tee t erin g on a T o t h e 'ea r ly dlsciill r!R th i>! h o ur w as i nclude d all. "If you care to di s mount by lho drelld t u l tbio gs he d Id . My pasty t odu y." th or n-hus h. E Ig h t - n in e - l e D - he th o e nd o f d o uh t and g loom anll dark " 1':ICe rcise !" s nap lied Ihe oth e r caug ht hhns e tf cOllntin g t he p aceB. a nd reet ," he Bald, "I ehall be honored, grandfath er used to Hay t h at wben his fo r bo din gs . Th ey flO W Ond or stood thoug h ' I' m afraid I can' t olfer you wi fe la y s ic k- he hnt e d he r , you k llo w vic Ious ly, a s Il c pouod e d down t h e H e wlp ucl hi s fo re heod . Dotw ee n wnrdll I h a t h s d pre vious ly lIod no 'lIuc b hos pttallty a s I s bould wis h ," - h e w o u](\ ga llop his }lO rs e wit h a ll ate r)s. " Ha , b a~ I SUDPose you ex er · t h e h em lock8 no ll' we re t wo fi gures mean in g. The Fat lJ er's " ho use III Tb e j udge ra Ised h is broa d soft ha t. his hou nd s fu ll·c r y a rIe l' hInt u nder cl s e-Iaz yln g out t o l b e Do nd rldges fac inl> e ach ,)th er, Oll r. twi t ch ing u n· mauy mans ions " became to t b om r eal. '''Tha n k you, s ir," be said, wit h a soft b er win do ws. Th en t h at gbastl y s to r y on ce a wee k for a julep, lind th e ros t c e r ta inl y, t h e oth er pale ly r igId ; a nd Tlll' li te to COlli !! was no longe r 0 .accent that d elightfull y dis dai ned th e of t h e s lav e h e pre ssed to dea t h In t he 0 of th e lim e wea ri ng out goo d can c·bot· a t ail e Ni de , h e ld s c re e n·wls £' , a raised tom s Ilnd palm·lea! tan s a nd cus sing um br ella. In 60me ghos tly wa y h e fan ny, bu t a fRCt. 'f h e ho pe s aWElk· 'Je tter " r," " But we mustn't Intru de hogs he lld 01 to bacco." e n ed b y Chr ist' s tea.chln g a n d woo· .any further. Aa you know, of couree, " I kn ow ," acq u Ie sced Mrs. Mason . at 't h(' h cat. You'lI go o rr with a po' could s ee r~g h t t hrou g h t h e la tt er ple lty on e of lheso da ys." s ee th e doc to r's ha nd g ripping the drous ('a r ee r wore now a mo ng II f e'lI ·th e place bas been unlnbabl ted for "He was a cr ue l DIa n a nd wic ked, too. mo ~ t su bs t'!IJJ tlaI cerlalnUes . .aDy' nu m b er of yeara, and we b ad no Yet of couree b e II'IlS a ge ntl e ma n. In " I s ha ll If th ey're s cared enou gh t o bll ndl e, bl s own , outst re tch ed beyond T he ligh t of thM fi rst Easl£' r mo rn fd ea It wae to acquire a te nant. You t h e Sou t h t he tes t ot a gen tle ma n baa cali yo u," t h e majo r s b ot aft er him, Its e dge, h old ing a h a ndk e rcbl ef ready 'Will ove rlook our r iding througb, I n eve r b e en w hal h e dOllS. hilt wbo he n e ttl ed . But th e doctor did not pause. to tlutte r do wn. A Bill y 8ubterfur;e lias ne ve r g rown (11m . Nay, m ore , t h .. hope. I'm a fra id t he nelg bborhood Is. Bu t h is gra nd son, Bea uty Yallllnt, He went 011 down th e st r ee t without those u mbre llas, but ther e must be no I.RSS lu g ce nturi es h ll ve onl y cn rrl e il 'Il1L11 got uBed to eonalderLng this a 80rt who li ved a t Da mory Court l hlrt y turning his h e ad. &Ctual wit n ess es to th e final act of a its rl s Ln g s plendor fa rth er u p th e s k y. -of no-man's land. It'll a pleasure t o years a go, waso't his type at all, H e The major lifted his hat gallantly "g e ntle m en's meeting"! A allly code The d awn b as e xpand e d In to Lh o ful· kno w'1 that the Court IB to be re- WIlS only t weoty·flv e wh e n th e due l " There'. Major Brlltow at the Gilte to th e ladles, whose prese nce he had tbe whole of It , now happily out- n ess of noon day. In othe r wor d H, ~l&Im ed: Blr. C . me along, CbUl y," be occ urre d," Now," JU Bt obse n ·ed . grown ! The sce n e blurred Into a s in- lhe tbough t of Immorta llly h RI! added. "Our fox has a burrow under " He mu st bave bee n brilliant." said "Do sit down, Major," eald Mrs. Gl t · gle tlr;ure huddling dow n- huddlln. wrou ght Its vila llly Into the very fiber of this mode m age. It Is th e motive the house. I reckon-hang the cllDnlng th e visitor "to have founded t ha t 'l S a town-bo g. I can 't ImllClne what ford . "The re's a quelUon I'm JUBt dO'l\'n ) little deYiJ1" great corpo~aUon . It'. 8. pity the son Sblrley Dondrldge wa s t'll.lnklng of dying to a K you. We've had sucb an " Whi ch d id sh e lo ve ?" Tbe major powe r of all ou r prog ress, th e reDn e r He wa?ed his hat at the porch and d ld.!:! 't take afte r him. Have you se en when sbe brought that It)lI'.I!orn child Inter esting conversation . You've IIhook hIs be ad he lpless ly. It W 8.... and purifier of t h o world 's b es t lite . turned bli borse aOWD th e lIatb. II lde' tbe . papers latelyT It seemll tbat out of be r Bphere." hellird l he ne ws, ot course , that young afte r all, onl y th e echo, become all Back ot our hope, of our ardor, of our fir aide with the golden chestnut. though h e waa to blume for the wreakSometblng like a growl came trom Mr. Valiant Is coming to Damory at once audible on a shallow woman'. pass ion for continued" e xisten ce, of After them trooped tbe others, hOrftBS Ing of th e concern they can't do any- ths doctor aB he s truck open lbe Court ?" lips, of a question t hat had alway. our conscious wortb, of our e ternal 'Walklnlr wearily, rlders talking In low thing to him. Bome technicality In Rcreen,door. " 'Limb! ' I'll bet ~n T he major Bat down heavily. In the haunte d him. It had first come to him outlook, of all our happy untlclpaUon ll "OIC88. the 811'111 turninlr orten to lIend tbe law. I suppose, But It a man 1ft dollars s bo'lI an angel In a ceda", brlgbt IIgbt his faca seemed SUddenly on the h eels of that duel, when b. of the life to come, Is th o radllUlt awt.ft blnHlke glancel behind them only rIch enough they cau·t convict t r ee at a c hurch fair compared with pale and old. bad stood; somewhat later that hat.. li ght of the flrst Eas te r morn . Th e ' to wbe re tbe· stralght maacullne figure .Im of anything. Why be s hould sud, Rome be tter,born young ones I know "No ?" th e lad ~" s tone was arch. ful morning, boldlng a s addled horse Voi ce that sai d " Fe ar not!" to th e etlll lltood with tbo yellow sunshine on ' " uuly make up his mind to come down of who are only fit to live wben "H ave a ll the r elt of UIJ really got before the big pillare d porch. It had astoni shed and be wildered disciples his face. Tbey did not leap the wall b ere I can't s e e. With that old af· tbey've got tb s scarlet-fever and who abllad of you for once? Yes, It's t rue. whispered Itself th on fro m e ve ry mov. III the garde n haft ever s ince b een It bls tim e , but filed de corously t hrou g.! fair of his fath er's behind him, I oug ht to be In th e reformatory long The r e's so m e one tbe re getting It to Ing leaf. " Saseoon or VallantT" It banlfthlng the world's fear, Into 'b ('· ·the SWinging gatB to the Red Road, sbould think h e 'd pre for Pat a gon ia ," ago. And as for Shirley Dandridge, rlg:ht s . Now h e r e 's the question. s h e had loved Sa8s oon, of what us e the lIevlng h earts e ve rywhere hnve c ome ' Then, as they passed from view be" I take It, th en, msda m," Doctor It's my oplnlon ehe and her mothe r The r e was a woman. of course, at the lett er Valiant was so long p enning In a gre at certainty Ilnd an ahldlllg joy. :rblncl th~ hedges, John Valiant heard Sou tb a ll's forbIdding voic e ros e from a nd a few oth ers like her bave got bottom of th e Valiant due l. I'd ne ve r the Ilhrary ? Bu t- If It were Valiant In spite of oontrove rsy and doubt alld · th e younger voices break out together the doo rway "that you n re familiar a bout th o only drops of tbe milk of drl!am of aaklng you who Bhe waa. Bhe loved? The man " 'ho, h a ving wond er, and IJlcapawty to fathom th e :lllte the sound ot a bomb thrown Into with tb e C lrC~tDstancc 8 of that old af· buman klndn es8 In this whole aban· But whIch was It s.h e loved, Valiant s worn not to 11ft bls hllnd a gains t tbe mysteri es of the s up ernatural, tb o ~ poultry-yard. fair, a s you te rm 10" doned com m unity!" or Sa ssoon?" other, had hroke n his s llcred word to h eart o f mankind bas come more and John Valiant stood watching till th e Tbe lady bridl e d. He r passage s at " Dreadful man!" lIaid Mrs. Glllord, h er! Who had stained the un writte n more to r e st upon and rejol co In the 'las t rid er was out of sight. There arms w ith tbe doc tor did not Invarla- sotto voce, os the door banged vicious· CHAPTER XII. code by facIng an opponent madd ened miracles of Christ's phys Ical rBsur · :1'1(0.8 a ~arm flush of color In bls fllce, bly t end to s ~eelen h or disposition. Iy. "To think ot his being born a with liquor! Yet, w ha t was there .. re cUon. with Its consequent Ilroof of The Echo, womlln might not condone In the on~ '..he s oul 's Immorta lity. A t le Dgtb h e turned w ith a ghos t "I'm s ure I only kno w wh a t people Southall ' Someti mes I can't believe -of a s lgb, open ed th e hal~ door wld~ sa y," she said. Itl" Wh e n the major e nte r ed hI li room, man? Would she read. fo rgive and Meanl! Spiritual Invigoration. and stalkIng a hundred ~ a rds awa y. " 'P e ople ?'" Bnortod the doclor IrasMrs . Mason shook ber b ead and J e re boam , his a ncient body'servant, send tor him? Eas te r has be come the mORt spIrit , ,&at down on tb e s hadY g ras B and b e- clhly. " Jus t anot h e r name for a com. smile d. " Ah, but that Isn' t the real Will S da wdling aboot. putting tblngs to Tbe ma jor laugh e d out suddenly, ually Inv lgomtlng day In th e ca le nd ar ,Ian to whi stle, with his eye s on the munlty tbat's II perfect sink of mean. Doctor Soutball," ah e s old. " Thill's rl!:hts, his seained vlsagc under bls harshly. In tbe quiet room , and looked of the churcb . It hrlngs Into clea r ~oor. ness and malice. If one b e lieved all only his shell." while wool suggesting a charre d down as it he expected to Bee .that IIgbt the !!-rounds of Its faltb and the PreBentl y be 'II'as r e wa rded. On a h e h e ard herG be'd quit s peaking to " ['ve h e ard bas another s tump be neath a crisp powdering of letter still lying In bls hand. But tbe certnfntles of its risen and regen er· .ulld en , arou:\d th e edge of the ell1 his own Kran dmoth er ." s ide: ' other with sno w. "Je dge Ch a lmahs done telly- laugh could not stili a re gular pU~81n' ate life. In all Its best r e prese ntatlv '~ " You will admIt, 1 suppose, " s aid guarded "but If he bu, I fOI~m t er al!: yO' ovah t e r G1ahden Hall Bound t hat was In his ears-elfin like today mankind haB Its eye 0 11 Ihe fu· Mrs. Ollford with some s pIrit, " thal wlsb he'd to sbow It some- tel' Buppah t e r·nlgbt, suh," he said, the voices, but as dlstlnct- the BOund ture. It looks up and 00 and oft and th e name Valiant Isn 't wbat It us e d "Te ll blm not tonight, Jerry," saId of a horse 's hoofs going from Damory tllr away beyond all mn~rial horlzon ll. 10 bo In thIs nelghhorhood 1" orr her glalllle ll and the other wearily. "Some oth er time," Court. Far mor\! than we realize, we \I ve In " I w ill, m adam," res ponde d th e doc. " I saw !t when The old darky ruminat ed as 'be H e had heard those boof·hellta ecbo the World Unse en . The g reater In· to r. " When Vallallt left thi s place ( a she said softly . plodded down to the doctor's tele- In his brain for thirty years ! eludes 'the less. "Otherworldllne s ,," mark of good taste, I' I' e Id WUYB consld. you came. They phon e . " Whut 'CIe mattah now? He (TO BE CONTINUED.) Is not tile pe ril of the presen t a ge, e r ed it ) h o le ft It t h e wOI-se , If p08sl. you know. He was got dat ar w a)'-oft.yondah look ergen." Were It uot fOl' the spiritual reaUtles bl e , for his d e part ure. You r re ma rk , year, and tbe doctor H e s hook his head for ebodingly, Of e very 200 persons wbo live to b. or East er we would forget our true ho we v e r, wo ul ll seem to Im Dly dehim out here on tbe The maJor bad, Inde ed, a far·away for ty years of age , 125 are marrie d. Illheritance. E ternity has al\\ll\Ys In hIs arms. Ilke a me rtt on his ps rt. W as h e t he ouly been th e Inspiration of time , Tho fu· IlIon w ho ever h ap pe ned t o ho o t Ibe wben the typhus ture beckons us with larger Ince ntiv es lu cky e nd of a du eli ng.groun d ?" Ilmong tbe n egroes, th un can be round within th e n a rrow hImse lf wltb themth e " The n It Is n 't tru e th a t Valia nt Wll8 compasr! of th e prese nt. Our lrueet a dead shot un d Sas soo n IntoxIcated?" there--an~ treate d hearts and hopes are there. And thi s " Ma da m:' sa le! t he do ctor, " I h a \'o and hurled the dead Is why we sing , a nd pres s forward 80 no w is h to di s cuss tile de ta ils o f t h ll t h a nds, till It was eagerly_ and s o confidently In our on· 8 the real Doctor unhap py incident with you or lIDybod y ward way. Eve ry hero and prophet e lae. I was oll e of tbose p res e nt , bU l nbd !lalnt, e ver y vlotorlous soul, t h tl ci rcumsta nc es you me nli on ba ve whe th e r apostle or martyr, who hat!l moment . a nd picked up a pair of gas pIlers, ne v!'r heen dcsca n t r: d u pon b y m e." GiUlLTY OF ONE SMALL LAPSE fought the good fight, and finished " I eeo by th ~ pa pe rs." !la Id Mrs. Glr· n e v ~ r kn ew " No, my feet," suld Mr, Washington. his course and k"'Ot the taltb, has fo rd , wit h nn a ir of resigned ly c ha llg · t hl llg 10 do The Following, Taken From Unwritten with a force d laugh. " Ha, ha. Sllreum, done 80 In happy anticipations of the l ing tb e s ubj e ct, " th e y' ve b e en hl ve stl · o n e or my feet brought me h ere, to be BUNo HI,tory, Proves George Washing· hom eland. His Inherltllnce and crown "Yes," i gating th e failure o f th e Va lia n t Cor· Well, I am glad to have seen you. I'D! ton W . . Only Human, ot righteousness were there. ~ por a tl o" . Th e so n see ms to be ge t · m a jor was sure-t must go now." "As It beg~n to dawn," Earth's day Ontslde on tb e pave m ent he held his "With Your Pe r mlaaion I'll Take One: t ln g th e sbarp e nd of th e s tI ck. Per· gIrl wh e n ft ha~' eneQ, On the afternoon of Ootoher H , Is brt ~ht In proportion 8S It catchell of Them In and See." ha ps h e's comi ng down h e re beca use r e memb er It, 1'768. George Wuhlngton stepped Into hand to hie aching jaw and murmurecl fts light from the glory of ,th e first , t h ey '\'1) mad e It eo hot for h im In tlon." guiltily ; " Ah, well. just one little Ile t1i1e private oIDce of hIli good Phlladel· Easter morll In tbe gardell. -Re v, pee red a sha rp, sus picious IItll e mU Zo Ne w York .- W e ll , I'm a fmld h e'll tlnd pbla trlencl and dentist, SllIcum 8tra- In a life time won't do any harm, and Dwlghl Mallory Pratt, D.D. &Ie. Then , like a tl a sb of ta wn y light, t his counly di sa ppoInting." dIes. 'Twas an elegant fall atternoon mayhap the historians w111 never let the tox broke san c tuary and s hot for " He wi ll t ha t !" a g reed Ih e doctor and Chestnut street was alive wltb hold of It," Eager for .Go.pel • . t b e thicket. s avage ly. " Xo doub t h e Imag in es h e's conversation lan- colonial damsels out' hI the ir new furs, The eage rnells of ·the BrazUlal1S to • • • • • com ing to n k in dl y c oun t r YH ld e of ge n, F o r a time GIrls Do the Counlng. "Good-day. frlencl George." quoth Wllltr(3ra asked Bud· :t'he broYoOn Ivl l)d hou se In th e vII, lI e· bo r n people wit h Roul s a nd Imsg l, I gu lshc d. Then Burton Holmes soys that the na- h e ar th e gospel Is e~ldencBd by 'mirn y , suppose B~S tbe dentist, ' as he finish e d llollshlng a lage was big lind sq ua re an d fac ed th e n a li o ll s : hc' lI fiud he's li t In a "I.'c tlon j d en h': " Who tlveB be lieve In certa in torms of wom, of the m walking from 20 to 30 miles . 81rl behind that long, wIcked-looking s pear and picked II leepy st re et . A on e·s torl ed wing con· t hllt' " ent ire ly too r e ady to h a cle at his could bave been e n 's rig b tB In tbe Philippines. e sp &- to atte nd s e rvices. One mhj'~ODarY Up a gleaming crowhar. ' tain ed a small doo r with a doc tor's rn lh e r 's na me and pr('pa red In ad· I old Va llnn t affair." " What brings you downtown thus clally wh en It c om e ~ to ohoosing 1\ hus- wyltes : " I cannot attend ,to &:11 th'e Inb rass pla te on ,t b e c la pboa rd ing b e- va nct.: to ca ll hI m No r th e rn scu m a n d Mrs. Mason shook e,a rly ?" pursued St radl es. a s he laid b a nd .. F or Instanco, We' Bon toe Igo- vlt.atlot;)B to ' go . anll p~elich :!11." ~ew side It. Doc tor 60ul ha ll \I'US onc of t urn up ILs \l ose aL h is acc en t- o co m, on know s for "Art'laltOo--Il1I).1E'SS. ago; Wh ~D e ll,-' d own the crowbar and plcjled up' an r otes leo ve all th e courting to the girls. pIa,c es.. Fifte en Mrs. Merrywea th e l' 1\1 asoll 's pa ying m U ll It y 50 fu ll of dycd·in·th e·woo l cour se, the m~jor W hile th e worldly goods of the pro- 't er ei) ,the ,W III .'u' e ight-pound monke y . wren cb. " Notb,ueats- fo r sh e wo ul d ha ve d oe me d s nobb.' ry tbnt it w ould ma lte Bos ton wouldn't qu estion posed ~nther'ln·l aw ha~e sOme ,bear.lnl ' J'pg wrong wIth t he teet~, '1 trl;lstr t h e word bourd e r a g mtuilous lus u lt, look like a poor,w h lte bd r becue . I'm worlels. You see, encb h e put dO'}"n, th ~ !'lop key upon the ,a rilor of are tbe certain y o'u ng r' i' e.;J~.ll4Y~,'~' ~~S~~~!I~:~~ ne leBs to the m th a n to It er . Ano t h e r s orry fOI' h im!" gossipin g about it h",fnlr" w' oOlng. there .a bbne-nandle d wa R 't h e ma jor, whe) for a deca de h a d Ju s t t hen f rom t h e r ear of t ho bouse sch ool. There's 'R1k-illtow,··at.l:tlle . be ' nn,n~. ~'~ ,~nft ;. ,I~~,I:" "fn"· ',ln oc oupled ths ' hi)\' old·ras hl ncd cor· ca me a'st r id'e at volce ; gate n o,I'. ' And tb,e .>_:...,•• "a,"··liI.,t ' n amoly; h~~;~~~~~ifl~, _4L~ll~WS ',tP Der,roo m on t h e liet ond floor com, " Yo'. RaDh'e l! . T ak e yo' I a n 's ing out Ilgaln," 'lI (!j~lir(~ d t h e '~~~t.·,~}<r.g~~ T be ,' m ajor ' " a monstrot\s gray ~at. and ,oute r d om cherrle$ ! DoD ' yo' know at a.n ancie n t ' na med . ' . . ' de m ar. p its, ro ' gwl~ter Ihi &n;." of ' . en lump ujl en dJc.?" .. hat.::" IIot,lcl ' slap 111111' shrJll 'yllll!: hole, but



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'WIIEN til. food ~. dI. IItomteIt It baM'" to a cbllmi.Dc mooremeot b, the muoolar _lie o{tb ••tomeeh'r'=(8ee '*'11



Dr. Pierce '. Medical Ad.le••• ~. 46). Jo the IIv.r. kidDe,. aod .kin. the blood \a purified ot ita wute materlala-t ....... act &II bumnn IUtere. leuinlr the blood {'uno aad clear-lIIll. . dijr_ Uve tract end kldnv1. ere cloa-pd. ,


Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery


., Those of Midd Ie Age Especially.


' l:


Four h orses abreas l attncb ed 10 1.1 red painted prairie 8chooner, wi t h wind ows and a protruding atoveplpe, with th e words. "Bound fat ClUlnda," 011 the schooner'S s ide, was the object ot con s ide rable Interest 118 It passed on the wa y north ward from !';e braska a 8hort time ago through the towns In Ne braska, South ' and North Dakota. Aft e r some we e ks or stre nuous travelIng in tbls way, Mr, J. F. Jensen made tb e overland lrip from Jam eson, Nebras ka. a n d with his l'tttle fnmlly made the re gular customs entry at North Portal, In the province ot Saskatchewan . Tllelr destination was Willow Bunch . a district that Mr. J ensen bad selec ted all one In which It waB p08slble tor him to work out hla for· Lune, He located on .. good half sec· tlon of land, and Intended putting on It some cattle that would fatten on the wild prairie graslI that grows so luxurious ly In that district. In addl· tlon to this hla purpose was to cultl· vote a portlon ot It and raise Whe at, oats, barley or fiax . In short, .. life devoted to mixed farming was what he had ·In view and It Is easy to un· ders tand that he wtll make a s ucces s of It, a nd In a year or 80 wtll attach some more land holdings. Although his beg inning may be amall , It may aafely be said that Mr. Jensen, like thousa nd s of others who have be gun lite In western Canada on no rrurre and with probably much leas , will pros per . He will not be far from a lin e Of railway. Scllools will bs ' close at hand and other ~ocial conditions so n e c~s s ary in a ne w cou ntry a re avail· able.-."'-dvertl s ement. Locating a Quarrel. "A n d wh en y ou we re nb road on )'OUI' hon e ymoon trip did YOll visit th e Pal aco ot P eace at Th e Hllgue'~ " a s k ed . th e girl fri end or th o brId e jus t h o me tram nll/·ood . "Oil . y es," was the r e ply; " we hnd ou I' tl rs t quarrel th ero."

ha\'c fOllnd n o rcml·d y for th e horrors that c h:lI1gc of life, when through th e long hellll'" of th e J:l y I t ~t.: 111 S:1" thou~ h yo ur ::Jac k would bre:lk, ",hell )'o l1r Il l'ad ac hes const:Hltly, yo u are nervo us. depres:> 'd ant! ~\1ffe r from th osc dreadful b earing d o wn pains, do n' t forgt:t tha t L ydia E. P in kh am 's V egetab le Compound is the safe. t and Stll'est remedy, and h as ca rried hundreds o f wome n safe ly thro ug h t h is c riti cal pe riod. R ead wh at th ese th ref.! wom e n say; \Vh en



PIMPLES ON FACE AND ARMS Hl Howard S t " Da yton, 01110."About a year ugo my race. u ec k, arms Ilnd bac k were lIegl nnln g to become afW ct ed with pllllpi es aud blacklleads. l\Iy 1,lmples would ge t ve r y large and upp ear to come to a h ead. It J tri ed to op en th e m the pain wo uld be terri· ble. but noth ing cuuld be tak e n trom tbe m . Th ey Ltch ed ve ry badly; 1 r.uf· fe re d te rribly fr om itching. After s cralcb l ng , the pimples would 8well and aft er th e sw elling was gone my ratio would b ecom e ve r y r e d and re· mai n so tur somo tlru e. My c lothIng caus ed th e Itching t o be wortle. When It wall warm it was utt e rly Impossible to sleep. "I uRed a c ream and th e m.:", ' used tb e worss the y got. Sbortly a rter, I read th o advertise ment or Cultcura Soap aad Olntma nt and det e rmined to use them. The itching stopped almost Immediately. This was about three months ago and I am entirely cured nov.'." ISlgned) Miss Margue rite E , Jacoba, Jan. 13, 1913. CutIcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample at eaet> .free.w lth 32-p . Skin Book. Address P08~ card "Cutlcura. Dept. L, Boston ,"-AdY. Paw KnowB Everything. Willie-Paw . what is light nctlon~ Paw- Ga:!! and ple ctrl c light bill s . Mn .- (,I nc lnnutl Enqu Ire I'.


----- -- -

IF YOU ' RE GROUCHY It Is like ly th a t YOllr av er n eeds Btlr· ring up. Wrl ght's Indian Veg etable Pills wfll sc t you right quickl y. Adv. The Rea.on. " W h y do >ou call your play Th E Co met '.' '' "J wllnt it t o go on a s tar route ."

Be li e ved in Dayl ight Salling . Th e lolt e K llt g E dwnrd prac ti ced da y· light saYi ng on lin es slmllur to those jHoposed ilt th e d a y light !la ving pa r· Iia me nt ary bill. For many yearH 01 Sandrln g ha m ho caused his clock s lo be adV[lll C'ed SO minutes during t he Humme r months , aud in th e las t tll'O yea rs of his lire h e CUllSI'd the same rul e t o be olJse l"V e d at Windsor and Bulmoml . and Buid that h e was favor· ably di s posed towards the bill .

Putnam Fadelesl Dyes do oot ltaln Half and Half. the hav d s._Adv, _ _ _ _ _ __ Hon . Horn ce E . Stnnton, npropos oj Tho End of Them. the mls muuageme nt ot a railroad thai "Has Browo told you his last bard ba d gor.e Into a rece lver 's hauds, s aid : luck s lory?" " The calm and blnnd exc us es otre red " I hopa so."- Exchunge. ror th e ir mismanageme nt by the road 'e nir lous h ead s re mind Itl e of Smilh . Dr. Veel'.T' ~ """,,Ihlile "Dead Shot" kill. "Smith, Inst. S/lbbath, put in a s tre n· ~~~ . up".I" WOI'ID 8 In a vef7 t .... boun. 110119 da y eleanlllg liP hie garden for the s llrlng pllintlng. " 8tH Junes. his n ext door nei g hbor, She Didn't Scream. Patle nt- - May I s cream If you hurt? tn c lde d him indi g nantly In th e s mok e r ~ l1li s t- Yes, but we charge extra the followin g mornin g and s aid: r "Look h e re , S mith , cJo you think J tor Ihn t. wa llt 011 yo ur till calis nnd !.Jones am! 'Doc tor 11)1 that ougll- Dcan's Mentbo- , old ~ h oes Ihrown ov e r into my ga r· lat,cd ('o"~ h Drop. n ro n ""r(' relief for all (l e u~' COUIl!.J8 IW ti cold&-5c a t Druggists. "' YOII haven't got 'em all. old mllil . You 've olll y got hal f,' said Smith Tha t man Is play ing In lu c k who calmly, ' 111'0\\'11 , on tIl e other side, can at rl'tc h the truth wlthou t bre a k- got th e oth e r half.''' Ing Ills word. WANTED TO KNOW

Red Cross B~fl Blue, alf blu ... ~'l blulog nlu~ III lhlS world , D! 'l k Ot; Ibe lauJldrdw lUll III. Adv.

The Truth About Gril'pe,Nut. Food.

It doesn't mutte r so much what you

Some fellows dlvidfl th e ir time be- henr about a, It's what you know tw ee n b(!i ng roaste d und be llig k e pt In that counts . . And correct Jtnowledge hot water. is most III;ely to come from personal experience. Dr. Pierce', Plen!Rnt Pellets regulate "Aboul a year ago," writes B. N. Y . Ind invigorate stomuch. H"er Qnd bOwel •. man, "J was bothered by indigestion, Sugar.coated, tiny granules, easy to take. especllilly during tbe forenoon. I tried Do not II:Tipc. Ad,·. se\'eral remedies without auy perma· Ilorrow your nelghbor's spectacles nent Impro\·ement. and bave a look at YOllr own faults. "My breakfast usually conBlsted 01 oatmelll, steak or chops. bread, coffee and aome rrult. "HearIng so mucb about Grape·NutB. 1 concluded to give It a trial and tlDd out If all I bad heard of it was true. "So I begun wltlt. Grape-Nuta and cream, Boft boiled ,e881, toaBt, a cup ot Po,tulh and Borne trult. Before tbe end of the first week I was rId of the acidity of the stomach and telt much .relieved. . , "By tbe . (Taells of In~rl'E!8Uon : J;,,(~ \dlaa'pPE~,d -


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0ppIT";S Y(lIl

A Blow a t Wom e n. Sty le. rs . : 11 IIrch--J """ II IHh ' " the new ' I rs. St)' ltls- T O Iw i ll Rt Y Ie I h e IIU (;" I'~l1nl l rul es, no 10cI1 1 tclc jJh u ne CO li' I ""~ ~"Y 011" mu s l h a l'e s Ollll't h hla \ lJ ~ R al lo n lIIay InHt luns,!!' tlr a n s ix I Sli lll al.wll t th ,' m. Ininutes a nd nu lOllS dl ~ t n n (;tl COO l'",.· I ~I r . St y l,'s - \\,pli. I' D! III s t) Ie, a ll ~a ll on lo n ger than II lllc. rh,;h t . th e n. :'III'!!. GoUl a m- Wh y. t h e Idea'! " Ho w so!" t hln l; It tl mo th e wo me n Insisw d on "W il Y, Ill y IJo('ltl'thuu k lool;s th a i I way a ll rig ht ." Ih elr r ig ht~ u\'('r t.h e re. ~I



ig a stomach, liver and kidney tonic-by assisting

the stomach to a ssi milate, the live r to fil ter the I;iuneys to net- t he poisons are removed the red '/Jlooo ~orpuscle" are increased BlId one f eels lilfh t, ' fres h nnd nctive Inlltead o f logy, d ull and henvy. T he 'Discovery" s timu.. , hltes the stu mach, inc reWles action of beart and !Il'te ricn nnd IS n most anLisfndory al ter ative in b lood-tai nt of any charncter. The re f ro8hing influen ce of this ex t r act of nnt ivo medicina l pla nts h68 been f uvornb ly known tor over f orty yoara. Everywbere 8Omo neig hbor can tell y ou of good it b us done. Sold by All m edicin e deale r. in liquid 0,. tabl,., (orm: o r .enrlSO on e . cent . t amp. to Dr. P ierce, BcrffaJo, N. Y., and a trial box w ill be mailed JlOU.




From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. N . y.-" r a m wr il ing to jct you know how much

,Your m erliciue Ims d one fot' me. I fa iled terribly during the last wmter Ilnd "ummer an el (' \'c ry one rernlu'ked abo ut m y appeRrance. I suff ered ,fro ll1 U f(, ll~a lc tro nbl e and ft lWllYS had paius in my b ack, Il() a ppe tL te Bn(t at tlll1CS WI\S very wea k. .. I WI\f! vi sit ing at [\ f riend's house one d ay and she thought I needed l .ydia E. Pinkha m's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained (light po lln(~ " , bayc a good Rppeti te II II ~ I a m feeling bette r eve ry d a y. Eye r:vhod y I ~ n,.lu ng lII e what I am elolllg and I recommend T,ydia E. l)~l1kh a m's V ('gelahle Compound , You mRY publish this lette r if you 'l1sh alld I ho pe othc l's who ha ve the same compla int will Bee it and !{!' t health f rom your medicine as I did ." - Mrs. A. HORNUNG 91 Stanton tlt., .Buffalo, N. Y. • ll lTF AI.O,

F, n e Exa mp le of Ch ic ken H o u s e - L i ght . Vent ila t io n a nd a F in. Run .

.\IItl" t ' t,; 1••\t ·S' · \' ~"': I·: l tSI· 1I I ; .. g, ·d Ih pn " " "' e~ uy II)' III!: dO\\'II from ~ ollrs e a Hart mU ~ 1 UP ma d t' , th ,' h l/!hl'r P ll rr h e~ . a nd I made mine wit h greal ,, "ccca. Agul ll I hlld 10 r" l ~e th e 1I00 r or t h(' som e you rs ago . I "aM a d \'ls Ptl 11)' all !lO ll S" " f, '\\ Illc!r(-s a bo v,' Ihe Mu r · ex pe rt that Oc tobe r waM Ih e 1)I'~t 11m ro un din g ',a rlh, an d ma ke It ot brlck 10 uegin to k ee p fowl s, ana II was r ub bis h l ig htl y rnllll nc d d ow n . with quil l' rl ~ bt . as pull f' ts ha tc hed In dry earth 0 11 lU p. A no n·til lt 1t ,g '·a · Marcb a nd Apr il. wh ic h J pur chase d , rlNY or C'hiclt ens was ~e l e el e d , 110t u ll bega n 10 jay III Od o be r a nd No· o lll y IIOt 10 ue tro llbl ed with broody I·" ruu er whfl n eggs we re dear , n nd h,·nB. b Ul UIHII ror Ih e large r Quan tit y <:olllin ued to lay lhroughulIl th c win· ur eggij tb ey lay yea rl y. te r . wir t;' o .; ggs were lh t hi g hest, I1 nll n lu.c lt ~I it, or(;as. which we re til t'n Ih ls pro \'cd my flr Rt BucceSE. ),01 s(·~r ~{' . we l'e ob lAln e d , '10(\ R S my Jo:ggs d ur hlg th e wint e r sb oliid al., place 1M well s he ltere d , l hey l ul ll ~ wu ys be th e gr l<at. con s lderut lon or g rcu l numu cr o r la r g!! w hl t.e eggs , a ll Imend ln g voultry· k ee pe r s fo r ' easi ly 10 be 90 ld Il t good p r ice,;. MI · pro il l : aud on e of th e prIn c ipal aJ d6 norco. pu lle ts we re conseQ uentl y to ou tu lu lng eggs . I s oon dlt;co ve r e d, 1I11tehe d hI :\I a rch , April a nd a lso In wa ~ to hav e well·gro w n ' vull e ts, May. with th eir combs deve loping hut ch c.d al thl' prolle r lime . In ma king all d becomi ng re d III tb e earl y fall m y s ta rt on th e furm , the o bject ror a nd wero a ll good wlnt p. r laye r s, whe n whic h my fowls wero k ept go ve rne d egg s we re 8CIlrce and d ea.r. m y arra n ge menls to th e lette r . In learnin g ho w to feed poultry Wben it Is Int e nd ed to hu ve o nly IJroperl y, I Boon dla('over p. d th a t It was a t t' w h0l16 to s uppl y th e \l e W la id o f t ile greatest Importance not to over · eggs for fumll y oons umlllion. If th e feed fo wls. and to alll'ay s ke ep them availabl e s pace is small , hatchin g and s up p lie d with fre s h wat er lUld plenty rea ring t'hick e ns Is not abs olutely n ee· u f grit. for whl~h purpose I us ed es sary: but t h is was not my c nse. b ro k en ,ulJ u yste r s h e ll s and pounded But In a ny case. th e hOUBes and run s UJl 'o ld ma rlaI'. and I IIls o provid ed 1\ mUB l be cleaned dally. After illY first la r gc box of dry earth and Band In ye ar' s trial and results obtain ed , for whi ch t h e birds could cl ean them· bigger s uccess many Improvem e nts I ~el v'es , ail th a t Is th e wa y th ey tak e had to be mad e, some of whic h I a blath . s hall h e re mention us a guidan ce to In regard to tood: Th ey · always other s willing to go In for poullry on hav e Ii warm IJrenkras l of me al. mad e a profltable bas Is; f or In s tan ce : I o r "Qual lIa rts of middlings a nd bar· I tound that In tbe fowl house , ye n' l le r or oat m eal chunged one for th '.! tllaU on was a bsolute ly necessary. o th.l) r , e ver y alte rn a te morning . mod e Thi s was don e by cuttin g an ope n ing 1' llIto 11 stlrr pas l e with hot water ; at ne ar th e 1011 ab ollt rour Inc he s s qu a re. mld·da y, c ut g ra ss wh en It ~ ould be o ve r wh ic h a IIlece of Jls rloruted zinc ; had , or olh e r gree n s tuff ill season w as pla ced : and to admit lig ht . a mat· a nd a re w h andruls of smull ,gTaln tel' whi ch alRo bad not been th ou gh t I sea tte l'cd about to mak e tll e m sc ratch ; o r at fir Ht . a s quare piece o f glu~1I was n nd ut roos ti ng tim e nlways a good le I into 011 1' s id e at th e house . The n 'I re ed of g rain, whi ch Is wheat and oats agnl n Ih e pe rch es had 1\ 11 to be low- o n alt e rnate day s, Some le an m eat er l'd to abollt two fee t rr oll! tll !? fin e ly c hopp ed i ~ also g !\' n as an In· g round. as I fourid that th e h ens dam- ce ntlv e to lay ing, whlcb Is m y obje ct. '.11 ;






EARLY VEGETABLES INCUBATOR NEEDS REQUIRE A HOTBED MUCH ATIENTION Best Size of Sash Ie Three by Six In Handling a New Machine It Is Feet. Making Pit at Least flf Importance That DirecTwo Feet Oeep. tions Be Followed. Ir you want e;'rly

vegl' tu bles you musl Btart thell in a hotbed. ' This is not difficult to make on the tarm. You can buy a hotbed 8ash at any lengtb and three feet wide. The best size Is 3:1:6, Dig a pit two feot deep. It s hould be prote ct ed from tbe north and wes t winds or hills ide hpdg es or trees . Make n frome or 1 '4. ·Inch boards to fit the \lIt. Th e upper side should be about six In cil ell ' high er than th e 10",'el', ao tbat th(. wa ler will run orr th e gla s !! fr ee ly . l1S (~ 2x3 s turr for sath su Pllorte across the frnm e . Secure horse munul'e contulning jJl e nty or IItl'aW and plul!e It In the bottom of th e pit, tram plllg down flrmIy In la yers. Sog gy. h ea vy manure will ba ke und , pro\'e unsatIsfac tory . Wh e n th e bed Is fill e d wit hin six Inch es ot th e top It s hould hav e a s pr ingy fe e ling und e r foot. Whe n th e be d Ie filled ' place a th e rmom eter In the middle, pacll It In lightly . close thQ fram e, and the temperature will qulr.kly run up to 1,00 or 120 degre es. TblB 18 too hot for plants and you mus t wail. till the th ermometer IIhow. about 80 degrecs, not lower. before you plnnt. The common way Is 10 place about s ix Inches ot well-compos led soli on LOp or the manure and BOW s ee ds 111 that. but the better way Is to BOW ,eed s In shallow boxes, filled with &ood 11011. and place the boxes on top of the manure. These boxes should be about 16:a:2. Inches aud two inche" deep. The lIeeds cali be snwn In them in the houae and the boxel! carried ' to the hOlbed. These little boxes are "ery handy, alBo, )D transporting from the hotbed tn the cold frame or direc t to lhe garden. The hotbed should be made about two weeka before the time to aow aeed. RAtse the sub • little .vtity iDo'r nlng tor: "enUlatlon, but; do n~t ailow' the 'lold air to blow: - -the plants. . . :, r.nI' -lUt.1t at nlgbt lnorde ...... 1fh18 mliltter ' . Wi ..v'ict'"

Was A Blessing To This Woman, RD.

VA.-" I was t roubled with a bearing down pain and a fema le weakness I\nd could not stand long on my fee t. Of all the medicines I took nothing be lped me like Lydia E. Pinkham's V eget ahle C OIlL\)()Und. I am no w regular and am getting alo n~ fine. I ('an not praise tile COlO pound too lllllch. It h as been It bless mg to me u11d 1 hope it will 00 to other women ."-Mrs. D. '!'YUR, 23 Wesb l'l0 P W Il t-it., South Richmond, Va_ RIC H)f O:tlD,

Pains in Side, Could Hardly Stand. Lom, 'VIS.-" I was in a bad condition, suffering from



trouble, and I had such pains in my sides I could hardly move. Be· fol'C I bad taken the whole of one bottle of Lydia. E. PirikbfLm 's Vegetable Compound I felt bette r, and now I am well and can do 0. good day's work. I tell everybody what your medicine bas done for me." - Mr., . .10BS TnoM PsoN, J.odi, 'Visconsin. For 30 ~eal'l Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedyforfemale ma. :No ODe sick with woman's ailments doee justice to berself if she does not try tbls famoU8 rnedlclne made from roots BUd berbs, It haa restored so many 8ufferingwolUentobealtb. wrttetoUDIA E.PINKIIAHlIIEDlClNECO. ( CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., fo .. advtce. our letter will be olMmecl, rend ane' answered by a woman nod held in st.. lct confide'Dce. - - -- --


Knew the Game. " How did you ever get pupa 's con· sent to our marriage, Geo rge ' " as ke d lue Bwee t youn g thin g. "Wh y, Grace . you sec m to torget that I took medals ut college In th e hurdl e e vellts a nd am a c rack·a·Jack at geltlng ov e r obsta c les."

The Wretchedne'l of Constipation Can quickly be overcome


Purely vegetable -act surely and Only One "BROMO QUININE" Bently on the Cure To i e, th o RCllu iu e . ca ll for full n ame . l .. AXA - liver. TI Ve 8 NOMO 1J1I IN INE, Look for ,iRn,'u, . V ( I Biliollsness, 1:: . W. t; 1(O ve. ell r ••• Cold in Olle O"Y. 21c . Head· ache, Spellbinders. DizziProfessor- Wb y du college me n ml s· ness, and Indigestion. do their dull! s pell BO otten ? SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRlCl. S tud ent- Probabl y because th ey pay ~Wit bear Signature more atte ntion to th e mi ss lhun !.h ey do to the sp ell. - Oh lo S un Dlnl.



C ro~s


Ball Blue wil l wn. h do u ule n.

many clothes as au y otbe r. Von t put l'o ur wUI4~Y Into Clbj' IItbor. Adv.

Ample Explanation. "H e llo. Mike . wh e re did you ge t. that III warming UII tbe machine for the first time. start with a moderately low black e ye?" "Why. O'Grad y's ju st. bu ck from his lamp flame . taking cars that It is not. so low that lhe re will be an olfensl ve honey moon an' 'twas me a dvise d him odor from th e lamll. Allow the mao t' g et marri ed." chine to heat UII very gradually. Don't Sore EI'''.' Oranu"""d lCf .'tda and 8Ue. be In a hurry about tbls. 1n cool promptly bea led ... lIb Rom an Eye e .. l· weuth e r with Ihe Irlachlne directly ott aam. Ad\". the clirs It. will som etimes tak e three Where He Gets Off. or four days or e ve n Ii wee k to get fla con- He 's 1I"ing on Ellsy stree t It b eated up fO that it cun be de pended IIP ~'II to re gul,ate prope rly. Adjus t th e now. lan't he? Egbert- No ; he's li ving on O" t· l ' (1· reg;ulating devic e 'J f your machine whe n It reaches thu pro per t e mpe ra· In·th e· :vtol'lling · und . Li g ht. . th e - J~l n' ture by carefull y toll o wlng th e printed Btree t. instTUctloo8 furn by th e mauu· Important to Mother. I facture r of the inc . In hlUldllng, Examille cnrefully every boltle of I tb e s e dlrec· CASTORlA, a sate and sure remedy for be sure that you tloos Impl1clUy . Infants and children, and see that it Ilortan t mutte r . Do Bearst.he //~ II. hurry to get the SlgDatureof~~ . chine. Be sure In Uee For Over SO Years. arIy set up nn IB I ho roughl y Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona Aft e r tbG .\ hou rs. ut leust, wa:rm, operate It Literal. P!( g R In It. open· Just ae If you bad "How dId you hupp,m to como to tbe trays as Ir Ing the door, urn Ihe eggs , reo thi s prison , Ill)' poor fellow?" you were about " In the Hlac k lIIaria. ma·am." machin e. und ('(os· turning them to Ing the door il l' do iag tbls you I he regulating d e· wlll make Bure I s hould and hold· vice Is working Ing the beat at ncrmal IDcllbator temperature. t PlIlperature. by the way, varies difTe rent muchlne ll and Bometimes del' different condi· 1I0ma from 101 reet; to 104 degrees. del,endlng III" ul'rungement or tbEI egg CDlaWIDe. und t.ile re lation of thEI egp to ta M' rnO;" e t e r , In the mtiltt~9111Jo r t ~ lUperature or tbe bl'gl llner should b e Anlfl .... h,....... t he prInted Instruc· .New t o f Itll falling to give tilt s h e ehould adylse I' or hili machine of expluln tile conditions hll Is operating hi.s incu· for further Instructions Ion lu hili particular loca· Is one tblng in con nee· butor temperature tllat s bould a lways bear In le t Ihe heat get too hfib· A:l 1108ure to excessive. h~at' tiL e e mbrfo au~ Impair_B Its posure. t?r ·Il0;.ne ~~e;·,to ;lI: at 104 degrees F . . prIor' .to 1I1~pJIII ' la'- llJilne . hatch or relalt

- - -- - -





Imm~tlon flrure, show that the population of Canada. increased durloll' 19 I 3, by the addition of 400,000 new settlers from tbe United States and Europ.. Most of these havo i'<!ne on farms In provinces of Manito", Saskatcbewan and AlbertL Lord Wllliem Percy. an Bnallsh NGlbiornlU1~ ' ~ u.y.: "The poufbtuUel and OllportunlUos alTered '" the Canadian West are 10 Innnilely Ircalor than those wbleb exist In Rnaland. that It .eems absurd 10 think I.h at .hould be I mll8ded Irom comloll to th ......... country where they can most D4SIly encl.. .... certalnly I mpro.e their polltlon. New districts are beilli' opened u", "hich "II! make aceusable II IIreat number 01 homesteads in district. M"cdllll,. ad"pted to mlllo<lJarm1011 and a-reln raJllna-.

For lIlustraled literature Md

reduced rall ...,. ret ....Il"" to I 5\1ot. 01 ImmJvaUon. Otta.n.

Canada. or to

..... - ...

W.S.NETHERY Inte,urben Blda. Columbut!, Ohio


Carolina Corn Country The Gull Stream Land of Mild Winters

Black Sandy Loam Soil - 10.000 Acres A District Ready for Settlement "Wenona Near the Sea"

tb &oi:lllck&. \



S •• COUNTY COURT NEW .............. .. ...,.. ........



Wa lter McClure

You may believe I am bewildered. All Kinds of H nwever, I memorize that n-o-w is Func: ral I)lrec lvr . now. T:he n().It word is a-n-o-w. I prolloun ce it like now with an s be. Tll lepb oDfl lia .v or fltgbt fore it. The teacher 18.lJgbs. T he w LUU Il VI~ IlI' .\· pili/lin N . tly apraren 18 again become silent, o N.. 69-2r, Distuno called woro18 , for no n~ason, and the Successo r to ,I sno. , . Autom oDlle 8ervlco ot all Time. F. E. SHERWOOD Bll.t that IS not all. Later I find I l.h at If you drop, the ~ from snow you WAYNESVILLE, - -. . OHIO you ()\'er Postuffice, Waynesville, I ('SO pronoun ce It whiche ver W&J House Phone !l-3r , 8ranch Office, HarveJ sbul'KI 0 Office Phone 77 ! I ik e I


Eng"." Tongue Seem Pecu lla rltlee t o Have S omewh at MYlltlfled A1 oonl.t', del '(u)sl'rl. l in nplJliorl tioD Thl. Student . an order if! Illude to 1'Ill w!t correetleiD of aoo/' nntli to ODe It om. Fir~ t Flr/otoc ] l is hard for the person to whom h ) n ll O it·ell> . 8CCOUO~ OuoDt filed, IlHH\Jvetlllod cc\{!firw eu. En"li It is hi!! nat ive tOIl " UC to r al"' cr ha s In r a e::l .. Ie 01 Le \'indlll! oull!, ize "wha t 8 strugg le the {oreigll d bce8sl'd . .Iudltu A . 'out !1 81) to und" rstanJ so me of lhl! pL'C uliar ip;,jnled IIdmiol~ trnt o r . b\JDd '250. Ii s of our pellin g and thl' following is n d(.,;cr iption of his first lesson in Real Esta te Transfe rs n .. I " ~h)l t to visit ha ~ ~ ( t "" \ lId~1I1 engli sh duss : an Tre ,'el' C. Ihyd oc k to ltalph L after. .. ' 11 (; 111 , 11 LlJ Lh u o r!'! ; ·· .. · 1 It. ',' have b.'cn given a book to learn I We · n .... Vl "f HlII,(l mut.tu v II C. ud lti l1 n Le"mln~ . ~" licre~ ' u Wuyne , . . . jQ !!Up. rs. 1 arrlye at the cl8S8, havIts P STARTING SOMETHING. Idle fur "Ill thr wl'ell por 2 $ V pll 'IIII L he , . ' J I'S;llA Irill p. P c'~ u" e, It oI. H...y f;1l~kill . , .IO ~ . 1,'a rn :'f.1 th I'm pc ri C( ' IIy. \ •. 'r t t wo lol-S In .\l urro Osteo pathic PhYSICian ".Julm, we hayo been married f2 HIIIDcit e J ubotl,)n VI! Rouert John rae 0 f tbe lesson, ~.. n, In I hc cou "I Vete r 'lnarv o~~" r l' L J Iurn t ,I \\. • \\. . ..., tetl u .. r I( /,eo I.' I war d I-0-11.. " Lo ve,"1 Ylw rll toua v." ll r l.. Phone 4·19 . " n Oucreh fur II1Y u ay 0 Brr>adw ~ . 21 Ihrout h land 0 1 WI' 1,l\e t Ie . . I ,) .ln tl!T(l1~ 1) tht< ('are II nu ontltotly of e aI, II/! b t u t "' "V Obio :'Ia(. I Jnlver!d ' of te e Graduo th of has use w the the ng What'8 thinki it. it, forget nuunce pro "Olt, Leba non, Ohio (,111 '11, der .. ollan I ~ rnn tf'Ci perwl,s ioo l.11rllnm . U~ ft tryi ng to slurt 8 quarrel ?" olJi ld at Ib e home of 1" Villit ~lA l " 'ha rlcs H -" ,)r w a to tta" rge z:;.. sou lld of v. " ." 0 ; it is pronou nced <]0,' said th ,I '" h:lIu l' udgelJo on the fi rllt Sun a nu Annn I!; ~ ' lltl e r, :l\l' .. acre:; ill HARDLY KNOWS 'EM. BRAN CH OFFIC E trUl hrr. ' d ,1 v ut ell( h m onth ond to \>ay '3 l:iBrllln L. ,w[J"h ll>, fl Office at r E!>3idenc e in F . )J, Sher ' ? h I ur wenk t" ,· its s upport uutil fur th h ' O~iO '1'1 Wayn eSVil le, wood's house, Fourth Street. JolmM . Ha ' oe·rt ')H .. rr ~ H a vn e r , til II' t1ccsu' t mix much with his ,. len w y 13 e w t ere ' I in· 1 ho r ortle, ,)f cou rt . real estaw In I..eb" nuo. f ~:'O O. · ed. m~'Stin n" ;8 :30 u, g from , fr il'u,J,: .'· Tuesda ys and Fridays In rellp!,< l1e ' tiun of Olln P. Bonf'. Teleph one 28 .liam Tba cla.r to '. M. Rob lt Wi wily the is that o'clock O. 12 because to hie coon,y there are is t \Varren "I bcoM of much. His .. :\ o t dHi II uf CO UI ,:j zer, real estate In Mallon. $1 . uf Oao l' Boue clerk ()o "PIJllca ' ohn ~ .. w , thr wlJ rd is spell ed," r cspouds the only friends ." .I to Slarry Eli~ Mary Ohio Office. corner Main and High st reets Wayn eSVil le. "I c,'urlll! Ot additIOnal ll11uwllooe in tea(· hl' r ; "b ut it i.s silent. :\ ever , 11 Phone No. 100 n, L=bllno In estate relll "r, ."r to ollrry on tbe ess of hiS THE RESULT, it is sufficient 10 know \l'hy; d min , Hiltner a Rabeoc to py g,~ h Hanna fully being .. Iliea. '1'be oourt atte~' that it is therc." ter, 11 I1 U ~ Itl e d dnes bJlOW I,he addISional r eal estate in Rocbes "Why W!l 8 Gre('Ce so nrrrious to 1 • to Ma rga r l" Refore long we come to the word a eS Cone" ~~ IO ot '1 8364 and tbill order tu be James E h" l.d of Crete?" get J mlsslol com n-o-w. OOUt.ty fl. e ~h on, to I ' . , Idied L:ones. real es58le in Leban . teacher the auys t·, tI th "t they mllY be ,.ble tu carry hope it was for con Crete p~ • Fu nelaI D'nrc to r it," 'I unce "Prollo ter o exeo Addiso n E -;oo,ha rd by THE CRIlATE IT poses ' J Ma(UU Into eff ot for the yellr 1914 to E. Perry & ot btl. rJ el al lot, 10 Emba lmer, and -.. reply. _ I _ • 0," "X . ' Mil H!CO. n, O. Lebtlno Ju reapplioll.&iuo of Frank trw hy will you not?" she asked me. ler. treH.IIU rUI', of W,.:reu l>OOUty. U. 1M THE WORLD Wayn esvil le, Ohio . World to Be Frozen to Death. iDgs Proceed ug ners' 1t is some time before she underhUllrl mlSllio aff,t,r Con' nnd fllJ lt' 00 appliol !D WEEnT. S4.00 fa YVJt Is POBImO doctrloe s religiou r('c('I\'cd Th.. nce pronou be to ld hying shou stands that I am 'he coat' filHls Ibllt there Bil!s Pnl!sed :-F, 'w. Thomps on. by tire. I Ca 1/ answered prompt ly day or niJ{ht. "OTln... DRUCCt 8T8, a~.CIALII11I. an Ilddltion.d S Dm uf 'l!::I2.07 al- e)eot the word when I say "1'0." Tb n thnt our plan el Is to perish $6.06. il, a j tl t apl\lrs r I in Ofiice and Residence. aoeTu M.RII , TRAIIf . . . . . . CA. ric~ llwed for tlI ,J ye,lr 191 ·1 aDd , bllt thib Jos. Murdook Jr .• repairiD g stllmp she declares that altboug h I-o-w is 10, hut a. promIne nt astro n" rne ~ holda Both phones e,No. 14; Home phone AIlfD . .ua SERVIC E CAlif ~ROF'I' distanc Long I doom 8 "rse univ OOUlthe and oounty doom tbe lis to that l1fiud order be cer BI'lnk us Columb 14.2r 96 r,3 to is av UIIMC 1111 ADvaRT I.IMC CO~UMNa t'\udito now. doorni8 tor far-off n-o-w y ceivabl Incon an etleot. mission ers tu OIl rry lIa me i Dto free ed furnish for Treasn rer Coach one supollflH and Co, Chairs Book eod she e no," it SAMPLE COPY FREt: "1 f you want to make be frozen to death ; "the ultimat In rellpplJuatluo of W Illdron U. $11:; .00. Oel:iaan & Co, peDS for with funeral s. ss blackne the "ln frlgldltY aba.olutc Is . - " . . yaRK OLl~PI:. before . . k . put "you , kindly, Gilmou r, ~herltl of VV8rl'On oounty various offiaes $13,75. J. M. Earn explains, 111_ YOItI." Y. Best of service guaran teed. or Interste ll ar night. Obio. 00 applica tion aod after hellr bart and U W Randal l, ,Jury C.Jm(. Ing tbe oourt find~, there sbould be mil'sion er, eaoh 15 (10 R B. Sm ith, ~:: .. : aD addUio nal ullowano6 of '595 liD ooal at Coort au use $30 64, Jobn •. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.: .:. .:.; ": .•• .:.:.:.:.:" .:.:.:.: :.;.:.: •.. .: .:.: . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.: over bnd above a lIoon~ already al son & Watson 00 .. iDvento ry reoord :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.".:.:. :. :.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:. :. :.:. :.:. :.:. :. :.:. :.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.!.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:'.~:o :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: lOWed wlLh whieb to (lay deputie s for Pr obl1te Judge f,38.00; 88me, and emploJ erS, fur the year 1914 Rtloord of Aooounts for Probat e ~ald order t.o be oertifie d to 'he ,lodge $20.50, Wel!tern l:itar, pub oounty OOIDJnlssioners to oarry same llshlng report of Il:umln atlon of tn to ptroot. 'rre&so ry $33.75, WarreD County In reappli cation of Josiah lIol. Tlme8, IItation ery for Distl ict Asses broolr, recorde r of Worren oounty . 1I0r $1 '0. Raymo nd Harshb llrger, week for Nine ty Wee ks o On appllca tlon and li.fter hear salary tur M.t.rch '60,00 . E Wilker Each to I nves t Ten Dolla rs Cash and One Dolla r each In .. it is ordered by tbe oourt tbat son, servioe s on burial oummi Uee an addUlo oal sum of· 'lOO.16 over $2 WarreD County Times, puband above amoun t heretof ore a.l . 1i8bl.lg statem ent of balance s $11.25 . lowed be allowe d tbe reoorde r with W, H. Anders on Uo, law book for wbioh to.,.y bls deputie s Ilnd em. Proseo utor 16.00 Frankl in Chron. ployee . for the year 1914, and that loie, publishlDg statem ent $11.25. Kule ." ,bis ordtll' be oertifte d t.o th" oount,y Oswr.ld & l::Ion, couoh for Judge the progressive State whose motto is: "Unde r God the People oommi8lioDOra that they mlly car Wrigh t's office 110,00. IDques , of I ry IllUDe ln&o effect. STOCK ISSUED and OUTSTANDING Uavld Banker , Dr. 'I'bompson, oor~. AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION Tbe luter.a tiona) Harves \er Co., Qer. $7.05, Dr. N. A. Hamilt on, $5. as per annual re:r t of Dec, 5, 1911 100,000 shares, par value of Ten Dollars each of Americ a ve The KUpatr lolr.Fre noh Wester n tltar, pnnt!n g for treasur er 1l'l&Jr Car Co. Case dlsmi88ed 110.26; fQr distrlo t 88Sl'lS80r '10 ; for recorde r '14.75; for sheriff $16.75; wilhou t reoord. ..i.; ...39,361 shares .. .. ...... ... ..... .. ... , .. .... . ... ... ...... ....... .... for audito r $14.00; for preoedl ng Stock in .. . .. .... . ZO,OOO shares .. ...... .. .. .. . .... ... .... , . . M . p. , .... Conkltn Probate Court Procee dinp ....... . S. . . . Ed . .. 00, ... III .. audl&or '.' Stock authori zed for sal~thi.s i ~lSue . . .. . .. ation . . . . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . 19,361 8hares d I:nvelop es for distriot 1t8 to be r eserved in Treasu "y for future require ments of the C(·rpor Stock '.' In re 81Utte of T. L. Brown , de . stampe '10 62. A. '1' Rettllt, roarl-j : ·086I8d. Order made releuin g bond 861180r Fraokl in townsh ip 128.00. In work The Treasury Stock Has a Lien on All the Assets of the ity Indemn Royal tile execa&ed by • rk in Sa. roadwo rt'. Whalo Lennie boDd r Co. ot New Yor., anothe any and Its Earni ngs Until Its Dividend is Paid Comp t:!. Balter, W. BO. btp'13. m l'own8 lem bllvtoa beea exeoat ed. .[.l:,: oorrog ated silwer and h ~adwal1. manufa cture of High Grade Shoes for sold are to equip a large factory for the aud E<J~\e of George W. Rltlg. de · Hamilt on townsh ip $10.05; Bame re- .·.l PU RPOSES fOI' which thi:l stock is being Factory to ~ located in mall. ~ . i ; j . b, stores own ny's Compa the from ers consum :': Men and Women to be sold direct to the oeal8Cl, Fint and floal aooeoD t of movlDg snow Hamilt on Towns hip .. exeoot rlx flied. St. Louis. Mo , :.: money be to found and strated $12; ·, brld8e repllirs Blilem and ::: demon been have shoes that The Corpor ation owns vallllable Secret Process es flf makingpublic ID re ee&a\e of Abraha m T. Shoe. Hamllt ou Towns hipel24 .1I5 W. D. since Januar y 7, 1897" also large mailing list of about and before the use in been has that Mark' Tradealso ty oreet saving. proper Tortle of ::: Bale repairs ::: d. Booth, brid,e maker. deoeaae 1000 new names are being added each week. about er, custom ctive 500,000 na mes of men bnd women , each a prospe • uder former order of oourt, by ex. 1'OWDllhip$33.75, CUnton Dill cleu.r- .•. TY PER CENT NET PROFI TS on capitali zation . TWEN of of The shoe busines s in St. Louis, Mo., is conduc ted on a basis !i 8Ou&or approv ed and ooDflrmed. Ing snow Clearcreell: towDsh lp '5 . year would make TWEN TY PER CENT NET PROFI T, some te For inRtance. a concern turning its capital once during the ' ~;l year the during times FOUR and ...tase of .Joseph B FreDob, de- Oreg lOia Bridge Co.. flnal e8tlma g THRE as much as capital the older concern s in St. Louis turn their " oeued. Firet aooouu t of exeout or GODt. No. 66, f41186.00 R. A, 1.10 . . flied, C'ut-cheon, Oont. No, 177, '66, J. K. ct No. 207. ~145.27. ......te of sarah A. Gatter y, 1e. 8penoo r, coDtra t. 110. 206. $492.00, ... , Co Reed, Bert r uooolo of t accouo oeued. Flnl of this Compa ny and none can be created withou t the consen t POlt-e 1120.76 loooit , Berger Al 1. NO PRIOR LIENS -No mortga ges exist upon any assets tiled. of THREE - FIFTH S of the entire stock isaued. 00 motiOD It was decided to sell payable , and fumish ample worktnll' aarry O. &la&hard, eXAloutor. of DEBT -The proceed~of this isatJe will retire the Compa ny's bills ING sday, FLOAT Wedne NO on 2 , auotlOn :.: pub1to at VII eJ, Addt80ll E. Southa rd. deoeaa capital to success fully carry all the busines s. . ::: 1914, 10 a. m., the covere d the dividen d require ments of this isaue •• ..1U1ita Beatrio e Houtba rd, minor et April 8, over ,Clearo reek 80U th of 3. ESTIM ATED EARN INGS- Appro ximate ly sev~n times many of men shoe bridge expert are ed who others ooofirm rs;md 8Ilate real Office of ive Bale Execut ,t. premis es. 4 MANA GEME NT-Wi ll be continu ed by the presen t ::: ,.aed &0 puroha aer and distrib utor Spring boro, Bale on experie nce in the phoe busines s . years' ::: ge . Armita ZalD . with A oontra ct •.f prooe~ ordered of the holder at par after FIFrY years, regardl ess SINKIN G FUND -Will be created to retire this iBSue at the option 5 chan. tenlng stralgh . and g oleanln tor de. UlCk, EI"\e of OaNUt Whl&eI of how dividen ds have been paid. ::: Biggs' farm have this stock g'Uaranteed agains t lOBS to the to course due in made be will cation (!MIIed. J'tnt aoooQJ1t of admioi a · nel to bridge by Walter -Appli STOCK TEED 6 . .: GU ARAN . ::: on Oregon Iii. and Retalll ok road In .. ies In the business. I rator flied approv ed aDd confirm ed. extent of its purcha se price, by one of the strong est guaran ty compan .;. Louis stock te of ~int and es$lma o, at ip Chicag townsh York, reek New , TDr'leo Boston the on de stock oD, this 8lmon& list h to &I'ale of Hanna 7. ApplicatioR will be mllde In due course $34.00 . • 9&Ied. Tlret aoooDDt of eXOOD&or exchan ges. ::: • ds rill'ht along. hied. 8. j THIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT -PER CENT in dividen ~ April Cough Your Check t;hetID 1'8 guardia Dlhip of JohD 'l'ha wlDS froat Imd April rains \ Jr, I-Iellle 8be1rer aDd' Orel tlbeifer , t. app<lID Shetrer . 'he very marrow , you E O. ohtlJ Mrs. ulioors SIO cash and 11 per week for 90 weeks will buy 10 shares eatcb oold-H ead and lungs stolfI<! lid goardt au. Bond ,1126 flled. ~... will buy ao shares gh oon . h-Cou feveris 10 cash and • per week for no weeks are -You er. Obamb A, l &mue of • 'ate and • per week for 110 week~ will buy ao shares cash ao ou lble-Y mlserl feel and y tlnuall + D guardta of will buy 40 shares lalD. Third aoooun t to cash and 'per week for 90 weeks ::: need Dr. King'S New Disoovery. buy 50 sbares will weeks 00 fll8c1. for week per I) and 50 It soothe s Inflame d and Irritate d buy 60 shares week for 90 weeks will per 6 and cash Esta&e of Jamell V. BanklDBon, throat and lDnRs, stopa cough, your eo '~ 70 cash a nd 7 per week for 00 weeks will buy 70 shures ...laDor. Order made dhectlo g head olears up, fever leaves, Ilnd shares 80 cash and 8 per week for 90 weeks will buy 80 'bal an allowaDoe in Uea of a home you feet flne. Mr. J, '1'. Dllvls. of week for 90 weeks will buy 90 shares per 9 and cash 90 ..J • I . ' I which r assigno to ~ ::: stead be made 100 cash aDd 10 per week for 90 weeks will buy 1'00 shares 8tlokne y (]orner . Me., "W8S oured IIIIIr '.' order t. made allowin g asalgilo r, of a dreadf al congh after doctor' 8 . t500. The Sain e Rule Appl ies In B.,lId lng Larg e . Crow ns treatm ent aod all other remediell Acor ll Sma fro'm Oaks , La Frenoh B. Joseph of eetate In re stme nts Crow . failed. Relief or mouey baok Busi ness es. Lar~e Busi ness es from Sma ll Inve deoeue d. Order made made re PleaBa nt-Cbl ldren like It . Get 8 ::: • . duclng bond of exeou~or. Use Eithe r the Cash or Insta llme nt Coup on. bot'le today. ClOc 8nd .1 00 at your ::; ~ soD, ID re wUl of lIelllaa WIUlam DruggiBt. Buoklen '8 Arnloa Salve deoeue d, WUlad mttted to probate . for All ~res, -----,-All Iu re wlU of Martha Roads, de. Her. on oeued. Will admlt' «l to probat-e. Had It Effect The handsomest Amerloan unlform In re will Emily P. lIorny , de Makers of "OPt: :N EYE BRA ND" t. unquesttonably that of the Flrst ...Ied, Will filed tor prObate . reIs It lpbla,' Phllade of troop In re e8Utte of Jonath aD Sawye r, City 26~:Z81 Locu st Stre et who deoeaeed. A, II. Lewis appoln led lated of a certain Trooper Biddle, Is particularly handsome, that as be . admiD1 8'rator bond 12.00. down Walnut street one day olanked V. tta Henrie of .late Cash Paym ent Conpon . . re Iu In his long and lustrous boots. white helm. doeskin breeobes 'and glittering Date . ... , .. ... ... . ..... . , ..... . , ... , •.... • ~.'. Date . .. . .... . . . ... .. . . . ... .....•. . . . a pretty young Irish parlor maid wu MO~TGOMERY SHQE do. Inc., Notbln , So 0000 for a CoUlh or Cold heard to say to the butler: "Shure, SHOE CO. Inc., Locust St.• 8t. LoUis. Mo; . 2628 noWI" him pawn to .. llke I'd an' Mo., Louis, . . St When yon bave a' oold yoa ' •DollarS . ~:.: herewi th .. . . .. ~ ......~ ... . .. ...... '. , Enc)Oied.' , ~ the bel' medioiDe obtaiDa ble 80 all ' . 1. '. J!.nClo:1IOO herewi th ....· . .. . . .... • , .. .... , .. .'. ; .: Dqllars • ,< ,', r of pos.. . lelle' . . . . . the . . . • wl~h it n. of . . , . toO let I'~d . HI. Devotio 88:fim Shares l .. ' ... : . ... ... .. .... . nsllvn,,,,r.t for ..... .... 'o f " ...ibJe delay. There .re many who "Your.g Mrs. FUtter teUs me tbat STOCK of the Montgo meJ'Y Shoe-COm~ :.: cJOud... Cbanab erlllin 'a Congh Rem. her husband 18 going to teach her how fuU pajd ·an4 A)llerilca' Inc. at 'p ar 110 per IUWU'Pllled. "ira. J. Boroff, to .Ibte this w!ntl!1," 8&YI Mra. Goopb', . ::! , , ', .':=':;'1 '-. ~~ ,~,.' Q"'f. ' ,'ft ~.r " .' " '., stl~lJlle nOln'li&e ~y IIDoe "Ever aa181. 1Il the tone • wonilul employs when :.:.:. " .\,,f ~~. Dam.~ ~~ " ·,iaq:!l"I,l~ul~h ~&I .onnd of a levare lIle a Nproof 'lIl • morael of '.' by Ch._mb erlaln's ',' a S88 to nice ~'Itin't '.' ~o, de1~ottMl io m''''' "."

Com .. lon Pleas Court St ~I ' 11 o f (h lo VI! 'I'be HarveY 8burg I tlrtll lYu r l> . ;"IIt1 Ln ~rial befo re .' '. K'''"11 ~ " r j Ulllltl presidin g c ,n t ,ued :1l1tll April 11th . . le, Hl tI l1randi n \'8. \V ,IIJ"w Urun ," J)pcro ' fur dlv'lrce gran ted 1 ,·.1 n LI IT wh " I:; t:;, n nted tbe bxol uSl ve o· " .. l"II" nnd C'Jul r,,1 n f nun or child,

A. J:l. Cha ndle r



------- ---


"I. \


Dr. J. A. McCoy, Dr. Heb er M., .Dill







:!r'~~"""~'~~~'~~'~'~~~~'~<~'~"~$!i :.f~. ~~.::.·: 20 00 ·B O O ST ER S WANTED · .j.j:~.~

.'$. j;:::1



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f' ~~

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$: : $

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--- -


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$ $::



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$' $' $


Sto ck 1\Io w Sel ling A.t Par , TeD Dol lars Pe~ Sha re




,.... $


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:;~7>'i'hO~~~ode;;\0 toAMERICA,



.:i ~l~i

$ l.'~.l





.~~:~f:!=':':f~~:17""~~'\~'I::~~~~:~:~~;it~~~:t;'~mi~ :.: -o:!

) .


~---"-----------The Kingsbury Co.,---50 & 52 East Main St., Xenia,

. 1', hL'l 1. d f ()f ·.he lI a rl.'t.!y ~' uurg Fcrt , I .;;!;! /, I 1o i.l VL' I,iti ttl say: tu alllbat w ··k " " rP tlo , ·y 1" )" "'i v (' ~ood pay, m,d .t h ' y that arc lighting us find lit , 'li l ~~ fallli had IJeUl'r at on('(' 111 ' 't.: thi ~ Le' a hall. W e have al . \\", . . e ll 10· "\',, p rj \ " I; (' (· p (Jur plant c· " ,1". ,, "01 t h"f"( ' i" 111 , .. a ll ~(, fll rLlH' 1·1I ' " ir t" a l ' t !i " II It' lI 11 III evel'y r ur· I)'" t ll , ' 11 1Ii,·.\ a n ' " :0.1 11'1'1('.1 tv have a l. I ~' :' I , . ,' 011 1" ' ;; "" fill :

1.10 ,'


P I ti l ',


, ' , .1 Lc,

es lx·fure uur c(lurl. hav\:! in manv

ca· <'~ L/'i(!d til mal\(! th,·ir ev id l:!l1 ce shurt. And il i::l 'Ia illi ed thaL ' they ha ve found unaclllltc 'l'! ted " greece .. if 4uell is Ih l' ('aS t' th('y shuu ld ha~ e cal l"d Ihe' jlolic-p And Tlu \\, to th L' >'t· ,(' I, h o l d(!"'~ 'J , ,\I had b" tter ~e t busy . llrod IJy ~"d " " , ~ )'1111 w ill Illal, c! th e l a rgl · ~ t s tvck hulder " di zz\'.·' And as I 111 Olll y ::lit:n'Rtl'd as ail inhal er. \I" al e a ll x i " Ii ~ to gt·t it in the handH (jf a reta il.. ,,· And frum wha t many ~ : ' Y . Llll: s tl,~ k Ilt li dl'l'>l will have it to p:, v. Nll w. 111 brin g- ill ~ this to Ii .:I " >lt·. il. i ~ hopl:d t hal lhi ~ ~te nch w i lt ne\'t r a~ain en te r the nC)He. p ,:""le ,If inilue nre have tak en il. in hl\l1 d . anu if ~ u ccessfu l will join th (' band ; I() d u t hi s work it ta kes the ~; 'n cl . and il i~ thought by 8,lIne they 8 1'" jll ~ t g rand It i!l ha rd tu tell wiw r8 t1wy will land. ltut the wurd~ of Ii fr iend "I wil l lend you a hand. ·ontrihut erl .

We Must Soon Vacate!

Get Your New Spring Suit Below I 'Wholesale Cost Any Man's Shirt in the House 59c M~~:~y~~i~ ~~~~ou value~ ...... .... .. .. .$1.00 Valu e.'! to $2.00, for ..... ................ ...... ... .. Sizes fi;.,. G ~" . and 7. It 's iI big bargain .

Men's Night SOc ki nd s , 2:ic

Robes and Pajamas--Half Price

I 75c kinus.


I $1 OU kinu s !jUt:

Men's Light Weight Underwear Fine balbriggan and popular Egypti an Illeeh Shi r ts and Draweri:l, re,g ular 25c a nd ;~f> on <" Out they go (g armenlJ, .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ...... ... ... ,.


Men's "Silkine . Underwear. se lls regular ly for $1.00 garment. Out they go per garmen t ...... . .. .. ....... .. .... ........ .. .. .. ... .. . .


Men' s real combed Egyptian Balbriggan Shir t.'! and Drawers. r egular and half slee ves 50c kinds. Out they go, per garment .. .. .....

37c B~ys Mesh Union Su its sold regularly 37 c for <.> Oc. Out t hey go. for ...... ...... .. .... ..... .. .

Ruc;sell Jay, of the Ohio ~xperimen. tal Sta tion. has in Greene Co. found three fine dep08i ts of marl, one on the Kiefaber farm near Trebcins. which covers nearly three acres; anl,ther deposit of nearly the Rome size was founJ on Moses Wal ton fa rm near Spfing Valley, and the last named on farm occupied by Har ry Ater.

No man will i any rega rd whatel' er for money can pass by a c hance lik > t his in ju,;tice to himself 20 Suits O ut They C~o ,lust 20 Su its to sell. Several Sui ts added to thi s line from high er pric ed lots. Small sizes 31 tu 85. Values to $ I :! UO. Out Lhey go for j ust ... ...... ... ..... ........ .. .. .. .

60 Su its Out They (:0

90 Suits Out They


You neve r bought better Suits for $20 to $28. Those a rc the reg u lar prices of most of them. They ' re t he "bes t in the houHe" Out Lh ey go fo r .. ................... . ..


All the rema ining M en'~ Shirts go in thiH lot, wh ether th ey suld for $1. $1.50 or $2. Sizes, 14, 16. 16X , 17, 17X , 18. 18X. See if yeur size ig here. ITS A BIG BARGAIN.

$7.75 Moo~m~~' w!~~a:h::t: a!lS2~ 12.50 lar 25c ones while they last for just......

n~;~'s~OcT~~I:;~~~:: ~.~~.~.~

Boys Suits Out They Co


Mostly in 2 Lots Now

~~~: .~~. i .~~.~~~~f~.~~.~~.l:.. ~~~~.~.~.~~.~~:~?:........................... $3.25 ~(~~: .~~.i .~~:.~~:.n~.~.~l.~. ~~~~ .~~.. t.~. ~~...~ .............. .... ..... ......

... ..


Sizes are mu ch broken, bu t t here are good assortments especially from 8 to 17 years . Norfolk and double breasted styres. all high grade suits.

The Kingsbury Co.,



50 &52 E. Main .St.,

37c': t!

BOYS· .50c CAPS for Just ...... ....... .. ..... .... ....... .. . .. ... ... ......

25 c".~

Au s tralians Prefer the City.

Art of Simplicity.

Simplicity Is the art o f IIlI1king peo'AmericaIllUU'e' the least thri:tty of all.nations. We ra.n k below even J a- ple wonder how much more one pan and Italy in this respect. In lUlows.-LUe. Switzerland ther e are 544 depositors in savings banks for every 1,000 of population. In America only 99 depositors for each 1,000 of population. Commenting on t.hi&.fact the Nant ilus Magazine says: Life has grown more nnd more

res idents live III four

c1ti e~ -S y dney,

Ad elaide, Melbourne and I3rlsbane.

The "peace at any price" policy is not reflected at a certain Chicago school, where a militancy that would win the heart of Colonel Roosevelt is

Your Opportunity


A lively Irishman was once invited to n. largo dinner party in Dublin in hope that he would amuse and Jivert h is host's guests. B'l t from the beg inning to the end of th e dinner he presl'rved a 80lenm an Ll serious fa ce. 'l'he host thought tbis very

1000 Extra Fine



',""V hy, old fellow," he remarked, bigg~st fool in Ireland could make you laugh tonight!' "'rry," W;1I8 the wit's cutting rejoinder.

"1 dou't believe the



: : CUT AUGUST 1913 : :

and suooeasful, or the reverse.

The Reverend - But, my deal friend, what good do you get from the use of IIll this shocking profan-

ity? The Ribald-,Strika m(> purple. D'you COTes want to make 11 matter uv profit and }fm c out Elr everything.-Sydney Ictin.

ArcheologIcal Find. old FrIar7 bave been brought to U,ht d~ alterationl to Cromwell House ' [ ' Itb. IUe -41( the birthplace of OUver Oromw.ll, at Huntingdon, Englalut. .1' 'l'he remalna lncl~de the base ot a wall r wttb p&rta of two doorways.· Tho ~ foun4atioD ot a large c)llmney stack ! hu ' been found, and In one hearth .ashes IWl i'e~lned. The house .. III hellev.d· to,bave been founded by. the AUpatlnl&n Frlata ahortl;; before lUI

From home-grown Timber

.' I



W. H. Madden &Co.



for the up-

lift 1U'0und bere "Surely,"

toeeel. "Look Up.

one family of small chllldr'6ll".'altil'8.:'•• takell the hour after snugly tucked In bed music. It gives the IIIftl-"""1 It nl ty [0 enjoy h~r

...~' ,. .... ;"'...... finethe mu~lc. . .~~;i!!i.;~~ii!"~~~!i!~~~~;~~W;Ij~.~II;;~\~ ;~I~ll~~ children


N. Sears

Posted on pedigrees and values of a kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since 1905. Terms Reasonable: .:. Satisfaction Guaranteed

Waynesville, Ohio Valley Telephone 45-2,

Subscribe for the Miami Gazette

- TO GET·-

our standards of living that play the gMt part in making us ~lly happy



Live Stock and General Auctioneer

the order of the day. TWo small boys canie to school apparently the best of friends but with their faces scratched o.lld their eyes black:enca almost beyolld recognition. ''Why, bOJsl" exclaimed the horrified teacber; ''what have you been doing-fighting ?" GRADUATE Oll' THE " No, ma'am," came the reply; .ATIONAL AUCTION . "we've been playing." BC800L OF AMERICA ' 'Playing I" ''Yes. Willie was the United States and I W8B Mexico."

It is our ideals, our purposes and


r;, '. ,



More t.ban one-third o f Australia's

, lmplex at a bewildering pace in . merica. The more we have gained. ; l (JIll' conquest of ma.terial things '. ',e more we have wanted. 'We have : .llt been content with simple living 'Irell within our meaJl8. We have , )nstantly reached out to make a : nowing equal to our more weal.thy ; .eigbbol"B. <.--'l'bia..h.aa become, almost I ' mania among Americans of all ,lasses. 'And having succeeded in ,wing our standard. of living, by I.trenuous and lIllromitting eft'ort to get ahead, we have not found o~ eelTeS any happier or healtbier Oll :more useful't.o ourselves. or others. What we need is. to popularize si.m~ pIer standards of living. We ought to make it the cU8tom, make it fashionable, for each family, to live within its means. A mW ' who earns $10,000 a year and spends more is DO better oft at the end of the year, and no happier, than the man wbo earns but $2,000



Xenia, Ohio.

the Earth.

Some lDterelUng remains of


Amorlcan People Rank .. the L.eaat Thrifty of the Nation. of


.... .........



BOYS' 1)0c SHIf?TS- Sizes, 12, 12Y. . 13, 13X , 14. Out lhey go for ... ... ...... ". .. ......




See i f your si ~(' i ~ here.

A dandy I" l of Men' s Sui ts in light and medium weight fo rm erly lioltl at $16.50 up to $20. Out they go, for just .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ... .... ... .. .... .. .. .. ... ..... . ............... .. .. .


- .

We Must Soon Give Up This Store To The New Tenants---Hence We Are

Bargains In These Remaining Days Will Be Greater Than Ever, Hurry!

A harv e~ li ll L.': lI Hu: hin e. whi ch may revolu t i O l\i ~t: LIIe harves t illJ;u f wheat. oats. rye anti otlwl' ~Illall g ra in h a ~ been cOl11pictC'd in Xenia. th · work of cor.structill K It h,l\' ing' he en done sec retly in a b a rn Oil South Kin g street in the real' uf t he Kel " Ie cloth· ing slor€ The m :, ~ h in e is the in vention of Lendl py Clark , of Cli nton co unty. and was cunstrll cted by hi m with th e as.· istam:!.' uf lI a rl ey,M inshall . it wi ll be kn ow n as tht;) Clark Vertical HarvCEter and will prvb. ably be manufactured in Ca1,ada. it does n, ·t elevate the j, rain on can· V!lRSeS and bind it in a ho rizontal po ;ition . Lut cut.~ anJ binds it in a hori zontal po~ition and drops the s heaves t o th\:! ground in such a way that. littl e or no g rai n is shattered and lost -Xenia Herald .



Thi~ is an urgent call to Everybody, Everywhere to Step Liv,ely---for when this sale is over t here will undoubtedly Never be such another sale in At Least A Life Time. Stocks have been Shaken Up---small lots combined with larger ones, prices Cut and Cut Again. While Assortments are not as great as at first, the


--- -.-

· ROO~[

Oompelled to Close Out This Stock of Men's and Boys' High Grade Clothing aDd F urnishings ill Record Time

- -- - - + - - -




II I II I ',,~ love Urt., . 11" . a . I.~ Hi hO>.>I; 1lI '!I1IIIUL ha\·,· i,,:o: I "' I U les,;· .,\

O .---.----I----------I! x_


I: \ RveYSB · J1{G




ulld . "It's as good oa A di me nOI·e l. 1I ....useme nt . Terb ,m e h I eucb a con nnd Wilfred nnd I would be too ee lted old cha p, n "'Ink or a nod rrom pleased fo r nny th lng to assis t In Ita one of th e ot her s e:ot Is enou gh to up. 1 d eno uemo nt." set him , and be cha nges bls n Uegl· "It. doos sCI'm I'rtraordlnary." nco IIn c a s us lly as be ,·ba ng es Ills coat. FOR FULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION Qul cBced T erb u n e, "tha t s u ch a th Ins . It WOIlid u o Jus t lik e b lm, afte r all Breed Which Has Tail Over an (' ,·eDt so ou t of t h e commo n, shou la ollr pain s . lI ut, a s I sa Id In lo r wh en Pro fesso r Munyon hils engaged a stuff of specialists tllat I1re Twelve Feet Long. ha ppen to me. \Vh o wou ld e ver hal' e wo had gone upstai rs, prophoa yln& renowned lellllers in the ir line. Ihough t of Allnt G('orgy carrying on IIb .. llt T t' rhllno In cODnt' ction wlt b II ko th at ! Wby . aho's prom lsl',1 m o Ih e fnlr 6<'X. Is abollt as much ,,·orlb Th ere is no question a bou t the ir ability, they nre the fin est. phyth o pr ope rt y nil b el' ll f(', and 10 gil :1 n<1 wlllin liS gue ~sl ng w hIc h way t he wind Barnyard Marve ls Prove Wh;:It Sc len· Ri c inn s thnt co ll Ci CS nnd h os pi tals hnve hHned ou t nud receive the highest dl'creo s udd l' tlly, ou t of 1\ clear ~ ky. will IJlnw t ltic Se'lec t lon Can Oo-Blrd s Re . sularies. t hat I must marry tn t e n d:-o ys or for· It wus on nn a ft ern oo n a d1\Y o r ~ , 6ult o f Century'S Evolution fe lt tt, Just ~ e('al1S0 I' m fnrly y~ U r8 lalf' r wh." .n Ill'nr. • t nnd I w e ro d Ie . a nd Ca ref ul Bre ed ing . He offer s t h e ir Bervico to VOll abso l utelv f ree of cost. No m nfte r (lId! Wl1y, It s t be m os t a~ Sllr d thirlg ,·" " Inl( I t """OS <·han(".~s or wl o' l what your disca se, or how mn n; docto r s yo u ·h n" e t ri ed, writ e to P:oIcsI e yel t ernd In my II f,·:·' AmI bo 11 illl( Aga lh l' f'lxl h before t ho ox plnv T"I,YI). · ""po tl .- T h, lo ng tClilud sor Mlln yon' s p h ysic ians nnel tlt ey will gil'c y our cnse c areful and prom pt mop ped his brow fu s, lIr M ho "pok!'. II ntl of Iltn t" 11 ILDpor tant d ays st\p u- I ( ·OI· kR or .I UIJil II an' Ht rlkln g prn"r o f allenlio n anel a dv ise yo u wha t t o do. Y o u nrc un der no o bliga ti o n s t o near Rt ~nl il c d a t hIm sympa l h,' IIc· latr'd 111 1(111 by his ,\l1n t Gcorg), . th a t I "1 ",, sl'I",·lill l1 . ~ , ' I"ntl n c nJ l y currlce! them. It will n ot cost you n p enny , only the postage stamp YO II put on nll y. "F'l ndlng a wife In nK s h llrt 1\ knm eol :t il ll " I,,'d of t ho C!l Ae whl cb (jill . ('a n do. It ha x la ke n 1\ ce n t l y our le lte r . EDITH li mo as lhn t d oC's sO \l ~d IIko a prC' lty seem d to mo tn s implify ma tt (' rs oven , til ,·,,011"" lh(' ~f> renla r ku bl e b ird s dIffi cu lt propoR ltlno." Bbe m l1 rmured. wl, l ,lI o Ii ,nlado t.hc m nwre lo ter C8t10 g ·I "ll lllJrUI:\I IHII" fro tt l t bt, ordi nary fur m All consultati ons arc held strictly conlidcntiul. HUNTINGTON "Dcastl y di ffi c ult!" ex ploded .\ rch . I ,·ao t think bo "oll ld be fo oll sb , )'lIr<l (' ol"!, nn,1 1ll' 1I . 'r bo cocks h nll Add ress Munvon's Dociors, Munyon's Laborator ies, 53d & JelTcrson MASON "An d t ha t 's what I came liP fr om Lo n- ('n oll/:h 110t to s t k k 10 o no or t h o o l b· 1 fn ll ll " hi ll flwarn, n vlllagu ne:l.r Kocbl , St reets, l'h il uu elphia, Pa. don 10 seo YOIl for. I t li olls lll If u n y rr." Rai d my wife. "Sll rely ho sees ill Ih ,' lsi ,' "f S hl kokll. SOl11e or Ihem on c {,OIIId 8l1ggCOt a n oxpfldll lollR \I·ar. l hll t. Il ' ~ Irllll ssl ble to wns te a ny tlme am wldl,, ; oth ers a re o r dllT e r e nt cu lOne 01 the Produce .... WANTED SATAN SENT NORTH It would bo lilY fr lotHl s t h' \'ln cI' nts! n lrllnl': Wll f n Ill' has (l n ly te n .I I1Y9- ur~. T he fpn t hers forlll ing th e l a ll, Aallaor tit "You s h ould end ea\'or to do HomeYou Im o\\' you d id thl n ~s 10 mtlll'r n I'II-';Iot" doy s no\\' - In wbl ch to wlo whl r'h n U lIl uPf fr om n rtl'tJ.1I 10 tw enlY · th Ing for t he co mfort of your fe llow· "Tbe Real Agatha" hurry y ou r 8c l ve~ " 1-l aklng rd" re nco "li e fOllT . UI,'IlSlIn' from RO \' O n an d (I li a tr me n ," snld tli o phlllltil bropl st, "wl!ll Good Examp le or Scottlllh Humor In Remark Made by Railroad nf co u rse to my r Rp ld cou rtsh l.JI of my I " 'c w\!r c up stairs nn d Bhe ha.d come mu re t ha1J tW fl l" o (ecl lung . T he ir out tbo ug bt or r ward ." Porter. wlte d urin g th e exci ti ng n nd SO Dl!r Inlo m y room to c ha t be ro n' we r unls. It II P I' r! At:ll rco ly b e s ai d, II ro '·1 do. I b uy UIlI broll us Ins tead or whnt u nus un l e l·e nts pertRlllln g to a (Irl' !'sf' d for dlnnp r . Il n d had . lucl dent · ye ry m uc h s trO tl Kf' r th an th ose or t b o bo r rowIn g lhe m." Scottis h h u tnor Is dry rnth l' r th a n sIx wl' ek s' 1·ls lt made by T er h un e n nd nl ly. \\'TIlPPCr! hNRelf In my blue t nil fru th urs or Ito ur di nary c oc k. T he bois te ro us, a nd I al wflYs th ink tll re m yse lf a t Cas tle ' Vy ck hotr th e y eur s trlp,' d 10ll ng ln g r ob o In lie u o r an foa lh t· rs. !;rowlng o n eillier s id e at A Very Good Guess. SYNOPSIS. be fn r c . el'en lng fr ock. a cos tumo t hat I I he Im cl y rw d ha n!: lng over th e tn ll, Footo Ligh te- l unde rstand tbore Is e;I Qulslto tlro\lery In the story of "A ntI you r ro nn cl€'nC'e 18 not a t nil t huught 'J u lto as b eco mlllg M m ore rl'ach to a le ng t h oC th r 't, und a quar. wor e seve rnl doze n bad eggs III the lhe Slone hllv en railway porter and the Arch lb ll l ~ Tcrhun", • popuil, r young m isp la ced. my boy ," sa Id I. "as you cOtl\"e ntlo nn l 1\l t lr c. The t ll l'CJuo ls e t (' r i,' et. possoss lon ot persons In tqe audience Sail-all a n Army "captain ." To catch ~ r he lor of London. I. "u <1~e nly arousoo tb e hang of a little ya rn reade n.! mus t will fi n d! " An d fe ll to tellin g h im I)f bl ue of tbo stripes set 0 ,. h e r s pa rkllnK T ha t t h,' long t ull Ill a y no t bo darn. last nIg h t and not o ue was thrown. 1rom t ho I1Iml o... Ilnd Inelol ent lifo he tho ag .'.l. lI ud Ill UY ha \·s luulJ ltl o pport u. 1II1ss Suo Drelle-Becau &e th o all· rem embe r thllt Stone have n lies to thl' l ell<l". b y tho startling no..,. trom the IA" our h ouso p nrt y pl a n nil In a brea~h ha ir 10 the qu ee n's taste, Rnd ~rm of Barn.... W'lloughby & 80n. that he a nd as fast us I cou ld t a lk. ro ugh fo ld s o f t he bood a bout ber nlty tu ~:rnw. each bird Is k e pt In a tbor or the piece r e tused to sbow hlln· sOIlr.b of A bordee n. The Loudon truln had drawn UI' a t Stonellav oll on 1\C... the heIr to a "beep rann In Australia T prllu ne "'ns fi rs t nma ze rl , then th roat ma rl o h er bead a nd face s malle r high . "l1r ro w t'lIge, li g hl ed nt Ihe to p selt. I g U OSH. "rlnlrlnA' 10 an IDcome of $20.000 a year. co unt of a s ll g hlllll~hav a milo or two flu lr . a s. IC th " botto m we ro lig htod. !I'h. bequest c ornea from a n aunt, Mrs. d ou blluJ. an d t hen . as l he fuil bea !.:ty and more d eli ca te by co mpa ris on. nh ead, Bnd Andra, tb o old Vor ter , hnd Oeor&,laoa lrun .. of llI. s eJC. Bhe mak ea of It s tru c k him . he r ose In hIs e n· "A wee k t o win a w lfe~" I l a ugbed . ' h p h lrd wou ld stuy the rn, a lld BO . In ttlm hl!r belr 00 oondlUon that tie ma rry thu s las m a nd se Ized a h a nd or oac b of "Soun rls lik e th o titl e or a . pe nn Y- I a ll proll a hlllty. llnm ugo Its much BABY WASTED TO SKELETON got Into con vers aUon w Il h 0. SuI v allan ~th ln ten day. or fortelt the leKIIoCY to a Arm)' offi ce r wbo h ad (lo pped hi s be ad dreadful! An d. b y J ove ! ThIn aiTa lr pr lz('tj ta ll rE'at ho rs . 'I' ll.) bi rd rem ul n s t hird CD u"ln livIng In Amorlca. Tho s lory us . "My little s on. whe n about a year " Ag a t ha SI:otlh! " ho crI ed: "w ho o C TNhu ne' s Is Iwttlng to h1\ve a s . O il its pN"h all ti llY lung, a lld Is a l- and a h a lt old. be gan to have sores Ol:t of tile co mpn rtrne nt to a s k the o pen. at Castle Wyckotr. whero LorI! Vln. roa son tor the d e iay. cent and hi D wit . ...taun ch frl cneta ot T e r - (' Ise? It ehal l he sbe nnd no olber! muc h of 0. t hril l a bout It~ It's tbe low ed II,, [;; ldo Its ('lIge onl y once In bune. a re ~1 8 ~ asl n l\' plana to lind T e r- \Vlltlt fr iends yo u t wo nr e to gi ve me s lto r t1l l'ss or th e ti m e . with what !Ie IW O (I a}'!!. wh e n It wa llts fo r hn lf nn come out on his face. I b ad a pb ysl"Ayo a r e," muse d .4..ndro., aftor gIvh une a Wl ro withIn t ho a\lotted limp. It clan tre at 111m, bu t- tho Bores gre w b lls at s talte, th at mak es It exci ting ! hOllr. a mll u holdin g Its lail fr om th e wor RO. The n Ihe y bega n to come out Ing tb e desIred InfoMn ntlon, " ye 'll be II.""," th at Lad y Vln ~ent Ie one or sovon th o ch1\nce! " persona nllm"" Aga th a . all wh om ha vo Fa nc y pi ck in G a wIfe In t e n d a ys' flln rtu r l ng itl' prome nlld e. Onr.e o r on his a r ms . th eu on oth er parts or for Albe rdcen , I'm thlnkln ' ?" "Yes . my DIan," was th e r eply; bee n Cl088 girlhood chums. She decld •• CHAPTER III. ti me! " I w irl> a u101It11 It Is ~'· flshe d In war m hIs body, an d tlle n on e camo on hIs to In"lte t wo ot the m to a party Ilt the " Ye s. but o f co urso h e has t he nd· Wl\t pr. unll d rI ed b, bei ng expose d to ches t, worse th lln the others. Tben I "I'm b our:d tor Aberdee n- a v ery ca~ lI e anel h",·. Arch.l e thero a.o one of wi ck ed plnee, I'm told! " And If you'll b eli e ve m , tbe e vening " nn loge of tluvlng a !;Irl lie know. lhe ll'Uesta. called nOlot he r ph ysIcIa n. stln he . "Wbut mlcht y e be goln' to dae at tb e ne:ott d ay S1\W o ur t wo ot her grew worse. At th e e nd ot about a tlt e re , s Ir, If It· s a s bnd liS a ' tltat ?" CHAPTER ".-Contlnued. prospec th·e g uests, tb e Misses Aga thl\ yea r nn d a ha lf of suffe ring h e gre w a sk ed Alldra, rath er n rn used at tbe First a nd S ixth, uc tua lly u nd er our BO bad that I had to tl o hi s hands In vis itor' s words. "Why, that would spall tho "' hole roar. W e ha d se n ~ a m otor over to cloths nt nlg bt to kee p blm Cram "Ab," wa~ tb o p io us a nswe r, "I'm thIn g," she sll.ld. "Agathll. Sixth Chllte rn h ouse th a t m nrnlo g a ft er a scratch Ing the sores and te aring tbe going to drIve th e de vil out of Ab erwould suspect a plot at onco, and ns t e le phone confabulation b et ween my flesh. H e ·got to be a m ere ske leton . deen ." Ine vitably balk. Malch-meJdng, to be wlte and tho mis tress ot t b a t es ta b· and was hardly able to walk . LJke IIghlnln g came tram th e old t lUccessful, mU8t be conducted abso- IIshme nt, and by dinn er tim e a liI' r ath· " My a unt advIs ed me to try Cutl- porte r t h e p awky ret ort ; lutely witbout appearIng to be con- e r pe culiarly Inleresting bouse party cura Soap and Cutlcllra Ointm ent. I "See an ' drIve 1I1 [!l north, c he ll; .tucted." was galber ed r o und th e table com· se nt to a drug Btore and got 0. cake or baud him well to tho no rt h ~ "-Ex· "Then we can telegraph TerhuDe to plete. Cutlcura Soap nnd a box ot the Oint- change . come up at oDce?" J saId, gazing at W e w ere ve ry gay-my wI fe and ment and followed dire ctions. Al tho b e r admIringly. She la so WIse for myse lf as lIead conspirators la a Wh:\t the Editor Hat to Stand. end of two monlhs the Borcs were all CIne 110 YOUDg. matrImonial plot - especIall y so, Indignant Calle r - Your llnper. sir, well. He haa n e ve r had aDY sorea "Ye8, and the t-,vo AgathM &.II well. though the t wo gIrls we r e nlmos t as of aDY kind sInce. I can slnc erelY!lny reters to the man c harge d with enterLuckily tor the success of our plans merry. Ag atha First had mucb to that only for Cutlcura my child would Ing my bouse as "tbe alleged dIamond tbey are already ID EDglaDd. They te ll or he r vIsIt nt Cblltem hous e bave died. 1 use d only one cake or thIe f. -came over to visit Agatha ChlllerD ID nnd Agatha SIxth of my wlt e's frl onds Editor- W e ll, sir. Cut1cura Soap nnd about three boxes the Dext couDty a mODth ago and have In AmerIca , s o tlla t th e d lune r bour t C.-Well. want you to underileen slayIng there ever sInce. That's passe d rapidly. Agatha First had or OIntm ent. 'Wbat made me think of tbe plan, real- b ee n wIth Mrs. Chlltern the lon ger, It "I am a nurse and my protesslon stand that 1 bad no all e ge d dIamond. ty." hrlngs me Into many dUferent fam- on my premloes; thoy wore all genuseemed , Agatha Slxlh bavlng had "Huzza!" I crIed . "Tbe gods favor frI ends In London to I'ls lt, had only lUes and It 18 nlwaY8 a pleasure for Ine.-Boaton EvenIng TranscrIpt. us! You must telegraph Agatha Chll- been wIth he r a week. The two g Irls me to t e ll my otory anti recommend Important to Motherr. t e rn this moment. She's sucb a brICk, wer e not Inll m 4le fr ie nds, Deares t Cutlcura Remedie s . Mrs. Egbert Shel· Examine carefully every bottle ot I know she'll let us have her guests told me afterward. T b ey bad · not don, LItchfield. Conn., Oct. 23, IDO~." OASTORIA, asafe'aDdeure remody tor wltbout a murmur even at euch short b een BS much so with e acb otbe r as The Girl Waa Uncommonly Attrao< Infanle and cbUdren. aDd !lee that It notice !" they had heen with oth e rs or tho six tlve. CHANGED HIS MIND. Dears the ~--; "0, yes," sold Dearest, "they were Agat has w bo had firs t vIs ited her comIng to vis It mo next week, aDY' at Cas tle Wyckhotr. I la y stress upon DS we ll as he d oes Agatha Sl:otth, to : Signature of ..~ way." tbls fact b eca use It a ccounts for a pa y c ourt to! It ma k e s a lot o C dIffe rIn Use For Over 80 Years. ence. you Imow, wh e re the g irl In the Mrs. Chllteru. by the way. had heen Dumber of thIngs to occ ur later. or The Klbd You Have Always Bought. one of the Agathas who were my nil tbe party, Arch was the only one ('ase happe ns to care for the man in tb e · ca se !" No Place to Put It. wife 's companions whe D she bad beeD who s eemed at 1\11 quie t. and I gue ssed 1 bad been s trolling about the room Knobby- What mak es yOU ao sure playiDg the part of MIss Marsb. tho that be was s om e wbat sobered by th e that the old Roman senators were secretary, not very long ago. Agatba Gwlftnes s wltll which th e plot had ns we talked, hunting up a tavorlte wnls tcoat I wa nt ed to w ear t hat nlgbt, honest? . Fourth she ·w as, In ·f act. to gIve ber begun to thicken about him. Lobb y-Slmple enougb. Togas Atter dInn er we had a IIllle musIc . but a t thI s las t r e mark or my wife'" tbe nume rical title which TerhuDe and dldn·t have pockets. -Puck. 1 had used to disting uIsh the Agathas And I bad a bIt of laugh all to myselr I h a lte d In my stride. " Wllat did you sa y, Deare st!" t a t that time. She had recently mar- as I watche d tbe feverIsh a tlentiono There are a good many b eroes IQ rIed one Cecil Chlltern, a former gue8t whIch Arcb wns paying Agatbn Slxlh, as ke d In as tonI s hm e nt. For It wa. nov els who couldn't earn a living lD CIt Castle VV'yckholl before the ndvent wbo was at the plano. The gIrl was ne ws td m e tbat Aga tba SIxth actua .. real life. <>t Arch and myselt. and as hIs eslate un commonly attractive Bnd that's n ly cared for Arch. I bad only dared was onl y 30 miles or 80 from Castle fac t, In a 80rt of band·palnted, mlohl-- bope sbe, would eventunllY. "1 , enId that slie-Aga tha S ixthWyckhotr. wo fouDd ourselves Delgh- ture kind at way. She wore a m08t bors , as It w er e . It was for this rea· becoming gown of cr e am color, and ca red for T erhune," repeated Deare st, .on, becau8e of Mrs. Chlltem'e IDvl- ber .flne profile sbowe d to advantage oblhtlngly. Fortunate 18 tbe man who wantl tatlon to visIt ber, that the two agnlnst tb El black at T e rhune's coat a8 "You don't sa y so!"' I exclaImed, only wbat be can get. . Agatbns we waD te d to assist us In ho stood b eside her. wIth a long wbl stle at as tonishment. our scbe me (or e nabling Terhune to Neverthele ss 1 couldn't help letting "Of course!" she answe red calml,. Inh erit his aunt'e property cbanced to my eyes wander to my wife who sat "StupId boy not to have seen I t all The Long-Tailed Cock. haven't any be so close at hand. acrOS8 tbe room from me, dellcnte as along!" W e had hardly r enched lhls satl8' a flower, supple as a young tree and "Well, I didn't!" I admJtted, "aDt : the Run and nlr on s ome e le va ted er;p;8. but I Cll.n get some If YOU want 10 .. b......rTletd. bllt t""~.. wbat JollQ Kertaodr ot fa ctory conclusIon In r egard to our wholly sweet. Her hall'. wblch curled I don't see bow YOIl did eIther!" I s pot, su ch as the roar oC a house. It them very bad! aolllOnlooll, AI""rtI\ ..W.,.tem o.lIada,_aot from to pl a ns , wilen a slatlon cab turned ID at to dlstrnct\on about her long white aerosof "prtne Wb... Un ..10. Hepor .. "It was as pla;n as your classlo Is fe d on r ice . tbo hu sk at whIch ls i Bummerbord-Never mind, I don't fIo... OUIerdlatrlctaln u.", p",.,. neck , made a gorgeous balo about h er tbe avenuo and whirling up under Vincent nos ll Is beautiful," re pli ed my r etain e d. and on cabh age, and has nn I care for that kInd. nee &tlo "84 Olh_r .z~.l,:, 1.0" fOlJuh6-.aUc)a ...... the beeches tbat IInod the road, pres- head. wife , "and bes id +le, If It wasn't, 1 e xce\ltloll al amount or wat e r to drink. -------000 busb . .. of wbeat It was a ,ple asant mome nt, that would have knowp-, for she told me e ntly de pos Ited a passenger under tbe "Vh en It Is n eceRSary to transport 1\ ~""".....,..__....,.__~__...,."'-"'-"""","v-......,..""'..,..., from 110 acre... 0' Ill·' bu. pur"cre. 26.118&11460 portico of UHl carrlago entrance to tbe £ICte r dInne r In terlud e , as I looked hersel!." tra.abol,lbLd . "are Inna · bird It Is placed In a long , narrow I ~ DRINK WATER TO CURE around m e at my wife and my guests, cas Ue . =~~. ~~ ~f..b t",: t~S:. "We ll, then!" I cried. "does n't tbat bOl:, ultln to th a t In which th e lap· KIDNEYS AND RHEUMATISM ... re" . .. III _ _ fl'O. "Hullo'" I c ri ed, "a vIs Itor!" Then the fine old room wIth Its golden·toned fix thIn gs ? Whht'a all this uncel' an eso nre 1V0nt to roll theIr pictures. ) Albert6 1I.ldala JIIltl. In anoth cr Instant, "Oy love! It It !Jlano and the . s oft glow at maD, lalnty ab out? I thould say that Tei" The tall reatho rs are be nt as littl e as ~ The People Do Not Drink Enough Is n ' t old T e rhun o h imRelfl" as a mid· lamps . But as I loo ked and Alghed hun e wns ce rtaIn of hIs aunt's prD~ poss ibl e Dnd fl n d 1\ place In 1\ s pecial , ) Water to Keep Healthy. dllng si zed, ve ry well dresse d man, with contont, I sudd en ly missed the e rty. Wby have ' 't you told him thl" compar'tm en t In the box. The h ens I t C,~b:a:=:~:rt~~~: Says Well-Known Alberto ao'ferow enttuf a lle r 0. mom e ot at b es ltatlon. sIghted Oft b me mb er of our party- Agntha lon g ago. and p the poor old felloW' of thi s bree d In no sense rll' a l th e 1\ Authority. ltaesblbllof IIML1na ••ruoe. and First .She was not tn the room. In out of bls Slls pe 1 1S und e r th e treeR a nd burl'iod ove r Y_~leL Bcport.of".ce Unn\ coc ks In bp.a uty oC \llumnge, hut th e y ... ~ ......""''''''.......''''''''''.....................,...........,..,.......,..,.......,....;. ,,1 da fur "10 co",,, ,,110 f ...... 1\ case of odd numbe rs It Is eas y not the lawn tow ard us. t ..lClbewan &lUI Manltobala (T O BE ONTINUED.) are f\n.~ blrcls ne ve rtheless . Th ey Iny «litera CUDada. "The numerous cases of kIdney and "Look a t the old boy, Deare st!" I to notic e th e abse nce of th o odd one. a bou t Ithlrty "g g R eRch year, but are F ....".dl of 180 _ " - .ad adJololn. pre-su ld a s Arc h ('nnlO up out at bre nth. P o or Agatha Firs t was undo ubte dly d(!e med too arI s to cratic to sIt; thIs bladder diseases and rheumatism are Orienltal Lov~. "~'PUon. of 160 .." ..... "Lo ok at him. will you? Right off the th a t unlu cky Indl l' ldual. b av lng no maInly due to the fnet tbat tbe drInk· wurk is Ile rform ed for th e m liy bens It lia s been . r.ajd maDy a time an<l tf,·i,re\".,7c~:a~'I:'" Row, n s u8un!! Frock coat, pearl man to pa Ir off with , thou gh Dea res t ' &.....,1. con"lIOnJ.. nt, cUwhORe mi sRlon In life 18 less e:otnlted. Ing of water, nature'" greatest medl· ..."te .."ceUent, ... U 'he g ray s . top hat, all comple te: Ab . a nd I bad tri e d o ur ' b os t !lot to let ber o ft th a t Orlents!1 women have nol cine. has been Deglected. lIw.£c~ t bee n honor er! and' loved enough. It I. Arc hiba ld ~ Wlll you ne ve r Ct'tUl El to fccl thi s de nc le ue y. .b.nd, ulldln ' lam""f Stop loading your system wltb medchoap, allO -1 .nd Impossible for UB to understand the (' \·er, g on e sh e was from o ur l-Iow icInes and cure-aIl8; but g e t aD the {rh·ol '" Where Country Girls Make Good. I~ l,r'3'" :~:.I Si n ce ru j mllrrlage I mny say, Arch mid s t. that w as cert.a ln e nou gh, a nd h ea rt and 60ul ot' races totally dlfrer· New York. -Tbe frivolous !rIrl water wa~on . If you are r e ally sick. ':-~~n~:.c::«e: nn d I hllve r a the r c ha nged placos. It I was just about to wonde r alolld a s ent In mOR! r esPI!!Ct8 from ourl. Al· dOPATI·t s tnnd £I s ho w wh e n It comes to why, ot course, tako the proper medl· ~1~~~~~!~\~;:,Pl!: ~l~~ t hough tb ey !l e ver ' do show It In th. '''100, do •• rl pUn IlIlIuraled u fi., d to be b e who waR always 1'0- to h e r dl sappearnnce whe n Illo door cIDea~plaln. common vegetable treat· "La_toB.,." Wu, .. (...." lroe on prese nce of n tbird person. Orientale worklllg In 1\ t e le!Jhone office . "Though b ulll n g me; now It's Ju s t tbo othe r from th e h a ll · ope n cd and lu s he ap"UcaUon) aDd OUier tnfonma. ment, which will not shatter the Jov e the ir wc men Llucb Indeed. Lon Ihere was II tim e," s ay s nn oIDclal of tlon, to SlIp't of l .. mlttrt;tloD, wny. So nluch for tb e dIgnIties or life walked . nerves or ruin the stomach." Ottawa, Cnn. ,ol'tot.he oaa.4lall II Ne w York company, " wh e n tele· GoTem...,." (JIlt) o s a Bl' nedlctl " Don't let' s s ta y Indoors ," s ho en· by th e m Is "ot sbown publicly by !loft phon e girls, wheth e r th ey merited It To cure Rheumatism you must make word s or ki sses . paf;s and hugs. Tbel H. •••• WA... " ;\oI y dea r fellow." smiled my frie nd, tr eat ed In h e l' ure zy AmerI can voIce, are orl e n called "henllecke d," II.,. the kidneY8 do theIr work; they are' nol, were not c lassed wIth th e LawlklldlftD ToI~ Obi " what would you bave me w ear? " !l's s o love ly outsi de ! Tho moon's the filters ot the blood, They must (t1.. fUlCI .............. yCll. ) cau se the y are eo undel" t.'~ \DAuance serIous , hard work ers at the comA nd she s trode vlg· Kn lcke rbo ~ keTII Bnd an old s hooting just coming up !" of theIr wom e n. Lc,ve Ie the food of munity. Rather they were a synonym be made to strain out of tbe blood ~be c o at?" eYtllng my own carole88 attire orously across th e room toward tbe tile OrIenta.! soul. A few of the Amer· or trIfling, unhu1llne ss-llke behavior. waste matter and acids that c... se r at he r pointedly. "Ah. LBdy Vincent!" glnas doors that op ened upon the Ican wom en tblnk tl'ey will love Jus. Thl\t d a y III past. rheumatism: the urine must be neU' turnin g to my wife, "dear Mrs. WII· lawn. As slle paused at th e thresbold "Today -recrult« to tbe 8e",lee must trallEed 80 It will no longer be n so lonp; as they are loved. and the fr ed ~ So glud-so ve ry glad, to Bee with a little commandIng g esture to· consequences sbow a plenty In th" have DIOt only a faIr education, con· Bource at IrrItation to the bladder, and, ward the t errace I couldn't he lp lhlnk· dlvurce courls. Sucb "Independent" ~Iderable Intelllitence and a wide- mOllt ot all, you must keep thell3 acldl ,.OU ~" Dearest gave blm both hE''' pretty Ing that my wlte's fri ends were both spIrit In lo\"e matters. )lucb profit and a wake, alerl manner, but they muat trom tormlng In the stomach. Thll .A .-rand c",I" IlatIJII '"- Tit.... ".... oC tbem uncommonly handsome gIrls. hands. ..,. al. un 1.b1tb8--..up . los8 and mania.. show 8 . flrst.·c1asR aptitude for attend· hi ,the ca~8e of stomach trouble and "You old dear! " she cried. "How She was so superbly b eallhy. wltb woyS strlkn an ero... lD- Ing sl!'lctly to bU81ness In business poor dlgestloll. For these condIttons IIlce of yoU to como !" such a color In her cheeks, sucb a lIale bope less materl you can do no hetter than take the or elle hourll. "And now sit down and t e ll UII a\l snnp to her eyes, u tterly unIntelligIble hIm. "The country rtrJ Is bound to make following prescription: Fluid Extract [ caugbt Terhune glancIng Irreso· 1lbout It!" saId my wlt~ . "Wilfred has good al5 n general tblng. She Is de84- Dandelion. one-half ounce; Compound ,;Ive n me hts versIon, of course, but I lutely from tb e gIrl nt the plano to the Iy In Elarnest. her manners are good KarioD. 'one punce: Compound SyrUP Spoiled the Evening -want It from h eadquarters. H's the gIrl at the door. Rnd wbat she niay lack In alertness Ba~pariua, three OUDCtla. . MIx by "I Buppose YOll had a nplrrel!'U" most exciting thlDg ID the world! How "Let !!Ie open It ror yoU," be offered at 18 more than olrset by ber abakJng well In botUe and take · III SlIce of your Aunt Georgy to gIve us at last. goIng to her and throwing Iy time at th e dInner party telllP4:!pllatul ~08e. after .~ch · JDeal and perseveraJIce. .. I "No . Through some a ll s uch aD Interesting problem to wIde the long windows. And th e r est don'.t: ' , the , are ' New York !rI' ' 'ls who of us, Agatha SIxth arle.r. him and· s eated IT. Cl next to ..ol.el" t<nr,,,e:lve . . ldea ot' taking , Terhune Bat down In my wicke r Denresl and myself·. last, followed . ·Iin· chllir and J s eated mnelr on the graea ,tbem out, toy Wife ·and ! excha ng ing 1):7 ~1U'e8t. . ' . >, . looks of mora or llis s Rlg~lflcance aa '~f'8:-'lnll~i .: ~ , feel qu,ltd' grot~u1- we dId As' we ll all t could read up~" to· tie r .fo r pJ:O"I~lDr u" ·wlth .IIUOb '.• tt.. ller 100);:. eXPf'eeseeJ a. slight "l1pre"Yest )ut YOU .OUiht to Bile' ...,nUL . hl ~ tit rOmance," · lIb~ ~OIi~/ hens.lo'l. M Inc J q:tQant -t.o _lndlcat.e · bllDd." . -. ~ .



Archibald's Agatha












tijZ,1 I I

44 Bu. to Ithe Acre

I) I

The Slivar Cup

&: e.


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----------..:~----- -PubllRiIOd Weukly aL U,o OUeLl41 Oll1eo lu too Rates of Sub8criphoh. . Allen Building. Mbln St .. Wllyooavlll". Ohio. ~Ine Ve.llr ( Mtrlet l~ In advance) . . . . . .. . 11.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ nglo Copy . . ... .. ..... ...... ... . .. . . 03


VALLEY TELEI'UONE-OA LL NO. 112 of AdvertU nlr Locaili. pOr IIno •.•• . • ••• . . . •.• Uluailled AtJ • • not 100 oxc~ llvo 1I11~. • Throe .inaerllon8 . . : . . . . . .. . . . D. L. Crane, Editor and Menager, DI81,Iay Advertllllng. per Inch . ........ . Dlocounla "hun un COil trl1ct. HeadIng


G<: 21k: lOe

APRIL 8, 1914.








8el1br(lok Guu Club bad a p1'Rotl~ aboot ut Llhus. Cramer's field last Saturday. . Born to Mr. and Mra. Harman Glatfelter. AprIl 2nd, a fine girl. Tbe body of Thomas Magam, who lived at Hammond. Lu .• WIIS burled In this oemetery laet Saturday afternoon. The Centervill'3 Library 'Club uu d3r . tbe · maua~ ent of tbe "urmers (Jrange played to a full houle bere last Saturday night . A minstrel show w\ll be lu"en by Bome Tu.lent in tbe Town Hall ne:d '.L'~e8day . April H . Wm. YoConnell hus purohRsed Il. farm oonslstlng of 50 90re"l. ) 1 James timith, of llear Middle Run. MrR. John Barness was a Daylo. shopper last Thursday. Mrs. Elizabeth ~ right whose death ooourred at tbe home of her daughter Mrs. Emalene Gregg, was barled at Corwin last Baturdll.Y. - - -... , - • ' Strengthens Weak and Tired Women

WhIttling for Health,


A c1!oct.ot baa dl'seofered that whiSt,.

Unl III lood tor the health. It Hila the Inngs wIth Invlgoratlnl oXYlen, aDd tbls l.'evl'V UleB lIaselog Iplrlts and flabby muscles. Boye art! prone to be brollodeMhested than glrla and better eonstructed for deep muscular toneB because of tbe lung exe rcise which ae· comp.anies whlsUlng . and one ot the Bret t blngs they try to do when they've paslled babyhood Is to whlBtle.

Silk Dresses, Challe Dresses, Wash Dresses, Children's Dressel. Silk Suits, Silk Coats in all the hew colors, Infants' Wear. Silk Petticoats, $2.50 to $5.00, Kimonos (Crepe), House Dresses, All-Over Lace Embroideries, Embroidered Voile DreIS Patterns, Lace Flouncings, Messalines, Embroidered Crepe Patterns, Chiffon Taffeta, Silk Crepe. Wash Fabrics, White Cotton Crepe Ratine, all colors, Rici V oilel.

TonIc In Scent of Lavender. If you are a martyr to neuralgia or beadslches you may envy the people who prepare lav ender tor sale. L&ven· der, Indeed, Is an excellent toniC for anyolle who Ie run down. Doctors fraQuently recommend people Burrerlnl' from nervous breakdown to get a Job at ea.t herln, or distilling this fragrant . plant.

The latelt newspa~r oensus of tbe United States Bnd Canada eays tbere are five new publloatlons Itartej every day of tbe year. Th. total number <.If pnblloa'lonll III 24,527. It requlrell four dUferent I ,n(lUajCe8 to JHrry tbe news to the people of this ooontry. The Rew poblica'ionH that :ue lltorted "re either merged or 10 under IOllide the year. 'l'he majority We willseH Ilt pnbllo aootion In of tbelle ptlpera st"rted are In looal Waynesville, on the Methodist IStes where there are already too eharoh lot on mllny pllpers. and tbey arB swal. "I wae under a great IItrain nursSaturday, April II, 1914 lowed Ul-' by the otber paperll after ing a r <l luti ve tb rongh three s tAW mont bs, or elle go out of months' siokness." writell Mra. J . U . Begin ning at 1 o'clook p. m .• ubout bUsiness. Van [)l'~ande. of Klrklllnd. Ill., and 20.000 feet of lumber taken from •.Electrlo Bi tters kept me from tbe old oh ur ch, oonslstlng of frome ••• Rheumatic Pains Relieved breaking down . I will never be timber of Illl kiuds ; alot of sbeeting ; COUNTY \. M. C. A. Why :'Dffer from rbeumati ... ni without It,. " Do you feel tbed aDd I/illlv llul7.e{1 roofing; doors aud dear frames; window. Bnd window Laat Monday evening B. R . Ryall, wh~n relief may be had at small a worD out? No appetIte and food fumes; " lot of finishing lum bor state oouoty work leoretary 01 oost?· Mrs. I£lmar Hatob, Pero, Ind., won't digest ? It· Isn " the spring £Ind Illth ; II. lot of re ~ U8e fit for wood Oounty Y. M. C A'e . W/.l.ll here 'and writ.ll8, "I bave been sUbjeot to at· weather . Yon need Eleotrio Bit- IlDd kindling ters . Start a month 'II treatment to. gave" toUr rlllative to an orKamzlh &aoka of rheumatism tor yearll . day; nothing better for stomaoh, By order of the Building CommUtes &ion in tbls connty Chamberlliln's Linlment 6IW"YII reo liver and kidneys. Tbe great spring The object or this oounty org"'3 lIev81 me immediately, and I take tonlo. Relief or money baok . 600. lzaNodl1l &e benefittb ' young m"n . pleasure in recommending It to Tbe orRa1it~a'ion 1''1 nds for play and others ." 25 and 50 oent bottles and $1.00, at your Druggist, ., OI_D a'ble~IOII beOBulle they are the For aale by all dealer~. .""ftft. Caesar's Creek meane for building IItroDg bodlell ' • - • aod ItronK cbaraoter. t)lay 18 rq . Nature'l AdJultment. ,- W I Ada wllJ be IlI.8er~d under 'hIs head for or..,lon. therefore tbe boy Deedl In the cale at all ftBh which tate Wa 1our I 80n~ entertained at t·wenty·Ove cents lor ,hree InAertlon.e w play more. eare of their yount:, a CUrloUI adapt&. Sunday dinner Mr. an·' Mrll. Il8ao wben III!lng not mor~ than Dve 1I0eB. ' Tbu Y. M. C. A, 8tande for more tlon of natural law to clrcumltancel WUson, Mr. Bnd Mra. Joe Dlebo and baby Dorotby. .......... "' ..................... , ... , ..................._ _ _ 'baD tbll. h\a 10 bring out II tound. ThOBe which take the I'reatof the yooog man IIIl that ill in him .. t paine and care In Ihelterlng their Mr. and Mre. J . S. Leaming had FOR RENT -it will brlDg oot the good U at II offBprlng baye the tewest eggl, pel" as their guell~ t;unday their Ion in him and make blm lit for all tbac , haPB lee8 than one bundred at a lay, Ralph and family . dwelllng.honstl on Malo street-. lSaDdll for .. m .ral oha.aoter. Taite I while on the other hand, .pealN of good looation Inquire of W . Horace Compton and daugh. Mrs. tbe boy twelve years of age, flah wblch pay not the .lIghtellt att.n· ~ . Bonneville. Waynesvllle. Ohio. ler, Ina May lpent the week end In place him 'io a gymllalium aDd in I tlon to their young produce hUDdreu a22 two years be ~11l QOS only develop of thousandll, and even mllIlona ot Dayton. lir. and Mrs. Le",ter Compton and hill phYlltolll obarlloter but "he moral elp, at & IIInl18 1110,.. daullhter Mildred, of Alpba Ipent ' 1Ilde wlJllOOn develop. Why I BeWANTED Sunday wHh her parente, Mr. and OIUll8 the iDliuenoe Qf bll lorroolld· Mre, Stephen MllJs. inlll are brougbt beU'litrongly on A Cure 'or Sour Stomach 1RCr-Experienosd. for dry goods hlm, al tbe rettaU of bill phYllioal Mrs, Wm. M. Thompson, of Battle Mre W. E. Bogan and daughter, store. Inqolre of Myer Hyraan, .... WD' and t be ID1l01'n06 of good Creek Mioh wrikl' "I been Lelah were ill Xenia Monday. o )mploDY • ., ,• 0.15 MilS ~ildred Leaming ba8 been W'lYDe8vtlle. Ohio. . Tbe Obj'eot of." Co t Y'" troubled wl&h indl,eltioD, lour ...e UD y ... lI*<lmaoh and bad breath. After lpending 'he week end in Xeoia at eubsoribl!rs to the Mollall'lI C, A. il to .ake a OOODt, Or8anl h - taking two bl)&tl81 of Chamberlain's her fat hen, John Olark. Magazine. Send a60 to the "OD-Ullo' to work .. a ooonS,. TableSi I aiD well. Tbeee tabletl Mr. and Mre. Arohle Peterson han iDlteaIl ofa oomwonltJ. The ooODty are 8plendld-no.e better." For aa tbelr Koests at I'!ionday dinner lhze\t 3 omoe. and get one of tf 10peliDMnd8Dt will bav. autbority nle by a1) d.aler8. I14rs. Ch.... McKillney and air . carl belit magazines on earth. over 'be eD"re ooon'y and. local • _ ••_ __ Petersoo and family of llellbrook. I8CreYl'1 will lee &0 tbe 100II1 work. Mr. EvaD Boga. baa pnrohased Foremln'. O.ntle HInt. FOR SALE AlmOlt .11'01 'he amalter towns or A au. of laborers wal emplo,.& a fine new bnggy. ~be 0000'" wm be repreleoted. Mr. F~ St40P aod wlfe, of DayTbe ooan&., l60retary wlll give hili dla&1ng a mYlterloul ditch aoroa. the Blaok Harle, weight; aboot 1400, p,;eoUl work to the oolnmonity ItreeL It Will a lewer or a place to t.lJl, :lore vtal&iDg her parente. Mr. pipe or IOmethlDc. One man and Mn. Benry Sa&terthwalte. abont 5 yeU'1I old . W . S. Glaham where" it mOl' Deeded, bot il lab put a s22 j d CO tbe oa\l of aDY of tbe &oWDII In partleular ".. workin, III If he Mr. 81ld Mrs . Horace .Compton R. U. 5. Waynesville, O. were a cborull man 10 a pla,., jut oalled on John Beaoh .and wife Bun· iD aheoouDty .at all "Dle~. Wayoenme 18 hanDioapped iD IOlDg through the motionl and pre- day aft.ernoon. good JerlleY miloh Cows wltb heifer oalves by side. Inquire more tba~ one way In th18 matter, tending to dig a dltoh. The foreman and Mrs. Garfield Peterson Mr. a 12 Thereia 1ob801utely no place that can IlIlme alonl and spoke to him. "Don't had.. tbeir gU68~ ~nuday bie of Jll'rank DikiD. be IOU4.'Q tbas would Oe adequate be afraid," be lald, with rleh ..reaem. father nnd mother, Mr. aDd Mre• tor luoh an object Bommer "me .. ~ on th' Ibovel now an' th1D. If Jamell Peterson, of ~prlng Valley. registered boll OBlf. 6 montbl would be aU rtght as al tha' It breakl ru pay for It! .. • _ • ~ old. Inquire of A. L. King. 'OU, for tbe memherll oould otlllze Spring laxative and Blood Cleanaer Harveysburg. O. a 21 tbe door. for tbeir work, Bat where oonld they meet In tbe win Clean ComplexlonEGGS for hatobing at 760 per letFlush ont the aoo.lmulatfd waite tert' A 8:ymD.Ilom ill the only \ Removes Skin BlemlJhes ting. B. P. Rooks'. W . P . Rooke, and poisons of the winter monthll; 'hiDi tbat a ..ractl the boy·to 'he Y Why 10 tbroalh Ufe emllaraBaed Olel&DSe yoor IItomaob; liver aod B MiDoroa, B. Orpington and W, M. C... , lie mM' be given tbe .. di1filored witb pimplell. erap- kidDeys :>f allimporltlell. Take Dr. Lellrboru. Indian RUDner and Mamlarall08 tbe pla06 must be the blaokbfladll, red rou~b vlllD, moth Wbite Pekin Duckl. Mra E. shlDg for a&hleliOi iD orde'r tbat be or laft'erlDg the tortar_ of Eczema King's New Life Pills; nothing bet. a,BaUl', Phone 86. 0.22 ter for pnrtfying the blood. M.lld oan gaill the thlnr 'baa he 10 maob i*<lh, se'ter,' eal' rhetllQ. Jne' aek oon.griping laative. cUrel oon' OOt; for batobtl)g. Roee Comb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" deelr... UlnaRi.& for Dr. Bobtoo'l Eo AD organiz'tUoD of thie oharaoter zema OintmeDt. I'ollow tbe limple s'ipation; makell .100 feel aDe. Rodll and Indi"n Ronner Dnoks. no other, 21S0 at Jour Drugbu beeD tried belore .ever.l "mM, IQRlfbtlUOnl aDa .yoar .kin wonlee Take J. O. BilBY, <krwin, Obio. a 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~==~==~~~~~~~~~~= a!l4 bAlI II)W.,I faUed OD aooooDt of are o"~r. MUd. loo&hiDg, eft'eJtive gist. BuokleD'1I Aroloa ~1ve for BARNHART, Iao& of J1DlDa8lum f.oUlti.. BoY' Eujsllent for bablll and delloaM All Horta. ., C. B.OrplDgtons and W. Leg· OIUlDO' "be held by Sbe m880j ot &aodere"iD. t;topsobappiog. Always Barbed Wire e born eglJs for hatohlng from Notary Public IID&1J It)le Icmee aDd b1 ola.1I helot . . Rellef or mODey baok'. 1S00. Harvey~burg. pnre.hredltoot. Mrs. B. V . SmIth. meeUDI,I. ~ere musUH!leomelbing a' ,ollr inoRlPst. All kinds of Notary Work. Pensioo IUPUler brought to ' bear tha' the • '. - • IIr. ~1f Edwards, of Collele Park, Waynesville. O. Phone 87 ax · 11015 Work a Mpeoialty. GUARANTEED to heal with011Ueay.. b ~ ....y 4evelo\l b~..U pbylllOllll,· Georgia, who il wall knoW'n here. "I 'IIJII.0UI Authors Ofta. . .l1ore. mg B blemish. or MONEY REFUNDED, " · ,..el1' .,~~rally. . ' •. bootred to be bare near the middle ~erb"PI 'the molt celebrated B. Minoroa eggll for h.-tab, ~!!'!!!~~~!!'!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!""!~!'!!'!'!!!'!!'!'!!!!!! , 60c and ,1.00 sizes for fresh woundJ, , if a &owulhlp.-baU is &0 be bniU, tori who ltarted . Ilfe a. lallon are of Ma, to make hil ID&0:y friend I I. C. ing from pure. bren stook Mrs. I old sores, Bore backe and ehoulders.t!>ul'lll there C)Ou14 'be ,. goo4' ltl~,. made )'enlmore Coope..: the famoul author a "illt. L. C. Bt. JOhD, Wliynesville. O . DR J W MILLER and braieel, 25c aile for Family UIB. for a Y.II: C. A:O·WltlillulD'AlI oaClay of the "lAst of ~e lIoblcaD.... ~lark 1116 • •• ' t DR. cors PADfLESS BLIS1ER lira. Sadie Realoo "nd dIoogbter, Plllone '" IY.. ' ~ooe1 • . a04 'be 'JoD~1 mall RUllell, the aothor of "Alooe 00 the Mn Ellie B ooke" lpen& 8a'orday I Is pninless and guaranteed to oure woul4 .Ieel 'bat ha had a 110me tbat Wide, Wide 8ea;"', ud J'rank ~uUen, in Wilmhlgton 8hopplng. O~E-A good farm horee. In. • •• DENTIST... .Spavin, Ringbone} Cnrb, Sweeny, Splint. be.Q9uld· 110 ~ aDd bneil' hlmaelf the author of ' ~The Crulle of the Caof F . B. Marshall, Spring l Pnff8 j or any enlargement of DOlle or Mr. Ed MulleD, of (layton, inetBlled Vall qo\t'e Th.'T. M, O. A mq.t D~~Ily' ti8 chalot." Thll . trJo hal made excel· a Ugbtinl R 1 OMce"n . muao e, or money refunded. PrioeliOo. ey",tem in the hardware e Vftlle Bowe Phone oe: ,:r- NaUonal Beak BId«, Waynesville, I'OR SALK IIY ALL DRUGGlaoq a plaoe wbere sbe bo1 "prdl888 1.llt ule of the eeatartq lore which laore.of Welch & Datio whicb adde 1 , of. foil)" relltlloQJ 'iDflaenoe caa ' 10 0I11y ezperleDce caD liTe III the loq greatly h their well equipped and . ID" f.,el at bome' : .I • Ult of worlll for whloll tile,. are re- up-to-date 8'ore. ~IXTY head of fine ebeep w.lth aU mll!U8. Ie", have a . y, ,M. forty lamhill Iby side. 25 ewes 'lIOutble. • From tbe preeeD' appear/.noe of ·0. ,A., bot Ie''lie, lliil pll¥'8 to balllDel8 bere it illdemandlDg a bet yet to lamt-o Ewes are three and have It·,' , foor yean old. Willeell worth the Stomacll Trouble-Curecl ' wa, of tranlportation and we mooey tor waDt of pasture. A. F. ------~ ~ ~-------Ma. the "It of It. IIrs. B.'G CleV~J.od, Arriold.J., Pa., are W loon have another poblio MlIJer on waite farm op· Ylhen· tiler. II no choloe" 11'. do "For 80me time I 8uuerad ao'o a' our .service. poei\e Mill. ,,15 11'111 to maJJe no dUllcultJ-Geo,.e ltomaob ' 'rouble ... 1 would ~r. and Mrl. Lewbtl)eara and son 5 and 6 ... MacDonald. . lOor stom&9h and ,eel,bloakd Howard, of Je1Iereooville, 0, lpen' brokeD, • I f~, e.,iDg. Norhlng benefited me Sonriay the ,oelta of IIr. and Mre. M. Bell. aD&tl l: ito' ChlomberlalD's 'l'"ble'.. .fl:&UtonSowe . FormanyyearltbeJ . Phone 24--2 Ohio, a 8 ',._• .i.._ . ~_ .._ ...~ Be Cured After IJ\ktna two bo&"". of 'hf4m I wh oere r88ideDti Of oar vlllage wllere ~ ..u _ V I ' . W&II oa~8d . ·T F Ir Ale by alldealere t ay bave maDY frieDds and '\fe work horses. . wlib WCAL A PPLlOATJONS, .. ' .' • ~ • . Ilad to kDOW \hat tbey are meeting Ibs . Inquire oUDot reauh i the ,Hat of the wUb IUOO9lll iD tbeir oa"b II r OO8I'1. Waynesville, . "Catarrh II" bliMMJ·.or ooq. .nam), of th.hok. Lovv, IIr, QQiDO, Klog ell*&rlalD84 'aD ' order to .ODe or·. the, ~oat commOD of tha dlDoer daliday hi" slster,Yn. Van. a8 IDlre~ID.1 relD- booll cle.,uoJ8l'l II ·tIle b....d borer, dervoorl. herse. broke; a180 '!! Jb.U'.I 'Ci~"IL'IoIl which Ii foOd Ill. Ubrarlel·an4 Ill..,.. Barmo'l .Datin, of Le~DOD Shll wanta tbe purlor pa pered And ,·he oeiJIn"a kl\180mlned · tihe', pleu.dlol( with me nlgblly For a den th"t's burlol) Uned. The bedroomll muet be tinted, And the kitohen floor needs paint· To OWu II bome is oheaper, ,• 80 they told me. bllt It alD't. ~he mnst h"ve soreeDed in porobeR Now tbat Iolrlng Ie on 'he way; And ehe thinks .. bUl for awniogll Very gladlyl 8hould I-'II.V, Now I IIndeut"nd exaotly Uur old landlord's ODe oomplalnt ; To buy &he home Is oheaper, 80 'hey told me. but It aint. - Detroit Pr688 .


Public Sale

. -..



Nemo, American Lady, Madam Lyon, Front Lace, Ferris Waists, Fern Corlets

Classified Ads .",.

f t. . . . . . . . . . " . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .




Corsets, $1.00 up



All Leng!hs 'and Shades• Silk Niagara Maid Kids, in aU good makea, $1.00 up. .






Carpet Room Rugs, Matting., Linoleums Window Shadea












E. v,








'.. 8, Ii",.



i87,' ,



J. E. Frazier



,, '

Sp~uting .-::11

- -





~~~j'=~~~I!~ , It II b~ Incb,loq, doWD,.. .nl~~.j.,~1 btMc!. U,ht ': browo Ill.'ancoloi' . ariel Itrl-" f;;~~~1r~ -1 ,--..' It I..,. , . ItI ,_ ... Ie-~" ~."""e1Mt1reea l"lte,rIlI!!1l1, !'"

Jerlleyoow,f~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

h ere" lIat urwo,. Aft d emoDI&ratiDg' tbe beifers aod 2 males. Harveyeborg. Ohio. rOld t:D"ohlneIlr. Iol8veralt»roepeOtlva paroballat:a. o.k.i n .. a very a8 w'iiOftlllO,:lbed '1-'''I~IUI .~I..~ · ot JIoob .ucl lIl,ohinb In ,0ClOMlfal dam 'uI'rator ' aD t Ial.., _. ~~. ~• .ycIaq' ~b In aYe maD . NrUlIq~1 ODS mixed bay for eale. cIa1a ....jI the 1arJoa8. at 'oooe • ~ 37·4. Wayoenllle, ~~I.... lo"uirciw t,ilna~ tIlroUR 1 AU olrf ~t:ti::e.i:~~~: 0.8 l..thll":au tirOOI' ot tile : btJa41: II


.,........, .......

_ :.~

.; \ ' '\ ~It: ,~~ _ ,:



~I ,~"

hundred. plain, white paper napkloa; hi de per dOlllen, ali tbill oflloe,

RAY MILLS Automobile Livery SerVice at R~.

aonable Rat•• ... .


. ,.







Admittcll to Mails ,lntl May Now Be Carried By

Parcel Post Ri ~! ' :'



of Publisher s R ecog n izt d Dr P o& toH ic e D ep:l rtm ent ;]nd th e P o s tm Ast ' r Ge n e r al.

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ONTEH",.. Re:nnan. ,·I1BU.." dll bll,' d ," H l ' O U ld !' Y Jl ll tJn!: l u \ 1' 111 Il1d iall:~ a nu i ~ \\' hv ("'r1.ain ly, h,'ll' your, fall ll.I:., r \\i th ull Ihe h llrtl ~h llJ '; () t the s e lf', 'glad to kn o \\ YOll, ,s ir, til 1111 v h i' l,rl tl L_ " p.II" ·r III Ih,· (' ur ,t! Cause Restlessness, Depraved Appetite. and Unthriftiness i or an)'tblng els(' you w, s h, (li tltrk t", Tbat's allout wbat you wo uld say to Which Condition Requires a Larger Expenditure of Feed Dete r mi ned to Relieve Situatlcn , anyon e who Atrpped Ull to you on In tral'ln!, Ih p 1 rul'\, or a storm I~ He dl'l f' nn ill t' d Ih il l Il l' wou lo l I'rli,"-" for Given Gain - Remedies Need Not be Expensive th e strRel with a knowing air a.nd delI[1pll ed III detl'rrn inlng lIll' arrh'al uf th e 81 fu n t io ll H ~ J' I '~ lIrt1 t\ Ih. , d" 11 \'f' f'Y livered h lmeeJr of th e abov e Quota ' froBts, Uon . There would be ju st a c ban('.., Flood f o rccll s L~ are Illad e in mu ch or ' ·I' ~lrli:lll y P l'l ll h .. t1 ~( ' \\S pll p t ' r :-i.,!' \' . It 16 doubtfu l If Ihl'r p I ~ an~'1. hlo g ~I o p ror Illree con ~c.' ut" .. rn uI" i n ,,~. that h e waH kIddIng If he plllled It th(. snrue way , Information U B to tb e k ,'," atl<l Ills tl" ~ 1 ~ tI ' Jl \l as lu ",,'li re t it t I WlATlffl? fJURfliU HIT£' WI/'Jf fi'£C'CM'OIl1'u li t th llt prudll c l's as gl't'llt Il lo "~ to th e /l lIotl. e r presc rlpt i"n ('oJls i,t ~ ill r", d · ver b a II y, b u t If IIe se n 0 you" u lff,5rl?l/HEHTATTArIfEDUJEOI/vOI)TAIIYI/'K amount of rainfall at tile h ead waters Ill" ('O-oI'Prll l iou o r ~ I' II:l tllr wIreless- well, there wOllle! llc but uppf'n .1UIl r~l'fn-nATUREJ of Ntream s th a t ca us e Uood s are co v- \\'"s ll illg lo ll , Togl"t h,·,. tlt ,, ~, \\ "11 It! ftl rm e r ill Ih " rtl islng or hog H IL8 wornt~ illg on e teasPoOllful oC 1I ru l xun l' uf one Dnsw er, "bughouse," ered by telegraph ic reports sent by (':III "ll IIII' l 'O"' linU ~'lt'r ( ;" "1' 1':1 1. 1( " \1. ,',.t.ld lice . TIlt' l u ~" rrO tll IIH'RI' pll)"fi· I" 'lilal )lUt'lll powdf'fe d worDl 'il"'" a llel areCa nltl for I'tldl 8 0 to luO' IlOlill tl 1'1:, At least tbat would b e Juur nat'l nrrlvnl o r !<Orno storms can be fure- local observerH. As tl"~ rain t'raches t'I , ""till g th ,' pllh ll,; h c'rs , ,\ l r, 1I t1 t'l ural s urmi se. IUld you littl e know b ow told ten days In advnnce, tbe maIn channel, tlte b el!; ht of t.b e IlIa d e;, Stat ... ,n .. llt wh il- It ' ·Ott l' !t"'l'd t l, ..· . Ites Is both d lrl'c t a:lrl Illd il'""t, Tlt l' T It!. II! (l,d III a liltl !' . Io p, T h ~ , , · H,'e WTOIl~ you would be. For lust.allce, 'rhe forecasters watc h for tbe reo water In tbe c banne l i1; de te rmln od by PU:;II 11 as tt'l' Ue ll e r,, 1 lilat " IJal'llally d irec t lU.6 Is dll o lO Ihl! fuc; (ha t th e r 1I0l " NY ~:"je n8Iv e I\nd wIll g , \,. ~ o () d the gOi'emmenl weather bureau nt gion of lo w barometer, wh Ich Is the 8ucc68slv e Slinging staUonR , Past I 'r llllp ll ~;l! ''''1)ll p, ' r S e n 'ko" s h oul,1 b" ..,,'odu ce r e 6:le ~~ tl e:5 , Ikprt\\','1l IIppe· rFsult s, l'o " ~ l b lr th e b!'Ht m lt lNlal I" II~P (o r WashIngton receives just. such mElll· Ilt.o rm ce nt e r aroun d whicb the wind S record s cstabllsh how mucb a helg bt, ( 1l :111 .'" tll tll tl IJ:ll'nd pos t pr l d !e,;e. ti te, tlnnOYllno.., an" It'' ll t,.lr l i llC ~ ", "' hlch rondltlon re qu ire:; a 111'11' 11 wo rm s Itt hogs it; 68 tt to ni ll , II" ' H y lIagea every day 10 tbe year, And tbe blow , This whIrl or flddy moves bod· say of ~O fret at Dubuque. Iowa, wI ll i t; h i~ . 1:l t(' UlI' lIt ,\II', l l u t'l sa id : " " ." I\':~ h to s ubm it Illll t Ih psp PlI ' larger e :q)(~ Hdlture of food ror 8 gi n'n e lTf'r~ ll\,tl att d act s <lll iCldy , It Is Il UH<' weather bureau mell know that tbese \ly forwnrd with the genprsl enstward produce at \)avenport, aooth e r s tati on The unthr if ty condI tion pro· tl xpetttlln, tltnn t h e other3 )( i \' ('Il . It apparently "dIppy" messages are drift of about 650 miles a day In our 80 miles dO\\'D tbe MIRsIsHippl. Thl B I,('r . 1'(' ,,1'1' ;;(' II t an untltl, : Il"1i prnd u('I gu ln. really an Important part oC a S"reat latitudes , As the \til es of equal pres· plan La followed all thlJ way down th(' HlI d ( Oil S ' qtt,'u rl ," s hullld 1.J .. l'i a s:H',l IlH ducod ('tttJ !'IlS a u Indlrel' t loss bocau s c s hould lJe ~ l n' lI IInl E'Ss ill "l' tI · and Intrlcat.... sYlltem wblch Uncle BU rl' (Isobars) around th e low center rl\'er, and at eac h point full allow- n I1l HI\Ilf.,,' lttrt,d "\'l it- II' , ra t!l"r Ihlln as lhe hOgH llo 1I0t pOH~es s thp nlltural nlll' tion wIth cal o l\l ~ 1 or SOUl'> "rtod resIstance to dls eaJ'le lhat 1\ thrif ty pig PUYlllc, For best t' E's u1t s tb ~ i ull o \\ 111& Sam suppona \.0 tell the peoDle oC c rowd cloller to ge the r , the wInds at· an ce Is ma de for tb e effects of water \JrllilP ll ltI at I" r , "T!t pse " he Pls ttre \l o t c oHtplpt ed doeB, ' do ses a rc recollllll('ndell : the United Stales what the day Ie te nding tbe storm In c rease In force, from tributarI es , an d trom additional Ther8 are fo ur dlfTerpllt kind" or 30 grul n3 for" 30'I,ound pi(;, golng to bring forth In the malter of The foreCllllter determines tho dlrec· and local mlntRl1. AB u reBult a t ull li l th e " rf':I{'h Ihl" otlke at publica· :~tl grulns for a ,, 0 to 60' po tttlll pl tr;. weather. Uon ot movement ot th e s torm and Its theae obse rvatIon s In th A r t'l cent 1I00d, l io n, and' th e refore Ill !!Y be said 10 be worms thut are round In th!' dIge s tive 40 to 4ij grRltt8 fo r a lOu·pound piC. As a matter oC tact, "Colic. Dnlma- velocity. the people ot Cairo bad wllrlllng a (Jtll v in cou rse or t1Hlntlra ClUre wh e n t ract of th e pIg, All of th E-fe are more Itt elH' h cnse '!!leh IJI~ ~lt u ll i d be When wenther disturbances are reo ' w e~k or ten duys In Rdvan ce, 'fhe shii,ped to the (',oltm ry l.JUblish e r, ThIs common In t h e pi g thnn In th e 1\1:1' t1an," etc.. when tranlllated, stgnlfles tbat the steamer Monterey Is sayIng ported, tbe foreca s ters know !'rom ex· Pitts burgh dIstrIct call be gh'en only Invol\'es 0 question whi c h is n serio us ture ho g, How e \' cr. In tbe matur e pi!( gll'en 10 graIn s of l'nl"1Il 1'1 In {'Oll llec· that rot 7:00 a. m . on the seventh of parlence about how long It takes them ]2 to 24 hours' notice, because a flood oue to th e l'oun t ry n 'wspa per of a ,'us t there Is gene rally s uffi cI e nt !lumber or tlon lI'ilh thlJ salll on ln, The pig,; ItI ltsL the month, sbe Is In la.titude 22 d~· 1.0 reach our Pacific coaBt. and then Is upon loom withIn 24 bours after a s e ctlo n oC Ih ' l'o ulltry , pa.l'l lr.ularly in worms prese nt to make t hE'm a Sout'ce be sta rr ed fot' 24 hours befur e ~1 \' lu g th e \Y cst aud ~:o llthw l's t. of contaminatIon, Of the tour kind s . th e do se. Tile tlouton in allli l'llI nll1el &rees 62 minutes; tbat the barometer how long attar they will reacb the bea" y ralnBtorm . la 30.04, the temperature 80; that the AtlnnUc COI\.8l For example, It a To carryon thIs work of forecast. Stilte and Nation· Wide Information. the large, round worms uBuall y CRn be mixed with :l little -101' , The wind 1s northeast. blowing 14 miles storm coming from SIberIa drifts east- Ing storms. f rosts and floods, the re "By the "r sem c lassiflcation th..,se present In lar ge numbers nnd a r c con · pigs will take It relldlly, It is act · an hour. and' that the sky Is clear. ward around the Nortb pole and l"&- are C1Itab\lshed throughout the United ready.print s are ,Ie ul ed admlssloh 10 sldered by Ulany IlH the mos t dlftlcult \'Iea bl e to g lv e a good feed of llra n Rather an original and unIque way appears In Alaska. It s hould appear In Statos 200 branch bureaus, each with the malls, the ott ly sy ste m 0 r truos· to .."et rid of, Wh e n prl'H e ut 10 large mas h in nllout lUI hOl:r atter udlld ttisof saying i~, 18 It not 1 Washington and Oregon In about two apparatus for measurIng ralnfull. portntlon whIch re:tl'bes in to every vII.· numbers tltey OIa y obst ruct the nll - t e rln g the dose.· as mns h will hl' lp to It 18 a mighty slick little organlza- days: should get to the great lakes In wlnd. etc., and wltb a cIrculating 8Y. lage a nd tOWlI , The express compa· me ntary conal. satisfy th e pIg nnd a ids 111 gelt lttg rId tlon; this weather bureau ot the de- si x days and to the Atlantic coas t In t e rn of Information between them til at ni l'S fall to opprate to many polQts The best method or ha ndli ng Is pre- of t h e \\'orms, partment of agrlcnlture. It kee ps a seven or e ight duys, twice e very 24 bours swuPS obeerva· whl':r,\ ucw sllape r s " re pltb II" hNI Ila b· For lice there Is tt olhin g thn t (' s· \ '-~' ntlon , RecallSI' of tile n"ltlrnl " small army of experts busy from Unexpected conditions may d elay tlons. each with the otber 199. pla ('l's t'l'1\I01e fro ll! a rll rou<.\s- thu s It,t of lho hog. II is aimos l Imposslllle , ceeds r.rud e 011. It nut onl), k l ll ~ t he seven o'clock In the morning until storms or dIvert them from tbe Briefly. forecasting of t h e mode rn ('oll1pf!lling l il t' Illthlt ~ lt Cl' , a\t'po dy hlllll· to outli ne a s~'stem of \I rE1't'm ion , HOW' j llce. b u~ in mos l cuses th !' e!;,;s 38 midnight e very day In the year keep· stralgbt track just as a refrIgerator scbool Is resolved Into wntchlng the vcre d by a Ilm\t " ,j II Id, to hU\, <1 his e\'t~ r , It Is Kil lterully cOIII; ldered that' l lVe ll. h rosene mix ed witb a litt le log track of Just what Old Man car may be lhrown olf lUI schedule or t'Ourse of grest disturba ll ces a nd cal. re lld), prInts delivere d eit her by so me with thl' IIbernl use of t h e cau l tnr <1 1K, lurd Is \' cr y (' rfectl\' An y o r th ~ (' oa l Weather Is up to, cataloguing all his be s hIpped by accIdent on a wrong culaUng their probable movements spel'lal meSSClIl'; er arrangem e nt. ol Infecting sol u tIo ns and the fllcdlng or tnl' tllps aTe olso good If prope rl y used . Idiosyncrasies and doping out wbat road, Some of these storms deplete and the lime It will take t he m to grea t expe nse. or <.\ pny his readers tile wood as h e~ , c;t:II'coal on,1 snit, t h '" f:lv. j It does !lot mak 5 0 ftlU('\l 1l11T"rE-nce new caper he Is about to cut up. th e mselves by runnIn g Into regions cover gIven d Istan ces, But th e n Rd"an wgl's of Ill" ge nl'ral tt('W S infoI" age s of Ihc s(' }losts Is r odu ced to a what Is IIs('d , but it mu ~ t hI' n ~ell "r ten No gbost of an atmospheri C di s· of blgb baro mete r wltkh Dre of g real- th ere Is a good de al of tbe foreclI s t· matlon wlli(' b th e rl':lrIY'JlTlnl ma k e s It nt lnl tntllll , W hcn pigs ar e badly In · enou gh to rId th e pig of lie . It must turbance, no storm wraith or cold e r mognltude and extont than th e er's work mOI'Il sn btle than this. For pO~ 5 Ibl (' for hIm to supply, ,,"h ert! (he fec t e d it is necess llry to uae aome· be remC'mhe red Ihllt thc llt- e \·,; 11 Ih-e 1 wave apparltlon can stalk abroad In storm itself, Some of th em. h oweve r , in s ta nce, It r e ('ently bas been dlscov- e J1lp.rl'rj~lng publisher pers l:t s in gil·· Ihin t; to kill thc wornls antl l hen some· : In l it e dU I' t lltHI litt e r of th e pe u". All any cranny of the stateB. nowadays. tra\'el compl ete ly around tho world, ered that there iB a re mal'ltabl c inter· In g h is patro1\s thi s S tate· wide a n~ 11 :1. · Ih ing to g e t t h e m out 0 ' t he nlnwl l our 1I'0rlt on th~' pi ~ wIll b nf Ii ti e without be ing Instantly pounced upon To keep tab on cold \\,a\· es that play betwe e n a tmosphe rIc ph e nom e na tlon.wid e Inforlllation, the h IlVY t-lt · system, T he use of tllr pelltln c Is val ti e unless the li ce a re d e.<lt'Oy ed by the neares t burea u, and Its would· come Into tbe U nIte d States from In widely sepamt od regions. The !IemlP of It'ltltll]JoJ'tal io n for Ihe dc !i v· reeont nt It ded by Rome n nd I; h'es v r~' 'In the pll!~ ' slopping I]uurt f' r >l and Ile- n s . be secret maneuvers sproad broad· Canada and Alaska, the weather bu , state of th e barome ter ht, Si be ria In e r y ot hi \! re ;,dY ' r,rl n ls, I t sltoltl<l bo rc· satlsractor y r es ull s. It s h ou ld be W , H , PAI.~1 E lL east to other Il tations tbat they may reau tltu dles the Ca nadian weatbe r reo winter is found to be r e lat E' d In an m e rrtb el'e d' can It ot be saddled upO tl gil'e n at tb e rate of one teas poonf ul College c r Agrlculiurl', Oh io S: a : o expect Its coming and set In motion ports. England 1J'<lnds reports from Intimate way to th e existence und the s ubsnilll'l's, While th e be st oC \iv· Cor each 60 to 80 Il OUnd pIg In th e l'nlvcrs ity , the ir machinery for doping OUt the Ice land. the British Islands and conti, progrese of storms In the U nIted Ing and of luxurl ('s hlla steadIly ad · -=""-- - - . =....=--=- -=-.- exact time of Its appearance, It was nental Europe, and doJly reports come States at tb e same t ime, And now vanc ed In the last few y('urs, th e s ub· only comparatively recently that the from St. Petersburg on the condItions th e modern forecasters arll reaching Bcrlpt!on o f th e country n e ws paper bas efficiency of the weather bureau was In Russin and SiberIa, out Into othe r continents for theIr enhanced by an arrangement between Tbe same busInesslike RYRtl~ m used storm warnings and prognostications. r tnulned statlonat·y, an d th e raIl' per thollsund r.lrculaU oll for a d I' a rt Ising the department and many ,of the big has not b ee n Incren.sed , steamship Iwee to send seml-daUy "Il is not our con ten t lOll tllat the weather reports from vessels at sea conntry publi s h er Is bei ng di scrl ml. beyond a distance ot 75 mUes from nated aglLitlst Jlurpose ly, but we be' port, Many people have an Idea that there Man'. Complalnt'That He Never Gete In my bathroom now _ 1 stopped pa~'­ li e vE! thu t when the present (:la3s ifiea· tion \VIIS IIJt\(J p il WitS th"n 100 ea rly QuIte What He Wanta II a Pt'etty Is somethIng mYllterious and occnlt mcn ts on the e ncyclopedia and hud a to ' ,nk In to I\I'COUitl the f!Wt t ha t ihl' General One, about the work of tho weather bureau pbone put in . co untry n l" w 8 }lIlIlCr bus i nes s is ' ultllk(' In forecasting the coming oC storms, " But It has t ' ned ou t now that t frosts and floods. Not a few thInk -'r never buy what I wa ut!" ex · n eed the e ncy clo edla worse than I do other lin . ~ o f puhlishing, '''I'h e !:ounlry lte WS lltl/Je r, \\' 1' s ubmI t, that the obse rvers must n e ces- pIal ned Trazzler to his friend , Bbsan . t h e phol1P, Th 's tbe wuy It al· tlarily get theIr data by reading the "Every lime I buy anytblng, no mu t· ways Is. .I::\' e ry tlm o I go 10 talle n Is a qua s i· puhll c- mUll y, ill el' id ~ n ce of planets, tile stars and the moon , As ter what,' I bardly get hom e be fore I bath now some n eighbor Is stricken whl " h Is l h e Ca c t lhnt it · is be ing lOaln· a matter of tact the forecaster of tlte thmk ot something else that I n eed with paralysis a Bom e otbe r calamity minot! In sc ores or tOWll!:. nnd "lllages bureau Coretells tbe coming of di s turb: worBe and thlLt I could have bought nnd Ut e famBy as to use my phone by Ilubll e·s pl r!t e d cit lzo ns who rece il'l! ances In a buslnessltke wny, very s Imi· with the same or less· mone y. Some· instantl y, So I ave to don Iny dres8- not olte Iw :m7;' of dividends on th c lr lar to th a t In which a man who has times J cnn figure out UlI'C!' or fOltr Ing gowII and du k Into my room whIle inves tm e nt.. The re Is but "e ry small ordered a s hipm en t or good s would t hIngs r really n eed th a t th e Ilarn o t.he furnlly's r e r cse nta llve t e lls doc- (' xvnllslo n pOEnllble to th e busi n ess of tb e larger llumb!'t· of these ntl·a l PlIb' estlmate Ute date oC Its arrIval. money would have bough t. t.orH, tlUNlIlS an ' r elatives a bou t It," Suppose a bUBlu esB man hnd or· I "Thero Is tbe library table thlit J " 1~" e n RO. wb do you n eod the e n· licalfolls , and tb e publlsher, ItS n rul e, ea rll s li ttlf' more than a 1t~ltl g. y et tho j dered a carload of pluea[lvl es Crom have needed so long, The time tor It cyclo ped ia 0 " the Hawaiia n Islands, H e would lwow n e \' er come s- yet I paid $ 18 for pho· "To till \til th lJ'o okcase that Uocle exlsrenoe or Ritc h It pape r tn Ilra Cti Ca l' , Iy c \'crl' tOll'n of :\00 or m OI'A Is dee m· tbe av e rage tim it would tak e th e tographs Ul e otber day . I ,!ould ban' Hitbot Ue gave I e for C bri s tmaB," ed n public It l!Ct:'Kli ity , I l re1lects puh' 1!teamer to make th e trip to th e Pa· bougbt th e library tabl e for that Il r ,IP ntlm (' nl in tit l'ommunit y and I dOc port, th o a\lerage time (or un· money. I could ba\'e paid lbe laundry Banded A \' o l ("~ s illf-' lo(' al II c~ , And thel'efore loading a ud loadin g Into r efrigerator bill with that. $18," Otl O hundre years ago WInter plowed f!eld-Noth:e effect. of freezing lind thawing , cars, and tb e averoge number of days " Th e re Is truth In wbat you say," Britain, RUB sIR, AUlltrla nnd Pntsslo. ('a n 1I0t he l'E'gal'ded 501("ly as II com· Tbe firsl princIpal of soli ttl, l In the fall 01' early wInter will ab, orb to be a.llow ed th ese cars for theIr trIp murmured Ebsau sadly, "I went concludE'd th e tr .aty of Cbaumont, 80 m e reiu l c ll te rpl'l se, Postmas te r General BurleRo n issue d lal;e Is based largely UPOIl plowIng, and bold llle moisture longer ir rightly across Ihe contInent to Ne w York, without Ii phone III my house for called altl!r the French town whore HIs estifuate. however, would be Bub- eight YMrs Il-Dd Bpellt the money I tho allied sover gos then had their the following order (7.800). wblch However, tbere can be DO set of rules bundled In t.he spring Ulan IIprln g Ill o\\". ject to error, be cause the ste.amshlD could have used to pay pbone rent 10 b eadquart e rs , Bring the disputes g i ves the coun t ry \llllltl s he r u th o relle! laId ~OWtl beca use some 60lls can be lng, The UrIne of rail plowed g round might bo delayed by tog, or the cars making monthly ,payments on an eo· mIght llreak up t , .\ plowod deep to udvanl age willie others during the hot Bummer month s Is dtle coalition when Its a s ke d : might meet with nn accident. cyclope dia! CII'd you beat tbat? "'I'he limI t of we lgbt rOI' ntlscellaue, must be plowed more shallow. Tbe In.rgely to tile way It wall hand le d [lncl ohject- the overt ow of NopoleanStA:lrms. ltke pineapples, a8 a rule "Many a lime I hurrIed over to was nil bltt acco pllBhed. Lord Cas- ~us prlntpd matter constituting tblrd, depth wblch one cnn plow his Boll Is cultIvated In the spring, 'rhe rays ot do not orIginate In the United States, nelghbor's phone In my bathrobe t1ereagh, the Brit h plenipotentiary, claSH mail. tbe rate of pos l.age on regulated lar,ely by the depth to Bun w\l1 penetrnte the ground lDuc h 'rhey come to UB, some trom tbe PbU· and slippers wben I could hnve had a proposed to conelu e a treaty among whIc h Is 1 cent for eRcb two ounces , whlcb It wall plowed the precodlng more easily and tllUB can be Ditllited 1pploes. ,Japan, Siberia, Alaska, Cana· phone rlgbt III my own bathroom, the four great po ers which I!hould or tr\lctton thereof, Is tour pounds, seasoD, It Is not lldvlsahle to always much earlier than spring pl01l\'ed soIl. cia or the Gulf of ,Mexico, The weath· and so could have gone along with bind them Bolemnl tA:I ?ne another, Parce ls of miscellaneous IJrlnted mat', plew the same depth a8 the gl'oulld .1'he (reezlng aI,ld thawIng durJng rhe er bureau gets cable, telegrapblc or my ablutions . whtle the boss com. at Ilrst until the co cluslon' of t.he ex· ter 'Weighing more thnn foul', pounds, will become hurd In thE> bottom or , the winter months crumbles tbe ground 5 0 'Wireless notice of a foreign stonn. plulned over the phone about my Istlng war, and then _,o r 20 years arter· but whleh tire wIthin the Irmlt 01 ' furrow an9 will IIltely form a Iiard·pun, that the roots of the plants CILlI pena. >station atter station, or vessel alter latest blunder," w8J'd, The treaty of l Ohaumont, how· welgbt. l\nd sIze rol' matter of thu The gl'ound will then offer 0. r eM lat- trate In al\ dlrt\CUons, Where thert. "In your bathroom!" 'Vellllel reports the storm's arrival In ever, was soon after s'uceeeded by ~at. fourth c!aBtI, eome ,,'Ithln that c lass ance to the roots ot the plant so that , Is 0. large amount of vegetable mat ter :Its neighborhood. 80 that the general "Sur.." I never took a bath 10 my of Parla, signed Ap~ll 11, 1814. by amI are UlaHable at the pound rates tbeY cannot penetrate much deeper I In the ' 8011. Il6 straw and COMI 'fodder dlrectlon and rate of progM!8S can be lite without some one calling m e on whicb Napoleon reno.loced hi, aoy· of postage Drescrihed tor fonrtb claBs than the plow depth. This can be ·1 to 'pl~I\' Itnde~; It.. wouJd be ~VI6'abI6 detennJned very early, In fact, tbe BOrne urgent matter, So my pbone Is erelgnty, t lO!\tter In S~!ltlon. 45&, I .prevented by. plowIng dee~ ~ne to ~Io.w Iii lh~; 'ftlil. ~ It !-hIs , Iii , tur,r.ed This order Wall , sIgned by the POlt· yeu and a little shallower the n~xt , under ill this ~lt:ne, tt '!VlI,1 'be ,well d&mallter General · himself. land ~\tet'natlng year after year', Deep cay~d, by' 'sprl~l. ,:m t~l.· .condltlon ,It R fur bOtl., which any m' en' anll P6stoftlce plow1n l Is alwuys mor., BuccellBtul '11'1\1 . to ' D;lalnhtln "0 ' would envy, of squlrrel--. ___ " .... _# The U - 8. overn . . , h h 11 ' I I 0 .. ' • 'b ' ' th ' · ib ve order ' recog, I·' I al! ' B, 11 ow p ow ~~' , eep ', ~n" white, the toilet being cO>JDPletect Y, .' e I 0 '.. mu.lile brpught abou t' g~adutll\y' t,IJ~.'-Slllli'.( Mrs, Dan Crau ford , whose book, Blbly- for R1t Enl-n' n".,n of l'u~lIsbel's !lnd , Cbanl~ Is' riiad~ from Bhallow, 1J~1~1l~\II~ 1) -'I"U'6" (' ''''' Black," hu created c:on81dwere taa,blollable- by ODe OL,. JllnI,..'.I.JIIUII 't ~ ,.j t.h8,r:·,lnlial~'" the ' ~,itI the. hest ' Craufqi-cJ's .~r~ SP6cla.Uy

""tI" ".




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:: -. : ,









< (




The building of tile fit. LOll Ie Feed COnllllin)' of St. LouiR waR df'mollshed .... hp.n a portion of a seveD IItory wall of the hurned Missouri Athletic c lUb toppl ed ov e r on It. At least seven II p rBODIl wero killed In the St . Loulll !"eed compolo ), ' . butJdlng. The picture 9hows workmen taking bodl 'lB from tll'! ruills .






W it h 1' P' f I I Jla R ij p ngpr~ ulld "r""'" of :\ti lSuI·eli. the Btl' a nt e r l' lty of Sl rlrn·y . whid! rUII Oil th.· Sambru ",,· k". :l!'i ml !PH "D~t or Ilullfux. hUR b ..... 11 aban d on ed lIlld 1& \l ~ p ' ~ rt"d '0 b"' ~O [J1'3 Ii 1011.1 IU8 d Th t! l ' ll } fir ::l lrlh ey r g ldwl'eu l .ti:14 tOil " anI! Way built In :-<ew castle. ~;ngland. In 189U .


. lIe c us tom hOll S6 at :'\ogal08. M'·xico. h; tit ..: huadquartl'f R or Preside nt. Carranza. the constiluUl"nallst lead nr. and h e r p it III tbat every move of th e constitutiollull s t:\ III carefully dl!lcuB8ed . The photograph shows the IHad l) r nnd hi s ca bll l"t after one of th eMo SCSSIOI1H . i.e !t to righ t . s~llt e " : ~' . Escudero. nlilllHter of foreign affairs; Governor ~lay­ tprCt~1l or So nora. Presid e nt ('nrroll za. (:cnero l 1'1!fi'lu el ra , Ant.onlo la Perill . gtnndlng behi nd Ca rranza 18 Major Tro,,100. chief of tbe pe rsonal swff.



Th·(' Illclure shows President lIuerta and Ueueral IIInnil uet. s ecrllwl'y oC WILl'. at the recent ceremonies In Mexico City. when Huerta l'reHe nted the Twenty ·nlnth r egiment with tho coloMl. Pres id ent Hu erta Is seen returning the !!alUle or the I·oglmenl.


Mr. de SauUes. betler known to Yale graduates aM " Kid" de Saulles .. Br san's goo.t,'· as this fine s pecimen of the lIamll famlly hS8 bee n dubbed, and one of the greatl'st football atars arrive d at New York recently from Buenos Ayres . but was refulled ndmlsslon Yale ever produced. Is lho n ewest ad· m th'o country bocalllll) it 18 sufferIng from foot and mouth disease. dillon to the diplomatic corps. H, has just beon IIPllolnle d minister to





j Pr,,~id()nl . and Mrs. Wilson recently announced th e ('ngngemc nl oC tbeJ.r dllugbtll r. Eleanor Ilnndolph WlIl,on (rIKht" to William OIbl'\5 McAdoo (lett). M iRS Wilson w!ll be tho !ourttlenth Vv hlle House \)rldo. Shl! Is twenty-four years Old. Mr. McAdoo Is secretary of the treas ury . HI! Is Hfty yc8l'lI old, !lnd a" ra ctll'e 1 u wl d ow(' r with six childre n. '

1'1'('"~ l\l an

Clark of

01' I he gi rl s of the

who Ilr o d (1\)utant e s



I d eputy

Ac ti vities of Women.

or t h e commission ot public

:'.li,," l\ ev!l Oeurdo rr has bee n all' !I IIlDd5. is !Jeld by a womau, Mrs. Allred

poluted ellier of the division of vlt.ul S tewart. \ ~latlstj!.'5 in Phlladeillhlll, a position I Mrs. Mira W. P.lcha.tds Is t.he only former I)' held by a 108Jl~ wo mll n memb er of the press gtillery In JURl bccaus · ahe r rused to assist Wash.lngton , Sbe r epresents several be the a sneSH OI-S. Dr. Anna Shaw, the suf- New Hnmpsbfro and Massachus et~ trage lender. bad ber taxos incrlln&C<l n CWllpapers, aboul !l00 per ce nt. ' - - ----....:.The big railroads' ot the cQ\,lntry wllt b e asked to have raMrODS on all tal,elr . trains act '11$ cll&~rons \lod


.care ')..

.. an~





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Su nday Illurning.


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T il,' W . l'. T . l . hel d a ve ry en· j,'ypl,l,' ~e. ·H , '1I at th e home of th e , I i ~""H l~d l y un TlI ~sd ay afternoon. II Il ,i fI\(' nll' d ing- WH~ opened h.v t he repe::1 II lililill " t' the ~:~rrll',;al m . after wh ich :\l r~ ~VI1 , )tell led in pra yC'r . A "Ivl" th .. r':;ldin g of th e minutes I, :111<1 "d1l'1' I , tlsi n . ~!> a n exceedingly \\'l'll ,wl'il l(?n pa pe r on the lif", of :-, I ·Il I c r I-'r: Lllc('s I·:. Wiliar,) w as read by Mrs. II tI ,' \\ n! . T. F raTne . Afte r r-;o nl e rliscu!t oJ. ' ~ i "l1 uf : his p" p ,~ r and "t he r matte r" III II IlL,· llIl't'lilig adj ourneu . 'I' lu' nex t meeti ng will be helL! a t II,, ' h() m ~ of 1\1rl:l. Lc roy Irons the () .1 ,1 :,0 i ll ,. ( 'i'lle"duy in May. 1·1



, 10

~· I



Farms F 'o r Sale

I have sev ral farms listed with me for sale. If 'yo~ are in the market, see me at once as some of these will soon be sold.

Roy Irons ••••-'" I I


Bibles Always In Demand.




Of a Different Kind.

"OlL, Will," she sald, moving a trifle cloBer to him. "I am BO glad you are not rich! They say that Bome of these mllUonalres rece ive threatenIng lett ers saying that something dreadful w1lJ. happen to them If they don't pay the .wrlters sums of money." "Oh, Is that all?" replied Will. "Why, I get plenty of, such letter8."-Yonkers

If you have Wool· for sale, .call me up, as I will pay you the highest cash price for jt.


c. B. BENTLEY Phone 135

Bruce Steddo m, Iaged 28. died at his hom e !lea r f:regOnia, Friday Proof of Goodne... evening. The fu eral took place Be I.s a good ·man, who can receive Tue, day morning t t he Turtlecreek church, Am os Coo~. officiating. In\ a. gift well.-Emerson . tprmcllt was mad · in the .cemetery at that place. I ,




ombining D"'.1lI4eSs.~anti




Every farmer who owns an Indiana Silo .IS found that it is the best business deal ' e ever made and the greatest pleasure t hil farmiDg experience. It not only , .;d. ~ to the net "rofits of the dairy ·,d feedi~g pens but It also saves all the '" U'd. I1Dpleluiant work of winter feeding. We I1a:ve au especially attractive propo. ",tion to inak~ to you now-one that w:ill :nabJe y01l, to Silotn time fbl'i!lezt f!ll'. sud to pay for .it 8M K plJI8 ~ . .you about it. . ~, ii .

:' 0 '


Apron Ginghams Dress Ginghams Calic oe Sheeting Madras Table Damask India Linen The Famous Selz Line Foulard A Shoe for Everybody . Russian Cord Every Puir Guarlinteed .

Mi!lS Belle O'Neall is the g uest of he r brother, Mr. A. T. O'Neall , of London .

M.l'. and Mrs. J e rry Him es, ofCente rvill e , spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr:l. Owen Burnett. Mr~ RO!>11 Weaver , of Dayton, has ueen the g uest of relatives at Mt. Holly for several days.

Horn- To Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Stout, April 6th. at Pasadena. Cal., a son. Law rence Thayer. Mrs. Lester Gordon. of Morrow, sp ent Monday with her parents, Mr . and Mrs. H. H. Wilkerson .

A few Specials for Saturday

Regular meeting of Eastern Star Monday evenin g, April 13. All mem· bers are req uested to be there.

26 Ibs Franklin extra fine Oran. sugar $1.19 25 Ibs Standard Oranulated sugar 1.1 & 4 Cans Sweet Corn ( I Oc quality) .2& Extra Choice Dried Peaches. a Ib:-.10

Mrs . Knowles Conn and son Kenneth. of Springfield, we re guests of Israel Satte rthwaite a'ld family las t week.


Mrs. J C. Hawke and Mrs. J . E. Janney attended the fune ral of Mrs. Luella Sheets at Ridgeville last Fri· day afte rnoon,

Ask for your tickei s with Every Purcharse

Mr . 8,nd Mrs . C. T . Hawke and dau g hters, Sybil and Helen, IIpent SUl\,!ay in Dayton, the ~uest.3 of Mr. and Mrs . Jas. Stoops.


L. S. Whiteman moved to his cou ntry residence last week from the Bank .F'lats. Myer Hyman.. nloved into these flats Monday. Don't forget the Poultry Association's marke t at Malfit's on April 11th, All the "good ~ta" that can be found will be on sale there,


Easter MillinelY

W ill be given from Mond ay. April '11th, to Mo nda y, April 2Ut h, Oil all purchases made wi th cas h o r produce 0 ; for mo ney deposited durinK I he


to b,. t raded o ut a ft e rward s . Dou hle ,'''''POII S will I.e give n on "" I · ,Ieme nt of account • . I \\ 'c 11it\'" a lo[ of le' I,"'s from childre n, a nd -to each o ne hall din g- in \\Ie g iwe



Women and MiSSel Semi-Dress and Tailored Hats, Unique Creations, amazing in their harmonious beauty a.nd variety every hat distinctly smart, portraying the true spirit of Fa~hion.

Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Davis, of Rancocas, N . J ., Mrs. Lizzie Wellington , o~Chicago, S. D. Everly, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Compton, son and daughter, of Dayton. attended the funeral of Mr. Mark Davis Monday.

Children a,n d

A large Assortment of the most desirable styles $t mod erate prices including all the popular spring shades that are striking features of this season,

e~tsrZ'E I

Crean Street

and a sack of cn lI<1y. Du Y"'I \\'a lll it' Then bring in a sho rt Ir ll e r . T i ley lIIU S! 1)(, br"" g hr il\ I,,, g 'llll r . day ni g hl , !\ pril 1:';1 h . To [h e chi ld wrili ng rl,,· h~ , t h · tt~ r will be iii\' n a ,; pound " o x fallcy ChOl' ,la Ll.:s . Sl' e tI ,e rules nn the I'oster a t O llf s tore. ~Iusic nex t SalLlfuay .

-- .


ney coo·k wIth an unusual faclllty for the misuse of words. One morning thts week she said to ber mistress : "'Ow much would one of those eotree calculators casU" "Why," asked the mletress soberly, "are you percolating on getting one ?"-Ka.nsa8 CIty Star.

1 have. decided to re'enter, tbe Cleanjbg aud Pressing busin~, and am now at your service. MyoId rule-"Satisfaction Of ~o . Cbarge"-stlU holds good, Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin barber shop or can phone· 8-2r.

Pieree ~ Presser e



Subscribe for the .·Mia~i , Cazetl~,




T im kins' Little

Special this week for Easter Dinners

Mr. Spriggs, who was portant, made an a bsurd Tl mklns' extra lot In


Lettuce, Radishes, Celery, AP'I He allow ed a day for Mr. "'''_'r'_m pies , Oranges. thlnl{ It over: then ca lled you enterta In my pr()PoBl\tton aslted. "No," said Mr. SPCcial .sale this week for 3 days proposition entertained l ;hursday, Friday and Saturday York Evening POllt. Clean Easy Soap 6 cakes for 25c and 500 CoupOns FreeOld Stream Put to Modern .The stream which has been' B"I~pllr;. . fng the ancient city of .l.IIlmO,8C1~.1\ w~ter . for' .nearl;y 40


. beeil harnessed and wllrllr')vl,~6· 1~eo-·


..ttlolty. to light olty -'l~~~~,~~~~~~ ' ioo mU~. tit ral1w~y, .


She Wanted a COffee t alculator. In a South s ide home there Is a cock·

l1. B 1II1iooro& eggs for hatobing from Relected pore bred st·ock. bourn e Hou se. 8pso.n, Eng1a ndi !lnd 50 cent-EI It. 81l f.t.ln~. Mrt', E . S. Fur t ool, refu ge In t h tl larlier, which meas- U8S. W'h.y nesville, O. Phone 337,;'. It. 21 ures eight t' l'P.t by Ixi The huntsman nnd whips qui ckly cau}o up and, secur. f\Q W B and pigs for salli. .r"r fur. Ing th e s ta g wi t h J'OP\'JB. placed It In tber InformAtion call phQne 37 Borne stabl es, from wltlch ~t was reay' or addresl! B. V. Smith. War· moved shortl y aft or~ard8. ne!!ville. Ohio.

1iity COUPOI1 S rr~e

roung Misses .!-

Lute ClalJsified Ads Queer Refuge fa ' Hunted Stag. PurEued by houn s a stag boundea I n th r ou gh the oper French windowS of th o Y. M . C. A. bu\ld\.ngs at Ash·

tlm~ .

a Jetter


An infant chi ld , granddaughter of Hen. Kept Busy. Lafayet te Robins n. of near OreThere are used dally I.n die UDlted gonia, died Thurs ay. The funeral. e;!tates a bout 50,000,000 eggs. took pl ace on F ·iday. Interment was made in Mia . cemetery.



Mr. J . H. Linton. of Clarksville, flpen t Sunday · with relatives here .

Miss Zimmerman . re turned to her studies at Oxford college MonMrs. Elizabeth Wright, aged 91, day, after a delightful visit of a week died at the home of her daughter, here with relatives and frien~s. Mrs Emeli ne Gr egg. near Bellbrook, last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wright Mr. and Mrs .· R. A. Cross arrived was . a pioneer resid ent of Greene home Monday, after spending the cOllnty. The fu.nera l service!! were winter iri Texas. They are both held Saturday mornin,g- at 10 o'clock looking as if the Sunny South had from t he resid ence of Mrs Greg~. ben"fitted them. Inte rment was made in Cor win ceme· tery . Miss Sybil Hawke, of Delaware college, has been spending a week's Luell a M. Sheets , of Ridgeville, vacation with her pa rents, Mr. and died last Tuesday at her home there Mrs. C, T, Hawke. She returned of acute indigestion. The fun era1 to her college this morning. wa!! held at her late home Friday afMr . and Mrs, James Zell and ter noon at 2 o·clock. Interment was made in Spring boro. She was a sister daught'~r, of Yell()w SprintrB. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell, of Springof Phi ll ip Spe nce. field, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. l<'ra~k Zell Tuesday.

Mrs, Elizabeth Huffman. died at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Beach, Thursday. The funeral was held at the chap el li10nday morning. Inte rment wlls ma~ in Miami ceme· tery . '1 - - - - 1 _ _"


Some elegant New Goods in

early potatoes. Get your order in his late home Monday morning at 10 early, as this car will not last lopg. o'clock. In terment was made in Call phone 49 1-L 2-8. Chas. Frye. Miami cemetery.



Dry Goods


American pressel! tu rn out 15,000,000 Bibl es a year, while the E nglish presses turn out twice as mnny, and I yet rarely Is there an e rror dlscovI ered. Bibles are sold as low 8 S five I cents per , CODY, and ml1llons are distributed tree.' It 1B printed in 400 different languages and dial ects, about \ 30 per cent . being In English. Its clrlsa!\c Hufl'm9.n. aged about 82, I haVE! a car in of the best fertilizer ·cnlatlon Is not only the largest of any died at his home near Oregon ia, Work but Is constantly increasIng. Friday. Th e funeral was held at mrde, jUlt the thin&' for oats and

W00L :I

Mr. Perry and Miss Mary were Xenia visitors Monday ,


Corwin, O.


:'l Iar\; nav is, a n ol rl and res pected I ·· ·~ l'em o f a U r nti encf' ....... .... ' !J 7 I !H i !J:~ I lJO I' !J~ I 77 l'iti:~ell, di f'd a t his home on Main I s t ree t. Fri d ay e v ni ng: . a rt t.~ r a long ,I l :l <I .1 1 ~f, il lllcs,,,. T"~ fU llt' ra l took place at \ ..~il ~ II f ,";upe ri n telldenl .. .. .. ... . , .1 --~-:;.::;..;.;...;.;.;.;.;.;..~,;.;.;.,-~..:.;..;-~...;;~-:....:--=.---~~...:.:..:.....:!-...!.-..;:;;.: his late hu rnc IYlonday afternoort at 2::lIJ , a mi was c0Il l! ll ctcd by t he I' upi ls IWilhcl' a bse nt nor ta rdy . None IIic k ~it e Fr iends. I nterm en t w as MI. Holly Red On'< mad e in !\1iarni ce me te ry. }{ussell Ma r tin Henry Burge ~ ugar Grove H ~le r. Mart in Adda Burge Alit:e Winston Carma n Crane Anna Burg" C h H~ 0 " ar, !'lo n of f\Ir and Mrs Puul Stokes Marip , urfact' ~ pr il1 )! I ;ranch ChaR. e ro.'>,. di ed at h is Iwme on th e Anna Thomas Lowt'll Thomas r uwnsl:ip l'o :1 d , Satu rday e vening at Lois Daldn [·:Jna Lacy Earnest Ea rnha r t :'I1argare t Crane Harmon IJi li N"lson Rrown Inez Th m as H a ruld Earnha r t 8 ,)·rl o('k . Tht' fune ral took place at t he lal(' resid ence Tu e~day at 12 , arl Dakin William Dr"~,e Purnett Butterwo rth ,/ t:l ocl<. Interm ent. wss made in Esther Curtis Lau I"a Hill Harmon y Grove Cen tcrvill L' cc m ct e r y. Green Briar Russell Stanley Mabel Stanley Glenna H;tl ey Lola Bernard Marybelle Harner Alice Gons Margaret Marlatt Rhodes Bunnell Carlton Cook J oseph Haines Mrs. Roy Mar~h all, aged 38, after J Melvin Marlatt Ethel Satterth wai te Effie Burn aru a long illn ess, di'ed at her home Ruth Satter l.h waite Lowell liill Mondav mornin g at 7:30 . The lieorge Sattert.hwaite fun e ral was held today from the Lulu Kellis Henry Orndorf Cle ment Satterthwaite house. Rev . C. S . Grauserofficiating Raym ond St'arr Clyde Shutts Interment in Miami cemete ry. I College Hill P ea r l Orndorf Earnest Shutts Elizabeth Starr Irma Shutts E llis Smith Gayle Evans Joseph Shutts Lester Starr Hazel Salisbury Marie Squires Ha rold Shu~ t s J Carl Squires Mrs . Joseph Turnbu ll dierl at Clark Sal isbury Grant hospital , Columbus, last Wed· nesday morning. foll,.wing an opera· tion. Mrs. Turnbull'R maid en name Miss Mattie Dean , and was a sister of Mr . Eli Dean, of Route 3 The funeral took place at her late ht)me nellr Jam es to wn Saturday morning . I

-.-. -.. _._ __.'.-----------------------------r I.--Personal" Mention I - - - - - --- -- ..-.. H~NDfRSON'S PRfMIUM STORE .~._

Y lI ll

~::; '2 Co ::: , ;: ii: ~I ~ ~= I "




t a rdl lll·,;.<; ... .. . ..... .. ....

': '. nf pu pi! s



t;: ' ::T_.



:1IH(' I!('( •.. . /

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' ~C<' O ll d ,I f Sl'rit'!> 0n Th e FOllr Verities nf Christian ilv will Uf' prpachedon !-i u n,]:\\, n i ~~ hl : ~lIbjl'('t. "J l'!>lIS Christ ,

, c .= ~ ! , I ~ _ . -=~S-:.: - ~ ~ ~I


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1 "I .




- -.-

Mrs. W. H . Allen was in Ci ncinArl:"l\l<!(1 Hi m'! " All Rer- nat.i Monday, ~' ~ ok ::! . ~o \'" ',Vi ('L'S li re h PIIlt:' it('l d ill Masonic HaiL :.n~ . ~:;j ~r-< . ., ~ c ~< ~ =' \ ~.-S ~'c :!Q ---- .. - - - -A. L. Hendricks and .wife moved IO;=- ·<. ,\ -..... 0;r." ')q I ::J., ' - It' ..,~ 3:=~ t , to Lebanon Monday. ' . C. 'r • U. .' \I'ETING .: , Ul

;:,.' '! it) I QJ~ I - :::::~ < ro


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, "J.~



,~.' Moto(~ycles ---_. '.,



H. ,


Paintin,g, . Paper a~d' C:arriage



Sixty-FIfth 1rear



r.i· :::::-P~~e:r:s"o"n'::a'1--;~M'+:-e'D':'ti"~O'D"~C:"o"lu:~m":.'n·=::::::::·111, lI L ... ...- ..--... ,, ,....----.- ......._........ J.

Whole Number 325.9

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_______ e

.:..-.-Social -- - -



every of detail was the event of Saturday , the season (the last meeting is al· -.-. ..-...-.1 ways the best you know) was held evening. April 11th. when at thLir C. V. Mason, or BellbrOOk:, hlUl home on Main street, Mr. and Mrs. ~on Thur sday, April 9th, at Sunny Mr. and Mrs. F. H . Farr enter· just sold his entire lot of chickens to Juhn Adams Funkey gave in mar· ..... . ,--.... - ...-~ .... - ...... ---- ... --... ...... --.--.-... Brook Farm, the hospi table home of tained Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer the "Flesh Air Farm" at that place. ri age their only daughter, Evelyn. to Mr. and Mrs. Sam·1. Mererlith The at dinner Sunday. School Hall, April 23 . Fun. morning hours were as usual, spent "Dick" must be a good judge of MI". James Roy Andrews. The r ain School Hall, April 23. Fun. chickens, as well 83 of horse fles h, cloud s of an unpropitiou s day were in a social way. At noon a most E. V. Barnhart was in Cincinnati ,Ray Law. or Lebanon, was in b ~. untiful dinner wa~ served to thirfor he got $1.09 apiece for the fowls . blown away I"te in the afternoon Mr . and Mrs A. Maffitt ate Ea'3ter town Munday. ty-two club members , and a number an, I the sun peeped forth for awhile last Wednesday. Day dinn er with Mr. and Mrs. Bud t o make "happy the bride whom the . ' . . , of in vit ed g uests. At two o'clock Ll oyd , a t Harveysburg. sun shines on." As if t('l make MISS W!nmfred Macy was in Day· Kenneth RIdge, ,oJ' Loveland. wa..'1 Pres. Cartwright called the meeting Clarence Hamilton, son of Geo. a mends for the remiss actions of the ton last Yo ednesday. here Sunday. to order when that dear old familiar Hamilton, of Xenia. 'has been ad · day, th e full moon. resplendent in 0 L . t S t d II hymn, "Nearer My God to Thee" vanc~ to the position of trainmaster all her glory, made the evening most t. .ang own a ur ay on arvey Gustin was a Dayton vis· was sung. foll owed by prayer by Miss Letitia McKay had as her on the P., Ft. W. & C. railroad with beautiful. The rooms were taste. profeSSIOnal bu.mess. . itol' Mond ay. Rev. Grauser. Miss Josephine Ogles· guesta Sunday. Mrs . Mary Caskey headquarters at Ft. Wayne. The Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sam! Stoops. of Harveysburg. bee gave the current events. which and Miss Annie Brown. change for Mr. Hamilton carries a fully decorated with smilax and cut was in town Saturday. we re most ·in te resting. The essayis t great deal of responsibility Rnd hard blooms, while the pink shaded lights King , April 7th, a daughter. being a bsent, the time was spent in work. but he has shown in the past cast a 80ft glow over lill. As th~ gues?, llS..'lembled they were If you want a good Ferti! izer call Buy yo ur Fertilizer of Chas. Frye, the discussion of the Special TopicMr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman ate to be a competent man, and will fill whu handles Mil son 's t he bes t. "Our industrial situation. more pay their Easter dinner with Mr. and the present position with credit to ente.rtalJled wI~h ~ell rendered mus!c Chas. Frye, phone 49 1.L 2-S. of plano and vlolm by Mrs. FrederIC and less hours are favored and de· Mrs. F. B. Henderson and family. himself and the railroad. Baily Sherword and Miss Grace Miss Lucille Cornell has been vis· Mr. and Mr s. J . . O. Cartw right manded ." This discussion was Carman. As the hands of the clock iting relatives in Wilming ton . were Ueyton visito rs Thursday. opened by Mr. Henkle, and was par · TRAIN STRUCK BOV started upward the familiar strains ticipated in by the gentlemen presen t Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright, and or Lohengrin. played by Mrs. Sher- . Miss Florence Wilson was the guest A. B. Chandl er and wife visited The thoughts presented were too Lester Brown. ailed 12, 80n of Mr. wood, were heard and the bridal of her uncle at Wilmington last week. relatives in New Vienna las t week . rambling for the writer to give any son Elliott, were Easter Day guests atdinner of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. and Mra. Ernest, Brown, of Dayton, party entered; first MIsses Stella expres8ion of them. andag1·aJlI~sonorMr. Simeon Brown Lemmonaml Vivien Stillwell, dressed Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cor· Song I{eeital, Dramatic Sketches, Miss Anna Meredith, of Pleasant Crane and family . of Lytle. met his death in Daylon in white crepe de chine with girdles nelius, of Utica, April 6th, a daugh. Impe rsonations at Schoo! ,Ial1, April Ridge school (near Cincinnati) was laBt Friday. Lester, WIth two of his of pink, making a ribboned aisle ter. 23. present and gave a most interesting co~panionl were walki\l~ on the long from the door of the dining room to talk on "English Literature," This Mr. and Mrs Geo. Riley anti Misses trestle of the Big Four railroad south an improvised altar, banked with Miss Emma Hill, of Wilmington, Mr. Will Foglesong, of Xenia, was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Blanche ami Perle Riley and B. S. of the city, and when in the middle palms, on the east aide of the living Ohio. is the guest of Mrs. Agnes was the gu est of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mis8 Anna has for three years been Silver and Lyman Silver were Easter of the bridge a train whistled, and room. Following them came the Wright. Taylor. maki ng th is subject a special feature fiay guests of Maurice Silver and the boys dropped to the trestle and officiating clergyman Rev. Clarence of her school work, and each year family. were told to lie flat -and the train S. Grauser; next the groom and his Mis~ Edrya ~anney, of Oxford. C:)I· Mr. and Mrs. My er Hyman and receiv :!s Ii raise in wages . Too much would pass ' over them. But the best man, Mr. Pretzinger, of Dayton, le~e. IS enJoYIng the Easter hohdays child were in Xenia over Sunday praise cannot be given this worthy Saturday evening being the anni· noiae of the train· as it came on the after them the maid of honor, a WIth her parents , visiting relatives. young lady. "Coronation" was then bridge alarmed the youngliters and sister of the grooll!, a pre.tty and . sung. after which Bro. Grauser pro· versary of John Stansberry'8 birth,' two of them jumped upand leaped vivsciousblonde,handsomelygowned J. Dayton Clark. of Oayton. WIll The Bentley Bra!:! . received word nounced the benediction. The in· several of his friends were invited to to the adjacent track, The trainmen in pink crepe de chine and carrying add ret's the. G. A. R Pp, t at Leba· Sunday of t he death of their brother vited guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mere· bis home to make merry with · him. did not see the boys until they started a ma88 of sweet peas. 1'he bride non MemorIal day. at his hOmE! In Xenia. dith were Rev. Grauser and wife, He received many beautiful presents to aet up and leap to the other track. came lu t. on the arm of her father. Mr. and Mrs. George Daugherty, and his guests had a good time. It Waf; too late then to stop the train. Her gown wu . ivory crepe m'eteor Kenneth Hough and Lee Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart. Mr. Lester Brown Btirred and it is en train and trimmed with princess of ~be O. S. U ..are at home on of Lebanon, railed on Mr. M. C. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker, Mr. and th~l1ght that horrified he made an lace; the veil being caught by a sprig theIr Easter vacation. Liddy Monday evening. Mrs. Seth Furnas, Miss Florence The Loyal ' DaughtA!rs and Junior to leap to the other tr--I'after of oran"e blO8SOms. Her only orna· h'd' Wilson and Miss Stella Daugherty. Loyal Daulfhters beld a union meetelltort Il IICA mentw:S a La Vallieres, the 8.lift of Mrs. T as. Ml dleton, of Spring Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Dodds !lnd son. ' • __- - at the home of Miss Martha Cook ~mc~! thfetCOhaethb~rdhad Pchaaaed hlmht· the groom. She carried a shower Valley, was the guetlt of Mr. and Carl, were guests of Mr. and Mr::!. SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES ing Tuesday evening After a sh(Jrt prohi;:~;=lh~ sm~lI ~f thc:back~~!"" boquet of valley lilies. A striking Mrs. Walt~r Elzey Thursday. ft'. W. Hathaway Easter Day. . gram and the transaction of the . aed 'himforaapaeeanddroppedhim .... coupem I . d eed were th ey. Th e b'd rl e Mrs. Etta Printz and Mr. Joe ThEaster W Sunday h M was a gbrlOus I day.II business of the class a pleasant social .between the two tracks of the trestle, tall, stately a~d handsome; the iroo m Printz. of Dayton, wl're Sunday Mrs. Rebecca Miller and Ron, of e eat .er an .\\.'as SUre y we Sf'..Mion was enjoyed The next meetA spot of blood on the iron girdere looked eve~y lnch a man and prou.d guests of Mr. and Mr s J. M. Taylor. Day ton. were the guests of Mrs. U. p!eased WIth .condlt~Oll8, for never ing will be held at the home of Mrs. at'the base of the trestle showed of the prIze he had won. theIr G. Whetsel, of Corwin. Sunday. did the sun sh.m e brIghter, and t~e . 'd f tb . new Easter Sutta were very much m O. H Palmer. that he had been severely injured VOICt;S /lave eVI ence 0 elr ap· Mrs. Lida Killen, of Terre Haute, evidence. The churches were well befoh! he hit the water. preclatlO!, of the solem!, vows th~y lnd., is visiting her father and Mrs. Mollie Edwards and daugh· filled, people showing their def. An effort to draa' the river for the were takmg as they phghted t~elr mother Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Fos- ters, the Misses Trillena and Margar. erence for the day by going to Rev. and Mrs. J . F. eaawallad~r body WJl8 made ' but to trotb according to th~ ,ful! nnK ter. ' et. sp~nt tbe ,wPek·end with Mr. and church. assisted bi Mri. D. L. Crane an'd dept-b of the "&o'h~ -'6.'I"·lceremony oftbe'Ml!thodiBt EplllCopal Mrs. O. J. Edwards. A h Ch' t' h h he'd Mrs. E. V: Barnhart entertained t at that l't had to be church. The froom received the M t e rlsservicee, Ian c urc, es Tuesda.y evening those wbo partlci· cur&v" dr. an d MAd rs . nbrews,o f Day to n, the t regular there Slwas alvah up. A boy !!!Couts i" hand of his bri e from her father an Mr. J ohn Stans erry were Iluests Mr. and ~rs. J. C. Hawke a.nd special mURic at,' both the Sunday. pated in the cantata given in the .leo makina an to locate the After congratulations the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stansberry daug~ter, MISS Clara, &ttended m· school and church services. The church. Those invited were: Mr. ho!ly '. , were faultle:IBly served with a supper over Sunday. SpectlOIl of the ~tern Star at Mor· Easter offering was sent to the Or- and Mrs. Elmer Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. ",Th~ ~ of younK Brown baa pot in keeping wi :h all the other aprow Saturday evemng, phan's Home at Cleveland. J. H. Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred bien foillid yet, altho~ h every eftort pqintments. At the bride's table, Edward Elliott, the monologist, At the Orthodox Friends church a B. Henderson. Dr. and Mrs. A. 1._.. ··mA.l to locate it. It i4 betides the happy couple were the who was heard here a year ago, spent M H b t Ed d C I e lUllS .... d d f h M' essrs. er er war s. ar good conare""ation characterized the T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. nrobable th=it will not be recovered. bestII man an maiG 0 onor, \8ie8 Friday and Saturday with Dr. and H k H ug h an<.l~ ror co est R'd d ·" Crane, Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Barn· 4" Le Ca d awe, 1 ge an ','" rVI'ces there. 1. __ been l'n the water Ste a mmon. raced MnnanF an E Mrs A · T· Wrl ' ght Ral pence, hP f Dayton. spent S un· ,,.. until the bart, the Misses Lucy Emley, mID · · 0 The M. E . church had special Vivien Stilwell, Mr. an rs. . • d . h tl.., . ts h Ion'" eoou--" to float. . Sherwood, Mr. Shroyer and Mr. JeB8e Burton and Chas. Stans. ay WIt "elr paren ere. music at all their aervices. In the Helen Marlatt, Edna Satterthwalte. Hazel Gustin. Ruth Hartsock, Mary Warren H. Keys, Much interest bury spent Thursday in Dayton, M d M P k' D' f evening Rev. Grauser gave his sec- Salisbury and Mr. Thos. Pierce was manifested in the bride's cake looking after the interests of the r. an . rs. . er ms aVIS, 0 olld sermon on the "Four Verities of DEATHS The evening was very pleasantly from Which MIB8 Flora Tibbliols was MIami Basebsll team. Ne\~ Jersey, the MISSes Eva an.d ~ary Christianity." . DaVIS a~d M.r. Raymond pavl8 V1SltAt St. Augustine's church the ser· spent with Victrola music. The main lucky in getting the heart, Miss Robt. McKay, of near New Bur· Pretzinger laid up future 'riches in Miss Ethlvn Jones, of Oxford col. ed relatlves In Dayto'l FrIday. vices were attended by a large con feature of the evening was the 80ft maple wax. IIngtOn, died very suddenly at his find ' ' . w h'l Warren Iege, came h t week f or t h e Messrs. J . 0 . C t ' ht , L . A. gregation. . 109 t h e SIXpence, 1 €I onlei88 ar wt:lg At St. Mary's church the services home' Friday afternoon of heart dis· ease, The deceaSed was well known Keys \\las relegated to a life of un· Easter vacation. She was accQm· Zimmerman, C. M. Robltzer, F ~. were as follows: At 7:00 a. m., A d l' h f i t f th k and' bis many friends were shocked to remitting toil by receiving the panied by a friend, Miss Ellen Staller. Farr. A. Maffit an~ Ur .. J. T. ~lhs Holy Communion,' 9:15 Sunday· attended the Rcottlsh Rite meetmg school; 10:30 Holy Communion and 8 mi8C~l~~use~~w~r s:::;.e M~':. hear of his death. Funeral took ~~~~dr~nl:lt~~ S~~t~~:t~nS:y~ plaoo at his late home Monday after. moon trip to Old Point Comfort. ci~~ti~~~e~~ li;e ~n"j::';II,of ~~: at Dayton last week. sermon by Rev. Cadwallader. The day afternoon by Mias Emma Hawke 'DOOn. Interml!nt w~ made at New The bn'de'8 "a,ol·ng·aWD\1 gown" k edd' S t d . d . churcb was handsomelY decorated. I'n compll'ment to the bn·d .... eleet .B~rJii1flton; being of navy blue chitfun broad· w::gU~~ of ~S8aY~:!~'iier:h •. MISS Fut]h Hartsock takes ple~ur~ The chancel was full of beautiful cut Mi'38 Winnifred Macy. After"" aom~ cloth. At the express wish of the • ID a~n~uncmg th~ of a plan flowers, and the cro88ing was decor- music and a general good time the bride all doleful features were eHm. way. Studl~ ll1 connectIon her home orated with cut flowers, palms and young ladies were Invited to the , Mrs. Mary A: ' Phillips, wife of inated and a happier, Kayer wedding on Tlll~d street for 'and ferns in great profusion. The music dining room where a three course Miss Herman Badie, Mrs. ThoB. convemenCEl of her at the 10:30 service was, as usual, of luncheon was served. The table was .SteYePtitIUt:..ef:-W,aahington. D. C., never occurred. ~ Orne ··Monday mlirning. ' d artistically decorated with individual ~ dl~.t her The bride is one of the village's Fletchan, the Misses Freeda and t he h'19h cIass t hat h as ch aractertze 'Jllebody w... brought here and the fairest daullhters, a graduate of the Mary Baring. and Mr, Henry Waef· Ralph J . Hill, of tsburg , who the music in this church for several candles and pink roses. The favors .fun,ru took place today from the high school, anaccompliahed musician fles, of Cincinnati, attenderl the fu· has been slPending Easter hoi· years. Mrs. A. T. Wright was the were pink dolls bearing lllace carda. Cbria~ " church, Relv. J. F Cad· and an~active participant in all 8OC,!ial neral of ~rs. Roy Marshall las.t idays at his home in Ie. was soloi~t, and Miss Ruth Hartsock The reading of the "Bride's Book" ~lltder.omciatillfl. Intermtnt.was events For a' few years she has Wednesday. theguestoi'bis inn,th"". Mrs. p"eslded at the organ. Rev. Cad- which was written by the guestsaf~e In Miami cemetery. been engaged in library work in . Elizabeth R.omine last ednesday. wallader preached one of the best forded much amusement when read '.' • _. - . Chicago and other Western citi..:-s. .M8;B8rs. J. C, Hawke. Wm. Dm· sermons that has ever been heard in aloud. Miss Macy received many The groom is well established in wlddle, D. H. H\)cket~, Raymond . called to the church on Easter day. The col- useful gifts from her friends as a OBITUARY owing lection was about $190. The Sunday- token of their love and best wishes. business in Chicago and beats a Conper, Harvey Gustm a'.ld Roy Cardmgt~n" reputation deserving of the bride he Chenoweth. attended a K. of P. ban- to the serlo'us rather, school collection was over $14.00. The invited guesta were the Misses '1::~~o,~D~:oering Marshall bas been tortunatA! to · win. The qllet at Sp'mgbor~ last week. They the. Mosher. •- • Winnifred Macy. ;Edytha Maw. Ij Germany. De- gifts to the bride of china, crystal, all report a fine tIme and plenty to Whll~ Ii condition HUSTLERS ENTERTAIN Ruth Bart!lOck, Hazel Gustin. Irma died April 6, silver and gold were many and be~u· eat. . remalDS about the _ __ Hough, Helen Marlatt. Olive McCol• lnonthe. tifu!. The Class of Hustlers of the Lytle lum, Ellen ShE'rwood, Edith Sheehan, came with The o~t of town guests were: Sunday School dosed their contest Rachel Sheehan, Edna Satterthwaite, IMlIrents Clbn,ltopher' . Illld Hen· MrS. Andrews, MiBS Andrews. mother TEACHER'S MEETlNO I by on Saturday evening. Kathryn GibboDBllJ!d Clara Hawke. eollntf.y. " and sister of the groom, Cbicago; I in a delightful manner the class and IThe hostess was assISted by Mrs. J. dt!ee&ged was Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pretzinger, I a number of invited guests at a Wilson Edwards and Mrs. Ronald M. Miss pretzing~r. Mr. Freeman Pret· ;rhe las~ Wayne Township Teach· · In the . d three course luncheon at the home Hawke. Leroy Marshall zinger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed. er s Meetmg of the present school . ~ongregatt(JIn, Mary ~dwar S, of Misses Bertha and Beulah Coon. • ...__ To. this union Mr. and Mrs. Jam.. StooPS. Dayton; fear was hel~ at the home of Super- , mb,nt .daughter of WIlson and Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ~URAL WELFARE LEA<lUE lastSunday O@car Wade, Mr. and M~s. Earl , two of MiB8 Louise Johnaton,.Blue·Ash, Dr. mte':ldent GIlmour on SaturdaY, 1Donna Ha!fk~ Ed pr~ea th.e lr mo~her and .Mrs. T.I. Way, Cincinnati; Mr. Aprli 11. . . l af~ernoon m St. Mary church, re o Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gra· The Rural Welfare League, of . '. . and Mrs Howard Collett, WilmingAll of the Town~~lp teachers ~ere , C~lved t.jte sacran:tent of Holy Bap· ham Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Coon, MassieIp, met April 11th at Well· mou~ .h er going ton:),Ir. and ,.Mrs. M. A. Jameson, PErlesenSt. T\lOBe v19l tmg were: MEd"~see ttS!Dld' SMPDnssr,s, aunts dof thde Mrs.' Adra Lewis and Mrs Margaret man Schoolhouse with a full house len tager, E t he lyn J onf3!l na ChI. J a!:!!rar~t Edwar s an Johns Misses Nettie Earnhart. Mary and splendid program . Tbe.managechllClren, ty.'o Mr; 'and Ml'S',' F; B. Sherwood, Ml'S. . . O. A" Hougb, 'MiIa Flora Ti~bals, Janney and Audrey Thompson.. . Edith M. Hawk~, . E. V. Lee. Esta Stacy, Blanche Cornell, ment relrret very much the calling the . de- Mias Vivien Stilwell, Lebanon; . Mr. .The forenoo!l was ta1um ~p l~ hart:. ~ long tIme friend of Reba Earnhart, Stella Githens. Bessie away of Mrs. Ella Stein on lep\ WaoYDll!8Vllle 'ftom anll Mrs. F. · C. ' Hartsoe.k, Morrow; vTlews o! ,thReaesdt!Jdy °C' .one of fam.lhes.. " Huffer, Ruth Reader, Cora businesi, thus postponing the giving \IV.i~ Warren H. ' Keys, (".elltervUle. ..eacher s . 109 u~le " Florence Lamb, Fanny Lamb, of the pantomime "The Holy City .. , ~I ... ,. ! ' TheCon~Plrac~~f PontIac:. . Snider, Bertha. Beulah and Nevertheleestbis misfortune brought ~u1tJteJran , . book. b,~ proven o~ much literary Coon. Messrs. Kenneth Hough, out on short emergency noUce the EN,TERTAINbtQNT .Qf.'L\,JXE · and ijbj~rical v~ue. ilIearecoming mond Wade, Luther Lamb, latent ability of our members and . . t 'I The afte~oon. completed this intensely Ritz, Glenn Johns. Everett a fine proltram wi~ excellent mu~c

- _.




b' e e n

· .u . - .




~~ri!~;I~!~=~~~~~;t ~~~j'~~~r~~~;'t~:k aChool. lt. en up, ..'

enter.tainment Rye, Ernest and the Dorcas So' Clarence hart. .""eni,ng, May 1st, at •- •


~umished. ~18l!.ar.~lI'i~e

wasfllven upon Ml'S. Stem s return WIll• be April 25th, flnfll ' pl'1)flriuno ~~ welcome await all~ . . , . . Cora A~' Tho~paonj, Direc~r; : ~ ~, a:

.. ,

......11. ~n.VB· •A~·. OP.EfNl~IQ







I Ad be pu shl'd b(H'k h ; ~ I" l1 l1ir he HllIol,(' his band s log('lhrr and lliugbed aloud . Jnhn \' nl l:ln l, n l'loh ,ode ll ~.\Vo rlt" . " Hack to ttw soli!" ho S1\.I1.. " J ohn rutl tlently tl ~D~O' ,' ro Ihlll !h ~ \ .ilnn! , ', IT ' Va liant. fUl'lIlI' r! Th e mil'!lclo u( It Is r VlnUI Ll II th..,r :llu nu c,-l u n .' V will"'. ,;'."wlllL Ih.' h hl:i (}rl'lCr"l"u.l . " urcc " r it l. ! h a tit SO UII d s goo d 1a 01 (', I ,an t ta ..,,,,,l lh. It,," 1., II ·' d , H. volunlllrll )' t llr"s l ral s ... my own grub a nd l ill my own Over h ltl pr' \'at e- ff..lrt unr to l tl6 rf ' '''' I\·(.. . r . II I t b ~ ." I A IIII ( d r 111 1' "U"p~lll\H '-' " H it. (' rllln~ r~J1\lL ltl l n~ tio . \\fUt Lo ( 111) 0 \ \11 luau.

jns rC" 'u ll l'c tillll ur n ro s .. , wh k h rrom lum , ;\Iost of tbe negroe!! a l'e more "Th ey .lId. She I,eells Ihem In a Iwr borso lha t mOfll lll g at Damor), or 11l.·t! spol lClJ . ns you 'll find, I'm littl e \lus t ' hoard lJo x like w edd lng-ca k o. ('our l. ~ h e hll .. g!tmpsl'd In lis glass on nfmld ," Sho lurne d tb e convl' rsaliou wilh IL blu ll r ibbon aroun.1 it. S he was lh n pOI'ch, bl untly , "l lut! you s e n Dlimory a llOwing I' 10 1II1ss Muttl.) Sue yes t r· II a th IUU,.,~I II'(I .. · l'I ltl II (' I Ill ag Ine d ('ourt befo re?" day, S h e \\'I\S le ill ng he r nil n bom IL . e. that he cou ld ~ m l' lI that woml.' rful "1'0. n,' ,·e r." Sho said all th e wom e n Ihe re s how ed IUl Ir, n 8t1u "II ~ f ra g ranoc Ilk 0 II )n t 0 f "Ilo you like the gcner al Illnn of th e 1'0.1'11 oth er th e ir Clils and bl'lL(;god I " ):: ~I' :-i:--I"n;- \.·' II.~ fs l IIf £Ln I,)I,l m o tur (" llt',!1 1' 111 1) (1gilll1JUg t o SC (l ill Y way , Cro ps s UI\ ,dr1 c·d Jluwe e d o r th o f' lu siYO sce nl place':" n/'out how long th e y w ·re." wl tl lfl lluIl ,~ ,\l:t l u~ d 11 a rn u ry "lHl rL, n IH'J.t ~ \\ III hl.n'll to wnll ( 0 1' anot h e r !H?tl SOU thal cllng~ .. t uft or lung·pluckptJ " You l" rtnln ly h a l' e a bighl), d ovel· " no, IIk o It " cried J ohn \ nlian!. I,·, Il 'u 1 1 1i ~ dl t\ I n \ Ir,.:lnIH . nn t th' \\ tl) I" • I l.\m ,jr~· l ' our l Ill' IlI t'l' lS S!llrlt')· l' wl - hilt t h oro's wa te r Ulllt Jla ~ tur c ( o r Cll l · Sp nnhih mog ~. '; ~ um stnnda nb- "00 I It ke II !" o\l4?d Las it! tor th e d rn matlc ," slll<1 rl d h li( an /lilburn La!r',1d I It' a llt \" . n nd (11-. tl s'ol" ed . I lI n!] " hI) "" ··jd bnl\ dl!la to A Qul('k plell 8ure g la nced ncros~ h or S hirley , '" wouder wbal ) Qur uexl r'I ,;,.; I hn t hf' I" 1t,,11I!!, tn II I, e \'h~IIII I' 1m e now, 'rl 111ft· ' s t Im b l' r - I 0 I s a f it " • m"n "~ l y . S ltlrl~ ) ' H tl\" I'itcr, ~I ro, I'nlld on that h ill MltI(" too , I mu~t loo k luLo swe t' p 10 ~l'lhllr th e s catlt\l' ' d JOBsn- fu('e . " II 's ni ce of you to say It that on'ort wlJl be, " rh1;'l' , !llld ~LI .l ll r Br l~t ",\, e.'\"hu uJ«(-1 r f' lU - that" min e , "Do YOU -- cJ D yuu r un 11 k. , t hat \\'UY. W t' n~k t'l nt question s o oflen ,· It's t omorrow," Rick ey turorm d ' ~I b -,: '· nq ·::; .JUl i n.! 1\ 1I1t'h It h~ r t'n: a lt.'I ' . ' Ih nt Ih,' llI,jr ,1' \' "l:tl lIl'o tntlwr. ulld" 1-10 tlllrd his plpo anti (' limbed tho wh e n )' 011 '1'0 nOI frlghl ;> a ' ·" .. .. It's bC('olll(, tn"C' l\ nnl ca1. You soe, It's he r. "W e' re go lu g to hayo \ho du I m"lt .>t,m,',1 .·""' .... 11 " " ro '''' III~ r" r Ihe s talr CD>;(' to Ih(' upp ~ r flo or , Th e re "Wh e lt I' m C<UII; h t red·hand e d. our II;I' PRI 6how·rl1\ce." \Je t ween Valluul and Sn8800l. ~ hnnrl "t :\'I" ~ . J 'Hl1 d , ld.,:\' In her ~' I} u t ll S:t~s l\ o n :ll1d " Ull. lllt f lHlJ.:h l a. i.:h ll"l l'fI he- r w e r e mao)' lJc<irooms with grea t rour· non ' t ~t OU '.' " At thut mom.lJtl a patter o r roo t· Th e 8 111111' ,-,'us strlcl(en frat') Jo hu At' "" It I In whlr h II ... ru r tn ~ r \\'U 9 1'III~d POBIPU. clIllopied beds alld old· ras h· li e 10 0k('<1 puz zled. .. trollS nnd s hrill s hr l"l(s came n yln g Valiant's fuce. A due l-I h I' du ol - be· \'Ull rt Ht IiluJ:4 I la m !" r"}' ('!lU n n\' ...\ r h'TO wn wl l h w""us ~r.d o r~e p crs .II. U tI", hull 'l- lOlled carv (' d fuculluro of mahogany Sh e poinl (' d to lhe fi o w<'ra. "I had o\'er th., la Mt'YPA-r's Ipa,·t's beyond Ule lWlle n \inllllnt nnd Sassoon' li e fe lt Ir,c. I.. R ",' r; nl ul'h .It ~ t " "I P,1 ""acl ltlon an d curly .mupl e. and In one be found stole n Iheili. and I wus trying to IlI lll' bu s h"s. I t '~ R lel,e)' Snytle-." sho his bl ood he at quickly. 111'. (\ th ere \'.l!tu l ll f' Xlll o~ hl8 nn l' f '~ 1 ru 1 h ll nl4' . li p 1ft . lI rJl rI8~ u b .- .. fo~ it 1111 lin", I'fln)' wh ld. ,L great cedar· lln f' u chesl n1l ed wlt b . 'scapo ofT witl 'om' as the uegro l's Hnhi, ne.' rl ll g Oil'. s milln g l)' 8S two b ut' n s uch n thing In his fath er'R IIro l 1n<' I1 ,lt,~ hi . ,'.1 .. "" II ~ rcco"I1I .. ,·, flh lrli' Y be d·llne n l\Ud nupa ry. In th Be roolllR sa)', ShocJ( lng. ISIl'I It ? But you seo, ' ·hll cll·... n, jJursueti nnd 11lirHu e r. burst Was thaI what had blig ht ed It'.' o t t li (' hea c1 or ' he p aT l y . 1-10 ~I \" '~ sa n c~ :u ary 10 \lt c .... nll'r'· " f ox , n" ~~l p,, ,Its - wer e moro ovldenc eB of d o~ ay, The nobody hnt! li ved he re sln('e long be- Int o viC' w. "H I>!Ib!" she whl spcred; "Only not h e re wh ero It r eall y hap'U"S lit e nd",'n! , t I ltp IIP W nwn ~ r 11111\ reo be droom he m elllnll y <' hose fo r hi e fo re I wa s bor n, a nd I 8 U)11l050 tho " 1 well1d4?r what th o), are Ull to." pe net!. but In Ihe Mer edith orc hard, eoll the l rng c;d )' tn wit d. l it ' d ,h'r \·nl· I b b I "'tit look p" rl. OWU vfR o tLJ plalnt'sl of nil . and wos fiow~ r· t Il e vln g hablL as ccome n· Tho pulr ennte In R wh irl through Greonle 's go ing toO be-" th o !bush es. The for emos t wus a "Ab aln'!" ~~tct ed Grr nle. a bove tbo IIbrnry. frout!ng th e vaKn· g ro wn ." . CHAPTER XII - Co ntinued . bond ga rd e n, It had n gr pa t blac k "Uut ; ' be Inte rrupt ed, " tb ere's acres sc \·e ll·year·old nngro gi rl. lu a s in g le "A ll nl n ' (;wln e tcr be Vall_t, no· Till th o s un W I\S high J ohn Va liant d es k with m a.ny ~l:Is5 · knobbed dra w. of th em goin g to waste, Wby on ea rth Rhor t cottonade garm e nt . .w1 7.en ecl . how!" lay on hi s b:.tclt tn ttl fra~ rant g rass, ers nnd a boo k· rack. shouldn't ::-eu have the m ?" bnre l!~g g e d nnd har benderl. h l'r b lack "You are. too!" In s ls t('d r.t;lr~ ,y, li e ling red IOnSl'9l In a room "Of cOllrse ; know b e ~er today, but wool pnrted In littl e angula r patc hes wra thfull y. "You need n't b E' no plc)U~ t y medi ta ti ve ly wnl chlng u h l1 ca nce ring chlcken·hawk dru w wid eni ng c lrclos whose dn or was Plli nled Th o Hllarlum. th er e was a - a 8'()eclal redl90n. We and tightl y wra pped with bIts of conI. nll,1 cboos e l ), --nud afte r sh e kills !:IllIl· nga lnRt th o bl ue a nd li s te nin g to tho It bad evIde ntly bee n a nurs er y and ha.v e non e and lhls Is the lu,a rest The other was whitt' and as fr eckle d SOO Ll, we Jlut th e bloocJhotll1lls on !t er Vibrant tattoo of a "peclt r·woo d " on schoolroom , Il ore on l ho walls we re a s a t u rk ey's ogg . wit h hair ('fonpE'd I rail." a fnr-away tr e, and th e tim o rou s we t many sb elv es wound ove r wit h net- , lik e a boy's. Sh e he ld a can-Ing' Gree nl tl tt e rc·d , " Dey oln' no cl Ci, wg I>':ll'e cut from a s hingle, wbose edge I uroulI' h eab'd tec h rue," s be sn l<l. 'en w h lstl o of a bob-wbl te. T ho wbole works of co b web6, and \lll ed wltb Ulo place was very qu iet no\\' , F'or j us t odd est asse mblage of lOys, T h ere bad bt:~ deellly e nsanguln ed by poke- '1II des-" one thrilli ng mom e nt It had burgeo ned wer e school· books, too, thumbed and! be rry j uke!. The pursu ed one Slu m"But , Rl c l' l!Y ," Shirley Inlllr pO<led, tnto souud and mov e ment: wh en the dog-ear ed, from FIrst R ead er to blerl o ... er Ii N)(lt IlJ1d cnm9 to ea rt b In " that wasn'l a murder, Tha t was a I~eaty horses hnd Btood s norti ng a nd CaosaT's Gallic Wars , with names of a beB.p, while th& ott>-' ;:ounce d upon du el bel ween gentlemen. Tb ey doo't-" ltamplng In the yard with th e hounds s mall Valiants 8crawl ed on tb elr fly her like a wildcat. "I Imow It,' · assented Ri c key obeerIcamperlng betwee n their legs an d the leaves. He ca refully re locked the door "H'~ld stili, you lI~b of Solan," sbe full y. "Bul It makes It more exciting. rldlng·conts wink ing like rubloR In the of thlll room; be wante d to du st thoae "cold,ed . "How can I do It when you WlII you come , Miss ShIrley, deed and won't. stay sUIl?" doubl e? I won't charge you :ln y ad· early s un s hine! . toys a nd books with bl s own hands. "Oil, lawd ." mOlUle d th e prostrate mls810n ." Had sbe recognized blm as the In the uppe r hall again h e leane d Obe, In .Imulated terror; "oh, Doctah, "I can't promise," said Sblrley. "By smudged tinke rer of the stalled carT from th e window, snltf1el th e fal'" good Doctah Sn,ydah, hall Ah gotter the way , Isn't It ahout time MIs8 Mat" She saw me drop that wretch ed brute lIung scent of orchards and peach. hab dnt operation? :s yo' Bho' gwlDe- tie Su ~ bad hor tea ?" ·through the window," he chuckled. "I blown fenc e-rows, The soft wWrrlng ..It certainly Is. Miss Sh Irl ey ! " said t er tw itter uroun ' mall :nsldes wid could t ake oath to that. But she dldn't s ound of a blrd's wIng went pust. a id em Iml ves e n saws en things?" Rick ey, w ith penitent emp basls. ... Sa skntc h ewan .-Advprtl ~ emen t. give me away, true little sllort that most brus hing his startled face. and .. It won't hurt ... reassured tbo would· c lean forgot ~,\, and s he 'll row mil up sho was. And she won't. 1 can'l ths old onks seemed to str e tcb th eir be otle rato r; "no more than It did Mis' the g ump·Slllmp! Comll on . Greenle," BOOST THAT WAS A KNOCK think of any reason, bul ) know , Was bent limbs with a faltbful brute·lI ke Poly Gifford. And I'll put your live r and sbe started off through the s he angr ),? I w ond e r~" \ yawn of pleasu re, In tb e room below rtght baek a gain." \Ju s hilS, At le ng lb he rose and wc nt back h e could bea r the vigorous sound of C~ltlc Knew Well That 1:11. Praise of "Walt er mlnuto . Ab Jes' remem· Shlrl oy lool, ed at Vallant with 0. to the house. WIth a bunch of Itays Aunt Dapb ne's h u rd·drlven broom and Novel Would Inevitably De· be had found b e wen t to lh e sta bles, tb e sound noo ded th e ech oing 6pace "It Won't Hurt," Reassured the Would- bahs Ab rO'got tel' make mah will. Ah d eepe ning of her dimple. "R ickey ereale Ib Sa lell. leab s-" Isn't an arlslocrat," ahe BlIld ; "sbe's afte r SOl,Ue difficul ty gained access, with a comfortabl e com motion . Be Ope~ato~. "Nonse nse!" objecte d the other Irrl· what we call h ere pooT-wh lte, bul s be's and proppe d tbe Crll7.Y doors un d win· He we nt to his trunk IUld flabe d out In a discussion of tho popular lit· dows open to the sun. 1'he building It sort shirt on whlcb he knotted a place where tb ey grow. My mother tab!}-. YOI' mad e it yest e rday. They got a henr t of gold. She's au orphan, erary taste Theodore Dre laer said at IUld tb o ne ighborhood In general, and Lhe Century Cll\b In Ne w York : WI1.S airy and weIl·llghte d nnd can- loose tie, exchan ged his Panama for wanted BODle for thi s partlculap' day." always do It beror eb lUld." "Good heaven s!" be cried , "Y ou "N o, suh; Ah done c lean fArgot et. Mi8s Mattie Sue Mabry In parllcular, tained a dozen roomy bo x·s talls, a a slouch hat, an d whistling the bar"Here Is an IlIumlnnting e pisode: t L~aclous loft an ll a carrlage·house. carole from 'rales of Hoffmann, went don't thin k you can't go rIght on tak- Ah la abs mah thimble ter de Mefodls' have adopt ed be r ." A preacher was talking to II. crltlo. H o hardly heard b e r words for the The LJreacher said : ~rhe s traw be dding had bee n unre- gaily out. "I feel tremendously alive Ing them? W h y. yo u can ' 'scape oll' cburc h . en mnh black e n w'lte kitten ter Hl cke:' Snyde r, e n- " painful wonde r tbat was holding blm . ' ~ved. mlce'gIlawed sncklug and today." he confided to the dog. as he wltb tb e whole g arden any time!" ~, 'I though t you d IJu't like the w or~ A droll li ttle glealD of azure misA 'Iwlg snapped under ValllUlt 's foot. His father had t aken a m a n's lite. of Potts, the no~ flils t l' ~~ted bily la y In the mangers, and lhe lrampe d througll lho lush grass. " It , ped harn ess, hangIng on Its pegs , you see mo ladle the muck out of chi ef dart ed at hiD! suddenly out of Botb. s cram bled to tl1elr feet, th e blac l( Was It this thought- whate ver the "'Nelther do 1.' the critic answered, ,~ '/I sme lly mass of mildew and that fountain wIth my own fair banda, h er eyes and then dodged back again. girl 'to 1001, at the m with a Wide self· provocation, however Justified by t.!le ., 'Yet In yo ur I-clv lew th e othe r day "A ren'l you just Il. little r ash with conscious grin. Rickey, tossing her c ustom s of the tim e and sectlon.~ r.IlY, He Cound a stlclt, mowed away don't ba vo a flt. I'm lIuble to do' nn1you declare d that rotts ' last Ilovei wlUl oUle r peo ple's property?" sbort balr back ,from her freckled tbat h a d driv en hIm to se lf·exlle ? He remarkable for Its l1'1rlty, that Its high ' \.ho festoo n ing cob webs , and moved thing." "Other peopie's?" face , came t oward th e m. recalled hlm solf wHit an etrort, for moral ton e was ... sple ndid change de bris ptece·meal, His eye swept up and down the "What w ill tb e owner ~ay /" "My goodness, Miss Shirley," she she was speaking !1gnln. . "Tb ere!" he said wiLlI satisfaction. s lope. "'rbere probably Isn't a finer (rom lbe tainted Hcnon or. lhe day, and He bent back one of tbe long Jessa· saId, "we didn't see you at aiL" Sho I "you've round Lovers' Lea p, no that you advised lhe pu blic to tum ttl • ~There'6 a place fo r th e motor-If s ite for a , house In lho whole South," looked at Valiant. "Are you tbe man doubt ?" Uncle Jeff erson eve r gels it here." he told hlm se!'r. " Tbe living-rooms mine stems and wound It around the the moral Potts from lho dehll8lnl "No. This Is the first tim e I'vo It was noon ·.... be n he returned, arter front south and west. We'll get others. "I can answ e r for him. Be- lhat's g oing to fix up Damory Court T" whHe slave fiction so much In vogue. sbe Inquired. wit bout any t edious for· been so far from the ho usti.. [s It n ear sides, lowe you something, you know. • 'Wasb-up In the J; liC, to the meal scrumptious s unsets from tbat back Why. now, my fri e nd , If you dislike malltles. h ere?" I robbed you this morn ing-of your wIth which Aunl Dapbn e, In a costume porch. And on th e other s ide there 's Potts , d id you talk like that abOut "Yes," said Valiant. ''1' 11 s how It to you." Sbe held out brush." di m ly s uggesti ve of IL bra n-meal poul· tho view clear to the Blue Ridge." blm?' "Well," sbe saId criti cally, "you've ber hand for tbe bunch of jessamine She lool(ed at him, abruptly serloua. tlce wIth a ging ham a pron on. regaled He skirted tho laliC. "Only to g rub "' I did It; tb e crlUc 8Ils,,"ered, ' to got your job c ut out for you , But. a nd la id It on the broad roots of a him. Fried chicke n. corn-bread so out some of t he lilies-the re's too "Why did you do that?" . s poil his sales.''' hould say you'r o the kind to do It." tree tbat we re mottled with lichen . s "Sanctuary. His two beady eyes lofl and fluffy thut ·lt bad to be lifted many of tb em-and straighten the "Hickey!" Shirley's voice tried to "Loolt th er o," she said Budden1, ; trom the pan wltb a s poon , browned rlm-und weed the pebble margin to begged so hard for It. 'Twenty raven· Damned With F ai nt Pralso. po tato es, and to his s urprise, fresh give those green "ocks a s how , I'll ous hounds,' tb ey said. 'and II. dozen be Istern, but the re was a hint o'f "Isn't t hal a beauty?" An es timate of tb e valiant Roderlcll galloping borses. And look what 0. laug hter In It, Sha was pointing to a jimson,weed mllk. "Ah don e dl' uV o uah 01' cow build a lillie wharf below them to dive "Wbat dId 1 Bay now?" InqUired on which had se ttled , with glassy Dbu ...t1 '!'ecorde d by an elementary ovah, suh," explaine d Aunt Daphne. from, and- yes, I'll slock It with poor shiverin g little r ed-brown mar· Rickey. "I ' m sure I m eant It to be win gs vlbratlng, a long. un gainly, school stud c nt of "The Lady of the sel 1 am!'" "'Case s he gotte r be mUked. er she spotted trout." complimentary." need le lik e Insect with all odd sword· Luko" was this: "His character wna For ju s t a n Instant the bronze-gold run dl'y ez d e Red Sea to' de cblllon He was but a few hundred yards " It was," said Valian t . "I shall try like beak. "W hat Is that?" b e asked, pre Uy good because ho always llked head gave a qul el, Imperious to 811, like oOb Izrll." from the hou se, yel the s llence was 80 to d ese r ve your good opInion." "A snake·doctor. It Dnc' Jefferson bunting, be 1001{c d pret,y fulr, be was "Auut Dapbne," Inquired Valiant deep lhat th e re might bave bee n no a hlgh·meltled pony u nde r the llick "Hut whul a gbastly play!" ex· were h ere he'd say, 'Beltn b watch useful In shooting and fl gbt, and with his mo u tb tull, "what do you call habitation within fitly mUes. All at of th e wh ip. But as suddenly the WDB a truthful man~" rthi s gre.,n lhl ng?" cnce he stopped s hort; lbere was a shadow of. esentment passed; the claimed Shirle y, "Where did you out! Dab's e r snek roun ' erbout heab, It?" sboT He' ll flU you full of darky learn "Dat? Dat', Jes' turnip-tops, suh, s udden movement In lhe thicket be- mobil e fa ce under the benl hat·brlm CLEVER WIf'E "Wo were pl ay ing Mis' Poly GIfford superstitions." 1fld er hunk e r bacon In de pot. Law&- yond - the so und of IIghl fast footfa lls, turn ed thou ~ tr.ul. She looked again Suddenly the slim path between th e Knew How to Keep Peace In Famll). a l blm . "Do' you think It's wrong to In 'the hospital ," Rickey answered, 118 of some one running away. "Sh'e'll got a whole lot of llttle peb- trees took a quick turn and fell away she asked grave ly. H e made a lunge for the dog, but 1[111 thin gs It Is QuI te sIgnificant, th e number of at their feet, "There" ~he Bald. "Thls pCl'8ons "Oh. dem), no," he smiled. ". bles wbat they cut out-" with a growl Cbum tore hlmselt from w ho get well of alumIna "Oh. Rlc kcy!" e:tlJostuiated Shlrloy Is the tln est view at Damory Court." lhe r eslralnlng grasp and dashed Into have n't fI s ingle ism. I'm not even a b eart trouble when they let up on cot· witb a s budder. (TO BE C ONTIN UED. ) the bushes. "A cblld, no doubt," be vegetarian ," tee and u se Poslum lUI the beverage a\ "But )'o u ""auld be It you had to kill me als. thought as htJ plunged In pursuit, "and There III nothi ng surprlillng about It, that lubbe rly brute wIll scaro It half your own ~eal?" howe,'er. b c caus o the harmful alkaloId " Perhaps. . So many of us would . to deatb!" -cntrelne-In corieo Is not present In of fact, I don 't hunt myHe pulle d up with an exclamallon. Pas tum, which Is made ot clean, hard na re' f ormer." In a narrow wood-path a little way wheat. you bunt?" from him , partly hidden by a wind"Two ye ars ogo I was havlnr 110 enjoy It." He llushed fall , stnod a girl, her skIrt transfl::ed much trouble willi my heart," wrIte. hate . flrearms." he said, a Wllh a wickedly jagged sapling. He s lady In Woehlng ton , " that at Umea "I always have. I saw Instantly how It had happ ene d; I fe lt quite alarmed. My husband took Idiosyncrasy, I supthe windfall had blocked the way. aDd me to a specialist to have my heart care for hunt- WAISTED WEALTH OF COUNTRY and whales are rapidly approachllll' a examine d sbe had sprung clear over It, not pose. nlmllBr tate. "The dod or s aId he could nnd no and arrow.. [ noting tbe scr(ien e d spear, Which now lng, even or a poisonous rep- All 'K inds of Game Hal Been Indl. No Inlnes are yet ovened; no Umbet organic troable but Bald my heart was held h er :,s effectually ae auy railroad would kill Irritable from some thing I had been eln, In caae of neC6&spIke. til e. or properties yet developed, and no use nccustomed to, nnd asked me to try cr'lmlnately Slaughtered Throughthen I should hardly In D'lclbe r moment Valiant bad alty. But Is made of our unlimited water power. ruld remember what dlsngreed with out Labrador. some animals are reach e d he r and met her face , flush ed. enjo)' It. Only a handful of visitors come to' e n me. to be killed, Bome half defiant, h er eyes a blu e gleam of pests nnd "I remembered that cotree alwaye The fish, llesh and towl of Labrador, joy the wild scenery, t\le unlqut smoldering anger as sbe des perate iy, me n do. too . But I don't Uke to do It wrlte8 Dr, Grenfell In the Wide World, natural conditions, and th\ Invlgorat soured on my stomach and caulled me She Bit H~ Llpa aa He Snapped the almost savagely, thrust wild l endrlls myself." bave been exploited to the last degree, Ing atmospherll, though our fjordr trouble from palpltatton at the hearL tbeol'1 ,l ead to a of flnm e-colored hair beneath tb e "Wouldn't Offending Bole Short Off. and no IIcllittOc or practical effort hal rival , thos e of Norwa1, and have th\ Bo 1 8toppec;i eortee !lnd betan to"ule of respOnsibility,"' broad curved brim of her straw hat. I bave had no turther been made for their protection or re- additional attraction of being vlrglI Postum. since. no pbll080pher. But habilitation. Our auks, curlew, duck!! and unexplored, No charting has been trouble 4I,...D10, et cer'n'y do rae good ter see Al her fellt lay a great armful or cape "A neighbor ot oun, an old ' man, red fox Is 80 pretty, 7/tl' glt arter It dat way, sub. Reck'n Jessamines. and many other birds bave become done, o"'d at that time, as already star was so J rrltoble trom drinking tlPffea :roo got er apperllte! Hyuh, Hyuh!" tblevlng, that I'd let A IIttie thrlll, light and warm and eltber extinct or dangerously deplet- ed, there was not one ~ol!:l1t on th" tbat his ' wife wanted bim to dttnll I'm Uke the "I have . I never guessed It betON, JOYous, ran through him. Until tbat coast from the straits ot Belle tsle Post um. This made blm· very angrt. In 'The MI· ed. Otlr deer, owing to forest fires to Hudson's buy · torendor navigation but his wUe secured Borne Postum alid "nd It's a magulficent dis covery. How- Instant he had not recognized her, caused by carelessness and unrestrictteDld.Ir-~.!al!ted that ewer, It sugges ts unwelcome relleesafe. It Is little to be wondered at If DI!lde It c~fuUy acco~dlng to 411"10> aDd ed 8laughter by IndIans, &8 well al adequate tOUl'ist steamers do not pi) 'tiona, Uonll_ Aunt Daphne, how long do you CHAPTER XIII. white settlers, have 10 tar diminIshed MtllJIAte a man can dine like tbls on JrulDU.-PII!;II aDd In our water!'. In fact. Labrador 'Is ID "He drank the Postum nod know the dltrerence, and is e8lllclA't as . to .brlbg seml·atar:vatton to door. -woll, say on a hundred dollars?" John Valiant Makea a Dllcovery, ' t. ' wbere'.once there was always plenQo, that melancholy state of evolutiOll it to hie lal:ltlDr benefit. H "Er b'un'ed dollnhs, suh? Dat's er "I'm so sorry," was what he said, A3 The deatruction ,'seal herd8 baa that must Inevitably overtake , everr wUe that ~l:!e 'Coffee'a" rigbt smart heap o· m'o ney, deed et I.' he kneeled to release her, and she was brought tamlllee 'onGe to. mt.. country until a~tentlon Ie ' turpe.d' ~' uied to, be, I!o..w •• ~ ._ _ ~ ••,.. -:'. Well lIuh, 'pen's on wbut yo' raIses. grateful tbal his tone was unmixed the development of !ndu.trl~ ;~ · ,ke.eps reace ,arable " . For Ilf yO' raises yo' own gyardan-sas8 en with amusement. Sbe bit her lips, as man ooee..' not,"'Bhare 't\'lth" tbe. t1.... Posttnn chlck'ns e n nlgo, Ab reck'n yO' Idn by sbeer strength ot elbow and knee 'and tho shark:, . •. ;. tlve longah dan dat IU' Metboosalum, hp 8Ilapped the oaelldlllg bole sbort 4IJI aWl baf mos' of It In de 01' stock- oft-ana of those Quick exhibitions of re.ened Itrength that eVllry woman likell. ' ~l don't 'knoW h.o w I could bave been' 10 s,Uy-tballk you so much," a&td Sb1rley. · panting slightly f.rom



. •

Manitoba OJ! now commencing to produ ce cOll slderable corn, cblefly for fe ed ing purposos. In some caaes, whe re th e c rop can be matured Into the dOUGh s tag'e , silos could be us ed and wou ld bo n pro flLu\Jl e In vestm ent. Accord in g to the FurlO Iln4 Ran c h R e· vlow . n corresponde nt vis ite d a fi e ld o f corn III 60ulhe rn ManIto ba on Sept el11blJl' 2B. Tb o corn th e n was unto uch ell by fro s t un d It Btood on an a\'ernge eight and nine fee l In he lgbt. Th e corn had dc"c lopc d Into the dougb s tnge , )iLld th e crop would easily CleC ed ~o tone to the ILcre. At many e ' pcr lmc nl nl larm s , th e SRlD U ravo rabl l' sbowlng of Ib e ('orn cro p bill Jl1 a nlfeste d Its e l!. Al th o Ll mndon experll11 tJulu l f:.trm thI s year severn l va· rle ti es. nil vo ry gao l! yi elders, mnl ured In to good sil o co rn , Cons iderinG the Euc ce SlI w Ith which cor u ca n be produced, und tho ndvalr tage s to be gnille d by s o produci ng It. .hould not It roco l ve th e serlolls att enllon at the wes torn agriculturist! COI'D Is s ucco Rs f'Jlly growu In the nor lhe rn part of Mlun eso ta In s limln r soil nnd u nd er the samo c ll mntlc condition. and th ere doos n ot appe ar to be any r ensolJ why llke r esultll slJould nol he securod In western Cannda. It ts til e opin io n of many A merlcan rarmors of ex perience that the corn be lt ts ex tendin g northward. The prairie provlnce8 mus l gradually take up with mi xed rnrmlng. Moro s tock on tb o rarms must be raised. an d la COl1se Qu ence farmIl:g must to some extent bo div e rted trom grain growinl to other necessary c ropa. It croPS .ultab!e for wlntl'rlns cattle and especially daIry Btoc k lire to be grown, ... hy s hou ld not corn be one of t hese crO}lS? In Ontorlo Bnd In the Unite') States we find It forme th e main bulky tood for win te rln g bee f and da iry cat· tl e. Tb ey 'I"ould not be wlUlOUt (hla profitablo plnnt. In fa ct, s luce ItB Introduction almosl twice a s much s tock can be retained on th e same amount of land. besides con sidering Its great valus tor keeping the land clean. Bome roay say that man1 crops that can be grown la Ontario and the States cannot be grown h e r e, but not 80 ,,' Ith com. eve n now we find Bcat· tered flelds of corn In Alberta and















c;.,ntract to No. 1 H ard. weighed h.avy nnd ,,1.lded from 20 I" 41 b ...... 10 pe r De re; 22 b u.h~l . W3lI about the totaI8ver.II". Miud F...... 1"8 may be considered fully 8JI profit.

able an Industry a. groin 1'II1.lnll'. The excellent grasses lull of nutrition. ani tbe only food required either for ~ or d3iry purpoae.>. In 191 2 o.nd " pin In

Red e rO!! nail Blue mdltet! the laundreu barpy, make. cloth "" w ~iter tban anow. AI good grocers. Adv.

1913. al Chic'll/o. M... ilo~ C!orri.d off th. Champlon.blp for b. . r Good


.,hool.. mark. ' a convenient. climate u. C<lUent. For the hom"",eod.r. Ihe man who wlabetl te> farm a tenaively. or the Invellar, Canada offe" thd biJ;eeat op. DOrtunity of any place on the c:ontJneut. Apply fat If_riplille Iit.uatuJ'e and reduced raU~y ralell to Superintend..,t of

A Defect. "How 's ' that book you were jus t readlngT" "Oh, It'll an otbe r at those publica· tl ons In wblch a corkJng good Utle Is HIJO lled by th e stor-y."



Putnam FadeleslI Dyes do not stain tbe k ettle. Adv.


W,S.NETHERY Intarurba" BIela, Columbu •• Ohio Canadian Govenment Agent ...._WIrI~...

It 's a good pla n to put some thing by fo r a r ainy day ; a little ~un8hlne, ror Instance.

You Can't Cut Out !T - he A rmy I.UOOSPA,\'IN,l'lIFForTHOBOtlGUPIN, r




i t. Grawiq Smaller

will clean Ihern off permanently, and you work the Itorse Inme time. Doc., not blister or remove the hair. $2 .00 per boule, delivered. Will tell vou more if you .. rile. Book 4 K frf'.c. ABSORBll'iE. JR.. the anti.el?tic lin iment for mankind, reduces Varicose V~ins. R uplUred ),.f IUC"fe t Ot

HOT BATTLE AT GETTYSBURG Vet e ra n of Old Sixth Cor ps Re lat es Terr i ble Expe r ie nce on Drea ry Hike From Ma nche ater, Pa. T ired a nd du st y. I drag ged Ill)' wca r y self Inlo M an"',~s l ('r. £'11 .• Ju s t 35 mll e6 from C:e tt YRbuq; . Oll t ho mor ning or Ju ly I. I ~G:: . I wus a m ... mb or of t ho old Sixt h ('(Jrlls Iln d we all we r" el · I)('<'lln g ord "rs (h il t wou ld pe rlll it Ull to ge t our mllc' l! need ed rORt. wrlt cs H . 1'. Van \" " I ~l> ft ift Ih e Ch I C:l~o Hecord. H Id H ' e ~n . . ~.t IIlte In t he ev " ning orde rs 10 fall 111 ~I)ulldcd "nel we werc corn, !lolle d to hlllc th .. plko fo r G ttY Mburg. Th e w(·" tb er Wlla hut , th f' liUft of Jul y 2 f11prc ilo's8 un d th e roa c! henvy with d UR t. l\luny s parklIng s t r eam s of coo l s pring wat e l' flo we d !lcrUSH Ih e plko whlcb cool ' d o ur f ·p t us wo hu ~ rl p!.l a long. but the Ulun who f('11 (l ut 10 flll h is CAn t Ct' lI 1011 lid nn omce .. stand· In g ove r him with dro wn 6wurd , a A tb o

Unseen In Its a pproa.eb . hard to detect In It II early Bto.ges. and c ru elly painfu l In Its late r forms. uric acid poisoning II! a d lseaso too olteu fatal. Orl g b t 's disease Is one of tb e tln al s tages of uric aci d pol Honing. It ki lls in ou r country e, ery y l'Rr 1Il0re men and wo men tbtLll any otb e r I1I1 Dl Bllt except two-co nauUlpti on Ilnd pne u· mania. IIrlgh t':; d la"a sc and uric aci d poiso ning u»u:l ll y a lart ' n sn me kidn e y wen kn e s8 t llat \\Q uld uot b ... ba rd to cure. It di t;cov(' rl' d pari)", so It Is we ll to know th e l'arly signs of kidn ey dis· ease tLnd uric PUi8Ulliug . When uric ad '] IB rorm cod too fast a ou t hl~ I< ldnrr~ :U-O wl'"I< ,-n(-d by " ~tJ l ll. or 1I"· ,' r. Ii,' o vprw ork . or hy o v ~ r­ 11.1dUl g , · :tI(·(,S, lito' :l cl ll ro ll ec ts. Ih . blood ' gets II np"To' an d h C'" ,' Y. th .,r I ~ lp ad· ' u ~lo " . diZllllt·S~. l" 'art IH, II' Ita llo n. and I s dul l. h" ;\ ,·y·lll·lll]I'rI . drow sy rel'lIng Wit h tJl~tl1rh:tnc" s or lht) Uflllf'. Hr-a l torl UfI' t"gln n whl' lI tl1l'1 uM c ad d fOf'llls 11110 KTIlV .., j or Pt nt ", in lho kldn "y . or ('I" t :L1li z,'s Into jnl;ge d bi ts , In th o musel ..'. Joi nts or on t he n prve t ubin gs . Th (' n I.OII OW the uw ful pain s ot ne ura lgia , r h('u ma tl sm. gout, scl at· lea, neu ri tis. IUllIb'lgO or ki dn ey colic.

U,.mf'nl'. Enllt(t'\t r,llnd .. Co1tret. P rice 1\ .1iO I nd r.2 .00 M.".fi<" "d . 01, b,

Wen .. C, ltt. Altay. ~.Iln qukL: ly. ..... U. at dru ~I '" o r




ot thl? paper d~slrl~g ~o buy anytlu ng advertIsed In Its colamns should insiSt upon havingwhll t they MIl fOl.refwliDlit IlllsubStituu 6or imitationa

ETCry DaF.



are responruble- they notonlygiverelief I - they penna· nen~ycureColI­ l~patioD.

\tOlll) us

them for

Biliou ••,II, III.u,e.tioD Sick HmacM

•• F.Y~U~~ P~~..F .. SfOT'm~t. St. n..tnc~cld,'M"" SMALL piLL. SMALL



s.Da SId.

nOsE. ~ PRICE.

Genuine must bear Signature ~ .. '~;r;:# ~__

R.heumatism, SprainsBack.ache,


"Yes, da.u!rh!:er, that', !r0od~. Tho pain In 'C.y bnc!.; 1~ aU r-or.c-l never cc.w n:lythlng wort AI qulcl;;ly A~ Sloen '0 L!::!mc:lt" ThOUlOnrl". ot ,rotceul peoplo voico t!lo = 0 oplnlon. Hue'. tho proof. !toUtlTod p~ fa


"1 T:'P5 troubled wl:!>. '" vo". bad .,ata.1n m; btlc;loforlK>lDotill"c. lwed toadocoorbutbe did not do IDa nny '0 I llurch".. o:t a bottlo fA Sloan', Llnloeat. nnd no.. I IItD 0 w~1I "01:13n. lohvnym ke~p a bot. lift of Slo:Jn·. Liniment In the


c..u.... 6UAIJrUtI.c .........u,.. N. Y. hOIl~." ~ Mu. M",u.:.

7;' :',.' ..

It Is but a further step to dropsy


Brigbt' s disea se. Be "' Bro ed by baelraehe, hy sedl men'/ in th e k idn,·y secrdi n s .1o.\· PBIOf u l,scan'l 0 1' loo fr elJ, uont pa.,sa~ es . Cllreth e weake ned k id neys. U~e I)" n. n's K ldttey Pilla - a med icine m ndo j UBt fo r weak kldn rys , tb nt hns bee n proved J;oorl\ n yelL... of use. in tllOllSII I.lOl R o f CILK(·s-t he r e m· edy t hat i~ rileo llluwndeu by g r ateful users f "om cuast to CU IUlt".

CONFINED TO BED Story of Te rrible Suffering Frw. Kidn ey Di"!lu~


M ra. Elh.:a Kirk . MAi n Rt., fi J)~n c o r. !n~ e LY. ; " W h en In }, b nr'k lJeKo. n to fO e t lrune, t di d n ' t pAy ;nu d . IlUf' n l l (ln 10 th,., trou b le an el •• t htl ruult, I R'H ..... IJ rOt' H j made . au dden m o ve , th o fHtin In m~' h nc- h w u a 11".

k nl t e


th rUllt .

Th o

fl " Xl

f" }' n-II) l nnl8

WO ' "

ttl u l n~,,, . In nRuo r and 0. w ~rH · (Hlt r l!e ll l1 lf·


went t o t h e dCH't o r . b u t hi ' rn ... ! lri n" d id o " h e l p rtw . f bf' aa n (r> h llYt) t r.rr lbln ne rvo ua .pe lll un (l I n t h r tl e m on th • . I W 3 8 (\ phy,lc aJ. w r (\c k . My II ml, . nn.-t h ll nd " h(l(' l "H' U• • • I,.es. trnm rh "lunll llr Wlln. lIn.1 I h n. l 1('1 b . t nrn . )1 , ' Im bA! feel. d re.KK I'(} Dnd h ollU' O I ~L II w(l Uc(1 1\11 d I ","Ott ~ d fa t h {or b() d I'a d t hI! n ~ ( ) I h rnuI_ th aLeuffnring Glfa ln. A)I th Q.l l l ru(' , 1 wo e In hPfI ft. nd

fl." "


~~~o~~ :~f~l~t~~~ r~~,II~·.:;, 11~~~ftl~1~~~II~~~~"6l~O:;

~~~ ~t1~t~~nn~I;'e:t'U~;;1~~~~r8!~~~~ ~

"I don't 1.-now what ails m~. "

0\1" ..~un Vta", I

·When Your Back Is Lame-Remember·the Name

have rC!fna l llld cu rtd ."


DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS SOld by liD Ocllle!s. . PrIce 50 cents. foster·Milbum

___ _


eo.. Baftek;; N. Y.. ~.

------- --------------------------------------SALE DISTEMPER HORSE 'Y OH kn o w w hnt you . ell or buy thro u g h t h o 8a 1e 8 h as oho ut onc

h ~nr o In fltt y to .. ca pe BA Lm BTABLE D I STEM I ·I~ R. tiN' S " 1ft )'our lru .. prolec tlon. you r ont y . a tegull rd, for . " re "0 you IrelLt ILII you r horaee wllh It, you will 800110 be rid at the d lseasft. It nct. lUI a eure pre"en tl ve no matt t\r ho w t h (' )" ure ··~I polled . " 60 c flnt a an d It a bo ttle: II and f lO dozen boill u, al 011 g ood drul:g1. t. . horae goodl!

But at th e Sam e Tim e Dog Owner Mea nt T hat Hla Pet Should Ha ve B F.. lr Show.

am not n re ve ngpful ma n," ~a ld Urou i, lyu rea l ,' s till e dl'a ler, "but now a n ti th C' n I do WIUl t t o ge t eve n. A few !.l nYB ugo I drov e out a8 far as Mln ('olrl III a hor ae and bUl'lgy. a nd m y dog loll o wed mI'. H c's no fi ghte r as It dog. allli It wa a a bad t rip tor him . E ve rr lim e "'f\ pa ssed a fa rm house a dog came ru s hin g (J ut to roll my ca· nine In I h" d ust. a nd he \\'as li ck ed 36 dltrer en t. tlmP R befo r e we go t borne. I W(l S sorry Cor him a nd m ad a t the otb er d o/;s, and three or to ur da ys lat er I go t a loa n of a mas tiff and tu ncl e the trip o ver a gain. Th e r e was run fro m the 8tart t o fl nl sh . Th e s ame ra nn e r s ' clogs ca me bo undll1 g o lf the rence t o che w u p somethin g . and mos t of th e m go t hold of th e mll8 Wt b e ror e th ey kn e w whe th e r be was a poodle or an e le pha nt. Tbey sa IV th eIr mls· take too la tc. Lord, he sla yed 'e m right a nd left. He slmpl}' le tt a trail of howlin g. lim pin g do gs tram Pros· HOW BOY FOLLOWED AN ARMY pect llarle to Min eola and back . and ['ve bee n told thnt some ot tbe farm· Marching of Colorado Soldlera Aero •• er s nlo ng th e road h a ve offe r ed as hl gb as $ 20 for my .scalp . No; I'm Plain. I.e Reroalled by Veteran not a r e vengeful man, but I want to Living In Evanaton. Bee my do g have a fair ahow In thlB Following a regiment In marching world, 'do n't you kno w." orde r bas appealed to boys as being lhe nOlt best tblng to be ing of the DRY SCALE COVERED HEAD march e rs th e mselveB. A lone march from the mountai ns Into tbe prairie 2760 Tamm Ave., St. Louis, Mo.Innd 18 recalled b y W. B. Norton, 727 'My little daugbter's head be~an with Foster strj!et. Evanston. Ill. .. dry busb scale coverlnl It. First It " I was a small boy In Central City, lOt a wblte ·scalo over tb(lO top and Colo., when th e war broko oUl." be tMn It Iltot 0. dirty brown Bcab with said . "It went on for 80me time and pus ullder It. Her hair came out In m y fatber. wbo had come out tbe re as leSB tha~1 a week and her h el\d Itched a mIne r , felt tbat h e ought to join tbe and ble d . She bad no r est. I bad her army . H e rod e on his pon y 40 miles wear a 8carf all the time', It looked 110 to De nver to find out wbetber there badly. Sbe Wall so sore and bad 8uoh WIlS any sign ot an end to tbe war, big brown scabs on her bead tbat the and he came back determined to help teacher would not let ber attend bls country. A company was organ· Bchool. Ized and be was elected captain . It "We took and had bcr treated for became Compaliy I) ot the Tblrd Colo- tbree months witb no relief. Sbe kept rado regiment. The women of tbe getting 'worse unlll I tried Cutlcura town made a flag. tbough at firs t they Soap an(1 Ointment. I used tbe Cutl· made It upside down, and the regiment cura Soap every thIrd day and the stnrted east ac ross the Illallls. Cullcura Ointment at nIght. In tbree "All our ramlly went along. My weeks ber bead was well 0: sores. Two brotber. fift een years old, wa s a drum· caltes of Cullcura soaf.lld one box mer boy, and my mother, m y siste r IUld ot Cutlcu.rt1 Olnt:nent c mpletely cured 1 traveled In a wagon. We we nt a cross her." (SIgned) Mrs. alter Rogers, th e plains to Jo' ort Leavenworth and Nov. 28. 1912. from tbero to Pilot Knob. At one place Cutlcura. Soap and Olptment 801~ our wagon wns at some dis tanc e trom tbroughout tbe world. Bnmple of each th e comp 0110 night, as some tlm os hap- tree.wlth S2·p. BkJn Book. AddresB postpened, and m y brotller wanted· to come card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boaton."-Ad1'. I to see his moth er . He slippe d out wltllout get ting pe rmission and did not The Movie. In Italy. got to the wa gon until dark. H o was M8Scal~nl h. writing the mu s ic for D afraid to go back through th o night for moving picture film representing the fear of wolves. and so ho did not try It Ufe or Gllrlball1l, compose(\ by the Sountil dawn. He was seen by nn ofl\cer. cialist De pupty Ferri. Tbe IIbre tt Is wbo arreat.ed blm and put blm In tbe by D'Ann unzlo; It III one act and Is en· guard tent, and there we found him titled "Tbe Chlldren's Crusade." The wben we caught up with tho regiment.. poet vaguely de llnes bls work as tal· He stayed there for tbree days. lows ; "A pltlrul and tru.glc modleval .. A Ithougb we were trayellng t11(ough episode Interwoven wit\! a popular a country whc re thera was more or legend which In an age of violence and leas gue rrilla flgh tlng. we ' were not berolsm ended with the ,mIsfortune of troubled untl! near the end ot tbe 3undreds ot voor children." journey. I bave a distinct recollection tbat three bushwbackers were taken. Paper Walla by M\achlnc. stood up by tbe side of tbelr graves Christian J. Siebenhaa r or Oramel. and sbot." =-. Y., bas Inve nted a ·wall pa perln, machIne fD wblch an s ibl e trame is provided with for exte nding Getty.burg Hero Killed. a paper and Ferdinand Koeber. aged ninety. an and collapsing It, IMl are supInmate of tbe Soldiers' Home at Mu· paste applying lle r with derlon. In4., wbo was spending a fur· plied on a bolder. Ds lble frame lough In Lancaster, Fa., fell down a vices carried by the 011 a wall or Higbt of stairs at hlo bOlU'dlng bouse ror palltlng the ceiling. and ' was killed, Koeber was the D\Iln wbo caught Gen. John F . Reynolds, who Wall sbot at the ba tlle ot Gettysburg. as he fell from bls horse, dead. .

History Repeat.. "You are the manager here. eht Well. years ago I dined here, and beIng unable to pay my bill you klcke4 'me out." . "Very sorry, sir; but bU81\1ell. YOU lulow-er--" . "Oh. that'! nil rlgh~ old cbap-:..bu~ mt,ht 1" You . .&in



f.l nt e rg e ll cy was grnnt. I ba ve walk ud 3& mi les on

Ii sl ns le lt lko sl nro til wa r with e us as com· lJU rC'd wll h that Dlarch, lLn.1 In a bout o ne- ha lf ot l ho tltll e. I.oollillg ul' th o plk towa rd Gellys burg as th e Sl xlb cor ps ad van ced cou Id btl s een fre Quc nt· ly sma ll puffs of BlUoke. expandin g In Tolu mo. T h e n cam e tho boom. [D Ur. ti ed by th e d is tance, of t he artille ry an d t he bu rs tin g s b e l18. T he First di vis ion of tbe Slxtb corps arri ved 0 11 tb o fi e ld a bout 2 p. m. of Jul y 2 Bud th e (~l r 6 t br igad e w ill assig ned to a pos itio n to th e rig ht ot and not ta r rro m t he fnmous Ll ttl o Round Top moun ta in . The re wa N fur iou s figb tlng on Jul y 1 a nd 2. lJ ut at the bour of our a rrival t he re was a lull. The First brigade was a dvanta· geous ly pos t ed beb lnd 8. IIn o of s ton e fcncos. wltb nn ope n fi eld In front, an d Dr. P ierce', Pelleh, . m ~ 1I sUgllr.coated. beyond t be fi e ld a body ot timbe r . 1 wanted to see th e Confe~ e rates tbat C!lllY to t.l,e 11 ft candy . rogulnte anel imig· ora te stom nc h. liver and bowel,. Do not day. I wus not a I way s a s an xlou8 to gripe . Adv. Bec th e m com e. but we felt on tbe se c· ond aud thi rd tha t we bad th e m wh e re And Stronger. tb ey more than on co bad had us. T each or- Johnny, for what Is Swlt· P lckett 's grea t ch a rge and re puls e ze rlaud tamous? on th e third occ urred a s bort dist ance Pupll- Why- m'm- Swlss cbeese. to our right, a nd, wblle mucb of tbe TellCher - Oh , some thIng grand er . havoc was both vi s ibl e and audible more Impressive, more tremendous. from SOIDe parls at our pOSition . but Pupil- Limburger. one man of my re giment was Injured.

All Pluta of tbe Provincea of MaDitoha. Saakalch ••• ., and Alber.a. have produced won. derful yi~ld . of Whe.t, Oa... Oarl.,. and Flax. Wheat graded

• IS

Uric Acid

Remark.ble Cure Th.t W •• Effected By tho Admlnl.tratlon of Ardent 8plrlt.. .

On bls re turn to hIs na Uve heath a year or t wo ago, P. J . O'Keefe found Yields To Lydia E. Pink- the ne lgbborhood very mu ch agItat ed. Ne llie, t he oldeat woma a In t be parish. bam's Vegetable was d)'lng. . Compound. Her tTle nds. arrivin g at her bo me. found he r lying ba ck In he r easy c::talr, Elkhart, Ind. :-" I suffered for t~ app a ren tl y about 10 pnss ove r th o las t teen years from organic inflammation. tbreshol d. Nollie, be in g R. good housef e mal e weakness, wire , carri e d u bu nch of keys a ~ h er pain and irregulari· g ir dl e a lld. th inki ng t hnt sbe waH now ties. Th e pains in ~one, on e of tb o nelgbbora nm(' hed my sides were in- un der th e fol ds ot h er dr ess to fin d creased by wlllking th e key tha t would unlock the close r or standing on my whe re her shroud wa~ l(C pt. A s t he feet and I had such good woman was fumb li ng II I th e glr awful bearing down dIe ah e re lt a s ly pin ch of he r ha nd fee lings. wa o de- nnd kne w by th a t thul t he re was s tili pressed in spiri ts and became thin and a spa r le of II r" remaln ln". "Pe rh a ps," Rho RlIggl' HtCOll, "a wee palo with dull, heavy ~_.:.......~_ _- J eyes. I had six doc- elrop pf br-nndy wou ld t'f!v il" o h er ." A t eas poon rul of brnlldy was ad· tors from whom 1 receivt-d only t empominis t e red. but wit h olll y n fli cke rin g rary r e lief . I decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 8 fair res pon Me. So th f' rrl en,l s d epa rt ed so r trial and al90 tJle Sanative Wash. I have ro wfull y. forgetti n g. ho weve r . t o reo now used the remedies f or four months move th e bott le f r om her s ide. Oc e.nd cannot ex press my thanks for what th ei r r e turn a fow houra lat e r tb e ~ di scovered t hnt th o brandy h ad van they have done for me. ., If these fine:! w ill b e of any benefit I~ h c d an d t ha t Nellie ha d comple te l) r ecove r ed. Shf' li ved 10 bo ma n . th an you have my penniss ion to publish one b un<! red ycar A olcl . " [lut t hnt: the m . .. - Mrs. SADI E W ILLIAMS. 466 ti fty " Mr. O' Kpcfe, " was th e s tor y of J ames Street, E lkh a rt, Ind iana. Neill 's dyi ng." . L ydi a E. Pinkham 's Vegetnble Com. pound, made f rom native roots and herbs Th o Only Way. con tai ns no n arcotic or harmful drugs: Littl e J oh n was fu ll o r ml schlcf nnd and to-day holds t ho record of t>eitig the during his fl rst yea r a t sc hool ha rdl y mos t s uccessful r emedy for f ema le ills a day PllB5f'd th at b e was not se nt to we know of', and thousands of VC:U'ltnry stand In th e co rn e r. tes timonials on fil e in Uw Pink ham "" he n th e ,;c hoo lh Ouso burn ed do wn laboratory at Lynn., lIeem to and a ne w on n was Immedi a te ly be· prove this fac!t. gun, til e littl e boy we nt to bls fath e r, If you bave the .:Jlghtes t doubt who wus th e couu t y s upe rlntcnd ent. tha t Lydia E . Pin ldmm's Vegcta" I)on't yo u think we could ge t th o ble Cnmpouml willlJe lp you,wrlte toLydla.E.Plnkhnm 1'ledicincCo. ca r pc nt or to build a round Bc hool· (conftdel\tial l 1.,YDn, ]\( ass., for ad- hou se tbl a ti me, fath er?" h e said. vicco Your letter will b e OIJCned. " Why, 80n ?" his rath er a s ked In as· r e ad ami aus wc rt'rl by a WOlUan. loni s hm ent. and held in strict confide nce. " Beca use," tb e little fe llow an· s we red. ''I'm ge tting very tired or cor· Ilr r s ."

~a.Caoad ••




h ()~18~!!I. or dctlv e r ed by th e m a nufac turers. SPOflN MEDtCAl CO" Choml.t. and, GOSHEN. IND •• U. L ..



HOOSIER BINDER TWINE Dired from Factory Fully Guaranteed

8 /y/4=C Treated for Insecta Tested & Weighed

Orden (or 500 lb .. o r m orc., 2 per cent offj or &004 Dote due Sep. ht, 101., without Intereat . Car lot price. on a pplication . Price. to. b . fa etory. Remit by any form of eacbac .... Order by lettor, or .end for bla n k ... Ca r.fulatt entlon to club ord.fL • • - • K. J. F OQ' ft rty . Supt., H oo.ler Twtno Mille. MIchie-aD City,lnd..

Brushing IJp. Tbe othe r d a y th e H. Lie ber com· pany, among oth er plo::tu res dis played In tb e s bow Windo w, had one tbat attracted spectal attontlon. It was a la rge plcturo represc ntin g an Imme nse lioness a n d tour cubl!. Togcther with tb e prai se bes tow ed on tbls group, th ere was some criticIs m. "Wbat fool artist got up tb at pIcture?" s aid an elderly observ er. "Anyone ought to know that two cubs Is th o limit tor any lioness. Tbls word picked up by a lis ten er was taken Into tbe pic· ture bouse. "Tbls Is rath e r overdo· Ing tb e cub buslne8s," sald the crItic. " Anyone ought to know that two lion whelps are enough ." The people In the plcturo bouse were greatly dis· lress"d under this cirllclsm, until a frIend bunted up a cyclopedia of natural blstory and r ead these lines: "From two to tour w"e lps are pro· duced at one Ume. Tbey are born with e ye B open. but are helpless for sev· eral weeks."-Indlanapolh, News.

Import.nt to Mothere ExamJne carefully every bottle of CASTORlA, a safe and lure remedy tor Infanta and cblldren. and lee that It


Bearathe ~--SIgnature of • ~ In Use For Over 80 Teat'll.

If you have not decided upon what Spring ~edlcln6 to take, try Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona


How He Old It. A ramous cle rgyman tells of a lay ~1A.~QItTAB~ preacber's conterence In which a vet· eran described bls method of sermon By arousing the liver pre paratIon. "I take my text," be said, "and divid e TbeF clean.. lbe I7l1tem of accumulatcli my sermon Into threo parts. In th e lIIIpuritlea anti first part 1 tell 'em what I'm going to PURl" THE BLOOD tell 'em. In til e second part-well. I tell ·em. In th e third part I tell 'em :n~~':!e~t~:ri~:r£::~~ rop .....,nta"',,, \0 loll41roco1ofl'OIII what I've told 'em." tbe mill to ,be bome. Uuan.ntee4 from one pra.lrap.,

~ ~(PIU.S~~~


Wealaobaye .. aomp~te line ot D&awMr.Oo6d protl~ azolWlIYe

&.errlt.orJ. Wrlt.n for cataloKSa.D1:I Lorma.

PerfiIMU.....Let.. Wide,

If you

wish benutiful, elenr, white clothes. use Red Cros8 Ball Blue. At all Kood grocers. Adv.

J"" a. WlllaMI .,.... PklW.,.........

------- --HI. MI.take.

Pettit's EYe Salve

"Ghnme Home candy, Tom?" "Candy I I ain't g ::t no candytbat's a toothRch e."


W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 14-1914.

Nature Never Intended

~::.:a!~J ~RJ:::

enjoy perfect health and .trength-to be just as .wng and healthy aa manperbape more 110-10 view oj the fact that It la ehe who bringamto the world the oft'sprillg. Every woman can be atroog aDd healthy. Don't ieeIiD yourael! to a delicate life. . U YOll BUffer trom beadaehes, baeka.ebes, ftervoalMUo low Bplrita, lack ot ambition, or bave lollt all hope of belnll ·well again-It's more than an even chance that .you will lpeediiy regain your health If you will trr

Woman to be Sickly

I !!!::

Pierce's Favorite Pre$criptiOD (In Tablet or Utpild Fona) Thll famoull remedy fa the rwult of yean of paden' _arch by ! phy.icIaD who bu made women'. pecuJlu

aI1mentli a Ute ItUdy.

Sm-'taIDWocJuotba _ __ tIIea . .. _ _ crf ~ ~ ot~ta





=-:..~t~t=~PI fGu.:w C!"~

B. V. PIer-. II. D.. BcalIIIIIo. N_ T. . . . . . . . ._ . _~,..,_






• • fol' {'o r rt. bO n:lO Sll.70. W, C. (iil HEALTH COMMANDMENTS Strengthens Wcak and Tired Women • lII ont ex p \l ll ~e!l fo r tl r~t quarter 191-1 """''''"''''''..............,.. ~ .••• ..........,.. . . . . . . . . ......... . . ..................... _ . . . . . . ....... . '1~\ 1 50. s Rme , t,orm fOPH, ·.I Il Duary ·'1 waB under a g rellt strllin Durster ril $ I Ul . l :l. ,'n nlO , hotl r lJing and log" r~llltive thr.:lugb tbr(\e Fun~ral Director. Tbon eMIt honor thy neighbor. Proh:lI(' ,;our' Proceed ings lo tfl N o. ·1 IIn(1 Cl In E. B. Wri~b t 's wA sh ing fo r pr lt!ollurl!! $'1 ·10 Bilr. h 00f1 and keep it olean. months' slokne8B," writes Mrs. J. C . I · III " Ill ll ' ' r .. f til " "tl~'lt.e (I f l>1 ... s n hlli\,IRl oll ~ C\ I.(.'Il'\ l1 ou , Oh iil. ~250U. rot t Br,)s., HI1 JlJl tleH f(l r VIl't Asses· Remem'b er thy oleanlng day lind Van De8ande, or Klrklllnd. 111., !lnll WllIllll n Tll!lf')J(lr ,l r . uI111 wlf(l 1° 1801' '\o I L. W . ('. 'I'urtOll . ooul for keep It wl~olly . "Eleotrlo Bit,ters kept me from !I '\'ll lh, " ",u n, d oc('n~ ed . AUD~ Telephono day or night [JIm P . Bont', \l1~'II' II) ... 1l1'1''lint.(,ll (\XQon t.rl x. C. 1\.\ HoI" t70M II n,1 wi!'!' I,) t~ No . I i 7'/ (,Oll L h o u~ e ~51l 2·1. 'rhon shalt take care of thy rub brel.Lklng down. I will never b e Valley phnn" N., I,ung f('''. ,ro r ~rst. qUllrt,PT' . 191-1 ~ 172 . 5~. bil\ll h el1Jl, else thy n eighbor w11l without It . " Do y ou feel thed ana .' 1" " " " ''I i' r p I II, ,.1,·" \ \' ll kcl' l i :-. I ~II :111 " 1,' 9 ill 1\l ll~ll n . Oh iO. Dillt.llnct! No 69-2r. l :. M . It ,d, llz" i" .lUd \\,1 1.. I L' A. H . . f . " . ~loC rII J. bu r lll l ::iurBh E Hill. bea r wl'nt~as against thee . h '''' f.!' ' :0: 1" ,, 11 ,,,,01 \ VIIII IIIII . worn out ? No Iloppetlte lind food Lewis Brnl'. & Co.,. ooa l t ; dl :lf l1 "' 1' 1 I P P" i:lt('d II p p rr , i:O(l1r~ . COllJlJtLlII I ll t ~ . ' 11 1711. 1i7, 1 ~<.; lint! lau :57:. Thou shalt, keep in order thyal. won't dlgeHt? It· tsn't the 8prlng AutomoDlle 8ervlce at all Time. far ' "'1ft. house $ LO.:! ;j. ~ >llI l tl , U r a y. ley, thy btLok yard, t hy hall Ilnd thy weather . You need Eleotric BitIII I I In ',II '' r ,.' p ., . i>!1l/1\'ll1l1n" blp 1 ;'11 III M" )jll U lll Jlu. $ 1 t e n . Stl.Lrt a month '8 'treatment to. Mllrv ~;. ~ r;lrr v til .111 1111 1.11\\' p lI rt "Wg (> :,D,, ; S(\\VUl' pi\J H $IU1! . W . J. Rtui r way . 01 11.. 1, F· II', \ '1/··1 N plqo n OHIO l ,r ' N I-/S t!1 "1 1 I,(,Ulln OIl, . n ,:1J 1 !"''''''' WI ~ ~Il'U\l ln nH r o ~. T h ou s taa lt not let the wicked By duy; nothing better for stomaoh, WA VNESVlllE, p. ~ 1( 1 , I' ~ " , .. ...' . l l.. ~.'. \ g tn is 0 ,' ~'/I roo •• a u .' . n lun d ,!:'r :1' 12. A . . 1. Klphart. r '" ft breed. 0 1 liver aDd kidneys. Tbe grea\ spring I Brandt Office, HarveJ8bu.llr, O . " ' IY 'lTl ", (I . Bo nrl \.1." . li n , ...~ I \V lLS h Illgtun ' ' $ L1 . • • W ill, t, a \Vn~ t lip T hou shalt not kill thy neighbor tonio. R elief or m oney baok . 500. I " tllll J. IIII1M tl f th n .". tlltt. of . J.1. ~.~ t, ' v t n f1 . 11" ,. 11' 1' lot, No . .!(l l lh l,' l:ar ru glll.od , 'nl\'(\I·t en .. cnl· by I gnorl, n~ tire m enaoes or by and $ 1,00, at y our Druggist. ]111 0 1 "Il l ('I~ , "pn t,.. d " I· (ln~p,1. }i'l rsl lD H Odll,,.~or: (l hll, if. 1 \' (' 1' 1 Jl lp(, $ 11' ..1.1) BI 'T! Ilc'~u, brhl ge UOitlon ing the uir w ith smoke and " "d DUIII II I'< Ullt lIJ1pn' \'~11. Es tllLIJ ..)UUl O: K I "I ln!' (It "I t il i\~"I' ~l1rAt I'llp " r .... Dee:.!ioltl, tnwD", h ll U ~O. odor f rom burning rubbish lind gar , I . flllly " tllI. llli ... t,., r,'(!. COnt)H I , lIun' r! III J. nbnn ,t n. ~ 1 . Or l';'I)Io II" DrlCl,;e l , L' . , OOUt.. 1t;5 , $ t' ,10. bl1(!e . TEST YOUR SEED CORN In t il " III'L 11'1' of tlt o fI~ t·1l11' of lI . l ' ::': cllllhll'(! J::xlr .. to IG ['orry .Iohn \Vo r ley. dil t tor lI)lp ro JL ohe~, T h o{l s h tiltn ot kl:lep thy windows Osteopathic Physician , A ger ,ll inati on test oonduoted last .1" I' 1>. All I , ' r~ ,'n , "l'Cell~'·ll. Fi r,,!, ?'.llI t h' l'll I"t ~ ' . 71 III 1." "11 1\ ,)1) , ;::tu llbs MII.Is briu",e $ .jU l u . ~h Q n llu~ oln:ll'd dllo Y and nig h t. 1" '1' ' lIllt I" " prft \·t,l . l' 00. , I ltlllL b, 300 pe r all !:ILona $' ''. At. T h 0 11 Hhalt o;) vet all the ah' I.mCl week fr om a ~tl leo tlon of she lf dried 21 Broadway Phone 44 9 seed oorn breeders, revellis the t!tllort· I" II", I I" t l' " uf tho ('Mllt.fl o f U o ld ,' 11 O. IIll r .. t 10 ~ F: I .It' W l ~ \\'(1l! MoCr tiY, d lLm llge~ to rig $35. s lln!lhlo e 'th on OIlntl t obtain . Lebanon. Ohio \" 01,:< Ilnll " ). d tJce!lseLl , Firs! a o l o t.~ N il ':.1:.;1 ;1:, 1 ;::,:, fill" ;1:)1; In ,loh !1 Lumar, uridg e lumber $80 ..1(1 . Bec'lll ~e uf the lo ve thon bearest ling informatloll that le88 thaD 76 " " lIn is " 1'1"(1\·.·11 . Mn ok inaw Cl(i ,' llillll t il F r ll L klill, il. ,( )" 1Il ll ti on. IIn,ll hy urder of the th yo h ll ol r llo t h on tllla i t provid e olean per cent of the corn wonld g row . The iermintLtl.)n t ellt of last 801t81m 's [ n tll A II" t t ,lr of tl t e e~8 t ll. to- uf ...; r.o J... l' \"' l. ~ t,I) '-', "' I'\ • •~.., nI) I) e H Ii ') n L UUllIlo Co nr t.. f Ili tl f Au lit l r b "ll1 l'"' ff)J' them . ' ' . l!." 1 m PleaH d BRANCH OFFICE oorn or op will run very low, dUA to 1.""ll i lll1~. ,S(l til • u"llOl'II~.. .U(1 JUIII· t.h l l IJ· t 9 .'J-, .,'! I ..,., .\.. ., •~ .. ,11. 111 1\1 ' . lWII,'" Ireote 'I'h" ll :<ha ltnot stealthvohlldren's Idot • • • J.) HHu ,,,',{ ' F' .' t o II.ra nt! '1' "I' r lin . t. ' 6 . late Olfloturlty and early freeaing Waynesville. .·1 " putb II>I \, ID" " Iven 11roller bonri d 1'1 t · I," 1' 1 1 lJ1 111\' DUu Co I ll' r tl K ~ Urtlr f'" feuI r il'' h l, to h ea lih and hflppiness . Ohio f I ' '' ' '' 9 o~. t tl / '1 ' 1' t· .... " , nn w wf athe!'. Every f"rm er knows the I"p ' l r ~ Ilf " llI tllf1 lst.rll ti Otl Ilrll turn f\u " It ( I I'ltl II ,r.ln , III", . lI ll .~_ <J_ . ' . ·0 10 v I'll { t! ~) e uu r . F.tI F•. Ul lin. I,) t.h .. ,J es ( . Hullino i\\S;\ (\1 . t o th e ~hArilr'", f e•• fuod fetlrful lostl attendin g t·he plantln8 Tucsdays and Fridays, from 8 :30 " r r.Ol her luven tory a nd up 10·U-it' uel'i'" (,f IIIIlU in l niull IL'w n ~~\I'1 '\ '1 ' All in complin ocl\ to 0 L of barren s eerl oorIl, ,and shonld to 12 o'clock S" I'I) ~ c" O(1 " • , . , . . l ,r ',I·i/·IUP.ll' Ilro oD.ll tte(l. Chcck Your April Cough illBrd a l!lLins t It by t estinjl; eaoh au u , ..,.' " Vol IU" )1 13G OlIice, corner Main and High streets til Ihe nllL tttlr of th o n ~;. i ~ n rno n t I,. " . It ' I I I ·'n r~. o n uo(1 \~I' r l" i, l (,'. . • . . 'fh n w ing froat o.nd April rn'ns l of oorn before pl LL Dtinjl;. 'l'hls work " R 11 11 tol' "I ' I II On m otiou the ,\ url Ho r' 'Nlitl or. f I' b Phone No. 100 " tl rulJr rOW S Co .. I{. W , HWcnI1" r ~ "U1Ic :\ t,rflct~" , " f 1>l Il,1 $ 1. olIilI yo n t o the very marrow, yon ~h o uld not, be n eglected ,until the I 'J U tl ohri8t It! ch nsen All tl'U~lef .1er ,"1 tJ mak e thu full ')w io~ per. I "'a r t 1I ,'prove8 t.hH ohOice. Bond Mary P.! rt'.v t .. ~'rnnk H. Il ud j vy mtl.l!ent trlLus f e r,~ t·" t he ooun t y \3lltn h o(ll d-Bead and Innge stuffed week before plJ.Lnting, but.tL~ten4ed fev erish- Concb oon t u ri glIl I1 (l W Ii XHti ut 'H).lIDO. h' r ilOlk HiOP I:I HI Co m "~ 47 " ' 1' fi ill Vcorliel ,l t WI!· fun d .-~'r om .PrublLt e J nd lo(e ' r fee - Yu n 11I~e --All Kinds of lI el't'hy r Allwvud 118 IIssigO('r1 II n rl o r I:Ihi p $ 1. fun <l-$900; Audi tu r '" fee fund t lllnrtll y and feel miserable-You dereo tn f1 1!' u co mp lete Jlcoo uo t of ,VI. ~Doo k . I n J;; K. 8011ll k ;1 .... 1 ~ 1 70(): Treus nrer';; fOil fu nd '90 1) ; n eed Vr ~mg'B New DI ~O(~ver:v . Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser I t soot·h e i~ mfiam e d and Irr\t.ated . hl Rp rooeel l l llg~. acres 111 !lami ll" n towlI>!hip $1 . He<:" n ie r 'l!! fel. f u nd 1l3.iO . thrllllt Ilnd IPllff9, stops ooug b, y our I Flush on t the noo lmulatf d vvllste In the " .·Itt,(· r o f t h e ('~ tll t e of T U. V ll l~ ') i8 t o C<, llln R 1\11 .1 Ii;. K . - - -- - - - - - bead c leo rs up, fe\' er lelloves. and Imd poill, mt! or the winter nlonths ; Angn t A U! liAr . rlt· , AIISNl . Sa lt' 01 Ea rnh'lrt· 1';5 :'?~ 11 0 1'(\1' i ll I,'Tunk lm Notice of Appointment .vou fse l fille Mr . J . T . Davis'. of O I ~lIl D Se yo nr st o lDtiolI , liver pnd relll e ~ tat e i ~ 11)lllr, .. ,·d n nll C l e n l(~ T1'''l; I II\Y lJ ~ h i U!\ $ 1. ::;tickn(\y Co rnllr, Me., "Was our e ct I kido .. yl' ~ f all impurities. Tlike Dr. P. H Rnp . 'I;:" 'e-UI'I' , I'll' . plulnt.ill'. n. T . nn,l 0 .1. E rlwflrd!l to Uen E' late o f A bn ~r W . Pill . <Io,·,·n"",]. ''': of 11 drefl d fol oough I.Lftf'r doot,or'" I KiD~ 's N t:! \V Life Pills ; nothing be t·, vs. JIlm l'l H . l:lllllit illt'nu et ti l ti p_ a n d L . M .11101" " l ( 11 i . 'r e;: , I. SuCttssorj to .h.a~~ :\ulj,'U i" h~M'''y lti'OIl t llll! Hernnrd A. t L and all otber remedies I' te r for purIfying the blood. Milll, Vii i . Iw••·.. bOtHl du l y lIJl Po i nlPd and t tuuUtlod reOdll nl,!! J', IVlltu ,.,,1 1'1 (If luo d Henr y l" .Lddl,-, r t o lo'mnci~ rid "M'c uloT ul thu I ~' t" tu 0 1 .~lJn"r W . Dill. full ed. Relief or money baok non' lfriping Inxatlvc. Curel! oon F. E.~SHERWOODI kn o wo li S "I"r~t, 'I ra~t" order d ; IUU lI 32 a res in ~lIltl1lJ town hip !5 t. lalO (O t \\' I\ rron (A.I/ nl,y.' 'hlo. r\ec .. n '~" . Plen@8nt--Chlldren like it . Get 1\ I StiJltltiou; mpke8 you feel fine . IJUI Olf thl8 10'h dny or .\ pril 19". '1' ,. h 5 0 81lle to UI'l fo r ou"h 11 11 (\ Ireo IIl1d J !LmeS Beroll u ull d wife to MllTY .IIJuu .... Ur",r n . bot tle t od"y. 500 and 11 .00 at your Il lle no ut, er. 2 0 at your rug. clear of t be Rllil) (' llll ti n gl'nt d owor ,J . Lowe:S t r uottl ,',f IIl.ld in Tur t le. .Jlld!,>c " r th e I'mh nl " Cutin. Druggi st. Buoklen 'lI Arnica SuI ve I gis t . Baoklen's Arnloa &Ive tor Over PostotTicc. W aynesviUl', \': "1' 1 ' 0 11 ('" u ll ty . Uhlo. fAil"" All B t o ~ A. G. I:illuk I D:lll1. d ft-utlnnt. oreok tow nsh ip . $ 1 11:1 ' or ",ores. ur s. April I ~I-~ t Office Phone 77 House Phone li-3r



Walter McClure


---_.- ..---


- --------

Dr. Heber M. Dill

) ..


InSURlIneE A. B. Chandler


10 t he JU ut t·pr of tbo est.u. te (If I!'. J . CI ~veu gE>l' c t. ! I t o K C. CO l . Anna TlIom pl><oD, lU"U DIl . ::;euon d w in , t wo trll ot" of hln'd in Harl ua aocou n t itl IIu t II P pru v ed : tow Ill:> hlp $2 {iUO

_~~~~~~~~~'!""'"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!'!'~~~.!'!~~~~!!!'!'!'~~~~~~~~~!!!'!'!'~!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'~~!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'~~!!!!' - - .- - - - .- - -. - - - --.-. -- :.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.: .;.;.;.:.:.' .;.:.;.: .;.; .:.:.; .:.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.: .;.:. ;.:.:.:,;,,;.:.: ':':.:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'~-:-:-.' ;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.•.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;••.•.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.; .;~::::

R: ~ ~;~~~=:~L~~~I~~J~ ~~, ~~: :.;~:0~~~~~~.~.~~~~~~:.;:$' . . :~.; ·.~: $1. ' . ..:...

Dnyh ,n t:!tnt /J Hospital is Ul ad e.

10 t ho m utt er of the estllote of l J oh n Lnw :I O,..e~h B. I!' ~enob, dec eased . I:lale~ F ie r!! part of I.

~~~. 0;,::;::" '~I':;~V:fd;b' ",." $1P V" II

t o Mutt if! I l tl ll Aun ie lot No. 159 iu Lu ball m

.'. :::


to .1 J. Tbom!>,on J , . "

ib~~~~:::s. 11~~~~E:£t;e;:~.: I pa~~~~:~. ~;~~~u :to v~e~~n:.n !~. ~~. 'il ~ iii Conover Ilnd J oseph Zimmerman F e ' er lot No. l ID Elli ot t s AddItion :.:

:~!~::I;v~ic 9 -\ ~

.;: ':: ':: ':

::: ::: ;::

~ ~)~

'l;.!E~;:t:~£~~o::: ~'I::~g~: ;;\\:;f;,~!~;'~~l~~O g ;: ~~:;n';' ' •. • ~.:1 .j J. I. P4yne to Rrty Gflsklll lot No

I'$.:': $:: $:.:; "

3L tn Morro\v, OhiO, $1, 0, T . Ludlum to W. W. Shorts aDd Ralph Van Meter a roadway in Salem township '176. L'barles B. Morton to George~. Cutler Ilnd wife 20.64 aores BllrJan township $1. J b H Q n M. I.yn er t o Jlarry Hayner

MarriaJ;!f LiceJl1le!! .

. ~ :::

Troy E . Be ft.)'., fa rmer of Sprin g. : boro, to Mrs Edi t h A. Yp8zel of : :.: Labanon Re v. L.aV orrlll l'aylo r : :; ::: Milton 8 Nl.1.l'lor, Inbor e r t il Mrs . :: M8 y A Jr D R:· Gree' n . bot h (If Lol}/\nuo. :;: :;: . Iv lne, J . P. ::= ::: Elwuorl B. KII' oe , florl· s'. of H ut. :'.: ' .••. . ohinllon, Kansas , t o MllmiA E. Egf.J lus ::: ::; lof Frll nklln. R e v. N . O. /Svvent . .. ". So Oood for a Cough or Cold Con' mlssioners' Proceedings : ~ When you have 11 cold you wolnt : ::: the best medioine obtl.Linllble so ba The acoounts of ~he oepositories, :: ::: to get rid of it with tbe ICIIst pos. The Lebanon Na tion .!J I1nd The Cit :, : ::: Rlbledelay. There are fUtlny who izena'Nationalbanks.forthemonth.. ::: ,If)Dsider Chamberlflin's Congh Rem. or Maroh were and.ted n nd foond .. :;: , iy unsurpussd. ·-Irs. J, Boroff, oorreot. ':: J : Ida. Ohio, BIlYS, "Ever 9inoe my The finanolal statements of the ::: , •. aghter Rnth was onr ed of a severe Auditor and Treasurer ahowing the :;: ,Ad and cough by Chamberlllin's balance In eaoh fund Qnd acoount ::: , :oogh Remedy ~wo year!! ago, I at the beginning of the month were ) .ve fea kindly disposed towu.rd pretleDted and ordered pia oed on ::: '..lEt manufacturers of that prepilra. fiJe , ':: I ion. I know of Dothing 80 qniok I Bills Puslled-Warren Count.y Ap. .' relieve a cough or oure flo c old." ! peal, printing road notices for audi . :::: lor sale by all dealers. t or 17 50. C. G. Mllrvln, tlupplie!! ' : : '.:.



$: : $: :





Each to I "vest Ten Do lIa~~

~ .:.

.:~~::t~n~,~i.:~:!;~·~::~.,:.t ::;lDteres~ ?;~:~1;:'~:'A ~~':::; ~~. ~:ii !~ .. ; ~ A. UiU is appointed adlllinis tralor. In 1(1·/ 'LOreR In Deer fl e ld Bond 11500. t ownsblp $640u. . J ','8eph C. U"rroll to Ed gar tlti nReal Estate Traotifers 11 0 1l'1.< in l\1 <.IssIe




~ .~~ ,.$.:.~'" .-



, ::::





~ ::: ;, :,;

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I :1 ::

; : ; .' $. .





WANTED":;: .:':

~:s~r:~:u~nSt~~~I:~ t~:Ch


prol~ressive State whose motto is:

il $i!:

week for Ninety Weeks


i~j ~ 1~~ :.: ~ .:.

~, 11 .::~ :::

"Under God the People Rule ."


STOCK ISSUED and OUTSTANDING as per annual report of Dec. 5, 1911


Stock in .. .'... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ... ...... .. ....... .. .. 39,361 shares Stock authorized for sale this issue . ...... .. . , .. .. .. . . . . . . ..... : . . ... . .. . .. ......... . . . ........ . . ... .. .. . .... 20,000 ahares Stock to be r eser ved in Treasury for future requirements of the C(J,ppration ..... . . .. .. . .. . ..... . ... .... ....... 19.361 shares

I.i•• .

AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION 100,000 shares, par value of Ten Dollars each


!:~::~~ ~~~ ~~n-~~~~~~~~l.~

~~,.6~.~ ~~~~


The Treasury Stock Has a Lien on All the Assets of the Company arid ·Its Earnings Until Its Dividend is Paid

e ' c\S.ngTHIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividends rhtht along.



and $1 per week for 90 wceks will buy ]0 sbares and • per week for 90 weeks will buy .0 shares and • per week for 90 weeks will buy' 30 shares

for gO weeks win for {l0 weeks will for 90 weeks will for 90 weeks will 80 ~':Ish and 8 per week [or 90 weeks will lI() cash "lid {l per week for 90 weeks will


::: :'.: ••,




!:! :'.:

:~ ::: :::~:

S: : :~

:: ::: s:~ :~

$:~ :~ :~






~ ::§!O:'"



buy; 40 sbare.o,; buy 50 shares buy 60 sbares buy 70 shures buy ' 80 shares buy 90 shares



--;~ $·'

~ !f ~


Businesses. Lare-e Businesses from Small' Investments Crow. Use Either the Cash or Installment Coupo~.

MONTqOMERY All~7>'i'hOU~~~ade;,.toAMERICA, Makers of .


Locust Street

:.; ' ,

Date .. . . . .. . ....... . . ..... . . . . . . .. . . SHOE CO. I:nc., St. Louis, Mo •• th .' . . . ... . •... . , ..... . .. .. .. . . Dollars

': .

· Il~C.

EYB BRAND" 'Shoes ..Salnt .+-oul•• ".I~.OQrl

Cash t Payment Coupon




Date . ... . . . .... , . : . . .' . .. . .. . ~ . ; . .. ' .. . . '.' MONTGOMERY SHOE CO. Inc., 2628 Locu$t St., St . .Loula. Mo. " ..~. . " -..; I;· • I • • : Encloaed herewitQ. ; . . .. .. ',' , . . . . . ... : .....1 . DbUara as first payment ~ i": .... <;n, ..." .... ';;,~ the .~I~Pi~


inc. at

. .balance lnt,lnlnety diifer~ed P8J,mlmtll1if



arge Oaks from sman:c:;n=~::::'''k;~: w;::ij~b-;::~;pPlle8In allllding Large S' f ~


:::$::: ::!:~


stock Now Salling At Par, TaD Dollars Per Share • per week and 5 per week and 0 per week and 7 per week

',' ,'



1. NO PRIOR LIENS-No mortgages exist upon any assets ()f this Company and none can be created without the consent of THREE·FIFTHS of the entire s ltock isaued . 2 NO FLOATING' DEBT-'J'he proceeds of this issue will retire the Company's biJI~ payable, and furnish ample workinJr capital to successfully carryon th'e business. 3. ESTIMATED EARNINGS·-Approximately aeven times the dividend requirements of this isaue. . 4 . MANAGEMENT-Will be continued by the present Executive Officers and others who are exjlertshoe men of many . y ars' experience in the phoe business. 5 SINKING FUND-Will bE~ crellted to retire this issue at the option 'of the holder at par after FIFTY yean, regardless 0 h ow dividends have been paid. " . G. GUARANTEED STOCK-Application will be made in oue 'courae to have this stock guaranteed against loss to the e t ent of its purchase price, by one of the strongest guaranty companies in the business. 7. Application will be made in due course to list this stock on the Boston, New York, Chicago, and Saint Louis stock


~ :.! l~,: ) $

::;. :::




~1~ ~'111

:::. ::: . . ::: ..... :.: .

PURPOSES for which thil:l stork is being sold are to equip a large factory for the manufacture of High Grade Shoes for Men and Women to be sold direct to the consumers from the Company's own stores aud by mall. Factory to be located in , L . M . St. OUiS. o . d d be The Corporation owns.valuabIE! Secret Processes of making shoes that have been demonstrated an foun to money saving , also Trade-Mark that has been in use and before the public since January 7, 1897" ~Iso large mailing list of about 500,000 n am es of men hnd w omen, each a prospective customer, about 1000 new names are bemg added each week., . . The shoe business in St. Louis, Mo .• is conducted on a basis of TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFITS on caPltahzatlOn . For inRtanCE', a concern turning its capital once during the year would make TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFIT.80me of the older concerns in St. Louis turn their capital as much as THREI!: and FOUR times during the year

$10 cash 10 cash 30 cash 40 cash 50 cash eo cash 70 cash

$: :

. ... ..






GAZE'i ' 'l'E


Tbe mrmy friends af W.lbur W . Wilson, Will be g lad to know that b e bus he en pr Jmoted to a'ruvoling poSition through the Sonth, for - - -- - H . W. Johns Mlmvil le Co. lie hall VALLEY 'J'ELEI'llONE-CALL NO . 11 2 been in tbeir e mploy for three yeo.rll Rates of Advertising Relldlng Loculli. per line . ... . . .. .... .. . 6c und hes been promoted without askOIU6llltleu Alia. 1I0t Lo ll.'(ceed II 1'0 lIues Ing wbicb speaks well for tbe young • Throo lll8ertlons . . . .. " .. . . . . D. L. Crane, Ed itor and Menager. Display Advortish'l!. per lncll . ........ . ~~ mlln . DlllCoume Ifl von on contrac t. Pretty hats and good olothes were In o.buudance upon o ur etreets Sunday. APRIL 15, 1914. Mr. Cbue . rucker has been somewha~ Indisposed for Bttveml days. A LETTE~ FROM HOME New Burlington Mr!!. Walter t:!tlvers WIiS oalled to W Clu k!!vl ll e 8aturdav on "ccount of hat w lcbery In tbe old borne (Doillyed) the death of Mrs. ·mvers tlLther. paper. Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mr. Frank .~ bi dukerafter seve r al Men will go day a~ter day wit-h R')bert!l, Aprtl4th, a i on. ::n more tban " glanoe at tbe headJ we~ks slokness and confiueme nt Is I1nea of the big city dl\\1y Time . W, R aydook and Miss Vero. gol n~ arou nd a Ii &,Ie bit. Be bas Plilll8l1. Dutle!! 011011 ' i'bere is mee$. ;u:lt:r~~~d spent the week end in our best wishel:!_ ings, tbeolert4 ,olub, dances, leotnres p g . Mr!!, Iiarriet Ashm ure after q nl te oonoerts-all orowdiug one another About thirty trlend.~ of Mr. and a speIl of eiokneBi Is agllin around nom one oan 80lOruely oall bls sltul Mrs. Howarrt Corr ml.'t at their to the deh g h t of ne r lIIany friends. hitl own bome Frldu,Y evening In a rarewell Onr Bt~b t:ioho .1 oommenoement Yet a man who haa the weekly 11001&1. They will move to tbelr exeroises w ill tlLke p luce Thursday paper from hili boyhood hOIDIi sent new h ome in Loulslanna "bou$ evenluR, April 30 th . The olasB is to his offices seizes U g reedily . If April 2 1. composed of the t hree young ladies the offioe lJoy fulls to lay it on hi8 "Belnie" Young an oht veteran Alice Mo(;arren, I:ls ie O>l born und deak tbe unlucky wlgh& is iodlloogbr 18 olfonli\tlng among his friends MlLrtha t:!tllrr . President A. J. at, hl8 bead. here . He espeot·s to spend tbe Brown, of Wil mln ~ton, hilS l:.e8n l'herecomes a momont when there summttr here. secnred to deliver tho OIUBS addreB~. Itl a lull In 'he aMllault or caUers, David Turner of uear Xenia W81 The musio will be furnlaheJ by tbe Yonr bntly man bas kept the paper here sevllrai days lust week. ' Visoonti orohetltr. at ClDolnn Ltl , in View, wbere he oonld 8ee it out A hortlcnlturiet from t.he Esperl composed of a vlolinlstllLDd har pi8~. of the ooro "r of bi, eye. His mind m El nt I:!tAtien gave a demonstration Bllcca la urellte sermon SundllY April has sub-ooneol~usly reverted to the of sprayluf( on the Walton farm 26tb, at M. E c~nroh by Rev. C. 'blllg ill the mldlt of dellberatlon8 nortn or town one day last week. L. E;onger. o f Wilmington . In whioh thousandl upon thousands • _ • Mr. and Mrs. Frunk W ilson enat dollars, or weighty ajf ·.tn of I'Itate, tertaln ed for dinner ~ter ~nnrlllV may have been at ,tllke. T.h e only Rheumatic Pains Relieved their ohlldren . Mr. ~nd Mrs R . E. feeling oomp&rable $0 i ; Is the boyWhy !'nffer from rbeumatiflm W\l 8vn and Mis8 Lizzie Duell, or . 'ime an\tolpatlon of the . ohanoe to whim relief may be bad at smlllla Oaytou, and VV. W. Wilson, of read the "nickel library' thrijler oost? Mrs. I£lmer Hatoh, Pern, Ind., ClnOinnati. tha' he Ie carrying lIeourely folded w ~ltes, "I have been s nbjeot to at· Tilman Hohllon, General S uper. lo bie pocket t·noks of rheumatl8m tor -yean. intendent of ~he Internlltlonlll '!'bere ta a mnmen' of waiting, the Chllmberlaln's LiDlment alwllYI reo EVAngelilitto Federation,whose hom e paper II ptoJ[ed up. Sordid bU81ne8!' lIeve. me immediately, and I take is Pasaden a, Californll\. 8nt'lrtl\lned I. forgotten, Polltl08 lose allure plea8ure In r eoommendlng it to a well pleased lIoudienoe at Town men'. The roar of the oity II! sub. others." 25 Ilnd 50 cent bottles. Ball Saturday nig ht. dued to hUmming, quleUng mu~lo For s llie by all dealerfil. __- - No inMrrnp&lons are permitted • ___ •_ _ _ A Cure for Sour Stomach No 0811 at duty II. an8wered. The Caesar's Creek poorly edited old paper 18 lead from Mrs. Wm . M. Thompson, of Battl e end wend Local news firet, coun Vreek, Mlob., writes i " I have beon v:r oorre'lJondence 1Ie%$. All tbe Chauncey Bunnell and .f!lmlly troubled w ith indigestion , sou r tbinls that remind him of tbe old speut Suuday io Dayton. stomaob and ba d bl·satb. After bome have been read Ilnd re relid. Raleigh Bogan spent tiu nday with taking two bottles of ChamberlaiD 'S Old memorlee b" ve been revived. Zimrl lillines and family. Tablets I am well. Th ese tllblets Old paaalonllltllrad. Old joy. tbrill Everett Halo :818 home from WIl. Ilre splendid-noae better. " For again. Old sorrowl are bugged t ' mlngtou college. so.Je by all dealers . ijl~ aoul. Old love8 8et the nerves Mt88 Ina )hy Comp$on is very ----------tiQRlInl· Tbe bualn688 machine Is alo\( at ber bome. Wellman I man ODce more, nay, beUer yet, , be fa a boy altaln. . Rev. W, f:I. 0 Neall, of Bloom. That 18 wby he 18 greedy for vme , spent la8\ Tbursday wl$h hi. Moadames 1'. A. Harts ook and Geo, Duvi e gave a sewing d the more oUhe prevloua iMUl8, redolent daughter, Mrl. W E. Bogan. with preoloua recollections That Howard-Leaming and family IIpen' honle of the former Wedneaday. ia why, wben tbe "Iucalll" are ex- Sunday with J . S. Leaming. Mrs. !:larab Rioh Lnd Mrs . W. T. bauated, 'be village oorreapondenoe t:!overal from here aUended the Jordan were sboPPlng in Ci nolnnati lone dry, he goel bllQk to the be. lectnre conrae d New BurUnllwn, Monday. ginning and runa througb It aU ag:a ln &lturdAY Dtsht. Mrs. 6eo Bogan and daughter . lbl. 'Ime reading ~very Borap, dis ~ra . W, E. Bogau and daugbier £dlth, spent Munday with Mr. and -:n al "boahr plaM jOke8 aDd all. spent Saturday in WaynenUte. Mrs. Will Frauentknoot , near Mar. A leUer from home, yee-a letter row, that doeth 100d like 110 medlolne Raymond Wll~on, wife, and Hr. and Mrs Geo, Davis spent It makee him a ohlld alain, JUI' for spens t:!unjay with ErneBS Burley Buudav with Mr . and Mrs. Ernes t tne OU<l8, And &hat i8 a memory aod family. . bath th .., refreshea tbe tired mlDd Lawrenoe h51tobener, Ethel Camp. MannoD . Mr and Mrs. W, T Jordan spent anawarm. the ohilled 80nl. ton lAnd FreucN Witson too Suu. That ta wby runl free deltvery day (ilnner a& Horace Compton's. i;unday at MI'. and Mrs. John Jor· baa DO', nor eVAn can, put the "ooun l'he W. F. M. t:!. hell an Eallter d"n ' s. 'l'here' was quite 110 crowd at t,he t"7 weekly" out of bnaloea8 ....... Day .ervloe at New Burlington ohurch, Rural Welfare League &'urday Dally ~ e",~, SUllday nlgbt . night. ' - -Mrs. Sarah Rioh and lIrs. 'E iannllh .... 11' 0"11'. Corwin. ~toh spent the week· end with their We are wlUln. that women ahan bav. tile Jut word If they wlu' let us Mre. Alice MOKlnsey wal a guest daughter" Mrs. VhBs. 61'ay and retalll the lut cent.-lt&verblU 0 .. Buoday of Mr. and Mra Jl'rank Zell. Mn . Lei ter l:)llrfaoe respeotlvely . lett-. Mr and Mrs Ea 1 S I f Mr. Tbos. Jame8 t;und ..yed with Rldg~vme, spen~ Bnn~ay :'~:Mr~, hi8 IIlater Mrs . John Helghwa-y. Chrlstla MoKtolley. Mr. and Mrs . John Wolfe enjoyed • - • Catarrb Cannot Be Cured . ~lr 'an,i Mrs., Chas. Reynolds and ~~:;: with their .ion Mr. Ray with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, "e ciaught-er spent tltiturday .. nd ~un ' 'hey oaDnot reaoh 'he sea' of 'be day with rela&ivtlsln Dayton. . Mr. and fIlrs Ben Bill and daugh41H1lI18. Caurrb 11 a blDod or oon. The marlY friends of Mra. Fanny tar Hazel »pellt Easter wUh Mr8 . , .'Uu\lon"l diBell8e, und in order to Banton wUl be glad '0 know ahe Is aill's parentI! near Woodville. oure" you mo.t 'ake 'Internal rem- improving .fter a serious illn.,.., Messra Alan Hartsook and Lee ec!lea. BaU's Catarrb Cure Is tlLken Jf "he oontlnue8 to Improve she wlll Talmage oalled OD Verner DeatbiDMrDatiy.Land aota directly npdl\ be brough' to ber 'bome Butmday ~rnge Sunday afternoon who 18 ,he blooo and muoous lurtao68, trom the hOlpltalln t.'inoinnatt. quite siok. I Ball'. C&S&rrh Cure II no' a quack The Roland fa.nUy DOW oooup?, Mr, Wm. Sheridan is enjoying medioine. It waapreaorlbed by one the Frame prOp1!rtY' a neR Oakland lIla3hine. of the beat phYllot.ns in this 0011D. Mr . and ,urlt. John ZeU weregueltll Mr, and Mrs Geo. Ellis anr! daugh. try for .yean and Is 110 r~gular of Mr, and Mra William Zell la,' ter Veata spent Ea8ter with Mr IOrlptton II II oomp086d of the week and Mrs . Ed. Mortin. beet toDio knowD, oombined wUh . . • _ ..._ __ tile bea' blood purifiers, aotlng dl MIBB Ann l'hililps WaS a Sonday I; reoUy on the mUllous surfa08l!, !'he vtshor at tbe home of Oliver DaVis ... tomach Trouble Cured perfect oomblnation of the two In and family. Mrs. H . G Cleveland. Arnold./. Pa., 'Indien&a II wba& pr6dno88 suob Mre. Miller and son, of Dayton, writes, "For some tIme I snner~d wooderful reaul'- in ourinl CIltarrh were guests of Mrs. U . I:l. Whetsel from stomaoh trouble, I would Bend for testlmonialll free, and daughtera Sunday. have sour stomaoh and feel bloated I. Cbelie,&Co t P;optt. 1'oledo, O. • ~ • .fter eatiDg. No,hing benefited me Bold by Druggtet8, prio" 760. 80matlmea C'onfu••d. until I got Cbamberlaln 's 'I'ableta Take BaU'. ramily Pills for COD. Cautlon ia tile oldest child of WI.· After 'Aking two bottles of thpm I itipMtOD. I clom.-Vlctor HllAro. was cured. II F Jr sale by all dealers


J'ubllllhed W""kly at tlJe OI\2.Cltte Olllell iu Rates of Subscripti un. Allen Dullding. Muln St .. WnYIlCol\ llIu. Oh io. O no Yoar (strictly IIIIUlv&Il""). . . 11.00 I:Ilng lo lOO!>y ..... . .. . ..... . ..... . . . .. .0)

) ,.



..--- ...




---.. - ...




New Burlington V'ifOJ. l::Io.r l6n 18 hOlDe from Earlhan:I collelle for ~ few dBY8. Wis8 ElIzaueth Reeves. of Atbeoot Normal U niverility is 8pending spring vaoatlon with reilltives h er" . Rllymond &lrogg y o.nd family and Miss FloreDod a:lyoook, of Day ton. Silent E .. ster with Mr. IIond Mr!!. Ira l::lor()gg y . F.r llnk Blnir Rnd do .lghter, of Day ton . wer E' week-And I(U.Olts u t the home of Mr. !lnd Mr8 .J oe Blu ir. Rev . Amos Cllok, at Harveysburg. prellched at t he Friends cburoh HundllY morn ing. The Womans Fore ign MlssioDllry Society held an tloter tttlnment In the evonin g. the maiD f eat ure of whioh WB!! openin g at mitflb)x es. The oolleotions Ilmounted to about furty do ll ars. The lust num hAr of t·b e leo t.ure CUnI'8B. h e ld lei r·h M. E. c bUiob ~t1 t[lrday e Vfl nlJIZ Wtill ov n ~iLJ tll'od I by ur /loy tho b e~ t f'lntal'tfll nm ent ever' gi vun here . Our community \YUH Rhooked Frl I day t o ko c, \\, t.bat IIntl "f its most respected c il-i~.etl ~ Rnbert 1<' . McKa.y h8d d terl ~tlddon ly ILt his h omu eUHt of town. He b Ad bf'en in fmll he~ lth fur ~om e ,.ime, but his dOlLtb I waR a grAat ~hoJk 1. 0 his family nnd larAo Oircle of frlend&.

11ttltadions Silk Dresses, Chalis Dresses, Wash . Dresses, Children's Dresses. Silk Suits, Silk Coats in all the hew colors, Infants' Wear. Silk Petticoats, $2.50 to $5.00, Kimonos (Crepe), House Dresses, All-Over Lace Embroideries, Embroidered Voile Dress Patterns, Lace Flouncings, MessaIines, Embroidered Crepe Patterns, Chiffon Taffeta, Silk Crepe. Wash Fabrics, White Cotton Crepe Ratine, all colors, Rici Voiles.




Clears Complc.'(lonRemoves Skin Blemishes Why go through lifc emiJaraStHld

and di~fi~ureu


with pimpl <,s, eru ptlonll, bll\okh(1lLll~, red I'o u ~h ~I{IO. or Buffering the \.orture.. of Eczema it.oh. tette r . saiL rheum . .I Llf<t /IRk your' II! ullgifit fo r Ur . l:lob~on' !I 1';0· ' zemllOintm ont. F oll nw t be ~i rup l e 9 ugg~lIt.ionll UUG your ~kin worrIes nre over . Mild. sf)ot.hlOg, eff~'J'ive E x ~e l1 ent i or bnl)\es nnd delicI\te te nd e r 8kin. titojJ!< chApping. A IWILYS ll el l)l~. Reli ef or muney iJaok . liDo. lit your Druggl et.


(~lassi&8d ..


ww ...



Corsets, $1.00 up




dwelllng-houst! on ,MfI,in street good looation. Inquire of W. ti. Bonnevll1e, Waynesville, Ohio. 822

All Lengths and Shades. Silk Niagara Maid, Kids in all good makea, $1.00 up.

WANTED to the MoO&I) 's 100 subscrlburs Magazine. Send 350 to the. liILzett3 office, and get one of the best magazine8 on earth. tf

FOR SALE plow A GOOD a good liner.

mare and also 1<~ or further infurma'ion apply a t this office, 829 ATOES-t:ieed or eaUng potaPOTtooS, late variety. clln Bur. wn Earnhart, phone12-1Y. Waynes. vtlle, Ohio . a29 hay and straw for sale, B ALED Inquire Jf George ZeJl, phoae a 29 OFF Orphington Eggs the Owen strain $l.00 per s etting of Hi eggl.. Phone 83 I X , Mn. Rachel Crew, Wayuesvtlle, Ohio. a29 V . B. Minorca eggs for hatohlng



Nemo. American Lady, Madam Lyon, Front Lace, Ferris Waists, Fern Corlets

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Ada will be IDse ned und er LIIls h ead for t wenty·llvo cen t s tor three lo.erlio u ; "hen using not mo re lban five lincs.




Oarpets Carpet Room Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums Window Shades

.Hutchison & Gibney X~niat Obi~ '!.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •

from seleoted pure bred stock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!~ 50 cents a setting. Mn. E. S. Fur c;; nas . Waynesville, 0, P hone 33 y' a 2' Blaok Borse, '~eight about 1400, a'b ont 6 years old. W. S. Gl aham R. ll . 6, Waynesvi lle, O. a22 g,ood Jersey milcb Cows witb Ineifer calves by side. InqUIre a III of Frank Daki n. reg is'ered b~l1 c~ lf. r, months uld. Inquinl of A. L. Kin g, Hllrveysburg. O. a 21 GGS for . g lit 7~o per aet..Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. ting. B . p. kll . W P Rook ~, B Minoroa B. gton Ilnd W. Leghor n. and Mammotb .White Duuk!l. Mrs. E. Phone 71-1 CORWIN OHIO S, Ba,ily, Phone a?2 GI[l8 for Reds J . c. allOY, E. V. BARNHART, .S I\nd W, Leg. IJlllobitlg trom Notary Public Funeral Director I'S 8. V . S mith, Phone 37· 3Y. . and All kinds of Notary Work . Pen8ion air, Work Ii t:!peoialty . Waynesville, ·Ohlo. {\g j(~ for hitoh· C.B. • lng from "rea stook. Mrs . Call an8wered promptly day or night. L C, St. J W " ynosville, 0 DR. J. W. MILLER, a1 5 Both phones in Office and Residence. Pbo~le 44 IX. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone fll rOi hor~e. In. . ORSE-A I4-2r . !4Ilrsball, Spring quiTe of ••. DENTIST.•• Chairs and one Coach furnished free Phooe Center. VallElY, R.I. with funerals. . ville Ig7, ' ,,15 Waynesville. 0 Best of service guaranteed. of fino sheep with bv ~ld6. 25 ewe8 1~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!~~~ EWAs are three and Will sell worth the of pa8ture. A. F. IBllltt~lnnwatte farm op· Veterinary TN. OallATUT Mill. . a16 hnndred, plain, white Graduate of Obio .JStal~ UniveraJ; paper n~pktn9; in de .......,.,.. dozen, at this amos.




Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.





Good paint gu,rantees your house a4ainst decay, just as good insurance guarantees ,.ou a,ain8t loss by 6r~. "Any 01,.. paint , I. nomore-safe than "any old" Insurance. . . . Y~u .w8llt BOund in.uranoetUld; -



." .. ,



Hanna's Green 'Setd Paint .'. ~ y,", : kno.... abOut '.paint. I~ok at the .

foriDiila on ey.ert " ' ••,'



oan 'eof 'Green Seal.

'Jotdaula' lor' a


," ..... ; ,,~\ •. ':f.~.

It ';

l.m90t h.



. ~



Dr. J. ·A.. McCoy,






-, I I

Command Means That Christian Charaoter of Food They Eat DeMust Walk With the SalJior, cides Economic Status. Not Far Behind Him. When It Consist s of Inaeets c r Mam· HntS1"S cOOlwao d tod ny. 115 Ie tllo mals linJurlous to Crops or Forest days \\' 1I 1l 11 he was gath ring tho Tre.~s, That Bird la of Service '1'\\'01\' abouL him , Is "Follow mo." to Man' and Beneficial. Th o company at thoso II'ho a re 110 closo 10 111m tha t tit yare w!llklng "·us hln gloo. -Tho cbaracter of t..he \\ \th hllll IIRS al\l'lI)' 8 been sOlCl-I!. But beyoll " cu unt Is ·the numbe r ot those fO Oll eale n by blrd ~, Insoct s or animals wh o IIro followllll: at u ,llslance. d \'(!"l H~ th ' II' 'co uomlc sta tus. \\' he n Amon g' th e llo uht fu l COLllI'IIIlY ar<' a I t.IHl roocl iii' a bird conslstll of Ins ect s ,,; r('al 1JI. II)' 11'110 al'l' LJarksllLlers. I or IlHlIlIl1", l ~ Injuri ous to erol'll, (or· There w ns a t ime wb('lt Ih 'y II'pre I £,. t tn ',·H. or to oth~r prop£'rty. lhat Ih' .LI· to hilI. Th~)' dl' llg ht NI In hie 'I bird 19 of se r vice to mnn nnd. th c~e. worll. tl", ), though t tJ1u e h o f hllll . th ey (nrc . hcnl'f\t:ial. A binI. animal or Ill' trl C'd LO conrnn lh .. ir " \'I'~ to hi" 15 ct i ~ IJ(' ne llclul or Injurloll~' to tile ten('\1 In l( . 'I'hev arl' Bl lli followlug tll·g'r!', · t hnl hnrmful or !l apfu l fo rmll hi m . hut It Is n't s uch a dl ~ Luticc Lll ut nro co te n 0 1' ll cst roy ed by it. Ilw y wOll ld hnrdly be Hus l.I{'ctl'C1 of TIi .. lr mode of loco llw llou, toge the r b('l o n 1\ll l~ to his company . with IIwir s lrll Clllrnl tilncBB tor tb e lr Th e t(.' tlr some In that company I nalu ra l fuo cUo us , mak o birds a " c ry \\'111) ma ke no prorl's,;lo u of followIng I imp0J'tnnt ('('o noml c factor i n the ani· h im . Yf'l \\'fthont bplng conseloUll a! ma l kIngdo m, e s pecIally from the It, thft)' hav e olJt'y pd hi s tpac hln j{s an d I stanapoint of tbelr u se fu lness to man. pxh ilJlt thosl' !,:races of char:tcter End0wed wit h th e powe r of High t. "' hkh Ii o f'XIlItPCI. Th ey are fo llo willg. th p) · sppf'dlly cover great dlstnnces. J ut It IA n t n ,lis tance . thu R <:o nl rOiling plagues at Insocts \\'h f' th c r th ey nro In chlll'd) o r ou t or rod nt s In wid ely se parate d secot It . ono of th e reason s \\'hl ' 11 Ileeps l tons tIt couu tr r. It/I'm at n d l ~tn n ce Is 1\ col<1 h >a fl . We Asi de fr om tll £'l r destructi on of mi ght a s w('11 e xpect l\ locomotive to ' noxious In scc ts alld Ilnimn ls , birds nI' l' kl' f' p lip wl l h its Rc heLiu lt' wit h Ice In usetul !IS wee d-secd d es troy ers , nlso Ih" flrr. box Ins lead of fir e, 11~ thut 118 s cav en ge rs , and aga in are Inst r u· n ni!lll wit h n cold heart sho uld {ollow menta l in Ih c di s se mination ot th e Chri s t closcly. Pet er did not follow seeds of treell ao d ol he r plaots. Tht' (, hr!. I nfar a rt until his love ha d plnce of birds In nature Is entir e ly cool ~ d. and his Lo rd poInted to that IJolClue. Eac h species pe rforme 0. as his one detect \\11el1 he ask ed thre e service wh ich no other can so well lilll PS , " IAJvcst thou rno?" If \\'c shirk a ccomplish . Each Is s tructurally ou r work It 18 b ecause we do not love modl!led tor th e pa rticular w01~'II It. It \\'e neglect our home It is be- natur a demllDds at It. These modltlcR' cnus€:, \\' e cio not love It . If wo tallow tlons. I n suc h species a s t he c ross('hrlst nt a di stance It Is 0. proof of 11111. s poon-bill, and others are ve r y small m eus ur e. mark ed . g iving them nn unnautral Weakness of Faith. and gro ilesClue appearance. even to the A no tb e r cuuse tor foll owing at a di s· point of' deformity. In oth er s pecies . lonce Is wea k tnlth. Pet er had once various s tTuctural modifications In confessed hi s faith III his mas te r as feot. legs. wings, necks or ot he r parts "the Christ. the Son of th e li vi ng are found. God ." lJut he could not have r epeated So complex are tb e food ha bits of that confesslou In the high pri es t's birds, tbat they are llttle und erstood, palace. Th e weakness of his faith wae and probably novel' will be {ully expressed by bls di sta nce {rom Cllrlst. known. A s pecies may be use ful part There Is hardl y one of us wbose life of t..he year. and ha.r mtul at certain would not he transtormed by a strong Umes. An ncUve destroyer of Insects faith . Th e Lord h as said. "Bee k ye firs t tbe kin gdom of God and his ri ght eous ness and all things shall be add ed unto you." It men b elieved that our churches would be tbronge d. Th e ' kingdom of hcaven would suller vi ole nce and th e viole nt would take It h y torce. The rush and stir of busl· ness would be transferr ed to tbe church. and the Quie tne ss of t..he church would settle down upon bUill· ncss. The Bible says: " The re II! no oth e r name under he aven, given among m en, wbereby we can be saved. " It we b eli eved U1at. we would not give other thIngs first place and ask God to walt our conve nience be fore we accepte d bls Son or became witnesses for blm. rr we had faith Food oil the Engllah Sparrow, Grapha s a grain of mustard seed we wouM Ically Shown. walk with Christ, not far behi nd him . within the breeding rang e may beMust Be ' No Defect•. Sucb distant followlng produc.::s a come a pillager of grain · during 011most un~atlsfactory character. . A gratlonl3. Certain species. highly ben· great defect In tblrd or rourth rate efic>al In normal num~ers. be come deworl{ is hardly noticed. but a very stmctlve wh en their numbers are smull detect In that of greatest worth greatly Increased. Tbe whole ecoIs not tolerated. It Is an unrebtaka' nomIc prohle m hinges on the balance ble evidence of the loWness cif the that can be preserved In nature_ An Christian life that u small de fect ie Increas'ed food supply would tend to 8 0 severely criticised. Even the man Increas,e the number ot birds feeding of th e world finds fault wltb 0. half thereoD,. When the supply Is mate· and Christian. Go,d's estimate Is rlally decreased, the birds must look e ven more severe. "Because tbou art elsewhllre fa;' food. and this may reuelther cold nor hot. I will spew thee Bult In their b ecoming destructive. Birds are not always the che ery. out of my mouth." FollowJng at a dIstanc e la a cauae I1ght·hearted creatures at summer. of happiness. If we know enough of' Sometimes conditions are most ad· Christ to toll ow hIm at a distance. verse and for days at a Um~ food Is something at t¥ hetter pleasures he unobtai.nable. At such times. many a promi ses, thc b~ tter tellowshlp he of· bIrd that otherwise mlgbt starve or ters. the InherEance e ternal In tbe freeze to death may be saved hy feed· heaven s W.hlCb he has prepared. we Ing. T'be time and expen se r equIred know too mucb · be content or happy to maintain a food shelt for the birds so Ipng as a pp s eparates us from Is trivial. but the good resulting Is hIm. The pOSitIon p t di stance Is the posl. tlon of danger: The straggler In the army orten ru.o s a greater risk than the soldIer In ~he front rank. The mns te r stroke iJf the enemy III to Beparate us trom ChrlBt, tben he can eaBlly ove rwh e lm us.{ It we follow at a dis· tanc e we are InvitIng min. We shall not fall before\ temptation unless first tho he art Is cold and faith weak. Beauty at c1lar~cter. happIness, so.fety. Is found !lnly Rear his BIde.


A flock of Ohio geese tllilt will br ing eOnl)idcl'ab le money t o the owner.




== =--=--= --=====




Good Deman d On City Markets For Fat Birds and Fancy Prices Are Received For Best Stock - Like Other Young Poultry. They Require Careful Handling While Small F e wer gce~c are raised on Ohio I not given In laO la rge qua n tltle8. rn rm s lhan Bny ot her Idn t! of poultry . Grass Is th ei r most esgenlial (oocl . If A fn lr estlmale would be that not more th ey d o not bnve access to Tunnlng wnl er they s hould be supplied with an tban one farm In te lf has IIny geese abundanc e o f thi s iu th e troughs or o n It. There Is no reaSOIl, ho wever, o th er " ellse ls. why m uny fnrmers could not profitably I Mature specime ns wln teret! over tor ra i~p a few gee ~ e euc h year. Th is , breedi ng purposes s ho·uld n ot be Ie ep t It !l te me llt anrt tlt e tollol'ilng fa cts wer e l in too good co nd lLOn . By kee ping gil'e n by Charles ~1 c Cla ve, n proml- tbem t oo fat they will be going down Dent Ohio poultryman . betore th e win· In condition ahout lhe beginning of ter c ourse s tud ents at th e C o lI~ge of th e breedi ng season. whic h comm en ces A ~rlcult u re. ! ahout th e fir s t of February. They can The most popula r breeds are tbe be bes t wintered In open sheds proToulouse, Afrlc!Ul, Embden, White and tected from snow s torms and oth er In· Cray, and ChI nese. I~or average OhIo clement weather conditions. A few conditIons the tlrst Is t!le most satis· bundles of fodde r set up so that the), facto!'):, thou gh eacb ot the o th er can get at the blades . mak e a good breeds bave so m e one advanloge that · wInter teed. They are als o very fond makes them valuable. F or Instance, I of c love r hay. With an occJlslonsl ea r the I!)mbd e n ti ro most h lgbly esteemed of corn thrown to tb e m tbey can be ror their fcather s. The Chinese are brought through very satisfactorily. the bes t layers. Tbls breed Is ve ry 'rhe goose Is not so very far removed acllve, ot fai r size. and t..h e egges are from ItR wild anceBtors. Tn Its native almost invariably ferllle. state food was ratb er difficult to obIt Is best to hatch goose eggs under taln. and so by keeping toad constant· c hIcken h ens. They are allowed to Iv be tore them, we create an unnatural run wIth tbe h ens as long as tbey w11l cond itio n which Is r efle c ted next care fur tbsm_ After t..hat tney can hatchIn g season In the large number shift for themselves. It auy mature of Inferti le eggs and wea k goslings _ geese are on tbe' farm th e gos lings can It requir es about tbr ee weeks to tat· be sately put with them 88 the adults ten a goose and a s they can be wlll care for and protect the young. brought to the bes t co nditio n only Gosli ngs. like the young of mo s t other QIlce during the winte r. It Is wise to poultry, requir e rather cnrerul hand· ~omm e n ce hea\,y reeding only a short ling wb e n small. One of the best t!!ads While b ef o ~e the ClIpected time for for tbem 1& dry bread soaked In skim matkellng. Feed several times dally milk. Some care should be exercIsed wbat tbey will clean up. Corn Is t..he about letUng t..hem go to ponds or cheapest and best food for fattening_ atreams or water. Turtles are theIr As soon as they are fattened It Is best natural enemies. There Ie a dange r, to sell. as It is diffi cult and Indee d too. of tb ei r being carried away In practically Impossible to keep up their ,tre ams of swiftly running water. If we ight. It Is no t un common for Il fat the weather Is warm and the above ~p ecme n to s hr ink In a tew weeks to precautions are taken. It Is advisable 60 pel' ce nt qr 70 pe r cent at its orlg· to permit tbem to go to water. Ponds Inal weight. All city marketa require and swamps especially seem to be a fat goose. t..he tatter the better_ The their natural hom~. RaInstorms are all or ' fa t Is esteemed not ollly 8S an very destructlve to young gosllng8. article of toad. but Is also used for During a stor m they s tand· wltb their medi cinal purposes as well. necks s tretc hed straight up In the air. Geese do\'elop rapi dly and are ready The wllter may run down theIr nos· to be dIspos ed or at trom six to eight trll s and choke them. It Is also wise months. The avel'age weight Is from no t to permit t he m to wander (00 far fourteen to eIghteen po unds. and as from home when young. for tbey are tbey will us ually command around apt to get OD their backs and when In eIghteen or tw e nty' cents per pound that posi ti on. csn rega in therr feet IIvewel ght. they generally prove quite again only with gr;)at difficulty. Do IIrofitable. This senson . six months not h~use tbem too closely . old geese , at ThanksgIving time Corn s hould be re d sparingly. Wheat brought as much as $3.60 each a\ some middling and bran al'e safe (eell when of our city markets.


gence that Is display ed on most lawns about our r esi dences. The sc hool yard may be planted In s uch 0. way that there wlll be heautlful In most places wh ere trees have p teces at shrubbery In bloom before bee n pl a nted lhe ent ire front ot lhe school closes. brlght-<!olored follnge rtlr hou!!e bllH bopn hidd en. It the planting ! tbe fall. and for winter arched groin· wore we ll to the left and rlgh t of th e : ed and palaces rormed by the snow· buildi ng. ma ki ng tbe hou3e the cen- ' la den brancbes or the trees nnd bushell. tra l poi n t , with a grass plot In front. Suc h sc hool properties command the th e plct ure preselHed to tlle passerby admiration and r espect ot the ocen,. would be much more pleasing. Low slonal visItor ot the school as well as pla ntings. ~ uch as lilacs, snowba lls. tbe patron s . children and teacher, hartly h yd ran geas, !low ering Quince. make be tter cll.lzena, bappler cblldren a nd syrlngas s bould be planted In and more hopeful teachers. A. B. GRAHAM, . College of Agriculture. Oblo State U nive rs ity.




'. I An attractive arrangemen'. planting.



m asses around tbe borders and In the cOl'ners of th e school lot. The lawn mower IIhonld bl) used upon the front of the sch ool YOI'd. Too orten these yatds nre nllowc.d to grow up to ta ll weeds which a ro Cllt down only a week or t\\·o beCore school begins . Any l'e.4e~ or '~/1oso l1~e8 may well recall " h a Illg Jlmp~d abou~ for a few days wuh 'M'I~ ' hare feat, Which he "~ oul d Dp lIa~e pet If ,tho scbool yu:4 ,~ b~ ..r.ct I.o r ~Ith. i hel lame .



., ~






of ·co-opera~lon. Tbey are ob-' for If the case were rA'VAI~Rlei!~' ,.M_ ••".... talolng Plore ~d ..,.tter use (1J ! ·nalgllb'or·s 'condltlon be'C8Jn'I~;OIUt.r'r:a , thelr"'scti.~olb~_ ,:. . : , \ to o,:!ti-.o ur Judgment' t! UkowJ,le.-George l!1a~!l.)IlII., , ; .




F in .. Flo"k af Bron;.. Turt(eya--A Good f( lnd to Raise fo r Profi t

1 shou ld be date d. and uny otl ll' r JJ1unornnda au to th o hen s haul" LJ,' lllarkhe wIll mnltu good at rais ing tur· cd on them , and tho egg3 t.Ii PJl plac f'd keys: but If lIo lleG not Lhe vatlence l in wooden bOlcs Ilucl, ('d l ll o ~ f' l y III to lilt on a log and watch a cork bob· wh eat hrun. Tb e uggs should be 10 ' ['It III a It-m' bing on th e surfnc e or the cree k all dny 10 118 nlld be contonl with a dOli n pcratur e of butw ct' n G& n nll 6G d ~· bites Blld a coup! e of b ullheads tor g rees, a nd must he tllrm·,1 In rtly o\' e r his vahl8, Lhull h c bne 110 busin e ss tr y- eve ry dny . The e gg s ~ houlli al\'.'uy~ be ing to ral se tUI·ltays. pl!lc od In t il bran In a ~ 1 :4llt l n g pos lWo men aro al most In \' ll rlabl y s uc- lio n. \\,Ith .th e li t tl e e nd down . oess!ul as ' turk ey·ru lse r s , becuu~e t bey or course eggs should IH' ~et as possess th e necessury patienc e nnd esrly nil possible, uod ne" .... " n ftcr Ih !'), tld ollty to l be job. If yo ung turkeys are three weeks old. In fuet It th ey a r e negl ected thny will di e. It th e a rc set a tt er they aro two \\I ' eks o ld . motller turk 'y Is conspicuous ly to l· one Is taking a risk . low ed while seel.l n g tll e n eB t. o r dis· 1f broken up, tu rk l'! Y h UllS wi ll b "gln turbed after Bh e has co mm e nced lay· to lay aga in In about Iwo wee ks. und lng, she Is IIlte ly to leave bait be r som e breeders lIll(e ndvalltfiS of thi s clutcb IIJId r" tuse to IllY anoth er. by havi n g an Incubator r pady wb~n The woman, bowe" " r. who can corf" th e be ns begIn to lay . to tn l, n ca r l' of mand a large range fo r h e r bird s , and !ln y surplu s eglls. ns It hI deemod bet· who Is dete rmi ned to mak e mon ey In ter practice to use Incubators for lhls th e bUSiness. wil l tlnd tu ~ lley-ralslng a purpose than chicllen h l'1I5 mos t protltable part or th o poult ry It hens beglu lay in g very ('arly t.h ey bus lllesB, with th e possl bl o exce ption will orten, particularly In wnrm clI· o f seIlin g pure· bred eggs fo r hatch ing mates. produce two b reeds duri ng the purpos es. Th o latte r require s n r:reat year, but late hatch ed t urll eys seldom deal of skill. whi c h cae be obtained do well, an d lale la ying slll:uld not he only by long Xllerlence, not only In en cou r nged_ th e production of eggs, but In mar· If the eg gs nre to bc hatch ed und or ketlng them as well. tu rkey hens. eacb hen s boult! be glvell Raising t urk eys a lso req uires som(! from 16 to 18 eggs, according to 1Ilze. s ldll . but BUY woman who has 0. fond- Neve r gl\'e n hen more th an .s be caD It, "fter setting ness for the creatures ,,'III soon learn thoroughly cove r . their ways, and atter a season or two down , It Is obse rved that Bomo of th e s bould hav e no difficul ty In bringing eggs are peeping out aro und th e h er flock through from th e egg to the ed ges. th e numb er should be remarkot plnce wlt..h proHt and pleas· duced. ure. We havo n ever known turkeys to In all parts or the country. eJlcept be rulsed succeasfull y III nu artificia lly the north, the turkey hens will begin hea ted brooder. The you ng poults do tt) Bbow signs at un easiness. and It 0.1- not seem to thrIv e well c'·cept wben lowed tbo range will start out looking under t h e motber he D_ The turlley (or t..helr nestB. hen senrches tor fo od for he r young. Ot course It Is Iml)ossl ble to raise while the chicken he n must be fed. turkeys succesBfully It the b eus are Th e turkey hen. therefore. aeems to pennltted to room at will. becauae take b etter care or her pouils than a they are very timid creatures and will chicken hen does. and generally· suebid e the ir !l csts . orten where th ey call' ceeds In brln&lng more ot them not be (ound, .un t ll tllo eggs bave bee n through tbe selllon than those t..hat spoiled or hatch ed out only to be d e· are IItnrted In brooders. strayed by minks and r3ts. Crosses bet ween wild aOiI tame tur· keys ure hardier than the common turkey. and lake good care of their broods. but they too much of th e wild nature of their unclvlllzell parents. and a r e diffi cult to control. In Rhod e Islalld som e Interesting ex· Besides Nitrogen Humus Is Furperlments Itave bcen made by cross· nished to Improve WaterIng turkey gobblers on Whllo Holland a nd IJronze Turk ey h ens. From th e Holding Capacity of Soil. Whlto Holland eggs tb e poults wer e particularly b eautiful . with whit e Cornstalks are valuable as a ferhreaB ts and wblte plumage across th o tlllzer and should bo le H on the field back s, and wings pencil ed with black_ Occasionally on e of the pu llets would after cutting. Tbe nitrogen wbleh on acre or stalks contalns would ~I!t at be pure wblte. Tbe Bronze h en cross produced least tour dollars and a half If bought In the torm of commercial fertlll;era. poults r ese mbling th e Bronze. wi t h th e lighter yellow In tb elr ta ll (eathe r s. says E. G. BehMer of the agronomy d eThe poults from these crosses gre w partment at th e Kansos AgrIcultural very Quickly, und Ilre extrem ely hardy. college. When sw,lks are ·burned. nit Is otte n tbe cllse. all .nI trogen Is los t. :ialf wild gobbl ers Ilre easily tam !:". Besides th e nitrogen tbe IIlalks sup· A qua rter wild cross Is botter for practical breecllng tban a »nre Wild. ply the Boll with bumus, whIch 1m· or II hal f wild bird, as th e more wild proves the water-holdlng capacity and blood t he re Is in a b ird. the more furnishes food tor certain beneficIal difficult It Is to r es train them and bacteria. Many persons bellevo that chInch raJse th e m In coafinement. If first crosses are bre d together, the stock bugs 'vlnter oe the cornstalks_ Some re"e wblc s tbe pure Wild. e ven to tbe do go Into winter quarters there, but red legs. and afte r several genera. dne to the poor protection which the stalks afford a very small per . cent .. tions can hardly be dlstingulshod. Owing to the wild nature of tbe tur- If any. survive the w.lnter. according key It cannot be raIsed as chickens to George A. Dean of the entomology . are. Many professional turkey ra ls· department. The stalks should be cut In earlY , ~rs use cblcke n hens . for hatching. placing Be ve n or eIght eggs unde r I!ach Rpt1ng with a stalk cutter or a . dIsk; hen . HatchIng wltb Incubators somL" It a disk Is ulled. the ' fieli! ab-o uld be times provcs s ucc essful. but It Is bet· dlsked both ways. - '11h1.', cnts the ter to let the turkey bons 'hatch tbelr stalks and at ~e lIame time leaveB a good mulch. which preVOl'\t.,. rapId own eggs whel'c tbls Is possIble. evaporation . of t..he 8011 molnture. " layIng room should be secluded, IU.d tbe n est darkened . As soon I\S Food of the Song Sparrow Shown-tbe turkey hene sbow sIgns or DeRl· The Relative Size of the Segmenta of lng, the neet Bhould be placed 111 prop. the Circle Show the Comparative e r order by r e moving all old materIal'. Amount. Eaten of Varloua Food·StuffL s corcblng out tb e lnterlor at bOltes, - _._;... . ~II:' very g:reat. The food ehelt (there placing new nesting material in and spraying every Inch at tbe InterJor ot lIbould he one or more on every farm) sbould be placed, it possible, In a tbe poultr~ houso with diluted· car- One of Bes~ Methods Is t~. ~~ " shelter.e d situation, wIth a southern bolic acid. and atterward giving It a fine Fowl 'in .·Slat.Botto~ed ;: , I sIde exposed. and well out of tbe reach thorough coat or whitewash. Coop in Quie,t ~ace:"~ ., I f u A south window Is a good As turkeys begin laYing very early. ,. ,, 0 ca I. . , the OBsts must be carefully watched, I place ~d permits of from k observation d t d Don't tie red rap \0 the olit ':hen's '. particularly wben the 'weather 'Is cold. ' wlthln_ Suet, erne e nn s. lIee 8, I grainsllnd crumba.should be .furniehed or they will become chilled withIn a taU when sbe WAnta tb set, aDd dOD't/ ill goodly quantity. A luet ball (made Cew hours. They should be removed throw her about or · ftU . by winding a piece. of auet ' wlth cord as Mon as the ben leaves the neat trash, B~ood1ne!lI ~18' tiOD that. DlU,t·be <1'V:ertlQl1)f!>:, to keel) It (rom lalUng to pIeces. and I~nd replaced by chJiln eggs. Turkeys b c·g ln layIng at 'about method,. One' or ,~e _ .d d b strong twine) may be 8uspen e . y a ,the ' InbUDlt' .. 'underneath the ' porch or BUll- months , cnd If .understood- , each . branch· of a ·tree: win lay tram 2~ to 35· .e'ggs belrore rl!le.::.I· coO:1J ieJdom. If.. . . .brOodY:to' "uet 80 fiied, ~~. ~'~"'T-iii """UU JOl ,ya,u ~11l be ' .

"K!Oly WrIt." Th e life of e~ry true Christian man Is a 1\ viDg oplstjlo. vibrant wlth virtue. quiv erin g with ' the Instincts and 1m· . -=. ~-~-=--=.: pulses of a vlta,lIzed spiritual experl· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4....~.~............~.~.~..... ence. and Imow~or all men as a tea· ENJOYING THE IIm on y to th e Ivlng God. Fenelon savs th a t It Is' etter to he a good SCHOOLHOUSE IIv'ln g book than . 0 lo ye good books." Th e book bound \ In leather may. In. It Near Vermillion. Ohio. the dee d be " go od .. but the boo boulJd in buman . which walks peopl e In Ol1 e of the scbool dlstrlc ts are usin g the schoolhouse abcut on two legs will o~ten carry a us a socia l center. Once a mon th messa ge for in ways. some of the farmers and their tumillel th e m h)' ways visIted by tho ·.h'e prln press. A man ~ather th ere and some e ntertaIn· I prO(1 uets of as well a" 0. BIble "ffoly Writ" ment Is furnished . This usually , " . th ft - r of cOllslsts o! II talk or two along -t hat Is . \\ rlt upon e n .. _ agricultural or rural lite lines God. and signed Boale4 by.:a: and some music. Th e entertain spirit of th.e Such" Ii a ment mn)' be· by local persons Catl neve r . like a be put. npp " pa r Ues who lire ~ ~ h to If • for h e Is In a ·•"'..,hole or by outs IrEI ., In vited. Arter the program. r e':lrclll ntlng library J:f~4il. fr esh me nts at sandWiches, cake and co n:ee , which bave been broug ht In bask;e ts. are s erve·d . A 1'h9se peopl e are exhib iting .. tb('l world . come from the wholesome nnd much·de· ~ n fe ellng ()f our own tl:oulill"~" 1i1IIil ,1 Blre~ spirit at "geUlng together... · a vel'Y.. dull feeling of ..........,. ,..., ,.- :

= ====- -.----

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If n man Is a success Cul flu be r mull.





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,I •

/ ' ,\ " of I' nela ~a :n'" ~ubillarl rit' s wlt le ll will g ua r d lllo Pacillc (.nlran ce to the canal ure r est ing ou lhe flo o r 01 tlt e "J1I"'r lu c k (' lIn ,bN of t il l; :l l ull l ock~. Wor km en a re busy ove rhauling. pnl n tillg !lud r epai ring lh e v e~Behl prior to th I,. Inh illl' III' theil' duti oM as g uardlanH oC the Pac ltlc approach of th e cllua!.


Ur. ;I'l ary Walker. tb e grand old Indy or th e wo man '" ~ ulTrago cnUMe. who adopted mule alUr e ulJwllrd s ot titl y t enrs ago, Is showlI In tho Illustration taking Instruction In th e tUllgo. Dr. Walker does not frown a ll th e Dlode rn <lance , as these pictures Illustrate.

1,200 ULSTER



\\'b o l e~a/e r p51g natl0l1 S Ilmong o m ce r s of t he IIrlll s b arm y . who r efu se ll g ht il1 the event oC Civil war In Ulst e r threatens to throw th e army llI to un uph eaval as g reat a s that which threa t en s th e c ab in e t. Co l. J. E . B. Seely. sec r e tary of war C1 e tt). r esigned wh e n tb e gove rnm e nt r e pudiate d his J;u nran l y that (o rco would not b e u sed lIga lu ~ t th e DIRt.!r m O il . L ieu t. Co l. Arthus j.~ , l1uil ey (c e nte r). commande r o f th e " Quee n's Own lIu ssa rs," r ei ,;Igu e d mth e r thnn fight again s t U I ~t e r . Fi el d lIla rs h a l Si r .Io hn Fre nc h ( ri g ht) commlltldpr of the arm y In Ulste r . h ns r t!s lgn ed beca use of tb e r e l)U! rii:.l lion of the guaranty . I,



FEDERAL LEAGUE MAGNATES DRAFT SCHEDULE Politlcnl and military circles In Great Drllaln are JU Bt now torn wllb excite ment over th e ,1I tn allon in Ul s t e r. The' Unionists In that province are determined to lUeot with force an), attempt to compel th em to submit to a local government of Ireland as provide d In the hom e rule bill. The picture shows 1,200 voluntee r s drilling at Dungan!lon. '





VISCOUNTESS O'AZY The beautiful da ug hte r of Edward N. Dreltun g. th e promi nE' ut b llll ke r . emphatically deni es tha t she wa s married to lIIax dener of ManlstlQ tery of Mani s tiqu e n coulple giving the a m a tter ha 3 cauaed Uon. The present &ardener is not known.


Til e picture shows th e baseball magnat es o f Lit e l~o rJ e rHI league e nga ged drafting a schedule for the n e w league at the r e cent mee ting In lJaltlmore. From left to right- Edward W . Ginn e r . presid e nt of Ih e Plttsbul'sh club; Robe rt H. Ward. president of th e Brooklyn club ; Walle r F. Mullen, vlco" pre81dent or'the Buffalo club; G. C . Madison. presi dent of th e Kansas Cit)' c luh ; WI Ilium A. Kerr. treas ure r of th e I'IllJ;burgh club ; James A. Gilmore, preside nt of tb e Federal le agu o; Wnlte r S. Ward, trea s urer of the 'Drook Iy n club,

O il







Command Means That Christian Character of Food They Eat DeMust Walk With the Sal,Jior, cides Economic Status. Not Far Behind Him.


When I: Consists of In aecta c r Mam· !tH!ST 'S COUl lIlliUd today , liN In tile mals Inju rio us to Crops or Fore st da ys wh ou be was gathering th o I Trees, Th at Bird I. of Serllice Tw oll'e abuu t him , Is "Foll ow mo." to Man and Benefici a l. The CO lll pHn)' o f th oso w ho It r e ~o t1 ()~0 10 him that th L')' aru wa lklnlt \\ It It Id III haH al \I U)'H been ijOllllJ . Ilu l ,,"as h Ingto n.- Tbo cha ract e r of ths bc)'ull u cu unt Is th e nu mbe r or those f'HIU eaten hy bird s. Insocts o r anim a ls d<lt'~ Llw lJ' I.'co lt omic Hlutus . Wh e a who IIrc foll u\\'lll!; at II "I .. ta ll l!u. AU tong' th l' uOU ltl fu l CUl\ll'lIn~ Ilr!' & lh l! ("u d ,,( 1\ bird co n 6 1 ~tH of Insects ;:;T 'at III a II)' will> an. u:\cksll uers. or mallI mals lu Ju r iouti to cro ps, forT h"rtl \I ns a liUl P \\ hell thl')' w("n' C8l trl·. · ~ . 01' to othor pI·o ll'rt y. th a t I" ' a r III 11 1111, TIlt')' lI t'1i!: h tcLI In 111 & 1>11'.1 i ~ of s"rvlcc to IlI UII ulld. tll e m· ""I'd. th!' y th ouJ,:ht llIu 'lI of hllll . th ey forr·. b(' It, ·II(",, 1. A bird, Illl ima l o r inIrll'd I.. ('llll(r lil 1I1L'lr 1I \" 's to hi!' s,'e t l ~ 1.H'!lp lIclnl o r In Ju r iol l" to th e t l':I<'IlllIg . '1'11 1')' arC1 ~ll il follllw ing If ''hrC''' t hat harl1~ ful or IHlf'fu l fo rills hi m. hu t It I~ at Bueh 1\ tll s Utllc' thnt u ru l' a ll' lI 0 1' tle ijt ro ye d by it. til f'Y wo uld hn n ll y bo H U ~ I )t'Cll"l of TlI plr mo de o r locolll ctlo n, tog ether with tll " ir 8t ructuru l fH;)o S8 fo r tb e lr hplnn gi lt g t o Ills ctllIl valty. Th e n' ur u s ome ilt lh rlt cn mpany n Ulu ra l func ti ou!', mak birds a \'c ry whn IllakA no pror!'s8lon of ro llo \\lng Impo rtant pcollomle facto r In th e ull l· h im . YPl wrthont hpln g I:OIl 8('10IIS o! llIal klIlj;dom, especially Cram lhe It. U Hf ), Itn\'e o b!'Y"ti his tt'lIc hln gs atl n ~ta D d po lllt or th(> ir us eful ncss t o man . f"~hllJlt 1I 10 ~" grnc es or r ha r:H' t N I En do>w C' d with th e po we r at fli gh t , ·ellich ho "xll lt.,(\, They a ro followlu g, I th e y s p .. (o dll r cove r great di stances, :llI t It I . at 1\ .Iis tnnce. UIII" COll t roil ing Illa gues of Insects \\ 'h{' tlt e l' th ey lire In church or ou t or rorl f'nts in wid e ly se parated soc· or It. O li O 0 1 tlt o reaso ns which II{,cps tlo rl!; lIe country . As id e from th C'l r des tructlo n ot th f' lTI a t II. JI ~ t a ll te Is II co l,l heart. We mi ght a~ wl' ll e xp<, ·t 11 loc-omotlvo to ' n ox ious IllsP!"" a nd ull imal s, bIrd s nrt' Ilc(> p 11 1' wltb Its SC llCdu l ' wi th Ic In userul as we ed ·soe ,1 deslroyers, a lso lit " flr t' box In stf'ad or lire , liS that ns scnV('lIgt' rs. nlld a gai n nre In slrll' II. 1Il1i1l with a cold he art s hould fo llo w me ntal in th t) ulsscmlnutlo n of th l' (, h!'l s t c lose ly. Pe t er clld not ro llow secds at tr ees and otb r pla nts. T h n Ch rist "fn r o rr until his love had place CIt bird s In nature Is enti re ly Each s pecies perfo rm s & cool C'd. and his Lord polntE' d to th at ulll Que . aR hi s one defect " 'h en be ns k ed three Eervlce which no othe r ca n so wcll till"", " Lo vest thou m e ?" If wo shlrlt nccompll s h . E ach Is s tructurallY our work It II! he cause wo do not lov e modified for the particulnr work It. If we neglec l ou r horne It Is be· naturo dcmands or It. Thet!e modlOca. ~ aus<, we do not love It. lr we fo llow lions, I.n such specie s 119 t he c ross. Chri s t at a ul s tll nce It Is a proof of bill . s poon.blll. and others are ve r y sma ll me a su re. mark ed , gh i ng th em an unn a utral Weakness of Faith. and grotesq ue a ppea ran ce. even to tb e Anoth r cau se tor followlug at & dls- pOint o:C deformity . In oth er species , tsn ce Is wea k talth . Pete r had once "arloue stTuctural modlficntlon s In confesse u hi s Inith In his master as t eot. I CI~B, wings, ne cks or othe r parts "the Ch r ist. th e Son at th e living a re to und. GaLl ," lIut he co uld not have re pe at ed So comp lex &re th e food habits of th nt cO ll ress lo ll In th e h igh pries t's birds, t hat they are little und e rs tood, pa lace. Th e weakness at his talth was and probably never will be Cully expresse d by his di s tance from Christ . known . A species may b e use ful part The re Is hardl y one of u s wbose life ot the year, a nd ha rmful at ce rtain would not be transformed by a s trong times. An active destroyer of Insects talth. The Lord bas said, "Seek ye flrst the kingdom ot God and his rtghteous ness and all things shall be ndd ed unto you." Ir men believed that, our churches would be thronged . Th e kin g dom at bcaven would sutrer violence and tb e violent would tsk e It by force. The rush and stir ot business would be tran sferred to the cburch, and the Quie tn ess of the church would Betti e down upon business. Tbe Bib le says : "There's no other nam e und er heaven, given among men, whe r eby we can be saved." If we be lieved that, we would not give other tblngs first place and ask God to walt our convenience be fore we accepted his Son or became witnesses tor hIm. rr we had faUh Food of the Engllih Sparrow, Graph. ns a gra In of mustard seed we would Ically Shown. walk with Christ, not for behInd hIm. within the breeding range may beMust Be No Defect.. Such distant tollowlng produccs a come III pillager of grain ' during mimost unsatistactory ch&racter. . A grations. Certaln speCies, highly bengrent defe ct In third or tourtb rate ellcJal In oormal numl!era, become deworl( Is hardly noticed, but a very Iltructlve wh en their numbers are s mall detect In that ot greatest wortb greatly Increased. The wbole ecois not tol e rated. It la an unn:.tstaka· nomIc 'p rohlem binges on the balance ble evidence of ths loftiness of the that ca.n be preserved In nature. AD. Christian lite that a small de fect Is Increased food supply would tend to EO severely criticIsed. Even the man Increase the number of birds feeding ot th e world finds fault with 0. halt thereon. Wh e n the supply Is mateand halt Christian. Gqd's e8t1mate Is rially decreased , th e birds mus t look eve n more severe. "Because thou art elsewhe ro fa ,' food, and this may reneither c old nor hot. I '11'111 spew thee sult In th e ir h ecomlng destructive. out at my mouth ." Birds are not always the cheory, Following at a dlstllnce Is a cause ltght-hearted creatures of summ er. of happiness. It we know enough at Sometimes conditions are most adChri st to follow blm at Ii distance, verse lind tor d&ys at a time toad Is somethlag at t~ be tter pleasure s he unobta:lnable. At wch times, many a promises, th o he tt er fellow ship he ot- bird that oth c rwlse might starve or fers , the Inberltance eternal In the freeze to death may he saved by teedh ea vens which h e has prepared, we Ing. 'rhe time and expens$l required know too much a be content or happy to mall1ltsln a food shelf for the birds so long as a pp separates U8 trom Is trlvlnl, but the good res ulting la him. The poslUon t di s tan ce Is th e posl' tlon of danger. The straggler In the n I'm v oftp.n rups a greater risk tbaD the ' soldier In the front rank. The master stroke the enemy Is to sepa· rate liS from ClIrlst, tben ho can e88l1y overwb elm us.' It . we tallow at a dis· tance we are nvfUng ruin. We Ilhall no t fa ll betore l temptlltlon unless lint tho heart Is 'cold and faith weak. neauty ot cllar~cter, happiness, safety, Is found only Qear his side.

A flock of Ohio gees e thilt will bring co nsiderab le money to the owner.

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Good Demand On City Markets For Fat Birds and Fancy Prices Are Received For Best Stock - Like Other Young Poultry, They Require Careful Handling While Small F ewer geeBe are rai sed o n Ohio i not given in too large Quantltl eR. ta rm s than /lny other k ind of poultry , Gra~8 Is th e ir most essentlal roo(( . It A lai r es t imat e woulu be tha l not more they d o 1I0t I\ave access to running wRler th ey s holl id b'!! Bu pplieu with an th an one farm In te n ha s a ny geese IlbUlldn nC' e of this ill tbe lJ'oughs or on It. Th ere Is uo r easo n, bowev er, . othf<r vesse ls. ",' hy mnny fa rm e rs could not profitab ly I lIIat uro sllecl rn e n ~ Wi ntered over tor ra l!<p. a few ge e~e eac h yenr. Tbls breeding pllrposes s ho ul d not be Itept .taleman t and ttle to ll o\\' lng fac ts were ' In too good co nd lton. By I,cep ing give n by Ch nrles l\1 cCla"e. a pro ml· : them t oo f&t th ey wi ll be gO in g d own oen t Oblo pou ltr y man, be fore th e win· In condition about th e beginnIng of ter cOUl's e s lud en ts Ilt tb e College of th p breed ing season, wh lcb co mm e n ces Agricul t ure. I about the fir s t ot February. T hey caD The mos t popular breed s are the be bes t Win ter ed In npe n sheds proToulouse, Afrtcan, Em bden, Wh ite Dnd I tected Crom s now Btorms a nd othe r InGray, nnd Chlnsse. 1"01' average Ohio ' c le me nt weather co ndition s. A few cond lUonJl the first Is t!le must satla· bundles at fodder set up so that they fa ctory, thou g h eac h at the oth er can get at tb e blades, ma ke 11 good breeds hal'e somc one advantllge that I lVlnte r teed. They a r e also very fond makes them valuable. For Instance, at clove r hay. Wltb an occasional ear tbe E mbden are most hlgbly esteemed at corn thrown to the m they can be tor th ei r teathers. The Chinese are brought through very satisfactorily. the hes t layers. Tbls breed \a very The goose Is not so ver y tar remov ed active. of talr size, anu the egges are fro m ItR wild ancestors. In Its nati ve almos t in variabl y tertlle. statc t ood was rath er diffic ult to obIt is best to hatch goose eggs Ilnder taln, and s o by kse plng food constant· chIcke n bens. Tbey are allow ed to ty before them , we create an unnatural run w'th tbe hens a s long as tbey wll\ condition which Is reflected nex t care tur tbem. Afte r tbat th ey can hatchi ng season In the large number ebltt tor themselves. If any mature of Inte rtlle eggs and weak goslings. geese &re on tbe farm the gos lings can It requires abont three weeks to fatbe safely put witb them as the adults ten a gooss and as they can be wllJ care for aad prote ct the young. brought to the bes t co nd ition only Goslings, \Ike tbe young of most other Q,Ilce durin g tbe winter, It Is wi se to poultry , require rather carefUl hand- I'ommence heary feeding onl y Ii short ling wben small. One of the best teeds While betol,;e the expected tim e for for them Is dry bread s oalled In skIm mlltl<etlng. Feed several times dally milk. Some care s hould be exercised what tbey will clean up. Corn Is tho about letting them go to ponds or cheapest and beHt food tor fattening. Itreams ot water. Turtlee &re tbelr As soon a8 th ey are fattened It Is best natural enemies. There Is a danger, to sell, as It Is diffi c ult and ludeed too, of th eir being carried a",ay In practically Impossible to ke ep up their .treams of swlttly running water. It weight. It Is not un common tor a rs t the wenther Is warm &nd the above Rp ecm c n to s hrlnlt in & tew weeks to precautions are taken, It Is adVisable 60 pAl' cent QI 70 pe r cent ot its orlgto permit tbem to go to water. Ponds Inal weight. All city markets require and swamps espec ially seem to be a tat goose, the fatter tbe better. Tbe their natural hom e. Ra instorms are all or ' fat Is esteemed not ol:ly 'as an very destruc tive to young goslings. ' article of food, but Is also usau tor During a storm they stand wltb theIr medicinal purposes 0 8 we ll. necks stretc bed straight up In the &11'. Geese develoll rap idly Ilnd are ready The water may run down theIr nos· to be dis posed at at trom six to eight trlls and cboke them. It 18 also wise montbs. Tbe average weight Is tram no t to permit th em to wander too far fourteen to eighteen pounds, and as from borne when young. tor they are they will us uall y command around ap t to get on thei r hacks and wben In eighteen or twenlY cents per pound that position. c an rega in tb e lr feet lIvewelgbt, they generally prove quite again onl y with gr.:la t diffi culty. Do profitable. This season, six months not hou se tbem too closely. old geese, at Thanksgiving time Corn should be fed s paringly. Wheat I brought as much a s $3.60 each M some middling and hra n ar e s afe teelt When I of our city markets.




-- -gence that Is di splayed on most lawns n bollt our re si de nces. Th e school yard may be planted In sucb 0. way th&t there will be beaulltul In most places wb c re trees have p ieces of shrubbery In bloom before bee n plnnt eu th e entire tront at the school clos ~s , brlght-eolored tollage for bouse has been hiud en. It th e planting 1 the fall, and for Winter arched groin· wore we ll to the left and rlgh t at th e ' eu and pal aces formeu by the snow· buil ding, makin g tb e bou3e the cen. 1 la den ):lranches ot the trees and bushell. tral !lo\nt, with a grass plot In trant, Such school properties commaod the the p i~ ture pl'CSelHed to the pa8se rby admiration and r es pect of the occawould be mucb more pleasing. Low s lana I visitor at the SChool as well aa pla ntlngs. such as lilacs, snOWballs, the patron s, children and tea cher, h !lruy hyuran!,:cas, flowering Quince, make b elter citiz ens, happier children I and s yrlngas s hould be planted In and more hoperul teachers . A . D. GRAHAM, "KIOly Writ," .! College of Agriculture, Ohio St a te Th e life at cvlery true Christian man University. 18 a living ep lst~e, vibrant wltb virtue, qui ve rin g with ' the Instincts and Im"-~spiritual experl· pul ses of a Food of the Sonll Sparrow Showne nce. a nd know ' ot all men as 0. tea, The Relative Size of the Segmentl of tlm nny to th e vlng God. Fenelon the CIrcle Show the Comparative ENJOYING THE says tha t It Is to be a good Amounts Eaten of Varioul Food-Stuff.. SCHOOLHOUSE Ih:lag book thall love good books." Th e boo k bound leather may In- very f;reat. The food Ilhelt (there d(>ed be "good .. but the book should be one or more on every farm) Noar Vermillion, Ohio, the bOlllld In hllrnan which walka should be placed, If pOSSible, In a peopl e In one or th o school dis. '11'111 oftsn carry & sheltered situation, with a southern trl cts are using the sc hool house in ways some of I side ez;posed, and well out at the re&ch as n so c ial center. Once a month m llssllgc faT visited by tho I of catll. A south window 18 a good the tarmers aod their famillee th e m bpvays, press. A man ; place (ll;ld permits of 0dbservtatlon f~m !':atbe r there a nd some enter ta in. prod ucts or '.he prln "Holy Writ" within. Suet, cracke nn s, see a, OIent Is turnl s hed. This uSllally li B we ll n~ a Dible the finger or grains ,a nd crumbs should be furnished consi s ts a! a talk or two along - th at lij. wrIt lipan I aled by the In goollly quantity. A suet ball (made agricultural I)r rural lifo linea God, Rnd Signed An attractive arrangemen~ In nomo s~ Ii a man by winding a piece. of suet -with cord and so me music. The entertain· spirit of th e et planting. be U;ut. upon a to keeJl) It. fro~ fa~lIng to pIeces, and ment may be by locai per Rons can npl' c r , like a a suapenCled by II. strong twine) may be m asses around th e bord e rs a nd In th e or by outslpe parties who nr c ; sh E- H. for h e Is In untl!lrneath the porch or su&o. corners at tb e school lot. Tbe lawn Inv ited. After tbe program , re-I '!Il'c ulll ting IIbrary·.- (';II)~.:S '.. k1-El@.l~. · frenD II. of ' a tree: mOll'er s l10uld b" used upon the front fre s hm ents of sandWich es, cake '- if ever, , of the scbool yard . Too otten these alld ca lfee, which have been .. but yards are allowed t.o grow up to tall brought · LD bi\.8kelS, are serve d. A rr[]U[]ltH 'I4'll)".be' ca.usl! ·d bY' woods \vhfc.h are c ut down only a week Tbese people are exhlbl tlng .. th('. \Vorld . come from ·or two before sc hool begin s. Any the wbolesome a nd much·d e- : ltecn feeling f)f our own ·tl~u:~~e,~~.~~~:l ~~





==--= ==-=-====-=-= ..........................






ot 'thaslI lines may well recall slrB'J .splrlt ot "getting togethe r," . . b ll\'lng' 1I.m ped a bout for a few daYS j or co·operation. They are 'ob- ' ~'It.h ~a'g,~ 'b ue fe()t, wblcb ' he talnlng more lUl~ batter UBe af ~ " • WO\1 It 00\ b ve \1&11 Sf the Bchool yar4 . .., ; ~. bt.G ~ !O~ ,vl~ the same tim. ~~~"'''''''''.'''',"~·~"~t.. .










a ' very dull feeling tor It the case were nAlt hbor's condition to our Ju~li;ment UkO,;-George _Ma,cq()oaIC:,




b1!· .',I'8.iiI01r1D,li:·;~



Flnc Flo.: k "f Elron •• Turkeya--A Good f(lnd to Rai se for Profi t ( Il ), C . ~ I

f; t[l ·t." Z.)

H a man Is a s uc ers:;fu l Ilt; hc rm an ,

Ishoulu he datco. and rnndn as t o th e he n shoulu

allY (11111

r n1('lno-

Il,' lllllrk ·

b will lIIalt e good at ra ls iug tur- ed on the m , an d the 'g't;3 tl ll ' lI 1" :1 t·u keys; bu t Ir lIu ll::s not the va lla llce In WOOden boies pachl'u 1 (l (1 ~ (' l y III to lilt a ll a luI'; uuu wa tch a co rk bob· w hcal IIrn n. bin g all th e> ~ Ul'ruc e or the cree k nil Til , eggs SI10U Id be kl'flt inn t I" m· dny 10ll g a nd bu co nt e nt with a dor-e n perature of bet WQ"l1 fj" U Btl Go 111" bites unci a CO ll (J!5 or bullhe atl s fQI' gr as, an d mu s t be turlll' d I>:lr tl y ClI' I' r his palu8. t he ll he hns uo bus lu CSG try - every duy . Tile eglts ~ hou l(l alwnYH be lug to rai se l Ul' kl!Ys . plac ed In t he bran ill II. Nla lli ing (lu giWomCI are IIhuos t iu\'al' la bl y s uc· tlon, with tho littl e <' nd 0(1 \\' 1\. oosstu l IIs · tur k p.y·ral st'rs. becalll;e t hoy Of co urSR eggs should h.. 6e t a s possess the n ecessary pu tle nc e nntl ea rl y as possi bl e, and n evl' f u flc r tb .. y fid e lity to tb e job. It yo uog turke ys a r c t hree we eks old. In fact II th l, y ar e ucg lccted tbllY w ill di e. If tll e a re se t ott er th e y arc t wo \\'ueks old. motber turk e y Is co nsp lcuou s !"y rol· on e Is taking a r isk. lo wed whil e sceillug t he nes t, or dis· lt hroken up, turk ey hCIIR 11' 111 b<lgl n tu r bed ufter s he has commeoced lay· to lay aga in In about I wo weeks. :;nd Ing. she IH like ly to lea ve h u lf h er 80me bree ue rs ta ll e ucl valltllg or lhls c1utcb Ilnd r efu se t o lay a noth er . by huvl ng an Incu balor 1'''lI u y whron The woman. how e l·(\r. who C3 n corp- lhe hens beg in to lay, to tUli(' care ot mand a large ra nge fo r h t' r bird s , and a n y surJllu s eggs. a s It I8 d,' e mud hl,t· who Is d c term lnl'd to make mon e y la ter practlc e tn use Incnhn tlJl' s ror th le tb e busine ss, w ill !lilt! tu :-Itey-ral slng a purpose thall cbic kell h (' II " mos t profitable part or th e pou llry lt hens begin luylng yery ('al' ly Lhey bu s ine ss, with ilie possl bl !) (lxcep tlon will otten, particula rly In wnrm e ll· of se llin g pure·bred eggs for h a t(~ hlng mates, produce two bre e ds duri ng the p urposes. The latte r re quires [\ ~reat year, but la te hatc he d turlll'Ys se ldom deal of sk ill, whi ch can be obtained do well, and la te layin g !;IUluld not be only b y lon g ezper ienco, not only In enconrage d. th e production of eggs. but In mur· It the eggs are to bo ha tch ed unde r k e tlng t!lem as well. lu r key h ens, each he n sho uld be given Rai s ing t urkeys a lso r eq uires BOme f rom 16 to 18 eggs, acco rd ing to 1Ilze. skill, but any woman who has a tond· Never give a he n more t h nn .s he ca n ness tnr the crea tures wlU eoon lenrn thoroughly cover . Jr, aft e r settlng their ways, and atter a season or two down, It Is observed that some at lhe s bould hav e no difficulty In bringing eggs nre pee ping out urou no tb e h er flock through from th e egg to the edges, the number should bA 1'& mar ket place with protlt and pleas· duced. uro. We have neve r known turkeys to In all parts at t he country. ezc ept be raised s uccessfully in a n artlfic lally the north, tbe turk e y hens will begin booted brooder. The youn g 110UitS do tf) Ehow Signs of un easiness, nnd If al· not seem to thrive well c);cept when lowed the rangc wtll stllrt ou t looking under the mothe r hen. The turk ey !or their nests. he n searche s for food fo r h er young. or course It Is Impossi ble to raise while th e c hIcken ben mU8t be fe d, turkeys successtully If the heus are Th e turkey he n, therefore. Beems to permitted to roam at will, hecause take be tte r care of her poults thaD a they are very timid crentures and will chicke n h en does, and gen '!"ally s uchide tbe lr nests. orten where lhe y can· coeds In bringing ~ore ot them not be found, .untl! the eggs have be e~ through tb e soolon than those tbo.t spoiled or hatch ed out only to be d e· are started In brooders. strayed by minks and rats. Crosses betwi!en wild antl tame tnr· k eys tire hardier tban the common turke y, and tak e good care ot th e ir broods, but th cy pn rtake too much of th e wild nature ot their unclvlllz cll I parents, and arc dllYl cult to control. In Rhode Is land 80me Inter esting ex· Besides Nitrogen Humus Is Furperlmen ts lIa ve been made by cross· nished to Improve WaterIng turkey gobblers on White Holland nnd Oronze Turkey he ns. f'rom tho Holding Capacity of Soil. White Holland eggs the poults we re particularly beautiful. with white . Cornstslks arc valuable ::'8 a ferbreasts and white plumage across tho backs, and wings pe nc ile d w ith black. tilizer and should b e le ft Otl tbc field Occa81 0nally on e o f tb e pu llets would atter cutting. The nitrogen which an ucre ot IItalks contains would cost nt be pure white. Th e Bronze h en cross produced least four dollars and (1 hnl t If bought poults reaembllng tbe Bron ze, with the In tbe torm ot commerda1 fertlllzen. llghter yellow In their la ll feath e rs. sa ys E . G. Schafer of the agronomy deThe poults trom th ese crosses grew partm ent al the Klln811\l Agricultural ve ry Quickly. and are extremaly hardy. college. When stalks nre ·burned, as :.lalf wild gobble rs are easily tare!;:". Is often the case. a.ll ..nltrogen Is 101l t. Besides the nitrogen till! s talks supA Quarter wild cross Is better for practlcal breeding' tbsn a pure Wild , ply the soil with bumus, which 1m. or a halt wild bird. as th e more wild proves the water· holding capacity and blood th ere Is in Il bird, the more turnlshes toad tor certain benaficlal difficult It 18 to r estrain the m ond bacteria. Many peraons believe ,that chlncb raise th e m In confinement. If flrst crosses are bred toge ther, the stock bugs winter 00 th e cornstnJks. Some rese mbles the pure wild, e ven to the do go Into winte'r Quarters tb~re, but red legs, and , afte r s everal genera- due to the poor prote cUon wblch the stalks atrord a very sma.ll per c·ent.. tions can hardly be dilltingulsh ed . OWing to tho wild nature of tbe tur- If any, survive the winter. according key It cannot be. raised as chickens to George A. Dean of the entomology nrc. , Many protesslunal turkey rals· department. The stlliks sbould be cut In earlY 31'S use chicken he ns for haichlng, placing s even or elgbt e ggs under each sprtng wIth a stalk cutter or a . dtsk, hen. Halchlng wllh Incubators some- It a disk Is used . tbe ' lleld shou'ld be times proves successful, but It Is bet- dls.k ed both ways. Th). ' cuts' the ter to let the turkey liens hatcb their stalks and at the same time leaves a good mulch, Which pre'Vcnts ", rapld own eggs where this Is possible. " laying room should be secluded, evaporation ot the soU molstu ..~. I\.Ld the n est darke ned . As soon a8 the turkey hen!! show signs of ncstlng, the neet ehould be placed In prop· er order by removing all old malerlal; scorching out th e Interior ot boxes, J.. . placing new nesting material In and spraying every Inch o f the IrlterJor ot the poultry hOllse with dlJnted car- One of Best- Metho'd~.' ls t~~.C~ bolic acid, and nfterward gIving It a fine Fowl ·in otSlat-Bottotn.ed thorough coat of wbltewash. in ' ~!.a~e: ·" As turkeys beg in laying very earlY, . the nests must bo carefully watched, Don't . tie red rake w " the' olit 'beh;e particularly when the weather hi cold, or the y will be como cbilled within a tsll when she wants to set, ahd don't few hours. Tbey s bould be removed throw b !lr about or ~ll 1!~t ne~t witH as ~oon IlS t he he n leaves the m ist · trasb, BroodJ~eluU!l.a normal ' . Iwd replucCl! j)y ·chlha cggs, . tlon that must' be "vercom!! ,lI'y of> Turkeya begin loylng at 'about ten methOds. O~er o't __.... n~· the : '. ill!,t,p<lltoJned·.~ montbs, nnd If unde rstood each hon loy from 2~ to 35' eggs betore' be-












It you expect to be ,succleasfUI comIng broody: allY key , ~uu' Let.nre '. . ta11, v euu,lltie .. n H ,,"U," I.'" Into til\I'~61~n_~ISp!~s

"!~~ha't1g~., .;4....\!;.~,~~









/,', I


o ( 1'lIcl G

'-.I:" ·S "u b ln"rllll'~

w hich wil l !;\lard tlle Pa ci fi c ( ntrance to the cllual are r e sl lng


the Uoor


till' "1'1" ' 1' luek ,·!l"lllUP ,. or lli,' I; ~\lun lock5. \\' orkm e n are bus)' uv erhaullng , palotlng runl r epai r ing Ih e vCt!seb prior to liI elr l" kill~ up Ih pi,' ,Iut lt!s a~ g uunli n n ~ or th e P n dtl c approach of th ", canal.


U'·. illary Walker, tbe grand old Indy or tb e w()mulI ' ~ ~ urrragu causo. who adopte d lDul" attire upward" of nfly years Ilg O. Is sbown In the illustration taking lo struc tlon In th e tungo. Dr. Walk oI' cloes not frow n Oil th e mod e rn \Ian co, as theae pIctures Illustrate.


\\·It l e~al' rl's lgnatlon s am o ng ofl1cers of l he Britis h army. wbo r efuse t , f1 ~ ht ill th e cvent of civil war In Uillt e r threatens to tllI'OW the army

I 111 10 un uph eu l'fl.1 us g rent as th ut which threnten s th e ca binet. Col. J . E. B. SCt'ly. sec r el ary or wa r <l e tt). resi gn e d wh en the gov e rnm ent r e \,ludiat ed his !;~al'tl IJl y th a t forc e would not be u sed ngaln ~ t th e Ulster m en , Ll e ut. Col. Arthus F. Ilall y (center), commanti e r of the " Quee n 's Own Ilu65l1l'9," r eo i ,.'gll ed rath c !' than figh t ogalns t Uls t r. F I('ld l\lul's hal Sir .Ioun French , I right) commllllll ('r or th e army In lHs lcr. has r es ign ed bec auso or the ro))u · i ,Ii:.llion of tb e Guoranty.


Polttical ' and military I1lrcles in Grent Drltalo are jus t now torn wltb excltemeot over the H\tuatjoll In Ulst er. The UnIonists 10 that province are determined to meet w ith Corce uny attempt to compel th e m to sulllllit to a local government ot Ire land as provided In the home rule bill. 'fho picture shows 1.200 volunteers drilling nt DUll' gannon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~vv~~~~#



The beau tiful <laugbtp.r of Etl ward N. Bre ltu ng. lhe pl'Ominl"n l bank e r . emphatically de nI es th a t sh e was mar· rled to IIlax Fred e l~ t . n gar· d ener of l\lunls tIQII(' . Dr . SIal· tery of l\'1'an IstlQue n cou pl e g iving tho a m a tte r 1m3 caused n tion. The present wh t;ardeller Is not known.


The picture gllowfl the baseball magnnt cs l) f Ihe I·'e rl e rnl lell!,; u e e ll!;a ~" d ou draftin g a schedule for Ul e n ew leuJ;uc ut th e r ecen t m eeti ng III IInltlmorl'. From lett to rlght- Edwnrd W. 011l11l>r. presltlll llt of Lbc Pittsburgh club; Hubert Il . Ward, president of the Broo klYIl (' llIb ; Walte r 1". Mullen, vice · president of tbe HulTalo club; O. C. Madl soll. pr ·~ ld\l1l1 of th e Kan s a s Cll~' cluh; WtIIlnlll A. Kerr. trea s ur er of the PltU;burgh club; James A. GlllOors. president or tbe Federal league; Wnlt er S . Ward, treasurer or tbe nrook I)'n club.


The wife of the naval attache of the French embasay at WBBbtngton re((entl)' gave an elaborate costume b~l #


at the naUonal call1ta\. The pIcture ahowB the vlscQllnteall dressed " .a p~ltI.,e .w~mlUl.. ot ancIent ·GauI.·

.I .



Henry L. Evans. son of Charles and Kalher ine Evans. was born Sep . tember 10, 1857 and died March 10, 1914, aged [,(j years . 6 months. He was married J une !-!O . 1889 to Emi ly Virginia Grub b, a nd to this union was born one daugh ter , Mrs. Chas . Ern ~ t, of Dayton. lIe was the you ngp.H t of a fa mily of six childr~n. t wo urotheril J.ohn and Clay tOll preceded him to th e Grea r Beyonc.l . Two uro t tJ~ rs , J o· ~"'lJh and Ah~nlpm and one sister, Mrs. Orner Lewis arc left to mou rn his loss. For evera l years he has ueen sad ly afllictcd. bu t bore hit1 suff ering with great fo r titude a nd patience, and approached th e cud of earthly life with resignation and a hope t hat reached beyonu the g rave .

W ho F igure Their Own Interest Buy Their ...


Furniture and HOllsehold Goods --.'\1'- -

- - -

.. Adair's ..

CHA UFFEURS EXAi\\I NH IO S On April 17th, aL Cu lumuus, Ohi o, an examination w ill be held to crCH te e l i~ ibl e lists for Examiner of Chauf· feurs in the Automub ile Division uf t he Department of State. The State for th i ~ purpos~ is d i· vi ded into 14 di!<lri..: ts. each of whi ch wi ll hnve a il examiner. All these p e rs o n ~ , however. will be ex amined in the city uf Co lu m bus a t the same time . Th e third, or Dayton District. iR open tu citir.cns I' f Miami. P relJl e, Bu t ler. Warren . Clatk Montgomery, Green and 'Iintun co unti c!l. A)) pl1 cati \ m ~ for this exam ina ti on sho uld be on file with the Stnte Civil Service Co mmissiun at the earliest possible date . L . L. Faris, Secretary .

WHY NOT YOU? 1I'r'HE enormous ex penses of the city sto res COID \aI pel them to cbarge you about one fo urth more for F urniture, R ugs and Draperies than we a sk for t he same or bette r quality. O ur rent and other ex penses are so low compa red to t he city stores that we can save you at lea s t :is per cent on the d ollar. ,


-- -

><0 (');:,:::. -·0




IZIMMERMAN'S BAB\ SHOW We shaU giye a Gold Rio g to tilc pretties t ba by in this yicinity. The pre ttiest baby will be seJeoted by ba llot. Du ring the Bab, Contest . IlOy person cas ting Booste r Cou pon~ for. Booster may write.n the back of the COu pon the ·name of the baby o.f hls p r her c hoice n.s being the prel. tleel. The baby Will 1)(' given the num be r of vutes indica ted all the face of the coupo n, t he same as for the Booster. T C? a ny one oyer six ycars cld oomlng to our store :lnd registcring durin g this Bahy Contest will be given One Hund red Free lloosler Coupon. wllit- II nlar be voted fo r any Dooster a u the ca pita l prize and 00 your choice of babie••

FARMERS If you have Wool for sale, call me up, as I will pay you the higheSt cash price for jt.

R U L. ES L Every baby is pre tty, therefore, every baby m ay en ter this con test, and we want eve ry molher to eol~r her ba by. • . This Ba by Contest is limited to bl1bi~. under fou r years old . a. We desire all babies brought to the store at so_ e time during the contest and as manv as pOSlible on the lut day. . •. We s haU post the s ta ndings of the ba bies on each Monda y . 5 . The Baby Contest Closes 011 Saturday Night.. May 18th. Mrs. 'Has Roland wios the laat . watch. We will give another watch away May 11th, Who will win it ?

IC. B. BENTLEY Phone 135




Pure Seed Potatoes, Onion Set.~, Seed Sweet Potatoes. Seeds of all kinds, new Cabbage, new Tomatoes, Lettuce, Radishes



Everything ~ood to eat at

,PIf#aSUre : S-tlme_". MC1INd tIa• .

1DcaJ...-q...... bMIIaaa su..

eom-. w."'vef_d..& .... .... a.IY~ -'_Detabt..lD _ IDID"'-"oar~ _~ee. pn8Ia IIDIl

.a1ue of tIae

The Booster Store





Bvery farmer who owns an Indiana Silo , f01Uld that it is the beSt business deal I I have decided to re-eilter the ;te ever made and the greatest pleasure Cleaning aDd Pres!>ing business, 'If hia farming ~xperlence. It not only .~dl 60% to the net profits of the dairy and am now at your service . \Dd feeding pens but it also saves all the My old rule-"Satisfaction or 'lard, unp1ellSBnt work of winter feeding. LaS

We have an especially attractive 12ropo.IiUon to make to you now-()oe tha't will ~nable you to get an Indiana SUo in time (or next fall's corn crop and to pay for it . .cUI it paye you. IJ' tell ypu about it.

OhaS. D. Oook

Herveyab... a.


No Charge"-stlll holds good. Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin barber shop or call phone 8-2r.


- ----

Mr. Le ndley Cla rk. who sec retly co mpleted a ver tical barvester, has twcn on'cred $60,000 f or his invent ion the offer being maJe by a t:'an ad iun company who knew of the work that Mr. Clar k waH d oing in t his city. Mr. Cla rk ha! not yet decid ed whe ther or Il ut he will accept t he offer. Various manufact uring con · cerns ove r the country ar e interes ted in t he new invention . which will no doubt bring the in ventor a fortune . Th e machine is in a bar n 011 South King street and Mr . Clark takes g reat pl easure in g iving private ex· hibitions of the wo rking of t he har· ve'3ter.



. -....-.- -- -

- - _0-".- - -

CLOSING OUT SALE 1 $12 Gui tar for ~8 00. 1 $20 Guitar for $10 .00. 1 $12 Violin R ussian model for $7. 50. 1 Nickle Plated Uash Register cost $200 fo r $75. Pic tures, nicely framed from 50c to $5.00. Our close out sale of Wall Paper run s from 2c to 30c. Great bargains. I am closing out to quit business. West B Book Store , Xenia. O.






Miss Ruth Hartsock was in Dayton Tuesday . Milson's F ertilizer, the best on the marke t. For sal e by Chas . Frye. Mr. and Mrs . B . S. Howell we re in Ci l1cinnati TuesddY and Wednesday. Mr . a nd Mrs. F . B. Sherwood, were g uests of relatives here Saturd ay . WaY llesville Grange will hold their regul ar meeting Sa turday evening , April 18. Mrs. Win Salisbury and daughter. l\1b;; Ma ry, we re Dayton shoppers T uesday .

Aaron Woollard, of Hagerstown, Inll, attended the funeral of Mrs. Steve Phillips today. Mrs. Ed Smith and t wo children, of lIar vey ~burg, attended St. Mary's church service Sunday. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. chu rch will with Mrs. Cadwallader Fri day afternoon. Ma ry'~

Mr . a nd Mrs . C. B. Bentley and Mr . Russell Bentley attended the f uneral of Mr. C. C. Bentley at Xenia, Tuesd ay. Messrs. L. A. Zimmerman, Ray· mond Conner and W. E . O'Neall attended th.~ opening ball game at Cincinnati 'T uesday. Lebanon will hold their Chau· tauq ua September 4th to 9th inclu· sive. The bookings are being made by the National Lincoln Chautauqua Bureau.

Lo t- Ladies' Brown Mink Fur Collar. Sat.urday nillht, between Waynesville and Lebanon. Finder please ~eave at this office or J. E. Janney's Drug Store and receive reward.









Some elegant New Goods in

Apron Ginghams Dress Ginghams Calicoes Foulard Russian Cord Table Damask

Paint Come in and look into

B. P.


House Paint, Interior .Gloss, Floors, Veranda Floor. A full line of China-Lac Stains and Varnishes.


STiL AT THE BUSINESS J . P. Chew, t he veteran . editor of the Xenia Gazette, reached the 82m! milestone in his r~e Friday, and he celebrated the da in the Gazette office at his deak, bich was adorned !with a cluster u 82 pink carnations I in honor of the 0 asian. i May man y .ore milestones be ,paS3ed by thi s v teran. i I

Attention Fa,rmers !.!


. A few Specials for Satorday 26 Ibs Franklin extra fine Cran. sugar 51.19 25 Ibs Standard Cranulated sugar 1.16 4 Cans Sweet Corn •• .25 Extra Choice Muir Peaches, a lb. .10 Walrus Salmon, 2 cans 26 Apricots, 3-lb. can. 25c quality 20



Ask for your Ticket s with Every ~urchase


DO NOT .DELA Y Get Posts while you have time to put·them in the ground.



About 1"000 Locust Posts cut August, 1913, from home-grown timber.


Cement Pos·t s The kind that doe. not rot in the ground. They .will" last for year•.

Paint! Paint!

DEPARTMENT There will ameeting at the Townshi p hO ll Friday evening at 7 o'clock t o or a new fire d~ partment. is fl.n important meeting', hoped that there will be f ull ttel\td()Oc1B, especially of t hose who will company.


Madras, Etc. We can save you Money



M. M. Earnhart Wishes to buy Wool.


Patton'. Celebratt~d Sun- ' Proof Paint. Beat 'Dtade;

pay the highest price for same. Anyone wishing to see him in

regard to sales, can do. so by

calUn, the Tw o hund ca rds p a"s ~·d pos to m(~ e Fri rl of these bein g and the other ha


" d " "'

Waynesville, Ohio.



dislocating her received a severe s h~lt:klng Friendship Not to

1 ~~ve Sev ral farms listed· with me for sale• . I·f .Y9U. are in the market, see me at ?'~ ..5 .,,9me-of t~e8e will .oon ~ sold ..


M. A. Cornell. of Dayton, was ca lled herE! Monday on account of the .!'ieriOUEI illness of his mother, Mrs Chas. ('omell. His daughter, Miss Velma, accompanied him.

.. ..- - --

----------------~I hethLastHomine' Fridav

Farms For Sale

Dry Goods

Song Recital. Dra matic Sketches, I mper so nation!l, at School Hall, .4pri l 23.

Friday. a little after noon, the fi re b ~1I rang and the fire department promptly answerd the call. A defectivl~ flue' at the residence of Mrs. Susan Eberly was the cau~e of the alarm. The fire was extinguished without much difficulty. The damage will not amount to more than 138 - - -~-Mrs, Eb€lrly desires to thank the GRANTED AN AWARD fire department and har neighbors for their prompt and efficient work The State Industrial Commission in putting out the fire. today granted an award to W . G. Thompson, of Lebanon. of $120 for an injury recently sustained by him Late Cla~8ified Ads while in the employ of The Valley Telephon e Co., at Lebanon. The award of the commission was grahted Couoh, Extension Table, Chairs, under the provisions of the Ohio Foldlog BE'd. Inqnlre of L, A. Wor kmen's Compensatj('n Law. ZtmmermRo, Wayne8ville, Ohio. II •

Pierce ; Presser I""

Subscribe for the Miami Gazette

- -. :---------------------------. Personal' Mentionl ... .... - - - .... . ..-... H~NDfRSON'S PR~MIUM STORE


Frtendsblp Is a vaSee ~:~;~J Is flawed by heat. or vi OF , ....,.,..dent, may as well be mn,..",.. It can never be trn.RtA".'U :11lI

~~~I~~;~~~~~!JI~~~l~~i:~i /lVi~I~~

the more clearly more graceful and do we

hopelessness of restoring

mer atate. Coarse BtOI~e811', ;."~~{~~'~ft!l!e~~~1~~!~r~1 fractured, may be ''',.uQn ....C!II ;~ precious atones, ml1,er.-l"~~~~ il'l~~ ;i lll ·~.~io&ltlltQ,~~_~iiJ:.(Ojt:~;· l!,~~~:

·Painting,} Paper, and



Whole Number 3260


Sixty-Fifth Year

:=:±:2 _ _ _ _ ~-


I LOlt .- -First - . _.Game - - - I..



The Waynesville Milmis (or such of them as could be gotten together) pried the lid off the local base ball ooason a: Phl1li~s' Park. last Sunday afternoon. After thl! rain of SUll dpy morning. it \ll1IS no( lhou~ht thal the opp<llli.n g team. the Dayton ~lk8. would CQme and Mgr Stansberry made no effort to BSBemble his team until aMut. 1 o'cit,ck wnE'Il he ral'eived a meRBage that the Dayton . boys were on their way down . here. it was then too late t.o rr.ach all of the members of the re~ular tt!am and a patchett up substitute team had to be placed In the field This is the first time thl.\t the boys have been tOl:el.her this y.. ar ami their lack of ~racticl:l W 'l>l woe'full~ evident. ~cililly was Ihis true of th.,irefforts with the bat EdwardS" aeeured ~single l.n his firBtJ linle atthe bat and then lht're was nothing more doing for the MiamiS in the hitting I·me untl' l the sixtn, when the boys beilan to· Ret ' ht'ir' eyes on the ball Imi! secutild ,ix hits and four runt! Gebhatt Illarted th .. Ilame in the pitcher'a box and did v..:ry well. con siderinll' some father ragl{eJ 6elding l3Upport and the lack of hiLtinll be· hiud him . After one man had been retired in t :,e fi l'llt half of the fifth. "Red" 'Himes assumt!IJ the pitche r '~ burden and gavt" a ~plendid account o>f himS«llf. Himes all\l) did Ronle good wprk ",!ith . the .bal. get.tjng a double and il trIple In four times at bat. . Burt n caught a splend id game and showed well at bal The · score will tt'll the ~e8t of the story · better than words. .


Profitable Dairy






Written by F. C. Sawin Jor Hoard '. Da1:ry1nan

I' .

I . .







r. an rs. Bert artsoc were dinner g uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Hartsock Sunday.


Of the many prosperous and can· ThIs milk selIs fo r 12c per quart to to brmg u~ the quality of dalr~ catt!e , Poultry keep ing OT) a large scale Lented larmers in the beautiful and I reg;ular cu ~torn e rs.. . . all oVI':.r thc co untry and ~;pec lally m for t.he prod uction of eggs has been Miss Myra Baird and Miss Eliza. pronuctive valIey of the Little Miami CommodIOUS bUlldmgs .sh~lter hIS the nelghborh ,!od. Mr. 0lokes sells introduced. There are 400 Rhode b th C 11 ts fEd " river in Southwestern O~io. propa· stock an? feed . . These blllldlngs are B.lock to the neIghbors at a .much less : Island Reds, 250 White Leg horns. 50 C~andl:;r~nd f:~~lyg~~S di~ner !::l~~~ 1 bly no other one has attained the kept s trtctl yc l e~ n . Th epla~~swh e re , f1~ur~ than when so ld o uts l~ e . . \ Brown Leghorns. and 150 Black Mi· day success that hIlS crowned the effo rts the cows are mi1~ ed are dlsmfected fhl Si large· herd of ca~t.le I S kep t In I norcas. These were raisf d 0\"1 the . of K . E. Stokes of Warren county, Ievery dar WIt h hme and every two ·the very P!n.k of cond Ition 11nd as place last &casol'. two incubators and Ohio . He started busin&lS twenty· weeks wllh cllrbo hc aCId. . . !a~ge qu an Lllles of feed a rc consumed two brooder!! being employed. The M.r. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards and fleven years ago by renting a farm The cows are nearly all regIstered It IS p.urcha:l~ bv the carl11ad . The incubato rs have capac ities of 200 and famIly ~ere the guests of Mr: and and ~tting married . Althou g h he J erseys and the bu lls aFe t he ~est he !capacIO us barns holj seve ~al hund~ed ' 250 eggs respecti vely and thE' brood. ~rs. Chas. Sherwood at dmner possessed on ly a cheap equipment can gt!t. H" has paid a\l hIg h as tons o f roughage, and stlos fu rnish er!' are of 1000 cllpa~it) earh. The Sunday. for farming. he saved $500 ill three mal e chickens are so ld as broil· years. Hi:l thrift and busine::l::l in · erl' . Mrs. Annie Thorpe entertained at t.egrity had already establisht!d his It is in tere!>ling 11) note that the eggs dinner Friday ~rd Ag nes credit. and bOI·rowlng- more m·Jney fre m the Hlo'ds an d Leghorns weigh 8 nd daug.h ter Mls.s ~usan. and MISS he m'ld e a ~Byrnent on 80 nCI·cs of twenty.three ounces to the dozen on E~m ma HI lI. of WIlmmgton. land nea the far m he r.ow owns. t hl ' average. while th ose from t he Mr Swke!l80 ld the 80 a.: rt!' tract Binck Minorcas f\Ve r?Ke 30 ounces. Mr . and Mrs. Wilson Edwards and for $6000 thirteen yearR afLt!r pur· :rh ~g~s are pae\t pd I~ , cartons hold· daughter. Mr. and Mrs . Ronald chasing It and start ed dairying on a 109- 011(' u(,zen {'arh . I hese cartons Hawke and Miss Henrietta McKinaey large :I<'ale on (,he place he now n t I I bid d b th d t owns . Later he ~l!lbli ",hed the bus arlo ('a y it e p an . ear e ae were Kue~ts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ilw E'~' J,!~ ~v('re kilO: The eggs are Fred Hartsock at Morrow. ine!lS of selling purt' bred Jer ~ ..y cat· ShlPI 't!d wll h th e mIlk and the cus. tIe snd is now repu'ed to be worth torn'·rs are glad to pay a large price $40.000. It has all been accumulat.. d for the str h-tly fres h e~gs Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane enterby lh ~ hard work and good manageT hese g ratif ying resu lts can only tained at supper Tuesday olvening. ment of himself al.d wife. He ill be broug-ht about by conducting bus. the ~ccasion bei~g t he annual celequick to say hi ~ wife is an equal facillL S tin a ). lrl!e Fcale. It coats no bra.tlOn of the birthday of Mrs. A. T. tor with himself in achieving this mort'LO selin a big lond of milk to Wright and Mrs. Crane. Those t!ucces. thl ' st;lt ion lhan " ~ mall load; it costs pre~ent Iwere D~. and Mrs. A. T. He emplclY8 married men who live no mOl t! to take II I(.t of eggs with the WrIght. Mr. and .Mrs. E. V. Barnin the various comfortable teltRnt mi. k th:m if th e eggs were not taken; hart. ~r. and Mrs .. J . H. Coleman houRes. as he believes they are as it c·osts no mm.e for cleaning and and MISS Emma Helghway. a rule steadier and more reliabl e di~ infec l ing- I he p91·aplternalia after than single men . He di!lpenl'es with b I· I the servic8.'4 of middl emen in his bus. 01 t tn g a arge amoun t of milk than A delightful day was spent Sunday ineas by having his own teams meet .. if a small amount were bottled. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbu. the trains th& t transport his dairy One \~ Ln g of Ihcl £luble , 1 t was on ly rf'c~nt ly . that Mr. ' Stansberry . in honor of thpir birthand poultry products to Cincinnati f S~lJkes c~)U ld leav.e hIS buslDess at all ,days. by the foU"wing company: and they art: deliverPrl directly to 1 $50000foramale ralf. Many of the an a bundance ot succu lent feed wlthoutltssufferm({'. Twoyears ago lMiss Mary Requarth Mrs Louise llAYTON ELKS customers while perfectly fresh. cows have qualified for the Register The resultant manure is haulffi out he said, "I now have my business Requarth Mrs Id. Felske 'Mr and AD R H PO ,\ E Seventy cows are being milked of Merit and. while this is somewhat and s\l)read upon the fields a~ fa~t all so well organized that I can l~ave it Mrs. Elm~r ReQuarth. Mr 'and ·Mrs. 0 0 0 I 0 .,mlth. rf . . . .. . . . . . 0 a I I 0 now. Everything pertaininll to the expensive. it establillhes a high mark it is made. While this farm of 156 ~wentv·fC!ur ~~urs, not m~re, wlthou.t Chas. Roemhildt. Mr. and Mrs. MarI Dowmao • .... .... . 0 a 0 dair), launder the strict inspection for the valu ~ . not only of the cow acres WIIS hig hly productive when Its suffermg. 0 0 1 ~. ab . .. .. . .. . I> Upon b.eang tdd thiS tin Staley. Mra. John Staley. Mr. 0 0 8 0 I ~t 111'. II . ... . . .. . I> 0 of the Department of Healt.h and qualified but her offspring. as well. purchased by Mr. Stokes I I I 0 eleven a travelmg salesman said: "Well. I \ Willie Felske, of Dayton, and Mr. R,.o. 2b ••........ 0 0 I I II t rIUUI. lb . .. . . .... I> The Mr. Stokes has found that it pays years ago, under his malla~ement ita take off I!ly hat to that man. If he and Mrs. Henry King. 0 Milk Commission of Cincinnati. 0 0 0 I> 0 Bra,too. er .. . ... 0 0 I 0 milk is bottled on the farm. iced. and and therefore does not hesitate La : productiveness has increased over had aPl?hed the ~me energ~ to anU • _ ••_ __ B~m. cf .. . . .. . . . 2 I a 12 a 0 shipped to Cincinnali in refrigp.rator incu r trouble. care. and expen::le of . ten per cen t . It pays to have rich otht;r .hne. of "busmess he mlgh~ be , '" . e . . . ... . . .. ·- I> I 0 4 I 2 1'0),. p . . .... . . . .. . ~ Ii mllhona.l,re A~d so he !f1lgh.~ HARTSOCK-MACY - -U 13 27 II - 0 boxes. Upon its arrivalit is analyzed making the t est. When the place I land . Total • .. . . .. 43 for bact.. ria The limit allowed for becomes ove rstocked public sales are · Recently Lho breeding of Duroc- an.d the other hne of .busme~ MIA)IIS illspected milk in Cincinnati is 75,000 held. These sales are not held as ' Jersey swine was added to the list of l~lgb~ h~ve been such that an making I Beautiful in its simplicity was the AD R H PO A E bacteria per cubic cenl.imeter. but frequently now as formerly because · activities, but. as Mr. !::ltQkes says. hIS.mtllton he ~ou\d not have a~ded marriage of Miss Winifred Mac)" ~ 0 the count for milk from this dairy the h ~ rd is so widely known that, ~'Nut on a large scale. as th e cattle an lot~ to BOC!ety s wealth . elt~er and Mr Herbert BartloCk which £dwU'dll. 3b . . . . ... 3 I '1 ~ 0I averages &non. c... . ..... 3' ~ 2 20 ij from one to six thousand most of the animals are sold at pri. Ineed the corn." Only twenty brood !I1aterlally or mtellectually. WhiCh , was solemnized in St. Mary's church I ~,. lb .•.• . . .•. ~ 0 U I IUmei. cr. p.. .. .... u a U I 18 best? IlISt Thursday afternoon in the pres. 0 0 and h'UI never exceeded the limit. vate sale . . Thill herd hIlS done much BOWS are kept! 0 Wa&ertloulle. 2b .... . 0 0 2 S.wb. M . .. . .. . . . 0 0 0 ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! ~~~~~'!!!! • ( _ ence of a large number of relatives 0 0 "end_hall. rt.. . . . II 0 0 -=-- - ---~ and friends. 0 0 0 Rl4... rf .... . ... . . 4 0 0 0 I 0 Dalc1n, If. . . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 OBI1UAR't' II. , ---;-'1 FERTILIZER CASE ENDED Potted plants arranged in front of I _ 0 ...aebh~ . 2. Clf ••••• ~ I ~ 0 _ .. ,It. .............. , • ..... ........................ f the chancel. and the seven IIgbted r-~-candles on the altar made a cbarmTokola . . .... n • 7 n D 7 After a long and tediOUS trl9: l .the ing setting for the ceremony. Mary A. Woollard. daughter of t as. 5 6 7 8 9 I 011 i i celebl'l\ted Harveysburg Fertil.lzer Miss Ruth Hartsock. sister of the KlkI ..... . . O I 0 I a 0 0 I 0- G John and . Jane Woollard WliS born .lUam1a .. ... II 0 0 0 0 2 II 2 I } - ' July ~. 11147. near Waynesville. t. l • ".a38 was .ended las.t week. The Jury bridgroom. presided at the organ Warren County. Ohio. the lleCond of I i L:-__ .~ .............:.... ,.... ....... ... ....... ~---1 1 brought m a. ve~dl.ct on t':Vo counts and at four·thirty to the beautiful .SUMMA.R¥ II. famill of eight children. Her, L ... ---~.. .. ....... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~.....J --:that of mam~mmg a nUIsance and strains of Lohengrin's wedding .... BMeiI-8m"h. Strader. Onrl. B1Iriciq ~2. Wa.terhuu.e. father and mother and two brothers . that of pollutmg Caesar's Creek. march the little ribbon bearers Mill888 • !!.~oe Hlt.a-&awardl. BurtOo. School Hall. April 23. Fun. SchOOl Ball. Aprll 23. Fun. · ~he case was represented on both Kathryn and Esther Hendel'8On In .•. T'!'O-.,.. Srit-Bowman. lInDt. Ouri. Co, have preceded her to the unseen a:dwUdJ. Bli . world. Jas. Benham was in Uayton Sat· W. O. Raper was in Dayton MoIl' Sides ~y an array of legal talent. and dainty white· dresses entered the TJiree.bue It.-Strader. BlolIlll. • She was marlied to Steph~n C. urday. day. ' was bitterly fought. church. stretching the white ribbons . IDDlDP PlIdIed-b)' 00)' t. b, Oebb~t .' U. b,1I1me1 . ~ . h b : J E J in CI·ncI·nnatl· The case "ost thp; .county about from the door to the chancel. The December 25. 1874, in dUll Hla-of'f 00)' 7. oIY Oebban D. 011 Phillips. Dayton. Ohio. They Jesided in Mrs. Mary Ann Wise as een . . . anney WIIS $1: 000. and the Fertlllz~r Company ring bearer. little Mildred Muon. of Bimea'. . 8wuck Ou~b)' OoF II. by Oebban t. b, Xenia, Ohio until 1880. then moved quite ill. , Frida.y on business. Will I08~ a great Ileal m fines and Xenia. wore .a pretty dress of white lIlmea t. to a farm near Washington. C. H.. C. H. Smith is quite sick at his Master Ethan Crane visited rela· lawyers fees. net over pink silk. and in one band , D _ on Salla-b, Ooy I . by Oi!bhart 2. Bl.t b, PllCUd Bail-Staley (by (0),). where they resided until January. home on Main street. tives in Lebanon last week. While the plaut. at Harveysburg carried the wedding ring in a little ,TiJne:-2 Iloun. Umptr.-'1lew1a and Redmond . 1~3 when they ~oved into town ~e- Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mart, I am prepared to insert porcelain ha..~ ~een a . good thing for that com- white ba9ket and in the other h.nd .. Siding here . until her. death y!hlch in Dayton last week a daughter. 611In1's. D H E H th mumt>:, sttll the odor that cam carriedaboquetofwhitesweetpe&s. • , . r. . ' . a away. fr~tn It was alm.ost unbearable for The pretty bride, who'Came in with occurred Sundllyevenmg. April 12. WOMAN'.S AUXILl~RY 1914. at the agelOf66 ye~rs. 8 months Havolene Auto Soap for ?il cloth. Havole?e Auto is economical. mIles around the Burg. Just. what her brother. Mr. Terrell M8CYe 'wore Machinery Co. meas~res the eomP9:ny are gomg to a handsome tailored suit of witteria . A V!9: enj·oyable ineeti~J of the ~nd 18 · days; lelving. her huaband. Waynesville Auto and Machmery Co WaynesVIlle Auto -Women. Auxiliary was held at the two sis~ers and three b~thers. . Mr and Mrs . Jesse Lewis visitoo Mrs. Lida of Dayton. tak.e m the "!atter IS not known at crepe meteor. with hat to match. and rectoty Fridav afternoon. The day She was~. devo!ed WIfe. a lovmg a f18nitorium at Trenton. Ohio. lallt was the J ones SLin. the present tIme. carl1ied an armful of white KilJarny an Ideal one and the attendance ~ia~r and kind I:lelgh~r. ~he lived Sunday. day. • _. roses. She was met at the altar by gultegood. Themeetingwaso'pened. a .quiet 'and unobtrUSive hfe, had CLEAN-UP DAY the bridegroom who enteN from tbe vestry room w~th the Rev. J. F. by Ii fine rendition of the Te neum faith In God and when in health WB8 If you want a good laugh. see the H. E. Stokes. 'played on the Victrola. Mrs Cad· an ~tendant at the services of the "Belles of Blackville" at the school :iI! at his home of A cali I'SSUed to the cI't'lZens of Cadwalladt'r. the officiating clergyhf:use. May 1st. . diseases. wallader tben raad from the Scrip· chureh. tures the 46th P~lm. anti Rev J. ,,'. H·.e.r many frlend.s and neighbors For sale-Mammoth Pekin Duck Mr's. En.os Hill. Cedarville was Waynesville to observe, April 24th m'While "Hearts and F1owel'l" was ,. h II at • as clean·up day. . . Cldw&llader led in pra.vel; Quota- ~t;s'IlY ~o er many exce ent qu . Eggs. 75c per setting. Mrs. E. S. the .guest of mother. Mrs. The Street Commissioner will re- softly played t~e rector !mpresstvely tions from the Bible were ((iven if! Itles and worilatJl)' gral"es. Baily. Waynesville. Ohio. Ramme. last week. move all debris and trash if placed rea~ the beautiful mam~e eervice • re&pOJIIIfS to ron~call After the l'f1ad· The 'pallbearers were from Wash. • . .. . whIch made the happy pair mao and ington C. H .• as follows: J. Gree.n. Monday WIIS a real wmter s day. ·The "f3elles of Blackville" at. in ~eceptacles in t~e stre~t or alley wife . lr.a .of tbe minute. aod ot,ht'r busines8 After the benediction Mendela'tbe United Offerlnll' boxes were L. Coekeral. E. Mariue. F. Chaffin. and t~e thermometerbovered around School hall. May 1 will be the fun- arm places .accesslble With a team ~ened\ and found to contain $10.1iO J. Allen.~ . E. Cappleare. freezing for twenty·fournours. oy show of t h e . cle~~:~~s~~~!haatndlls~~hk~:~r~~ sohn·s.recessional was played while Tbe Little Helpertl. the children's Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wysong, 'of Miss Marguerite Thomp9~n. of which are very conducive to a big the bndal party I~ft the "hurch. misaionary 'IiOclety. were .Iso present ~tltb: h~~~ ~~rJ~v~~o::ia~ve us. Spring Vahev. were the. guests of Dayton , spent and :sunday fire. Also to whitewash or paint all Mrs. Hartsock IS the elder daugh.with their · boxes ~he contents of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irons Sundayaf- with Mr. and' . outbuildings and fences which bor- ~r of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Macy. ~he ,'. which amo~nted to OS ' As One bv one their partings grieve us. ternoon . spent Satur- der upon our alleys. IS. a graduate of the Waynesville . wae considerable . to If you have not had home of Mr. The Hoard of Health aido announce8 High School an~. for .~e rc&8~ ~:wThey are passillg through t~e gate. .to the P1'QJP"1.trl'l by one are they invited. h ' r Springboro. that garbage will. be taken care of bas been an obhgmg , hel a 81.rl ~t r Omitted, During Mqnarch's broad estate; the first week ot May. the telephone exchange. Petite lD bpur' Mrs. . loy" al Gnul is sli.. hted. s~: ) D. o~ Toledo. Dr. H . E. Hatbaway. Mayor ~~pearance. lovely In .character:, she , r8triJahmenta. to "" .. itmg hIS father • IS beloved by a large Circle of frlenqs. are passing through the gate. ·Iy. the Pllst • - • Mr. Hartsock is a popular and ~4renl land a!\pe ieh!Clti.)h ./ . ~"'&'lven. One by one 'we all are going. . ROY INNES prosperous young farmer, the . . . iqn;wu·preilet'tt lUI l'll'ViAit:or. Down the path way steep andsfralght; Ilnd Miss .Addie youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. . .' ~,' ,.' • _ ..,.........-F-Ah. the joy there in kllowing. funeral of Miss ~ill present an evening of enter- Hartsock. . . . :'~ lI..K:Ht:M.l'" PU"l"'I""A:m.l"'.~ We shall meet beyond the gate. Lebanon last Sat· tammen~ which be . something The many be~utlful weddlDg,pr,esentirely new to a au- ents show the high esteem in which W!Qruillr ",~nl1j~f~j:'f the '{il-' .. _ ••- - . . dience. He not only the young couple is held.. . ~ ORAH"M-DU~E .CllfIstlan chur~h distinction as a male soprano but Mr. and.Mrs. Harilock will begin mlll'lIlet In the Township becoming well known as a writer housekeepmg at once. on the Bart. Sal'u·,.~.y t .. rnocm April 25th. and sketches. He sock farm. ~here they .win be at . his own compallY two borne to their many frIends, who "Pills Versus Pettiwish them a long and bappymarried sketches sen t us a 6 ne ts .. . fined l'ttl ed hi h life . raised in her home coa • Ii re I e com y w e Th' f to · t D ~;r~t:r8jfieouncesand 1will mak~ dehghtful aff<?rds hi~ a cle\!,er: .vt!hicle 'for C GeMout.o - dwnM guMesilsdwreden:.;a_l· r. Impe~nation . also . ' . aey an ., rs _ e, Yum·yum. .l atest success ·'HettY's Campaign,' of Harv'ey8bu~; Mr. and Mrs.• T . O. P. Hav. W. C. Phillips. screat(l from start · to finish. at ' the Mason an~ f~lly. Mr. T. 1~;~~'~~~~ll!t!~fid.R8IPh Ilnd SChool Hall Thursday 'evening; April E. Cummmgs. Mr. J. B. CUIlDg!liDa1J, "!~~~~~:~~lt ;·IIlt't.l!lrnOOr,~ eld were in 2Srd. AdmiBillori 25 cents. Mr and Mrs. ~08. Muon, v; the ._ . Mr. Fred Har1JM:M!k






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First in"

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Everylmng FI,.,


noyerlly He uRlble ur ti ll" IrrI\lrop ri e ty sluPI.ed Ib e urown wlut Nu<i lca vell 10- ("Iingl ll !: about him . The n In 0atJi1Jl a bluuk of I ho dl ~ c u8s l o n, Nlnt'e the mIlD dllJ· (">! u s ' o r tllllt IbaL he was little better t o u hlsRlng turmoil . In Re.rJ,. JlIllt1 \'t\H n nt. l\ ridl society ( I\\',..·rl t ('. [\ ..,~f seoSt) or m ov(om onl u.1l 1 1 of tr (, ollblout\ lI slIell w as ('(' rl a llJly his (Jutron , ml\Ythan a be ggar. and I IIl\ ld tbo se bar· Fint in Puri~ lIudd ," u t h , Ilhi OO Vt: I"H that th.e Valian t l'o r li e had lIung her from Will wHh ,1Isturulln ce, of Insisten . t voi ces tbat rlbl e th IIl KK !" Aga in .. bo bOllt he r he his frl" lIl1 . Bul llI e In 6 I s t n u\~ o had su cb viol J>O rn t ~fHl \\ tll.' h II\H ( fit hf"r fnundl.. tJ n lli1 Fint in EconontJ l _ e nce tbat sh e h u. t! flllla n side- c'all ed tu blm and Inqul81t w h lt' ll \\',Il ll (h. , T"tin r l pu l SOUTC' ln~ hands ey('s, rerea din g the 8.e nl.e n("l's : of rOllHI"d 1\ c.'rt"lin bulky wllfuln (>ss tbat h la " Took w(! u llh, has t u ll ed. li e volun lll ril y lU r llA wise. Now s be rnl~ed b e rself. kneel- t ha t l'lu~ked at blm, and for these ruso . . and th wo en uld "alces l\a " " Its his wuy . ,·It's true I·ye Ing I.n the feathery e " f'r hi e rl r h ' Hl l' f ortune) t(' tile rC ~ '4 h·' !" <I t'tractor s by surprIse • • • light. both band8 g ro wi ng d letant agallJ. and bands fnll · Calum et Bakln . tor t il." C'O q 'IJrtl l lllf J H I!I (' n ctnl r e w nl nl o ,.: D(,V.' r St'.' n him; ' IIbe hnt! ju st 811llttllne(1 n g rilling al Lbe sald. "but I·~ c lu.aI1Cd close to he r breaBt. ItOS '-t'S!'J itl :1 S , unl'thlt d f Itll ol d l1Iotu r ('11r. trembli ng a Powdcr is fi rst III the I~ a way. and at lasl - s lience. rru d a bout him u h uu dred lIme.s III the hands at wt d l u bull 11 o~ 1\1II t IlullIQry ("ou n, a. I\ (,R' the st a te's e xau,ln e r which e xcessiv ely wltb loathlng and feelin g· I ' t ('d p:sl ll( '- h , Vt r,.;llI ta • hearts • of the milliod • • S lIDdn)' ~ UII[llem entll. H e's a regular tbe ( I n th e wny In • • • might wo!1l have dried at th e ir rount d un earl b·f1oor billow Uk.e a ('.anDarn f y l'ollr t 21t' t l1 ' · .-t~ 8h lrho y I )n l1d Inky c louda were gathe r ing o,'er lh e sllrlngH Dr of housew ives who rhJ ge. n n Huhu TII . )ml :-f·d h,·au I Y. n nd d~ ·· foutu re of th e blgll-roU er secUon. Hla vas Bea In sympath y." a theater. LJ.tue PUIt:B of the st\ll!talH wb en Sblrle y (!am dd es t h At h ,' la J..,"'flln..r I" 11l(c \' l r~ ' IIIH. 1m . Id en of a good lIrne III • e trom usc it lod know It. She ('ruBbed up tb e paper In her !loj;·ban quet dust from th e prot esting ground were m e n se l y . Shl r lt' y 'o m ll t J,\' r , !\1 ns, l l llnd · Damory Court, along tll e Ilsrrow wood· hUIld anti rested her 'rIdge.. a.n d :v1 njpr Br l.'iU rW o xr hunJ;~ r u rn - at S bl'rry's. Why, a girl tolll me ODce wreathi ng about foreben d un tbe UCtMD IIICB!ST~W~ ber sot race, a nd sbe p'alb un der tbe be mlocks. and the way wet rail. Idlotlc.a lly la.Bee n c!l during \\'h i("h It 1!II r t> ' ·l' .dcd thAt there was a cIgarett e named w.... rich- a vandnlall.Gr Ilresse4 one hu.nd against her ehoulde t .htlt ltw lJU'lJOf . ' · UItHIU ·!t r n l tH~ r . 0. 0 l1 II r was striped with blue-bla ck s badowB a us e les8. purae-p roud flllneur. Sbe ilion naln ~d ~ nH81 1 ('l n w (' r e rivals t ('l r t he hlm- tbe Vanity Valiant ! ,. ~r-. ... to r('pren her sblver8 . and filled with alghlng nolscs. She bad called bl m all h&rHl o t M r.I . Iln ud rlJge In h e r y ou t h . 1.11. "Isn't that bealde th e point! s.that! She could "rhe borrlble - borrtble - thin«!" walked warily, halting oo n a nu , °t\lIulJl f OUGh t . du ol o n hd t often at 80me still Bee tbe llalen ess of bl s look us .c,'nll nt In w hk h t h (l torm er w a ft k i ll od . cause he has been an Idler, mut. be she SIlld Whisper ingly. ..It would have loaty nt8t1e to ca tch 0, quick breath she bad said It. Voll un t nn ds Ua.mory court o ve rgro w n neceslI8 r1ly be Il- vanda l t" bitten me!" ..l Ith we eds a nd c t (!> ep c rs anti th ". btJlJc1 ~ of dread. AI abe approac bed th e tree. Sbe laughed again. "He wouldn 't Sblrley, overexc tted as ahe s lill was, h.gH In Il nry mu ch n II'l ec l ~d condillo n. He came to ward ber,, and roots where tbe cape VILHa nr ~ xpl llre8 h 18 Hl1c Mtral h o m e . He cail It vandalll lm . He'd think It ..... J8III8I1lluea lay, relt tbe sobs returnin g. Tbese. how· graspin g her haUlI. lifted her w ber slbe had to force ber .. surprl.M loy Q fox hunUnJ!' 1I1l")/ which clded feet forward by ever, d1« not laat long aDd In a IDa' Improv ement to make Damory reet. He '_"d • • tu8 estal . He r ecojfnlzea Shirley staggere d slightly as lie did sheer effort of ...-111 . At a little diB' ment 8he found h erselt smiling again. Court ae rrantlca lly differen t .. PGMI- eo, nnd at tbo h eRd or Ih e 1>I.rty . HII I![In,a 8BnVBbe aaw hUi Ups twist to· lance from th em she broke tau)" t o lhe "'orll ro r e d tOI. . G01!lltpa dte· :. stick and Though abe bad burt blm, IIhe bad I suppolle he'll e rect a eta- getber cope Ihe ndyc n t o f the n e w owner lUld re · ble. oddly_ '·Ab. sbe gWlped., "It w1lh It m&naged to drag the bunch to saved him, too! Wben 8be wh isper ed ... 11 th" l'Illrf'dy I n w hi ch th o e l d e r Val- c upol a and a porte-co cbere, all IIp-tobit you! It bit you !" he r, turning he r eyea w ith a shiver this over to berself lanl t ook p a rt. V.llant clocl"". to re- date Wld varnlsh y, and put arcbJd It BtIll thrilled nnd hot. bbilitnt e nemory court and make Ih. ~No," he enid, "I think not." fmm tbe trample d spot near by. Sbe startled ber. She hOUS08 wbe re the w1l4ern eaa pnten prod uce " li ving tor him. folded the paper "L.ook! There on your anal_ that ploked up the flowerll. and treaellog and hast eoed on under tbe cberrywas. and a modern marble eupU t. a(lot! " with caution . retraced ber : teps to tbe tree1l. CHAPT ER XIII-Co ntinued . elead of tbe BUmmllr·bouse, and .., " 1 did fe e l somethi ng, !WIt that first wider path. The)' stood on the edge of a IItony out a klte-sba ped track- " Emmalin e. tbe negro Sbe IItepped Into the Red Road Ilt ing anxious ly on the maid was waltravine wblch .Idened at one en d to a E " ery tblng that waa Impulalv t! IUld moment ." He laugbed uncerta inly. (lorcb. S be Willi ahallow manl\J va lley. Tbe rockll explosiv e In Jobn Valiant 's nllUlre "It's Queer. . My toot'll gOile rast lengtli In tbe t8llth of a tbunder -Btorm, thin to IIparenellll, wltb a face nil u1eep." wlhlcb bad arllen a lmost wltbout warn· brown as a wbacco leaf, reaUells were covered .Itb gray-gr een feath- came out with a bang. "Nofbe black Elvery remnan t of oolor left he r to break wltb the passion ate in· eyel and wool ery creeper a, eJtwoun d with curly ye l- cried, "wbatev er eille be Matly vinned o.nd Bet la, h e'a Dot face. She had known • negro child te.nllity ot electric 'etorme In tbe South. off by an amber com b. low tendrils of lo..,e-vln e. Across th e lJuc b a prepost eroull ails IUS that!" ravine, on a lower level, began a There was no IIhelter, but even bad Sbe faced .hlm squarel y now. H_ who bad died ot • wal6r-OlOCcasln's "Honey ," called Elmmalt ne, ''I'le bite some years belo~the cblld of a there been. sbe would not bave Bought been crove of !plendld treea tbat marcbe d eyea were 8parklin g. "Slnce you rearln' fa' yo' wid all tbat IIgbtlaIow bouse-s ervant. It had been wadlnl In It. The turbule nce of nature a round nln' r'arln ' eroun ap Into the long IItretcb of neglecte d him IJO Intimat ely and ao bl&hly ap'. Yo' got tb' Jess'. the creek In tbe gorge. The .. octor her matcbed , ID a wny, ber over- mine? torest be had seen from the house, prove of blm-" Give 'em to Em'lIne . Sbe'll fix bad saId t hen tbat "You love' It 1" he asked, wltbout 1t strained one 01 tbe other fee ling. and sbe welcom ed 'em all nice. jes' how MIs' Judith "No, no," he Interrup ted . "Yo. mIalike." witbdra wlng his eyes: th'e lIerce bulge of the wind In the take me. 1 s bouldn' t try to Juatlt7 cbll dre n. • • • "AIl right, Emmali ne," replied Shiro She grasped his arm, NSIt down,- up-blow ing whorlll of ber bnlr and the ley. ".Aud "I've loved It all my lite . 1 love hIm." His flusb bnd I'll go and dre8B. Bas rIsen to the rootII sbe comman ded, "here, 011 tbls log. drencb lng wetness of the rain. She mother missed me?" everyth Ing a bout Damory Court. of bill brown hair, but he did DOt and lise." Ruined 8S It Ie, It Is stili one of the lower b ls gaze. tried to fix her mind on near things, '"No'm . S be ILIn' let' huh room tbl s Now tbe red oclor Her pale fright CIUlgltt him. He lh,~ bendfng grasses , the scurryIn g red whole moet beautifu l oIl1tateB In all Virginia . slowly e bbed, leaving blm blossed doy. Now yo' bartb's pILle . "He obeyed, runnels and flappIng sb rubbery , but dragged ott the low sboe and There'll nothing Doer even In Italy. bas been an Idler-t ha t's true enau,b bared the tingling Bpot. The firm her tbought s Wilfully ellcaped the a ll r ead y-a ll 'cep'n tb' hot watah, Just b ehInd us, wbere tbose hemloc ks - and Ull a week ago he 'Idiotic- wbite stand , i~ where t.he · duel the cblldre.n ally rl cb .' But flesh was Ilufllng up around two tetber, turning again and again to tbe e n I sen' Ranllton wltb that th' fus' hIs Idling Is over DOW. e v.ente of tb e laBt two hours. Sh e pic. thing. Yo' burry IJpoke at was Cou8bt.;" tJny blue-rim med punctur es. en peel thenl wet He At tblB momen t, except for tbla one r eac bed Into hts pocket.. then remem· tured Onc' ,J elferaon 's eye8 rollin g up c lose all' yo'se'f, or yo' have one 0' He turned hIs bead. "Tell me about propert y, h e Ie little belter than a In ridiculo us alarm, hili winnow ing them digested chlIls." It." be lIald . . bered tbat be hnd DO knife. As \bo . beggar. " next beat tblne be knotted hlB hand- arID lashing his lndlgna nt mule In his Her young m1stres s flown and tbe Sbe glanced at him curiousl y. "Didn't Sbe had taken a basty Btep or two kerch ief Quickly Ilbo.e the ankle, IIlgbt for tbe doctor. you know? T bat was the reason tbs back from blm, bot water despatc hed, tho negro wom· !!5~S~e~~~~~ and he r ey....ere oow tbrust At tbe mental pic ture IIhe Choked an spread a cloth on tbe 1I00r and place was aband.o ned, VaUant , w,ho fixed on 5~=:! his with a dawnin g balf-te&l'- twlated a Btlck tbrough ~ loop and wltb byste rical laughte r, tben cringed began to cut and dreBs the long ltalks _ lived bere, and tbe owner of another tol question It till the Iigatul'1l cat deeply, In tbem, wbLle sbe knelt beBIde hlm, ber Upe suddenlY agalnlJt the sopping bark. ot the flow ers. Thle don e she fetched plantati on, wbo wall named Sassoon , An ounce of prevent ion Ia beUer "Till tbe failure of tbe Vallaot 00J-. moving soundle Bsly, sayla,; over and She I18.W again tbo doctor's gaze un bowls and vases, and Bet tbe pearly- tban quarrele d. They fought, tbe IItory Is, poraUon , be a ton of remorso . bad never beard of Da- over to hereelf words like thaae: "J [rom bls first examIn ation of the tloy wblte clum ps ber e and there--o n tbe Dder tboee big bern lock trees. Sall- mory Court, mucb Ie.. been aware must not pWlctur es to send a swift penetra nt dining· woon was killed." b e room trigbten sideboa rd, the hall maneci. Be d _ ' t that be owned It. It walln't becaQlle realize Undoub tedly. tbe danger, but I do! 1 must glance at ber, before be bent bJs great tel and tb e delJk of tbe IIvlng,- roomHe looked out across the distanc e; be loved It that be came here-a o! be quite collecte d _ bo~ly to carry "Did your vaccina tion take?" tbe unconsc ious man to till tbe delicate fragran ce filled tbe Jae could not trust ble face. "And- How couJd It 11 Ia a mUe to the beT He had nner eel doctor'a . I might "Ves-m y last dollai:: '-BalUm ore Valiant ?" r1lD to the bouae tbe bouse. ~In a lit of Ibudder lng house. quite vanquis hing tbe role' foot ill Vlrglnln 10 bla mortal lIt.. awopt over her. Then, all at once, scent from tbe arborll. Americ an. and Bend Unc" Jelrerao "He went away the earne day and n , bat It would Sbe put up her handB to ber Uarod take too long. Besides , tile II0ct0r teaJrB came, Itrangll ng BObB that bent All t be trim colorecl woman moved aever came back; be lived In New with a 8lart. "Came r' IJhe edloecl, mlgbt Dot be tbere. Hlw-Ha wl York till be died.. He walJ the father "Came! " There fa DO one andt Bwayed ber. It wu the dl8cbar ge IIgbtly about In the grow Inc dUll!, ot t be Leyden jar, the h Jalua of tbe with tbe low cUck of glasll Clt;y Gu;y-W bat kind of a dog do to do aDylhJn g but me." of the ocurt's present owner. You and mut· "But II you think that ewea he COI&W Bhe croucbe d beIIt4e kim, P1IUJD« teMe bow·str lne and It brougbt re- fled club of Illver, tbe light tat-tat of 70U call that? IHIver beard tbe story 1" be 110 cra8B.Iy Btupld, eo moaWD eDlaU, lIer hand l by hIs Farmer -Tbat'l l a buotln' setter. on tbe atlck and lief. After a time Ite grew qUieter. a cane lIounded , end IIhe ran to the "No," be admltte d _ "1-tJlI quite reblind to all that la reali, ftne an4 wrencb log It , oyer City Guy-W baddey a mean; buntln· wUIl all ber He would get weill The tbought ball, wbere Mra- Dandrid ge was d&eently I never beard of Damol7 beautlf u}-" Itrengt h_ "TIghte r, C1&tIter,· ahe eald. that perbapi Ihe had aaved bill life lICendlng tbe stalrwa.;y, ODe IIlIm wblte letterT (lourt." Farm'e l'-He huntll bonea, and thea "Ob!" abe cried wWl ClUbl~ OQCD- "It moat be Hgb.ter_- u.t. to her d»o cave her a thrill that nul ovllr ber hand holding the "That wu the laat duel ever fougbt banJllte r, under the In Vlrelnla .. Duellne w.. a dreadfu l prehenB lon. "Obo bow could Yoo! ma1, at the l&IIt tuna tbe ImproYlaed wbelle body. And unW ;Y8llteroay Bhe edge of a wblte Imr. !!hawl whlcb Bets and 'eata 'em.-Y ale Record. oord BDApped, aad the nleue4 lUck had newer leen him! She kne.\led In drooped Its heavy frlngel to her cna.tom . I'm glad It'l ,ODe. . AreD't You--" dalDtCar.val lilio Picture Found. Be noddeel curtly. wYea." be ..... flew a dozen feet awa,.. the blurred halt. llght, pu,hJo , her wet Ily-abod feet_ On ~OO!" the lower &tep abe An Importa nt find bas been made lD "I am that hapbua ball' rd back lwieQllA Her from n. heart ber SobIl forehea d and BlDIl- baited, looking Bmillng ly about at the leaped obDldaals. tlUI1l "Yes," he aatd mowly; "It wu a' the art coUectt on of Marcbel le della dropped Into bammeM Sk8 tJw4Id.J.Dg. log up ID the rain that atlll fell faat. bl08aom1n~ bowla_ thiDg that out two way.. PerbapB V. VllllB11t , hIm'e elf." Btufa at France. It II a painting 1aF Be leaned back OD one ILI'IIl. trr1Dg In a fe. momen ta ahe rose and went on. UaDt, If lie oculd have bad hJa cbolce "Don' tbey ameli up th' wbole . Carava ,glo, wblcb bad been lost 11,1It At CH4PT to the langb. sate ER XIY" but of abe the noted Roaewo that ilia breath od lane bonse?" lAid Bmmall na. "I know'd , of for many afterwa rd, would rather have been ly. years. Tbe palnlln , 11''' came llbortly u If be IIad '-n ran· atoo,d a malI-bo il on • clldar poet and y'o be pleaa'. Ha' lac there that mornin g tban a_ Judith. Now pat . known to connollllleul1l tbrough a print On the Edlle of the WortcI. o1og_ "Absur dl" he wd, froWl1lng. abe paoeed to fllIl out I drag,le d RJcb- yo' ban' on mab shoulda h eaouo" en I'll take In the Galleria degll UftuL There was a pau.. not to be . . . . "How BUcb---e fool thlIag-c ao b1lrtl" manti newlpap er_ Aa IJbe tbTUllt It un· 70' to yo' bl, cha'h." "He mUllt have Buffered, too," Ille SI, 41 Pietro, the secreta ry of tbt. Sudden ly abe thre. bel'llelt 00 the der ber arm ber eye caugbt a word of -creed, "or be wouldn 't have uUed oned by minutes but BuffocaUIICI7 They eroued the ball. the dueky gallery, 11'&11 determi ned to flod th. loog. Sbe bad grown a «J'QUlld hllad-lin . . pale aDd e. . . Ile. pupecl the foot with both With a flUlIh abe tore it form bending to u. fr&&lle preelJur lIlm.eit lUI be did. I used to wonder e of picture. It was knqwn tbat Ip the "That was ungene rous or 1fYG.· Bile hand.. He could see her lace twltcla troDI Ita IIOggy wrappe r, the wetted II It Wall a love-qu arrel-w hetber the7 the flogera. "Now heah'a .,0" eba'h. year 1700 It wall In Poalesl lon of til.· eould bave beau In love with the &ame eald tben with Icy slowoe ... "·AlOllll II with IIhudde rlng, and her ayea dilating fiber parting In her eager flngers, and Ranaton he made up a little lab Je.. Cerreta ol family. wblch no IB now ea. doubt reetiD« YOU-fo ber und foot with It on BOme entertal tlie determi lower AlaC, rall ned of to take th' damp out, en tb" blg lamp'. tinct. purpose. woman." It must bave aWl further amu.ee4 10Il "What .t;e ;yon going tl) do yu the gate, lipread It open on ber knee. "Dut wby Bb?uld be go away?" lit, en MlsB Sbirley 'll be down rlgbt Sig dl Pietro, wblle examln lng Marto be taken for an arcblte ct'" '"ThIs," IIIbe aafd, and be felt ber Sbe lltood atock-1ltlll until lihe bad qulclt." " I can't hn4\tlne , unlesa ahe bad • . cheBe della Sluta's collecti on 8aW the "I am ftattered ," be repUed. wtUa a IIbrtnldn r; IIPII, Iwarm and tremulo us, read the wbole. It was the story really loved th. other man. It 10, IIbe of A momen t later, 10 tact, Sblrley de- . lIaJntln g and Immedi ately Identifie d It. Jolm Vallant' ll sacrlftc e of bIB private '8cended tbe lllalr, nst bls In8tep. couldn' t bave borne Beelng Valiant trace of bitterne ss, "to have lIuneat ed pressed hard Ip a filmy gown or Tbe Ufizzl print Is an exact reprodnCo He drew aw Iharpl7 , wltb sav&8e fortune to save tbe rulo of tbe 10- Indla-mu llliIl, with. narrow belUng atterwa rd." Sbe paused with a I1tUe of HOD of tbe picture, wblcb Is a typical denial. "N oJ Not that! You ValVed corpora tion. laugh. "But Ulen," she lIald, "It may gold, &&alnllt wboee ftowlng sleeves Caravag glo. It depicts 1I1l[ youtbs, one aban't! Its effect My I upon d10U ber was sl:!an"U' n sbock " He . abe her bare arms abowed with a flusbed or wbom IB have been nothing so romanti c. Vaplaying a vIolin, one a lute dragged his n bing foot from her felt Iller throat Bwell all sbe read; tbeo pinknes s tbe bue of the pale coral lIant'lI grandfa ther, wbo WBS known as and one a flute, while two are .Inglns despera te gras , lifting himself . POBIl- sbe wall cbllled by the memory of beadB about ber Devll·Jo bn, Is eald to bnve called a neck. The damp and one Is IIstenln g.-New York SUllo Ing her rrom b : but sh e fougbt lVIth what abe bad aald to him: . "What man out becBullo be rode past him oeW8pa per was In ber band. blm. clinging . panting hroken lIen- bas he ever done except play polo and At h er step her motber turned ber r'~~~;:::;;;::~::;;;;::;;;;;===;: on the wrong "Ide. Our ancesto rs In furnlsb spIcy paragra phs for tbe ~ bead : she was listenin g Intently to Virginia . I' m IItraid, didn't stand on voices that came from the garden- a It's the only way. It clety column s?" ceremon y wbe D th ey felt u pplllh." "What a beast I was!" Bbe laid, ad· child's sbrlll treble opposlll g R&D. In, aDd Wa deadl;y. li e did not ~mlie. He was looking dresSin g the wet bed go.. "He had just ston's sle ntorlan ,grumbl counts! " out once mo rc ov er the luminou s e. done tha~ splendid tblng. It waB be"I won't. (TO B E CONTIN UED.) 0, stapf .tretch of fleldu, bla s lde·facc towards How do JOU know! It'll no going to-he re, listen! b e r. CuriouB and painful questio ns Take your ha s awa1. Llsten !-L1. were runnin g fhrollg b bls braIn. Wltb ten! I can gO to tbe and send an etlort, be t1uust tbese back and reo Uncle Jefferso for tbe doctor and be (!Blied bls allen tlon to wha t sb e WBII -No! stop, I -.ave s the house. y! Ob-I'm sorry If I uyln g. burt you. Ho strong you are!" "You wond<rr, I suppose , that we wife much thank . "Let me'" . feel as we do t,..:,ward lbese old estatell. 1 ... ~kins"No! Vour P8 are not for that-and Be t s ture by tb e m, Bud- yes, und good God, thU.~ brag of them Insuffe rably as wo do, ' damllab le th.Ing! TOil yoarsel f mlgbt (}--" But It's In our blood. You Nortber n. "Let me! . how Cluei ,.011 are! ers th ink wfl're despera t ely con. lsed the. ftrat volume yet. You jellt 41, celted," she sm iled, "but It's true. The Next Moment , With Clenche d It WIUI my tault. I But for m e It would out!" We're stili as proud or our land, and Teeth, HII Wu Ylcloue ly Stampin g never bav&--" "'He dug, too. Nloe year &80 It Settle'r Had No Healtltl on In Declar"No! I would )ra,th,"r- -" Its old, old places, and love tbem as His Heel Allain Ind Allain, wall. 1 ain't more'n half through ber Ilig Encyclo pedia Had Ita Drl' "Let mel 011. you dIed!" .ell alJ our avcesto rs ever did. Do , yet. The wife, IIbe'lJ about Qu8rter Spota, WUb all the ,ou wond e r WI! resent tbelr pUlling even for a moment , .80 worth, • ca1J. of ber Illrong through , It took a lot 0'. bralDlI to young body ,he "'r~n,nh(ld aWJl.J' lais to people wbo don't for them in Ing." Dudley Field Malone, i be oew 001- write this book, hut It'. my opinion, At IJls answer sbe put out lIer hand protesta nt banda. thlt Soutber n way?" Ullret and . · atck- leotor of tbe port of New York, said to all tbe, and I dOll't mind telllo' " But 8uppose tbe newcom ers do with sudden gesture , as If blunU, lab feeling were him, a cU110ua a reporte r : ye, that I think Ihe'l got her dn . tbruatin g tbe matter from her con. Irreapou .slble care for 1hem 1" and ber balr "I'm too new to my job to talk about IItr~ like molt " vei7 th lnl el~.·" Her lips curled. "A young million- cern, and turning went back alOllg the wblch tbat bad brought III 'I t 7et., If I t4Uked about It I might. aire who h&ll lived all hie life In New tree-s badowe d path. tumbled masaee her should . . , like Chin.. tlbe mounta . 8ol~I.... 4,. Good Fighter& . ineer, ,Ive away m;y He followe d gl .. ml,., cnawlD g ilia seemed to have York, to care for Damory Court! A llamas ' T1UI.IIID« IIIIOrlllDoe. Till wlthlo the laIt two years or so. youth idiotica lly rlcb. brought up In • lip, WB11Ung to ..y be IInew not what. aU over It. HIs entlrel7 (oat "A man . . . bunting In P,-e count;y, the general Impreu lon waa · that the auperb eated atmosp bere of nolss and but wretcbe dly tonpe-t ied. MltIDK ita feeling. 'lbere a stnmge weak- 8n4 UI) around Portera lal:e he vlaUed Cblne,e aoldler . . . Intende d to 'raD that tbe great wb1te ~th w. . money ! .. neg In hla limbs. away. The revolatl on 'Of 1911 dl. a -seWer 's house, Be started uncontr ollably. So that .aving Ita creamy w10gs OD the cleM Moment ll or or "Ha notlclld stump a aDd volume wonder of .1. 10!>4 stpated aome of, thla a~urdtt.,. The ing If she .ould consclo uBoeu • .., what she thougbt ! He felt him· jalntllr~ witJ3 at:raqe I 'e'ncl,olop~edla On" Ihelf above the IUD, eyenta of the 'present year ban dllaelf flushing . He bRd wonder ed what take the cape jesllaml nell. He felt aD lmaglnl nga, follo ..'eel. tlmell he ~lt peraocl tbe· remaind er, It a ' DOY . .ould be hi s Impress ion of the nelgh- emburr assed relief when, pa8ll1~ tbe the preBBure upon foot. reconll eil that-the re-Ia DO bar mat. roote wbere they lay, sbe stooped to was sensible of &he borlj!)od and Its people ; tb elr possible t1Je rlat than ",lalc.h be 881~ Joung mouth IItrl.,IIIK d~l)erlately to oJ)1I!Jbn of blmself had n ever occurre d raJse tbem, trom' th..' . Tben all at once thll blood lJeemeel draw the polnll \ Of OJilD.'. to hi m "'You think tb ere's no chance of his to s hrInk from b1a beart. With ' a From Umeto time , chooaln g to Btay bere becaule he boarle cry be. leaped toward ber, of a wblte delll!'ra te seized her wrist' and' ro.u ghly 'dragge d balr that "'AI lICtIIally Ukes It !" • , dlil 80. a sharp kles. At ·time8 '· J"N~t tlI'e eHghtes t," Bbe said In41t__,: .1 <_<,. _ 1' 1_ .Tbe "fiIrenl~y. . he' " , ':;You




/. -'



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~o the Merit of Lydia E.PiDk..

Shy of Sign .. Tile prJprletor ot tbo gents' turnlabIng emporIum always ate In the QuIcklunch establlsbment next door, but the owner ot th e laUe r bad a grIevance. "J put out many sIgna," complnlneCl he. "I advertlse lamb s tew, bect bash, roast gIblets. 1 wllleh you mnny tlmea. Always you take some thing else." "I g uess tbut's 8 0 . " "Wby Is thIs?" . "Well, 1 figure It thIs way," explaIned th e baberdasher. "Whenever 1 han g out a sign, It's for liomethlnc 1 want to get rid ot."

ham'. Vegetable Compound during Change of Life. )

Westbrook, Me. - .. I W811 paulDg through the Change a! Life and bad painll in my back and s ide and waa so weak I could hardly do my housework. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComPound and it haa done me a lot of good. I will recommend your me4.. , Iclne to my friends and give yoq perroill. . .~~L..:.._ _~ alan to pC.blillh m1 1Ie8t!monlal." - MlI, LAWRENCE MAJl.'J'IN, 12 King St., Westbrook, Maine. Manalon, Wla. - It At the Change of Life I suffered with painll in my back loine until I cOuld not lltand. I aleo had nlght-sweata so that the aheeta "ould be wet. I tried other medJclne lIot got no relief. After takin~ one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I began to Improve and I continued Ita use for six months. The palna left me, the night-llweats and bot ftaabes grew ICIIII, and In one yFf..r I Wall • different woman. I know I have to thank you for my eontinued good health ever einee." - Ml'II. M. J. BaoWNELl.,. lIanston, Wia. T,he aucceaa of Lydia E. Pinkham'. Ve~table Compound, made from roota and berbs, Ie unparallel6d In BOeb cae8IL.

RASH ITCHED AND BURNED 400 South Hermitage Ave ., Chicago,

IIl.-". was attacked with a brea.klng

out on the Inside of my. arms. It Wal a IImall rash or plmpleB and it Itched and burned, especially at nIght, 110 that before I knew It I had made myself Bore. 1 had to wear the Dnelt kind of cotton underwear. no woolen at all, because the leaat thing Irrltat· ed It and made It mucb worae. The rash Itched and emarted until at tlmea 1 cot no aleep at all . ". had this trouble and took trea.tmenta for about one year, but the, only gave me relief while takIng them. Th en I began using Cutlcura Soap and OIntment and I got relief right away. In three monthe I wa, a (Signed) H. W. well man again." Foley, Nov. Ii, 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment 80ld throughout tbe world. Sample of each tree. with 32-p. SkIn Book. Addresll POIt.card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, BostOD ."-Ad.,.


U )'08 "aDt special adnce write to Lydia Eo PldhamIedlcfue Co. (eod.tflDttaJ) LJDu, .all... 'lour letter will Somo women believe that husbandlie opened, read aad anllWere4 by. lees marrl~es would be far more eatWO...., and he!clla lUic&. ooaJllIeacIe. lefactory, ~--~-------------------------

• rna Bottle it couldn't MEMORY OF CARTER'S FARM Humane Treatment of

1,500 Yank ••

Prleonera on Weary March From Winchester to Staunton. Va.

Late In the arteruoon ot June 17. fA bUllch of 1.500 prlsonen, ready tor ·fA march of 92 miles tram Winchester, Va., to Staunton, Va.. Wo were the first consig nment to lhe South. of the 4,000 men ot Milroy's arm, that was smashed to pIece. on the morning of th e 15th, writes J. H . Sawyer, Company B, IIllghteenth Connecticut, Soldiers' Home, Lafayetle. Ind .. In lhe Nallonal Tribune. Our guard was the Flrl),etghth Virginia (Colonel Board) . As we IItood tn lin e at the foot of the hili north of the town, Colonel Board, BItting on hlB horse n ear the center, before he ga ... e the order to march. Bald : " Men. these Yankees have tallen Into our hands by the fortune of war. • want them treated IIlle gentlemen . If I hear of any Insults or abulle, It will be punIshed." Nothing could have been kinder than the treatment we received from these men during the march of five days. We always had the feeling at comrades .towards them rathe r than ot enemlel!. 1 had orten wondered It Colonel Board lived to aee the end of the war. The matter was settled by Com· rade Sprecher's lette r. Colonel Board teU at the balll e of Carte r 's farm, July 19, 1864. According to the account, that battle was upon 'or near the ground of Mllroy's battle of June 16, 1863. Some of the wounded of our regiment were taken to the Carter house. Comrade Sprech er mention II that the Confederate IIDe was on the Ruthertord tarm. and that he re visIted the IIcene In 1892; that he was shown over the grounds by Mr. Rutherford, who. with his family . took refuge In the eel· lar during the battle of Carter's farm. It appears that one or the family wall & boy about ten years old. That boy grow up, married and bad two daughters born. 1 bellen. on the farm. About two years ago those two glrll carne here to our hospital to take a coune 10 the nurses' school. I became Quite well acquainted with them. Atter helng here about a year they were called home by tbe sudden death of theIr mother, and did not return. They called tbemselves " rebels," and see med to take considerable delight In It. Nevertheless, they treated the old UnIon soldiers In th eir care wIth great killdness .

be more Dust Proof, Dirt lProof, Impurity ~=~~ lProof!

1863, 1 olood among

The new

"SEAL OF PURITY" 1keeps out dampness-water-even the air. Everything undesirable is kept completely away from the fresh pure beneficial dainty inside. So give constant and delicious aid to :your teeth, digestion, breath and .appetite with the gum with lthe "Seal of Purity."

CASTORIA· For Infants and Children.

Thr Kind You Have Always Bousht Promotes Digestion,Cheerfulness and Rest .Contain, neilhrr Opium.Morphine narMinersl

Bears the Signature of

Rt.9N .t()'" DrSANl/Q/m'A'JI'JI

....,,.,,,J .

AuA-. • • AW.u.S.Jb



Came Nearer Old Type of Middle Ages Than Any of Dlltlngulahed 01'1'1cers of Our Day.


~.:r...... ~Jt.. J .

ct"",;"" .r.~ ".....,....:.q, .....

--- ...


Apert,:ccl Remedy rOl'Conslipi-

lion, Sour Stomach,DiarrhOta, Worms,Convulsions ,Feverisfl.

nesund Loss OF SLEEP.

---..-~ -_ .. _--

fae Simile siCnatul't 01


In his relentlessness, bolsterouB jollity In camp, and In a certain wild, natural IntrepIdity and br1lllancy In action Sheridan carne nearer the old type ~C the Middle Ages than any of tbe distinguished oIllcere of our day, writeR Morris Schaff In the Atlantic Magazine. I need not give details as to his appearance, tor his portrait Iii very familiar. The domlnallng featurell of hie tleahy face. with Its subdued ruddlnesl were prominent. full, black. fta,hlng eyea, which at once caught your attention and beld ll. Hla forehead was well developed, a splendid front tor bls round, canDon· ball head. CUllter insillted on Introducing me to blm at City PoInt arter hhl Trevillan rald-Sberldan wall 'In hla tent, bareheaded, and writing when we entered. He gave me hili uaual spontaneou8. cordial greeting and searcbing look. and soon thereafter was air Cor the valley, where he won great hononl, breaking the clouds that were hanging 110 heavily over our causa. lifting the North trolll a atate of dewpondency and doubt Into one of confidence In Its ftnal SUCC68S and gi ...· Ing Grant 'a reller from hlB burden which he never forgot. Sheridan and Meade--nature bad caet tbem In verr dllrerent moide-soon clashed. and bllfore we reaclled Spottsylvanla the slumbering tire oC ' their mutual and natural incompatibility burst Into flames .


For Over Thirty Years

~~CASTORIA "'••_"A,,,........ .,.•••.., 'I• • • otn,



Bell Never Stops Toiling.

A bell in a temple In North China

fte moat economJcal. clean.tDr u4 bas been kept rlngins for a <lent\lJ'1, prmJcldal of all utlaeptlca J&

A tax 1II levied In tbe district fQ1' paying relays at ringers to work in· ceaaantl1 day and nigbt.

Putnam FadeleBII Dyes are brlghtellt and falltest. Adv. !

A aoIuhle AatiMptic Penni.. to .. diaolvecI in water .. Deeded. - .Aa a mediclnal anUaeptie for douches

III treattns ~tarrh. iDllarnmatlon or , ulceration of noae, ~roat. an4 ~t , _Wled by femInine 11Is It has no equAl. I'or ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham MediCIne Co. has recommended Pullno their private correapondence with . 1 'WOmen, whlch prove II Ita auperlor t,.. Women wbo have been cured 8a,. It Is "worth Its welkht In 1IOld." At dtunblts, 600. large ~ or by mltL fte 'BoatoQ, _ _\'Ut:oll~'10Ue _ t_ _ __ _ _Maaa. __ _





Be hiPPY. Uee Red CroBS Ball Blue; much better than liquid blue, . Delilht. the Ia.undrtl!lll. All POeerB. Adv. The sentimental youth who Is dead In love comes to_ lire ...;.._ ,_ __ _ _.again. _ ______





A Change. "DId Caesar's disposItion change much durIng hIs Ure!" asked the protessor, , "Well," answered the Btudent., "he had a lot more Gaul when he died;"

~gm:msareoneVeryband. Theyareintheveryair we breathe. A s"stem ''rUn down" is& prey for them. One muSt 'have vital force to Witbstand them. Vital.foreedepends on·'~·_<llgestion~OD - whether or Dot food nounshea-bn the . quallf\r 'of bloOd '~ through the' body. 'f

BY THE BOX for 85 cents at most dealers. Each box " contains twenty 5 cent packages. They stay fresh until used.






Extracts Gas Fl'Om Sawdu.t. American and Canadian BBwmlllll d have discovered that the saw ust which they have re;arded as a worth· lesll Incumbrance Ie worth at leaat ,40 aperfected ton. Ina Balttmm-e chemist has process ot II.extractlng gas trom sawdust, adequate to supply a city like Ottawa with light and heat. This Is thought to portend that around the great sawmills which have been emptying their dust Into the Ottawa river a variety of new Industrlell ,ubslsting on Jt are likely to grD\V up,

To Oet a Roc\<er In Your Room. "Can't you get: me a rockIng chaIr!" "No. air; but It you want to Pllt ,up for It I can get you a Jorum of 26.year-old wblskY," • "What do I wa~t wIth that? " _ . "'l'hat'll make the chair You are' tn

Chew it after every llleal Be SURE it's f:'ean_ pure. hea"""" WRIGLEY'S.

Look for the spear.

OOlllp. Alert Perception Needed. Lou- I eaw Ethel yesterday, and " You say that a man who occupies a position o.f serious public responsi- we · bad the loveliest confidenllal chat' together. bilities needs a sense of humor?" Lucy-I thought 110; shl' wouldn't "Certainly. The more grave 'lUld dignified he assumes to be, tbe more talk to me today.-Judge. he needs II. aense of humor. He must be able to r ecognize numerous things tnstantly, BO as to avoid Baying them."

Make the Liver Do its Duty, Nine times In ten when the nver la ri8ht

.te U",d.,... tl'bod. "And observe play except In the "1 understand; he I.e Rtre,

the stomach lI~d bowcW are rlaht.




ncorcIedfor Iaa oeta. dIIIttIda 10 ......... ,." ......., l1li4

• ..---- fJom 10 to 20 .............

J. Ken aniftd Iaa tIM

~try 5 )'eUW RIO

gently but firmly pel II lazy liver do Ita duty. Cures C-

He bolNllteaded, bard. .. lIOI'I: tIM PI III:RII 01 lan4. III 1913 bad a aw of IOD ~ which wiU reiaUIe bIm about ",000. Hie ..Mae .. ...... uu...tothe .......


H..aeh.. aad Diatre.. After Eatiq. SMALL PILL. SMAlL DOSE. SMALL PlUeI. Genuine must bear Signature

a.nd nhe'll

~ eome yMJcM repQrt8cI._ . . ._ . 10Aabllb ........


.tipatioa, ... tlIgwtioo, Sick

Practical ': Pearla mean leanl. "Then buy 'em ' for stOl) cryIng for 'em."



from Deomark with "ery IItde DM&DL


0InIeJ" of

aDd in>erqecl_aa ........

telM ......

~ of ebDIJa' litetaDc:4Ie mIIht be relatecl of the homat..der.ta Manttoba. s.. katdIe..... ud AI.beIta. TIle aw of 1913 _ aD sball-

daDt ODe C'fV7Wben ID WCIICcnl Caua4a. , Aak tordeacrlptke 1It8ntareud

reduced nil....,. I1IUlL AIlDl,. to Sapet\J:!teudent of ImmlcntiGD.

Ottawa. CaIIada.. or W. e. NITHIIAY.

Interurban Sldg.. Colu....... OblD

olina Corn


Stream Land of Mild Winters Loam Soll-IO,OOO Acres

District Ready for Settlement

"Wenona Near the Sea" Lands - Good Elevation - Perfect Dniinage• . State Experiment Fann located in center of district.

Corn Yield at "Wenona Farm"-174 bu. per acre. between Albermar'le Qnd Pamlico Sounds. RaililrOti. Station - Post Office- Telephone-Storea- SchooL markets.

Low priced Janda. Ample monthly min-

nshine ever;;- day in the year. Excursion re.tes. for maps and printed matter descriptive of "Wenona and adjoining Dev~lop~~rit District. Addreu '0. I. HILLARD. Dept••4


Canadian Goftmment ~



















•• ~


•• __

Wa lter McClure


Q I\n d Fred Uon~ :105.99 aores In Fun~ral I.)lrector. What you want in I'llint is one that Sow. III Ill n fll Ut.rer of t h e esttLte of Mal'sie towll!'h lp. $1. freely from the bru8h . that sprea d. evenly . but Char les E. RORS et.ltl t o Loui sa F. Ab ,·fl .· w . 11 11 1. dfll'oa"l!ll, Bernur d has enoug h body to 8ta]r Ipread . 'l'elepb one dllY or uIgbt A Pili I~ III'POIIO IP, \ Ulillllui t!t·rll tor. Lewl~ tho 13- 5-i Interes t in two ... .. . ,, 1 " 1:,(1) trll ' 1.8 of laUd nou r Ildor r ow, $ 1. Valley phnoA N" I.... u le DlBtanoe No IID-llr. Y ou can shut you r eyel and tell from the Eli:lo~ "" t.h 1<.oss to L )\I1S0 F . Low ,s III 111,' II l11tt. r ,, ' l.tlO et4tlltu uf :'I1 1I 1' >!· . .. ,t 111 ,.1 Will ·, \"",11 1.. . mlnoTs. thH 1:l. 54 Int·e[·H!:!t in two tmotB of feel of the brush . 1111 you paint. that Autom obile 8ervlce at .11 Tlmea land n ell r Morrow $ 1. ';" 1.)0 11 01 IlC'1I' 1l l1 t h' " Pl'ruvfl d Eli:lflboth Ross to Ll)nl~" F. LewlH In til " tnll" "r II f t lln oll t·nhl of Ed. W 1I1 H VIlIII) ·'rvt'er . imbeoile . I H'8 part· IIf .t wo traots of laml oe Hr WAYN ESVI LLE, 01110 • Morrow . $26 . ~: lo! ll t /. '. CO' J1llll- " liP I' U v I'd. ' Branch Office. BarveYlbUl'1f. cUeorJ,{o A. ROllS at 1\1 to Louisa F. III ' 11I~ Illl,t t(lr IIf thn O~tll te o t is full·bo died, .moot h, e la.tic .. nd tenaci ous. \\,.11,1\ '/\ ::; Md":lnlll' Y. rlBI)tlIiSlld . LAwi!' is 04 ptlrt Ilf twO trll cts of land \-1 " ' 111 '111 O. Mcl{ll1n o.v apP" ill te,i tld - n e H Mo r row . $1. You caR feel it cling to the wood. and in n'\[II. trul'l) r . 13" ,,01 *3:,011 E li Ht,n. A D. Brvwn et al t.o Louisa F . after years you can see it cling. Ilfw. \VlllllllII .Iuck", ,,n lind '1' h ol< Lfl wi!' 4.11 p"r t of two tracts of lund (Jl)Il"tl\ \) l.. lire "liP ,illt.A, 1 I Lppr l1l~ .. rR. nrmr MorrIOw. '1. Osteopa~hic Ph)8i cian There i. no secret about makina l good. In Ih .. llI" tl.'r " f thn uHttll.e lit O. 'iV . Brown and .J ')110 Brown to durab le paint. The formu la i . on every clIln 21 Broad way Milt oll .J . l:illttield, deu"'IHen A Lonis \ F. Le wis 29 P .rt of two Phone 449 LDorl'I(Hgn not huret .. fuftld illtflbn ted traots of IElDd Dear Morru w 11. of the Green Sellli Paint. Leba non, Ohio II' orc\l'f fld t·" h .. I! i ve o t .) Ch .. rl tls Ethel Andor Ron and N .· R08s to HIl t .. ItJ, the onlv " Il r~uu tl led to L O Ul~ft F Lewis 2.108 pnrt ••• FOR SALE BY of two tlllm d. traots ot land Dear Morrow II. BRAN CH OFFIC E , I:"'ell" l;o no\,pr, nOlllinl stn tri x of Ruth Ros8 ~o Louis3 F . Lewis 1 Wayn esvill e, UIA e"tll I,,, of \V Ii CO OOVO f, d e. I O~ part ot two tr~cts ' Ohio of ItiDd near OAtHI ... !I . plnlntlO' VII Rny Clf\yt on Mnrrow, $1. .............. Tuesda ys and . . .. Fridays , rrom 8 :30 I . . . . . . . . .I. . . ._ CO" fw,> r, f'I. Id, <l .. feor lnoM. .1 . M. .___ ___ ___ ___ __~ Urnoe to 12 o'clock to Viol", M. l )on"vnr i<l md le /I " " rty ,Iele ndl'nt. I'homp ~o D.J. lotMtlloy on Wast Mulber ry Office, corner Main and High streets (J eurg.j W H rn w n . f,{u.l'IlIll n of street io Lt' banon, $ t El lz l.J BrolwlI, IlUbulHlp, pluintil f Phone No. 100 Spring Laxativ e and Blood Cleanse r lieathen .. Saturda y Once Though t Unlucky . V~ .•-; ,,, wa rt Bro ., n . tlt .. I. dnfeod llut ll This word originally meant tho.e Marriage Licel11lCs Salurday takes Its name trom Sa&Flush on~ th e aoc .lmulatf d waate Prouert I' in !.III>! O llll ~tl llppruis ed at Ei erbert Truitt, papor milker of lind pol80ns of t he winter mooth~; wbo lived on tbe beaths. or in tbe ter. the Roman SaturnuB, and tor a $::! l!5. "I"" li n .. n.ltlli l rontal of .,7 5111 Millmis burg t . Ed na W ulfe, of ol tll1 Dse yonr sto m ~c h , Ii vor and country . It acquired Its present mean- lona time It was looked on as the un· All Kinds or tJx ~ rl . (,JII U 1'1. orrltl.r!l saIDe leased out. E ran k!!n. Rev A . J. Clere. kiduoy s ~f all Impuri ti es. T .. ke Dr. Ing because ot tb e fact that at the lucldes t day of lhe week. tim e of the In troducti on of Cbrlstla nlty W. U :-itllhhs n~ IIdmiDlstrlltor of Perry Frederi ok Drake. telegru ph King 's New Lif e Pills; nothlD!! bot-. In Germau y tbe dwelle rs on the beatb. th" e.t." of A IhArt I:!t. ubbs, se operato r of M )rrow tar for purifyi ng t he blond . MIld, to Ellst(lr Z CflllHllIt . plllll)tllT VI'. Eunioe tit ubbtl ColHnl! , of Morrow . Rev. T . 3, n o n.~rlping laxativ e. (Jures con WE/ re those who were most strenuolLl17 fi t HI, rl ., (endfto ts. A B H.all , J ohn WilJillms Notice of Appointment stipnti on; makeR you l eel fiu e . oPP06ed to the new' religion. • \V ~ It .. whlln 1$11(1 U F Browo ap T · lIe no other. 2Go ~t your Dru gEdward A. Long olerk, and KathpoIlUtp, i to "1·JI)rtIll!e relll tl~tll.te In ryn Elizabe th E.taw. of Abner W . DUI. d telll>8OO . Evans. bu~h of Leb. gist. Buokle n's Arni o" & Ive (or Far OutstrI p. Mother Country . Nolleo 18 horeby given t hat Born ard r· 1-bill O" 'l "fl. A. All Burts. Ii SuCCt'sso rjtoll anon. Rev. A. J . Kastle . DUl h .... ~n duly appoillto Canada d a nd qual llled Is nearly thirty ti mea as 10 th ., IOlt l.ter of Lulu Browli. ap . ... .... executor ot the Io:.~ate 01 J\ boer W. Dill . lal'ge ae Oreat J Britain ame8 Roy AnQrew~, meohan iosl and Ireland, the lato of Warren County Ohio. dece..-l . l F·i E·ISHERWOODI pJioul1 'lIl I S Wilde til Uaytou Htate Potato •• the Size of Marble •. D~ted thla l Uth day 01 April 1916. 1:l1181Ji Ll1 l fIr l&(h1iss lon of Lulll engioe er of t:hlcag o, t.o Evelyn Potatoe8 In Green land do 1I0t grow Brell. at the Dominion bel na only Alton F. Brown. 231.000 square miles less than the Marie Fonltey , of Wayue sville. Rev. larger than a n ordI nary mar hi", Qver Postoffice, Waynesville, O. Judge or the Probate Court) Brown to tba' in ~ti t Q tlon. Wu~n Oounly. Oil o. whole contine nt of Europe. C. t:) Grause r. Aprlll _ !t In th e wutter Clf thfl will of haBo Office Phone 77 House Phone (I·3 r Jl:arl B . Cadwa llader. laborer to I:l n fJm lLII. df'cellseri Will filed . Maode G . &uth, both of Morrow . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:".r....... Commo n Pleas Court Clareoo e A . Swiger t, maohln lst of :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':':.:':':':.:':.:.:':':.:':.:':'••:':.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:•••••:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.: ..:.; 10 rtl Indi ctment ~ printed in lae' KiDgs Mills to Anna S Palmer , of I S8 UtI . Albt'rt Houk a':ld W." Gus Lovelliond . Rev. A. J. Kestle. tin. indiot-ed for bootleg~lug, plead !Crnest J. Swiger t, farmer of Kings not Knllt:v and ..... ere release d on Mills to Lola A. Thome , of Mason . bund to a wait ~riQl. Rev . A . J. Kestle, The Urand .Jury olosed Its tem. Comm ldJone rs' Procee dings porary hellrln g on the 8th inllt. after hav'DIC ex&min ed more than Each to I nves t Tefl Dolla rs Cash and One Dolla r each Xenia Work boardi ng · _ thirty witnes8 68 In twenty oases. llrlsoDers in karohEloose. week for Nine ty Wee ks $42.00; tlam D. Eightee n trne bills wero returne d. ElenJl\e, (('es , e:.:pen8 3S as :~ $r in the Burvey Trea or sury Stoc k ~fthe The j WIIS visited and ittl oondl. during Maroh $150 56. O. ~~i$~~ K. BrowD tiOD oomme aded as to the care giv. insuran oe on .Uo ~t Infirm ary 112. en it. hut the jury found ohaDJ{E8 Lingo Bardw are Uo.. 8upplie s $13.77 should be made in 'order to make The 8afe Cabine t Co .•. 'ue-hal f PIlY· it m ore sanitar y and ComlDon Pleas ment on safe tor Distrlo t Assess or Jndge Wrigh t is requett ed to use $95. Ed S. Uonklio P. !4, stamps , his Inllueo oo wUh the (Jountv Com Andlto r, $10. Ulerk , $5, R. A. Mo· miB8ioners to seonre the necessa ry Cotohe on, work on Cincin nati Pike r epatrlt in Frankl ln t ownshi p 1'12.40 . C. . each M. Hopkin 8 making fiUlu aroh on as per Thoma s Corwin of Salem Town Elopll:in svlUe pike 117 E, E. Beaoh ship Wll£ indicte d for bootleg ging; dirt for fill at Morrow bridge Stock in Treasu ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... . . . .... .. ... .. .. ....... Roberto ~rmo~s Jr. Mr!!. Robert R. A. MoCn! oheon. contrao $32.75. . . ....... . . . .. ...... .. . . . .. . .. .. ..... . . .. ,. 39.361 shares ::: :.'.~.;.' Stock a ut horized for sale this issue ... . . ... . . .... . ....... .. .... t!lymons, FlO" Wallao e and Sarah $19167 . Zain Armitll ge, t No 211 ... _ . .. ....... ....... . .. . . ... . . ... ....... . .. .. . 20,000 8h~res Stock oontrao to be t r eserved in Treasu ,·y for future requi~ements of the C(Jrpor ::.:.• ':. i.:;.'.: Bllrtou , wero indlote d for stt:aUn g No. 210 $34 Oregollillo ation ....... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .... . . . . ... . . 19,361 shares ohloke ns or reoelvl ng st.oleD ~oods ,oontra ct No. 209 124181B;ld~e (Jo. . Woo. 0. ::: The Treasury Stock Has a Lien on All Paul Hopkin s was al80 Indiote d for Booth, oODtraot; No. 208, Assets of the 177.00 ::: bootleg gmg Company and Its Earnings Until Its Dividend is Paid William E. Deohan t, bridge repalr8 . Real Estate Transfe rs Frankl in townsh ip 147.75. Ollio ~~~ PURro sES fol' which thill stock is being sold are to equip 8 large Corrug ated Uulver t Co., oulvert .•~ factory for the manufa cture of High Grade Shoes ::: Men and Wom en to be sold dit·ect to the cotlljumers from the Charle s E Ellton to Ural S. Cole- pipe 1i$13 50. Valley Teleph ii~ Compa ny's own stores aud by ma'l. Factory to bt! locatedf?r one Co. ::; ::: St. Louis, Mo . maD a nd wife lot No. 563 in J!'rank. rents and tolls various In ::: ::: offioes, ~: liD,ll. The Corpor ation owns valuab le Secret Process es of making sh?es ::: ::: $28.-66. Frank Maag, oompe nsatlon :.: .that have been demon strated :.: and f?':lnd ~ be money saving also Trade·M ark that has been in use and before the ::: Kenton E. ThomptloD et al to for JlIond for bridge at 114aag 's $200. .•. .~ 500,000 names of men hnd women , each a prospec tive custom public SlDce Januar y 7. 1897.. also large maIling hst of about .:. '.: Wllliam M. Themp son one acre of Dr. MarJl Par~ee, Pasteu er. about 1000 new names ar~ being added each week . r treatm ent . . The shoe busines s in St. J.ouis, Mo ., is conduc ted on a basis of :::~: , land In 811rvey No . 27'0, d, ' for JOI. Jj'ranoi8 '100. TWEN TY PER CEN NET PROFI TS on capitah satlOn . ::: For inl'ltanc£', a concern turmng its capital once during the year ~::: James S, StouteD boroug h to Clara would make TWEN TY PER CENT NET PROFI T,80.., '1 'be lowest bid for O;D8trnottoD of : e of ::: the ::: ,::: older concern s in St. Louis turn their capital as much as THREE and FOUR times during B. 8touten boronR h and Jaue 8 . oonore te aroh near the the year Method lot ::: ~ :~ 8touten boroug h'10'1 acrel In Frank un the Dayton and Lebano n pike. lin:\ow DshIP. $1. I south of Upper 8priag boro pike, was Elizabe th Neal to Alfred Beam lot made by Frank St.okes. 1. NO PRIOR LIENS -No mortga ges exist upon any aasetso f No. 868 and 859 tD Frankl in, $1. this Compa ny and none can be created withou t the conaen t • -. of THREE ·FIFTH S of the entire stock is:med. Alfred Beam to George E. Ball Nothin g So Good for a Cough ::: 2 NO FLOAT ING DEBT -The proceed s of this i88ue Will retire orCold :~ $:~ the Compa ny's bills payable , and furnish ample worklnA' . lots No. 868 IWd 869 tD Fran.ltl in, .:. capital to s uccessfulJy carry on the busines s. When you have a oold you want ::: ::: $200. 3. ESTIM ATED EARN INGS- Approx imately seven times the :-: .~ the be8t medloi ne obtllina ble so II.S dividen d require ments of thia i88ue W. (J. Budlo n' and wife to Wtl. to get rid of it witb the · ::: 4 MANA GEME NT-Wi ll be continu ed by the presen t Execut ::: leftst POBive Officers and others who are expert shoe in~ of many lIam TraCev lot No.6 In Maple Park sible delay . There are many ••• years' experie nce in the phoe bUisiness. :;: ~ who subdiv ision to Kingll Mills, $76. . 5 SINKIN G FUND -Will be creltted to retire this issue at the . '.' oonside r Chamb erillin 's Coogh Rem. .== option of the holder at par af·t er F1Fl'Y years, regardl eae. :.: WUliam Hadley and wife &0 Frank edy unsurp lSsed. >irs •. of how dividen ds have been paid. J. Boroff, S. Everett ; 3 traoh of land in WlLllh· Elida, Ohio, says, "Ever . ::: I 6. GpARA NTEED STOCK -Appli cation will be made in ::! ::: siDoe my rt~e course to have this stock guaran teed against loss to the intlton townsh ip $4000. .:. extent of Its purcha se price, by one of the stronge st guaran ::: :~ daugbt er Ruth was oured of a sllvere ty compan ies In the busines s. . ., 6eorge Brown aDd 'Wife &0 A. M. o!,ld and oough by Chamb 7. Applica tion will be made in due course to Bat this stock :.' ~ erlain's on the Boston , New York, ChIcag o, aIld Satnt LoUIS stock ::: exchan gee . Haynie and wife 11 acres in Harlan (Joagh Remed y .'wo yeartl . ::: ago, I ~ townsh ip $1. 8. T~lIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in ~: ~ have felt kindly ~.t8posed toward dividen ds right along. ::: M. E. and M. •J. 8wRyn e &0 Jobn 'he mannfa ctnrer8 of ,hat :l! prepa~a. tion. I know of nothin g so qnl3k &0 relieve a!oong h or cure 8 cold. " $10 cash and $1 per wee)c for 90 ?(eeks will buy 10 shares For 8.lile by all dealers . ••• Check Your April Cough 10 cash and I per week for 90 - -will buy 20 shares ~.; 30 cash Bnd • per week (or 90 weeks will buy :l0 shares ThawiD g frost and April rains ::: Long Lifetim e In Bed. ~l to cash and • per week (or 90 weeks will buy] 40 sha res cbm you to the very m~rrow. you nfty-fiv e year8 In Bed Is probably ::: ~ 50 cash aDd 5 per week fOf 90 weeks will buy 50 shares eatoh oold-B ead and lung8 stuffed a record In that \Jne. and 18 held by eo cash and (l per week for 90 weeks will buy 60 shares .~" . ::: :.: : -You aro foveris h-(',ou gh oon MIle Lacaux, a spinste r ot seventy·five, .70 cash and 7 per week for 90 weeks will buy 70 shures ~ 80 'cosh and 8 per week for 90 weeks will buy 80 shares tlnllall y and feel misera ble-Yo u llvtnc at Wouvlon. France. Although ~~~l ' :.: :It 90 cash aDd 9 per week for 90 weeks will buy 90 Deed .Dr. KlD f;t 'If New D1800very. In perfect bealth. sbe went to bed ~ .. :,..' ]00 cash and 10 per week (or 90 weeks will huy 100 shares It sootheI'! inflame d and irritate d when sbe was twenty with the avowed shares ( throat and lunes, stops cough, your Intention of never leaving It again, Larg e paks from ,Sma ll Acor ns Crow . The Sam e Rule head olears UP. fever leaves, and and has faithfully kept ber word. She Appl ies you feel fine. Mr . J . '1'. Davis. of ta naturll.lly Butrertng trom cbronlo ! BU8I ne88 es. Lare: e Busi ness es from ' Sma ll Inves tmen In Build ing Larg e ' ts Crow . 8tickDI.'Y t:orner . Me., "Was onred cramp, but her ceneral health 18 &OO~ of a dreadfn l consh ~fter dootor' " U.e Coup on. treatmo Dt and all other remedi es tailed . Rollof or money back . Un-Ame rlc.1t. Pleasa nt-Cht ldren lib 1&. Get a "By jove, old cbap, you·re an bour , bottle today. 50c and 11 .00 at yoor" "Tbat chll.utreur of mine canDrnggi st. BuckleD '8 Arnioa Salve Dot accu8tom blm8elf to dlsreca rdlnc Makers of "OPH N EYE BRA ND" for AU t!ores. lawl and ordinances! "-Puck .

Han na's Gre en Sea l Pai nt


Dr. Heb er M. Dill


J. E. JAN NEY , 'Vaynesville, ·Ohio.


InS UR lIn CE A. R. Cha ndle r

--- _. -


. ~!:. 20 00 · BO O ST ER S ~~

W A N TE D ' t!!~1 ~~l ~ il

i:i:I' :::::~;;;~~~l~r~::~:~~~:lg P~;~'::::::ING

·$i! 100.00~~:itp:ir~da~~~_~~s~~\~rs :.: I$ ~ ~m .$

annu~;6:l9~h~.:"'· 5. 1911



:::... $ $~ '~il:' .$Iil

- l~l. ~;~




Sto ck No" ., Sel ling At Par , Ten Dol lars Per Sha re





Elth~~ ~~:.:,:~o:: ~n:,~~I!:,a~'~~

Live Stock and Gene ral Auctioneer Poste d on pe4ig rees and values of a kinds of breed ing stock:. Experienced in handling farm sales since




Twms R.easonable' -:- [Sa~actloo Guaranteed

WaYDeaVm e>' O~lo •. , 1 . '


Valley Telephon. •



45~ai 1\' . , ~ : , ! \

Stre et

Cash Paym ent Coupon

Insta llmen t Paym ent Coupon

Date . .. . . . ..... ... ... .. ..... . ... ... . MONT GOM'E RY SHOE CO. lltlc" , St. Louis, Mo., h~l~e\1llrjth ... .• .•.. ' . _ .... • . .... . . ... • Dollars

Da'~mle:M for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. ... Shares

STOCK of the Montgo mery Shoe ComAmlenc!".8 Inc. a~ ~r $10 per share, full paid and nop·8IJot8888 ble.

. .,

..... ...... ..... . . ....... ..... ... ........ . . . ~

Dafe ... .. , . ... . . ~ . ... .. .. . . .... , .. .. ... . .


MONT GOME RY SaOE lne~ , 2628 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo•. Enclose d herewi th .. ..... ... ... . ....... . ... , .. Do1Jara


paym.fufon . ' .1 ••••••• • '• • ••• , • •••• .• : •• Sbarea of

. ;. the TJUlM/URY 'STOCK "of the Mvn'tg omery SIlae,. Coinpan, .·, . Inc. at par, '10 "r. abare, for wblCh I agTee to_~.Jlijo .the ' balance in nln~ etiual payujeb t8. no u.. ~~ QD .. " 8!1

.I··.b ..:... ro. ·w..:.. -,~ .,., '';';' _. \

deferre d ~ . 'entail· made. , . j .PromP~

N~~.'. ; ••• ': : :.: : : :.:':-: :'!::."..:.'.:.~, ... ::...\;,.'.',~ ,~,: :~:<




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2628 Lo

N. Sears






f' !::


:$: :$: .: $: : $

~~ ""$ ~

$: :


: I''j~:.~.



$ill $:

$: : :$: :





TH E -






Caesar's Creek

11 ttttac!!:'!!!

Rolll\ Davis hall gone '0 Union P ubll. h od Wcokly Ilt th. lhu ot.l{l (llllee In I f.e Rates of Sub8cr iption. I City, Ind. toviait his brothe r Jame8 "11011 lIulloJi"~ . Mllln !j ~ .. w~)'Il ... vl lltl. Ohlu. O n. Yellr (strictly In ) .. . . . . . . '1.00 Davis "nrl hmlly, . "::lingle CollY . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . . • . . OJ Mr. and \1 I'll. Chas. rd en. VALLEY . 'J'ELEJ' !lONE-C ALL NO . II I -


Mr. and Mrl!. Isaao Lytle spent /::undlllY with J esse Haines and tam. 11y. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan and .. ' tertllin ed the followi ng', EIl8ter ~un ,\anglb ter lJelah called on R . E . Rates of Advert ising d .. y: M.·Il. Barry Well.ver, of Day. Jooel! 8unday afterno vn - -- - - - - - - - - - - - : Reading Local•. per line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie ton, ).bll'er Fred W rlgbt, ot Chris· (Jl lUIIlIfl od ~ d • . not to e~ fi ve Ilnllll Rev. Frank Moorm an preaoh ed t1lm borg, aud T. Breillfo rd, of here tlundsy . ne Edl' tor and Menag er I D" L Cr'a, lhree lnaenlon . . ... .. . ... ...... 311e F ~. Display Advertl. hll n . I"I. pera lnch . .. ... 10e r .. u .. I DllICounlM IPvon on contract. Mi8868 Edi~h and Rachel Sheeha n Mr . and Mrll. E Brehn visited ot WI~yne8'9l1l e , spens Friday after reldlve s at Wltoynesvtlle last t:!un noon with Mrs. G. T . Barner . APRIL 22, 1914. d~y. UlellDent Barnor aod Russell ~r". Joseph ine Turr.bu ll enter· ~v liOY AND ME talnoo the C E. t:loolety at. bel' bome 8t!lnh~y took the Boxwel l.Patte r flon New ' Burlington examln lltloo at ~bll.non 8alu rday. lallt FrldllY nl~ht. \lIMB Ina MIlY CompaOD Is 1m th Whltt.l er Bornt't . Mr. alld A R. Bor'on and Eldon BaynfWI, of Wilmin gton, Bon BowltorMrs. d of Xenia down proving . WbarA 1 t(row"d Oil on Caesllr'R IIddl essed the Chrlstl bn Endeav or '0 attend th~ mlolltre ! show at this Jes!e Haines seemB to be hettor Munday Ilvel1lnR Crl'llk, at tllil. 'lftrlting . He hall been sufpillce last & turday evanl·n g. Us boys hlld room fllr hide and.BAek ; The Gleane r Uirls were pll'allan tlv Whh well fll1Ad baskets and fering wILh rheuma tism And we could out.oll Ii colt lind tro& enterta ined by MillS LuolJle Vander· plenty of .nthus Mrs. MII.r1 Leamlo lt enterta ined l"sm the many All up and down t.h" 1I11Mtnre lot VJOrt Baturd ay afteroo on. frIend. ot Mrl!. 0 R, Peteno o sp. at 1:)0Dday Mr . Ralph Leamiuji{ aod And shr.ut tor joy; M18 · Erma Menden bllll had u pearoo ,,& her home Friday nlibt family, Howar d Leliml0 8 !lnd fam B.o' now I live tn town optltILirll . a Ruest over ~unday &11l1li (iraoe and Ily, of Wilmin gton, Frank Irvin Ilond remind ed her of ber 3111t birth 00 foldlo' be~l. 'lnd fclrlin' chairs BII.n, fit Wilmin gton college . day. Arter 411 had done 'ulI\loe to wife, of Ogden, Ohio, and Aunt ADd ralee my boy . Jane Pike, of Wilmln gtoo. A Lonlsla nna land agent II'HVe an a three oourse supper there8 t of the When Hundav kum I'd -take It 8troll I1In8tn ted leotnre In the 1!!0h'1Ol .evenin g wa. spent 10 Rllmee and a Mrs. Ella BlAlne8 was at Kingm an Aorosa blllll 10 tbe IIwlmm ln' house friday evening . good 8001..1 time. Those presen t Friday . They hlld a s orprille on 1'he MII80nio Lodge b/ldl\ banque t were Uorutb y, "lArKartlt aod hole; .Iames the teaoher s lind pu pIle of the Bigh I'd dig lome worm a and o..roh a and work In 'he third degree TUM. Urowl, lrvlng Underw . ,d aod wife, Bebool. day night, ot 1.11& week . The dis. Joho Bllrnell!' and tamlly, frog Mrl!. Amelio. Stanley wasllho pping &rah eriot leet.orllr 11:. C . Reotor, of WII. a,ad Graoe Rborba ugh, Mr Er bait m, hook with a polli"o~ at Xenl .. one day last week . . and Mrs IhlDlPburll', waa prelleo t. A cbiok. l:hall. Brelsfo rd, Roy Er lIo t~'rlld : Blaok and John Hill onll ed on Unole Ueorge Bnt he put.• on htll mpt\t!n ' olothe.. pn snpper served by the ladlell of family. MIII. Kemp. Mrll. Barry MI11I1 Hun day Ilft.ern00D. the 0 E H, was ao enjoya ble Weavel ', Mr'J And meell all Mn .. p.~ 011' he g08llJ M. Peterso n, ... .....- - - feature of the nOOll.Illon Poor httle kid I Myrtle re and Jess WelAver. Clears Comple xlonLee Coyl Ind daught er Edna bave The ohildre n ot St.Hly Kemp are To Mulllln'8 wood .. 1'4 wliflrler bAclI: Remov es Skin Blemishes W1ch guo .tld ri"" and bloody lIIIok been oODtine'd to their bom" with oonfioe d to tho house with measle s. Why go ,.hroug quinsy h life e mbarOB8ed . To watoh 'be IIquirre l tree... tall and Mra Sarah Brown ba8 returne d aod di sfig ured with pimplAI!. erupG. R. Reev8fl Ilnd fSOlily spent home frum Dayton after Iltill8Jendl ng tions, blaokbead ~, red rou~h <&10, AI wild aod free aM thft whippo r.wlll a PIlrt of I.. ;t week lit r.he home ot the winter there. or Bull'erlog tbe torturel< of Eozemll Tbe sh8dow 8 hid; Mr. and Mr .. Leater Compto n, near . Mrs. Jeslle Fryer and dauRht er itcb, tet,tar. sul ~ rbeum. ,lust usk. Xonill . Bn' he oao't IIbOol~ no elder !'quirt Gllldionll. of Dllyton . vIsited relll yoor II, ultgi!;t fo r Dr. B ob~o n 'R I!:o· WUho n' 1'0 fIe Illrl II gettln hurtMI !l~ Jemim a Boots hal! returoe d ti veil he. e l"st 'l'hurs jllY. zema Ointme o\ . Follow the simple Pore Ut.tle llirl ! tram Iln Rxteoded viMi' with reill. . MIIIII Ella Maud Dilvls, of New SURI{tollti o08 an G your s kin worries tives io Xenlll Bud Colum bus Burling ton, III viSiting rela&lvee lire over. Mild. s')(J tbing, eff~.) 'ive The red ebaw bflrrv fir'" I SllW here. late the la8' fro"t-b lt pawpllw : Ercelle ot Tor bl! blet! and deliclite Vernon MoCrllY, Ethel Lellher, loUmb ed ,he taoRled Wild grape Lauren oe Lamme , who Is .. ftend te nder slilio. I::!top~ ohappi ng. AlwaYII Auna Reaves , Everet t Blair, Vern Inl( oollege at violl. Columb ull ill Sl)endl ng uel ut!. Relief or mooey bl.lOk. 600. The hlokor y nut" 1 olalmert as mine. Patters on aud Forellt ~mltb were his vacatio n h e re at vour Druggillt.. .. m'lng those who tried Boxwe ll And noo(' fnrb .. de; Mr~. Emma Brown hal! returne d Be bny. stal ~ fruU from " pu~b.oort Patters on eSllmlu ation in Xenia home from a three weekI! vlsl, with Simpl. Law of Gravitation. bator lay. mlln her daugb& er at Dayton . Under tbe law or gravitation drop. And puw 'he peel" io a klvtll ed ~.,­ . MM!. Eltz'\be th Ollrr, who hllo!l bee n Walter Dinwid die and wife, and of liquid In failin g tend to a spberlcal She Rue.' of MI88 Ellen Jenilin . ha. Pore little llid ! iYm. Ta~e snd WIfe are prepart nR form all rain from the clouds. ond In r6Soroe d toher horne In DIlYton Wheo he play" m"rblll here In towu, t n movelo to the Jewell proper ty . D th e C88e of ehot th~ molten lead II ... And drora '. rlnll ""rl kouokl el down, North Main St. poured Ulou&h perforat ed Colanders Rheumatic Palos Relieved Bi. ma oompl" il 's be Hpolle hiS p~U\II, at the top of the tower, wblch aalilt Mles Wanda Buollle( l, of Dayoon . ADd 1IQ0ldl him for px,ravall'lAnDeWhy ~u«er from rbeum atl.m is vtldtlnl t ber ooutlln .Miss Zera in ,Ivln, a Bpberlcal shape. Poor III tie 11111 I when relief may be bad at smllll . Mnrrla east of town, for a tew d .. ys Bu'I fill up hiS empty big o.,.t? Mrs. I£lmtlr Batob, Peru,ln d., - - -... ...- - ADd latr to wlI.toh bun rouooe and wrlCM, "I have been subjeo ' to a'· Jag taok. of rheom" Stam tor veare. Strengt hens Weak and Tired Wome n Like onCA I dId! ObamherllAln's Llolme n' IIlway. re"I was under a great strain nurs- " . . . . " ... IIl1vee me Immed iately. aod I ta"e ing a rdl .. tive throug h three Ada wlll b~! Inse n e d under ~b18 bead for plealur e in reoomm endlog It to monthl l' sloknee wrltel Mr8. J. C t ..enly·lIvo cenu for three lnsertioD l. : Surely the Limit. I others. " 25 Ilnd 50 oent bottlea Van lJto&n de,otl'." when UHIIllI not moru thaD live line • . Kirklan d , IlL, and O.,erhear;cl on a Itreet oar: "I hate Fllr s .. le by all dealers . "EI60tr lo Blttere kept me from '" to knock DIy own brother . but It I.· -....""..... • - • breakin g down. 1 will never be DOraDOe waa lUI aile), that boob would PORTLAND CEMENT FOR RENT wUbon ' U" Do you . feel tired aod 1M .. boul..,a rd."-Ka nlla8 C1ty 8,v. worD on$? No appetit e and food • _ The flold fig\lJ'8l for the Portlan d won" dtgellt? It· 18U" Ihe \ dwelllng.hoD&! on M&in 8tree~. aprlng • - • oement. y lD 11113. 11.1 obtaine d wea'be r. You need Eleotrl Rood .Iooation. Inquire of W. o Bi&Catarrh Caonot Be Cured by Ih.. Uot&ed 8&a&ee Geolog ical &era 8'art a month 'I t.rea'm ti. Bonne nlle, Wayo8 8vllle, Ohio. ent. So. wUb LOOAL APPLl OATIO NS. as Buney on Maroh 1S,b, Ilho", a pro day; noUlioK beUer for stomao h, 11.22 'hey oaDnot reaob the ~ell' of 'he duottol l of 92.007.1:11 barrelll , sblp... ltver and l1dney s. .Thegr eahprl oll menu pf 88,6811,3 77 barrelll aod toolo. Reltef or money baok . 500. ~ee Catllrr h Ie a blood or con. 1"'u&l.o nal dlM8/1~e, ... nd In ordAr to 1I'001l. 00 band 11.220,328 b..rel.. and $1.00, at your Drnggi st. WANT ED oore 15 you mUBt take lnt"rnll l rt'm. h h. 10tOew hat totertll4ting to oom· • • edl... BaU'1l Cdllrr b • lure Is "'Ileo ptlre 'heee ftgur811 wlU, the e8tima&e8 su:bf ' -lber8 to tbe Mol:aU 's Why We Lo •• Opal .. Intern. ny, and BOt'l\ directly upon made by she Geo)ollloal l!Iorvt\y on Tbe re&8On why opals are 10 often Magl(. 'De. BeDd 350 to Ute b)oqd .. nd Illuooua llurfKoell. JM-nuary Uitb. TheMe ellslma 'ea 10lt from their 8etUnga II (JlizeCC~ office, and get one of the that they were "I followl I: Prod Qnrinn 92. expand with heat more Hall'll U&tan b Onre i8 nu'" quaok than other beet mag&:l.lDe8 on earth. tf medloi~e, It WIUI pr6florib~d by one 408.006 b"rrell , Ihlpme n,*, 88 b53,000 precioW l BWllel, and oOIlBeQ uent17 of &be best. ph~.loi~ liS In tbls ooun_ barrel .. and lI'ook8 on bllnd 11,3711,000 force open the &old wblch hol4a them FOR SALE ery for ,.,.rs and Is II regular "re- banelll , 'hI' peroent aRe of error In place. ranllng from only ,toS in "roduo IIOrlptlun It. III oom polled of .. he bee, .fonio known . o',nlbln eo with Uon to ,. bout .01 1n atocke on hand n B year oid genera l purpos e 'be bell' blood purifie r ... lIoting di . A Cure for Sour Stomach mare. Jl'or fur'her partiou lars .-eo'ly on tbe mnoonll (lur(IIOO". :'he , Stomac h Trouble Cured MrB. Wm. M. Thomp son, of Battle inquire of B. V Smith, Wayne Ipel'fllO& oombin Ptl('n of the two In Mr,, G Clevela nd Arnold , Pa., Oreell, Mlob., wrltt:s; "I have vllle,. Oblo. PhoDe 37-3X . m6 .radien &. ,. wbd prudu06ll lIuoh wrltes,~··8 .. .. 'or lome tIme I Buffer ' d trouble d with Indiges tion, beeD URCEL L Co}too mtngib ree yeel'll , wond.r lltl ri'llultli lD oorlDg olltarrh from itor;nso aoar h 'ronble . I would I stomao h and bad breath . After 014, one pllWo.bol[ buggy, st.eel Send tor teatlmClniatfl, frlM!, bave 1100' Iltomlloh and feel bloa&t d tllillug two bllttiee of Chamb 'ire, been rnn five mon\hs , also .. 1', J . Chene , & eo , Prop.. rnledo, O. alter eating. No,hln g beoefit.ed me 'Tllblet 8 1 am well. Thell8 erlaln'a &ablete ,ood or,an. Inquire at thiB offioo. I "'_ _ _ _-................_ _ _ _ _ _................ .._ ........._ _ _ - .Ro)d b7 DrnIlKI,,''', price 760. nnm lao' _ _-...-........._ erla'n' . 'l'ab)et-s ilAre IIplend ld-noa e beUer. " For Take Ball's Family Pills for 000- After ~kingObamb m 6 I~ two bott.lee of tb"m I II&le by aU dealers I"patlo o. was cured " F ,r Mle by all dealeI'I Coooh, Ex'ena ion 'table, Chairs, Folding Ikd. of L. A. Zimme rmatl, W Ohio. a29 UOOD plow a good 1I0er. torma'i OD apply at thiB

Silk Dresses, Chalis Dresses, Wa sh Dresses, Children's Dresses. Silk Suits, Silk Coats in all the hew colors, Infa nts' We ar. Silk Pett icoa ts, $2.5 0 to $5.0 0, Kimonos (Crepe), House Dresses, All-Over Lace Embroideries, Emb roid ered Voile Dress Patt erns , Lace Flouncingl, Messalines, Emb roid ered Cre pe Patt erns , Chiffon Taf feta , Silk Cre pe. Wa sh Fabrics, Wh ite Cot ton Cre pe Rati ne, all colors, Rici Voiles.



Co rs et s

Nemo. Am eric an Lady, Mad am Lyon, Fro nt Lace, Ferr is Waists, Fern Corsets

--_.--- --


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Corsets, $1.0 0 up


Ola sslf led Ads






Gl ov es

All Len gths and Sha des. Silk Nia gara Maid, Kids in all goo d mak es, $1.0 0 up.


Ca rp et s

Car pet Room Rugs, Mat ting s, Linoleums Win dow Sha des


. -.






Aut omo bile Livery Service at Rea sona ble Rate s.


for sale. I, pholle 1129




Toda y's Magazine is now a real necee-

sity to every woman who has at heaJ1 the health. w~lfare, .progress·and happin~ of her family.

Phone 71-1

UFF Or'plllt ngton .~ straio $1.00 per elSga. PhuDe 8S l:rew, Wayne sville, BARNHA~T, C. ·B )llnoro a eggs hatchin g from tleleokld slook. Nota ry Publi c 50 oenQ a Ilst uni, . . E. S. Fur Da8. WaYD811Yil1e, Phooe :i3Y.' . AU klnds of Notary Work. Pensio n 11 2. Work a ~peolalty. BI .. ok Sorse, WHlle.]b about 1400, aboo'G y'.ra . 8. Glaham ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R. t>. 6. Wa"nll llvi 80:12 DR. J. W. MILLER, reglate red bull ,5 months old, IDqnir e A. L. King • BarveJ ,8bnr,. O. a 2. ••• DEN TIST••• EGGS for at 750 per eat'inK. B . P. s, W . P . Roeh, WaynesvUle, 0 B .B. and W. ~tloli,erand Mam. """U.'I.l l''tt8IlR Duoks. Mrl. E. m11

E. v.




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plaID; ",hUe ora4uate napkin s; to·de ·' a' &bw oftioe. . . . ... ~

A .. McCoy,

Vete rinar y of lObIo Stale


Unl~ t . '

' , -


A. MAFFIT Funeral · Director and Embalmer, Wayn esvil le, Ohio . Call answered prompt ly day or night. Both phones in Office and Residen ce. Long distanc Q,No. 14; Home phone 14-2r. Chairs and one Coach furnish ed free with funeral s, Best of service guaran teed.







Well Rewarded.

Buckeye Farmers Used Heaters With Success In Many Sections of the State-Danger Points of Tomperature For Different Fruits

II is a lways a d" lsBble In dan gerous section s to put th o healer/! In plo ce , wheth e r I hey Bre to bp use d o r n o t, liecn use In l bese s pc tio ns one ca n Dot te ll wb en t b e se ve r e frosts will com e. Or. ni ghts wh en tros ls " re ex pf'cle d lh. t berm ome ters a re watc he d and the hea ter s light e d If th e da n ger point II reach e d. r' ollo wlng a re s om e o f th e d an;; er points for dllre re nt tru lts In th eir '·D· rlous g ro wth s lages :

Larger type of 011 he.ter. Orchard beatin g Ie 111m ply b eatin g Ute air of the orchard, by burning some ealllly combu8t1ble material. to a tern· peroture blr;h enoug~. to pre ve n t buds and blos50ms trom fre ezing. S e ve ral klndB of heaterl are ulled. " ' hen 011 t. uled 118 fuel, eltber one or three· pllon Iron heaters are used. Betwee n 10 Bnd 100 gallon heate rs are !leede d Der acre. For the larger ODee. which are more commonly ulled. trom 80 to 80 a~ necesBary. Coal bea te rs. wblch are uae;! lIomeUmell, COllt more Ilnd are .ot 10 quickly lighted. On e ton of eoal for tbls purpolle has a heati ng value at about 100 gallona of oil. Wh en

Pe a ch- Ju Bt before aho wl ng pink. 2U d egreew; when almos t ope n, 25 ; when wide open, 26 ; wben pe dals ta\l. 28 ; pe dals all alt. SO; after this period. 32. Apple--When pedal s beglll to s ho ..·, 22 d egrees ; wheD In full bloom, 29; aCter this period. 32. Pea r- In bud . 28 d egrees ; In b los~OQ1. 29.

Che rries and Plum s-In bud. 2~ de· grees; s etting frui t, 31.



IL..._TW_O_CA_K_E_R_E_C_E_IP_T_S-JIIIMPORTANCE OF WATER Angel Food Cake. One cup egg whItes, one and oDe· fourth cups lIugar, one·balt teaspoon, ful cream of tartar. one-fourtb tea. .poonful lIalt. ODe cup fiour, one tea.paontul vanllla. Add nIL to egg white. and beat to a foam; ndd cream of tarlar and beat until IItlft ; sift, In the flour and sugar, whIch have heen 8lfted togetbnr tour to six tl meso Fold in llgbtly. Add the Tan lila. Bake In aD un bu ttered pan, In a slow 0",_ from 1Ifty minutes to one hour. MAUD E . OKEY, Colle ge of Agriculture. OhIo State University. Eggle... Mllkleaa, Butterle .. Cake. Put the followIng artlcles Into a .auce pan, boll three minutes and cool : One cup brown sugar, one cup water, two c ups seeded raisins. one·thtrl! cup lard . three·fourths tea.spoonful nulme", one- ha lf teas poon t ul lalt. one tea· .peonflll cl nnamon . one teaspoonful 1P"0und c lov es. Wben cool . add two cu p ~ fl our . one and one· halt teaspoontu l ba k ing powder, sltted tog()ther. B ilk A In a s lo w oven tor one hour_ One~ If c up nu t meats may be add"d . HELEN SCOTT, Coll pg" of Ag rIculture. Oblo State Un i \·e rslly.

Sw e et Clover Will ProdU!l8 Large Seed Crop. Whlln


Row. or

When Thinly Bl'OIIdcut.


(B y J M . WI!:8TO ATB:.) bee n used to tile g rea Leat atent It III T b o produ ction of sweet clover aeed al moHt u niv ersally beld that no dimcan btl carrl6<1 Oil In practically any c ulty III ex pl\rie uced In ridding a Held ... art of tb e l nlte d Slates. Th is Is . of swcet clover "'he n It Is d ll81nld 3vld e llced by th e .. b uudant need c ropH to seed tbe fttlld to aOUle other crop; wblch a rt' to b" ob bil rv ed alon g road· I n th e so uth el'n alat os It Is only nocel!. Ide .. and e mba nk mo nb eve rywh ere B Ury to put th e g rc uud tOI' one year tothe s weet c lo ver pl&l1t is obae n ad in to corn or cotton when all but ao grol.... Ortllnarlly t.he oatural oecallonal trl~fl of tbe aweet r.l0ger \la tchet! of s weet clo ver are eo Irregu· pllUl18 will be r t>moved. Since It la lar In extent as to make It Imprac· a biennial or two year pllUlt It LI only tical to UB e th o s ame methods In sav, necessary to prevent Its Medlnr for Ing 8eed all are used lu llavlng s end two yean when the aland will be Df a Holla or red clover. Howe ve r. deelroyed wlt.h tbe e:lceptlon at a few wh e re th e s weet c loy tl r III aeede ll a8 a plants trom the "bard sbell" seed neld crop Il I~ a pe rfectly practlcal hlch taile d to &ormlnale tbe Orat or proc edure to cu t tll e crop wIth a s econd n aso n aud which come op the mo wer. rake and b"neh It, ani) hull third or rourtb lIeaaOD . The fa.c:t ~t It la lf'r In the season the s a me 1111 Is It lDakel no " eed dw1ng the Hrat 1IeI.· 1 0!1':! with r ed clover. T he more com· son and sets 8~ only In the lIecoDd mc n me tb od. bo we9er, III to knock the tel\60n Inlurll. Its being destroyed In lleed oft th e plants with s ticks or corn Oolde or othe r cultivated Helds Il a ll~ In th e handa of cheap labor. In b efore It hall had opportunity to aet many l ectlons the 8catterlng growth lleed. NeIthe r need It be reared In Is cut a nd placed In s malt pile s on ,fraln fields Is lnce tho plowing necea· canV88 an d beaten oul with sticks IIBry tor tbe graln crop wl\J Inevitably about tb e ol %e of a bl"Oom handle . This turn under the IIweet clover plante Deed re malus In th e bull a nd IB quite b efore they baye had opportunity to Dfte n se ed ed wltbout runn ing It make any seed. It emts IlB a weed Ibougb a hull e r to r e m0ge the hulls. only In tboee places which are not It may be saId In favor of this method cultivated Ilt Intervals ot two yean or tha l Inoc ulallon see ms to be more ce r· leSB. Even In lhose places It III US11taiu an d ge rmInation somewhat bet· ~ er than whe r e the eced Is hulled. It w'lll at once be seen that a etart may be mad e by almost anyone who liTes In a s ecllon wh e re ti weet clove r oc· ~Il ra ey en ouly along the roads ides , since II goodly Quaotlty of s ce d may be gath ere d from lIuch plants tor seed ing a cOllBlderable are a the fol· lowIng Deason. The seed shatte" ve r y e asily a.nd while this Ie a real ~dvllnlll ge wh e n It Is being flailed oft '.btl plants yet conshlerable care must be take n to II voId losing the larger portion at the seed wh en the plants a r e being gath ered . Il Is. the re tore, he!! t to gathe r them wheu th ey are ua mp with dew or ralu, but in thlll co ndition they mus t not be placed in too large plies or the y wIlt heat or mold and In this way th e seed Is apt to be spOiled . There are a number of swee t clover fields In thIs countrY tbat bave been handled for Beed JUlt as are fields ot red c1o~' er or alfalfa. Th e largeet ylelde oz.. s eed ordinarily come from lllanda which are not too t blc k and whIch have uot tint been cut tor hay. However: satisfactory seed crops caD ordinarily be obtained from Helds whlcb bave been cut for hay o nce In the North or twice for ba y In tbe southern lltate8 . This is tru e where the rainfall Is' 30 Inches ->r more. It Is neceasary to cut the stubble of the hay crops Quite high. sa y eb: Inches, It pOlIslble. 80 there wlil be ample room tor the new ITOwth. Tbe sweet c.l oTer planta do not aprout out new shoots from the crowns as does a1talta. but It becornOl! necellsary tor the timall stems near the bottom of th& 'plant to Incre&lle ID sIze to form tlil' aucceedlog crop. It I. Important to r emember that the 8WMt Clov •• r Will GrOw on the 8teep. e1Jt 8lop.,. Where Alrnoft No 0thW ftE'ms after the ~d have been reVeg.tatlon can MaJnt8ln I Foot. moved con.tltut. If- valuable ' fertilizer hold. for ImprOTlnl" lall4. ThIll atraw IhoWd preferably be applied to any plUee wblch may ulst ~ n the fteld to atop ally Dot un'~OIIlrable IlIDee lOme ftP" wuhlng. The catUe wlU pIck 0ger the taUon LI nlmon certalD to O4IOUpy IItraw to Bome ~tent In the winter, thOle plac,~s IUld no other weedy alter whlcb the mjected portion. mil,)' arrowth would probably rurnlah 10 be used aa bedding and ultimately re- much IIlUtell&DC8 for heM, aln.. thla turned to the la~d wIth the mlUlnre. is a .. tnable haDey plant. It may The yield of aWe1"t clover aeed varies alia be IllAted no other TtIIJetaUoD II with the lblokD~.. 'and regularity of likely to be anywhere nearly sa efthe stand, a.nd III lOme places where !ideot tn building up tile fwtlIlt7 of the stand II very 8cattermg so that the 1011 In lIuch wlUlte pIacu and thua the plalltl han ; been pthered and m.ak:ID, thom better ~ to the IUIsembled by " tbe }'leld may Dot growtb of t:ropa ""heD such l&D4a .'lI'II or two of leed per flD&UJ" put iIlto praetleal WI8 . . aero. When, IlO1l11e'rer, there 18 a good eTen lltand the wlH BomeUme. run as hlah lUI eleven hUlhel. of cleaD hulled per 8cre. Suoh a yIeld aa thla present prlcM for We leed it a very proOtable for almost aDY farmer to let of tbe sweet elover ata.Dd The price ODe Use Special Blacksmith's Coal In rangee from CIUl secure for the Fo,rge-l.eam to Shoe 10 to 20 oonll per or $6 to 'U 'Your Horses. per bushel. The value of clove r la thna <D7 WlLLLUl II'RSZH0Jl7.1 seen to be at reefolrl . rt .. Do not try to UIIe ordlDary Itove coal good for pallture, and the lut cutting before dIe s can be In y.our force; \ It' contalna too much only stub- lIuJpbur, Jt(J1 tliat It would nUn .teel, beld tor seed. ble Is left on the under aDd Iron caDnot be ,..elded with It. tbere Is a III Get apaclal blaclwnlth's coal, . . It II cheaper thaD. good charcoal. the fertlllty of the Lead and babblt m.ta1 eoDtalD conmODt Is enhanced, hn·"'At",r. a1derable !Iulphur an.eI ~4 not be Ing the straw or sweet clover 'upon melted In the fwIe wi~/ a ~ plowing It under. olll'b cleanilDc &tt8nrard. On6 ne ed not fear to do .7oui·'OwD bora~. lWeet clover for 80 that DO 'l'GlnOUI bJiof trlmmllli may ". , DO ' ,cIu~ Of) tile poses that Jt wlil be from under Jall~o.n&lh IIbo88 fttbld • I • I. 10meUm": U1b""'~ cloTer would ...n,tYiiioiot'h ....


i ...



U suallr tbere Is Dot enough tbought Sturred eggs . Apple. Jelly Sandwic hes (2) . CookIes. «"lven to the lunch wblcb tbe avcrago Peanut Butte r ssndwlcb es. Custard . school child baa to carry. When It Ie Jam s andwich. Ginger bread a nd considered tbat childr en dep end IIPOD apple. the bOll: lunchflOn for about one·t hlrd Cho pped mcn t sandwlcb. Canned o! tbelr food s upply. It Is seen tba t a peaches. nthvr s erious problem pre s enla Itsc lf. Nuts and !'andy . Cake. A lunch m'a y be a source of pleasCheese sandwich . Fruit. ure to a child; It may be fuli of s urLettuce sandwi ch. Cookies. prlses or it may be a disappointment. Neatnen sbould be emphasized In It 15 jUllt as necessary tbat t be lunch pBck Ing the luncb, for unattractle food contain appetizing and nutrItious Is uot eRten wltb relis h. Following toods as any other meal during th e ar e a few lIugge stions for good pack. day. Otten, little thought Is given tbe Ing : WIlX paper s bo llid be used to achool lUDCb and as a res ult tbe child wrap Bucb arUcles a s s andwl c bes In cl<rrlee a poor lunc h to school. so far th ey will uot a bs orb navors. Just as In aDy olher meal. there are Bags or bOll:s8 may do tor an occasion. tbree poInte to consider. Tbese are: al lunch, but a permanent container III (1) Selection of proper food and tbe better for dally ule. Fiber bOll:es are r1I:bt amounl ot variety ; (2) prel)8ra' faIrly satisfactory. but UD are more to tlon of tood so tbat It Is pala.table aDd be des ired, because 'they can be cle8h. digestible. Bnd (3) paclUng tbe luncb I ed so eallly and they prevent the can. In 8n attractive, slDitary way. Of ton tents from dryIng out. Eacb artlcl, lunches conslat of foode that are dUD· sbou ld be wrapped seplrately Bnd eult to dlgest. such 4& meat. pie, packed compa.ctly to prevellt JOIIUlnA doughnuts , che ese and Illcldes . Tbere abou r.• whl c b is very ap t to spoil tbe III a lack of tbe simple, more dlgestl- lunch. MArty R. BETZ, ble foode. Io'ollowlng are a few aug- Colleg e of Agriculture, Ohio Stale .-stloaa for IIchool luncl!el : Unlverllty.



The moet Important alngle factor In tho productlvenese of 10118 Is water. PIsnts can not grow without lIumelenl supply of water In the BOU at all stager of development. BeSides being an 1m· portant oon.tlluent ot plant tl8l1Ue It la tbe 801960t aDd carrier of food In tbe 11011 and In the plaDt. it'or each pound of dry matter prO' duced by the plant, the loll mu.t sup ply trom 250 to 500 pounds ot watel a large proportion of which passes Int.. the air by tran8plration from tbe sur face of the leaves of the plant and b) eTaporatlon from the surface of the grouDd. During seasons of drougbl. plant, are dependent tor the mOllt paM for mol.ture supply upon moisture ac· cumuilited trom ralns and held In tbe '011, and the stlll greater acoumulatl0ll. ot ground water at depths many teet trom the Burface. Another source ma, be the condensation ot aqueous vapor in consequence ot temperature changes. This source may belp to sus laiD llte In the plant, but Is not sulficleDt to snpport growth. M. C. SEWELL, Coll ege of Agriculture, Ohlo SIa.te Unive rsity.

Ab.orba Pol.onoua Fume•. Ir pain ling in the Inside at a hOUllll, pla.ce buckets of water around; It absorbM tbe poisonous tumes from the Wa tcb l he slack wb e n they are firot paint whlcb has arseolc In It, esp.· ellt on green pastu re. Th e cbange may cla lly green paint. be too great for t bese that have been on dr y fee d a ll Beason. Be a booster for I. complete .011 suney in the state. It will help evtln farm e r,

It IndLcates Fresh Hopes and Renewed Buoyancy of



1 ~

ra vag eB of tbp I MP ~p r l ug rro~ls Ills l ypar r O.1 Ohio HII < 'lIor- l'r pe r n lghl is thl' amollilt hllr nl'd . T h., il eal .. r. ani lI eeded o ll ly :\ fe w mOil s los6 In Ib e fruit cro p 1I 111 1 a 1&0.00 0 1086 In lh .. 1(,hRC~O ,·rOD. ~I u ny n l ~ hl 5 lhrolll:I, IhA rlnll ~e r oli N S" aSOll "ma ll fru its were k ill~ d III fHlIll~ plo eeri All ,Liu rln Ih "r m n m~ler and o l her J;llnlf'n err' r" d n t1l "g~ d TIl(' I mll n ) ' frlli ~ n. e n I,) IlI rl lcnlp. til f' tlall!:cr "bo\'p Is e ill'd by Prof J \\":\I're ll l llll,rk an d I II I!ul cl r 11"' 01 In 61"~l ll1g It) Smllh. o f II,,, ('o llegl' o f A. ~ r k ullllre . IIRhl Ih •• hl':IlNS T his I~ 111,1l' <'d In Ohio S la re lini l·<'r81 ty. to sh o" th " 11lI· the 10W I'Rl porl lo n of tile orch:lrd as porl ,lnCI' o f us ln/! hl'aler ~ 'n 1111 ,,!TOri I be eol d a ir ~ellips hNe nr~ t . I I I ~ to wnrd off Ib ~ InjuriOus ~ rrl ' I :l a o f th e late froels. Hellters lIij~d ror thl" pur· poSI' /l re I1I1MI lh,' exper illl"IlIal SlII!:t'. A. a n IIxllmpl .. 10 .110" how Ih" ll~C of hl!I\IPrs Is practica l In the o rc hil rd. Prof Smi th teJl s ho w be twee n $35 .000 and UO .OOO was B8.ved by orchard ists to the vi cin it Y of De lawa r e. 0 11 10. las t . pr lng Ilno ug h the Intell tg"n t u a ~ o f 011 bea te rs a nd cO'l')e ratloll wi th t be . wellther burea u. whi ch a lways stand s Thla amall heater la fed from the ciln. Teadl' to help f l""u lt gr.)"·e rs by _en d ing us ua lly jus t n. few hourI) be for e day. them a 6peclal WE rnin g ID th e d lluge r· IIreak tbat t be temp era ture ot Lhe or. cha rd III 101" ellt. ous t rosl seasons.


Existence of Service, Sacrifice and Love Hel'eafter to Be





HI·;rU!l ha s ne ver beon a tim e wben the Ques tion . Ill! to wheth e r lite I. wor·t b 11 vill g, bllS not bee n ask ed. and th e re has ne ver been a tim e, pe rhaps. wholl tho re di d not \lIlem to be good r naon Cor Its ns k lng. Whon we con· &Irle r th o trugl c e xp eri ences whlcb ba\'e to be u nd e l'gon e by tho ave rage \ndlvldu a l- tll e dls ealll'8 wblcb ha ve to be fo ug ht . t he pa ins whl c b h a ve to be endu red, th o Bor rows of accide nt and dea th whi ch ha ve to be me t. the Bordld snugg le tor th o mate ria l necessil ieil of exlsl cnco whic h con s tltutna the who le co nt ent of life for tb e mao jority of me n. the blas ted hopes and amb itio ns a nd ruine d fal ths whIch doo nor or la t er clo ud e ven th e mos t fortull a te cll reer: and whe n we add to tbls clitalogu e oC dl~ ast or the fact that th ere seemll to be no re lation bet ween tb e Buff ering to be borne ou lhe one hand and th tl moral d eser tll of Lb e s uf· fer er 011 the oth er. we be gIn to see thllt th e QuestioD R& to the worth. whil e nee .. of IIle 18 not perhaps 80 rutil e or wIcked after all. Ce rtainly lhe re hav e been men ove rwhelmed by "a s ea ot troubl eB" who would lIeem lO 1I&" n e xcuse for ass erting that the game II! not worth the candle. Llfe'a Time Me .. urement. to th e a ctu1l1 facts which aro In. volged III thIs proble m I am not at thla mome nt concern ed . s ave to point out that th e que stlon lu tho form In wblch It Is us ua lly presented Is Inc apable of being answ e re d. In BUY real Investl· galion o r th e matter e ach Indlyldual lIf ll would have to be taken by It8elf. and a lIalance of g al1l8 and los8ea stntck In eacb case. For som e persolls IIf n would be pro ved to be on the "'holo wort h HYin g; for others. per· hap s not. Wha t I am con cern ed with at this tlDl O Is th e a ttitude toward life wblch Is rtlVeal ed by th e puttln g of this (Ju Astlon. I WO llt to ask what moral rlgbt we bllve to mak e such un inquiry a t u ll :' Ev ery rig h t uo doubt, It we arc pu t Into this world merely to \)0 the rec ipie nts o f certaIn bleBs lngll. E '{ ery right, If th e one e nd Ilnd Rim 01 e xi st en ce Is to "eat . drink Bnd be merry." to look npon s ights of heauty an d li s te n to s weet cadences of song. to recllne on cush ions' of ease and s lee p be ne ath starlit ~kles. Every ri ght. It life Is to be measure d by the ple lls ure s rece ive d. aud It every paln suffe re d or misfortune e ncount ered i8 to be deducte d trom the amount of cre dit to whi ch we are entitled. From thl a point of view It may well b e reI:urd ed a s Queatlonabl e It lite Is worth livlug tor most pe raona . Wrong View of Exl.tence. Hut what right have we to Inte rpre t life trom any such point of vIew as this? ' 18 It not on e of th e ~ure st of s pIritual t ruths. attes tl' d by th e proph. cts and provided by all valid upe rl. ence. that we are h e re In tblB world 1I0t to bave. hut t o do ; not to receive. but to ' give ' "not to be ministered un to, but to ~Inlster?" Life, properly unde rstoed, Is an open door to servIce, aacrl!lce aDj! love--It Is an opportunIty to smite evll . fost er good. strength· e n we akn ess. heal dIstress, labor for justice. rlghteousn ells and peace. Wh e re fore are w e born, asks thf heroi c knight in Tennyson's "Idylls." It not to "liv e pure. speak true. rIght wrong, follow the King?" And If we have even the smallest chanee to do any of tbese things aball we not 110(1 lito wortb IIvlDg, e ven as the Oreman f1nds1he blaze worth figbtlng and the sold Ier the shock of batUe worth meeting?" Just here. now. In this IDterpretatlon of lite aa a minl.try and not all a prize package. do we find the real answer to our quelltloQ, III Ilfe worth livIng! Charles W. Eliot luml It . all up when he saya: "Nobody has the right to find life uninteresting or un. rewarding who sees within the Ilphere ot hIs own activity a wrong he can help to remedy or wltltln hlmllelt an evil he can Mpe to overcome."- John Hayn es Holmes.


The Bible. Mark Twain writes, In one', of his notebooks, a palllage that may well take Itll place among the best thlngll ever said abdut the style of the Old T e stament ; "It Is bani to make a cliolce of the most beautiful pusage 111 a book whIch 18 10 gemmed wiUl beautiful passages as the Bible. Whc· taught those ancient writers their simplicity of language. their felicity of expresaion, their patboa and.. above all. theIr faculty of sluklng them.elvel entirely out of sight of the reader IUld making the narrative stand 9ilt alODO and seem to tell Itself? Sbakespeare III alwa.ys present when 'one reads biB books; Macaulay Is present wben we follow the march of his stately sen· t ences; but tbll Old Testament writers are hlddeD from view." Undar the Czar. . Rus'sla Is larger thnn all the rest of 10,-

Spirit. How wo ndertully tight the Iprln. "and er·lust for the oountryslde grip. oue! Spring fev e r, wIth all of Ita healthfu lnes s, 18 tbe barblnger of freu bopes and a buoyancy of eplrlt. • I noticed a pasBenger on a DetroltChlcngo train the otbe r dny who had s tarted out on his t r Ip with the ed· dent Inte ntion of be comlug deep\:r taken wltb one of the bellt Bellera, tbat he mIght aborten the trip betwee n the two cIties, You have dOli. the same thing yours elf, But bla book bad been out alllde. He had read only a few palell. m. Interest In It had lagged. From th" car wIndows he WIUI countIng the Oeldl DOW bared or BnOW. The ditche s were carryIng away the water and the atlll len slu gglsb creeks were now lItreamll bearing lhe OTerftow to the rive rs. The farmer, In hi. shirt sleeves, wal r epairing the fencel after the winter drlfta; the cattle Ihowlnl prool ot a winter's stabUn, od DOW headIng here and there toward th. meadow.. seekIng the new·lreeD patcbes ot grass ; the farm help, fA fteld and stUbble, was putllnl Into repaIr thlll and that necesury teature. here lookIng after hl8 plow I1Dd there hill barrow. and on all Iides we... IIcenes wblch reminded the traveler that sprlDg waa h e re. at last! As the traIn s ped onward and «lImpaea of the painter al he worked l on tbE' weather·beaten bulldlngll were regeal ed. the Interest of the tourl.t waa arous ed and. when J Bsked hIm the reason, he answered: "Sprln/: t. here And I feel Itll blood lIowlDgl" The truth was, that like many others. he was planning tho work ba was to do the coming summer, He was goIng out to tbe tarm- hlll farm to We~teMl Canada. Ho bod hIs well. to ~Ig, hIs horaell to get Into 8hape, his groin Implem eDts to ftI uP. bill seed gTaln to pre pare . and other details tor the land thnt was r eady to receive It. HIs was what mIght be te rmed aq "unrest"- to get to the farm! Thousands In Weste rn Canada today are milking the preparatlonB that this IDteresled man contemplated. TheIr Rnmmer fallowll are ready for the wheat. their aprlnr; plo~ID« II being attended to. tencsB an. \)eiDI re built or be Ing put Into r epair ; In, d eed. tbe e nUre country Is Olle great bl ve of Induatry. Railroads are In readlnesll to take eare of a great ru sb or settlen, tbolle charged with tb e r ec eption of whom aro prepared to extend eTery conI'tesy and thus m eet the ruah with Judgment and without the l-east triotlon . Thus. the enjoym ent of the ope ning of aprlng Is fully met. At many of tbe stations tbrougbout many of the middle western sta.te., trains of sottlel'l' etreets are ID readl· nesa to move to W~iI!tem Canada , Not ollly In these states are Bcenell of thll kind to be wItnessed, but, alllO, on eltber CORllt and throughout the eastern statel! there Is the same acUvltJ among tholle going to Western CaD· ada thIs spring. The crops have been heavy and all repoMs are that the winter waa enjoyable; also, that the prospeeta for a Batisfactory year were never better. There III plenty of Iud yet to be had by bomesteadlng or ot\erwlse. Ad,Pted. a8 Weltom Canada la. to I'Imall grain farmln«, It III eape. clally adapted to cattle rallling and many of the farmers are placing small and Jar.:e ·berda, al their ,IDdlYlduaJ meanl will permit. The tIlustr"ted IIteratu~ lent on\ by the Canadian government 8seDt.8 tells the truth clearly and the Inquirer .hould lend tor a copy IUld It you lie one ot tbole lI'ho has an ambltlou. Interest, you may be the galDer b)' a perusal of sucb In!ormatloDstraight, cold facta ID themae1.,ea.ACivertlaemeDt.



Harrlage Is Dever a failure-but one ' ' or both partl911 to It may he. CoD8tipatieQ eauaea" and aqrante. maq aerioua diaeaael. It II tbr roug1!!Y \lUred bJ' Dr, Pierce'. PI_nt Pellet.. The fa'tOritie family laxative. Adv. No man caD hold hla own who e&D't hold his tongue. '

Backache WarDs

Backache is one of Nature'e'-,~IDgtll of kidoey wealmeas. ~ey Idlla thouaandl every year. ' Don't·neglect • bad back. If II 181M-if It hurtli to ~ere is of "Iapeet 1IC1Jes.' m.::lID,,,,",, Worn~ut,


. t:1M Ooan·.

ed, fOrbad







, T h i~ I .. Il '·)"01 ~rl 8l'1l In Mf'xleo

Cltr. the ugly and grim bu lldln& III ",bl eb Gen e rlij 11I... rtll Imvrlso ns tbe mOMl 100purlu nl ot bl s <' nll llll c B who rail luto bls hands unless tbey are at ou ee put 10 d CIuli



Ma.ny of UII~ ConsUt utlonali st soldIers here seen advanci ng on Torrt· n h" vp (a ll('n In tlt F ,l r~per" I. " :lJIU long 4rawn out battle waged for the p08808s l00 or that Mexican city. Tbe buUle ""as the bJoodlf' ill o( lh l! WI!I' bf' tw een Huerta' s forees and the rebe ls.



MisH Mattlo n. Tyler. agod seveoty yean!. a grandda ught er at tormer Prellide nt Tyler, Is here seen entering the Wblte House. wbere ahe pleaded Many cities and towns In the norther n parI of !';ew York sufl'ered se"erel y wltb Preside nt Wilson to b el p her re- during the recent aoodll. This vhotogr aph shows how the people of Scbnec tad7 galll tbe post offlc e at Courtla nd . "a. were compell ed to make uae or boats In the 8treE'te. Sbe WU pOlltmllltreslI there for 1'7 yeait'll. support ing h enelr lind a sister on the annual salary or $650.



! \

Thill new 1n Ma14en Llwe, Albany, gives lUI Idea of the reanlta

oC tbe IIGI'Ioaa aoodll that IIwept the norther n part at New York state a few dllYB ago. ww wwwww








~_v l


I, resentin Tbousa nds or Irls h·Amer lcans . r ep· g all t.helr organlz atlonll In America , will be present in Wasbln!>· ton on May 16. when tbls statue or Co mmodo re ,John Uarry, "tbe father ot tbe Arnf'rle an navy." Is unv e il ed. It will slJlnd In Frankl! n Park . The statue Is the work of John J . Bo yle ot Now York . :Ul<.l , ill cost $50.000.


Sbh'ely ot Indlana' "l th e Benate c9 mmit· I rtelat:lou8, recently made aenate In defense of ,{,bis 18 the McA400 residen ce on MU81lc buseltl! a.... enue. WaahlJi &ton, to a,ttmlnll .ttlrltloo 's policy In regard which In aU probabi lity the aecretc y of the treaaDry , &ttex: hla marriac e toMillS Eleanor WIlaOD, wlU take bride. .


A Poaer, T:-" .:"" _ the Latin word ror pota· U:k""d tbe village trustee, III tlle would·b e scbool LDI~moe!ral t' llea4~!it:' -.rv.tnt,f pH were brought from ' ,:.uev,':lstlown. Sir Walter-:-" . ~"""~"'v:~-""'~~~~~""w""":~ my Question .1f you .CliD'" tep IIharply ; ( "and 'U

. ...,...- ...

- - ... ....






.-....-.......~-- .~-- - --- -----:...-----------------....;.----~ IPer,sonal" Mentionl .----- -_.- ... - -........-... HEND~RSON'S PR~MIUM SIORE

+- lInnoun\!em~nt I take great pleasure to announce to the ladies of Waynesville and adjaccnt country, that I am now permanently locat ed in Waynesville, in the newly remodelled and modernized storcroom on Main St. formerly occllpi(:'(l by Schwartz the druggist with a la rge a nd e ntirely new and up-to-da te linc of

Ladies' and Gents' Ready-to-Wear Garments and Furnishing Goods; also Dry Goodso Thi s it quit e an event in the hist ory of Waynesvill e merchandising as it presents the' opportullity to obtain the bes t fabri cs and latest styles at the lowest prices in your hom e town. This store will he opell for business

ON SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1914, A cordial invita tion is extended to all to attend thi s openill g. Come without fail and look through our stock. Y Oll will not h e lIfgecl to buy .

Myer Hyman •

Q¥.-Flowers to the Ladies

Dr. A_ T. Wright was in 'Dayton Friday. Miss Alice Clark is visiting friends in Cincinnati. .

Fred C. Gilmour was in South Lebanon Monday. Born--To Mr and Mrs. Amos Cook , April 21. a son. Miss lids Githens, of Dayton, is visiting relatives here. Mrs.' ·Leslie McCune, of Cincinnat), ip visiting relatives here. Miss Ann Phillips is visiting relatives in Washington. C. H. Mrs. Mary Caskey spent the weekend with relatives In Dayton. Lewis' l3akery is putting out bread that tastes like mother's. Mis.~ Ruth Chandler. of Selma, spent S~lnday at her home here. Milson's Fertilizer. the best on the market. For sale by Chas. Frye. Chas. Brown is visiting his wsterMrs. Ilett. in Indianapolis this week. Mr. Ed Mncy. who has been ill f.o r a cuuple of ,w eeks. is still very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure were in .Lebanon Saturday afterno.on. Song Recital. Dramatic Sketches. Impersonati(Jns at School dal\, April 23.

J. N. McKin.3ey, of Morrow, visited his mother and sister Ill8t ThUJ"8day. Last Sunday at the M. E. Sunday Christ ia n Ch urch Services, Sundav, Mrs. U. S. Whetsel and daughters school the us ual quarterly report was April 26th . Riole School at the r eg have been visiting relatives in Morgiven and am(lng the many interest- ular hour 9:30 u. m. Communion !pw. ing facts broup:ht out was rhe unusu- Service 10:30 a. m ., Sermon by the Rev. :and Mrs. J. F . Cadwallader al record of one of our, menlbers, pastor at 10:45 a . m. Evening aerMr J. Will White. vi ~es: Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m., are spending today with friends in I It was learned that Mr. White had Sermon at 7:30 p. m . subject "The Morrow. ,been a teacher in the school for thir- Old Gospel or the N~w." ' Miss Mary Hawke. of Lebanon, ty years and during that time he had i Soecial musi c at the morning and never been absent two consecutive I even ing t'f:! rvices. and those not WOf- vi sited her mother Mrs. Alic e Hawke, SUnd~YS until within the last quarter I ~ hi~ing elsewher.e are. most cordially Sunday. and Sickness was then the cause of mVlted to worship With us . Mr. Frank Nichols, superintendThe last Wednesday evening in ent of Corwin school, was in Lebanon. Ihill ~bsence. If th.ere is another per son In our township whose Sunday April there will be jlervices at the Saturday. school rerord equals this it will be chur~h for members of t he church Havolene Auto Soap, best to wash interesting to our school to learn only, and every member ofthechurch harness. Waynesville Auto and Mawho they are. is urged to be present, a good pro Our "Star" class f~ attendance gram will be given you and every chinery .Co. this quarter was the ·'Beginners" member should be PI·es~nt and anGeorge Smith and family are movtaught by Mrs. Frank Farr. Twen- sweT to roll call. Remember the ing into the Thad Zimmerman pro· ty of onr scholar!! are on the "Honor I date. April 29th, serv ices to begin at perty today. Roll" for attentlance having been ! 7:45 p . m. Miss Grace Tobias, of Fairfield, D. H. Palmer. Minister. in Sunday achool every Sunday dur- ! W:13 the week-end guest of Miss ing the quarter. The "Star" Honor Lauru McKinsey. . Roll class was the Junior boys taught SCHOOL DAY by Miss Anna Vandervoort, they Mrs. Elmer Rogers, Miss Alice ~aving the. greater per cent accordTbe Annual School day will be ob- Carpy and Erne.'3t Rogers matured to mg. to their enrollment. The b~ys served this year on the last day of Day ton. ~atu rday . are .. Charles . G.rau;>cr! Frederick the'Township Schools T"riday M. y Mrs, Phoebe Mills, of Sprinll; Val· Robltzer, Rue DmwlddlP. h Th '.' . a We are proud and we think ·ustly l~t . e forpnoon Will ~e entlrelv les, is the guest of her son. Mr. G. . J Riven ove r to the TownRhlP schools . D. MilIlland family. so.of our. Be h00 I an d a warm welco~e ; The entertuinment will be held in Miss .Tanie and Mr .•Terome Jones III be given both members and VIS· the Odd Fellows Hall, the display in tors.. Isadora Ward, SuPt. the Township house and the dinn er visited Irelatives in Lebanon' Friday night and Saturday. in the banquet room of the Odd Mr. and Mrs. Mart Staley, of, DayFellows Hall. For the afternoon the Waynesville ton. were Sunday guests of Mr. and and Townsh ip schools have united Mrs. Chas. Stansbury. and hRve secured Governor James M. If you want a good Fertilizer call Cox for a Rchool address This ad - Chas. Frye, phone 491-L 2-S. dress will be given on the school Mrs . Maybelle Fitzgerald and son, gro und if the weather be favorable and in the school ball should it not be . Howard. have been visiting relatives This ",ill be your chanl:e to hear some in Springfi aId for several days. vital Que3tion;! discussed and ex· Chas. Cornell has been confined to olained so keep May 15th in mind . the houfle for several days with a lieDo not forget to tell all your friends . vere attack of stomach trouble. Sevetld from town and the neighborhood went to Lebanon SatYou must paint- FIRE DEPAIlTMENT ORGANIZED urday Several weeks ago the council tion. to take the BOltwell examin'ahow often you must do i\ deelected Harry Sherwood as chief of ~nds upon the paint you use. U. M. White and Dr. A. J. McCoy the fire department. Fridllv evenFor long wear and aU around in~ he called a meeting of the citi~ were in 'h ashingt"n C. H. Monday zens to reorganize. and a goodly and Tue!!day attending the big horse satisfaction, we recommend , number responded. The meeting sales. was a spirited oue. as evidenced by Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, Misses Martha the interest sho~n. O'Neall and Edith Crane and Mrs. Roy [rons w s elected president H. E . Hathawav w~re in Cincinnati We know that it is ground and Carl Sarvi secretary. A com- Friday. fine 'and works so easily under mittee was app inted by the chief to the brush that you can paint solicit names f~r the new company Home-made bread is our. specialty. composed of M$srs. E. V. Barnhart, it is the best that can be found in with two to three gallons less . J. the stat~~. Try it once, and you will C. Hawk ~ a,d Roy Irons. than with a cheae. per-~lIon never buy any other bread. ..... paint. With B. P. S. Paint MISS AN~~A GALLAHER Mr. and Mrs George Hamilton arrived home Tuesday morning, you will The news or; the death of Miss after spending several weeks With Anna Gallaher. of Lebnn(JIl. dau gh- relatives in Dayton. ~ Use Less to ter of Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Gallaher. Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye, former residoots of Waynesville. Do More ••• · was very suddlen and unexpected . who handle.s Milson'S the best. Miss Gallaher I was only sick for a Mr_ ~md Mrs. Chas. Braddock The labor usually CO~5 three short time. ~he was operated on spent ISLet Wednesday in Loveland times as much as the paint, for appendieit~. , when peritonitis set the gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. in and her life lVas soon taken She Harrison, and report Mra. Harrison .so be sure to employ a good had been empl yed at the auditor's slowly_improving. painter. Good iudgment in oflice for many years, and had many applying is as necessary as friends in a\l . rts of the country. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Conn and who will miss . r cheery salutation son. Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. good paint. in the auditor's trice. The funeral Bert Smith, of Springfield, were We C&I'I')' Il full line of B. P. S. took place Satur ay afternoon . In- week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. FiDi.hea and will be glad to terment was rna e in Lebanon -cem- Satterthwaite and family, etery. fumi.h c:olor card. and ---....fHavolene Auto Soap ia an aid to eatimatc. house-cleaning;does rlotinjure paint, ROUND~BLE TALK makes old wood-work look like new. W. Henderson remove grease BPQts from clothes At the Round · .able talk at the and :Corwin, Ohio White Brick meeti g -house, 4th mo .• Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. 26th. at 2:41) p. m.l, papers will be The Warren County Medical S0read on the followi~lg suhjects, "The ciety will hold their firilt meeting 9f Church." Mrs. Alcdrn; "Our Neigh- the winter season on Tu~, April bor." Rebecca . "The Home," 28th, with · illustrated ,lectUres ' by J. Lindley . Free discus- Drs. Lang; ~rcl8a, and Lanlb at the invited, . sion. All Grand theater at Lebanon. Fr'llnldin ..... ,"Ir~... Leader. AN UNUSUAL S.


We desire to assist fin a nciall y th .. churches of Wllynesville Illld vicinity and we haye decided to do so h y giving 5 per cent un each Booster Cash Coupon Buok sold by any Booster frOlD Mondllv. April 17th, to Menday, M.y 18th . Thcac books arc $.~.OO Cash Coupon Books an d are good for re'gular purchases and are not to be accepted as payments on Book' accounts. You CUll buy a book li nd trade it outO as y',u want the goods. liacb ~.OO Book you buy will help your church and help yo ur favorite Booster. See the Bulletin Board at our store to get the .tanding in our Baby

Contest. RGgister at our store and

get 100

Booster Coupons for your fa-

v.rite Baby and Boostef.

Specials . this


New Sweet Potatoes, new Cabba-re, new Tomatoes. Lettuce, 0010ns, Radiah~

Special prices In Seed Potatoes. All our Seed Potatoes have been in cellar all winter. No cold storage stock They are lUre to SO'ow Pure Red River Early Ohi08 $1.15 Cobblers.ttoae.Triumphsonly 1 10 Eating Potatoes are advancing but we will sell this week at 1.00

Special Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sweet Briar Tomatoes, extra fancy pack. regular 12~c goods Onty 10e a Can ~

500 Coupons Free with . each can· Bring us your Eggs, we will pay the highest price or Trade. It pays to trade at yOU


The Booster Store

If you have Wool for sale, call me up, as I will pay you the highest cash price for it.


Phone 135




Ginghams, Foulard, Russian Cord, Muslins, Table Damask, Curtain Goods, Etc. Gem Shirts and Overalls. • An extra large, long Shirt with long room,' sleeves, for 50c. Made- lo- Measure Suits at prices you can afford to buy.

Garden Seeds-New 1914 Stock ONION SETS. SEED POTATOES (from the r:pllars of growers- we handle no cold-storage stock) . nUsH COBBLI!.:RS. F.ARLY OHIO. EAKLY ROSE . EARLY TRIUMPH. ORANGES, LETTUCE, CF:LERY, NRW TEXAS OABIJAGE

A few Specials for Saturday 25 Ibs Franklin 'extra fine Oran. sugar $1.19 28 Ibs Stands rd Oranulated sugar 1.18 4 Cans Sweet Corn ••• .2& Extra Choice Muir Peaches, a lb. • .10 Fancy California Prunes, a lb. 12X )

Ask for your Ticke1 s with Every Purchase



Corwin, O.





Elegant New Goods in



livlni beautiful tiub and colon. ~..t.... aD the

HIt. beautifuL lII.ful

that are 10 popular toda,...,ith ~ latest colon In dllCCtr&tiollL . May be ..... OD ekl .. DeW wall., lID plaster. concrete, burlap, metal, etc. Dmab1e, •• WAStWILE· • ~ cJeua.d -DOt eaaily marred. . ufor Color Carda uel for facta, aboul all LOWE BRQTHEIUJ P~ .... VARNISHES , -~ta



Ttae, ar••bat JOlt .....

J. W. White


.- .

B. P. S. Paint.




Farms For Sale



I have sev raJ ,farm~ listed . with me for sale. If you are fa the market, see me at ... ··'onu as ~sopte of these .wlll .• ~op ~ sold • ...




• •- - - , -





Get Posts while you have time to put them in





About 1000 LQcuat P~.t. cut in August, 1913,' from · home-grown tiniber. I

_, ..


Cem·e nt- Posts .

The kind that does not·rot . in the ground. .They .' W:~1 ;, :. la8t for years. I ' .


a td ie

10 Pag es





Gov erno r Cox Coming to Way nesv ille Wi.





...,... ... .... .... ..... ...







10 Pag el

Whole Numb er 3261

Wil l Hav e An I~stitute Thi s Win ter

"AI-,ll I heard a voice from heaven ;n W ~t1J\esday aflcrIlo gayiJ\!! unto me. w rite. b l eH.~etl arc 1!J14 , Mrl:l . .-\nlla HaITi,; un ApriI2~, vpcned th e the d{'ad wh" die in t.he Lurd; yea HuMS of he r pl easant home C. R. Walme r, of th e SLa t" Agri· 1over plans and t he outlook to the saith the Apirit that th ev may rc~ t lad i e~ of th e W. C. T . U. for the cultura and l Com mi ssion met th e county best institut e ever hpld they from thpir labors and th eir work ~ d,) entel'lainecl their county Warren pres ident. officers at Lebano n Monday . Ev ry I Cou nty was manifested byinthe fullow Lh em " ~en. M r,;. Emma Cl laplJlan of Spring-- ins titute unice r in th e county was I eral interes t taken at this meeting;. A choice spirit and a saint of Gud IH)ro T he rn emlwrs of. Wayne present , and an t'! nthu siati c meetin g t Follow ing is a summa ry s vi ll e has iJl'en called to enter into that I nion we re im'it t'! d to be presen t and wa~ held . !Jr. .1. T. Ellis repre~ ent ed ' stitutes held in the countyof the in· le~ L which a lone r emains for the q uite a numhe r for the res p.mcled. a lt ogeth. Waynes vill e. The ollicers talked I Ia..~ t ten years : childre n f God. cr ahout f orty IGi di e. being prest:!n t. I\h ry Ml'lind a ~o rn ell. daught e r Numbe r uf The nleetin g openeu by all fl ingingTotal ,,[ !\nl (js a lld Marv A. Ha rtsock wa!'; .. Ameri ca." Aft In ~ t i l. u l"H Averag e e r this 1\1 rs . Woot",11 Local State Local and iJurn in Wayn e 'rownship. Wal'rcn I"d th , uev otion . The Limc Year!< A tt undan l'(' Expl'n >le ti d" wall then I~xpc nse State Expens e L·"I IIILy . Uhiu. Ma tt:h :!H, IlH!) . g il'{'n tu 1\1rs. Chapm an and s hL'ga,'c J !'II~ · U :, ...... ... ~ ·100 . ~ 10::,:'17 I 1,1' girlhoo d $ 65.88 and young $169.25 woman · u, a n in t .. rl:!~ I ting !)I)!j·OI; anu instr uctive talk .... .. .. . J '!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"""'~--~-~- hood wer e spent vc ry near : t~ o 34.1 8 12418 the place and answ(' rell qu elltio n>! a~ k ec! he r. 1!11l(i·07 ..... .... -1 -- - - - --4')" - - - -l:-li). F, 'Jf her binh . '170.52 355.67 Sh e is pl an nin g f" I' the county con- 1 !)07 · 0~ ...... .. 4 ,114 Ed win Thoma s has purcha 3ct! a new I!IX.I)[. She was marri ed to Chas Corn ell vClltion. whi ch 144.60 342.65 1!)Of; O!I .... ... ~ 4 ~ :1 o lvi~ automo bile. 171.19 IJec()llIb e r ~~ . 1H6!J . For 4!i yea rs Septt'm bt' r 1st. will meet in Lebano n. 1\)09-1 134.96 306 15 () .... .. .. :\ :11;0 1:12 .flO Lh ey ha Vf~ I... Gllled hea vil y upon each 105.93 238.83 Mrs. 'I!apman ill certain ly the IHIII·11 .... .... . ;{ Miss Annie Brown waR down from othe :{ I :{ 136.7!i r. Th .., se parat ion now is made ri g ht w"rnan in the rig hL place 103.23 239.98 1 ~1I1-1 · ~ .. . ... . ,I Xenia Saturu ay . and Sunday . as :II!) lG:J.·13 doublv hard . 130.1ti 293.59 Iwr h/tart if< in the worl;. and the I ~!1 ~. J ~l.. .. .. ... 4 Jesse Burton wae in Dayton last :J:.!X 16135 Mrs, 226.76 Co rnell wal> one of 388.11 Mn. four c hilo Yeazel W. C. T. U. was v ~ ry fortuna t( · in I !II ::-14 ..... ... .:. was visiting week , :!RI 157. H2 236.15 relative s in Bellbro ook ~atllrday. dren. three SO llg and one dau g hte r secur ing" her for their lead e r. Our 894.07 - -and when (;od gave her a family it state Roy Iron!! was in Xenia Saturd ay iu!'nl, 1\1I'!i. Flore nc(' Rich. il4 Ava(j(j $1,f.OO .ll Mrs . Wm . ThompRon. of Route 2, consi ~ trd of t.hree Hon,; and olle ll rd s. pn's $1,352.37 $2,852.48 on busines s. has promi sL'd to atl('nd the ha.'1 been quite ill for Reveral daYR. daught e r. county con\,e ntlon. Afte r Mr,... --- _._ -- Mrs. J. F. Cadwa llader was a Xc. MGlIlY y£'tU'g ago the deceaRed Chaplll an's Rdd ress an 1'le);(Hn Havole ne Auto Soap is econom ical. uniled t two. nia viaitor Saturd ay. wi t h the HAO Method AU~)lI ist CIOLJS Episcop OPENI al ~lI NG urse lun +ch wa,; ~- serl'co (0 all. Wayne svill e Auto and Machin ery Cu church at Un ion . afterw ard remu\,· Ilibl'ral offering" was g-iven into th,\ e Havole ne Auto Soap for oil cloth. ing her chul'Ch membe r!5h ip to ML. 1... A. Zimm erman was Myer clry goorls "u r e~ All ag-reed :on leavin gWaynes ville Auto and Machin ery Co. Friday evelling- at tend in", in Dayto n /-l olly . A short time bdorere movinl { Itrea hat it was t illle well spent . and wi!'lh . st.ore wal" furma ll y opelled Saturd ay •• - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ • a meetin g to Waync" vi lle 11 years ago. Rhe ill ).{ U CCes~ fur tilt' "W umen Mr and Mrs George Oglesb ee. of of the Shriner~. 'g Chris. and the store waH crowue d all day with her hu "hand joined t he Way- (ian '('f'mpe rance Uniun Xenia, Wf're gueslfl of relative s here lung. I t was elabor: ltely dreflSed .' · The many friends of Saturd ay. . fur th e Of"'aHion , a nd the people me rman will be pleased Roy T . Zim· ' Mr. and Mrs W. H. All en and nrsville ch'Jrch IIf Whi ch chu rch Rhe A tn t'mber. to hear that has been a faithfu l and devot(, J that fl, ... k,!(1 [u Lhe s lore were amazed he has been elected to the Miss Olive - - - - -um were Cmcinn ati memhe position Dr. J , T. Ellis was in Marion , Ina, visitors lastMcColl r·. t o see t he many fl ew alld hand gt)me of as~iBtant cashier week. (lGLESBEE-SEIVE~ in the Germa n· last Thursd ay, attendi ng th e funera l Mr. Corl1 ('11 hau been in poor j{o o d ~ d i ~ plfll'e"l for :~al (' The ~how Am erican Savings and Trust Co., at of a relative . window~ were th e ha ndiwor k of Los Angele I Use BPS . and Roin~ PII/'H Lin· hea lth for llIany munths bul bore hel' s. Cal The position is The many alTlictio f ri enus n of uneomp Mr!' l lai Mahl on LOllis H ~' m a n, nf Xe nia. and he cer. oneof r egponsi bility, MillS Roxie Surface was in Indian· Reed oil PainLq for sa le at 1-1 en der- re li eved her of her ning-Iy unlil death Sei\, pr 'Jf th e Sprinj.(lield pike. a nd but Mr. Zim. tainly !lU sh"wl·d lfering! 'l his April ahili pon's t~, Pre in that mium parSloJ'e. me rman will be equal to the occa. apolls Jast week, the guest of her Mr . (;ell rg-e Ogl e!lbf'l' a Jlrll~p e rou !l licll ia r li nc ~·I . H1I4. aged Ii:) years and ~(j days sion. friend, Mii18 Anna lIett. farme r of ncar Waynes ville. will There be remain Each on" to mourn o f the throng that. en. Il''r deMrs Ruth Carey a nd MrA. Flo Frank Zell ani Win Salisbu ry at Dyke. of Spring Vull ey. werp. gtlesL~ parture her hu sband. three "on" and 'urprisCll til lea rn of their marria ge Lereu thi s n \II H I II "'~ wa.'; g ive n a heau , In a letter from our old friend, wh ich took place in Cin cinna ti Thurs- titu l carnatiUlI. Althou gh tended the Qig horse t!8.le in Wash- of Mr . and Mrs F. C. Carp.y Mon- one daught e r, one brother . four day af ternoon . The cuuple left thi s man ici fl Ot thoroug hly upMr . Hy. Seth W Furnas , he inform s us that grandC hildren and a l'lrge crlnlpany clay. ington, C. H last week. in his ; he hll!! left RIvera. Cal., and remove d city Thu rsday mornin g for Cincill' s t ock. he will acid new of fripnd s. goods every I to near Los Angele s .. He alBo says nati. and will r eturn For sale-M ammot h Pekin Duck at about HiJ( few days, and by the tirst uf Mrs. Jos Thomp son. of Norwoo u. Sunse t and evening star. o'clock this evening Thcy will go will have everyth in g in fine May he I that he cannot do Withou t th~ old Eggs, 75c per selting Mrs. E. S. was here last week assistin g her shape. home oaper. and althoug h years have directly And olle to the br ide's home. where clear call for me ! Baily, Waynes ville. Ohio. parents , Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Smith. • _ • pa.'lSed since he was in Waynes ville, And may there be no moanin g of the a wedd ing dinner wi ll be ~erved in their moving . to a HAD N EXCEL L' ENT SUOW he still sees many names of oldfr~ends f e w clOSt:! fri ends. The plans for the bar Mushro om hunters are busy now. A 1. 1 and schoolm ates. He says, 'You When I put out 1.0 sea; (um ing nuptia ls had been kept sec ret althoug h they claim there are but • 'Cri:!ke t on the Hearth " a classh: know that I went to school to Miss But such a a tide a.'l muving seems nd the an nou ncemen t of th e event few of them ripe at present . from the pen of Chas. Dicken s. at Roy Innes. the imperso asleep. will occasion much surprise.- Xenia was here last Thursd ay nator. who I EIiUl Buntin g. and It was said that School hall . Friday evening . May evening un' lat one time there was not a man, Joe Thomp Mn. of Cincinn ati, Too full for sound and foam, Hepu hlican. d e r th e aU BI)ices of St. Mary'., Guild, woman or child of school joined hill wife here ~aturday, lind ~9 t. J)on't miss it. age in When that whil:h drew from out the 1\1 r. Oglesb ee is one of Wayne gave an excelle nt perform ance. The IWayne townsh ip that ahe had not they both returne d home !:iunday boundl ess deep Townsh ip ' ~ most prosper ous farmer s. compan y was greeted Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Mr. aVenin&,. Turns again hume. and is well klJown throug hout audienc e. and the showwith a good I' whippe d at some period during their and Mrs M.o ntgome ry, of Center · was fine. lives, I got 'mine' all right, and I beGreene and Warren counties. His Mr. Innes is certain ly a fine enter· _were .-calling _ on ·friends in -MI'8. C: S. Qioauser, Mrii. · F: C: ville, Twilig ilit\ve it c.ould be truthfu lty said &lao ht and-eve ning bell, nldny friends here extend to him and tainer. and the compsny1nrCk o'f him I tliat not a man. woman or child in And afte r that th e dark! Gilmou r, and Mrl!. Mauric e Silver Wayn'e sville Sunday afterno on. h is bride their well wishes. It is was good His impersonation s IWayne townsh ip ever went to a more attende d the funeral of. Mrs EdingMr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke and And m2y there be no sadness of unde rstood that the newly marri ed were fine, and his s inging excelle nt chnscie ntiou3 teacher than Midi! farewe ll, field, at Maapn, last Wedn~sday . coupl e will make their future home The two ske tches present daught er, Clara. went to Cincinn ati ed hy the Eliza Buntin g." When I embark ; at: the bride's handso me residen ce on compan y were a scream from start Tuesda y Miss Clara will be oper_ _.=c-_ ..._._ _ _ tho' fr om out our bourne of the Springf ield pike. The sale for reserve d Beats for ated on at a hospita l in that city. For rime to finish, and the "take·o ffs" were ·'Crick et on the Hearth " will be on Her many friends he re and Place -• fully enjoyed by the audienc e. Mr. sale at. Janney 's store on :saturd ay, J that the operati on will beare hoping The fl ood may bear me far. WILL GIVE GOOD PLA V Inne.'1 will be assured of a full house May 2nd. Get them early as the and that she will soon success ful I hopE' to see my Pilot face to face btl herself , every time that he comes to Wayne s· bouse will be crowde d to its capacit y. again When 1 have cro~t the bar. The 1914 gradua ting clilss will g ive ville. ' their class play Friday evenin~. May --8th, at School lhalL The play to be Mr. and Mrs. George Lanter en· CARD 9F THANKS COMM ENCEM ENT DAY t ertaine d Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evane given will be Dicken s' " Cricket on and son Gayle at dinner Sunday . We desire throug h th e column s of the Hea rth ." The play wiil be un· The comme ncemen t for 1914 will the Miami Gazette to extend our der the 3upe rvi sio'l of Mis,; E li zabeth h'd 'Th d . M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ".,.,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ........ thanks to the kind neIghb ors who Chandl er. l'he participant!'! arc el on .. W"'. urs ay evemng , ay st. Mr . and Mrs. asaisted us in our late bereav ement. workin g hard and wiil give the play There will .be an interes ting cl~ of tertaine d Friday Wilson Edward s enThe Friends of thl:! white brick I The followi ng paoer evening in honor of in fine style. The cast is as foHows: eleven pupils. an.d Prof. C. C. Miller. Mr. and on "The also for the handso me flowers from church belli -their -round- table per· Home" was read by Lindl~y Mrs. Ronald Hawke , at of Men· the C~lumb Grange ~s , wJ!1 the be !:<'arm<? orator for the a urse 6 o'clock dinner. Those r's Club. vice ltirat day. April 26th, with denhall who gave the credIt for thtl teacber s of the schools. the scholar s, John P errybin gl e .. ... Wm. M r-n,,"prl evenmg . The. celebra ted . Cadet ?r- who enjoyed their hospita lity were a pod represe ntation of their me~· moat of it to hi~ faithfu Caleb Plumm er ....... ...... Linley Mills che3tra •. of Springf ield, will furmsh Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke , Mr. and many friends . l ~ife . . lM:rship. and' quite a numbe r of v~s· Ec.Iward Plumm er ..... Kennet h Kilbon the musIc . This p~per WII! be pu.bhs~ed III the Chas Cornell and Family and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt, Miasea itorafr om other churC'.hea. Frankl in May .6t.h Issue of. the MlI~ml Tackel ton .......... ...... James Gibbon s • • • Gazette , Henrie tta McKins ey, Emma HeighPacker presidi ng May Fieldin g ... ... .. ... . Reba Earnha rt and IS IDtense mteres tlllg. WILL HAVE OPENI NG PROGRAM FOR ORANGE way, Emma Hawke and Mr. Fred An excelle nt paper entitled "The I The Friend ly Mrs. Fieldin g .. ...... ...... Edna Smith who was appoin ted to Hawke . Church " WII8 read by Alice, open the discuss ion on Mrs. Mary Pe yhing le ... .. .... ... ... The openin g of our Ice erepm parthis paper ---....__ The Lectur er's prog ram for the in which she referre d to the faot of was abse"t, and it was thou~ ......... ......... .......... Bessie Warne HAS A MASAED FOpT many young I}eC'ple going to other interes ting and instruc~ive ht the next Grange meetin g is as follows : Bertha Plumm r .. ... . Le na Whitak err lors will take place on Saturd ay. May 2r.d. There will be plenty of Music, cburch es and other attracti ons; and Jf S . Leverin g Cartwr ight remark s . ; Tilly Slow boy ......... .. Grace Carman music afterno on and evening were pe· . Ladi es What 80 few in' our meetin g and Sunday culiarly approp Nathan Jones is limping around does it cost per acre to pro· riate to this subject . --1~ . will receive souven irs. We hope to town on accoun t of a mashed duce corn for the market ? Seth Furacbool betwee n the qes of twelve and worthy to be conside red 1m open· nas. Harvey MASO IC NOTICE see all our old custom ers and lots of .Its horse stflPped on it when foot. Burnet t. and twenty- five y~rs. She felt that ing of the discuss ion. he was new ones on this occasion. WhaL did it cost per acre to pru· while the home Is the place where unhitch ing it on Main street last A genera l express ion fol!owed, all 'unicati on of Way· llrat impre. ion!l are given, and is emphas izing the import ance of agooJ duce wheat for the market ? Seth W. c, Phillip~ Friday. nesville Louge Furnas . the idaal,p laqe for "eligiou 8 educa· home life to equip t.he young IGil F. & A. M .• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesda yevenin for ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~he gMay Mh. Sojour n· ~ What does it cost to produc e an tiOD it cannot do all in this regard church service and all tIre afl'al rs acre tobacco for the market ? Jacob ing brethre n are cordiall y invited to any 'more thim it can givl:! all the of life. ltuth Chandl er urgell be p resent. It i. ea rn estl y request ed t he pnera l educat.ion. cultiva tion of the commu nity spirit Mered ith . What will it cost. to produc e oats that. the me mb 'ship be present at ____ ...... ___ - ...... _ ... _.....-- ____ ... __ ..... _ ... __ ....... _ ...... _--_- ........ She offered as a realion for the which - encour ages those young flockin g to other church es, able to have good, comfort who are per acre for the marke t? , Harv ey this meetin g. . Ins j)ection of is lodg e will take The Miamis won their first game inside the foul Ime. McDer is the a-reater effort pul furth by and the best advant ages abl~ hom es Burnet t mott to aid thoi'e place May 19th. of the season at Phillips ' l'ar~, l!lSt s~ored Minich with a sharp thoee church es .t o draw them in, not so able to Ruppl~ the cl'mfor ts Forest Trees. Wilbur Marlat t. single to J . r .. lIis. W. M. Name Sunday the afterno officials on, after of lOme little \It:e(l of and attracti ons whicb will be con· our County . a mg right, and the bugs were happy. L. A. · ZUlll1lerl1lan, Sec·y. strugK le with the Dayton ten·mn "C,:M!lw '_'lI:irIO '" may take root Pirates The score: She ducive to greate r refinem ent and S:lmue l Butterw urth. Curren t Events. Mrs. Silver. score 7 to 6 Three new players to cradle roll which higher ideals. FOUND liS C~ECKS Natura lization Laws. PalJer read the very young child·nm. were int~~uced ~o the Wa.ynesville A paper on "Our Neighb or" was : IRATEB H PO A It fans-M ullch. a pitcher and Infielde r, by a brother . older they feel free to &,0 read by Rebecc a J . Mason . The AD 11 . 1-' . and McDer mott. a catcher , both O .. II~her. rt .. . ...• ~ Eva Jones, She·fel t that if thN were line of though t was our attitud e g g ~ ~ g Word ca":le t~ ..1('ff ~m.lth last young players from moree aretak en to explain toward . _and duty to our neighb or. Lecture r. 1 1 1 II weel~ that hIS l~ecks . v. ~I c h were have never played hereDayton who ~::'ite. (f.t :: : : : : : : :: ~ 0 before, and Krlher ......... .... ~ =L;:i:.~L....'1... the young there might The dut.y of endeav oring to live in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ stolen ~t the tIme uf hl~ butch~r last. but by no means least, 'beriJDOre eo:nvllncenlleDltlI among birth· harmon y with our neighb HOWA RD S. REBER ~ a Dill shop bemg ro {'d, had bc·en foud In Engler t the crack catcher "Boob " ~N:~u~blli :: : : :::: : or was em· of 8 The main phasize d. I The Bcriptu ral definiti on J 1~ t g David church . le ar !Jayton , and ' . Kings Mills team, who has the old ,"chulbof!, ab ...... 5 signed to P.:t~~Bd.cp ::: : :::::: ! of work, of the word neighb or was enlarge d 0 1 1 Rev . Howard S. Reber, 26. a mem - the same woul - he returne d ' t o hlln • play the out-fiel I 0 d for the Miamis . 'r t I • and to in· u,Qn, and an effort was made to ber of the senior class of Bonebr ake HE.' lI'eoeived them Tuesda y •. ~n d All of the 3G 6 9 a27b 11 new men made splendi d 0 .. s . .... young. sliaw that where th~re is friction semina ry, died Thursd ay mornin g at th~y . were " ": g ood conrl~l1?n. impress ions un the patrons . opened by ~nAMI8 and an unkind ly foollncr long con· 11:45 o'clock . He was taken to the Thu~ IS the fir ·t thing that Mr. ~mlth The Miamis started off with a two. AD n R PO A E hatl tinued it is usually .'able to our hospita l Monday afterno on for an has heard co cernm/< tJoiP robbery . run lead I'n the first inning. but the Edward. \ Sb .. .... . , ~ p_rilDcliplll\!l of 3 1 ~ ~ g own imperfe ctions. the evil effect operati on for append icitis. but it was EDI!I"rt. t.. B 2 1 - - -DS Pirates came right back and scored ~ln~h. p ••. ....... of.'carele8l! A'o88ip was referre d to as fnund tl:lat the disease was so far ad• •• .••• : ~ g : ~ OlH FRIEN three in thesec ond,tw o inth~third r.f~D':m:i.· c :::::: 5 0 ' ¢t:en yjeldln ' the fruit~ of discord . vanced that an operati on was useless 1 11 II 0 and one in the fifth . Meanw hile the W.."'rhouee . 3b , ... « 0 0 ' 1: ~ .•'1rtr.. Fred, Sawin opened the discus- The funeral of Rev. ' Howar a 8 . 3. T~mpurance Sun- Miamis had been abJe to score but :.r..}~., iJ:::::: :: : ~ ~ 1 0 al~.on thilt, paper, . dWellin g on the Reber, pailto'r: of U. B. church at .:IUu...,,, •• "The future of drin.k one more until their half. of. "the . Oak(D. rl .... :..... .!. ~!, ~ ..: ~0 pOwer ot love ' for good In It neigh- Utica, was held at Dayton Saturd ay A Prophe cy!" ThiS lucky seventh ," then they tied It up. Totu .. , .... 40 borhoo d, and gav~ in Illustra tion the morraing at 10 o'clock from Eu'hlid 7 a ' IU 18 • of especia l interes t Britain , first man uP. singled to left.. Da\dD 'lI9iying of ' Napo1eon: "AJexl plder U. B_ church . Those who atti6[J4:fed out bJO ~:::- baIL can "drink or let it and Surfae e was safE' on Friend '8 b OUII out w~en ,,,,,,,,"auK .t he Gl'eat.. Julius Ceasar r.ha.l'l"mllin from Dodd! and Uti~ w.e~e: l'\ID 8CD1'11d • . young man who wants error. Britain going h third .. ~ur- P ~Tt~:....::' .. _, .. ;~.,_ ' bave'lo un& tell John Gustin. Mrs. Ora Gustin t ~ ~ ~ ~ g.. ~ ~:-. yet wants his drink. face stole while Dakin was makmg ason. Everet t, Mr. and ' MrS. 3 0 1 0 0 0 • .0' 0 1- 1 A. E. Wooten , Pastor. home· I un going . the Griffin,.. ·Mra. Albert 8UlOlA RY ' . ----. - • bases. was out, to . L ADDRE SS MEETI NG ' erred not fail to hear the ~c hllol i hllve been written ;nto I r ~' ou questio n and other liv e q u(!~ ti 'iIls uf are not convincl!d that law the grl!oltest import ance t~ th" l c h a n ~rs were n eces.~ar y.s uch radi cal I>OOple of Ohio. discu<l!<ed on ~chool , and. ~ ea r the argume nt be preH.en; of one III a Day, Friday. May 15 . 1914 Thi:! pOSlUnn to know what would ue IJelit will be done by the (1 er~on most able for all the state . . . to do it. Hon . Jamea M Cox . gavel" . Spend the day m WaY lll'svlllc , nor of Ohio. Friday . . May 15th. DI:;pl~y and No import ant chang es come with · Townsh.lp ~c hool . program out marked opposit ion . Th"re has norjn, bll/: dinner III 9!lrlfL'lI In fure· o\Vs ban· been a great clamor that th!:'re was l quet room, arldress III afterno on on someth ing t'adically wrong wiLh our ~chool Groull d . lack of schoJls ystem. The demand s Corne e ve rybody . 01)


- ,)



HYIIll:~~ n~w



t For mer Citizens





----- ..

Frie nds Chu rch Has Rou ntl Tab le Talk ....... _~._


---_ .- ..

e-- -

Ml-aml-S WIen Thel-r FJ-rst Ball Gam e

-. . 1








JI:mta:: ::









: Gibr altar an Imposi ng I Ine Visitor.

Have You a Bad Back? 'Wl",nc vcr yo u use your back, does a pai n hi t you? Uoes rour bac k nche constautl )'. fee l sore nud l:une ? It' s a sign of sick kidneys, especially if the Ilidncy a ctio n is rlisordcrctl too. PII!Isages 'Crulty or 100 fre'l uen t o r olI color. In neglect Ih ere is dange r of drop' y. r,-r ave l or 13ri,;IIt'9 diSease. '50 1)00 11 '5 K id""y Pills whichhavocurc ,l

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Gr! ,. t Rock 1& Myst~ r l ou s , W'lnuerl'ul , 8 <~\l t , f· ~ 1. Sorn her, Acc ord ing ,11 o"c !; cc s I t-Gr :a tn~8s in tts S i() nlilc ance , Not It s Size.



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tr ~ Btm c nt

Spec!r.len l of P otato Onion •.

l, ,·d l lia l th e mo!;t I1'l'·il )IIl ta"L 'al,'\\'O' In th e wo rld. IJirE'c ll " I II YI


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Rldn oy 1'111. help. d

me fr om tb. arat 11I''' "I Nfl I t h h _,I b U . • . r y 0 !l Vl' t I' m cO" t' r,,,, Ii out ueo and bf' rnr o lonl' ro. .torod me tD /food h ...ltll." 1 l) W illi " Ill y o wu CO llllty of Jol\nRCln t o fo u r In c h r:s d f'(' p nnd .eldom ever The above Illustration 6hows soy beans planted In _ ", id of cern. ''' ~ l "111""" t :e ) li e ~1edlt f'rran"11l1. f;rnWB II KreaL nn"""lt o f I1 P'l I Ol~ , some mul c h. Cet Do..... at Aay St..... !IOa • a... gl ld(' 01 I II 1lI 1l rlllllg s un gbln e 1\ f fl W fn r· h I . • 1 1)(,IIC 1\3 . n ICrent Ul1lUlIn t ul bludl hur. , "bll1 IR lh o Ins t wurk which the y , KIDNEY orr IHI"t" t' lrtUld <:d '" Ih e I;o lll l'l n path . . I r · I ' PILL'S .. rl tls. ote 0 /1\\ "I't I.'o," 1111< u r"w rec e lv o ulltLi oarly shrtll" . As ooo n I h., ~" I .th.'1·11 l110ulltalns sl l'e t e hed I FOSTER-MlL8URN CO~ BUFFALO. N. Y. rl ~ h 1)(,t8 t uPIl , I b o ll ~ ,' o I (: \l Id COUllt "" tt", I;rrlu n<1 wil l d o to wo rk III tho ;1 \ \ :1) III Ull t'\'t ' ll nH\ !i~tl'S ot r(1~ e and l. t h I. . - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _....~_....~ I'll uO ll /1IHI.. tu ll _nUmb f' r of IUno thnt r url)' ~ lIrlng tho dl s l( c ultivato r Will , lila' . :11'1'' ' ' ' ( I" chall ll cl. gloolllY GI ll- gr o w us mllc h as" OI )ush c I8 o r I)OUI~? bo Rtart ed In Ih prn nnel "'uttlng Ju s t as , ra ilar , (ornlld,, " I.. "li d grl'U'somo In ull lon". und r enlly I clo 1I 0 t kll ow ur~:> cloHcly to th orn 811 I mY 8<l Jr !:1Ul do it. Ibp "1I1'1~ , 1 1lIdu\\ ~ . brlSilill ~ with uu· furm e rB who mal1\1 a prnct l8() of grow . , nlld I cun go t prr tt y clol e t o thom, S,', ' II pOI'III [) I,,". pil' ITl'd l ho cloude at lu g " nou g h or th e m tor th e ir owo ' th ro w lug th e dIrt nW/IY . PollowllIg depends upon the integrity Ib" 11I'1 ,.; ht "f a Qllartc r of a mil e . family th o H liH roulld. At tho 8.\[nO , Lh lll I. lIome IIttl o h oou to flol a b g E'1r cf the liver. Can Be Raised For Both Seed and Hay and Usually Leave rh ~ " . Ih ,' l 'lllarri o r IIl'rcu les. he yolld I lIllI o. I b o; lIove rrolll lilY OWII expf· rl· ting tb f} (lIn Iro m thorn. In a rew day~ IF YOUR LIVER IS TORPID "' blo-II Ih ,' h\Jhl "~t nil e f~a red to .;n.Jl ! ; \l nce tha t right h (> rA III th t' hlllH of o ld ~ tb ... ), ure ug ul n work .. d \.lth th (1 same Late )l olIll lI" 'ld S left by thl' I'h ol'l1lcian Kod / .JOhllso n county wo lin I':row WI g oo d ' 10(1 1, e xce pt Bo t to throw th e dirt th o ~~a,'DP~ wlH'1l h(' IOI: ~ tb e con ll,ne nts 1l9U l1de.r- l'otato on 10 11" na iiII'. Auy bod y. T his oth er wa y. but not up to th e olllon~ , I ~ ~~ ~~ Corn and Hogged Off In Fall With Profit ~.I Ollllt AI>~I,I. ~~l III<· ri g ht, Mount 1 t'J II rrnm my Own e:q Jl' rlonc". to r I wlub W leav e tbem on tUI) or tho ~JA1!f~4;:~AB'I-~ . ( n llll' tG, ·h,'I ·a l· ! n rlliOl. on t!l l' I ft- i have bee u u p "galn s t th ll rea l thin g in : ground . ~ ~C'D.~'" Q, ~:-..;;; ~ lb o n:o\lll tni ll I)f GOII and of 1 !lrlk. th e rnlslng thl: m and I hav e n( 'v ('r be" n ' Now. th Is III tw o plowln gs. und It "/ .pi...&. . . .~j~ (W. ,r. H e ndrix, 'n ll ege of Ag rl cullure. Ohlo StaLo U n i\' crsi ly .) !.Io~ >r .. . 11ble to <'o mme nce to gO a round Wllb overy d ntal! has b OC'll we ll att o nded WILL WAKE IT UP AND Soy beans ar e am n nl: t he bes t : nDd the domand (or seed i~ morl' np ar' ll 1 1ll'lk IIJII ZI Jati. at I ht> t'omm lUld or wbat I could ralB e. t o up to tbiB tlqle , th ey wIll 00 1n nne YOUR SYSTEM 1 94'(um('~ In pl ant ill fie lrl5 whe r e clo\'l'C I Iy Bupplled at • reasonal)le prk " . ~'r es· MIISII. tb " Ar rlc" n \' k e n l Y or th e Cll' :-l ot all of th e a rou nd b omo. how- 8hapO and rE'a dy to gJ'(1W , Two o r WILL NOT fall R to holl! OH'r wlntN anrl wh ' re Ni t j.rlcos for S01 bean ~e d wi ll l(J a ve Ilr,b "f j)a IllH 8tllR. ht'u.h'<i a n CXllCCli· Bver. Thi s },eu r I found n m a rk e t In tbree more worklngK will pay we ll Ir RUN DOWN. tbe 101'1.' 1' (;';1<'1 1 10 r lllc' h last spr ing. I a margin of profit ir all uverage c ro p tl o ll of ~loorN an d bu ilt l tlo first fo rt- St. Louis Il t $I per hu s b c l. F . O . I I. UlY tb e y arc don e befo r e thf' hladee get ~~~""!!~~~~~~~==~=== In sl", h ('a s('. the farmer does no t I Ill' hettor 18 mised. r,·s!; 0 11 t he rnt'l< ea rl y in th e 8eve o- Glatlon In bags. as BUOIl 1\8 cured. and la rge e noujtb to be broken. but you Economy. "' ani tn 1090 ad\'nntage nt 'owl n a III grow1ng 1m seed, a "mal! or 111&> t<'t' UI !. rcntur y. T ouay t h e towe r of I thl' lets r eadily £t!ll tor $~ lIe r 32- will hav e t o k eep after tb e m eyory f ew "Don 'l y ou t hInk it was OX llll\,lIgant gl g , dlum varlet,. sbould UO chose n III orrle r Ill ' (·'J..~ t l " he ('U IlU lIl' nel' t! .n 17 13 may llo und bU Nbel. Rut thIs Is th o lutter daYB it you wort( th e w enough. After In Miss :'>Ioodl es to buy a u u utumo-legu m loou s crop and goy h eau ~ hav e I that tbey mature ea rly 111 t he r/lll. . The nlt l ,be sr.'u In a l, rO, "ill E' nt pos ition part of my IIrt1e le Ilrgt . 11.('811),. I lik e tbe bln.(les g (>t large eno ugb to be In bI lL'?" th e ad"antage ot ma turing In one sea· \ larger Ill. yarlety tbat ca n be ma tllrod b:tc k 01 th e low n . th e marketlu!; e nd ao we ll tnat I t be way or tbe (: ultlvl\tor, I U!clUally " No. Intleed; sh e IUllr r i !l a chauf. Bon. . In seAllOIl, tile better hE.'rllllge tb e dp.lI L'ro r e Ih e RIH'ho r drOPIJE' d b onla hardly kee p orr It to t ell tbl' Orst. stOll cultI vation . but thIs latwr c ult!. l e ur. " Soy hea n s lea \' e th" grnllnrl in good I maod for the larger bE.'nns for s eed Wl' r, · h"all lllg towartl u s Ind n with I a lw aYB select a ric h lun.m 8011 . aUd 1' va Uon s hould be d one with "mall.tooth phy sIcal condition for 1111)' !'TO p tbat ' ror the hay crop aff ec ts Ih e prie( ' of IJrIllIgr·s all d tan g.'r! nes; o lh ersfre igbt· 0110 tha t Is we ll d r ain od. but will bo ld cultivato r . [generall y us t' a ll1l&honlQ Dr. Pierce'. Pleo.sll nt Pellet. fir8~ Pll t up may to ll ow. Th ey hav' IIIe powo r to i s eed. MedIum «reen Is OIl P of tbe ... d wltll nOlhing bllt olivc • . A Bteam molR ture e n ougb to pn:;h th e m t u DIU ', cli lthator after th e flrs ttwo working s. 40 yellT!! ngo. Tuby regulate nod in vigorate etomad), lin!,. nutl bowels. Sugnr..:onted utilize t he nltrogcll of Iho nil'. How. j beat varieties to «row In Oh io. la un d . hroug ht Cook's t1l l' n. labeled \ur ty, If poss Ible . T hi s year proVl'd i Wh e n tb ey lire WClrK. d t h e ins t time I tiny grnoulcs. Adv. ever, if th e bny and seed ar E' ra mo\'ed I SOY beaus rOT sced are besl grll wn nnd .1InlforllH'tl; a nel a .s wart hy COm- nil e xcl'ption . bow c v(Or , lO my rule , tor a lwnys " Innt s Ull llo wcr s!'('d in eucb l!tU I I dd d t lh II b I in rows, putt1nl: them 8 S c lose togethe r plexlOIH'tI fl ower man wllh Illtte nose' i th o ext rt'o'l) In c k or rain cut lilY vlol d 1lIldclJe, two s talks abo ut everY three I A Tactless Menu . () so e· as possible Lo cultiVIIle, ca Rily, IIslmlly g "y~ I,f \'iole's all d bun c lH'S of r d rO llslll.,rtlbly, not b olng arrnngp~J to I fee t. ' . e n trogen s a () " My dear, I told you th a t guest 1 I No. this IR nut worklJ lg tin> laod lao br()u!: ht hom e to dlnu er wu~ a ver y cau se only tue roots am! s ll1l>blc r eo (rom 28 00 31 In cbes apurt. 1'11I'£'e r(l~,'~. ('1J 1I ~ l'i c' Ii'HjH am ong tllp n e w Irrl f(n t main . a small proportion of th r plll llt . pecl(s of seed to t h e nc re ~Ive Ih e ! urrl\':d s wa s a IJIR , mllll wit h br ig ht . Th is year I plo wf'd lip so me old pas- ' wl/cll: we 1lI\l ~t fe ed It g(){Jd and It bas bful man ." g r eatesl amount of s eed, but l \\'O pFl' I,S ! 1 ,, ~l l e ": "l C·'. \\ ('a rill g n hro ad s am· tur,' IlIlI d Lh a t 1:3d bl" ' O Ill<' uuprotltllble will be ab lo to d .. bard work . Tb is " I [mow. but wh a t of It ?" wI ll glwe good m torus. Tht! see d may ' h n·ro . ti(l IlH'O Il,·' wl1is pered, "lVI llrk for f: ra ;. ~ gro\\'ing to ~OUlc sage gl'~s. 1 way I hn\'o th re:: thlnl':R growinK un " NothIng, only yo u dId go and put a lso be 8l>Wn IWlid lUIrl 1I 0t cll ltl Vll l l' d , I T \\'lIi ll's gll lde ." ~f'ar i \lb th o wbarr \\ hl l" h ('; r E' \\ ve r y rallk un l . ~s Il n pt I th o !la Dl e la ud for n s h ort tim e. The your fool In It whe n you had s hee p'!! but In tblJl calle more ~"f' d wi ll iJ , :' 0' I we o pi l' c! II ~ ro ll l) or Ara hs, ill blu e ", nil " lipp" d. T h l~ plowi ng w n~ d one I 011 Ions co m e r;tT b.,ro r e th o su nl10 we rs h oad l1 ab fo r dinn e r." qulred . In eltb er l he drill i s Ih e I lJurJl\) U ~" s. hrig hf f' II (' d hy crim Bo n "l'ry ro a rl y In AlIg I:s t , II lId tll n hur ro v. 1 !."" ltIuc b II'. t h w ny . and IlS the ber· Both Handa. best tool for Rlw1.Dg. 1 !;u s lll's anll rf'z zes arid )' c ll ow sll l>Pl'ra. In!,! nll <l disking tli'-' I lid; land r o e lv d I ri ps a r c ,'nllIl l th .'y art· not Injured "Do you llllow," sa id the w arl e d Tbe harv est!ll& of the bean s for "('(·d un til plan t e.:!. La tdl III d ., ta ll. I dou bt fTO' :': ~ilf' s unllo w" rs In th e lelll:lL [n H it wc ul d UP int l!rt~~ tinf: to t h .. \t ,,·r. : facl. I 1\ 111 l ~d to he lle vlI UUlt th e y arc dam sel, "Ulnt yo u play a ": 'eat d "n i Is the most lasl.. III til " tl r s t placo. since the stem Is woody. Ib e y flgtl r Pllder. It wou ld seem lilto out or I t ette r orr in theIr flr :;t y ear' s t e nd er lik e J osef H ofwann?" " n~'lll y ~·t you Joking?" saId I a r e hard 00 c:ut. tbe " ID es pllllln !! liP : rpasOIl )lut this oid s ad had to be i growt h nol to ba"c tb~ full h e at of I and dragging Oll tb e sic k lE- har oi til ,' I r pduced t o a fln '. loose bl!d of so il. I tbp sli n . as thI s sec m~ to be th e Ir the s nd s pecimen . "l\:Ol lit al l. You both U 80 )'our I machine. The, may be c ut \\'ilh a I :--;ot hll\g but workillg <:ould d o It that oa tura l way . A c:rllp ot onlorlS for 1 mower IIIld .rated. If Ih ey arc tall ' I know of. :'>lever be afraid ot' getti ng I s al e, su nfl owe rs lo r th e poultry . or for band::l."- Dartmoulh .Jack o' Lante rn. I enoug h they aro sometlm os cut, wilh th e la nd ton we ll pulve ri ze d ror o nions. I' ~a l e. as ~o u lik e. a nd th e berries comFI"i1ncc Honors American ArtIst. the binder. and Ebo 'ked to e llr e alit. I pr <lfe r pln lltin g my ollions III the I lO t:: 0: ' lo produce crops later . The I"rench goeve rnm e nT h as pur· I The beans MIJ be t breshed b y rna· ra Il. U ~ tLey ha\' u a lwa ys don " he tte r :-low. at th e tim e ot harvest I work c hIne by running tbe macb ln e s lo w :l nd Ilh1l1t r.d In tlw ftll l to r me . lIow e ve r. 1 in ill Y h a ilS!' built ror sWl'e t potatocs chased ()r th e Luxembourg ga lle ry the taklog part oIlhe t eet h out of th e <'O il, I Ih"y <'Gil he ~ucce5~ ~ ully plant e d In the I to <'nre Oul my onions. wb e n It would ori g Inal Pll ill t lug by Arthur Rackham cave III on1er to Ilvoid brea ldll g t he I'll rl y "pring . (lilt if s pring pl r.nt ing o the rw isE' b o s tanul ll g Idl e. TrnY8 are of "Jacl' S pratt a nd Hi s Wlte." one oi beana. The beans <: rac k very eas ily mU ~ l hI' re~ortl' d 10. I s hould s ure ly ' arra n ger l nnd tb e onions placed In the tbe s e rI es ll ackh llm pictures now runand manJ' tIll'eahc r s do not li ke to plo w l h e lanel ' thl " win t !! r r,om e tlm o ' hln~ lit th e enrll pst datr uft er bei ng nin g In SL Nicholas Muga7. lo B. Tbls 18 the hI g h est honor that th o Fre nch Soy bea ns bunched for hay. , tbresh them "Causa tbe y nr c IIr\\' , fin ;l le t thl' fr(' ('z illg wea t he r of tb e ' pull ed anu curell a day or two. Wben anI, a f_ ere to be tbres h ed wlnler ac t on th e so il. tllIl . Ilro ducln g The il as soon us th!'y are ",,,,II cured governm en t can confe r upo n a paintIt bas bee n s ho w n t h al a ('ra p yielding tbey CAn be hUed or tramped out. a bc lll' r seed hc d . anu th e 1.lanting can : tll ey a r f' to pped li n d snclt ed a nd nil of Ing by a living arti8t. Not until the Ihree tons of hay wllJ le l\\'e less t ban This is practical In getti ng pnollgh bo dOli.' much e urll c r in th e spring. ' th e large ones Bold. if th o pri ce is artist iR IIE'a d are his "UUVU 'les eligi ble 1. 000 pounds at lbe plant on th e fi eld seed for one'l own l!~wl n g. HE' I(I .:mb e r thl :;. tllI.t th e oldon is a r e asonab le . I prd er to alway s !lell for tbo Louvre. coni wral he r lo ving (' rOI) a nd . do es IL~ tb e m a. l a r C'nBo nubl e prIce rath.e r than In the form of roots un d st ubbl e. If I It 110'1 beans are ralYed t?r ha l' t h ey Hygienic Salta for the Bath. . muy be sown I.n rows or so lid . If so wn hea l g rowi ng lu ca rll' sp rlo g, thus t o hold . I ca nnot e at .th em 011, 1\ Ithcr A plJy slelau wbo belle\'es In batlill hay or ev e n the straw IS reu art er I s olid from sb: to e igbt pecks to Ih o 'uak iul; It VI~ry II p.cessn ry th a t the I cnn I feed th e m, fl O they nre for 8alo thms hlllg the bean s an d t h e ma tlure acre will ghe th e gr eates t amuun l o f plan l in g be do n e eltll er In th o rail or as a casll crop, and f have of lale lUI a tonIc advi ses tho u se of Epsom put bacI, on t he Il eld, t br !'lo ll will be bay . The Illrge ~owlng varlelies s tl c b t he land so 'b and ie d that It ca n be 1 year s always found ready sahl at S1 or Carls bad salts- prererably the for · , gr ea t ly en r icbed in n it rogen. ' as the medium yellow are to be predon e ve r y e arl y in th e s pring. ' pel' busbel tor the large ones. The mer- fol' a gen e ra I In vigoratlon. 'rbey SOY bcanfl are rai sed fo r Lhree pur· ' rerred for h.,-. As it happ e u erl . I wis h ed to 1)lant se ts are som etim e s kept until late In should be used not mor e tbuo twice a. P08e)!: they are grown for seed: they ! Some men are Eowlng soy beans In thl 3 lalld III blac kb e rries thI s fall. 80 t.h e fall. wh en th ey are all sold out ot week. 'rake one ounce of th e sa lts to a may be cut tor hay , a n d t bey mak e nn their corn at the rut c ultlvallon. Th e wh e n reudy 10 plant late In October. m y potato house In tIm e lo put my excell ent green past ur c. The raI sI ng corn and !!Oy beans are th en boggod tho plow was brought out from lJle s weet potatoes In , what 18 not wanted pInt of warm water for a sponge bath . For a large tub bath use a pint of of sOY beans for seed ha s been n pay· orr Instead .of lan-ested. Wh en thI s tool hou se a nd lll<' IlInd luld 011' e Ight for planting. Ing proposItion In tbE.' pa st because of practice 11 fonowed earl y maturing va· Summit of Famed Gibraltar, leet apart for th e be rry row~ . Wb e n I have gIv e n a brIef oulllne of how salts to a tub of warm water. Purcbase the salts at a wholC!lale the hlgb prI ce 0 1 Keed . Howev e r. ev· I rleties IIhcro1t1 bI! sown bceallse th ey thl8 was dOlle tw o furrow8 w e re run I do and If you wish to ralse them ~ry yenr tlnds th e prl ce of seed ju st a :. wIll require leu time In wblch to m ao 'Thei r po In ted boo<js RappIng In the between th e b e rry row s, dIvidIng the you 'wll1 find many thlogs coming up drug hou8e. The u8ual price In Quail' , ittl e low er t ban th e precedin g y ca r , ture. . wind. they looked weird a nd haggard distanc e as nearly all possIble, thus wh ich I hove not spoken about. And titles 18 tour cen ts II. pound. Thbl ~=-~~.~-- - _.- - ~ .:.= =: -' .... as Ve dd e r's Cumean sibyl. lel\Vlng room e nou gh to worlt them a~ to profits, I wIsh to lie excused salt wnter mak es an excellont oonle Hut the thi n g that impresses ono well wltb the horse cnltlvator . from ~Iscusslng that end of It, as 1 and carries olf many impurltle8 I mos t Is the rock ( wblch baa been The onion sots (I always plant SiltS) doubt whet.her you would believe It or tIlrougb tbe pores of tbe skIn. I call ell more nnlll~ tban nny other were Bst by Il :md with tb e root. e nd not. So ral8e them and learn, and I Tbose pe rBon s wbo h?_ve ber ry r od , In th e \\, o rld,- '·the roek of tbe down. obout e ight Incb es apart In th e' ohould not be llurprlsed If you In· UPWARD START bush es which have not bee n prllll ed Impa.slb1. To Ilnltllte liu'le '.1 (0 Iii tC!I mlloan." " 4he tormldable dead rows, nnd cove r ed wltb the hoe . Ooe c renae your acreage every year there- Aftpr ChangIng from Coffee to Poaturn. this ye ar 8hould be ~ure to bav e that ~ se ntin e l of J1;urope ." "tbe crouching could COVN for two or threo plllnters. after. Many a. talented person I. kept back work done before too late in t he s ilring. Bee'l Genlu.. • : li en." . EIIJ;land's) Insuran ctl 8Ign," ~ - -because or the Interference of coUee Pruniog I ~ indis pe n s ible to Ih e vigor . "the watchdog o f ~ h e Medlt~raoean," ~-~~- - ~~ lo nge¥ity and pro dll c llv e oPRR of Kuch Twenty yeattS argo there was " "the bo ll to E urope'B front !loor," "a W[~hl~beISno:s~~~~~t ~~ t~lt~odJiQlle fruIts as Ihe ra s ph l' rry . th e hla c kl>€ rry. Qn1te KII~ny circulated a ro c l,·bou ncJ city dt caonon and wild whose nerve8 am very sensitive, a. 18 t he curran t tlod th e goo~e hr.rry sOOr)' 00 tbe eJI'ect tbat tbe at· fl owNs ," A s one i approaches It Crom often the case wIth talented p~J:80ns. tractive comb honey seen In tbe , th p. All ulIli c It Iboks like a great, There 18 a 8lmple, euy wa.;r to get little 1H)1I1l1'e boxes was maou· CTull cl:illg lion r ea!dy to I>ounce upon ____ rid of colfee troubles and a. Tenn. factme4. It was e1alme d tbat S pain, Its lai! to~l,nrd tbe sea. It III d lady's experIence along these Unel La • CG1JlW wero mado of p~r," ' r r h \ I Teaspoonful of Nitrate of Soda Jack Rabbits; Killing Frosts an worth considering. Sbe says: t .. IOu u .. \ rom 0110' ollrt to tlr ~ I)·rourth8 ot a "Almost trom tho beginning of tbe fine, "ftUed wIth glucose . alld mil e wide and some three miles long. Worked Into Soil Will Insure Hot Sun Cannot Injure Plants ule of colfee It hnrt. my IItomach. By capped by tbl. use of mao ' li s ~rr·,d 11('<i8 Is i;,. ' ts Significance, not h E I C bb Given Little Care. the Ume I Wall ftfteen I was almolt chlner)'_- Tb!. canard was re ' l i i~ "I"e t e y ages. a nervous wreck, nerves all un8trull(t, peated so often tbat It round , . ' . no strength to endure the mOlt. UivlBl

w e wt'r« III


An Indiana C a se


















TRIM UP SMALL FRUITS EARLY ••••••• ........ ••••••• •••• COMB BONEY IS All PURE







~:=fI: t::':~~~e~re::d inm~~:

i i"



. A bla.c kb.rry cine trImmed up.

. .~~~C:\~~·:r:;tbe ~rultlllg canll·. and .~ In,eels and dlleutl

l'01UIPr ,,001.




MANo~:Yw~~ ~oA~al::~~'~~:~~~~~p'

: WOODEN LEG F R HEAVY serious cJlclopodlas thnt ar e s upposed tD tell nothing but th e L ocomctlve Engine r Northern r·~t Is, tb er e nev e r Paaific Had truth. T'''. .. waa on u.e market sucb a thing all ma11llfactureAI comb hon ey. : I There are mechanical reasons • I SIl()I,n n l' claims to hanl wb7 it can .ot be made. So per. : I'pc"n t Il' mad e a Ie I': for the slstont WICInI these talRlfiers thnt :'I' u\' ips t man o n the rlean conti · a be~ flf strong tlnan c ia l t lln l wcarlllg slJch a Mr. Dull If ed • 0 sa ill : • tand <M6 0 or ..1, 00 r e ward , " _".1 I d tor prooftllat combs were manu· ' "s eg \\':l!< Ill :t e factured_ Tbls olfer was later nr <ly. livIn g at th e Ped lne~8I1 to $10.000; and not· ' ',\ eig hs :H8 ,)o unda . wtthataIIdlnJ; that It waB pull. ~ North e rn Pacific .(.'~ was t ake n olT In an l lllhed ill ma"V of the large d-I. hilt ' a a send to r.alltornla II ea. DO oue ever carne forward with the proof. It may be sateI ge s t pl cce o f speclal wood l1m .... tIlat A\'ery box o. ' la nd placo:! with wUch to II" ••• _.... ~ " • hone, Sa Ule lennlne product of ' l,eg." the 1d~ aJId that all liquId I i\lr. null also mado a bolUlY . . bott1811 Is like ",lie pure : for W . E . J er man, aged hone,. . . oar &tate -aM 'natlonnl I of Post Falls, Idaho, and Is lawa ~ /l4nlteraUon. ' Ing on'O for A. C. Flaodenr,-u + , Jl. R. ROOT, lion enll'lnecr till' tbe . of Granb):. Ia . ~aI hten8ion Bulle· loCated' aH'tVailde,.,





In the first two mentioned, the canell which pr()~uced fruit last Bummer • houlll' be entirelY removed, as ther bear. again. They take now-




and CaDle


D ,t , '.

the' ie,

wo:!~ ~~r~' hS~~::I~~


Is Cut tbe new. I lo begin wbe n th e pln.nts are Quite Iy set plants, Jack·rabblts, cabbage· could eat that would agreo with me. Bmall and wOTk Into the soil around hungry, eloan up the patch by enting The lillie I did eat Beemed to Itve f I { It t f da the plant8 Jack Frost comee along mo more trouble than It Willi worth. I each a t e aspoon u 0 n ra e 0 so . , was llterally 8tanlng; waB 110 weal!: I r " pf' atlng even' fortnight until the and finl8bes what may be left. could not sIt up long at a time. he ads are formed . To offset these dlsasten we keep "It was then a friend brought me • In ordor 00 muk e a garden pay, ev· On band a lot of cans (ends removed , hot cup of P08tum. I drank part of tt e l'y foot of t.he Bo11 should be con· by heating) wblch we place over the I' and alter .n flour 1 telt a8 thou,b ,I ." "tantly at work through tbe growlng plants as we aet them. The can also I had had 1I0mething t~ ea.t ~ felt sea801l producIng something. shades the yeung plant and pro tecta . I!Itrengtbened. That was about .f1ye. It from lhe wind. ,eara ago, and after COl\tlnulDa Poet· . By sowing the seed at dll!erent um In place .ot colfee and .cra.dually', , tim es . !t is I)OSBlhle to e njoy green In ca8e of a danger from trost, a gettlng stronge" today 1 caD eat , IUl~:: peas and bOUllS trom along In the handful of straw placed on top at th' dlgellt anythIng I want, walk .....~ucb: ! IlUmmer until fall. clln will ward olf any ordinary t!'Qst.,aB 1 want. My, oe"68 are .tltllod,. '" ~'., , To obtain the best re8ultB trom 'rhe cans are not removed till tall.. . "I belleye 'tb!t 'firet thldg thAt ~Id ~ ... In esse of drought, one can flll the I me auy gpod and ga,v e me ~ " . transplaotlng vege tables, do' It on a d I 1 ....... , U,_88 .. " ...'?"", ,warm, cloudy day. If It rains Bome, can full of water nncl It will soak I Btart, "'a8 ,. ', an r- , Ifee. .' ", away gradually. "- co, ~,(\, all the better. It will not Increase the labor one~e follt.n m _, ~O.. If beane, p E,as, corD, beet seed and such like 80aked 1n lukewarm wa-' tenth w do this for your garden tor 24 bOUT'!! betore planting, they win plants and' wm Baye Z6 per lient of coma up several days earlier. yoar pll!Jlts troQ) belJlg delltroyed. The r eal plE~asur.e!J ot lardenlng are best underetood , by 'oJ)e Who useB • boe. Thill implement,' in . ' vardenln... ,'. ta






a !b?'e P.1;dU









V e~ Cruz 18 the cblef port ot Mulco and the dutlea coll ecte d Ul e re bave bee n rel1ed u pon by Hue rta t o pay mucb of hili e~penle s ot wa r and goy e rnment. Ame rkan and oth er rore lgn ",'af8blps hay e been RwUoned tb e r e ror man y month!!.


Iii (." ". o r tU .. ti clzure or Mf'xiCan po r ts It will b e th o w a.rln es wh o .. m' ·I<-" t Dno ti n ' be re shown, b lug InH p ec l ~ d o n shipboa r d,

m OIl


llllld I ng gun a a nd a cti ng nli


This Is one ot the princIpal Itreat s in TampIC<l, and a crowd ot the Inhabitants Ie gath f' r e d dl ~C'us~lng the pe rlla of oornbnrdm e nt threatening the city,


This I s th ... ch lcf plaztI or th e d t y o r T Il Ulpl co, tb e gath ering ,, 111 (" - of the III'O pl c, ,, 1:<1 II lU a y UI! 1i 1lbJecte d too · bombardme nt by th e Ame ri ca n wa rs hl"s .



This photograph gives au exce Uelll Idea or the part ot tbe city or Vera Cru ~ close to th e hu rbor, and Shows the , old IlB la.ce, In the center.


Gen e ral H uer ta h as refu sed w ordCS' th o AIlI" rl e" 1I fl ag sa luted at T am \>l co and faces all IU\' 1UI1on ot th e coun try wlli eh has been trying to gov ern. NonBen,lcal Queutlon. Jakey, th e la zy and overgrow n _ ot a resid ent of the Bronx, was r .... cen tly hilled before tbe magl.trale Ja, the Mor rlsa ola police c ourt by ~ tuth e r , wbo c!ia rged him with be lna. I . InCor rigible, a deadly enemy ot wo. Rear ¥mlral Frank P. Flet che r , com manding the first division of the In nil Its branches, staying out late .~ Atlantic ft ~ t, bas bpe n sta llolle d a t Ve ra Cruz. The battleship Florida Is l1:a nlghta. 8moklng cigarettes and II ta....· llaalhlp, othe r bablt8 IInbecomlna a boy on tlI .. thresbold' of manhood; The pare. Age, of Tree., waB mad clear throulb, and told u,., and records 'a s to the court In qo BOft, lanlUaa. lll.t "hak, trees have sbowu tbAt he.-tbought hi, 'W", coming to. attains 700-.Y~';",. ae ,. "Dees 06 lOU'" \1. ' judge o t IHe ;. 425 3'~.n the '• . 8110ttetf ~B1!an f,at)~lI!1JI!U"




. •

COUNTY COURT NEWS .... ..................






.Iohll ~!\ijer VB. the I:5toto o f 0111o . orror . f" Ih,' ,,,,.tt,,,· of to h!! Af't~lt A "I f F ilII1J A.Y L'n lJ1jJhr' ll V~ . till' ~ttl t'11 n f ,I .. n~" (~. II I 'tll' IIHlIl. c\ I'Oell"Bcl . E~ . ()1110 , t,rror . t .. t .. Inll ,· "ti lJll nltl l;llrml 1'11 1 Fi rtlt ~ I ltiu nul BIll k o f \1 ,, 1'. I " t it .. '1 1I1 1... ·r of t.h. " .. tat , u f H. H. L . La b'a ~ .,tt ... If. HIIJ ~ .. II , ,it""" "UII1. ~,. t ' lt (J full y r,tw , Ull Itl. vt< (fin;t uu m o unkn uw u j lIl uu e.\ IIIIU t! (l l hl"\"''''''' tu 1 Ilttll ol.l ,O\unt Amuunt d lll tn llu III ,1\.. 11111 I r •• r " t the I'stu te of ti'<2H.57. I'fllhnle Cuurt J>roct=edin~s

U P ,r e''' \ V Pt1rr\' , ripellllled. ti" ,.1 ',ooonnt IIl1provt'd .

~'Ir ~ t





ot hi/lg So Good for 11 or CO;dl When yon h.n-o Ii cold yon w~ nt\ th o I·""r. IIwc1i ui '1I1 o bt.llillll hl e !l0 Ill! tn g"r rI(l " f it. wi th th R 1" 'lSt p(l~ . ~i h" ,], 'Iliv 'l' lwrll IHA mnn y whIt 00 11 '" 01 pr ( " It n 111 ltf1rl" i n '" CO il !.! I; Rl'Il1 . ,.01 " n " -ru. r p ~ ~S" l l. I r Ho ,J. B')l'tlrr . ~: h tl , \lh lll. " "Y " . "Evl' r ~ iurn Ill V IU\l ·; iltt·,. \V(I " enruLi of u e\'lIfl' 1',, 11i (lfl t! ('lIu:,:h h \l 1'IIIl'ulJurluiu ' ", l;lIu ., h Itll/\l etl .v L\\' o :It'u r ;; UI'\ II, I hI"" f,·lr. kill(t1 ~· d."p.1,.ud t,llw'lnl t h t' lllnll OfdCr Ilrnr" nf t htlt l)J· .'p~rA ..

Walter McClure Funeral Oirector . 'l' elephoDe <Iny or \' "Hey 1111 .lIlll .N" Di,.t~ln('" N ,~

ulglJt I..", 11.(


Automoolle ServIce lit all Times

OHIO WAYNESVILLE, • V ol. I~d!l"u 1I1. lin n I kno'...· n f n lJthlll " HI) fl 'JI ~ k /HId l::Iullnllh Ann in"kl JI. t,o r"Ji,"' p 1\ coof!h o r c urR.1 onld ." Branch Office, HarVeYRburlr. O. III t' ''M ill 'tt ~ r of th e R"tot.e nf l'n o llt .y only . AUll'u ntcitl l ll!f'd t l tiOn 1?lIr ' .. , I" h, 1111 d",.'l' rH. I:' .. rll h A. Gu t l·e rv . d Olllll;l,d . Estll te witb IUtoru~t. fu ll .v administer·ed. Chllrl e ~ d Throokrn ort nn V" In rhe mntt-er M t. be AHtate of Willi/trlt E Bntl ar, A. B . !Jut.IAr , ~ E [) IT '10 MF. ,\ IL: ) l::I .. nnltl.! I;ILIllllltoll . d almsod. Th ird V&rhn g Kenley, I1nll till! ullKnuwn 110(1;) lln t· nl/Jlrov nd heirs uf Miohl\ol P l'1l!!s idy (~ulet U li S \ ViI ka, PI' , 'priotllr o f the Osteopa~hic Ph)sician P. A . UOA, " " 1~ ' l!lgllflA ill hURt ftlr title. Silt" \·iI., Ohi o. fn u ndry. purolllls(l'\ 2 1 Broadway Phone 449 th fl bt. n"flt I,f tbu oreditor!! Gf J OID O>! Iii thtl mlLlte l' of the l 'l ~t. wi ll nnd a 0111' lotld of HemJ, iroll iu Uitlcln V. Hdukln80 1l, 1I ~!l i g llor. jJllllntl ff V >I testlU.Dellt of Is,,"o Huffruuu, li e. unt l ln~ t, w el·k whll:J IIrrlv"I]llt t ilil Lebanon, Ohio J II IIl PI! V. f:ltlDklOMon et nl, defen ceuse d. To pr. ,bll to WIll fOUll Irv io tiwt'l [ " r U tl O llll '"tllrlillY - danI A. Private !lale of r tlu l ~tlt·ate . . LII"t I:lll t·llrda.y wll ilo worltmtlo wo; e The 8tl\te of OhI O v:; . BernlllH I1pprovfld. DietrlbutioD ordered making an oal{ or mahogany effect BRANCH OFFICE Kroener rltl/eodllnt Chllll!{(I,. pleu to flll illu t,hll oupol ' t,hcy llisonvlJI'ed n HU "JllC'II)U(; J'IOkiul! lJilloO l lf met,li\. In the mat·tflr of the estute of gnllty. Fined 121i Ilnd ~08 t':l on your old chairs and table. Ohio Waynesville, Emrlltl Ke ntE'r Pt nl, minors 8ec Wh l, · I upon io\.'~ tlg n li ll u I'rl/vl'd t.o LllllrB Briney .. . Heorge B . . John_ 1m /' :! \I11 11IHl ]"u.ti 'ld ,..hull whi .. h uod IlCOOUnt t4pproved Tuesdays and FrldaYII, from ,8 :30 tlon ex tr. , oause settl eu un I Yau will be tickled beyond belief with the results. S I)II ," ""U b"d u . rIjJtl l' ~ly elicit ill ~o In t,be tnl1tter of t.he 8stl1te of mi ssed wi I.h 'IU t reooru. to 12 o'clock HI(' :,er ' j) I'll .... }'1' l ) p 1(' 111 PU ~il ossio n ' n~e Jlh B. Frell cb, dlloel1lled. FIrst A ,J McIJlint.i J VI:' t bo I-\t.u ta o f of " \1 0 11 pr olJort,), t! llLlull! be car efu l Office , corner Main and High streets 1I0conn t i!l II.JllJroved ufter ooe our HANNA'S LUSTRO-FINISH Ob io. pl .. iot.ilT is grn ntc(l hilj prllyl'r. liS I " w!lere th ey throw them . A Phone No . 100 . rootlon 1ft Ulade ,n SIi Ul ~ . Stll te of Ohi o ux rei \'8 tho U H b oit' w '. s boreel into the I:' h,,1I by K . OHANGE9 In the mlltter of the will of Emily P. Murray, deoel\sed. Willll.dmitted & U. Roy. Co ., ruotlon is heard M()Y l'l r from whioh wna poored the O LD THINGS INTO NEW li nd grllnted ae t·o tbe re ma ininK pow (ll,r. to probllte All Kinds of a \J egation; to whioh rnllng plrlintlfJ B E. Gowa n. Ildminlstra tor of tiltl eXl'apts. P lalntHf blls 10(1 va to lil t! est·"tfl of Jal.D ..!! M. Keever, de a mended petltivn within ten d'LYH. Spr i ll ~ Luxatire and Blood Cleu nser S o SIMPLE So INEXPENSIVE ofl8Hed , plaintiff Vft . Elwood C. ~'IU 8 b out t h e lIoc .ln1u latf d wustc In the mAtter of the will of 1>161,(, Kfle ver et Ill. def6ndant.s The reF OR SALE BY fin d p Oi!lllnS o f t,hl) W!llte r lllonth s; torn or "ppU1Ser!! in ~his canse Is I::l utJUlI1o . Will WI\S produced jL clellu lw your ~1 " llln('h. liver linn not npproved bllolJutie !I/lid apprai<lers this court being oertified to this kill lJ t> ,vR ~f all i l ll)lUrittAA. T" koJ)r . ~. Wf!rA not. prcperl y s worn. 1'hera. oou rt by t,be Probate Jl10ge Tbi H Kill t{ :l Nf'w Lif o Pil ii': n othiu!! bat. wi II be for heurin8 Oll the :.lGtb d'lY SucC('sso r to fort! .'Ilmtl!! ~ Mit.(lbelJ , .J. M. COIlt·e r to r l'uri fYlnj.{ IhH hl""d . Miltl, over " Ild .J u~e ph ZHnlD tlrmUn Jr., of April. n on ·j.{l'illin g In xnl'I't'A. Cures (,n n : F.~E·1SHERWOOD State of Ohio vs Jllm AS .NO IlIll , ~ ti Jl ll li o u; mllk "~ yo u I(Ill I fine . aft e r first baing duly sworn ILfe AP. poiut..ct to vil! N pre mises Ilnd muke plelld uullty and il! sent t u j ill! fur T It nn uth"r. ~ ~' l ·. ilL ) " )\1" Ur u!!ten days. Over PostofTice, Waynesville, O. the flpnrll.ise'lloot . ~isl . Bu c k\(; n ' ~ Al'nj~ll I-"llve tor The s tute of Ohio vs Thomas Cor. All Unrt!l. House Phone /i·3r I n t he matte" of tbe estate of Office Phone 77 Ellz • .J ane Oil vi s, deoell.sfld, win. Found not g nlltv by Jury . H. R fl t4!1 Iii uPPolnted administrator. Con'mlssloners' Proceedings Bond ~ 1 500 . Le wis Muban, J oeeph :.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':.:.::.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;".,.,. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':'.':':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':'.'.':.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:':.:+:.;: Brltgg Ilnd J urnes Blong are a.p. Resolutions of respect in honor of point.ed appr"lsers. Deputy Auditor ond 'Clerk of tlHi BOllord . Miss Ann a Gallaher. wer e Marriage Licenses p ssed aod entered upon the min . Frnnt A Wieth,Jrn, farmer , to utes. Bills Allowed Emma Lloyd Fi8ht!r. both of Mor. row . Rav. Arthur Cooper. C. C. Emmons, contract No . ~ 1 2 . Bart.sook, farmer to $'9.60. R; A. MoCutoheun, oon. Bert (; Winifred E. Maoy, both of Waynes- traot No. 214, $93.70. Bel tReed, ville. Rev , Cadwallllder. oontraot No 21&. $490. Wcrren . Morris S. Graham, farmer to Anna County Time8, supplies to Dlstriot V. Onke, both of Lytle . Rev . A. J. Assessor, $5 00. A . B. Kaufmlln 8upplies for Jail,10.48 B. E. Wlir' Kestle. (Incorporated under South Dakota Laws.) DeH08 M. Worley b ;)okkeeper, to wick. suppllAS for. jail , $2.05. Perry Wolfe, putting up guard rl1i1!! Il t the progressive State whose motto is: "Under Gud the People Rule." Rachel E. Ferris bo~h of Lebanon. Fort Anolent bridge, t9 00. hllulin g Rev. Artbnr Cooper. posts 10 75, frelgb\ on same, $3.76. .: :;: AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION STOCK ISSUED and OUTSTANDING ::: C. W. Sparks, work on oulvert nell r Real Estate Tranafer. 100,000 shares, 'par value of Ten Dollars each as per annual report of Dec. 5, 1911 Dllatl1sh farm in Union township William H . Allen and Frank $Ui. Joseph Nloholson, lumber for Bran40D to O. J. ILnd O. ·r. Edwards J. C. Kephart, Wa8hington town. traot of Jand near Waynesville. $400. ship, $480. Ohio . Corrugated cuI . Stock in ... .. . ..... .. .... ......... .. .. .. . ... ...... .. . .39,361 shares Sarah S, Hsrrison to Adah vert Co" onlvert pipe $34 . Western !~.~ Sto~k authorized for sale this issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . ...... . ... .......... . .. ..... . ... .. .. 20.000 shares !:.'~ Schwartz lots No . 561 and Gill in Star, bar dookets for Clerk, 140. f Stock to be r ese rved in Trea!jury for future requirements of the Corporation . . ... . .. . .. . ..... . .. ... . ... . .. ... . . 19.361 ahares ~ Franll:lln, 11 On the ohftirmBn of the board was WilHam E. O'Neall and Martha authorized to !,In\er into an appeal The Treasur.y Stock Has a Lien on All the Assets of the O'Neall to M·. W . and T. Edward!! bond in the calle knuwn as "In th e Company and Its Earnings Until Its Dividertd is Paid • lots No.1. 2, 3, 5 and 6 of Adams Ma.tter of the Miami Conservancy Sqnare,. Waynesvllle, U, Distriot." oase No. 3684'( C. P. court PU RPOSES fO l' which thi:! stork is being so ld are to equip 11 large factory for the manufacture of High Grade Shoes for Margaret Priest to Charles E of Montgomery county. ;; :;: Men and Women to be sold direct to the consumers from the Company's own stores aud by mall. Factory t.o btl located in ~ ::: !laton lot No. 80 in Park Plaoe ad~ Contracts :: dition to .Frauklin, 11. .:' :::it. owns valuable Secret Processes of making shoes that have been and found to be money if) OharJes Cleven"er to the Park Frank Stokes, being lowest blddor ~: ::: Baving , al so Trade·Mark that has been in use and before the ' public since January 7.1897 .. also large mailing list of about ::: Pia e was awarded Contraot ~ o. 223 to .', .; 500,000 names of men bond womel~ , each a prospective customer, abo ut 1000 new names are being added each week . . . . • oe Reaay Co. lot No. 128 in ereot oonorets aroh on Foste rs a nd ~ The shoo business in St . Louis , Mo., is conducted on a basis of TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFITS on caPltahzatlOn . Park PJaoe addUit>~ to Franklln,-'1. Twenty Mile-l!ltan'd pike Dallr George ::: For inf1tance, a cuncern turning ilts capital once during the year would make TWENTY PER CENT. NET PROFIT, SQme of William S. Ungle8by to E. ~. Blong'8 at $5.70 per ou. yd. for Oom . Eaton lot; No. 750 in Franklln. $1. pleted worll. . P. H. Bue, a88ignee to Marjorie Fr6nk M. ColJln~, being l owest aod Beleo Bankin80D, real e8ta~e in I bidder was awarrled Contrll.Ot No Frankllo, 118211.68. 222 to' erect one ooncrete ·abutruen t ColliDe ~rnbart and wile to Ella and faoini of old stone abutment /.It, ':. of THREE· FIFTHS of the entire stock isaued. ' . and GraDt 8000t 6&y' !LOres o( land Jaokson Adells bridge in Burliln ~;! 2 NO FLOATING DEBT-The proceeds of this issue will retire the Company's bills payable, and furnish ample workinJl " io i::!eotloo No. 23 T. I) R. I, M. R. ~. Towntihlp at 16.80 per ou. yd . for . capital to ~ u ccess fully carryon the business. N. P. Shepherd to Johu, If. 8hep. completed work. ::: 3. ~I MATED EARNINGS-Approximately seven times the dividend requirements of this issue herd 106.5' aoree of land 10 Deer. John Irons was given the oontraot 4 M NAG EMENT- Will b!e continued by the present Executive Officers and others who are expert shoe men of many ::: field town8hip tJ.. to pnt in sewer and head wallil Ob ::: year s' expe ienee in the !'hoe bUB.iness. ' . . Belle Graham to Perry H.umbert Lebanon and ~tulibB Mills rOlld at .~: 5 SINKJNG FUND- Will be created to retire this issue at the option of the bolder at par after FIFl'Y years. regardless lot; No. 147 io SprlDgb.>ro. 11. junotion of the !:itephenB road, In ,'. of how dividends have been paid. Sarsh A. Dugan et al to Jessie T u.;Ueoreek township /at estimate of ::: 6. GU ARANTEED STOCK-Application will be made in flue course to have this stock guaranteed against \088 to the ::: ex tent of j :s p urchase price, by one of the strongest guaranty companies in the business, . , . Harrell undivided one sixth part $1 . two traotAI of land in Salem town. Zalo Armitage was giv6n oontraot :~: 7. AdPlication will be made in due course to list this stock on the Boston, New York. Chicago. and Saint Louis stock :.: exchanges.' . ship 11. for gravelling roal nellr Cillrenoe Sherwood's farm on Oregonia and 8. TfilS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividends right along. ::: Common Pleas Court Stedd.m road; also for putting in Harry Brinkman V8. the State of sewer and headwalls and making Ohio, error. fl;~l near Ad Morrie f~rm on Wilynes_ " $ 10 cash and $ 1' per week for 90 weeks will bul' 10 shares John Bnider vs the St t f Ohi v1lle Bnd Morrow pike and the roerrer. . a e0 0, pairIng of brid~e with plank and t...<$ :~ 20 eash a nd 2 per week fo r 90 weeks will buy 20 shares .. 30 cash and • per week for 90 weeks will buy :i0 shares joist at Ad MorrIS farm, at estimate ::: ~ 40 cash Illld • per week for 90 weeks will buyl ~O sllures ~~~======~== 8f.$66. 6_5_._ _ • _ _ _ 50 cash and 5 per week fo r 00 wceks will buy 50 shares 60.tcash and 0 per week for 90 weeks will buy 60 shares Strengthens Weak and Tired Women Surely the Limit. :.: 70 cash nnd 7 per week for 90 weeks will bUY f 70 shures OverhelU'd on a street car: "1 hata "I was under a great strain nurs_ 80 ca sh a lld 8 per week for 90 weeks will buy 80 shares to knock my own hrother, but It I,· ing 1\ r"ldive through three ::: 90 cash . and 9 pe r week for 90 weeks will buy 90 shares ~ ::: l. 100 cas h a lld 10 tJCf week for 9~ weeks will buy 100 shares months' siokness," writes Mrs. J. C. norance was an alley that boob would Van . Ue~ande. of Kirkland. Ill., and be a boulevard."-Kansas City Star. "Electrlo Bitters kept ine from Large Oaks from Small Acerns Crow. The Same Rule Applies In Building Large breaking down. I wlll never be Businesses. Larl[e Businesses from Small Investments Crow. without it. " Do you feel tired and A Cure for Sour Stomach Use Either the Cash or Installment. Coupon. worn out? No appetite and food Mrs. Wm . M. Thompson, of B~tt1e won't dIgest P It tSD't the spring All remittances should be made paYable·to weather. Yon need Electric Bit,. Creek. Mioh., writes; "I h"ve been ters. 8tart a month 'e treatment to- troubled with indIgestion, sour day; nothing better for stomaob, stomaoh and bad breath. Aft,ar ; liver and kidueys. The great spring taking two b6ttle8 (!)f Chamberl"in 's tonio. Relief or money baok. 500. Ta~lets I am well. These tl\ blets UQPtiN EYE BRAND" Shoes Makers of are splendid-noae better." For and $1.00, at your Druggist. saJe by all dealers. Saint Loul8J Mls80url 011"

J o hu D. RUllduII

Un ~ klll


l. /


J. E. Janney, Waynesville', Ohio


InSURlineE A.


Subscribe for the Miami Gazette

~)\"" ~""


"" ""'~"'~ ~"''''''' '"


,il~0'~~~~'~~.~~~W $1

:$: :



!:~~:~~ ~~~ ~~n~~~~~~S~~l.~



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:'d.::n:::~Ef.E§m~~~~?~::~E~t:~g~lE!~i~~~ :'llioutth. ron"n'


$ $ ~.~:

Stock Now Selling At Par, Ten Dollars Per Share






:'.': $:::

---_.- ...- - -





N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer


f' ~; !i~

~ ~:~



",Installment Payment· COupon

Payment Coupon ~







... .. ,.:. SharCft, ,

of the Montgol'nery . ~hoefCorn. ' at par $10 per share. full paid anil .




.4'", .~ 'fI~

'. ;.: t':'!~ "


, ..


Date . . .. . ... . . . ..... ..... , ; .. .. ; . , .. . Y SHOE CO. Inc" ' ' , St. Louis, Mo.. _ her1ewith , ..... . . ... .. ... .. : ... .. . : . Dol)ars .

, .. . ... .. ....... ... '."


. '.2 .

Date; !:~ ............. ;: . , .. ..... ... . :

MONTGO~ERY 'S~OE CO. Inc., 26,26 ~qllt. St: ,~St,;·.Lo,~IBI MOt .


. t

;»i~i~ h~rewith. : • .'..... .... .. ... .... " . ~~ / fl~



DbUars : ~.






Fred' s Store -·We Give and Redeem Cedar Stam ps

,'" ui Il fli lles , wh<l -: lIlis teJ in tile ..\o; v '~ r alln\lllth ~ :1)((1 , alill is now ' I ~ , " ' llld ' l: la ~s g Ulln er "11 I Ill' Minne · ' ''111. "'hi!'h iR ill ~l ex i( ' 1l11 wat e r~ Thi " \\'iil h,· 11li tP an ('x f,Jt' rif'lIl'p fnr PRill . ,11111 (lIW I hll\ h ... prnbab lY did 1 1111\ <' XI" "' I wh''.::: '' ~" iI1l'd tl1l' nn vy .\ !l>l\"

rllH: Cll A" ' ·\'"

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, , ' I' 11 1/. , ·01 (j, , .

h. ·lt l ;1 Ill- t ' l i l,~ " l a ~1 1'114 ' IlIt 'lllh,',· .... \\ "1'1 '



cOll'\I al'y

,. r pia \' 1 ' \"·llItI~. , . ril!lIhl a :-: 1iI ', a ll d

W I: I Illlk.., I h i .. "" " ')1 111 \' II ' '''

thal will l,,' 1'" ,' Ih,' )!''' 'oi IIf Ill;' ,·,. mlllull i tv . A lll oI h .. r I III'd i ll ).! i .. l': I:I\'d ' o r Thu rs 1I 1l ~'

I'\·"ni n)( at IIII' T mv lI >hi p h'\l l ~l' alld lI1al,l' 1111 '; <I II'" h pl' g ood


II kl'l in g' .

"lEW i\ ,U


I() ~AL


Xl' llia is to ha ve a nt·w Nal iOllal Ha llk , whkh will h e knuwlI iL;'; L111.·

Fal'lIl t: l'~

and j\1to1't · hant.~ National Banil. Tile appli t:at iUIl was siJ,;llcd by r.l'O r!(e LitLil'. c. L. Darling ton. Howar d Lit li e. (; t!or~w Hu dso1l and H . L l-'ayrl'. ';""rge Litlle will IIC preRicit' nt .


I~ ~U I

CAlm l[!)

Till' cll'I·,i"n in Wil mingto n la!lt f o r t il l" lrpllse "f i ,;~ uin)! b lind ·: fo r PIII'ill l' , 1)(' ~ll'Cr i S t: al'l'i l! d by " big Im,jori l v Th e \'ut(' was a lll111!:lt t he t'nlil'l' I'uting' sl r e n)!th \If WP ( 'K




that place. and the lleo plp. took quite ap interest. The votP. was ~)91 for and 137 against the issuan ce of the bonds .

------ ---

Sp ec ia l Pr ic es


I{oy lrnn H !';old the ~'rank Clark farm last Sa turdav to L. T. Pete rson. of Dayton . This ill one of the good farm s in t his townsh ip Mr. Pf'terso n will.remove to Wayne;will ~ this week, and will occ upy the Mill er propert y on SO IJ th Main street. li e will probabl y oceupy his new ly acq uired propert y next year.

- --



~ --

W. C. T. U. MEETING The W. C T . U. will hold a meetin g

at the residen ce of Mrs. Leroy Iron:; .



Tuesda y afternoon. Mav 5, at 2 o·clock. Mrs. Emma Chapm an, of Springb oro. County Preside nt. will be present and address the meetin g, Light refreshments will be serveci. Everybudy is cordial ly invited to tbis meetin g.


The vaoanoy in the force at the omoe will not be filled at ,\ . !preeent . Audito r J . M. Mulfor d In forms UR . The J'udlio r Ilnd his as. ismnt. Lou Colema n. will do the work for. awblle . Il S long as they don't get stuok. ) , I&udl~or's





The blgClu to truok belongi ng to Aungs t Br08 & 8preng , of Lebllnon, wy,des troyed by fin Friday morn· Ing The fire wal! oooa~loued by the gos01l0e explod ing LOllS $1,906, and no insuran ce.


- - -.... - - ON TO WASHINOTON

Tbe Agrtc.u ltural Commil810n desires to enoour age girls as well aa boys to do tbings worth while. The way to keep boys on the farm . is to keep good g\rls there. too. The Commi ssion wants at leftllt one g\rl from every oou ':lty In Ohio to go to pWashi ngton, next Deoam. bar. aDd ' shake h"nds with Mrs. Woodr ow Wilson, first lady of the land. The Commi ssion wlll pay '10 t·oward the expene e of one girl from each OOUNY for this trip. She must be the winner of 1& Baking ~wlng. CannIn g Contes t and oomply with rules. The County Fair Board or eome other party in the 0 Junty must pay the balance , $411, oost of trip. ON TO


The (IIirJ who wins second plaoe in the Baking Contes t Will have a free trip to ColuQlbus the week of No. vembe r .2 to i. Her expens es for II. week'!! et8y in the sto.te capital will be paid by the Agr!ou ltural Comm lssto.. She will be under the oare of the Domes tio tlctenoe lady teaoh at the t;te.te Univer sity. Good rooms and board wiJI be furnish ed . They will be given a five.da y oouree In leoture s and actual demone tra tiOnl in coDking, home making , home deaora Uo,. and home health. .Every oonoty ' shQDln be repre lenied In this new and unique 01a8s. Dean Prioe of the College of Arlg. culture and l4i8s White have oonsenied to give special attenti on to theee young ladle. who are brave enough to enter the contf!sts and make a g004 fight 10 a worthy oaOM. Entries ,lIhould ~ made at


'\, FOf rules and entry blanks, write \ : : P. 8andlm :, _~IQmbUS, Ohio.

Gro cery Dep artm ent ; '~FRIDAY, MA Y 1ST TO Fur nitu re Dep artm ent nOe Royal f t? wder. pound ('an 39c May SpeCial I 15 IrM~:~~~1.~.i.~~,..~~~.~~.i.~.~~ ....... .. $3. 75 )fic Honey Urop Corn $1 25 THU RSD AY , MA Y 7T~. 118.50large Solid Quarte red Oak Dresse r May Special Prit:t:, 1 dozen cans .... .... $14• 75 • mirror . May Special ..... : ...... I Gc Heinz naked ~~am; ' 125 Davenp ort, imitati on Spanish $18• 95 May SpeCial I ri ce ......... ...... ..... .. .. ....... .. . 11 e leather May Special ..... . ...... .. ..... $lCi Black Uphols tered Couch. solid $11 • 95 2G IbM~uS~~~~1 ~;i~~uI.~~.~ .~~.~.~~ ...... .. .. $1.0 5 INCLUSIVE oak frame. May Special ...... ......... !l Bars Lenox Soap t3.5'k~~c~;~~iai.I.~~..~~~~.~~ .......... ........ $2.8 9 May Special Price, !l bars .. ..... ..... .... . . .. .. 25e '12.50 Rockers, genuin e leather full Hic Pure Casti.l e So~p $9 • 75 upholst ered. ..May Special .. ...... .... ..... May SpeclUl Prlee. 3 pounds .... ..... .... .. ... .. 25e Clothing Dep artm ent '2fi ~~~hesp~~i~il~~.~:. ~~~.~..~~~~~!.~ ...... $1 9.50 PinkM~S~~cial Price, 3 can!'! .. .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .25c Quaker O~t.'l . May SpecIal ... .. ... .... ... ........ ....... .. ... .. .... .. 25c 15c Grape Nuts Ladies' Dep artm ent May SpecIal .. .. .......... ... ....... ... ......... .. .... .. 11 e None Such Mi!1 ce Meat May SpeCial. 3 boxes .... .......... .......... .. .. .. 25e 25c ~~~es~p!~~ .~~.~~:.~~~~ ~.~~.~~.~ .. .......... .. ..19c 15c Heinz Spaghe tti Ladi~;I~}'s~a~0~~1a~..~~~.I.i.~~:..~I.i.~.~~~~ ... ...19c May Special .......... .......... . ..... . .......... .. ... .. 11 e $1.00 27-inch Embro idery Flounc ing Mayflower Twi st Tobacco 69C May special , per yard ... ......... ..... .......... .. May Special. 8 twists ... .......... . ... ....... .. . .. 25e lOc Star Plug Tobacco 15c ~n~~ ;~~ra~~~~~~:.. ~~~.~..~ .~~.:~............... ..I 2c May Special ...... .. .......... .. .... ...... ·.. ·· ....... .. .. 8e Val Laces. 12Y. c to 20c. all widths 9 10c Yankee Girl Plug Tobacco May special . per yard.... .. .... .......... .......... ... C May Special , 4 for .... ..... .. . ...... ... .......... .. .. 25e 50c ~~~g:~~ciat.~~~.~.~·.. ~~~~. ~ .~~.~..~~~~.......... .. 43c 9-4 ~~~le~~e~I~~e~~i~!s~.~~..... ...... .. ....... $I.I 0 Sho e Dep artm ent 7c \T:;i=i~l.d8S;~~~ .~~~~~~ .......... .........47c $3'~1l~\~~~. GM~y ~~~a~iJ.~.~~.I.~.\~.. ~.~~I....$2.4 8 9-4 ~:;c~:c~~~Jj~!~l9~~. ~~~~.i.~~............. $1 .19 '7 50 ~dies~hoes.Patent,Gu!, Metal and $1.7 9 Kid all sizes. May Special .. .. ..... ... ... .. 7e TM~Os~~!i. ~~;r~~.~~. ~~~I~~~~ ........29c '3.5~~~d~~;ct~f.~.~~~ .~.~~ .?~~~~~ . ..... :.... $2.8 5 15c ~~~C~~i:~I~~ p~i:..~~~~.~ ... ....... ... .... .....24c $2.25 Misses' 3 Strap Sandal Patent- Budd, $1 89 10c 'Sticker ei, 4 to 6 yard lengths all sizes 12 to 2. May Special .......... .. • 8 May special . .. . . . .. . .. . ....... .. . ... . .. . .. C 12 Misses' 3·Strap Sandal Patent Budds. $1 65 sizes 8X to 11. May Special ........... ... 15c The Rava.l Dress Fasteners. on tape • 10 C May special , per yard " . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 Odd Pairs of Shoes. men·s. women 's and 48 childre n's. up to May Special .. ... .... II Calico Wrapp ers. in all colors. size 34 e 89 C to 46 May special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c ~!~k ~;~~y~\~ ........ .................. . ............... 7~c 69c Childre n's Ging-ham Percale DresseM 48C size 2 to 14 May special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 c Bully Shine Tan Polish 1 7 C May Special ..... ....... .. ........ ... ... . .. ... .......... 2 11 MM~~er;;:i~I~~~ .~~~ti~o~~ ....... .... ... . 69c $2.50 Silk Messaline Petti~oata. black $1 • 8Q... and colors May special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rug Dep art ent 17 .5~~d~~~~~~~~~ .~~.~~~: . a.l~.~~~~~........$5.9 8 House 'F urni shin gs $7.5~~1~g:e~~1.~~.~ ... .. ...... .... .... . ..... ...... $5.9 5 15 r:!~~p~~~~~.~~.. ~.:.~.~::~ .......... ....... $2.4 8 GOc Ingrain Carpet . yd $1.5~~i7~;!~li.~~.~!~ .~:~.I~~.~. ~~:. ... . ... . ,$1. 20 11.25long Lace and Scrim Curtain s 2Y. and 3 yds. 98 May Special ........ ,... ...... ...... .. .. . ... ... .... .. .. 53c . May special ..... .. ....... ... ....... ........ 2l.ic Bottle Wi zard Furnitu re and Floor C 7ic Ingrain Carpet , yd. 18c Polish May Special ...... .. .... ..... ..... ......... May Special .... ....... .. ... ........ . .. ... ....... .. ... . G4c 15c ~~; :fl:ei~f~~. ~~~~·. ~~ ........ . ......... ...12 ! c 30c Cotto~ Ch~in Mattin g, yd. 50c ~~fi~~ ~~~r~p~i~~~~~~e.. ~~~ .~~~~.~ ....... .. 34c May :special ......... ... .......... ..\... .... ....... .. .. .. 22c 12Y.M~~~~ia!. .. ............ ...................... ......J Ie $~·?1iM~~aJ~e~i~rl.~~~... ~~~ ...... .. ... .. ... .....$1.0 5 sOc t~· s~~~~: k.'. .~~ .i.~... ~i.~.e: . ~.l.l. ~~.I ~r~.. ...... ...44e 1Oc ~~;rgp~~ra'l~.:. ?l.~~~~~ ..... , .......... ..... ......... 7ic 60c extra heavy Printed 10c Heavy Tin 10·qua rt Bucket 15c ~~~le:~i~ .~.I.I~~!~~~ .. .. ......... .... ....... ...13 ~c May Special .. ..... .... .. ........ ..... ......... .... .. .. 45c May Special. ....... ... .......... ........ ....... .. .... .. 1ge 12Y. M~;e~~~!r.~~ .~.~~~:. ~ .:.~~:......................4 ge .2.25M!:S~~~I.~.~.~~.......... . .......... .....$1.6 9 9Y.c 60c ~~~s~~i~\~~. ~~.~a.~~~~.d .~~~.~~.~ .... .. ...... .. 45c Apron Gingha m, Lancas ter and Amos- 17 keag. 2Y. yds for May special .... .. .......... .... C .3.7~~:S~~~;:L~~~ . . .. .... .. .. .. .. ... : .. ... $2,.9 8 45e ~:~wS~~c~r~~ ..~~.~~~~s •.~~~.~. 2.~~.~~ .......... 35c 1lc ~~~e~:c~~~~~~:.~.~~:.~.~~~.~~.:.d~ ............89c 65e Sherwo od Metal Screens , liize 30x37 44c 112.5~a;X§~~ci!r~::~~..~~..... ... ~.~~ ........... $9 .85 50c ~:~e~;!~i~~~..~.i.~.~.~.~~: .............. ..... .... .......42 c $15·~a;X~~~i:r.~~... 65e ~:~w~~:~~~~·~~~~~~~:·~;~~·;~~~ ; ........ ~~..~~~~.~ .. .... $12 .45 5c Belding sil~ thread, 4 for 15e May special ...... . . .... . ..••. .... . . . . ... May Special. •.( ........ ........... ... ..... .......... ... 49c fic Clarks O. ~. T. Thread 118 ~a;X~~e~aT~~~~r ." ........... ... $14.75 4c May speClal. .. . ..... . ....... ....... .. .... . • 2.4~~:r~;~c~~~~:.~~~~.~~..~~.~~~~~ ......... $1.9 8 15c F!ne Ribbed Cftildre n's Black stockin gs 1Oc $22·~a;xJ~e~aT~~I~~r ........... ...... _$18 .95. sIze 6 to 8y'. May special . ....... .... . .. r1 C(' ......... .. ....... .. . .. .... ..... ..


• .-1. ... -

A ll D ep ar tm en ts


. JlJe)



He w on de r ed It AlicIa "ould Igtl0f4 h Is letter o r If s he would cOllie to him, Su r ely ~ll.e could nOl lJe 8 0 henrt.les8 as to tllr o w him o ve r ut suc h a IJl omc n t. Cru sh ed In uls left lluud w .. w ~ t' o py uf lh " N e w Yo r k lI e ro ld contll lU lng an ,' lalJol'n t (' ~trTOll lI l or l h e , hnl llu n L I'~n' p l lon alld 1111I~lc : d l' bri vun th e PI'l' I'lO IIS .'v, ·nlll o; :It her hOlllo W ith un '·X.-lIl IIl:llloll ur iII1Pllll ,, "l'o h o 1'0"' 11'''1 11 hI., ~1' : iI. t h" l' W tue jlap ur fr "1 1i h lil i. ;\1101 IW!;i111 Iu [JM'f' , 4 " Ooor . . . . \\ a s Ih l ~ III<' .·nd uf " \, 'rnhi ll g? 1 11.1t! I.r ' I ":" 'h,'d th., e :H.l or lib rOjll' ? II .. ' 111 1:01 PilY th., rl' ck'lIlillg, 11 UUL t o·

Rcs pon l lb le for Untold Suffering. Mr s, AUj{lIsl \\' lltcn bc rg , J 0"0 ',1 IIo"" kl 8 t ~lilw llli k ell W I ~, IHl YS: " Kld n u. ' . . " . nf'r ' r olll>ll' l'u m e on 11 III " l mO~l lle· . n f It '\' 1 fur u I \\ iI" a wtl r 0 • wre \l 1l~ . cO ll l<t a n t 11I<'Il llIlt lrJn fn r th e IddnC'ys t o ~CL I .• t 1.. 16 II 81 fi n u B(-lCrC' o n I I I by w('re R (" (' I ) nlpan f ' l I hUTli lng- /lnll ti ('ul dln g. A N D I T ho I I P:td:t('i I ('~ llll <l I , ,,;Id tl y rp(' IIIII:H tb,l! O p- , d . l " , 111 I!lUI !"tl\' . \ S hl!:l t'Vi' H wa ll - I d I . . p n "snc ti ll' wnr" a · RAY ,I" " d al'0 111l1l Iht· r"lIl1l lIud h ., luo k I I t hi d ' tnlt~ \111 '1 ' :lI':1 e nn 1 COf"'r1ihCWT, 1909, OY " .W Dt1.LI .... C rIAN COrU'An( 1•• " II I, d 111"' 111 ,, 1') ttl' I'uch "Ii 'I !) OU' , Iff" soon 1 (I~t a ll In. .< , .~' t t. l )n llU '0 1( ld • I r esi d l" D1I1\ 1 di Rt rI ot , It took pr ccPII(' nce to l he c las. wh l(' h pa id Boc l111 .. Istt~ ' , ( t . IH' ' · ~Jlt ' II" IIt · t ·d a !:J lldd ' ll :-. IiUl! k e r08 ov e r nil t be o l he r ap llrtlUpnt bo tt' ls o f to If' lm n tH III th e As truri ll . 11<1 ",aM '" ~I " i'l,. ·:tl l,'d Ih., t hillg " IhllL "'1'1'0 n('v 1'IllH r am o t o my ntt clIlI "lI lit IllII l I , II d ~ , III J.: lIo w could b" 1'\1":1111 l h t'l r . I Mr s . O umm - And wbnt dyer think th e 11I('(r opoIl8 " s t U.. h lgg('s t mill rut h ~I' St'pu,V IlIu k i, ng, his collar wa~ :1 1" "11 ,',,',' '1' 1", art 1I,',II, 'h \\ "1 1' a l. I'r ll l('u l l illi" atl rt I II S(' (\ ,~ h "t11 r"lt t.· , of tha t t he r e Jon !'s as 18 wa ved In m os t ~ \I lt' II c1ld l , appoin t ed bost('lry of nOl 11I.1I11 :I.. ul~t." illS hoOtH w(J re thiCk I I '1'1 lu lly 1111111 "lIll roly cu r\"u . 1 1I 1' x t d oro but o n t 'o ? II ' ), " "II' lI ol to H,'utl' muc' r lIh1 l\a me - l l(lIt Il ·S. , . e ? l u , Its ki nd In lhe ... orld. It WIlS, Ind" ell. a nll Cl1l1lI "Y . 1i,lll c lo lh es c he np Illld II I. n " I<), "11 ~ j1 (' I (J I I~ . 'I lie 11111 lIl'!' a ll\' 1 1I1I~"r \\ i, 1i "'l ' II"'·S. I I II I I r ts ;\11 >1 . J a w klne- Why, ] don t like II a small c ity In Itself. It WI\8 no t Dl'C ' (jiling • All. 11IOII Il'IIt I'II 'Y IlIh; lI t 111, ' , ( . 'll lu: r ' I Fa t}·, Hil t, 1:)I'III,t. ( "C el'H ' ~ I' l ':'t' ~, yll 'l ta lking abou t my n elg hbont; bu t 118 to SV NOPSIS, (,Bsa ry for Ilij for l una t e t l'DlIllt H to " If! :1-11'. l ' ulll'nl'ood in!" he n" . . I )U l:. o s t c"" u ur ll 1.1., I 1""a v,'" . M J ' I 1 loave It uD I 'ss th e y Wt're gO ndUt lr'd. IIIHll ti C' tl III<' 1111 111"01 1. 11,, r,' lll rII 01 11i ,'lr p ruP' 1 I ' r . on l.ll. SOUl e t ru e s t hink , s nd J j,)war d .JerTrlo.s. uhuk(' I" oS ~o n . u n<1e r )jJ ". ('r t \' o r 011 1'''YIIH' lI l In r llll Il l' w a S j th l' n aga In 1 do n't know but after vc r )' tbl Dg ror tbe lr romfort I\nd . Not hu",,' , r(.'plll'd l ho attnn da/lt I . t i d I 'b "1 R att le sn a k ~ s Appea ,' Ea r ly. all I I·"th h 'II t ' ' t ... th ,· ovll In tll\c n,·u of Robor l U ",.lerwood. . . n I If' 1'"., 11,," 10 a 11 ( ' I ,' r. I 10 I I , ~ e r guoll. 0 ou t o ,.~ n (,... tt o"' ~ 8tudf'1l1 Hl Y a l e.. 1l'IU.JM fL lite or p Iea"u r e W IlS to b o hDd w ith nu t tak ing Iln ~ () "' l l tlv , un, ' r 1I JI)lU~o . l.l kl' IlIU ~ 1 Th" II nll s u all y wa r lll w"ath,'r a I .• nI h turn t m l • 1\I- " : 1"I3 11 0n , f llH rrh':i f lit' t1 l lu ~ h t l ' r or u. " ar tld('~ hn.1 uur' lI bu ltl a ll d lhp nltllle y g ool ue s uc a e or 0 an .. 1I10 troub l" to go o ut of doors. On h all h oy ~ , to !' ,I". k II sDvnge &>l e:lSIII I' I ltrOtl!~ II " \It I'.' lnrlll W vo mlng I h., last l k tl t b ti;.tt III ht er. who tllt '.s In p rlMu lI , u n d I. d i:~ ­ III !'> ( ga ll 1 hltll ~ ( ' ur!'o l h e lu c k' l!:vcry · . . I ' U <.- 1 m o o. .. )\\ I W l t b y 11t8 fnllio r li e. rl t:'s t u J,;"ct w o rlt t lIC' grolJlld noo r we re s ho ps of UlI ll lI Rllyl l1 ~ Ih a t lli f! t " nn nt" weI''' out . . ' , I" W \\ ,'<'Itt! hll " call1lt' d IlIrg(' n um >ora n d ( ,1 1i 9. A t urnU' r co l h ,gf' chu m rn u k <-tIi T be r>t ll .' r IU(JI«('d nnn oyed. ~hlll " h ad !,:O IH' aJ.:lIl l1 ~( .01' hlto. " f rat iles tlll kt'~ t o Il'll ve lh >Ir li<lIIB n nd ~-~~~~~~~~~~--===~" ki/ld s , 11'1 ,11'11 ('lItl' red ollly to t h" tI. h ll:i lncstl _pro po:.ILJ on t o fl owlLnl whi c h 1" '.Jl\l I n . $2.900 f·;u§ h . nnd 1 (o w ard I ~ tJro lt(~. Astr uri n 's p,llro n!!. T here Wl' rl' al so "II,.. 11111 " 1 b \, In.'' he snld w ltb a I h" d ell l" r" " uultl hl'g Ul ('1'111111111 1 ,pro- Ij lllU ll )' 1101 1'" hN' n kll ll' u h.v r:lIlc h me n nnlt,-' rt Unde Tw ood, who had t.H.' c n .... , - 01 1 lhl' Jlr"' ll1 i " f'~ n ba ll l! , Il h rokl' r 's frown . " I lia\'(' a D appolutment wl lb u'utlllll J.:> dl ~!; r:t ~ · ., and prlsn n ~ t rlllf~ R 1II11l1 o tll l'r8 No t In 111(1 rl'l'Clll pctlon o f L)ul s eu by liotvll r d'., wifo . An i 10. In hi s \.Nt CS;-o ,~, 1\ 11(1 had on ct'l h pn I Plq(ug:ed aUk" , U hlllrd r"~scr. llll d 1I pos ta l l e le . him ." wOll ld lo llu ll ' I h ,' r" \\ as D ') way u nt 1111' o ld.' ''1 ilill a lllt ll llts llav p fill LI e· to A I) 0.. Hownrd ' lI! I 8tl' p m Ut))PI '. h as A specia l f"lIlu rll waR Thi ' WIl~ nPI str ict ly t ru e , but the l or II. 11, '. ha d 'I II 1I1H' (0 \\'\00111 ho "" l1k l's n pp f'III'L' d ~ " c ar ll' III l iIe r eCLr . J\'p nrlmonta Elt rile A atru rll:l, Il nd Is li P - 1,'Tll llh offic(' . pQ..~nl l~ . In p rf'l6pe rfl u8 c lr c um fl. tnTi ces. tb e gard en c uu rt . COllta lll lll!: 0 \'1' 1' :)0 ,' blutT h Ud tlte d (' ~l red e lroc t. "(JlIl cl 111 1' 11 111 IIJ)s ('rbls . - 1'1,"p" 1' "J1 rr' c'~I 'O I1t1 e ll l' " I)('II \' ('I' It& H./l.'\·" n,! recall . 1I $Z50 l[)U n t o lI nderwood. 000 s Quaro fl'e t of Ol)(' [) s puce, Iwd "(lo t tin a pl,ol ll t m!ln t ! Wb y d ldn' t l AUd. IIO W , ' \ " ' 11 A I1"' ~ IlIId t\""".rl ('(I \llItl lkull . thnt r0llP.':tn8 un pa id . and dec id es 10 IUIk h lllL l'h b \\' ;1" Ih l' IIiR I ~ l rRW. \\ hll e _ _ _ _ _ _ __ W m t or .the $2,000 he need.. 1I nderwood, tas t e full y luld oul wl t ll pn lms (UIU yo u Bay HO a l o nc e?" t.&Jtln/t ~..a ntlllle of hla tnUmacy ,vtth flow (' r s . H e re fountains s p las ll{'d n n n Rellch lng la zll y o ... ·c r Lbe te le pho ne I !J P WII~ sti ll nll lr> 10 IJOHst o f t he The Subtlety of Him. N..,. . J e ffries. Sr. becomes n 80rt o f 80 cJ a i " Jo hn , dell I', " 811101 Ma b e t. ns 1,(O r lor d 1IIg II \\'ILl{rna~ . Dl.cover1nlr h ie true c har., an orch E'st rn played wb lle l h ~ piliro n s Rwit C'hb ou rd , li nd witho ut rlBl ng fr om f rl {' lItl ~ hlp a ll d jllItro ll ug e of Ih " a r ts".ol!'r s bt' den Ie. hi m the bousD. Under - lounged o n co mfo r t a ble ra tt a n cbalrs hl ij sca t , he !lR kod su rUI, : , toern tk "I r~ . 1I 0 wIl n l ,) l'ffr it:s hs ~ n d IIll\Hte r .'lI lt' I"<1 Ih 110"",,, ' I'vo wood's ab se n c~ from n function ca uae. or gossip ed wltb t he ir fr ie nd s. Up o n " Wh a t' s th o n a nt E' ?" ('o uld s t ll~ h ulll h l. s h lid bll: u III t lt e IU8t bat! .. le tt e r frail I In ,)(h t' r , nnd ~ n",n"~n ~ a mong Mre. l effrtcs' gue8 t.. the s ix te en th floor was t bo cool roof "Mr. Uc nnl ngto n ." I wor ld . ,,0 " Il l' \\ ou ld da ro II U ('~ ti" D :d lu I R I'o uti ng to v l ~ l t ti ll . It IR 1\ prn t· ~APTER IV.-continued . gor de n . a n (lx Qulsl t e bo we r of " a lms T he bo y took t h e trans mitter a nd h is I n t "~ rl ly , bU I !l OW s h e bud IIU ll n· IY e ~ p(l n s lv e t ri p fo r li tt le .' I uddy , 'Lnd do ne d h illl to ltl B fat e. IH'o ple w OI II<lI.& ( wa nd (l \'l',1 Ir w e I'ould n ' t he lll ho r alit a nd roses ar tifi c ia ll y pll in ted by II I:l oke Into It : " tn a word," l augh ed t he Ju dg e, fa m ous }'ro nc h nr!.ls t, with Its .. ech · P" A pa r ty ca lle d t o s ee Mr. U nd or. ' ~I n t o ta lk . 1'h('r e W ll R lI0 liSt' I{I'I' II- l\ littl e. " ~ ')' O\l m ean th at anyon e trn ln<ld to erebe r e s tll ura n L, Its pi c t uresq uil WOOd." Ing up n bO Jle l !'~!' flg lll-~ ui t' l tl C' \\as "or (' ourRI' w e c an, " lill l'l Jullll . IItV ' ..ead my m le d c an t e ll jus t w hat's t zlga nes, lind It s s upe rb vie w of all T hf'l' e wa s a brI e f pause, as It thll Iht' o nl y way ou t ! lug !J Is wH e ',\ ge n(' rOll8 kl sa . "./ ,Ia t Cured by Lydia .E. Plaknam'. 'l)Ilsltng In my braIn ?" Manb a ttan Isla nt! . 1)l' rSOn ups ta irs was In doubt wh e th e r li e Hl OIJP cd In fr o n l of Il mirror, yo u wr lle un d te ll Ii e r tha i I'll be ani, VegetabJe " Precisely," replied the docto r wltb Tbe As trurl a was t he Ills t word In t o a dmll t bat he wa s hom e or 110 l. ~tn rll ed a t w b a t he ~aw t h e n. It 100 glad to pa y fo r he r rnll roo d tic k e t a e mile "the P81cbOloglst can tell wltb expens ive a part m e n t h o te l building. T hlln ra mo the a n swe r. The boy .Wll~ tlw fu ce of 11 OI nn n ot )' I' t ~ O . lJ ut bll r k' ho mo Ub'1ll n WI Hoon WI sho d,,· ~odt mauWm8ticai lU'Cu raey Jus t ArchItects declare d th at IL wns a s fa r loo k ed u\1. n p parpntly mil c h o ld e r . 1'b (' ff' nt Ilrt''; t.:I d es til go." - H arper's \ \· ..e kl y. ._ ..;;'_ was nlJ ~w ,..our me~ mechanis m 18 work· as mode rn la\' ls bne ss n nd e xt ra va · " /I e ~ ay s }' ou s h ould go up. Apa rt . we r El drawn n nd l1 ag g llrd , IInu his d'lI'k I had • ~ q. I admit It sol,lllda uDcanny, but g&nce con1d go. Ita in te rior a rran ge· me n t 165 . Take tb e (' levator." bacboh. h u ir w ns ple ntifully s t r ea ke d " Itb tf It', Your Eye Uae Pettlt'a Eye 811ve . . . atmplJ {~ ~ be pro.ed. III faot, tt has beeD menta w e r e In koe plng w ith Its El l:. g r a y. H e loo k NI lik e a mnn wh o hl\£l f,' r inflA mlllll t ion , "ya, itebinl lida. eye I could nol D~ved. time and Ume agaIn," tern a 1 splendor . Its a pa rtm e nt s wo r e In bls lu xuriou s appoin te d rooms on li ved lwO ll ves In on e. T n-ni g ht his M· h ~". defec l. of vi";on Ilntl ... n. itivity to oil fIl7 feet Allola came up and loot the doo- ot noble dIme ns ions , rlcbly decorate d, the fourteentb floor, Robe rt Unde r. fll ce frl g hll'ne d blm , His oy l's b a3 a . l ronll lil\h t. . All druaJril ta or H owu-d I ~~0111~ \0 cook Br' .... Ruffalo, N . Y . tor's arm. ' and e quIpped wi th e ve ry de vIce, new wood s at befor e tho firo pumng no r. Ilxpd s tllre like tb ose of a mn n hp otual. . " Oh, Dr. Bernstein." ahe protested, and old. that mode rn scle n cs and .onsly a t a s trollg cigar. All around b ad on ee sccn In · a m a dh ou se. He my '-ok Conaulted HIm Ofton. ~ can't allow the Judge to monopolll:e buDdel'8' Ingenuity could s uggest. That blm wns • litter of obJe ts d'art, such wo ndere d Ii m c n loo k!!d Illto that wb p. n M rs. De nham- Health III wellith. ltou In tbla way. Come wltb me, I the r e nts we r e on a s cale w ith the a s would have fill e d the heart of IIny th,' y we r,e nho ut to 1J0 e xoc uled . \\'as Be nham - At Lbe rate you hav e t he dralDrinir nOL hI s own hour c loso at h a nd ? He doc tor YOU ought to " get rich quick ." rwan t to Introduce you to a moat ons£ c-oultl wo nd e n !d wb y th e (' Ioclt wus s o no le y ; dlarmln« ""oman who Is dying to bear It I it soe m e d to hIm th a t t h o ti c ks we re )lllJl&et you. She Is pe rfectly crazy Oil Dr . P ieree '8 PleaKllnt 1'e.i1t!l!! regulA t o could no' lo ud e r tha n us ual. li e s tar tE't! !lud- a nd invignrn t.. 8 t 0 01 RCh , l i\'cr an d howelo, ctand ~Tchology . " itftguIar. d enly a n d loo ked aro und fea rfull y. He RulC" r-eoo ted. l in y, ICran ul eo, til talte. 1 was c run '-' Don't Introduce me to h e r," On ad. Do n ot Il ri"e. thougllt b e ba d b'e nrd a so u nt! oULsld e:. vice I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve~ 1.a.q.gbed the judge. "I s ee e nougb table Compound and U,. Pills and H e Il h ud<l l' rc d as h e g lare d tO WI\ I'd '.h e ara8Y people In tbe law courts." It I ~ p oss lbl" to have too m ilc h 01 a a m enjoying good health. It lIS now IItllo draw(' r o n t h e rl ght-haUlI s lllE' of Dr. Bernstein smile d and followod hi s d es k, In wbl ch h e kn e w t he r c IV " !! goat! I h lnl; . The dog wIth the s ho rtel't I::I Or6 thun two years and I haTe no' his b08te88. Judge Br e wste r turned tall run. t he le nM dan g'e r 01 h av l ll~ h ad an !lcht) or puln 51noo I do all my n load ed r e \·ol,, (' r. to cbat wIth the banke r. From the dIs · own work, wa shing and 8nrythlnB'. / U Ali c ia wo u'l d o nly r ele nt !, ,,~tpe t In ca n ~ ti ed to It . tant musIc room came the s ound of Ilnd neve t bave tile backache any more. mlgM ye t b e po s~ lb l e . If he di n not & plano and a beautiful sop r ano voice. I think your medlcine 18 grand and I r~. WI ""I ",,'. Aoothlul' Syrup tnr ("hll ~",n Ilrais6 it to 1\11 my neif:!hbors. If "oa h e lll' from h e r Il m us t b e fo r t o·mg h t. U Tbe rooms were now crowded and I t' e Lhlua,c , !!IO ft .' HM Ih t'! Kl l m R, r f'du l· ... .. lllnammo.· t i k to I ill h I th' On e Bli g h t li t I Ie pr l's~ u r e on l h s t rig· IIOU, u.1I ... y. V:l ln.. cu ret< wtno! c ollo , ~ U W il le. h n my st m onl. w e po en ~ wcomel'8 were arriving ea c h min_ _ _ _ _ _ . you may publi s h It." Krs. OLLIa ge l' and a ll w ou ld lJ " ov c r. ute . S e rvants passed' In and out s e rvo lL I" s WC(J t to l e pl hy wbat fin e SlllJII W OOOA1.[., Morton' s Gap. Kentucky. I.. S udd e nl y t h e be ll of t h e 1.. 1(' phon e ing Iced dellcaoles and champagne. D ack acb o i3 a symptom of organio " co n n ('c thl g t b e n pnrtm e n t with tb E! th reudll O1{ r affe ctlu us n rc draw u toSuddenly the butle r e nt<lr ed the weakn ess or d etallgemont. If you mai n ball t!own st a lrs r lln g v iole n tly. ge t be r .-Sler ne. aaJon and, quietly approacb lng Alicia. , have b acknche don't DE.glect it, To Inc orrup t e d thu s a bruptl y In l hE! ilanded her {J le tter. In a lo w tone . , . I get pe rma ne nt Tt'l1e\f yotl mUllt reaoh mldllt of bls re tl E!c tlon s . U nd e rw ood n r U~~ l d t ~ '"" ";"'where ,. d l C,nrli t' lti 1 C!' , the rO<lt of the t rouble. Nothing we ti~ said : jum pe d for ward, s tarll e d . His n e r v ~~ th e !Il' rh lun tl\e. It ad. U M n Kr nt lp nlcl l lrnowof wl\l do t hi s 8U surely a s Lydia ~ ~Is lett/llr bas Jus t come, m'm. to Nal urc. E. Pinkham's Compound. ' Tbo messenger said It was very 1m· w eTl~ 80 un s trnng th a t h e wa'l e v-er appr e h en s iv e of dan ge r . With a tre rn, 1}Or tant and '1 should dollver It at Cnn II wO lUan heco me n mo mb e r of I Write to Mrs. Pinkham, at once." ul o us h a nd, h e too k hold of Ih e r e- th e D . a ll g hte rs of th e Rovolu t.lon jll s t I' I,ynn, MaliS., for special adYlee. .,.tela turned "ale . She lus tantl, ce iv e r and place d it to hi s c ur . A s he he cll tl s e h e r a n cc>;tors mu rdo re d t he Your lett.or will be absolutel1 con1identlW, and 'tbe adYloo free. ; r~lJUlied the handwrIting. It was li ste ne d, hI s II lrl' ady pa llid face tu rn ed '<Ing's En glis h ? froin' Robert Unde rwood . Wa H not her w bl ter a n d th e lin E' S Il hou t his mou th last m essage !!Deugh? How dar<l he tl gh t e n ro. H o h esl tn t e d a mom e nl beaddress her again Ilnd at s uch a timeT fore r<, pl y lng . The n .' wit h nn e rro r t, RetlrlIIS to an lune r room, s h e tore h e s aid : open the e n-ve lope and r ead a s (ollo ws : "Se n d hIm up ." Dear litre.. J OI't.<lCII : This Is Iho I M t Dr o ppIn g th o re ce iv e r, b e b(,gan ~o tim, I ahall ever bore you with illY lot· walk n e rv ous ly up li nd down tnll tGnI. YOII bnve forbldoe n mo to see you ro om . Th e cris Is bad co me s oon e r l han 1I.gatn. f>rllcUca.lly you have senlenced Qio to a IIvlDS dentb, /lu t as 1 pret er h e e x pect od--exposu r e was at t and 4eath 8ha11 .pot be parth,J, lout rull a nd Tbl ~, IlI lI n Be nnington was lhe manTh~ fa mll l' wi th ,.oung chlltlren tha t Is IItl1e s tomach muacl Bll, wUI Immedlatel,. eompleto' -obilvlon, I take this mea ns of age r of t h o firm of d ealo r s w hose with out e lc k n e s~ In the house nuw alia co rrecl l ho trouble. le t ti ng you know thnt unl"". yo u revok e then I. r urc, untl 80 It Is IlIIpor tanl tha.t T hts IJI 1I0t alone our ()pInIon bUl that g oode b e dIspose d o f. H e could nol the hend your cn,1e l senle nce ot l'a nl. hm ent, I or t h .. hou se s hould know what oC Mrs. N. H . Moad of Jr\'oeport, Kanll, , fil ial! malta Il n end of It ull. 1 s Ii a li bI! mnke rflstitntton . Prosecution was In· to do In Ih o tlllie elnergendcH that nrl5u. wh use gl'a nddn.uBilta r tlU ~ taklD, It i C IlOlI dend, Mondu y mOl'nln!,;, t<lld you ohlld wllh 8. 88rlou8 ailment neeu5 a Bucces8fully and of Mra, J. R. WhlUnlr evilable. Disgrace and prIson wOtlld dAoctor, .... Ilt know wh o 18 .. os pon ~ lol e. It I ~ Irue, but In th e maJorlly of Le nu, WIJt" who !rIves It ~ her children follOW . He could n ot s tand It; he tnHt an cC8 , n s u ny doctor know", lh e child of Your. dcvo lOl.lly, and tal,,,,, tt h eraelt. It III aold In Mty fr onl 8om o Intes tlna. troubl e, cent and ono dollar bottles at every ROB ERT UN LJ EIlW O OD. would r athe r klll himself . Trouule waa Burters U !'Hl ll lly f" Ort MU pa tto n. slore, bllt It you waat to t ell It In An anr;r1 excluma tlol1 escaped v e ry clos e at hand , that was ce rtaIn. There Ie no scnRO In gl vl nil' It 0. pill or drug A \l cla's Ups , and crushing tb e n o t e up R. f (' m Qc1y -'o n lainl nf: an op i a t e, n or 18 )'our fllmlly betoro you buy It Hnd youp How cOllld h e g e t out of It ? Puci ng IId<lr e8A to Dr. Caldwell nnd 1\$ will torft ll s hl n ~ o r l ho b o w els to b e n l wB.)'lJ rec In ber band, she bit bor lips tlll the t h e fl oor, bo bit his lips till th e blood nm m ~ n<lNI. nltt he r StVll It 0. s ma ll (1080 ,wn rd tL 8upply t reo ot charlie. For Iho 1roo 8n.mp1B p.6 dres8 Dr. W, B, b lood ca me . It wns Ju s t 1'/1 s he feared, or a mild, ge ntle InxnU\"r. 1(\lIlc like Dr. cam,e. wclt'3 Ryr Jl p PepSin, whl r. h, I)y 'Im' n- (' alll \\'oll , :101 Caldwell bullailltr. MonU· The man was de s pe rat e . H e was not Th ere was a s harp tlng a t t h e front Cnttl tng oul th o bowe b a ud 8tr"n(;,U,cnln g l he cello, XU. to be got rid or' s o oD s lly, 1-I ow dare door. U nd e rwood opened It, Aa be h e-how d a r e h e '! Th e c o wa rd- to rec ()~nlz e d hlR vi sitor OD th e thresh· tbl nk thai alle c ould be ft' lghte n ed by old, h e e xclaIm ed : ' UYea, I Must See Him lit On:e." !'I uch I,l th lleat. Wh a t did s be care If "Wby. Ue nningto n, thl~ Is a SUI" 11f' klll cd himself? It would be good grn nt! e ur of tb e e s Lublis hm e nt goes ('onn o it;se ur \witb joy. 011 pulntlngs prl sl ! " rt lldance. Ye t suppos e he was In without s ayin g . Onl y lo ng 1II1I'8eS In lI ea \'y gill: frames , of every period Tbe man a ge r e nt e re d awkwardly. <:Jar neBt, s uppos e h e did ca rry out hIs c ould stand the s traIn . It was a fa· and s ellool, r.lembrandts, Cuyps, Rnys- He h ad the con s train ed aIr of a man eat? Tber e would btl a terrible vOl'lte beadquarte rs for W est e rn e r s d ae ls, R eynuldses, Corots, Henne rs'l' who b~ s com e on an unplen sa nt e r· liCandal. nn Inv es tl gallon, people who had "stru ck It rich," wealthy s ome o n e aso ls, some resting on the rant! , but wants to be as amIabl e as would talk, be r n f.m e wo uld be m e n· bac he lors , und Buccessful ac t o r s li nd flo or; bands ome French bronzes, t h e dr clim s tnn ces wtll pe rmit. Uo ne d . No--no--tb ul mus t be pre- ope ra sin ge r s who loved th e lime lig ht dai nly china on Japanese t e akwooa . "You didn' t e Xile d me , did you?" he " "n Led a t all cos ls. o n and Q{f the stage. tabl cs, antlQ\le furnIture, gold em. ! h('gnn . Dls tracled , not knowIng what cours e Suut! ay c \' e nlng w as nSlUllly e xceed. hrolt!el'od cle rlcnl vestments, hand. : Shutttng tb e front door, Unde rwood t o IlUrs ue, s be pace d the 1I00r of I be in;; ly q ui e t at the As lrnrl a . Most of pulnted sereem" costly oriental rngs, led th e way back Into the sitting room. room . Througb the closed door s he l be t e nants we re out of to wn ove r the r a r e ceramlctJ_1I were confusedly land making an etrort to control bls ('o uld h ear tbe musi c a nd the c hatte r week ·end , and as th e r es taurant anQ Jumbled tocetter, On a grand plano I nerv,es, said: r. r he r guesls . Sbe must go to see roof gard e n we re only slimly putron. In a corner ,of :tlle room stood two tall "SII down, won't you?" Und e rwood at once, thnt WIl8 certain, Ized. th e e le va tors le slI frequ e ntly, cloIsonne va·,es of almost Inestimable But Mr. Bennington m e r ely bowed n.nd b e l' visit mllSl b e n secr e t one. In a ltlng les s c batter and hustle lu cor. vnlue . On II. desk close by were plied IItlffl y . It was evident that he did not T ber e was already e nou g h talk. rldors nnd stairways. Stilln ess re ig ned miniatures and rare IvorIes. The wl>Jh hlB call to be wlstake]r for a Sl) If b e r ('n e m les could b ear of he r vI s · e ve ryw here as If tbe s oberin g Influ. walls were co.ered wIth tapestrIes, clal visit. lting hIm alone In hi s apa r tm e nts tha l c nco of the Sabbatb had Inva d ed e ve n armor, nnd trophies Qf arms. MOre "I haven't time, thank you. To b, .,.ould be the . e nd. thi s exclusive domain of th e UUbOIY,' like a museum than a sitting room, It frank, my mIssion Is rather a de llcatt " Ycs -I must s ee bim a t om·c. '1'0 ' ri c h . Tho uniformed ntte ndants, hllv- was th e home of a man who made a one, Mr. Underwood." • 'norrow Is Snnday. H e's s ur e to bo lli g n o tbleg to do, yawned lazi ly In hus ln ess of art or mDde of art a busl· (TO BE CON'frNU E D.I hom e in t he e ve nin g . H e m e DtioD >! M onday !Dornlng. The re will s llli be lh e dese rted halls. Somo e ve n In- ness . Corfu', Queer Lawa. Und e rwood star d moodlly at the ti m e, I'll go nnd s ee him to·rll ormw." dul ged In s urreptltfous naps In co r· n r s, co nfld e nt Ihat they woult! not glowIng logs In t Ie open chlmneyCorfu, where a m agnIficent marble " AII-:ln! Alici a ! " Tbe door ope ne d a nd Mr. J e ffr iell bo di s tu r be d , Callers we r e so r a re place. His faco " s pale and de. palace belonging to tbe Ge rman em t ha t wh e n Born e on e did e n ter from t e rmlne d . After co tlng In from the peror, Is said to hnve Just been pur pu t hi'! bead in . tl l I h I k d Ith chased by an Am erican mllllonalre "~at a r e yO~ doing here, ill Y Ie s ~ce , tl was 00 e uvo: \V re ~ laurant he had anged his tU);- can boast of the most pecnllar land ~r 1 " he as ked . " I was looki ns ll us \ll c lOn. edo fo r the more co~nrortable house laws In the world. The landl\lrds 11.1'. ~e rywh"re for y o u. J u d ge Brews w r It was shortly a fter s c ven o'clo ck coat. NOlhlng called 'h Im away that nearly all absentees, and their tE'nantt w ishes t.c. 6aY good·n lght." th e day following Mrs. J e lfrles' reo pa rticular Sunday and no hold the land on a perpetual lease lD "I was f1xlnl\' my bai r , th a t's all," ce ptton wbe n 11 man came In by the olle WIIS likely to Forrls, return for 11 rent payable I n kind ano t'<lIllled Alicia with perfe cl (.'o mpoe- IDaln e ntrance from Broadway,. and hi s man servant, had his usual fix ed ~t a certain proPorUon of th, \ , ure.. approacblng one ~t the ball / boys, In· Suuday olf and would return untll produce. Qulre d for Mr, Robert UnderwoOd. midnIght. The was Btill as SUlch II. tenant, la CHAPTER V. Th e boy , .gave his Interlf?Cu~r . an the grave. It was altave the of th~ "BOll. ', Impude nt stare. There W8S some tltlng stre et that not a up lU.pel.lea l llut !O.T ' nclD~l)8:nDeDt

TtilmDm~L .iJvCHARLLS KLEIN. e/'




O fte n

























Go to the N orthwe8t This Spring


a bout the caller's dress' and 'map.ner trom the -,vhich t.Qld ' ~!.'t ',he

ll~o:~r:~~~~i ~~~~~1 . 'OD.I~~ief:~=~' I, ~;

~ '"

, I'



- _.








Caesar's Creek

Notice of Appointment


. -----

. - - ---- _. .---- - -Rev. Amoll Cook. of BarveysEltate, 0' AIJDer W. Di ll , deceased . Is hcrohy ~hou thll l DO Mlnr,l . A , RatcH of Subscription. borg, preltohed ut tbla plaoe Muodoy , UIIINvUf.'E' . has h oon duly II 1'llOl 11 too I and 'lUl1ll1le\1 One ,"pur l.trl<"" I)· in nil aDce ) , .. ... . . , 1, 00 ,I eM"" HutneA loft Tbursdav morn .... ox",-"lI w r of tho l<:.tl1 .... or Ahllor W. LIlli luto or Wurrun OOUULY Ohio. tlf)(' . "NI. "i,,~ln l'ul'Y " , . . , .. . , .. ,', . .. , ... , . . . 0;) h~ for Murtitlllbllrg . IodlanlL, when! lJa ~O<l Lhls IOLh duy u f " lIrll 1914 . AllAln Jo' , Urowo. !bewilltalietrealmentfor rhe uu /}.. Jutl ge o f the P rolHIl.c 'ourt. V:\ UJ>;\' 'l'ELk:J ·!I \I .lq :-C'AI.L Nu. 112 Ratl's of Advertising tl~lD "' .. rroll OounL y . Oh io . A pril J ~3t - Heading L ocrLiH, IlC l' lino ... , .• , , , .. , , . . 6c Luoy UOl1JptOD and Ella HaiD8S l-Ju.;silioU AdR. "(It 1.0 OM'fled 0"0 lin e. were Dayton shoppers, ruesdllY. t i 1\1 , ·n,,'(·c J"Hertlun" . , . .. . , .. , .. . 25c I) . I, . (', rane, I':t' ''( I or all l I?llfll:£'r. I DJ.pluy ,\ uverl,isiug. JlIlr luch . . , , .. . . .. IOc Mi88 Lf'lab Bngau Is ve ry !llok at

l'u llll . ....11 We~kly III 'h p l lnwU H "Ilk.' in Ihe' All ... " B"ildlng , ,\I ~I" ~l.. Wuynl"" ,II.!. I Jill,).

- -- --


Silk Dresses, Chalis Dresses, Wash Dresses, Children's Dresses. Silk Suits, Silk Coats in all the hew colors, Infants' Wear. Silk Petticoats, $2.50 to $5.00, Kimonos ( Crepe), House Dresses, All-Over Lace Embroideries, Embroidered Voile Dress Patterns, Lace Flouncings, Messalines, Embroidered Crepe Patterns, Chiffon Taffeta, Silk Crepe. W ash Fabrics, White Cotton Crepe Ratine, all colors, Rici Voiles.


thiS writi n~.

UiKl.:OUll hl 6{h'OIl un COJUrucL.



Catarrh Cannot Be Cured


, Wi th LOCAL APPLiCATIONS, t,b .. ~· ca nout rell uh tbe Hellt l,f the

T be Ollil ut"" , t'd ll nr II I,rl- I~ IIUI hned ~i th 11Itlc',~ "n (ll1'~e~ . HR 1Il0llt Hf'IH't! C'l t,urrh is 11 blood or conbe "op Ilnd 11 11 1III!' ,,11 t. h~ ttu.e Ht,tll1f.ionttl ditl6ttt<e, uud in order to [lll! chlol Ilitu III Ill" bu~ln"IIS I ~ oure it you u.nllt take internltl rem. lIee t hut be dOD'I. fllli II" the otbHr eflles Hull 's Ct1tllrrn Curti Is tllken tellow UlHd . He dlJ,'Mnil t,he ffi lll ll .. 1 i ll tf'rnlt ll y, a nd 80tll dlrect,ly upon work about. tlt H ,,!lUI', lind h e tri es to t,h" ,bll~on uud, mu.couR s ur r.well. 8nOooral(e biM tllwn till' better tblUgs HtLlI Il\rrh Uure 18 not 11 quaok Bod a more pll'H.luwt pIli e to spenn Ill.edloine. It WILli preRo rlbefl by oue his few mioutotl uf reurllatioD and of tbe b eef. phVBlollll1R In thiS ooun&.1 for 11.00 " yeu r ' t r y for yehrs Ii';!d ill Il regular ".re. We lUll oft,lln told t.bllt we 8re I!ortp t lun It II! com posed of the trying to do too lDooh for t be oom- bel!t tonic koown" cOOlblnlld with munlty, tbat thev 19111 Dot. Iltl'nd for tbe ballt blood purlfillrll, Ilctmg ,dl. all 'he 1m provtimAnt~ tbllt bll ve r eatly on tbe muooull ~ ur tBoe... I he bedn adv ooated Wby not? "0 perfeot oombinetion of tbe \.Ivo 10 plaoe ought to ohjeot to Im prove g r enieots III whllt pro.duoos suo h menta for the bHtterment of ~he ~oDde rlul re.s ult" .ln ourlng ctltarrh , community. Wbl le the 10001 pre_s Send ~or t6l!tllo~OIals, f ree., la the onlv ml'lltnR l.hrotllCh whlr!b to F. J . Ubeney&Uo, Propll. l",~lndo,O. &,1Voollte thelle thiliKII ~ o thllt e .. ery. Rold by D~UI!,gI8t'.E!, pri ce . 00. body mlLy know it, :I''''. I.b o pellplt! Tl1ke Hull s Family Pills tor oon· are the poel! to (lct to tIll! premises, stlpntlo n. A hUle money f'xtJend erl iu t he ri ghI, - IN- T-H - E' HO~r)ITAL pilloe makes a town of II1l1le import. IInoe t,o the w bole OO llu~r v. We bave been advoo,tUnl( t,h lll'e MY LAUI'A V. Hl£ltfl things onlv for' he good IIf the omu A. rl rellOl of fresh hepatloa!l, munlty. The place where you \iV A IUilid In t bfl drlpptng nln, is the plaoo you WIIUt to 'ille mllu" Told Uv the ~tormy wtods of MarCh, more bellu'lfuJ, not 1Ioly for your AgBliI!lt my window pane, own good but fell' t·he good of till, "~rnm fill' oft' bllnks of melting s n ow , peopl('. Where blol\soms' upward strlLin . The mlln wh o li ves WIthin blmself oannot enjllY tbflMfl th io ~ s like tbe Tbe weary heads on pillows h ,·t" man tbai IIve8 for utbtl r~. Tbe IllwlI Wbere suffering oft blltb Illin . of Christian IlOU clv '.]izl'(l life w .. re I::lllrk t o t,he t-Iolemn song of D1l/:ht, laid down tbouHllndH of yell.rt! "((0, In mAny-fold refrlLln, when "do uu to Ilt,h ers" WIIS made 'I'i l! dim }.nd II:ray the 100roluir \lght platn .0 man, anti fl oommunity goes (Jrows pltltner and more plllln, In for anytbto g t !lut will bl1nlltlt tbe And day paints proml!!e on the slly aoWD, the m fln i" !tviog up t,o the And pi1aoe UpOIl the brain lawlI that hllVA b.·.. /I BAt down for .. _ ..._ __ blm. TlIlk will uM lIet thflHe tliilJgl!, ANOTHER PIPE DREAM but el\rnest wo rk 19111 !1()complis h wenders For years Pl\st It has been olllimed Get busy . tbat lena or 80me similar ore a b,ounde In the region of WhUe vak Creek, Brown county, In paylnlt' Check Your A ril Cou h quaotltles , while In Ulermom ooun p , g ty. Ilbove &tu.vlu, gold ore abounds '1 . . h. Thawing hoott alld Aprl rBlnR lin pttytng quanti'tl ell I f th e rig ' wou I··" cbUl you to the ven Qltlrrow. yoo pu t lea d _ .. e h 0 Id 0,.' th e BDeatoh cold-BeRd .. nel lougs stuffed terprlse. Both sec'ions sbould be '\-YOU are fe ve rii' h- r.ol1~ h 0 (1" upe oed Ilnd they would soon prove &Inually and ftle I Ini ~~rfl ,,11'- i 00 profhable to the speoulators. There peed Dr Kln~'@ Nt"''' Di"OllvArv hBS been tJood Blsed. ,nuggetl! found " Boo~bell Infl,.m ed an'l • rrit'l t" d on the Ham 'l'ltUIl fllrm by pr08pt'ot tbroa~ "od luneQ, 8tO P lt ollu'~ h, YOll r ors and Itls hoped In the near fu· t J bead olears up, fe ,'flr leavps. and ture tblLt a company will be formed .. ·1 Yotl feel flue Mr ,I '1' , Dnlll, of and devplop the LDIues In both OOUD Idtlokneoy lJorner, ~I'., I·WU" ourlld tlell .-B~tl\vla Uoorier. of &-dreadful oough "'te r doct,or·.. • - ...- - &r.,.'ment and all othllr rem lld le8 LEBANON MAN DEAD .failed. RAlief or mODIlY buok _ _ ._ , Pla&IIBDt-ChtldrRn 11k It G,.t a Smith HRtlleld, WAil kuoWD farm _ bottle tochy, 500 anll fl 00 u t your er and stockman . dtnd lit bill home Druggh,t. Buokl pu '~ AruiOl\ Halve In .abanon lallt Friday . Be was for All ~rell. well kDown herl',

CJlassified Ads

MIlRtel' AlbRft WiI'Jo n WB!l II. Hun dllY villlt,)f of Zi mri Halne!!', Mr. Ilnd Mrs , I ~880 Wilson wer e In Xent" "'nturdIlY, The W . E, M. ~ . of CllesB f s Creek Monthly Mee~lng met Ilt t b e borne of Mrtl , Nettie MtlOdtmbll.1 l, 8lltur. day lifteruoon , Mr . J e~!le t>tunley uDuerweo t Il ~uooe8Hfn l o]leru l,ion u.t the MoClellan hOt!pitul Thurllday and i ~ lru"ruv lng nlooly . Mr. a nd Mrs Chll rles d,uner have bll.,en nn the s iok lillt. ~e v oral from here wore Xenia shop pers last week . Zimri HuinoB ontertnined Mis!l MoDerlllit, of Kingman ' uhool Wednesday e venin g . Orville Compto n and f Lmily Ilnd sister Louisa at&ended meeting at CtlDter S und ar Bnd were .he g uests of Mr . and Mrs , Floyd Oglellbee,


--- .-- -~-

Rheumatic Pains Relieved

Mr, U, (J, Whetsel, who bas been spllndtog the wintel Ilt R)l'well, N. .M , returne:1 to hil! bOllle bere M,,'. urdllY evening. Mrs. Ahoe :MoKinsey a nd dllugh tel' 8pp. n t Ibe week end witb relBUvel! In O"yton . Mlsl! Alma Waterhouse was a Dayton Hhopper Sllturday , Mre, Artbur Zell, of Pit,tsburjt speut several days with Mr. and Mrs. John ZelllBs~ week. Mr!!. lJhristie MC'Klnsey visited her brotber and flimity In Dayton ~I'turday and Sunday, M • . HilI d t r lOla d ur an WitS ca t 's . U-t t fe th 0 0IIIay ·ou 011 00 aoooun B e f ur Ily fb i t' ness 0 one 0 et re a 1ves . George Waterhouse wal! in Day ten Saturday. Mrs, Oliver OIL~is was " Xenia visitor recently. • ______ _

PROBABLE TRACTION LINE In all probability within a short

Mrll. B G Clevelaod . Arnold, Pa.,

"For some time I Iloft'erad Iwrites, from stomach trouble, I would


"6ul' house to a new coat of paint. It will be true, ~~'1i.~~;~.~if~~~~:;;;;;.:y Don't c1aas the coat wltb tasea,' rent, plum"" ,

=~~:::~~ . O~her 'i~ d~~~'


flaure It. aa, a~,a~t_ .

bu. curn; two Jndepen- I 1000 dent Huoli:eYil OUILIVtltul' . / ulso tw o Hamilton t :mgueills/l. all sprill l(-brllk.e, 3 0 10 . stfJll1 r .:. ll er, self dom p sulky r!1ke. Dlltlring binder, eight fout cot wlt·h tong u e tru,k, Bentwood chOrD, all ill ~o ,d sbape and r t'ad y f')r U Be . I hooo Nu, 227 A. 0, A . /Stra.wn , LI't.uJ.on , O. rul:J




Nemo. American Lady, Madam Lyon, Front Lace, Ferris Waists, Fern Corsets



:~icO"eJ'" thelatleat lurface.



Stomach Trouble Cured

d wn the hlab maintenaDC~ C~Bt that always reauln ":lnt-nea1ect. It ia pre-eminently "tlie palot that .. It I••110 moat ~onomic81 In tlrat c~t. because it

U tlzett .' oLtice, IllJd gtlt one uf th e best mllgltzinCl:; ou ollrth. tf


time, the old "Gt"aSshopper" railroad. operating betwoon Sedalia and King. man, will be relegated to the "junk pile," and a Ii ve traction line pro. moted A Washington C. H. paper says .. According to the report railwuy magnates have sized up the situation and believe the route to be a good one and are now making arrangements for the purchase of the rightaway. And then, instead of the decrepit railroad system , the pro motors intend that the persons along the route will be supplied with an traction-line service. "The rumor seem!! to spring from railroad circles and according to the • information given out it is a sure go . I' Just who is behind the projllCt can not be learned nor can anyth ing definite as to plans and dates, The ! proje ct is in its Infancy, it is said. and nothing definite reached 88 yet."


to tho MoCall' s 100 soh!!criiJtlfS Mn,guzio e. J:iend ;\;;0 to the



ANY property owners feel that painting 18 an "expense"-somethint tha t ' they can get along without. But every painted aurface needs renewing. for the 811me rel180n that II person needs new clothes.,both clothes and paint !let shabby. Pain tine at regular Intervals fore.taUs repairs; while neglect of paint. Ing means BOTH a repnir blll and a paint blll later. because the repaired . work must be painted, .


(j(JS-lndl.; n RUllll or uuok Eggs for seHIOj{. :J!l O CtoDt,orvll " Why !l uffer from rheumu\.if:lm whl'n r eli ef may be hud at !lm liJl a IJhone, Mary ~', Br own . oost? Mrs . IJ:lmtlr B"t oh, P eru, lod , Muj estio r tlngfl, nlLl)ost new writes, "1 hllve b een stlbjeot to (It tin vll n J,Jort. , m irr or , HI.llnd H, de.k, tooks of rb AUWll tisUl to r v eurll. Chllmberllli n'H LinIment ulwtlYs r e_ chalrs,!lDlali ru~I:', dlnlug hble, fl"n, 1 Iievel! me im m eu illte ly . und 1 ta ke vorite Ouk IJ HIl t" r, DU IlIt'HI i.: MO NlIlg ' M r~. 10: ,.,. Mli ieI' . ruG plensure in r ecommond lO g It to llIa ch iDI'. othllrs , " 26 uod 50 oent bottles n tl year olti ~e n f>r "'l purpolle For sllle by a ll delllers. mare. J!-.)r furt,h er pltrtl(;u ltll'S Inquire of U. V Hlmth, Waynel:'----.~~.---v ille, Obi o. l'!J UU'1 ;17 - -:l,v. 1116



IllHe rl,·" um]e r Ihls !Jelu] for lW etlty ,Uvo ce nts f or t.hre c IrumrtloWl .. bOll uulug not mo re th a n th' c I1n e~ . .

Ad.... 111 m,

have sour stomaoh and feel Noatld 8fter elLting. NOihing benefited me untll I got CbRmbe.l.. n's 'l'ablets After taking two bottlel! of ·,*h,.m I was oured. " F Ir sale by all deillers

Coit oomin j{ tl!r e" years P ljI{lJELL old , one lJ it1IlIl.IJux buggy , lIteel 1·lre, btlon ruo fiv o months, also Ii good orgao . Inquire I ~t tlli" office. l[) 0 Couoh , Exlensioll Table, Chairs, Foldmg Beu. I nquire of L. A. Zimmermau. Wuynetlvllle, Uhio. B29



A l'UES-tieftd or eat,io,:; potn. P OTtoea, late vari ety. lJall aur

All Lengths and Shades. Silk Niagara Maid, Kids in aU good ~akes, $1.00 up.

ton Earnhart, ph on el~ - l X Waynes · ville. lIhio ,,2!J hay and strnw for sa le . BALED In quire .>f (teorge Zell , phoue

14 6.




Orphlngton E!(gH tho Owen I BUFF $1 .00 per seUing of 15


Phone 83 :l },; , Mrs. Raohel Grew, VVayuesviJIe, Ohio, B29

tlgg s.

Carpet Room Rugs, Mattingl, Linoleums Window Shades

hatohing at per setEGGS forBarred Plymonth Rookll, 750

tin~: .

White ho.n, Pekin Phone

Hookl! and S , C. White Leg Indian Runnel' lind Mammoth Duoks, Mrs. E. 1':1. BaUr, 86. mIl

hundred. 15C. aorepe paper

plain, white nllpklnl!; in do !llgns 50 pel' d ozen, at. this offioe.


Hutchison X~niat

WOOL ]FARMBRS If you have Wool for sale, call me uP. as I will pay you the highest cash price for it.





. . . ;:w;

............. ,

RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable ·Rates. Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. Phone 71-1



NomInation papers for all couot,y omeera &nd ODunty commit teemeo mutt be flIed with the Deput., S&ate 8upervilOrt! of election for Aaoh OOUD~y nllt lelia than slxtv days before the d~y of tbe priDl80ry eleotiou whloh this year falls 00 A UII:0II' 11 ab, Therefore It will be aeoe88lLry for all persoDa Intendiog to be candidates for county omoee aod oountv. oommitteemen and e][peotln~ to get their namel OD the primary ballot. have thelr pemlons flied witb the Deputy t:;uperviaorB of eloo'to~ 81z: ty day", ~fore thl! day of primary wblob tbte year wtll mean thAt tbey muat bave tbeir petltioDs flIed oot later 'han June 11th, ---'--

mare Ilnd I1lso F ur fUft,her infc>rmUion apply lit this ollioe, a 211

plow A (Jooo a good liner.



Corsets, $1.00 up





Notary Public WA

- ..- - -

Clears tomplexlon. Removes Skin Blemlaltes ,through ute Itt.,nan ...... wit~ pimples, eru'p . .... ,~ ..".. , red rou~b ."iltD. ~r.~nl.-ofV~ma awlMIOK


E. v.




All kind8 of No~ry Work : Pension Work a Mpeol"I'y,


••• DENTIST•••

.,J.Olllll,UJ<' DeD".' MatnBt N.""D~~81~, ,/ ·Waynesvllle. 0

Dr. J. A .. McCoy,






NOT HIGH-PRICED AMBITION "aguln. Poet Surely Could Not B. AccuHd of H.vlnll Too Stronll Dulre for W ea lth.

1 11110 ·,' '' r " 'n ,'(' Ihat hou r III Lll, ' \\ (",,1.1 I llll.! ' alli" I)('d ull,· r ly: l nnn 1.'"1' ,,,,( b , 1, 11 "",I ,·,,· rAv orll 1 ~ho rpad th " n (' w .pa p ~ r arti l' lE' "'J ~.Io · ' · I)' 01 '" "" ·,, II·", ,I ... 1',,11 , ,,I .... , :II"IIU RHd h ~r mol he r li s t (' II I'll WI II1 1111 ponl tl ~ lnW:lt> . "", I.111I.!, · lI"'rlll ~ 't 11,,,1 h l h· r 'C"lI( "Idld and '+:\ I,r, ...,oUl oll t llAI puzz le,l h f'l r. \"b en 'Wh it''' f, I.' . ' ,j(I I !~ "' ~ allh I" •• [.011.-" 11 ,· ' HI,,,, III rll y '" r ll- " Ut' fl llis b('d . "oth Wer (' Sll l'IH for II

~: I If ' 101 1\1 010\\ I, I... r 1' (> 11 all .! IJI,t li N I P C 1'0' "lI' \d, ·OOUIIII.1. wi ll er I ~ ' I 1:1I 1 1 1l1~"" . " Allow me to conbrrntulato [ur ,·I, . a u 0 11 IH' r (' Ia:q" d h al1l1~ flow Ill(' )'1·,, 11 01' b )' (' r Ill s t 1.1 1131)(\11 H e I yo u , :I'ri not e l'e ry one who ge ts bit · " mllty a n d 11111 11 (' th l's" ('t1 I r1<'~ "" (, lIll'd I dml(' hE'ut h u h heap o' t111 "'~ lido' . but tE'n h .i a n,' or those Inr ernal mocca · h f's l/I (> th l r lo-h h n,l 1' 1,'1 Irul Iw<'uty dIM 11111 1' Ilc bOllll ' t er tlnl s h b u h. Ab I Sl1l 8 th lll IIv ('s to ta lk about it You fo ul' hOll rs )11 co"1 I , ·. I ."~.·(' ,I '. \,, ' llat bad fl1 l'li'n he wn s too ~N!.l k ro o dnt , ('11 1 Ill11 Sl lH~ a p p l ot Pro\' h I Cllcc. or e l se ~hc lJ p"n d () llI ~ a ~l' a r a go tOllny ! s llf' RII(' !(ot pr wn)' e n run ~\\'n hoah. El l ) Oll bnl'e s cast·lrOIl oonstltu tlon.

1>O".·.·'.. n_

d es k h o ld a 1I1111, I.Il' r at s li m dlnrlea IIk o Ih p on o bl' fore h er. She pulled It out . loo k up th u la HL·year's "olumo nnd 0(1"11 1', 1 IL ··\\·hy ." s h sa Id In sur\lrlse. " I got J'" sHam ine fll r 11I0lb l' r Ihls very same day last y .. ur~ " she IJo ndered frown· ing. the n reached ror a thIrd and a r('u r t b. From t h ose " be loo lted up. star tl ed That date In ber mother'8 cal e ndar culle d for cape Jessamines . What waa the fourt een tb of May to ber? She beot a alow troubl ed gaze ahout ber. The room h nd bee n bers a. a child . Sbe seemed sudd enly back III that chlldbood, wltb h e r molber bend· Ing over ber pillow and fondling ber rebeillou8 hulr. When tbe wInd crle4 for lou e llness out In tbe dark sbe laM




;~·;-' ~ h~I~+ , i,~I '\r r" ~+11l1~llrtll ::~l.'." ~~1 r~ ~~f' ;f7;\ i''~~ 1~';

,· .. ,,,1'1 nr nil old 11I,, ' ·' r •· ...r. n w illi . ,,·,11 " \' t il )e,' t ,·,J n ,ttl.t,I"" t' I n "" , ' ,I I r){II,,,,,,,, ln ln . )" Onc""r tIlt'\. WH

II1U II1(>1I1 , th~D s h e RBkpd. "YOII rrl u Ht 11111"9 kuowu hlB fath er. dea r'8 s t ; dl dn 't ', au '" " Yes." Bal,i ~ra. Dan dridge after a

n" I;' 1

n nmory "ourt h. n"'e ta HI :lr"" I '"n <l t1dK~ . An lluhurn · h"l r,·,' 100'''\1 1.1' " ,,,I "e · ~d ,!'l I ha t ht· !~ g n lnK til Illi c \ I rl(lnla lUI · m ~,,".h· Hhlrlt·y·, 1ll""W'. ~t r" I'H ."I· r1<1" • • "n ~ durln MoJ" r« Arl .. " w '·I I~ ,· I,. h"".:'· "'\11 . l nl !"( ' , ~nC"'6 ~ IIkh r l· n'·"lp,1 t hl\l Ih. mll .II 'r. ""II Rnl· . u"J " mAn nAm ~d Sa"""n w,'ro ri VAl. r'lT th,' han d o f ~·r r:'i l )Hndrld tce In h~ r " ou th RIl""" n Bnd \"allant fouKh t a <1,.-1 (10 her • "cou nt In wh Ich 1110 r" r mor w,.. k ll l~ 't. Vallnnt nn c18 Dama r), ('o u rt the r ~(1wn build · with wo.d. and en'c pe,.. on (' uv(' Inp In n \' e fY much n. gl ee tc<l co nll lll on, H e dedd .. 10 rc hRbll ltol " t he pla,·o and mak. tho Innil prorll, ... a IIvlnl! t o r 111111. Valh,nt .aW8 Shirl ey from th~ blt A of 8

l)nU M " I kn ow his father ." S hirl ,,), saId no more. and facing ea c h olb e r 10 the cnndle-glow. acro s s th e s (!otl e ss damas k. they tal~ ed. lUI wltb COillmoo consent. or other thIn gs. ~ Sh e tbought she hal1 lIoyer seen h e r motb e r more brllllallL An odd exc It e· menL was noodlng ber cheek wltb red and ebe e batted and laugbed 8JI she bad nOI dOlle for yeal'll. But nfter dinner tbe ga Iety and er· ~~:~~·n ~-=.hl~~ 1~I~cbltl~'mBh IT1fp~n~~~~. ~~: tervcs('en ce fa ded qulck.l y and litre. pollon trom the " '0.10<1 nnd .",·co hI. lite. DandrIdge went earl y to her ro om . She mounted the stair wIth h er arm CHAPTER XIV-Continued. thrown ahout Shlrle)". pliant waIst. '1..18ten. Sblrley. "'bal' s tbat RIc- At h or door !tbe k issed her. loo\<log at key Is telling Ranston '" he r with a strange !tmUe. "How c u· '"Don' yO ' come beab " 'Id yo' no· rlou8." she eaid, aa If to h eT1!elr. "tbat eo'lnt piny-actin'. Cyan' fool Rnnslon It sbould have ba\lpened today!" ",td no Blcb Bnek-elory. nelcJnh . Aln' The rendlllg·lamp bad b een III.htod 110 moc'sln at Dam'ry Co'ot, en n ebon ber table. She dre w a 111m gold bab was!" chain rrom th e bosom ot b er dre~i "Tb ere was, too!" in s is t ed Rickey. a n d lJe ld to th e lIaht a little lockel· "On e bit b lm and MIAS Sh irley found brooc h It currIed. It was or black en· him anel sent Uncle J cff(' rson for Doc· nln e l. with a IIny laurel-wreath of tor Soutball Bnd It saye d hl H lire! So pearl s on ouo s Id e enclrc1lng a singl e there! 0 01' tor Sou th all lolrl ~lrR . ~~a· diamond. T he olh e r si'd e WI\ S o f cr ys· son . And he lan't a mnn who's Juat tal a od {'oy e r ·d u bull y's rll ssel -col · COnH! to !Ix It up. I'lth e r : he 's tbe ored (' u rI. In b e r fin gr> rs It upt' n<'" r ._ all y 1 rul y man tbat o wn s It !" nn d fll "c'l oBec! a mlnlnturG aL wb k b "\\'b o un (,flr t b Is t hat r.h il rl ta lili ng Hh" 101'k " d (' Ioscly ror H IlI O II Il' IIl. abollt c" Iler , Y" B liI rn ~Li [('stl ess ly auout th !' S hlrl .. y Jlut 11pr a r m uro'"lri he r roo m . It ha ,1 bE'£' n ters as a gi rl. ror m Ol he r ' anrl IdsBPtl " t'r. ll er h eurl Itusewoo<l h a d h ... e n t b e o ld Gnrl nnd wus LI':l t:n g quickly . "The o wn" r ha s ho n lf·~l<·a cJ . It Bl'ern ed now nil al onr'l' com e to Dam or y COll rt. lie-" 10 b o fu . t at culli ng tI1 pm o rle s or b, r Th e small book ~lr8. Da nd r Idge b" l(\ YOllt h. tell t o tb e floor. "Thl' 0\' II pr: \\,h a t . • oWller?" " How etra nge Ihat It sbould hal'e "Mr. Vnlian t - ~Ir. J ohn Valiant. t('cn t uu a y ~ " It bad bee n on S bl rley's Tbe son of tb. man who abanLioned II 1> 8 to qu eMllon, uut th e door ha d It 80 long ago ." As sbe pt.-k e,1 up tb e e l o~ed . II/HI s he went e lowly d ownfall e u vo lum e a nd l)lIt It Into h er stairs. Sh e sat a wbll e tblnkln g. bllt mo lbe r' s bands, Shlrl py WfiB s!arll e ,l at IplI g lh gre w r estless a nd begun to b y th e wh it eness 01 her ra co. wa l k to and fro ac ross tbe floor. b e r "Dt>:lres t!" ah e c rI ed. "YOII are 111 . bands c laspell hehlnd he r head so thllt You shouldn 't hal' '' co m ll down ." Ih e cool air filled h er flowIng sleeves. "No. It' s nothIng . I've bee n shul In the hall she could h enr th e leisu re· up a II d a)'. G0 anu.1o.....e n tb e 01 h e r Iy I,on· kon- k on· k on a r tb e t a II c Ioc k . window." The evenIng outside was ex qui s itely Shlrl .. y threw It wltl e. "Can I get sti ll aDd t b e me talli c monotone wal Four salts?" sbe a s ked nnxlously. t br ead ed ;wIth the airy flddl e·lld dle or He r mother s hook her h ead. "No, " crIc kets In the g raBS and ' \lunctuated .he said. a lmo s t s harply. "There's wltb the rain -glad cloap of a frog. nothing whatever th o matter w ith m e . Shirley s t e\lped IIgbtly down to th e Only my ne rves aren 't wbat tbey us ed I\'e t grass. Looking back, abe could to be , I s uppos&-and snalces alwaya see ber motber's lighted blind. All dld get on them. Now. gIve me tbe around tbe ground wu splotcbed with -'-st of It IlrsL I .can · for the rest. rose-petals . looking In the squares at There's a tonant at Damory Court. light like bloody rain. She skimmed And hIs name'a John- Valiant. And tb e lawn and ran a little way down he wae bitten by a moccasin. When?" the lane. A shutrllllg BOund preeently "This atternooll," tell on ber ear. Mr., Dandrldge's voice shook. "WlII "Is that you, Unc' Jefferson!" she be--wlll be recov er?" called softly. HOh, yea" "Yas'm!" The foot.tepi came near"Beyond any question 7" er. "Et's me, MIBs Shirley." He tit· "The doctor .aY8 so." tered noiselesllly, and .he could see "And you found bl;n . Shlrley- bill bent form vIbrating In the gloom . you!" "Yo' reck'n Ah done ferglt," "I was there whell It bappened." " No . Indeed. I knew you wouldn't She bnd croncbed <t own on the rug In do that. How Is heT" lIer ravorlte posture, he r coppery balr "H e rlgbt much bettab," he re\llled against ber mother's knee. catcblng In tbe same guarded tone. ' ''Doclab .lunge reddlab o ver·tones like molten be say h e be all rlgbt In er few da.YB, metal, from tbe sbaded lamp. Mrs. on 'y be gotter lay up er while. oat DandrIdge !lngered h e r can e ne n-ous- was ar ugly nl,{) be got Com dat 'splsable raptyle." "Do you t hink tbere can be any othe rs about the grounds?" "No'm . Dl'Y ' mos'ly keeps ter de ma'sh ·lan' cn on'y runD whah de un· dah·bresh e:& thIck . I gwlneter fix dat ter ·morrow. Mars' Valiant he tell me \(> r grllb et all out CD make er bon· fl ah ob It." "That's rI ght . Un e' J"ffc rson. Good nl~bt. nnd th ank you ror co m Ing." Sh e s t urt ed back to lbe hOllse. wben bls vo ice stop ped her. "MIs' Sh Irley. yo' don' keer ef de ole lIIan gedd abs two er thre e ob dem ro S l~ S" S eems lak YOl1ng mars' moug hty (on' ob d e mo He got ons In cr glass but et's mos' dald 1I0W. " "Wait a mInute." sbe said . and dIs· nppeared In tbe darkness. returnIng qui c kly with a bandful wblch she put In hIs graep. "There!" she whlepered . and slipped But More Than Once Shirley Saw Her bac k througb the perrumed dark. H.nds Clasp Them.elve. Together. An bour later sbe stood In th e cozy stillnees ot ber bedroom . ly. Then sbe drop\led ber band on tbe She threw oIT her gown. Bllpped Into ~r1'6 bead. a soft loose rohe of maize-colored !rIlk .. NO'll·.. · she saId. "tell me all about nnd stood be fore the small glaas. Sbe It." pu lie d out th e am ber pins and drew he r wonderful balr on e ithe r sIde or CHAPTER XV. bl'r face. lookIn g out at her r e fle ction lik e a me rmnld tram be t'll'eeu tb e rill ' The Annlver.ary. 1,IIng Wa\'£'s of a moon ·golden sca. Tb e story was nOI a long one, At last sh e turn ed. anti . ea tlng be r· though It Omitted no ~ hln g : the morn. BC lt at th e desk. took from It a dIary Ing rox·bunt and tbe Identification of S h e scanned th e pagas at random. ber the new a rrh'al a .t DlUDor y Cou rt as eyes cate hing lines here and tbere . tbe own er 0: yesterday's ~tallr.d m o- "A goot! run torla~· . Betty and Judge tor ; the afternoo n I'ald on the Jeslla- (, ha lm ers and t he Pendleton boys. My mIne. the conversation \YUh John " 11- fourth brusb this season." A frown Uant In lI:e woods. drew Itself across ber brows, and sbe Mn. Daodrldge. gazIng Into the fir e , lurned tbe page. "One of tbe honnds listened wltbout comment, but more brol{e h is leg, and I gave him toO than once Rblrley ~ aw he r bands ciaSIJ Hlekey." • • • "Chilly LUlk Lbemse h es together and thought. too, dInner toilay, a 'f ter IwllIllolng the Lor, that Bhe s61lm ed strangcly pale. The Ing R s pld ." ,wItt and tragIc sequel to that meet. S b e bit her lip, turuea abruptly to was the hardest to tell, and as ahe tbe new page nnd to"k up ber pen. ab.e put up her hund to her "This .mornIng a twelve-mile run to ·........lIul.r. holdIng It. bard. "It WIIB !Jamory Collrt." ,he ~ "Th'i s' to . aJle Yet now she dId afternoon .went ror cape .. aIIU.41;.r, ' enough,' the There ~ .be . '. whIch had been at .Nf01IrJ'cat ~~



t,. " I,


w ond l'r(~ d ,

"h~' I O \"\~ r



th e

was wlul,.; V\ tlmo cn dRb-a snow on d e


!:iuh ."

g ro u n ·. Ila b 's or road :'onl <i (' \lom a I \ 'nllnllt "' IH ed hI s hand toward tb e dOl h lt8 d e fl e d flond (' lost· IN H os(.~ mnn of [Ilpd lc lnE'. who 8nld. " 1 reckOll wood - dat ar's de Dl1ndrl , l~e DIne i\11 08 Rhlrle y wus tb Provide nce In en s ho come dall . Reck 'n abe Will er Ib e Ca 91' Sh e had Hens e enolllh to plti ful -look ln' olJstac le. 'Peatu lak s .. nt! fa me fJu lC'k and apeI'd did It." s he <Io ll e put de 11'1 snl up In d e I "\Ye ll, Ba h," tbo maJor BIlld, "I cablo lor en hid de laddab . en ~be re{' koll ulld e r tbe clrcumetan ces. your mos' crazy fa' fl'a h Gree f g lt buh. Bb e flrsL impressions of tb e secllon aren't le t' h e buntln ' fa ' de young 'u n when anylbllll': for us to brag nbo ut. ~ sbe run er,,·oy. Dey "'ns on 'y Mis' ''I'm 'd el lghted ; \l's bard for me to J u dl t b e n 1II1s' S h rl ei y d cn e ga I E m' · t e II b ow much." Ih~e at Ro sewood. W e ll. s ub . dey "Walt till rou know thfl fool place:' . I 'Vh I wa nt no I me ter sen' fa' men. ut growl('d the doctor t estily . "You' I yo' reck'n Mle' Shirley do! Sbe a ln' chan ge r our tuno." areabd o· flu ffltl on dla yerf. e u s h e Tho major smiled ge nially. "Don't o[l'y !Ie ben tee n yeab 01' den. too. S h e be tok en In by tbe doctor 'lI \lesslmlsm . don ' t&\I Mis' Judltb- no. sub ! Sbe You'" hOl' e to get a yok e of thr e~ run out ter de stabl e en Baddle huh year Oleu La drag blm out of thIs hOtls. en !!.be gallop up dat road t er state." Helrs·Half· Acr e lak e r sbot o ut e n or " It woulcl Ink o a8 many for m e." s hove l." Valtnnt lau~h ed a lIttle. "You w bo Valian t brought hIs hands togetber have alwaYB Itl'ed bere. can acarcely ahaqlly . ··Yes. yeB." be s uld . "And unclerslun,) wbat I am rt'el1 ng, , Imag. then!" In e. You s e e. I n (' \'t' r kn e w ttll Quite " When s h e com e ter C:rl'e t King's re cl'n tly - my cb ll <llJoo,1 was largely ea.bln. he <Io~ e foun ' ,I " laddnh. en one spe nt abrol\d . and I ha ve 110 nl' nr rein. er h o fool!! was on .t e nln l;. He bad Uves- that my rath er wus 1\ \'Irglnlan er ax III he han'. De po' 11'1 gal was aod tbat m y un ees tors alwa ys lived peepln' down tllOO' de c roc ks o· d p h e re. \\,1I~· . t h e re 's II room upstalre ~o ·. e n prayili' d e bes t s' s bc know f \\' 1111 thO' ,'(>ry (0)'A Ih e y pls Yf' d wIth bow. ShE' so}' art e rwubd B dat s h e II w h .. n th,' y wpre (' h1ldl' P ll ~ To learn r eck' n de Good I.awd at' n ' er all gf' l. Ihat I h,·I":I/: 10 It a ll. t haI I m yaelt fo ' Mis ' S hill ey wt' r e 1111 In whit f> - I n m Ih .. Ia ,q II n/, in s uch a "h :ll n:" s h (' dlrln ' SIO(1 te r c ha ngl' huh ('l l) ~e 'I' " 1'111' ill,,·p s !l" n.l h ls lincl. " ~ a l. l \JJ .. S h e dltln ' sa )' n ll mn . ~l ls' S ll lrl ('y doc tor ''1'111 ;; 11101 to S N' tbat It Ill enns dl ,ln·. Sh o oll 'y la)' h uh ha ll ' a ll Gr E' C' r I' sn :11 (' lh ln~ fi t II I. i n th e~ e roll E' n dny!! .' · K l ns 's nhlll . (' 11 hI' look li t hllh fa ce, "or c Ollr~ I> ." .Jo hn \'a llu n t ['onti nu ed. en h o drop h e a x ell !,!O. De n sb e "p I' l' r )' n nC' I II OW8 th n t h (' h1l 8 anel'R ('Illmb df' In,I(\:l1I n (ot,. h li p c hil o to r ~ [t ilt I' ll ) b"hlnn ln" to S( ' e tbat dow n In hllh n hm s ('n lake b uh un d .. I what Va ll rnll III", nn:eot rnl Ins tluct ho s8 (In co m n ulLcl,. Uat de wa j c t n(-'(' ,Is :l 10cnJl t y an n a \Ilu ('f'. In 0 ba.P P[> II . ~ lIh . " I WilY It ~C(l "I S 10 me Ih a t all old s tat e " And Hickey "'ne that IIlil e " blhl ~" I "I\e thi ~ hnll fl Bou l loo--a sort of "Yas . 8uh. s be shoo was . i n d e (' Ia n or famil y sou l th a t r enc ts on tb ma wnln ' C' r posse ,I o ll f' rid e' up I .. r I ~, sco nd anl." He ll's ·Ha lr·Acre en ta \« ' Gree r King i " flm b er a .Japnnesy Idpa . Inn 't It '! " In.. De majn h he nrgy ly de C :l~e fa' a hll(, r\"(:!d Ib e [najor. "But I Il n o\\' de S tllte . (' n when b done g \t thoo·. wb a r. .' 0 11 mean . Mnyb e that's why old dey mos' put de t ow erotlu ' Klng 's Virg ln hHl fa m tlles han g on to t be lr nell. In de co'ot mOI11 . H e " olle got lant.! In s pil e o r h ell and hl gh .water. sill y eah . en e t mall' broke de majn h's T h ey C'Olltll th eir fore bears real live h' II. at d n t d eJ' COli \.1 un ' g II'e h 'Irn 110 peolll e . 'lillI e ('npable turnIng mo'. He WIlZ ('ert'n 'l' er ha,1 a lg, dut In th e ir' gra n's." Gr'e ef ,,· u~. De y I!ay h e do n e s W'ah " Min e a re lleglnul ng to s('em be gwlneter do uI> de mnJ l\ 1J wh e n he rea l to me. Thougb I don't even gil out." know tbe ir ChrIstian n am e s yet. r clln Such was th e story whi ch U nc le jud ge th em by tb e ir handiwo rk. The Jetrersen told. standIn g In the door- m e n wbo built Damo ry Court bad a WilY. When bls shutrl1ng step had re- s e nse ot beau ty and at art ." trt~t.d, Val1ant we!!.t to tb e table and " And tbe lr share of d e viltry, too. " \lId," up a slim tooled volume that IlUt In tb e doctor. lalr tllere. It was "Lucile." wblch he "I SUP\lose BO," admitted his bost. bad tound In the hall the night of bls "At this rIlBtance J ""n bear even that. arrIval. He ope ned It te a page where, But good or bad. I'm deeply tbnnktul pressed and wrinkled but .UII retoln- that they chose Vll'llnla. SInce I',e Inl~ Its brlgbt reo. \llgment, lay wbat been laId up, I've been browsing In tb. had been 11 rOBe. library here--" He stood looking at It abstractedly, " A bIt out or date now, I reckon," IIltl nostrils widenIng to Its crushed said the major, ''blIt It used to pua spicy scent, tben closed It and slipped muster. Your granlHliltltler w ... I5OmeIt Into hIs pocket. thing of a book·wonn . He wrote a history of the family. didn't he!" CHAPTER XVI . "Yes. I've found It. 'The Vallanta of VIrgInia: I'm reading the Revolu. In Devll·John'. Day. tlonary chapters now. It never _med He was RtllI sItting motionless when real before--It'a been only a IIlIce of there came a knock at the door a nd It Impersonal and r.ther dull blatory. o\len~d to admit tb e gruff voI ce of But the book bas made It como all"e. Doctor Southall. A big torm was close I'm having tho thrill of the globe. behind him. trolt er lhe nrst time he sees the Tow"'Hell. ' U p, I see. r took the I1berty er of London or the field at Wat"~ho. or bringIng Major Bristow ." I aee more than that stubble·flel': out The master of Daffiory COllrt ca!De yond e r ; r aee a big wooden 8tockade forward - limpIng tbe least trl!l e--and wIth soldIers In ragged buff nnd blue shook hands. guarding It." "Glad to know )·ou. sah.'· ~:l l rl t hp (TI) AI': C'O :-:TI:-: tmn. )





" I'm Tem pted to Stay Sic k and Do Noth ing but Eat." SUII &; 01 11 SOn,l;B to h(, I-. Sad songs' EHII In Ibo Re pioarore yenrs Sblrley hll ,1 I' U;::lI e l}' r('all ze d that (lain lay behInd th e ura\'e ga y mas k. \Van tb e r e sOlll N h lng - so me pvent - (hal hod {'aused (hat dull ·colo red life and un ' fulilim e nt ' And was today . perha\ls. Its nnrllvers ury '! • • • John Valiant sat propped up on the library cOllch. an open magazine unh eedeu o n his knee. The readlnlJ' stand b es id e hIm WR.8 a litter ot lett er s r.~d papere. The bow·wlndow was open and tbe honeysuckle breeze bl e w ahont him, IltUn!l hIs ball' and rumln g the leavoll ot the papers. In th e garden three dark!ea wen! laborlng, under the supervision o~ Uncle JetrarBon . The unlllghtly weeds and IIcben were gone trom the graveled patbll. al:.d from the fountain pool, wbose shatt now spouted a ~Iender spray shIvered by the breeze Into a millIon diamonds. whlcb fell back Into the pool wltb a Untlnabulant trickle and drip. The master of D"mory Court closed the magazine wltb a sIgh. "It I could only do It all at once!" bll muttered. "It tal,es Buch a confounded time. Four days they' vo been worklne now, and they baven 't done milch more tban clean up." He laugbed, and threw the magazine at the dog who dodged It with InJ\,red alacrity. "Arter all. Cbum .': h e I'f>ma. ked, "It's been tblrty years getting In this condition. I guess we're dol'fg pretty we i!." He stretch ed lIit IIrlously . "I'll take a hand at It myaelf tomorrow . I'm as right 8S raIn agaIn now, tbanks to Aunl Dapb 8ud th e doctor. Born e tbln !! o f a crusty citizen. the doc tor . but he 's a ll to th" good." A h eelYY step came A~"ag t he porcb an rl Ulll' le J ('[ror~ . ., appeared with a lra y hohl1ng a c vered dish wIth a pl a lf! or blacnlt d a round jam·pot. " Look /)ere," sal,1 John Valiant, "I had lilY 11Iocbeon t',Jree hours ago. I'm being s tutTed Itke . a mllk·fod turkey ." The old mun s lied wIdely . "Et'll je s' er 11'1 snack r broth." be sald. "Rflc k'n e t'll kind r float eroun' de yuddah thIngs. 0 . yeah pot's dat apple·buttah whut Iss ' Matlle Sue sen' yo' by Rickey nyder." "allant sniffed Ith satisfaction , undedly lpolled." he sold. "that I'm te ted to stay stck and do nothIng but e t. By tbe wIlY, Uncl e J e tterson , wh re did RlclNJ oomo rrom? Does sb be long bere'" "No. Bull . Sbe. f'om Hell·a· Half·Acro." "Wbat's that!" "Oat's d&t ornery yondah on dll Dome. cle Jell'e rson. "Dey'. Ah kIn recommomDall--I,es' shackl o lot 0' ablrl wh ut glt erlong "Tba t 's Interesting. "So Hlel(ey belonged ....__. ,,, .. " YaB, su h ; nebbah 'iI h eah 'cP \l' ln ' fo' MIs' SlIl one wtlUt rotch de 11'1 place. en put hub wId Mis' three yeah ergo," A sudden color came Into lIant's cbeeks. "Tell me His voice vibrated eagerly. "Well, sUh." ~lItfnued Unci Ion. "dey Was one 0 ' dem 1<ilIIr-do'WD HeU·s·Half·Acrers, name' a~A ••N ·K1ntr. ·.wh1it call bAAe'! . de

DOm", ~Jl he went: on' ~. eq too



Apropoe ot Marshall R . Kermoohan, who makes $30 a year by writing music, a magazIn e poet sall1 : '"To make $30 a y ear out or mlllllo Is pretty good . U's as m uch ns I, a succes 8rul poet, mllke ou t or verse. "When they s ee my poe try In all tb e magazInes people thin k that 1 IIv6 lil th e Rltz·Carltun . A lns, tbey don 't know the magn'l. ln e poe u ·y rEl tes . "A youn g ludy s a id to mo th e other day: " '1 like yonr poe try 80 mu c h . I have Of1.('11 heard UIO pxpresMlon·- heauU tul as n poet's dream. T e ll me . whlll are poet's dream s II k A ~' " ·Well. my d ear young lady.' I replied, 'mlno are lI Rua lly nbout three square meals Il day. cloan IIneu and an occll3ionnl kent cigar.'''


rmpo"ent to Mothere

ExamIne curerully every boW. 01 CASTORlA, a sare and BUrG remedy for Infanta and chlldren. and aee that It Bears the ~--Blgnntureor ' . ~. In Ule For Over 30 Ye&I"I,

Children Cry for Fletcher's Oastoda It. Kind. "W hat aort of a game are they \llaylng with the oys ter Question In Annapolis?" "I guess It Is some k.lnd of a shell s ame." Smile on w • • h dRY . That', when you 1111 Red 'ro •• ]\.11 Blue. Clotbe. thAD enow. .A ll IIrocel'tl. Adv .

- --

More poople might ncqulre wisdom It they we ro not preoccupIed wIth foollsbn ess. A mUll' s good opin ion o r bl m self Isn' t going 10 foo l SI. Pc tcr .


TWO WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E. PinkhAm's Vegetable . Compound. Chicago. Ill. - ' ' I must t h ank you wilL all my hesrt for Lydia E. Pinkham', V e ge t a b I e, Compound. I used to go to my doctor for pills and r emedies and they did not help me. 1 had headaches and cou Id not eat, Bnd the doctor claimed 1 had f emal e .trouble and mus t have an ope~ tion. 1 read In the paper ebout Lydla .......-a.::..u.......- - -.... E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I have taken it and feel fine, A lady said one day, 'Ob. I feel 10 tired all the time and have headache. • I said. 'Take Lydia E. Pinkbarn'. Vegetable Compound,' and abe did and feela fine now."-Mn, )I, R.

/ '

KARscHmex, 1488 N, Paallna Street. Chicago, Illinois. ~e Otber Case. Daytou. Ohio. - " Lydia E. Pinkham'.

Vegetable Compound relieved me ot peine in my side that I bad for yean and which docton' medicinea failed to reUeve. It has certainlYliaved mo from an operation. I wl1l be glad to 11181" yoo by a personal letter to any Womall In the sarne condition." - Ml'II, J. W. SHERER, 126 Cass St., Dayton. Ohio.

n yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Plokbam MedIdioe Co. (confidential) Lynn. -, Mass. YourletterwJU beopeoed. . read and answered by •• w0DlAllt and held in strict oonJldenoo.

Don't Persecute Your BQwels Cut out caLbnia~In~I~~CII~~R~nd~~,u~~.ii brutal. h.nh. u





Feforme,.. of Today Certainly Art Throwing All KInd. of Safelluard. Around th. Ceremony.

sta t e of matrimony wlthOl,t tbe cor. sen t of learned psynhologls1.e to tesUt, to the ir BU ltablllty to one llDother. And tb en the ftnanclBJ certlcate r tbe coneidered judgment i1f economl. 'specialists as to ways "nd meaD" However physically Bound and temper ' amentally suitable the ml"n and wom. an may be, the new marf1age 11'111 In. slst that tbelr Incom" be euIDclent tc Insure a life of comfort According to the ir normnl Htandards. (lur marrlag • reformers are going to e.llow us to take no riska. - New Yorll Tele I gram.

'\Jnder the mIcroscope of moden. c~' 'tlcllm marriage aeema to be honey· co''IIbed with false Ideas and tyrannou" 'CUjf 10ms. So wrong Is It that we al· aI~t doubt If any of our grandparents cow;;d have been happy. and we eigh ",I~ rellet when we consider that at luI modern Intellect Is about to demor'\b the old· fashioned methods and Dolnll Their Beet. In lhelr placo a acheme ot com· Little 111 aggle bad not been to the mot -6ense marriage In which no sor· country before, and, lettll'lg lonesome, ro,~ and regret can cloud the domestic Ihe waa told abe mlglat go to the ban ·hearth. and look for egge. Prese.ntly r. Wbat a primitIve. careless thing turned wltbout any. marriage bas been hJtherto Just be"Couldn't you find any egP. · d . .r'~ cauee a man and a woman have boen 8.lIked ber mother. attracted - to one anotber . they have "No. Tbe bens were scratching 1\11 rushed blindly Into a lifelong partner-- around as hard 1UJ they COUld. but til., shIp without any caretul forethought badn't found a all:gl. elr, ",. wal tbe or Inquiry. ' doletul reply. .1;r . . ' Uut W4il see the ..ztd of all that nonS8lll8e. Already the new marrlaa_ th.' can!tul., well-consldered matlngarrh'ed, The, medically amlned weddIng tnthia country. SilreI:vbthl. '.",,:UI \,all'. -1 a, lead to' - the


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IOOthethe eJnbrane wei, c:.

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I,.. r!JJ 'il ' LI': 'lUI 'S lU ll h :t.~ bl'I' n a~kl'd lilllr" lha ll un('(' Sl, ll'" Lll( ' 611 ip ~' "l!k tll O ) " slr:; Hl!. (I ,


Such Is the Glorious Message Easter' Revealed by the


::\' t·; 'l'J.\~ f· \· t1rr

lint,· Utl l b ultjl'l'l l al ~ hl.'I '1l IJroadlt: ti E Ulrll' 0111'

nm U : lll t 01' h l1lJ i i ll ~ ~ to l orU h ..' t, h fl \\'I' f'(' I{

\\' I'" ,.k s ha \'(. II wily or ~ h l(III1K e \"'"

ILft"r tlt .. y (" ' /I('h Ih,' ",', ' nll b er\. ami 11/ ;6 1M 011 ,· or till' PII ~z lllli: aSIH'ci s of n ~ Ilbnl " r i ll(, pwhl" 11l of Ihl s sort. T ~I\ lj yuur u ll us anLi t race Ih e onrs," (l( th e Gulf Stn:am n.~ it raII<'III'S jllst !tbOUl 1\ hel"! t Ill' \1' !Ulfl tar 1I11 pr collided w llh IhlLt dealh'n ea li ng ICt'lreq~ . \'0 11 will fl II ,I that Is cur r ent of Wllrl11 \I al e (' RWl '(' PS at that point off 10 the 80U l h ens !. an d eOi]\Uw iJ pJ'e he l ow lho Gul f Sl rr'llnl ' l h e great vo lume o (,ho Labrador Cu rrc ut tlo ws t o th e suuth {lnd w " fi t, urill gi l l!; with It lUI uIH' casln/; bUI'd en of sa n d . In thl M t[ll;hloll both of til es!' oc,mn rive r s have carrl llll d to ! h e point w\tere they I n c,mOlel south or Newfou n dlan d . IIn·1 ll,us ('lilt o ( t hI s battl e hus grown th ai 8t l'adlly rl slll g submarine muu nlaln or t cllu cu lled th e Grand Ran I\. It 15 Ilo ss lbl c that th o Oe l ( Strellnl and th e Labrudo (' C urrent have In tl lfl pnRl t wo Yl'1lrtl sllb· I!tallUally burled I h e wr t]('l( or the 'TItani c_ If such be th e casll. th o buI lt may n ov el' b e l ocnt ed , Again, It II! not certain thllt th e TItanic lies on a sondy boUo'm . Th er e Is a r easonabl e probnblllty that the ocean b ed at that point ruay be rock~·. This brin gs u s to tho Qu es tion o( her probable conditi on as a likely "ubject for ual vase. DSSU ruing . that It be hu· monly possible to g e t down to be l' uno) to a ttach lin es or ca bles tor her Ufling_ 'The Qu estion Is. 80 fa r as the Sill Vel' Is conc erned. WhIch of t h esE' w ays wa s tbe one In which th e Titanic w as final ly halt~d at the boHom o( th e At- , lanUc ? It she lies upon a roclcy b ed, then. It Mr. SmIth can socure his magnets to h er - and command sufficient lifting forc e, th e c hance of h er ultl. mate r ecovery brighten s considerably . On the other hand, If the ship has forced a goodly part o( h er body Int.o tbe sea bed th e Situation III entirely cbang~d. Th ere Is no reasonabl e hop" of d fslod glng ber from tbat anchorage. The Titanic. like her sleter ship, the Olympic. measured upon ber longest deck, 882 f eet nnd her beam was 92 feet. A rectangle of these dlmen810ns would have a total area ot 81,144 IQuare feet. or course. a plan view of the Tltanlc's body wae shIp sbaped and not r ec tangular, and let UB suppose that a goodl y part ot It Is burl ed bow first In th e sand. and that only 60 per cent rises above the bottom. In that case approximately 7.000,000 Bquare Inches would be exp08ed to tbe dOWnward thrust of the overlying t,\\'O dIes of sea water, . At a depth o( 10,500 fset there Is a hydro8tatlc pressure tending to crush . to hold amounting to a torce ot pounds to every superficial



II ~ ~I. ' d

I )lOU out-wastes tlnle of I-wastes work. RUB-

NO-MORE 'VASHEmpty Tomb. liNG POWDER sal'es HI'" Ill' day 1 clothes - saves youI I.' t)l'oll;: ll t ll!. · an d 1!l 1 time; because t u 'gilt, ""d Ill, ' \llJrld du"ti , saves l .ung fnr ·· :n\:tk. ' u n ; it loosens dirt withLlt· 11s :,nll ~l H ry



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.I' · HU~ l: ltl · I ~ L.

Illorla.llt)' hinl ill) 110r .

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(UIlIU f or llll1'(1 \, ilh an urn'!y or ti gUl"E'M Ihut al' l lllr('nlly Illncp.j til!' projt'c l I n th e r ('a l m of tbu I I1IPOSRlh l l' , Of lu t u 1:1() itl ~u h us bel'u rV\'jv l'd . and now COrt1f'S an 1':1· g ilu\pr wHh a 6('belllf' th al CD ), hllus( a n ·1,· IIIf·nt of th .. pro bubl,'. p l'O l' ldt'd til" C Il" C Ulll B t n n (',~ s un' qultf' a s r"I' o", ubl o II~ h e I IIlUglllt,d Ihem t o 1](' , I'uradoxlea ll y. th .. 1111111 t hnt off,'rs UI ,1 p r pAt'n t ~" Iutl o n IIiIS h j~ h urn e I,rp t · .... ty III urly aB rar n wuy rront ti" , Sf''' liS tt jg pUHsl hl 1' t o g,· t hNU In th p ( ' nlt pd Stutps. ( ' I wrl(' ~ A , HlIll th. th ,· a u t h u r of I h n plan, II I' CS tn Iknvlj r , suy s 11..Now Yo r k SU Il. Il r i" tl y it 1:1 h i s PUI'pos" to rnuk e UBO or R gl'l'nt 1111111 )' [' ow .. .. ful l~ l p ,· t r l c IIfli o,:: IDlI p' II "'". wh ich wh!'11 l' IIPrgll"'1l will l'l illf; lu thl! s t ec l bod y of th " 'l'l llI nie Ill,,, " " mllllY nWII s t e r Itll'clH'!L WI, e n tb e:l lllugn l' t H Ilr" Ilnll l y 1\1to r h"d to Ih e akin of the shIll l inCH l en ding BUrrlll'f'Wa rtl wil l b 8l'CUrc!l t o bu uynnt clllsllU IIS. or cum ~ I R. or s t et'l buill ('s pecially fol' lil e purpose . and th e l1 lh tl illl'l' l1t u r ('OUlrts upo n t h e c: unt llllltlVII IIrllllg rO r C!} o r ull lhps'l t')' l il1 d ric;d La n Its 10 rals" tho Tltulli c c l a r or t l1c bottom 60 th a I th" w r ec lt and th !! fl oati n g caltll· l s can 1)1' low ed Into shullow e r waler . Each tim e Ihe Tlt n l llr III tlaltcti b~' tb e rising st's b ed llH' onlll' cting IIIlf'd wil l b e sh orte n etl . lh l! vcsse l ru l st! d n few (ellt. a nd wi t h th l ~ cl!'arllncll 8h " wi ll be towed n rarnr tllll'l. TlluH s t efl b y t; t c [l th e fOllndFre d ship Is to b e r ais ed {lnd tnovl' d sh o n'\n,rd IIntil lh " lI l'x l to th e Ins t ~t.I1~ " o f Lll e OI'Pl'U tiona /lnd e h {' r III wnl"r of Huch nt tI· f!l'lllfl dep th th ut tll t· o r dina r y tlh' er can U(' elll ploye d. Tills wO\lll1 inl' oll' " bril1 gl llg th n TIt n n k frUl1I 11('r 1,,' l's!' nt SU 1JPo ~p d r L' ti l · In g p l{lc,~ . tlln 1II1l"~ dowu bulo\\' Ih l' IlUrrlll'!' of 111l! Sl ·a. IIlId lmnRportlt,;; h er 10 sonI c' pu l :lt 111 '111' tli, · :-\OVIL Sc otllIlI ('on~1. II h E'rro a t (' llI I'urllry n ':' lill ); IJlu ('u "uIII ,I til ' f nlllll l a l a " "IJth or 110 1 1I10r" Ih all I t!O r",'t. 11111 ~r,·.' t ph y,i,·:tl I1b ~ t:ll' I I' E 11 " 111 tJlP path or .\ t l'. "'lIil"' ~ "roJj l'·1. To be· gill \\ilt.. II wOllld lake :UI 1m Ill .. 11 ';1'






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'fw cnly · fuur b l, ur ~ IIf ~laJ~\jme mu sic: re l l III f·I·. ·r) hOll '" .IIIJ huart. h eard lu el'l' r y sln ' ''1 an<l bou l evlll'<.l . b l'rald 'd 011 laud 1111(1 ""11 Thi l"; ur A lilt a ll at)OUl lh lJ Illt'OllllH LJ nb lo Il ! C hr;o;t ~ ~o wa.."i il in I h C' rl'lIl1J l ~ ·~a 6 l. 0 11 t h u r eBurn'c l lon da) )1"11 and \\'Otl,,' n spak e III hU t," r'latll'(' 1(,rtnR anli Ila\,' evitlerw ..... to t' 1l 1 1Iu~iH !:; m t hal lH·~Ul1cd

'(,lIar" 11Il'l1. If YOIl 1IlIl III pl~' tlr, ' ' .U (lII •. bl' a \\uul<l c Ul tlOWII Ih" I'Hill to be Itrt (11)11 squarf' Inc h t,s by lhb pr f'SHur' and !·d 10 ;i"pru~ l lIlal"l y : ~!l.O ')1I t UII S. wbl cb dl"''',' ll y ~.2 ~U - t'(~ lln~6c u ting th e wuuld ca ll fo r ~I,Z:IO .. 1",' lro magu>:ls. POIllld K o f a long l on - you wi ll t1nd r!' llr" ti "tlllllg a d""tl w"ig h l In llre\ll' t l ll' m lrlri or Ils rh.lIJL'II ~ . all d \lll l'lIsin i'.l Ih a t 11,0 ~ ul)prjJogl' d 8('a hli H l aId l\H sp l \'PH of full y 11)."llt) lUus . Tha t I ~ to tb e hearl III ilS lu",' ,·h r!.; t w",s th.· hunt! UPIIIl tIll' llOtl y of Ih o Tit Anic Hay . lhal th l' Hpl"tia l JjOll l OO Il H or cam· h lM l rl l'atiun IIf tlJl- ~uul I II L1 1" Ilr~t w ith "''''1; 111 u! Ulorl ' thull 1 1.00 f l,I)lIt) , · I ~, IlIll st Iw "IU(I I 10 llro ,-i d l nl'; 11 total greul I·; "",tpr, lind iI,' I" lhlll lu .u y . H i s ton s. lal oyallty of " good dl'u l wo r ll LllRn (ace Is nOl III " (' l ljlH!' flOW I I 1M g l ory \\'h e n afloa t lind (ully IUli0t1 Ih (' " ~,Ullii tOI/H. bN'au~(' Ihe m:,gn .. l s mu s t fills th ll f'nrill . 'tr Ill hU lllHntlj 1'('H\""ltlH bl' 8 I1 s llf'n d ,~ tI h r •. h.ll. i.,8 or wire rope!;. ,::rent lI'I1' r n ·jJ11J1l(lll t ... " " c1 ea tl W{'iglll to I t. gral"fully Rlngillg. or 65.0UO tanH . It sIll.! b e 11(' ltl in tlw an d h "rl" agaill Is all lLl'I&.' l irrrwl loatl . Glor y of Eas l er. grip o f tllf! O('ea ll bud. with th e sea H you ,u (> fond of fl guret. :;-OV cnn !lut wby 18 I hi H" II " " ""Ull: IL fUl'thl~ r aiding Ibat ho l d. th(, II sa l ver \\hi l .. awar ),ollr li ll '" ca l CUlati n g lhe nbout lh fll l!1~ naIll" IH I I" , I I" ."" . o f wou ltl hnvc to e x prt II liftin g force of lIumlH'r and ti l(' sl7.e of l h c calssollH t'u l ogy and ROllg. of \>1':.I )' I' r IlIHI I hankM' n,ure than 21 ~ tim e'S b e r sc ni c!.! LOll ' whic h 1\11' . 'I!l i th wou ld h avo to U 6e giYlng? na;;e In urd!' r to f r ee h er (rom tlle bO l · u'Jtl f' r I h e nlo!> l favo r abl e rl r culll' Th e h" lIn l\ tI~W "I H III luud ;)(''''alm lorn . In ol h l' r words. M r. Smith ","oultl st a!1("'H, aull wh(' 11 lha t conc l usion ba s "C hri st i.. Ih, ' ~I,,"y or Ell Rlt' r. behav e to pro\'l d f' sal vllSf' culS80 n H or beell r eadl ('d you wH I find sO Ule dlOi - cause h e Itl )'~ IJar,· to rllllU tllIl influ lt e cama lK with no IIlllllsscd buo yuney cu lt)' In ge tt ing anchorage ~"lLce (o r tenac I ty a ll d I'l lali l y or Ih c HO UI. tl(( uh-u l !'llt to an !Issem bl "d Il ept of t l1O' II t'Cf'SRllrY 1I" pt I n ~ w Yn r k har- assu .... s th e world IhUl Iho soul ('n floating Tlta n lcR mor e than ~ l ~ hur. II yn u ar" atld l famWar wIt h lbe uurcs an d p' ·n; isls. Th " bod y uloll" slrong' From a fi nancIa l and ensineer· prac l il'al Il l tfiru l Llf'H or tow iog yo u will goes down , uul l",r" l ull']ll), ('oll llIlU l.ti In,:; point o f view lin uDtkrtaklll g o f r palizt' what i t wou ltl !li pan 10 conl'oy (urp,'l'r." ,h i s sort wou l u not be u ll uri ug , lhcsf' ~" uatl ro!!,. 10 the ,. ile of tlt o Th (; r l-rllrp . Ih"re is a r i ng or [ rllllnll il IIllt II may he that U1 P w r l"ck of the w r, ·ck. IUld wh f' 1l )'O U hOI'c J:;ot lbe m 10 E" ~ I (' r d a) : il , 1.. ,' llI r'-'; IIntl ,,11" ~tH gllip 1:1 lIut III th is unprollllslllg pl'( •. th,' r (' a nd h,Il'C .' - ow(kd llt elll o l-e r thtl th Itnlllonalll}, of I h .. snul. It "I'i . d II'IIII1 PII!. 1I 0 \\' Is Ih l' I)e n v er Inve nl"r T ltul1ic ' " hllll( . IlIla!,:illf' wh Ul would d " llr e~ IlI' I'ol1<1 th,~ shado\\' o f a dOllt" 10 sil li sfy h l lllSl'lf upu n thi s JlOlnl '! h ,q)jl f' I' Ir 1\ SlUl'll! arll''': Il will b" Ihat what ' w e l1s~"" liall y are t' lldUrl 'A tll:)t .\11' , Snll ll! h U9 Th l ' "i lh i l~ grt':I1 hopl '", ~ r . Smith has " lal .IL' " :ts :til :LtI )(II · 81'['rr. Iht'rr· ror,. S i ~ l"111 ab plrlll l un" fllld tip lrilUal ILtiar), n I),(, p or ~U bll "'rl l'" hn lLI \\' Ili t' li IK marry ditflcullii'R 10 n,'('rCOllle 1':""11 If tt \\'''r e I.osslb l p 10 I I"COY ' talnl l1'·lI t ~ . I~ ILt; l'II' l'llal liS (;n d. Th , to bf' H l ron~ "110111'11 t o wllhsl:lIld lit·) d e~ pe ~t ~uhlll(] rg" II ('I' I·Nluln·" for th" 1111' II h ... l e or allY part of lh 13 hll i k 11 I bn.all l Ul Ilf.·, t ll a l \\ .L ur pa ll, Pd 11110 rnuchln!: or Ill ... Tila n il' \'irl'd t. In lhl~ Is h.l rrJ lu (' uoe!'''' '' h o \\' t" l' sn l vl' r~ rn all at Ih p b"g lltl1lllll. I S 1 1IlJlO nH h ~lr l l ' . ,Iir.. et lon Ih .. ill"'~n[Or I. "r .l~l iI' : t1ly \\'01 III ha l' " :111 ) 1 11i1J ~ but a ll irrepar- A llIi1!ll 'n ~ ... t! s " a nIlUl c •.\!t:rU,;l i l : l{""'PllIbf'r l h a l d" a l h ,·"nllo l .Jlia l lli latr> It. \I ' ,. I" .)!:tll {'llIb"rn tl ll~ " " t h n " ,,1'1; of 1I"I"d ahly d;!m ag, ' r! m:1SR Irll ll" .r . Itali a ll ~\l bll1 nrlnt! f' u g:IIIVt·f. ~1,I;{n(J r i f H IlY a il' pof'l;(' tM o r chamb ers IIII .. d In (; 0 01 il nd ( ;"d iM ,,"r goal wi lh "I' sun·iI, ·f! fur a "hil,' durl1l/: tiLli t y IR ti l" I"~ i " al alld tll d l" I' L1 la lll" Pln o Till' lalll'r d" s l ~1 1I d n :y p" ur f; l uuu · lIlf' "" ~H" I' R ~ 11I 1;i tlg. I h ,,), l'. I Llmntl:ly pre ""'" lu nf (IiiI' nalllre. ;Lull 111, ' r"s lIr.

S:l ska tcll('\\':111 and Albert:! , will &0,, 11 la yo pas~od. C.' nada otio;·. a hearl y welcome t o l h o Se~ l. r . to t he In ... n' With a fall1i1 y IO" Y. 1I1!l' f or a h0m e; to tha f anllo l 's su n. to the rentp r. t.o al l who wtsh t,o It Vol under boner condItions. Ca.naoa·s I;r:lln yield in 1913 is the t" l k o f l il a w , rld. L UXUriant Rl ' H ·NO-MORE Gras ses rrivo ci:c.!.p f oddor f o r larg G I W ASIIING Pf)\vUEU h c r ~; ; cost o~ rai sing and faLttlOlDlr I" a 8uu l es5 dirt re· f or marke t is a lTlfle. , m over for clOt !> C9_ The sum roal ize d for Beef. Butter, ~""''Brl l' . It c1~n ll' Jour dish,' •. , Mi :k and ChM SO will pay fifty per • II's inks, t o il e I S rnd ' cent on the investmcnt. clt·. ns Dod • "'!"Ctees Wri Lo fo~ l iteralure ani partic,.ou r mil k r rorks , It ula rs as t o roducod railway kills Ilerm~. It d oes rates to Superintendent nor need hot wat er. of I mmigralion. Ou .awa. I Canada. o r t o Carbo JIj.pth. Soap Wu b in, Powd er ., W, S. NETHERY

l out rubbing.




l a r submarln/, . wltl, h _ U,"C!lIl Sil or tis particu lar fUrltl illlJ Ih l' nutllr .. of 1t:J r"brlclltloll. wuu l d 5Lalld \lp ulld er lh l' ('rll . hlllg S U·P8S ,· S of "I ' ry rlf'I' ll subnil ' rgl' l](, ('. In fact. tho bO a l - II ~ \1t''' It cou ld slrirtly b .. eulll'rI - wa s SQ a r· rall ge tl th ll t IIl('rl'nslng pl' essur,' ac l\l · ally SPf"p d \U malw th e craft \\'a I Prtlghl. ~ccurdlng 10 ~Ir . S1lli' '''~ plan. tlt l'se submarin e :lu xlllllr!c s II III ll . l Oll ered fro m bi g wrt'cklu g . l ealllers and wi ll ob l al ll th eir ll lJll l'~ U propu l si':c en'l rgy froUl lite el ectric \Jo wl'r planl of t h e surfa cc craft. Th e i r purpose \\'111 b o t\\'o fo l d: Th at or l ocatin g auu ox plorln g ex t urll ull y lhe ,;hllttC'rcd wrl' ck . Ilnd to IIsslst In g uIding lin d i n pushing th e pow erfnl magn ets in to contac t with tbe s tp el illll \' Il w ou l t.! be of Ih e u tmost Importuu ce t o plaeo I.hl'se nl l'challir.u l l ec d ws wh er o lhc Int ernal s truc t ure of t h e Ti ta ni c wou ld he b e5 t ab l o t.o Bupport the lifting Rt r aitl s. Lifting mugn e ts ar E' eXlellsl n , l y e m· ploy ed nowadays In big s t ec i planla , and Illtel y have b een u sed also (or th e r ecoyery or l!'On and s t ee l scrap wbl c h has been l ost overbouru 10 hllr· b or!!. A well known Engll sb tlrm h us built so m e ot th ese wltb a dia m et er of fi ve feN nnd with a mngnetlc grip s trong enough to rais e a solid mass of Iron or steel w e ig hing 12 ton s. One or tho main dlfficultl os In th o u se of magn et s Ie to avo lu overh entlng them by r enson ot th e el ec trIcal cur rent turn ed Into th em . This el emont of t e mp ernture has hltberto placed limits upon their attracUv e powers . and especi ally upon prolong ed ~ontlnu · ous service, somethIng that would b<:l absolutely n oe dful In d eaUng wltb such a project B8 the IItUng of the Titanic and holding h e r during th e towing Intu shallower water. However, n ews ha s oome from Paris ot late announcing an Important discovery In thIs mattc r uf Increasing the strength of magneta without adding materially to tb clr size. Unquestionably the temperature of the Ilea water where the Titanic now lIee 1:\ very close to the freezing point. nnd It ml\Y be thst the D env er engineer ('ouuts upon 'tbls condition to pro· ruote th e l' fficlency of his magn ets when first gripping the wreck and startln~ It surfaceward. As th e matter etands, however, the presE:nt Rtate of the IIort calls tor a magnet Weighing about slxty·elght hundredweight to lItt a bunIen ot 12 tons. It the Titanic broke just forward at tbe bridge, and It the after section represents twothirds of her total weIght, then tbe load to be lifted would be equival ent to something over 43,000 tons were tlte vessel afloat. The buoyancy of the Is some encouragement Ln the fact that they should quarrel over a ques· Uon of. ~qlture and not of craps_ And Is the UBe to demonstrate DIckens essen· Frenob meth-

u""meau on,


~ t!ltl

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"4 "' p"r

II I hy lilli incn'n~l ll g I,)' tl ru· UR Ih l' crart plulI gf'd

pr " ';~ I II'O

aud d r·

p e r to


gray €'.


I'H' !i'J1\ ,'I .\. ~I" 1' III'I" t I~ :L (ad thal w" ~U II " .. Iio ·" •. Il! ' , ' all~p nll r lIa l Lln' ali . . . ' J , -.:'u ... (' I l ll ~ l \\, t · f'T .)\\ ' 1\ t 1l'I)Httf':i It



Second Turkish Omclal- I don·t know who g ets the dread, but I Icnow w e' ve got the naught. -Punch.


The BI The ' pnlzed . at home L,ttJe N ell only did In a rude 11\:&1 '(.jlume. what organized society has been dO- I tho Bible Ing since the birth of ctvlUzation. Itl Altogether this encounter of IItreet Hoose boys over a · disputed point of iltera. ,umes in ture ·may be ·tal!:eu . . hOPljtully lUu.. last ~rat~1 the lledOllSnells ot the juvenile t,941, ot clilture. The, are the Bturt great cities ate macte, II.D~Hr.blli:iI


CDnadw>.n Oovemmenl


HOOSIER BINDER TWINE Direct from Fal.lory 8 C Treated for Full, GaaraDleed / += Tested & Weigbed Insed.

'j /

O ...d~r. (o r 500 lb .. o r morc:. 1. per ce nt orr; or 200d n o te c1u~ Scpo 1st, 19 14, wlthout In l e r~ lI l. C.r 10 \ price. on appliCAtion . Prlc-ca o. b . fac tory . Rt:mh by any (ormo(t:&cha.n&tt:. OrderbylcUct, .end for blG.n ks . C ot c (u l&tte o t ion t o dub Otd Cr L . - - I!.. J. Foaa tt y . S upt., H onale r Tw ine Mills, M lchill.n Cit y. I n d.

Phones for Turk ey. Th o A n g l o-Freo ch Tel oph one corn· pany which eecu r lld a concession t r om the Turkts h gov ernm ent ror Con stantl · nopl e thr ee year s ngo, bas comple t ed lUi Ins t allatl oo , and the olTlcla l Inaugu· raLiou uf thu public service has Ju st takpu placo. About 28,000 milcs of wl r ~ have bf'e n l aId. This Incl udes eigh t submarI ne cables ullder tbe (;lI l r ur J ~m ld . Th e r o li r e a l read y 4.0 00 subscri bers _ The op erators aro all natl vo g irl s ... r tlP k s. A rmeni.ans and J ewessc6. a.nd C\' en J soye u Turk ls b gl rl R.


I , I I



_we ~IU~:'~J.~ ¥.;.U.O:.~!


I"orcl of A ll. I" l':II1~I J I" . " O Il\' , ' r!M h llman hop,· inlo cer talnl),. alld \llan 's f ('ar of " " :lIh :: 11 1) alJl)ulldi l1g ')pli ,"i"m . I -" nw Iili~ "'ltlll'1'115 PI' I'Y'III' nf 1I ~' pan ca ll~ , :Lnll apl /"al s t; tron ,::ly to ('1I1' h h ea rt. UI course. ~Ir. S ll li ih mill' h rll'e au fOI - I' tl II ". 1,'1"1 " J' ·('.·I r 111 .'\ll ~· 11,' 1" ""'rll"es ' <iIlSWl'r for t'Yl ' r y puinl rai sed; b u t \\',' n' (1111; III Ill" (;r~"n\\'oo fi H or tbe E'YE'n so th ' sulvlIge of lh" Titanic w"rIJ .· III ,; pi l l' of th .. brilliant :Ii1tl ], pa ll ttru l i':a gl(' r ,·(,lorA. lhl' si "llt< or w o uld In n o \\' 1"1' pay for t he la bor ~ alltl lli " !' 1l01'l1l OUIi t"X JI li se Inl' o l vt'd . mourn ili;! gr"fll U ~ u n ev ery si dp . l l nll .. r Ihe draJlN i eH of "" !TOW IH Ih " Tru e. '~n ILchl " vellll!llt of thi s so rt would bc uf till' UlmoSt engi n ee ring h e;lrt that 11(>\'('r r. ... as ,,. to Influln' : "If :L llI a ll "dil' Rhall Ir e liv e nga io?" RI,:: n lflcu n c". luaslIllI"b a s It would h e r a l d the f ,·,...,lblli ty of f! N din g wi t h TI em ha\'l'.' bN' n t Qars. aud therp. w ill be mOrt'. Th l' r ll hav e bee n p!\i ufu: Lr pas urp ~ h lIIS all d ut h er profitab l t: sppllratlons ; tl('8 , lh al entlured for wrec ks that Ii In sha llowe r \\'lIt e r . It ycars. n r c hr(1 I' ("L Th e r e Ilr~ va ca nt Mr. Sml lh ('a ll do lhl s l u tt er work b e ~hair ". ond {' ve ry 011(, of th p m Ie nil wi ll d o "o lll('\l1l11g we ll w orlh whil e. Itl lclTogalio n point. Th e palh to th o to mb Is In conslanl uso; m etl an d "'OIOt'1l 1I re rOllllng alill ,::olng. Thol/gh It hI] Ea>ilf'r d:l~', Ihe ~ lI rrou l/dl og There Ha s Bee n a Big Increase DurIng \\'olld i B kne"llng In th e God 's A cr e Re ce ot Months In Demand s of T i m e. Dnll po n derin K Iht) g1'('a t for Charity . th o u gh t of .J o b . A lld o h ! tl1 0 joy l h at Ih p s pring hrneze bears In Its Thero in more pove r ty an d dcs tltu - bor;orn the soul-s tirrIn g message- tb e tion in Ne w Y ork now tha n In th e l ast 10Ulb I s emply. th e grave Ie shorn o r 40 years. accordi n g to r eports r e- It s powers. d ea tb Is swa llow ed up ceIved by tb e Charity Orgnnlzatlon In victory! Thougb the sepu l ch er wo r o soc:ety. says t h o 1'ew York W orld. or g r a n i t e, Bca..l ed and r e bo und w ith Never b efore In Its hl sl ory bas tlie bro nze and I ron. It ca nnot Il old tb e soci ety been call ed u pon t o h elp s o 50111 In boodag e; It l C'a ps In maj usllc m any fa milies. A few days ago It had atllu ellce and vigor In co ntinue unln2.i81 familie s In Its car e. all Increase t e!'ruptedl)' In th e .,rese Il Cf} of th e o f !\48 ov er th e sa lTl e season last yea r _ et(lrna l God. DurIng F'obruQry. 1914. It helped 3.313 Imperi shable Lifo Ours. famili es. nn In c r ea se of 642 over F e b\-\'I t h tb e Christ W lJ live eternall y_ ruary . 1912, Our l ot Is not Ilha t of Ihe g raws wblch " Each m out h since l as t OCtobE\f." wlthere . nor that ot l bA beast s that said W . Frank P er son II. director Of thc p eri sh . We I!r o Dot \11,0 Bt u r -du st. t bat soclety 's gen eral work. " w e have cared g l ea m s In th e night and dro ps In t he for 25 to 30 pe r ce nt more families ILbYHe of space and III no more. Tbe than th e year b etor e, The snowstorm stone I s rolled away, and t h e ang el s has brou g ht u s (am Illes who ordl. speak to U8. as to tbe dI sciples ot ol d : narlly would not bav e to as k for lielp. "Seek not th e living Ilrn on g th e dead; Th ey bav e been able to withstand th e Gibraltar of D eath If! take n anu hard times for weeks, but the pres sure dIsm antle d, and he 1\' h o was Ita prisoner Is a s (ree as tb o nil' that slirs now bas b ecome too great. "We expect to have (or tbe n ext In the trees and klse ~~ t he immensurmonth an Inc reasIn g number of such able deep!" C orn e, friends, all WP IIvo and Jourfamilies as apply for aid. Indication s are that there will be much 8ulferlng n ey t ogether, let us plun o ur II vee In frem throat and lung diseases, as Is the light ot thll~ gTe/l day. Let Ull bold always th e case when th e snow begin s ever In our thougb~ t. hut ImnlOrtalily to melt. ThIs will arrect day laborers, Is a postulate of b e in g. and et erni ty Is drivers and m en In other outdoor oc· our native clime. L et li S 1I 0t Imagin e tor a moment tbat t\ lml.h Is an Inter · cupatlons." mpllon of lite's plan s; tb o di sm a l end The Splendid Paupers. or vlrlu e; the ti on o f ijOITOW; th e BlIt. like Victor . First Turkish Official (presented d es troyer of with a photograph of the new Turkish Hugo. let us f uture. b ellc vlng na.vy Itl lieu of six montha' deferred that we are toward t.he ~ k y , topay)-So w e' v e got a dreadnaughL. w\yaru heaven h ome.- fl ev. ClI II'ln bave we? . . Laufer. at ily I hi s ha p l'c lI"d in !t I:.rge lIurn\) C' r of dirt ·('tln n~ , lind lI'L1s succ "',;5I " " I, 111 (' ~ h i Jl 's !'I t" " 1 ilO1l c )'cornll "'aK nil'" 11I1"'d H l1"l t1all~ n " d into a ,·er i l abl..

Interurblill B l da. Columbu s , Ohio


The Rub·No·More Co., Ft.Wayne,lnd I




Five C entoS-A II Crocer's


" .,lI .

The op;Jortun " y of securing free

home s te!ld .~ of 160 :,,: I'es each. and ' t "Ie ow prl :~ d I nds of M:mi to ba,


''''.MDo\." llb1 aodla..


enor woUJ locreue 1D' Lbe cc:.L of hSLb &r .




nOL been lo_fInd aod tbe price

to ),O ll rem-.JllI Lbe


Gencssel' "I'f' .. SlIsinll\\', 1I11cb . -" Cu llcura Soap und Oilltm£'nt cured ",0 of a v ery bat! dIsea se of til" raco wi t hout l 13av ill b a scar. Pimpl es brol.e o ut all over l11y fac f' , r ed alit! l~g t' . T\)py re8t erl'd n ull caUle to n IH:all , Th ey It ched and burn d and cu u 'c d Ille to 8c t h e m and mnk," ,

13.~. 1 • .60. You wW lb.en be eoevloced

thAt W .L.Doutlaa ahGN ID'Ct a.\J..»o l u t...-Iy aagoooaaoLber mall_told a .. btJ ..... prl_ The onl7 dlIJ.......

lI!IlbCl pr lt"G.


~:='!:. t~~\~;::: J.if~'&~


QO' fu r .. t. In J OUF 'fic:tniIJ. <Iron d b_'!1 from r.C:l"r)'. 8aG.. ror ''''r)' m. mbu

.Il~ ......


,so r cts. T\th 1}1'l o I6IUlidl· ~.talfJsYr~5~\t· e l '~Sos rSrcoen~ I' ar S . , 0 ~ ~ . !leh lo 0" . Wh en t ho barber \\,o uld sbave rue my (lice w9 u l d III 'ed tc rri ·,.

~:.UL~r;!~ l!.~~~

'" ..tIl.~ ror $3.00.




bly . T b c o BCll UM would f o r m afterwardR. tb en th ey wou ld dro p 01T an d Ihe 60·ca ll ed seed warts wou l d com e buck aga in , They were on my lace I f or abou t nine monlhs and the t r ou · bl e c au sed dlsflgurement wblle It lasted. "O ne d ay I read In the pap er or tbe C d 01 1 uli cnra Soap an ntment. r ec el\' ed a tree sampl e or Culicura Soap and OIntment Rnd It wns so m u ch val ue to me lhat I b ou gbt a cake of Cutlcura Soap and a box o( C' u l1cura Ointment at the drug sto r e. I used both acco rdin g to direct i ons. In abou l ten da ys my (ace b ega n to h eal up. My f ace I s n ow cl oa r ot th e warts and )Jot a scar I s l erL" (SIgned) L eHoy C. O'Brlc n , fllay 12 . 1913. C utlcu ra Soap and O intm ent sold l hrougbout tli e world . Sample or each tree. with 32-p . Sklrl Book . A ddress post· ca rd "Cuti cura. Del>t. L. Dos ton ." - Ad l'_ Brainless Town. nl ll- Do you b elieve that fl sb m n k e braille? .llll- I ce r tain Iy do, "Well, tb ey t ell me evel')' m an who has (;Olle In tbe IIsb bu slueBs ill you r to w n b as railed ."

Red Cro •• RIlJl Dlul', much beu er , !{Oe8 n.rtbl'. r thAn liquid blue. Got from any lrocer. Adv _


Neuralgia sufferers fi nd instant relief in

It pcne-

Sloan's Liniment.

I i

I '

trates to the painful partsoothcs and quiets the nerves. No rubbing-merely lay Jt on.

SLOAN·S LINIMENT Kills Pain . PM N......t.le "I .... ould n ot IHI wi thou' TO<Ir LIni m en t and praille it to all wbo


:~~ ~l~:d.~.~~~~ rt~;aB::;,;r £~


PaID AUC... "1 lutrUl!d with Qu1te alM!'ferfl nelJ-

Natural EndIng. ''Was tb er e an y sIgn o( rnollrll ! ng when Miss Pretty rac o snapped up llle best matrim on ial catcb ot tb e season?U

"Sure th ere were told ."

woo .




Putnam Fadeless Dyea will l ast un til the gooda wear out. Ad • . An Agreeable Cure. ult I ever ' have to choose a disease." sald Weary Walker, "I 'U pi ck n eurasthenia." "Wot's good tel' It, Weary?" "Complete rest."

raltric headache f ar .. maou.. wltbout any reUet. I u.. ed )'OUl' Unl"'e"t tor

~:r~do~;~":,~If.~:.d ~!!.!!~i.~:tJ.",t

SwinB8r. £ouUlItU.. K,_

Tr.atm ...b for Cotd

....r c_

'My littl. lirl, twelye rean old. CatJlbt _ leTero cold, aDd I I.". her three drQpo 01 Sloan's Llnimeot 00 .......... 00 IOlnr to bed, and ohe lOt up 10 the morolollwlth no oitrDA of a cold. A little boy next door bad c roup and I pya the mother theLlolment. ShoKa vebim three d,opo on IOInE to bed. and he rot up without the croup In the morulDl. N

-II,. "'.IL,.. o.qo,lQ. "all D.aIon.

rdoe I ........... 1....

SIoaa·. Book .... u..-_In. Ac&&-..

D1 fAIl S. SUIAII, lie., kUI, 1m.

:!:~I }Just aWordWithyou!

Daughters !

A woman'. organlam Is • very delicate thing-It very eaaily gela out of order-just like a delicate piece of machinery, It requlree 100M than ordinary care and attention. There_... many algne whleb point todiaord ...., ouchu headach8ll, unaeeoQllt.abt. palDa In v&<IOI1l ~ or the bodY,II.tJ el.nD.I, Donoum_lrritabien-. dlnlD"1II faiDtD-. backaebae lou of appetite, depnuioD. aDd manl' otb....

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription haat.eD t.1!.e m8S1111 of~rlnlrthOO88Dda of But!erlqwOmeD to_toral health

IUIdatreu\lith. For more than forty yean It baa beeu 3ucCM8t'olly earrylDIr OQ thi8 peat work. Today It I. known throulhout the leugth and breadth of ev.ry lan4. Women evorywhere loo!t·upoD It u a belptuI frieild. Let It aid ~OQ"

IlelJ In IhIvIJ 0' to61et '0",. . " J ...~"••' .... ..n.I _Iw ISO <:eAt. (~ Dr. p'lierce'. OU,..ru8F7. BaHalo. N. Y. • D ... PI___ ~""",~StomacboU-and"""'"






': '.T'




I .

\., "\ 1





~ .~



2~8Ve. Y.ou tasted 't iny of tha~ good · br~d.. that ', ~ cotties• from Lewis' Bakery? ' . . t''I',.J- . . . . , . •







Ai'l kinds of cakes and cookies.

;~;...--~. ,

Waynesville, Ohio: ,~---"'--


dJlncry Co"

'Mr.' nnd Mrs, l.JlIlCU;lII YKleal ", Jed", Mr .. and · bel~. ' son , j md YJ illinm.. ()hio:" M,r . V,anPel~\. ~'. and ~rs I hoo" of lI.~u\, ,Mr t " atld r:;~ Hartsock,· Ml'. IUld ,Mrs ~die m c!<. Mrs. Hath Carey &nd Dyke, of Sp7i g. ''Valley, thc' funer-dl of ~rs Chae Mvnday·. . '\ :



'. )~.. '. On~e you have eaten ' our bread you will -'n ever. ~e co~tent to use any other! Tryt it OI1C~.

Milson's Fertilizel·. iliEl"~est on lhe markel . • r(1~sale by Chas , li'J'ye. • 0. P S P . ' d V ' h f • 0.; • . amt.'\~ a ~ or sale al 'H e~de:so n R P rcrn\U~ Store .. you ' luissing t1l.e · unl'Jrsinfl in . Wall I'upor 'at Wetl t's Clost: Out ale in Xenia, . _ 1l1l\'olen~. Au to '(lap, b~t to wash ha:pes:.. . , Wayn eRvi lle Auto a nd !\'la-


' ,. 1f . you' have not you have miss~ a. greatdt;al.

•• _ __

C. B. Behtley \~,i'l ill Washing tun, C. H, IHs't - TllUt'Stiay al tending lhl1 big horse' s al es. '


Mrs, A ,'T, Wright we re in Le banon

J,Jret1:ygenel"ally obeerved , I1pd . the


l'' rl'd. ay Wll~ .. CIean· '" tl p. d11):, ,. as'!Yr· , , . Mr , and Mrs , J. H, Cha pman n nd . h?r ed by Mayo.r Halhaway; It was bac:k yards alld alleyt'lloo~ as thoogb

Frid a)' ufternoon.

I hey

had beec cleaned ,UP' JrOod E"e ry citigen should Bee to it that th ei r pltlc~ al:6 always kepj 'clean without all o.rde~ ' from the mayor or bther lIources and it should be done 1I0t. onl.'i in the Sllring-but all througn

If you wailL 11 goud laug h , see Lh e "B ·He!' of Blackville" al Lhl! sc huol h , U8e , May 1>;\'. ' ' M.r,l\nd Mrs, ,Mi ll on Sheehan. of entei'ville , we re the g llests of. l'('lathe year, , ti v e~ he re. Sund ay, It ~ertainly iR a pleasure· ~o see Sever al goou ti~ h a r c be in~ c!1ught yarda in the town kept ill go,od on· in lbe river. 'f he re were sev eral (il t ion, and ou.r riti~ns are: as ~ :tule, ba$!\..caught last week, ,WiUingto see to i t tha t their'Plaees , , •, . Ilr e k~pt.('l ean and healthful. " Mr. Bnd MrR. All en Hallles , and .__ . daught r" of Xflnia, were r-:uest1; of ; R,.\I'SES' SOME QOOD HOGS r el~t!I'ves he ff' ,'unday ,

~,rt ":" A rain a[lron. uetween "B V . Our old'friEmd, Mr Ed -Hathaway, .slllith's r esid ent:e and Leela n F ind · of Co lumbus G1:.ove , Ohio, writes us ' er i:>lease 1('8 vo at l ;ar.eLte nUke. as f ollows: "Occasionally I Ree an , " " il('J:n in your paper aboot Mr"Elbon ~a)l.n ('s"i l1 e . Gra ng-c . WIll 1"m'l!t or !,ome other energetic hog rais6.r Satm'd ay evemllg at th plr hall. Al l ,selling som e good pigli. I ' had 5) GrE\Nl'PNl a re requested lo be t-1l'<1se nl ~ fa ll pigs th at averag.,d 245 I\t seven ~II I M ~ J mes Zilil and months 0101, wh,ieh J think. were llood "4 r , for " fee(hng. Those Plg8 were nne r. , a , dallghte r, of YelloV' ' prlngs. we re sold at $8 61i per hundred, I raise }be ,g~est s of M r and Mrs. , Frank nothing but full· blooded Durocs, Zell:, ~unday . ond feed nothing but corn, and oats. , 'the priee of you'r Paint is a ec· rtl(lJi tly ground , Have 54 J,li'gs for Qndary considerati on' Huy the be!it. August market. I look forwar.d each B, P. S. for sale a t Bend~ on's we!lk for my visit ~ith home folks P r ehlium Store, i through your paper.

. _...

Mr. and "' Mrs, G~,J Ru~~m and Mr. lfe,pert Edwar"s'~ :of :Dayton, were ~e guests of Mrl1lnd , Mrs. 0, • Ed,w81'dSl;Sunday. ',L!:lst-A pJlir of log ''tongs ,' som e· 'wne~ ~ bef ween O~,lesbee-~ woods' Corwin, Finder -' l>lea~ return Haines, WaY,.oesville, ',: ' ,



. ' Wm : WolcQtt, of Lena, '(i),hio, arrivea ' here Sunday ' ~ol'nin ;, for a shQrt y,isit with Mr. alld ~ Ts' ~~. "!Y.

.IJafneS'an'(i ,oliher r effi'ttvii . ., " ... ~ '. 'l.t i ), ~, ~ , Buy your Fertihzer of Chal\ •.P'rye. who hllndlE',s' Mjlson's the beSt. ~


'. ,The

Mrs, ChaR. Cornell, after ~ linger. ing illness, d1ed Friday morning at ha'i.home on Main street, The fun eral was hel<t at her late home Mon· daY" morning at ten o'clock'" , Rev: Grauscr, of t,h,e M. E ,

... - ...

.-.:....; ' .' - -..... ST. MARY'S-CH UI{CH

parIsh wiWpe' held at the- Ohurcb Monday eveI)itfsj. May 4t;h, ~ "1:;'30, . , Third Sunll~y after ,Easter May full attendance deSIred, ',' ,; 3rd , Sunday School at 9:30 a m. , , . " ,~. , '. sermon· and Holy Communion at 'J::y the ,0 . N ,~m· 10:30; at, this IIElrvice the Rt Rev.


lze th~ l-'Belles :oQf en by toe QGi'\!,,~ ,;:;O~lety· Hall, £<'dday evening, ~lii.y~q st:i , ~~

. ....

: Fianeis" G. .Rfchards, ' ' 0'(

Theodore 1 Reese. c(,.iidJutor of Southern .ohior a,ishop will 'mllke his an.~ visitation - to the' parish, miTli~ter Confirmatiion - and preach. EVI>rybody ' invited" these services.



'"'.6 ' ... • ...

I!C and " aUfJ,mun A . B ,'K


r l'




. ' .

' . . ''


S~,Iij~f~r·~:Ji~~-·$~~~~y · OQlY. t





r . . ..

..,-I .


: ~.


~: J..

!t "




Messrs . Ernest 1\Q:g~J'M,J~'J.I1Ul.Jllu;t, ,Chwl. Ulark and were in RichplQPd, . Mr , Clark brouJ~ht with hii:rh \" I ,


U .you wllnt') ' to. , good: go to\'Schd ,I. ing of May 8st, uatin~


WiJI :h~i"qAI't:

the ,Heart\.l."

'" .:' ." , •


t' ,.,





elm and ~rasotlJ.~Floiirs..-The Great "as.try a~d Br~ad"Flours; : . '! ' , ." ,


~G~id~q Seeci8~ Ne~ ,' ,1~~1~ , Sto~~.

ONION SETS. ~~r qt, 10c, SEEIt- ~~TATO~~ ~RLY/ ORios; CHICAGO ;M~RKEJ RU,RA~~~E ,~~TY . H~~O~ , C~!4~~ NO , 2 - . ' . ' ~ ' . :·r ,I ,~-. " • "\ ' •


S~ecials : f~f.?~~,: t~rd·~~ '.

A." r;;w

~5 Ibs .Frahklin Cr~nulate~ sugar. ~5lbs $tandard Ora ullited sugar

J$. • .7


4 Cans Sweet Co:rn .• ' . . ., ,. ', •• Fancy Callfornla,fprunes', a ~b. "" . . " I, ~X', •

_ 1




, •


. ,t" . , it' 1 :: c~~i'f\~ AdS',•.

4~\' \

. ).,.. _ _ti ,.

. . .. )..'

.HENDERSON'S ,PREMIU¥\:< Oorwln, 0,

To Be Held at Sl;;hool tiallr Wll,)l.o~~vll1e, Ohio




Curtain Rises at 8





. '. ",


Hamrn ~ rhandle


,Euphemia Thundercloud

Dinah WaybDck · , TAMBOS • Fanny ' Funnybone

" CJRCLE· "SaIlJ.e Sw~f' Selina SOot ' Sophia Trotter,

Ma1inda J ime Brown

Calliope Crum

an~elina Snowball ,J-ucmda Cardiner Amelia Primrose . Josephine Jeifer:!on Dunna Belle Bounce


p. ,m., .,shQ~p:

Miss RlIhen:ih'in


InterlocotresS ,


Same LunnParthenia; To~: r..

" ~, ';.'

Liza ~~V~ty JQne Clove r Jane BI1Q ', ' •


Lo\f~en~,et 'R~o~~ \H~btj.!i MGlhe Mu~ ( ca~l W.~~ Juno Grubb . Su .. Snickers Msrtha Georg~ Washin ' " r(-,t; .1~: I '



, ~-

""1 -.


:} J ,



Oow tpr o&lf ~y· ber II;la.

LtDdl~Y "M,3h<\~~:11, .


- I'"

' .


Overture Fam'OU8~ QJackville,Orclies',' ',">';. ' ~' ..\

We will also furnish our ' own baria• \I,:'_ , ' . A strictly home talent ~~rtail\~~nt 't~ ~ .r iven '. by the DO~ Society , .. ,' ~ Admission , !...i.~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_~"_'..:., 1 ;..._______-:-_"""'!"'"


.. !.

, ,

Get~'P.t. while _, you ~ "~~ ',




Bring in your Egg8 •••bikht;~t ~arket , 'ri~~~:~ ~I i'; Ask for 'your Tic~e'jJ With Ev. ry";~ur, , ~~ :, .......


;.. , .,',' ~.,~


. 15c ~Qhhlity' , ~dies : Hose in BI4Ck ~n(a " Tan

" , <>'~,: a"p;alt.' ,i

K:orlhagenandfllmiIY"M ,and family, of '~banori, Yi. 'erl~·g1~iU1~ of'Mr. and Mrs; !Myer,


' . ...

'. The 18l'~e,; cow.. batn on the Dr.


{~r,~10:00; '] -$llQQG:i~r

i '· .


'..- _" ~'o:,' _ _ _ FIRE" DEST-ROYED' BARN

co)lege: WIll give a tree ' 1i>,.,h>1...,:at Clagett fat1fi'~",~n ll:'latf!lrk; ,W&;! ' detbe)lJebanon Opera :B.ouJle;:'.,.:Lw./.'UlU s~l'o:yed, by fi~' ~rl)f .~at~rd~y m?:neVE!llPt$;' , All ; ·,: c~raia!.lY ' ll\VIIUlU, Ing U IS : thought,; that .' itghml,Dg . " ,. " ',' was the ,CJ!i\l.Ileot the 'fire.. : ~he bllt"J".l - .At Weat'~ C~OSl! Out~l~ in wll.S <;ornpJef~'y'·.~estroyed. !lrtd s.e~. 1-$12.00 V1011Tl 19r.$6,.()Q; , _"'·,' ......IR eraHat!~'WlfIt 1tl ~ "., .•

Violin ior~ $50:0(',; ' 1~$2P,

"', " •

Birdie ,Blannerhassett'

ed by Rev" Woot~n, 0 f Friends, oJn~iating. , ,It was . attl~nded by ,relatives and : School was dismissed in order that the teachers mIght attend. Mr. ,Cor· nell being a fue'r.nber of the board. Jnterment was made in 'MIami cem·· etery. .

brOIdery cOtton No , , 10. ,2U, 30, m40.balls 5? I. heW'. Grace L!ncoln Sn'l!~: ' d f " h ' . Loa ~, o Ia.u,g ,t~r ,


- - ' --


anTl,~~I, tF.e~tirig for sf: M~r~'8,


ti~~ to p,u~ ~h~qi~)in..-

the gr.opna. ·.oJ, '.. .J ~ ,0 '



• I



Sixty-Fifth Y car

Belles of Blackville

Whole N umber 3262

AnotherGameW on


The Belles of I3lackville we l'l.! grl'l'I' ed by asplendld audience wlll ' ll lIl' y ItVPl'Ilretl at ::iehulII Hall laHI FrirlHo' evening, and thl' samtl au ci ie lll.:e wa~ well repaid for comin g. A bout thirty "cu ll ed ladies" IIf \'anou" shades took part a nJ each acqllil ~d herself in a hil(hly creditah le manller . The entertarnnwnt. it ~ th e fHUlll.! im plies, WWl a ludie:!' llIillHtl'el and was especia lly ~ood . Th ere was not ~ dull moment from t he tim e th e Belles sang their opening number "Jolly Maids of Biack,villp, " unlil they fi nished s in ~ing "the :::star Spang led Bannel ." The jokes were mosLly at th e e x· pense of local people and were well received . Sol) numbers which seemed to take U' e be::;t wert:' I' m Coming Back to Dixi e and You," Donna Belle Bounce; "M sm ie' fI LiltIe Pickaninnt." Phoebe Hobbs; "Old Black J oe," Parthenia Tongs; "[ Aint Got No Time," Topsy Dunbar. A duet by Bird ie Blennerhes8ett and Euphamiu Thundercloud and "Ring Dem Heavenly Be lls," by "the heavy weight.:;" we re also well received. Sammy Trotter , the only mall on the stage, made the sad mistake of stealing a green watermelon and received It sound lecture and a p r(Jmise of a thrashing from his mammy, Josephine J efferson, for not being able to pick a ripe melon . " Susie 's

Wr ittell by Li7ld/101J i'vTe71dellha ii for /,'llll1lrl Table Tn/ I.. AIIiJu t t he lit tle word "honl !!" home cal ls for Christi'!n heads of the I fect in g uf the home ? If all our elll , lcr som e of the finest th uug ht s household at! the very tirst requisite '\ h u m e~ we r e UIJ to th e Chris t s tand · uf the ag't!ij. Hath sl)ng and sto ry Edu cation mayor may not add t o ,ud , the \.leac!:! 4ue~tilln, the labor are replete with the ideal s of th e the assets of the home. Some finan- 1,.lI'O.Jbl cIIlS, the 4 uegtiun of ca pital happy home until the re is li tLl e that cial backinl.{ must be included in th e ' "uni ~hm'>nl , th e hlllding of imm e n~e is new left to be i:Illid on the s uuj e .~t . 1 dt!:lirable features or the home , but fortunes fur th e buyinj{ of lu xu rie" P e rhaps among no peop le haH a l we all know t hat the proverbial cot· ut thl:! ex p en~e of th e '><l fet y and hig-her stand ard of home, and hume tage may pnsh rine the most perfect health of th uole helpinl{ produ ce th ese lifl:! been held than has ueen fuund type of hume life, and chil dren reared for tu nes, th e t empe rancl:! qu es ti uli, amung the Quakers. or, as we prefer , in lu xury d l) not us ually show forth white slave 1 y, and all the ug- Iy lis t of to call them the " Fri end!!." The the g ter lin~ tra ilS of character that Hin and sorrow prud ucinR' evil >!. happy home life is not an iso lated we ReI.' in th e chi ldr en fr om humbler I E v ,~ ry I"lO\'e of ,)ur puhlic sc hoo l s),st enl tha t te nds to ward the educa· occurrence among the members of walks of life . th e RUci ety, but the prevailing tend· It is then nut so much the outward tiun of t he chi ldren til ward n hi"he r appointments of the home as the id l;' alint he es tabl i~hmell t of hom ES e ncy. Our di~cip line enjoin ::! a cureful ~pi ril or atmosphere that per vad es is a mov e at th e very heart of t he Christian care over thl:! educatiOfi and it . Parents who apply the Golde n wor k for th e be t terme nt of th e race. tra in in~ of the yo ung peo~l e . These Rule, so far as Christian men and To bring thi :l matter down t o ollr young people are further hedged women can do in their dealings with uwn pa r tie ulllr lucality we have a aLou l with a careful arrangem ent each other, ami with mankind al'l;' foreiKn e lement in o ur m id:;l that fOl aduly considered marriage, bMeol lik ely to pass their days !l0 harmo· 1fall~ flU fa r he low t he ~ I a ndard esUPOII Divine guidance in the choice niously that the yo unger memuers o f tabli!\hed by the pi o ne c r~ of thi ~ !ICC· of a companion . . With thiseducati on the family learn kimlne&! and tact tion, th a t we will !'l oon ;jee the type and union followed as ad V i:led by ()ur from their earliest impressions. ,of pl'opl e fall be low wh a t it i" at fureftithe rs. we have a mo~t !ltable When·the homeil of our lanri are . pre!\ent. so we need to bu,",y our· fuundati on for building a home that peopled by Divinely appointed pa· ,sel vt9 in he lpin g o llr sch ool!l to rea<.:h will be id eal. A home from which rentS who train their child ren in the ~ out and inte reHt a ll chil dren in the will emi nate all the graces ascribed "'aY3 of righteou!lness, can we not ' highest ideal~ of what home can he, to the word in poem or prose. imagine the ~ reat(>s t problems of t he I If th e hom e, ~a..'l ha..'1 lleen said) is It seems to me the highest type of day e n t irely solved, just in the per-Ithe found ation of the nati on, it is


\r----··---..··--·----..---·----- ,

-._··-..-.. ·--1

- - -- - - - - - - - --


~t:~1~:~:~:::ie:: :i::I::d~:

--- -

only as th cy a re built up and made p laeel'! uf lJeacE;' a nd contentmen t throug-h ril,fht li ving th at we can become a st ronl,f 'peo pl e, and able to stand a!:! tl1\' wort hv pORli eRsn r~ of the bl e:ls ings uC libe rt y , vouchsa fed to us by lhe f()und e rHof this re pu ldic . The home is the fuundati on on whic h th e church i" built, and the l!\lal'acter of ('iti:':l' n:lhip tha t is f ound il l uur cuuntry iil nn high er than the chara cte r of the h () llIe~ o f our C,lun· try. Th e pl ace wh en' I he fi !'!:;t eight or t en years ofchildh,,, ,dis, pentmou lds t o a large d'~R'rcp. t he prin cipl es ana hahits of aft e r Ii f c . 1ft ha t home is the reRtin .: plae r " f ('ung(,nilll spirit.s, and the pl eaHure~ anti c omfort.~ of on e ~lnoth e r ha.'! first place in th e minds of each of lhe occupantg of that hOllle. til(' IIIv,' and charitv of wh ich 11111' Snvi ,' r Iaught will abid e ther~" and th e child rea red und e r ~ uch an alrllll~ ph l' rc , CRn ne ve r get away from th E' inl1uence, no matte r how far he may ruum. No hom e can reach il " Z(' nith for J('(lUd until it. adllli L'! t he Ii ~h t of Chris l a buut iL~ hearthst:me .


. The Miami!l took the I)()UUS leam Into camp last Sunuay a fternoon at Phillips Park by th e SCore of P to ~ At times both teams playeu ;athe~ guod ball and othe.r times-oh y,ell le t's forget it. The ~iamis made th ~ mi!'ltake of unJerestlmating their op . ponents and results showed in the last innill~ It is always a mistake f or a taam to play lo ose ball , no matler how mu ch th ey may seem to hav e the o ther fellows outclassed . (;ebhart pi tched t he most of the gam e and richly deserved the vic· t.llry. li e al lowed but R hits, issued no passes and made 2 wild pitches, whil e at. the bat he secured 2 singles at th e rig h t times and stole a base. The batting hero was "Bobby" Burton . wh o sec ured a home run, a doubl e and a single in f) times at bat. Edwards and gnglert again set the base paths afire, !!tealing numerous ba·efl and scoring- about e very time th ey reached first. A g lance at the stolen base column shows how much li berty 0ppoRi ng ba.~e runners CRn take with MclJermott '!\ arm, an attempt. to steal und e r ordi nary conditions withou t a runne r on third means :!u icide . The boys got t he errors out of their Rystems last Sunday a nd will be ready to give the Bellbrook Boys a good trounc ing next Sunday.

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00009 AS


r·-··----.. --.. ·------·-··----·.. ~' ....-........ ......·..·1 j Tht' piano students of Miss Ruth by M Sad i! success financially and the ladi es de· morning at 11 o'clock following an i : Personal Mention Column i i Hartgock rr . . ... . . ' Gahaga n. viu lini:;t will give a musicale sire to expresa their thanks to all attack of heart trouble while at I h.dlUr. rl . .. .. . who helped to make it such, eithe r work cutting the grass in hi!! yard L.-.-.. -.-.....-... -.-----------.-, . , "._..... __ I prugramm e at school auditori um, V.Docker. by their attendance or otherwise aL hi s homl:! in ::ipring Valley. Feel-... .. _____ ..... _...................... .. _ ... _ . ___ •__ .... _.. ab . . . . . . . . • May at m. _ _ _ ing sudd enly ill he called to E M. I . Mra. Gahagan il an artist in he r 'I'ot,,18 . . .. . "IKE'S Mendenhall who carried him into th e Rooks for girls! BookR for boys! A fne aR.",ortm ent of popu lar copyF.

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Liudl1r .

Joseph Evans died suddenly Frida} ;




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12, 1910.1

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ij I~ H 1 42 STO'~E line and a member of the Colum bu s ~ " h o use nnd' sum moned Dr. Fudge, at J . E. J anneys. ri~ht books at J. E. Janney:; Symphony Orchestra. AlIAMI~ who found Mr. Evan~ beyond med. . . . 1 ---- - -. ,\U It H PU A lC were I~ u ed to !leveral ical aSH;8tanCp.. Mr. Evanll was 69 1 . Mr .. a nd Mrs. Harry Wilhamson Havol pne AnLo Soap for oi l cloth . o I o 2 I 'E dwards 31> . . . . ... 4 ST. MARY'S PARISH MEETING o o l I 1 Ie ~eople laHt ~et;k to I year:; of age was born a"d rear ed in were III Lebanon Sa turd ay. Way n e ~ ... ille Auto and Machinery Co. E Dgl "r ~. Ir. . . . . . . .. 4 o I I 2 I . .... p . .... . . 3 o 3 3 U 2 Bur\on . rt . M . . , .. , . Ii ayto~hnlld !'Ier: the InSI~~ ~).f this vicinity He WaH a civil war Ruy your Fertili;.:er of Cha.'1. Fr> e, Wm. Tho r pe, of Day tun, wa.'! cir· The r('gular annual mee ting of St. MMlulcb t 1 J I 16 cUormon. c . . . . .. 4 , lIe kll1vltrtathlo n sal Id veteran and prominent member of who handl es Milson's the uest. culating aillong old fr iendfl here Mary' s parish Look place at the WaWrboUAO 2 U I 2 a , 2h • . . . :; 2 a ~ oc . ~ Il t ey wou the G. A. R. His wife died several I o u o o I Surface. ct . .. .. _.. 3 Monday. church Monday evening . There was DrlLI .. n . Ih .. . . . _. . 0 o 1 2 0 U Mr . S U. ~vprly On ac· yean! ago. He i~ survived by three I A. B. Chandl er transacted bu:!o 1 0 u o \.I . .. .. . . . 6 Mr. and Mr~ . Luth e r S~ll e r~ , of a good altl:!ndance , and a great deal Gohhart. ,,,"oullll·,, of t hiS IIlVI.t.a tlOn last Wed ch ildrtln, Clitford. who lives on the iness at the Court House Saturday. o o 0 o o DakIn. rf . . . . . . . . .. 0 Dayto'n, were ~ und ay !{uest~ of rel- of intert!flt was shuwll. The reports nesday the foil)" In~ people wer t' Hurlington pike; Earl and siste r I . 8 'foulB . . . . .. JM n 11 11 ~ of the dilferent dl'partments of th e at the store at thl:! hour Mr. all" May, of Washington; two brothers ~r. an1 Mrs. A. C. Hammond, of atives here . church were reat! . and were ex· I 2 a 4 Mrs. J . .E.Jllllnl·Y. Mr . and Mr:i C and one sister, HillardofSpr:ngfield. Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. ~gr~' LR Dod'I•... . .... U 0 0 t Born - T o Mr. a n(l Mrs . E than satisfactory, s howing the oIIlaml ... 0 1 ~ 0 1 t 0 I 1 -U T Hawke, Mrs Mar~ Clll'ke) ' ,Mrs I!:dward and Miss Lizzie ofthis place-; Zellers. Culeman, of Toledo, Ohio. April 2Xth church t o be in a very pro9perous Chas. Hough, Mr and Mrs I' nlOk Mrs. Ellen Manington. of Spring a daughter, Vi vian . condillon both flpiritual a nd finanSUId..\lARY Zell and MillS Iolort! nce Wih.lon They Chas. K J ones, of Spring Valley , Valley, was visiting friendll here .' I . . Stolon DaM»-L""key V. O""klll'. O",,\ln. were shown thrnugh thi~ Ilirge store ftither uf Hie rnif' J ones. of near Thursday . cia. . . . ICdwal'll. a Englert. MuJcb. Surface, .... cDcrFor saie-- Mummoth Pekin Du ck The parish hOllsI' propOSitIOn was mo~~ l . W&terboUJlO 1. Gebhart. from gllrret til cell'lr, and t he differ· Lytle, diet l at his home Monday Egg~, 75c pe r setti ng_ Mrg. E. S. t aken up bnd tliscus.~ed. Afte r con- S""rlUce 1I1~!ItIlnl ch - ent department.:; were fully explllined 1D0rnin)r at 1 o'clock. The funeral . _ . Two·base H1U-MlU'ah. OuaUu. B U 8Iart. Havolene Auto S?ap, best to wash sid erllble dlsc uBSlon , the project was Burton WaterhoUlO. to them by a competen:: guide will take ~Iace at the friends' Meet- harn ess. Waynt!llville Au to and Ma· llaily, Way nesvill e. Ohio. and the work will be pushed Homo Run- Burton. X .. ..A .. . Afttar 1m examination of the sto re ing house in Spring Valley Thursday chlllery Co. Otho Arn old, of Cinci nnati , was adollted t' ' . ' Double 1'1.,a-V. Oecklll' to L. un... . Rooer. unUlilaLOO . the con,pany went to the dining· morning at 10:30 Interm ent will be callffi he re Sunday on account of the as rapidly as pOSSIb le. The election of offi cers for the Innings PILcbodV. Docker, 8; Uebhan. 8 room and were served with Ice cream in Miami cemetery. Mr . and Mrs. A. K. George, of se rious illness of his father. . Selllor ' 1· 3 ; MInich . 2- 3 . f II ed year result as a ows. BII .• -<>IT Duckor. ll ; 0 11 Oebbart. 8; ort and cake. Wilmington, were tbtt guests of rei· - -M r8. J ames Chenoweth ha.'i re- Warden . W. H. All en; Junior War- MI3~~c{Ou~b,oeckllJ', U; b,Oebban, H ; atives here last week. "CRICKP.T ON THE HEARTH" turned to Wilmington, having spent den, J . II, Culeman ; Ve stry, L . A. by Minich. I. CHRlSTIAN (,;,HUR(,;,H Zimmerman I) L Crane O. J. EdOuae on IJ~U __ by Deckor... 1. The program of "Cricket on the Mrs. C. Gahagen, of Columbus, is the winter at her hpme here . • , '. ' • ' d E V Wild Plkh..-Docker. 2 ' "ebbar~, 2. wards, F.dW ln 1homas an , . Ualko-Uecker. I ; MInich. I. Sunday May 10, Bible School at Hearth" at School Hall Fridayevtll here, the guest uf her parents, Mr. Mr. and M r9, Eli Gray and daullh· Barnhart Hit Batamoll-by Decker. t . regular hour 9:30 am; Communion ing , waa not· complete last wet:k and Mrs. J . H. Opp. ' . . d h f II 1'........... O.. II.-Kurtla. 2, t cr, of Clarksville, were the Sunday The Rector apPointe t e o owTime of 08m_3 noun. at 10:45 a. m; Preaching at 10:55 The teachers of the high school have . guest:30f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey. in g committees: U lDph.....-J. W . Sml~b antllJ . W . Lewla. a. 1J1.. and 7 30 p. m ; Christian En g iven a great deal of attention to tht' MISS Pearl Carey, of Dayt on was Altar - MrR . Edith Harris , chair. • -play, and it will be giv",n in good the guest of her parents , Mr. and A good supply of hand some solid edvor 7 :30 p. m . man Mrs. Eo V. Harnhart, Mrs .•1. BISHOP'S ANNUAL VlSlTATION Thi. day will be ohservf'n all style. The complete program is ali Mrs. F. C. Carey, Sunday. silve r spoons at popular prices. H. Coleman and Miss Emma HeighMother's day. but there will .bt. follows: J, E. Janney Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and way. Rt. Rev . Theodore I. ReeSE, fathers inclUded, and Lhe morrnng Chancel-Mrs. W. H , Allen, chair- Bishop Coadjutor of Southern Ohio, S. L, Cartwright has been re ap· service will be obflerved tul Old Peo- Synopsis .. ... . .. :.... ...... . Marie Shutts Rev. and Mrs. J F . Cadwallader ple's day, and a cordial invitation iR John Perrybingle ..... Wm. Michener motored to Xenia Sunday afternoon. point <.>J to the So ldie rs Relief com- man Mrs. Bert Hart50ck. Mrs, Ron- made his second annual visitation to mis.'1ion fur a term of three years. aid Hawke, MISS Emma Hawke and St. Mary's church last Sunday and extended to all old pt!ople 10 atlen d Caleb Plummer .. .......... . Linley Mills Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hathawav . of Miss Edytha Mncy . . confirmed a class of three, the Misses the morning service Special mUBi c )O:;dward Plummer ... .. Kenneth KUbon Mrs C". W. Hawke and Miss Emma Music-Mrs . D. L. Crane and MISS Emma Hawke. Edytha Macy and and a!HJCCia! welcom e to all . l'~ost! Tackelton .. ... ......... .. James Gibbons Laurel, Ohio. were the Sunday Olive McCollum not worshipmll elsewhere are inVited May r'ielding -... .. ... ... Rebll Earnhart guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hath · Heightway were in Lebanon last Ruth Hartsock . Mrs. Fielding .. .. ..... .... Edna Smith away. Wednesday , the guest of friends. Ushers-J. H . Coleman. chairman; The Bishop preached a masterly to worship wi\.h us . Mrs. Ma ry Pt!rrybingle ............. .. U. M. White and E. V. Barnhart. sermon upon the theme, "Building D H Palmer Mr.:antl Mrs . Gambaugh, . of CinThe ell'ction at Lt'hanon last week ...... .. . .. ..... .. ......... .. Ba'lSie Warne r Grounds-J. H. Cole man, chair- Christian Character." A8 a basis he for the issuance of bonds to pave cinnati, wer e the Sunday guest<i of man, J . O. Cartwright, L A Zim· took the three commands given by Berth a Plummer ... ... Lena Whitak e r ARE AFTER ELECTRICITY Tilly Slowboy .. .. .... .... Grace Carman streets. was defeated by a largoe M.r. and Mri!. Harvey GU!ltin and me rman. Mahlon Pidge nnd U. M. J es ua to His Apostles, during the family . Spirit of the Cricket .. ... Helen Hawke majority. ~ hite. . f orty days between the Resurrection ~pringhoro is atter lighting their Mrs. Dot ... ...... ..... ..... .. Neva Young Flower-Mrs. Mary Caskey, chair· and AscensioD: Remain in Jerusalem; town with electricity. An agent Mr Dot ............. .. .. Howard Gustin John A. Funkey's large store is Havolene. Auto Soap .is. a n ai~ to man, Mrs. U. M. White, Miss Olive Wait for the outpouring of the Spirit; met with the council of that village Porter .. ... .......... .. Howard Meredith full of bargains. To appreciate the hou se . cl eamng , does not Il\ paint, McCollum Mrs. O. J . Edwards, !\1rs Be instant in prayer. Stay in your last week aml gave them t stimates_ bargains call and see, Store open makes old wood· work look Ilke new, C. B. Bendey and MI SS Susan Wri ght. Jerusalem where God has placed - --every evening. and n~move grease spo ts from clotheR It i8 to> be hoped that enl)ugh of the - -- .. - .. you, however difficult; make trust Wayne!\vi lle Auto anti Machinery Co. property owners will put the light in LOT OWNERS AIIINUAl MEETlNG SCHOOL DA' the basis of your work; keep your their homes and not only bt>nefit Miss Jennie [lowman, of Ada. -_. life open to God. All present were Mrs _ Mary Ro ll and daug hter, Mis9 but help the i eneral The lot owners of Miami Cemetery Ohio. reader and entertainer, will themselves, The friend s and patrons of the he lped and strpngthened by the ublic besides making one step more Associatit- n will take notice that the give an entertainment in School Hall, Bernice. of Dayton, were week ·end schools are invited to . bring well- words spoken so full of hope and inannual meeting for the election of Tuesday evening, June 2, under the guests of Itev . and Mrs. C. S. filled basket.'! and enJoy an old- sDiration. The church was beaun advMcement for the ir town --- ~ two trusLees and a secretary-trt::B8- auspices of the Christian church . Gl' aul!oer . fashIOned dinner at the Odd Fellows tifully decorated with white lilacs, urer and such other business as may Hall on School Day, May 15. Two ami the congregation large. WILL OIL THE STREETS want good Shoes? Come Do yo u Over 200 Straw Hats placed on properly come before the mee tillg ladies will be in charge; leave your __ ~--and see our large stock best custom will be held at thc cemetery chapel. sale at lOc, Call while they last and The council at their meeting Mon Monday, June 1, 1914, at two o' clock don 't fail to give us your shoe trade. made , bought before the advance baskets here and they will be cared TOOK EXAMlNATION for . Dil'hes , knives, forks and day evening, decided to have the p . m . We will protect you, a trial will con- We can save you money on good spoons will be furn ished. streets oiled as formerly The mer A resolution amending article 16 vince you that we can save you shoes, every pair warranted. Store Of the 279 pupils who took .the In order that no children be missed chants and citizens along the line are of the by· Laws to read as follows: money on good shoes. open e very evening. April "Patterson-Boxwell" exammathe people of their respective nnd J ahn A. Funkey "'eU..w1!ljI1Jr to have it done, an~ tlJe John A . Funkey "Automobiles may be admitted at neighborhoods lo oked. after .at t~e tion, only 39 passed. O.f the 6 pa,Per 111 'illl ready for donatIOns int erments or on other occasions at dinner hour the follOWing ladles WIll which went from WaynesVille school 'Ra,ymond Davis, as usual. saw th" discretion of the superin5 passed, most of them with a fai.rly act as a committee. almOit all of the propel'ty ownf'rs tendent; bicyclf's and motor cycles good average. Mary Thomas bel,n g Green BriarMrs Harvey Burnet. but there are a few that he c.nnot not allowed on the grounds at any the highest with an average,of 82'x. Lowell Hill-Mrs.IJoseph Hisey, lee. If they will kindly drop into time." has been filed with the Board While no doubt the p':lPII~ have Sugar Grove-Mrs. Butterwort.h . ......,.,.. ,..,.,.,.,."...".."..".•.,..", ........,.,..,..,.......""..........................-the National Bank, they will find t~e of:Trustees and wjll be acted upon ......................- - - -..- ....- ...............................................................~...........-...--"".,.. Spring Branch- Mrs. V. M. Hoblit. worked hard much pr~lse l~ .due paper ready for them to sign. at the annual meeting. There will be no.,band concerts this n ow they seem to be going backMt. Holly-Mrs. Minnie Marlatt, Miss Vandervoort for their trammg. ~. - - -•• - ' - - - summer . The merchants have d~. ward. College Hill-Mrs. Cbas. Smith, WILL BE CANDIDATE ME.THODIST EPISCOPALCHURCH cided to keep their places of bUSIWe are very sorry to have to chronHarmony Grove-Mrs. W. Wilson. WILL JOlN THE NAVY ness open evenings and there will icle this fact, but it seems as though Red Oak-Mrs. Ollie Missildine. S. D. i'ess is circulating a peti· Sunday. May10th will be observed be no chance for the boys to get to· it camrlOt be helped . Ther., seems to • - • .James Davis, son of Mr: and ,Mrs. tion bere for the nomination for Con- as Mother' s OilY. Flowers will be irether for' practice, as most of them be a t 'e ndency on the part of .one or FRIENDS QUARTERLY MEETlNG Ollie Davi9, went to Clncmn!ltll!18t in this district the new Sevellth provided for mothers and . grand. are in a position that they cannot twojmerchants to. be determined to Saturday and passed the exammatl!>D is ~nsi~ered one C?f the 'mothera Others are requested ·to get off to play at a concert. I keep open, and th~s fact alone forces MeetIng for minister. and elders for a marine. He is expected dally 1I1hts lD Congrel8 and hl8 com wear white flowers in memory of This statP. of affairs is to be re- Iotber merchants m the to~n to do at the White Brick, 6th day 5-7 at to receive hiB sailing orders. 1 into the eonlre!l8ional field at mother . :)peclal music both in the gretted 88 all of the country people Ilikewise. How much betterlt wou Id 2 p, m . Regular Quarte»ly ... - • time a1m~t ~u~e hl~1 of Sund~ School and preaching service have bet,n boking forward to band be for' t~e merchants to get ~gether 7th day 5- 8, at 10 a. m. Meetmg HAD GOLDEN WEDDlNO liI"'I,~!t"II!"'" _~tlIOD new dlStnct ~II. be Subject of morning sermon "A concerts this summer. Thetact that audl all "close, and let theIr he!p the following 1st day at 10 a. m. :~"'ihollt mBJoHty . Motber's Way," Mothers and thoae the merchant.8 are gojnl to, open len,ioy a rew hours for themselvC!! In Elbert Russell, of Rich~ond. Ing.. M and Mni E B Grim of Morwho have J mothen and those w~o ~heir bU8in,e88 places after 7 0 !'lock whate~er way t~ev can. especially .and Willis Kees. of Cardmgton. '. r . I bted th··· Ide~ weddiD&' honor the memory of ·departed, 10 th.e ev~nlng, 18 ~ to be reg'ret~. after a; s work. expect to be in attendancR~1-en~n f~~Th'u. eveJ~T. A delJMhtful. mothers lire cordially invited to be The pubbc bad iQlten use to havmg W ~ ought to follow the example o,f 30 :~geJ'!!t .~Our. N"::w prosrram was ~ried out. and . d~y ~vel' at 7' : r' e ~~i!~~~~i.Mr. and resent. the stores closed, ~d the nu:r:han~ our 81Ster towns and close our busi' ~ve ': ee tu • ..nests were preeent ~riied P Resular preaching ,. service at 1:30 of the-town had enJQYeI,i th18 habit n~ at a .reasonable hour. Do it . . e. .. , .to)}. m. · . ' , ~. more'fUlly,thao'dld aJiy o~ee1ae. It and ~t ngbt aWQ ,BO we can have Frontier.'.~· ·ta e p~blic cordjallf invited, town •.


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Will Be No Band Concerts this ~ummer


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Clareace' ~ GJauaer. PutQ,.





WIS. atep forward bttbe. ~. b\1UI~e co~.

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Sixty-Fifth Year

Belles of Blackville ft_

. . .... '" -...-. ...Wi... .





The Belles of Blackville weregreeled by Ilsplendld audience when ~h. y appeared at Schoul Hall la,st FrldliJ evening. and the same audience was well repaid for coming. About thirty "culled ladies" of variouR shades took part anj each acquiled herself in a highly creditable manner . The entertamment, all the name impiles. was a ladles' minstrel and was especially good. There was not • dull moment from the time the Bellet sang tbeir openinll number "Jolly Maids of Black.ville," until they finished singing "the ::Star Spangled Blumel." The jokes were mostly at the ex'pense of local people and w~re well received . Sol.> numbers which eeemed to take tl'e best were I'm Coming Back to Dixie and You," Donna Belle Bounce; "Mamie's Liltie Pickaninny," Phoebe Hobbs; "Old Black Joe." Parthenia Tongs; "1 Alnt Got No Time," Topsy Dun· bar. A duet by Birdie Blennerhessett and Euphamia Thundercloud and "Ring Dem Heavenly Bells." by "the heavy weights" were also well received. Sammy Trotter. the only man on the atage, made the sad mistake of steal Ina- a green watermelon and received a sound lecture and a promi&e of a thraahing from his mammy, Joeephibe Jefferson, for not being

Whole Number 3262


Writt.n by Lindr8Y Mendenhall for ROlmd Tabl. Talk


~------....----------~---------------.--------""'!'"----About the little word "home" i home calls for Christi 'In heads of the fecting of the home? If all our cluster BOrne of the finest thoughts ' household as the very first requisite. holt!es were up to the Christ standof the ageQ. Both song and story Education mayor may not add to Ard the peace question, the labor are replete with the ideals of the i the 8.'lBets ofthe home. Some finan- problems, the question of capital happy home until there is little that ' cial backil)g' must be included in the punishmpnt, the holding of immense is new left to be said on the sUbje.~ t'l desirable features of the home, but : fortunes for the buying of luxurie; Perhaps among no people has a we all know that the proverbial cot- Iat the expense of the cmfety and higher standard of home. and home '\ tage may pn!lhrine the most perfect Ihealth of tho3e helping produce these life been held than haa been found type of home life, and children reared fortunes, the temperance question, among the Quakers. or. as we prefer in luxury do not usually show forth Iwhite slavery. and all the ugly list of to call them the ' ·Friends." The the sterling traits of character that lsin Ilnd sorrow producing evils, happy home life is not an iBOlated we Rae in the children from humbler Every move of our public school occurrence among the members of walks of life. systenl that tends toward the educathe society, but the prevailinll tendIt is then not so much the outward · tion of the children toward a higher ency. appointments of the home as the ideal in the establishment of homes Out' discipline enjDins a careful spirit or atmosphere that pervades ' is a move at the very heart of the Christian care over the education and it. Parents wbo apply th~ Golden I work for the betterment of the race. training of the young people. These Rule, so far as Christian men and To bring this matter down to our young people are further hedged women can do in their dealings with I own particular locality we have a atout with a careful arrangement each other, and with mankind ar~ foreign element in our midst that fOI aduly considered marriage, b8lJed likely to pass their days so harmo- \ fall s so far below the standard es· upon Divine guidance in the choice niously that the younger members of tabllished by the pioneers of this secof a companion. With this education the family learn kindness and tact tion . that we will Roon see the type and union followed as aiJvised by our from their earliest impressions. of lleople fall below what it is at forefllthers. we have a most stable When·the homea of our land are present. so we need to busy ourfoundation for building a home that peopled by Divinely appointed pa· selvc;s in helping our schools to reach will be idea\. A home from which rents who train their children in the out illnd interest all children in the will eminate all the graces ascribed way, of righteoullness, can we not highest ideals of what home can be. to the word in poem or prose. imagine the greatest problems of the I If the home, (as has been said) is It seems to me the highest type of day entirely solved, just in the per- I the foundation of the nation, it is

only as they are built up and made places of peaca and contentment through right living that we cun become a strong ·people. and able to stand as the worthy possessors of the blessings of liberty, vouchsafed to us by the founders of this republic. The home is the foundation on which the church i& built, and the character of citizenship that is found ill our country is no higher than the character of the homes of our coun. t ry. The place where the first eight or ten years of childh ood is~pentmoulds to a large degree the principles and habits of after life. If Ihat home is the resting place of congenial spirits, anti the pleasures and comforts of one another has first place in the minds of each of the occupants of that home, the lovl! and charitvof which our Savinr taught will abide there. and the child reared under such an atmosphere, can never get away from the influence, no matter how far he may r()am. No home can reach its zenith for good until it admits the II ght of Christ about its hearthst:me. .


~~~::~:::~~~ J"'PhEv:':~::::dd"'fFrid.,\rT·::~~p':~~:.'" . . I>::'M:'::':::'''-ti''-:-C~::::'I''''::':~::::::'''''II ThePiano:~:e-l:ts-A'::

The Mia is took the Dodds team into camp I t Sunday afternoon at Phillips Park ¥ the score of 12 to 8 At times both ams. played rather go?d ball al)d ot r t1!"e8.-oh well. le~ s forget It. 'lh MIamIS m~e the mistake of unJeresti atlng th~lr oppon~nts. and ~ults Sl.lowed In the last mnlll~ It IS always a mistake for a tll8m to play loose ball, no mat· ter how much theY' may seem to have the ol~er fellows outcl8ll8ed. Geb~art p~tched the most o~ t~e game and richly deserved th~ VIC · tory. He allowed but 8 hits, ,JS8ued no p'asses and made 2 wild pltcbes. while at. the h';Lt he secured 2 eiQArles at the rl~ht times an~. stole ~ base. The battmg hero was Bobby Burton. who se~ured ~ ho~e run, a double and a smgle m 5 tim~ at bat. Edwards and Englert .8JlBm set the base paths afi~e. steahng numez:ou. ba3eB and sconnj( about every tlme they reached first. A glance at the s.tolen base col.umnshows how much hberty. oPPosing b~ runners can take WIth McDermott s a~m. an att~~pt to ~teal under ordinary ~n­ dltlOns ~I~hoat a runner on thIrd means lIulclde. T.he boys got the errors ou.t of their SY9te~8 last Sunday and W11l be ready to g1V~ the Bellbrook Boys a good trouncmg next Sund81. DonDS


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PO 8 1 S 1

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2 1 0 Miss Ruth 3 0 0 0 2 0 euc6eaa financially and the ladies de- morning at 11 o'clock following an I er80na en OD 0 umn f Hartsock assisted by Mrs. Sadie f::~y?flt::: : :: :·. : ~ ~ I3 0a 00 00 site 0 ex r.a their thanks to all attack of heart trouble while at Gahagan, violinist will give a musicale Thomalr " .. · ....... 0 who'bel~ to make it euch. either work cutting the grass in his .lard i L ..................... , , ... . , .. .. ...... , .. .. .... .J I programme at. Bchool auditorium, ~: 8:ic:" :~: ::::: ~ ~ 01 01 02 00 0 2 3 bv' .L.eir at.tendance or otherwise at his home in Spring Valley. Feel- L.... ;.. ................ " ._....... .. ..... _ ...... " ....... --1 May 12, 1914 at 8:00 p. m. Gustin. lb ... ... -. , 1 3 ., \011 -.--'-_ _ _ _ .. ing suddenly ill he called to E. M. . Mrs. Gahagan i5 an artist in her L. Kurtbl. lb . . . : .. ~ - ~ 0 I 0 6 1 SkW INSIDE WIKE'S STORE Mendenhall who carried him into the Books for girls! Books for boys! A fine assortment of popular copy· line and a member of the Columbus Totala . . ... .~ ! 12 U house and' summoned Dr. Fudge, at J. E. Janneys. right books at J. E. Janneys Symphony Orchestra. MIAMIS were i88ued to several ~ho found Mr. Evans beyond mOO- . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williamson I Hilvolene Auto Soap for oil cloth. - -.. , AD n R PO A Ii """pie I~Dt week to 1cal asslstancA. Mr. Evans was ~9 were in Lebanon Saturday Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co ST. MA~Y'S PARISH.MEETING i&chrU'd. 13b.. ... ... 1 0 1 II 2 -:'Id a"""'-the Insl'de of years , Enllen. I . p. ... . . . . ,8 31 11 I3 00 nft ....~._ _ """ hi .of. .age was H born a .. d reared . '1 m ' MlJiIcb. N, . ...... 10 The invitation said to l S VICInity. e:;vas a CIYI war Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye. Wm. Thorpe, of Dayton, was cirThe rE'gular annual meeting of St. lJurCon, rt .•...•. ,. 5 2 a 1: 0 0 o'clock. lind they would veteran and promment member of who handles Milson'B the best. culating among old friends here Mary's parish took place at the ~~o:.:~.cib: : :: ~ : ~ 0 t I 2 lhe G. A. R. His wife died several ' Monday. d . Th Surface cI a 1 0 0 0 0 Mr. S · D. Everly Onac· years ago. Heis8urvjved by three A. B. Chandler tranaacted buschurchMon ayevemng. eredwas Brltlan:lb: : :::::: 6 0 3 6 0 1 :epltaJ~cel~orn:.bi8 in"italion last Wed cbildren. Clifford, who lives on the iness at the Court House Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sellers, Df a good attendance. and a great ea l Gobhart. p . ... .... 6 0 a 0 0 t .. f o II oJ'll IDIl' • nAnple wet~ D was shown. The reports Dakin. rt .......... 0 0 0 0 0 .....v . ~ Burlington pike; Earl and siater • d f ayt:on, were Sun dBY guests 0 f re I- of l'nte"""'t '''0 at thi!l hour Mr. ano May. of Waahinatr.n; two brothers ~r, and Mrs. A. C. Hammon • a ativE.'8here. of the different d~partments of the Totm _. .... as 13 12 n 6 8 . -.IIIl'8I..:oI :I ..;.·.....anD\',J~.. }';.u~ .~~.~ . Mrs C and one sister, iiiii;roofSpr'..n-eld,' Chacaao. are ..the guests of Mts, church were read. and were ex1 a I , II • 1 • II . • Mrs. I!Jd d d M' L' ·;th· 8 Zellers. BOlm-To Mr. and Mre. Ethan tremely aatisfactory. showing the Dodcl8 . . .. . 0 0 0 I 1 0 1 0 II- II Frapk war an ISS lZZle a 18 p ace. Coleman of Toledo Ohio April28th church to· be in Ii very prosperous aAlamIa ••••• 0 1 6 0 1 • 0 I x-13 \leon They Mrs. Ellen Manington, of Spring a daughter, Vivian:' condition. both spiritu'ld and finan. SUIOlARY were lhown Ill'g'e store 'Chas, K Jones. of Spring Valley. Valley. was visiting friend. here cial IIt.ol8l1 B_Lackt!! Y. Declrer. OtUSlD, prret tA. and the .differ· '1Alher uf Bi.emip. Jones. of near Thursday. For sale-Mammoth Pekin Duck The pariah housn proposition was :'~~.~J.i.~~ Qe~~1ClI. 1Ic:1)er'. ~ . ~ f lty · xplal'ned Lytle, dij:!d at his home Monday ' EgglI. 76c per setting. Mrs, E . S. taken up <.n-' discussed After con 8~ HI~lIlnIch ..... epa.. wu...n_were u . e 1D0rninil at 1 o'clock. 'i'he funelal Havolene Auto 8c?ap. best to wash Baily, Waynesville. Ohio. . .. . u . '. Two-b_ Rt......MantI. OWIUD. Bill.... to ·them ~~ _ ~ ._ ~mpetent iu~e will take IJlaee at the friends' Meet- hameM. WaynesVIlle Auto and Ma. slderable diSCUSSion. the proJect was Burtoa. Waterbo\I8CI. Af_:u ' exammation of the store . S . V II Th _~ hi Co Olbo Arnold, of Cincinnati. was adopted and the work will be pushed Home Run-Burwn. L. KurGa' nlna . ..y, wen- t to the diniriC>'· inJl' hoWMl anp-rmg a e1 untUay c nery • d f h as rapidlre at nt\GIZible Doub1. PlaJa-:- V. Decker t.o • the ....... ..... ~. . • morning at 111:80 Interment will be call~ here Sun ay on account 0 t e ..-~. f th ~1~_18ted . ebb " .~.and~"" se~~ wi~h lee cream In Miami eemetel'J. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. George, of serious illness of hia father. The e ection of officers or . e 1-3' M clJ~-V. Decker. 8; 0 art,8 .' ~" " •_ • .' • • • Wilmington. were tblt a-u est8 of relM J Ch th h e.. yweardresuJS41 follojB:. Se~lor 1la!lct;-1,r'Decker. 13; orr Oebban. 8: off , T C~lS:"\."N rHUDCH ' "FRIC~r:>.T ON T~E HEA.RT'H" aUvea bere last week. Irs. ames enowe as r . ar en. • • en; unlor ar- StruCk OU~bJ' Decker e' by Qelllaln U' IlWt •. ~ ... '" r.; n turned to Wilmington. baving spent den, J. H. Coleman; Vestry. L. A. bJ' MIDIch, 1. ' • • • . ' -\ The program of "Cricket on the Mrs. C. Gahagen. of Columbus. is the winter at her hpme here. Zimmerman,. D. L Crane, O. J. Ed{l..~ ~&c~~~~~. 2. . Sund~ " ••Y$)W, Bible . School. at Hearth" at'School Hall Friday even here. the guest of her parents. Mr. M d MEl' G dd h wards. Edwin Thomas and E. V. Dalke-Decker. 1: MiiaJCL,I. r. an ra. I ray an aUIl - Barnhart Bit Batamen-M Decker••• . reauIar· our 9 : ·a . m.; Commumon ing. was not complete. list w8t:k and Mn .J. B . 0 pp. ter. of Clarkavll1e, were the Sunday The Re~tor appointed the follow- ~~rDG~~u.:: .). IO:~ In.J .Pre~cf\ing. at 10:55 The teachers of the high school have M' PICa f D gUl!llltsof Mr. and Mn. Walter Elzey. in" committees: Umpine-J. W. 8ml~ andll. W. lAw", .. ~ p; m. Christian En given a a-reat deal of attention to thE' IIIB ear ray. 0 ayton was • Ed' h H . h' • • in. , . - play, and it will be giv.:n in good tbeguest of her parents. Mr. and A .good supply of handsome solid Altar- Mrs. ' It arns. c aIr· ~ obllerv~ 88 style . . The complete program is ail Mra. F. C. Carey. Sunday. silver spoons at popular prices. man, Mrs. E, V. Barnhart. Mra. J. BISHOP'S ANNUAL VISITATION ~;~;~~~~g~th~ere WIll follows"• Mr. an d Mrs. W , H . All en aud J. E. Janney H. Coleman and Miss Emma HeighD ___ . the morning way. . Rt. Rev . Th eodore I .~, lUI OJ!! Peo· Sy_ nopsia ........ ............ Marie Shutts Rev. and Mrs. J F. Cadwallader S. L. Cartwrieht has been re apChancel-Mrs, W. H. Allen, chaIr· Bishop Coadjutor of Southern Ohio, invitation -is John PegYbingle ..... Wm .. Mich~er motored to 'Xenia Sunday afternoon. ~in!ed to the Soldiers Relief com· man. Mrs. Bert Hart5OCk, Mrs. made his second annual visitation to old atten.d Caleb Plummer ... , ..........Ll,IIleY.,Mdla mlSl!l'lon for a term of three years .. aid Hawke. Ml88 Emma Hawke and St. Mary's church last Sund81_ and JliGlrn'l~ service muel c Edward Plummer ..... Kenneth ~t1bon Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathawav. of MiB8 Edytha Macy. • confirmed a class of three. the Miaaee E~~~!~!f~el~me to all. Those Tackelton!...............James Gibbons Laurel. Ohio, were ' the Sunday ~ra. G: W. H8wk~ and Miss Emma Music-Mrs. D. L. Crane and MISS Emma Hawke. Edytha Maey and eillewhereare invited May Fie1dang ............ Reba Earnhart eueats of Mr..and Mrs. F. W. Hath· He18~hway were 10 Lebanon last Ruth Hartsock. Olive McCollum UB ; Mra. Fielding .. ............ Ed~ Smith away. . Wednesday. the guest of friends. Uahers-J. H. Coleman,chairman; The Bishop preached a masterly 'D H Palmer Mrs. Mary Pert')'bingle ....:.... ...... . . , . U. M. White and E. V. Barnhart.. sermon upon the theme, "BuildfQAr • - • .. ........ ........ ........... Besale Warner The elpctlOn at Lebanon last week Mlr .• and Mrs, Gambaugh, of Cm· Grounds-J. H. Coleman. chalr- Christian Character." Aa a basis he Bertha Plummer ...... Lena Whitaker for the issuance of bonds to pave cinnllti. were the Sunday guests of man. J. O. Cartwright, L. A Zim- took the three commandl given by Tilly Slowboy ........ :... Grace Carman streets. was defeated by a larlle Mr. and_ Mrs. Harvey Gustin and merman, Mahlon Pidge and U. M. Jesus to Hia Apostles. durine the Spirit of the Crieket ..... Helen Hawke mlljority. family. Ywhite. forty days between the Resurrection iolDllin~tb61ro is atter lighting their Mra. Dot .............. ....... Neva Younlr Hnvolene Auto Soap is an aid to Flower-Mrs. Mary Caskey, and Ascension: Remain in Jeruaalem; el~tricity. An agent Mr Dot ................. Howard Guatin .. John A. Funkey's large store Is . d . . . t man, Mrs. U. M·. White. Miss Wultfortheoutpouring'oftheSpirit; . council ot ~bat vi.llaa-e Po~ter :................ Howard Meredith lull of bargains. To appreciate the house-cleanmg, oes not inJure pam, McCollum I Mrs. O. J. Edwards, .Mrs Be instant in prayer. Sta,y in your and gave them ' fBtim&tes. '; _ - .. bargains call and see. Store open makes old wood· work look like new, C. B. Bent ey and MI88&usan Wnght. Jerusalem where God has placed . . and lremove grease spots from clothes hoped that enough of the Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. • -. you. however difficult; make trust "~ illroJ16r_1~y owners will put the light in LOT OWNERS A~NUAL MEETING everY evenmg. . ) Mi88 Jenl'lie Bowman. of Ada. SCHOOL DA \ the basis of your work; keep your • and · not' only btonefit but help the general The lot owners of Mi~i Cemetery Ohio. reader ' and entertainer. will M,rs. Mary Roll and daughter, Misl The friends and patrons of the hliefelped°penantod~t"":'lflh:=n~y A-~iati(;D will take notice that the e' "';veanentertainm·ent1'n Scbool Hall, Bernice. of Dayton. dwereM week-end . ed to. brang . ......... C S schools are invlt weII- words 8poken 80 tul of hope ft~ ~:~;~~~;~~~~~~a~!k~in&' onetown step\ more annual meeting for the election of Tueed81 evenirqr. June 2. under the guests of ltev. an for their r s . . . filled baskets and enJoy an old- spiration. The church was beau• two trust.ees and a aecretar~·tr~ auspices of the Christian church. Graueer. fashioned dinner at the Odd Fellows tifully decorated with white lilacs, urel and auch otber.. bueineBIJ as may . , Hall on School Day. May 16. Two and the congreg'8tionlarge. properly come before . the meetill&' Over 200 Straw Hats placed on Do you want good Shoes. Come ladies will be in charge; -leave your • _ will be he.ld ~t ~hc ~metery cbapel. sale at lOc. Call while they last and lind lree our large stock best custom baskets here and they will be cared Monday; June 1. 1914. at two o'clock don't fail to give"US your shoe trade. made, bought before the advanced for. DI'bhes, . knives, forks and TOOK E?,AMINATlON . We will 'prot ect you. a t ria . I W1'11 con· We (:an save you money .. be furnished. m. , ted on Sgoo spoons will ' . vince you that we can save you shoes. every pair warran . tore In order that DO children be missed Of the 279 pupils who took. the on good shoes. open every evening. and the people of their April "Patterson-Boxwell" examlDa. ' . John A . Funkey John A. Fnnkey neighborhoods looked. after .at tion, only 39 passed. Of the 6 llle sc ~il dinner hour the follOWing ladles which went from Waynesyth act as a committee. 6 passed. moat of them W1 a f &l.r y Green Briar-Mrs Harvey Burnet. good average. Mary Thomas belQAr Summer Lowell Hill-Mrs.,Joaeph Hisey. the highest with an average of 82X. . . ,. ............ ..-ww ... .,. Sugar Grove-Mrs. Butterworth. While no doubt the p~pil~ h~ve «tw ••• • .., Sprinlr Branch-Mrs. V. ~. Hoblit. worked hard much pratse 1~ • ue There will be no,band cof!certs this now, they seem to be going backMt. Holly-Mrs. Minnie Marlatt. Mias Vandervoort for their traimng. The merchants have de- ward. . College HilI-Mrs.Chas. Smith. - _. keep their places of b1l8i- 1 We are very sorry .to have to ehronHarmony Grove-Mrs. W. WilBOn. WILL JOIN THE NAVY _ ""''''- C'.___._ evenings and therf will icle thie fact. but it seelDB as though Red Oak~Mrs. Ollie .Missildine. --., __ • • . James Davia, Mr. and Mrs. .. them ' be a tendency on the . part of one or FRIENDS QUARTERLV MEETING Ollie Davis, ..yentSODtoofctn~ti l,!UIt ca'nilo~1 twotmerehants t~ be determined .t o , Satutday and ~ tbe~tion Ikeep-,open. and thlB fact alone forces ministers and elden for a marine. He fa expected daily in the town to do 'o ther to receive hfa aaiUng orders. ·H"......wln'·h better It would .~Irc,bI~~ to




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Will Be No Ba~d Concerts this


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NOW A GYMNASIUMi. Old Church in Kansas City Has' Had Checkered Career.


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dl) it '" " " Illlml'rt tit " rO !'!ll1'r .. \ ud I' Ih" ti r ht tinl !! I (""' r l'l'a n l )011 arltn lt '111 tlUl!. ~lll/:I,' l' x(' la mlll lo ll th e ",,, Jo r I!.' t n1(> ~:t). hnh . tll nt th o n C' lg hlJ o l" rhnl 1lI !I ('h ~ oorl o f YOl lr anf' {'810~B . " hP" IlI!' d 10 1IIl "" f' xhlltt lll ('[1 hi " " 0<' 11 1>,, · 1I00d iM 11I>l "lI f\W a r ~ o r th l' a ph.' ll llld " (; ood' " ~lI j rl Ih(' (( I)(' to,' h lIi s"r .. nl · I Ian . H .. "aN look ing al thc g rounrl . ~l' n <, ru~ity I\' hl!'ll Is l'('~po n ~ l bl e ror II), . .. ~ t u" I rl nll't! I ijulrl p(' op l... now I Il W A S Ih l' ,I oc tor whn "poke a l In" l . As for th r· me n of ' I" H "l ll'n('(' that 10 thl' mall in the 111 (> presen t lac k of Vo'hl l'h yn ll ti lh'nk ." w ere 110 IJ I' II N . \' a lltlllt P!lt out hl ~ ha n.! wllh n lhat tilll "' . tlt ey w..,,·(· :1 ch pUl1 Bwa g J;rr· I rloo rWll Y wc lgh ",,1 IIkr 1\ hnllnr('1 nt . II\! Ie 1,;(,6t ll1'l' o r d('pre,·stI Oll . hil i t !tll il in g 101 of btll li ... " 11 1111 sw n s h · b u"' (I r- r ~ . I ntO~ J1 l u'r ' 8 . " :--; o ! " hr' Hald bIUI.III)·. "C(,l'l ulnl y uth t' t· tiilll'''glln ll'd It . "Co n fllllllrt .il. ,,'!t, n I r(' arl h is lor)' I'm oshll nu'll to sn h. Il wa~ to be ('XIWl'Ip t! of a \ a · I \) (' dps('I' IIe ' ed fr o nl t he m." no t \\'h a l \lut that inio yonI' h E'arl ·.' · Ilnnt. Yonr aIJ (' eHI III' R ", rOIl' Ih , '~ r " I rip~ II'll to lu rorm )011 . "n h ," Ra l" I' ,\'h;> 11 h,' was alon(' In Ih(' II h ru r y llllIT! I'R in r'l\ pitul I" t l" f g I) l l'r thIS t li ll lIl lIJo r . " tung . " th aI I ~oo nm an .. · \'u lln n l o l' l' nc ll t he !: lnRs door nil !! ('o unn y. T h l'Y \"" r .~ a n up a nrl down sl'(' nllnn l o r th",;I' bulll pH nnd MWll b l1 - I tnolt ('ro m tU f' s h elf Ihe' mn ro c-c-o c a Kp. lo t. bu t g O l .1! or ba ,1 (:t nd . n ~ Sl)lI l hall b uc lt ln r_. os ) ' 011 call l hern . ,\nd I . Th e ol d Ah h ' e,' of rFptI SflDIlt' f' rnn mer sa), s . I reckon"- h o nod d d II'" u rrl the ! wl Hh from rny h purl I tbou~11l w .... now · . h ilu 01 th.· \'or)' tO lr(' h or t h e lea lher. g real I'o rl mir a ha"", lh (' rnlH'h --.. t1ul)' I utlll) H. cou ld b olrl D tal low-dll' lO ' t n I h .. fArtlu'st (' orn eT was R Inw COm . we re n ' l all lit ll e wo,,1 1I l alllb ~ I (he r lh em ." mo d". II I' ~ I't t he e'ns e on Ihl s and L1ld bi g thin gs In n hlg wa ."." " You re fe r. no dOllht ." said Ih" ,,,:!. 11 10 , ' ('<1 t hO' hl~ Inl'l'SI r)' Here"tt a(' rO ~B VaJlant I' Hl IlI'1i fO I' wlIl'll ('Il~" r l~. II lOr wit h ~8r r:as m . " [ 0 our fri end De vil· Ill " a n~"> . hi d ing- It from l' lew Que stion 0 11 h is IiI'S. Btll al th e mo· .Jo hn lInri h is Idpnl tre a tm ent of hi s ' • • • • • • In t il e s ren l hall at Damo n' Cou rt me nt 1\ dln'I's lo lI Ol'c'urr erl In th e wi fe ' " s hapll !]f UIlf'I (> .IctTer soll. wh o re-en· " No. s ail ." rt'pllf'tI Ihe major \Varm· t ho c:lndles In tb e lr brass wnll :s('onces te red o bear ing a Ira." on \\ hi h s ~t s un· I.\'. ' '1'11'1 no t I'l,re rrlng to n""il ·Jo hn. blln l,<!'rt flack from Ih ll tloll s h cd par. dry jugs IIllil "lInklnG I; la 58(,s. glow. TIH!re wrre exc l'pilolls . no do ubt . but f] u, Rlld thl' sh inin g flrC'-doga. fill ing with wblt\' Alld gre pn nn ,1 go ld . fo r tIl<! m08! part l he y trente d th eir Ing th(' ralb el' sol e rn r. gloom wltb an "You old humbug. " said thl' do ctor. WOlnl'1l ro lk all I belle I'e their Maker nlr of' warmth nnd cr t' alu r mfort. "don't you k no w til l' major's t hat pol · mari e I he m to be trl"a led: Th e man lA'a nl ng against th o nc we l-poRl. Va. Bo ucd with m int-Jul e ps already t hat h.. Ilant gUt',1 a bout him. Ho w IIllfe re nt can't ge t up before e ight in the mo rn· It a ll look('ri rrom Ihe night of bls . Ing?" ('omlng ! " We ll . suit ." litt e red l1 n1:l e .1r:lfe rHe beglln 10 wlIlk up anrl dO""n the lion , "A h done (oun' e r mlnt· bal d dO""n noo r. teasi ng prick s at rell tl essne8s below de Itltc hcns dis mnwnln·. Yo'llrgl n ~: hllll . He open ell Ib e door and all gemmun' ' bout de biggeR' e xpubtl! paBlIe!! Into the unllgbted dlnlng·room . lu dl. YE'ah county . en Ah rec k'n On th e sIdeboard lIet a silver lovIng· Ma rs ' Vallnn t shoo ·stllt QI1 yo ' sam cup that had nrrlved th e day before plln' et." In a buge box with hla books and "Snh, " Ba ld th e major fe e lingly, knlc\, -knackll. He bad won It lit polo. turning to hI s bOllt. "I'm proud to He lifted It. ftng erin s Its carved handrlnlt your belilth In t b e typi cal bev· dies. He r e me mbe red that wl~en that e rage o f Virginia!" He toucbed parttcular score had b ee n mad E:'. Klllh· g lasses wllh Valia nt and glare.1 a t the arlne F nrgo had sat In one of the doctor, 'I\'ho was 811.plng hi s own drags d tI, e s id e-line. thoughlfull y. "Po emB ha l'e bee n writ· Out thp m e mor)" evoklld no thrill. ten On th e Jul ol/. sah ." In s l eall, lhe thought of Iler Im le ly·cold . "They m a lte good ep ita phs. t oo ." ob· pass ionless beauty ca II eel up aoother se r ved th e doc tor. mobtl (! tbol'oughbred fncc Inetlnct wltIJ Quick flashings of mirth nnd bllute uT " I noli c ed your glnss lan 't gOing beggi ng." th e major retorte d . " nc' Again h e re lt t he fie rc e clut h at 6tnaU J effe rson, that's all good mint as grew finger" . us they fought with his In tbat In the gYllf(len ot Eden. See tbat strugg le for bls lire. .Ear:b !In e or those lazy nlggers or )'ours don ' t grub that fllce stood befo r e him - the arch· the patch out by mi stake." Ing brows. lhe cameo-delicacy of pro· "Yas, Bah," Bald Un cle J e lferson. all file. the magnolia akin and hair like a he retired with the tray. "Ah I; wln e-. What He Hid Drawn !'roM tha Shelf browlI"gold c loud acr058 tho sun. ter put er fence eroun' dat &r baid 'ro' Waf> ;:'e MOrocco CaM That Held He ste pped down to tbe graveled sundown." tha Rusted Duellng·Plstol! drl ve lind follow ed It to the gale. then, The question that had Rprung to barebflll,led. took the Red Road. Valiant's 11118 now found u t terance. "I who ralleil In hI li courtesy there, Bah . Along tbls blghway h e had rattled III , lool( at tbo portrait there." was call e d to account 10r It. He was l Tucle ~.. snw you e"erson , II CI'llZY h ac k' -w Itb mlgbty apt to find himself standing In her red ose In hili '"a d Th e tU u~ k y h e Bald to the major. "Wbic h or my .J r. . ancestorll II It 7" the cool dawn at the butt·end of a-" Bcent or the pressed leaves In th o' book H e broke off and eougbet1. There In his pocltet seeme d to be all about



J "tm Valiant, 0. tItCJ~ ,rt" lery r "· .'rlt~ . • "t.ld nly d18C9ve .... tlul.t tI,e \ ' " I\" "r r·,r


0/: ~~~~~O~.,~!9c-o~I

Ka nsas Clt r .- Tho a ir! brlel( ch urch;



Moet S pcctCl cld a r Occupiltlo .,. Havel Belin by the Holy Rolle ... a nd a Picture Show-Athle t ic Club Now In Posse ssio n.

til s trn nll'c ly 010" ...1 nt '''aHa nt III agut n 11\'1111; fl t

~o urt ,

CHAPTER XVI-Continued . The major nodded . "Ah . YCB ." he eald. "The ContJnentnl prison-camp. " .. And just over thlll rl sc tb ere I can aee an old court·house, and the Vir· ctnla Alllle mhly boiling und er the colden tongue-Iallblug of lean rawboned Patrick Henry. [lice a m eBBen· cer gallop up and lice the membero aoramble to their ssddlclI-and then. Tarleton and hIs ,.' d-coats streamIng Up. too late." "Well," cODiment ed the doc tor de llb· el'8tely, "all I ba"e to s ay Is. don't materlallze too muc h to !\1rs. Poly Gifford when you IDeet h e r . S he'll have you lecturing to th e I.adles· -Church Guild before you know It. " "I hope you ride. Mt·. VaUant 1" th e aatter allked geniall y. "I'm tond of It,' · said Valiant, "b ut 1 ~ve no borae a. yet." '" y;~ thinking," pursued the rna Jor. "of the ·comlng tournam e nt." "Tournament '" 'I'ho I doctor cut In. "A ridi c ulou s o(!ook''''~Oodle-do which gives the young 'buokll a chance to rig out In B1I1y tog· eery .a nd prance their colts before a lot ~f petticoatB!" "It '8 an an.nual alralr," explained tbe 'major; "a kind of IIpectacle. For 'IIlaIly years, by tbe 'I\'a y, It has been 'Jleld on a part or thlB e8tate--(lerhaps :7ou wlll bave no objection to ItB UBe ;thIs 888son 1-n,nd at night there Is a ...tance at the Country Club. By the -way. you muet let me Introduce you . 'the re-tomorrow. ['ve laken the libe rty .already of putting youI' nallle up." "Good lord!" growle d the doctor, ·Aslde. "He count8 himselr ~ oung ! If ,.I'd 1'eached your age, Brtstow-" " You huve," Bald the majOJ', n ettled. "Four years ago ! -As t was Baying, Mr. Valiant, the)' ride for a prize. It's :. very ancient thing- I've 8een reter-ences to It In a coloulnl manusc ript .tn tbe Byrd Library at Westover. No -doubt It's COme down directly from _ he old jousts." , "You don't mean to say," cried bls bearer. In genuine astonishment, " that Virginia haa a lineal descendalH o'f the lourney'" Tile major nodded. "Ye s. Ce rtalu _eottons ot Kentucky ulled to have It, \00, but It lIall died out there. It ""slBts now only In 'tblB II tate. Irs • curloull tblng that the old knightly meetlngll of tho middle ages sbould IInrvlve today only on AmericaI' 8011 ·ond In a corner of Virginia." Doctor Southall, meanwhile. hod sot 'hIli gaze on tbe litter of pampJ: :e tll. He turned with an appreCiative .eye. "You're bogln'llng In eameRt. The





aa~~~f::nl~e~~~~ :e~ d::'na~~:agrl~BPBa~~~Slllny

t r f'n d log 11 11 a l!luh oC l'OAI'.lu:no8. rlown "'hk h t h I'! Inneafllu lI: Ill olody fiOW ('11 (,l'l rl1 ""III :: t o lI im . cal li ng . c lllI. Ing. li e Ktopp r d slor k'l\ l lIl 1\ (> . lUri hee n Hk irtlng II ('l o~(' · ('t·OP I , pd hl' ll ge of hox . Thi s hUll e nrl ed ahru tJ t Iy a nd h(' was look In); j: ht Ui' II ba r ot g· ye llo w ra d la lll'!' fr'llll a 11,) lIhl f' door· wa ) 'I'h ' Inlt e r 0 IlPh',1 <Ill a porc b [llld Ihe 11;:111 . r\ UIl t: ,.,('ros ,; l hls . rireltl'lH' o nn nrliol' o r c ll! J1 " i ll ~ rose ~ . 1111,1; lng II sta nrl olll a :Jl II "~ 0 1 W:." '<'11 rulJl<,s Ho i in prn e rn"l. He d rew n long Hi gh o r I1 ro ro t han IIplig bt. for frullI N I lu I I", ri l t'!'w n y he sn w n 11/: lI t'e In tnI H t~· white . Il'anl ng to th o g ilrl !''' IIprlght of a hn r p. He lID w a l o n('1' t bllt it W[lS ~h l rloy . 1I01,lIl1g hi H tH Palll . h I' cam e c108('1'. ble feet muITIl'd In th e I hic k gmss. Ht' s tood In th e d onlll! obscurit y. onp. hnnd gripping the gnarl ed IllIlb of a ('n t u lpa. bl~ e ye ~ followtng tha shape ly arms from wrist 10 ~ honld e ,., Ihe finge rs 15 1""."Inl: al'l'OBS thp. s trlnga. tb e be nding (' be pl; caress ing tbe carved Vo' OO<I. S h{' "' as pla yI n g Oe melody of S h II cy 'ft " lnt1i a u S er enade" - totlchlng the ehor,is lIoftly and t e.l ' derly - and bl~ Tips moved. l!1ol~l~f Ih em s e h' es lIoundl ess ly to Ihe words The Sel'Ollllne dl e tl In a s in gle IlIl'g note . All If In ans wer to It th.!!r e ",~e a Hood of blt·d·nluslc from b~~ ond the arbor- Je ts of Rang that eVi el~ed alld rlpp~ed to a 80arlng melod ) . S he h eard It too. for the IImelle flngerl fe ll frOl~ till' Bt rln ge. Sh e listened a mom onl . wIth h ead held (0 one 11«41, th en s prang up nn d came tbrough the door and ,Io"' n tb e atepe. He b (,Mitat ed a mont ('nt. t h l'n a Itn. g le s trlrl e took blm from th e shadow. CHAPTER XVIII. Beyond the BOIe· Hedge. .1.8 be gree ted h e r . his gaze "Iungeil deeJl Into lIera. She h a d reco iled a step. startled, t:> recognize him al· most Inatantl y. H e nOl e d tb e sbrink· Ing and tbou ght It due to a sta bblpg memory of tha t fores t-horror. HIli firet words were pro's llle enough: "I'm an unconscionable tr e sllassc r ." he saId. "It must seem awfully Jlrow· Iy, but I dldn' t rellll1.e I wall on prl· " vate propllr,y t III I paSlleeI t h e hed ge there." All b e r hand lay In hili. a strAnge' laney Btirred In hi m ; In l hat. wood·

III 14lG Oak s tr ee t h all had :l. (!hecke r ed

carerr durin g th e las t dO~"' 11 years. Its. mOti t s pectacuhlr occupnlions baV90 beflll by th e Holy Roll e rs n.ud by a. p icturu sb ow. But now it 18 se ttli ng' down into an aPl'are n tl y p('rmanent career . It Is a gymnllsiulll. T ho a thl etic club Of 11 buslnes8 collego was orgllnl~e d last .1Ilnttnry . For I s evernl y eu.N! tb e coll o gf~ bO),11 and glr lij havc Inken h lkc s An nually to one of KDJlflllS (' It y's parks ; nnd l h ore Is a ijllrlng picn ic . L', ually a bRs " ball t eam· r oprese nts th o college in & Kanl!1UI City le ague. But thi s YO DI' lhe boy • grew more a mbitious; th oy form ed a bUtiket b all t ea m, nn~ It WIlS 80 popu. lar tililt the y form ed tbree more and had a longue within Ule scb,ool. They lll'actised whllrever they could find the gro und s-many of th e m belonged to the Y. M. C. A . And tIlon they dIBCOV. ered Ihls old church wilb an audItorlum 50J:35 feet wltbout Obl truotiouB. The fioor, ceiling and walls were bare. The stained glass ot the big front wiDdow had gone 101lg ago--and mOllt or the otber windows were tarsely of boards, too. There were no ,chandelIe rs, no ornamentll, to be clamage4 . There waa a room that could be called a dre8slng room; another could be made a laTatory. At Tery small 8X[len88 the 0078 rent. ed tbe building, Installed a 8toTe and wash basin, had electric light wire_ and a few bulbs ut I nailed th I p n, e r baske t8 at each end of tbe ancUtorium - and th eh ' gymnaslnm 'WU GstablIah ed. The church gymnasium Is ·not held exclusively for the uao Of the bUBIn ell college athletic club. bowever. There are three teams of baskot ball playera, boys of three dllrerent Kansaa Clti c hurobes, that praotitl& th ere, And the broadelt feature of tha oburch gym'a usefulneBlI Is now belni ' worked out. There are hundreds "'ho l!Pooped around and watched the ~" lege boys piny, ·and ,COti1~

;:;' Wa!!Chrohsee hlm · m es Ung sh e bad se med Ilomc thl",g T b e odor or living ro ses. In fact, .• as wltch·llke. the wilful Bplrll of the pas, tu d e . "Tbat," . he said, fixing hlB eye- and stood b efore th e open bookcase. I0 the nlr. It ca me on t be scarce· slonate spring herself. mixed 01 ber glasses, " Is your great-grandfatber, " I envy "au ' thill, Bab." he said ,w ltb fe It br·eeze . a h eavy c alling porfuino. aerial essences and jungle wilder· ' D ey ll ·John Vallanc''' somewbat or Ilaate. "A fine old c~l. He wa'\l,e,1 on. k eeplng. the rond by tll e nesses ; In this see n c d Jlm·\lt close she "OO\' II·Jobn!" ccho pd his bosl. "Y ~8 . leetion . RleBS my 80ul, what a curious mist.\' Inflltratlng shimmer of the WitS gra ,·e.eyed . subdu ed. a I)aler pen · I've bcard the nam e." volume I" stars . wltb a sensation rather of gild. HIve woman of und e r ._Illf·gueslled sad· The doctor gul'fawed. "He earned As he s pok e. his band jerked out fI 18g th,.. n or walking. It Ot-curnid to neBlle. and hauntin g moods. Wltb her Gymnaahlm. It, I reckon . I never realized what a h eav y·looklng leather-back. Valiant, him Ihn! It. a s scientists say. colors an8wer, how el'c ", thi s gravity seemed sinister ex pression that' mlssln g optic who blld rls(In and stood beside him, em It soun,Hones. Bcents als o s hould to silp from her like a ganue nt.. have Buch a gymnaBtum, too; so, th!t gives the olel rufilan. Tbere' wall a saw Instantl y that wbat be had drawn possellis a music or the ir own : the laugbed IighUy . college bOYII are makin g pIau , by al,lrmlsh durin g tb e war on the hilI· from lh e shelt was the morocco ease honeysuckle fragrance. maybe-eoft "I 10Te to prowl m reeU. f tbtnlr which the boys can IIRO the' eilnrch side yonder an d a · bullet cut It ou~, that he ld tlte ru s t e d dt:ellng-plltol! In mellow lIutlug' as of dlmln1ltlve wind. I!ometimes I Ilke tne night better than when they_ are not prabtiBtng; When we ""ere boys we use d to call the major'S handB the broken box Instruments ; the far-faInt sickly odor the day. I believe In on e or my 10' him 'Old One· Eye,' '' . " ope ned. A 8udden startled look darted of lilies- the upper registe r or faery carnations I ' must ha,-e been a IlnD. PRICE OF IRISH PARLIAMENT "It Intereats mt' enormously." John across bis leonine face. With smotb· vlollna; this splc}' b reatb of rose ll- ther." . Valiant spoke explo·slvely. ered e xclamation he thruet It back blendli, g. throbbing cbords like elfin They both laugh e d . ''I'm growln. "The etorles of Dt'vll-John would flll b otween the boolta snd closed the echoes of an italian harp. Tbe fancy Buperatltlouft about flowers." he lIald. .Trafflc Reveall MOlt of 8ale of Honor. a mighty bl« book," said th e major. gll\lla door . pleased him; be could Imagine th.e "You know a rose figured In our first "By all nccounts be ougbl. to have Lord Caatl .... agh. Valiant had pallid. His preTloulI perfume no i In the air ('81T1ed wltb meeting. And In our lallt-" live d In the mleldle Ilge.... Cros81ng finding of the weapon had escaped hili It an under· music, like U ghostly harp. Sbe shrank momentar:ll:r. "The oap. . ' tbe IIhrary. he looked Into the dllling. . mind . Now he read, as clearly a8 If Ing. London. -FOr . a cynical sttldent of I Jellsamlnes! I ehall always thInk of room. "I thought I remembered. The It bad been printed In black:letter polltlc8 there 18 mucb enteft'ibsmnt It Mime to blm at tbe same Instant tbat wben I see them!" portrait over the conllole there Is his acr08S tho sunny waU '- the elgnlflcance that ttl!1I wall no mere fancy. Some"Ah, forg1ve me!" be begged. "But In the rec;orde!! ~e ot: bO, or.. wire. your grent·grandmother. They of th e major's confusion. Thst weap- wh e re III th e languorous nIght a harp wben I remember what you .'dld-fo' Take, .lor \ Inlitance. the {"lfIle' _·that say be bet that when he brought hlB on had been In hlB tather's hand when was b e ing played. He paused and lis· me! Ob. I know! But for yOU, I mUll' . about· the leciStatlTe anion bride home. Bhe should walk into Da· b e face d h~8 opponent In that fatal tened Int ently. then went on toward ha\' o died." with Ireland. . ,l " I . mory Court be tween rOWII of candle- tlu e l ~ It t1a"bed acrosB hili mind as the BOund . The rose scent had groirvn "But for m e y otl wouldo,'t havt No fewer thll,D 22 Jris h sticks worth t'l\'enty-thousand dollars. th f' Ilo('tor hm&~d for his bat and stick strongE~r; It ~as almost In. that heavy been bItten. But don'~ let's. talk of It.· were given 'a way by Lord Ca.stlle"'ealrh·; He made th e wage r good. too. for nn,1 got to his feet air. 81 If h e '1\ ere- breasllng an etherial She shivered sUddenl:;'. 19 Irish ~er8 went up a wben ahc calll e Ull those steps out IT( I ' n F. (·o~rrjNlJEn . , · "Com('. Bristow, . said th e latter Irrl· ~ea of nttar. He felt a l' If hp were blerarcby and Bve . the re. t here was a row of ten candles tahly. " Your feet .. III grow tOllt to with Engllllh ·peeragaa. A burning on c lther s id e of the doorway. th p. floor pre8entl~· . \\~ muetn't talk a a !taU of good EnlllJsb· money . \.I.UU~'7 ea ch h eld by B yo ung Blave worth • new ne lg-hbor to dc ath . I've got to Sp' n QOQ} went to honorable lorda tbollRan" dollurs In th e market. a Ilati e nt at six ." . 'purcllue 6l rotten borooglla.· " Some say he grew jealous of ' hls . tloD pension II and places " CHAPTER XVII. wlfe's ben ut y. Therc were an y num· for 'clamorous claimants,' 110M ' the her of IItorleB told of bl a c ru eltie s 10 tal' the d estrucition or tile Irlsb b er tbat aren't' worth repea ting. S he John Valiant Asks a Q(;"tlO'1. ment, while the average pr:lce died ea rly - poor Ind y - and ' your " lIl1 nnt wen t with tb e m :c t h \' for a vote io'k~p bargalne\'ll ".~II:'Z'O'..,';·I~ grandfa th(1r wa a tb e only Isoue . Dev il· alii .... ,loot·. A painful thought \\'es 000 .lohn himself III'cd to be l)a6t s event y. Hoorllng his mind. It hampered hi p, ~~~;B~f:~~~~[~~~~~~~~~;i~~~J~.~;:::~~:i a nd a t that agl'. \\' h en moat m e n were s'p 1'r. '1 nnd It wall only by a vtol el nt I ~ .:' Btackln g Ihel!' sillS a nd groaning with ('fTort rhnt he fOllnt! \'olce; j _ ~_.•.._~~~~~~~~~~~".....~~_~~~~~".....~~~~.......~~~ HUGE SAV.INGS OF ·- ITIU.II~"~ .• . . '. '!.,r:. . the gOUl. II<' WIIR di c ing and fox ·hunt· " On" mom e nt: The re Is' a Qucstlon In g with tb e YO llng98t of lhem. He I wottl d like to Dalt." . DROVIE. THE CAT TO SUICIDE noti ced that cat ac t ing Queerly eyer.' Investigation Showi' TQta' . Ha.· time a party carne along and wae tol~ lllWRYS swor l' li t> waul!! dip wi th hi! Ro lh 1\4 nll emen had turned 1:flOn the .- --Than Quadruple~ In . . 8, 4'~ j boots on . and th!')' RllY wh e ll Ih e ,lOt·· ~ l "' P R n;:d as they faced hIm ·he Reprellsnta~lve " ..,bably Old a L,ittle about tho beautle8 ot ·tb'18 VlUlt pile O! 'Vea", , : :~ ,Thirty , masonry,' as you WQ6 Baying. tor told him It P hao! only II frlV hours thllught r. swift gl8nce .. RBserl between "hh~ki"!J .'fter t(ls Had Heard "Then one day along came a &en' le e\\'ay, h,> nHlo!' ~ hi s s la ves dress him Ih e m . T \' oy walte ,1 co urleously. tbe Pollr.l!mln'. Yhry. ' with Borne friends and talked fo! completel :.- IInri PI'OIl hlrn on his borse. do(' lo r will] his habitual frown . tbe "AUalra Rill" ~'; !luoy, .. ~J.ll·eseDtR· ',.hree-quarters of an hour along tJW They gR lloj1f' d out s o. a negro all II1I1Jor' !:' hlL.,d rllmbllng for tbe black live trom Oklahoma, 'tHlde a !pur o[ .Ine, when blamed If that thllre cat e ither Ride of blm . It Vo' BS 0 stOt'Ill}' rlbllon nn bill wall!t·~ont . night . blllck as Ib e ~;nl' l or Hell's riel · "Si nce I came here. I hav e hEard" WaRhlngtOn a short th~e IIgo wl:b a dldn't run all the way up 600 odd feet In d\l~ time tbe)' of stePR and commit eulclde b~ ~Uin~ ~he Other Got Up and Stood B.fore lng-boots. \\'Ith wind and lightning . . ' hl~ lOne was uneven- "ot a duol In party of friends. g the' Mantel·Plece In a Napoleonic and he rod e c ursi ll !; <H bOI It . Thero's "hlch my father was a principal. reached the Wasblngton In!>numeut'lln olr tlIO. top of the . mODument."nll old blaC'l,-glJlIl (ree a mile from Th ere was'lIl1ch a m,.,Ullg!" and tho Okl~oma . ~tateRpu~n t l'ld at W ,'3hlng ..... n PQBt .. Attitude. bere that they sNtI 'c all Oevll..lohn·: "There Vo'IlII." 11814 the doctor nrter lenrth of the beautl81 of tbe Bhu::~ . ~ • - ---"- - - .Agricultural Dellartment. ADd tbe tree. They were 111st PlIlslng under the sllghtest .\lauae ot lIurpr!se. "Had At the :close! or ble peroration. ' Alta}. Ik>m • . ~.u~h~om~ .'CougreBlllonal tranlt." '. It when the lightning 8truck It . ..... Ight. YOU known nothing of It?" fa Bm mOJlped hi. brow and turned li:plcure. In tbe Qnlted Stales, "'~ . are the "I'm IJrald I'm a lad , sketch u a nlng hall DO effect on the black·gum. "Abllolutely llothII'lK." GenIally to Ii minion or pie laMDeartly. I_~ mUllhroom. -:111 long for a tlm_. ~;~~(. ~~l("~ ..:lenUlt," laughed Vaflawt. "My you lmow. The bolt glanced from the The major cll!!ared bill tbroaL "It .. . " II " I ' In .he ,Austrian Tyrol,· 1,\ Ho,.· abo?t · It, asked .; . 8D t .JnusllrooD;ls gro"",. A .... ··"'·,_ " .J~.tlt:II. point of \·Iew haa to bc a 10me"Nhat tree a ::d IIlruck bill1 between the two WIlS tiometblnl': be might naturally not practical one. I must 'be .el'''IIUllvort· Blnllll without banning either of haye made a record or," be ·.aid, '''rhe tJalt· aome lI.tle tslk on thlll .. uclent of the region IIIye: . 'toa(1 that lell up ibe Ing. Damory COUJ't II a bls tate. them. It kt11ed hlB bone, too. Tbat'. two had been frlendll. &Dd tt-lt "'.a pile of masonry T" "You forgot about the cat," replied Italian chestnut ' trees, It hal grain land8 and forailt . . ~II . the story. To be sure at this date a fatal encounter for Ute other. The It took from · three ' to If my ancestors lived from It. I nobody can separate tact from flo- doctor 'and [ were 11!W' father'1 8.0- that oMcl&l, Impertut~bty. ''Wbat cat?" . ' span the trunke" not only that," he "Nent on Possibly he wam't so much onda,of lli~a." ~ . " der ,one of . slowly, "1 want to make the mOlt ~f. than thc relit o' his nelgbbon Tbere WaB • nlom.D~'I· rrtlence be. ".a:IICttit ~, blin!~' ~ Queried crouchIng' . ·tbe place fOI' Its own oke, too. Not exce pting the panonR. 'Otber fore .Vallant liplike ' again. When ·It. ' . v:..~. . lOnly ot its poulbllltiel for earning, othel' manners."" did bill volce ,""811 steady; .thoulh.dropII R«~pr~'tinta1th'e of Its natural beautlell. I liCK the . weren't 'an y worse than the had Iprung to' bil .ro~~, "W~ ...e'...'ln:_. f oaoe b'ad, but loan give UI'f!.eIt t'~..r,~hl~l'A.tfn,n" said tb~!' doctor thero ' any clrcumltance 'In tbat meet· and WOfk. aOd If they can four botU. men tBg tbat might be e.o nlltrue!l : •• " re. IliIIm.,.v Co!p't back to anylhlng now Ukey pUn; fleeting . on .~III-!1o!lpr?" j,~i,' ~~~'t\.ptel)' ...M,mblhig what It once "'OOod ~pa : D4i!':' ifal elthl!l'.~ ,.' '. 1I;;'~ I~ ·bl. ,plq8lY~Y., t • ~ bIl 1m.. aAd e ven a ; J'rlm, be .>.T,h.,." .. "oj:· ,.,t~1 '. ' , ltJ,Iolfl~I\;'tl,iI~~~~:Ip'li~ I!~,1 oft alteo' )'ou'U It'., ltblr.b ,il. could . D









I .



~~~~~~1=::l~~j~Fi~l' befOre

1. -.' " \.

.lal~ ~iD'



'Are You Suf teri nKF rom , .

Auto-Intoxication • !a~~ ~~lO::



rnt.oxlcatlon II "poison ing. or the state of being poisoned. from tox1c. substanc es produce d wtthIn the body." This Is a conditio n due t() the stomach , bowels, Iddnl!)'l, lJver, or pores of the body faUlng to throw off th:3 polsona. l'oiore than ofadulls are,uffe rlngfrom this trouble. Tbla II probably why you are suffering berYOUIness, headach es, 105& 0:=t1 te. lack of ambition , and many from other ~mptDmsprodu~byAuf.o.In tJoo. Yourwh o1esyste mneedsl tlrringup .

I ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - _

l'eople lIeldoN Improor e when they bave no model tha.n themlel yes to copy after. -{)oldu mltb .


Mu ch so-called rheumatism II caused by weakened kidney,- When the kidneys fail to clear tbe blood of uric acid, the acid forms into cr)"'tals like bits of broken glass in the muscles. joiuta :lnd on tbe nerve casings. Torturin g pai ns dart through the afIected part wlltt' r wh enever It ill moved. By corillg tho kid neys, Demn's Kidney Pills have c,lScd thOU!lolllds of rheullU.l ic c!lSe!l, Tra ll · h llTlballO, !!C intica, gravel, neurnlgi a , aud urinary disorder s.

Dr. Pierce'. Plea ... nt P ellet. «gulnt . and invigorn te IIwl.llBch. IIvel' Ilnd bOI,·~l. _ ' 1l~nr, coI11eJ, tin)' Granules. } -:ru.), 10 loke as candy. Ad,'. '


U "comfo rtable. "I s nUU'!!1' . t ill o n til tJ wa gon '!"


"~ o .

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ft ·~I II \ ti l'4 . "

1l 0~t{Jl l

~c rll) t .


Mak" Q t 1,1' "'Hlltll'''. ' I " )If" - t hnt ', H,'d hCllli l iflll. rlca r


('..,"', 1l,, 11 Blu e. M n~ (" wbite (' l o tJ".:~, ~'. ; , Io{tJod

-tvI1l remedy the trouble. It fint alds the system to apel accumul ated poisons. It BW a& a tonic and finally enables the body to eliminat e Its own poi&onl without any outside ald. Obey Nature's warnings. YOill' dealer In mcdJWle5 wlU IUPllly you. or you may ocnof SOc for a Ample PIlCI<aae of tabIIb blIlDAII. AdIIreI& Dr.R. V.PIemr. Du1Wo.N. Y.


"" TOl'.' I'll ,

- - --- ---

Ground s for Compl a int. II lp- T a til,·· I h u t~ 1I0p- Why , tbul '~ (li p lH' d

A.d\' ,

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lI i,,- Y,·s. bUI II,, · ~ I l' \\ a r d 1",,1 1:"' , gall I II ~II) il i ~ r o O-PC'. ~1 i('llI b,lll




C. Walker. In C r un d Ave.. 000" lI ~ nvll l 6, ln4" ny-a: ,. For t e n )..ct-&r8 I h ll d

muacula. r rheu-

nLa tllm. 10

I waa lal4 b od and .


(,Quldn ' t

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m ove


Plallite n

and uppll catloaa

Ua n{()~ I., Worse. : f n l1 ., d . '1'h o fint box nt D o all' . l(ldn oy \\,hit e-- I':ow thUl your Bon has grall Pili, h e lped rno • Accordi ng to London Newlpa per, Col· uated. ha ~ he II cldl' d ",h.-r o hu Is go Won Distinct ion in Three Wars . t wo more box ea ~r­ In g to work'! [; " 11 . J oh .. II !' Todd. 11 Huldi pl' or ored Oppone nt of I rlahman Had mllnontly cured m ..... Excelle nt Crop~ the He s ult oi Well·F e rtilized Lan d. Gr"I' Il - Wh l! r u~ Ibr" " \\" rs and gO\'l' l'lI or (lr DallOta Little Chance. li e bas n't e veu de d ~~ \\- It, ... ; ILBI,:HT , 1 1) ! 'a u, ~llld I p an. .• t b .. 111 <1 II 11 I' l a1 \a h ll ' 1(' 1'1'1 t O!'>' . Wa H bo rn 10(1 yea r.; ago cld e d ",lIen.- Judge . l 'ulI "id e rlll g til l' nUl n bt'r or Y t: ar ~ \\ f' a ~ an " xlra , lhi R IK ., brawny 1i011 01 Erin wag Ilc tlng as I ll l' "lw'II'f'" 1 ""Y In L." in gton. 1-\ )' . In hi g )' uulh he han' had ('once nt l'lltl! lI IlllLn ll l'~ ~ bl" o f kl" 'lIinJ:' II rllrtn ill (·Olll\il io li . Hut 're lll m'!!d with h b pa n' nt s to IIl1nols. Uwe keeper In 0. rouglHU ld·re a dy li ght Putnam }'ad eles8 Dyes are tb e e :I ~' forl' U6. it i8 F urpr l ~ ln g thnt mon' i" I lilll I.. , "ell'ot' a l, · for r"l'd l n~ iJull ol'kg lIe g ruduHt pd 1'1'011 1 ,,' pst Poillt III 183 7 between bls mnte lind a neg ro In SouLb les t to use . Adv. ____ _ not ge n .. rally kno w" or Ib elr UHIo' alld a l a lo ~~ In hUIWS uf be ing n 'co ul"'" by and for II \'t ' Yl'al' ~ t h C! r elllt r' r waR !lc' AmerIca .. 111 the (:ounle of t be fight a 111ll'lIca tlon . TIll' numbpl' ot' farm ferH tl,, · rn a l,lIl' i,,1 1·~' R llhllltll . .-\ " l'lI !'lu ge The Success Label. well·pla lited blow sent th e IrlHbma n Uv C' ly <' lI g ag"" III Ih e Florida wnr. 1 pLOn SIn clair, commen ting In [Ja l· wilo UUUl'rNl a lld how to .us p arlili c lnb of 1,,' uI Y Ill UOUI' P i. u ~ uall) to o co"II)' . eorth wards . Durin g th., WOI' Wit h :ll pxlco h " dlstln · I Is limit ed I hav e orte n ml'l meII farm tlmore I on ~ , . , . th IHI e e "a), o f IIPepln g iJ ru rlll in il s gu l!lh f' tl h lt Il Ht'1f III th normO\l ~ fortun es noll' " Onll !" cried th p. tim e kcp. llc r. 111 a o ~ I ego o r Veru in g aM much as " tJU ueres of 1111ld Irlj!h"S l nlld mOR t e xis ting In Americ a. ~ aid : I'l'o l1tabl, · ,'o nu illo n t'ruz lind at Ill.· baltl .. of tense voice , watc h In band. (" .'ITO (iordo . Pro rit R J'f p t e 'v h o~e Idptl.ll on the 6ubjllCI an' rati> " )n ·· 110 \\ lI IIo other ut th" .• place b u ~ l' lbe o f lI I world rtilk I l al o ~ ve . k r e r \'agu I 81' "Twa l" be mUl'mu red boursely . "Pat, mt'" e Ie :::iU HP qu ent)' 1(' lOO part I II lie ennan en ure e. A fanner lold mt~ he wu s are such .\ ~ th fortune fo I' Plu rn s to "",'nlS be found. One mo r.. Inlill edl· I'XIletilti on In th .. :-./ort h w<!Ht. ForOil"u CARTER'S Un'LE ye 100, glt U11! There's only Ight s ec· going to put six hundre d welghl 01 nl reason .. frum Is tbat our law s r egu lating arab lt! land . too of tpll Ihe s hort Pt' riot.i III th e '>a rl y par ollds 16f.t!" t or th e L~VER PILLS never Onancla l tran sactJ('u s lire le sB strln · kalnllf' on IIII111ge ls , as It wus n cbeap Ill t!.. dows Ilrl' rnow ll lO II dtalc or a lJ.. (,Ivll wllr It comman dlld It divis T be inert millis never moved . ion or fall. Purelyv egeta· manur e. I lJolllted out to him t ilat his jeel po" rt y und th e pa 6tur gellt than those or othe r countrie s , t'H b e g· tho Army of th l' 'rt'olleeS l'e. Art er ble - oct surely "1.'hree l" s ilouted the time keep e r s trong !loll proba bly ne!'dcd IlO pO l· gun 'd b) c·pus ... less tUld nn other reason Is tbat eve n wbere I'emo\,a l of milk quitting tll B army he sB but gentiy on Cll8perately. ·'1.'hlllk or yer old moLber, rved 118 a Da· the a sb III nil, thut if II did, ~Ix bUild red· n ud n,' sli . \I It h 1I liver. 0 thing tul,e ll buck . kota dl'lt"gat e In congres s and Pat! What's It sbe'd be saying to ye, we bave laws our ulagnat.eB forget wplgbt 10 tht! acre was exce8s wus gov· Stop after lve for \\'IJ ,u Ihl' "llhan cf'd vu lu e of lluslUre e rnor about tbem. of the territor y CrOIJl HiG9 lo dinner dis· 'Bate the nIgge r!'" "In [act," Mr. SlncluJr conclud ed th e orop ; lind tbat, 118 be hud alr eudY lon<l from Ih., judi Cious usp or IIrtl/J· 1871. n enl'ra l Todd died at YnuktOl ' tress-cu re Slowly he called up to elg bt, buck· with 0. laugb, .. the historIe s or som e given a dre8s lng or about 15 load .. of ,·i" l. Is lIlurt' lIlIdl'nIlOod , th c')' will In 1872 . lug up hiB mate with patrioti c lIjacula· indigest ion, Carm dung to tb e acre, th e chllllces be alJlllif'd ill larger quanLlII I'H . Heavy o[ our largest Americ an rortune s sboll' I improve the complexion, brighten the~ tiona betwe n eacb long second. Wben clearly tbat on th e door of succesll Is were that bls laud ueeded uothlng dr 8Blng R or farmyar d dung are always 'iiE I SMALL PILL, SMAll DOSE, SMAlL PRIc:&. eight had been called Pat slowly stag· more thall II little nltt·oge n. And this a rul .. tuke . Tbere Is nt'ver any thing RED, ROUGH HAN DS MA gered to his reet;-nn d by - a mlgbty 'pusb' In brass:' -Chlca go Record· fIer· was on II clean, well·stocked and fair· Genuine mU8t bear Signature Ilk" e noug h 10 go round. and 80me ald. SOFT AND WHITE lunge succeed ed In knockin g down bls Iy malluge d rarm . Tbere 18 sUIl a otber port or the farlD hU 8 10 suff r. black o~poneut.. great d eal of pre judice against tbe It shonld ue born" After HII Own Hean. Itl mind tha l 8 For red, rough, chapped and bleed· Despera tely learln, lest he silould At the Progres sIve banque t In New use or arlitlclll ls . because the.)' are loud of dung from 1\ covered yard 18 In, bands, dr1, fialured , Itcblng, burn· --- __ _ re\'1nt III tlme, tbe time keeper let oa York montb a western er to,d Is suppose d to rob tb e land . Wbatev er equal to two that ba\'e been eXilolled Ing palms, 8114 palnful fiogor-e at top speed: ndl, Is put upon the laud. Is at allY rate lO rain or mov ed story ab()ut the colonel. to cause exces81 ve r/ltb Ihapele lll nalle. a on&-nl, bt Cutt· an "One, two, three, rour, (lye. and addition . The 8ubtrac tion only be- ferment ation. resultin g In tbe "My wIfe and I," he said, "bave a 108a of cura treatme nt 'Worn ....onder.. DI· It 70U feel ' otl r of 10."" '.OW DOW.' '001". Dye" tell! Ye'N out, Y8 blllCkyl llaID!" large ramlly of children , "and when' gins wben we cart a crop trow tbe ammoni a. To give aw.t .vnD from KlbJIay , .t..tM» ......... 00. such a heavy dres8CJQWJfJO .&.A.D~ ut..caaa. RJ . . .oPftG8&. - London Tid·BltI I. eyer the oolonel comes weat and stopa lIeld . As thll sole object 01 good In g 01 Illrm dUllg as to satisfy tbe rectlons : BaH the bandl, on reUr· .. n .. lor FilII. CJI.D\"W Mon ."ICl&L.a Iq, :::f In hot water and Cutllur a Soap, olf we bave a new addition to sllow farming Is to trll.llsfe r all mueb as poa· wants of any . and all crops Is to put Orr, anoint with Cutlcur a OIntme nt. sible each year rrom the field to tbe a grl!at deal on Lbat him. Tbat ple .. 8 him, you bet. the plants do nol and wear IOtt bandae AS FIT AS A FIDDLE e. or old, '100.. "The' last time the cololle l came to market Il Is Impossi ble for anythin g require. tb ..... o ... ,love. durin, the n'-bt. Theae pure, No ·foUo_ ap' etftU ..... !Co obltca"ou . J)L .. a conditio n eVer)'ou e would like to see us he WIUI fD a bUITY. As he 'I\'a.s that adds to tbe crop to perman ently The Problem •. IUD. 00... 8 ., :"nnoca an .. La_DOW, .weet and gentle emollle ~ts prellen rob WI: tbe ... &1fT e 'l'O whole nD1'. 'I'W...u'JO. wu.&. OV. . Iou. farm . That one fteld set the pructlcl li rarml!r Is OrBI to bout of. It may be that all YOU neeC leaving my wife eald to him: Und the band., prevent redn • •, rou~bne l. 11 tlfo or tbree Wrtlbt' s Indian Vege. .. 'But you bayen't seen our laat may be t empora rily tb e poorer, but It wblc}1 hIs 601i needs, and tben lbe and chappl q, and Impart In a lingle ba.s rurlnshe d 1D0re straw to make cbeapes l (orm III table Pill, just before going to bed. baby!' whlcb he can make tnto dung and more' graIn t'r1al boZ tree. 373 Pearl atreet, New .. ·No. ma'am: aaY8 tbe colouel, bla La make It Uf! o AnalY8is of average samples neaa .0 much deaJred by women For York.- Adv. eyes twInkli ng behind bls glas8et1, 'and Into money. If tbese lire sold olf or soli by lin agricult ural cbemlst will nlgbt the,t yehety lottnel and .whitethoee wbole oceup&U ons stend and notblllg I'eplace d , th t'n tbe land detec t tb e presenc to In· I never expect to!' .. e o[ Injuriou s sub· Jure the bands, Cutlcur a Boap and CuIs poorer but just all mucb the farm· stan(:e8 such as lIulpbat Bla EngllBh l"com'B , e of Iron ; will . ReplyIn g to a parliam entary Inquir, er's pocket Is rich er . I-Rattled by Court Proceed ing •. also sbow If th e land 18 dellclen t In tlcura OIntme nt are wonder lut Cutleur a Soap and Ointme nt sold WilTED 1I."Io~lce . . to how many pel'1l0JlB in Great Brit· There is nothing In wbich tbis sBme lime, phospho riC acid, An elderly m81l of tbe farming type _ _... r_ 81Id Bucb es sen · &In . ~e IUIlel.e d tor .super-t ax at U60,· was called lUI a wltne86 througb out the world . Sample of. eacb who ...... ..::.:s~Il~!iI\::u pocket bas been and la bled 80 much Uals. I once beard In ."~r."i ~= tbe a chemlat Delfast say at free,wlt h 82.p. Skin Book. AddrsflS post- ~ ."'f~~ BOX 000 or mOTe, tbe secreta ry of the lreu· aummo ns '786, I&OAlIOIUl!, TAo rourt. and the clerk, proceed· U.S In artlftcla l rertlll~ers. It II! II. tact the dose of a lecture on foodstu trs card "CuUcu ur,' laid: ':[ cannot underta ke to clalisl· Ing to adminis ra, Dept. L, Boston. Lbat Lbere "-Adv. are today firms allowin g that, after all, ter ry In separat e df"lllol1 ll IDcomea ex· repeat ") swear bytbe oath, told him to tbelr agellta almost a s many dollars analyst. So a bullock was the best Almigh ty Ood that actual teals or the r&Cynicll m. ceedlnc ,WO,OOO a . year. The aggre- tbe e,'ldellc per ton commis sion on the lIale of qulreme nls of the e," etc. soil mad e on the ,ate number at pereonl aS88sle d for apeclall Rlcbard Croker, nearly everybo dy . -- - --.y made-up manure s tor certain farm are or greates t vuJue. It Is so Tbe old fellow waa a IItUe excited, .uper·ta x In respect to an Income ex· boweve r. by bei ng In court, and instead crops 8S tell cent pIeces on Buch sImple, It may be dOlle by tbe farm· ltn.o we, has 0. cynical wit. Mr. Croker ceetHtrg ,600,000 , aecordl ng to tbe la· of followin g the worda ot tbe clerk, ordinar y articles as nitrate of 'soda er bimself In a few spare hours, and aired tbls wit In a recent leIter to a test tleuTea availab le, Is 66." began amid loud laughte r to repeat the and ba.slc IIlag . In my. young da)'8 In tbe Iliterest III watcbln g tbe results membe r or Tamma ny ball apropos of a ....O"DElU"UL LES=D LAtnm.... TAIIU:r II Janrrb04 , bo,. Q aDd ; bl&' -,iiiinii; words or the well·kno ,vn bymn. "0 England there were Ilrms seiling COli· adds very largely to tbe pleasure s ot million aire's charitie s. 8alDple aD4 II1II1D 0_ for !'\'~ :' f""r .... ... centrate d manure 8 at about ,65 a ton. a country lI[e. Tbe _, _ _ "To be Importa l']t . • Moth. . canoniz ed In Americ an pubGod, our helt> In ages past." cost Is so little JDxamlne carenau ,. ever,. botUe of I twas berore tbe 1I\I<lt;f.n CJt BOdie 01· 11.8 not to be worth aerlous conslde rn· lic opinion ." he wrote, "give publicly :::::WI CA8'tO RlA, a aare and aunt remedr tor trate wa.s so well known, and tbey tloli. .A plot eleven W. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 17-11w . yards by rour, or And steal privatel y." Succinc t. Infanta! Illd cbUdreu , and He that It probabl y contaill ed 20 per cent. or eight yards by five' RepreB entative Simeon D. Fella or and thaL Tbe system was to give about rougbly , a one bundred one-balr Is, BeVeth e ~,."# Ohio belie ves In looking and twelfth for the 81gn,atureot . six montbs ' credit, and thell hold a part GI! an acre. ~ This Is a mosl COil· brlgbte st side of life; be Is "atrong " dhtller III U.e!'o r OYei'io Un. tor tbe district, wblch (ollo,\l;ed venlent size, lor every pound of rer· ror optlinill m. His ion betweeu tb e paymen t of the bills. At th e din· tllller ,applied to tbe plot Is eQulva· OhiIdreJl Cry for FletGh dl Outoria an optimis t 81Id a dlstlllct passlmi et 18 appar· ner a great deal of soft soap 1\'1UI lenl to one bundred welght per acre. ent In the followin g dellnlUo n wblcb carefuli y applied by the profeS810nai Oeneral ly speakin "\lDled . . g, nItrogen Is ap· be Bometlm ell gives: cbalrma n, much was made of the reo plied 'c hl'aper by nitrate '., . I:lu~band-I .ee tbat 0. Ge rman ba. 01 soda than "A peBslml st," says ReJlrese ntaUye clplenta of the prizes for roots growli from any other source, espl'c\al • batenle d a clock that tella tbe day ly on "aske ')a there nny milk In tbat with "our manure s," and a bard drink· strong' solis, whilst sulphat or tbe month by Boundin g the num·. pitcher? ' But an optlmill e 01 am· t saYI, 'Pus Irig rollowe d. Tbat humbug : ~r. . I. bas about monla Is orten within reach . • The died out, and most people know now oheapes l sour~es . Wlle- l dOIl't .lIee bow It <:&n te)1 tbe cream.' '' or pbospho rlc acid tbat the only way to get fair "alue ' are usually superph the lOtb, 20th and 30th of the month. osphate and bo.slc Reason for Acquitt al . Is to buy with tbe money in one hand . Il llla g , with dlwsolve .,. It nan atrlke the one, two alld tbree d bolle, raw bone Juror-W e aequltte d him out ot It bll8 been sho1\'11 that tbere Is a meal. Qnd BOm E'l of the I'll f'ight. Wbut how c~ It sound the guaDos coming sympat hy . marvelo us reserve ot fertility In solis, I next. It Is possible .cipher! ' at 1111 times to Friend -For hla aged mother ! . t' ~ ~ and tbat It takes many years 10 ex· get good \'alue In mlllltll'eS mad e rrom Juror-O b. no; tor bavln, sucb I baust a soli eYefl wbplI DO,'~ be misled . Aak for ~ed Cro. the sam e VII' all kinds 01 0.111100.1 and /JIlt waste, but Ball Blul!. Milke. beaut.ifu l· ,..hite clotbe.. lawyer. Hely or grain III grown continu ously they are extrem e ly valuabl e, and ~t aU 1100<1 groect'll. Ad,·. and the same klQd of tert'lize r used. tbose wbo lIre not 81111\clenUy III) In To the mnn wbo IO,ves money pop- I bave known crpps grown by arllll· th e subject to co mpare thp coat per . A . Doul;lle Misfonu ne. ularity !s R delusion . cia Is alone for Ii IIrotime with suc· unit wilb Stich t'll e mlcal manure s as "So Jlggills bad bls bead cut o~ with ,--_ . _ -_. ceS8. The value or artlftcla le Is admit· are quoted 011 e\'e r)' market bad .per· the new mon:lIre ment. How did tha.t ted by 1111 the beet Carnlers tOdllY. 1':0 I Imps better leu\'" lIa.p pep.?" th e m alolle . At tbe farm can be kept In the highest stall' ' sa III I' lime, I know . ~ I think It wu because be lost bls Is it possible there is a woman in this count ry who conplenlY 01 practica l of conditio n by farmyar d manur e llIarke t garileDP rs who uae fish guano, ~I!ad at a critical momen t:" tinues to suffer witho ut giving Lydia E. Pinkh am's Vegealone uniess cake and grain are used y.,l1l· artel' yeal·. but th"re Is lh e dan· III such quantiti es as to make a profit g!' r tmat It may table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is concontain too much ThOBe wbo baye g~s to sell don't dOllbtful. Even when lI11lllure can be 011, l\lId ~() be tinu~lIy being published. which prove s beyon d contra dic\' el,' !lIDW III ac· larel wbethe r the purcba.s er Is tool prolltab ly brougbt rrom t.owns by rail, , tlon . Potash Is 8UIIIIII"d 'IT ~I\se · man . by kalnlte, UIWlI!I show up tion that this grand old medicine' has relieved more suffe~ Lhl' distance of most rarms IroU! a i sulphuU e or pOluoh . nnd D1l1rlale oC with Poll Toutie s. ing among women than any other one medicine in the world? station entails 10 much horse·a nd· Jlotash, lind allhou..: h kalnlte Is BUPm811 lullOr and 8t1 much wPur or ca rts pose d 't o s uit pU8tur~ We and the others have published in the newspapers of the Unite d States and hllrness as to muke tbe gross ('ost arable land. yet thp. And why not. when chl .. f dlll'eren ce II more genuin e testimonial letters than have ever been pubtoo great by the time Il reachp.s the In the quality, ordlnllr the famous "toastie" y c ommerc ial pofarm . I 1Il11 ot oplnloll tbat tbe value ta881ulll lished in the interest of any other medicine for wom ensalts Nll llllllllng about: Bavor bqpna operaof consum ed cake nnd grain II! too Kalnlte . \ 2'h and every pe r c,'nt. Bulphat e about year we publish many new testimonials, all g~n­ blghly estlraat ed. Whe re concent ruted I 00 pe~ ce nt . alld ~I Illuriate or J)otasb -me and true. Here are three never before publis hed: roods call bt' fed lo stock 110 a !l to ! about up to SO pt'r cpnt, 011 wblch Insure a profit 011 the Rtock them-j b01l11l their corul'ar a deal of allv p "8Iuell can be Hcl\'('s. as In modera tion it undoub ted · gauged . . required . cookinS and

-- - - -- -



. onst ipat lon Vanls . hes Forev er




'-A~ 1it~ ;i8N "'~t ... ~orYOo . J~1. "-W., ",,~ UAII.,..,.a.


--- --- -

1@lbd:~.\omt~~'1ttU - - - - --





- ----'- -





toalliDs these thin bib of coni 10 that every one of tbe m~IHc)D. of crink ly fl.keil has the delicious T ~Ji~ taste that invite.

.' ODe



for more.

From Mrs. S. T, Richm ond. Provi dence . R. I.

R. L-" For the benefit of women who suffer .a'x,hay done I wish to 8tate what Lydia E. Pinkha m'lI vege tabl eE1e< has done for me. I did Ilome beavy lifting and the dqotor ~_idt caused 0. displac ement. I have always been weak anM , . r&Ol after my baby was born and inflamm ation set in, ~ uemus traUon ,from which I did not recove r until I had ty.m~!d~ __ .a hlWl'. Ve~ts.ble Q)mpo und. 'The Q)mpo und iI;.dlJ when I hear of a woman with troubleA like m.iIle I try to ..... induce her to taKe your medici ne."-M rs. S. T. RtCHK.fND, tIKI Waldo Street. PJwVID ENO&,


Proviaenoe, R. L

; .

A Mlnlster'&

Write s:

su1l'ei'eC~.ry much ~tt1Alr1'nl



medicin e, Lydia E. Pinkme well and I can recommend ~~::~:ubl~~ these oomplaints."-.Mra. JzxAIi:!ImllUl~. Cloque t, Mmnesota.









Walter McClure

-".""' .... ww • • • -

Probatl! Court Proceedings The Peopllj>l ' BOllding, I,dan & Nature is cOonstantly trying to wear out r,t t il e 11III> r o f Roy Alerclnder t;:IlvlngH C ., Il f Lobf\nlln . Ohio v~ yOour h Oouse- cOon stantly gllawing away at '8 ~I U F\ I" ,.d mit,tt'd to Ol\yton 8tllte Anna ~' it,'l.I((1rHj( 1 lin II Charlflfl F l l 'l. Elospit ' l gerald , Monoy . Amount $', 00 with wood and paint, at brick and mOortar. LII II" mIL t ear "f t h e ostnte of In tflre~t F .. r thA f )recloflul'fl uf The best material is not tOOo gOoOod to D'IOltll I,slt(l", 1160Ulltljd. First ac- Ulortg"f.: o an d equitable r elief. withstand these assaults. li"oouIH ~l lpr,)vl 'd A . 8 . 111 n- ls I1s lIdmr., Vd . J. E. In tll o WIIlt.... ,)1 t he eOltate of utld I:l L ~ l.J ouwu ker, a p lHtner .t; I ship. D.,feud'l ut It! ~ru nte d It'avo to " IOUl' A Uhlllllbtl rltllu, Insane, pl eu l! wit-bill ao daYti. 'rhl r d UOOnnnt Ill'woved W . Ubester Map le. 11!11l,lmi nititru W il ltor~. KiddElr a nd A. F t.or of thfl elltate o r Al bina M o~!Jerry , I3ro nDl hall , uXllCut.orl:l 0 1 t he bllt.lll .. is 0 scienti6eolly determined wear.rcsister. It deoeu!4t'd. plaintit! va Melillsil wil- ~,rIIIVD I I hi'I' nltM I Hc·~y u o r t·'lu e,0tl,,~tld Vi;. I ' I f "''' I . f' " . ourt nu S putltl nll is the r~!lult of many years of experiment:"-of I flLU~o n et al, defe ndllnt... Ii e u of n ttff~ OIJrrtlot t-'ett1e trJ \l u ~ .. r_ reId esta,e ordered. wal'ching the wear of the different compounds derell el"o t ortlo l()8 U rA l'r ooeo(l i Il g!t until the perfect combination of lead. oil and In tbe wlltter of the estate of wi ll be l.Ju~un in five dBVl! frum thi tl &l. lh E Thompson, DltuClrs. FIfth ullte zinc h as been found. It is emooth. free spread. accouot Ilup,roved. Dill on 13. ~Vil !lO D vs. MrlD ley 0 ing, elastio and durable. Formula on every In the matter of th o wi ll of frIary Wil ~o o or III. (" LoserliBlUlfH!etl with. package. K. Dro wn . Will tUlm itt&1 t o pro ootreo(Orti. bate. Alex Boxwoll ls uppuintE'd Della Poling vr>. Cl..ltlrl es ~)oliuJ{ FOR SA LE BY' .. ~oout,or . Bond l!uOU. H . ~. Con. Dlvoroe grunted, cnst ody of ch illi Ql1er, C. W . Ungh,tlbJ aud d D giveu to A nt llJ. 'J'h 0 1.ll!lS, ~ra uli Look "'olld are " ppointed appraisert'o [)lother , $3 per week t o he pll ld by A B, M\)rris, admr . 01 Elizabeth defeudaut. for s upport of oblld . Shoemaker, clooe8soo pltiint,iff VI!. J ame£l M . Pllillip,vR E: llIily ( Jrllnl' ~or~u, Ivins et ai, d d ftlnd'rn.t~. Jury award!! pl.liutlff fl!J~. t ue dife "'! real eetate tiflilfo, ed. 1>111- feren ce ho tw ~o u tho clai ms of par_r ~ribQt1 on Ol·dtlred. ties oODce rnf'(1 :p. btate of Ohio V B. (:leo . W Whooping Cough In, t he matter of tbe will.of Cua8. In tb e I.Illlttel' of t he JlPPOl l1tDlsn t Roll!' rl scon Divinp. .T\lHtice, I·UW; "About a year Ilgo my three bOYII ~. t!.ia rnbllrt, ~eoeatjed. ~1l1 flIed. t o) the t:ioldiers Rehel COrilru tBHiol1 , Browu, (Jous t.u.ill e, '1>2 'IQ; MoCilrreo , A i!~t. 50:.] ~3ttite of Oh IO V ' . Dewey hAd whooping ooogl! and I found S L. (JllrtwriJ.;ht it> I1ppointed . Uau8e for bearlng on the ~H th . In the matt ar of adoption of ~in Stllte of Oh ill V,L AlLer Honk , Bu rt.on , Roll, )hyo r $1.05; Froser, Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy the 600 i Htu.te of Ohio vs. only ODe that would reHeve their 0,1' O.hl 1d by Louu, Kalbe .j1ud wI/e. found gUilty. J:!' i ut<d i ~ 0 0 uud Oos tF. M.lrshlL l, Flo Walluoe, Holl, Mayor, $250 i ooughing and whooping spells. I Court approves. \he adoption . 'lhe LJ e feud ~ut filed ptltition in or rol' in Fra ~Q r, Marshal 116.80. Ohio (Jor oontloued t his treatment aud was lIame of hoy 18 obanged to Luuls the Court- of ApIletilt! rU RIlte \ (Julvert Co., ,.61.1U. C . lIurprised to find I,bat it oored the Harold Kalbe . . I th In the roa tter of t he will of Isaao W. Spa rlIs, puf.tlng in one sewer disease, In a very sh >rttlme," writes t n e wlltter of Ihe fstate of 1:I uffman, deceastld. Willildwit.ted aod r tl pairlng another in Union Mrs. Arohle Dalrymple, Crooll:svUle, :Arthur MaltbIe, deoeased. Barry to probllte. Ulerk Is ordered to t ownship '1075. (Jolumbus Blank Ohio. For !!ale by all dealers. L . Muoger i8 IUlpoiuted admlnls oertlfy .bis watter baok to Probu.te B )ok Co., supplies for rreaeurer $24. trator de bonl. nUll with the will Court Proll ,t.e Judge $ 18, Clerk $3. Ide -'""""!'!!'!'!'~~~~~ = \ annexed, Bond $100. . Jobu /:;wlth, .Iohn Hart800k tiod Sberbert, la\)or Washington t own- in Ha.mllton township $t9, John I n the matter of the. etltllte of J ohu EVl\U8, trustees r) 1 Middle Ru n ~hip $<,.75 . fl. Uh ristilln, labor in Cena Hot!, deJeased. ~arn.h Hoff Ba ptist ohuroh vs Bur el (:I od flllmlltoo township I l l ' 87 i labor Laml\r, lnmb~r tor bridges $8l! 50. OragOllli l\ Bridge Co. , oon l·raot No. I~ appolot~d admiuisbllt·rlx. Bond at at. PetiUon ill 'oonfee:ed t~ 00 bridge and for removing snow 213, ' ,190. Lewis Bros. and Co .. '000 J . Lee Thompso n, Ber' 'rue Hinoe defendan ts aro in do Ret!d /lod Benton ~oott ue appoint fault for answer. Court lustruo's . edlnaPJ>b!aiSers. plaintiff!! as to methods of prooed:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~~ • e ' matter of the estate of ure. Flora M, VanHoroe, deoeased, Cbarles A Uortlob trustee V 8 Robert M. VanHorne 1s appoioted The Lovell1~d Eleot~io 1:le and admJ'. Bond $6000. Water Co., a Mrporation sale ot •]leal Estate Tranafen plllnt ordered .

. Funeral Director. 'relephooft dllY or UIHbS, Vall.,y plJlln., Nil. Long Distance No. 69-2r. AutomoDlle Service at all Time.

Hanna's Green Seal · Paint



Branch Office. Barve,lIbuq. O.

Dr. Heber M. Dill Osteopathic Physician Phone 449

21 Broadway

Lebanon, Ohio

I= J. E. JANNEY, Waynesvill~, Ohio. =





Tuesdays aod Fridays, from .8:30 to 12 o'clock Office, corner Main and High streep. Phone No. 100 ooal for oonrt hou!le 'Hl.60 oement for Emmons ,16 50. Wllh.,lmlna Luddeke, refunder, E. C. AU Kinds Thompt'on, OO1'onllr. in oase of W. O. Plokariog '7.15 i In Jaoob Linder oase '4. 35 Dr. Ed ward Blair and James Divine, wltne8fl fees, Il\tter case, 11 eaoh . OIDllr Ho;\Ing8worth ooutraot 2111, $20 GO. John Wolfe, ~. work on l;lridges Ma8Bte Tp.. 144.01. Frank Duke,lomber Wnyne tOWIlSu~ssor to sbip ,20 ·10. Nap BUI, damsgea $12.50. RIlymond HlI.rshbl\l'ger, sal ~F. E.1SHERWOOD ary, $60. Ohllrles A. Lod1om, lumber 1140.04 Over PostofJice, Wayne8vil~e, --.~----.--Orrite Phone 77 ~ How,ejPhone 6-3r Snbso~ibe tor 'he, Miami Gaze&w









.::.•~ 2000

R. B, 1!'.Joho, Admr. to Joh. C. Marrl.a,~ Licenaes John, two traots of land in . Ronald Rmlth, f.rmer of OregonIn Waahlngton 'ownsllip $4000. to Mi8s May Bt1rn~tt of t'3ooth Leb. ~ Joho C, dt. J()hn " 0 ' Daniel W. anoD, Ohio. Rev. m. G. Walk. Dumford aDd wife, Cwo tr40tl ~f . Lewi~ G. Jaokson, faraer to MIFS land in Washington tow. ship ' .4500. Edith N . Miller both of BlI.rveysM. Miltenberger so James M. burg. Rev. A. k. Blirgent. lIoyer. lot No, 133 io BprlDlhoro, Colflm'A·io er ' P ~_~... Ohio $.50. .... 0 • r.~"o'8 A. O. Sweeney &0 John p. Foley M. A .•1amelJoln, ooetsin MoCray :. part of lot No. 60610 Franklin Ohio ollse, 12 80. t'3tate of Ohio vs. Alon$1. ' zo Davis, Divine, ,Justioe, 51 i Eftie, M. F,ox to F; ' M. 8bookey Brown Constable, $2.40 i wltnell8B8 lot No. 89 i11 Avalon flelghte, $1, W, C, Gilmollr, sherl1! to W, F. Eltzro*~ anll O. W. Morris 168,10 How'. This? acres of laod in Turtloorll8k town. eh~P 10,8'111.40. We offer One Hondred Dollars : Reward for any cose of Oatll.rrh that , E. EJlz~oth IIond O. W. Morris oanoot be oured by BaU's Catarrh • to John P. Carlier 163,60 aorea tn Cure Tartleolook &owoship 1]0,63(. F. J. CHENEY & CO .• Tol~do. o. "~ Thomas Glaeby and wite to Jobn .-We, tflc undersigned, ha vc known F . J. W. Goddard a08 50 80r81 in Waah. Cheney ror the last 25 year., and believe 108ton township $1. hJm perfectly honorable in all busine.o;s .:; Lesser Tabr et a1 to Leste T b Iransactivn~ and financia!\y abl~ to carry .:. r Ii r out any obhgutlon. made by Ius finn 10g.Sl aor~lIin Turtleoreea township NATIeNAL BANK: c,>F C0MME~Cj:t . $1. . ,. Toledo, O. ~:; ~all's. Cal~rrh Cure is taken iinemally. A. B. Morrir, admr. to B H . and Edward Blair·three paroell of land acting directlY upon t~e blood a.nd Inu$10746.1.. ' e?us surraces or t~. system. Testilllo• nials sent free . Pnce 75 centa per bottle. Oharlee M. FlUs &0 AliDDie . Milten- Sold by all Druggists. . berger 3' traotsotJendtnSpringboro Take Hall's Family Pills fer constipuOtup $1. ltion. W. I. and Emma Stewart ' Charles and Flo,ren08 Johnson 51 acres tn Harlan tOWDahip fl'. . Leonard .IIounta a1 to Y. II. C. : Allooiatlon of Dayton Ohio, 6 gO acres of land 10 Turt1eoreek town. ebip $1. ' .. . .New Suits,





: : $$ $

.= .$



The 8&&1e of Ohio, on rel.'lpn of W . R. anea. VS. The Board of Ed1l('a~ion of Harlan &oWDshlp Warren County, Ohio and F, Colline, Clerk of Board of JCdnoatlon of Harlan townsbip, Warren oono'y,Oblo. Petition for m.nda. mus. Walter S. Wilkerson. &8 admr., of the estase of Horace B, Wilker. son, deoeased vS. Luoins G. Wilker. eon, Mary M. Set\lemyre Walter B. Wilkerson and Allen Bban8l'. ,For anthority to oomplete oontraot.



WO't"L $$ ...





FARMERS If you have Wool for s~le, ~ll me up, as I will pay you the highest cash price for it.


the progressive State whose motto is:


$ ~

~ $ ;$

Stock Stock Stock

of I<lok head ~~p),n~len'oy, oaQ8ed by debilitated of ....."".~, when ~bt! "T:ion tuing l-~I'oib'~llal.1I·8 Tal_ .II, She lIaye, ,nt to &ake, also and iIIff,,,,,I:·I.,.. In a few weeks' ttme 1 WIUI r8JI~I~d to my former good bealth. sale by an dea1e1'8.

c. B. BENTLEY · P40ne 135


~, $

:$ Auctioneer of a

$ $

"Under God the People Rule."


.:., :::

S~~ ~~J~e~~ ~?J!~fl~~fG 1$$1 . 60,639 ShareS . " ::: ;:: .




$: :


... :::




The~ Treasury Stock Has a Lien on All the Assets of the Company and Its Earnings Until Its Dividend is Paid

1~ ,. ~~

t $::: ~:~: l~~.

PURPOSE fOI' which this stock is being sold are to equip a large factory for the manufacture of High G'rade Shoe! for Men and Women .to be sold direct to the consumers from the Company's own stores aud b, mall. Factory to be I,o cated in


The Corporation owns valuQ,ble Secret Processes of making shoes that have b~n demonstrated and found ~ be money . saving, also Trade-Mark that has been in use and before the publfe since January 7,1897 .. alao larg'e mailing I~t otabout 600,000 names of men Wld wom4m, each a prospective custoJl1er, about 1000 new names are bei!11 adde-d eacb_week. • The shoe business in t. Louis, Mo" is conducted on a basis of TWENTY PF.R CENT NET PROFITS on capitalization. ' For jn~tancE', a concern turning its capital once during the year would -make .T WENTY PER CENT NET PROFIT. aom, of the older concerns in St. Louis turn their capital as much 88 THRE~ and FOUR tilnes during the year



St. Louis, Mo .



:-: :>


.. .:.






, !I.!.

$'~~ .' J~

•• ~~

~.~:.:~,~,:. ;.



1. NO PRIOR LIENS-NI) mortgages exist upon any assetaof this Company and can beereated. Without the of THREE-FIFTHS of the entire stock illijued. ' . . . . :::$~ 2 NO FLOATING DEBT-The proceeds of this issue will retire the Company·s bills paYable. and furnish ample work~ ~~ . :~ . j , capital to successfully carry on t he business. .:. § ,, 3. ESTIMATED EARNINGS-Approximately seven times the dividend requirements of this issue. ' :::$ ' 4 MANAGEMENT-Will be continued by the present Executive Officers. and others who are expert shoe of many :~: '~I'~ years! experience in the !Ohoe business. . ' . ::: . . ~ < 6 SINKING FUND-Willi be created to retire this issue at the op.tion of the holder at par after FIFTY regardleea ~!:, of how dividends have been paid. . ' . J , ' ,'G. GUARANTEED TOCK-Application will be made in Clue course to have this stock guaranteed apinat loea to the . .:. • ,.' . , extent'of its pillchase price. by one of the strongest guaranty companies in the business. . .... ;:: . ' '.1 , " 7. Application will be made In due course to list this stock on the BOlJton, New York, Chicago. lU\d Sain~ Loula stock ' ":~$" " exchanges . '.' ' . . ~. ~. 8. THIS STQCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividends ri~ht along. :;! ' •

it· ' , .',. :::.':'$-''.: ._ .,' . ,'"




Stock Now SaIlIng At Pal', Ten Dolia1'll JOel'


$10 cash 10 cash 30 cash 40 cash 50 cash 60 cash 70 casb 80 cash 00 cash 100 cas h


and $1 per week and I per week and • per week and 'per week aod 5 per week and 6 per week and 7 per week and 8 per week and 9 per week and 10 per week .

for gO· weeks will buy ]0 shares for gO weeks will buy) 20 shares for 90 wec~ will buy'l 30 shares for gO weeks will buyJ .. 0 shares for gO weeks will QUYI 5<1 shares ror gO weeks will buy shares for gO weeks will buy 70 shures for 90 weeks will buy 80 shares for 90 weeks will buy 90 shares for 90 weeks will buy 100 shares


?:~~~ .,

'.' '.'


MONTGOMERY 2828 Locust ·Street

Makers of' "OPE~



"~ $ .;' '~;:~~~~}~tjl)rlu=j~;~~~~~



J..~ "'>. &AlOes


. ', s · . _''l: ~: ' ....


. . ~ INC: " ~l.'., Of AMERICA, · EYE- BRAND;' S , 8al~t . ~~.~1~~~ _,l,a!»""," .





All .remittances should be made payable to


_~$~' "

Sha:... INVEST. _ WITH. _

Large Oaks from Small Acornsl.Crow. The Same Rule Applies In Bulldl,n g;L.rge . Businesses. Larlre a"slneeBes from Small Investments Crow. . Use Either tfte Cash or Installment Coupon. ' . , . ';." ,

Cash PaYlRtnt


~~~$~ '

. Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ...... .. . . ....... . . . ... . ...... . . ... . . . .... , .... ..... ... ......•.. . ""361 ah In ... ....,... ~res ' " .:. authorized for sale this issue. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ......... ... ... .. . . . ..... ~ .. . ......•.... . . 20,000 Shares - -':~ to be reserved in Treasury for future requirements of the Corporation ...... . . ... . ... . .... ... . . . . .. ... '... 19',361 shares :>: '


..... ...U,u...18.Eas& .Roohester,


(ID~!!?~und"S~~!'~~ OF AMERlCA!~~

:~ $= 100,~~~~!~~~ vS~!l#.~I~~~~~. Full Paid and Non-Assessable



Each to I nvest Ten Dollars Cash and One Dollar each week for Ninety Weeks in the Treasury Stock of the



WANTED ~~ ~!r


. ... '~. 1'lo-- • • '/: . ,-







$' ,.." •





,.. h

"."""' • ••• ,,

, --



MIAMI 'GAZE'T'TE ----:-'--.. ;,. .__ ___________C.._,'__________


Rates of Subscription,

Ohio. Oue Yeu (.irlctly In ndvance) ... .• • . . 11.00 !lIngle Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . .0)

Allen Bulld1!lar. Mal" S, .. Wayne.n lUe.

- - - " ' - - - - - - - - r- -. Rates of Advertieing


per IIno ...•.. ••. ....•• Oc five IIDIlII Three lu&lll'tiou • . . .... .. .... . 2 ~ Adven.I.lng. per Incb . . .. . .... • IOC


D• . L • Crane, Editor snd Mansger.




Ad •. not to ex~



on contract.

MAY 6, 1914.

Beech Grove.

C Ii: Beason of Dayton W .. II here on Suoday looking tatter bls farm. J. W. Ul'eewell ill buying up a flno Two of Mi.s Ruth Edw~rd8' pupils p.uI.f'd the BI'lI well Bl:llmill" lot of feeding hoge. UOD the flrllUtiu I. HlOrt \If llUlI.mll, of Olive Branoh attended ohuroh here on ~aodll.y evoDIDg. The II&d nev.a of the death of Prosliley Vllngho at hie home In Lebanon rea:lhed us on Sunday eveDlog. J)ort James Cleaver haa II new tourlog St.. . IC!• nl oar. ProK E. Thomplon aod 18aac Llnooln pared were tn Dayton on Monday. Jlaiut Millil Roxie Sut$on and lady friend lur of near Oregonia, called on frlend~ Ouwde ul e. here on Tburedaf ."ernooo. MI8811S Alma Baroe.. and Mary 1'0 BelluiifyYour Bome Edwa.r ds puaed the Boxwell exalllInside and Out lnltion from th1& 8Ohool. . USE Grant D.Uf{b~rtT loet II flOD Jer. • ey oow 'one day Jut week. S.llIDGEPORT 11188 Buth Danberry spent tlat· urday and /:Junday wiCh her home Paints •~repllred ; jr _ 'M' _ __ tolka in lIalo~ 141l1li lIyr'le Barnell 1& lpendlng her vacation at her )lomE' here. I Al Talmase lold a flne yonng II often very tr.. of ,alit draft 0011 one day las' week. Attnc:t1ft colora are nece....,.. of coune. but be.ure that the ""IDt Mrs. Adeh B Talmage ani .Ister )'OU U . . bu • • TOUCH SKIN_ ettn . that will re.11I ..,.en condiMlsaJeNle L. Garoer were Ihopplng tion. cold. h<l1lt and- mol.tur_ ID B.rVV lbur8 on &taraa, aUer. olhe,,,I .. Ih. paint "til_I. chalk. ooon. 10M lull", ..,. c""clI. RKotnlzlaa Ihe.. 'act., then II Severe} from 'hll plaoe -'S4tndea 0 ... " '•• utlllf"cto,y.loDa-wearlna. color."l!Ilnlnll P"lnt foe you to IIea.her'l examlnaUon 10 Lebllnon .u". Itl_ on Satnrday. FfIDGEPO~ 680. 'J.'almage and family of Day i3 STANDARO l' ton Speb' /:Junda, wUh A. B, hi 1'1-< I.I'AR ED PAINT wage andJamtly. . Qaarterly mee\tnR will be held aAlOGEPORT 8TANO~RO PAtNT eo....... &I ......... wltb here 'lext aaturday and Bunday lb....., nuinber Of ..lIonl; .. III. Ma, t aDd 10. ...,. unl'orm; I. made to a ad"". tlk '_ula; outla.ra "heap adul. Rev. .1. J, Sell, of Oleveland will hnl!tecI ... InC or Iud and oll. While I..., aloae _poDIIleI the 011. cau.· preaohbere OD Saturday nlib', lqtt to chalk .... p\dry. 'fbI. never Suoday and Saoiay night . Iui~ wllh BRIDGEPORT 8T"NDARD. . , . 'on'raO&On ColJinl and Vanmater e are loe~1 0..,"111 lor Rrid l8" of Pelenburg, were here wt week Su.nllard P'roc.1UCf. and (,llrry • Uoe for outRide Ilud inside U Ml. dOIDg 1I0me expert work. W••han be pl_d to conlur witb Mrll. J. 'IV. Edwar~J ipent severd ,... reprdloJ their we. Pluaeo 00IlI Ud ta1k U. IMIr. day8 lIut week In Lebaoon at ahe hed81de o ~ her nephew Prelllliey & SON, VllughD who died Ob Sanday even 101t. .' Waynesville, Ohio Mra. Ida C. MaDnon and aaagbter I£tbel oame down fro ... Tippeoanoe to attend the Alomnl at 8arvl'YI borg &turd..y evenln.. The ..hefiA' vili'ed several a' this OD Frttiay Dnd 'hey ",IUrDed tbe vill& at the Court Honse en )londa1' Misl EdUb Bogan led ' tbe YOODg Paople!e 1Il88&lnl ' Sonday evening. and LOu Brannon wUl be 'he leader Dex' HondlY eveolng r( E Tbl'lmpeoD aDd wife lIlY. Frida; 1n Xenia.


•'Beauty is only skin deQP"


.- .

~ .-



W Umlngton" lIpent Sunday with Mrs. Wright s mother Mrs. Mildred Eagle. Mr. "nd Mra. Floyd AndereoG and son Carlton of Xenltl, were the guest .. over lSunday of lIdr. "nd Mrtl. Arros ElliR. Mr. and .r~. Paul Peterson, of !Spring Valley. villUed tbelr parent!! Mr. and Mrs. !'rank L. Harris Sunday. Our town Is to be very muoh beAutified with paint, white wash. Will oil our streets whioh will lay the dUllt, II.nd·give some of our time to Qultlvating Bowafe, also respeot · fully ask that the sohoo\ yard \lEI mOOe a flow"r garden Instead of a plI.sture field. I::leveral of our business men will make improvements to their places of bUlIiness by adding aW:llngs, whioh Is a very muoh needed neoessity. '1'l1ose who have mllde tbe start afe IlS followe: ,>I7eloh Bnd Dakin, Levloy and ti Iwe. R. W. K"ylor and the Uen'ral Botel . Mr. II.nd Mre. John B. Vander voort, of View Poiut 1i'arm oaJled OD relatives u.nd lI.oquaintanoes here Sunday. ttemember 'be County Sunday School Conventioo whloh willoon. v here May 29. Yonr pr8lenoe III requellted, oome and lIo88i8$ in making thie on~ of the grandest meetings ever helti in our little oay The Hirh &hool Alumoi oonvened In Firemao'll Ball Frllay night, With a good attendance. Many were kepS aw~y awtng to tile dilltanoe from their place of reSidence to she pluoe of meetiog. It being the will of our HeaTenly Fluhur we are o.. lIed upon to ohron. Icle tne death of Isaao 'l'homas a well known oitlzen to a\l of us, one 'hat' wall reBp80ted and al waYIl had IIOmethioK 01ler &ob ... fellow man and was appreol~ted . He had beld POllitiolls of trust in our Townsblp and never was fonnd short in doing hI. duties. Ba leavee a wife, onu daughter and three bOYB to mourn the 10811 of a kind husband and fatber . This vlcinltv exteode to ~he bereaved famlly ite sympathy. Mr. and Ai,.. W. L. Harvey are po8sel8onJ ot a beautiful automo. bile, made by the Ohio auto people. .. til one of the most modern. Everybody" balY. farmeTs &t work, hOWle oleaning I. on~ and at our honee we all work bnt dad Mr. and loire. Irll lIar&lIOOk, of Dayton, are villiting their Plu80ts for an Indefinite time . • - • •. Coughed For Tb~ Years / _ . "1 am a Jover of your godsend to humanity and 80leoce. Your med lolne, Dr King's New DillOOvery, oored my oongh of three yeare st.ndlDR," .YII JennIe Flemlni, of New Dover, Ohio. Bave you an annoying oouth? Is It stubborn and won't YIeld to treat~en'? Gilt a 600 bottle of Dr. Klog s New Oil. oovery todlty. What it did for Jen. :lIe Flemming It will do fot you, no maUer' bow. stubborn or Qhronlo a Mngh may be. I t stope a oougb





Indl&estlon?Can't Eat? No Appetite?

Ji\ 'rea'menl of Electrio BUter8 Mr. and Mrs. ' Wm. Wright. of inoreallEle your appeltle; .$ope In.


-""n"."u'n\V~IY a~ tile Oue~~ Olllce lu ~he \ . .

dl~I8Bt1on; you.n eat everyUling.

anel ltope Inn, 6\10. 'rOQble. Relief or tbroat moneyaod baok. and $1 00 a' yoor Dru""i8t. Bucklen'l Al'nlca S.lve for Pimpletl.


Caesar's Creek


..... "' ""ft. :·,~OORS, "


, J



•• ..,. ....





Ilrs. Hattie WIlberg, of Chicago, Is viSIting relatives here. Mrs. Emmll. Brown .. nd Mre. 'John Underl'<ood visited M.r. lind Mn. A . B.Brewer. of Dayt:>n Ill.lIt Sunday. 1111'S. Wm. SIdeostrioker waecalled to Spring Valley on lIoooun' of the serious Illnells of her father Ch..a . JO[l811 of thM plaoe

.- ...- - -

Obvloualy. . The woman who searches tor' a beau. ty doctor uaually needs ona.-.lwlp.

C:bild CroSS?




.- .

Feverish? Sick? orollll, peevleh, .listle8s t1hild. wHh ooated \ongae, pale, doesn', alu,p; eate lometimetl very )ltf,le, the'D again ravenou!!ly; stomaob sonr ; breath fetid; pains in e~)maQI[), with diarrhea; BrindB teeth asltlep, and starts up with $erroraU 8Utllleat a Worm Killer_ome thinK that expels worms, and almoet every ohild has them. KIokapoo Worm Killer 1& needed. (jll* a box today. litart at on08. Yon woo't hOi ve to:OOIi1; ae KIokapoo Worm KUler ill a oandy oonfectlon . Expelll the WOnD8, the CAuse of your ohUd'1I trouble. 260 at your dru&6tist. ~,


11ttltadicns Silk Dresses, Chalis Dresses, Wash Dresses, Children's Dressel. Silk Suits, Silk Coats in all the hew colors, Infants' Wear. Silk Petticoats, $2.50 to $5.00, Kimonos (Crepe), House Dresses, All-Over Lace Embroideriea, Embroidered V oile DreiS Patterns, Lace Flouncings, Messalines, Embroidered Crepe Patterns, Chiffon Taffeta, .Silk Crepe.' Wash Fabrics, White Cotton Crepe Ratine, all colors, Rici Voiles.

Olasaillad Ada

.................. .



fol' InaerUODl.

Adl will be 1uer~ undor \hla head

tWlmty·II.o cent. lor



whon u.lllf1 not more till-a live lIaea.

WANTED to the MollaU'e 1~).0 s'llbecrlbllrs Magazine. Send 360 to tbe ~

6Dllett ~ oOloe, and get one of the best m&gazio88 on 88rth. tf




for rent. right in town. For further 10formAtion lee Pany Cook, Waynesville, 6>hio m20"


Nemo, American Lady, Madam Lyon, Front Lace, . Ferris Wautl, Fern Corsell Corseta, $1.00 up

Jeue Baines returned home from FOR SALE Indiana ~unday. Be feell1 lome 1m Pl'o.ed. '--~\---------------------lliu Lel.b Bogan III not '10 well waITE Iron Beds, J:5pring8 and a'-thla wr1~lug. Mattretlll88,2 Walhlitandl,Walh Mr. aad .lln. E V Barnbartoalled bowlS, pl&ohere comblna"on Ward· 00 Horace Comp~n'l ~unda,afler. robe, 1:\1$ Dining fable. 10 !)i.lolt ooon ~ Chain, lillorge Rerrigera~r, Cler. Mr. aod Mn • .)6888 HaiaM en· mont RaDKO, Wheel Barrow, 8IIver. eerained al ,heir 8 u eete Sunday al lft\et of Garden Hose. Inquire of ~I"~ and .:Mrl. Barr;J' L,"e, of 1I1~. Lydia Pratt, bIaio S$. m20 JameesowD . . .r SlORREW, buggy and harnNs . 10. aaines wrIA liome from -qoireof Harvey 6ustin, Waynes ooUege over ~anda1. ville Oblo. .SO Mr•• . Martba Jonell and soc Her good Cow for I&le. helteT oall mao oalJec1 on · Cbarlae Barner'l ,by side. Inquire of Llndle, Bunday a'''rDoon Ibndenball, Waynejvllle, Ohio. Bev. Frauk Korman proaohed mlS lilro Sonday. IIr. and lira. Joeepb Laamlng bu. corn; two Indepen dent Book eve onUiva.tor, oalled on " beir lIOn Kalpb aod fam alllo two Bamilton tongueleas. all Uj. sn:lrllt,IIr.ltlrll.Ke. 30 In, .cael r~ller, lIelf lliei EU. 'llaud Davll lpent tbe sulky rake~ Deel'lng bloder, end with III .. 1te18ll DawlOn foot ont wUh $ongoe 'ru:,k, Bellbrook, . ohorn, an In good IIbape Z1mrl Baine. .~itamn1 autoed and ready for 11118. Phone No. 217 A. to Wllmlill'<1n tlo . ' , O. A. ~trawn, Lebanon, O. m13 AI.... llarpret ' &ohner and daqbte, Florence 18d_()0 iloraoe GGId-lDdl.n Ronner &)uo)( Eggs Compton'. F.tIday . .' OOD. . fol' setting. age CeaterVllle 'IIr: And Mrs . .1. I. Leamlnl were pbooe, Mar1!'. Brown, XeDIa .hopper. Sa'urday. ' . ' IIrl. BONGe Compio.. ~l8I"ained lIaj8lltio range, alm08' new .. he, gnea&e ' Th1ll'llCl~1 OnUle daveDport, mirro~, 8tande, deek, OompSOD. · 111116- Ifoow. :, Oompkin, ohalrll,IDlall rUIIII, dining 'able, :ra, II,.. lIartha' .J:onea, ' III. ·Lelab vorite oat heate!j pom8lltio I8wlnll .' BO,ali aDd lin,. Ella aalDee and'lOD mnohine. Mre. Jliva MUler. me IL________________.....~':---........-_:_-I: Bomer. . -"


All Leng~ and Shades. Silk Niagara Maid, Kids in aU gOod makes, $1.00 up. .


1'0 ' 00

E '



Mrs. Isaao l)eterson an d Mrs. Jas' MoIntlre Kave a paroel shower t honor of Mr•• Arohie Peterson Sat· urday. Our lIehoolll oelebrated Arbor Day with appr,opriat-e exerolles Frl~ay afternoon. )

For a Torpid Uver

"I bave ueed UhamberlalD's Tab. lets otT and on for Ule p ..t Ilx ' '~ years whenever my liver sbows IIlgn. of being in a disordered oon . dltton. They I1live ..lwaYI aeNd quloklyand Klven me the deetred reltef," writes Mn. F. H. Trubas, tipringvUle, N. Y. For lIale by.n dealers. _ _ __ • - •



Of all kinds.

New Burlington

,', »J\'

. -.




A lI'eo.l spring tonlo tor liver, kidney and StOWBOI1 troubles. l))eans9S your whole system and you feel flne. Electrio Bitlers did more for ~r. T. D. PeebllO's stomaoh tronbles than an, medlolne he ever tried. 6e' a bo*tle \oday. 500. and II 00 at your Draggls'. Buoklen's Arnica SalVe Ben V ~oJlers it! spending several 101: Eczema. days at his home here. He has enWhale'. Long Time 0' Troubl ... • _ • lillted In the regular IIfmy and will Whale ue Bstimated to U•• l.OOO Bellbrook. report at the Colnmbus ba.rraoke ye1U'a. April 31!. Maurice Hnynes aod wUe who Marlon Ioenhower was the guest Chamberlaio's liniment hllve been visiting his me~her for of his son William and family, of some time, Illft t'or Toledo last t!a\ Washington, C. B. last woek. I Thl!! preparation Is intended 18· nrday. peolally forrheomatiem, laml baok', Mi88 Esther I::lhambaugh had all tlpnin':l and IIl1e aUment... U 18 a Bellbrook played wISh Dayton her guellt over I::lunday Miss Ruth f .. vorlte with people who are well Elks last Sunday af&ernoon on Mul- BarnElll of Xenia. lIoquain~ed wUh ttll IIplendld qual. leo's htll. &ore 5 to 4 in favor of W Bellbrook Mrs Jeslle Hawlllo" is nurlling a hies. Mrs. Charlee Tllnn8r. a· . very lore hand having Injnred it by ballh, Ind., Baye of It, "I have found !dles811 Dorothy Rarne~s, Velml falling on a rusty nail. Chamberlain's Liniment the beet 8elitler Bnd La ura and ElSie Sarface thing for lame baok aod .praln. I Mrs. B"rlev Carbaok and eon, of have ever nRed. It works like a who have been oonfioed to the bou!!e wl1ih meul811 are now ableto be out. Xenia, are visiting at the home of oharm and rellev811 paIn aod lore. Wm. Tilte and wife and Walter her parents. ne88. U hlle been nsed by others of Dinwiddie and wife are m·.lvlng in Mrll. ehas. Mendenhall was hoe . mv f&mlly I\S well as myself for upJewell's property today 00 North tess to the Women's Foreign Mis. watds of twenty yeare." 25 and 50 Main St. sionary Sooiety I::laturday afternoon. oent boUles, For 8b Ie by all d.-len. Mr . and Mrs. Jesse Roland north '!''!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!~~'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!~'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!''!'''!'!'!'!'!!!'!'!!'!''!'!!!'!'!!'!''!'! of town visited rellltiveB near Ferry, --------__________ ____________________________________I In8tinnday.





i .



u.mlll~· wtll .bnildl'lild -IUl.d




Carpet Room Rugs, Mattingl, Linoleums Window Shades







WkYNES'VILL'E, · ,'oHIO , ,

From Vantage Point of the Bible Man Gets Best View of . the Master.



" " ) re>l , o u a lI' a li I, ,1 .. ,iru U8

or b l " I fI ~ ( ;ut l, I hU ' I ~1I li lt" II IU cl \I ' ),;, \

mou n . 0 11 1'

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n o bl~ hl lr t h alli Lb a l u f «ll rJusi ty . b e will n li ll (;" d lo oll I111; ['Jr him.

I H'ql)\

, In II Jl I1.C " "b l, 1I I n"k~ Ito\,n "POll , h, · 1'L' 11l 1'~ lO r , h(' I':Hth wllh III' lroll lirul ~'lI lIe . i-*"


d UN l '


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t h:t!

Zo{'l' h,'u,;. u('ln g of lill i" , llr, ·, I ,·111111,, ·1\ 11110 r. trpe t ha t Ill: 11I 1;; h t "PQ ' t h,'

" .'

ha\l e Hlee l1 (' nt 01' Jlor l lllllty , .. pr)' 1111'\ its ~ Ctf' I f4 .

~in l' (' t h o (\ ' 1tJ ~ " UP I ' \\ a ..;

I he

wholu n I l t h e

to IW \' C1 11 l oo k ul t h t, m er e ~ I ' (,B


[oJ'o lr \!Jl y h ud no I I In 1li. n, Ur 1111 )' ct>· h.I' him ' ·OIl(· ... l'I li n "



th e n utllrt' o r h i" III lssi un I 'lIr l o~ !t y I ~ (\ hil I! 10 8 .. i1. ,· th.· Iloillt l or " Il u tlllw 11 !OlInt In t11l' In'" ,,!Tu nl e ,!. . lu ~1 II kot< th () ~ 1' toda ... wh" :"'l'u re .!lomE' fayo nlb ll! )'Lls lt lU ll I r0 111 \\' hle h thoy cun !II'+' [I g rt~ a t g" I,,'ral or a preside nt Whu " IR to p n8 ~ t ha i wU)'. " t hey 110 n ot !'~ pp·1. th e ~ r e:ll I )l' r~on· ug ~ to t!l~[ (' not ice at .lh " lI1 . unll It is not probab le (hul Zacclll' us IllId e ~p ·, c41t1oo . or lio rsontU lI u l ; ~!1 ut'I UK aocord ()(j to hi m. Oreal IIIll sl It/l\'" l> , ' 1] h l~ u s l on l ~ h· me nt at hlearln g t h e \\'ol'd ~, '· i'. el<:r: h U ti • maR.. ha~le antI ('u nlc 0 1,\\'11: ro r Illd" y ( mu s t 's bldo 'a t tb r holt :',·... - 1'11 0 Gu,ur T euc he r a pvrOl .. d thE' ('\1. r loslty tbat led Z"cc h .. u6 to I'IIIlIb a .i ree to lIee hi nl. H uil t ilt! ·J1UI .. 111 11 11 r(' II1 :<lneli hi th e .crQwd· wo·ult;! he hu n' b C't;' n s(' on li nt! $Ing~e d out (or " pt'c la l hUII UI·S'.' , 'l;iee'k, 'and Ye Shall Find, • God Ciln see tb~ s ma Il ps l mun I" ilie 8'reateet c rowd, bul h e I ~ looking tor st rong and weak germinatio n. o f Oh io tb9 s e . whOc are 100klug Cor h im. He notbl' arbitrarily mpnyeto tiha I'OC' m. " S e~ k ror(' m toa nd ll .. or....s.....··...... ' ... . 77irr rr-=-_____..=._______."-_ _ _-"'_ _ _ _.....=..:............-__.-====-....-"'c.'-"'....... ~ ~



\\ n ~ -

O ll ~ II


ll ' r SU U

I ou tt' r ili a II li e I r kl th I ~ Ire to u, ' tuu " lr t

IO I·PlIte'l . In !flU . U~ l f" " """' I' " h,, "~ bU 100' th"' lI1 s oh'es 1\ , ,'u cl .''' ' IIr I II!, r.· fin d Olll whu t tb' ~ utl1l' r \\!! I'le} JOll k . likfl " t d OI!f' ~ "r l/· n' . •wet . , h'lll\(to man ' fJ, ~ " h.l! lI rra p!1 full (If el " t nl! or 'Ii\ti~~~'it l)'" " ,. n ll\\ hll l'(' I1II1 P < uf ilill.t ,slrt Ilite \\ !Ikh a rt> a t. I .. a .' nil a c~a 'fJ :' S Ih o~ " Wl' hn ....• Il r (' P f La l(l QQ. 'I1tr i l'~ :llId ili on' a mpl .. th an t1los . t th f' h ('o rt of A r l'lc.n a ll d ' h!' p\,) re J(iO ll s . !f '" /TI Olln i~ II ('lH ... t· to Ut< Iha n I~ , ' )' o('hl'r IHW" l'lI ly body : o nly 2 :IK . ~ :I ;1 ,~~I;n tl eB d~v l ll \! it tro m Il ~ -a d is tan ce " . , hu 11 o1 coul d ('o\ler 111 SO Ill (, plg hl <l ar" and a n E' ~ p res l lru.11I In ,a mI' tllx mOIl UJf!- 1l d lsta nc t. which 1!!!l' ' 'I ' .. bort indeed whPn WI' rl' ctLl I Ih e I'ael that 't be su n Is rO llr h un dr ed ' t lln l's turtluh: o-om UB . Ou r h Ull" mlldNIl ,teieacope. los tnlm e nts wh ich, in. slzl'. 1i1l g~esi. hlg gil nil. Ilcrmlt 1\:; \ 0 mllkp most minute ob 8e.rvntl o ll ~. a ud. liS It we re , br ing lhe lunar land5cap 'S 11 6 , I' close to 11 8 a .. , 8a)" [..ondoll Is to I<:d ln · .burgb . 1'10, by using our eyes . W I' ca n take vll ry e l\tertalolng voyageR to tlI r moon. Tbqs we can "eti 'her exlimsll'l' gray pl~ln 9. which nre nothlt;lK 1110re tiPI!: s ea R lh at . . than dry booo rePt:eB8n 110 lon"er e xist and -appe ar to th e un ·


l u Ur Vf·' J o u ~

i '>",U lJ '" ro ll b\\,I't! . II .. "ous ht to l'l'e \\ ho

nfded q\sloh as dark ,. patehea{ we • Dg. freQuentl y c reate ring!! \\J th coer can nole b er mountsl" ranges, ~ r. T he Gu~ rma u geologlR, ... , wblch th ' In IJ\e ce"' ~.... Jl:'l-ay be.• ~m~l'jld wJth he, ~ps. . ~ Da hmf' r b~at~ .. 'a :c halk" nulP from d h h' oJ t on tv ~ IJU , ... . "'_ 11111 eratl '\II ot er c a~lI. no - . •11 be low . The bol 1'~Jlpr broke through ' ""r '. .1n . aSpep t ,6000 but &Ieo In he~lrht-fl'!'m th e c rust of th e puln. 8mwl plece8 " 00. tq, bl , .. " ei ,- .Ii ,v meter •.... ' Th~8 of l whl c bl fi e w " upwjU'd8. and at the


lJ;n~~:!:~I~~~: ;~;~\Jr~s

nee 11110 11 nosltlon rrom which ... . CaD see. him. Tbey must, IOte Zllcclhiue. ell ~b 'Into a tree or In some I other ordluary way seek II point of . 01;

[blj~s'~j~':j :~ ..I· .,~'rDOOn.t, mOlJDtalns : c,alled ' Cur· .8nnt or ea ch burst ~ae tormed a rlug r· tI h"'. mlt " ~'

, ~antoge. : The B)'CaDlOrA lI'ee rur UB Is the . J"ltrooomere. .... a , .um aklll to ' ''ose ;,. .. "" ..... rollo:", . the f,I1 ,. "" .. " ' I I ,. Ln ft""'~ ~ Bible. lo":rom It we ge t our firlll e igbt -"1'~ 1M• •• 8.8·()() met~"8 from ~ P 11;..0. of & ston e on to Wllt~ .. It ' tbe pl\1Ji ' :ILlI Ita l.J!?petue ~ grew weake r. th e flaw; of th e MII\.fIter. er· eould be cool'e4 IlUddenly at tbls 1 I ~ . ' : 18 to say. I~ ~ua.'B M~unl E.v lng , m.etal" . iustead tit flowing oway, " 'HeBrlol~ lind se'elng lhe t ruth 'mul!t . ~ '~ ~t.' tbe highest I1\oullWn 9f tbe eJlrt.l!. meot mod ela of IUDar ring UlQud/aIDS .forllled ln~ a· llttle "mqullt.alo" In t,tI e •. d ' b · ... th 't f "t precede belie ving ; aCQua1ntancpship • I ···f Jli.p It must be. remam,l.. a or· wotl' ld buv seen. ""bls meanB the ar.. ....-'· oollter ' o~·the rln. g rampart. Wha\ baa must go before abiding In the bouse • • • If rrl.oo . ' 'I. ~y,r : ~-::.y D8 ,.coUId, · b ~p our me nt t bat tbe rin~. m~unJaln8 oy, the '&hIli 10~o"Wlth thp 1Il00n~ We kDO,," toge tber. W e enusl us£: the extemall! - ,10. • 80 . ,til at,. cO~P!'ratl'l\ell. .. th moon occur 'h nly ' on 'heavenly bodies' . that tb. ~utactlon of tbe moon can· 9f religIon In order to r each tbe inter. I ar. m()l.lot.Jnl!· are much ' ql,ore 1~: ,,·blcb,.pre deAd ' aua'· hi b'e a teJltul'o 'l!~IR .tb¥ . tides of the waters or the DalB. Wt~ must use Lhe natural modea ,pg~~D«' t~Bn o~"' . . .At pre.en~ .wUb of our carll\ In 'Lbe refIlo,f.e tntu . ,Tbe eartJi; wben the moon bad but a provided for the dlacovery ot tbe '._' t'fle beet t!3l~copes ,:a~'l. IJt,th most eaJ;th ·s . CI'ust Is eYe r thl9lieiljn, as ,thin CrtlJlt" through, the numerou8 fls · truth anetl \lot 'look for an Immediate ~, f • • ~rable Um~s. 'we .Cl!-I? ob8erve,. on four world grow! cooier and.' be coming ,Ilures In . whlcb tbe ftery l8\la coult! omn1Poulut act to s ave ns. IndeJlp.Jt. .: ': rt~ . OI00':" ~ urrae,e tiny cratel1' barely .1 0111 Dd, Ie s IIi. lIc. w.hlcb soggests foJ'Cp .its :YO'.'''Y' t.h e control or ebb Clently of our lIeslre and wllllllgll88S to ~""'I:,ljl"""'~" ,1 '. 200 lJIeter tn . dlaruetef. Wer~ ~e that one d&", w"en th'li ~', Cr I$t Can · lIJ1d flow was dl,lmonatrated. 1;he Ia\lll. , " L I It bl d I " ' !" It! nn r , ~ . Bee and IUlOW th e paaslng ord. ,.~ ~oq~.· ~ te, lay .", c ~s \ nQ ' 10llser "gl e" t~ .~ e ~. e8) pre for ;bro~e througb thtl, fissures. rOle up , Zaccb~u8 was pbyslcally short In • .•1. !iU d', il ~ }liIDgll ~ Uke .,.q~1' ,C~B, gasflI\'ljV'ltb'n I•• it ~111 -sPltt In' qI~J .and ~}i, !l JtO,wf'\d }lack again: and 110 " ture llI~d Ale ,IIupplemented his dell. ,~ ~d 8.0 ~n .. we c<,~nld .~ .thella Ple.beB, a.M .tb 1l8¥ hulj ftu " ,~~r, , n:'1i1i; ob' period&- uatU ~~ re... .ney lll--a1ffiiD ng-1nl , f.tee~" ~ • , ;tI11~ ease. a,~ ~ ~Ialll> ,1",e Lc;tii~dn. I)OUl' tile ,lIeri ollte te ,~' life ~PlJl~' , rorm~ , tll ring 11I0uotalns. u~h II We are splrltuall y or little s tature. .;- ~rqr A~~ee..r~pUrd avpear ~ll ~" "e/'Y to ()';~Fwb8.l m our glolle, 1l~1Ii : ne):t" ~tbe l~~ y ot Ehen, arit! v e ry phinll' ant) we must supplemeDt that deft. ,:-: r1a~~(.pot durlnt p~~lIt 'l~me ~on the ~1:-eDvetopl~~ .'<;uIP·,' 'Y11L \ e "!Cted , 1b'le ,It Is~ ., clency by usiug BOrne natural ' poln of . ' . ~" . ,But . t~~re. ~8' ~othlni .ot t~ P. ull9n l.Iy •. tbe i aee's 'f-OInl." ",. ·be. '!l'~e.. well-koo"'n Engli8b u:strpno· vllntage. We muat gst where we carl rIl'tio:lI"l~~ , ,,~rt; . ~'r''181: ,moo~ ~. .pf!~ber ~Ir nor loW. 'it amI c~ ting. bub)!I" .. JlIs t · lUI' Jnllryi;' Nasmyt}l ' .and Carpenter, tried have R \"Iew e ...en It It Ilt 1fral only - · l~ter.'. ~or 1~ } e.:,\'h . W1!pd. ~.!~ ' ~rp81e t1~~: I,~logI8t's CIw.Jky p,ulp : '.a8 ac~ed '~'1 -P~;Ve- .y~1l ,ago, that tbe lunar .IL superficial' view, 8S It " ·IUI . it: tlie ' } I~~O~~ tbe alar , '. ' . • ' ~ 'II . ul!O.n blf .tlje r \l~~ni l1l~S~ bf ~he ~mo.ppta~s . were (ormed I\~ !fere, Ibe catle of Zaecheltl. Icl:~~H I \ ""&J\i.!lh tbat ,WtI ~~,.. of tb!! '~O~ 18 . ,lil'a't be~ow !l THl> moo~ ':l'hlch ellrtb's ' Vo~canoe8, arguing ~thu! ~~e Stalidlng on tbe Bible, olle !tus 8 " ~UfZIJJi : ' N9~~~Y :8q. a'tie tlte ' re~rll' '~le<J d.9WD ~ · ch 9ulcker ·tban. ~he . g);e1\" O\l.t..}),f, the lie!,), hieber eole vatlon Bud clearer view 01 : , !Jl~ < ~~!~nt~~nl!! ~lIoml! ' ~f 'rhIC,h ~~ lar~er ,~artb I ~oollna, has t~at dr~ U1!"O'fn 011 ).0' - tbe I'nOO/l'~ ' lbe Lord thall any SYC)lJnJore tree af· ~i n ,t¥9 lJ\JJs~ tAo'!!!, .1h~,rl\Ron penol!· behind. It: tb o, !'arUi, accord . •whIch J 11 ,m. wltl1 c1l'«1~g fotds. But It Is something more than . ":or ls' ! . · «"~tf:f~rw,,y....... rqOtfUt.ah~ after , Illg f.b Dahm e • l1a8 It' to cotpe .) ~ot crater om whlcb ·they , ' "nl~l,ecl:'}lo a 'View from a poillt of \'anlage that is '<lIO'=t:,'U:':'It.., ' :~.' ~<21,t Ul,e 1Il~~ta~~ not .e",ery geologi t ', lind astronomer will ed. \' In 'Ule ' clUle ·oE· th~, needed . . , nne" .aifllA .th,ose of .tli~ IU"Lb. ~bey 8L'Tee ,with th . , ~ , I tbe ,eMth, s&y ~h . ' Many lIa'\\' him as he IIMsed by, ,\''': .. rt~'8; ?r .•!ltol) ~.( ~J9~I.£I!;,~re , ~CilDl: Tbtl .. Qerma IQap of Ijel ~n cie. i:b~rt. . the matter t never to return. Of what good was ., " fDouDtiYll' , .JllIIJt8. a : rJng ~r...&l,t . comea neare r lto rOIVlng l~ e .J)rohl~ m . In m eh wide. tbell' op;portunlty If tlley bad 110 luter' 0:,: .' .' th~ F- b1 fl. .clolQ. h~lf .all\'lP~~ li .• h.; Ebert l'e~; o.m. ' fill d W~dl metal '1ell eartb ·bodles .a~est or 'desire to go c los I'r and 10 a bide ;) .. ~"1,i~ thl8 ,J lbg plaC1l. ~ conl, , I fDP.~nta.ln up ~t sh?rt)1 ler valll tbro ~ gh . a sr1)Bll they a1'e-' o~ the with him? ., ~ .' :l..~ ..(f f~~t: . r~er! sJD8~~r ~ ·.f,.t~tn~ 'b ole 'R. ho z0'\ltal Illate. ' . Pari of stn!lller , ~~w er _ot , , . Maoy now see him . Dot In tbe slreets •:" _0, ., . e • . and, Y,o .ii~v~ }l.-n~1 o~ ~. ·o~. the !net.i 1I0W41d ,back ; but the, o$ er theory. too. haa Its numerous faults., of Jericho, but In the pages of re vela· , ,,,:-.t:~, I o.~ ~ h ~" m?~1\- \I'\~" !' eandle: :so ' p~rta "a~'7~d !out 'arld , ronhecl clrales Tllu8 II: m'ust '8. ~drqlt~ that we are lion, bu ll to th 'lm "There .Is no beullty ,..,. . ..:.t~ ". , ~~, I!g\lt ca~,El8I> we ~t ~oun· .around , the the' hole. nlnklug IiO, ~ ver· atll1 tllr rrom ' flO \>fng tile myst ery In him, thul they sbould dt!sll'e him," . , ",'" ~n . to, enst .,oul$. ,sbadqwll o~ .U~ gro1tlng' r:.lng' '1itllped '1'IImpnrt. Later. the ' ring mCluntaliJs of the ·Dloon, alld whlllt avnlJeth It~ ~ ", I ~lb ' ; and ,)lOll bll.vjl more QT 1811s ttie '. ' . ...' ~ . ' Aill..'.. Y. Looklnll fol' F .. ttt\ful . .". .j, ,'t~pee~/of a ,:lu~ar Ilan1l8~p~ ~~ n e.. "Ullmblng up Into 1\ tree" alld rfr " ." ~. vea!led by. a · lele.cope wben the ' eu s ~ 'mall'llng there until the Lord has .~~;:..:,<" ~. "iil).a are.. ;triklbg It :crOBB IVIIYS. Sucb IJaSse'd by Is a s mall re turn fur tlw Op" lan dscape :aa :1t would apPIfB ','to .a porlunlLy l'ruoyed, wbe n so much waf 'Y1~tor t~ t Jie m~rl J8 8~ D' 'Iq Qitf 9 f I otrered 10 thoRe wbo would " ma~e the ltIulilrallonB. • . ' t.. , · has t.e Ilnd COffit! dewlt ." . The mo,on .' has probably~ li,ro,'()9'0~' o~! It Is 1I0t to be s uppose d tllat Zsc· th ese extrn.ordlnury stone rlngB-aonie l cheus Wilt! the only one who sO\lgl~t II ~ut a rew . metera wL,de ; oilt~l'IIt. :'.1'0111 favorablp position \0 Bee tbe wonder· 1<0 to l~Q kllolOe tere! ' The " 'a rth h*" ' ful ' Rlght of one \l'h:> .... as everywh ere no mountains (eB4.'lmbllng U:iedp, ~Ii(l" ,attructln~ , th e mull;1tudes 0 hI? pre s· milllY ha ve wondered Wily n ' ttlr~ lltfould have built s o dllrerenUY' oJ~ ~-he mooD •. have sP~ulated .1111:,10 ~qjl\( ;, th e particular ' form or mount.aln·.' ~irl'e tnt.::, being. We cun o rily show artl: (,ictal " m~>untalos~ bi ylng ·any.: f~em,~! \lllince to. I huse of our satelUte..- A ~ . ' clnemaiogrliJ)h" niDI dt" a sho( falHnS '1 '. l nto ti ' muss of pulp would make u ) .. " ','ery goO<l . lIIustr~lIon; a ring' . forJ~S . " ''1ug~estlng , ring mountalll of .tbe " on. if 11 sto ne ' be dl'opped frQm -.taln lIelgbl 0 11 to tblck plaster. in the Swamp ring ' will be formed. Npt· fee ls convinced that t.he lj~~~!!!~:"hI8 oC the mnon wer.fl c,r e, Want. Grizzly Bear Data . In most cap,(>s 'only 11 few ~kUlis r",nll.lh~ l blon l>y the ralllnw; All who IlIiiv e IIkuUs of .grlzzl y hears to IIluBt.nll e the species. Dr. MP.lI'I'lam.., ; '!~:~~~~~ Qn to tbe 1\1'01:>D In tb e lr pOl!8eBBIoli appealed to by >lnY R In th e Cli'rrp.ot nUIJ1ber ,.."'IVU1.l,i..... still tn a via· Ur. C. HArt ' Merriam of IbE' ~at1OlJal e n(,e 111111 lle is anx)ous to see posslhle, thougb . tnu seam at WashIngt.on for light on ~ I," U-" n B po:sslble of both B Idlometers I I he l'onsl<lerable \lumber- of dli;lInCl he \~ould like to buy'Of ~orro ...., all ~he fllwcl.. s that have Inhabltod th e weat· be hus IIll t ,Lire adY, IIE;cO. . near to e ra pllrt of NOI·th AmeMca from ~!! ' ~. :neveip.i~inl'V ed"l!lIll'~ le' ol'!! (I f I' ils t~rn pc\ge or the Oreat Plains In .. Rea.on~ble· .. Defi"ed. .. Whal do ;)\ou. u t1dl! rBtSJld by 1\~~~~il~~~::~~,~~:I: Ma nltutJU. ant! th .. Dakotas 1\'es!el'ly 6 to th e Pa r'lIl e COlls t In IIrit1BP Colum· WOI'(j 'r(,Ilsotiable'!':; .J : • blillllld ('"I iro rni" a net !rom lh e 'shores "R luiolJable : " re'p11 t!d :\1'r. . of til .. Aretil- (1e l 'all suuth into Me xico:' Stu, " I 'a: I1n,.adJ ec~ve' th.a t: ma y,. Wiili r ~ u' "' c<' pt luns, titost! ot the )Jlt e ~ · l\> an y 1/l eary, or r equ es t' "'\.IIII'... L··..." ..·",." '>ru 1' /1 i t .. 11 3 1II t ,,~ are t'x tin ct, lIot! . may' haJ:o to p re~e nt, ,,' ' .• ~I






~ ,'t!J.l'



fr¥. ,





With AII' Other Condiiions Favorabl,. Best ReSults Cannot Be Obtained By Corn Grower If Seed Lacks In Vitality-- How the Test Is Made It 11I" 1 1"" ~ I~ U t holl' milch tood i. 11nCIIPII of 6011 or Sl1 lld in lhe hox fi nd nl'lllla ule to the ];olalll~ . o r hal\, grent pr('~g down firmly with Lhe .ba nd. By · I li e tl lIIQn :lI o r mol~ tllr III ~OD e rved. r UlIll lug cord s from the notch es bot h th e l>efo,.l 1.t! Slllt ~ ca.u 1I0t be o\)tll ine u ' wuys 'U(:1'06S Ih €> bo x the Ba ud o r "all Itl g l'ow ing cor)) unl t'ss r1 t! I I will lIo mark ed o tT luto tbwo. lnc h goo "et' ~ S(IUarf's. Thl'KO squures JnI\Y ~ 0 )J h l II IEH! I-I t' re lofore. much mure raplt! i b ' d ' I Id b ' fi ~ , 1 t' l e a ong one 8 e· ) 6ur"'~ a nll '1"d Vflll('~ "l e n\ lin :; bee n . mnu e loword along 0 11 6 e lld by let le rs . 8ll: k" ; n I,. e¥fl·?..AlI.l LU ~al m('~~.u.d ij . 4 411\1 . Jo t be r~OIll {'lwh ea..· s hou ld b e tes.r'l.d. t-J(I\;\I <" se(·tIl·IOK or gOOd sped. ~l ll n~: h:t.\·e th e Nlr In th e ha u<l and a len l e 11(" '(, 1' I! lop)led to (' oul\ld r. r wlla IS good re move II kt:l'ne l a bout one l D ' b fl'om Bced. . In good ,."ed th e re III Ull l be t be bu t t. '1 UI'I\ t' le ear oue·slxl!J. of fit ol'.ed III t he ge rm lhat wlt k lt w e ca ll . t he '1nl), arollnd :\ lId rem ~o.~ot b ~r Ii life. or, a s lI'e (·0101I)01lI r liD), . I he seed , IIUle lllrth e r 1111. COlltlnue in tt\ l~ WIl )' IIIII !;t have vil ltllty . \'el'Y rew do ' ulltll s ix liE'rll ll ls. are re mo\'ed . Plllcp mote than loolc ~ t Rp enl' 10 de· : t be 81x ke ru els. III on e of the sQun r .. ~el'mill e hI! vlta.lfty. ·, :t'hiil Is u gre nt l of t.he ge tllllnl'tlng box . . Th.. n urnll ,. 11I181:\lte und rr . \leNtil" resul ~ ~ In of the s quare 18 th e n placed qllJ ll pOOl' s tall t! I\~I ~\ :} 10\1' yI eld . W it ho ut small Illecf' of pap pr a nd wltll Ii Ill n ' , ..


I\ !


4 '



.' a





1 '

- --- --_.


I'- P·E'I Cp.c t SII111d, the large:u'i'


yie ld (:nll ' lIol be expected. , Ir, tlll\en.. to count th e dlllik s In one dred . cOIl ~ ecltllve h11l8, tbe. ,,,,,,h,lt,1\!

(~ofll ~l'o\\'er WII :' be t: ;i.~~~f}~~~gjl! II pe rrec

fa.\' 1'1'0111


10 Pages


10 Page s






Whole Number 3263

Speaks on School Grounds, Friday, May 15,1914 ABOUT PEOPLE'S OOINCiS



.-----------------~----------------ABOlJT I'EIJPLE'S nOINOS

School Changes

Rev . . C. S. (;rall~l'r i ~ driving a new Ove rland auto.

lIowell waR in Cin(, lIl11ati



I have been approached Revers l tim efl within I.h la.'l t few days and C. A. Brown, of EUg'ene, Ore", ., Geo . Dak in, nf Dayton. wa~ in Mr". Edith Ha rr i}< \'i "ill'd relatives comp lail1l~ c:nter ed in reg~rd to the in l'ending UH his tluu!;cr ilJlion for town Sunday . ; in Morrow Monday. c1o~in g of Ho me elf the country another year, Rays that "all of the For Hed Roolin$( Paint or Ha rn ~c hools of Wayne Tow nship . Thig in Waynesv ille colony in Eug-em' are " nidI" Ma son. of Be llbr(l"I,. was r'ain t go to J, H. Cu lem an',.. no way wa" brou~ht about becau~e well IIl1li happy." in town Sunday . . . . . nf th e reco mmendati on of the SuperFor Screen \loor Paint . l; i'('e l l o r Mr:;. LI Z~ I C Wellington, ofCh ll'ago, IIItendent or b('canse the Hoard of Prof. G. J . liruham, of Xt'niu Black at J. II . Co leman' s. I i" lhe g'Ul'st of Tl'laliveli her... . Education so willed but hecause of has been re-el l!cled ali ~ Upl!rillte"dl!1I1 the following ~cdio n uf the new law. of the Xenia Mcnllols for a peri'Jd uf Itev . C. :::>. (;rauser wus in Dayle,n Mi ~s ('lara Hawke is improving Sec. 7730. When the average daily two years at a MIliary of $ I,KOO per W ~dnesoay and Thursday. rllpid ly and will be home soon. attendance of any sehoul for the preyear. Tht! vot~ was unallimouM. I am prepared to in~ e\'t pOI'relain A nile a~sortn1<'nt of l)I)pular copy - ceeding year has ueen uelow twelve, ~uc h !'l{'houl shal l Le suspended and li llin~ ~. Ilr. H . K Hathaway. rig-h t h ll(; I, ~ at .J Eo Janneys the pupils traTl~ferrecl to liuch other The many lriend:! of Prof. E. F. . Amy, who was in the !-Iehools here Ken.nelh Itldgl', of LI)ve.lantl, wa.~ :\11'}1.~r" . J e>C.<;(· Hurl .. n and A. school or schools as the local board tW<l years ago, will ue pleasl!O to he rp. Sunday the g'uest of hl!'l paren L~ I MatTit \\,('IU in Blanc'heste r Monday . may direct. Whether or not it would have been hear that he has elected to the chair Ur, J . A . McCoy and C. B, RentMr. Hnd Mr ~ . U. C. Ridge. of Day- well to have continued these schools, of English IiteraLure at the Unio ley were in Hlanchester last week . LOll. werp th(~ !Cuest>! o f Mr. and Mrs. (though the law did not forbid) Wesleyan Univertlity at Delaware. Mahlon Hidlle, ~unday. might be anllwered by noting some Buy your Fertilizer of C ha.~. Fr) e, I 1;0 to J . H . Coleman for No. ] of the following facts. for the who handles Mil son' s the. best. year College Hill would proICrlach Val'fJi ~ h put up in X pint, coming At a piano recital, given at the bably not enroll over seven pupils in Odeon, at Cincinnati, April ~9th, If you want the best Painl and 1 1"111 and 1 quart can!'<. the following grades:-one in second, favorablp mentlun WWI given to the Varnilih \{emovc r go to J. H. CuleFrank Carmlln h'l~ pllrcha~ed the two in third, one in fourth, one in playing of Mrs F 13 ~herwood, of man's. . 1 I{o~!f'r s h"II,," nn ~ .. ut.h Main street sixth, two . in seventh, It costs r . Lebanon. Mrs. Shurwood is a pupil \ ' land will n·mIlVI· inlo it foon.. ' nearly ~(l per month to maintain a ot Misa Westfield at the Cullege of A . • chwnlbe. of Xenia, Wll1l the Music. . 19uest of Mr: and Mr!-l. Myer Hyman rural school. You can easily see the JI 'hn A . Fu nlit,.v rF!cei\'ed 100 more cost ___ . la!'lt week. per pupil. Besides there is little of th e :!(k Mell'~ anrl Roy's Straw or no good school spirit where but Emery Wilter ~o~'! and. Miss Elsie A good many of our citlzen!'l wenl l Hat..; f .. r IU<, (; (: 1 YOU I hat . one or two pupils are enrolled in a Irene Mo.rlntt, ot :sulphm Avenue, to Dayton Thursday to see RingMI' ;11.,) MrH (;"'Iflre Oglesbee of class. were qUietly married Ye!:Iterday ! Iinj,t' s circus. Xellia, ~ pl'J l l Thlll':<c1a:. at the h~me The same condition is to be found afternoou at 2:3U o'clock at the I of Mr . an,) 1\11'';. ]':Iiu., Oglesbee. in regard to th~ Red Oak district. BlOadway M. F, chur~h by the Rev. Hugh Ridge , of the N. C. R. Day· W. A. Deaton. They were attend ed ton, is spending a ten days' vacation Ed ~\\'l!( · rH' y . of I hI' Ohio Masoni c At Green Briar, local conditions were b, Miss Elsie ROM:', Miss &In" Mor- with his parents here. ll mlll' . i:4 1he I!Ul'''1. "I' his daughter Ilu~h that the attendance fell below Mr" l·'rallk Carmrlll and family. ' twelve. Thet'e will be however more latt and Mr. ~ber lirltnth. The It' k f h . W' I ' than twelve pupils to be provided for, , bride looked very pretty in a white . riC s o ~ t e pavmg at I Illm~ · Tick ets f') 1" the l-li1rh . chllol com· So here the County Board will meet embroidered dress with hat to match . ton have arrived, and the work Will mencC" ment ... ill be on ~ale at Jan- one of their first problemd and upon She also wore 8 beautif ul COl tIElge ue commenced at vnce · ney' s 0 rug 8lu r · Sat urelay afternoon. their decision will Test the fate of a boquet of . bl ide's ro~ . After a A gond supply of handsome solid , Mary 1.lawk e, or Lebanon Rpent school in this district. short weddmo( trip, they wlll .relurn silver ~poon H at popular prices. From my close association with <::undav wllh he r mother Mrs. Alice to this city to make their future, J E Janney JAMES M, COX, the Wayne Township Board of EduHawke , who has been vI~ry sick. bome.-Middletown News ~Ignal. ' Mr. G. . Levering, of Xenia, was Do not jaa to hear the .~chool 'luesilOll and other ripe ([1telltiolll< oj Ihe _ __ _ _ _ cation I know that each man wants IJreate,qi t7llpOrirJ1ICC to the people oj Ohio. If you want a I!ood home attend to do all he can to solve the problems MIAMIS WHIPPED BElLBROOK the gu<!st of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. the ~ale of the McSherJ y property. satisfactorily to the patrons. ConCal'tl'.right, on Friday. them concemin~ your ~ay 23rd at:! o'clock on the prem- sult with AB we predicted in these colum.,~ Milson's Fertilizer, the best on the wishes if you are affe:=ted by condiDEATHS Ises. THE SENIOR CLASS PLAY lallt week, the Miami,. gavc tlw Hell marl\et, For ~ale by Chas. Frye, tions noted . Meet the situation brook boys a good, sound lnouncing Mr~. Rachel Keys, the Misses fairly, state your case plainly and The funeral of Mr. Pressley Vaughn The graduating c1as.'! of 1914 in Mr and Mrs George Pratt, of at Phillips Park last ::,unday alleJ who died at his home at Lebal:on on Mart.ha ilurnett, Kizzie Merritt and you will receive every consideration_ noun, lICON, Miamis !4, tlellbrook ~ Route 1, spent a couple of -days with the play, "Cricket on the Hearth." tb Emma Cartwrigh t were in Lebanon The Board meets in r!glliar Bel!Sion e 2nd . took place at the Chape l in Tuesday. was greeted with an overtlowing There WI!.S no fluke abuut the victory, relativ('s in Dayton last week. the first Monday of each month. Miami cemetery last Wednl"sday. house at School Hall, Friday evening. 4!ither. The Miamis 0 . tplby~d their I have endeavored to make myself A choice selection o( books and The story of Dickens' classic is a The funeral was in charge of the The Miarni Gazette office will be opponents at eVt!ry stal e of the game many othe r articlc.'<, suitable for familiar with the new laws. Court familiar one, and it is hardly necesI. O. O. F., and a large numher of closed Friday afternoon, on account ----mid earnCll everything they got graduating presents Ilt J. E Janneys decisions and renderings will unsary to go into details. Miss Marie th em t u rned out. In terment wa'! of (;ov . Cux spea king on the schoolVance Decker, whom the MiamiS doubtedly make some changes in the grounds. hammered for tWt!I\'I:~,> Sun· MeS8rs Herbert Eclwards, Forest Shotts gave the synopsis in a, made in Miami cemelery . apparent meaning. But so far asl distinct manner, and the play that de.y be 're, was on the muulJd for Ridl{e and Karl Hawkp, of Dayton, Havolenc Auto Soap, hest to wash am able, will be glad to consult with our bo~ aud allowt!d the Bellbrook lillt!nl Sunday with relalives here. followed was better understood. harn!!s.'l. Waynt:'iwille Allto and Ma- or discuss these new lawR with any Edward Macy. after a ]onR' and William Michener, as John Perryilluggers but thret! scattered· hit,., all person interested. John A . Funkey's large store room bingle, sustained his part well, and severe illness, di ed at hi!! honl L' he re chineI'}' Co. of the ecrOltchit'.l:It order, while hb:t F. C. Gilmour ::;unday afternoon at ;):30 o'clo~k. Bessie Warner, as Mrs Mary Perryte&nl-mattos hammered .. J{ed" Weav- is tilled wilh bargainR. Don't fail Rev. A. T . Cowlti II , of Wilming------~~-----The funeral was held at hi s late hom e bingle, assU!I.ed her part in a ereditto go and see the mon!!y you can er for. Jl triple, bix doubles and nine ton, was called to Misqouri Ja.~t week, able way. Linley Mills, as Caleb this mominJ( at 10 O'cIOCK, co ndu ct- on MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES save. singles, good for 'lI11e I uns. account of the se rious illness of CIl by the Hev J . F Cadwallader. Plummer, the poor toy maker, car'Georgie" Waterhou8e was the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chenoweth ell ried out his partsupp.rbly . Kenneth Interment was mad e in Miami cem- a brothe r. .tar of the game, getting four hits, terlained Mr. Wilbert McCoy, of Memorial services will be held at Mr. Ed Clevenger and family of the Christian church May 24th at the two runs . two Iltolen I)ases in flve Weat Jefferson and Herman Conner Kilbon. as Eciward Plummer. was etery. good. Takle ton, the sarc8l!tic merFranklin, were th e guests of Mr. trips \.0 the plate, while in the tield regular morning service. Rev_ D. chant, was taken by .James Gibbons, and Mrs J eff Smith and other friends H. Palmer will preach the memorial he was on the job at all times being at ~unday dinner, and he acted his part as sarcastic as Mr. Horare MI:Kay. brothe r of hert! ::lunday. . sermon. The post will 8S!emble at mixed ' up in both of the MiamiS' Havolene Auto Soap is economical. he was gruff. Miss Peba Earnhart, Miss Let itia McKay and uncle of double play.. Hisslar pertonnllnct!, Wayne~ville Auto and Machinery Co as May Fielding, who wag engaged Mr. W. H. Allen of this place. died The Women's Auxiliary of St the Township House at 10 o'clock a . m . sharp, and then march to the however, w8tl a I'un from firtlt to to one man but wa~ really in love at his home in Indianapolis, Indiana, third on Burton'S sacrifice, Bowland Mr. C. Gahagan, of Columbuf>, with another. Miss Edna Smith Saturday morning, May 9, 1914. Mary's church will meet at the rec· church. All the comrades are eartory Thursdav afternoon of thillweek 'to Meyel"9, In the seventh. Englert joine<t his wife here, and spent the took the part of Mrs. Fielding, May':! An invalirl for years, Mr. McKay ' nestly requested to be present, also wasn ·t much behind Gt!orge, he gut wpek ('nd at t.he hom ~ of Mr. anrl mother.' Miss Lena Whitaker, as ha>' spent ~i ~ winters at St. Pe ters- instead C\f Fr'iday afternoon. all elt-soldie!'l!l whether members of 8 paIR, a single, a double, a triple, Mrs. J. H. Opp. Havlliene Auto Soap for oil cloth. the G. A. R. or not. are cordially inHertha Plummer, the poor blinrl blll-!r, ~l or!(I:l , und h[ld returned to . -'ind ecpred four runs in five triptl to his In(han a hum p. only a week or ten Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co, vited to attend this service, the plate, McDermott showed his Mrs. Ahce Alcorn and daughter girl, took her, part well. Tilly Slow- rlays Decoration Oay cermeonies will be boy, MiRSGrace Chrman, asa greatl bdorl' th e end CRm e. Horn Mrs. Bod Ll oyd and MrR, Eva held May 30th at 2 o'clock a. m. at nerve and grit when he continued Ruth. left Sunday eveninj{ tor Phil - clumsy girl, showed her agilitv aq a I ann reared lin the old McKay farm behind the bat after rect!iving a split adelphia to visit relative:! They will clumsy girl, and kept the audience I north:a~t of town, I1?W owned by McDonald, of Harveysburg, were Miami Cemetery. Mr. B. F. HarWaynesville visitors Saturday_ finger from a foul tip The Miarni8 be gone about three weeks. owitz, of Middletown, will 00 the in a ~mile while on the stage. Helen ! Mr . lr (lnn~. he a~mosl h~t y years a g-o , speaker for the occasion. The post are playing the kind of ball now that G J H C I • t h Hawke, aR The Spirit of the Cricket,\'rd to Ind.,anapoh i:l and gr~w Mii:l3 Stella Lemmon leaves Thur~ ­ .0 ~o . . 0 .eman. s. to ge t e will win any dAY, You don't know will aHSemble at the Township House what you are miBlling if ynu are not b£>14t high grade TIO"Y al e In the lown. with her :!ix liltlt! spirit farie~ with wltl.l th at Irr.oWlIIg l~rogrt'S8I ... e city day for Battle Creek, Mich., to en. at 1 o'clock and then proceed to the wings, made a pleasing picture. IIntll at the I.lIn(' (If his death he wa~ ter a training school for nurses. attending these games. Also the bcs~ G~al11teware, Carpet cemetery, All ex-soldiers are soNeva Young aR Mrs. Dnl, and How- a man IIf lu l')!(' n~eall~, an~ .h('ld tn e The score':. Heat ern and l'ly Swatters. Mrs. J. Hr>lIanfl and Miss Gertrude licited to join in with us in the exard l.iustin, as Mr. Dut, were nnt r~'~p( ·l't. nnrl l'onhrlenr('! of. hl A felln.w BELLDIWOK The display and exhibition of speaking parts. cltlze.T\:'I, an el had ~lcJe lI1f"\ue nce m Holland, of Xenia, attended Ortho· ercises of the day. The Township AD It 11 1'0 :\ E school work of Country schools in dox fo'riend~ Qllarterly Meeting Sat- House will be used for the purpose The playas given was well ren- the city of r,,,' adn l'tloll . . of receiving and preparing the flowers KeDey, ~b . • •.•.... ~ I U 8 I 0 Township House, }o riday, May Hi, dered - and the characte rs hall th e Mr. AlIl;'n Hnd l\!I!:-S M,·.Kay at~end . urday. pnd ladie.q of Waynesville and vil"inM'lllt'll, 1\) •..•.••. 3 0 0 7 U ~I Room o"en to villitors all day, lifi "n plllY well in hand, as no visible (':It hI" fU~t-'l'al at IlIfliallulJO R. Woavor, ". • . . .. ~ 0 U (J r, ... , l\~r. nnd Mrs. Jesse Wright, of ity are especially invited tn prepare breaks were made. Due credit mU8L lll e~dao . Illt4'rllll'nt al t\1i\t plnee. MRII,!, ... " 44 U U U .\• ()U G 0 to ,) II' . "olAm f Ab0 I'I · " ..c," ...... Springboro, ami Mrs. Uudley Keever the same for one of the best and ... eClfler, I I 10 v .. a n'e"or We hope ~() puh il:ih a tnf~ r e extendbe given H. Mr McLaughlin. and the b~:rJ3fe, I~:: :::: ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ tion the dirt abolishcr for cleaning MiSRes Elizabeth Chandler and Mauel ~cl }ckdch of tht· deceased 111 our n ex~ of Centerville, were guests of Dr: noblest purposp.8 for which flowers anc! Mrs. A. T . Wrig ht Sunday. P. Weller, rf ...... a U II 0 (J U painted and varnished surfaces, flat can be used. We invite the school _ .!.- _ _ BowllUld, lb . .... . 4 U I ~ I ~ wa~ Paintli and general household Hadley, for their interpret atiun lIf I,;sue. TIll' baccalaurc>ate sermon will be children and all persons who can con· the play . Some vl'ry pretLy np.w . 1.016.. .. ... lIO l H I~ :1 cleaning. preached at ;1chool hall Sunday even veni ently, to gather up flowers, and OBITUARY scenery added much i" Ih e "lay, I'~_ ' possible have them delivered at MIA1tIlS Mr. and Mr:i. C. C. Huuser and pecially the hearth ~(>nH in g by Rev. C. S. GrausfOr. This if the Township House by 9 o'clock in AU H I: PO A ~ cIall II'hter, Hllzel, and Mr, Raymond The mURic was a ~ppc ial feat ure (If 1·: li7.u bel n H . Gask ill was born in service will bl> ill the form of a union the morning. Ed,{&rd'i ab . •.. .. . 6 ~ a U 1 0 Williams n, of Dayton, Rpellt Sunday the occasi.)n-- Howt'II'~()r c hei!tra. as· <:lillll)11 f~o llnty nea r Oakland "ervice. May By order of EII.Ien, I" ...... . 4 .2 4 '2U ~ I Wit . h M r. an d M r:!.,HeW ",.1et1l0Ul8. ~b .••. ~ . • iII iamson sisted by MrH, Gahagan, of CU IIlIll ' :!::, I ~:'O, and d eparted thig Iif~ May THE <:;, A. R. POST, . bu~, . . . . . . .... 3 I I U IUd f '1 . x. 1!1I ,1 age H;l.v l'S. 11 mo. 15 da . The McSherry property to be sold bus . , I ' ·......... .,lcDei'moH, c .. " " . 0 I Ia :1 II lin ami V. . , . Mlalcb, cr ... ... . .. 4 II ~ 2 ~ U Altogether, the evell iug',; cnl l' r- 11"1' maid en nallle was Harlan Saturday, May :!::lrd, will be the Vecktr, p . •.••.•. . t U U I I Don't forp:et. the date of the sale tainment wa.'! about as good <IS has Il,l ll )!hl.'r of Jonathan and Lucv' place for you to go, if you are lookMASON IC NOTICE lIrl~.ln lb.... . . . . . 0 \ 0 0 ~ (If the McSherry property, between Healer, d. •• . • • • .. • 0 U 0 ever been given by a g raduating: lIa rlan. ~n un:, ~he was united {n ing for a home. Good house on the 9 16 31 11 "2 Franklin Road and Tyler Street- class I I1H.ll'ri:l~" to Ca lvin H. Gas~iII, to g-rounds, and a good-sized lot 5!1x154 Special communication of WayTot.aIa .. . .. . 87 SaturdllY, May 23rd, on the premo ____ • __ _ _ ,111 ;\ 11l1 1t1 n were born tour children, Don't miRS It. " ne!!ville Lodge, F. & A. M., Tuesday Dellbrook . • ~ ~ g ~ ~ g ~ ~ ises, at 2 o'clock. ANNOUNCE"\ENT threl ' ,on5 and and aaughter, all of The commencement will be held at evening, May 19th, at 7:30. Work .11amIa ••.•• 1 0 a 0 II 0 8 ~ x-u J \\'htlm are left to mourn her loss, School Hall Thursday evening. May in the E A. degree. R. W. John R. SUMMA1W Rev. and Mrs. . F, Cadwal1ader 8toioD ·BUc.-Kell~Y t. Me)·e.... Dinwiddie and Mr. an~ Mrs, L. Crat:Je .Bt MiSs Jennie Bowman who wil l with lIin~ grand.childr~m, ant! a host 21st. Prof. C. C. Miller, of Colum- Flotron, of Dayton, district inspecR , Weller, WBt.erlJuU",,~, .. dwul'tr., Mlulch, tended service at Grace MISSion $(ive an entertainment for the ben,-!· of relatlve~ ,~nd friends. Death bus, will be the speaker, and themu- tor, will hold thelannual inspection, IIricala,' HI DI IIdl 11 L Lebanon, Sunday afternoon, and fit of the Christian chu~ch at School c:lI~le. to he r a~ her home a~ 526 sic will be furnish£>d by the Cadet Sojourning brethren are cordially l hllil!IS Ave .. D,lyton, 0., Fnd9:Y, orchestra of Springfield. . invited to be present. ~~ ll'i::-1!;~~~:·2.lJf.n'::~t. Dul'- heard the Rt. Rev_ T, I Reece preach. H II J toll, McDennon. 1~lor. . a , une 2 . h as an exceII ent r epe r - 1\1:Iy xlh at 1::\0 a. m., after an 111J_ T, Ellis, W. M, Three-bue Hlt.-Englert. Havolenp. Auto Soap iR an aid to toire. of sufficient varie ty to pl ell ~c l1e:>s of Reveral weeks. The 5c Bargain Counter contains L, A. Zimmerman, Sec'y. to~~!~~e~l~b8~m~L~~e"'~ln?c'lf:;:; house cleaninll', does not injure paint all and subject mat.ter that will"stanrl great bargains direct from Chicago " ., Waterllo\ll8. lTIakes old wood-work look like new' the test of the best crilics. With " AltO OF THANKS and now on sale. 96 pieces 10, 12 ,Hlw-olf WeaYel' 16: off Decker, a. d t f I '.. tr person I't . 1 . ADDRESSED HIGH SCHOOL 81lUCk Ou,-byWeaver. 10: b)' Decker. 15 an remove !l"rea..\e spo 9 rom c otheR er ~ ong. . a .. y. 1J'IU~IC~ V()IC~' We ci esi re through the columns of and 15c Itibbon your choice for 5c. B...,oaB....-by W... vef I : brDooker. 4. WaYI1E:sville Auto and MachmerYCo and dramatic m stmct she 19 wel l t he Miami Gazette to convey to our f;4 pieces Embroidery and Insertion }I1~\~:'=::'lr;a~,,!, ~~.~~·IOO. K M' h ." • . ':Iu~lified to render a delightful pro- Illany relatives and friends who so wort~ 10, 12 and 15c yours al5c. The Rev. J, F. CadwaIJader made 'i'lllie of Oam"':"~ hour and ao mlDul.eoI, ~p 8Y] 5t nt ~lD~~ Scho~l 'gram. -' . . tf",u~hlfully and kindly helped us in 87 .p leces 10 and 15c La~e, your an address to the High School Friday .' , . ~.pIl'e-8\1111bi1rry. Day In Way,nesville, 0. ' Spend all . Mias Bowman waS the Dean of our late ~.reavement, and so gr~- chOice for 5c. You can't afford to morning, He took 88 his ,subject '1 • ~--de.y.}n WSI nesville . T~e ,~1I)r is 'es· .thl! College of 'EXpression of the ciously m1l11stered to.. us. of their let ~~e one buy the!f1 a~d you pay "SUCl"esB in Life," and told his hearyour,. g~v~l'. peclaJly for the, chddren ~1U\d thoSe Ohio -Northeryll 1:]niversity at Ada, pympR thy .a nd love, our smcere and three .ttmes t~e bargamprlce. Come ers how to atlain it.. Tb'e addr.a on .,waynes- iDt~reste(l"' !n our 8C~la. . (Then' Qbio; is a ~dulite of Newcomer'~ heartfelt Itratitude. . ' and be supphed, . . ~as listened to with. great deaI of · F!iday, Mayl'ey~~~y suNlly .~Il"'oom\, i~ under ScJmOl of EXptieiJsibD and comes to Her ChJldren. John A, Fu~key in~. and all were. benefited by ~t.









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~,...,,, .~\...J! ~oIfu.~ CID~ SEEING THE TRUTH From Vantage Point of the Bible Man Glets Best View of 'the Master.




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mOl'lI Is II(,UI' r t o us Ih un ", e r bea venl y bo;))'; o n Iy 23 .S:I:\ dJ,v\U\l It ·,fr.o J\1 IIIl- a dlsl/l nce 1\ J bUll i, Co!IId. !lOver-ItI so me eig ht dal' ~ ,..1 anll an elf1)rqll8 trai n In some six ot 'lUOnWS- 1lo distan ce whi ch seem s

shortt ind~ wht'1l we r ecall t ~!l fael ~e ~~'\1 n 18 four h tlodr 'il tlml's .• ' . ruFih trom UB . Our bug' Illo det n r~,.","~"'Plrl ~ ';,~ escope, lus trume nts w~!ch . I ' B,lzc, > lIugg 8 big gunll •. J1 ~r m1t ~u s lO ,make mQst minute obs I'V« tiOIlS ; au d. as It .....' v.ier e. br iog ;lul)ar hi ndscn)lcB DJi ,.'bJPSB to us all. say; ·to'ndon Is to , 1<~dJn' ' .; ' I! urg~: So. by u sing'- our. eyes. we ~ an .:' talte 'Ve r y ~""rtalDltig vpyQell l.9tb ~ ': -to ' moon! ~b is can 8~'b61' extenlIlvc " ' pl~lna~ Vti u'blbll)l rQ r e ' d t1' pess ;that un· ~




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oute r llI a n . li e proh'lbly hu t!, no t lro lll'. h l or 11)1 (' 11k III 1\ to hlnl or 11 11)' desire to I.w t uug lll 1I.v him (' O ll (· ... rn ing 1 t he nill u r p 01' hi s luiHsiu n. , ;lIrlol"lt y Icill hl lll to sl'I ~ 'J lit., Iloi llt o r \'!In t n/te a Ollt In l ite Ir",· atrordel1. , Ju ~ t IIk(J llhot<I' ta d,, ;, wh o :<o:c ure s o~e raro rll ill e ) 10 11111011 from wh ich tiley can- 11"1'1 n gre ol 1l1'1I ra J o r a preslUtl nt. Who "111 to pn ~H t ltat WilY ." Oley,Do t xpeot ~c gront \It' reon· IIge t C!' taK e noltoe 0 ,t11f'11l . lind It i s not proba b'le that ZUCCh " U5 1111 d exp pc~ltioO • ot. !lor sa nal nol lee b" lu g II(.~ corde d to ·blm. Oroo t m ll s l 11IH' \j b.. e u hi s ,";toIl18h· men ~ a~ b eat"ln g t.h t; \\'o rd ~. " Zllcc h U II, nllli ."h\Ulll!· \1 il come down: lor toduy ~ must Ilbldc at tb y hou ~"," ·~The Great T ea ' ll(!r a pIJrO\' ed the ('It· Jr I ~ lt;Y ' lbat le ll Z llcc l l~\1 8 to r.:lI lJ1h l\ tret to aee h im. fI '.ll1 tha .1littll' 111 1111 r m:li ue d ITI lho C1'Ow(J" oul~1 br. hu ve bel'lI s ee n a nd slng ed out f or " Il Pc\8\ hOllol's? . ~. ~eei<J . rid Yo Shall Find, .... God can Bee th e sma ll.'st man III we heatellt 'ero.wd, bu t he III look ing ror t.h9He ~bo looking (or h tD). lIe ri~t .arllltra~lJy roree mpti to l·ce· ·!ifm. '''Seck me and ye allUll ..=.....-m..'.....,.,..-...r ..-"''T;;;-'' =-x-._______......- ...-...-_ .

u nll". B&![ell lte "'h lell are ul l ea~t ""'· A,n..\It'll,t'A- Ita th osn WI! hs n l oC CP r · and Ul ore a m'ple (h nn h enrI q f A frica nm] Ijl P

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PROPER T.ESTING. F SEED CORN ~'!a<;n'fU8.:.~-:\:·~ :~; :rUl~'8!' : · 'INSURES MORE PERr.r.E·.CT ST·AND "1~~er:~~~li~~ .~:y~r~a ~ce llllo 'I l posit jon trom . wbtcll

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' . The sycamore tree Cer

:~b~~ ~~/. we ge t










With All Other C~ndiiions Favorabl~, Best R'esal~8" Can~~t ' . Be Obtained By ' Corn Grower If Seed 'lacks In belle\' lng; acquaintanceship . . . before abidIng 10 the. ~ouie Vitfllity- How the Te~t 18. ,Made our firtlt

~ 'Heonng BlDd tlc'e lllg ,tie trutb



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must go ~getheJ'\ 'We mus t use ilie externa '8 9f ~llg'!on 11'1 order to .reach ·the biter· Dala. We n3ullt ust! the natural mOdes I t mu tters I~ot 1I0w ' mu c h tood l' l lnclles or l oll or Iln.n d In t tl bOr , nd PrOyf~ed for the d.lscoveryt or .the o\'lIl1:1ble [0 t h e plllnU!. or bo w greot prl'lIR down fi rmly wltb tb e banQ. By , f.hrth and lIot 'look tor an lrilmechat.e th i) :unO t\lil or molsturt' III conserved, runJl l llg .col'd s. from the no tches both a.,ct 'to tlave lfB" , lnlle)lIHt· l he bel>f )'etlul! s ' cau no t b p. ob ta in e d I WO)'II uCl'ollS lh.e box LlIe 0 1' sq\l (JealeD'and willingness to III grow ing or'll unles8 good !<et'tl Is I \V III Ito marlied air luto _ ...... _...... p·&8s1n .. Lord. '-t ' . sQuares, Til &e aqllsrell 'Ula y b e n "'f plan led He retolore. mucb Inore rallfd bered •.J,on '" one side bv Ogll re~. pbyalcally ahoft d I b d d~ ... ' '''' ~ ~p~~~~~~~~IT3~~~~~~~;.h~iII II V ~It<~ l':llelll 109 t!etl IDa e rownr along on e e nd by le t te rs. ell': ' -;: ... JI,;...;~4e.ql:.l'.eo~l.llU tl\,l . meJ~ jl.I)lI-.-~A a 0 ' ttlCl ' rpm . ~<ili ' .llhou ld b e tel' il, aB C: ot 1I 00d gi-ed. :\Iany ha ve th e eur III tbe. ha ud lind with 11 pe.\'E'r 'lI lopped 10 con~lder wba t is good " I'IiIUO\.e It k'e rnel , a bout one loch It-ell. In gooe! seed , th ere mUSl the bur. 'l·urn· fll e ear on&" stol'cd in the ge rm lbat w,hkh ~ e call t he ""uy ((t' O\lri <1 iln(\ . ven~lotlte:t,~o; life. or, as we commonly t;uy. th e se-ed ' IltlJe tarlher tip, Coo t lnue Ili u st Itave "Hall lS' . \'e l'y' 'rew dO I until s ix kt"TD C)S are r.emo're d. mCl'l'e lhan' look at ear de· the 81)( k rile l4 in one of the ""'lln''' M , te rmille Ita v l la lfty: - .:rbls , 18 a , grent ot ' tJie gerrlllllAtin g bolt, , The ~\hH tike and rr~l;I ~tt ,11' r esuJl s in. a of the I'IQunre i8 then pIBc e ~ uPul\;', ' s lAml 'l p ,I 'j lo \Y le/ehl. , Withou t small plec:f' or papt'r and wltb. a pIn





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~Ilt~ .' ~r1!zly' Bea,. 'Oata', . ~II wbq~· b~~. ft liu1}"s .griuly bears,



In 'tbelr' Posse•• lou :a1'6 'aj)pealed to by

Many amw lIim as he passed by, to return. Ot whnt good was OPIIOI·tunlty It tlley had no luter' or 'dest re to go cloHer and to abide Ith him? Many DOoW see him, nol III t.he streets nU.lIl'"r~IUR lalJnla.<t of Jericho. but In the vages of revela· tlon . ~ut t4) '!There Is no beouty In him, that Uley 8bould, desire him," and what avalloth It? ;' ,." .... 7. Lookl,,; for ' Fa'~h(wl. up Inttl. II tree" an~ until the lJOrd I blls bY' ra a sma,·l .relurn ~dr the ' portlinity- e nJoyed , when so mue\! :elfered ' to!, thbse who would " make . ,haste lIud c ome dawn." It III' not 10 be supposed that Zaccttel.l,8 . wall. Ihe ouly ' OU tl- wllo ,B0ughl '0 favorable position to see tbe' wondertul ' tlJght ,ot one wh~ wua eyery\Vhere attrtifrln~ the mult;\tudes o -hlS prea·


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10 Pages

10 Page

Sixty-Fifth Year




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I Former Citizens I

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Whole Number 3263

Speaks on School Grounds, Friday, May 15,1914 •


.------------------~---------------ABOUT PEOPL E'S DOINGS

School Changes

B. S. Howell was in Ci n(,llIna Li Mund av.

Rev. C. S. G rau~er i ~ dri ving a ..............- wo wow w new Overland a uto . ·1 ha ve been approached ~eve ra l C. A. Hrown, of Eugene. Oresc .• Cco . Dukm, of Daylon. was in Mrs. Ed ith Harris visiLed relatives times wi t hin t he last few days and in sending us hil:l tlubscr iption for town Sununy. in Morrow Monday . complaints en tered in rega rd to the another year. says that "all of the closing of so me of the country Waynesville colony in I.!;ugene are "Dick" Mason, of Uellbrook . waH For Red Roofi ng Paint or !:lam schools of Wayne Township. Tbis in well and happy." in tow n Sunday . I, Paint go to J. H. Coleman's. no way was broug ht about because of th e recommendation of the SuperFor Screen Door Paint, Green or I Mrs. Li zzie Wellington . of Chi cago . in tend ent or because th e Board of Prof. G. J . Graham, of Xenia Black at J . H . Co leman's. : is the g uest of re lativCll hera. Education so willed but because of has,been re·eleclt!d (I S 8uperilllend elil I the following 'lection of the new law. Rev . C. S. Grauscr was in Day ton of the Xenia seMols {or a perilld of I Mis;! Clara Hawke is im provi ng Sec. 7730. When the average daily two years at a tl8lary of $ I,MOO per W(:dnesday and Thursday. rapi tlly and will be home soon. attendance of any sc hool for the pre· year. The votP. was unanimous. I am prepared to insert porcelain /\. Allc fl~sor tm en t of popular copy- ceeding year has been below twelve, HJi lnA's . Dr. H . K HaLh away . rig'ht hooks at.1 Eo Janneys ;!uch sl'hool s hall be suspended and The many tri ends of Prof. E. I". Kcnn etb I{ielge. of Loveland. wa'l the pupils transferred to !luch other Amy, who was in the schools here here ~ unday the guest of his paren ts :v\p"", rs. .Jcsse Hurton and A. school or scbools as the local board two) years ago, will be pl eased to Maflit were in Blanchester Monday. may direct. bear that he has elected to the chair Dr, J . A . McCoy and C. B. RentWhether or not it would have been of English literature at the Onio ley were in Hlanchester last week. Mr. and MrR. D. C. Ridge. of Day· well to have continued these schools, lon . wer e th(1 g uests of Mr. and Mrs. (though the law did not forbid) Wesleyan University at flelaware. Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. Fr} e, I Mahl on I{jd ge, ~unday . might be anlfwered by noting some who handles Milson'S t he. best. \'0 to.J. H . Coleman for No . 1 of the following facts. For the At a piano recital, given the Odeon, at Cincinnati, April at29th, If you want the best Paint and CClach Varnish pu t up in Y. pint, coming year CoHege Hill would profavorabll'mentlon was given to th., Varnish Hemovcr go to J . H. Cole. I I,i"t. and 1 quart cans . bably not enroll over seven pupils in f M F B 'h If' the following grades: - onein second, I pIBy ng 0 rs IS erwoOf, 0 ma n s. FI'llnk Ca rman ha:-l plIrcha'led the two in thIrd, one in fourth, one in Lebanon. Mrs. Sht!rwood is a pUJ> i1 1 ASh Ib f X . th l{oj! c>rR hou sf' on SlJuth Main street BI'xth, two . I'n aoventh. It costs of Mias Westfield at the . of c Mr: wa and t! . 0 ' nearly ISO per month '"" to maintain a Music. . Colle"e '" of guest Mrl:l.ema. MyerwaR Hymane ami WI'11 remov l' int 0 it ! oon. la:lt week, J{ ,hn A. I"uni; (.y received 100 more rural school. You cari easily see the . ___ . EI' of tlie 20(' Mel1' >\ a nrl Roy 's Straw costperpupil. BesidesthereislittJe · E mery WIl te r Ross an d MISS sle A good many of our citizens went' H or no good sellool spl'n't wh"'re but Irene Mitt ""ul. p hi n Avenu e . to U ayton Th urBlIay to see Ring. at.; for lU(' (i et your hat. .- in a o.r a , 0f .., one or two pupils are enrolled w"re .qUletly marned yesterday ling's cirCUl:l, M." . HI.,J Mr!' C;,' r,rge OR'lesbee, of I afternoon at 2:::lU o'clock at the I . of the N. C. R. Day. Xelll<l, ~I'''Jl t Th\! ,.~da.v at the home c 8SS d't" t b f d Th' Bzoadway M. E churt!h by th e Rev. Hugh RIdge. e same JOn ISOak 0 edistrict. oun . l' d' of Mr. and M r,.;. 1-:1 i u,.; Og lesbee. in regard to con thll I Red W. A. Deaton. ThtJY were attended ton. IS spene IIlg a ten ays vacation 1"·1 " At Green Brl'ar, local cond,'tl'o"-were M' Ed n. Mor· WI' th · EI ' R . h'I!:! paren lshere. 1I J.!,o ,",w e('n('y . (If th (· Ohio Masonic such that the attendance fell..Dbelow bJ M ISS sle OSS, ISS latt and Mr. ~ber Griffith. The n'rH' ks f o~ th e paving . t W'I . M('In'l'I" i~ lkhe_.l!UeH oj' his dau~ter, t I Th '11 be h a I l~l1n~· I'S • rail Ca rman and family. we VI:}. et'e WI owever more ' bride look~ very prelty in Il whit., embroidered dress with hal to match . ton have arrived, and the work WIll Tick ets i')r the Hisrh School com. than twelve pupils to be provided for . the County Board will . She also wore a beau tl' fu,1 COl ~Q(7e be commenced Be (ince. menct' nJent Yo '11 I be on sale ~t Jan- So onehere of their first rroblem~ and meet upon A good supply of handsome solid ney' Hurug slurt) Sa t urdllY afternoon. t heir decision wi! rest the fate of a boq uet of. b tid~' s ros~ . After a short weddml( trip, they will relUrn silv er Bpoons at popular prices Mary Hawl<e , n1' Lebanon spent school in this district. to this city to make lheir future . J E Ja~ney JAMES M. COX, Sun(lav with her mother Mrs. Alice From my close association with bome.- Middletown News Signal. ' f 'X ' Hawe, k w h 0 h a<; bee n very sick. the Wayne Townshl'p Board of EduL • _... M G C L . D t J .[ t ' t h l t d , _-_ r. . . evermg,o ema, was 0 no a t O,Lear ''''' ~c 00 'lUe81On an ot tOT lil'e Il1lelltioll'; of Ihe cation I know that each man wanta MIAMIS WHIPPED BELL8ROOK ~e gu,:st of M:.· .dand Mrs. S. L. gr.atest l1nporiancCl t o the people of Ohio . If you want a ~oorl home, attend to do all he canto solve the problems I't\l\.rlg h t,on rl ay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ _ __ __ _ th e~a le of lhe McSherry property. satisfactorily to the patrons. Con, As we predicled in these colum'1s Milson's Fertilizer, the best on the THE SENIOR CLASS PLAY !'day 23rd at Z o'clock on the premo suit with them concerning your last week, the Miamitl glive tlw Hell marllet. For sale by Chas. Frye. DEATHS Ises. wishes if you are affe::ted by condibrook boYSllgQlld. sound tl'lluncing - -tions noted . Meet the situation at Phillips Park last ::,unday IiII Cf · Mr. and Mrs George Pratt, of The graduating class of 1914 in Thefuneral of Mr. Pressley Vau g hn Mn~. Rachel K e~s,. the .Misses fairly, state your case plainly and . ' 1JOOD,IICON, .I4ilAn'lis 9, be11brOdK 2 Route I, spent a.,couple of days with the play, "Cricket on tbe Hearth," who died at his home at Lebanon on Martha Burne~t. Klzzle ~errJtt and you will receive every consideration. There was no fluke about the victory, relatives in Dayton last week. was greeted with ah overflowing tre :~nd. took place at the Chapel in Emma Cartwright were In Lebanon The Board meets in r!gular l!elJ8ion ~ither. The Miamis 0 .tplbyed their house at School Hall, Friday evening. Miami cemetery last Wednesday. Tuesd ay . the first Monday of each month. ry S' '' ' e of th~~ gam ~ A choice The story of DI'ckens' classl'c I'S a Th e f I h. ~ve e~ d eavored t 0 m ak e myse If h l:Ielection . I o( books . bl and f unersl was'IJ1 c harge 0 f th e The Miami Gazet te office wI'11 be opponents atev ..~.... everythl'n" th"y got many I ar WI th th e new. IaWB. . Co ur t ...... l U l earn·-" U"" Co ~ d ot t' er artlc>, JSUlta E J e or familiar one, and it is hahlly neces- I . 0 . 0 . L' (' ., an d a Iarge num b er 0 f closed Friday afternoon, on account f a"!l.l n--ker, the; MI''''ml's gra ua mg presen..., l i t . anneys sary to go I·n·""n detal·ls. MI'ss Marl'e then1 t urn ed out. I n t ermen t was of Gov . Cox speaking on the school. d eclslons an d ren d enngs WI.11 un. , whom .,. " Vance . ham11l~ for twel~'e I.iu, the- Sun· Messrs Herbert Erlwar.ds, Forest Shtltts gave the synopsis in a clf'sr, made in Miami cemetery. grounds. . doubtedly make some changes In the I~ay be~~~, was on the mourld for Ridge and Karl Hawk ... of Dayton, distinct manner, and the play that apparent meaning. But 80 far as I our boya-and allowed the Bellbrook s pent Sunday with relalives here. followed was better understood. Havolenc Auto Soap, best to wash am able, will be glad to consult with 'iiluggera tiut three l5Cattered.hits, all William Michener, as John Perry. EdIward Macy, after a 10nR' and harnel:lS. Waynesville Allto and Ma. or discuss these new lawlI with any of the scrlltchit'.l!t order, while ·his John A. Funkey'slarge store room bingle. sustained his part well, and sever e illness. diE.'{i at his homc here chinery Co. person interested. "I<ed" Weav- ia tilled with bargains. Don't fail Bessie Warner, as Mrs Mary Perry- Sundayefternl)on at 5:3(J o'clock. . F, C. Gilmour er tOI4' triple, lIix double!:! Ilnd nine to go and see the money you can bingle, assUIl.ed her part in a credit- The funera l was held at his late home Rev . A. T . COW~IIJ, of Wilming. • - • .s nales; good for nIne funs. save. able' way, Linley Mills, as Caleb this momin s.r at 10 O'ClOCK, conduct- ton, was called to Mlsqourl last week, .. ' Georgie" Waterhouse was th~ Plummer, the poor toy maker, car· ed by the Hev J. F Cadwallader. on account of the serious illness of MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES atar of the game, getting four .hits, Mr; and Mrs. Roy Chenoweth ell ried out his partsupp.rbly. Kenneth Interment was made in Miami cern. a brother. Memorial services will be beld at two runs. two stolen bases in five terl.amed Mr. Wilbert McCoy, of Kilbon. as Edward Plummer, was etery. Christian church May Uth at the tripe \0 the plate, while in the titJld Wesst Jdeffersd.on and Herman Conner good . Takleton, the sarcastic inerFr~;kli~ ~!~~ent~~r g~"!t1a~}il~~~ the regula!' morning service. Rev. D . be w.... ·on the J'ob at all time!! being at un ay mner. chant, was. taken by James Gibbonl:l, d ...,. d h dh Mr. Horuce McKay. brother of an Mrll J eff Smith and other fri!!nds 8. Palmer will preach the memorial mixed ' up in of, the MiamiS' Havolene Auto Soap is economical. an e acte is part as SQI'CIlStic as Miss Letitia McKay and uncle of herA Sunday. sermon, The post will 8888mble at double play., HIs star performance, Wayn~vil~ Auto and Machinery Co he was Jt'ruff. Mil:lS Peba Earnhart, M as May Fielding, who wag engaged r . W. H. Allen of,this place , died The Women's Auxiliary of St the TownBhip House at 10 o'clock l\ow,ever, ,watt a run from first to tbira on Burton's sacrifice, Howland Mr. C. Gahagan, of C.olumbus. to one man but was really in love at his home in Indianapolis, Indiana, Mary's church will meet at the rec· a. m . sharp, and then march .to the 'to 'Meyel'9, in the seventh. Englert joined his wife here, and spent the with another. Miss Edna Smith Saturday morning, May 9, 1914. tory Thursday afternoon of this week church. All the comrades are ear· ' nestly requested to be present, also wain·t much behind Gt:!Orge, he got week end at the home of Mr. anr! took the plirt of Mrs. Fielding, May 's An invalid for years, Mr. McKay instead o,f Friday afternoon. o all ex·soldiers whether members of _. Ie, a dou bl e, a trip Ie, Mrs.. J H . 0 pp. moth er. M'ISS Le na WhoItak er, as bha spent " hid~ winters dat St. Peters· a pus, a DIng 'ibd ecpred four runs in five tripa to Bertha Plummer, the poor blind !lrs.r, Flori a, and ha ret urned to Havolene Auto Soap for oil cloth. the G. A. R. or not. are cordially in· the plate. McDermo(t '8howed his Mrs. Alice Alcorn and daughter girl, took her,part well. Tilly Slow- hiS IndIan a home only a wee k or ten Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co, vited to attend this service. Decoration Day cermeonies will be nerve and grit when he continued Ruth, left Sunday evenin.c for Phil- boy. Miss Grace C&rman. as a great days bdort' the end came . Born f>ehind tbe bat after rect:iving a split adelphia to visit relatiVe:! They will clumsy girl, !lhowed her agilitv as a und reared nn the old McKay farm Mrs. Bud Lloyd and Mrs. Eva held May 30th at 2 o'clock a. m. at ftn"er fw{m a foul tip . The Miamis be gone about three weeks. clum!lY girl. and kept the audlence nortb,east of town, n?w owned by McDonald, of Harveysburg, were Miami Cemetery. Mr. B. F. Har• a,,! , . Mr ( Ollns lie almost flfl Wnynesville visitors Saturday. owitz, of Middletown. will 00 the are playing t.l}e kind of ball now that , i n a smile while on the stage. Belen . ~ , '. . y yea rs ago, Go ~o J. H. Col.eman. s . to get the Hawke, as The Spirit of the Cricket, r'« to I nd.lUnap()hs an~ gr~w MiS3 Stella Lemmon leav~.3 Thurs. speaker for the occasion. The post will win anv dAY, You don't know what you are missing if you are not bel4t high grade Tm~al e In the town . with her six little spirit faries with wlt~ t.hat gr,owlJ1g ~rogresslve cI ty day for Battle Creek, Mich., to en. will assemble at the Township House at 1 o'clock and then proceed to the attending these gaimes. Also the best Graniteware, Carpet wings, made a pleasing picture. un til at Ihe tIme of hIS death he was ter a training school for nurses. cemetery. All ex·soldiers are s0Tbe acor.,~ . . Beaterd and Fly Swatters. Neva Young rut Mrs. Dot, and How- fI man ('If la rg-e ~(!ans. and .held thC The display and exhi,bition of ard Gustin, as Mr . Dot, were not r('s ped and (', lt1hrlen ~P. ('If. hIS fello:" Mrs. J. H(llland and Miss Gertrude licited to join in with us in the exB E LLBROOK h I k f C h I . speaking parts.· . cl tl ze.ns, and had ~Ide mfiuence III Holland, of Xen ia, attended Ortho- ercises of the day. The Township AS u a 1'0 A It 9C 00 wor 0 ountry Be 00 s III The playas given was well reno the c:lty of I',IHad(\l)tlCJn . tlox Friendl:l Quarterly Meeting Sat. Hl)use will be used for the purpose of receiving and preparing the flowers ~~~.3~ti·.:::·.::: I ~ ~ ~ A g ~~~s~~n~~~~lt:~i:iiYda~ay 15. dered ' and the characters had the Mr . M en and MI~s Mt:.Kay at~enrl- urday ; . .. nd ladiffi of Waynesville and vicinR. weaver, Poooo .. a 0 fI 0 ~ 1 pltty well in hand, all no visible ~!I t.he fu,:!e ntl at IndIanapolis I)n ity are espt!Cially invited to prepare tltu;o.~iJ: c::::: :: : ~ ~ ~ g Go to J H. Coleman's for Aboli· breaks were made. Due credit must 1,uW~dft IIIl(' r nblel!1th at that Plncde. Sl>~~~'g~nd M~'M JeD d~riKght. of the same for one of the best and ,. ".w_ver, u ...... , . 0 I I ~ ~ tion the dirt aboljsher for cleaning be given tel Mr McLaughlin. and the e ope to pu I!:! a m~ re exten oro. an rs. u ey ee\Ter, Dllnrlddle, lB •• •• • , 3 0 0 I . t - .> d . h-·... f fl MiSRes E'I iza ' beth Ch an dl er an d MI' bled m our next of Centerville, were guests of Dr. noblest purposes for which flowers P . Wellei', rt • ••.•• , . 0 0 0 U u pam cu an varnlS t:U Bur aCM, at e . sk etch of th e deceased ' . I MAT 11.' can be used . We invite the school Boyland, Iboo... . . ~ ~ 2 1 ~ wa~ Paints and general household Hadley, for their interpretation (If lH!:)ue. __ _ ._ ! - _ -- - - . an( ra. . . YO rig ht Sunday. children all persons who can con· TGt.aII ••••• ~o 2 J 24 12 11 cleaning. the play . Some Vl' ry pretty new Th e baccalaureate sermon will be veniently,and to gather up flowers, and M.IAMIS M d M C H ~nery added much to t.he play, t'8OBITUARY preached at :1choolhall Sunday even if possible have them delivered at AD n H PO A It r. an ~. ,C. uuser and pecially the hearth s 'ene ing by Rev. C. S. Graus(~r. This 2 2 0 I 0 da~l!hter, Hazel, and Mr. Rlurmond The music was a sp(~c ial feature of !';Ii:'.aoetn H. Gaskill was horn in service will be in the form of a union the Township House by 9 o'clock in the morning. • • :1 0 ~ ~ W.llllams . n, of Dayton,lIperl: ~unday the occasion- Howell'!! orche;ltru. as· (:li nl.On county near Oakland, May '1el'vice. By order of ~ '~ 1 0 With Mr; Bnd Mrs.IH. C. W"hB~son sistoo by Mrs, Gahagan, of Colum · :!::. l SGO. and departed this liff! May THE G. A. R. POST. ~ l~ ~ ~ Ilnd famJl~ . bus. ~ . 1!lI 4 age G3 ·y rs. 11 mo. 15 da. The McSherry property to be sold o 0 I 3 I Don't forget the date of the sale Altogether, the evening'!'! enter- lI er maiden name was Harlan, Saturday, May 23r?, will be the ~ t ~ ~ . ~ of the McSherry property, between tainment wa~ about a~ good a~ ~Il'\'~ daughte r of ,Jonathan and Lucy place for you to go, If you are look· MASONIC NOTICE Franklin Road and Tyler Street- ever been gwen by a gn\llualln~ Harl an . In 1875 she was united in mg for a home. Goo~ house on the _ a , : ~ Saturday, May 23rd. on tbe p~m· class. m'.Irr:ial!':' to Cablvin H · Gaskill, to ~~On~~~i!~t a good·slzed lot, 59xl54. Special communication of Way. U 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-2 illeS, at 20'cJ(lck. • - t l11:1 UTll,m werc orn f our c h i l d r e n . ' nesville Lodge, F. & A, M., Tuesday o S 0 0 0 a ~ x-U b_ d M J F Cad Ilad " ANNOUNCEMENT th ree ,ons and and daughter, al\ of The commencement will be held at evening May 19th at 7'30 Work BUMMARY (WV. an rs... wa er whom are left to mourn her loss S h I H 1\ Th d . M . th E' A d eJt R. . . . 'J~h n R. and Mr. and Mrs, L. Crane at Milia Jennie Bowman who will wi t h nine grand.children, and a host 00 p a f C U a~ even mg. ay In e . . egr ~~=~~:: ~~~~f.l~i~~~~ tended service at Grace MiBBi.,n an entertainment for the ben.!. of rdative~ and friends . ' Death bu~t. wilrb~ th'e sp' e~~;r'a~J tCoh lum· F 10tro!1II' hofldDathy~n, dlsltr!ct Inst~· Lebanon Sunday af~rnoon and , h . c'llne to her at her h t 526 ' , e m u · t or, WI 0 e,annua Inspec JOn, sic will be fu rn.ished by the Cadet Sojourning brethren are cordiall, Bur- heard th~ Rt. Rev. T I Reece' h ' of the C mtian church at Schoo I PI '11 ' A D' t OomeFa' d I . '. prese. all, June 2. has an excellent r eper· ~I Irs . ve .: ay on, ., ra~, orchestra of Sprmgfield . . inviW to be present . • . HavolenA Auto SoaP ill an aid to toire, of su.fllclent variety to please M 'I~ 8th at 1. 30 a. m., after an 111. . J. 'P. Ellis, W. M. clealling, does 'ibjurepaint, an and 8ubJect mat..t erthat will tanrl ne"", of several weeks. The 6c B!lrga~n Counter con,tains L. A. Zimmerman, Sec'y, Uke new th4! tes.t of the best crilics . . Wi th ~AHD OF THANKS grdeat bargalnsldlrect fr~m Chleago • - • ,...,,'ht'f.." .... :tlothes strong personality, mU:c<icnl voice . an now ~n sa e. 96 PI~es 10, 12 ~ae!!ry 'd ramatic, ' iMlinet she is well We rl through the columns of and .16c Ribbon .your chOIce for pc. ~to render a delightful pro· lhe N\mml Gazette to convey to our fl4 Pieces EmbrOidery !1n d InsertIOn many relatives and friends who so wort~ 10, 12 and 15c yours at 5c. Tbe Rev. J, F. " '.,:' thouprhtfully and kindly helped us in 87 .pleces 10 and 15c !Ane, your an address to the .~~-










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our late bereavement,. and so gra· ciously ministered to us of their ~r""7pnm .... '~ l!ympnthyand love. our sincere'and \l~Qlnw t~ he~rtte)t Kra~tude, . . . . Her children, •






, .

chOice for 5c. You can t afford to moming He let ~me one buy ' them and you pa,y , in three times the bargain p~ce. C9iile and .b~ 8uPlllied:~ .:' w"I'I"I~led ·to~·wi1;b~i1I·In'_ ,John A~ Fuilk,ey in~!"'tt, IIIN, .~,"'~nJ beDafit41id ,















ILLUSTRi\TION~ fir ~61!EY;o~,,~19J!1: ]



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to you . e Ve r si nce tbe li llY I\'e • • •• • ~:'~I' ,':') I,)~~ I,;!"": ,,' I ! " Ii1r~ 1:',: I ,,' ~~~' ~" ta l kpd t og l h pr - abou t tbe du ol. I S hlrl p),. mea nwh ile. had ~ ot 8u rn" J ' .1 " .. r l " ...;: , I" 1' :111' )' wa nt t o 8ny th at wbat ev er la y behlnu 11 111 0 bp ~ l do hf'r 1110t.h .. r ·" l1ed. It';\n !t,!-\ ~~~~~: .,It f, • • I "I 1_' " 'I':":"~ :·'l.:. \il::~~ ;1';; it. III), rathl'r'H Wh o l e 11I'e was dark l)ned from s whltl" ('hlntz·o;:ove r l" d .. hflir . h pr "',.,. , ', .-' " . ' ,". ~I , ,. 1'"" .\ b)' tha t " ve nt Noll' tblll I ::a Ol put n ll,I {' I), 0111 ), par t iH ll y s llnyed by n'aH ' r~\II~ ' ' l~ ,r~! ,\1" ~ I:, ,\\ Ir lC 'l~'I"~'\ (~',~'::,I,i t wo tl Jld tw o to get h e r , J know lh n t it ~lI rulI('t's . nul\' I\ lI d th pli at oo plnl: to 18 ), Ih h l t h ... 1\ , " r \ ' ,' o \t '..- r n l 1\1\ r , Hn o n wus ~hf-l C3t1I:5P of h is Badn ess " llP r ),01ln l; (' h,..,.I, nc:u ins t tb e d ' ikal l' TIl ' U ! ., I I ,., t :-! '\' , ... rl \ I d ~ r' \r til" "A b , I ('un LJ eUe ve tbu... " ~be re n!'!\! III il s la.' )' ~Ii·\·v.· or to jtll S~ IH'r 11II n ,) . , ' \f .. I" ! " d,.:. , I n 11"r Y0 11 1h "- 11'" II J I, 11 ','II r 'I\ I~ l l t n ctu e l rm h ('r Il iled . hanrl 101'111g l), lI l/ IIn.1 dowll lis 01111 111 1". Il " ! I 1 II", t,d'IIu' r wnw kI11,"!! "1 thlnk h e hud on ly two Il1lerpst~- no t ing with a n'I'lIrn ' nl pu s~ llln uf tt'll ' \ ' 1\11 11 ' ~1 1, - I' 1 Il\l ,r ~' ,'nu n O\' t:! r g r nwn \\' tf I ~. " ,n tl r, " ' I W r!ll n nd the b utl dm yse lr nud th e co r pora t io n . So you deruess the tran~\lilre ncy uf t lllJ sk in I n~ ' In" "n I/l ''' 'h n.·"le'·lert (''' nrlltlon. sce wb y I'd r at he r av e th a t and be a wIth Its vlol['t 1' l' IIIIIlK nnd tb p s ltarl · 11 . , ' h " Jd,' I II r, ' II1 \l JlIlntt, t he rli/l ee n l l d 011.,1 . 111 . 1"".\ ,,,,,d,,,·.· n ti d" " eM him. lleggar lbe r es t of my natural life. ows be nf'at h th e " los" ,1 eYI'B. ~=lI1 lU a · I' d ' ,' " "'1'" ", '. r io \. rrnm th.· bllt, or n Uut I'm nOl a bf'gga r. IJalllory Court line. 1lI01'1n!; nil sort wo rsled·shod f .~et .10 ,,) t', w ~ " Ii ' !"I him . K nr,w l ng th e ~. ;,.I I; 'l~ !'IS " t I h,' hili '. ~lI lrl,·y ~\lf·'t !"-f t h,. al on e i s worth - I kuo w It n ow-a hun· nboul th !' dim rl1om. Ilt le ngl h hud J"'If' I!- ' 11 fr'l, \ t h, ' \\nllnd on d ~nv€'ft h i s H(,' dre u li ll1Ps whnt I l e tt." wh lspp red. Rh~ l l ', 1. ,\1 1I"r 11I,) l h,-. ,' qr th ~ 'n r,Iotn t stay , "You KO tllh 1 1~1.1. boney. n n ct tht.· laltl'r is, ~ l nll1 '.':Y'Y mo\"('(} tlt "Y ou an'" ::50 utl f'rl :. dlrfl'rt' lif fr o ttl b l'nr l n~ l hllt ft '~ rllil\nl i ~ agnlrl lI \'lng o t \·,' hn t I llll a~ in( ·t1 \'0\.1: " wit h ~1 18' .lllIllt h ti ll s h p ~o tll h 8Ie<' p." 1) rt n t" r y " OUI't , ; 1,, 1I 1l 111 " \u rn s t C' r Ih ,.. I II I I "Y eR. ,go . :' hll'l e),, " snl,1 her motb e r. fln<l time Ihut h ' ~ ( n t h ,'r !t,ft V lrg l rHn on .. COli ( n v c r lO\"~ tl lagi HPd you . , II


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A" ul",I1! ,,,,,I Mnj. 'r Brl. tow a.cte<l DJl hl~ rAtl'H '. AN·9 nds._ _ _ _ CHAPTER <VIII-Continued . " You aTe co ld ," he saId . "I s n't that «own t oo tbln fc 'r this nIght aIr ?" "No . I otton walk h ere till Quite late. LIste n!" . Tbe bIrd sor,g had broken forth IIgaln. to be nnllwered thI s tim e b y a rlval's In a dis tant thick et "My nIg htingale Is In good voice." " I never beard a nI ghtin gal e be fore 1 came to VIrginIa. I wond e r wby It IIlngs only at nll;bt." "'W bat an odd "J ell ! Wb y. It si ngs In tbe daytime. ·to(r." ''Really? But I suppose It escapes noUce In the genera l c horus. Is It a large hlrd ?" "No ; smaller than a thrusll. Only a llttle bigge r tban a robin. [ts nes t Is over there In thnt bedge-a tin y loose cup of drted oak,leaves. lined wltb hair. and the eggs are olive color. How pretty the hedge looks now. all tabgled wIth firefly sparks!" "Doesn't Il! Uncle J etreroon calls tbem ·lIgbtnlng·bugo,' " "The nBm e Is mucb more picturesQue. But all the darky say Ings are. 00 you ftnd blm and Aunt Daphne use fulr "He has been a 8·odsend." be snld ferve ntly; "and ber cookIng has taught m e to treat ber wltb passion· ate respect. He's teacblng me now about flowers-It's Burprlsln g bow many kInds be knows. He's a wall,lng berbarlum ." "Come a nti see mIne." sbe said . "Roses aro our specialty- we ha ve to live u p to tb e Rosewood name. But beyond tb e arbors, are beds and beds of oth er flow ers. See-by this bIg tree a re speed·well and delpblnlum . Tbe tree Is a blac k·walnu t . It ·s a dn!sdful tblng to have on e as big a8 that. When YOll want som et hing tb at costa a lot of mon ey you go und look at It and wond e r wh ic h you want most, tbat par':lculnr luxury or tb e tree. I know a !;I rl who had two In ber ya rd onl y a II t lIc bi gger than Ibi s. and s be wen t to Eu ro pe on th e m. But so tar I've a lwa)'s vo te d for th e tree. How does your garden com e o n 7" "Famously. Unde J e rte rso n has s han gbal ed a halt·dozen neRro ga r· den e r s-from where I can't Imaglnea n d he' s ha ving the Um e of bls li fe h cc torln g ove r th e m. li e r e fers to th e up per und lower lerraces as ·up·and· down·stalrs.' ['\'e got s ecds. but It will be a lon g time be fore they fto"·e r ." " Ob . would you like s om e s lips?" abe cried. "Or. be tt er sti li . I can

he sa id, " n ev er ,"

" I mu st be tPrr lbiy o utr f.>." "You are tiO nIaD Y warne ll In one. Wben I II s t e n"d to yo ur harp pla yin g I coul d hardly lJell eve It was t he same )'ou I saw ga llopin g across th e fi e lds tbat mo rning. Kow YOII are a dlrrerent woman rrom hoth o r tb ose." As s he look"d at hi m. be r li ps r.url ed corner·,,' ls?. he r foot s ll ppp,1 011 tbe s hee r ec1 g e of th e turr .. Sh e 8wa)' ed toward him anll he cau ght her . feel· log ror a s hUI'I> Insta nt tbe ad ornbl e n eorneSR o r be r bod y. It rIdge d a ll bl s sk lu wltb n (' r pe plng c1eIJ g ht. Sbe r&('o vere d he r footin g wllh aD e xclama· tlO l •. and turn ed ha ck s ome what abru pt l y to th e \lorch wbe re s be seate(\ he rself on tb e s tell. drawing be r IIlmy skirt nshle to mak e a pl ace ror him. T ber e was a mom ent of sile nce whi ch he broke. "Tbat ex qul Bltc serpnad e YOII wer e playing ! You know tbe words. of couroe. " "Tbey are more lov ely. If possible. than tbe score. 00 you care fo r poetry 1" "Ive IIlwaYB loved It ." be said. "I'v e bee n readIng some lately-a little ol rl· fasbl:m ed book I found at Vamory Cour t. It's 'Luc ll e,' Do you know It?" " Ye s . It's my mother's ravorlte." He dre w It frOID bls pocke t. "S ee. I've got It here. It's mark e d. too." He opened It, to clOSe It lustanUynot. bowev er. before s be bad put out he r band and laid II . lJalm down. on th e page. "Thal ro se! Ob. let me bave It!" "Never!" he pro tes ted. "Look be re . Wb en I put It be tw ee n tbe leaves. I did so at r a ndom. I didn 't see till now that 1 hilI! OPCll CU It at a marked passa ge." " Le t us renl l It. " s he saId. He leaned Rnd b e ld tb e leaf to th e li ght from tb e ,Ioorway and' tbe tw o hend s bent to!;et hPr over th e t ext. A s ound fe ll be bill d th e m and botb turn ed . A s light fi gure. In a sort gray gown with old lace al th e throat. stoou In ' tb e doorw ay be hind them . John Valiant Rllrang to hi s feet. heartl " Ah. S hirl ey. I thou g bt voices. Is tbat you. Chilly 7" "It's not I\lr. Llls l< . motb e r," said Sh irl ey . " It's our new neigbbor. Mr. Valian t." As be be nt over ~h p rrall 'hand . mur· murlng tb e con ve ntion a l wo rds tbat prese nta tions a re hp\l (' I' ool to requIre. Mrs. DandrId ge sn nk Into a deep cll s hlon ed chair. " Won 't you sit ,Iown 7" s he said He noticed that s ho did not look dlre[' t1y at blm, an d that bcl' fnc e was as p[1I1I11 as her haIr. "Tbank you." sai,1 J ohu Valiant. a nu res umed bl s place on I he lowe r ste ll. Sblrl ey. wbo hl\ (\ ogu in s eat ed her· self. s udd e nl y laugh fl rt . a nd polute d to th e book whi ch lay be t ween th em. "Ima g In e what we are doing. deares t! We were re nd Ing 'Lucll e' together." Sb e saw th o ot her w ince. and tb e dee p dar k eyes lift e d, as If und e r com· pul s ion. from tb e book·cove r to Vall· a nt's fac e. He was atartled by Shlr· lpy's cry and the Budden limp uncon· sclous settllng· bac k Into the c usblons of tbe fragile form. CHAPTER XIX.

Shirley, Who Had Again Seated HerBe If. Suddenly Laughed, and Point· ed to the BOOk. Klv e you tbe roscs already rootedMad Charl es and Marechal Ne ll and Cloth of Gold and cabbage and ram' bIe rs. We bal'e geran Iums and fu chSiaS, too. aod the cora l boney· suckle. Tbat's rllfte re ut trom tbe wild one . you know." "You ate too good! It YOll would only advIse me where to aet tbeml But I dare llay you thInk me presum· Ing." S be turned her full taoe to him. "'Presumlnc! ' "iou're punishIng me DO~ for tbe dreadful way I talked to )1'6\1. about Datnory Court- betore I lqae.. wbo 10U were. bb, It . Will un· ~oliablel AIId after tbe aplendld · ...... ' ,,;u had done-I read · about It ~ e..a1N-wlth YO\lr money •





lie WlIR loo kl ull a t a sq uar e. IIU COI1\ · prlll11lHill !; wull ·safe . wllh a round fig ' "r ~ I, )' 1 111'1'01 dls l, or White 11I0lai o n Its fa ct'. l'O'rh"l'a II 1\0"1110' 1' ('11. n.s It R t"l e ol ll ,' 100" lt hpforl' It nlld trk!! Its knob ~(,"i'I(' ")'e 101l"",1 clown . ,[bat IHut ,\Her a 1I101l1l"Ut It turued ea sll ), . Uut I"·,·,, Its t'h(l l l ·,.~ t ('o l'(' rt, Ih a t dl ~ h p l" Ihe r pst, llIte gl{'e l doo r would 1I0t open . ,,1,·" Iall"; I.. II h"rl' Ih .. loir.\" h .. ld p,·r· Ihollgh he t rleli el'pry c0ll1 1Jlnat lo [) !,l'llllli "11 rll \I al . till' w(',,!!e l lurl,c d In , thflt ('IIIIH, Into hlo mlno. "No lise. III 11 1H\.orbrus h nnd th e ra lob lt II nl·d hI.' sa! d lilsl:lI s tf'l\l y. " Oo e IlIl1 s t havf\ his wind rail . Now Ih p II'lIdtl(' 99 II' U>! (\ 1(1 r ig ht 1I11 1111JO" ·d." gUllp. A lle rgollL. g ll " te nln g II' hl ll'. now T bf' u h., lilt •. " his rrett eu fralLl e a n,1 lI\lhl'ld th e rllnall' ay vines, IlIal;t ng 1\ SIllOle Ill s !:rl lll)' hall u s tog f'tll er . "COil sll·ld,,·lIke pat h rl' OIl1 tb u pper t.'r· fOllnd It! " II I' ~ aid with a sbo rt laugh . ra['e to t ho Ink fl. In tb e barn loft Ih e "lI ore I um . n loa nl, rullt. with n il tbla pl,.;,'ons stil i C\unrrc>lI ed ovor th e ir ne ll' outfl t-c lear to th e "pr y flnger .bowls- . ('ol('~ or rr('~h pltl!'. and und er a c lum p hnn dl' d tu nl(' O il Il s tll'e r lray. an d I'm .,r I,)('\l s t tr {'es a' a lillie dlstllllce fr om l1Iud us scat bl'I·IIUS .. I ('a u't ope n tbe lilt' hou sC'. a half·dozen do ll s' cabin s IIra t 10('kl'd thl ll"; I th.d!" Oil 9tllts Btood "'llitlu g th O' honey,slor· H e ran IIp ,, ' nlra li nd uOU Ded a roug h age o f t he hla(' k a nd goltl to "es. cord uro), jacl.,,! " lid 111gb I(>ath e r leg· T he re I\'('re Il PW de ni ze ns. a lso . glngs. " We' ro gol u!; to c limb tb e bill These bad arrll' e,l In a do ze n zInc tOdILY. bUill ." lor Il Ullou lH','d. "anti no tan ks a.nd wil low /lIlmp e rs. 10 t h p. more 1lI0ccll"l n" "I'Co\ allp ly." 111111\7.1" of a s leep), ex press c lerk at tb e In th e lowe r b..I\II . 1I0ll' Pver. h e Bud · ruJl l'oa, 1 s tation : tw o swails now soi led de nl y s tOllllcrl ~ Io ~ k· s tlli. "T he s lIp "r ntAJ<'stl(':t Il), ove r the Illy· pond s o f tb o vaper lhat was In th e /'hlna dor;!" be luk e. al o ng Its grave l rim And a pair exc la im e d. "Whllt a ch ultlp I nm nOI of brolll~.,.co l o r ed ducks wadd le d and to ba ve tlloll gh t of It! ·· Hp fou lld It pree ned , and Its Illacill s urfac e rippl ed in Its pigeonhol e and . kneeling down and broke to tbe s !uggis b tlacks of before lb e sll fe. tr Ied th e numbers goldOsh and the flirtin g Oos or red care fully . fir st ri ght. th en lett : 17Ja panese ('arp. 28-94-0. Tb e he avy door ope ned. Tbe house Itself wore anotber air. "I was ri ght!" he ex ult e d. "It·s the Its look of unke mptness bad largely van lsh pd . Th e loft gray tone of age plate." He d rew It out. pi ece by pIece. re maIn e d. but tbe bl eakness and for- Each was bagged In dark ·red Ca nton lornnessl were go ne ; there wall about flann e l. H e broke th e tOil e of on e baJJ all no w a warm th and g e nial b earIng and ex posed a great s li ve r plt<'her tha t bl n t ed at me llowed bea uty. lire- tarnIsh ed purp le- blue like a rav en'" wlng- tb e n a tea ·se rvl ce. Eac h 1)l eee. I!ght and c beerful volcell wltb ln. Va liant heaved a long sigh of satls· large and small. was mark e d wit h tb e fac tio n I1S he stood In th e s unllgbt gaz· g r ey hound rampan t and the motto lug at r es ults of bls labors. He " And to think." be Ba ld . "that Ill)' burled you was not now tbe flIppant boulevardier grea t·great·grand fath er to wbom money WIUI lbe si ne Qua Don wltb bls own ha nds under tb e s tablell ot exIste nce. He bad learned a so ve r· wben Tarle ton's raid e r s swept tb e val· elgn lesson - one gaIned not througb ley be fore the surrend e r at Yorktown! tbe push and Hght of crowds. but In Onl y walt till Aunt DIlPhne !;et s you tbe simple peace of II countr ysid e, un· polished uP. and on the side board! vexed b y tb e c lamor ot gold nnd tbe You're tb e one tblng tb e place bas complex: )lrobl ems or a com)le tlUve ex· need ed !" • • • • • Istence--tbat be had Inh e rite d a need • With the dog for comrade be tra· of actlvl.ty. of achi e vement tbat h e bad I'ersed tb e gard e n and plunged ac rusll been bo:rn to do. "Cbum.'· b e sal,l, to tb e do g roilin g tb e vall ey helow . humming as h e wenl Tbe place was pathl ess and over on bls back In tbe grass, "w hat do yo u tblnk of It all. anyway?" He grown with )law·paw bushes and sassa· r ea cbed down. se Ized a bind leg and fras. Great trees stood so tblckly whirlin g blm arounr! like a t ee totum. In plac es as to ma ke a twilight and tb e sent 111m flyIng Into tbe busbes. Bunnler B)lots we re masses of pink wbence Ch",m launChed again upon laurel. polson ·lvy. flamIng purple rho· hIm. lik e a catapult. He caught th e dodendron a nd wine-red t en drils of In· wblte s htoul de ra and beld hIm vise-lik e. terbralded brie rs. This was th e for· "Just albout right. e h ? nut walt till est lant! o( whose possibilities he had we get tboee rambl e rs~" tbougbt. In th e beart of the woods he "And to tblnk," be continued. whIm· came upon a great 11mb that had berm IIlcally J'eleasln g blm. "that I might wr enohe d orr by storm. Tbe broker bave gone on . on e of tbe IIttle·neok· 1V00d was of a d ee p rlcb brown, IIbadln t; clam cro wd I've a lw l\)'s trained wIth . to blacle He broke orr bls song. snapat the same old pace. till tb e Ve r· pe d a twig and sm elle d It- Its sbarl' mouth ·c·o cktall·Palm·Beach ca reer got acrId odor was unmistakable. ae sud· a double Ne lson on me and tbe umpIre denly re me mb ered th e walnut tree at: counted me 0 t. At tbls moment I Ros e wood and whnt Shirley bad said : wouldn 't swap tbls old house and land. "I kno w a gIrl who had two In be l' und th e sunsblne and tb a t 'gyarden yard, and sh e we nt to Europe on and Unc' J etre rson aod Aunt Dapb th em ." and t he cblclle ns and tb e birds and He look ell about hi:n; &S far aB be all tb e rest or It. ror a mile of Mil· could see tb e trees rel&l'\i!d. bardy and ' !Ionolrels' Row." pe rfe ct. untoucbed for a geherat\on He we nt Into tb e bous e nnd to the He selec t ed on e of meJluID size and IIbrury. Tbe breeze tbrough tbe wIde· pulllug a creeper. mea sured Its clr· lIung bow·wi ndo w was fluttering tbe cumfe rence anrl gaging tbls m easure papers on tbe desk and th e map on wltb bls ey e, ma de a pencil ed calcula· tbe \Vall was flappIng s id ewise. H p tion on th e back .... f an envelope. went to stral gbten It. and the n saw "Grea t Scott'" b e said j ublln ntly to what be ba d not noticed before-tbat tbe dog; " that would CUt enougb to It covered some thing that had been let wains cot tb e Damory Court libra!')' luto the lilaster. He swung It aside and build twilnty sideboards!" and mad·e an exClamatIon. (TO BI': C ON TI NUED. )


Tried the NumbeMl Carefully. FIrat Right, Then Left: 17-28-84-0, The Heavy Door Opened. " Haven't I any )lrlvll eges at al\? Can't I even faIn t wb en I reel like It. wIthout calling out tbe IIr e- brlgnde~ You 'll paml lc r m e to dea th a nd heaven knows I don't neell it." "You won 't let me t e le phone for Doc· tc r Southnll 7" "Certainl y not!" "And you are sure It was notblng hut. tb e roses?" "Wby. what else should It be?" salll he r motber almost pee vi s hl y. " I must really ba ve the arbors t hlnu ('d out. On he av y nl gb ts It's posLt lv(,! ly ov e rpow e r· Ing. Go along now. and l\'e'lI talk about It tomorrow. I ca n rIng If I want anythIng." In be r room Shirley undr essed tboug htfully. There was bNwee n b er and ber motb er a line teuuous bonol of sympathy aud feeling ~ rare. per· baps. as It was lo vely. RIt'l l'Qu: d not re m embe r wh en the otbe r batj not been a sem l·invallel . and r e I' earlies t childhood reco ll ec tton~ .,. ere punctt!oted with tb e tap of ttle I\1.tle cane . Tonlgbt's s udo e n 1'1d 19p081 110n hn d s hocked and di s turbed he r : 10 faint at a rush of lle rfum e see mpd to sug· gest a growing weakness t ha t was alarmI ng. Tomorrow . sbe tol,] be rse lf, sbe woule! send Rallston wlt.b a wago n· load of th e .r o ses to tbe hospit al a t Chll rlottellvtil e. Sh e s ll pils d o n a pInk s he ll s haded dresslng·gown of Slink y Rllk wltb 8. rIot of nzol f\n~ scatt e re d In tbe weave. and tb en . clragg lng h er chair hefore tb e o pe a window. drew uld e the light c urta In and began to brus h h e r balr. All at o nce h'e r gaze fe ll upon tbf.' floo r . and sh e s brank backwa rd !rom a twIsting lhread·llke thin g whose bright s art'ron·ye llow glowed s barpl y against th e dar lt carpet. She saw In an In· s tant. however, that It WRS nolhlng more dangerous than a fra g ment of love-vine from tho gard e n. whlcb bad c lung to ber skirt. Sbe pic ked up tbe tiny mass of tendrils and wltb a s low smile tossed, It over her right s houlder through tbe window. "If It ta kes root." she saId alouel . "my sweet· beart laves me." She leaned from tbe sill to peer down In to the mIsty gar· den. but could not follow Its tall. Long ago her vIsitor would bave reached Damo!,), .C ourt. Sbe had a vIsIon of him wandering. candle In band . through the empty echoln« rooms. lookIng at the voIceless portraits on tbe walls. thInkIng perhapi of hIs father, of tbe fatal duel of wblc" be bad n eve r known. She liked the way he bael spoken of bls fatberl As she lenned, out of the stillnel~ th er e came to her ear a mellow sound. It was th~ Ntoll of tbe courthouse In tb e village. Sbe counted tbe strokell failing clearly or faintly as the slug· g l ~ h breeze ebbed or swelled. It wu e leven. She drew back. dropped tbe curtaln to s but out the wan glimmer, and In tbe darkneBI! Cnlpt into tbe 110ft .bed 118 If Into a hldlng-plaee. ••••• . ••• A warm lIun and an all' mildly mel· low. A faint gold-shadowod mIst over the valley and a !loft mac haze blend· Ing the rounded 'outllnel of the hili .. Through the shrubhery at Damo!')' Court a; cardin" darted lJJre a ' crtmIon· IIht1ttle, to rock 1m1'1I4ently. from " lee Ing Uoib, ' ~d hen' and tilere Oil ·blulaJi.IVoIT U7, motIolll'" 'fl ' ~teci ·wat... .'h1lN; .• .ha..k~ frcnII

Night. A Qui c ke r bre eze was stirrIng 119 John Vallaot went back along tbe Red Road . H e bad waited In tbe garden at R osewood till Sblrley. aId ed by Em01all ue and with Ra nston's anxious face ho ver ing In tbe bac kground . hav· Ing pe rform ed I hos e gentle omce~ wbl cb a woman' s fa in ti ng sl1el1 r eQuires. had coml~ to r eassu re him and to say good nlgbt . As he tbrew orr hIs coat tn th e bedroom he bad chos e n for Ills own. he felt tbe bard ('orne r of the "Luelle" In th e pock et . a n ll drawin g It 01lt, la id It on tb e ta bl e by (o e h e d~lde . He seem ed to ree l again tbe tin gle of bls cbeek wb e re a cur lin g "trand or h er coppe ry hull' hnd sprun g a gainst It when he r hea" had bent beside Ills own to read tbe mark ed lIues. When be hud undr es sed b e sat an . hour In tbe ('andl e· blaze. a dressing· gowa tbro wn over bls sbould ers. strlv· log to recreate tbat evening call. to remem ber her every word and look and movement. For a breatb her tace would flush suddeLly before him. 14ke a live tblng ; tben It would tade /lnd 'ehade him. thougb be . oh!nC!l1ed hl!! bailit. 011 tile anna of h1a chait in ~e fierce .aW·. tim. ~




0.. ~ tIiiM ............

Throwaway your washboard-it ru,ins your clothes- it gives you a backache to look at it. Use RUB·NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP. No rubbing required. Clothes on the line quickly-fresh, sweet and clean. RUB - NO-MORE

CARBO NAI' TIlA SOAP IIhould be freely



w:tshlQg the fin cst fabric, It docs DO

harm to It ond needs no hot water. CrlTbo Disiofec!a

Naptha Cl e nn.



Carbo Naptha Soap


W8lhin ~

Five Cenu-A ll Grocer'J

The Rub-No·More Co., Ft. Woyne,lnd

pa rts of the Provlncee of W.n1tob.,S ••katch ••aDand Alb.ria, have produced ""on. derful yields of W.....t. O.r.. Buley ""d Flax. Wheat graded Contract to No, 1 Ha nl, We ig hed heavy and ~i.ld'" from 20 '0411 bUlb... peracre; ZZbuehet.w .. about the total.venge. MiII.1I P _ .... rna,. be conaJdered fuJIy .. protlt. able an induatry na grain ralalng. The excellent IIITUIle8 full of nutrition, are the onl,. food required eltber for bed Dr dairy llUf'l)Olee. In 1912, and 8I!1L1n In 1913. at Chlca(fo, Mealtob. carried 011

the Cha",pI_a!oip f"" .... f



ecboola, market. coovenient, climate ex. cellent. For the bomesteader. tbe man wbo wlabes to fa rm exten.lve\y, or the Investor. Canada offera tbe b\ageat op. POrtunityof any place on the COIltlnent. Apply for deacriptjve UterUure ADd reduced railway ratea to Supnint~ent 01


OtWn,~, en'to

W. S, NETHERY Interurban SId •• Columbua, Ohto Canadian Government Agent



PATENTS w .....

&CeI man,W....

IntllOn, D.C. 11oolDo'~

Not Guilty, , Mothe r- Wc ll . l:Iobble, hOlle you were a good lJOY at Mrs. Bond's and . didn't ask for two )llooes or pie. Bobble-No, rn a. I didn't ask ror two )lleces ; I only ns ked If there wasn't I;oln' to be any. A Justifiable Interest. "The 1V0men bave no rlgbt to try and Interfere wltb Whal co ngress doeol wltb Its commltteos," " But. my denr . .you Insist that ~In­ en's prope r place Is to attend to the alfalrs of the house." Her Experlenoe, Etbel-Man )lro)loaes- MarIe-Yes, bu t he needs encou!' aaement.-Boaton EvenIng Transcript.

___~_ _~~~~_~~


was In search IIf. Yel, thank ,.ou. I small whisky as beforu"-London 1'1t· Quarreling before marrtage may be an indloatlon of love. but It does not Experlrnent WII Painful to Tl'agedla n , Bits. IndIcate the same atter the ceremon,.. but I~e Could Not HeBlllIte When KoreBn MarrlageL Art Called Him. MarrIages betwee n widows and "Thanks." lIald the tragedla~ lie" bacbelors are very mucb In favor In ling down biB glass and absent-mind· Korea · becau8e not nearly so much It'll hsrd enougb to keep bollM if edly pocketing my cbange. wblch lay money Is require d from tbe bridegroom perfect bealtb, but a woman wbo II upon tbe bar be tw een us. "Many as In the case of bls !!larrtage wIth n weak, tired aDd 8uffering from ao aching tbanks for your good OI)lnlon. I aI- young gIrl. The Impecu:<llous brtdeblck has a heavy burde n. , . groom Ie scorned by the parel:ta ot til, ways IItudy from Nature-trom Na· Any woman in\thl5 cODdition haa good ture. sir. In my acting you eee re- girl and he Is also unable to pay for cause to suspect kidney trouble, especialthe elaborate we dding ceremonies Hected Nature heree lf." ly if the kidney action seems disordered. "Try thIs cIgar," said an admirer of which must take place. AJ: Df thl~ ;,.. I\Qan'. Kidney Pill, bave cured'thou. Nature , r ever ently . "Now, where did escapes b·, running at! wIth a wldo" II&Dds of Buffering women. II', the beet It l1appens In Korea, as In other COIUI · recommended special .lridnet remedy. you study that exp ressIon of "Intense 8urprille that you ass umed In the lleo- trIes, tbat the ImpecunIous bncbelOl AN INDIANA CASE IB orteu more desIrable from e,er, . ond -act?" potut of view but a mercenary OQl! " Fro m Notur n. s ir: from Nature. To s ecure tbot expression I asked an tn· tban the well to do member of th. ma~ p ersonal frl ond to lend Ille five c:Jmmunlty, Consequently. the widow pounds . H e refu sed. ThIs caueed me has II way of attaching a handsome no surprise. I trIed several more. young bu'sband to berself tbat mlgbt FInally . I struck one who was .'wIl)\nl well be envIed by. the )'oucg girl


Housework Is a Burden

to oblige me. and. as he hande'd me the mo,ney, I studIed In ·the clall Ole Not There for ElCperlment. cxprestllon of my own face. r I . Edith and Flora' were. passlng · tbli t· the". !lUr)lrlse, but It was 1l0~ .Bummer vacation In the country. " . , wantedl. It WBS alloyed with BUltlpIC~.;1 1ou :) now," s';'old Ed!th, "thet. Ion tbsLl the sovereigns might you.n , farmer tried to ~BII , me. ~e . I was tin des)lalr." h.e ba4 , never tdl.ed an,. '.·Well T" saId the other, ;~.... \ . . . ,. . ''Then an Idea atruck dlA' · y~U lolved upon a dellperate, c:ot,araei! 't!i~!I:'''~r1I.¥, .tuned the fin 1/O\lIl41 to ~ th~ 'ae/n cia,.; and. 011 bll!==:!!1.I ,==.~~~=i!;:~=~;i:PII~~ OOUlW1lWloe 1 . " ttie •


10... .











God's Special Mercy and Favor So Free~y Bestowed Meets With Ingratitude.

For Infants and Children.



The Kind You Have ul",,".1 Always Bought

As th a mallt(Jr e nt ered a ce rtain v II· lage he II as me t uy te n m on that were lepe rs. wh o Ilfl t'd up th e ir voIces, bes e eching blm to have me rcy upon /I • • " ....... tt ... ,NlI.... lln .......................... them . T h e l:r vra ye r was ans wered_ • ALCOH O L - J P E R CE NT Tbey we re nil c lean sed and cured A~tlable Prtparalion A! tram th e ir d reud ma illd y. lIut only ~imilaling lite Food and Re~ ula ­ one of th e t e n s how e d gratitude tor ling the Stomachs ilnd Bowl?15 of HE whole tr nd of milItary th e m N C), rece Iv e d. He, wb e n be teacblng, Ils alms and e freali zed th " t h e had been h eal e d, rorts, may be BUUlm e d up turn ed bac k, an d with a loud \'olce In Ul e one word - "tor glorill e d l;od lind ga ve tbanks; but Promotes Diges lion,Cheerful ward ." Tbls Is th e word th e otllerH, wh u we re e qu a ll y be n ent5sand Rest Conla in~ nellh~r or encouragement g Iv en to fltect , d id 1l 0l re turn to g lvu glo ry to Opium,Morphine nor Mmfral th e raw re cruIt wbo, perGod . NOT NAR C OTIC cbance for tb e Ilrs t lime In In tb e 1)la in ll ve word ij of d is ap po intbls life and with n sinkJng Ii+<",. ,.r ()M ~S,4KuU RTaDl ed lov e, th e maH tc r exc lah ns , "W e re heart, mount.a tbe we llA""",,~ S..'/JlixJ'__If • ." dale titood un de r th e command at H. th er e Ilo t I ~ n cle an se d? But wb ere broken, wary sle ed 'thal is to be bis NlNAlU. S"'" arc th e nin e?" R. H. th e crown prInce of Ge rm a ny. "maate r" In more ways than one. Tb e In grati tud E! Is a gri e vou8 dl 6ap",.""",,'11/ • lI nd e r thI s most abl e snd e nthusIastIc accompUabed rider facing the ob6;·r~t..r.., h urs t-mUll th e re gim ent, In which only polntmont to bcn e l'ole nce- ye t It Is a stacles of the race coune, th e squad "~ f"J • CI,,"';'n/ .f'1I~." Pru.slan grays are rIdd e n and which common ex~>c rt ence In li fe . Of all ron sweepIng over the e xercise ground, WJitli'1"'" 'r".,,,. the multitud,e s wb o are s hu wn mercy recruIts In tb e borse -h'reedlng cente rs an unbroken line of glitte ring lance .. at tills province , was e nabl e d to attain nnd spec ial fav or , how fe w give recogA ptrfCCI Remedy for Conslipaand helmet, the buuten galloping JOY nltlon by g rate ful acknowl e d gme nt a rare grade of pe rf ec tion . lion, Sour Stomach.DlarrJ:1Oea, ously across autumnal stubble fields Wh e n all th e clrcumHtances are tak · and than ksgivIng . Tb e Instan ce g Iv e n Worms ,Convulsions, FeverlshIn the track of the bounds, one and all en Into consideration, I think It Is s afe of oln e out at t en being uu grat e ful have the Bame motto . Not long sgo, nt!!!> and Loss OF SLEEP lO say thnt th e Germans d evote more BhoW8 that t he proportion or tb e un Sndeed In our fatbers' tim e , militarY tIm e to tb e breaking at hors es nnd grateful ill ver y great. How great fac Simile S;gn.. lu~ l'1d1ng was a fa.lrly lame alfalr, · Tbe s chooling and handling tb e m than God alone s . ndlng scbool played the cblef part and ~ Leprosy r e prese nts tb e e xtremity of othe r nations, and thal thIs Is specIally (be object.a almed at were a tboroughly calamity thM mal' befall me n . Lepnotabl e In th e army. ocorrect seaL and a perfectly " made" As early as 1888 tbe ros y Is a pllinful, loot.b some and an .borae, No one would bave dared to lance was tbken Into Incurable dis ease by nny nalural PUl borse and rider to tbe hard teals u se ae a general m eaD S known . It s cure bas n e ve r "'p-t.o-dale riding science demands of weapoo tor tb e cu v - been errect ed . e xce pt throu gb superrthl"D' fl would bave bee u looked upon aIry, and It Is a tiure natural a ge n cies. It Is a t yp e of sIn &8 madneas to take the obstacles we t es l of good riding In th e fac t that It Ie h e r cdltary , In· race coolly today _ The much -talk ed-of, tbat each soldie r In fe ctlous, loath some and In c urabl e by much-abused distance rlde- Vl ennaExact Copy of Wrarper. th e rank s Is maste r ordInary m ea ns . Th e sln -s lclt soul, Berlin- was tbe turning polnL Wbatof thIs weapon . In Uke tbe malad y at leprosy. cannot be ever may be sald again lit It, It e rrec· any large asse mbl y cured, exce pt by the dIvin e phy s Ician tually showed what hors e and rid er of equ es trian s tbe of both so ul a nd body. were capable or, a.nd from tbat tim e numbe r of "w.e llInstinctively Turn to God _ eDthuelasm and slrenuous Illbor went .' Wurm y ... tb&t'. 1!r'hl\l' . the mat.l"r at ·~m. St.oma.eb aDd 1 . made " hors es Is apTh e le perls found tb e ms e lves In the hand In band and accomplished great te8\.lo a.l w o rm M. Ne&rl y n il ba.d Uti dlflltemper. Con .Yo u too mucla parent. althou gh rId - e xtr e mity ot ph ys ical pe ril, lind they h_ f (o("o 'e m . L,ouk \1a ll - M e bl\t.l . D o tl" Il b SBac: III to de.~ thJngs, as our U1ustrallons s bow . S hn' " C ure ,,' II I r e- lII on: th " w o rm ... impru v e Lilt! appfI'tl t.e, an Ing Is not practleed called upon God for he lp . All me n at Renewed carl:) WUH del'ote d to tbe t~I~V 'cm tip n ll rOlln~. u, wl Iton 't "ph y tll<' ." A(' ll) on ~1l\ud8 aDd bloo4. so e xte ns ive ly as a tim e 0 1 gr eat c alamity turn Ins tIncFuJI dlrec ttu DK w it b cft c h bvl lle , 611d .,.ohllJy 0.11 drug-gil. l a. breeding of borses In Oermany. The ov e r th e wllter. Ge n- tively to th o s upe rnatural for dell ve rlllast Pt:UJlBlan, well adapted for ca v· _ _ _ __ __ S_i'OliN MEDICAL CO .. C ::..... b .._m _ Is_ta. _ _ _ ___G _ oe_h_e_n_._I_Dd_-_._U_' _S_.A.--= e mily a go od d eal ance_ In t.he hour of great trial .airy uses, provides tb e grelller part of Importa nce Is at- wicked men reCOb'lllze the e xisten ce or tbe remounlti; very hardy, s trong tac he d to sc hool and abilIty of God . Tbe y call upon and enduring, this breed has much at p!' rmlt. All th e otllcers participate un - ridIn g and tbe handling of mo unts; God tor mer~y, though In tbe times of the thoroughbred In It, al1d mak eOj an Direct from Factory 1/ Treated for Insecta de r th e colen e l's le ad, tor It is looke d wblle rIdIng In the formal fas hion at prosperity tb e y have no reverence or Ideal saddle bOnle. \V be n, in tbe reTested & Weighed fnlly Guaranteed /4 UpOII aB part of th e milItary duty, liS tb e school t e nd s also to In s ure th e Ilul- respect for b ls name. cent wars In Southw est Atrlca, tb e Orden (or SOO ' b •. o r m o re. 2 pel' cent o ff'; or ,"ood notl! duf' Sep. II good Bchool tor the young and good mal's pe rte ct obedience In the fi eld . lit 1914 with o ut intrr ~ " \ . C u r l ot p ric eR on appli ca tion . Pd ce. So m"ellme s th e prayers of the un, OermallB Imported varloulf breeds of prac t ise tor th e ir elden, Increasin g f. o~ b. l o." ctory Remit by any fo ~ or eac h.nee. Order by letter, A new ridIng regulatlon for tb e Ger· godly are 8LDswere d . All of tho ten honea for ' field service, awon g tb e m th e IIblllty at all to Ill ee t the ste rn d eor •• nd ror bl n nks. Cnrefulauention to club orden. - - • a good many Argentines, tb e Ellst mauds 01 wur. A great many of th e man army was Issued In 1912 to sup- lepers were, healed , yet only one oC &..J. Pocafty. SU P~t HUUlilcr Twinf: Mill., Mlcbt ".n City. Ind. Pru8slan bad most endurallce a nd was cavlliry reg lme nlti keep a pack of pla nt tbe old one of 1882. This e xcel- th em was 18 good man , How orten Correct, the most serviceable . Mecklenburg, hounds _ In South Oe rmany th e lie of lent book. enle rlng thorougbly Into th e men who In distress cry unto God Ilnd NOT SO MUCHTOBEPITIED "Ab," he slIhl rapturously, as theY Hannover and Holstein produce s trous , th e countr y Dilly pe rmIts at drag matte r, does all'IlY wI t h many anti - are delivered forget or Ig nore the ob\luserul animals of tb e hunter ty po, Ulat hunts, hut In tbe North dee r and e spe- qURte d 'nollons, and giv es more fre e- gatlon of gratitud e. th e deliverance Vlaltlng Englishmen Wasted Sympathy danced, "( teel U8 though I \\ e re glidIng on velvet. " "Y ou are ," s be replied. Tbey go on are oCten 80ld under th e uaDl e ot " lJ)ng- clally wild boar lire counied, th e most dom to th e te a ch e r . To go Into de- Imposed upon tb e m' on Man of MillIons Who Wa. taking a t1 ~hter grip on ber sklrt.lander," althougb tbey hav e n e ver fllvored luca lltles be ing th e Se nn e and tails would carry us t oo tar, Suffice th e ir way, like tbe nin e le pers. and Out for ExerclGe, Ne w York World_ It 10 s ay thaI, Ifllbongh a hI gh s.tanr e turn not to give gl o ry to Ood. been '&cr088 the water. ' Hanover. This lalte r place Is tb e T en were, h eal e d , but on e only gave A.rter purchase by a military com- hom e of the Great MIlitary HIding In- dard of e xc e lle nce Is aime d at In Jllm e s Stillman on ce r ece ive d a J( you lVi ~ h heA II t,i fill, elenr, white mission tbe remounts are s e nt to de - stitute, Bud th e huntIng th e r e has at- Rchool riding and a pe rfectly "made " tbanks_ "Where are th e nine~" The gralll) of Drltl s h finan c ier s In his ImheR, " "e Ilerl Cru •• Hall Blue. At.u pota, In wblcb tbe young hOl"6e s re- tain ed Borne cele brlty _ Almost all cav- bonG Ie reQuired , far more stress Is Qu es tion tea ches Ihat gratitude Is ex- pos ing I' e w York o mce and ent e r- clol I(ood grocers_ Ad v. ma.ln for one year, An anuual comln- alry and man y fi e ld artille ry office rs go now laId on cros s -co untry riding, lump- pecl ed from all, and Is a ll obli gation taln .. d th e mat lun cb eon In th e 1Il e tgent_of about seventeen re mounta througb a course of two yenrs' lus truc- Ing and hunting tbsl.l formerly , Thl' res ting upou all. Th e on e le pe r who ropollt8n club . Afte rwurd he e xc used E ven a gold-h ead e d umbrella b.U from four to five years old Is alloned tion there. There are also special program Is summ e d up In tbe opening showed It 'Was mad e whol e and s ent himself, sayin g that he ha d Importnnt Its ups and downs . to eacb squadron, After eighteen courses for non -commiss ion e d offic ers. words : "To meet th e de mands of war, on his way r ejo icI ng. Gratitude n ever bU 8ln l's5. "nut you rflU use my big months' scboollng tbese are ranged The teaclilng Is most thorough. a nd th e rider mupl ba ve bls hors e und e r ~ail s o f reward . F're nch motor ." be s a Id, pointiu g to a Putnam Fadel " Bs Dyes color maN The one In our narrativ e promptly s ple nd id $15,000 machin e thut s tood good s tban others_ Adv . ID the ranks, but as German borses alms at the highest grade of pe rfec- perfe ct contrbl, and th e horse must be obedi e nt. agile and endurIng," showed hIs gratllud e. As soon as he olltsld e . Th E' Y sccepted his Invitation are, ~ a rUJe, lat~ In developing, tbey tion. Long-distance rldcs form an saw that he h a d been heal e d be a "d s tart ed alT. are not put to any exceptionally hard otber brallch of the military se rvIce. Se re nity com e s arter a man II COD Desert State Church_ turned bac k, and wIth a loud voI ce work before their 'seventh ye ar, At No horselt under eIght years may parA fe w hnurs ultpr th e Hrlt ons we re ple tely salnrated with Indltrerenc6. tbe eDd at threo yeare tbese horses. tlcipate; In no case Is th eir endurance Wbat extensiv e proportions the glorlfled God and gave thllnk s. HIs fi p ... ~ cl l ng down £I hill on the Hud Hon under' the best riders, form tbe "B" to be tried to tbe utmost. tbe condl- leave tho state church Illovement has action was voluntary, and el-e ry e x- I r iver drIve . Sudd enly th ey s pied a _ .. division, that 'Ie looked upon as the tlon of tbe borao at the end ot th e attain e d In Germany were disc losed preSSion of tru e gratlturle mllH sprlug I IJ IHl cyclist toiHng up tbe Inclin e. Ftc pumpIng hard, but makIng Ihow eQuadron of tbe regiment. trlill being one of the chIef points for the first time at th e meetin g of the spoolan eou ll ly from the h ea rt In a was Tbe recruits entel' the regiment In called to account. The great competi - Berlin synod last wee k. Th e mov e- spirit of humIlity. progress. As they nea re d him aile of He fell down o n bls tace Ilt the the Brltlshers eald: late autumn, Their teacblng Is so far tion of th e year Is the " Kalserprels- ment Is supportN\ by fre e tblnkers like "I wond er who that beggar Is?" advanced In spring tbat tbe y are able rlU," for whIch the emperor offers Ernst Haecke l. Prof. Dre ws, and ener- feet of bls healer. gi vlll g blm thanks. "Poor dev i I! " re marked anoth e r . to be Incorporated In the squadron, prizes to each army corps and the rId - getically by the SOCIa l Democratic par· Humbly and Ind e l,end ently of what Wb en they race d P!\Bt him t1lf'Y sa w OJllcers and non-commissioned ottlce ra Ing Institute at Hanover. To aUaln ty. It was stat.ed at th e synod m eet- otbers might do or think, be came ~hat tbe poor d e Vil was th e l r host. Ihare- the arduous task of riding In- Its deftnlte posse s s ion, however, tbe Ing that matters had reached a poInt alone. There we,re te n clean s ed , but "tber., the bead of one of th e greate st of will put you right etnlgtorll, In Marcb the sobool teacb- competitor must wIn the prize twlce_ wb ere even the rel cbstng no longer in a few days. big llractlcally comes to an end with This article would be Incomplete contains a Protestant ma jority, IlS con- were not found any that returned" world banks, In'"w hose costly car th e y They do the "Beslchtlgung," and the regiment wltbout touching on the jumping com- siderably more than half the hnperlal save this one. yet tbe presence or ware rldlng. -Salurday Evelllng Post. their duly th~Il' enjoys tile greater rreedom of petitions and riding tournaments and parliament consIsts ot Roman Catho- olilers would not have made hi1 gratiCureCon the--exorcIS6- ground. As soon IltI tbe are held lu many of tbe larger towns lics, Jews, and Socialist free thinkers, tude less Inde pendently bis own _ Taking Hie Cue_ stipation, who bave renounced all church allegl· YOub8 cavalry ensign has attained tbe tbroughout tile empire, and In which Only Acta Thilt Count. ' A omall street urch In (rom the city , Biliousness, I ndigestion and Sick Headache muoh-dealred grade of lieutenant be Is officers participate freely_ A few years ance, During 1913 a total or 12,731 Had tbe wbol e ten 're turn e d , glorify who was spendIng some tim e in a SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRI<Z. lent ' to olle of the riding schools at ago these were taken In hand by tbe people were Induced to desert the Ing God and giving thanks, with each fresh -a ir cnmp, was th o s ource o f CO(1 Genuine must bear Signature Paderbom or Soltau Cor a year, to be "Kartell fur Rell und Fahrsport," and state evangelical church. and for the It would bave been a voluntary , hum- siderable e nt e rtainme nt to memb e rs 111ttlated Into tbe dlmcult art of hOrSe- the gooo Influence ot thIs organlzatioq, last six yeary the number aggregates ble and Independent e xpression of cf the family at a farm wl, ere he tre: m&.nlhlp. In all regiments tbe omoers whIch Is built up on great lines, ex- more than 50,000 _ gratltude- Some peoplj! manifest ap- qUl'ntly cnlled for milk .and apples, up to the grade of captain participate tends not only to tbe army, but al80 "Whatddye think ahout tbe young preCiation of an aCl of kindn e ss bedunn, the winter In a dally riding lel- to borse' breeding generally In Oe rPractical VIew It. cause they see otbers praising It; s ter, anyhow 1" the farmer aske d bls eon, ' Tbe teaching used to lie In the many_ The competltlone nre open lO During a political campslgn a cer· such a " ph'lt bas no element of grati- wife, one eve ning. majj)r'l hands, but Instructions now (a) horse8 In prIvate possession and taln orator spoke to a great gathering tude In It_ It Is not what otllers do "He's II nIc e little fellow," the wHe ASHOE BOIL. CAPPED al:ow or thiS dlmcult POllt being con, officers' cbal1ger8; (b) horse8 belong- of country people In ail Alabama town. In return ror mercies, but what we repli e d, " but I can't Just mak l3 him HOCK OR BURSITIS ftded to tbe most capable ottlcer, The Ing to the army ridden by non-commI8- He deluged his bearers with a flood do, that counts In our lives . OUl." FOR tirst ,hour Is devoted to tbe ridlna of sluned omcara; (c) horses that are or oratory. He WIl8 Impassioned, he " How mllk e blm out ?" Most Olen, IIlte tbes e ten lepe r ~ , cIII! chargers, the second to horses In' the the property of dealere or of studs _ was Impressive. he waf! grand. The upon ~d tn lime of great physlca; "Every time gral1l~lIlw sneezcs oftlcers'- poaeesslou, wblch m\lst, bow- There are special tournaments for rld- thunderous applause of the crowd told dIstress, p.eallzlng that there Is no ' Isch!' that boy alus luugbs anel yells, ever, be able to satisfy all tbe demands Ing borses, high-schOOl horses, compe- him so. He thrilled with the can· help from any vIsible means, they 'Kn Klbhle.'·"--Judge"ill r~move th~m and ltavc no bl~mi.he .. of military duty, . Every cavalry and t1t1ons In crose-country, record and sclousne ss of hlB powe r over the turn to the In visibl e power tor relief, Redll ce. any I'uff or ... elling, Doell Dot artillery lieutenant Is entitled to a team jumplnll, tests of obedIence and minds of me n. Aud, be ing In Ihl8 'r.jJere is an Innat e belief .In the exIst· blisler or remOI'~ Ihe hair, and horse can be Saved, charger: Wllich after Cour years' serv- usefulness, competitions with special state of mInd, b e stood In tbe mIdst ence nnd ability of God . It mllY not Millie- So you lo\' ed and losl, did wurke,l. 102 a botde delivered, Book 6 K free. ABSORRtNE, JR ., ,Le an, I,,!>"e IInlmen! lee becomes his own property . They reference to the rider's ability. long- of th e IIssemblage, aft e r s peaking, and be recognized until confronted by you? klad. f ur Uo lll. llru l.c •. Old Sotea. Swd li n". V.nco.. are ,chosen from remounts that bave distance rides a'6d - as tbe latest Inno- listened to the comllle n~s of th e au<ll- Rom e grea t affliction or e vil. Many Wlllie-Oh, 00 , Ind eed! She re- Vc!'l" Val ko,!'''.... Alia,. raIn. "lce.l Ifld 12. boI:de been two yearll jn tbe army, In tbe vatl01l4rosll-country riding over. a I ence , " What do you think of hlB have tbls bi,!!lIer at all times, but even turned all my presents! - Town Talk, ., drwnlill or dcU"crcJ . Witt tell mUle If yo u. .. rile. W.F, YOUNG, P. D, F" JIOT... $1., SprlnOneIUI .... riding les80n horae and rider each dlstan'c e of twenty kilometers, points Rpeech?" Rl!ked one old fnrm e r. strok - tb e hardellled sinne r In the hour of thetr share or the scboollng, AI- being given for the way obstacles are Ing 'a flerce-Iooklng military mUiltacbe. dread trial bas awakened In bls BOul Whoop., MAKES SORI ~u.h they do not carry the weapon, taken a.e well as for pace. In many "WeI"" replied another old fellow, 80me response to Its .reator, EYES WELL "Old you ever s ee J\ ugusta 1" ~~ the young ,oftlcen are apeclally trained ways thl) results obtained are really running his fingers through hl~ ample Rut tbere Is a distress greater than "Wbat Augusta!" , - 1D the ' ule or the lance, 10 88 to be excellent; rood horsel and good' rldlng wblskers, "I kInder reckon tbat six th e greatent temporal attllctlon, LeI)"Agusta wind." able in8tructors to tbe aoldlers, Spe- are tbe rule, the teams of non-commls. hours' ra.ln would have done UII a sight rosy In thE! Boul Is far more dreadful " c'l al 'attention la ,de'loted to riding Iioned oftleara coming In tor a fair more good ." tban leprosy In the body. Tbere II no . over' .Obstaclee, "High "choo)" riding share of tbe latter, ------remedy tOJ: It, except wbat bas been od r,aclng are encouraged 88 far a8 The blgh etandard alked from E. .Uy Supplied. provided by the divine physicIan wbo po.itble, and very groot atreaa 18 laid hOrs!lB and riders In the competitions "Pa, the doctor at the hospital Bald heal I'd the ten lepers, ' oD ' cfoIl-country riding and hunting. may be seen In the accompanying Dlus- . that he would have to bave a lot of He Is ever ready and anxious to a1)All reasments practlle the latter III tile traUona of weli-known Oerman llporta- cuticle to cure MamIe's burnll." ply the remedy to all who seek It. !IDCI they IIhow the effect of unnatural IUfferinc--of ....d· .... J.cID. autumn arter' the maneuvers bave men, ~ Special Interest attaches to the "Well, tell him to telephone to tbe ..... dlaIn.... hot fIuIa.. .,... .. low... limIM, . . . . . . . ....... Oh. tbat Ihe eln-slck souls of men C!'.' to an en~, &Jld it II carried on all pictures o~ the Lelb-Hus88r regiment neareat drugglBt for all he wants and mlgbt cry to him as the I.epera did, beuiq~oWD ~_ loU'· &I , th'f! aevere German winters (DeAlb's Head') , whlcb up t:o a recent charge It I~ the bill." Tb_ ."""tom.lDdleat. that NataN n..u belp. o-rworI<,'1n'ODg m"Have mercy upon us!" It Is the way, ilia', lack ot e:ierc\ae. and otb.r ea_ ba.... been too much - ~ and the on.1y way, by which men maJ' CIIl&alde aid mua' be ~ upoo to reatore bealtb aDd.~ , oall:$, and Is ten to nf- be made 'Q,bole. high: Witch hazels may be Keep on Trylnll· nurieriee and tranaplanted We are not m~ant to be good In th.. , ' or the lawn, Tbe Is -very pleas- world, but to try to be, and tan, and keep on tlrytng; and when w~ pl:' a ~:;~;~~::~:j~~~~~l~.m.-J.U! lI\~[)eC~mlber. Tbe Latin cake. to IIELY, "Thank Oedl" and "hea .. DalnUDeillB Vlrwe get eo buifet. to say, "JUBt BO.; weD bit! "-Stevenso!!,


04,.". S....

Bears the Signature of




- -- ---

For Over


Thirty Years








Your Liver Is Clogged Up

~4 Don't Cut Out





Pettit's Eve Salve

LINES IN THE FACE Make Women Look Old



lIe, :~Rort1011 ' ~II .-·!~~~.!=~!=~~=~;~;e~!;~;;~;~~~~E ~

'ihQUld thinking. I ~~ thlilldni lII: &.0 ,..dtna.~~~ _'.





Aid to Geniua.

Walter McClure

Our Idea 18 that there ought to be at least tbree children In every family. 80 that It one or tbem ehould become a _enlua the other two could support



him.-oalveston News.

'CelephollH dllY or ntlbS. lAIn" Valley pbon8 No Distance No 6~l!r.

For a Torpid ther) "1 ha ve Wled <.Jhamberlain ·8 Tablets off Ilnd on for the pael six AutomObile 8ervlCe at ell Tlme8 years whenever my hver showl! signs of being in B dillordered con OHIO • dItton. They hl~ve al ways aoted WA VNESVILLE, quickly and liven me the desired Branm Office. aerveJab..,., O. relief. .. wrIteR Mre. F. H 'I'rubos , I:iprtngvl11e. N. Y. For s,,1e by ail 4eaI8r~.


Dr. Heber M. Dill Osteopathic Physician


21 Broadway

If you h ;J y(~ \Vool fo r sale. call me liP . as I will pay yOll tll(, hi>-: llest cash

price for


..... ........--

It co!>ts more to put on a poor paint than • good one . Use the paint that lasta 10 rJgest.

Dr. J. A. McCoy,






Tuesdays and Friday" from 8 :JU to 12 o'clock Office, corncr Main and High streets Phone NCo). 100

All Kinds

:.: .: .:.:.:.~

Office at residence in' F . U She/" wood's house, Fourth Street.

or ••• 1• •,

InSURlIneE A. R. Chandler Suc~ssor_tol , ~rza.


J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio. ~." ..agAB~~~I~wm.I~"""""""""""••"""""""""""""

Graduate of 'Obi(1 S'al. lJniversi



Over Postoffire.1 Office Phone. 77 _.\JIl ~ HouseaPhone:Cl·3r

.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.•.:. :.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~ :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:-:-:.:.:..-:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:••"••:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: <:


~.i; 2000

Telephone 28




W. <J. Gilmour, sheriff to Shupert real estll.te in Fmnklin township 11 ::: O. MoCabe to A. Pettlorew 2 aor.,s .::: in Franklin township DR. J. W. 'MILLER, t)arah J, Mc<.Jandlesd to BesBie B. Lytle as Trustee a part of In lots No. 131 and 132 in Fran " lin, ••• DENTIST... Henry E. Ltbeoap to Pearl M OIllc:e ' lu Libeoap. his wife, lot No. 7110 in NaClouai Baak Bl~. WaYJlesville, 0/ Franklin, II. . ~ Will Earnhart and wife ~o Jo~epb '" Ely lot NO,. 104 i.n the Maokinllw ad· .. m K • • • HATHAWA .J. dition to Jj rllDkhn. $1. ~ ::: Daniel J. Donllvan to M. J. Mont WnY'.lNville's Leadinp: DeD".,$ gowerv 9 aores of land in Fru.nklin OIBce lD Keye Bldg. MalnBt township, $1. ::: :::. William iii. Unglesby to Cora Lew. is lot No. 16G in i'rILDJtlin, $1. ;.; ~;~ James B. Oilleyet iii to Etta M. .. and C. C. Miller lots l'1o. 9. 10. 11 in . Dilley subdivision to Mason, fl. Funeral Director ~ Stelll1 Conover, administ ratrix to and Embalmer, Burton Etlrnbart 35.25 acres in ~ Clellrcreek towntohip 11475. Waynesville, Ohio. o W. Morrito t o George B. ~npln­ ger 12 :!7aores in Washington town Call answered promptly day or night ship 11 . Both phones in Office and Residence. Allie Cliver et al to W. 1 Song Long distance, No. 14; Home phone lot No. 12 in Pleasant Plain, $1. 14-2r. E. Minge to Nelfw 0 Fox lot Chairs and one Coach furnished free in RFro.nklin township $1. with funerals. <.Jon MoKay to L. '1'. PeterR:Jn B8!it of service guaranteed. 142. 75 8cret! of land in Wayne town ::lhip II. . Thomas U. Weloh to Carrie Shaw. han lot No 2G in Higblawn sub· division to Morrow, $50. C. F er rl~ 1.0 Luther Ferri!! DIl$Ulle$,s .·B 1IJ· et Gilbert al HO aO)'AS of lllnd in Washington townllhlp $700. R. Wilds Gilchril.t to· William s...... tim. ago we oecmed the Carson IInrl wife .1 \l uf an Hore in ~ 1eeaI,_forth.lDdiaDa Silo Lobanon. $1 Co~". We ......efoundmuch . pI...,....ID\nt~lIo1ll'fri.od. New S·t . ..... D~lghbon in the ad...nt.alleoo UI S. ec:ooomi_ profillo ucI ..u..-cI • aIoao of the Walter S. Wilkerson 1111 adminis . trat.or of tbe estate of Borllce B. Wi\ktlraon, deoeased vs Luoiu9 ti . Wilk\!rSOD, Maroy M. Het.tlemyrA, Wulter 8. Wilkerson Ilnd All€'n B. ~ ~bllnAr. For autbority to comp\l'te Every farmer wboowns an IndianaSil() contract. .... :\88 found that it is the best business deal Tbe People's Building & Loun & ,l1e ever made and the greatest pleasnre I.f his fanning experience. It not only Sl1viogs (Jo . v~ . linn", Ilud Charles Fitzgerald . money. Amountolaimed .wda 60"" to the net profits of the dairy ~700 with interest. For the fore !lttd feeding pens but it also saves all the bard, unpleasant work of winter feeding. closure of mortgage and equitable We have an espcciaHy attractive propo- relief. .Iition to make to you now-one that will Alice J . Whitllcle VB. Ueorge oenable yon to get an Indiana Silo in time Whitacre, divorce, extremfl oruelty for next fall's ()()rn crop and to pay for it Bnd au Renee . .l8 It paya you. Let us t ell you about it. John W. Ebri/itht Vl'. W C King, money only. Amount $611)0 with ehas. D. Cook interest. and for equttllble relief. Ohio HarveY8bur&. John K. Spencer, IU! administrator • de bonis non of tbe es'ate of Wil. lillm E. ~oh wartz, dAce[l.lled vs. Oavld .J. EVllns and the Amerloan Bonding Co, ot Baltimore. Mary. THE BOYS' MAGAZINE FREE! lllt:d, /l. oorporation. Money only. Work a I:lpeolalty.






~ ~:;.~:

:: $ .$


f 1*


$ $ $ ~




$ $



l~SILO .~

Whooping Cough "About II. ye~'" ago my three bOYIi hnd w.hooping 'Cough ~nd I found (Jhamberlaio's Cough Remedy the only one thR.t would ·relieve their coughIng and , whooping spells, . J.. oontinned tbls treatment. and " wae' 8urprieed, to find Lh~t.· it . Qored tlie. disease' tn a very alurUime," writes'· 'Mrs: Archie Dalrym,JJle. ,e ..oou...·Uk;: :=

'Ohlo,- Fo~ 'eAle by an·q8l1ers:. ...


Each to I .west Ten


Real Estate Transfers

All klnds of Notary Work. Pension


." .


than with others. . When you think of the cost of paint and painting, remember that onethird is paint and two·thirds labor •


BARNHART, Notary Public


Hanna's Green Seal Paint

Phone 135


Phone 449

Lebanon. Ohio

Paint is liquid money. You spread it over your hOllse and then sun, wind, rain and dust beat upon it in the effort to wenr it out and get at the wood. Bye and bye you have to do it all over again -but less often with

j L.



DOlla~~ t~:8~r:~:u~n;t~:~I~~t~:Ch



the progre8Sive State whose motto is:


week for Ninety Week.



"Under God the People Rule."

OO~~1f~:il~da~~~,~~~~~~\~ each

:::, :::


as per annu~I{~"t~!!ec. 5, 1911



WANTED !j~!.l.



~~~~ ~:l;oe:~:?i~~ ~~i~ thi~ 'i~~~: .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::~:~ :t:: ~.::::, ~ ~.". ~

Stock to be reserved in Treasury for future requirements of the Corporation ... , .. , . . . ... . . . . ......... , . .. .... . 19,361 Bharee

T he Treasury Stock Has a Lien' ~n All C ompany and Its Earnings Until Its

tD~e .Assedts. ofpt~ed/ IV)den


;~~ f' ~

:::. ~


PU RPOSE for which thill stock is being sold are to equip" large factory for the manufacture of ·High GraWe ShOO8 for Men and Women to be sold direct to the consumers from the Company's own stores aud by mall. Factory to be located in St. Lo uis. Mo. . The Corporation owns valuable Secret Pro~e88eS tlf making shoes that have been demonstrated and found to be money • saving. also Trade-Mark that has been in use and before the public since January 7,1897 .. also large mailing list of about . 500.000 names of men bnd women, each a prospective customer, about 1000 new names are being added each week. The shoe business in t. Louis, Mo., is conducted on a basis of TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFIl'S on capitalization. For instance, a concern turning its capital once during the year would make TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFIT, some of the older concerns in St. Louis turn their capital as much as THREE and FOUR times during the year .


Stock Now Seiling At Par, Ten Dollars. Pa. Sh... il0 20 .."0 40 50 60 70 80 90 ]OU

cash cash cash cash cash cash


cash cash cllsh

and and an d and and and and anci a nd Ilnd

SI per week 2 per week a per wee k .. per week 5 per week 6 per week 7 per week 8 per week 9 per week 10 per week

for 90 weeks for 90 weeks f or 90 wee k·s for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks for 90 weeks







• ~:~.::·S .:.




~: :::


••• :::


i :.:

.';'.• .'





~: :::$


will buy ]0 shares will buy I 20 shares WI·11 b ny SO s hares buyj' ''O shares will buy 50 shares will buy ' fl6 shares will buy 70 shnres will buy 180 shares will buy 90 shares will buy IOU shares


~ ~.

1. NO PRIOR LlENS-·No mortgages exist uprm any assets of this Company and none can be created withoutthe consent of THREE ·FIFTHS of the entire stock 2 NO FLOATING DEBT-The proceeds of this i~ue will retire the Company's bills payable. and furnish ample workinJr capital to successfully carry on the business. 3, ESTIMATED EARNINGS-Approximately seven tImes the dividend requirements of t}:iia iasue 4 MANAGEMENT-Will be continued by the present Executive Officers and others who are expertahoe men of many years' experience in the phoe business. .' 5 SINKING FUND-Will be created to retire this issue at the option of the holder at par after FIFTY 1~n, regardl.. of how dividends have been paid. 6. GUARANTEED TOCK-Application will be made in nue course to have this stock guaranteed apinst 1088 to the cxtent of its pwrchase price, by one of the strongest guaranty companies in the business. 7. Application will be made in due course to list this stock on the Boston, New York, Chicago. and Saint Louie stock exchanges. . . 8, THIS STOCK should yiel ll at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividends right along.



::: ~ ::: g .1O.!'o .:. ~

$ ::: :~


:.: . :::



Large Oaks from Small Acorns Crow. T.he Same Rule Applies In Building Large Businesses. Larl[e Businesses from Small Investments Crow. Use Either the Cash or Installment Coupon.


All remittanceS should be made payable to

MONTGOMERY 2628 Locust Street


Makers of "OPt::N EYE BRAND" Shoes . , Saint Louis, Missouri

Installment Payment' Coupon

Cash Payment Coupon Date . .... : .. . . ..... . . . . .. ..... . . . . . . MONTGOMERY SHOE CO. fne., 2628 Locust St .. St. LouiS" Mo., . Enclosed herewith .. .. . '. .'.'.... .\. . .......... , . Dollars in full payment for . . . .. : .... : .,.. : ..... . , . ~ . . ... : . Shares of the TREARURY STOCK of,tJle Montgomery Shoe Co",pany of America Inc. iat Plil~ $10 pe.r shar~~ fu~1 Paid 'an~ ' non·as.:.esaable. ,~; ;..... ' :":-,' ... ~.: i' ~ ,,: ~' ' .• Issue stock in the ~e 01,' ;.:1,' , ; , '. . I. / . : . , '.


-·NAME • . . . . .

c':'.~ . "" .<).~';':-:: .. ;'.;,',';~"'.Z ": f~y. ,. ;i ·

ADDRESS .. . ... .

•••• ;,

. ,.

Date . . .. .... ·. ........ . . ... .... .. . ... ... . MONTGOMERY SHQE CO. Inc•• 2628 Locust St.• St. LOuis. Mo. Encloaed herewith .. , .. " . •.. ... ~ . ............ DoUUs as first payment on. . .. : .. ....... , ... : ...... ~ of ' the.TR1!lA8URY STOCK of the-MuntgOmery Shbe ComPian,.·, . Inc at par $10 per abare, for ."hlch 'I ~ to•. MY the .. ' bal\UlCe ·in nInety, equal Pa,vgteq,..... ,no in~re;.tCbatPI on }':. 4.~feri'ed payipenta,if ·~e ·pj'Omp~"-.cb ;v,_•.< . " . ' .~. ' "'t: r'~' " 'I, "~ ...._. "; it .:)": ~,:-~ .. t ~~ . :',,c,..t -;:,":;" _ : NUB .•..••.-,' .. ... . ... I ' •• ~ .' , . ,••, '_ ••••••••••"••• ' 1" ... ,...; • •'




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mothef1-R Tttib te


""{ou Carry as Large aLine of RUGS as the City Stores"

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.•. L ._

This remark was made by a lady who had ju st been looking at rug s in a nearby city. She was so pleased with the variety oi pa t terns and th e lowness of price that she purchased her rugs here. Not only that but she se llt two of her fri<.;nds who purchased fllg S alit! L'urtains. OUf Rugs pleased these cllstomers, they will please you.

" " ,\'.\'.. ,,1\ .


trulv m ea n~ . :\ lla ti" IIIl\l'L''; hl'r ih i l1('e lllll.{ \\"r";llh C "" \\'IIo; yrll ) wltl , glllIIHel! ia nce , g- r a lilwl, ', at!o rat i,, " and I r.v I'\ IIn <, hu t an UI '":ltura l I IIll l h(~ r pr() tl,,· ti oll. ,'\'er fo r~ak('9 he r ch iirl. Wh ll talltrht W" as a ,..tal l! s hll \V a sll1aH !ip lJn' Y() U Ihl' "r~ I' f ultc!l"In ;:: h ' p, th(' firs t ciatioll of our 1',;1"('111 for he r sacn'd lis ping- won)"! WI" , Illade yuu what ri g- hl ~ whl' 1I 111<' II1 (1tl1t'rs pen~i"n hill y" u arc t od ~l .v "! W h" l oikd, a ll d bceoln e a law . TIl(' hi ~lnry of e iv- slaved, a ll d SkllIlP(' d , and ~,,\ "d III i1i zaliun i!l th e hi s t.orv of the s low !edllca t e YllU'~ Whl) I,,,re II ,, · I, r llilt emalwipa l illn of WOIll;lII W"man 's "f the hllrdem;, who m lld l' LI Ii' ;.;a c·ripros;!re~,; in th e pa~ t hilS trav eled ill lice;;" . an oxcart Tod ay ~ he is trav e lin ~ Are y uu liftill j.{ Ih l' hllrd l;!l1 !lUw"! by leaps ane! I.HlllIHI " TOl lay th e re An' yuu g-uin).{ tll n 'p"y Iter fur a ll is a great awak('lIing- in th e human t hl)s(' yea r,; of love. and toil . anrl mind a nd the lihe r t y und freedol1l s ac riti cc'~ l ~ he r ha ir i.cnlllli ngand e nfranchisP lll e nt of woman s ha ll silv e r-s ll' 'al,('ll , (Illes hl' r step fa lter , b e blll'n of thl ~ int clli g'enc. T he HOllle times d oes !lhe seem ill g ly not II) ~ uppr e!;~i (l '1 uf an Am erican cit izen, hear whllt yo u say , ami if ~ I) ri o yu u bo rn tinder her p r uteL"l ill![ Ilag anrl tak e t ime to tell IlI:!r :-\(I 'h e mu.v al so robbed of he r ri l-rhls . i" :.In lI ulral-rp sh a re in the IJleasu res fl f npw'! I u"k and II libel to "Th e la nd "f t he fr el: ur c you rcpa.v ing, o r, do you think iL and th e hllme of t he brav e ." Th ill mak es no dilrerenre moth e r i ~ grt · is du e to ig noranr(' and [Jrl'judi ee. I tilll{ lIl d a nd no t intc r eRted. All m~n advance;; from th E;! d a r(:;II t!"~ I Til nl' j,; u flee tin~ t h ing young' of wltcl?craft alld sl;lvE;!ry Ill' w,ll IlIU II . }"1I1 1l1 g- wom a n, and y o ur mother place hiS mothf'r a" !lilt lInl y _all i..; s lil}ping- away from yOlt . The r( "!-\ el!Ual. but a s upc rl o r t r, tI\l~ Vall1p l rl'~ U I"I,\\" of ,;tc ppinR' ~ ton C8 a ll th e wav ot society, thE;! 1~(;!bau eht' I" I.he I~' f.rolll ea rt h to H eaven or mo ther ,; , no rant , the fo rel g"lwr, ~ he lIel-rro, and ";01111' o f Y OU I"f; will ~O(J!l ue adrl pd , any wh;> may be gar hen HI mal e n t · ami w he n you ~ tand by that littl e tire . . wi nd(J wl l.'s,; g r a Y,· , I rlll!1 't want . Aryy m a n t.oda)' who. wears th e 111 ' YIJlI to hrin~ fl o wer s of I t'mo rs e, b it t Atg ma of hiS. birth In the. whl l.e hud s uf hop ,-- for if the rt"~ a Spl}t fl o wer upon hi!! lapel would hght If I upon th i:l ear th w~e re a human so ul to ld h e was born of a .bondwoman, ; will ho pe for imm ortal it y it s lit I ask only . of man . to give to . ev e ry I II mother's g- rave. Don't bank he r human being the right they clal m fo r casket with costly and showy wreath ~ . the mselves. . , but ~trew her pat hway today w it h I . ask.of every. mlln. If h e ~oe~<n t th e flow e rs tlf luv in g deed s , cheer y beheve m, the thm~s hiS HagHles fo r, smil es and kindly words, for there is the equality a.nd right and hberty .o f I something" within that tell s YOll ther e all. If Amerl.can men are t oo elm', I is an im mo rtali t y. Your m other'" alro!-ls to desire wom~n to .he CO!1 - passag e t llr<lllg' h the g rav~ h as tammated by appearmg' With the ro bul;!d it uf il'i te rro rs for w hl! l"e ri uald crowd at the pol!s . let them I she goes you may g o al ~o. You f eel purg ~ themselves , thiS lS the da"'11 when you sha ll have b urst this c hry:; . of a ryew shall be no alis call ed lJeath , you shall bloom toRex hne d~wn for virtue . God and gcther as Immortell es in Paradisc, country will demand man to redeem his manhood and his fall by the slim e - - - - - ••- - p.urchase priee his downtrodden Ind 'gesti n? Can't Eat? No Appetite? sister pays. . I I 0 Oh you who wear the white flower A treatmen. of El eotric Bitters t~at. stands for purity and perl?etua. inorelllles your I.Ippetlte; Itops In. tJon of a race and the h0t;te , thmk. digestion; you CI.IO eut everyl.hing . Mother! the most priceless Jewel A real spring tooio tor liver kidney 1)f a world, The joy and sorrow and stomaoh tr on ble", . Cle,wses b~arer. o~ all a,ges. The sweetest :vour whole system aod you feel fine. gift wlthm God s power to man, Eleotrlo Bitters did more for Mr. T . Mother! . D . Peeble's stomaoh troubles than • How sweet the name; to its ma,l!"ic 1110 II medicine he ever t ried. Uet a all nations bow, for it is the founda- \lottIe today . GOo, and '1 00 at your tion upon which all nations are built, Drnllgist. Buoklen's Arnioa S llive Ittis the tower· room to which the for Eozema.


Which W>uld you Rather R1Y? ABill for'Paint now or a Bill rOl: Lotli ' allel ReltmrS Later?


Th e

("() l (l r ~ in th c~e Lill u leu IIh gIl l'le:u thro \lg h t () th e back

2 and 4 yard wide, enamelerl surface, light and dark shades.

95c Up

ANY property ownl'rs feel that painting is an "cxpense" -8 0m eth in~ that they can ~et along without. 8 u t cvcry painted surface necd s renewing, for the same reason thu t 11 person n eeds new clothes-both clothes und paint get shubby. Painting at reguhu III tervals furestalls repairs ; while neglect of painting meims 80TH u repair bill anti a paint bill luter, b ecause the rcpaired work must be painted .

- - - - - L A C E CURTAINS----Will do Il l lll' h toward addj n ~ charm (' \'c r s how lI. Priccs lange fro l1l

and fr eshness t o the home, Our stock this year is by far lhe largest we have - - - . -.-.._- . . - .... -.- - -- -... - . - ... - ... -.. . _ ---.· 65c per Pair to $8.00

20 and 24 North Detroit Street, XENIA, OHIO.


We can .1I0w you IIOme .ery attractive colnr L"Omblnation. and ,he )'OU IIOme advIce about palntlnQ tbllt wlll~robnbly ••• )'911 moDe,. WILL YOU CALL TO SEE US?



~---~------________~~____~J County Court News


:J"''' • •

Ureat enthusiasm ib being silown theoommg Intersoho\astio Atllletio Meet, 80be<luled for the :l2nd of 'Jay . In all par's of the oounty great preparati ons are being made to make thiS t:lecond Annual Meet 11 grand ~ uoc eBS. Tenohers and pupiltl are workin~ tOllether so that on the 22nd tilere will probll.bly be (i Ol'l O people at Harmon Park anx iously uwaiting the program of A thletio events. May-Pole Dances, and F olk gnmeB. A good band will be on band to furnish musio for the occasion .


Aunll P. Willlrlmson vs . B, C. Howell ,I r . , Treasurer. Mr Bowell being u ead, t b e namA of Frank Mill er, Trel1l1urer is BubtltitutoJ and OBu ~e is r e vived . The Mo rrow Nationul Bank VB , il' , M . Conden, defe ndant ordered to pay a[o o nnt due bank . The Morrow N ati onlll Bunk V !I. ,JUlil~ 1::). Cou.len , (lefenul1nt ordered to !Jay awnunt due the bank . Mlugaret L. Cuo ke ve . Edward R, Cooke, e t al. This cnuse is dismls Jed wi thou t rooord . Marriage Licenses

Winte r whe ... t, oonditiou May I, 19 1-1, 9ti; Final estlm&'e of yield, 191:1,35,100,000.,oondition May I, 191-1. 9fl, Meadow8, (for 111LY) oondition lIday

DeWitt· W, L il lI' , druggIst of Whe3100k, Textls to Mit'tl COrll. Gor · rard of Le ban on , Ohio, Re v. La Verne Taylor . David B . Fry , ("rmor of Dpri ngboro,Ohio to Mr ~ . ::;ll1'llh A. Hilove r uf Reel LIO n . Ill' V. Ln Verlle 1'lIylor. Ira G. Uixun , IJ!l\l!lr cO Ulpllny A lU ployee and 1\1i,." Mvrt,lo M,ui e Ott.. iJotil of Fr1lukhu , Ohi o flav . Art,ilnr Coop l' RIJlIse li Couwell . Itlh or or uf 1' leu8· I\nt PlaIn , Ob io to Mil"8 Mu ri A IL ,lI, Bu~l e rvill e , Oili o. H.e\". ,\ . ,J. Kosl ie.

1,1Iil4,t2. Pustures, conditilln MllY 1, 1914,




of the w......

011 her. "Tbere," .he cried," n.left the table Illdisnantlr, ",Oil wet . . clear to r..Un,II"


H. BRITTAIN' Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting. WAYNESVILLE,


\)0. i::lprin~

pl o wing, per cent done Mny 1 HJl4 55 .:; pri'ng l;lnnting, per oent done lIlny 1, 1914,32, l:h~ .v) lon~ of old orop on farms, MIlY 1, l!ll..&, 4G2.0BO . , _ - _--S u('>'crilie for your home paper'l


Shop Next to Sherwood's:Carage Main




C. W. U oglesuy, huriul Mrfl . Katie Srown . In}. A . '1'. RoI· wo rk on rOlld8, ~'rl1l1lrlin to wn pl\ip, $ 1·1. Johnson & Wat,Ron , r ec, )[(1 bO..ik for ole rk , ' I\!. W N. Allen, work on briugps C learoreok I·own. ~ hip '2.J .70. Orf'~onilL 8ritl ge l)o., Uontruct No. ::! IH fI 79tl .iJU. A L ,Jonef',lurube r 191;.40. titute o( Ohi o VB, WBlter BIg,,!!, Justice c t ':'. fee!! FlO, E!ltllt.l.l of Anon H . (hlla l.H'r, Im!tlry to April 16, IUl'l , $7" III quest au Hugh CrtolulOY, o'ro ner ote. foe!! $10.10 .• W , R. l:foel Post, N o. :1:10, G. A. R. MeLllorlal Day "'unel $ Al5. The Welltern l:itltr, sllppli es for

f.p~u ~~:J~a~: :~n~~~~~n;fo~U~rfl~

oommBtoe, $1 en oh . Decker Hotel, meals for jury $4 Herbert RoolID, work on fill u.t oalt Run bridge $ 1 50, Frank St.okes, 1st estimate on Contrao~ ZI7, $250. John IrGns, Contrn ot Ne. 220, 117, Harvey Burnet sewer in Wayne township $10.85, J. K, openeer, lumber for conn tv $208.86. O. A, Jame!. repairing ohairs etc $13.50 , Os ....ald and Son, burial of John Linder $75. Lebanon Ice & Coal Uo., ooal $39 .62, iee la.60. Citizens Ifational Bank, rent for

Ii... Bubeorlb8 for

i Wet Through. A little atrl was playlna .t ~ table with her oup of water. Her ~ took the cup from her and In 10 'olq


Tue amo unts of til o e' " lfl ty 11/, posltorles, tile L" lIJLn on :-.1» 11. )11111 Imd Citize ns NatH)II1I1 IJllu k~ W" J'l' Iludited and nPl'rov('(l It '" Cll flt w l. The fiulm ulal statem ollt H 0 1 1.11 0 AlldttOl and Treasurer showi 1110: rllB balanoe uf euoh fnOlI I.IUU IlCCII llUt at the olose or bu:;ine~,.. A pnl ;lO, werA nnd orr1t1rod pllllleu o u file. Bills Allowed


--Co'uld - Hardly C'ia,'m- C-':;dl~ \ MlnIBttl r-"So you've turned over a Dew leaf, Sandy. I was Indeed 111.4 to see you at our prayer maetln, last. nllht." Sandy (vlllage r ep robate)"III that whaur I wla! I dld'nll kell whaur I had been efter I left the pub," -London OpInion.

.. - - ---


l'rea!lurer $Iii. C. P. J lldge $8; Auditor $ 1, 50 , W . C . Gilm ')llr . board ILnel wnshing for prisonon; on keeps down the high mllintenance cost tbat always results from paint-neglect. It is pre-eminently "the paint tbat lasts." It Is aiso most economical in first cost, becuuse It covers the lar~est surface. Treat your house to a new coat of paint. It will be true economy. Don't class the cost with taxes, water rent, plumbInA bUia and other "dead" expenscs; figure it all an Ilssct-an Investment.

SlIunrc yd .

SOc Up

Con'missioners' Prm:ccJ in/.:s





Because T 0 d t.r: d ay'8 will auor

you recreation, insp.'ration, uplift, pleasure and good cheer, besides much helpful and important information on many most vital, timely . t erest'Ing SUb'~ects, T 0 d ay ' s IS . '.simp , 1y wonderfu. 1 and In \

,~ omen everywhere are talking about Today's Magazine, the big, practical, helpful, artistic, handsomely illustrated and indispensable fashion, fancy work, housekeepers and mother's guide,

Today's Magazine is now a real necee6ity to every woman who has at heart the health, welfare, progress and hllppiness of her,family. i . T d ' Magazine at 50 ceota per _ . I" _ ___ ,.,.... . 1:. ' 0 ay s ... ~., ' 11 - -~ ""f '~ . • f ;year, including any May Manto~ Pattern ]~or latest styles, for .delightful stories, 'free is an unequalled bargain and the best for money-saving and labor-saving ideas inv~tment a'ny woman can make. Sub1r 'M .. th ..J oday s agazIDe,ls now. e recogDlz- ~r. scribe now--every number you .miu it a f~d head.qu _arters.r . genuine you,




Send your order, accompanied by the cash, to



Wayoeaville, ,". .




\be ·!rl1.uni, Gaze~ I"'-"!'---cii";;".,i;,.,---!"""!",-~~~~+~o:-~,,,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '



The Miami

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\\'orkm en In de m Oli shin g an a n rlP!!t bouse tlttuat e d In tb e Ru e d o Slra!;bourg. opposIte t h e o ld 1I1 0nt de PI <!t e at N antes. bav e mode n n Inte r es ti n g plscovery wbl cb Is Jlk C' l y to ollr:let consld eraul e alt en l lo n . sl n('e tb e tlnd !Was at on ce di spersed b y t he m en It hlnslsted or a Ilum be r uf golu n llLl sl l /Ver coin B of <l Ufl!r<!lI t (' Iloe h s Tile blost Int e r es till g bo r o tb e em g y of AI · !phonso VIII., kin g or Galicia and Ca s!lIle, '\'tho r e ign ed from 1126 to U S8. 'I'hey bea r On th e excrgu e 8n Insrri\)· tlon In ArabIc In th es e (('rlns. "Tue EmIr or the Catholks I s aided by Allah, nnd Allah prot ec t s th em:' The flnd Is l:l1terestlng In wore ways than (lDe, and it Is likely th at economIc 'Wri ters will not fall t o make use of tll.ese coIns to ahow the trade relations of Nanl eR about tb e period or '!he ' Hundred Yeary War .


A I ,n' .'11 A " ·t!,..!I, l





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Tra,n Kills Eng,neer .

'l'h il; d t y ha:i' bee n 1tUIJd'e the ller. m a n c nt -headquart ers of 1'he Ollio Lit!g'fU' Y 3d.~IJ3.Hto.n, whd{)h 1)l'8IOthoaitly f~~; moon,,\; that (\:101 tIle futurl' oorrventlQns :1'1 I of .~he orgaDlzatlon wIDI h-e held OC'l!'e. :;~ I I ~1 t.9s IJlall.,·. of 1Ih e O. S. (], :is l:ronsI;~ u rer. mild Ml~ Mary E. IJaw n-ey , statu 417 I lI!bTal'y Cl'ganlz61', is ~cre<l:ary .


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Seven H:Jrt in Sled Accldent_

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Since the Price of Eggi ROlle, HewItt-How did ho make hili rol'



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An Uptlcal IIlullon, Mlstuh ' J(nstuB Plnkley Is In trouble." sa id Miss Miami Brown. "Las' ev en In' i saw de teardrop. streamln' down bls face." "Dem warn't teardrops," replied hlsso'l a little splattered up !lllln' hllf MIs8 Cleopatra JackSOll. "He deB got ChrIstmas glt' fountain pen."

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""pl. Jaek- l underslJiDd tbat YOII'r& engaged to one ot tba Dullion twins . How do you distinguish one from the other? Lady K ,l ty-1 don't try

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~lallY have th e Idea tbat anythlnr; .... 1Il sc ll If Blherti seLl s tron!,; en o ll g h This I H a great ml s tul(e . True . 8. t ew Bilies nll ght ue mnde b y ndvo l'l If; Inc; an Rh~ olutely worthlc ss ankle bu t It I s onl y the u, tl c le thlll b bought agul n and agaIn that PItYII. An (' xalllpl o o r the bIg BIl ('Ce SS or a w orth y arl ,cI o I s the enormou s snl8 th a t hnH g ro wl! up ror Cns ca rel e Ca ntly l'~ II !1lrt l e This wond e rful rec> ord I s t Ito I <',lIl t o r ~r ca t m erll suer (, I'~ s fully m a.IH 1: l1 o \\'n thrOllgh 11('rIlbl f' l1t Itrh (' rtl ~ llI h anu t he m outh tom outh f(·(·O:lIlIl C'IItI.l li on gl\'e n CasCa r l' 19 b y It . frl elul 8 u nd u sert,. LIke all ~ rca t su ccesseS. trl da 1'1r atC' s Jlfl'Y 0 11 ,ho Iln ~ lI ~ " ec llng pllbiiC'. by mltrl(('lllIg fal, a lablets slmllsl' In a ppea ran<,e to Css r.urt? ts. Car. sho u ld 1t1\\ ~) B !If' ex erci sed In Pllrcil:.. slng w e! 1 aclrC'rti sed good s . eS D~ "Iall y nn nrtlrle Ihat has a national 8al e l ike Cns r arel s. Do Il.>t allo\\' a ."bs tl tme to be Ilalm . 11 ott on 3' OU .

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Two of 1h e rare dollaN! of 1804 havo b een f o uml It Is am r m<>d that on ly four o r t hese co in s are tn exIstence, nnd Illlrul s lIl.lto l ogl sl a atta ch grent "alue to th em . The l as t ('oln so ld brougbt $:!.OOO. Jlu t or ('o ur ~c It th e) ,ontmue t o lJe f() lInd III th is fa sb loll the dlslo\f'rl e" are li k ely to " lJear " the mark et.


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Prof Carne r r-aY H bl s f emale chlm TJao"LcC ball a \ alrtl e Illoral Me nse. And t.bat Is to o 60rt that som ~ f ol k» 10 hIgh sodetee ha,,"

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Th e III en n''ll t man hus been found i n New Jerse y In a Quarre l wllh his ',\'Ire b e l oo k the rai se l eelh from he. ,mouth and k"pl them. saying be had raid for 1hem Naturall). In COUT! ube mnde n biting charge a g alDl!t hIm

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The defendont In a case before Judge Bnoon, wbo objected to being 'del!eribed as a gentleman, ms}· be dltnmend ed on his refusal, to be Jnb~led wIth 1\ f.erm which evon Sir James Murray Is shy of dClf\nlns, says London Chronicle. Th er e Is tho legal definItion. "all abo\'o the rnnk ot a yeoman," and tbere Is Sir 'William Bla ck s tone's des 'rlptlon o( a gentleman as "ono who can live Idly and without labor." There Is also the bistorlc detlnltlon given by a wItness at tbe trial of Thurtell for the mur-. der ot Mr. W en re as "ono who drives a gig." And tb e cabman probably ex· pressc s tbo a\ erage ovlnlon as to what COllstltutf'S a III an. Il gentleman when he says: . You're a gentleman, IlIr." to th e spendthrift ,,0'110 does oot ask chnn g e f u r hair n .. r o wc on a shilling fal'c .

A \'l·te, tnarum 0 0 L OllI': Isla llu r ~ fused to tnlc c an un ac.G 'h e tl ~ f o r nn n p eralloo b p(' au so h e "h; n{.d 10 wat c h H tbnt I, L' llJ lght g e t sll1 ;; lcal poillts A Illan like this Is JU SI I ho kind not llk<, l y to lu rlle l Def:'dles 8 palo on oth e rs ,

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IlIlIhtcst kidney symplom may be Nature's warnJng or dropsy, diabetes 01' dread ed Bright's diseuse. It you ba va allY kIdn ey lI,m~ tOlD. b egin unlcit Doan ' s Kidney 1'1118 at once, W. P . Miller. Pen dor. Nebr.• BOY S: " I spent over $1,000.00 trying t o g c t w ell, but lOy I1ro was des[l ulred of Tbe 110(, toro the ligaments or Rpart. I b e ~ a n u slu g Doan· .. K i dney l'IIl B Bnd they w e r e tbe Ilrst rem edy thnt h ellJPd me. V\'(' re It n ot ror th ern, 1 wou l d hav e had to give up work." H em emb e r th e numo-D onn's. For sal e b} ftll d eal ors. ~o cente a bo x. F oti ter-Mllburn Co., Butralo, N . Y_

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s ti l i furLher p u shin g t h l' '''I .. artificln l IrrlgaO oo nrC' (· , 10', "" th e Plt ts hurg Oaz l" ' c 111 110 th e pre!ll igo In t hl " 1," p" r l 'II., m ent of bo rn e h llild ll 'K b(' lo l ,!,'


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C om parisons of Twelfth and Thll"" te en t h Cen su s Returns Are Inter. est ,ng-C'tyward Trend 16 E &pecially NotIceable.

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ern lunds IIn.le r <llrC',, 1 ~ov" r n m9lJ t 8U ' Jl (' nl~l o n IN \I nkn "" n Th o work or tDdh-1d 1111 1 uo(1 "orporat o cone c r II" r ILle s t he netll 'l l r~(' I~nll o n of II r : d bul U ia th e \\ (' fi t to nn 1' 00 r n\(\ 1I8 I i' t al Ac re ag ., M os t o t thi s ,," " , k II' . .. ~ell t.<'eot1lpllsh l'd w lLhl n tl ,, ' p.,, \ dec-n cte, whUe eu c-h ) f'lIr th' I 01 1If • foor



IOfficial Figures Furnished By

Ip IhE' ( " r"111 ft .'ounl r y In t h e " nrld III lh~ rl"< I!lIual l on of It s a n d Jand T o tho Illllra,el E'd ern er Ille extl'llt or til,· Irrh;atlo n or W.I'5t ,


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Rector Dropped DO.!d, ~e... Austin W. Mann, 70, of Clev~ land or.. celebrity amang work<!Jlt for doeaf mutes, IIlllmSlter of tlJe Ept'l!Icopal cJhllrob, who 'N&!I ·to bave pre3JOhed Q.t the SchOOl lor'the Deat ~lIn~', tell ~ead at the V"\fon at.aItion·

Without a Cook? Never mind-you caR have a good breakfast if there's a package of

Post Toasties in the house.


delicious food, ready to serve without cooking, is always welcome and makes

Breakfast a Delight "The Memory tin&er." l'08'1'tlV OBBBAL 00" LTD.1IaNl' cr'eelc, Ji(JeL







Caesar's Creek





Sever.1 .steade d sbe Qu.r~rly PUbllm4KlweGldy.~ tbe u .....tte onlce In ~he R.tea of iption. weetln g beld a. Wayne sville Sdur· Alllln BUlltlllll . Ihln Il l .. W~yo""vlll~. Ohio. One Year (o1rlctly inSubscr ouivauce) . ..... . . 81.00 day. tHo!!l" Oopy . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . • .. . . .. .. . .O~ MI88 Lellih Bogan I. muoh im. PrQVed . VALLEY TELEPH ONE-CA LL NO. 112 j Mrs. Luoy Rates of Advert lBinl f'"omptoo lind neloe Reading Loc.... per line .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . 6c Ethel Cbmpt on are a"ondi n" a Tri· OIJOMltled Alii. Dot to exCMd /lYe 110"" . Tau- 1n.ertluD I . • .. ... ...... . 26c enntal eoufere noe of 'he Wome n's D. L. Crane. Editor and Menaa-or, Dll pl.y Ad verttlln& , perlDcb . • .. . .. . .• 10e Forolgn Missio nary Soolo" , ., DI.ICoU!lta " van oa conlracC, Munole, ~diana


No Wondarl '11Ie ttred bUlllnes. m&!l "WU 1011114 In a .tate or eon.pI . 011 tbl .lUll aoor of a downtowo otllce bull4lnc. Keator.Uvell were appl1ecl 11114 he . .t up feebly. " I'm.1l rlcbt oow." he uplaJDe4; "you aee. I WlDtecI to co ~ to our other omce on the tenth DooI'-1 llld-(he re he ...peel for found the elento r-goIq -up'''- Ne... York l!lvenbl . Poet.

Sweet ftower ' if thou would. t speak. not clear. dlsUnct an4 well m04ula ted. what mouag e woold 'It Hurrfed, carele.. habllll of lIf. and a Thou brJnR P what worda wollld 'I' tendency to Irrltabtllty are r..pon· 'lny Inanltn ate lipa " Ilble for tbe barlh tonel of mID1 Pronou noo? Wollld '., aboa Bpa.k volo_ whlcb nature IItted for lOIne- . the 'hougb k! tba' eatel'ecl thlna better than to ,rate OD au -.ra Ioto thy giving! ' or woulds 't 'hou u they do, be dumb . And aUer Daugh , but lInlorln~ ~!!"!!!'!!!!"!!!'!!!!"!!!'!!!!"!!!'!!!!!!!'! !!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!!'!!!!"!!!'!!~~~~!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!'!~!!! Ralph Leamln ll and family en~r· The fragran oe from bear' ahat MAY 13. 1914. brough ' thee to my :-_ _______________________ tained ~unday IIr. and Mrs. J . ti. _., Le lmiDk .nd Howar d Leamln g aud BI~De'um-Or famny of CeoSer . Would '"at thou brea&he a prayer for hel: who .nouril bed Mrs . . ). T. narner baa been on 'he Tbee- For her wbo plooke d theeIlolr 118' .. tbat thee mil(hS II veMIsI 1..00l1e Bnrhm an was ,he t Frida·y. Yay 15. Wayne sville will be bori~red by hl1ving a covem or gu,.' of Mr. and Mrs Stun. of Thy beall&eoa. form, and f.oo, and fragran oe toll of tbe great commo nwealt h of Ohio in her midst. This will be the first Oaywn *he la.' of sh. week . · ·h That Chou ar' pure-t hy oolor, '00, . ' . MIs8 tame an ~r hlStory that a lovern or of the state Ell" Maod Dnl.8 ,ur. of OhJO ever hoaore d the ,tay and 8anday wUh penU. IIlu Reba A at;teeSI towa with bis presea~. IIftl un.taln ed by though t. aDd llheeha n. dtllldl thl' mar The occasion of his visit here is auspici ous in that this townsh ip is Mr. ed Mre, Burhm an had •• And wreck .o maoy hDm.o loale00 tbe eve of a great change ill her school ll}'stem -tbat of consoli dation. 'heil' gneess Saoday IIr .•nd liN. OIDe, of l. . th b White · . 1 k h' h . Thy I..ineo .....ere·JS great opposi. tion b.IO!llOmB droep aB 'ho' in 1111ea' of Dayton . to e c ange. It 00 S to t e rig t'SC!emg ... BY E B ' . b d Ion Ralelo h . Go 'b.OUHb,-= . . !.b server t "ure . ...,· ..,.t It 15 t e proper thlDg . Ol(an.D D to do. vernor COlt, Jt .. hoped, Ai a 'boo looglo , oooe alalo for will exp1sUn these great change s in such a w.y that every voter and ware Xenia .hoppe lll Friday . la.rume r '. ' . _ ••- - evuy tiiembe r of a school board in the t~;tnship will be BreaUI P • fo ftlel ODoe more the 10ft willing to Cbamb erlaln's Unlme nt oareSI! of chaDCe his vi~ws oa this most import ant proPos ition, Tbls prapara 'loD IB iDtende d ... Sirena Iwellt toooh!' to t ••$o again lt i. hoped that every man woman and ' child in Wayne Towns hi peotall y tor rhaum atilm. l ..m. bllor, that looon.e • .r . ' '• P 'pralo'! aod like allmen U. U il. 'l'ha' fell from Heaven s domB-t lQ8. will be out Fnday afterno oD to hear Govern or.. Cox. It as lurely a (reat hovort' _ with people wbo .re well tAtoing 'hee? honor tcthave him in our midst, and an occasio n that every child in aoqllatnS8d wiCb Ite Bplendid qua.. Or ar' thOD lonely for \beee friend. the com~uaity will alway. remem ber wheo he groWl into manho od: I&Ie.. .\Ird. Cllarl " Taooor . Wa 'hl"t emll&d bath. Iod ....ya of it. "I haYe 'ound And b()wed with tbee from l8O'le Ch.m oorlatn '8 Llnlme o' *be bee, zepbYr I Soma,? Shtng for lame baok .Dd aprato . I Me'bID D I l8e a lear reeling UPOb SMALL CHANCE OF HAPPI NESS ,b.t OOuD' 10 Rl'tIa'ly la 'b. aacre• bave e"... ul6d. It worke like a Thy TheD ara thoa sad' or pte. An .fterDo oo·. oaUa•• a 'r.n.. oharm aD,d rellOY8 i.1$ 8 paIn and .ore , . qaU bo. wilh. book a plea.. nt DS88. I&-hu been U88d A peara of joy oomms moraU ve of by o'hera of All or ~ 'be Id .. lilu Wboe; Oioner .Uh. frteud ~"eo a q ..lea mv 'amtly ". well aa mYl8lf for ap. Perpe'l lIll Ufe-fo r thou indeed ey: ; : ' b 00 h.or:: fa~ 0 8geDlnll 'ky or. ftow.r or waula of 'won'y years." 25 aad ~O dOlI'lI v&~ b!a; w fOie aa, w 0e8 Sbe .imnJ. ~orcla of old deoum a...0111 _ ,are ore"er e'lelebi D, oenl boUIIII, For lIc.]e by aU4ea lsn. AUho' DO more Ib.n bird 01' boney II" la.... • _ • ·8Om. ,olden world &0 be no oDe op~ appreo Ie ...8M 'hiDg' bea &Obten d by. l!Ule more .tror' - wbo t. _,waYI lookln l oyer Ta&ae of and drlok tbal Deater from and be· MONE \ ORDER S 'beiD. a UUI. mpN, thy 111'1. e,iIl.lI ltle ,ood IIo'm iiv, .~ j I .' more. .. :.. aDd. ADd Rentle brtl6Z8 with 80n carBM , a., .. ry.., rec..on oy n POitoll no more W~.D io ..1 iI a Doble aDd 00 INIIS .u~. and all 'be wbUe ". are DO&1oe loe offiolals bave receive d from 'he' poet olll·." depart Shall 0001 ,baa ftame of love tba' eeHllb ODe, ,ll.e are ,.opl. to be oarel. . ~f the email ohaDO eofh.p .meDa atWa. hlngto D.bat onand D.led 10-nd~,admlHd even 11 we Ihod pin... and " eU.,. unH,~.rded Joly 1. 191., .11 domeU lo money Thy OhM" . and IUD' son beam. In .w. of ..,.... feel &1a&t the, 'broall h our fiallen I-Yoa tb • Com. aer no orders will be payabl e a' any POlt mOl'e lhallk lsawoalc1 aaorlao .:lD. momen t luob panloo , olllce wUbtn she oontloe ntal Uolted Vet .tm tbou Uveal- Uve8t poor waa. .. w. are, bas •• know 'hro' aU • - • 8&6'88, e:tOlp' Alaska . If p1'8ll8Dted tb" ,bat '_i"'o ald allO MorUloe mem To "I",.va Mud ...1.... for paYlDC ln' wi&bln tblr'y daJ' from Comin s leare- tUl memor y shan eel.ea, If :palJ 'b.y oould 'bereb , Carbonate of ao4a wID remove tha ahe d.\e ql 'he (nnanc e. Tbe money f.d.,,&way-"'.'Wn 'H~ tbey ••rhe for. ADd moat olajjUu te ot u4 at.alu. 8u-. ordera are w be made pa,abl e 0' "_ . _ • &be, h ... 'h.I.~ . ll .. ppla8l .-& bl,h, 011 wl~ '. clo~ or ~e1 4I»pe4 In a deelpa Mel money order oftloe al ...... . eD4arUiWl bappla ......u ahe ChUd Cross? Feverish? Sick? J • at preeeDS j ba' la not require d more ,t lielr Ideal oan ae".r : : ~~~p,..~~ wroq ~ of &bat •I sbey be llree.n ted for paymllnt; A orol88, peevillh. lilUBlI ohlld. be reall... .. ' a n, w tbe oftkle dNigna 'eci wiSh ooated tongue , pale, doean' , 811" Itd~. moob theJ 10M 1 The .oder l tbe preMn ' arr.nle ment .Ilep; uss IOmeti me. very II.... '1aWP of lif. e.m to 'blm U"le. • - • 1D0aey qrdere ·· .re DO' pay"b le.' 'bsn .uaiD raveno usly i OOIIUDoa ,~"eo luatne d plNeor e. Ferr~1 ltomao b How·.1 bla? au, POltqftl.J8 8soep' ,ba&d8lIgD.&ed lOur; br,e&~h feSld; painaio 'beT brgjlla eld. With oooM mp'... 8&omao h, opoo 'be order, aod at • rlllai' 'bi. _i&h dlarrb ea; 8nod. ,"'h ...allnl ....m Doth1n .ioooa pari.on wbUe We oft'er One Bandre d DoU.n ree&rlMioQ bulDm anJ oa •• worked uleep. and .&ara op witb 'error wlSlt .... ODe . . . ., hop, sb., ftml Reward for .DY oaee of ~&&rrb ,h.' ,a b.rdJh lp upon 'be pa,ee. Th..n eD4JI~t. a Worm Killer- eome Uaetr ~ce . . OaDnO' be·oare d by S.ll I ~arrb order _klo llt poeelbl e to oaab ,hioR tbat·up sl. worme . aod a10108& rar ~ to be pltl Jd .re 'he, Care. , . a mone, .'Order .t any mOr)ey order ev.ry ohild ba. tbem. wbo look:to·. . . tot.ortl ilood mer.. F. ~ C.EN~Y A Co. .• ToMdo. o. poatoftlOll... in Unl&ed IS..... Worm laUer il needed . Klokap oo Ge' a box .y for 'h. . .I.... '!'b. world II fall ~:a!'/ fot ~~. y'!~ '::~f ~!~ oper wlJl mee' wl'b popul. r f.vor, today. ~&art.t on08. You ot .....~)eop~ _who are alw.y. him perf~ly boaorable in'aU business WOD" & t. Dod.,.W od 'bill order will hllvo to:o08S ••• . Kiotap oo Worm .anln l.,rlor w. . 10 IIOpae,b'ltl ctlf tnuasac tieu aJICl6DaaclaU,. aWe to carry perm*' U...,I" Sam to fartber oom Killer.i l & oaDdy oonfeo , ....t;lItw .yll 100.(0 , ' for ODe,' out any o\lligatloillllli&de by bis . Ezpel. pa~ wlSli... 'be .espre u oompa niee._ 'b. wonua . lbe oaaee ofllon 'oaob of jbod .'(or&ooe &bat Ihan NATle N'L BANK OF COMMEfirm. yoar RCE _bOle m~ey orderl hne beeo pre 'rouble . 150 at your draut ohUc1·. ...It. tIa~ ou' Ji ,b. Itf• . Sbey are a'• Toledo. O. ferred ~l moaey orden for 1t. . . .~. .. VA tbem .ooh haPpl. 1 ~all'. ~t!,rrb Cure Is lakeD inlerual ly. tbe nuo6 ' they are e ., "I~ never bad betore. &ehn, clireC:tiy .pon tile blood mu· any oftl~ 'oUbe upr... oompa ny .i:lapw no'ilm . qf tbe . eGUi IU~ gf t~. .ystem. 01.· ... · aUl ed A .... t.ainl 'bem. ... real fOOd u." _1Ifl" ~ The, an alw.y. So1fci ~!u~g::: 75 eent. per .....,-:'.:.-:-.- _ . -__. _ - ....._.. • • clteooDMD .1".,. diP.. Si.8e4. ) Take H'all', FamUy Pills f.r coostipa· Keep Bowel Movemeat"Recular They oolt 'lte UsUs plllUaH 8 tIon. A4II wtIl tle' lDerted un4er &ilia bead for ,; I ' \"""t,.·I I" centa tor aline 1DMrU0III, Dr. K1~'. ~w Life Pill. keep wilen u.l~ not more tlaD lin Un., l&omacb..~ l1yer~ .nd Illdo.y . In h .. l&by ~dl&iOD, Rid 'b. body of - - .....~. , • poiloDl.~ wellte. Impro y. your WANT ED oomplextOll by ftOlhln . 'he liver and Illdl!leyl. to l go, more relief from one box of Dr. KIDte'. New Life Pilla OTOl!WYCLE ..llIIman WaDted &baa aD,. m&diotDe I ..... tried," le 1~1 'he Bagle molero yol•. _y. C. ·£ a.'field , of t-'h1clq8, IJI. An exoep\iODal opport unl'1lo ri,b' man. tb"e Triamp b Ao&o Repair 260 , .• a' your DrDI" lt. Co" t-'1notana&l, O. lOt'l"t THE FARM CREED Bubaorlbere 'be MoVall'e ¥H8ziD e. Send 3Go &0 'be We belleve aha' eoU , 11k. to_' Gal'Al"~ ~l)tBoe, ' .nd get one of 'be e. weU .. l.. ownert ,_aael Darb'. _ , maq.z1n88 on ..nh. " 'herefo re, &0 be lIberalJ 7 fed. , 'L We belt••e an larp orope wblob She land beUer 'han 'b,y fODDd I&-ma klall 'be f.rmer aDd I. abe farlD boSh ,lad a' onoe. Atn'U . for: rent. ngh'ta town. We believe In ,0101 to 'he boUom all kinds . ~ For har'be r tnforma UoD ... of thlnp INld, 'berefo re. In deep plowio l .ai 8001llh of U, All 'be rarry COIItk, Wa;rn_ vtJle••blo m2()t beater wtlb •• abloU plow. -l"-- ~ • •~"'• • • _ W .. • • ''''''''''''' '' W. believe Ula' She bel, 1...&tUser fer auy .oil t. a .plri' of tadnak y, FOR SALE eDarp r'" .nd iDMJ1ipaoe, Wltb. _ _~_ _ __ _ _ _ __ JE 00' 'bia, lime .ad IB'P.IUD , boD.. SASH~ ~' . aBd !treeD mana .... m.rl and I(1IaaO WHIT E Iron " ' 8 , tipnDP aDd will be of 11&&le uae. MaUJ'l8U88,2 Wash '&aDela, Walb We believe In rood feD"", good bowIe. pUiOhen oombin atioD Ward· barDI, iood f.rm honaea ll00d IItook robe, ara DiDID' fable. 10 UiBlna lood orobare ll. and obUdre n ...oogb Chain, 11....18 Befrile rator, Cler. to . .ther 'be ira*'. mOD' Wheel Barrow , ..ver. "e believe 10 .. olean kltcbeD, h al fee' of 4li.rden Hoee. Dea'm fe In I&, a Iplnnin g wbeel ,. lin, Lydill PlaU. Ma10 S,.Inquire of lO20 oleaD ooplK-.d, • oleaa dairy aad. SURR EY. bag,y and b.rn.. ....... u .. fD. . ... at,. * UQ oleaD oonlOleno '. quire of aaney Gu'in, Wa,oM W. firmly dl.beUe ve til f.rmer e vl11. Obto. aID that wtll nO' improv e, ia farm. tbat II'Ow poorer every year; tn e.mnR A. I(ood Cow for ..Ie. b.fft Also Agent for Raeine Automobile Tina . oalf .."Ie; In farmen ' boy. suraln l1oto f t by eide. laquire of Lindley alub .nd meraha D" i iu f.rm.n ' II-:1Ddenball, Wayoe !"Ule. Ohio. "a,b an GDwtlUnR '0 work, aDd lO18 Patto n'. Sun-Proof P.ln~ Phone 71·1 ",,&1008 an farmer or wbo e aebame WIN OHI O drlDkd whilty of 'betr na&tl "00 bu. OOI'D', '1'0 IDd-n -.... 1""_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COR _ _......._ _......_ _ _ _".,.; FART HEST hon., people are albame..d of th... d ..., Booby e OlI1siva __ .. __ .lto '1'0 aalDUk m wnsae Jeu.&or. an !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! __ B_en..:~,,!ard - - - - . epriDR.bralle, 30 tao .&eelro Uer. eelf LOO,! ( BEST Coo"" '" For Three Y..... daap eD1ky rate, Deerln . ~tnder. 5".,b' loot 00' with 'ra3k, W~Jl LON QEs t "1 am a lover of ~our Rod", ,, n 88o'wo od ohurD, ta .o~ .hape hamaq l'1 .Dd IOleaoe. You mecl· ~ ready I/or 1188.all Pboue A. . Dr. Ktnll'e New Dieoovery, O. A. Htra",n ; Lel;aoo a, O.No.tl7 ..13 . at a .. m, ooqb of 'bree , . to . 1.~an(h~ IIC." JIDDle , J'Iemln "- J ,. of ' E ~S-lD dLt.D RnnDe r A)QoIt . . . . ' . Obto. yoo aD Poste d on pedigrees and values :' , .for 388 Ceaan lfle r It tt eaubbo tn llary' . Brown . kinds of breed in, stock. ..' . ~ ' to , ~.. ~ ,..I'-,t.... Ge~ j .' te.. _tobin l a' 7150 Jl8l'1et . Dr. Ktq'. Ne... Dta. . ; slQ. ,Bunc I P~mou ~enced in handliDg farm sales ~ . th ~. What li cUd fer Jon.' ~.. Boob. aDd 8. O. WhIte Lit 1906•. , . , '. ' I I ::,~~~:=~,~~wt~ll~'~o for ,-.n,.~~: ~Ol Raue r aDd llaaam o'h ' . Ii .. ohraDIaba ~lD . Daab. 1It8. B. . S. .....,. ' • ,. . ~ OO1IID ' '~



\' ~


Yolea Worth Cultlvatlnll,

Think at leut twice betore ,..18. ,.our votce 0JIC6 If It 18 wen trallUId. and tTY never to utter a word that la


Governor -Cox on SChool Code


Silk Dressel, Chalis Dre aea , Was h Dreales, Chi ldre n'l Dre aes . Silk Suit l, Silk Coa ts in aU the hew colorl, Infa nts' ,We ar. Silk Pett icoa ts, $2.50 ' to $5.00, Kim ono l (Crepe), Houee Drelses, . All- Ove r Lac e Embroideries, Emb roid ered Voile Dre ts Patt ern. , Lac e Flouncings, Measalines, Emb roid ered Cre pe Patt erns , Chi ffon Taf feta , Silk Crepea Wa sh Fab rics , Wh ite Cot ton Cre pe Rat ine, all colorl, Rici Voiles.




Co rs et s



Nemo. Am eric an Lad y, Mad am Lyon, Fro nt Lace, W &isb, Fern Corsets


Coraett, $1.00 up




Gl ov es


AU Leng~1 and Sha des• Silk Nia gara Mu d, Kids in aU good mak.., $1.00 up.

--- '!I- '--- --- --

W. H. MaddeD I Co.

Ca rp et s


Car pet Roo m Rug l, Mat ting ., Linoleuma Win dow Sha des.


,~ I





















Aut omo bile Livery Serv ice at Rea sona ble Ratea.






Co~~: , ,;~Oi:k f i t








&realm.,' .






..' • . • . ' .. ~.

, " · u:s··ISc'· ·~~~ ·'




~ paJI!IIr. ' ''.Pr.~' '''''''~t1.~~~

. . . . . . . . ;. •







~=: ,~:=~~ 0,

N. Sears




Each Year Shows That the Ma· chines Have Achieved an Advance in Popular Favor. Old Fashioned Rolls Do Not Sell as Readily as Neat Packages -Sales Easily Made by Parcel Post - Composition Varies Because of Methods in Making CONTRIBUTE TO JOy OF LIFE Although butter has a good fl U"or ' cn sel n n nd os h. Th e churn gaIn Of That They Will Ever Go Out of Style and texture, IL will no t Ht' ll rt' ad tly overrun Is due to th e wate r, BUlt and or U.e la Beyond Con.lderatlonunless it Is put up in All ntlriH·ti vo , curd Incorporat .. d with the lat. Prominent Manufacturer Tell. prlnL The 0Id·(aBhl oll(,.1 t\\'o and rour· , It varies from on e-s lxt.h to on e-nfth: Reuon. for Optlml.tlc pound rolls or la r g~ prOl'ks of butt er th at Is. each pound of butter·fat s hould Outlook . do not appear AS \\ .. II it S olle-pound ' produce from one and one- s lxt.b prInts wrappp d In parchm ent pape r As ea rl y as 1898, w h en Th .. /l ayneR ]ndlvldual p llrk~ !<"s n re mo re easily Automobil e l'o mpan y WI\8 st ili In Its nlarketed nnd III sOllle C'lISe8 1\ tra d e- ' Infancy, we dec id ed to build fo r th, ' mark or th ~ li llln,· or t he farm wher e follo .... lng ye ar abollt fifty cars. Abo u t the but l ~ r is Illude is d esi rabl e . Tb th e same lIm tl I Ipnrned that anot he r mOllt pro ft t:tlJ ll' ,,'UY 10 market butter firm was ex pec t Ing to build 100 IJln, 111 to .ell it dlrecl to th e c onsum e r . chInes for th e same yea r, and we wo n· de r e d If bo t h companies would se ll th e enUre output of 150 cars, re lates EI· wood Ha Yll es. It was not a Qu es tion In my mlntl wh eth er tb e Am e rican P ople ro ul ll buy th e se m!tcll'ln es , but wh et h l' r or not th ey would bu}' tb e m . To my sur· prise we so ld all WI" could ma ke, anel Unattractive, old-fashioned r,oll. t he public s till clamo re d tor more . th e trem e ndou s pounds to one and one· rUth pound s 01 Not"'lth etsnd lng butter, dependin g upon the compoal- s trlelee whi c h hav e been mad e In tb e Lbn 01 the bulle r and mechan ical busin ess . t hi s eJCpe rl cttce ha ll bee n reas cream spilled, fat le fl peat ed eac h yea r without exception and buttermilk, and bul- e ver Since. The uut omobll e has so esta bli s h ed te r dropped . Th e composit ion of dairy Butter neatl), packed In one-pound butter vari es <Iuite wId e ly becau se of Itse lf In thou sand s or Am e ri ca n h o m fl~ prInt., th e m et h ods of making. [n Ohio lh e re However, when the market Is remote, [s nO fat s tnnd a rd . but In bu tte r It Is one can Bend It by parcel post to a gro- us un lly considered to be 80 pe r cent. cer, who ca.n Bell It to bls customers. For wate r It mus t not be ove r 16 per The composlUon of the average but- cent . W . L . CLEVENG E R. ,ter Is 83 per cent fat, 13.6 per cent Coll ege of Agriculture, Oblo State 'water, 2.6 per cent salt and 1 pe r ceut l Universit y.


timing of th e vnlve! or. the Ignlt1~lD; the nian UrU llL ure r Iwo ws bes t. Treat you r <'ar a s you would a n e X\1enslve wat c h. A lo t or truu ble may b e a void· ed by huvlllg nn expe rt exumln e th e ('ltr abo ll t uuce every t wo month s . Th l' f'(' lin' mnn y II tlie wrongs t hllt may 'I1I1I' l<l y d<'v e lop Into big wron gs It not dl "('uv(>t'ed li nd ch ec ke d . " Ilon't J)l\tronl ze th e c h e nl) m e· (' hnlll ('- hIR wo rk Is usually In k ee pIn~ with hi s pric e . Kee p your car out of th ... hand s of th e s chuolboy I\' ho ofTl'rs to work ' fr ee o f charge . The JTlllnUracturl'r Is always ready to ad , vi"" lind help rou . His reputation Is In you r hnnd. Ilnd don't be too ' much Inc ll " to> c1 10 billme Ih e car whe n th e flr "1 IIt1lt, tro ubl e nri ses. Each m a c hl llP hUR peculiarities of Its own and n o ma tl(' r how px pe rl enc e d yo u may b" In th l' operatl on of moto r ca rs In gP lwnll , It Is <,sse nllal that th e manufa (' tur e r's In"truct lon8 be cnrelully r eud I\nd fo ll owed . "ThE' Id ea t hat ther e Is no particula r CII rP npcessary for tbe euocessful OIH' TlllI o ll o f a ca r. asIde from filling thp tunk s and rad iator Is erroneous. TI1(' rl" Is no mo re careful)y d es igned m{'chnnlsnt It t p. xlot e nce, and as Is uoually th e Cllse with all compll cated mach ines . (' a re ful Inopection and att e nti on to details will prolong Its life a n d In s ure s uccess ful operation to an Imm fl Bsurabl e d egree. "Trl'ILt yo ur car well, lubrIcate It re gularly . Til e reB ult will be e fficient se rvi ce at minimum upke e p. And th e n. wI len th e e me rgency comes, wil e n som e thing does go wrong. don't 'Just lInkpr : Be sys t ematic. Firet tlnd whHe th e t rouble Is : second, det e rmin e what It Is: third, what Is the rl' n-t edy : nnd Inst, how this r e medy may be apllll"d ." t __ _ _

: NEED A REGULATING VALVE Use of Water W ith Gaaollne Mean. a Considerable Saving of Fuel to the Auto Owner.


t GE~MS THRIVE Molds .grow In our rooms II they are damp. Many mllter lals , s uch DS pape r and wood, which do not contain In thllmse lves enough : water to pe r mit growth, will serve as' /ln e soil for mold



j lhe

growlb If th ey a re In I\ n atmos J)h cre damp enough. II th e ai r of a room becomes damp or close, It Is a lmost certain that molds will begI n to grow upon wood, paper and clotb In lhe room. The mustiness 01 a closed room ls due to t he presence of mo lds and j& alwaye an ludlcation of dampn ess, for In dry rooms molds can not grow, nor do dry rooms ev uor smell musty. DIsease germs thriv e best In damp places, so our houses and yards ought to be dry In order to be h ealthful. Some of t h e· causes for dampness In the bouse n nd yord ~ay be : (1) Dampness may be due to the locatlo,n of the house. ' If the fiow , of surface water Is towurd th e hous e, It may cause dampness. It th ere Is a cbolce of tbree belghLB for tb e locallon of a hous e. a blgh, low and medium be lght, the hlghest site Is always tbe safesL Ground . wa ter may cause dampness In the house or yard . Before one chooses th e s it e for building a bouse, he should h ave a good Idea of th e character 'of the soli and rock underlying lbe place . The yo und wate r Is the water that bas filt ere d throu gh th e 1101.1 nntU It bas struok some Imller vl ' ous substance, sucli ~ u rock or c lay . It Is found al differ ent 'Ievels In diffe r· ent places . The height of water In a well .s hows lbe level of the g round water. For building, It Is best to hav e

g round wa te r far from t he s urface of the g rotllld . It the grouml wa te r Is Il eft r th e. surfa ce, t)le cellar aud yard will be daml). ' If ther e Is a choic e of 60ll s for bu ildIn g, a gral'el or sundy s o il Is b es t, as water will Qu ickly fi lte r t h ro ugh a po ro us soli, h e nce s uch u so li dri es out q ui kl y atter a rnln. , Clay hold s mols· lure , nlld wll te r wi ll not pa ss through It QlIlcltly . P,' ople liv in g In a hous e buil t on clay soil of Ien suffer rro m rh e umatlsm bflcause of, the excess ive dampn ess. If th e lIow of tb e s urf ac e \\ u tc r Is toward th e house, or II t be soli Is not porous and coll ects mols tllre , mu ch of ~h e da mpn ess nn d CO Ilseque nt dun ger to healLh may be remov ed by artificial drainage of the soil. (2) It ma ny trees s urround the bou se there Is danger of dampn ess. Leaves hold moisture and the uhade of th e Ireetl s hut out lig ht and kee p th e house from drylng out. (3 ) A ve randa roof ove rshadowing all lhe windows 01 a room shutD out light and clluses dampness. (4) The windows In Il room are som etimes not s uffici ent In numb er or are . not open ed enough to permit the house 10 be dry . , (5) A house Is sometimes damp because th e shades are c:rawn at the s unn y tim e oC day, perhaps to protect tn e furnish I nga from :Ig ht. It has be(>n IIptly asked, "Which shull we hAv e, Caded furnlsblngs or faded lives?" ELIZABETH JEFFERSON, Coll ege of Agriculture, Ohio Stat. Unlv e rs l·y.




]n the the cOl;ldltlons, agrlcul . If you und e rtake to farm more land turally and otherwIse have been such than YOU .can properly care for, the that soli mana'gemen~ has been more 1 weeds will divid e tb e profits wltb you or less loose 9.nd sllpsbod. Much of : and you r s ub~o l l moi st ure will e l'apthe Boll unde r cultiva tion has de· orale fo r lac k of suffic ie n t Cultlvatlon. · creased In lertllity . • Tile m en who --were tilling the soli 'can nol be serl·! Tbe evenIng roll belongs to 4'very ously blamed lor this st.ate of a ff ai r s, bor_se-see. thllt_h~ get s It. because und e r lh e conditions as t he y --,-,-,-,--,,,,-=-~ - -=-,-c= existed It was easy to acquir e n e w a nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . fertile la nd. At present, how e ver, WELL-K EPT L.t.WNS ADD land In Iowa . ..Jll inois . In:llana. and , BEAUTY TO HOME. parts of Oh io Is seiling for $ 100 Lo $2 00 I Open lawns are always th e per acre . Un de r Ihese conditio ns $10 found a t Ion of a ny natu ra l landand $15 IHnd in New York. anrl VIrs ca pe sce ne, large or 8111alL Th e ginia. Is be in g put tind e r c ulth' allon la wll s holl ,d co mpri sE' t h rf'ewith a n aUe ml)t to Improv e It s fe rt il'l fourth s or mure or all tlte ava il. Hy. Thi s Is Ihe log ical work ing-o u' l abl e space. and "Iwa ys (he in te r- : 01 natural co nd lL lons. Th e r e may be lor or centra l port iU ll s. The some Qu e'Ll on a s to wheth e r the tim e plllllting 01 tr ee8 lind 's hrllbs Is he re wh e n the worn -out land of s h ou ld In a ge nf'Ta l way lJ e conVirginia an d New York cll n .. be eeo- 'I fin ed to th e boutltlarles . The nom lcnlly brou ght La a hi g h SLate at! , bui lding wall< s. dr ives, :w d a ll fer tili t y, bllt the re Is no doubt th at : nE'c essn ry feaWres m o re vr less econom ica l co nd it ions d emand tilat a artificial In th ei r nat ur e s ho uld, type of fllrming Is required at l)rese Ut i If possible, be to on e Hi de or tbe • '\I.' h lc h .... 111 maintain or In e r ens,e th e I' gTLunds. It goes wi th out s ayfertility of the so li now under cultivaIng th at the lawn s bould be tion . It t8 not profit a ble to allow soil ~ g rllded In such a way a! to faeilto decrease In fert ility. ILli te its proper care, a nd all the Soil buildin g Implies 8011 d e Btruction . Email Irregularities sh ould be Tbe first ess en tlal system 01 soli bUlld- \ smoothed down and Oiled In, but lng Is for th e man who hand les the It is n ot al ways neces sary nor soli to under!tsnd that his 601 1 Is bee \'e n a dvi sa ble to establish a S trangely enough I • Ing torn down · lome practices wblch rer ull In In- . geometric grade line for the entire grounds. Larger Irregularl. crease d corn yi e lds are m eAns of tearti es may be made to add greatly h lg down t.he soil. Drnl na.g e c rop roto the beauty and naturalness 01 taUon and tillage are a.dmlrabl e practbe plnce. In s mall areas and tices and Increase th e yield of crops, Imm edi ate ly about the bouse the tlut yet It must be true ~ hat tbose Inlawn'should be kapt c~j,ped, but · erensed yields have tak e n out of tbe In la rger places" In tbe ouler· loll aome lhlngs lbat we re necessary porllous of tbe lawn, the'g~ss I tor their production: lbe larger the may be allowed to grow , at ItII crop secnred by agrIcultural practices own w1J\, thus l!a~lng Ia.bor and the more there Is r /lmoved and by thi s adding .to the naturalness. It I. · JDUdI d . the soU lorn down and deto b e remembered lbat tJie lawD . pl\l~4 · ot Ita real fertility. ThIs deshould COV"'! a · compllriltl vely mli.lldt a ' greater effor t to r e place the large area. V. H, DAVIS, Uihlp' removed: apd Ih firet ~tep ·'In College ot Agrlc ture, Ohio OlItl1DlDJ .,.tem- ot soil t~rtltlty to State Univen itJ, be 10110 , ed lidO l'eBllZe whllt and how ... .~."




MORGAN'S MEMORIAL Candle, Weighing 400 Pounds, to Perpetuate Memory. Gigantic Taper Will Be 16 Feet In Height and Will Stand In Vatican at Rome to Be Lighted on All Soul.' Day. New York. -Ju s t 'magln e havIng to use a d errick 26 feet hIgh to dip a cnndl e ! Thill Is ratbe r an unusual performance, to b e Bure , as candles 16 feet tall and weighing 400 pounds are not manuractured e very day. ·The partlcnlar taper In question was recen tly mad e III this city by A. AJello & Bros., and ultlmately Is to stand In th e vatlcan at Rom e , whe r e It will be lighted once a ye ar, on All Souls' day , In m e mory of the late J . PIe rpont Morgan. At lbl s rate It will bave an endurauce of Quite 3,285 years-provided It will be le tt to burn the 12 hours of t.he day . But wby, you will probably ask, dip a candle In tbls al\vanced age? Well, here's a ~hllnce for some enterprising IndIvidual to h elp the candlemaker. becauBe be has not ye t bee n able to dIscover a. m ethod of making pure wax tapers that can come up to tbe old-fasblon e d one of dIpping. Deeswax, unlike para1lln, stearIn, etc., can· not b e cast In a form, for the simple r easo n tbat It BUck8 to the walls of the mold and cannot be gotten out. Therefore the need of the d errick, which was k e pt busy four wl!Bks before the bOdy of tbe Morgan candle had growh to the desIr ed proportions. ThIs lim e e le me nt, bowever, varies wIth the seaBon of th e year. Uuder th e most favorabl e circumstances six· te en dlpplngs can be mad e In a day: but as the Lape r In Qu es tlon wILa "built" In warm we ath er One bour '/u. stead of 30 mln'u tell b ~d to b o allowe d arter eacb low e ring of th e wick Into the Dea r·by vut to give the wax suCiclent time to cool ~nd bard en .

BUSINESS ABOVE ALL THINGS Farmer WillIng to Lot WIfe Sop He, Fill If He Got tho Price for the "Coo," The farm e rs me t In the market. town , a nll tllI' r e was 1\ calCU lating loolt In the eyes of both as lhey faced each oth or. "About that th e re coo ( WIUI 1Illking to you of th e oth e r duy." began Farme r Dobbins : "will you mke tw e lvo pounds fur he r, Geo rge?" "No, no. 01 couldn't part with 'e r for thlU - not by a long chlllk." "But t'other doy you told me you might let 'er go for that." "So me thing's .'appened to the coo, sln oe lb em " "Mercy on UB. George, wbat's th e matte r ? Coo dead 1" "Worse r 'II that," said Geoqr;e. "You s ee, my old mJs8us can't ah cnr to part with t' old coo. It 'ud break' 'e r 'eart ~he ' d sob 'ere e[f Into a fit over It." ' 'well. we ll, I suppose that ends tile business ?" "Well, I'm not 10 sure O· th at. Farm er Hayseed . Look 'ere. Make It tw e lve PUll' t e n, and let . the mls8u s sob." - London Tlt-Dltl!.


ECZEMA ON BACK "NO CHEST PIt;?'8on, N. Dakota.-"The eczema .tarted on my scalp. It finally went on to the back at my neck, tben on to my back, arms and chest. It broke out In pimples finit and then Beemed to run togetber In lIome places, mak· Ing a sore about the 81ze of a dime. At tlmel the Itcblng and burnlnp; were 80 Intense that It seemed unbearable. The more I scratcbed lt the worlle It became, and there 'I'Iould be a sl1«bt dIscharge from It, eapeclally on my scalp, so aa to make my balr matted and sticky close to tbe sl:a1p. The haIr was dry, IIfeles8 and thIn. "'My haIr was fall[ng so terribly that I had begun to despair at ever finding relIet. My clot.blng Irrlla~ed the eruption on my back. Th e ..rtected parta were almost a solid scab. " "I had b een bothered with eczema ·for about a year and a half. Then I began uBlng the Cutlcura Soap ana OIntme nt. I used them dally for ,' two months and 1 was cured ." (Slgnsd) MlslI Mildre d Dennis. Apr. 30, 1913. Cutlcura Soap and OIntmeu't' 1014 throu gbout tbe world . Sample (We'acb free, with 32-p . SkIn Book. ~ddrellil ~Bt. card ':Cutlcura, Dept . 1., BoSton. '-ACsv.

\\'lt h th p t'xltll u8t gns helli e r so me (orm or rt'!,: ul a tln g va lve s ho uld be used and II fe w cross llUrlit\olt8 In the inl e t plJ)e III th e I'olnt wh ere th e h eat is appli e d he l Jl h'lII t th e \!e n ter of th e I column of th e t' ll teri,tlg mi xture. l1asolilie will s tan d abou t eighty-fiv e pounds 'comp res slo n with o ut pre-Ignitio n. Ker osene, ho weve r , will not stand ove r -----~ In 'Control, . • I se venty pounds unl ess a small Qu a nt ity "That man Ins-Is ts on ' 'ii.ttendlnr; hla , or wut e r IR taken Into th e cy lind er own furn ace. " . ," \\' i1h each c harge. T.he c ustom a ry man" Yea. H e used to live In an ·apart· , n ur of d oi ng this . I.e to employ eith er m ent and he took a tip trom tbe janl· a se parat e s mall ('lIrburetor (or th e .tor. It's the onlY , sUre way to be bose I water or " 8mu ll v-ulv e a.t.lllch e d to tqe . of the establls hmen,l ." I r egular cllrbure tor. In a , few eng loes ' j I th e wa ter Is Injec ted directl y Into tb e .. ,'y llnd er . HOW DO YOU G~T Up( , The proportion or water e mployed , \s about one and o ne ·h a lf pints 01 wa· H ea vy 'nnd slugglsb? Try takIng .. te r to eac h ga llon of k erosene. If the couple of Wrlgbt's Indhl.n Vegetable wutcr Is not us ed whe n the motor hilS Elwood Haynes, Builder of America's Pills upon ~olng ~o bed: costa you th e ulluu l "ompress lon employ ed for First Car. nothIng for trial box. 'Send td - S7J gas,?lIne t.he motor 'w ill pre-IgnIte and Pearl street. New 'York. '!Adv. and 60 end eared Itself to t hos e who ts very a pt to burn ' out the connecting use It tbllt it ' will not be glv eri up ex- r od bea rin gs . It Ie not generally known '. • I Perib-nl " "Phe P<\rtlcu, cepting III ce r til in cases wh ere dire that wate r ma y be used to advantage Pompoujl Strangll~iin lne ' a taD. with gaso lin e In Ilbout the sam e pro· neccss lty de mllnds It. pleaBe. " , porllon with consid erab le saving of Not cnly doe s th e owner 01 a mao Careful Clt1zen ':"';;C~b '/'if'< dllrmllll!clllne ta k l' his own family out for fu e l. Indianapolis,. Star . _.... · ·t 'iJ, pl easure driving. but fr eQ ue ntly tak es Preserve Gar Body. Ih e childre n 01 his ne Ig hbors, so tbat Con8tipatlon cn uses nnd 1<er(o\l811 _gra. For tb e particular' man . one of the It Is now ra ther difficult to ' find a boy vote. many d"'~8K~9. It i. thoroughly cured 1lI0st tryin g things III to Hav e th e body by Dr. Pierce', Pellels: Tiny 8upr~ated or girl In th e m ore populous districts. lI ranule8, ,\dv . . ,I'ho hus n e ve r had Il ride In an auto· work of his cllr get shabby . The fol.. lowing mixtur e mak es nn excelle nt mobile. Increase your Insurance to tbe Umtt "Testorer " for tb e bo ,ly 'work : One Th e motor ca r will nO more go out before you begIn fllih tlng the devU pInt of turpen tine, on e pint Of wooel alof s tyl e or alIt of lise than the b eautlwith fire. coJl,ol. one Quart or d IsUlIed or ra in (ul hom e. tho plano. lhe Brussels cart water, on (1 Cluart of keros e ne all. Mix !let. or a hundred otber thIngs that . Red Cro., Ball Blue mnku the laund~ the alcohol ami turpentine togetber, conlrlbute to th e joy of life. It has happy, mnkca c1otb e~ whiter tban mow. then mIx tbe water and kerosene 011 becom e th e ba s is for outdoor life for together. In orde r to de fy tbe old All IIOOd groeenr. Adv. thousands of fllmJ lIes. co ntrIbuting not adage aboul. all and water t;ot mixThere Is nothing ll.ew under the lun only to th e ir e njoy m e nt, but to their Ing, It ds necessary to' plru;e the kero· tomorrow, and that neY.,e r h ealth . pellce of mInd, .and general sene arid water In a gallon jar and comes. well ·be lng, afTordlng, as It ' does. n shake briskly· until tbey mix, then add long wl~hed for pl eas~re and utility, the alcobol and turpentine, wblch which It has o:lly been" poBslble to bav" been previously mIxed, and realiz e within tbe past ten or twelv \l shake the wbole until thoroughJy mix· years . ed. The mIxture Is apt to seJlarate I' Th e Ilutom obll e buyin g seaBO n Is In bft er standing, but can always be full blast. llnd mnny purchasers will brougbt togelher again by brisk shakhe Cllr own e rs lor th e f1r~ t time. H. In g. The mixture shoulll be applled F: . Doty . manag e r of the Hayn es Mo· lo the body worll with tbe soft side tor Car ('a., gives the following llmely of a f1nnn e l cloth and polished wIth a Now Her Own Wot:k. Ildvlce to sllc h own e r s. whi ch should dry one. Lydia E. Pinkham'. ~ b e very h f' lpful Inclpe cl : "On e of th e mos t Important thlng ~ bleCompound Helped Her. New Auto Safely Oevlce. for thl' nutomobill sl to lea rn Is not to Th e municipal authorIties of Paris ·tlnk er.' Th " re Is nu mys te ry concealed ha ve und er consideration un ordinance Inmtoq..O'hio. -" I am enjoying bet- '. und e r th e h onrl of ncar, t h(,re Is noth · making It obllgntory lor all motor cars Candle, 16 ' Feet Tall, Weighing 400 _a-ltJi ,Dow than 1 have tor twelve years, When -I beto ca rry II device by means of wblch Poundl, to Stand In the Vatican ~n gan to take Lydia E. pa sse nge rs In th e InterIor of tbelr car Rome and to Be Llghtec# Once a Pinkham'a Vegetamay stop It Inllt.antly' without the asYear In Memory of J. P: Morgan. ' ble Compound 1 el stance of the chaufTeur. . Such a could not sit up. I me a s ure would pre ve nt accidents slmNow for lhe wIck of thIs uI\u8uai bad female tZ'OIlble. Ilnr to thnt In whi ch th e two children candle wblch tapers from a baBe ODe and was very nerof Isa rlora lJunc:lII m e t their death. and a halt feet In diameter to six "'0U8. I used th. Anoth e r preve ntabl e accIdent Of · tbe Inches at the tip. How to bring about remediea a year aDd Bllme kind was caused In ParIs a. short • unlrorm flame' [rom beginning to end 1 can do my work time ago by a ch&ulJeur lalntlng on his was the problem that faced th&' chand· and tor the lutel~t .. ' box . The proposed device which tbe lers. The wICk needful at the 6-lnch technical committee of t.he prefecture tip would never do for tbe 1 ~.foot mo,'b. ', b~ , of th e Se In e has before It for consId- base, and vIce versa, Why not a tar _~io¥..:..L':-_-~ W 0 r ked far 0 eration 18 saId to be eaBUy applied to perlng wick? In this way the man women, too. 1 eatlnot pra1ae Lydia E.J, . Pinkham's Vegetable CompOund eno This Ie the oldest automobile In ex· any automobile at a c06t of about $10. of the wax and tbe number of l1 bers for 1 ~ 1 Dever w~d have been . . .. ,. • Istence, and I. now on e'x hlbltlon at In the wIck have been so accurately well if 1 b8d DOt taken I t . 1 ncomthe Smlthaonlan Institution, United CareleslneH of Chauffeur, proportioned that. the burning quallty mend it to eulfering womea " States National Museum, Wa.hlngton, If an automobile Is lealed for a will remain conltant. And 88 tor D. C., duly labeled as follow.: Daalrhter Helped Abo. pleasure ride, and the chaulreur mere- dripping or smoking-that's out of the "Gasoline Automobile, built by EI. ly obeys tbe Instruction of the lessee as .. I gave It to ~ daulbter wbm . question. . wood Haynes, In Kokomo, Ind., 1893· to the route to be taken, tbe owner of wu tlih'teeD yeu'a old. She wa ,III The real work. bowever, from tbe Khool and wu a De1'YOI18 wreck, ... 1894_ Successful trIal tf'lp made at a the car Is responsible ror any damage spee!l of alx or aeven "mlle. per hour, which might be caused by the chauf· candle makers' ltandpolnt, dId not ~, eouId DOt Bleep ~ta. . ~ow abe Ioc:Ib July 4th, 1894. Gift of Elwood Haynes, feur's negligence. This la the' decl. gin untll the body was ftDlahed and tbe 10 bealtby u.t 'even tbe doctor ~ ' 1910. 266,135." " Ion of the Supreme Court of Wlscon· artllta took up their task. 'J'hlB In· ' of(t. , Yoa' eupubUahthJaletterlf"'" sIn, In the case of Gerretlon VB. a gao valved tbe palntlJlg of a portrait · ot Ike. "-'-IID. BllNA' BoWIIAN; 161'8. 10th· ..., Ing that should be k e pt secre t from rage company, In which the lessee of Morgan and hi. favorite ftowent- Street, ~ Ohio. the car owner, but th e temptation to the car sued the garage., owner fol.' ,.Amerlcan Beauty ro.el and llliea of why WIll' women' 'tinker' usually become s too great; a damages, because he ' was Injured In the' va11ey-lD oU, and ~e ~od,ellnl and . :f':~:f~~~ delicate adjusting screw 18 turned or an sc.e1de nt caused by the' t!arelea.~esll of a dealgl1 m -relief about the a wire ·18 dlsconneote d and then- of the cbautreur. The court~held that aDd the p'l ctare. . troubl e beginB . In such ;l case the drive",!!!' the lIe~ - "Talk to the repaIrman, study tJfe vant ot- tbe ~ ~rage o~iler;'and n~t .of Instructions, . learn all you can, and th~ lessee 01 the car. .' . -f:fiUUI·~';:'aieli~6.i~r, then wben the emergency comea, you'll be pre pared, But walt for the emergency, Do not tinker, DOil't try , to make adJusimen.t8 ' r'hen the car 15 alreadY tn p.dJustmeot. Don't begin tearlng ' do'wD unttl you bave located lb. troUbl~: bOD't' trY tmP;fon Ql(l.













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fo r ces no w In T o ~n8, loau l n >; nne


thei r eift cl t' nt n e l d\tl ece e,

Among tbe war vessels at Vera Cruz I ~ tbe transport Han cock, wbl ch Is cu rryin g -u g reat s tore of war munl· Uon. for the tleet. The loadIng or thIs vessel a t lh e Nnw Orlea ns doc ks 18 depIcted In IbIs pl!otograpb ,


ThIs scene, ot a tatber, molb e r and sis te rs bidding far e well to th e young bluejack e t, wbo Is about to Ball away tor s ervi ce against tb e MexIcans, Is bein g repeated o ve r and over thes e dnys at e ve ry navy yard .


A detacbment of Huerta's field artillery Is bere shown In action. . Idarable ammunition for theIr modern guns.


Tbese me n are well-drilled and



'\ hiS I ~ C apLall1 Smith or tll e Tw e ntie th Un ite d Stales th e most emclent r eg llllents now on th e ~1exlcan bord er ,

, , Thtl picture of a detachmen.t of fed e ral cavalry was tak en during a parade ot tJ'OOps through tbe streets of MexIco City . at tbe belght of tbe f!;ccltement over the breakIng out of hostlllttes with the UnIted States.


Rear Admira l H enry T , Mayo. In command ot t.he Am erican warships nt Tam pIco, whose de mand thaI Rear Admiral Frank E. Uently II Hue rta salu te the nag precipita t ed In command ot tb e thi rd division or tbe troubl e wlt. h Ihe MexIca n dictator. tbe to;orth Atlantic !leeL ~~



one of








Wavnesville• .ohio Mi~mi Qua r terly Meeting, (White 5,- 9,- '14 Rrick, ) convened at 10 a. m., May 9th and with exception of a social hou l' Hon. Woodrow Wilson. President of at noon when lunch was serv4id, held the United States and Hon . W. J. until abollt 4 p m . Bryan, Sec. of State. Washington, The attendance was good with I D C. a number from a d istance. of Miami Quarterly Meeting Among w hich we re Anna Vaughan~ F riends now in session. bnters into Mary Shute and El bel·t Russell. frllm deer sympathy with you in the grave Ric hmund. Ralph Howell and wi ftl I' PBPonsibili ti e~ no w upo n you in con· EvdYII , SlJringfield; R. M. Roberts nectio n with the Mexican policy of In and wir,! Susan and Dr. I·' arr. South our g overnment. We desire to ex· eha rl eston: S. M. Ua tt in. Esther press uur confidence in your wisdom ]{attin. Martha and Marl{31'et Wa r· and hi g h purpose in the cause of innero Th ll~. !;alv, rl and wifc Elta . t.ernational justice a nu good will. It Mallei Wil son. Selm a ; J I'SSC Wright i~ ou r ea rnest prayf~r that you may and wife J 'lnI C. SlJ rillg buro. be g uid ed a rig h t by Almighty God T h . llIorning sc>'sio ll was abl y ad· in tlw pre~ervation of peace and the drt'ssed bv £1I'l'I'[ Hu ssell who show cd e:lta lJP s hlTl Pltt of lastin~ good will the a ud ieilcl' in a plain ami fo rc efu l l,et w<!en the nations of t his co nt.inent. w ay th e valu e of Olll' liv es [I nd labtll'd Sig-ned on behalf of the Meeting. if directed tu th t' up lift or humanity. Wrn . H. Mendenhall. Clerk. We uwe Home of our energy ancl str eng !h to I he g tlod of thl' ' ,111\· I,elter til S 'na tOl'S Burton and Pom · Iliunity i'l whit-h we live . eroy a nd HOIi. S. D. Ftlss. The ai'tenH)o ,n session was larg"ly Quarterly Meeting of Miami dc\' otl·d ttl t h,' di"cu:,s ion of te m· Frie nds now in session il:! d eeply con· ~ er an ('(' and PC·I\(' ('. Inuch HI n~ss be ing e.; gi\ en the illl minent dang ur of a ~c i ou~ uf the g-rave d anger now I,lc'lI e ra l wa r hl·tw\,cn the lJ . S. und threatPning the peace d t his con ti W.\ Y ~ ES\, I L LE , OHIO l\1exiw. 1I1It! th e dirt· c:alumiti es that nent on accu unt of conditi ons now u btain in ~ in Mexico. W e venture to woul d ftJ lluw I) P E~ EVERY EV'2 NIN<1 (;r eu t fea r wa" f,·lt that the In,ltlole express th e hope that the methods of het wel'n tht' U. !:'. a nd Mex ico had nlt'Jiation and interna t Ional good - -- - - - - - - ---------.-~-------' ai r ·atly rMclll'd ~u" h an acute s tutt! will may prevSlil and that you may thl-lt thtl t'elll'e I.: 1Illlli:'lSion wuuld lind lll eans to strengthen the hauds lind great diflicu lt y ill reac hing- on If our President in his patie nt en · DIO NOT EE CIRC US "'OTHER'S DAY AT CH RC HES a rni c abl~~ sul l! t ion; bn t the prayer deavors in I he cause of international went furth thaL uur adm inis t ration :'id f control a nd good unJ e r~ ' l\nainlZ. Sign ed on behalf of t!"c Meeting . Sunday was mothe r 's day at th e A g rcat ma ny of o ur pcopl.· \\'110 ali t! Uti I' peo ple mi g ht so demean Wm. H. Mendenl l"ll, Gle rk . different churches. I:Ind many muth. w ~nt . t o . Uu~ton Thur~c111Y ttl ~ee t hemoe lvcs al:! to make fo r pcace and Representing a membershi p of e rs we r e attracLed ther bv At all R.IIll<lllllf R c lrc,u~ w~r(> VtH'Y mu ch not war. the churches here th e day' waR ab . <.hsapPolll.ted . fh e elrcus was h e ld The Ipcture in t.he evtlni ng- \Va ~ a more than one thou sand. - - served In differ'en e way ~ at Div ine l up at Knlg~t!lt"wn . l.nd .. by a wr~ck . rich tn·at. and taught us our lessu n RESOLUTIONS worshiD. The churches werl.! well land t he .ma!1l !lhow (.l Id not get Into in establishing "The Ne w F ron t ier .. filled a nd the preurherEl ad:,pted Dayton III time t,o g Ive an afternoon A R. Cha ndle r. their ~ermons to the day. I\perforrnan ce. ::;eve l·a l. staid uver. The silent Reape r hStI again enOne wri ter ba8 beau tifully' wri ttten howeve r. for t h.. evcnmg pe l'forrn· t ered ur ranks ar. d re moved from TOWNS HI P SCHOOL" the following tribute tv the mother ,l al1ce. .. __ - - - . our midst s i!!ter Mary Malinda CorThe Townshi p 3chools' ente r tain · nell who has bee n a faithful member and what b e think8 of the day : SEVERE I-lECTRICAL STORM Mothe r love; n o one has (lver pene· meN is to bc he ld ill the Od d Fellow!! of Farmer's Grange for many years. t rated the depths of that ~oundless '1'he storm of Thurarlay evenin g Ha ll, Waynesvill e. 0 ., Friday , May until ill health prevented her attend· ance . love or accurat el~ described . It i wa~ II severe pne, Wind . rain and 1f, th, at ]() II. The deaU\ of OlIr ,>iste,' b ings to becauEle. of t he dlvlnt' 8park rrn- Ili g htning was predominant for an t he membe rs of thi s Grange 1\ sen ~e pla?ted III he r b080n~ by God. Rlmself. hour. Lightning Rt ru ck the tel e· OAVE PIANO RECITAL of loss and a depth of !;orroW for tiS In no ot\'\(~r o,~ h~s cre~tlOn. An- I phone lines somewhe re on th ... Fran k· other ~as said. Is It pOSSible for us lin road, and put about 30 phones Th e/ pupils of Miss R~th Hartsock which it is dillicult to find word.:! (or to realize what we owe to muther. out of commission. Three trans· g-:Ive a piano r ecital at Sc hool Hall expreSl!ion . Her gentl e quiet sp irit irnpres.~ed hood an~ m~th er love. She ma.y nul fo rmers on the electric lig ht wires Tuesday evenin~. The pupils were .be effUSIve III her words, but ne ither were burned out. also. The wind, all , in good form and showed that one that she knew uf the savillI!' fire, flood, nor loss of heaven or fear however did not do much damage their training unrl e r Miss Hartsock power of Jesus as applied to her own of hell will stay her when she hearil h¥ been ~oorl. Th ere was a large heart and of the certainty of his her child's call." ATIENT ION FARMERS audience present , and. their a ppre· promises And SO, mother love QilOUld be th e . _ _ ._ Thi~ simple trust Imd failh wss ciation was shown by their applauHe. most Bacred and most beautiful sen· I am now prE pared t o recE'ive wool Miss Hartsock was assisted by Mrs. the key to t he beautiful life of use· timent in all the wo rld of thought . eve ry day at the Wayn esville factory. Sadie Gah agan , viol inist. :;"I!lom fulnes!!, which she gave to her family an:l will pay the highest cash price has a violinist appeared before a and friends. , Therefore resolved, that in her we Waynesville Grange will met Sat· fOl' same . It will be to your ad van· Wavn esv ille aud ience that was as urdayevening. tage to see me before you sell. as any more appreciated as Mrs. Ga· lose a valued member and as an order I can g ive yo u best attention in all hag an . She is a master of thE! extend our sincere sympathy to the --ber eaved husband and family. details M . M. Earnhart. violin and her playing is Ruperb. We :-ecomrn ·md that our charter be d raped in memory of her for thirty ST. ft\AR\"'S CHURCH Mrs. Lina Devitt was the g uest of . relatives in Springboro last week. days And that a copy of these resoluHaving sold my farm, 1 will offer . ~ at Publto Auction 3 miles west of Flftb Sunday after Easter May 17. tions be entered in our minute book. EARNHAR1.' REUNION ~&YDellville IInd'l mile "onth ot Sunday. School at 9:30 am .. Less?n, a copy' sent to the bereaved family. Lytle OD the Waynebville and I The Trial of our Lord. Mornmg also to the paper for publication. The Earnhart reunion w'a s held at Franklin pike OD I Prayer and Fermon ut 10:30. Seats EIIJ!. Hisey • free. Everybody welcome. the home of J. M . Earnhart at Leb· Georgia Mendenhall Satprday, May 23, 1914 - - - --anon. There were about 60 present Mary F. Frame incl uding several invited; guests. BegtuDlog at 1 o'olook, the follow BISHOP REESE IN LEBA~ON The day was Dleasaotly spent, and BEST INSTITUTE EVER lug propedy: :l bead hort.!es, 5 oows, .- - 7 pigll, farming Imp1nmouts, houseRt. Rev. T. 1. Reese, bishop·coad. a good program rendered. OfficelS for the en.~ lling year were Editor Gazette: hold goodt'o Bee blJls for terms . jutor of Southern Ohio , pre~ched at Dear Sir-Will you pleRi e announce ,John Hroop Lebanon last Sunday afternoon, to elected as follows: .J M. Earnhart. president; W G. Thompson, vice · that we will have next wintt'-l' thf' C. 'X. Hawke, Anot. ia large congregation. president; Blan ch e Earnhart. secre· b~8t Institute ever held. There will tary; Ernest Earnhart , Nettie Earn · be prizes given for a)) the varied hart and Mrs. E thel Blair, executive contests for boys and girls . m ~\\ and committee women . Most of them will be an · - -'nounced later. Books for gil'ls! Books for boys! The corn conteflts will be for the at J. ~. Jann ys. man or boy raisinp; the bE'st acre of corn. This dues not need to be an acre Fet off for that purpose but any c acre h any field. A prize to the boy under l/years of slte who raises the 'moat-good corn on a plat of ground, 2 rods SQuare THE MOST BEAUTIFUL . We hope to make this prize a pony. We have a J ar uf !leans in ollr FINISH FOR .T HE Boys !tet busy. Any boy or girl in window. To each pe rSO Il makillg a n Wayne, Massie or Washington town· esti male o n the nnm be r will be giveu WALLS OF YOUR HOUSE IUD cou pons. T o each perstJlI m akships are eligible to this con.t est. A Paint-ready to use-easy to applyin g fl purchase "r lit least $ I.UO lit AU' prizes to be distributed durinll giving beautiful tints and colors. the time of handing in the estimate the week of the Institute. willitc given 1000 e"l nl co upons . T o Dr. Elris, President Hal all the 10ft, beautiful, u."ful the pe rson c,slimating nearest will be effeeta thai are 80 popula r today-with Fred Elbon. Secretary 10.00U cOllpun>, secoud 80UO, give n the latest colors io decoralions. --...- - , . . . . third GOIIO. fuurth 'UOU. tifth 200U . May be ased on old or new wall., i{ U L.E:i. All e'limalcs must be If you want a. good Fe ..tilizer call on plaster. concrete, burlap. metal. etc. hant.1cd tu li S in a sealc'd en veto pe by Chas . Frye , phon'll .....!H-L 2-8. ~ lhe pe raun ma ki ng th c eSli ma t e. All Durab1e, •• WASHABLE· - eaail,: Ill llSI be ha nded ill hefore JlIlle ( :il h. cleaned ··oot easily. marred. The I\""sll: r Club l1a llut fI"x will he • LOT OWNERS ANNUAL MEETING

Don't forget that

The Store that Saves you Money

$5.00 in Premium 10.00 in Premium 1200 in Premium 60.00 in Premium 75.00 in Premium 27x80 in.

Special price LA dies' Skirts, Waists, Muslin Underwear ar\d Silk Petticoats. Also, i\1en's and Boys' Suits, Shirts, U nder \vear, · eckwear, Hats and Caps, the finest makes, at extremely low prices.

A few Specials Every · Day in the


14 Quart Granite Dish·pan. first quality, each........................ 10 Quart XC Tin Water Pail, each ........ .. ....... ..... .... .... .. ...... .. Steel Spring Fly Swatters. no better made. each ,·....... · .. ... ... .... Scientific Fly Traps, each ..... .... .. ... ... .. ....... ........ . ........ .. ...... lOc Granite Drinking Cups, ea~h ......... ......... .... .. .. .. .... ......... 'fable Oil Cloth, Standard quulity, per yard ... .......... .. ... ..... . ... Flue Stops (pa ten t) u sually sells at lOc, each .. .... ... ... . .. .. .. ...... Men's 25c Leather Belts. eal.::h ... ... .. ................... .. .................. Wrig ht'8 Health Underwear. Ladies' loc Vest.'1. cadI ·...........

.25 .10

.05 .ID .05 .15

.0.1). :15 ' .10 '

A few Specials for Saturday, May 16; '.14

Mver Hyman

251b. Granulated Sugar, Fra nkl in or Arbuckles ... ..... .. ..... .... $1 17 -1 Cnn \ Sweet Co rn .. .. .. ... .. ....... ..... ... .... .. ...... ........ ...... ..... .... .25 Wa lr us Salmon, per ·can......... .......... .. ... ..... .. ........ ... ... ...... .. .1fi Can P'!'ilches, Califor nia. Carlluinez brand, pe r can .. ... ... ...... .. .20 Hawi iall Pine Apple , Sovereign Brand. pe r 2X Ib can .. ·......... .i!O

It .Will P~y You to Trade at Henderson's



Tic~ .Jts gets a Silver Teaspoon . Tickets gets a Silver Tablespoon or Fork Tickets gets a Silvpr Knife Tickets gets a Beautiful AxminRlur I{ug 27,0>4 in Tic kets \tets an Elegant Extra Axminster. Rug

Premium Store •

Til-In '! 3 g ivnn with Country Produce the same as for Catlh . Brin ~

in your Poultry and Eggs W e will pay per lb. for H ens ulJlil TUe9clay, May 19.

-_ ..


Ask for your Tickets with Every Purchase



.-...- - -







---_.- ...

Ground True by Machinery •


Public Sale


- -


It ill a well · known' fact that it it! next to imposSible W sharpen a La\\ n Mower accurately with a file. ellPecjall~ 811 a ((reat many mowers mad at the present have h'ardeQe(l blades. !:)ome resort to emery dust, turning the reel backwards. Thtl objection to this is that the clearance behind the cuhing 'tld~ is reduced, which makes more surbce in ' co~ta~t with ~~ striaght cutting bar than: there was before. A,fter the eutt,na cages bt>come the least bit :.dull. the Lawn Mowor haa to be adjusted very close, ao that it TEARS the grW[s inlfl~d .of shearing it, making the mower run harder Jhan ever, the more it is sharpened by emery dust thtj,Worae ,-t becol1Jt!s an(l BOOn has no clearance at all. ' . . .' \


... -

Ask us for Color Cards aod for facts about all LOWE BROTHERS PAINTS

aDd VARNISHES Tbel aro wbat yoa " ....

J . W. White

LEWIS BAKER Y 1 1 - - -

7bave you tasted any of that good bread thai R comes from Lewis' Bakery? If you have not you have missed a great deal

Once you have eaten our bread you will never be content to use any other. Try it once. All kinds of cakes and cookies.

dosct.1 at IIlIon. \\' ed u esd~,~' . Jul y Slh. Miss j' lorelll'c La cy wins I he lost );nltl w'ltch . . Who' s Ba by will will Ih e g"ld rill ~ ~ I i)nd~y Ilig ltl. ~h'y ISth . This is I he lu,;[ wee k [0 help yo u r church h~' iJlIy in!! a $".00 .Cash Coupun [1')0).; .

The lot owners of Miami Cemetery Associatbn will take notice that the . annual meeting for the election of . two trustees and a secl'etary·trt::ae urer and such business as may properly come before the meetihg will be held at thc cemetery chapel, Good Things This Weck Monday. June 1. 1914, at two o'clock Tennessee Strawberries. Pinep. m ' apples, sweel Oranges, AtlPles, A resolution amending article 16 green Beans, Lettuce, Radish · of the by· Laws til read as follow :,;: es, new Cabbage, new Potatoes ' "Automobiles m ay he admitted at interments or on other occasions at Candy Special for Saturday lho discr'etion of t.he superin· Just for one day we will sell you tendent; bicyclps and motor cycles ~'ancy Chocolate Drops, reg· not allowed on the grounds at any ular 20c quality. for .onlY lOc i time." has been filed with the Hoard a pound, Dot over 2 pounds to I of Trustees and will be acted upvn a customer. Think of it- I at the annual meeting . fancy Chocolate Creams at 10c . ~ '. a pound. RURAL WELFARE LEAGUE


Special Sale Friday 'and Saturday

Argo Starch Three Be Pkg. for 'IOc and 500 .C oupons free Now is good ', chance to lay ip • of starch at'lO per' ~"'nt· leJ~ <wholesa!.e price: .St~rch for:


Have your Lawn Mower ground t .....~ by Ma~hm.,~)'r at ,.

.WaynesvilleAulo&:MacllilieryCO•."· Automobile and General Machi1~V Repairi";'lI. Gasoline, Dill and .A9ceuori68.

\.. .

. ,

Phone 105



LEDGE c~,&' No. I 23S-Standard,.nd' ~',eail~.erild

Saddle_Stallion. ' . . Registered in American Saddte .....•.... ~ · ~egl.try untl~r Rules I ,and Vo'ume J. .


~ix ty-Fifth




_..-. -. .-. _

...-a~ .

\ JPersonal' Mentionl .-~-- ~--~ - -.

OBITUARY Hor ace McKay was born near Way· nesville, Ohi o, May 2~, 1 ~.J 1 . He a t· lend ed Wi llellllerg Coll ege in Sprin gneld, Ohiu, and was a Sludent there when t h e civi l \\a r broke out . He enilsted , juining the SeventY ' lIin th Ohi o infantry . He was th e tallest mao in lhe regiment, a nd it is said that his phYl:lical co ndition w ~ better than that of the othe r men. After der ving a short time in thit! rt:ll iment. hI! became command er of a company of col on :d trvops. being made captai n of Company H of Ihe I<'if teenth Culored In fa nt ry , He fough tthruughout the wac . Mr. McKay was one of the fo unders of the Cull etTe Corne r Clu b, th e ... tlrst li terary urg an ization in the city with both men and women as mem bers . Since early manhood he was all advocate of eq ual suffrage. Mr. McK ay's ancestu rs were Scotch. belon~ ing to the widely kn uwn Glan McKay, which was almo~t ~xte rminat ed a t. Waterlo?: His famll~ came to Am erica early ~n the colomal d .tys a nd took part m the revolu tion . Members of the family slill own land in the Shenan. doah Valley, g ranled to the first McKay by King George II. Fo r forty. eig ht yea rs Mr. McKay had been prominent in the social an It relig ious life of the ci ty. He served as . a member of the City Co uncil thirty years ago and there b~gan the fi gh t for cheaper glIB, makm { pas

. - -- -

- ,-

~---ir -

Former Citizens

: . - -- - - - - - - - - - .



reg-u lar

meeti ng

Whole Number 3264 TO ALU ,UNI ME MBE R.S

Say Fo lks. do nOLothe memor il:'5 of I redo ry un T hu rsday afte rnoulI , May Wel l if thl v 01 0 it iflto vall of

t he

W om an '~ Aux iliary was held at the for me r schuol days make you r hearts t h~ i ll ?

At Cottage Hi ll Farm, their ueauHcrLe rt S. Warwic k, '02, iH Man · 14. 'J'hellIecting WII~ upened with t hat I want ' to talk ' No man ' or a~e r ot the Memhershi p a nd Pull · music. " Guide Me. Oh Tho u Great woman who ever wl.'nt to !;choo l can liful coun l ry home sou th of tow n, licily lJepa rtment of The CulumllUt! J ehovah," . playt'd on the Vic tr J la. forgellhe f"d ing- of joy a nrl rest Mr. and Mrs. (;eorge ltube rtson enChamber of Co mmerce . Before be· : The presill ent , M,·t!. Cadwallader , whic h came with th~ ue ll for tl'rtained Sund ay at J inner the fol· F. C Gilmour wa.'! in Lebanon Saturday . coming aRSociated with that orga n read.from the Scr iptu re~, the 96t h " rec,>ss" lJou htl e~~ many will re- low ing g uests: Mr. and Mrs. Elm er ehas. Stans Lerry was' in Oavton ization Mr. Warwick was Alum ni Psalm. H.ev . J. F. Cau wallader can· me mber wit h what :;orrow to them Ea r nhart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Th d S.ecl etary at The Ohi o S ta te~ Un.iver- d ucted the devo ti onal exercises. ca me the stern command "Stay in." Cre w, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray . last urs ay. slty; until ~ecently h ~ I resid ent . Q u u ~ati()ns f rom Scri ptu res were T he lusty screams of the joyous Mess rs. Phineas Cook a nd Raymond E. V. Barnhart was in Cincinnati of I he Men s C~ub of Trlnlly Church g lvun In response .lo ll.. hear lt! on the outside heard throug h Conner. last Wednesday . Columbus. OhIO, a nd for the past After the read ing of the llll nu tes t he open windows . made it a punish. Mrs. Arthur Atkinson entertai ned two'yea ~s, has al so been Secreta ry \ and ulher business the fo ll owi ng ment ind eed to anyone. In this J Will Whi te WIlS in Cincinn ati of 1 h~ Columbu s Rotar y Club. Mr. program was rendered: memory. how about a li ttle senti. at dinne r Sunday in honor of her Thursday on bus inesH. Wa rWi ck also takes g reat pleasure Ch ' P I M ( . W H k ment? bllRbund 's birthd ay the fo llowing ' n ad vl'" I'n'" that he I'S Preu'ldent of mese IJZZ e3·· · rs . J . • awe. , d I guests : Mr. and Mrs . J ohn Venable ., '" . " F' e II f M " t You Pa tl'lar('h ~, Old ( ,ra s , Yo ung Havolene Auto Roap ill econom ical. the <,:ol~m b~ s Amateur Bu.qe Ball ITsl a ur M aY I~~ ·B" ·j.{· · .j .... : Grads and KidO! of the IJfcsent day Mr. and Mrs . Will Schuler and chil · Wayne9villd Au to and Machine ry Co A~ofla ll o n; In 1906 he was g raduateu L ' • "'y:': .. .: ..:. I r~.. ' . M' ennl en:lon Iistl'll' to me On Fridav ni l7ht of d ren, of Waynesvill e. Mr. and Mrs, f T1 Oh' St t U ' '( d >:>ornc Irjn n;a nulans... . rs. ent ey '. _ ... Mrss Ma ry Salis bury Bpf'nt Satur· l'nr olm 908 mIca I.I.?, aaCe l nl,vcUrSg l l.Yr·1 a nnd InsplI'ing Leadership.. ....... .. .. .. ..... May 22nll , WI.' :-v III ce leLrate the Harry Em ley and 80n, Eme1'llOn, of day and Sunday with rela ti ves in rr 0 urn ) s . .. .. .......... . ......... Mrs. Cadw a ll ader forty second ann iversary of t he ex· Lebanon. Mr and Mrs. Otho Hen· Xenia. ha ~ one son wh o has passed hi S R d' f Th E . istl'nce of uu r sc hool It it! wit h denlOn and Mr. Claud Stroud, of fourth. birthday; t ogether ",:ith hi s ('~h ! n~ :ro m e me~enc~ I ~ pride that we point to the many men Oregoni a, Mr. and Mrs. Seamon . Mrs: Sadie Ga hagan le ft for her fa th er-m:la:N and ~roth e r . m · law, I ~ a...... ... .. .... .. .... ... rs. ra ne : and women who have gone forth Thome and Bons, Ralph, Harold and Hprbert IS Intere~ted I~ a retail an d DUring- th~ pleasant . soc ial hour f rom the old Alma Mater, to occuoy Homer all of Cente rville. Ohio. homt: In Columbus last Wednesday evenmg. wholsale safe buslil ess m Co lum bus . m.any bea uti f ul se lect lOn!1 on t he prom in ent J.ilace~ in life. Remember MIAMIS LOSE HARD ONE For Screen Door Paint, Green or Victrola were played .. G u est~ ~ f that IJOI' ITI of Hiley 's "Let 's Go Back Black at J, H Coleman's . OBITUARY t~A afternoon wer e MIs.'«!s LIZZie 1'1'0 Griggsby Sta tio n'!" As President Carroll, My ra UllI rd and Ina May of t he Alu mni Ihis yea r I make an The Miam is lost a bard game SunRev. and Mrs. C: S. Grauser and - - -Cumptun, of New Burl ing ton. , urgen t appeal to you , ol~e and all , to day . Perhaps it was on account of Mrs. F H. Farr were Dayt on visito rs Ed mund Antram Macy, afte r a - -- .. - .. - - : purtidpa te ill the AlulT,l\ i reunion on opening the new park. Any way, last week. lingering il lness. died at his home ill CO UNT\ S. S. ASSOCIA nO N It hc <!2 11d 'W hal :.t pri vil l'lre it will thp. Dayton Gymn8.!'tics put it over Waynesvill e, Oh io, ~ un day, May 10, . be to renew old acqu ain tanceship them tl) the sco re of 4 to 3. The . Mr. and .Mrs. A .. B Sitl eR ~penl 19 14, at the age of til yeart! . 6 munths Th e Warren County ~ unday. Sch llol an d to milk., new ~'lIes; t o disc uss the g ame was a pitchers' battle from ~allt w~ek With relatIVes and friends and 1 day. A~.,ociati u n will mt'~t at Ha r vevs . j,,~. ~ 01 form,'r !lchllol tl a.vs; to min g le begi nning to end. neithergettinl( the In Indiana. The son of Nl:l.than [) allli Eliza l,uq, next wl'ck on May 28 and 29 , lal-!'ili ll willi old pl "y· males. What a best of th e hits. as each . team got Havolene Auto Soap, best to wash Gilpin Macy, the de ~'easetl was bor n Iin lh ~ M. I '~ eh UI·c h. A good pro· t!p1l-lld itl Irii>u t.c t 'l IlI crn,s t hat eig ht hitt! apiece. It looked in the harness. Waynesville Auto and Ma, at Ha rv eys bu~g .. OhiO , ~ovemlle r 9, gram has lUt!en arranged fur l he five , cll" ne ver I II he fl rgo rll'll , If on the ninth inning th at the Miamis would chiflery Co. 1852 a nd a ll hiS hft! lived HI Hal·v eys· I 'e:;sill ll ~ that will lie held , and g lJ od .Und., t he re .: .. n ue Heatl'u arou nd th e tie up the score. There were two . . siblet hefo rm a~ion o fth eConsumers burg and Waynel'wille. ibpeakel'llwill be inallcmlance . Iballq ut' tbo: II'd , ~r" l'es uf men a nd men on bases and by a sensational Mlsaes '{'rillena and Margaret Ed· Gas Company. On . Sep te~be l' 30 .. 18BO he Wl~S , I-'; \'('ry SunrilY School ought to w' .nlen whu eh"1 Ill}, t he fond. recol· catch and t hrow by Beard, the game wards, of Dayton, were lZ'uests of The fun e ral took place Tu esda~ me:rfled to Co ra .~. Wise and uf thl ~ : ~end allea:;l o n .! delegate to th is 1(·t III/IIS and pit.: asa nt aSSOciations of was ended. The score by innings relatives here Sunday. aft~rnooll f rom the . All So.uls VIII· union thr~.e. ctilidren w~re bUl'n, Iconventinn . T()wl1~l lIp omct'r~, pas· It il l' dt'a r old !,choo l days . . was as follows: . . ta.nan chu rch . He. IS surVived by a Te rrell , " !llI f redc an d Edytha, .al l : tor~ and w pe rinL(>nd ent~ "hould I J' lease adV ise M r . Ray rn ,:nd Dav.. ~ Mkrs: LaMura M o~he~ 18 ~'Jend lllr ~w Widow, Ma rtha Nicholson McKay; o~ whom With t heir muther surV lVti Imu l, ' a fl pel'ial I:' lfor t t o attend I whelher Yl, lI will a t tend . fh l:' re Will 1 2 ::l 4 Ii 6 7 8 9 R H E wee In orruw ut t e ome o . r . lWO daugh ters. Mary McKay Ilnd him . . . ! The good peorlle of llal'vr Y!:l llu l'g- will I be an exce l~pnt ar ray of 9p.~aker~, Gyms ...... 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 4 8 1 and Mr:l. Fred Har tRock . . Mrs . Hrlln d t Steele. and three grand· F'~r year:; engaged Ill . the Live ry I s';"e lo it that you a rc entertaillcrl ali i and . yo u wil l fepl lhe. be t~er fo r Millmis .. .O 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0- 3 8 1 J, T Lid dy, of Day ton, spent O!ons , Horace McKay and . Tht:(,do.rc buslIless, he h!id . and made u ~e ,.of I n -lit. haV ing goLten fOI ' ,a t llne IIIto t he HITS AND GROUNDE RS al.'ouple of dllYtl laHt week with his Bran~t Steele Jr .• a sister MISS the oPlJor t un!ty , t.o make acq~alll- - - - .. - • . -:- - rt: ullJ(lna t n~ n!'i pheTl> . . ., father Mr M T Lid dy Lelltll~ McKay, and a nephew. Mr. t ances and frl e nd ~ , hence was Widely O\!' POIiN T ED POS J MASTEl? Antl clpa LlI1 1! you r llrescnce on t he I McDermott, Miami s catcher, got ,. . . . W. H. Allen, both of Waynesville. known. . :~ 'ld, and yu\ll' co opera tion in urg- I four hi ts out of four times at bat, If you wan t the be!:lt Paint a nd • - .. Ed mund Macy was a man mllllcRt l". C. (;;itrey recelvl'd a tele"ram inl::' others to III ten(l. it il:l my pleasure and they were good ones, too. MARRIED IN LEBANON and reU ring . honc!'!t hI hi;; dealing,,; , I f!'l ' m Prefident Wil~(ln Wt'dnesli ay to remain, Minich f or Waynesville. made two Varnish ItemoVl' r KO 10 J . H. Cole· man's. . . instincti vely a g.entieman , a devoted i eve~ i nl! that hi!'! appoin tment waS Very fait hfu ll y rours. . fin e catc~es in t~e outfield. Mr. Robert \\ ernt z and MId"~ Lura husbanrl an mdul gent faUw r , a cOl1nrmed by the ~en'lte ancl that ht' H ::i. Wa rWick, PreSident. Red Wilson pitched a fine game. - Rev. Wynd and wife , of ~ p r in g Tinney went to LebaflOn Thursday love r of his home, a true and loya l w,)uld he :'p[l0inleti po:;tn ~ aste r of -. -- - .. - ... Although getting eight hits, four of \ ' boro, we I e I hI! II \J "~t.. of i{f!V. a nd an.d were married Their many fri! . \ . W ayn, ' ~ dllr' , Mr '~lT:'~' L< to be , Go to J . H. Col.cman·s. to get t he them were on the Rcratch order. Mrs. <.; S. I irliust' r Fridu~. ' frlE'nd !l ~ert' were t.ak en completely T~ e re ar e many who. regrt'l: his : cOlll{r:no. la.led upon. hl!l ,IPPolnt ment , ; b e~ t high g-I'a de TlIlwal'e III t he town . Walters and Clack, outfielders for ' ~' Mrs . u ;ui"a Wllnll ",\· is "pl'nllinr- hv sur prise when they heard of the leav mg US, ma"y who Will trea~lI re I and t he °PIII I O~ IS t ha t he wll! make Also th e best Gra niteware, Carpet the Gymns, made some fine catches. st' ve l'lll wcek" wi ,h h.. · dlllll{hter, marri ag~ . his me mory t hroug h years to come , l~ good and obh).! mg ]lo~ tm astf-' r. Reale rd anu Fly Swatters. Beard, second b~eman of the .1 '1 ' . Gymns. and Tinney, Just back from Mni. lJ , V. Walwr .8nu (liIDI y m ~~~_~_ ~~~~~-!",~~~~~~~~~~_!",-_ ~ __~_ ~~ _"",!,,_~._~~_~_-"'-~ ..~_~.-_~_ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ____ ... ___ ..... the Cotton State91eague, made star ~~oo . ~~ M eII8r8. J t'S!I(, Thom/lt!, W. O. Hurton and Edwards both lost Raper, Harvey Ry p I\nd Abp. Dakin their batting eyes and fail~ to conwere in Dayton :$unt.lay attending. nect a ll the afternoon, From now on the admission to the ball game. llames will be 15 cents. Little Rht"B Jlillflt Cart wrig ht --~--was the gUt'~t tlf Mr. and Mrs Ed MACHINES SOLD TWO DAVIS Rni{ers of Dodds. from ~Iurday F riday. May 15th. was certainly spell. bound for nearly two r.ours . every county ; he a lso hoped that the that w~ile he had r lX!cived. wh~t little until Sunday evening. red ·le day for WaynCllvill e. next tim e he came to Wayn cs ville ed ucatIOn he could get In hiS boy· Ernest Rogers will leave tomorPR o n LEIIIS OF CO UNTR Y I.IFE th at t here would be a n exp.,r iment hond day~ in the little red schoo l hou se e rlll wcek:l ago, when th e plans If you want n goud humf' , att end for~etvhe towntlhip nlll::!!l·day w,' re be· , . far m locat ed here, and ar~u ed that in 1I11tl e~ count y , yet .owing to t he row for Richmond, to bring home the ~Ie of t he McShe rry 1·l rol'e rty. ing forlllulatt'd, ~upt Glimulil' con· 1 he. governor look a~. ~he subJ ec t I its cost will be small when "om., prolfreSl1l veil ess of the. times centr al. a new Davis auto for Ed Thomas. ,}ley 23rd at 2 o·c.:lock on lhe pretft- ct! ived lhe ide. of huving the Ilchools for hi!! a~dr~ th e . ~ roblt:rn~ uf , pa red to t.he hent' tits t hat will he re Iz~tlOn of t he. townsh~p schools w~s The Rogers' sold two machines last (" 18e8••! ; belll j! mad e Imperative, because It week , one to JMOn Sheehan and one of the Townshi p go to!(ether lind in. Country Life, !l nd diVided It I.n to ceiveti. (a pplause). W!l.~ fur the be tterment of the pupils, to Wm. Wheaton, of Springboro. U. M White It'ft last Friday for vite G:lV . J M. Cox to come to f~ur parts: Agriculture, centrallza· t!on of scho~ls, good roa.ds and taxaC E NTRALIZATI ON and once a t ownAhip goes in for cen· The Davis is a beautiful and durable Wayn~sville and explain to thd citi· Williamstown, Kv.. being ('allPd tlOn. He said' about agriculture that . . . tra lization its merits will be so clear machine. It has all the modern apthere on.aceount of "he sc l'iOU!4 ill zens of this community the great to aid the farmers there is no work He next. took up the centrallzatIO':l' / IY demon straLed that there will be pliances that all of the higher grade that have been taking place Dt!llltof , hIS sister, Miss Mary White, changes more. important than that now bein g ~nd spoke at s~~e leng th 0!l thiS no thought of retuming to the old machines have. and the engine is the in the scho ~ llaws of this state, and done by the state agricultura l com· Inl p(,rLant. propOSitIOn, As thl~ s ub t best made in the United States toGo to J. H . Coleman's for Aboli· other important matters. mi8llion, the boys' corn contests and ~ect is ~efore the people o~ Wayn. e I SYO;~he good roads that are being day, The Rogers' have several tlon theliirt IJbolisher for cleaning Gov . Cox accepted the invitation painted ana varnished Ilurfaced. flat with alacrity, lind he seemed to be teaching of agriculture in the public r ownshlp ~t the present t.lme, thls lmade he said that the expense is not prospects, and may sell several mawall Paints and general household greatly pleased that the invitation schools. The governor said he hoped p~ r t of hIS speech ",:as listened ~ iJeing felt because hidden property is chin es before winter. to see a county experiment farm in With marked attentIOn. He said being broug ht out and plilced on the The Davis is a good roadster, and clean,ing, had corne to him. . tax duplicate for the first time. He will carry a good load all the time. v.Mias MarIe Weller, a MOphomore The day was ideal . Early in the gave quite a lengthy d e tail of t he There i9 no hill so steep that it can· morning the people began to gather at Miami University. has been ap· at the Township house, where the amount of money that is beini placed not climb, and all the time steadily pointed on the staff of next year's schools had their dIsplay. The dis. going forward. If you want a maover the state fur benefit of roads . chine that will do everything that RecenBio. a book publisheu by the play this year, while not quite as TAXATION a }o igher grade machine will do, the Junior CIIUIS. elaborate as in former years, was He spoke at length un the taxation Davis is the machine for you. W. S. Campbell, of Springfield, really one of the best that has ever q uestiun, bringing out facts in actu al Ohio. was circulating among been ehown here. and certainly reo BACCALAUREATE SERVICES figures the amounts that the rich friends here Sunday. Mr . Campbell fleeted credit on the teacher, as well i man has never before placed on his was superintendent of the schools as aptness on the part of the pupil Itax duplicate. He gave quite an a c· here during 1913. The display was arranged aJi to· Commencement week was ushered ~ether, ~h8t is lhe schools were not Icount of th e Warnes tax law from its ill Sunday evening by the baccalauMr. and Mra. Ray Smith and separated as has been the. cllstom. birth . How many legislators had reate services at School hall, the serdaughters. of Brookville arrived ,\tany specimens shown in the hand· brought up the law from time to mon being preached by the Rev. C, Sunday at the home' f Mr. ano iw"rk of the child would be a I.'redit time. and had at last its fruition in S, Grauser. The auditorium was MJ'B, E V. Barnhart. Mr, :)mith 1.0 much older pupil!', the present year and .that it was packed, and several had to stand working perfectly well. during the services. re~urned ho~e Monday morning PROGRAM . BY SCHOLARS The exempt ion of securities in do· After prayer by the Rev. A. E. mestic corporations obviously re- Wooten, Rev. J. F . Cadwallader Bavolene AlJto Soap i!'l an aid to At 10 o'clock the patrons of the sulted from the assumption that th e read the Scripture Jess:>n. house-cleaninsr. doeR not injure pnint, ~chools. togelher wi th the pupils makes old wood· work look like new, h I values which they represent are Rev. Grau~er took as his text "And and remove l!Ire~e Spot9 f r;om clothe~ gathe red at the 1 O. 0, F al., turned in by corporations when they I will fasten him as a nail in a sure avnellVl ' 'lIe Auto and Macbinel'Y Co where 11 very fine program uf musIc W....., make their return on personal pro· place." He then told the beautiful and recitatiohs was ,t:ndered . perty and real estate. The exemp · story of Mordecai and Esther; of her Mf, and Mrs B, S Howell ~nd At 12 o'c1ock dinner was served to tion of securities in domestic cor · strong character pleading for her 'rhos. Pierce left Sunday for IndIan the hungry youngsters who had real· porations and the reasons for it have pellple before the king, and of her . ,if1 - . apolis to 800 the races there this ly eaJ:'ned it The dinner was somebeen explained. Th ere is no double uetermination to do the thing she (.~f'-' week. Mr. Pierce will visit hit:! thing to be remembered. too, as taxation within Ohio when a resident had planned. "1£1 perish, I perish," that was pleasant to the • . mother and sister at Lebanon, Ind . everything is compelled to Ii\lt securities witt&out The song service was well rendered taste was on the tables before them. the state corporations, because these by the High School music class under Mr, and Mrs. J. E Janney ami After the dinner hour the road to c.>rporations do not return personal the direction of Mrs. Linton. '. family and Mr. and Mrs. Thad Zim· the school grQund looked like a coun· property and real estate for taxat.ion , merman and family autoed to Ox· t.y fair . Many automobiles together What thp. Warnes law does , there· Hf.RMANA CLUB MEETS ford Sunday to spend the day with with pedestrians flocked up the hill fore, is simply. by an 'efficient ad · their daughters who are attending where the main feature of the day , mil1istration of the tax laws, that "'boo ,., 1at that place. centerfd. By two o'clock the school The Hermana Club met at the have existed for years and years, to '7 campus was crowed. Seats had been home of Miss Mary Davis on Thursgive them vitality and resurrect , Dr. and' Mrs. P. D. Cla~ett ar d arranged for 700 people, and bv tbe them from the maze of absurdity . day even in \f. A1ter the program family.rdved home from Roswell, time Gov. Cox bearan to speak there The Warnt>s law simply restores to and business meeting, a pleasant s0v .. ' 'M.~ . lalt F.riday, where rhey were fully a thousand penonll on ~e life the plans of our fathers who cial hour was spent, during which ': ilave" been 8TlendinR' the winter gruundR. shaped our taxation laws and cl)m· time dainty refreshments were before 'conling home, however, they Gov . Gox arrived bv auto from pels the owners of property to list it served.------~.~-~.~----trip through TexlIl!, Day accop!!panied by ~w', WRrren In order that they can pay their just . of Mexico "",.lInl'V W •. W, Stokes, now of . P. &'D. ASSOCIATION MEETS share of taxation. to Detroit, S. Ivins. After the governor ceased speakne'Y ing the schools sang "America" and The Protective ·and many of the assemblage gathered socia~on meets Saturday ~t~)6.0n around the Governor to shake his at 2 0 clock at tht! To~ip AA"' .....' hand. Tbua ended one of the greatot A filII meetin~ 18. 4ilB!redt eat da"vs in the hla~ry of our Village, memberS are requeited to be P~IIfi!III~,'

J . C. Hawke was in D.\Y t" n Su n· day ,















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---_. - .----


---_. --.- --






C§V MALLIE ERl'1INlE RIVES lLLUSTRATION~ 9/ ~~!dB~o~,,~!9J!2 SY NOPSI S. J (\hn V f\U n nl. n rh h ~ t1 1 1. . . 1\' f H \'or l!', .uddrnlr fH ~r-l,)\' ('n;: tt lil l t h ! Vhllnn l rtlr · par-Hlion . w l1kh h is r .t l hi r f llunlh.-d and 'IIIhl("h WAS t ilt' , Irllh I p .d "'.HIn '(, o f hl~ woaUh. h n l! fnll (>( 1 Il.· \' t t! u llt ltrlly t urna o .... C!r h18 Dr h a t ,' f \ ' r l ~ lnl \ 1('1 1I 1j.1 r ecd\' P f tor th e ro r p \lrn l !nu H iS ('uli r€' r(> n1aln'ng J,1O.&e8s trI11 9 n'lI ~ ll.d ti t un o ld m lHo r (.· •.If. a l''' ~ nll.1 l ' ILnwrr c o urt . I~: t,." l':-t,af(' In ' -' I,(lnl,. O n the ,'Ollft .. ~ 111"1'13 S htri(')'

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and creepcn nnd the bulldvery mu ch nes;lected con/JlUon.

H e docldes to rehabllttate the place and "'Il.k ~ the land produco a IIvlng ror hIm .

Valiant aav ... Shirley from the bIle ot 0. _nllke. whIch bll". him. Knowtng th ~ 4""dllne88 ot th e bite. ShIrley lIuck. th e pol BOil tram the wouna ILnd la""" hi. lit". Rblrtey tell. her mother of the IncIdent and the IlItter Ie atranlrely moved at r1n~ that .. Valla.nt ... aRatn IIvtn« at mory court_ Valiant learne for the "'me that hi. (Bther lett Vlrglnlll on ...eouot ot a duel In which Doctor Iouthatl Ilnd MaJor Brlsto ... acted ... hi. father', Meeond.. Valiant and ShIrley beeome «ood frtends. Mrs. Dandridge I&lntl ,.,hen Bhe llrat m.ell VallanL


CHAPTER XIX-Contlnued. He sat down on a mossed bould e r, breathless, hili eyes spark illig. H e had \houaht btm8elr almoll~ a beggnr. and ~e In bIB hand W8.8 1\ emaIl fortuo el ""Talk About engagement rin gs!" he mnttered. "Why, Il doze n of th ese onght to buy a wllcle tin ra! " At length h e rose and c limbed on. preaently turnIn g a t a right -angIe to bisect the strIp to Its boundary be fore ae paused to r est. "I'm no timb ercruIser," ho eald to hImself as he wIped hla lIro w, "but I calculate there are all ot three hundred trees big enough IIJ cut . Why, suppos') laey are worth C'n lUI av er age only 1\ hundred apIece. That wou ld mak_Gooe! lord!" he muttered. "an d I' ve heen moonhi g about Ilo" ert y!" The growth was small e r aad s pa rser DOW and befo re long be came, on the hll)"B very crest, to th e edge of a ra"ged cl ea ring. It held a s qualid settlement. pe rb aps a Brore of <llrt·daubed cabIns littl e bett e r than hoy ela, some of tbAm mere mud· walled lean·tos. wIth sod roors and wlndow·panes of ftour·sack lng. Fences and outhouses th e re was non e. Lltte ret! path s ram· bled aimlessly hither and thither (rom chIp-strewn yards to starved patcbes ot oorn, und er·cultlv at ed lind blIghted. Over the whole place hung an Inde.crlbabl e atmosphe re of dIsco ns olate filtb, of unre deemed squalor and vileDetJI.

With one hand on the dog's collar, hushing blm to allence, Valiant, un_n, looked at the wretched place with a shiver. He had gllmllsed many .retched purlieus In the slums of areat cities, but thiB, In the open sunUght, with tho clean woods about It and the aweet clear blue ahove, stood out with an unrelie ved boldness and - contrast that wao doubly slnloter and forbiddIng. He kn ew Instantly that we tllwdry corner was th e community known as Hell·s·Half·Acre. the place to which ShIrley had mnde her night rIde to resc ue . Ri c key Snyder. A Quick glad reallzutlon of he r cour· age rushell through hiOl , On Its beels came a feelin g of s ham c thnt a spo t like tbls could e xist. a foul bioi on liuch a landocape. It IV as on his own land ! Its den lzenR hllirl p l::tce by squatter sover e ignty. bu t he was, Devertheless. th e ir la ndlord. The thought bred a new se n ~e at respon s l. tllllty . Sometblng should be rio,\!! fo r ' tbem , too. As hc gazed. nn upron r in a calli n reached a cllmlU . A red· bea rd ed fi g· ure ill nondesc ript grlrments s hot from tb o door and 'coll apsed ill n helll' In the dirt. lie go t UI' with a dreadful oath-a jug thro wn ut h im gruzlng hIs t em pl e as b e did so - and s blllllng his tlst behiuc1 bl to , s ta gge red Into a n ear-by lean-to . Va liant turu e d away wlt b a fe elin g almost of nausea . an d plun ged ba cll down th e forest hills ide.

It:d Ib e way u p th o d ri ve till tbe y atooll befor e the porch . ··Ga rl! " chuc kl ed tb e majo r , "Wbo would thlull It IUtti bee n unoccup ie d (or thrre deca des ~ At this r a le . you'll SOO I1 be glY l n~ danceR, sah ." " Ab, " sa l,1 V"lIaoL " T bat 's th e "ery tblng I want to s uggest. Tb e tourna· m ent COUles ofT next week, I under· stand, and It·s been the custom to have a ball that n Igbt. The tourn e)· g rouDd Is on thI s Cll tn le, lind Dam 0 r)' Court la handler than th e Co untry Club. Wby wo ul dn't It be appropriate to hold the danco h er e 1 Tho ground· 'f loor room s are tn oriter. and II the young people wou ld put up with It, It wo uld be a grent ~.leasure to me, I assure you ," "Oh!" breathed Sh irley, "That v,ou ld be too wonderfull" Tbe m a jor seized hi. hand and shook It heartil y. "I can answer for the committee," he lIald, "They'll jump at IL Why, sah, the new gener· atlon has never Bet eye. InsIde tbe hOIlM. It's a Bolden legend to tbem." "Then 111 so ahead with arrangementa," He led tb em around tbe house and down the terraces of the formal garden, and bere tbe major's encomIums broke forth again , "You are goIng to lake us old folks hack. sah," he said wl tb real teeling, "ThIs gyarde n In It s origin a l lIu es was unlQu B. It had a piquancy a nd a pic turesque ness tbat, than k God, are to be r4)stored! One can und ers tand tb e owner of an ell· tate lik e this bavlug no desire to s pend his lire Ilbllllnd erin g abroad . We all bope. sah. that you will recur' to tbe habit or yo ur anceBtors a nd count Damory Cou rt home." ' Va liant sm iled slowly. "I don't !lream or anythl!l S else," he sa id. "My \Ite, as I map It out. seems to beilln her e. Th e r es t doesn 't couot-<loly th e years when I was littl e and bad my father." , Th e major care full y adjusted hla eye-glassf'It. Bis hea d was t urned away. "Ah. yes ," he lIald, "The Isst I we nty years," con tinu ed the oth er . "from illY prf'se nt view· point. are ,·aluabl e ma inly for can· tTas t." " As a consistent regimen of pate de fole grn.s," sn ld Sh irl ey Quizzically, "mal,es one value bread and butterr' He sbook hi s h earl at b er. "As starvation makes one appreCiate ple nty. The next t ~' e nty yea rs are to be l1ere. But tbey bold s lrl e- trlps. too. Now and Iben Ihe re's a jaunt hack to the city." "Contrast aga.l n 1" she as ked Interestedly. "YeB and 00. Yes, because no one 'Wbo has ever known tbat blazing clanging lite can really underatand the peac\! and hI! edness of a place like tbia. No, becallD l there are sometblnga which are to be found only there. There are t he gallerIes and the opera. I need a breath of them both." "And seml-occaslonal longer ntgbtl, too," tbe major rellected. "A took·aee abroail once In a blue moon. Why not ?" "Yes. For mental photographo-Impressl008 one can't get from between book-eovers. There's an old cloIster garden I know In Italy and a [larttcu, lar river-hank In Ja pan In the cberry· hlossom season, anll h tin y Is land ..' Ith

The Gardeners.

. . ...

~ too. "You IIIAliMe

He Leaned Slightly Toward Her, One Hand on the Dial's Rim.

Gree k castl e on It In th e Aegea!). Littl e colored me mories for me to hrln g 8way to dr eam over. Dut alway s I come tJacll h ere to Datllory Court. For thl e Is- bome!" Tbey walk ed be neath th e pergola to tbe la l, e, wb e r e Shirley gave a cry of de li g ht a t s ight or Its fea tbered popululion . "Wh e re did you get th em ' rrortl 7· ' s ll e aalled . '·Wo !lhlngton. In cmles." '·T ha t exp lain s it .. · s he exc laimed . "anI' day Inst wcrk th e lillie darkl es In the village nil ins is tcd a cIrcus was coming. Th ey must have speu th ese be in g haul ed her c. They wntc hed tbe who le afte rnoon for the ele phants." "Poor youn gste r s ' " he sa id. "It'a 11 s ham e to fool th em. But I've ·had a ll t he circus J wanl ge ttln'g thc live stocll installed." "Th ey won't Burre r," 8ald the major "RIckey Snyder'lI g et them up a three. ringed s how at, tbe drop of a hat aod drop It h erRelr. Bealdes, th ere's toumament day co~IIlIr, and they cab Hve on that. I see YOU'YO dridged out t.bem." He lome ot tllo Ullee/' " II

table Compound DitpeUed

Backache, Headache. auld Dizziness. PIqua, Ohio.-" 1 would be very ungrateful if I failed to gi ve Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.ble Compound the prai se it desel"Vfl'1 for I have taken- Ii 11 t elllfereot tlm_ and It always relieved me when other medicine. failed, and wheD I hear a ·woman complain I alwllYs rec>

'· Yes. I la ke my dip he re e ve r y run throtlgh h ell bare beaded . I'm selves Inlo luncbeon·booths- hampe rs morning," ubout a th ousa nd ysars Old , I reckon!" s tow ed away beneath th e sellts, di s· "We usp,1 to ha ve a dlvl ::g·board Mea nwblle the two figures above cloalng n il ma nn er of picnic edlbleswh en we were lillie s ha "fr s." purs ueo ~L(I push ed throu gh th e tangle Into tbe court·house yanl was an array 01 th e ma jor. " I re JII <' mbe r onc r, your a c:ttcular s unn y space wh er e stood Il g read tabl e-cloth s. anrl an a ir father--" ~ horl roll1ld 1}l lIar or red onyx. It was of ple nty reIgned , He c1enrt' d hl& t h roat and I topped a s un-d Ia l. H·! vin e-clad dis k cut of Within !'tus. Me rryweather Mason'! dead . gra y polished stono (.0 whlcb Its me tal brown bouse hospitali ty sat entbron e d "Pl ease." 8ald John Valiant . "I - ! tongue was sockele d. tt..J1l"d tbe outer and the gene rou s dlnlng·room WII.! lik e to hear about hi m." edge or tbe disk ran an IP",crlptlon beld by a regIment or feminine out·or. " It . was only th at I st ru ck m y he'HI In archaIc let~rlng . Vallaa! pulled town acqu a Intances. onun endiLL6at~ on a ro ck on t h e llO llom and - staye(U nway tb e c luste rin g Ivy leavl;\. and The yard, an hour Inter , was lUI ac· "..,...'--_-'-'L.L-JL.&....t ter I was attacked down. Tu e others we re fri g ht ened. r ead : "I count no hOUM! but th e bA~ tl ve encampment of rockIng-chaIrs, wi th a levere case ot organic wenkn.... but he--he do ye down again and a ga lll! py ones." li.nd a dIn of <!onversatlon floated out I had backache, paine In my bips aucl till he brought me out. It was a na r'· " U that hat! onl y bee n tru e !" he over thv pink ole and ers wbose tuba over my kidneys. headache, dlzzineee. row squeak. I reckon." suld. bad achlel~ a IrMII coat of bright lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached A sile nc e fe ll. LooI<ln g:to t tb e tall "It Is tru e. See how the vines hId green paint for the oeQlslon. Mra. and I was alwaya tired. I wu bard17 muscular for m beside her, ShIrley bM, the sun from It. It oeased to mark Poly Gilford- a guest of tbe d.,.- able to do my houl8work, I had takflD a sudden ,·Islon of a determIned littl e the tim e after tbe Court was de- bere shone resplendent. Lyella E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Combody cleaving the dark wate r , over ~e rted." "The young folks are countltl, pound on ODe other oceaalon. and It bad an4 OV4)r, now rIsIng panting for' ''1'11 put moonllowers at Ita base and mlgbtlly on tbe dane.. tonight." ob- helped me 10 I took It again and It hal breath, now plunging again, ne ver gh- where you are standln., Madonna served Mrs. Llvy Stow e of Beven Oaks, bnilt me np. until DOW I teel like a DeW Ing up. And she told herself that the lilies, The outer part of the circle "Even the Buck.n e r Girls have got new woman. , YOIl bave my hearty conacnt to Qae my name and teatimonlalln U!J BOD was the s am e sort. Tbat hard shall bave bridal-wreath and white ball d reBlea." way end I hope it will benellt autferlDa set of the jaw, tbose ftrm lips, would Irises, and they Iball sbade out lDto "Improvident. I call It." sald Mra 'WOlDen. "-Mra. 0aPaa. TuBNtuI, 481 S; know no IIlnchlng. H e mlgbt Bulfer, pastel oolora-mauvea and grays and OUfONI. ''Tbey can·t afford lucb but be would be III rang. heliotropes. Oh,l ,ball loy. thia lpot! thIngs, wltlt Park Hili mortgaged liP Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio. Half unoonsclously she spoke Iter' -perhaps BomeLime the hest of all." , to the roof the way it lB." Women who are .dariog from ~ thought aloud : "You loolr like ~OGr "WhIch do you love the mOlt DOW'" Mr8, Mason.. ed apologetic alto d1streaalng Ula peeuUar to their fIG (atbor, do you not'" He leaned slightly toward her, one "Th6y're 8'Weet g1rla, Ihdbld not doubt·the abWty of L"u. Ji1. "Yes," he replied ... tb e re's a IItrong hand on the dial', t1m.Dotched rfln. Interposed. and we're never youlI3 but once. I Pinkham'. Vegetable CompoaJld to No IIkene8ll. I have a pbotograpb which "Don't you know?" be said In • lower think It wait so fine of Mr. Valiant IItore ,their health. I'll ehow you sometime. But bow did voice. "Could any other spot mean to If you want Ipool.' ad'ftee me what that acre under the hemlocks to olre r to gIve the ball. I hear he'a you kno"'''' means 7" motored to Charlottesville tbree or write to Lydia Eo Plnkbam Med"Perbaps I onl y gue.sed," abe ea.ld Her face was turned rrolD blm, her fOllr times for fixings, tbough I under- Iclne 00., (confidential) Lynn. In 80me confualon . To cover this she flng e ro pulling at tbe driftIng vIne, and stand ho's poor enough sInce he gave Malls. YourletterwiU beopeued. stooped hy th e pebbly marge and b,old a splinter of 8unUght tangled In ber up hIe money as he dId. What a read and answered by. WOlDtlll out ber ha nd to tb e bronle <lucks that haIr like a Ince of fireflIes. and beld In .trlet oonfldeooe. princely act tbat was!" pusbed a nd gobbled about her fingers . "I could never forget It," be con"Y-e-e·es," ngreed MM!. Olll'orl1, "but "What have rou named th e m!" sbe tlnued. "The thins that IIpoll ed my II 1Itt1e-whnt ahall I call It ?-pre Danger of Too Much Talk. Don't talk too much . Juat after yOG aaked. fatb er's lire happened there, yet there clpltous! Ir I were married to a man ··Nothlng. You christen them." we two fit'at talked, and tbere you-" IIko that I should always be In tenor have talked a man Inti! buying, If yo. "Very well. The light one s hall "Don't!" sbe said, facing hIm . of his adopting an orphan 118ylum or keep on tulklng you will talk blm ouI be Peezle tree hnd tbe dark one Pllgar- "Don't!" turnlng Republican or sometblug ot huy lng.-Atchlllon Globe.. IIc. I got the names from Jobn Jas per "A.b, let me speak! I want to te ll equally Imposslhle." -b e 'Was "Irglnla's famous negro Mrs. Jobn King Van Renaselaer, .. you thnt I sball ·earry the me mory or The doctor sbut his ot!lce door with preache r . I once heard blm bold fortb tbat afternoon, and of your brave kInd· II vIcIous slam and from the vanta&e .ocle ty lende r of PhiladelphIa, hu fit. when he read from one of tb e Psalms ness, always, always! If I were never of the wIre wlndow-8creen looked BOur· venl ed l\ new card gam~ - the one II bout tbe barp and the Worm. e"1>"II" ,,!'OlaP.tI, tI'OID tile bum., psaltery- an,1 be called It peezletree." to s ee you again In this Ufe. I sbould Iy across the beds of marIgold and nlways treas ure It. It I dIed of thirst nasturtium. Q at-em. w ith Dr. l'eer,. VU'1IIllqe no.a. ValIant's laugh rnng out over the 8.t.oL Ad •• ·In some Sahara, It would be the last "I reckon If litre. Poly OUford shut 18k_to be answered by a sudden thLn g 1 should rem em ber-your tace h e r mouth more tban ten minutes It you have lived loog, 1011 haore sharp screech from the terrace, wbere the peacock 6trutted. a blaze of span- would be- tbe last thing I sbould see! hand·runnlng." he said malevolently. lived wisely . "the top ot h er head'd fly from hare gled purple and gold . They turned to If 1- " In th e si lence tb e re wne the sound to Charlottesv tne." see Aunt Daphne IS9ue from the of a s lo w foot -Call all tbe gravel wallt, Tbe major. enscon ced with a clglU' kItchen, t wi g-broom In hand. "Heah!" she exclaim ed . "Wha t fo' and at tbe samc moment he saw a In the ensy choIr behind him, f10Ul'Does your back ache Dlght IIDd 10' kyallln' on like e r wll' gyrnft' we'n magIcal cbange. Sblrley drew back. lehed his palm.leaf fan and amoto na . mnking work a burden and rMt irm~td-·. ~'e got comp'ny, yo' trlflln' 01' ran· The soft gentian blue ot her eyes e rrant fiy. ble ~ Do you auffer stabbin,. darting "Speaking of Damory Court," h~ tall. YI)! OIt outen b enb! " She da rltened. The lips that an Lnstant pains .,.heD lItoopiog or Iillingl Moll waved her weapon and th e bird, wltb before had bee n tremulous, parted In saId In bls bIg voice. "The dance Idea bad backs are due to hiddeta trqal!k til a raUC01l8 shrIek 01 defian ce. r etired a low delicious laugh. She swept him WIIS a haPPy tbought of young Va . the kidneys and if the Iridal!)' MCr~ a de ep curtsey. Iiant·s. I'll be surprised Lf be doesD't are kanl or too frequent of pa-se. In rumed dI sorder. The master of "1 11m beholden to you, sIr," she do It to the queen's tute." proof of kidDey troublOit complete. DeDamory Court looked at Shirley . la, paye the to _iotll w., saId gaily, "ror a moat knightly comThe doctor nodded . "Tbls place "What sball we name him '" ilJo. For bad bub and weak ~ pllment. There's the major. Come 'can't teach hIm much about such fol "I'd call blm ,Flre·Craoker 11 he and let UI ahow hIm wbere we've . 11M Dou', KidueJ Pilla-nc 4... .w derollng., I reckon: He's led mo,. goes air like that," she saId. And Fire· tbeworld_, cot\lllollS ' tban I've got hairs on mt Cracker the bIrd was chrlatened fortb · planted tbe ramblers." A MICHIGAJr cAtl& , head," with. CHAPTER XXI. WtItlUl BoaA "And now ," 8a1d Shirley, "let's set ' "I'd hardly llmlt It to that," taleS tit .A.l4M1aall BL. BlldlDc, II I ell. , tlle mBJor, chortling at the eaey thrullt. out the ramblertl." Tournament Da,,_ .,..: "1 ba4 h.... The major had brougbt a rough plan, "And after all, even tolderollngs havt The noon sun ot toumament day bl", .... 4 ....... matsketched from memory, of tlie old ar· sbone brilliantly over the vlllaae, theIr uae." 10 paioo .... 4 .., limbo ....... tentbl, rangement of the formal garden. "I'll drowsy no longer, for mODY veblclee "WbQ 8ald they badn't? If peopl~ lUlL I ' doot0n4. jUllt go over tbe lines of tbe beds wlth 'Were hItched at the curb, or moved choose to make whirling dervlshea-(lf but dldn't rrwt nUlt ....4 moot ..... ap Unc' Jefferson," he proposed, "while leIsurely along the leafY street: big, themBelvell, they at least can rftfleet bO~ P'lAaU, J you h 'o potter over tbese rOBes." 80 canvaa-topped country wagonl\ drawD that It'a better ror their live8 tban u .. 4 DoaD'. XM· 11 IF Pilla .... 4 ua. Veltant and Sblrley walked back up by shaggY·hoofed horseB and aet wIth cane·bott'lm chairs. Thougb that'. lint bas 1I.Jpe4 the slope beneath the pergoln to- cbalrs that bumped and iOltled theIr about all 'ou can say In ,favor of me. I kept OD _ _ ttl C'l&'o4 .... 4 I gether. holiday loads from outlying tohaeco the moder . • ball." han "tI~ Wltb fumston , puffing and blowIng plantation and stud·tarm; lOber, black· "Paha",! " 8nld the major. "I,.. ........ 00.... like a black porpoise over his creak- covered buggies, long narrow, spring- membe r l\ time when you Used to ric Ing go·cart. they planted the ramblers less buckboards, frlvoloua slde-l1ar run· out In II claw·hammer and -crImson and plnl' and whIte- Va- abouts and antique abaYII resurrect4)() " 'Don ce Ill l ni ght t III broad dayllllhl And go homo with the> gYTls In the mo""" liant much or the time on his knees, from the prImeval deptbs of cobtng. ' his hand s plun /:"In g deep Into the hlack webbed stables, relics of tarnl8bed with the bravest of UB. Used to IIh s pongy ea rth , and Shirley with hroad grnndeur and fad ed fortune. It, 100." hut flung on tho gmSH . her fln gors At midday vehIcles resolved th e m· rTO BE CONTINUED.) separatin g th e clingIng thread·like roots and he r small arch ed foot tampIng down th e soil about them. lIer halr- tbe co·lor or wet raw wood In tb e sunlight-was very near tbe brown . bead and sometimes th e ir fin ger s I touch ed OI' U tbe work. - Once, as th ey s too ll UJl. flu s hed with tbe exercIse. n I great bl ac k and orange butte rfly . . d'azed Yo" Itb tho sun-glow, ali ghted on Vallllont'a roll ed·up sleeve. He he ld hi s srm perfectly stili and blew gently on th e wBoverlng pInions till It s wam away. wr en a redbl~d lIIrtt!d by, to his dellghl she wh !stlcd Its call 80 porfectly tb'lt It wheelel1 In mld·fIIgbt and tilted luqulrlngly l)Dc k toward FINANCIAL PANIC OF 1831 to tide the popular panic would menD them. ru.ln to al\ the Interests Involv1.111 As they descend ed th e terrace agaIn Year That Many Sank, Failed and The re are me n stili livIng today who to the pergola, he said. "'Phere's only r(lmember with a shudder tbe tr)'lo, Specie Payment, Were Practical· one thin g lacking at Damo./, (',cnritimes of '67, when the ·merchants met Iy Entirely Suapended, a slln-dlnl." I~\ the Boston merchant's exchan,e "Tben )'OU hal'en 't found Il 1" sbe Political rallcor was at Its behcbt d.w after day, InsIsting that the banks finally Amasa c ried dellgb tnolly. "Co Ule nnd let me when Andrew Jackson vetoed the bUi "'lust be sustaIned; until r sbow you." renewIng the chl\rter of the UnlLeG Walker rose up and· said: "Oentle. She led thc- wa)' through the maze States bank and removed the tre\l!lllJ"f r len, the banks must suspend specIe of beds at art'! s ide till they reacbed deposIts, under wblch oppoaltlon tbfl "ay-ments. There Is no other courae a bedge lace~ thickly with VirgInia bank collapsed and a vast number of to be followed ." There were murcreeper. He l.arted thlB leafy screen, state bnnks competed for the busl- f4urB of dlsconteut and they were al· bendlng hack the spri»-glng fronds 100St ready to lynch the ex-governor tbat thrust agAinst the "Jmsy muslin ness, whIch Included tbe Il!sue of bank notes. In 1837 there were 634 banks, ut Ihe commonwealtb for the bold P{)o of her gown sn<1 threate~\tlll to speu wltb ao aggregate capital ot $291,. nltton he had taken, but he tQ.Cecf the pluk·rosed bat tbat c~t un ador. f.hem courageously, and next came the a ul e warm tint over her .rreamy faco, OOQ,OOO. news of the suspensIon of the New thinking that rev e r had !'!le old place In the ltls tory of han kIng the year York banks. seell Ruch a rlcturo as aho made of 1837 Iii ~romlnent for nne of the fram ed In the 'Ieep greeDworst panIcs ,hat "'!'is ever koown In Difference. Some su ch thongbt wal In the mil.- AmerIca, wblcb resulted In the rallure Bald a RUSSian dancer to a jor's mind, too. lUI he camil slowly up of many banks and II. unlverllal suapeoth e t e rrace belew. He pau., ed, to 'lAke slol) ot specle paymezib 1.Iirougbout delpbia roporter : :'We· can learn mllcb trom the duo the country, whIch were· no~ renewed oft his bat .lnd wipe his brow. . "With the ptace all find up thIs until over a yeat and a haU Jater, says Ing of anlmalll, but why way," he' s1=he1l to hlmslr"l, "J could the National Magazine. DurlDg tbts ot al\ tltIngs, to the tulr·lui,v;- " ............ 'It believe It WIlS only last week ttylbg- perto4, . When , hailldng·/ oper~- something , a little' Beauty Vall"}t !Lnd Sout'1aIl · t ' · wero' PQCJ - ·out of turkey's ,. d~oclng; taw; It tliiked' Wlere boys, " I~"flng arou:!ad . l.ez,l~itel~CEt;t'll,lI tbe::.n8,~~~_ dllD . And to . blnk thr.t ~.,DU'.""'.l' •., ~~shro.g~b~·~~ ~~~~I~~~~~· Uaot's iOb aLd t,,,I'." Wby, It seems Ih:e VB·.. \'....,_;;("~,,'id{~;it'.~ ley ,there ·waS K Cr;asii!t(j'~r-~d I, j "I/iIWltcI Iar ha1r' ,wu that oJ , H


Have You a Bad Back



CHAPTER XX. He SII w th em co ming througb th e cate on the Red Road - the major and ShIrley In a lilac muslin by hIs sIde-amd atrode to meet th em. Beblnd them Ranston .prope lle d a ~nd·ca rt tilled wIth paper bundles frOID each of which protrude d a bunch of flowe r ing stems. There was a flush In Shlrley's cbeek as her hand la y In Valiant's . As for blm, bls eyes, lik e a wilful drunkard s. returned a gai n nnc. again. b4ltween th e malor's co mpllm <..n ts, to b e r face. "You have a ~co mpllsb e d wond-ers. eah! I had no Idea so mucb could be don e In sucb a limit ed Ume. You have certainly primp ed the old .. lace UJl. I could a lmos t tlllnl< I was 10011· Ing at DaI1lory Court In the s ixti es. sah!" "Tba t's quite the nicest thing you could hnve said, Major." respon,l ed Vall lUI t. , " But It needs the flow ers .. · He looked at Shirley with spa rkl Lng <lyes. "How Ilplendld or you to bring t;heD1! J fee l lI~ e a robber. " [ .,"Wltb our bush els 01 lhl!'tXl! We - ~,aJl.. ~eve~ mlss th em ut. all. Have ,~ ~ef out thv ot h ers?" ~Y" 'b ldeod.. -l!lvery OD<!> haa ·


As Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vest'-







SOUGHT -THE LOST Beautiful Parable of the Ninety and Nine Shows God's Just Claim to All. ,\~


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\"l 'ad

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fo r ti le IlIHL . 1H'e p. Is set fo r lh tho l'i allUH lO sudul ol' rvlce un d 10 ~Dlri l · ua l aftl Ilr Ihe unfi L. the vlc ltllls. t he lI t' gh·c l, ·cI. t ho "lU llin g. 'I' h t: d l urcll to d a y Fhou hl reee ivll g reul " UCO Uf '"lIl· 1! fro Ul th e ra tio Hf' L Ull by J ·SU b . " in ct) .lull uln " Wl· t " i ll th e t t .. ",

of a well·cored tor stril wberry patch ready tor m a rk et.

I il,· ~<! arl'h

UISpen d 1\1y· Hard-

Ut lI u tll lll ly

earned Nicl(els for

fiL1 C' it v r l"fi ru itl , un "" wus nut UIHHl t h e burn ' ll waHL ". . Ti t., s he pherd I,' ft thl>

!l lnd y ",, 11 111 11 " lltat b migh t o l:<~ I' out lh e ono Llwl was l o~t. I te [ OU!lU IL a nd brou ght il bnc k III hi" with re joic in g. Th u da y is [,11' dl t; laut ,\' hc u th e rati o or th e "Ba yed" to Ihl! " lI ns av .::d·· Sllll l1 bc Ih ltl uf th o IMa l purab lc. ilul Ll1() chu r ch be· Ile ves t hnt !'. Is com ing IWU t he 11l·Og · r esli o r I' Ilg lon g ly es ass ura nce tor th e [a llh. Il Is s uch mat ·ltl ess Ideal s o r se rvlco and salvation a a t he pa r· nbl " or th e Good Slle pll e rd lh a t In· spire the ch urches to th e wo rk or minIstry . to th o work or e vang e li s m. to tb o work ot teachIng, to tb e worlt or cbarlty. It Is this Ideal tb a t tOfl' terB faltb In tbe human rac e aUlI Tbe Btrawborry Is one or lhe prime about Oush wltb the su rface or the makes rede mption th e Bcarlet tbread fll.vorlles among frult·lovlng people. It soli . Too deellllianting Is apt to <:aUS8 lbat runs th j ougb tbe mes h or tbe thrives hI nearly all parla of the COUll· rotting and. wh e n It Ie too shallow, thll world's bopell. try under a var iety of conditions, and roola become exposctl and dry out.. For CO'llplete Redemption. How narww Is t be "Ie w that the ta c lasse d as a cosmopolitan fruit. Be- The earth muet be weU firmed about sec uring at the condilio n or ultimat e Ing such an early one. It Is us.nn llY In the roola. conalderable demand and otten ne ts Cu llivatlon during tbe fir s t yea r bleRsednes s . whe n "aJl !lha ll know th e (:ommerclal growers handsom e proflts. sho ul d be trequent, though shallow Fathe r rrom th e least to the great· · Although a s a ndy sol\ Is favored b)' e no ugh to prevent Injury to tbe rOO ls. est" CDn only be brought about III This will klll weeds, make plant rood some on e way . Paul polot8 oul tbllt the strawberry, a good clay loa m, It It ava ilable, and eBtabll Bh a dust mulc h somo a.r e evnogellala. som e t eac bel'll, 18 well drained and .lull or humus, will whi ch wlll preve nt e vaporutlon of Born e proph cts. and s o on with tbo serve admirably. Th ese co ndillons are moisture tram the soil. nu~ e fl\t lo n ot a ll th e g Irts ot til e 68senllal for bes t r es ulla, as lhe strawNo berrIes should be all owed on the spirit. The ethical alanda rd s set u p berry likes 0. warm soli and one welt vines during the Ors t yea r, as fru lt tng In th o wa llt8 ot buslncss lIte-albeit euppll ed with moI st ure during th o "th en wll l tend to dwarf the plants. The lh ese a re nol as yet compe lli ng wltll growing sea son . Ple llty of plant food runn e rs wblch are lo be left nre trnln- th e melt "ho do th e b ig bus in ess of must be present. Wh en possib le. th e ed to lie In the row, where they will th e co un ll'1 - lhe ethical st:tltda rd s Het patcb sbould be located on an e le va· uot bo dis turb ed by the eulth-a lors. up in thl> ways or stat c rn ft . the tlon, wbl ch wlll ass ist the plaots In Arte r th e g rou nd has becom e frozen eth ical stlln dards set up fn th e or· es caplng th e late sp r ing fro s ls. ba rd, a rnlrly t hl o ~l\Il e h Is necessary :lIna ry a ssc,d atlo ns or nl CIl - t hese nre The p re p n r ~ tl o n of th e 5 011 Is 1m· to protect th e plan IS . Coa rse manure. all a bac't.ground Inlo whi ch tbe portan l Strow berr les will not m a ke va rious kind s or clean s trnw. mars h bea utif ul picture or lhc co mpl e te 1'0, aatlsfactor y g row th It th e 5 011 In which grsss and th e like a r e IIse ll . Th e ob· dempUon at mankind Is boing I\'O Y u . they a re placed Is not In all e xcell en t jecU on to manure li es In th e fac t l ha t Witho ut lh is e tblcal bac kgrou nd ho w condl ll.on or tilth. It thcre Is not a weed seeds are a pt to be lut rotlu ced. arde nt \\'u uld be the work of resufficie nt am oun t of pl a nt fo od presc nl This mulch preve nls the s oil fr om ligion . It mu s t eith er be sup plied with ma nure heavln ll and 10Juri ng the roots, te nds As t he Bun rise s ove r th e banks o r or cOlOm ere lnl fe rt lll.zera. S tfll wb e r. to hold the blo ssoms in th e s pr in g, a ud n lgb t cloud s and se nds Its s hafts with rIes s!lould not follow Imm edl atel), rorms a milt up on whIc h the ber r i s wond c rrul ti nts agaln - l tbe o pa que affer a sad. Whe re m a nure Is to be will li e during the de velop ing seaso n ma ~s . lightenin g It until castl es a nd temp les a0 11 ror sts lind mead ows bl" . used, It s hould be np pl led 1.0 th o pre· th e follo wing year. -ceding crop If pOSSible. A cultlv ll ted In th e s pring or th e ~ecoud }: CI\ I'. girl wllh flo wer s unu fl oa ting Isl~uds crop s hould Intervene In bolh cases , atte r th e dan ge r at I\n y but 11110 frosts :n SOilS of gold, are pictured lipan l be This '11'111 t end to d estroy "' oeds a nd Is Pll8 t, the mulching mat e ri al s hould background, malU ug It a part o r th e .. grub wor ms. both of wblcb arc hi ghl y be open ed up so th at the pla nts w ill glowin g picture, so th e s un of ri ght· ,•.• ,........ _.••.:.:" Injtirlous to s trawbe rri es . . Care wilen no t be cro wded or s m o th e red. The eou s ness, sh ining upon buman lite , In the preparation at tbe soil a nd Its mulch Is lert close UI) to th e vin es, lInds In tb o unllluminated masses or . ubseque n ~ c ulture wil l Ins ute cOIn. allowi ng th e berrlcs to r es t upon th e ethi cal bac kground tho materia l that \ .1Jtml\lUIng r e turns. mulch where (beY Ivlll not be come only n eeds It ~ light to be mad c golde n a nd g lorious. Ethics Is th e tru e ma· In sel ecting varietles, one should dirty. cbooso .those whlc~ g rol\' success fully If th e palch js h ea lthy, vigorous and terial at religion and tb e eLhlca l In his par lle ulnr locality rather lban compara ti ve ly free tram weeds, It ma y progresll at tbe age Is the best a s· thODe tbat hnve never been tested . rreq uently be fruited t\Do t hEr year. In surance that tbe time Is coming when Lilte blooming Vari eties a r e, of co urs p ;ble case lhe leaves are mowed orr, tbe ninety and nine, Instructe d In less a pt to be InJUI'ed by fro s ts. Then :tIIc1 th ey with the mulch a re rake d off righteousness. securo In faith and pro· t\Vo~ kinds of blossoms tound or ~ r are burned over rapidly on a windy tected by me rcy will be fOllnd In the etra.w berrl'!s-male or staminate and ·Jay. Cul tl\'atlon Is th en bEgun and fold or divine lovo. Let no one dcfemale Ol' pistillate. The JlIs tillat ( ~ ontlnued as In lbe first year. IIplso the day of s mall things ! For th e best 1!!'od uctlon Htrawbe rrlee tloweJ;s do not bear pollen. Thererore. Church Muat Lead . 'When pistillate varlelles are plllllted need enriched soil. 'fhls condillon It tbe ulti mate end of r ed e mption- a etamlnnte va riety must be set even' may be ob tal ncd by turning und er to pr esent every man perfect be rore ~blrd ' or fourt.b row at least In orde; aocls, especially of a legum lnus nature. the Flltber- calls rorth th e full s ervo that the pollen will be cnrrled by In· by the use or manure and comm erc iul Ice at r~\lglon, the e ntire m odlat1a'n • cle trom tbe former to lhe latter. fertilizers, or by a comblnallon of ot tile Man of Cal vary, what must be Slrnwberrles are grown In malted them all. If c bemlcals alone ure to said (or tbose wbo wander tbe Btrel115 roWI or In billa. Exce pt where extra supply ' the plant rood, from 200 to 600 ot th e cltles and the ways of the tincy fruit Is be ing grown, the firs t Is pounds of a. complete fertllizer carry' cl)untrY, like those In J erus a le m over ~ be . preferred. Tbe rows mllY be Ing blgb per cent of the ne eded e le- whom J es us we pt as sheep without from. tbree to three and a half teet ments wl.ll probably suit most condl· a shepherd? The work at the evan· .pllrt and the plants separated In the lion!, The proper time for appllca· gellst \s gTeatly neede d, as was tbe rows 't rom-tfl to Inches. Spring Is lion of nitrate of soda Ie just be fore work ot John the Baptist In the wil· · the more generally advised Ume for blossoming time. derness crying. "Repe ut, for the planting. New varleUes are obtained from kingdom at heaven Is at hand." But Only clean, vigorous, n e w plants seeds. Old varieties are reproduced more than thl8 work \s needed tb e tull lIbouid be placed In the patch. The by m eans of the runners wllich are work at the Maater through th e rull tops sbould be reduce'd, leaving but encouraged to take ' root. VarIeties agencY' ot the chureh es. 'fh ls work two or three of the best leav ell, and recomme nded In a general way tor lncludell the teaching ot thos e · un· lhe roota should bo pruned back about Ohlo are : Fairfield, Haverland, Sam· l~aroed In tbe gold!'n argosy ot faltb, one-thlrd- - They may be ' set In a hole pIe, Senator, DunillP, Latest, Warfield lhe b eautiful words of lire, the t eacb· .y Inserting a spade Into the loose and Brandywine. lng of tbe uncared·for children and earth and then pushIng It forward . R. B. CRUICKSHANK, their elders In the ways of peace. tbe CB,re should be ·taken to have tbe roots College at Agriculture, Ohio State leading at the strangoJ'll within the · spread out and bave the orowns come Unberslty. gates tram foreign lands Into the 1Iti, erty of the sons of God. It Includ es Dot only the wide ~ange of specifiC pertormance. but tbe wider ran ge or ultimate Idellls, unsw ervIngly he ld to. Organization, agencies and Ideals are Trlee-Aall Blr<:h, Catalpa. Coffee Shrub.-Barberry, Button BUlb, ~he utilities of the church. Lo ve and ~ree, Elm, Gingko, Buckeye, Baa· R e d-bud, FrInge Tree, Japan Quince, redemption are the provisIons at God. The ratio .of nlne ty and nin e t o on o ,~oo~.r Linden, Maple, Mul~erry, Oak, Elder, Burning-bush, Dog·wood, Privet, , • SW'e et Qum, Sycamore, Tulip. Willow. Lilac, Syringa, FlOWering Currant, \s not the ratio at those who feel tho ;., Cli' b - VI Inla Creeper Bltter- Bush Honeysuckle, Snowball, SplraeBII. aense at divin e security to tho Be who • ~ m era rg _ ' or Bridal Wreath. are without this feelin g. Rut the , Clematis, Trumpet Creeper. . chureh and those wlUlOut Its folds "'11'.' __" Moon Seed. Annual Cl!mbera-Mornlng Glory, who are stili In league with God for Moon Vine, Sweet Pea, Nasturtium. the bett enne nt at mRnklnd ar e seek· Perennial.: NaUve Asters, GoliienFlowerIng Plants-Annua ls : Aslers, 'ng to hn ve tbis pr oportion rca lized. - ;rod, Blue-bell, Larkspur, Foxglove, .. Hollyhock, .Golden GlOW, Peony, Large Balsams, Cosmos, Petunia, Pblox, flut as long as there Is a singl e perPOppy, Sunllowers, Cutor' oll Bean. S.lD crying out In the words of tho ,; 'j>blox, H elenlum. . p Psalmis t : "No mnn care th for my • > of tbe 8011 , Bnd eo gives greater for· soul ," mus t the Cull agenclcs or r e.~}LLAGE IN THE ORCHARD• . aging and root·hold for the roots or Oemptlon and tbe love be hind It be the trees; it also conserves moisture rorthcomlng from tho "Church of the by Increasi ng the water·holdlng co.- First Born." pa.c lty of tbe soli. and by cheoklng Use Well the Golden HourI). ,e vaporation. It a.IBO may augment To get the mOst out of the year, we chemlcai activity by Betting the elements of -plB;nt-food free; by pro- mllst put the moat Into It. And we of the sol1. motlng nltrlOcatlon; by haatenlng de- mnllt put the m!lst Into It by living In a spi rit of earneslness; dohlg with .. wuHI. ~ lllu ""1!le result of t11~~..e , composition or organic matter, and by our might wh!lt our h'ands find to do; t.h!IJ.olrpn,ar(I>U that ~e ·~h eX~llndlng theBe agenl'les de~per In,to not trllUng With the goldeD' hours, .lJut Jarg·eY, lu.iPI:' ~rng t~!I lol l, ..,. FRANK ~OOPER, I tecelvlng ' ~ch " aa ' a preelo)lS gl'u from ~rtlc ' l_ ~ ,! , ... Colle~ of Agriculture, Ohio S te p. ,Q od;:"'Sel~tedUntverilt,. " · . " .' .

- ..., -


{ get the most pleasure for the longest while. "

Choice of Soil, Selection of Suitable Variety, Cultivation of Plants, and Fertilization Are Important Factors Which Enler Into Success With This Cosmopolitan Plant

You can't get a bigger buy for a nickel. It is as delicious as economical-as beneficial as deliciou E.- as popular with your family as with you. It's as clean as it's fresh. It's always clean and al1,v~IYs fresh because the new air-tight, dust-proof seal keeps it so. Every sealed package is personal to you.

the Spear







,. . .""'-... , ." .•_A.


. .. ....___"~.;...'.__....

Purify your breath, preserve your teeth, harden your gums and keep your digestion good with this mouth-cleansing pastime.

CJhe-w it after every tneal _ _ _ _ _ __ :::.. Be SURE it's WRIGLEY'S Lucky Accident for Him. WIngless Victory. SPECIAL TO WOMEN Atter proposing three tim ea und

Aunt Dinah was a colored saint In Cb a rl e8ton , who could shout above th e entire cong regation. It was tbe cue· tom durin g the colltlctlon lo s'1g "Fly abroad, tho II mlghly Gospel," and AUllt Dinah always threw back her hea.d, shut her eyes. and liang aw a y lus tily till the plate was returned to the altar. De.lcon Alphronlus Greon, noting tb ls, slopped whe n he reached her pew one Sunday, and sal d : "Look·a·heah. DInah! Wbat use you a·slnglng 'Fly abroad. thou mighty Oawspel' et you aIn't give nothln' to make hor fiy'"

Important to Mottl....

lllxami ne carefully every bottle of CASTOnIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and chUdren. and ... that It Dears the




In Use For Over 30 Years.

Chijdren Cry for Flelchor's Castoria

being rejected on account at his ugll· less, a man In London was Injured lu an accld cnt so severely tbal wh en he recovered his face had been com· pletely reconstructed, decide dly for the bettor. He proposed again and vma accepted.

The most economlcaJ, cleans\.ng ad ~ germicidal a! all anUaeptics ..

A soluble Antiseptic Powder ~ be diaaolved in water as needed.

LOle. It. Charm, .As a medlc1nalaoUaeptlc tor douche. n ewly married mao to ge ne rate mu cb e ntbuslasm In troaUng catarrh, Inflammation Ill! over his bride's bea u tl rul hair after ulceration of nOBe, throat, and thAt he has seen he r plte It on the bureau caused by feminine Uta It haa no equaL For ten yeara the LydIa E. Plnkhnm for the night. Medicine Co. haa recommended Paxtlne De bl\ppy. V.e R ed Cross Ball nlue ' In their priVal.e correspondence WHD much belter than Iltluici blue. Delil!h~ women, which proves Its superiority. the lnundresi. All ,",COrti. Adv. Women who have bee n cured sa~ It Is "worth Itl weight In gold," At Judging by what Borne girls race druggists. 600. large box, or by mall. the parson wltb th ey must hale to The Paxton To1let Co" Bostoll, l4aU. , work tor a Il vlng. It'll dlmcult ror a

Uu Rom"n Rye Ba.laa w t or ltCaJdln&' MO'1-.tlOD iu eye. aull hlllMoWWn. "lou vi eye... or elcUda. Ad • •

Bualness. Lots at thll1 gs an ,1 men 8~m easy Busin'ess \s tb e Itlng pin of all pro- until one tri es to do them. 'essions - th tl master profess ion, because business Is tb o one fabric Putnam F adeless Dyes guarantee woven out of uli e ntangle d activities of a community whlcb go to make up satlstactlon. Ad v. society, an d soci ety I.s lifo. One drop ot guile may make a Quarl of goodness te rme nt._ . ___ _ KIUthe Files Now and Prevent dl ~M &6 A DAISY }' LY KILLER lI'tIl do II. Kill s thou .... uds Lnst81lJlsca8on. All deillera or slx 'sent CXI't'C5S _pnld for ~l. n. SOMEUS tOO Do Klllb A~e ., Brooklyo, N. Y. Ad v '

Pettit's Eve Salve



~~ ~'.. ~ ~0 INCINN:"'A ~t NO~~

/It. Fact. "Mlno en emy has s tolen my new Incubatorl" "What a fowl r e venge !"

ARE YOU CONSTIPATEDr : WrIgb :\ '. IDd1aD Vegetable PUla ban preved their lI'or'b ror 76 ycan. Test them yOJlrlOlf 10011'. BeDd tor umplo to m l'earl .8t.., New York. Adr_

Sooner or later you will be wrong in every organ of your body. It is a well i!nown fact that over 96<jb of al1slcknease8 are caUlled by ai1!ll~nts ot the digestive organa. If you have the el\gbeet BUIIplClon that yeu1' stomach requires tNatment. don't delay. moment. Little ills !lOOn grow int9 aerioua



Medical Discovery the Itcimach dlnst the flXlCl and manu• tome effeel. aud lOGO eoabletl the neri't11'111 their faDCtioaa ' In • natural, bea1~


Dr. J. A . McCoy,



Probate Court Proceedin2s In t b A m nU·nr o f th o f-llltntl of 1>£111C HnlJoou,n. dpoe" tl .~ !I. fl'muk P. H nfi'rlllllllR Appoi n 1,00 Il . lrni t\i~ I roto r. Offit:e al r ..~ id'·l!l'l! i,l F II Sl ,er R DLd ':' (:)0 10 vIm t ory 'IOrl 11 iJprllilHlDltlDt omitteu . wouei' s house, Fuu I LIl ::it r eel. lu tho II1Atter of th n f'stClte of E liz'l .Ju 0 6 OUVIS . decea8ed . Privute Tell·phune· 28 s lIle of pAf ::lonAI prllporty o rd e red . In ,.he 1U 'lt ~ er of the e~ t,at·e of Wa Yllcsv i' l e. Ohio M...,y K . Br o om, deOIlIl!:lt'u Pri vato 11<11 .. o f pe r""u a l prUp'. rt y o rrlen·ll . If you hu.v e \Voo! for 10 tbo nJl1f.t ur of th o p'" tute of Aid to Genius. C lt1rll J.; Y'IUIl/!, minO T. FIHh tiO. Our ideA Is 11i ,1t llif're ollgh l to be sillC, cull me uP. as I will OO'l n t lIJ.lprllvetl, at leas t thr ee c hllrlr II III (·,·,'ry fal11 lly. pay you t h e highes t cash BO thal Ir one of t h~11I dh""ld \Jeco me In Iho mnl,:er of (.1 e o!> of 110 genius the oth pr I ll" (·o ul.1 RUPllOrt price for it. Ann" l'hompllou. 1D81111P. ::ltoond hlm.-Gah'eslon :-; CW~. co r reoted I> coount npp r n Yt: u , ill the Wlltter o f t,he estllt.e of Eilw, E, Cast!ooIlY .• I· ~ e tl ll~ed . E~tllte rully !Hltniols ter\:11 . In Mill Il1BMer ut LlI" et\tnttl of W I:l Greg g. it ~ nne First ao oount· ~" ~~ ,"t\'tr ::11,,~.( '~&:' w~,~lt~~ BPllfov eLI. ?,~~ r. (I~h"t:::'''·; ,::':.~~' r~~;~ : r .. .. I ""thl~ u ,·" ..,. .,,,' I,,· In the lUfltt·er of the eatat e of !3~ .. tfUCll\ l lol f1 lo"h- " . "1I(II l u ,, I .. ' 11\"'- - ' ' ., " ' Il' It,,. 1..,., Phone 1:35 Bello K plUpe r, dceel1sed . Estate l\ ,· "U l lfll 1! ) Illlut rat ,· d , In,,,uh' ,UI , 1.. lh III 1,1... \, .IId t'u lly udlllln l!ltere. L Whl lt· 1" • • 01" , • • Ih" ... r l. 11I· .. b ,11'.".,1 1', F.l' .... !tt. Iu th e ruatter of the er:.ta te of )1 ..,1 \I!I,OJ . Alh .• , I.....\ 'n.l . ur WAYNESVILLE, O. Cbl1rl .~ tI W . Billok f,ud . d eoellsed. ~:;~II.; 1l~1.:" ~ • .~,~. j~n~;ll{}~'~~ ("... 1 '(' 111.0(. ' , 1." lie. FlI'Ilt 11110 ti onl .. (lOuunt approved . I'''''''''''' \ i ~ ' Ill , •., ' ''" I •., .... c:!lItr." " , W U . TK R C ,\ \21', Dietri bu ti un uflle r llu A IU n c._ nor' ·'I.Il»l a u \hur-I ' 1 (110 1l, 1_ ""'~, ~ t. In th l\ lI ..d,~e r II f tl w etlt!lt.e of S O' ,," , •• ·1,. ", f"r f' ft ,,~ .ltUllp'. Mllry L. Balum' , deoeased, Estate ",." ,./ th· • ." ~ ,' c~ l fI,'" b,. .e '''1",' ,,,,b.t.\ " .~ I. . UI fully ,ul Uliuls tel'llcl. IIi I llin F. I£OIlua to., Publllhtrs, m 'i~' 51" Smet!l:x>rl, PI, 10 l·b e Qlln l~II' of th'! ee;tll te of J ohn £..l1u. <.i fl ceatl",d. Frtlll Luu ap Funeral l)irector. poiutua ud miuistr/l.t,or. Bood $4500. E. H C ,) wn U , J Iim 0 8 1:)01l0r8 !lnci Charles Rief IIJlPo\nted 11ppra leers Til l ph ntw fln~' I) r night. In ' th e tDII t l tl r of I,be 08ta te of V,lll e v pU Ot1H ~ " . ' 1,01lK Klnt!ey T U O tllp ~ " n , d eoeused LoDi"t lilI"" N 0 (;11-21'. vitlh Wurwi c R tlppolot<id a dlXlllI t l'tLt,-ix 13,)0 11 !l IOO Aut omoolle ServIce at a ll T Imes 10 ti lt' DI II \,t{' r o f t lJ P. a · tate o f Winol r ",\ MU ftJh). d tlC~ II ;;eu 1~1l1l" Of'IIO Murph .. H. l'pnin lf'll ud uti u 18Cn tor. WAV NESVI LLE, Som. t l..... tlllO we accured tho DOllt1 il-! Ot) Iocal ..." nel'. for th . India na Silo B runch Office. flnrv cnlburg. O. Company. We b.vo found muc.h ill t,he t1l tLlotor of tbe estAte of pie...... in i"lveatblll oW' friencla aod D"labbon In tho ach ~ntaaea. Wil li u tn t4. Mt: Ki nn tly. deoel\8ed . eco.~..,mj~. profit. aDd " lkrouDdi .. T h o lll l1" C011 stll bl fl ODe of tue ap.alu" or !.h. p r ul ~ e rd BJ.llhJi ntN j failed to Horve. lind v\'illilltll Chooey b "vi,ng tler vtlu ill bi .. st ead IllI d \l ssist.inK io app rRI~il lg rflld est ate in ,!! OIlU86. t h e n ot~ of William Ch .. n ey .. re the r eforo IIppT 0 v et! II nll the In ven t, , :avery farmer who owns an Indiana Silt» r iOanrl app rHiscm ent. filed previnu s Jy .as found that it is tlJe best bus' ness deal Is oow ....oorcied , Ie ever made and the g r eat est pleasure ' TRADE M A KS f his farming experience, It not only In tllll 'nott ll l' Ilf ~h e will of N,,DESIGNS ·.cidll 60% to the net profits of the dairy "ha n Bllr kJey R 1cll, OfloE\I" ed, t:;flrub COPYRIGHrs &r c . '.nd feeding pens hut it a lso saves atl the A nJono IU311t1ln&[ a rlke l f' h 0 1,,1 d l' ''''r l t l ''' l Ihn, C. Rl oll j·looted 10 t n I(e ond er the 1IIII eltl, ""'tcw r wt fl f'u r "I'il i lftl\ ( N '" v.. •. •• I , j ,,' lUI lal'd, unp1easu.nt work of winler feeding. ~~~ ~I?~ 1;~~t'~L~~ ~~~~~I~ ~!rd:s.l ,;~ N wrOIJ {'~',l; 111!1~\I~;~::' will. We have an especially attractive propoReal;Eslate Transfers tition to make to you now-oue ilint will 'OI~:llf:~:'A \J!~~~~ ~~~~~~t;O~l~~~l~r~'''(~:~~~~t:iTe ,uahle you to get an Iudia na Silo in time ' tpfdal noUce, ,,,IUlout (;al~1"R' U , lu th o J , EVllllfl to W I II od Annie 'or next fall's oorn crop and to pay for it Ellds Inti! No , 19 ·20 Bnd part of lot IS it pays you. L et us t eU you about it. No. 18 "Is o Jll\r t of lot Nfl, 50 10 A r. a nd.omOI, Ul u p.trftled " 9Att l,.. J."ru('!,L el r cu aLl ll ll li t lill y 8(1loflUUO Jo urflll1. 'I' ur llllt . fa " in Mtlil.l6vill f:' , OhIo. $2500. ebas. 1;). r Andr e w Mehan to Hattie Mehan OhIo ~e veyaburg, l ot N o 778 in Franklin , Oblo $1. BrlUlcb omcel Il2!I Ii' st.. Wub'"gt()u, U. C. ,";arBb M. Miller tu Forellt 0. H nl nes lots 1;1, 14, 15 and 16 lu Maoklnaw 6dditioo to Franklin. Obio, ' 1. Jl:dwllrd R. and Margaret L. Cooke to Borry Cooke lot No. 737 in Franklin. Obir. 11 . ForeRt D. BaineR to Charle8li1. Mtller lo t N o. 047 in Ifr!\okliD. Obio. I I. of

(ll" "





11. ' ..)

' f ••

A ' hlt'- I ~,'

1.< ,\


W a Iter Mcure CI

ombining •


____ w ... w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ve eri n arv (jrat.! uotr










fifU'NN fCO~3~~B~:~:~~tNew'lf(irk


Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.

IndiJtestlon? Can't Eat? No Appetite?

A treatment; of Eleotrio Bitters inOrea8e!! your IAppetlte; Itops in di l(etlUoo ; y ou olin eat everything . A rellll!pring toulo tor liver, kidufl.v and stoIDaoh troubles . Ul f'lli DSel' your whole system Ilnd you fe el fint". Electric Bitters did more fnr Mr . T D . PeeblA' s stomaoh troubles tbau Iln'i medlolne be ever tried. 6et a bottle today , 600. and II 00 Ilt your Shop Next to Sherwood's"Carage Main St Buokleo's Arnioa Salve " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 Druggist. I for Eozemu .



H .•l. L Miohllol to John F. C" t, terll l 71\ 2~ .. or es In ClplJ.roreek t.o wlIsbiji t J. W A . ::Iu rfu oa to ChRrles H . Sur. fa oe y. I ot· e rA~t in tbree trllote uf Il1tl d [n \V IiJ 1\f1 Rnd Clea roreek tow n ~ hlpR


Mliry J . ti tephenson e\ "I to Luoy A. /I,nd Mnry E. R 088 p,ut. of lot No. 2J7 in Lebanon, Ohio 51 . ~ U 8[\ n lin d L e wi~ C. Dunham \0 Luo.\' A. lind Mllr.v E . R ON8 pa rt of I" t, NO) . 23' In Le hllnuD , Obl o I:lll e ruliln W. Ilrd Bess ie E . Fe rris to Anllu L. D. 'l'h ompRo n 80 aores in Mil1t,fl ry ::i u rvey No. 828 , 11. lI.u ry H . Brown et a l J ob n B . Brown 178y' uores in t:!alem town!' hlp $7~OO .1 n bn tHro op tn J 0 1.111 Lusky 91 17 uc rotl in \V lL Y00 tuwnsblp f1. J 0 Ii" A, Powers to Alioa M. Ifaurer 272 ;18 aOl'es i'l ~Jilltary I3nrvey N u.




:! 3~2 .



$ l.


J e nnie B Sltflr .& e r t o The Roarrt of Eduoatlon. Ji'ru nk li n ::; 'bl)ul 1I1$t, tOt Warren C() Il ~ t.v. Ohi o. io\ N "l 140 in Maokioaw ~ nbdivl!lilln t o Irrllnk hn, OhiO, $260.

Marrla2e L1ceolCl Oliver (1, Urtoo. farmer or Ro, ch etlter, Oh l .. , to Mbi! Grlloe Mule A yfln of. Lebaoon, Ohio. Rev. J B . Baldwin COO' missioners'


'rue County Fund being exba listed ti 10lln of IlGon toll ~tl pteml ". r 1. 11114, waR l\utlJor !zed for t.h ~ J}n r pose of paying 81110ti ' 14 d. ll': o lIl" .\'.

Bills Passed Ohln Corr u~8 tp.d t :uh·er '. c·". " r Iml vor t, pip!'. $349 .60. ·C . tit .MRrVID s upp lies for Court Hou8e eto •• $6.11 Pure Food Groo~ry. lIupp :les f o r jan. II. Xenta Wurk Houlle, "prll b oard for Iprlsooers. $21 W . B . Null. woril: 00 CJearoruek town ~ hlp ro"d!4 $66 . W. H . ti llpplng. rep'.hs Conrt H OUiIe . ':tIl. SO ~ul. Stevens Post. G, .A. R. Memorltil fUlld. $21 Grllnville 'I'hors ton POllt , G A. R. tJaW€1 $25 Ueorgll C Jones bridge war;; I:i.!'rillu to'\'nsbip $9.21 Ore ;!onil' Bridge Co. Contraot ~(l. 126 $150. l:lllme, oontraotNo, 227 $160 U1vde Ce>ddington, work On I:!alem towo~bip roads 14. CbllrJ 9~ ~llb.b8, flutil estima.te Contl'aot No, 76 S83 25 Zulo Armit8!!e. Coutruot No. till $66.65. A . D 8bullz, ContrlLCt No. :.~4 $13.50. .Jobn Wolfe. bridge wori[ MlibSio 'r.) wnsblp $25 25. P . B. Monee, work HBleru township roadl! Cr08R Bros. nail a for Jdm Wolfe. $2.90. 'l'rustef\tl Puhlic Afi'airs, eleotrio hjlbt bill for April. $32,J6. MO.lroe & Johnllon, IIIlW. dust liOots., posts for bridge t13 50 ~lIm 'nel D. HenkJe, fees and expenrel for April 112276. M'akaJtIl Mfg. Co., 8upplles tor Offioa8, $'5 20' Plltrl~k Gllyuor, attorney, lUJ8illtiDI prOSlllOlJtor 10 case of State va . Har. yeysburg Fertilizer Go., fee fixed by trial jud~e-A . C. Reisinger, $160. Thol'D~on Bioklr. Ilttorney' 811.i.' lng proseoutor in (l8se Eoolea n. CountY,I!7i. J . P . 1'aylor &8008. burial Isaac 'rhOmBI, Matlllie 'own ship J75. T E. Keelor, medlolne for plisooer 500tll. John M. Mul. tord, ~ uditoT. stampa $6. WelterD t1tal'. aov .. for Deputv Sealer, 11.80.







J. E. Janney. Waynesville. Ohio

InSUR.RnCE i A. R. Chandler SuCCt'Ssor


I All


lrintis of Notary Work . P .. nalon Work a Hpeol,,",.


Dr. Heber M. Dill


!,Ivcr 1'0stofJiee. Wayne8viI Je, O. urr icc Phone 77 .- House Phone:6-3 21

Osteopathic PhY8ician Br01l1Iway

Ph one 449


Lebanon, Ohio DiL H.E. HATBA"rAY \'V n.y'lle.. ville's




Lendinl7 DeDit •• -

«)Mce iD Kevs Bld~,

MatD~t. Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 to 12 o'clock


Offire, corner Main and High streets \ ' Phone No. 100

Funeral Dir.ctor and Embalmer.




.. - ..---

Etectrlfyln" CelluloId. It you will take two thin lengths of

Because Today's will afford you recreation, inspiration, uplift, pleasure and good .cheer, besides much helpful and important information on many most vital, timely and interesting subjects. Today's is simply wonderful.

, l' "

Women everywhere are talking about Today's Magazine, the big, practical, helpful, artistic, handsomely illustrated and indispensable fashion, fancy work, housekeepers and mother's guide.

Today's Magazine is now a real necessity to every woman who has at heart ·the health, welfare, progress and happiness of her .family. "

Today's Magazine at 50 , cents per For latest styles, for delightful stories, year, including any May. Manton Pattetn for money-saving and labor-saving ideas !ree, is an unequalled bargain an.d the best Investment any woman can make. Sub·Today's ~agazinc is now the recognizscribe: now-every n~mber you miss· is a cd h~dniUl·ers,._ ( ... genulne 1 ss t . . ;~~~ ~', _ .0 ~ yo~. , 'I'~" '~r Send your order, accompanied by the cash, to ,. :

- ,1'



" ,

GAZETTE, . . ,

celluloid, put them In contaot and then Buddenly and rapidly pull them between your fingers. you wlll observe they both haye become electrlflednot only 00 theIr outBlde Burfaces. where the friction of your ftnger8 cau8j~d a negative eleetrlflcatlon. but also on the Inner surfaces of the 0lIllulold.

••• DENTIST~ ••


Call answered promptly day or night Both phones in Office and Residence. ' omce •• Long ·d istance,No.14; Home phone Ndloul Baak B~.

Wayneayl .... 0


14-2r. Chairs and one Coacb furnished free ;, ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! '\Vltb funerals. _·be t or the Gazette Best of serviCE! guaranteed. uUIK'n


W. H. MaddeD &Co. BUILDING MATERIAL Of all kinds.






Patton's Sun-Proof Paint

Bowel Movement Regular

Dr. 'Kln/t's New Life Pills keep stoDIRCn, Ii ver dnd kidneys in bAalt,hf condit.loD. Rid (.he bOOy o( poisons lind WRRt., . Improve yonr oomplexion hy flu!lbiog tbe liver Hnd kldnl~Yll. " I got morA relief from one bolt of Dr. Klnl/:'II New Life Pilla 'ban bny medlolne 1 ever tried," lIaya C. E Ba*field, of Ohicago, III. 250 , a! your Orui!'glst


Is ....

---_.- ..- - -




Waynesville, Ohio.

... - ..- - -

A . 1,. LUClkie, Ellst RlJobe!<ter, N . Y., WAS Il v[otim of !lIck be!ld. Ilohe !lud despondency. O:1U8OO by a bll<ily w Jllkened and deblhtated condition of her s, Jmaob, when (lb"tl began 'llkiD~ Cbamberlahl'8 Tal. let!'. Stofl IIllyR, "1 found 'bern pleHs !lnt t·.o take, ulso mild and (fi'ectlvt'. In Il few weeks' 'nnt! 1 wall restoreo to my former goud health ," For Blllo by 1111 dealers •





Done Almost Instantaneously

CQmmon Pleas Court New Suits. The Wella tnn Ate'll & Iron Co. 'fl. t.he j~merican ('fir Bnd Fonndry C ... for money Bml utllr r relief. Amolll ,t olalmed 1671 :1 .50 With Interest Monroe & J , boston V8 Mary V. Wilson, alJp e~ 1 by defeod!lnt. Bllyell E. Braga VB . Nellie Brll ~a, dlvOlrOf", grollB ne!;leot of duty.

"' -






Colors In Stock at aU -times








Harveysburg. '-


Eoropean languages, French. Spaniah Portuguese, Dutch, German, etc., the list em~races ~ number of languages. which until comparatively recent ~Imes poaessed no alphabet but for which the Roman alphabet has been adopl:t!d . Among tht'Se are the natiy~ ~awaiian. Samoan, Tagalog (Phlhpplne Islands,) Kaffir, Zulu and Basuto, of South Africa. There is also a modern form of the Malay language using Roman characters,

known as Romanized Mal8,y. Thie ia ueed in Java lind the East Indi~8, . We have jost received a few of these paper!! through the court ·sy of the Chamberlain Co.. snd they are certainly interesting to look over, although t he reading of them would have to be done by some one who speaks a great many languages. These paper!! are at the office. and we would like for our patrons to come in and look them over.

---------------~,~---10 remembranoe of onr decealed BOl'n to Mr. aLd Mrs. Wm. Tate flo PullllolJlO W ...,kly ~t LII" OueLl .. Olflce lu the Rates of Subscription. oelghbor aud frleod Ed Maoy, who fine SOD . Mr. and Mrs Eeom Earohart en,4.lIeo HuUdlnl{. Main i'lL" W UYllllll,' l lIe. Uhlo. One Year (MLrlc Uy 10 adv&ooo) . . ...... '1.00 wal olllled from uI8unday, Ilayll'h ___ _ _ .__ __ __ ' .. illgle COpy , . ," ... , . ,'.... .• • •••••• .O ~ near 6 p. m . to joio the loved ODee tertalned tbelr daoghler Mrs. Carol f D t who hne preoeded . blm. Be wal Ravenl and ob 'ld 1 reo 0 ~y Oll . VA I. LEY 'J' EI.l~ I'lI l1NJo:-CA I.I. NO . 11 2 Ratel of Advertising well kDOW' ~o UII from infanoy, and last Muuday. . neadlog Local• . per lIt1e . . .. " . ,. . . . . . . k wall kno \lVn as an booe.I ' uprlgb' JOhD MnlleD, of ClDoinna'!, Is c l ......mlo Ad •. oot to ex~ five linea mao io a\l of hl8 dealtogl aDd a klod D. L. Crant', Ed itor a nd MI!TWlger . Display Ad'vertl Throe lUB{jrtluliH ..... ... . , . . . 21i'iOc aDd faithful lllUllband lad father. here .oc a visi t for flo tew days .J~1 per Inch . .... . , .. . Mr. and !Irs. George Vuey, ot Diacuuutl jpVIlIl on contrlUlL. He le~v811 a wite, two daoghterll aDd oDe 800 to moorn the 10IIII of him Wellt MlltoD, caWIf dOWD \0 atteod ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~~ who walllO Dear and dear SO tbelll, the Commenoement bere last Toea. MA Y 20, 1914. he alia lellovel a brother and sll'er . d tty evenlng. On acooout of thf iIID888 ot Rev . Mr'. Alt Edwardll. of Collelle Park, QflNTS I~ JWRo\L BUILDINO For 8 Torpid Liver Ueorgia Ie vl81tlug ble old home J . W. Wblt.e, Rev. T. M . Scarff of "1 bave Oiled Vhamberlaln'l.' Tab. wbere be llpent 'he moet of hili life. Spring Valley preached at tbe M Mra Geo , Davll. of near WeIman, E oburoh bere lut liIunday. O,," 't It-" VOl gl a,~ '. n,l weeds on tbe lets off aDd on for the pa.t lilt The Township Bilb School oom .boullf'u ulld Iu the gutters; don" yean wbenever my liver shaWl! entertained 00 8atorday 'he Aid dl" wud uut u t . h.. >: uUertl ~nd sigUt! of belog In a disordered oon Hoole'y of tblll plaoe to a tea allO meooomen' at the Town Sail Totll ~hruw I~ 00 the rond; dou ', lellve dltlon. Tbey b"ve always aoted "rvlnl loe oream and ask., 1\1\ day n ight wall attended by a large dirt pllell un the road ; d OD' t dump qulokly Clnd liven me tbe dE'lllred a!Crealog tha' !Irll. Davil W88 mall- orowd of people. There were eight gradulHel! Mlsael! Ooy 'raylor Itoth IItone or Kravlll on .. u uld rOl\d with reilef," writes Un. r. B. Trobns, t.r of the 11,0a\1on ont first preparinl 'htl lorfaoe to ~prln8vllle, N. Y. For sale by an I . N. Miller llpeot Mversl daYI Mills, Marie Multhop. Katherine receive It i clon t plaoll new material deal8rll. In Clnolona" la.' weet 'he goellt of Tate, and M8Bl!rll. Au El1to~', Perry 00 the ro"d wUhout IRvellnll and bll ohUdren Mr. aDd lire. l:Iora08 Weller, Rusael Suoderland aDd Harry RtepbeD8. Ihaploll It ,h .. , tbe grade and oro•• lIeO'lon of tbtl roar! will be 00WtJllon, who ba, a lovernmeot po MII!l~ Erma MillS, of Vlaoil.JDati, I. ohaDled; don't expect ,. avel to spent the forepart of lut wlt.k with III*loa. vl81t1ng rela' IV88 here. Ipread aod roll tbe new msterl.l. frlendl bere. Mr. and !Ire. r. D. ClagJlet' and Mr. and "rl!. Lewis Raper eoler ODe balf of Ibe money lpent ill Mn. Joho Comptoo III .tl1l oon. oblldren ar. ,\gain wltb U8 WII,ted by tbls method; doo't try to floed to ber home with nervous Mr. and IIrll. Frant Mm. are tained Mr. and Mrs ,Jobn Warner wort whhou. proper '0011; 'don" trooble. Der oQndUion d08ll no' again te.plnK houM in 'heir pl""I' and family of Dayton last Sooday. Mrl!l. O. R. Petenon and Mre put new material 00 an old hanl Improve &II her friendl wonld lit.. ant home on Eallt Main I'reet, road Inrface before first plotlng or IIlps Bernice Hawtlns:hu r... ~orn plantinll i. beiok loduilled In Chili!. Brelsford were DaY'OD shop. pers I!lst W ooneBday. lOOlhnlng the old ooverlnl( i don " turned from hRr IOhool work at thiS violntey. let your ~~Ilm roller be Idle i dun', Amhent, Ohio. Hbel. the goeet of W. W, Weloh Wail oalled to 10. Wm, Rhorbaollb and daol(hters waste yonr rIIolny days i don ·t let frleodll In Rlohmond and Dooreith dlanap' llla l.. t w8t'lk on aOOOQot of SpeDt 1l\8t Suo day at New Vlecoa water stand on your road; don'~ Iod. thlll weell. ' tbe cea~h of Boraae MoKay a rela vlaUing relatives. &0 repair a road in dry wN,ber ... "'t'-ha P owe II di-A t ' he "ve who wall weU known to maoy Bellbroot pillyed with the Red _ra. ....... "" a i b oot • liberal U8e of water i d( n'thome of her dangh~r Mra J B berp . w, Sox of Day*on last 1500daT, sooro 11 aUow oolvert!! aod lllpm! to bBoome R . . . Hllrter Sbldater one of the lead. tu 5 in favor of Bellbrook. .. d . d '. I eevee Wednelday evenln,. "on- log farmera In 'hll! vlolnUy 18 a fre --oh o.e op, au. lit vvder get eral lervioee were beld a' hllr late under a road' doo't f ..tI to widen .-'d F iAd _A b qUAnt vlllUor ilere, kindly remem· , . r ..... enoe r .... y oon uo'"" y Rev berl th 1 dl d "I hi Child Cross? Feverish? Sick? your fill8 at every opport·nolty; 1C\II1'Q,ler of 'he II E cbnrcb. tihe nil e a "aD ma. nil 01 don' let experlenood men go 111m ply 711 f 88U a favorite IImoog ble friends. A or ol8. peevillb, listless ohild to give lIome JnB Il job. w~ ~:~~ a ~f\ 14 K D B Warner W. Unrtl •. o~ Vhillioothe, with ooated tongoe, pale, dntlllo', _ _ _.......__ • eo. pe,. l . 0 ay, ' . 0 made a flying vi,I' here lall& II Miller, R D. Oollet and Rev. lUlleD. w~ek. _lag many of his old aGo £ep i ea_ lIometimes very Itttle Whooping Cough der aUended !ilalOnla Lodgll 10 qo"ln'anl :el. tie il alway. a wei. then I~gaio ravenoutlly; s'omlloob soor; breatb fetid i pains io stomllob " Abou\ a year ago my tbree boYI Xeola Frldaya"erDoon and evenlnR. oome vlllitor. Our BObools clolled on 1I ·lnda~ . Servloes at the 14. E ohurob Sun- with diarrhea; Brlnds teeth wbll~ bad whooping oough ~nd I found atarts up with terrotUhamberlalo'l Cou gh Ramedy tbe 14188 8ha.baogh of the Primary day Rf~rooon wall well IUended "lIlllep, and elit a Worm KiJler-Rome only ODe thll~ wool<1 relieVe Ihelr room and Mi .. Bolllogsh8ld, of tbe and very mooh eojoyed, Rev. Gtv Illl 8U!J ig en. offiolatlng, thlog tbllt eXj.lell wormll, and IIlmOll' OOUgblOg Bod whoopln/( Ilpells. 1 Iotermedla~ were re employed • - • teome of oor o"lzeoll are pnrohas. every ohlld hili them. Kickalloo continned this treatment and wa. Worm Killer is needed . <:I ~ t a b"x . • urprilloo to fiod Lha' it oored the I How'. This? Ing IoIlar pia ROil, and the air re- today, dtart at oooe. Yon woo't dill6llse in a very sh ,rt time, " wrlt811 w"h tbe beau~lfollltralnll of hllVA to!ooox, B8 Kiokapoo \VOI m We offer ODe Bundred OoUa,. IIOUndl Urs. Arable Dalrymple, Vroollhtlle. mOIlI,. Kill Reward for any OIIl1e of Catarrb tbat MrM. Mildred EagllJ entertained er le ~ oandy coufection Eltpel8 Ohio. For I.'ale by 'til deiliers . olin 00' be oored by aaU'e Catatrh Honday tor dinner Mr. aad Mr •. tbe worlD8, theOl108e of yo or r.hilo'll ---Cure . . Wm. Wright, of Wllllllng\on, aDd trouble. S50 a! :u.:_d_r_u_g_lI:_iBt. ' New Burlingl!()n F. J . CBENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tlte undersigned, have known F. J. Mr. AU Edwardl, of UoUege Park, NEWSPAPERSOFDISTANTLANDS The C K. Unlun of Wilmington Cheney for the last 25 yean, and bel ....,e jeor,ia. ----.~ --y, M. held ItM mld.yel., rltllv in tbe him perfectly hOllorable in all business Tbe Chamberlain Mt!dicine Com· Fritmtl8 ohuToh bele 00 tJtl'ord'lY. I traDsacti.n~an~ financially ahl~ to carry Chamberlain's Liniment pany, Des Moines, Iowa, manufacout !Uly obhgullolIl made by his firm. Tbl 1'- I Pret!, H Olli(in of Wlhnlngton Col NATIGNAL B.N~ OF COMMERCE II prepara\ aD ... ntended es- turers of Chamberlain's Cough Remlege, Ilnd W . A Starbuok. of Wil Toledo, O. peolally for rbeomatllm, latue bilOIl, edy, advertise not only in this counmln,tun, nrllldnot,ed the 881 vioea a& Hall's CatalTb Cure is taken internally spuin'Ol and Hile aUment8. h Is a try but in foreign lands. A copy of 'be Frtflnd ll olloroh Huoday ruornlDg. atting directiy IlpoD tile blood and mu: lavorl&e with people who are well each issue of every newspaper con. rhe baud beld 8 feMtivll1 all 'be e?WI ,5urfaces of t!11 system , Testimo-Iaoqoaln~d wl,th UII .plendltl qual_ taining their advertisements is sent M E. obllr'oh groond .. ' ~ .torday I Dlllls sent free. ~rJCe 75 cena per bottle . "iel. loIrll, Charlell rann"r, Wa,. to the office of the Chamberlain I ' . Sold by aU DruggISt,. bash, Ind II&YII of it, "I havtl foond Medicine Companv as a proof of the even 011 I Take HaU's Family Pills f.r constipa- <-'ham\leri~ln '8 Linhnen' the bet!t insertion of the advertisement. I '~ I4n, JII ... B. t.~borne of DaytoD, tiOD. , thlDg for lame lMlok and IIprain.1 Some of tne paper!! bear names of have 8nr need. UpaIn wor1l8 'r'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= -' .' _._. _________________________ ~~rm and relieY8I and like loreII places, which require one to recall forgotten geography or refer to the ne81. It hall beeD DII8d by o'harll of atl88 to locate. Some of them are mv famtly :,a well all myself for up- particu.l arly curial as they are ward. of twenty years." 25 aDd 50 publishoed in the vernacular or native 08nt bo&&18ll. lito Ie by an ______For •• 4_... ____ __dealen. langu8li~ which might be likened to the CBlfefully written notes of , Caesar's Creek a shorthand writer. The Chamberlain Medicine Com· Mlu Ina Mae Uomptoo il lpendlo, pany advertises in newapapera printed in thirty-two langu~es. Besides a week at W.ynNvtlle. . Several from bere aUended the the vemaculan and the well known lIa.. meeting of 8prl., Valley !'p. Taelday. Mrll, W E. Bogan entergtnM her lil~n IIrl . Warwiok and two The Bank for the Man of Affairs ohtldlen of Lebanoo, and Mr• . Ba.. .............................................. " .............................................._ -................_•• lie O'NeU aDd MDlfbter Edna from AGe wUI be Juened under Ulls head tor tWen~"aTe centll for Ulree tn.rtlou And others who demand the best service and pro- Rldpway, Ohio. OTer ~lIDday. . ;,beD ualne Dot more thall ave linea. . Deoillon day WU obHrved at 'h. tection. 'ohurch ~unday thl 17tb. Rev. -"" ............. " ........ " ............. _ .... A bank that is always foremost in the protection of its Moorman preaohlld a nry helpfDl WANTED and Inlplrlnl lermon. customers. .InD Bopn and lila ICIther ~hamhll8b ."ended ,h. Baooa- MOTORCYOLE aaleaman wanted The Bank that Insures Its Deposits )~urea" lerm. . a' Kin~n oburob SO ull the Eagle mo&oroyole. Buoda1- n.nin.. An eXOEIp'lonaI oppodnnlty to right , Zimrl Bainee aDd fanaUy autoed man. Jrhe Triumph Aoto Repair bank . that is up-to-date in all lines. ~ RIKbl.nd 00. til,nda" wber. they Co.. ("'lIlI:liDnati. O. m2'1The bank that is ever ready to help any and every gUel" of hili uocle oJOilab MePherlon. subtlcrlbur8 the 1100..11'. wor~hy business enterprise. IIr. and IIrl. Raymond WlllIOIl . MagazlDe. Send 360 &0 &he and da.,bter Oa&berine were o.llluf <:IlIzetS! O'JIloe, and get ODe of &he in daneYlbur. Handay afternoon. bes' magazines on eadb. tt Jete. Balnea tl tmproTin, alowly H. D. KELLISON from rbeUIDII&tam and able be .)u' THOS. MILLER FOR RENT a par' of 'he time. Preeldent CM!'Ier II,.. Kola Ruddaot 18 on the Ilok _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J 118' loffering from .. DenOQl break .. ASTURE lor rent. d!Chi In town. down. For fortber IDformatloD lee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MarlanDa Compton and Lelah Parry "oak, WaY08llvtlle, Ohto Bo,an at·ended Me" mlletlDIl a\ m2D. W·7nelvllle .Fr1dav. , ~ . ' Clemen' Harner and Ruaeell t!tao No. 12J5-StandardJand Rexilltered Ie" SOot Box\'I(eU examlna"o. at FOR SALE Saddle Stallion. LeblmOD &turday. The W, 1'. Y. 8, will bold 'heir TATOIIlS-8eed or N'tDI potIRegistered In American SaddIeHone mon'hl), bualD8I1 meeting a' Mn. tatoee, la'e variety. 0&11 Bur. RegIStry under Rules I and 1, BaUie a.rner 'a rridayafternooD of '00 ICIrnbal'. phone lIY., WayaN Volume J. 'hili week. AlBo Agent for RadDe Automobile Tires. JI The maoy friendll of J88Ie 8lailley vOl., Ohio. ~ex Ledger is a beautiful black were glad k) Bee him a' 8un\lay HE III:zeon Paper CI~p, per bo., with one white hind foot, star in 8ohool af~r an abaeDoe of leveral 1Go i Carbon paper, I for Go. CORWIN OHIO forehead, 15 hands inches bia'h weelre on acoonn' of an opAration j10 and weigh. 1100 pounds. A modei AD 'he McClellan BOIpUIoIlo Xenia. Inqoire at 'hili OItl08. in form and ftniab, extra limbs and rarmen are v.ry buy ' geUior ORSIE-5 yeare old, Cla~ "Bnrne, feet, good wide heels, long, fuJI tbelr oorn planted; be,', good dAtyer anct worter. mane and · tall, round II)'mmetrical • _ ••- - Inqalre of A.llen Kibler; D. 8, barrel ... strong back well coupled. Coughed For Three Yean pbonelU..6. . •• He IS. great pited bOne. Baa taken ' . 105 premiulb8-D2 firat, 18 aecooda. "I am a 10,..1' of 1'0DI' godt-end " WBITE Iron 'led•• tSprinp AD4 . ,. • . • bllllllUli'y ao4 1018IIce. Your med, Live Stoek and General Auetto,eer lolDe, Dr. KlnB'1 New DlIOO,..ry, M."."...,,d ..W ...b . • l ' cured ~y OOOlb of three y_ to bowll, pitchers oomblnaUoD Ward. . A light brown with white pomta. 5X bands h1rb • weillM .bou~ 1100, IkndlDK," "Y' J8Dn~e ..lemln" of robe, tlh DiDln, 'fable. 10 UintD. alred'll)' Orphan Bo)" No. 696, grand champion Jack at the World I Fair New Dover. Ohio. Baye 1011 an Chal.... llarKe Befn,erator,. Oler. in,l9!).l. first da,m by Lim~ton~ M~mmoth 298. a Jack lIhown for ten , .....DnO)'IDI ooqbP Ie " .,ubborn mon~ Rilolle, Wheel, 118,"1'. . and,never defeated.: tb ' aDd woo" ,leld to treatmen\P (Nt 'a1 f""Cllf, OarMn HON. IDqlltre of . .• ~. . . . . . . !fh" a~ve stock ~II make the ~ of 191( at " e ~ a' GOo , bottle of Dr•.~IDI'. New'DtJ,. lin. L!'dla Prat" JIatD:s. .. • .. ,'~>" ~ ~ I ~rD.·' QPpoaite i;)eppt, ~Q1leaville, 0 ....0. at ,16 to fDlUr, .a · oonry l!:MIt~. " WJulUUUI' foi"..leu" . ,,,,,. -, .li~!t (~. motlev, du~ w~e~, fact known: ~ ~~en.ed ,or b~ to It....'.mmlDI'' ~lf4o 19t 7,011, 'DO SU&aBl'l,.bQiiUd ,*rD"'~ . . , "otlieu~ or rerDOV.ed.frol,D v.i~ltf *b~ owned wben, ·forf~t": all mat_ bciw ' _b~ -or OIUoDtc. , qoir.df Sart., ~"'D -W.~"' · , . lDI,Gftgce. and 'moQey' ~1lI" d~ '. Due, cate l~Jl be .~• . to avoid ~ ~ ~b: ala); be.'~ .lrf ~ ;a .ooqh .Ule , Ohio . ~ . '. 'd~.' . -10 <' . . dCJlD~J,ut'DO( ....pCin8lble Ihc)ulct..,,, ocelli'. ,.!.' '. - ' Ad' aiopt lIaro'a.-W.,l.... WOe"le. ..,.':-;":' '" ':.'>;', ,,;;'~ . .. . .' ... " ' -,





- -------------------------------------------


11 ttltactions

Silk Dresses, Chalia Dresses, Wash Drelsel, Children'a Dreuel. Silk Suita, Silk Coats in all the hew colora, Infants' Wear. Silk Petticoats, $2.50 to $5.00, Kimonol (Crepe), House Dresses, AIl·Over Lace Embroiderie., Embroidered Voile Dreta Patterns, Lace Flouncings, Messalines, Embroidered Crepe Patterns, Chiffon Taffeta, Silk Crepe. Wash Fabrics, White Cotton Crepe Ratine, all colora, Rici Voiles.



.. - ..- - -



Nemo • American Lady, Madam Lyon, Front Lace, Ferris Waiata, Fern Corsets

.. - ..- --


Corsets, $1.00 up


The 'Farmers Bank



and Shades. Silk Niagara Maid, Kids in aU good

Springboro, Ohio.

mal(.., $1.00 up.

Carp'e ts

Olls aaltled Ads

Carpet Room RUBS, MattiJII" Linoleums Window Shadel















Automobile Uvery Semce at Rea- ' son.a ble Rates.








Mammoth Jack-Fa... ProlDlle


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{;EO;' T~,· nAme ,'i· ~'. ~: : .~ " _~L;,~ N.:a':" ,

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Ne Sears

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, WA YNESVILLE, OHIO Generally speaktn8, charU, Is mON of a rad tbau 0 11 obsession.

HOW HUERTA PREPARED FOR DEFENSE Will tho ~ i ' XICU lIti tl t;hl' Tho eu , C \\ I,h wh ich I lot' mU l' in ~~ la :lded ill V" , J I I UZ UUG ii' III ll1l} ', Ill! r'lI " ill t o \'u l!clu d ·\ ttl H the wore '! l., tlll ' illy "I ,I ' ~ico wIJ ul J b" a I ~ 1 :·I I.j, ·

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Uplll l' lIl ull lf'BS his blOQd prcss ur ha, b, 'un III"\'II rn ' ply mea su red 'I' h dic l ulll h o l d ~ Aond ror a ll In ,JI\' itlu:1I~, bu t pa rt ic'u l" rl y fo r t hOlie OV (1 r ror ty. 'J" hosA who va lu e h ealt h for IL8 ow n sa ke tiho uld we i· com e n ne w me thod of fI~ ti ma ll o n . lI uI Iho me thod Ecores In a not b e r wny, Whe re a orrect es ti ma ti on 01 -one's physi cal con dit ion Is re late d c lOtiely to dolla r s a od cents, na In lire inIIuraoce, th is gos pe l or blood pres· sure cu ts n ve ry Importanl figure- In fact., n fe w or l be more progres sive oom pan!os will not acce pt a "ri s k" abo ve the a ge of fort y until th e y feel sare on tbla particular. It should not be understoo d by thla tbat blood pre ss ure Itse lt Ie necess arily 80mething barmful, bocause e very per · son, normal or othe r wi lle, has It. Only when It ,Is found to be unu s ually "hlgb" Is It to be tak en se ri ous!)' , A com. parlson, which tlIu strotes tb e point very clearly, Is th e presa ul'e exe rl ed by wate r when paning through an or· dlnary gard en h08e. In our bodi es th e hose Is r e pre s e nte d by an artery, a ud the pres s ure la cau se d by the hea rt torcln g tbe blood through thle, Pres s ure Is les8 wh er e fl uid Is pa ss· lng through a fl e ubl e tu bo, beca u80 the walls, owlug to t hei r e las ti c ity, offer littl e r eslsla uce, B_: wi th th e same force beblnd tb o preGsu re Is In · creased If the wa ll s or tb e t u lJ are un· yie lding. Tubes of rubbe r nu d g la ss are exce ll ent Ill ustrn ll on~ o f s uc b con · tras ts , Where hn rdulllllg or the arteries- d ue to o lt] nge, glJ u t. a lcollol· Illm or o t be r ex ccs.;es- hns set 10 , t he blood pre8ll ur e a s a conseque nco Is high . T oo mu ch press ure , a ·.:hl gb press ure," Is VPry ap t to br('u k tbe arte r y . ' I( th is f, cc u rs In t il bral ll"we ha ve apop lexy. A devlco fo r ta ki ng tb o mCnEi nre of t his pre sll ll r o, nn Ingen ious Ins tr u ment calle d lbe ma noD1 (' , has rece ntl y ~en pe rfected on d Is ra pi dly ,:o mlng Into go ne ral use ug tllO fOI'e most phys ici a ns o f t he world, Th e l u ~t r u · men t r ecords t he pre,*, u re of th e bl ood on a dl a phl' a ~ m di al ve ry ~ Imllar in appearance to n s too m gn ll ge dial, o nly. InH te ud of dog r ('os, Ibo sca le IH divid e d Into m illime te rs. The ap!)aratua, whic h la l he In ven. ~ Ion of Dr. Thoma s Ro ge rs of Roches. t er, N. Y ., Is o ne Qf tbe mOR t Im(1ortant 'fi urglcal lus trum e nl s de vl ned 10 yea r3, ranking with !.be pulmotor, 8 teU~Qscope and c llnl cn I t hermom ete r . It conslBU! of three pa rts, a sumll rn el al case con, talnlng seve ral eeua ltlv e diapbragma, a dial and au air bag , Us oyel'atlon Is comparatlve ly slm\>le , but Its rending requires an e l pert. The best results are obtained when a stethoscope Is used In conne ction with It. The air bag 16 .flrst strapped on ths subject's arm over the brachlaf artsry, .and Is Inllated wltll a bulb attached It. The operator ths n adjusts a ' stethoscope to hlB ears and flnda the pulse, after whlcli he Is ready to take ': his records. . The pulee tbrobblng ..agatnat the all' bag Is communicated tbrough a rubber tube to the case ~ntalnlni the dJaphragms upon which .a vibration Is set up. These vibrations which are simultan eous with the pult~e, 1I1I

11lt. ' ~la '.,

pil lldilal rpliil:\" 'J IS III I (, liIlIJ r tI " 1'lllle • \'! 8 S T h,')' dUIl'l love th,' w:trlling o f t h ~ : 11 11<' rlll, bu l tli~)' 100Ie ~I ~x l c o. 1'1;1')" lit t I" Ill elrt llll" llt I " III III' ht. \I ~ ('d ill a:; cl ' r tu l/l " \I \1 l'rl,, ' ~ l>rl l'l,~ lpa l \I ('alln !1~ In t l1l' !n~ Iti~ t, I. ,uu !Jr,'s· '\" ,l St IIl'lI n c l u s ~. ~ ullk 111 grns. Igl1o r· b UI''' a il C", Titl'Y will fi !lh t Ilnd ru n a way It I~ In ['·r.'sli! lK to tl!;hl a:lO lh er day . Ollt! importan l to T he p'lo ns Ilo~~,'ss no suc h national nolt that III IIt' I" spirit as oven tlte 10wll !1 ~t Ame rlca ll ,.1) 11" l,n o \\'\1 to bl' \\lIrl<" IlIn . T he), must he Iml)~e:; se d npa lth y h e bl ood illto I!u e rta 's nrm y. T hl'Y cal\lIo t b e prI'U9 UI'., w ill I'i ~~ disc ipli ned , n ut th ey a r ~ {"fuel uod IUllle r 'pr{uln rO il ' bloodthirs ty. Il k'" (h e ir a n ees tors \I ho dil l0119 an t! ('l rcUIn· offll reol /lilm a n H a c rifl~ s 0 11 s tone ul· Ht:U!Crs. Th o .. ' uf tars In l\lon t ' ZUllt il'S tim e , nnd th ey a 1I l! J' VO Ur. , lI u xl oua will \l'Ugll g uerrill a warfure lo ug sflor lP OlI! rsme nt. e n· t lt e IJrin clpa l ~ i ti es aro lu th e b s nd ~ ~a l~ l'd In O(; CUIIIl ' ot Ihe l 'ulted St a tes. whi ch III' In his d e ~ pe rato ,,!fortI! to arm hi m· ti llllS nlf ilgnill8 t t he ("o ll s titutl oh a ll ~ t s a nd n re ,ra n hla tt>d into 111 1llime tcrn by the \' ol v e I!lu (' h \\' Qrr y ur n, ' r\'t-! sl rn I n . S '" Ita\' I a "re:! t 1(,1I <1 (, IIC), 10 Inc reao; £'d th e \'as tt' r pe ril whi c h has now lUdud ollca to need le a ll th e dl a.l. .. I terlalize d, I-Iu rt a has Ben t , squa s In o rd e r to m Rk e a th o rough reco rd Il reSS Il f!' III tit Ir I1 rtt'ril's , E x ,r e Sf' trom tho t r ied tr oo ps he kep t as h is bo lh tho systolic lind dl a sl!ll h:, or il nd mu seu l' r actio ll of ouy ki lld will i 5S maximum a nd min imum, pressur os .' ',It' t)ress ure, especln lly bodyguard In th r ca pit a l to lUpre . a l~othp. I'ui~ , mPIl of th e n~"1 by India n ," lI a .g 08 must bo t n k,' n. The form e r Is pr o· il.l 1' 0 1115 , e"e n J1 u~ t ur o has an In· 'I "'hl r h eill s t r til lhe vR lI ey of d" e x:eo , rlu ~ ,! d by t ho fo rw a rd sud tb e latlol' nuell ce, 11 r, ·e ~ ur p bl· ln!! h igh es t whil e I M any pll oLOgruphs rece i ve lore by lhe ba(!kw lu 'd s tro ke or lhe br.a.rl. s ta ndill g. anrl 10 "'eRt "h e n s itti llg or 6how t h ps t) p re~s gan gs Il t th plr wor lt II Is Wil li cSlu blis hed that Ul e no r· 1.\ ill g do wn. A ll lh ls ha s u bpa rln g In th b s . aC l lla ll y s tea li ng m e u fro m e !), ma l Illax l mu Ill, o r s yo; lollc blood pros· cCrt!l l1l CC("II II:, tl OIlS Rud ma kes Imp r· o ms o f t he ir I'll mlll es. Th e Ind ians s ure In IIdult fl ra nges from 10 5 to 14 5 alive C'e l·t ~ l n ("o nd ilio ns wh ic h ~3ch with t heir ClJOr nt Otl8 ba ts , are seo'n millim eters , S up pose th e mllllom e tor ind lrldu !t l mUSI upp ly to h i~ own spe- mnn:hln g III l\ holl fl\\" p(] uare of ~o l. is a pp lied ove r th e Ift'te ry of a ma n e lul CIlS,' fur CH' n l h ls so rt or pr es· dle r!1 th ro ugh (he £1 r(J~ t [ 0 th e bar, 5ti II In his t we n lies. The hand on th ' to melts ",h ll l'e th ey a rc d l'lve n luto llH' dia l goes uJ) to a bou l 120, WIHlt·s th c 5 111'1' T he il nportan , e of t sli og blood r ,' ('nll t i ll~ offi ce 10 "volulltee r." verdi c t ? Tbat yo ung re llow's blood prc:;su re I~ '.I·ell i l l u~ trat d by th e ac· All t he S a m e to t he Ind ia ns. pr OF'Jll rn Is j!e r ff'c ll y normal, an d the II r a pro;;r e~' s!vl) life III Bu J'llm:" \\'h f'!1 Ge nora l Sca li it> th e flnt lloll chunct' ~ :l r', t' \',' 11 if :IllY ol ha r e"amll1 · allull In ' olh ('r III 'lllf.ds Is m:lde , n o l h· compll'l) i:J the midJle \Ves t, wtJ lch rt', ylf'x ica ll war arrived ju al sout h of In " \\ iIi bl) flH ll lll wrong wi th bis heu rt j(' ctl 'd i" " ,,, rt["11 pe ri od 365 ap pli ' ' i('xieo I' lt y an,1 fo u ~h t t he bat tl e of o r'" kld lll' YB. Tb ls tes t s hould u l \\'ay~ CIlII :,; f(\f 110 oth er r ~ agon t hn n that ~'I ol l n o flel R c)" ho fo uud ha rl"lng !U~ be ma lic bef"n ' II l1 yo n" ta kes l! il .uth · l ;~('i r lJ!,.: )(1 p res~ nre was Iuo hl k h [urtitcr p-rogrl'ss lin cno r:uo~ls ba r r l' ,\ u h l:11; "It!e cOll ld U,' fOlln d wren:; crtd e. Sail la ,'.uno hUll hll.d t lt is le ll ' \\'o rl, or all), kin d. wi th a ny (If tlt r·m, aud mos t com paul us e rec ted by tho Ind lanH oi l he uoigh, 8U PPOR", 011 ti,,, o t he~ han d, lhut a m un a lit t1 0J QYf' 1 for ty hn:l hltl bloorl \\1)\; , <1 h ;l\'O roue id u", d t h e~ e 365 to b" borh.ood . Th e Ind ia ns dirt not kn(1w pressu r (' tak pn . fw d t he ha ud on th o 1i (·.1 1,hy mcn. allli I hl" reffll'f' cnt! ll ed t o w h y t hey hnd Pllt up th i! harrl ca,lc T h llY did not IwolV wh at th e qu!U"r~~ dlnl lu/'ll u 11 0; IJI ,l h ;IS 155 or 160, th"u IUSUnlll l' !" , III C' 1'I!e r tf) d " rnons t ra to lh e wi s dom. het":cen Sa nt:! . n na a nd "Y anquR ~ t b e proll" J i ll t!,,~ ;1/'(\ t hat t bere Is some 01' 111 1) , 01 illl 1" )\Irse, l h ls com pun y woo; a U.OlIt. All tll cy k lle w was thn l dl ~e a 6e h id de n a WilY In his sy~tem , t hou gb he lII ay neve r ha ve coru pllilued to ok Ih t' 1I'01I1lI c to fo llo w liP tb o lat e r tlle r e wcr e a r mies ma rchi ng a round of ill hea lth I;, hit; lir e. At t be b c~ t h I / :It I:bto ry or li S mnay of t bcse 3tH; wit h banne rs fl y ing and ban ds pl.W ' g ueRs, hl ~ stu (n of healt h would no t be as 1'''''Slbll.!, Colt sidcr ing the rac t, illg. SQ, It Is r elale d, Ge neral s,cott a bove 6us pk!o n, an d would requir e a " mtlt rq ,~ ating, t hat th e ir only trou· ord e,re d these sallle IlldlaQ s to tear b: J I\ l ' ~ hi gh blood p re So" lIre, it Is lu down th o ba rricades which t hey had fur l he r sear c h by oti1 t' r means. Su ppose again th at Eome third ludl· torcstil1[; to no te Ihat with in a yea r o r ju st e rected. Th e India ns d cmo li~ b e d their work vlduul around t he nge at Ofty u uel e r, l llo 12:\ of Ihe 3G 5 <I ~ ve l o p O\I s om e goes ex aminati on for his (1hys lcol con· ll'o ul.l e i'u ll,-en titl ed l.u l he lla me of icr Ge ne r a l Sco tt with as much r e nrll . npss. ns th ey bn,d ptl t It up (or SanUl d ltlon und ot te r the usual "pound Ing d lsouse, The a verage Ill oo d IJreSll llre or tb ese Alina, The Indians of today !Ire Illtl e and 6~Undlng" In e vet·y pos slhle wa y cha nged from those ot 1847 . nothing Is fo u nd wrong wlt b him. H e rej ec ted olles wall 170. Thl're iMa Ulo rnl to be read be t wcen Th e tre me nd ous Impol·tan ce of th is beoms with s a tls ractlon; 110 far nil Is well , The n th e manometer Is brou ~bt t h e lili es of all this ; no on e, espee b lly In,!l tie rcnt a ltitud e 0 1 th o Ind lJ nR Is fortb a nd careflllly a pplled, aJJd th e pas t Ih e a ge of furty, ('an con Rlde r s een whe ll on e no tes lh c d h'ls lon of hand mov e s up to 185, Wbat tb e n? himse lf In pe rfect physlCcCl condition races In Me xico as foll ows : Whites , 15 (le r ce nt . Ev en with no other manifestations or unless he kn ows that his blood pros· MIXed ( mostly pa rt Indian), 54 per trouble, tlte chanc es are ahout e,' e ll s ure Is j ll s t wbat It ought to be, Tb e onl y po s ill\'l~ wa y of knowing this Is cent , that, unless he ndopte Bome means to Indians , 30 IhJ r ce nt. combat this high pressure-which It Is by havin g lh e pressure take n about nJac ks. t per c ent. possible to do- he wlll develop In tb e o llce evo ry year, nnd ce rtainly a t Inte r Ilili teracy runs according to dtr, next year or two ellher a " hardening" vale of IIOt more than two yeara. Me utal t'xcitement and pertitrbatioD fere nt accountR from 75 to 95 per cent. at" the arteri e s, a trouble knowll as It Is on th e 15 per c e nt of whites "heart murmur," or an actual enlarge· caullo Increased pressure of tile blood , ment of tbe heart; or, If not one of and Ihl s fu e t bas been tak e n advantag(' that lIue rta Dlus t put hi!! principal th ese. th e n s ome kidney trouble lik e of lat ely Itl conne ction with a aeries or rellun cE>, altbough be Is himselr at Bright's diseas e , or s ome one of the In te re'stlng experiments conducted by least hlllt Indian . Tbere 15 a small many nervous al'tectlons, and even pos· Prof. W . H. Cowing or Harvard un I· percentjlge or ~pable Indlalls like slbly diabetes. He will alllO run a versity to determine the practicability Huerta 11,",- th e famous patriot , Be nito Many fndlans Joined the more thaD usual risk ot dying !Conor of using blood pres sure machines In ]uat:az. or later from e ither apoplexy or kid· detecting crim I!: ProfCl!sor Cowing'S army of Villa armed wllh long bowa ney trouble. It Is not positive that he idea Is that t1~ e machlnell would not and arrows, weapon8 which have been will, but ce rtainly his ehancll6 of doing only record the heart· beats, bllt, to a dl!!earded by the aborigines or Hlo cerlaln oxtent, tbe emotions of the United Stat08. , ~o are (00 great for him not to heed subject. No matter how stolid a .transB,ut a great wav lJI of 10y~It), to their gl'e5sor may appear on tbe exterior beautltul country bas been sweeping whU p. undergoing the "sweating" prG- ' the large tOll'DS, where the . more Incess or cross-examination, Proteeeor tellIgenl Mexlcanll live. At 1\ mass Cowing explains, the IlS~ gf the IJ.Ilt . meeting ot Mexioan citizens In chine In the courtroom wll1 reveal his Piedras Negras, flve hUfldred volunsligh teat emotloD. The Il.81tatlon tbus teers were organized and armed to disclused In hla mll)d, w~tch othel1'lle resIst an expected Invasion laat week. would be uuobierved, ' milf COl1lltltule I In the ,dfstrlct Immediately surround, The re its mound nest Ie to be round, circumstantial evidence whicb will Ing Mexico warlike prepnratl,o ns long and Its liquid melody can be heard at ha ve a strong bearing on tbe disposal hav~3 been going on to an eltten,t uu. almost any bour ot Ihe day, but par, of his ("a 1'e. dreamed ot by moat AmeriCans. The t1cularly about sunrise and JUBt before Th e di a stolic, or mlnlmu.m pressure, shipment or 15,000,000 round of am, lIuuset. Tbe lyre bird Is also known whi c h is produced by the backward munition on the German Bteimer as the mocklng,blrd, and many a s l rol(c of the heart, Is the most Im- Yplranga which WAS 8elzed by Ad. sportsman bas been decelvod by these llo rtant for the Btudy of the emot!oDJi, mimi Fletcher at Vera Cruz was un. birds mocking oth ers and enticing him and Il is durlug this pulsation that the doul)tedly meant tor American heads luto the tblcket und e r the lmpre8sion henl't is e xpected to make a suddea -and it had taken IIOme time to ar. lhat It Is Iliha lliled by tbe numerOU8 leap, wll t ' li tbe vital Question Is asked, rnnge rer the purcbase aDd di~patch birds which the lyre bird mimics, wh lP h \\' ill be tray tbe criminal despite at these cartridges , Even v: lthoul Th e bowe r bird Is another OOIlUtI- his tl ll!1lo ved countenance. this shipment, Huerta's troops will ful bird . A pec ullnr cbaracterlstic of I Dllring Ih e e xperiments conducted ,not lack ammunition. There is a th ese birds Is tbe habIt they have or by l'ro r.. sso r Cowing the emotions at good ammunition fa ctory at Cbllpulte. con stru cting bowers or playhOU8p.5 In ~orrow. Joy. hatred, love, pain IUId pec. the beautiful hili nenr Me xico wtJlch to omuse th e mselvcs. Th e nl p.a. ur f> we re all recorded b)' the ma- City, which Is the site of tho na tional ho\\ 6 1'S of th e spott e d varIety some, c1J1nf! Ile for o th ey we re displayed by mili tary Ilcademy, Mexico's " Wep , tint t!s reach tbree fe e t in length, Thesll the ru<.:,'. Tli eae we re registered In mUll. POillll." arc con s truct ed of twigs and beaull, I me l (> rs In areol'dance with the sllgbt' Ule for Boy. and Gli'l • . fully lin ed with tall grasses orran g. ed es t va ri a ti on or flutter of the heart. Huerta bas converted the boYB of s o that the flower h t ads nllarly mecL It is pro posed to mnke an atte mpt Mexico City's hlgb schobl Into ail th e numerous loternal decorotlons I to Iwve th e mac hine used at a murder arm.ed hrlgade and has had the glrl r cOll slst of sheHs, s mall pebbles and tri a l in th e near future, when It may orga,nlzed as a uniformed Red Crost bones of anImals. " 1;0 a ctuol test In public. ' corps. He caD also depend upon th f

I~ "~IlUUcivi'

d !~e.:l8e,





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gl 'J\ p ra ll y

w ll ,'1, ll\" ! r l' ~ ~ ;:; ,ti: uc' .;t. tll l lho pro.p · " rI) tJ f I, 'J ' ' ' '.Il1: l ) \\I I H' h is Ill'll tl1 ~:l ' l\ .~ h d:; of (I1r' Iglo. I' ,:i. !utl l \'.h lch I !I 1l1 "" ti lt' P" " l1 dn .i S Id 1l1o ~ t ill ~ ... r(

aft er

(1 11 011 . III I ' allllnl h tl hOIl '

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\'. ill \\111 i ll 'h ,' t' Ii J . bill \;j · ! i . ) \\1 11 u: tiy C., nH! o n \!in qllh.. I :. IIL: I I ll.! ' :U'\ . '1 01' I h I..' ,\ ,·s l! l' l. d ..d l !::; v I th, ' PIl ' , Ht :": ,ll tl., h to nq HOn1 r tJ,\

Hi. : 1.- I f~ llI;i,l

t.- ' I vh

One of th e greatest charms of bush lite In Australia, and especially In Queensland, Is the melody of the birds wbich ore am on g tbe most beau· tirul in the world . A mov ement III dow . on foot to pre vent the destruction of tho Dallv e birds- at lea s t those "'hlch , do no dnmage , The chlldr£'11 arc being taughl ' to e ucoura ge bi rds to build th eir nestl ne ar the hahltatl ons at me n and to f eed lb em, so that th ey will not de· pa ri ror Ih e uosettl ed parts or Aus· t ra lia, \l' be ....l th ey ca n se ld o m or nev er be Hee n, Pro ba bly th n fin es t SOllgs ter in the bus h Is lli e I),re Ili r d, and It is a grc'at lOSt> LO bird love rs that It bas bl'cO Jlll' so ra n' , It s strlklug plumage ha~ bee n lurgely re apous!· .ble fo r Its do wnfa ll. Th e g orges along \lI e moun tai n 610 0('8 ll' h~ rc I he coas tal river a ta lle lll <'l r rise nrc 11a favorit e natal a bude.







City Chap Le Ll rned That Bees Had Their Own tdea About the Care of Their Abode . oleanlng tim e Is now upon too, efficiency comes Into u.,re effiCie nt and Inefficient

",.'."FIII8~ ,pIQId![er cl:ea·n.·' WI1S Miss


"Let ua profit.," 1\118s Townsend I'&~ u ul e d , " by tbe sad example at tbo city c/la(1. "ThIs clly chap got a Job on n farm alld t;he tarmel' put blm to work ' at cleaning. " 'It's the spring: the farm.e)' aaJet.. 'nnd I wl1nt you' to mall, Jllgal,. and the cow 8table and the heDboua8

far m kitchen with both eyeB closed, his mouth swollen and red lump. stalldl n g ou t all over his race and neck and hands. . " 'llive me my money. 'I'm (hron h: ,g • '.' '~hnt's the asked'.




othe~ ~o!tiea


ert~ th.






- SltIlco Spain first establ.l s!Ied the. net" c)f Charlel :Y at Vera Cr!lz,' ln mlnln« haa been the 'IQOu,lnr:.,. thl'o)~EthPI~\ ·'1110""1"",' anil

.~,~~~~~ '11~rt:~I:;~~~~~(~~r~;~t~~~:~8:.~~~~l ~. cl.a

nd alland theaweet ana ~mto~J .0': ¢e• .' u ;J'dattert routh, Da.i'iltlll Miriam C. aclean .1 country Jobs for me. Xatter,r th e effiCiency engtneer ' l1t "We ll, the n.w band from the cUrl.if I kiow wbat'. the matter''"t •••_ ... _. wal a club- worked with a for two' cia;" Blatj P8I1e,.'Wbcn I .. to tbe . . i on the third h~ IW~ IDto , the la1y.." , ' . ' .

'}~~~:~~ti~,;~T~h~e~et~occalllon ..

un~ i


Dr P i~r e's PI{'Al;It nt Pelletl l"ell'l lnle and i nl' i~nrllte , tolllu,'h. li ver A0 4;\ bO wel.. flURllr·""" ted, (t ItY grnll ulee, <'III<)' to ta ke u ca lid)" . •~ ,Iv,

bra I'e 1'0) s or Cbapull" pec. 'I'll , II'rvit: ), oull . or thi. r1l 1l10J ~ sehec . thll g I : llll\,., ' '''c ~ r ck In til ,' Ilal h of (, 1'111 "a l Sco tl's nrm y In 18-1 , aJid \I or dccllIlat ed. ,' cott 's bo l.! ,\ Illo rl I\U B WNO s llrr('(1 ·to atinllralli tll 1)\' th o wuy th eso )'0 11111; 1 IIJ II frtl llt l i''' t be; 1 iUfIlllI \l" or ~I,· . io-n wc ut l.'


~ I r~

SMah :\ . ('(,nboy of. Hox bury. Is Ilu ll ulia l urgaul z r of t bo \,;nlt etl T (' xllh! \Vorlter B' ullio u.

MLl 5 9 "

So unded Li ke It . \ lu rruy , Ir ri table rrom long confln e lfl.'n l In a "It' !: u~ li, cocked up hili ~I r

th" lr <I :-lIlh.,

J IU\I J"l1l Ita". i.l(.· f' (l rd ilo ~ HI t h o b o~t 1nt" ' l' lIt;:t!/lil 01 llw {' ,I ,I,'.I Hlnt" H WIH ' d ,' plirilll . nt, 11 t 1l"·', ,'I: I 1 -~ . 70 1 r "'lI b I,Ir " " Idil'l's a vail a hle tor 1",ld duty T h l ' ~p nre sell te r"1i t hl'uug hout th l'l r"pu bll c ill \,u:'io uo tOIl Il" ulld n" . llIgl .. dl'.. lslt iu at lh (' uulll!' a li or hos lil: ll p,j \\'llh th e Un lt.' d ~: lIt s C~TII, pri s cu !tIo r " Il mll r..0011 , I her ' , \l en nllo ul u,i"J Ll t roops III Iho d lgl rict lHOlllHl Ihe capita l and a l1proxitnlltcly t h,! ~a mc lIum be r in Ihe victr:lty of Salttll o. 60ll t b of T orl:e on. Th f' l' tl was s:1ld to Ill' aho ll t => ,5\10 u 'o '; ps In S0110 1'8, 2,600 III Si naloa , 800 III Te pl(', 11 ,000 In J a lls!;o, 1,1 00 In l"O IUOltl , ~ , 500 In Za catecas li nd 1 ,: ~O III Gu erre re. On th e Atla lll k canst th e fOrcCK, bl'fo ro th e selz llre o f Vora Cr uz, were ropo r ted to b t' 1,2[;0 In Sun Luis Potosi. 1,100 In Vt' ra Crllz , and 1. 000 In P uebla In a ddition to tb ese there worll slOall ':e !.uch m nts In variOUS ~ou tb e rn sta te a at th e larger to wns a ll th e Pacillc oce an . Hue rta has 1I0t, It see ms , pitted th o flowe r o f hi s a rmy a g ainst Villa and Carran u . He will ba ve a good n uc leus for a de feus lv e rorc e If he concontrat()& his r egular army la the vlc lnlt) ot ;\I exlco . The results of oth e r clas hes betwee n Amllrlc oll a lld MexJcan troops pro vos the no rth e rn er Is Imm e nnely eupcrfor lIla n for mnn to th e Me xican sol die r . Jl e has ro orl1 Int elligenc e , Ie uauall y In be tt e r (1bY81('a l t ri m an d, If not bra ve l'. Is possessed 01 a ce r ta I n Ilush a nd en th usiasm whi ch carri es a l o n~ way. Bosldes tlt e la nd forcea e nll me ra ted , Hu ert a has an Ins l/l nlO cant navy, of wll ich t he ft !(li ling p ~ rs (1 nn e l conSists o f 1,20 n o mce r s und ~ n li s t e d mon . Th o wh ole 1 ~'!(lc!l n fl ce t of ninll v()sse ls wo uld not ha l-e th e s li ght est cl1n nr.e agn lu ~t n s ing!o Ame rican wa rs hip of fa irly u(1·to ·dat e typ e. I n on e hra nch or t be se rvi ce, nc· co nllllil 10 so mo acco unts, Huert a Is s uperlcr to us, This Is III a v ia ti o n: Ju st ho w m nll Y ncrop! n ntl8 an d hydro , p l a n e ~ he has Is not cert a in, bu t it Is 'ntl nt llte d hi s rorce :s mll 'h more impo sing Ihn n tbe pltHul exhlbill on tht1 UnIted s ta tes C11 11 a ssp.m ble . 'f ile Polled Stn es r alll, s, In point of o(' n ' pla n erj ulpmen l. tw en t y·thlrd on tbe lis t or nations , be ing we ll down hehlull CtJlnn, Bclgiu m, Switze rla nd , Ar genti na nnd Morocco. Urazll, H uerta recently lost th ree aeroplan ell In 11 fi re whlcb swept hi e han gars .

eR n ; UHfl II Rt J] l Jt.:d .



. " I'h ll t's 11 11 lhut 1.llllI ;),bollglu' In th' Durlol"I " h e t holl de 1l1t1nuell, KIIl r Ing a t hlH ", !f,. . " 'Tis nu l' tl o uAht<,r Mllr~' tnk ln' b r fi rs t flll'fl S III plll ll u.pluy ln '," re jol ulld hI ll \\'Ifo, , " lI er lir~ t st.'; ps ! Phat'~ sh e doln', \\'ulklng O il t~ o ku yuou rd ?"



Greeu woo d. Ind.-" j.' lrs t my balr be· gan to fu ll, th eu m y scalp Itched an<l burn ed Wh\l D 1 bec ame warm. I ha d pi m pl es uu my scalp; my halr ..was tu iling out gradually until I ' gad scarce ly any hair on my head. I ooultlu'l k eep th e dnndrulf olf at all. My ball' was dry and lUelellll and I lost r es t at nig ht trom the terrible Itching se nsation. I would pull my but oil a nd scratch my head any place l happe ned to be . "For ae veral yearll I was bothered wIth plmplea on my face. Some of lhem were hard r e d spots, some wen full of matter, and mnoy blackheads. ( Willi always pickIng at them and caused tbem to be Bore, Tbey made my tace look so badly I WIlS asbamed to be s een. '"J trie d ml1ssage cre ams Cor my face and all klnda of hair tonic and hom&mad& romedl es. bul tbey only made tblngs worse. Nothing did tile work until 1 ulled Cullcura Soap and Oint· ment. I ,,,ashe d my tnce wltb tho CuUcu"" Soap, th en put plenty o~ Cutlcura Ointme nt on. Tbreo month. use or Cutlcura 80l1p nnd Ointment bas mnde my face as smooth nud elean aB can he." (Signed) C. M. HamJlton, hept. 24, 1911!. Cutloura Soap lind Ointment 80ld tbroughout th e wo rld, Sample at eacb tree wltJj32-p, Skin Book . Address poatoard "Cutlcura, De pt. L, B~ston."-AdY.

Got HI, An,wer, The oth er da y a new story was told In cO\lnectlon wIth one of Mr. JOlieph Chamberla in's political campaigns. Durin g on e of W 8 sLleeche s a man In the nudl ence ke pt on s houllng : "Are you going to tax my food! Ar e yoU going to tax my food !" After a. bit the audience lost p .. Ue nce with the man, and loud suggeltiona we re h eard tha.t hs ~hould ' be turn ed OUL Mr. Cbamberlaln calme d tile storm, howov er, anO proceeded with blli epeech, but ..& Ce w mt nutes later tbe mao's voice WIlS h eurd again : "Are r ou goln~ to talWllY food? Aro ODD FACTS ABO!JT MEXICO. you going to tax m7 foo~.~ " .' "Oh IItop you r' bra ying! '/ roare d M Il :orlco is officially cl\lIe d "E stndOtl someb' o dy ; ·'thls Ues 'lI never be taxed!" l 'nido s Me xlcanos" alld '" Re publica Mex icans ," BrothllrJ, Eh? Mex ico hus lin l\r£' a ot 76i ,29 0 square A c ertal.n curate waa of a palnfully mil t's. T be ' grent est le ngth of th o country nervous l e mpe rameot, and In calisequence was constantly maldng awll· ' la, trom northwest to Bt>utheast, 1,900 ward remarkS Intended as compliment. mile s ; Its greatest width , 760 mll e!5, -to the blsbop and otbers. a nd Its leas t width a little short ot 140 ~Il;vlng ~1~~!!l~.II.!.b.!1!. !l:~~!~l!. ~ au mile s. uiiusull1 iIegree during a gather-lng at Tbe outline of Mexico Is som etimes clergy at an aftornoon tea a .bort compnred to a: huge cOfllucopla, with while ago In the bIBhop'. palace, . he Its opening toward the United States. was ta.ken to task tor his falllngs by There are 4,674 miles of coast line a lenlor curate, who was one of his on tha Paclflc side, Including the Gult companIons on the ,vay home.. of Callforula, , "Look here" Ilnld Simma; the senior, Tbe coo s t lIues on the Gulf ot Mexi- decidedlY, '";ou're ' a donkey. Why co measure about 1,400 miles, nnd can't you keep QuIet tostead 01 makth ere are 327 miles on the Caribbean Ing your asinine remarks! I am speaksea. ·11lII to you a bl'OtJ1er,"



A recent copy ot the Mexico nOW8pllper EI trnparclal tells of the "cap. ture" of EI Pas o by the combined forces ot General V.c lasco, the federal leader, and General Villa. The storr Soy II thllt the American!! were 8urprlsed and o.erwhelmed and that Vl1la and Velasco establlahod headquarters III the lead Ins hotel. N egotlatioDs -~en 8 Ue('f. S1iY8 the Inspired 'story, 118 result ~f whlch' tle frightened ArnerlcaJis ceded the south· ern balf ot the clly back to Mexico.



Atter the . evacuation of Torreon by the federals, General Munguia was lrled by " court at Inquiry, The IntenLion Willi to shoot . him. Tble WAS ' hla deCense: "How could I meet the rebels In the open ?" he asked; "they fi ght In loose (ormation. I waa obUged' to k ~ ep my troops togetlLer, If I did not they tb ey would melt away. How co uld I ord er my officers to lead their mell to tb e ottack? I knew their men would shoot til em down I1S soon liB they got t he chance." Good Idea, A man and IUs conscience ought to get together once In a while, even It his consc ience doea demand I1n apol· ogy .-ToleGo ' ·Blnde. ""

Loud laughter lnter.TUpted him , at thll polnt, and for the mOma~t b. did not see the Joltt!.


NOW 0'HAPPY Twelve DrInk Poitunt. - _.. ;.

"It certaInly ha~ ' ~ ~ ~l... tN sa our home" "W'I'lt1Il a 701Ul1 Taat...ln ,.. gard-









- _

"I aID one oi ' a of ~w.h·e, " - , who, betore uslns fa.ttpD, 1I:0~ld mate a healthy person uqCCliDro~l. b7 comp)a1nlng' of htadache. ,dlul. nella. SOUl' .tomach, et.o.; ~ drlil~ colfee. , "Fo)' years mbther .J.!lJre~ from palpitation or · the J1ei11. Blc~ beadaohe and bad stomach and at tlm_ would be taken _"Iolentlr W, About ~ year ago .me Quit colt" , aud belU. POlItUm.: !" "My brother - -'Wu troubl"d with' . headache and dlzzln.!!1!1 the. tlme he d~ 'CR~~j,;: AlI..ihoB.e troubles or . my moUler land J.lrothe~:: bale dI1&ll1l'"', -" . pear~ -"toee rG~tUJil :110 ~en [b~ _ place' ot"cOffeB'.. " .~ i'A 'llBter waa til nearlT aU,,"'r lito' 1Vfth l heada.cli~ -lih~ he.~ troubl~, and about. au Ihe 4red fOI"""1 corree and tea, :MUI doetorl tola hel' , lh~8t<D1uat J~em !1~~~, A~ -I:UB,cilc~? ~dld h .e r 110 P&llPanQpt good, , i' ".. _ , ':~'he ' Uiilu8ht n<!thtng WOUl~:'. tne '" lbe place of 'coffee unW we 1i!duced .' her tr7 Posmm, ' N'l.w' her trpublel' .... gotie and abe II a' haJl.Pl. lItUe , ;!,,'njoTlDc 'Q:., people ."'''ftllft,-· ~. ' . ~ .;,. , . ~' r '~." '" \a .:







Somb or th e men or Ih e Firth Url~ud ", \\hl 'I, \'" III I t: \' e ra Cruz und er Gtlu e r a l Ing th e d ec k or one or th e trunstJorts which curried the m rrom Ga lv eston .

fo' UIl S luU ,

u.n: bere seen


BUSY MARINES AND BLUEJACKETS ThS. i. a detacbm ent o( General Carranza's conltltuUonaJ mountain II,


ftgbUn, trom behlnd

1l10ne wall in the :



Helow Is ,;een a d "tBcbllleu t or Li u lced Sta l"~ murln es illlrryJug along th e dock Il t \ ' ra Cru z t o Ihelr statlo u. ilie ell)" and abov e s flv erul blu e ja c k e ts con veylug una Illunlliou to one or t he gUIJ~ of u ba tt lesh ip,

Departure trom Galveston of more trooP. to 10ln the Fifth brigade 'at Vera Cru~.



These life th e first boutloud s or urmed billejal!k e l s gO lu'g ashore at Vera Cruz 10 la lle

lofrs. Donald Taylor Hunter was tbe latest navy bride wben the fleet eaUed from Hampton Roads, On tbe day before Bhe was MIBS EmUy Hancock Hughes, and sbe was to bave been married to LIeutenant Hunter ot the Arkansas on May 14. Wben Sailing orders were received the lieutenant radiographed to bls bride, Bhe hurried to Fortress Monroe and the wed,dlns ceremony was performed' at once, ......



Feminine Ma,ter MarIner. Mrs. Von Baudlts, Denmark'B only , woman Ilea captain, now commanding ,a vessel running between Ruella and JIlncland, -claIms fu be the .only teal fem~nl~ master unu:tQer the wotld," .Mn,;" Van' Balidlta, .yrb!t, wife: of

a'- "~Tlilelan',




lJ(J ~6eH81{) n


or that cll }.




HAS (.;O,'t\E

T he " upitll l I'ri 1C \\'ill b,' a wsrd!'ll 10

th" btos t J]""""r I,.,\,;II!: Ihe h igh·

.,.1 5lan<lill!! in Ihe Bpr,sler Cluh"n Wedn!'srl:t )'. Jul\' ~ TIll' n ll o~rcr Rullol j>o )( \\'ill Iw' ct. ,,,,,,, :11 nOl\I1 . 12 o'cl nck of I h.11 d .,,' \\' hn " ill ~ ('I it ? It is \"11 11 .. \\' hllsc' It i ~ (0 1 you lu dllCitll' by )0111' \\'\lrk lI lId

"f l " 'IItlPIl ~ . Ih 'l1l(" utllt.' r :t h o rhe St·cu",l. third. f"lI nlt .1101 lif, 1r Bous lerl will h.lI "b"lIll·l ), ,(, . IIUI11Ucr


warded .

<':"ns u~ 1I3


\\,,, ,,


C " I.!

R in!\ in r Ill' BHOy LUll ll· .. l

Fancy Tennessp.e St, awo e rri rs fresh "very d ay . Pine Apples. Ornnges. New Po· tatoes new Cabbage.

---Special Sale Friday and Saturda)' Fancy Pink Salmon 3 cans for ~5c

_ _ _ _ J!&!i!2




IS A liArpy MAN

r I D. \Y. fl lcl'ks



h a~ cautle Lv be a A Matlit wall a Dayton visitor fClr hi!; ~HIIII'Y as mail Monday. cardm' was in ·rea.<l'd la!:t WI:'t"k . He will rr ('l' i\'l' SliGO 11('1' yl'ar . qllita an J a~ . 7,<, 11, of Y cllow . prinR's, was inr)'r'a~" "\'(' 1' what Ii h u~ OPen get· in town Monrlay . . tinj:!' • \\'ph" s urcly r!c!ic l've!l the 18fl\':ln('(' :llld f' vf'ryitr,(\ y in town is . Frank T homas made n flying lo Frank lin Sunuay morning. rej oil 'in~ w i' h him _Mn! M:.Iry Rskey !! pent Sunday , (; 0 1 0 .1 . I I ('ol" lI la n for No.1 with r elatives in Springfield . ' COllc \) V,Ji'rIi ,,}l PUI up in " J pint. i I I,illl al lt l 1 quart CflllS Huvulene Auto Soap for oi l clo th Wayne!lv illc Auto and Machinery Co , I ~ r. MARY 'S I.;tll JRCH l~alph Vance, of Morrow . was the guest of Mr. anLl Mrs. J. C. I A>!(' Plt "illll Day, May ~ I R l. Ho ly Sunday H uw ke. Coml1tllltiun at 1(1 (I'l'lork C,'or).!!' I ~eyno ld ~ . of Duyton, wus I Sunrlay , !\~ r l'nsion. Sunday School al ~) : ;lO a . m .; Morning Prayer shaking hands wi h fr iend s here an d ~e r m(m at 10:30 . You a r e in · Sunday. . vitetl to th ese serviees Milson H F er tilizer. th e he,;t nn the I .- - - - markf't . Fo r sale hy Chlls Frye .

I happy 1ll:-l11.



_.. .

Public Sale

Mrs Jos. Evans aUenLled the State Asse mbly of I{ebckahs in Ci ncinnati Hllvlll~ Rll hl my ftlrm. I wi ll off er IUlOt wl:'ek. and 1000 Co u pons with each 25c nt· Pnhilc Anc t.lon , :1 I1ltles wpst of cash purchase of this Salmon Mr . anLl Mrs . Frank Ze ll, Mr. and .'II'lVnef!lville nod 1 milA Flo ntb of Mrs. Frank Farr vi::!ited rpla lives in "n tho Wny n flR vi ll n nlHl L.vt:1e It pays to trade at Yellow Spring~ Sunday. Frll l' klln pik l', fin Mrs . Sara h Zi mmermalt. Mrs L. 'at urday, "\ay 23, 1914 A Zimmerman ami Miss Manda Boginrriol{ li t. I o'I' lnok, t·bA follow Carstt'nsen aI" in lJay to n tod ay . iog prolll'rt.y: .. hAR t! h or>'AP . :, now!!, .J unge I{ullyan !lnd fa mily. of 7 piR~ , f~rmin !! im pl ,·m nnt ... h n nAIl. Late Cla....sified Ads Le banon . s pent a few hours with Mrs. bo ld gund ~. H"e hilill fo r tATIlHI. ABBAGE plan t.8 tOT 8u 1A. Cllll .IIIbn l- tronr Anna M. Surface Monday afternoon . on Ptllk LeRk, Wll.ynesvi lle, C. T . illlwke. Ao e\.. Mrs. Sarah Itich. accompanied by ()bio. tf her g-randda ugh te r. Miss Opal G ray , spent several uays in Dayton last week .

The Booster Store


Several IJU lJ ils from the township and vil lage school!:! were in Le banon Saturday. taking the Boxwell exam inations . For Hed J:uonnll Paint ot Barn Paint go to J. H . Co leman '~ .

Tbis Extraordinary Values in Ladies' Waists Ladies' Underwear Men's Underwear Men's and Boys' .Suits

Miss In a I\-itly Compton. uf Caesar's Creek, spent several d ays last w('l'k at th e home of Mr. Warren e Ul'll ct t .

Benj. Lipp incott left Sunday fo r Wilmi ngton. where he wi ll visit with his daughter and her family for eev<'ral days. Mrs Eva J one.'i '~as ca ll ed to Chi cag'o la t week on account of the sel'iolls illness of her Riste r, Mrs . M. J. Sale. Mr and Mr~ . W. A. Henecl<e and children who have bel:'n vlsitin~ rela· ti ve~ at Napoleon. Ohio. return ed home Monday e vening. Miss Manda Cars te nsen. of Cleve· land. arr!ved her e Monday for a two· weekR' visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimme rman and family. Mrs. Henl'ietta HopkinM. who is with her son. Howa rd, ic Dayton is very ill. and her cond ition at t he presen t t im e is seri(Jus.

If you want a good Fertilizer call Chas. Frye. p hone 49 l-L 2·8. Mr worth cailed famil y

and M,'s Samuel Butter · and g l'andson, Gilbert Fl'} e on F r tlllk E. Thomas and Sunday afternoon .

Miss Clara Hawke. who wa l'! operated on in a Cincinnati hospital three wee ks ago. arrived home Friday evening, and is rapidl y improving. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray, Mr. and Mrs . W. T. J ord an and daughter. Vio,la. and Mr. Cla r ence Cleaver were g uests of relatives In Dayton Sunday,

Lebanon; Mason and Ca rli sle . It:'ISTITUTt:S FOR COUNTY InRtitute Bcason OPPIHI Decemher The following points in Warren Waynesville Lodge N o. 163 1.<'. & County ha ve been granted 3tal-e 1i1'5t Blld closes March fint U Notice of datl'!! and speakers will A. M., was inspected Tuesday even· a id fo r farm ers' institutll: seaRon ing by Di~trict De puty John R Flot· 1~1 4 - ' 1 5: Way nesvil le , RU Llervilk be given lut er. ron. of Dayton . The r epo rt of the im~ pecto r Wll.~ very gratifying to the oflirerR ami membe rs o f the lodge . The lodge wa<i in pected in the E. A. dl>g-ree Aft .. r the work was over the vi~ it (m~ sat down to an e legan t dinn er PTl' pH"ed by t he Eastern Star . Speeches w(' re made by Br others T he Store that \lays YOLi a "Prem ium for Cash " thal has a real Val ue. J ohn I{ Flutrun . Geo. Mar:;hall. MI'. The Store thal pays YOU the l'remi um . Gi tmo ur alld Carl Plocher. of Day· The ::>tore that sells you Groceril:'::4 ant.! \)ry Goods at the very lo~ etlt trolt. J uli n Mllr~ha ll Mulford and Ur. pric,'s, . Fi ,;c her. of L~ banon. Du ring the The Store that takes your p rodu ce th e same as Cu::!h . d inner hou r Mi~R ({uth Hartsock pre~ineLl at the piano. Guests were prl'se ntfrnm Lebanun, Ht>rveysburg. Dayton . Mo rre"..... New Burlington, 251h. Granulated Sugar, Franklin or Arbu ck l..s ...... . ... ........ $1 17 Ra inbridg-e an d Ha milton . 25lb. Granulated S ugar. Stand ard ...... .. ........ ...... ....... .. .. ...... I 13 4 Cans Sweet Corn .... .. ... ......... .... " .... .... ...... . .. .. .. ..... . ... ...... .25 THE ALU'l\N I PROGRA M Walrus Salmon, per can .. ..... .......... .... .... .. .. .. .. ...... · .. :" " "",,, . !Ii Can Pe:ich es. Califo rn ia , Carquinez oraud. pe r c:tn .. ...... .. ...... 20 Followi ng is the program that wi ll Hawlian Pi ne Apple. 80vereig[] Brand, pe r 2Y. lb. can ........ ... 20 be rendered at the Alumni Friday Californi a Pried Peache3. fin e . p e r lb .. ....... · .... ... .. .. .. ... .. .... .10 e\'~n tng. Clean Easy Soap. 6 bars....... .. ......... ...... ........... .. .. .. .... :. ... . ~ Toastmaster Herb ert S Warwick '02 r~~yS~~~p,66b~~~. '.':.. :::: '::::.:' ':::.:: :: .... :..:........: .......... :... .....:.:::... :':::::::.:' ~ Reading of Minut es and Roll Call Mer:y Wa r .LyE. Just the t hing to keep your dogB healthy and .. ............ .... ...... ......... Secretary III condition. 3 cans...... ... ... . ... . ... .. ...... ....... ...... ....... .. ...... .25 Welcome to Clas.'i .... ..... ... ...... .. .. .. New Sw~et Pot atoel:!. per lb . ........ ........ " ... .. .....:....... " .. .. ..... 04 .................. Warren H. Keys '99 , Respon::!e ... ... ..... Lena Whitaker' 14 We have thi' week t he following good Ihin );!!:! to eat: 'fenn~ Loyalty to High School lind I t.'i Sl.rawberries . Sweet Oranl{l'!I, Applpll. Bananas the large fat Personal Compensations .. ...... kind, New Sweet Potatoes. Nt'w Cabbage . ......... Laurence T. She rwood '02 Music .. ................ I{uth HartsocK '13 Have you tried "CHEER UP" Coffel''! A cou pon with each Pound; When th e A lumni Go liorn e ... ...... an e legant Premium for 5 Coupons. Ask about it. ...... ..... .... Charl t'l! Cartwright '1l6 ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? HEMEMU.ER WE ARE HANI). Alumni of the Future .... ......... .. ........ .. ... .. Mrs. Em ma ~mith '85 LING B. P. S . PA INTS AND VAR NISHES . NO BETTER I{eading.. ... ........... Jesse Lewis '03 MADE, AND OUR PRI CES AilE RIG liT. Bring in yo ur Poultry and Eg~ . DO WE NEE O A LARGE HALL We ""ill pay 14c per lb . for Hens until Tuesday . May 26th.



A few Specials Every Day in the Week


.. -----


The matter l1f a la rge hall in whi ch to hold p u b lic gathering::; has b pen ta lker! about for sevf'ra l years with· out effect. The question was broull ht f'.l rcibly to the-attention of our citi· zens Sunday evening, when all the a \'ailable seating room was taken a t the ;-;<:hool Auditorium Tf, pre wc,'(' "ellerlll who wellt aWllY ratlwr th tll be s ubject to inconvrm ipnce. wlll ch would have been the ea;le had tnl'v re mained ther e. . It is about t ime th at "f)rnt'thi ng wa s done to rpmedy this defect .



Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burnet. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burnet. Master Robert and Miss Ina Burnet motored to Cin ~ innati Sunday. and took din · ner with Whittier Burnet and fam · ily. and all spent the afternoon at the Zoo. C. T. Hawke had the misfortune to let a wagon. heavilY loaded . run over his foot while at work Saturday, mashing it badly While the acci· dent may make Mr. Hawke stay in the house for a few days. it is not nel:essarily a dangerous one.



2bave you tasted any of that good bread that R comes from Lewis' Bakery? If you have not you have missed a greatdeal Once you have eaten our bread you will never be content to use any other. Try'it once.

The McSherry property to be sold Sal uruay, May 23 I'd , will be the place fo r you to go. if you are look· ing for a home. Good' house on the grounds. anll a good·sized lot, 5~xl54. Don't miss It. The St ate Inspector of the Dairy and Food Department was in town 8aturday and inspected the dairy barn at Corwin. He found everything in good shape. and said that the bam averaged hi~h in every respect in that of a high quality ' of milk and cleanliness. . J obn Cummings and John Bell, of the Warren Countv Times. Wm. Fraser of the Western Star, Mrs . Mary Proctor-Wilson, of the Patriot. Pat Gaynor, of the Franklin ' News,. and John Stimmel. of . the Dayton News, were in attendance 'at the Cox meeting Friday afternoOIi:

All kinds of cakes and cookies.




n~w-pt.'f ~ar~d to '


..',' .. '

every day at the 'fN~~~~'rll}e~~~!~~~? and will pay


. ·..It

A Ticket with Every Purchase at


INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC F riday May 22 wi ll be . the occasion uf the Second Annual Interscho lasti ~ A thletic Meet and Glil" Day in Ha rmon Pa rk Lebanon . From all indica· tion this year:; event bids fa ir to Sll r· pass las t years Sllccess both in atten· dance and intel·est. Ii frida.y is a n inclemen t day the meet will be postponed until Sl\tu r rlay May 23 . Don't be afraid of Ihe weal her because the grounds well drained and the g rus cu t.

- --


aiving beautiful tints and colorL Hu aD ... eaft. lleaatl(uJ, -'-I . effect. that are., popular t~,.....itb the lateIt colin ill decoratioDL '

.. -----

¥a7 be,..a _ -Old. or ~w



OD p)uler, c:Ducrete, burlap, metal, . . .

The Post will assembk' at the Township H ouse a t 10 o'clock sharp, and " arch to the Christian ('hurch, where the Rev. 1.) H . Palmer will preach lhe me morial scrmr: n. All comrades, w het her members (Jf the Po;; t or not. are cordially invited to join U!l

clMMCI-DOt euil1 awrecI. ~ ' A* lIS for Color Cards and for facta aboutallt.OWEBROTHERS PAINTS

haltle.- • WABHAaLE- •.....,

port Stuml-' ord


Don't forget th e d ate of the sale of the McShe rry pro perty. between Franklin Road and Tyler StreetSaturday. May 23rd. on the premises, at 2 o'clock. Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. w ho hand Ies Mil son' ;; the best.

=:::z::::__ _ _


for Ollt,,;lIo


'T o Bcnu1ifyYour Home Inside llnd Out

uclVARNISHU 'fbe, aro wbat JO'I ......


'. .I.

Whi.t e

LAWN MOWERS Ground True by Machinery




•'B.e-,~ uty!s only skin deep" Is Dften very true of paInt c r. l,)ru lue neceaaa ry. of ,·o c . hut be " u,o rha t thoplllnt you U!'I.'= h~u: u TOUC;I·J SJC.IN--.. sk ln t h ut .vilJ rC!lb t Ac,fcre condlfl nns II: t ' cohi , b"" t and mot8tureorhcrwbe thupuJul wtll"cel,cbalk, J Q~C h utre, or ("rn ~ k~ Rcc1D!lulzi n4 lht!:sc fDctR, tbere Is A tf":lc r lv~

ono H!lfc, 8utidnctvr)', lont·wearinl\. color·retal nloll ""Inr lor you tu u se. It Is.


URIDGEJ>ORT STANDARD P A I N T l'ovA,', " I\lv"n " tell with tll" ICIl Ht Ii lJm 'i)('r or ~aUon c ; Is always lunJform; is n1ndc to ... 8d~n­ tl8c ttDnnula; o\l.'has u c h ea p Bdulrerwll,d pulnt odend and 011. Wh ite lead Milone saponiflel tho oUt COU.Inilit to "holk nJ)ldly. Thl. hapJM,nl with BRIDGEPORT STANDARD. • W. oro 10001 BIIOO r.. for Rri<1l1cport. St8.ut.l o. rd JlolO(lucta Mel ("a rry CulU Lino for outside 8utlrirutido U 3f:.


\Ve 8bRU·bo plefllJOu to conCur with

you reprding their

call auo .tajk It over.






WaynesVille, Ohio


.. ,

,. ..... It i!' a well· known fact that it id next to :ill1p088ible to sharpen a La~n Mower accurately with a ftle •. es.~iaI1Y ~ Ii great many mowers mad at the present have hardetied .blad•• Some resort to emery dust. turning the reel backwards. Till! . ~bjection to thi~ is that the clearance ·behind the cut#1i.g .ecJp;" IS reduced. which makes more surface' in •. contaet Witb~the­ striaght cutting bar than there was before. After tile cuttlDK· eages become the lea'Jt bit dull • .the Lawri MoweI! bas"t,O"" adjusted very close, I!<J that it TEARS tlle gra. , ihit": of .; shearing it. making the niow~r run harder 'than·ever. :ucF tlie: ·' more it is sharpened by emery dust th.E t.worse .~t ~es ~d .~ BOon has no clearance at' all. ' . . ' . ';. , " ,.\ i"'". ,.







~ixty-Fift h



Forty-First ........




- I


Whole Number 3265

Waynesville Alumni Meet Good One

TIII'H Cltarles lit)U~h was ho ~ t ~,~~ _._. ___ ••• - ............ _ ....... ~ •• ~_ •• - •••••••••• of t he May meetinl' of lite New The W <lyne~\'tll Alumni. ""ltil'h );PII.:'I1I ,·r lind a\lplau s( ', by Chas. M. Cel'l ury Cl ul, on FriJay afLern,lon. The fortv ·firRt annual C()llll11t!nct!· ' now, goon health and youJ,h. And The lacl ies a l'e inrlehtc(l to Rev. mark ed t hrc lofl lllJ.!ofColl llllf:ne"lI1ent l'al"1.wl"i :.dlt ',-:1;. Mr. Ca rtwri g ht's men tof Waynesvil le Hig h Seh,,,,1l ouk ' what !I privi lege lo li ve now with C. S. I ;rausc r. Mf~s:'lsr" Charles wcek, wa:; un f'V f'llt of Friday eve· 11)('m" IVa,.; )! iv('n in a r('m i n i ~f'encl' place Thursday e venin g in t hI' school i youth . go,," health and a ll the mar · l-i aw kl' , ,I. E ,JallllC'Y and W. II . nin l.:". Th,' Alu lIllli i" lit 'l ('V('llt Ih:l t way. alld rnal.1.\' lhin l!~ w"re LrOuRht Iludi tori um, an,t proved to ue une I v'~ I. (J u 8 t.hlngR Ilwn and women an' Allf'll, wltu Id nd ly volun tef'red lIwir ca ll s 11lll' l, I) t hl' old L'MII mall" "f oilL t haI only tht' pupil s of his day ~ at of the ni cest rommencemen\.s Way· 1dOin g- to mak e IIIIR ug-e n g rand Rill' · H('rvi('('s anrl autoll1ohile!-l in tak in)! he r ~ radu ate:; wh" wa il fur I.his I ifil l' ,c ll ool It l' l" ' )"('II1CIIl IJl"I"l"d and clljuy,:d fl l'Sv ill tl haH evor witnessed, At H: 1 51l'e~s . . t lt el di es out. tu mal,e it thei r isil "I ,:wk lIU IIW." It arin g' tl" 'Ill . fi e la id !treat s tr('s~ the graduawlI, together with the ' Mr. Mill er waxecl eloq\lent wlwn The prourcun wal> Ilecessari ly "hort · At tI u'clock ' th e prt'"idClll, Mr. upon th e Alum ni going back hom e faculty and the miniAters in charge, he eXI>lal~ed the new sc hool laws a!! it wa-; lhe day for t he elt'(·tio/J of Herbe rt S. WUl'wiek , 'O::!. invited the every .veal'. and Mr. Cartw l'i g l' t pracfiled on the Btage. to the strainll of a that have Ju ~t been enacted for lhe officer~. The foll owinl{ were elected lar)!e C (lr~1 nany 10 ~hp han! I" "1 r()om, I ices what he preach es , as he iii torrand march by the fnrnous Cadet I slate o~ Ohl? H ~ s poke of them fo:, t h,' en ~ut'illi!" yea r : Prl':;ident, wh ~re .a !ter lh e rn VO('atltlll hy !{ev. alway:'l founo here at Alumn i time. orchestra, of Springfi eld. al~ o8t III thel~ enllrety, and he ex · Mr:-;. ";dith Il arri ~: vice-pl"t':;ident.. 1,J . I' . l,a(~wa l larl,'r, till' halt ql ~f 'l. waH ~rr~ . 1':lnma Smith':; ).Japer lin th,.. A ne w innovllti '_n to a Waynesvi lle plaine<! t.hem III :iuch a wav th at .ven n.encement was t he ladies of the , t he ,;mull eRt chll(1 preRent nllght Mrs. " .. :->. (~rau ~c r ;S<'crt :La ry. Mr::l.. I,.m. \V11I1f'tl1I:ll~ I'lJll was I ll' lI1 ~" 1l "" lulllni nft I1l' I·'uturl''' wa ~ an ne K \" . Ilarllhu rt: 'l'rt'as lll'f'r, Mr:;. , Joyed Mr . vyarwi 'k I't'c'f:lvt'd s('ve ral fi n . an d wa:; li;! te nt'c1lf, with g reat ('laB.'! we re all drt!1:!.'1ed alike. in simp le und e rl'tand them. He sai d that il('v ilt. It,,11 ca ll was re~pond cJ to I I c ll'l!-r a lll ~. t rolll Io "tl'" \I ' '.'pl ,: that pll"a<; urr by a ll pl·I'~e nl. white sailor s uits wilh red tieK . The y und e r the new law bettl'r teac h er~ wit h VCI'Y int:('re~ ting q uotat ions had hE'l'n. 111 1111':" tl) 1>" With LI S on The proJ!ram end ed. the company looked very sweet surrounded by the / cou ld he~ecured and bett e rfacilitie9 from Scotch author:>. Mrs. E V_ l lh'~ () ·(~a ~ lI~n . Sl1 l: I ~.pcr s" Il~ ,as HI) .s~; repa ired to the hall and renewed old ' gentl emen of the class who \Yore the g.o:ten for th.e belte.rmen t of ed uca· Bamhart reael a well prepared ancl ~ v.e ll, l r,'sid ellt '" II ~un . Jllllllll e fri e nd shi p:;, !lnd many an escapade convention al black . I t lon . He pa id a t rlbu :e to. olle. of "lc'a~~ inJ! pape r on' :->('o tch Write rs in ' Lox. Ul H>rll! . .Lv.! 1 I I 'all l\hur~ t a nd of former year!! a nn many a tale of After th e invocation by ltov., Waynesv ill e 's g raduates that IS rlolr,g lh e Viflt'ellth and Six/('ellih Cl'n . dau g-hI P!' 1',1111 1.1" . Mill'" good fu n . ~Ol"gotten day,; wa!! ret.old and enWooten Supt. M('Laughlin, in a ~real. work III thuslate at t hl' pre." en,t luriC':;. Mr~ . Allen a :;yn\lr>:ii~ I) f '" A WUS hl"f~\ll.:hl II l,l I,y t ill' tl1 eH(' Ic-Ie. l .luVf'CI. Mr;-; . Ann a .St:lhl gave a happy rnllnn~r mtroduct'4 llhe Bpea l<er . tim e III erlucatlOnal w,orIfLester~ . L(, ~I"':' w" ~ J"e .. 1:<0 re" ~ , [t'~vnumh .. r:,\ ()l1 thfl prano. anda:ftfl r Window in Thrum!!." Mr~ . All e n l!J'a l ll ~ ,I:) of the evenin". Prof. C. C. Mill e l', l lvrn~ . . He c()ng ratulated t he town prll"eJ h(:rH.ll' IIdeq uate to the oc. f:o l11 I. !"t ,r .. 1. (I. (,,'aha l'l a lld .J. I ' l lIml many cr< ,.~d ed arou nd the p!~no Pox-school commiS.'lioller of ()hio. shIp Rc hool board~ lhat t hey we re Crl:;iull in her aui Iily to Illa~ter th e ell rn,nJlIl~::;. . . I and :;1111).( t.he old, !!weet songs of Mr, Miller took as th e subject I)f taking. up the work of central izatiu.n . his address' An Age of Progress ,. and salrl t hey would neve~ reg r et It. pleasing :)co lch d ialect. lJainty reAfl !' r I'padl~ 1! fir ~n."ltIle. and roll- I 'H.r.IY sch ~ul day~. . He treated thi p s ubject in a clear, I He to ld of.sEveral centra h7.ed lIc ,lflols fre~hm . cnt s were served by the hO::lt- call WlLl' rCI.1 I~I'\"'; 'l.~ ~ flV<: l1w WI:I- , Lhc "ti l 'er:; fur the fo llOWing were e~s ,l uring the a lways dC'liglrtful ~II . ('(tllle I" I Ile ('IILS.~ 01 . J 4 In pf) ~t:Y 'k('led UH f.oll oIVH: La ur ence $~er­ concise manne r. In his introduct:>ry 1 he had VISIted and how th e plan had cia I hnur. CuestH of th e I }()s ll~s.~ a ~o nlyh ('r'all d "IL Mls, [,enaWhn.- 11'11(11.1 , pr"i-;rr~ent; ~rI T?omas. vlceremarks he paid a g lowing tributE' to ' work ed out. • we rf' Mrs.,. Cel)rgl' Itiio)y. all " <laugh- l,k,·'r r" ~ IJl)n" ,'d In a happy manner., prc::Ild unt: l\.arherlne t,lbbons. secthat matchless ed ucator-Heber 1101- 1 In closing he admonished t he tl'rR. Mrs. rolJul'Il, I\1r:-l . Ed Thoma,; . .1. W. Whltl' If} ld "f Illa t j.!r:11111 old '·( ' y and J . E , ,Jann.ey. treasurer. 'brOOk . He said that this gentl e man ' g raduates lo eve r live up to the ir Mi s.-; ::;y bil I/ awl,c . The .Ju nn met!t- , ( ' t1l1(,:lI~IJ' t.hat wa~ I.,erc ~ ' I til<' ea r ly Spa'E'.f,) r brclsu!lte lhng'moreof the had done more for this county and mollo, "Not for ou rtielves, but illg- wi l1 lt~ ('nt~rtnin ('d at th e IVlIn!' daYHot, t,h., 'Thoo ili fe . 1/ . II . li ar· I ".fiPPY .'.IIll('S. ~t the close of theseilhad sent more real educated a~d re- oth e rs." and they would be success· afM,'s. N. L Rtlll nd L(~ "anoll. 1rtl"fj l!w Inlt!!I, · was ('111 o (palhlts ~ Ion . Lir e VIs itors pre3ent from outtined educators away from his ~chool ful in their several sta tions in this and earl'll'" 1 h" h,'arl' J' bUl:k to th e "f·tl)wn Wt' r/': C. M Cartwrigh t. than had any other one man in lhis life ~ n "d " Id I illl "S hl"· ·. Mr. Ha rford, Chi c u~o: Mi:,s Anna Thompson. Mr_ co untry . . _ Supt. McLaughlh in a n e~t s/let.'ch CHR IST I AN CltLJIKH wh" ll1 a r ril'd II Na)'n('!wille j.!irl, !Ii,)" Ami Mrs, D. C. !{id~(\ and Herbert "Will the twen tieth centu ry be .paui the c1~~ a very hl)!h comphgleater than the nineteent h," t he me~t for th~lr efTo r tsand d<:porlment ~lInriay Ma . ~\l n l. Hihl e Srh'H)1 at I'(·", 'ntl y 0.11 loj ,.; lr"n 'I! in I: rooklyn. N '1 I'~dwald :-; ' of Oayton. : Mr. a nd MfR. l..aul"I-" II",' T. ;O-;he n ' ,,, )(1 'I)~ n'- Herbr r t S. Warwick and son and Ilpeaker said We are in the youth tlurmg . their laIIl year III p,!hll c !1 ::1O a . m: I :O l1l1nllnion an(1 Social \' of steel. iron and elertricity. Wnat schoollrf e, and presen~ed. t he dllli/)m,'c: t: in g 10::10 a m ., Christ ia n En · Bp"rlfl ed I" a toas l . " 1,0) aliV III J-li g-h Mrs. FI'ank Long. of Columbus; Mr. was accomplished in t hp mneteenth mas . After the benedictIOn by Rev . d(:avol' 7:00 p nl. , pr~a 'hin g- by Seh"" l and II ~ I \'rHonal Con lpellsa· , and MrH . I' red Sherwood , daughter tio lls " 'I'hi" is the fiT ~ t l irn e si n,'c 'l an" son , and Mr~. Matie McK ay, of will be more perfected in t~e lwen J . l" . CadwB;lIade r, the class. received pastor a l 7 ::10 fJ . Ill . tieth. and thi s will he an age of co~gratulatlo:ls from their many EVery\)ouy mad .. weiel)lllf' at these MI'. Sh ~ I' Wllud I!r:ltiuated t.hal he hac; I.,'hanon; Dr. an (I Mr!!. Stahl, o f aLlt'lided his :-lIma IWlter il ill ad- J"ranldin: Miss ,lustina Hartsock, of power in the history of lhe world . frIends. Thus c1o!led another comserviceR. dre",; was fin' and was l hol"Oug hl y LancuRter; Miss Leah Smith, of He said that the people of" today are mencement of t he Waynesville High enjoy ed by a ll. MiS-I; Ru th Hart~o rl{ I'iqll'a; Mr. Laurence Sherwood, of MEMOKIAL SE RVICE blessed with thrpe privil eges- li vi ng School. '1:1 ente n a in eu with a fin e piano De t roit, Mich .; Mr. Warren Keys. of The Memori l! l service was held at num IJer·. whi h wa:; enj oved . "W lw n l :enter ville , Miss Ed ith Crane . of the € hristian church Sunday mo rn - Ihe Alumni ( : 0 ~ IOlne," was told in a Pekin,. and Mr s. Rowena Zartman, I MiAMIS t'LA \ BUM GAME I CAR D OF THANJ<S inp:. At 10 o' clock th e old St, ldi<!r!' IT. anne)' that e lt ct,~d a g l'~at deal of of XeIllR. ( want to thank a ll our friend s a nd assemb led at t he Township House, I OverconfiJen('e not onl,. caused neighbors both in Waynesv ill e and and marched in a l,ody to the church, ~-~-!!....~~~~'--"'!~'''''-~.'!'-'''!-~-~--~~~:~-~-~~~~~~~~~!''!!'!~ the Miamis to loose a game last Sun- I Belmont, for their kindness ~h ow n where they were g r eeted by a la rge SLJNO:\ Y.SOIO(J L AS~OCIA nON MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES day afternoon, but caused them to u:> in the illn ess and death of our gathering of people. Hev . D . H _ look very bad while eo doing. Clarks i mothe r . Pal l"1er del ivered an excell ent ad · In addi tion to many speakers of ville was the oppol"in", team and ' The fina l arrangements f or MemHoward Hopkins a nd Family. dress whi ch was well received by t he 10l'al TJlomin cnce the program for orial Day were made at a meeting of would have been e!lllY meat for the 1 - - -- - .. splendid cnngregation. Miss Lu cy the Fifty - fir ~ t Annual Convention of the Post Saturday afternoon, and Miamis had t hey put up anything like I For Screen Door Pai nt, Green or f<~mley sang beautifu ll y "ltC!'lt Sold ie r the Wane ,", County Sunday·school • their usual game. M&nRller Slans· Hest" which was very a ppropriate. Assodation which meet.!! at Harveys- a good program has been arranged . Black at J . H Coleman's. Th e PO!!t are anxious for all who ~rjee..otlt-a new".biw.le rv. LeeJ.. hUl'l(, M. E. l' hor(· h. Thursday and can !lend flowe rs to ,have them at Lemon and Jim McClure. and these ' F riuay' May 28 an d 29 in clu d ~;l two thc Township House by 9 o'clock two "put up a good game, but their members of the Sta le Sunday school Saturday morning. where the ladies support Willi the WOl'8t that the MiA~sociation force. These a re C. W. will arrange amis h"ve gjvcn any battery this them. The Bchool Shinn. general secretary, and Judge children are solicit.}d to gather them y~ar. Manv of the hits off Lemon's Boxwell ---a8livery should have been easy outs liP and leave them at the Township 1 Alexander W. A. Eudaly. state president, is House. but B8 no fielder 80 rruch as tou ·.'hed i' the program as well all Re v, La them they had to be scored as h i t~ The Post will assemble at the 1-____ ...._ ................... _........_............_._ .•___..__..... on Verne Taylor, of Lebanon. Rev. C. Township House at 1 o'clock prompt. The enc.oursging features ot the K Lownie, of Mason. S. A. Probst, , fiasco wyere tlre1Cood showinll made com rades, whether members of Sweet Potato plants at D. H . Dlr A. 1'. Wright was in Cincinnati of Cincinnati, Rev. Norman 'Sweat, All by ' the new battery and the well the Post or not , al'e earnestly solicMonday. Hockets. • of Franklin and ])1'. John A, Mc- ited to join with the Post and ml>rch known fact thqt suclYexhibitions are to the cemetery. The services a t as searce as hen's teeth with the Mi- Miss Jennie Bowman who will Adam Stoops has beftn quite ill for SVI'cet Potato plants al D . H . I< Ilmy . Friday morning an hour will be l he cemete ry will start promptlv at am is Next time they will make the give a highly pleasmg ente rtllinment several days . Hoclkets. g iven to the di sc u s~ ion of the Feveral ::! o'cl ock. The program is as folfans forget ~ll !lbout last Sunday. at School Hull, Tuesday, 1une 2, has Messrs. Harvey and W. O. Gustin Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph departments of Sunday· school work IOWA: The·score by Innlnlfs: given more than three hundred en· Mill e r li'ridllY, May 22nd, adaug htel' . by th ose in charg e in t he coun tyo rAmerica , "1 :? 3 4 15 6 7 8 9 R H E l ertainm~nts. ~nd i'J, a,n entertainer ', e re in Miamisburg Monclay. ganization. There will also be co mPraye r - Rev. n H. Palmer Clarksville2 2 0 2 0 J 0 3 2 1~ 20)(; people Will e.nJoy. She has a pleas Mes..~rR. Chas. Burnett anti Thos. Messrs. Lev. Cartwright and Mah· milltee reports and reports of offiSong - Quartet Miamis ..... 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 6 12 5 II1I:f perso!1ahty and h~r talent a nd Pierce were in Lebanon Saturday. Ion Ridge were in Lebanon Monday. cers. Round tabl e discussionll will l~eading ...... Miss Elizabeth Chandler ablhty will be appreciated by all. Music- Band . Havolene Auto Soap is economical. If you want the Lest Paint amI be a feature of practically e very CAUGHT ON THE FLY Her progl·ams consist of Humorous, Add retiS ................. B. F. Harowitz Pathetic anti' Dramatic HeRding-s, Wayneaville Auto a nd Machinery Co Varnh;h Hom over go to J. II. Cole- meeting of t he convention. Song -Quartet --Two new fac(-!S will be seen in the (tecitingwith mUlIic and Fancy Indian man':>. Miamis" line-up jn the two games Club Swinging. Miss Jennie Bowman. entertainp.r. Music - Band W. C. T. U. NOTICE next Saturday. Memorial Day , .. _ +___ at School Hall, Tuesday evening, Miss Anna Thomson, of Dayton, - - - .... --Red Wiison will pitch next".Sunday. FRIENDS ORTHODOX CHURCH June2. :~~~~ ~~~o,~vn~k.end at her horne The next regul a r meeting of the ST. MARY'S CHURCH W. C. T. U. will be Flower Mis.'lion '- - Yl8.terh9u!1e made a bare . ha~ded Havolene Auto Soap, hesl to wash Day and will be held as uflua l at the . . d . stl?P of a hot liner. that wa.~ a beliuty Mrs, Jennie M. Carey, of Wi!- harness. WaynC!'\v ille Auto amI MaMiss Ed ith Crane. of Ptlkin, has White Rrick church on Tu egduy, . Whitsun ay May 31st. ThiS ~esing a few days with been spend bright. . • . mington. will occupy ' the pulpit chinery Co. June 2, at 2 o'clock. Eve ry uody is' Llval commel, the o~t~ou~m~ Waynesv ill e friends. ClarkSVille pulled a triple play m Sunday, May 31st. Subject ·'(am· cordially invitell a nd urgt!d to bl·ing". (If t he Hol.y Spirit upo~ Christ.!! dISCIMiss Justina Hart.'!Ock, of Lancasthe first inning. paign fol' one thousand souls_ No ter, spent several days last week or send all th e nowerR possi bl e. pies . and I.S ~egarded as the birthday Mrs, Ruwena Zartman , of Xenia, _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ of lheChTlHtmll church. So regarded Lemmon has tho makings of a top- services in the evening on account of with relatives here , hws Leen vi ~it in g at the h om~ of becaufle t he g ift of the Hvly Ghost noteh pitcher with a little more (!x ' , the absence of the Pt. ~tor, , '. BASKET MEETiNO Seth Cook and famil y. which was the n bestowed upon the perience and clean support. A E Wooten, Pastor. Dr. and M("8. Stahl, of Fran klill, Apostles, filled them with wisdom - - - - .....-were g u es t~ of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mi s.~ Syhil Hawk e came down - - The annual Ua.'1ket meeting of t he and power for the work which Christ Allen Friday and Saturday. from Delaware to attt!nd commenceThe Waynesyille Fire Department Mr. and Mrs. An~erson, of Xe.n ia , Middle Run ' BaptiHt church will be huu given them to do, and they began ment and Alum ni lust week . will meet at the Township House D~ . and Mrs Witham, of Kmgs held May ;31 st in!ltead uf lh e fir::;t to do it. a nd the old dispensation Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Warwick Friday evening. It is desirous that I MIlls, and Mr. Saml Stoops, of Har- and SOil of Columbus. were week- 'nd Mi:>!l Mary (:ray, of ({ou te !~, spent Sunday in J une. I~vei'ybody brin)! pa.'1sed into the new, and the Church every member of the department be veysburg. were gu~ts of Mr. and guests of Miss May Wright. several u ays of lmlt week at the hom e well filled ha':!ke t.., and come and enjoy of Ch rist was born. on hand at this meeting. Mrs . Adam Stoops. Sunday. Su nrlay School at 9:30 a. m . Serof Mr. and Mrs. Walte r Kenrick, at the se rvi res of the day. Mrs. Frank Long. of Columbus, Lytie. mon and Holy Communion at 10:80. was the guest last wee k, of he r Go to ,T. H. Coleman for No. I Everybody invited to these services. sister, Mrs. H. H. Williamson. C. M Car twrig ht, of Chicago, Coach Val'lli sh put up in ::. pintA - ---- ~WM the g uest over Sunday or his 1 pillt alu! 1 quart cuntl . This If! the good old s ummer time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and parents, MI'. and Mrf!. S. L. Cart--"""""""----""""""---------""""""""""""-------""""'1 family. of Route G, visited relatives wrig·ht . Farmer's Grange No '13 had great following most excellent program at Indianapolig and Lebanon. Ind. pleasure in entertaining Pomona was rendered: Song, Mason Grange; last week. Mr . Frank Harvey and daughter, Grange, which grange constitutes Paper, Cheery Odonnel. of Lebanon and Mrs. A, Hendricks. of Le banon, the different granges of the county, Grange,llubjeet. "Woman's Sphere Mis.~ Leah . Smith, retu rned to floentthcweek- endwith 'rela tives in .... h n • . . . - . . - - __ w n ..... _ _ _ _..................... " " ' - ~- . . . - .......... ~ including Lebanon, Mason, Morr(lw on the Farm;" Piano Rolo, Edn& Piqua Sunday murning after- s pend Harveysbu rg. fo 't Ie '7thy dl'Scussl'on Both arid Butlel'ville: , These meetings are Irons, LebaTlon Grange; Paper, Mr . ~~~ aMf:sw g;z~ &~1~h~er parents Mr. Go to J. H. Coleman's to get the cl~G~efM':ye lJili~~~h~ge ~~:-n~e~f m~l~b~~ aamll"'visitors seemed W be . always looked !orw{lrd to with a Melampy. Mason Grange, subject, be~t high g rad e Tinware in the town. Mrs . Laura Crane. int.erested in the Special Topic-Clo'-, ' great deal of pleasure and many "Advautages of Country Life. over Mr. Jos. Brown a nd family . of In- AI~o the best. Graniteware, Carpet Whil e the day was fine sevl' ral vel', Timothy and Alfalfa. Anna pleasant acquaint8n~ ate formed City." Mr. Horace Snook, of Leb· dianapolis lnd .. passed lhrou"h B d 1'1 S membera were abstlnt on act'ount of May the lalellteri 'daughter of Mr and friends made of persons in dif anon. gave a · most interesting ac· Waynesville Runfiay tQ L .. eate r" an b • y watt.!a lrs. tIle rllsh ()f work. ',' nd MrH. . Deardoff gave a .'1010_ A · b F d e n o n , ferent parts of t h e county, count 0 f h IS. or t eir trip fo lori a where they will visit relatives. Mrs Sarah Rich. after spe nding After a short visit among the note from the Cornell family acUuests were present trom the The program closed by the whole three weeks at the home of Mr . and mem bers and guastll a ll wert! in vited kn owledg ing the receipt of and thank above named granges!lO,. from membership singing. "Our Grange is Go w J. H. Coleman's for Aboli- Ml'1I. Chas. CJ;'ay, we!'t of town re. to the temporary dining room where ing the cl ub for flowers received on Xenia and Bellbrook and inc'Ju,ling. .Mar~hin~ <?n ." which fairly made tion t.he dirt abolisher for cleaning turnell t o her home in Wellman' Fri- every home production and seve ral the death of Mrs. Cornell was read. F)armer's . Grange. over 150 were the'houBe rlng. and varnished Rurfac'e.q. flat day. for;.eign were ~here to be had for the Invi ted gu ests were Mr. and Mrs. eet'\'ed to Ii Tl'\08t sumptuous an~ de· Many l present in the after· wall Paints and general household asklng. nrauser, Mr. and Mrs. Web. Kirby licious dinner . ' nnon who w~le unable to be there in cleaning. Mr. and Ml'S. Armstrong McCray, At two o'clock the meeting was arid son, Mr. and Mrs. Simpkins. The exerc.i~ of the !Dorning were the morni~g, and altol(ether,it was sons and daughters. Mr, Chas. Meek- called to order by Pres. Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Earnhart, Miss 'I _tber~diJ1g of the mmutes of the one of the larg~t and best meetings Messrs. C. B. Bentley, W. A. er lind MillS Berta Sum letts, of Day. After prayer by Rev. Grauser the Sweney, Mr. Tibbals. Although we ' '. . previous m~ting at. Morr?w( A it ha~ ev.'r been mY.pleMQre of at· O'Neall, C. J. Hisey, W. M. Pren- ton, Mrs. Effie Cook and two daugh- regular program was taken up . mi3Sfld t.he smiling face and cheery ,:'. meinp'rial on the de,th of Alvm Vor- tending. Adjourned 'to m~t with and -Ray ).2ilIs saw t he t er!1 were guests of Mr. Ilnll Mrs. Song . "My Redeemer Liv,~th," by voice of the one who in death had re~~~~~[~ UIU.'"X'''' y.'U reaq by 'Sutl,erviJle Grange on Sa;turda1, nnati game in Cincio- George Pratt Sunday. the Club. Current events hy Mrs. m oved since lht! lilSt meeting of the ~ on the. d~athlAugast 29. Det ev~r.Y patron who Sunday. • Me redith. Reading of Gov. Cox's club 'at t hi s home , everyone by ~ster llOEsi do. make ·arrange.; , -' ' Messrs J_ ~. Ellis. Warren Keys, proclamation on Mothers day. ~ong seemed to r espond to the ~ftort o( . w Mr. and' Mrs: ,Frank Zell, Miss A Maffit, Ray Mills and D_ L, "I WiIJ Wear a White F lower." by hostess and daughter to mak~ it one .··!lo\1;1~,!~·: Florence Wjls()ll . ',&tid .Mrs.. Marr Crane ' went to Morrow- '8atUroay Mrs. Grau!ler, who always seems to of the best me.e tings of ilie .. year, C88l(ey rnotor,ed' ~~ . DaytOn:. SaturdiiY eve'n ing to at.tenll ,inspecfion of lh.~ have the right song for the occa.sion. leaving with t htn hought . tha~ . morning, where ·'theY ' visited 'fVith Masonic, lodge; Dr: EJlis acteq\. ail , Mrs. Riley's paper that ever in'. were g lad to have· been of "tne '~ci41 (tep,uty tbls~iOn.-.' -teresting ~bjeet PI~nt Lire ~Ied be.r: pre;sent. • . M; 'N ' ........



ww ...............

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HenrietLa,J ('nning!! Cri pin. daugh· tc r of James H. and Elizabeth Cris· pin was lJorn in New J ersey. f e bru a ry 10. I H~14. alld uied at hl!r horne in Belmunt, IJayton, 0 ., May 21 , 1H\4 al 12:40 p. m . V... brual'Y Hi, 114f)4 she was married lo Jonat.han C. 1I0JlkillH wit " di ed Se ptember 11.1 7'2.. Shortly after her marriage she and her husband moved to Oh io, .'lelliing near Eaton, Preble Co. Aftt!l' a few year:-l they moveu to Wayn e~w ill e, Warrell co unt.y whp rc ht.!r hu sband died. To th l' lI1 were bo rn t wo Si 'n~. J-I l,w a rd , who!lu r v i vc~ h (' rand Walter J a mes who dleu when alJOut ~ i x year!! of age. About tNenty· tive years ago f<he hwveli to Vaytoll If) make he r horn e Wilh he r son , but for the \last !lix v 'IUS ha ~ J1lad(' her home with her Histe r, Mrs. Alire KeyE's , of Wayn E':;vi lle, who is two years he r seni .,r. Ilnd the only surv ivin~ member of hel' fathe r ' ~ family. Abou t nlnetel;'TI yp.ars ago she joineJ the Cenlral Church of CIII' ist in DaY Ton, of which she remh ill ed a I1'llrn bt-r until he r death. She sutT.. red severely f rom dropRY for five months, hut :>0 fa r recuve red as to be able to ('ume home to hoI' son four week s ago. when the r1i::l· ease again sil'7.ed he r . 8he IiVl-'" among Uil m a ny year.; and none (Ii the younger generat.ion who knew he r , hut are the beller for havin l( come ill contact wit.h her invigorat . ing mentali ty and her clwedul tlut· look 011 life. She will rest in b au liful Miami ceme tery at Wayn esv ill e , hy th e sid e of her husband. The tuneral of Mrs. Hopk in;, took place at the Chapel Monday mornin ~ at 10 o'clock, Rev. C. S . Grauser and I~ev, J. F. Cadwa llader officiating



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Per~nal Menti('Q Column L .._._.._-~...-.-~-.-..-.--.-...-.........-..-..-..JJ

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Succeslfu'. Pomona · Grange Meeting



Farmers' Club




" ~ ,,,


1 •. ,, : :






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lo&" tJlu(.ster to It. but n tlxpre~s9<l 10' nnlte ~nliBfac tlon . . He rtal'h" d orr into a quick, liv ely Pollsll ma zurka." " And the gues ts 1" I ask l'd breaLb· lessly . "Po 8 s ~ d Iho Indtl c nl by In 1I'0 n(I I' '-, too w ell ·broe! to nllli ...~ it hy open discu s~ l o l! I hpa rd O ll P Iud" ~ nv It wnll

Tourists Heed the Call of Egypt's Attractions.

:::.~~=-=-=_============== II tnn 1I,·r lcJ ent. Rnoti"'r :t" Itlll,uls h )' 8' '" E' l'it-al In my oplnl o ll tll e roan hall p


Por a whol, ' d llY ollr J al'lin,.; ba ll hrp no iu 'J l'c1i cl~ . I'ror 8 0m " [lIHPO' \) . moy ~ ;Li'OUI 1111' I'(lu"e "'. O'lI! ill ~OI1l L' I': ood lll' (' \'11 . he Ilild hnlOUli7.(·d h ur . d l"?am 1I h l\ 1 1 a 111"'" ~c n H ' w a ~ ab o- , a n d f\ 1,,', t h p il as Il r l W , n l1 U !l CO Il f't"'tO UR

":" llll ,· . nn <l ~: ' " "a s J;('ntl t' 00\\'.: or it II I' I" HI t "st ell 6 011 11 ) occ u lt T he !-'HI Q(\ ~\\' ( \ t· f ~m i l l" fr a nH'c1 L.ll~ r p OW H r h.' n l'SH (' S~ ... d \ \' h y?" Ilp ll , tb " d. '"r .'a m, ·s t (\ )" ~ ~1l(",,· tI Alas ! I co uld n ot ~ol\'e the prob· U\O olil li lll t' ten u rn ss In their .kp l h . ; 11'11 ' :In ri r,uH(lp d Il s ll" l,f pS S niJ; ht. bU l t il l'ro W H S n r h a n ~ ,' . I '-:lld<l nrose th o n e xt m orni ng , II s tlcs rl I Elid2. U JlP li- II<'5S ::; 1" 11' 0111, 1 Si l l a nd prt' oc(' ulli e d. About tc n o 'cloc k I f(1r all hour,.; III s ee ming no t b · !"rt h e r alonc 10 tbe bou ~e . (could lngnf'~R \\' h" l! 0;111' W :l ~ s p\lk ,'1\ to, hrr not rest. I mu s t kll ow ~ om e tilin g o f i prc llJ,- brow wou ld wrluklP, tb er(' wus lhl s m)' ~ l e rlou s Dal ziel!. I d e t' ~ rmll ,c c l a llux11,'c! fl icke ri ng o r tlI e rt.-lI cale tu call upon Mrs. Ritchi e e yall d s. It wo ul d t:lk ,~ her quite a I hud gone two bloo10; from t he 1 ID hwtlJ or (w o holo rll " h o wou le! ,eern hOllS. ,wei was turning Into uu lo ter· : to u ode rHla nu wb 3t "-as spoke n-sh e , see ting stree t. wh e n I chnn(;ed to look ' u.!lually '10 qui ck to comprehend . IIer back . A man \\'WI Ju " t g oin g .uP til e lboUF;hl.'> s l'e lll f' d rnr a ..... ay fro m ht'r , sle ps of ou r borne. In a Ua~b I r eebAbltuai ell vlronmen t- h er soul nt , og nlzetl him 6S an s \\' 'rin g to tb e d e· times , as th D'.ISh lIer .. motions were 'I Rc rlpllon Miss Evans hnd given me wand., r lug in some vnguo distant or na lzlel!. I hurr ied back to the .pb ~Te -- y e 5 , Elida wn8 cbanged . bouse. Til e scree n door was unlockell. r. b t'r aun t and guardian, woodere d I eotered nolsel ossly. My oen' es w e re 11 It was anxlely for ber absent lover. on a t e llse Btr a lo. 1 kn ew not wbal I WUllard Hull. that hlld broug lIt on fear ed . I pau8ed to tak e lip a small this doep abstraction . But " h en I revolver kept ror security !u tho draw· epot!! of the esllma bl e young ma n er of tbo hall rack . Then r proceeded wbom we a ll liked Intensely, sbe only to tile parlor entrance. limned and spoke quietly of his speedy An amazing spectaclo m'r;t my view. relnrn. as though h er beart wl're at Sealed nt a little eta nd , h er race pale perfect ease regarding him and hia but placid , her eye8 dreamy an d pruspects. g lazed. wns Elida. Standing be fore It was ear ly that evening when a her was the stranger. He beld II warm friend of the famlly dropped In. niec e of faueeted crystnl In one band, Sbe was a mu~ l c teacher nnd quite an On t hat Elida's eyeo were fix ed. attractIon a.t local social en tertai n"Who are you ? what nre YOIl doin g ments. She looked around for E lidu, h er e '" I quavered Impul s iv ely, and who had rellred to h e r .roorq saying tbe mBO turned to fac e the weapoo In abe was wearied. I d id not wonder at my trembling bane\. W&. J~ lIda had acted so all tbat day. He wns not 10 tbo least mov ed. Ho A Fine £:xample of t he Beau ti ful Sil v'lT Birch-Graceful and Symmetrica l. Sbe had b een out lato th e evenin g placed a warning tluge r lo his lip, IJrnloos at a soi r ee that I knew Miss nevor 10IVc ring th e cry stal. (By (,; 1F"FORn PIl' C llO T . ) natloD . Wood lo ts difTer so wide ly In ~ bad also aUended. I " For Williard HU ll." WOl\ h is as t on· Tills Is Ih e 11100 uf aw,,"I<enlng. Ule klnlls, Lhe ago and conditIon 01 Wo were close friends wllh the I"hlng aooouocemeot 10 Inw musica l r,; I'prywhe r e new id eas nrc meetin g 't rees or whlcb they are made up tMt mus[c teacher, and 10. my anxi ety and tones. hos pitab le Ir .-atmen t ond are gulnln g it i~ ex tre m e ly d ifficu lt to lay dow o grounel . LltUp. by lilli e the fa ct thut defini te rul es for bandliog th l' lIl . pel1)ieKlty 1 epoke of the strange "F'rom Williard Hull!" 1 cried. First of a ll , Ipa ve Rome trees at good 1Il0Qd lh:l.t bad h e ld Elida In 11 strango "No- for hi m. Do Dot IllternIJlt-1t the farm h:u! t~ large r place 10 tbe nn· thrall all that day . I. a critical mOllient. Speak!" he li ona l conumy than merely to furnlsb ki nd s for sccd. It Is ~:t.lura l to c ut "'1Iy _ ..t l' Miss Nettleto!l ." apollO my ".dele d, dlr ec llng th e qUlnow Inslouat· tho raw mnLe rl.'\l of Cood un d cloth log nun!'t heavily th e bes t limber, but the Tlaitor. when I bad concluded, " I came lIlg word at thp transfhod E lida and h as com o to be rc cognizoll among us. rps ult of that Is alwayc to dlmlnls b Not less s trikin g th an lhe growing t h e number and tbererore the seeeS· paTJKl6ety t.o see Elida._ YOtl und e r- fi xing h is glauce pierclogly upon h er . stand me well enough to know that "Tho wall- Is It enst·! And whi ch Intere:!t In th e fnrm Is th e growi ng pro ducing capuclty of th06e best trees apprl'cJa tio n of th e ror est. and we III tlhe for e<lt. We must be carerul It would not be from any Id le curios· wall~" tty. IJut from moUves of the purest "No," came In a dr eamy. rar·away "eall w {ully lh a l not ollly throu g h th e t.hat the most valua bl e spec ies or trees trtendly In t erest. Someth ing hap- murmur frOln Elida . ''Not a wall-but s uppl yiog of timber, but by Its con- ha.e a chan ce to re produce their klod . t~·ol ov 'r s tr ennu; on d wind s .' Its func Second, rome mber In tblonlng the a well." "SUCCORS!" gasP('.1l th e Btrange r, and llOO us a pre s erver o f tho soli aga inst I l'orest the Imporlant polot is uot how sank Into Lhe n eares t chair as If ex, ems lon and i n mlL ny othor ways, It Itl closely together th e t rt'lllks of tb. bausted afte r some Hu perhumao etrort. 1\ l11\tlona l necessity. Wben th e rero r e trees s tand , but bnw much they inter In a rew mom e nts the man arose. th e f3r~ and tb e fore st lIl!!et we ha.e lere with e ach o lh !!r In th e lops. Thin· I He made Aome movoments with hl ~ a '111 cHtlon of the lIlos t ge ouln e public "Iu!; should b e ' done s trictly with ref· I E!renCe 10 th e tops or the trees and Lb e I de licate han!ls toward {Willi., wh oe;e Imvor ln n ce . Wc n r o acc ustomed to tbln k of t he !loCUli on of the trunks with re gard to I fac e r en ewed Its usual e xpression. 113tlonol ro rC'sts a s e oormous In arl'a, coach olher may ~af e ly be disregarded . I Then he turned to me . Thi rd, wb on· a tree Ie down .' Ir t bere "M iss Nettleton:' he sa hl. '" hav e NlI"l, r':1g , as they do. [IS many acr e~ liS hpard of you. 1 am a friend of Wil- a ll the !\('w Englnn d s ta tes, to ge th e r in yotl ng growl» on tbe grr:lUod upon liard Hull. who' bas gooe to looll up with !'>I':IY York, New Jers ey. Pal'lllsyl'. ~vhjcb 'lt ftill s, "ffie- - fop should" ·be"·cul the hidden tortun e of his dead unclo. vanln, De laware, Marylaod and Vir· up and tb e braucb es plied as BOOn ns He did not find It at a ny 'wall,' as the gl oia. \'et the area of for est 10 tarm· po£slblo. Youog tTees beot down. but hint was. I am credited wltb possee8' ers' wood lots Is large r sti li, while the eoon released .. recover speedll )". Youog ~n g certain 'OCcult power. Perhaps. fa nners lhf.'mse l ves are the larges t trees long bent over m uy be perma · nently ruin ed . and tbe less cutting At leas t. my mlod flll ed only with cialls of dlr ert us ers or the for est. The wise handling or th e wood lol that Is dooe while leaves are on tbe honest. motives, working on the pure there fore, Is a matter or g ra v e coo· t rees the bette r tor the future of th" crystal-clear mentality or this beauticern to th e farm er as well as to th e foreet. ful young lady. h aa e volved a clue-'well,' not ' wall.''' It WIlS a well, Indeed- we knew It within a week. wh en E llda'R Hance eame bacll: a rich man. And Dalzlell, th e st range, mystle genius whom I at tlrst so fear ed, we all love now III! a loyal , devoted friend IAA




pP'e1le"t Season Pmmiaes to Be One of the Best Egyptl"n City Haa Had for Many Years-VI .. Ito". Catered To.



I Cal ro. -1'he 1lr!'Sel~ "t' :1son promises I





The Army of

~2!!~~fm~~~~ u·.


~ at tile soiree lallt evening thnt: ..... Inexpltcable. It hl1ll been in my Qowdits' all today. I could not res ist -me h ere to 6ee E ltda." "'Something happened?" I repeateeS, • trilla fearsomely. 108. A young man, his name was ....en as Dtllziell, attended tbe soire e mnlog. He came wltb the BItdlIM, whom I only know Incldeotal. 17. He Is a wooderful conversational. tat aDd a marvel at the plano." "ADd b e met El1dB ?, J llsked, dreaO111& that something might sbadow the lOve snd loy alty of my darllng aDd ~ ftruJce. -Only lUI he did tbe others, as a &RDtJeman of groat attalnmeots, cour. tl!QVB to everybody. He Wall not lit Ihe tint particularly attentive to her. EJ .... Juet noUced him, that was all. Be !lad just finished a brllliaot mus l. cal eomposltlon ot his own, bow ever, ...- . J saw him lean toward Elida, who sat Dear by, an d fix bls eyes upon her_ A II gbt shooe In them, 1 cannot ckscribe. It did not repel . but It was d eep' (JaBhlng, piercing ." "'You are alarmIng me." I said tim. arounly_ ~I :un sorry , but [ must tell you all," replied Miss Evans. "J saw E lida JJtn.rt and a nervous tremor cro ssed her face. Then In a rapt. w istful at. tRud" sbe lenoed sllgbtly forward . She was like one enra pt, fllsclnated. SUdaenly. but without removing hili aI.auee. this Dalzl ell dash ed both banda down upon th e keyboard o f the plano. Th ere wall a s train or wild, Ull~ly music. A look I cannot deKribe passed over Elida's face. Near to ber was n. stund containin g a fragDo Klass reeeptncl e ror calling card s. BIte ~Ized t his, !lashed It violently to the ftoor and It eh a tte red to a thou. .wd atoms. Theo with a low c ry . . . shrank back slludderlng, covered Il~ face wltb he r hands, but when de looked up her features were calm. . . .thIl. as natural In their brigbt ..-eetness as ever." ""TOil astonish me!" was nll I could

,., :Si~;M,IJjJj wi ll reduce In flo m e d. swollen Joints, Spmins, Bruise.. Soft Bunches; Heals . Bolls. PoD Evil, Quittor, FUrtut.. 01' any unhenltby s ore

quick ly .. Ie I•• po,hl•• lUIu..p<Io and re-n nkld c:. P'1np"I to.Ie, doe. not bU.t er uadef bl"da,e 01 . . ma" the balr. Ill" 1011 an .0'.....,...~;;;:::11 . be bo r&. 1l.00 ~r ~ 4d1Jo. Book 7 K free. • " ABSOR 81NE, lR .. lUI.hCIIIIC IInl ..... 'or lNul.,.,


RC'<!u C'c.t Pa inful. Swollm ·Veln.. Co\tre.. Wc-.... !tn.l ... Bl utte.. Ifopi pal a IrW lalSammlrlu.o. ,.rice-Itoo pn biDn" uMl h:n or dcll,.c~ WW lell '00 awre U JOU wrbL J-bpul...:r."cd ulll , br


W.F. YOUNQ. P,O.F .. ltD T. .I. II. Sprtngn. ld, ......

,11ettit's' Eve Salve The Blue MOI.q ue at Cairo. yate ontertalning goes on. but wllh the excep~!oD or ,t1!~ )l~ rd!lll Q..nrUc.B glv~n by COrd K1jC ener 'at ilie agencywhIch, bortlorlJlg o n tho river, ennples ' 0. magn ifice nt view of the counlry nnd the Py ramids to be obtained- and of tile priva te dinner parties and "at hnmes" whIch the British agent and General and Mr!l. Byng give at their r l!sldenees, most of tbe dinners and rece ptions are h e ld at the various hotels. Polo 'forms 0. prominent part of tho soclnl pro gram. On at least af. ternoons every week matches are "byed by Gb ezlre h. an d It hos b ecom e Quite the thing to r etir e to tho pretty tea gardens to gossip lind dis· cuss the games .

little Nodules Formed on Roots Always Strive to Establish a WIND STAMPEDES FINE BUGS of Leguminous Plants Are Breed of Birds to Equal or NEW STORY WITH OLD MORAL

..... qut..

... tIauced al )'o un g Dalzlell," wen t vans. "There was a strange, i ~ ·~pressloo on hili (aee. I may . . . I,ftrl~mpb~t. There was not.l;l.


. ~~ :




Had Young Wife Remembered Maxim She Might Have Been Happier Ind Richer Today. There's a mean old man In Swed en. He suspected his wIfe, and playe d de:l.d 80 lUI to see wbat sbe would do. He got bis doctor to pronounce lite extioct and place him In a coffin. When his w~fe came In and saw him lying tbere in bla white · cravat she laughed till abe almost cried, and steppe d right oye r to the telephone and c alled up a nice young man who adored the ve ry ground sh e walked on (elgbLy acres 10 tee simple, u nlu· cumbered, with Improveme nts, city water. etc., only t e n minutes' ride from tbe city of Stockholm.) The young mao responded to her hurryup call like a Ore cble t to a third alarm. and, thinking her a widow, took her In bls arms without more ado, It tbe old man's vanity had led him to bope tbat he was goiog to · bear any complimeots about himself he was d e s lined to disappointment. Tbe .happy pair allernated be tween abusing tbe oid curmudgeon and doing tbe maxlxe for Joy arouod his bier Ull he got jolly well bored and sat up in hi s dignity aod threw a dampe r Over tb e party. Theo, In a huff, be scram hied out and went to his lawyor's and Instituted divorce procee d· Ings a nd got a decr ee and took all the poor wornnn's prope rty away from her. an d now we don't know whether tbe young man Is 1\8 k een to marry h er as lie was. anlI , lt's a pretty som , affair all arouod . . Moral: ne mortuls nibil nisi bon· u m--or. spea k ncrthin g but good of th e d ead .-Sl. Louis Post·Dlspatch.




Peculiar Showe,... The village or K enna way, In Fife. sblre, Scotland . witnessed a ,hower or s mall frog s wblch fe ll In such ' Dum· bers that, bopping Into houses they had to b e swept out In heaps: And there hav e even bee n showe\"B ot le&we eds-in one In stanc e th~ bare tree limbs of a town In England, being draped In winter with Uieee marine plants Bwluglng w.elrdly In the/bre....



Soil Aerators.

Excel Any Yet Produced.

As hoon as th e roots or a legbml noUs crop be gin s lo grolV, It th e 8011 is sweet-that Is, does not lack Hmo-tiny bacte ria, BO small that It takes a pow e rful g last! to see them, attach th e m sell'ee to tbe roots at the pea 01' uther legum inoull crop- and start to bouse keeping. building a little nodul e , os It Is calletl, writes Col. Henry Ex· all, In Dry Fnrmlng. It takes only about t wen t y minutes to complet e th e growtb of one of theae entlUes. but Lbey do Dut die. Thoy simply divide themselves Into two, each startlng a Dew oodule o r adding to tbe one al· ready begun , and dividing again In 20 millutes and s o on, ad Infinitum; multiplying at snch a wonderrul rate that It hae been estimated that -It tbere was one In good condltloo here a week ago, th e re are a blllioo now . Tb ese little housos, nodules , grow Into great lives until s oon tbey are [IS large as walnnts on tbe roots or tbe plants. Their fun cllons are pecnliar and won· derfully lotorestlng as well as proO t. able. The nlr. as you, Is four-tlrths nitroge n. N ilroge n Is the most eltpen· elve fertilizer thllt you buy. and It Is positively ellse ntllli to plant life. Now these little entilies suck air Into the earlh au d aerate th e soil. It Is jUHL as necessa.r y ror a plan t to have nlr as It Is · [01' all animal to breathe It. They therefore 110 the splendid service of brlngln!; lbe air into t he soli, and In brin ~iog it In th ey diges t the nltro"'ln that Is In tbe air and convert It lu,o m in eral n itrates that are soluble In waler and Immediately aTailabie tor plant food . It Is estimated that under favorable co nditions where nn acre of lantl Is well Inoculated, tbe bacteria will brin g $20 worth of nitrogen to the acro within the seur- that Is, It would cost $20 and more to buy and ' put upon tbe land the .nitrogen that these lIttl u ontlties have drawn from the at· mosphere Into the Boll.




Nativo Butterflies of tho Death Valley Region Blown Over Moun..· tal"a.

Dirty feed, like dirty coal, produces San Bernardino, Cal.-Sloce the reDO ret!ults. Don't Imagine too tabulous prollUl cent heavy north wind tbero have . been thoullanda of butterOiell obfrom s quabblng. To produce the fact trom the theory served In the city, many of them of requires good sonnd etrort and Judg- a dlrr:eront Bpecles than usually lIeell on this side ot the rllOge. ment. ParUcularlY noUeeable 18 & brown System 18 as necessary 1n a .. quab plant as It Is in a department store. butterlly of a species pecullHr to the Kee p an accurate account of e\'el')' Death Valley r egion and never seell pall' of birds and th e youog they hatch. lhis IIlde of. lhe D1oun~n •. It Is believed tho heavy wind. on T'hen weed out tbe IIluggar4s. One hundred s quabs welgblog from the desert blew the Insecta over tho 14 to 18 ouncea apiece, are worth more mountains and their prellflnce here dollars to the IIquabber Lban two hun· can be acconnted fer In no other dred at balf the av~rage welgbt. and wa1_ Th eir appearance bu been of great they cost less to feed·. Make weight nnd quality of your meat your firllt Interest. especially to men who are cunslderaUon, URa d to travellog th e dosert, aDd who ODe pair of tboroughly domesticated quickly recognized tho butterllies. b Irds Is worth a half dozen pairs of imported birds. It takes a year for 'SCRATCHED' BY PICKLED HAM Imported birds to become domes U· • cated, an~ It you accept 1m potted stock YI)U must finance your teed blJlll for a Under Wa~lngton State Law Work. man Gets Paid for Lay.otr year at least wltbout aoy appreciable of Ten Day .. rotUI'OB from the bIrds. An extra $1 p'lr pair tor domestic birds Is economy. Se t a lott or two aside at tbe start, Olympia. Was b.-Employell of the In. which to place the fioest youngsters Industrial Insurance department de· each weel(_ Every plant needs an clare t,h e most novel claim presented "omergeltcy" loft aDd It Is well to reo since the law went Into .trect Is that membl'r ·.bat you n eed to replace worn. receI ve d tram Alvodor Oemonpre, em· out 10ftE' occasionally. ploye at a Sealtle packlLllr plant, who Sp,md te n minutes evel')' mornlo g reported" being "scratchell by a pickled tb.lnltlng what you can do for the bet · 1 ham. It was tho "boon' of the bam term en t ot your squab plant on that that InHicled th e damage," Oeroonpre d~y . Theo!lo Il tiet forth, Infection s etting In later. He Always aim to establlnb a breed of as ke d IlOd got compensation. tor ten birds to equal 01' excel any yet pro- days' Idlen06s. dUlced. Place yonr Ideal high enougb Recently another pncldng plant em· t hat you m ay alwaYR haTe s omething J)loye reported tha.t he hlld been to work for . "kicked In the mouth by a pig" and th e department Ie Inclioed to believe that the vicious pickled ham muat FI".t Gosling Feed• bave come from that ferocious H ard balled egg a nd bread crumbs. or a mUe oatmea,l \ make' a ' good flrst' i:eEld for g9sliogs. ,After two days bo:l1ed potntoel! with which Is mixed oat metiJ o r scalded Wbeat make an Light on Dairy Record •• Ideal foM., Oreen' or sOme gte§ll There can be n o questIOn as to the stulr sbou1d cIi1op))etl' and' ,feeS ·from bright IIgbt shed by daIry records on thEI fi,rBt. After . they are . ~ week olel tbo actual pertormauce 'Of h erds and ~h.f!)' B)lould :b,!! ~et out on traP all11' of individual cows. ·' ; wUl .then r~qiIl,t'e' v~: lIUlefeedill(, .' . . ~' ' , : ' . ,





~Zlt - - ---

(Copy right. 1914, by W. G. Chapman. )

A" Amazing Spectacle Met My View,

mlmt bear





bo on " or t h .. bas t 'alro has hud for I n~~~.)r~'::~i-t.~t sev e ral yeurs . Th e lJote l ~ are nearly ~~h~~~~~~~til':.~D~:g:~ wo r k. I lJt l tl l tln ' t ~ 1H.Nl full ~Id til,· :-Ille sloamers are already Lhtt klUnl'1 !ioel.! f e thl D.l IInnrly a ll IOL Or late yenrs Ule te r- I and. hI t.lin ulUruln .. I .. u atJ hUlle I\nd U rC'd rlble K h alll Mln wllld~ huvll not sot in ! \)l.lUld b ardt, ~I' t. DoL of ur.d . .A1, bA Ck a ch ed until lutt' 10 hluy. an d conditions gen. torrlb'{ aud It I lrtl)tllQ era lly ha ve Itnprov\:d very cons ld"rl1.- I :~r'ol~~ ~~~d\~; bly lIuri o!; th" past ft' w yea I'll . that I a l moet top· pled over. A fl.r Ontl can IIOW land at Al exa ndria and th e doclon h all ra n· ed. , t tried OOliO' . motur up to Cairo, where a car Is [A)Kidn ey ('ilia A n d els. day of tbe great es t utility ror da 81110g bOA ... cure-d (DO..' out to Hellopoll s for concerts, aVi a tion Ce. Doat'. Aa7 SkIN, IlOe • Dos lllId othe r attractions; tor ruol.lug a.?ID~LJt.Y over to Helouan. Ul e eu burb favor ed FOSTER.ol\IILDURN CO~ BUFFALO. No. Y. by the late kh ediv e: for maklog nn eJcurslon along tbe Pyramids road, cons tructed ror the ollenlng of lhe Au ez canlll by that maste r organizer, Is mail Pasha, to Me na hous B. a t the foo t of the Pyram id of Cheops: for vhrlUog the UarTage, with Its medieval superstrucDay. ture n nd Its pIcturesq ue garde ns, and CARTER'S LITTLE aven for t l1ldog trips along tbe old LIVER · PIllS are Soez or the Alexa ndrta road. responsible - they The tastes of visitors a lld res ide nts not only gi e relief are am(,'y cate r ed to a ll ove r Egypt, - they perm aes pecially In Cairo , which, by reasoll nenllycure CODor Ite be ing th e bub of the official ltipation. liolls world, Is also naturally the Boclal ceo- them (or te l' ot tbe country. A good deal or prl· BiliolllMU. ludi,.ltloo, Sick Headaelre, s.D•• Sl& 1.0



There's nothing more d iSlXlur:rging tlan a corurlllI1t backache. You are lame wb en yo u a .. ako. P ,i " s pierce yo u when you b nd or lilt. II', hard to rcst and OQt day it's tile Mrn u old story. Pnio in tho back i. nalnre', warning of kidn ey ills. Necl ect may pave llle ,.... lo <imp.y , gravol, or oilier 8t:rious kiJ ncy Stc kneSOl. 0 , \11 ' 1 d " l"y~gin using Dono 's Iud· De" I 'i IIs- tb" rcru"dv lhat has been cu~in )( backache ,uW kidney troublc! for 0"'101' tHly year&.


Beyond the Scope of Wo·men. Tbe j udges of th e tmpe rlal s upreme eou.!'t at l.eIPBl c bave deU,ned wl)&1 resi8ta1loe" to. • kiss. Aa no ~xllert testimony leeDlB to been de mn:mtoo, Lbe Iyarned Judge's ow n knowledge ot Lbe subJec& waH evid en tly sufficlen L

r>r: Pierce'l I'leuant Pellets cure COltstip,,: Ion. CODStip~tion i~ the caU" 01 m~ny lIi..,....,.. Cure the enU tle and Jo.I cure the diacue. F;afiY to take. A4v. He Is a w18e man wbo knOwlI h. Isn't wise enough to IlDSWer' ILll &he tool qu esUons asked him. Rmite on WIlsh day. Thot'. when you _ Rpd Cros. Ball Blue. Clotbea whiter ~bu laow. All ltI'oce.... Adv _


Wa would have to be glfteeS w1t1l eecood s ight to see wbat some meD and women ever see In each otber.

Serviceable pa pipes are ma.cle paper In France.




IbJ Now Purebaee


"AS OBTAINED AN 8XCLUSIV& UCl!Nsa THESE 'ARTS TO MAXWlILL OWNIU. Tbe Mn"e ll eompall, bu beon fnrnllblq ..... If'-flr aDd I' t'UDtiD" &0 tnmilb- to OWDeJ'll 01



"t"cldarcl· Da,tOll can, IINab RaDII_ _ I :.....,

Y,,,et1~l ~Io"'"

IIJ .......U

c ....\ ()l,JulDbla


•• I~I D4ft" "a"!lt reNi. (la~accurat.O)J w.a411 from -Jtra and tGmpl .. ta, 'lI. ,,&re of •• botl\c\41 pula, All...,....., ...........

t:an aDd

abI,. low prJ..... • ' , O...en WJjIe dli'ed .... Price LIst" GeaIiIe .....

Maxwell ' MOtOf S.I. Corpol'ldoa Ne..c ..tle.






American refugees trom Mexico arriving at Galveston on boanl. the Ward liner b:speran2.ll, which wall ~ tered by th e governru ent.. During the trip trom Vera Cru z the boat "'as tired on trom Mexican shores, the Jlhota. being return ed by th e guar«2 of marines.

WARLIKE SCENES IN COLORADO MINE DISTRICT Sympathtzel"l! with ti, e s trikin g miners of Colorado contluu e to patrol lbe pavement In fronl 01 John D. RockefeUer's offices In New York os a protest aga in s t th e cour se of llle mIn e o pera tol"l!. Those here photograp bod, trom left to rig ht, Br e: Sarah Greenwood . 1!:1I7.l\bet h Freeman (an E nglis h mllttallt). B. Gross Lon ghsm and MlUlm Appel .



Glad t.o eacape trom Tampico alive" but turlou. at the neceutt, 0( ta.k1Dc retua. 00 foreign Vesaell lnBtea4 of being cared lor b, the American naV7. A..meI'IC811 resldenta of that cJty are here aeen tbrongtng the 4eeu 01 all Ebgllab crullv.


11'' '

Captain Glennon. one ot the eraoa ot th e AmertCilo navy, Is ~ mander of the batUeI\hfp WyomlnJ.

ClOIItIlln Chadwick Is the commander of the armored cruIser Montana. and recently be landed marines at Port-auPrince. HayU


Eleanor WUoon, YOungeat dau ~ bler uf Pre sident Wilson, WBS married on Tburaday, May 1. to WnIlam Glbbl! llc Adoo. secretary of the treasury. in the White Houae. Tblll photograllt\ shows MI". McAdoo. and the bride In her wedding gown. What Brltaln'l King Cln Do. InlUatlv l.'. WhlLt are the. klng'a powerB to whlcb reference 1& belnlf mad!! In tho pre.eplt .criSIs' Legally, If Dot nctual· ly. thfl, are 'l'epo large. . By bla r.;er·


County Courts

Whi(~h '\bulcl ~rou Ratll('r B1Y? ABill for Paint 110W or a

Bill for Loth

and Repairs Later?

l:t ::::::::::::=::::=::2!~~~::::=:::::····'·····"·

Probate Court Proceedings It' ,·1\0 of tho . f'~t'lto nf A Ii,·" IS l ' huton , u e o(jll~"c1 0","'1: " lB. F ODo o " iR lI(>polnt t,d 1.. ltIlllll~It· .. tlll' w i t h t,h e will U U {1l' X '\(] Bo n.1 $ 1700 A r I,h Ill' .I!: II tlt,m Ii II , t' tlorg i{II1II JP and ,\: i1l1um l-I n pk\U ~ Il)l. POlTl t,,(, Iivprlli~tl r d. In \.111\ lIlatter of the wi II of :-Ito Ilheu ll' Koogle, deJf\u~ otl L et,IUlI K'lO!( le, t he widow elp-ctoll to tfLlcll ulldm' t be will. III tho IIl llt·tel· of t b " l!l llt will lind h,stfll1.lont of MR ril. Corh~v""" de. ce[\IIPCl, 'I'hi" mat,tor W[\R fuund t.o he vltlirt ill tho COOlLUor\ Plol\s (;'J O"t IIml it I" h erc by tl'lIIlI',{1 to thit! Ollllrt Imd recorded. W. Ch el'te r ~lapl e, 'lI<lmjn i ~trllt o r 01 t b e I:lEl tiltn of 1\1 ' Mulltm, pltllnt,ilT VB . D13DUl8 M('Mullt'n ,·t .d , lleftlu(lllntfl. H~l" of 1<,,,1 (·~t'ltf\ 111 Lllbnnilu III Ilpproved . Diat.nhutlOu ordered .





M that propcr ly owners an ANY


peOjie" - somel hln ~




that ,they But e\'cry

can ~ct along ,,·!thou t. painted surface n eeds . renewin~ , {or the 8am e reason thut a person needs new dothes- both dOfh es amI paint get s h abby . Painting at regular inten 'als forestalls repairs; while lIC~lel' t of pain fIng m ea n s BOTIl a repair bill and a

Marriage Licenses Kennc~h CblUuber lflin T"tlred farmor 1,0 MiHS Corllelm V, Dnnlf'l!' , bnt lJ 01' Frllllklln , Ob1 t). RI' v . (' A Mc DII m ol. Rout Newl,on W prnh. l11h ' r or , of Corwin, ~)hl " , to MI"tI Litf" Dell n Tlnn e v, of Wll vnel'v lll l' , 0 !tov

paint bill later, because the repaired .. work must b e painted .

A . ,1 . ·Kesl.lo.


Real Estate TranSfers K e n nl'lb Chtl.llI bor Ii n to I!:t h e1 , ' I"Ill ~ lot N,). ·,1-;- in M(wkinlLw tid .


keepa down the hl ih lTUlintenance cos t that a l ways results from pah'lt-ncglect. It is pre-em in e ntl y " l lw p uinl that lasts." It is also mo!\t economic a 1 in firs t cos t, Ul'cous e it covera the largest su rface. Treat your hou lle to a n ew coat of paint. It will h (' tru e economy. Don't class the cost with taxes , water rcnl. plumbIna billa and other "dead" es p en Sl'S; figure It as an asset- an lnveetment. We ca n . how you IIJ()me very llttnu' dvc ro lur t.:u m blnutioos and aive )'OU .ome a dvice abo ul: {jatnl ln a ( h ut will p.-ohuhly ...e ),ou mone)'. WILL YO CALL TO SEE US?


dlti nn t,o Frnnklin, nltio, J uhn P. :'Ih c Lonu til .ftlme~ MeL/la ~ two IruC\)< ,It '1lInd in :o'eetion ::3 1 $1.

(f ortrurl tl A . r. i utl~uy ,wd husb,md t·o Th om tl b \ '. ' hl'i;o t." two tr uot ~ IIf IlI ll d in r," :/l trltl t' , Oh IO $ 1 E,l Wtl l d H. it )gers et ul to Ell'l 1. nnd l"rll n k C" H lTI/ln, purt. of lo t No . f" ill WlI yo ()!lville, Ohio f l. ,-j"wnrd \V Ivins to Chciter Ctlw plJllll :3 trac l(ol uf Inod in nud uear Hlllll1lt <ll1 I·u wn ltlP :flO. 000 . L ~ . li(! i\1. Bllw yot· lind wite to Perr y ~ . H" Yl'r /Iud wife two trllcts of h a d 11 6tlr "ltiin 6"l l1 e. Obio. ' 1 Common Pleas Court New Suits.

All Kinds of



A. .R. Chandler

Proceedings J , W. Lingo VII . J . M. 8/Lyuor Co., et al. Cl1se sett l ~d lLlld <liamif'llw F. E. SHERWOOD without reol'rd . Over PostofJice, Waynesville, O. I>;elloey E Kindred VH . William Office Phone 77 House Phone 6·3 B . t:)ieglriud at ul. .lu ry uVhold fl defendl1nt it; this OI'Utill. Culvin W. Orr VI!. J ohn Rullil7l: n, DR HATHA WAY Both COllrh! di!lullssed fur want of • •• . prosecution , without record, Wa)"tlNrille'B Leadinll DeDU., Iva EdDIl Cons table VR. ~anfo rd Oftloe ill Keys Bldg, Matn8t W . COlls table. .1!iI.llODY alluwed plaintiff L. W. t:)topher vs t:)OI!OIl A, Stophor. Divoroll grant.ed. Rosa Quigley vs, .lohn Fitzgen)d. • ... Case settled before oourt . . r-J: 6 . Gagel VII .' Louie Veterlna'rv defendant admits oompl"int and iIJ Oraduate of olflo SCat. Lniveril ' ordered to pl\y $107,67 to plaiotiff. David GroBuickle VB. EdBom M . Gaskl11, plaintiff's petltloQ gran\ed ,Office at residence in F, B. Sher Anua B. Fite VII. WlIllllm b'lte. wood's house, Fourth Street. Petition for divorce II' Dot grllnted Plaintiff exoepts. At the seoond 1 Telephone 28 hel1rlng', defe ndant la 11nl'd for conI 'Waynesville. Ohio, tempt of oourt . . Successor 10



If you have Wool for • sale, call me up, as I will pay you the highest cash price for it.

c. B. BENTLEY Phone 135


ieorge W Til tn u vs ::\ynne y G. ~ I ye, m uuey oni,;, Am ount. cllli med $106 tlu. Th c. ~·i r R t. ?\lIt·l nnlll R;tnk of Wat. erloo. luwlI. I~ e f) fI) lJnt lIOn vs , A . B lSide~. Mor ey ouly Amoun t eluimed $21)7.(;4 whh interes t.

Dr J A McCoy,




Coughed For Three Year. " 1 am a lover of your godl!lend rs hnmanity lAnd solenoe. Your mod leine, Dr, King's New Discovery, oured my oough of three yea t o , stl1numg," Bays JenDle Fleming, of New Dover , Ohiu. Have you an annoyiDg oough r 111 it st ubborn Ilnd won 't yteld to 'treatment? Otl t a 50e. bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery tod8Y. What it did for Jon. ':lie Flemming it will do fOl you, n o m a tter how stubborn or ohronic n Racine Automobile . Tires. oough mllY be. It stops a oough and stops throat and lung trouble. Relief or moncy bl1ok. S{IO. and CORWIN OHIO $l.00 tit your Droggif;t. Buoklen'lI ., .. ,... .. __ ""w___ .... - ............. ,.,,., .... Arnica SuI V 6 for Pimple8•


Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. I


Also Agent for

Phone 71-1


- OF-

Brides and Roses .. .. :w:w . . . . . . . . . . . .

The most beautiful month of the year. When the ro~e buds lazily \ stretch out their petals for the kiss of the warm June 8un. The bride-to-be follows the RClse's example; hel" lips are like rose petals_ and she also demands a kiRs from the "son." Dear Bricks-As you are about to step into a new life, you will of course want new Furniture. Do not rn Ak(' the mistake of buying carelessly, pick out each piece with great precaution. Home furnishing is an Art. The qualification of a wife are best judged by her home.

Pay us a visit and let us co-operate with ,ou in the furniRhing of the "June Horne Nest." You will find our prices mnch lower.than the tity stores bec;ause our rents and other expenses are so much less. Furniture


Do not think of buy ing a sin g le piece of Furni ture until you see ou r g-ran d line and get our prices

We carry t he largest line of Ranges in t his section. We can sell vou a good heav}t range full nickle trimmed, 18 in. oven, with large reservoir and warming clo~ et, fo r.. .. .. ..... •

Oak Dressers .. ..... ..... .. f9.50 up Chiffoniers .. .. .......... .. ~ 6 50 up Dining Table!: ......... *9.50 up Bra,qs Be(jQ .. . .. , .... . . 3 1050 ULJ Ki t chen Cabinets ...... >'14 00 up China Closets ......... ... $ 13.50 up Oak Bu ffe ts ...... .. ... .. $17.00 up Davenports . ........... .. . ~18.00 up Library Tablp.s ....... ....17.50 up Hall Rackl'l ................."8.50 up Rocke r!:! ...... , ..... ... ...... $1.35 up Iron Beds ... ............ ... f3.50 up Writing Desks ............ '6.00 up Dining Chai rs .. ........ .. $ 1.00 up Mattresses .. .. .. .. .. ....... $3 .00 up Coal Ranges ....... ... .... $29.00 up Porch RoCkers ........... ..$1.21) up

Olher Ranges $35 .0C'l, $38 00, [>0, $45. 00, $50 00 nnd 160.00.


We sell t he Famous QUICK MEAL RANGES There is no Range in the world which equlllB the Quick Meal in appearance, durability, or fuel silvingqualities $5200, $55 00, $P8.00





, ,,

'-~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . The Sa:litary Mfg. Co., VB , Jopeph MoCnrthy. plaintiff ill granted $387.79 011 h\s petitloD, St.lAte of Ohio vs WiIlhlm Gustin . Found guUty. Fined $flOO I\nd oos~ . Other CIl!\€lS no1lied . John D. n~ndall VS, Edsom M, O~skill and Bannah Ann Gallktll. Court finds plaintiff ie entltled t o $ 1606.96 E~nd interest as prayed for . ' The VllIage or Franklin VI.. the Ohio Fuel ~upply Uo Issues In f~vor of the defendant aocording to finding of the jury. Stllte of Ohio VB. .lamell King .. Goilty-fllnod 1200 aDd oosts. I .J. A . Long Co. vs . Sfere Bros & Co. ,J or,' aWllrda pIRin~ift' $267.40 1' un his petHlon.

- - -...

W. H. Madden .&Go. BUILDING MATERIAL Of all kinds.

- ...- - -

Sick Headache


Mr!'. A, 1... Luokle,East Rochellt-er, N. Y., WillS" victim ' of" siok head.) IIche aDd despondeDcy. oaused by '" b~l}l y W' ~lIke ne<l and deblhtated condi tion of h er .'maoh, wben "btl began tailing Chamberlalu'e Ta;lets. 8te IId.YR, "I fUllnli 'bem pIeRs a nt t o take, 111so mild and effeotl ve. In Ii few week!!' time 1 wat! relitored' i 1,0 my fo rm e r good hen lth ." For tili le by 1111 deILlers.





for Czar.

.......... . .






- ...---

Indigestion? Cab't Eat? No ~ppetfte?



Patton's Sun-Proof Paint .GO FARTHEST , .

Unchivairoul Comment,


' WEA~







'Colors in Stock at.,.a ll tim"s

formula on every can of Green Seal. It it the perfect formula for a sm()oth. elatio, duw-able paint.


~NNEY; Waynesville~ ,. Ohio·~ , '

~• • • -

Victor Vlctrolas

- - -...



Xenia, Ohio.

If you bow about paint, look at the




Hanna's Green Seal Paint

i~ ,


Street ,

Professor Rlppman ot London an· nounces that glrls begIn to talk eal" lIer than hoys. Yep! Earlier. oftener, longer and later.-Exchange.


9x12; n·8x12; 10 6x12; 106x 13·6. .

Furniture. Carpets

The cza:r of Russin has a JlewsP8r per of biB OWD, specially printed each morning; It Is tbe mOBt exeluBive paper In tbe ' world, for only two cople. are Ilupplled-one for the ezar and the other for his private secretary.


~ 1 2 Matting Rugs .... .. $3.00 up 9x12 Ingrain RUlls ...... $5 50 up 9x12 Fibe r Rbgs ......... $7.50 up 9xl~ Crex RugA ...... ..... $7.25 uP. 9x12 Brussels Rugs ... $10.50 up 9xl2 Axminister.. ..... . $18.50 up 9x12 Body Brussels .... $25 00 up 9x12 Wilton Velvets .. :$19.50 up ~x12 Wilton .. .......... .. $80 00 up We carry in stock all grades of rugll in the following sizes 6x9; 9x11)X; 8xIO; 8·3xlO·6;

!20-!24 N. Detroit

- -- -.- ...- - -


We car ry more than BOO room size Rugs in our carpet department. Our trp.mendous assortmen t of Rugs 8urprise people who visit our Rug De· p,rtment for the first time

Our motor truck will deliver whatever you may purchase anywhere within a radius of 25 miles of Xenia.


Good paint guarantees your house a~aiDst deoay, just aa good insurance guarantees you aeainst los8 by fire. "Any old" paint III no more safe than u any 01.... insurance. You want sound insurance and

$33 00



Rugs ·







- --- - ,-





Caesar's Creek

Child _Cross? Feveris h? Sick? A croBB , pee villh , listless ohlld. W 1 th oouted tongoe , pale, doesn ' t td t.ell i eats IlOmetim ell very IIttl a, then agaiu raveno usly i !!toma oh flo nr i br:Cllth fe Ud i jJllluti in stoDluc h , with dlarrhe ll i tlrlnds teoth while lltllee p, lI nrl ~tn rttl up with torror all ·eu~ ge8 t II. Worm Killer-~oUl e tbiuK tbnt tlx l'!l ls worms, uud o I11101' t evary oh ild has them. KiollllPOf) Worm Ki ller il! n eeded . H '.t a box today . .';turt at onoe, You won 't, have to:coox , oe K lokapoo Worm Killer iM" CIIUU Y ooufef'tiuD , Expe l,. the worm" , t.h o ( 1IIUHI1 lit y011l' obild't! trou hle . 2fJu at yonr dru gg i ~ t..

Mrs R688 Ruddn ok underw ent an 1'"10110"" ,, W'~'~ I y u l Llw .. u.. l1 ~ UI1I, '''; '' LI,,, Rale s of S ub8crip tion. O(l~rlUlou 10 .be MoClel ltlo hospltlt .l In Xeo la ThuTsd ay • nd Ie 8Illd to be A ll. " Uulldllll:! , Mili u St .. \I u y u~.v llI ~ . ""1 ... Un~ Year (.Lrk ll), In Ild,·.nce) . . . ... . 11 . 00 ' i I SllIgl.. Copy . . . . .. . , . . ....... .0 3 geUlDg akog v8ry 0 ce y. _IL _ - - '._ - - - _. 1_ Mr. and Mrs, R obert t!tlin ley were v..\ I. I.E \ . TEI.I"' II I1~E (',\ 1.1 . 1'\ , I. 11 2 ; Rates of Ad vertis in g Xeuill shoppe rs oue duy lOIH wee k. HCMlln.: L""ul •. pcr IIl1c. ..... .. ....... 6c Mr . W . K BOi ~n !lnd family hut! UI"""llIud Ad • . " fl i Lo e,eood I"'c lin"" Tllr"" l u. ,'rtlonK . '" c , " " , . . 2~c d S Lhelr g n c8t~ S unday MI 8seil Et hel D. L. Crane, Editor 111,lI M t' n ager. VI"pIIlY "CI verl ,.1"1(. pcrlu ch .. .... .. .. IUt: t.:oruptoo Ina May Uompt on, E ~ th er IJ,...,,, untu 1111.,,, on conlract. ShlllJlbllo'~h, Marlon na. Compto n lind - - -- ' - - Mr . Amos Compt on. MA Y :!.7, J!.J1 11. Pruf, Bodgin!!, of Wilmin gton - -- - - - - --LA College ga ve lin eduollt iooal Ilddres s THE ENCOURAOINn WORD DONT'S IN CHICKEN RAISING lit this pll109 Su nday . Walter WlhlOn 's eoterta lned /:,lon rho 1\III 'lJll rn~I "~ wo,d ~ Wu uta dllY Mr. l~ nt1 Mrs, Je.!stl 8alnes and Dou 't Il oe p mongrElI IItOOlr, ltUle IblU jo! iI, 1>1, .. ud II OW fur. two dllu" uter fl &fIl Hud Hl"loo, Mr . Dun'l butoh your Human Eyesigh t D imi nish ing. rllnobln g I ~ il." lulilloll oe. IlU W 6'\ ,ily luyur JIlUtl 1. n ext winter 's and Mrs 'J. O . Uompt on and son EdA well ·known E ng li sh doclor reexttln(l od, 1I1,1l yet.. how .' tt~i" III the wnrd and Miss Louisa Compto n. _ eentl y made tbe ~ tatcment that only Dou't "How til e milio bird with 0l)v" rt.unlly 11 e.:l"o I. 't.!! :MIIIlY tilll o~ th e tlo;)k altor yo u The W. 1". M. B. met with Mrs. about ao PCI' cen t. or th e prescnt popu. lire throuK b an IOtl plr \U1.\ yuu nt,; wu rk tl r It .. !' I u.tohl uJ.{ . I!ftI/io Wittlon on FridliY aftern oon latlon of Great Britain bas normal travele d UIH Wtll1"'v road tu Ih J Vnn't oO Ulp ~ l t hu h uns to mako Uharle8 Hllrner was In Xenia Sat- eyesIgh t, and lr th lnge go On M they boruerl llod IIf " l1 u )e,,~, hllR gU<ltJd Ulp.h· tle" tOi In the woect are going now . b... fo r eseell a time unn unde r urdllY au butliness. aorO/l1l tbe rlvHI', per : IlI)'~, "lid Htll,n the " ullding s. PCllvlll whelt proCI il'a lly I' J ",tlUle or th e e on i !l8st fur .14 r IO. titlDry Urew has been on tbe &be olL~ t-1 e~ II f hi .. dWIID11I In the ovol'y fo ul' hellll Briti sh nation will IJIi a "allan In B),l1lOsic k tiet the past week . pr o lDi ~e l1 lanll bl<y oull. aud thHu . Don ' t allow the nl'sts to beoomfl taclee . like MOlles of ,III , never hat! reH obed lllthy. Zlrnrl Hiltnell and falUlly enter It. " ' iLh the KLII.I III tllght, he has Dou 't set the bonR whero other talned tlundliY Prof , Hodgin s, wife IIn..1 two childre n of Wllmin fi/ton tlncl b600me we"k with t,h e di s~ pp olDt hen Hclln lay 10 tb e same nest. ment of IL 1111, Illborin g for lUont h!! Von 't WIUt till ready to go to town MisMFrllnoell Wilson of thlll )11aoe . and year8, with the hupe tba$ Bo ·ne before' gll uhoring the eggll . Frank t;t'linley has purohll sed two -.,.,.. Ola ssif ied Ads . . ... """....... . .... "' ... dlloy he Inlght s ucceed . only to fa ll Don't kee p t.he eggs In a kltohen new boggles. with snoce~1I tit hllud. With tbe lall' or n ell.!' R fire ·f IInv kind Mr. Roy Burhm an IIpent Su nday Ad.., wtll ht' ln8r. rt.(>d u lHlcr thi s bead for rlvl'r &0 be orOllsed, a word of en- I !Jon', se ll eggs thll. t we n ly U\' C ce nts t o r "hrte tn scrtloQ.II I wHh hi ll parents . have been Wh Oll LuduG not In uro llian U\' c lin e",. oourag ement- und enoonr ageullm t gather ed from 11 IIt()len I Mrs , Hoory Sattert hwaite tlpent, may be nllllt) th" '1e1l8 hon ost heo.. u~ e egg!:: lib"ulll h e llsf\d a t. uellt. Buoh home . the week-e nd witb h e r duugbt fl T It Is enoourR .gemen t,-wou ld h lwa VO,I t WII. ' h eg",s Mrs. Maboll :ltaDp of O"yton . ~Iven him streng th, wnuld have WANT l';)) D,1u 't ex plise egf(s to tbe sun 'I! Cha.uDoey Bunnel l's autoed to Oonvin oed him th"t, perhltV8 R.fter ra YI! when InklDg .hem to town. all, hltt efforts hlld beon wurth whil e. Don't seli e~gs Olu!e ooont, bot de- Dayton tlunduy . IJ'I' (ll tC:YCLIJ: flHI"'~lI\fUI l : ~ .... But 'be friend Who sbould htivll 1Dlind th bt vour eg~s be olin dIed . I,D Holl t.u e Eltg l(> II I1,toroy ole , oheerM him on failed- and the Don't bold egg8 ovsr tb~'ee davs Whoop ing Cough Au f'xoepti ol llll op pnrtlln ll y til rig h t , world wal' ..lIe 1014er. in wllrm weathe r , "Abou t II. yellr "go my three boy II 'mlln. 1'ho ')' rlllll1llh Allt.l) We notloe thd a friend h REI oeRf' Plth" Don't IIlllrket I. an d [ t ·,unfl d Co" Ciu Jillll"ti , O. vel oped some t,"lent thllt comel! liS a In the Incuba tor ,oggs that have been hJld whuopi ng oongu 0127* 1 Cbllmb erllllD' s ('onKh Rmnerl y t he plelU!&Dt surpris e to U II. We feol II I Don't keep eggll in " 'Bssel of any only one that wonld rellove their glow Ilf prldo t,hllt he hll tl dono kind . HUU!!Cl'ib '!fll t.n IhA Mr.Ua ll'fI ooughl ng Itnd whoopi ng ~pel1s. ] Mo gllZIlI P . ::;"nrt :I~c to t h(' thlnlrs hithert o not expocle d of h i III, I Pon 't keep e~ gll nenr oil, onlonll, continu ed this treatm ent aud w"s \j"zett ~ olTiut'. Tell him of it.. Tbe world ill ioU ' Ilto , IlS they r eadily absorb alii gilt une of thtl l odors. eurprls ecl to find I·hnt it oured Ihe bes t mu g"1.1n "!'j un Isurth. euonKh of men-li nd W ('oDlIlD , too___ _ __ tf I dl8ense In a very 8h ,rt time," writes ' fll{htlng t·belr baUle8 all alo ne. I Mre. Archie Dlilrym ple, Uroo ks . 1l10, Don't let thfl 'desire tl'r oongra tuillte For a Torpid Liver Ohio. For pale by all deul ers . a friend wllnp. ~It.p him on the hI have u Red Uhllmb erlaln'p Tabback and ssy : "Old w lm 1 not,ioed tbat lates t piece of work of yoU! a, lets oft "nd on for the put IIlx Sprin g Branc h Hod I want to tell Yf}U that it'8 the y ears whenev er my liver sbowe GG PLANT S- and ot h or gar den best thing you've B,v er tnroed Imt ! slgos of being In a disorde red oon I plantR for ! Mls~ Lula &~s and Mildre d Cll1~ !I. ~ tron8e, dltl on. They h .~ve always acted MoBee are at presen t the Do" again I" Thia Is tbe doly you R 5, WHyn esville, O . Je 10 guest,lI of owe the world. The word of fln qulokly and Ki ven me the dt'tllred 'he former 's sister, Mre WillIaw oourlOgement, 18 oeoell ' llrY to oomhll t relief, " wrItes Mrll . (j'. tI Trubnll , Allen Rnci fllmil y, of t hlll pllloe, 0l'ATOE!:)- SflOd (l r eating pot.a_ ' he adverB e ourren t of pas810lillm /:;pring ville, N . Y,· . !!'or sale by all t.atoeR, I .. te va riety, UIlIl BurMr8. !.l'rlink Hause visited b er dealMI: I. that I, ulwaYMfl owlJIg down agniDllt granda ugbter , Mise Abigai l Roland tOIlt EarDu 'Ht" ph ou e 12 ,X' , Wayne s mauklD d. ville, Oh io. - - • j :l one day last week. ...- - Anothe r Firat for New York. Mr. O<lero Rossell was olllling I_ 8E Ezeon Poper C I :p, per bOl: , ChamJJ erlain's Linime nt There are more Jewels In the oit.J of tbls vioinlty last SnnuliY, 160 New York alone than lD ~ ThIH prepara tion IR Int. nd ed es· oUler F. M. Dakin Bnd family htld as In q uire i Uarbon p"per, 2 for 6c, at this otlice. jtO pecially for rbeollllltl~ID, lawe buOk, oity of the world. 'heir guMt Sunday Mr. Elmer _ eprllln' !land lill e allwen ta, h ie a and fllmily , of Xenlll; Mrs , Bert ORSE - ti years olt!, Clay Bnrnl! IIOvorlte with people who are well Marl.~, and dflulrh ter, of Mt Holly, bay , good dtiver Rnd worker . uoqu81 nted wlt, ~ 1111 IIplendid qualHow's This? Miss Lena Conner WIlS reoen\l y Io q uire of Allen Kibler, R. D. 3, Itltll. \1r ~ . Cllllr\t'R 'fllnn"r , Wa· the guest of Mrs . ~'rank HilliS and ph o nel G~& , We ofTor One Hundre d Dollars family j3 bash, Ind .. ~U .V~ of 11-, " 1 hll ve found I Uhaml' ttrllllD '", 1. . 101 ilion \ the bellt Rewarc i for any caBe of r:atarrh tbat Misil Glee Hess has returne d to ;. tbing for lIOme bdOk null -prllin e I Oannot be onred by [la\1'1 Ca&arrb her home in MorgllD "hund red, plain, whUe town, West Va ., have ' e .. er o ..ed. It work.. like a Cort', ~ orepe paper nllpkln s i in d'o alter " two weeks visit with h er 811ms obarm lOud r elie ves PIl:n aDd lIore F. J. CH ENEY & CO., Toltdo, O. 60 Del' dozen, a.t this otliuo. We, the undersIgned, ha ve knowll F . J. fiJueots ne88. It hlOs been nBed hy ot·bers of n h, Mr . and Mrll. rom Hel'8au d Cheney for the last 25 years, and believe am Y ere. mv famIly ',II well us m Yl'e lf tor up, perfectly honorable in all business Mr .. aDd Mrs. WHiter D"kln are . walda of twenty yenrs." 26 It nJ flO him Iransactions and fi nanciall y ahle to carry enterta ining tbe laU-ers brothel ' Mr . Of!Dt ooUlell. For II Ie by Ill! d elliors. ou t any obligati ons made by his finn. Le8ter Maple wife and two SODII of NATIO NAL BANK OF COMMERCE North Beud, Neb . at the time of Fune ral Direc tor. - - • , , . :roledo, O. tbie writing . 'a Thla One Old? Hall s Catarrh Cure IS taken IDtemally, Ed R I d d H acting directiy upon the blood and muMr, A oorrespondent writes U8 0 f a SkU : . eous (l an aD son surfaces of the system. Tealimo- were Snnday gnetIJts of Mr. and arry Mrs, day Bchool child who was ~~ e ' Inials sent free . Price Teleph one day or night, 75 eents per bottle. F . Dawse . "What III the chief end or man? and Sold by all Dru~!:is ts, Valley phone No. 't. Long II Ed d Cook and ohlldre n who replied promllUy: "":? glOril1 1 • :ruke Hull's !<amily Pills Distanc e No. 69-2r. for cOllstipa- wer:~und:;~U8lltB of the former 's God and ~noy him lorever. lion. 1 paren~, Mr. and Mr!!, George PraU , Autom obne ServIc e at all TImes Mr . gnd Mr8. Cbn8 . Sherwo od visited with Mr. aDd Mr8, Cha~. Ed. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO • ~ wards on Sunday laet Branc:J t Office. Barvey sbUI'K , 0. Mr. H . C. Dakin aod family had Is tbeir gU88~ Snnday Lester ~aple and family , of North Bend, Neb, i '141', George Mo(hu e and Mi!18 Char. loUe HoCray , of near t.>ayton and Mrll, Walter Da~ln and f.mlly .




Silk Dresses, Chalis Dresses, Wa sh Dresses, Children's Dresses. Silk Suits, Silk Coats in all the hew colors, Infants' Wea r. Silk Pett icoa ts, $2.5 0 to $5.00, Kimonos (Crepe), House Dresses, AII·Over Lac e Embroideries, Emb roid ered Voile Dress Patt erns , Lac e Flou ncin g', Messalines, Emb roid ered Cre pe Patt erns , Chiffon Taf feta , Silk Crepe. Wa sh Fabrics, Wh ite Cot ton Cre pe Rat ine, all colors, Rici Voiles.





11ttltacti~ns '.

Co rs et s


Nemo. Am eric an Lad y; Mad am Lyon, Fro nt Lace, Ferris Waists, Fern Corseta







Corsets, $1.0 0 up

Gl ov es







- -Gr oun d Tru e by Mac hine ry






, _, '





aM. Gen.,ral MaCh,,'MrV


~~ ": '''~'

Phone '108 : '


. ,.'



&. Gibney Obi~


Or, King's New Life Pills keep 1\ ver and kidney s In be&lthv oondltl on, Rid the booy of poisons and w8~te. Improv e yonr oompll 'xion by flu8hin g 'he liver IlOd kldlleYlI, "1 got more relief from one bllx of Dr. King's New Lifl'! Pills 'ban Ilny medlol ne I ever f.ried," S/lYS C. E Ha*tlel d, of Ublcag o, 111. 250 , at your Druggi st.


'Gravlty Clock.

Pain ting , . Pap er Hanging, Aut o and Car riag e Painting. WA YN ESV ILL E,



Shop Next to Sherwood'8~Carage Main St







Nota ry Publi c

••• DEN TIST•••

Wayn esvill e,

Among tbe smllrt Engllah novelties Ohio All kinde of Notary Work. Peoslo n aeen 18 the new gravity clock, which Tuesda ys and Fridays , froR} J~:30 OlllC41JlD Work " /:,lpeclaJty. N.&IDDaI BUk Blda. Waynesville. 0 doetl not require wInding. The moU~e to 12 0' cloc k power III Bupplled by the weight of ~'!!!!!'!!!!! '!!!!!'!!!!!' !!!!!'!!!!!'! !!!!'!!!!!'!! !!!'!!!!!'!!! !!~~'!!!!!'!! !!!~'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! the olock, which takea aeven dllyt to Office, corner Main and High streets Phone No., lOO travel down upright bars. At the end of the aeven days the olock Ie 111m· ply 1'!'lsed to the top again. The clock .tands on a. hanclBome mahogany ~. and the bars 'are support ed fro~ '''th. Stock and General Auctioneer aenter ot • handaome arch ot mabOI"



N. Sears




GGaolin',L·Oi I. aftd onu.



WaYOtsvillduJ~ M,ac~~e~yto.:,:,







Dr. Heb er M. Dill

-- -- -- --


Car pet Room Rugs, Mat ting l, Linoleums Win dow Sha des

Keep Bowel Movem ent Regula r


, Have yobr Lawn. Mower . ground (rue by Mac~ln.ery

Ca rp et s

lter McClure

Worahlp of the Serpant . The Apaches profeBs to be descended from a snake, and venerat e It accordingly, aDd the mostel: traordin ary prehlato rlc earthwo rk on the conti· nent testifies to the power or the serpent 9n tbe Imagination of primitiv e man. The trlbel or central Australia, Osteopathic Physician . the most primitiv e people to contact wlth modern civilization, have In a 21 Broadw ay Phone 449 mythical serpent or glganttc size and magical attribut es their ~eare8t apLeba non, Ohio V- __ proaoh to a deity. . . .. . - _ _ _ It i. a well· known fact that it id next t o imposs ible sharpe n a Lavt.n Mower accurat ely with a file, especia lly asto a great many mower s mad at the presen t have harden ed blades. Some resort to emery dust. turning the reel backwa~s. The objecti on to tbi8 iB that the clearan ce behi.nd the cuttlf}g edge is reduced , which makes more surface In conta: t With !he 8triagh t cutttng oar than there was beft»:e. After the cutting edges become the lel\st bit dull. the Lawn Mowe~ has to be adjuste d very close, 80 that it TEARS the graas Instead ,./ a1iearin g it, making the mower run harder tha~ ever, and of the more it is sharpen ed by emery d'UBt the worse It become s and soon has no clearan ce at all.





All Len gths and Shades. Silk Nia gara Mai d, Kids in aU good makes, $1.0 0 up. '

Cow PartIcu lar a. to It. Tippie. A TrtJee (l!lnslandr' fArmer haa a wWch refulieB to IlrIA _tel' eu~ . the ordlnarY' ~. ; Then abe the ,Geld, loe~ to ;..........;.:f.'.h......"', .. r.~ water tap, I tilPIl.I~\a • d~1L: ',' TIle < pho~h" ~~ .

Fune'r a' Director and Embalme~, Way nesv ille. Ohio .

Poste d on pedigrees and values of a . ki.tlds of breeding stock. Experienced in handl ing farm sales' since




'. , \



6heV1 #







lLLUSTRATION~ ~ ~~~:~o~~~I9!L! I

AFTER SUFFERING TWO LONG YEARS Mrs. Aaelin W u Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound.

Minnenpolis, Minn. - "After my 116 In th!' llUtl IJelo w hll looke d about " Yo u call II a tI)UI·I\IL" ,\Jllt. don 't I a ~~ u lll " hl ~ pI nel:! with o t be rs loug be ror n elu' h rld"r in tu rn , denHln dl nK ODo was born I w as s ick with pains 10 A s t his was glve u be Fo r th e last you'" a s ked Katha r lu t· 1)( th o J u'I~!'. b:luil ll a te<i to t lla t c losed c! rclp. - n tli M t il l('. m y sides which the wh irll'd to procla im It. aCCO nllla ll yln g John \' ,,11"" 1. " rl,-il ood "I Y fn\· orlte. thrce days h!' ha rl lallo rcd lir!'losRly to " Y 's" htl rIJp lle ,1 " 1l'H a Idl101 or pIH(·I· ri ghtfu lly llis by r ea son o r lJlrt b doctora !IBid w e re .ud ,h ' nl\ ,"~. ,,' , r" Ihlll Ihe Vo l1 e M - III (he plact' ro r tb o ev enin g's event. ( ·ont l·~ t In wh ic h t;"' " l\ l' rl d t' r~ ' am , alld lJ:1I1I 0-- illl d ( 0 lig hte n lh e ~ l oom y each (' vo lu ti o ll wlt b a bills t o n his IMl rUlI u I'. WIl t. II lit~ ( a' h ~ r f uu nd eo Ofl lt I caused by Inflama.wh h-h Yo " II". I)rlndpnl SOlin'" or rus T ho pa r lor no w sl!ow£d wall s ri m m ed pe Le ror th e prl vll f'gc 01 naming u sha<iow, IbaLlllus l r es L on hl o thoug Hs hon l. " Knl " h t o r th e Gold e n Spu r ," tion. I suffered .. W'(1"llh. IIlL' Ia 11.,<1 II,' \'o lll,"arily t", "S wi th Rt ra lght·buck c ha irs and tb e Queen or Beaut y_ Thl' r o's a ball to- or b ls ra tb e r , with WllT lDP r s unn ie r " Knl /;h l ul Castl ewood." " Lord of ()"c r lu~ pr l" .ul · f\lrIU n(l lu t li(' r cce lvor great deDI ever,. for Ih" curpural l" ". H I" eli liro r~mnh, ln g gran tl pilluo--- Iong ag o put In o rde rnig ht, at whlc b tbe luelt y h Ldy I ~ t u~ ' I ug". S' h 0 b OIH e d a secre t 11 I g b 0 r [lrll.uuoll .'· " WesLove r'l! K lJ I g h t," grew very I>"K~"~~lnns C' ''n sl~ t or 1111 old 1I10tor C IU' . a had bee u re le J;atod t o th e lib rary T h a t crow ne d. Tb oso lit tl e ,,' nts Ilrt! wbt'rp 8 all~(llc tlu li UM th e whtl e-c laLi fi gu re " Kni g ht or (he S il\'e r Cro ss" : Lbe thin. I WWl unde r the whi t.· lm ll tl f,;:; I\.nd 111Lm"rs nJ urt , Q. n t; l:~ b h I I II k h I hi I I I na m es. fa nc iful. o r tbose or (amlly eslected cshll.\ In Vl r..:ln\o •. On the WR Y to Inst iu c l ro r L e arlls Ll c, ,,'bl c b a( t Ie no I e -nl ghls dou I e r !! n Il l; ro~ e n aCQu cllcen<: c. doctor's care for two J)ulll ory co urt he rI1'-" I ~ Shl rl"y Dun4 - m a de h1m a las t r esort In tb e vex in g armor. S el'. th " re go tb olr "Ullarl · Th €, ma jor return od to tb e g rand latoR. !l' 11 on .Iohn Vali a nt's ear wllh long yeara wlth~ rldltc. un lIu l,u rn -h'''r,··1 11.'LLUty . fi nd de- proble ms at club e nte rtainm e nt s , bad son d chllrgo rll." stau rl an ,l be hl up bls band Cor sil ence. n pun ge ot fl avo r of medl e vnll s m. He eld ca th ut he te INI Il t{ 10 lilt · Vi rginia Im any benefit. Finally nw,,"c t)' . ~ h l r l .' y·" "" '\I ,e r. Mr.. Dan4- ai ded blm In tb e Court's adornm e nt. A fi le or nl.!g rocs was ll i> prOl\c h lng "O u,r gracious l.I ege," he I,roclalmed, s tarte t! us h" beculli c Ilwa re tha t tbo after r e pea ted 1lUK'" ~d ge , and Major Urls",w """IIILn!; ,.., mOuL Or tbe kItch ens Cas osn d ra's th e t ents, each I('sd in g a ho rso wb ose In hi s bi g v lbr:LDt volc u, "Q u6p n 0/1 rid e r n e x( him had !UI Rwe re <l and that lniscen C(,3 du rf ng whh.: h II h~ rc\' ealed K I ht geRtiOns to try It we that th o n,,.Jor. Vullll at 'G r" lh ro r, nnd a egg· beallng c batted III{o a watchm a n' s sadd le and brid le we re il eco rsL d wllh Ueaul.y yut uukn own, Lords, n g s tbe h8rald bnl l pa used be ro re him . ..........................Io.L....L----I got Lydia. E. Pink... ~ nOrn<!rt Sa6800n wero r\ ,·" I. Cur tho rattl e, while Aun t Da ph nu puL th e fi n- rringes or va rio us hue ~ . 111 tho ce nt e r a nd E:s qulroH . Fair Da mes a nd ge ntles "Kni g ht o r th e Crim so n Ro se! " It h a nd o r 1.1 r s. J) n.lh.lrh l g'· In ' h<·r yo uth . 1.1 ham's Vegetable Compound. Alter takBassoo n and \, ... Unal ro u ~ t 'L duel on her Is blng touch os to an army or Ilgbter o r th e rop ed lists, directl y In rron t o r a ll! Wbe relUl div e rs nou e pcrsonR spra ng to bl s lip s withou t roretbou g ht, ....,.. nun t (II Which t he forme r Wcui kill rt . edibles des tin ed La g race lhc 10Dg ta- th e stand , othe rs wer e 1,la nLin g u p ha" c c nte rprl ~od and tn.k en upoo th e m an oc'·ho. I,erh alls, of th e Improvised Ing th e third bottle of the Compound I Iln.nt fi ndsn ndDamnry cou rt ove rgrown I I I bad I j ou eta roya I an d louf ney, you sash an d th e Uu wc r In hIs hat-baod, was able to do my housework and today V ....Ith wcc',ls preep<:' rs !Jnll dectdes to ble on tb e r car porch, now walled n rl gbL In tbe ground a tn ll po 11 ro m to I sm strong and healthy a gain. I will rehabllltnte tho ptace. Vu.ll,w t ell\'ew with snow-w hit e muslin !lnt! hung with whos e top prolected a ho r l ~o oUtI sr Ui are he reby acquainte d that th e lists or but th e s ho ut 01 tb e be rald and tb e Shirley rrom Ihe u lt" lI r n . ,ml,el whkl, candle-lust e rs. I nd e r the tre('s Un cle like a sle nd e r gallows . From tbl Mwas llunllymede are a bout to ove n for that trumlle t's blure seemed to mak e th e answer le ttcrs If anyone wishcs to know bll.... hIm. Knowing tlip dead liness oC th e bile, Sh(rloy suck. th. 1><,IR(,n rrom li lt, Jel!'e rson was eve n the n e xpe r im enting suspe nd ed 11 cord at wbo so e nd s wung uchlc ve m'lDL or arms and grand and word s fairl y bul go with Inevitability. cbout my case.. .. - Mra. JOBEPD AsELIK. w<>un<l hlK t tlr,'. rns WIth var Ious punch colDpoun ds, a n d a a t Iny a bj ect t b at w h Ir Iod an d g II t· no bl e t ournamen t f or w hi c I1 they have And throu gh'thls struck a lIudde n a p- 62H Monroe St.,N_E.,Mlnneapolia,M.inn. r<lr th e Rnd ONiI suvc. lime tha hi. taVBJlll tl ,~ r nt lertlenVlrctnlll on accouot of Il c! uul In whi ch Doc- de licious aroma or vanilla Cilme La Va- te red In th e 8un. so 10llg boe n (lUl1et!. But an bour pwled rcellog tbat h e had really Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetablo eon,. lor Southall Ilnd Major Bristow acl d us IInnt's nostrll8. The ludge explained. "On Lhe e nd s ince one or our nobl e knlghtB, prlck- IIpoke n Sblrle y's namc, and tbnt every pound, made from native roots and hi. f a th ~ r' 8 scco ndK. Vull nnt Ilnd Shi rley beoom" !rood fri end... Mrs. DRndrldlfe · • • • • • • • o{ the cord 18 a silv e r rillg, al whi ch log hither La Ult ror his lady, was be- one bnd heard. H e (.'o uld not see her herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful fa.Jnts wh en eh. mt'. I" Valia nt for lh@ The Red Road, as Valiant's car tho kllil:llta tllt wltb lances . Tw e l \'11 sut by a grievous mwady . However, face, anc! cluLch ed his lance tlercely drugs. and today holds the record at Aret time. VnHa nt I1h'coVCM! tha I h() IIIU1 • tanune In 0111 walnut tree-". passed, was dotted with straggling llelosL our Jouollng lack the royal num- to over come an Insane des ire to stoop being the mOllt successful remedy we delltrlanll : humble counLry rolk who ber. EI new champion hath at this Inst hideousl y lu bls !laddi e n;nd pe e r un- know for woman's ilia. U you need sueb CHAPTEFI XXI.-Contlnued_ trudged along the grassy [ool·path . hour bee n found to fill the Table der the s hudlng hat-brim . \ he a medicine why don't you try It t "I got over [t b'efore I was old with no Bullen r egard for tlte s wlrt Round, wbo or his courLesy doth con- .bould do tbls, h e fast e ne d bls eyes enough to make myselr a butt of hi- cars and comfortable carriage that sent t o rid e Without armor." dC!te rmln (',lI y on tb e major, wbo now If yon b3ve the sligbtest dou~ larity," the doctor retorted. "I s ee by lert them be hind; s tllrdy barefooted A buzz rau ove r tbe assemblage. "Il proce eded to de liver h imself o r the thaL Lydia E. PinkJmm·s Vegeta.the papers they've In vent ed a new children wbo called sbrilly aCte r him, lDusL be Pendle ton who has de faulted," "Cba rg e te th e Kni g hts." - ble Oompound will help yon,wrlte dance called. the grizzly bear. I be- and bappy·go-Iu cky negro you tbs clat! ~ald Judge Cha lm e rs. "I heard tbls Tbo major mad e a n ap pealin g cen - to L;ydia E,Plnkb3m l'IedlclnoOo. Ueve tb e re's another named the yip- In th eir bes t wI th Sunday s hoes dan morning he was sick. Wbo's th e Bub- ter to th e char ming picture as he (cou.ftdcntlw) Lynn, M388., for 00kyoodle . I hope you 've got 'em down gllng 'over the ir s houlders, slouching s tltute knight, I wond e r'!" stood qn th e gr een Lurf, "the gl ass )lat to s bow Lb e yonng folk tonig ht, r egardl ess ly In th e el ust- all bound for At the mom ent a alngle Illounte d of rashlon and tbe mold of rorm ," bl s vice. Your letter will be opened. Bristow." th e sa nt e Mecca , wblch prese ntly rolle berald be lore the te nts bl e w a long head ba re, his s hock at blond·gray r ead and answered by 1\ WOlnaa. The major got up wllh som e Irrita- be for e him , a gate way or palnt pd cun blas t on a s ilv e r horn. The ir flllP B balr thro\<' n back, a.nt1 one band tbnlst awl held In strict COD "dcnee. tion. "Soutball," h e said, "sometimes vas proc laim ing t he fl e l.) (0 which It _!!S parte d nnd e leven knights iss lled to betw ee n th e buttons 01 bls soow y I'm te mpted to think your re marks o pened Runn ymede. Sun for a Blotter. mount tb elr sLee ds a.ud draw in to lino walstcOllt. His rI c h bass voic e roll e d Yerire upon th e pers ona l. You don't It Is only wltb ln rece nt years Ihat beb lnd hirn . Tbe y we re brilliant ly out to th e ra~th e8 L corne r oC th e fl c ld : Ho hal ted bl s car at th e e nd or th e have to watch me dllOce Ir you don 't Ile lll and s naplle tl 11 leash In th e bull wo ha ve bee n a ble to obtain any reUt! ecke d In fl os hllngs wllh slasb ed daub" S ir I{nlg bts : choose to." dog's collar. "I h at e to d o IL, old lets Ilnd plumed chapeaus, and sbort "Th ... LOUrll1lm ent to whlcb we are n ble Inrormatioll r egarding the social. "No, tbank Ood," mutle red tb e doc- man ," h e said apologetically to Chum 's je weled cloa ks drooped froUi the ir ~ath e red today Is to us tra(lItional : a po lltlcw and reli gio us co ndi ti ons that tor. " .. prefer to r em embe r you wb en r e proachful look , "but I' ve got to. 6hould e rs. Pages hande d each 11 long rite of antiquity snd a monum e nt of surround ed th e gr ost found er of the you stUl pres erved a trace at dignity There are to be some stunts, and In lance whic h was h eld perpendicular, ancie nt generatio ns . This reli c or tbe I-kbre w race while be dw e lt In Ur. - twenty odd yea rs ago." sucb occasIons you're apt to be conthe bUll restlng on the rlgbt stirrup. jousts or tlt e Fie ld of th e Cloth·of- Here h o married Sa.rab and h e re he '·If dlgnlty- " tbe major 'lI blood was vlnced you're the mwn ono at th e con- "Who I, That Splendid Old Man GlvUnder tbe pavlUon, J!at for the rrae- Gold points \1 8 bac k to an era of was surrounded by hili frlellds and rising now,- "conslsts In your e ternal testanta, whICh mIght cause a mix-up. Ing Direction.? The One Who lion of a s e cond, Valiant hesitated. knIghtly deeds, fid elity to sacred trust, relatives, Including Lot, his n e ph e w, t.aateless blckerlngs, 1 want non e of II. Neve r mind; I'll anchor you where you Look. Like a Lion." Then h e turned aw 1my to th e twe Ift b obligation to dut)' and loyalty to wom · wbo wos his companion In bill late r What on earth do you do It for? You won't mlsB anything." rlllgs lU'e used. 1'he plke-polnlB are Lent. Its l1ag-!ltaCf bore a long stream- an-the watcbwords or tru e knlght- lourne ylngs. lIere be Wall Burroundhad some frie nds once," With the excited dog tugging he- made to fit them, and the knIght wbo er olf deel> blood-red . He snatched bood. ed by a. heatben populatIon worahlp. "Friends!" snappe d th e other, "the fore him, be threaded his way tbrough carrlell orr the greatest number ot tbe this Ifrom Its place, flung It about hi! "We like to think that whe n our lng Bel (Baal) and DeIUII, hIs consort. tewer I have the beUer!" the press with keen exhilaration. Now twelve Is the victor. The whole thing waist: I1n,l knotted It sash-wise. He forefath e rs, ol!'sprlng or men wbo es- snd other gods. Here he must rr. The major clapped' on bl8 straw hat and the n hIs gloved hand touched his Is a custom as ancient as Vlrglnla- drew the rose from bls lapel and t.Ilrult tabllsbed chivalry, came lrom overquentIy have seen the 8plendor of Mlg1'lly, strode to the door, and opened Cap at a salutation. He was con· 11 relic, of course, of tbe old joustlng It througb the band or his Panama, seas, th ey brought wltb them not only Babylonian roywty and the Idolatrou. it. But on the threshold he Itopped, sclous of swift bird-like glances rrom of the reudal ages. The rlog Is sup- leape d to the saddle of the borse the tbls anCie nt play, but the precepts It worship of heathen gods. Here aIao ud presently sbut It, turned back pretty girls. Here was none of the pOBed to represent the device 00 the malar had beckoned, and wIth a ~Ick symbolizes. W e may be proud, Inhe must have been conve rsant with .rawly and resumed hlB cbalr. The rigid strwght-ahead gaze or vacant bOBS at the shield, at which t.Ile lanc&- thrust of his beel, swung to the end de'!d, knowing that th Is 18 no hollo" Babylonian literature and tamlllu ioctor WIUI relighting bls cigar, but an stare of th e city boulevard; tbe eyes thrust was aimed." cere monlw, but Iln ea rn eal that the with the wedglHlhaped cuneiform writ. of the stamping line. odd furtive look had slipped to bls that looked at him, frankly curious "How Interesting!" ew:clalmed KathThe field and grand stand had seen flow e r of knlgbthood has not withered Ing In wblch all buslnesa and omclal fAce, and the hand that struck the and InQu1rlng, were full of easy open arine, and turning, swept the Btand the Qlulek deCisIon, with ItB Instant ac- In the world, that In an age when the cOl'I'CSpondence WIUI then conducte4. ID&tcb WIUI unlteady. comradeship. Some of the girls wore with her lorgnette. "I suppose all the tlon, and as the hoors thudded oyer greed of gold WQS never so dazzling, ["or a time both Bat smoking, at goWIlS and hats that might that morn- county'S F. F, V.'s aro here," she Bwd the turr, a wave of band-elapplng ran the spirit of true gallantry haa not These writings were done with a ~ • l'Il In .Uence, then talking In a de- Ing have Issued from the Rue de in laughingly to Nancy Chalmers. "I've aerolla tbe s eats like a allYer rain. taded but blooms IU:lurlant In the lUll of bard wooo or metal with .. nltory way on Indll!'erent toplcs_ FI- Palx; others were hablted In cbeav orten wondered, by the way, what he· "Neatly dooe, upon my "font!" said the sparkling 'dews of th e heart of th1a IIQuare end_ This was praa8ed on the 110ft clay, wblch was then hardeued bUy the major rOBe and tossed his materlw8_ But about the latter hung came of the Second FamliJes or Vlr- judgl~, delighted. "What a daTIng commonwealth. either by aun-drylng or baking. Th_ eipr Into the empty grate_ no benumhlng self-conllcloullness. All glnla." Idea! Who Is It! lB It-blesl my "Most Noble' Knlghts ! In the name tahlets were the standard writing ma. , 'Til be oil now," be said, "I must bore themselves alike. He was begln"Oh, the,'Te mostly emIgrated soul, It Is'" of tbat high tradition wblch this day terlals-the statJonery---d that far-o&. be on the fteld berore the others." ning to realize that there mlgbt really North," answered Nancy. "The ones Katharine FlU'go h~ dropped her preeerves! In the memory of those As he weut down the step!l a car- exist straitened circumstances, eve~ that lett are all ancient. There 10rgneLta wltb an el:clamatlon. She other klllgbts who practiced the tau ...· age,--Chrlst1an HersJd. riage, drawn by , a pair of dancing actual poverly, wbleh yet created no are families here that don't admit stood up, her wide eyes llxed on that ney In Its old·tlme glory! In the sight Probably Soup, ~s, plunged pasL "Who are those sort or social .1Itrerence. they ever began at all." figure In pure white, with the blood- of your Queen at Beauty! 1 charge The witness, a heavy-set man. who people with the Chalmers, I wonder," Opposite the canvas-covered grand Bllaa Farco IIhook his stooped Bhonl- red c:ordon flaunting acros8 hla horae'. you, Southem gentlemen, to loult with eaId 'the doctor. "They're ' strangers Btand Ilat twelve small musbroom dere wIth laughter. "Up North:' he flanks aod the single crimson blossom that valor, falmell8 and truth which looked as though he IIpent .. good !Ure!' are. the enduring glories of the knight- IIhare of hl8 time fuatlng, was called tents, each with a atarr and tiny flag. said genially, "we'yo got regullU' fae- glowing In his hat_ to the IItand ~s a wltnel8 In a calle at The major peered . "Ob," he said, Midway lines of flaxen ropes stretched torlea that turn out ready-made famlly"The White Knight!" IIhe breathed . hood of Virginia!" ever bls shoulder, "I rorgot to tell you. between roWB or slender peeled sap- trees for anybody who wants to roost "Wb,o Is heT" O.,er the rlng1ng applalille, NanQY usault and bnttery. "You were In the relltaurant at the That's 811as Fargo, the railroad presl- lings from wbose toPE l10ated fanged In one." Judge Chalmore looked round In lIud- Chalmers looked a.t him with a UtUe aent from New York, and his daugh- IItreamers of vivid bunting. A pavilion. • • • • • • • den illumination. "[ torgot that 70U 11m lie, quizzical yet 80ft. "Dear 014 tIme tb1s happened," began the ,ud" eer Katharine. His private car's of purple cIotb, open at the sides, And now over the flutterlDg stand would be likely to know him, he aatd. malorl" sbe whispered to Bett.J Pale, "Now, teU the court just what ~wn on the sldlng_ They're at the awaited ror the committee, and near and the crowd about Lbe barrlore, a "That Is Mr. John Valiant of Da.mory "How he loves the center at the .tage! heard." 4udge's--he's chief counsel for the tbe center, a negro band waa disposed stir was discernible. Katharine looked Court.' "Wbo, meT" asked the man. In .,. ADd he'll ellectlve, too. 11Jlrty yean road In thla lltate. They'll be at the on camp'stools, the brass of the waIt- again at the field. "Wllo Is that splenago, father says, he might have been wUdermenL "I didn't hear anythlo.. tournament, I recllOn. You'll be there, Ing Instruments winking In the sun- did old man giving directions? The CHAPTER XXIII. aQythlng he wanted to-even United [ was ealinr;."-Saturday Journal. "on't YOU'" Btates Senntor. But be woule! Dever light. The stand ""as a contused glow ooe wbo looks like a lion , He's comThe doctor W88 putting some phials of color, of light gauzy dresses, or Ing this way, now." Not Unuaual C ••e, The Knight of the Crlm.on Ro.e, leaTe tbe stale. Not that I blame him .aDd Instruments Into a worn leather young gIrls In pastel muslins with "01 hear Casey Is havln' throuble The row of horsemen had halted In for that," IIbe added; "I'd rather" a "Tbat's Malor Montague BrisLow," bag. "No," he saId, sbortly . " I'm go- flow e rs In their belts, picturesque hats said the Judge: "He's been mastor of a curving line before the grand lland, c!aurch-mouBe In Virginia tba.n Crm.Il.' wid bls better half." lug to take a ten -mll\' drll' e-- to add and s le nd e r arllculate hands darling the heralds tor years. Tho tourna· and now in tbe silence the herald, daughter anywbere else." "Yls: ahe wants t' be the whow tblng." (TO BE CONT1NU)O~D.) In vivac ious gestures like white swal- ment could -hardly bappe n Ivlthollt th e hold:Jng a parcbmsnt scroll, spurred L2 10WB - tbe . ge ntry tram thc "big major." houses ." " I'm sure I'd like him. " sb e aa· Tbe IighL aLhle lic figur e , towed by Bwered . "What a lovel)' girl be is tb e white bull·dog, d re w lIIany glance.. tulklng to!" Valiant 's e ye s, how e ve r. as tb ey swe pt It was Shirley wbo had beckonell the Be nts, were looking ror but o~e, th e · major frOlD the lists. Sh e waH and at first vainly. He CeIL a Quick leaning over the raliL"lg. "Why has pang or disappointment. Perhaps she Ridgeley Peodleton left!" she IlIIked would not com e ' P e rhups be'r mo t her In a low voice. "Isn't he one of the was stili III . Perhaps- but th eu Bud - twelve?" Make for good daYI delily his h eart beat hlgb , for he saw " He was. But be's III. He wasn 't DA~WEO IN SURINAM JUNGLE other girl; reassured by ' safety bl be r In th e low er tJ el', with a gro up of feeling uv to It when be cam e, hut numbers , my strong susceptlhllltlee young people. lIe could noL ha\' e told he didn't gIve up till balf an hour From a packago EllpUorer Tell. P.rt He Took In Fell- to the rhythm of music enabled m. whut she wore. save that it was or s ofl ago. We'll have to get along wllb to adapt Ilome IIlIebt J)toJ}~.,,,&e1 11:. of fresh, crisp tJv[tle. With the Daullhtet' of Murillo blue with 1\ hat wbos e down - eleven k.nlghts." 'buck-and-wIng' dancing and to b&o Native ChIef, cuned brim was wound wlLb a sbaded Sbe made an exclamation of dIsmay. come a moment later a.n Integral part plume of the Bam e tint. Her mother "Poor Ridge! And wbat a pity! In Harper's Magazine Cbarle8 W. of that throbbing throng." wa l! not wltb be r . She was not loa \( - There bave never been less th8Jl the Purlong told . of attending a dance of Ing his way as he Ilas sed- her arltl s (ull numher. It will spall the royal Cue of Commotion. the naLlve tribes In Burinam, South at tb e mo melll be ing beld out In nn quadrille tonight, 1.00. Why doesn't Did you ever bave a torcerul femal. Africa, and dancing with the c1aughadorabl e gcsture toward u littl e c hild the committee choose some one In his ter of achier. pres iding In your kltcben who kepC In a smiling matron 's lap- and but a place ? Listen . Why not aBk Mr!, Va"The commandant and Mr. Smlt you constantly In a turmoil for fear "Frlendsl" Snar>ped the Other, "The slngl c glanco was voucbsared to him IIllnt ~ He 18 our 'hOHt tonight. 1'm were with IDe opposite the drummera, she mlgbt bring the hou s e down Ilbout Fewer I Have the Betterl" before tb o major B(' lzed upon him and s ur e he 'd be glad to h elp out. even where n DJoel!.u. presented his daugb- your ears? bore him to tb e purple pavilion , for he wIthout tbe costume." ter, a superb black. creature. who, with fill a bowl and add cream or Rose Stahl tells a story of such • to tbi s <: olln ty'll po pul a tI on, I e xpect. was on e or th e eornmlltee . "Egad!" be s aid , Imlling hl H Imtwo otber girls, advanced In to tbe trf!a8Ur~ 'belonging to U family wbl! milk. But I'm cOllliug 1.0 th e dan .. ",. PromBllt for this distraction , he mi g ht [wrlll! . " None or us ha(I thougbt of ring, with coy Btep and posture, to· lived In CallCornla. ised Vallallt I wonld . In a mnIll e n t oC bav e see ~ , !:nt e rlng th e stand with the hiDi . He could' ri lle Pendletoo's ward threc men. wIth wbom tbey One arterlloon the town experlello..i ~lIlporary abe rratiou . Then, with &orne fruit, a cup Cl.mlnH'rs jus t a s th e hand struck IIJl mount, of course. " li e reOected a modani!ed In palrs; tbe gIrls, with a shy a slight shock of ellrthquake. a delic;lolls whirl o[ "Dixie ," Lb o t.wo me ut. ['II do It. It's e xa ctly thll right of InataDl Poatum, and a lilt or the head Qnd constant mov· " Pictures we re thrown down, CHAPTER XXII. stran ge rs w!Jom the doctor had ob · thing. You're a cle ve r g irl, Shirley." poached elll or two if Y9U served an hour b efor e UB tbe y w/tlrled He has tily c ros sed the field, while Ing of bands, passed and repassed, cry and furniture rattled about. .. like, you have ,s simple break· ·turnlng closely about the lr partners, Lhe mIdst or the tumult the mlatN8I I A Virginia n Runnymede. hy th (' Me rryw eath e r Mason houso bc- s he leaned back, be r eyes on tbe flanfast that is · wholesome, and "Ju no in Virg ini a is s om Pth ing to Illnd tb e judge 'tI grays. Sllas Fargo ne le d figure- long Since recognlzed- \jUt never touching. A girl would fol- went to the head of the stairs &Del I satisfying, rern t' l1l bl' r ." Tod ay th e mas te r of mi ght bave passed In allY ' gaLhe rln g und e r the purple l>avIUon . Sbe saw low a man of her fa.ney as he walk· called ou.t In a resigne d tone: "'Lizzie, what are you doing now?'" Damory Co lIl't decOl ," th iN a tl'u e sa y· [or Ih e unobLrllslve City man. Katbn - t.h e co mmitte put their heads together ed from the rIng center, then, as be turned at the edge, whisk away to a -Youth's Maga.z lne, Ing. Fo r tb e aIr was ilk I' win e, nnd rln e was noticeabl e anywhere, and and hurriedly enter. Toasties are bits of ~ the drifting wlt/t e wiugs of c loud, piled toda y be l' lnll willowy flgure In Its In the moment's waiL, Shirley's hum of laughIng approval. c:ai'efully coo~. delica~ly the dUllky form of the Heavy Smoker, '·:::Iuddenly above th e am e tbystlne rampurls o r the c h alllpa~n l!-Color 'IIngorle gown aDd hat gloved fingers clasped and unclasped scallOfled, and .toastecl to aft UnIque among the devotees at "lII.J' far Blue Ridge, looked down npon a garnished wltb bronze au,l gold tbls- somewhat nervously. The riders had girl prevIously presented emElrged appetizing "brown~ with,out CroOl the throng with the same · coy, Lady Nlcothl'e" Is Q Dutch aa1Jar violet world bound In gree n and silver. ties, setting In relief bql' Ivory heen chosen long be rare Jobn Valiant's be~ touched by h~ The, mesmeric; motions' fJt th, e · b~ndll, alnamed, Berkln, whose boast It Il ,tufl In his bp.droom Valiant stood look- s tstuesque face, drew a wave of wbls- coming: LC a saddle, however, wu look gOod, 't aste ,~, ~d :,1ng.lnI.O the depths nr an an cient ward- pered comment which left ' a sibilant porforce to be vacant, what more ap- mOB't touched' me, turned Uke a flash, ror ,the. lut ,66 years hl8 pIlle hlUl CQ1I : ( • \ • ~~. _ - 6. robe, Presently he took from a hook wake behind him. The party made propr1ate--than tbat be sbould Ol1 . I~' ahiLwaa' gone. :A lUud murmtir. : ~8" Inm~d a pound ~f to,ba~co weeJdy, ::1 :~. of white fiannel In Which he ar- a plctureHque group all they now d[s- The thought had come to her InstantlY, Bmilt ,nudg~d my arID, : She IIkes-;you. -requl.res no sJqll III anthmetfc to Ilia. Ove r hls ' sort sl.lrt he posed themaelves, Katharine'. ' color- hred of an underlying regret, whlc_lI YOIl baye got, to dance:' ~. "'~'~~' , cover ,that the '''Dutch ~h~De7::' ~.1 ' ~'lIl1.Citte!d a pale gray' scarr. Th e modlsb less 10velineBII contra.UIla,' 'WIth the she had, ~l) along cherished, -that Jae ~\,el'f .explorer ,knows.1t II 8Omljl~~ee Ie prouq to. be~ Jm~!i,D, ~ $1i iJiI4t«l ault and the rolUng Po.nama eager 8parkI~ 9' pretty ' Nancy> 9hal- ,was not to tak~ parI. But beneatll'tbt. aa un 19b" ;t9 .acoept · !,pcb_a' ~!1l!~"tt JIl ~~ke .more, t~ "b~n~d.,!,i~ I' tbr.e" out I.n fin e ontrast the keen mara and the glp.y~l1ke beauty of wal _ deeper paBBlonate wish that she -118 : It ' 18 aometiUlea lilcUact:eet rt I Of' tQ~Cd, wbleh" li'- ~ '" ~ '~ , . . __ vn "'41I,l1t l .u:a.t.llU1~ taoe aDd dark : : cUd Dot attemunD ailaJ.7le tD .. .. ~ we.• . ' , adfttlce4 , ·brown erea- Bett>: Page' t ( • • '~ ~ ,\ SVNOP S I S_


llIm wi l h sali s lnetion.




Simplified Breakfasts

Post Toasties

crook. !






I. .








ANCIENTS KNEW OF GLAZINO Proof That Early Inhabitant. of Me.. lco U.ed Process In the Man"" facture of Pottery.


The di s cov ery by li p. nry C . Mercer ot Dayl eslowll. Pa .. tbat tb e ancient lnhabltants of Men co used n glazing proCCIlR In th e ma nufact ure at th eir potte ry hus re v o l ut l on\)~ · d lb e viewl ot cOf'liml e e xpertll a l lb e U niv e rs ity ot P unu8ylvnnla, and may lend. anYI Am erl cnn Art N I'W9. to th e dl scovQl"Y of bN\s o f clay s ui ta ble tor us e today. Mr. Me rce r , wbo III an expert on til· In g and a tonn e r curator at the Un" 'Yers lty mu se um, durIn g a reoe nt s ludy of Mexican Dotle l1es at the muse um, bad his ntll' lltlon calle d to th o varl· ance In work ws nshlp In ce rtain c ol · lectlons. Ho promplly class lfl ed tbe pottorl es IlB poss e ssing two dlll'urent kinds at CIIlY, nnd wa s su rprlsed to lind thl\t a dl stln ot g la~e WIUl at1l1 apparcnt Tb o anci e nt Rgypllans. aaXll Mr. Morcer, did not g!1LZO th e Ir works, the ChInese adoptin g thi s precau ti on at a later date to mu lte the l r vess els 1m· penlous to wale r. CIvilization had been estahll shed hy this Ume, how · ever, and Lhe us n ot the glazing art by pre historic !.fexlcans may untold InteresUng cannnlclI.


Height of Contempt. Flom Ann e Slee ¥!, the Engli s h nov· oUst, 8a!d at h tlr hot el In Ne w York : "I, I\B a s uccess rul write r, am accustome d to be treated with re spect, but ytlur Immigration departm e nt treated me wIth such contempt tbat It remInd e d me 01 your story about tho Indian. -A SIoux Jndll!.Q, according to thla iltory, went to a. store keper of bll rese rvation and said h e would II1ke to buy Ii .. 'Ob, but: Ba.Jd tho storekeeper, jocularly, 'I don't like to sell you a gun - you mIght kill a Boldler with It' "'Hub: gruuted Ule Impassive In~la.n, 'for kill soldiers Indians 118e a .Uck.' ..


Lucky ThIrteenth Man. "FrederIck, I'm sure you will forlive me," sn.l d the beautlrul girl, bow· ing her head, "when you know the true feallon of l11y hreaking our en· pgement so soon. But when I b&came engaged to you I forgot-" "What Is it, Gladys." he murmured .adly. "Be not afraId, LB It that yoo love another?" " 0, Indeed," responded the girl In· dlpanUy. ber eyes tlashlng at bl. througb a veil at tears. "But)'ou bow bow superstitious I am-I foraot that you would be exacUy the thtrteeuth man I've been engaged to." Crafty John. "Jllr. Snapp, 1 want two poundl ot lira. ADnle Dallam's butter. If It Sln' t Mrs. DIilla.m'B butter 1 won't take It." Tbe proprietor turned to ble other ClIBtomers. "Some peoplo In my busl· IUIIII," be said blllndly, "don't like particular oustomers, but I sure do. It·s . my deU,ht to servo tbem and get them what tbey want. I will attend to you In II. minute, John ." "All rIght," sald .lohn, "and be lure to get Mrs. DaI· ~·e . A lot ot my wlfo's rela.UveB II.I't visiting at my house and I don't tbem to come back aglLln."-Dea.rbon (Mo.) ' Democrat

CAUSE AND EFFECT Good _Digeition Followl Rlg~t Food,



woman rob away for dear life -working hard - wastin g timewhile another takes it easy - makes dirt fall away more rapidly and "worklessly" with RUB-NO-l\10RE. RUB- NO -MORII W ASIIlNG POWDEI I" a 8udl css dirt ,... mover for clothe-. It duna your diabee. sink., toilet. cleans and aweetelil yeor milk eroch. • kills lerm&. It d08l not aeed bot ",at.


Tho Ne arer Hili .. " ome sUc Ute .illve you moat IJle 7" ~ The kltcb en NUlg e. "- Jud,e.


RUB-NO·MORB Acid Stomach, hcan Durn nod natl_ RUB-NO-MORE CutIo Napthl SCIIf quickly diGappear with th~ u." of WrlCht'. Waahlnl Powder Indian Vcgelat~e Pilla. Se nd fot trial Five Cents-AU Grocer" box to '72 Pearl St., Ne w York. Adv.

The Rub-No· More CO.. Fa.Wayne, loci.

Many a shallow remark La backed ap by a deep ,"olee.

W. N. U .. CINCINNATI. NO. 20-191~

For Convenience, Economy and Safety Use the


Blue Flame, Wlok 011 StOY•

HEY call h im Lb o ~ Wiz· : sllould choose sound wav e s In stead o r I l b e Ilurilna " aT CI\I1 d e lect ; othe rwIse ard or Knott F;nd"- elec trical waves for bls contro lling im· Ul y wou ld bo Inaudlblo. but capabl e

Knott End being In puls es, becl\use s ound will trav e l lour of s pre a ding far t hrough th e lICa and England, oye r tbe CQ6.l!t time s as we ll and lour tim es n s rar I o r lIfl'ef·tln g a )Jrope rly tun ed rece iver. ot tllo Irish sea. Such throu gh tbe water 8B It will throu gh Th e ~ldvan tog-e of this InaudIble sylt111 tb e tlU e by wblch the atmos pbere. te rn 15 t hat an (' nemy would bo ju st so ralher s mld .J ohn Gard· Gardner ahow ed that h o c ould af' mu c h 1('68 like ly to s uspe ct the apner is known to hIs ron ge the sensItiv e r eceiver 011 hi s proach or a torp edo directed In tbl'! n e ighbor s . He has submarine s o tha t It would reo llond ma n oe r . a r,d p"(e n If h e were on lh e done thin gs a nd s tili IS 1l' ithPf to ono c b o~e n no t<' or to a a le rt is would tak e a good deal at tim e , doing thln gl:l which chord or th e m, a nd unl es s a ll or th es t! l a nd a pecllllarl y fl\s blone d dl' tec tor to smllc k ot th o black art. Wlrel ess Is we re s oundod s lnlUl LK neous ly th e !<ub- pick U I) nnd to id e n ti fy tll o g uidin g one or .bls particular hobbl es. but ma.rine would be ind iff e r e nt to th e not e . . Gardner B wire less Is not of tbe 80rt ot lonru wav cs . Ot co urs e It was not lo ng i T ho Ip r lnc lpu l w('u knos s ot ox ltltlllg whi ch th o wo rld has h Aard s o much. be rore th o military c riti cs IJI(' kpd th is ' ~ u l> m arln e boats li es In tb plr COID · John Gardne r has tam e nOl only In s ys te m to pieces . Th ey d ec hlr,'d that I' pnrut lv el y lo w speed wh e n mnolng his hom e : h e Is mucb est ee med w ithin theBe sounll M coulll b e d l'tec led by a tot a lly flllbme rgect. tl.le Inner cIrcles at th e nrllls b 0(1· s uitably a rrnn gad s ubmarIn e s igna! Mnd orn strategists lJe ll e ve thn t a mlralty. O ve r In Eng lnnd th ey hav e re ce Ive r , and they as ke d: " Wh at wOllld modi fied form of s ub marin e wlll be th e wbM Is te rm ed tb e ofll cl al se c ret s a ct, pre vont an ne my tra m producin g the ' id£" ol crafL Ins wad of usi n g torpe does and prosecutloll and poss ibly priso n eam e ton e o r to nes IInd e r wa le r llnO ' of th e uSllal type t h e proposal 'le to wa lls a r ~ th e pellaltles on e trlUY Incur t~u s ne utra ll zlu g o r corupl etf' ly UIJse t· ! e mpl oy a weupon whi ch will, In ra ct. by di sc los in g any pa r t ic ular about th e tJll g th e sounds lo tlmdc d to olle:-a t e ' bp, it c om bi na tion of s ub ma rin e an d cullon's de te nsell o r e X)l erlm ents p er· th e liltl e bout or 8. to r pe d o s iml lfu ly i torpedo.• on ly tb e submllr lne wl!1 be o f Laiulng th ereto. AccordIn gly thi s mod· equippe d '! " a ('re wl e s s o'rd e r . ern wizard Is n ot pe rmitted to ta lk a nd An ordinary ma ll wo uld pe rhaps TIl e m ome nt you ge t ri d o f t h e bu· his wor li cnD be d escr ibed o uly by In· ha..-e bee n nonplu ssed by s uch a Rllu · ma n " tle m ent III a s ub ma rin e It ill Ce rence. nllon, be cnus e to th e a ve rage m ind th e poss lbl o to cba ng e GTeatly It ~ char· Th is I ~ all by way of Introd uction to whole sch e me d"l)e nde d upon th o e m· uC'tf'r li nd a ll''l to e mploy a pro pulsl7e tests made a s bort while bac k. by th e t>l oym oot or audibl e sign a ls, for how po we r which cannot now be utilized . Britis h naval authorttles upon one of othllrwlsa could th o d esire d pilch be The na val architect hus don e pretty the old royal cmlseN. According to chosen ? You don't know John Gurd· wpllin s ubdividing and hon ey cnmbing tho m eage r accounts that have ed ne r, so you can 't reull!e wha t It mea n s th e und.e r·water body at tlgbtlng ships tho publlc H. M . S. Terpslcbore was when his lip" Be l firmly a nd his squaru so lhat. th e ordinary torpodo cannot towed out Into Stokee baY atter a myg· chin takes on an adde d touch or sink a dre ndnaught outrlgbt, altbough terlous ,m e tal box had been attacbe d to angularIty. Just the Bame, pictu re to It rna)' wound a battleship more or less her bottom awa, below the water lin e. youreelf this outward show ot do· grlemu :s ly . But thle same expe rt cau· Once the re she was ancbored and termInation' on the part 01 a r esource- not provide ugnlnst the s ubaqueous atabn.ndoned by b r temporary crew. ful 1IUUl . tacll ot a ton of explos l ... e unl ess the When lhese had reached a safe dlBIn all oC its e&aentlals the Gardn or hea vy E~ hlp of th e battlo lino Is com· lance something bappened. Tbere was receiver Is a mechanical subsU'Ite for pletely remode lled . '1'hls Is not fluch a a great geyse r of wate r sent skyward the bUIIUln eur. It Is tar s Impler than simpl e fact. would comrlgbt a.longslde the ship. and before the oar, beca.use in that there is a ro- ple tely revolutionize existing practlsllli she could recover from h e r 110lent cehlng apparatus which boasts some- and the arrangements of the powers of lurch down upon her deck fell the thing like 3,000 extremely mlnuto attock nnd de rense on th e pnrt of the thund e rIng tons ot that upbeaval. The nbers constituting tbe t erminals ot th e s blp. mysterious box bad runctlonod per· acous tic nerve. Each ot the se fibers Either ' thIs revolution Is coming or 'ecUy In obedIence to the silent aDd II! responsive only to a particular uote u complete chunge will take place In 'nylelble command at the ba.ttleshlp and Is deaf to all olbers. tbe getup at Lbe fl<H:allod caplt.a.1 sblps. elgbt miles awa.y. But the human cur haa Ita limlla· At len.qt this Is so It Mr. Gardner's A great rent was torn Ln the steel Uona There are sounds that It cannot Bcheme be worked Ollt to Ita logical akin of tho Terpslcbore, and It was all hear, Bounds whoso vlbratlonll are eltb· climax. the big ... reektng pumps of tbe lhe 61' too few or too many. Wbut he would do II nothing short dock yard tU'B tha.t rullhed to ber nld He Bet about making his reeel..-er of bulld.lng a seml·submerged battery could do to arrest the Inunda.t\on a.nd stU! more senllltive so lhat It would be ot hIgh speed whlob would be the teep the eruft aftoat until she could alfected by InaudIble sounds. Tbls was mohlle baso from whicb he could dl· be towed back \0 port and dry docked. not so puullng as It may apDenr at re~t bls torpedo attack. Tbls vesBel Some ye8.J'1l ago John Gardner built first blullb. He blfti only to tlnd some could wIthstand the heaviest of blowF. a llmall submarine which he was able BOund producer wblcb he could control trom un enemy's guns, and Its powers to guide b, means at submarine sound to II. nIcety a.nd which then would be ot o,lfeIlse would be prlnclpall, cen· signals. He built that boat atter be capable of creating vibrations higher t e red In. exceptionally large torpedoos had mad\)· ertenslve laborntory experl· lban those that would be detected by or small submarines-call them ... hat ments. These were the achleyements the sharpest of humnn ears. you will . Each ot these giant weapons whIch won for him the ot the Of course he had to have tor this would be a dIrigible, and not self~on· "WIzard of Knott End." purpose a resonator tbat h e could con· trolled atter the manner of the exIsting In hi' worubop he had aII.embled trol 'perfectly, and once more electrlcl'l automobile torpedoes. mechanisms that represented the start· ty came to his ald. No, he dId not To dIrect these torpedo submarines Ing and stopping, the stee.rtng and the use a submarIne hell or a submarine eacb would be equipped with the Gard· firing apparatus tor a torpedo. They hOrD at- a complicated nature, but In · ner Inaudlblo Mound·control apparatus, leemed' to know theIr master's Yolce, stead he devised a way to turn 8 ship nnd 8ach of these tn tarn would havo because they wollid do what he bade IseU Into 8. source of BOund. Its own keynote. The obsoner In the eltlier when ho wblstled or called bls He hlUl made It possible to caUHe the conning tower would have thello orden In a. certain key. In other words. hull or skin of a vessel to Quiver 80 weapoD!1 released or launched from the the mechanIsms responded to II. fued that It will send tbese iml)ulses speed· parent craft, and wltb this done he tone or musIcal pItch, and would not log through tbo water Ilko rays radlat· could guide them upon their journeys act If the cali was In any other key. Ing from a source ot 11gb!. He uses nt will. It would not bo a CIlBS of SInce then John Gardner blUl gone an electro-magnet wblch be places pro- starting th em upon their errands and Bteadlly aD Impro'Ylng bls system, I\nd forably down below water and In the l eavlng,a hit t.o cbance, but they would he was prompted to do tbls because be very bow of the cratt, and the poles or swerve and alter their coureee 'to meet beUeyed Hertzlan wave wIreless had a terminals of the core at tbls magnet th o changIng maneuvers of an enemy's number ot weaknesses. Flrllt, tbero' are close to but not In {)ontuct wIth the squadron . was the tear at Interference on the Inner surface at th e sbtp's stcel skin. Undoubtedly JQ hn Gardner's neigh· part ot an enemy sending out pUr· An electro-magnet Is actl\'e only bors ha~' e now moro reason than ever pollely contusing elber vibrations; and, when ourrent Haws through tbe en· to dub him tbe "WIzard ot Knott End." second, ho realized that the transmit· veloplng coil, and then streams at mag· What ho thus adds 1.0 the potenUal tlng capacity at the aIr ya.r\ed day net\sm flow out of one end of the core terror of war paradoxically makes him and night IUld WIlB particularly unr&- and circle around the coil and return deMrvlng ot a more complimentary lIabie when thunderstorms were brew· by the other end ot tbe core. The title, because be Is probably makIng lug or active. He wanted to get 8 spood with which the magnet Is (lner· actual strife just so much less likely. .tIlble medium through whIch to soud , glzed or de-energlzed will Bet up cor· In this way dread naughts may becnme his directive slgnalfl, and experIence responding vibrations lu th e adjacent back numbers. The more destructive told hIm that water would answer his plating. If these vlhratlons aro not war become s the less apt are naUons purpose best. It was logical that 'he too fast sound will be produced wblch to go to battle .



Dam. OrdlllUY K~... 011, ~hl4 tip InlI.&DUy Uk" gsl, bams a p"rf~ bluo Ilamo ytLboaUmou or odor. Tbo lntJen...,ly hoa lire onabl .... you to cook, bah, fry or Iron ... qulokl, u on a gu.toye. JUl tualmplo-.od to operat.o .. -.0 oU lAmp. Tbn>e mOIl 2, 8 and , bnrnen with or wlLhout b.1gb we.rm1ng wit. W rit.o to-4a1 for C&t.aloe.

UII':~':.ab~ro':: .f,'::'&~1D~:tm




Sold by Dealers Everywhere



the spangled sky. Tbat Is lbe seeret of youth . Dra.w the curtain, Ms.ster Manngelr ! On wLth tbe HU'man Com· stor88 of refreshmont without. Won- edy.--Coll\er's Weekly. der, curIosity, the enjoyment of ten thOUIaII4 trifles, ' & short memory for lIunfEillment and: pain : all these things .-~or Y9uth, Quarrels, resentful· crouohlpeBS : around' tile


PAY no mOftIOr ... ,. othNtwine. Hoot:Serlalb.,..nteed ....004 •• the beat. 11 7°U buJ' of your dealer allow him a proBt, .(he Dot auppl,. i~ write h~re for It.. Send (or club oTd~r bia nk • • ..mpleL Send caeb ror Ie•• tban 500 1b .. Price I. o. b. (IlG'ory, J. P<>IIart:J'. 8up"t., Hoc&l•• Twin. Will .. WlchlllllD Cit,.. Incl.

Spiritual. The new minister 1n a Westorn par· Isb WIlB mnklng bls Orst calls, nnd wben be reacbed the bome ot tho I'eevys hs said to Mrs. Peevy: "I don't think that I have seen Mr. Peevy at cburch yet, have 1 SIster Peevyr "Well, DO, you a1n't,h replied SIster P eevy. "Tbe fact IB, Peevy likes to lay abed late or a Sunday morning, and time he get up an' has bls brea.k· fast and gets through tbe Sunday pa. pers an' doos bls Sunday sbavln' &n' met;be an' bour or two of tinkerln' around the bou8e tbll.t he alloll puts off to do at a Sunday. ao' then ba8 a smoke an' mebbe cuts Borne o· tbe chlldren'o balr or boots rugs tor me, or even mops up the ldtcben If I'm hurrIed-time be'l done all tbat 1t'1I too la.te for churcb. Fact., I~ Peevy aIn't ... real splrltual·mln.ed man nohow __t lealt not the same as lam," - New :fork Saturday Evening Post

Important Ie Me"'ere Jllzamllle carefully 8YelT bottle or OASTORIA, a late and lure remed, tor Infanta and chUdren. and 1188 that It


BI:ue::::r In Ulle For OYer 30 y..,..,

CAildren Cry for Fletcher's Oaateria A 8ampla. "II th_ IUch a thing aa marine courtel!y 7" ( "011, )'eB; there's a ehlp's bow."

The opportunity of seeurfn« free homeateacla of 160 acres eaGh, and the low priced land I of Mllnltobl. 8:JI1tatebewao and Alberta. will loon have passed. Canada offens a hearty weloome to the Settiflr, to ths man with a family lookinlr for a home: to the fanner's son, to the renter, to all who wiBh 1.0 live under better conditions. Canada's sraln yield In 1913 15 thl! talk of the world. Luxuri&nt Grasses give cheap fodder for larlre herds; Galt of rai.illi' and fatt.eninlr for market i. a tritle. Thl sum realized for BMf, Butter. Milk and Cheele wl\1 .,.,. fifty per ceDI on theinvNtmeot. Write for literature and pa.rt1oII1are a9 to reduoed railway rate. to Supefintendent of Immiv'ation, Ottawa.


W. 8. NETHERY Intwurb.n Bid •• Columbua. Ohio ean.4J&D ao~ AaL


DAISY FLY KILLER :;:::: :;; a'... ::r'~ 01--. _


ooa...u.a..t. l..'h .11


M.4 • • • ID.-I,_"opUlor", •••• 0 • •

0._. wiU _ DOt .on a_ _ _"•

1_, ...... ,UlJa •• "" CI ••' . , . or .....

••pre. paid. for I1A .uoLD 10lOn, 110 Dd&la ..... - " l , . . II. ..

Red Croa B"n Blnc; much beUer, 1\'081 farther tha t) liquid blue. Get from &Oy crocer. Adv.


The spectacle at a man wIth a fu· ture mo.rrylng B woman with a past III ever present






IndIgestion and tbo attendant dl. oomforts of mind and body are cel' tain to tallow continued U18 of Improper food. ThOBe wbo are 1It111 youn, end J"Oo bult are likely to overlook the tact that. Ii. drop pin I water will wear a .tone away at !'lAst, 10 will tbe use ot heavy, greasy, rlob fooct. 6nall1 caus. • lou ot appetite and IndlgosUon. . Fortunately many are thoughtful enough to studJ' tbemllel'Yel and note the principle of aau!l& and effeot In theIr dany toad. A N. Y. young wom· lID wrftell ber experl/mce thus: "Sometime ago I . ha.d a lot of trou· ble train IndIgestion, caused by too rich . toad. I got '110 I wu unable \0 dls,elt .oarcel), anythlnc. and medl· : 'dne. leeme4 useless. "A 'trlen4 advised me to try (]rapefood, praIsIng It hIghly" and . . " iut 1'8IIort, I tried It. I am thanlttlll to ' aay that ·Grape-Nutl not onl,,· 1'& Youth Is what we all love to have lte.ed me ot my 't rouble, but built me and to' hold, and slnoe Ponce de Leon's up au4 latreDltb,ened my dlge"tlve o~ .Ume ma.ny, a way of CODservln.g It, has "118 10 'I can ,now at 'an)'~~1ns I bee.1l pr8acrlbed; · dopge, drlnlllng ·G~pe.Nut,l ~ lOur mIlk;, of e:ierolse, c

It's ODD to see one

- A.tlll, my d ear, wl1u l mountains 10

ERUPTION ON CHILD'S BODY R. F . D. No. 2, Jacks on, lIfo.- "Our daughter who Is ton months old was • 'Ulre rlng froUl an erupUon all over the body . In th e b eginnIng th ey ~' ere IIUlIlII red spots and afterward s tnrned \0 bloody sores. We tri ed nil sorts of ointm ents but th ey did not procure &I1Y r eller for our chUd. ' She cried almost day and ni ght and wo scarcely could touch her, bccause s he was COY' .red with sores trom head to toot "We had b eard about the CutlcUJ'1l 80ap and OIntm ent and made a trial "WIth them. and atte r usIng the remocUea, that III to' say, th e Soup und tho Ointment, only a fe w days passod and our child could sleo p well and alt er one week s ho was tolally well.(Signed) August F. Bartels, Nov. 36, 1lI12. • Cutlcura Soap and OIntment 1I0ld throughout the world. Sample of each fretI,wlth 32.p. SkI!) Book. Address post.. card "Cuticura, OepL L , Boston."-Adv.

Had Mlde • Good Start. III • certaln fun11y . thore III one or mosl! rare old mal~ type tbal III almost ex Uoct. Two BII.d love atraln have made Ute a p pear ra t h e r curd led, an d s b e 's about a s cheerful 8 S a rai ny Ilay at the s l' D.8h ore, A tlv o·ye ar.old grandn iece Ie h e r O DO c on1ldaot e, becau se s he 's the "o nly one who und er· stands IU O." Tb o otbe r day at diD' oer, arte r c a sting a r'~ D ro a cbrul glWlce . a t th e olh e r m ent bf'r ~ o t tb e ramlly, sbe m urmured : " Yes, ~rl1og, I ne var thou g ht enough or myself. I'm nnly now beg10nln g to. I boptl wb en yoa grow up yo u11 thlnll so m ethin g or yon rs elc''' "O~ , Il.u n tl e !" ex <;lalme d Lbe IItUo one, "I don' t hav (\ to wall 'UlI tb en , 'cause 1 thI n k a whnlo lot ot m yself now I"

• d 1_ E very man s cre It "" good wbt'n It

comes to bort'Qwlng trouhle. Putnam Fadel6llB


make no

muss. Ady. nev. Re Jesta at scars who has ~ been at wa.r with hImself. p

T~' D._:... All mIlt ... IIIKbtly Ulecr ....

INJlu.u:I rt'Ibollt,loweeLprieel ber ItO De.

.. t .f&eUon ... u,.,.<I. N~" ILp-""'.... ~':rd" _ r. ,., .......... IIoJooo 1Jo.. r~~. . _ _ _~

REA DER 8 ~ bt~·a:;l':tr d::~.'J Uoed In Ito lu ,boDld Inallt upon ha:tDII"'W 00




N [I18 I



, TS.ID...,n . " " _ _ a.a--.

D U _.,..;;: H",

ADD~ED TO WOMEN }-------------------. - I n the Expeetant Period Before the coming of the little one-women need to be po&: Bessed of all their natuml strength. Instead of being haraSsed by forebodings ' and weakened by nausea, sleeplessness, or nervousness-if you will bring to your aid


Pieree's Favorite Prescription you will find that most of the lIuffer-

ing wjll not. make ita appearance. ~ Pferoe" Favorite PreseriptiOb fa the result of a Ufe tltUdy


aIlment.a. dlsordefll and irregularltlel peculiar to women. Ita continued IlUpremacy in ita particular field for more thNl fortJ Jears Ia you ...urance of the benefit to be derived from Ite use. Neither narcotics bar aleohol will be found In thll vegetable ~crI~ tloR, In liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggist. or a trial boX will be 118Dt. JOu by mail on receipt of 60 one-c:8nt. ltamPio ,

.......... ........

M * - D r.........' .......... ~................ DI'.......' • •a,-. PeIkta~..,.




e--------------...---... I0----------..--..--. Personal' Mentionl L A. Zimmf"rman i!; in Cincinnati tOrillY ~lrll. H annah Antr:lnl 1!cI )',Ia t i \'l~s in Xenia .



We invite attention to the Special Price Reduction this W eek. New Thin .gos in

Skirts, Petticoats, Wa ists , and Children's Dresses arriving dally.

ML'ss rH. Win :-ialiAhury anci I' . D . l 'eLeniulI wert' in l 'inl' innati MOllday . Havolent· AUllll::)ua!1 for I, il cl oth . ::: WaYIlf'sville A tlt p allL Mach inery Co .

A Full Li nc of Men's & B.o ys' Suits Shirts, Neckties, Hats, Caps, Etc.


Wonderful Reduction Sale

. I::llintl WrLr. h t anti Ethan Crane we r e in Lebanon I·'riciay.

Tlt ruuglto ut ali I' la rge st ock. l ~rea t ba r gains a re d ai ly O il our Cllullte rs. \\' Ililc S hoes Ita\'(' arl \':t ncet! hv :111 rn nlll1fact llrel1>, o ur FI VE THOLJSAND DOLLAR STOCK is bcill~ sl ,jd at a Cllt ra t e that "ill S(l\"e III0ll (' \ ' (0 all in. need of Slt(le!'-. Th is a d vu llt agc COI It,·., 10 yllll Ilec:l tlsc w(' :11'\' : In " ()t~s to turn llll'nt ill to lIIonev a s quickl y as pI,ssiblc, a nrl ha n' 1I1 :l dc lit e I'ri "es 111\\' l' n"tlg h t t' illSllre:\1I IIllll lc dl:~e clc:tru nct·. \\ ·h ilt· a ll Shoes are cut in price. \\'e have ~l ell' s :->I'c\'ial Lot :;hocs at $~.lJ(I, wnr t~1 :!:~: , . \\'o lilll l'S :-;h .. t·s , But ton and Lace, $U:L\ ~v o rth $1.:'0 La rge lu i In fants' Funcy S hocs. :\!Ic worth nOc-bal' .

IIli:;.> I{u llt {{allker. uf Lebanoll. i . till' g'uPSt o f Mr. and l\1r~ . Myel' Hy· Inan .

A Full Line of Lace Curta ins, Draperies, Rugs and Blinds.

Jobn 11,.

v i ~ iti n g

For I ~ed Hoofing- Paint or Harn . . l'a ill t ):tQ to J, 11. Cu leman 's.


Armor Plat.e Hosiery

DllI1t fa il tu reat! ,J ohn A. Vllllkcy'g adVt ·rl ISeIlHmt. it wil l S}\\'f' \· tl lI


III 0 lit',\' .


Mrs . Cy nthia b.: 'ans It'ft Tll esday fOl' New Wchmrmd tI l ma ke 1I vi sit 10 h'r mo ther.

Mri{. H . I!. William~tlll UllcI childrell arc in Dayto n the gUt'H tH tlf 1>1' . amI Mrs . Coope r.


MI'. an d Mrs. Elswort h Sm ith. nf [luyton. w ' re the g Ut'H IS of Mr . and -:. Mrs . Cha.~ SlIIith Sunda y.

i\ttl'IHI tl1£' (,Il~er t 'l inmen t Tu esday '.' t'vI'flillg', Jll ne~, aL Sehn,,1 Hnll : l!'iven bp 1\1 iss J ennic !lowm an , c lltertaine r. Mr. an d MrH. J ohn Fromm and . . dli ldl'en. of Dayto n. s pe nt Satur day and Su n.Jav w ith MI'. anll 1"1r~. J. C. . . l luwke. . 'I'll further int rncluCt· the

Mr, U . !\T . \\ hitc wa" called t o I' tmtu cky T II l'~da.v on IH'cr lllllt of t~le . . sl'ril'tls i1ll1c:;,; I,f hi f> s i~l~r, Mlsg .. Ma ry While

) lose for ISc or :! pair for . . .... .. .. ..... .. . " . . .... . . ~8c W o men ·s. Childrcn' s and Misses' I Be l'lose,:l pa Irs for . . . ~5c (h'cr 2UO dozen direct fro m th e factory will be clused at the al )O \'e prices . .Remembcr the be st away down .

L .. sL -- A hugllY robe l>t'tween SlIli:;-

bu f\"~ l'esirtel1t'E' and Waynesvill e. . . Filll'l e r will pll'ast' leave a t th e ( ~ az e l tv uflk '

It is to your interest Boy.' Clothe ..



E'very Lady

Want a whol~ lot of our 11), 1'2 & '2'-,c Emhroidery, Insertio ns and Lac es for SC. There ure seve ral th ousand yards to sel<-ct f mlll .

::ie ve ra l Waynel1vill e p upil" we nt : . to Lebanon F riday to attend t he J Itterschtlh"Uc Meel exe rci ses at Harmon parle

Th,·rd Lot

La ure nce She rwood returned to Peoria, II I., Sun day after a three . . days visit \... ith h iH parents . Or. a nd . . Mrs. Sherw ood.

· 0 n IY For a Short T Ime

Open Evenings

- The Rev. J . F . Cadwallader a nd the choir of St. Mary'l1 church w ill :-: conduct th ~ serviee at Gra ce Mission .:. Leba non, nu d Su .,day afternoon. at ::: 4 o'clock. Havolene Auto SOI1P is an aid t o ~~~ house-cleaning. d oes not inj u re paint. makes old wood,work look like ne w, and rem ove grease SPllts from e\othe:l :.: Waynesville Auto and Machin ery Co.

Articles for ~6c.


'.' .;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.:':':';':':':':':':-:':';'.:': tIII!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!~!!!'!!!'!~!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!'!~!!'!!!!!'!!!'!~!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~ATTENTION FARMERS DEATHS I am now prtpared to rec ..ive wool every day at the Waynesville factory. and will pay the highest cash price for same. It will be ~ your advantage 1 to see me befcJre you sell, as I can aive you best attention in all details M . M. Earnhart.

The funeral service& of Mr. Geo. Hamilton will be held Tbursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at Waynes · ville. The remllins will arrive at Xerria from Ft. Wayne at 7 a . m ., and leave for Waynesville at 10:31) o'clock The Knights Templar lodge of Leb-~.--anon, will have charge 9f the funeral P. O. HOURS DECORATION DAY service at the grave . Rev. Reed. of Xenia, will have charge of services Lobby open 7 •• m. ,to 8:30 p. m. at the chapel. All departments open from 9 to 10 a. m. Carriers will not make their A message of the death o f N oah H. trips. Do not call when the windows are closed you will not be ans.w ered. Chapman, at his home at lOG 6th St ., Brooklyn N. Y , in his 79th year, Frank H. Farr, Postmaster. was r eceived by J . R. Chapman Tuesday morning. He died early Tue.'1day morning, unci th e funeral will be held Thur clay m ornIng at Late Clat4sified Ads 10 o'clock Many hcre l eme mbe r the deceased, who waH born at ABBAGE plant!! for salo. Call VI' aynesville, and t og e ther with his on Park Leak, Way nos ville, orphan brothers , Jos U and e has. F., spent early boyh uo d he l'e Ohio. tf




Lucinda Garner first saw the lig ht of day on Nov . 11,1837, was reared and spent he r entire life in Warren Co unty. She was one of a large and hOllored family of children nine in numuer. and was the daughter of Elizabeth Compton and William Garner. She was the last surVIving member except one Rister now left to feel the keen loneliness that onl) one left like she can know. In the year 1872, on Fehruary 22 she became the wife and hel pmate of Israel H.obcrt son and her delight was in du ty t o he r family, which consisted Corrocted. ERMAN MILLET BEED for 881e. No, Clarlllso.. boils are not used to of three daug hters and one son. For further information call D. B . Booke~, phone 65 l ;~ , Waynes . rivet caucuses togcther.- W1ll!hlngton The love of .. Mother" is nevet e;(· Post. hausted never changes .and never vlJle, O. Ju 10 tires. So she toiled and cared for hm' loved ones, and was always will· ing to lend a he lping hand to others and wa~ frequently seen in service to ncig h bors a nd frien:}:!. She was a member of the Olive Branch M. E. church antI loved to go there. for wo rshi p. ~he often expreSlled her IJrofou nd f a ith in God and in good· l1 ess. On May 18, H1l4. when the " chance [or the faith[ul Buester to secure some coupons \\'ilh'ml a llv flowers, tr ~e!'l and all nature seemed expense whatever a nd unlva liUle extra e ITor! . Now Ihis is our OW;1 to take on ncw life, she t oo entered "doins." The editor never el'en saggestcd Ihi' tn us and for that matter a ne w life, and juined the father and no one in Ihis wide world sa id u word to li S abOut it, a lld Mr. Crane doe, tw o d a ughtel's who had preceded her not give us one cen.1 fur d~) IlIb,.and ~vc will not accept anythill g "f val lie fo : any ne w sul>sc nJ ~e ~ t iJ! S llIay l ~r1l1g hnn . . We have a selfish object ill lI ~av in g four dear grandchildren, the vIew. however .• nd It IS SImpl y IllIs ; we wanl to increase the subsc riptiull :;on and one dl>ughter who tenderly list of the Miami Cazetle ." Mr. Craue is givillg us a very good pa per, ", eared ff,r her in her last long illness, good and belle r tban 1I1 .. ~ 1 r,f Its kind; in fac t, lite CII,l dot,S nOl lImount Iu a nd will e ver cherish the memory of anythi.lIg when compared t ~ il s' r~al value to Ihe commttni ty awl LO cach .. MOlher." ~ubscnbcr. He cuuld l\lll II\'e 011 lhe value of the subscription list a lotte ir - - -.... - - It was all P~tr~ J1rofit . He 1f1~st make his profit. on th~ a uvertising, job work . etc., a nd tIllS IS wh~re our selhsh object come. III; we advertise and speud VOTES ON BONDS AGAIN mouy ellery week to ~o ~: if tbe subscription. l!sl can be increased by :11 least 100 more name~ It .wlil make our advertlslllg anrl I he advertising of Seve l'al weeks ago Lebanon voted eacb patron of the hhuml Gazette much llIore effectivc tltal1 it is now. on issuing honds for p~ving. ' Friday . .A ~ood many people who do not now take tbe Gaze tte should do 50 [or they voted on iss uinlr bonds for a patnollc reason. alone, but all may rest assured you will get vallie receiv('d new high school building and were for each $1 YO ll spend for a SIl hscnpti,'" to the Miami GlIae'te. Our . proposition is simply thiS, and this is giving each and every ~gain thrown down . What's get't illg Booster 111 the club an. eq~lal chauee. For each new subscriber that. any mto ('ur suburban town anyway. Booster secures to the M,amI Cazette for one year, we will give ~'i.OOO They seem to think that their strf:!ets Booster Caupons; These subscriptions musl btl paid in advance IInd 'we are in good enough conditipn and h••c a.rranged \VII h Mr. Crane to O. K. each and every new subS41ription as now they say that their school ill in stICh, and when you present to us the name and Mr. Crane's O. K .' of 11 good shape. The people of today bona fid~ new suhscnpU,on we ,will deliver the 26,000. coupons to you . The are seemingly bolding on to their PnJpaaj~n holds good until the end 01 the Booster Cillb Campain. Only 0 money, and trying to get kS much 'Of ~h!OJ Jbe Booster Club Campaico. JOOO COUPOA S fOJ; each copy of the , ll~vutWmen~ ,cut from paper and presented at store. this world's goodl3 as tbeY ' csn:'for a ' i . . . ". d~~lar, There is no e'nterp.ri~ Jn 'CJ~lZenS whe~ they .a~t this .W8.y;




- ..


Reductioh in the Wc and 25c Departments. Three We


•• •• Waynesville, •• •• L.__•_________________..:. ________________



Mt,S. F rank Long and Miss Eliza-

beth~urroll were dinner guests of Miss Emma Heighway

Saturday .


Mr. and Mr~. Georg~ Robert.s on entertamed at Sunday dmner Mr and Mrs. Frank Elbon, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham. Miss May Wright entertained Saturday evening in honor of her house guests Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert Warwick. Tho"e present were Mrs. Prank . Long, Mr. a!ld Mrs. J. O. qartwr!.g ht and family and C. M. Cartwright. -----.. CareJOl8nesa a Bad Fault. Want. ot care doeB us more damale than want or knowledge.-Bep!pmln Franklin.

ZIMMERMAN'S .Fancy Tennessee Strawberries



_____e --------+ : Socia I E vents I I Former Citizens I G---_. ----.. --,-----,-- --e



Three :Hic Articles for

worth :2cc mid 2:ic. Men's 51.~B, 51.50,


) I

ing Friday evening Those persons who fail ed to g ive them u p will please ret G rn th e m to th e trea s u re r , J. E. e-~---Janney, The Sacrament of Haptism was adminhlte red las l Sunday afternoon in St. Mary's ch urch t o Mary Louise, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs . L A. Zimm e ml An , a nd Eve ly n, infant daugh ter of MI'. ancl Mrs. J . O. Cartwright Sponsors, Mrs. ~arah Zimmerman, Mi 8!! CarstenMen, Mr. J O. Cal'twt'ight, MISS Myra L. Baird. MrR. D L Crane and Mr. L. A Zim· merman .


Dont you believe this ad. Jlist take a chance and be early to see the many Bargains. The house is large and full tip of unheard-of Bargains, and it would be wise and economi('al to get many of the Bargains. Anxious to Please,


:.: There were several tickets not .:. :.:: take n up at t he Alumni meet·

100 Mcn' s Straw Hats

Fine Dress Straw Hat s. Jo m lcr price, $1. '2;\ $1. 7.-, anti $ 2.00.


to call and Bee me.

II' , the iJral hllse fur Men, \\'I III\{,11 aud Chi ldrcn . ~tade of the, Ix ' st yarn alld dyed with H arm~ not' dye, thc Donly d ye that will lIol injurl' the yarn or hurt Ih e fed . alld it's fas t black, too . ArltlLlr Platc lIose tells their OW \1 st o ry . After you" 'e wu rn line pair Y OII will 1I0t waut uur rel'o l1l\l1endution. After a year's sa le we want to cut the prices o n Women's, l:ltiIJr~n'8 and Infallts ' Hose at prices ne ver IJeforc known . \VorIlc ns ', :vrisses' a nd Children's 20 ce nt Ho se,




A most session the Rural Welfare League of Mlll!!l!e township was held at Wellman schoolMrs Sarah Sellers, mother of ' house, Saturday "velling May 2'&. S~nley Sellers. of Lebano~. suffered I, with a large attendance, good music, a hght strok~ of apople xy .18!:I~ week good prollram,ltood games and Bodal at her home tn Lebanon. ::;he IS some time. Interest grows and we antielbetter, now , however. pate a pleasant and successful even · mg. Saturday June 6tt1. when we '11 h .' . I Good Mr. Stanlev Sellers wa!' in South . WI • ave an Ice crea", socia. Charleston last week, having gone il'T!USIC., tltc. Everybod:( cor · there on account of his daughter' s dlally mVlted. Calendar!ld ahead graduation. \ Saturday, June 20, ge!leral clean~p .. - . . . and good roads day, With basket dmPaper Pulp From Grau. i ner at school house. . Bbabar grass grows In grea.t qutlnU- 1 Cara A. Tho~pson, Director. ties throughout India and axtendln, j .-" . Into AfgbaniBtan. It IB extremely fibCome and enJoy a delightful pro. rOUB and strong, and a8 a pal,ler pulp ~ram at School Hall, Tuesday eve~· material now bolds first place In tG4l&. JOg, June 2, giv~n by Miss J~nDle Bowman, entertamer.





Tbe ~t o re that pays you a "Premium for Cash" that has a real Value. The ::3tore that pays YOU the Premium. The Store that selill you Groceries and Dry Goods at the very lowest pric<,s . The Store that take!! your produce the same as Cash .


Potatoes, New. Cabbage, N e w Beans, New Tomatoes, Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, i~ananas, Apples, Cucumbers.


Chick Feed, fine Cracked Corn, Merry War Lye for your hogs, P ure Paris Green, bulk Garden Seeds. all kinds, fresh Edgem ont Crackers and Cakes Lenox Soap', 8 bars for .... ..... 25c Coal Oil, per gal. ........ ..... ... lOc Rio Coffee. p er Ib only ......... 20c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 21J1kg .. _.... ................. ...... 25c

Spcciial for Tbursday Friday aud Saturday SWATTEns

500 FLY FREE To each cu~i:omer making a pit rchalle of ~5c or over we will give a good Fly Swatte~ free. one fo a customer. Begin ~rJy lind swat 't he fiy Come in and get a swatter. With each cash sale of$UJO or over these 3 days will give 1000 extra coupons. Bring us Yl)'U r eg~. They are


th~"fl8me Jls








'Specials Every Day in the Week

251b. Granulated Sugar, Franklin or Arbuckles .................... $1.17 251b. Gr.anulated Sugar, Standard ...... ... ............... .................. 1.13 4 Cans Sweet Corn......... ...... ... ..... ......... ...... .... ..... ...... ......... .25 Walrus Salmon, per can .................................... ·........ ......... .J6 Can Peiches. California, Carquinez brand, per can......... ........ .20 Hawiian Pine Apple, Sovereign Brand, per 2X lb. can............ .20 California Dried Peache3. fine, per lb... ......... ......... .......... .. ... .10 Clean Easy Soap, 6 bars .. ..... .. ....... .. ................. ..-..... ......... .25 Star Soap, 6 bars..... ......... ............ ..... ............ .. ................. .25 I vory Soap, 6 bars .....................................,.. ..... ...... ......... .25 Marry War Lye. Just the thing to keep your dogs healthy and in -<:ondition, 3 cans .. : .......... .. .......................................... 25 New SWAet Potatoe!, per lb. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......... ....... .04 We have thi. week the following good things to eat: Tennesaee St rawberries. Sweet Oranges, ApplPa, Bananas the large (at kind, New Sweet Potatpes, New Cabbage. '. ' Have you tried "CHEER UP" Coffee? A coupon with each Pound; an elegant Premium for 6 Coupons. Ask about it. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? REMEMBER WE ARE LING B. P. 8. PAINTS AND VARNISHES. NO BEtTER. MADE, AND OUR PRICES APE RIGHT, firing in your Poultry and Eggs, ' . . . . We will pay 13c, per lb. forJIens . u~til'Tu~ail June 2nd.


A Ticket. with Every:)PUr.ehase I\t . ~ ".1 ' .~.. • , •

", I

\~it~~~~~~t1~~""!!"'!"'7:1~~~;;;m~~~:::~~~ ·sttll. we. a~ pretty badly· affticte8 in ~ ,;;~ th~ .s ame VI~. '. ' . ,,-,' . !~.~~~;;~___~~~~.t~\4.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~







Whole Number 3266



Mr. Geo, W. Hamilton was bo rn at IA'banon, Ohio. August 31. 18:W. On Fr iday evening. June 12. tho and died at the home of his l!on las t Boxwell Commencement, under Clarence . at Ft. Wayne. Ind .. Mon: the old Iuw will be held . Nineteen As Told by Morrison V an Duser, Who IS Now Living In day, May 2fi. 19 14. His marriage to y~ ung p~(~pl e uf Wayne Towns hip Was Duly Observed Saturday by Members of G. A. Mi!lS Elizabeth Hisey took place Will participate. Th ose to g raduate That Great Wheat-Producing Country. ~epte mbe r 12. 1865. He. togeth elr a re: J erume J ones, Helen Marlatt Post and Citizens Generally. with his family. :-esided in Waynes, Helen Dinwiddie. Edward Lewis: ville for .several years. In 1"80 Mr" Chester Snook, Mary Thomas. Everett SIJr8"ue. Wash. I Thoma~ M S'b M ' S ur f ace .. . and Mrs Hamilton removed to0 Xonl'a Weary tonight. ~,1914 . There are no wild frui ts except v • • Cle men".l Hae I cy.R une II R I • May Waiting tonight, Mr. Editor:a bu sh about the height of eight or where Mr. Hamilton was for several AIb Marn er, usse . ta n ey. rig ht. or because th e barbaric appeal ears employed as a carpenter for ' ':lrt arlatt. Ellis Smith. Mary to force is anything for civilization Waiting for their last campground. I am senuing incl osed with this len f eet. k nown 11.8 t h e sarvis bush, Y Atkin Ra clle < I DaVH!, . M'III(" recI the Pennuylvanl'a ral· lroad. Durl'ng S . thflun. 1.0 be proud of. We love and honor a renewal for th e Gazelle ; an indi~· ,I whose seed berries have much th e his ~ M D k M M . resl'llence Il€re he madp many " nt aryII u e . firy ou se r th em because they were willing to As the years roll on. and the old nensable ar l icle to une awa v from app earan ce of black hawes. and are fnenda d L u. Ia K .. to whom th e news of hl'u an e I~ . who fought in the great soldiers offer themselves to go through fire T home. cuntaillin' as it. does. many , quite as edilll e. and Ihe alderberry. ~ 1'h l's I' t' h II I k' atl aref uo In &,f for their country. becau se thev we re Chdl War are becoming more and lilllt! notes th at call back tu memory Our schools are A. I. buth city and death will IJrir)U" .. deep regret. I~e • hl)l)e ful lH 11f Ime wd en t was a Ci vil War vel"ran, havl'll &rr 0 1' •r u h y I orwar 0 Ie ulure 0 willing- to he torturro and to 'die, in more scarce. the day becomes more a cherished IIa!!t. Others have in· rural. Thi s is known as lhe Catholic served Cor three yea-~ (Iurl' ng tho . ., c un B. Re preseut at t h'I ~ . t Il P. thl' only wa y th a t t hen was open for sacred to the su rvlvors of this memformed vou uy lelter vf their longing I' norl hwest. and they hav e a fine IZ'reat conflict. and took'" part I'n many~ I', a>l.'1 I'll goa f l ' I I b c u ~ tom W ll C I laH cell for each i>!Sue of yuur paper . aud in church edifice upon whiCh th ey are uf its most important battlns. He' I'n f'o rce f ur t we n t y·two yearfl . 'I' hi s hro th erf! to aLlj U:lt bitter differences. orable time. when' the steps are more faltering, and the time to pitch their - - --.-..- - - this respect 1 am not different from spending hundreds of dollars at the was a member of the 79th U. " V. I. luw . " hel pe d h un d re d s 0f .1 ueservlng Hav olelt p. Auto Soap is economical. !ast tent in their last campground, thpm. All readers of lhe Gazette preHent time in beautifying. and He Wl1S a member of the Unl'on boy~~ and glr . Is th roug h H'II{ Il:)C . h 00 I. are glad upon receipt of each ad· a gralld ac"demy of Jt!arning. while Vetera. n Legion and was also prom. The .'sp'Irl't a f tl1e new Iaw IS ' continu . e d Waynesvill e Auto and Machinery Co IS but a few days off. - - - - --- - Memorial Day. therefore. will soon un ·ler t he lb " h ditional copy. but to tho&e away the our high school ranka with the best. .1 In the Lebanon Mauonl·c lod ~rre . cut u new aw y .glvmg t e be left for younger hands to minisNOTICE desire to receive and pleasure af· T h e social standing of our com· lnen ~ ' Ith ' 1 h havmg taken . the Knight Templar u n ry PUPI e same prrvi ege t at ter to the duties of the day, and forded is quite different, as only munity is excellent, as is all of the degree. th ,~ villa~e pupil now has of passing Having sold my business to M. A never will come the time when the those who are far removed from the surrounding neighborhood. dlr ctl t th H' h S h I He is survived by two sons tind one e y In 0 e Ig c 00 on I wag pleased with the remarks of daurrilter, Walter of D"" "Mol'lles p.assing the Eighth grade examina. Simm s & Co " I wi l:!h to take this op. generations that are to follow will surroundings of their childhood hom e portunity t o thank the people of forget to do homap;~ to those men can appreciate so fully. friend Seth f'urnas in re~ard to Miss .. "" . tlon I am located at Spra·~e. Wash, Eliza Bunting and heartily ·sullstan. la., Clarence. of Ft. Wayne. and Mr~ . 1'h' Wayncsvill e and vicinity for the very ~ho went out to gam the g~test e;;u T. C. Owens of Xenia, aillo auve ral e music will be a9 good as eve r liberal patronage always given me. victory that. has ever been gamed ~ ' W '11 e . I':>e pre.'Ient. a village of 1.400 inhauitants situated tiate alllillid of her. orand children and great "rand chl' l- rel1liered III May yo u ex tend tu m y successors ~y any Mldlers that fought for the ill one of the Coolies of the CulullILia I also much enJ'oyecJ the Poem by ...dren. Two broth e ~ and " School 11 a. ' 11 Waynesvi '11) I·ut. e rn also a vnf!SVI the same cuurtenu >l and cordial rela. liberty of a s~ppressed people. . rivel, ant' on the Northern Pacific Whittier Burnet. "My Boy and Me. " .~ ~ '1'1' k t I t Je' t . , d • survive him. They are WI' III'aln c e 1'1 on sa e a . anll ey!:! rug Thedar will be. remembered 10 railrobd. 41 miles Soulhweltt of This is /Jot a description of Wash· Hamilton. of Lebanon, Frank of s t(l re 0 n anu.1 a f ter Sa t ureIay J urw tionHalwaYI:! HhoWIJ me. Mr. O. W. Hamilton. who so libly assisted me Wayn~vllle as bemg the greatest Spokane; al sQ in the northern uurder ington. butof that part only known Cincinati, Mis9 Ml-lrcrare't Haml'I'ton 6th. Admi s.'1 ion 25 cerlL'!. . ill I h" manufactu ring department, memor181 day ever held here. A or the famous Palouse country. the ..s the Big Bend and Palouse country .. ' ·'.l, · - . • - - -- -. wi II c{)lltinu ,! in tho-! same capacity ~001 breeze from the nurthwest made greatest wheat producing region of which constitutes the southea~tern and Mrs. James St . John, of 1.Jl F C Carey . It very comfortable for those who the northwest. a very busy place uf part of the State With best wishes anon, besides many relatives here. I TO Ttt I: REPUBLICANS OF WAR_ __ .. . _ . . . . . had work to do, and al80 made it its size in Ii mercanlile way . to all I am M ever, "Bunde" The funeral !It!rvices were held at REN COUNT' .... . pleasant for the exercises of the day. There are no factories or shups . • - the Chapel Thursday afternoon, the ....- - - - - - - - . - - - - . All morning a steady rocession of .. I II t .• H.ev. Mr. Reed, of Xenia. otticiating, 'l'h e CitIZen" are most y we . 0 uO . - - - - - - - - - - - . Th e services . In an Il o unclng ' at the grav~ w~r~ I'n my se If a can d I'd a t P. men. women and children went to ltanchers whu have moved to town. ~ ~ ~ t .1 If e of, the Knights Te.rnplar. . Ilf 0 ~ u cceeu rnyse as Auditor of the cemetery to decorate the graveB and rented their lall d II. muc h a f ter Lebanon . Interment w .. o ma{ie I'n 'W arren .... \,ll unty . J wi ~h to say to thl) o--~-of their loved ones. and the cemetery the fashion of their Easle rn cousins. .... Miami('em~tery. lIotp. rs () f t h e co unty that, when I never looked prettier. for the fiowel'1l - _ _ +was appointed Auliito r. I fully de· Roy Irons IVal? in I"ranklin Tue~· placed there by loving hands were DescrIption of Palouse Country . Sweet Potato plants at D H. MIAMI CEMETERY MEETING I.ermined to give the offi ce my entire day. profuse and beautiful . __ . ti~ e and the best of my ability. The crop prospe('ts for lhill season Hockets. Sweet I'otato plants at D. H. The lot owners of Miami Cemete ry 'f~IS I have done. and. now. if the Exercises of the o.y were never hcller al this lime of Mr. and Mrs. C. B . Bentley were held Iheir annual election Monday ltepublicans think my efforts to Hocket~. the Yllar. Our wheul harv e~t be. afternoon. at the Chapel. There se l've the uest interests of the county At 1 o'clock the G. A. R. Post as· gins about tile first (If August early Dayton visitors Friday. . . . were feN people out hut the meeting alre des.erving a second term, I will l .Mr. an~ Mrs, .J ohn Leonard. ?f sembled at the Township House, and seasons, and us lale as the 10th. Or· MISS Marv Hawke VIsltoo ht!r proved a good one Two trustees ap preciate their s upport at the prim- I K mg~ MIll s. were here Memorial accompanied by the band and civilians dinarily the average it! 35 bushul@ and a secretar\,.treasurer were elect· airy election. Day. marched to the cemetery, where the per acre . The principal crop it! wheat mothe r here Ia.'!t week. -' . ed. and a grist of business was at· . Very Respec tfully. . . exercises took place. At 2 o'clock some little oals. barley. rye, and po· For Screen D?or I a1~t, IGreen or ~ended to. The most important bus. JOHN M. MU LFORD. Kenne.t h . RIdge of . Loveland. IS the service began. Mr. J. O. Carttat~ are grown. but wheat if' the mess of the day was the changing of ____ • _ _ _ ___ home enJoymg a vacatIOn of several wright was chairman of the day. and main cereal. The ~()il is a very ril"h Black at J. H . Coleman s. volcanic 8.l!h . The wheat IUlld!l are Fou ... d-Anumbrella. Ownercan Article160f the By·Laws. that of ST MAR' ' day s . hewasasuaual.equaltotheoccasion. admittinK automobiles at interments , . Y S CHURl:H 0 After singing of "America" by the Jl1ade up ot .,hort egg and co ni ~al­ have same by calling al this office. d h Found A pair of gloves. wner 0_ D•. H • Pal mer of. " an at ot er times as to the discre· I I ' II' h' 8118em blage, no::V. shaped hills of dllferelltlellgths from tion of the superintendent. Bicycles Trinity Sunday, Jur.e 7th. Sundav can lave Same ,y cn 109 at t IS fered abeautifu. 1 prayer to the Throne one-fourth to one mile 10111{. slowly MIss Josephine OJtlesbee spent lAnd motor· cycles will not be admitted School 9::10 a m.. Lesson: "Ou'r office. above. After a BOn" by the quartet, rising but in many instances quile part of last , week with Lebanon L rd' A .. . at any time on the grounds. 0 8 ppearance to His Apostles. Er K Miss Elizabeth Chandler read "How abruptly to 8 height of. frllm 100 to friends. The annual financial statement will S,e rmon and Holy Communion at I ing, of London. Ind .• spent Hag~ert.Y Came Home." which was 150 fetlt above the general level OCcasionally a number are connected Jesse Thomas. who is working in be found on another page and will be 10:l!0. You are invited to these ser- the week·end with his father. Henry rendered perfpctly. A ' selection . vices. King. " from the band was then much entogether but are of ditferentsize and Springfield, Uhio. came home Me- found interpsting reading. heights snd on Ihase hills is grown morial Day. - -- - - M and M -C- B-- B- - IMr. and r.frs. Harter Laclcey. of joyed. Havolene Auto Soap for oil cloth. r, rs. . . ent ey were Dayton. were in town Sa~urday and Chairman Cartwright then intro. the wheat. In harvesting it 8 com· 1 duced the speaker of the day, Mr. bined header and thrasher is used, Ralph Vallct'. nf Morrow, was the Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. in Wilmington Tuesday arternoon : S d un ay, . B. F. Harowitz, in a manner that requiring tnirty.two head of hoJ'lles guest of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Hawke Havolene Autci' Soap, best to wash elicited a great deal of applause . 1.0 draw it. and it has occured that Saturday and Sunday. harness. WayneRville Auto and Ma- Mr. Harowitz began bil addresa by in passing along some of the tlleeper paying a tribute to the young boys chinery Co. places, a misstep of some one of the F. E . ; Rosnagle. of Sprina'boro, that left home and never returned upper horses wuuld cause it to step was the guet.t of Dr. and MrR. H. E. Mrs. Jos. Hawke is very ill at tbe and to thoRe who came back, and on ~he lower horses back; one or I wo Hathaway last week home of her son. Jas. Hawke, at deemed it the greatest privilege to instances have occurred where the Bellefontaine. be able to go througb such battles machine has1urned over killing and Go to J. ~. Coleman for No. 1 . . and with such men as Grant at 8y Tom Pler~ crippling a number of the horses. So Coach Varntsh put up in X pinta Mis.'I Mary Salisbury was at home Vicksburg, with Sherman in his you see the farmer here labors under 1 pillt and 1 quart cans. Monday and Tuesday of this week march through Georgia and with quite dift:erent conditions. and mure with tonsillitis. Pickett at Gettysburg. He told of hazardoull .methods than the good Dr. and Mrs. H.~. Hathaway at'Tis a very mournful story we have that dreadful battle at the "blood y Bobby Eurton resumed his old po. yeonlan of Ohio. But he i~ well con· tended the grflduatlon of Dr. Ernest Mrs. Emeline Gregg and daughter. angle" at Spottsylvania, of the brave teJlted, more parliculflrly of the Rosnagle. at Columbus ll18t Wedncs· to tell this time. Three games have sition behind the bat, Saturday and bE'en played and lost. Bellbrook Sunday, and did fine work. He also of near Bellbrook, are visiting rel- lads who went down and when they bouyant, refreshing good·to breathe day . came down Saturday (Memorial hit hard and timely and raised his atives here for a few days. came to get possessi"n of that awful atmosphere. which cannot be beaten Mr. lind Mrs S L. Cartwright and Day) and won both the morning and aVf~rage over the 400 mark . place the bravest men trembled and in a':lY other part of vur great and Miss Vera Romans, of Cardington, turned their faces In order not to Rev, and Mrs. J, F. Cadwallader afternoon games by scores of 9 to 6 glorious trountry . . were at the Children'p Home in Leb· and 12 to 2. Sunday afternoon. the flurface had a "Field Day" of his Morrow Co., Ohio. is a guest at the look upon the carnage-pile that had Sunday. In seven times at bat. Dayton Gyms won a slugging match own, been left there. Formation and Llimatic Condllons anon Th u red ay. he S('cured six hits, five runs an(J five home (·f Mr. Frank Carman. by the score of 20 to 19. There isn't The tillable lunds constitute about Go ~o J. H. Col.eman's. to get the much to tell about these disasters. stolen bases. liood work! Keep it Mr. and Mrs A. Mafflt attended Orand Tribute to lInco!n' two.thirds of the lands. The balance b6st hIgh grade Tlnwal'e m the town. The Saturday morning game was UP. boy! the funeral of Mrs. Elam at New is rough lands designated as scab Also the be~t Gran iteware, Carpet called at the close ofthe sixth inning. .are the batting averages Burlington Tuesday afternoun. One of the prettieeteulogies to that rock. they are the lower levels. and Beaterd and Fly Swatters. For five innings the teams were of the MiamiS who have played in . . . sainted man. Abraham Lincoln fell from appearances. at some very ear· pretty evenly matched. but Bell· three or more games this year: Stephen Phllhps, of Washmgton, from his lips. that men seldom hear Iy time agp.s ago, must have been the Mr and Mrs J F. Seibold and brook ran away with the game in C:. H., s~ent sever~l . days ~ith his from any but the most gifted men. outlet of some great water system children, of Middletown, were the lhe sixth. The score: 0 An H Ave, sister. Miss Ann Phllhps, thiS week. We would like to have rep-roduced that by some great upheaval of week·end guests of Mr. and Mrs. I ~:::I~~i " "" .' '''' ' .' ' ''.'.' .' ' : '',~ t~ g it in print. but memory falls to rethe eartb 'surface, has completely Elijah Compton and family. Bellbrook .. . .. . . . . . . . l 3 0 0 1 , - 9 McUerUlott . . .. . .. ... . . [0 21 9 .HO Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock and member the words correctly, aichanged conditions. so Ilowatthis Miami . .. .... . .... .. . ! I , U 0 0-6 n~~::;'u .... : . :: ::.' ::::::: 9 ~: I: .':~~ daughter. of Morrow, were hereon thou~h impressed on brain as the period of time they are but rocky. Mr and Mrs Will Linder. of Mi Iiur/a.'tl . ... ... . , .. . .. .. 7 29 11 . 319 Decoration Day. the guest of rela- sayings of a gifted man, who only dry valleys fit only for pastural pur amisbllrg. Mrs. Laura Crane and 1'he afternoon game was similar ~I~~~~;.;u.;.; .::: :::·:.' · : ~ ~~ I~ tives. could give utterance to SUch noble poses, through whoBe canyons 'now Mis.'1 Edith Crane. of Pekin. attend· to that of the morning in that for H6I<!,lur. . . . . ... . . .. ... . I; G . 31l; sentences. range numerous small herds of fin" cd Memorial servicE!II here Saturday five innini'S the teams were evenly ~~l~~~~" · . .... : : . ·. ·.'. ·. ·.·.'.'. · ~ 3 3 I~ :~~~ Miss Ina Hamilton. of Wilberforce He reminded the veteran to ever cattle and ch}'h~ horst's. match<!d. Not a run was scored in University. spent the week.end with be mindful of the time when they The 'general forn.ation is ·~mall. Go to J . H. Coleman's for Aboli· the first four innings by either team. Last week a writer in the Chicago her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson "should lie down in the dust ." He grassy .levels with perpendicular tion the dirt abolisher for cleaning Bellbrook scored once in each of the Post. had the following to say con· H3milton, of Route 3. said that patriotism was deeply imcll!fs of )agged rocks of irre~u.lar painted and varnished surfaces, flat fifth and sixth. and t.he Miamis cenllnll the work of the Cincinnati planted in the coming generation, bellhts. In some pJaces surpassing wall Paints and general household scored once in the sixth. Then Reds: Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Thomas and and that they would always remema hundred feEt .. It is plai.nly f'vident cleaning. came the grand blow-up. The sr.ore: "E xclIJIO us for the moment If we appear to daughters and Mr. Shelly. of Arcan- ber what the day stood for. and that at some tlme . "hlle red· hot, get b Ydl<lrlc al. But overy tlmo W6 think of urn. were the week· end guests of Mr. that they would carry the standard Mason. Oh'10 WI'11 h ' IJallhrook . . . ... . . .. UI 0a 03 0• 1G 16 [,7 18 4_ 9- R what, Duck HerzoK h"" L1ono with 'h0f!6 Rem· th ey were f orced up 'th roug h a bod Y ave ei ectrlc n hUlt Hods "0 foollnclinOd to gal.her all the and Mrs. George Hartsock. of t h e veteran Iong after he had of water. The crevices run straight lights At an election hela there Mltunls . ....... . ... \) 0 0 0 0 IOU 1- a hilt olivo In l:brlst.Onelom lUIeI ploawr It around passed away. . clammy brow. . ", ' up an d d own an d f rtquent Iy f orm last.week. the vote was close, but --y-"Two mootha aKo Herzog had tho worst Mr. and Mrs. George Funkeyand Mr. Harowitz's ad~ress was the octagon'shaped the .Ii~hts were voted in by just four "unday afternoon the MI'aml's en. matorlal In elthor leBguo. By lIOme 8UPtlr- son. of Chl'rago, arrl'ved here Sat- best that dhas been . ,columns t oI\'l'n resembling d' . 0:> mlraclo nud by overrlLllng oterolll tradltlOIl he I given b h here d hf.or 8Ome~ hal . ancien IU s, a ISBgree- maJorIty. gaged In an old-fashioned slugging h .... wblppOd that material Into one o. ~ho urday .evening, for a three days' years. an ~p e w o. .ear . ~m ably monotonous sight to most peomatch with the Dayton Gym!!. and ~':,8~.~~~I:'~~I~~C~!~n: ~at~ueba.ll-lnr.o visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. we~e deeply .lmpreesed w.lth hiS smpIe, but to thOMe who love the won· For Red Roofing Paint or Bam were only beaten out at the last mo"After making a IlOO<i Rhowlng against the A. Funkey. cerlty and hiS love for hiS country, derfully grand in nature, they are Paint g~ to J. H. C~leman's. ment by a piece of the rankest bone- ~11I'~~~ ~11'!rrh~ul:~~~'::'~I~::-nt!;I!1:,~,~t:".,<'.r After a sonll from the quartet the a ¥Y. I I" d' , Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Bal'ley and headed base running by Monahan. lJrooldyn, PbU.."ltlIJ,ltla and Boawn-mo.klog Misses France.'1 Kerler, of Miamia- Post beaned by the band, marc~ed H' d I 'f Ilhe0Il8~8hOwlnllorthOfortnl~htlnh'-c'-ult ~ to the cannon wheretbe decoration he genera Clmatlc con ItlOns Its an errors were as p entl u -and! ml>klog It at the timo °that (Jf';;c~au burg, Edna Gephart and Anna . here. are Similar to ·those il) O~io ex· !!CJn8 •. of Cincinnati. motored to Way with both teams 811 fteas on a dog It. usually seiOCted 'M tho correct U1d 1»)" Thompson, of Dayton, spent the exercises were held. The" quu:tet .ceptlpg, that ~~ have no .perlOds of nesvlll~ last. Saturday and spent during the month nf! August and Cb~\~~ca~I:~gm::~ tolf;tf~n~t,b~. before yve!!k.enJ at the home of Mr. and sang all ~e to the tune of Tenting ~x~ve humidity, elect~lc, nor cy· some time With Dr and Mrs. Sher neither team could call the other bouncllllorrily along until mid May-obnel! ~ Mrs. J. S. Thompson Fauth of town Tonlgh~, after which Comrade L. clomc storms, but one rilsagrt> wood and other ;;'otten." The score: Ipllt uunLler and drop back. But .• '" • . • H. Whiteman made an eloquent ad· agent in their place, that of dust June .)nlr, a aWl8 ahoad and tbo RedlI are etUi . . dress ,to his comrades. and recited storms, yet they are not so particuRev. J. F Clldwallader 'went to I 2 3 , G (\ 7 8 9- R II J£ ~::~ac~,t:tt~t t~~IBI:~e~l.d ;;~It::.: t Havolene. Auto Soap .IB. an 81 to Lincoln'a'memorable Gettysburg adlarly di .....reeble, and no't at all de- Lebanon Sunday afternoon and held Ofllll •.. .•. . 2 5 0 0 4 0 6 :I 2-~0 20 8 mo~ I,han m~!, 100II. He baa manurac· nouse-cleanmg. does not lnJure ~nt, dress -rvf t G .... autunl•.. . . . :I 4 0 a a 1 0 5 1-19 21 l/ 'ureci a miracill. k Id ood ·work I00k I'k . . 8tructive ~ a vesper Be ce a race ..188lon Batterleo-Gyma ~tulh8lmer Oouoon and • . ma es a w I e new, The choj!!, comJ)()8ed of Mrs. A. T. Ron; Jllamll. Lamb IUId Burtou Wlbat must be the writers' opinion and remove grease spotS from clothe!' A Orand Day Ended ;. Oeneraklnformation Wright, ' Y·n . . W. H. Allen, MrS. " 9i~ce the ~s defeated - Pit.tsburgb Waynesville Auto and MacbineryCo. . .' . . - ~ . " Mabelle Fit:ilferald Mrs- J,' F Cad· . '. _ four stralgb.! games .an~ tie«l the . . .' The decorating ftnishoo, the crowd · .w~'~~~ AiSIIOCiaf.e4.:. h~re. "'~t~ U8, walJade,r; 'M.i :an~, ~I(S•. D. 'L: C,.e, . N~ ~ CElJt(IIB~T. tlf{b, :Friday, .~turday apa. SU.ndayP Eo V. ~hart. Harf}' Sherwood, di8banded and thue end.. ario~ _ alt tb,( ditferent vanetle9 of .6li'c1s M-r. F. ·n. ' Hellderaon; ' the ' Mt8lll!ll ' The YiarDJs have~rtainly secured We have followed the fortunes of Dr. J. W. Miller, Car) ~rvia ' fred ItlorioulS da,y· in 'thtt memo~ of'~ ' ttiat 'are ' foun~ in ,Ohio, excepting Ruth Ha~ .. HeI'n ~ratt.oI!ldD' as.,r · in PerrY..~)in~ .. 111 thl,teen the l(eds .for Beveral eeUOn~' but Hawke, D!8il H8w~I, L'. Zim- iOldl~ who ftlf and dU,ej); to't' . .' tbe·~.ibiid 8h~ 'blue. '."" .II\. .the!r '$att~rthpf:tte. and~ Olive ' McCollukrl, ti~~ at;l;tat. dunnl'.~, tb.," ~m~ ~vcr befo~.e Dve ~:we ~~1) thelA Ple~&n, . ~~ Dl q~ett. I . . ,E. ,J~ w.hat tb~ to\lg:lit ~ :-=~tbat : .tead, w~' l!ave·th. no.torlo\18 maG)leltpl'eihertwftt\,¥rs. F\:8. HendeJ!llOn. he made._ total·o( nine h~te. '.He 18 mak.1 an~~~ ' IIJc. th~ 8IlOWlntrtlley' .ney; Gao.' '\<,WaterboliBe lWrpond tb.,y ':at the . ::.fJI . aochll'thedUrerentwlld, fo~ljI· th.t Mt!88I1I.",.B.Alrenand E. V: BUri- aIao._tp.Jendtdi>~ . 1iWJer aDd a ~' ,~'" ni&k. • .tet tpe. good ' yja.H. Brehm attiDded tlleauto honor . •• Tb.,. .... 'DOt~ ......;~.l!......"';.






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, ~a~In~lamlP,Olia,lnd~.Sa~_ In ·our .,.. ~ . . ~ . . .



I ,






Excellent Spring for Work and Wheat Seeding About Finished. Th (> writer bU ll jllMt r et urn cd from un px l ell81ve tr lv through tbe ProvIlle H of Mllllltobu. Saskat ch e wan a nd ~ " Alb c rlH, ill W es to rn Canada . Tbo crop c 'nditl o n ~ are th e very befit. und no onn loenllty sce llls to huv un udvlln· ., .. I tuge OI' er nnothl' r In th lH r es Jl ect. Th e I J I,, · I rllllll,(·t at; ;1I11 1 '~ ' ;ll ec\ Its ~11\'l'rl I 110,' (';, r wu ~ nlll III,' ~ llIltrt I.' " " I I" " ~I ' s ll,' t,ad known In tlt e 1l1l ~ 1. ' frol11 trC'" nno! s htnb . J1a lntln~ tllPlr IIn lrorm il\' III /-:row\h I ~ rrm ar knbl o. SYNOPSIS. il JII , I ~(' \ hnlm " rs • WU ti l'lI j lt:lrtl In \I III' I: .. I,,· 111,, 1 ~o ofl"n ~ I":II . , ~. hut 1 "all hardl .l' b l'\I (' vn It ·• I rainhow In "!t'rs o n g rnss and ddv .... tUlu., I II a II' p H rt ~ ( Ir t IH ' I Ilre(-' pro\' Inct s , I '·""I a m:l t lll • • .t "III , .\ II,n l .\ I I ' I, ... p It t) r :lv!' rHf' h l~ fl"'1. . l' lf t y 10\('1l on th e lrlm~oll dO \\II !I If' ,tVl'n ll" (lr IIIO ll g Ih ' >1" ' \1 . " < III III halt· to"" ' 11 hl' r o bnH a IIfetlllle. 11111'. l 'I1 t1" r Ih.· hi g h /-: I'II\, I·olumll. or RH .l!I.lIh .II' ,,\ \ r ... J i . lI II ,' i1, 11\1 \ <If \(tl ~" . b e· I'n. 'd , 1 III~ lim e, how .. v('r. rna.!:, llf 111<' IItlr lll HIl\lro It 111<"1,,,1 II . I.v 11 1111 1, thlll a 11IOllih UI':O I waH a I Ihl'• por c- h and i"to tho • II'lllo ,lllor , ~' 1pr In ~ II'III ~HII a l I I\I ' '"lIn I0 t' wr III Ilg, d PUf illl , ,,,. " )d~ I I Id~ I, ,!, . r f lll l lld " . 1 Hlld II I 11 II I . I I' I . I I I I I I I I I)'; \' I " , f . .• 1\ I' 1 Vt I ti wl' lI :lUU ve t I" l';rO LIIl • \\ I ' h ~ \ Il~ !P I" I,r llh I' II ~ 'I\jt", of 1.1M I"r,' wer,' 110 l a il' rs "ca e, agUlll . tIO K" . In · ' (,· ~ lt· (: ' · ILI'''IJrt e nal ~ ' · (,;;W 1 1'1 "" ) . ' ·1)'... . PI" or ll' r . run,,·tI in ItM s ma.1I IOlltled 1);)"l' S Ihat fro;1I 111'0 ' to III ,...... illt'lI I'S. 'o n silll'r' " '<,.:,1 , 11. 1", :-:, 1!\ JJ. ·oI . II ,· • I ' I\JI , (.. nl ~ ' 1.1 1 ' . . Ilut 11 0 11 " h"lIrd 111111. Ihl' IUSI lIll ~ \\ ~r ' \ Illn r k('t! llll' li t' "Ius ullm 01 Its k lltt l. l ' 11 ~ I> P "II a s lrau!:e pXIJ er lt'llC'l' for "luw",1 II'llh Ih l' !III'ITY Ilghl wl1h lu, I .. " " " , u \ ,., I I " I t \ \ . , r " l t ',I ! I, "bit' fall "IUII'II I!,; \\'n ~ dOll o I II ~ t VI', lr. . , . I a ~ Ilf' r I>b~' t'r \'all l e)'t' r t" · o ~ lIi Z(,tI. hili l I'll WII I'II .n> u fO lU n bac k to !';.W , "nlll·.'r! a s l r/ 'Ilm or 101'l~ IIIHlS ~ ' III car . II ' I f nr th.· \' ,lrpIl r . d h H \ II , .. . II' t.· '· "III . lIllln~ Iuo ,lllKorlll ng . . .. I" OC-- I'~!-h II" " ' !I ~ I~ t " j 011 . dd " ."h or .ur, It \\ ' 1l pre Ila d .'J0 I111 V n II ant I1,.lrla· 1I I It rail ~ I allll. ' h alill tr lle. 1"hl' IJO\l" 'r 111 , r lag l'· \\rapB or li g ht Iinio collafl'ol ullll I :llIti thi s, with til t' " "11"nt'!' fa cow. II ~' 1 ] 01'1·. "\\t iI. 1"111 .1 . ,1.: H' \'\ f" "I1 " I~ ,"1 111, a nl ' ~ ' th nl Irl('k of th r l oo~., wrist alld 111 - 1 halld K Ih at j.; rilll..-tI th .. Kl e, ·rilll;·wh '·I '1 I II., 10okp<1 at l11'r. oddly ~!ll' Iht1U ll ht. 1 ('''1;('11 wltb tur or ('Id'e r o r wl d,,- alre ady 1:".,llc d, sO lhnt 1' 1'111'\1" 1\ ) ) I · ~\t · d ,:-1. . 1, ' 111 \ '\ . L:\!" I • In 11\., " , ,,' , " l)lIoll · r\ l . tI /i" r ,' 1111 ' ,1 ::1 :-;h ,rl.:-' I ~ah d - n('}.'l bl o thr ust . bllt ill th" frn c- Ing (' h l b '~ IHr ... br"'\I ' with ~ IJII ;! IHI \\Ind. a lltl ' \\'h y s hould 11':0 bark "" .. Iecveel malldnrln couts t~llInF: bac k ', \~ I~':I\~ .Rl·tedlllj.; IS UI I' I:" I? I.hl ~ ,(hl~!.'d ri d .:. II .. I it ' l i l ', 1'. \11 .' " l .... l ll t~·. n n .l ." Whl'l'.> th aI Sllb" OIl 6('lo us InnnagelllPnt Ihp handuollle raC(' a holt' it had a louk j "Why: IIpc'au sf' It's your nalural I from dazz llll g throllt s anel al'lne. hrdF I, ' c r) 111I £' re th .. tn nn PI. ,11 0 b u~) a (" hl.'"!'o. 1 11. 1~ h. Ie ':"III ~ 1(0 I lh " \'I n~\ld,~ hl l ' tJ\I ·U~I.: I) , S:lIrl,',\';o' 11 \ " tlll'r . Mr!'l 1'.1 " 1\ · of Ih, · Tt' ill. l ita t nie,· Rag!' o f SI'('" d uf kC'CIIIH'H~ and l' II e rg)' s h., had III ' I'e .. hau llal . In s't It ?" s walh er! \\'l l h chirroll ngnlnst thr IIlgh t I lh <t whole c(JII~1tr ) In'l'st' lItt! Oil" /-:roti! ri (1t:: ~ " ,!flt l 1\"t~J'lr H J l !o ll'''' , · ,t I I UI I J,: I' r" tn lind distallt·l·. but O il Ih e polo field? ~lIr p r l~ .. d b .. r"re. Th ey pa.sctl III UIlY '''[,ha!'>! Ihe wonl.'· he said sm lllng. ,1f'lI' s. and !:lI l1 l1 l1tly ('I\vall e r ed by 1I1IlS- l oecll e of al't l\'lt y · tbre .'· hnr~l'. four, Jnl ", . '. 11 1 '~ ~ durin-.: V. II \.' II II 1~ J'. · \' , .. ~lj .. 1 IlOrse and II vt)·htJn<(' I" allls I\rH busy tb :d lh !l IIlhJ llr . \' , ~ III '"{ ·,. r ttllL r' r , Hnd Ii Th e o ld "paris SIOuoI him now In good \'I'hlcll's .. nd Ibere "" ' re t e ll' wb oa. ' a t.:· ··It \\HM my habltut. Tbl .. Is my bome''' , ,, n llne loIal'k a nd whllC'. In :t n n:IIIl, d Sa l'l!" fl (ql Wl "' tl r l \ al~ r'lr tlw' stead . "\\'b)·. hI' hUH a sea t lik e a ('upunt~ ~"I u<Jl g roC'l hllll . In fact. Sh e .vas s il ent a mom.'nt In sbf'l' r 'f hl' so from Ihe lr ti ri ll/: .roolO!I over. l'fI"11I1I' 11I/-: 11111(1 ror lJU rl ey, oats 1111t1 h Und o! Mrs 1' .... nd l l, I.,:. · In I L,'r Y'J uth prai se as bf' pn 's eolly [I'marl,ed , It wa s a s IIrprise . h e h ad tho\lght 0(. this !lowe t! IIresen ll y. garbed lik e tlr pum s. ' ll ax . On BOllI(' u f tho larger fnrm s Sn...o- f:(H' Fl n.cJ \ 'u lhlnt f n LIJ,:ht II tllIl ·1 (111 h " r 1">lIluur ~" p, c lalml'll th " jut! ge U (, ( II U li t In wlllt'h t h,' l('rnl(~ r w:t.e; Id llt'd , Indee d In a co mmun ity where ridin g sa ving of uprg ), 10 ke" I' b l~ ha l oft ; SOllt!J"ru cssay as- a qlll c ~l y passing to mako obelfi nncc to tb e dowlIgero : ulI1I o rl(, 8 of _IPI\IIl lind gilsol illt! uut · V a lla nl nu de Dn rr h . j' V COll rt IIV t' nrro wn !l_nd h(' to ssl'd IIJ(' Pan a ma Into tht! Inl'loI Pllt. BI c()jorfu l ch apter wbose nnd Ih ell to drIft t brou g h f1ow ('r.illl ut! tll S lire at work . but III n g r lit mllny "ith w l'.' d ::; an" ('ft',' pc 'rri "tid d(' ch k~ ti l Was a pass ion and horsoflcs h a fell ~b' r ,. tllJ b IHt;j l ~ t h ., via" ." Vl1 l1n nt 511\"''' 6 "Uh . tll'u r!" mour ltE'd Nlln('y ('ha l· rear arnt . Oll II I" rllll o( th e' village pago mi g h t nny da y b tu rned. Dut forrldors , th e foa m 011 recurren t "'aves di s tri c ts wl1l'1'\1 thns C' bave b ee ll lIper· Hhlrlt" y f r um ,Ill' "itt! nf n rcnu K e , wh1ch l1 ehlnd th e rosp.ln."'Wor :tted In tb l' pas l th ey are being dis· hit ~ h)I11 . J\: nllw l n ..: :h(> I.IP H tJU n l '.:o;R fI( ltu-" m e rs . ' '1'1' 1.' bnt six pairs or g lo " ea o n a group rni scd n c h nl' r 10 whIch he l it was Impossible to mI stak e hI s mpan- or d iscovery . bJt c, Shirl.,, )' HI W k R I h. , l wl ~tlll (fOIll Ill!' (l ulnt Curtpr. NC've: m in d; If ItblU! t o nod(l e, 1 IfllI!: hln j(ly . und rllrllH 'r 0 11 u Ing . Clearly, h e Was deeilly Intatua ted In Ih o h a ll . whi cb s bl e h] e .1 a dozon 1 1l.lnc ed by horses. ow ing no doubt Pllr: wOllnd und sn \· l.~ lIi H I1f ..--' , \ 'a ll n ul lG:l rn t4 with tblS. Arcadi a n ('xpl:'rl en ce n nd hnd colorl:'d mUS ICluns- vloli. U B , cell o, gUI' l lt U I ~y to th e . •lIfficulty of securing ex for Ih p Il rBl tlm t.' th u t hi!>' f a tll"r lil (t V l r - be all ybo,l y e ls". I d rathe r II .... ere lilli e o ld ludy Oil 11 timid vln (Lc oloretl f.,."' hlla 0 1\ U('('otJnl >I f II dUl. ' In whi c h no€,, - :\{r . Valiant. It's abollt tim e Dam ory porCh IJ(' ~I"e a (' hurc h , wn vc,1 II !l lnc k· , no thought Ilt present but to continue tars a nd mu nd olius- ca ulP pre m61lltory pe n enl'e<! m ell to operate Ibe m. Any · 10r Southall u.nd MnJ n r BriAtow nctr, t l.Lq ollrt 'got someth ing ufi e r Rlp·Vao· It Ind e fl nlJ.l)ly . chIrps lind s hIv er s. whi ch prese ntly wny. th ere Is be ln~ put Into ag rl cul· hl ~ rnth"r 's !If"c(''I nds. Valiant and Shlrl P Y ~{"Im(\ good rrl -- odl'4 . Mrs . O nndrldKc WI nkling It for thIrty year s. Ursldes. They w er'e passing tbe ('n tran ce o f II wove lut o the low and d r oll IDY me lody I ture In 'Vea l ern Canada. g r eater er· frulHs wI! n s he m(' H 8 Vl\lIanl (nr th C' I'herry·bortl e red Inne, and withou t t uk. of "Cnrry Ma Bnck to Old Vlrglllla." fort with more promi se th an for some ..-"t· Ume . Vlll1nnl ,It,cove", I hal h hlLM ho's giving us th e dan ce. anI! I love d for t Une in o ld wn i nu l trees. 1'11 0 ye: tLrl y him for t hlLl! Q ullll s tili b ll~ U (' ha nc e. IlIg hi s h nn ds from tb o gear, b e Pron'lllly us t\;r e c lock In th e hall years PUlIl. The so li Is In th e best toarnrun enl, " s urvival . of t he j ouB l tng o r though. If h e tak es th e o ex t two , and nodded toward th e low b road -ea ved chimed te ll , Ule musi c merged Into a pOllslule co nd ition; mo istu r e bas beeu r""dal tln< cs. Ie h p ld at ' Darno r y court. A I lite lfU1t moment \' "lin],' IlLk"8 th e ol n r~ Mr. Va li an t mI5se8-" dw e ll ing with Its /low e ring arbors tbat march . .ooore on opposIte s id es of tbe 8utn cll!ut. thore have been no willds at o n e ot lhp knlghh~. who hs tih:k , B1Ic1 Kntllarill e looked HI h e r with a lit· s bow e<1 In flas hIn g glimps ' s of \)rown UIlI) !!!' hall swung Wide n nd down th<\ to dry ou t th e soil, alld If the fa rmeTB ....1.e1'1l the IIBts. ti e smile. " lie wo n 't miss." s llf' ea lr! . allli r ed between th e Intervenin g trees. bron<1 8tn lreasc enme, with slow s t ep, h uvo hnd to lay up for a day o r 90 CHAPTER XXllI .-Contlnued . S b e h a d see n th a t look on his fac e "Tbl! paluce of tb e Quel!n!" h e ijaid- n ,s tllt e ly procl'sslon: t wo h!lralus In now an d n.galn, It wa s m er ely lhat the The tw elve horsemen were now s it· be fo r e an~ rend It arigh t. Johu Va · "Rosewood. by num e." ruwlI 'l'o lo red do ub let s wIth scroll and ground IlJlg h t hn.v e th o ad vantage of tlng their restIve mounts In a group \iunt b ad striven In mlUlY contests, not S b p 100kE' d In some curlOMlty. C leu r . trUn1lle ts wount! with Ilowers. behIn d th e raIn and au (Jccn Iann i snow. at one end of the lists. Two mounte el only o f sl,llI bu t of s lr" lI glb and duro Ir, It not a reruge o f ge nt eel IJoverty, th em th e Quoell of \lpnu l y. her fi nger- whk\! prom l ~? so much .tor t\) ~ g rowmonlt ors bad statio ned t hems e lves on Ing. before crowded gran d stande. But nellhor wa s It tb e abode of wca lth ; tip" r ps tillg II l; htl y in th e hand o[ the l ing ~rop. " ,t h 5 00l ~ Ilnrm \l en ther eit be r sl(lo of th e rop e-barrier; n t blr.1 nov (> l' In a ll h is Iile had h e ~o desired so. rrom h e r ass ured rnrnpnrt of th e KIlI~ht v t tb e C ri mson Hose. and the~e- th e- /-:nllu \11 11 co me ,dOIl~ In a maD· stood behind tbo uprIght rrom whose to plu(,k th e 1\I·lze. HI ~ g rip was t euse Fnrl':o million s. Kat harine re fl ected rollowed h v ON hrav e 1\ co nc ourse or ncr Ih nl will equal tbo bC Ht yea rs arm wan su spe nded the IIl1ve r ring . au th o lan ce as tb )'(; llow dou b le t COllllllacClllly . Th e girl waR 1\ local lu nl s lI lld I~d l. 's as c ,'e r grac ed cast le- \V ('~ t P rll l' ILIH.du has eve r had . T h e h er a ld hlew n blas t , ca lling th e and olivo plllnl ' of Cas tl olVood sho t fal'orlt('. of cours e-h e had bc £'n tact' l h fl ll In th,. ga llllll t day >; "\I'hl'n I, n igbl . ' It nll l ~ t 1101 b thou gltt from tht.. tlUe of tbe fir s t o[ tho klllgh t ll, In· away lor u lu s t tim e - and failed . An fill us to t Im!. It was fortunnt e, in u h ood was In flow e r." Ihu t Ih .. farmers a re fu ll \) ent all se· stanlly, with lance at res l , tb e lulle r Illstant In ter tit I<nl ght or Ih p Crill! ' wa:-,. thul h e hnd lint sl'en h er , Knth a . ::lltlrley's gow n wus at \lu re whil e: c urin g a g raIn crop tllono. In ncnrly gall opec! at ful! speed down the I\sts. AO!\ Hos£' fla s hed down tlt e li ti ts with rl n e. ill tho gran t! stunt! unti l atle r.' h e ,. arms werp swnlh ecl In lull e. ' pI'cry di s tr Ic t th e r e Is mora and moro Th e r e waS a sharp musIcal clas h , Dnd tit lust ring all his pike. ward . I~ee ll ng towanl ber as she \)e- I c rossed wit h st raps of se('d' pearl, ol' cr ' Ihe IndlcatJ Oll and Incllnatlou to go as he dashed on, th e ring (Jew th e An d Ih e tourney was won . li ev!!d he did, w ith his absurd dIrec t . whl cb hllng long seml.flowl n g Sleeves ! In to mllt e(1 farming . lei rds of ca ttIo full l ength of Its tethcr ane( sw un g III th e s ho ut ing and hand·cln)Jvlng The Tourn .. ment Ball at Da mory Court !l ess, h" would hal'e b een li ke ly t o ot satIn nnd rrom h er shoul de rs roso now d ut tho plaIns Ihnt UI> to t be hack wh irlIng swIftly . It had b eeo II Valiant took Ib A roso from bls hat· That Night Was More Th a n al') drop th e ro e In ber lap, ne\'e r reo II. stlrr p~intetl rll e dip\'al coll ar of Ve ne. prell nt had h 'en full y given up t o close th ru st, for th e Iron pIke-point hancl lind bound It wltb a sbred or his Event. t1 IlCtfll';- that, the tournoy b eiug a lo cn l tlan IlIec, aga in s t whose Ilalo traceries grll iu growing. hogs and sh eop are In had smitten Ita rim. A ch ee r went up, sas h to bl s lance-po lnl. As he rode fun cllon, t he choIce s hould not fall u~ h er bronz e glowcd with rosy evidence. New bnlldlngs Elre to be und er cover or wblc h th e rIder looped s lowly toward tb e massed stand, th e milt ed haud to him wllh 11 aweet old · on all ' outlande r. lights. T h e c lge of tbe square-c u I co r. seen on a great m any placos. th ese back uutslde the li sts to hi s form er whole tleld wus s o stil l tbat h e could time ges ture. \{uth ari ne notod tbat be Tho s low ing or th e car brought her aage wus po wd cred wll h the p ~a rl8 beIng "I g hou ses and cow stuhl es, 01· JlO1!ltlon. b ea r the hoofs of t he fil e ot kni ghts bowed to b e r wltb ex tra care. bucl. to th e present, a nd she looked and agalust their sheen h er breast aud though IJrotection of cl\ttJe Is n ot reguIn an upper ti e r of tbe stand II. s pec; b ehind h im. The people were on tbelr " Tba t's Miss MattIe Sue Mabry," h e up to soc bEltore them th e g r eut ga te or n f'c l< had the 60ft cream y Ivory or larly r equired , exce ptin g for callies tator made a cup of his bands. "The teet. saId, " th e quaintest. <1earest tbln g you Gla t!d en HIlII. She did not speak tlll magnolia buds. H f' r s traight plain and s u cb cows llS It may be nOCe8SILry Knight of the Gold en Spur n gal nBt th e The moun ted be rald \)I e w hi s blust. ever saw . Sbe t aught my ' fa the r his the y bad Quite stopped. train of sa tin, knotted wItb fresb white to hous e rrom time to lime. "By th e Majesties of St. Michael an u lette rs." Then, as ber hand lay In hi e for rose. bud s (Nancy C halmern had laThe growIng of alfalfa and othe r I c ld," b e call od , "What odds?" Where th e Red Road stre t ched level farew ell, "You are rI ght III your de- bored for a frantic baH-hour In th e fodder grasBOlf Is an Indus try thILl Ii " Five to one. S potteBwood," a voIce St. George," b e Ilroclalmed. "1 declare ~s1l' e red . tbc Knig ht of the Cr imson ROBe the be for e them , b e threw the throttle clslon, " she said so rtl y. 'Thl8 Is your dre8~ lng. room for t bls e ff ect) was be ing rapidly dev e lope d. "Ten dollaJ's, " announced th o first. vIctor of this 'Our tourney, and do ope n ror a long rusb throug h the place. You are a Valiant of Virginia. b e ld by Ih e sev en.yea r .old nyloe During this Iprln g a sillendid ClIL9S "Good." And both made memoran· chlLrge him now to choose bla' Queen thymY' Bcen te d air. The light, late I dIdn't realize It b efore, but I am be- twIns, berlbbonell knlckerboclters, duly of new settlers have gone In, many of dum on their cuffs: of Beauty, that all may do h e r hom· afternoon breeze drew by the m, sweep- ginning to I! ee all It m eans to you ." Impressed with th e grandeur of their the m from the e!l.Stern states . These 1.. s econd time th e trumpe t Bounded, a ge !" ing bac k Ka tharine's graceful sinuous H er volc.~ b e ld a linge ring IndeHn- prlvU ege and grimly Intent on acquIt. hav e aBen what succese tbe western and the Kn ight of Castlewood flasbed ShIrley saw t be horso coming down ve l! and spraying the m with odors of able Quallty that was almOllt sadnesl, tlng the mselyes with glory. and central states' man- has achieved iIlglorlously down the ' roped alsle--a the line, Its rider bareheaded now, clover and su nny trult. Tbe y paBBed ' and for thact one slender Instant. sbe Shlrle y's face was stU! touched wltb In Western Canada. nnd are now gomiss. and her hea rt began to race wUdly. orchard clumps bending wltb young opened on blm the uDmasked batteries the surprIse that had swept It &.I Ing In In hundreds. The movement Agatn and lLgaln the cIear note rang Beyond wanting him to take part. Ihe apples, boundless aisles of green, of he r giorioul graT eye.. VILlIant had stepped to her sl4e. She from Montana, Oregon and Wuhlngou\ aDd" mounted figure plunged by, had not tbought. She looked about YOung·tasseled corn and shadowT· • ., • • • • • had looked to see him In the canTeD· ton to C"nada contInue9 without any and presently, In a burst of cheering, her, suddenly dIsmayed. People were groves that smelled. of fern and saga· The tournament ball at Damory tlonal panoply a sobe r-sided masculine abatemeDt &II to numbe rs "nd value of tile herald proclaimed "The Knight of smlllng at her and clapping their fras, opening out Into more sunllgbted Court that nlgbt waH more than an mode decrees. What she bad beheld etrects, whlle the c entral and eastern tile Black Eagle- one!" and Chilly hands. From the other end of the Vistas overarched by the Intense pene- event. The old mansion was an irre- was a figure that might have stepped statel are atlll sending an excellent lAlsk, In old·rose doublet and Inky stand sbe saw Nancy Chalmers tbrow· trnble of the June sky. slstlblo magnet. The floor of Its yel- out of an Ellzahethan picture-frame. clUB of tarmerB with means 8ufticlent plume cantered back with II. stiver Ing ber Ii kiss, and be91de her a tall John Valiant bad never Beemed to low parlor Wal !mown to be of delecta- He was In de ep purple sllUlhed with to hegln farming on a scale that will ring upon bls pike. ' pale gi rl In champngne-color ltaring her 80 wholly good to see. with hll ble hugenells. Its gardens were II. Ie- gold. A cloak of thin .c rlmson velvet pay from the start. ' No elm pie thing, approaching le is- througb a Jeweled lorgnette. waving hair ruffling In the ir IIlght and gend. The wbole place, moreover. was narrowly edge d with e rmine hung ThOlle who contemplate visiting the \lraly and afoot, to send tbat tapering She was conscious all at once Ulat the westerlng sun sblnlng redly on his steeped In the very odor of old mys· from his shoulders, llned with tlssue- Panama E!xp091t1on next year wUl tlnd point straIght to the tiny mark . But th e f1anneled rider wal Ven' eIose face. Midway of this spurt he looked tory and new romance. Small wonder IIke cloth-ot-gold. From the rolIlng tbat one at the m08t Interesting tripe at beadlong gallop, astrId e a blooded • • • tbat his pike-point, with Its at he r to say : "DId you ever know a that to thte, partlcnlar affair the elect hrlm of bls hat swept a curling purple they can make wlll be via tbe Canaborse straining to take tbe bit, a deed big red hlossom, was IItretcblng up to more b eautiful countryside? See how -the major was the high custodian plume. He wore a slender dres s-sword, dian West. There 11'1\1 be three linea requiring a nice eye, u perfect seat her. the plnk·and-yellow of those grain or the rolls, his deCisions b eing as the and an order set with brilliants spar· of railway tb ey can usc-the Canadian aDd an unwavering arm and hand! Wltb tbe rose In her hand she curt- fi elds fades luto the purple of tbe blUs. laws at tho Medes and Pel'slans-came kle d on bls breast. Pacific, Canadian Northern and Grand Those Iwlghts who looped back with sled to him, wbile tbe blutTed throng Very few paint ers hav o ever captured gally from tho farthest county line, The costume had been one he bad Trunk Pacific, all of which wll! baTe their pikes thus brace lete d had spent ch ee r e d itself hoarse, and tbe band a tint like that. It's Ilke rusll\)E.rrles and the hll~ housee of the neighbor- worn at IL fILncy ball of tbe winter be- tbrougb to coast \lnes completed. Thus IODg hour9 In practice and each rode st.ruck up ' "You Great Big Beautiful crushed In curdled milk." hood were crammed with over-night fort!. It lIad been made rrom a paint· wl!l be given a view of prairie, wood. as naturally os h e hreath ed; yet more 001\," with extraordInary rapture, to "I've Quite lost my heart to It all;' guests. Ing at ""Indsor of one of the dukeS of land and mountain scenery unexcelled than onco a hors e shied In mld·course t he tune of which the noise finally Bub· she said . h er voice jolting with the By half !Past' nine o'clock th e pha· nucklngham, and It mad e a pe rfe ct fall In Amerlca.- Advertlsement. and at tbe too-eag e r thrust of the spur sIded to a battery of hilarious con- speed of their course. "It's a perfect lanx of chaperons decr eed by old CUB- for Shlrley's white. bolted throu g h the ropes. Valiant gratulatIons wblch left her Hus hed and pas toral • • • so dltrerent tram tom had beb'lln to arrive. and th e great 'fh o e leven knights of th e tourney, Itl Kind. made his I\rst essay- a nd mlssedu little brea thl ess. Nancy Chalmers our te rrific city pace. • • • Of Iron gate at tbe front of the drive- each with his chosen lady. If tes8 "Doctor. my trouble Is ~' hOll Y athwith tb e blood s in gin g In his ea rs. and Betty Page ha<l burst upon her COUl'80 It mu st bo a trille dull at Umes erect and rustless now- saw an Impos· eplendld, we r o tricked out In sumcl ent. letic." The ring fl ew from bill pIke, catching like pe tll coate d whirlwinds and pres· • • • seeing tb e Ba me p eople al· Ing proce ss ional of carriages . The se Iy gorgeouA attire. Man y an aucient ''\\That do YOIl mean 1" htm a swinging blow on t be templo In c ntI y, wbe n the c rowd had lessened, wa ys • • • and w ithout the theIL- passed up 8\ slope as radiant with th e brocade hnd bee n awak e n ed for th e " I've got a Jumping toothache." th e Jud ge carn e to Introduce hI s vis I· te r aud th e ope ra and the whirl about fairy light of pape r lante rns lUI a Japa· nonc e from Its lave nder bed , and ruff .. tor. oc e- but • • • tbe Illnd of life neB8 thoroughfare In festival season. and gold· braid were at no premium.' Bo ~u ~ that you ask for Wright'S lllcllaa "lIlr. Fa rgo und bl s <Iaugbter are our one reads about • • • In the nov- Th e colored bulhs sWllng moon · like (TO BE CONTINU(,;I).) Vltj(otBble PUIs, alld look for the lignatur~ o f Will . Wrllfb t 0 0 wrapper al1d boL gll £'sts at Gladd en Hall ," he lold h e r . e l8 or th e South, you know • • • For ConsLipatlotl, IllllouSD6S8 aDd In~ " They lIrc 01.. fri end s of Val iunt's, by I suppose one doe sn't realtze that It v~~.z::-::J'J tluh. Auv . lhe wa y; tb ey !tn ew blm In New actually exists until ono comes to a Yo rk ." Soulhern place like tbls. And the If a young man haB the audacity to "Katharln e's li g htin g her Incen se n eg ro sermnts! How odd It mus t be proposo to a girl, sbo s hould have the lI0W. I guess," o userved Silas l-'argo . to have a white-haired olu da rky In a hnpud onco to acoept him. "Sec th e r e!" H e poluted across th e brass·buttoned swallow-talI tor a bot5 t ~n d . wb e re s:ood a willow;. tan fig. ler ' So pIcturesque I At Judge Cbalure. one ha nd beckolling to the can· m ers' r have a feelIng all the time that





I' \















from PlaDia•.ioD to CODsamer


Where Had John Valiant Learned That Trick of the Loose Wrl.t and Inflexible Thrust. Its re bound . but h e scarcely fe lt It . As h p. cant e re d back h ~ h earu the maj or's bus pitting b lm a gaInst the field. And th en . sudd e nly. stand anci field all v,\nl s b e d. }-{e sa w onl y the lon g leve l rope-llued lane with Its twlnl, lIng mld·air point. An e xblla ratl on caught him at tb e feel of tb e splen d Id bo rse· flesh benen lh him - t hat sen M of aile· neBS with th e Cr l'llture be bestrode which the In s tin c t ive borscrtls n l<Do ws. He lifte d his lance nnd h efted It . seek· tug Il!~ absolute balanco. feeling lls ' point as a fencer w ith hla ra pier. Whep again the blood · red SIlS \) .treaple d away tbo herald's cry, ''Kn!«ht of the Crlm30 n Rose-One!" . ilie tleld band-cia PI)lng. From the t Jonet Alao, Valhmt returned w ith gage Ul!On lance. ' Two hod 'a bile ' to the ~~plo\l of Cut1e~'ood aDd 'two to ecatt.tlilc ri ders. When v&llu\t W'OD /lla fourth tbe crand 8UDd


............ with ."plauN;


cOlh below. Valiant stoo<.l, the ce ut ese r or a s hifting group. round which th e wblt e hulltlog. m a d with recoyered liberty. to r e In eccentri c cIrclea. As th ey look e d. sbe ealled sottly, " J o h n! Jobn!" Sbirle y saw h im ~ tart and face about, then come Quickly toward her, IUDl1.zp m e nt ant! welcome In his eyeB. As Sblrley turn ed uway a IItlle late r with lhe major, tb at wb ls perlng voice 600med to sound In h!!r ears-"Johu! ,fohn !" There smote her suddenly th e thougbt that when h c had chose n her his Queen at Beauty. he had not seen th e othe r - had not known Bhe waB tbere. A few m oments before the t!ay had been golden ; Bhe went hom e through a landscape thut some how seemed to bu ve lo s t Its bl'ightest g low. CHAPTER XXIV. Katharine Decide.. K atbarl ne left th e fi eld of Runny· mede wltb John Valiant In th e duncolored motor. She sat In the drl~..'s seat besIde him, while tbe buUdog ca· pered. ecsta ticallY barking. from side to side of the r ea r ·c ushions. .. Her father had d eclined the bonar, re markIn g that he consldeted a protesslona\ chautl'eur a J!utHclent risk or h.1s vaJua· ble JIte and that the Chalmen' srays 'l were good enougb tor him- a dfOOlllon which did riot w~ollY displease Kalha~ rlne. '

['m walking h~.arsaL"




Use P ' .u r e To b a C 0

-------....-----""'"~~~""'-",.....'-",.....----....----m~u-s-t~h-IL-v~e'-"pe~rB-o-n-a~I-I-ty,, ""'--' hold

re- ...

Th A car s lack ened speed QJl It slId by a white- washe d cabin at whose en· trance sat IL dusky gray·bearded fig. ure. Valiant pointed. "Do you see him ?" he aaked. " I see a very ordinary old colored man sllllng on the dool'-8tep." Katharln e re plied. 'Tbat'B Mad Antbony, our local Mothe r Shipton . He's a prophet and soothsayer. Uncle Jefferson-that'9 my bodY 'Bervant-lnslsts that he foretold my coming to Damory Court. If we had more time you could ha"e your fortune tOld." " How thrilling!" she commonted with half·humorous Irony. lie pointed to a gre at white house !let In a grove of trees. "That Ie Beec hwood ," he told her, "the Deve rly hom estea d. Young Beverley was tbe Knight of th e SHver Cross. A fine old place, isn 't It? It was burned by the Indians during the Frencb Ilnd Indian War. My grcat-great-great.grandfath. e r -" H e broke off. "Rut tben, those old things won't Interes t you." " "They Inte!oest you a great deal, don't th~y?" she allked. "Yes," he admitted, "they do. ( Yoa. SOO, my ancestors ~re auch new aeQualntanceJ!, I ftnd l!,lem absorbln': YOII know when I ' JIved : In New York-" ,~'-' "Lall 'month." Be Iauched', a


bls huslness together. and that per· BUllno.. Manager Would Do Wol! to sonallty Is a good thing to keep on Remember That Hi. Peraonallty top. . Clo unb for Much , The man who lIubordlnates his personallty to his position IB the man who "He's really very agreeable outside lets his' position run blm a}ld who Is a of bU81neBB hours.." How often we hear Jobholder betore be 19 a man. A plUa· this remark abo"t a certain type of ble state, Indeed, for anybody to find man at the !bead or a large enterprise. himself In. Delng a man with a per· Jle Is the man whose office demeanor Bonallty al well QJl an executive with Is characterized by the coldness of a a high degree or emciency Is an Ideal snowball and the IndUferencc of a wblcb every bUllness man might wfllI stone. hold belore himself, Inside of buslnel.. In his desRre to be come emelent and hours or otberwlse. -Mllwaukee Jour. · make everyone about him the same nat he squeezes every bIt of human feel· Ing out or his relations with hla sub· ordinates and becomes a part cf a working BYBtem, ae dehwnILnlzed • aa his flllng 8)lstem or his adding mao chine or th e typewriter whleb ' his iltenographel: manlpulatell. During or· nce hours b.~ Is Ii machine wblch die> tates letteTB, looks over reports and ,d"velops effi-clency. 'But;-'lhe's really .ery agr!'lealllil outside of· buslnelll hOJlra." . :Fhls man neede to Ilnow. that,' his ' JlbllltJ being efticllnt. · b4!.. ·becoll!ee ~ etHdent as he. becomea more bu·, '"




Avoid adulterated trust products that endanger health' and • . II happmess. Buy clwice grown tobacco in its natural state d/red ,








I0/ Kenluc/m. Unexcelled for smoL/na and chewi Shipped 1





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ence; stro~g, Inild ~d mediuip fi avors: send ca8b~:'money-0I'-

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OHIO ._ 25


~k~nMt .9had~ GJr.Jl


CASTO RIA For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Reliable evidence is abundant that women are constantly being restored to health by Lydia E . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

Bears the

The many testim onial letters th:tt \\'e arc can ti n ually publish ing in the news papers-hundred!' of them-arc all ~cnu­ ine, true and unsolicited expressions ()f heartfe lt gratItude for the freedom from suffering- th a t has comc to th ese women sol ely throug h the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's

Promotes Digestion,Chee rful' nessanrl Resl Contains neither Opiunl,Morphine nor Min ~ rill ';>"''fN %{,{ Dr.!'A.'ft/J'f. lYn'li'M A.,yk,. of...' .

Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations; you may depcnd upon it that any te!'timonial we publish is hone!'t and true-if you have any d oubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself.

AlxJ,IW/J. -


And from Mrs. Haddock: '

Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial? You know that it has saved ffi;lI1Y others-why should it fail in your case?


For 30 yean Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound baa been t.he standard remedy for female Ills. No one sick with woman's a liments docs justice to herself If she doe..'lnot try this fllmons medicine made from roots and herbs, It baa restored !<nmu.ny suffering women to health. Write to I,Y DlA E.PI NKJlAM MEUlClNF. CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MA~l'I., fOl· udvlctl. YonI' J~ttcr will be opened, re'OO Utili ~nswcred b y a. womu.n a.nd held in strict confidenco.

- - -La'; Condoned lIIegligence.

ImmiRTlltion fliUres show that the popUlation of Canada increased durioa- 1913, by tho a ddition or 400,000 new settlors from the United Statell 'lind Europe. MO$t of these have Irone on farms in provinces of Manitoba, Suluatchewan a.nd Alberta.


'''h. posslblllUes and opportunltle. offered

'" lho Gftnadl.n '

IUO so InftnllelJ 1IT000' Or th&n Iho •• "hleb •• Ist In Bn2land.

lIuu Ii . absurd 10 th ink Ihal Ihould be lmpedod from comlnll 10

country "h....o Ihoy un most eastlr &I1<~1"'JII c;ert&lnly Impro •• tholr posilion, N ... districts are belnll o~n.d up" wh ich will make "eGesSAbI. Ii number of homeSl""d. In u".,,·~ t.... .. p,,,I.II, "dopted 10 mInd In4I and IfBln ralsl~, For Illustrated mol1l1uN reduced raU ..., rates, apply Suet. of ImmlaraUon. 0lIa....

or 10 W, 8. NETHERY Interurban Bid •• Ootumbu., OhiO


0aaadJ1IA Ge9W1UaQ, .....






f~:::: ::r:~'


.,... Nat. al_n. or· nameDtal. coo ... weol. uh . . p. 10 •• ". 611 • • • • 0 •• or

metal. caa',.pHI orllp tlUl r : ",HI nut l otLor 1 nJUl"'lI anytb'n".

Uu ..... Ol8f'd .treet"'''' All d •• ler.flrh,m' up""" pal4 ror II .GO. ....OLD aOM.U. 1M De&.alb ..... . . Broo.178. III. W.

In Kel sey VM . He bu ·f.z llll, ill tbe suo preme court of e rror!\ or Co nll ucUc ul. It IlPP I!Ilred that de ((' ndullt, urLer noti ce thnt a divi s Ion wire fencp betwee n hi s lot and II lot wh llr c 1'lllinttrT JJUij. lur .. d his callie was brokE'" , look .DO SiP " H to r e pair it al1d th o follow ll1/: day plaluUrr' s h e lferR pasRed through fha brok eo r!'lIc e Uloid r eached a lob lyIng sOllth of both of s uch lots a nd I here c ro pped grass which had bepo lJolAoll cd In th o mixing of a spray ror potato vin es, In consequence o f whIch Ilart of lI' PlH di e d. Defend a nt did not know that the potatoes had bl,e n sprnyed, or that any polaon had been spi lle d 011 tb e gras!! nnd cOlild not have Illltlclpnted that some person might bave scattered polsoll about tb tl gras s tbere. It was beld, assumlog d eftlndant's negligence, tbat It was not th o proxlmato cause of Injury . Overworked. The pape rs a re publishing stories 01 nr. "" e lr Mllchell. This Is one of tbe test of them: One day a patient came Into his office and found blm c losing a large bundle of letters.. "All reslgnaUons from commltttles or boards," he said gleefully. '"I'm going to get olf all them. I have told my wlfc tbat when I die I wunt be r to put on my tombstone, 'Commltteed to tb e grave!'" In EvIdence. Churcb - I see some ot tbe cats In Llberll\, AfrIca. are of a brtgbt·red lint, and they are very consllicuous In the moonlight.. "Well. for being conspicuous in tbe moonlight they've got nothing on our cats over bere." rnnstirntion calise. many serioll" <Ii .. t'n.~s . It, i. thoro"llhly c:urre! hy Do~ t, or Pi erc~'. I'leoRllnt Pellrls. One IL Iaxahve, tbree lor cntbnrtic. Adv ,

Knowledge Is ·power, yet some old maid s lire s ingle beca use they know too mncb. )Inkes the Innnrl...,,," h.ppy-- t1 .. t 'M Reel Crn." nail nlnr.. Milke. hoautiful, e1C11r white cloLhes . All IlUOt! grocr rs. Ady. One way to dodge a breach of prom Ise suit Is to buy a wedding rin g.

For Convenience, Economy and S,, ,fety Use the



Blue Flam., WI ok 011 StDI'

,.11, .

",iI S"J






It'.,.. .full . CI.,./,,J .f""., W,"',*,.".I,.

- -

"Ir.' .,. "- - -


Apcn(ct Remedy ror Con~liP<'" lion. Sour S lomac h.DlarrhOea,

Read this one from Mrs. 'Vaters:

UTJOA, OKLA.-" I WR.'1 wejlk and nervous, not able to do my work . a.nd scan'ely Ilble to be on my feet. I had backache, hcadl\.Che, palpitation of the hel~rt, trouble with my Uowell'l, and intlammation. Sinco taking tho l;Yflia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am better than 1 have herm for twenty years. I tliink it is a wonderful medicine and r h ave recommended it to othel'll."-Mrs. MAllY ANN l:Lu>DO Cl{, U Hell., Uk lallO lua..

Signature of


Vegetable Compound.

CAM nEN, N.J.-I< I was sick for two years wilh ner~ous spells, and my kiulluys were lLffected, I had a docto r all the time and u~ed 1\ galva.nje baUm'Y, but nothing did mo filly good. I wall not able to go to l>cd, but Spellt my time on a eoueh 01' ill 11 Hlee ping-ehair,and soon ooClLme almotlt 1\ skeleton, Finally my doetor wellt away for his health and my hlli!band h eard of Lvdhl E. Pinkham'l'! Vegetable Com~;und and got me some. In two Illonths I ~ot relief and now I am like a new woman and am at my usulIl weIght, I l'Ceomrnend your medicine to everyone nnd 80 does my hUIlhand."- Mrs. TlLLIB W AT EllS, 11115 Knight St.. Camden, N.J.

Worms ,Convulsions .Feveri5hness and Loss OF SLEEP

For Over Thirt,YYears

- - - .. - - -

Device for Cutting Strawberry Run nero and to Cultivate the Soil-Qrdj · nary RoIling Cultivator Attached to Wheel Hoe.


it Is R bp.a ullfnl place in summer, alld " ' illl er USt'. Wbf'u any g r ~ e o beans lbtH kitchen garden o t mlD e in Mis· a.l'l · ill full bearing I plant.. betw een souri, Dn d I am going to gIve YOIl a tbe ruw s, blen DS for Inl ~ r use, and pen plcl'u re ot It, tbat you may possl· wh en It Is too late to plant other bly enjoy IL witb ID e . IIJ1ngs I HOW th e gro und to turnips, as it Is SO fee t long by GO f",.t wid" , the o tb ... r I'cg e tabl es are c leared away . glLeCI Copy of Wrapper. aod fen ced with tl lght root hlgb poul' l Tbls gives me bushe ls or IlIrnlps a~. try n a ltlng. Grape vin es are \raiued the latest crop. over tble fc nt'e nearly hiding It. I Ond [h at thl' garden is very mu ch What He Feared. Cilu.e of Death. A fe w 8tel's from th e kitchen door 1 mo r e eaijlly cared ror if th ~ weeds are " You s ay r our automobile dldn 't I It waR during a very violent thu~ a wire gute u Ulc n8 Into tbls wall ot nev (' r allowed \0 show tbemsclvcs. It touch this man. SllId yet he W8S dead df!rstorrll ill which th e Iil':htnlug flashes gra pe \'Ille verdul'P. and I step at once Is Ulu c h callier und pl easan t!' r to tak, when yo u ILi('k l'd !tIm up ?" s houte d th e were pllrtir: ularly vIvid , l orrlfylng and loto my gardr!o . th e small hoe or rak e lllld nlO II I'ro~erulin" attorney . frl'Quent. In the far corn e r tbrer- fine treAS are th. rou~ h t h e mellow ground befo re you '·Thal.'s m y c lallll, " coo ll y r e t o rted " no uot bt' nfra ld , Tommie." said hi. gr~w lug close t o th e fence. TheIr clII'n SP it the w ~eds. and flO keep them the prisoner. '~ I y machine dldn't mOl h e r, "our Fatber tn heavt'n bolds ro nts run under tb e fe n e to be neath out, th an It Is to wa lt until th py are I.o u ch him . thp li " ht.ulnt; III hi R hands." tho barnyard, and gatbcr Rtrengtb \\' '011 ~ tart e d . a nd then hoe th e weeds. "A nd you w pr (' tlrlvlng not over 12 " Yns . I ltno\\, hI' does , moth e r, but from It, while th e treCE Ilre III th e As tb e vegrtllbl u8 ar e takf'n out 0 1 mil e s an boul'~" tllf'lI . YOII ~e(', li g h tn ing Is so qulclr. gurden, and with their f ru it are pro- th~ ~artl"n I d ea n lip all fh t' trallh, " Not OVM J:! mI les and-" nud s llp Pt'ry that J !l 1ll afraid h e might tcc t ed rrom tbtl s tock. ' r.. t tllnt; to Ih ~ s tock wbat they w ill eat j "And you an", th io lIl a ll sUl rt to lilt Rom e or It ge t away rrolD him wbt'D Th o 6011 of my gard e n lB lJlacK and I Ir t h o ti l.'lll( B and vin es. Wllal nothin ll b e don 't mean to ," r.r08S th e street~' ri c h, lIlad e 80 by fe rtilizing from the 1 11 '111 "at. I hurn III littl e piles. aod th f' "Vet! ." pou ltry hou ses and by wo od utihes . I ;! ~ h .. s mak e till' g r o un rl ju s t [h ut much " nld you bl ow 'our bo r n ?" Tough ! I n ev e r allow re rtlllzr- r fro m the , rl c h", r " I d id ." O+-nt (to proprlntor o[ restaurant)bams to Il tl sp r ead on tb i' gard e n, a s I never le a\'(' a pll .. of r>' fus\~ In my "W hat sort of f1 horn Is It ! " Yo ur rami ly h" .., b~I ' n I's tAblish ed h e re It Is full of grass seed, and make .. I I:tlrdcn , th .. >, make a barbo r ot bugs "On e of tholle newfan!:led c la tte r· II lon ~ tillle- ph'! doub ly hard the task of k eepIng til e ! lind IIl Aecl" that will gll'e m e t roubl e boxeR tbat c rea t e a sound that I" a \ PrClprie lo r- Yes , Rlr; th e bu s lne s. I;;a rd e o c lean . : J1{' xt 81'8Son . \!rO SS b e tw een [\ s hrl p.k nnd II. dyin g b e lon~ e d t o my gralldlllther . Tho gard e n Is always plow ed In tb e ' If tb ere a r e any e J;t;s from these wall." Gellt -- ,\nd did thI s fow l belo n!! to fall. early e uough to allow lillY .... .... ,j 1 PHHt ~ o n leuv es and s talllS th ey are de· "Tbat exp lain s It. You sImply sca red him, l ao ? seeds Lhere may be to sprout and st ro )'ed by tbls bUl1lin g much more tb6 mllu to deaUL" ------------='-~~~~~ tb c n treeze In th e cold weath e r . In '~n s ily t hlln they would be the n el t ~~e bruary it i8 plow ed agl\iu, and the ! IlUm lll l'r when Ihey nm hntched, and . On Holiday. onIon-bed made. I are living 00 th e n e w vcg l!ta bles . W hil p \' Islt)n~ hi s u!lcl e In the CO UIlI plant the ot110[l seeds In the b d ! TO!llIl lie th e work easi e r In t bl' trv Willi e WII S much in t erelsed In You may bave kidDey trouble and not very thlckJy. In localities where the I gt;lrd E' n. do everyth in g In good time. w~lchlng the dll cks " tipping up " In a know it. The ooly sigDS roay be occa· ground will be froz e n Ilud cannot be 'I If possi bl e . just be for e tbe tim e. Go pond . sional twioges io tbe .mall of tbe bac k, work ed In F e bruary. this onioll bed tb e a id sa ying or t be ea rly bird and cOD.lnot IruneneS5. dizzy epelJl or some "Th"y ' re most all young ones, are n ' t annoyi o~ irregularilyofth~ kidney action , should be made In the fa Ji, late enough I th e worm 000 be tl e r. Destroy lh e I h"y ?" he observed to hi s uncie. Rut no .igo of kidDey trouble clla be 80 tho seed will oot s prout unLil ! eggs of the bugs an d worms . Ga tch "Why , UO, boy; tbey're old ones safely ignored. I{idney dise_ moves sp ring. : th e weeds befor e they show tbelr What makes you think they are rapielly. 11 lend" to drop"Y. gravel, !Jy plantIng In tbls way my oolon I hl"ads above' grouud and keep tbe gar· young?" Bright·" rlis"ase, rheumatism. seed get well sonked. and rrady to de'n c lean and good to look at. , '" tbought th ey we r e young," WillI", II you s "opecl th"t your. kidneys .are sprout and grow abead ot the weeds Can )'OU see 1V,Ith your mind's eye ex pialned. " b ecllu~e tb e y don 't spe rn .In ~gi.h , use Do",,'~ K,dney Pills, In lhe spring. my garde n? to be able to swIm without upsetting." which bave relieved tbousands. Arter tb ey bave been hoed a coupl e In til e early spring, with thll t e nder - Saturday Journal. An OhIo Case of times. and wben th e tops are three green leaves s tarting on th o grape Mra. A . T . Du.all. or rour Inches long, I thin out tbis vln e~ around tbe outsid e, and the New Modern {)anclng l2ti E . Spring St. , '!'bo leadlb. Bxpor1o &Dd I nst ru cto r 10 No", \ ' 0111: bed, and transpiant the e xtra onions earl y vege tabl es se ndin g up thetr ten· ('0 1umbue. 0 .. .It.y. ~ Cit,. writco : " EUt: - l ba.,o 'Q1Od AI . I, KN'!<' " t,'or t en Yf!n rA I hall to a larger bed, where tbey gTOW to de r s hoots, th o vacant g round Is wall · W'ooT.. 8A 8K, tho a.otilloptia powde r t.o be ~ hall:l~ n I nw kldm' y troublo. 1 \.bn ftboee, tor the pu t. ton JI~rI. it. III a blo.saloil to llLl tf t!r n 4 trom a. (111 fuli slzo. Inl;, eleun und rlcb and black tor UHl n.1I wbo Ino DOwpolled to bo o n tbol r foot... 1 4UD (".Q lr f' ''ltog pain In ,m y I Hnd that onions raised In this way l inter planting. oh:bt or \.I'm hunra dall, . and nnd tnat AI ,I ,Y.N'd bnok nnd at tim e' • • 8r. teupe my t oet. 000 1, t.1l", trtrt.luo <-' ouldn ' t slOOP or from seed are much sweeter. b e tter As lli e senson ad\'ance s lhe tace of ti"UII'''' from llHl ftb~ . vrUYCDllt com" Clod tktrtl, Ach1DII tot'll.. f" n . 1 WUI keepers, and fully as large as tbose the garden changes. The large. red 1 reoommen41LW a.1I 01,. pupi ls ," nlwu),lI tlr,~ d , Doan'" iHlpool H. ~'I,IITOIIIIK IlALLAMOBIi. Kidney Pille lIud raised from sets. tomatoes glow among th e green of 8amplei'uaL A4c1J"OSI AllooB,Olw.at04.LeBuf,N , Y, me up In .()Od Tbe work la mucb more easi ly dune th eir foliag e . Tbe great. yellow sun· Ihnpe, Tho pain I ~ CI my back and by planting them thickly at tlrst and !lowers bend [he ir heads on their No Need. .lnco th n n I 1\&'\'8n't had on. .I«n of It transplanting, lhan It would be wh er e s talk s, yellow Ileaches sblne among Smith-My wife Is wearIng the new comln& back. tbey ,sllread out over a large be d at tb e branches of tho peuch trool!. whlla trouser skirt. Ie yo II I'!l ~ first. lu scious purpl e and whIte grapes hang CIlt DoaD'a . t " ' - Saae.IlOe • Baa Jones (sadly) -Sbe doesn't need to. It sooms to do them good 10 trans· In beavy bunches from tbe vines along She's been wearIng th e old kind ever IDNW:T . ILL.S plant them. ss tbe y grow mucl! large r I tb O) fence. s ince we were mnrrl ed . FOSTER-MILBURN No Y. than the ones in the Orst bed . Wb en I never piant Dow ers In loy kitchen boeing th e m do not be afraid ot break· garden as aome do. It seems to me Their Share. Ing down the tops, lUI thu.l Is n eces· In appropr iate, lik e wearIng a slJk , "I see where rashlonables h a d 11 sar}' to make them bottom well. dr'o ss In th e kltcben . Instcad, 1 plant I l.torse · back t ell In Washlugton . 'won· On the Drat warm days of sp ring 1 to mak e my gard e n beautiful wllh tbe der It the hors es !:ot any or It ?" plant my lettuce, radIshes. beets, tur- vegetahles and trults. "O b, I guess eacb horse tb e r e had a Nine times in ten when nips, peas, potatoes and carrots, for Tbere Is ano Lber and practical sldo bit." right the siomach and ea rly use, D.8 the trost will not hurt at this gardml. Besides f'urnlsb log any of these. most of the Iiv,l ng througb lIle sum· Don't he mi"I",1. A.I; for Red ('rr>ftA CARTER'S LITTLE Wben tb e radl3hes are re8.dy for lis e m.~r for a family of trom eIght to ten. Ball IIlue . MAiers beaull ful wblt e clo\bes. LIVER PILLS genllybuttirmly and I pnll one of them, [ drop a seed Ih e r e Is always a surplus whtch Is I At nlllloo' I_K~'::~~ A_d_v_._ _ In the hole. Tbe lettuce' break of!' ~old for $15 to $30 during th e It Is easll!r to hl!ar a lot Ih an It Is pel a lazy liver do its duty . so that more leaves grow from tb e' SOil, and a gre at many vegetables ani to ralse th e mO IH'y to pay tor one. Cures Consame root. and thus I keep UJI tbe put away for the winter. .tipa lion, Insupply of radlsbes and lettuce, while ThuB my garden lasts the year Aore Ey •• , Oraflul", ..1 I.[yell~. _n,l 8t1 •• dille.lioo • using only a small piece of ground. around, and It Is In reality a ·'thlng of protDpliJ boaled ".Lb 11.010 .. 0 Kfe 0101· Sick Headache, The tomato and cabbage plants, al· beauty and a JO)' forever,'· I a&W . A.... _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r endy raised In the house, I set out There IB a gre(lt deal of beauty even , A mnn may m a rry for mon ey and and, •• After Eatinlr. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMAl,L P1lI<S. when the time comes, between tbe In common things If tbey are properly woman [or allmouy. Genuine must bear Signature rows of early peas. as the pells will troat e d, as I teel I hllve proved In my b e out or the way before the plants kll.c b ell gard e n . Anybody can dye successfully with are large enough to need th e room . Putnam Fadeless DyeR Adv . The tomato Jllants In this ga~den Good AdvIce. b eautiful, are kepL trimmed and fasRELIEVES Only a fo ol would tak e a straight Th e poultry experts of the dept\rt· tcned to frames, Instead of being aV SORE EYEI mp-nt of agriculture claim that It Is ad· Up trom a erooll. lowed to fall all over tbe ground , tak· vlsable to marll et the old henll In lhe Ing up so much of the ground, nnd summe r ns 800n as th e second laying I rotting the fruit. ACHES seBlson III over, as b e ns ove r two years I Tbe sweet corn is plante(1 acrOBS old rarely lay as many eggs as thoy do th e far end ot tbe garden Inst l)."ld 01 10 th e ir pullet and yea rling l8ea80ns. PAINS In long rows . becauBe to have th e ears Kee p the nests clean; Jlrovlde · one fill out there must be as much of a nellt tor every four hena i gather tho close field as possl hl e. Are "Danger Signa\s"-the human lIystem's method of giving warneggs twlcc dally; keep the eggs In a The cele ry plants are Bet out beIng that the blood has ' become impoverished and circulation poor. cool, dry room or cellar. nnd market In this'condition the hnman body is almost powerlesa to rellist the tween th eso corn rows later, and the more eerious i1lneBB. Don't deltly. You need corn matures In time for them to them at least twice a week. all cocker els exce pt those Intend ed for make their growth. Whe n the potatoes have been hoed breeding purposes. as soon as they once, and are about six or olgbt Inches altaln broiler size. for thoy will pay blgh, J plap.t ~ammoth Russiao sun· 0. larger proUt at this time than if held Hower seeds about twenty Incbes until fall, wben the market becomeR It !fet. to work immcdi,. at the .eat of your troubl_tb. a.._II. It lenda a helping band.. Helpl to digeat the food. Tone. up tIKI ilom.eJL apnrt. betwe!)n the ro",' s ot potatoes, oVllrcrowiled, Boon brlnga back nonnal condition., Food 18 properly _1m11!lted and and 's o raJso the auoOower Beed for rich, red blood. Every organ IJo .treDgthenod and, "err ~118 my poultry. The potatoes and Bun· W_tofu', Pl'actlle. re-Y!lt:sl~ed~ flower. do not Interfere with each It ,seems Il pity to spend mOlley. 9tb,er if, the ' potatO~1I .ar~ nllo,wed this millscle and sweat ~,B!ng a ~?~ coru :nucll atart.: 'r.;' . , ." C~IP only to teed 1~ In ;a lI\u~dy barn· , All ,I ' 'ule ' my'- beeta· nnd" car.rots. I 'JaJI'd whe", ~tom one,tourlli 'to o~ , D1aDt ~ the aroll.p'a- for' tate .~ hall or It la , wated:: . ' .: ( • _~ ."!" ". >0. 't' ;.:' ~'. . '




r--------------, Are Your Kidneys Weak ?



Make the

Do its Duty


aea. j I




Pettit's Eve Salve




Golden Medical Dlseovery






. : .:





, -



.rJ I' M'Jl lll"1 ",-t

P"ill l f" r (lu ltlldt'


To HCCIlI1if,-'llHlr Home

1nsid(' imd Out



"Beautyis only skin deep" Ie often very true of paint .~f(nH· rh'~

,~ " Iur~ nrt' nf'C'enll ry . CO Uft;~ . ~U t be " ur~ th ~ 11 th"I'lUlnr ) ' OU u sc I h' ~ u TOlIC;1I SK N aki n I h u t will rt~tl l ~ . "eve re condl · tlon l u t \.'old , h ell l un" n\olatur~ -


otherwhc tht! p u lnl will peel. cba lk . l · nl~· k.

Re co ~nltln$! Ilw ~if tu ell . ti1l'r r h HU I h.rll cfOry, tona-\\ eartnA.

one we.

coJor - r(' rn lntng

u e.

p:.... nt for you to

If Is -


II R 11)(; f: 1'0 R T STAN OAR D




R Q,JvfJn area ",if h

the Ic~ut nunlher 01 1J,uUuns ; Is 111wuy, untforllJ; IN mude to u sc-lcnIllic formula; outh.. ta che.~p ..dulIt'ruted paint or l end and 011. Wblte Ie».d alonts 8llponl6es tho 011. CIIU._ Inll It to cbulk mpldly_ Tbl. never happen. wllh II R I DG t: PO R T





Pic,,*, •


Waynesville, Ohio

is very




If you have Wool for sale, call me up, as I will pay you highest cash price for jt.


State of Ohio, ex reI Frank C Ander80D, Proseoutinl! Attorney for Warren oonnty. Ohio V8 Tne Board of Conn'y Commissioners of Wl1rren County. IDJono'lon etc. Thoma8 W . F. Belding vs. Thos. C . Welch, money only- Awonn\; olaimed '360 with Interest. Luoy S. Croll. Maggie B. Croll and Lydia E. Croll vs. Goorll:e L. Oroll and CIl'herin6 A. Croll. Money and fOl'eOl08ure. Amonnt olaimed 1900 wi'h interest. Luoy ~ . Croll. MaggiI'! B. Oroll Rnd Lydia. E . Croll V8. George L Cro1l for an aooounting for rents audprofitl.




c. B. BENTLEY Phone 135



Proceedings The People's Building & LORn & Savings CO VI!. Anna Fitzgerald aDd Charles FI-zgerlild_ '}'he Morrow Nationlil Bllnk IS made a party df~r'Tk~orBO?8~ ~J:' tendllnt. 11;r&1 tb. Bu.' bo,,' p.bILo.a. Nsstie H . ForKY vs _ FrIlD '- P. tt_ Il tl.. . u rld., ClftD, ruata.tlnc ."GrIM and IDFOIHY et al. tiale of real Ilst..te ap .Irllotl ...e .. rtlclel, a.l1nrIQ'e.lIlk! ~~:I~II;~?;,,~~~.~ld proved. I;)etilemlln' urdf!red. ntouRtu:r\I'1 boUt lu bllMla& aurl l:!tllte of Ohio vs John Donnell . wbl...... • 00'0,., DapartlIlebU dfITolad Lo KleelricllJ Plellu Nullty tu bootlegging Qnd lfeghU1CII . 4tbAd.ICII, AUla"'ur ~.-:CD~d ~:~"~D:b~~ fined 'SOD and OOEn (loUedhJI. Thtt AthleUo Del· p.nmeut I. Lho pe:rllOlI,,1 00 May 2:l tbe Grand Jury reonneharp d 1JALTK.s OUIP. vened to oOllslder ImportnD t m!1t.ters Arut!rlaa'. tort!wOIl .alborl'l ouwllntUca.. In sbe maHer of the I1ppuintment. 6nd todar 1m' tr .. N.",. of Jury Commissi Iners for LhB sevc.n .""" "......, Gd .... , bo,.. ""Uk4&:(on.. Adtlte.. eral OGULtiesof the tbird snhdtvls ...cmf ..... CL,.......... Il10 ... 11., ........ ' •• Ion of the tieoond' JudiCial Dist.rlot (,2"B" BOYS' MAOAZINII ta 0" .al. at all "ew.·~.) of Unlo Following upPointed : For Montw:omery oonnty. WillilHD W Sherer, Char)'38 P . Althvff; for 6reeue oounty, John W. Fudgtl, Ben K. Rittenour i for Clinton COUD,y, Mat R . Denver, Charles R. Veterinary Fisher; for Warren oonnty, 0, U. Eu)ass and Elil1!! uglesby_ Oraduate of Oblo S'al, Univerll'



,)-#>.. ,







th Ar])

What you want in paint is One that flows freely from the brush. that spreads evenly, but bllS enough body to 8tay spread.

Arrl1ngements wpre mlld e wh ere· o rd or to U1 eflt tho tlbliglitlUDI! of

You can shut your eye8 and tell from the feel of the brush. liS you paint. tbat

Hll ·1

JUli O

I.. '. A nd drtmn, r oproO!le uling the 1i'I IIukliu Eleotric LiKht Co .. mlLde IIjJpli Olltioo fur a perpetuul right t.o UllI'rtlte and lUl1iutl1ln II line ur polel! "ud wires u., twoell Frlln klin aod ~ JlT iu g horo . 1'll i .. ptJliti on is g rnuted upon cs rt.uiu OODLl!li uQll !:I(lt f vrth l.Jy t-he Boa rd _ .

Hanna's Green Seal Paint is full-bodied •• mootb, elalltio and tenacious. You oan feel it cling t ·o the wood. and in after year" you can .ee it cling,

Bill s Alit)" ed mlly Banner P(Hlt, ( ~ _ A , H. No . 1i37 , \,Jemorial Day tUII (1 ~ 'l5; Fl'ILnk. 110 Chroni olo, t! uppl \('~ for L'r ea s urer I

liurre tt, Bro ~. ~ n\.l[lliell fur AuditaI' fl ;, 75. Ohi .. f ' U , Tlll!uted . Gnlv , r t Co . pipe. f~nG ;,0 Churle,; ~tibb... nODtr itoT H I ;l_ Lllbunon N"ti ()[)fll Blink. r ent :luff! dppo!lir. Ioox ".~_ :lurry LOWIK. 7 lllllLl s o f ~ rav <' l. $iJ 6H R A_ MoC utoheon . IILbor Oil r Ollds of Jj~ r nll lin tnIVDHhlp . $4;,1. :j(l, .J ohll A. Dlrllr. "Upphfltl t nr ouurt hnU SI' $G_ Off'g'oniu Hriuge Co., tin ul "Rttnmt.e (·""tmpl No. Jj7 $ IH7. l o~t.jtr,tlo n foJ' r (:l(l b le Mlnde<l ( ; o lumbu~ , 111,," f u!' 1I11;l n t.e lllIll OO of Itlml1te ~ , $131.'2_ 14_ (Jl1i o Co rru guted ( :u lvert Co. PIIH' , f~ 04 . f\ O Jo hn Ke ll p l)~ t G . A H_. Mem uri a l Da y fund . ~1G . WOlldhill Ce llJ Il IAr y cur f! of ~ nl rlil' r 8 ~n. V ('l ~. , r,o H_A. Mc('utch (lon, tellm8 fI od In bo r . rO!lds f Frunklin t·nwn!'!Jlp $~n F . •1. Bruwn . inKIJfllnCe 11 11 IDtlrmllr~· li ve ~toolr . iIUlJl e ltl (:) "t~ re e(1 .. t l'. t til . TOIlO mll<' Fruse r . a~~t . t:,) she riff;j case8 13, Wil son U ugl"~by bu rill l <I f Mr. Buchaoa" Union t,owns lll ., '75. AIburt Pon d , ttlRrn~ ulld luhnr Frllnklin t-'1w os hip fl)tlCl~ $;'11 .\)'; RI1Y H,lrsbbllrger . IIlt lury f r MIL)", $(i0. Mr ~ M"r~ Method. oompensation Rlld d[\1JJII ~e!' . ~t5_ :O; tllte of Ohiu vs Rllrt Pa rk er. ,JAm eson & Brown $9.70 :::ltRtn.)f Ohio VE. . Raymond DUUlford, .)!lmpson, Brown nnd wit-

There i. no aec'r et about making good. durable paint. The formula is 00 every can of tbe Greeo Seal Paint.

$ ~ .r.O .


I J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio. n

MI· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

England I s Thankful. It Id frOID A llJ ~ rica that .•Mary Had a Lfttl e Lamb ' · COUles_ So d o most or tb e p a rodIes of II, thlluk goo dnes8_-

Lou don OIobe.


~ommisSioners' Proceedings

• W. C. Sheppard and P. B. Itue are apPOinted to represent the board

D I',;,118

t31.7 5_

'ril e fo ll owi o g pe rsoDR will htl o:lUd id .. tol' bef ore t.he Republican Primllry, TlleEl!iIl.V. AnjCuHt II, 11l14,

FUn CO UN TY AUDITOR .Toho M. Mulford

..u .


C. ti. Monnts

TR&ASURIl:R Franlt D . Miller "'!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -" --- - - - - --

Of all kinds.

o it. H. E. HATHA'" A \

Wa•.)'ue.a ville's LeudlDP linn""" Nc. :.!:lfl With C _ C. Emmons fo r pnttl"/{ ill :J OOl'rll(!Rtp.Ll ~p. w e r !l flod . Office in Keys BteIg, Malut:;t !loud WILli !!, 11I 1 in 'l'l1rtl ec rpe k town !<hi p $ -17 I II No 2~l\ ~i t h ('n.. gooill Bridge Co, fo r complf1 ti llg v(l riou~ j ) h~, fu rn is b_ ing mn.terihl II IHl lu b r in Warron Cou otv $51 0 .U·1 Nu . 2:17 with ",lIl1e t vl r e w uv iu g ult] I'l lillg flUu LOUi pofury brld~e over riv p. r I\t K i n ~s Mill811nd fp.t.llrn of ~ t oe l j Oist to Le bllU IJD '3:.1 1.1l8_ No. 23!:l with .I uhn Ie :S pellQlJr f lr ml1ldn g oOl\c r er e r !tuoill g Wil li.. f or .HlIl t flppr ouch of Kings Mill s river brid,e at ~5 . ~r, per 0 0. yrl at! per lli~ bid. saUle t' l bo completed within thirty dllYs from 1his dllte.




--- ---.- --

DOLLARS AND SENSE Mr_ BI Mlo, Fulton Townstip. Folton Uounty , Ohio, advise!! tbllt his town!lhip h"fl centraltzed sohools ReBul til are 81lr.isfuntory . Before oentralizatlon, the 1\ vertlM'e attend anoe in township sobool!! was 150 pupils. Lagl/:ing interest. After oentralization tl Vl'r8~e attendanoe 2:.!D. Great intere8t,. Seventy ad ditiontll boys and _girls in 'l1 live 8ohool ht WJrth lllllny dllllurs to IIny township. CIJBt prll otioall V the flame Mllny who o l>po~ f d nolV strongly fllv or the new Illon _ (Jive t u the farmer girl jl1~t aM good Achnnl lI8 the to wn IIlId ()I t.y folk!! huvp. Publi c "e h o(' I ~ Dfll!d II ~ tTong ~n\lerin tbnder.t lu ~ t as 1tI\1 I~ h 1.18 lin · (lng riA oeeds uo ellglllller rll1, og e r u n~ to IIA/!'Ieot eit,h e t' Th e Agr.ionlt um l U '\rn i lli tl~ ion in '\' itl\~ HUentioll t , II1I H su bj ec t _ Hot





Colors. in Stock at all t'mes


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W. H. Madden & Co.

Call answered promptly day or night Both phones in Office and Residence. long distance,No. 14; Home phone 14-2r'. Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals . Best of service guaranteed_

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Only One Entirely Satisfactory "1 have t.ried various colb and dlurrhoel1 remedi6!!, 1m' the only one thut h'l .- glVen me entiro t!lltl8fuc tion and o'lred we when I was offilcted it' ChumblJr lo in 's Collc_ ChoJer'l ~nd Ditlrrhof!1\ Rem edy. I reoommend it to my friends Ilt 1\11 tiDlep." writeb ~,N. (Ja!loway. StHwart. 8. O. For 81\Ie by 11\1 dSlller8 .



Patton's Sun-Proof Paint


Owing to the latenl'@s of coro plan ttDg seaSOIl , t.he ulusing date for entl'isl> tn Boy's Corn Urowlng Can tfls t . has herm extended from June :_Always Lead to Better Health 1, to 'l'oetldllY, June 16 ••• DENTIST:•• Serlous flicllneBBes start in dleor· BOjll who hl1ve not yet ente red der. of the stomaoh, liver aue! kid· still have a cllunoe to get in t.he WayoeavUJe.O neys. The best oorrective and pre gallle 1'be sellt!on Is backwarLl in ventatlv3 18 Dr King'. New LUe ILlI part. of the state Ilud one boy l'iJlII. They Purify the Blood-Pre- hD-s as good prospect,s o,s the other _ vent COD8tlpa\loD, keep Ltv.8!, Kid. entries to Oolumbos at Olloe. E. V. BARNHART, DeYIl and Bowels in btialtllY oondl. If you do not have entry bill-Dks I tion. Give )'ou 'baUer heallh by make requellt for Ilamo by adre8lltng Notary PubU(: r1dd1nS the ~J8tem of fermenting The Agricultural Uommisslon a~ Co and 11L817 food!. - Ef!eo~i ve 8:ld .um bus .' kiada of Nart WOa't, P"ulOD mUd. 250., at your Draglilt. ·Buck . . • - . - -. . ~... '1!~1t ~~*1. Jfn'eIAm~ ~1ve for all. RnrhJ. . Subscribe for the-Miami Gaze&Wl ."


W. H. Madden &Co.

- - - + - - - -- -

Pr.i mary Annuuncements:

Dr. J. A. McCoy,


i -----------------~-------• •,.-~


ACIl y uu rllll d'lwn-N el" v"l1!1Timu : . I ~ Rvprytblng you J" on ,' fful k Y o ullr~ not IIlZ\'-v ou fnn !lIck! Your ~tomlloh, :..ive r. Kill n ny~ , aud w h olf! sv@ tpm ner d It Tueil'. A Tooic lind !::lpultb Bu Id e r to drive oot, the Wl.I l'\ tfl mBtt.Arb ui Itl rOll up and ren ew y our ~t reugth _ Nothin~ bAtter thaD &Ieotrio Blt.ter~. Htl1rt t.uf)IIY. Mrs. Marrlalte LiCeDBeS James DUDCaO. HaYllesvllle, Ne ., Noah ArJhie Settlea, laborer of writes: "Completely o urod me after Office at residence in F. B. Sher Morrow, Ohio, to MI~8 Lela May sever",) dootors gave me up." flOo wood's house, Fourth Street. Barlana of Middleboro. Ohio, Rev . IlDd *1.00 at yonr DrugKil!t. Bllok G. E . .:.iowdy. len't; A rnicu i:lalve for Cuts. Telephone 28




hy tb o board III"Y burrow 12GOO in

Pleas Court

New Suits.

......... ............ .

In t.hfl oa ~ e br o n ~ ht agai nKt b ~' tho Prosecnti n g Atturney_

C_ Gilmour. sheriff, to ;'rank p Forgy 1.3aorell in H'rallklill . Obl o . $3126_ W _ L. Harvey to 0 L Og lesbee 2 21soret! of land in Massi e t o wnship $1. Berbert Williams to Kate C_ DeVoss undivided one-half loterpst In 175.0'J aores 10 v.,'sshington towns hip $1. .W . C BudRon aod wife to <..;hu.rleH A . Arnold lot· No. 87 in Mllple P,, - k imbdivltdon to Kings Mills, Ohio, '75. Clara A. ,Veskley tl. Su~an Wilson Offord in lot No 169 in Le bl1non , Ohio $300_ John B . and Annl1 ., Brown to Johu Mahon MII.20 aorea in tlal em \;..:wnshlp 13500. Lida T . Ilnd ThoWR!! Zell to Georg .. W . and Nettie M. Lill l.30 I\cres ill Washingt.on township '1000. Benjllmin Bennett to M. L . Bennett 2b noros In Wayne townsh i p $1000. M. L . Bennett to Thomas .Jon e~ 28 l10res of land In Wayne towoshi p $2600. J, B. Ludlum to WilliaDi Ohaney 'wo traots of land in Wayne town · ship '2000. William Chancy to Cbl1rles Jones lind F. k;. Wylie. extra of Tboml18 Jooee,lleoelllled. two tr Rottl of laod in Wayne towo8hlp '2600





We s hall be pleu.Ac<1 t.o .. o nler with



Real Estate Transfers

" 'e Are IOt'u l ",l'n1.8 ror UrM I(l'port SttlndBrd P ruu uola and l'nrry a fulilin u for o u tJsido nod inside 1I~. you reptdin.K their "-"'C. call1Wd talk 1\ o""r.


........ ......,.. ...................... ......,..

Probate Court Pr~ecdinlts In t.hA IDlitt or of the ee tRte o f Mllrv K . Brow n, decelsed _ ':>alell in tllis ounllB lire "pproved . til the matt~r of tho est tl.t fl of A li ('s H. Clinton, lI ecelised, A rthur E"~!IrIRn being unlible tu t!srvtJ III; 1IJ1l'rllillllr in 1·\1I t! ORUlle8 . 'harlus B. DoollRut is appoi oted tl) lie. ve in hill plRce_ 111 the matter of the will of J o hn H_ J£mmonfil. dooea@ed. Will I1Uruitttld to probate Arthur 0 _ Barkalow Ill'polD'ed extr_, no bond . A. C Vuil, Mark Robison and Edwllrd t::touten borOllgh Ilppraisere. lu the m"tter of the eatate of El'zIl Jane Dilvis, deceased . :::iales are upproved_ 1" the wat~er of WllIhun IS. Kline _ ~"id party III belug detained Du\il it 18 decided whether or not it LS neo· 88IIary to oowmit him to Dllyt,o n State Hoapttill. In !;he matter of tbe esta te of S. Bargen\; Runyan, deceased Emil M. Runyun ill appointed 'ldmr . Bond $3500 . T C Christie, J. A Runyan and T . E, 1, Ins are appointed apprllieers . In th, maUer ot tho estl1to of VePrivllt·f\ Itll1h tlnyder . deceasod IIule of pertlonsl proper t y Orde r fl!L

I I ( Irt ~tt\1HI­

tOile IU. lr r . ur

•• ~



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l'H E ,


New Burli ngton


Harve ysbur g.

............ . %""





I'ldJli,I,,·" \I" ",kly II I II,,· (, IlI\'II I' 1\ 11 10' .. 111 Iilu 1 ((atel! IIf Mrs A. W . ReeVis returne d Frl iption. Levloy and Howe are beautif ying AII"n 1IIlIIdlllg'. ~I" I II St .. \\'to .\'u""\·III ". IHoill . ' I'"" \' Mr (.'rklly InSubscr I1d "anc~ ) . . . . . 1 .. 00 day frow 9. visa witb her 80n Barry their store with paint I1nd a new ~ 1II ~ l u CU I'~ . . ... .. . .... . . . OJ tlod ftlmily, of Riohmo od, Ind . Ilwning . Mrs B W . K elob Ilod childre n "A I.I. E Y 1' 10: 1. /; "" II i'> 1': __ (' ,11 .1. :-;0 . II~ ' Mr. Amos Dehoar d aod fllmily Hates of Advert is ing anu Miss M"rRa ret NimblY I ot Ubi- speo.t Saturdl iY 10 CIt~ rktlvill e the 1<,111, 11111; !.ocaIH. J)<lr line. ... .. .. ... . ... Oc OllgO, are fluel'ts at the home of Jas. gues ts of r e latives and frieod A. l'1"""ill ..d A d g. llUl Lo o.' cL'(),1 live Hiles BItLir and fl1 'nlly . ·... 1·, or n ll d M O. I •. Cn il H'. I'.,, Til r"" MI:. I1nd Mrs Panl Peterso n , of i"8urUou .. . .. . . . . . ..... 25<: M' • ' ·II11J« 'r . ' 0 1. 1. 11l) l,h U I0 h W h 0 . or"""lg. pur• luch ....... 10e lS8 J ose ph I ne ne IS Spring V l1l1ey , SPtlul· :::luuduy with . IJISI'IIUlIlb "IV"'J ou cIl ntrlU;t. visiting her grllndpl I.rentll,· was theil' pllfeuts Mr. and Mrs. Frl1nk - - -. - --- -nurslnK 0. uad ollse of mUDlps 11l8t L. Harrill . J UNE :1. _1!Jl 4. Also Agen t for Racin e Automobile Tires. weeI(' Job n G. MIl )y is at home again Mrs, Ibbie Coltett , of HarveYIL afte r tbrtle weekll ahsen oe. bn rg, sllen t the fore part ot llillt Not Requlrt'd to Kisa Bible. I Decora tion week wltb ber si8ter lirs . T. C. Hay . the ft o wertl ll"y wat! well ouserve (l Tho Ilr slrient or th e United States Caesa r's Phone 71-1 Creek bein g numer ous and COR WIN OHI O dook, II not requll'lld to kl ~ H lIl(' ntbl .. on beaut iful. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ taking lhe onth of aUke. 'I'h .. "U Btom ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) Clara Binl;am on Cline and ohild Prf'n c ling RArviCltl ll here RuodBY Mr. lind Mrl:l. Rout. Faber , of Dil V- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'! grew out or Ih o rne t Iha t Il n "6, 'ly law oonduc ted by ItflV. Fronl( !!'!!!~ ~~!!!!! :-'orml1l.l. ren of I)liytJn , are vi81ting relatl vee ton, amd Miss Olleo Anson, !""~!!!!!!""~~~!!!!!!""~~"!!! of Xenb, of Maryland mado lh lll coremon y part I Mr. IIIItI Mr ~. ZIInrl be re ' are their pareatl l Mr . and ot It legal olltll . and th e ~u a t o rn wllB MI' . 11111 MrM . .It·sSIl I-lilin (:hines and J esse Peartto n, of BurrY I North MrH, A . H . Anllon . es lind two conltnu ed In the DlSlrlct of Co lum bia, d,,[) !( IHI'rH !-illr '. lind Duknta , is vIsHlug relativ es here . !:J elen autoe. j Mr. lind Mrs. Uha8. Edward 8 enbut It la not I'BaOI1III1I , flo r IR Bn v par· t o XI -nlll IIU O d "y lust week. Our oommu nity IFI sadden ed by tertain ed ~unday Mr. and Mr8. t10ular form uf oath . J P. WH arc sworn MI "tI Lelll th e death of Mrs. Ed Elit.m of the aern Carr Rnd Alfred I£dwllrds. on lh e PentaI P\l ch. kpllp un th eir hal8 t.his \Y r"ill ~h. Hogan it! verv fliok a Hiuhlllo d neigbo rhood. Bhe was . and conclud e th eir oath wllb " 110 help I. N. th e oldest daught er of Mr. and "rtl . \Dste .. Miller Ilus puroha sed a buggy me Jehovah ," and If a .l e w w r a e lecl. T B"vAr,d frllm here !: of an automo bile . .~tt. .. n?ej R the Wm . \41l1~ 0 pll10e Ilnd well ed presld eut he would be rlMmltt ed to e lupefllll "B IHlllrm!!! glV I' O ly e v. knuwn by everythlll Josoph D"vl" who h"s blleo el1l ono. She had been take tbe oath of oft! I th t t A E W Il9 t tl ll, of WOVIlt'Hvllie. liS in Il")or health for severlil vears Ilnd ployt!d iu Mulel's (;irocer y ~tore lor ce n a orm. the ~' rio n il~ ()hnrnh New Burliog ton was not able to rally from a v .:ry some &lme, blill rtlMigued bis pi "co 1·0 - , - - - -- - ~undl\ y ., velling tlerlou8 oporlLtion. Hhe Wlitt a Dl oSt "ooept on!! t.hl1t will 00 Q] ore Inora· Mr . nnd MrM . J . R [,earnin g eu . e8\ima ble woman wholM! tive death is of all. Mr. Duvi!lhlitl the bell~ wI~blS !took Wlndow a, tert'lio eil b el' nephAw Mr. Robert mourne d by !, bost ot of hi!! trle :ldH friends . Boob lire the windows tbroug: Power "" of P o rt. W i1hILDI 8unday . Mr. tlDd Mrl!. Bu.rry Ba.ruea u lind II Deoorti tiOD lILY was whlcb the soul looks out. A hOlil ' ChnllD cey Bunn e ll's entertl1 lned here ISl1turd ay aft.erno ubservo d two Il'Jnl:! Byron Itad Rollert , 01 1 on . Rev . without books 18 like II room wlthou Mi~ 8 Ertit.l.l Busun of Wellma n, .':lun . ,Jewen . of Xenill l deliver ed an ex· Newpo rt, Ky ., Mpeot ~uDdu.y with I Windows. No man haB a rIght to brill da.v their pl1rent s \IIr. ilud Mr!!. jj'. Eo l oellent "ddre8 . 00 Peace. The up bls cblldren without surroun dln l MIIl8 of Eatlt Muln Br.. Mr Illld mUllio Mrs I:t'dph rendere Leamln d I by the g and .\tllie Quar them wltb books, It he has the mea n Il'lllght The Warren County Snnduy .E'r F.Llotl tette of Wtlre tbe Jumest M. E. own ohoir WRII e8peto buy tbem. It Is a wrong to h i: viijll u rR 8ohooI C(luvtm tlon convtm ed in the HunclllY . oially lipprec iated . family . He cbeats tbem! Tbe love (' Method l8t oburob , 'l'llnrlld .. y, Muy : MiM8 Lilitt Wbltall er is visiting knowledge comes with reading . un , :!8, wi tb 0. lur~e o.tteoU ftDCe 'row I rell1tlv ea In I::!prin gtleldan d MeoblLuIIrows upon It. And the love or know) For an Impaire d Appetit e every p!ace III thtl oounty lL WIHI I iosburlJ · edge. In II young mind, I. almost a Will' It bif{ tbing for os aDd the ptlOpl il l - -To improv e the IIPIJetite and - - rllJlt Bllalnst the Inferior excitem ent 01 tbat ttllte part 10 I·hls glc rlou8 work ~tt' e llgthelJ lhe dil(esti on t·ry a few paslllo08 and vlcell.- Henry Ward Indiges tion and Constip ation ttrr. ~(J.w pt:r "mr.:.: 1o ""roo lue tbt> kIDd tb.~t call bl1D'ule bIg rl O Kf'1:! of Chllmu erlaln '8 Tablet.E1. Beecbe r. e:~ ~~~'~~:' JOI' 0 WJfl~ pcUr ftJr (cuM "Abuu t five years ago I be~l1n propos itlontl. A twu duy s ' and " Mr. J. H ~eltz, of Detroit , Mloh, says: "ThA¥ reRtore d my appetit e tak.iog Chamb erll1ln 's Tab/etH ILfter one uigUL SfltlsilJlI w.." hl\u A grellt I 10 MORE TROIBLE FROM PI.mI ES T ..... or 01 ... wUInot I.t • • I.' ..... when Impllire d, relieve d me ot Ii 8nfferi ng from indlges Hon aad con deal of bnsinel'H WI1t! tr"ntlat ted , A ".IIe, hundrod thou8llnd I)81T11 sold latit year. blollt.ed feeling Itn(l 08ulled a ploas- stipILtion for yellr,. wit,hon t finding I~lld ma,ny g .. uti thlUgli for tbe better. D£SO RIPnO,'-' M.d In all.lze!!. It Is 11evl'iy .nd e ....y 7 Tone of Sliver a Month. Bot and 8atl",;o ctory movem ent of anythin l( to raUeve me. Chl1Dlber n(mt ot 11111.11 lnd were dlll9'lllllse(l j rtdlnll. vel'Y uurllble.. alld IInnd lrudde with .. SlJ(lClol A widely known firm or manufa ctur- the howeh•. " For Flale by 0\1 Quality in thl:! lalo's of IIhort rullhor, wlllOO neyerbeTit blels helped me at onoe ann tlW d thu)' ~ er · togethe r . . dealer8 . come. I"urou. Bnd IVl\Jcb cl~ UP amall er'll of camera8 and l>botogra llbcr8' by U81ng them for stlVer,,1 weeks I TruRt1[1g w e m .. y lJe fllovor6d IigliiD -- L>unr.LIII·UH wltbout Illlo"lne aIr to escape. The,. welab - '. . t ....NeII ru~•• 8upplles U8e betw een Mix and seven no moro thalt an ordinary tiro, tbeDunc tnro resI.tln. Wltll oured of the compla in'," wrltf\8 with the oOllven U"n we bid them IIi;..... _ .... u ....trl ..... ;; QuaHtlt18 I.·lnttlT! ven by sever.ll aye .. ot tb.Jn.8peolally Induatr le. of Coralca. tons of Bllver a month ror maklns nl· Mrs. Mary E . McMul len, Phelpfl, N . good by, and P.I1Y Gotl will btl wltb . . . "D"'-.1 .. rtm atlf. uH" p""1)8I'e<l fu brlc on th" tread. Tbe replar price ottb_ The two principal Industr lel In tho Y . For sille ••• "nnt rim outlineTil'. trate. of sliver. It claims to be the them until we meet agl1ill. u ..... I. 11IUI0 V"r pair, but for .dv~rtt.lIl¥ JlU~ 108 by all d ealers. .1 ... will outl." .ny ...... are m.kiu!:' It. "j)t.~:11l1 factory price to the rider ot only largest consum er of silver bullion In FreDch hiland of Corllca are the maD· 1 . . . 80n .&.A8T1O . . . The oolored !o<undllV dehool Can " .110 .",r L>nlr. All ordel'8 ahlpped AIDe da, letter's ula.cture of chellnu t wCX'll Ley utracl Mil .'DI& • received . We the l1nlted States, but the Enginee ring "lit ship O. O. D . on awronJ , You do vention took 1>luol1 /lot Ziou BuptlSt, not need to pay It. oent olltll ~I "'akl~ of .. ., .. eaa. you examine and ftnd them atrtetly u rellnlllented. Roxa nna and Mining Journal express es the cburob tlBtnru .. y, May 3D, their a.tWe wilt nlluw II o ••h dl_1It of li.lMlr cent (thereby maklne the prloe . . . . . per pair) It yon ""nd PULL CA.H WITH O.D• • and enol088 tbls adV1lrtlaemellt. You opinion that Borne of the silversm iths tel\rt~ uoe heio l': lorge and u nice run no In tiC"dllllr us an order as tbe tl..... maybere -- M .. ry and I.r,lf\ Roland , of Uorwi ", progrllTU t.urned at OU.expe lWOlt for.D)' reuon tbel' rl.l< or Illver platers mllY be larger con· .ttatactof aro J' not un eumlDa1.IO IL W. aN part.cta, ~ aDd !DO.,., IeDt to .... WIIH r,'o llel's c1. 00 t:;ut.duy U til. bank. It,CMl onler • D&lrot t bette ll"*. you will ADd tbat Gladys , Annll lind Alvin ilol"od , uf $100 Reward , $100 will I1cM eMl.r, nD tu&er. __ better,lan lumera even tban tbls ftrm. lOll,. and 10011 ftN!lr tban&D, tire 70U bay.e"r UMdor .... a'M7»fto th61r "HenUH noo WI'tt Illrge and ver.v e. W.kIIow thac ,00 will beeo"U1)& euedthat wbea700 Mt. Holly, were Kuests ot tbeir anut WaD' a ble,~l..OG wl!!..IIYeU~L.oaI'OrdH. ~.J.."".r:: '08. ~o"'"., OOGe. taeaoelbl.rolDarkabto ..... muoh enjuyet l. 1'h~ r.,l1ller8 of thill pllper will 00 Mhl" Jane Rolond ofror. IF lost, week . YuU ",au TIRE . :.:-...: ar!~~..: ~lp::,e: :a~~~~r: , ::!:J:I~ ~~~:3:c: :na ft!co Quoted abo ..o; or wr1te for our ttl. Tlr. .od 8uDCl.n C.Wolue plAltsHd to learn t.IlRt there ill at Mr. Mrs. Isaao Evonll, wblcb cIeeoribM....:I quo_ ..11lllAk. ~ Xonlli, "peut Xenl Imd Mrs. (;ieorge MIles, 01 i IDtIo of tl ....... d ~!:,... ~\'!':':.~~.::'~:'~~. a:g :r~"¥~","l.:-_ le,!!!t one llreader i dlselise that Tbursd ay VI Ub Mr8. of ... ftnd Itlr many ye,Hs rIJ8ideotti .UYlRa • bl"7e1o o. • Fred HteeiB. DO "OT WAI,. Oftl_trotD.~O.,.=OUDo._"".aod.O...,.rtUlOI(..... an~._I. SOlonoe has been "ble to oure tn all of town fl l) ~ nt >::iunday hl,re with a.d Effect of Moonlight. . . MIIIR Viola 8ernarr i III vltdtlng ut friendfl . There Is scarcely a ny region on this its 8tagep, on,l tbat is UBtarrh . globe, trom the oquator to the newly !:Jail's C,~tarrh eUle Is the only the home of her brotber , Earl B"rfound contine nt of the arctic circle p.Jl!ltj ve cure now knuwo to the nard. Oet Rid of Your Rheum atism . and the lately discove red Bouth pole, wedloa l frlitern itv. Catarr h being A. W . dheeha~ who has boe.n a oooRtlt utionill diseue , reqnire s 8 8nfferl o8 witb k.ldney . trouble la where there Is !lot a gpnera! beller 10 Now is the time to get rid of yonI' the pow erful nml deltltllrl ous effocts oonlltit otiooal 'relltm ~ nt Bl1l1'a t.ltklna treatm ent at Miami Valley rllenml ltism. Yon o .. n do It if yon _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - apply Ubamb erlaio 's Linim'l nt . W. I of moonlight all ns h, newly planted Catarr h Uun~ Is taken loterm dly, UOllpital, Day~n. A. Loollh ud, Bomer City, N. Y" aeeds and to 1\ 1() 8 s ('T ex te nt on meat aoting direotl y upoo the billod and • - • wrltea, "Lait 8pring 180ffer ed from wblch la' to b come f ood, says Il writer muoon8 surfaoe s of the 8ystem ,' Cures Stubbo rn, Itchy Skin Troubl es rhenwo tism with terrible pain8 ~hereby destroy ing the foundll tion in the New York America n. . In of Ih., di~ease, Ilod glvinll the pa,tI 0 )uld 8oratoh mYielf to pilloes" my ar0ll8 and 8honld ers. 1 got a bottle of Chamb erlain '8 Lioime nt tillot. sirengt h by buildin g up tbe I. of teo heard cOD8U tntion 'lnd aS8istio g nature iB Eczema , Tetter, from 8nffere r8 of aod tho fir!!t Bpplioltotion relieve d dolnlt' Its work . The prop"ie tor8 Skin Eruptio ns. Itoh and 8imillir me. By using one bottle of it I was Recogni zed the Burden. Don't Boratc h"No wonder them cit y peo ple com· hllve so mach faHb tn Its ouratlv e ~top the itching at once with Dr. entirel y oured ." For 8ale by all dealen . power thnt thAY nft'er Ooe Huodre d Hobson 'a Eczema . Ointme nt. plain about beltl ' all worn out with Its ._ - -.... tbelr Boclal duti es," voucbsared a Vol lars for Bny CtlS8 that, It faU8 to firs' a.pplica .tlon start8 healing ; the promine nt citizen of Wllyov erbehln d. oore. !:leno for li8t of t,elltlmo nlals Red Rough, Boaly, Itching Skin is O.lIy Romlnd .r. Addr6l 's: F. J . CHENE Y & CO., 800tbe. t by the Healin "Wben I was down to New York I g and Cooling Charac ter I. seDse ot· humor, ad durn Dear unj'\nte d my neck tryln' .to Toledo , 0, Medloin es. Mrs. C, A. Einteld t, whatev er el.e It 18 tb.t alves ~ !:lold b.v 1111 Dru!!'!ti,tp, 750. bow to everybody J met on the Rook 18land, 111., after using Ur. womanhood Ita splendid cbar~. TakA H .. /I's Fl1mily Pilla for con · Bob800'11 Eozema It.reets."-Maga :tlne of Fun. Ointme nS, writeM : 8tlpatlo o. "ThiB II tbe fir8' time In nine yeaI'II I bave been free from She dreadfu l ailmen t. " Guaran teed. 500, at your Druggi st. ... ..... . ... ....... ....... .

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Painting, Pap er Hanging, Aut o and Car riag e Painting.



LAWN MOWERS Ground Tru e by Machinery


Mr8. Minnie Nagley dod Ron JOlIhua , of El Pa80, Texlis, oome lost Friday spend the 8umme r wi th her parents here. Weave r Br08. and CbA". Borton have pnrchll l'ed Indian Motoro yles of J. A. Spltler ,llgent t;prinlt Vlllley Bellbro ok ba8e ball team jonrneyed ttl W~ynesville Deoorl1 tion Day play with the Ml"dlie . Bell brook won in ' o~h g .me8 Jnaper Berrvh iJI, a well known oiti:leo "f thi':! towDflh ip diAd "t hi!!! IHto home, Ronth IIf to~n, Saturd .. y livenin g Funera l WIiM held TU"lIcloy alt.erno oD lIt 2 o'olock at the hons!'. Dlok Wri;ch t and fa.mlly . of D .~y too, moved In with MII\8 Olive MorriR I lilt week. Mr8. O. R. Petor~on ell' ,rl.alnfl d four yonng Itldt6i' from 'he W. C A . .,1 IIftytoll 'Mit t!aturdl~y . Mrll .Inhn WiIIiHm s. !Ion lInd tiflll)!,ht,er, of Dllyton , tlpen' Dt'oer8 I iOIl O.. y bpre.



---_- .. .


It i9 a well· known fact that it is next to imposs ible to sharpen II La\\n Mower accurat ely with a file. especia lly as a great many mower s mad at the presen t hav.e harden ed blades. Some resort to emery dust, turning the reel backwa~e. The objecti on to this is that the clearan ce behi.nd the cuttl~g edge is reduced . which make8 more surface In contact WIth ~e striagh t cutting bar than there was before. After the cuUmg edges become the least hit dull. the Lawn Mower h88 to be adjuste d very close, 80 that it TEARS the grills instead of shearin g it. making the mower run harder tha1,l ever. and the more it is sharpen ed by emery dU::lt the worse It become s and 800n has no clearan ce at all. .

Have your

Lawn Mower ground true by Machin ery at

-WayotsviUeAuto& MachineryCo. and Autom obil, I

Phon e .4



Gft,ra l Machinerll RlPGir:inll. Oil. a~ 'Accela oriu.

'. Ga,o~n6.

IPG ..- . .




'waYn~~Y.II~. ,OtjIO . •

.. ,

- - -


Ola ssil lad Ads


Shop "Nex t to Sher wood '8!Ca rage Main St

Ads twenty· .. 111 III<:live lnoened ~hl.lnaertioD bead for cent. undor for three l.I ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

when ullne not more thaD live IInel. v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ... •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

• • • • • .,......,



All Kinds or

YCLE ealesm an wanted M OTORC to sell tbe Eagle motoro yole.

AD exoeptl onlil opport nnity to rlght mao. .rhe Trlnmp h Anto RepILlr Co" Cio oiunliti , O. m27e berB t·o the MoUaU'8 100 "tJb8cri MagHzi ne. Bend to the 350

InS UR lIn eE .


A. R. Chandler Successor to


(;i/tzeu j 0 Illee, aud gilt ODe of the best mUI:!:lIz lnes on eartb. tf Over PostolIice, orr ice Phone 77



House Phone 6-3



E plant!! for Ie. Call Dr" Heb er ' M. Dill C ABBAG Every farmer who ownla Indiana on Pllrk [Jeat, W .. yneFlville, Osteo fOllnd that it i. the beat busine81 deal pa~hi c Ph.vs ician ()blo. I tf Ie ever made and tbe greatest pleasur e 21 Broadw ay Phone 449 'f bie farming eIperien ce. It only N MILLE T !Jale· Irlda 00% to the profits of the dairy G I!:RMA For turther inforruH.t.ion ca 11 D. .nd feedinc pen a but it Leba non, Ohio IIIIves aU tha 811








B. Soot!!t , ph Ll ne 65 IX, W"yne a. littd.unp~nt~kof~nuxf~g_ II • • We have an especially attractiv e propoJu 10 Coughs and Colds Weake n the ~ystem ville, O. BRANCH. OFFICE dtion to make to you now-on e that ~1l Coutin ued Cougbs , Uolds. and EGG PI... ~Nl't;-"nd othtlr mabIe you to get aD IndJana SUo In time. garden Wayn esvill e, Ohio ~or next faU'1 corn crop and to pay lot' it Brooch i .. 1 trollbl6 l! lue depres8 10g plant8 for 8a1e. Cbas. S'ronJl e, Tuesda ys and Fridays . from l8:JO La it pay' you. nl tell you about it. ILnd weakeD the lIystem · .0811 ot R 6, Wayne llvllle, O . Je 10 to 12 o'clock weigb~ aDd appetit e gonera lly tol-· low. Get. 50tJ boUle of Ur. Kiog's THE Ezeou Pllpel' Cl:p,. per box, Office, corner Main and High streets Ohio New Dleoov ery today . It wt)l 8tOp 160; Carboo paper, 2 fo~ 50. Phone No. 100 your oongh. The flret dOlle helptl. Inquire IL.t thl8 office, I l10 • 'rbe beet meoioi ne for Stubbo rn Congh'! , Uolds and all Throat aod a huodre d. plain, white Lung Trouble 8. Mr. O. B. ~rowo. orepe paper n"pltlo ll; io de Mn~Otltlne, AJs., wrtt8'8 : "My wife 81Kn8 50 IMlr dozen, ., thiB omoe. Wall '8 iolt doriug the ho' somme montha aad I bonaet} y belteve Dr.r :'!"!'!!"!!~!!'!!~~'!'!'!!!~!"!!~~!"!!~~!!!! KtOjf'8 ;New Dl80overV' saved her Stock and General Auctioneer Ufe." Good for ohUdre o_ 500 and $1 00 at your Drugll 'lt,

aha s. D. Cloo k



N. Sears

Wa lter McClure

Fune ral Director.

Teleph one day or Illaht. Valley phoDe No. 'I. LOOK

DiI,aoo e

~o; 1~2r.

Autom obtle 8eryIO , ' .e lit . " ~


Poste d 00 pedigrees and . values 'of a kinds of breeding stock. """-""':enced in baodl iogJa nn sales since ~'1900.





WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Admit. 8he 10 Fat, Ste lla May hew 18 fll t- JU ll t plaID tnt. Th l.B Is th e t e r m s h o h e rselt appll cs to h e r a\,nl rdupoI H. wi thou t try· IlIg 10 dl sg ul Hc It as " pl u llIp " or "81<lul." An d ah " do 811 't III lnd Jok ing wll h heTl'e ir a uuu t It 0 11 n (~ r l n l ll oP"us lon sl le wn~ 10 1· dn !; 1I"r lIud l"III'P Illto a ( I'\\" of ho' .ecn'tM

CRIMINAL CAREER OF FRANCISCO VILLA Murders, Massacres. Tortures and Robberies Perpetrated by the Commander of the Constitutionalist Force s in North ern Me xico. .~

~ 1 1)!;l'all h )'

",' \ ' 111.1 ,' ," li P 1, ·tI Uy . 111 " 11 ) \ll'all,:, ul ,' l'('oI J " II"

I t') l:\I' ~ 1I Tl"illlt11 ' r:Jlt




lI", r th t:..,~ b t·

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a tl d r"a u br I l h ull 1:,0 vrt:Ol1Il C r :i, I !lU II ) 1 lc t'n p Oil L odgt' In t h l:' l'ni h .. d ~I ~t{t '~ I t il ).; \\' 1I 1Ill' H u ut! c hilLln 'l 1 In Hh ouLlu h tH u ' l a (hln g I rl ' ud a hlJ\ll . ' Hll n-lll l l'e l' ~ t! : lall ' S UJ lpJ"'~ t h d ( nll l J\\' iIl G r ..ll' ll-l . , h," ;" 111' 111' 1, ' III o rti cr to l ' I' UI101Uiz a I to l u l«( ' 11M" H," !4 IJ, Ih :lt f <.l u ut t r.r ." I '1'II11I' 1' l" \'111:.1 w'l ~ Iw r ll nt L"s , l·llI l lld ",,· • . Il l' 1111Ic" d " 11>' bl' lti n d tlw I At t ltl ~ JlII II ' " a \\ "1" .111 ,,' n lhl In : ~i l ""H 1n I h p toI l ... t, · u f Durlill g/) aI H'UI u l l ll' 1" u p to tl\, ' a t OIH.' 11 nl (\ . \ \ ' 1' )' f e \\ 1 t l l P ~!'I '( lUd r fl W , \d l n I nllt ! 1Ii1 d .· hprHPir l h l ' \I':\ r I ~ tl"l 11,' t ~ ,\ll l ,ll, !llIl' \JU 111 \ 11" 11 \ la' l lig :\ 1111 ' 11 lI u lrt J,: h l 'I' hl'l (' ull "i ll\t- Utlll ": h " '-: 1" , . " .11 n ' l l1 t1 I' IH~ (jU I" ~ '1I 1t d . llt ,t:-t ,.; u aJ lJl .. ttl f" t a d an d llilt" I , lJ tj~ lt' ~ ur l il I dt'old Htld \\ u UI Jl h ' d WU r \! , tn l~ ~ 1 1 !: s \ Iu) 11 .. ,\ "\ t.d l, i n qlli r e d I aL l " III :iiJ.:.rt il l.";' IIUIII!' \ hoUI ; h l ' :, ' I :-tl t ~ h t ' d \\ It ll 1.1 1' 11 0 1. ' 11111 llU ll l " !l Id :' 0\1 !-'v"r tr y I lObI HI "" - 8 t w llt ·u u n l y iO lJ rlolJ u ycurs lilnl \', 11 ill ll! lJl ll d ln !, l l r u pH fI ' d fur L.( lIlls pt) ~ t Pl t; III \' {' 11 _\ .'It!' P :.! '1'11 1' pri!"oot-"n., \\ t ' r " rUf fe d 1 o r : I~t ', h . · \\ t.\ "" ~"' ll tf· I1 (·p tJ to H , ·'rll l .. 1 'fl Ul l l1' ~P th·

.....: ,-·II;:t .) f


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In:, d l:-O l harg,I' Ill' ~l· ltl . · u to l b .- Il i lul li g

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II1IIhu l h ,· ulll1l1 n · a ll d .

wit h 1, ..'l f'o l!, unl tI,, · r p !4 t u r l tll!


"OC '''I' ' II ' ;II:tlw .. , ,'1. wh,'r,' II r,·,, ' "I c l illl~ 1 38:1 No. t ' ulon ~A llrorn. IJ I.- " MY 1I10l1l hs lau r h,' U ll d ~" " "' 11 1 Iln(llh " r .\ 11,·1' Ih l~ h,' W" 111 10 Ih " ti rtl a ll tuwn 1 ali me nt Ml urlt! d with Ol 11 11 10 pl Ul ple ~pII I "IIl'r' ot 1lIl l' llIII " lI t tnr hUI Ii · I o ( " 11 1'1'1'1",.. \I h" r,· h e l o ,, ~ pr lSI)I1 0r U ,ul d Il nlw llYs It c lled Il llli uUl'o od t ef",·i,I.· \\' h"1\ II, ' ,"1'"1' (l Ul 01' prl s(lll fo r mall o f m" ro thun ,H' \"'III .\, y,'" '''' ur I, r Ibl y . I li cra t c iIed II ' un d I n a CdW . ..


lli t , M'l'.1 Ild I I UI\'

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fl r q: alll l .\l O It U;l ll u '



.I(l ~ n f) o lu r l'8 ~ l ort ' l~ (J. .,d £'"

days m y race

W a ll


co vered wi th

rn lil"' I' H. whi l: h lI acl Ih ui r h f' a U' llI a r·I IlI:UHII I' I' fl' o lll h lll i II r~ lII E(\ m 0 1 $ _UO .! ijOrt' s. It r a n UII to UIY e y os an d t ll e t" r~ In l h " IIHl u n t ain."I~ ... ·~I " II lI ( .. I·.·· All h .. c'(, \lld lI ul IJIl)' \ Ilia kll ll'f1 hl lll i da)' uCte r I cou ld l1 0 l ~ .. e o ut o C m y ric ,," In 111<' s ta l ,· o f IlII I·II I1 I,;U. I1l1 d " Ith hl ~ ( )\" II ha nd . r lg hl ey e . I wa s u lllliJl .. to ge t a ny \I" T~ l h,' t.' rro r uf 11 11 Ihu l d ls trin. All H Is P risone r s Sh ot . I reB t. I cou ld n 't g il to b" d. be ing In t h" y nnr 19117 h n wa~ III pll rln pr· Un Sl' pl" I11I"' r 2!1. 1913. Vil in. ha '" ' I1 rru ld o t getting tb e c lo t. hln g a\l Hhll' wit h OU .· Frll nl'i ~ co II I za . s t,'ullng II"~ 1l 1'< ' I'IJ{lll"rf' d II fm c" " r o\'t' r 500 ! Ho ll od u lt holl g h I bud III)' tncll a ll (" nll l., ill ,h lh ua h ua /l nd ~ l' lI ll1g t h "1II (Ild(' m l ~ COlllnl fl lllil'd by CC IH' rni AI "I'I bu ndu~ l? d . ill l h,' l'nll p',1 HIILI ,,". UII <l 1110' 11 BU'a l· r:'l. :1 1 r\v tl ~ s, n rl" "" kl lom e t" rs fro w " I waB gIven two Jll r s ot sa l vo but IlI g III l1l p~ lIlId h l) l' ~"" In Ih,' l ' lllled I ' \ l rI', 'O Il . h ud I' vo r y p l' ls unur s hOL It ke pt g ot l lug wor se. II wa s some::> IIlI PH. UII U .. . ·lll ng "W in In ,·hlh ullh ua. ' Yill a haH sho t In Ch ihu n hu a 150 li o n· thIn g Hll e a runnin g s ore b ecau so III l'O Il S" IIIHl II l't' o f s oml) ,!ls :lj,;rt"' Ill ClIl C{1 l1lL", tll tiltl. th p grea t e r n ll lllb!'r be in g e ve ry ti me 1 used ~Olll O or th e s alv e h e ~ hOl :i n d kll k d Il e za III bruilli dll Y' poo r peo pl " who co uld not leavo . tor I had t o wrn p ba ndagc s a r o und my ll !: ht . w h d e g ltlill ~ ! Il Ih ll 1.lfl za III lh e I wa u t of llIo nn s II r bl·caU8tl th oy necl( 10 k ee p t h e wa t e r a Dd pua rrom (' it y of l ' ld hull hu u Du rill " t h e ea r.l ; I lhou g ht Ih o), ra n no ris ks, aK th e y tooll runn ing do wn my boli y . I wro( o ror a pa ri of :\ o v\J lJlb e r. 19 10, h ' " t l"e k ed 11 0 pu r t III poli ti cs . ro r a ll lh e people sa m ple of Cuti cu ra Sonp and Oint· s tah d wh Ul il \·; a ., t h ~ f:t c to r y of Il ~Ir . 80to . III Ali e nde, l in nl1 ,1' WilY con n ec te d ", li b th e govern· m ont and In Il fe w days I r eceived tblll Illdu ceu C; lJg . IU I,· of Chi hu a h ua . and klllt~d t h tl m Ala ha d ie fl be to r e .VllI n tlll t e r e d the the ao nn d wns hed my tnce with tbe O UH ISTS In Sf: ne r a l IIs11ult'll tv c ilmLI 11\\ 1I l'r . 11), t h r i'lll L'n lll l; Ih " Intte r 's c it y . S lIe elul m o nl lu ll mlly b e made I Cutic ura S oap and put o n so me Cu t!· kn ow little of Ih e co n · Ulowltu ins . uud h " da'l ):h l Pr h c· rurn,d h tl r to .ho \\, w h ~ re o r Ih~ ('as e ot S e n m Ignac io Irlg oye n I cura Oi n t me nt nnd th e n ell t morning sld e rnb lo !;trr t c h ot po w I'!' \lp.a lt! d Ib .. ~ I\p hlld h idd .' n :l " llIn o( $1 l .tlOll . wltll·h ~n (1 ~c ll u r J use A . YlUloz , \\h o. th o .lgh my taco t elt cool a nd some what r ecoun t ry t haI E'xt ond s "' ~. t; · lU e lll w ith H'V· It" !; t o l ~ n ll d ll se d for armlllg Ii r Olla id · III no wuy con n ec l ed wl tlt 110 !t t lc H. , lI e ve d. Arte r u s in g th e sampl e ] north wa rd fr o m Tur in I :'nl "'lrlat lo l l~ . I " l'u hlll fo rc f'. lit' th e n jojn NI :VIa · 1 were tnk l' n by Vi lla nn d lor ture" tor bought so me Cu tlc u ra ~oa p an ~ Oint· to t h e sou t h ' rn s lo pes nugS "1I1" d t hnt Ill,,· I h 'n"'~ I''' vo lu tlo ll . u n it In !: h l ~ bllu d I se vo r a l da)'s with th l'oa ls 10 s hoo l m e nt at th e dru g sto r e. ] follo wed of Mont I1l an c. Apart ;t tw o S lJ h ... r e u ,'. ilb l'I'blna's col u mn . In .l alllllU'r ' l lh e lll u n lil Ihey IUt id ra n su ms o t $20 .. thl a trea tm e nt Just t wo nty·s lx days from Its In le rest to Ao s ta r <ls t.Lura n ts I~ I I . hl' wnH a t Casu s (; n lnd cs. Ch I· 1100 pa e h . lIa " log o blni n ed (roUl Villa and artc r u s in g o ne calle o r Cutl cnra moun ta ineer s In co u· a ud g laco bho ps Iluuhuu . wh (' rl' h kill e d Cn rli). ,\ Ia ' : h lltll,,!:: a:lJ'e COllll uc tB to Itl n ve by Soa p and t wo b ox os ot Cutl cura Oint· ta inl ng t h o l'.\' O h ig h· was hllnll y It t> IlI rn' .l nd Lu is O ritz (or refu si n g 10 I t ra in for t he bo rd e r, th e Imin In wbl c h m e nt I was c urlld ." (S ls n ed ) George est peaks III It a ly, t h e re rlR1l1 Gor t o f ; ,fl' ;" I';\ Y h l l1l l ht' nlUlI PY be d "' lIIand ~ t.I ror Ih p), were WIl~ 'clllI g lt l up nt Mou t'('- Mill e r. Jan . I , 19 13. are (e w or It s hundre us at va\l l'Ys t hat amllall . 1'h (' 1D ' u 1I1 .. lr ra ll uo m. A t lIulo \l i l a~ , s IIL I,' ot z lI nm b.v It Incu llI o ll,·c III " hlr h we re C ulicura Soap a nd Olnlme nt sold <10 not possess re li cs In th p s hllpe of l io n or l h ~s " lux · ( :h lll la hull. ill F"b ruary of l \t {' tia Oi e RP,'lI ral ofllc e rs il! Vill u's cOlltl d e ll ce. throu ghout tb e wo r ld. Sam ple of euch gl an t a qu educts an d a rc hes hn lf s unil' ur i~s 8eem ed II) I 'ar h,' tn l'tul' .' d 1L lad v n ,lI ll l' d Bt!no rn IWll li ed b)' a n oX ' ~'l n rt e r l s l a de put )' free. wlth :t2·p . Skin Doo l< . Address pos t· e n ILmJd th e \'ege t allon ot l' en t ur le s, LO ll c h a r\! l! p()u ~ I\' l' ~l ;~ rla r\ . la 1.11 7. Ul)m ,:z n u ll l iw mafi c ('lll le d ~ l lgu e l Bat' n ROlJqul ll o . Wh o CIIrd "C;utl e ura. Dept. L , Boslon."-Adv. 'w hl oh testify t o th e ir Impo rta n c In curd. for tll' r ,L h " r )lay him $:: u.OOO. ~h ,' d l()d fro rtl look th e m fr o III Ih e trai n ull d s hot Roma n times. T h a <ll s trl c l a r o und \l lh ld . wit h e tll u~ l b .' ' "," lts uf t h,' l1:t r lJ:H ouS tn' al m e nt th e lll In t be pr"'~t" l ce o f lh e \lrulS CIl ' R e v. f!aRc~::a I A~::I~C:Y· • .11 JlresldC o g n a . tb e c e n ter of Ib e mo uotai n o us lio u. ·Ah . If I "v "r ~ h " rer eh·e d. J.:e r~ . Teglo n, Is st"' 0 utrag ~ 8 a t J u arez . --.--- - In g e ld e r of th l' ~ I ctb od ls l c hurc h In "ct~ I y I'' r cac r ", ed as a h lln t. g' l dl.iwn . I 11':' 11 In g ground for th e k ing or Italy . Nu · :1 e v {' r cll lll h R \ \ 1t " 11 l ' lud:ld .lul1rez Wei" ·" k e n MULE'S FIRM PLACE IN WAR eouth e rn Georgia. t ell s a stor y of a negro pas t or dOWll b ls wa y w ho fa il e d m e rous k eep e rs t r a ve rs e t I1e mo u lI · O\l)uotai n 11 ~ a I n 1I f !'Om t ht' ( ·· ( I p ru l ~ In ;\I uy. 1!)I :t. h I! .... . _-_ taln s . an d h ea vy pe ulL ltl es n rp e n. I (' I " . I to g Ive sa t h; t nclioll 10 h is fl oc k A Oh . wha t a wi llL" , 1-: 11I" d S!! ll or Ig lI :IC 0 , O llll'Z Y(I IL. a Wha t the Mis s ouri An ima l Ha s Don e t" o o lllll ll p.1! fro m th o ('o ll /li r pgallo n wuit. forced agai ns t any pe r so n rtl "tu rb in g Oh . COI'LIO <I i Ua e· I lIIil ll or u\'t'r s ixty years uf ,Ig'·. IIll d " r to Secure Vielorles In Va · ed o n hi m to r eq ll eR t hi s rAs lg n ution . th e gn m e. A s a con sequ e n ce.I' iHl lll o ls co, wbat a wlc"I '" Lb o f'J)Il>" 111 1; CirCl lI:lJlU nr ..,~ 1 1 1I\'il l ~ . rloua Land a '11 k I 1 tb I I . " Loo k h e r e!" do ma nded th a preneh· ,have gr eatl y mul t Iplie d. a nd it 15 no w As w e ros~ tit .. ''' ' Ill fOI' h l1 l1 . \' 1 a a.s 1'( W 1t' rr I e " W h ut' s de tr uub le w id m a h ~r i vol a g rew mu r " h" d a ll." a r llls III b is h O\l~l ' . a mi o u Yo u m ay h uvc no ti red tbat till' Ilrmy er. t h e o nl y 10eaHty In tho wh o l(l Alps w h e r n th e n oble b ouque tlll o r ib oT . I I I I t \ ' 111 .. h ' Ie UJu l ~ "us u r rl \'f·,1 III " e ra ('nl ~, . Il prea c hin ' . Don't I ur gu (y?" <., l a )' . Caclng Cog n e . ma r kR th e com· rn nJI1S llr . T h,' Lea ut iCu l cu n 'lng BOOW Eaj IJg .I ,' la( no. u. \\' 0 \" ~ ~ ., v "You s h oo does . l'I da h ." u "'eed the '. may be seo n In Its natlv l' w lld ~ ". mE- nee m on t of Ih " IS r el.L l r id ge thllt rl df:p. , wil lc ll I ~ th" mou n tain '" c ll l'( 8 \1 11 t f' d on a to bl c ... d r pw I I IS r " \'olv"~ r w r ll e r In t he Plli htl lr. ll.h ln l A'd"c " r r eo I It wa s , h oweve r , mainl y to phOlod I l hi A II Aft itll' th t! ma rk f' . Th ,. l'orn' ~ polld e n t s ~uy h e s po (cs mu n . culmlnal es In th o Gr a nd Pa r a.dl s , t b e d ls!lnet ioll . wa s SC I' Il t h ro ughout Its 11 11 S 10 m ,, (la '. on er I' Il ll . "Oon't I 's nutl f.v cO ll ~ e rnln ' d e S cn"g raph , If no t t o c llJnb , t ile Ur llnd lottl est pea k In It a ly . W e t o lle d up le n r-th rrom t h e s um m it to t he g in· "0 1' (1" " 0 1. mu ney no d VII IlJllu"1 CS It "' 'n -o k ic kod u p hi s h e p l ~ wh e n he wlllk ed .... ' lures ?"" Parl,ldl s and th e Grlvol n Ih ul l h O t h is \'all e " th e ro ll ow ln ~ m o rnin g . c le r. wb h: b mU c r, (ro m Il.ll Btee p in · th row ll IlI lO t he stre" l. 0 (( t ho bunt. Il wns th e mll lo's WilY aclmllte d th e w ri te r and a trle nd mad e a recent J ,., rt I I I ( I I I 'o r PX llr l'ss lng h is de ll g lll a l r a ching " Yo u s Ulti nly does ." pass ing num e rou s wllys ld e s hrI n e s , c lln llll c il. ~' :1S bro k. en t hrou g ho u t by A e r t 10 tr um IJ I () t il! rllVO UI Oil. "the front. " oth e r . vi sit to th1ll country. W p hnd Jo ur· ver y gay wi t hIn . with painted lruage¥ ou m e rou s ice-fall H and ga pin g c r e- \, ill a. In N o \' (' m iJN. IlI 11. Obla llH'd a . " De n wh a l 's wron g?" neycd In easy s tages by way ot Ch um·. o f saints and M a do ll na ~ . but plctur. VIl 8 S C S . 'v\' e we r e a l a h e ig h t of o ve r : 1I10 110 1)01y f ro ID t he t h l' n gO\' ur no , o r 1,ln ~olli 5 co mm e n t th ~t w hIl c' h a "W ~II. eldll h. " stal e d th e h e nd ot o nlll and th e St. Be rllard. occ uplng s qu e antl dllapld llled e xt e rn a ll y. A te n t h ou"aD d (ee l a ud le ss t han Cour Cb lh u ullU u Cor th e SI\JC or lIIt!at III till" h ud 1' 0 d lffi c ul l y In r.r.ell tltl ll brt g ud le r th o co m mi t t e e " hlt't! di s wa y: Y OII ar. sev ~rlll days. although tb e dl st rl c l It· peasant In de vo ti o na l a llitude a t on e I mil e s ('rom t h e llI o untaln. and c o uld I cil), o r (· bihu!l h Il8 . wh ic h he pr.o cured ge n e ra ls . he co uilin l IIlllk l' a rm y I :;ufl cs a nd yo~' ' a pu litl~~. but you don' t lIelr Is within 24 ho urs o( Cha ring oC th a m, with t U'3 m o untains ris in g s ee In a mom e Dt t.ha t we occ upie d lh ~ , LJ)' ;; (Pll lill g palli e rr u lII t lt e n(11):;h bo l'· m u ll'S, hlld III . It 11 bool( tull ot wi s· s ho w wbe re ln! " - tiu l urda y Elv e nlng ,C ross. and reacb ed th e v illa ge at g randly above, rom pl ple d a pic t ure "llea t V06~ i\)l o pol o t o( view an d t il(' I in!; f a rm ~ . . : us ppc l in g u ut! ur hi s s ub· 110 m . \\ h e re \ c r t h e re I s Il w a r tb e re Po s t. dus k. when Its Inhabitan t s b a d alread y that WRB "err unlik e any m e t with on only ne ar t1ositloll ('ro m wblc h It ~ ' u rd inu les . Cr is t o bal .JU !l. rl'7. . ..ulf Mte a l' I IS II mU.lo. , .' retired with lbe lr coc ks and b e ns. a n En glt Nh country s id e. A \)Ir ee bOll1'll' gTand uortll e rn fa ce co uld be s eell. lllI ); o n h i,; OWII ucco un l . It t' kll.f' d b ~Ul A o ll \ ul buttl c \l lth o ut s hl pR wo ul d CredIt Johnny 5nag91. Whll o In Aosta we had h e ard mu c h or t ramp Ul' steep path s took UB to the Tho vi e w lo ws nl a til e n o rth Was In. o oe nig ht In tll e latt e r lta r t u r !' o· b r 110 ~1ru.lIg er I! I ~ h t t ha n an Am e r l· " ;';ow. bo ys." Bu id th e s c hoo l rnllster. th e habits and m a nn e r a of th " Il ll ti ves c ha l . ts of Mone l. w hich o wIng to th e desc ribab ly Im posing. Th tl whole of ve m be r in t h > Cail e de la Lll) ~ tact a u . eRn a mlY on th e rn O\i \" " Ithou t ItA "[ wnnt you to b e nr In mind th a t the . o r Cog ne. The ,.Js tan s . who cons ld · la t eooss ot th e s ea so n. we re nnten . lh e cantral P ~ n lJill es from Mont ftl a u e In tl", pa rl y Imrt or "l a y. 19 1:1. Villa. tulll e. Tb o mul e ea rrl ps tl lH lo ad . li e wo rd 's ta n' at th e e nd of a word er th e ms elves to be In th e (ront rllnk anted by man or h oas t. Tb e y s tood In to t he ~1ntt ~ rb o rn were t re o (rom wil h 75 lU"n, as"ault .. d a t rain a t f.. t!d ~ th e arm y. He h e lps drag Ih a m ell ns 'Ih e \llace of: Tllu s we have of E urop ean ci vilization, were ne ve r Cull vIew of th e g rnnu Tribulation c lo ud . S epo from a southe rn vI e w Hael.a , Sla t e a t' Ch llllJah uli . t h a I w as h i~ ~UIl S . He! brin gs up th '" lImmunl· A fg h nnl s tan - tlle "llIc u ot the At· tired of pouring ridicule 00 th e doings g la cier, a s suredl y w e ll na m ed, tor Its poInt th e r e Is ne v e r any do ub l It H to cu r r ying ba rs o( go ld a nd s ilv e r v u.\ · lioll . li p hlllli s t he le nts. li e carri es ghans ; ul s o Hlnrill tl tll n-- th o pla cl! of of tbe simple villagers. " Th e y bad many.mlle eIpa mHl prASE' u ts a con . th e a bso lu te p r e do mln a n cl' of th" u ~ d III 100,0 1)1) pe ROS , ki llillg th e c r ew Itwa y Ih " wo und ed . the Illndus . Can a n yone give m e a n· no use for b eds. but sle pt 10 c upboards tluuous se rl e B of Ice (l\lI s a nd buge Un !a l \\, h it ~ mou ntnlD. Il nd froOl b e r e l.L u d ~ e v ..: r a l IUl!lSe nge r s , In cludi ng 'I'I", m ul " Is ~ lIre (oo t ed a s a fl y . lie otber e ltampI A?" on shelves. one abov e th e ot b e r. Tbe serncs. The pli g ht o r u ' climbe r los t he r h e i!; hl a n d bulk tal r ly d w urfed a ll ~ II;SSN! . CUl'u vau t es a lHJ a :::l..:no . Isaac r ival s l bp cUlllol In a b ilit y t o en dllre Nobody ap(lp.arc(l vo r y Iln xlous to do women made up for a scarcity o f IIn on :1mld thi s d e soilltlon would be de spe r. o l hprs . No w, w hil e Bcores o f moun . H e rre r o o f Cludau (l lwrTe r IJ wlth o Ul wo LHr._ II ~, I ~ ~I M rH. P anko so until littl e Johnn y Snuggs. the Joy by n supe rabundance ot c lOlh, whlc b a t e Indeed, Ilnd eve ry gaping cre vasse taln !! se parate d by Inte rv a ls ot bun . Murde,.. In Cold Btood. llllrs l wh e n It co mes to fa~ t1nll . ot hi s moth Ar nnt! th e lerror Qt the tbey wound round th eir \\'nl s to In would r e mInd hIm of a qui c ke r rout e d r ed s of ru ll es we r o cl ear. tb e on e for I.a t ~ in th f' lI a nH' UHlll t h It " " lIt" t " d Ju li us Ca osar kn e w tlH'I mule, but cats. s aid Ilro udly : many laye rs under th eir s kirts. 8we ll· to th e othe r world than ~',jst afforded whi c h Ih e nsce nt was Dl ad e WIlS n ot. th e t OW II or ::>:J.u An d re s. \ 'bihunh ua, h e n eveT saw Buch liB ure br ed in "Yes. s Ir. r can. Umbre llastnn- tho log the mse lve8 out to a n unnatural by tbe slopes of th e G r e o d Pa radIs In Al pIn e photo g raphy this la nlmost Wid ussault ed t he huus e of St11l0r Champ Clll r k'lI " houn d nwg" s tate . place Cor urn brellao." size . Tb e y w e r e childIshly fond of ri s ing above. Th e n e xt (e w days we r e Inva riab ly Ih e c a se. Faint m is t!' Sabas i\lurga all llaclen dlldo . w ho. MI Msourl m ul es h e lp ed th e l.; ng lls h to we aring med a ls aod b ead s , a nd wore c hI e fly spe nt In a bo rtiv e a ttempts t o torm e d. In th o vic inity we re driv e n with hl ti t wu s ou s. tri e d to d efend lIck ' tb e Roers . they we nt wi t h tbe [,I· LIVING ·ADVERTISEMENT aprons, wh ich th e y care fully ti ed up photograph tbe ~ Orlv o la . Lik e th e a gai n st lb e summit and speedily de- ttl IDs tl l\' es. Two of b1ll n e phew M lied IIrmles to P e kin g. th ey follow ed Qlow of Health Speak. for Po.tum. on six dRY S of the week. only letting W e lsshorn at Ze rmntt, It 18 a mOlln. velo pe cJ t o (!nOrmOllS dlm e nalons ; W l"" k ill e d, lJUt 'lh " Mu rgas got awa y. our Ita g to th e land of the savllge he m down on the s e venth ." tain that canuot be see n trom lilA I these d isD jljleared and othe ra took Villa thun got hol d u r lWO ao ns·ln·luw ~loro!l and If u eed bo h e 1"111 be on e It rOQulre s no scie ntific trainIng to Tb e day tollowln g our arrival was valley; one bas t o cllmh 10 a con sid· ' th e ir place . Pati e nce. bow e vur wns or Mu r ga who had not tak en any Va Tl o t the first to set foot on Ihe wide dIscover whe the r cotree disagrees or t h e occasion of a feativul. Tb e vl!lage e rablo height t o judge Its t10SltlO>\. : uIUmat t.l)' r owar dl'd. aod for ~ few In tb e li g ht. lind afto r torturing lh nm . thoroughfares ot Mexi co City . not. c hu rc h was th e ce nle r ot th e cele bra· and owIng to the badn ess ot th e lac. ml[1l1tes th e we lco me s un rays poured to s a y \l'h t1r ll th olr rn th e r·III ·la w had Hamle t mlgllt Te maln out or th e Simply stop It for Il time and use lion s. At vari o us tim es th e viJIu ge r R mapa and Ihe Ignorance of tho na. over th e ridg e . st riking th e lOpS of hidd e n hl ~ mon e y. he hlld Ihe rn kille d . play. but tbe mulo can't 8tay nw a) Postum In plnco at It, th on note the Is sued forth In procession , prece ded Uv ea concerning th e ir own mountalnp. , th e s e rn es nnd Olllng th e cre vasse s Tow a nl" tb e e nd or th l) lUo nth VII· frum war. bone flclal elJec18. Tbe truth wlU apby wblte- go wn e d beare rs of ba nn ors w e had to find t h o be st vl e wpolnl I w!t b n tll ouHllnd s hadows. The tor e- la' s bnll,1 took tu e town o( Stu . Hosa· - - - - - -- ponr. a nd Images . making thr. cIr c uit or Ul e by tbe process of ClimbIn g cach or the ground hlld a lre a d y boa n choBen . and lia. Chlhuah ull. s hou tin g a ll pri son e rs Balzac In Wall Street. "SIx year8 ago 1 was In D. very bad adjac ent c e m e t e ry and to n e Ig hb or Ing 5umrn It s In tu rn. \V I' qui c k. th e 0l>p08 Ure s ... e r " m ade Ju s t lu til nt' lUI d t r OlL tl ng th e Ilr Ili e I pa I 0 n'Ic ~rH W Itll T wo " to cll l rad e r s. s itting In a CU B· con dl ton. I .. wr'1tea n T . gl \' ln g "urlt • ,. e nnI . d Il y. "I a mournful dlrg o a s th ey m a rc h e d. Iy ~ound that th!! POinte d'l Pousset . 1 to e Me n pe It m nS H of cloud thal cov. t" rriblt' cru elty . ('ol on e l f'u e uleclta tom e t s ' roo m ' in a brok e ra!;fI house 8urre r cd from Indige stion, ne rvoUQ' It was dltllcult t o a pproa c h tlt e n a· whI c h has neen t e rm ed the Oornegra t I ered lh o s u m mit fo r t.h A r es t ot the WlUI ~ hot Ilnd hi s no d y dragg ed aloug In w"n str et!t . were discus s ing the nell8 and Insomnia. All lh ls co nsum ed much t1m e , lt he stl'oeta of t h e to wn . Th e com· various aUlh ors . "I was then an Invete r a te eolfee t llV e s ; s s ig ht of th e eurn e ra I cur· of Cogne, was certaInly th e best POSI' I day . rl ed s uffi ced to s c nd lb e m sc urry in g tlon , and direc t ed Our c trorts to a Iln d It W II S lut . a ftorn oo n befor e wc m e rcl a l houslls or Ml"ss rs . Vi sconti, " I thInk." Muid Ih e flr s l trad e r. "tbat drlnller, but It waa long be tore I could to an Imm e n se di s ta n c e. "I'e w halt· more north e rl y a nd lort y summit. Idt th e s lImml t. We ·we r e scra mbli n g g urll . Cia Ha ri'll' ru, Rordu y IIhUl co Ilnl 7.a o waH lh e mos t · fo rc.~fuf wrIter, be p ersullded that It WIlS cotree that trancs . how e ve r. judi C l o l\ ~ iy dl st rlb· On the last occa s io n wo slarted oul 10Hr th ese rock s In sllml.darko ess , S paniard s) u ud m lL ll)' o the r s ", ... r e li e Is my fa vorito uuthor, hurt mo, Finally I decide d to leave it ute d work e d wo nd f'rs: th p. n pw s lIulcll' at 4 a. m ., for we ba d to d escend sey. i wh e n the fi g ure o( a man sudde nly tOl ull y s nc k ed . "tan y private p c r~l.Il1 s Th e second tmde r 8t~· ted ~n to crltt · . orr n' few daY8 and find out th e truth. 1)1 clrc ul a t ed throu g h lh e vljl l'lge , and oral miles to tb" v llia ge ot Epln n l be- I mllt e rl a li zEd o n a ne ig hb o rlll!; ridg e . we r e murdered , o rlC! o r the worst CIlBe H cl ze som e ot th o Uai zac ",orks and "Tbe first mornIng I lert olf cotree I torthwlth hnd no lac k (It m od els. fore starting on t b p- r ea l a drllt.ional : H e carried a g Ull s lung ba ndol ee r fasb . b r. ln ~ that oC a S pa nlar<l, S('IW,I' M Oll ' boos l tltost! of Rom e of th o othe r writ .. I had a raging headuche. so I d ecided Th eIr atte ntion s . Ind el1d. becam e wearl· climb of G.O OO (eet. fl y nin e o'clock i Ion across hi s bac k uud furth e r as. li llll. ca~ llIer ot th e h c usc of Cordo y e r s. A ge n eral argument was under I must have some thin g to tuko the lI om e . W I' we r o contInuall y m e t by we were clear ot lhe ror est region 1 tonl s b e d li B by c a ll1lJ'e lipa n u s to s t op lila nco. who was s bot ove r Ihe h ead o f WilY wh'en a third party e ntere\! the place of co((e c." (Tbe h eudaehe was dam sels arra yed In yo.lum ln o ll s /l: ar· a nd e nte red a sl.L va ge but SUblime deao. and d c.: lJlu n d!'d to know what we we t e hi s wl f" . w ho tri e d to d e fe hll him . VII · door . a gentl e man known tor shrewd cau6ot!' by tho reaction ot tho cortee m e nt s who app ea re d 1I0ox pflcte dly lalion . To th e no rt ll tho s n o w.n ec ked ! abou L F.xpl nna t lo us lh a l we c llJllb ed la perso nall y l<lell e d ber In th e (ue ll li S Inll estrn nnl s . dMlg--calfclne.) ' . (rom corn e rs or c hased e Hc h o lher s ummits of the Mont Em ellns and I lb o m ou il ia ill fo r the ple l1Sl ure d eriv e d slt p Ill Y on t he lle ud b~dy of b e r hU 8' . "Ah . h ere "col~ e6 Jo~ es. " said th e "HavIng heard of Postum tbrough 11 \\' Ith co nHc!ou s lau g ht e r !llld e lp phan· th e Beccll dl NOll a low e r ed grandl y from th r, c.:lt" rcl se seem e d o nly holf ban d . He a lsu h lm s e tl ktll ed a S" lI o r tirut trad e r. Wo II lea \ o tb e ques tion I friend wbo used It. I bought a packaga t in " g race a c ro ss our 110lh . Two e ve n Int o the cloudl ess ~k )' . whll p. th e rOCk Y ! s ati sfactory . "lI ul lourl s t s n e ve r , ItIlITl O ~. secl'e t~ry o r I.ll p. c ourt of firs t to hllo ." Th~n : "H(~ I\(J . .lo ll e8. sar' j and trIed It, ] did not III( e It at flrBt \\' a ), la lC us. slallng t hat In cO ll se· rid ges a r ound mo un ted Into low e r s ' com e h e r '!, you nre too Illte, besid e!! Inatn u co. I wa.1! Ju at lioos tlng nl~l1. ac . an d our but after I lellrned how to malie I t " '1 u r·n ce of wa iti ng t or an a p pOint m e nt a nd spires of Infl nlto varI e t y . I whl c l; you (,lI r ry 11 bu n ." I held up m y Massacre at Casas Grandee. , ; rrl e nd .h ~r c I:a.s t.ak e n the othe r stde' j rIght, Ilccordlng to directions on pll/~~ ( wh ic h . howove r . Ih e y had no t k<' t1l) At tb e pas! w e w e r e s alut ed by an i lee'fix . "A ll . rn a fol. I t ook you tor Tn , 191:1. VIlla to ok l a aa H !I/o " \\ e r e I!oln g 10 lea ve . It to you. I would DOt change back to cortee ror Ih p), hart 10Rt tim e. We comp romi sed Icy gal e trom t be north . wh ic h In. i poac h e rs . a nrl th oug h i you we re aft or Ol'aDdE'H. ChIhu a hu a. and sho t 1Il01'C W b,ll" S yo u r opinion'" anythIng. t h is ma ttC' r. but b ell an 10 tltln lt lhat cr ea s e'cJ In Inten s it y as we s cra mbl l! d I th l! c hamoi " ." H e (' x pres~ e d blmself t!Jall 80 nODcombat an t!; . vl olatiug lIev' J o n es' (ace took on Ii puzzl ed e x· "When J began to u se PostUr;tl I t h e nat !\·cs w e r e lesA s lmpl !' Ih a n had up th e s hatte r t'do r oc'\;s that rorm e d th u : SH ll lll ~ rl y ci lRa ppolnted. (I e h ad s oe n , e ral yo ung girl !'. Um OUI'. Ht til ~ 11l two pros s ion a nd , wIth bls thumb s placed welgbed only 117 Iba. Nnw I wel«h bCPII d l'sr rib r: d. li nd th at t h e s tat e· Isst sao fe et of tb e a S CI311t. Th o wlll ,l us fro m a d is tan t s ummit four hours you ne ladl es nam ed Castillo. und e r hla arm ' plts, he nnawored . 170 and nB 1 havo not taken a ny tonic mAll l r "ga rrltll ~ Ih e lr .I<' wi s h d t! 8ce nt fn lrl~' whIstl ed am o ng th e crags . anll ' b e for e ' H e atta clrell an ,1 'BO lt th e town of " YoU' vA got t~e wrong par ty. boys. I In tbat time J can only attribute my ' niKh t n nl b e> who ll y wi tho u t Irutb. my fri e nd Cnmos so Oll ed th e lll cls! . Sa n Andrea, whIch was h pld by th e n ove r bou g ht u sha r e of minin g stocks present good health to tho u se of P05A b[\n ul. iflll '\'I ~ta of s no w p("llk s a nd Inte rval s with his c ri es. H e ha d o.tten ! III th is cou ntry I he tel (J ~ bon e lodus. t e dl!ra lK. In S e.p te rnbe r . 'l9 1:l . s hootin g in my lUe."- Popular Mllgnzlne. tum In Illace of ~olrce. J; la le t s n t th e h pad of th e Vl'l l !'Jon · l old me tbat no itali a n could und e r . .try r.m ploys 132,000 peop lo. ~~~~~_~~""~~~~~_~~""_~..........,.~ "My husband /laya I am a living ad· ~ ,.ertlsement for Postllm ." ' . ~~~~~~~~~~~~""~..-v""~""~~~........~~~"",,,,,~~~~~ No Chance to S i !ln ~ 1. Makes II Dlfferenoo, Name' glvon by tbe PostUul Co., BatHISTORICAL AND RICH CITY wh e r e th e Au str ln ll w ould ·be e mperor ' prove d by th ~ muni ci pality for bllth. " YO ll a nd 'Mrs . J ones a llllos t In varl· Deu lnh- Don'l you thInk bo's aD aw· tIe Cresk, ~{\ch . . 'l'8 S capt u r e d , t rie d a nd . ex ec uted. ln g purpos es . Th e r e a re free bat h s ohl y wlu at brld g~ . H o w di d you h a p· rul bore'! Po.tum now comes In two : Que retaro. In Me xico, Where Maxi· Th e r e aro m a ny r e li cs o f thle e phe m. for th e poorer pell ,ll e . The water or pcn t o los e toduy ," "W e ll. you s e o. De ll- Why, no, I don·t. R~oul.r Poatum - mu s t ~ ','\\'011 millan Was Executed. a Pluc e e r a l e mpire scatte r e d t b r Ollgh the cit y. the s p r ing is a lso us ed tor Irrlgatlng we playe d a t a strange pl a ce. an~ t h e "'Vhy! Didn't he' talk wcenantly l'OlIe4. 16e and ·26e .nacltllgcs , of Commercial Importance . At thi s poInt lit c r e ar e s e veral large t h o garden s o r t he Canada. labl o was a little t oo wide::- ZI! e w while b ~ ~v as wlth . you 1" . '.' !,natant ' Po.tUI'!"-fs U I!oluble now· cotto n nnd fl our mills In operation. . York World . "Yee, bu t he · l,Ill!.ted 3bput m .." · ' j tier. '; A teaapoonful ',(lLssolves quIckly . Quer otaro h ns a po pul ation , with Th e mllI R e m p loy 2.00 0 handll. South Corrosive Power of· C"eoIlQ~. , :_ : , I , .~.: i .1 \ '" .~. j11 • e~j):qt, Ji:~t w~ter,\apd ",lui e,ream !lu bll rbs. of 40.000 ; e le va tion, 5.976\ ot th e clt r Is t h e c elebrate d Canada. T ho cap t ai n of a s tatloD In an Iron ' A 'Goo4. Redon. . ' -' :, All < Pci,:,n~~; '.. ". l ·aDd BUgat/, makes,. !t d e Uo!ou.B b~.~r- . ;. teet : I ~ di s ta nt from Laredo 63G mil es; neted for ItB gr ent num b e r o( amall m ine sat down tOT a Qu~et smoke ,on VI.SI~o r- My . gOQd '.man. w~ y are JO.U ''I'tlibug}1 ~ Y!1U"'to11\ ~ tblli lII'~.~ IIp -ln~~pntIY;..)~9,!l1 ~~ · ~0c Una, '''" .... fro m Cit y of Me xico. 1&7. and Is the o r c hards and m a r lm t g ardena, from 11 pile of creo so t ed timbers. He, )ol! t heTe ~ : ~ { l' Ing td ·~e ,e. pq,~~ ')i~~, ',;' ., .. Tb • .co.t , pC':,c~p ot~bo}h:'kln~'; ~.8 " > capital of t he state ~t the sam e na me. w hlcb frul~ to th e value of more than much olo tb trom hIS ,troullo~.II.a.nd C(lnV'lQ t.....c"~~ft~ ··~u~ .they. · 1!aln;~. " ~}'Bo, I~ I",!,. :';".?';"/~" '''.:. ~:r..::£ I .~b~ 1II~ ,,~1Db . ." " l~·,.' I " J' ~'; '" . " ,"~h~ cit y is ,Intor estmg as being w here: $100,000. ·MGXic~n . mone y. 111 Bot,d an· 11: littlo ' skin .. fro'jll IDlPortant\ papts... oi jlne d the QPC doer. mo.v e~ ~~. ere .. '''~iit it'IiI' ~ r..~ Pf!Ze! ~",· i ' ,...... D~. & aaallOlt,.~ 10J',.Postwii, .. : tbe Imp rlallsts, 'CInde r tbe Archd~,ke nually. ,At th.s ' heac! ·~t th~ ~~ada bl.B Apatomy, ~us l earnlngl.ijle :iesaoQ.' fl . .. . ') " ':~. t~~ ·· . "r-~~~ b~ ,~u1m.IlI&D, .mad~ the ir IMt. stand. and III & Au. apr1na: wbJ.c~ bu been 1m- that .CI'eoa*. Ia. ir. POl'~ of












1 '












aOrro.ift : . . ;



. ,






. An Impress ive tribute wos paid tbe momory ot th e Keven t c<, n S<l llors and marin es who were killed nt Oruz on t be occasio n of th .. f\l uernl ser\llces 111 th e Brook Iyo ua"y yard

Thl H \.IbOlOl( rnph "h ows till' I· ort e~.'

Ing up Broud ..·oy, New Yor k.


--- -



This La th e HOS pic e li t I~all s \'i e w, Ont.. wh ere th e A. · B.-C' . med iators are bohllll g the ir SlISS IOIlB LUld end eal'or~ l'llle tb e Mexlt:a r. tro uble .




The United Statel! reyenu e cutter Seneca. which Is patrolli ng tbe North Atlanltc . r ecenUy reported sig hting ltie1!e Immens e Ice bergs that we re moving rapIdly southw ard In the path or oceao lin ers . They wore about on e buuClred and twenty· ove feet blgb above the water line . •




_ _

___ w


_ _~"""""~_ _~_~~~_ ......._~~~.,....."'"~_"""_""""




~~ .


Miller or appoint ed a membe r o r th e fed'· (-,faJ rt' ~t' I'\' e bon.rd c re attld IJ~' th e nt'w Ur. A . C .



Among lll tl SlIcing urld es in Washin gto n two or tll e pre ttiest are MI 811 Nora Pe pper (I eCt) , daught er or Chn.rlea W . PeIJper , who Is to wed Dr. George \\' . CalvoT, U. S . S ., and MillS Sybil Scott (right), daughte r or Congres sman " Soou of lown . who Is engaged to Dal e Moo re. II well·kno wo newspa per man. fonnerh' or St. PlLU\. .


tnw .






Ad\'anc e trench es or tbe federals outsIde Tampic o repulsin g an aUack bl the constitu tionalis ts . These soldIers aud tbeir mates finally were driven trum the cJty and fled to the 80Uth.


Mls8 Jane Delano is the emclen l bead of the fonr thousan d Red Cross trained nurseB. Bome or wbom already have been sent to Mexico . She serves wltbout pny and her omclal Utle 18 "chairm an of the nationa l commit tee on Red crois nursIng service ." Miss Delano 16 a gJ'8duate or Be llevue h08' pltaJ. Ne w York city .

t,;dwnrd T. Stotesb ury of Pbllade l· I)blo.. 1\ me mbe r of J . P . Morgan & Co .. hllF lIeen e lected preside nt of tbe Phll· luI ... Ivhla hnd Reading railway to lIue· Scenfl In th e trencbe s or tlle federal troops who put up a desper s t e uut cel'rj tlt e lale G. F . £Iller. States bury Il Pa,vnlllng fight in deroDs .. or the city at Tampi co. Plea for Cleaner Statues . I. aix t y·U\' c yea i'll old and e ntered th e Urm of Drexel & Co . a t the ag e or Bev· \Herr-Ina De Luxe. levying a special tax upon him Eve n enl PE'1l yea rs. A wcittlr la n Loadol! paper askl! th e at. our Irtkes lde r eMoris, wb e r ~ It may ~ Questlo n: "Did YOU ever (.at tbtl fish be ~uppoll c d tb at fish s hould b e IlllUn. , How Khaki 18 Dyed. called a bloater In a lIM<t-clsS Ii r es tau· dllnt, th e r eBorter s uro discour aged J'ihulti Is an inventio n of the Hinrallt?" And then he Ilnl!\\'crs the Ques· Crom a s king tor this article or di e t Rnd dool! . Th e IVord menns "earth -color," tion : "I did the otbe r nlgbt. It waH a re swltcbe d ort to bee C and bacon." It was Ilt first prodUce d hy Imme rslnc quIte an Interior s pec l men, but they tb e cloth In a ba th oC manure. Othe r ' called It 'llal't\ng grlUe fl la maltr.Q ' Irishma n's Wit. dY lls usell In lndla hav e been bllrnt. d'botel: Ilnd It took :Iii minute!! to pre" The Irishma n Is not Ilmlcted wltb chicory , catechu and dlnmlne B. The pare It-wblc h name and prepara tion the EJngllsb man's dread ot finding him · mode rn khaki Is produce d hy dy eing added gyeath' to tbe price charged ., self In a Boclal ImpWlsc . He know II h e In a mixt ure of oxide of Iron and o.x.lde The blol!ter Is a herring , and the an· 1 will be perfectl y well able to extricat e ' of chromiu m, It can be obtaine d by nual yield I n N01:Nay , Sweden and on IIlmaelt , wbilst.t he tilngllsh':llan Is pain; I css Is more complex , solution s of t.rthe -I3r1Usb coa.a~ Is about tour thou· tully aware that he w1ll noL The Eng'j roUB sulpbat e aDd spreadi ng O\l( to . • and mllUo,1J11I of- tl1fs f1!11i, or a:bout that· lIshman'~ first thought , OI1 ' eDtet~n~ II ' dry In tbe air. In p~etlae : the ",roc-: D.Um~~r .o~ 'l~un,~.: Wbe!l. it come" tAl ./lt~geT8 Il~u~e, Is h~w be -wm,. be 888 ,I. ~or~ comillu , BoJ~l1o~ ot,'fer.~ervi!l' '~'bi,- lo ,. a . patron. , whetb.e r In ~ble . to g~" t out of it qatn It !Ie wan~ rou~ '•.iJ1Pb~te, P, y~lIlJ11ne' of !rOb• • ce'a EUroJN!&D. or~' 'Amerlll&ll l'eIItau. to'. tIaJi~~-~ · ~~••~ ,I _ratit. .th~ II 'Prt.tAlr With ~lIoe alore-' 'q~Ir,ri',The Irtahmll,n sutrera no Buell' Of ~n.iD.liad aJ~ ~.. em. , 8ecure that hila DiH,e ,wit Will ' "Joyed . 1II comblu&UoD, . Ttle ~u. LoJa,.- .~h~ _ ~~ to treat the ,patron ,helP blm ~ • •uooeufu _ , , U • .male~, ..,tar u he caD, .b1 I3h"' ~ b, NAtala l ult-/'- Froui: ~.. up a . . l&1Wltlt)' 01 tJa ..... w._ter . ~o- Jll'8dplta&e:













··.. ·· ..···· .. ··.. __··_..- · - - _ .. _-.... _...., Mr. and Mrs. Alex :r·...... r..············· ..·....·......_········· ............_.............. ... _...................._.., J Saturday and Sunday


'\ j f

Th l· :-i lor e tllat pay:; Y,) II a "l'remium f" r C:l~h " that hlL'l a I'pal Va lu(l , Th,' ~I rlr r thal ~l'lI ~ y n ll CroC'c ri.·.. all,) Dry (;nnr1s at thr \'('rv lowp~l pri(','s . . . The Storr Ihat g-h' (' ~ you tl10. nrl vanla~ \' \,f .111.1' Har)!"ain ~ , Thp Sll"'" that tak .." .1''''' 1' I' rnd u ... , III I,xl 'ha nt: .· rnr (;r"cl' ri,·s . Drv (.;\ J.ld ~ . ::>h ' H'~, I'u ili t.:!. l.Iar,)wlIJ't', 1': 1<: ,

A few Specials Every Day


FOR ONE YEAR'S , SUBSCRIPTION to thls order to keep informed of our progress in Engineering aud McchaniCli Are you reading· il? Two millions of YOUr neillh~1'II are, a nd it Is tbe favorite maga.

$1 000

the Week

Rev . J. F. Cadwallad e r delive red Mr. and !I1r!", Alhe r t t\nrl" ,,~ulI alld Le banon, au .toed to t he Memorial Day sermon at Cen· \V ay nesv1l1e I\'lllnd ay ev ... nlng' and terville last Friday e vening Mrs I'alll'd at thl! rectory UpOIl I{ev . an d Cauwallader and Mr . amI Mrs . S L Mrs. Cadwa illidcr. \ 'artw rig ht accoJ11jJanieLi him lo Ct·!l· • te r vill e. M r~ . Anna nrad~trc('t a n I Jau!,dl' terl!, Ava and :\'ellie, of WI';\I Alex ·' Messr s . W. Eo O·Neall. W. () ·mdria. Ohi'J . attcnLiI'r\ Me morial I{apel'.' Allen Jon es , J C Hi~ey , Ray 1J ~\y s('rvil'l':; here. and \\I(, I'C tire Mill", Abe Da kin, Fred Elbon, J e'~"e ~u e~ lllo f Mr . Hnd :\1rs. Harry Mll\,' I'rend ergllst, Woourow l10guTi and ray. Ha rv ey Rye saw t he Pitt.;\bllrg·Cill· cinnati g ame Sunday. Mr.;, W, T . I-:Jlintt an rl ehi lrlren. of Williamslowll , Ky .. who were the Mr, and Mrs. C. M , l{obil ZI'\T re /{u"" ts of her si !'t 1'. M r~ . G. T. Lan · tu rn ed hom e W cJ lIl!sday evening, tl'r. r('turn rd til her hom e lafl t Wed· afl er a ]Jleasant tri p through Ken· m·"r\ay . 1\1 1"';. La nter ac r nJ11pan i... d tucky anu So uth e rn Onio. They le ft he r ;1 < tar ii , Cilll·innali. their son, Frede ric k at ~ardinia, I where he will !:1 tay fo r a co upl e o f 1\1 r. hell Ilnwke. Ilf nea r Harveys· ' weeks with r e lati ves. bur", WII~ tallt'ri to l~e ll efontaine last Th ll r~day Il ll ,l('C'IJ II Tl t of lhl ! serious rfiss Clara Lile after t wenty one illtl" ,:" "f hi:- rllfl lh er. Mrs, ,J o~ , coniiecutive years o f teach ing, eight lI a'~' k: .. !II r. Frill1k Z,·II ']l'('o rn· "f th em in t h'e Xenia schools, has been paw ed him I g ran t.ed ~ years leave of abs~nce bY the Xenia Board of Erlucatlon . 1-IU ~ L. !\Jary'" t;uild wil l m eet wilh I wi ll rem ain in Way nesvill e inde finite I\lr.,; . lI a rrisonThursday aflernO"!l. !ly,atthe home of her aunt. MI S. .\ d ullar will hl! a'lkerl from each Cadw a llad e r, at lhe r ec tory . Mi ~ WOII ,an pre'srnt for th e Parish Hou se Lile anived here Monday cveni!l~ fllnd N ut onl y the m e mb e r~ of th e afte r til(' close nt a most s u cce~;:r ul (; uild . but all th e wom 'n of the can· school year. The r esidt'nce in ('lIr gl'egatiun and frie nd s of the pari.lh midst of this cultured and Chri f'tia n are illvi ted . Hef reshl11ents will be wom an will b e a R ubst:.~ntial urlditio ri H'l'ved , to our church and Hociallife. f WU ~ hlP.I·;;. o f


Everything good to eu l thi H week at



Mr. Ind Mrs B\tmton Itnd l!t~le son of Lebunon, were gue.lts I:-;"tur d,.v of Mrfl . 8l>mtrJll'''' broth er , Mr, Ohlls Reynnlds Mr . Bod Mr£'. Art.hllf Zflll, nr I have decided to re·entcr the Pittsburg, were g UHst!l of tbeir pu r Cleaning and Pressing business, f' nts, Mr . and Mrs ,J oho Zell, 8ntnr. and am now at your service. dll~' nnd ::;undILY. Mrs. E'Hl Rwftin, of Rirlgeville, My old rul~ .. Satisfaction or DecorlLtion Day with ber No Charge"-still holds good, IIpent mother, Mrs. Chrlfltifl M('Kinsey. Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin Geo, W~t,erbou!lfl WHR in Indil\D barber shop or call phone 8-2r. I\pO IIl~ , Hl1turd<1Y Ilttendi~g the rllces. Mrs. Miller und so n of Dllvton IIpent 11 few IlaYII lust ' with U. ::;. Whitsel and flLmll y. e Milltiell Florence nntl .) .. nfl Clnrk, - ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; of Xenin. tlpent thA weekflnd with !!! their mother ~nd sister!!. Miss Whitsol. of Hprin/l: Vul)6Y, ~pent a few dllYs Inst. week her brother, U. o. Whltefll. ' Mrs. Naomi Hllrlan entertuined THE ,CUATE8T Mr, and Mrs. Geo Guskil lind chil· dren and Mrs .. elll MoBrytlnt, of IJllyton Decoration Oil y III THE WORLD Mr , ,TtL!!. Hnles uud Mips Alma ~ WEEKLY. $4.00 PER YEA1t Waterhousij w'ere in O"yton one "MIELe, DRUoOiiTs, 8P£CI~LI8T8, clay last week. ooeTU M ER8, Tit AN 8 FER. CAB AIID "U8 8ERVICE CAN PROFI .Josepbine l:hultm is vi~iting reIn. .V USINQ' IT8 ADVERTISINO COL,UMNS tivetl in Dayton , SAMPLE COPY FREE Chlls, Reynolds was in Dayton .... _ MEW YORK CLIPPER on busi ness Mondnv. N .... York. II. V.


.. -..



-:: '.' ::: } .": : ":..'

We invite attention to the Special Price Reduction this Week.

.:. '.'


New Things in

: ...,: :.

Skirts. Petticoats, Waists, and Chil-


dren's Dresses arriving dally.

A Full Line of



---_._ ...- --

No. 12J5-Standard and Registe red Saddle Stallion.

Regbtcrcd in American Saddle Horse Registry under Rules I and 2 , Volume J. Rex Ledger is a beautiful black . I h' h ' '" wl11 one w Ite Inll foot, lltar in forehead, 15 hands :),/;' ir, cbes high, and weighs) JOO pounds. A model in form and finish ex tra limbs ami 'd 'h I f I . f ee, ee s, long, , u I t gOOe.I WI e mane and tail, round symmetrical barrel, a s tror.g back well coupled , He is a great gaited horse. Has taken ]05 premiums-92 first, 13 seconds.

. ed by 0 rp han B oy, N 0. 6··"G d campIOn h . J ac k at t h e WI Blr OJ, gran or d ' s Fair in 1904, first dam by Limestone Mammoth 29 , a Jack shown for ten years

and never defeated.

The above stock will make the Beason of 1914 at the Red . Bam, opposite Depot, Waynesville, Ohio. at $15 to insure a , ,. money due when fact is known; mare transferred or bred· to or re~oyed from vicinity where owned when' bred forfeit all ..."iUn..." ... ,and m0gey ~ecomea due Due care wil,l ,~ taken to 'avoid acflii::r~~lents but."h.Qt-re.ponslble should any occur. '". .. . !'


.Wayne8viU~, ~


. '

Ohio. I

Emma M., daughter of Moses and Sarah Smith Harlan was born near Ridgeville . Warren Co., Ohio. Octo. li e r 22, 1842. Departed this life May 31, 1914, aged 71 years, 7 months llnJ 9 days, leavi ng three brotheril and a hos t of fri ends til mourn their l o~s Emma had lived all her life in thill neighborhood. A plain, and un. prl! tentious woman loved by all who I h Sh t ff <newell. e was a grea 9U erer at t im e' bu t bore her s uffering brave· Iy.


Mammoth PrOml·Se The A light brown with white points, 5,Y,' hands high, weighs about 1100.

.~ ,"." 'CEO T LANTE"R , . ~ " J. .

A Full Line of

kf I ' h t th



MISS Agnes Ho rnick, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Otto Hornick, grad· uated at the Xenia High school last week. At the exercises she sang a solo" "When Hearts Are Young." She al~ gelts a scholarship tn the Wilmingtun college .


CHERRIES In answer to many inquiries, we have a very fair crop of cherries, bolh sweet and sour, and will be glad to fill orders as long as the sup· ply lasts. May Duke's, $1 75 Der 24·quart crates Sweet Ambers, *2.25. De· Iiverf,d in rotation a~ engaaed. Du~e'B Fruit Farm, Valley phune 56-4X.

. .


Tho Bitter Path. Is defeat wblcb educates us.Emeraon. It

Annual Financial Statement of Miami Cemetery ASSOCiation


RECEIPTS Bur-lids, . . . , .. , . . , .. .. . . ', . . ,. $lar.690 Salo of lot8 ... . . " . . ,. . .. .. .. 7110,00 ,~datlon8 , . . , ... , . .. .. . ,... . .. 3:!7 . uu Notoll· .. .... · , · , .. .. · .. · .. ·.. ..



'_ ,

O__ 1*aDce


Subscribe for the Miami Gazette




, pa~r uint ~heir eyto::.e G-::~r DlabU~eOla" : ""' '''' '-''''''~ ',~1!:!! Brother'Malle.

Shirts, Neckties, Hats, Caps, Etc.

In renewing her subscription to the Miami Gazette, Mrs, Will G . Rich, of Cedar RapIds, ' Jpwa, says that she ha.'3 bee" quite ill for !;Orne time. hut is better now She fiays she enjoys t.he paper and does not want to miS!l a sin ·de number,·......, ::::::: : '. .. .. ', .. : : ::::. '. '. ~7ti.07 Bulldlug &: Loan . ,. , . . . , . . .. . ,. , . 1000.00 Life, 1 know not what thou art Gr~v6 rights .. , . .. ,' ... , .. " ... , . . 20.110 B k h d 1 ~Ioaning monument • ... , ... ,.. . ... 1.611 u~ now t at you an must part leon. n. R . damage ... , . . .. ... , . . 12.3~ We ve heen here long together $ .346.96 Throug h ,mnshmeand through cloudy DISBU HSEM&l'i'l'S Ch oose wentthher ' own t'Ime, L abor ..... ' en ,t h me . . . . .. , . ... .. .. . . , .. .. '~22 . 7. Give little war.ning SFuPPltes ., ' ... , ....... relgbt aDd . .. ... ...... . , ... ,.' 477.«1 107.75 Say not goodmght DUIl8 state __gelatloo ... , ... . .. ". '.00 But in some brighter clime, Plaots ... . : . ::.... . .. ... , ........ 117.71 Safety deposit ~x r~nt, ...... .. . . , 2.00 Bid me goon morning l\(ortKage loan.· ..... ..... .... .. . .. 2000.00 Telephooe .. " .. ,.. ....... 16.16 ~uperln~de.a't·8 Iil\lary .... . . : ... .. ' 7~0 00 I\\ORROW HAS NEW PAPER rea8U1'8rB 8 ary.... .... ....... .. 6 Oarload vaulla .. . " .. "........... U Th M M' , ~:'::';:.~~~:: :: ::: :: ::: ::::::: e orrow Irror caml,) t n .our Iosuraoce .. .......... ..... ...... .. table last week. Th.e paper 18 edIted by Mr. ~erbart Malle, ~nd lob~8 as t~~ugh It would be Il wmnet., :~The Cl tJze~S . of Morrow ought to 'be


Men's a Boys' Suits

---_.- .




Mrs, Lizzi e Yeuzell ente rtained at l Mrs. Ar.n Wakeley, who spent the d inne r Sunday the foll o win~ guests: ' :-vinter with her Bon in Danville, III , M rs Emel ine Cregg and dau~hter. IS at p~es~nt \(is iting with relatives of near Bellhrook. Mr . Ell Roland nellr Xenia . and family , of Co rw\11. - - -Willie 'Satterthwaite , of Clearfield. Iowa, writes us as follows: "I t i~ 1\1 r. ~lJd r,,~ I's . George Hart9~ ck very dry 'and hot here. We have ent ertain ed ~unday ~he fol1 owmg had no rain to speak of since earlv guests: Mr . a nd Mrs Gid eon 1homa~ ,s pring. 1 have twenty·two acres of a nd dau ~hte r~ , Mr, She lly, of Ar' l co rn that looks very gOOl1 " canum. M r , anu M rs. ~rn est Hart- I . Ro('k and fllru ily. Howard D. Mannington, of Col· umbu s, is back in the newspaper Mrt!. Susan C"nk ente rt alr, cd sev· harne~s . und is publi!'! hing a maga· em l out·of·town guests at dinner zin e nl that J['ity He is ed ilor and Sunday , Those who enjoyed he r ]Juhlisher of ''The American Shiphospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Harry pers' Gazette," a paper devoted ex· John!'! and family and Mrs. Mary elusively to shippers' interests. Anson, of Dayton, On Wednesday afternoon, May 27, Miss Louisa Sto kes cha l'min g ly en· tertained a few of her friend !'! fro m 2 to 5. The ufter noon was plpR~antly !"pent with mu sic ar.d games A fishing pond bein~ an obj ect of eil ' per:ial intereHt. fron l which p.ach guest was f ortl1nate in securing a prize from its mysterious depths It was with mu ch anticipation they untied the ribbons of these prizes. and they all proved to be the same, n tiny envelope, containing a ca rd upon which was written Salisbury- Cornell June HI, 1911 Following this a dainty two·coursc luncheon was served. The invited g L.esW were Misses Lucille Cornell, Alma Waterhouse, Mary Salisbury, Clara Hawke, Edna Cornell, Mary Davis, Eleanor Earnhart, Ruth Hart· s')ck, Mary Gray, Emma Hawke, Josephine Oglesbee. Ethel Hosier and Mary Hawke.

Pierce ~ Presser



Mrs. P 0 Cl'lgett lind ohtll1ren wer& guelH!! of Mrs. Alice MoKiose.v ILnd d l\ ughter ;:ht,urdIlY POPULAR MECHANICS CO. MI'f'. Us n ~ti)r>s und Miss Hte lill all W. WublDlPOD St., CHICAGO 8tilss, of 8pringfi'Jld RPRot, DecorotiOD I )IlY with Mrs . Hope ::;tllel' nnd :-_________'____..,I fllmtly ,

PIIIftIIII-11-2, " ' " ' ' .




'. ',

Jas per Beryhill. an agrd anrl reo (' W' II ' spC\!lt!d man. liVllIg l1 ~ar Hellbrook , M r. an d M r~ C . u. I 1~lm!On urc died al his homl1 Saturflay evening, the happy parents r~f a Itttlt' son. The fUll (.ral lO"k pll\('1' 1~1. his latE! born Monday e ve nmg al" t~e Mr.· rt!sicie ncp Tue:;day aflernvon at 2 Clellan hospI tal. ,Mr. VI IIham~n o ' clock Interrr.ent was made in Mi· has .been e.ngag~d 1' 1. t.he r eal estat.e ami ce~elery. buslnes.~ In t11\ ~ city fol' several months and Mr. anu Mrs. William· son have been making th eir home at . . the Francis In n. - Xeni a Republican. , Emma Harlll:n (he~ at her h nme.on _ _ _ __ .. the [Jllyton plkt!. ~unday mortling HAD GOOD ENTERTAINMENT after a lOng. iUn eBs of se veral years The fun~ral took place at her late rellidence Tuel!day morning at )0 . . - _ .. _, , MISS Jenn.. ~ BOWlllUll, . who ap IO'c ioCk, Rev , J . F Cadwlillaler of· peared h.ere I uesday ey e ~l1n g under ficiating . She leaves three brothers. the auspices of -the Chr1!:1tlun .c hurch, ' Marshall, William a nd Ji'rank. In · gave o~ th,e best entert.limn·ents terment was lIlane in Miami Ct'nwtery , ever given m & hool hall. Her readings were Ii)) good , Her rlramati : Aelection~ were t;Spe.ciatly fine, and Sam'l Kee ver. aged 74, a 1,rOf!pe rher. mUSical rerlt~tJo ns were . very OWl farm e r n(>ar Lchunoll dil·1i taking. ~ s an IndIa,:! club sWI~er Wednesday eveni ng The runt.ral her evol utIOns were hne an,) bro ught ; was held Sunuay at his late I. " me . down the house. Altogether she , gave a program that was far above - -anything that has evt'l' Leen heard Late Cla~sifi('r1 Ads h ere in this line. firllt oll~,," miloh cnw, fl'flllh . . Including the Full Nine. Alp!) ""lllt' r' hplIJlnnl1 riOfll lltc llnd 'I be average lit .. o f a cat la said to w 'rk I"'r"f'~ "nll Dr, H:rei~hntT. be fi f teen yeara. Orflgonif\. Ohi o jl'i'

The Booster Store

,.nar N.wadeaJ.r t o) •• ,uw 7UU one or WIIITK P'OII naE .AMPLE COPY TODAY

,1 ' ".

!lnd Delaware .





Eml y s pent in ' Co lumbus

Lace Curtains, Draperies, Rugs and

make 111..1\1" funllture ... Irul .... oatil", ' '''''18 enlJ'U1M.llJIIlIflc. and 1\11 thtfl ~8 u l ovee: • , _ H. ya,all. alNGLE COPIES 11 COIn


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FI'OI\l Monday, Ju ne ~ tv :\1011 uay . June Hi, un all cas ll pur· chaHes or on money d el'""it "t1 durin /{ this :.;arn e wl:'ek. til la' lran ed out afte r ',nlroi ". Wt' "h,1I 1 ~i "e e ig ht t im es lhl! reg- lIlal' co upons . Double coupon,; "vi II be ~iven on the :;e t t1 l! IlIl! lll of a..:· count.'l during thi8 week The Bean Esti ma ting Co n telll will close on Salllt'd ay Ili ~ h t . June 13. The Ul)ostcr Clu b Campai g n closes on July :::; at noon, 12 o'clock

'line tn thoWiand, of the best Americ~n homes. It appe'" to nil classes - old nod young - men .04 women. The .. !Jhop Bote." Dnartment (20 PIIIl''''') g l"" 6U, . . , . to do thlnga- lIn .... to lDuke U80ful artld.,. {or boOlO urad 8bop,ropulrd-. fJ&o. .. Amateur . . .""..1.... ( 1 0 pngtlIIll<>lJ. hn... to









A Ticket with Every Purchase at

GREI> T Continued Story of the World'. Pro_ whIch you II\llY begin reading ;It any time, and which will hold your interesl forever. You nre living in the best yenr. of tbe most wonderful aRe. of what is doubtless the greAtest world in .he wli vel'se. A resident ol Mars would c ladly Il3Y-

. _ _ •• _ .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ • ••••• _ - . . . _ . _ .


I f you wunl t h(' lJ('~l I'aint ,ami r Dr. J. T. F:J li1-l , who has been quite \' nrni:.: h ){!'rIlo \'cr go to J . II. e(M· ill. if! better today. !lla n''' ' Til t! Wayne:iville Grange will m eet !Ill'. a ll fl Ml':-\. Rert Ilar lOl'Jt'k . ~I\'~ . nexl Saturd ay evening at the usual ( ;o ra !llacy and I\li :-;s l-:d ythil :\ Iacy huur "pen t S unday with r(' lali vl!s in Xenia. \)r. Ward will bl' in Ur. EIIi~'8 1\\ r, and MI·S •. S",uthgalc, (I f I\\ or· olli e.:! in lhl! forenoons anu attend to rlllV . ;':I lh Ih t·'1' fl'IPl1d~. :\1r. atld hi~ call s un lil lhe doctor hi abl e to Mr~ . I yl r . !If N"wJI! I''':ey, Wl'l'l!1 rt'SUJ1ll! wllrk, Wayn esv il le vi :-;i tnr ~ r uC';;day aflf'r· nllon . Mr IInrl 1\11·S. Ed Hanby, Miss Min· nie Duke, Mrs Etta Printz, MessrR. . !lev. D. .II. l'alpH'r is at, )low ling J lle Printz. Hug~, and Forrest Ridge ( ~r c en, ()~II). atl~ lId", g a ~b~t, · , MI". and I<:rlward Crew. o f [Jayton, at· sionary ( o n\' entlOn of lh.' (h rlsllall tenll ed Mem o rial ~e \'vi ces he re Sat· ('hUtch , \I n lay .

!l a\'\' yoU tried ' 'C H EEI{ "1'" Cll IIee'/ . cr.u pon with each l'llllnd· an. 'l q ral,1 l'rl'lIlilll1l flll' ii CO UPIJIlH. Ask a bout it. . n UN '']' M ISS T ill ', - A l{ eg ular 50~ Blue Chambray ~hil·t ....... 40 Hring" in yo ur i'ou ltry and Eg~H. ~I:'., 'I' jl l I' ll\' lz" per Ib , fur Hens until Tuesda y , June !Jth.


Personal Mention C~)lumn

t _ ......................... ____ . _._ .................._ _ _ " .

. _ ••• _

~;:; Ib. 'talldard t;r:I11lllull'r1 , ·lIg·a,· .. ... ' .. ...... . .... .... . l. l :l ·1 Can" s\\'.· ... tl'''rn (rcj!lllar 10,' '1llalit ~ ) .. ....... .. .. .... .. .. .. ....... .~i) Walrll " Salnlllll. !,pr can " .. ...... .. ... ...... .......... ... ..... . 1:; ( 'an l'I'lI'I1I'''. Cili ifl)rttia. t'arqllin.,z hrand. ]Jpr ca n .. ....... ........ .:W Howiim, Pin!' .'\ P I'I.·. Sl),·rn ·ig-n Brand, per can .. .. .. .. ......... .. .... , ~O Cjllif rnia Oried Peaclw ~ fill e per Ill . " .... .. " ....... " .. ..... ... " . .10 ('an TOJ11alne:.; . :\· pound ca n, Ohio pack .. ... .......... .. ....... ... ...... .10






'.1'" .




. !

l"&ave you 'ta'sted any 'of that good bread ~bat R comes from Lewis', Bakery? If you have not you' have 'n iissed a great deal · .

Once YOU' have, eaten our bread you will ~ever be conte.nt t~. u'se any otirer. Try It onc~. ,.. , , , .







'l. '

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'AU kin , s of cakes' and cookies.' :






_1 ,.: I

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~ ixty-Fifth



On ~he firing l.ine Young Mlln Writes o f Hi!J':Xprrit·.H'I' at tht' Frunt -- - l).:~crlbes Cou ntry TIlt' fu ,t" ", i"g- I.·t! .'r rllm "Old Mexico." Wlt R wri" ell t () Mi ", ~~:he l BOlli!'r. of this plaee fly h.. r bl''' ' hel Ht!rmull. of the Z2nd Co, 3rd Keg. U S MflrJ"'"s, who haR Ilf'f'li on I hI' . grouncl!-l 'lllOu~t. all the tim e since th e U. S. sent ht: r boys ther t': . Vera Cruz, Mexico. May ~6, 1111 4. Dear ailiter: - We are camped he r; at Eltefar,aE'mall place of abouta half dozen bamboo shaek ~ , olle g l' nAral store and a railroad stat inn. We arl' rjght on lile bank uf some river. I don't know the name of it. It is the river that furnishes tne water for the city of Vera Cruz. The wat~r­ works are here on our campmg ground. This is the place where they did the first fightin g , and wherf' we lost three marines and had quite a few wounded. If tne Federals could have Ilolten this place they . would have poisoned the water or have blown up the plant and that would hpve put the city of Vera Cruz out of commission. Position of Federa! Army . The. Federal army IS encl.lmped up the raIlroad track a couple or tiu{'l' miles from us. but they have ~he track t?rn up so lhere are no. tralnl! overtlu8 road. only the,tram thst comet:' out fro.m Vera Cruz eve r.y mormng t? . brmg llll ou.t our mall and prOVISions .It carTles a couple ?f flat cars of marIDes along to guard It. ,. . I dc.>n t have the least Id.ea when ~~ :~~:t~~f!l ~~ hP;:ce l~o~f~Yen~~ h • . ht lI ' t th t bei:;el~:ld~~N~I:ara Y:u can't trust th~ ' greaRers." t.hough,


N. Y'

they are liable to gt'L 1irf'li of wai~. ~~u~°!o~:~~~h~e~~~e:nd come In About thre1l weeks ago, right after we landed beret the Federals sent in one of thel'r mfOn undf'r the flag of _truce with a message for UA statinll they would give us fifty nainutes to surrender the place. We sent back word for them to come and take it if they wanted it. About an hour later too U . S. army that is stationed at Vera Cruz came out. about !!ix box· cars full of them, but the ' Federals never came. RaIny Season 'Set§ In The weather here is pretty hot, and the rainy season is slurting in. 1L raint' nearly every night so we think nothing of it if we wake up in the morning and find ourse~v~ lying in a puddle of water. ThIS I~ the worst country for wood tirka 1 ever saw, Every morning I hat 1 came off guard for a while, I could k bo h d -I f I ff Thte~e ~nsor~uoch 1 ~~~IO d:~ gl"88lf around lind it jUllt furnishes a harbor for thl'm . We lire thinning them out a little hOW as we are burning off a lot of the fif'lds where we have to do guard. J do .•'t set' bow the cntlle and horses live for them. It i8 fun to sit and watch the bill bla~k birdR light on the backs of the tUe and walk "II uver them and ~ick the ticks off, TI'e cattle are so glad to "l't rid 'of them, that they don't even move 1 have seen horses here that natl 80 manY.l)n that they covered .he tipll of their ears in R solid mass for nearly half way to their he-ads.




How the Natives

I~ arm


. The' natives use oxen allli oxcarts Some .of -them use burros a~tl have pack t rlil"" for mark~ting thell'. produce They dOD'\; raIse !lnythlng to spenk of bere but trult, and n.ost of that arrows wild . . It is .. great dairy country 1 would Judge ~Nm the number o~ peoJ?le 1 see arolni through here w~th mIlk for "era Cruz, Vera Cruz IS about twelve miles from here. 'Chey carry all the milk to ntarketon horse back, ~ the,y bring it to a ~i\ before they . tit tb ' t t h In e cans, 80 I won. c -urn f ore th ey ge t ' tb ere. Th ey' CJlrry about fifteen or twenty gallons on a borae. they have about three cans oneach8Jdeofthesaddlt.andtheydo ost of their traveling at nbrht time Herman 1:avoii:t tbeheat. 99nd-€Q Srd Reg. U. S. MaJlines ,..... .. " ~. '

to do all th';ir hauling

e. >


• . • -..




Lodges Will Observe Decoration

J .!spe r Berry hill, lh~ second ~o n 'If ArC' hiillll ll and J t' nlima Tiul,ulls · ~ p r r \ 1111 1 IV.t ;l h" rn Nov liml>l! t' I" . I:';:::' : Hild oI " I"" ' l"oI Ihi \ hf.! M av :lU.

Whole Number 3267


~~;lli p:t~ ~t?~::~I,r,~rcal:t8! :7:~t

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of : at L1w home of hi" !:lon in New York. '" Mr. Ca l' lwl' il5h1. will be recl!lI~J uy ., .. . i ~II I. ag-,·d '" y.'ar!l, Ii munth ll II III I I f, ou r "Itl pr ,·i ti7,.m" WI 1\ ){enial gentl p,· Bouquets Sent toO Sick, Shutlay,... Illa n 'If kindl y i'lIpul!lp.s and caplivut " . t· Ins, Business Houses 11 ,· \v ; I~ hurn "POll I hi " fflrrn H nrl ing- ~oe i a l '1u ali liell. "i~ carly life i v ,~1 IlI 'n' all hi ~ Ill e , wi l h the ex -A Fine Meeting waN ~ p cn t in lhe south and he wa~ "'I ,ti'll1 f)f ~ . ! v t'll year" at one tim e promine nt in the comOver fil',r;l a KIl. M.arl'h ZO, ) ~tiZ, mercial a lr a ir ~ (I f Memphi s. Tenn .• I~ W~H Ul lll (!11 I n nl a l' n /, Il ~ lo ~ anlh un t il that city s uff er ed so diRas trou s· :"th a rinl'Dill T'l th em we r iJlJ rn Iy fr om th e yellow fever plag ue in The annual Fl ower Mission meet· r'Ollr I·h ildrell. t WIl Run" a nd tw u th e la ttr r pa rl of the seventies He ing of the W, C. T . U. WaE! held dllll l[ hi e r s went lo Wilmin g lun about lHd4 and Tue,sday !'fternoon. June 21 at th e He unitd with till' Salt'rn Church was for a number of years connected WhIte BrIck Church. The aay WWl I}f l;hrilll mor!' thlln ,\.1 yt'lIr!l !lI(V • with l hl' d I'Y good ~ estahli shment of pe rfect and ~he att.endance good . . lurinl,!' .tht! miniHlry of C M It.,bt'rt· h i ~ lat.e hrulh e r. I[ (; Cartwright. The meetlDg was op~ned WIth ~ fJn . Il l' Wa." I. ht: t1 u wi d ow, ':'. Late r he prayer led hy the pres~dent ~rs In d ,~p {J H it inn he Wllfl I imid . qlliet Willi Ulli led in marria)!e tn Mrs Wooten. Three young gIrls MIsses ~ nd 1IIlus.'~ umin g , alld diu not wbh lo LlII:v HarriHi'rcd Lon and they re.'liried LUCIle a!1 d Reva Honnell and Ma~1 tuke undu t! advanlage of any o ne fl)r s(:ve ra l year" He Snow Hill, the Cast Il?:"lst~d by ~~ . Emma Smlt~ . H i:l p r t!~e nc e will lie miflsed 'n the nn,·,' fa rn ou,; pia l'I:' near New Vienna sang ~ He s the Lily of the Valier· home, on the farm and in the com· th at Wilfl ill Lht' Harris family for ThIS wa.'l ~ollowed by tli.e r~mg munity . nearly a century . Mrs . Cartwrigh t of texts which. had been distributed H •• is survived by the widow. four died so m!! yPlu~ a~o and some time among the ladles. children, one g randchild . two bra t hth el'ca ft p. r Mr. Ca rlwright became .The rest of the prog~a~ w~ then er!', many rel ati ve.~ and num erous totall y di;." bl ed Ulld was subsequent. gl.ven a..,!oUows: RecitatIOn, T.rue fri ends. Iy re movt:,,1 Ly his I'e latives to the ;:'Ict.o ry, ~ elen Woot~,n; Recitation, l.'uneral !lervice~ conciucted at his Friend'! HOOl e at Wavnesville. He ~t I~ Nothmg .to Me:. ~elen Dir~; ~lInrlay, June 14th. the K. of P .• will mpct at th l"ir respectivc lodge WIlS 7~ yea rs uf age aud had been wlddle; latlt home uy Rev. Pa lm€' r, of WayReadmg, Mlgnone~te, I. O. O. F. allli Jr . O. U . A. M. roorr. ~ anll march in n hody to th e di;tahled for II number of year and Mrs . Lama Mosheri, ~ng, • The nesville, June~. at 2 p . m. Burial in the besutiful (' ~ metery at Lodges will dt.'Corate t.he ~rave.., of cpm etl' ry. Add ress Ly Mr. Ma rtin received p.vcry a ttention at the Lord IS My Shepherd, MI~ Luella th eir decea'!l'd members Sunday, J ltmeSOIl . of L<.'ballon, Ohio. I·;ve ry . WaYIlt'svill e Ilome, whe re he left and Jeannette J!lnney; Readl~,g "The Bellbrook . - -- -June 141h at 2 p . m. The 10dg 'S body in vitcd . a name that has been revered ever Story of 5MBeda~. MI'!'. FR.OM NEW MEXICO flince he went East. The many Ja!lne1.; Readmg, The Little Pal· -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - fri ends of Mr. Cal twright will al. f,rlm. M"!. 0, ~. Pal~~r; 8?l1Ir, Mrs. James Kerrick received a let- TOWNSHIP COMMENCEMENT "'ARRIED IN LEBANON ways remember the courteous man- White RIbbons, Ml88eS ter from her brother. ~rnl. Beach, nel' of a gentl eman of the old school, LUCIle and Reva Horm.ell, Mabel A marriage licenRe wa.'1 issued in and :lUch Mr. Cartwright s urelv was. Cast and Mrs. Emma Smlth._ who recently removed to New Mex· ico. who says: "We are havinK betBecauRe of the size of the Boxwell h Inlel'ment w'" s m"de I'll New York At the close o.f the exercIses the CI h' h t I! court house a t Lebanon last City " S €cretary was mstructed to secure · .. . h ter hea It h a Iread y since arrlvmg ere a&\! t IR year t e time of the We live about a mile from a small speaker will be Romewhat limited . Thursllay tu Mr. Wm. l!. Pernard ' __ names for memberBhip whic!l reo town called Uuekhorn where lhereis Re y. D. H. Palme r ha!1 kindly con· unt! Mr~ . (~o ldie· S mith - Hart."oc k. . . . suited in the addition of four new aachool house, grocery and a black- sente<! to give the address. Be pres- The couple we re married by th e Rev. \1 II I.on Clark. a . I 'especte~ clllzen names to the roll of members. Atsmith shop. The school house i:! ent at this the last Boxwell Com- A. J .: Kefillc at the M. K r)arsonage . ~,f neur LyU,,:, d, ed ~t hilI home tention was then given to the work also llsod for church and Sunday- mencement. Th e happy couple will make th eIr 1 u ~'l!day morm~g at 2 o. clock. after of the day and the flowers were ar. school. Our oldest daughter was The music will be as good af! ('ver home on the X enia and Leban on pike. an Illnes.'l,covermg a pe~lOd of several ranged in boquets and distributed. elected secretary-treasurer in th .. given in Waynesville. This will bft - - - - .. - . - - y~ars. 1hefuneral Will be held at There was a liberal donation of SundaY' Bchoo\' It is very dry and in charge of Prof. Hawley Clark . CARD OF THANKS hlB,late home Thu rsday afternoon at flowers and between fifty and sixty hot here, but the crops are just formerly of Bath's Orchestra, Wil. 2 0 clock. M~. CI:~rk was a farmer boquets were sent to the sick and looking fine." mington, Ohio. The children with We desire to thank all of our I a~d w!ls he ld 111 hlg~ esteem by all ahut ins and also to the business _ • Prof. Clark doing solo w:ork will be fri ends and neighborfl who mill i~t t'red I hI S nelghuor~ and friends . houses as a special compliment for It-.SPECTED O. E. S. LODOE one of the mOilt interesting features to us in ollr late afniction , in l~l e •- • their 9upportand courtesy in signing Waynesville Schl,ol Hall, Frirlay deatr. of ullr !lister, as they were all WAS GRANTED AWARD the suffrage petition which was Miami Chapter No. 107. Eastern eveRnin g , Jdune 12. I d I so kinLi a III I consid erate. May the presented them by members of the Star lodge wali in~ted hera Mon· eserve Reatll a rea y on sa e at blml8:ng of heaven fall on each one. W. C, T. U. a short time ago. d~y- e.vening, by Mrs. Uessie Haney, J . E. Janney'R Drug Store. Harlan flroR. The ~tate Industrial CommiBSion With very few exeeptions the DIRtrlct Deputy Grand Mlitron. today granted an award to Eden business men of the community l'wo candidalpll were initiated into -- -.- - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - ·Terry, ~f. R. It 2. Oregonia, .of $900 ligned t~is petition . and the ladtes the mysteries of the lodge. The work f,!r an I~ lu.ry recently sustalOed by too~ thIS ~p~rtumty to express W:lS done in great fltyle, and the vis- f , - . -••••--••- - - - . - . .......... _................J ~Im whl,le In th~ employ of John~, theIr apprer.18tlon. • itors were greatly impressed. Many ! S~encer. saw mIll owner at. O~egonaa. ~he ne~t ~Iar meet1n~ of the visitors were present fro, m out of I f fhe award of the com.n~1B810n was 8OC1~ty Will be eld the second Toestown including Lebanon Morrow gr~nted under the provlslo~s of the day ID Ju~y at the home of Mrs. . OhIO Workmen's Law. Emma Smith. • -. '• arveysb urg. Mte r ih e lnspec. . - - - - . - - - . - -...........- ...................-..--............ - ••• -......... ... CompensatIOn _ .. tion, which was satisfactory in every •_ _. - - _... _ .• _ •••- ••- ._ ..-..- ......... - -.. - - - -- -. IS AN OLD MEMBER CIRCUMSTANCES WON respect. the assemblage repaired to the banquet hall, where ice cream K V. Barnhart was a Cincinnati O . J &Iw:.rds was in Lebanon and cake were partaken of. vieitor Friday. Sunday afternoon . Mr. M. A. Jameson, who will Ile- The Miamis went to Franklin last liver th e Me morial address here Sunday afternoon and, owinar to a • - For Red Roofing Paint or Barn For Screen Door ·:.Iint, Green or Sunday was the ollly one present at combination of circumstances, raXENIA HAS HER TROUBLES Paint goo to J. H, Coleman's. Black al J. H . Coleman·s. the Sunday School Convention held turned with the short end of a 7 to 3 at Harveysburg reeently who had score. While the Miamis' game was , A dray loud of "booze" was con· Mrs. Annie Gibbons and MiB:J Sal. been there fifty years lSg~ when the not what it should have been, there fiscated at Xenia last week. ·'Boot. Mrs. Geo . Hawke and Mrs E. V. leggers" are very plentiful in that ,Barnhart were in Lebanon Wednes· lie Smith were LeLanon visi torR F ri Warren C()UI1~ Sunday School Asso· is no q~estion but what thel.;bere day . ciation was organized. robbed an a most outrageous ion city, as almost every week lhey make day. by two Franklin higbwalmen in the - - _. - _ Mrs. Ronald Hawke and Mig,q Hen. two or three a,:!~ts.up there. Roy Hager. of Dayton, was the guise of umpires. DavIS pitched a glllest of friends here Saturday and Rpent Fridav in Sunday. ged fteldmg. He allowed nine hits H . D~ Kellison. c..f !ipring hOl·o. and three passes and struck out nine WllS in town Friday, Fhaking han d ~ . of the opposing batsman. The with fri ends. anon for a few days. A union meetmar of the Loyal Miamis pulled a fut triple play. Daughters and Loyal Sun's classes of Roessler's sensational work in left M L Mrs, Edith Harris and rs. I?-ura Go to.J. H. Coleman for No.1 Miss Mary Davis spent last week the Christian church was held at the field was by far the best feature of Moshe~ very p~ea~ntl~ ente.r tallled Couch Vurnish put up in y. pints in Dayton. the g~est of Mr. and home of Miss Eva Davis Tuesday the fracaE!. the la(hes of 8t Mar) s GUllcI Inst 1 pint and 1 quart cans. Mrs. EIRwo rth Sm Ith. evening. twenty-four being present. Thur~day a~tern(l(ln. . . The devotional session was opened PUT·OUTS AND ASSIST!; Messrs. Harry Sherwood, Elmer Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and with song, by the Loyal c\8Stles;. At a preVlOll~ meeting It was de. . ciderl that. IHC~ member p,resent at Earnhart and Bert Stacy we nt to Miss Olive McCollum were in Cin ~ in- prayer, Rev. D. H. Palmer; Scrip- One Instan<:e of wha.t th~ Mlamla nati one day last week. ture reading 23rd Psalm Etlna were up agamst: With Schuler on the June meeting WOUld. gIve a dol- Columbus Saturday on busines..'3. Inr and as a rClllllt,. thIrty dolln/s \\ oollard; reports from the clas.", t~ird and pakin on ~on~, ~ritain Mrs~ C. T . Hawke arrived home Havolene Auto Soap, best to waBh committee.'J were read and the usual hIt a terrlflc smash Just ID81de the were added to the.paru~h house fund . A fter Ihe . bll~lOeR'J Resalon the Friday mornina-, after spellding harne:>tl. Wayn eRville Auto aOlI Ma- business transacted, after which the right foul line.. Of course Schuler week with her sister at Gary. Ind , chinery Co. clas..'>es enjoyed a pleasant social scored and Dakm attempted to score hostesses Rsslsted by Mra. Fred hour. during which an excellent from ~ond. Just as Abe rounded H~rtsock. Mrs .. Ronald Hawke nn.d Havolene Auto Soap is economical. Miss Annie drown, of the O. S. & program was g iven and dainty reo the thIrd comerseversl of the crowd ~IB.'! Emm.a Helghway. ~rved dehClOu~ re~reshmenls Ilf Ice crt'am. Waynesville Auto and Mathinery Co S. O. HOllie, at Xenia. IIpent Satur- freshmenls were 'served by the ran ou.t on the base line and laid day anti Sllmlay with fri enliH h<'l'e. h u~te!l.\! . down m front of the runner. When strawberTlea and cakes. - - - . - .. he attemDted to run around them to • - +- - - Messrs Jesse Burton and Chas. Mr. Will Sali~ hury and family BIRTHDA' OF TtIE FLAG avoid mjuring them, they kept OHIO CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORF.RS Joy wt're in Dayton Thursdsy and moving back directly in his path Saw the Dayton Grand ltapids ball moved illto the Le n.mun property Ml onday where Ihey will remain until Sunday next. June 14th. is the' until the right fielde~ could recover One of .. he large.'i!t gatherings held AUgust . hirthday of the Stars and Stripes, the ball and return It to the catcher in t he State of Ohio .ill the MrR. Chas Stansbury and two Ghrilitian Encle ,vor Convention, this Elnd is thp.refore recognized all over for the put-out. Mcss rs. Chas . Hllrnett and Roht. the United Rtates as "flag day." It Yf'ar to be held in the city of Stell · children arrived home from Davton ---lItmville , June 23 26 This organiza Wednesday evenin~. after a weeks' Burton were J) tlyl on visitors Satur- is befitting the residents of Waynes· Waterhouse and Schuler pulled day and saw th e Day ton· Grand Rapvisit wit h relatives riOIl iR one nf I he strongeAt in the ville to display the flag at their two nice catchet each at second base ids game . !{l.i3te. having a membersbip of over homes as an expression of their and in right field, respectively. Mrs. Alice Alcorn and daughter l65.011() youn! people and Z,500 Ruth arrived home Sunday even ing Jacob Hyman and family, Abe reverenct!, love and devotion to the societies in the state from'an extended trip to the Ebst, Hyman and family, of Xenia. were flag of -our- country. . Entertainment for all del~ates Ernest RogeJ'l5 is now managing - -where they visited relatives. the guests of Myer Hyman and will be provided in Steubenville. the team, Chas. Stansberry having REMOVE YOUR RUBBISH t : a mily Sunday. homes for one dollar a day. Special resigned. Good luck to you, Rogers. information regarding the ConvenHavolene Auto Soap for oil cloth old boy! Mavna rd Miller, of Middletown. Our attention hWl been called to tion will be furnished upon applica- Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co, stopped at the home of Warren the fact regarding the accumulation tion to Stanley B Vandersall, 601 Chamber Ilt Commerce Columbus, Mr. and Mrst C. T. Hawke and Barnett and family Sunday. ('nroute of Boxes and Rubbish in the rear of Ploked Up alrglln It Auotlon Ia'.. A fortune In • pipe bowl w.. d18oo,.· Ohio. ' daughter. Helen, and Mr. and Mrs to visit .relatives in Wilmington. ou r business houses. This is not ered b1 • Pllterborou.h (mza..) ~ Roy Irons and son Ross spent Sunonly unsanitary but dangerous and • - • . . hre IatIVes ' W. H. Madden was called to, Mr. J'on1bam, who probued . . .. day afternoon WIt near OET YOUR CREDENTIALS Lebanon. Clarksville last weeK on account of should be removed at once. olel meenchaum pi,. at a a1l!l!t - -Uon .ale for a few .hUU..... ae ~ h '11 ' d th h dl d'f f W the derious illness of his brother, A. ST. MARY'S CHURCH on tHlD, Me purehut lao• • tIIat ~ Anypersnn w 0 WI aUen. e A .. B.C an eran wle,o ay- I). Madden, who died last Tuesday front of the bowl wu Nt with • 01_ State Sunday. School conven,tlon ,,,t nesvllle, came over by auto ~d spent Elftemoon. Mr. and Mrs. Madden First Sunday after Trinity June 14. ter of diamond., emerald. ant nill... ¥oungetown'6nJune15.16,17and18 Saturday and. Sunday WIth her attended the funeral Friday afterSunday School at 9:80 a, m. The baTe bee1i ftlHIS at as a delegate. from ~arren county. brot~er, LewIS (',?nrad, and other noon. may recetvecredentlaJs frllm the un· relatIVes -New -Vienna Reporter. Morning Prayer and sermQll at 10:30. tlloo. DIaler. from all ~. or ~ dcrsip'e d until the limit of twenty Mrs. Nell Cooper has moved pruent at the ..... . IMl&r. You are invited to these IjElrviees. land is re&.!bech Fred. L. Pauly, County U. M. White arrived home Sun- Waynesville and has fallecl te dIIooYU' the barpba.., ',. ) ~ 8ectetary: day evening from Owensboro, Ky., the . CHRISTIAN CHURCH .. - where ~ WaR called a ago . lOn,2-(1I11on acc:OU'I)~(.~_ I I.



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m f'm" I)' Shl rl c>· · .... tllf' lil (' r . MrR. O n nd ridg'P . IInri MflJo r Cr1stOl\' ~x('hn. ng e r f' m · 'n1 8~.t n"·cH JurlnK w hic h It 18 r pvNLle-l t ha t tll p mnJ(lr, Vullun t' B fn t hrr, n n d 11

InSn naOl I·.t Sl..lJlflOOn \\*f' r e n vUls r u r the h an l} :\Irs. I hLflc1rldg~ 1n h e r you th . Sm;sootl and V'U.lllllll r o ught Q. c1u el on h e r a crou nt In w111 C'h I hl' f o r mer \\'M kI11 ec1 . Vali a nt finds Onml)ry cou rt ov~ rJfT'o\Yn



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ll n d croepo ra and decide. t o tl1 e

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whIch o f th e bit e. Sl, trloy Bucks t he polson from the wOll nd and .Ilves h la IIf ~ . Y o Unnt learn. tor Tho n"l lim" Ih" t his f n lh e r le ft V ir-

ginia n n a('("tlunt o f a duel In wh1 c h Doc tor ROll lh...\! and Majo r Bristow Acted IlS

hts fa l her's oecond". "nUlln t .. nd ShIrley tM!come !rood 'rlcn ".. M... Dnn,'tt<1ge t.lnts w h e n .he m ee Ts Va.l lunt fo r the "NIt II ",e . Vllliant .Uveove,.,. t hnt he has • foM u ne In o1t! wal nul tree8. Th" yearly tourn llment. a. Aurv lvotJ of Ih e jousting of 'M1<'1l1 11m .... t. he l<2 at Damor}' court. At the I.... t mom ent Valiant tl.lkes the plac," of 011e ot t.b e knight., who Is s Ick , IID<1 "ntera lh e IIstll. R a wIns and cboo."" I!htrle y DllndrtBe as Qu een of b ....auty to th" 1119mllY ot Kath"rllle Fargo, a form e r 8w.t!lhea rt. who I. vl.IUnlC In Vlra1nJa. The tournam .. "t bait



draws Ih e ollte o f the country" I,l ...


CHAPTER XXIV.-Contlnued. To tho tWBnglng of th e deft blnck fln gcrs, they passed In gorgeous array betw oe n fIIell of low-cut gowns nod flow e r-like taces and masculine swallow-ta ils , to the yello w parlor. Once th e re th e musIc ceased wIth a sple ndid craBh, the eleve n knights each dropped upon one kn ee, th e e leven la dles· Inwaiting curtsied low , and Shirle y, seat· ed upon th e daIs , leaned b e r burnished head to receive tbe crown . What though th e bauble was but brIs tol· boa rd, Its Jeweled cbaslng but tin sel and paste? On he r head It glowed and trembled, a tru e diade m. All Valiant I18t tbe glittering thing on tbose rich and wonderful co\ls, the music ot b e r presence was Singing a swltt melody In bls blood. HIs coronation address held no sucb flow ery periods as would have rolled from tbe major's BOUI. He ,bad chosen a sIngle paragrapb he bad lighted on In an old book In the IIbrnry~ his tory-at the last Oruaade In French black-letter. He had tran.lated and memorized the archaic pbraslng, keeping the Quaint teellng of the origInal: "The.Be noble knights bow In your presence, fair lady, ss tbelr leige, wbom they know as even In Judgment, &1\ daInty In fulfilling thele our acta of arms, anlt do recommend their all anto your Good Grace In all lowly wIse . . .they CAn, 0 queen, In whom the whole' lItory ot vlrtlle Is writ ten with the t4ngua', e of beauty, your eyell. wbl~b bave been only wont to discern tile' 6O""ed : kneea of kn.eellD« heart. and. IIi .,..ardly turned, found always the Jleavenly solace of a sweet mind, eee them, realty In heart and able with 1lan4s not only to aaaalllni but to 'p r.


lllllonlii;h l d garden al Hoae wood. ~he I " I hun; 111'('1\ 1I !'Il' lIln g to papan!! ali i \\' i_Id lllO: 1·louse, aud It was In th o mid· had lain In his ,,,'W[or on e brief In· j' lho m·enlng." sbe ..\laid. " And yuu de· , di p or th e Nevpr ·Neye r Lund- a 80 rt ~ l tlnt then s h a had Reemed like some !lelTe thorn . It's B flll e big th ing YUlI ' uf hl'lllltlfu l ralry cOllutry tn w hic h truJl Pl'd \\,olJd·tblng res istin g . Now. Rr e ult prnp t lng- th n rps torlnl( uf t hi N (II· ... r ) thing hapPPned right. I kllow he r ~ I .. nder Ilody 8waylllg to his eve ry I old ('~tat(' . And I kn uw )'OU hllve e\ e n IIOW tbal th e Never-Never Land wus mollon. she was nnotber cr eaturo. U n- bi gger plans , too I \"Irg illla, Ilu d that Wi s hin g House was der th e droopIng tawny hair he r tace Il l' nodd pd. suddl'n l)' se rious nnd DI!IllO r)' cou rt. :\ . ' 0 wondl' r illY ra lbe r was a lmost as pa le ns th e whi te satin Ul oughtful. " There's fl 101 I'd like to 10n'llI Il! :-';0 wOllder hI s me mory lurnor he r gow n; ber lips wsre parted , a nd do. It·s not only th o hou se ond E" d lllu:k t o It ruwnys! I've wanted to a s they moved, he could reel be r heart gro unds. There an! oth e r mak e It liS It wu~ wh en he live d h er e. ris e and fall to be r languorous breatb . things. For Instance . back on th e And 1 wa nt the old di a l to count hnp py moun tain- on my own lan d- Is n sd· hou r13 for me. CHAPTER XXV , Something bad crop t Into his tone ll oment th ny call HeU'.Ha lf-Acre. Probnbly It has well enrued tho That s truck he r wIth a strange sweet By the 8un-Dlal. name. It's a wrptched ooll ection of t prror and tumult ot mind. Tho hand Eyes srcbed with fan -sblelded whls- hovels an d ur ly men and drabs of Ulat c lutched her skIrts about her pcnl . and talr' facea, foreshort e ned 0.8 wome n and unk e mpt cblldre n, tbo kn ee,s had begu n to tremble and she they turned back over powder-white poores t of poor-whItes. Not one of co ug ht th e otber hand to b e r <lbee k 8hould ers, tollowed theIr Bwnllo~'-Ilke th e m can read or wrIte, and they live in a vague hesitant gest1lN. Tbe moonmovement. Frem an ever-wIde nIng lik e anImals. If I'm ever abl e, I men n nowl1rs Reemed to be great round eyes circle ot masculine devoteell KatharIne to put Il manual-traInIng school up s tarIng up at ber. Fargo "!I'atched them wltb a Bmlle that thflr e. And tben- " "Shlrl ey-" he saId, and now his cloaked an Incl"flulng and unwelcome He ended with a hal f laur;b, sudden- voice wlu! s haken wltb 10nglng-"w111 quelltlon . Iy conscIous that he was talking In a you make my happiness tor me?" She wall standing porfecUy sttll Katharine had nevor looked more language sbe would scarcely underhandsome; a critical ~urvey of h ep stand- In tact, tn a tongue new to blm- agalllst th o sun dial, both hands laced mirror at Glndden Hall bad usured eelr. But there was no amlle on he r toge t he r, agaInst her breast, he~ "yeB her of tbat. Never had her pol8e beon lips lind b er e:rt rnordlnary eyes- coolon his wltb a strange lltartled look. more 8uperb, her toilet more enraptur- gray, IIhot through with emerald-:- Over th e husb of the garden now like In«. She wall exquisitely gowned In were lookIng Into his wIth a frankness tbe very soul of the pBllelonnte ~Ight, rOIl&colored mouoellne-d8-sole, eln- lUld sympathy he would not havII tbrobbed the haunUn, barcarole of hroldered In tiny brl1l1an1.8 laid on In guessed 10.,. beneal,! he r glacial pin· "Tales or Halfmann:" Greek patte~ . From her neck, In a cldlty. "Night of stnr8 nnd olehl of love-" To Katharine, Indeed, It made little sIngle IIple ndld loop or Irldesco nce e m luartloulate ecbo ot his longing. He difference Vi be.t phllanthroplc tads tbo against tbe rosy mIst, depended those man she had cbosen might alfcct as took a alep toward be r, and BIle turnfabuloull penrls-"the kInd you sl ply can't believe," ..s Betty Page con- regarded his tenantry. AmbItions like e d IIko one In sudde n terror seeking Hded to h e r partner- on wbose news· th ese had a manorial navor that did a "!I'ay at escape. But _he c.aught ber paper r eproduction (actual diam eter) not di splease her. And the Fargo mil- close In hIli arms. "I love you!" h e BRld. "Hear It now met ropolltall ehop-glrls had bee n wont lions would bear much harmless ham· to gaze with glistenIn g eyes; and with- me rlng. A change. subtl e a nd Incom· In my brlde's .garden !.hnt I'"e made for yo u! I love you , I love you !" In th e ir milky cIrclet, on he r rounded munlca ble. passed ove r h er. !"or o ne in stan t sh e Itrugglcd. Then, " I ~ ball think of you," s he sigh ed, breast. tr e mbl ed three pal e gold ·ve lned " aa working on In this sple ndid pro· s lowly, her ('yes turn ed to his. the or chids. Watching that qUlldrllle through he r gram . For It Is sple ndid. But New Hwee t lips tre mbling, and something dnw ulng deep In th e dewy bllle tba.t drooping emerold·tlnted eyes, she hl\d York will miss you, John ." "Ah , no. 1" .. e no delusion s on that. turne d a ll bls lea ping blood to qulekreceived a Budde n enllgbte nlng Impres· s ian of Shlrley's flnwleSB beauty . At score. I dare say I'm illmoet forgotten s ll ve.r. "M y dal'lIng!" he breaUled, tbe tournam e nt ber fleeting allmpse th er e already . H e re I have a place." and t he ir lips met. In th at delirious moment both had H e r head, leaned back against the bad adjudged the other merely sweetly pretty. The Chalmers' surrey had cus blon , turn ed toward blm, the pale th e senso ot div ine camp lotion !.hat stopped en route for Shirley, but In orcblds trembling on her bosom_he comE'S only with love r eturned. For her wraps nnd veil sbe bad then been was so nenr that h e could feel ber hIm tbere was but tbe woman In hJs all but Invisible. Tbls had been Kath- breath on bls cheek . A new waltz arms" th e one woman created tor hIm arine's first adequate vIew, and the bad hegun to sIgh Its languorous me as- sInce the foundation of th e world . It was Kismet. For this be had come to sIght at her radIant cbarm had the ures, For tbls fate had turne d "Place?" she querIed. "Do you thInk Vlrg1lnla. effect almost ot a hlow. For Katharine, be It said, had wholly you had no place tbere? Is It posslblo and t wisted II. thousand ways. Through surrendered to tbe old, yet new, at- that you do not understand that your tbe rIot of his senses. like II. silver blaze, ran the legend of the calendar: traction tbat had swe pt her on thtJ goIng has left-a voId ?, He looked at her suddenly, and her "Every man carries bls fate upon a tourney field. And what had lain &1way,B In the back of ber mind u a haU- eyes toll. Before be answered, bow- riband about his nect." For ber, lIomeformed Intention, had become a self- ever, tbe big torm of Major Bristow thlnl: seemed to pa!!'" from her BOul wIth tbat kIss, sODle deep Irrevocable ndmltted purpoee during tbe motor appenred, looking about him. "It hall- lett a void," Bhe saId, ber thing, IIhy but flercflly 'atrong, that had rIde. SI)rUIDg to blm at that lip-contact as In anotber· moment the waltz fainted eyell still downcast, her voice just low steel to magnet. The foliage about out. to be succeeded hy a du ex-tempB, enough, "-for me." them flared up In green lI,bt and tbe The major pounced upon them at nnd prellently the host, In his crimson ground under her feet l'Ose and toll this juncture, feelingly accusing John cloak, was doflln, bls plumtld hat belike dC4!p sea-wavel. tore her, Clrcllnl the pollllhed tloor ot the nefarious delll,n of robbIn, the Sh,e lifted her tace to him. It wall In the maze, there was lomethlnc a8llemblar;e of Its bright and particdeathly pale, but tbe light tbat burned ular ltar. Wben Katharine put her «raterully )Ike former 4&)'1 In the uon It waa IIt tram the wbltest altarBured toucb, the tnie and ready lIuld· band In her cavaller's arm, her eyes flrea of southern IIlrlhood. "SIJ: weelu aDOO. The Intrusive QUeaUOD fa4ed. were dewy under their long shading ...0;'" iJbe wIU.jJered, "you had never 'IBllbeB aDd her nne lips ever 80 liWe He was the 10hn Valiant ahe had a la~ me!U ways )mown, of lluhlq repartee and tremllloul_ It hac! been her belt a?AIlHe beJc! her cruBhed to him. She graeerul compliment, ,.et with a touch able moment, and .be had ulecllt. As she mo"ed away, her (alnt color could feel hIli beart thuddlnc madly. of dlenlt,., too-u beGtled the lord ot a manor-which sat well upon him. IlIgbtly belr;lltenec!, she wae Klad of "I've alway. known you," be Mid. "I've BeeD you a thousand tlmel. 1 saw you ~fter a decorous donn of roundl, she tbe Intel'11lptlon. It was better . . it comLn« to meet me down a che1T7took bls arm and allowed ber perfec~ was. When Jobn Valiant came to her , .. blossomed laDe In Kyoto. rYe seen again . . _ . But to hIm. as he stood watcblnl your eye8 peerJn-g from behind a veil her move IIthUy from hIm, there W8JJ In IndJa. I've hjlilrd your voice caJlIng vouchsafed !Dumlnatlon. It came to to me, throu«b tbe paddlnl camel'l , him suddenly tbat that placidity an" teet, from the desert mlra,eB_ You bauteur whlcb he had so admired In are the dream I have cone searching tbe old days were no mask for tirell always I Ah. Sblrley, ShIrley, Shlr· within. The exqulllite husk wns the ley'" real Kntharlne. Hers was the 10"011CHAPTER XXVI. ness of ruune tall wblte lily cut in marble, splendid but chill. And with Thll Doctor Speaks_ tbe thought, be tween him and her "{hlle the vibrant strIngs hummed there swept tllrough the shimmering cnodle-lIghted aIr a breatb of wet rose- and sang through the roses, nnd the fragrance like lUI Impalpable cloud, couple!! drifted on tireless and conand Bet in the midst of ita misty star- te nt, or hllssfully "sat out" dances on tinted gown sprayed with Itlle8-of-the- tbe litairway. Katharine Fargo held valley, and abovc It a girl's [nco clear h p- r stately court no less gaily for tbe and vivid, he r deep sundow-blue e yes stealthy doubt 'that wns creeping over fix ed on hIs.




A hQlbed ruatle of applaule-not lou. : tht! merelt wbisper ' of IlIkeD feet and feathered fana tapped .ottlytelt!tlec\ to 'a wIdespread approbation, It .as ,tbe first slgbt many there bnd bad of Jobn Valiant and In both lookll aDd manner be tiUed tlielr best Ideals, Tbe queen's curtsey was the sIgnal tor the music, whIch throhbed suddenly Into a· marcb, and sbe stepped down besIde blm_ Couple atter couple, knights a nd ladl e~, ranged behind th e m, tl11 the tw enty-four Btood rea dy for tb e royal quadrille. It was th e oldfashione d IlInce rs, but the dell be rate strain h~ llt the familiar mp.Il!lures something ot th e stnt ely effec t at the min· uet .. Quadrilles were not Im' e nted as ailla to con versation, uud John Valiant's and Ehlrl cy's W IlS necessarily limited. " The d pco ratloll s are si mply de ll. clous!" she s aid 0:1 t h ~ y fuc ed each othe r bri efly. ··How did yoU mannge It ?" "Home w.lcnt with Il ,·engeance. Un. cle .J effel'llon and I did It with our litKatharine Had Neller Looked More tl e hotchets. But Ul e ros es-" Hand.ome. Tb cy were ~\\'ooj1 cd apart and Shirley found be rself curtsying to Chtlly Lu ~ k . "M ore tha n qu ee n! " he Bald tlg a re to be conducted th rough tb o various rooms of the ground fleor, :~~d e:1I ~:m~~at~~u '~~d~~d ~IY..!~~~ chatting In quite the old-tim e wa r, till I"ve lost my rabblt.foot! " 11 new Kallant claimed h er . Th e mellow st rings mad, ~ on th e Ir Oppos ite . In lurn, lI e tty Pago had slippe d h er dainty hand In John Vnl. IIInrry tun e. Rud nt longth the WashI ' Ington Post marched 1\11 in flu sbed d~nntc~ f~~hy~~~~~.',l :~:n S~~~J~da 101:~~ unity or' purpose to the grl:at muslin· Shirley too sweet ? If Ah bad hai r -like walled porch with Its array ot tallleR hers, Ah wouldn 't Bpeak to n Boul on groanin g und er viands concoc ted by earth!., Aunt Daphne for tl;e delectallon of th e pnlal&wenry . The exlgcncles of th e tlgure gave no , And then once more the waltz-strain ., -, . .-.' 'ajJace ror answer. and prese ntly atter .' , : ' ~rlalll labyrintblne evolutions' Shlr- s upcrv ened and In the yellow parlor I-.!' joy W:lB again unconflned . -.: -: ;oz's eyes were ~zlng Into his again. AgaIn Valiant claimed Katharine ., .. " ~ow adorable YOU look!" he whla· n ld they glided off on "The Beautirul , ~ered, as be bowecl ove r her hand. DanUbe." H er paleness now had a Hqw doel It reel to be a queen?" tinge of color, but nevertheless be "This little bead " never made to thougbt sbe drooped. "You aro tired," . .r a crown," Ihe laughed. "Que(lnll he IIllld, "lIban't we lilt It out?" -~d be regal. MlBs Fargo would "Oh, do you mind?" ebe l'esponded hay....... gratefully. "It has been a fairly BtrenTIle mu"lc swept the Tetlt away, but uous day. halIn't It!" aot aae look. of blinding repI'08.Ch he He sulded ber to'll corridor, wbere . .n '1Ier ' QuLt made her heart throb brancbes of rhododendron Icreened aD ,rDdly . . -~.~!'d 0J!1. " alcOVCl set~s.~ atid' .eduIlUn -·c ulh,. • . • , . • • • • Ions. -Here/·her:,..eRlDua ·aeemeci PUt ~~:'~f" the Q~." .u~ w ropt. ·,Tliu.;; ....-...~G~ I·'"'iOIIII~ " ' 11l~ ·, .... -,. ,f. .m1.1tlI~.lctW,i aDd trfJ:l~d ;Ud.o\ DQ l .'d1i.~""'aJ1~.t: ValWlt PIl(Idi . ..'a~ut Shlrler &At Jucel; .he cba&tend ~ .!loat" ~. p~~· berore. 1a &lit" plQ1iaIlCJ'" - ", : £ ..

, , 1'fie


be r s pirit. i:ilw had bee n 80 certa In of wbat WQuid hnPJlPn th at evening that wbt' n II r fa.t.hor (Lc tw(!lln cigars a ll th e po rc h with Jud ge Cha.lm e rs ulld Doctor Southall ) ha d sett reh ed h .. r o ut undur Q f1ug -o(·truct', -Il h o hud scn t him to th e right-about, laughin g ly declining to de part be rore royalty. But nu mb er followed numbe r . and the knight In purple and gold had 110t paused again before he r. Now th e Bca rlet cloak no longer flaunt ed among the dance rR, and the white sa.tln gown a nd spa rkling co ronal had disappeared . The end at tbe next " round·dsnce" found h er Bubsldlng Into the flow er-banked I\lcove sudden· IY distraIt amld 'b er esoorl's sallies. It was at this moment thllt tWe saw, e n· t erlng the corridor from the .-arde n, the missing couple. It was not the taint flush on Shlr· ley's cheek- that was not deep-nor was It bls nearness to ber, thougb they 8tood closely, as lovers mlgbt. But there was In botb theIr [aces Ii sometblng that resurgent conventionality had' not had time to cover- a trembling reflection of that "1Ir;ht that n ever WRS , on Boa or land"- whlch wn. like a death-stab to what lay tar deep er than Katbarlne's heart. her pride She drew swIftly back, dismayed al tho sudden verIfication. and for nn In· s tant h er whole body chilled . A craving for a glnss of water bal served Its purpose a thous and tI ml's : as her cavalier solicitously de partoY\ to fetch th e cooling draught, sbo MHe, and carelessly hummiog the r etrDl n tb e mURlc had Ju st left oil, sauntt-rl ld lightly out by anoth e r door to th e open aIr. A sw ift g la n ce about h er showeD he r she was unobse r ved a nd sho stepped down to the grass and along the wInding path to a bencb al wrne dllltauce In th o shrubbe ry. ;'''ere the s miling mask slipped from ~er fRce and wIth a shiver s he droppeO he r 1'10t tace In ber hand s. There were no lears. The w"ve that Will wellIng over h er was one of bitter humiliation. She had shot ber bolt and mlssed- ahe_ Katharine Fargo! For three years she had hClld John Vallnot. romantically spealLing In the hollow of her shapely bnnd. Now she had nil but tbrown herself at bls [ee t- and he had turned away to fhle flam e-haIred, vivId girl whom he '.Jad not known as many monthl' Heavy toottalll all 'at onoe aproacb· ed ber-two men were comIng trom the bouse. There was the .plttlnll crackle of a match, and as she peered out. Its red tlare lighte d the ma8slYe tace and ftoatlng hair 0'1 Major Bristow. HIs companlon'l face was In the shadow. She waited, thin tin, they would pallll; ' but to ber annoyance, when she looked alaln. they hac! leat. ed themselves on a bench a tow pace. away_ To be found mQonln« In the Ihrub ber)' like a IIcbool,lrl cUd not p l _ her, but It ~emed there ,..U no recourse, and she had half ariaen, wbeD the maJor's «ruU-yolceci companion Ipoke a name that cauBecl her to lit down abruptly. \TO Bill CONTlNUED.)

Carbo Disinfect.

RUB·NO·MGRK C.\RBO NAPTHA . SOAP should allo be used to _ b theflnc.tfabrlc, purifies tbe linen.. Makealt sweet anel nnllary _ Itdoetno. need bot water. Naptha Clean.





Carbo N."tha So.p

Washla, Powder Ftvll Cent.J-AIl Grocer.

I'be Rub.No-More Co.. Ft.Wame,1n4

I.JWn. D.o. PATENTS _nr. .......

Wal••• B.f'.cole",...W,," _I..,.; HItIl>-


GOOD FOR POLAR EXPLORERS. Frenchman'. tnventlon of Much Blln .. fit to Tho" Who Track Wast. Placell of the Earth_ Count Bertrand de LellSUPI, Ion ot the famous Frenc:hman of Suez canal: fame, h8JJ conelructed an air-propelled machine which III capable of attalnlnl G speed of from tlfteen to slJ:ty mile. an hour over the snow, according to· the condition of the frozen roadl. Th. shoe-shaped chulll II attaebM to· broad, Bat me~l ruMen. and "Ibx. UOn II reduced to a minimum b,. th.addition at Itronl Bprinp_ Tbe p~ peller behind the pilot U well ~ ed by a metal _creen .. a protec:UOD against anyone approachlDI It Illo•• Iy. Wben snow falll wheel. are' lIlace4 on the propeatlng plnl. which IUt th. IIkl from the &round, and the ear will tben I\tUdn a lpeed of nearly one hu· dred mUel an Jiour_ Some lUeIl IDIt' cblne . . · thl. ta to -be take!l ' bllto AntareUc rt!IfOIl. by 8b&ctJetoD .Ith hil torthcolDlnc Uped1UOD. Allroad thlB form ot amulement Sa called MI'Oo .kllnc. .



. lorry Ha Spok.. Peok-rm lIurprlsed that TOll 1I10ull lose your lelf-oontrol. MariL That'. 8ometl",el ThuB. ' That cry In a London paper o( a ' jour- IOmetblnl you neyer II&W ~ do. Mrs. Peek-You 10000t control of ~ nallllt who "!lnde It Impoalllble to maIntain that appearance so ellllenUal selt the day J married you. Now hold In his profellslon" carries one back your toncue!-Boston Blvenlnc TraD- ' to tbe pallt wltb a jerk. Back to tbe script. days when appearance was not always "so essential" to the writer. One A man's hend bas to be turned b. recalls Snmuel Doyee, a contcmporwry rare h e Is in a positIon to pat himself of Jobnson, for Instnnce, who worked on the back. only when his clothes were In pawn. HIs dress pledged, be would spend a [f' W sblllings thus a cquired on meat to eat with hla trumes and mushrooms and then tak e to hIs bed. Tbere. he would get unde r a blllnllet, slit to al low free play of his pen hand, and start work with a will.

lan' II lil~~~~I~!~~~~~;;I~~~I!~!!~~:!!!!

guishlng whe n. a little late r , Valian t and Shirley strolled down betw een t he garden box·bedgcs. cypre ss·shaped Thelifting music spire-like at 11 two·toward ste p wasa s ky and wblch bent, a sl\ent co no py of mauve a nd IJurpll s h blu e. Del1l nd lhem : Damory court lay Il !lest of woven music and laughte r . The long white· ~~~~-~~~-~-~-~-~-~-~~ .--~-"""-~--..-" No, I am not." said Rlytbe. "I musllned porch Rhlmmered golde nly , MA[JIE HIM FEEL LONESOME can tell by th o tone of your VOICBII. a nd bes lda It und er lho lante rns dal. li ed a flirtatiou s couple or two, gh oB t- Sam Blythe, on the Water Wagon, ( s tlent the bes t 20 years of my lire makin g a coll ection of drlnkfn8 lik e In th e shadows. F()und That He Had No One to CrlllnCls. Rnd now I have no on8 to " Come," ho saId. "Let me lIllte }'OU Play With , play wHh."-ClnclllnaU Tlmes-Slar. to see th e sun·dlal now." The tangle had bee n cut away and Two years ago Sam "ilytlle , the a nnrrow grav el-path Ind through the WTiter, elected to mount tbe wnte r Concave Cinema Screen. prun ed creepers. Sh e made an excln- cart. H e became boasttully , paJnfully, Ellmlnatfng fals e pel'spectlve IUIt' motion of deligbt. The onyx·pillar ueUIshly arid, For a tI me ralsp. friends makin g every portion of !.he pIcture stood In an oallis at whlte-moonBow- tried 10 lure him bnck lnto the \lback- equally distant trom the proJecting crs, wblte dabllas, ml gnoriette and na!' les-betwee n September 15, 1911, and light, a Chicago Inventor baa patentclssus; ' bars of latc 1IlIes-of-the-val- June 23, 1912, he received 418 boWell ed and placed on the market a conley beyond these, bordered with Arum- at 1'o111sky from 312 persons-but they cave screen for whlcb much Is claim. lilies. whIte clematis, IrIs and brldaJ. Hnally gave It up as a: had job. The ed. The scree n Is a segment of II wreath, shading out Into t ender paler other day Blytho was talltlng with two Iphere, Ihe lens of the projecting a ... bue~ that ringed the spotles.s purity serfs of -the demon at the Wnldorf. patatull helng at the tocal point of like dawning palslon. By and by their manln ceme upon the screen, and as .a retult all tile "White tor happlnes8," be Quoted. them.. They be,au to ed«e toward the I'a1I of light IItrlke tbe lurtace at "You Bald that when you brought me bar. the same anllo, and ' are reBectecS to here-the day we planted the ram;'Well. Sam, lee the vlslton wltbout dlltorUOD. All' hlers. Do you remember what I ~d': o~b~~ vlrture , clalmecl ·.'t9r the IlOnca.,. said' That BOm., da. , perhaps, hhould scre, D, lIa"I' POPIII~ ', MeehUi!cI: '. Ii loye thll llpot, the "est 'o r all 'lll Damo", It bDprp\'etI ·tlle' . . ball; court.~ He w . .·8tJen·t ·a, Dl,Oljl~~•. trioil'i '~ ' ~"JJ~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~r.:~I~: Inc with motto tl



are expepSlve -rubbing wears them out quickly-stop rubbing-use RUB-NOMORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP. "Carbo" kills germs.· Prevents sickness. "N aptha" cleans instantly" Saves clothes -saves money-saves you.

Toastie Flavour

A Winner Every day many are findiJl& out t~~t

Post Toasties are different.from oth~r "ready Olo eat" foods. It's in tho maJdttl, Toastica are carefully bits of choicest Indian com toasted to an IIp,pettzinc. :' lold~. brown crilpneaL ' cooked

Qlre and time til and the delicate flatinrim..

make tbi.~ c:iiap

1lI11tfW." .










. For Convenience,Eco~omy and Safety Use tho

atory Soems to Show Faat That "Prophct Is Without Hanor In His Own Country."

What He Considers Its Real Meaning Pointed Out by


Wi1Ilam Ph e lps l!=no, who deY-lsed the syslem or traffic regulatloa no.Y7 practisau III New Yorl[, und wbo has been calleu Ihe "tuther or s lroel traf· flo r egulutlon," bad a hard time at first Impressin g Ill s Ideall on pubUc officials. Foreign cili es avpreclated them more than American cities. ParIs, tbrea\,ened wltb, a sl r\l[e of th e cab driv ers \1.IIless the S)'s tt!Ul Euo wore put In e~· tect, udopted It. Tben nucnos Alres eent for Mr. Eno, askeu him to worll out 11 plan ror Its tmmc, a nd agreed to every 8uggOstlon he mad e. A yoar or tw o la tor Mr. Eno Willi Introduced, aB a tranle reg'u latlon au· tborlty , to a muclHraveled r eside nt of Was blnglon. :rhe globe- troltE'r shook hunds with him, and the n Buld la a rather patron' bing manner: "If you want to know what's what In & Itroet traffic system. Mr. Eno, you ought to see th e wuy th ey do tbe trick In Bue nos Aires."

ERUPTION SPREAD ON FACE 810 East Elm St.. Streator. III.-"A running sore hroke out ahovo my right eye. :which Ifllread ovcr my cn· Ure taoe. It started as a slDall 111m· pie. I IIcratchud It open and the con· tents Or tills small pimple mn down m7 face. Wllerever this ran a new Bore appeured. The y Itch ed and burned terri lily ; I couldn't tonch m)' face It burned 80. It dlsngured m), faco terribly and I couldn't be eeen for e v eryo~e was afraid of It. It looked IIlle a dise ase of 60me klnd; 11 ",' as all red and 11 heavy ' white crust on It. Everybody ke pt out of m y way, afraid It would 8pread, I 10Bt rest at night alld I couldn't hear to have any· thing touch my face, not even "the pll· low. I bad to 110 on tho baok of tbo head. 1 was always glad when morn· log caine BO I coald get UJ.). It wa. extremely palnrul . "At last I thought of C utlcura Soap and Ointment and I comme nced uBlog them. It toolt throo week!! to com· plete the curc" (Slgnod) Miss Caroline MUler. Apr. 80. 1915. Cutioura Soap and OIntment 1014 throughout tbe world. Samplo of eacb free, with 32·p. Skin Book. AddreslJ P08toard "CuUoura, Dept. L. B(\Ilt::Jll."-Adv.

an Authority.




ShOWing actual amount of dirt that would fall in open pall from 40

High POlltlons Waiting for Th058 Who Are Competent Properly to Fill Them. We know a. hi g firm In one of the oldest and most Important Industries In tWs country which hBII been hunt. Ing ror ' over a year ror a man to whom to pay $16,000 , and they cannot ftnd him. 'lVt'ltes the editor of the Amorlenn Mnchlnlst. We know nIl 6'Xecullve wbo wants two or threo men as assistants; If he pnulrl find them In Ills plant' be would ,ladly PaY th em $40 a week. He has trteQa conslderablo number In theso posltlonll during the past year, but "II'Uhout succees as yet. He feels that be la positively hampered' hy the lack ot thorn. We !mow that there 18 lUI active d .. mand for $2,000 men, and we CIrJl readily bello \'Q tbat th e re la a keen demand for $10,000 ruen. It Ie remarllable tbat In n pl3nt em· ploylng, suy a thousand men, there are 80 few who rals o the mselves abovo their 'ellowB far enough to he con· IJplcuous to the management. And even. ot thOBe' fo\\', not 111\ have the lnttiaUro. the ginger. and faculty of helng thorough tllnt would-make them ot value ae asslstilntll to tbe exocu· tive, What II. god-send to tho engineer III the arnughtsman who can do ble o'Wn thinking, and dig out the 80lutlon of a problem somehow without COil· ~ s~lit prodt1lng snd pointing from the boss!

Form Lactic Acid, Cause Ropy Condition, Swe2t, Curdling, Bitter, "Cowy" and "Turnipy" Flavors - Will Do Less Harm and Not Act So Quickly If Milk Is Kept Cool

- - _._----

&lrl." "Yes, she's game."

., ,Y~ can't grow strong by merely ox· • retling. You IIMlBt have rood-lhe kind you can digest nnd assimilate. .. . ., _ JJnlf!SIl the food you eat Is digested, ·It add8 to the burden the digestive or· h,ave naturally to carry. Thill oftsn menna a nervous breakdown. "About a year ago." writes B 'Mass. lady. '1 had Quite 11 serlous nervOUB breakdown caused, all 1 believed. by over ..... ork and worry. 1 also Buffered . "utold mlJ!'ery from dyspepsia. . "Flrllt 1 gave up my poe1t1on, then 1 tried to ·find a remedy for my troublea, IIOmethlllg that would moake me well __nil strong. something to rest my Ured 'stomacli and build up my worn-out , lIenes anet brlUn, • "I ' tried one kind of medicine after noth~r; but D.o thtng seemed to help


..' _


"F1DaUy. a frlenc.\ suggellted chaD8" .•' . of.. r60d and ncoJllmended Grape·Nu~•. . ·,,'lth "falth in It, 1 tried .: pa.p1t!tg~: · T~~ 'Wu 'elght 1i\ontha a,o . ,alacf· I h&Te,,· nev.e l' been without n t

"ttle'O'r 'no v

'Work. . It h'e1ped , ~, Grape-Nut.

. ' ':


[rom Ih e h ' ::Illll stllndpolnl, bu t It l,s nol nppetlzln g. The must COlUmon sourc e of I hl'sC' ua c lt! r la Ie unclean wat er , Th lM wat e r muy have Leen ue ed In wa billng the milk ve ase ls or It may ha\'e sJ. I:rs hed Oll tbe cows an d Ihe bnnerla fro m it fallcn In to rllll milk wllh Ihe dus\. from the COl\' . III ~orne caHes It has ll!'en found to have sp lush o.1 Into th e milk while the ca n wus stllllliing In Iha cooling tunk . In other cuses, Ihe lufecrlon has he c n traced to th e fee d and occasiona II), to an lu fec ted udder.



It by th e chu rch o f Chrlst one means

Hu ru. orllln"rr Oil. Ilghl8 up ID . tnoll, li ke g~", hurn • .. p" rtcc Lly IJluo lIamo without awuke or outtr. T he IDl~n Roll bot fire co"hl .... ,l'ou to oook. bn ke . fry or Iro n M 'lulcWy lUi 008 gnJO Ilt.cH ' O.

8Jl(t" to (Jp C I't\W


Ju,!O; tn fl\fI, lmp)ctlut.!

't'hf\ I n t f' fHIO h ' lI(' "atn a V I,I ' . r l.t ll t : ~ • •Hn~1 J.,u r

~D 011 h!.Ulp .

;;'I',\'~~ n~~~'~~u .: [It ~~~

Th,,·., BIT.~" 2 , 8 nnd • barnen (.lr wi t hout. hig h lvnrming sb"U. Wrlw to-ll ay tor C&WOII.




Sold by Dealers Everywhere

noo~~~l~llhC ~~: l\n.~~~~~~~ D~~,Pg~o








Pay 00 morr(orG.n v O'thc rtwfne. Hoolle; I•• uaraott"e<i ....000 •• the'oe-.t. If you buy of)'ourdealer .. How h im u (.Ir pro Ht; Ithe not aupply i •• writQ hf're (or It . SC!'fld (Ot c lu b on.ler bla._olla and •• mpl«L Send c ... h for h, •• thAn SOO lh ~ Price f. D. b . factory . B . J . Pocarty. Sup'L. HooI'.' Twluc Mill., 14ichlaaD City. Ind.

Putnam FadeleB8 DreB color In cold \ water. Adv.

'0 Consumer Use Pure T 0 bacco

Lh'ed by His Character. "That ma n III absolut e ly de\'oid or ChlU·lI.cter." "Wllat docs he d07" "O h, b e 15 I!. cbaracter s ke tcb IIrtlat

Avoid adulterated trust products that endanger health and h ' Buy C hoice grown appmess. tobacco in its natural state dired

on the IIla_g_8_ . "_____

fromgrowersinhearto/BlueGrlUl of KentuckY. Unexcelled /01 h Sh' d smoking and c ewing. Ippe

- - -- -- --

- ------ - - -

Once for A II. ·'No". Fr eddi e. once for all, will you wosh your face aDd band s 7" "Sur~ thlllS, If II'I ooce tor ull."Judge,


U.e Rom "n E10 B .. I... m

for Deallllnr ."".

I"lion 1u (ly ea GDd lnftAwma LloD 01 .,e.


A~ v.


On Australian StampR. The Kookaburru, whlcb Is to ngure on the new AuetrnJlan Btamps, 18 a kind of laughing jackaes ot the king· flsh e.r Irlbo, and about tbe size of a crow. He kills snakes. Is an optimist by naluro. lallghloll: at Bunrlse and sun down. Worm. upell.cI promf'l1 'rom Ibe bUtDl>D

.!IU,Q lD wlLb Dr . Peerl a

Bbot ."

VermUu". "Dead

Ad ...

- -----

Deep Breathing. ., Learn to sit or stand erect and breat he deep," says a bealth expert. " Remem be r that your blood cannot be properly wasbed with halt a lungfuJ of air any more tban you can take a proper hath In a pint of waler." Everybody mUBt know what a loy tbore Is In tbe deep brea thing of the pure air or th e morning. The lungs respond to th e stimulus much as th e bo dy reacts from a das h of cold wnler .

from Plan'alion

in cartons, parcel post prepaid at following prices:

2 Pound Carlons 5 Pound Cartons I 0 Pound Carlons


$1.00 2.00 3.50

When ordering state preference; strong, mild and medium fl avors. Send cash, money Ofder or bank draft with order. Bank reference. Satisfaction or money refunded

Tbe Natural Leal Tobacco Co.

lhe MethOdist churcb, or the nap tlBl church, ab e Presbyterian, tbe CongreP. O. Box 413 Lexington, Ky. gatiollal, th e Episcopal 01" tbe Catholic churcb, X' I11 not so " ore about It. Tbe history or the d eoomlnatlons In e very age has delOonBtratbd that Goll Is oot llmlted In hi s vlans by tb e pre vail ing deu om ln atloll or com1llulllon. Alwaye Red Oro"" n nll Dlue make! the laundre88 has h E' raised lip other leade rs and h. ppy, mnkcs cloth .... wbiter than .uow. ehu rchsil to carry out bls pu~rp08e, A.ll IfOOd I:roccn. Allv. All paru of Ihe ProviDea of wben those In ex Istence proved them· M .. ailAt.... Sukalch..... and £nvl ronment. selves t.oo narrow or too In efficlenL Albert •• have produced "'on· The Mexican Student was watching He may ye t again ralso up stili anoth· derlul yield. af Wb....t, Oal., h'IB first norther n tool ba 11 game. B ...I.,. and VIas. WbeU IITlIded er mov e ment lind tbls very movement Contract to No. 1 Hard. may bp-coml" the r eal '''church'' of h e ld bls Interest Ilrlllly. His race grew weighed h.avy and ,.i .... ed !Tom ZO nu s bed, bls arms were flung out, be to 411 b ...h.l. per acre: 22 bushels wu Christ , Surely this cannot be u eo led about the total averoge... Mixed FaJ'IJIoo by those wbo l hemsol v61l ow e their &bo uted hoarsely. Ina m3Y be am.ldered fully a9 prof.t· "00' you call this a ga6.e?" he asked , origin as a churc h to certain sltua· abl" an industry a. grain ralsinr. The excellent rrnsse9 full of nutritloD. sre tlons whi c h seemed 10 call ror th eir or- of tho man at hili rigbt. the only food required e ither for bed "Sure," waB the reply . "w bat would ganiza tion . or dairy purpose.. In 1912, and agaiD in you call It?" · 1913•• t Chicago. M .... ilo" ""mod oIf The p eculiar thing aJ/ll Ut eome of "In my country," s aid Ihe stra nger tho Cbampi<tn.a.ip for be.f .1..... Good the prese nt d e uoll1lnntl u o ~ Ilmong the from acrOSD Ihe borde r, "we wou ld call echoola, mnrk~to convenient, climate ex· cellent. For th .. homesteader, the man churches Is t.hut their fo undc rs nev er It a seven·day pltcbed batlle!" who ni ches to hum exten.ivcly. or tho dre aml'c1 th at tb e movem ents which inV~lor. Camilla off.", the bllCrest apo the y es tablls hC'd would ever develop t:)OrtuDi[y of any place on the continent. ARE YOU CONSTIPATED? Into full·fledgod, distinct church organ· Wrlgllt" IDIIIIlD Vell'olu ble PI!I. havo I\pply for descriptive literature and reduced rnilway rate. to IZll.lIons.. The y ench of them stood for proved tllell' worth for 75 y".. r.. 1".1 th~m 8C1m!.! fwgl oet cd truth nnd preac hed It yo ursolf onlV. Bond for sample to 872 PeILrl Superintendent of Bt .• N GI7 Y"rk. Ad,. Immigration. with great l'arncs tn cBs , and us ually OttViil, Canada. or to ill spllH of the flerccst opposition. Cheese Indu8 try. Soon they had n strong follow ing : W. 9. NETHERY One or th e great milk marl(ots Is the Intoru rba n Bid •• not alwa)'s made up of the grc at ones ch eese Industry, which 16 concentrated Oalumbu ll. Ohlg of the earth, either. This Was notably In Now Yorl[ and Wisconsin. These Canadian true of the church which th e Imme· stales l ogether mak o more than three· Government AgeDt L.oI_ _ _ _.. dlate dlsclples or J es ue eUlabllshed. fourths of th e natlollal product. Theil' Not many great ~nes, not many outpu t Is nearly equal, Wisconsin le ad· "IGUfST PRICl!S PAID fOR mIghty, were id e ntllled With It. It lng sllr,hlly . Mlcblgan, Pennsylvania, was compose d for th e most part of (, "Hrornla. Oregon. T1llnolB end Millne· Some likely looking aalvcs that givc promise of being good milkers. working m en and s laves It had a Ko la a 1'0. In the ordcr named, the other tmes und er 80 degrees are not barm ' I' ty pe of bac teria whll:h reollers the I Itrong grip upun those Ideotifi e d with principal cheese·makln g stateB. Ncar· the great labor sulldl! ot that day . ly all the ciJ oese Is mad e In small Cactul ; In fa ct, tbey are very beneficia!. : cllrd soloble so that it b c co m e~ I II 5 tories. Wl sco usln mak es 47 per cenl If lu the proper umounts In milk for I so 1\'ed in tbe. wa ter of 1~l lk !u,,! j Fllrlit Followorl of Chrlet, WRITE I'OR OUR PRICr! LIST cheese making and 10 cream rlpenlng , 11" 8 U~3 r Is dl ~s olvcd. I hl 5 I S (,fill et.! Ind eed, so plainly IB this r evoaled of tbo total. BACH fUR CO., CHICAGO for bulter ma.klng. a "dlgesllng attlou." This lype pf h;l C' lu history Ihat some studoots of ecoKeep Milk Cool, I torla u. ually forms spores. ~' o r l hl ~ nomiC and soclul condltlolls of that Important to Mothers f D - AI-SY- FLy-'KILL"R placo<! a.y"h ....... Examine curllCully eve ry bottle 0 r.. t ... " a.4 .111. all The y are oot harmful In milk If they I reason It 18 h~rd to get rid of anti of t · period hS\'e In!llBted that Paul and e remedy for I"a . "eat, rlnan. o. CASTO RI A,a sa f e an d sur ..II.. ...... Ill •• '" are sufficiently controlled to keep th e ('0 !llto\\"s up In pusteurlzed mille IlInt \ Bome ot tbe other folluw ers of Jesul Infanla and chUdren. and eBe that It I ch ... p. ..ta .. 11 oG. MAd • • • milk from souring, which eRn be done I has bee n k cpt to o lon g. wera leaders In Ihe labor guilds C?r Dears the ~ ·met.aI,cao't.pllJor,'" by keeping It cold . There are mllllons 1 Variou s ot he r typos of bac t crifl m:l y that dny. and that th e church was oyer, ,,111 DOt .on ... _ . . luJur. anythl" •• of thom In bUllerm, 11k. wblch is con. ! proclu(;e various Ilavors. 61J(; 1I a s b ii ter'l actually a great m ov ement In behalf SlbI\ature ot ~li~~~t::,::::= sldered ,'ory benlthful. However' I "Cowy" and "turnlpy " Davors . Still 01' labo ring me n. On e can easily 1m· In Use For Over 30 YearEJ. Children Cry for Fletcher's CastON orp...,'. 1",ld for f l . " when milk Is held at to mperatures : othors of small ,importance ordin, nrlly \ aglne that this WD .; true whco one UA.&OLn .. OUEna. 100 lk&.al'D A ... . Bf'ooU, •••.•• above 80 degrees, an Ilncl eslrahle type i may pro,loco various colors Bu(' h us . consldorB the cbarncter of lts earl· Hollaud trudes union have 70,000 w.' .~. U .,- ~INCIN~~~;~- NO:· ;-1~~ of Inetlc·llcld prpduclng baclerlam Is i r ed. blue aud yellow. lest constituents. . members. very apt to predominate ovor the dO- I Tlte most serious of all (,.ootamlna. \ Who knows what Infiuences are at slrable type. This tyve Ilroduces gas tlons Is that from (li sc ase bacter ia or work \.Iouay to challenge the cbureh of as we ll as lactllt acid and giv es cheese I Ihe twe ntie th century? And IB It not mnkers much trouble because of tho ' ge rms as they arc commonly called. IIpparent that whatever tbese Infiu. gasy c urd produced. Low tempera· I The ones most IIkcly to he tl'llDs mlt· enoos may be th ey are Boclal In th eir tures old materially In gllflrdlng ! ted by milk are tho s e Ihat produ ce cbara.ct e r ? The ne~l great revival Are troubled with the "blues"-anxlety-sleeplessness-and w.lmings of ~ against Ihem. Lnctlc ncW bacteria are , tYl1h61d fe ver, tuberculosis. dlplilh ria wil l have as Its omph!l8ls the aoclal and distress :ue sent by the nerves like flying messengers throughont body and thought to get Into milk chtelly. rrom ~ and scarle t fever, and th e ir Impor· gosV el or .I es us-tbat great forgotten limbs. Such feeUng may or may not be accompanied by backache or the milk 'Vessels, the air a nd dnst from tance Is about In the order !la med . truth t.aught so clearly by th e founder headache or bearin.1 down. The local disorders and InftammaUon. If there tbe cow. While s umm ar complaint of Infants of Christianity . Perhaps tbere's In Is any ahould be treated with Dt. Plerce's Lotion Tablets. Then the nervou$ IY*ID aDd the entire wolTWlly make-up teeIs tile tODII: effect of Bacteria that cause It to become is one of the most oerlous res ult s from tralnlng Bomewhere a group of men ropy or slimy are sometimes found In and w()men who will soon proclaim tile milk. Slimy milk ls occasionally bad milk, It Is no t mentiorled In this new message wbfch will glve the caused by garget or Inllamed udder. class ification because it Is not lhought ch~rcbl the greatest opportunity tor When thls Is the cause. tho sliminess to be due to a specIfic disease germ, servlc,a that It haa ever enjoyed, or will be apparent Immedia te ly after but to lorge numbers oC bacteria In which will cruab It so that it may milking. If It docs not develop before milk aod probubly of tho sweet·curd· JDllke way for the greater "hurcb Take this In liquid or tablet tonn and b• • WeIIwomanl twelve or uwre hours after milking It ling and digesting typo.-O. C. Cun· whicb III lIure to come. Mno Eva TyterofSo. Geneva St., Ithaca, N. y~ aays, "I have bftn I~ fUIHIowD CIJIIo dlUon for.....,.. years. Sutfe..... from DervDIIIII~ and a ...... dad V& PIID 8& CIItaIIl Is. pracUcalll' sure to hI) due to bac- nlngham, Collego of Agriculture, Oillo ~ Have tWn seven! dlllerDlt medici... 001 found ' terla growing In ihe milk. State University. Favorite Preaa1pUon' baallll/an the mOlt ",lid ahny. 6tuftod Potato ... t h&ve _ tried. AID wry much betWr tban I IIa\Ie . . . '___.. __. . Balle tbe potatoes, out In two and In _ tl_ I tIadIY ncomllMD4 thIS remed, to ...., -.---Claval' proved to be the most profit- ac,oop out tbe Inside. being careful to _ I D lMI401ataalC.'· . ..,. .. V................ Y. WOBJ8IIIIIGod 'COST QF p'RODUCING PORK. able single fo rage crop for pork pro- keep the eklns whole. Mash the po. lifo. Plat ..... ".re.hl • • •, . . . .,........ ...-.__._ duction. . tato 8md mix with a lump of bntter. Next to clovor. rape and oata pro· a cup of hot milk. pepper and flne ..... , duced the Jurist Jl.uulbe1 of pounds beatell' whltee of . one or two ~gg•. pC pork p6r Heat the ml1ture , In tho akin, and ,.' COJ'D hroWIiL tn Causn ' Mllk to Curd 10. A type of blll·tcria willch gets 111 10 milk lhrollllh dIrt and dust causes a swe et cu rdling. Thn t Is to sa )" II clla~es th e m ilk to curdle befo re It sours, due 10 a s ub s tan ce knowlI as an enzyme seer '~ed b y tb e bnc leria . The a lioa or Ihi ~ e n.ymc Is Similar 1lI I ht) action of renrl!'t in the ca lf's II to lll ac h. T he curd may gra du a lly dl sappcll r tiu '! to a BeconLl ell7:ym e prolluced IJ}' Ihis




~~ I

DID THE WORK . Grew Strong on Right Food,

Ibacte Milk Illad o ropy by th e growtb ri a Is nOt ner es sar lly ha r m[ul

NOll rly all ferm e ntations tbat take place In milk )ind other rood produ C' ts are due to bacte ria. Ye asts and molds are r esponsibl e for a fe w or thorn , Ba c terla ure 1I0t all hArm ful; In fnc t. th e greater part of thos e (ound In milk have no effec t on the milk or the perBon co nsuming It. Ho weve r, milk ron· tulnlng large numb e rs of bflc tc rla Is to be looked upon wltb suspicion b ecause It Is probable thnt und ee lrablo typ es have gained entrance Wi t h harm · less onee. On the other hund milk contalnlnll a slllall nomber of germs may be very da ng erous It a Pllft of those contained urc di sease germs. One of the mos t Important types of bacterin In mll\[ Is th e one that pro· duces lacllc acid. Tbese bacteria are always round In n. ilk no mOlte r bow carerully It Is produ ced . Their c hi ef charncterlsllc I~ Ihe ]low er to brenk down milk sugur . lind pruduce lacllc 3cl d th e refrom. Th o souriUl': of mi\lt Is alway s due to t hlB ncllon a nd novel' 10 lhund r slorms or some ou ls ido In· flu e nce. The kinds of lac tic a c id bac· t eri n t.hut grow readily at t e mpera·

Samo Thing. "So Jolla came up to the 80ratch without a whimper. She's II duck or







[Dy t: harl .. s St uI1.ll!. C' hlJl"cil emc!· ency F;xjJl! rl and ('oIlHuILlllg Rocllllo· glet : Form ~ dy lI ea d or Ih o Soc ia l Senle .., Burcau o f tb,' Pr es byte rian Church J It II< bc·gllln lug tn ,la\\'11 UlJon SOUle uf UK th"t lI'" chu r ch hU811 'l B Ul On O\" oil' of a li tll .1 Cbris li a lilly In th o wo rld , Tho church undoub te dly becalII o the custotl l!lII or whu t l'hrl Bllnnlly tb ero wae 2, OUO y 'ar~ :lilli, IIllhollgll It WUHt b e conr" ~!l" d thaI ' \' 0 11 Lh"n It lIadn't a monopo ly ti t ull of It !Iny lIIor" tli ull Il hilS today. UU l t11<' t cuchi' lg s or J es us wr r .. so I1lu c h IJlg f;c r and s o much I1J O "'~ s lgnl lll"aut tllIlIl a nythin g that ha .. lI> ee ll ta ught UI) to that tllu e that tJl P. c hurch wh l 'h Jp.s us <'s tnu· HSb ed thro ugh his dl sc l\ll es at once Btood In a peculi ar way for ' hrl stlan prlncllJl ps. Slnc,", t llosl) dll y n Ibe very troLll wbkh th e church taught has loHuanced' Vlist ure as out ~ ld e of Itat;lf. Till s t ruth wa s so broad and compreh ensiv e III Its appli cation that ruen o\lt £ld o tbe c hurch bfl ga n [0 Ilpproprl· ate It wltbout a cce pllng the churcb Itself, :-;0'" th e church Is slmilly a me ans to all cud. -rh o church ls 1I0 t an e nd l[JI IL~o lt, Th e pBople urB th e pnd or Ills e nd f' lIvors . The moment that th A church se ls up Its orguniza· lion or Il.ti mu chlne r y or It B m III bars hip roll a6 th o 6uprome tblng. tbut mom e nt II will lusc Ill! grip o n tbe world. This Is pre cl s "'y what has happ ned In some Instances , The chu rch sought to pe rpc tuute ItHcit Ihrough d enoml· natlolla l ·e nterprls lJ s with lIarrow sectarian te.achlug13, and ilion 108t IlIlereS l In II . Uenomlnallons ulldoobtedl}" have a Ir'glll!llllte place at thi s p",rlod In th e church's Ills [O ry , ~ "Vbat will hllpp en to 1II 08t or thlllII In tb e fut,lre no mUll dares proph Hsy. So m ell m ~s, when th e dlscouraglng fea turel! In tho 80ci a l, the economic and the volitlcal world ar e discussed , som ('body w ithin the churc h of Christ Is sure to win." True !.!no t:g h, but \'I hat lB the ch urch of Christ?

"NEW 'BOSS" Flama, Wlok 011 Sino


''Tl~rvou5 Women DR. PIERCE'S

Favorite Prescription m::


--'- - -


PIII._" ,.".,.





I ~:~:"""'. . . .C . . ."'O""""'U~ . N.,..,..,T. ""Y. . . . .___~ . u Tu ~~~~ __ ~ _u : I ~~I~mf:~~\Vi~:n:::::~:~t~J~ Which Would 1'OU Rather nlY? ABi~l for Paint ., !'robat.: : COUl'l


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Wa lter McClure


'0 Dr.Cllrrie OJi va Prl co, of G. E. Gowdy ,

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Branch Office. Harvey sburg. O.


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TIlE SCIlTT f. R£DfIUD CO.• PubllSllIl1, ( Till! l lO n j' ." Jl UA /. I .\' F

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990 M.ln 51., Smell1;Jot1. P8.

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Vete rinar Y Graduate of Ohio NaL IJ/l ivc/'sil

Office at residence in F. D. Sher wood ' A house, Fourth Street,

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Dllyl,on Reulty Vo., lot!! N u. :-III. 37 aud 3S in Routh Pllrk ud chli oD t o

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SAV t,rll 1 tl t)o t u n -l gflV f, n p '11I(l a t .l'on r /.)!· II '-\'~ '~' . 1 r : '~ , 1 nl~1l :-.:, , ) V I : f ur (.'U k;: .

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!In ' 'lt

Serpent In Old Leg"nds , 'fho serpen t was II lt1UU j!; l he gu at th e Lu nd of 1';/( ), fJl. II her e ~Iop'r;s Ie.: bla peopl e. /lud lIH' Y foun d It alllClJ:f tb e I!od~ of t h e lund lh,' y W CI''' It: s ubd ue. e lldlllll S, t he Phoe ni cian wll .. inv e nted lul.t';ra. IJc~ItOle 1\ B '~ l'fl " ' !L Lovel's of \V llg Hf' r wI ll not tall 11, r e' call I hat AlbHkl l t rll ll ~ rorm (' d It ll1lsl'1t

luto a



H"lhro ok

\ · No r u. n , l :!lh n~~t ., ' Ii l -

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ANY I'ro~er? o."'IIl'f!'.~~c1 that pU\ll[IlI~ IS a ll :1( pcn gc" ' -~olllet hin~ th flt tlll'Y can get along " 'lIhout, 11 u.t ('v (>ry painted Hurfuce necds rt!nc<w l1I ~, for the sanle rCll son tlm[" persu n IH·t·cl s new clothes- both c10thcs :Iud pain t j!..·t· shabby . Paintin g I\t regular intervn l S fon.... 8talls repairs ; while lIeglect of pulntinll meatls BOTH a rcpllir bill lIIH ! U paint bill later, becau se thtl r epaired work roust be paint ed ,


Till' LJni l.(ln ' 1IIt·')8 thlOlng iUlll t:inr. \."y llU;\ L'" rt·Hul..,t1I Li Hrror IIlld g lv ed Lv}.{t\O OuuuLV, in~ltlt1Ll (,f Hiohlll nd ('q Uilty, ,.lt e Plll ine nt di"tinct .ion of pOM,. .. tI~ 11l1! LhH b i/dIAst. polol, in the ~1"" I, e of Oh iO. T h t! very highp" t p oint. in Ohio I" looll t t'li HVC, u.nd ( · 1"1 bull TlHllls lHLl't vi Btlllefon tl1 lo A, Ih ll llltltud e beiol( 1[;:.(J feA t rtJ(-, It ighatlt point t.hat. 111111 llrovinu !lly b een dilloo vAred WIIS nelll' MIlJ:1 sfi el d, RI()hl!~llll oouoty , 14 ,'11 f lOa t

--_.. -

US(! Oxygen for Bl asting. Experim ents nre Iw lll il I!lIn nuct ed In Germlt n y \0 dlsco \' ' I' the u s ltbility ot Ilfjuid nlr nn d liquid oxygen as ex· pl os lves for min os , snys tho Coal Age . The lIlJuld oxygen ts mixed with aluml· nUIlI \lowd' e r lind dptol1at ed. I)rodllcl ng

keeps down the hlgb mainte nance cos t that ll lw!l~'s rNllllm from alnt-ne glect. It Is inently "[11C 1""lot th a t Ias t s, "PIt is also most econom i(,lll in tirst cos t. b ecause It covers the Inrgest s urface. TrelH your house to a nt'w coat of pa int. If will be true y Don ' t-c\ass the cust wllh tllxeR. rent. plumbfn~n~ft'8 ~nd other "dead" expense s: fll,lurcIVllt"r it 11" ItIl n8set- an investm ent,

a for r p ~ 'h tlm p.8 thnt produce d by hlac lt powd e r . On e ad \'a ntagll that It P0881 SRPS Is that no bad I'umes are produce d. H a wk Probabl )' "Rattled ,"

A hawk a ttacked u womnn teacher recC' ully iu l~ell Dro el COP ltc\! school, Llullt' lly. Waloo. T h " h iI'd fl e", t h ro ugh th e open wlndolV nnll " lil1f\I "~ to t.he woman' 5 blou se w ,, ~ on ly dislod ged wIth difficu lty wh C'lI oue of l h tl ID lUO tellcher s ·came to Ill<! resc ne . The birO Is now In a cnge In on" of lhe classroolll!!.

We con ~hn\V ynu some Y,!ry AHrnctlv o N)lnr cumbln l,ll('ln8 and R.lvlU YIlU tiun, e ndvi ..·c .. bo~1 Jln 'I~'lnL'" w~llr~Olu~ll "'''0 you IJlOney , WlI...L \ UU t.: A • L ~




Good Rule for Right LI vIng, Ge nllen(l8S and chpe rfulnesK , those come lIefor e nil mornllt) '- -tliey IU'e th e I. e rfe d d::tl e A. If your morals make you drellry. depe nd upon It they are wrong. I do nol Bny "give th em np." tor they ma y be all you bove; bot concea:l th e m. like a \'ice, lest they should spoil th e Uvea ot be tter men. -Robe rt Louis Slevens on.




Ordeal of TouCh. An Indlclltl on of the bllller lhat hu-

man blood has Il vltu) coou ectlon wit!!, Its divine so ur oe Is round In the widespread opiln l01l that the blood of a murde red person will bear witnesl against tb e murder er by Howlng afresh at his touch, Literatu re leems wWl

inciden ts of the "ordeal of


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to drive ou t tll \· wu~ t fl m ut.te r lmilt! YO O Ill! lin d [Illle w your tltrongt h . NothilW bLltte r~ Th"n Electric Blttll r!'. :-;rML t(),l".v. Mr" .JaDi es Dlln o,llI , ! \t' .I' n e!:l v 1110, Mil . IVT' i tes : "COUl !tl " r,dy c m 't' ll 1011 I1 fl.t'r

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W. L. l:farv tlY to G, 'J. OglpAbet.\ Am yu u ru n Ilnwn- Nervl lus2.2L uores io Mossitl t o w l' il hijl. $1. Tir ell~ I", uVl:'r.v~h i 1Jg yon UO lin Elerber t Willlaw !! to K!l~ e C Va effo rt. You or" not It.;r.v-.I '()U an ; VOIIS uut!ivid e.1 on~hnlf interetl t s lek! Y II ur !-;to uHLOb , Li VAf, Kid 175,02 aorel! i n WllslJi ngt uo I,o wo- ney s, Ilnd wholo <i .v s l e tl! n eed IL sbip $1. T o nic, A T onir lI nd lil'"lt·b 13n ,ld er


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I\tt en lioll .


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. 1111 1t . : 11 t' ,\ l a~ ' I" I O\V JI ~ h lP In tb .. 1U1It·tor I ,f AIII II I-' F Ilrll ... tI :"\il"- II'I I iilz t ", .1(;1 1 p ll~ tll l ClI l' d~ " pplll!l>l ion fu r il,IIIlI ;<~H"1 t,r ~ 'llll t' I" r lt 1.1 \ ', 'HI>'. j. 7 .· ,I '. II ld .l I ·or. I ;,dl :I 11iHve r r ·1 i" 'ompl ly day or nill:hl ~1I (>u Io n <iln t c Elo~p i tul i ~ nl'lIle ' l:~ · ,tl·d L' lll ,; , I I " . . "II." "l~ ;;0. i loth phu' ;C'> 1/1 I )t!k and R ~ id('nc t·, I n tl JII III"tt.,r of t h ,' .. , til u lor 1t.Ij ' tl'''4 L , ') fj f ' 1,11'· ' 1: \ ' 1\ \\r l'l'f'Vf-\l ', I , .,, ~ di~l;tn'·l.N I). 14; 1I,)me IJh onC' L ,II'.\' L lIoll o r~ , I l a(,l'R~t· 11. b~!H1 (. ,,'''1 .. ~ ·.U I <\ , " " " , . , ;j;Jo. \I~) . \1',' Utlllhllt n. HflUr ,(tl l\] II I ( , 'y IIn l l IJ P . ~ 1~ ~r I., Il ,. ut. 11Il. )!· 01 : ,, 1 'UIII'- " llll f, lr ('h'1lr!; antlulH' l'oach fllrnhlht."'<I fre(; H,tlllYI, n nrl1 tll' p ,.,illl ntl II~ "PI" " d~C·t ~ \;'1'11 ' • IIU IlIv." " I.I P ,ond" :j>1:1:1 ,)f Utl~ otH with funl·ral s I~ ....,t 1)[ ." '€rvict' g-uanm leed . • In t.l1O UJ I ~ tl" l' uf \¥lllitltn 1,. ': I[n " S ht:~p "I"I IllS Allow\! J A)J pli ou ti n u fo l' ,ILlIIII,.:jio n ,) 1 Illlll1 . t,u I lt1yttJlt "'t, .~ta H ,w plt<ll i ~ !tI,,,IC'. 1:"" "111 d 1,,,1\111 ,I ..~ I ~; .I u ll" ' 1"lY' 10 Ih ,' IIlIltt tl r III tll o ",r ·tt " ,,, 1,,1. i!G . . 1 I~. 1',,0111110 1111', ~ l~; T . Mlltt UI II , d ~ctl ,, :ie u '~lI d ,,,,d i!!l l I. I r , . " , ,:';, ; \ '1 1'01 ,' I:. H ll n)Jn iD ~, HI UJ11101t1t,e.1 admlnil U r"t."r BUilt! ·b··. \\ ,1 1,.. ·.• Ii" ,,\':", ~ll;; t-'e t.h "·ur . $ 1 ~ . (lUU L . ~\ 1)111111 .\1 11, O. .s, Ullo( . u ,, ~. ~I ~I ; t' , :-;" WlIJ, H ; 1.'. ' . gi ll!! IloLl H . ~· j' r uwn lire ill'llUill t 'rl \\' '',ell, ;j;1~; 11 ,"11<1 ., Il IIlI r;l·e'l tl.l ou ~,' , apprui,t le r l'. l~";'; .11" \\' , ; JI" "ljIM'Il . $21'J; A . !". '.;,". ( " .. I Iii" ~~tI \\·lInltj 10 th .. lJIutt.llr " f tll rl u""ign m ·u t ;Sl~,lU l':dI1l," \1 .~L I luV ll,-hy . ~r); AU ldS. (If Anlll\ C. lj roW tH. A"" I f:III1l"I1t ~ ' I~ ' It 'l l-l 1';'Y *211 \V I t.. r"iilelil lu d l ·. \ '. I!:ail''' ~ uS Iru _l, 'o I ~ "01'..... ": .1:11 11, ,Iql""'. 1',0,,; N ~ dil!olltl q{l'li. \\'il l: "I.'"I " ;,; , ,; .\ . l , ilar\,"ulo(l.l . 10 t ll euLlLt tl'r"f Ih'i'l" t ,·, lllllllol ,iol •• ; t', "' . I III ,I ' ''I;.! I, . litle ; t) \V . l tos ttlwll nt of wililul u F I l l dl/ ' II, 1(~.'r'lI II. ; " "' ; \ '. \ ' . Kin g . f)(\o ; \v . llooen:;o cl. Th e will 10 till_ ".111.-,' I: .'.:, " 11 .. " ,. :"'.': I.·"."I~ :-: t !h lJ~, 76 ) ; h!l vi ll g b l'1 u ,ln ly I,x,·,·nl ,·.! ulI ,l :" . I ( >111 01", f . ~;H'; A l ex prJv en tlcooroJin q t o Ill ' II IIn li d li .-, ·~ ; ""\,11 1 Uui' tlt:lll (j:,u E\"lr!'tl n , ; .1 t1 Il IOS l:l. rnitt otl to llt l)lll~tf1 in COll rt, 111 L' llll' \ ·'"lll f>r\' (IIlrt. Ii:, ; l. tW O ' \V i l~tln , IUcmt ot)onty , i!! h orob.v • c,)rUStl III 7u,' , J) U. I l lo,:IWI [. :'50; Gurwin t·hi!<O ollort houn ll ~e til' r B I~ tBlll lld :I,ti r;, " , ;;,-'0; ltV. II. P8(IY, GOc; w.te le ft thllt I" p!l r ti fl l1 y !lit. ollto nlC l ~;tIWJll'li do ' ,r. 'j "t.: , A.[).;JIl' . •1. KipllJII'n, W!lrrtl o Gou o ty. lie ' r~ph 1'""1 " 11 ,, •., Il I·· \,'. '1' ,l o r . lut·lJel llu l·LC;lfvf t lJaltlBt w ill HU.\ ,10": Gil"; T. W . ·lboli. \lila; C V, tel!tlilll tmt I) f JunolJ R . Gruhnl li. cl ... I ''' l'l lt·...:~ . :,j(,; ~ . C. Wuumo n. G50 i ceuser] , ::lIIlJIO i ~ tru ~ II,; 10 (" ,llile o r \Vll il r.l' (h I . . :, '!c i W. C .1·J rnIIO , Williull l F (;lmblll ll. ;laO ; (,!jurge W . dU~1I0, 600; G, C . :::iUl'f ',l·ll . Grn: ; t:lJUril\~ !::i ndllct! 0;)0 i Fune ral Direc tor. MarriaRe Licenses 1.J 1l ,:l'IoH Ell wd.n\~, ; ,~ (' ; Frh n k f~hlda, J uoob I:i, ::iei,lt:lul!t·[J (J k er. u laok knr 5;'0 . A It,t f·1l 1' o f oUllunl f,ment W illi tleot. smith of Mlamil !burg, to oIii onie Har. Teleph one day or night, l:Iou . ,J 'l mo» It Mnrkl'r rflJlltlve tu per of Frankl in VII.Uey phone No, 1 Long Rev. A rthur the TL' pHlr uf W Il t. p al't,o f Intor.o oun· ()oo per. Distanc e No. 69-2r, Wurren J, Dakin. b tuer o f Wnr · t y wlln No I:l ",flLh.:h pflsses Lhroo/.:I.l WlLrrol l oono Ly orgio!; imUl .; diute Autom obile neavlll e

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.I o ho M . Mlllfor d

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*11 1{1(\ Hll li 1h l y

Ju th~ .tMIt, 'r of :M ll:;gI11 May 1'01 r' r lln ltl ll1 ttl\\' '' ~h'l.J I UI~ ' I, i~ I;'J; ~ IIOle 10,JIi. I\ppl lnutlon fo r I1llmi ,,~ ltI l\ u f fur P IIU \VlfI!:( ~ltr) ',\, : Jt I, n tnklin

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.1 , ~l' ,L 1I . l 'ollp(' r pt, £01 t·() Rlllh I. " I)I'r . u nl\1v idl II IllrtlP . l l;\lIrhH '1Iq" I "~ 1 In Hili f'illn l t-> In lJ rll llll ~I

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GA ZE 1'1 'E


Harve ysbur g.

New Burli ngton

- -- - - Mr, lIod Mra Marlon Osboro gavo \\'",·Idy '" , I,, · ',,,,,JO 'n ~11I ,,"u III LI", Mr·s. r. C. HByciook spe nt last Itat.ell ,(If Subscr iption. II. dll.noe Sa~ordll.y olght Itt their Alii,,, II " Irlllll{. ) 1" ,,, .~ I. . 1\' '')· ''"h , 'II~. UilllI. n ,,~ Yeu,' ,. LrkLl y lu ad vautll) . . . . . . .. 51.00 bellatlt al bome n68r bere, and eu· wee k wi t h ber daoght er Mrs. E. O. Shiullk er, of Wilmin gton . ___ \ ~IIIg l o COlly , ····,·.· · .. ···· ..... . ... . 03 tertilin ed the danoln g soolety of this Miss Bdrntoe Hawki ns is /tttend vlolnlty , \'.O\ I.I.I:: Y TEU. I' II.,='I; - C,IL I. :\ u . II ~ Hates of Advert is ing Mr, and Mrll, Edwin omlth are ing the weddin g of a fc lemi in - ,- ---- - --- -Cltl voluud thitl week. i lI eod,,, c I"... "I~. jJer II" ... . .. ... ' f . ' .. . . fie beaatlf ying their home ou tbe , · It"",i ll "' I. ~I" " . II" , to ""'ee,III " , In ~H Mh ll Flora l:iadlln hi the gue8t fl f aveoue J' wl'b paint I ' . "1 Ihrcul".uJ'L".,," . .. . . . ... . . . . ~ 5c I) I , u ram' , ·.,JlLr, r and n r nagel' . IDI"l'lny Ad • her u,nolo N . A. llarllm o f Cen ter\,crLi. IIIK, per locll. . .. . ... .. 10e Our villllge is prood of tbe fllot 1J11lCU1Inl. Rh'cn 00 conLrncL. that we have a ollould llte for COlD ville. Re·v. nnd Mrs. 0 , M. 8ella r811OlI mission er ~nd if eleo~ed the ooun 'y JUNI!: 10, W1 4. Also Agen t for Racine Automobile Tires, will be prond of IJim, also he answer s gl'llnds on Owen F. t:lellal8 of Jam es to roll 00.11 by the name of William town " we re vlsltlng relutiv es bere ISf't week . lu luot it IIl1l.V ue tlilid tbat only in L, Oaney . . THE ~)lJN r~Y EIJITOR Th{, W. Ii'. tlt. '3. (If the Friend '! ' Mr . E. B. Dalcln of thEl firm of tb tl "eukly {l"lu dO6\! thtl editori al Phone 71-1 COR WIN OHI O Weloh "ud Daklo ill ooe of ~ne peU~ Churuh boltl B p n bl1 0 nWA tln ~ in th e 'I'll !) ClO UlI l l'Y . ' ''I W r i" lu rb l\ front wrilllr still wlliot" lo hili old.tlm e jurors church WeLlu eHOIl Y e vening of Ilist rnuk of til .. o\l.w... U I'I of lIi~ cOfl ,wuul tloprelUlIoy of power llnd of tbls term of oourt Intiueo oe. t y . Uy tl ... UUIIII''' IIr hI,. eluJlloy Mr . and Mrs. Robt . Faber. of week. And tbtl eolitorll of $till wlltlkly me nt he i.. II UDostf r . ti c knowtl prflll .... bowHv er thHY U1L1y . E. M. PIiHersol.J and nhil,lre n diverge In O"ytLln ~nd Miss Osee Anllou, of of Mrs 8pr·lng ull tbe POul)IH wlJom he serV fl S ,heir IIOne9\ politicl il oplnlon field. Hlle ut the IBlter part, Xealllo are guestl of 'belr parentK ll, are or lad week wit·h r ~llltivlls b ere . 'I'helr IIfflllrs lire 1t8 bis own WheD workiu g a8 It unit for tbe progres s Mr. ·and Mrs . A. H. Antlon. dtlath Ollllt~" )ltl II ovor 11 Ullrkell ed ot tbe people. 8prlnl( Valley Twp ConurlflDce_ Qoite a nambA r of Dayt 'n oltlzsn s home It is hiS duty t o reoord words More pOlVer \0 tbem nnd more ap. Wefe Kues'8 of the CeutrlJ.l Hotel mont was beld 10 Rpriog VuHey Of sorrow Ilud lIympa tby. Wben pro'o illtiou of thel~ lut Frldl1Y e vening . Alloe Mloh . intellig ent, ijundllY . M rBmUy 18 LUllde hl~llpy by the vls- unselfi sh elfort.1I - l ,edllr ner, Vera Pl1ttell!OU ancl ll'UD OD 'Rapid!!, Mr. and M1'II. Wm . Harvey vt~lted ItIltion of tbfl tltork hI' r ~ jolcos Rlld (I owa) thzeUp. Mr "nd Mrs. Henry Murph y of MoCray were grudufl tflB froUl t,hlA sohool. notes the f ,ot In Bootime ntt:l befit nellr Lebano o 8nnd.y . t.tOK the Ilo('tlsi" o . He > A nomrlli ttefl of c ll.i :r." n~ tn 'k up 8 Uluonc c!'" Only One Entirel y Satisfac lory C,.rltoo AnderBon . of Xeola . III tbe th e flUC'J e~~ ot II ~p o lling b(~ e III rurlll Bubllorl ptlou Ilnfl hlld our s treHIM . gaellt of Mr and Mre Amoll Ellis. dlstrlo t No. 3 wit b tht! 8UIII0 fl ntllU~ ;;"1 have oil e,1 I bL~t, WAsil triM vnri ollH 0011) and IIIIIW til! ho II"BII u droil~ lIuit IlIT"lr tit ol"rrllo oll rernooi ot<, hut. MORHrs and 8Mald HarrlA, --Lb --o only one ~h tl resldeu ce 0 Hlluker ,IOUOII He thllt U 'I II IJIVt-IU IlItl entlro llutl!:!f'IO. Chas. Foh y and Cha!'. Tooker auloed AT HEAD THE to Springf Bela forth tbe prllgrtUll!' of t,be tlOD Ilon.d D'lreil CLASS ield Hatnrd ay IJ.nd were w.e WII~ IIffilo- the gne8tll varloua obo"ohe l! with hnparti nlity LPd III Chllmb erhlln ~b~lIl of Mr. Ralph Folev who s Collo. Choler '\ Plllln ' :Ity clli~,e n6 will Slll'nd . I. in bOdinell1l there. and frlltern al nnglinl zati on!! are glv- aoll Dlnrrb oea Remed y. 1 recoll~; eo an f'qold degreo ,)t me:ltio n . meod It to my friends Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Anhon and .1,000 on JOOlor llu nt.fl '" work I.Uis at all times. year ,F tlrmerl! IlIlve jolne I wit " l 'fhetle thlogs and !Dauy others write" tI. N. UaUow ay, H'"war t, ~. ohildre o, Mr. and Mra Robt. F.Lber Ila okers mllke op his oewlI oolumn s, whlol; I U. For 8Ble by all dealerf' and meroho.ntA In IIlllkl' I and Misil Osee Anson llpant ~ullday . be oo01pll <:1I in bis wue kly ruut,ine I}f tn Clllrll8 vllle the goeRt.Ii of relative ~ . UI thil:! hHlCe Llt1ln 01 ruou ey to eu · I .. - .. ooroj(€1 the ~rnwing Rud Rhowiug I IlIbor HIli effortll lire ocolllllonu.lIy Mr, and Mrs. AI MerrlhElw ont-er· WHEN PARAS OLS BEGAN of fllrU) )lro,luo l,lI, t,ri II!:! t il '~II"h : roprodu ol'() bv dllilloH iu I~rge ol~lu~ &aloed Mr, All Edward s &turdl lY Ington. 'I'h~ !DlIli order lJUtl i DIHIS Is and tfl\aOOd with derlHloll hy allelC!lfl ParRRcls whl'o tb e y first oame Into a' .. heir bell.utlf ul home 00 the iJlling chlorof orm d by ~II WIl 'nuLl I hnmorl lltJ. 'I'.} hn thns uliide IL 8ub. US8 mUMt hnvtl been oUlObe rsomil. Aveooe oollutr .v \I\oorklug IOl(otlJ "I·. Tho jAO' of jOl~l hfl doeR nnt, rIl!!Elnt Fur Ht uri Etlti8no e, wrUlnr Mr. lind Mrs. LAwls &arll aod Ron junlor oont et!t wnrll wi~'1t\ . In 167>;, nn knows what hIS poupll1 WILDt Bud speakR of Il plif/leolllS ollpable JUt Ihe 1M "9"ro,. Md" prfH Qf 'A~ •• 1• •~~~~1I1 /itener Howar d of Jelfl'rsn llville, Ohln, >lOtlOll ,1UU DixLln li,lO I"ll,"ol' n town ...... tf'f' I tl m ull 1I0~':·'~.!;::::' ~...:; ~~iro. ~ he i8 serving 'hem. ~'h (ll'Vl ('r "' ..'JlJ ). sill' of sbelter in8 ft)Ur persoDS from spen' Sunday witll their relative s llud farlll ro'kl!. A ' ''J lUmuni t.v , l\Dd I 10 In hie edltorin ltl the oouutr y ed. the Mlln, And wl ' en t,bey MORE TROUBLE FROM •• IClIIEI dlmln. here Mr, aod Mrs Milt Bowe. 00 operu.t ive spirit i~ tlJ,~ r ll ~ult. Itor revlew8 tbe neecls of hlB oom I!!hod in ohou 'nreren ".11., T.-. or QI... will ftOt I.t tt. ..... eut. the mltterll li Beest, d) not knock Le"s maka A hLUtdrod thou.and lIal .... HOld last year. Tbe Agriou ltural Commi ssion Ulanl&" lind Its relation to affllirs at IIttll remllio ed of tbe oe heavle9 t. Roll thlll onr hOlDe and bnaotU y tbem wl\nts t,b e cou s urn ~ r t o Illlprpoilltp D£80R lPTIO II: Made In al\ .Iz..... It lllrge, He writes I rom the should e r velvl't pl\rasol s, with Is IIvpll' and euy heavy lold with palut. oemeo.~, flowers anel Il the pro,loce r /Inri t.he )lroduo v l' r ), dllrBble ond IITl1ld Inijlde with e r t o ariding. Itnd with effeot., for he knows wbat friugell, were oarrled 811OCl 8 1 (JlloliLy of ruboor, whIch novorooby ladlea of tbouBa &ppr nd differe nt ways. Keep yoor .~cillLte tOfl OOmHlIlHlr . hn la tlllkltlg about, - In wbloh hI! 11IIS ftlsbiuD In the Ilo.V8 of come. DorOu" and whleh CI0Be8 UP 8IDall Lonts XIV. premie es oleao, tblB shoold be at· Ilun el,n,,,,, wllhout nllowll1l1' air to IlIICIlJ>O. They wel8'h Plaio Cit.V 18 iu M ' l L1I 8~'.1L oonnt,y . thtl advant tll e nver mnny of bl~ At tbB~ time It wns possibl DO more thuu au ordinary tire. pun cture -otl.. thethloll rull" rte wben t.euded to by oor board uf healtb. resIsting' l'A" enel DIInotuN brothu rs 10 huge oit.i8l', who know or081<lu g fL bridge in QU8I1L I".s I.,III" 8'lV OIl by ..cvenllayel'lloftbln, speclally .tri~.;Ij';; I' tlris to hlTe Remeu lber there III sometbin~ for ph' porod fllhr .ntl lc T'D''''.1 .. on tI', Lread. Th~ ....&'Ular prlco of the.'IO .t"~ "H" no\tbel rcllutlt uontsll ElinrJl vldu"ls . 11 par"" ,,1 nt one lind Mnd to LIre.' ~,.".nt Is Get 1"'.00 Rid cuttlll&I",r of lIalr. YOllr Thl. \Jut deposU ror'&dvc ~heullla , a rtlslOll'Pu tisl11 yon t,o rooses wo do Mr Board of Health the The ooootr y eliHnr III persoIJI,lIy uo.. nt. the ol,ber, rh., ob .. rg~ arc rn l>kl""" sOtlchll factory vrlco to tbo rider tiN will 1MIt1 ••t .n)' ....., of only for tho. 11 0. weeds oefld oottlog and whfln thi~ I"'r \lnlr. All ordc['!l .hlplllld tJ&mo del' letter I. Now ill th e 1·lm e tu !rot, ria of your 1"';0 Quaint.ed with his r~lld e rli I\nrt Ill' oommodutll)J} bair·g a ..,.... -.OP!J_IlLAaTIC •• """,Ived . We will !!hlp O. O. D . en approval . You do snu RIDI_ W v"loes their ~i.lJlI, IIU An"1! ttlllllnvfl,l tbo r l1j;l'enov faHilitm wElnt Uudllr Ie dono we have the prettlfll!~ town rb~nrn/tt, illUi . You OllU ,\ .. It If Y"U not ",. ,d toil BY ne<'n t until YOU oxamlnl! alltllllld them strletly .. repre, to the in We WarreD will 8110 oounty . w a. ca.h ell_unt oU.ver conL (tbereby maldllll' Lho price III1P !.v Chitmu orllliu ' w Lll1ilU" nl himsplf from t,lI .. Illrger cellt"r~ of ot,her fll(trt~mp. Men's pllrtlso \V " . ••• per pair) If 1'0U ....·nd PULL CA8H WITH ORO •• and onclooo !.hI. advertl"" OlOIlt.. run no rbk In Mr aDd · Mrs Frank Sbltluk er A Lookhllrci, H llwer Ci\.y, N V,. flolinolo.1 unli l)nlitl.Oll1 ~ormoll he into the "blipe of (). tbree is rnldpd " 'Iulln" us nn nrdPrIlS tho tires mayu.. returned OU.oJ[penae Ifforaoy You reason they ........ ot oornne IMU II C.cto r , ou c uunlllaUon . We am perleoU.r nltableanlat r! wrlteA 1 mone, IIpeot , MIlot "LII Haturdl to u." Ull&l8 _Ina bank. It 101.1 ordtlr ~ t MprillK I ~uffAr' l,1 from lY in Wllwin gtflJl with 1l1,los a »roller proll)leoti V~ of til" t lIud oould thu. :J:!~~~ \~~f~~~:::~!~I~do~~~~t~~~rI~ ~~:o!"t':1r,~:'wi~::~:ri ~~D,t:t riJeum ati sm wit,h tLlrriul u II11i08 in .bl Rffllirll or thEl 1I1111nn ' ollld ~ tllt-e UIS g~ntly nndAr tbe arm.he ourled ele frieodM. ::tc:.:OO!::~ e'OI~.z..ou wll!l'"u~~urorder. w. wau•..(ou to.od ue. tr1.&l order.t ooce. be.ooetble Lady l! pfltremarkabl e ilNO«.... Vi ewpoin ts :ore WU,)lp M,mll1 Rnd r eo tl8nls Wf're hlnger:, su that. Mr.. . ltuth Vllode rvor rt Sl) ~ ul rn v Ii rltlii 111111 t< l\(I n lu er!t 1 \;o t u I IF YuU TIRES tb .. y ooultl ~~m:':!~ ~W:e:~:' lp~~~1lJl.!:~~~r:td::!:J:~ri~~:e~tIl price qu oted above ; 01' wrlte lor our btl The aad 8uodo Catalolue freBhln&, nnd hp i~ na t ,l,wl"tl" } frofU ' Jlplnt.o tho JlOOkllt, for Suud Iy with bel' brothe r Quinoy bottlo of Cha llliJar'lilln'lI Linillltl nt I IdDb .bleb <t-cribel aDd QUO" ~I ~::3 ot ttI'M and Wiole ;y;lPment ~d wndr1_ at about halt 'htl u, u.1 "od t.he tlr .. t I, pplic '\tion rAliov d prloea. h l)oost OXllrel'Hion by tlilutt!d Inllu pooket'l:! tllon -Lond on ladle:! hrlll Kiug butwrUo ... poolaltoda r. DO NOT THINK Of' .U",IIQ • bler.loo, . . .1, DO IIOT 'AI I:!peota tor, or tl,. froID a~oM Ubl~OU bow tb.e oew aDd "cmcs..rru lIIe. By ulling on .. hd tt,lp o ( It 1 w... ~ 8noel. loUen . . aN maalAI. ...____._- - entirel y cured" [1' , 'r lIule h.v ul! ,8e wield!! tI Ir,m olmn L nnd not in. Indiges tion and (:Qnstip ation dAllltlr8 . frnqaen tl.V 1\ .0hllll" l.v Jlen, Tbllre Coughs nndCol ds We~en the ~ylitel11 ., A bout five yeRr!! ago I hegan - - -.... ---Itre II)OrI18 of t\rlltuTI! 10 onnut·r y Contiu ued COtl~U8, Colds. and tllking Ubamb erlllin' s Tablets towOI! wbose for .loful Ilxpre8'.tloml, lifter ON ANOTH ER ERRAN D BronohlOll troublel.' al e deprese lng 80fferl ng froUl Indlgea tlon In point of Iit,Aurv IIX0811111H1f1 lind and aud oon· woakon the tlY8tem UOs8 of stlpatlo n for yearll withou t fiudlng l!t.reolCth o f (111).)1'111 , lirE' not (!I)tdon e Tomm y hlid been spaoh d by MIBI:l, b.v ~ tbfl hhb brow wrllprM nf the welgM Rnd appetit e gonera lly tol. anythln l{ to. relieve me. Chltmb l'r I'danoerel, hi. firet grade teaoher . bo' low. Get 8 50'). bottle of Ur. King's laIn's 'l'llbleu helped me at once and bIll nex' teacher had not reache d the ' metrop n\ltan prOllll, New Ditloovery today . It wl\l 8tOP by using them for eeveral weekI! I point where she felt she coold do your ol'ugh . The fint dOlle helps, was aured of the oompla Tbe best medici ne for Stubbo rn Mra. Mary E, MoMnl len, int," writes jUllt~oe too him io spit.e of all hIs $100 Reward , $100 (Jollgh!l, ColelR aod all Throat and Y. For II&le by all deale1'8Phelps , N. naaghth u!@s. . "Seod him to me when you want The rdll.ders of this pllp!!r wlll 'be I~uul! 1'rnubl es. Mr. 0 B Brown , • - ••- -- him spanke d," Raid Mi8S Maone1'8 pletl8ed to leArn thut tbere Ie a.t MOIlOItUne, A)9" write8: "My wIfe Caes ars Creek one mornin g after her oolle.lg oe - lellHt 000 f\r6llde r' disAIl8e tbltl WIWI siok during tbe hot aomme r bad related hill many misdem eaoon. mont,hs aod 1 honoRt BOlonoe hUI beeu Il ble to otlrE' In Illl ly believe Dr. About 11 0 '010011: Tomrn y a[1Tbe W F. M. S . of UaeBArs Creek its 8toges. Bull ttlot is Caturr b. King '11 New Disollv er" saved her Hu.1l '8 CR ttlrrb COl e Ie tbt! only life." Uood for obj.ldre n 500 and Moothl y MeAllo g bf.ld their anousl peared a l&Miss Manne r,,' door . ~he annlve r88rv meetin g Wedne adny droppe d her book, grasped him firm. p ,J llitive oore nllw known to the $1 00 ut YOllr Dro~lllst. 8veolu g at the Friend8 Churoh New Iy by thf! hand, led blm to tbe' drea!J. medioa l fml·oru ltv, CIl~I\rrh bolng Borliog ton . '1 be progra m consl.t ed Ine·roo m, torned him o~er hAl' It ooostitnt.lol1l11 diAellllC, rtqulre s 8 SIONS OF THE · TIMES of epeolal mUllo aod a report of Ih~ knee, and adminh ltered pUDlsh ment oonstit utionlll trelitm tJnt HlIl\'s Trienn ial Oonfer ence hald at Monote When ebe hll.d finlflhcd she said, l.'atnrr h CUle. IA tllilen lotornl llly, Wu.nte aotlng dirf'otl y "pon tbo l)\ood and Atralgh d-A boy thltt R&ands Indiana given by Luoy Compt on, "Now Tr)mm y, whnt have you to t, sit. stralgb t, aots ItrMlgh t, Refretlh meotl! of io~ cream and mUOOllS @urf,JOes of tbe system , and cake tlayP" \l\lil8 etraigh $, ., Plealla, MIse, my tel1che r want!! were clOrved In the ball8me nt. thereby destroy illg tho foonda tloo A boy whose the sola9clrB," was tbe uoexpe oted Hnger ualla are not Robert Stanley of the dlfleasfl, tlnd glvlnl( tbe pa. and family 'oolt Shop Next to Sherwood'8~Carage Main St &lflot, strengt h by buildin g uJ.> the in mournl nK, whose ellr" are olelln. Bun('Jay dinner with Wm. Compt oo reply, oonellt ntlon !lnd allBIl:lt.ln g nature In whOle sboes lire polishe d, whose aod f~mi1y neal' New BurlioK ton. Mr Everet t H.ines enterta ined dololl ttl! work . The prnp"le.t or8 olothes are bruahe d, whoee hall' i8 Invento r Old Good Work. • _ • hllve 80 mnoh f(lith In its ourativ e oombed bis friend Mr, lAIIgh BunS, of Wil The De Vlck clock, made about 1884, power th14t th'll.v offer One Bundre lt wa. a go~d piece of work. In fact, mloglo n, over Buofl.y . Uollate for lilly 0llS6 that It '"ile ~o Special NeWtlptlper fer Czar. Misses Franoe . and OllV8 Wilson .Inoe tbe year 1700 no Importa nt In:l, All Kinds of oure. &lIIr1 ftlr 118t 01"nialf! The czar of Russia baa a new.~ 1were Xenl!! shoppe rs ti<lttlrd nutton haa been added to clocks and ay. AddrEWII: F . J . UHENE Y & t'O., per of bt. own, speciall y printed each I Jesse watobes . This means a good deal Stanley has returnf d bome mornIng. It Is the moat e pa. ' after havlog Il plef\t'ao& Toledr' ,O, wheu It \ IS realized that tbe last 200 "Isit with Holo- by all \lru (! ~i'lt.~ , 7[;0. per In t}le world, for only two copt.. 1'8la'\v ea ne",r Wilmin gton yean bav'e glv.en us more InventloDtl . '!'akl'! BtllI'A FHlllill' 1'111.. for oon · are lupplle d-one for the cl&r and the th8l1 all previously knowu blstory. \ ther for bls private secretaf 7. IItlplIt.iob, I,talned W E_ BogRn aD( family enter o hili SlAter MIs8 Edith Bllgnn ' of WeJtm un, ttlL" lllRt part of .he Succ('ssor 10 week. Severn l from thlll oommu nlty at oJ. F. E. SHERW OOD ... __._"."'.oJ~''''''''''.'''__' ' '.' .' '.oJ."",__.....____-. tended the Roxwol l Patters on Com. meno~ment held at Rprlng VlIlIey "dis wm be! In8crtC'd uudor ~b18 he a.' for Qver Postoffice, Waynesville, tweuty·llve ceuts for 1hree Insertion Frtdl~Y avenlng . . ...hen ...,1011 not more than live lIues . C 'r HRrner and ftlmlly were In :~:~~ House Phone : XAula Wedne sday. FranceM WilMon 18 at,tandl ng tbe WANT ED Comme ouome nt oxerois es of WI\ I OJIDKto n oollege tblt' week _I Every farmer WhOOWD 8 an Indiana Silo nulph l.flllo;io:( aOlt faml1:v epflnt I 111I1bscribtl1'l1 t,o the M(,U~I\'8 \.81 found that it i. the beat buaineu deal Osteopa~bic Pbvsician one dtlv llIlit week with bill bro.he r lIIIal(nzl nil. "enel 350 to t·bo ,'le ever made and the greatest pleasur e • I dowRr d tlnd fnmily, uf near WII Ulizett J offioe, ,.nd got ono of the 21 Broadw ay If bis fflrtlling experience. It Dot onl]J' Phone 449 , Idds " 60% to the net profits of the dair]J' . 'JIlogtOIl btlE4t mllg!llZil}~8 00 E'llrtb, ' tf Leba non. Ohio Lud feeding pens but it a1ao eaves all ~ lllrd, unpleas ant work of winter fedling . I Alwa-y-S-Le-S"';;; ••• Health We have au especially attractivepropo-FOR SALE BRANC H OFFIC E lition to make to you now-on e that Will .88rloQ8 "IOlI:oella88 lltar\ 10 dlsor; !cable YOIl to get Indiana SUo in time der. of tbe E4'omaoh, liver anll kid · Wayn esvill e, Ohio for next fa11'8 cornaucrop and to pay for it nay". The best oorrect lve and pre first·ol1l88 milch oow. fre8h. Tuesda 18 it pays you. Let u. tell you about it. ys and vent,litl v J la Or Klog'lI New Life Fridays , from t8:30 One 'r(\nera PUhl. They Purify the Blood-Pr~. ·)OJ-t. Om! very l pnrpos e mare tond to 12 o'clock Gha s. D. fine Dorham cow, veot Conllti pation, kaep Liver, Kid. treeh, Call Dr, Kriegb HarVey abura, Office, OhIo olf, Oregon ia, corner Main and High streets Deys and Bowela in healthy condi. Ohio . Phone No. j17 100 tlon. Give you beUer beal'h by ri~dln8 tbe flystl'm of fflrmell tiDg ABBAH E planta for 8ale. Can aud gallly foodll. Efteoll ve' 6_Id on Plirt Leak, Wayne sville, mild. 260 , a\ your Oralla il'. Book· an~ Ohto. " !fD'S Arnica Salve for all Barta,


1' .. 1,11.11 « 1





Aut omo bile Livery Service at Rea sonable Rate s.





--- .. - .









Hedgelhor. Puncture-Proof Self-helliDe Tires :'::::':':'::!~r


"1ft "1ft








j7L~riiEiDmCYclE 001 PINY ,CHIClaO, ILL.


Painting, Pap er Hanging, Aut o and Car riag e Pai~ting.

.. -- ..---- -

---- -


oaI O

-- -----


InS UR lIn eE


A. Jl. Chandler

Ola ,Bsi lisd Ads



~ ~.



Dr. Heb er M. Dill ' I

INslL O "~ DI AN A




aoo k


Try making aD oak or.mah o,an y effec t on your 014 ckai r. table . You 'will be tickled ' beyond belief with the .resulb. HAN NA'S "U8TnO~ ,FINI8H





. ',,'





ERMA N MILLE T 81011:0 for _Is. For fttrUle r inform ation 0811 D. La.t Chance 18. The worde . Jamaic a Mirror contabl B, Booket , pbone 61). lX, Wayne•. ,. 18 letten_ The name of the pubU.ber. ville, O. Ju 10 I'raDk E. Hopkln 8: oQ,ntatn'l 18 letten. Tha wC!rdll i'C..oy and Dupo" GG PLAN1 .'S-and other garden 11 letten. . Tbe heading of pi_au for Bille. (,~. 8'1'0088, "Her's's Good Luck." con· R 5, llvltle, 0, . Je 10 . I.ttera Thia Dumber ,of the ·WU" oiF th. , tM



' We N. Sears

Uve Stock and Gene ral AuetiC)neer · "

Poste d on pedig rees and value s of a kinds of b~eeding stock. Experienced in handl ing farm sa.le$ since




. . ' .;

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1\' -

t\\\ T.( \\ .


Il l ~

ft-"': t un.. d


u llow

"T h n 'e younK !1T() vtnc'II., Manito ba,

8nBk atch ~wn n . fwd Alhf,l-tn ," Imy s n




t' nUIl : r ~


whi c h


Ne w York finll llci!L1 journ&1, "have Ill. roady m ouo Wlll nl:,(' g one o r the Kl' Ca.t· est' ptimary wb..,,,t nln~k e t8 uf tbe world_ In 100 4 they r81~11C1 G ~ ,\JO o,00 0 bush e ls d v. b, nt. F'Iv6 yelLrs Ia.te r th e,. prod uce n 150,1100.11 0 bu sbels. In 1913 t be .;ro11 lll! pro,l mnt d 20 0 0 00,' ' 000 b U•.hels. A t thn prosent rate of Pr ogress Cn.nv!1a mus t 6000 paas Pran CE! IInel lu dln nnd stant! ~blrd In th o li ne of wh ea t produce rs. t:It\ mllttlly It will dlsputc wltb IlUHSJIl Blld tb e United ~tllte8 ror Ule Orut posItion . Wh ellt hilS Lwn th o pi onee r of nur de,·u t. Undouh tlld ly It wtll prO\'e tlto snme with Conada . In lhe last cal" udnr yllllr o~~ trade with ICan . ada nmounf ed to 4J I million do InrI!. Only w'l th two count rl es-tha Unite d Klllgd oIU and Germa ny-IF our trad e greater . No vivid Imagina tion Is need e d to see wha t ilie rutu rc del'el· opment of Cannda m t'll no to the people or Ule United S tatce. tbe InOux DC AUi erlcan Rtl tllen to tbe CMadln n prairie s Is now In rull Ifwlng. Wltbln the past tew days ov er 110 of thosll arrlvtl d at Hassnno ca r rytn g; wltb tlJ e m (' fTec ts un d capital to th e n llue of $10 0,000. Fi fty settl ers trom Orego ll IlITh' cd In Alberta a few (1nys ago; wblle 15 fnmi lles or settlers from tbl! state of Co lorado nrrlved nt Calgn ry (I n th eir journ e y nQrtbwa rdc. Ttlo goods and jjCTSonal eaect~ or this pnrt y t-li'l ~ ll 20 bOl[ ca rs _ Of liv e stock nlo r:e th ey had 176 borses. 16 cows (llIrl 2,0 00 bcnd of poultry. Anothe r ellISS of BIlUler has arrh e d at Peers. IJO mll os w e~ l of Edmont on, wbere no fe we r th uII 2t)0 Ge rlUan farmers have taken up Innd . Th ese nre from good farming ta mlUes aud brougbt wltb t h ~ lll a large alDount ot capital Th en In Sonth Weeter n Saskatc hewan, th e re are large number s settling , ~b ese rr<iJm the UnIted States predom l· natlng, whtle in tbe norther n and cen· tml portion s of all these J)rovlnc es, tho settlem eut of new pe ople Is goIng on IIleadlly . Euly in Aprll. Peter Goe rtz arrived In Card ltr after e. six· day journey from Mc Pherson . KanBaB . Porr. Goertz who had purchas ed land here wall In cbarge of a party or 38 people tt'om the snme pnrt of Kanllas a nd tbey came tbrougb wltb a 81leclal traIn whlcb Included all tbelr stock and Implem enh.. Tbe equlpm ep t wa s all Rock Is land cars, lind was the fif'llt tull Immigr ant lraln ever sent out by that rallroad . The fanne purchas ed by tho member s of the party are nmonj:s t the hest In tb e dlstticL '. Wben tbe Panama exposltl oll opens next year any of th e lhree tranlico n· Uu entlll IInos In Cnnadll wlll make con veulent m e ans of transpo rt for tbose goIng to ,'1slt, and in doms 80 agricult ural distric ts of Western Canadn can be seen, and ocular dem o onstratl on given thoee who bave beard but not berore seeD, ot that wWeh lias attracte d BO many bundrod s of thou· snnds of Ame rican settlers .-Adve r·


' ro a/:n in . ,,-I rnt ·'. In tha t ",I n .. r ,I",



Canada If! Getting a Great Many Fortunes Spent to Recavel' Americans. Treasure on Sunk{'n Craft.

nllUNIII<: t! Ul l' lll thut PrltH'" W ill ln lll of \\'kn C,('· r ll l>l e .' the' tbrone o( ,\lhlllll:1 \I' ll I !: !I' !' hlnll to ' Utll!' h .. "" f'r ~ ulllri"!J1 l rall !Juilll)' I,..·

" h(1" lllIg







o J ) p (l ~i t{'

\' o r(1I Fo r t wo ),,' nrs til " cnp lta l hlllltlllS g rolJll d IInB tJ ' e n clo:;!' .1 to ~p ort ' II\ ' U "bIl l' humnn "'arfar ' r flg prI 1\ II n rouncl It. but no fight Illg hR" 'nk.~ n place over th e 2u or 30 mil.," of I\t:uc oa s t "'h ll'll un'"r tll tl bes t alld m o ~ t r:e t·a t·nb l" "h(.(.lill/;. SO 'h e Ru m o bus hud n good rt ' H , Hll ll , whot Is lIIor.' . Ions pr ohab ly b pl' li drl" 1'1l dOWl1 front th e dl s turb ('d regioll s Into th is (]ui e tl.'r hav('o . It Is ea s )' to ra ss two or cye n t hre .. month M III ~ hoo tl ng th e co verts r Ollnd th e> h nrho r~ wh iC h a ro o pposite Co r fli, allel fOllr of tbese ar c SUch s nug littl e an chora ge>s thni eveu an open b oa t would be (Je rfcc tly s ecure. Cut . t er s . small bul well fo un d, cnn be hire d at ('orfu , nnd are In ove r y wily ad e-' qunte for this trip. The sea journ e y trom Corfu to th o ta r th es t hnrbor Is not more thnn 18 mil os, and to th o near ot abou t e igh t, so. as th e lilll e cutte rs aaH well an d the wather Is 6 moolh , great pl ea sur e 15 LIdded to th p t rip trom a snlli ng point of vi e w. Th e scenery ra th er r ese mb le s Scotlnn d ; d eep walor and good boldlng ar e fou nd nil along, and, In tact, the little IDI ots ere s o anug an d well masked by th e mounta ins that II GOO·ton yacht co." tay just Inside and be quite bidd en . About this lime of the year the s now <:omes down on th e mounta in tops and dri ves tbe woodco ck to th e wa rm e r coverts on the COBRt, and ve r y IIU IlI r· one they are ; In fact, I s hould thin k it wou ld puzzle a nyone to flnd be lle r woodco ck . s hooting , go wbere HI y [rep ly 3gn lns t th e Turk s. who r ide _ nlil'ell o f Itt IV aile] ord e r hav e ll y nolV would ! The mar Rbes a ls o tee m with I rou gb Nhod o" e r th e m nnd tak (J the ir I ne!' lI r O'i ulHl tl uopd on active se rvice, s ulpe, and !lomo t housa nd duck . tea l sbee p and llIul s wit hout 110 much a6 and a gaud Job . tOtl. as ih ey mer ely (lX' snd the like flight In from the s en be· I "by your leavc_" I\ut th e syl van sh e!)- to rt ect t h" wlH'rew ltbal to Bupport fore stormy we ather . Even th e bes t ! he rd , nl! found ill th is particul ar re· th eir uSI' le"s I h' ~~ ou t of the Albania n s hots, howeve r, ge t but small bags g lon, 18 In ('very \Voy Il goocl fe llow und :. it (' (lh c rcJ s, until the latter got out of at this s am e , fascinat ing as It la, for : elltir Iv re liab le Ir we! 1 treated . Til " :; 11 pa ti ence. nu d within my persona l th e " fl lgbt" last only 30 to 40 minutes . i r. 1I1~- d~lll ge r lI!'s In gelling mix ed tiP exper lell ce th reo or th ese wretcbe d and t h e surrolln dlng IlInd Is fl O hl ~h In BO:I1'~ loeal nfTray, as we did o nce . Tur k" "'I're llIu rele red. Thc sbepbe rds that It Is Impossibl e to see tb e bires I ,'he, ll lh o bullc ts Oe '" fr eely over our 10011 to th eir dugs for protecti on as agalnst It nt dusk, while by wallin g heacJs . th e Turk s loosing ofT wt' rr lly, :n uc h ~>I nny thill g. and lraln lbem ac. till they nre right overh ead. th e I a R I" th plr little way! Obvious ly , ulas! conlin Iy. ~o It i~ \\'ell to I, f)c p a good ohances a re th ey see tb e s po rlsm~1\ I nllr Rporling rlfl ea mu st be a sore looll 'ou fo r I h .. ~e brutes. COllside rlng first and Boat up out of s hot. F loc'kfl , 1l'1Uptn t io ll to th em . I haye ha d oll e Ih at tl .. ·y uro a s bIg a s wol ves-tn of pelicans pay occas ional vIs its to of th ese ragged Indlvldn uls caDle nnd fact, practi eully Indi Htillgult lhable from Burtrln to marsh, but I bave neyer 8e " 11 , ~I t dow n claBO to me while waIting lor th e m- It iM 11 0 laug hing matt er wben ftamlnll o . the beR le rs, and b<lg to be allowed th c)' set upon )'OU tbr ee or rour stro ng. Besides blrd·s bootlng. th e re Is good 10 hnndl o my rill e. Needles s to say, Bul For s port Buch as UlCre Is In AI· sport for the r ifl e. The country t ee m s ' I have oe\'er been Quite eo confidin g! banla. you I1l1l St ex pect to tako a rew . wlth wUd boar, nnd In a lesser de· I Plltt t loc ks were t~ e d by the Turkish rlslls, and as It Is obtaina ble [rom tbe gree de'lir come out 01 one covert. Th e sold ler a who pntrolle tl t1lls coast until fa s uwEs of your ow n yac ht, with a ll local sh epherds rorm up a s beaters ; th rpe yea rs ago; four·foo t barre ls rich· th e eOllvenl <: nces of c ivill zu tion clos e trom s ix to e ight are e nou gh to drive Iy capariso ned with brn&8 , firing buge at hnlHl, lhls country must be r ec koned t he coverts J)rope rly, but th e m ore the ~I) h e rlcal bullets, implem ents bette r a s orrP I'illg vcry eX C ~ I)t!onal fac!1!Uea m erri e r , an d two rranca a da y Is a li i s uited to adorn a mu seum tha n to pro- for Sl'ortbm en _-lI. S_ Hugb es. tbey ask; th e head heate r, wbo plac D lec t li fe In un unc l1(Jlized country . Th e th e guns and know s the ruu o r th l! lreatJl)e llt lh ese guns rece ived, bowImprove d Method of Farming . gallle. wants, oC course, a IItllo more . ever, was 1I0t conduci ve to their sh oot· Croat intere st Is taken in France They Il re a wond erfully pleasa n t race Ing strnjght , a s I once !<aw on e of thes e ju s t 11 011' In a I:~W me thod by whi ch to deal wit h. nnd In all the y ears 1 Turlls bang hi s gun down on th o rock lhe yi e ld of cropg lll' r aero Is ellor· hav e kuown t be coun lr y I hav e uever a nd Jump on It. as a punis hme nt for 1lI0u ~ l y In crtJa eerl . b eard or th e ir g lvlog any trou ble to missing a hare ' III OD e tes t caso The "bn ~h es" on th e th o Ill c r ca, e f ,', h , at h us he on tbre", E ns li shDlon . Thoy flgbt (reely among bllrrel bore wltn eus to this bei ng no tlOI C'H a bo vo that h row o In sim il a r thems elves, no doubt, and stilt more unusual transact ion . These repres nt· s ol! In th e sum nelg bborhood. The romal'ka ble vn lu e of tbe loeth· od I ~ in tll rllte d by th e st.nt emeut tbat it h;ts ma,l c t wcnty snllDij of wheat ploeluce i CO,OOO In one yo a r . Th e methud cons lsls In l'r e parlll~ s~'e d b erl ~ In wid ely s paced lines on v(' ry m c llow land ; th e n a t th e end at two months divid ing t he turtll s lI'l'ln gi nl( f,'om cac h grnln, rpplanti ng each or the Be reot ed s hoots thu s de · Lacll cd. an d Oually In hoeing ann ca,rthlng up t1ieije new plants many tl mll In Bu eh mnnner as to provoke at all th e poillt~ brought Inlo Inti· ~.rl1 te contact with tbe e arth tbe gt6wth of numero us adveutit iouA 'slroot's, ea ch o{ whIch bear an ca r.



Lett to right are: Lleut. Frederi ck Moltrs and William C. Edes. Tbese tv.' o men ha"e just been appoint ed by Pres ident Wilson as me mbe rs or tho Alas kan e og lneerlng commis sion, wh ic h Is to hav e cbarge of the location of t he flO W gov e rnment railroad s 1n Alaska. Li eutena nt Moars was the cbJof enginee r of tbe Panama railroad alld was suggest ed fo r this new work by Co lon e l GoethalR , and Mr . Edes wao formerl y t ho eblcf engin eer for the Norlb· welite rn Pnc lfi c rallroad lrt Caltforn la. li e Is tbe man wbo located and built man y of lhe mo st difll cull stretche s of moun ta in r n llroad tor the Santa Fe and th o Soutbe rn P acific. Th e two engillee-rs are s hown In the pbotogr aph porIng over a mnp or Alaska In th o Interio r d e partmen t at Washin gton. Tbey are ordered to proceecl at onc e to Alaslla to be gin th eir task.

SLENDER OR PLUMP WOMEN I woman la the standar d; while the Eng·




~ i SeTll e nt.

Pr udent yo uth. A YOUllg soci et y wo man was having a chat oue ev ening wlth n young man whom she hnd just m e t. Tbey -wor.: In the co:n~e rv ato ry. "Which do you admI re the gre ater." InQulrt' d tho )"ollng bolle, "black e YOB or blue ?" "Well, r on ll y, repli e d the young leI· low, slo wly. "the ligh t Is so <11m here I can't say just now ."- Montbly Maga· ~ iue.

Man y Try to Secure £. 1,000,00 0 In Gold I"gola WhIch Went Down W it h Britis h Wars hi p Off Coa st

Decline d With Th anlt .. "1 h ear thllt S prngg, tbe e d Itor, t. letfing vll ry nbsollt·U\ind d." " 1 should BUY he Is. WhY, the oUler day h r< 'urtled his la llor's b11l wi th A reje ctioll s il l) In cl\lsed ."-l1os ton Dalll Olobe. If )'011 wi"it b~n " if" l. cl~nr. whit.. clot h ~ •. u!e H eel ('ro •• n~lI lllu ~ . At all l oot! IlroccNI. ,\<Iv .

- ---

Gave Heck lers a Chanc!!. At on" tlm o lit o Hep ulJ licaus of Chtt Deof Holl~nd In 1799. CIlj;O wer " o ut nlld Wfl ro Ightln g mo<' rary 0 11 IIId U8t riu l conditio ns and the J1 ut nllYtl h o ll!I ~S8 I1 eSS o f 11 sHua. Lon t!o n.- Tb o g roates t prize uf the w\ I' h did not let lbl! n arlUbllc. s ~a. and oue whic h hilS t!xcl te<l tbe tl oo le d l t d fT IlrJd . ~ ar e U\ I.11 <l of mC 0 1Il fo r w<:11 o,'c r :J. C 'II tu r y, ~IIS III . IIA I' a raI c was wns we on IS \\' lIy-- uellr Iy lo the Is thl' nrltlsh warshI. p LU II " c. wlll e Il i d . " n NI ' rln ~ t'rs - w I(' n n war b OB s -s aw .nuk o fr th e coast 0 1• 11 (\ lIalld III .I .9" . I Ih'lt tw o IIg IIterI t I'an spn rcnc los lackeA.. In h!' r .s trongro om were' slUl'I' d Illgots ca;'rll.' rs . 11 0 lonllp d nroulld hu rri ed ly o ll d COllI. edtlmnl od to bo worth over and 1I 0tlcrJ that ono of his r etaill ers .£ 1,00 0,000. Just aft e r sit.. was \\ au Itll c _ " H el'll," he yell ed , "sboul. wrec ked th o Out c h Il dhe rme ll we re der t his and got In Un e." The sbaag. la lcJ to be nlli o 10 get to he r a t c or · bid cr ru ,t WIlS n gutnble r wbo tnin tid es, allcJ th or I'cco" " r ",1 a por · b~s~ed ~I ~self In wa rd pollllcH on ontl01~1 or tlllO Precl ouo cur &o _ ( I ca~ lon s, but tor lhe most ~tuck to bla h 11'11 , IOw",·or. t 0 sp t 0 t If! (:ur· trlld e when trade was poss Ible. As be Tellt (' hange d, nnd th e Lullne wns hOis t ed the lighted lege>nd , "Opcn up I .wall owed up_ SllIce then ~e l' er:l l for· th o m lll B alld fact ori es," th e re was a tun es hav e been sJ)pul In (,Ifo rt s to chorlls of d e rl ~lve ye lls from tbe sld~ r(' cove r t it ,. t n ·nellrl'. At Olle of thL'6e wa lk : "N e ver mind tbe mills . Open Attempls the ~ hlp' 8 be ll \\'n ~ broug ht UP lh e pok e r game s," UII, a.nd It 1I0 W hnng s In Lloyd's, the uude nvl'llers . w lw r e It til to ll ed on Dr Pierce'. P oll.t., small. 8ugnr-cp ated. very spe clnl occasIo ns. Altogeth e r, ea.y 'to tak e lUI eMI,ly . regulate invignhout .£ 100.000 has b!'e n got out of orate . t" moc h, ]i"N' "nd bowelaflod aDd cure con tipntillJt hcr. . Arh". Some tittle whllo ngo IInothor atHea rd at a R!!ccptl on_ te mpt w as mad e to r et ri eve tbo rlr " AlIce Is renlly the sc ralVnles t girt malndor or thi s hU IlA fonu ne fro m tbe grasp of th o ocean. All ot tb e Intes t among nil our nCQualn tances," "Ott, I don 't know . It' s really neok machine ry or mod em submar ine ellginee rlllg sci ence wns conce ntrated nnd neck betweon he r nnd Mllud SImmons. I guess," - Haston Evening to thi s cull . Now, nllh ou!-;h t be Lullne's posit ion Trnnsc rlpt. had been marke d ra lrl y aecurat e ly for Natural ly. upw a rd s of a hun dro.. yeara a terrlOc "Th at orator Is going on tI cornet.. gale blotted out the mos l Importn nt land mur ll- and wh e re WR S th e Lullue ? like coursc or locturlng," "Yes, and with a s pecIal traln." Th o salv ors did not kno\\' . Diver s went down and searche d on th e spot - .- - . - - - . - ------whe r she was su pposed to be, bllt tll oy cou td not flnd her. The n the lead er of tb ese modern trc ns u ro hUllto r~ d cld ed on a plan for asce rtai ning he r wh e reabouLB_ Among the applinn ces of tbe expe· dltlon we re powertu l new sandpu mps. one ot which was captlble of shifting 2,000 tous of sand an bour. DroppIn g Declares Lydia E. Pinkh am'. tbe end of thIs gIant pump ove r the Veget able Compound side of tb e s teamer, be set It going. Saved Her Life and started to suck tbe sea bed Il t 8 raJlld rate, moving , or cOllrse. all the and Sanity. tim e. He knew more nr less whore the wreck should lie, and his Idea was Sbamro ck. Mo.- "I feel It my dirty to cllt a dee., tre nch rl gbt ncross tb la area, and to kee p on cUlting and cross· to tell the public the conditio n of my bdore using cutting untll he barl found b e r . For meeUcin: e, I bad g, Inflamm ation and congesti on. female weakne u, pains in both sidell, backach es and bearIng down pains, wu short a f memory , nervous , impatie nt, pBSAe JiJleep leu nights , end had ' - - _........-"-'-"-..... neither strength nor energy. There WBS always a fear and dread in my mind. I bad cold. nervous , weak spells, bot flashes over my body. I hnd a place in my right side that wu 110 sore that I could hardly bear the weight of my clothea. I tried medicin e. and doctors, but they did me little good. and I never expecte d to g et out again. I got Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetab le Compou nd and Blood Purifief', and I certainly would have been in grave or In nn asy lum if ,.our medicin es had not saved m e. But now I con work a U day, sleep wcll at n'ght, eat nnythin g I want, have no hot f1as bcs 01' wcak. ncrvous spoils. All pains, aches, fears and dre ads are gone, my house, children and husband are no longer negl ected. BS I am almost entirely free of thebnd sympto ms I had before taking your remedie s, and all iI plell8tlre and happine ss 10 my bome. "Mrs, JOSIE HAM, R. F. D. 1, Box 22, Shamro ck, Missour i. Sucking Up the Sea-Be d,


- -- - -


CASE of Mrs. HAM


Re8ult8 Wanted , "Who I.s tb at ' young man tbat calis on you, daughte r '! " "A buddln ~ poet, fath er." "W ell, tell him. to come around whe n he 'has blossom ed and Is ahle to .h,o.urs th e dred g in g lVent on; sBnd :how the fruit of his labors," !loured ceasele ssly from th e pump; thou san ds o f tons ot It wcre r e moved . Clgar.B ox, Heroes, The n the Lutlne was rediscov e red, The Loading OpinIon Molder {tear· burle d 30 teet deep In a sundban k. Ing bls baJr)-1 can't for tile ute of In this monDer the first difficult y me r llmemh er th e name 01 that latest was ove rcome. OU\ many more hnd Mexican bandit! What In tbe world to 'be met, the chlet being Dange ~ouo Jewelry . the strong tides wblch aro continu ally altering All lI r an lpts an d 1'lngs have been 18 It? The Smart Offic e Doy-Sa y, th' fore- tbe shape at the 6hoals , and the rough b'lrr" tI from West Vlrglnln f(\Ctorle s b-i Ih e ~ tf\: e la bor commis sIoner, I. V_ man bas got a lot 0 ' slugs tn old cIgar 'leas which seem to rage along thnt D·nrt on. 11 0 d eclares tbat jewelry 110xes In de compos ln' room, 1'1\ just const to an abnorm al d egree . \Vhen· wnrn on tbe hands of working glrl!l - run up an' copy n few names trom do e ver the sea subside d and mnd" It boxes for you. -Cll!ve land Plain Deal· t;tracUcable for work to contlnu e, ,cthe h ~!1 c'ansee! more ncclden t8 In the sr. dredgin g went on. Erected over~ tbe fnetorle s of Wes l Vlrglnla tban al· stern of tbe salvage steam er wall n Trost' a n y other thing. Flr,t Appeara nce. queer·lo oklng arrange mont. somethl ng "nmt' cle t ~, r.s p;)clally of the cbaln "The craze for the !!tago Ie what like a giant birdcag e ,' 'and throilgh vari ety . not Ugh t fitting. Invariab ly makes all the trouble, " aald Mr. this waa pou~ell all tbe' Baud au~lied d rag n ha llfl or a rm Into some fasl Orowch er. up. The contriva nce was tn r eality n ~ hlrli ll 1; !ltnt' h iIlC . nnd rings Bre also "Tbat's a ratber general stateme nt." tremend ous slove. with a mesh ' so ailt t () C':l ! r h ," h e s :-.ys_ ~Jt's trllle. The sorrows of the hu· small thnt not even half II Boverel gn Man y h,d uMr lal compan ies have co- man race started In the Garden of could escape throllgh It. By the aid oDe rat e C II Ith Ille s tate labor d epart· Edon when Eve underto ok to ,Ive & of tbls apparat us the salvors literally Dlc nt. l\!l d Honto ma nufactu rers bave perform ance aB a snake channer ," eifted the bed of the sea, and In the nh'e"t\ y tn k ~" th o precaut ion to bar sitting many COins and other thingB jowelry IrOl1l th eir factori es. Plumed . eame to IIgbt. . Nelghbo·r -Tomm y, how .. your U' But the treasur e was doomed not Poel ~tlve Values_ Ue brother ? to be withdra wn from Its deep·se a Dunbar - Old Iho woman wbo 8ued Tommy --He's beeo ostracIz ed. bank. A storm arose and el'l'set,uaUy Pollurd D Oll blc'c1ay get anythin g? Neighb or-Ostr acized? stopped operatio ns, atter the hunters Sprn gIH' ·- No; but sho got more thaa Tommy --Yea, mam. he went to th. had created a record by shl[tlng on6 Mrs. Do ubl ml oy did.- Judge. 1i00 Sundlll - IIlId an OIItrleb peckecJ ' million toni . of Band. That tger ~ere ·1Im. . very near to the treasur e Is beyond doubt for one day a lump of rUllt waa k eepi ng h er mind ac tive and her body Palpabl e Proof. brought up containl~g an' tmPfOll a,onfit, nnd o; ile \\'Ill find liiat sbe ean "SolenU llts say that anger caus. have a ;:lootl figure "-whlc h seems to augar the exact shape ot!' in the -blood," remarke d -ilia me highl y I!\oglcal . Who hall not wlte. wbel) reBulte, this lID rulltbe wallgOtlnB of.. p ild known wom en with the mOtlt active '1 belle,,!! It, my dear. 1'ou a)wa)l re~Q"ere4. minds cn d of bodies whose ligures,' ao- teeM ~I • • ~:;~ swes ter when we make up aM' .....\.,,.... cording 'to the r eceIved ' standar d, &(e' ' . ~!l~'" . . . ~ absoluto ly "dowdy? '" "A Woman . Forty" wiltes lIenslbly . "WhY' - Bql~nlng

Don't Persecute Your Bowels


mUlt- bea,r Si~atUre



SEL DO M. Se_-

a bIe knee like thii, !Nt Y!'UI ho,"- . may have a IJunch or bnnse OD hia Ankle•.Hocle, StiAe, Knee or Thioat. ,

will dean it off withollt Iayinl. life 'No · ~"It..., no . ~

hone up. <E<IUU-O:U '

CODCetltJ'ate4-onl., a .Iift at 'aD application.


treated 'W'ltn': &('lat.i' I .'i~~i~~~~~~ii·~·i~~i§~~~~~.;;~~~~

Yo_uno: .

~y~o~u~.~" iit~~i~~~~~I~~ P:::~~bf1=;H~i




If yon wBnt specml advice write Lydla. E. Pinkh am Dledic lno (lOo, (con1ldentto.l) Lynn, Mass.


IIs b nrUsLB say thtlt the thin woman London Authori ties Go on Record aD npproac b es . more nearly to the norDlaagre elng aa to tile 'Seet mal type. "There Is no Questio n," Female Type_ writes one. "that the 'new figure,' long Bnd Willowy , the result- of -the modern One ot th e London papers blls put atbletlc moveme nt, Is superio r In vithe question to Its.~readers, "Is the ' tnll ty and natural grace to the old ·.lende r woman or the. plum(J woman short and stumpy figure. The tall, tbe ideal type?" 1t arose trom a dis· resl'84l-m1!tlt among the physiolo gical thIn woman Is freer and 1Si0re liealthY the fa-Ct tbat t-1tere better comrad e for her husband ," , -recogn ' . ·· Gr_lDm eroy-Do severalize J1Uad . artistic autborlti \,B" Kate Upson a Anothe ·eQually . good pbYIlCat r says : "Surely there Is' a .The her da:u.• ;~t,~t, girl cit- twenty' may" D~~Dllrll{ : Clark wrltmi Ju ~Ue's . The AmerlclUl mean between · the plump and B11m, ' wlllie the '...,...... ft"·I..-· ~rtI .bavo .'c feoJarM that the plump golden ' ~t~;;~~: l::~it~~::~::=t::~~ tho meAler. Let ' a .oman &bu ', ~; - lool!aJl-Qit~ as ':1 ", HI 'J;."" .. t ./. .'






" <!~J"tt. ·. l tlJc : "~ d~ ' L: " .. tt ,..: ~ ~

Oeuerll.l Huerta does not live In the preSide ntial eMU e of f'ha)lult ep ec', but III tht. hOllse In the Call e AlfonllO H orrera I, the City of Mexico. Th.c building III guarded lly ~o ldl e rl\ and a machin e gun on rhe

This photogr aph ot an Americ an outpost near Vera Cruz showlI that not all t.he soldl ertl down there are Ill_nt ly situated .






This Is a battery ot United 8tates mount&1n artillery on the march to one of the outpost s near Vera Cruz. ,




Capt. W , .... Uurton, It III expecte d, RUI be the uklpper of the yacht with which Sir T'bomu Lipton .bopea to caplure tbtl Awetlca'M cup tbla SUlD' mer. War correep ondentl l pnd pbotog raphs" at Vera Crua hu.utna to tb. front becaufie of a rumor that th" MtlxlClUlI! w(lrt' about to attack the wate1'...·orks at La T ...Jor.




This statu e of Cha thano,


Beware of Disc as~ d Pot . toes.

Col. .T heodore Roosev elt ae he appeared on the deck ot the steame r BUll ~t. Smoke. Accomp 61.h",.n t Milling . that brought him home from his 10Dg lR Ii 'recent IDtorma l dlscUPi on of uYoiIr boy IIu all aorta athletic and arduoue explOrin g trip. In South ~1II111&1D. .nd· III troubles , an flxpert tralnba.... . ADlerlca. 1poa of. the ".uJpbu r bug," an "'sect. "Yea.'" replied Farmer CorntoSllel. '1vlilcla." .ccordl ng· to hie stateme nt., "But there's .ooe Jlne o' phy.tea l c:.ul· Wtth' plenty ot 8ulpbur amoke, ture h~ b'as .mia.ed , I wish ' 1 could , hila a remark able Jmac}l 'o ( getfin. iend him: to IIOme .cYDluaatum where .lIIelter 's BlICk ~ he cou14 leam 't o Iw;iIIg a Icy-the withoeetJllled: Anoth . out" l~kJn' .JilEs he .... 80m" to' cut 'ott bOth hla 'feet;" . noted . 111


be great


I!ldl c~ r('s ld,' nt In I-"Ildon , to ce l ~ bratt' the IIl'proa <: hing peace centen ' u r ~' betw" e'l Ilh " l'llltc<l States Ilnd Grellt Britain . It ha s lJeen olTered to COn!1;fI." s t,) lo p. pl ucC'd III the cup , Iwl a t \\' ushlng ton

United States army sigDal atation .t La Tl'ejor, where ~he waterv.-orlc.i IItoDl Jl'Qlcb Veil. Cruz draws lls supply It! guarded by cur Boldlers,



Ellgli sh BtuteslIl UIl who oppos!:d lhe WHr a/;ninst t h e j\m erleu n colon ies , h as ... ern mad p ()ll ordel' of Amcrlca'n

On aecount of th e recent d i~ covery



vlolat/o n s ol~ th e ,\ Inlne quara ntine regulati ons, nil. purchas erB of Maine ,s eed potatoe s ure \\'IiTll",d to haYe 'thelr ! stock examine d hy the state e~ert, tr .\lIs8 IIlatleJlne Edison, dnughte r of the ral'IlOUB Invento r, and John 8101Ul8, possible , before Illo:ltlng , the New to whom slJe will be married on June 17 at the beautifu l hODle of her fathtll' In Llewellyn Park, N, J. Mr. Sloane Ie a Bon of Dr. and Mrs. T . O'Conn or Yo~'k Situnl sttllttE'U · U lllJCrUbPulous IIdhl{P- Sloane ot West Orange aod condul'l B an aviation 8ehool at Bound Brook N , I . pera, 8 8 a e d . Ilave een sen ng diaeased potatoe s Into New York. . B08, 1 ~""'J'V''''''''''''''''_'''''''_'''''''~~_'"''''__~_''''''''''' __'''''''__""""__"",,. Lon and otber potnll!. where eertltl. 1 .Mllitan t PhllollD phy, DutIful Wlf•. C:lltel! of In8pectl on ba ve been . fraud· Silas- Thnt Rokeby Venue lillO-TIL' "My wife lOade It bot (or me tw.ulenUy attacbe d to the bag., While ' gette II a phllo&ophere88, morning ," In gooljral . the llfll!lle Iluthorl tles have ! Jonea- How cornea It? "How was tbaU" eni!eavo red to IISe-. thll\ nope but lOuud Silas-S he believes If JOU can"t get "I In.lIted · her pttlq ~p to. ~;;:;:~~ pota\,(~.e left ,thf~ state • .certain Iln.pee· f wbat you want, you .~u.t lllIf,or, Itbuild ' Ule ftre:'-J uqa. .n ,/.~tI~8I.1.rlcal ·' Ibn ' beel! I1cgllae nt and tulve' eer. I! The ' of








If ENDERSON'S PREMIUM STORE T Il(' Stote that pays you II "1'r"l1lillrtl f"r Cn~h " tllnt hn-< a n 'lIl \l1I 1th!. Th e Storr that s(' l1 ~ YOI I " roCl'I' irs and Dry !;nnds at til, ' "Ny I fl\\'(>~ l

p rl(,.·s Thr StOtt' t haI g'11·''': )'IJU Ih·' ad n tntag, · "f Ml ~' llllrgm n ~. Th,' St"l't' t lIa l ta!;,·" YUll r I' rlld u,'p ill "'(" han)(" (.,1' (; r~(·f'r i" Q. I In' '.;" "I ~. :--111,,·.-:. I·..illl,.. llard ll' ur, ·. 1',1 L'


A few S pecials Every Day in the Week :'! ;)Ih. Stall dard (;I'anula t ,·d SlIg':!" .......... ... .............. .. . ~ Clln~ :-IlI'e.: t Cu rn (rq~ u lat W,' qu a lit y) .. ...... ..... .. .. .. Waltus Salnl'lIl. I'l' l' <:all · .. .. .. ................ ... ... .... ...... .. Can I"'I('h e;;. l'alif"rnl :l. ( :al'l ill ill<'z hra nd. pl' r r an .. ... ... .... .. .. Huwiian I' illt) AI'" I,·. ;';" \ ,·rl·ig- Il Ilrand . li P!' c:In ........ .. .. .. ..... .. .. Californi a [)ril'd I'paclh" lill ,] pl't II .. .... " .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ... . .... .. Can Tomatoes. ;( l"lI lild call. t )hi o I'a "k .. .. . ... .. ... " .... .... .. .. .. .. .

·.,-, ~~ .

· l;,

· ~il

:!o • 1[) J()

lI avf' YOIl I"i,·d " l' II EE I I II' " Colf/ ·t··: A cou pon ""ith P lI (' h l'II ul1 l1; an ('1"g-u ll l l 'n'111iulll f,,1' fi t: O Ul'''Il ~ . Ask uhout it. DON 'T MISS TillS, . A Itl'~ula r ;;(),~ Hl ue Chalnhmy Shirl . .4() Bri ng in yo u r Pnull ry lin tl Eg-\!s. We will pay l ~<: \ler Ib fll r II l'n~ until TUt:sd:.ty, Junt: Uth .

A Ticket with Every Purchase at

What I. a Week. End? E"duranoe. Whether It mny seem pnrado)l(oal Wbat, or rlltber when. Is a "week· --, ..... .. . . ... . . . . . . . -- . . -. -v-- - . . . . ................ - . . ....,. ........ . . . . . ond 7" An Engllsb cour t bns hlld to or not, It Is Il tnc t In our nature that, determ ine the meaning or the phrllse. wi thout eurlurallce. lltOil censell to bl) Fred H awke wa!\ in · Ci ncinnat i Mller H yma n was in Cincinnati A man brought a reduced rate "We(lll· eI1Jnyubl!' ; \\'Ilh o'll 1-I1l11l8 IIccepted. end" ticket all Frldny and when h piells ure wi ll no t hfl I'lIrmanonl. A Ute Mo nday. T uesday. sought to return SnturdllY ni ght WIIS from whlrh c\·,>ryt hlng that h88 In It Walte r McClu re wa" ill Dayton George Rm ith was in Cincinnati told that be would have to pay tull the ele men t. or pa in IR banlsh.,d, be· flare, al the s pecIal tlcllet \\'ould be comes a lIte ' not worth havlnr or F r iday un I.lU ~int'~'" Monday on business . . good only on Sunday. Monday and I wor SEl. at Intolerable tedium and dlll- ' . Mr . a nd Mr~ . B II uwpll were Jo'or ~a l e- Spa nis h t obacco plan ts . Tuesday. The mnn sued the compan y gUSt.-J llmeS Hinton. in i:i n\'i ll l1 :lli T uesd ay . B. V. Smith. ph ont" 37· 3X. ror. tbe exceS8 far e ohar ged h1m and i won hlB case. H . \. Waltc r and ~un. Il a n: we re Mr. and Mrs C. B. Bentley ~pent Ideal Country for Sp<>rtamcn. in Lr'WIl Monday eve ning . Hyderu bud, Oli O or tile s tates of In· S unday wi th relatives in Dayton. War and Moral . . din uboul a K llig U~ 1<IlII ~aB, Illid with Dr. J . 1\ . McCo v a nd C. B. Bent· E r n(~~l Ih'l{e rs and Jam es McClure "E very war, eVllu tb e uriefes t, will. a~ lIlallY p 1l1'1 ' Uti ~ew York and ley we re in Dayton Tuesday on uusi· we re in I{k hmond, Ind ., Saturd ay. In one year, demoralize men llicowpar· Ma ~8ach u ~e l! s cOlllblll<lti. has many ne::!!! . ably more tban thou sands or thefts, ' wild crea tures. illclLtdl ng rlgl' rB and Mr . a nd Mr:1 Earl G ray and MI'!'. arsons and murders committed In the leopnrds In abllU UUIlCtl all'd occasion· If yOli wunl t he I.lPst Pai nt a nd C. E Sf' r vig nlOtu r eO to B1 an c h ~ster oourse of cen turies by Individual men ally bl8011 111\(1 e l o ph a llt ~ Th"l'e are Vu r'lIi "h 1{1'l11over ~u to J . II. Col,'· Su nd ay. und er the Influence or passlon."- Tole- also wll rl lo ugB, 1I 11(r·lo jlO, bYllOa, II1l1n' :-I. tal. wul ves, JHcknls lWei bcur. Mr. anrl Mrs. S. L. Cartwrig ht anli I Are we g'oing tl' have an o hl· M i ~s' Me rri tt sp(lnt TUe.'!ciay fas hiOllpri Puu rth? Some "Pl' oug ht ill X ni R. to get b usy !I................................... .u....~·MI........~)" ~ Mr:l Ell a Michener a nd dUli g-h lc r, Mr. and Mrs. I;\'all .. r I<il b(ln unci {\dR. attcncl ed H meeti ng at Fra nklin fami ly, of near Le lwnlill wc re in Illilt week . tow n Monday. Mr, Chas. Sp':lII.:er a nel fumi ly , Mr. an(1 MI'''' A. E. Wel ler of visited Mr. and MI·H. Ihrry Rh pr nea r Bell b rook, were the guest.i1 of wood ~ und ay . Mr . Lou P rintz. Sun day . . Mr . I\nd Mrs. W. H. Alle n a nd Mr s. Har ry She r w()ud. who has M i s~ Olive McCollum we re in Daybeen viiiitilll{ with relu ll vefl in Bl a n· ton Mo nday . chester fo r a week, a rri ved hom p SUllll ay . Mr;l. Henry Meyers , of Clevelaml . i ~ the g- Ll e~L of her ('o usin, Mrs . J. E . Mrs Lu ui sa Woo lley r e lurned hom e J an ney and f amily . Mond ay even in g uf te r u th ree weeks ' visit wit h he r daug h te r. Mrs. H . V . I{ev. a nd Mrs. J . P. Ca d wallader Walte r, at Lebanon . a nd Miss Clara Lil e autoed to Leb a non Mnnday evening, and calle(1 un Of all kinds. (;0 to .J. H. Coleman's tu IrE·t t he f ri ends . IJe!-lt hig h gr-aell' Tin wRf'c in the to wn. Also lh e I est (;rnnilew!ll'e, Ca r pet Dr. J . T. Elli s, who hag lbeen ~o ill ... ,.,,.,,.-. .. ww"\wow.w ...... Beatf' r.-; and Ply Rwatt rs . for a co uple of weeks, ifl ·able to be a hout al!ain . and is f eeling as we ll Mr . and Mrs .I{JY Hat haway drove a~ usu al. OVCI" in their a u lo fmlll Lau relvill e, Saturd ay and spen t t he day with Mr. E V. Barnhart ha d a s light attack a nd Mrs. F. W . Hathaway . of g rippe Sa tu rd ay lind Sunday, but iH a t t he st.ore now waiting on his T he C. E. Soc iety o f the Chris tian custome rs. church will hold a Lawn Fete, Thurs The W. F. M. S . of the M. E. das evening, Ju ne 25, in frunt of th e Church are mee ting this a fternoon chu rch . Everyblluy come. at tht: home o f Misses Anna and Mrs . Wal te r McC lure , Mi!\S Lillian Lul a V.ande rvoort. Benham alld Carl McClure left M ra. Bessie Haney and Miss Ethel Monday for Intl ian Lak for a tendays o uting at t hat p upula r r esort. Simpson. of Morrow, were the guest..'! of Mr . Bnd Mrs. J C. Hawke TuesMiss Celestia Austin has gone to day ami Wednesday . Chicago, u, here she w ill vi it he r Mrs. Lizzie Yeazel spent the weekbrot her, Mr. Chas . Au :; tin and fam ily . She will be g"1Y1C for a bo u t end with Mr. Frank Wright and Patton's Sun-Proof Paint family near Bellbrook, returning three weel(s . home Sunday evening. 00 FARTHEST Miss Ka therine Dak in a rri ved h e re Go to J. H. Coleman' s for Abolifrom Washingto n D. C. last week', and is the g uest of Mrs . Amanda tion the dirt abotisher for cleaning LOO!( BEST Wright and daughter, May. Sbe painted and varnished s urfaces, flat will attend the Cincinna ti College of wall Pain ~ and general household ~F.AR J,..ONOBST cleaning . Music this s ummer .

People Here, There 4lnd Everywhere ~


W. H. Madden &Co.


BACK AGAIN I ha\'c d ecid ed to re·e n t er l he Cleaning a nr! Pres~ in g b \l sin e~s, and alii no w a t your se r\' ice . My oi d rulc- "Sa tisfa ction or No C ha rge"-s till ho lds good . Leave o rd e rs a t H a wkc & D akin barber sho p o r call p hon c ~ -:! r.

Place f or Everything. "Confound It, \j;lId ly, wh ere do you keep the pins· I'vc l! l ' il ll Il1ol{lng blgb I nnd low fo r uno t or 1(' 11 111 i 1111 leij. I'll I wager t hero IHn'l an nrlicl (' of the sort In tbe bouse. If 1\ C mell rau our oID ces like you wom cn- " "O h. Dorotb y, 8hake uu t th", va cuum Cll'llIlJlr for mumma, d ~ llr , and tllkf' a pin right a way to pava."

Pierce ; Presser I Subscribe tor the Gazette

Millionaire's Enjoym e nt.

Astor W IUl wOl'lh ten III II lion . but he took a persona l de light In silling In the lobby or the ASIOr house a nd wRtchlng the dullar's ro ll int o til ls palace tbat his bra in hnd plunned. To have an Idea, to walch it gro~l'. to then work It out and see It made maU l/eat In concrete Bubstance, tb ls waR hia Joy.

To AnI State Shown on This Map


~ Pay When the Goods Arrive. u 10U live in one of the States shown on the map, we pay the freight on aU·


ahIpments of 100 lbs. or more (excepting safes, vehicles and farm implemen,tS). You can get everything else delivered free. For example: Household Furniture, Sewini Machiues. Stoves, Harness, Wall Paper. Paints. Roofi ng, Fencing, In"u. bato~ Cream Separators, Hay Tools, Gasoline Engines, Dry Goods, .Millinel'1, Clothing and Shoes for all the family. Ii you Iivc an ywl'l're outside tlle States n~ed above, we will pay all delivery charges on Dry Goods. Wearing Apparel, Millln~. Sboesand Jewelry. and a Iib.eral pattofthefrc ig ht ch. rl!'·s on cverylhi ng else exceot· tna,ebicJes and lann "l!pJcmcnts. So n o mat tcr wh ~feyOU Ii\"c you C;1Il enjoy this new F reig ht f'aid advantage in part, unol au. No other big n'ail order heuse oC'ers to pay lhe freigh t on almost eVCl}'thiDII for b ome, (ann and sllOp.

A Postal Brings You

Our Big New

CATALOG - ·a book of more than 1100 pages and every p age filled with wonderful New York Bargains. Even if you have nevcr bought in New York before, by all means be sure to ~nd for this I)ig free book Ilnd see for

yourself the mone>, vou can save by buying your fa mily needs at first hsnd. in the greatest trade center on thlocontinent. Just write a IlOst· card or letter today a nd our big Frei!:ht P aid Cataloll w ill be mailed

to you once.



L. A . Zimmerman is in Cincinnati fat three d ays this week as the representative of Waynesville lodge of K. F's. Messrs. Ro§ Chenoweth and Raymond Conner are also attending the convention as lay members.

i~S--: -1-



Messrs. Jesse Burton, Thos. Pierce, Bryon Prendergast, Oscar Smith, Dean Howell, Harry Sherwood. Harvey Rye, Ben Mills and Ernt'St Rogers went to Franklin Sunday to "root" for the Miamis, Lut to no effect,

-E- - -t- - i \

__ ~~~ ~,-!


If you have not you have missed a greatdeaP Once you have eaten our bread you ' will

never be content to use any other. Try it once. All kinds of cakes and cookies.




.color.§ in Stock at all times

w. H. Madden & Co.


IUld later.-Exchange. Mr, 'a nd Mrs. Wm. Sherwood entertained several of the ir old echoolmateR last week. Thosp who enjoyed the day were Ves Zentmyer. ~ of Morrow, George Zentmyer, of Crestline, Ohio, MillS Samantha ~e nt. myer, of Morrow, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Dayt,o n Victors vs. the Miamis of Cincinnati, and Mr. Frank Sher· wood. The party spent the day at Locust Park very enjoyably, talking over the See Breig, the fast pitcher, late of school days and old associaUons. Toronto-Canada team: will do the pitching for the Victors. See Yamashiro, the Jap. the fast Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark, of sprint:~r at St. Mary's college; will near Lytle, delig-h tfully entertained be her e also. several of their friends l::lunday at dinner. Those who enjoyed th e Came called at 2:30p.m. dinne r were Mr, and Mrs. Edward If you want to see a fast'gamf', corne Lane , of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. C. out Sunday, as th(' Victors is the E. Johns and son Glenn, of Lytle. leading team in Dayton .

Base ,Ba II Sun day

.- ...

NOT SO BIG AFTER Al L This i~ a great little country of ours . Now whil e we are sizzling with heat, we r ead that fifty ArneI'· ican touristii, who came there for the su mmer, are repurted flnow·bound and s uffering intensely fr"m the cold at Frozen Springs, 200;mile!l inland .from N om e . Alaska. A party of ice cutters we re dillpatched to aid (he hapl ess tou risl s. Tbere neYer hll s bcen, Is not now, and nev er will bo U n occRslon where truth to on e's selt will not be fair to all of one's nssociates. The happy rIght tor every ma.ny and woman. If consistently pursued. will only hasten the bright destiny of everyone around them, but the courage to do what YOU wish wtthout the wisdom to know what Is the best Is a dangerous power and In It lies all selfishness.


Guard ·t ha Lip. and ~n. Speech Is the chief revelation of the mind, the first visible torm that It takes. As the thought, 80 the SJMliBCh.. To better one's life In the way of iIIlm. pllclty. one must set a watch on hI. lip' and his pen. Let the ' word be sa I~nulne as the thought, illi "f'alJd; think justly, speak ~le,! ' Wasner;



LAWN MOWERS Ground True ·by Machit:tery

16c L

ZI~~MERMAN'S We shall

. ~ i ve

r.,OOO coupons I.. new customer hrought ttt IIur store who makt,s n I'll rcha!':C ror S 1..00 u r niore :\1 "11(' t illlc from nnw to the t Imr of giving the premium to tile hest DUll"tc r. Four weeks for the Booster ,Club ea mpnign . a n o()s "'~ r


l&ave you tasted any of that good bread that R comes from Lewis' Bakery?





Independence and Selflahnea••


. . . . . , . , . ... ....,.



and part of the freight to all States beyond. Think of what it will mean VI\, to know to a penny before ),ou order ~_ _ _ _ _; I l~ what the goods will cost you l~id down in your own town. Think of the money you can save In having


for l'.u."h

--------------------Potutoes, New Cabbal!p.,

Strictly Pure Pllris Green. ppecial prices in iarge quantities. .

, .New Sweet Oranges, Thin Rind Lemons, . Jumbo Bananas, Pine Apples. Washington State Apples .


Wafer Sliced Dried Beef, new mild Cheese, large BOur Pickles, sweot Pickles. bulk Peanut Butter. I

Another Free Speclal ·fQr. F~day and Saturday, June .12-13

. 'A 5e Fly Swatterfree with a pur-



I~mtl ; ft,and'

or over. Oil~ each ·· cust~mer~




It is a well· known. fact that it is ,"ext to impossible ·to sharpen a La\\n Mower accurately with a file, especially as a great many mowers mad at the present have hardened blades. Some resort to' emery dust, turning the .reel backwards. The . objection to this is that the clearanee behirid the cutting edge is reduced, which makes more su,rface in contact with the striaght eutting'bar than ~here wasbefo'r e. After the eu'tting .. eagea become the· least bit dull, the Lawn Mower haa ~ be adjusted very close, 80 that it TEARS the ' graasinstead of shearing it, maki~g the mower 'run lillrder ~ ever'. llDd .the 'more it is sharpened-by emery dust the ~oree it' ~mea,and ; soon haa no clearance' at all. . - '." ..;. ~ J_

Have your Lawn .M1wer -aioqnd ...._:-' . " ..;" .









"Peace, With loved ones far away! In J esus keeping we are sa fe ; And they" At a ripe old age esteemed and honored by a large circle of friends. John Milton Clark departed this hfe, at his home, one mile east of Lytle, Warren County, 0 .. June 9. 1914, aged 70 yrs . 6 mo. and!) day!!. The decea!!ed was the son of Rheu and Hariet McClellen Clark. born at Lytle, Warren County , 0 ,. whert! the most of his lite was spent. He united with the church at Ferry, 0., in 1~7. Being in poor healt'l he was unable to attend services ; erY' often, but he endeavored to live a Christian life, and although Ill1 invalid for 36 long yearn he bore it all with Datien:!e, ever looking to Jesus for strength to endure his trial!! and awaiting His calf. to beat rest ~n the other shore. In 1868 he was unitt:<! in marriage to Miss Joanna Linder. to which union one daughter was born, Mrs. Adti Chenoweth, who surviv6!l him. He enlisted in the Civil war in 1862, and was assigned to Company C., of the 7th division oi the Ind. Cavalry, under General WilBon. wh~re he served until 1865. That he served his country. in a creditable w,a.y is by h IS recor d on theM h sown l IIta,ry Journal, and reads 81! follows. VIZ: "John Milton Clark belonged to Company C., 9th Ind. t,;avalry 1st Brigade, 7th division. Served under the Cavalry Gen., ,w.i1son, at V~c~sb.ur~..and around .. Big Black MISSI~; SIPPI and. at the HolI.o,:", .Tree ~ap the 1st Brlgadt;. 7th diVISIon sillned over to Gt!n. Nlpe who then came to Pulaski. Tenn., to Mupp?rt Uen. Schoffield. Then to ~rankhn. Tenn .. from there to NashVIlle. across the Cumberland river and went into cwnp after a hard battle. Then followed Gen. Huod throu~h Te.nn .. and into J\labama where he remained till the close of the war." He thus suffered many hardships for his country, and as a result, suffered untold agonies, since then, un t il God said it is enough , and on June 9th amid the beauties of summer. he peacefully p8Slled to his home beyond, leavin\t a wife. one . daughter, an adopted granddaughte\ one brother, four sisters and a oat of friends to mourn their loss .

Whole Number 3268



The Wayne Township Farmer's cises of the Methodist io:pi3Copal Clu b mct June 11th at the hospitable OF BOXWELL GRADUATES AT church were held at the tim e of the GOOD TURN OUT MAKES GOOD home uf Mr. and Mn. Frank Zel!. GAME AW4.V FIWM THE GILT· regular service last Sund ay evening. More than fifty members and guests THG. SCHOOL HO~SE An audience which tilled the room, DECORATION EDGEI) DA \ TON VICTO~S were present to enjoy the day with was present and were well repaid for these cordial fri end s. After a social I theil' attendance. hour a sumptuous rlinner was served It Was a Pitcher's Battle A Big Class of Graduates The program consisted of music M. A. Jameson Gives Talk and care forgotten for the mom ent. and recitations. The main exercise At the regular time the meeting was the building of the Ladder of was called to order by Pres. Ca rtwright and opened by prayer . ~s· Rev. Palmer Makes the Class Ad : Life by the buys and g irl!; of the in- Several Out-of-Town People HereJames Ta1t.cs Thirteen Scalps and • termed iate classes. The lad der wa~ olut ions to the memory of Mrs . CorMany Beautiful Florat Offerin~ s dress-A Large Audience fo unded on Christ, Our Itock and Wins a Pretty (jame- Was nell were read and placed on record, Placcd On the Graves Greets Graduates was surmounted by the Cruw n of This being the date tor election of Well , Supported. Eternal Life. officers resulted atl follows : presi• An espec ial}y pleasin g nu.mber. dent. Mrs. Chas. Hawke; vice·presiThe annual Township Boxwell com- I was an exercIse by the begmners Sunday I he lo:al lodges. the dent, Mr. Edwin Chandler; sec-treas., mencement took place at school hall clasel in. honor at the C r~d l e Roll. Knights of Pythi a.~, I O. O. F. and Mr9. Chas. Hough; executive comGrllat joy in the camp this week . The Miamis broke their long losing Friday evening. The cool evening Each chIld placed a flower In a small J uniorli. met and decorated their mittee, Mrs . Geo. Riley. Mr. Ram . streak at the expt!nse of the t ast brought out a large crowd, and the Icradle ~nd the ent ire class. sang n deceased comrades' graves. The day Meredith and Mr. Lindley M~nden­ hall was well filled . The class was pretty httle song for the babies. wall an id eal one, and the brot~.erd hall. Dayton Victors last ::lunday. score 4 to 2 composed of nineteen graduates, and AtI.the clo!le of t he program . met at their respective lodge rooms A pleasing instrumental solo was The game was a pitchers' battle as the curtain went up and disclolSed a very liberal offering was received at 2::m and marcheu to thece lT.etery . rend ered by Miss Ruth Hartsock, between, Vaubel, lor the Victors, and the bright faces it was a pretty !or the Educational Aid Society. There were a ~nodl y number of very instructive cu rrent events were James, fpr:the Miamis. with t he lat· pi~ture to look upon. The class were: - - - .. - l od ~e mell presen t, amI many vi sitors read by Miss Helen Hawke. The ter having ' the better of the argu · J erome Jones. Marie ~urfac(', W. ,;. T. U. AT NEW nURLINCiTON frorn out of t.>wn. su.bject for debate: Resolved. That ment, Jllrnes, alBo, go t the better Albert Marlatt, Mary Atkinson, After arri ving- at the cemetery. we approve of Government Ownersupport bdth in the field and at the Mae Sibcy, Helen Dinwiddie. Mary Thore wi ll be an meeting Bruther Lafe Ni cholson offered a ~h ip on certain Public Utilities, was bat • .Lefty struck out thirteen 0' Duke, Russell Stanley •. Rac~ael of theW. C . . T. U.heldinUlt'M .E. prayer . after which the chairman. discussed with much interest. Mr. ~e Victor. and all~wed but three DaviR. Lula M Kellis. Elhe SmIth, church at New Burlington on Thurs. A. Ma ffi lt, introduct'd the speak er of Oglesbee in the affirmative thinks hits, only one of which was good for Everett Thomas . Mildred Smith, day, June 18th. Several c(\unty the day. Mr. M. A Jameson. of Leb- public monopoly is always a benefit, ",!ore .than one base. All . the boys Clement Harner. Cheater Snook. preBidents and other speakers will be an on. Mr . •Jameson made a good whil~ a private one is not Mr. dlBplay~d mote h~e an~ gmger vnd Helen Marlatt, Mary MO!1ser, Mary present. The mem uer.., of the W. :lOeech, adjur ing the members of the Meredith in the negative says if the 100ked,Iike an entIrely dIfferent team, Thoma9 and. Edward LeWIS. . C. T U. a t Wayn esville are cordially different lodges tv rem ember why government owns the railroads it Th e orations an d d ec Iama t IOns invited. Bring your lunch boxes th ey were th e .. e, and they must must include the telephone and other How Runa Were Scored al way!! remember the that living brother things as well, and would result in a . were all well rendered and were well with you. received by the audience. - - - __ .. that wail in dbtres!1; that the living great trust. This question origiBoth IHde~·- went out m one·t~o · three o~er Ih the first and tb~ VIC' Rev. D. H Palmer made the ad· ORTHODOX FRIEND'S CHURCH was to be remembel'ed <1 9 well as the nated in Australia years ago. with tors continued tne progr am m the dress t<> the clae!!. hnd brought out ____ . dead . His remarks we ..e well taken dissatisfied labor element. Russia second, but not so the Miamis. many ne~,and ,ood ideas about "The At 10:30 nex l Sallbath morning we ~~~v ~~~~~nt\~~de that were present be 109 the only nation not able to With. one down. Burton and GlIDe Dreamer, . ~IS address was short, will have a Mis!!i'Jnary program. Mr. Frank Anderson, of Lebanon, finance her war debt. Mr. Meredith loyally declares our government the each smgled an.d stole second Brow!l but to t~e pomt. . . The chilriren and Y(lung folk s will scored the,m with a fine two· base hIt Supermtendent F. C. Gllmour,.I!1 take part. It is desired that every wQ!l then ('ailed on. a ld made a few be9t on the face of the globe today . to left. Crane took the count and No state has a right to rob a man of a neat speech. presented the certlfi· one old and younl{ eve n the children we ll chosen remarks. J~es was safe when V~ub('1 mes;ed cates and thus ended the last Box· co~e. en' a the service and make The deco rating was thell attended labor. a Nation that tries to stifle a hIS hot groun?er: but Gochel recov· ~ell ~ommenc~ment ever to be held a mission!r~ offerin'-. Lo. and the lodges marched back to mati in his own ingenuity is a dismal ered the ball m lime to catch Brown In thiS township . __ J _ .. _ : . ___ town well :mtisfied with the day. failure, Mr. Riley in the affirmative, at third. The music was furnished by Haw·1 A. very pret ty in~ident took place spoke of the Senate having approved [/I the first of the fourth, Lukey ley Clark orchestra, of South LebMARKET at the cp.metery Sunday when .the the proposed railroad into Alaska .. w~ saf~ when Crane ~ro~ped his anon, w.ho presented three of his . . , lucal banu men p.repared a bea~t1ful feels that the time is not far distant thIrd stnke and threw hIg h man efpupils m concert numbers. The The C~OI r GUIld of St. . Mary !! wreath of flowels a,:,d placed 0 .. the when these things will be coming fort to catch him at first. He violin playing of Ralph W. Sacker chull'ch ':"'111 hold a market In C. 13 l\ g rav e (\f one uf theIr f~rmer memo this way. Mr. Janney thinks the reached third on Guchel's single and and Samuel Coddington, and the) Bentley s room n('x l ~o the Gazette bel'S, ~h o had . at one time taken a g overnment can run the railroads ~ored on. Strayltl 's sacrifice .flr to cornet nUlT!ber by Mil'S Louie Drake offic;e • .Saturday ';10 rmn g . June 20, great, l!lte r~t ~n the band here , the cheaper. Rev . Grauser, Mr. Men· rI ght. Sheehy out. Crane to Brltlan were especIally fine. begmnmg at to 0 clock. late Clint RadH. denhall and County CommiBBioner The Victo r~ tiej the score in their . • -Charles Austin, of Green Co. also half of the ellfn h Moore doubled - - - - -- -RESOLUTIONS took part in the discussion. After listening to a duet by Mi88eS to left and 8('or.. d on Hende",! tlinglqj ----.-~ j Whereas. it ha." seemed best for and Helen Hawke the meeting Vanbel fanned a~ld Yllmashlro ~as t 1 God in dis Wise Providence to re- Sybil safe on a fielder S cJlOlce. on w~lch I move from our midst an honored was dismissed. Invited guelltl were: I j' Mell1ber of the Wayne Township Rev. and Mrs. ' Grauser and son, Henderattt!mpted to sco rt; but t~l!ed to touch the plute. Th,IB deCISion ~., 1 Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Janney cauRed a nasty al'llument, during Farmer!' Club. and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Austin. which the Jap left his base te talk to --~.~..............- - - -••- . - -............. Be it resolved . That in the death The gUf.'sts lingered until the the umpire and was promptly touched CARD OP' THA.NKS . , ' .. _~. __._...... _. _ _ _ . _ . _••••• _ _.. of MrHo Charle:'! Cornell we have lost shadows lengthened, loathe to leave --with the ball for the third out I desire to thank the neighbors A. Maffit was in Lebanon Friday. The street.~ were oiled Monday and one of our best and mOBt loyal mem- this pleasant home. Fur the Miamis. Britian walked and friends and all others who were Tu esday. hers. one who was devoted to the ------~ .~.~ best interests of the club, and one . ' and scored when Lukey threw wilu ~ind to me at the time of the lick- J . . E. Janney was in Dayton FriSAUSBURY-CORNELL on the r.-turn of Weaver'B double nes.'l and death of my husband, Jos. H. Marshall, of Bell\1rook, who was a worthy exampleof Christ · Joanna Clark. day. visi ted friends here SU\lday. ian integ rity and loyalty to G:>d. Bergan safe at first on fielder's choice and Weaver was safe aL th~ plate • _ _ . Miss Clara Lile spent Sunday with Be It resolved, That we deeply On Wednesday evening, June 10, when Sheehy dropped the b~ll CONTRACT LET FOR CHURCH friends in Xenia. Choir Guild market in BentlflY 's deplore her going away and extend 1914, Miss Lucille Cornell. one of the Burton gl'oun.d ed oUI to flrHt. Chne room Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. our sympathies to the bereaved hus- most popular young ladles in this fred Lift d B ed t hand and the r emaining members of community, was married to Russell I b 0 e Th an rown pupp 0 The contract for building I he Ilew Geo. Dakin. of Dayton. viRited her family. Salisbury. one of our prosperous Vau e1 escore' T -_ .. af I t ' h S d Otr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright were • . . M E. Church was let u_y ter· re a IVes ere un ay. Be it further resolved . That a young farmers. 'The wedding oc. the guests of relatives in Centerville noon to Jas. H. Lloy d ,0 f Xema. S d copy of these resolutions be placed curred at the beautiful country VICTO RS AB R R PO A E Mr. Lloyd will commence work at For Screen Door Paint, Green or un ay. on the minutes and one sent to the home of the bride's parents on the Yamubtro. rl .. .. .. 4 O· 0 0 .~ lance. Black at J. H. Coleman's. M FCC d P D family and a copy also sent to the Xenia pike. The house was artisticL~e~. 311......... 3 ~ ~ g 3 • _. e8S1'S. •. • arey an . . M' . G tte f bl' t' ca Ion das/ n ally decorated for this happy oc~· ~~...~I'; ~b """ "; I) II 3 I ST. MARY'S CHURCH Jesse Burton and BOn, Howard. Peterson were Dayton visitors Frilaml. aze f or IIbeeb,:c .:~'.'.: '.'. ~ a u U 4 0 u . autoed to Anderson, Ind., Friday . day afternoon. expressIOn 0 our tg regar or sian. In the presence of flfty of the Kle rar, cl ....... .. 3 0 0 0 g her. relatives and intimate friends, Rev. Moore. If . .. ....... 3 I I I USe d S · " d • T"t J W It ... C1 t t l d' Sam Meredith Bendor Ib 3 U 1 II 0 0 Can un ay 'aJ:ter rim y. une . a er inC ure wen a n Ian Clarence S. Grauaer pronounced the Signed Martha Hough Vauool: p .::: : :':: 3 0 11 ~ 7 ~,2 Ist. Sunday School lit 9:30 a, m ., . Havolene Auto Soap for .OJI cloth. Lake Saturuay, where he spent Sun· words that made two lives one. aUavu . ... ... . . .. I U 11 U 11 _ Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30 Waynesville Auto and. Machmery Co. day with his family . Addie Hartsock 'fhe wedding was characterized by Tote.. .. .. . au 1 3 2~ 14 am ' Welcome for all ---- .~. --simplicity, the parties being unata Struck QuI ler l.uktly In the' oJul." . . • • _. • . Mi88e8 Ruth Hartsock !l':ld Emma Go to J. H. Coleman for No.1 tended during the service. The ring -= MIAMIS Hawke were Dayton VISitOrs la.'lt Co~Lch Varnish put up in Y. pints service was used, The bridal party -II R" PO week. 1 piut and 1 quart cans. was composed of t,he most intimate Dav18, 3b .. .. , .... . All 4 II U 0A friend!! of the bride and groom. The Britain. Ib .... . . . . H I I 10 I H I A t Soap best to wash Weaver.... .. \ ..... 4 I I I 1 U I avo ene u a . ' Mr. Frank LeMay, of Dayton, weddinSl supper was lIumptuous and B:.. rl ...... .. . 4 8 ~ ~ ~ t, Iharness. Wayne!lville Auto and Ma- spent Sunday at the home of Mr. every detail was cared for in a splen· ~~u~Cr·. : '. ": ~ : . . ~ I I IOU chmery Co. and Mr!f. C. T. Hawke. The Ice Cream social given under ~"no. 3ft' ...... .. . 44 J II J' ~ ~ The Rev. A. K. Sargent, of Har· I the auspices of the R. W. L . of did manner. The young people are at home to ~e~i:. :: ::: : :::. 3 0 U H 1 I veysbur~, is now completing ~he ' Mrs. E: V. Barnhart and Mrs. Stanley Sellers. of Lebanon. Massie township Saturday evenini', their many friends one mile north at James. p . ..... . ... 3 U I U :1 U twenty,slxth year of happy aervlee Emma Helghway were Lebanon VIS· was the ~uest at relatives here last June 6th, was a big BUCCe8ll. about To~"' . ..... 33 Ii 2l '9 with the Jonah's R ,n Baptist church itors Satuway. Wednesday and Thursday. 300 b,e ing preRent. many from a dia- town. where they commence thei r I :I J • 5 6 1 8 9 near thiR town. I tance. Final arrangements were married life wi th many omens of sucVlct.ora ••• • 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0-2 This is oneof the strongest country I Miss Sybil qawke. of Delaware Mrs. Nancy Helm, Matron of the made for Good Roads and Cleanup cess and the best wishes of all. ... ""mla • ••. • U 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 x-4 church&!! in the state. having had but Wesleyan college. is home for the Widow's Home. of Marion. lndo, is Day, Saturday June 20th. The league SUM MAIW f"ur ·pastors in the last forty.five summer vacation. thE! guest of Dr. and Mrs. J, T. Ellis earnestly hopes that every property A UTILE FISH STOR\' Stolen B_Uoellcl, Uontler, Uurton, years. The church has maintained . fOf' a week , owner and tenant in the township O'U':tt.I.IlCl!'"Il-Straylo. thi!! pasblr for all time service during Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKmsey and will graciously rt!spond to this call Clerk of Courts Dan Bone and Two·b_ Hits-Moore. Brltalu. Brtlwu. his ministry, besides giving. $300 a! son. of Morrow •. were the guetOts of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Misses that augmentJI greatt!r thin~. We Sheriff Gilmour, of Lebanon, came W=~~k Out;-by VnulJel. ' 3; by .111 1111",. \3. year to mi!lSions. ' Mrs. Alice McKmsey and daughter, Georgia Hadden al1d Olive McCollum as men and women of the township h M d y a d were l'ol'ned by Due Hltll--OIT VaulKlI. 6; olT J D nlU• • a. . On t.he· first 8unday in May Mr, of Corwin, Sunday. visited friends in Franklin Sunday who have cdaughl thhe sochialldvision, ~ess~~ ~en~am, Frank Brad. ¥l':'~,\'~~•.:;:bY ....".,.,1. I. Sargent offered hiR resignation to . , afternoon. mUdt stan toget er, s au er to dock and Oranlle Raper, who all Umplre-J. W. I.ewl.. take effect 'July 31st. The church Many people mWaynesvllle showed shOUlder, openly constantly and firm- went to Caesar's Creek and spent the Flies and Bounders was shocked and ' Saddened by the their devotion. and loyalty to the The C. E. Society of the Christian Iy, that we may mold the social, .. eclslOn. On the first Sunday ill flag by displaymg them Sunday. the church will hold a La?!n Fete, Thure- economic and progfesllive policies of ~~hei~!t,~r O~: ::~:. : : yhe gj; Left~ J~nles ~ the cra~k south -paw JUJl e the church by unanimous vote adop~ ftagday . d8s evening, June 25, in front of the one townsbip that she may stand throuorh with this part of the Little . from pmcl!1~atJ who pI tched f.()r the resolved not to accept the resignation ' church. Everybody come. a grand example for the great com· . . M B S H II 0 H II monwealth of Ohl·o. To enrl'ch our Miami, asf the "jiggers" M! anus, sal d th a t J esse Le Wl9 WE:S and solicited the pastor to contmue. essrs.. . owe, ean owe . h' h'l h at'e h 'ffsome'1·1 -thebest non proie98ional umpire ht' The matter is under prayerful and Frank Braddock went to SpringRev. and MI'S . C. S .Gr.auser and lives. to broaden and deepen the t mg aw ul, w let e s erl WI had ever seen. James remarked es· consideration and the church and boro Sunday to aasist the!Springboro SOlD, Chahrles, are hspendmg a few channels through which our lives make more than one arrest by the peel.lly al:!out the a~olute' fllirnes~ ~ommunity await the issue. band at the lodges' decoration. dMa~ s aJt twe Wcoundtry om I e 'of Dr. an d must pass, do we step out from the time the "jiggers" get through with of the declilions_ .Said , he, "I have .. _ _ It'S.. . ar near Iarveysburg. daily routine, from the re3tful and him. The next time they come up ·played with many teams in various FIRST CASE OF SUN STROKE Mias Etqel HOBier, clerk in the d~irable quiet of our homelife. not here they ought to pick their comparts of the coullIry but. never have postoffice; left Saturday evening for Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Gr.auser !lnd to advise, but to be advised, to ac pany . •It is too bad they are not I seen a home umpire who Kave a vac.tion of two weeks, to visit Mr. W. O. Raper were m Sprmg. quire new thoughts and ideas to take better acquainted with the "aood" visiting team such a square deal." Mr. Earl Dunham was the first friend. and relatives in Da,yton and boro Sunday afterno~n, Mrs. G~auser back home with us, that will make citizens of this town. If they had , victim of .un stroke reported in this Milton, Ind. and Mr. Raper takmg part m the us better citizens. and that will in. asked Mat Pa~hall.and ye editor to locality . All be was working last proaram. crease our power to help our fellow. have been their fishmjt partners they Thursday he felt queer and was able Mrs. Lester Gordon. daughtet' of men. Our township's greatest RBSet would have taken them to a ,ood to reach the house bPfore he eol- Mr. and Mrs B. P. Wflkeraon. is at Ml'R. Elizabeth Peters and 90n, of is not her farms, her crops, her spot where they would have been lapsed. He is much bette at present a hOl'lpital at Cincinnati. where she Detroit. Mich., and Miss Clara Bret· finance, but her men and women . abl~ to go hack to Lebanon and told and .will be out~be!o!e long. I • has gone through an operation. .she ney, of South Lebanon, were the If men and women are to be strong a dIfferent tale. [Lebanon. papers "'RVI"E ANn LECTURE is much better at preeent w,eek-end guests uf their sister, Mrs. and great able to take their place in please keep out the fish stories told Sc '" ., F. C. Gilmour and family. the world'of thought and action of by tMse two ,gentlemen.] -' - - . .. ' Mr. H. E. Stokf!IB, of Route today. l'bey must take a courSe of • - • be a Soni' /3ervice and who has been Ja.Jd uldor B Mr F. H. L~Grand, of Norfolk, action that shall citizenship. Lytle M. E. church months, retumro home tlQflellCJ 8 1 who was delegate to a conven· Join us iii this . movement, !!~~l:~:~. :tlt~:~~d 21st" ~vening,from Pl'Y_.-. -_·. in. Wheeling, W. Va "Btopped 'bring welJ.f:Uled t;tl!rc~~~ nn'....1n taklna ' _tmeJlt · ~ •·...Mlnl .. of datsat the. hQme .o(spent Mr. !he great two he baa .been"for"a Friday evening bright ideas and Mr. Sto)teek vie' F. W. BathaW!l:Y: H&·left .~wn~ip, 8 much' lmprovedn momlDa for hiaJhODWl in Situiday ltuckl'vi8i~ '''' . "" " . .' Cora~~~ni(~iii~_ ,J)j",iI!trlp


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Pe.80oal L . L::

Menti.""'b Column




Ph' h




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, .'









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Ayoi d adulterated trust products that ~n d ange r health a nd h appiness. Buy choice grown tobacco in its natural state direct from growers in heart of Blue GraSj of Kentucky. Unexcelled /OT 3moJ{ing and chewing. Shi pped

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A Pre·E.~bll.hed Harmony. ··Mr. Brown's started his garden, I .aw him planting bill seedll thllI mom· lng," "That remInds me; It', time I turned the chickens loose."

Sometimes Falter. Patience-Thill paper says the heart of a man Sitting down beau 71 tlmell a minute. Patrlce-I lIuppoae It all depend. who he Is sitting alongside at. Seeing I. BellevlnlJ. MIIIII Brown- Do you thlnk that Sally COllins believes In thlll "uplift" movement? Miss Jone_From the way In whlcb .b~ Imounts a atreet car 1 haye no doubt of It. In the Shutft•• Magiatrat&-omcer, thiB prilloner .a7a you have trumped up a charg6 agalnst him. Offic'er-He muat be a joker, your bonor; I had to use my club on him . . he came wltbln an ace of escapo Ing. . Bound to Be Heard. "Who Is that man tbat always ac· colbPanlea you to the ball games?" "He's a Scandinavian. Wben I want to spoot: sllgbtlngly of the umpire 1 tell It to hIm and he translates It \Dto his own tOllgue. Nobody under· BLands him, so nobody can take of· fense ." Wheel Talk. Wayside Walter and Tired Tommie met tor the first time In several months. "Been across the country ," Wayside Walter explain ed, "Traveling Incog?" asked Tommie. "Nope," replied Walter, "In tbe ule."-Youngatown Telegram. Glad to See Them Go? Patlence-l Bee a London railroad statton bas been equipped with penlIy-ln-the·sJot macblnes ror tbe sale of tickets to persons who wish to accompany friends to the train platfonns , Patrlce-Tbat's too cheap. I know I"d give more than a penny to Ie. .ome of my fri ends leave the to\\'n. HER MOTHER·IN-LAW Proved • WI .. , Good Friend. A young woman out In In. round a wIse, good friend In her mother.ln·law, 20kes notwithstanding. She writes: "I was greatly troubled with my • tomach, complexion was blotchy and :yellow. After meals [ often ButTered ,harp pains and would have to lie down. My mother often told me It was the coffee I 'drank at meals. But when I'd Quit coffee I'd have a. severe headache. "While visiting my moth4fr·ln-law I remarked that she always made such good corree, and asked her to tell ma how. She laughed and told me It was easy to make good 'coffee' when you u se P08tum. "I began to use Postum as soon as I got home, and now we have the same good 'collee ' (Postum) every day, and I have no more trouble. Indigestion Is a thing of the past, and my complu lon has cl ea red up beautifully. "My grandmother 6uftered a great deal with her s tomach. Her doctor told her to leave oft coffee. She then took tea but that was ju s t as bad . "She f1nally was Induced to try Postum which she has used for over a year. She travel e d during tbe ~'Inter over the greater part of Iowa, viSiting, 1I0mething she had not been able to do for years. She says she owes her present good health to Postum ." Name gIven by Postu m Co., Battle Creek, Mlcb. Read "Tbe Road to Wellville," In pkgs, Postum DOW comes In two forms: Regular Po.tum-must be wen boiled. 16c and 25c packages. Instant Po.tum-18 a I!o\uble powder." A t easpoonful dlssolvell qulckt, In,. cup of hot water and, wIth cream end 1uPi", makes & delleloul beverap lnetan,IY. 80c and 60c tins. 'filii' coat P,er cu.p ot both kinds ...

abo'¢ Ui..,~e. · .""I'berti's • 8-..00" for Po.tuJJL ' : . ' . . ~d, bT Grooen. ,


Learn Rapidly to Become Thie ves W hen Exc ess Hon ey Syrup Is Exposed - ·Trou hle Mck ers Mus t 3e Co ntrolled Or Kill ed to Rostore Order


Loco mot ive Engineer Made Quite P lai n Whll t Had Cau3ed Arglolmen! Be tween Travelers.

}!!!(an's Drr~k­

r ll ll'IIlH' Co'ln l tra l'plers while In tmf'h 1;'" Inlo :In arg um e nt ove r t h,) ;I(' tl on o r t he , ' IICUlI III brak<! " It ' ~ th o Itlilalinn fir t ht" tUDI' that ! ~t""~ II", tr:l it:." d 'clart.·d th e !lro t l , ' \10

JlWoman's fJ'11I1-




~l!ef!lbodys J)rink


i t:--a \, p ll':'

sec- ,I


\\ e,l nl;. ' nons' " ,; h Ollf N I ho r,nll .. It ·~ th .~ 'I UII' ut 01 tto ex hau s· I nf' ('~ . I:k (' th r t r o \\' ll('r~ , l"arn that I I,: , PI , - ! If'l' . :l . :\'d: l ~ tf) ~' ~) r "" r·);'" p:,j tio n .. (JU Y \.'Hil !itt' a l frol11 rlH,lr lll'l~:lho r :-. 0\\ 11 "11 \' ('. t,\ :l l I ' I. It·' · · Ilp0 11 ~ ht ':-- '" \ , )\' !'I,,' " 1\ h 'ft t h p. t rn ln a r rlvt" rt at Ih,, ' Th \.· 0 r J i llnr ~ h r'l llc:it l)(' ~' \\'tll , 11t.' r ha ps, • tt~ 1 .:;,"",, -,'1:-- . I I ta :,l\.:- ~ 11\' rtllllh!r iJ i't! $:" t ll'l1 t hl" Y a g rl"' d to GlI bmlt the OlRt· , tpr fo r "<' 1I11'1fl fit to th e t"ngl noer.1 5 r.t'n ci an y\' h ~ ' r f ' fru ut 1'\ 0 l O l brp c ' 11'.1~ th all :I Illi!lutl' t u !II: \!j l \"' ilh hl1ur :-:. n r t'\ ,'11 !I:I}f u d a y and p n s~ i - hp J,,·\ , rll .;, h I!,,"k to thl ' h i"" d " ! h) ~: t Th nt ~~(' nth 'IlIl\!I , I!'allin g cOII (I(' ·ce nd· i !dy Il wl'n l,' da~. 111 t h l" 11t" !0 g a1 h t..' f- .t~ ~\"Id • .JI Il! t llt 'li Tu sh 11 :1,-, 1\ wilb, a 1,,:;1 ,- fro m h i:! ('{.b, II s t oned with an j tl ~ a ~i ll": ; t ' loa d of l1 f'\ ' tn r . T il ts, o f I ln l ~ \ r If , r· 'IlII \\:' , r il l' e X(' ilt'IIH1 n t :ltl<'llIi\'O) fro lln to th e two tra vulors' "la tl' nI"nUI or Ihplr nq;ume nt. Then l' dlll':-lt'. II lt'all$ hnrd \\ o r k If. h o w- ":('0 \ \:: ~ li\ .. l \' fl lh' n l'l al' l~ l is ~l l )[ li n (' \ ' 1'1", lh t-, b (' (~ ll1an I ('H\ l '~ a u y h \l fl P ~' hall d 1(1 ~ I I ' ;I \l1' ( h " I'iI!I!\:,.!" , : hl' \\' ho h · h .. Hili tI f' (! . s ho ok his h end and :laid . " \\" '11 , J;(,lI tS . ye 're bOlh wrong ' al, ' al'." \1: 11 I" , 1111 "11',, d, ''' he ll t l1l' I h () Il~ Y :s g ()II+' lh ' r~ l ~ t rtll l111l' It t' , nho ut thl' wor ltin' of tb e vacuum I " II m i llg ""'XC' : r II a J!II all)..;ry htH' ~ a H~ brnill's . Yet It's I' ery s impl e an d Ill/sy 1 to und ers tand When wa wan t to stop I I hN!" is " ,., "l""~ , I h c-y are Il:l lJ ll' t<J Wrt"\ ak thfl tr \ e llJ!ea lH.' ~ o n ('at:', (h}l~ ~ l hq I rall! w(' just turn this valve and (' t. ld ; pns ur (I n l' C" des t r laa. a nd t ~ am · the n we !lll tho pip e with vacuum!" . tprs In (h E' h ig h wa r · Literary Talk, Th e wise ul'ia r!s( , I( h e CfJl1les UIHl ll " M y dear. th erfl' s the candles tick th e sc ene in tllU t!. wil l rp:no " O I. !: l ' hive, and lr a w(' u\( ('o lonr Is b pl n); on '.op ot th e cluck Oon't you think o l'e rpowenHI, will l' a ~r y It UU WlI ce!· that 80rt at thing Is really a HUle Inr. He mar go £1' e n E .1 rar a ~ to ~et too pro\' laue .~.. " Wh a t on ear th do you mean, WII· a robbe r Irap. Thl . device a llow d tba bees to go Into a hive : hut Is set M IIllm H o nry~" .. [ m ean It's ahead of tlme. ~ a decoy, but permits n O IlP to get c ut. In half a n hOllr he may ca tc' h a ll th o r ob be r bee~ , arnollnt i n~ to so me thou Trade Secret. " Whortl do you ge t the plot for your sands . Afte r their wild e xcl le:·opnt. he kn ows that he must .:'u t th em up ~tor l e 8~" Drnn~ f o r a day or tw o or lI :l til t h ~ r COO' I " I have nen' r had but one plot," deThree clasoes of bees found In .very off. Or he ma)' de s troy tlll':n Ler au se I clared tbe popular aut hor, " and I for o nce 11 bee learns ba <l t r icks It s wiped thnt tram ' Romeo a nd Juli et: hive. A11 you ha vo La do IB to chnn;re the will I,ee p them up. Demaod tho pWoc by fun _ FOriuna lt'l y, tht"Rf' rob uln !: Pjl lscd e" ~c p n .. ry and th e dialect. .. or syrup e xpoa{'d , or If a certain col· N'..hamca CDCQUfICO .ubotituIioo. any, when th e re is no honey la the are uot frr ~lfp. n t, bUl are men t ioned to fields, Ih ese honest bees may becom e r!1u tlon t he no,-Iee again s t leaving Get the Kernel. thiev es. They will uve rpow er th e s weets expos .>d or allowing co lo nicR Look to (hI) essencl) or n thing, weak colony . They will steal tb e In l he apiary to b c OlUe 80 we al( that wb eth e r I,t be a point of doctrine. of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY s yrup or honey, aad In a short t ime the)' "'111 be overcom e by thei r more pruetl aE', or of Intl'rp retatloa.- MarcuB All-..Ca. you _ .. tb e re will be a general of power ful IIl'i gh bo rs .- F:. R . Hoo t. Ir .\ l' rellus. Agri c ul tura l \';xt e us lu ll Bu ll e tin . exclte mell!.. Anow Ibid: ~- .:---=----====-=--=---- -. The r ons on a woman Is arr:J.Jd at a m ouse ill that she knows It can' t burt h er . My.terlee of Complexion. Natural Conaeque_ CORN PLANT IS GROSS FEEDER "She has & fine complexIon." "The wind 18 rIsing." Socie t y wedd lll gs come under tbe "And shll glvea every man woo ' "That'. becauae It Ia tram Th e usc of stable manure and the been found Ihnt 10 an avera ge season head of fas hionable ties. kIalea her a little of It ae a 8Ouvenlr." Ea8t." rotation of crops, Including legum(,H" a n add iti onal Inch or ra infa ll re lnl ned are th s chief process In keepiu g up In the so li rlurlng July me ans a n III tha productive power of corn lands , c re.a ~e or $5.(100,001) In the va lu ~ a! \\'Il e n c lover or grass Is grown In a OhIO ~ co rn cro p. . I Unfort unaiely, rain d oes no t a lwa\'B '.:>Iatlon, manure should be appli ed to rail \\ ben it Is most Beetl e d . but b)' this c rop and plowed und e r tor cora . I proper tilla ge and culth·:l I'U. , large There are seve ral reaaons why this ' 'lua nfiti es ot n~ o l s tur e may b" rn a· should be t!one : I served until July , Win te r, la te fall (1) Tbe corn plant re'lulres a la rge I o r ea rl y sp ri ng pl o win g. wh en conrll· amount of humus becau se this rna· I t :O Il E pcrmit , Is th e f1 r~t stE' P m cOI n' terlal Increases th e wa ter·holrllllg ca·, h"n' lng mols ure. Earl y plow i!> >.; "I>.u paclty and the s upply of ultroge ll to , d t"sl rop man y In acc ls In juri ous to th e soil . i {'o rn :1l1(\ Im proves th e m cc hnnicnl COil' (2) Th e corn plant Is a g ross feede r dlt ie n of Ihe hen vy 5011. !II'[; lIti1l 7.e fr es h ma nure to be lte r [)('('[l plow ing fo r co rn Is prof1 :lhl e. a(I\"!II Iage than any oth er plnnt. I Th " (:o rn pl ,l1 l1. ulld er fnvora b l ~ c:)n· t 31 The res idu e o f manure left III r!:1.;/.onri, w ill EN I d i t~ mots from t'. JUr the so il after the co rn c rop has been , to six f't' e t ,, " der th' gro und . The be t· tC' '''' " pd is a bea e nt to th e wheat crop ' t er the d H.'lo lllll e n l or the rO OI S)·S · \\'11)("h follow s : t e m. Ih ~ lar;.:cr t ht' yi e ld of corn . S ix (4 ) Co rn Is con s id ere d t:, e mon ey , to scn' n flll .1 a ha l f Inclies is " on(> ton Ct·( I' t ,v mos t farm e rs in th e co rn be lt; d N' P 1.0 plo w fo r ca m . Hnwt" \' er, /J ot th !! I"reates t proflt is mn l! ( by a pply· mort' th un a ll Inch of s ub·soll s h ould ing- lJ'anure 10 this crop. be plo wed up in O fl ~ yea r . In many ~ea so n s wllter Is undoubt ed. : '1':,0 s oi l SllOUld b ' w ~11 pr e pa re d Iy the limitin g factor In corn prodIl C" hefOT(' lh e cor n 15 plan le(] , T h,' grnl n tlon, Prof. J . W . Smit h, of the U nil eu s huuld not ' be vlnntf'd a nrl thp grll und States weather bureau al. Colum hus, pre pn ,.(>(1 "ft er I\' iI nl. a s is (0[/ f' :t do ne . has found that. t ho tota l yield of corn A d ccp. 11n (, tl lld c:om plI!'l se t"u lJe d wIll for tb e s tatt" of Ohio or for the corn i bes t re lilln ; h e t '1CJ I ~ tllr f'. Mols turo belt may be pred ic ted rrom th e ra in· 1 may he t'o a~ (! l'\' a (1 by lin ing 11\(' sur· rail during tbe month of July . It ha s , fa re n3 SOO ft ",; pOSS lbl l' nr :~ r pl owing. 4


Vigorously good _ .and keenly delicious. Thirst -quenching

and refreshing.

The national beverage

. -and yours.


~f Coe.-Co~t:L~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: i

I i



Let's Have a Porch .• WRIGLEYS Party WIth ~W~·MU. It's the ideal offering to' guests or family, especially after dinner. It's the hospitality gumso perfectly packed that it stays perfectly fresh and clean.


Pl olI' cnr ly. Every rl ny logt aft e r lil e 11I:HI is fi t to plo\\' m l':l:1 S the loss AmerIcan wool does not reach the of tonK or \\ att' r that wll! oe n t'('d e ~ marltet 10 as presentabl e cond it ion as (or Il l' x t >; .J nll llcr's crops . tbe wool rrom other wool growing : -countrles accordIng to tbe United : :-Jothing will eb a nge onA'9 attitude States De partment at Agriculture. It , relutive to hi s dairy ca t tl e Qui cker Is pointed out that when American than tht" (,"Idell (;e ~Iv e n b:- the Haband Austral ian wools lie side by s ide I coc k tes l lu the ware houses tbe poor handii ng , of tbe American wool Is so notl cea~le , Chi cks h at ched In Apr il or Mil~' do tbat tbe price Is Inevitably aft,ected' l belte r Ihan those hat c hed lator owing This band leal) would be removed to a I to warm weatb e r. great extent lr all growers would I _=============== agree to do four things: I.--- - . Sac lt ewe, lamb and buck fleece. Is ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... separate sacks. I WKEN TO APPLY ' LIME . Shear black sheep seRarately a:1d I keep the fleeces separate. There Is, no dOUb t, a best TIe the fleeces wltb paper tWine, : time to ap p! y II In ,.. That time wblch does not adhere to the \\'001. , probably Is during the prepara· Remove the tags .o r dung locks and tlon of I he llee r! bert for t:orn. put them In separate sacks marl;ed to show their contents. Th e th orou gh c ultivati o n of this The remedy, the Investigators de- , 0. T'l9 m i Xl'S t he lime with t he clare, Is to raise the re putation of a 1 uPl,er on ~1. By the tlmp. c lov~r locality by an agreeme nt among tbe . is sawn a ll t hJ.t sei l 'the li m!! has grow e rs not to permit any poorly 'I c hullged II fro m a sour to a handled wool to leave the community. swee t cO lld lti ou. Th e tim e, I how(O vf' r, a dmits of wide '·arlu· It Is part of the duty of a good I, lloil , 1.'9 ually ft b u ~y spring farm er th ese days to join wltb his ! ('01:1 ]1 ': s tee rarmer tr) !l e nd all neigh bors I n the use of Ihe SI)1I t·log h is (,:lC~' ~ .I' III r.etting ready for dra g on th e roads. a >N" Ollf! l>le Illant ilfg. Liming - - - -- - - - - -- -I is n ' glf'f: t r (I , hut It can be pe r· The soon e r milk Ie eooled after be· I forn, >:' >! ". t a ti me of jlrepara·tlOIl Ing tak en trom th e cow tbt" longer It o f Ih(~ "? cll be d fur wheat. Lime will remain sweet, s h('u:li no t b,) 3[lplied to the _ _ , _ '-.-C.. '- - -- - - _ .. surra (' an d \; n:n cd lately plow· er a s I lI is t ClIds t f) place ••••••••••••••••••••• ..... i eItd lInn too far rro nt t he s urface COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE wllere It i ~ nec tlctl. )<elthcr GROWING, I shoulll t he ca us tic forrn s (h y· drat ~d a ll' l '!u lc l;llme) be apThe past year has bee n one plied In 1'(.' I:n o.' :lou with mao of remark a ble progress for the nure or .fcrt:JiGers. It Is better College of Agriculture. In colI!' to pl ow 111(' l::an u re und er and man with all colleges of agrlcul· put the lit:,,~ on top of tho soil. ture, the growth in en rol/,ment In case th e Inanu t·c Is des ired has been unprecedented . In our tor to p lirasal ng, the lime own college the enrolllX<ent In sbould he tvorl( e d into thfl Boil undergraduate courses in 1909 at least two weeks prior to apWIIB 476. On November I, 1913, plication 'of tbe m:lllUro. ~jlke. tbe enrollment' waa 1,23' aod wise it Is well to apply the' our College of AgJ'lcul~ure Is lime lIomc time previous tit now exceeded :n attendance commercial terUllzers.- M. A. only 1Iy Corneil and Wlsconaln. Bacb~Il, Colle,e or Agriculture, , , -Dean H , C. P~lce, o~io State : Ohio 'St:l:te UnJv81'11ity: .: Ohio. Stille 'l!~yeraIt" . TO BETTER HANDLE OHIO WOOL.

It costs almost nothing but people Ii ke it better than much moreco8tIy things.

It relieves an "overeaten" feelings - refreshes the tnouthcleanses the teeth ,beautifuUy.


-----~ _



,I '

* .....~~~~~~~.......

Chew it after meal

EVERY PACKAGE TIGHTLY SEALED! P..emember-- the new'seal is air·

tight and ' dust-proof! . It's the best gum in the best packalle. , , "

D,e SURE it's WRIGLEY'& '::.'. ,. Loo~·. ,for tti~ sp~ar. " . !", \

.... ,_





;, ~i:








SId e vIew or oll e or lhe n Ol'c l LllJluued wil ich al'e bei nt; h urri ed to t:l'ul~ I(> t lou '" til " 1I11I' g," ~E r ac t ~;' y ro, It. .. us e or th e l'nlt e.u Sl a t f'~ al'lll ), and Da vy , It I~ ca ll ed " ro lll,prollr" l>ecu u ~e tit,· \" ti l"'l"'" r O Il~II'II(' 1I 1J1I u ud lu .· ~ .I I ' anr!' llIu k ~ Il It rl Jl oM~ iLl o to c u,, ~ ll e ,

Th in Is th e boatloa d o r natives, part of lhe Roosevelt expediti on I n Soutb Ame ri ca , that cups il.ed In the Du vldtl rt" tl r, one man br ing drowned , The photograp h wae tak en L,\' L eo ~lllIer , Olle uf tb e naturalists of th e party ,






~~ '

~l rE , Dimoc k, ""ho heads tile George Wal'hlngton , Memorial a8soclation, wh ich IH to .. rect a great conventlon hall In WashIngton as a memorial to the ftnlt presIde nt, Is promInent In Hoclel)' and III , a sister at the late WJIHam C, Whitney.

Tbese are the men who have been trying to Bettle tb e Melliean muddle, From le ft to right th ey are Secretary 110dge, p , W . Lebmann tUld Justice I.,amar. United StatM delegates : SenorB Na.on, Da Gama and MuJica. A .·D,·C. mediators : S e nors Rodriguez, Habasa, L. Elguero and R , Elguero, reprt'sentlng Hue Tta. Standing In th e rear are the s ecretarle8 ot the mediators ,



Colonel Rooeevelt and a companIon pbotographed In the wilds ot Soutll America durIng the remarkable exploring expedition recenUy ended.




Dr. \' (In


One of t he most desirable trophies to bt: gi\'p n at th e PuuaDUl·Pa.cIHc In, ternatlOIJB 1 ex posItion at San Frandeco will be th e President'll Trophy , ghen by Pres ide nt Woodrow Wilson to tllf' winn e r or the 12-me ter yacbt The four beautiful daugbteTll ot Se nor Rabasa, head of th e Mexican dele-: rllce under Intern atlo nsl rules. The trophy Is , 'allied at $50() itS a Jeweler'. gatlon at Nlaga.ra Falls , Ont .. hav e attra.ct .. d much atlention , In the photowor:1l at art. It I s d eglgned as II re~ ~raph, lett to right, lhey are Senorltaf Hulb, IHabel. Merceded and ConIIca at th e lianaI', a tall drInking ves- cepcion. sel nt th e fourt eenth ('cntury. The cup If; 28 \llehes high, Including the redwood burl IIooe 8tai. ThE' top of the Lo"'1 measures 10'J.., iuches. Two pan..Is of th e cUil will be llr Inscriptions and tI, e names of th e winn e r an d ('rew , Till.! other lwb pane ls will Lear ~C(·III.: ~ of tile ex positi on e lch "d Into th l' ~1 1 \'f r ,

\\' ho Ip no .,.' In

Tam p\('o be llJllll: to m'a ke It healthful. \e one o r t Ii ~ gre at roalnrla e Xl'erts of


the Am eri can publlr bealth se rvice. H I' went to MexIco from th e comlU!Illd of tbe naval hospital at Mobile ,




The Army of Mexico, T he l(>a8 t Impressiv e army hanl Sfe n Illlywh ere, wrlle s ~'ritz Arno voll dl' IEIII ~ n In Harpf' r 's 'Nee kly, Is that J ~IIP 1){)rt Ing th e re deral go vernment. (ltll •.'. ra with sli g ht kn owl edge 0(' e ven I the I~09 t e lemelltary tactics Ilre )llllced , In commlllld or green men wbo BcarceI Iy IUlow how to bandle the modern i equ lpme llt with whiCh they are IUP' piled , I bad an opportunIty to study tllle rta's forces at th eir best, Cor the pick o f th e trool's In Mellico City was l drilled befo re the moUon·plcture , c&Jllera. the Idea being to ImprUl!8 the " tlllt side world with the power behind the federal caus e. But It takes more than uniform s nnd gun8 to make a modern army. Jt Is s econd nature ror the tmJned Boldler to obey; but the Mexican without thnt second nature, He lenerally obeys becaul& be-' Is ' 11If~14 ,that be will be slood up , a . wall IUId abol.. All order to



Harch Remedy,

A companion to th e story of th~ <C.Il derl y gentleman who. wh en hi s neighbors objected to the 8trkg{! thumpIng nO\8"s 1hat proceeded (rani' bll reom. exphllned 1bat his pbysl'clan's ordel'TJ were that b e tak e his powders t.wo nights runnl~g. and dtl~ Ing the lhlrd. sDd thllt wa. !JIB night to skIp, appears In Current ' Opinion, "Did you drink the wllter very haL an ' h.our before each meal, 1\8 I pre-

To win a wIICer ot $6,7611, Hal Parr, well-known socIety mlln of HalUmore, rolled three mlle8 In sl:tteen hou.1"I!, He wore khaki kulckerbockers s'Weater and cap and hlB knees and eibowil were well padded, ' ,





,;JIOr'i~ tn w.oefI11,.Ia-ck ~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~ lJ'!)~PI ,brin.a , c;o'nfUBIQn, '''''''''''' '' f ~'~t'Jl C9;n~aay In ' "ft~"ft:"''''A,"'A

' cO~IrI.I~iinali

' !liT


American beclOD1• . 'UtlDCt, > <CdIDtlnq'lil!d

,of', "8[e1l1l.

h , :~u~ ~i~fflcl\!

t'I0Il_," 'i'i" ' . .'.- :, .

Tree In Grave Danger, II.tant to the blight, and by cl'08BloC If preBent condlUonB that favor the these wIth ' American typell a cblnqu~ spread at th~ cbeltnut bark dll6¥e pin-Aillatic hybrtd baa been pl'Oducetl per:alst. Dr, Gravel of the . for- ~lIt yield!' nuts 'of decidedly 8uperlor e.try .cbool laya in tbe Ponull.... quaUty, aCd 11I ' IiSgbly reelltallt to tbe ence I'tf0IlUily tbai,-thll 41ae&M.', ' ThIJI ' '< bybridlslDa. P~r.


" ~.J


IV. .I l _. I ,


. may , YJll,~ · of\~'~1.1I1lJijir. esl'i1teiielkJn OUI' 1ai:I$






County Courts







The Rural Route mE'n of the local postoffice went to Le Lallon Saturday evening. to attend a meeting of the I county organ ization. There we re , representativ~s presentfrom Waynesville'. Harveys burg. Morrow, Mason, franklin, South Lebanon, Kings Mills and Lebanon . The meeting was a spirited one, and lots of business was Iltlenried to . C. J. Hisey was honored by being made vice· president of the association and F. B. Henderson was e lec ted as one of the delegates to atte nd the Slate meeting at Newark, Ohio, in August. After the business was dispused of the Le banon boys treatfl(~ to ice cream and cake. Th oRe who went from he re were Mes.~rs. U M. White , C. J . Hi sey, Geo. MillR. F. H. Hen · derson and wife, Mr. and Mr!:!. and F. C. Carey, the incominK" posLmaster.

Real Estate Transfers BOAIWS or- EDUCHION MEET 11'1 W . K.'o ver to Edwllnl.I. 1 AND ELECT OFFICERS I h.el'\' t:l r 11 0 lIooret' 11\ Heet 10 0 14 I' I I it . :1. M . R . H , $7000 ' I Wlllium Hlltlebm nd t.o Mllry,l . Wayne Township Honored At TJI ~ 5e to,,, Lult l«c\ q o lotH !'io . IHI :I, 09-l ll nd Ii . r, iH on,·y .~~':, ving PYicl'~ I'll ~· rf\ukliu . OU IO. $ 1 Y I I I :1 . , ~,'1. :1 .. Lebanon and Franklin Townships ~_:~ I n \ ' "I\ ~ 1 H F nnd~ . hl Wil"on t o -\ . ('. ,\" r h .. f . : ' 1 -1~ 1 : I In " 1l'I,l r Withdraw- Twenty-Two 01:1I I ., . ,\ '\ • I • •,. .. ! It I " n :"It ~' ()rrl~' e,' :1 LrtI ~ tl'l itutlol.el\ III (;1m ton I I I' ' 1\' Ii :egates VVere Present lind ,\' ll rlE' U OO Ulltl OI< l! l . oI ..o ,' h ' V Jon ......." I•• lr liB II . IIJIl ut III to Frf'lIlont. '" " ',·arY,', .r l.. ",. n" . '\" 1 r' " ,, 1,,'" " I ,•• l J' r lc Le1U1Il:! ~ tnlot:! "f land IIJ 1 J ni ,1u On !:iaturdllY promptly at 10 :00 II. ','II ... r' ",' . j(. 1 r • , ( 1 ·' . ..... \ 11 .. , I I ."S '1'() wDO, hip #1 UI. lit tb e oo urt houtle 1D Leba.non. ,. oUt I .", :.,. u n/.· .. u ., . , nd I ,. ,,·1, n, " I ' 11' .1 . A . H.llll ), " 0 . o:.:t r . t o MH.rj~t.t.11 t ht'fl ' I1Hstll1ll)!ed th e presiQent.s of I . 1..,1,," t .. ! . • 1\ I I, I .l'l,1 " . t ' • -t. " \ In I I II It I I/ I I I ! .• ,"kRunY1I1l 11 lut iu u ·bllllno $ ~ ,OOO tho \'arlt'IlS rurl1l aud villa ge bOll.rd", ~ $2.15 116rf\" M. Ad~U1~ £1t 1\1 t el Ca rl W . for l.h H 1m! p J~O of elooti o n of fox lIud Hert.lul M,,'l'or ,1 ·14.;-0 a e rll" t,11IJ first: Coullty B,ltlonl of Edootltil'n fnr WIiHo n e mnl.y . Audtor Mul_ '" HI\rll\ u T o" D811ip 'l. , Wllli,tl l" Y . ::;. Waltor t J thu Will' · ford by virtue o f hi", olll ce calle" the ~~.~....cI'Rn.a;ri!;J!'Q.7u..l l:n-:J6I'~ ~ r, ln CU I. u t y Lell f l'1l blll'ou ( :" . I, ,I· IlIllllt·irll'{ '0 or do r auel 10 II. brief} but - -r,:'~ ~'\l.A l' ;!~ .. 'l I., .~ N o. :i H) In M uc k l ol\\V A.ldiliou 10 uX f' II11t II t. ~pN' c b, t"ld I he delegILtA!I CAUGHT FORGING C ' IECKS ; :: . .If:........-: . ._ ...J,-1 "t y iLJ Jf..:t, :Ti~ •, I" 1h tl III W IlIlIl t b elr 1I u tie!'. Twenty . ..:;~. ~ . ~ -.A "' . "" __ ",, , - -__ ~ ...... frtlonl<llll, Ulli u :j) 1. /' \!;"(J <itll agllle<l \~ere found to bo We: Fa . i< n ~")d i v e ' V .~::., , n;CII U I II " ,"O L. Cr nll . p. I· ul to T il" \VIII" 'You !! . . \1 11(1 ' 1 "'1" 111' " I t:·· " _, . ... ~, h .' \(' ::u·. oh lji hlA, IL~ oleot e,r!:! ot tbe oounty Frank Phillips. a smart youn/r mlln ' ..... . .(" . 1 ', " 1!,11 '\" I r ' l l. r u \ ·lI uut.\, i,() '\ 1 'J'OUMXtI \ ' 0 .. lil t just out of a Western Penitentiary, IJlll1n] . . " ( , . !" I I \., ,I ' .. . I I U 01 1'1. 0 . :.' ·I ~ \I; [\1 Ol;lOllW IItiditiuu to lIlll" t· \ ' r; I ;. I t , IU '" II ~, JI , Btlfo r e dUy bu ~ IO " !'~ I vi 0 <1, of Lo b- wn; caught in Indiana last week, J\1 U!H ,' )1' t-I ~ • •,_ ~ 'H·o t. ) ' rl \.l d I l"runRIIO, Uhi!) .1f,0. 1,1.·, L ,.,.,: , \ nn on. and 'Iegl ri ll · I. .. f i<'rtlllkllll. aftl!r forging several checkR on l'"i.,.''' : Wil lilllU P. Cu llJer t ," lIl til Chllrl cB H. ll ouun cod that- 11 11 t·hllir re"'p eotlve Ma.~on people. The Horse Rl.ngers I , -I I IE. Cu l hdrtS(Ou tru cttl IIf IlInli In Tur- dlstriots would nOI u . )I11:1 uoel ", r ~sociation were responsible for hi;! r.:: 1 I('1'\ I, .wj' ln ~ I n;( " t . 1 ':' r,' ..: . I I I ~e n'('I< t" w n ~ hi\l $ l. ( o unty supllrvlslno t.h ey wonlll uol. apprehension. He was identified by U l ll1 , • •- ".J . '; \ .;.. ' ... ! Lad"·. ' 1.,,"_ \', .t. \ , \ 1.1 ' ,\ , ' p"rtlOipllto in the eleotlOn an'" Moon II ~ uit of clothe!! h e had purchased of . , MarriaRc Licenses I . ;, I " U.IIII ' h: l b. h I '. lII,h , withdrow from tbt" uelihert\ti o o~. John Buck, the Mason tailor . (", . ,l! ltA·I' iI I lI\civ .1"1. ~')l ~ ,. , •• , " tll LO hi.,,· C hilli " nf ', :. ' If I Emlll ot I!:lt ·/.rot.h, ctl rpf'u t or llf '] he organlztLt·lon WIIS oompillted ' ~ U II M . t,'ll t ~~ h I . .-I n 1,·,,1" _ , t "Hba n m tn MI , ;; . 'on All tI Chllrlt oll by the eleeti ' U of V M . Hoblit. "" ~~;I~~ i 1:\U~l ';~'ltI ~:~~ J~'JU -:,! ~ I .), ~L. '.". ~ . I . WILL HOLD CHAUTAUQUA ot l 'oi\,llldI11 u Rilv. 1....\ Yurne "fll.l" orS81doot and J. 111 . Mulford 11~ !Ie'. " ' Ilil ! / ull T.,!), JJ~,~Il l l. l1 ~·t.". .,,' t G nal. Uu1Lu n . 11,,·' I J \ . I, ' I •. ' • lor . ret(lry. A oo 'uIllII.t\" IIU PrOOdUltl'<' J I ~: 2 - AII I";t1r U J ' · ~ \ ' , l h l l " 11 ' ~" ' ) J.r Morrow will hold a Chautauqua fnrrnar. to ,100D reporte(l. A I L ., . dIMOII!!SI11U III .....1.' .l.u1tll'rlc10. ::rl~ ;~·~ ·~ ·_··, :" ~~·,·_~ J commenci ng August 20 to 25. A Hartsook, bo l,b uf t lll ~ rep ort it wall "'"" IJLe(l as r61111 tLi! Itl r,n " ' I " I t . I • \I.' tIonu ri, ll)O UOOlllltlLI(J oti fur Couuty Home C(lmin j."! will be a feature uf tJ " c ....,.. r.u " • .• '. I .... . .. " . Bl.lnrll Wero L1eoll). ad In ordor . By this week . F. C. Hartsock i ~ sec r£' · Pro - ;J~'r;:,:.."J~! .. (·!'. I\"'~ "1 .,'r t i ~'J ' P a id co,' .. ':' t· ~ ',' - ~ : I.'V " ~"S '~' ~ n ')OO t.clD UH' D were pllJ06d In l1om- lary of Lhe Chall Lauqua. l U ~ , ~ . L' I,.I.jJ , /t,I t:' , UI II],' .., J..-I U III !l tlon , nil bpi ng from owung t he No. 'n ··? " ~- f: r' " I! Lt 2 l .J t v 6, 1 (('roUl.! Iof ' I. t(- LU O. STATE FAIR PREMIU~\ LIST tlelf'l{lit.t:ll:! pr e14t;o~ IlllCOupt two . Till" I(IPoting WUIl Ilcljourded until 1 :SO p . m. The SLale fair pre mium li ~t l'nmf' Uo . bf'lDg olll1 e(1 to orll»r I.lte to our table last week. It i::I full of L10ll n lOtel'Ulitj~iou Ibree lUorA men good thingR ami the fall' Ihi;! year Wtll'e pll1ctl(1 in flomiulltion . All the will he he tter than eve r . The date' e le(lliuo WIi!' by 111111 .Jt., the obuir up- is August 31. ~epL. 1.2.3 amI 4. lloWlted! '111 juogOtl, L. H. Iv in!4 !lnd John Cummlngfl, ole rh ·, ; l!' C. 011 SQh~crthe for the Mio1mi (j ll'l.·ltt,) m uur IQnd C ~ A.1 Rrunor. I·oll er .. · ClYI le lNil lIor80n an 'l .Iohn McK ·.y Probate Co.urt Proceedings The fi~;; t bllllo~ re~tAltllrl In tll .. .,Ie l·Marked ~provement. . tlOo of Alvll H :II, B .. 1I111 r, n t.·"V l' _ . Primary Announcements' Utter Sounds Whll o Stili In Shell. Rev. Caller- "Wf'II. Mrs. lIIaoglea, , l ll lh e matt.Elr n f tile a!!tuteo f s hip,fiveyeurl.e rUl; I. . ri . TI'''I''!' So 10 llg a g o 11 8 ) 39 Dr. VoeltzllOw and la tbe good mao any beller?" Mre. noticed Ib at ullhutc bed MadllgR 6 ~ u r l lurl'lI r.e W K t'ovor . ClACC1!1Se d. W. lion, 'l'urtJecruok " (\" " ~ hll-'. I"ur 'i'htJ follolNinl{ pAr!lOn;o will lw Mangles- "Oh, yes, sir. 'E's nearly crocodlleH uttl. J'ed D cry from Ih e Cll" "t " r ~n p ltl ".uppointAfl adnlloill ~etll' t.llrro; Y. M. Hoblit, W~yne c'lndlullto08 b oforl' thu RepnbllOlll l all right agen. sir. 'Il) don·t say 'Is egg at a conside rable depth and thal tm t,, 1'. B.,: d ,1 ') 00. J . W arrull It o wosb lP three yenr torm . Thfl I'rimltry. TUI:'f<dIlY. Aog1l!'~t II. 191 ·1. prayer8 no more or a nlgbt now. Blr." Dny s bock . as II. h('uvy tread n{!ar the W uull , U . C. l)" li:ln and W. L·L seconr! b~lI ot e leoted Wlllte~ Ellz.. }{uokbill upJll1 lUtt:ld npplftlsors . rotb, Salem town!lbip, t wo yeurt'. egg, caused tb e 1mby crocodile to In th o 11101 t t O[ of t. 1t.. lI .. t."te of The fl( t.h baJlot ole, t.ed . Amo!! AIproduce thi s sound " with tb e moutb FOR COUNTY AUDITOR closed, US we produce hlccougb Wlllilll1l E . Jl·fl'e ry . Ilt, III lumurs. leo, Ml1sllie tOWDllbip, one year. DR. J. W. MILLER, F'lfllI IH lc,m u t IIpproved . The choosing of this I,he fieflt Bounda. 10 tbls way they Inform tbe .lobn M. Mulford femal e crocodil e. wben sbe visits the In the IllU Mer of thl' Ils t!t to of Cpuoty BOllrd pa8Aed off quietly C.8. Mounts .•• DENTIST••. ne~t. that tb ey want her ald. where- l!;llilllobeth .\ 1. Newport, doc l'flsed ~nd wit,hout exoitement. Uodoubtupoo she scrapes tbe Band away and 1';~Hllte full:; .11<11lliDI>!terel.J. ledlymOre will devolve upon this tbey emerge. OmceTln 111 tho Dltl tto c OJ t,be ost.ate · of board th'ln "ny '0 be ob08Bn TREASURER Waynesville. 0 Nal.loaal BaDk Bids. Aruolil1 E 1vio s, dccea::. ad . E s tt1.te In tile Ilext twenty-fi ve years . . W.~yne townShil) was represented f ully adruiniste reu. Frank D. Miller . . by V. M . B o bht iTp B.·ard. George Jimmie's Conclusion. LeRov lron8 In th~ mntt or of I.he. .elltll.te Of ~mit,h, Waynesville BOllrd and A. Little folk frequ ently manifes t unKID SO V ·rhompson , b8ueliolll1'Y E!4- U. Tomlinson. Corwin BOllrd ::,t.Ht !'rtd':{I~rB~J~g.· ~~~~11~ expected powers of observa t ion and tl\t.t: f\llly IIdrnllllsr.erec1. After' adjoernment the delegates F.ulrc,lbe nutsl btJl,'l'uIJ!illlll - analyala. Little Jimmi e. tor Ins tance, RECORDER Huu 11 \bo world. Olt;"n. In t·lle ulIIttf"r of the est Ita of were pl'esented wit.h their expenl!e r UCI."llr,. .\.or18 a-ud In, wag ual<ed If a young lady wbom he a'rIlOU'ItlllrUC.t.., aJj(lftller .....• .lolll.1t Holhrook dearly loved was pretty. "She looks Audr~w J l1me8 Bllxter, deCfll\!!ed . vOQoher and tbe five memhArll fI)eot l.sef'Nl \AI .""rJ' Uv" bol· Vot.eran. Uth ReI!L .. 'G-1ti4 ~t' .. lI'lrulll Iflu.trah ll Account IlJllJroved. • ed ou the (Jounty Board were sworn pretty to me." he alluounced. after a ~:s!:tll~:'~:•.blO!I'~~~ brief period of conslde~atloo. "but ( In the matter 01 qle estAte of in,~IY Cieri: of ~ourIB, Dl\b Bone. DltUU don'led Jo:l&olrichl, afl'Obaak:l. AIIlIr-tICA.Amatcllr [be terms 01 County BOl1rd mew don't s'pose ahe's really pretty . 1 no- Jamo!! Downey, deceased. Estate COMMISSIONER ~pr,.~ld ~Iu~:'n':u~:~ tice Brother Ben don't sit by he r side fully Ildwinillteroo. berB be~ln July 15. 1914 RCel they &Ucicllul, T h ~ Ar)ded o ')e. ... .,aftlut'nl l. uudm l ilt' penrma 1 11 the tnllt.ter of Willillm B . ~~et to orga~lze on July 18tb. The W. D. Corwin, Jr. an awful lot when ahe comes bere." oba.tICl of W AI.TI-:R COIP. .A lnf!rlea·. ft}~UWH l SOlbu r )ty' Mover. Arlplielltioo fcr Ildmi!!l!lon C)unt.v ~nperlDtenden$ wtll be eleotW . 8.Grab ' m GlIlIILa .ullJ l.~t. of 8I1[oe to OIlY ton ~tate H08pitllliM ed in tint! date. J08epb Wlltklns made • • , :::: :;/.'1. ~~t,-::d;:~~ Inoludlng the Full Nine. kIP' p".Jle4tlo-. .A..\Jni. Get Rid of Your Rheumatism The avera,e life of a cat Is said to In t he mil ttbr of thA OR til te of IIG IIII~ II., ......,. be tlfteen years. Edmund A . Mnoy. decel\ !'Jlld . Tar Now is the time to get rid of your ULERK OF COURT8 rel N . MtIooy ap lOin ted I1dmlnistru- rh6nm~lti8m. 'iQU ol1n do it if you DaD P. Bone tor, Bond 12:!00 . apply Uhamberlato'8 Llnim'' lnt ' W. A. Lockhard, Bomer City, NY. Common Pleas Court write .., "L,,"t spring I 8ufterod tro~ SURVEYO'R • New Suits. rlleomv~tlsm with terrlbltl pains 10 Arthur L . Hllmore vs . Maggie my IHIn8 and shoulder8 1 got a Roy E. Miller Gilmore, c}lvorCe, wilful I1bsense. bottle of Chamberlaln'8 Liniment Ml1ry E. Hiley anl1 Ca.therlno I1nd the flrl!t "'ppllollotlon relieved .Rlley v", the Arullrioan Writing mo. By usiil~ one bottle of it I waB P"per oompatlY for money. Amount. entirely cured ." Ear Bale QY all claimed $2350 with IntereBt. delden._ _ __ Thomas Consta,ple V~ . George i • _. Constable et 111 , . partition of relt} Gentle Eyed Seal. THE OR lATEST I Seals are stili numerous and are dl.. elltllte. Bomer D. Bolloroft VB. Willillm I IJked by Labrador IIshermen. Dr • • S. tiollOroft til III pl1rtition of TfIl.I : Grenfell suys that be has known a IN THE WOUD . estut(..' , seal to baunt a net so peralstenUy l'OBl.lSUED WEEXLY. $....00 PER YEA! : tbat to get an), fieb the owner had to Commissioners' IJroccedings I watch lilI the· wblle at one el)d or it. IIOT..... DIlUColiTs. SP.ClALIIIT8. . . and evon thon t he Bonl would almost 00 STU MElt 8, T It A II 8 PElt. 0 A • On motl :m t.lle follOWing bQcl~ o t. snap olif the fisberman's hand Da he AIID "UI 8ERVICE OAII PROFI':" WH.;! ~ ubDlItt.ed for the yel\.r cow- raced to be first to diaentangle the BY USINO ITS ADVEltTI81NO COLUMNS fIl tl llci ng[lIHIuber 1. 11l1". In BC_ salmon. . SAM~LE. 'COpy FREE . l).") rdn nce wlt.h seot.!, ms [,6<1.9 SA. ....... ..IlW VOR" CLIPPER COUII I., fUlld , 'lO,OOO; P<..or fund. York. II. .,..0110 iC lll ll l r e n' ~ HlllJla Fund,$H.OOO; Fo~ an Impaired Appetite Bfltlg A fun.l , "'1 ', .000 i Indigeo f,80 \ ,It, r . :f.1.:iOO; Ijllnd Relitlf fUDd, 1,000; To improve t.lle appetite and E" 'I'II \1 U Kq)" u~tl fund , 1 1)00; :-ltMtl !lttollgtbtlu the dil(e!ltlon try a f",w I·!~·.·······.··.~I nlili (1,,\lII I".\, 1" 0 11(\ fundll, $li,fiU lJ i JIl e1,)~to(ol of Chlllnborlnin's TI~blet," . . 11 1(' '11 flll\cI, ~ i "GO; Orpu I> 1l Af'IVlullI Mr. .J. Iii Seitz,.,f Detroll, Mioh .. , 'u"d :\'·1.1 ~~, . !; I I\ ult ol'll! ::)lIoiet.v ""Y": "They 'relltorod myappetitA 11 '1. 1. ~ ~()\l ; i\l . <lhHI'·~ l'OIl ><l\IUf' fund, wtlt!O i Olpllircd, relll'vt'd Oltl or Ii I,:" 'Ii . '1\,1111 $ ~I U.7;, blo'lt·l'd I'tle1in~ und o/Hll<ed II lll ,· a~11111 " ( 'lll'lu ~.;l te d ('UIVlll't Uo. oul I'"!, and ~1:~II:I . Ilr.tor:v Plovement. of ~' ,' I' I. I1 IOl' . $li6 :.! I '; l;nlumlJuR Bh~nk tbe bowelI'. For!lalfl by all doultlrs. [j" ' ,k CO.. ~U(l \l II . I :! ' (,11' prcrbil,.ejudgl\ . --~l u. 7 :' i .!~lun LIlIIIA r , bridije l~mbflr. i Dublou~ 1 8yntax, But True. [IIInk Jll l1 uf <l rt·o, 011 for CC\rh~le ' The'r e are more people In tills counrlW I . *;".UO ; W . C. ~i1rn')ur, hoard ' trJ eatlng too much than tbere are It is a well· known fact that it if! next til impossible LII "Dd lV u<lblll g- :or prison81's, 'tll 7Q d .tarv1D~'. Perbapaif the former didn't., sharpen a Lav.n Mower accurately with a file , espeCially a:; a OHw,dd &, tion. buril11 of Evallne the lattl~r wouldn't. great many mowers mad at the IJr~elll have hal'd~ned blades . .' Mee " lie, fiG 01); t5I1Ule, [lnp counter Some resort to emery dust. turning the reel backwards. The I:!too l, 11 50 i ti . D. Hinkle, feeFl anll ~~~~~=-:~=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:=:==:::=:::=:::= ?bjection to thi~ is that the clearance behind the cutting edg8 If y~u ,have Wool for IS t:educed, which makes more -surface in contact with the '" expeilliM for ·f May, ..$189.90'; S. Isa1el calf UP. as I will striaght cutting bar than there was before. After the cutting "b . . t:3wltl.e rt.nbrtdge work·ln.t:3aleUl townedges become the least bit dull. the Lawn Mower has to be Cures ~ tu born, Itchy SkID Troubleji Stitp; *'15.40; Oraf(onla Bridge Com · pay you the highest cash adjus~ed yery cl<?:;e. so that it 'rEARS the grass instead of "1 ' 0 l!lld sorutob myself to pll1ce8~' pany, cont~aol8 236-and ·2 37 •. 184~ 98; price for it. shearl!,~ It. makmg the mower run harder than ever. and the ie of ton h eard frow sufferers of .John Lewi8. olellriog ditch hi Balem more It IS sharpened by emery dust the worse it becomes and Eozemn. 'l'etter. Itoh and sHnllar townsbip, ts"OO,; J . K.-Spencer, flnt soon has no clearance at all. Skin Eruptions. Don't 80ratoh~ .o ,?ntrao' 238t ' $1000; ~top the Itching at on co with Dr. '. final ·el'ltiDlate .'0 0 t1~b!1on's Eozema Omtment. , $9? 16; \ :. W. · ~pl1rkB. , Have your lawn Mower ground true by Machil1er~ at first IIpplicl\-tion sta.rts heali . J,.fil1 . tl-t Stllbbt'}wn' b~ldlJ", Red ~ Rougb, Aoaly. Itching •.{;II. Aode'·s,!>.Il'S 1um· BF;NTL~Y"soothe.l by the Healing and ~~262.~4 ;,0 .. K :' Mecilolnes. Mrs. C. A. ·no:llctee. Phone 135 ROOk island, Ill. , after bl'on "8 Eczema Oln _ . .. ~'Uun~~lrilei Olt!,d General Mach'inery Repairing. .' : . . .Ga8oltne,01.l. and Accu.ories. '. 7. . '1 . ·the fir!!' "time

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To HCllutifY"\onr Home I Ilsi <i(' ilJHl Out



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E. v.


Notary Public All klndil of N'1tary Work. l"'llllioD Work a Mpecl!llty .


Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterinary Graduate of Ollio 5'111

t JnivcnU





Ground True by Machinery



Office at residence in It' U. Sher wood's house, Fourth Stret!t.

Telephon.. 28



Walter' McClure Funeral Director. Telephone day or DI8bt, Valley phone No 7 l.onll 0i8t~moo No. 69-2r. Automobl~e

Service at all Times

W AVNESVILLE, 01-110 . ' Brandl Office. HarveYBbuf1r. O.

Die H.E. HATHAWAY """".) !o.,,,ville's Letldlnp DeD1ill1' . ~dloe

tn KeV8 Bld~.








, WayncsvilleAuto&Machinery,t~, '~, ~. ,./ -".'


hee. froin

teed ! ,ran" '

A. MA.FFIT Funerat, Dirtetor · . and Embalmer.

"Wai,ne8vi:U,. o,,'i~iI .~


, ..




~ ·-t


~: ~


'rH 1::



JUNE ] 7, 19 ] 4.

- - -----_._- LEAGUE UOINtj UREAl WOR" r Woynt'Hvili e ip 8010 lit *:1 to 1:1 50 " " I he

. .- - -

N"l f ,trt:l LeU!;11f1 0 1 MU"lI le 10wn~b lj .1!! 1I01 . out fro lll ,ui \l prEleR

HO lllni llY .. II Invlwtlnll t u th e . ,1 1,IItH tOWO~"IP to trletlt ou tiIlturrl llY, .Iun e :lOLh . for thtl ptlrpo ~ " ul IImklll~ oltlo ll ruud Bldtl ... Ol?',l n f t' r Oll ru"'!' HDd lj'II U UlU rundll . . II HI:V IHn,, ()~ u to m"" " on thlil tllI:V unrl by I,hl' lIIe u.... lit' IHII"IJ" /lnd meu til o l"'ln tlhlir ru,tll ... nnll 1\1" lit' 1,1l1l1II tllll 01 e ll ntll!t, neuttlllt ,,'d beMt of Illly t'()WIlII\)lp in t,ue st"l,e uf Uhio. "A prlt.i ~ "wo~lhy I'ffo rt . ind eM. I be OHIl\.nll l ur .llIing U)\ ~ I{a nd work ElrA w lt·b in rBu"h IIf live ry r tlijl(lent III lhlll tow lI ~ hlP wh o will tllk B thl' ,.lInl1 to gi v \ I.htllr ti fl rVI I]~ for 11110 tillY o illy t" htllp " Ian n up tLn.1 rllli ke ollulltrytllllll lII ore belHI,lful 'I'he Wolf.lrfl LI'ugue uf MIIII~ltI Tow.n ahlp bllllIHI.llrlfl(\ tL good wllrk, Imd Its flXIUlljJltI III ooing copied by mnuy toWnl!hlJlR iu I·h e .. tllte A gentlewan rOUlllrke.1 to) u~ Lb. £! lltbtl r rilly thaL h e ooo id ,.... " no r .... !'Ion whv the rOil,] " uf hlllillOIl were IIU wuub. beUAr thnn nn r R The renRon I~ 116811y I'xplllill t1d wtum we know thElt the rOlliuHnl,t\ of thut. IItlate ILre t .. 1I; iu g g r e" t pllillR t.o keep op their tOadll to tho ~tlln(lllrd. They work them sUlUm , r 1l11I1 winter. tbllrefortl thtl rOllt.lllllre IllwuV t! III .. hape. Our bHllt wl .. htllt IIrft for 1\111I19io T .>WIlShll) Io{' nd "!I,d .. fllill implova !llImtlt. for I.h py 'llrtl l1ul 1m Lt·i Oji( 1\1\ thtll" WurJ[ lin ~h o rO"(]H ; Ilwir h UrtHI Yllrdll al.d t hBir "flrrll ~ ILre r aoeiving /I ~rell\ II hur" of t lli ~ worll. HI) let tha go:>11 wllrk go o n, (lnll Ulrt.y thllt pllrl uf WI'rrtln t:ou nl.y be blel'l.!Hd for tbe KUllri wurk UJ .. I. III gu1 ut: , ' U. IlI lIt


THE PIONEER "I:f"rd tlrn fl8 , b,nd tlllll'II alwtlYA hnrd 'Iml's. 1'vt\ 1" ," rrt tb .. ~I,ory 1l1l my IHe, IIn,ll'lII ~I<t, ting 1·lred IIf it80 spokll 1\ dlsootlrnged wife. anll It. doe!! AeeDlll8 I W li get Iota tb e b"bit of oomplalnlng ILUlJ fort:et tllA wlluy ble8sings we btl ve, II.hct m Olltly be oause we are wllntiuK mtlny tllin~1! VAry few of whloh WH rtllllly l eed, exoept to I! r lHlf.v 'lIuuition t ,) live In a way tbH ~ wlluld rA!Lily not make t1 1;1_IlU Y_ hllJlpitlr We bave b~en relHlhl1( bn old let_ ~r wrif.teu b.Y ~lmllHI L,lntuD. a na .ive of Buckl! oounl.y. Pa. from 'l'odd'8I1'ork, WllrreD oounty: 0., on "YoUtb, 4tb Mo.>1806," t-o "Brother HQ1.eklah," whotlver be wal!. lie $oils Brotber Hez81i:1Ilh that land OIIU b , bought about two mUe!! from where he lives .. nt from "I I 2 1)01; per nere '0 2 Dol. per aore a( 'rdln8 to tbe quality ror the \ltD(I" l ie bat! muob \0 sll.1 .. bon I· I·h e sOl~ro\t:v of 8alt, t here bolng DO well nual er than forty m11e8, anct " wben brought to

$100 Reward, $100 Thl! relt.derll of this pllper will be pleased to learn that there Is at lellst one tlreaden di8ellse that lIOienoo hall been able to OQre In all Its 8tages, au.l tbot III Clltarrh. 8all's Catarrh CUle Is the only p<l8itlve oure nuw knuwn to the medloal frll. te rnltv. CIIIl\rrh being a oonstltutlon!ll dI8ell .... o, rfqQires II oooetitutUlDal . \ tln t tlnll's Catarrh GUIll Is tBkl'o lote rnlllly, soting dlrectl., up on tbe blood anel mDOOUS surflloos of the .. y~tem , thereby destroying tb tl fo undution of the dlpel\~ '" tlDd {{\villl( tbe patieDt !llrtlng'h hy hUllrllllg UJI lhe oOnsUtutioo !\o,] tlI!Ri~t.lnl: nnture in dolnR Its work rh o prop"lfl t,ortl have 80 mooh f!litb In lis ouratlve power that they off"r (loe Hunflre·j UoUarH forllny on se thn t It. hUll ~o oure. I:::\end for list of to~t.lm onlal s Addr8l's : F . •1. UI:!ENEY & ( 0" Tul edo,O, . !-:laId by nil [lrng ~ i ~t~ , 750. Taka Slill's Fawlly P111~ for can . stlpation,

per fiFt.y ponll lhi wei g h t." Think .. f Ihllt" Nix to "'W e ll ('£lotH ptlr ponnd. lin!!:" we re w o rth $:1. wheot fi Ooelltl! . oorll ~ r. ce llt,1t 'l'blnk uf tbe prlvlltionR and hard ~hip ~ o f I,ll fl pillnetlr It ... tUers wh o II YHd right here. wh l'rt' we now live in HO Ulueh oomf'l r t" ,w ll tllou should 'ili a nol b ., tLRhlUn ed til (lIlWplllin of h .lrtl tllu" •. -XnnltL U" ·{.I" ·to

Caesar's Creek The mef'tlng lit I.his plncl} Will! down tinDlln y on tlUOllun' ,:,f tbe tUtll'ml of Mr!! 11<1lllo CO lDpton ~b\0 1l otJc orrel] Ilt ~ p ring Vnlltly "'ll ndll Y mOlnlng ut 10 ::JO Il. 111 . Hbtl wall W(.11 knuwll iD t.lIIH vini nl tv.1 Mr l!..vereU Haillell left l'UlIfllrlllV morning fo r Pennlly lv,1I11 1\. whore b'e wl ll u.t.teI111 the Y. M. C. A . ;-It&tionA I e') lIvOl,tio n . (ielll'l~e F letoher lliid Anna Bro wn "'u re IIl nrrlHu IItHt Wedn6!1dllV. Mr l1ud ,"rH o Fletoher will live In tbl" vllllnlt.y . 1\1 WEn I I rR. . '. ,"'glln AnI (o.u~btor r,e lnh onl\ed on Mr., ,antI \1rR. Barh Uliln !lnll fu.U1l ly I hor s llay Ilfternoon . SI'veml fruw b tlr e al.te nded tbe Bllxwell O(\rullll.moel\leo~ Ilt" WItVllellY~ II . F ru\ftyevenlng, Ch,ment' 8o.r. nor Illld RlUM61 toIltt.nley were gra.dnit lAR rom th ilt pl !loo. Zinni Snine!! lind f'''lllIy IlutOl'rl to Nflw Hope Aumla y wbere they o.llll1l\ on' Uuole A!laph H"lnlll:l lIud t" mll y. Mrr;. Mllry LnlOmillK alld flon Rnll'h Wil rH in X,m ill ~"tnr<lIlY nlternooll Mr . Be. t Bog .. o HI)f'nt. S'lIld"y wllb Mil parelll " ."r . a 11(1 Mrp, Ue"rgo Bn~nn uf Wallnllln .. R ",r... 0 .. " Rurl,luok retnrned hOlll A frum till' hOlll)itlll I"lItnrd"y tlveninll. toile is able 10 btl up purt of th e time Mr Roy J on es t.ook gnudllY dinner w ith Mr, EViln Bogll n . W"lter WIlson It.ncl 'u.mily spent MnodllY with Mrs . HlInnah Colvin. of Mprlng Valley . 64lss Sarah Satterthwaite Is on tbe lIick IIMt-. Mr. and ~rs Bllrbmlln had all 'beir AundBY guestll Kr . Ilnd Mrs. S M Powers, of ()~born, Mr and Mrs' Beo Powers and family, of Belm;mt, Mr. J )bn Bumgaroener, lIb. 8 er'1ld Hillterm!ln lAnd Mr. &0) Borbm"n. of Dayton. -It. and Mn. Raymond WU80n aut) daughter Klll.hryn llpent SundllY wltb EIl.fDest Hurley .




New Burlington

..--- -

AlwAys lead to Better Health Herlous Idoll:nellBoll lltart 1n dlsor lIere of tbe IItomaob, liver a"lEt kid ney.. . Tbe bost oorrectlve ulld pre velltativ3 Is Dr King'lI Nevi Life P1ll8. They Purify the Blood-Pre. vent ConstIpation, keep Liver, Kid. neY8 And Bowelll In healthy oondi. tlon. Give you bet$or health by riddln8 the l!Iystem of fArmen&ing aod g8S.y foods. Effeotlve aold mild. lIl>o, II t your DruRsIs'. Bunk· \! n'lI Arn loa Sa I ve tor all B orts.

. -. .

Happy Day. Coming, In that happy day about to dawn, IB predicted, when ministers of tbe Kospel after their sermODS will lay aside tbelr vestments to umpire Sun· day baRe ball games, muscular Chrl. tlanlty will wear a mask and teacb the players to respecl the preacher's will -New York World.


Wrong Impre .. fon Corrected. Some people thInk on owllsb silence tbe sIgn of wisdom. Hub·ub. Lan· guage Is Intended to conceal tbouKht, Tbe man wltbout a thcuKbt needs no language with wblcb \0 conceal It. .0 be JUlt doosn't use It.





III,., ................. ,., .........~~ ............. ____......... w ............


Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.






!J! Hedgethorn Puncture-Prool Self-healing I.·res

I i


.' I










j:L~7MlAtiruCYC[E~COM·piNbei; iditiC~lioU;iLL:


Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting. OHIO


--- - ~-

Hot Weather

Tonic ' and Health Builder

Artl you run down-NervonsTired ? III evpry ~bing you do an ell'olt.. Yonar8 not lazy - you are !llok I Y nur 8tomach, Liver, Kid neya, and whole system Jleed a. TUDlo. A Tonio and Bt'altb Bu,lder to drive 00' tbe wU8te matterbuild you up and rllne~ y our t!trength . Nothing better thtm Eleot-rlo BltterA. I:\tll.rt tQilay: Mrs. JIlmes Duno ... o, Hayne8ville, Me, wrUea : " Completely oured me "fter several dootors ~Rve me up. " 50e and Sl,OO at your DrugRist.. Buok. , it n 's Arnioll 1'41~lve for Cutoll.


... - - -

Only One Entirely Satisfactory

A. q.

- - --


Osteopat hic Physician

. . . . . . .-

Ada ....111 he IM c rtcd under \bls bead

----_ .- ---------

Dr. Heber M. Dill

Olassified Ads for

twent.y· Uve cen t s ror t.hree IU 8or ltoni . !lon u .1 1I1I UOI more lI' au live il neM.

2 l BrollflwllY

aiJ ,Pleasure


"1 have tried various ooliJ 8nll d!arrholsa remedies, but the only one Successor t o thut h"l~ gtven me entire l:!Iltu,fno 'Ion !torl o,ned we. wbon I was olllioF, E. SHERWOOD ted ill Chllm berlaln's Collo. Ch o ler 'l flD.l Dit<rrboell Rflm edy . I reoolll. Om POSl fl fTicC', Waynesville, 0.( ml'nd it to my friends at all t1me~." lIo use P hillie f).:J writ.e., H. N. GfLlIOWBY Atflwart S Office PllOlI" 77 C For ~ule by all rl ellier~ . ,.


Phone 440


Lebanon, Ohio BItAN(;H OFFICE

100 !mb!!~riht!rs to

, Ohio t.ho MoCall's Waynesville, 8 end 350 to the T ad d F 'd t:illzett3 offioo, and get one of the ue ays an n ,ays, from 8:30 bes~ magllzines on e!lrth . tf to 12 0 clock Ma~nzill e .

So•• lira. 810 _

uemed tile '

loeal"eDeJ'_~cwth. bHII.... S;b

eom_. w. ha••.fapad mada ple_la ..t _ _iaurfri ..... aDd Del"hbon fa the


..",.' "",1.., praII&a . . .

"aI... of ....




Rvery farmer wbo owns an Indiana Sil~ 199 found that it 19 tbe best business deal le ever made and the greatcst pleasure If his farming expericnce. It not only u1ds 50'1'0 to the net profits of the dairy \lid (eeding pens but It also saves all tbe .l nrd, unpleasant work of winter feeding . We have an especially attractive propolition to make to you now-one thllt will ~nnble you to get an Indiana Silo io time for next faU' s corn crop and to pay for It IS it pays yon. Let 09 tell you about It.


Office , corner Main and High streets I Phone No. 100

ehas. D. Oook Hafveyaburg,


FOR SALE Meal gll80Jine range. Will 0. Cartwrisht. Q b8l1oheap. jl J,

Hanna"s Green Seal Paint





.pe.... .




I•••oienti6can, determlnecl wear-reii.ter. It i. the re.ult of man, yee... of.xperiment~f wetehin, the WHl' of the dUre,re~t compound. ..ntil the podeet oo~binatioD of ·, Iead. oil ...cI sino hal beea found. -It i ••mooth; free apreede ,.. (~""·.• le.Ji.o. ~cI durable. EO.r m.." Cia. .~oq


Onr s treetll Are oiled and free frum dnt!t, Ilnd I,he III n o t oont.llmlna.. t ed with unbollithyodors, nnd 18 I. a perfeot sanitary oonditlon . Welby Carter W8S very badly hurt Monday night by Il col t, Rnd is laid up f r om his work. Mr. Carter Is" oemeut flnit!hl'r Ilnd W .llj at the time olr his a ccldeut putt,ing In Il ourb ond gut~or at· t.hl' Centrlll Hotel [Jropl'rty. It is h oped t.h at Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. hH will soou reoover alt the re Is oonslde:ra ble war k for him . Lee Talmage, one or M'ls8ie CORWIN OHIO Town8hipfl y o un g Dlon was o n our Phone 71·1 stree ts Snnday. Lightning Io.!\t wee k dill its p art towllrtl U1"ki[l g a diV idend t or th o sto o kh o ld tlr ~ of Tho dllrvHy~bllr~ Fbrtllizor 1;0.. co usiue ruhle sta nk uel Ill! ki li e I . Mr. I4DII Mr ' , A . B Tllllllll ge a r e I".:ACH r,OWN a n d dls~rlct torldo and pxhlblt a SBtnpl" LalA",t ~l oc1,,1 u e llll~lf .v \Llg tu uir pnHlli sul! wit h 8nler bl c y c lo furni shed 1,y \I ~. Uur lUd e rA {Ce n r..s ov~rl' w lll' I'o arO mB k llltlmOn AY fast. ""rlte /or f ull 'P(J rUCff/o rsand sJJul a t offer at unf t. IlI\l n t . 1110 MOIIIEY ReqUIReD nDIII . ·o u rf'Ct'1v(llLlld n IJPI'IW"l'OIlr b lo l' ol ,· Mr .wel MI' ~ . (.;11 Mc Fll r llln d "r \ Vtt NhlL) tAl (fIl&101ll nu y whtjr p III Uw 1T. 8. 'willwu t a cn~t d r.l lllK it l, ; a ll vnll ""'.I'''"UIi frRfu"t . &lId u 1I0 w TIEl' DAYS''' R.!!! TRIALd u r l n il W 11111 i n I!; t Ull II u t,,,NI do IV n :-;\1&\[111 Y. wbl.dl thll H }'I m mny rld n tht-' tJ lt..: .\ f; h nlld llll t It to Ril l' test .\" 0 1.1 wb h . ',t, ~ l UI nru I 111'11 nu t l>t'rrt '(' L1,Y s a l b tl ucl u r dn 1101, w b h to k, ·\·u Ih,' 1.1Prull ohiug 1$ III Hi ",V Id, M. I':. c hUrl'h I..) e h, :Ilh l lllL hac k W U !'i a t u ur I'X l lC lI !iC a url tJulJ wil l ". ,r 1)(' I lIIt " "" rna I{ pv. l1 i VIllI~, nllluillti ll g FACTORY PRICES lIOS8l IVo fu n d. 1t lI,,, hhdr.. s~ "rn tlo I1k,... lo·, II l:i COIII{hs and Colds W caken t he ~ystem b l.. to m~k " nt. o n .. Hntn ll vrnllt oho,." Mr . rl.., nry l~ll V O V . of X " II lit I'JlII l'fl rm.,',HIII ..,' L unl YUl.l l'\(l \' ll Sill t4.)rlrl ndcld lump,, 's 1,rolll..i b,), hu l' tl w llln n u ru .. IIl ....) ,.· ija: u n rnl1l. · H I~ h lll d your Co nl.illll"'] COI1 ~h l'l. Cold ll . nnfl ou IllS Z;HII·f,r Mrll . UI' II 111111 "ullflu v . n h l e.r n h~ orl\ l-H\lr o ttl rc!i t ro 01 {ltl llli"~ a t Bruuchl ," l.rouhh~~ al (l (j ApreM!\I Il ~ ~ll'. IlIlI] Mr~ . 1m A. Hllrl.", ' k HI;t1 .n ee II " .r t 111 rfl l "I' Uti " tOuto I0 2'l1f' S nnd )tmrn our unhenrd 01 " ll ]1rlcu al1d rem llrh" ld" WIIt'do l off,.,"M , tLllII W fl llk HU the "y sl.elll I,ORd II I Dr, 1111,1 M,,.. . :-l llli/h , 1111 "I' 1i,t \· I."" OU WILL BE ASTONISHED 10w I':...11.'. " , un rece'<o our I_ utlt"' .... c... wllight. /lnll IIpptl l,lta ~ o n"rallv 101_ we l'tll< ul ,,! ls "I II I' . ll llli l\lr ~ ' ,J ,,~.' I ,111 Nt UII)' HU r tclllJl , rl l 11 11 .. 1.· 1" •• "''''_. " ,,'" j l l c,;,.jll llllln,I' prl" ~ff " 'H (:"u lIIa"o , . m t ill . year. "'f'! ~ II t b ., hl ~ In.. ' . rude low. Ullt H GO') hlJttlll fi r Ur. I{in~' ... O,I YI S 'Ull Ihu A\' u u," , :-; u",III .Y . I )' 1' l ; .. r 1."Nt IUllbr , tI ....'" PII ), f,Ult.! r ry. We tU'oeo U"Jl,'d wllb I' 00 P I' .n .' ",v o b e lllr)" O\JIIoL . ' CrCLI!" D EA L ER., yon can /tt11 1 o urh le 1ulN Wld.Ur ~UI New J)t ,;covor y t.o(\IIY . it: Will Atop U ~ lu"u e 1,I.. f.., .t , II' u bl .. ,our Dr' ...",'"" ()rtlu r'II ti lled t b e (lay 1'OC"Ol v do )" Mr n u,l Mr ~ ~; Iil l ll l l1<1 l' rw ,,(. 11 Yllur ""ugh T llII Urllt dO£le h tl l p~ . IlIHI Mr " H. L 11,,1 In ntt tl l1tl ...elll " "u' "' " "a" hm '!~~,~,:'r ~:~!,r::1t~~~,~'~~·~;'~'~~''c7.f.~;~'~~~~~t.,,;''''';~and h'",?,~. (lI l t l,r"H~tI{.:t~lrk"" ... fro m N t fl " o r .10. rh't!o' rlpU\'tt bar .I n list. =t ~:' ~It.' .. r Tue hes t melt loine for ' HtublHlrn HI 'k ~ I '" cl,ul"l1 ~n ndl\V Il l, W,I \ eOAS I En aRAIE • awl .In,' • •" •• 1., Imported rolf.~c".'''' .n ~ ... ~.I•• pafU:'r'(tP&~ t:Quiuuwot ut aU k.iulh at A"U 1M r . uulQr rcl,,'l pnOR. ( :o u gh~, Co ld H unll n il 'l'hroRt. IITI d lle~ "lli r/ . Luu~ 1'rouhlf!~. Mr. U H Hrown, M r . C hu .. lir"y ",li ,. luft /.rlll' !! f l lllT MIlIt(llltine, AI~., wrlt.eR : " My w i f e y elH" R-g u ullrl J ' llIl U J tb e III\\' Y 1M HX Willi HIOk . Iurlll ~ I b lol hu t .mlll", e r A SAMPLE PAIR --IDlInths 111111 I ut)ntlll1\y belil'vtl Or . puot.tlO h' " " " till S w,, ' k ulIII II, I" ! TO ',"RODUOE. OMLr King' .. Ntlw DiHl!'>VH~ J ""veu III1r Imi u thnt. II " II ,, ~ I""' n ,,~ . "el IIl1d ,.,., f"f"(I1l1.,r' ,.,.Iull price 0/(nhy). t"""'~~~'!!!!~~ life." nond for oh iluren r,Oo IInci fui tt ful .. "ldlt' I·. /lnd lOll Y,'!, t b .. d '" IIr,._ i lt "w,W P""")c I /r'dJ~.~ Ilrmy wi'h Ih)II " r ~ wlli , ~ h Ill ,.. Jlllrflntll ~f~ .·.~i ;:" $-J ~~::, 11 0 11 fI ItUml Jlr pair Jur ~ ( <<.,.h $1 00 Ilt :vuur D rn ~~ i"t . .. nll f, lon lls Ilrll prll llfl " f. .------10 MORE TROUBLE FROM P'NCTIRES Mlln .v r: hllo :: ,' ~ "I'" r" , ,, 1( 1' "tu .'," .. . 11., T . . . . or 01 ... will not let the air out. Bellbrook. A hllllllJ'4'd t.h OU:-o tl lh.l 1'nll1i so ld hUl l, ,)','(1r. ll li !! lull <H' nllrly Hprl ll g UU f "rlll s III Mall,' lit a ll s l.",.. It t l ll~ v if'l()ll y 1 DESCRIPTIO".• ,~ Ilv.' l y and enHY J. F. \V e ,.ver bml fAm ilv tlnt " rrtdIrH! , w ' r .\' clll r nh io nud 11 II lid hl sl (lo wttlL l:i-lv orl1l frlllll h" r" ,,/tol1ll .. ,1 tb ,, ' a sl H'd nl q l1u l l l ,Y ur rulJl)('r, w hlc h neyor~ t.ainfltl Mr Chl\~. Wrilolh'. u't C h r\!< CO Ul" !'i I IUl' d II"'; nlld \\' h' t~ h cI ~ up Mmall hILHe lm.1I gl1l1HI "l1d I 1('o" rUUIlII lI" r tninllhnrg, lH Mt Hun r]IlY. VUII (' IUre l'l \yIU1out.nlltlwlllgutrto etiCD.OO. Thog w eigh IIU Ul f ll'H I.h li ll nil o rd i n a ry , ire, thu lluncturo re!dstlng' !iot!c.thethlck rubbe, t .... vi c,~,. ILl W' nYllt'lIvlilo :-; llllelU Y M-. aDO Mu. HIl.ry MoHiD1t1~ . of (JUlI Ii I It·s hj'l lI ~ t:h' en hl,l gfw~rallal'ol'8 ot t.hln slJ(!clB. ll y A f:nd"unotu,...tri~'''B'' t Mr . C1 tl ury l:!url{II is IIgllill w ilh Uk IJrt ' LJon-e 1 (IL Itd e 011 t.he Lnmd , Thl~ n !Ill11n r l)rl ~ ot these .n. 'D elM rim .tn, uHu I,vtl e, vl~it(ld be r HIs4IJ r M r~. N 1<1110 Lin'. I~ "" ... I. 'r IIn l r . but ror ad v " rU. lllllllUrJXH'_, ",n to prev.nt rlmcuttlna. Thl. rt.h A r Ml ""rll I mOll t.hll Ilh ~(J llf1A . ::!ownrcl .. berl' Ilt RI, ~\l"dn y . tn. k lll"" " ",,In l r y l>rlce to th" rlch'r of o nly tl,. will outl ••1 .n)' oth.r Ev rut.t ~IIUIIIII~ (1 r I II Il filll l pe r ' ~I ~~d" !Jul... A ll urdor.! Nhll>Ptld 8111110 da.\' h,ltt,r Is m.".- .O"T, IEU.TIC .nd HleHly Kl'mp, (If RO UUI of tnw n, ' ''''' \t . WI' wil l . h lp C. O. D . o n ""lJroval. You do EA.Y RIDING.. • furmHr "'I IhHpillll Cl "lid wllllII " k.· 1 11~~, !Ill .. pnrobllllell " Furd 11111·<) 'uf ,I. I. nl ·'1U.o \',.Y n ClIllt ~nLII you e xnnlln" and find Lhem strictly .... represented Ililll\lllrl~ in I,ll .. /ll1l " ie .. 1 Nor\(l. :rOil t;";~d ;u~t ~,rs~ a:r~ua y,t:.r:n'J'~L ~1.herehY makl nll the !JrlCc f.,SS per Vall') It Mye~H . """ ,I1 " "u nn or,ll' ras tho tlrc8mIlYbereturno:lC.t"Outh. lsadvertll8e trtne nt. You run 110 riNk 10 MUI . . Annll WIlI'wi c k il' \·I",I.iul! "U , 'ac ln r , o n 4lu,mlnallon. W "' rf tl II exucnse or .. ny ro&llOn thoy not ( :h/l~. Uroillfr. rd vi"it.t'<! r Al .. Ii VII" b Ar 1lI " tLlO r, M r~ . I';\ary .frlll' ; CI Ullver. a o f I ItOM t l n:e, , ou \. 111 n.nJ' ~bat~'htJe; ':1~rlrl:~t~rru~eJf ..,~t to u . a... ..Ie ... to a bank.. It 1 0are U ome r Ilt Frnnkhn It< ~t wetlk . rt W IE' U '&II r • • fIU' beU t!r, ' . . t l onler and l ook rtner t atn,. tire you h.vuc \' ~ r uaod oreeco.t • hl C)r e~Z:Il"' I !!lIY8u~J.: u r Ol'dllr We w~~J,~u:~ UO~ tihjt ~\l will be 110 'Well pieMed th.t wben /i ou WaD' Mrl'l J\. T . Mo lo r IInrl M ...... l :l! u . Mrs Re ll'10(\u Wehtlr,nf F r fl (' bur~ , IF YuU .. TIRES dOD" lJUJ ':'DkI':."t1aa:~JoI1Tr~a~:t~r;'o~e':'C:dtr~~~:,~~~b:;I,.r-:tOb~~ Ill. , 1>4 vlHjt.\ng b pr brulh"r Wrn Cltlli Ve r nIt A,,,l,,,. Ihl"! HI'lI",f L" ~ " ~rI'" qu o, ..... abow., or WT'' ' ror our bl!",;.~u.:-n::~~~~o,:,:~~:;o:::,,:t:'~~ at tbe _.aIIDl~u.~ meell1lg ILL C lu m ulIllt,i Iil!:! l, \V" I'I, Cunner !lud wif e for 11 fow WBI'II ... d • orlltl"' '.O OT NId wAI, ~~,cle =lpment .nd 8uQdrt_ at a boui bai t tbe wnaal »rtoea. bda and qao_ all make. butwrlteu.apot:t.ltoda,. DO "OT THI .. " OP .UYINO. blCJ'cleor. 1., Mr Cll ..". ~lli"', oue of (lllr 1; )11:< 1 I D Wm. DE'oller, who WI"! fonnerlv lurllllln', i. tb tl PObSI' HH)I , s uoce!!lIful of tillS J,>itwe, but nuw of BtJlmont died last L'oolltll.lY evening "nct WII~ of au up tu dli;tI uulu nlll uilt'. Mr. 8uct Mr~ . Puu l P ete rs on und burled at Mt. Zion cemetery l!l ~' t·heir mot·h er Mrs. PetorlloLl, of Matur.lllY Ilf~ernoon . . Chas. Bdrness. or Oregonia vis ited tiprln~ Tlilley, spent Su nda y with . - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . hiS brother John BIlrnes8 and fam- Mr. and Mrs . ~'. L. Barris. Frank 8ho ~m8ker and famil y of , Ily, of this 1)1(100 188t week. Mrs. John Edwards vi~ited h er Wi1ming~on were guests of Mr . and I' "D ~ ther 8' Miamisburg Irom Bun· tnn J<>Il. Bogan SundllY. Mr. Funk 8qunes h"s pm'ohased day until Wednesday of lus t weet. _____ e - ... - - a Ford maohiDe and Is enj oylng it . Mr. Alfred Edwards , ar\er five Indigestion and Constipation week8 v~ Uh us, l eft for his home at "About five years a.go I begun College Park , 68.. on Woonesdll.V taking Chamberlain'S TabletR after morning . Mr . E lWl1rd8 was up to Ilnll'ering from indigestion aDd oon · 1800 a resident of this vicinity IItlpation for yellrll wl~hoot fioding eln08 \hat hehsllived in t.he80nth ~ anything to relieve me. Chamber 8is kind Bud affec\louate feeling lain '8 Til ble's helped me II.t onoe a.nd for all of 011 makell It very hard for by using t hem for several weeks I him to:take his depar t ure was oured of tbe oom plain t," wrl tes The many friends of Miss Edna Mrs. Mary E . MoMullen, Phelps, N. Stout nuke theIr daily inquir lee Y. For sale by all dealers. _ _ _ _ - ..a_----hoping liO hear of her recovery, "fter BUoh hngerlng and 8uffering. Heredity .nd In •• nlty. ·Mr . Ed RB680D Is aBllstlDg A . 1'. Heredity accounts for about fifty per cent. of tbe cases of Insanity. This Moler tn hill busy 8tore. Mr. Re880n Shop Next to Sherwood's:Carage Main St I. encourqlni. It ShOW8 that the II a ver'y kind and obllgintr olerk and by 11118 oour~eou8 treatment sells .hocb and conditions of modem life do not make people In8ane; the IItren- quite nn abundanoo of goods. The flu men are making good U8e DOUII life merely brinKS out tbe I08&nIty that III latent 10 80me persons .. or thlll @:rllod weather making hay a reBult of heredity. A ooram1 pel'- oultivatlng oorn and a'thousllnd aod All Kinds of lIOn cannot be driven Ineane by anr oue things whioh go to make up Ii of the' conditione of modern lite. . farmer'e life, but it Is 'he must in. dependent one at Illllt, Mr . lind Mrs. Raymond Reeves, of X~nill, came down on tbelr motor~yu l e !lnu speot the week-end with rela tivetl here. finfuld Rubiuson II the proud po ,8e880r of 11 m o toroyole. Mr. Rnd Mrl! . A . V .. Foland who bu ve b een ID C.~lifnrnill fu~ I!everal months bll ve returned to their homo. Will Ree vBt! hilt! porobused 8 n Ilnt·omoul Ie. Mr~. !:tachel Miller lind grand. I]augbtl'r Alioe Reeves are vll!ltlng In Xenia. The M . ffi. Hunday tiohool ho\(1a picniC In T b os . Conklin 'Il woods Hlll ur lluy . Geo . Fle toh er "nd Anna Brown were marri ed In Xe ulu., WedoesdllY of lrillt \ve, k . 1' 0 .... lIle Klltb orloe B olltmd , who ItIlH h pe n lIuffe riu l; with gutbered tlar ll . ill improving. Mrl! LeHter COUl pt,on und dll ug h. l e r Mllul·ot.l of uear X·ml .. Rpent tue WllOk . OIl,1 wit,h rAI 'lti vos h ere .

_•• ...- ___

Nature is CODAtllntly tryin4 to wear out your hOUSe-(lODstsntiy gnawing sway at wood and paint, at brick and mortar. The beAt ~st,rial is Dot too ,ood to withatsnd these assa,u lt..



rubber tire bugSY, W. N, G. OOD Bears, phone 4G.2r. jl mUoh . oow, fretlb, A flrst.·olaes Onel I!eneral purpose mare lind ~ol\. Qne very fine Durham OOW, 'relb. Oall Dr, Krieshoff, Oregonia,


j17 p1.~nte for· Mia. ·Call '


_W~y~eBvtUe, .' ,~ :


N. Sears

Stock and General Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees and values of a kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since

. 1905•

Tirms R.eaionablei -:- , 'SatItfactlo.. (fuaranteed '..,J






Have All Gone Since Taking Lydia E. Pinkham' a Vegetable Compound. Terre Hill, Pa.. - " Kindly perntlt me to give you my t esti mo nial in favor ot


101111 r:"l'r)' SI) ll 11 , 1 ur hi s '·ole<'. ,,"PI':- . . II WrJ' quil ' kl)' "ntil!<I for hili) , it(' r ltal«l~ WI·Tt' hm lind h"r l' y,' lltI ~ 01)!1I 1 flf h i~ fa",'. \I III I", a SP IHll'llt e ' I h. , p" "r ,,,,,nail \\:l~ l..rt to bf'lIr It h ll rt1O' tl . F Iliall y ~1H.' rou ~l' lI llP nw 1(. stnh: 011. hl ti In, ' r,' I,r .. ~e n ro will b all t il(' Yl'll rs . I hllll' ,I' s Ill ' w(luld Dl' n ' r " 'rh td, k y ou. 1':111111 1\ 11 11(· ... ~ b ~ ~ll ill "11<1111: 11 fo r ,Iu <l llh 10 bf'ar . Hut with I whull) 1;' I [or<'r il. 1If'\'l·r t)o, ab h- to 1 111 I tln ' t\ "ok(' "I:uo<l n igh t now I'm ~o l lig 10 ' '' 'l' P, IlIJd yuu IIIU~t ~ o to lll'r IIl'Hrt In t ht' g ruv e wltb SIl6H00l1. forl"(: t blll1. IhUlIl;h . II £' Irlo-d ." \1 1"1 1 \loltlll 10" 1.' bPl w"I' n :;birlpy anti I ~hi rl "y nUld" ~O IlH ' r('pl), th a t \lU~ iJ (' (I. tOt) " yUl1I11; \'alillll l melln to 11o' r ? Th in k uf ' l o ~ t 111 Ih, ' whi rrIng wh"t'I H. Til t· IIth' l Ilul fllol1!' In th ... "arm wun dar k.


J .. t.:l " u h:" 1 ,. l' l t II ~,' . '·1 \ f ·", · r \1 f" , ~n.1 d, 1:1)" d ,;-, .• 1', ' I " t ' hI lI ,. \ .• i'd l ! .' 1~ pnra l iHIl. ,, ! I I' ! ' ''' I ," , " ~ t fl,:!l d l d ,, 11 '.

~hI4 ' h \\:\ ... 11 1'- 11/11 1 ' 1" ./ .. .. ,i l ' · .. r t. 1~ w e-n lt il , Ilu!'l r.,t ip" It" , ,11I 1I1 .1rllv ti d 1I~ (,,' , ' r Id~ I II" , aI,' It 1'1 1'\' " I \1. . , t. I '1\ ' r f o r th. , ""1'1 11'1 1,11I 1:a I I I... • ' Ir.' ,.., ti l ,! Pln;..:

1 1/u ~~ " d

I" ' r

JI'.. tht" r·~

Jo u!'. . IH' pau Hc li a nrl luylllg h,' r arl ll " alit l "('roSH II, "rI'M"ell ht'r li\.l " 10 III dur l! ~ruill of lhl' \luad. _ _ __ CHAPTE R XXVIII. a

111 0111('111,


II : " ; "r' ~ \I onl. ''''''l11 pd al1ntl ~ : !tn ('l' ho ot S hl l' ll'), Ill) ~ I"lrln !; Oil 'J1 -ey"d nl Ih a The Awake n ing , Ii Il rukp olT . and t1lf' r(' was a bla nk I \\hll l sh. , IJI> r~t' lf hlld bel 'lI th Inking.. 1'1'1 11111;. Hlll\\ ll' th O! It' rror wa s s(' lz l n~ Thf' NU ll hnd PR RsPti th( ' t lUfl HI ' \ • \O l in tIl' fl W f\IP :-; l.Ir l· ·y ' !Hutl . of HI1f' nc', In whi ch ho turn e d wltb " ;\Ittyb .. ~ ho :-11urr l,' II urter Il whl h>. UjlCln h e r . th o t1J'('.lIti , nol ge less IIlId III ' IIt " t c1 :IY \\ bNl Vullun t 11 \\'011 (>. fro m t rld g-,', U tl A n t tl: r " lI.t lr, rl t" alII). nnl, ,\t-a lmos t 1\ Sill b . Th':n Knlbnrill e saw too, A woman m\l ~t muk ~ a IH o ro • . tOIlJ;illl f-. fo ld In g her In lh o s hadow fi t s lo-,'p lI S tl el' p nB Aboll b(,lI Ad he m's, t..; l dt"' :1 l ', !if t1" 1ft ~\ \ '"~ 1,. I l l.. .. \ l q.:;IUhL Irl1 nl Pn!-II .' ":: hl rlf>y ' M flH.ql t. ' r . ~1 r'" l·n n<1 - him l'(Oa('h th e bf'nch ".. Hb n s logle h<'T t;f" lf. yo u kn o w If s h e liv cs h r eo It s r. \lrubln ~ wings. \\·u s b('r mothe r ,l'l't one fTow cl pti wllh tI ),lng ti ptoe r.d";;: ,'. I\ntl M a jor ft rl :- tllw ...,cc ·llllng-,· rt' m · Thl' on o great fuel of Shl!' Sol :" "' '' rH I' S d o rtn,.;- ~.' ~ ;"'t. It \s r , · \ I,a !. · ,1 strl d (, and (Irop h is hand on t he bo we d It will lIo Bad tor h"r . ti ll s ulwn lng of th e ail e ll YI't' whom Ihot old du,' 1 had " n ' n mA . tht.. fl.,. lll !\j Cl f " '\I LII 11 "."i r ntl\1'f. unci JJ sho uld('r. ' Ih .. nhl wo ulld b)'. ,loltn '8 co nlil.g . . , bl'PIl f()u~ht ? She re me:nb pre d th o h'y's lo l' f' had la in at th e co re or nIl m ilo ~li1\l (' d ~t\~~' H "1 " , ,· rn r 1\I :'\ I M (Ilf t hi' "rlrls tow' " h e Aald bruHkly . "You' re I And looking BO fi kp hl~ fUlh ro r- " CItI'C J,,~~ ull1ln "s. Wu the <lAW or lh f'Re lin n I(:tl Im~R(·s . und hi s mlnel hnn .1 r"1 ~1r ~ . Pnn" r lrt~~ In he r youth . t-: tl!UII (\{+11 I\nJ \',\11Hnt ('llJ~h[ :l duro t o n hf'r III: T hIs confouode d ph il anderIng a t Ka lharinf' V"llSr' d . Th pro WII ~ n kInd th nt dU I' I- uf tho d f' lllh o!: 6u...._ } "1-"" full or It IlR Illg (,)'U8 ope ned. wld~ A I" 'Hlin t 111 . - tl1,' h thn (tlrml' r \'\' " 8 kl\l {'d . d or oxhl larn ll on In thI s s ubtl" bUitl lll':. Ih p onnl" ...."nl'y 11('1' motl",r k e p \ ~ , ·.t;I't.~ .~lc e' Jln th ellne \\' dtU )'· lie I Vall nn 1 null!' (lnm(,,""Y ('(1IIrt o vc r,.,..,...,wn your ti me of IIfe-" The major's fac e look f'd IIsh y pill e, Shirl ey ~tlrr f'(1 unl'nslly. and 10 th~ , ~~Ob"'" lit 18 \\'0 (' I1 on ro I .... t l l WI.t·rts n nf'\ c rfl Plw rfl nliLl <1 ,. id 11H to ( "",:1 h Ull n i P t ll,.. pI IH"' . Yu.ltn.n t su \1(' 8 but ho got up wltb a la ugh , ":-Jot J: ' glimpsi ng light he r fa ce lo okl'(\ trou. S t. .. su t up In bed, Irembl lng. 1 hf'11 I froth bl',1 with 1\ laugh , "Pas l ~lll rl ... )· (rt)Jll tht' h it ,· or fl flna.kf' , w hkh Kathurln r 's vo let' had touc hed s h f'l rtl HI'. and oponlng Ihe door Wilb tw el\'e !" tj'~ p.sclolrne d. "Good heav bit es him , J{ flU wi n " the (1f"nrl l ln('ss or tho he sH ld ; " I was ne ,' ar better In my bl ed . btlt'. Sh tr i f'Y Slwk(! 111 (' O('l l snn trom th .. life ! W ",'ve ha d our mouthful of air. pnth os. und In spi te or hPr d istas te of c'au tlun, crr "t <lawn th e Rtnlr, sliding (,liN ! What t:" ~ut !I ll Ihe wur k I had w ou nd Hnlt H=\" 're h i !' Ut c·. V flllnn t IpJ\rn9 her' hot huud before he r alun g th til e s lIbJ E- ct . Shlrle), hud been e nt,!rlng cool 1101lRhf'd b8nl ~ l er AB s he PII ~e !l laid Dill for todny ?" th e trr Ihe 01'" 1 11m " Ihllt hi. fnU", r lerl V ir . "Come on Ituck to th e house." lC1"n fn. o n n n ' ou n t ,. f a rl \l ~ l tn w hl ('h no~~ Pres('n lly he WIIS ~\lla8I.dng In tor SC'\lth a ll nnd )1 n!qr Hrls t () w (te t N' n ~ g "Not much! " grun te d tbe otb e r . " I'm Into th e fp(-Il ng of Ihut SU JlPUHlllt lous tbrou g h th e lowe r hall . u hound on tb o IlI ke . shoe tln g under bIB curve d hand hi", tnlh ~ r' 8 "e~o ncJ s . \'"lI u nt Rna Shlrlp y oing wh e re \I'e both ought t o ba ve woman . pon·h. sce ntlog hp r, RUrred. thumped becn m e go(,d frl el1;l r-. l\trlll. Dn ndrhlJ;Ce bee n hourI! ago." H e thr ew awny bls The judg .... on tl1 (" fronl Il 'al, \\'a s his tuil on Ih fl flooring, lind wbin ed un e rrin g of water at Chum. wh o faln tA wh l"n she m ,,' f' \R Valian t f or t h' O, 'cr h is Groping he r way to the d dan ce d aboul th e rim barkIng. no w ft ret ttm('. Ynl1anl t1isl" ('1\"('r8 t hnt h " hns rigor a nd s talk ed <law n Ihe patb Into t pl\ln g n 10\V·I OTl f'U ~ torr • rortun o ' n 0 11.) wnlnut tr; ..t~~. Th f' yearl y th e da rkn ess vellturlng to we t a valo rous paw. now t()urn o.mflnt. 0. I! urvl val o r t h A , ouM l1n~ or BhEI Jlg htl'd Ii cand lu and passed s "l'nmhllng up ' lhe bank tu ,',;cape tb e . fC"ud a l \ Impf'. I f! hr' }I ' u t nnrnor y rou rt . At Th e major s tood look ing Arter blm t hro ll ~ h II cor rid or Illto a low.cei li ng . tll o I n~ l tn " tl"\f"n t V JllIun t t nl"'" th e t)1 u.C",. ttl I he had dIsa ppeare d. then s uddenly e d chnmbe r (, lIlplo.vE' d rlS a pe n rill l'G- wilte ry jU" e Il1l 8 , of one of Iho knl~hl~ . whu I. s lrk . nnd d d h bId d hi .. Valiant cam e up th e tl'r rac es v,' lth entArs thl ' lIS1 !t . fT c w tn=" nnct ch oosee roppe on t 0 e ne \ ao cove re II ce ptac le - n glorill ed gil rre t , a 8 Mrs. hi M bloo d boundlllg 10 a He w mpture, 8 h trl f'Y n a nr1rh;re' os qU ~(, 1\ o r h eau t }' t o fac e. SOlD ethln g lik e a gronn Lurs t DUlldrldg dubb ed It . th e ,11smn v or !(oth p rln f' f":t r,;:n, n. f orm Pf from blm . Cro s" ln!; Ih e garden. he ran QuIckl y 5w .... C' t) 1i.. nrt . who tft \' IJ'lhtl1~ I n Virgi nia. It ~h o\\'l' d a ~trangl' aSHf' mbl age : A to th e IItLi e ('1\)8e which he ld th e ~ un· " :'I1 y God !" he suld , and hI s ,'olce 'I'b ~ t our na m r nt ha ll al Pnm n r y ("f'lur t drows lite ellie or the rt)t1nV'y~hJ ~. Shlr· row of ch es ts. s tor ed wIth wlnt.'r (11111 nnd pull ed a si ngl e "rea t passIo n· .. l,.y 18 c ro wn (\ hv \ 'n li n Tli hs q luoe n o r camo to Katharln u with a qua"!'r of c lo thing. gav e rortb a c l<'on 1II III gf.'n t . flow e r. H e stood a mom e nt ho ld lllg ~nuty . Vn lllln t t·'II. 9hl rlry "r hI_ In"e a ge und s utl'l' rlng - ve ry tlltre r(,llt fro m ILnd th f"Y lJf"("O nl C j' ll ~ l'\ Rcd . Hindi at cednr, anel Ht 0 11 0 s id e s too(1 'II to 111" th e Jovia l acc e nts at the bnllroo m- "i t ~ fac e. hl B nostrll R catchIn g 110 I W r e only s ure It was Sassoon:" !I n nnllqu e s pinel and a worn Ne t of f!llnt e lu s iv e perfum e. Only las t nl g bt. CHAPTER XXVI~Contlnued . Prese nt ly ho ro fle. and \\'f' lIt s low ly hor'se halr furnitur e , u nd . r thf' moon. h E'. hlld s lood there "nrlstow. Shlrley's Q magni fic e nt toward tb e Ilgbted doorwllY . S hirl ey htld turn ed her m i8 ra bl " wilh ghll'll'Y In hlH arm~ . A Husb o f t,1rl. " <"y~s on 0 book·s he lf a la n/( on WillI. Ihl' ullbe li e nlhlt! fweet Ul'ss of Ih ll t mo' "Finest In s e \'en coun ti es," agree d Tho \'olllm 06 It co ntoin ed hud beE' u : "'I 'nl )lo ure d 0 ' e r hill1 . lIl s fa e CHAPTER XXVII, the major's bo ss. he r fath e r 's . und nm ong llwlIl slood I ~o rt e n e d . "Whom do you r('cl<on shp ' lI chocse The Ambu sh. a ro\\' of tomos tall e r 111aR th pl r re i· Sta.ndl ng with hl~ sanda led fee l to marry'" lows- th e bouud numbe rs or a coun ty <leep In t he whit b lo ssoms. lhe s un l'\o t long arte r. trom t be musicians' "Chilly Lusk . of COli The. The boy' s bow e r UII' sound of " Ilom e. Sw ~e t newspa per, beglnulng befo re th e war. on hIs dllmp hlltr lind lb e loos.' robo bee n In love wIth he r s ince Ihe y we re HOOl e." drifte d over th e poignant rose· Th e back o f each WIU! stamped wi th cll ug lng to h is mois t Hmbtl. h e gava In bibB. And he comes us uea r belnl!" scen t. and )Jre s e ntl y th e drIv eway r etbe yelll'. She was deciphe rIng th e se hlm Melf to n s udd en day·dr ellm , A Ht for her us Iln;-bod;- ." I!ounded to ro llin g wheels aDd th e fa d ed ImprlutE. "Thirty yea rs ago." wooderful wuklng dreum or joy ov or"Hump !" s aid th e otb e r sardonlca l· volccs of n (Og ro drh'e r s , altd th e hou seshe. whIsper ed; "yes, he rE' It Is." fl oo tlln ~ y eurs of ombltlonless ease; ly. "]1;0 mlln I ever sa ", was h aM good e ntra nce jostl ed wltb groups, mufll ed She set down th e candlll lind of th e Damory Court th at s hould be enough for a good womlln. But good In loose c.arrlage- wraps. silken cloaks dro!gged out one at thu hllg e leotb er · lit days to r.ome. wom e n mnrry just the same. It Isn't and light overcoat s , calling Ured but baeks. Staggering und er tbe we lgb t, • • • •• • Lusk. ' u sed to thInk It would be, laughing farewells, ShEI rested II.tI edge on the table and When be came tram th e IIltle close but I've got a pall' of eyes In my KatharIne. on th e Etep, found be l'. The Year Waa That of the Duel: tho began feverishly to tllrn the ()ligas, her th e r e was a ne w mystery III the SUIl· head . if you hav en·t. It's young Val· self looking Into Vallant'a eyes. "How Oat. Waa the Day Following the eYE' on th e date line. Sbe stopped shine, a tresh and joyous m oanIng In 1ant," can I te ll you bow much I have en . Juaamlne Annlveraar,.. presently w ith a quick breatb- she the Inte nse blue overarchlng of the Tbll pearl tan twisted In Katha· joyed It all?" 8he said. "I've at.ayed had reacbed May 16th. The year was Imponderable sky. Every blrd·notll rlne'lI flngers. What she had guessed till the very laat minute-which III IIboulder for the delectatloo of Ne.ncy that of the duel : the date WIlS the day he ld Its own love·secret. A woo~ and Betty, but ShIrley was not III1~n· f I' I th j I I th h It from a 811ver bIrch b. an open sacral, theo! somethIng for one's fourtb aellloD! lng, Her whole mind was full of wbat 0 .ow ng e ellllam ne ann veraary. rUB sang . The major made an eJ:clamatlon that Feartully her eye overran the columnl. side tbe summer-house, and a bobgoodby, for we are air tomor- Kiltharine had been saying, Sbe wn.s white " 'blstled It ID the little valle" lIad the effect of coming atter a jaw. And now, t or H 0 t S p rl nga." 1rben suddenly she put her o p e n " • picturing to hereelf thlll woman, h.. beyo""d. Even the 101lg trln.hammer dropped IIllence. "I-I never thougbt row H ta th er h a d Iong ago bt!itaken secret MInd on the page 88 tbou«b to blot II .. er hIdden. all these !,eaI1l. bearlne at a far.awav woodpecker beat a r. of ·that'" blms~f bomeward. and the b1g tbree- I of John Valiant's comIng ttl Damort outt tbe words, e'-8r)' trace of color dlant tattoo.' The other rellumed elow)y, lIomet e d 8urrey-h a Idl n« "I sea s J: com t 'tahl e. court, le&r1ltDs at this IIkenes8, sbrln~ strIcken Jrom che'3~ and brow. But Ho paused to .. the flam In" _ ... wbat bitterly, It eeemed to the 1'11'1 " f' thEI line lIeemed to Slow up through a" ........... d 0 Ine f um III a. b " In t h an e p ..rue a • Ing tram slgbt ot It. dreadIng tbe pal"", cock that sent out a eoJrdllng ecreee" llatenlng, "If ber mother was to love Llg th • thEI very lI88h : "D'lI:d. May 14th; Ed· '... h man-b a d re t urne d t Dr. tul memory It mUll thrust upon her. e e coac In whlcb tbe tenta . · ·.~. pot(erack! ..... wIth Sn.ssoon-" th t J d Ch I th t ward S88soon. h. hla twenty·slxtb .,...r e rea: u ge a merl, e wo "Suppose"-Katharlne's voice WBII yellr," terack! of a gulnea.fowl tangled lteelf Katharlne's heart beat fast and theD girls and Shirley. Katharine dreamy-"that ahe and Jobn met BUd80ftly. "Go on," be Invited. "EJ:plod. atood stili. Sassoon ! That was ~e younger "rest-" th latte Ith b I The book allpped to the 11001' with a all you want to, old Flr&Crack~, . r w a c arm ng denly. vdthout warnIng. What would Dame ot the man Vallant'll father had ..IImlle.... Wbe t more natural than th a t she d01 Would she aay anything? crasb that echoed through the room. Hang your pes8hnillm I . a killed In that old duel of which Jud~e abe sbould find herself atral«btway on Perhaps she would faint , . It was true, thenl It was 8811800n '8 You only make tbe hlrds IOU,", Chalmers bad told! "If her mother'- th t Itb It? Tn t dellth that ber mother mourned. Tbe e rear sea w raya y e wo Shirley started vIolently. Her hands. in .. In whale arms sbe had stood 8weeter, Perhaps that'8 what you're Shirley Dandrldge's mothel'-"was In cirls Bately disposed In tbe mlddle,the as they drew her cloak uncertallily for-wbo knows?" Jove 'o/Ith Sassoon!" Why-" j udge II bed up b Ida the driver lIuc:b a little while ago by the old dial .. c m es , about her, began to tremble, as If wIth He trIed to work. but work was Dot "Was she1" cracked his whip and they were cold. SomethIng fell from them to the at Damol'y Court wn.s tbe son of the 'for that marvelous afternoon. He Tb,e .maJor·s Query held a sharpneslI wbo Ir m'lIln wbo bad killed hIm I , bottom of the lIurrey. wandered about tbe gardens. plannlr.that ' lIeemed almost appeal. She was a T1i Id "Ob, God," she wblspered. "just this or that addition: a little longer ... an Katb a· Tbrough her chiffon veil Katharine e way was no tanI!:, conllclous that tbe other bad faced rlne had need at dispatch If that r& noted this wltb a IIlow amlle. It had lI·b.en I was so happyl Oh, mother, sweep to tbe pansy.bed-a clump ot about abruptly. vengeful weapon were to be used been eaaler than she had thought. She m(lIther! You loved him, and your hull.rushes at the fartbsr wd ot the 'Tve always believed 80, certainly, wblcb fate ' had put Into her handa, d .h8lut broke when he died . . It wn.s k H d I th tabl ' If she had loved Valiant, woul~ she She waded lillIe time said no more. and tbe carrIage roUe Valiant who broke it-Valiant-Val. la e, e peere nto e s e: a " '" . . on, to the accompaniment at cigglea lant. Hie tather'" eaddle horse stood there now, but have thrown blm over merely because It seeDlII so strange, she eald, to over the judge's peroration. Ae It . there e~ouJd be more Bteeds stamping be broke hili promIse not to be a party find our host In Bucb surroundlng8! I neared the Rosewood lane slW leaned She IIlIpped down upon the bare ' In those stalle OIie day. good horae. to a Quarrel7" floor and crouched there shuddering flesh bought with sound walnut tim. "You think not?" said the major can scarcely believe him the Bame toward Shirley. John Valiant I've danced with a hun· "Y h d d f " said and agonized, her dIsheveled hair wet he r from the blllside. How he and bU'Iilfly, · dred tImes In New York. He'a been au ave roppe your an . wltb tears, Wn.s bel' love to be but "Not und er the circumstances . Val· he r e such a short wblle and yet he she "-and your gloves, too. tho thing at an hour, a single clssp- ShIrley would go galloping over thoee fant was forced Into It. No gentle maD. couldn·t· possibly be more at borne It I mIght have reached them for you. and then, forever, notblng? His fn. gleaming roads, In that roseate future . Wb tb Ire dy Ho b t when 8he belonged to him! at that day. could hn ve declin ed th e he 'd lived In Vlrglola alwaya . And you Y. we are era a ,,,a, w s or thclr 's deed wn.s not his fault. Yet Uncle Jetre rson, from the door 01 all treat blm as I( he wer e nulte one 'of the. drive bas seemed . ho'w could she love a man whoso every '. . d I th I L l " the kitchens, watched him swinging yourselves." "Do n t I've up e ane . ge, tOB~ture brought a pang to tbat mother about In tbe eunehlne, whistling the Shirley smiled enchantingly. "Why, said Shirley. and her voIce seemed sh(~ loved more than herself? So. "Indian S e renade." (TO DIi: CONTINUED. ) yes " she Bald, "maybe It seems odd to sharp and strange even to herself, over and over. the wheel of her out~ldl'rs , But. ·yoU see, with UB a Val. "The wheels would wake motber." thought turned In the same desolilte ! I lant Is always a Valiant No matte r Kathnrln e hade her goodby with care- groove. and over and over the paroJ:· To Remove Spot. From Varnl.h. wtlere he blls lived. he's the aon or lIlB fill sweetness. as the judge bundled ysms of grief aod longing submerged One of the best BubstanceB to use fatb er and the master of Damory be,~ do::vn In his stro~~ fr~endlY arms. ber, In removing spots from varnished SUI' court." No, .she told him, don t come wHb Noltielessly as s be had descended, faces Is butter. Tbe stroDger the bet"Thllt's lhe wonderful part of It. a's m e. It s not a bIt necessary, Em· she crept again up the stair, As sbe ter. &0--80 English. ~omeho\V." mallne will be waiting for me." "Is It?" saId Shirley. "I oeve r H e (' limbe d Into bel' vacant place as t.hought of It. But perbaps It seem!! th e girls called tb e lr good nights. BO. We hav e the old hOllses and tbe "We'lI all sleep late enough In the old nRm e s and think at them, no doubt morning, I reckon," he said wltb a lu tb e same WilY." ' laugh, " but It's been n great success!" " What a sad life bls fatber hod!"· • • • • • • Emmaline was crouched In a chaIr purSlled KatharIne dreamily. "You know all about lhe du e l. of course ?" In th e hall a rug throwu over ber ~~.,..,--"""...,.......~.,.............,.~...........,............."",-~".,........,..,.-.......,.".-.....~-;,.-................ Shirl ey s hrank Imperceptibly now. knees. In open·m outhed slumher. She STILL GROW A'NCIENT GRAIN Lausanne. The first of these cam" The s ubJE'ct touched Yallllnt 80 closely s tar te d up at tbe touch of Shirley's from tbe Caucusus. but no one ven. It seemed almOBt as if It belonge d to halld. yawnIng wtdely. tures to guess as to how the lak~ sun Life Made U.II of by Cave him and to he r alone- ltot a tblng to '" 'clare to goodness," she muttered. dwellere came to have It. DWllilera I. Cultlvatlld Today 'n be 1l11lpalltly touch e d on . "Yes." she " I waB jes' flxln' t ' go t' sleep!" Many mills have been found sultclt Switzerland. flUid so m e what s lowly. "(' ve ry on e bere "I-I'm so tired. Emmaline. Take to make a coarae meal of the grain. knows of It," Ibe crown. Its heavy." The negro woman untangled the !How old Is bread? Dl6gruntled and even fragments of the broad haVe "No doubt It hOR be4'n almost forgot. Katharine's Heart Beat Fast and Then glittering points from the meshing boarden may have the ories upon the lie en kept In tbe clay vp.sBels that e.· te n," tlto other contInued, "but John 's co pod fracture. Stood Stili. Sassoon I hair with careful fingers. "Po' 11'1 llI!:·e at the particular bread served to comillg mll s t naturally have revllmpe d It Is due to the lake dwelle rs' cu.. chickydee·dee !" · she saId lovingly. thIem, but that Is beside the question, rueetill g, li e ('auld ho\'!' explaIned It th e old story, What was It abouttom of building their houses on plleA she flop all th' feddatts 'outer 130 long IlB recorda of olvlllzed man "Reck'n to ,",dlth 's sa tl s factlon - a woman th e QlIarrl) l? A lov e-atl'alr?" that we know 110 much about them. does n't nl'ed much e vid e ncl' 10 justify "It's so long ago," murmured Shlr. he r wings. Glmme that 0' tin crown go back bread has heen the stafT of The mud beneath thetr huts made all the man 8h 's In love with . He mUBt ley. "I suppose some one could tell - I like tel' lam' It out thO winder! Ufl!!. )t is somewhere In the history of oxcellent trap to preserve things fa, Come on . now; we go uPlltairs Bott prehistoriC man that man first learned have writt e n her- h e couldn't have If th ey would." the modetn scientist. to c~nd bls g:-Illn, make dougb Jlnd gone away without that-u nd If she "Major Bristow . . perhaps:' conJee- BO'S not t e l' 'slurb Mis' Judith." . In the sllvery·blue bedroom, she bako It on hot Btones , had loved hi m. she wo uld have call e d ture d Katharine thoughtfully. English Greeting.. In the time of neolithic man. wbll!n blm back ." "He was one of the seconds;' admit. deftly unfastened tbe hooks of. the Erasmue, coming to England In HeoThe major made no answer. Katha· t ed Shirley unhappily, "But by com. heavy slltln gown and coaJ:ed her ' ml. one branch of humanity for defense rv vm:s time, was struck with tb, rine ISOW a cir;ar fall unheed ed upon mon consent that side of It wasn 't tress to lie on the sofa while she uo. drove plies In the edges of SWISB lakes deep heartiness .ot our wlabe8-lOod; the grass, wbere It lay glowing like a talke d of at the time. Men In Vir. pinned the masse s at waving balr tUi ilod ' bul1~ buts .on tbelr tOPB, bread was a'y, and bad, too; but he most admired panther's eye, glnla have old·foshioned Ideas about tbey lay In a rich surge over the . That much at least is certain. the good ones. Other natloni a!\k ·lo· Tbe other had ris e n. now. hIs Bloop- women. cushion . Tilen ahe brought atone ace p.J'Ocre881vea bad .thelr greetlngll how a man. car:rles "Ah, It·s Hne at lhem!" paeaned and crouching down besIde o=~~.~:~ejH~:t~~~Lto r6AP eel figure bulking In the moonlight. and probably hJmself. or bow do~h he atilnd , witt 818" volclI lIounded harsh and strllln· Katharine, "I can Imagine the men with long gentle Btrokel to IF It' ln" They tbfl·· or, how doth . . ~: '·1 loved Beauty Valiant:· he eald. who knew about that dreadtul alralr, the sUken tbr.eade. talkIng "And hIs son la his son to me-but I In theIr southern cblvalry. drawlq a wlille In a ri:·ioD:*IDe., llaye to thhik ot,Judith . too, Sbe fatnt- cordon at allence about tbe name of atow , when ahe sa", . hi~-Shlr- tbat gIrl with lier bro~eD . heart-I F01; ~. . Ie; told me about It Her mother 'baa If ,he loved one of ..e two. It must fM4Ie .,b er, tbiok It waa the a~nt -.he have been VaUaot. el8e he~ heart by turn, i~~m.1d . . . . t· lie', b18 fathe,'. I1vlBa Imaae.1 he would b'aYe atayed. How terrible .preulDc upou' ltI beilttnc all . . . . . . IIroqbt the JUt back to He ~e'alo1;er tlU~4 fa .~ch. ",~. nJMIr ~ .~dlU, OT-. .. Jj" :;;' '' ~l'- l nTl ' " I I.~I"'I \d , U J ,1 01 H I" t " ", 11I'f' 1., 111 II ".:.: I I d 111I1i .. r, ,', u ! I , ' ''(' tl ' d 1'~1 ;\tI ' I II \ 'l r;.;:l l1 ln . ti l l rh '

1 , ',I ' , :l


n l ''':-

\\ : t y






L ydia E, Pinkham '. V e get a b I 0) Com pound, Whenl first began taking it 1 was sufTt!ring from femule troubl es for some tim e llnd had a lmost nil k inds at a ches- pains in lowE'r part I' f bucl< and In sides. and pre8SiRg d own pains. I could not s leep and hod no appetite. Since I have taken L ydia E . Pinkham's Vegt!table Compound the aches !lnd pains are all gone and I f eel like a new woman. I cannot praise your medicin e toobigbly. "-Mra. AUGUSTUS LYON, Terre Hill, P a. It is true that nature and a woman'. work-nas produced th e gnmdest remedy tor woman's ills that the world .... ever known , From th e rootll and herbs of the fi e ld , Lydia E. Pinkham, forty years ngo, gave to womankind a remedy for their pe cu liar ills which hll8 proved more e ffi cacious than any athOl' combination of dnlga ever com· pounded, aDd today Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vege tablo Compound is ,r o cognized trom coa~t to coast il.'l the standard remedy for womun's ills. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are tiles containing hundreds ot thousands of letters from wom en \leek· ing health- many of th em openly state over theirown signatur es that they have r egai ned their h eslth by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co mpound: and in some cases th at it hIlS saved them from surgical operations..

Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief-Permanent Cure


fail. Purely vegeta· ble - act surely bu~ Bently on the liver. Stop after dinner dis· tress-cure indigestion, Improve the complexion, brighten tbeevea



mUlt bear










The Churnln, Tanllo. Brunette-Mr. Beanbrough lIeemB to be sitting out a good many dances thie "venlng, Dlondine-YeB; be just told me be ,. 'Jrlnkln« cream for hlB health, and h. Is afraid at tangolne It Into butter,Judge, . Watchful Waiting. Old Man-What are you nllhlng tor, Boony! I Sonny-8nlgs , Old M'an-What are snlgB ? Sonny-l don't know, J run't never cauiht any yet It. BIg Man, "He seemB to feel rather ImportanL" ··Well, yes, He thlDks tobacco IItocks ougbt to slump a bit whenever he swears 011 smoking,"

The Ratio. "The doctor sold to g et teu ceDts wortb of this," " T6n cents wortb of that will cost about half a dollar at tb e drue Btore."

- -_._ - - -

De happy. Use Red CNI.e Bnll DIne; much better than liQllid blue. Dcli,btAI the !nundress. All r:rocCrtI. A4v. Most of us can see s sorrow twice 'as far away ae a bleSlllnll. The only way to acquIre frlende III to make tbem yourself,

Good Cause for Alarm Deatba froID kIdney dllMeea ban III· creued '12% 10 Lwenty ,Mrs. Peopleoy... IIv uowada,lln lornlny wllyatblUbeOOD. stant !llterln, of pollOne<! blood we&keu

the 1(ldno,8. Doware of tatal Brlgbt's <11_. WbeD bacluwbe or urluKry 111. sugge8t weak kidneys, use Doan'A' K hlne.r PilI., drink wilLer II'IIIlI.r and reduce Lbe diet.. AYoid tea 10<1114uOr. Klduey Pili. ciommantl oonll· no o,ber rellle.'r I. 10 w!deb uaed or au Ircnol'llily lucuourul. •I

. '<u-

,. ..... .do¥



THE MIAMI GAZETTE, : '!'Ile man wbo taekll puab III '11'11&.


take things


th e y come."" for" nickel. AIW" }" A 'buy Red (lrollll Uall Rille;

e1othl!ll. Ad\·.

have bea utiful clea r wh ite

Engllllh Bocillt y wam eu plu n to op en tea s bo ps at sev oral o t th e cUllLin e llla l TeS9rt8· W~: AII

Wholesome Fear Should by No Means Be Entirely Cast Out by Mankind.

CaIIadlan GoYemmnlt Malt

wo rd out of f,\Vo r - a lmoel In dl sgrnc~_ 1n t h tlHO day s . W e an' e xhort d zc", lo uKl y to be without t ear, beca us e tlll',r Is no th ing III til t) uol· VerH() o r w hich we noed to bc afraid . Fear Is said to bo t be beg In ning or ro ll y , or ta ilure, of dis euse nnd de fl tru cll o ll . It cann ot poss ibly be tb e beginn in g or ",Ladow or o f UJ1Y good thing. It w.' maintain th a t rear Is a nec· casary e le m ent Ln our philoso phy or life, w e are bt' 8et on e ye ry ha n d by a bowlld c rlng vn rl tl ty or c ul Ls which di s · credit Bucb pbll080phy as antiquated und un w ho ls some--a relic at thllt dreadtul p e rIOd b e fore we bad tound o ut that all e vlla are Imaginary and that there IJI Dolhing but !lOOd in th tl unlv8l'l1e. •• In this world , wb.ere dange rs abound, we ought to recognize rear 118 one ot our very good trtende , From the cra· cli& to the &"rIlve It '" our dlLlly teacher. guardian and guide. •• It Is out at feu or the loathsomenell8 and rata l COIlJlOQue nces or eU.easea at emallpox and the buboniC plague that men ha"e 110 be nt their e nergies to flndlng out means ot pr& venUon and cure, It II becnuBe we are so wrought up with tear at the terribl e whlte 8COurae, conanmpUon. that the wbole clylllzed world ia now f>elng organized to do battle agalnBt It. What Fear H •• Done. Fear puts Hatety couple rtl onto cars &nd equip" the rllllroads with block IIlgn&ls. It furnlshel ste&mlhlpa wIth' Ute preservers , boats and carta, makell th em "lrtually non-sinkable with wa· t ertlght compartme nta, and now &ddll the wlre los8 telegraph. 80 that they may n eYer be out at reach at some human ear that s hall hear a call for help. It Is tear that has given to U8 the modern BlUlltary bome In the mIdst of a sanitary cUy. wherein we m~ dw ell fre e trom consla:nt dread at "the pelitlJonce that wulkoth In dark.ness and th o destruction that wll8teth at noonday ," Illustratloni ot tb e practical liSe!! of fear suggest themselvee endlessly . We know that we are In an Infinite unl· verse, 8urrounded by Infinite powers. We must yield obedience to these pow· ers or Bulrer the consequ ences. Reasonablc fear Is tbe gUt at God to bls children. It k eeps us In mInd ot our limitations . It g iv es us a IIvo· Iy relLllzlltion of tho consequ e nces of disobe dience. It spu rs u s on to flnd out tbo r e lll co nditions tbllt Burround 118. so t hat we mol' guard ourselves against evils and dangers. Out of tbe rertlle 80\1 of tear sprlngtl the tree of the kno wledge at good and e YII . Pain la for All. - "Be strong In paIn." Is tb e c:o:hor· tatlon which hange on the study wall ove r th e dcsk of Emp e ror Wil liam 01 Germany. It Is not "Be strong because there Is no p llln ." It Is not "Be strong because there IB nothing to e ndure that requires your strength." It Is, " Be strong In pain," And the plai n mean· Ing Is. there 18 pain to r you, 118 there Is tor every man Ilnd woman In thc world. You will fear It. You wn't h el p that. The fellr Is wholesomc. It will keep you tram e ncounte ring paIn recklesaly. • • • Though love may, Indeed, cast out thnt base tear which cowers betore God as a tyr&nt who Inftlcta unlmagl· nable pun1shmenu, must we not can· Unue to fear. wben we present betore him who Is perfect wIsdom, perfect love and perfect hollne88. our Imper· fect, Ignoro.nt. willful and sln·stalned naturesT W e may say, and wllh good right, thllt we are cblldren oC God, and thero· fore of the same spiritual nature IlS he; but ho.... Infinite III tho dlltance between our low eatate and his height ot holln el!s, and bow shallow and thoughtless we ue It we do not fear betore him when we worship!


The Winning Power.

I. A lJl lt!j C .olS


Ono .laeA lDtLl\f! r A( u, tu ,11I 1I A II .1U '" l-'II " L--~Mft . lh e ,j.n\I I'H) IHtt"pY"df'r t il tH~ . 1\11k .' ., I nl" t hl" " li o f"a . It ..,.a.k.N U " btot rl e w fl h (WliI r' I Cl] ('.1111 . J n~ t I h n th i n,

Cor ,1II. n ol"8. n l'/u.t,. . "',.. tU,,(, •. F o r \- IUtl ll trllL l wa,.ckatl o. LddreH I Allen ti. UIUl blnU . 1." I' u 7 . N. r , A..JT

Benefit of the B~ G t Light. We II bould bo 11M genl' rOU ij w\lh a JDIlIl IlS W ~ are with II. picture. wblch w e always Slv c th o br lloflt o t t he best possible IIght. -Hn lllh W . E merson.

Important to Mothers

ExamlnEl carefully eVtlry bottle of CASTOfllA, a sate and sure r e medy tor Infants and children. and Ice th~t It Bearsthe ~ . ..//~ 81&natureof (h~~ In Use For Over 30 YO&l'll.

Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona The Sweet Thing. Min Supbe rltlg e- I Hh ould Ju s t like u, s e e th e man I'd l.rornl Mo to love, bonor and obey! Mlsa P e rtly - I'rn e ure Y OU wou ld. doar. - Arooklyn I.lre .

SCALP ITCHED AND BURNED a33 South Scioto St.. Circl ev ille, Ohio.-" My littl e glrl' c trouble first mrted on her bead In a bunc h of lit· tle pimpl es full at y('lIo".. ·looklng mlltter and tb ey would sprcad In large places. In A sbort tlmo tbey ""ould open . Her :lcalp was awfully r ed and lanamed and th o burnln!: and It.chln g ...,ere BO IT ' c nee th a t s h e would scratch ....1 rub till It would leave ugly sores. Tht' sores al so appearcd on h e r body. and her clothing Irrltatcd th orn so that I had to put r Elal Bart cloth next u, her body. Sbe would lie awake ot nlgbt. alld was very worrisome. At time! she WIlS tortured with Itching and burning. ' "I tried dirre r en t rllm e dl cs wi th no benefit tor months. I had gh'en up all hope of h e r ever gott In g rid of It, tbe n I conclude d to try Cutlr.ura Soap a nd Ointment. Th o second appl ication cave r eli e f. In a 6;lOrt tlm o ehe was enUrely cure d ," (Slgo '!d) ~1rll . Alice Kirlin, Nov. 4, 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Ointm e nt sold throughout the world, Sam ill e of eac b tree. with 32·p. Skin nook. Address post· aard "CuUcura, DepL L. Doston ."-Adv.



For Real Speeding. "Pop/' s aid Inq ulsltlv o Ignatz. " how rlUlt can a hors e go?" "We ll," r e plled rat hor. " 11 mil e In two minutes and fo ur s econd s Is con· 81dered good s p<'e d, Why do you askT" "OtL I was .Just thlnl(lng," repli e d Ignatz. "wbat a shame It WIl8 that Paul Revere, Tam O'Sbanter, ulld John 011· pin dIdn't hav e motorcy cles."

on many fanne 111 Western CaDad. Ia

1915••ome )lielda

being ",ported .. blab .. 60 buohebJ pel' .ere. A. hiP

s.IOO bushela were re<:arded In .ome ~~~~:-:~ diatricta for oata. • 10 bu....1a for batl.,. and from 10 to ao ...... to. flax. J. Key. arrived In the country 5 year. eIIO from Denmark with very little

meana. He bornOllteaded, worked hard, W 11011' the owner of S20 acrell of lanA

III 1913 a croll of


KrM, wblch will ...,all&e blm about . . 000. Hili ..b_1

...... iii It.. to the"""". and a"erapd O'I'CI' 15 buoIIela tolM_ Tboo8anda of IImOar In· ItaIlca mqbt be rot.ted of the bomOllte8lleta In Manitoba, SUo katchew.n lind Alberta. The CI'OP of 1913 .... an sbua·

daDl 0118 e'IIII')'WbenI In Weatcm


AaIc for cIe8crtptl. . literature Uld


rail".,. rat-.

Apply to

~tendent of Imml~

Ottall''' Cuad8. or

w. e.


IAtenIrllall Bid., CoI_llu.. Ohio

F enr Is






u,~ An Inte restln& and S t1Cc es ~ ru l Amerl- Th is Is the T'lme to Wa ge War Again st t he Dead ly Fly a nd t he An· enn form e r. L e w P"lnll' r. or S ta v le y. no,yl ng Mosquito, Altn .• palised throug h the c it y t oday . 1\'lr. P a l:n '!' r came Cro m Dul u lb . Mlnn ,. r.PI ' I ~ UP:lr In mlllri lhn o n ... ot j us t t n ~('a rs ngo. a n d broug ht with l1 im tOll r ~IJ\\'S oa d thr ee ho r s')s- und II ,,· I-Irlll'" () hj ( ' ~ t R of a ~ prln li cillun ujl lIurn. oroll".,y n ern!'CD6 0 11. th nt. was hi s all. li t) hom ,'" , .'adNI In , I ~ 10 ,· Ii nd tl a t" Ih .. Ill' anu tho IIrrh" "fO tn _w\lt ll)' li ke go • . burn . th o S ta\' ule )" dist ri ct. nad to dny ha s q u l t n. W I"'I' w e are (,:tNl"i sln g Clu r a p,· rr r·C' Lly l.JlutJ !l whhvU L IilUuke i . 0 a~ r e ~ at lunrt , $1.0U O wo r t h (l ( Itr.· In u ~( ' I,, " and O il!" In genuit y r ld dln~ I or u dOf . pi ~'11 IPI'IR , 3 0\ Perchel"Otl hors es. mud o our tJ I"'I ! lh ~, S tllIJ JIl·ig ltb orh oo ds o r 1. Thll tn l.P.n~c1y' h CI!, ftrn f!:no.bles you to c lIo lt. bu \.. u, t ry u r tro n a~ Qu lcl:Jy 51 .0 00 o ut at h,).t;s InR I ),I' ar. r a lMed dll s t and 11 11 11, II Will t Ho wo r t h o ur a s un "~ll~8 ' ~ t\· H. ,JU !'Il 'tIS ~Hn vloBni.l 7,011 0 hll ~ I )(: I ~ o r wh "a !. 6,noo bll ~ h pls " 'ltl ll' t n g l l'C' 111(''' ' t Will \\I ng l!u l)('~ ls fmt" "'0 Upe r tl LO LL3 a c Li ll I UIlIIJ. (If onls , I ~ ft CrE·g o t pol n toes. !Lnd 18 ~e r\"u s ntt " ntlu n , Tbr,·o .17.t'H ~. ti nn d ~ burn o", Th(1 fir :--: spr i ll).! n y , nr rournl). c am o ' t o ns ot onio n s , Hi s fa rm a nd ~ lock Is with or " l]"'lL hl \!,b w tlru drql BIICl t. " ' rltu ,,,,.<lay for C,Il... hl!:. wo rl h $ ~!O .OOO . n ntl he m a d e It ull In "Olll ' t lnll' a go. th' "lglt s he Is s tili tOil yen rs .- E:rchllfl lje.-Ati ve rtl!<e Jll t! n t.. pl (> a8n J1 t1~· mt)i.l ~ a t ano n ' ll r lng. It 16 Sold by Deale" ET:"erywhere not r uaH't lr l ng , h"w('\'er, t o refler t Dr. Eliot on Educat ion. l hlll th " Iltt l" II)!!P!'! Is k.'c plll!i cn r 'l' - -- - n r. Eliot suy, · " The IJTUc!i He ot ru ll y nur ur our ~ I ghl anti the re a ch -F-DISEASEI, Oldest Welshman . ~: nglnllli n nd Am e r ica IN lite ra ll y c pn ·/ at our IJWlItt' r s wh llp s he lays & few I AVOID SPREADING O Tbe .lldc8t We ls hman In th e worl4 lurle's be hind th e I'rt' (' ~ !1t at t lt p b e>! t m y ri a d, or ~'~g M . wiIkh presentl y will Mr, Thomas Morn s, who liv es at : h lltl' ~ r d UP OII cd ut'a tlull " Is It not hntc lt ou t ir.l o 1\ who lt, fl y in g r eg1mec. t Precaution. Th;lt ShOUld Be Observe d I Is " 'es t e rn ville, N e b. Although h a la humllmtl og tUIlt a n Arn orl ca:. Is forced of nul s un r. e~ lind dl 5 ase-carners. by Th ose Affl ic ted WIth n ow ao American citi zen, he was bona ~o mal,,) 8uch all admi ss ion co n cern · s h y a nd uti o btru ~ lv e mosquito Tuberculoall. a s ubject of Gcorge III. a t tbe little In ,.; our mos t \"Ital American In s tltu· Is maili ng tll e b o ~ t use of ber time vill age or BerTl ow . Montgomeryshln.. tlon ~ ror rhe sam e purpose . ""' h e n tbe open All pers oo s wh o an) Illllm ~ t e ly lUI · What cnn be done! H ow can tbl8 sea80n o n hum s n bein gs arrives 8he Boclated w ltll CRR C S at ac tive pul nu >- 00 January 16. 1794. He 18 theretoN wa Rt e rul school 8yste m be spr-edlly bopes t o hav e a whole army corps olr nary tuberc ubsl8 c annot ba too ca u· one hund red and twenty yean old. Hlu tath or W&B an agricultural ~ r p. metll ed so thllt It flll a Ita r e al func · h e r proge ny to lead to the attack. tlOUB about th e prO(l tl r dlMPosltion of bore r and died whon the boy w . . tlon and sends o ut Into the wor ld. Now Is th e time to !;e t busy It we tubercular sp utum , S uch splltum boys and girls d c ve loped IIccordl ng to want to preserve oursclves from tbe lib auld alWAYS be rece ive d In CUp8 thr .. e years old . Morris was appreDo th e ir Individual tal e nts a s far as tbl'se peste a rew montbs h ence . Tbe ,,,at· containIng a nve per cent solution at t1ced to a cobbl e r and followed td8 tal e nts pe rmit ~ It Is a big Que Btlon, ter and the keros ene can are tully as lysol or carbolic acId, or. In th e ab- trade In thia country unUI lsn. wh~ but In my nex t Ilrtlcle, I propose to Important bou8ehold Impl e ments at sence or theae, milk or lime. Paper at the age of sevent,.-ee von. he emioutl in e II. raUonal. pmctical system of thl8 season as the broom and the cups. made es pecially ror thi s purpose. grated to America. The old m&n Is very proud at the public education which will serve scrubbing brush , may be used and subsequently burned . ract that he bas lived In three CI!IDthoae ends.- Plctorlal Review. Soiled bandkerc hlers and clothe turle s . He rem e mbers the IInlon 01 IhouM be Im mersed for one hour In A Century Ago. Groa t Drltnln &!ld Ireland. the ll8aallalIn bls latest poem. "Narciss us," One hundr'ed YMrs Rj;O Dr. TholllLl Iysol or carboli c acid (nve per cent) Robert nrldges. th e Englis h poot lau· Fansbll ..... e Middl e ton was consecrated and t h en ba ll e d be rore they are han· nation of President Lincoln &lid ~ reate. has banish ed th e comma e n· tlrst bis hop or Calcultn. The conse· died. The patient should b e provided laying or the nrHt Atlantic cable. Morr is can stili walk v"'th the tlrely. so that a procession of nd· cratlon took place In I.ondon. and Boon with n Bot ot dish es ror hIs e:lolusl ve ot a stic k and Bee w ith the aid of j ec tives may be take n, a t the reader'8 afterward tb e new blsbop ea.lled tor use, and the8e sheuld be kept by option. as separate qualities, or as IndIa. In Calctltla. he laId the toun· themselvell and boile d thoroughl y aft· specta.clell . wh ic h he flrst purchuecl QUalifying each other. Tbu8 one may dation tor th e BIshops' college In 1820 , er each meal. Rem e mbe r that tubel' atte r passing hla hundre dth blrtbd~7. His hearing Is good, and h e enJoYI _ c ull hi s he ro "almighty wondrous ." or and establl8he d a consistory court In cul081s Is a prevenlnble disease. but r e gard him as beIng both , Mr, Brldge8' that city. While zealousl,. engaJe(l In that Its control can b e accompllsbed cup of tea or cotree with each mealDolly Express, principles ot puncr uallo n a r e not ob· hIs duties he waa att.acked with a only by the atrlctest o bservance at VIOU8. He lov es th e exclamation IDllrk, sanitary precauUons, fe ve r. of which he died In 1822. For Dog Mothers Kitten .. using It five tim es In th o 28 line s ot more tha n a century the elrorts to "Mike." a rIlt t e rrie r owned by wu. the poem. and sprinkles dashes about s pread th e Chris tian faith In India "Hard Luck" Story. lIam Bailey at Georgeto·Nn. was .u. with prodigality, He ad opts th e colon have conU IDued . Numerically the A Washington c lubman Is firmly CO \' e red yesterday mothering a pair of a nd does nol s ll gbt tbe 1:1 terrogllllon Christian population In the groat east· convinced that th e fa tes are agilinst kIttens he had s tolen trom the bam. mark. whUe using now and theu a rull ern empl r el Is sti li Inolgnlftcant, blm, es pecllllly with r e fe r ence to b ls or a neighbor. "Mike" b a d gone to stop. amounting to only ahout one per cent galt playing, th e house. picked the kittens up hy of th e population. but It Is ,enemlly " It's no U8C ... · be said to a friend, tllo n ec k. and carried them to his own Dove on Gun of Death Ship, Ildmltled to have 8n Influ e nce out ot "I can't 'lIft tbe hoodoo .' il:lne times borne, where b e WIlS discovered playWhlJ e lb e Montana was t e a Olio!: a ll pro portion to Its numbers. out or ten I miss th e ball when driving Ing wltb them and making them comslow ly north ward throu l;h tbe fog a off from the first tee at the Country tortable In every way . When the two whi te dove, the omen at pe ace . blo wn The Irrellponslble AdJective. club. And e very one at those nine kittens were r e turned to thler motber apparently tram th e Virg inia sbore. "I see you have announced me as tim es I look aroued and find the verano "M ike" was Inconsola ble, and h . . a li g hto d all n t e n·lnch gun oa th e d eck I the world · r~mowned orator," sa Id the da lin ed with people . all utarlng at me since r efused to eat .---G1lorgetoWll of the c ruis e r , More thon 100 blue- g lttert speake r , with e yes tbe size or por ce lllin plaques (Del. ) Dlt8pateh to tho Philadelphia jackets on th e Montana, th ei r t e rm s "Y ea." r e plied tbe cN!J.rruan. "We on a plate r a il. Th e t eeth tim e. how· InquIrer. having e xpired. are glad to be hom e, hlld to do some thing to make you ever, I bit the ball ; I knock It to 11 A little yellow 8Wllllow. blown to s ea Hee m Imporftant. !';obody Ilround hcra speck. Th en J tu rn proudly acound. Said With. Regretful Sigh. near Cuba. remalaed on one of th e ever h ea rd ot you." Miss Young- What ill your oplnloa my chest swellIng with prld c , And c rui se r s all th e way to Ve r a Cru2 IlIld .------there's not a single 80ul on the ve- Is th e best tim e tor a girl to marry! Very Likely. Is stili on the deck of the wllJ's,hlp .Miss Eld e r- Whe never the man SI'8nda. RI'erybody ball jus t gone In ," N e w York Correspondence Philad e lDa con - Thls pape r s ay s the ave r age willing. phia. Times. mlln has e nough lim e In his system to When a man puts both hi s money whitewa s h a fenc e. and confid e nc e In th e wron g bank be Mrs. A . O . Prlcc at Morganto"." It·s much easIer to borrow trouble Eg be rt- That 's the reason we see 80 subseq ue ntl y w ithdraws hIs conn· W . Va,. Is to hav e 250 square lncb. t han to get rId ot It. many m en O il th e fPll ce . I s uppose. dence. ot skin grafte d on her ,

For Convenience, Economy and Safety



Blue Flame, Wick 011 Stowe

mos' l




··Some Of These New fangled foods Are Mighty Good:"

1'b. most economical. cleanBlng and Christian arguments &nd appeals. reenforced by the power ot Chriatlan ex. .~d&1 of all anUliepUcs Is

A. IOluble Antiseptic: Powder to be cIiaaolved in water as needed. A1& a medicinal antiseptic tor douches 1n treating catarrh. InfiamJDation or ulceration of nose. throat, nml that oaused bv femInine IIIs It has no equal. For ten years the Lydia E . Pinkham ., MedIcine Co. has recommended Paxtlno 111 their private correspondcnce wIth . . '''omen, ' wQlch proves Its superiority. Women who bave been cured say it ls '' 'worth Ita weIght In gold." At druggista. 600. large box, or by mall .n e Puton ToUet (b" Boston, r,{ll8s.




" . ,



empIe, are most per1luaalve. and bring many into the freedom of the Chrlat1an life. We ahould have more faith In the power of appealB conveyed In the pulpits IUId In the rellgioua press . But. best ~t all, whenever true word Is epoken for JeBUS Christ, an ally or the truth appenrs In the SpirIt ot God workIng upon the minds of those wbo hear. and tbe ultimate explanation ot the tact'that many are b eing led back to religion 18 tound In the unspeakable yearning at the Holy Spirit. and In his tender Ilnd conatant work In win· nlng the wills of errant men to an ac· ceptance at the duties at the only ro· tlonal, existence that Is possible for man-the lite that 18 hid wIth Christ In God. In vIew at this great outreachIng and upliftIng love of God tor men, we .should Dot be surprlsed that multi· tudes are beIng drawn back to reJtgion, .. hlle at the same time we ought never to Intermit prayerful and earnest et· fort u, reach with the goepel thOle who 80 creatIJ need Its quickening and IU8tahilnc power .-Z~on·8 Herald.



People are sometimes slow to change-even in summer -from the old-time heavy breakfast of fried bacon or ham and eggs. But the "world moves,'" and in thousands of homes a wise change has been made to the new-time breakfast-

Post Toasties

-with cream.


. thes~ ~eet , tlavo~ fl:a kes of com, ~ted .cri!;;p and. r~dy to ~t ~ect from the package.

arc ','~ty goodn. from eV.e.c- y apglc.. -



..,C#~e-r..... e: ever·~ ._h...e., .. , .~





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the Week

25 lb. l;l'a nula tt:tl Sug-ar . FrulIldi ll o r Art'lI('k l 's ................... $ 1 17 251b. Standard Granulat ed Sugar .. .. ..... ...... .......... ... . " '" ... 1.1 ::>

4 Cans Sweet Co rn .. .. .... . ........ . . ..... . " .. .. .. ... ...... .... .. .. .. .... 2 Packages Grape Nuts .. .. . ... ...... ... .. .. . ...... .. .... ... .......... ...

2 Packages Shredded Wheat Bisl'uits ............. .. ...... ........ .... 2 Pac knlZe~ Rolled Out s .. .. .... · .. ... ........ . .. ..... .... .......... .... .. .... . 6 Bars Clean Easy Soap .. ...... . .. .. ..... .. .. .. ... .............. .... .. ....... .. 3 Boxes Merry " ur Lye ·.............. . ....... .. .. ........... .. ... .... . ~ . New Potatoe.'!, ncr uu . ............ .......... .... ... ... " . .... .. ... .. .. .. .. .... New Cabuag'e. pcr lb. .... .. .. .. ........... .... .... .. .. ......... .. .. .... .


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We hav e the Agency for the " Cham pion Tobacco Sp rayer." Let us send in your onJ p.r for one . Y') U will need it in a ~ h o rt t ime. Get ou r pri t:es on Paris Green. we call !lave yo u money . If you haven' t t ri ed " CH EER U P" Co ffee now is the t im e. A coupon with each Pound ; an elegant P remium for 5 Co upons. A good. fu lb ize, bl ue Charnhray Work Shirl. (0 regu lar r oc valuel for 40c. Bring in your Poultry and El{lts. We will pay until Tuesday, Jun e ~~ rd . fur Hens I ;k per lu , for I ~{ lb. Sp lingers 26c per Ib ,for ~ lb . or 2Y. lb Sprin)[e rs 24c per Ib

A Ticket with Every Purchase at




J. T. LiJJy, llf Dayt on. i>l in town today

(;ood thin gs to eat al the Choir (;uild Il1arket, Saturday rnnt'lIilll{ at Mr. and MrR. Burton Ea rnhar t en10 u'cl ock. I 'rtallll'd at i.lwi r deli .~h t f ul cou lltry t!41 I1 Il' SUl1dH} at dinn e r t Ilt' f. ·llowing Dr. C. M. tlpach hou g-ht till' old g'u p.st8: Mr . ami Mrs J D. Marlatt, mi ll propo>rtv at Murrow . .Ju ne 8th. Mr . an'! Mrs C, M. Rouilzer. Mi ss for $]1.000 Helen Ma rla t t. MegsrR. Lou Printz and has. Buell. Stok e.~ Silver . o f Ivoryclale , was the week end g uest of M au ri ct · ~i1. ver ancl fam ily. On Friday . June l ~ . Mrl:l. L. A All en Ha in es. of Xell ia, was ill Zim mer ma n enter ta ined in a charmtown Sunday taking parl in th e I>t·c- ing manne r, nine of her lad y f riends in honor of Mrs. Sarah Zimmerman orati on sel'vi ec:;. who iii >loon to leave for an extender! I ierlllan Conner started to work vis it in th e C'a~t. The ladi",s chall~d 100·r ril.v elVer as a clerk at th e Ha rn hart Shoe ;; tore the ir ffl lJ('y-work \lnt il d inner WI!.'; , Monday morning. announced. The tabl e WII:\ beautiful with ltalph Pence. of Dayton. was the guestnf hi s pa rent'!. Mr . unJ Mrs. a b u~ k e t of crimson r amblers. which f o rm ~ d t he center pi ece . Perry P 'nce, Sund ay . Th e place curd par agraphil affordIf you wan t the best Paint an d e,! much alllUSl'm ent when reau uv Varnish I{t'mover go to J . H. Cole- each g-u es t. A t hree cou n'e di nne r wa~ ser ved man 's. to whi ch a ll pre.'en t did ample j us tit:e Mr Frank Requ eath. of Dayton. Afte!- d inne r the lad ies adjourned is visiting his ~ i ~ te r. Mrs. Chas. to the pOI't:h. where with fancy· wo rk StansuuryanJ family. and conve rRati on. t hey s pent the af ternoon of a t\(;!lightfu l day . Mrs. J ames Stoops. of Dayton. is Th ose present were. Mesdam es A t he g uest of Mr . and Mrs . Adam T. Wrigh t J. T. Ellis. Cynthi fl Evan!!, St OOPll for a few day s. P. D. Clu)!t!lt. S L. Cal t.w ri ght J . F. Cad wa llad er. Mrs Nallcy Helm Sever al people from here spent the of Marion. Inti , the Mi:3rlt's Kizilie ,.!ay in Springboro Sunday, attend- Me rritt. and Cla ra Lile. ing the decoratio .... t here.

--------+ r.-Former _.- - Citizens I




Mr. and Mrs. H . A. Corneil had as th eir g Ue;!ts Sunday at t heir counAttl'nd th e market .June ~O th . t ry home on thH Xenia pike. Mr. I k ll tky'~ roorn nex t to Gm:e lle olli ce. Cha~ . Co rn ell, Mr. and Mr~. Ral ph Miller I1lld daug hter. Wal te r Ki lbull hfl!'l a nnouncl'd hlmSl:' 1f a!:! a cand ioat e' fc,r Cler k of t he Mr . and Mr s. F rank Miltenberger Cour t.;; . • and chiltlten. of Ly tl e, a nd Mrs A. H. Chandler and \\'ife spent Harri et Lincoln, of Poute 3 wer e ~lInci ay a nd MonJay with I'elath·p>l entt'J'tained SUI1llay nt the hor le of M:r . and Mrs ..J. H. Smith. in Day ton.





L. A. Zimll1erm1ln is a ('i n('innati visi I nr tou ay.

Pierce ~ Presser -


Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawk£. C'nW. HAllen i'l in th E' ljl lecn te:rtnin ed at supperlS unday even in~ , (' ity today . Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robilzcr .

The Waynesv ille Board of Education at their regular meeting on Monday night settl ed all business before the board turned their rec· ords, etc .. over to the Wayne Township Board and adjourned sin e die. The Wayne Township boar::! then met in adjourned session, accep ted Master J os. Harris. of Dayton. i:; the resignations of Me.csrs. V. M. s pending t hE' s um me r wi th his g randHoblit a nd Burton Earnhart and moth er . Mrs. Alice McKinsey , at fill ed the vacanries by appnintinjl Corwin. Geo · J. Smith for the ~hort term and Mr and M r>l Isaiah Bentl py and J 0 Cartwright for the long term. '1'0 fill the vacancy caused by the reo Mi;;s Mab~! 1 Bentley. (If Xellla, '\ ere e tirement of Mr. Hoblit. Mr. Geo. Sunday l{ 1I!'~ ts of Mr and Mrs. C. H J. Smith was elected president of Bentley Ule board Mr F. C Carey reo Dr. anci Mrs . ,I . T. E lli ~ and their signed as clerk and Mr. F C Gil· Unchlv.lrou. Comment. mour was appointed in his stead. g uest, Mrs . Helm. spent Tue~day at Profe•• or Rlppman ot London JUlo Today, J O. Cartwright, as clerk Bu tterworth Station, the guests of . 1l0WlCl!a that .Irls begin to talk !l&l" of the town board, and F. C. Carey. relatives ; than bo,8_ Yep! Earller,otteaer. as clerk of the township board, will IoD.l8l' and later.-E%chan,e. file the final papers making the cQn ' j Go to J. H. Coleman 's to get the best hi g h g rade Tinwal'e in the town. solidation r.omplete • _ _ _ Al so the best Graniteware. Ca rpet , Beaterd and Fly Swatters. The Bitter It 18 defeat which eduoat.e. ULMessrs. Lee Earnhart, Kennet h Blmerson. Hough and Lyman Silver came home from the O. S. U. Wednesday evening for their summer vacation . Extra Booster Coupons This Mrs John Werner and children, of Week Dayton. and MI·s. Minnie Neg ley ...... :-.~~~. and child , of El Paso, Texas, we re the As the contest closes in 3 weeks The Monrovia, Cal., Daily News SundilY guellts of Mrs. Sarah Raper. we are offering extra coupons to get the vote in early. Come has the following to say ot Mr. W. H. Gard, who had an QPeration perGo to J . H. Coleman 's for Aboliin and see our offer, • formed for the removal of gall tion the dirt abolisher for cl eaning stones on Saturday. June 6th . It painted a nd varnished s urfaces. flat Market News says: . wall Paints and general household Sugar is advancing nearly every Mr. Gard has been in poor health cleaning. day, we were lucky and laid in for some time, and when it was finala ear load and will sell this Lost- A rlark crepe shawl with ly determined that only an opera· week at wholesale prices. Cantion could eave his life, his condition fringe, valued as a relic, 75 . years bing BeaIJI>n is here, so buy had become critical. In "addition old . Finder will be given a reward Sugar now and save money. th'~ Long Beach surgeons allowed if sent to Clara W. Kirby, R. D . .l, Special price for a few days him praet~cally no food for sevqral Waynesville. only. days before the operatien, with the 8tan. cran. 25 Ib Sacke 81 •• 5 Havolene Auto Soap is an aid to . . .t cane CFan, 25 Ib 8.,20 result that it was considered unsafe house-cleaning , does not injure paint, to place th~' patient completely unand the balance of this week der the i.;ituence of an anesthetic. makes old wood-work look like new, we will give you a coupon for Local anaesthesia was used, and in and remove greMe sPot';.fJ:om clothes 5000 votes on each sack. Co. addition tdU'e~oving fifty-four gall Waynesville Auto arid M!!t.hinery ...... stones the Burgeon made a second inI Mason Jars, E-Z Seal Jars, Tin The Woman's Auxil~r~f.St. MaCans, Heavy Rubbers. Sealing c ision h1 t:Ji~ o'Pposite side and remedied an adhesion of the larger in- ry's church will ~et with Mrd. Wax, Mason Lids, Tin Lids. testine, whic!h had completelv closed Allen Friday afternoon . This will Strictly Pur~ Pari a Green eirress of food .f.rom the patient's be the last meeting of the Auxilia(y stomach, t.hreatening to end his life. until September. A full attendance Fruits of ail kinds, Fancy Old During the entire operation Mr. desired. Potatoes-New Cobblers. Gard retained consciousness and took Mr. amI Mr>l. Chas. E. Johns, Mr. an active interest in the progress of We are paying • 7c for EgK8 and Mrs. W. F . Clark and Everett the surgeon's work. It is very gratifying to his many Clark , of Lytle . attended the com· It pays to trade at friends here to learn that he is gel mencement of Steel e's Hig h ~chool ting along nicely, and that a com· at Memurial Hall. Dayton, last Thul'splete recovery iii lIRSured by his phy- day e v(;!ning, Glenn Johns being one of the g rad uates . sicians.

I have deCided to re-enter the Cleaning and Pressing business, and am now at your service. MyoId rule-"Satisfaction or No Charge"-stlll holds good. Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin I barber shop or call phone 8-2r.


...-...-.- -- ----I --Social ...... -- -- - -Event.s --


Tickt!ts . . A ~ o~er 's Si!\cr Tables poon Tickets .. A I~oger' s Silver fork Tickets . . A I~ oger's Si lver Knife Tidwl S. . All eleganl Velvet R lI ~ 27xS-I in

A few Specials Every Day


Mrs. J<'. E and M. E. Sherwood, in;a d e li ~htfu l way, entertninerl at t h E~ir .. Wversid e Te rrace," south of town . on Thursday a fternoon, a large num ber of fri ends at a Parrel shower, t hF' occasion being in hon nr of the former' s sister. Miss Myrtle Kibler, wh ose marriage to Clarence H . Edward s, of Dayton, Ohi o, will take place, JU lie 16th. A two l'Ourse lunch was served, after which the g uests departed, to their various homes. Many beautiful and useful pre,sents were received. Those pres en t were: Misses Mary .,herwood, Gelrtrude Kersey. Lizzie Hltesman, Viola J ordan. Opal and . Audrey Thompson. &Ina Deatherage. Lena Whi take r . Myrtle Retallick. Maria Stout, Elle n and Mary Sherwood, Lillie and Laura Kibler, Irma Hough, "'rances J an ney. Ethel Hosier, Laura McKinsey. Leontine Pence, Hazel and Nina SimRkins. Helen Sherwood, Marie Shutts, Flossie Fires, Alma Waterhouse, Neva Young Liz:zie Kibler, Mesdames Omar Hoi: hngsworth, Charles Bradbury and children, W. C . Kersey, Ed Retallick, Carroll Deatherage, Freeman Saberton and daughter, Allen Kibl~r. W C. Warner. John Retallick, B. S Howell, Earl Swain. Harvey I<urnet.t George Robe rt~on, George ZeU: Hl·rtry Segale. :John Segale and son M. E. and F. E. Sherwood and dau ghter .

==========.== =::=-==

The time for paying taxes has been ex· tended until July 20, 1914.' Better pay now and avoid the rush.

FRANK D. MILLER, Treas. of Warren County.

W. H. Madden &Co. BUILDING MATERIAL Of all kinds. w .. """'.".. ...................


... _ _ • • ,.,,_ . . . . . . . . . .

_A ...... . .





Patton's Sun-Proof Paint 00 FARTHEST LOO K BEST




Colors in Stock at all times

W. H. Madden & 00.

E[)WAR08--KIBLER I hauling hay at his home · last week, _ __ I in Rome ' "'ay fell off the load Hnd rd d M' I alig:)tf'ci on his shoulder, breakill~ Mr. CI~rence H. Edwa . s a~ ISS I the bone at the socket. He is rest . Myrtle KIbler were married UI Leb- , ing as easily lUI be can under the ciranon l'ueflday aftel noon by the Rev . . cumstances. Kestle. The young couple, who Ilre I widely known in the vicinity of ~ Oregonia, Spring Branch.and Wayne", GRANO"" M"" cTING ..J:!ATURDAV Ville, have the best WIshes of all 14 • 1:01:. ., their friends for a happy married life. Waynesville Gran~e will meet Sat••• urday eV.!lning. This will be an opt'n --BROKE HIS SHOULDER BONE meeting and everybody is cordially For Red Roofing Paint or Barn invited . The occasion' will be OliilPaint go to J, H. Coleman's. . Frank Hartsock of Route 5, while dren's Day.


.. -

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I The Booster Store




--..1. LEWIS BAKERY1-lbave you tasted any of that good bread .that R comes from Lewis' Bakery? If you have not you have missed a greatdeaP

Once you have eaten our bread you will never be content to use any other. Try It once.' .


All kinds of cakes and cookies.


H a vo Ien e Aut 0

. Today's wiJJ afford . recreation, inspiration, , pleasure ' and goo_d cheer, besides m~~h helpful and important information on many mos~ vital, timely and interesting subjects. Today's is simply wonderful.

iAecon om i ca I. WaynesvilleJAulo and Machinery Co S03 P

MCl!snl. Geo. J. Swi th , pre!<ident of the Waynesvi lle sc hool . M. V. Hoblit, president. of the Wayne Township sch()o ls, Curtis Tomlinson, president of Corwin special district, and F . C. Gilmour attended the meeting of the school boards at Leb anon Saturday . . Lyman Si lver, who came home from O. S. U. on WedneSday was 011 Thursday sent by the State to Sheffield :)tock farm, near Glendale, to test a herd of Jersey cows. On Monday he started to Fort Valley, Ga., as inspector of a fifty· carload crop of peaches.

Chas. W. Schwartz &. Son, the Lebanon monument people, are now engaged in erecting a handsome . Mausoleum in the Cemetery at Mason, Ohio. This is built of the 'finest Barre Gr:anite, 8ome' the -large blocks' weigh hAt..,....." . and seven tOllS, -The ...~--....~--' ;finished in White, ..l1oqliUIlIO "11i1J1l1t:i and' wnen Complete, . '~!3:1iDest BtrqCtul'e8 in, t!lil~·.ci!o~~lo~, ••


'- : .. ' , ' .





~romen everywhere talking about Today's MagaZine, the big, practical, helpful, artistic, handsomely illustrated and indispensable fashion, fancy work, housekeepers ~d mother's guide. ~

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Today,'s ~agazine · ~t ... SO' ceQfl...per year~ tftc1udlDg.a.n y May ~&;nti)il Pattern

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For latest styles, for delightful stories, for. money.saving and labor-saving ideas T~day's Magazine is now the recognizhea~quarters. . ,


Today's MagaZine is now a 'real Deee.. sity to every. ~oman who has at 'l\eart the health, welfare, pr~ess ~d happiness of her family. '

!~ .1S. an ~eq.uall~ .~~ 'aDa't~~,~t ,

mvestment 'any' woman



..c,opnuin'eIdSa .t(> you: . z ;~.'" ' ~~ . ., '.

catr make.';

now~very nD~bef .""




SuI). . jnlu'iS}-.

., "



, .'


tamt ~ i xty-F i fth





Mrs. Edith Harris entertained - _._THEY PLAYED ALMOST fAULT. unday fo r dinner the Mis.'lt'sEmma LE~S BALL BATTING liNE Heig hway and Annie Brown.


Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman ·had as their Sunday g uests for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Surface and son.

The Boys Have uotten Their Battinx rye and Ever) body Mr. aml Mrs. Bert HarL<;ock. of Made a Hit Roule 1, were entertained at dinner Sunday at the humeuf Mr. and Mrs. J . L . Hartsock. Sunday . the Riversid(>8 hall team. of Dayton, came here and were very neatly t rimmed by the Miamis to Mr and Mrs. O. L. Crane enter· the tlco re of 8 tn :I The Miami8 played an excell ent tained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde 'tame, only one litt.le wobble being Coleman and son Frances, of Cincin · made by th em . and that one not a bi t nati. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman, costly. The boys a lso had t heir bat- Mr. and Mrs F B. Hend erson ana ting eye and clouted the ball at will. family. Britain. Davis, Burton. Brown and Surface made the best of th e batting. Mrs. Agnes Wright and daug hter 'l'here were several i·ice hits made by Susan, at dinner Thursseveral of the boys that made runs, day the enterlahed following guesl'l: Mr. and however . Mrs. Winston RiCkR. Mr. and Mrs. 0 In the first inning nothing was W. Ricks. of Cincinnati. and Mrs. done Slater, for the Riversides only pitched five balls in this inning, Annie Thorpe. bu t the boys could not place their hIts The Miamis in t he second by the aid of four hits and three errors. Mr. and M~ . G. W. Hawke enter· made four runs. After this Slater tained Sunday at dinner the follow tightened up and did not let them ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Cart· get a run until the fifth . when by wright and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. Mr. and Mrs Wilson three hits th ;!y made one. In the seventh the Miamis nearly Edwards and daughter. put Slater out of bU9inees. They made four runs by getting several hits. good base running lind a series Mrs. D. H. Palmer entertained of threp errors by the Riverside!! a few of her friends Tuesday evening. team. [n this inning Britain made a in honor of Mrs. A. C. Palmer. who handsome three-bagger, scoring two has been. her guest the past week. men. The evening was spent very pleasIn the ninth inning Barnard let up antly in conversation and games. a little, 'and the Riversides made Dainty refreshments were served by three runs. with the aid of four hita. the hoste88. all pretty ones. too. The score by innin~: A merry crowd of young people 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-H R E took a hay ride Friday evening. and Riversides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3- 5 37 went to Lebanon_ When close to Miamis .....0 a 0 0 1 0 4 0 x- I28 1 that town. the tire on otle of the wheels came off, and they procured Ii wagon in Lebanon to fetllh them NOTES OF THE GAM E home. The young people had a mer· ry lime. and were chaperoned by Burton caught his usual game and Mi88 Alma Waterhouse malie some pretty throws to lIecond. -Bamard aurt'ly had the Riversides guessing all the tim., until the ninth. Mr. and Mrs. John Venable of Red He struck out thirteen batters. Oak entertained at Sunday dinner Jimmie Gibbons made two nice the following guests: Mr. and Mrs, Edd Richey and daughter Mildred. stops at second. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hill. Mr. Wm . Slater made 8 bad thr(lw in the Sanders and Mr Hawk. all of Dayton. eighth. when he picked up a bunt Mr snd Mrs. Arthur Atkinson and and threw wild to third base. all ~w· daughter Audrey. 9f Oregonia, Mr, ing two ruM. and Mrs. Emmett Beltz and daughBritain. by j ast runninll', beat a hit ter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Val Venable, all of-Waynesville. down third baile line The Miamis nearly always went to second when they got on first. Stol Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Corn(lll. of en bases were plentiful fot them. -,... the Xenia pike. entertained at their country home Sunday. in honor of CHR.ISTIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Salisbury, who were just recently married. Those :Bible School at 9:30 n. m. CQm- who enjoyed their hc.spitality were munion ana preaching at 10:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Salisbury. Mr. Children's Day will be o bserved and Mrs. H. A. Cornell, Mr. and "Sundayevening at 7:30. EveryLody Mrs . Ralph Miller and daughter, invited to these services. MeSsrs. (;has. Cornell ·and Harry ... Prater and Miss Adra Cornell.





A Few Comings and Goings

---.. - ..---




WOMAN'S AUXILIA RY FELL HER HIP ::ie'reral friend s of th e venerahle The last meeLing of the Woman's Mrs. Ma linda Sherwood wcr'c notiAuxil iary before the summer vacaWHEN TU RNING AT THE BANK fied last week that she had fallen and AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM WAS tion wasbeld a~ the home of Mrs . W. dislocated one of her hips. Mr~ CORNER WELL RENDERED H All en on Fr.lday afternoon. ~une Sherwood makes her home with her 19. The meet mg was opened With a . daughter. Mrs . Anna Morgan, who selecti on of music on the Victrola. "Beau ti ful Isle of Somewhe re ." YOUNG LADY WAS BADLY HURl SEVERAL MEMBERS WERE ABSENT Mrs. Cadwallader read the 13.5 th is i:n;he r nineti l)th year, and because Psalm and all joined in t he devoof her aKe the acc id ent may prove tional exercises led by Rev. J . F. i\\achincs Were Bent and Twisted ve~ serious. She 8uffer~d g n;!al bn ly One More Meeting Before the Cadwallader. Another beautiful SF\It Looked Unavoidable pam Friday. but is resting m Jr e Club Oisbands fo r the lection on the · Victrola was then Accident comfortably today. " Summer played. "Oh Come All Ye FaithfuL" Mrs Sherwood who ha.'l been in Scriptural quotations were g iven frail hea lth tor some time, had just in response to roll-caJl. Quite a distres.'ling accident oc- stepped out uf the house as h~r The annual r(>c('ption of the New After the reading of t he minu tes curred at the Bank comer Sunday V~JLlng J.?:rand~on came along on hl 5 CellLu ry CIub, w:t.q he ll l at t he spa- and other business the following proaftern oon when a motorcycle run by blc~cl e. . ~eln g that he coul~ nuL cious home of Mr)l . t.;harles Hawke gram ",as rendered: IndianR on Mr. Taylor, of Dayton. coming up avoId st~lklll g her th e lad h erOlcal~ y on Tu esday {'vening. These social Broadway , Miss McKay; Our from Corwin turned the corner thr,~w hImself and the wheel, but III functio nR arc co n ~ide reel the mORt de- Workers in Mexico. Mrs. Cartwright; ran into an automobile that was fall. l'.!g struck the a,ged w?man lightful of the yea r. ami as such are A Beacon on the Mountain Top. Mrs. coming down the street. The motor-I ca~ls,~ng her. to fall. lhe accld e~t looked forward to. by members and Barnhart; The Rev_ L. T. Wang. cycle was a tandem, and Mr. Taylor w~~ ,. unavoIdable but th ~ boy ~s t heir gues ts. It was entire ly infor- Mrs. Coleman; Glimpse.q of the Porto had a young lady with him MiSS/ hea.rt·broken over the affair and IS mal, and w a~ conceded by all to ba ltice Mission, Mrs. Harris; All Saints. the best Olil th e cal endar. Viequ es. Mrs Cadwallader. Mabel Thornto'l, also of Dayton. 1Il('l[)nso~ble. • _ • The hosw;!s wa." assisted in receivDuring the pleasant social hour As they rounded the corner Mr.l ing by the J)reRident ar.d other exec. which fullowed adjournment. the HAD BOOKS EXAMINEO Taylor tried to ~et out of the way of utive mcmbel'li . and th e cord ial greet- hostess played a number of fine the machine, but his cycle skidd ed on ithe oil. an9 r an in t" the auto, . State Inspecto r Davis mel the of- ing. nnd attractive envlronment.'l re- selections on the Victrola. GuestA throwIng both of them off. Miss ' flcers of t he townshi p, the tow ns hip assured t he guests that a pleasant of the afte~noon wer.e Mrs. P D. Thornton had a badly sprained foot and! village school boards at Lebanon evening wa~ lheir~ to enjoy. Roses 9 oggett . MISS CI~ra LlIe. Mrs. L. A. and Mr. Taylor was considerably Monday afte rnoon, allli examined and sweet peas were in abu ndant ev. ZImmerman and lIttle daughter. and I their books. The books were found id ence in the pretty rl ecorations of Mrs. Clyde Coleman. of Norwood. shaken up. -- - - - -The names of t he people in the ' to be in excellent condition in a ll the room~. The la(\ies were of course : cha rming in their prctty summer THE COUNTY COMMENCEMENT auto not learned, and their these department!! machine, aside from a few scratches I Those who went down were F. C. frock H. whi ch lent an added charm and a bent fender, was not injured . Car:ey. E. V. Barnhart, J . 0 Cart- to the pleasing scene. A cool breeze The last Boxwell Commencement T't\emotorcycle was badly damaged wri£ht, I". C. Gilmour and Cha~. mitigated th e sweltering heat of the to be held under the old law will day which left nothing to he desired take place at Lebanon Saturday at and wa'lleft in town for the time. iCornell . to promote co mfort. The president, University hall, when the graduates Miss Thornto, was taken to a I --physician, who dressed he r foot. and : Go tn.J. H . Coleman for No.1 Mrs. Frallk farr gave a happy wel- will receive their diplomas. This is they were taken homt! by Ray Mills Coach VarniRh put up in X pints come by way of introduction. in her by far the larll'est class that has ever own original manner, mentioning Il'raduated under the Boxwell law. later .in the t'vening. 11 pint and 1 quart cans. s few of the many things which There will be a good program ar· Womens Clubs have been instrumen- ranged for this occasion. The music tal in bringing about for the better- wil' be by Lewis' orchertra, and Rev. ment of our coun t ry, of which our A. J. Kestle will deliver the class . little Olub is a small factur in the address. great work of Altrui!lm. There will be 173 graduates from 0 i The nrogram was exc~Ptionally the different townships, 88 follows:

~\~E;a~ia~it~~in~h;:II~ti~~~I~e I~t;


.--.--.-.. . . --.----. . . "." .. ". ··_ . · . . . · . ·1 . -H_... , .. _ .. _ . .. .. _ ...... ·· .... ·1 r1r P I M ti· C I .! I



en ,on



-.....-~-..-.................. _ ..__...............J I ~~~ :vid~~~e~~h~i:oa~::lai~":bv W~hington Tp .................. ...... L... -.---..... _~........-_ .. _ ..._ _ _._....... _ . _ ...---l generous appl ause. Miss Stella Umon .T p ................................ Bishop, of Xenia. a house guest Frankhn Tp......... ......... ........... J. Ha wke was a Dayton visitor I Jesse Thomas, of Springfield, spent Miss Sybil Hawke, who is a musician Clearcreek Tp ...... ......... ........... Sunday. Sunday here. of ullusual ability. gave the first Turtlecreek 0(


Miss Mary Hawke is spending her vacation with ht:r mother Mrs. Alice Hawke. . Mm. Allen Haines. of Xenia. was tbe guest Qf friends here Tuesday and Wednesday.

Cb'as. Burnett. of Rqule 5. attend ed tht! Grand Lodge of Oddfellows at Dayton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee and daugh'ter, Mi88 Josephine spent last Friday with Mr. and Mn.. George Ogl~bec. of Xenia.



Mi!!8 Anna·Meredith. who 'has been ·"teaching . echool at Cincinnati, rE ' tW'ri~ to her "ome h~re Monday for . - ller:summer v&:!ation. •


r' ... •

'. •


. ... Mrs:


' ...


~i1Y McKay Denny of Lan· : ' c88ter, Ohio, and Mrs. W. C. Welch - ' ll1d, aau~htet8. iJf Harveysburg. Ni8lted MI!!8 Letitia McKaY on Satul dav, "

--e . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-_# .. _..

Alfred Wright returned home Mi8S Ethel Hosie~ returned to her from Georll'e School Wf'dnesday work at the .p?sto.ffil'e Mo!'day •. after a .pleasant VISIt WIth relatiVes m In. Mr. J . E. Janney and family. Mr. evening for his summer vacation. dIana. C. T. Hawke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sarah Zimmerman left Mrs. Frank Zell. Mrs. Eva Jones and Thursday for Pennsylvania. where Mr. and Mrs . J: B.• Chapman, Mr. Mis..~ Florence Wilson attended the she will spend several months with and Mrs: A. B. SIdes and M~ ..Emcommencement exercises at Oxford relatives mor Bady were Dayton VISitOrs College ThurSday. • Thursday. Mi!!8eB Ethlyn Jones. Edna Janney Mr. und Mrs, F. C. Gilmour and NEWS fRO." SPRING VALLEY ana Ruth Zimme~an are home f rom Oxford College fo, their 8um- chii ldren were visiting relatives in SOlllth Lebanon and Morrow WedMiss Bessie Fitch eutertained Fri- mer vacations. ne!;day and Thursday. . day evening with a linen shower in i honor of Mrs. Ralph Haines, Mary ' Go to J. H. Coleman's to get the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spahr and Walton a bride-of last week best high grade Tinware in the town. Mrs Paul Peterson spent several Also the best Graniteware. Carpet family. and Miss Mary Goode, of Xenia, were the guests of Rev. and days last w<'t'k wit\l her parent.~ in ' Beaterd and Fly Swatters. Mrs. J. 1<'. Cadwallader Tuesday. Harveysbur..!. Mr. and Mrs. James Osborne were Messrs . Ernest. Ro~ers anA J Miss Ina Hamilton is home from the week e~d "uests of relbtives ~ere. ~f~retoan8xf~dss Wed":t'!day~~nd Wilberforce. anel will spend the sum~rs . WlIl FulkeJ'S(·n -:ntertamed I attended Commencement. mor at the home of her parents, Mr. FrIday In honor of her Mra. and Mrs. Nelson Hamilton, of Route Negley. of EI PUM. Tex. Mrs. JesAe Compt~n. of Dayton. 3. of W . avnes... 11 her. MI'88 Mabel S.. liubury. o f w"o has been over Sunda . y wI'th frlen'"s" Sa vlsltmg h'erimot d lrr:.or Red R00 fi· ng P aint or Bam vl'lle,'vI'sl-ted and relatives. .. Mrs. Mary ttert wa te, returne go to J. H. Coleman's. . h . k to het home Friday evening. . Mrs. Geo. Vetters is on t e SIC list Mr. and Mm. Arthur Palmer and Mr. and Mrs Arthur J. Osborn and Mr. and Mrs. George Osborn, :of M·r. and MrS. Newton Moore were daughter, of Columbus, were the Marlon. Ind., were the week-enll wt'ek end guests of relativeM near gtlePts of Rev. and Mrs. D. H. guesta of Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Janney Franklin . Palmer and family last week. and Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis. Mrs. Charles' Alexander and Mrs. John .Petemon were D~ton shop· Joe Thompson brought some Mr. and M-. WI'naton RI'cks an'd Th rsda ' . friends he~e from Cincinnati Satur· .0 ~ \ y. ", day evening, and they spent the time Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ricks, of CinMn. Sherwood the a~ mother in. ftabiDlr,. : Th.e y r..,turiled' Sun- ciJln~ti, who have been th~ guests Qf

-_ ..




h~r~~:~a~~ ~:~ltio~a~~~oa:!~~ ~ay evenl.. . .





' ' .• ' .'


10 13 13 15 l'p .......... ".. .......... 34 Harlan TpTp ......... ...... ...... ......... 28 H amI'Iton 25 ........... Wayne Tp ... ... ....................... . 19 . Tp ... --........ .... -...... ....... - 12 MassIe Tp......... ....................... 3

'" Sc D P' t Gr een or number Chopin's Waltz' in A Flat Eorn-J une 8th • to Mr. anu.• M rs. lJr' or . 'Louella. .' -'· t reen J H oor C oam. l' MIsses Jeanette and FrancIs B i!iU\. Wm. Burge. a SOll.. a '. . eman s_ J anney sang a trIO, . W1-th ch arm.lltg . Mm. Harley Wilkerson h88 been simplicity. "Come Where the Rose. ' II bud 3 Sleep" Miss Sybil HaWke Mrs. Walter McClure was qUite I quite indisposed for several days. Sunday and Monday. sang Bartietlq. "Come Back to Me. t U dM Miss Bessie Smith spent several Sweetheart." She never sung better, Total ............. .............. ..... 173 Bo -J une 10th , 0 rs. d a~vs last wee k'In Dayton vIsIting . . . • - ••- - Alva mHartsock a son ... r. an and In response to an encore m ad e , . friends. qvite a hit. singing. "He Kissed FORM CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY There was a change in the t i m e . , Her." Mrs. Funkey gave a pleasing table of the D. L. & C., Sunday. WMEISS O~Narlhlal 0 Nea II toand _ ~t rs. monolog "Mrs. Newlywed goes ShopMonday's Cincinnati Enquireraays D , _ . ea were sy n VISI ors ping." Miss Ruth Hartaock'sabiJity that the farmers in and arouDd MorHavolene Auto Soap for oil cloth . FrIday. . as a pianist is well known, and her row have formed a co-operative . fine execution of "Schumann's Papilfor the purpose of purWaynesville Auto and Machinery Co. Havolene Auto Soap, best to wash Ion" made a pleasing impression, large quantities of feed Master Ethan Crane is s~nding harness. Wayne.'1viIle Auto and Ma- Mrs. Grauser was in excellent voi ce, etc., at wholesale a week with relatives ill Norwood. chlnery Co_ and sang with f(!weet expression. prices, the middleman's 3 W .. Until the End of Time." profita. The company h88 elected Mrs. Rosa Berryhill and daughter, :i orn-~o Mr. and Mrs. H; . This closed the program and the Ita offic!!rs, and is ready for busiMiss Flora, were visiting in Dayton W)rlE's of Route 3. Sunday, June 21st. remaining time was 'Spent iD social ----Friday. a daughter. conversation. and in frequent visits to the delicious lemon punch. dis· 0000 FISHING HERE Several of our citizens attended C. B. Bentley was in Dayton Tues- pensed in the dining room. Later the Decoration services at Lebanon day, where he sold a carload uf hogs delicious ice cream and cake were After the rain Thursday morning. Sunday. shIpped from Dodds. served. The guests lingered for th d ' more music, and Misses Bish~, ere was quite a pon at Rogen and Mrs Mary Upp has returned from , and some wag, seeing C S Grauser S Rev. an d Mrs.... Wilmington after a two weeks vi sit Hartsock and Hawke very go - a chance to Il'et at the Council erectson, Charles. were In Lebanon un wit.h relatives amI friends. naturedly £~ve very delight~uJly ed a sign in the middle of the pond day afternoon. . several pleasmg nU!Ilbers makmg a with the words. "Good Fishing The Misses India and Rtlth Ranker, ~). D .. Lefferson ami party, of grand finale to a delIghtful evening. Here." T~e sign attracted a s;reat of Lebanon, were the guests of ~b[ldletown. were.calllng on Mr. and •- • deal of notIce and much laughter. friends here last week Mrs. J. O. CartwrIght Thursday. RELATING TO fO~ME~ CIT!ZENS _. _ .....__ . ---


Havolene Auto Soap ill economical. Waynesville Auto arid Machinery Co

Whole. ,Number 3269


Mr, and'

',,',.' of Pay.

~1~et~ithJ:h:;e ~~d:; :::i~~ .' . .


Of Interest to the People Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Smith. and daughters, of Bruokville, are spendProf. C. H. Young, ' of Lebanon, ing a couple of weeks at the home of was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Misseldine, of Wichita. Kun. If you want the best Paint and Varnish Remover go to J. Cole· man's. Weare glad to say in regard to Jas. Stoops~ of Dayton, was the advices received from California. of his rather for a couple of that the condition or Mr. Wm. Gard this week. is most satisfactory. and that he is convalescing. Mr. Gard was operMr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell and ated on fo~ gall stonCl;! several wee~s daughter, Miss Adra, spent the weekago, and hIS many frIends . here ~11l end with relatives in Dayton, and be.g!ad to hear that he IS rapIdly the horse show. gam mg. Miss Sarah Satterthwaite. who has been quite sick with .euremic poilOnMr. A. Frank Taft, who for six Ing for a week past;' is mucb better years has been manager of Kroger's the present time. grocery. has taken charge of Adler & Childs' new grocery department. The C. E. Society of the Christian Mr. Taft. by his aggrCllSive and Icnurc~n will a Lawn Fete. Thurs. ufjto-date methods has won a host I'n front of the f' d w h 0 Wl'11 no d ou bt b e g lad 0 rlen!l to hear of this new connection. He ,....,........ explained th~t he intended to carry Go to J. H. Cole~an'8 for AboliI tIn f fancy and staple a com I! eel e 0 k ' . h h tion the dirt abolisher for cleaning ll'r~erles, and il) eepmg. WIt t. e painted and vamlahed surfaces, fiat pohcy of the store, the prIces would wall Paints and general household be much . lower than elsewhere. cleaning. ~r. Taft wI.1I be pleased to .welcome hIa many frIends and acquamtances. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elbon, Mrs. - Dayton News. Sarah E1bon and Mrs. · H. H. Wi!. • - • hamson were in $'pring Valley SunSOLD OLD GRANGE BUILDING da,y to see Mrs~ Malinda Sherwood,



Roy Irons ' sold . . . .. bUilding 'and the

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.... G'llii4aJ'1 ,IIUQI~.;-III


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Becau~e of Terrible Back. ache. Relieved by Lydilf. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.



0/ ~~1[~~~u~19~lLl:

Philad elphia, Pa. - " 1 suffned fro m displacem l! nt and inflummatioll, a nd hlLd s uch II u i n ~ in m y 6 ide ~ . and terri bl~ backache so that 1 " ~ h al l I toll you w\Mta It bc.gan wll h I l hllllll ll t Ih"l :-;h rl,'y w.'" ~ \ I ff" rll l~ , [11111 ' (;1"1'1'11 \1 11 " 10",, 111 •. 1,' :-; 111I 11<Ir)" .. us . ·Ho.;,' lJll d ~I e r e dll h :' 811111 Ri ck· coulu bardl 3 , tand. SYNOPS IS. lYl e? :\ o t IWlt nlgbl - oor Ihp. d llY we too. II ne"lll " o In cr pd llJ I" t haI h., :'I1U lll " . II Y"': nl'l l) I lil li e n i g tl '~r er wi t he ri ng ly, " It wo ul tl ee rvc YOII I took s ix boU;"8 of ~ IIl nntp. tl t he rambieJ'll. (Do YOU k no w, . lI ould no" I". rag in)( ,,1t'1l1': a <"n ll ll!ry . 1 ~" 1 1 1. II I ~ 1 3 1J YO U: \ .. r ig h t for pu t ting thn t lond in the IJ lute .1 ~ '\ hll \ ' .... I: onl, 1. r lrh !II1"'II ' I,.. ,y r" \-' l r 1( c. LYliia E. P inl. hum's tiud ,t ... " lr dj~ l',) \ p~ LI: at ,110" \ ' n ll a u t ,' \'r - WIItHl your Uttle IDIlddy boot "'P ilI r .\11 n t 1I;;; 1I 1fl1 11 to lInd ,H>m",I II' lg I ' ; r"II III" ro il .·" 0 \' ' r n il t he " I· a ~~ 11 1111 I if )"our bund wuuld ge l .111 ov u r warts! V e ge t a b I... Com· f)Prpl I \1011 w hkh h i:' f :ltt\l...' r r O ll n(I .-. rt Hil t' i" l1" I"!'d. " ~ !I ,;" :-1 a ll 1(' ~ Ull rlltln ' ," ~ hl' 1'111 Ilu l"f' I ho pe it w lll. " S Ill' rescued pound,aml ,lOW i can w h l. ·h \\: H ~ Ih •• Vf 1t\ll p n ! ,," un,' e at ht ~ t ra m pling down the ea.rth a boo t Ibelr ' 111., l so l1urr\l ol y hurl 11\1 III hoth. w l·alt h . t ftl l ll".J I h ' "(l l ll Ht ll r11 y lI ~rn ~ roots, I wanted to .toop do ..... n an d I Il was a llllos t darlt - ":ll" e fo r 11 .. ,· ~ ItJ. " .\11 11,,[\11 h 'lh ~a)" d e Ylldrlll h I til· rall'lI Ill ("e a t burk and an· ,loa n y amollnt of (,) \" l! r his (11 hull' (,\ 1"1 11110 fo th/' l'C" C't' I Vlt r So dear C"l'erythlng nbollt tl tu rli gh t- wl1 cn h saw t h!' ob utlow u f ,Ill Y ,' I WU 1. ,' r lI\ouRllt y {(ood ("" lin ' 1 nou nce d : " T he collec tion th lH nrte r· work , sleep g ood, "at t!'or t il .., ' ·OI r p , ' r n t h ·1\ 1 1I~ ~ n U n' r e lll l1 tn \ nK kles It ! PQ!!I5f'k=.. lnn .' " n !" l:tl ., r lin old m o tor c a. r, a you was! I Not Utat tl"foning at H os , ~- Ihe A(jun n1 Ivy·g row n 81JIrA r ~a1'l1li: t" r r,'1 1" 1" bal d ~fi ~l l a e n gl t Ull ~Iara · , IInOH ha5 amoulltctl to u huullrcd dol· good. und don't ha ve whtlo b ll li I"if .., nr" t 1 1.\l t1 l1 r r ('o llrt, 11. n e g · hutldl H ot rullaK" lab! " l iars and >le ve n ce nt s . And no w, chll a bit of troub lu. 1 4ec t ed . 'MI1I1 ... In \ ' t n .: l ll ll\ . l)n til.., wa y t n wood. wI t h the u'bcr fn&Tan ce a bout Hl.ark f ro m It.a Dom n r v ,'o u rl h o 1ll('1~1!I Sh hx c )' D a nd. - us. ( I thInk I.haD al~. picture YOIl a ga lflRl Lb o blurr ~ d b:lc kgru u nd . 11 0 " \\" ,'11 ," 81\1< 1 ('oz y. to.slng htl r hen tl d r '~ n, w e wil l uklp the catcc hl ri nl un d L.;:>"""'.:>:"'-"..".,....= ... r ecomme nd Lydia E. ..n<1g~ , an I'lllbl1rn -h, 11I'('(1 bo aut)', nnd dewIth rosell all abmIt JOa.. Red roBea push " d opeLl t he gate li nd W('lI t slo wly 1111 th e tlo\\, p. r ear r ings lIan ced . " I'm I will te ll you a sto r y:' Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound t o cl(l ~ . !h ltt h~ I.. g(l ln« to 1111" Virgi nIa 1m · \ffi.Onst: l y . Rh lr)py 'a rnolhe r . l\.Irl , Dand - the color of yoar I\ps!) No. It wn8 not up the wom path towurtl Iho g r~ al gO ing to g e t rnarrl " tI It Ihe mn n ha Rn't H ' r auditors hunched them. el vol every suffering womam. "-Mrs. HARRY I1 clg e . a n d Mn.Jt) r Bri s tow e XClllLngp r e m - th,' n that It ~ tbnl dreadf ul Iro n - ~ullXl aud hn odp. d rluor. \'nd ur j;ot anythin g hul a c huractp.r and a nearer. a double row or a ttenllve white FlI' HEn, 1642 J unlata Street, Philadel· "n l Hc ~ m'tl'..j during which It Is r e v e Ale d Murrled wom ,'n don't and black races. a s Rickey wllh 11 pro- phia, PI\. ~ "I\l tl,o ma,or. V .. ll a nl·. fllther. and 0. hour "" heu you ~ with mo to Bave 'the larch es on etlh o r haud Ih e o lltlln "s red D1 u!; la c h f~ . t nall na m od S n.&8l,,"l n we r e rivals for t h " my Ufe---nor the ~ you sat your at th l! graveston e!; loome d pa lUdl y. hoYt! to prove thoy coul t! h ave got llwlnary ballS · ('u~b. bega n in a drawl· Another Woman o8 Caae. hl."d ot Mrs. Danolt1dg. In ller YOllth . Providenc e, R. I. - " I cannot speak Ing tone wboeo m;r.tlcr y called rortb ·B.... 800n nnd VIlIl8-111 foul:ht a du el on her horlle In the bo1-nJW11 hi Ihal yew· and from the bell to we r caOlI) th o (ulnt n husband If they had wan ted 10." account In whlcl\ the formot IV ..... kll1ed . green bablt that ..... your hal.r look In quiring cry of a s mall owl. Vall au t too highly at y onr Vegeta ble Compound "Let'" play some thing: ' p r up06 ed giggles of e 8cta~y. Valin nt linda Damor,. court overf{1'.own "Them we re on Cll tw o little _\Ctors as it hall done wonders for me and I "wHh weeel. nnd crec l''' .... and ~ ~ cld El8 to Ilke molten copper_ No. It began th e stoo d look ing about him. W hat could Rosebud !\fe r·edlth. o n wbom tbe dis· would not be without it. I had a dis' ro habtlUate the pllice. Vallnnt .l.vQ~ first afternoon. . . . . I At lD my wo· ho learn here ~ He rond no e.ns\\"er to cU8slcm palled. " Let's play Klns· who woo t to SundaY'Bcbool nnd lov ed place ment,belU'lng dOWD(and backache. ' ShIrl,,)" from the blto at a . whlllh III . , ha.Dd! It the r iddl e . A li t lle to one II ld e or th ll King !{I\Uko." the ir t eacher ve-e·e ry mUc b. Tbcy until I could hardly stana and was tho~ '!Itt.... hIm. j(no",tnOl the d....dUnc... of tho tor wltb you _ !!ille, ShIrley suck. the poleon fro m lhe has never lert .a doy or by path some thing s how ed Bn o\l-liko 011 " Il'1I ~lIl1da y!"- th l s from h llr small· were always go od and aUentlv __ nol oughly run down when I took Lydia E. wound a n d aaveJI hi. Ute. Vallllnt learns for the Ilrst li me th'" hIt! fat.h.r lett \' tr · nlght. And yet eII_ .re people In the ground. nnd he we nt towa rd it. or and more rlgbteous s iSle r. " We're lik e that littl e nigge r over Ihere l Th .. Pinkham's Vefetable Compound. It elnla on a ccou nt of a duel In wh tch Doc- tbls ago of alraldPl GI'I banting blgh- Noarer. he saw t hat It wn B a ma ~ s of forbidd en to pla y a n y tblng but Bible one with bla thumb In bls mouth 1 Olle helped m e and am in th e best ol h enlth tor Southa ll .. n<1 M .. lor Rrlltow noted ...,. at prese nt. I work in a factory all day til. tILlh er'a socon,la. VallILnt and ShIrley waye and typew11tan who think love- now e rA. Dlarlng up white ly (rom the game. on S unday, and It Rosebud was lll1le Mary a lld the othe r waa long b esidea doing my housework 90 you !becorna 1100<1 t'r\ ol1d.. MM!. DandrlllRo al·first·sIKht t. u nt~- date as our does. 1"11 te ll. " little Susy . They hsd a wlght y rich can see whnt It hu done for me. I give flUnta when .he nl60to Valiant ror tli" little grandmotllerW' 11.00)18 rustin g 10 " Jay -blrd tntt l3- talel" enng Ros e bud un c le who llved In Hlt;itUlu,M. a nd you permiAsion to publieh m1nam e and I enot tIme. Vollant dlocoy" .. thaI he " a. a tornone In old w.u nut trees. Th e yM rl y the KalTet. All. .tN.thean. I. for one, deri s ively. ' -Oon 't ca re It you 110:" onco bo came to S il O t hem and gave spuak of your Vege table ~mpound to t. UrmUlIPnt. a aur<lvlll of the jouattnlf of " Well," d e c:re e d Rl ck .~ y . "We' lI pla y th em eac h a dollar. And th!!y wer" many of my fri e nds. "-Mrs. AURn. LAw. fC udnl tIm .. , II! held a t Damory court. Al know better I ot.he lut moment Valiant lake. th e place "Su ppose I had · cal come to VI· 8 unday sc hoo l Ih on. 11 wou ld tnke . a ve .c.o r y gla d. It wos o't n w trlln ol( BON, 126 Lippitt St., Providence, R. L -or one of t.he knights. who I. sIck. and glnla-and 1m0Wl1l.,.,.! M,. h e art <l alnt to object to that. I'm Buperln· paper <Io llar. u ll dirt anll creasus; nM Danl:"er to /Women ' \1111"1"11 t11' 11.\1. H" wIn. Ilnd I ~ nt.lont and t his IItump's illY dcsk. All a battere d whitey s liver doll ar; bu t :ilhlrlev Dandrldrrn .. 0 'lunen nf beauty I" jumps w be n I thiDk of It ]t makes are what one physician caned backncJlIt, ·th p dIsmay of K:llh erlnq Fargo. n rormer one b eli eve In rate. Here.t tbe Co nrt 1 you c hlldron s It dO"' n u nder that tree." It wae a brigbt round go ld dollar, right headache, nervousness, and tho blUes. .wo'!U,ellrt, who Is ,"Islllnll' In ' -11"/110\.&. T b ey range d th e mselves 10 two out at th e mint. LilLie Mary and lillie In many COBes they are symptoms of 'I'he tournament I'nll al Damory court [ tound ao old Jeat·clllend lU'-l t site draw. th" elite or the ~ oun try..ldo. Bhlr. at my elbow now, juala 1 came on It. ro ws. th e wbltc children, III c leaa Sab- S uey coul d hard ly s lee p Ibat night for S001e femnle d erang ement or an inflam· lOY 18 crowned by Yall"nt u queen at huth pinafore s and go-to·mretln g tblnklng or what th e y could buy with matory, ulcerative condition, which may beauty Valiant tell. Shtrley of hla lovo Tbe dale It ml)WII I. :Kay 14th, and ;,e overcome by taking Lyaia E. Pink· and U;foy be""me ~ n!,ng c d . J{ ath~:l ne Its motto I.: 'Jllnrp maD carries bl. knl c kprbocke:rs. In tron t and tlio col · t hose go ltl dollars. 'l"RrgO. dptermlntng not to gl" o up \ nll(Ired onos, In gingham s and colton · "E:arly next mo rulng tbey went bam' IIV eg"table Vompound. Thou.and. .... nt without Q otrugl;"le, poInts oul to Shll'- fate upon a rtRDd about hili neck.' of AmericlUJ women willingly testify to aey how terrIbl e It would be tor Ihe worn· I like lbaL prlnt~. In the re a r - t b e hab itulil ex - down .town, hand In band . to the slore. (til virtua. ...n who ca u lled the du el to mf"ct Va li a nt, '"That liMIt BunJQ at St.. Andrew'ft, pre ssio n of a difT erlng social stal ion . and lill ie S usy bought a bag of goober · _h" look. ~o much II I,e hIs rathe r. "Oh!" sh r lellOd MlslI Clibe ll. "Bnd ['II peRfi. nnd sticks and sticks of strlpClI [ thougbt of a dQ--.,. It be s oon! \ CHAPTER XXVIII.-Co"tinued. wh e n you and I mlcht .tand b etore be Mrs. Me rryw eal h e r Mason and cand y, a nd Ii limbe r ~k, IUld a gold -'Young mars' teel ·'"..ay up In de tbat altar. with ~ people (my teac b the iafa nts' class ." rin K. !lnd a wnx doll wIth. silk d ress -elouda tlis day," be said to Aunt people. loo, now) &rOu.a4 us. nnd I " Th ere ISIl't auy Intant class." sai d on tbat could o peu aod shu t its 8ye8-" 'Daphne. "He wake up ez glad ez s h a ll h ear you ..,-: 'I.. Shirley. t a k e HIckey . "How COll id the re b e , n " Hu h!" salll the cnp Lious Co :;;y. That'. Why You',.. nrecil-OI:lt 'ef be done 'tMsed 'lIg1on las' nigh t. thee, John- ' AJMI te t!r\a.k II Is really ther e a n", 't on y Inra nts? The lesson " You can't buy a Wal( doll tor a dollar. ~Ha.,e No AJ'p",tit,,,. b b Is o ver und I've Ju st rull g th e be ll for ~Iy littlest, l ittles t oue cost thr eE', and ·Well.. a ll de rolkeea cert' n 'y 'joyed t a come true.In.... uv 7UII rem em e r t e CARTER'S ' d eyallivos. OJ' Mlatab Fllfgo done eat text the mlnlaler preacbed from? It was sile ncI'. Chlldrl'Il, t his I~ Miss ionary s h e dldn 't havo II stitch to her back! " LIVER PILLS Sunday. and I'm glad to see so many 'bout forty uh d em jumbles. Ah beah .' But all men ~. that th ey hnve "Shu t up!" said lUcll ey bri elly . will put you right th.... bl bappy fac C6 hero today . Cozy," sh e 1him talkin' ter Mars' John. 'Reck'n yo' [ 1C b ea, an d .10_0 ~ ....- face. s n e as "Dolls \\'ero ch oa per then." She looked in a l ew days. said r ele nt ing , "you call be the organ· mUll' hab e r crackahJack oook down th e faces 0........... t ___1.' 1 t hi n k I s b a 11 at tbe row o f little negmes , goggle. The ~ -..:Ith t 1st It YOll wunt to." b t h beah : he say. Hyuh. byuhl " g o a au ence my ace He Bont Over, Suddenly Notino tho "I WO Il·t." snld Cozy s lIlIe nly . "If I €j:ed at [he vision of :;ucb la rgess. th ei r "a'way wId yo' blnckyardln'!-" shining, Cure so that &D mea wUl seo thu~ S cent; It W AI ClIpe J o.. am,nc, . can 't be tab le-clolh I won't bo dish. "Wh a t do yo u t blok littl e ll-l llr"J did stipation, :'InlQ'ed Aunt Dapbne, delig hted. "Oon' J hav e rlehee-your Joy. for me, dear. ra g." with h or gol d dollur" She lo ved dolls noed ter come eroun' honey·calruddlln' " I am so happy 1 C&II bardly see tbe seml·ohscurlly fr om wltbln nn IrOIl "_All loa, bu t s he had beard Biliousneas, Indigestion and Sick HeadacfJe ,. rig h t, you nel~dn't," re tort ed and cand'". I . me!tt wor d II-Or perhapa It .. !bat t be sun railIng. He bent ove r, 5 ud~ e nl Y tlo ling Rickey fr ee zlngly . "Slt up, .G ree nl('. about t bo poo·oo·r heathen. Th e ro waH SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMAIL PRlCL "Oat's wbut be lIay," Inels\ed Uncle h liB set. 1 am ~e !bill over by the Bcent; Il wus caj)El jeesa mln e . a tea r In her a ye, but ~ b e took t be dol· must bear Signature .. People don't 1\e on t he ir backs In . Jefferson ; " be did to' er fac'!" U nc Ie J 9uenlOL 8e1tad _ bact just With tbe curious se nsation ot almost S undaY·Bchool. .. I.Ir llom e, and ne xt da y wh e n sbe weul She drew ber banda from the lIuds a ~ord by hIIIl. -.uallllrl. to Bay 1 preBclence plncklng a t blm. he took B ftl." Greenla y \VnecJ dJsmully. and rlgbt· to SundnY'Bc bool, sbe dropped It III and looked at bim anxiously. ".Jeff'eon, may come to yo. to ....... l And add bo x at veslas trom bJs pocke t nnd cd I\e rs(l lf with Injured slowness. " Ab the mis slo llary·box. }'(J' reck'u Mars' ,Jobn gwlneter f<itch .' - -' tbe three sbort Jam tro thirsty sttllclc ·o'ne. !lnre.d \1 p illum inati ng diffuses ter' 'Ce l)' ' yo ' Insult, ' Ri ckey • "Little childre n, ...,hM do yo u rec~on dat Yankeo 'oomo.n heah ter Dam'ry to hear oyer aDd lWe!J'-q!] e yerb be- a {lat gron'lte ' slib In hl c h was cut Snydllb," IIhe s aid. "A h 'd ruthah lose becllm.e of tilat dullar? It bou"bl 0 .. .Co·ot, ter bo ouah mlstle?" TOU f wl "OUT ot IKlIlTfl ' 'J\UK DOWN' '001' Ib •• UJU' tween two proDD~O that I can a nam e a nd Inecrlpt!on : mah 'lIglon dan mah laz',iese. En All big IIatchelrul of tra c t8 for a tu ls""''':!' If .",r•• from IUD• • T , .LA""'~ ......"'Ou. DLIaoUa. " Humph I" ecof'Ced ber IIpouse. "Da t kIss th em all at ODOO!" np'. He had blle o u ""or mnn 1I'Itb !~r~':'orW;:-~.T OaLt;,Cl:llu~~It,:: :-':~~·:Oo~ EDWARD SAS SOO N. 's pl slls yo' spissable dlsslsltlon!" J "V 'blgbfalutln' gal whut done awaller de He raIsed hIa head, a »ttl!' nu s hed "Fo r~lve us .:lur tres pasae •." "Let us all rlso:' contlnued- HIckey . ~ Ix children an d a wire wltb a D&)'Ie- 'b~tI dlHUM .ad WOHDaann. OG&SI ,.:r.ele4 br' ramrod! No lIub·ree-bob-tall! De and wIth eYM brllllanl; Jlghted a fe lon on h er rl~ht hand- not a cbUcJ Ul,1E,,'t.E.x=,F .. IlNCH IU.MIlDV ffo. lllo.2~,. oldah yo' site, de mo' fooll shab yo' dl led tit .--- _ .. b rl The silence see med 10 CURb t o eal"th unmov ed. "and si n g 'IHogdom Com· I ,..mec" for YQUc,uW"W aJlD1tIl1t~ :'t-.la1417{." ;::,=I~'·I'': e, eea • . "I''' t e ng Ins.''' And Bh e struck up lustil y. o ld, Anoug h to waah dlsb el! and nil or \tie Can .... cltatlolll Is! Don' yO' tek n.o rna' he wo- -nd ............ _.. It. llke a great 100k lng·t;lass ond sh Ive r beati ng time on tho stu mp wltb a t h e m youn g enong h t 0 t a.'1 In tie I fi r e.v .... . . . t:;f.0'y:,~ ~r~:=~~~R:.~ ~~!~~t:::: ~:-IHi~\.-: -trouble on YO' back den yo' kin keek --" J-..L.I..1 .... a ,.,urr '1'0 .110,.., r~Da WlJ..L ctl1a roo. Th erea tter IIe ~ .......g In t 0 th e Into a m!llion pi eces. The wax dropped s tick, and the ro ws of c hildren joIned e o h e Ilau to go all d b e a m I58 Ionl\l7 'ptf'n YO' heele! She aln' plneter run ~- tb 0 pn 1e from biB fing e rs aud In the s uperv e n· In wltb u.c Uon . t he color ed contingent II. e was go Ing to AI a b t l I~ ; .d"-" grow . ama 11 can u ·dls place, ar ai' Devit·John tuhn ovah I A_ t tng darkness a numb fright grIpp ed com ing out st rong on the ch orue : b a I I8 Ianu. _I II Pluatation CODSlmer amplI 0 t t < ne' COIla tall a 1-PL'lII uuepen a an d h e took t h e trac t san" .. ,tn be grave!" green tilt .aplBat Ute Je,pJs.JazuJl of him by th e thront . Shirley ha d la id sailed uwuy In II s hip that hln(led hill! . Suneet found Valiant sItting tn the the sky. and IIIIbnlinc to the Insect these there, on the grave at the man 0. yer r ahall be rull 01>. de wlln,,,,hr ul on th o ohoro. A~d when the helltlieb 'mosie-room before the old square pl- noiRe s dullln.. Into the wayen cborus his tatber had k1l1ed-the cape jcssastory clln nlbnls saw hIm t be y were vo-e.e r r rlUlO. In tbe sha.dowy chambe r the a! e venlne. Uncle Jefferson was long mtnes sbe had wanted t ha t da)', for Aa walahs dat cO\'a h d~ SN"! gla d. for there badn 't b ee n any shll" lI:eys or mother·ot·pearl gleamed with I __ ......_.L-.. Impa tl en t he r • mol • h e r! • He• und e rs tood. Ir wrec k ed sn IIors tor a Iong t I me, und t urn Ing.............. re "w • The clear VO ICA! In t h e quiet a n \1ull colors under his ftngers. He I t bl t I h th I ftta rtl ed thtl ftu ttel'ing birds a nd sent they were ve·o-ery bun gry. So tbA Y struck a l first only broken chords, that tlnally aud be8'" to JII'O'Wl through tbe dU!!ty corrldol'll lDIIt • leopard, tben t cam e 0 m a a~t t at Il ro a s qul r~e l to the tip-top at an auk. ti lld up the m ission ary a nt! ga thllre d became finally lhe bauntlng barcarole to the tront pordt aDd Illmlly to tbe WBS a c bill mist groping among l be- from which he look~d do wn. nlrtlng 1\ lot of I/o'ood 10 make a fire and cool! Avoid adulterated prod· >of "Tales of Hoffmann." It was the driveway. lllltAmlnc at eyery turn for t r ees anel tbat be was very COld. his bruKh. Th ey roused a man. 100. him . 'nlr t bat had drifte d acroes .tho garden ucts that endanger health and He went back along th e Red Road wbo h ad lnln In a ..o dden sleep under "Bul Is bad rained and rain e d and 'w b eT\ he had slood with Shirley by t h e familiar "ouell", atep. When at leua1il tile old negro ap· stumblingly . Wua thlll to be t he end a busb lit 8 little dletance. He was rnln e<1 tor 110 long t bat th~ WO(ld wa H happin~. chdiu grown rthe eun·dlal, In tbs moment at their 16rat kille. Over nnd over he played peared, Valiant took tile note hc of the dream. which he bad tancled ra gged and. solled and his }1e avy bTU- all \Vet. and It wouldn't burn , aud th e1 tobacco in its'natural state aired : It, ImproTlslng dreamy varlatlona, till brougbt, hi. beart "'UDg rapidly, would Ine f. forever? Coul.d II be tbat tal tnce. covered wlt b a dark stubble all cri ed becauso they w(;rc. blI hllngr~ Blue GrQ$J . the tender melody seemed th e dear and carried It lluUly .. to the candle- sbo was uo t tor him? WaR It. nn hOIiTY or somo daye' growth, b a d an ugly And tben they hnl>p ened to fln'\ tb, from gToweT~ in heart ..g boet of that em brace. At leqtb he . IIgbt. He did DOt opa It at once, but 110 thnt th e SlOB or tbe tatb ers we re Bcar siantlllg back from ':heek to hair. aalcheHul of tracts. and . tbe tJ1\CU KentuckY. UnexulleJ for tat tor a full mlnute II\F'IlIIllng It be- visited upon tho third anti tourth gen- Without gE~tt!ng up, be rolled over to were ve-e-ery dry . Tbey took them 3mo! and cheWing. Shipped tween bla palm. . . tltDu.g)l to extract oraUon? command I~ bettllr vll!w, aud set bls a.nd etuck th em under tho wet wo&)d from the deUca... · Il&Pllr the beloved Whe n h e r e-e ntered th e library tbe e yes, blinking from their s lumber, on a nd [h e t ract8 burn e d and the 11100(1 in cartons, parcel post prepaid tbrlll of her touch. m B hnnd shook candlo WllS gntterlng In lbe burned the childre n. . causbt tire and they cooked the rti. at following prices: elightly as he drew tile folded leaves wings of a nlghl·moth . The place "We w\ll now take up thp. collee- slonury and ate him. from tho enTelope.. How would It be· looked all nt once gaunt and d esolate lion." s old Rick ey . (" 'You can do It. " Now, little chlldren, which do ya· gin 1 "My Knldll do the Crimson and d espolied. What could VIrginia, Jun e . Use a tlat pie ce at bark. ) Re- ·tbink did the mOBt good with her dill 2 Pound Cartons Rose?" or "Dear Gardener?" (Sbe had wbat could Damory Court. he to him member tha t what we giv e today 18 Inr- little Susy or tittle Mary'/ " 5 Pound Caf'ons called him Gardener the day tbey had witho ut h er? The wrinkled nOle lay for the poor heathen In- tn Alabama." The front row sniggered. and a sl;;l Bet out tbe ..-ea) or perhaps even on Ihe d es k and he bent Aud,l enl y with The barlc·slab mllde Its round8, re· cam e from tho colored ranks. . L~D '10 Pound CanoDs " Sweeth eart?" It woulcl not be 10l\g, a s harp catching breatb and kissed It. cclving leav es . acorns. and an aces· ar' can'bals," gasped a dusk y lDra n' only n m e re "Yea" or "Come to me," There welled ove r him a wuve or s ional pin. Mid way, howc\'e r. there breathlessly. "-dey done eat UJI ali When ordering state prefer- ' Ilerhape ; yet eTeD the shortest ml~ B lv e rebe lliou s longing: The candl e s prea d arose a s hr\ll shriek from tbe be arer d a t ca ndy and de m g'l ober-poas, t001" ence; strong;' mild and medium had Its beglnnln& and Its endIng. to a hazy yellow .blur. The wa lls fell aud th e collection II"DS s cattered broad· (TO BE CO:-;'TIN UED.) H e opened and read. away. H e stood under the moonligh t. fi avors. Send cash, money OfFor an Instant he alanld unbellev· with bls arms ahout he r, his lips on der or bank draft with order. Ingly. Then tbe paper crackled to a hers and his h eart beati ng to t be Bank reference. Satisfacball In his clutched bJUUl, and he made sound at the violins beblnd thow . He laughed-a harsh wtld la'lgh that a hoars e sound wbich wss half cry , tion or money refunded.· then tiat pertecU,. .Wl. h is whole tace rang through the gloomy raoUl. Then s huddering. Wbat lie crullhed In hill he thre w himse lf on the cOllch and Natural CI. band wal! no DOt. err tender lov e- hurled his fnce In his hUl, ds . He WliS phrases; It wu u abrupt dlsmlseal. still lying there when the misty rain· P. 00 Box 413 Lexlagt ••• ly. The staggerinc contretemps IItruck wet dawn came through tb e ab utters. tbe color tro. bla fnee and lett every tlghter. Later the sword QUESTION RIGHT TO SWORD Rob nerve raw and qat't'erU&. To be "oath· CHAPTER XXIX. e rt Morrie. Ing to h e r, aa .lte ooliN be nothing to According to Mr . Hurt Mr. Morrh Historic Relic Now In of 'For an Inaunt He Stared Unballe~· blm 1" He felt a «1autly IncJ.l..aat\on to The Coming of Greef Kino. lat er prese nt e d the sword to. Com Ingly. laugb. Notbln-.. to .......... UnlvOl'1llty of Pennaylvanla H . . ... I l was Sunday afternoon, and uuder modore John Barry. senIor officer 0 1 !Evoked Olacuaalon., -weut. Into the library and In the crlm· P.rellently, ilia aa- frowning heav· tbe bemlocks, Rickey Snyder had gatb. the Ame rican navy "In 1796, but thaI <!O nlog light sat down at tbe do.k. lIy, he epread oat ,be cnntIpled paper ered her mlnlone-a dozen chlldrol tho presentRllon wa s only n life and began to write: reread It intJa ItlUer ' JllownellJl, frOiD the houlI8II wltb tbl! The goM sword that Louis XVI pre· legacy , and Lhat It abould hnvo been weighIng each.,..,.... MSomethlng usual sprinkling of little blacks from Bellted to John Paul Jones In tecognl· handed down to Ba rry's succeS80r an " Dear Bluebird of Mine; " I can 't walt any longer to talk to wblcb sbe had leanled mea she lut the kitch e ns. Tbere were !larentl. at lion ot tho lIgbt be mado with the Bon senIor .officer, -eventnally reachIng tbl' 'you _ LeBS than a day has paslled s aw blm. whtcll IaJ Wween them ." coune, to whom this mingling at >color Homllle Ftlcbard against ' tbe Sera pis pos80sslon ot , Admlra: Dewey .~Pblle ,since WI! were togeth e r, but It might She bad Dot kDow:a it. tlIu. "It night, and degree waa a matter at conven. bas been presentod to the UniversIty delphIa Prees. Cuave been eone, If ~ne measured, time wben they ha4- ~ IIeII1de 't he eun- tiona) problbltlon, but since tbe :ld. of Pennsylvania by Edward C. Dill!!, 'by heart-beala. What have you b~en dial! She ha41o....... then! What vent at Rickey, In whcse soul lay a lion of tbll lato Rlcbard. C. Dale, Il ror· Bird Man Hao Arrived. doing and thinking, I wonder? I han could tbeN! be that thnaIt them IrreT' Napoleonic Instinct !)f leadership. tbll mar prelident of the Society at Clneln· t b 1 th d • . ocably apart' h d I th b b b n~tl. Tbn IIword 'bal been In the pas· On tJle da)' aftar <:hristmaa a k,...· .. pen tOile eonll n e gar en, ,Ult" was more onore n e reGe ; t an , elan avl'a 't or at St. P"ts~buJ'1I .!lew · I Wltbout ltopptq tID ' thlDk of tbe In tbe observance. . , . eesillon of tbe Dale family for more • •~ 'waoderlng about, dreaming over thOle ' woulSertul, wondertul moments by tbe darknels OJ' tlLat til. l.deD4Jy ~0011 of "My! Aln't .It ecrumptloull tbaD a century. new macbhill ot his ,)wn ma~ln. - , ,lIun·dlal. Ab, dear little wJ1d heart tbe edlftce w:r;.I4 ~, ~ lal- c:JUght. Dowl" aald COZy Cabell, hallclng Tb~ 111 the IWON "'bleh . ChaJ'11II hours, carryllig ti~' p.Hsengeru; In au· ,~"' I'" oorn ot the !lowera. with the loul of up bitt hat . . . . . . . ..utJJ dowD \he low lady.sllpJ)4)1'II OYer ber 'e~. H enl'Y Hart, a local hliitorlan, de- tlon to ' Ii beavy au Jf blmaat, II bird (yet you are wOm .... tool) tIlat drive ;to wbICh ~ "" .,ls1!- we could IIlay bere alwaYll' clare. now be ' POS. lllllon eatab~llbe. the aeror.lllne a old dlek .. marking happy hOUri now JlI1~nJr'I'4 itnr: "lIr. Valiant let UII." sai~ 1Uc.. of Admiral It ' be4in gen· adjunct of mOdern . . , ,l or mel • •),!I.',:'It'I~.~~I,4 Witb ".f ~\" " a'c~celptelll , c:ludlng ~sleilger3 . : . 'rHow ·.b .... I: desert'ed ~I. few ' day • . befote tWa



m-. ...,


Your Liver Is Clogged Up


~~ ---- -







Use Pure Tobacco' trust





, 2.00 '. 3.58


lell Tobacco



: oibat.- bu ,' 001ll$ tq m.!-. .d



11'i"~1:~t~i~i;~!§~!I~i~j~~i~~?lii~~;~II~~~~~~t~~~~=~t=~~~~~~r.4l"lo l fl~'lthMc;)e'f(·!l u~c .,;,e",u.fuA ",~ _,. ,.,.'~ ..I...l""j..e,..' ,



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n O li


It was her husband' who finally brought SCALY PSORIASIS ON LIMBS ~}'Oll thiuk he "II.-IIP" home RU8-NO-MORE. Ttwt boy will ne"ll eT can· Tr(~o \l Il . 6th . "'. Cu val r),. Cn:np firm IUl.)'thl ng but th e n plgb bur s' Nowshe's enthusiastic M(' Co )· . Spa no. WI s.- '" \l'a ~ t~oubl "d , wOMll fean.- - Llfe. wit h jJ:;or lnsl~ [o r Il Purly t \l' O )'l'at·d. - - -- -- about it. She had inPe>rt loll5 of I"Y ur ms aud l ill1b~ wero ' A Coming Mun . t ddt b RUB :!'rfec ted ~w"! ly \' It I! II . It :l;JI)Plt red • Ilr(/,:p..-Then YOIl llO Il~t 10 Jk upo u I en e 0 uy . Tb,~ leea lIalr a woman has on her dead the more s h hus on h e r drelll!er:

OURrLA6~8 Y1lR~ LD LTllOtlOl-l




expeot thelt boy will be a ¢Cf!t IIrst and th e n 0. blsbop." ~Nope.

IJ r" ; . ~' " K uu t


III Y .. T)' Sha.rne as a coming mun . I; rt' ·.·.. brK "r Itrll';&,~ No ; but 1 woulll If I wa s In , ',<\ II hI\( l'l'ul /'~'d II I"' ,, "bcn; i n! .nrg oC tbo penllt! nllnr y - nosto n ·, l. /' 1,1" r,f :I I'. "~J!I,, a ry lI ,a ll':1 h'::l.l!. , Tmtl!lC1i [lI.


H;n ! y

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I O" l,~ ur I l \' '\', l"nrrl hl :" \\ ltir h ! . r? , ' II \ I r: ' 11 :1 :" , : , :", t rl ri lle. Wri!;bt'c I'IlCiian V egclat.:c r dl, are ..-.lrJ r.'. hl:,.i [, l il, ll. :, l t : :\ l l ~ w ith 3.nd U'ithout solubl" bu ~a r coati ng ., " I ': ! (~~ t· ~I · :· . t1 1 :" 1, :'-- ': :ff! f9 wl'l'il' ~l T hey rel!U We thebo''Io'cls. iu\' lgnra tc tha i ~' r('d 1. ' Il " : , I ' " h. ! 11I1 it alw ays liver AOO (lurity the lJlvvd . Ad ....


SIan. Itllt l S lrlpe,! as th, ' IL lig or tIl(' L: lilt S l alc~ . It 11'1 11 1.1' t'pl ' brilt pd In I'ra,·.ll'I tlly 11 11 tl,,' ~;tatt!lI. ,1~ l 'l n ~' P :I Y. Th " n a tl onnl . 'n91~n \\111 lI y frum publi c bulltll ng~ , ullon th e sln If!. of ~c h tJo l hou ses nnd

1.' ''


NO-MORE 'VASHING , POWDER. But over· looked it Don't vou is " 8udle88 dirl re-

mover for clothes.


(U!h"I:"H 0 111 11111 ' (1'. :- 1' <1 }.o nlf' (11l!Cnnt

It clean. your dishes. s inks, toilets nnd cleans Ilnd 5wrete n. your milk crocks. It lills eerms. It doea



not need hoi watel .

a nd Ih. '.I' ('PIlll, l< 11 ·1)' cu rt·d ru r'.' R...J -om... R..II Rlue. muoh be ttcr. jlOeO ' It t oo k .lm'" IlIlIllllt " r O l' ('\I(kur!'. fnrfhl!T tban liquid IJluI! . Gel. from nnr , RUB-NO.MORE ...' '''''' P ~ n l 1 ()'111 ' Ill' :!I : 0 COJllP I " ll! reo" , .I:I OUf'I . Ad... , Was hinll Powder I cu rt' 1~.;I!:"I'<I 1 I\' ,, 1/' r ~ lalJ c o)', OCl' l ~ ; o: . p

22 . 101: ('l1l i" "I'3, ~u ap :1I It I Olnlml' nt Bo II'l tbrourllmll th,· \1'0 1ItI ~:ttn plo or I'!:lch

!'r e '-' . ~

" L :.:.,_ • l<i n iloo k

Sume men wbo pose 08 hIgh l1 y c'rs Inod with ... dull. Hlck !!" IIl !; kE'r'chug I The

Addn..oss post.

n.e:&oean lEft' B"I"ft.M (or "cAldlng .eDO.1.i.... 'd ... ! •• ~~ aD4 'n n.UlIJu~llvu or e1ee .

~; VI, I.

ti lt· rOI.<I


t t: ~ ~rllv ('

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ss merely



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FIVe! C ents-All Grocers

Rub-No-Morc Co .• Ft.Wayne, Ind.





or Plums or Blackberries? f!th~.~~ , ~:'":'~ hlIIJ~'~r,I~~~:

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Il'l.Cie tll




Al.; l'UtI.

I· -.


LaIl.Il. Tr.~ •• 1111"'" ti ...t.I ,.I".,O

St'Cl: LDd 18 shall find - th is ap pliE's = -- - - -==:;--:-.. I'Gf}/'Cit>n-y 10 tro u ble W . N. U., CINCINNATI. NO. 24- 191~

WB&¥AA . .


• IS



foll owed with drvot lo n b y th cJ ll ~ and~o; at Eo ldl ers . Il has ~ tlrr ed til lottlp st een tl meot of tb o"E' wbo hn" c li n'oJ be· ~ Jips . n ea th Its prot l!C'tln G lolcl s. Re prese ntatIons or th e flag hav bep.n To th E' Am e rlc'an (' lt lzen It Bt nndp Imprlllted upon con· tor 8f1ver <:lgnty. And sov,,~eig llt y to hI m mcnn s mor(' tban It dO N; to th~ recUoD er)' boxell, pillo w eQvers. po per cllllell o f olmo£ \ ev e r y othel' couotr y becau se It i~ ve!l t.etl III t he peopl l Dapkl !l6 , handller· th pIIl Heh '(!B rat her than In so me Indlvld· chIefs . blottin g pads ual who clflims it b)' ri gh t of bIr th . 'lIld porcela in aDd or tllvlnE' will. or ('(l n Qucst In wu r. T he crocke ry batllroom nag 13 8n Insp lro l !on II , tlm l'a of dim · furni shin g s. Th e de · cul t ~, nnd da n!; er . It muk E's etron " ap· s ign of tbe Hag has peal to the Eplrlt of 10YBlty . It serve\! . uppeared In th o as nn Imp oratiye call to dut y. The form of clouts of vr'ze-flghtere and contestants ID ath· On June H. 1777. the continental COD ' anxiou s '1u estlonlng of Fr encl" Scott letic even ts and a8 the garb of clo~~. gresB vot.ed that tbe lIag of tbe tbl" 1 Key un II I the dawn 's earl)' light un" The flaa 'Llel( ha. bee,! used t.o matl' !.eon Uni te d StatOfi should conslat of t b e fierce ftghtln@: of tbe soldie r In sacks for the transportation of coal thirteen s tripes. alte rnBt e r ed and , th e l u~ t r nliy a bout t.hE' ~wndurd have white. the uulon being thirteen stafll. ! common birth . .and other merchandise. - -- - - -As tbe result of tbe eltorte of the white In a blue field. re presentlng . a Flag Day. American Flag aSBoclaUop, whlch Is new con ate llatlon. In 1794. Ve rmoD( l'Ie lthp r t h e blind worshlppr of the made up of committee. representln~ Ind ' Kentucky having beeu ' admItted many patriotic . ocletlell. aud ot th e to Ute UDJOD. It was voted that a new Am erlc-.u.n fllig who look R <>n II al\ the tIoclettes themselves. there arp. now Hlrlp& and B new Etar tor eaeb should banne r of an Id ea l cl.v llization IIclually law8 Intended to pTotect the flllg from be added. The apparent design was 8('hleve d nor Il:e R[llenet\(' pe!)t;lmlst deeecration on the IItatute books of to contin ue th is process at addition I who In wC?arlnf>lIs or I:antl' mpt 1J()!(I~ It to bp the symbol of II tmull (In IIbert)· Dearly every etate. The fe deral gOI/' a s new etates come In. In 1818. however, Tennessee. Oblo. appronch~5 Flag dr.. y In a IlrO l.e r or (,rnment has also forb idden the use 01 (lie trag In regilltratlon of ·trademarkll. LOt1l8lana, ' Indlaoa. aDd MIsllts 61ppi rl'aso nnb ll' spirit That eltber I" usennd tbe United States Supre me court having joined tbe union , with Illinoi s. less we should not liny. F.nch III hi s bas aftlrmed the conltltutlonallty of A Inboma. and Mlsl'lourl knocking a t Will' contribut es to the formutlon of flag legislation 'by the differe nt stateR the door, It waa decIded to alter tbe ~nn(> cc nceptlons 01 c l\'lc duty lind reand tbe ·r.lght to make criminal all 'ncts arrangement. In that year It woe IIpOtlBlblllty , th e one by Ilw ~ :(C'nln~ In voted that the stripes should b e thlr· us a r E'cognltlon of th e hlgb aspl ra ' of de.acratlon . That It should have b een neCe8~ary teen only, recalllDg th e "original thlr· tlon~ of democral'Y. the ' oth(' T b re-to ohtaln II. decision from the ·Supreme leen," while the union should hav e minding lit; how tltr billow tbE' levl'l nf court r.e gardlng (be constitutionality one star added to It with th e adcnl~· ~ho se amb itions Is our mos l ron cld"l" of eucb measures may Beem curloua. slon of each n ov.' state, the following able 8ccompl13hment. Thul tb e Am(·rl· The valu e of the ulle of the nag for Fourth of .1\; ly beIng the dnt e at ad· cn n experiment wnp worth tr;'lng. that It has succeeded In a g rlltHyl ng de· commerclal purposes was tbought by dltlon In ench Instance. ID that form the Oag of tbe Un lted · grf>e. thnt It has cQn ftlTTE'd j!rell l bE' nE" a vender of ·clgan to b e lutnclent to warrant him In carrying n case States. "pltI Glory." al It heB lovingly fits on monklod and thnt th e gove rn. brought qgalp llt him und er the flag been called. has hecom e familiar to ment born of It. ret.alnlng ·Fuli!'tn nt lnl. law of New York through all the the people at all nation s. It has bMln Iy the form It now h8s. I ~ d e8~ lned to courts of the state, rrqm the lowest to carried around the «lohe by thc battle perform 8tlll grenter se n ' lces for h u. lbe hi ghest. T}ie 1'Mult was the de· fle et or a world powe r. It hn ~ been manltl'. '" e tlrmly belie ve. Notwltll. standing tb e dl ss llti srllction nrou5f'd clslon that a part of the law \\'8S un· by cerln ln ou tcolll e~ of (O ur Ind\J~trllll con!tltutlonal. When an effort waa F·L ..... O-:·V-·L···Y··R···~ IC··.·······~· ..·:f. development. a nd wIt h n complete rc('· cnade the 8 uc~eedlng year to have the .. o~nltl on no t onl~' of otl\'lou s Imlltical law amended to m eet the fla\\' a com· disabllltics inh erent In the fe dE' r:...1 mlttee of a association. wltbont Thrrr '" LI a'p t"ndor In h eal,., n " tbe authority of the a.soclatlon, op· W hich ..dnrllR th .. weFlcr n 8kl. ~. ~ sch e me of I\dm lnl st ra tion. hu t of Its posed the pBssage of the am en'dment ~hll e the ,,"olden ,,' nrs or m"rnln g + less e\'ld<:!nt wea kn eEses . .... e" sti li ma in · thtlt as In thjl Pllst l lll!.' d emoc· at the lIollcltatton oi one of th e memo Add theIr IU81.. r as It , taln rac)' hus " 'on honor n ntl tam e ~o In bers who had represented tbe Cigar· f 'TI~ the gathering nom ~ or agcs ! the future It ""111 deserve rC-s I"'et iUld milkers' IUIsoclatJon. Although ·thts t lJghtlng pRthwny for thO' Ir. o f contldencf>.-Ncw V, 'r :, SUIl . ,"ensure was Cought up to the ver)' WhIch It. rolla",,,.,,, cull "Old Glory." t d<:lsk of the governor. It was placed And II etnnd s t<>r .).Iherly. I Want Independent Outlet. npon the Btatute be oks. Tt1('t~ 's B ~ I)hmd tlr In • h e honv"n . •+ II has always beE'1i a ~orH !lol ot Today In R Inrge majority of the An" It'. mnde of blue und white. f 'l tates the Hag may be ueed tor onb' With the huc 'of humr", courage t amongst Germans that th ei r own Fa· cb purpol\es as ·are In keeping with ,Addln&, InuJeKt y IUId might. ~ th !')' RhIn E' £b ould lllak~ hI!! e ntrance Into the ~ea throu gh Dutc h te rrltorv • gl'ent significance: The la,!"s are Anti Ih nl nomlng thlnl{. n il nutterlng. T hu s " a I'l!r~' not IIntf01'm, and therefore there to A. th e w ..sto rn breeEe. blow + Instead of imperial. great l'roportlon of t h e \l r ol'its fro~ more license regarding tbe use of tile In Iht'lr onwaN! ~we"" of prOl'res8. Germa n traffi c Int,1 and cu t "r thl' flagAn some states than In othel'll. In Serving nc ..·.. r realm. to ahow. Rhine IR snapped up by Holland. "lew York It Is against the law to pu t. l~ n si gn to ."n .he DIltlon" . i whIch. from a mercantile poInt of ' oy letterfng or deBlgn upon the na, Thnt the whole worl"'8 mnvln g on lonal or lltate flfte, or to sell or gI...e To thp h cl~hte "t lITenter F rt'ed(lm , \·lel1'. commands Jj:u)'opc's most famous , A lid t o d"ed~ y e t 10 be d on e ! t northern riv er at th e greet [lort of 4way or even p0811e88 aDY article of t Rott erdam . A conferenc\! hll~ been merchandise or a vehicle for the tranll' YO". t hot 8plendor In Ihe- heavene, '. portatlon of merchandise which ball + Though "ymbollc of thtl trllY, + held at lItunl"h to discuss tb(: question + Vlel(\ ~ 1\ glean. of pln.dd mllln.nce of creating a "German mouth" to tho uIJon It a r.epresen t a tl on 0 t e Ith er ft ago Wh Ich porte nds Il brl ghler dOY. It III, alao a«lIIlnst tbe law to mutilate ' Rh in e. One of t.h e declarations : " All ." ' or deface In any WBY, trample upon. And w(, need to hn~d that 8 P lendc.r· 1 German ! hlpbulld l ng hith e rto b as bee u profttlng the Dutch without costin" Aery or cast ctlntempt by word or act BrlghteHl ~ Inc " I h'e worlll begunth em a pe nny. Gcrmar.y mUllt now 'upon tl1ese eml'le~s. ~:r:~ ~;A;~~: :~d a1:/~ ~C:nd!om. construct an hi dppe-ndent outlet 'to the l!'Iag day Iii obeel'Yed wltb greater H yland C. Kirk. consideration with each p~.8.ln&.~ear . I . _ _...... _ _..............~ world's markets."

is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil,' Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syr'ups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other l~ arcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays ren~risbness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Const ip~ttion , Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhma. It regu13.tos tbe Stomach and Bowels. ~ilates the Food, giving healthy and n~tm'al sleep. The Children's :Panacea~The Mother's Friend. Th:; Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hlW been in use for over 30 yearn, han bomo the signature of Ohas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision sinca its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeit3, Imita.~ons and" Just-as-good~' are but Experiments that trifle with Rnd enda,ng~I' the health of Infanta and Children-Experience against Experiment.

Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. fletcher~ w.

Dr. AIMd Kahl, ot Bafl'alo. N. Y.• says: ''I have used Cutoria fo my ~ lot tbe put 26 years. I regard it u an excellent medicine for chiJdreu.·· Dr. ~ L Efsengrneber. of Bt. Paut. 'MInn•• 11'111: "I ha...e 1I8e4 your CatorIiL NpatedlT In my practice with good re8ults, IUld can recommad It . . . . .ue1lent. mild aod harmlea remed;r for chJldren." Dr... I. Dean", of at. Louis, Mo., saye: -I 'have used and prescribed roar CIIIteri& In my IlllDltarlum' aDd outside pracUce fOr .. number of yeara and IIt4 1& to 111 ao ucellen i; remedy for ch1ldrel1." Dr, S. .A.. Ihacbanao, ot Philadelphia, PL. l18ye: "I have used TOur Ctoria .. Ute _ of mY' own baby and 1l.Dd It pleaaant to .take. and ha.... obtaIned aallalt results from Ita use." Dr. 8111a»Rn. ct O!lICll«O. Ill., 1&111: -y have uaed yow' Caatoria SA caaee fill c:oIIe III eh1ldren I'US have found it the beat medicine of Ita kl.lul. Oil the - a t , . Dr. R. J:..l!:d1JcJlJOn, of Omaha. Neb., I&YS: -y &td your ClUltor:!& to be • Bandara tualJ7 remedy, the best thing for Infanta and chJldnin 1. have _ lDowD. and 1 recommend It." DI". L. B.. l1oblnllOll. of Kansu Cltr. Mo .• UY': "Your Caatorfa certainlY' hIlS r. DOt Ita age. its continued use by mother. through all the. . re:ar-. aa4 0. Dl&D7' &t.tcnwta to imitate It. sumclent recom.mex:datlonf:· . What caa a ~ellA add T LeD,ve It to the mothore." . ., Dr. BtJwIa r. Pardee, of New York City. 881B: "For several years 1 hAv.· recowuwaulecl 7OU1' Castorla and shall always continue 'to do 80, lUI It hall . 1nvarJallI.7' JIrQduce4 beneficial resulta." Dr. Ii. B. Sf __, of Brooklyn, N, Y.. 88111: -y object to wbat are c:alled, po.teDt ~ where maker alone knows what Ingredtents are put ID.them. IIat I Iawnr. the formula. of your Cutorla and ad., It. 1llI8.II




...u.. .






Jlear~fJJs Sigu.ture of

The lind You Have Always Bought ~


Copy of Wrapper.


Use Forco ...Over 30 rYears. ... y.

T"_ g.NTAU"



Catarrhal, Fever



! l






Aft~r hearing the argurn pn ts tbe Elysues In ,June, 1912. an automobile belonging to ,PII.. Lefranc W88 damage d court dectd£'d tbat b~th M. Flores and InJllred p'de~;'I.n, Held ' Re'pon,lble by a taxlauto which collided wltb It the Compagnie Generale were to tD attempting to clvold ,a foot'·pallsen· ·blame. A.s, howeveT. ,the foot passen· •for' Auto Wrec:k . Iri ~arl....c ..e ' ger, 14\ ' .; rtJ;te ~r: '~rlver:. · at· ger'lI . Imprudence . wall ~be ' prImary . . '.' ~'.' , I ., Precedent. , . . ~. .w....2- . teuillt:. liiJ,w.e'f-er/...w.lIlo8 .!I;D.IIUC(l~!S!!ttIJ. 'and cause of, the. ~cld eDt , be was ordered ~#e-rq't,U'tb", of the damtlges > . iD: to pay, . _ . t ,,~' ... c..' .' , ~~ ...,. ;-. , . . \ '. ,; Qh, "'~.t~. DJffe~ht. · -; . J:>altiellce-:,i..Reu ' :i£" I~Y"ttih1~ty ' a fritJ'd '.~"'-::





..... ,

Haw YD"" OITY.

. .







or .

a_flu,•• CASTORIA

.[-"--A AG·....


overlook it.

·rr-L· t .. : l : :'::11 1 ('fI! d:::s..\ a rrl e ncJ I 'aI' tltt :''- '' rl : ~' I ' I " II I "r ( '\llicu nl l All tM.t "IIUttrtl Isn't I,:old l\LlIIY 11 \ ": (' i..aP ; l Ut! (1:1I1 i1' 1.: :i. :11 " P:1: '(' l' un d l\1nn lL.'lG pi n ned hi s fai th to Il star, ! I ;, \': ,t " r : . . ... Jlpl,· . 'I' ll" :; IH'i[lf'tl m e, I uu! y In th a t It W IUI reall y ,',f) J JI ll\"( La " !I t " ro Ill , ' 1'\ ' l,~~.{·.g of un I)' lI. fin>Jly.

ma u y ho mes . The r l.'('('gnltloll o f Ihl s "nnl\, l'r~ary li nd . In iurgt:' pa rt , tIl(' grow!ll" r(' " .. r · " 'H' Eo! tor th e flll l( wh ich Ylng Du)' HI ' 'rels il a TI' In tt'l!cJ l' rI to IlIti lJirt? aTf> ot rl'CE' lit birth, II wus IS \' ('n rg al"O th At tb e Am erlcnn FIIl/: fI~~oc ln 11 011 Willi f nrlD(l tl fnr tI l(, II llTJI06e of r t' \ln'~6I ng Ih .. man y IUSlIlI lll ~ \I ~('8 to which com · :1lI·rclalis m hud wbml lted th e !lag and i 11 Il tlmulut .. n gr ' nt pr respect fo r It. At tbat tlm p, t nil tlag nod , Ictul'es ot It we r t> e mp loyed to tl o duty ns lin ad· va nc !! n" f' nt for PI'pry eoncelvflb le Itl llcl of me rch an d l ' ('. It W II.S llsecl t.o adv e r· ti sp blcy c l(·s. boc k hf'l! r, wh ls lt )' . cu m' I!rl c , lIour ma ~ h . t u r ~Oltp. cIH' wl nr. g\lm. th C'l lte rs . tobll(,~o. l('U. aw nl n g3. brc we rl es, ('I Fil l'S. f' hnr!tl' ba l1 ~. curr but ton s . d im . 1I111 ~ E'll nl..' " door 'mats. Ilrt' w ork p. f u rri t· r ~ . 1II' Ilth pir t llrfS, pIC · n lc !;roUllds, pu le lLl ll. r- d ic lt lctl. poo l room s. prize l1~ht R , rl!o taurantp. roof ga rd ens . rl.' al (,R tn t ro Ilg e ncl e ~. sam l,le rooms. s ho!' R tn r('~. so loo 11 11 . I!hootl nf.: gR ll e rl(' ~ . variety RlJow R and le monad e stands. It wa s prln led Oil paper aoll Ulle d for wrnflpln ~: I(' mo ns, o rongf'8. ,cheeses, hum s, bpools or t11rt~ Bd . liNlp. ehe wi og g il nl 1111t1 cl,.,llrs. Tho words " Stand!; for th e Hl!s t Dee r" were prInted upon Ih e wh ite sl rllios ot a re prOlJuctlon o.r th ~ 118 t1 cn a! e n s I g D plnceJ nn tb e back ur trolley t. ransre r




a-.......... . .

P."nomor.Coraayoth.rtwln.e. RooeIa== tb. be... If "Ob bu" of y ...... d ......u.. no' .uppl,. It, write hen for""


!lend .aoh

. ~_ ••



ro.t..a'ball ...........l ... b. . . . or)f.

Focon". lup't., ........ 'I'Iri ....~ ....... ac,.lA4.

For CODvenience,EconOlDJ .... Safety Use the

"NEW BOSS" Ilu. Fl...... jot 011 Sloy. ou.

Burn. 9rdlnary Kel'ORne lIcb,. up Inslalltly llko trU. burna a perfecUy blue ftame .... lthou~.mou OJ' odor. .' . The IDtAJ,n8IJ:I,.

The opportunity ofeecrur\na of 161 Ic:reeeac:b, the low priced lands of Manitoba. Saskatchewan aDd AJbert8, will lOOn have passed. Call&da ofters a hearty welcome to the Settler, to the man ,with a famll, looki~ for a bome; to the fanner'e IOU, to the renter. t.o al\ who witb to live under better couditianL ,.leid lD 1913 II the talk of the world. Lauriant ri.,. cheap fodder for larp herdl; colt of and raUenlila' for market Ia a trifIa.

Caoada·. anata


The IUDI naIIz:ed for Beef, BuUer. Milk and Cbee.. will .,.,. tift)' per

ceo.Write the

lD....m.,~t. . for literature and putio-

OD &8



, ~,


County Courts

pointed tlXtlout·ur. No b und r equ ir ed. Bort Mougor, A. B. /Jall aod U . t:l Ht~gilll! are 111l1lOinted tlI'Jlrlli~l1r~ . I n tho mil Uor of th o estate of n8 l::f ofT, del"flII8f'd . P rinltr sRle of IlnrR{)nltl pr" pnrty l' ruf'red III IliA II I1lttl'r of 'I' h .. III'" M'IY I:Ic'edle S"m" I~ Il,lll pl ,ld hy i\lr . ,1 1111 Mr!' . A . l-l . I>no lt nn und 1101110 ohlll ~oll til Thl1 ltwl Mu y nuua .. u . In 1,110 IJllltt,'f o f !lit' WIll " f A(lce Ad"III~ . d "c'(I ,, ~ t' d . \\'1 11 fill',l In tho ltI :1 tl C' r "r Ihp 1I!o"lgtlluuni uf thu MUI·row IllI I~ur MI1I~ \ 'u . Pn · vu t·" ~"IL1 o f 1'll/IUIII prupert y !I r_ tiMed .

Rea l Estate Transfers

.I ohn n. Burns to Wlllillnl Iinrl C. .-{tarkdY a~ Fl7 aore~ in Rultln town. whip $17fiO. \VilIiRTI\ dnd Carri e Patter(l()U to \V 8. U ngleHby I.... t Nu.117 In P8rk Pliloe tldditillll ~o Frllli kiln . $ 1. P .. rk PIHI A Retlltv Co . to WilliaJll find r.arrie P"ttersoa lot No. 9-;- In Pllrll: PI" 'e addition to Franklin :t l. A. T. Wulll1lg 10 Wi l1l8111 K o hr lot No lll;! Rn d p~rt of lot ~o. -;-" 1/ . In F kJi $1 III tho llI "tttlr u f tbll gll 'lrdllwlthlp ran, n ' . " 0 11'.. 111 J"lIle" 'I'lt.tle , E.; l·ll I In Tittle, N , .1 . CRtr ·w t.u CblHle~ Ii:. hllt'lIn amI Hvlll ur Tlltl ". 01 11111 r... H . D. lot No /'1:12 In Franklin $1. I(lllll SO Ii lip 'olUt-e(1 ~ullrtlil\LI. Bono ''' . S. Wilkerson, !ldmr . III AIlf'TI f ~1I 0 B. 8haner :I t.rticts.~! itlnll In Wt1 Sh' l In th A UHIUer uf thl' l'!lt"te of IIIgton townllhlp $,1_00. Villia (' . l>,)h rlt1t1l1 , dI'l C~"~f.ll l. Citl~ R. Wilds Ullebri~t. tru"tlU' 10 E tion for the wlLI"w in thiH CIlUliA Is It;. Beeoh :~ t,rach of IlIllll Rt Morrow l!<tHlell


f,U, l OO

J. narw udy tv •• . T. Walhng lot in Frtt nk lin f,1. ,laDlet! K Mordock anu H l~ . Ho llin ~shOILc to Jo h n R . ~~tfl ·1 flores of J8"1d ill HtllIIllton township II Borlct! .J . Wllltu nre t o l-/rIlOO!'l. Whitacre relll '~tate in oalem town~ hi(l U . Mar thA IJ Ct"lIln tv lio lrl( tl P . Crain ,1 5 ot an aore in Mason. 11 Carl W. F .. x Aud wife t,o Bertha Mf'tfor d 44.70 aores In Harlan tow n_ Rhlp Sl W. C Hudson 8nd wi fe to Walter I ~, Olitley lots No. 54, 55, Ii(} and I!7 In Mt\ple Park lIubd l vislon t o K ing's .\ll11R, $176 . ~0 . :l4

Probate Court Proceedings In 'he mlltter of t h e e8tat e -Df Gr08s, deoeased. Je811e S. U rol!! .ppoln'ed Ildmlni8tratOl'. Bond 11200, George L Croll. How . ard Monger Bnd J.m68 I3bupert are appoin t ed appraisers. . In the tDtt.tter of 'he estate of Jobn BoHeroft, dooea8ed . B om er D, Bollorolt appointed admlnis~ ra . - k>r. Bond $4500. WilHam Booth, ICdmund l:Itt-wart and L, N, rhompscn are appoInted appral8erB . In 'be l;Iia Uer of the will of 11.13110 BatTman, dece~ed. Jane K Hnff man, the Widow, eleoted to take under tbe will . In the matter of the ... \11 01 tla mue l W . Keever, deceased. Will filed . R. Wild. Gllobri8t. trustee In 'rna' lor the benefit of the oredltors of tbe Morrow Roller Milia Uo . • et al. defendants , Bales approved . In the matter ot the will of Samnel W. Keever, dtoeased_ WiIIlWlmtlted o proba&e. Robert 1:1. Keever ap M~linda

Cures Stubborn, Itchy SkiD Troubles "I o)uld scratcb myself to pieces" ia often heard from sufferers of Eczema, Tetter, Itch and similar Skin EruptioDS. Don't 8cmtohStop tbe Ucblng at onoewlth Dr. Hobaon's Eczema Omtment. Its fin' applloation IIt-arte beallng; the Reel, Rough, Scaly, Itcbing Skin 1S eootbed by the Healing and Cooling Medicines. Mra. . C_ A. Einfeldt, Rook bland, Ill., after nalng Ur. Bobaou'. Eosema Oln'meD', writes: "Thia II &be firll' time in nine yean I have been free from 'be dreadful aUment." Guaranteed . 500, at your Orllggtst,

Marriage Ucenlles [,eool) rll Nee ley, ell,p luyee of Kill!;1:1 PuwLlur ClI , to l\1tlrtba Bull, of HupklnsvlII Il. Hev . J . U. Ini 1I0r. J . Nelson 'I'sit. olerk of County Courts. of Nebrll.sku City , NflhTtlRku to H H./IlIlIlUtl {:on oller of Ma,~o n Rov. C 1£. Luwiu . WilJlnm Brn ou dart. newl'IJ'I Jler. mt>n of Young .. town , ttl Enid Mtlrie R Itz, SOhOOI t tla{'ber of Fmo k lio . Rev. Wm .J, ThiBtle. Claren oo H . l!:dW!lrdB, Con ductor vf Dayton to Myrtle Blauch Kibler, of WnynOln-ill o. Rev . A . .1. Kelltle.

IJ ri~ollfJr~

:oou uf durin. g hl 'lY , t 28 . 10. .1 hl. Mulford ~Lump ~ $6; Morrow Lumbor Co . brld~f.l lu mber '2 . 1i6 ; OhI o 'o rrup:o ted Culvort Co. Pilltl fo!! ~~; (;Irls Inju~trHd ~ohrnl. m ... Ulttl Olln Ce of Wfl["um l'ouDI·y''' , ~uvem\) 8 r 1:;, 1\11:1 til MIlY 1(, . IVI ·I 'I;JO.SI ; B. A. r..l<-Cul t'belln tUIlIO!' fl OU Iilbttr , nS'l r ( 'urli "le. f;!~:J bU; W . D. IJo rwlo , fil l Itt Mill Hrove, river bridl{e, l:'u l£ Ul Town shIp f~r"DO; J II:. :SpeDt'l' r OO lltru Ct. :S l f, 0, H A MO(;U lcl.J,.lIu t\'D (U Hl . trfic t" tl\ i ~.:-O; C . W. :::i pn rks , till ut tit o hb,; MIII ~ hndge $h l; 1:, ; s um" . rnilln g for !lIIItH' bridge f;J/i 70 ; Lub I\D OII loe " COlli Co.. tell for Muy $ 6 40; Ber t R eed, cODtructs $a91S; Lew hi l:iWH & '0 . , fr elgb ~ antI hauhBg ~l :- r, ; A. U. t-ibn1t 1.. brid~e work 'rnrt.ltlo rutlk aot l ( I ulon town sbip f,4:!.40; tltllto "f (lbiu VII \' . BrYlinL, fetlH ~no costo! $/ .fiO; tltlltb of Ohio v!'. ~'rlink H. Phllli\l~ . f titl ~ and oosta $ ·lfJ ",O; W . l:l. f\ oppi ng, carpoDt"f work at Conrt lI () ll~ e nlHt Tux A!ltl tlIlHO r'~ alllce $~r) Ii" ; (; . W . Robert ~on brillge work III W" YII '-' t.>wntlhl p ' IS. ~[j . Contract s Lot : NIl 2·1:1 with W . W. Sweeutly for pnttln!! 10 un 18 Inoh oorrugtLttld !lewer n wi oo nore te headwflll on t.l·n MlJU!{" r jlik" tI~ BlankenshIp r e~!( l eDCe t 1ii . 7;; . No. 2.4 with llI . 1 rwitllge ior put.t ln g in sevtlrul O\\r ru ~ 1I leO tlUWtlrS a nd henri willis $ 1:\i, tl :1. No. ~ ·I(; WILIl P U i\ lon Ctl ro r pntting in n ll n :!.' -lI wh, :Iil 1I 1o b 0' ,[, rugtlt.tld !leWl'r ulIll ~t"DI lt utl llw HllH c n Corw i 0 _ \V llrley r ",".l In :,,, IIIln town:ihi p J:l . ' f, No. 246 with Arlie W llbh for l'ottin g in une 4~ Inoh. :l l ino h oor · rU ~lltOfI sewer O Tl MmTflW lind 7~ n Ar pike neclr PeuoHy lv .nlli Ruilr08d paull! h ou::Ie in .i.lorrow. ObI :> . w.a4 .7fj







TAX NOTl(;E The time for payin g taxes has bee n ex· tended unC I July 20, 1914. ~ Better pa y now and avo id the rush.


Whal is t-tappcning to Our Nei ~hbors nn Th is and the Adjoining Counties

Treas. of Warren County.

Thll PAoplc'!:! Bulldlo):!, LUlln lind Savh'g!l Co . V!I, Anna ral d et 1101. Pllll nt iIT ' ~ prtlyer g r ~nted. ~tat!l o f Ohio ex reI J ennie Barlett VB, iSlitlo N, Barlett. Cllse dis · missed at COHt of t he pltlintlff. Mary E. I:)bawhali yll Alva He-lse Jury returned verdio t, for defendllnt. Ueorge H. l:)u l)l n~el'l vs .•1urnes a . I:)t. J ohn . P laintiff awarded #HtI Charles F. t;uUi va n VB . The VII. lage of Lebanon. ,l ory find!! issue In (" vor of I be defendant . Hllrry 8. ' Binkle Vll. Edith J, Hinkle. Cllse dism i88e:i without r eeord . Banner Paoklng Co. vs. the C L. & N R. R. Co, Jury aWl\rds plain. tiff 1134 17 uamages. " Gertrude T. T ibbals vs. Ellz.1.beth Oh io 's wheat orop will exooC1d the M, Simpson et al. Court orders Hale averll!{e of the IIlBt 11 ve yellortl by of one paroel or iand 1n this oau se. some 8,iOO.000 bUti h els, Uoooording to the Jane crop made bv the bureau Commissioners' Proceedings of Btatistio~ In the United 8htelt Permission was given t he lIhio It is estimated the crop wi!1 exoeed the aVllrage of Ihe last five years by State I!'ederat!on of Motoroy1ists to 216,309,000 !>ush els , hold a hill ollmbing oontest at Fort Oats lu Ohio show a falling off of Anoient, providing the Aaeooiatlon a,ooo,o.O bUlihels, while the inorease sball es'ab:lsb telephone oommunlin the U nited SIa.tes will be over ca'ioD. between the top lind boUm6 84,000,'00 blUlhel8_ Barley 8how~ a of the hili, and properly polloe the large inorease both in Ohl\) and in hIlI and rOllds, the United States . Resolution was PIl"Qd to issue Every other orop estimated by the bonds In the sum Qf 160,000 tn order bureau sbows prospeo~ of exoe98 to lIeoare an equa\" awount from tbe over the average except cabbage, State of Obio whioh has b lilen 001_ ontgn and Bngar beet orop!! . Tbese leoted under the B(~ Balf mill Road are slightly below. law and 18 available ftr, the reboild . Ing and repair of rOads· in Warren oounty : For an Impaired Appetite Extension of taxpayin g time was To improve the apl>ett te and made from Jane 20, 1914, to July 20, 8trengthen the digestion try a few 1914. dOBes of Ch&wberlliin's Tabl et!!. BUls Allowed-EJia8 Oglesbee, ser- Mr. J. B . Seitz, of Detroit, Mich., vloe a8 Jury Uommlssioner, 6 dll.YII says: "They restored my appetite at $6.25; C. C Eula~8, samEl 8ervioe, when Impaired, relteved me ot a $25; Xenia Work Ilouse, mainten- blollted feeling and oaused a pIOB8ant ~and satlll~aotory movement of the bowels." For 8ale by 1111 dealer B

Cllo ~rO · !l llltin Frf\n k B "Vili ~ , de . liv l-' rnll CO.lUtlnCeDlent, oddret!s at WtlberfllTl6 Unive rsity Thnrsd!IY

Addressed by Waynesville Pastor 'fllH K . IIf P. Rod 1. () O. F Oec·"rlll,, " n ,"l Jone 1·ltb W II B wt'! I ut tendi'd nUll t.1;o llddrel!(j b y l111V C . ~ . G rau~ (' r, of Wllynes'I'ille, won r llCt' l ved . '(If f'> wi tib to t hunk III I thQM' wllo h f' l pac l m ," IUI Iho ~ IlTlli('e!l Ilt tiprin gbon) II "U 't: I'~" ,



- - --.. ...._---

Ouly One Entirely Satisfactory :: "l bave tried various ooli ) and dIarrhoea remedies, ba' tbe only one that hilS given m e entire salli.flte ERE Is good news for Mail Order buyers I N, tlon and o.lred we wben I was afHieFreight to Pay. Think of the money that wil ted is Chamberlai n's UolI(>. Choler~ save youl Nothing to pay when goods arrive Bnd Dillrrbuea R em ed y. I r eoomNow you can tell to a cent just what anythina you buy wil cost laId down at your own R. R- Station. No olher Mai mend it to ill .V friendll I1 t c) ll tlmel' ." Order House gives you this great advantage No other Bil writeb 0. N, GlIlI o WIlY. Htf<war t, S. C. For ~!ile by IlII delllienl. Mail Order House Pays The Freight.


We Pay the Freight L ~ aU shipments Qf \DIll on •• te•• ,'chicle.

J()() pounds or more to any point fD tbe toltowio Stata (except and farm implements). N.w.... York. P._'rlulIl •• OhIo. Vir.ini .. W e.t ~~~~~~ DeIa , Hew Jene,.. M..-a, New H.m~bir •• v ____ ._. w-ct._.., CODD.clicul and Rhode Ial...d •. __==~ We delivrT free in these all Furni· A;:===r.::'"

lurr. Crockery, Stovt'S. Rooting. Wall Pa~r. Paint Cream Harness. Gasoline Engines, Dn' Clothina. Shoes. Mill inery. etc., etc. If )"oil live anywhere oUlside the States IllllIIIed above we wlU. "." aU d ..liurr cW... onDryGoods, MililflerJ'.Wearinl( Apparet. Shoes and Jewelry ana • liberal putof tl.. cb..... on everything


Falnloned by AdVe,.6Ity_ Many a mlln never round blmself nntll be lost all be bud . AdversIty stripped hIm only to di scove r him. Hardships aod obstacles are the mallet and ch isel which shape strong llvea Into beau ty. Tbe hurdships ot pov· erty may bring out the diamond In UJl. We alwa ys do our besl whlle flghttns deeperately and faIthfully to attain what the heart covet!!.

'l'h e fo ll owing person£' wi ll be o!ludlthtes before t.he R~pl1h l \('JlD Primar:v, TUfllOdlLY, Angu!lt 11. llll ·! '

ment.. So no matter whue :l'ou live YOIl can enjoy lhiB new Freabt I'aid advanhae in part. if not all.

E. v.

BARNHART, Notary Public


.Tohn M . Mulford C, ~. Mounts


.~.~ .DE, ... ~IST•• t .







F r"nk D. Mill er LeRov Irons RECORDER ,J o.!I tOol! B n I hr 0 ok VlJwrnn. 12th n""L. 'H I-' ro , D. E. BUNNELl, COMMl ~81ONER





--I I

W . D. Uo rwin. ,lr. W .8.Gra h Hm J oseph Watkl nR

If you h ave Wool for sale, call m e as I will pay you the htg-h est cash price for 1t.

c. B. BENTLEY Phu nl' 1:I5

..... ..........

C:-ERK (110' COU H.TS


Du.n P. Bon e


I:lORYEYOH Roy E. Miller PHOHECU'1'1~H


Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterinary

Frank C Anderllon (tieL" '" I term )

Graduate of Obio SI III.

I ln iv('r~iI


Walter McClure



H. E.


'Father's Day to be Observed Fatiber is to h llve hl8 jUllt reooFnUion ag lin. Sunday, Jone 21. heIDI!' Fat.hor's da y . On thatd'lY t,he mil ~ Isters too II speoi~1 notice of the oc· OllslOI1 and mllke oppropriat.e refer enoe to the fllot. Mrll John Bruce Dodd. '" 8pClk8oe. Wllsh., ill lIald t o hlive the distinction of origInatIng Fathe r!!' (by and Bo~gesttDg that a red rose b e worn In bonor of the fathelt's who nre ItvlDg and a white one in m emory of 'hOt!8 wbo hRve passed away,

LAWN MOWERS Ground True by Machinery


Elected at Big Salary .\ lolnday's papers guve the first Intimation In LelillDOQ that Prof. L e!:!ter 8 I villll Is to b e g i ven t.llf' appointment all 1':tattl ~l1perviRor "f Normal 8chLlol ~, •• ~ II Ra lary of ",0(10 per yaur . The POBltioll ison e which Mr I v ins III E'ml ne utly fitted to fill lD Booouot of tue vH ry t b oroogh trainln ~ h u reoAi vAd in t he old Hnlbrook Do rmltl at Lebllnoo '1 h e appoint,m ent w ill bfl made hy Auperinle·ndent of Publio In 8~ rncthm Miller' in a few d'~y8.


'Will Dedicate New Church The new ch urch a t Cilestl1r , ( :lin ton oounty, will h e dedi ol1tecl Hun dliY, June 2M. There will be RArvloos for fl nooo, ttftp.rnootl ann f'vettil,g. Rev . L bVi MIlLI will speak In the m ornin g. Pre!!idont Albe rt.J, Brown will deliver the d edicatory Ilduress in the Afternoon Rnd o Llter visltlug ',emberR will prtltloh in the aV6[1iug It '\VIII. be madtl II great clllY f or the Friends 10 tllat. vioinlty. who are takln~: B very pardonabl e )lri(le tbeir new ohuroh buUdlng- WilmlngtoD JournHI.

- - - ....


Alw.a ys Lead to Better Health -Berlonll IOIokne8seA start Indlsor

._DR. J. W_•.. MILLER,


An Aged Land Turtle Oflice at r e.;idf!nct! in F B. !::ihe r wood'!! house, Fourth !::ilreet. A land turl·le bellring John fLdlvgfield's nfime and datpd 189 1, Tc1ephonl' 28 II.lso bearing Uhas. .1. Uonover's Dame II.nd dllte of 1\)07 . was found Funeral Director Ohio by -CbBS, J . Conover ou hi s h\rm at and Embalmer, Waynesville. Mason , a few days ago. The turtlll was foand almost in tb(l same plaoe Waynesville. Ohio. 8S when first f ,und Mr . Conover tnrned It loose on his farm ofter Call answered promptly day or night oar~lng the date ou its shell again. Both phones i~ Office and Residence. Long distance,1'lo. 14; Home phone Funeral Director. 14-2r. C:ontract Closed for lights Chairs and one Coach furnis~eJ free M.iddlet Jwn Is furnish eleotriowith funerals. ity for the streets IlDd Best of service g uaranteed. 'l'elelJhone day or nlgbt. home,1! in ,he village of t!prin gboro, VrllIe:v phone N o '1 I.oDg A OOl1trao t has been olosed ~e\ ween Distanco No. 611- 2r, the Franklin E leotrlo Light oompany and the vllllige oouncll for twenty H.. HATH A WAY Automobile 8e~IC~ at all Times eighty.candlepower stree~ lights and f :Jrty oust omers have II.lrell.dy desIgnated tbeir intention of using tbe WaYDeAville's Leadinjl' Denti" /WAYNESVILLE,. OHIO power for residenoe and oommer· omoe in Keys Bldg. MatnSt : . Branch Office. BarveY8bura. O. 011'1 u8e, •

All kindll of Notary Work . PeusioD dorll of the storn.oh, liver I\od kid · Work a ISpeoialty.


• j<'()R UOUNTY A UUI'l'()R

fou nder of M. E. Honte UeaJ Dr . He ury C . W"t1.~ ley, D. D. f Cl unuer of tltH Mtlt·h .. ulI,tt UUUlO fa r tho Aged. dIed at Ciocin nati ~ un Ll8Y e v e njD~, J nnu 14th He I ~ 11 Leb nnon 1111\11 1I11U hu~ u Bl:~ t €lT liVIng tber,:. He WlIl:\ bUI' Il' " in Labuoon o!llll11t ery la dt Tne " I"S.


die excepting vehicles and farm Imple-


Primary Announcements





UeJi\'ered Address

15ales of Pallcr I< ill Man Rllyruo nd J o rd" n, lin emploYEle 'If the p'rank hn BlI!1rd Ilnd Pape r Co" wae IlUfi" lOIl ted by !:lome blltl v y bllies .. O( Jmper falliu~ uu hLDl. 'flltl ua ltl8 wer e wedged In In ~uo h !\ manner Get Rid of Your Rh eumatism that it WIiR nll"rl .Y lI~lf I~n hour Now i " th" ttm ll to J,:l, t fill of yo ur bef(1r'e he waR re lelilled He le tl VOl! rbeamutism. You Otln dOl It (f ylll1 a wife ~lld two ~m alJ oh ildrell. appl y Clllllu berluio 's LlniUl ~nt. W. A, LockhMd, Homer CIty , N . V" Went Back Home Again writea, "Lu.llt s prin~ I s u ffe red fr om rheumatisu wi th terri bl e pl1ins In 'l'lul'e bomlng pi~ ouas , tbe pro my IIrms nnd l! hol1ld e r8 1 got u pelty of Hurry F.Hlter, vi Pitt!'· b.ottlo of Chamloerllli u 'l:\ Lin iment t.uq~li, were IIbenlttld , t ,btl Pdll and the lirl' t I\pl!lio~ti on relieved sylvltaia IItlit·ioll. XOill/\, Il\s~ FrlelllY me, By usln~ one but,tltl (,f it. 1 wall mor nin!; by tlltl EJI.u pl,)y eet! o t Ih o entirely oured" F ' r ,,"In by nil Adams Exp rtllll< COJ n.v After dealon. ci rolin g around for Il uuut the Ullllutet! t.h tl bird!! le1t on n "bee" line f or the East . WHEAT CR OP GOOD

Common P leas Court

Mucl! of New Guinea Unexplored. New GUinea Is ooe or th e fev.' coun. tries that stl11 preseot untrodden Helda tor the explorer. The dltHculti es of traveling 1n the 10 te rlor of tblll great Illaod hllve promp ted a German trav. eler. LIeutenant Graetz, to project the e~ploratlon ot the Isl!lnd hy melUlB ot an airship. Tbls will enablo the explorers to pass without dlUlculty over rivers, mountains and jungles which would be trllversod only with goreat toU by ordinary travelers.

Write for ' Thl. ala CATALOG




The b eet oorreotlve utld pre V9llt~tilv 3 is D1' King's ' N ew Life PiI1s_ They Pur,!f, the Blood-Prevent (loD s~I'patioo', k~ep LiVer, Kid • beys and Bq wela 'in healtiiy · oonjii. .:... Giv.e I 70.u . be'~er 'healt,l,1 ,by , _1.1,,1·"1" the ~yste~ of' fltrtil~n.~mg ' foOOs • . Eft~otiye ' ~:J<:!.

~ ' '. I ...:.~ . . , . r:;-mi~~~iilt08~'J~f·v~~r\lDr ~1IgBl!',.~'B);i~~•. ~+~~B~~ ,. \ ~~~~~, 0 Ie ~~~'I;~t . ,::

It is a well-known fact th at it. is next to <i mpossible to sharpen a Lawn Mower accuralely with a file, especially as a great many mowers mad at the present have hardened blades. ~ome resort to emery dust. turning the reel backwards, The objection to this is tbat the clearance behind the cuttinQ' edge is reduced, whicli makes more surface in contact with the striaght cutting bar than there was before. After the cutting eages become the lea9t bit dull, the Lawn Mower has to be' adjusted very close, so that it TEARS the graas inslead of shearing it, making the mower run harder than ever, and the ' more it is sharpened by emery dust the worse it becomes and sobn has no clearance at all. . '

Have your lawn Mower groun~ true by Machln~ry at

WaynesvilieAuJol~~ti~ge(yCO, . ~....... . "'n.l . -M/l~Il/M~'ltB1rtl R:ew-~ri.'lta: ,.



"' ..













Mr aD I Mra . Wtl.rren Barlti.n and

80n IHrived here Mond~y from Cuba, WO/·k lv ull he lilll.,· lIu Of11o", III Ihe RateR of Subscription. A ll" " BlIlhllllJ.l. Mul .. H~ . • W,.y n""" lIh' . Old" . 0 110 YOW' ("lrh' Lly III ud val1 l'o ) . . . .... . 1 1.UO t I wake Mr. H&rlan's mother Ilnd . u~

!luot a visit. Jsmes Bailey, of North Kingman, made II. villit t o old frhmds h ere last Rates of Advertising week . HewJ IIl!! LOl ·al• . I>or line .. .. . .. . . . .. . CIW<I<ill..J A<.1I . nu L LO ux cood 11 ''0 liuCB ., One ot I. N. Miller 's g randdaugh' d Menager . OI.p lny A,T I\'ort. hroe Insertions ...... . ... . n. I• . (,•r anl', 1'1 'A Itor an lsllIg. 1>6 r IlIch .. .... . Illc te rs, of I:Ipokane, Wltosh .. Is vllllUng I UIJk;ouutal "i vtJu U11 con l rtlC t. : bere for the tlummer. Douny Morris 0. fertilizer repreJ U NE 24, 1H1 4. aentlttlve wbo lives at Leesburg, ----_._- - - - ----- - - - -- - - -- -- - - Ohio, transaoted bnsluesa here lilli' week . Another little point on live IItook KINDNESS PAYS IhandllLg: It 'A bot weuther uow Clyde Levioy and W . A. MerdU ~() m tl UI ,,,,t.lltl II go liv e IIt,ook In- ~nd stook mUllt b tl trflate!lm a man· autoedto OaytonTuesday . ~~ t.erellts lit "h .. UIIII' ke ts \JA!;UIJ Ito oalu- ner ao prevtlnt deaths from ove~­ rhere were St voral baptlaod In the pltlgn tu olimlo llte th e allutli v" ll£1ud h O!Itlng Anlmnls In the DOli t Bap'istry of the Jonahs Run Hap.. ling 0 ltv .. tlLuok. Idrive h01(1t or osttle too hard In h u t Ust ohuroh, 8 uoday, Juue 2111S, R.,v. Club HwinK f' rH, whuoking /lOIm"ls weatber. . I:!argent oHlula\lng. "OffIRI! the ribM lind hllok in driving Do nllt losft pAtienoe when au alllLevi l:Iatto o,ot Lluooln , III., who them tu aDd fr om tbe 801l1e!:! were mal is slow on tt,e feet . Is Il:i years old i8 vlsiLing his sister, udmonlsbod t o thr'Jw awuy their A brui sfld or orlppled hog il r e · Mrs . B L Dakin Mr . HaUon we"IlOUil ot t orture tlnu to treat the duoed in valne to Ito oon sl der~be ex· lookllllke a man ot 60 Yflllrs "nd Is Qnlmal~ mllr,> huwlinely . teot, and I"I! the owner wbo is th e Il re marknble mau ' B 'wi '~ M P It That oamplllKn itl heu.rln e frul t ohl~ f loser. . to . r . o.Pu r s . eruy eR . orn 'L'here are fewHr brnlaeu 0"rOU88es DOD 't throw water onto the bllok s hanging tn ploklng houaes th ' so of overhea'ed hOKS. Sprinkle tho flon, of Ddyt.un, II lion. Mother I\nd days and the ueoeKKlty of l)lloker oar floor or the floor of the peD . lion (wiog we ll. Mr. (luU Mrll JOIl . Cbapwan. wade buye~s wlltohlng olollely for tile A de ltd or orippled "uimlil Itorrlvlll~ uboHen of ani mills Ilod penalizing in a oonslgomeut ofte n meaUf! Iml!! a busines8 trip here Monday . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Borlloe them In a prloo lIense Is deores8IDg of an amount whioh INould PIi Y 8till, there is grollt "nAe,1 l or im- a oonslderahle pRr' of \l1e IIhlppluJ:; Hisey, of Cinolnna \I, II daughter. All il lo vel V in the I:IlsflY hOllle . provement in t.ho 8l1rvloe. More ohtl.r(l;es. hnmRne treltotlllAot Is netltied b'Jth Live tltoon owners mUlit look tu t!4rs. Ed Healloo with her dlmghter ,,' the markots Ilod In the oonntrv their own ioterest8 In givlog Itoni. Mn. Eillie Beckett and daughter, loading ohute. mals humline treutwen\ and ioslst- wei e lituests of Day t o a r~latl ves tia t A 1I$Ue patlenOI1 on the part; of Ing thlit othllt8 do IIkewls6. -CbIOll- ordll}, . Kliok drivers IIml le8M f requeu\ USIl go Otl.lly Hlirmor's and Drover", Mrll . MaUie Finoh speot Sunday of the olub Will fnrther (.\60f OIlIlO 'ho J ournsl. In Lebanon with her lis ter, MtH. nUlllber of bruised 0"rOaIl8e8. Angle Dakin, who Is quite poorly The owners of theNe brUised ani WHY THEY CLOSE EARLY Mr . aod Mrl!. Wm. L. Barvey, mals are the ohi ef lo!!ers. The buy. MrR . Lt.ura Harlan and MI ~ s Bertha er ullually poaallz6K the sub~ equent A well knowu voung prof68l!loolIl Gordon ware vi.ltors of tho Queeo s billmente when he Hnds u.o animal man, whose parents buve alwa ys City last weflk. or two In a oar IOtl.d b'lDgbt of them msde their bome in Adaa:s Vounty. Mr. and Mrs. 11: • •J . ClllUpbe l1 and hal! been bruised. Co opertltl uo Is nee1ed /lllllTound h~1I reoent-ly tti.ken an interest 10 daughter. of Wilmington, were t o leaBen 'he pta 1tloe of tl.butllng baying the butlinestl men ot th R guests of Mr . Rnd MrR. Cha!!. Lynoh I live IItook. 1'he uilroad, the ooun oouoty revise their way of oonduot Sunday Frank WII.on, who tho put. try shipper and the t;took Y lirds illg their bIJslness lu at 16&8~ one driver most work toget.her to elimi- partioular 'rhe young riootor wb o three yetl.rR l1a'3 been in th e employ by tbe way is well known In WII of the A 'nerioAP Liability Co. "" nate bruised o,"OOS86I1. mln" ton, hilS can vas.ed the oounty speolal roprllsentatlvA, has rAslgnod ~~~!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!~!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!~ and llooured pledge! from a gred his plaoo with them aod has acoepted nnmber at atnrekeepers th"t 'bey 1\ ~Imllllr position with Ihe Ne w '" III ol08e their store@ early In thu York Lite IDl4Ur"noe Co. $100 Reward, $100 eveniug', and tbus made " pOlllliblo ~t8 . Mllud Anderllon, of Xenln 1M Tb., rt!aders of this paper will be lor somtl bope of a phlasant hoor )lle.sed t o learn that there il! at or two the merobanta may bave mtl.ltlng Mr Rnd Mr~ . Amoll \£lIls II. villit. leu' one l\resderl diseltose that with their families. Roieooo hall beeo able onre In all Tbe Dooter says tl1at his fatber , Our new bliloksmltb '8 are doing Ua "tages" an,1 tbat is Catllrrl1. wbo hae been rnnDlng " geoeral very well, t >1 ere beiog pl llnt.y IIf Hall's Vatarrh CUle is the only IIt"lre In Ii smitH towo for over thirty work for two shopR. pusUlve cnre now knuwn to the yeaTII, has never hsd an evening Relll estate is beginning to chsngo medical fnternitv. CutRrrh being with his family In the eotire time ha.nd!l In our beautiful 'own, Ilud '1\ oonl!t"otlonsl, requires a A few weeks ago tbe mother died, improvement.a will soon begin on oonstltutlonal 'rtl~tmtlnt Ball's and the lesson thu.t the enjoyment them . (JaSarrh UUle Is taken 1nternally, of life is poel!lble onlYI'II Itts oreated Mrs. Ibble Collett sold a Dliyton aotlng dlr80tl1 upon the blood and from day \0 day, wall brought home firm a nloe lot of ash logll whloh muoona lIurfaool! of the syatem, to the remorseful fatber clud tbe Ifrew on her f&tm near her.,. ( thereby destroying . th~ foundation awakened sOO. Tqe caDva88 hu re Mr. Ed Luken~ tranBMted busl of the dillea,.", lind II:lvlnl( the pR- suited eo006l8fully aud the bosln68tl n68S In Xenia Thnrsday. tleat '8tr!'ngth hy bulldlug ov the men have entered In'o & oompaot L. N . t!eare and family, of Jeffer. OODIlUtotlon and u81t1t.\ng nature in ololle their IItores 'at a 06r&a1n bour, son ville llpent l:iuuliay with rela. dolnlt ItII worll:. The prop.. ietora and not \0 varv from the role, bot tl ' have so mooh fa~th In its coratlve Ito stand &Oge'her 00 It. The new.· ~~~ .ohool board ha ve em 10 ed power that they otJer One B uDdred papers ha ve talleu up the refo rm the lIame Inlltruotorll lu oor' ':eUYreUollars for any 01ae 'bs~ It fallll \0 land It III said \0 be reoelvlng the apla&ed sohool for 'he uex' term oure. !;eud for I\et,of telltlmonl!,ls . . pro val or everybody. -Wlhnlni&on ~mmenolng In September. ' , " Addr~8 : F . J . UHEN EY &: CO., \Juurnal. The painters. plasterers and 111.11, Toledo, 0, • .-. • f 11 k1 d y b Hold by A)1 Druglli'Jtfl, 71io. Inoludlnll the Pull Nln.. ori:: a Il:d M~II a ap:r;er AI::!~der Talre liIall's Family Pills for con· I The averaae lito of a cat \a aS4 tAl and Mr, and M";. WIIU:m Fal.euon Iftlpa&lon. i be fifteen )'ears. of t;pring Valley llpen' Bnnday aher · ""!!!!!!'!"'!~!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!~~!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!~~!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!'!!!'!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!~ noon 'he lluel!&11 ot Mr. and lira. ::: Frank t;hldaker. Mr. and MrI. Milton Bankll and Mrs. Editb Jaokson were Da,ton viBitors Saturday 'nd Bunday. Mr. ·Barmon Dakin, of Lebanon, was In our k)wn Bonday. Miss 0866 Anson and Mise Ada Downing, of Xenia, were vllll'ora of relatives over Sunday. Ma88le Township ~unday Bohool oonveat!on oonveoed at Fla' Fork • Baptls' ohoroh Sunday aUernoon wUh & goodly amouD' lu a,tendanoe. _

1:1 1111(10 (.J u I' Y... . . .. .. .• .. . .• .. .. . ... .








W.'H.Madden &CO.

- --

Hot Weather

BUILDING MATERIAL Of all kinds. ..,...~
















Tonic and Health Builder

Are you run down-NervoosTired? Is everyt.hlng you do an effort. You are not lazy - you are .Iok I YOQr Stomaoh, l.lver, Kid ueyl!, a.nd whole 8ystem noed a Tunic. A Tonlo and Hf'lalth BUIlder to dri ve 00' the waste matterbolld yon up and rene", your tlt.rength . Nothing baUer than Eleotrlo Bitters. tUlirt today. Mrs, Jame8 DunollD, BaYJi08vllle, Ye., wrt&6I:I: "Completely Oil rod me after several dootors gsve me np. " 1)00 and $1,00 at your Drugilit. Book. l .. n·s ArnlOl\ tlalvo tor CUtll.



Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laird and daughter Edith with Mary Ellie Bn&ood from Camden,.hlo, to visit their nnole, Isaao Wilson, Wodnes · day. Miss Flossie Da wson, of Dayton , i8 vla:l&ing A . M. Bnrhman and tamily. We are sorry to say that Mla8 Sarab &tterthwalte Is very sick at tWa w riting. liolrltooe Compton tlud family en t6rlainou l'huraday smi Fridtl.y of hut' 'lVeek, Mrs. A. E. Wooten, tw(> daligllters, N el\le nnd Beleu and eon 1110111 , of Waynellville. _













• • • 1IIt

. . . . . . . ""'



• •


Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rat~. ' Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires, CORWIN OHIO

Ph one 71· I a



____ _

~~~~ ~ ~-~-~-~~~-~~~~~-~-~-~-~-~.~.~.~.~.~w~_~.~.~~.~w~~~~~·~~~~~~

MrEI. W. E . BO~tl.n enterlilined her R.,v . W . B . O'Neall . of Bloomvllle.Oblo, Wednesd"y .




III a IIlnll' mon~a.x...t..t.

NO MON.Y • •QUIR.D until )'ou rocel ve and approva)'our bicycle. We I blp to nnllon~ anywbere In tho U. B. wUhout G cem ~ In ad van ce. JWIOJH1l1frefQht. and allow T.N DAY.'PR • • T.IALdurl~ "blcb time¥ou ma), ride theblo)'cle and put It to any teat you wlsb. It YOU are tbon notporf6ctly.aUHfiodordo not "Ixh to k""pthe Illcycle .hlp It back to UI a~t;JarexpellJl6and """ will nat bema one """I. We furnlllh the bl6hest lr1'ada bloycloa IL 111 .11 FIIDTD,RY I>OIIIhlo \0 make at one I maU profit above You lID to I2=> middlemen 'Iprotlla by buy· _.::~__ -:..:.:.= ,~,y biclo:;Oi~f~a(;c;:turcr· .lrUarantee behInd your • allalr of tires from anl/OM at ..... --.: -.~.. cat&lolrlHlil &nd learn our uDheardot




!.!! Hedgethorn • T" Punclure-Proof





,~c:ttl%~~;,!(!~' ••~~~~~. dIou .... 00111 •• 11 V"" .a..»," J>CIlr ft>r li.iiti <000.\ .~ lOf'A."..". " .M). Q

10 MOIETROIBLE FROM ".mIE. .... t •• THborOI • • wlll..e .et tlte alr_t.

A bundred thous and pal", sold last )'oar. Mado In all . l<08. It Ia live ly and e ..y rldlnlr. ve ry durable and lInod Inside wltb a It"",I .. 1 Quallt)' of rubber, wblch naver b&oom".. porous and which c10899 up emall punctu res wI Lbout allow In, air to escape. They welch ...1.........1.11 .. DO more than an ordinary tire. thepunctnre ree1stllllr l'a".1Id ..... U. . .tl1"l~ Qu .. llties beln~trI Vtl D b.l' 89venllayel'8oft.hln.apeelally .1ItII T·D' .... I. . riM atrf,"M" p repared f .. brlc on the tread. Tho I'flInllar price ot these • t ... ttl Till t11'08 Is '10.00 (IIlr pair. but tor advert.lHI~ llUI'P08ellWO ~-:""'I •.au .... ~"a~ are maklDIr a special tactor), prloe to the rider of only .. -, • " .80 per pair. All orde", IIhlp",,", lI&Dla da~ letter 111'"1i_.....TIO . . . received. We will 1Ib1" O. O. D. on approvaL You do lIMY RIDI_ • not (,,:led to pa)' a oont until yoa esamiDe and lind tham strictly as repreeeDted We wlll allow a . . .h dl_unt offl.P9rcent (thereby makl~tbe Prtoe . . . . . parPltr) It ]7Ou se nd PULL CAe" WITM O.D • • and encloee thIS advart1llement. You run no rISk ID lIendlnlr u.~ an ordoras the tlrell may beretumed at OU. eSPllDll9lrtor aDY reuon they are Dot



.·1 ' ' wI"tl''



.1..l Ira.otory on e nm lnal.lon. W. are pert.cYU, reliable &ad moGQ' .. D' CO u ........... 111 • baDk. It ,ou order



TOW" and dlstrlcttorlde and exhibit uamplil'uteltModol

.... n . .' " blc,ycle furn1llhed by us. Our Rider AlI6nb! aver), wbere are Write/or full pa1't~lJnd~ ojfet' cit on •••

Mrs. Jennie I:Iraddook and son Raym.ond , Mrs . E II ~ n o ra WiI~ o n and dau8h~e r Frltonoe~ aod son Ro ber t , !lb, tt.nd Mrs. W . T . Wils,lu, :'drs . Raymoou WilBon aod dAughter Mary Kathrvn oalled on Isaao \VII lion WeluulldllY afturn oon . Mr. BUll IIlr!:! .Je~ lI tl BulD e'" entertl.lned Mr. uo 1 Mrs . Htlrry Lytle of James town SontIllY . JobQ Wilson IlDd fa ' IIHy t ook !:londll.y dinnllr with Zimrl Boln ea ' and fam ily . Mr. and Mrs. W . E BOIlu.n Bud d nuab t er, Lolnh oall ed on Mr ·l. Rosa Ruddu.k Sundfty . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Htaoleyen. tertalned Mr. Iln,} Mrs . Wm Camp tou. "I~ughter Et·hel and son Amos, of Ne ~." Burlln!; t on Sunda.y Mrtl Du.isy Baiues aud t.wo dtl.ugbters l3ara and B ellm villite!l her aunt Mrs. Dnid Bolly of Wilmington lallt week. ('rvillo Compton and fllmlly en · tert.ainoo Mr . and Mrs. A. V F oland SundtlY. who hsve feoentlv returned from Vltolifornio. Mr. Itond Mrs. Uharle. Bsrner 6nl1 daUlltl MIlry bali., ollUAd uo,lriendd in Way neSVill e <;nnd!\y evening. Mr. ', nd Mrs. J'Iooh Carey, of Be\l · bronk, oalled on Mr hud MrM. Honry Urew ~;un!l u y llft.ernoo[J . Several from h ~ re attend ed th .. Cblldwo'M Day HXIlroisI.I8 u t the M. E. obQI~oh New Bl1rllngtou Suodu.y eve lUn,g .

:.=:~~ tt~,!!an:.:::",:!U~O~D~~:rtr:- ;:::O:t'ba~:·1Iw-:.::~fi ~=-=.t:t:b!.!';: .blQ1~.z..oo w''l.Tiboar~!.'!!!....!'.!.."",f00 to..u eaa tr1al o""-pat ODele. beDoe lb . . . . . . . . . . . . u.. 08_.

IF ruU,. T~ ~r!::Jot~~:':!::D~~':..u::~~~r::::::J:;'~~ ~f'Q Drt.. quoeocl """.'1or 'llTl1o for _r 1111 TI ... aDd........,. Cal.-lolU. wbleb clMcrlboIu4 .. _.:8 _:.:3

--I Coughs and Colds Weaktn the ~ystem .

klDdo or tI_aod wmel_Iud _Fl. "'~I IIalr 'be u_lpFl_ bat 'llTlto .... IIOT THill. lIP aU'l1110 • lIIqe\o or . . . . ot u,. rro. aD,Ti0M UD"W," kDOIW u.. DeW ADCI wODderfUJ otren ..... -.IdaL

_lo4or· -


j7LtilirCYCLi tiDIPINY, OHIClao, ILL.

CQotinued Coogbs, Colds. lind Bronohlal troubl6l.' alO depre88lng and weaken the lIystem . WSII o ~ welgh&. aDd appetite generally tol. low. Get •. 600 . bo&tle of Ur. King's New Dlsoovery &OOa1. It wUl stop - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . yonr olOugb. The first dOle helpe. 'the b88t medlolne for Stubborn Congb". Colds and all Throa' and t:;l1ng Troubles. Mr. O. B. Brown, Muscatine, Ala., wrl&6II: "My wife was IIlot during the hot sommer montb81U1d I honeetly believe Dr. Klng'lI New Dlsooverv Haved her life." Good for ohlldren. 500 and $1 00 sl~ yoor Droggllt.


Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.

Notice of Appointment



Bistate of Edmund A. lUcY. deceued. Notlca Ia hereby given that TeITel N ••hc), liM been duly appolDtod and QuaUfled 116 Ad· minlStrator of too _tate o. BdnltUld ~:r' late of WUI'tIIl County Ohio. d • Dated thJa 16th da,. of June. 1914. ALTON F . BROWK. Judie the Probate Oourt. Wamm Oounty. ~hJo.


Shop Next to, Sherwood'.:Carage Main St

OI.a aslSed . Ada .. • • • • w .... j


.,.w __ •••••

Alii ,,111 be IlIIIerl.e4 UDder ~hls head for twenty·Ova centa for ,bree luertlou: wben Wlloa not 1II0re thall 11 ve I1n". ~





All Kinds





-----------------------------subecrloore \0 the Mo()all's

A. ·R. Chandler


Magazine. Bend 360 to tho lhlzottEI office, and get one of the best ml\gazlnos on eartb. U




Over PoslofIicc,

House Phone 6-3


N · I>I~NA .' ,<SILO/ · , Dr. Heber M. Dill! :every

H OUtlE 'I)f

nine rnomll on MaiD repair. Inquire of Mrs. J . 'W. Bain8l'l, Waynesville, I!'ree~, 10 good


Phone 449

21 Broadway

Lebanon, Ohio







Osteopathic Physician



Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8 :30 to 12 o'clock

farmer who owua,aD Indiana SIb fOWld that it ia the beat hualneaa deal

l1e ever mode and the greatest ple&IWe )f his farming experience. It not only

.uldll 150% to the Det profit. of the dairT lOd feeding penll but it aleo Mvea aU the bard, 'nnple&lllUlt work of 'Winter feediDg. We have an especlally attractive propolitlon to make to you now-<lne that will ~nable you to get an Indiana Silo in timet for next faU'o corn crop and to pay lor it .is It pays you, DB tell yon about it.

Office, comer Main and High streets Phone No. 100

w ..




N. Sears

Live Stock .and' General Auetioneer Posted on .pedigi-ees and values of a kinds of breerling stock. Experien~ in handling farm sales since •


,1905. "



Chas. D. Oook Ha. veyaburg,



;1~~.;;-.i'! "':">."_''''I~blo.;



Office Phone 77.

GUOD Work Marfll! for eale, both In Rood oonditlon. Inquire of 'rhe se..,outeeo yenr looull'. or more properly, Cioltodlll, Is Dlaking Jos . Bormell, Waynesville, Ohio IJ8 Hs periodi0l11appeanuoe in oertltoin oarts of Ohio this year. There Is AIED PAPER-JnIUhet.hln, no praotioal method for Itll oontrol 1,0 wrap IIAnd wiohell aud egKs IOxcept 10 IImit6d area8. 'rhe looust for yeu.. plonlo. 15 sbeela for 100. doOll ver, little feeding. the InjQt'}' 6azeUsi offioe. . j~' cowing when tbe female makel OU'I lu the \wlp or tree. and .brobs In I!:SSUE PAPER-Of all oolora, whioh IIbe 111.,,, her egp. Tbe twlK8 for wrapping paollai(68 and above the poln .. of attaok mllAlly decora':lnR. 2'&1:36, B aheetll for 50. die If not too nomerOQ8 amall 6azette offioo. j1' tree II aDd plante may be covered w1tb m08qnlto nemn. whlob affor~ UICK Mel~1 gasoline range. Will proteo&lOb aRAlnst thlll In860'. All bell oheap. J. 0. Cartwright. twlp lu whloh ellge have btl6n laid jl IIbould I e, pruned off and burned OOD rubber tire buggy. W. N. d.Jr1ng Jnly 1u order to deetroy the Selllra, phone f5.2r. j1 resulting larvae. ------- -. flnt-clan mUoh OOW, Ir88b. On'~ ((eneral purpoee mare lind Indigestion and Constipation 001&, One very fine Durham oow, .. bpu& five yearll I ~Kan freah, · Call Dr. K~teghotJ, Oregonia, ("'bamherlaln '8 Table&. af&er Obio. l"" hnlfl'4!rirur from ••d oon· . lor flulling I.':'ADBAGB: . plantS for lillIe. Call U11,DIIi~1O " o n P~k Leai-; W.yneevl)le,

.. ..-------






Beversl from h ere a tt.ended Chlldren 'lj Day exe rol Be~ ~t Wellman iiondllY afte rnoon .


Patton's Sun·lJroof Paint





Color.§ in Stock at all times

Caesar's Creek




-:'T~' IW~" -'










"Banke,. of th e Revolution" Fumlahed Large Funds Wit h Wh ic h to Carry On Tho Strugg le for Freedom. OHERT lI'l OnnIS. Illtlto\l!:b nn l'; II!;lishman by bl:-th . mi g bt be ~"lIl'd Lbe " bnlllll! r of th o rcvo· IUllon," Cor it wns ho who on H£' \'\!rn l oc cn~i nn 8 wns call ed upon to !lnt! money for Ihe arm y. When conRroos fled from Philad elphia to Baltlmu re. Mr, !\Iorrls wa s o n of Ih (' comm lll "e th at Btayed IH:hl nd , Was hinglon hat! bl'('11 forcf'd 10 reln' ll[ uefore th e 1 ' 11 ' em y . and W88 cnm ped on th E' opposite shoree or lite Uc la ware. Tile ilritish were lillIe t o obt 1111 Ilr("llrute informn· 11011 as to his po.l lion. but he cou ld Dot do lilt ewise with reg llrd to tbeirH Man'S judgment a~8lBte d nature I .. milk ing this attractive farm home. Ulro ugh la('k or flU ids. So he wrote ======~=====~==========~~ Robert Morris. ns iling for mon ey. and th e lelter was brouglH him by n con, fldenl lnl m t!8~o n ge r. reaching h im ar t e r pructicull y nil Ih e inh ubitlUlLs had lert Philad el phia ro r 801110 IISfer plact'. DI'IJrCss!'d. he did not know what to do. unti l be casu all I' IDe t an acquaintance. 11 Crlend. who o.sked tor tbo news. Fronk Founltc r. Stu n Farmer Should Not Make Yard So Large That He Cannot Mr, Morrta told him of needing PhotogToph by Photographer. money. ali t! added : " Your sec urity Is Properly Take Care of it-, Natural Style is 10 be my note and my hon or." " Rob· ert. thou shall ha ve It," replie d th e Favorite in This Country mnn. a nd the mon ey was secured and Bent Gone ra l Washington. In 17 80 Unfortunately tb e term "Laml scnpc Ing appearance Qt "a place ror every· Rob ert Morris Ins tilnted a ban k In Phlladel pbla, with ot hers. t be objoct gardening." by Its very appcarnnce thing and eve rything i!l " i 5 :'! ace" of which W88 t o esUl blish credit by Dedicated to the More or Less Solemn and sound seems to s\lggest magnlfl· sbould be esta 1)l\she /j and mallllnl~li!d , Occ:a ~lo n on Which the Birthday cent estates, parks, v!l!as and the It will talte a lot .)( plan Ling t o blfle of Grellt Natio n Is fittlnlJly a lac k of tbl s easentlal CeaLUre. like, and to eltclude entlrcly th ose Celeb rated. Cons ider' Extent or Grounds, dom esUc concerns called bom es, Allother fact o r tbat must l'onstant Iy about which most of our li ves an\l in· be k pt In mind is the e xtell t of th e L terests center. This subject do en . gro unds. In tbe ci ty nnd suburban fIlrH1S Is Ih~ d3y of dar. : Thi s I s the 90 1l'rrtn o c c QH l o n n evertheless, brIng Itsel f to the can· plnce th is Is largely de term ined by III On whic h we r a is e Iidero t! on of th eso lo wlier, but none (actors beyond our control. but in the Our " olees In high est prnlse the less, Important problem s, Bnd It country the question mu st be deter· O t th os~ (rom who m uur blrl hrtl!:hl h a!\ mined for every bome. It Is to be cle.eCJld~ll : Is for the sake of th oBe tbat this ar· WIthout l'o/lshlerlng political persullo' ticle is written. All persons sbould I ilme m bered that some time Is neces· s lon. Stuy 10 properly care for grou nd s and FIDrgettlnr; a ll Iho bruises n nd ~he .ma r l~ understand something of th e fundn· with this In mind the busy farmer 0 :( blll~ r ('nmlty. men tal princIples and methods under· s hould not mnke th e hODle grounds so It'ronl TUtu"or trc~, l,lD, th1a. art which in everyday life large that th ev ca n not be prop e:-Ij' \Yll h Ih llnkful " eurle. V,lth every grleYllnee f M the mom. nt may be "Beautltylng our home su r· c!1red for On the other hand. the mcn<lcd. roundlngll," Uuder tbls name It be- grounds sbould not be BO small as tl) And with th e ever,sBcred. ever·aplendh! Emblem or treedom waving high . com es an art whicb can eve rywh er o be out at all ' proportion to th e!r soJ r. 'iVe lurn aWhile from thoughte of gain.. be enjoyed, and whlcb, wltb comllar· roundlngs. The wide spaces and dill' We c....1 asIde the heavy "train, atlvely small expense. muy be patron· tances In the country should be main· Vi'c cease n little while 10 sIgh For all tile doUllrs that remnln; I.zed by everyon e. , It Is remarkable taln ed to a reaaonable extent In the \Y c run the s(ll rry bnnn er up , home grounds. A certain Bense of boW'mllch cheap and simple materialS And. glnd ot heart. go In proportion togetber wltb good judg. meane of whIch congress could bo fur· The "peclal lournamen( to .... In In connection with ' JUBt a little pllUl' ment I should solve tbls problem. nlshed with means ror relieving tbe A Beven· dollar Bllver cup. nlng and labor, will do in the way of Tbe farm bouse sbould be compar. army. He headed tbe IIBt of eubs,!rlpmaking the home surroundings more atively remote tram the road, so that tlons with £ 10,000, to which otbers n. tl-e noise and dust of pualng traffic add ed lIuftlclent to total £360.000. By Tht. I. the dll.Y 'IfO celebrate liveable and attractive, WIth undl.gul....d clallo n The nature of our home eurround· l\'!1l be avoided. and a desire d privacy this means 3,000.000 raUons at proThe bIrth of our glorloua na t1on; vlsioDII lind BOO hogsheade of rum 'Rere secured . The width of the ground, tn81l pIa}" a vastly greater part In our little an4 the great. procured and forwarded to the needy The Th .. hlCh a.nd the humble. dally welfare than qlOlt ot. ui ,reaUze wm de pend much upon tbe character army. Upon lUll another occasion C _ for awhile to crumble and appreciate. Tile Immediate bome' of the house, U sua!!)', the space In Wasblngton 'wrote him that the mill· At (he whl .... of rate: front of the bouse abould be nearJy, .urroundlnp are unconeclously con· tary BtOretl were woefully depleted In A strictly .ate And ."ne mnnnet' etdered as a part and parcel at the It not quite, as wide as It Is deep, In and asked tor ald. There WILlI no am· 'We hnng out our bunting an4 proceed to raise the banner the buildIng of new houses these reo bome, and the nature and character That knoW. no brother ; quirements may be met, and tbe e .. munition hut that In the men's bOIes. of the people living there "11'111 be ta'blf llhed barnes not eo Ideally located which wal wet. All the lead possible' F'Orgtlltlng tho rrrievancee Ihat Bometlme. !let Judged more orten by wbat is seen may be greatly Improved by a little had been Becured, even the spouts at Us Bgaln.t one another. the hOUBCI. outside . of the houee than wbat may :well directed thought and labor. ·W.. proudly proceed to let Under sucb clrcumetnnceslt waa bnt The eo.r;le aeream be withIn. Ob .. rve Natural Style. natural that Mr. Morris should be A perfectly polite little acream or twft, Intereltl Boya and Glr.i •. And then we atftam hard put to It to find a way to supplY Forth from our ha.bltatIons to renew T!Je problem III worth considering The "natural" IItyle of landscape the lead However, be wu a guelt Our effort. to exceed tram the Itandpolnt cit keeping up gardening la unque'stlonably tbe tao at an entertainment given by tbe The limit. whtoh apply to lfJK't!d the Interest of the bOYB and girls In vorlte ODe in this Clountry· Any other Spanish minister, and upon being II.n4! new glory to the J(lorloua day By running over alow, plain people who the home. Neat and attractive home would be enUrely out of 111ace under pres/l~ . by bla ,hOlit tqr the cause of Impede B1lrroundlngs of which a ' boy or' girl country and ' suburban conditions :' e .. hiB apparent wOrry, showed blm the Our ftlght by IIn~rlng 1ft the wa)". may be jUlltly proud will be a power. peclally where cost at construet!op letter from Wuhlngton. HIB host In. !!AI .tactor in the development of i. Bnd maintenance must be considered. then told him that one of his ships I. our nation'. natal 4"y: eon ten ted and happy lite. , Tire ques. '1;'1\18 means that , the neceuary walkD, had Just arrived at the "'harf with 90 T'hl. You know. or coune, wlint n mealUl; drives Bud fence .. sbould be laid out ton,' of lead, wbtcb sbe brollgbt as I. the I'IorloU8 dny wben they lion why the bot leaves the farm In &II natural a Way as their useful. ballast. "You can have my baIf of This Who cling to rurnl ."enel might be anllwered, by polnUne to th.,. nesa will permit. I The 'planting should tbJtt fortunate supply," he Bald, Take oft' their jeana, IIlovenly and unUdy home surround· then be grouped in mallll'el along the thOR! are the owneNl at the other Don Sundsy clothes nnd. c\almln~ prou4 elation, , Ings. The home ' in all too mllOY borders aod In the angles In sucb B half!" He s~ured the lelLl1, lIet ·one Peraplro what tlm. cases Is only an additional /lhed fot way all to gll'e a natural appeararu!e hundred men to "Work that eame nIght. The aubllme the sheltering ot t~e b,umal1 "II ve to the grounds ~s a wbole. and before· mom\v.g had Bent a aupply Ane! ever.thrllllnlf .Dectaratlon la murdered by ]!Om" local orator. atock" ot the farm and' orten this shed As a matter of fact, wben a bouse of bullets to the depleted army. ThIs Is the day when we u the least attractive of the entire la built, a wafk or drive laid out, or II • Have graclou9 plty tor Those luckless on". 'U'roaR the sea cOllectlon. renee built, naturalness Is lost to a Who ne'er havo learned the pride ot becertain extent, but by thougbtful NOT THE SECOND OF JULY Ing tree. • 'From the mere Itl).ndpol~t 01 dol· planning, artificialitY of construction let UII hasten torthlarB and «lepta the home surroufidlngl may be greatly lessened alld to thla John Adami Wrong In HI. Idea of So r.not. west ane! south and norlllbecome Important. NothIng will add extent naturalness be maintained. Nor cellSe When Nation'. Birth Should Be , ro riot In tile freedom wo poosCl!l, more to tbe value at .the entire Ilrop· Natural lines are alwayS curved Celebrated. Nor pau.... tor anythIng, unl ...s erty than neat, wel! planted 1I, .1d w ~ 11 I lines, Stra ight linea are unnatural. It may be the pollee. cared for home grounds. Everyone Neverlheless. hOllle grounds exlat for -8. E. SaId John Adams to hlB wife Abl· would rolher live In a hom(', of tblS some utilitarian purpose and many ~all In a letter written a hundred and kind, and In a community l( suc'. unnatural features must be Intro- thirty years ago : "The second of July THEY SAY OF THE FOURTH i1omes. .. du ced. and In many cases the !latur· will be the most memorable epoch ,in One ot the IIrst requIsites In beau· alne8s at the curved Une must ,be the history of AmerIca. 1 am apt to Tbe ~rmy-Just as dry as any oth· titylng horr.e surrouDllInp II neat· a.bandon ed (or the usefulness at the believe that It will be celebrated by er day. DesS. Rubbl.h sbould be re;'nov ed ;' , stralgbt. WAlks and drl'v es should succeeding generations aa the great' bal~ d~1 Elnd dying shrubs and ·' trees I lend somE'where and sbould be gently anniversary festival." The GraUer-I've ,at to let up tor Ibould be pruned and remov ed en· I curv ed when possible, but tbere Time and cIrcumstance have can· tlrely. Fences and outbuildings ! sbould always be some real or appal' firmed tbe spirit of the Adams proph. one dllY. ahould be , stralghtllned up. re paIred l ent reullon for the curves,-V. H . Da· ecy. hut for anothe r day. It Is the Up In SIng Sing-And they call thIs and painted; gates hnng and swung I vis. Colle!:e of Agrlcullure. Ohio State glorious Fourth Instead of the fateful liberty! pro[lerly. In oth,!" words, A pre , 3.11- 1University . Second that we celebrate. Rlcbard Henry Lee's J'CrrJlution "thllt tbese The Soutberner-I don't care If I United ColonIes are, and of right ought do, sub. to be, free and Independent stateo," was passed July 2, 1776. The elaboThe Statesman-Why not whoop ~e bis start with a few founda. rate Declaration at Independence, tor me a few ttmes? Sln , Flllton county, Ohl 0 , h as a rep'".a· wherein Thomall Jetrerson dratted the tion tor progreBl In matters pertain· lion animals. Mr. Standish bas pur· whY' and wheretore of It all, was acTbe Peanut Man-BleSIl Liberty, and Ing to dairying. Ita many ~Ood barns cbased some herd sires. but tew feo cePted two days later. 'who ,,' ants the next bag? and numerous aUoli are oftp.n the 01.... males . At IJrese nt he Is sa ving a hull Among the Instruments of celebra· cas lon o( favorable mention. Good calf of bls own raising tor a berd sire. d d b M Ad I The Mlddlll West-;:Good enough day, cows, wltb progress ive' ,owners, are tlon recomme n e y r. urns n h but we need ra.1n for corn. res r-~ ns i ble (or the welt earned repu· Th e be rd o f a do~ e n cows has In It th e Ie tt er a Irca d y c Ite d were " sows, tation. One s triking Instance of dal. lIome wunderful IJ1dlvlduals and DO games. sports, guns, bells. bonl!r~s Itnd Tbe Fal Westerner-I'm no patriot ry Improvement I~ found In the herd common olles. Dairy conformation I, lIIumlnations," Oratom are not ill of W. H. Standish, Twenty·e lgbt not lacltlng. constitution is good, ud. the Itllt. In: tbe old-fasbloned Fourth 1f I don'.t 1'0p sCime one today! yearll ago Mr, StandlBh decided to d er develop men t Is phenomenal and tLey were starred next to the cannon The Ave.'8r;e Boy-My . sUngy old cast bls l ~t With the breeders of Hal· milk production unusually hlgb. One wbich awoke patrloUc echoes at mid· stctn.FTflslan cat! Ie. Eerly opera· hundred pounds of milk a day and 30 night of July 3 end to the "fanta,,· dlld wouldn·t glmme but fiTe centl' Uon!! were rnlher Blow and, modest, Ilounds of milk a week are not un· Ucs·· , whose midday parade appealed The New England Fnrmer-I gues! but sound, Though he was forced to common., One Indlvl,dual has prl1duced to the elated spirit of Yilnkee hUr;:Jo'r. • tart with small capital, Mr. Stand· I moro than 6,000 pound. o( milk In 60 This decline In occasional oratory hi to there's lIome of that, hard elder left, IlIh waa posllessed of rare abUlty as a ; days. , . be regretted. The Fami~y Cook-.Dam them ' old Judge of dairY ~nlmals. To-:day bls Luck Is too oCtiln aBBlgned as the The modern Fourth of July, It Is abilitY as a jud~e Is publicly rOCQg· r eason for success In any I!ne of po.1ntul to believe, lnvolves more or patriots! •"'(bo is to pay for thU ex· !Work! . G1H4 In C"nada a s well aB In (he work. This has bad small Irart to InfanUle delight In a alae I' _ U'D ite4 Sta~s. Breeders on both play In the develQPme.nt of this ex- Iohon of serious . bOundary are fren bIdder. traordinary herd. ' Ratbar It has- been the day' ltands f~;' BG , IUIY of hls lU'rPIUI \ the natural outcome or careful seleo- tho, of l1'eater " 'il1~1K1II," !:,:N4~bb4. .J'.Jre free to lay that Uon of breedln~ !l~cl'.. ' eUmlnation. 01 o.! ~nker Hili or aw~ll~ e , 'cDuld ',be pur· all poor lndlv!d~ \'ls;,/...~cle~~~~ ' ;£are.~ o,utlon!,l"Y: ~ttle . . '10 and ' l!i,tbey fhollght j,management ,.wl · f~edfD~.-'P~tt~r, IlJll.,.,_.d't!Ji1;yere '4,66, ,the too' hlgh,' N!'w 'GO(n•• not' ott, Collese , of ' A_.ncllltur~, ab.1~.,stltf 1904 ~~e' n\i,lr!~er , Or.:~(lCI!ICI..,rAU UDlll Qal jli'1e~., " " . ~ ~;IIS~~~t.7,~~ ~ ~:. . . ... ~.!*t .,~· ~OUlld,~ ........._ ....








==-='== =====





This Ie What Cultivation Does for P olatoel.

,n, w , MIl_TUN KEL I.Y.) thel' can be l nken out and cleaned 18 POtRtO ' bu!!;!! are IIlte In teres t 011 a I a short time nud the Rpraylng go on mort guce: Illey work day a and nl ~ hts . without furtber inter·ruptlon . Tu a '."hen th e bronds fi rst begin t o hatch. operation may eeem troubl eKOIlle at It Is th e tlme to nct. The onl y re m, ftrsl . but o na sprnyln g kills n il the ed)'. prl\cllcol IUl t! e Cre(' tI,·e. known lit bugs and II c!oe6 n't matte r If It rrun!! presell t. Is pa r is gree n. Tblll I" mixed wtlhin 111'0 h(1u l's after it 18 ul/lll1e d. wl1 t. wBt er nnd pcaueret! on [Ii ,· nt' l" :\II<l rain will not wash It oa pla nts. and ITa'.' tJ of It w l:1 re mnln for t '"0 To e ach ba rrel of wuter u s~ Gc \'~n wec l.s 1111<1 cOlltlllue to dest roy nil [lOllntlH of c hea p Ilour n ll d onl' IJUllnd II nuw hllt\·hl n j.:S of In sl'ctll. The flour of paris green . Mix the liaison nlld furms n pautl' Ihnt c :ltc h e s all til!' par· tl our in a buck e t containin g abolll IWu tlcles or purl. J; rel 'n n nd In turn ad· g!! lIon s or wat er anti sl lr until t hor· l lieres to tlte IIInnt leaves. In a fi e ld oughl y mixed . sPrtl)' ed thoroughly In thi s way a Ilea' .... h ('n tlie whol e mlx lu re' Is Ihor' l ond operati on Is not neceSBun. Tbe oughl y mi xed 110111' into t h e bnrrel of pump mllY be (Hit nwny und t h'p grow' t\'ater a ll the sprnying machine nnd er HIEt ass ured th:!t he Is Ihrough Cor k ecp tlt e cou t e nts of tbe barrel well til e soason. sU rred while tb e s pra ye r Is In motio n. I The s praye r Rho uld Jlot be drlvtlu Th e ani)' seriou s objectlo n to Ihls , too fD ~ 1. bu t ea ch pi lInt be nllowed to mixtur e Is that II lend s to dog the : get lis full s har c of the [lolsnn. One ns In th o pump. Th is Cllll be barrel of til(' mlxtnr shoul d be enough r.volded by bavlng the s creens so tbnt to cover ~bout t\\' o tleres.




HOW TO CARE FOR SUMMER QUARTERS FOR THE PULLETS YOUNG SEEDLINGS One of the Fundamentals in Rais- If Plant Can Be Kept From Wilting Profitable Poultry-Deing Great Advantage Is scription of Hen House. Gained-Soak Roots. I

Comfortable Bummer Quarters for the growing pullets Is one of the fUll ' damentals to success In raising prof. ltable poultry, be It on a back lot or 'n the form. The farm bowever ilas lhe advantage of plenty of room wbere bousell may be moved ahout. One at tbe best bouses we have eYer tried on tho farm for lIummer ulle. both trom a standpoint of economy of construction and general sat· isfactlon. was an eIght by ten one built of two by fours covered .... tb oneInch w'lre netting, with a covering ot burlap over tbat. says a writer In an excbange. There are no floe", In the bOUiell, but they are weatb.erboarded up around tbo bottom to a dlltance of two teeL Two feet, of the entire front 18 left allen to furnish fresh air. Tbe root Is sheathed with hsJt·lncb material lind covered with prepared roof· Ing. Pine Is uled al tile framework. One two by three at each corner,' and one ill the middle at the hack and each end, to Det In tho front door where tbe door is swung. Thllt Is all the studding used. 'Three ratters and t,e neceBsary plat811 at tbe top and bottom of the walls complete tbe amount at trame material used. Tbls makes a Bublltantlal and at the same time tl IIgbt house that can Jle slipped on a sled and moved from place to place. The advantar;e of having tbe walls weatherboarded up ' a few fE!et Is not so much In the protection thnt It af· fords as In the strength It glve l! tbe enUre structure. It, likewise furnishes a place wbere U:e lower edge of the burlap may be fastened 110 that It will not become loose.


It rrequently bappens tbat the liome grown seedlings come on Quite aa quickly ae th e greenhouse oneil. eve~ tbough smaller when Illaced In the garden. • Some plants a ftow Inchos hip. ot the ElarllanR varlety,....!'I~re lIet out, and a Ilttle later four excellent greenbouae 8Peclmnns " 'ere secured. They were thrltty, large and jUlt ready to bud; and the prospect of hay. Ing an tarly treat from them most promiling. But thoUCb ema precaution wall taken a,alnlt ..... lltlDI. one died. Hnd the change frolll artl· flcW conditions was a ahock frolll . wblcb ~a rest recupemted, IIlowly . . Meantime the bome grown planta forged abead and rlpenecl fruit a week or two In advance. Before traneplantlng any youna plant It till WI.8 to let tbe roots 80ak In water Beveral bouNl. By this m8lUl8 the pores are tull at water and tbe plant Ie much lellll .,rone to wilt. : ,C bOo.o a cJOJIdy day or, pllnt'at BUD. lIet so that the pla'ntlet may, have all Dosllble chance to get rlr;hted herore the bot Bun strikes it. If It can be kept from willing a great advantage Is gained as the 11'0,,·th 18 not checked. This may seem a small mat· ter. but It meana a great deal-not only the aavlng ot a week In the growing period, but perhaplI it avoids the repairing of 10llt vigor. Put a cup of water In each hlll before setting the aet'dllng. Ilrm the eartb about Ule roots and protect with leafy twigs or a pape r cap If the lun Is hoL- E. V. 11.




Clean Cultural Methods and Rotation of Crops Are AdvisaHens Seem to lielish Small ble-Also Fall Plowing. Branches and Leaves and When cutworms occur In serlou. All Small Particles. abundance. wblch happene In .ome

Cow peas nre not only .rellehnd by hens, but are excellent egg food for them . One 8ucceas.ful poultr~'man gives this e J:peMence: The peas. atter mao turlug. were harves ted and eLared In dry lotts, nnd thrown La the ro~vls IiI scratching pe n~. where they were Icratcbecl over nnd searched for duro Ing the day. Atter B few days the egg supply wr..s viSibly Increased. and wlthln a few weeks almost douhlecr--that trom an equal number of hena kept In leI)arate qual·tera and t ed on otber grains. The hens ' seemed to like the small branches' and leaves, nnll, would every particle el:cept the bard, atems. general hoaltb ' excellent• .and .not: . . th9 loUt symptoin aUDl.Dt ::d~~llr the . winter -

SeaBons. they migrate from ODe 1Iellt to another. assuming wbat III ca\led the army worm babtt. While metbods which havo been advi,ed valua.ble In lIuch caseB, they. .tolt . slow to deltroy all tbe cutworm., and we, thereture, hnve to employ othel' methods. These tndlqde tronchln" ~ ditchIng, the plowing of deep 'ftiiron In advance of the traveling cutworm. ' to entrap them and the dragging of logtl or ple.ces of bruah through the furrows . . If tbe trenches cau ~e Illlod ' with .wGter, the addlUon of a Bmall quantity at kerollene eo a8 to form a tbln scu.m on the surface 111"0,.-0 fatal. These remecllel ' .also al)- ': pUcable '. to , the bil8t ' arnlY ,WI>(\II1, ilnit ~cl~ \<!f slmllar habits. . '. 'As " Injury', ,





J~~~~:~:~4~~:;:f~~~ ;;'~iiDII~i~!








Every One, Every Day, HasOpportunities for the Doing of Christian Work.

Wounds Should Be Wa shed Thoroughly While Waiting for Doctor to Come and Inject the Antito xin That Ca n Save,




r;:~ ::f" :~' :~

Much of t Ue good we Ull 10 lael· lit ... ' ha t , cl u.n , .,.... I1iI.E lh p. childre n a maSR th eir tl eu ta l. MOll )l!:ed nol Wlee nd B l>ulpll ~;:~JD\&Ii.c: ~ noi sy tok ens of p fltrlOlls m and •• ""O D . as.rto ~t to preach . The du ~ t y rOlld. b <lateu by wh cedl o th lll .. fath ers Illt(,l tho ftI4t.1, u,n".pll ! ') rtl p t he ree t of Pl auy tran·le rs. may be t b e ,,"er , _til u v t .. nil Of' purcbase or d eadly firo 6plltlng dol uJu r" a01t bt nC . opportunity for t b · e x e rci~l' or ou r vic es. mothors se t t.b elr t ectb to e n- UetH tsle ul:;. Wi' <lu no t kllOw bow I ~t:~~:~~r:~~~::' dure long hours ot tortur e tor th e much good we d u o N (, Ith er do we -it answers every Leverage I ... aOLD IOI4£nl. uo D.&.1 .. ~;:~';r::~~,~~r :~.,:: ~ afety ot th eir little on es, writes Or. L.. know th u COn8 efjU " U ~" ti o( o ur evil requirement--vim, vigor.n:K. if iY's bb " rg in f1'arm and Firesi de . ,f deeds and thouglltij . A girl gave il"r STOPS Little by ll ttle the d e ll ghts ot the safe soidler lover a bu n ch ot rorgel·Pl P.freshment, whol esomeness. LAMENESS and sallo F'ourtb are be ing r p cog nl'l. ~ d. IlotS. 11 0 dl pd on th e He ld or Water, from a Hone Spavin. Ring Bo n e, but In th e mOll nUm e. whil e th o crnek· loo. but tb o Il owe rs cBqltlle d th e Ile ids Splint. Curb. Side Bone. or silllilaz e ro bang and blll ze. It III a co mfort lO wltb th e ir s e ntlin c ntal bCuul y. Th e It will satisfy trouL, le aw t;:C!5 horse goin.: so und. kuow thnt doctors ha ve l oa rn r d to deal "traw In whi c h on e M TUllr wuld sl' n' tI Does Dot blister or remove tbe , Drmand me, m ew b alr and ho"e can be worked. ~e so elTectually with on e of lU tI dangertl workR Wn" pBc ku ,1 co utain ed n ew b, full M (M"'""17 in pamphiel wi lh each bou le ten. l\.Lc.k.D:amt1l£n~ atte ndant upon the Foun.h of July- varieties of soeds . and th l garde ns or lUboUlutl.... how. $2 .00 a bOil Ie del ivered. lockjaw- that tb ere Is no need for tbe Copenhagen hav e ueen e nriche d wllh Hor!Ml Book 9 K free. dlselLlie to result In de ath . Througb new vari e ti es ot I reell uuo shru bs and TH! COCA-COLA Co .• ATI..ANTA.. Ot.. ABSORBINE. JR .. antisep tic liniment for lack or Information. more tba n a tbou. fiowers. _ ______ _ _____ \ mlUlkind. Reduce. Painful S .... ellings. EnBaoo people In the United 8tatcil die larged G landl, Goitre, Wen., Brui.... , VanTbe rntnl&trl e a by Lho waysi de an! Ma~te money your god. and you'U Wonlon work ers 10 Chile re~ve all COle Veins, Varicosilie., heals Old Sores. Allay. trom It each yea r, moot ot the m tal' Infornlal. uu ce re monlou s. Bnd It would find the r e's the de,,11 to pay. average or :18 cents a day. I Pain. Will tell you more if you write. 'I mers and countrY·bred youngsters. aeem Incidental to tll n larg. ·r 8l'rv lce. I 52 a boltle 31 d.".lcrs or delivered. Book Tbe reason lockjaw Is BO ofte n as- Everything we do hruI fa r· r ~ Bch lng InWorm . . . pelted promptty from tbe bumaD "Evidence" free. M anufactured only by Smile on ,..... h day. That'. when yon U I8 sociated wltb Fourtb or July acddellts Quance. Every utt er ed word Is In· .1.~m wltb Dr. P.,.,y·. Ve.aalt~ w D.a4 YOlJ~O. P. D. f .• ItOf_1I It.. 8l1,lng/leld..IIua. en- Ball Blue. C lothes whiter than ilhot.'· .&.1.1.,. Ilea In tbo tact that wounds made by vested with man}" possIbiliti es. Pub· Red mow . All vocera. Ad.,. firecracker •• skyrockets and blank car- IIc service attracts a tt e ntion . but tht! Anticipation. Forvet-Me·Not. tridges lire commonly ragged and con· real ,ood men do Ie not In public. bul His Coffin Flnlahed, tie DleL "One Bummer I cbanced to bo back .. A b. yes. tbere 11.1'9 still true and tUlled, and so attord a tavorable soil tor In pTi vate. It Is on th e wa ys ide. nOI Attor seeing that bla comn was In the ndge. of Tennessee." saId the g e rms. It Is known also that tbe platform. where tho work If! done. made. J . Welch, fathor at Mrs . Nelson. United States Senator Blair Lee of 10ysJ lIOuls In this Bad world." murwounds wbere troe air and oxygen can- The man who thinks of ~erv l C Il ae sep- died f'rom the ravages of cancer. He Maryland. B.' he leaned back In bls mured th e ~o l emn Individual Ie lbe tor. not enter. as 18 tbe case with tbose arated from business anel sodety, who came from Oakland last fall to live chair. "aod a couple ot mountaineers tols e·shell glas80s . " 1 used to know a dea r girl- It was ten long YllarR ago-made by ru sty nails or tbose accompa.- thinks ot It as a dlstlncl province wl tb his daughter. Three montbs ago got Into an argument. HI"b words and not a year bas pillised since tltal ni ed by d ee p tearing anll those In apart tram all other proressions. has he requested that his cotl\n be made . led to blows. and ono of the men was 6he hasn't written mo a birthday letwhich dirt has boe n ground InU) the not grasplld tbo nle llntng at service, so It migbt bo finished b efore his killed. One of the party volunteered ter. Always what sho writes Is about f1esb. gunshot and powde r burns. aro and tal\s to understaod Its s cope. Do· death. to ride on c.head to tho d end man 's the B~ me , 'Dear Altred. I can·t ever ?hoto!;T1lph by Frank Fournter. Btalr most likely to be tollowed by tbe dis. Photographer. Ing good Is not a profellslon. bu t a part His 80n-ln·law and daughter were cabin and break tbe news to the torg et. not It I II ve to be a hundred. ease. The first symptoms ot lockjaw ot sJI legitimate work. The world able to postpone the unplellBant task. widow. thLs day of all tbe days In the year_ usually appear from tbree days to wouJlI b e be lt e r and hnppier It people but Nelson yielded to entreatlell ot his "She waa seated at a table eating Let me once again wlflh you long lite three weeks arte r tbe Injury . Homo would learn to do go od Dud be good tatber·ln ·law te n days ago. and UnWII.-\ apple-dumpllngs when tbe man rode and bapplness with all my beart,' etc. ~ r emedies and slabs ot bacon.. baslen IL when nobody is lookin g. It 18 so easy IIngly' began the work to pleue tbe up. He broke tbe news as gently as "Very sw eet of tbe girl." said tbe The earlier they appear. tbe more se- to be n martyr, to a ct and perrone aged surrerer. finishing It betore death possIble. Tho woman listen ed quietly otout youn g man wltb tbe amazln. rious tho attack. our part; It Is 80 hlHd a nd uulo~erest­ came .-F~II River M1I1s (Cal.) OLa- with a dumpling poised In tbe air bait waistcoat, "very sweet ot ber. InFortunate ly. It Is always possible to Ing to be strong aod kind and patient pateb to the New York World. way to h er moutb . When the man bad deed." Signera of the Declaration of Indeprevent lockjaw, provided no d elay when tbere Is no hope of anyo ne look· finished. she IItulred the dumpling Into ··Very ." replied the solemn indipendence Repreaented All Clanea ro11ows the injury. Tbe m etilod Is to Ing on lind no newspape r to pu bllsh h er mouth aod Ha ld : Getting Round It.. vidual; "only. you s e e. she writes that of the People and Were of have a doctor Inj ect antltoxh: -polson the be rolc deed the n ex t morning. .. ·You·all jest walt tlil I finlsb tblB dasbed letter to me on a dlft:erent day Llucoln Stelfens. In a recent address Alt Agel. a ntidote-Into the patlent's Hesb. This byer dumplln' an' then you·aU·lI bear every year." Religion is adapted to Ihe kitch e n at Co.o per union 10 New York. eald: Ill\1s the poisons as tast as tb ey arb "TlIlo wlte of a child labor million· some holbrig· .' '' It HE llIe n ;vho gat h e red tog ethar given ott by tb e 10cltjaw gernlS. wblcb quite aa well 8 3 t.he catb e dral. alre once asked him In some little Selflah Constituency. lake!! root In th e waysld c even more l' nrly In July . 1776. to consider are a v eritable mlno of poiso ns at tbo : Moat Unkind . .. A re you going to Bend your CODth e Qucs tlon or Inde pe nd ence site of the sore. It treatme nt is de- qukkly than In tbe s pecially prepared ., can' t help bolng superstitious gresllman back to Washington?" .. ·George. Buppose you'd b ee n born represerted llIany professions and layed until lockja w s ymptoms appe ar field s ot ronnal mlsllionary endeavor. In the days when everybody bad to about the figure tblrt6'ln." said M.r. " No;' replied F'uneer Cor otoBsel. Oarfleld used ' the illus tration In one of liges . o r I h e 56 m e n who constituted th ere Is little hope or cure. It Is then " We'vo tound out that he's sucb goo a his addresses or th e m lndrol> which live by the swea t or !jls or her brow. Meekton. all of the slgnors ot th e Dec laration. too late. What would you do then!" "You're wa8t1~ your superstition," company tbat wo've decided to keep :!4 we re lawye rs . 14 agriculturists. four In the Interval wblch may elaps e the lap or a }Ilgeon's wi n g would send ""I'd ope n a stand,' George an· replied his wire. "The only date you blm hom e." either to the Gulf or S t. Lawrence or physicians. on e a minis t e r. one manu- berore a doctor can arriv e It Is ad· swered. 'for the sale ot h anker- have r eason to tear being haunted by factu r er. nine m e rchant!, and tbree vlsable to wasb tbe wound thoro ughly the Gult of 1>lexlco. chleta.' Is April 1." Intent LI.tene,.. The wo rd we speak Is otten the wllo hnd boen edqcated ror the minis· with soap a:ld wate r. and to flood It "A politician who keepe an ear to try. but who late r followed other pre- bllrore blndlug It up with common per· wlog striking the raindrop. The smile. It. Definition. the ground Is likely to hear a great A German economIst. Protessor fesslons . Although at the time ot oxid e or hydrog e n. Arter this has the hlUld'l!hake , tile right' s pirit, deter- wol~r. estimates that by 1920. it the d01l1 that Is lut.erestlng ." "What Is a stasewalt. paT '· signing the DeclliraUon tbe majority been done the wound should b e cov· mine destiny. It Ie well to c ultivate "I know. sis; It'. tbe b eavy man . "Yes." replied Senator Sorghum; presont tendency continues. Germany's e red but on no accouut use a band· the penaonailly that belps. A grouch birth rate w1l1 be tbe lowest 10 Eu- Raltlmore American. "and on tbe other hand be may simply kerchief or an old rag. but get a 8trlll Is unmoral at le ast. Vinegar repels. rope. get an earnche." ot ant1s epLlc bandage . A package 01 Honey attracts. Sunshine In th e soul. To err 18 human. but don't lose sIght ~. antisolltic bandage should always be In about whi ch our young I>cople sing. Somo poople are ne ver happy unle8s ot the tact that It c ounUS against your It pays to be honest. but sometlmell readiness In every housebold. A clean. often without understanding. Is nOI a thoy can find tault. f)eldlng average. pay day Is late In showing up. PlIsslng emotlou. It Is tb e dominating open wound which blee ds treely IJi Hille Hkely to harbor tbe ge rms 01 Quality of good nature. the overtlowing cup or a sane and Intelligent being. lockja w. The llght and air and oxygen strik· Music Is bette r than nois e . and does Ing Into It kill them. and the flowinG more g ood. Some me n huv e no hal" blood waahel! them out. In all sucb mony. They nre as " sweet bells jang· csses. unless the flow ot blood Is ex· le d. out of tUli P. and hars b: ' and all ces8ive. It Is well to make no ettore wlto coml! within th eir reacb are Jarrod to BtOp It. It will coa8e of Itsea In 8 by th e clas blng, Inharmonious 80unds. A man may do good going to the few momenta. The use ot auch homely r e medies ae church. or golug away trom church. bacon and spider webs to stop th, He may find In th e busine ss omce. the !low Ie toolhRrdy and trequently fatal street . lhe factory and th e fi eld oppor· The average spider web. particularly 11 t unilies ror doing good. Every new It comea from a cellar or a stable. Is p ynprl e nce Is an open door to a new alive with genes. But no malter how duty. C:xperienclII of the Wayside. small the wound may be It Is well to have a doctor dress It. We alone II The waysldo Is crowded these da)'ti capable of washing It as It should be --crowded wIth the morally crippled, of the men were between forty and washed and ot estimating the IIkell· with the physil-ally untlt and wIth 81.xty y ears of age. several were \n the hood of Infection. His fee Is money minds twisted out or sbape. 10 the early thirties, and two .forty·soven . well Invested. It may buy only In· wayside we meet tbe tragedies and The youugest signer was Edward Rut- surance agaInst a long and terrible III· d eeper experiences of lIte--tbe stragled ge of North Carolina. wbo was not ness. but then again It may buy \nBUI' glers who fall behind in tbe stress and tweuty--eeven until about four ance against d ealh . IItruggle of life. Suoh deserve a helpmonths after tile slgulng. The other Ing hand . The good Samaritan Is stili was Thomas Lynch. Jr .• wbo celebratthe Ideal Chr1eUun. but tbe parable TIRED, BUT HAPPY. ed Ms twenty-aeVenth birthday three will benr a rereading. White we days atter the signing. Mr. Lynch must help the poor fellow wbo Is beatwas drowned at sea betore he was lin and robbed, attention should be thirty. 0n the 'Otller hand. BenjamJn given to the bandits who did It. Franklin was seventy nt tbe time of Service Is more tbnn sympathY-QIl. sIgning. Equally Inte resting are the wtne, an Inn. with all the comforts ot ages of tho mell when they died. home. Three lived to b e ove r nine ty. 14 over Som etim es It takes tbo form of se, sixty. 11 over ntty, and the r e maInder, vere chastisement. The road to Jericho with the exception of Lynch. lived to should be made safe. The wayside be over forty-tour. should nut be threatened by men and Institutions which destroy. Service In:/olves the policing ot t he wayside maklng It sare for decent tolks to travel on . Look atter the poor bleed· Mothera Will Do Well to Keep Then Ing fellow - yes. but down with the Inatructlona In Their brigands! Memory_ We are all on the broad waysIde . Let us be of use to humanity, unselfSurgeon Genernl Wyman ls8ued the Ishly. genuinely. sincerely helpful to Collowlni Instructions for the prev.e nothers. by ldndness. sweetness. patton ' ot tetan us (Ioc kja w) fo11owln, Intience. 10ng·Buttering. sympathy and In lurlel trom Fourth or July blank cardoing tbe duty nlUt to us. and helpln!; t .•. ~ldge8, plstola. toy eannon, flrecrackthose over whom we stumble, for ad. '3 rs, etc.: Photo~h by Frank Fournier, Stall When breakfast has to be' prepared in a hurryventure. as we hurry througb the Gate _··rD:.addltion to alvlng a. preventive Photographer. . Beautltul to the Altars ot tbe Church. .• , dOBO of· tetanuB antitoxin. It sbould , When something appropriate is wanted quick for aftemoon lunch( '. 1)0 an · invariable procedure to lay INDEPENDENCE DAY. Remember HIs Mesaage. I .apen all Follrth of July wounds. All When thoughts of a hot kitchen appall oneHgw seldom In thought or In speech .•' tGr'81p1 matter. dead or badly Injured Far In the "at .where llIornlng glBatnll '~.'~ Dosb; should ' be removed. an anaes- And apreads' ItA Irlorlouft light fn .tre&ml 18 ilie me8sage at Jesus with us. We Whenever the appetite calls for something deUciously good and nourtsbiogt t pain and The early blrd8 unit" In eon•. baye those. unlelll we are most unhap(", thette bemg Ulle d 0 preven And echoes glad their not •• prolong. py, whom we care to please. whoBe I~. proper meaBUretI taken to limIt bleedamUe. whose wbrd .ot &l?proyalU,htenB I'Dg. I hear tho cnrolB iliad and tnIIeet: up the day for WI. w'boae BOrrow II' our ': ;"After tile wound has been thor- From mount to mount echoetJ repeat ...; ....,y !'cleane~ it should be Bwallbed And roll out to the weatern Ilea. bltternee and Irlef. How little do we ......."1 LIberty.....oot IIbert)'. atrlve to win hlB lood word, to Btalld ;'O\lt with JltrtlDg carballo acid or at , I' t'daat 2$ pef <lent. tollowed by a waah- The an.werlng tones of bell.. roll oa- In tbe Iuolhlne of.:Jita tavor. How . . '6 ' t alcohol to pre- LexlDlrton • .conoord aM , Lexington. :., . ng With :'9 per cen 'And Chllrleatown bella ' all llatenera thrill few have thl.;tot thelz: Bupreme dt'eire. that. wh~tber preient. fir absent. they I ve~t furtber action of the acid. . With Bunjl:er Hill! Blinker Hill I , "Aft.!, the wound b~1 been cauter- From Harlem ILnd Yorktown come np}y- mlY be well pleuln,' to hlm.-BrlUsh Weekly. tS~ui thll way It .hould be thorou,h- Fourth of July! Fourth of Julyl ( 11 '-bahed out with a ~Ichlorlde of bell.! Rln" ))ellat wtUl Jo),ou ..m""•.,....·rJ' lolution,' packed with ,aUse. awella, ' Oodll..... ,,,, ,"~I.rll~Y_ ('D1!\Ai~llelcJ every day. . Peace and Rood wtll Your music tflu., To me thla ~~~.:,,~~~ult. ot-ttie ..... I..b,raltioID.l Whlle .~ 'er the land boolDll fortb wttl truth_that the : thla N\,i..,t....'" ~..,.. rtll . 1'0&1'.." \ . .: •. God II 'the ~e' Ccil\fttr)'.· one \ ~; ~foNvi!r",ON: ., . ..cUlIte ;t'. ',. \ , . '... . love




I~ I


















"Johnny on the Spot--

Post:T oastie,s



~i~:~~ii~~~f~ri~;~"~"~'litllr~~Jlfj~~ur~1 God




~ ' .









"Banker of the Rel/olutlon" Fumlahed L"rijr Fu nds W ith Which to Carry On The StruGg le for Freedom. CHl!o:RT 1I10 rt RIS, a ll ho llg h an 1': II b"lIs hni un by bi rth , m lg bt 1)6 I'rl ll " d t he "bll lll,c r lI[ th o re \'o· lutio n.' · for it \\'/IS he whll on 6~ \" " m l o("t'lwion R W >lf ('a ll ed u po n to find m o n ~ y tor Ih" arm y. Wh en c on~r oos H d from I'Jli la delphla to Ha llimu rt>. Jllr , M o rr l~ \\·os o n ~ uf th ' co tn tnl tt t'~ t ha t s tuyed twhl nd. \\' a~ h l ll !(101l lIuu b"," n fOf('p tl to r ei l'I' :lt t",fore t h· ~ " . elll )" . a ncl \\ liS camp" d on th t' o ppos it e sbores of \h(' llela ware, The Uriti sh we re lillIe t o oll( al l/ !\I' ~urul(' ill fo rmll.· tlou Uo to hi d pO_ IUOU. but ho co ul(1 Dot do Ilk e wls l' wit h ref: urrl to tbe lr s Man's Judgmen t assisted nature 1ft making thl e attractive farm ho me. throu gh IUl' k o f fll l/ds. 811 h e wrot o Ho bert !\<I o rrl!!. a slling lor man,,)". and th e 1 I ter w as bro ught him by 1\ COIL· Ildc ntla l m · sae nge r, r eaching him afte r pra cti ca ll y a ll th e IDhabitBDltI bad lett Phil a delp hia fo r 8 0 nt O sa f(' r IJ ln ~ l! , D~ p f(' s s('d . he did not know what to do, un li l he caRually Diet a n IlcQuulnlullce , u frlelld, who as ked fo r th e ne wa . Frnnk Fou r n\e r . Mr. Morrin told him of needing P 'hotogrn ph h)· farmer Should Not Make Yard So Large That He Cannot Photograph e r . money. li nd add ed , "Your securll), Is Properly Take Care of it-Natural Style is 10 be my Dot e and m y honor." " Rob· l' rt, th ou shalt h a ve It." r eplte d th e Favorite in This Country man, and th ~ mO ll ey was securod anrl se nt General Wa shin gton. In 11S0 Unfortunat ely tb e term "Land sC" fl Pe ; In!; appearance vt "a plac'l. tor e vc ry· Robert Morris IlI s tllu ted a ban k III ga rd ening," by Its very app carance I thIng and e\' crythlng 1:1 its :i !acc " Phllndelphla , with olher5. the object DedIcated to the More or Lese Solemn and Bound see ms to sugges t mag nlfl' j s hould be es tn lllls he tl nml maln t al ~",, (1. ot which WIUI to cs ttlblleh cre dit by Occa&lon on Which the Birthday eent e s tates, parllB, villas and th e It will ta lle a lot .)( plantin g 10 billa of GreAt Nation Is Fittinoly a lack of thi s ea ~ en Ual fenture. lik e, and to exclude enti r ely those ConSider Extent of Grounda. Ce lebrated. dom estic concerns called homes , Anoth e r fnc tor that Illu st 'o ll st '"l1 ly about which most of our lives nnd In- be ke pt III min d is the extent of I h o I. tereels center. This subject do es, grounds . In the cit)" and suburban ill S Ie th e d:l)" or lIar· : Th is I~ t il :Iol ."mn occasi on neverthel ess , bring Itself to tb e con- plate th is Is largely de ter m ined by • O n wh k h W I! r alse _Ideratlon of th es e lowli e r, bUl none fa ctors beyond our co ntrol, but In I be Our " ok eB In llighes l prn ls e th e less, Important problems, Bnd It co untry tbe question mu s t be detero r t h osl! fr rl m whllm ou r birth righ t h c.....~ Ue fH" Cl"llh:d: Is tor the sake of th ese tha t this ar- mined tor every h ome. It Is to be Witho ut l'll ll ~it l f' rJnl: politi c a l p e r s un· ticle Is written. All per sons s bould I amem bered t hal some t ime IQ n ecesfll on . sa ry to propt! rly care tor g round s and Fo r~l~; tl l n s Ill! th Lru1 s!II a n..] ! he sm arts understand som e thlug of t.h e funda· with this In mlod the busy tarmer or bitter ' ·nmlty. mental prInciples and methods und e r· s hould not make th e h ome ground s so From Tn l\Cn r frc (I. With Ih a nkfu l hM rle, lying this art which In everyday life large that they can not be prope l, "'Ith e ve ry g r ic \'ouce ror th e mome-nl may be "Beaut ifying- our b orne s ur- cared for On the othe r band , tbe me nded. rounding;." Unde r thi s name It be- grounds shou ld not be so small as tl) And wll h tllO ""e r- 8ncretl. ('ve r-epl \>n <1hl E mbl em or rreedom wnvlng high, com es an art which can everyw here be out of ull proportion to lhe:r S ~T­ We tu rn awhtl e rrom t hough Ie or gain. be enjo)'ed, and Which, with comJlar- roundlngs. The wide spaces and dla·We cnst nslde th e henvy 8tTaln, ath' ely s mall eX Jle nse , muy be patron- taoces In the country sbould be ma lnW ... cca"e n lilt Ie while to sIgh For nit th e dollnrB thnt r e ma in; lzed by everyone. . ' It Is ' rem a rkable taln ed to a reasonable extent In tbe "Ye run t ht.'! slarry bnnne r up home grounds. A certain sense of meane at which congress could be turAnd. glnd of hea rt. go tn bow- mu c h c heap and simple materials proportIon together with good judgTh e 8 P ~ Inl tournament to .... ID nllllled with means tor relieving the In connection \I'lth just a little plan- m ent shoula solve this probl em. A seveD-dollar allver cup. ning and labor, will do in the way of The farm house should be compar- army. He beaded the list of aub8,~rlJr tlons wltb £ 10,000, to which others IL making the home surroundings more atlvely remote trom the road, so tbat liveable and attractlve_ tl'e noise and dust o{ psssing trame added sufficIent to total £360,000. By Thl. II the day we celebrate With undl.gull,ed elation The nature of our home surround· will be avoided, and a desired privacy tbls means 3,000,000 rations ot proThe birth of our glorioWl nllUon; tngs play a vastly greater part In our secnred. The · width of the grounds vIsions and 300 hogsheade of rum 'Rere The little and the II"Teat. dally welfare thaD fliost ot. ui reallie will ~ e pend much upon the character procured and forwarded to the needy The hlah and tile humble, Cease for aWhile to gMlmble and appreciate. The Immediate home' of the hou se, Usually, tbe space In army. Upon _till another occasion At the whlrTUI or tate: tIUT1'oundlngs are unconsciously con- lront ot the house sbollld be ne ady, Washington wrote him that the mili- 11\ a .trlelly aare and 01""""'" tary !!torea were woefully depleted stdered as a part and parcel ot tbe If not quite, 8S wide as it Is deep , In 'We hong out our bunting and prooeed to and asked for ald. There WBll no amrallie tho banner bome and the nature and character tbe building of new houses lhese re- munition but tbat In the men's boxcs, That kno ..... no brother: , qulrements may be met, and the uForg'lttlng the grievance" that sometime. w~lcb was wet. All the lead possible' ot the people living there will be tabllshed homes not so Ideally locoted Judged more often by what Is seen may · be greatly Improved by a little had been secured, even the spouts of Ue Nt against onft another, the houses. oUtside , of the bouse than wbat may w~1\ directed thought and labor. 'We proudty proceed to let Th e engle scroam Under such clrcumslnnces It was but be Within, Obllerve Natural Styl., natural that Mr. Morris should be A perfectly polit e Utile . cream or twa, Intereete Boya and Girl" And then ....e atTeam ~ problem Is wortb considering The "natural" atyle of landllCope hard put to It to find a way to IIUPPly FOTth from our hnbltRtlone to renew the lead. However, he was a lueat Our ell'orta to exceed from tbe standpoint 01 keeping up gardening Is unqueltlonably the taThe limit. which apply to speed at an entertainment gIven by the the Interest of the boys and glrlll In vorlte one in tbls country. Any other Spllnlsh mlnillter, and upon being And ' a.dd. new glory to th e glorlou8 day By runnIng oYer 810w, plain people who the home. Neat snd attractive home would be enUrely out of 1.lace under presll~ , bY bla .h05t t<lr tbe couse of Impede lIulToundlngs ot which a boy or' girl c~untry and ' suburban condlttons, e .. . hie apparent worry, showed him the Our flight by IIn~l"Ing 1ft the w~_ may be jUlltly proud 11(111 be a power- peclally wbere cost ot construction Ill1ter trom Wasblngton. His host IlL hal factor In the development of and maintenance must be considered, then told him that one at hla ships 'lour nation'" natal lIay: ClOnt~nted and happy life. Tbe ques- Tb.18 means that . the necellary walko, had just arrIved at the "'hart with 90 Thl. You know, of couree, wliat natal mea",; tIon why the bOT leaves the 'arm drives and f.eJ!ce\ sbould be laid out tons' ot lead, which ~ he brought as This I. tho II'Iorlou8 dl\,. wben they In as natural a way as their uaeful- ballaet. "You can have my halt of Who cltng to rurnl Bcene. urlghl be anawered. by pointing to the' nesa will permit. . The 'planting should th18 fortunate SliP ply :' he said, "lind Tnke oft' th eir ,eana, slovenly and unttdy home t!lurround- then be grouped In mauea along the th\lTe are the owner!! ot the other Don Sunday clothes and. claiming proud ela.tton, Ings_ The home - In all too manY borders and In the angles In sucb a halt!" He secured the lead, set · one Prrsplra what time <:a5es is only an addltlona.! !lhed for way all to give a natural appearance bundred men to 'work that same night, The 8u1l1lmo the shelterlng of t~e humad "live to the grounds as a whole. and before· mornlvg had sent a _upply A.nd evcr-thrtllln8" neclan.tlon 1.. murdered by 80m" locoI orator, atock" of the farm and' often tbla sbed As a matter "ot fact, wben a house or bullets to the depleted army. Thl .. ,. the day when WII iI the least attractive of the entire Is built, a walk or drive laJd out, or a , Have gractOU8 pity for Tholo luckless one. a~ro.s the eea collection, tence built, naturalnes8 Is lost to a Who ne'er have loomed the prIde of becertain extent, but by thoughttul NOT THE SECOND OF JULY " Ing free. From the mere atandpolnt ot dol- plannlQg, artificiality ot construction let ue haeten forthlars an.d cents the home surrouidlngs may be greatly lessened and to this John Adam. Wrong In HI. Idea of So E:lllIt, weBt and south and northbecome Important. Nothing wJ\l add extent naturalness be maintained. Nor ce....o When Nation', Birth Should B. '1"0 riot tn the freedom WQ poss"" .. more to the value or ,the entire Ilrop· Natural lines are always curved Celebrated, Nor pause fOT anythtng, unless erty than n'e at, well planted a ·.lel w ~ J1 1 lines. Straight lines are unnatural. It lIIay be the pollee. cared for home grounds, Everyon e Nevertheless, hOllle grounds exillt for -8. E. Ktser. Bald John Adams to his wife AbIwould ratber live In a homf'. ot tbls some ut·l1ltarlan purpose and many gail In a letter written a hundred and kind, and In a community .>C sue', unnaturnl r~atures must be Intro- thirty years ago : "Tbe second ot July THEY SAY OF THE FOURTH bomes. duced, and In many cases the natur- will be the most momorable epoob In Ono of the firs t requisites in beau- alnesB of the curved line must ·be the history or America. I am apt to The Army-Just as dry as any otbtUylng horr.e surroundlnp ~ Ueat- abtudoned for tbe usefulness ol the believe that It will be celebrated by Gees. Rubbllh sbould be rellloyeu; ·1 straight . Walks and drlvos sbould succeeding generatlonB all the great er day. ha~ d~1 lind dying shrubs and ·trees lend somewhere and should be gently unol versary festival." The Grattel'-l"ve got to Jet up tor Ibould be prun ed and removed en- ! curved wben possible, but there Time lind cIrcumstance bave con- o,ne day. Urel)". Fences and outbuildings should always be some real or appar- firmed the spirit ot the Adams prophshould be straightened up, repaIred · ent rensoll tor th e curves. - V. H. Da- ecy, but tor anothe r day. It IB the Up In Sing Sing-And they call thle and painted ; gatel! hang and swung vis, Co\1ege of Agriculture, Ohio State glorlou8 Fourth InKtead of the fateful Uberty! properly. In othsr words, & 9re . 3.I1- Unlver8lty, Second that we celebrate. Richard = = == = === Henry Les's re f/)Iulion "that these The Southernel'-I don't care if I UnIted Colonies are, and ot right ought do, sub. to be, free and Independent states:' was passed July 2, 1776. Tbe elaboThe Statesman-Why not whoop is start with a fe w founda- rate Declaration ot Independence, for me a few times? Since h Fulton county, Ohio, has a rePllta. , wbereln Tbomas Jefferson drafted tbe tlon tor prOgTf!SI In matte rs pertaln- tlon animal s, Mr. Standi~h ha.s pur· whY' o.nd wherefore of It al1, was acThe Peanut Man-BlessLJberty. and Ing to da irying. rta many &;ood barns cha8ed some herd Bires, but tew fe- cepted two day. later. who ,,'ants the next bag? and numeroull el\oll are OftP.D the otl- males. At p resent he Is saving a bul\ Among tbe Instruments of eelebra, . easloR of favorablE' mention . Good calf or bls own rnlslng for a berd sire. tlon recommonded by Mr. Adams 1n The Middle West-;Good enougb day, cows, with progressiv e _owners, . are The herd of a dOLcn cows bas In It tbe letter already cited were "shows, but we need rain for corn. resr-;; lIsJ ble for the WI!It earned repu- 80me wonderful Individual s and no games, sports, gun s, bells, bonllrh It.nd tallon . One s triking Instaece of dal- I Tbe Fal Westerner-I'm no patriot improvement Is fOllnd In tbe herd common ones. Dalr)' conformation 18 lIIumlnatlons." Orators are not lu ~ W, H. Standish. Twenty·e lght not lacltlng, constitution fs good, ud. the list. In the old-fasbloned Fourth 1t I don't rop some one today! yeara 8gu Mr. Standish decided to der dev elop ment is pbenomenal and tl.ey were slar.ed next to the 'c annoll The Ave,'age Boy-My eUngy old east his I:lt with the breeders of Hol- milk production unu 8ually high. One which awoke patriotic echoes at midateln.Fnlslan callie . Early op e ra - hundred pounds of ml11{ a day and 30 night of July 3 lind to the "fanta"- dad wouldn't glmme but five cents! tions were rather 810w and modest, pounds of mnk a week are not un- tics" . wbose midday parade appealed The New England Fal'Uler-I guess but sound. Tbough he was torced to 1 common. One Indlvl.dual has produced to tbe ela.ted spirit of Yankee hut;lo1', statt with amaH capital, Mr. St.and- i more than 6,000 pounds , ol milk In 60 This decline In occallional oratory 1"1 to there's some of that hard cider lett.









I 1



lah was possessed at rare ability as a ; days. beTrheegremtotedde'rn . Fourth ot Jul.y, It The Famil.y Cook-.Darn them old Jndge oC dairy animals. To-day blS \ Luck III too OttClD aulgned as Ibe ability as a jud,e Is pubJlcly re<'Qg, reason for !luc.c ess In .aDY, line of painful to believe, Involves more IlatrlotK! '. \":lho ie to PIlY for thiS ex· llIsed ·In Canada a s well all In (he work. This has had small pnrt to Infantile deltght In a trl!mlellclotU! work'! , . _ States_ Breeders on both play In the development of this ex- than of serious refiecUonail llIas\",rner~lr'e8, we !mow, bul lbe,b<illndary are freA bidder. traordinary herd. Rather it has been the day ltands (or,. It Ills~~a:n:~ ' ~~t~~~i~tt:~ flo langer . t'8hl~~able to :1aY s. , any of his lurPlul l tbe natural outco'me of careful seleo- tbo, of greater an'nual I },,,\ ;r.~*- :!~:!fet&;I!!MHi!f::are ftee to say that tlon of breeding D*"ck" elimination 01 of Bunker Hill or aboU't• . : .., : .\ . / ., . . J. , , .', . .,' ., could be pur- all poor Indl~,~ ~al~, . ,!!!I~~~~q , care, o~,~onlU:)' battle. hi ,. G~ 'B8n~ r· ·. wV.·· "" "iIIIlla1lec1, '1$ ~ey ,thought ~nagement !'lid <t~~I~g,-~~rt ~r. El!. ~ead"were. 466.' the ,~i. c \' 0 ...lull~, ... .....;...'•.". ..- •• .~t:t; u a :WBD'J" Now .$6011 ~ D..,t ott, Colle!e of ArncUltiU'\!, OI?.1o Silt, 190( {~e I)unibe)o .~ " .' , l1QJ,el'litY, " .'. . I. but .~ ~~~ed .... 1· ~ 'J-_, ~ ~ .' .. , ' ~ r,"







Th lG Is What Cultll/atlon Doe. for P olaton, . n )" W . M I LTUN KEL L L) . Ih ey can be lakon out and clennel! 18 Potat o bu j,;s are like Inte rest on a j a s hort tl llI e alld the Hllrayl oK go on mortb'tlge; they wor k day s aud nll; hts. without further int arrujlt!on. Tbe ',\' ben Ih brood s first begl ll to hUlch , oporn llon rn a \" eeem troubl etiom e nt II Is tb e lIw('< to act. The oll ly re m· I1rHt, but o ne- ~p rny ln g kill s n il the ('<d.\'. prllctl ca l fUltl effective . known ut bu gs aull It llOC6n 't matter It It rolinR J.>~C S I' u t . Is IJU ri s g r ee n. Thl ti 18 mi xed withIn two ho urs nfter It Is :lIlpll e d. wlI!1 wB te r nnt.! scatt ered on th .. n e w aue! rain wil l not wnsh It olf alld ITa"..,,, of II \\,1 :1 re main for t""O " Ialli s. To a ch ba rrel of wul er u sc? He,· 'n I We(' lis all (1 ('Oll tlt tll(! to destroy all I)Oll nds or cll ' ap lIour a ll d O ll ~ po und n"\I' hnt<-h ln!!"s of Itl sI'ct l'. The flour of pa r is greerl. ~I ix t he IJolson nll t.! form s a pallte thnt <::l tche~ a ll th l' partl ou r In a buc k,,! con!a illlll g "uout t wo lI clt-s of fJ nrl~ ll r N' n n nd In turn nd· g" lIo ns of wat er lind s tI r lIntil t ho r' l ll l' res 10 Ib e 111ant leaves. In a field ou g hl y mix ed, sprny",c\ t h('TOUll hly In thi s Wil Y a secWh en the wholl' ml xlllrt· Is t hor, ourl opernti ou Is Iwt n ecessar;,', Tbo o\l /:h1 y ml xod I"OU!" into t il " barrt! 1 of pump l1Ia.\' he put nwny a lld till' grow wate r on th e s praylli g macl/ln e a ud er re£ t a ,;~ ure(l Ihnl 110 Is throu gh for "-eop th e contents of tb e barr e l well til seal'" n. s tirred wblle th e ~ Jlraye r Is in nlO ti OIl , I The ~p r" yc r . ho uld flot be drlve u Th e on ly seri ou s o bje-ctlon to thiS ' too fmll. but {' a~h plan t be nllow d t·o mixtu r e Is thut It tend s . to clol': tile : get Its full s har~ of th e JlolUon One IIcreen s In th o pump. Th is c li n be ) barr el of t h(' mixture s hould be ( nougb . livoldcd by havln,; th o sc ree ns so t hnt to cO,'Cr ubout two IIc r es.




I i

SUMMER QUARTERS HOW TO CARE FOR FOR THE PULLETS YOUNG SEEDLINGS One of the Fundamentals in Rais- If PI~nt Can Be Kept From Wilt. ing Profitable Poultry-Deing Great Advantage Is scription of Hen House. Gained-Soak Roots. Comfortable summer quarters for the growing pullets Is one of the fUll' damllntals to success In raising profItable poultry, be It on a back lot or tn the form . The farm however 11as the advantage of plenty of room whe re houses may be moved about. One of the best houees we have ever tried on tho tarm for !Summer use, both trom a standpoint of economy at conBtructlon and general BatIsfaction , was an eight by len one built of two by fours covered "fit., oneInch wire netting, with a covel g or burlap over that. says a writer 10 an exchange. There are no floeM! In tbe houses, but they are weath.erboarded up around tbe bottom to a dltitance at two feet. Two feet ,ot the enUre tront I_ left ollim to furnish treBh air, The root Is sheathed with half-Illch material and covered with prepared roofing, Pine 18 used as tile framework. One two by tbree at each corner; and one Ifi the middle of tbe back and each end, to oet In tho froot door wbere the door Is 8wung, Thnt Is all the atuddlag uKed. Three rattere and Ute necessary plates at the lop and bottom of the walls complete tbe amount oC frame material uscd. Thl!! makes a substantial and at .the same time 11 light bouse that can 1>e slipped on a sled and moved from place to place, The advsntage ot having tbo walls weathe r boarded up a few feet Is not so much In tbe protection that It af· fords as In the strength It glvee the enUre structure. It. likewise furnishes a plac e where tte lower edge ot tbe burlap may be fastened so that It will not becom e loose.



It frequ en tly bapJlell S that the 1I0me

grown see~llng8 come on Quito &8 Quickly all the greenhouse ones, avell) though umallcr Wh en placed In the sardlln. ' Some plante a few Inches high, of the Earllana varla&.y.,were set out, and a little later (our excellent greenilOUM specimens were secured, They were tbrlfty, large and lUll ready to bud: and the pl"06pect of ha,· Ing an earl)' treat from them w. . most promiSing. But thoUCh extra precaution wall taken aaalnit wIlUn,. olle died, and the cbanse from artI· Uclal condltlonll was a sbock from which ~e rClt MX\uperated Blowly. . Meantime the home grown plante torged ahead and ripened fruit a week or two In advance. Betore traneplanUng D.DY younl plant It tie wise to let tbe rootil soak In water several hours. By this meane the pores are full of waler and the plant , la much leBB ilrone to wilt. .C hoo.e a cloudy day or, plant·at sun. Bet 80 tbat the planUet may have a1\ p08slble chance to get righted before the hot sun strikes It. It It can be kept (rom wilting a great advantage Is gaIned as the growth I, not cbecked . This may seem a small milt· ter, but It meana a great deal-not only the Bavlng of a week In the growing period, but perhap!! It avoids tbe repairing of 10llt vigor. Put a cup of wat"r In eltch bill betore setting the Bet'dllng, firm l\;Ie earth about tlte roots and protect with lea(y h .. lgs or a paper cap If the Bun 18 hol.- &, V. D.


Clean Cultural Methods and Ro.tation of Crops Are AdvisaHens Seem to Relish Small ble-Also Fall Plowing. Branches and Leaves and When cutWOMnIi occur In serlou. All Small Particles. abundance, which buppens In Borne

COW)lCa.S Dre not only rellsbed by hens, but are excellent egg food for tbem . One lIuccess,ul poultrYman glvr$ this experience: The peas, after mil' turing, were ha.rvestell and "Btor\~ I~ dry lofts, and thrown to the fowls tn scratcblng pens, ..... here they were _cmtched over and searched for duro • Ing the day. Atter a few daYII tho egg supply W6.8 visibly Increased. and within a few weeks almost doubled" that tram an equal number of hens kept In separate quarters and fed on otber grains, The hellS seemed to like ~e small branches' and leaves. and would eat e·~ery particle except the hard, stiff .lems. Tbe s",u,ri't' e1Cellent, tb~ least .sy

season., they mlgl'llte from ODe fleleS to another, assumIng what la caied the army worm habit. While ae methode whIch have been advlaed are vnluabl~ In such case'S, they, Bnl .too slow to deatroy al\ the cutworm8, and we • .. therefore, h4ve to employ other ' metbods. These InCluda tr~ncb.lng. 4ltchlng. the plo·wlnG" of deep farrowa"' In advo.nce at the traveling cutwormll ' to entrap them and the dragging of logs or pIeces of bruah throD gil. the > furro.,.'s . . If tbe trenches cau be flli~d­ with wllter, the addition of a small Quantity of kerosene EO as to rorm ., a tbln I!~um o~ the aur4ce prov-e , fatal. These remedlea are \also ap. ' pllcoble to beet army· " ' A('1a . "CIt hahits ' nr.eVIllltlve · 9.f .


:Ueaae l~ ..~nte::~·1 ""llh ~:~~~~!E~:,:~r~~~'~I~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~.~~: taiaed,· lt .

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bem . 1J:v~ 1t... ,U7••



"' .





TO TREAT INJURIES INCIDENT TO DAY Wound a Should Be Washed Thoro ug n. Iy While Wil ltl ng fo r Doctor to Come 'a nd Inje ct th e Antito xi n Tha t elln Save.




by Frank Fournier, Photogr apher.


OLD .AGE AND YOUTH IN FREEDOM'S FIGHT S ignors of ·the Declara tion of Independence Reprelentod All ClaBles of the People and Were of Alt Agel.


H ill me n who ga th e red togethor

'arl y In July , 1173, to con sider th e qu es tion ot Indepe nde nce represert ed Dlany profe ssions a nd Ilges. Of th o &6 m e n who constituted aU of the signors oC tb e Decla ra tion , 24 we re lawye rs , 14 a gri culturi s ts, four physicians, Olle n minis te r, one manut acturer. nine me rchan ts. and tbree who bad boen educated for the ministry, bu t who late r followed othe r protesslons. Although at the time ot slgu lng th e Declaration the majority

noisy tok e ns of IJlltrlot is m an d wh eed lo t he ir fa th ers In to t he purchas e of dea dl y Oro s pilling d evices, moth e rs s et the l r t ce th to e ndu re long hours of to r t ure fo r the s tltety of th e ir li t tl e ones, writes Dr . 1. K. JII rs hbe rg in I~a rm tl nd Fires ide . Lltll e by litt le t be d e li gh ts of the sufe a nd sail o Fo ur th a r c bcl ng r f'cog ni 7.~ d, but In th e meu ntlm e, whil e Ih l) c rack· e rs ban g aDd blaze, I~ II! a com fo rt to know th a t do cto rs ha ve lea r ned t o de al 00 e ltectually wltb on e or Ibe da nge n atte nda nt upon the Fourth of Julylockjaw- thnt th e re Is no nell d for the dlllells 6 to re sult In dentb. T h rough lack ot Inform a tion. more thao a thou. salJlll »oople In tbe Unite d Statell die from It each year, most of th e m tarmors and country -bred youngste ra. The reason lockjaw 18 80 ofte n aslIodated with Fourth of July accid ents Ilea In the Cact that wouods made by .tJrocmckera, skyr ockets and blun" cartridge s are commooly ragge d and con· tuaed, and SO a lford a favorabl e soli for the ge rlIUl, It Is known also that wounds whe re froe air and oxyge n cannot en te r. as It! the case wltb those made by rus ty nalls or those accompani ed by d eep tea ring and thoae In which dirt haD bee n ground Into the nesh, gunshot and powd er burns, are most likely to be followed by the dis· e a se, The first symptoms of lockjaW u8ually appe ar from tbreo day ~ to three wee ks atter th o Injury . Homo r eme dies and s labs of bncon haBte n IL The earlier they a ppear, tb e more 8erlous tho attack. F ortunate ly, It Is alwa ys poss ible to pre ve nt lockjaw , provided no de lay roll ows th e In jur y. Tb e m e thod IB to have a doctor Inject antitOXic - pols on a ntidote- Into the patient's fl esh. This kills the pols onB as ' tas t 8B the y an, glve o ott by tho 10citJaw ge rma, whlcb are a ve ritabl e min e of polsoos at the Bite of the sore, If treatment Is delaye d until lockjaw symptoms app ear the r o is IItUe hope of cure. It Is th en too late. In tbe Interval wbl ch mllY elapse be tore a doctor can arriv e It Is ad· vlsable to was h the wound thoroughly wi th 80ap a:ld wate r, and to 600d It before binding It up with common per· oxide or hy d rogen . Atte r this has been done the wound s hould be cov, er ed', but on no account use a hand· kerchlel or an old rog, but g et a strip of antiseptic bandage. A package of antise ptic bandage Bhould ol waya be 10 readiness In 4)very housebold. A clean, ope n wound which bl eeds tree ly 1& little likely to harbor the ge rmB 01 lockjaw. The light nnd air and ox ygen strik· Ing Into It kJlI th e m, and the flowing blood wuhes them out_ 10 all sucb cases. unless th e flow of blood i!I ex· cesslve. It ' i!I well to make no effort ·to stop It. It will cease of Itaelf Lo s rew moments. The use ot Buch bomely rem edies &I bacon and spider wcbs to stop th, How Is foolhR.rdy and frequently tatal The average spider web. particularly II Lt comes trom a cellar or a stable, Is alive with gerlIUl, But no matter how small the wound may be It Is well to have a doctor dress It. ile alone 1. capable of washing It as It Bhould be washed and of eBtimating the lIkell· . hood of Intectlon. His tee 10 IDoney well Invested, It may buy only Insurance "",alnst a. long and terrible 111ness, but then again It may buy InSIlI' anoe agolnst d eath ,

of the men were between torty and aixty ye ars at I1ge. several wore In the early thlrtlos, and two ,torty-seven, The youngest signe r waa Edward Rutledge ot Nort h Carolina, who was not twenty-aeven until abou~ four months atter tbe slgulng, The other was Thomaa Lynch, Jr" who celebrated"" his twenty-aeve nLh bIrthday three daya atter the signing. Mr, Lynch was drowned at s ea betore he was thirty, On the 'bthcr hand, Benjamin Franklin was s event y at the lime of sIgning. Equally lote restlng are the ages of tho men wile n they died. Three Uved to be over ninety. 14 over Sixty. 11 over lltty. o.nd the " , .'UQ,Lu'..e" 'T f wIth the exception ot Lynch. lived be ove r forty-tour.



II ILE t ho chi ldre n amnss the ir



Mothers ' Will Do Well to Keep Thue . lriatructlonl In Their Merpory.

Surgeon General Wyman Issued tbe Collowlng InstructiooB for the prev_en· t\on!o utetanus (Iookjaw) followln • . In· , lurles tram Fourth ot July blank car· ~.: ',:' tJ;ldifi.: pilltoll, toy cannon. ftrecrack.


• '\ :3 I

'3 l's. etc.: _

, "I'D: ·a.tltlon to alvin. a preventive

,dose .ob 'tetanua antlto:r.ln. It should ( M ", be an ' .1n-varlable procedure .to lay ' ,;, ,. 0Pe,D" /l1;l Four.t h of ,July wounds. All :, ,~, .~~ ~!lt~r· :d~~d or b~d~y lnj~~ed

Pbotonaph by

Frank Follrnler. StaG Photographer, .

Every One, Every Day, Has Opportunities for th e Doing of Christian Work. , Much of the guucJ we do ie I.cldeu ta l. MOll " "li d "01 lUI<: end a l}ull}lt to prench . T he dUM l y rond, b",a te u by tb e teet or ma uy tra rele r .. , may be t b e opportunll y tor tb e (l): c rc i ~e ot ou.r beijt ta le ntll. W" UO li ot know bow muc h good we uu. N e ltbe r d o we kli ow the eO nSe(lu l!uces of our e vil deeds ond t hough t>; . A gi rl ga\' e l1t: r 80ldler luve r a bu nch or to r ge t·m RlIn ts .. li e d lf' d on Ilw He ld o r Wa te rloo, but th e fl uwers ca r n61 ed th e lIe ldli with their se nl lm e nltd beuuty . Th e tltra w In wh ic h o ne o f Tbu r w uld 8 e n '~ wor ks wns !luc kou con tai n ed new varieti es or soeds. and th e gardens of Cope nha ge n ha ve been enl'lch ed with new varieti es o f t rees a ud s hrub!! IUId fiow en , The mlnl atrtea by Lbe wa ys ide aM! Informol, un cere mo ulo us , and It would aee m Incldentol to lhe large r Bervlce. Flve rythlng we do has far-r eaching InlIuGoee . Eve ry ulte red word III In· ves te d wIth many po801bllities . Pub· 110 servic e a ttrac t s a tte ntion. but thtl real ,ood m en do Is not In public. bllt In pr ivate. It Is on t ho wa yside, not the plnt! onn, wber e tho work Is done. The man who thin"B or Ile rvlce as sep. arated rrom business and society. wbo tblnka ot It a s a d istin ct province apart trom all oth er profe ssions, bOB not grasped tbe m elUltn g of s ervice, and tails to understand Its 9cope. 00· Ing good Is not a protesslon. but a part or all legitimate work. Th e world would bo be tte r Illld happl or If people would leaM1 to do good aud be good wb e n nobody Is look ing . It Is so easy to bo a martyr. to ac t and pe rform our part ; It Is so hnrd and un1n~erest· Ing to be s trong and kind nnd patient wtlen tb e re Is no hop e or tlIlYOne look· Ing on and no n e ws paper t o publlsb tb e berol c deed the nex t mornin g. Religion Is ad a pted to Ih e Itltche n Quite as well as the catb edra!. It takes root In tb e wa ys id e ev e n more quic kly than In th e specia lly pre pared fl e ld s o r forwal m iss lollary e nd ea vor. Ga rfl e ld use d tb e Illu s tration In one of bls nddresse R of th e r aindrop which th~ Inll of a pigeo n's wi ng would send either to the Gulf oC S t. La wrence o r the Gu lf of Mex ico. The wo rd we s pea k IB otten the wlug strikIng the ralndrap, The smile. tb e hand ·shake, tlie ri g ht' aplrit, d et e r· mlno destin y, It 16 we ll to cultlva.te Lhe personslity tbot h e lps, A grouch Is unmoral at le ast. Vinegar repe ls, Ho ney attracts, Sunsb ine In th e soul, about wh ic b our yo ung people s in g, eft e n without underst.and lng, la not a PIlS/l lllg emotion. It Is th e dominating Quality ot good nat ure , t he overOo wl ng cup of a sane and In tellig ent be ing. MusIc is bette r than ool se. and does more good . Some me ll hav e no harmony, They are as " swee t bells jangled. out of tUll e and harsh," and aU who come within their reach are Jarred by tb e clas hing, Inharmonious sounds, A man may do good going to the church , or going away from church. H e may fi nd In th e busine ss omcc, the s treet , the factory and tb e fi e ld opportUllille s ror doing good , Every Dew pynerl ence IS an ope n door to a new duty. ';:xperiencee of the Wayside. Tbe ways ide la crowded thcse da,l'6 -erowd ed with the morally crippled, with th e physically unfi t and with minds twisted out or shape. Yo the wayside we meet tb e tragedies and d eeper experiences ot lite-th e stragglers who fall behind In the stress aod etruggle of lire. Suob deserve a. helpIng hand . The good Samaritan la Btlll the Ideal Chl1eUan. but the parable will bear a rereading . While we must help the poor tellow who Is beatp.n and robbed , atte ntion should be gtven to the bandits who did It. Service Is more than sympatby-oll. wine, an Inn. wltb all the comforts ot home. Som etimes It takes the torm of S,BI'ere chastisem ent. The road to jericho shOUld lJe msd e s ofe _ The wayside should nat be threatened by men and InstitUtions which destroy. Service In'Iolves tbe poliCing ot the wayside maklog It safe tor d ecent fo lks to travel on, Look after the poor ble edIng fellow- yes, but down wIth the brigands! We are 0.11 on tbe broad waysIde. Let us be ot use to humllllity. unselfIshly. genuinely, olncerely hel pful to others, by Idndne8s, sweetness, patience. 10ng-BUlferlng. sYDJPathy and In doing the duty oext to us, and helplnJ; thOle over whom we etumble. tor adventure, as we hurry tbrough the Gate Beautiful to the ot Lhe Church.




-it answers every IJcvera~ requiremenr--vim, vig or. re-



freshment. wholesomeness.

Demand tho ..... tno by lulllU.lnoe'-







ll."o o'

I IIju r . a n,tblnc· UU&ranl8N1 . tf t"(I ~ : ....


All dea l e f .IH' • • ",1

.&.I. OLD IIOY,E n., 100 D .J: • .u,

e tp r.u pallJ ror II." BrOOklyn, rI.


S TOPS LAMENESS from a Bo nc Spav in, Ring Bone, Splint. Curb. S ide Bone. or si lll il", tro uble aoo ge.. hor.e going sound. Does oot blis ter or rem ove the hair and horse ca n be worked. ~o 17 in pamphlet with tach bot tle tell. how. '2 . 00 a bonle del ivued. HorS«) Book,) K free. ABSORBINE, JR_, antiseptic liniment fen mank ind. Reduce. Painful SwellinK81 ED-


It will satisfy you.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ ~_~_ ~~=~~~~~~~~~===~-~_ ~_ ~=~=~=


larged Glands, Goitre, Wen., BruilC'l,


Mak e Illoney YQur god, and you 'U Women workers In Chile r608lve an coseVeins,Varicolitie •• healsOldSorel.AllaY1 find ther e 's th e de'v11 to pay . average ot 38 centa a day. Pain. Will tell you morc if you write, '1 aad ~ a bottle at dnJcn or delivered. Book Worm . . . ~\I04 proalI'll, from lb. 'E .. id"ncc'· free. Manufactured only by Smile on wuh day . ThlLt'. wben YOIl Ule ... llh Dr. P ..., . V.raa1lup N0.,.4 W".YOU .. O. P. D. f _.ItO , _...t..."IJlaJlald. ...... Red Cross Da ll Blue. Clotbes wbiter than .7.""'" 8hol." Ad • • InOW, All grocer.. Ad,,_ - - -- - - Antlc/patlon. FOf'llet-Mo-Not. His Coffin Flnllhed, tie DleL " One lummer 1 chanced to be back "Ab. yes. the re are still true SlId Atter seeing that his co1l1n waa in the rldgell of Tennessee," Bald loyal iOuls In this sad world," murmade, J. W e lcb, fa thor oC Mrs. N elsoo, Unite d Statel Senator Blair Lee of mured lbe s ole mn IndlvlduaJ In the tor. died trom the ravages of cancer. He Maryland, M he leaned back In his tols e ·shell glasses. "I used to know a came from Oakland last fall to live cbalr. " and a couple Df mountainee rs dear girl- it was t en long YIlIU'R agowltb hla daughter. Tbree monthll ago got Into an argument. HISh words and not a year has pllllsed Blnce that he requested that bls coHln be msd e, led t o blow a, and one of the m en was sh o hasn 't written mo a birthday let80 It might be finish ed be fore bls killed . One of the party voluntee red ter, Alwaya wbat sbe writes Is about death. to ride on r.bead to tb e dead man's tbo Bame : 'Dear Alfred, I can·t ever HIli son·ln-Iaw and daughter were cabin and break the oews to the torget, Dot If I II ve to be a hundred, able to postpone the unpleasant lIuIk , widow. tb lu day of all the days In tbe year. but Nels on yielded to entreatiell of his "She wal lIeated at a table eating Let me once again wis h you long lif. father-In-l a w ten days ago, and unwn- !IIP Ple-dUm P llngs wben the man rode and happinesil with all my heart: etc." llngly began th e wor k to pleue the up, He broke the news as gently a. "Very swe et ot the girl," said the aged suffe rer, fiol8hlng it be fore deatb possIble. Tbo woman lIatened quietly stout young man wl lb the amulnll came.- F a ll Rivei' Mills (Ca!.) Dls- with a dumpling pois ed In th e air half waistcoat, "ve ry s weet of ber. Inpatcb to t he New York World. way to he r moutb. Whe n the mao had deed ." finished, sb e stuffed the dumpling Into "Ve ry ," r e plied tho solemn Indiber moutb and sa id : Getting Round It. vidual; "only. you s ee , sbe writes that .. ' You·all Jest walt till I finl Bb. tbls dasbed lette r to me on a dltrerent dAJ Lincol n Ste lte nB, In a r ecent address at Coopel' union In New York, said : hye r dumplln ' lUI' th eu you -all 'lI be ar every year." -'Tbe wlte ot a child labor milllon- some holl:lrIQ',''' aire onco asked him In some little Selfl.h Conltltuency. · dlsguBt : Most Unkind. "Are you gotng to lend your eon.. 'Geor ge, 8uppose you'd bee n born "Y can't he lp being supe rstltloue grossman back to Washington 1" In tb e dlllYs wben eve rybody had to about the figure tblrteen," said Mr. "No," re plie d Farmer ' COl"llt~s8el. live by the s weat ot hili or he r brow. l\1e ekton. " We've found out that he 's sucb goolt What would you do th en!" "You're wasting your supe rstition," company that we 've de cide d to keep .. 'I'd opo n a s tand: George an - replied bls wlfo. "The only date you him hom e:' s'\\' ered, 'for the sale or banker- have reason to fear being haunted by chlors.' Is AprU 1." Intent Listener, "A politician who ke e [l8 an ear to A German economist, Professor 'tt. Deflnltlon. the ground Is likely to h ear a. great Waitt, e8tlmates tbat by 1920, If the "What /s a staaewalt. pa 1~ deal that Is Intol'esUng." "I know, sla; It'a the h eavy mlUl. present t l 3nd ency continues, Ge rmany's "Yes," replied Senator Sorgbum; birth rate wUI be th e lo\vest I.n Eu· Oaltlmore American. "and on the otber hand he may slmpl, gst an earache_" rope. To err Is humlUl. but don't loae sight Some I~pl e are never happy unless of the tact tbat It couollJ agalnat your It paye to be hODeet, but lIomeUmea thoy oan nnd faull fioldlng av e rage. pay day Is late In sbowlng up.





"Johnny on the Spot" When breakfast has to be prepared in a hurryWhen something appropriatc is wantcd quick for afternoon lunchWhen thoughts of a hot kitchen appall oneWhenever the appetite calls for something ddiciously good and nouriShing-

,pt ,wbere Ipornlntr I'leariw


• • • • Oll .

n,.ta l, ('.n ' hplll"' ,-lI, 11"''' '' , _ III u ", ! . 1')1 (M'



If .. t , el U." " ....

~::~Jft 1& li.f::~: :Ill~nl'


Remember HII Me.... ge. Hpw seldom lu thought or In speeeb .: ilf~' Ileal! .. J sbotit'cI ' be remQved. an anaee- And 8preada Ita I'lorioua IItrht In atrelUlll Is die melange at Jesus with UII, We , ~. , thet1c~~1,Da ulled to prevent J)ain and Tbe early bird.. unite In Hng. have thOBe, uoleell we are moat Unhap\ . ';pro~", meaaure. taken to limit bleed. And echoetl glad their notes prolanI'. py, whom we care to pleaae, whose , l' tna. . I hear the carola I'Ia4 and a_t: amile, whOle word ot approvalU,hteDs , '" /'Aite~ U~. wound baa been thor· From mount to mount echoee repeat up the fla,. tor UI. whOle Borrow la our ;A)1i~b1y. lcleaDel.l It should' be aWabbe!l And roll out to the western Mil, bitternul aDd ariet. How IItUe do we ., lit ,jith .carbolic . aold of ' .a\ L1be~ty. _eet lI~rt'. • Itrlve to wj.n bll good word, to ItlUld .•/ ttlut tOllowe~' bJ' '" wu. The anl"'fei1nc tone. of belle roll 0 _ 10 the lunsblne of .hIe favor, . How ' tIS ' cent' 'alcohol. to· p~ Lexlnll'tpi1.' Concoro 1lIl4 Lexington. rew bav~ th!1I,fOf' their. sUJ)reme dHlre, \ J UOD ot the " aold "- 'A I(d· Oarl'llltown bell.-all IlIItan.... thrill that. whether pre,eD t, or abient, the,. , 'DC • . f With lJubJter~ Hl\I ,i -'BU'rllter Hull ~. wound b!&. been , c&ut4i'- From. ~r1em and Yorktown c~lI\e replJ'be weil plea.In, 'to Illlm.--EITlltlll~· 1 wa)' U'.hoiild thl~rcIUIill"'! 'PIollrth ' Df 'Jul,! Fourth-or, ~ul' L WeeltJy. out . Far In tha

r::~ :::":~' ~ Alu






fllGHrST PRICI:§ PAID 1'08


Po,s t',T oasties --with crum. an~ say-berries 01' peac:~t . I

These sweet flakes of c:om-toastC41. crisp::-satisly" ,~er, oee4s. R9dy to cat from die packaae-no ~'_WOI'k--:1lo;fuasiQc~ ;,4 '004.,~,. dCUchtful ,.



' ''~




Heinz Products Mascot Salmon .. ..... 1'1(" .


Sweet G h l' rkin ~ ..... . Swpet Miclgd (~h(' l'I\i n~ .. .. . Pickling Vint"'gar .. .... .. .. .. .. India Rt' li ~ h ..... ........ .. .. .. I.-,r . Mandalay Sauce ...... .. ...... . . Mw,;lard l atslip .. ...... ........... Pick led Wal nut.;; .. .... Toma to Catsu p .. .. .... .. .. .. 1r,c. Mu stard Dres::;i n~ .. ... ........ .. .. Oli ve Oil .... .. ........ .. .. 2;;1' , 50c. Pepper Sa uce .. .... .. ... .. .... Hie . M u8laru ...... ... ... .. .... ... ....... .. Spaghetti .. .... .. .... ..... 10 '. 1Ii(, . Cream of Peas Soup .. .. .. ...... .. Tomato Soup ...... .... .......... ... Pl um Puddi ng ... ........... 15c ,



Hutt~ I· .....

I 'u t lt'd l· hi, I\t'II. .. .. .. . Ol,\·il.'u Hall! .. ...... ..... ... 101" CII l"ncd Bpl." f .. .. .... ....... . .... .. 1,,,1 ,RtI'r ...... .... ... ... ...... .. ~""" . 'kerel eannt'! l ...... .... ...... .. Sard in l'~ ........ .... ... ..... ;')(' . lOr . Vil'nna ~ tyl e · au ~ age .. .... · . Chi li Con Carne ..... .. .. . . .. .. . M uflh r00ll18 .. ... .. .... ... ... .... .. Pim L'n los .. .. ...... .. .. ..... IUc.

:\() c ~ .'i('


Hic ~5('

:15(' 25c Hie 751'

25c lOc 25c 15c 15c :JSc

I Sl' I


~:j r

Sa!urday, June 27 Between lOa. m. a l, d lOp. m.

:\" r lSI' ~"('

JOt' Il k :!Gc ~llc

Mr. Shockey, of Cincinnati, will be with us and will serve you with a cup of fine Coffee made from one of our leading brands.

fruits and

Gibson SpeCIal

Vegetables We mak e a specialtv of this line Baked at home aa good as the

O r a n ge~

.... .. ......... ......... :~ Oc. Lemons ......... .... .. .. ... .. ... .~Sc . Pinelipples .. ...... .... ......... We, Cantalou pes .... ... .. .. ...... .... [ie. Wa termelons ... ... ... ......... 45e . Apples, Pippins . .. .. . ...... 2 for Gooseberries .. .... .. ... ..... .... .. .. Cherries, ......... ..... .. .. .... 3 fOf Raspberriell ....... ....... .. .. 2 for Peaches per box ....... .. ..... .... Green Beans, albs ...... , ..... .... Green Peas, per lb ...... .......... Cabbage per lb..... ........ ........ Tomatoes per lb. .. .. .............. Cucumbers, each ...... .. . .. .... ... New Potatoes per pk ... .........


Crackers &Cakes We handl e a full line baked by

Green & Green Ust'





40c 30c l[ie IOc SOc

5c IOc 2fie 2Gc 50c 25c IOc 5c 8e 5c 50e

Orange Blossoms


Try Clifton PURE EXTRACT OF VANILLA _ ' - ' ' ' - ' ·1_ _ _ •

_ _I



Miss Stella Bishop, of Xenia, is the guest of MiBS Sybil Hawke. Dr. C. D. Slagle and daughter. of Centerville, were in town Tue!iday. . Miss Nellie Mounts, of Springfield~ 18 the lfUest of Mrs. Lyda Killian this week . . Mr. and Mrs. Winslow and daughter, of Fairmount, Ind., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney today . Mr. and Mm. J. E. Janney, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gilmour: Mr. and- Mrs. A. Maffit, Mr. ana Mrs. LeRoy Irons, Mrs. Lydia Chandler, MI'!!. O. M. Ridge, Mrs. Mary Caskey, Mrs. J. T. Ellis, and MiBS Mollie Bispham at· tended inspection of the Eastern ~tar at Lebanon, Tuesday evening. A very good time WBB enjoyed by all of them.

HENDERSON'S PREMIUM STORE 25·lb. Granulated Sugar. Franklin or Arbuekl es .. .. ........... .. .... $1 17 4 Cans Sweet Corn ............ ... ... .. ... ...... ..... ..... ...... ... ... . '" .. .... .. . .25 California Canned Peaches. Carquinez or Yuba Brands,· per can 20 Choice California Apricots, per lb ............ ......... .. ................ .. .18 California Canned Apricots. Carquinez Brand...... ......... ........ .20 Hawiian Canned Pineapple, bett~r than the fresh .. .... .. .... .. ...... .20 Walrus Salmon...... ..... ..... . ......... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... .... .. .. .... ... .. .15 New Early Triumph Potatops, per lb ...... .. .. .. ..... ......... .... ..... .04 Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Puffed Rice, Corn Puffs, 2 pkgs...... 25 New Cabbage. nice 80lid heads, per lb...... ... ...... ......... .. .. ... .. .04





Chick Feed. Cracked Corn, Pratt's Poultry.Tonic and Louac Powder, Paris Green. Binder Twine, a g ood long Binder Whip, a new pair Overalls, and lots of other things we can't think of, but we've got them and our prices are right . . We had a nice order for Eggs la'lt week and we gave our customers the benefit of it, 'Bc per doz. was the price and we expect the same order this week. IX lb. Sprina- Chicken:! aye worth ~6c per lb. 2X' lb. Spring Chickens are worth 24c per lb. Hens. Light or heavy are worth 13c per lb. Old Roosters .... ........ ......... ... ......... 7c per lb


A Ticket with EverY PurchaSe at ~



. ' . "'. ',-'

Try French-Bauer

Jar Caps







1 . _


Oo"';izi, .O~f' ·">.~. i~hon~'71-4r' "

Ball Standard


Rall MaRon E·Z Jars

Ham. sliced .. .... ........ ...... . ... Bncon. Rlired .... .. .. .. ........ .. .... Pickled Pork .. .... ...... .. .... .. .... HoloJtna ................. ... ... ...... Minced Ham .... ......... .. ...... ... Dripd !-leef. sliced .......... ... .... Calas .. ......... .. .... .. .. .... ..... · .. .. .

Slar Tin Cans

2;;(' :!;;e

I miP){ Tin Cuml

Hie 17c 20e


fancy Baskets


Special Prices on Whole Hams Be. Bacon

We handle eithe r






Jackson Balls


Try Our

Oils' and Gasoline

(Red and White Mints)

Hawke's Grocery S~ARTS ON THE


. Mrs. Maybelle Fitzgerald and lit· J. H. Loyd, of Xema. who was tle son are visitin~ in Xenia . awarde? th~._ contract for the new Methodist .church here, . came down Rev. J. F. Cadwallader and E. V. from Xema and looked ~ver t~e Barnhart were in Oregonia this ground. Tuesday. J:I e Will begm morning . . work thiS week. and It may be that the church will be completed this Mrs. A. C, Chenoweth, of Route I, fall Mr. Loyd has several contracts and Mrs. F. M: Chenoweth arrived_ at his home town. and he is .said to home from ~mchester. Ind ., Wed be a pusher at hi s work. There nesday evemng, where the former were six bidders for the work, large had been called on account of the Cincinnati and Hamilton companies being among the. bidders. serious illness of a sister. The church ' will be modern in . Lytle got. the Oil wagon Thur~- every respect and when completed day and started to work on their will be one of the finest church edi · Btree tsat that village Friday" The flces in Waynesville. It will have an streets and approaches will be oiled auditorium with a seating capacity and that town will be much improved of six hundred. There will be sep arate Sunday school room~ . a social by doing it. room and a gymnasium in the blSse· . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers, and ment. It will be modern throughson, Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer out and will be equipped with f urEarnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy nace and electr~c .!!~ting system . and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lackey ST. MARY'SCliURCH and family motored to Sidney Sun· day, where they visited relatives and friends. Third Sunday after Trinity June 28. Sunday School at ~::\O a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. A welcome for all.

_ _ • _ _ _I I• •


fruit Jars and

Assorted Milk Chocolates

Last Sunday longest day in year.

I Personal Mention'


lik e


of ~uly 4tb Celebration Goods Everything

Aluminum Galvanized Granite.

Saratoga Potato

Best and BiggeSt per doz ..... .... .. ...... .... .... ...... 20c

The New' Cake

e- - - - - -.

no you

There will also be plenty of sandwiches and Parker House rolls made by the Waynesville Bakery. EVERYBODY WELCOME

Chanquihola Bananas


Whut kind , pl ease? We hnvl' all of th l'm.


try our






gr~c till )~ li lJo ~i c r Club .

Ihl' 1lI C lI\he r~ uf t h ~ Tht! prcl11lu m s w ill he awarderl II) the Roeste r hadn):: Ih(' Iarg<'si nll111 be r () f cou IJons a ll F"r

\\"I£DNE!'DA\" JI ' LY 8

The iluostc : I h ll ol ~ .. x d u~cs ILL I:! ,,·clock . 11 U Oll. IIIH he re is t lte lli ~ OP I'0rtu,';ty . \','e ha \'c pUI I his Uuns lc r G h~.b ca m pa ign o n in order t o ;:C l ca~ll. \\'c ha \'(' g~'llen iI, hilI it is 1101 "II in. Sl) we ma ke the fo llowin g offer: FIJf ea c h account paid before 1100n July 8 . we sha ll g ive ii cou poa s fo r each cent paid ("On account . H elp your friend with t he conpons. Help clean IIp our book s.



Water Melons this week, fancy Lemons, Pine Apples. sweet Oranges, Red Banana.~. new Potatoes, new Cabba~e. Chick Feed, ' Cracked .Corn, ;.,Fruit Jars, extra heavy rubbers.. .: .. Watch for our Specials FrIday . and Saturday. ' ~. : .. It PllYs tl"ada at $ ; 'f



Try a Bottle


H~L~- A P~CN~C------ ----- NOTICE



Th . f th Frie d ' U Having accepted the agency of the e mmate- 0 e n II .. orne Oil Station at Corwin, it will be nec- were treated to picnic at the home of ('ssary for me to give up my preseryt Lindle~ Mendenhall anti ",:ife. 'fhuJ'Roccupation, and I wish to tak~ thiS day . Several of tha shut IDa had not opportunity to t hank the people of b~ away for !'l0nths. and they all Waynesville, neighborinll towns and enjoyed theoutmg very much. Thev vicinity for the very liberal patron-I went to the country In automobiles. age always given me and hope that - - - - -h'l I I m!l~ be of service to you in my new COUNTY MEDI~Al SOCIETv C~as . Small Bcalderl his f~ot. w .1 e pOSitIOn. Jos Hormell. ..... makmI~ paste.Tuesd ay ~nd IS hmpmg ... _ ..._ __ ~round . .Whlle not seriOUS, the foot CAMP FOR A WEEK The County Medical Society will IS very pamful . WILL meet in Lebanon on Tuesday the - - -.. - • -last day of June. Obstetr1es, surgi, \ Late Clal.isified Ads A merry crowd of young people cal diseases of children ~d po~iblY , will go to Franklin today for a week's th.e treatmen~ of cancer With radlU'!'. CELEHY PLAN~-I hlSVA some outing. M , iss Edna Janney Will i' WIll be ronsldered by experts I~ very fiDA eAlery Plants fnr OIf),le. ', chaperone the crowd and they will. thf> branr,hell. E;nest lIu.·tElook, R. 1>. I, Wayne!!. occupy the Janney cottage on the • _. .vlllfI, OhlO jS Chautauqua grounds. Those who Havolene Auto Soap is an aid to • • will go are the Misses Edna. Jean·, does not injure paint. The BItter Path. nette, Louella and Frances Janney, makes old wood-work look like new It Is defeat whlcb educate. IU.- Alice Carey, Mabel and Hazel Salls· and remove R'reasespots from clothe.; RmerSOD. Ibury, Cecelia and Ruth Snook. . Waynesville Auto and Machiner, Co

The Grangers of Warren County will hold their annual picnic on the Fair Grounds at Lebanon, AugusL I, 191-1. Dont forget the date and be ther-e, as there will be ""umething worth while. • _ • SCALDED HIS FOOT




Waynesville's Progressive Store, Offers this Week Tremendous Price .R eductions all alo~ the Line Ladies Skirts, Ladies Waists, Ladies Underwear) Oorsets, Ladies and OhiJ:. dran's Dresses specialll" unde~p~icB~ •. Exceptional values 1ft Men's cool Dress Shirt~, lYI~n's and Bo»,'s S~it. a~d extra'Trao.u ser.. I ha:ve tbe ·a.eDo~ for the Monito .o.e which 81'e -uu.zeal·l ad . ~fol.' '.. ''~ co.ufort a ..d .lo:lIII:.:P...~a.! t,



.,. "~,



' , ' ... : ':' . •





........ , . '






Sixty-Fifth Year


MI-\ ,\ \I'; "I N HU'Il-F O Ulllfl



VISI roR~ IN ANI> OUT OF TOWN M r~ Mary Ca.qkev Mu nd ay .


in l.eua non

ThNC i~ un ep ide mic of mumps in tht' ne igh uorhuod .I oshu n Co llett{'. uf L('uannn . wa.'1 ill town last week .

Luu P rin lz WSlS the SUllday

~ u es t

uf liard Hilling. ~evernl lIad of his :ii ~t(~ r at ile llhr()ok. Errors nd Somc Uood Plays Havole ne Auto Roap for oil clo th , Tells Ihe Tale WayneMvill e Auto'anr! Machine ry Co .


.1 0 Hnrn - To Mr. and Mrs. Jo'. C. Miamis, II ; Dayton F.lmw()() u ~ . 1 , ~awin , I"rid ay. June 26th, a daught e r. I'; I.MWl 'OU::l A E AU It JI 1' 0 I 0 Mr . ami Mrs . Fred Everhart anrl T homprron ..... .... . ~ 0 J Uu't'l·u l&n . 2b . . .. .. . ~ family . of Franldin. are visiting rei. r, tI 2 II Mh u ft)'. l\) ..• ... . .. () I 0 u ali veil here. !!trauor. II. . , . . ... . o I 1 I Hm;th. cr . ..... ... . u II 10 o " Fnul1. . Ih . ...... . . ~ Mrs. Russell n entl ey and daughter, U ~ I I l'II l.41rhtWll h, rr . . .. . I 1 2 H Nurris, t! . . . • . • . . . • a ~ Mari e, were in Day tom visiting rela~ 0 0 (I MoN arr),. p . , .... . . 1 o I) tives last week. 1 I I Nuihar. 11. . .. . .. . , . ~

"olnl. .. ...




9 24

MI ,UlIS :.. All It SlI . . . . . . . . a 2

~~:,"::r~~'. ~;' :'. '.: '.: : : ~









~ ~ I'i; ~

It ~

Mr. and Mrs. Frank 7..ell, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney were at Frankliu Chau tauqua Su nday


Mrs. Eli;l,abeth Fitzge rald, of ~ Spring field. Ohio, is the guest of II 1 1 I Mrs. May belle Fitzgerald. II II J J ~ Mr. and Mrs. D . L. Crane spent II I 0 II 12 27 ~ 11 the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T ot ..... ; ~ · ~· · 3~. G 0 7 8 9 Clyde Coleman in Norwood.


W::;.~~',:.r-..~: ' I', ::::: ll~rr:~: ;'1" : '. .': .' : : .'.' : }'I'\J,"Jorlf,,·t. I. ..• ,, :'~ Ihmll.n1. I '. ~HI •••




~ ~


Elmwood •.. !








MI"urlll . • , .. .








x- II


Hraller. Norris. Jlurwn. I-'ren\J urs""t . 1·ly-U ustin. 'I'wo·\)ue IIlta-tlhuoy. "mILIo. \V01ln11' 2. IIl'own 2 Un"lill. H...... HllM- Off /II c Narry. ~ In Dvo Innln".; uff Nulbnr . • In Lh rou lunlllll. ; ulr Ih.J'uw-d. 7 In .Ix In"I"" .; olT \\'8IIVIlf. lin UOI"Otl inning. Inul ll l{ll. Htfllck Ont-by McNllrry. Ii; hy Nolhn r. 2; h), Uarll"nl I I ; lJy W" .. vcr. ~ . H it IJ, l'l locho.! I.IBII -by Mo·Nllrr y. Surrl1co . twice: lJy Nelbur. W el1 \·er. 'I'lmo- 2 I",ur•. U"'I,lro-J. W, 1.0\\,1• • Stolon Buoo- TholOpIIOn .

Su rf",'., 3. Urlt.&l n 2.

tl ucrilloo

The game at Locust Grove, last Sunday afternoon, was far better and more interesting than the above score indicates. While several runs, hib! and erront' were made, they were 80 well distributed ' that the . game w.aa. close .and ~ting...and was not won untillhe last Da.vton player was out in the ninth. HOW IT ALL HAPPENED




Herb Britain is a rather tall younll man but he wasn't near tall enough ---to reach Barnard's two high throws of Bowlfian'S and Shuey's bunts after Thompson had thrice smote the atmosphere, consequently both were safe. Strader scored Bowman with a single and stole second. but Smith ant! {t' ranz followed the example of Thompson. _ For the Miamis, Surface stole second and third after McNarry had hit him with a pitched ball Britain scored him with a single and stole second. Schuler and Burton took the count at the plate. ' Weaver doubled and Brown did likewise, going to thIrd on Strader'S mad h~ve ·of the return. Just to show that he is small but mighty, Gustin emulated the example of Weaver and Brown . Prendergast took pity pn McNarry and gallantly Il truck out. ' The MhuI'is scored two more in ~ t.he-tourth without a hit. After Prenderglt!!t and Barnard had fallen by the waysid~, Surface again used his body in lie u of a bat and sLole 8t!cond ~huey couldn't hold Britain 's hot gmunder and ::>urfa:!e scored Herb st.ole. and by some excellent base running, flcort!d when H~wman messed &huler'!l Krllund e r and threw to the plaw too llite Norris relurn throw caught BIll at !lecond, thuugh Bi&' dOlng~ in lh~ fifth, Visitors scored three. and MiamIS, two . In the tir~t hlllf, Puterbaugh wellt Y' second when Burton matl.e a Wild throw . of hl.s bUilt. NUl'rls SCoret.! \, him WIth u smgle unci stole seconn,. McN~rry fanned . Th(!mp~O l f Ringler1\ Norn!! oool'lng, and luok secund fill ~nother. untumed toilS bv Burton Bowman whiffed and Hhuey sillgled . Thon,p-ron RC(\J'illll' "hIm Surfacl' l1)a~e a ,bad throw. Strader popped to Surface. ' . In .thf. IMt half WIth Burton out. McNarry to Franz, Weave r proOuced another double and scort-.,l on Brown',!, flinl(lt: . Bowmlln and Fran~ di~poMe<1 of Gustm, but Prendergast II grouno cr was to,) hot fo~ S~u~y and Brown scored . BaJjlard s smgle se'.lt JessI' to pecC?nd .a nd he. stole t~lrd, but Thompson an:! t .ranz retlrlll'i Sur face fur the thtl'd out. .,The vi~it?rs tied the score in th{' SIxth. SmIth doubfed , Franz fannffi snd Surface mllde a . wild throw of Puterbiugh' l\ Krounder, Smit.h "cc.or ing, Norriit whi!fed Il\~t Nei~\r a_ sumt'd McNarry s pilice as pIlcher ~d sr.ored. Puter~augh with Ilsill llie fhomJl>lon >I b<>under gUI pa~t Wea~ er and Hrown dropped lio'\man ~ t1¥ *huey's double s('ored Nt!ibar antl Thomps,on, and Strane, III ru(·k OU t". ' G6f1d night, Barnard, Wellv ~.' .nl)w B88Q!flp.s'1~e .. pitcoer's bUrden tor the MiamI . " . The 'Miamis broke _the tiQ in the •


t. •









Grange will meet Saturday evening at t heir hall. Every member ought to turn out for this meeting, Mr. ami Mrs Albert Wilkerson and two daug hters. of Dayton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wilkerson. Miss Marne Brown, of Columbus, who has been tea·~ hing at. the School lor Feeble Minded, arrived here Saturday for ber summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman left Thursday for Toledo, where they will be for a week, the i'uests of Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Coleman and family . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Redfern and son, George, and Ralph Thompson, of Clarksville, spent Sunday with their uncle, Mr. W. M, Thompson and family. Messrs. Horace. Charles, Walter and Wilbur Clark, of Lytle, were called to Winchester, Ind ., Monday on account of the death of a cousin, Edward Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mills and Rev. Wooten and Rev. Leverinll, of Xenia, were in Wilmington Thursday afternoon attending a conference of the Friend's church. Mr. and Mrs. F.'C. Schwartz and son, Roy, of C"lumbus, are visiting their many friends her.. , having arrivoo Sunday. Mr. Schwartz ishunt· ing all of the old fishing holes that he can find antI expects to take a big lot of fish back to Columbus with him . A merry crowd of Lytle people went to Cincinnati Sunday and spent thl' day at the Zoo Those who went were: Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. {t'orrest Graham, Mr. lind Mrs Frank Rogers, Mr. and Mrs Clyde Whartonl Sam!. Smith, the Mis!>t's Dora anu Anna Smith . F..dith and Ethel Graham, Velma Smith lind Masters Bennie and Herman ~mith and Alvin Dyke. They all enjoyed the day very much.











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--- ------___ ±::222_ Reventh . Neibar hit Weaver with a pit.ched ball and Brown scored him wilh a double . Gustin flied out to center, Prendergast safe on an error by ~huey, Harnard popp~ to Neibar and Surface out Thompson to Franz. ThE' visitors took the lead in eigtlt wilhr,ut a hit, Norris 'and Neibar were safe on mi8cue~ by Surface and GU!ltin Rnll Norris !! when Burton made a high throw to second. Neibllr scured when Thompson's hot grounder got past Surface Thornson stole, Bowman fanned, Shuey out. Gustin to Britain, and Slrad~r pa ppf'n to Gustin. Tht' Miamis won it in their half of the eighl II Britain and Schuler singled . Burton forced Schuler at ·<econd. Thompson to Bowman, Britain scoring. Bob stole and Weaver was safe at first on Thompson's er· ror and Burton was safe at home when Franz mada a bad throw to the Illate. One·two t.hree for frown, hut GURtin singled only to be Copyrlgbt, ua. by Panama-Pac"" " Intcrnntlorwl ro:""usl tlon Co, H . S. forced a. Iby Prende"a'BSt Crocker Co.. omcl&1 ph o t osrap h er~ . Thompllon to Bowman ' • How i~ this for an exciting finish. Prenderll'88t covered hlm~lf with CHINA SPEND $800,0001 IN MARVELOUS DISPLAY AT glorv when h~ caught Sf!l,tb'lI fly to THE PANAMA·PACIFIC EXPOSITION. dl>ep left Franz struck "o)Jt (the fifth straight time · he had accomplisbt-d tpis feat) and Puterbaugh OBI OHU, commlllItotler' ot ChIJrn to the POIiIlIDa·Pactftc and N.orr'~ ~ing)ed Bu,ton showed . IlIxpoaltfOD, IItates that ChlDII'fl' re(ll'e~u lltlltlou at the Exposition hiH RPlendid nerve when he caught . will entail an outJILr of ~O,OO9. of . which at · least $300,000 will Norris, trying to sleal ~nd, with ' I ." be expended 00 tb'e CblD'l!IIt! pov1l1on, sbown above. Cbu 11 a ·perfecUhrow. · . a of BarvUcL Mra.. Clav" as M.ilIs P.ngu BIJ, craduated trom . The score: 1 . WellleltJr GIIlleP 1a all. . -


W. S. Graham was in Maineville Ne N Cen tury ell! b on Frid ay af Ler- , Tuesday. - ._- PATRIOTISM. AS TOLD BY F, !loon . "N~~ed C ha,:ac t e ~s in Scotch HOllSE AND STEAL A BIG LOT Ish Hlst or v w re gwen 111 redl·JOnse C. SA WIN F E\"E Y Frank Ha·r ria . of HarveysburO', to roll cal l. Mr~ . EvanR gave an in. , O · J 'y LR .. was in town Monday. turesling account o f "Scotland'!; Pl aee Pal'i ian1t'n I , .. Mrs. Devitt rE'ad Mrs. Thornton Kain is very ill at GOOD ORDER AND GOVERNMENT K pl easing- paper on "Scotch W"loen HO",E OF JAMES STOOPS, DAYTON the Friends H ome. in Hislury ." At till" ('Io~e of the prl)~ r a ll ) M r~ . Farr. th ~ re ti ri l l~ My er Hyman was in Cincinna ti One of Ihe Highest and Nob lesl: pres iJcll t, ill !l f!'w Wf'1l choHC'n worlil; The Thicvcs Made a Gond Haul and Tuesday on business. p re ~cnt ed t.h e "a\'el tu Mrs . Edit.h ScntimenlS a Person Didn't Leave the Leas t Ha rri s. Ih(' recenLly elected preiliMrs. Enos Hill, of Cedarville. is Can POSSCSi Clew d ent . wh ic h was grace fully received . visiting he r mother, Mrs. H.omin e. afte r which a mllve m,'nt was in order This is oll e of the h it'hest and ~0 '1 to adjnnrll. until Sc " t('m b~r. when Th I f J St 0 _ Mr . and Mrs . Hehry Hutt, of o .. aII Otll('I' y l"lr' ·t lll\y \y" III . be" n e .lome t0 i ames OOPR , thOayf R'd . t own T uesd ay. hl ps ts e nLim ent.'lap(' rsu ncanpoSlle~ . . ' ~ . g l ' Il b k I stevI' 11 e,wereln a~ "Lllv" t or 01·1 "'~ D lIrl n~ Ihe u>lua l pl e;t:anl social hour Inn. \Y :IH en e rel y . a snea f ie" Jt 'S I t1rfin"d II l l ., ~ ~ h o· la J 'II': \~'(' re "III Vllcl j I.,y t he ho~ll.!ss !I"t Havo Ie ne A u t 0 S oap IS · economlea. . I eOllntry ." ~ In very early limes lot " '1 k 1 1I 1'~1 'r! av d('veiling . . 'h'h leI are M " man hart a cuun.t ry . Ear h wa!! a law to lhe dllllllg' r""I1I. \\'lllJrp daint y . SOtl: oc . an ollafte h!l ri C T !IUd' frs. Waynesville Auto and Machinery CO h eJ , . ooP~. woe e re ues ay or " l·nfl·e"lllll '111 . \ . r~ ' C( unto him sel f and at wa r with all '()1111 ... . ., I " \ 1' ~ sl'rv . he r h Olll e in Oayton. had left a rear Mi!l.q Lillian Wilkerson spent sevother men. Even fal!,lli es we rt! not dllor unlocked to pe rmit a d elivery eral days of last week with he r sister held togeth er. At tl/I ,; early stage ,\ \IA ." I VALLEY CHAUT:\UQUA 10 be mad e. During the time she in Morrow. of soci ety's ex istence the germ of w a~ in the front part of the house. patri oti sm wall enclosed in the ill, TIll' I\liflrn i \'allc\' Chauta uqu a Later t he rear of the house was Mrs. Euphemia Hough and daughs tinct for ~e lf prese rvation . Aft er g- rr Il JIl,J ~ hav e I,l'eo \'l'clai rn pd from secun. ly loekpd but th e front was ter, Irma, were visi t ing relatives in a t ime fami li eR l;r el<~n to hold . to· tlw d c\· a~ t ati.('1J ~ l'IJ II g'hl by the tpr· left npE'n . Mr~ . Stoops spent tbe Dayton last week. geth e r. Later . fa mili es comulll,:,d I rrh lc Il lIot\ 11\ 191., and MOLh e r Nil' cvcnil1 )! in an ae raway between he r in to .clans and cl an~ into larger fed- tu rf'. wit ll lh, · aid .. f all arlll Y of hom' awl thnt of a nei ghbor. Abo ut t hirty· five Waynesvillle eral1 ~ ns . . Y\ ILh the ~rowth of. th(>~(l l W' rklll(!~ lias wl'ou g ht wIlnd 0rfui Ahoul H o'clock he r telephone bell bOY!l saw the Cincinnati-Pittsburg comlJl nalion s the g-erm (If patri ot Ism t.:halll-ies 111 I hl' al'pl'arance (If the rang- and afte r answerillg the call games at Cincinnati Sunday. gr ew, Soc i.eLie~ oWer: pfll tected and gnJ\'e When till' ~all '" are t hrow n she wC'nt 'ups tai rs to open t he win~ safe accordlllg ali t,he: neople en,m- Iopen 0 11 tir e n Wfl ll ng of July 17th dOW.R. On gning in to an unused bedIt'red Devitt. of Arizona, is visiting posmg them were Wllhng to sacrl hce and I he pub li e IS w(·lcomed 10 th e 1':" 0111 she f ound dresser and chi ffonier his mother, Mrs. Lina Devitt. This thelmelve!! For ~h eir soc ~eti es wel - ft'a~t (I f goud !.hi"~ IJ rep a. red by t he draw ers harl been opened and their is the flrst time Mr. Devitt has visited far «;. In the ratIO (If the Justne&l ()f m!lnag-emcnt ~ t. Will be hard to r e cO llten ts scalt~red over t he fl oo r . Ohio in sixteen years. t heir governments were th ese ahze th at a h ttll' over a year ago She Cou nd a similar condition in peopl es willing to fi g ht fur their Ia r a~ in~ t urrenl t ure throu g h the her room and her jewel case lying on Mrs. Alice Keys. Mrs. Sarah Lipcount.ries: Federat iontl continued 11 . Chau LH uqu a! caused s uch daml~~e the fl oor e mpty, The interior of the pincott and Mis., Clara Keys wera combme 1I1to larger ami more po~e r- I that fo r .a I ~IIW [I. e re haulhta tlllll room W9S rli~arran l!ed and every the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ful Uni ts. These co mbmatlOns o f th e MI<lnll Vall ey Chautauqua place tha t mig ht cuntain valuables Sellers in Lebanon Monday. watched , and lIOW watch, each oLh er seemed h upe l ~s . had been ransacked Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Mrs. j ea~ous!y les~ they lose their.ind!ddT~e program for the 1914 assem· The police were ,,~tified, but could uahty 111 Rtlll larger combinatIOns . bly IS ellual to any of the f8m o u~ find no cle ws to airl th em in the ar- Lina Devitt, Mrll. E. K Baily and Patriotism has grown faster than program~ ill th e pas t , The seas('n rest of the sneak thief. The follow- Fred Devitt motored to Muon Sunpolitical combinations ~ntil its hig h- iopens July 17th and clo;,es Augu st in ~ lot ot jewelry wall missing: day, where they visited friends. One soli tai re diamond ring, one est type calls for nothing I.e::ls than I l~th. All the old a ttract. Ive featur es Mrs. Vema Kelley, of Springfield, th.e ~elfare of all humanity; Pa- Will be f?und on the g rounds . The rin g with two diamonds and two trlOtlsm ~!)r the welfare. of olle s OW? camp Will be fu.1ly. up. to th ~ old opa ls , one ring with two pearls and Mrs, Hannah Antram and Mrs. ~ountry IS a lofty ~entlment, but It Istandard and all II1dlcatlOns pomt to one t urquoise. one child's plain ring, Mary Caskey spent oeveral days last IS. 8 I~w ~n.d sordId one . c0f!lpar~ la successf.ul assembly . one child's sig-net ring, solid gold week with Mrs. W. S. Graham. .. - ... bracelet set with one diamond one With Its highes t type. &ipeclally IS this true when one's welfa~e. is POSTOFFI~E HOURS THE 4th, brooch set with one opal, one ~eckMr. and Mrs, Wilbur Clark and largely brou~ht about by explOltmi' lace set with pink amethysth, one familr. motoroo to New Caledonia, other countries. Lobby open from 7 a. m, to 8:~m long- watch chain. Ohio, Saturday to attend the wed· A combination of nationR enforcing ding of Mr. Elmus Carmony. They order and good governf!1ent w~en- p. de partments from 9 to 10 a. m. OBiT~;RV n;tUMled home SlInday evening. . ~ver and wherever occ~lon reqUires Rural carriers will not make th ei r M C B Be tl d Frank JS the long step now bell:g made to: t rips on that day , eesrs, , n . ey an wards the "Federation of the world ." Mails will be' r eceived and dis. ~alinda H. Sherwood, daughter of Shldaker went to Pittsburg' Fri.daY It should give each on~ of us a thrill patched as usual ~h and. Ann ~ale, was bom near and caIPe home Monday mommg. of happiness when we think our 1I0t call wh~n the windows aJ e Clark!1vllle, . OhIO, 27th, They shipped a let of hoqa and cattle cuuntry is one of the first to enter d ', 1825 and died near Sprmg V!llley and went East to see them disposed into such a combination. own. Postmaster June 23, UJl4, aged 89 yean, 3 of. Thus the solidarity of humanity III _ ___ months and 28 days. . . being recognized. Thus is universal She was the oldest of elg~t ChllWhittier Burnett, of Norwood. peace bein~ brought about. THE OOOD OLD FOURTH dren of whom only two survIve her, was visiting his father, Owen Bur· - - - -... _ • Miles ;Hole, of Topeka, Kan., and nett Monday. Mr. Burnett and FRIENDS ORTHODOX CHURCH Saturday will be the good old Sarah Ann Pritchard, of Spiceland, family are spending a eauple of Fourth. Tlierewill be nothing doing Ind,. neithe r of whom were able to weeks 'at the Franklin Cbuutauqua Services Sunday July 5th Sab- here, but many of our citizens a re atte ne! her funeral. grounds. bath School at 9:30; Preach'ing at planning .to go to other places fo~ the She. was a birthright member of Mrs. Mollie Edwards and daugh10'30 In the e vening the services day. It 18 hoped that the day WIll be thp. Friends church and was converterl wiil h e on the lawn atthe church and spent ill the new way, and a sane h he r own home when Quite a young ters, Misses Trillena and Marpret, the M. E people will meet with U51 [i'ourth will be observed. g irl. . , of Dayton, are here for the summer this evening. Union services. it if! In ~he yeaT' 1845 she was United In in their hume on Third street. They expected, will continue during Jul~' ST. MARY'S CHURCH m~rrra~e to Lebeons Campbel~. To are welcomed by their many and August. Everybody invited andl thIS union were born four children frierids. welcome. Saturday, July 4th, tht~ Fourth Sunday aft~r Trinity July Charle~ Albert, ~artha Jane, Em!lla Mrs C M Cartwr! ht and son, Sabbath School will go to Thad Zim " fith Sunday School at 9'30 a m Catherme and Ell Lebeons, all havmg Le : . •d d glter Helen , . . . . '. eded h b t Ch I Alb t vermg an augh, merman's Grove for a plcmc. BEl Sermon and Holy Communion at prec "er u ar es e~ . Louise of Chicago arrived here laat sure and come. Meet at church a t 10:30. "Lord, I have loved the habi- H Marc~~;), 1 86~ sheTwas harried to week for a eoupl~ of weeks' visit 9 a. m. for transportation. tat.ion of,thy house. and the place b enry I erwoo d t e we[e at th~ home of Mr. and Mrs, S, L, A. E. Wooten, Pastor. where thme honour dwelleth." orn on y .one aug er na . C t ' ht Morgan, With whom she made her ar wrlg , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~ . home. She w!ls a kind and h~ving Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett and !flother ane! Will be greatly missed family. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bamm the home by those who have so hart, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Allen, tende~)y cared for her . . Mr. and Mrs. C. T . Hawke, Mr. ResIdes her near relatives she John Pence, MiBSes Syblil and Helen lea,:,cs a h ost of ~rlends, to mou.rn Hawke, Henrietta McKimey and t.hclr los,'l, but their lo~ IS her gam. Olive McCollum were visitors at the - - - 1- • Franklin Chautauqua last Sunday TRAIN JUMPED THE TRACK afternoon. -'---



Whole Number 3270


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Saturday afternoon the fast train from Cincinnati jumped the track near Ortigonia, and delayed traffic on the Pennsylvania lines for more three hours. Ithan Th~ train was speeding along at the rate of forty mil es an hour when in rounding a curve the rear trucks of the locomotive jumped the track. Th o wheels plowed through t he ties for fully one-eighth of a mile before the train could be brought to a stand· still. Jnst befo re the train fltOppt·tl it Jla.~sed ovpr a culvert. The outside wheels of the' truck which Wit!! off the track were but a very few I in ches from the ed .re of tha culvert. Had the truck left the ties at this Doint a very serious accident would Idoubtless have occurred. - - - __ .. SHOOTS SELF AND CHILDREN Recause her husband met her in company with another man, and because her children were to be sent back to the O. S. &S. O. Home, Mrs. Catherine Lemin killed her two children and then shot herself, She was found at her home in a back room, in bed with a dead child on each side of her gasping her last. She' confessed her crime before death and claimed tlle reasOn she did the deed was that she was tired of life. All three of the victims had been ~hot in the left breast and the boy and a-irl had apparen'tly died in· stantly, .,

RURAL WELFARE LEAOUE Good Roads and Clean Up DiLy. June 20, was a pleasure long to be remembered by those who partookof the bountiful dinner and the pleas, ant co· operative sfirit, The busy season kept severa away, but the germ of a broader citizenship was planted and when weed cutting time comes again in August we hope for II. hearty response. In driving over Massie township an indelible index is loudly placarded of the citizen who lives progressive, who co·operates the public spirit of the times and who keeps abreast of progr~. We thank all who helped themselves by helping one another to make "Old Massie" clean. Good program, good music, July 11th. Cora A, Thompson, Director.

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Ridgeville, Ohio. is contemplating having a big ·Home-Coming some time in August. This is a earn· mendable feature. and although this prate is only a hamlet, hundreda of good men and women have been reared in its precincts, and have gone out into this world of ours and malte good ' It has been the ·bome of doctors, lawyers, literary men and good farmers for years. It is our wish that they WIll have a bil( time and that fo~er ci~ wUl .t ake a ~t . pride in the f~~ ~t ~'r are to have a h~~e:~~~





Ilful . for Ib e n lis .hln Gtf'1l!110 I. 110 shu I t"rt-d by proJ l> c li ng rock8 II l'ur I b o 10(1 t haI It (' om !!!! d llwn lik e u s t r e n IT, . (Ir s un lit ml ~ t Illh' d "Iili g illt.'rlnil pen r lR. All d ", h .. ri t h.· alt ,' n ll ,un lI un

Gospel Should Be a Real Force, Always and Everywhere, in All Essenti al Things.

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d" r 15 h u \\ II ,,· 1"' llllit \ n ' urt ' KIS ' " a n , al! (.'d tv a;f' t to th .· " Ia ('(' l'rlJ II lI lJ ly 1I11:lr ("o m ru d "h I, ·t It" ' 111 do " rl (I VII ! abov,· . o r jlvtiHiL lf II I tb a l I",, !; 1;""" dny th,' ' nk ., I"" I " a ~ IIII, ..!t Ili f(h "r tball nu w " Wb,'u yO\! J;II til !.u k ,· \ ·!I,-Iu n. U" surt: to ~ .' " tli ,' I'(' tr ln ..d d.· .. '·... Kui d a rrll'nd ~ ~~a ltl lJ . " ]t tl:lIlI.! l' JJl !.Iw bo tt om In nltll ut t ... l·tll y f"" t 111 walPr t\nd can bt· 5 ('1' 1l rh' a r ly wb "\1 tilt · la \; e Is c a lm , It I~ s IIPPoM ",1 to h in ~ b ro" 11 kill e d li nd 10 han, tal":" lu t o t h .. luk !! . wber!! It was Ile tr lfi f'll . Tbls Bo ulJd ed In l o'rr sllng . ~o till' flr Rl thing I f\s k .. d till' skipll(,r of th !! III , Ue ste nm,e r. WUR : "00 , WI! go wh e rl we call 8" (, Ih e pt' lrltl('d d ec r~ ' "!"o. I'm H(rald 1101." lI oe re pli !'d w it h u g rill . "Tbe t ru lb Is I h a i,, ' t n e ,' pr B({<ln It my s d (. th o ugh I'v e h (,llrd t ,, 11 ot It. An y h ow . som .. fo lks uu)' U)f' Y bave Bl'f'n sO lul' t hl tl !l that looks Ilk " a I d per " " Ho\¥ abo u t thaI Ill'lr lfl e d de N ?" a s ke d the Il ro \lr l.' lOr of th e hU lf'1 at Bt e h .. kln wh o m ndc th e r e turn tr lD with me. " Petrltl\ld d l'f' r " Go o n ~ So me on .. hlU< h ...HI t pil ing yo u ra'j ry talps ." he

IU ld II I" rlghleo u AIl "M nnd 1111 Ih £'b " tl II"I("" ' ,,"d . (· Ivth lll l';. h ()l1 ~ ". 1!llItIlr "" lIa ll 1)(' a dd t'd uut o ) Oll ," In th c~c "un] " ( 'lI r ;s t ImH h lfllH" lf o ull llll'd bls I, rn!;ra ll\ .

0::=====:_A covered _____manure ;.:. : . . . _- _shed--an

Ideal protection for manure, -=--

_ __

= ===,,:.


O u r dlsd JlI ••s hlp dopa flut lHk e u s IUI'Il. und a gllll1 t h(' bCE'll" cha ng e s. (o r out ill' I hl ll world . Wh e n tile mt'no w lh.· hf' lg hts h ~t' om e rut;-ge d and c hanle he ,-o ," es a t'hrl s tlan, h e Is not ~tl:" l). u nd Inlll1 ", n~ .. (' I(l nn. Btrlli ght as to Ill ) do wn hlR l oo l>!, uor Is t htl (' Ie rk Will Supply the One Element of Plant Food Almost Lacking t ho ugll c ut wi th 1\ g igan ti c kn lf". se pto Icav " hi >! d osk . 1101' t hll p ro fes Blo lial a.ral~ tb t' IU Do ...·n !lar.h o ( tb eAe c le(W In Man ~lre and the One Needed On Most Oh'io Soils 111 1\ " to r" r slllI " hi s pro(e ss lo ll , W o all \.S_ tu mb les a s parkling. roist e ring Jlllie bolong 10 t be worllllJg " las s; th e mll Some Results at the Ohio Experiment Station catarac t tbat fr om a dh,tllll ce looks li unai r e 11 0 I fI ~ o than hi s c hau rreur . nnd lik e a thr ead of trosted !lllver . Dur. lhe mlll!ollllllrt" !1 wire no le MA tb an he r In g centuri es 01 earnest ett'ort tb e 181'':;' kltchl'n g i rl. Wh l' n I' oll ghllgl' f< n lld ot h e r (00d8 1 t.he manure trOll! tbe s t ab les InlO Ute e r o( these Il tl"eam s bav t: de posIted at Savior Alway. Pre.ent. aI',' r"il Iii· ... s toc k a cc rtliin por tio n of , ope n Yllrd, whl'Te It IH a ll owed to h ea l, tbe rr mouths li l li e tria ngular patcba. WIIlI t) Chris tia n I'll e ngage d In th e Ingr edl e nlH Is LUk e n ul' by th !' dl· I re rm e nt lind be IPouc he d by the ra l n~ . o r g ra vell y soli . 8.\1d on a lmos t every h l ~ daily work. th e Savior Is prellenl. I;nstl \' e tract to b .. II s ed by Ih .. a nimal 1 Thi s Is a bu d practi ce a nd shou ld h e pat c h Borne wis e mar.. bns built an at. 1'1,,- ~u \' Io r Is pro'sc nl ... t ou r dally In Ilroduclng h ent and e ll e r gy . Th e re - I con tl "llln e d wherev e r r0111111. Ir theBe trartlv e s u m mer r es ld (' nce and sur. work. Whil e th e C hris tian w ire and malnlng \lurllon whl"n o X(,I'I~ l ed ls , (arme rs {jnly kn ew th at s uc h manure rounded It with pre tty trees and Uloth e r Is dOi ng h e r housework, ge t- Im own a s manure . It Is l'om po Ked or I " llI e n e xposed (rom 1I1r ce mo nth ,; 1(.1 shrubs. T o be sure. his rront yard Is Uug the nJl'alli r"nd}·. s e llin g Ul e tabl e , tw o portions , uame ly, sol id uOlI IIqu :d . 1 six months lost (rom un e· ha l( 10 two· usuall y a lIf'ries or 8 t (!P~. Ilnd hlB kltch. wa.shlllj'; tb e dishes. 8wellplng th e car· The liquid portion Is Dluch ri c h er In , tblrd s 01 its vulue when com pared en garden IK mad .. on sbf' lv.'s but Jl« ts or rtJ ,,~ . doing th e (amlly wasb- nitroge n and Jl otasb Lban t b e so lid n nll l Wlth tha t h!lul ed d ll' vet to t h .. (h"ld, that only adds to ~he c h urm . - , Ing !lnt! Uronlug and sewi ng . dressIng co n ttll~ ' ~ ne arly one-hair o( tb ese ele· Ih e y s ur ely wo uld build u s hed iLnd Tbe boat now app rull chell th o Nar· tltl' littl e on c~ or g('tting the old e r chil- ru e nts void ed lJ )' tb e anlmnl. It is quite s tore It properly. No fa rm e r can n1I'ord rowe, .... here th e mOlltltalnfl ou each dre n o rr 10 s cb ool, the Snvior is at her nat ll.rnl the n tha t some tUranH o f pre- I to (ollow this pru cllce \\'h(ln th e ext.r/\ s bore seem to le an to wa rd eacb other s ld A. Whil e tb e Chrlfltl a n hu s bu nd and 8ernllg th is liquid would be profitable e xp e n sQ o ( bnuling It direct to Ut e and th e ir g iant r efl ectio ns a lmost 1111 fllt her Is !Ilt hi s day'S work. ge tllng a and tbls Is done by II sl ng a lJ s orlJl ng fi e ld or ~torlog It prope r ly Is mor.· t b e lak e. For tb e ri g ht ba nk /l OW hilS Ih' ln g for lh fl randly, th e Savio r Is m ll t e ri a ls s lI("h a s s l raw. litle I'. sba" " th a n com lJ "llsat ed tor lJy the Itlf're lll... 11 become as prf'clpllOU B us th e Icft , and 'also th c rt'. li e Is with tbe la bor er on In gN. Bllt will nil o f tb e liquid por ti o n "ul ue or th e man ure . ror some m ll ps Is nn 'Llmost bsre, thl'l s tre et. with th e merbanlc In tbe be s a ved by thi s bedd ing m ate rial? In trucking s ec ll o ns It Is us uall y a.d· el eep slope ot Jlecullar form a ti on huy· shop, WiUl tbe clerk lit ble d esk, with Mu ch depe nd s upon th o kind of Hoor vl ss bl e to compllct Ih" manuro b o(ore illg tb e IIllpearall ce o ( n bubbl y. lJlI · th e lawyer In hl B om ce, with the phy- upon whi c h t~e manure Is produ ced. npplylng it to Ihe soil. Tbls Is dQlle low y cascade ot mud fluddeuly h8rt!· sician at tbe be ds Ide , wltb the teach- It hns b ee n demonstrated by th e OhIO 1 by he apIng up lh e manure with somt .. ned Inf o s t one. p.r Il t ilie sc hool. "Lo. I I-m wltb you In th e background snow ('apped aI wa y, e ve n unto th e e nd or tb e \leaks 1I0 W aIJpe8.r . a nd th e n ea rer 8um. world," Is the j;Tacious promise w hich mits are torlure d Inl o fa nt&BUc s bapes he gave us just b e fo r p IlRce nd lng unto ever changing and so rasclnatlng that b oave n . one n eve r tires of lo ok ing at th e m , At . H o well knew tbat hl8 disciples Tw e nty-tlve Mile cre e k Nature glveB :'thllt nlg;bt caught nothing." He you a rell plt e. tor th e re tbe mountains IIsks. "Chlldre u hav e ye IIUY meat ? re ce de a bit and permit a large clrcu· They ans wered- 'No,' And h e said lar o pe nin g or boen ch land, a spot of 1 unto tbem, 'Cast tbe ' n e t on the right e xqulslt (l b elluty. Out at once the s id e or th€! 8hll' and ye .. hall find. They steam e r ca rries you on to aCf'ne8 that cast_ lh erE,tore . and now tbey were not are unrivall ed ror gr:lndeur, sliding able to draw It for th e , multitude ot a long und e r the wnIl s or Round moun. fishes ." tnin. Tbls Is II bare blul\' riolng from Ou r work, without tbe l_{) rd's bleslin Imposing precipice, Ita dry face sIng, r esults III nothing. Tb e farm e r gashed by chas ms and crossed by , n eeds th o sunshine and the rain . great rock te rraces. Here the Jake Through IJln work has be come a burbottom is at Its d eepf".8 t - I,419 fee t be' l den unto man . 1' hrougb C brlst, wbo low tb e surface, or a40 teet below sen le vel . r e moved th e cu rso of si n, work baa Next Black Cap claims your atten. again become a pleasure unto us . Tbe tlon and admiration. a towering, round· Chrlstlall renders cheerful service unto God and man, ed rock fac ed Into Il bald blulJ and iJoldly fronUng tbe lake. and after It To lIle Chrl8tian, God ha.s given the I a doze n more belgbt.!! a. grand and promise thut all b e needs tor the wantll ImpllB lng. Wh e r e Fish creek lIows In and support of tho body "shall be addThe Little uke Steamer. Adding the much valued humus by plowing under a green manure crop. from tb e ealll Is a long point of sandy ed unto him." Or suc h ' a promise as largely accoun18 for th e [act that It Is 8011 wh e r e an enticIng IIsblng resorl this, "All thlnCB wbatsover . ye s hall Experiment Stallon that from 12 per 801\ mixed In alltl the whole k e pt .... eL 80 IItUe known. We natchee Is tbe bas been bullt, but ilie boat stops ooly \. ask In prayer, believing. ye sball re- cent to 26 per cent at tbe fertilizing Tbls allows a ce rtain kind or bacteria nearest railway station, and rrom a mom e nt. and soon after you come to ele men ts Is lost trom manure pro- to work upon. tbe beap wblch decom..... tbere one mu.t go Borne rorty miles tbe north end of thlll wonde rful lake dlleed on dirt t100rs as compared with poses Il without tbe generatIon or beat f~\jll Supply for All, Rainbow Falla. up the Columbia, eltbe r on one of the and to Stebekln . Really Stebekln conc e ment floors, botb be ing cov ered by a and thus the nitrogen Is retailled. The Sa v lor 8uppllell a net full of .tern-wbeel steamers which carry pas· Blats only of a hotel-.and a very good said , "00 you suppose If tbere bad It a number or (arm e rs we r e nsked fi s h es; he gives a rull supply. A rull 1'00(. When we co ns ider that n 1000 sengel'll and freight up and down tbat one--lUld the hom e or a park ranger. been any 8u"b tbing h e re It would pound animal will pro(luce around t he actual valu e or n ton o( mllnure no supply, of cour8e, doee not mean tbat river, or In aD automobile. 'rhe Wbetbe r you want t o or not, you must baye beell Je tt undisturbed! Why. I'd Elvery Cht;lstian wtll be made I\. mil- eight tons ot manure In a year we find doubt quite a "arlatlon In the Ilnsw ers steamer trip Is rather slow but de- r e main th ere over nlgbt, and you do hav e had It up mys elr long ago." the ce m e nt floors will save nearly lionaire, llind It would not 'be good It that $4.50 wortb of fertilizing e le m e nt s ror would he found . Oy a ct ulll lest covereldedly tntereetlng. S e veral Urnes not regret It. After a bountiful and 80 I did not see the wonderful pet · be we re: but It does mean that the eacb alii mal. Ing a pe rIod or seve ral yeanl a ton nf th e vessel must be pulle d through rap. we ll cooked dinn e r yoU are re ady for rill e d deer, but Lake Cbelan needl! no Ids by means ot a cable ancbore d to th e walk to Rainbow Faile, several such marv el to make It on o ot the Lord will gIve us all that our actual Tb e progressive (armer tri es to yard manure ba H produced all av e ra", .. U1e shore. Ilnd the stops are frequent miles up the love ly little Ste h e kin rlv. mOBt attrnctJv e places ill lhls country n eed calls (or. lipread tbe manure on bls fi elds as Increase or $2.97, while a ton or s tabl l'l What the Lord 8upplles. be would - wbe r e ver, indeed, a wblle rag on a er that flows trom tbe glaCiers wblcb of 0111'8. Soon it will be easy to rea cb. 900n as poss Ibl e a(l or It Is pcoduced .' manure ba s given a re turll or $3.73. hav e us enjoy. Food, drink, clothIng, lIUck 18 discerned on tb e bank. Your are always In sight glistening on the too, for tll e branch o( tb e Groat /l:orth· But. th e r e a re times w1l*,n th e fleld Is Thnl certainly Is a very (aIr r elurn, landing 18 made at C he lan ~'alls an In- mountains mil es aWIiY up the canyon. e rn railway trom We natcb ee to Oro· house, home, money, goods; all these 80rt nnd It is not w ise to run o \' e r It but what would ha pp e n It 80 pound s Ihln g R whl cb the Lord has give n, tne cons"'Quentlal bamle t, nod tb e~c you Tbrough bea utiful forests of pine and vill e will be compleled thi s y .. ar and ""' lIb IL s preatler, and In thllt e ~ge the or a c id phospbate we r e add ed to tbe take a seat In a four-bo rse coa"h. It beoch and fir you wander until a mu. will run tbrougb Chelan Falls. and Christian should e njoy . W e hav e been tllught to pray, "Give m a nure should be slo re d. In BO doing ton? AccordIng to a, r ece nt bulle t In 18 a ramllhackl e old vc hlcl e whlcb slcal rumbling te lls you tbat U1 C caB· the road from th e re to Cbelan Is to hI! us lhls dny our dally bread" In ac- It should be spread out rather than of the OhIo Exp eri ment Station, yard s ee mB 011 tb e point or brelll(lllg down. cad~ III near al b a lld. greatly improved. knowledglllcnt o( tbe fact tbat God beape d up and tb e stor.k allowed' to manure treat e d us above gave a net which It rr'ally does on oCl'llslon, but Ra in bow FsIlB Is a~ pl'l~ ttr a wat er. gives u s 1111 that we nee d to supply tromp ov e r it cont.illllRlIy or be l<e (1t ret.urn of $4.62, While stable ma nllrt. In It you will hav e Ii rId e to r e m e m - rU.11 a s o n e would wish to 6ee. Straight Voice of Experience . th e wants ot tbe body. When we re- we t 80 that heatin g .Llld fermentatIon si milarly trenled gave II. net r e turn of b e r. S lowly It creeps up the stee p (IOWI\ from the L.-ow of a clllT 300 feet "What do yo u thinll of th", appec hes c e ive our weekly or monthly wages, wllJ not tal<e plnce . Wh e n it heals $5.4.3. Thl M g oes 1.0 show 'tha t manurt, road oyer tbe blllll, Kklrllng trem eu. high \lltlngpl> II l iltlo mountain s trea m, on tolla?" wben our Incom e has been Increas ed, o.tnmonla Is g ive n o(f in lurge quant!· Is not. a we li ·bal a nced t e rtlli ze t- and dous ravln cs, rounding huge bould e rs, Into a selt-mad e h~8ln from which it .. We ll, " r epli ed lh e se lf-made m a n, Ues ' ,o ~b o.t ·.be m O~1 valllnbl .., pRr t of should be ree nforced with pho~phoru ~ mu c h or lh e way (ollowlng the Chelan ove rflows ilt afJother fall 10 Its I'o cky " It r e mind s m e o ( tile days wil e n I wa s wh e n o ut' fields bave yielded returJ!B, the ma nure Is lost. to gll'e th e m a ximum re suIts . -fla e P. nnd wh e n we are given healtb to enriv e r . a lur bul e nt Bt.n181t1 which In It II be d In th e Rt p hl'~ill vall e y . If you pilot of n cnnol boat. You can't hope In some secti on s or l be slate the Dowl e r. Coll ege of Agriculture, Ohio . JOY l e mporal blessings, we should abort co urs e or tbree miles from la ke c han co t.o ReA it In th t' dr y t3!Jt.Ho n. as t o run a canal without a more or Ie!!!! know !l n ll admit with tbe disciples farmers mak e a practice or throwin g State U niversi t y. to river has a fall of :l7 6 fef! t. From I 1'11<1 . 1Ill' " nta rae! I" t hI-' mor.l beau. e motlonlll s tyl e of expreselon ," th at it is. th" Lord wbo thUB (avors the su mmit th e o ld 8!.a.g(! drlvI'r mak pB \lB. quick t1nw dow n 10 th e town ot Chel· Our wor'ds should be tbe ex pression an. BO quick that orten your h (,1I rt Is of our h ea rt. In yo ur mouth a s tb e ve hlcl (l whlrlK In cOllcluslon, the great tnltbs of around sharp turns wbil e t he pt'lJhl t' H C hris tian ity can and should he apth row n from th e horses ' ho ofs rattl (' : tIlled to <lilT e v e ryda.y lives. lr tbls on til" ro c ks a co upl!' of hundr l'd r,." t 1 bf-Iow . : w e re do ne [Oore lban It Is, life would be fnr happier and flw e eter than noVo' , ( ·h .: lan . H pro g r es8 1ve l illi e elly . II.·" aud llIany socIal evils would disap. a t tllf' F. otl th (' nd ot lh l' lak", alld til< ' \lOtlr . Th e real social program ot p cace fu II y bl'n u II fu I B'·l· n. 'rr !-: h ·(·s you I Je s us ha s J esus In It 8S "tbeWay, tbe no h int (I f Ih,~ ru gg pll gru n d .. ur that I 1 Trut h . and lbe LIfe." He who himself c!lllrfic·le rl7.8S tb e bo d y of Wlll, .~ r f a rtl! · wa s a la borer at NazlIl'eth Is even now e r up. Early ill th " morning )' '' u u U:Jrti w ith us In our dally worlc, and blesses a n eal littl e !;t ea.m t' l· ur KaHO II,, (· la llll c i1 II I' until our IIfe 's work has been finan d ~ t::l rt on Ih l' voy age ot ('x lJlora· Isb ed, whell he will come ancl lake us tl on . Gl id lnl; s wl(tly O" l' r w;H I' r fllat : to th e ete rnal man s lnns above, where Is os b p,, " liru ll y blu (' ," Ihnt or till " we s ball (ore ver rest from all labors. Ra y of )0.; " Illes. ~' Oll ~O()n emili' I .. a be nd . I\nd tht' rf' th e prn ~ W'c t Oll"ns up 1 On the r ight th " lo nd i s " til! COmfJiLra , , A Prayer. tlv e ly low I)'iu~ and II,; b('11I1; plant... d ' o rant, () Lord, tbat liS we are bap· Summer Home on Lake Chelan. I I tizcd Into the deatb or tby ble8sed ~~-,~ Son, our SavioI' Jesu8 Christ, ao by ' OF WHISKY la nk . (' hin .WhISke r.c d hlll·blll}" strlCk· l YOII t o do Is befor e eac h m e al to give con, tlnued . mortifying our corrupt ar· l' n,Will! a ,;11I1lY,ls h (e ve r . Jim a good . strong whisky loddy ." fection s we may be burled with blm, Uareaeonable to Expect Liquor to Som" two lIt o llt h~ prior a balT{d of ; "Laws sa lles doct . " II d and lhat through lhe grave and gll.le ' UJ. r er) I' tbe l' ' j whi sk I db Lalit Long In Family That COUld Y 18 ee n a dd ed to th e m e a g er I womall or th e hous e "we- II I' ot ...uea tb , we may pass to our oyful Not Keep Cow. A few colonia. of beea aN of valu~ to the .farm orchard. possosslo ns of th e hill -billy's fa.mIly no w his ky all' ain' ~ot no Ullio~t~ ~~~ rOBurreetl.on; ,for bis merit, whe died, til e (' lhles ot the acqul saJon dOeB not to bu y It, neither!" y and was buried and rOlle again for Even though the bloom .,r the apple, A ve l e ra n surgeon of th e Civil war. e nte r Into thi s tale-a nd of this th e Whll!) bees are usually cretlltetl wltll "What no whisky '" hW I I us, thy Sion Jeaus Cbrlst our Lord. h d I . . ~c a med tbe A 'Who stIlI pracUs es In tb e PiedlDont good d I penr, p eac h, plum a.nll quince are so dol ng a large ,part In crosB-tertlllza.t!OQ. oc or a · earned; not, h'ow- doctor severelv . "I know YO I d . men . . . ~Uon ot Fauquier county, Vlrglnln., constructe(l that they qaD pollinate thet:e are a\so . many' In,.acts that apo eyel': througb a n y member or th e bill- barrel of It' be~e two months :g~~' a .- - - - - - - whe r e hi s patients III dude Ull-' w ea ltlly like flies .thaf equall)' them selves, mUch more and perhaps bl11y s tamll y. "Ya8slr, r :Cnow," came tbe r~in t ' PNyer. . . ~Wby , not' ' -11 .. horae (ancler ot t h e blu egmslI and th e Desi ring to tone U\l the Plllient w,ltll explanation; "but /I. barrel 0' ~hI9: Let the words of III.l' moutb, aDd the be tter truJt would be securoo If a tliw .bUtleBI!, p6,'e r ty s tricken mountaln- tl sUmulant lhe doctor concluded hi s ' don' las' long In a talntily w11 t ' ,1 ! Dl.e dltaUoIl of my heart, be acceptable ..tands .ot bee I! were kel;t about. ' . Qi" of the Bl u e Ridge hollows, was re- In~tructlonB thus : alford ter ' kettI) ' a C(\"'l"~S:tu~'~~ I in 'l'by IIlght, . 0 Lord. m.Y streD~ .!lrohard to .ni~l~t In CarrYlhg ·the.pOlltll ,lC1!nllf 6UlnlllOpe(l to !,he bu nkslde of a Now, mDdam, the, beat thin&, tor fl~fiuD~. 9oJit. , .... ' " . ~ .~d my :je4e.~ Dler. , . . .fro:~ on9 tn..,\0.:a,1l0~er 'e ' '~ . elr d In th.- IIPrthw e.l(' rn pll rt o ( the {' ni t" ,1 S ta t"". II I ~ I('n 10 on e t. hal )'ou ll\U ~ 1 afl s w (' r fl O, Y ~ t 'Jsk o r he' lau III (I II I' ot th e most plcturl'sQu\, bod lo8 of wa tl',r In Amt',Ica. Il.nd on t' of t h o moa t lut e r es tln /!:. and Its s bores are b ein g do lle d with tb e pre tty s umme r botn es of scoreB ot wellithy re81d e nta or W8.l!hln g t () n and Oregon. Situated almost In thc ce nte r o f tbe alate ot WlltIblnA'ton, t hi s lak e is sixty mile. lon g and of an average wldlb of one mil e and 8. balr-so lon g Ilnd narrow and winding that It baB m or e t1le appearance or a b ig rIv e r . Its d e ptb Is almos t tncredrbl e , nnd ItB watent, rep le nl6bed b y glncllll stream s , are Icy cold and 8JI clee.r as c ry stal. Almost stralgbt up rrom Its s urrnce !Is sbores rise to mountain b e lgbt , and .0 IIteep Is t b e slOI)e be low the wnt or that seldom 18 any beacb to be round . To tb e preee nt tim e Lake Chelan has not been eatly or nCCf)S fI . whi c h ,








I' .

















n~' ln~

Hpl, 1\ te . the " P o u rth"

hn '" t l /no" ,11,.. '1 ~ p ln ' r' P II 't :OC 1 j ' ln Ilk .. i t ' [t SlAI Y )'l,.H ' S i ll t' I HI :" I}i,gu n t il h t', tr A ll il l" I "H d, Ih r fl:l ll (\ 11 n\)I~ . , \,' .. : ~ 1'1'1 '.1 II P w II , II we \\:t~ h nY H, Al l Hr II" • \\ 1" ' 111 ' p tl wd ' l \\'; I ~ 1 ,1'1 . 1,0<;11'1 r Ilo ll lul:i !nU U"r'

Rl.lI,I..' 1;j nll\'t" ,




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F"(l urn" ~ r .


l'h o t ngTllp h ~ r .

Each s t a r i~ grown a ta.l l ~ man. And hold s a b le"Ging a nd a hope: Wh e re freedom IItirs t he h ~a rt of man Lif e ca3ts it 3 falresl h o roscope.



..* Our .... Independence *** *. *** .. *

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whl' llter


o ug ht IUO ~ rc '. l l h lHlO o f O ll l ' t' in i Jld('It(~ I HIt' IH 'e lI u d ~ I' our t1 1l ~ , hl'a r W O I1l f' ll : L":'~ ( rl \\' I l ll :L wlt ll(' I l il n t \\'h o t' v(Jr pl tltp. 111;1) l, e c ' lI l p tJ:l!.;,i~ f r~c ll 1(l, ('(:l J ·t a in l~ u re n ul S II, :1 111.l th .l L the y I1 1·\'Ur will Iw 60 lI lI l i l t !J{' Y h~L\' U I h e 1", I' o l. T hi R sp('(' ia l I'roi, : " I" of v ol· 111' 11.0 UH

lesser Known Si gners of the mortal Dcclnration.

Sip by sip here's pure enjoyment-cool comfort-a satisfied thirst -a contented palate.





I>e-tnJ'. nt1 tbe r.enulne by t ull namf't-llckuo.rucs e uco umce IO ubSl it utJo u .


Whenever you see an Arrow thin1c af Coca-Cola.


Immigration figures show that. the po pu lalion of Canada increased during I " I 15. by th e a ddition of 400,000 now settlers from the United Slates and E mo pe. Most of th ose have gone on farms ill provinces of Manltoba, S askatchewan and Alberta.



, '.

Important to Mothors Exnmino carofully I'\' UI'Y UOI.t1o 01 ell S TORIA, a sare a nd aure r emedy for Infants anti childre n, v.nd Bee lha.t it '

Dcars the ~ ~,,~ Si!;nature of ~~ In Use I~o r Ov er 30 Years. .



c:: ::Ol:~'


hovered nc ar th o d e~ k 0 11 which the Declaration I:lY nud wa tcht'd eac h man us h e came forwnrd null uUlxcd his slgnature , ' a lu s lln,;' t e s tilOo oilll to th e world, and Greut Urilnin. cspf'ciully, of the courage ror !Llld fallh ill tho new country th ese .mOIi were creating . Thn pr :ci!!f1 h our of t h e d a y of lho adoption or th e \)cc laraUon of in de· pendence iM not tI (' \ (' rml ll uble from roc· ords. II Is IlIlo wn, lJOw cvcr, that eon·


L ,'

gress oulered

Ul10 11




~ry for Fl:.t:~~r'8 Castoria I Sounds That Way.

Patlp, nce -- Sho h a~ a pr e lly l'atri ce- A m e r ~ Inl'luI' nt. "Yes, but ono which lB closed ."

UluUllJ .

n e ve r •• metal,lilAo't,eplllortl. 0"" ' . wtll h o t IOU _ • • • • OD .

tllJu re ... ,tbln., lJ1' ..... "teod.

efteatl . .

AI'' ....

o:lpreu p&14 for 1 ..& , B.&.ROLD S OMEllB. 1 •• D ...... b •••.• aroalt, .. B ....


M ake. the l "tIl"ITI'"" h~p p ~ -· thnt.'s TI ed

('r,,"" n id i IIlue . M "kp" 1'Pll ll tiful . cluIlr while c lot III'" 1\11 1:00\1 (:roccrs. ·Ad,·.

ulrecl couslueru-

tlon of tho qu es t i on on the fir ot of July, 17i6, by votlll g to. reso lve Itself into 4 co~mltteo of tho wllolo to con· sider the reflOlution Introduced by RIchard Henry Lee, alld to refer tho draCt oC 0 \0 Oecla ratlon to thi s com· mlttee. It wn3 lllcllllrd Henry Lee's resolution tilat mil : "Thal lb~ e Unl · . ted Cololl l(!s are, and of r'lght ou ght to be, free I1ml, IUl!Ojlendont sl ales." .


pla('e4 a"fwbe". ... tr.ctl .otl kllh .la Ilin . N_'. e lMn , or.

For Convenience, Economy and Safety Use the


Blue Flame, Wick 011 Store

Atlop.ting tho Resolution.

B e njamin Harrison DC ytrglulll was cboson chnlrman or tbn commlttce. AUor a discussion las ting the ',entlre «tay .tho resolution wn.H adople d. The c.ommlltee tho11 resumed Its standing . and President l:lllncock it 'Was · on the

lluros ordlnary

Koro8\!l\o OU,

lights uf> In. tnnUy Ilko J;"", burn. pcrreotl.Y bluo lIame witbout smoke




Tho Intensely bo~ lire enables YOI1 to coole, bal(o, fry or Iron as Q ulol<l,

as on I glluwve. Ju sta. slmploand lIa1e to operate as III 011 lamp. Th~e alses 9, 8 .and • buro6l'l wltb or - without blgh wlnnlnlt


Wrlto w-daJ for CatalOff,

. Mad" b& "'. B_re14 Ooal~, . , ..lIptlDl ....... A-. aDOill~u. ~



on tirst tlllti mate ')u Loveland Bridge ' l73; C. W . Sparks. gro.vpl and atone tor 8 tubbtl Mills br idge .13.-10; Hl ldebraut Book Store, 80ppltell tor reoorder '10; Dun E. Bon e, April Real Estate Transfer. fees $lG 5 (lr;; J nl:leph W . O'Neal l. AS BROUGHT OUT FROM THE 'harla!! .'ones lind F . ~. 'Wylio, :::;eoy . ..-:ioldi urs· Relief Com , $20; J MUSTY FILES I xt. II. tn A(llIm' P BltRltl~er . :!'( 1101'011 W. RidKe Reoonli 6fit.iDlUtO. oon· The time for paying' taxes has been ex\If Itln(l in W tly n e township $ 'J. traot '4 00 ; ,John W. Ttly lor, olenr. tended until July 20, 1914.; Better pay now MIII'Y .1, Oebouru C,l A nd'row .1. log ditr.ll tit Tay lor's HI li $I; In\)ab"urLi ~ (ruN!' of IUl1l1 in Harnll- quest on Roy .I ordl\n. Cor ooor anu and avoad the rush. i wit,n!:'IIH fael! f1 7,(;u; Rll y mond to,n t " ",nHlllp ~I l ' htlrl tls K "0(\ E. M. l<:lI lon to liBrshhnr gor, sala r y fur ,luno $60; Hiings Back the Past nnd Calls to .1, 1m F CM (.tlrtll ,JOt; hlllf ·() t 101· No. R crnembran ~e News of Contracts Treas. of Warren County. ~S:! III j<'rllnk li n. fl. Importance .llIlUflll B. Ilill ey et al t o L. P N.). ~3a wit h .f . K. 8penoer fll r 1\ reLI. 1I0l1 " . I{ COIll}JtclIl lot ~ O. fornl !'hing IItoue Il nd gravel, find for 1;'f) III l:-11luM oworth lIub<] l\' il\i,)n t el oompletln g tb e flpproaoh es to Kl n!;8 f ONI) 011' CRItIl:8E-OOe of l or gro sale, ca ll me up, as I will MII ~nt l . ~J . Mi ll !! briclge over the :.It,tIA Miaull )e r~ <)0 Mon dllY, set ~ wb ,Jle new Alcertalnlng TIme DlfferenCII. cheeso iu i ttl box on the sidewalk. W . ( '. U IlU,;nO to Mr l'. Ell" (~ll iRen. Ri vor H4:1. By looklllg Ilt a map a person may pay you the high est ca. h hur y h It )/u . /'I ~. in Maple Pluk s ub No. :J·ltl wlt·h C. A. 1:I1 1.1lr for In- prepa rlH ory to taki ng It 1.0 11 ousto readily ascertain the time difference price for it. ui\'I~I () n t.ll KlUgs ~iI1B. $150. ll tullinl!( Corrugated sewers wlt11 0011· ruer . No. long after, II. sow with between two given I)OInt8 by counting Osteopa~hic Ph~8ician M . H WikolT et nl to Juhn Wm . crete h eadwalls on ~h e -tor ro w a Dd 11\ good ' tlppeU te fu r ohees!!, came rour minutes to eacb degree, 'OUt. or 2 1 Broadway Phone 449 Waynesvil le pik e. n OEl r !:)aLh John, edon/!, tlwilit t h el lIavory mor8el, and weat. . f ohJl~o n , lot ~ll. 305 In Wik U 's ad deli beralE1 ly opened ~he box and $29 20. lliti on to Million. Ii. Lebanon, Ohio No. :J49 wit b It . .1. McCa toheon b oIlJEld h erself IIberlllly. It wa ... sup. ...- -W . C. HUl180n t o MI!I!I Viola 8a w. .....-- ~ p oser! to ue th e fir H t wb o le obeeee :ver onll half of l ut No . 111 In Maple for putting in oonerl't •• too nround {,he BOW hlld Bet before h e r for 80me BRANCR OFFICE Republican Primaries Park !'I ubdl vision tJ K ings Mil II'. f1. lower pile brak e on the west side of t.iwe. (Jrell t. Mit.rui River. by the Oecbuot M A .Jllmeson, ndmr . , to Horlloe Tbe fnllowlng person tl will be WayneSVille, Ohio farm in Franklin tow nsnlp at $. ~tnbb!! 90 aores of la nd in I:l!i lem CflItRIU It8-Fll r !I,)me of the m ' l~t c!ludldatee bafore t,h e RePUU!tOlITl Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 pel' 00 . yarn for labor nnu Illll tllrlu.1 Phune ]35 towm.hlp $:\000 to 12 o'clock (n ot Inoludin g Oellltlnt.) \ IU!loiu us o h ~ rr itlt\ we ovur HllW or uto, Primary, Tuef\day. August 11,191·1. B orn oe titub bs a n d wife to Mllry we (\Ttl under oh li ~Iltiom; 1·0 uur No. 2G 1 wIth J phn Wo!fe ' or putE Biter \)0 ILO r eti 01 !and In Salem WAYNESVILLE, 0, I' Office. co rner Main and High streets ting 10 twn ~to n e .Ioll brush hruke!! ('riends, IIt r ~. P. Kf'tHney , Mr . aud towntlh ip 'l FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Phone No, 100 on Turkfl.v Hun tl lung the Burling, Mrs A I BI'lld st r eet lind Clarktlon Her. rge B. t:!npln gE1 r to AllflD ton and Vll nd er vuor t rIllld by fur11\ (Jaose. T hey were tlpOOiWen8 of thu .Tobn M. Mulford 8bliwhflD 1~. 27 aores of bDd in of Ur . J. W. Wnr d in MtlBllie tcw n- 1[io 1 wbioh w ill boar two bite ~ to Eltloh oherry . All Kinds of Washing t o n towntlh ip $1. c. ~ . Mounts s nip Il IllO 20 feet lJy 30 inches sewer und oon or ete h e ltuwtlll on Oregon i,., _.E. V. BARNHART, Marriage Licenses and Wu y n esvi\ l ~ relid by L . Rober" 'r AKlr.N · CON'f IIAUT- D • Ami''' !" ' TREASURER Edwa rd D. Daly. telegraph oper- "on' s .10 ;Vlly no Ir) wn!lhlp Ilt ' 10.1 .5~ •• on ht&8 tllken th u oontraot of quar Notary Public . I'yln~ stone /)u the .Janney farm for Iltor, of Ifoste r . to Edna Clert', of Ilnd '~7 uO re~pec l lvely. Frank D. Millor No. 262 with tbe Oregonia Brldlte the E plsoopt\1 ohuroh. He begl\n All kinds of Notary Work. Pen8ioD Mulnev ille . Fatber Casey. . LeRhv Irons Chnrlea C. Mlmdenball , farm er to Co, for furnishing and dlivin g r f'\ d' t.he worK yesterday. Work It Hpeolalty . Succ('ssor 10 oeullr pllin ~ hra~ u~ a)ong the Little' Mra. · Ann ll Allen, botb of FOil ler. Miami ltl v\jr a t mouth nf Caeslu 's Rev . E G. Walk . RECORDER F. E. SHERWOOD Creek in Wayne township at BOo t::!LATK Roov- Aobillia Pugh last Charles B. I\ett" postomoe olerk per hn oul fo ot-. WORk 11 ld 8 genuine s late roof put Josiah Holbrook OR. J. W. MILLER. of lndiano.polls. Ind .. to Roxy !:lor· Voleran . 12th Regt . ·6 1·'G4 Ov~r POSlolTice, Waynesville, O. No ::l1i3 wit b J. K S p~ ncer fall< o n his h ~use. It Is the first ever fo.ce, of Waynesville D. E. Buon r ll e r60ted a (iO ft. timber orib. filling Fleen In \\ a:y n es vll\e. Oflicc Pholle 77 H o u~ Phone 6·3 WtLlllim Edward Ubrlg Jr" 8ta ,•• DENTIST••. with stone nnd chllnt;lnK ohannel,ar,. ' tiouary fireman to Florenoe Anna GOT NR:.v PR IC8B-The Wilmlng_ Berger, both of Morrow. Flltber .10e SIlUrIa fnrm. al80 the repair or, COMMISSIONER omCflPln Willi u t fruster find Parkhill oornol', t oo .10urnlll hall b ought a new pre88 Waynesville, 0 Calley. N .&lOnai BaDk Blda. r oad above Fosters, $33 " , IiInu enla rged Its si:lo to 36 00luOIn8 W . O. Corwin. Jr . No. 25 4 with C . Wlliiamll for put-' T he bu sin es8 men of that pbOA a dProbate Court Proceedings W. ~.Grah I\ Dl ting in ~(j in . oorrugated sewer on~ verti!1e by tlle dOllble oolumu , J Ol!epb Watkin" TH. C"EAT.IT In the mil I tel' of the 8I!m'e of G r een Tree road by Bart Todhunt- and of oo urtoo suou adv'1 r t.ildu li W . L . !:Iarvey Cena Hoft, deoeased. 8&lell aporoved . or'll a . d re moval of old culvert "nd llIakes tr .. ae Ih A'U. Ld .. "'" r d I t o the wi~o b!\ surnoien t We lire A . C. Baker In tbe matter of the estate of JOII . c.penlng np ontlet ftl9 3/01 IN TH. WOItL.D Funeral Dirrctor (Second lenn ) a Keys. jooealled. fhlrd aooount . No. 2-17 with Oregoniu Bridge. tired of tb is " line u pon line " Wlldl' ~ WEEnY. $MO PER tid .J ollhua Colle'te and Embalmer, uppro v('Id . Co .• f or r epu irin!? IlUd r ein forolnl; of t rYin g t.o shl' t th " R luU!::I~h hl ')<lfi Ed. Deoker ftO'flL" DItUCo.m. 'PIOIAuaTe, t he end lind intermecliate steel p osts of our poople into belll\by aotlon . In the matter of the estate of OO.TUM."., TltAN.,.._, CA. Waynesville, Ohio. Rester Gerrard. deceased . Firli~ and of tho bridge OVfll" Todd '8 Far" ill AND ·.ue 8ERVICa OAII "ltOFr." fiDaJ BOOount approved. Es\ate fully Salem t.own~h lp $tli'O . MARRIED-M r. W. M. tilufnrd and •• U.INO IT. ADVEltTI81ND COL.UM .., U ... ERK OF COURl'M CalI answered promptly day or night admlnilltered . Miss Ella Dakin were murrled In -~---SAMPLE COpy FREE Both phones in Office and Residence. In tbe maUer of the estate of Re· ~ ~'V i1mington la8' T hursdli .v , and Best Diarrhoea Remedy OIlU P. Bone VOltK CL.I ....... : L ong distance, No. 14; Home phone beoOIl M. Garrisou. deoesled. Fir!!' started the same day to s p flnd their N_ Yo", . . . Y. If you have ev er uSAd Chawber Walter Kllbon , 14-2r. and final aooonnt approved. honey mOOD at Put in Bay. We lain's Colio. Chol era aDd L)\arThoea Chairs and one Coach furnished free In the matter of tbe estnte of Remedy you know tb at it III 110 ~uoJ wish our w orthy sohool lIuperln with funerals . Hannllh Graham, deoeaaed Estate OeRI! . 8'lm F. Guin, Wh~ tl o v. Ala /, tendent and his bloominjJ young l:lURVEYOR Best of service guaranteed. bride fln Ilbundan oo of happino88 tully administered. writes, " I hac! m eal!lea aud RO( and II long Ufe . Roy E. Miller In the matter of tbe es ta\e of caught ont in the rai n, and It settlecC Edmund A. Maoy. deceased, Jeffer in my stomlloh and b owels. 1 had R ARI!: tiplCCllIltN-A rare I!peoimen 80n Smith. t:!alQuel BuUerworth and lin IIowfnj time, and had it not booQ PROSECU1\ING AT'l'ORNEY • ... Roy Irons are appointed appraisel'll for Ch'\mberLEllu't! CoUo, Uboler,t ot the Pm le()zoio (Ueologlolll) Js:ra, I have decided to re·enter the and Diarrhoea Remedv 1 0 luld no' was found by 0 R. Anderllon iu ~ in tbis 08Q8e . _ FrJlDIr: C. AnderaoD Veterinary C4eanial;' and- i·Pressing business, ' (eecond lerm) In t.he m aUer of the will of Eles· po88ibly have lived but,fIo .few bourl!" t he Atone q uarry on the Janney loDger, but 'hanks to thts remedy, (IlJm . h oonslsts of a IImetitone and am now at your service. Graduate of Oblo Stat; Un Ivenl I nora Fulton, decealled . Wtll ad1 am now well aDd 8trong." For Illab abo 1t two feet in length, COD . mltted to probate. Myoid rule-"Satisfaction or ~aining a fossil pllint in " very per In the matter of the e8tate or 8ale by aU dealers. Democratic Primaries No Charge"-still -holds good. - -_. _ • lreot state, 8uppoaed to bf·lonll' ~ the Office at residence in F. B. Sher William W. Crane. deoeased. Courl l~enn8 of fernB It oan be 8een at wood's house, Fourth Street. order8 dilltrlbotloD of a86et8 of thlB Tbe following persons will be I Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin Archeological Find, t he bllu It of I . B du.rrill. eeta\e before t.he IJemoorat barber shop or call phone 8--2r. oandidat811 Some Interellting remalnll of an old Telephone 28 ~rlmary, Tuesday. AUgUBt 11.1914. ' In the matter of the a8slgnment FrIary have been brought to Ulht of the Morrow Roller MIIl8 eo, durlng alterations to Cromwell HOUle' WI LL NOT POlll,)N-J,.hnIM18&elOhio sal88 approved. Waynesville. the alte of the birthplace of OlIver dine MyS the Colorado potato bug COMMI8SIONER In the matter of the estate ot B. OromweU, at Huntlngdon, Elnsland. wUl n o' poiBOD ohiokens He bu Margent Rnnyan, de0e&8ed . T. E The remalos Include the base of a wall f ully tested thie, and knowB wbere John W .. Bigler Ivins and J. A. Runyan oanno\ with pam of two doorways. The Qf he affirm8, having keps a whole lUI appraisers. O. B. Blggln8 fgun4atton of a larle chlmDey IItaelJ; JIlook In _ potato patcb ~o the hene... DR.H.E.HATHAWAY serve aDd O. D . Runyan are appointed to hal been found, ap4 In ppe h"'rU~' Iflt of bo t h po~a$Oe. !lnd towill. uhes stili rsmalned. The house II fill thOlle vacanoies. WllyDeu1lle's I:.ea.d1n, DeD"" In the matter of the 1!8*a\8 of the believed to have been founded by the BORRIII FRIOHT-Yel!terday mornOftloe In KeY8 Bldg. KalnBt Morrow Roller Mi1l8 Co., al8ignor . .A.ucustin1an Friars shortly betore i og Mrs. Josl' pll Llle, her d ~ Qghter, 1185. Fir8t and final aooount approved. Anna. and Mrs. Eli~tbeth Chenowoth, 8tllrted In a 8prlng wligon to In the matter of the will of Alvin C. Vorhifj, cleoeaped. Will admitted attend t he Xenia Colll\ge Commence· Headache and NervouJiness Cured ment., When tbey ril8Cbed the roo, to probllte. 'l'he widow. Elizabe~h H. Voorhis elected to take nDder tbe "Chamberlaln's rablet8 are en- of the hill nAar Pbilip Hawke's, the wtll. Lawrence A. Vorhis 18 ap- titled to ..U the Jjraiee loan gl ve h orlle took frlgn'at 110 011.1, and kioked pointed extr. No bond required. 'bem." write8 Mrs. Rlohard Olp; !lDd pJnogel1 uD',1 he uplet the ve· C. J . Conover, E. H Keltner and B. Spenoerport, N. Y . .rhey bave blole. Mr. l.Jile was thrown ont of oored me of headllohe and nervoulI· IIhe wligon in some wily and re B. Ball aPPointed appraisers . In the matter of the estate of neM and rea'ored me to my normal m.ined onoon801008 for some time. l,'ynthi_ A. Merrill, deol!ased . Wal · bealtb." For sale by an dealer!! ' 'The horse manifel!t-ed no dl!lpo8ltlt)n Ito ruo away . -~ter R. Merrlll i8 appointed admlniltrator. Bond $l600, Jaoob Rcat, Grllvlty Olock. Alva BilI ann George ~bield8 are VISITING BERII:- Winaton Rlcb, of Among tbe IImart Elngllllh DOl'elUeti It he CiuolnDoti & Louisville Short "'ppotlJ ted aPVf8 isers. aeeD 18 the new gravity clock. whlcll Line. h~s btlPn at borne on 1\ vlllit doe. not require wln.c1ln$'. The mottve d uring the last wet-a. Commissioners' Proceedings power 18 8upplled by the weight of Bills Allowed: A!!sooifltad Mfg. the clock. whIch takes lIeven daYI to Co., supplies for jllnltor. $8 05; Ohio travel down upright bars. At the eDa SUNDAY ~ORoo L-There will bl' Corrug~ted Culvert Co, llipe '42. of the seven days the clock la aiiii- I!l t:lund'lY I'ohoo) in t.hR John Gramliok , fees and mtl8ge, ply raised to the top again. .... Ths clock Raysvill u M. ~ Churoh n"xt Bun . sta'e of Ohio VS, Rilymond Dum- ltands on a. handsome mahogany ba•• ::IllY otterno on The al:l'roille" will ford $1 30; F . M Collins, bridge and the ban are supported from th. !loosist, ot Md,\resl!e!!l by t.llfl Revil work Harlan town Jhip $33 40; Har. center of a handsome arch at IDaho," E. E. Mcd nr.rh. l~n (l !:I .. mblln, IIOti Ian Whltaore lomber $7549; C W . any. .Mtltlflrl'. R R. Engle and ., O. 1",,1. Spal'kt!, 611 and railing near ~red klUbu ,.",. Tilt! mOlllo will he OOIl' Funeral Director. D Haynerll' $93.60; Cheater Gllo: oor duo ted h y A. J Ouko, who Will road work Salem township f5 ; W. preside nt the orgnD SlIcrlfice Fruitful. W. I:lweeney, bridge work UlearThe seed dies, but the harvest oreek township ."; John I rODS, Telephone day or night. Has Your Child Worm.? bridge work in Turtlecreek tOWL- Uves. Sacrifice 19 always fruitful. Valley pbone No. 'I . Long I!hip $:i 60 ; R. A. MoC'l~heon, oe- and there Is nothing fruitful else. Most children do . A Oo~ted. Distance No. 69-2r. ment '37J.60; same, two contraot!! Out ot the sutrerlng comes the serlou8 Furred -.rnogue; Strong Breatb, mind; out or the sal vatton, the gr&te- Blowoob PaiDs, Ulroletl under Eyes; It is a weH:known fact that it it! next to impossible to Automobile ServIce at all TImes $U9,76; Ro~oheeter Brld~e Co. , 6.% tul heart; out of the endurance, the Pale, ~1111ow Complexion i Nervou8sharpen a La\\n Mower accurately wi'th a file, especially as a tortItude ; out of the deltverance. the Fretful. (JrindlDg of Teeth, TOYing ,reat many mowel'll mad at the present have hardened blades. falth.-Frederlo W. Farrar. • in Ble 1P. Peoultar Urectmtl-,my Ode WAVNESVlllE, OHIO Some resort to emery duat. "tUrnina- ,the reel backwards. • Thtl • object.ion to this is that the clearance behind the cutting edge Stops Neuralgia-Kills Pain of tbe8e Indloate Child hH!! Worm8. Branela Office. Hal"Ve:J8burc, O. is reduced, which make. more surface in contact with the GeS a box of Klokapo, Worm Killer !:lloan '8 Liniment glvesln8tlint re Humane Enterprl••• etriaght cutting bar than there was before. After the cutting il lt once. U kill!! the Wo,mll-the Uef from Neuralgia or 8011ltioa. It A moving picture theater ID Newe<J,es eecome the least bit dull. the Lawn Mower hRa to be goes st·roight to the painful part- burg Ie humanely enterprlelnK. When .oIlUB) of your ohild'lI ooadUion. adjusted very close, 80 that it TEARS the grB18 ipslead of !:l00the8 the Nerves aDd StoP8 lhe a small ch lid 111 'njured while playing 1M Laxllt: ve pnd ald · Nature to ex· sheari!lg it, making the Il\ower run harder than ever, and the pel the WO.rme. Supplied in oaDdy It Is alijo good for Rbeumaalone In the street the news Is flashed !a4 !~~fi ~OratC";.· =~n(f~ more It is sharpened by emery duat the woree it becomes and Mew, !:!ore Throat, Cbeat Plllol! "od on the Bcreen, 90 that the child'. furm. Ellsy for obildren to take. zlflR \.he Oaln bo,,' pabllc• . BOOn has no clearance at all. . U.D I D lh41 wut ad. e ft a, ' 50 at your OruRgillt. 8prllinl!. Yon dOD', D~ to rub-it t Ulllo.uel n oriN and 10' mother may, If she desires, KO out anI! • '",oU"" .rtldu. aU o. lu lt:ll •• peuetrlltes Mr. J. R. Swinger • r~::~, ~11;Y~?; \I~~~.~ld Lonl"vllle, Kv ., wrliell: "ll!uffered Investigale.-New York Presl. Have your lawn Mower ,rou~d true by Mac~lne9' at Human Ey"'ght Dlmlr\lahlng. ~=·~:'rnbo~~: b~I!~I~ w ith qUI' , e 110 severe N eura Iglo Heai ~ well.lmown ElngUlh dootor Joe. b .W!!Dt.. denl l at\ 10 IUfIC! lrtol t1 , "ech&a l~ 1 Alhh:Uc. An.ate" , aobe for four mooths witbout Piny A. Shakespeare Said. cently made the etatement that ODlJ' ~:;II~d :~~tI~Q:bC':1~ relief. J ul!ed I::Iloao's Liniment for Colloutlu,. The Atbt .. Ue 0 .. two or. three nigh&!! and I haven't "What is the meanlog 01 eM WOrd about 30 ~er cent. of the preseDt popup . J1meIJ\ U lIodlf thf' plT.ona ' obu.t "f WAI.TRR CJ.lJlP, 8uffered wi tb my head mn08 . " , (ie' "da,e 1" the schoolmaster a8ked. "A.' laUon ()f Great Britain . haa normal America', toromot ~ a uthorl'I 1\ boUle to day. Keep.D tbe bOUIl8 place to put catl Into," WIl8 the .,..I,ht, and If thing. SO ,on .. the,. ou lbLa .uhjooL. Automobile a~ General Machinet"JI Repairing. . all tbe time ror paiDa and an hurts. &D.Iwer. "What put Bucb an Idea Into ; are solDJ DOW, . he toresees a time, Oil. and•. , , .'. ~.'t1:l ~H~~::=·~ 250., 500. and $1.00, at your Drliglilet. your head?" "Well, sir, doesn't It AI' w~~ practically the whole of ~ N1r" , - " , ........ lOIS, . , . BuckleD'8 Arnloa Salve for all .m ShakeelXlare, 'Take the poor oat sA BrtUsh DaUon Wtll be a natlon1Jl ....... . ' .. 1CITl f.1\IIIIiI (I., MI", . . . . It, ........ '* .' ';- .. tile a4qe:f" . ,: ~,. ' . C 1101'S' MIlOAZtNB I, "" tal. 01 all~) Hore8.

Coulnty C:ourts








Dr. Heber M.. Dill



---.. -



I -_ ..

InSUR1IneE. A.








Dr J A ' McCoy,

..-.- M..



Pierce ·; Presser I



Ground True by Machinery

----- ..

Waiter McClure








bo,'. '.

WynesvilleAuto&M cbineryCo •. ·W·"';' ,




-- . _ _ _ . . . .



I ~





MIAMI Guotte I


Caesar's Creek

Born \0 IIr, aDd Mrs, Sarley An. dau,bter, Mother and dow, well. W. Huddle and 'bree Several of 'he yOUDg ~ple from ohildren of lADoaater, Uhlo, were 'hi. plaoe attended the dedloatiolll the week end gueetll of ber alater 88rvloee of the new I'riend. ohurcb , MfR. Frank WlIlon .of the Central a' Chlleter l.iuud"y afternoon. Bo"'1. Mr. and Mre . W. E. Bogan, Mr . lIe8llrl. 6llber' and Thomae and rdl'll. Ubauncey Bunnell and Weloh of For' Dod,e, Iowa, ara family, Mill Monlmla Bunnell, M1M lpendiDg 'heir vaoalton wlUi 'heir Lelah Bogan and Mr. ~r' Bogan puente Mr . and MfR. W. W . Weloh. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre .. TheM young men Injoy good poel . GeorKe Bogan, of Wellma~. 'Ionl and their man, blendll are Mlel Sarah Satterthwaite II much. proud of 'hem. Improved d thll wrUiDg. R. W . Kaylor hal beauUtled hi. About thlrl;y of unolle Bnrhman'a, bQ8lne81 wUh a lIgMlng ly.talD frl&ndl gave her a pleaaant Inrprlll6 whloh wal very muoh needed . Thorsdav evening. Ice oream and Mr. Ed Mullen, ot Dayton made a oake were served. bUllnell. 'rip here lal\ wef-t, Mrll. Belity MoPherlon, Mte Mra. MaUle Flnoh III Improving Maude Barlan, Abl. LUOY Compton her property with a new roof. aod daughter loa a"ended TurUe· IIr. C. D. Levloy wu It Day&on oreek meetlog near Orellonla Bun. vlllCCr lall; week . day, The lad In~11tgenoe reoohed UI The W. 1'. M . R will be beld at Tneaday ot I.., week of the dea'h tbe bome of Mu. ("'harlee Barner of Mrs. Lale Oyler 'be wife 01 Mr. nldayaUernO)D. l!'rant Oyllr, of Annadarto. Okla. Mr. and Mre J . S. Leamlng en Mre. Uyler was the daughter of Mr. liertalned .. lihelr gueetl lallt tlund~y George Barlan, a veterao el,tzen of Mr. Alber' Bur.n and three .1 augh our town. BBr remainl were laid ters of Xenia and Mr. and Mn. A. to rMt a' Aonadarko, tlheleavaa a 1:. ~lmlDonll of l).In"'rvllle. hoeband, daulfb"'r. f.ther and two Mn. Eftlie Urew waa in Wayn88- brothers bealcl6lla namber of frlende ville on bUill nels Friday afternoon whale tInder memory Ihlnel llke J. S. Leaming lind B. 1'. Compwn buroing skore, "£n' an al(rloul$ural mee'iDg ali Mra. Abbie Brown vl.ttcd rela. the Itxperiment; 8tatilon at Troy, "veil here laat week. Uhlo, TONday. The Overland aatomol.Ue lal'l Several frOID here aUended a mao are eodelvorln. w make aome paroel shower a* Aurora Pe"'rlon'lI ..lei In 'hie vlotn1&y. Tuead ..y afternooo In booor of Mial Mra. Emma Denny, or Lanouter, Velta Borley wbo beoeme the bride Ohio, il maktng)ler daughter Mrl. of Mr. RU8881 Mallon WednelldlLY. W. C. Welob a mta, 'hll betng Mre. - - -... - • Denny'a ala bOlDe abe ha, many Cured of Indi&eatlon old frlendl '0 T1lla. Mrl Sadie P . CI.wllon, Iodlana, Mr, Morrll 8'arbuok. of WUmID. Pd., 'Ira. bo'hered with lndlgel"on con, tranMoted ballneu here lal& "My ,tomaoh patned me night aDd week . day," Ihe wrt\el. I would flel Mr, Sherman EIIII lpeO' part of bloate<l and bave headaohe , 188' week In Daycco wlda relativil belohlog after eating . I allo Idered A moving plotare Ibow under tram oonstipation. My daughter canval wae very Dlaoh .ltjoyed bad uaed Chamberlain', Tablete and here Monday and Tnllday oigh", 'hey did ber ao muoh good tbat abe Our .ma1811 loon W ha~e aao'her gave me a few dOIlM of 'hem aDd pool room, Bt18ineea mllllt be 1OOd. 10al.&64 upon my uyln, 'bem. Mr, and lin. Wm. Detrraft of They ,~elped me a. nothln, el~,bu 011n Branob, Sunday w"h doue. I'or sale by all dealerll. lira. Degraff'l mother Mre. Ell.. •- • Thomal of Eut Malo 8&. New Burllngion Our wheat ouUlngl1 pre"y near ended, and lOon WO wlll hear 'be The Ladlel' Aid of libe M. E thralt1er and the lummer 1I almOll& o\laroh met at the hOlDe of Mrl, ,one. rhos. Conklin Thursday. Mr. Charlo. ColUer hal PUl'Obaaed T, II. lIarlan and family, of an Onr1&nd ruoabouli. Be bad Mlamlaburgare the guedl of rala beard wha' aolomobllN would 10 "ves here, :tor old beohelor•• Mra, T. C. &ydoo• •pent lut Mr. and Mra. Thol. Saydook, of week wl&h ber 111"'r air.. Ibbl. New Burlington, lpen' Snnday 'he Colle" of BarveYlborg. ,uNt of lira. Ibbte Colle". Mlu flora 1Iarlao remrned lut Mr. and Mn. W, L. Har...eyl.. ...... week frOID a pleuan' visit a'the LeDra Harlan aod IIr. J. aarter bome of her unole N. A. Barlan, of 8hidahr ..utoed to Ft. Anele.' and Ceo'erTille. wUn88l8d 'he 8lll CJlab 8unda.,.. Mra. Be'&le:MoPheraoo aod MI. lire. LuoUla Boentler and two Maode aarlan a'teoded ohorob a' .r8l0.1& Sunda,.. A. C, Blair apent 'he forepan of Notice of Appointment Ian week In Clnotonatl. . Eatate ot Edmuod A. MICY, d - - ' J. W. Haydock la vi.I&In, E M. Patteraon and family of 8prioaGeiti. Notice Ia bereb"ivaD tbat Ttirrel N. MICY bMn duly aj)polnc.ed aod qua1i/led .. Ad· Paul Jen"nl, of Xenia, 11 'be baa mlnlakaklr 01 tbe 81tate 01 Edmund ~:.r' late 01 Warrom Oouot, Ohio, d • guel' of hla auot.Kllen Jenklnl. Daled thla l&b d.,. 01 JUDe. 111 ... , ALTON F. BROWN. Jemima Boo&l vlll\ed frlendl In Judp 01 the .Prot.t.e Ooun. WUmtogton I.., week . 'WarreD OoUDty. Ohio. Robert Bewell, ot New lIedoo. III villtln" amonl( re;a&l V8I here. Jill. Petenon Jr. and famlly han mo...ed inw 'be MoFarland propeny, A . W, Reeves epent 1aa& wee'" a' •• \he bome of hla aoo Barry and Ada will be tuer&ecl UDder \h18 bead for famUT at Rlabmond. Ind. R )ber' ,weDty·lln UDtII lor ~ree 10oertl0U: and Martha Reeves aooompeoled ..beD ualq DOt _re nlD lye Unell. -.-. " . , . blm wben be retarned. Mra. Rosie Ruddook bad .. ber

gUMt. l:Iunday Mr. and Alrl Orlu SOD, a PulllJlIh!lll 'WetlkIY ~t tile Office 'In Ule Rate8 of Sub8crlption, AII80 Dulldlng. 1tlalo St., W.,.n8llVllio. Oblo. 0(141 Year (.trlctly In advance) •... • .•. 1\.00 Harneea and m'le dan,Mer Paull lUI daugb~ . t:llngle Copy ..... .... :. • . . • • • • • . . . • • . .03 of near Xenia, Un. J



NU. 113

Rate8 of Adverti8ing ReQdlng I..ocalll. per lIue. • . . . . . . . . . . . . .

D. L. Crane, F..ditor and Mrnager.


Ulll.8IIlftoo Ad•• Dot IA> e.cee<I Dve IIDeII


l'hreo luaertloJls . •. . .. . .... ... 11ie Display AdverttsllIg perlncb .. . ..... . . JUC


D1l1Couota " j yen all


JULY 1, ]914.




In !\ oopy of tbe ~Iaml Oaze"e of The oew8paperl of Ohio have June U, 1!:!7 1 tUIl editor Drew .,Iven suoh general and able edltorl8 wetlt, b,,1t the lullowlog' to Bliy i ..1 bllppori 'o'he Id6b of a 8&fe and " bout. " t.own ball tlA lli)1 : !lane Fonrth or J Illy u 10 render, "Tbe IItrawbt.rry aud loe oream almOl'!' luperfllloul, tbB illuanOB of 800lal givEln by tbe ad E . ohuroh In ' a bulletin on the Inbjeo' by 'his deMr Merrlt.t·8 carpenter 8hop, Will I partment. .. auoce81110 every way, exoep~ thel The Fire Marabal oan only urge 'aot th'it wad m08t forolbly brought upoa parentI that they lee to" before 'be peoplll at thla itme Will that 'heir ahlldre.! are not exPOlled tbaa they were oUerly without II h.n to serlo08 InJory or poRllble deatb, where 8uoh gatherluga would be by plaolnff In their bands dangeroult made eo mlloh better, ezploet ves. He would alia especial • . ':Tbe eoh, ol-hotale ball la rtRldly Iy urge upon all muniolpal authOiI. retained for P08slble lohool POl' · 'iell thai tbey pot forih their ut. POIIII; the Oddfellowl hall la Inao- moet t.fforte $0 Inlort! a 8triol ob. O8IIllble for genenl purp08es, and lervanoe of 'heir prohtblUve and these enomera'" all the bolldiDg. proteotivt! ordlnllnOOI. appr080hlns to"ardl p08lltble publio __ ••- - aooomodatllD; and certainly the Severe Attack of Colic Cured publlo have no jOlt olah~ on either. What il wanted Ia "town hall for E, E. Cr08l1. who travell 10 Vir. general 0181 i lind we moat get It ~Inla and other Southern I:Itat08, ooraelvBII In the bee' way we 080, wal taken loddenly and leverely III or we Ihall never have 1$ . wtth 00110. A' the fira' ltore he 1'here wat! a great deal of money oame to the merchant reoommeDded lub80rlbed 'award, 'he pl'ojooted Chamhorlaln'l Collo, Cholera and Bhort-line railroad . Now It 111 pall · Utarrhl}8Il Remedy. Two doe911 of aible 'hat a good town hall might It onred him. No ooe ,hould leave be alma., 88 benefiolal to 118 ae 'he home on a.journey wllihouli a bolitle rail way. hlld It been falrl)' Mrrted- of 'his preparatloo. For ..Ie hy all Bow ~ould U do for a certliln per dealer•. cent of the munev lubllorlbed for that pllrpOIIe be apportIOned for No Wonderl a han? We mertlly make 'be lug'I'he Urad bUlloel1 man " .. toan4 geltion 88 tbe thought oooora til Q8 In a .tata of oollapl8 Oil tbe IlxtJa Don't do It to pllla!!e us uol8118" 18 floor of • downtown omoe bulldln,. perfootly 88tlsfaotory. Bat It wlll ReltoraU"ee were appUec1 and he aat hardly be denied that Wayneavllle up feebly. "I'm aU rtaht IWW," b. Qeadll a hall, aod the anxious In. ellplalne4; "you Ie.. I wanted to CO qulry I. wUl libe ge\ It?'' up to our other omOll on the tlllth For'y.thr81 . years bave PlAlsed &lof'o--Cl4-(be... be Piped for slnoe lihlll ar&lole appeared to the In'8ath)-1 found the alefttor--.,an. Waynesville people. lind It III the -apl"-New York lDvenlJl. Poet. edltor'l! ory II. Do we need a new town hall? iii wu thoOKM a', 'hat --<.~--time when the sohool dlreo&on and .be other dlreotora of the lodge SUIt. of Ohio, Cit, of Toledo, I refoaed tham acilllialion for iaoh I.ueas County. I $S . pnr)1Ol88 tbat they Deeded a new Fni.nk J. Cbeney makes oat~ that he is ball. and it III thougb' at thla day. eenior pa.toer of the firm of F. ) . ell.ney too, 110 maDY yellra la"'r, that; & Co. , doing business in the CIty of ToIedo, County and State aforesaid, aneS a &o"n ball Is needed, and t.hat bad. 'hal said firm will pay the sern of ON E Iy . Will the edlwr of 1955 halVe HUN_RBD DOLLARS for each and to lake up the InblOOl; and ory for every case of Catarrb that cannol be a new hllll? Heaven torbhi. cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURlt. FRANlt J. CHENEY. ~ Sworn to before me Bnd subscribed in FamOUI Khyber P .... my presence, this 6th day of December, The Khyber Pass. from tbe time or A. D, 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, AIBbnder tbe Great, hae been noted Notaty Public. . aa tbe creat mlllta..,. anel tn4e lateUaU's Catarrh Cllre il callen In · way Into India from tbe AllaUo caUD· trlel to tbe ea.t. The pa.1 belinl ternally and aots dlreo&1y apoD 'he Dear Jamrud In India, 10~ mn... weet blood and muOOU8 aurtaaee of the of Peehawar. and throu,h the IYlltem. Send for 'ee&lmooialll, tree. blUlI for about 3S mUol In a north· F, J UBENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold bv nll Ilruggillta, 750. ..eelerty dtrectlon un It deboucla81 at Talle Hall'. Family pml tor oon. Dakka. In At,hanlatan. s&i1l8'loo.




.. ..-------


, >

W. H. Madden &Co. Of all kinds.




.. - ..

Now you can teD to a cent just what anythlne will COlt laid down at your R. R. Sta. tion. You have nothing to pay when the goods arrive. No other Mail Order House giVeti you thls_ great advantage. No other big Mail Order House Pays the Freight. W. pay the freqbt on an ehIpmenta of 100 pounds or more to any poiot III the following Statel (excepting on safes. vehicles and farm implements);


" ..T.... P~ow.. YlrwW-. " ..


y.-. ............ c - . _ .....

..".....D...... " ..J...,..... " ..~


It "ou live anywhere ouUIde the Slatel named abOve we wilt pa" a liberal part of tbe frelaht charles. So po matter where YOU live YOU eaJoJ """ ....."'bl Fold .d....tap 10 - ' It _ UL


Write for this Bia Cataloa Today


It I. the 0111" bIc Mail Order Book thlt Quot. freilht paid price&. Containe 1100 palle. ct mODeY aavlnll baraainL A postal brlnp It. Send

for It today.


Will out\aat tin •• blnlliell

or aleel. 1 ply cuaran. teed 7 )'ft. 1l.1L- I ply teed 10,,1i. SUO;

I.~. Frd,ht ~ or

pi lI\laranteed 12)'n. peId Od mora.


• _ _......._ _ _ _ _.............._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........_ _ _ _ _ _ _"""

OI.aalBed Ada -



Chal. Gray, after four year. III boYI of Norwood are i~N'" of Mrl. Boef8&1er·. pareon, Mr, and Mrl, 'he N~vy, baa re'urDed to bill 'home lOOking fiue aDd making ble pl'rentl Levi JU80p, of Maple S$ . There 'Were liz bap\1z8d a' the bappy wltb ht. preleooo. JODae BOD Baptlat churoh !.illnda:r, You're Bilious and Costive Be .... ~gen' o1Ilolating. Meaull. W, W" T. W. ancilJlloort tllo' Beadaohe, Bad Brea'b, Sonr Weloh'ranaao'ed bOltneae tn WII- Stomaoh, Furred Tongue anti Indimlngwn Friday. gestion, Mean Liver and Bowell J088ph Jelllop, of Xanla, waa the ologg~. Cleau up to-night. til" reoent gual' of Mr. and Mra. Leyl a 260. boWe of Dr, Kiog'l New Life Pills to day and empty the .tomaoll J8IIIOP, of MapleStrea'. Mellerl, SO. L. Barril, A.I ...a Ken and bowell of fermenSlnl, ga8llY nedy, JOI. Davia an. C W , l.ihl. foodllllod wallte. A fun bowel movedaker antoed Ft. Aoolen' and ment gl vel a 8Ilo&leflerl, tbantfol wttn... ed the Motororohl Bill climb feellng",makee YOll feel fine . Ef. teoUve, yes mild. Don', grtpe. Sundav. IIr. ana Mrl. Alva Kennedy and 350., at yonr Druggillt. Buokleo'. Arnloa Salve for Bnrn8. Mr. Wennedy'. molher .and - - ~-Samuel Loyd au*O"d &0 Day&on ~"'\lylvlnla I"ar In L.... Thursdayand 'raol&()\ed bOlInNI. PIlluylTanla'1 coal produoUoa II Il1o .Mr . CliDt AnIon. QI the "U field. _ t ' I' ~. .t a. that ot the ou.. Of California, Is .Ieitlng his parenta tw.ntJ.e"tIIl prollucln, ltat.l. Mr. and Mrl. A. B. AnIon. "'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ -

- ..----

Budden's . Arnica Salve for Burna, Sores






RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. Also Agent for Raeine Automobile Tires.


Phone 71-1

lubeorlbereto 'be M~ll'. Mr. E IS Loper, Marilla. N. Y , Map.lne. Send 350 'be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wrt&88: "I ba...e O8'\'er bad a Cut, oi1loe, and get one of the Burn, WOllnd or Sore it woold n" lJase"! U beal. ,. Get a boz of BuokleD'a A.r. best 108IIallln88 on .. db. niM Halve to day. Keep bandy at at"" 'Imea for Bnrna, Borlll, COY, FOR RENT Wounda. Prevenlil LookJ"w. 15<', Live Srock and General Auctioneer .., your Drulgt.,. OUME I)f nine room. on Mal• Posted on pedigrees ' and values of .,. lIuee~. tn load repatr. Inquire PI'OCIf. StaDle" ape! fin. wanted to kIlow of IIrl. J, ·W. Baln., W ..yn8lvllle, kinds of breerUng stock. If vermtcelll w.. alive when he la" Ohio. It curl about 10 hot water, aod did Experienced in blUlc;1ling farm sales since not l8em Quite eon"lncec1 ...heD told 1905. .'Ix,:i.· tbat It w.. not. A few da,.1 latar, FOR SALE t; on _Inc hi. mother prepmDC mac61I1'1III Reuoaable' .~ i' ISatilfactioa Ouaraaa.ecl roDI for dlDner, be BIolalmed trluillpbautb': "Now I know nrmloelll II ELERY PLANTS-I baTe leme all"e, . elle how could It IfOw Into very fine. Celery Plante for ..~e. ORADUATE ~or TB& WaynesvUle, Ohio macaroni," JIlrn8lt Hartsook, B. D. I, WavoN· ••TIONAL AUCTION Valle, Telephone 4S-2( ville, Ohto. t8 I' o BOOL or AlI&IlIOA






N. Sears




. . . . . .


. . . .




Patton's Sun-Proof Paint



Colors 10 , Stock' at all times








GUOD Work Maret for ..Ie, bq&b !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tn «ood ooodl"oo. Inquire ' of lIemphll, onoe the . fair cit)' of tItII Joe . Hormell, Waynl..,l1le, Oblo. , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... . J8 world, DOW b\lrled b, a thlck dlpoatt of Nile mud, .tao4 etatel, D&IDII. AXED PAPER-J08Uhe thing which )'teld a luctonl frUIt. Oyer u.. to wrap landwloh. . .nd IIKI .' . . clt7 the peuant III1ptlaDe oatT1 oa for yeor ploolc. 15 aheets for 100. UIeIr ..rloultural punult.. anel· u.. (Jaze,te oftlO8. jU J&l1Dl ,tald th. entire too4 of u.. ,... uta elurIDI Iaqa parta of thl y ..... ISSUE PA BER-Of an oolora, for wrapping and ~.~----deoora"nR, "dll, 8 Ibeets tor 00. Ua",'te oftloe. j14 Palma Grow OVI' .urlld City. Oyer the .ttl of tbe aneteot clt, .«


W. H. Madden & 00. ,'


Public Sale




UICK.aleal1aeoUne ..aole. Will I will 181110' Publio Aaotlon a' m:r 11811 oheap. J. O. Cartwrlab•• r.ld8008 1 mUe oorth of L1&Je JD j1 L,.".and Ferry pille GOOD rubber tire bun7. W. N. Wedneaday. July 8, 1914/ Ij!eara, phone '6.2r. Jl . 8eltnDlDg a' l' :80 o'olook Ui8 CABBAGE plan" for _Ie. Call followi. . propert:r : Ooe Bay lIare, on Puk Leak W.,DellviUe hopl_ea" .aDd 8o~bold I'Dr. Ohio • U ' DIt~DII. · tiM for MrmI. . . ' ", :.,... ' . - .fda...... Clark. buodnd. plaiD; wbi" .A. .A.MoWoll. ADOl. ,: C orepe Da~ i lu de


Wa'lW'~k, Cler". r.:~:tl::·.1 '" ,. ,t'.'l,


Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.


15- .• _pel'



JII' cloaD, at t1dI oIIae. . ~. " '. .: . . . 1




Shop Next to 8herwood'.:aar••_ ~••~.~'''. . •

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\ \\ II I \ ' ()..~ I r r It ' \\ /1\ ! ~ 1,tI\lt YUII .If'' U In all, and 11\ 1' 1} it(l took Jll ' r lI und I;( ' nll\ without y..II..1). IlfllhlllJ..:' l il aC l h,'y 1,n e \V" f. I am 11I1I! I l q ", ht ~ fort" h, ,HI lit)" .RI, ,' • 'II t" SI"'U kl "K, UII, I Prt '~ ij(' d It hu,u Hl(alllSl l tll 'li ,!,f,,1 f ill' 111" 11 11 ," 1'''' 1 m ~ III'cln" und \\ I I ' 1· .• 0[ .. 11101 ' I ' 'lo rr( It .11 1 11'. 1/1 11 I I lit', ( I U(,s I ' . ll1 rt tl\ (\ I HH I '" ~ .'III ·S, - ·prlll·,I"" '" a u Td, ' l l " , I I,. 1, \ 11' 'i ll~ I d ' () 'I I, ,l i iMII.p,-, 1l f..1' IIt\I ' dl Ohlll)\pr" ~ tfl1l.u y. JllnIWn.\ ~l" I\"llUI "hl CO( k Hlll.i C'hO" PI, Ih,' "' I)U'~ f<l r h t ~ I i I .. II1l 1!, " n"\,111I ,"I hp Ill !-l I:-01f1 d ... l! , ,., 7" llc..., 1I1adison 0 ,fOI' ,]I)'\ I ( 1 !It I ',. h 1. , I ( and ,01<1 -Mr~ . C. 11. ( " tII 'F I'f ,I, ... 1' , T1I 1"'H\\ \' I', ...: .t, d""ill" lwlC.~ n ( I t ' , rlOt\f ' l l" ,l lId !-l. 1I ,' Sll U"(\ rtlr ~\lt h tni 1 II 'ill fig. l1J ~ I HI lng' It isn't r l ~ht 0 v 1'>11 " '01 ", " ,1._ II I' ". ll e"" rr»m II ' . " I • II I )r 11111l I I II Tit ",,, 1111 ""1)(1 10gf'l h pr Ihrouhh ' bll l A ve. , 1t " ,' IUIl,I, UIrIO. -,u ollf,l n n t1 10: I'."''' hi" !If" '~I\tln n' "'-urn'" O Tlt.'"' ~, ~'"'H! II III the Hlnhh lll~ kllo \\ If'llg l ' ' ~ IH1 ( f a t I ug to CO ltl (l h l' · f M ' I> , 1i,4 , I,,,, I , ll h i. \I, t lt"t Ih esp th'il l 111\lal Ih ill ' . ,') 101 I 11I ';l'n liS' \\' It) , II L ,' lolIW,tI \0 II Pll" t "rU I' I" '1I IIIH Sli Olig aTIII g uiding H anovI'r, l'u. - " I Butre r ntl from f&j{1 nl . li n , ' ''', 111 ' ' . ,1,10, 1 ' " \\1 .1010 I', ,' j; III g"IlI'Tallo n ' II Id t h., o u t , lit I .)I ,'T Ihll 1111""'11 palh, :I11L1 .. lI m/J mlll t! tr()uhl'l\lHl lhflPIIIII ,~ 'v"reso bnd tn ! :-,, '11 111:1 11 , I Flt! \ 1 I !'" ftrl~ tl'" t\r t, .o1 H!o' ' I 1£lr Oll 11 Iliit :t r , as r to: 1(1 JIlcali nothing to h pr tit tb e fullil " O \\. ~ \' o r ~: to thl' u I'e n III ~ Il c u c (' I ~ hi_ IlIlh.-r'- >, ",,<\. \ '. "!lI ,1 '''' <\ ~hl,l," h rrll lJl'('n a kllt!'n " ",' "I II I ser' lI mI'. SII,' I l l nd to r l'nll 1.p Ihal lie 113S ' 0 111' , '0 "'" lit Ihal tllI('I, II lI elll 110 ul"honnr " (1 ' ' " , nttllllt'stutl 1'!lJultl n o l sl td"wn , Tho b 1 1 ' 1n!' I{, ,,.r! ( rl. "" " ("" ", fl llll, l l h h:, ' hi'" \ (:l' r? ,. v ~ I hl1lH' on I'- tou \\4'1 1 h r llill Il un [ romp \\ilU m f'. " silt' f\H l4. dn\.'tnr llthl'·:t'li I-l ~ ...'\'c r c (Jln' ratlOn ' -ut ' 11I l1 t .. \\11 II ... 11, ' II I~ ' ull 'lIl f ' lr thl • I'llllll -:otf'o, ()r (HP J yn go I ~ Irom IH I' lire, that he '.\a!i th ~\ nnp' 1 J t fl l !lpn. unll \\I lh o llt U. b 'l·h. \\nrd ~I'"nca.. u fi r.' , I tn~ \' .011.11 ,; ,It 'ln" ro 11t,.1 I ... Io ,,~ lion ', lonk HO Ilrl' ll,l' \\h " l1 ye' r f> 1I1,l n 011 poI rlh \\I,nln 10 IIlarTY \\ Irj Irrllll !; hl Ill y .!lIlll u r ' I l'B l'1I 0U~ h Ihal ,I ~ myltu"hlllld~"t." I "I .ydi 'I K I'lfIk hnm'" a r"ltun~ In 01,\ \I' 01" '1 1 fr ",. T h,' ,, ," ,, lu.' In' 110\\11 Ih"rl' 011 Ih t'lI l r ock5!" \I l it \\ " ,t'k~ ll 1111'(' (> 11\ " s, Jt Sh'1I1'1 rl ""lit 1111 111 11) f l OI11 hi m dO"1\ Ih e ~It) m V" gl' tal,lt'I t'''''Ij!,," lld !IOd I ")( Jl"rienc'Jd tO ll l l1nml'n t n OIU(\I\ 11 n ( tilt- t Oll~l l n~ o r • .• tie u p Onll!; lou d , f eudllll l lllrs i~ h"I.1 '" 1'~II\11r} ,'n,,, r A' T lt p (' hll cI' R rll(,(' II,IR pa pe r whllA I ,l l; 1111, Ilk" lIa ll!)uo N ghost to h Hu nl gr.'ut r .,It"r I n:\ ~l.l.lrl, tWle. Nil\\' J fee l thp iu\.tt T1lt11t11 111 Y," " nl ·' ,kl ·:o. th l' 1'1:\1' an d !ih ~ ilad b('l ~lIn 10 Irt'lllhl£" ll kn R I lHl l HI I kilO,' "hal yo u lliink - I ---li ke 0. neW p ,'r s(\u untl ('u n UO B hard ~ r nnr. of ' h~ k 1.1 ,- "I " , I• • lrk nn,1 CHAPTE R XXXI I' I ..,n1l'TO I hr, 11 .. 1' Jf ' " I". n n~ 11;0"" '. Il'at, bill h"1 f')'PK 1''' IIIIIIII<'tl ell)sf' tI I \\o ult! 1o, .' lUll the' mol'l' . If I co uld t:'yswtlr ( IIII,l lIlllmilldiL \ Vhntjoy Sh lrl, ' \' l )rtr"lrlol_~ II '" '1 '10 ' : 0 fI( b,..-\lt!\ 1."On(' - l\\O . , he c()tJn(~.'d d ell l)pr lent! \O ll ro o r f'. rur t h at RWt'P t In\',Litynnd h upplJu..'''' ' tll ~ hllll,\\. , 'lI ()netl rnorc. 1h., (lIt-;mH \' "r\\h1,c,"11111 111" 1 ,11':': " , (.)! 1111'1 T he E v e rl Ing 0 f O ld S 1",'1 l'I l h f'Rft 1M \.jIlIOn!.!" In' '.tlt! 11111l at(1)· hut It H wrOrt~ , dear I t's ", ont!" il n c or O l am U I \\ : l S 1, '8 tI Y nlld will/11 K tu s peak . Hal -la t ,I ,II ,l ul_llll ' - ~laJor Hrl, toY' \ I J f t' " I»" I ,,, I ~' tr" lillll''' t ',,11 wi II " r> "I"u n Hl' r I" 'erl ope l1 !'d ~h l' ttlrtHtl on f' ' I B IhH on l v lIay" agoOi " tl r " r 1(l "tH1ljlIlUIl', - JUra , Tl (Jrl\~'~ th , t' l1 l ~. ,'t h " Hun tl n"I ,!.' Sltl r . ,i ' ':.'rJ- ~ (':\.(l prl ClI llll JhllrWnod srle... A \" I' " 1" ]1 l' I f'V II, rn'H\IH, ' II' , ' , tla Tl ! '~~ /l1t " " 11 11r f«hucJ(]f'rln~ glnn(A bf'IIl " . thl'll h f'r Ll s t l'n . Y our tllOl h flr 10N'I. )O ll Ihull Illl d Ol, I h ... " r oat du.l! of D,lmnr) DA '~ lll , ~Il.J ..., ll.H·C. . I t., ,ulOver, a.. Rh e cilltctlf'd hl~ , I f sh e I-;1I"w YOII 10\ f'11 111 (', .he \\oulll .. U th" I'<' nrc> aUf r'omil lirnflons woo b rn llr ,' \' ,t1lr' nl ,,·11_ "h l<l,., .,f h'" I" , ,, I<,.olullllll hl'ok,' ft.nci th(' " ' orl ' "n" 1"' 11 1.: ' '1., :',.1 K tll l"r l" ,. (,Ollrt, Th (' Mound h ~1 11 :1 1.111:'; of I IIIIH) 1 I • Foran, del "mlnl" " 11,,' I n .. ,ll'm ""d lirulll' I ll to w ild ~lIllplicationH lJt'lt r n r" tl ting r dlhl'r t h a ll ha,'" J"ou t I ellce, fOl' he hnd lI "e " lir e 11I1o{'k," II"0 not ~ ", IIr' \ ' , tli I I 1I1I11·".tllll ' I ' l wrIt,·( tn lJ,dlaI ~. I (lnl IIltholll .1 . ' r ll,:':! ' " ,,1111_ "u l ,,' Rio'" " I Ilm nti R(>, I flt(lll1i ~f' !" shl' cTlet! " O h slI ff('r li ke till s YII" 1'11)" ~ h (' lIou l dn'l III . l:tnt "" ,1"'111(1 ( ' n, ('ulI ll eut 0) Ir)' h" " Itrrlhl, I \\n »lol lo o (,,' 'h .. \\ W IO j I I IIIOrt· lit"" OIlC« wll\r \l\l l r ,'su lt 1"09 I ,W IIU ,)1.I ' S, \ ' ,, "rl t' tll 'I-\\i llhClllll'nl'dd _ a n who r.8.tlR(lll r l l ':' ,In, I I OJ Ill l'" '~ ol l lnll t (O n ' t p t 1:0 ' [ ) rolnhu--.!" Ul\t~ told )'ou IU'I " "lf ,,'It)', If my I I "."" I"nk. ' " trill' h Ill". hi. r II ""r RI ,l r HI" H!'l Ir " r 011 th !' /(IO lln (J a mi r., l h .-.r- " 10 sirodl' 10 l hl' ond u f th t> porl!lo read 11 lu i IIlhlf,' !'f·t! Ill' n 'YODlIIO lin I .. y. li n ' or ln l " I •• " (, 1I11~ rio. , Io cr ",..I h "",1 rai sp d hl H ' 01<'(\ In a tll!' nl orl ao h eld ill s trict CIII' tl< l t'Ul' t'. __ 3 er ,,;ae In 100' e ,,'1h Ihp ,'I,' lill "f \' 11 11 r e l (>.I~~d III' r IO(l I," , ~ at IIt ,1' \I Ilh R !-;hp t or e I,,'r hUlld-.. r r~ " ' 11 Ills '.In,1 ., uP I 101\' thai lJr our.; hl I'ndl' J..rf,' r ~ OI' It .... I ':.l. ,t "1 10 I II h:1 (0 H 11Ul U II) (10 .li lli's phn o) IJrconit!f I I" , f·rl J;d!' lll t:lle l'lil1g g h ' ~n\\ \\t" 11 RPr' rt ~" ~ fa c·pd hint w lr'll a r r,v " All 11,111 ' . C · II' I I " ~lruf!ll"g 1]l'OlIlIll I h t' IllI th from th .. C('IJI a t, l l ur l it . II 1"1. .,,, JU ll ", It:' Oll~ 1",", or IlP t (·, 11 .. 1I ·~ · l1 a lt I \Olt k ill'\\' yo ur f"'h r l' ~o 1III Ir H,' k ' I CHAPTER XXIX -ContInued, , ('TI ' ' h l' ~ al, 1 "FIIIt' follc s 1II"' (ls t heir II,\A 1I(,,, p r to you II 1r.1I , h •• Is 10 m I'. tic If' IIN with nil th<1 whl\ .'~ of hI. The InquIry \\'IIS dro ll'llPt! III , I sill ' ,·k [lrtI1111 SI'H . I ', h f'f> rll I, II' I \\,h)', I ',·f' b e!' " 1\11 1111' l ire s Ilt' I')!'H <lto'llng 1'.1 rso n H ac l to P'·O les!. tro m sA,' ernl chlldrpl1 illl'nl>ol1 T i ll" ill Ck,', l ookl' d a l h l lll rl moml'n l I I I J b ' YOII dog gOIl(\ 1. 17.,. "' ~ I'a l' " Ihu l, T Il \\ al',)~ I III ' " li d .. r ,I h lllg ' life old Bcrnmbl ed 10 tit Ir rpet. ~ :IHlllIP; f ... BI ' I la , "1IH'1ll PI' \I h tl" sltl> Ill"rt dl' t! ,lI' r"t! l!tp 11i ~ lir " II 11:1' 110 ' Oil 111 1'11" IIIL" doll S ,111 d III' Id II ll' \\I IP " I h 'l tI ""h, hy Ite" III II" a ': " lIlll' lliall t' nO llll 1J M I' 1t.1I1 ·) 0 " 11, 11 'I l' I ' tlltl\' n hrc IV(' r "ful glancE'6 oVl'r t h <'lt- rholll d,,,. 'Ih" ~ h llklll j! tlrl ' n s hr 11I1r"t Ill to .1 IlaSSIOII III a lI 11kl o l d 111 \\ 11 Julll('(1 Ill l' "hUlch , " · rioor HII II I I I( 11 IlU ID'Inn who hRd heprt IYuw 11, ' llInn Ih " III' Imbs n,," 'I II h I,, ' r III , (> 1\ t' rl (' d ran ,.' (',II I P l rI! \' pr, nn tl sn llS III " 1111' sl)n g s hlH lit, Is ,)11 II,, so \\ ll h.1( ' II \\ I n W I'II' clt:'rllal wu l, ~.. frlllli hllll It,, !.! II dp .. 1 r!trollg h Ih" Ih ' Ir " t1 bu sh hnd TISI'll lin t! \l'n~ domlll ~ w\\l1rd b U~" I' s ' l ' l'H sli ng 10 IPI1I"I' '' ('~ tit lI\ghl. ('0 11 " 1'101'" \ 1 h ,'n'H ' '' "~ 1I1,I~t " r?" (n I ,' ho 11111 11,' It tl ,'II ,. luUI for hl 9 th e m al a 5\(lllf'hlllr, ambI t', Olh' t ", 1( I I s. tld 111\' p ln y , 1's nt h f' r k ilN' ti ll I ' I 0 III' L "lI'd, Ma lll r, Air 11111' Doe" " u rl . ll11'u lInu tll.l) 111.' 11 1\1 tlll' n ' IIP 0 11 dragging sliglll ll' 1l1 1!" ~II1Paran<:(>, I n - - -1\\('lvp '1'111'0< ol!l , \VI' lI el ., II""PI' \1111'S' ,Jo hn >'111'" "Is 11111,,"111 Stahl ,d ee d, was 1.!II 0llgh to caU\ip )Janie \\"llh CHAPTER XXX , ,iI)'HI It d,,) 1111 I "ent ~\\'uy to~, hool ' flll i nrlalt UI. ·: I!.fI..·· "II ho 111'\'n\! 8 11 11:Jf\~ 11U'l 1l111 '~ III lh+' \)r-! \\,\ ' r y , a l~ ti l'f'S6l'<I II Ih ,·,r " "5 t tillH" K ~ II UU tog hi s sa"a~(' face , SP l 1I0w" ln It "1111. :\1111 :4h,' pali"I" 1. III'P11lh l p>< 5 Hllo lI.' " lIl' l'1'''" 1 .'1 nil Yn' rt ell' l' hll l _', ,', h, '1\ h., ,',oltlll !Il ,II . h . tlllll~ wllh In the R'lln I ,. h.1 s trn III p-IIke , (.t)~llIrn'''. h o It'ol, "d ~,"'I "I I " , )[J " ~ 1I 1 t ll,1I prOlc \llIa t I >,1\'" IIII UI .)" 111"":1 11. slth?' III' nlldl' d a~~ I ll"l» III ,III 1', h T il " I.uu be" 11 "olng " , _Ioo d hHI :' I Ii/( 0 11 1 III I hp I I I I I \\' hll(\ antl r' ,l" I" ~" II. II' IH III/( 1O\\;lr d h,' r " h (· 1011, 1, " I "' ,,h ~ bl, RUllI 1,111' )lft' ) I' tl eree And fl nlmal "Icp, on 1'0 1 ,..0 11 1" l inn.' , \\ hl ' lI U:II' n ay tho Il \\.I ~ rnllill/( I II II" ~ t(>lIt1"J . Doe sn't T hat Prove Wh :.> t I Say'" He I t"" ' ti ) Oil f .11' Ii> Itc' r Ih all h'-'I ~ (')( Shf> 011 Ii " 1I111 1f1 black. tbo rlilltln' ll fled I,ke Rtani pd )10'" ~" "1l1 . '1 L it lt PR"1 ~lIoi IIIt'1 IdO l .1 ' l d. nlll 1 ~ top p lt1g t o '!.' \\ "pOllr "hi('h 1",l lI fu rl II I'ruml ,p SaI d, Oendl" " Toward H er ,... I I rabbits, old er onp s tlrn,,,.tnl~, " ollnnp r , ... " I ,.11 1 " ~() li r 1:ll'fJ tn l""ti ," I" " II rhll l , III1 ' tlt ( ll ,d ti l JIIl I Ullg, • Uh, IJy "'. ... of " mitn/(. bllt \I It ll .1 ~(,IIII.J , ' "n ~laIH" without n bR ckwa l'<1 looK -- :tll liav E' Ih :lt all'!' I h,. III II ~ 1] 10., 11 of Allullo II I ", to HlI l1w to Iho' IH'a r l h i" luv.) I " I'fl ll id t haI 111 1',111 I,,'r~" <III' li e '11 11 '"1" T: lt' lI\ .. j(, 1 1.·.11" '<1 IlIoII l; hl tll! ' \\. I .v, ~II Ii . t tI" '''"'' JU u \\ uu l d Rickey , who atood (Julte stil l. h f' r "id OI-I'Olll f(,1'1 IIlItl IIlatl" ril~"'OIl~ olt,l l' uwl lo)alt) 10 h il I' 1I1 0 1h(' r a III ,;li,' 1,1.lI l ll ,' d, h er hn ' o lTl hpU\'lIlg To SCI' 11 :1 " 1 ~ II't It" ,\t'II '" C('.J · P lJ l tl\~llIr! \'C'llr lIl l' lI t o IllY enlllg eY"f< flxpt! o n him In a ItIIHI or mlr) p"<lls h} lit £' TIJ .l tl sldl" 'I hI' ~lIl t! ' hl ' 0\1 r ,lilt! 01\'1' In 11~l s .' lr In I II~ IO!,f>l hl' l' - Uh'H)S -- al\lay ~! 'r! 1 " :-\ n , gll h A l II ' <'l It" llIu r ' lI "r h u m ChU lf.:!', 111 '" !--1.1 H'. ~ t) lhal I CU ll" blanched fasclnat p.d l error, ~ I o tlrl eu ,\r'rl' liO t 1111 ,' Ill,',' l'h l'.1~"S III' r "l1l1l1d ed In ""P l Y hillJ:- tl lf' 1I11t·s ",ill ""h<l ti l'S,' 11I ~ f ,' \\ 1"1\~ .1 , '" h eal' 11l ),.u lf l !'t' , lot) lI lt ('j( , h ll \\' I " 'l' r, t il r He came close to h l'l'. nf'\rr Ll k l l1 &; II' l IlIru ug h n ell " rll,, 1 g l :1) hl lghll "'~ ' "Y,, " " 111 t! :\'0 mali n hUll 111:1. It () vo u,· 1'.1 ('''-- I h,' Inlll'!> Of ~" 'lI r ,'0 1('(' . h n ll).;R PIOUII ' 10111'.'"1''' lalt 1)01) ' 111 ~ IU I I,, ' r I :'"' ) hp- Ill' tlt.:II' Oh. ~Otl dOIl ' t kllow lull g lt 110 111 0'. rlUII ' d l l ): 110 mo ,\ 111 1IIs ey eR from h l' l's, lh c lI )111 1 hi ~ h eu v, 1I1al shOll" 011 th,' fo ll u/(l' lind t"lI l:h ,',J \ Oil 10' " h 1111 , "O U, l :tlt I' A R ,- r c R.1 rc Man, grim y IUUld uII (lt- r h ~' ('l.ln 111111 tu rn ed \I ilh gllo;l , n ln" lIn ('~ of h ,):h " " li t Ih " dl'lliJf'lnt <' l ) rlllt ;(' d YO III Inot ll t' r'~ 1111' II)' woml1 n j (>,' I - how Ihey rlmlt'mb~r pili,' tle 11111(111)' HPIIlI' d " " :Ii all:rlt ", \ \l II:1L1I1 II 1',1',':, '. Hltort uLOr, tortwltc hlngLI(,PIII".\lII .l hllek ling dlar<gl ,'d t llrtli or 11 11' ~(lII I, .,,, hltl (, - )Ollr O\\ 1I1l10111l.: 1' 11 '~ h:td""0 U ~h l howlh l'yg rt,' ve' J v~gUII('>ol'p. r all Itn ll ~I "(>II IlUl1h 1II0;;ltl l y ,ll'slI'rell '11I 1.. r f( 1:\1 '. "II I, I~ a K r('nt !over "Al n 't afnar d, d---- N ,,,,,-: II " !'ul d ~n'h~ :-': ow 1I11t! Ih"II . a r'I'O~J; I h " til if>' III 10'(' IIIIn - 'o u (',IlI 'l h' II' h,. l 1111 1. ' IO U ('nn ~ay 1111 nI) ~olll rl'l" s IllII, bu t h oul him" It( f"lI, " :. II " , ,- In ' 'II, I,, wllh all with admlruUoll '\\ UU! jJ II I s lcl'dn rJdl e I' II~ Jlpld~, r lll~ IlIg ,1;r'III!; .. 1 IlI ls t \1,11 1' ,Oil ,'nil hll(1 nl:tll) III" hlll1 Yo u Cllnl I·b .l ngt:' It , It cnn't' " 1', 1101\' '" "nlr! thl' 1II "J or 'Toue ! bo r l.l H lld ' ; 'HII I I ~ Iff 11 1( ' 1, OUt'dsJ wJlh lh' fI!I ~ COI\II" w h ltc-I"' f'fl' d ), ollng Ol'rf> ll. to III' (, 1" ( II ~ d I t) ti,. , II' HIII " " 11011111 h,ll l> \O Il I ~ I'1f ' .. \I ""n I! " \" r \'allfllll f, ' 11 ,I~ tlloug h h I' \I,'ff' ba t , of sprllll; ff','('r . I r:I{' lwt1 AU llt nupt, whll t1 () 1l ',II " III",.; III II", (h,Lrl,~ III 'ous! Know \\ho I tllll . d OIl ' L ~e?" l 'l'lIolls wh efl', IIC'II' allti lilt I'." 111111 " Il bs l lll" .,,,,'1 11,01 r 1' 1 h '" "rill,; " r.l u n u 1" llng ,,"h 1lIIIIspd h llu cklt"' :1 1 "H IOII P (" (>tIs h illl I OU \\ (>11 Glvf> htm ll'E ~ 1(01. II 111 11 1,, :1, \lltu \\,1'> SCl lII l'tlu n s 0 "Greet K iDS''' Rlck t,y·!\ l ips rall l 1 , I oo d 1011' 111 ;: al III"'rnll" In a m Oll ln, )011 You 1,1I1'l 10llc iJ Itls It a n ll YOIl I '.1 all A It , IJlI ,'~!\ a li gn!' Hlrllrn"I (' <I In lrl N I <:"''''" ." "" d 111'11'(> 11 11 !'ulle nod ~r a t(n u,II I, r In t l (' CtlUllKll1Y !lI IH un i1 formed t h o II spolle III nall]{>. lu i kp), lnu st ll'l P' £' 11 Hl'e him , ;\ot if I t hl •. ,tI(~ h ' m ' ,'u ppo 1' , " It r said IJIIII·II.', 'lllal lJullr rm i lll ~llll(" 111111 1;(oml' julOps' olsll l llg "~I, 1l ~Iull I!t ll l !ln ' t o Hl llllv the " H Ighl An' I know ."ou 100 GOI' Tlte In<loprs had tll 'CO,"" i m(1u'<lble \0111' I "'"I I -- a~ .'ulll lCllltl,,·,'S I,, 'orl "t ll'r m otl)(>r o nl' d:1 ), IlPrllllps afll'!' 'I'll " 0 111 II(,P O >1100k IllS h l'a(j " Pt' 'II I,' l ,'" 11 ,"11 ~ I )' "t Iltl d~y ID fea'tb'same looltt'z \\h~u.'tlw u zut 10 IlPr Rh" lI'a~ sIck of Ir) l lIg 10 \Ias h mlll"''' , IOllg y.'H rM . 1t',IIf'" ot )Oll r sa~rlll<:e, ' :'Ioghl )' Il P~ 11 [I"e UIJ all dat ut lnt nil' \\ nl) " ~ I f)~. ' !l ,, ·, ,11 11 1 r ' tllTllflcl to no l.rgher·1l lilY k nef' So y llln't Hr I'pa tl . ~ if'll of th,' ,' ndl. "'" JllH'II II';" 111111 She lI u,l turll ,!tl mi n .nl ' " ' U" :\I "I1' Sit .. i H IIk e lv 10 I;Ut' HS I n th e e nd, I h:lIt! Ah fOllll '" he ~1I 111, . bllt 11111 ' do rall ' l' ,,1,1 fl l, ·"t!_ alltl tI "·,, IIr ll am hy th' Dome no In u' , h? PUIltle :III' fil II' pUII II" .,-I,'"!; illl " nti oll or IIrl'tl l, .< ~ 1:11' 111:1 :Illlblt,.1 flOll' 111 ,' roa <! 111 >l nk \Vi II II " ti ll 10 h er p l Nl~lI re, do 110 ~()od, ~!.ljllh. Ah'" bitU' 'feabed I, arl tt 't! 1h.11 hi \\ ..I S 11 111 I III' onl y on e IInnlug au ' a (>dt!tcalilln, lIu.II{l' GO ll' ,laRios, ~ho 1I:l11let1 mO Il ' l n l ' lIt. til ,' I hrul!!)h 11 Iracl( ul ta l l O'I" ~ a llu [lIll I'S. I ,ou fllIlC)' tu dl~ "'Jv" r th nl o u t or tlli S ~UIIII,l tI' g ll'lltl'tp r hap pell ( I II 1hf' " I'C 1 d lll1 U I \\ Jill !l ol l! 1.c(JU slud), ter muke y e nn o th I 1:1I1) f'HS 111((, Ih e ltlLwt' hl,.' IIII~ I ,liJl)u l 11" 1 KII'. ,~, (III' " ('.11'(' " Ill l\~" I hllil ,\ Ur llll ," p;llh , "' Intl l "lIlIe)ltlu " 01 1111,, 1 1 0~alty --fo T !I 's " :\O ll ~' rr ~. "· th l' IIHlJ o r 811 11'1'00 i JiL' II i:.. 1' 111 ' , \111011 , \ ..: tllf-'v sh ook sw eet du('lcy-dn,(', lhat r(!(1 tt)tlt;>U yo \\!'t rai n In I" 'r f I'" !:iii,. ,, " " 1,,, lal rs IIl I; ,1 '11 11"," 1) IIIIO t·;;lt "1 1(1("11 ~ , rp\\f1 I llta l , I liu ppos." - ) nu lIa" e ~ lIollt:'rl " \\ Il at tool II I "a '~ gol IIl1dt'r your wool h ••Il t1 s lit I'a l I 111 1-\ thl) h ilI hill y snld: from th' 101'111 <'rnbraee o· }f'r fontl <l nd C,lI l1(' tl UII II .. 1..11 In ,I , I"", "( ',111(' 1 ' ''' pt lls I'll rI Pns,' th a l 1" 'I' n lh,' \I ro ur 011'11 Itl,, '" II01l'? It l'en s t' Plng ~I n tl Ant hony I 1,llt "" 11 "k ill' III , .,h, bUI yu b s t ep'll8l'l ent, eh?" Jel'l "'. \\1111 It ,11111 I g , I"I' I~ "" " n ~nfl l Ost'S h atl 1101 found tll l' lI!. 1'1 It r Sh f' shulld", .~ tI "R h e \1111 1I(>""r agulII 1'1\ Ill'! u li(tlln " ~ 11C" ,' I.H' th 'l"I)I' l'Co;;l man I ev 'r seo. RickeY' B sm all aim \\(' n t SlI d",," I \' h ,11 <'illld !sh lIul'lH shf' ha d ."" ,]\S !I t' d to lenrn," s h l' lIaid b l'okplII) • Oh . I nc l c 1, ITpl'ii On ~wa llll\' ell once 01 r,'" ""liN" ) 1111 all II:!.', UII' yub nl n" out and h er I1ng'lrH lOI'l' n t hi s ~ hl rt, EmnJlllln u ~a\\ her I "U~ ac('otllf' r pn . ll t, ('ompa u l o nBlllp ot 11", t ll ·P., Sh e kno ll' sl1f> ,"l uld 1I0t hlt v,," Sfl()I(PIl Shp 1\\'1 1:(' ,,!th S" " llIlI1g lIll1lculty a nd t l,o l: a drill I; , yuh 1lI1l't '''0 1. 11 s moke , I I k I 'u rn I'll l h l) gr:I\' I: 1 II It h hi~ 10". "Da t' o \\ll h ,1\" ,q:l1rll\,lI "Lll \\(I.',lIle r o, l ac 11I)WII I It'II1 ove r y OU P - UII' bl a.' k \\o uld " "IT",I' fl lI )t h l ng for ill Y !tappl • " I1llri y uh IIIII'l c lI ~sl' d ollc tl" - l (fl nslUl " h ll c~" Ill glli. " .'011 nlll't goln' g llm aud ,,:II dogllood .! urI gnnrl ",! n ess But I 1I01l1do't 11.11" b e l b ear tiO ," h I' ~_tlil ~ 1 (){J11l 111' "A h dOll see Cl ly S t:H , ouP It·,; ,,"nll] ' ,'nls pn dal\ !;s ! " 1II ,'I,o I Y, till' prl ck l ) hal lf'll 'bu tt oll ,m~ m(lrO lor n1l' slI k o," Ill') old man dn yl11:ltlnh day 'bollt el. 'I'm IIl.ilh,.!' ~lIga ' nor sa i l, Emma \\ood,' th e lowly m lillJ e r r ,. and !be H ie nn g,'r fa d ed 8ll ddellly , and w he n A nt' \', h o 101n \I' I I ' ReB Iro ubl o or EYE STRAIN lin ... ," J'I'~ I ""ltl pd Sh,rl ,, ), li~t l ese l y, ll' r, 'd o.l lc nlld W.dUUl. Th e}' h e l ook eti al h et' Rgo lu, I c a l H w e r e ('nmln' en t rnllb l l' er 'gwine Dat 8ame Rellelle d by Quitting Coffee, dnIKP;'"g IIIl 11 11 ' rai n ~oat, "and tb e b ad ~l'p nlcrl f!' le lldl) Illl li pll Ylng cOll n - bur",lI p; i n h is t'yes . IlIght de hos~-!l hoe drop offen d e \I ,tl k \\111 llo m e SUlId" ti clo r B, Ht, tlHlIlrn a bOlll hf' r with arms "Shirl ey!" It e said st .. bl o rio' lin dta ,'c'y m awni n' e r "1t 'H Ill} h ear l. Imhd don b fly Int e r d e hOIl MO, Dns' fllauy eall{,s ot d efe ctiv e vision ar. 011 th e 60p p lll~ 111 \111 'lll e gl tlnced 1lIl, ·rt "lnerl Noll' , with t h ' ra ltl WE'6r;>- 100, lhut y'O Ii urn IlInl ' JI fi g 011 the c r . mlght,l hall hoodoo. e r might v b"d CllIIS" ,l b) I h ot Ii., Lit [I .tl use ot corree, 11[1 al h <' 1 ITIUtlt t' I 'H '\ll/dow Sl lI c e Ill<' Ili g III ~oug hlng g us t s thrllu~h I h pm, ,,11 e~ I' I I I J U ~ ov e y ou , want lIot hl ng hoodoo!" Jt If! sal" that In Arabia where cot, 1I,!::;hl 01' Ih e Im ll IH' r o'ln \lan glng self- lh P.) offer tl Iw r no co m f ort. S h o sud· b u t y ou ' I ' d ra tlle r b og my ilrend uS ItU CkH!" ~al d th o m aJ'o, " You'r" f eo I s URCIJ III I:J q;o qu antities, man), <:o llg"loU Sl1 t'ss had o l' l?rlald t h e fin e d enl}' threw h (>I's elf ftLl'e dowll on tbe f ,-om d oor t n d 001' WItII you r h antl as lonll" 11M o ld Anthon y. \,'Ith your< lose tbelr oye~l g ht at about t1fty, Tea 1I11 t1 b"II " ,1 I, e :to;sllt'l:Jt l o ll bel ween SOil k ed I1I OS5, I n nlllle ' t l lun B"ot n h a TOn e without infernal ' si gns It your M ar s' John " c on t,1 1Il~ th 0 sumo drug, colleloe, al Ihl'm , tih" h a d h ee ll full o f horrlbl!.! " 011. GOII' " she crier! " [ l ove him you ' \ \ 'I la t cun tllC r e b e I n I Ite for been' ou t all dllY I I cc kon ho'li turn• corree . f " r llll !!; Ih al h p i f aN' IIlIl Hl be tra ," h er 60 ' Aud I h ad only lhat on o evenin g m o un I""" you s Il uro It', TI I I n k 0 t our u p b o fore long III walt r6r him D A N. J. wamnn writes to the polo alill Ih t' I ,.u~ (, or h I' loss ot s pirits I t dO~ Il'l Becm jue t. If I co uld only lo\'e ' 'thInk ot the fate thaI brougbt w hile," H e start ed In. b" t paus ed or. con cemlllg C) 0 troublo and collee. be' gll(>~sed l1:\\ e him. and sul!e r scm e oth er way! h e t II d I V I U She says: 11 ,,1' mo! h nl' Itad , In tact, b ceD li e's surrerl ng, too, 11111.1 It I sn't our e;r garnden I " l\ly so n was tor years troubled wIth 11'<'(1 ))1('(1 by Ih IR, b Ul was far from LII,lt! 'V e lI elth er o f U6 harm ed 'lny, we would live and worl( llnd dre am, so n '!" hi s cycs , ) 10 tr\(' d sever'.1l killds ot gU"~sllll:' l h l? t rul h. A som e wh at Ion"" Oll t" li n I ~ n 't r espollf thl o for "hat t ill we "ere 0 II I an d gray - together, (TO BF. CONTINt.'LO ,) glas seR \. I ! Iwut r ello r, 1'11 e opUclan 111 (11'1",,111011 h .111 foll o w ed h er tlrs l Ill S fath e r did - wh y, h ~ hardly knew said there \vas a d of nct In his OyOi 81g hl of Vallallt , and sll e ha u 11 01 him ! O h , God , why ",II ;;t it b e so whi ch was h a rd to rcach. \\1 111 1*1.(' <1 th e I OllllllttnPlI 1 !:i h e had h ar d for us? MlllIon~ cl o th p. r pP.Opls , "He used to drltllt co lIce, as wo all hllllg "POll !-; lllrley R lI E' s,· , I"lIun o f It, l ove nuch otht' r n nd n o t~IIIg se parutes did, and IInally (Jult It and b egan to h l' IIl"(>r, w llh 'III ('x(>lll·t! 11I1('r est Ih nl Ih pm lik e thIs!" u se Pos tum. That was three year8 th t? 01 11111' I\' l ~ lall'r t o tra ll slate III Shlrley's \\urm brealh mado a li ttl e a go 'antl h e h as n ot bad to woar I ht! 11"lll o f h er 01'11 di scovery. If th e fop; :l /(a ins t th o etar-e yo1 moss , She glas!les an d had hud no trouble with · ' He Goesl" H"Sald With Blt- Ih o u ght hatl t1 lltpd lo h e r I hat tate was sc" rc ely cO llsc loll s crt h er wet and his cyes since, Illlg "l ho ld ~o lll c thin g tl ec per \\th nn I: llu g in g c1othllig. an d tho soake d ter HaVed , "J was nl\\ ay s f o nd o f tea and eotTee She waIL eo r"I" l lIlshill III Shlrl s\' 8 UCQlla ln fh o ce Htrll nds of h er haIr, blllld , I Jon ' t YO II, ' ~ I '" hUI Sl In a \\lt h Y alt a ll !. It h ud b ee n ot " th e "'I up ped I" h er d esolatiO'rt thnt sheno Rnd finally h l:cnl1le so n ervous I c ould f paroxysm or pnHslolI""don' L you 'v.en ' »gll< til Il l s (holce of h er as Qu ee n l on ger h ea rd th e ~olllld of the persebtl-rdly sit s til l , l o ug _enou gh to ent a 8pea k a er name ' I f ) ou do, I II kIll of !lellUl)' hud s«"m en a nHtlll'll1 hom ' \'prlug r lii n and t b e WI'I~ swlshlOg of m en l. My h eart was In such a con~ }ou!" .ISI' 10 Ih,ll Hllift alld lI n lll rtchi ll g ne t tho bu sh es- par ting D091 to a -hurrIe d nil the lruth, So-caU et! "I1owspap~r dltt on I thou ~ht I might diD at any So fierce was h er I ellp t hat he f ell <If It t II; \\ Inc h h nd saved his lire. sl"p thllt f ell ulmoet wlt>10ut .o und 011 • English" has l eft Its Ind elih)e mark on t1tn ~. She start ed back a Sll'P I II sheai' 'mrPfl!;e , Tb en Thl'I'I' II lIij III h ,' r uri lld n more ob- t h e spongy forest BoH. "Mellie'no did not gIve me r ellet th e literature alld eSllec lnlty ttie 6c h e laugh ed l o ud l y , "Why , ya littl e \ lou8 "~plallatlon or Shlrl p l"s nlter e t! IIp 8udd t! ul} to see Vnlla-u t befor e h er , C;olumna of the Modern Journal Con· tion of our tim es . Tho most succ esS· and I War! al m os t despcrate, It waa taln, It II Claimed, the Beat of flplttln ' wI I Ll-cal! ' li <; grlnlleo , tI'lI1('a'It'r . l'!' r ha l>S ,t's C h'lIl y Lu~ k ." He was In a somelll!at battere d ful stories are those lold In th e few- alrout thi s tl m o 11'0 decltled to Qltlt cot· Englleh Phrasing. H e 1"ailed su dd ellly, grill pe d he r bh h ari H,ll d t o h"r6e l(, "1(ave th ey walking suit o ( brown I<bnkl, wltll n es t worde, The old,fasblon c d flowing f eo anll use Postum, all,d have usod It wri st alld cOl'c nng h er Ulouth tig h t l > hn d u fuo lt sh q ua l r eI, I wo nd er? Ah . l eath er b elt lind a telt hat whose brim perIods, which produced verbal melody ever sInce: I nm In perfect honltb. It Is seldom that a gooll \\ord is with hi s p:,d m , drugged h or bp lt ltHl a "'£> 1\, In h er 01\ n tim e she will tell sU IT With tb e wet, Will! curved dow~ 1~8t ead of recording facta , hn va 10Sl No troubl e now with my llGart and. ru e" vi sor -WIse o ver hlB brow. In an tn. Bald In academIc circ l es for wbat is clump of dogwood bu sb es A ll ea \'y their churm for 1I0\'el readers. whos( n ever (elt b elter In my Ilf'3. termed "newspaper JtJngllsh," meaning • • •• s tant h e hnd drawn bef upright, and step \\' as comln" ulo ll g t h e wood -path , "Poetum bas b een a grent blessing eager bruins are nn x loutl to ahsorb tbe .He heltl hl'r m otton l pBIi a nd breathl cs5 1 h (> rp. wae some r eli ef to Shirley's they Btood, lookIng at each other, 't he t orse, t renchant style In which the ov er "fiol' to us. nn, particularly to my BOn and. iOest journalists are In the habit of ex, tal e rnth er th all Hil ger in this c ru e l g rip till l be pedns trlall ove r c h a r ged f eelings In th o very dis· drenched and trembling, mys el'," , " wrltJng." bad passed, It w as I\l uJor B Ti sto w, hi s comrort of the dren ch ed woather : tb e " How ca n you ?" h e said with a p r eSSing themselve8, Tbe College 01 Namo given by Postum Co., Battle ,Journalism, however, recognIzes the spruce \\ h lt e ha t o n th e bu c k or hi s Su c king pull ot tbe w e t c lay on her roughnees that sounde<l nkln to aoger, Oreek, :Mich. Rend "The Road to ·WellWill Lecture In AmerIca, b a<?-. .hls un su llied waistcoat d appled bools nnd th e flirt of tb e drops on ber " Here In this atrocious 'l eather-like 'value ot thIs s tyle, and Prot. F, W, ' ' Celestin Demblon, whoso books (:c ville," I n jlkgs: well·known educators, w ith " th e l eaf,shndows He ste pped cbee k s and hai r Sb e thru st b er dog· this! " h e laid a hand on her arm. Beekman, n PpstUm ' n ow como~ in two forms: deavor to prove tbl\l the plays attrlb Ig~ys : • .oUt bri skI)' toward D amor y co urt. silin g loves Into bel' pocket and held "You're wet through," Regular Pos~um-muat ~e well uted to Shakellpear f' wero written b) "W1th all ItAl faults I stili believe swinging hIs s tick, all unconsciou s ot ber arms outstretched to let the wind "I--I don't m)nd the rain," sbe anth e fierce scrutiny b ent on him from blow through h er fingers , The molf!- swered, dra,wlng away, y et feellng tbe news 8t)'le ae the most officlent Lord Rutland , w1ll come to thIs coun balled. 11? C nn4 ;266 packageB; , Inatant Poatum-Is a $olu'blo b c bll)d \be dogwood s, ture clung in dllmp wreaths to her with a guilty thrill the mll6tertuJnBlI1I style of thIs modero day ot presenting try to lecturo on his Ulcory. He's h der.' A ' dlsBoh:es ' deputy and protessor of lIterature IL~ information through tho written word, Gl1!el KinK. dId not wltbdraw bls hair an d ro lled In great drope down of bls tone, 8S well as Itl real concern. tn' n nntl:. ~"'~"'~:I ". ' It baslJeeo hammered out in tb!! heat Brusl'e!!! university. ' !lan(\ ,tUl the st eps bad died In the dis, he r coat aa slie wont. -, " I'm otteo wel" c, fir ',






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Wben he d Id, h e c l enched bls Tb l). wildest, moat s eclndeb walks fna gaze searehed ' her fa.ce, shook It 10 the air. "There had always drawn ~ her most and she feature, noting her palloI'! the blue1'1~ KO&I I" h e. saI d with ~Itter hatred, Instinctively cbose one of. tbl\se , today~ blll.cli: IIbadowl beneath her eyell, tile "Yer 9b'~ . trl pnd '. that e_ent ' .III It wa! the road whereon squatt'¥t! Jtf~ breatb, unoven" like. a ' ch'lld'l for ellt tears, t,' Drenk_,mY heart on Antb,ony'a wll.ilewashed call1n; !'Dah~1I ' , Be: 8tm Jielil .hllr' handa ttl' ' \'OCJr.,pll~f/jo Db. ~e'l ·a toj)-notcber; or man &'WIne In 'dem wea, _11~~!':r.,~I" lO .' , ..

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The Source of Uric Acid


Brown Had Overlooked Leap Year anti J one s Was Quick to Ma rk the Point.

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CUPID HAD HIT HIM HARD E xcet3 ,or , i !OIIAIO>; I NTO \'01 ' 1\ ~JIIJ~II th e fir e works playe d 011. !lad Ut'"pr~1 " " ') 11 ('no t ·11 tt ." dav s" rc- All fOT1·IF" ..JI · 1l1U... . t IH ·A nllt.. · !.Ik· ::K 1t· r for " ' N t, n( \ (;1 ( )!:; .J" j ' II'I ItII. r , " ,·,, 01 It ' n . n " rV lI lll't 1' ••,.( ltl ¥#\!l r~.t .uQ I 1l. 0W6 b('oo h"re III dI K!!u ls " or h" l.narketl th (' nl a n til t hq Urt.n Chalr , ('"nlillft !\1 :IIr:" .. Unn ' I IIi:na,' ! I lCht. ~, \ (le~ er,.wh" r.. Sur"ly Day of Romance I. Not En ded When u3vuIcl< 8waln Can Feci I master this sbow would h ll "', gh·cJJ ..W ttp r e- th Po U IJ lIrt \1,' 111 bolJ UI J nexl 'Z!.t' /1 .. ,\ ' ( /I. o,. r ,t " fJ ~ ·.I'~t " u " , h " r }l. ItYB aaU! · th e m th e heartac he .. ' , ~~v" r y tlm A th p r a aT<' !l(, Yf'ral ('on Sf'· , ", 1 • nrJllrt!~, A 1.'0 ~. ll h uJooI;" Ll, Lo IhJl, l" . Y. A4.,. Uk. Thl.. When Enthuaiasm W~n.d . ('ulire davfl Of rain onel gloomy w(!ath ·, WILLI~JG TO GIVE AWAY PAPA " Come, come. old man; don 'l le t It . . , . th I We hav e an account of tb .. I.'ourtb ar I e XIJ ~"t to re ntl how a cOIomltt"e CeJebratlon of Nation S Sir I as cele bratl' d In Ty le r 'l) ncimilll ~tra knoek YOli aut. There are plouty of of enrllr.nt p(\ r~"n~ haR got logetlHlr Proper Time for Rejoicing. I tlon. Alrea dy it IlIck,'d til e fr , pllCles ll n nd organ lzf' ci :l So('l f' ly fnr t he Pro Youthful Logician Met Appeal to His othe r Kirts bJ th. world. In six month s Genuo slty W ith a Crushing rrum now YOll. wm have forgotll'n und spontall e lty o f th ose ('ur ly on CH mo tIon of Ili g lll 'r llaro rrH' t rlc Conell· Answer. her. " I John Adums wllll(,B!led . o ne of ..... hlcb tlon" ." I .a~ It I. as you ~ny; lOHN ADAMS' HOPE REALIZED : he saddened by hi s, own dealh . "Ind.> n c,n't j,r m'"! rd A.k f,,. Hed (' r r, .. A l)1"tl,,' r was urgin!: h e r li t tl e 80 n but" Yea, It Im't at. month ll from no ..... . I pcnde llce for ver, he murmured. 88 Bull IIlu,' "hk" . he""" f,,1 \\'bi l~ cloll" 'R . to bf' J;c-n, ·rOIiK. SIH'C'l llcally In th e cll8e Everythlll& I _ rem1Jldf m e of ber . he lay dying, his eur caught by the AI all ~"'hl ~,., ... "r.. Ad,' . of a ""If1 11 rOIll racle- not we ll e ndowed \\"be:ll { Iec* at IID.Other woman J can't sound s o f fireworks , It wa s the toast \\ ilh \\() r ldl), g " ,'d" . Great Predicted That t he '. he hud "('lI t ,'n respons~ t o a r n'lll"" t I I C t d I belp thlnkkl& !low !Ouch mor o beautl· " n < ~Q His Tra n ng ou n e , "1 wI,,, ~'O ll ' el (;".., ~' Oll r lit! e wagon ful she La tbaa any of them. W h p. n Day Would Be Ob.erved Alwa ys for on e to bt} giv4'n In hi s nall1e lit n Old Squire ttl s ll ... HUggt's t e>el . "He ha.e ... a Time for Demonstratione Jo'ourth of J uly banqllet 10 btl cele· d·mnldn ' u go" h r,, :tll ll ' ~oocl r eco rd ' ;(1 f, , \'. to,'s and ~.()U h an' so many ." tu e wInd lJltIWi l am remind ed tha t It of Thankfulnea6 and Joy. bratl'd many hund r rd Di lle" (rom down th nr \ (' W C{) n t-:r' ·"~. ltill'll make "1 want to, Illlll~IJllIl . I like Is probably aMln& to the color of ber where tllI l Bo nd s of life won' running 'pm He t Ull nnn ·.u ~e not i(,~. lI e' ~ had l illY IIttt ... "[(go n. Why doeso't bls cheeks . Wb.ene.,~ I 11688 a corner wbere .IM and I ba..,e .toad togethor TIE le tt n ha s bc'come hI s· ' sw Irl with him . durn f(o od trnlllin. . I JlIlPIl bu y t o)"s fo r him'" torlc , tl",t une.ill which That or Tyl e r' s breal bf!s nl106 rll ()f ~'nrltl e r S trln g P Il1 - 'eoll bet. He B " lI c ha s no pupa , d ea r , Thal 18 I have & stnaDp empty fe e ling as John Adam " pre dict s th e : noi so u r. d d ls tust(' t or vap idI t y. An non n n ll thln ' but 6l't 3ro ulld PO'U ll s' l tht' n'as lln \\h,' I WIIllt you t o be so If Bomethlnjl "ere lODe out of my comi ng cl' leb r llllou of th e ! e ye- w ltuU"8 wrIt es , "The Fo u rt h of Rto r e with yeou all' oth,er Rl mllur pnrtl('ul a rly nl ~(J to him . It would be life. ~ben I 'Iook IlP at the s k y. I ca u · Fourth of July . "1 uw July passed mutn a s u s ua l ~\·e r~·· promin e nt leblfilatnro fer th la s t twel,· no vIrtuI' In Y0 U to giv e hIm wba t opt t o heliH'e, " he w ro te. wbere; squibs uad popgun s an d t y y s ,.ou el on 't wan t flllyway . We shou ld n ot keep from remembering that It " that It t the clay) ..... 111 b" crar. kc d be lls, with "upld oTllLlons, ~Iways be carpful to ahare whut we Is above her. [f I CIOUld only forg e t her c(' le brat ed by succeeding stupId t oasts, and e ~ ecrabl() s peec be s, As H isto ry Is Written. r oa lly prlzt,. Now, a s I sa)', l\1elvtlle for only a day. for oo.Jy an hou r, J th ll1 k C ai&bt Jea.rn 10 bope aga In; generutlon~ as tb l! greal hot m t'u ts Bnd ('old win es, th e custom· " I ~ thi s th ., \ll aee wh e r e the r ema r k· hR.s 110 PUPil und - " out of my mind . rullllv~rgury f('sllva!. It Ilry luudatlon of th e nation . and t he IIu le case to ok plae'£' that was pub" Wc-l!. w b y don't you gl Ye hIm papa, but I C&1l't _ M me that the whol e wo rl d ought to be comm UllI orat e d u ~ th e day quan tu m of h eadach es that 10 110w un · URhrd late ly of the dog that commit , , th e n ?,. \I us th e youthfu l lo g ician' s It _ 18 chlUJFld 1rtDAI. Ihe told me t hn t I of dell veru ncc, by SO ICIIIII acts of usual Indulg e n ce'" te d suic ide b)' chow ni ng fur lo ve of It s , r('p l ~' W8S [1(lT8r to _ ber again. I can 't devo tion to Cod AlllI i~h ty . It ought,to Tbere was n lev !'E' at th e Wblte lost mast er?" I uodt!rstaJul . . . IIDJ'bocl,. manages to be so leIDlllzc d with POtl1l) fin d parude, House. nnd th e Sunday sch ool childre n '"Thi s Is the ph.e'p. s Ir, and I ('an I A Real Need . witb sbow tl , gallles , ijlJo rt s , gUllS . be ll s, marched through Ill e walk s of thp cnp· s how you the very do b · Here , TOW" A I.'re nthnlull 1l1lnleel De lamo), hua keep Oil W OC , happy. I would give bonfires and Illumlnatlous, (rom one Itol grounds; " lIIr. Ad a ms watchln& ser!" Illv ented Iln apparatus whereby you almoat. 1lllythinc to forget h er:'-Cbl · 6Ild of UII~ co nlln e nt to the other, th om with satisfaction und Int or est." ('un wind your dock by opening and caio 'It,e cord-Herald. trom tbls tlm o forev e rm o re ." John Quincy Ad8.m~. th (, 11 Rh llred tb o In Doubt . ~ lIuttln~ a door . th e wlod lng macblne Met- ExplanatIon. Hie prediction has become 60 tru e Quiet en thu s ias m of h is fatl H'r. Th e " Is young Sofl ly drlnkltlg or l,ractla' i doin g Its " o rk by the aClloa of the that now we SPoo k to (llrtail t.h e born- mar ine ban d co mes In to promin e nce. IlI g law,'" ! door. "U n cMl 'Bank" Barnhart, mem bllr of bast or the day as a rallk oH' rg rowth I Citi zens or every c lass tltrc:onged the "Wbat cl o you IJ1 t' on?" What I~ reolly IIp.p.cled, however, .. co ngreec trom fndlana, tells of a not fores eeu by our Cordather s. A White HOUSfI, listening to tn e- nutrtlnl " 1 beard 111m t e llin g compllody lately I an Inv ention th at, a ttac h e d to a door. YOUD.r -:nan ~ out bl. way who met proud. glad time. th e uatl()n' ~ birth· airs r ecp. lved by th e prusldc nl. that h e w as having consid e rabl e prac· will get, rid of peop le Ins id e of tbil a YO'IlIIg wom.. lie bad not 8een for day; a tim e, aot rur ullworthy and In· "The d eportmellt or M r .. Tyl e r was tlse Dt tli(' bur." room . ~o known m e thOd bas yet been mIU!YYeara. ~rioU8 c ole brlltwn, but for ren"wal of eaJlY and uaturlll, ye t s uni cl e r.t1y dig · Inv e nted to accomplish thI s purpose. "I tbou~.,.. were dead." was the klya.1 citizens hip. auel Cor prlyatt· reo IIIf1ed, plucing everyone ot h is ease Its Na tural Place. Yct Is tll anythin g which wou ld pro. young tDM!"'fl 'creetlnc. "No," tIDnle:t:ed tbe c1rI, " but I'm joJclng lu th e prlvlkg" or AlIJ e l'lclln And nothing could surpass .he quie t, " Whllt I~ th .. key to tho Pana ma m ote ~T('ct e r etllclency aDd comfort cltlz"Dshlp. unutl'ected grace with which th ... la dl eR cunal situation?" " ann give, Illore lasting s n llsCactlonf- marrieC' Tbe firsl cele lirat ion b y of rec eived nnd nckno"'le d ged th e ('OUl' "1 gU<'RS It·s ill th e lor ks ... , Life. "To ""born!'" the ll'ourth h a.s be' ll llreS4'T\"cd to u s tesles of all who paId th e ir r es lJ ec ts , "O~, -tIOme EncU.bman.·· In a lettar 10 hl Q duught .. r pe nllt'd by The tbrong , comprising b eautiful wom· Mos t of u~ could d o a lot o f work Th"re nre nf'arly forty thou2&ln d , •... at .n~e sple ndid 'J lc 1 John Adams. (lll , grave tienators, cabin e t and for e ign "' hll e tryin g to dodge It. t' lec trlc- ,,' ,' Ilie ll''' III thIs r-ou ll t r y . 11.". N..turf!, being til'" nnnll'er sa ry or minIs t ers, d asbln g army and navy om · I fact ." b " Yesterday .. , -, '1l'b1ll t.....",1Itio1l Ia 11. CUr10UB I The Yellow sto nl' ="aLiona l park b as ' Wh e n a man gets blind drunk he '·Well. It . . . . Iodlile peap e to ru . Ame rican Indepond pnce, was c e e · cerll, omceseekerB, citi ze n s a nd loung· (, n o r ea of .. ',7'" S Qllare ml lDo. J, SnI'S. ' a lot of t h in" s nO.1 _there . ber _ ."_ _




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brated b e rboe~omlng wilh the ceremony Ihe festivity occa s ion.andI am too 01<1 to d elig ht In pre tty desc rlp· tiona. If I bad a talen t for th c w, oth e l'w1&o a pictu re might be drawn wblch "'0,,14 plcase the fancy of a Whig, at 10lUlL The thou g ht of laking any nodee of this day was not conceh'cd un· W the third, It WIIS too late to have 8 sermon, as e ve r yone wish ed, s o this musl ' be d eferred to another year . Congress d etermined to adjourn over that <lilY , and to din e t oget he r . Th e general officers and o.tb e rs In town were Invited. arte r th e presi dent and ~uncll and board of wor of till s state. ,. Celebrations on the Ship.. "In the mornIng tbe lJelaware (rig. ate. se veral large ga ll oys, nn d othe r oontinentalarm ed vessels, ga ll eys and guard·boats we r o haul e d orr In the river and several of th e m beau tifully dre8~ed In the colors of a ll n ations d1splaye d nbout thc masts, yards and rigging. At ou o o 'c loc k th e s hillS were all maDD e d ; that 1o, tb e men we r e all ordered aloft and arrarlg ('d upon lhe topyards and s hrouds, making a .o trlk· ing ap peurance of companies of men drawn up in order In t h e air:' He tells ho w h e we nt 011 boar d wit h the presId e nt and th e Dlurin e cOlllmit· tee. Each a r med " east'! fir e d 13 saJutea, the D the gallp.y~ and gun-iloa t s. He describes mueh sh ... " Ung a nd hnzmlng "in a munll e l' which gave g r ea t joy to eve r y fri end of thi s coun· try, and the u tmoRt terror an d dis· way to eve ry lurlling Tory." , DIn ing at throe, th ey were '·agroe· ' a bly ent ertained with cxcellent com· llany, good chee r . fino ruuRlc from the band of Hessians tak en at Tren ton, and conllnual voll eys betweon e very toast from n company of soldiers drawn up In Second str(, E't b efor e the eli,. tavern. wbe r e we d ined:' Maneu· vers on the common by IIgbt h orse and trains of artillery, and a thou· Infantry tilled the day agreeably for the crowd. "In the eve ning I was '\'I'alklng about the SUetlts for a little fr es h air and e xercise, and was surprised to find 'the whole city lighting up lhelr candles

('rs, \I\'as great from stwelve to tb.ree, Between five an<l ill: a bout forty gen tl e m en sat down to d inn e r wltll the pres ld on L" DanIel Webster's Speech. Th e Fourth In Fillmonl" s days dawn e d for til t' lay ing or th e corner. stolle of tbe ex ten sion of the capitol . Daniel Webster. st'cretar~' of sta te, In d e llverln g hi s oration aG speaker of tb e day, acconl pllsh ed more than '·tbe customary laudation of the nallon ." He stepped forward . COIJ Y In hanel, but exte mporIzed now thou ghts and highly interes ting r ollec tlon s. "I have sajd, gentl emen . that our Inheritance Is un Inherltunce of Amerl. can lib e rty. That libe rt y is cha ra cter . lellc, pec uliar and altogpthe r o ur own , Nothing like It eX isted In for mer tim es nor was known In Ihe mos t enllghl. cned states of antiquity : whil e ~Itb U8 Its prlnclpl~8 bav e become Inte,. woven into th e m lndH of Individual men, connected with our dall y OI)ln' iOll8 and our dally habIts. unlll It Is, If I may so suy , an e lemeot of soc ial as well as of pollflcal 1Ir ... : and t he COli . sequence Is, thnl to what eve r region an Am e rlcun cItizen carries hlmse lr, h e takes with him. full y d e ve loped III his own u nde rst.andlng and experie nc e, our American p:-Inclple s and o pinion s, lind becomes ready at once, In .co.oper. aUon wltb othe rs, to apply th e m to the fo rmatfon of new gov e rnm e nt s:' A CRACK COMPANY,


.,'lnd.' tli. ~




Quieter Celebration •• the Various way& of eelebrntln&' Fourth have bee n substituted In dlf. ferent American clUes . tor the old pJ'O< mlacuous ' oelebntion, ,In which every patrlottc individual ' spent money fOI fireworks ~nd held a celebration In bl. own back ' r ard. Thil old '!lethod "was ~eUfuI1>:. W~Blotttl:lt. WIUI dl "'-: JtrlbUt!'f:e effort, . An.d. it d.lii~r1buted . tile Dollo ~( ~ lI&Jto Mt eideri¥ JPIC' :

bqi11lreli iii ' th,e .~t'r aIl~ , Ple ~Jcl. ,.






Pets and Broken He arts. Th" dU I( o f Mistra l, tht' Pro v neal pod. c1i",1 th (, clu y aft!'r Mistral's r &cput dpllth . It i~ a fllir ly c o mmo~ thIn g for do l':~ . ra l ~, cnnnries an d olber p('t~ to cll,' a ft!w da ys or evell· hours after th e ir maH t e rs . But cJG. th e y dI e of g rid " It Is not likely. A Mana yu llk phy s ician examined the c'orpAe of a cana ry that had suocumbf'd with It " little m is tress. The ranary 'H cI.-.nth , th e examlnalloa . showed. was ,lu " no t to a broken hear'"~ but to scarl p t fever , th t! malady to whlclJ ILK Iltll fl mi Rt n 's8 had her8elf 811("cu mb e ,l. Fro m thlH lind from kindred postmortellll; It IH Hu nni sed that pets. ""hell' th ey dl " sl lllllltllll co ugly with thelro wn ers. ha,'e b,· ("uIllP lufected \\' Itb the cll';PII8" thal carrI ed th e Ir owner. orr- IIH'IIHI I'B. dllJht Il£'rl a , typhoid . Tb. d eath ·front ·grlpf s t orr Is pretty, but. a las , It \\on't wash . Poetic Tragedy, "UI I1 ," til e poe t KllSlJeel, slllgKerin«; Into his frl('ud 's morn . "Why , w hll t' N wrong?" tb e frlpnd ID· qulr ('d. sta rt 1e.. 1 a M h e grn s pe d ho ld ot tlw tott l' rlll!,: ruan . " Wrong' " lh f' poet lDutler"d. "Yo.n()d~! I w rull' a lJoe lll about lilY lit · tie lio)" . J uP ;:lln lh e !lrst " e r a" with th ese lltH'" : " My "011' My lJiglll Y counterpart: ·· " Yes? Yes?" Th o 110<'t lln' w a long bre uth as be touk It n t- ws pap e r from h is pocket. "neud t .. he bl aze d Rudd enly. "See · what lhe cr\lIIlnnl ('o rnposltor did to my OI>Cnill g lin e." " My SOli! my pig, my countcq)artl ...· - - ;'>Jllllon:.l Monthly . The Domestic Mark. "A mlln sholiid b " Illaster In hi s OWJI" house, Mr. J)o la n : ' ~ ald Mr, Ratl'erty. " Ill; shuuld . But Inst(\ud of belq maste r overy 1I0W and tbon h e t1nd~ hlm selt forc ed luto tbe pos itio n ~ t1ll1lJ lr e .. F ran cl' Tills

coun t ry


goo d s





~ thnl~_re. OOO,OOU . Ul s t )'''u r va lue d at $141).· ,.,;~;;~~.~.,,~.:::~~~~:~.;;;._~:,: . ~~:~.:~:~...:::--~;:-;;;:~::;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~''';;'-;;;;;;';';---;;'--'';''--'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'';;';i - --- - - - - . :_\

Their First Breakfast It's a wise bride that doesn 't attempt too much for !hat breakfast. She can escape cooking in a hot kitchen, avoid rich, greasy foods, and have a good breakfast just the same, by serving

Post Toasties Toasties are choicest bits of Indian Corn perfe~tly cooked, delicaltely flavoured, rolled .Ja~)er-thin and toasted to a crisp, appetizi;'lg brown


at the ,windows. I walked most of the evening, and I think It was the I aw most splendid illumination ever 8 -a few lIurlf houses were dark, hut the- lights were very unIver sal. Con' , Blderlng the tatenesil of the d es Ign, the Buddennel8 of the -e-xecutlon,' I was .maled at" the unlve.nlal joy' and " aI&l\J'Ib. that was discovere d , and at tbV brlWanc, . and 8Ple~d'or . 01 every ' .. pUt ,of biatjO Ytut e:ihlbStlo~ I ~~d . roiipt the rtDCUI&' ofitbe ~E!1l8. all day,

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P tH- I H . I'!"iP d,' \O IIIl!1 H :i l!lat . · "

Bta tt Photographer.


Hoh, or to lene

the b.....L Place CD tho top of the ... UOlli" .. few ibiD dceAI of Libb y'. Midget Picklel,

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juot riiht for Red

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uncheon Delicacies

1.'I '·lc' hr·r, lIlf' well ·l(nuwn ucl·

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Dud ,'ull


This food comes in tightly sealed packages, ready 1br lostant serving with cream and sugar-also delicious with fresh berries. Light, wholesome. nutritious and temptmglY'gooci for tho "6rst breakfasf' and the countless meals that will follow-

. Sol~ ·~by'




... .,




Successo rs t o De W eese" Bid leman

Hu nter &





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------------------......--------------------------------.---------........_--•____________ • 0--------.. ----41 '-----------------------------, .,- --------------:


The Last Week of The Booster Club ~ll('cb l Vti4..·c~ .1 1Hl ~~ll.l fi ll pil n ~ Ul1 rll:t Il Y ;llti\: IC' ... H l i Jl ~ "'ll l r ("/ 111 -

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a s lhf' R:a ll tJl Ix: c11l~.l' d " I 1111"11 Jill Y ~H h .

\'our f a B, ,~








Glass Jars and Tin Calls. ~ee our extra Heavy l{ubbers for Mason and Lig htnin g .Jar!!. The Best in town. Feed "Merry War" Lyl:' to you r Hogs. Paying 1& for Eggs thiil week. It pays to tradp. at


these Holeproofs are Wonderful Socks" OME to this store and C the original gUAranteed hose - famoDs



Note its texture, G1ItI



pairs of Holeproof and begin to know them, nsnearly t'l/l million Wean!rs do. Bu, tlW1I loda" They wUllast six monthsorlonger.lftheywcar to holes within six month s you get ne'J] pairs free.



*--.. -------...--...-..-'t' I All th e Leading Amer- I




jleltlspaprr anb ~a ua ~ tt1e

Ik l'l 1: ~·l'tI . () f Ma";( .l1. wi lll ,t' a cu n- I, Mrs . .J. O . Curt wrij{hL gavt· a tlitl ull' f.,(' l·ul1l1 l1 i~l:>iu ne l· . ll'll1eheun Tu esday afte rnuon to t hl' I{av I.. \\' . .. f Ld.arw lI . a hU :'i. ; fo ll ow ing g-u (>st:;: M\...,.dallle!< C. M. I Cartwri l-!hl. uf Chica)!o . A . F. I), •. n t'-'::-i ·,·i s l t'lr 1\1--' 1'1 j\'I(lnday. vi tt. E .tl Uai Iy . (; . W lI a \Ilk!>. .1 l{aYlllllnd ()al'i" ~ 1 11'l1 ' a couple of . W. Whit e . W H. All en .. J. A. Fundays in I 'incilltlU Li Lim; \\'cl'k. key. M i ~ My ra L. Baird j



Mi ",~

- -

Mr. and Mr s Chegt e r BrhClstl'ee t . (,f Xen ia. M r~. V ~ rna K e lJ ~y . of SlJr i n~field. Mr . and Mr;l. Pe rr y Kenrick , Mi&l Bertha Kenrick. Mrs Hannah Antram and Mrs . Mary Cas· key wer e ente r tained at t he home o f IMr. ancl Mrs. W _ S Graham Sun · da v.

! ~asl

Tl;uJ'&Iay being David H . : Lu cas ' birthday. hi s wile plannecl to iflul'prise him ; ant.! on Sunday invi ~ed the following friend s to their hom l' neal' Wilmington: Mr. and Mr s Amos Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. GUY Chenoweth and daugh!er, Agnes , Mr. Arthur Jones . of Wilmington . Mr_ and Mrs David H. Lucas a nd sons. Raymond and Earl. and Mrs. IJ . H . Chenoweth. They all had a good tim e and everything good lo eat. . Mrs. J_ D. Marlatt entertam .. d last Thursday at a 12 o'clock lun ch eon the occasion being in honor of the birthday of her dau g hte r . Mrs. C. M. Robitzer. Those in"ited wer e Mrs . F 8 . Hende rson and dau g hter. Alice Louise; Mrs. L . A. Zimmerman and daug h ter , Mary Louise; Mrs . F. C. GIlmour and son. Charles; Mrs . oJ . O. Cartwright a nd daughter Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. J . B Chap man and son. Robe rt D .; Mrs. Ralph Miller and daugh t er. Mary J osephine; Mrs. J. W . McCOy rmd da ug hte r J ean and Miss Ruth Hartsock

"I teU JOu, '

ligh. 'IJ.uigh.

() n Sun tl ay . .Iune ~ I s t . MI' . slid I. . A i'. ; I IIIlW rl lIH il i ~' ill (·i llcin l.<.lLi , Mrs (j l h!! H t' ncll'r~o ll en tertairw(] al luday. di nn e r i\1I-. anti M r". Lee Hend l' r son . . and fam !'i ly. Mr . and Mrs . H. "fr(' "" Ill. ~ 'cht'lIl"r I' a tte ndlll ~ cp l· ami M iss I:tbcl Wardlow . Iq.{l' nl W\l"~ll·l'. 0 1110.




~ubs[ription ~Ut m p

D'i!!,!/!!.~r?f 4~!'f!9 $1.50 to $3.00 .. blQ; of aia pUr.

Myer Hyman_

Waynesville, Ohio.

Mrs. El la Michl' nc l' and daughte r. Mis..'{ Adl. Wl'~l' Leua n(l ll visi to rs Tuesday. I



+--F - --- e·t· ---+I ormer w-----_ ....





Irel1(' Brad st reet. of Xenia. Yes. of Dayton . fell from was. tlw . wed, e nd g uest of Miss i a wagon lH!:lt WCl:)k and broke his leg Man e 11111. just be l o l~ thl' hi p . At last a ccoun ts h e was cl orng as well as can be ex:Havol e ne Auto Soap. be~ t to wa~h peeled harness. Wavn e!!ville Auto and Ma. ch inery Co . ' Mr . C. A. Brune r gave th e cla ~s Raymond Dav is le ft Tu esda\, even- uJdress a t the Boxwell Comm enceing for Ch icago. wherc hc wi ll spend mentat Gum Grove recently . The his vacation. ad d r es!! was well r eceived by the



Mr and Mrs. Harry ltidge and daugh ter. of Ci ncinnati. are s pending several weeks at Atlantic City. Mr . Hidge hal> been hou!'ed for some time, b ut since his arrival at the seashore he is improving very rapidly .

C. G . Willi amson, the r eal estate Mr . and Mrs . Lindley Mendenhall. Mr . a nd Mrs. Harvey Rurnett and agent. of Xeni ll. mad e a big deal reo tlaugh te r . motored tu Cin cin nat i cen tly hy which the Trebein mills changed hands. The trade was made Sunday and visited fri ends . on a cash basi s of $30.000 valuation W. H. All en rece ived a letter f!'om f" r t he mill propeaty, which was Dan Gard. of Californ ia. Tuesday. t rarl ed,.for a. big $70.000 apartment who says t hat Will Gard is g ctti'lg ' house In ChIcago. u;ong nice ly. and t h:lt it i ~ 0111 :; a I __ __ queslion of lim e wh en he w ill b(· nu t I C h" h h HIS HAT IN THE RING again . Al le rt leaver . w 0 III Wit t e U . S. G.::ologlcal Survey o utfit. is at We are pleased to a nnoun ce the Miss Rosamond Dakin o f Hanni present a t Cave in· Rock. Ill . Albert name of Judge ~ilton Clark . of bal, Mo . arrived he re M~nday e ven- says that there is no paper at that ~banon •.as a candIdate for the Leg- ing. and will s pend the s umme r place and he must have the Miami lslature. 111 our reg ular announce· with her granclmother, Mrs. Am a nda Gazette to get the news. He !Jays mentcolumn . The Judge d oes not Wrig ht. there is not a railroad in that counexpect to make a personal campai gn ty th e ()nly outlet being by the river. for the honor. we are told. but wil l Phoebe and Ella Le v e rin ~. of rely upon his persona l acquaintance Wallh ing ton. D. C. and ReI( Call by and hi~ record us a jurist and a law- Levering and family. I)f Xenia . W" I'C N ot hard lu ck but "immense" luck yer wholly . Th e Jurig-e was placed entertained uy t heir re lHl ivel:' . MI'. was t he experien ce of Mr. ilnd Mrs in nomination severa l day~ before he and Mr'l. S . L Ca rt wri g- h t IU' I wr e k . .J nhn Clark and Mr. and MrR. Clvd e was made aware o f the f .. ct Thi s returni ng to X"nia 11I:,t W edl1 ('~o\a y Hial L a t Lak e J"m p.., las t weeK. W81l done by some of th e county '" ev clli nl-! . Th,"irs wa ~ tit,! r "r'ord (, I'eaktng ca!eh m ost prominent Republi cans . li e a t Lake J anJ('s . l his Sl·ason. Mr:3 says he will do his be8t to serve tilE' 1,;"t h':: I' Wallacl" of Hieh m ontl . (lid . .h lhn Clark wa;; te r ribly ex('itfld coun ty well if the people sec fit tu di ed al hI:) I' hOlll e laH WedIJCRI!;'Y w hen "h e di ~c ovc red sh e ha rl actually r epose their confidence in him . 1\1 r". \ luC'I! l'arn e he re a bou L In c la nded a seven and one-ha lf pound middll' of Mav to Ihe J~r i (, I1" ~ Horne. p ickl·rul. The village tUflwd OUl Havolene Auto Soap is an ai d t lJ whe re Rhe 1"1~ lake 1l v~ry i l ~ alld W (tS t'TI rr':ld8 and wCl'~ waiting to s~e the house-cl el,m ing, does not injure pain t . r emuvcd t o her horne In Rlchmo nu _ boat come. ha Ving heard whlsp(!r~ makes old wood-work loo k lik e new. ::ihe made man y f r ie nds in th t'! ~"o rt I of the big catch . a nd we are told !he . Winci1 es tp. t· d ' I f' ;~ ation were surf' : and r e move grease spotg from dotll c~ tilil e "it(· wu,; he re. - - - - - - .. - - proud w hen t.hey walked thl'Ough t.he Waynesville Au to and Machi ne r.v Cu CIIILD I{E i\J ' S DAY EX [ RCI 'ES vi ll age 'with thei r eig h ty pounch; of !lid,ere! and ha~ . Ev en th e o ld ___ __ get Immediate reFef (rom l'ishenn lf'n t ook u ff th ir hal~ to Mrs . Til l ' I ·hi :.1 I'en' s Duy ex e r c i ~e,.; a t Dr. !.!Jooo·s Ma~c Ointn\l:~ lIw ( 'l1 l'1 st ia ll l: hu eh on Sudrlay Clark when t hey saw h('r tl ophy l' vc' niI1Ir w e re well rende r ed. Th e Clyde lliau too was fiOIlJe J.l1,~ a~t!d I' ! prll ~ ra lll cl) l1>'i ~ led of choir selec - w hen he' had his five p,)ul·d pickt!rel ti" n~ hOlll the ChrisLian Fnreign Iined u p nn th lj st ringe r fo r inspec· 1Miss i'l11ary So,:icty's program. "Chil· IJlc I i.on . fully hi,, ;. lureHe taken but meant by th e to t lm ehave hp. hAd _ . tlr<' n'ti Day in Many Lands." and fi nished t~lIi. n g his Questioner>! just i n~ci lal iom; ann ~o n gs by th e child ren . An o frel'ing was taken for Foreign how he dId It, da rknl'sil W "~ upon ' Mi;;siuns . t hem . -Winchester (lnd) New::>. .


; of Mr . . An ron I{ea l at Reavertown

I A s ubsc ri ber from Co rwin has the I following good !'uggestlOlI for the


For Sale - One 10 g allon Icc Wate r Cooler . new. co~t "398. will take $200 for it. Inquire a t Hartsock '~ Confectione ry . Mrs. H . Teu fel and Mrs. H. R. MeDaneld . of Kansas City. Mo . are g uests of Mr. a nd Mrs . Jas. Pre ndergast a nd family.

I' t

___ last F rldav_ Mr. Charl eg B. Il ett. !Ion of Mr~. 1 Oscar Cr()wl and ~ife relurnecl Molli e lI ett . . of India napolis . and I home f rom I-lr.r tfo rd City, Ind .• last nephew of Mr . Chas . . Brown . ar · I Thursday . . riv ed her e from t hat cIty . Monday. I I-la rry Weave r and WI(C. of Day· a nd tak in)! Mi ~'l R"xy ~ ul·face . . ton. f< 1>l' llt Satuntny and ~unday Ja.u ~ ht el' of MI'. and Mrs . Dalll ~ur · 1 with thp Weaver and Brelsfo rd famf nce. t o Le banon. t hey proceed ed to , i1i e ~ the court house and procured a mar · I . r..dwa rd Rap er and wife . of 8t. ringe license. From the re they went I Louis a ra eltpec tecl he re th is week to to tho parsonage of Re v. A. J. Ke>l- 'I makea visit with r elat ive,; ." . ti e and we re marrk>d . Mr. and Mrs. I1 e tt will make Ihei r hOll1O in Indian.MIi~.'1 E~sle Peppe l' enle rtllmed her apoli~. I r.rle nd MISS Mabe l Robe rts of Frank· . " - ----, lin last Sunda.v. A GOOD SUG~ESTION

I lZenS




~~~~~~--_~_~~_ ~... _ -~~---.~~~-!"'-~-~~!"'-~~-~-~~~-~~"! .---~......,---

Miss Lpol1ora 1\ I1h 1l3. of Dayton. I ' was t he g ue~ t of M iRS (l'Ina Ho ug h , i::tBt w 'ck j




ill g :;l1 nll11 (' r ";r' huol at Oxfo rd.


- -. Fourth of July . She says it would . Mr. fred E~~r~art-an.ll famll~ of be well if the small gas ball oons i FranklIn are vlsltmg their relatIVes were prohibited on th 's day. on ac-I here. count of fire both in Wayne.<lville and I Rorn- Monday to Mr. and Mrs. T. Corwin. Owing to \he scarcity of Hanlin a ~on. water at Ce,'win, a fire would cerRuth Tomlinsun spent Saturday tainly have its own way and Sunday with Grace Patton. - -- • - The tanks and building of the SubscriLe for yo ur ho me pape r. Standard Oil C:J. arc being put up - -- - - - - - quite rapidly. Bellbrook Mrs. Geo. Gaskill. of Dayton. visited Mrs. Viola Harlan recently . Mi!*l Ruth Sackett, who livcs Routh Miss Henrietta McKinsey was u of town, is seriously ill. guest of Xenia relatives last Tues· Mrs Rebecca Weber. of St. LouiS day. who iil visiting here. was ente rtained Miss Alma Wate rhou t>e was a Leb· at the home of C. M. Austin and anon villi tor last Saturday. wife last Thursday . Mr~ . Mate Collins and family, of Mrs. Minnie Nagley and son Joshua Mor row, were visiting Mr . and M~s ' have g one to Delaware to visit rela· W Biggs peveral days last week. tives. Mrfl Christie McKinsey haa been Mrs . Brown and daughter Mrs. enjoying a visit with her .daughter Alpha Surface attended the funeral) Mrs . Earl Swain near Ridgeville.








'I: (he Lowe!'t Rates . ....

Phone 8-2r

h:ali1l' r inl' CiLllolI >' is allc ml Ohio .

, iean and Foreign Periodicals Supplied at


Fancy Waterm e lon ~. fan 'y Lem · ons. Or anges . Can t e loupes. . Cukes. New Tomatoes. New White Cobble r Irish Potatoes .



Socia l Events .::o------Person?) Mention - ----* \


Fire Works All


e ___________________


_____....... LEWIS BAKERYJ-----


Everybody usues Lewis' ·B read. If you have never eaten it, just buy one loaf, and you will never use any other bread. It's good and it's sanitary.

~---I _WaynesviUe.Ohio

Try it.


--" _ _· 1 _ _-


- - - .... - ... - --




, 01' . M. W. Lan~ . of l{id gevi lJ e, . LJroke .h is arm whilp. cranking his I auto ill Le), all on Tu esday . It seem!' as thoug-h he had a little troubl e ,crankin g' it, and g ave it a Iitt..l e too mu ch g-a~o lin E' . with t hp. above r eilul t. Th e accid ent will keep the Idoctor in t he house for several days.

W ~ :& I' I T he .estern Star says I'(lgarr. 1I1g I t he WaYJlesville Band. that play ed I ther~' for t he fratern al orders two I weeks a .~~: d:d'Thell Wadvlwtw ille tell'or- , net Banu. I a lin m ore ' . an I eQuid be ex pp.cI'erl in the furnish· iug of excel lcn t m !.lSic for the oc I casion.' ~. ____ .. _ ... . ,

Hedgelhor. Punclure-Proof Self-heal."ng·T."res 'fO'IITRODIIGE,O.LY A 8AMPl.E PAIR

0- 0



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1~.7.f:b~';;:'~rr7,'::rI"!/!'r.::' ~!!!!!!!

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".11., Taouoral ••• wlll A bundred tbouyond

D£80RIPTlOII• rid.!

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ltegular communication of WayVema,n Ll.'bnnon sr.uIP- 1 nesv ille Lodge No . 163. F. & A. M " tor, wh(l is in the emplo\l of the . ~ will . take place Tuesday evening. Panama Exposition. at San Francisco. July 7. at 8 o'clock. Sojourning: and who recently saved a brothel f brethren and visitors are cordially sculptor by the transfusion Of. blood I ·:;~'·-"·;"='-":"'invi ted t o attend. a t th~ 8mme plaee, Will! seriously in J. T . Ellis. W. M, jured by' being thrawnfrom a tan- , ......,;E'"~ L. A . ~immerman,.:See' :1.: dam niOI;o~Y"le recently. . . •



I p'r,;'Di.:,:(i~:tn~i'i











WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY JULY ~ 1!.l] ,J Whole ' umber ;1~7 1 --~~------~--~~--------------------------~~~-~~-~-~--------~------------~- -------------LOCAL HAPPENINGS THI S WEEK OBITUAI~ Y \ /"' 1/ (Jlh I :" ANI> OLiT or TO\\< N

Sixty-Fifth Year



Wm. Thorpe , . of Duyton. W!UI town F riday.






(;"rd' HI .i uy \\'a~:tl' i lll'illf1ati \" is i· Alc:-; alld N Spurgpon wa!" I,orn in ("I· I\lor,,,I:I.\' . \ Mu sk in g-\Im Count y. Uhi,), M:trI'h I ~. TWO , ()~n CO lJPI.ES ARE Mr . and Mas . A . Maftlt were in SEVERA L SOCIAL ENTERTAIN· I X:!7, d i 'il .1lily ~, I! I I -l. ag-cd S7 Y(,llr~ . PI.AYED BY O\'C E- UP()'\ -A- IUlt: 1\11' anrl l\I r~ . H. S IllI w"III1 I11 t rlrpd 3 11I1111 1.h" an d :)11 " av ,~. HAPpILY WEnDEl) Bellhroo k Sunday. MENT" (ilVEN I ,.\I .L I'LA \ [h!c, l,' ( 'i ll l' ill llali TII l·".Jay. B e wa~ rna rril'd lU J\la ry I'arri ~h \lov. Ii, I S.-,:!, ha vin g livi'd tog-e th t' r Miss F.thelyn J ones has been vi ~ it­ lI:,vlI l"," , ,\lItll SHap flJr ,'il (' llI t h, to celt:bratL' their six ti ' t h IVcJc.Jing' ingo r e latives in Indiana. SEVERAL DINNERS WERE GIVEN 80TH WERE 8EAUTItUl EVENTS E . . \· ; I ~ · II(' S l· i llt· :\ut o artd Mal'hi r1r'ry \ ~ II. a nni v (! r~ ry in W 13. lie se r ved hi ~ THE MIAMIS WIN ANOTHER GAM Havole ne Auto Soap is econ omical. roun t ry in t he Civi l Wa r as Corporal II" nl - .Iul\':i . I !H I, to Mr a nd in Co. (;, l ~,!l t h I{eg . Ohio Nati onal That Was Int cr cs lin)! FilII of (joud ,\ I rs SaIn I. Ml'I'L'JiLh, J r., a daugh · Couples Wcre Out-of-TaWil Pcople, Waynesville Auto and Machine ry Co In Honor of tiues ts Visitin~ Reh. G u a rd~ . tiYCS Here- Hot Weather Hut Are Well Kllown Pla.I·s Hrll! ~e\c"[l i fl"' . ,John Stroop, of Dayton. was shakHe h' ;lv ('s to mo u rn his d c'pa rture , Festi vilies ing hann s wit..h his many fri ends he re Here L.:rror~ h is w ifl' . t wo ;lO lLi, (h'c d a llg- htc rs. ,\I r~ , /':U:I I' rint z , o f Day tull. \\'a~ Friday. t Wf'n tY· 'JlIt· g-randl'llildren a nd ft fl ('''11 111/ '1~ 1 1 " ~ 1 I,r Mr. nllrl Mrs . J . 111. grea t..·,:r r; mdr·hild rcn . Th e "ldl'sL ~( 1l1 Ta.\'I .. r :-;al ll r d ay. M isse.'! Annie and Marne Bro'Nn are Mr. and Mrs . J . L Hartsock en- Cha r l{'!l II. , dir" ! ,Jul y 2:1. l !IO!I. Hoover-Ems J\11'~" I' . •1 ( . 1111 1\ 1. 1' :til" ( '. M. vi!liling rel a tive;l in Cente rville and tf' rlain('d Satllrtlay, Mr. anrl Mrs. Th ·(' fUlwral WII~ held OIl iri !-; !:ttl' l~, rI,j l z"r \ , I ,. III I r'l 1I1I" 1I 11I1 ill ~. ' I ­ I\I(' ~ ' rs. ('. I,:. Sf' rvi ~ and 1'- M. Wedding bells on t.he \<'ourth of DlIyton . I·'red Hart sock and daughter, of r eside nce o n th e Dayton and I",hn I illJ.f n 1111 ,f fil II ["I ,UII"I " III' 1'111 ~ li l ' rw""" I ','n' h usi ll (,.~s v i ~ i l,)r~ to July, ami amid perfect s umme r ' Murrow, and Mr and Mrs. Bert non Pik e Sa t ll rday m orn ing . .1u ly .1I h . weather. rang joyuusly on Saturday Mrs. Marvin Mill cr. of Spokane. l-iurt'lock . of Route 1. at a Fourth of at 10 o' clock. Hev Ca mp!II·II. of p lay.·r ~ Sa ll ,"' !., )' " f' ' 1' 11 '01 111 TIll' 1'1 , II;l y ( o ll 1\1 Ullrlay . W~'''4 1 II Itll l f1 ; ~' g otH).: I lh , Hlld I h{.~ " evening when Anna L. the winsome Wa::lh ., is visiting Mr. I. N. Miller. July dinner. Cen terville , oflic iati ng. [nlprme'l lt g ('T1tit 'lflL'1I t lWII Il"1 II f (1Irni slti n)! ~, lr . ;\Ialhan II aWe!! and fa mily. o f and accOmplished daughter of Mr of Harveysburg. wa'l m ade :it Woodlawn CP!,letet·y , a Ii I II,' ~ l ",rl fur Iltl ' IIf ll·I't t< 'II I1 . It S pr illg' Vall ey . spent the Fou rth lind Mrs. Chat-Ies Ellis. became the Mr. and Mrs . Ben Mill s €':1ter- Day t on. Ohi o. wa" ~ Jlllrt, I", I . '1'1\1' II" YM IVho \Vcn t wit It f l·/a t ives he re . bride of Cecil E Hoover, of Clatks· Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock and tained Sunnay at dinner the ! ollowUl in l" Ihl' til,lli " f haltll' \\'I're all ville. daughter, of Morrow, s pe nt the 4lh HAD A FINE PICNIC !\Iiss I'at.hlee n Haines a nd urothe r. ing guests: Mr, and Mrs Wm. g'ood ('I , ha ll plny.·rH. nt1<'e. It IVa,; Relatives and friends were d e light. with relatives here. Wllters and Richard Mink, of Dayinr p o ~s ilrlt· 10 )!d ;ll'ornp"~I(' !il 'on', Willll ir Rn! !l p ( 'nrlin ~ a week 'at tht: M to receive cards: Th e Ort houox I'-riends Sund ay- hl'e<l " Hl' t hl' Sl:lIn ' 1.>,)1>1, w" "ld nllt Lt'\\'is ll)n rCHI· rVl)i r. Miss Ruth Hartsock was the guest ton. Mr. and Mrs . W. C. Phillips Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ellis req ues t and Ron. and Mr. and Mrs. Frauk h i ' . k .1 J I h I hllirl all Ill' lhr' pla.\'>< m:I"e tltat arof h(\r brolh e r, Mr. \<' r ed Harlsock, the pleasure of your presence at the Coleman. . sc 0 0. PICniC eu u y . -It at t. If' ll'rnorrn . Mr . a nd Mri-l Frank Zcll a mi Mr. _ __ bea uttful country home .of Mr . and marriage ot their daughter Anna to of Morrow last week. a ll d Mr~ __(; . W. Ha wk£' motored to . 'J'!l e n ' was a g-reat lft'a l of hard HI'li ,ronLaine S"nda . Cecil K Hoover on July 4. 191 4 at Mrs . RO!1a Be rryhill ami daughter. Mr~ Thad Zi!l1tne rman. To ~ay that Ralph Vance . of Morrow, s pen t IlI tltng- ;lnd IlIl:; o f l'tTUI'S. bUL th e y Ii p. m. Miss Flora. entertained at a 1 <ourth t'very n ~e enJoyed lhe m ~e l ve~ wl)u ld M i f;~ Mary Hawk e and Mi ss Lucy The ceremony was held at the Saturday and ~unday with Mr. a nd of July dinner the fl,lIowin g g uests: b~ pu tttrt((" It ve ry mild. ~lId e pd "allw. \ a~ .full .,r nw~.t - ::-l unuu:y beautiful country home of the bride Mrs . J. C. Hawke and family. Mr . and Mrs Robt. C ross, Mrs. FIri'lt of a ll waR .the Rplend J<1 alld 1110nllll)! . I' r d . I!Ul'l sr't:k was hi t tn 1 1li ~hO P. of'l n'1n. are \·isiti ng in two and one half miles SQuth of HarMr and Mrs Arthur Vierling of Miranda Crane and the Misses h~arty we lc~me g-IVCP us . Ih ~ !H ,len· Iltl: t'.l e bl a Plll'ilCti ball. and A. (;ra('[ull . We>lt Vir~ ini a . veysbur~ . . . . , Martha Eurnett 'Emma Ca rtwriaht dId grove. nicely de<:orated III f1.aK~ II , ,,!rIll ab '. > ~~() t I ,, ~ ha ck of l he At 5:30 p . m . guests to the number Sprmgfield , were the .week-end and Susan Wright. COl'l'Y Camph ell, nf Sprin gfield. and bUllllng to s utl th e .occas IOn . II'h'-'lI a (oul lip ~ rn a"l lE:d him uve r of sixty began to arrive. and prompt. guests of Mrs. Maybelle Fitzgerald. / I,· !tad til LI: h rou!7h.t t.o was (! g uef' t at the home of Mr". / Wh en lhe noon hour arnved t h.· tht! C're : baskets· were unpack eri and sll ch a l"lVll a lHI placed " nde!' a phY;lICliltI R J\ " lantiR Wrigh t -' unday. Iy at 6 p ..m to .the sweet strains of Mr. and Mr. and E V. Barnhart Mr and Mrs. W. H. Allen enter- . f east one seld om see.'!. Then the il't· (' a " II , the weddmg march. played by Mrs. spent Sunday at the hom(' of Mr. I'; vl'ry ma n I'layinl:' )till a run , Haymon d Da vi!l relurned home Sargeant the happy eo.uple enter~d Ray Smi~h and family of Brookvill e tained at a 6 o'c1ock dinne r MO'lday cream The aftern oon waH s pen t in the parlor, accompanaed by MISS Ohio ' • evening, Those p resent were Mr. games. Four or tive ()ld -fa:;h inJ1('d 'I'll ,' partil' ul;l r stars in rhe liei t! w!'r!> Sund ay pV('nin g aftc'r a p leasan t: viRit Emma, a sister of the bride and ' and Mrs. S L Cartwright, Mrs. ropc 'slV iu gs afforded pl easure from .1p,~::\ I' !lurton. Il arrl' She nv '"H! , Carl with relaliYe,; in Chicago. Mr. Clarence Brady . Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones re- Chas Cartwright. son and daugh ter. the old est lo the youn ges t. A ft~r a ;;I'r ·is. Wal t..!r M rC\urp, "H e iny " Th e M. K church. of Lytle, will They took their places amid beau· turned home Wednesday evening of Chicago. and Miss Kizzie MerritL Rhort prog ram t he c rowd dispersed 1';l'prha rl, Chal'ley I{obitzer, and in believing t hat it harl been u rlav we ll fad. all of th e l)I)y~ played an err ot' holr! a n ic' cream social Saturday tilul decorationa of smilax and fern" from a weeks' visit to his brother in \~ v e nin~. All are invited to co me . spen t and wiAhing the Zimme rma n's l,{arn e. Intersp~rsed with tiny flags, and Moorestown , Ind. Class No.2 of Lytle M. I!; Sunday a ll the ~ u ccess and hap pi nes.'! possi IA·. " Huck" Conner pilc hed f or J ohn red, white and blue." School was entertained at the home MiRtl J eanne f e rguson, of Dayton. Mr. 'Sargeant pronounced the One who was the re. [Iawk!'. and !;lru ck .l ut fiv{' m e n J. E. Janney and family, E. V. I·'rr' d IJar Lqock pi tch(!d for Rol>i tzer, was th e g-ues t of Mr: and Mrs. J. W. words that made them man and wife. Barnhart and wife and Mr B S . of Mr. and Mrs . Sherman Dyke, on a lld sl ru r' \( out seven m en , bu t his I Whi te from Saturday until Tuesday. The bride's dress was shadow lact! Howell and wife spent the afternoon Wednesday evening of last week . DEHHS About 25 were present. After the (;urvl'S 1'volt'It th\.' ('al ch t'r so Ladl v I over white ::Ii/k and she carried of the 4th at Lebanon bus in ess and the lessons we re studie!!, hI;' "!)lIld no t ho ld him . J es!'f! Bur-I Lawrl'nce Shen vood. of Clevelanci, a bouquet of white lilies and carna· cream a.n d cake were lIe rved dur- I Frank Ze ll receivt. d a di spat :h ton I ri('d il It 'hi nrl t he hat for jU llt wa!< t he g-uel!t of his paren ts. Dr. !ce ti ons The groom worethe conven· Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards. II1g the SOCial hour. Mund ay m ornin g !'l1orning 10 th e two inni ng!; . and I\(! ~aid t!\I1r< : wen: l a nd MI'". Thos. She rwood. Monday. tlO~al bl~ck; . . of Denver. Col • arrived here Thu rd . effect t hat hI S slstl'r. Mr~ . ,T o, . >lu ch S II' '(!ping- CUl'VeR. that he w ould . 1he br.l de s maid looked charmll1g day evening, for a thrp.e weP.k·s,vis it 1'11:. Hnd Mrs. John Fromm and Ha'l\ ke, had passed away at ~: :.lO a han ) IIIJ{ct his " monk ey wre nch" t, m blue I l I l k . . with Mr. and Mrs . O. J . Edwards Mrs. J. O . Cartwright en te rlalned m. The body wa!> broug h t.. hl~ r e hnld them. fam Jl y. of Dayton. were the weekAfter .:ongratulatlons Mr. alld and other relatives. at a luncheon Tuesday afte rn oon a t Tu"'.~ day evening , :inJ the flln(~r :J 1 I hrry She r woud was Lhc stat. end~u ~sl.S ufM r . and Mrs. J.C. Mrs. Hoover led the way to the her home on North street. Her will.tak e place at the r e,;loe nce o f Th e lirs t fly t hat came out t o him, he H aw .le. diningroom, where Ii delicious two Mrs. Will Russum and daughter, ~ues ts were M~sdames Uarnba-!'t, Mr . Frank Ze ll Thur;lday afte rnol) n stood and watc hed. then a!'ked lhe COurBesuppe!w,asserved. . Margaret. came down from Dayton Clagett, Cartwrlg~t. Clayton. Ed- at 2 o'clock . Mi ~-;es Anna Thompson and Edna hatter if he lVou!tln 't pi a~e knock At tht! br.lde stable wluch .was Thursday and spent the week with wards and the MISSes Blanche and C ;ep hart. o f Davton, ~pe nt the Fourth nl'~t( ne ou t into th e fi e ld . Ruy the df4lorated WIth ter~a bnd !!arnatlOns Mrs. Mollie Edwards. Mr. Russum Pearl Ril ey, Trillena and Mar&,aret at thp homl' of Mr. and Mrs. J , ~. on Ii rst, ~t()ppl' d e ve ry· WeekR. Miss Tampson Mulle n di ed at Ihe were BelAted. the entIre brl.dal party. joined them here Saturday and Sun- Edwards and May Wright. Rohi tzer , on Th ompson. In ~ cuttm&, of the brIde's cake d . home uf her nephe w in ad elph ia thing- - nit. Cha rley fi rst. a lso stop ped ('ve ry g maybe, Charles Villers received the ring and ay. Sat urday , Ju ne 27 th . She W'lS born and kii ockell d own ;lomthin e ver y wi ld' Mr. and Mrs. ~ow!\r~ Archdeacon. Mr. and Mrs. 0 , J Edwards e n· near Sprin gbor o , and was a successTom McGuinn the thimble. Rev . and Mrs C. S. Grauser and . . 1 of Le banon, W~I e t he S unday gues~ tertained at dinner Sunday the fol- ful teac her , hUYing taug ht in Wa r- thl;ows . After supper the evening was' SOtrlP. of the boys played one II1nll1g' I o ~ M rs . ~ary Ca!'!key a nd Mrs, Han apent 'in music and social good time. son, Charles, Dr. and Mrs. Ward and lowing guests : Mrs. Mollie Ed· ren, Hamilton, Butle r and MontMany beautiful and useful presents Mr. and .Mrs ChB1'. Hough went to wards, Mr and Mrs. Will Ru ssum, gO lll ery co u ;.. lies fo r mor e t han f orty and so me played more. (; enrge nah Antram. were received. Ft AnCient Satur~ay and spent the of Dayton, Mr, and Mra. Warren years. Sh e. had reached the ripe rlge Harts nc k cvell mad e a hit bv stickMr. and Mrs . F. B. Sherwood, . AftEr one week. they· will be at afternoon and evemng at that pleas· Edwards . Mr and Mrs, Wilson Ed· of 9'3 yea rs. I month and G d av~ 11l- ing- OLII his hat anci the ball hi t it. d a u\l'hte r and son. tlf Lebanon. spent "J-:u l: k" Conne r· got fiv e hits at tiV<l home to their . many friends in ant resOrt, wards, Misses Trillena and Margare t te rrnent was mad e in Germantown, Sunday at l he hom e of Dr. and Mrs. tim l:'s up , two of them be ing two Th os . Sherwood. Edwards and Margaret Russum. Clarksville. where the Kroom who is Pa. bag-Kc r>!. .. Buck" ra n like a deer , a rising young business man an~ es Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft, of Day · .... - - - perhapl'. ( 11i:l wift' s ays. "d ·ar"). teemed by all for his honesty and in. ton, came down Saturday to !1pend FELL OUT OF HAYMOW M rs ...Ma rtha Traub and Miss Flora dustryhasabeautlfulfurniah4ldhbme the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Mr. and Mrs. W'rn. Carmony. of Fred 'ch wa rt z umpirel the best Rea. ur Bainbrids. e . Ohio, were the awaiting them . White. Mr. Taft returned home Lytle, entertained Sunday a party of game that hag b een Reen on the 10· g uests of" Mr. and Mrs. lieo. Rae. of The followin&' guests were present: Sundayeve!ling, and Mrs .. Taft ra- relatives in honor of their son, EI Rue Dinwiddie. who has been CHI lot this year. T he re ' w'a.'! not [{ou tt~ 5. last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bogan, Mr. and mslned untIl Tuesday even mg. mus and bride, of Columbus. Tho~e working fo r H a rvey Burn ett, had a murmur on e it.her side, anrl h is Mrs . l. Beckett, Mr . and Mrs. Morris present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lhe mi sfortun e lo fall down a hay judgmen t was of t he best. Com e Mr. a nd Mrs. Witters, and Mr. Bogan. all of Wilmington, Mrs. Mr. Harry Williamson and family. Wheaton . of Springboro, ~r. and shute Thursd ay . and hurt himse lf again, Fret!. The sco re: Richard Mink, of Dayton. were the Bessie Decker, of Lynchburg, Mr. wer" In Lebanon Monday attending Mrs . y". F . Clark and family . and badly. HI:! WIlB throwing d ow n some It I I I·; guest s ot' Mr . and Mrs. W. C. PhilRoy Hoover, Miss Josephine Trindale. a reunion of thl! Williamson family. the Misses .A rna and Lou ell a llouce_ hay to the CO Wl'! and got a little too Hu\vke ...... ..... .. .... . .... ~ .. .... :!fi :! ~ 1."( lip!; Sa tu rd ay and Sunday. Mr. James Gray, of Clal'KSV iIIe. Mr The occasion was in honor of Mrs. of . clost) to the shute a nd f e ll, fltl'i king a Rll ui!zer .. ....... .. .. ........... ... 1 1 :!O [Ii and Mrs. Robert Gray. Mr. and Mrs. \'w1atilda B. Williamson, who celepit(:h f ork handle, receivinl: Ii bad H. M. She rwood unloaded and deJohn Fealy.,.. Mr. and Mrs. Char1c.'8 brated her 78th annivet'Sary. There Arnong the guests ent erta ined at injury. Mr. Bu rnet broug h L him to li vl' r('" to t he O reg onia Bridge Co .• Edwards, Mr. and Mrs . Amos Allen, were many present frl'm a distance. the Friends' Home over July 4th and town. and the docto rs had to t ake a t Le}l:1llon . I!ll:!t week. a 7Y. ton fit iamis Win Again Kev, IUld Mfa. Sargf'ant. Mr. and Sunday were: Misses Balderston several ~titches to repair the wound . truck. '1'111'; i!l th e largest truck in The girls of Class 4 of the M E. and B,own, of Dayton. Mr ~ Camp· Rue i ~ getting along ni rely, anll it is SUUTH LIWA:O;ON :-)uuthe rn Uhio. Mre. Goo, Ellis. Mr. Dnd Mrs. Charles Hagemeyer ar.d lIsby. Mr. and Mrs Sunday Scheol held a "Rainy Day bell Corey. of Springfield. Fred Sher· hoped t ha t he will be out soon. II II I( II 1''' .\ Jo: D . /Se llrs. rf . - . . , . . . ,; ~ 1 : :: . Levi Jl'ssoP. Mr and Mrs. Walter Picnic" on July 1st. After dinner wood. wife and children, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Allen, Miss Ellis, Mrs Marietta Carpenter. of the class had much fun gath.,ring/Dr. Sherwood. (f Waynesville. ahd FELL THROUGH THE C E ILING ~~~~~~il~.L: :: : : ::: ;I II II ., " Flora Allen and Mr. Glenn McCoy. Lebanon, Miss Anlanda Gray , Mr . flour Racks and old rubber from the Laurence Sherwood, of Cleveland_ ~;'(~~~';'I·I. :~ " ::: : : ·. ·. tl f Was h i n~ton. C. H., were the and Mrs Bud Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. sale of which they received enough I Ohio. . A M d h II h f' l.'Ir'''". I· .. .. ...... ~ II I " wue k·end g uests of Dr. and Mrs. J. Cliffe HIlWku, Mr and Mrs. Will to finish pnyinK thf'ir first payment ~~mos en e n a • at t c urmture H. " ,onll. ", ... ... < I 1 , " ,1, . 11.. McCoy. Mrs. Allen r emained Mooney. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuinn, toward~ thp. new church with ~!lm e Mis.'! Kizz le Merritt was hostess at ~tore of H. P. Kcys, cam e nea r ha v- R,,~:~~~:~~~~ ~I' , ': '. : ~ :: .~ " here for a co upl e of weeks' vilSit. Mr. CharlCli V,llers, MiS!i eva ElliR. towards the next. The Ilirls say a three course six o'clock dinne r in g a Rerious ac:cident \<'riday mol'l1 - u. Higirlll,,,i r,,. NO. •• I " I " :! IIl I _ _ _ _ _~~~~!"!'!'~~~~ Miss Lulu "·ealy, Ethel Conner, Vesta thaI if anyone has been missed let last Friday evening in honor of her ing, ~ e haiT gon~ into th e a t tic . f~r II /(;"hl,lI",h·o . I" .. ., " II " Ellis. BerdaFealY. Lena. Vt'da and them know. niece, Mrs. Chas. M. Cartwright of soml~t.7:~r' andl!lhbP£lt~ o/-rh~lh' J~I~} '1'01,,.10 .. ... /II 'i " l l 12 --;; I Of . Unde r the lEma Ellis, John Marlatt. Veva Gray, - -. Chicago. It being the eve of the ar.( ~ . . ]fo ug 1. u ~allg . IITlSe ~1 1.\~I I R Emma Ellib, Clart'nce nrady, Charle~ BARN BURNED TO G~OUND Nation's birthday the souvenirs d , on th e Ju tst. AnH?S W,lS consHJe rabl y II It II 1'1' i\ I, a hle (hrectlO n of W. O. Raper, the r I IJoy ~ tJdeatl'd South LeBanon by the Gray. Howard McGuIDn , Clarict' ' place cards were suggest·v Of ~h 8cratchl.'f! a nrl. brul>led. and has bl:!en , IIl1 r~:"' . .... . . , .. . . I :; ;1 " I fl' d b' k fie d . ~ pretty stiff Slnce then, He got off Il'Il71.,Il ..t1 , 'r' ... , . . I U :: h k ' t SCllfe o f 7 10 (i in a very inte resting G ray and E verett:::. uma cr. The' French dairy barn, on th e I ~Yh .l~S a 88 :tbi 0 c!'-bnb y. tie pretty lucl<y at that, fo~ If he had Irll rJr:.~"i'.' .'. : :: .. : : ,: :: ,I, i .~ g-srnn. May alt go well with them. Mu) Shaker road. below Lebanon. was I Wit re ! '!' Ite an ue rl on . gone down it is proba ble that he ':il,ir,m•. llr ..... . .! I I 1 (lllr boys dre w first blood in the life's short days Illioe on peacetul burned to the grourd Saturday after.· In additIOn to the guest of honor woulrl have been con!liderably hurt. b;,~\:~I\:.r :. I~ ......... .: ~ ~ ~, ',', !;," 1fi rsL when Burton's single and . ere first noticed I thoRe present were MP.!'dumCll, Rach· None of the furniture wall d amaged . I;roll .... r''''.t . JIo. .. _ .1 1 I I ., . ~ t 1)lt' l1inning lind brlghr., with no more cloud~, '1Olln . Th .. flames w base and Bergan's extra long than mllY glieten in 'he I!un!lhine, no in the bouling: department, and al- el Keys. Hannah R~gers, Mr. I.I.nrl _ _ _ __ • _ _ IllIrI, "ro l' p .... .... _'. 2 2 " , Hing-Ie j)1'odu red one run They more rldn than"!'Iay form a rainbow I hough the emplOYOOR and nehrhbors Mrl3. ~ L . Ca~twr\~ht. Rev . Il:nd LE8ANON "CULPTOR DEAD Tul,nl" , . .. . . :1:. 7 111 ~ 7 I" sco rt,d th ree more in Uw third on ___ fought nobly the entire structure Mrs. Cadwa.llader MHls CI.arn ~Ile. . ' I 2 :1 4 5 Ii 7 ~ 9 . ~ in ~l e8 b y Prende rga::tt and Barnard, wa!1 burn(oOd to the ground. The He!en LoUIse and Levering Car~ ;j. IA·.i.ll """ . \J .! .~ " " II " .~' II .. Hurt un's inli e\d fly, Bergan's sing le. " Oouce . thenelgh· . wrIght . 'V ernonJones.LeanOn;l!lf·uptor. b' I 1·'11 111111, . . .. . 1 (IS l i ...\I ~tAIl " " Car moo Jbarn cost the French'sID ___ \, " . I " , - 7 u wild vil.e h UI1l! e rrors by R. Snook Miss Coral Duuce was united in borhood of t75,OOO. and the insurnoti ce of whose a ccidenl wa'l made !'It(llan Il nses-Lw·"., 2 , It . KIII"'I<. ~1 ... ,1. and Ra pp . Ba l'l1ard' s single and marl illge' to Mr. E:lmul Carmony, 01 ance on it W88 only about half that MORE INTENSIVE WuRK !n tbse MFiami ~azeUe Ia.~ wdeek, di~d j.("~II·I ~:;'j,~'·\n~~~:·I!Url;)~';;t l~~~i~~:.I. ... iI''''\I'' err orR by C. Sears and B. R igh tLytle, at the home of her parents amount, 111 an rancisco on ",un ay . n e 1)1,, 11,1 0 I·IIL),- I,,,,·u", lu t). :iI'ur. I.. ~1""1 ll1 l'ire produ"ed another run in the ure G W. ' Oou"e. A. B, Graham. who for the last W8~ at work att lhettim hisi d et ath. g"lIlury t I;. Hn""k. , Mr. and ... ... r""ldl'ng ..... . ' e of f UII..-, III Ls ·- lIlTlI.H 'j.( hl '"l1lro.III : lIllllul·- seventh. one Ilnd one qU8rtell ' mile wetrt. 01 nihe years has been Bupe..intendent on some Impor an plt~ces 0 ~cu II o r 'IIIrU . N. The ).raTlle waq wo n in th e Ia.qt of ..... onl·a Saturd- evenlnn " at ()' I' hed h' of agricultural exte':lsion work in at the pxposition grounds. The reo Struck {JIIL-I,y II. I'lij.(lr llll oi!·... ,;; loy (tll r · lhe eighth. With one down Gibbons tJ·al... , 0 1 " lin aCl'omp IS mUSICian. avmg . d t L bet d uuro!. Ii. 'clock. The eel!emony Willi per t k . I th Ob I' Ohio as conducted by .the Ohio State mllms arrive a e anon ,.,a ur ' ay. Unse on BalloIll' \Jarnor'l 1. O sing led and Palo I Rrown wus hit by er m Univer!jlty has resigned to accept accompanied by his sister who was Wlill !'ltch - try I" l(i~ h Lm:'i ... ·. J.. a en a specla course at e tormed by Rev. C. P Bllme!l, pas Conservatory of Music The groom .' '. . . h .• C I' f . ' h' Hi t Ul\LHl11lm- hy II. 1( ll(irl ll ll rll·ll. P. a pitc hen ball. Dakin forced Brown lor of the Memorial M. E. cburch. . d t f th Oh' W I a Similar poSItIon Wit the newly· es- til norhle rn R I ornta at t e time . Browll . at secon d , Er tel to Montgomery, I~ a gra ua ,e 0 e 10 es eyan tablished New York State School of The funeral was held ~t the home of 'l'1r1l1l:- 2 h(Jurs. and sto le second. Both runners in. the presence of about twenty rei tmiversity at Delaware of 1912, and . h' f h . ' d f UlIIlllrtl- lIurlt·y w",,_. ative:! and friends of the co ntractin~ i!l a special allent for the Rtat.e in_ ~grlculture on iA?ng 1~land . Mr. ~8 at e r /\.on ay a ernoon at two scored whe n Prendergn.qt's hot couple The ,young Pt!t.ple were 'U fl du!'trial commission. .(Jraham not only ~III receIve a larger 0 dock. • _ • - -- g rounder got past ErteL atte,lded. Mr and M~. Carmony motored to salll:ry, but he w~1I ha,;,e an oppor - --Thp powers tha t be who are back· The visitors scorP.d three in the The b'ride W,1t8 charmingly J>('owned Columbus. Saturday evaning. where tUl1lty to do ~ore IntenslV~ w?rk, as DECISION DAY OBSERV ED ing the Miamis were ve ry much stlr- second on e rrors by Prendergast and in' whIte aild. ·c;ar.ried R huge bOllq "el t.hey ....ill hf> at· home to their many ~ontrl:'Rted .wlth ,that whIch 18 done prised last Sunday morning \~h en the Barnard and Montgomery's sin gle. of -bride's. !'USt's' Imln"diately fol · frianos at No . 27:4 west Fourteenth m O~\O whIch !'lIght be t~rm~ ex Orthodox "' riends Sabbath School South I..R.banon Out/awl< a rrived in B. Rightmeire's double and D . Sears' lowing the . . . ial !jel vice a ·dinlJer avenue . _ "enslVe. He will take up hIS new du- wiill observe Decision Day July 12th. town for a game with the Miamis in sing"~' Errors by Prendergast and of'. ta W8!! served Mr Slid Mrs. William Cannony, ties ~bout July 15th. All me mbers of hoth school and the afternoon. It had been an-I L. Hrown. singles by R. Snook and ~~l*,IJII'e of pink and while thp. pArents of ttie groom, of Lytle. - - -churCh are urged to be present and nounced by th e manager that all ar- Montgomery:and three stolen bases In the menlj ltrlf' and Mr and Mrs W'. F · Clark lind is an aid to bring as many more as pos.~ible; rangements for a game had been gave them three more in the eightb . • t roSet! and· te'r n, dRullhtet'8 MlldrecttJ and 'M argaret : I}ouse· injure paint. everybody made welcom e. ' W. H . cancelled and ~evel;'al of the players ',rhe N . C. R. Red Sox .will play the . of \yaynellllille. ' Were: <the; gU~ts look like new. Starbuck. Supt.·. of . Bible School had left town or made other arr!lnge-- Miamis ·at Locust Park Su'!iday r lh pl't'seilt·"from '. a:' diata'nce~--Marion " . 'c1othes Work in Wilmington Yearly Meeting. m~nts .' · However, the faithful few This team is fa~tone. and ' goqd ~ j.DaiII Stw., " ' ,,: . ~' ,.: Co will be pt~n.t• . Come. ' . got busy and gathered·the best Mncn' base ball is assured. -Come · : . ".. "/ ,~ ,. ~ ,j"" - ' . .' )




------ ---



. I



il:::: :




pla~ers obt~;nable.










Children's clothes

6/ze VAL 15 ?fVI12G c!if tIAI-LIE ER MOOE RIV1[5 lLLUSTr~!\TION S

should be fresh and s,weet - this means a big wash-never mind -use RUB - NO - MORE



Washday then has no terrors. No rubbing. No worry - clothes clean-germs killedmother happy,

0/: ~~~~~v~19-1!I

IIi ,r::ry. bll t ,,, ,t alonc til" " Id ..i/,~I ' r , ' 1.1, I... '01 ,":'" ,01' 1,, "01 , I I Jl ~ "" " .\ ., '1 1" ,' 11Il ," " .! V,d' all l , h i", h .. ld UIlI _, h ll',,1' W(' lIt (lV,'r he r ~:.t ra ('~ ,, :, s \\'t ll lttlil: ~ I a \ ll!' ,,,,.,, 1: ,,1' h «,,, 1 I II hlnl Th , 1' 1' \\ , 1:, II ', '~ ul'(l lil" ' ,, li n 'lIl h ,, ( willd over tull ~rn8H , I{l' R-NQ -I\ IORE I' nck JI , n, ' r~ on bore 11 1ray "'I Ih ll : '\ 111' "':1)(1: " i:II"' 11 :\, " 1 ,I,I ,l hi" ,')' C'",I, b"l l\ 1' 1\ 11 :1" ", Io UI ,' " h i" h a ll ti ~ w:t1· IlIi U h ,' ~ '''' I1l,· d to cu m p bac k frolll all (;ARIIO NAI'TIIA Jill I \ I \ .... M. I'l l "). XIJI ' , t \ r I . r' t.' . . \ . <1.1 , 1.1, ,'1!", ' ~e l " tt I! lI" \ 1.11 ,' i r,,~I,' d goh]"t over who:se rim pr " I,,' d I loll , \-111", 'I", ' If,rlll!', r, ' ''r!li''~ " , ! (oJ), I 1,)1\0 ' 11 h ,' ro.;, I\I ~ h"an >1.1 101 t v iI " r , ' I ' In Ii II !! ... d l,IIllI e,' 10 plaC'c and mo menL SOJ\Pu8cd onyour fl,'! HI. j '\ d:. ).1 ... L ~~ "r 1111.1,. I t I I I' ! ~r " " 11 It 'lll' t!S and wbldl IIp!'c"d l\ br" !!11 (l l":1 1 I,I.Ii '01, th " ' :I bl(>, [ "rlle ,1 l'I !::tl n. ! 101" YO'I, I I()\', ' l'O Il ~ . ' 0 maile r wlia t ' 1 ;', t l" " ' I~ th, ' c urtal1ls Il whit e butt ~ r· linens nnd cloth tAil l . , \\ p .. 11.1.' \ 1(11. j l. . . .... , •• : 1'( 1)1:1 1.. .1.,1 !.Li ! t '" II. , ' : 111\ .,, 11 , ' IU!ll:4 :11\ Hln brOKlIli odor, which the mllJo r il \"l>' ' 11 ,i, ' d ' hul IU (l k onco Ill ore o n :1 . " '-" , I .j" 1'1'1\\,"' " ':" , I ~ h,,11 a].l a) ,\ 10\' " 1\)' hm, ' r ,'u & 11 In slillil. and In the yard '\\ means a clean, n t" L IS lh ll l~ 1' 11 101" tl' Ill" 1 \:· : , ' I \ ,' r " :-lO lltl" 1 )nll !" . lil' 1"" lr<l Ih l' sc um.! of s o me wlug e d " healthy, happy , ( ' 11 I I , ' '' I LII 'i.cU I . 1£ 1:-. . ' rl ' I ].' ;. PI ILlnl ll)o; ." ilT,"d [\ 1l1)1'Ovlngly a. lb .. .. tb er '"' t h l l1l . ",, \\' :1\ ., , ·arllllll-: n pp Aa l ~' ri:;'-I.. ..,I"II!" ' lq\ .f , ~ ~; 1,.. 1,1 11 ,·01 II r l \r . U Lh n hu cclC' ll on the deu .lit ltl.a ,'lbl,w . 1 OIl!. " h,' ~,II ': ~""1\d fo r .I1\(ll t h I- I I It Wll~· ", nr d"' " ", n h l'a n ·wh lsPl' r thft l th i llj; Ollu, ' r l ng The tbou/lht dllrtl'c! llermIe5.. home - II " hi lI' e,y ) l dp " •• :H I II' , lll . lf) • ,"" t. it 1I ~' q ­ docs not Dced hot " "'(ajab ." "aid the laUcr lIo le m n ly, 1l, 'lrt Bl'C h ' l', , ' h"l' e's t il1\t) " I n ll l) 10 " " IIs,.lf ('O U Id Il!!u r , Ull d h L' to Iwr tllll It WU8 t h e SOUI1 d 0 r tIcr I , jt':(' (" d ~ S L lt, . 11 \ ') q.: 1:1 I, . 011 II., w :\ y t" water. Ua n hf r v \ (,J U I' \ 110 ' 1I ..... ts S ht rlt' )' I ,.\mJ · "you rc ck'n Manl' Jotm ell MI.aB l:llllr· Th e judll c !!tar l(>d up , ''I'll bl'i ng I ('t)L. ld fl '"d 1\ " Ilns wer In t Il" d f'e p own (Io ' ~d h e art awnklng . She loo k" d •rhJ ",, ' till H. u iJ Jl'1I 1,;oI!' , I lwa. t1 I)" Du d riC Nnptha Clenn • hr'r ," h,' slIlIl, and hi s I'olcf! h1ld ull t he i l'01l 18 or he r "l' P~ , !l,m\' y no w w Ith Ull " nl t h e key Ilnd a I I at O1\ce put a h an rI Carbo I)isinfects t' l d ., !!! tf l ul lit!, l" ';',l' h: tn tlk, - \ ' l r '::\lllH In l' II1Y-'" ,nwru; " I\, S!lI ' ! ",, ', :< 'l.l,.Jth~ J· , .:ur~ , lJ:lud "Oood lord !" Bald thQ maJor, w!i ee l· I 'O'nd ornp Ss o( a womae 'l!, "M y c ar· ~ h l' d tNI1'". UIII 11\ s om subtl e \\' a )' to hp.r Il'N'l.Ith as though to s tili worda RUB-NO-MOIlE RUB-NO-MORE .rldg. " UJl d ..\1. \"JII/ llr ' :.. : c, \\' 4' l.dl ll ! h(\· r ,' In · Ing to til s mall ormo\"Q dock on Ih e 1I'I IIR e Is a t ,h e doo r and with th o st' his l'O\r:"' PRS g rp !'tl ll g com(orwd and clamorlllg ll\~re , Carbo Naplha Soap Wubin( Powdef t nl ~C' f'IW "~ ~ t j'.llI h \ \ hkl! tl 18 n~ \ t' ah. . J -l btU tth.' muJ (..r , \ ·! lI ! ... nl · ... (1\llle r , lUl lj a desk. "It 's 'mollt four o'doek, Hav e n ' t hll1'8 t!S s h e ought 10 he h er o 10 tlnn t )' , lI g ht"n pd hy a lillie th e we igh t or " Judl l h," he MIld tremulous l)', b&Five Cenrs-AII G,.ocer~ ·nls. .. '1 nfl) ud .- ft."l l\ ' 11 w e re rl \, 8.1. l o r th e YOU any 1!2 1l& where Iae·. CIODeT" I mlnul e s ." li e It'OllPd ovor tilt' couch d umb IInpOl e nC e that h e had boroe. tw ee n sbort st ru gg les for brooth, "all The Rub-No. More CO., Ft.Wayne,lnd. h.a.oct or :\1 rs, C Kn.lrl , lg e 1n her yo uth SasSOtHl d.nd , ' ,.L llallt ( OUlhl 11 rt ue l (') 0 h e r "No, Buh , 18118'11 ..... cwtoeter look " Brlslow ," he snld , "would you - wtluld In th e Ilbl'1lry , lighted 10 brightly by tllese years, atter I tound lbere wu acco u n t III h the tonn er wo..a ktllpd . the sunlight, yet grave with tbo hush no cllanco ror me, I reckon I've-Too Late. nnd! DU JJwr y l'o url overgrown o\'ah dem walnut t.r-. Wbut Ah'e you lik e m e to sond for t he rector?" Tb o major IImlled , a \\ttl!! .. Ielfull,., of that solemn preM!nce, the major prayed only one prayor. 'Ood, let It -.-.l1h W t! l"1.lM and '..: rc""pe r a a.nd d ocldes t n gwlne ter say-,o' redl"D lIan' John On an Atlantic City pier, gazing , r"halJllitalo th e uluce, Vali a nt u" es and ahook bls bead . He lay silent tor looked Into tbe race of the "'OUlan ror be Sassoon that she loved!' And I've sadly alit over tho blue water. It. vet · , Shirley from th ~ bltl) o C a s Dllke. whIch e n Mlls-" " Walnut Irees 1 .. 1Ia COIII& to sell a while orte r the judge had gone outwhOllo eomlng be had .. alted 80 anx· prayed that mighty ncar every day erall o f th e (,Ivll war talked about , bite. hi'll. Kn owlnll :h& deadline ... of th e I bIte, Bhlrley ,uck. : b e palson from the them r' he .eemlld bouslog his strength - while lously . The thoulbt that maybe It wu Valiant the lat e Gen e ral Sicklea. ,_und ...nd .... e. hi. li t e. Valiant l ..... rnJl "Tree man come rom ... IIIft'1" Bome- the ormolu clock on tbe desk ticked " It's fIll-up, JUdith," he Bald faintly, hos hllunted me like a ghost, Yoa ~r tho IIret time that hi. father left Vlr"A good mac," he sultJ, "a bravA clot. on ac~ o llnt 0 1 II. due l In whIch Doc- whab ter lie er~t III ~1, Yas, omlnouely on, ani! the doctor busied I ''I've come to lbe jumpleg-oU place," n uver teld-and I D8YeJ' dared ult you mUll, but a most tbeatrlcal aile. In for Bouthall on<l Mfl.Jor BrlBtow 8.01e<l .... She looked at blm whitely . "Monty, JUdlth - " ttu. Cath"r·. ncon<lJl, Vallllnt and Shirley sub . To' reck'n 1If...... lIIba en--" the black tragedy or his youth, be -~ I!>eeomo ~ood fri end... M... . Da nd rldll''' "NIce pot of mone)' tied ap 10 that Monty!"' abe cried, "Don't leave ml Her tace wae stili avertod, and when kled to hlB wife, but something ttalntJl wh en sne meet_ ValllUl[ for [h e I.h lll way! I alWaY8 thougbt-" I she did not speak he turned hi. bead m8rred, something vitiated his kind· ftrttt urn". Valiant discover. that he h .... timber! He lIaw It debt ~ You ' re a fortun o In 01<1 walnut tree •. The yearly a luck]' old raac&l te Un 1dm for a He guessed wbat she would have I from ber on the pillow, with a hreath n oftB- 1 think It was tlleatrlcallsmtournam e nt . a Jlurvlvnl ot the jounUn. ot ~ll.ld . "Heav lJ n knows you're Deeded thut wllS almost a moan, Sbe Illllrted, alld tho poor young woman died two ieudal LIm es, ~ held at Damory cou rt. At master." fIIIe I.... t momant Vallllllt tak". th. pillce "llyuh, hyuh!· a~ Uecle .:Te tre r· more tb an me, Judith . Attcr all, I looklog at him an Inllt&nt In plteoa. years arter he took ber back, ..,t onp of tho "n[ghLe, who I. olck, "nd , reckon wb e n my time had to cOllie I'd !J(lsitalion, th en swlrtly kissed th e lit· "Once, at an army r eunion, I heaNS . ellter. the U.I.8, He wlnl and choose. SOil, "Dam',", Oo'ot .. beaj) betah ; Shlrl!;y Dandrtdgc 'u Queen of Nauty 10 d ..n 4rlvin' er 01' I~ tar de d ee po I havll c ho~e n the Qulek way ." HI. tie key and closed her band Ught upon Sickles r e buke a man who was run · • the dlamll), of Kathe.ln. Far~o, 8. Cormer \' olce U'al lpd out a nd he struggled tor l it. Trutb ~ Sbe saw only tbe plllow nlng dowo wives and marriages. '.weetheart, who I. vtol. lIng In Vlrgtnla. fer drummah. en 'la1rtJd.ll'.nMJ agents. Tho tournam .. nt t,.ull I\t ry court Ah sbo' do pray de OooI1l11an ler mek breath . and the graying tace upon It! She Sickles salt.: with a qu or 8mUe. a ·ilraws th e e llt. of th e countryside, Bhtr· "Jerry 's In the hall, Monty . He asked , Ihre w berself on her knees by tho significant s mil e, perh"p8 : Iley Is er nwnell by Vallallt ILl! Queen of MarB' John happ,.,- be allded lIoberl y, 't>elluly. VlllIl\nt I Illl8 Shirley of hla lov ~ couch and Inld ber lips oe tbe pallh. h m e to gh' o you hie love." "'Ab . .TIm . tb e trouble w ith the " POOl' 0111 nigge r! H&-uscd to tCote rorohead , and they becomo pngsgod. Knthertn e "but Ah's mought1, '.tGr1le4 111 ma avrruge marrie d ma.1l Is that he Fargo, detennlnln" nol to give liP Vall· Ullud- mought'ly '.turbed,H me on hi s back when 1 was a littl e aliI wit hout a strllltlll" , pol nu out to ShtrThe bidden watchll1' waited motion· I "(t-It was Sas8000, III0nty," cae doosn't know whal a j e we l his wife IB n"y how te rrible It " 'ou ld be for the worn · I shaver," There was a silence, "1)on't Bntd, lind he r voi ce broke on tbe flnt till h e cOllie s t o pul he r In 1\ cask!'t.' '' ·an ..... ho c8.uled [he .,uel to mee t Valiant, less, From wbere he ~ be co ul d I klleel, Jurllth, " h e Bul d !It lengtb. "You li e she had eve r told. 'who I'>ok. 80 much lik e hi. father. Shlr· look, He waited un thl"OlJ.CIi the rear Ite)" uncertain, but fu~lInli thnt her moth · will be Hll Ilrpd ." "Thank God ! " he gasped, He str ug · R rd CroM nAil Blllc..mnl(ci the Inunm-e. e.r .... Ii. In 10\'0 wllh the victIm ot VnJl · wlodow b e saw the Decro'· hent figur e Sh e I"O~U o b t11 t'n tly and dre w up n ·ant', pIstol. hreak . th " enga.gement.Orcel disappear Into tho kltcbens. Theil b e b61'f)), . 1I111k~ " cl othe. "llIler thlln an"",. Chili" " !\1ollty," Rhe faltered trc mu. gled to raIse himself on his e lbow, AI RIng, a IJberated co nvIct whom MIlJor ~oo, 1 grace .... . Atlv . Brbit ow had so,,! to pr'son, m akes thrent. nolseles81y lifted hlmaeU UJIlight, and 10 URly, "shall I suy a prayer ? I've eev. th e e s uddenly the stronglb 'adod out agatnsl hI. proa" ut,.... Vnllnnl pl ead s r es ting the pistol on the ureen ·top, a nd he se ttl e d back. or prny e d much my pray e nl never No Wonder. w1tb Shirley, but fnlle to purauatle her took delib erate alom pulled the Her cry hrought the doctor, but this ~ .... 0 change h ~ r d ecls' on. " I uspd Ie go to th e theat r lus t !L9 s "med to g e t above the ceiling, so matrigger, how . nut I 'll-try." Hme the restorative seemed of no a tl r('d bu si ness man wou ld ." CHAPTER XXXI,-Continued. The bammer cllclred slrarIJl7 on tb e li e s miled wani y . " I wouldn't want avail, and after n time he came and "Why did you give It up ?" '1Jncle Jetre 7son's lips rela~ e d In a IVorthless thlrtY',e&I'Oll!l cartJ1dge, and an ,' b e tt r than yours, Judith , Rul touch e d b e l' shoulder,. Wlt,h a laet "I round that It wos th e p lu ys that '-<al lde grin. " £h reck'n dah's er few the major sprang aroud with an ex· se" ms as If I'd bec n prayed over lo ng look at the as h· pal e fac e on the were making me tire d," dray sprIgs I&f', s ub . Step In e n mek clamatlon, as with an oath. \be other I'llough. I reckon God Almighty's like se ttee she fo llow e d him rrom the room , ' yo'Be'f et home, Et Mars' John Bee dashed tbe 6creen uide IUId aga in anybod y else, and doe s n 't want to be In the yel low parlor h e put hor luto a voun OWS Il/lUG01ST wn.I,·TIt.,., 1'011 ,)'r, Murin!) ..110 L-te Oit'dy rOf l too . \\' ('1111, Watorp . YO', he b e' mought'ly hoped up, All pu ll e d tbe trigger. dlr",.dooge d n il tbe time." chai r . ~'M and Omnnlatt:.-d lG,~lId8; No thnartJ..UfiI"No," He Said, In Answer to Her Look, " I t h I k Ju E,.o Cc'mrun.. Writ<c [ o r n.'(. k o r tiM) Ilyo gwlneter mix yo' dat julep In two h "You Infernal murcieror!- cried t e lIe seeme d to bave been gathering "No ," he 811 d, In answe r 0 e r 00 , b,.. 1.IIULU Frau. Murine K10 il.l!OJIt().1 W ,' Uhl~ "He Won't Rouse Again," ahakes! .. mlljor, It was all he 1IIl1d, ror, as he hi,; r eriol utloe, aed preseetly his hand "he wou't rouse again ." Be dlsappel\red around the COrDer swu ng bl s chair up, tho oee-tilIH} bully him self wl[h the g lasRes besltle him , fumbl e d over bls bre aet. " My wallet: " I will walt," s he told him , aDd be H Is Affiliation •. :>f the porc h a:)d the major strode Into ot HeU's·HaH· Acre "Dowe with nil orgnnlzatlons!" rntIbed In and Pres ol1tl y he s aid hu s l( II), : givl' It to m l)," She drew It trom the 111ft h er, s hu tting the door with Cllrethe ha\1, threw his gTay slQ1lch bat struck blm a sIngle Iiled&&-liamm e r "VOU'\'l! had a bad fall. I1rlstt)w , You pocke t and the uncertnle fleg e rs took (ul so ftne ss. "Sh! l'\ot so loud beforo t hat pollc&OD the table, and sat down , blow wllh tbe c1ubbeA1 pistol It fe ll we re ,lizzy, I r ec kon ." I Oll t a Il ey . " It opens a tin bo~ In my !iut ~he s light tlgure with Its s ilv er man ," It was quiet and peaceful, that an· rull on the malor'8 temple and the "What ha s he go t to do with It?" " [)Izzy!" ec ho ed tll A moJor wIth trunk. Th e re's - a lette r In It tor you ." hol r, sitti n g thpre, was not olone. elent hall. He rell to thlnk.lng of tbe heavy Iron crashed throut;h. " H e belongs to the 'col'per' t(ust." l ee bl ~ nsp prity. "It wa s Gree f King ." H'J pause d a 1lI01ll cnt, panting : "Ju· G hosts we r walking up and down, , many times, of eld, when he had 8at Greef King Btood an iD8tant bre uth· " Gr Pllf King! Good God ! " dith," h A s a id, " I'v e got to tell you, but !\:ol th e misty wraiths John Vnllnnt t bore. The house was tbe same again, Ing h ard, then, wllbont wltb(Jrawing " !l o wa s III ding l.Jehlnd Lb o scree n. It'fi mlF;hty hard. Th e lette r . had at tim es Imagin ed weut fllttlog Acid Stomach, h eartburn and na~ ' now. It hud waked from a thirty· his eyes from the prostrnt.e form, hla He st rllck me with somot hlng. lIo Ib'S a ile Valiant gave m e for you - t har nloag the e mply corrltlore, bu t quick ly di',a ppear wi th th" use of Wright'. <l eanl ' s lumb er to 11 r enewe d prime . hand groped for lbe cold gobl pt and s wore at hi s trial b e 'd g l' t me . I WIlS moruielg, arter tbe du e \. I ne ve l' gave ve ry clear In th a sunlight. that came Ind ian Vege labl e Pills. Seud for trial . aly he had lived on meanwblle and lifting It to his IIPII, ~ralDe4 It to Itll - a fool not to have rI>I1Hl11lbe r c tl hi s It to )'ou ." and we nt with the memories so loog box to 372 Pearl 51., New York. Adv. ' now was old . He slehed. dregs , "Tbe r e !" he 8ald. ·'Thero's my t im e was out." I It s l1e hlld heen white before , she woven ove r by th e s hultle of tlmeHow gay th e pillce bad been tbe sb·years ', d bt I)ald In ftlll. ye IIly·!iv. Modest Mai d , A look, wolf·llke and gr im, hnll gr 'W like math Ie now . H e r slim fin. e \'o k e d now by lh e touch or a key that Ight of tbe ba\1, with tile llghts and e red, fllncy,wesk.lted hellion! "She's the pink or proprlely ." Tal(c ' prun g into thoa doctor'e fne . Ills eye~ g e l' s c l,uteh pd th ~ little ca ne till II rat· h er hallU s tili d enched tightly In Its roses and music! He remembered tbat from th e mayor of the ~me! " "And If you oll'enu her Be nse of prose ar c h ed Ih e I'oom, and h e crosB ~ d tho t ie d aga i ns t the ch1llr, and tbe Inc e at pa lm , 'Wbat the do ctor had Ra id about Val· Tbere WIlS a mao'. litO'll oe the nur' and pic. e d up somethinG f rom h e r tbroat s hool, wi th her breathing The r e we ll e d ovcr h f' r In a lId e thoSf priety s he gets plnll er thun e vrr." ' Iant and Shirley-It had 1010 ever gravel and the sudden bark or a dog. til e ,1;" Ho looked at It a DlolD e nt, "Y e~-Mol1ly . " I duys of puzzle, th e weeks of waiting ,linee In his mind, n palnrul specula· The pistol fe ll from bia band. H(' th e n thru s t It ha 15til}' ieto his breust Ito Kind, H c Iif lt: d his hood wl l h difficulty and Silence , tho s lo w Inexorab le month s o. ' 1\on. The recoll ectio n rous ed another s tole on tiptne alon~ tbe eon1dor an d p0c ket. "lIa\' you uny s Yfitem:lllc way put tho k <" y ioto he m , "The soal's still Ii ea rlacbe, tbe long yoars tilat hall l,l hougbt from whlcb h e s urnnk . He lea ped through tbe Frencb wlnel o \\'. " I- rl:m em br.r now , It wo s a pi~tol. unbrol'. e n, Judi II ," he said, " but I've dp (' pened tbe my s l e ry of Be auty Voll about thi s puzzle bus lnoss ?" ·-atlrred uneasily, What on earth kept As b e dashed acrosa tho la wn, a Jl fI s napp('d It twi ce, but I[ U1i,s~ L'd kept It. th eso tblrty year s ," "N o; It 's all guess work ," ant's ex il e. In tbe tlrsl s hock of lb. yUw.t o ld darky so lo ng ove r that julep? startled cry ca me trom tbe hous e boo lire ." , She wa s holding t h e ke y In her n e ws thllt Sa ssoon bod fall e n by hi' A I\lIght noise mad e him turn his hind him . " li e c an 't hid e where we'll no t find I h and~, loo klug dowl1 upon it. Th e re ' hand, ~ lI e hlld thought s he could not bend . B ut nothing mov e d , On ly a No human eye had eeen him., but be I hi III ~" Til<' d OI: tol' spoka with low IIIIl was a strained half·fenrful wonder In fo rgive him tbat broll e n . fa ith . Sh. cre a k of the woodwork, he thought, had bo e e observed ror all that. !lun t. ',Tilil e e ne rg y. her face . For ae Instant s h o s ee med and hiR promlsc to h e r hnd not w e lgbed d settled back again In his chair, yo ur ,best now, Greef Kine! Do ubl .. " :-<ot that I ca re - mys el f," auld the quit e to bavo fo rgottee him In the In tho balance aga inst the Idea of It 'I"as, 10 fact, a stea ltby foottall nnd turn how you will, tbm-e is l\ swift · majo r d im CulLly. "nut I rec lwlI Il e 'd I ~rip or sOllie swift and painful e ooo· m an ly "houor!" Out this bltternell. 'Qe had h eard. It came from the e r Nemesis pursuing. It til onl'y a dog , bC'l t er be sett led with , or he' ll - he 11111· tion . had at hmgth slipped away. "I-Ie \VII: /library, wbere a !!habliy Ilgure nnd not a big one at that, bill ills of a ing S Ol11l! ou e worth whil e ou e o f thoso " 1 10 \'ed you, Judlth~" be starn· write," s h o bad told hereelf, "and ex and I _rouched, listening, In th e corner b e· faithful breed tbat kDOW. neit71 e r fear days." me r e u ill a n guished appeal. "From plain," nut no word had ceme, Whl. ~ bind the talJootrled scree n- a man nor quarter. Like white lightning, A big tea r suddenly loosnd It.self lho lime wa werc boy und g irl togeth· pers bad flitted to he~tbe tale of villy c lad, wit h a scarred clleek. wlthO\lt B bark or groWl, Chum fro lll Iho doctor's eyelid and roiled e r, I lov ed yo u. You nover cared ror Sassoon 's Intoxlcatloo~Unglng barb, It hnd been with no good purpose launched himself on the Gee~g Quar· down his chel3 k, and be turn ed bastlly nlfJ - Sassoon lind Valiant had th e In· that clung to Beauty Valiant'. naDIa ., that Greef King had dogged the mRjor ry, aed In the sha!2ow of the trees his away. aldo track. You might bave leved me; That th ese. should rest unanswered tthese laat few days. Ht! hu ggpd a hot teeth met In the ragged tn:raserll·leg. "Theru's no cnll to feel bad," said but J had no chanco with either of had filled her with reeentment and Plump and nut.Uke in flaYor, thoroua"ly ; :Elatre d grown to whIte beat io six Kicking, beating witb 11111 bands at the major gr uffly. "I've 80rt or been a Ihem. Then came the du el. There was I nnger. Slowly, but with deadly surety, eooked with choice pork. Prepared the tbe draggIng weight. the mAD dashed thoro·io·the·fleoh to 'you, Southall. We only Valiant tb en , I overheard h is had grown the belief that he no 10ng81 Libby w.y, nothlq can b. m_ appe. on, Not tlllthay had reached the hem· always row e d , somehow, and yet-" pro mille to you that night, Judith. He cared. In the end tbere bad been letl tiain, and aa'iafyiq, nor of trrealer food 10ckB was that fierce ptp broken, and The doctor cboked aed tleared bls had broken that! If you cared more I her only pride-tbe pride that coven .al... pUl up with or without ~to then It was with a tearlng or Sesb and tbroat, tor blm than tor SaBsoon, you might Its wound and smllell. And she hall puce. An .i:cellent cU." ..ned eitbn sleew, Paetlng, Bnarlllll: wiUI rage and "I reckon," the major murmured have Korglvee blm, and I sbould have ' hidden ber wound with !lowerll. Bul bot or cold, Ina;'" on U66¥'. paln, thB man seised • taIltnl branch with a taint smile, "yeu wen't gel loat you! I didn't want you to call In the deepellt well or ber heart be, and s tood at bay, strlkiDc GUt with quite 110 much fUD cut of ChalmerB- hIm back, Judith! I wanted my love {or hIm bad reeted uncbanget!.. vicious IIweeplng blo_, s.t the bull· and the rest. Tbey never did rise to chance! And 11&-1 took It:.. Tbat'8- clear and defined as a mose In amber dog, th e hair brlstllnc up an his thick you as I did ," the reasoe, dear, It's - It's II. bad one, wrapped In thnt myate,., of BIlI5:K~ A neck, Ills red·rlmmed erea lIery, clr· A IItli e late r he asked for the restor· In't It!" ITO BE 'C'()NTTXUE D. l Chicago . cled beyond reach or (be fta1l, croucb· alive. " T e n mInutes gone," he said Ing for aeother .prlng. t hen . "Chalmers ougbt to be at !lose Again be launched him.~f. Bnd t h e wood by now wbot a fool WilY man, dodging, blun4ered fuU-laee Into to go-like tbls, But It wnsu'l- apo a thorn·bush. The ISharp spines ple~y, Soutllall, anyway ," At the sound of wbee ls on tbe drl',' ,' slashed his forehead aDd lbe !!tartieg blood bllllded blm, so that be ran with· Valiant went oul Quietly. Huddl e d i! out s \! nse of d lrecUou_traiglit upon a corner of the hall were Unc le .I .. r the declivity or Love ...' Leap. re r so n aUtI Auet Daphne. with .Jer I" He WllS topplln~ on Ita edge before boam, lite malor's bod y·s ervan t. Auu he could atop, aDd theo throw bimsf' tr Daphne , apron thrown ow', h ' ba ck ward, Glul c hing dcs1)erulely at the rac e wa s ro cking to and fro t;il c nll) s lippe ry fe rn ,co" 'lf'ed rock, feeling bi R lind old . ./ e r e boam's h e ad W fUl bowell , fPoe t dangling over nothillg, He dug on hl~ b reas t. Valiant we nt 'lulckl), Th e prlmro~ e , H is snld, was Flell' his tingllr~ Into lho yl eldi"ll: 8011 alld to tb e rpar of l h e ha ll. A palnflll Col · II FLOWERS USED AS EMBLEMS I c on""leld's fa\'o1'1te Dow er, and haa wi t h kn pc a nd e lbow Iltro.. e frenzi e dly barru8smen t bad come 10 hinJ - a curl· M k of been c ho ~e n by his followers, to era wi to t h e path . UII S con f us ion miegling with a ra Slitl l'l Have Been Dis tinguishing ar formed , b e Primrose leagu e , US an Bul. th e white hulldoG ,,'A1!o tlpon him . ous sClise of shrInking. How shou ld . Factions al Long as There e mlJl e m, while In France, tile Violet, -Greef King Stood an I nstant Breath · . I I. Recol'd Th o clamplllg lee tb met In th e I!IlrlvlCg beCDII!\e of Its purple hu e, WIlS worn by Ing Hard , f I h e m eet l hl s womao wbo r eco il e d from __ ' Iinl; (, 1"6, !llIrI wllb IL scretall 0 pa n the H")' s ig ht of his faco ? In tbe f h "I I" impcrlallsts !ttl an Informal tok e n or (:r C' e r Kin g's hold lol ';0 Itnd dog aDd 8wlftnf'~8 or llle tragic e vont ho had Th(! d e termln ntlon 0 t e oya ...... e ar8 ot priso n lalior wlt.hln bleall lhelr loyally to lh e BOllapartes. When forg o tten lhl s , From the background U I ~ t (' r m ee to Induc!! evo rydman, wom· Ih e son of th e e x ·Empress Eugenll! ' ~a lls at l h!' c liddllg shoe'llladtlu e, or I1wn \\'''lIt tl0wn lo!(etbc.r. T e n mlnul es later a mOlor ""as hurl· h e saw Judg e Cbalm ors Itrt down the lin lind child to wear a ower as a was brought hom e to be burle d attN wi th th e chaln·saug 011 b iazlng or 1l'u6ty turllplk l' s . He had s lullk lie· ing Itself a lo!.lg lhe Red RoRd to Ihe frail form and sudden ly his heart toke ll of their aversion to bome rule lioing ki ll e d In the Zulu ca mpa ign, his ,·ltln,1 him th at af tl!rIl00n, ('rt"e plng up villag.,. Th o doctor 'inUI In bls offir.I! le :lped . T'll e re were two fe mleln e Ug. r omlnds one how often flowers body w es r.lmost covered In vlolet~, bc e n used as emblems, I t he drive under co\' e r of th .. b ushe~ , UIlU no tim e wa.'l lost io retlU'o.!Iln ur l'S' S hirl ey was with her motb e r. Th e o, aga in, the re &re favorite na The doctor slood just loslde the II. Since the lead e rs or the Yorklst and while tbe other la lk e d with Unci .. !'Uuta lhey passed Judge Cilaimern tiona I emblems. There are the 1I11el Jel'rerson, had sllirte d t he house and drlYi1lg, and _Ing the ftJtng . baste, brary door and Mrs, Dantlrldge went and LaDCastrllln pnrUcs each plucked or France , the thistl e tor Scotland, th~ • e ntered from th e further side, through he turn e d hi a BWeaUn/l paa and las bed hastily toward him her light ca ne tap- a rose in lhe Temple gordens, the Lan· shamrock for Ire land, the 'Ieek tOl ping tilroilgh tbe st~lcken silence, Jet·e . cDlltrtan a red and the Yorklst a white, ..aJl open French window , Noll' as he lb e rn nfte r the car. Wales, and tbo maple leaf tor Canada, So that when the ~ finally boam JJfted bls bead and looked at her thlB flower blUl been a popular emblem. 'POer ed [rom behind the screen, a Tile Un ite d Statee has no national opened his e yes from the ~ leather piteo usly, Apart from tbe fact tbat red roses poker, anat.ched from the fireplace, flower and prob,\bly never will, owIng "Reek'n Mars' Monty cyan' "ee ole nre, l~ymhollcal of love and white or tW a s in hl.s h.and , His furtive gaze fell c ouch, h e looked all the 'acera 01 two of lo ItJI wide range of climate, w.h lch ro pon a morocco·coye red caee on a bls oldest Irlends. RecGlIection and J e rry now," be quavered, "but '11)'.1\11 purity, tbe English natIonal embleru ib d U t. tho rOlle; the Legitimist party or makes the selection ot a !lewer of UDl,;eomtriode by '118 side, He lifted Its understnndlng eeemec1l1oce.e at once , glb him mah IoTe, MIe' Jud t ,an te ""ran,"e formed the Lea"ue of tbe ROle versal ()QDlllarlty almoBt,lmposBlble. . nld and his eyed lI1\rrowed 4S be saw "Well-SoutbaUr hlm-" Hla voice broke, .... .. .0' The doctor's '\laa4 ~ oYer the , "Yes, yes, Jerry, I wUt" , I1tJ~tl~atlon.of Englan~'8 ~rlm~e '~,b't It beld a pistol. He set down When Document II V.IU~I .. \ the pok.e.r .nol8el ess ly and too~ the white one on the eett.. Be did not Tha doctor clo.eil the doc>r upon her leagu4l' .wblle ow~g to Gladlltone. "Fnlher, what 11 Ole CoalufuullkY' ,:we&pOn. He tilled it-It wal! rusted, answer, but hi. dab .. . . IJI1\Terlng' and came ·to where " Sblrley waited. ~otl~t1e88 rot, "blte ~,IIIl. m.~.y. lIherall ' "COme, my dear," h. U1d, and ,dropp:'ld 'ooce Wished to 'make them B;D !I~bJem '''My , liOn, ,it fa ' • dOClUlleal 'that " 11 ' l)ut there wero loads In tbe c'o ambere, and be was wiDklDc _ e c:roucb'ld lower, with a whlipered "How long!" ..a. • atter hi. arm abolJt ·ber. "LIt U8 10 out to ~or their pa'i:tl, but the I.d _ "~ . QOt lU,OIt ACred: to til. ~ . . . Ii . . til ~, ~. IDNqr wu oomln~ into tile a .'e~ ~.t& ' u.. PI'Clea.(' _ _..:. ' , ' . adop~,. ~ _,.' po"'~r.'.:""~'" S YNOPSIS.












DelicioU3 • Nutritious


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H a bIt to Avoid. "Th e r e Is ou e unaccountabl e tblng to me a bout til e ba it e r 00 your buseball dub. " " What Is thn t ?, " Knowing hl~ w ife as I do, I can nut Imagin e wh y h o 18 eug e r t o ma kl' 80 mun y hOlU e runS. "


Take LydiaE.Pinkh~m's Veg• etable Compound and be W OrlJl 8 e.peJ hnl ''''''''11\ with Dr . Restored to Health. , Sh o t. 'I


A \!~.

f'ortt:ne Hunter '. Mother Was Not Dealing in Un certaint ies, II S IIC Could He lp It.

What Constitutes Them Is Made Cl ear by a Study of the Life of Jesus.

p romrtl$ from .. be b n m(\D \' crwl f ue-e " De .. \!

1\11~s J I'anll,'ltl' Ulld ,· r . t he bril li an t ceitIc lOY,"" wl lll u 1)ln l< lIlld go ld In u. tu c-h " ,n l> at t ill' Il""t a t'lll' CU ll ·t t·a (·(,,,.-)u<iilll' Ih ,' Il,,,j Tast,· " xhlbl · I lu lI III ;-.;,.\\ Y"r li " TIlt' IIlIl s l a,h , u; p : ' ~a l u ~II ~~ 11I1,1,' r , . h"I I!~ .t s "" II (,,", . ,, ue tt r· r tl lnll II I" 1i :,,, ,1 p:.illt"d " II , pl<l(>r. \lut, ,,1 1'r all , 110 , r, I> , ; : r ll ual It S w, ·11 a s

The " " d': ' st s .ght ill IIulllUu l it~ Is rek c Liu lI 0 1 ( ;o u. It I" " case or clloo ~ luS to WI'ar ,,!thy rug s IllR t e ad (If cl eall c lu tl", s , IIr Ih ' i ll l' .n t ill' uu rk Ill a t<' au ul I lvl ll ~ III 111I ~ ulI ~ lllll (; : 01

- - - -- - - -- - - - - --

Can ' t Tell , These Day s. KAn Sa s Cit.y , Mo. - " Til , doc tors to ld I Tilt ' tw o 1I1 l ' IJ. l.·.HI lh' f' lI o il l-' r r \' t ng mI' J wu uld n ~ \' er be a nl oth"r. Eve ry on t h lll' p Hi II B tIll! :tIltir~ of it k r ra ll J'!: e nWIl i ll !l ill' lI ef' all d fi li a lly bro k, · Int" s \lcl·c h. <In' so Lad that 1 (' l'l1wfu rd - \\'hat 'ti 1111' Ill '-' lt ,'r " ll h not L ... tlr my

IlIi ~ L raLd t· L' xi:, t ' lI el: ti l :l b r )au Iltl! l.Lf r l t ' th. ':">

prp( prn n 14 a bt ·;u cl

w" iJ>;ht on un· f oo t. th"l fdl (,w wh o Is hll lil 'll ~ 11 11 10 th f> 1 h 'gan taking I.y- lUlllP I'Olit Ullt.! Hllt1fll i ll R hili ft ) f.. t '! ('rab':.ol h nw - Th .. n ' \\ :lS a l iml' \\ lI p I1 E. P i nk It arn' s V e ge t a b I c Co m- 1 I ' d havt· ~Il jd h p \" n ~ drunit, h u t flOW , pound and h!ld not 11t.rlzap s hl" H ll rucll!"illg II ut'\\' daoce _ j : fi nis lt ed tb e fi rst bo t- Jlidg f', tl e \V h e n [ f e I t 1 tly r el ic \' ed a nd ! l.1'-C H o m u.n D y~ ll ;1.!AfUQ {o r Hc a ltll nK He n HlInD I I I t ) f ' !j aud l utl ~IUWu. llo n .', t! y eu 0 ' It it until it ! .e.}'t.'l rd u. All\' . me Buund and Wl' Il, and I now have two fin e bnby Job a Seco nd ary Co n s ic! eratlo n. girl s. I ca nn ot prniHe Ly di a E. PinkB rut 11('1' llu c kal uo Whll""';Jsil )' 0 ' ha m ' 8 Vegt·tnble Compo und too h ighly wuodshpd for t Wll do lla ho. Sllh ? for what it has don e for m e . I n1ways Th (' ( 'o I0 1l 1!1- I h ul'!' 1I 11 woo d , h .. d . speak a word in fav or o f your medicine IIr olhl'r I!u c llul ol ' S rll~ ' 1J1O'. IWAs to othe r women wbo sufTerwllen 1 hav e bU l It d o n ' t lIl akl' 110 d lIY ull ce 10 me. an opportumty." - 1IIrs. H, T. WINN, "hu do " r yo' all aln 't got !l0 w()od s lw tl 1225 Free mont Av e., K a nsas City, Mo. Or 11 01 . Il' ti u e mOllP Y i' R lo nkln ' oul Rcad\VhatAoothcr'VolIIlllI says: for . Cumming, Gs.. - " I t e ll some sufferIf yO ~ 1 ,,"iJo h hrlluli ful , l'h- :1 r , wbilft ing w omsn ('very (IllY of Lydia E. Pi nk ham 's V I'gelab le ComJY.>und amI what it , (' lut tll ' ~ . l! !'\.' Hed t ' rt' .. H lluJI l~ lu c. Al nil 1I;0utl KTo\.'{· r u. Ad\' . l .as dono for m e. I ca u it l n ot ea t or - - -- - - Bicep, hud a bad Rt om neh and was in Surprised, misery all t h <! tim e. I COl1ld not do my " ThaI bu JI gam e was mO"l It""rt· s t· hOll se work or wa lk any di s tunce without Illg," HH ld th .. u.all fr o ll. abro ud . Buffe rin g gr"8t p nin . J tri "d doctors ' " \\' hill fp.ll tllre o f I h e o('c lLBlo n 1m· m l'rl icincs 11nd c1iff,- r, 'nt pa ten t m pdicines but fnil('d to g "t r e lief. M y hU8- pn 'sfw d you m usl?" " T Ill' crowd , I don ' l r ~ (' n ll \la\'lng b ond brong ht hom e y ourV ejZ<, tab le Co m p ound and ill two w e eks I "'auld ent any- S",' ll SU('it a I!lr~e as!<"'mb IA/!'e (,I pe oIJ I(' WIth n"hotl y dl1 nc lng th e Ja ngo" thing. could sleep lik e a healthy uaby, and walk alon g distan ce without f " .. li ng tired. 1 can hIg hly r e commend your Brief Decisi on. Vegetable Compound to women who Wlt f' n we con 31d er ho w easi ly Bomo Buffer ;JJI I did. ami you are at liberty to IlHHl n ln l{(' m Onl{eYB o f th p.lI1s elveE , It 1196 this le tter:. " - Mrs. J~HARL1E BAG- Is not' RO d l lllcull to be li e ve In th o LEY, R. &, Cumming. Go. I IH~o r r nf e \'olllti on .




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" Hi l I hl~ fIlIl I11.\' I ~; \\ n ' Ilt lOr. alld he ilf l d liil Jl l< ll llI ' r h a'"" df!(' i d ('(t th :lt lit , IIIIIH I lIi lr r ~ ( fi r I Il Olif'Y Tllf-1 Y " . n d i,r(· l l bhl l l j.: n ' f ' ~~ lIt l)' , lli t, pair of


Th e c r o wd i H J "B U ~ to h'-Ilr Il i~

('ull e rtHlUtu .

thrOIl!; i1l!;


word ~ alld 10 l ee l h is I"m lll' l: tuuch , I ;u tl WU';l \'(' r ll) walk .ug H wou g m e u,





~ Ir l l\l ll " "e<'I)(' thlt: uccurred III lh ", (; 11),



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IlI l dlll ' r H j ''':i,~t'~, ~ ! le 11(,,, I.... t art ' ur llu !l alill


lIut. a ""It! I r(llll tlloth . lI e r "Xl'craL I,' ~ I, e-- ' " ' uh, I l'II" ld Ilia Ii" sll l1lctulllg o ut

1" "" (' 1,, ' S I... I,,,~ F rt' IlI' !1 i"

Th H '-upoo IIIH Ulother u ut! broth e rs

~~Idt fi:I"'L~!~ull,.a~~n~~~IC~~',u r~~~~~~d!l~~:: ~';.r:~~;~ · " ':::;;'I~': II'~II ~~ f,,\'tulI ' hUUl l' r a~· a s crllftl I th ing a " co uld haplle ll! Th(, " ' )' 1'" , hilI 11111\' III UI'I, that 's t he ~ \I' U "" t ',uclle d lInd t"u "~ IJU(· ~ ti( I Tl ' ti:\id ld~ IlIfJ! tw r " fan.II J" prld ,mo th e r oud hruth o rH 80u g bt 10 get J l'~ U S o ut of Ih t I' ru wu n lHI tak,' h im Valuable Inf ormatio n. "ld'· I'. w. A (HIP PY ('C I U I " I(. \ \t' rt · ull f IH'lr . \vuy h Oll.(· b ~a u ue I. ~~ \'1. " ·'L·' Uor u .. ... •~elf . · t c' S('IIt la llll TIi"Y load to t:IHIlI/-: C At Ihl " I,ol l! ! .il' s u s uIH ' r ,' d (lnp uf !raill S HI I ' ~I'JI.' It .. an o 1\11 u blig illg )lo r . tb l' ;; r ... " l es t or lll6 >ay lo';lI. H I! ' I!'r , \\h ll" "ruggllrlg wilh I he lug. lJoln t E:d t o h b dl .lllltil' " ,wd 6a lu K"f.'" 1I1)l lt'o.; d t l,u I U' I' ," "" l1g lad y 's H e ap. " Thl's II rl' m y lhu lh ~ r allll II. Y Lr, ' lb· ha ir \\ !lS d ut l l!u wilh n Ce pulling r ... lI: Fur \l' h olloe\' ('1' .. h~1 1 d o tlw I\'ill l rJrt,l,e llf'd 110 " YOlllI !' !;Ia ll of my fill h e r wh u is III IIl' fll'p n , h p ' " I l! [I, hl l'd 1'lIfJf'r fl' llllltll 1 1l ~ I,uckl'l , tilli d : , '. '\ prt':1'1I1 fur yoU " II' . \I it ll th e m y Lr o th e r all d ti l."· r a lld "Iu t h,' r "· ...





Th e h u ftl p l K oCt l'lJ a h illl1r a ll ~1' to

I ( ' ~J ltq JHfly ~

t'o rnpli tnfl n tH ."

Gou Th e gr ow ing sp irit s uf II IC e lll l'l " 1"d" ('II, " l;aHI th,. Ir:\\·" I,.r ; '· "hall s d rpn ure frequ e llll y I':I IJfJ l'd o r br o l"'\1 It·!" by til e narro\\' "e ltbhllcss 0 1 th e laUl ' " A rnllw n ~' map . si r ." lI y. Th e hOln l' 1M lUl'l1 l1t t o b,· tb e lr " Uh. tbunk you , !JUI II" h:<1 a re lll ese tralnll1 ~ Bchool [Ul' t;ud : y H I1lO th l' r nwrk s In tJlu I' ,,"nei l '!" all fl urOl he r fl'eQu~lIt1y ud ellt tit " \iur· ·'Th at 's th e h. paUl y of It, Ri r : th ose


.I ·

Don't Poison Baby.



Lacking in Self-A ••enlon. Abner Ap(Jl" dry- Jny Gr eeu aln ' t got no more I,rld e a nd Indep c nd e nco ahout him th an a rabbit ~ Ashtou Allred - Sa)'. hl' a ln 't? Abu e r Appled ry-Nnh ! Wh('fl(w c r b e takes a r id e on the ca r s h l! n e ve r stamps up and down tbe a1sl l!s nor stands out ou th e back platform. to bho\\' I'verybody that h e ' know s h i s ri g ht s , but just sits s tili In his seat 11k ' h e was In cbllrc b ~ - Pu('k .

The Army of ,Constipation II

c....... Smaller £_17


--CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PlLLS are responsible -


(lOt only gi ve relief

- they pennaIIcntlycureC-llipatioo.

lions u s them for





1.d.ipati.... SicS HaliaeM. Sallav SMAIL PIU, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PIUCE.. Lock Box 35 , Mauri ce. 111..- "10 tbe I s pring oC 1911 our lillie daughte r , age mlilt bear Signature nve years. h a d a llreaklug out on her \tp anti part of h e r cb ee k tbat we too k to r ringworm . It r ese mbl e d a la r ge rIngworm, only II differed In that it was cov e r e d wIth watery blist ers that Itcb e d and burued t e rri bly, mnd e \Vo rll e by her scratcblng It. Remo ves Bursal Enlargement.. 'I'll. 0 11 the bliste rs would b r eak througb. Thickened. Swollen Tlll8UC8, and le t out a wntery substa nce. Sho .Surb.s, Filled TC':ldons, Sore- was ve r y craBS an d tre Hul wblle she ~ etls f,ro~ any BrullIe or Stml.D; had It and had very little res t at ~h 'I)8 Spavm umen ... , Allay. pam. h th I ' t Its Doe. not Blister, remove the hair or nl gbt. W e n e e rupt on \\ as a la y up the OO rle. '2.00 a bottle, worst tb e teacher of the school se ut delivClrd. Book 1 K frei!. ber borne .and would n ot allow b e r to ABSORBINE, JR .• the antiseptic lini- atte nd until th e dJsfigur~ 1ll ent of ber menl (or mank ind . For Synovitis, Stralos, I tace was, goue. Gouty or Rhe umnUcdepos lts, Swollen. ' " I w rote and r eceIv e d a sa mpl e of Palnf~.l Varic.ose Veins. Will tell you Cutl cura Soap Ilnd Ointme nt , wblch mor~ .f you wnle. 51 and $Z per bottle at .d dl t dl 'c tlo sand d<a le ... or del ive red. Manufa '!llre<l only by we usc aecor .u g 0 re n , W. F.YOUNQ,P . O.F .. 3tOTtmpl.SI.)Sprlngfleld fA.... they gave InstanL r e ll et, 80 we bought some more. It grad u a ll y grew b e tter. DAISY FLY KILLER :;:::: ::r':~:;:' ~\i We k e pt on using Cutlcura Sonp aod GI ... N.... d .. n. or· Olntml'nt and In tbr e e or four mouths ~::~~"'(::'::Ul:;'i th e cblld was e ntir e ly cure d ." :n~~'~::"~'t!lp~I~ ~r'~! (Signed) Mr. Henry Prlos . Oct. 22, ' . ... er; "HI nut loll or 1912, ~~~~l:::w1·~~::l~!': I Cutlcurn. Soap and. Ointment Bold AlldeDl(lr" o r6 •• n, 1 througbout th e world . Sampl e of eacb .x p,'" "".d Inr '1.l1li. t ree,w Ith 3"..-p . Sklo Dook' Address a.uOLD sOllua . laO Do&.lb A vo. Br•• kln , II. Y. " p08t . canl "Cutlcura, De pt. L. Boston , -Adv .






READERS-...... of this paper des iring to buy any· thing advertised in its columns should insist upon havin~ what th.ey . as~ for, re fusing all substItutes or Imltation!<-

;-:= ~~ U.,




CINCINNATI, - NO. 26.. 1914.

Mental Arithmetic. Teacher-Tommy, It I spen t one· tb lrd oC a certain su m of money. and $3 represented five-sIxths of th e remainder , what dId I have? To mmy-The Jlmj atns.

It you want to find a man out all YO U bav e to do Is (0 call on him w ltb a btl!.

For Convenience, Economy and Safety Use the

"NEW BOSS" all St"e

Blue Flami, Wlak

Barns ordinary Kcroseoo 011. light" up Instantly lIke gn_, burns a perfeotly blao dame without smoke or odor. The Int.entlOly hot flro enaJ>les.yoa to oook, bake.1ry or Iron IS quickly on a glUat.ove. Just8.sslmpleand safo to operaUlILll an oU lamp. I Three .I~e. II, 8 and , burnet'll wIth . or wltbout high _ 'Warm!»r ahelf. Write lor ~0If. , : Made W tI>,e B~14.



. . 8Prllll·.(jIIO.~ · A"'" OIDJ!'D

=.-7. -0Id0




Child Act. Su rgeo n's Role , lSandl :-; halTe r, Ih il'l "'\'n Y"II rs (llu CJ f Lo s An g.'les, C al. , d( ' \'(' l ujJ~ d \11 10 a Form Thilt Patient Had Been IndlllgIIltl ~ he roillf' ",h ,, " h e r !l\' "YHII uld Ing In Was Not What Doctor gls t e r fell Ull th E: si d ' wa lk wh l!,· a t Would Have Recommended . pl ay und ~ It HI I"r t' <I h !'r t!l uow Ur . I·: tl wurd G, \\, ile y , (' hl ef !Ju lkt: au l''No w comes tbe tienROIl wh en the 1;('011. I'-,pla h" ' d pa ll "lIt1y ul'e r tb .. t cle-,\If " goes (0 the co untry u ntl ttll' hu s, ph o n \' ho,,· 1111' " pl lnt Ahou ld bl' pul uAud. III the word s of till' i l1llllU r ta l 00 , :wu :;arah Illad e Buc h n good Jub ~ O lll:. sbouts '!luom y I H noray! ' " of it ns 10 will til l! 8 (lml ralio n or ull Thu~ Jerome S . McW nll e. III a n af · who ~n w Ih,' t ill Y Jlnlll'llt wil e n s h e artor dlaner speec h at IJulllih b .. gan ItI A rln'd ut th l' I'cctdv ln ll h oa pltu ! "'I tlll r('ll ponse 10 n lonst 01 , " Th Lu ,II(' s" (l e r Ill l i(' atn~t e ur n urse. Th e chll" \\' h e n th e lad l('s ar (' with II ~. we un·lI,. r"lh "r I~ a l til" cOll nty Itc SIJltal a re hll fe," It e rcsumrd , " bllt ", h (' \1 t lwy and 1lt" ir IIw th l'[ lI' I'n t tn vi s it bim. 1>0 o fT to country or s hore. It'III·ItI~ u s ~la ) Iwllo ' re ll alill LI'IlIII ' h e r a nn Sa.In lo wlI I110n e , th ell OUr t rou bl es benth ~a l!t ' d UfJ lil c' n 'n' ivlng hos lJ ltal. "In , out aw h. ;! 10 til<' di s tan ce wa s adv ised " A man on e BUlllm e r dny called on Il doc tor. to I'ail O {J,' uf lh ' dlslr ic t d oc tors . Sh& cu uld I'nisl' 1I0n e, aud agnln c alled t h e.. 'Ooc: he enid , 'I'm a ll run dowu.' r~ n! i\'in ~ ilo>; pllal. Ill'. WI I.. )' told> .. 'Yo~ I~kll t, too : s a lrl :h e Iloc t or 'uruh II'h:,L 10 t!u 10 re lk,' \) t h e buby 's, sYI~,pal e t ca Iy. I' m n ot gn ng 10 prepai n , \\ h ilp t ill ' tltnbu h u l('p nl C' l.'d out sc nbe drugs ror a mUll In you r con· to ll\l' :0;11" if,>!' hum e, ltlld ~arah e: b £'yed. tllt't~n . r No . "Ir' l what ~'mll:lll,l1l-\' t o \lre · In 6 Jru c l lun~ t il Ih e le ll er . sc :.;~ or ~~ u t H ga r ed l I1I;·d II h Ithe pall e n Bla~ e an di 'l 8 lun · Lowest Bidd e r . en y pa or turn('" t o a u 1Jr C lI "I h a \' e (,OIlW to ask ror th e hand or doc,' be said. 'gard c lllng Is you r daughH' r ," ' lllllloll uced thc youcg lh e cnuse of all my trouhl e .' mnn . "' Humph, what kind or gard e nin g ?' " Jill \' c a chair." Enid ber fllt he r . Ra id th e doc tor Incre du lou s ly, klnrtly . " I pres um e yo u h a ve mnde an .. ' Roof: the mall r e pli ed." e~tlllla tl' of w hal It will cost t o keep. my dau gh t e r In th e Htyl e to w bl cb s\l& bns bot'n accl1~totned?" LImitation of Art. " I ha ve . sir." Th e bead ot a ce rtain Wa s hington "A 11 d yo ur I\ g ll r es ?" fa mily was r ecentl y approached by bis son , just nearing hI s mtlj c rlt y. "Ten thou sa nd d o llars a year: ' "Fatber," said be, " I wnnt to ta l k with ''I'm so rry , my boy," said tbe u ld"r you co n ce rning my future. I h av e de· man , " but 1 cnutlot IIfford to throw c lded to be come an artist. Hav e you IlWILY $~ . OO() II year. Another suitor aoy objccUone?" bas fi g ur e ,1 hc can do It for $8 ,000 ." Tbe old man scratched hi s h ead r eo The Actor of Today. " ectlve ly and replled: "Pardon m e, but how could you b&"We ll, no, son - provi d ed or come an actor with s uch an ImpedIcourse. that you dou't draw on me ." ment of speech ?" MODel' goes. Ever notic e bow three "Oh , no one lI otices It. The-the fl· $20 blU. will go 11 ke 60? film a lso tr·tremh les co nstantly," __ ._ _ . _______ _ _ _


~~=~, orItU(;~ ~c !~I~~l;["U';" t~~ I\III" ,,~~l~~ :r~;~~l~~:~(l~::d~;I:\\'li';~:~l::~;' I :;!::~;~Ii~ :re re~" llut,

ORTY lEAH8 AGO almost every mothe r thouJZ:ht h er child most haV8 I>AREGURiG or law,hmum to make it Bleep. These drugs will prod uc.f.l aIlll'p, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce tlte BLEEP FROM WIDeR T£lEH.E IS NO WAKING. Many are tho children w ho ba~ been It:Ulod or who.'16 healtb h811 been ruined for life by PIlTt'gorio. laudanum and morphine. each of ",·hich is a n a.rootio product of opium. Druggists are probibited from sell i n~ eithl'l' of the narcotics named to c hild ren at all. or to anybody without labelling them "poison.... Tho definition or ,. n arcotic " is : ",4 nudioitUl whi.t'1t reliet.'e8 puin and produc~ akep. but wlach in poiJ!OIl0U3 cW3e8 prodtlcea 8hLJWr. coma . convul3iona arid death." 'rhe taste and tlUlell of m ed'icine(o con tnini n g opium /lre d iBJ;uised, and sold under t bo DarneR of •• Drops," I I Cordials," .. Soothing Syrups," etc. You should n ot ~nnit a ny medicine to be given to your c hildren without ynu or your physician know of what it is ~om pooed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NAROOTlC8, if it Leara theaignature~ of elias. H. Fletcher. Casto I-In allfap bean the signatuft of • •



gir l

J es u s c lea rl y mnrk ~ Itlt' Iil n it s of the home by dl'c larl u!!: thut lI"ilU Koe Ver does tb e will or l;od , " he is In )' LII·" tl,..r acd ' i~t e r and IlJolh e r ." Wrong Vis ion Harm&. I' pr \'e rl ed vl sl oo Ihru ugh l), ill l; bIll' d l' r s God , Ou Oll e o cca s io n Jcs u ~ had p e rform ed lUI act of m e r c y , A wr etchl,d cI'eatu r e wbo was blind a1ld dutl1h had I)(;en m a de to BN" atld 1.0 op calt. (' e r. tainly this Is a good deed ! Oue would tbiuk that It would rf'c e lv t! u l1lversal ap p rol'l1l. IiUl no. ce rtain m e n , lhrougb envy, fJlls sed th e lying word arouod - O t h es e whispe r iug lallle· tu ll's !- that J es us did a ll tb is ILrou gh all egl:wce ""Itb til e prl u e\'; o[ el'lI, aud t hey charged JI'S U6 wltb h aving ev il motlv es. Th ll gre at s ou l of J H US b lazes fortO

- - ----- Modern !Jus in ess Man. " How WII S Ih e g nllll', 1'l lmo ol1? " ask e d \\' llllPrs ly . "Oon'l ask m e," gruw)I 'd I'l lm so u . " Ju s t a ~ I wa s startill/-: fo r Ih e park a man caIn e in altd In s lotr d on talk ln~ lJU ~ in es~ 10 m e It", w ho le aft e rnoon.' " That' s t o ugh . H e t oo lt up your lIm(' n nd yuu got n Olhl ll g .·· · ·O~~, I ruad(j Sl .OOU, CO tl fUU lld tile luck .


Not Literary. Jail \ ' is !tor- You say Ihat a lo ve for boo k s brought yo u he r e, m)' man' Prisone r - Yes, m u m. por k e t books. Swallowin g hi s IJrlde u e ve r ye t sa tIsfi ed a m all's hun ger .

In hot Indlgnatl o ll. H i ~ ecJ arf'S that - ji~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~-iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; such pprver l f' d vl.lun I ~ unpard o n rl ul e , It Is pOHslble 10 Corg l vf' evt' ry ~in of man eJJ;cept tbat or ca ll ing good ('vii, of 8aylng tbat nc t s of m e rcy Hllring ! frow the prlnc" of (' \'11. There Is hope for t h e hu r lot , th ere is hop " fo r th c tbl e f. there Is hope for til e out· cust, but the mlill who " bl :u; pbelnes I Jlgnlnst th e lIoly Spirit" 10 )' call ing j good e vil . by pe ddlin g sturil's that at· lrl bu le e v il motiv e s to goud d ee ds . lhat. In oth e r words, ca ll s God d c \' il. Is b e yond the zon c of hope. H c ca ll 't s ee Uod . li e hlud e rs ( ;od, bEoC aUSf' h is h t'art Is e v il. or nil sinners. tll£' nl"" UI's t aud mo st ma li cious It; t bl. one t s cat · t e rs Iylug words . I'd rutlle r lle a drunkard or a harlot tban hanl II b eart, 100Iting throu g h which 1 tillW goorl a s (' vi I. Tb e rl' wo uld ' b e m urt' 'j bop e Cor m l', \Vhen th e vision ur the heart is 80 pe r verted tbat e vil motiv es Ilre ascrib e d t o ilood rl e"ds, hope III I gone; for 11 0 ruo m ror Cod'" le ft I ! Creatures of Evil. I T he qu estion of tli e " unpa r ljl;lla bl e si n, " ove r w hl c li th e ologian s uSl'd to knit th e ir browu iu ell·bal e. n""d b e DO I' lI zz lH. .I e~ u " meallt th at II!:}, uue who look ed upon a pure. clt' nu , un sel· liMh life-- lik e his own- llnd ("a il ed It , any "unclea n ," wa s a ilo pe le ss perv ert. H o I' could not I e ll goo d wh e r. h e daw It. UOfl was t o li lm eV il, His whole Il[e , t h erefor e . was on e p ~ r!Jc tua l p e r\' ~ r- I sion or God. I This scene is imnwdi a t"ir fulluw e d I b y acot h e r th a t 6bows h ow li od is I hind e r c d , The very m en who b ave b ee n ly ing a bollt J l'B UB' cam \! forward w ith a s h ow of piety and demand ed of indescrib~ble him a "slgo" -some n ia rk of proof of his llutborlty . J(' sus t e ll s them pla ~ n · sweet ly that no sign will be given excep l the sign of Jonah. nam e ly, a d e mand tor r e pentllnce. God batb com e to tbls g,'n -, rallon with m ercy And riches a n d healing! Wbat doth binder blm . The heav e ns nre r e ad y to burst with bl Bsl uga ! \Vhat dot.h stay th e m ? God In the !les h is walking nmong m e n . Why do tbey r eject him ? .Iesus' exper ience Is the answer . I·'nmlly pride and nnrrow· Dess are a bar, A ly ing h en rt, tbat calls good ev il and whi s pers it about. crucifies God. A s hallow ttkeptlclsID that d e mands a "slgti" o f llutborlty Grocen everywhere. from God before be li eving In goodlless. Is an empty house that Is a sta ndlug InvltatioD to all th e evIl spl rlLB of Ilfe to enter and abid e.


Post Toastie s For That


Bedtime Snack

The kiddies need something that is dainty

and appetizing, don't they? And you want to be sure that ,they have a food that is easily digested-one that will their sleep.

not disturb

Post T oaaties are surprisingly good at time.


They are made of the hearts of the finest

Indian com, perfectly cooked, delicately sweetened and salted, rolled into thin, ribbony flakes and toasted to a cnsp, golden brown.

They have that

flavourand delicious, that so delights the taste.



pour from the package and add cream and sugar. or sprinkle over fresh berries or


Easy to rerve and mighty good.

"The Memory Lingers" -lOld by

. Glory of Soul. A BOU\ In Which th~ splrll 'o r a dl · vine purpose 18 at ftood g lorifies ev· erythlng It touche., enhaloes Cgery place and act, 1itt,J the mllanest thing I to be _divine, lICIDds the thrill at Its IInergy . tnrOtfgh the dullest. puts lite ; IIIto ,.tbat , wblc!! , 8eems d Such . 1It:'O~}~~Bt\~~II; jr,lt ~y ·nQt ..trane· ~uCe;' evel:yUi11!1 it II! ~COlJtll.C' . ",.1~~~:', .,,", :W,lV'..... ' ." .



II .... ••' , •• "








ItelDs from Gazette Of J uly, 1872, Telling News ot Long Ago


Jf you lt ilw \\'001 lor snk. cnll llll' tip, a :; I will pny YOII tit . Ili gll cs t 1':I sh price for it.

1ll, ~I , )t' I!A T Hoo.TlW- UllU Andorhlltb II l'U ll~IOI' w lil oh ill 110 flir IrUllllll1lZl:li l IhllL 110 will jump u]}()n Dlln't' "b uulll41r Ilm! oruw, whon so lJ Hl<ltlll Lla n rel1JdrkH tilut, "D ick 's " III'X\ tICO " ,ul'lt~ III\l " nt. Will loa to "",llh\v hllr r llir fur l-l r C' eley ~ " Il


f" l\na.lnn ~ PH( · I(h·

op)' right, 1'14 , h r

("' ro c ker

Cr l "

Inlt'rn:\t ln nni

I : "'(\IO ~ I Inn

u . 11 . S.

f"'l nh' fal l>! HHlI;:,r,J "lt t'r s




tors li nd rnr more

Hl'n, .,· o f "klll(,o B ~, bl a I1 I S "a,' !! 1>""11 lit work thnll Il )'l':\r "rent l u !!; Illan,·lulls ~ I a l ll ar.l' . 'I'hls photo

Ii j;n ·at

~"lIp h ~ h ow~ Nllllle of 111(" stu I uu r y

outshlc or LlI" ,,:ull 'II, 1'1I 1 "' lIn·hou se:;.

Ph o ne 1:15

...... ...........

County Courts . ___ •

E. v.


~eal Estate fran sle rs

I,,jirlllllr .,, 1111 1101 1111-(. ~fl(l :ii). \ \VI'H I4'rt l :-;1111', ~ "I'I"" I" I'I!' l>l st rlct

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j':,. Al\'lll \V"h), .

1111 1101' 1I l'll lIl ull'rl lll .. 1\ rUlld~ .~ 7 Ii 7:,; _,. " II-I I\(' lur CO lllrll l' l . i:I I.7:'. J IH:l, 1; \\ lii tum N Hh nltdl18 lit II I 10 ";111. "I, 'I /.. rpfuo (ll,r "0 tll Xtlt!, fl\.4H .I. Hh oudllMlot N o 1\~4 lInti 1',:-:, In IOrogPfliJl Br itlKl! C .. , two C 'utm e t!:!. Fra n k lin . f, 1. , $ ;; ·11 11 '. Ull" l' '' PP'' , r ilf uud ilr O U l!loxAll kinds of N.)tnry Work . P e n sion M"ry Anllu l\1,nhnr lIt ul tIl \VllJ . tl~. ~:l 71; I,,, , n 1{., lwl'"oll . o n Ulp~n Work a l:l peollilty . H. B tu lljock J IIrt Ilf lot Np. II III !:!u t luu IlIr r llull,\l I)' ':,.OU. OhiO Wayn od vill o, ~1. ('" nngat.•' d Cuh'I' rt ( '0 , pipo 160.&U. Al li e Cliver et III to EdlVltr(1 t:)OllllO- E. \\' . Lll1glil. I,ll fd r r Illliwov ley lot N o. Ii ill Pl ellsuot PIllitl. , .100 1J.rIHlDti c. t:l $li:I lill. ~d W oollrlltl' DR. J. W. MILLER, \Jeor!{e IV. W olklng Ul1u ' wife tLi T!'Hlhv ,' rk 111 ~alt' lu Il!\\'o!'hip ~ 1 7 , 5U. Ch!lrl eH A. und E. l{. F(\eley ;,t:l HlJI'tlH I: ~ '!UU t~gll l[l, Alltll r~ () Il ' lh on '~I . U..lI~,~l ptl in DeerU&ld towuRhi) $ 1. . 11111 on . 1..1 1,,11 t (, W"" lip It , 5. l u ti". .•• DENTIST .•• I . . A. lil 'l." r. ('ll lltnlC't. $:!!I . ~tI . PArry A,nou W. an~ W . H . Wll h JlIl1!1l1n r I:J 1ll00 \( ' I' , cun t rll nt . :J:I'! ~D . ~tli n omceJln Waynesville, 0 t? C hnrl el:lJ. Cu n ove r u uel Puur l Ii Armltll !;!'. cuntrnN i l :lf, ti:, .Iuhn National Bulk Bids. Co nover part ()f lot No . Col IU Mallou W,,]h,. o" n l rnL'l. f l:\i ::-(1. i..; Wi l. II lilllllH, OUO I rum, ;Still :S". W . W·. W. U. BUfl141l n lind wlfut,o Gepr ge t-iWl' O('Y, oUlllruct , $ l ~ 7:,. ~nnltl W . MILrllbull lotl'l No ·Itl 11041 ·I\llu OOll l1nl l , ('ullt.rILCt , *,,:! \I:, . Clmrles Maple Ptlrk fl ubdivislo n to Kin gs ~Iibl'. cu nt rn cl.. *:li I.02 G li nr/{e U ~; llplDg(lr, Pl l~t~ fu r co unt y. !-7.1l0. Mills, ~140. Funeral Dirt"ctor J . J{ . I::ippncnr, conl m c t, $7H. :!li. and Embalmer, Marriage Licenses ('''l\trl1cts I. ... t. : No 2;,;> with ( ' bll ~ . 8tilrhs for fl)ll~ uo rrugJlt! d Waynesville, Ohio. John ~'o rd ~Ilof o rd , m echanio of ~ewor!l , nod e r n,. , wn 11 BorUf'B cr.e ek Mlddletown to BJull che Irelle Wut IH North Br oadwllY hridge in L" b", Call answered promptly day o r night klns . Rev. A . J K et! ~l e Ilnot! fln(l oODorete !I Tc h CCI LebllD un Both phones in Office and Residence. David 8 . Martlfl Y, engineer of Ii od Mon r oe pik e by r eBidenoe of L ong distance, No. 14; Home phone Day ton to Anna E . Dilly, 0; FUil te r . P tlt4'r F ultly. HII cumpl e te , 12HO.I\O. 14-2r. Father W. A. Casey. Chairs and one Coach furni shed free Hobert M, Aud e rsu n employ ed 14t. COUNTY EXPERIMENT FARM with funeral$. Peters Uart rldge Co. , to Mil r fi(ll r ut Best of service guaranteed. Radford, both of Kings Mill H R ov . At Nove'll btlr e lection m ll ny Oh Io Miller . ooun t les will vote au ooun Ly experiRa lph F VlmDeve nter, teaoher went furm. l!'i ve oono tit'S n ow hll ve aut Evanston, 1Ilinoill, to Lyoa Mall !:l u c h fA rUi . ... orwin, of Lebanon . Rev . G. E . • At Wlttliliogt,on Congress reoentl y enllctlltl l eg ll~ l"ti o p thllt will give Veterinary IGOWdY . . Bowar d W. Wills, farmer to F lor lurge !l I1Ul" of uloney t o h e lp the Ann unlly OhIO w ill get Graduate of Obio Sfal. LJniveni' enoe K Burfao!!, both of Spring b or o . furUl '1 r R e v. A . J . Kestle. I> b i/{ bun "h of t his lU one y. l<'i ve pe r oA nt of th e voter!! most Edgar ( :eoil ~o bn orf, t elegruph Office at residence in F. ll. Sher ope rator of Dela ware. to .Inor('octl s ig n a pe t.itioo Ilni present it to the Rae rtlille r', of Franklin ' Rev . N. OO U Il~V oom missione rs asking fo r wood's house. Fourth ~treet. u vote on Bac h II. farm. rh €' oos t U. I::lweat . Telephone 28 Virgie M. 8hurts, farmer of Hauth Ilnd eq uipment of the farm IIhould Leban on to Ollie Daisy "'cott, of n ot exotleu f20,OOO, payable in five ten yellrll, if d e~ ir ed. Waynesville. Ohio Camp BageulI\D. Rev . E. G . Walk o r The an nua l co~t of up.keep of Bnoh farm cun n o t ex oeed 1-2,000. Probate Court Proceedings Do n c t ex peot liJi!' furm to mllk e I n the wl,tter of the elltllte of Ul oney any Ulor e t.hlln YOIl would Flors M. Vlln 80rul:I. d eceul:!ed . HATHAWAY Henry W . Meeker. Chllrles E . EILtOO expect !l Rchool b o uAe t,o nlllk.; m o'ley . Both aTe ed uclltional. n.nd A. U, Vail appointed ap]lfltisers. \Vrite the dgriolliturlli Uommis Wayue.ville 's LeadlDIl Den'i.' In t.h e maHer of the eB t~ I.e of Uftloe in Keys Bldg. MatnBt ~amuel W . Koever. deoellosed P riv- ~ion , CnlumbuB, for blrlnl< potlti onH, bu lleHn s a od copy of I,l""' . ate 88.10 o f real estate ordered . A. P. ~AN DLE~, Presid ont·. In the matt·er of the guard lluHlhi p --of Stanlev T ...... hellen blloh und N e Uie • You're Bilious and Costive E. ohe;(enbaoh, min o rs .. Blonohe b iok Heudu obA. Blld Brel1th. I:;ollr M . S hellenbach IIppointed. Bond Stomllch, Fur red Tongue und Indi140U. gest.ion, MeaJl Li ver IlDd Bowe ls In t.h e watter of the will of Mar clogged. Clean up to-night \Jil t. gn.ret Bo wyer, deoellsed . Will filed. s 25c. bottle of Dr . Kiog's New Life In th e mutte r of the will of Uhrls . PillR to day and emp t y the MtomAcb tiuu Miller. tleceused. \ViII ili ad . >Lno bowelH of fer m e nting , gtLH!! .V In the lDIltttlr of tbe estl1tll of f oods lind wliste. A fnll bo wel m oveCharieR BlIodl ey, deoea sed . WIll . L... IlItm t gi ves a Bllti ~ fie ,l, th ankfol Suemeninl'\' appointed Ildmiuistru- fee lin g- wakes yo u fee l fi n e . Eftar. Bond $~1i0 t) . fective . :vet mild. [,o n ' t gril)1l 250 .. ut. y our Drll;;gillt " Buokl e n's Ar Di ca !-\1l1 \'u fo r Bl1rut'. Commissioners' Procccllings

BARNHART, Notary Public


Dr J A McCoy,

DR. H.E.

----- ...

Walter McClure Funeral Director. Telephone day or night. Valley phone N o. 1. Long Distanoe No. 69-2r.

Automobile Service at all Times

WAYNESVILLE. Branch Office. Barvenburc. O.


THE BOYS' MAGAZINE FREE! !;I;; !~,;rl~orn~){.s~ )i~7rl~ ~~~t:,!Ii·t~I:~~~~~' Pb~~,~::: f ueJIJatlnl . w rit.. alld 10 ' I trued .." artlclf:••• Uof l h1 elllle ttJ Lc!rf!tl L t u n,'ry li n bor,

Iha utlh llJ Illu 8t r . " ",1

~bi:l!\~dt,,:)O~ !:~:~.blb!r::I;~

IDmta dCl"Clutd 10 KIt.'Cl,rll:IL1, MlICh • • b , Alb1('ti" , Aln&\l'Ut

~tcu~ ~i!::'~U~~ht1ot';;' Co~~tlo", Thfl Atb l.tlc ()r.

partU'l III U unit" tilt! Iftl t "n",1

eharae ot WALT rJe. C AlfP.

.&'n rlea'.



00 Lh'- .u~fIC!: l.

,II'" •


R.tt4 ttJi., lhc . .c.,1J t/ ... ,. "......... I.PItI kff ••,.: Jl'MUNeMII. ..u.draI

The time for paying taxes has been ex· tended until July 20, 1914., Better pay now and avo Id the rush.

FRANK D. MILLER, Treas. of Warren County.

niH D .\'

p i,'ens,

CIlIII ' "I-' H t.:8 I1 lCtl - ~i l u81::1Iti n es bll s Il\l ely harv(·tlfud a orop <'f rUtlh e& f rom W riK h t '1\ ru ~ h - p 0 nd, II nd will soo n b n nlUd ~' 10 pllt. rol"h !'nllt" i n ublllni .

Dr. Heber M. Dill Osteopathic ~l

The Qun.rterly PensionR of fo rtv blind benefioiaries we r e pllBsed ao'd ordered paid th e t o tlll Ilmo un t being '5\}7 92 The Bridge FunJ bein g Illmfl!lt. exbaus tec a reslllu (.i o n WII ~ plIsstld to b orrow $ 1·1.000 w h e n n l.llf1t'>!,uv in order to pu·v for l{ n e w hricig'A o ver 'l'odu's .E'o rk In WaJ:'h ingtllD 'fowu llhip .

Bible. Always In Demand. American preJ;ses Illru OUl I ~,O OO ,000 DlbleM a yea r. whil e the Ellgllsh presses turn o ut tw ice fl S lIIa ll Y. a nd yet rarely Is t h e J'(~ a n (' rror di sco ver ed. It ibl e~ are ~ o l <l iUI low fiR five ce nls per cOPY. and mi llio ns are dis· trlbuted free. It Is printed In 400 dlf. fer ellt la nguages a nd dia lects. about 30 per ca ut. be ing In lGll glf Rh. Its cir. Bills All o wBu : W. Ii. ~tll ll ligli cula tlon Is no t on ly the largest of any & Co .. sllOplies f or Auditor. $l.5U Work but Is constan tly Increaslne:. Mary H. WiI!:lon. JlremiulU IIU $:;OUO -insurllnce on Infirmflry Buildin g, Best Diarrhoea Remedy $112.5U. Elliot Fi Bb er Co, I<up pll tJ8 for Record e r $5, ~ O. .1"hn \V. ::iUII w_ If you u uvn ever uBed Chtlruber han. premium o n $2500 ins llrun ce 1.. IIl 'H Ctllio, Cholera and iJi!l.rrhoell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1{~'nt e(ly yo n kn o w that it ilfa IOUo. - --- -- - - .- OHI' >! ~:h tl1 F. Guin, Whl,tlo¥, Alit .. wrlt. e~, "I hlld m eas les and got Stops Neuralgia-Kills Pain <.:lt nght. out io the rain, I\ nd ir.,s e ttied Hloan's Lini men t give s in s tunt r l'. in UIV sto in lloh tlnd b owels. 1 had lief from Neural gitl o r SCilLti cH. H lIn aw f(1 1 t.ime, uod had it not been goes s trlli ~ ht to the IJainfol pr\t.r- for CI)11Jl be riain 's Co li o. '-1h oleru l::loO t.ll l· ~ tb o Nerves bnd Rt ops th e a od Diarrb oea Re w edv L a lold not Pllin . It is UhlO good for Rbeomll posHibly huve li ved bot a few hourt! Wlm. ~o re Thr out, Ch est Puins und 10 ll ger, but thunks to thIS remedy, Sprt\ins. Yo n do n 't n nnd to ru b-it. I um n o w we ll l\Cd stlOng." For penlltrl~tes Mr. J. R. Swinger. Il ul tl by all d eale rs . LOUlIIVlll l' , Ky ., writ.H!I: " I sufferer! with qUitA U l:!ever to Neurlllgio !:IeR, I Human I!yeslght Olmlnlehlnll. acbe for four m onths without ',nv A well.known English doctor reo reUef. J u!'ell :::;loun'lI Lioiment fo;' cently made the s tatement tbat only two or three n ights und 1 bAven 't about 30 per ce nt. of t hEl present popu. s offered with m y bead s ince. " O et laUon of Great Britain haa DOruial n. bottle to dAY. Keep In tbe)loul'e eyelltght. ane! if things go on as they! a~1 tbe tlme for palns !lnd .all hurts. are gobig now, he foresees a 'Ume 2.l)o .. 50c.a~d '1 00.,ELtyourDr~ggI8t.. when practlcally . the whole . ot the ~o~:a~~len s 'Arnioa _ ~alve foT. all ·Bl'1U.Bh. Datt. will be' I. ~.~OD '.peoo. ~\ ~t,. - - ~~----


H I' BTIi' UII AIIl -C harli tl

JAnney. of l{ vll k(lulll, so m e time a go. m'lli e Dr . R oo p of Mo rrow. a pr.,paent of a lAr go r ll ~ tlO office. olllilr . whloll ill " uUl'i o o!O, u se ful liml hl~h l y ._rnll I1Itl ut OU piooe o f huod l l'Vork . IL IS CO IIIJ.lOS Il U 'It' UIIfI.lV kin ds of wn,,,l very iu gen i o n ~ l.v li nd firmly wrou~ht l l!gtl ttitlr. ~TUI..H: W ATO II-~ome .I U>I . H,\wke's wutc b th<l

thief I4tolil other day J O>lfl pb hllo left hill time piece in his ve!!l p ooll:et on tbe fen oe. while he wa !' p ,l uwlng in llnother par t of the flell!. The time !!ttla le r 1.1 nt large. Pll lCAl' Rlw- Frie nU TiJomas Arnett. " nterod upon his ':S2 nd y utor la st :1'irst dllY , on whloh dllY he prOllohed " len g thy disoo u r!<e 10 the O r t hodox m log-b oost>.


sician Phone 449



Leb anon, Ohio FOR COUNTY AU DITOlt .JoiJu M. Mulfo rd U. l:l. Mount!!


! Waynesville,

-======================-=-_Tue~da}'s Fu nk D . Mill er LeRov Irons RECORDl!:Lt ,loHiah Holbronk ,"eternu. 12tb RCl(t . ' ti l · ' ,; , D. E. Bnnndl

()(Ji re,

to 12 o 'cloc k

co rner Ma in nnd High Phone No. 100


All Kinds of

InSURlIneE A. '1. Chandler

UOMM l 8SlONER W. D. Corwin . •lr. W .8.Gra h nm ,J otleph WlltkloH W . L. Hnrvey A . C. Bllk nr


and Friday", rrom 8 :JO




:-; .,w ~:"A I,h:~ \V hileC hlll' . ('. K en . ri c k wn H III \I wi II/.:' I II H.lrflh ,JRllney'" Republican Primaries Ii,' ld " f .. \\· " I\.I'~ 11/.(". thoro uPlleared ---on I ht" R"lInu I WI! b\o. c ks nakll!l. Th e The foll u wing pe rllonl' w ill ue ro~ult Wnl< I ·hurl o:!· '1' owor made o'ludid"tes bef ore t.h a llepu bl loon ~n cllttk\'"'' with tholU. out.tin j.( the w P rimary, 'r uel'd ~ y, August 11 , 1111 4. lit

I' tl~\. ~ . I· " "Jlrn" I'" d(\ " Inll'l'n~llrHln l !-: ' I'()" ' II" " 10 "1"'1\ III :--;1111 t· t' n l w i "'I ' \) III l~)l r\ nillllJHl t\,.OSl 'ore or wu r ld fUllIVU S !i t..' ulp ~


Successo r In

F. E. SHERWOOD V,'cr POSluITit-c, Office Phone 77

Waynesville, O. 1·l o u ~ Phune


I Soc'O ud term)

JOllhllaUoilette Ed. Decker Bert R ead


EAI;'\'- 1'. B . MolJOIDIl8 s lart,tld y et! te rdllY t or B>1Ir.illl C!re ,.lId oth er pllloe .. ln "Ma, y lllnd M y M r ,Y. l>1 nd ." intondln~ ~o e njllY hlWoltll1 I\w on lil the I:loe oes nnd friends of his youth..


B UlH1Y R WI Nu- \Vhat· wonld the youn g fulk>l o t ttll" part at 'he worlel do if Mie ra were n o ti undllYII ? Whe n wou ld th~y ta ke th tlir Bweethearts a nt a ridln~ in tiJeir splinter new boggles:' l5a bbath, hot I1S It was, we s aw !lumetblng les8 than Il hundred oouple!! IjftlllnK through the villli~ e o o me of t h em visited tihakElr Village.

Roy E. MIller


D"n P. Bone Walter Kilbon ::;URVEYOR




WEEKI.Y. $4.00 fER TEAl


SAMPLE COpy FREE - - . . - MIIW YOItI( CLIPPIII liI.w Yo"" ••. Y.

Franlt C. AndArlion (SOI.'O uti teml )


REPRESENTATIVE J odge Mllton Ulark


I have decided t o re·enter the W A S A H UMB UO-WtI have beord Cleaning a nd PressinlL, business, trow li frien d ' at Del a ware, wbo was Democratic Primaries and am now at your service. llD e ye-wit nelltl, and upon whose tU!l te 1110(1 jud~me nt we cau entirely Tbe followlog persons wtll bp My old rule- "Satisfaction or d " p end , that H,uuom 's ~reat sbow ollndldlltell before t· h ~ lJemocr.. t No Cbarge"-still holds good. is 11 humbug; thaI, it taUs below the Primary, Tnesday, August 11.1914. Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin rO/le"l:. e Ilnd nlt,ogetbal' mugni ooen& barber shop or call phone 8-2r. r e E'l~e ntation!l made by tJ:.e great prlDce ot shuwmen and henoe ollr COMMIHSIlINER fuith ill P. T. B s ntJerll anotber . Johu W. Bigler d :>wnwardifl op (to IIpeak polilely ), ~lId we Bre vlolentlv Inollnell to e era!!'e his name from long liolt of Snbsoribe tor tbe Miami Gllzett9 , )'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ he roolS wh.>m it is ollr delight to worsblp. Adieu, Barnom . Vale I

Pierce ~ Presser



Lel:l Adami attended U nive rsity cowwenoement. D, W. I~wln. of j ndlonapolil!l, Is reoo vl3rlng fro D the smlll pox. Da v id EVlfns oame h 'me from ~wart, l.Jm o r e Uo \lege, Pa .• IIlBt Fri dllY . .fumes Throokm ort oo died near Hidgev ill e, June :n , Hl72 , "gf'd 74 David ~ Adam!! is at home for !mmmar r esplto fr olD Del .. wRra Unlvllrsit:y. l'he MisA(>II Georgiu Badden bDd Emma MoKay are viflltlng In Uin oinnA t.i !\Ir. lIud 'irs. Ch a rlie Rnbinllon . of MialJ1ivlJlIl, lire vlsitln~ Mr. B b'. Li IJpincott . A. D. l'ad wRlloc1flr und fllmilv hnve re muved t) BBrveyslJt1r~ We !l.irO lIorry to lose t.hem. . CBptnio Uue l will h,1VA II gllml whol\ ·t O'·l'p. :I" will ,,1.0 ·t·h" I'JI.J'l1J (f rH iu t·Ile tit ~ flY noig bhor\)oOII Ge,Jr f{tl ::le II e. 14 IUIlI FJ'U nk flllflltlit bad the ir hnggy whi)'>! s t.nlAII t·lJ .. oth () r ni ght·, iu fr o nt of R it n41~I1' ~ fltnre . Charles E . Me rritt Is mil king Ilr_ rallgemen ts to com men. e the prac. tiOfl of ItLW with !l oouple of let-Ill gentloJmeu in Ci


Hcadlache and Nervousness Cured " Chamberlain's rablats are en. titled to 1>11 the praise loan give them." writes Mrs. Rlohard Olp, Spenoerpor*. N. Y . fhey oured me of beadaohe and nervoull nl'ss !lnd rE'lstored me to my normal hel\ltb." For sale bv 611 de"lera -- - • Gravity Clock, Among the smart English DoveltlH seen lis the new gravity clock. whJcIl does IIOt require winding. ThepMlUT. power Is ' supplied by the weicht of the dock, which . takes seven cS..,.. to tra~e)' do'WD u~ligh! bars. At the eild of U14~ seTen daYII th" ~I~k II ~ plp'1llsed ,to ~8 top again. TIle clock .~e!B OD.& lItmuol!l8. m~oianY~ '" ~4 the ~ .Ilfl! IUP~rted' ~m ,"~

oeij~ o(o:lI·tiUdJIom.f ~ Ql~

LAWN MOWERS Ground True by Machinery

It is a well· known fact that it' is next to impossible to . sharpen a [.a .... h Mower accurately with a file, especially as a great many mowers mad at the present have hardened blades. Some resort to emery dust. turning the reel backwards. Th~ ~bjection to this is that the clearance behind the cutting edge IS. reduced, which makes more surface in contact with the striaght cutting bar than there was before. After the cuttlnc cages become the least bit dull. the Lawn Mower has to be adjusted very close. eo that it TEARS the grus instead of shearing it, making the mower ru,n harder than ever. and the more it is sharpened by emery dUBt the worse it becomes and soon has no clearance at all.

Have your lawn Mower ground


by Machinery


Waynesville Auto &m,cblneryt:o. Automobile and Gen.rat MG~Cfl,'j,n~~v RlrilKiirttll1.' (JaRolin~, . Oil•

P"liIlKh~d 1V ~" lt1~'



(l ,w Year ,KLrk Ll), ~(ug l e


V-:J. ~~I~ II-~~='J.L :-:0: m i'

Co p y .

ill ach&l1 ce) . . . , . . . . $1.00 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . , .u.)

Rates of Advertising

, ll ead Ing Lo ' u l~ . lMlr I jll" . ~;I "... JlIOO Ad •. oot 1,0

• .. . . ' • . ' , . ,


TIII',w. I""crtio,,. " . " . . " .. I>iJ,coUIlI. IIh'uu o u co ntru.c l,.

~ 6e

",,'00<.1 f1 Vtl li ne.

, lJltipln ), .I d crL,"lug, per In c b .. .. .. _,


J ULY:H, 1!J14 .




" Tlltl ~'''t1rth-·'~~ · -:-;ulv iR 1\ good deul pluy .. d IIut in WII\:ooHvlllt' . lu Mr~ . Ame~la ~ o pp hilS moved Into IOrlll or!IIJt OA \V " II tI b, IMrH. Annes pruperty on W eRt lIy 1I f1~ ' I n \(lug. I<'rlulklln HI-. It worth while to dilly uel"brlllo I,ho , Dlltiunlll boJldll Y, O;'CtI we rem em ' Mr lind Mr~ . Chlls. Kable aDd sao , er. uerhulJs fifteen yuur!! 1110\'\), wheo of Cbloligo are vuuting reltlti vf\s the old bur~ WII~ t!tirrl'u t" her pro hero, fouudo!lt rlepthH un thE Foort,h. ' Jel!!lle PeDewit, of lndillnapolil!. Is 'fbe day wo .. dUBS in the little groge visiting her grllnLlmother Mrs . Pen e. ju .. t ab uve I,be upper toll ~lite . The WIt of W . Maple Ht. huy .. were filled ..... Ith patriotic Brclor Geo, Mill .. and wife, of DI\ytOIl, and formeli a hUge prooession. aUlI Mis!! U rrna Mills of Cinoinnnll ')'h"y 1Illirohed through our prilloiJ,ll11 vi",ited re l"tlvell her~ tbe I<~ourtb . ' atr ..ety olHrylUj( ulinu' l r~ unllllloUoS, JII'I\I'S Dilvill aud lions. of Day tOil, "nrl oalled "hemllelveli "R OllH of tbfJ IIrl1 viMitl ng here. I:\irell of ·7Ii.' COlltetl Kinney ,ie. Wrn. Hidenllt,rlokAr ,nil orew have IIvereJ a grnnd 01lition, I\D<1 our looal ontors were truly el oq oent ut go le to Yellow Rprings to work on ~ bridge. the tOIiSt ta ble .. W oa ver lind anns (threshermen ) The ahove was tllken fr o m tbe Miami Gs't\ette of July IH72. lind tellll 8l~ r tod out with their orew tbe a tale tbat Is In v0l/:ue today Many Fourth of J nly , pilices are coming bliok to Lbl8 t!'yle Mil!!I Lila ~Idenlltrioker soent th., of the Fourtb, and 1111.0Y arli still Fourth at Xeoia . going on In tbu 8Rwe old way. Our Mr. and MlI!. Jobn Penewlt and vouug people 1n not know why tbey son entertalaed Milllo Lola Curnell , oelebrate tbe rloy ; all thHY know III of Forry, 11l8t I::luoday, tbat they nmst mllke a noiile, the ....---louder tbe better. Our little vllhtge oommenoed to eerpent In Old Legend.. make a noille Thursdny f'vnnlng, Thll lIerpent W&8 amODI the 1048 tnd no 1IU,lImpt was made to btOP ot the Land ot Egypt, where HOllee led ahern Then on "riday evaDing allil hili people. aDd tbey found It amonl 1111 day t;at·nrrlay the nohle WliR un · the lods of the land they were to abated, knd mRny hundredR of dol · .ubdue. Cadmua, tha Phoenlolan who lan' wortb of oTliokers went· up into In vented letten. bocama a aerpen t. lhe air for no purnose 'hun t o mllkA Lovers ot Wagner will not fall to reo a "n oise." Would to graclou!I that call that Alberich trllnatormed hlmlleJr the old days of IIpeeche811110 rOllding tnto a "wurm" to lIU&rd the stolen of t,h e Declliratlon of IDdepoodenoe RbelDgol4 . But the trail of the aer· be al way~ I(rent1 In the- hearl.s of our peDt may al80 be traced through the ·1.' hUliren, lI11d tbll lillY wonld be lellends or Greece, or for that matte r "pent wUb profit aDd plettsnre to tbrough those of 'the earUer AtAencan everybody. peopl6ll.


'. •




---_.- .. - - -





------ - .

Arnica Salvc for Cuts. Bu rns, Sorc8 Sla le uf Ohio, City of Toledo, I

Mr , E . b Loper, Marillo. N . Y , writeR: "I bDve never hbd II Cnt, Burn, Wouno or tiore It wonld n It bellI. ' . G et n box of Buoklen 's Ar. nlcl\ HalvtJ to l1ay. Keep handy at "t ~Il \lmeM f,'r Hnrnl!, Hnrl\~, UUt8, WllolHl... Prevent!> Look J'Iw. :.l50, Itt your DruICgist. , Famoul Khyber Pa.., Tbe Khyber T'8B8, tlom tbe time ot Aleunder the Great, baB been noted .. tbe ,reat military and trade ,ateway Into India from tbe Asiatic coun· tdea to tbe east. The paes bellina near-Jamrud In India. 10% miles weet of Pelbawar. and twists throuCh the hills for about 33 miles lil a north· weAterl, direction till It debouchea at Dulla, In AtcbaDl8tan.

Lucas Counly. \ 55 , J. Cheney makes oo t" that he is seniur partner of th~ firm of F. ) , <.:hcncy & Co., doing husiness in the City nf T,,· ledo, County and Slate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the SMm o f ON E HUN DR SO VOI,LARS f"r each and every C'.l5e of Catarrh Iha ! cunnut I,,· cured by the use of HALI.' S CATARRH CURE . FRANK J. CIIENEY . SlI'om tu before me and subscribed in m y pre!<ence, this Gth day of December, Fmnk

A . D . 1&;(;.

(Seal )


Notary Public, Hall '8 Ca 'arrh Cure Is taken III t.tlrn/l\ly and RCtR directly Upall the blood lind mucous surfR088 of the 8.vstew 8end for tasthnonlals, free. F. J ~HENEY & CO. , Toledo, O. ~old bv /Ill J)rugglstll, 750. Telke Ball 'lI Family Pill8 tor con. stlpatlon.

W. H. Madden &Co. BUILDING MATERIAL Of all kinds.


Caesar's Creek

!:Ir , nnd Mfs. Randllll lIuto~d to and returne d Wed· ueMdllY · Mr, Clyde Levioy, a DO of our moet UJ.l.!, dry guod!:! merchontt!, hils purollu14e&.i II.n Uver lanu touring our. Glyde Is II siuglll Olan lind reads 1111 of the It.te pe on bow to !o:et u IJllrtuer, und the l1utllIUo bile hn. been reoommended by IUt1ny of the writers ns Ii (jure remedy. Be will be coarteouH and obliging to all bis friends . TOe luuLl nolljel1 torpedo is ugnln h oard annoying tbe people. wak ing the hurs ell ufrlli ;} and dolu.: no one any go od, and Rllonld he Htop Pftrl . Mr. Richard Climpbell I1nd Miss ,\ureu L.ynoh were married ill Lob I1non Thursdayafternoon snd hllvo gone to h :luse kooplllg in the !:mbin property. Mr. and Mrs. W. W , Weloh and two s ons Oilhert and Th o!! .. Mr . lind Mrll , E. B , Dakin, Mas ter!! HII.rry Uowe Ilnd IUobtfrrl Harilln vlcnlck&l ulong Clle81ll11 Creok Tbllrsclay even· lng, cooking thoir Huppur H 1111 In Itn· oinut tlmel!. Tbe IU ell I Wli!! very mnoh enjo.V6t1 unLi w UI he rernew bnred by n,lI. Hilbert and Thumlls Wel ch lett ,: mturdIlY for Fort Dodge, Iowa, W h t' re ~b ey ha ve respllnsi ble 1)081 tion8. Their many frIends trost t·bey may retorn io another year to !\pend their vlicll~ion. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Bartsook , of Dilytoo, sw nt the Fonrth here wah relatives , Mr. Hobt. Jruuer, of Dayton, joined his wife hore un tho It'ourth. Mr . Cliff Beokpt, of uear berA. hllll purobased a five pasf:lenger Bulcl[ automobile. Mrs . Maggie Faber. of Dayton. I1nLl Miss 01100 Anson, of Xenia lue visiting their pllrents bere. Mrs. Alice Eyokl' . of Allderson, Ind, is visiting ht'r sister, Mrs, George Venny, of this vioinity . Mr . IiElvi Eil1tton, of Linooln , Ill. , who hus b aen the guest of reillti "es here for 11 IIhor t thlle. Iflft Mon jay for Dayton to (1\11 ko Mr. Bnd Mrs . Cba~. BarbeBD, of I,e xington Ave, B vlalt for 11 few days Bnd then will return to hili home , Mr8. Elsie Hookett Bnrl dllnghter, Gene,lIpent Thursday the gnest of Mrs. HookeU's parents, Cbas. Tooker is makln/{ Improve m e nte about hiS premllle~. Tbe W. G. T, U . met at t!le Friends ohurcb ThnrsdllY afternoon, Mr. Ueoll Boover, of Ulubvllle, and Mis8 Anna Ellis, dungbter of Mr. and Mrs, Cha8, Ellis, were rollr rled tmturday night at Ure home at the bride, the two were made oDe b'l' Rev. A . K /:Iargent. They buve th'e best willhes at thlscomwnnit,y, 'I'be farmers are ballY throshlng arid lire feeling good over tbe wheat crop , Tbe oats orop III quite short 'IU , ta~ e it all the way througb tbls year Ius been B very sucOO8sfal one. Mr. Glint Anson got his hand severely hurt playing ba8e bull. Walter Iolilvers has puroh!lsed the Gillam Restanrant lind will l'pan It up at once . Robert C. Ginner ~pent the F ourth at DlLy.on calling 04 friend!! , /:Ieveral from htlre arA arranging t{l utt.end the Dahl MlIltkan UO'II exoursion going to CeAar Point, Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, of ColumbulI, oalJed on Mra , I::!arah Blirlan and Lydia Barvey their aunte on tll1&urday night , Ed Lul!:eus aDd Osro Dixon, two of our fist hOr8e men, were In the race at Wllming&oQ and returned home very muoh pleilse(l with their treatmtlnt. Mr. Alvel Kennedy ent.ertalned the oltizens of tbts violnlt.r with a very beautif.l displBY of fire worke. Mr. and Mra. W, W, Welch en tertalned Friday olgM Hr , BU 1 Mrs. W. C, We!chand family, Ioe orealll and cake were served. Boward B ..temao and frlend8, M.r. and Mrs. Baird and daughter, of Sonth (,hllrleaton, were gn8lts of the CAntral Batel SundBy. The Rligoe VII Barveysbnrg played bundllY 6 to 8 in favt-r of /:IUgo. CiDoi nnnB ~1

RlItel'! of Sllhl!cription.

(ill . h ll,· I I Ilk .. I" tilftl AJluu )ju,ldlulC Maill I'll " WU)'II~. "II". Ohio,

D, L. Cran e, E,,ul' l or an d 1\1 2nag e r,





----.. - ...--_....

Has Your Child Worms?

New Burlington

Mr. an'rt MrH . Waltor Wtlson , and dumghtllr Olive swnt Runrtay witb Mr. and Mrs .l3Bmuel Wils on. Mr aDd MrH. A. M, Bnrl1mun en. t,e rtllined H<..udu'y , (.Iny fiurhman , l:lluelu Hagerman anu H. lI Y Hu~b. mOln, o f Dllyton, . • lIili>lll ;)llluel ::;tlloloy illt s r e turne(l b ornu from Jl. pl"u8snt vitdt with rfl.lllti vus n our W ilmington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Z. F. BDinst! were io Xoo III. Frid/lY , .M r!'. ,I. ~. Le AllIing RJlent. ~lLtnnbv with hllr HIHHr M rl! , I:' lrlll11 0 Ua, o'f PII i nl.e r ~v i li e. Mr , and Mr .. Wilhur HUdlluok onte rtllin od I:iU UtlllY Mr . !Lilli MrR , ()s ~ EllrhtHlllnd f'"nil .v , nt BowerR. vill o, and Mr , and Mrt! . .l!:I (I\or Clark of Dliyl ou. Mr. lind Mr s . J esso I:Jniooa I1nd two dllugb ters !:itlra tlud H elelJ spent i5nndrlY WIth Mr, 110d MrA. Isaao Lytle . Mr. Rud MrR. J , S . LnllYnlog rmLi Ralph LeR lUiog lIod fllmi I'y t.ouk Hund.IIV dlnn nr with Howllnl J." III1l. iog lino.! fl1mily, 110111' WilUIIUI'tuD , Ziuni Uuill tl~ RIl ,! falllily 8ntoed t o (;Iuyton Wall 'ft I:lu.rluy nfterooon. (,Jrville CO OlptoU antI fllmlly Rn (1 Miss Lool s l1 COIllPton ~pont !:iundoy with Altcll Walton , O soltr Clark !OJlont It few L1ays in Dayton lust week. "haunoey Bunuell'1I IIl1ve trested t.he ir houMe to a new coat or pllint. Ziwri Baines and fumlly spent SlIt;urtl .. y eveDlllg wilh I{oy enl'\' 'R, wbern til ey .mjoyou fir e work s , Ch"nnlll'Y !:JunnAlI's clIlIetl on W E. ~llg'm ItnU family !:iunullY uflor nOOD. H o race COU1pt,)n OIl J ft1m ily clLlle,! on Jobn Curnpt,on anLi ,vife SundRY aftl3rnOO n , Chllrle~ 110rnE'r, wife anu flilllgl1 ter we re ILt Jef4~e Barn er'lI bUllilllY


Cured of Indigestion

Mrll Sud io p , Claw~oo JllIlinorl p" .. ~ !It! botbp.roti wlt.h in'digp.lIti un' "M :y 9tomnoh pn,lned me night BOol day ." she writes, 1 would fe e l bloated und bave b ead/ioh e "mu b elobing after eating , 111180 suffered {rom con~tiVlltiun . My ds oghter hl~d. ulled Chamberlaln'sTllbleta and tbey did her ~o muoh guod that Ahe gave me a few dalles of them and insillted upon my trying thllm They helped me U8 n othing el~e bllS L1011B. " ~'or sole by all deslers. " _ ____ •

.J. C , Piokin, at Dayton , was t·he name than your own, but unless you week end goed at, tba home of A , comply with the r equlrt'ments In the IItl!tutes tb e llEllie yuu have taken will H . Hl\rlan lind furntly. Chlls . Peterson anrl family , of til only so III1El8 . There Is a legal meth· Dayton, spont the Fourth with rei. orl or changing your name, and In t ,'gllrd to tbo hest way !o go about a tives b ere. Miss Lois Whlttlker ente rtained this one would better consult a lawyer or the county judge Ot some attacbe II. oompauy of fri e nds in bo nor of her c t his court. t weIfth bi rthd"y ani versar y , June 2Yth. B , W , Kelch. of Chicago, has 1tblIt", Oubioul Syntax, But True, There are more poop Ie In this couo. j oined his fbUlilv llere MrA. Li ~,;" i o BartDOn, of Indian I tl')" eating too much thau th ere are I:h II , III vi~ltlllK !\lrl! Llzzl e Blair. atarvlng. PerhapB it tho rormer dld1n. C besl er towullhlp belel an e leoti on the latter wouldn''TnAsduy t o deoide upun boundlnK the towDllbip for the . purp lse of _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ____ _ ,_._ _ .. _ hnildinll IL more oommodlous High Hohou\ Suililing The proposition lost. Mis8 lIianoy Smith ha8 rotarned from Ii visit wi th r e la ti vel! in Dayton. p ort Mr . und Mrs. Chll!! Wilson and Rtaml· child ron, of Dayt on, ap! nt the wqek ani onrl with r elnl,iv {\!! h er e. Pre-



Severe Attact< of Colic Cured

- - --







I nside and Out.



Prepllred Paints


UBeautyis only skin deep"

Spring Valley


often very Irue of paint

, lloIIlYOO )

MrR, M,)llie Bampt.on, of Vln80n Sa lem, N. G. wlla t.he ~uest !Mt week of Mr . antI Mrs. Newton M.oore. Mrl< . O uu , Vel,te rs Is slowly im. provin~{.

Mr. and Mr!l. Tboll. Middleton sJl{\nt, \o\unc111Y wi th her mother In Sprin~fi e lt1 who i ~ slok witb eryslp. e lrll~,

M rl<. ()Ii ,,"r Moon, a former reRi. rlellt of I,hi" pili 00 , bu~ now of Duy. t.on,tii",\ "'nnday nigh~ of &oberoo. lords. Fuoeml serv\oes will be held WedneRdoy aftt'rnoon lit the Friends chnroh, of this plaoe. Mr , and MrR Ray Iilagle and fam. ily werA Sunday gneAts of Xenia relatlvAJ!I. <:lAO. ~olland, wife and aon retUl'ned home MondlY after a week 'a vacation witb his pBrents.

BRIDGEPORT ~ TANDARD P A I NT ("overs a ttJven ureM with the le-.Jat DUnther uf &allon.; .1 .. wuy. uniform,'. mud"

.Uie formula; Dudu"," ...., .. ,,' U"U'·-.I_ terated palntorl8lld leud ulon8 aaponlHe. the oil, CuU.·

Ina It to chalk "'jfldl y • Thl. neyar happen. with RIDGEPORT STANDARD. t Wo Rrc localag('oU! (or Bridll&, port S\.aodard Producllo and carry ft. full line (o r ouLlljdu and inaiclo U80 . \VC .haU 00 pleaBCd to confer with you repnJiDI' ...... Pie.....

caU and talk ,\ "ver.


Much of New Guinea Unexplored. Mr . IlOd Mra. Arch Copley and N,ew Guinea Is on e ot tbe rew coun. ohildren Miat! Bessie Fltcb, Pearl tr1eli that sti li present untrodden !leld. I ~ol vln. Lou Ilia FO.1 kef8o:) and 'Va4a



Waynesville, Ohio

for the explorer. The difficulties ot MoPhflrson enluyiog a ten d"ye trav'eltng In tbe Interior or thle great' VftCutlon !It the roserVOlr. Mr IInu Mrs. Walker returned laland b.av e prompted a Oerman trav. eler, Lieutenant Graetz, to project the home alter a pleasantj visit with exploration of th e Island by meaDs ot their dlloghtAr Mrll C. B Crane. an airship. This wlJl enable tbe ex. Mrs, CI~ra StlLhl and two son8, of plor,e rs to pass without difficulty over ~prin l! field, Rre Bnests >f her par. rivers, mountain s and Jungles whlcb ont!! Mr. snd Mra. Joaeph !:)mitb. Mrs , Orville Mendenhall and three would be traversed only with Ireat toU by ordinary trave lerli. ohlldren oame Wednesday for a vlsU " reldiv(l!l and friends.

Notice 'of Appointment • jo:st ate 01 i':,h ntlod A. Macy, i! Notl<.'O t. hore!)y IIh'OD thllt Torm! N. bJac), IIlls !loon duly IlI'IIOlntOO ..1111 qllllllUOO "" Ad· nllllJtI ~r"Lor 01 tho ""tn!e of EtJIIluud A. Mac)" lale of Warreu County Uhln, dooeasOO. 1.111100 thu. 16th dl1Y 01 June. 1914. AL1'ON J.'. UHOWN . Jud ge of \.I,e ProbaLe Court.









RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.

(Jlassi:&ed Ads Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.

w ...- " " '.. _ ...",·... , ... • ...· " "....... · ·_ ..- . , ·...·_·,.",.... • ...·"'.....- - -.........-..


,,,\l1 be !uaerW'd undcr ~hl. head for twenty ·llve cents tor ~hree ImertloD.l; .. ben Wllng not more tban five IIncs.


Phone 71-1


.,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __


........ ww.w ..... _."""' . . . . . . . _-

to 100' snbsorlbera Mngazine.

tbe McCall'a :150 to the Ollze't~ offioe, and gflt one of the best magazines on earth. tt



We Ne Sears


Live Stock and General Auctioneer FOR RENT

Posted on pedigrees and values of a kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in bandling farm sales since


OUtlE of nine rooms on Main stree~, In guod repBlr. Inquire of M.ra. J, W. Ha,inet!, Waynesville, Ohio.

1905. Tenus Reasonable' -:- 'Satisfaction Guaranteed

Waynesville, Ohio Valley Telephone 4S.2r





Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage' Painting.


w. H. Madden _& ·C<;>.,.· ,~.~

To Benuti£yYour Home

-~ ---

Most ohildreu do. A Cnated, Furred '··rflllgne; Strong Breath, FOR SALE 8'omlloh Pains, Cirole" under Eyes; Pale, ~lIllow Complexion; Nervou8' GRADUATE !OB' THB Fretful, Grindlug of Teeth, TOBBlng threo.yoar.old Hopse for Mle, .ATIONAL AUOTION in ~Ie " p, Peouliar tJretlmlO-I&ny 0118 Inqnlre of Harvey Purnett, R . j 12 oaOOL 01' .A.MltJUOA of thlHle Indiollte Child h8s Worms. D. S, Waynesville, Ohio, Get a box at Klokapo' Worm Killer as onOQ, U kllla the Wormll-the ELERY PLANTS-I hne lIome caOBtl of yoor ehlld's eoadalon. ,;rery fine Celery Plauta for Rale. 18 Laxative and aid .. Nature to ex· Erne8t ~art!look, R. D. 1, Wavnes. pel 'be Wormll, Sopplied in oandy ville" Ohio . J8 form, Ea8Y for oblldren to take. 250 at your Drlfggillt. GUOD Work Mares for sale, beth -. un good oonditlon. Inquire of JOB. Bormell, Waynesville, Ohio Queer Refuge for Hunted Sta,. j8 Pursueel by houndll a atal bounde4 In throullh the open French windows AXED PAPER-Justthethlng of the Y. M. C. A. bulldln.. at A.lIh· to wrap 81lnrl wicbe8 and eggs bOurne HOUle, Eplom, Enlland, and for yoor plonlo, 15 sheets for 100. took refllle In the larder, which meU- (iazeUe offioe. j14 ..rell el,ht feet by slX. The huntaman I~18UE PAPER-Of all colora, and wblps Quickly came up anel, 1I801Irfor wrapping paokages and tn. the ltal with rope I, place4 It In IIOme stables, from whlcb It ~ deopratin~. 24x36, 8 IIbeet8 for 50, G.zeUe offioe, j14 shortly atterwara

. .

LOOK BEST WEAR LONOEST Colors in Stock at all times

us r .


Patton's Sun·Proof Paint 00 FARTHEST


p8rcti J' l1 iot. fo r (Jutllid"

E , E. CroHH , wb o trAvels In Vir· 1 gilliu I1nd ot.hor Hout,hern I:lt,ates, WI!,!I t,nk oll ~udden ly and severely 111 WIth culi c , At I he first s~re he OIllUe t o Ih A m erohant reoommended Ghombe rillin's Colio, Cholera and Ularrb o ea Rem edy , Two d08~S 01 It c urod him . No one should IOllve horn e on a jonrney without a bottle of this pre)llirutioo. For sllie by all d lJH.lors ,



ChangIng One'. Name. It 18 uot unluw !lIl to take anottae r













S,hoP,,"e~t,_~o ' 8J1~.~O·O' 41I·8:!Qllr....e, M81In,JIt: ;:~;7i;, . '.


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;::=================" \\'h t'll l'I " 'ro l'>an " h,z r ptllrn l:'11 frnm PU ltll1 r- ,1 0 " II t h .. II\ ~ l1r rr' ctt , /\ 111 ~! (). dh':l . I',' hro ll,:hl to h i, hnll' l" "'''" n ., r 1' :Il~ta

h ilt UI1f' trophy llf l h , '

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" larl' " bra. , cunllll n l~ il ' [ro was nn bOl ('I~ 1 . fH Ul"d\' l ' I:II ' l\

II p h n tl ruu~ht i'l ~ t a"t li t !-, ,·t 11-,'< nn t lt(' ",agu ll or ,:10.1 a It.". " h b "h .. III 80111 111 !It .' : " . h II ,. had b ... thp I"adpr (,r II,,· ,'<1 111 (""')'

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... h l"h (\f(\\'e th" marall lli "" "" " g "f Ril'C'lIa, th o "anellL. ou. o r t lir.· dl ~· '. rl e l. " ' ho had n tJf' \l('r rl l!!ll (n ' I tl 10 ~rp:t t I'' ,' I"u (1 1"':<' as II ~tl. I. o.d I,P "en lr of th ,. ~o troubl " ~Olno batlla da ys" Thp bl:1.f'k Bmllh RhCl P "aR If'cal ''d n n th 1"P1t1 (' ~ t hlllfT oTt'rlooklng t l:e broad H lo IIrlll.Cls. CO lnnlllll11 ing (Ile va ll !')' fll r mll" ~ , Jl1 ~ t a ( It s ('d g(> Pl e lro had "''' th t> ran " "" _ " It is a TI1"m e nt o. a mo nument and a trad e " 1I'fI ," said Pietro "Thert' It shall remul " n" a r f'~ or" . r c ml",h'r and sign manua l or th e tra de o r th e anl'l\' '' " 11ut. n ('> lgh»or." Rpuk e a tear. minded n('f\'oll s o ld ma n , " lh t's ar E' days of l' eace, Why r c mlnd o r war ?" " II s hall n o l be moverl ." p e rsl s t!'d P'i 1' lro s tubbornly . " \\'h o can 8:\.)· wbat m ay com e?" Tb e r e ca me n Po w di ~ t urhances a s th o y ar passE'd by. bUl th ese, WE'r e c e ntere C: In a dlstau t provin ce . Pia. lro look e d grim and tb o ug htC u l a s b e ll ea rd o f n e w d e predation s of tho HI. vall a handllli. Airy . rlliry N ln ez. full o r all th e joyou s hopef uln ess of youth . on ly smiled on , Sh e wo.s IIg ht.hearte d a nd hU ppy . I-Iad s h e no t

\\'a ; o f IIn y t .. , mlg l,l i""lIdo .~tod i \'1\ OliJ p r" l~ l' . hl' wOllld sca r ce· I,' '·' ·l1tllr<.' . ~; "ch night fo r 11 w('.' k '; "l1lt' III1(J o r til(' 01,1 "nr co mpulI)' had ,\ a ld"'d

I "hl1r,'





family name and Cir h erselr ! H e did not t e JI Nln('~ as be bndo !Jer good· nigh t , but h e knew tb e re was BOme roundal lc n ror h e r words. O t he rs a~ we ll \\' e r e lu th e sl'eret. but were not 6[l rl'adlu g It to a larm t.b~ Ilul e t town . 1'hu8. it wn~ kno\\'n t o man, of the o ld gunrd th nt Hll'olln wa ~ once Ilgain o n a rIli rl , Illltnf' ric:1I



RAVAGES OF CLOVER FLOWER MIDGE rwo Generations a Season - Control Depends Upon Getting Second Crop of Blossoms to Miss the Second Brood -

If 1:1" b'lnd

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Maggots of Insects Are Found In the Clov er


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\o l ln wo uld «(l1l 1P , Ir HI utI

Aflt' r l . t a\" ln~

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r-\lnf' Z. h to r lO\'(:I r r e-

l ur/\ NI tl' !I,,· "hIITH. It ni ght f,r pa tr o l dllty F" r It lo ng ., 1- ............ Ilnll' It, · ":II by til .. " lllC' c,r tltP cltn· "-_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ "Oil . I " ~ Ini,, " !lol ll ~ on,r th " bll '8 fu l - - - - - - - - -- -- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Some of the C~rrot s From the Long Row. hO lll' h,· hud " Pl'1l1 l lIn l E'1'enl ul-\ wit h hla flllr Inalnornta. • •' ,,"on , It w!11 pay one t o e:!pe r!Ol e nt I II" ~ I011 k wrapp ct nbuul hllll t n II I , , 1'",.... ~ \', " .. lh FR , .\'SF" : .' gllll rd hlm s(' \[ fr 0111 th o u ~ ull l m it.!. It xlllltlt ll lit e "hoi .. I,' nr; th or ""l' I', It It ('8 rruls, and gC'1 a Burl' c ro p, 11 olght chil i "w ee ping down t h e l'all c Y!l, k l tdl ~n /:lI rdf'n [lllll I )l l n nL~<I Il rfl r 011" 1,, ' rHon WO II 't ea t th e m uno tb e r L ul ft 8uddon ly nro usp. d . as ch n ncfn~ to '· \Ir!"~ I.ty lind for th ,. "relly g r" ,'n (Illi · wI ll )"ro rn ollr I'(' n ' s l1llll1 trial o r lhla ~ I ance Rc rORS the "road ~ tro' am IHI liKe . r h!' SO li In!'; \\'I1 S thi e l, and no l VI: l'it?l .l' . whi(' h 1"5 e na ily pull ed. we .I1W a fn. lnt blu e g.lmrne r or blUA m U: h l'Ult ll' nLion w us g ll' pn (b,·tH . lig ht. 1 ho rn () l ~ w,·r .. Inq;,' slzl' , " hoI'! , ""t! n ' n " ... <1 It \ . P ry Hfl tl s fac tor r harves l of (" \1T() t ~ n n d th l' 1I'0rk B)J<,u t upon th e m II (' hnng od t o n ' c! , t o ambl'r. bll r \( 60111\' o r liI l' m we lg h!' d "I'''rl ~ U JllIU ll cI, t o b lll e. and th pn th r !'C' mil s n ea r pr nnd h ud thl' Y lJ ('('1l cu n -full\' , hll1ll. ,t! \l'a,; IIn lll (' U, W t' II'l' r C' no l t ro ubl e d by bUiS 0' t o tho point. IIlr cctly opposite tho OUI IlIil>\ht hav .. p"c t'I· <i n.1 FroUl th E' tm ll w.' 11II d a ll l\t,' " It rrot " p os lJ; or a n y kInd. and t hnt nl o oe lo wn , t hC'rt, Wt'rf> re s pon din g HIgn" ln. ~ 1·'a1l11I1a r wit h the tu clic. of Ihe o ut. th .. ( 1' aud ~to ' k De.' d ,' tl lo r Ihe I,r o\'ed th em II BUCCCH8 la ws l.ul 8 In u n In Atant IInd C' r s tood tuat p rll hOl'!?r C'd . Witho ut dl ~ lurbln g or aln.rmln g any oOwr nlP mt)f' r or the fami ly. h e arouso d Salll'b('z. A " rI m sm il e cross('d t h e fa ce of th e s mIth as 118 li s t e nNi. Ill s cll'ur eye glow (' d with Constant Planting Is Necessary I Profitable Plant Is Not as Generth l' co ber .. nt re'so ly!' of a r eso luto nnd Int ell! g<'ut mall a ~1 hn Ita\,!' hi s ril r ('c' to Keep Peach Orchard Tho rally Grown as It Should Bettona . Lu is was to car ry t hl'so ou t. oughly Up to the Mark. Mucky, Damp Soil Is Best. ":'vl ouut your tlwl rt hor sp ." dlrf'c t('.1 Pie t r o . "ar o use t hp. gun sDl it h and H·n<1 Wh e llCI'c r we Bee n f!l. r m(- r. liar· 111 .1' W H. 1JNJ)R ~\\, I) 'J I} ) blm t o me lit one .. , T h t' n m:tke fo r I ha l'e goo d s ucc ess lu g rowlaa til e fo rd nnd reac h Mo <1l\' a . T e ll th e t1 cul:Lr ly In th o p,'nc h be lt. lJ uYltl g Ulll yo r th e r e to r ous" liP th " old g uard peac hes, \1' 0 fce l th a t on pa r t o r IIIR ce le ry ro r tb e mark e t. and do Dot bOo I lI c \' e thi s Ilrof]talil o vl a nt Is as geu' nnd burry to surround rUvol ln "li d hi s lon hflN be l'n !I eg lec t e d. 1 h r E' ar c sco r l'S of l:o lnl1l uu llips e ra ll y grown us It s hould be, cre w." r ~g l · J p lallt th e seed In a bed In May, In whic h It bou t one·bnlf or " l1ut If th ey c r0 8~ t h e rll' er be fo r6 tb e n ?" s uhmltt ed Luis qult~ anxious ly . d e ntM grow lhe lr oll'n pellch es all d Ih l' afte \' th o grO Ullti Is thCJroul;h ly W!lrm " Th !'y w il l n ot I'ross tho ri ve r. " de· olher ha ir buy fr o m tl1 e 1ll. a nd then I malrc Ih e be d In ri c h , dllmp and not c lared P Il'tr o Wi th n g rl rD . de termi ne d emit a wall th a t thf'Y cannot gro w we t , soil, pul\' e rl ze It ns tln e ly IUl pos' (l eac hes t h e tn selv eli, s lbl o a nd drill th o seed scan tUy In \lash or hi s li on eyes . P each es I) e rb aps do bes t o n sa ndy KhallolV rOW R eigh t Incb es apart. A. At da yli ght over one hundred grlm· visaged, de t e rmin ed m e n w e re gatb · 8011 w hl c b. tboroug hly e nrl c bed an d h l.g b ItS 5,00 0 pla ul s ma y be 6~ cur e d e r e d on th e blua wbere tlfll...lJlstorlc cultivat ed , 1& no w grlJw lng. 111 many (rolD one ounce or seed. Til e Beedl! germ in a t e sl o wly . orte n field pi ece s tood . Tho mi s t s slowly Ilat lll or th e couulry. (' xcc !l e nt fruit . No matt e r bow t brltty our peach· lQ,klng two wee k s or more to avpear IIrt1n g s bow ed th e camp of tbe out· law ll on tb e opposite hank of Ul e orcbard may b e . constant planting ab ove g round, If th e wea.U, e r becom es riv e r. Th e y had e mploy ed th e night Is neccseary to k ee p It t.b o roughly up dl')' I partially s had e Lh e young plants In seourlng the s bore up and do wn to th e mark, because the tr e es d evel· with s trip s or thin boartis, Wh p. n three In ches bigh 1 cllp olr tbe stream ror every stray raft. ya w l nnd o p and mature r npl dly a nd are thererowbont tb e y could find. A formlda· for e s h o r t lived. P eacb trees decay tops of th e leaves to mak o th e plants ble flotilla. all cente r ed in a group In more r ead ily tban sny othe r rru lt lree, lstock Y, In six wee ks I transplant Into No re~o n now wby rrult s hould larger be ds. clipping off the tap roots a little cove. showed . not go to mark e t packed In tb e n;~9l a ft we ll as leav e8, and set the m two Beside the cannon lItood old San· attractive manner. Doxes and ha m· Inebes apart. chez, In his hand an unllgbted fUBee. In July I set tbe plants In rows Dve p e r s aro b e ing m a de of paper, and His old companion gunner was sight· are Just. as ch eap as wood. feet apart, and e lgbt Inches apart til Inr; the field piece. , There IS o.lmos t as much In the se1\- the row . When about a. foot hIgh I "Aim low," directed Pietro, and tbe 'lag of f ruIt IlS In rals lDg It, and fruit b€!gln to draw earth Ilgl\lnst tbe rOW8 fusee was lighted. tbat Is well packed In attractIve pack· and between tho [llants. Later this "Orand old thunderer!" commented ages. a lways brings tb e beat prlces. plrocess Is repeated until all the stalk, th e patriarch of the village, &.8 boom It Is a Bad mIstake to plaut young and part of ·the rea ves are covered. and flas b and d es tru~tlo!l haunted the trees In the midst of old and worm- This keepB the stalks white and ten· fac e of tho water!!. eate n trees, pa rticularly wh e n no at· d E! r. There was confusion on the oppo- t e ntlon Is paid to tb e eradication of Wb on the grovdng senson Is over I site lIbore, as almost to tbe last veS- Insects. place wide boards along tbe sides of tige tbe flotilla was destroyed. Ana It Is p e nnlBslbl o t o allo w a s aw tn th e rows , to blanch tbe stalks 8t111 th e n n e w excitement aD Luis. with tbe an orcbard occasionall y. but It be- moOre. Modlva contingent cut off tbe Inland comes pretty nearly a c rim e to take an Unless the ground Is richer than Is r e trea t of the hatHed bandits. !LX among the tree s. n c cessarJ' for most garden Tegetable s Routed, prisone rs or destroyed. their Not much u se to spray for leaf· and Is very mOist, celery will not give evll career was summarily and per· c url after tbe buds break . Wo ' trie d satisfaction. manently cbecked Bnd the power of to convince a maD o f tbls fact when Unl eached ash e s aDd well rotted Rlvolla broken forever . we saw blm spray ing durIng lhe mid· mll nure are the b e st re rtlllzeTlI. and And In the white moonllgbt, bov- dIe or Jun e . H e said he wa.s !lpray· th ,e y must be applied liberally. e rlng near the brave old field pil.>ee lag to prevent Jeru-curl . but dtd not MucllY or damp black land, properly t hat bad Bllved Plas ta, Luis and Nine, know what caused It. Do you ? drained Is best for celery, It Is use· renewed tbelr pllgbted troth. Orchard soli mu s t be rlcll In organ- less to try to grow 8uccessfully In dry (Co pyrigh t. 1914. by W . G. Chapman. ) tc matter, and for this purpose, If no upland unless the land can be proper·



Th ,' 1'1':.11 b' rlllratll·,.. In I' liw c r ~(o(, tI II C("J111j1lls h CI I by fl"lIu I'in!l th c flMlt }r Oll ll l' l llJ 11 Is Ill,' I'IIII,'r (J OII'I' r l\l i , I ~ .. . C'l'Up IId o re Il wo uld 11 Ulllr;" I), b I' ul n it, 11l,,~gOI~ IJ r thi ~ Ins e('1 ,lr(' fOIlIl<l . for li ar . l'; lt ll,' 1' IlIl ~ tll' ,· ulI l ll t·.1l'ly Itl nIh ,' clo l',' r b iotisolll wh. ' I'." 111<' f Ijr.- . 1111 11 ' or ClI l 118 lIu)' "lien auo It /l al f I : r n~

:nl1 r\\ O



11\' ar:,'

In e :u ' h Ho n· r

b ~ ·rnn '

~anr e:tc.' !J ~(: t;o n with t lu' t Wu LlutJlfl· , b y l Ilt ' I l rn fJ


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lh\.\ !:Il l(' IJlHl n U l ~holS ali -

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.h ,lt il II ill nOI b' ll : I"l .I ~ .. d IIY. , lll l' lIl . Uy Ihl s Illan , I.h e h uy <: ru l' It, IHlnl ,\' g lv l' u UjJ In fal' o r u f th St'C'<! I nnd u s ullll y wI l t, )l rolll. In o rd or to ~a l' e t h" ha), 1'1'01'. ho rn !' far1l1r rs ti lT 111 ,1' t h.., Sl'co"c\ .. rop uf !J IOSSOlll S unul aft e r I he s ('l'on<i Ilpnera t!(lIl ~ of DIll /,;' go tS. Th is th l' y 1l< '~011l 1'll s h by cut t ing ov~ r l he fi e ld t wk" or uy pllstur· IIIJ: la t". Asld " frllrn Ih ,.. ,Ianl(er of I frost. th is pl an ha s th (' olJj(,,'llo n tbat be ro r., th ... tlcl,d cro ll 111 11 IH' h'lf Vl's l 'd the )!Ian ts IIr (' Ii kE' ly to b" des t ro yC' rl 1 by Iho c lol'{' r root hor e r ~ . TIll' grllb ,; of Ih ls Inse('t e ulS OUI thl' (·,m lE' r o f




tlH ' UhJo~ flllH;


f,' nlli,.,·.! 1" 1,1 01 "1, ·1,,1' ,I "," "1. , Th " pllll1 11'111 CU U ~ I' III "I'eu c r Oll g" l1 e f' a tion " o,f till' 11111 I-\~ " ' l"S• "II " 10 d"I·,'lup I'arly lInt! g..t so far al ollg

[ If'


Flower Mldg e-.: Maggot adu lt formll.


d t he roots du rin g th " S(,('OI1(J se ason. AR th e SUn1t11 t'r prOKrI' H';PS , il6 tlflma~o b ~co lllcs m o re )\PPllrt'nt until by la le ing )! <,rl ocls of Ibl:' !'\o \'(>r. To gel r id 1 AlI gll st m n ny plant s a r e d ead, W lll' re of Ih e mid;.:e it! 1lIll)(l Ksib l!' fo r th !' In · the bo re r b e ~otnes es ppci:lIly blld. t be 1h'! dual f:tnn"' r , b,'c llu se Ih e art ult Ie ' seed crop Is abnndoncd alld t.hc fie ld !l fly whi 'b may cO lli e fr o lll 11 · 1 ~ hlJor· 1 plo we d Intlll!'d iale ly u fl e r lb e bay 18 Ing tl tll d ~ . ('o ntl'o l depent! s IIPOII gl, t·1 ha n ·cstcll . Fo r t hI s 1'(,lllcdy to t o ef· tl ug tlH' sc ond ('n' p of bI U S ~O Jll s' l f('cUv e. It must be Il mctic,'d by t he tl n· \l'll ic h 11 ft' 10 dl' vc- Io p Ihl' sE'e d. to ap- tire n(·lgh bo rh oo d .- C. R, \\·I,,'.: le r. Col· pPll r el th cr bl'fo r ll o r a f l~ r lne 'L'c onll j l('gll of Agrlcu!t llre, Oh lu S tate lll lV er· &elle r 8. t lo n o f Ill llgg0 t s , ThI s Is bes t s lty. an

-==-== "'==-==-==-- - - -_.



CoosE'berrles are gaining In ra vor : t1l s lw11s lble 10 t he pr oduction of fl ne atrl o ng 1' 0 ll S U III ('f'S, T he goos e iJ e rry ~ qua lit Y a nd larg lol·sl led fruil l'. Bl's ldoa and ' urrnnl are n ot »0 J! (\ rI ~ habl o and ! lb e ('n nos w hi c h Dla y tJ e s urfer lng rrO ID cnn bc s bll' l1e tl ol'cr grl'aler distan ces Ins('rts o r dl seaga, t bose ca n es wh ic h lbun th e ol he r iJcrrlps . 8 0 Ib a t n gro w. nr o tbree or four year» 0111 can 'be or does not n e",'Rsa r lly LlI\I' e to be prun ed o ut w it h good resn its aft e r the I b , hl l fl'eSI. Us null y abo ut ~ ix ca ll eR a re clo 'e to II H 1 8 mar " ' I. uw e " p. r, muc • left to a husb ll nd a port io n of th l!m of th e go osebe rr y ('rO Il Is canned lor rHe l at,en OUl ea c h year to make r oom use In m a l<lng pi es a nd sau~(' s during for the sa m e !lumber of the stronge r tbe winter. It Is a fruit tbat Ihould n ew o nos w hi c h appear . bave a 1)lace III lb e farm gard e n . I Th e IlrCPllgnt lon of t be goo s~ h (' rry The ,gooseberry. u S do otber s mall Is hy menn s . 01 cull ing or d ivisio n, fr ui ts , requir es ror bAs t d e l'e lo[lme u t th o llg h cu tll ngs give tbe t es t plantH a ter tll e, well ·dra in ed soil. It may be of a slig ht ly be avl er t e xture than Is suitable for s t rawberries and ras p· ...,.. ... berries . A s ite which hR S plenl Y of '_ .. : . ~"' .. -Yo\:;. s unlight Is profera ble a s tbe light and warmth will assis t ill bo ldln g mildew In (' hecK. Thes L; be rri es 'r osllond well to applications of manure and c ommer· c lal fertilizers. Gooseberries a re usually grow n In rowil wblch are eSlabltsh ed about s ix foet apart, and th e plants ar e placed every four feet In tbe row . In plant· In g . th e roots are sp r olld ou t as much as poss ible anll the ea rtb s hollid be well tlrmed about tbem, The cultivation of tbe goosebe rry s h ould be fr eq uent but shallow. In a hom e gard e n palcb, mulching Is olte n Cultivate gooBeberrlee ,frequently, prac ticed wltb s uccess, U a mulch Is appli ed, It s hould be beavy enougb to nntl this s ystem lB In general use. Cut· prevent evaporation and to choke out tlngs abollt si x or seven l uc bes long m9s t 01 tbe weed s. are tak e n any tIme afte r tbe wood 18 'rbo gooseberry baG a diff er e nt fruit· mature and Btored away during tbe In g hab It tban bave tbe brambles. ~ winter In a box of damp 11011 placed 'P. will ben l' on two·year wood or o n sl1url! a cool cellar. In tbe sj) rl ng, tbeBe on old e r wood. AB tbe fruit Is usuallY plants are s et In ground which has Iy Irrigated In some way. borne near tb e base of th e year's !Jeen thorougbly prepared . growth, a ,arge part ot the ne w wo od A few vari e ties of goosebe rri es for Room for More Pure-Bred • . may be r erqo ved eacb year witho ut de· Oh io cond Itlons are : Po rtage, JosseJyu. There are not so many pure·hred creas ing the crop. In fac t, t bl ~ Is 10· Downin g, HOll gb-ton . bulls among · the farmers as there ought to b e tor Ideal reBultJI. Let THE TRUTH ABOUT FLOUR. CAUSE OF ROOP IN CHICKENS. thl~ re be more Interest In ImprovIng lh e herd. A gOOG bull )s the fir s t con· Winte r wh ea t flour is mado fr OID RouJl may generally be trac ed to s ldleration. wheat, SOW11 In fall anll reu)led tbe rol- want of e leanl lness. lice, dampnes8 or lowing su mm e r . It .ls a sort wheat und undu e exposure 10 wet, c old wlollllber yields a !to ur WlllCb " ari es In co lor I' or roostin g In house whil e th e w in· from r.rcam t o wb lte. Is vel~' ety to tbe c1 0ws ar e left O\1e n a nd th e r e Is a co n· tou c b anti wil l cake s li g h t ly If I sta n t drofl. Th e best treatment for squ eezed In the band . It ofte n does roup Is pre\,entlo n, not n Ulll yze as hl g b In proteid as ~ - _ .. _ _." . . B!J rlnl~ wh eat fl o ur and Is uSllally con· I ........................... :llde red n ot so we ll adUIII E' d ro r b read· "STOP LOOK AND LISTEN 'I bnldns. In many CIl 8 E'S tbl s opinion Is I ' • not fairly giv e n. Many of our young m e n are Spring wh eat fl o ur Is mlul e from gaIns uo w n to th o c ity to sea r c b wb eat so wn and r ea l' ed In tb e same of a l IJ061tlon nnli to "see s ea s on . The wb eat is harll er than win· the s lg h t.s." No t lo u ;; ago 1 look· l et wh ea t and l' le Jd s a !loll r Ihat has ed o ver fu ll' fi t- Ids a nd g reen a deepe r c re Hm co lor. and Is more b ills at th o gol d e n s u nset In g ranular. Spring wh ea t !l o ur Is drier I, Oh io-a g limme rin g s h(,An ~t than winte r wh ea t !lour aut! takes up 1 gold nnd sliver aud pUrple , !bilk· more liQuid, conee <lu e nl\y less flour I ing a b ea utiful and wond errul Is require d In proportion to the liqu id I pic ture. A nd yet our boys are to make a loal. SprIng or hard wbeat ~olng down to the city to see !lour yi e lds ,a good g ra de of gluten, th e "nic k e l pic ture sbow ." J and u s ually produce bread of a sweet, wou ld travel two thousund miles nutty navor. to sit again on the 'o ld doorste p NUTRITIVE VALUE OF MOLASSES, I' o f my na ti ve hom e and listen to th e Wild cst, s.weetest so ng In all Molasses bas abant. two.thlrd s tbe I the world-the eve n ing call or feeding vallie pound for pound at corn th e hermit thrush. And our altb o ug b all acc urate co m.p arlBon can bOYB ar-a golag down to tbe city not be <l:a wn because the one nutrlto listen to the jingle of the t1ve element In molasses Is su gar . Mo. " f!v&Cflnt ragtime." In Front ot Thl. Modelasses bas a slight value owing to Its The rush of \\fe II so Intense ,.. B ",n. palatabUlty and that It makes other that we are missing some ot the Tborough mixing of materials II foods more palatable. It Is doubtful bes t things In life, chasing by verl! Important. Poor mixing mean. wheth~r olle can afford to pay over 75 the "gc'od, true ana benutlful" In poor concrete and often tbe (allure ot per cent a8 much }ler hundred pounds our crllze to go faster . "Stop, the structure, especially wben the mix. ' for molQsRea as I('r corn. look and listen," Is a' sIgn a t a Ing Is done by band, Mixing IIhould raUroa li crossing in Uhio. My continue untU the lIaud !lDd cement APPLE CANKER IN ORQHARD8. brotner, take Ume w tblnk, lisnre so thorougbly mixed that when ten to 'the song of t'ne poe t, tor· smoothed with a sbovel, no wblte Euro\lea.n apple canker II becomlJl! get sometimes the nolso and streaks are noticeable on the Burface common In apple orcbards In different ' rOllr or Commerce s .l1d material·' Freezing . wlU spoil 'any concrete, v~rtl! of the ~oll;nt~y. The .pruven!jve IBm, The ·world' tilleda· a a;reat No concrete should be placed when the ' II! to adopt !'prayJ,ng as a s ettled pol" bear; ' like 'r:.1hcol~ls more' tban tem;peratur/!, either- 'nlgh~ or day, .Ca)' 8 : IOYt, glVln~.-th~ 0~chard8 8eve~al a.p ra):.. 'tt does ,a wlreless-··c r. 8. Ilmlted . belCl'~ 36 degrees' Fahreilbe.1 t I tiilJe~81 \~g e~el'J': . aeas.~n, wl!e~er . t~~y ~e~m , ' moy lng"at 'sixty mtl. hour,~ care Jla taken ~ 'Prot~9t it; trol'n tJ:le .; 0 be !~un.'~~ !,,:_DO~ ,!h~~, ~b,e . In· . L., 'A.... ~e.b'te~•. ,In ~11:10 ,~cq). : cold, .. . .,-:~'(. ' ... '. \ fI~I~I' ~POre8 .o.Ldes~uctlve! Iliseas!!! ;,~~&L t!tude.n~ . ','" , , '., . :'



Night Some One Had Watched.

Luis (luarez, tbo bandsom est gallant at Plasta? HII! stal wart arm. bls loy· al heart woultl spring to action In r eo sponse to an y patriotic call. As to R1volla. Bome day th e gibbet. Ye t she recalled the dark, pe rtldlou s face or the cru el o\1t1aw with 0. s hudder. For the family of Pie t ro htl.(\ known Rlvolla In the past. Two years b e· fore h e had II ved at Plasta tor 0. li me. He bad appeared as a suitor for othe r , clov e r crops are valuable, Nlnez. Ste rnly old Sancbez bad or· Day of the Gentleman Farmer. As a result partl y of tho wldentng dere<l blm away from the thres hold , Corn for Silage. learning of his crue l .and cowardlY Influence of our agricultural colleges H corn Is for silage th e best time \lIlSt. And Nlnez bad telt r eli eved and partly of numeroua co·ope ratlng wh e n the fi e rce visage d bandit b a d agencle8; a new set of Idea ls Is b e ing to cut It Is when It 18 In the dough departed trom the v l\Iage . created wIth regard to country life. stage; It keeps tb e b est and contaIns Tb e n t11 (> r e had com e 11 missiv e tor Tbe nation aB a whole. In fact, Is the largest amount of food wb en just the Uttl e Me xIcan maid , It waR from tnaklll~ a ro-estlmatlon of rural lire. he yond th e milk and just b e fore e n· the r ant'gada Rlvolla, now deva sta ti ng Wltb tbe coming or dear lands, city terlng the grain slage. a pe ncer:.!1 di s trict, drivin g orr cattl e. ;.. ·o pl •.1 hav e o.~! akeDed to a new Inburni ng p eacc ful hom .5 . blotllng OUl I< rost In cou ntry n!falrs and a new tbe liv en of worthy pat rlolH In cold , rEls p l'c t fo r couutry Inhabitants . murde ro u s r iot aDd h a t e. T h ere Is Il pforo us In the United " lIav l1 a Cll re! " tbe words of tho HUlteR th e opportunity to dev elop pel' m.' s rag p ran . "1 h a VI, awarn to rnak o bnps tb e I\n os t type of rural clvl1lzn· yOU min I'. li nd Rl vo~ a n c ve r fall s In t IOD th at th e world has e ve r known . hi s purposc." Tbe o wne rship of la nd In past agee It " ' Il S o f th Is t.h at Nl nc z and Lui s h as a l wnys been most honorable, but Wf.!re ~ppaki n g on e moonli t n ig!.;\,. the workIn g of It has !Jee n re garded The )' li nd st roll ed a lo ng tlt e blui'f. ge n <.'mlly as do grading. The actual wh e re tb e (' lea r coo l air was li ke f a rm ~ rs. equippe d wltb th e ir poor, balm. Th e rivm fl owed by, a s park· p lUnblo In strllm e nts. and conde mnfld lio g ph ee t of sllv.~ry s h elol n, Tb tl ai r t o ull cea ~ lng and di s b eartenlug tol1. was h eavy wllh pe r fume of flowe rs. have bee n ti laves. serfs, b eath e n, Th A pd r had s l'"t",d tb e m~ e l \'es on II. llagans, boo r s. lleasnnts. nut today the be nc h that ran bes ide the old fi eld use of m ac bl ne r y aud uow fac ilities fo r communication make It possibl e pi ece, month . mlo Nln e z." for th e same ludl,' ldual to be a till er " Anoth e r s poke th e youn g man fe rv lol ntly. "and o f the soli aud a g e ntlemao .- WlllialD l'OU will 110 m in e. Then ad ios ~ to nil J . T.rlmbl e. 10 June Atlantic. your n eedl ess fears of thia t c, rrlble Rlvolla." Too Much fol' Him. "You do not k now bls trea c berous Palll K e r, on(l of th e prin cipals In natunl. " flutt e r e d Nln ez. shrinking ~Th e Mi dnight Olrl," was Invite d by closer to hpr man ly esco rt as though nn a cq uulntance who has tbe r e putarrom a sen se of protec ti on . " !I'ly fa.- tlon of bei ng a "tightwad" t o a care ther tell s m e he b as bro k e n 1008e In Lon gac ro S quare arter tb e matinee, agnin wltb his wicked h o rd e. Tb e y r e lates tho Ncw York T e leg raph . It haTe rnva ge d on e pro vince. The y was not long be rore a purty of conhav e ~l'nt a de mand to the gov e rn o r genial s pir its we r e gatbered about tbe of Ml tal1 de mundlng la r ge bribe festiv e b all rd . and 't hlngs wont merrily A.phlllt U.<.d u • Platform 'Don ey , e lse t hey will v ls ll h is pl~ ople until the hour dre w near for K e r's next. lie I '"!"bas refusel!. h When th ey r eturn to tbe theater for the evening (By O . P . PIi:NNO~r' " '\" . C_0 Iu rfl d 0 .ACT· marc h t ., tu er . my fnt e r s ays Ilj p(lrtorman ce . cullura l College,) I!lIght d etour from th e trail would Tbus far tbe aforementioned ac' Fallilre In concrete structure can brlng t.h ern n ca r to Plusta. J~ Is' lIke Quaintance h a d m'lDsged toescap a pay· us ually b e traced to ono. or more of Rlvo )la's evi l r. nture to m nlw 0. raid Ing any of tb e checks and Ker d e teI" I the rollowlng enuses: Poor foundation. upon Ib is p e ~cerll l town out of s beer mln f' d that berore the party broke 'u ll wrong proportioning or mate rials, In· reve nge." IIIr. Tlghtwad should h e forc ed to pay ufficient mixing. aull freezing. "Rlvo!Ja Is a braggart and fl cow· for' at le Rst on round . Accordingly the " In all structures, the foundation Is al'd!" declarcll L ul o. "It was In tho waiter was In!.tructed to band him ·the the first and one of the most import· taet campaig n thaI he tbreaten ed our next check. This was dono and, nnd· r.nt considerations. Tb e sand and little n,rmy 80 .d.lre fu11y, only to run Ing no evasion, be reluctantly paid I broken stone IIbould be tes.1ed tor IIDd hId e when we ad va~ccd upon bls and ImmedIately lett th'e cafe. As I voids, so as ( 0 determine the proper atJ:'Onghold." the door was opened a motor car proportioning ot the materials, No set .' .~in~:I 11I:lied and forgot her teara blew out with a \oUt! eKploslon. proporUoDB can be etven. aB the volda ~ they s:roll~ homewards.. Luli . "Oood Lord '" 8D:latmed Ker "h6', will dlt!.-r 1.2 sand ' trom dllfeJ'eDt· " ..a. '80 .b r&ve, 10 DrO~i1 Of . ble ' clear j shot bims~ltf" p,JaCj~s: " -:" '-








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Sixty -Fifth Year


Item s from Gaz ette


On tllfl aflf,ruo oo lind ovenin g of July ISth. Tbnvl ~ I' t! Orohe8 tral Of July, 1874, Tellin g News Bancl of forty mlll!ioitlD J end 8ix I:rarr1 opera ~it1l( ... rs ,,111 giv e tbo ot Long Ago ~relltellt noucert tl over oft'erlld in the hletory or th fi \o~lilutinn. Thnviu iunde 110 grt'il tIL ijU CIIASH on Mi ll Pu UNION VIr.LA'IIC- W~ .. re trying t·1I OIlio U')U!I~ t,hn t thtl ill lilt ill denlliUd w .•l!. pII.tinntly lOr 1'1,10, but filiI i\ IU~ bim . l:I e ill ... r uf AxCI'Il' ruther rlllfio nit 11 01 h .. VIIII{ bad I·WI) Il onll\ ullihtv . line lead hll ~ hrnllglt t hi~ ln u l ... " .. \ ruIn ( I" 1<00111 M woekM play ers tu '.. wlIll d .. rful Ih'!lreA lo l "'Ia hllv" IIU· bllrlv ILI ' ct WhUClt. on t o "erlllcI iun . For 1\11 IIpprf'Oi1lti ve nn 'l llBvfO c.,mlU ,mo,'d on our 1;1'1l~", 'IU tlenot', he 18 vMy gtmerUU:I whloll mu"t. UlloAl!slt rj)y btl li~hl Thaviu lJrint.:" WIth hIli IJHUU Mix Our onrn thonl(h blltOk WitI'd, LICk t.(l'llnd oporll !II VI!:t1rt< Ing better t·h,m WH could hl1 ve ex. loi~tH of iot.Arulllion They are 80 .. 1 rAputat lon. peotott Dnrlng the month uf ., une vl~ . , SlgnorlDlI /:lylvill ,I el)onlln l. 001. WI' pioked Ilnrl IlrAIIf'IT'Vllf"l oherrle!4 oratore 80pr$Ofl. ILUd Mulllllillnt til mill!!' 1,200 f} 1l111'ts of Iyrio I.eoor, but b ofRlllph Enrolle , prHHervell, whiuh we prop'lse t.o lit-II, GUOlI Oper" Uornpll tbe \ ;hiclAlI:') "lid for whloh we h"ve alreltdy , Elen Tori, bariton e, of the ny i EI ne ~ to BostOD Grllnd o1Terlld 1\ renume llutlnlf prioe. OUT' Opera. (JompallY i Anna Buok. oon. genera l healLb WII8 De Vllr beUer. ~od I.raao, of tbe Mootre ul UraDd Upe rll we aU.rlbu le t·bls bappy immun ity doulle i Ii'lgnora Emili.. LeovalJ l from slokoes p. In part, at I.. ftst, to lendlog s 'pron') of tbe Lomba rdi' the protrfto ted drouth of tbe !l811BOn Operll Uompil ny, of the Paolfio Coast, and Ernellt-o Giaoco ne, leading tenor ' WRItC K-Five oars of Ii rrflight . of tbe 8 .. n Cllrlos Opera OompftllY . During t·he Mllot-nd hlllf of 'he af trRln got otT the trllck at (:orwill . III.!lt Monl1ay nloroln~, OllUslng 000 ttlrnoon prog ram these soloists , 1111 81derllble del .. y In tbe llllRSing of handso mely oostum ed. will give "Love Tales of 80ffml 1n." Ilnd the other trains. I'eoond hlllf of the eVf ntog progra m they wtJI present I. Lucia. dl La m. _ BERI NAD\!:-A oounle of hilario us mermo or. " &Ih d tbflse opera8 v,Jortll us ·gRve UII a flyiug IIllfenade wl11 be 1I000anpanied by the orohel! reoentl y, Tbo bllrdan of their lIollK t·ra. wall. --•. y~ mnl' be a loyer 0 tllEl Lord, ' Best Diarrho ea Remed y Or you 0 In I, go to Mountj oy 'II when vou'r dry." If yon have ever used Cbllrub er Illln'lI Colio, Uholer a and \)Iarrho ea Remed y you lIDOW tbat It il a 'uo FIN\!: U.A INB-W e were blest. wltll loes8 8 'lm F, Gnin, Wh"tle v , Ala .. ftOf:\ rflios here t.~e .Iauer pan of wrU6t!, "1 bad rueasle e and got IlIlIt w"ek. L' lDgUIt~lllDg vegetl1t1on oaught. out in t.he rll.lo and i~ so!ttled WtlS ohee .. ell and rllvl ved, and the lu ruv stom80 h and bowels . 1 han hellrtlil of thtl ohlldro n of meD rA I1n IlwJ ol tlrue .. nd hod It not been j"IC6l1. for Uh"mberl~ln's Collo, I.'holerl l --and Diarrho ea Remed y 1 0 )old not, Mr .ln o H. Bteddo m havlllg re possibl y bave lived but a few hours ()tlPAted 10 be relieve d from duty onger, but 'h.. nks &0 thle remedy . during the c.JruItJ~ fillr, hili rPqaest IItD now well and stl ong." For W .. 8 gTBLltAd, ISnd on motlon J. WII· salo by all Ilea.lartl. lion FAwltrcls WAI! Appoint.elt to fill .. _ +- _ __ thn vuollnov and the ~eorel' lIry dl. r .."te.1 to n~t.l1 v him .

Whole Numb er 3272

I o hurts. 7:l lond" of /I ra\' 1.' I

$730 : " A MoUutohpon \J:l loof"l s of I!'rRvAI

~7. ~ · 1 :

Cor resp ond ents

I<llmtl. work on ron']11 FrHnk lin IlJwoRhip "~() . I ; .1 . K Mnr .il', IHl ll. • I'li AS for Clerk f\llcl ni ~ triot 'fIlX GIve Their Neigh borho od A~~e~~ ' r ,:152. ~o ;Clt lHlflM.J . t;ch ",n rlz fln ll plieH fnr j ll llit.or '$~ (1[;; Clt i z (' n~ News N'lt ionBI Bill' 1;:. rent. fllr Pro ~en Dtor ' ,. "tli('e 1:2;': Trll~H~ f'!< Puhlic IlffllirR. li ght. lind wlltor '7:) IIH; MllMnnn ~ Harve ysbur l'. ('0 • r oeor,l I·.ollle fnf Bonrd of COUt Dlllint.R $ l!t.flll; .1 . 1\, tW(l A Ihert "d l\m~ lost. a. vtllo(\b le oon l.rllot.!! f.7H:!; Frnllk Mnn~. IRI. hlJr ~e IlIlIt ~lItur(JIIY . e~t.il1llll o pn c·'l1".trnct, ,ilOO: J oh u Mr . UDd Mra. 8 111lT'Y Murph y and 1:1" .ktlt. llHIIII\)Ar bllrinl (\0111 DlittoEl, hnri .. l Ch .. , Ie" Cnn l,nn, UuiQU tow n. t·wo childre n VISited Mrs . Murph y'd "hip ~ I ; J nhn t\1 Rllonk. so me, Cl ; pllrent8 ~nnday, Mr, and Mrs. WJl.rrllD barlnn 8Dd BovR Tudl1 Ht.rinl F;ohool, RUppl\f\S f nrni~11Ni ; Wnrrf'1I County hoy!! to lion Riohar d. who h~ve been visitin g .Inn e 10 ).1 , $~19 I ~; I. ll. AnderR on's Mr. 8l1rlll.n's motbel ' fer lIevera l wAek~, 16rt for tbelr homE' io Cuba :-\001'. IUll1htll' " 1'I ~,.:! .1. ('notrn ct" No. 2G6 with J. Mondll Y mornin g. Carrold lna 8mlAr~, of Olncln natl, K . l) rl 'Jn for oonoro t.o lIewers uod Iu IIcl""uIlH hy Willillm Frenoh 's nnd itl spendin g his vaoatlo n here with AlfTl. r1 Clnrk's residen ces, both on rel ..ttves ani frleods . ,.he Mi'ldla bnro .. nd Clarksv ille pike W, H Antram , of ROlweU, New ,ud Oll~ by MIITOU" ()urtis' r6tlldenoe Mexico. pBslled throng h our Copyrl/C bt, 191'. lIy Panama-Pacl!'!., Jnl e nollliollu .l J';"1l0s1t loD 1:0. H. S. town on tho Midcll plmro and Bl8nolles19r Sundl1Y. Crocker Co., oaletal Ilhulo Krt'l,ben t . pi Ite. all t) he oo mpl Ate, $113 llG WIlbur W. WUson, of CIDtllnnl\&l, N n. 2£,7 w iJ h jI'runk <..:ollins for the Is spendlD THE LARGEST GLASS 8UBBLE IN THE WORLD. repair o f hrjllgH DOllr Barlan Whit purente . g hill va>atio n wltb hie nere!! BalV mill, and thfl putt.lng In of Mr . CblLll . TUJlrer bas been quite TEEL fnUll ewark of tbe grea9 1'I001e of thE' Pnlll('e of Rorti('u SOWAr In- Tlt en. Bouk's fl\rm, aod llure 01 the Paulml l· Puclfic International l~x "n ~ ltl'JIl. :,;"u !!mvell ill g t·IIA orch at Carroll 's on indispo lled for eeveral daye, bot at (T'('uncl~ c o. 1010. The dome 18 the lllr~:etlt ever eonHlnWI(·.l, being I·li tl Pli'IIRIUlI. PI .. ln and Butlerv ille this writing ill improv inR. Hi\! feet In cUn meter lind I86 feet blgh Rnd 811rmountl'd by a hllsket thirty pikf'. 11 11 flO Il,plete, '1lI,nO . • Mr . and Mrs. J. Mll&on Belwe eu. fpet In dIu meter, whIch w1ll be fllI ..od wIth ~rowln!! fluwer.. 'l'he :--10. ~;)H WiUl Wlllter Kelly for tbe tertaln ed for dinner Bon day Mr. dOlll o, lighted rr(,UI wltbln by wblrllQII ccNored Ih:lJts. will resembl I,n ,,,,, t,llI ction of tbe masonr y at and Mrs. Lewis Mearl and son Bow. e I bUKe fire ops L . Volke rdlll g'~ bridgfl in Eillrlan to\\<n- arrt, of ,Jeffers onville, where tbey "hip ul. $~.:W per on yd . whioh WIIS Rre enltllfr;(l tl in 'he reall g1'OO8r y lowos l bid 6ublllit.l-ecl. businest!l and have a flfle aDd proeNn . :.l(,~ With FrRok Stoke8 for porona baslnelllJ. t hL' n l"'~" "r y I'epilir work I1t tht! Mr, and MfS. Howar d Aneon, of ATTRACTIVE BOOK ON THE PANAMA·PACIFIC INTERNA· uridge north of the u }lib Shaker Dflyto~, are goelt8 of Mr. AnRou 'l ' fllrl1ln t. $~ 10 per ou. yo. whloh was p(\rentll. TIONAL EXPOSITION AND PANAMA CANAL I ·WA!;t bid s lIbmitt ed. M~.lLED FREE OF CHARGE. Mr. John Ward Is quite poorly at -- ihis writing . Has Your 'hild Wormll ? 1\.1\11 Etbel Connor vlslted rela. HANDSOME book ot sIxty pttgell, llrOr\l~el.r Illustrat ed In colors Most ohildre n do. A Coated , ti ves in Belmo nt and Dayton ' las' Hnd glvlnll dctnl1ed deBcrlptJonll or the Panalllfl ·Pnclflc roternn· Furred Tongu e; Strong, week. tlonal Expu"ltlon to he helel In Sun "'I'Rilclsca from Feb. 20 to FllomllOlt Pllins, Ulrole!! under Eyes; Dec 4. lD15, und at the Pllnnmn canal nod ennel rej(.on, will The outomo b\J68, sood ~ore811 and Pul e, ti .. ll ow Uomple xlon i NervOU8' be mailed by tbe ExposItion free or ,('harKe to III InqulrerB. The booklet Ilrol flll, Uriodln g of Teeth, T9sslng bugltio . to ihla violnit y leave tbe Is Intended fill n genernl guIde to prBtlpectlve visItors nnd will al.o in Sle p, Peculia r Oream s-auy oue Imprea llon tba' we ,ue tn eoad lain informatIon concerning the gt'ellt enginee ring (('.at which the con· of th el'e lodloat e Child hilS Worms . fiDanci al oiroum llt.noee . Illipo. slUon Is ~ celebrate. WrIte to the Menager. Burenu or Publlcat Oet II box of Kiokap o ) Worm Killer loDB, A new reeaur .nt anel pooJ room, Pion mO· PllcJfic International lllx.l/ga\.tlou, Exposition BuildIng, Bao ilt onc!'. It kills the Worm s-the making &wo of eacb wbioba Fran· dda very cisco, for hooklet. CIlUS) of your ohUd'y ooadm on. materi ally to our town, It. FLW PKR80N ALS Is Laxo.ti ve ond aldq Nature to ex. Base ban, HUTe y.bur. VI New • Mr. ThoI'. PCIluuok vll'\tec\ IUOb. 1 pel the Worm II. Supplie d in oandy Burllng toD, the BOOn! Will 8 to 6 In Olond, Ind. Ilist week. form. Ea8Y for oblldre n take. In favor of _ H.rvey .bur•• 25c at y nur Draggl st. Mr. Uoni>ltlY, of Mlltf'rc l, 1: /11' htt&.' • 1\1rll. Adam Campb ell .nd foDl' • • a guest of Dr, (1'. Wllllornllvll. oblldre n are .... ...........""........ villitln i In Wll· .... O n ....... . . . . . . E ".h~ Whh"f " one ::7:e O~~~~ :::n~ve:i the mlngto D. MIss Emu", Autobiu~ou, nf X.. Real ESlate Transf er. . nla, hlUl beeu vltllt.lfll! I Mrs. G, VV. In tbe matter of *he estate of book d8lltro),ers I. the bread borer, Mrs, RolJa Kaylor , MI8II81I OIee CarlstA Wbiten a.ok, dtloealled. Prl. whloh Is found In librarIe Ebrillh t. s .nd ID I')'e AOllon and L N. WIJIOD George E Ball to Sberm 1 an nnd are. t MillS Ii" UlArgoll. 0 Ull1olllllllli. 8ale of personu l proper ty or. bread. It Is half BIl Inob lone, downy, Emil Flatwo od lots No. 858 and 859 de red. Later sole8 III Vh'IUIlI( hAt. frlt.lul, MI"~ E.rtWIl were approv ed. lI,ht brown In color and .trlped Cedar Point tor. week's outing. io Frllokl io, $1. --In matter of the est·ate of lengthWlBe. It lays Ita ecgs . Beluhw ay between .fullIes E. Price Rnd wife to Bomer Uharles Budley , dAClolal! Wellm an · ~\r• .'olll'ph M Irvir, nf 10- I ed . Ephrai m the leavea of books and In chInks tn G Wt1~OD 100 lI<1res of land In Clell.: Uo"lello, J .)tlt'ph Nichol! 4laoapo ll .., hllh beeu vi,lItiu; t hi.. lon uocl AI. the oovers. The young batoh tn five F(\rmer ll In tbll nelghborllo~ .l'e ored: \OWDllhlu $1. I bert J . Kiphar t are IIppoin ted ap. or Bix days and the larvae r"lath e8 In Ihl8 pluoe at onoe alm08t all tbroug ll threlll lq, wbea' I ·hlli., s lJ, Th.ook morton to the prl1lsors in ~hi'l oaUSA . Mrll, B. A, Joy Ilod Il!'r dlluAlh nr. bores long narrow tunnels through genera lly good. TrUlllef'S (If tbe 8prl"ltb orll .'unlor In tIle matter of tho will of Ubris. paper, leather BIld wood or 60ft.,." Joy, are COllvnhu·clllg, the bind· Mrs. Will Warwl ok ILQd datiabt er Orller U. A. M. lots No. 29. 30. 31. th~D Miller, c1ece..soo. Will ufter very natDrul Lln8ti" "umitted tng. # NlIl1Ie, of Marsbf leld, Orq\m , . have in t)prlolt boro, ~I) probate . Lorena U11Ier, the wid. I, Wilson Edwllrcl~ .enter .... been visiting Mrs. Gso. DaTl. : ~ B. S a:;tevenSOD to Anna D Ste ... · ow eleoted to tuke onder the alned .. IIm-.1I oompan y of her will. • -. • Mrs. E.lnest Manno n the PM' week. eDson abou' 7 80res of Itmd In ftlur. frleDds moe' agceea bly, 1"8& M,",ur. In Lhe matter of 1!:dward Bunsen . You're Bilious and Costive vay Nt). 631, Mra. Eva Wysong , of Bprlng'V~l, day evenin g. Said ohlld Is adopted by 8amuel llDd RUSS ELL C. FERR IS ley, villi L. M. and Eta K. Hender soD to LiIllau Feerer and cblld~8 Mr. Ohule s Ew.. n Merritt is lAt name is !:liok Headao he. Bad Breath . 1:30ur week, ted Mra. John Wolte, l ..~ L p, P&&8rson lot In Corwin , $1. obange d to Edward feerer; Stomao h, Furr.ed 'fongue lAnd Indi. 'h18 we' agatn, after a brief but de Democ ratic Candid ate Mllfsle Tp. will bold their Suuday for County ~e IJcenJoI Ia tbe matter of the e8ta.te of ~~;~~~'. M~:~n ~;erto~~:h~O lIgbUn ) visit iD Wallhlns&on. Lynoh. Treasu rer ~!~ Soba II conven&lon In l::Iamuel B. Davis. d.e ceased. w burl, Va ., and o\her pJaces . ' .. 250. bvUle of Dr. King's New Life oburch Jnly ]9, Rev. the Ji'rleud a Tboma 8 Lamb: flreQ)&n In paper Cheste r Maple Is apPOIn Wooten , ot lleaerll I. B. fI"rrlll and Milt · ted ad~1D. Pills to day . mmll to Mre. MoKln ney, Is&rl\tor de bonts non . Bond $10011. ",nd bowelsand empty the ItomaJ h Wayne sville, will addres s ,he'tloD . Brartes ree', lAfler doillg New 'York, A youDg man of eterllDIr quality ,. boSb of Jrranlr) \n.Fannte of fermen ting, gassy vention . Muslo oonduo ted by E. J. Rev. A. J. II 68tle. ~nventory and apprais emeDt omit- food8ll PhUad elobla, Long BrlAnoll anct NI. an ,ent~rprtllinl buslnM nd waste. A fnll bowel move. Illwood . 8 man, wal Ed~ar 1 ntzger ald. paper maker t,ed. .g.. ra 'FlAlls, arrived home IllS' bo1'll lAnd r:::d ::8:::II'a!:~0 ment gives a BlltiBfief"l, thankf ol Rev. J J. ~ell will fill his reRul. r ~~~:' to MyrUe E Bober~. both of Frank Commo n Pleas Court 'lbul'ld ay in line aplrlte feeling -make s you feel fine. Ef. appOin tment &t Beeoh Grove beeD a enOO8sllln every under. Itn . Rev. A. J. Kes\le. ohurob t)tnte of Ohio on oompla int of feotlve. yet mild. Don" Oar fdeDd Je.... , T, 8utterw orth \lAking Ii. man tha' oaD gripe. Sunday mornin g aDd evenlD I July (leoU Elmer Boover , olerk of Carrie Irene Sllawb an. vs 18 the Orllt to do I', Yelterlh Ly bo b18 own bUIIIDesS soooo88 oonduo t . Bembu ry 2Iio., at your DrugglA t. folly Is ibe ClarksV ille, to AnDI!26, Ellis. of P~rrr. On rnotioD of plaintif f by bron~bt as the. f1rl\t sweet oorn ttu" Buckle n'8 Arnloll Sal ve for Burn8. tooond~uot the buaine al fOl' tbe Wayne sville. Rev. A. Lee George Davis and wife visited K. SarRen '. Alhert. Anders on her attorne y. thl~ 'b.' hftlllflp eartllt 10 'hA vU'ap:8 th18 1M'0pie of WarreD CouDty _ _ _ WIIJ Morris on 8un':\lAY. . The Rilhar d F . ClAmpbell. farmer to case is dil'mI88od. C08ts • IIOU, NexC tbil),l He know, be Democ ratlo voterll are and taxe8 1I01lottf!d for ·01l1e .-darie Lynoh, both of Banev s. balog paid Ernest Manno n, wife .nc! daush • . W:lil be hanling oorD. poa'oe s aDd Mr. Ferrl8 at the Primar Gentlo Eyed Seal. ters y Electio n burg. Rev. G. E. Gowdy . with Mra. Manno n and E'bel Marie Reynol ds vp. George Rey. melPQ8 In~ JOaNet , MIlDY than Seala are attll numerous ani! are dl.. went to Lovela nd 8unl,1. ,. to be beld on Tn8lldI1Y, ' AugUIIC lUb Barry' E OlborD ohau1J eur, Leb· nolde. Divorc e grflnted . Plainti ff liked by Labrad f,leD!! Jeel!8, tor your kIDdne ",. or fishermen . Dr. • - • Mr. and Mrl. Geo. IJogaD vilited anoo, to h'y M, RIl.:vyer of MII.son. rostor6 d to her maiden ' y- W uname of Grenfell saye that he has known a at Chaunc ey BuuneU __ A Nen'ouS neII oLD ' ay,o, T OWOl b',p, J u 1y9, ' CU.WY - . I Re J lleadac :he lUlU t7' tl '1I Frld.y . v. A. • ....e8 e, o.f·obol era Infanto m • .IDfIl.Dt O h l l d , .eal to haunt a net so perslstenUy ,)Iarle ProbIISOO. Wtll~m aod SlA ....ntba WalloD ____ A Yra, Sarab Rloh haa been vlllUln g M "Cb~.mberJaID II l)blet8 .re en· Pili E I B that to ,~ any Probate Court PlVU;ll;Ulnp fish the owner had to M .. d Cl Jame s. hi pa VI!. m Iy . watch an the while • Da ._ , , tt·led· - ..II lihe n_taa 1 can "he at one end of It. ased month. .. .,. rH. _au eaver a. . YIlUD,' b" ,",:, i.~- Jlr:- -Ri b d 0"1 I ID the mllUer of the estate Cr Conrt 8D8taln 's J' urv's vo-r. d ----.- th th I w of Id d'I'ct and order~ plaintll f reoover an even en e aea almo.t t em. wr _ Miss no-'her Edw.r dl ,.ill l--A .a. c.r p, J h B II f& deoeue ou d A olalm " . " ' . . . S nor ....... or* N Y they have 0 n 0 cro , lIJ1ap olr the flsherman's hand a8 he the Chrillti an Endeav o," Stops Neural gia-Ki lls Pain . oapered mPe of'head fl'om derend ant toile ~um of .oh~ and nervou ll . of a57J2 agalns ' said eetate d t b fI t to dl ta I &I1e '3 dayeve Dlng July 111 -meetin g Is here- ,i92 10the with interes t lit 6% from race 0 e f8 sen ng e by preseD ie4 by flomer D Boll. A ill2 IOU !:iloan 'a Linlme nl gi v8slllst tAnt re- D(,88 aDd restore d me to my nn , • uormal NlmoD. ft and A ugust 7th ie fixed all pr MIllS Audrey -Cleave r, of Daylou . Uef ftom Neural gia , . Soiatic a, If. bealtb. " For sale by all dealer8 I • ~:o • eJ)6Ddt e for og fu'rther JJo6B .tnlgh t w tbe 9r some hellriD i. time wUh Viol. plAiDrul patrIDman Monge r VI'. b'rank D. Mil· ___ • In • _.. Jordan . ler, '1'reftsu rer and John M. Mulfor d, '" Hoothe l tbe Nerve8 aod Stopa 'htl Arohecuogloal P:lnd. ____ _ In the mlltter , of the eeiate of Aurtito r, Inj unotl')D P.ln, It •• allo Rood for Rbeom a herewf ore Severe Attack of Colic Cured lome IDtereat1n« remains of &0' 014 Ellz,b~ih flO. I coJlet~! tievera l from ~hl. pl.ce at&end8cl ' deceIS :. rranted Is now marle perpetu al. Sore ThI'Ollt., Chf>et P.IOlll lnd ~ . han beeD brouCht to E E Cross who travels lIIbt Fire' aDd Da acooun III approv , Walter Vir. Booial ceDter at 'be IIObool bOaM 8 Kidder lI.od A. F. Rlnla. ~Dd other Southe rn In . . ,8praiD i Yon don', need to rab-It· dQdq alter.attODs to Cromwe titatell Saturd ay ulabt. ll HQue In tbe m.~tet of i .h e es&.to or Droom ha11. ~xtr •. eto. vs. , .: peDe'r atel. Mr. d o- , . Swtnge r. the'''ltte Ella Dill WII;B taken lIudden ly and severel y Itl the birthpla ce of '00,,81' (ieorao Barller ,. ~eoellSed, Rev. Frank )1.000" of .~ , .... ~nt"v~Ilt', Ky ., wrltl!ll : "'euffe red Oromw 'u, at BuntiD ,don, IIt.l. Sales approv ed. Disirlb utlon With collo. At tbe first dore he Dakota , _land . fllUy ad~ID11!~red. ' . ~1 . .lth'.qul te a eevere Nenral made. Slo Uea \. The'rematna lDolude onme to tbe meroha nt reoomm ended Amoll Al~~"lJ baH of. wall In the matter of the eetate of \ " ·.aqbe for f~r month,1 withou t 'tDY ~". ~, or tw,) the • Chamb erlaln'8 CoUo, Choler a aDd a' Beeoh. doorw.Y8. The AQDa (1. Brewer , 8881goor. Elhte Commi ssioner s Proceed ings .'1'ellef. J OlIedS loaD I Linlme ut tor toUll4atlon of' a larea -chlmn Ularrhf lea Remed y. Two dOI! ?8 or nlgbt, ey.tack tally admlnt .tered. On Rccoun t of JudiCia l Fnnd being It oured him. No one sbould ·two or three nlgbb and I b ... ·be'eD ' iOUD4, .n!! ID one bearth leave Lis In tbe 00 ,Uer tbe estate of eX'bans ted a resolut ion was pllI!Bed home on 'Iutrer~ witb bead alnae. eUlI ~JD.lluid. The bou.. t. MIU'Y 'Lnolle and ofMyron a jourDe y withou t a bottle II !:~d~:=11 ~~~. M nger, to' repleui sb Ame by borrow lns of this prepara tion. For "boUl e to day. Keep I~ ~i 8B)e by all oODey an to: han ' beell toUJlde4 by the miDOn ; 'Seoond aoooun t approv . :a!O~~' time for pa~nl. an a ed $800 'ln order that valid bills mllY be dea.lerl . . I'rI6lI .bortly before .., In the m.Uet ·'of. the eS'lAte of JJ!~I~r~~~nri'f -(..e'bal!OIli:,;• pa,l d. "JIiO.~ 600. and 'I 00, at YOUl: • _ ...._ _ _ M 61 W lI'...:oIbha t ' deCeased Ell , .. \ Slinllle n's ' Arnloa _ Salve. . f b ' d t ar.ll .· . ~ " r, . . • Tbe aocoun ts 0 t e two epot! day with asa EUta. . Ho• ..' . .. HI. Devotio n. Mt88 EdUh tale Botan' fully .- .clPlI~iate~ EdBar E torle8, The LebaDo n N"tlon al and bae . . . . ' : ',' ' . - • "Your.g Mrs. Flitter teu. me that etok bat t. Impro da•. • - • EarnblA rt II . fluoo~t&looallf reo The Citizen s Nation al banks for the ber husbBlld Is goiDg to teacH her how . 1"'.~~ ftO'm dDtl. of -execut or, montb of June 1914 wero andlted Ito akate thiB winter" Bata Mr•• OooPb. Frank IbDtllo 'lQer,. lu: t)1e ·.~ bt; .. the ··'e"tat·e of and found oorreo~, ID. the toDe • wo~n emplo)'e 'When and George Jl'raD08II; ofand l'futt)!Ii;~ JaJile_.'l'. ~t'~· flGlI.J)olal statem ent.. of . the. abe OOD08alS a reproof III a 'monel of called' on Ge.orle fuJly .· and . Audl&Or a~d ' lIhowt the ooD'reraatfoo. '1In't it mee to' lee: a Hund"y . . -, 'iD . ' at 1IWi' 1o daYoted to hie' wife'" ~~' , lcil\ !,ud M~.! Ed i1IIlII"!'~:f';ai;&;~ti~~;; ~~~~:~!~t~~~~~~~~=~:~J 1Gl~, . ~~hu~b~" ~ble~ 9QOph ~ weeL,e~tl..:~iih 0 ;11 'pfl;otd ' ~4' bla m.~~!De. · "B~·. .o· ~ ~l\'. . , 'YOIJdI";"'; hilI' he "eD't·~'a ~ , LIUl.:!~I·)Ifn ::" ,.l&lIi8r:, .. ;;j;IlI~~~!fo1.J~:~"~~~~~~~ ~f: "'f1Iia 1b ·~th.. ~.·D_ llIiro·.~~t .Oa~ II ~ .


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GIrl Msker of Hoalory SprinQe Joke That Lea.d. Her and a Young Southerner to Altar.

It Hil S Become Known." Recent Years That Flies Are Tra nsmitters of Diseases, and Therefore, Are I>ang-crou .~ 10 Mankind-Such Diseases as Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Cho'era !n'aotum, Ilnd Many Others Are Spread By Flies .

Rendi ng, PIL- E ngnged and married wltb ln Il week Wlti! th e sJlee d reco rd elllab lls hf' d h y Dall Kin g or Mluml. Fla., IUld Ml s H Ruth Sa len, daughte r or Mr. sn d Mrs. Howard Salen. The ro mun ce \x'ga n whe ll M r: King round t he nam o 'A Miss Sal cn In a bo~ of ~ t oc k lnR S I'N:I'ivrd at th e de partmc nt store ill \',' 1I 1('h he Is- e mpl oyed lit Mllln li, Fla. li e wrot o to !\I is6 Sa lon, an d rorr s po n(\ ence (ollowed, r esult· In g In frien ds hi p. Mr. KIng ca lli e to HI'n ul llg a wc(; k ogo a nd mot Mi ss Bali'n tor th e- fir s t ti me. It was 10 \'0 a t fl rs t II I ~ hl:, nnd t he m a rriage r eBUl ted . M Iso Sale n was e mployed II I th o Nili de & lIore t s toc kin g fac tory. Bud she put hC' r na.m e In a box o r s tuc kln gs as R joke.

o '


or the rn ol't common nnel wld,' ly (\l ptrlbllted nf hOllsehol d I-<'-i ta Is tl'" co mmo n fi y .. T h l ~ I n~ec t . whiC' h h ilS been ",.in'lI bu t Ilttl(' co nHld('rntio n unlll "" (' I'n tl)' II O W ati ra ct s wlrl e a t · INllI nll on Ill'Collnt of the ract th l\t It I . n l'OIl \'I 'yo r 11f nil sto l·t a ot diseases \J t"Rl tl C'R carr ying ~e rlll ~ of t yp ho Id f ~' · ( ' f . nrsC' nll!ry . c h o l ~ ra . an d num e r, 011 5 Mhpf dr eaded di st'IlR(,8. It Is pos· Bibl .' lhol it llIay also cn rry s mallpo x. 'epro!' y, plngul' , e rr slp .. I" • . and oth l' r I=f' rms . T!lf' beA t Il y pre" pntlv (! Is 10 pr p" e nt :"\ 10:

BIting House Fly. Oy bre eding. The second best It! to kee p things so clean &I to preve llt fly fee ding. The third beet thing 18 to defend oneself agalnllt the files that bave come. Sometimes It wllJ be possible to sereen them away. Tbu. works well enoogh with dweillngs. The few ille& that get luto a well screened houae can be Iwatted, or caught wIth paper, or killed with patson. Where the doors are opening' con· stantly, screens are snmetimes of. lit· tle 88"loe' and sometimes none at all. Under these clreumetance8, what Is to be done! Usually It will · be posllible to protect the rood eupply with cases, Bcreens, or mosquito bar. Auythlng kept In the IC~box wIll be protected, Ji'Jles sud· denly entering sn atmosphere of 60 will flIICaPe, If they can. It not, they alow up. At ' about 48 they lose their ability to 1Iy, At 27, ftve degrees below b68&ln8', most of them die. The beet method of ridding Il. daIry barn, milk bouse, .or, 8tore of files will depend on ~he number present and on oU1er considerations. When files are abund~nt the use of fiy traps Is the mOllt efl'ectlve method. " Sticky Oy paper has some advan· tages 'and some dlslldvantages. A tew aaueere coilta.1nlng a mixture or one pint. of water, one tablespoontul of fOrmaldehyde (commnnly known as formalin) , and one tablespoonful at sugar will be elftcaclous, If not much 'Water itt exposed In the room. . .' Tho ,.proposers recommend that pieces or brend saturated wIth this s o· lutlon be placed In plates and these ~posed In places Inaccessibl e to cbll · Iken .and dom estic animals. .W llen the place Is not bclng used It should be darkened . whereupon fly pa· per, _lly traps, or fly polson, placed Dear an undarken ed window , will be doubly etrectlve. The Conl:ectlcut experiment slation has made some tests to dete rmine how thlckly' populated with germs are fII~8 from different places. .To b egin with . our old ene my , the blue botlle fly, Is Dot much of an enemy Il.fter 11.11. tn addition to being so shy as to be harmles8, he Is not thickl y popula l,gd. He only carrIes 300.00 0 ge rm paSHe n· gers. Swill barrel fil es RVEorage a bou t

,,1 , ·(,(, of pi" . welt; hs nearly t wice as mil ch lU! whc n ht' bt'gan to ea t. \\' b en fl 'd ple nt )' of moist rood he depos Its II fl ), " IWck "Yf'ry 11 \'(> m lnutcs . li e w ill ,·.,t any th ing as we ll liS ev eryth ing. Ih'<'-ll uae Hputu tO Is rro m a ca se of co n· ~ \l m p tl o n or e xcre tio ns are rrnm a CB SI' <J r tYlJhol d Is no r eallo n wh y t.hey do not a PlJeal to the n, 's palate . Re lng fo nd or filth . tiS we ll as oC c lean food ; bnlng fond of dirty pl nces , naturally th ey hav e ma ny germ dl !;ease~ o r th eir own, There are e pid emiC! alJectlng fil es 0" we Jl a8 e pld e mlcB nrtecte d by fll cs. Out what matte rs It If a few millions are kill ed by germ s wh e n so man y mtlJlons can qui ckly breed ! Nothing with th e feeding and breeding power of a fiy Is at any great dlsad van tage Irom germs. It Is th e human be ing tJla t expects to produce but 1\ tew or Its kind that must fi ght off the enemies to kee p tbe race a live. FIles arc or no oon sequ e nce exce pt a8 they aft'ect th e food . They do not start any dis ease. The y Berv e to carry th e m trom one place to. another. One farmer may get typhoid In hi s milk and then spread typbold to a hu n d red farmel'!!' milk by emptying It Into n common vat. From tbls co mmo n vnt 600 consume rs may ob tain th eir milk . Th1te typbold may be spread all ov cr a town . But about t he only cha nce for Bolld food like bread, m eat, and s uga r to sproad typhoid Is throu gh the help of flies . A man's water fau cet taps the pipe os that of ano t her man, a man'lI milk bottle 1ft fill ed fr om the same can 8JI anothe r's- but th e only link between two me D's bread Is our enemy. th e fly. It the on e has a com· munlcable dlseaae. th e fly. rorg etting all about quarantine. trave ls with his

sroceries must nut b' lll Il O~c d . In so me s ta tC1s. lal\'s cO \' e rin g Ul ls point a re e nr orced . In ut h cr~ th l' v " re a dead lett er. Wh nt 's the u s~ or fl y pOhters a nd wld e ly be ru lde d ny cam · paign s It th l' Inw relating to uy food Is not ellfo rced ? It Is ad\'l sed t hnl hou 5"win' " s rlrln · kin a solutio n of OIl C pa rt of furm a lde· hyde to tell purt e of wll ter In til Ir gar bage contnln l' rs dlllin g th o warm mo nths. to kill no t only od o r ~. bu t OJ 8 and ver mi n. ""he n Roscl1 uu disco vered th a t ata· ble tll ea could car ry Infan ti le para ly· GOOD LUCK IN JAP TALESMAN SIS. the In t erest III tbl ll fly Increased ma tc rlally . T b fa rme r s alrl'ady k nt· w UFortune '. Spectacle." Believed tQ POSSe8B Tali.menlc VIrtue by the Japaneae.


~!' W York.-TraveJers In Japa;} oft e n >ee cu r Iou s s tone rin gs s upport· ed on 11. pillar, to which ha~e been glv.

Blue-Dottle Fly. of the barm fr o m lb is My . III nddl· lion to spread ing Inrantll e paralys is. .Jennings a nd Kin g or tb e hureau of e ntomology say It may s pread pe lla· gra. The dis eas es of domesti c anlmnls lipread by It ore anthnu . swtlmp re ve r . glanders, se pticemia . surra . Bouma. and, mayb e. round worm . In addition, biting tiles worry stoc k so much that thoy cannot work ef· t1clently. Animals ge t thin lind milk cows sometimes go olr ~O to 60 pe r cent In th e amount of milk produced . F. C. Bishopp of tbo Unit ed States bureau of entomology, te ils li S that the Rtabl e fly breeds largely In straw. Old strnwstacks In the fl elds are the worst offenders. BlshoJlP 's advice la to burn these stacks or e lse to spread the straw , and plow It In deep. When a hea vy rain fa lis on freshl), thresbed straw condition s for fly breedklg are at their worst. Manure containIng straw Is anotller breeding place of 1m· portance: ' To keep the files olr, Blshopp ad, vises 11 mixture of fls.h oil (one gal· Ion), 011 of pine tar (two. ounces), 011 of pennyroyal (two oUI:ces) , and keroeene (one·half a pint) . The ftsh-{)II mixture, If ralthfully ap· plied, will serve 88 a repellent against files as long as It retains Its e lrectlve· nesll.


What Flies Do, a True Picture, But Not a Pretty One. sBddl ~

bags loaded with germs from him who huth to him wh o hath not. "Swat . the fly early nnd late," Is wLrat the health officials or th e city of CQlcngo nre endeavoring to bave the r eSldents of that city do in an effort to pre vent th e sprpadlng of dIsease by th e littl e pests . Some of th e truths which the health ofTIcial s nre end e nvol'lng to bring home Rre Bet forth In the following para· graphs : "Bread makes a nne foot wipe ror flIes:' "It'R a short hnul rrom th e gnrbage can to the <lIning room via the fiy route ,"

Indian Ingenuity, In bls prerace to "Antarctic Days," Sir Ernest Shackleton t e lls an amus, Ing lillie story of nortbern Cnnll.da. A government geologist, with InO· nlte labor, had collected som e very In· terestlng geological specimens In a. region (ar beyond cIvilization. Most of the collecting was done on tlle bll.r· r en grollnd 280 mil 2" north east of the Great Bear lak e. The scientific man nnd th e porters of th e party carried the rocks on their backs to tbe Great Bear lake, paddled SOO miles acro~ th e lake, and alte rnately paddle<l and portaged 1,500 miles up the Macke n· zle, Slave and Athabasca rivers. The last portage was half a mile long at the Gra nd Rapids of th e Mha· basca. and It WM done by Indian em· ployes of the Huds oll 's Bay company The Indians we re Ingenious men, an(1 they sUIl tell with pride how they savcd much labor by emptying all the heavy bags and boxes at th e lower e nd

"If at first you c1on't succeed , swat,

3,000,000, pig pen nles about 1,00.0,000 , and dweJIID8 houlle Illes nearl, 900,· 000. SwUl barrel flIes. pig pen nl",., and

dwelling house nles are the !!lame epeeles o! Insect. Tbe only difference 'a III the degree of dirtin ess. It ,,, the difference betw~n a man belol'l, and after his bath. The fJy is 'a most vora ciou s eater. We have heard tbat h e is a mfllt ap' palltng breeder, but his gas tronnmlc ability has not had muc b notl':e. A uUat.ed housefly, preening hlrnt.elf on

s wat again." .' In flghtlng OIes: It Is most Important to concentrate attention 011 fly breed. Ing places. Next In Importllnce comes ny feeding place~ . Flies require such an enormous volume or food that we can accomplish something by keeping things free from fly food. Most 1m. po,.tnnt Is care or the gl1rbage-no garbage on the ground, a clean can wt'li covered nnd frequent removal. Bu t efforts toward diminishing fly rood IIhould not stop lit garhage. Ex. poaure of foods to the fIIcs In stores must be stoJlped. Confectionery, rruits, vegetables, meats, and general bt:lk



Red!acovery. of Key to Physical Su. I!remacy Would Be Inestimable BOOn to World.

, No I'fe&ter gilt eould be made to modem world tban the redls.Cover, of 1he' Greek p\).yslcal supremo acT' . aeeret !>I the plethod by , 'brlel period, tbey ' reAl· -!!lce CItlI'



lo~t, ~

SoH May Be Brought Up to Profitable Production By the Use of This Crop Which is Spreading Rapidly Over the State How and When to Sow to Get Best Results Many ru rm"ro arl' IOl l'rcs led 10 olid· mon ", hite nll'i el ), . 1\ grows to tbe Ing n m rll ll S 'A'bt<!' tJy t h(') can r (;8t orO belgbt of ~ or 4 fee t th e nrst yenr, VUl thei r w:\s lH'II , g ull irll or wur u Qut la ll d does Il Ot s how all Y bl osso ln s. T be to t he poi ut of prlOfi l1\ble "l'o(\ l1 <: tIO Il . SN'OIlII yea r th p jJlan t thl'OW8 out ~ I de MI'. L . II. 'G odda rd , or th e Ohio I ·~x l le rl · bl'llllChcd, lJej,!l n s blu s ~o lll ln~ a bo u t tbe ru e lll St a llOll, In bulll·ti n :-ill. 244 . ;;I VtlS fir s t of JUlie Hnt' protl u('t's ~ cc d lI n til ~ OU1 e of the re~ ul t $ ilp fo und 10 n111 1t· t l'os t Ol11 es. T he ye ll(,w va rl e t)' la In ll a s tu d )' of I h p worn out s o ll ~ or I IlOt so eo mlll otl . till' s tU ll', II lI d h e ld~o te ll s how t hl'Y Clay L{' Irn jlro\' C' ll nn d res lO r" d to 1'1'0 (' Stock Eat It Readily . All kind s of s to ck e a t It r eadily esImole 11rodu ('tion . A care'f nl st udy I~ or thl' \1' o ru out solis a nd th e e~· I Ileei a lly wh e n It Is s hol'l. Tbe s hee p B<'lItlll ls 01 50 11 rN l illt y li re SUit ed wIll k il l It If pl' rmltt ed to c ro p It too drn lnal;e . ~ Ie ll ty of u\'IIil a ble [llllnt <:io;;p ly, Whil e the hogs . wlll kill It by food. sunl C1C llt hu mus a nd s wee tll ess elt tln II I r th • I If th or th e l:l('k lOf lI"i d lty . The lu ea or " Ie roo s 0 e p nll t. e th is s llr v.. }' was to nlld tb e best plant ciuVE' r ge ts too tall It Is best to c li p It for rE' bulhlln g th e wo rn out soli by so li S to k e ~p It te nder. It (; ut whe n lid din g humus, 6uj1Jl lylllg nitroge n nn<l 15 to 20 IlIc ll es bl g h It makes exocJ· a t tb e same tllll e be u r rop th at th e lon t huy whi c h I~ reli s hed by mos t (,!rm er woul d no t Le tl' lll pled to feed . I s toc k. S W Nll (1 lov e r III uus urpus sed 118 a T here li ro t \1'O nl l! thod d of s Ul1pl ylng bumu s to tbo $011 , one Is by th e usc Boil Impro ver. I t 16 es peclully \'u illa' of anim a l man ures, th e o th er is hy ble 011 wnsh.:d nncl worn out lund s. It usi ng g-ree n m a nures . In th l' use or se nd s Its rootH dee p luto lfie Bo ll ll nd ~r ee n m a nure n "Ia nt Is '-err des lra . the a mouut of hUlllu s a d 11 Cli 1M won· hi e that will lId d nl trogt' n to Ih e 5011 de l' rul. 5 \\' ('(' t c lo \' or see mB to delJg ht at th c slime tllll P th a t It add s humus. I In g row in,; alo ng I'ai lroad e lllunnk· weet c lo H r is s uch a Ill ant . It not ' ments , rOll d 11It'!'. III gra ve l plI ~ , 6llnd only g ro ws n la r ge II mount or humus- b l\rl k ~ , iln d In o th e r places wh e r e t bo It g r ow6 t hrE'(> to four tec t. In hpl!;ht- , o rd l ll nr ~', " lo ve rs b'l VO 1\ hard li me to but Its roo ts pPncra te d"., pl)' In to lbe ' exis l. 1 he bes t e vide nces of It s 80U Boll, loosen It li P aud th e modul es 011 1 rtlstoTa llvc a bilit ies wer c found 10 Ke nthe roots ga lh e r nit roge n fr om Ill' a ir I IIH' k y . H er !' it is very wld c ly Ilr ow Q ~n d n<ld It to thf' Boil. a llLl has (]oll e tnu (;h good III re build ing th e \\'o r n ou t tobacco lands of t bat Grown In Every County. state. Oll e Jllnll called It " posl'Y s eed" Iuquirl es wcr e se nt out to 3,000 re,,' Il.Uu u sed It fur bee bait. It has nJ80resentatlv ll farm e rs In rh e> 88 counti es resto red run down colton plnn ln Uonl or Oh io and 1,88 2 nnswc rs we re rece lv' l ln ~li s8 lsslppl nnd Al a hnma, wl\ s he d ed. It \\} S round t b ~ t s wee t c1o\'e l' lim es to ne hills In Io wa, Illk. n il soli s In was gro\\ Illg In ,j)ve r) one o r th e 88 .o\rl7.0 nn, wa s ting sanrts In Tllsman!a oountl e~ . Ho we ve r, the most of th e ar.d barr(> n, dry clay knobs in Ohio. clover Is grown In th e ce ntnll nnd There Is milc h land In Ohio that westerll part ot tb e s late_ The re Is would be bene tl ted by a c rol' or tw o 01 eo me g ro wn In the southern ami tJl\s t· s wee t c lo\'e r . ' ern par t, but ,'er y little In th e no rth. , ea s t ern sect 10 11. Th e men who h ave Not a New Plant, hud th tl mos t e xpe rI en ce with swee t InrormEl llon was gathered [rom clover s ay that it ma y be seeded In u I practically e ve ry slate In tbe union variety of \VIlYs. One or the more oom· tlnd e vc r}' country on tbe globe. Swee.t mon melhous Is to sow It In Januory clove r Is almos t universally dlstrlbor F ebruary when the ground is boney· ute d In e \'e r~' country and In every combed with rrost. it Is also seeded clime. In Ru ssin It Is called Dokhara with whea t In th e filII or with tb e oats c lo\·cr . III tbe spring. It lDay be sown wllh In conclusion, I!weet clove r see lDs to the alfalfa, In th e corn at the last cui· be one or th e best Illants to build up U\'atlon or alone on well prepared soli the heavy worn out soll8, especiallY In s imilar to the way aJtaJta IR seeded. places w here re d clover and aJtalfa The seed usually has n low germinal' will not grow. It Is especially good ,ng power and sbould be se ede d a~ the tor stony banks, deep pits and sand rate or 20 pounds or mpre . .of unhulled !lll.nks. However It may. be used fur seeel per a cre. feeding and did not quite rulflJl the Swee t clover Is a biennial and 11TO' hop es ot the Investigators In that they duces seed c\' ery othe r fear , It will w/lnted a plant that woukl-rebulld the reseed the ground If permitted to do soli and still not be useful al a feed • . 80 . Some farmers sow the seed rath· Swee t clover has a work to do In Ohio., er Ught a nd allow the clover to thick· It will help in solving the problem ot cn by selt seeding, but this Is not an the abandoned fJeld, It will mako economical me thOd. Sweet clover will J)rofttnble agriculture on loafing Rcree, do best when there Is plenty of lime It will stop the wBste of the hills, heal present In th e s oli. It also requires tbe s cars on wns hed and guJlled f1 e ldo, Inoculation while It !n turn Inoculates mllke gree n plIstures possible wbere ror aUnlfa. no grass Is now growing, and hold for There are two princ ipal varlelles or IJosle rlty tbe priceless heritage ot a 6weet clove r In Oblo. One Is the com· producllve soil.


as, l


Greenhead Fly,

. of the rapids, nnd mllng them again at the ~pper end with rocke of simi· lar weight. By this means they sll.ved haIr a mile of dllftcult carrying. The 8ubstitution was found out a year later In Ottawa.


CurioUI Ring of Stone Believed to to Bring Luck. en the name "Fortune's Spectacles." Th ese curIous devices are believed by Bo rne to have II. talismanic virtue, In tbat It one Clrllwls througb the ring, be wllJ be able to accomplish aJl he undertakes. 'T he size of the rings Is s uch tbat no great dexterity Is reQuired to perlrorm the feat.-Popular Mechanics.

TRYING TO STEAL A PRISON Bold Robbena Move Pleuantvlllo Lock·Up 30 Feet-"Cop" Lock. Self Out. Atlantic Clty.-A new brand of thillf 18 worrying the three policemen of Pleasantville, 0. suburb of this reo sort. The "two by four" jail tbere will hold BeVI!D persons, \I .they sit close together. One night the lock· up was movM, but no particular att ention was paid to ft. But OD an· other night It mov ed again at least 30 fcct from Its aBslgn'ld spot. Then the Investigation began. Now the co[ls are tramng th e mls· creants who tried to steal th e jail . To add to the· troubles of the force, Patrolman Krcwson lost his keys. and wh en he made an nrrest and attempt· ed to place the prisoner in the bas· til o be found hImself locked out.



MAN GRIPS THE MULE'S FOOT Former Football Star Performa an Un. u&tlal Fealt With Streunoua AnImal. Trenton, N. J .-Patrolman John A. Si lverstein, a football star when In tb e high school here. accompUehed the unusual feat h,ere recently of holding a TUule's foot. Tho brawny patrolman tried to get the mule oft' the ca.r tracks when the anImal let fly her hee ls at him. SII\'ercteln grabbe<l one root and held on with sucb 'a grip that the 0.n1. Dlul wns powerless to yank It away from him. He was dragged B. rew feet to a 'Iamppost, Slid then ma1\llged to bold tight until others grabbed the .!nule by the hlead. Burglar W'aa a ChImpanzee. Parls.-A policeman who was look· Ing after n hous e In the Rue de Berrl during the nbsence of the tenant dis· covere d that a window pane had been smashed. At the same time he no· ticed 0. shadow In one of the rooms, Thinking a burglar had entered the building, he sent his dog to capture the supposed man. An cxtraordlnary I noise wall. then heard from the room. and It was soon discovered that the : "burglar" was really an escaped· chlm· panzee. The. 'lInlmal' had done . $5(;0 worth or damas,e.


I China's Telegraph Line •. The Chinese government. whlcb I' Clock Long Idle Start. Up. owns the country's telegraph system, Wal'crosR, Oa.-Movlng a clock

Domeltlo sclenco cl ... 'n Medin. County High' 8ohooL Many people are reluctant to take' up new things. However, Mary C. Phillips, sUllerlntendent ot schools at' Mallet Creek, Medina county, Ohio, Is not one of them, While obtaining her own education she learned of the 1m· porlance of teaching domestic science In the schools. So when she came to her present position three years llgo It was but natural for her to see the need oC ~ome Instruction In domestic SCience to the girls or her high school. Public sentiment, a& mIght bl! ex·peet· ed, was not sl1 on the side of tpe new departure. Even the school board bad a good many misgivIngs. How· ever, they were Dnally persuaded . to buy the necessary equipment. A kitchen cabinet, a gasoline stove, dishes and other necessary articles

has extended It until more than 36,000 I about a _mile to Waycross caused It to miles or Ill.nd lines and about 1,000 start running atter It had refuaed to miles or cables are Il,?W In use. . operate for seven Y8&l'11. Evel7lblng w ~ p090lble had been done during the ., eeven·year period to make the clock I ~tand tbe prillcipies or training, which ISUUld the principles by which thc one of the onlamental variety, ' gei guided the Oreek In his games, III his Greek ordered the movements or hlB busy, but whet! It Wall laced I the battles and his dances, alld made the I body. It was a great secret or -bodily I new house recently to :hlh ItaD • POISONOU8 proporUoDs of bls figure dllrerent from coordination, and the lecret has been era were movllll It start cd . o;n n ours 01 today, that Greek sculpture lost, an~ ",Ith It the ablllty thor. : and hn-1leell ~ t e bl IJ Is In reality a puzzle to us. Certain oughly to understand the Gree.k art. , 1 1 ' g 0 rou . e nee. postur~ fixed . by the Greek sculptor . Met Aft 52 'V' . seem to ua contortions, bordering 011 Force of. Habit. La . . 'In . • 1' " ' . e~..., . 1m po . Tbere ·al· .. ' Willis (In the cemetery)-Thls . he 'Yays .. a terrillfC O'tontkroverul8Y t!>ver, thed '/ j)e Ha:~p'8Hgrrdaye. InBcrlpl;\on Btrangir1 jdth '~bofti~~~~·5~~=~;:I~i~~~ , .. 0 , rea . se p ure, an r~d8, ..~re.. ~. upp.· . . . 11'& J Ii ~ " 'iiY : then arl!ls beads' and ;'. 'ills wjt supply never Joole right: lI,ke hls , otlter .. puJ h'eatth )Jurl'. Dot 1JtI. -'\ Iaaa 1:' WnW




"Flies Peddle, So Paddle," "Fli es will peddle, peddle, pcddle. llnl ess ) au pnddle, paddl e, paddle. Ge t busy. [{eep bu s.l.': _

Clu.ter Fly,.












8. Btbl.llile~, ~~ ~~I, lleca~le we !,~. o







.J ~ .'



·. O,llUiI-:;.Y~ ~ut ,~o!:,.· ~~ ~e, bll~

., t.C?I!i~n.!,:, thIDg~ 'I!Dd.~... ~~. ~e" ii.m~-'1'UC.", .'


Mf~ ·~:o:'·~·, . ~ Il'o£'~ .,!IilIDUI..."... .'

were purohased. The school house contained no separate room that could be used tor 0. domestic science labora· tory, BO It was necessary to use one ' corner of the high school room. Here the pupIls received tbelr Instruction and did their ,,'ork. Even under such Obstacles, the plan has been 80 BUCcess!ul - that a marked change hu taken plac I In the attitude of the com· munfty. Tbeboard and patrons of the school are well . pleased for they see how th(3 ,nstructlon III the' school Is made to lit. In the home life 01 tile pupils. The glrltlllke the n6w- order of things because they; cu. ·now 's~e more conllecllon between the subjects taugbt' In school and l In the work that they may teas(lnably expect to do in mao ture life. ~~ .. • .











A hlrd 's·e ye vl (' w o ~ Zacatecas, the city a galn ti t which 0 .111 rnl Villa hurled hts army . (Irlvlng Ollt th Fl fede rals und e r Gene ral Harro n. Zhcat eco8 has bee n con s ide red the las t rema InIng barri e r blltween tbe rebels and Me xico The first photograph of the Roosevelt-Willard wedding party, 8howln~ the bride, th e sroo m, th e groom 's fath er and the bridesmaids who attend ed th e beautiful Belle W tIIBrd, daught e r ot the United States ambassador to Spain, at be r weddin g to Kermit Roosevelt, 80n ot Col. Tbeodore Roosev e lt. The groom Is at tb e right, wltb arms behind blm . Th e brid e Is seated at the right. Colonel Roosevelt 18 stnndlng alm08t directly beblnd ber .

C ity ,


S CIl IlIl In th e co urtroo m a t G ne va, Ill., durin g th e tr llli of Antho ny Pet ras 0 11 Ih e cllll1'l;e 'It lIIu rd erln g bls former sweetb eart , The resa Holland er. Pet ras and hili wi fe nr e seatllll at tli .. e nd or th e tahl e. In th e f ron t, at the left. Is Har vey Gu n ~ ul. coulisel for th e derC oHe. and at th ll r ig ht. S late's Alto r ne y T ye rs . In s et I s a photogmph of tb c dllfe ndaut.

The 'V\' anamaker-CurtI88 bydroaeroplane America, built for the transatlantic flight and heFe. abown ImmedlOlely aCter Ita launching at Hammondsport, N. y., Is being given aeve!e testa IOld Is proving moat satisfactory to U eutenant Porte, Ita pUot.



Mrs. D. Leeds' Grosvenor Square town bouse Is being put In readiness etJr the mODt lavish e nter· talnments which London ha" wit nessed. The widow of the mllllonalre tin-plate king has Corsaken America In order to bring up ber son as an English gentleman .


This Is Mlle. Adgle ClUltillo, a vaudeville pcrformer, seated ou on o of th e tralued lions whi ch Ii few days ago killed her fiance, F:merson DI!"trlch .' The mnn, who WD S a college graduate, was Mlle. Castillo's manager and was ambillolls to become an animal trainer, He entored the lions' cage In a Crelght at Chicago, and th ey attacked and kill ed him .


elare d th e passe r wns Il " six-dlgHed Mme. Clausse, wlte of tbe new phenomenon." counselor of the Frencb embassy, III who is colore d, was Ince ns ed Mortis, Clerk Who Cashed $15 Check Noticed at the characte rlzallou . He rererred considered 11 dlstlnct addition to the . Six Digiti Oil Man'. Hand, and to th e extra digit as "a girt, that's all.·' for e ign colollY In Washington, and 18 Ilkely to be one of the most popular the Reet Wu E•• y, hostesses In the C'Apltal city, Indeed He W .. , "On what evidence are you holding "Was )'our husbnnd cool when you tbls man?" demB.nded JusUee of tbe told him tbere was Il burglllr In the Smok.. •• Ho Loa.. Finger. Peace Sidney N. Reeve In Los Angeles bouse?" asked Mrs. Hammer. Dr. Maxime Menard, head of the when James Garfield MortiS was ar"Cool," replied Mrs. Gabb, "I sbould radiologic department of the CocblD raigned, charged wltb having for~ed say he WitS cool. Why, his teeth chat. hospjtal ,,~ Paris, France. claml1 the name of Mrs, Anita Baldwin Mctered."-ClnclnnaU Enquirer. smoked a cll'arette whlle hlB ~Ier QI8I\ghry to 1\ $15 . cbec~_ was being a~puta~d. ' "'..I.nger evldencej" .replled Policeman Stevenll made the arrellt. - The optraUoD' 1fW:'U:el~:~r:.~::;~;~ calae caucer 'bad d, "Yo_U' m&a~ e"ldence, . t~e.. act;!o~ ~of, trated'iiironch; ~br' ''X..ray .' IIWDlPi1Jatora,


w~re. 'tq'~d


- - ..


~~~~~~~~ --,~--.---------------------------------~. -(------=~ I CAN SAVE YOU M~Ne:V 0 1\1 A\lY PJ3 1_'~'rlO~ V:JJ \j::::)

WOOL FARMERS If you have Wool for salc, ca ll m e UPI as 1 w ill pay you the hi"llest c:lsh price for it. C" r oe\(cr Co., onie lnl

Phone 1:.15




Notary Public All kinds of Notary Work. Pension W or k It tipeolill ty .

Dr. Bell·sPine-T&r.. Honey For Cou,;hs and Colds.



CO .. VRIGHl3 &c.

Anyon •• endtn. alkfllrh alU! d O!lCr l l'"fllllUa,

qulek), ..cer tain ()ur ol'luluu (rou ....' .l d ll e r IU1 In. eutlo n II probabl, J)AUmlablB, CO ' ullllllllc.....

tlon... ulctl,conddenU.1. HANDBOOK oll l'nuuna

•• nt Irea. Old ..t ftIl8 nCT


pute lili.

P .... Dta tue n tb rou8b .lunD .. Co. roc.lye

fIJ«W ROttu. wltbout cbar.e. l111be

Sdtntilit JlmtrlCan. r' ,I. 4 b ...d.omol, 1I101tT.ted w•• kl,. eeJ&tI:on ot an, . olenUGe Jouroa l.

r ",ru •• t elf.

'rorllls. f3 • 11014 bl all n••• d.... l.r..

toor montl1ll.

P!!! fm~A!e;:~I!~~ lwk

BACK AGAIN I have decided to re-enter the Cleaning and Pressing business, and am now at your service. Myoid rule-"Satisfaction or No Charge"-stiIJ holds good . Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin barber shop or call phone 8-2r.

Pierce ~ Presser e

A. MAFFIT Funeral Director and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio. Call answered promptly day or night Both phones In Office and Residence. LODgdistance,No. 14; Home phone 14-2r. Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals. Belt of service guaranteed.

Dr. J. A .. McCoy, Veterlnarv Oraduate of Obio Slate Univellit


Office at residence in F. Sher wood's house, Fourth Street. Telephone Z8




1-:<1"''' '"10

, '!) .

O1Iloe ill Keys Bldg.


Walter McClure Funeral Director. Telephone day, or nliht, Valley phQne No. f . Long . Dt,J&anoa No. Sg..2r, -' ~Ic. ~~-



at all. TIfnH7




Magazines etc.

'k------------I . YOUR NEEDS • I


phologrn~lh (' r:..•.


Republican Pr maril's


T he r.. II ,l\v ln g r)ti r~ulI" will he The Wa.yne Township Farmers S P .\ fl'I·ANH Club met a t the beautiful count r y A II It II I'U A E o lUuttllte!l h!lful'! ' thl" IltIlmbhOliIl I I'rimflr:v. '('uot'litly . AO<:II .. t, 11,11114. homo! of IJr hnd Mrs . P. II Clagf't t . Wesley. JII .. .. .. . I, u fl 11 11 . . . . :I u The mo rning \\'us ~ ~ (!n t ill the usu ' I J . Stolr. II 2lJ . _. , o II I social manner. dinner be ing ,;( r verl Mllor!.. u A . SLofT • .-r .. . .... :1 which wil l Adorn tile vu st co urts. u · " I II I I . . . .. at t he noon hour. The afternoon l'ollper. ~ . VOlt COllN TY AUDITOR II MullIOn. rf. . ... . :1 o u V session was cail ed to o rder by I he ,ltdJruw . 21,. If . . . . • u U 2 (J ) ,"Ibn M . M ll\forll ~l c J{lun ey. II! ..... • I £Ire ide nt S . L Cartw rig ht. ) \\' nchtcl. (' . . ... _ .. I II Fourteen members answered to U. 1-\. MUU J1 tH ~ ;truhl . I). . . ... . . . . l \l II .... - • _____________• I I ro ll call The minutes of the pre · O.!\lfjr . JI .. . . _ _ .••.• :: vious meeting were read and apTotu.hL . . .. 3 ~1 proved . The b u ~; n ess of the cl u b 'I' IU~ A~U fU~R J' ~ .I f tl ~ tI A) II S · belllj.{ ISPOSO!U 0 1e program was J\ U It Jl PI) A ~ ~ .~Ifrllnll D Millp.r lal,l'n up ami lle ing in charge of the Kcl wlirll •. d ••.. .. . ~ ~ 3 ., U II LflRov IrollR My er Hyman Vias a Cincin nati Mi:;s Emma IIll wke \\Ia~ t he g u e~t I~~~~~~ ~~.I;!'I~:': ~~ '.'. '.'. ". '. '. '; ; .~ 1\ ': ~ visitor Tuesday. lor Mi Oiti 1 uth Hartsucl, at dinn er ~h~~c~ ~~o~::sT~i:abl~~eC~~~~ 1 . . fA ' Hurt",.1. ,' , . .. .. ... 4 " .;1 10 ! ~ ' unda\' . RECORUEB, b~o[h:rr~I~:.s II:'~~~!l~: °wer:;C~cr~ t~~,:~~~::,:2:~~:. ·.:.: ~~ 'I~ ~ ~ ;; ~ . Mr. and Mrs. j • . R. Henderson and I rCllt Event:; by Miss Ru th Ha r tsock. f r~·o. Ir. . . .. ... . .. I U U (! U 11 Mrs. D. L . Crane were Dayton visit· --- . _. .J u~lll h R nth r rlllk ext a !'l'ad ing by Mis!! Anna May ~r ,"lur j tL... . . . . . ~I i ~ ~ ~ 3 ' ·ul.tlrnn. 13th itVI!t. 'G I - ' G ~ orsThursrlay. I illr. and 1\11':;. S . L Cartwrighl ItI)earoi ulf Th e e::;say by Mi:;8 . Ruth ..ruur,. 11.···· ... _ _ _ _ _ _ V . E. BU llndl and l\1 as tf'r l.E'v e l·illJ.(' Carlw riltht Cha ndl er. s ubject. God '" Out of Totuls . . . ... 4U 9 II; n II r. Geo .. H. Beac~. of near Harvey;.;- I wt're th" dilllJer g-tH:'~IH IIf !Il rs. Door:>. M iss uti th Erane opening • t he t!,lnrtan8 . . .. UI 02 113 04 51 '); ul H u ~ _ ,'1 burg, IS spen dlDg' t.h{' !lumm r In I ,a~h t' l K I' \'~ !-'tllitl .iy . • Pennsy lvania. . . d isL:ussiu!l. Recitations wer e g Iven .IIiuml • . .. .. 1 0 a 0 11 U J 2 x - ~ I:OMM1~!o\IONli:R by Tacy Clagett , Pau l Duke, Helen su ml An \' W . D. Uvrwlt' .• Ir. J ames Ke rrick WIiS called tu his 9wlon !JiUlOO-;\. Stoll . POPliN 2, IIrhalu, Uukt! , Dunbar Clagett. a nd n piano uncle . Tom Langley's. at Falmouth, T~ e lI ermani a Club lJIet with Miss . nl .. by Car twright, J r Edwllrd6. UU81111 a, . W . fl . Urulllllli . ing ' I>crifko lI it.-- Uurto1l . I TI1e prugratn ('ose< I b V Sln~ Ky. on account of illne!'s. Cla ra Hawke TueHlay ufternoon. Two. uue JlIt-s-McJ(l lIlIOY 2. Ed"",..t". .IIIHOiJl! \V .. tkIUH • I Mi ss EliJlllr Earrlhart was elected "" ud Be With You 'Ti ll We :vleet tlritulll . Durton . Brown . \V. L . U ,ITV(1.V MrR. Laura Mosher spent Monday l president and Mi~~ Emma Hawke Al!ain," by Mi~" Syhil Hawk e .with .,;,.I:,', II~~I?" d~~J':;:d~~;W~~,,"~" llc l"nnuy; A . C'. H" k.'r and Tuesday, the. guest of Mr. allcl 'l sc('!'(:' tarY fur the e nsuing year . The Mi:;s l{uth Hart-;oL:k at ti l" plal\u uu.o IlIls-oll Stru(l1. II : olf Oater , ~; CS<"' IIHlt urlll ) . t e re!:' t l'nfY Burnard . ~ . Mrs. Fred HartsOl:k, of Morrow . (' Iub will lak e up I"rnlJloidery during '1'1le p r ogram W I,S very Ifl " IIi!Struck Ou~-by Struln . ~; hy Usler, I; lJy .1 Otl II lllL 1:0 I hHt6 t he (' o l1lin~ y<:a r. A rl elight fullullch and mu ch enjoy eci hy al l. The m e<:t- IInrJ.mnl. 9. Hit UnLRrnen-by Barnard, A. StolT .. nd Mrs. J ame!l Kerrick ha~ been a wal' en joycd rluring the soc ial hour. inlT ' aJJ'ourned tel lTI(·t!t at th .. home E,l. Iloo llur " l lol,;on !lufferer with b looe! poi son for the I' ,)f S O. Hinkle, Sept e mber 10. '1'11110-2 hours. . Bort R ee<l past month but is bette r at present. Ullliliro-J . W . Lewl •. Messrs . Erne st Rogers. Harry . )n Lhe of July 8 th . the 811cklcn's Arnica Salve for Cuts Ju st look a bove, gent :c friend!!, Burns, Sorcs Sherwood Ro bt. Bu r ton and Reuhen ' Mi sses Mal'll;: lla ll and Et he l Wardand you'll see how the Miamis took J ones a r e 'in Richmond, Ind., today i lol\' at Lhe horne of the form!!!' ma~e D" .. p, H '1I1~ Mr E. I:i LOJ.)or, Ma rili n. N. Y, Dayton Spartans in to camp lust , the announcement and gave a (nl S' w ritos : " I bll \ ' B never h nd IL Cut, Sunday afternoon . The g ame was Wnlt,ll r KIllion G' A W Iton pres itlent e f cellancou s shower f or Miss Erma Born, WOll l[)n or t:lore it would 11 ,t replete with splendid plays by the Geo~~~ Sch~ol. ~as the guest of ~()ugh. wh~ on Julv ::!9th wI.II be· benl. .. Go t u box of Buoklen IS Ar- Mia mi!!, bot h on the offensive and OAT Wright and family Mon. co me tte brIde v.l Mr . Guy Klbler. nicn Sltlve to da .v . Keel) handy I\t defensive. HU ltV Ii:Y t)lt r. .. . of Dayton, OhIO. Th e afte rnoon lit nll tIme"" f or Burns, Sor e", Uut.l', Barnard and Burton were in the day. • _ _ wafl spent in music and the u nw rap. Hoy E. MIII"r Wonnd!'. PrCvtlllt~ Lookj l'w. ~r)O points for our boys and gave a splenping of m any u ~eful and pretty g Ifts ut your Druggist . did exhibition of battery work. The A t a seasonable hour delicio us r eo --- - • Spartans could secure but one lonely freshments of ice cream a nd cake THE MAN BEHIND THE CUN hit off llarnard's delivery during the IWRAL WELFARE LEAGUE were served T hose present were: first eight innings and, but f or a Frank C Anderson Lillie Kibler. Lizzie Kiblpr, Edith (-...mcl wnn) mi sjudged fly, would have secured Sheehan. Edna Co rnell , 8rma Huugh , A most delightful tilDe \\'68 en .. but three hits during the entire I!:d na ~atlerth\vl1it e. EIHie GUtltin . joyed by a large and enthusiastic game. Burton's work behind the Edytha Macy , Emma Hawke. '-Ielen crowd Saturda y evening . Julv 11, at bat was on a par with that of the Ha wk e. l3Ianche Cornell. Vel!d ::sum the r egular session of R. W. L . at pitcher. R~PRE~EN l'A'1'IVE ner o Ethel Wardl ow, EMla Haines, Wellman Schoolhouse. interest is The s upport accorded the battery Nina S imkins. Ha7.('1 Gustin . Ruth unabated: m an y pleasures scheduled was splendid, Brituin. Gustin, Ed.1 udgl' Millon Ul..rk Hartsock, Laura B. l\ihler. Garnet a head Jul y 25 an lee Cream Social wards and SchulE'f weighing in with _ Edwards. I{achel Sheehan, Ct'ct:!i ia under the 8tUspices of the younger fancy catches. Schuler made a ••• Sno(,k, Janie J ones. Helen She r wood . set of the League. Everybody co r· chrow from deep le ft fi eld to the DemocratIc Pnmarle8 Blanche Wardlow, Mari e Hall. and dially invited. Good mUllic promised home platt), completing a dOUble Mesdames Euphe mia . Hou g h, ,J ohn Cora A. 'fhompFon, play. that certainly was a peach. The followtoll pereo~s will bfl Segale. Clarence Edwards. Hussell Director On the offensive, the boys all did o8nditillt.eR be rore f·be ')elOoor/lt Bentley. - - - --- ...- - well, but the high honors must go to ( Prlm~ry, Toe8dtty. Augul! t 1l.1914. ~----PROPOSED TRACTION ROUTE Gtl 3tin and F..dwards In the eighth, ~ NORMAL TRAINING KHOOL Gustin singled and stole secorid, then " A rumor to the effect that the stole third while the pitcher took a , COMMI~~lUNER This week the Board of Educatio n Unileci Brethren will run a traction nap with the ball in his hand. and Jobn W. Bigler made application to th e Superinl end· line between Cincinnati and Dayton scored when said pitcher awoke a ,id ent of P ublic instruction ask ing for has been s tarted , and which will PIl88 ' heaved the ball into the crowd be. a Normal Training School to be es through their Shaker farm, alld will yond third base. Edwards reached . TREASURER tabliehed in ,~onnection with the be made for the purpose of mar· first base four times, through the' Wayn es¥ille High R"hool. Superin- keting their produce raised on their medium of an error and three hits, RUAAoll U. Irbrrl8 TO MY FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS I N tendent Miller has g iven /I favorable big farm . and scored each time. Britain hit WARR E N COUNT Y . r eply and will be represented here in - - - -* - • one of the prettiest two·base swipes l s t. - l wish t o thul lk t he ci ti 1.(~n "l of W:1rrc tl a few weeks to a rra nge the neces· GA VE INTERESTINO LECTURE sePon on the local lot in many moons ' AUDITOR Count y (o r th ei r loya l nil" corlliul ~ \lpp o rt ju sary d etails. Ih. yenrH vast. J. C. Jordan This will be in the nature of a 2nd.-My henhh, whkh W:l t: tlclic::ltc the G. A. Walton, president of George first yenr or my h.' rul ,J\d.,j.! 10 my wa lking boom for Wayne Township , as a School, All Kinds of campaign. hns h t't:1I J!I'adua llv i nlll~lIvillj:.(. so gavE~ an inte resting lect~re Ih al I :un nl)lc 10 perro nll t be dUIICS o f Ite· number of young people will wish to at the White Brick moeting-house corder fully. . _ take th is course. Monday evening. Owing to the in· :'rcl.-A n im)Jorlallt t\,lt!i! iull 11"" uCl:'n llHl.k to th e dnttc!'o and n.·:'; lh Hl"i il.i li ,ie:'- (,f the officc~ ------ ~ -c1emel\t wea.ther at the time of the l'I y the: passa~c v f th e fa 11101 It- TorrclI s S)~s · ARE BOSS FISHERMAN lecture there was but a small Land Till e bill. Thi s law wenl int .) t:lfec O.d opathic Physician Jul y 1. lBH . Jt Ilu"rallle'" the purchaser a udience present. His lectur e was ogains t loss fr o m d C£ectivt: t itle. reple te with good things. Miss Katherine Pre'1dcrgast and • 21 Broadway " Phone 449 4th .- l~ or th e firs t 'InH', ~incc tile office has ' ,ecn.n flaln ri cd Olle. it has b C(,1 1 St.: lf· s\1p ll ort ill~ Mrs. R R. McDaneld caugh t a nice SUCL~sso r to -as only one depul y has oeel1 r C' luired. Lebanon, ,Ohio mess of fish !<'riday e vening . Miss Cured of Indigestion uth. -Thallkill j.( y o u a~;1i1,. 1 rClO"t"(, l ftl ll y f'\olicit ) 'O l1r s n pl lurl rtlr :lIHtthcr term . 'l'1~ul{ Katherine landed a five· pou nd carl>. F. E. SHERWOOD ••• Mrs . 8adtl~ P. C!awBop, Iodionl., you will r~COglliZL--1JCrI1I1IJs for tll c la!'o l til11c.-' - and bo'th of these fisherman la nded BRANCH OFFICE .n U uio l1 solcli cr. one \V 1/1 l' Il Ji q(',1 ill ~hv. Pd .. ~!iB bothe red with indigestion l Mt. ill t he firs t COI11 Il:l II V nr g:ll1i1 ctl i ll almost ten pounds of tish , Over Posloffice, Waynesville, O. " My ~toJnaoh pninoo me night and Lfbanoll-C'ompally F . l :llit ll e~ ·l. Wayns ville! Ohio --House Phone 6-3 Sillcerely. day. " she WI ites. I would ~eel Office Phone 77 BAR.N WAS.:BURNED DOWN Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 )OSItdlllOLUI{()OK. bloated l1udl hl1ve headllohe and to 12 o'clock be lching aftor el1tiug. I also suffered IIth.-The Stale nll r l ';\11 nr ,Tu 1\Jl<;.c tio,., sny!lo: The barn on the Satterthwaite (rum . constipation. My daughter "The work iu Ih e HccoT'llcl' ~ ('l Oin' I ~ well Office, corner Main and High street! done , Gnd refl ects gn·" t ~ r\'tl i l 111'011 t.he dcr· farm. south of town, was burned to had used UhBDlberlaln'8 Tl1blels Bod ical force nr th e (,mc\.'. . Phone No. 100 the ground Monday e ve ning, after t·hoy did her' 80 uluoh g<* thllt Ahe SincerelY • being struck by lightning. JOSI AlI 1I0Lll \{00I~. gave me a few d08es of them Bod insillted upon my trying them They helped me "8 nothing elile hail DR. J. W. MILLER, doul'. " For sale by all uealers."



or one of (Itr L'" studlll~ nt tI'e 1':II1;tnlll · I'I1": ril' Int,' rna· tlonal EXllosltlon to "ren tn San \o'rund~l'" 111':'.l y",,~· . R I'(lwtl\~. tile IJllrltnlty c-oml'l ,·tPd tl~urcM. SOLD'" or tllenl tlll r '.I· f':l' l III 1"'lg ht,



--..... . --~8

I.....Personae) Mntion I I Social Events I ----------- .... -'.... ----------.


-===========:..:...:=::: -




Pa ..






======.: _-======

InSURlineE Dr.

----.- ..

Heber M. Dill

A.q. Chandler


JEW !~~!.~PER



DR.H.E. HATHAWAY Wa,)"1l841vtUe's Le8d1n1l Denttat

All th e Latest and Best Magazines on Sale. Magazine Delivered to Your Hom e th e Day t h ey are Published.

II. :::i.




Subscriptions Taken

LET ME KNOW (nh'I"Hl llIllll\ (

I Newspaper~, I I

Newspaper and Magazine Shop

Next Door to Gazette Office

Copyr ll!'ht, JaU. by T'nnaml\ - Pu c (f\r




Everybody qses Lewis' Bread. If you have never-eaten it, just buy ' one loaf, and you will never use any other bread. It's' good and it's s.anitary. Try it.


HAD Bin YIELD OF WHEAT 1<'rank Thomas, of Route 4 , had a big yiel<i of wheat this year. When it was thrE~shed Mo~day, it was found ,hat he had a yield of about 43 bushels to the acre. The was grown on tobacco and corn ground. There was fourteen acres in the piece of land, that made this wonderful yield . ----.~. -

- ---



1mlUSIfED WEEnY. SUO PER 1lAl "01'11.8, DItUOOIST" 8P.0IALI8T1, 008 TUM .It 8, Tit F'. It, 0 A • " .. D "U. .EItVIO. PROFIt' av UIIMO IT. ADUItTI.,NO OO~UMM.



SAMPLE OOPY FREE ...... II. . YOIIK OLtPPKIt N_ York... v.

telldE!ntll.. F~;;~~li:~~~ . superin•

Oftlee!ID NSt!ODai BUIr Bide.

Waynesville, 0 .

..... PILES getOrr Immediate reliefOIn.;;"' .. !hOOl'S ~


There will be a ~onference and banquet for lllll Sunday School workers in County, at Lebanon, evening,

... DENTIST•••









II t I

1. 0~

.11 .1

OHtO «

11 2

R a tes of A d ve rtis ing J( ~,, \IIJ.} K LUl.' u llJ . lk! r ll11 u . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . ('1""""1,,,1 A.Is. "01 to \ ''''~'\ltl 11\ 0 Ii.",.

D. L. C1'1111 ". \<:lIit (,1' alld MFIIII)I;\' r. 1 Vi"I,lu),

J . M. Tay lor •... Xenl' u "'J u rluay .

gl\ 'II ., II l'<, "trll,·L.

v isil~d rdative~


..... _ _ ................ .. .. .. . . ....... ...


Mrs Ella Mi che ner was in Oay ton l 'I·IIJrs(lay .

M r~ . J a n w>! Ke r r ick wa!-l a Xe nia vi" itll" la:lI wc(.k ,

Hllrn- To Mr . li nd Mr~. W. N. S"ar~ , j ul y 14. l !.ll .I, a rt a u)I; ht t' I'.


,~I;\,\~:'':.'l i~:~'.Ii~:::~ ,;,;.I, :::::: :·:: ;~:

1,,",""'" 10

11 J: ....... _ ........................................=.. _ ..........- ................

.............. .... . ........... ... ............. _

__ _ .____ __ _._ ...... _

'l'1( L. EI·II II "E- \,; ALL !'iu.


OBITUA R Y GAZE1'TE r"--~·· ·· · " "-·--··" :-' -"" ··--·---"'·--· ··-·-·· --"~" '" "'. ·. . . -P..-e·rso'n--a··l..·...M..···e..n·"tU<. .o.. n.. ·C..·O"lu···m·....n·...... ·....····11 Nancy Mah.a la, t he ele.'venth ---- ------

1'"hll. I'8<1 W'.''''' I)I II I t h." ( i U' ..••II ~ UII I.' 11 I n 1." " Rates of S ubscr iption. All U " I II (\11 II IIJ g, . nl ll !'i t " \\ :l ) Il1'U \ 111' 1, l Huo •.' (,lI JU Y lI,ur ( " ' r k t Iy il l 1I 1 1 \'aJ\ c ·t ~ ). .•. .. . . , .. _. _ _ :s ", ~ I " (;lI IIY.. . ... . , .... .. , . . ... . . . . . VALL!!:Y


.. her m embe rship- to the M . E. ehu ~eh

~;r~l~r~dshi~~eto l!ce~ r~:~~~~ :~~e:::.

a nd

dant upon t he !!e( vices of t hechurch . you L d'n geAt R chlidB o f Da vId W. b rnand b ut ~ullc \\' as ~I. IJrayerful . God ·f earin ... ~ ~t~ a oWJc r F I'own , wa:; ~ n wom all , anti was a fa i thf ul student onwoo arm. near e rl Y. of th o I3i b le . .taking comfor t in its ee n g : do~r:~ . ~h~~~ ~~~~~i~1;~ prec io us promIses . ' . .. 1.. Il ea r Aft er a bea u t ifJul F se :; Iep 'uonn I'.1rallk a A KII1,1 Crvice d II eon d ' .' .. ' .. ' . , ,~' dll(,1ed by th e Rev. . \ . a . wa I!- e~ 13 roo k\~lI e. (J ill o . .J.III Y 8..: .1J11 . ill t hw 111\) I' (ua .. y chapel. 111 Mla rUl O n . l'l,Lru:lrY :.~ . 1 ~... 6, "h~ wa"IC" I1Wle ry . h('r re m uins we re la id by mal' l'I t!d to S tac{ I . KlI1d ll'. In t he till' " id p of her hus band to await th e hom e u f hl' r ('h Il d llUod, alld w a~ t o ~I o r it, u :; r eflU r rectio n M. 111 m R Illos t I" yal anrl d e vllted Wlff'. __ _ + _ _ - - . . . '1 I1Ill llSlertrlg' tll .!t im alll l . hi ~ faint Y.') !' I' BIG UA R N DEST ROY E D moth cr ll'ss ch dd r('11 Wllh a Ad ellt y , Id I se om (i:;pla yerl, until t he ~at! ~ e p · . . a ra li on ca uHcd b y t he d f'a t h of he r LIg'hlnln g slru ck a la rg e barn. on hU !l hand A\J ril ~, 1(l I :l . "ir ll't' wh i('h t h ~ farm IIf F ra nk I<yn e . nea r Sprmalime :ihe madt! her hom p. wilh 1'.' 1>\ . Valley lute . ,Ill/relay aft e r noo n. a nd ti vt'.~ . w htl tpnd"rl v m in i ~ I (' n.d t il t ill' lir p wh ic h en>lu <'rl comple t e ly hL·r in he r month" 0 1: "\ll rpl' in..:('111' ''''111 1' 01 tilt' H .l ruct u re B;nd. a la rge F r(l ill in falt t·\' " It .., had I'L'I'II a g- r!'a l ('u rn c rill . whlr h w a~ Igl1l ted by ~ufr(' ro r . hl'ul:ing' 111' 1" allJi(' (i lltl ". ~lJa r k ~ from the bu rning barn . One whi ch wer c hpavv wi t hout a lilliI'· h" r,;( ' WIl ~ Raven fr om t he barn, but m u r. perfo r llli ni il(' r da ily ta sks lIl l' , a you ng ca lf was burn t . All the fli nl·h ing- I,v . SIll' was a woma n of I fa rm impl \'lnf nls a nd ~ 5 tons o f hay hr i2: ht in leli ec i an d r c fil ll'oJ tas t es. I were a lso co n~ umt'd 1ll t he flames. wh ich fOllnt! ex pr<'s, inn in Iw r 11 11\\1( '1" :T hn 'e h llndred b us hels of com ,!e r e bowc n 'oJ hOIlH' an d in th l' li te l'at llre I ~tllrpd 111 th (l rib , w hich was right ~h l' d evo ured . ' I in the path . of t he flames a nd wa.'! In I'arly yo u th she un ited with th p ll'OIlSUIlHld With a l otnll os.'1. C h r i ~ t i an t:h u n· h at 1"l:!rry , t hen I -- - - .. kn uw n a" Cli". afHI lalt'r t rarl!lCc rrc d Aobsori bo for t be Mtam i Gazette .




Mi~>! Ma ri e Mi ller 'IS !lIICn Jil l" Jul y ~n l e lin a ll mi ll ine ry stock at ,., Mr., . (; . L. ~ l1lith' s. a we( ·k with f ri e nd ~ at O x f(l rd . Ohi ll . 'I O B ITU AR Y M r~ . Win '3n li ~b ury was visiting in • uvolcne ne i gh bor~ both in Way nesvill e and '11 Au to Soap is ecollum ical. W aY ll e~ v l e Auto a nt! Machi ne ry Co He llefontaine for th eir kindn e~ t o us Sp ring Valley F r id ay. Li zzie Md{pnzie Ha wke . (ll l'C l ell) d Uri ng ou r late he reaveme nt, th e Mis.q Clara Lil e attend ed the fu· Mig;, Ada l\li" h enl:! r is ta k ing an da u g ht l:'r ul J aro ll li lld Ma ry An n deat h o f o ur bel ovet! wife ano- moth · tri p w ith re l:lt i\'l''; t li rnUg' h In · Zell WI\< bo\'l1 Ap ril 3u. t1'l53. 111 what e r. Their ma ny killd act!'! will neVl')' nc ral uf a f r i"no..l in Xe nia las t week. auto d ia na . WIiS then knowII aR H IC Mc Kenzie he f()rg otte n hy WI . Mi~~ ' ,q Nilla S mit h and Mar y SlwrnE'ighbur~ o()t!, Wa yne To wnship. I J os Hawke and famil y . W Ollti \Ve r i' Dayton shuJ!Jle r~ Tu es. C reat ('It'a n' lIp sal i' 1111 ~lI l11 nwr ' - - ...- -War ren Co unty. Ohi o. mi ll in. ·r)! at the Mill in!' r Store. ~he was one of 8 fami ly of ~even UORROWE D LlUH T-LOST DOG d ay. C"me in . chlilJren, o ne of w hum u si~te r tHe· _ _ _ ceed<:d he r in dea th. Mrs. L&ura H i nkl e , o f Day ton, Ilavo lene Auto Soap, bl!s t to waRh O. J. Edwards we n t ou t into h is ~ pen t S unclay t he gues t of Or. and barness . Waynesv ill e Aut o and Ma. He r ea rly life and un t il he r wed. d ing wal spent in the com munity in woud shed one mo r n ing Ia.'lt weuk . MrR. J . T. EJl ia • chi llery \.0. which !!he was born a nd f ound. 8 dOl{ fast in t he s hed O n J a nu a ry O. l H76 s hc was u n itI' d Not k,llow ll1g' w hy. t he dog was t he re, Miss An n Kell y. (If Cinci nnati, i ~ Mi!-ls Ma r ie Brow n h a~ re l'urne.l lo f Mr . l.;d~a rd ~ left It t he re. No t long- the l{u es t of Mr . a nd Mrs . Geo. h e r home in Dayton a f t e r a vi:ii t with in marriage to J H H k Waynesvill e. Ohio . . The re :~e ebo~n after t hI S Mrs .. Edwa rds wen.t to th e Sm ith and family. MiRs Mary Th oma ~ . to thi!! union rour child ren Ma ry s.hed for coal Oil (the can havmg bet·n E mm a Zentn1ftyel' a nd Ha rrie t fi lled t he day before ) a nd ,found t h e Mr. and Mrs. Ber t Ha r tsock. of BOl n T uesday . J uly 7tb , in \)ayAmd ia Sear! of Chicago J 'B ca n e mpty . In a shor t tune n IT,an I{oute I. spent Saturday a nll S unday b'n, Ohi o, to Mr . and Mr!\. Wm . -. of Be ll ~tont~ine a nd • P h~r cs B' -came along and asked if a ny one ha d with rela ti ves in !Jay ton. Hammond. a d au g hter. I IP ' f o und a dog , a nd sure en ough the Ha wkf'. of Harv~y sburg. The married life of th e d eceased dog found hlB own e r . M r . and Mrs. Geor g e Haines, of P rof . E. H . Foste r . of Bu tt('rwo rth H untsville. Ala .• are visiting relative s Station . was th e g uest of flit·. and was s pent in t he vi ~i n ity of Way· .. - - - -Mrs H. E. Stokes S unday . nesville un t il t wo years ago w hen s he F OR R Erq T, SALE, OR TRA DE and frie nds in t his vicin ity . moved with h er husband t o Belle· --Miss Flora Burns, of Reading . Miss F1Jlll ces Jan ney . who hnRhCf' n tonta im·. Hotel P r ope r ty in Springbor o, F or IT. any vear::! Mrs . Hawke has Ohio. Rpcentiy re modeled . In fir~t Ohio, is the g uest of Mr. a nd Mrs. visit id g r elati ves ncar ~ pr i ngboro , r e tu rned homp. :)und ay ~ v eni ng. been a ffl icted with II d isease t ha t cla'lS condition . No Hotel h er e . We Cui Burns for a lew weeks. ~===--=== , ,qlowly but s ure ly ~a pped her vitali ty . need one. P rosp ects for a g ood Messr s. Her be rt Ed wardfl. For reAt L. A Zimmerm an is taking a S ,x weeks ago s he s uffer ed a r enewed business. Ca ll or address .H. D. Ri dge and Ca rl Hawke. of Dayton . wCl:! ks' t ri p on the lakes . He t r av· at tack which proved fa tal. Ke lli so n, S pring boro, Oh io. 11 0 ma n w l lo ca nnot ca pably fill t he offi ce he seeks. spent Sund ay h e re \vith home folks. e lf with the Oa hl·Ki lle rm a n G rlJce ry She quie tiy and sweetly passed + - -T Il(: mere fact th at a man wants a n office may be a-.Aay Ju!y 7, 1!J14 at he r home in E LECTRICAL AND WINO STO~ i'Il T he Misses ~ t o u t have purchased Co. Bellfonta m e aged 61 years 2 mont hs ' concl usive eviden ce that he is a flat failure in other t he Upp p r opel ty on Third s t reet, MiflR Bessie Gea rhalu a nd mllth e r , a nd 7 days a mi will soon move Into the ir new \\':1.1k s of life , ami IS only seek ing the salary the An e lectrical a nd wind storm passeJ of !Jay t.on , s pent one week at t he There H' main to mourn he r g oing over t he country Monday afte rnoon , ho me. offi c pays home of Mr. and Mr s. f':rncs t Co lli cr a way he r husband, fo ur child r en, a nd conside rable damage was done . ' f our brothers, 'one ~ist e r, seven The winJ ble w q uite hard and shade M rs. Ger t rud e Prug h and daugh· nea ,' Wil llling ton. g randchildren a nd a la r ge c i rcle of t rees. wheat shocks and corn have, Dor ot hy , of P itts bu rg , I'a. arc Mess r". J . O. Cartwrig ht, Frank f riends. suffe red considerably t hroug huut t he g uests of Mr . a nd Mrs. W . W. ZE'1i . Ha rry Prater a nd S. 0. H ink le Mrs . Hawke w u~ of an a ffec tion at e t his neig hborhood. Te lephone. ser· Arn old . atlend eJ a mee t ing at Ll' banon d isposit ion . Sh e was charita ble in vice is greatly impaired . The s torm Mrs Dell a Fos ter an d Mr:i. Eva ns , T UC!lllay evening. her judg ment and always conside rate was especially seve re in t he Wester n was placccl 111 nomi nat ion for the office of Rcpre; of Butte r wor t h Sta ti un. Rpen t Sun· I of t he neods of othe rs . part of the state. scnt a t ive to the Leg isla ture by some of our most rlay w ith Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Janney '1'h e Junior Gui ld of St . Ma r y' s , She was ha ppy in her .home li fe and fam ily ch urch wi ll g ive a law n f e te on t he neve r happier than w hen the memo prom inent Republicans. H is nominating petition .. ch u rch la wn . Thu rsday eveni ng . ,Jul y bets of he r fa mily we re gathe red was elr ll la ted witho u t his k nowledge. He has conJ a mes Boy le . of Oetrolt , Mich .. t.'3 , Ev e ryhody invitell. a bou t her . SIa l. uf O hio, Cil y of Toledo, ( sC'n tecl to accept t he office if nominated a nd elected. Ma ny years ago she pled g e -l he r a nd Sy lva n Willi a m!lon, of Ind . , M C H L . Ch ' f CI I L nl'a ~ County. \ !\.~ . r " evcrmg . Ie '. e n nllegi ance t o t he Lord J esus Chri!lt F m nk J. C l,eney makes oa th Iha l he i, we re t he gues~ of Mr . and M I·!I. of t he Wl~ r De par tmen t . of Was hing · H is abili t y h as never been questioned. una was a member of th e Methodist llellior pa rt ne r (I f t he fmu of F . J. Chelle \' Ha rry Williamson las t weell ton. D. C. , \Va.'! t he g uest of Mr . Protestan t church a t Spring Va lley & Cu ., doing unsillcs., ill ti,e Ci1r .. fT.:· and Mrs. S. L. Cartwrig h t , Monday . leuo , Cou nl y a lld Sla le n fure,;a i.l . "nrl Wo rk on tbe ne w M . E . chu rch Vote for him a t t h e time of he r death. Tne iune rlll look )llace at thc hom e tha i sa id fi lm will pay t he s.m of O N E is be ing pushed as r apid ly 8.'1 possihl e . Thc young ladi es of t he Or thou ox H U N DIHi D VO I,I .A RS fM ea e h a r'd of h e r bru ther, Mr. F rank Zel\. (' wry CSiSC of Ca la rr h Il ml cann ot Ix< It is probable t hat t he br ick wo r k Fr iend'H chu rch will g i ve a lawn fe te will be com menced this weck . T hursday afte rnoon a t 2 o·clock. c u r~oJ by the use IIr HAI.L'R CAT ARRH on Geo , 1>. Mills ' la wn. Sat urday A large concourRt' of hH old friends CU R E . F H AN K J. CIf ENEY . Mr. and Mrs. J oe T hom pson, ofl e yen in g • .Ju ly IHt h . Every body in· a nd n t'ig b b" r~ g-a t.he red here to plly Swurn to hefore me an(1 s ll lJ ~ rihe t.l ill t heir las t r t'Sp<-'c tH to one they had my p(,(,~ tI ('e, tlt is fl lh tlay or IJcc'e lll he r Norwood. a re he re visiting with r e i. vlted. at the Repu blica n Primary Election August 11, 1914 r long known ann lover! Rev. C. S. 1\. n. ISStl. ' a ti ves. J oe h as a t wo·weeks lay·off MI·8. Asa M. F:gbe rt and Mifl.~ Li l and h~ is laking his t ime he re . (Scal) A. W. <1L EASON, Grau ser condu cted I h e services . lie Ned ry . of Kansas City , Mo. ar· No l'lry 1'1I1,lk . lind t ht' body was taken to beautitul r ived! he r e Mont!ay f or a visit with _ c-====.-_=--,===- -- --==--=.=.=--=-~==='===== Ilnll 's Cotllrrb C u ra H' \'11(;, ' 1\ III Mrs. Lester Gord on, of Morr ow , Miami ceme tery She was a s plenMc Kinsey turllully "nrl lI e ts dirtlc t,ly UJlOtI till' who recently underwen t an opera· their sister. Mrs. A lice did Christian woman and' her memand da ug hte r . "The Man the Office Sought" ory will be long che rished by those \)1 00.1 1\ rlt) mUOO\lS ~tlrfll(l efl n f I h .. tion a t Cincinnati. is the guest of he r HY14I.elll HenN [nr t.elllim liDia It!, fr " fl, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wil· " w ho knew her h I/st. Havolene Au to Soap is a n aid to ~' .J C H ENEY & CO. , T o lM o , n . kerson . house·clea ni ng, d oes not inj ure pai n t ~----------------------------.. , So ld It\' 11 11 Ilrn g/.(I .. IfI. 7511 . CA RO OF 1'H AN K ~ Tllk ll HII II '" "'",uily P i lls Inr 0<1\1 . hl r . and Mrs. Ar thur Anson and makes old wood· work luok li ke new Htlpnt.l o ll . family. of Cincinna ti, ret urned tu a nd r emove g r E'a.'le s pots from clothefl ,We wan f to thank ou r friend s and ....... _wow_ Waynesville Auto a nd Machinery Co. ~~~!!!!!!!~~~!"!!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ their home in Cincillnati Sunday '" _ evening . afte r spending a week with ST, MARY' S CHU~CH Mrs. Lucy Prat t . JULY If) . 1!1 14.



Ju d ge Milton Clark '



For Representative





- - - +-....---



.w. ,., ......... .... ~


Automol>ile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.

WANTED Mrs. H. Te ufel and Mrs. R. R. CORWIN OHIO Phone 71·1 McDaneld. who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Prenderga~t Agents , either sex. to di!ltribute for a <:ouDle of we.eks. left for theIr reli g lousliterBtnre for (arllland ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!'!!!'!~~~~!'!!!!!~!!!!'!'!!!'!!!!!~'!!!!!!!! home In Kansas City Monday . ty. $60 pqr mon th guaranteed -= - - - - ---- - -oontraot. J\rl<tress C. E The Misses Bernice Capsy, ~iyra DOlwclel1. Dlstrio, Mauag er, ' TlldLouise Barley and Leah Flammer , of u:ore, Ohio. j :lll Spring Valley, who were the g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Mode Simms, re- TOBACCO Bnd Cigar t:lalesmen Live Stock and General Auctioneer turned 'to their homes Sunday even· ' wanted to Advertise. E x perlen.'e ing. UnneO()8Sary. ' 100 monthly and Trav . eling ]Expenses . Adve rtise SmokIng , Posted on pedigrees and values a Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Foster and UhewiDg Tobacoo,Clgarettas, Cig!lr L'. daughter, of Columbus. and Mr. ami t3end ~~o s ta mp :or f .. 1l pa rticul a rs kinds of breeding stock. Mrs . Foster. of Cincinnati. p assed Hemet ToblWoo Co. , Ne w Y ork. N . Y. through here Sunday en route to n 25 Experienced in bandling farm sales since Columbus. and stopped a fe w min· 1905. sbbscrlbtlrs to the Mol,'a1\ 's utes with Mr. and Mrs . J H . Cole. Magazine. Send 350 to the man. lillzeUi" offioe, Bnd ge t one of the Terms Reasonable' .:- ,Satisfaction Ouaranteed tf Mrs. Kate McComas, who has been bes& mag llzlnes on. ea rth. spending some time at Porto Rico, GRADU AT E [oJ)' THB Waynesville, Ohio arrived in the United States June IIATIONAL AUOT10N 10th. and is now' with relatives at FOR SALE Valley Telephone 4S·2r OSOOL 01' AIIERIOA Baltimore, Mrs. McComas liked Porto Rico, but ahe is glad to return to the U. S. MALE Bog 16 montbs old 'Poland ChID ~. Inquire at offioe. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mills. Mr. and . .. j29 Mrs. Elmer Rogers. Mrs. Ma\"y Waterhouse, MiBBe8 Ruth ZimmerHol8teln m l\le oslf tor sale, two man and Alma Waterhouse -and mont,h fl old, and Ii good one. Messrs. JM. Sale. George Water- Inquh~e 01 Otho B~nderson, Ore.. house and Ernest Rogers spent Sun. gonip. Ohio. day at Clifton. t hree.yeal".old Borse f or sale. Mr and Mrs . James Roskelly , Mr. Illqaire of Hllrvey F nrnett, R . and Mrs. Everett Zentmyer: Mr and D. S, Wliyue8vUle, Ohio. j Mrs. Jesse Sears, of Chicago, 111., AXED PAPER-JtlsUbe tbiDg Mrs. Mary Lewis. Mrs, Guion, . &0 wrf\p satld~iohe8 ,and eggs Mr and Mrs. Harry Miss Mary Collett, Mrs. . for yonr plonla. 15 sheets for 100. ~aae$~ '9ffioe. jU Mrs. ·Roberts. of audMrs. HoraoG-·j~ll

N. Sears






WEAR LONOEST r Colors in Stock at all times

Olassi&ad Ads




Patton's Sun-Proof Paint


I am offering eve ry thing in sum· mer millinery at g reat barga in pri ces. flowers , face veiling , etc., below co~t . Grace Lincoln Smi t h.





Si x th S unday after T r ini ty July 19. S unday School at 9:30 a . m. Mo rn. ing P ray er and ser nfon a t 10:30. The publ ic is cord ia lly invited to these services.



Of all kinds.


F . . B Henderson lef t. Monday eve.mng fo r Newark. OhIO. w~e re he IS a ~e l egat~ to the Ru ra~ Ca rne!,!'! conve ntion. 1he convent Ion wIn last three days .




·Mr :.ilnd,

H ..t.~'" H



Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage .Painting. WAYNESVILLE, .






God's Purpose In Not Leading His Peopl e by the Short Cut Is Plain t o See.


The s hort cut Is alway" attractivO. It Mu\'es tllue. it Sllves cll'orl. it briugtl ~ ___ ~ Ut! In lo lh e e njoym eu t of the t hing h:,lI;Ia.... ---.... we se(' 1l l1lu cll (Ju Ick 0 1-. Fai ry s Lorl es , ~ hav o th eir utl l'acl ioll for chlld rlln bo- - - - -. . 1 caus tbl ~ Is ulwuy ~ Lhe co nspicuous li e co ul d dim ly SC I! thr' I:I'0en rocke. fea tur e of ~uch s to ries, LIla t tbe good {·0,,>1' . Th" d, "' p lines about bla moulh liff', \() 11 fUllll' e t' lilPI), 0( h ur ? Ilc\\, ' tll~ 1 llild rigorollflly ~ I u ns ed IIx"lf und SYNOP SIS . 5nl<10t hl'll IlIlm uloualyout. "lll! lcI li E.' do that? Wh t' tI II" had lJ~rl ' u ll'1'ady l oo k (! ~ forwa rd to u n w ca · and Ihe whlto frot h of the wal "r buir ral r y opeus u p a s hort CUl to sa fe ty " Juullh ," he whispered,. - - you - "ti rr<JlII hl'r In til(' rulll he hnd r,' ll " r,," r o r pros perit y. lI u t h(' th ollll;h of bl\ll!,; and chuc kl ing dow n o\'er th ei r o r weal iU or bUIJplooss. Whon wo J o hn \. l l l."lllt. Il 1 . 1.1 1 ~" . t."\ ! :v" rll e . c. u d ,IPllh ,j' ... t 4 \ I r .. I I, H I IL l' \ "lInn! rn r- s ure yo u wid ltl" the trutb a .. Illie ogo , f rr'nz y o [ obstinacy. It ha l! He~ Ill " U "() Iht ~l 1I 0W Wllh no Ihrlli. The ol d lifo rounde d oulllnoH 10 the shroud ed le ve l g l' u w older we du 1101 c ' a~e 10 longa o n t l l .. \\ 1.1 , h l d -4 ~ , I I II'f r 111 11 . h', 1 un It r lt' ur Ihnt the ban'i r mU Sl III Ib e <' uti IHI I''' ' ger clI lIl'd. T he re ",prt' ijll il be lo \\'. T h .. 1110011 Ilr te d fi lia ll y lI lId for BO IlI t! Olll! who CU U SI! f\'t! U ti In t hatr' w hit ' " \\n..,: Ih ,· , HI;), ' 1., 11 S " I'f. , . {l ( his wh e n you Hilla - you 88Id - .it' alth , 11;1 I! r,, ~! , I If · \llhJ1!1 arilv t ur ll~ ·· Y U6. yes," Sh irley ered. JIut · y ie ld b e t o r ~ the ir love . 11 0 hnd nl' vcr wid" Illlllt'oplfl ti Bpnce~ sO Ul e wl! ere eoure d lhrout\ h Ihe s ky. blowing ou l wny. '"J \ ' r r 111 :-1 I 'll 1\ 1,· "" r II \(' ...., tho rfH' ,'l n' r If Ood is con s ld ,' r~ to ot LIle comfo r t Now he laid I \\' lw re a mll ll 'ij hund Ilnd b rain we re uo tb o II tt lc lumps of stnrs. l llllier Its tor I lk ,',\ q ,"n&tl ptl , II I" ""lilt) f l,.- llIalnln", lin g her you ng a r m under him. thin I" thou!;h l a t ~lI r r e ud t'r. ~Z!" '1'~It\lIj ,nll!"' .. t C" ( 1\/ 1 hid 1I\ ,"I I " f ,' ur, a Ing on Iy to soot he lbe alDiolJ thaI h imse lf Ihnt fl ig h t wns n il tha t was ' less lI el' de.J . IUld th cre wps wor k t he re lig h t a gOSftnm e r m ist robed Ihe lund· uu.J hllPpillt;I:IS of hi s pcople w o migh t whIt ... l 'n !1 ,1,1 A' .tlltl 1).d ll"fY ,',)ur t , Il (',..~ ­ see m d "ag ue ly to thread eDJIllI vague lef l him. S ho-h e r hapl1In t' s s- noth · I tha I would he ll> h im to bear. If not for· scalle III a sh imm e rin g oIJa leMco nce. (' xp c l h im to muli. rrcqu eut US" o f Je~t P d "l-II~' ..., I n "l r~lnlll On the W U)' tc\ III wblch t ree a nd shrub al te red thol r tb e s hor t c ut. li e Ilae some ti mes used . lu g e lse mu ttercd. Da mo r y co u rt a nd ge\. nalll "f .\' , II rt It " 11\ 1 to t " S h i rl " >' P an o! , hal lu c! nalio n, rll ' ~t· , nn all iHl rn 1\1\ II ('c1 lw nu t y , ;\1\1.1 """ l h~ li e pu ced liP un d do wn Ih o porc b un· vnluc8 ond be came t ransmltle d to s ll- It. WIt CII ' lli e wi ne ru n s ho rt o.t CaDa Ho s m il ed agaill. ~ ll makes :t It s futuro- Ihe plan s he hnll iliad " I d ('~ r h at h.-· I!II g nt n,-:, 1. , l1 lt , "'nl; l lIll'l 1111 m .. n~ ('ly , S h lrltH'· ', l1l u tl l l ,r, ~'J ~ Da n,l - cR s ler." h n sui d. He looked a t Vallanl . \'u llant name- In Ihat cla rlfylog In · Ile r t he grAal gray co lumns. bla s teps ver fle ull ne ls, watch ing o ve r n d e- t hore wus a mira cl e which avo ided r fd(C(' , a nd M rl J('t f B rltl l ow E''((' h nn"e r e m stan t he kn ow t hat a ll t h t's", from Ihot I RIJirlll e"s nn d mg~lll g . T he Vlrg lula mes ne o f v lolet-vfl lve t shado ws till ed til" long o pe rnl1 ou8 at na tur e. Water' his mind sec ml ng to IIlIp brtlter Rnd ! n l .!'li(' I, n ,'t.' s iJur i n ~ ",1'\Ioh 1l 1ft r£ovfln t ~ I' ! hll( tilt' m uJo r , \" nllanl' s fal her, a nd u rart he r away . "Beanty,- be K3speil. ),Iny day 0 11 t he HI'" r oao, had cluug c roe l,c r, t rn ll ing o ve r Its end, waved wllh slee py tv'( l ter lngs an d ste~t h y Is oe lll g turn ed luto w ine evory yea r. mlln 11an wd Sn lUi)n n ",pre rlvI'lls t o r I he about her. Sbe had boen Ihe InSPlra -1 to und fr o with Ii sou n d like a 6lgh . I'us ll ltlg~ nn d the odor Of wil d hot>IIY' the rai n all ll · th e de w being t ranllh Rn r1 or :\1 r!'l l'nntlrt.Jae In h o r )'i)uth , " you dldn't go aw at alter a D. d id you ! fOI-m ed iu to l ho Jui ce or the gra pe . flow looa wou ld It be be foru the lawn lIu ckl e . Sluaoon and V .. II.nt r0u!: ht .. du el on h.r I dre smed It- I reclro1l. 1t1J be-all l ion of a ll. Wi reOllnt In which the r o ~ltn e r Willi kill e d , At tb e las t he s tood befor e t he gld Tb a t was mak ing us e ot tbe s hort " I",ad. hInd I)' I.I"hl , Ilm l u th •• "cl r c llng waB once more uu ll" mpl a ud dra ggle d ? rlgh l with ro u bolb," Vallant n ndB D am t> r)' cou rt ()verpown Bero re bur.J oc k na d this tle mullein sun-di a l. renrlng Its colu mn fro m Its c ut. tlut It Is no t God's c us t Onl to reHe s igh ed peace tully, aDd lila !lyee I:loom - " with w • •1. and "r e ~p'· r . a. nd decide. to rehnhil ltntf'i t h o p ine l , Vnll a nt II\V f') S turnE'd to Shlrley 's and cJoMcl -I' mT h e votce8 of tho u uv eB t!'d c hoir Rnd Spanl sb ·needl e would r~ turn to pearly clu st ers ot blossom s. " I CO IJnt so rt to th e m lrnc le. o r e ve n tollo w Shlrle .y r l'(l f1\ t llf' h ll " nt a Rn u.1H' , w hich ros e cl early and Home one nt hie side smothe r the clove r ? Before Da mory no boure but t he bap py ones : " h e read Llle sho rtes t na l ural way s. bll...,. him . I{nowlnl{ ' ho d~&d\lnu. of Iho so g lad ." he muttered, ~_ &la d 1blt~. ShIr ley s ll c k ~ I.h t r,0180n (rom lh~ Whlln Ihe Isra elites lIla r ched out of W8S whl s pe rlug tllRt thl . bad !)ceo '.he court. on whi c h he ha d spont s ucb the Insc ription w it h an Indrawn d id n't ren ll y do It. Judith. It would fX'ounl1 n nr1 sa ves h Ie II r~ , Vnll ll nl learn" lmt lie loving labo r. wo uld lie again as It lay brent h. T be n, gropin g at lUI bllse, he Egy pt It Is r ecord ed tba t " Ood le d or th e "rot lime thlil hla rathN loCI Vir- hav e- hcen the-only........Jo..~. n th ing mRJor'8 tnvo rlt e h Yll1 n. gin i a on a ccou nt of 1\ ('!uol In wh i ch D n('· - I-eve r d id ." scarcely hea rd. f hat a fterno on wh\1 n lie h nd ra ttl ed li fted Ih e I vy that bnd once ramble d Ihe lll no t t b rough th e wa y ot the la nd enr SoUlhB Ii Bnit Malor BrIst ow Rcted M Whcn tbe 8erv lce wat! en ded tho Ihlthe r on Uncle J e ffe rson's cra zy th er e and drow up th e tan gle a c a ln of the P lltll s! In es. al thougb tha t wa s T he docto r we nt 8"lrtl.J to the doo r 411. fa th.r·a Mconll • . VBllBnt nnd 8hlrlo)' By th at roa d Cannnn mlgbt Ihr.eom e g ood rrtends. Mrs. Dll ndrtdKo and bec koned to J ereboam. "CODl O In Ilf'op lo fi ll ed th e bi g ya rd w hile t be hiack? Betore the re would be tor him. over tbe stono dis k. Hie Drlde·a-Ga r· nenr ." taln ,. when Ihfli " 't>p ta \TR1lanl tor lhe ba ve bee n rea ched In ten dnn , but · now. J e rry." bo said ID a 10. '(a lee. IlUIt reve re n t wo rd R we ro ~ poke n at the tn Hom e fa r·a way corne r or th e world. d enl nnlt tl m e , V' HUant d hu.'o\' e rs t hat he h u Tn the library. an b our late r. elltlns be kept th e m on lb e mllrcb for 40 .. tortune In old wnlll ni tree •. Th e yenrl r "QuicklY." l onl y W ishi ng-Ho use and the Ne ve r· ' to ur namen t . 8 . u r vi\'61 or the Jousting or a t th o big black p lgeo nb oled d esk. he The renson for th e s elecUon • :-< eve r Land ! ' feuda l tIm es, I. hel el :1t Dlllnory court. A I Tho old neg ro toU OD lila knee. fly of the longer road Is Illaln ther e. ' the rnomen l Volla nt taku the plao· In lbe hall he 8too d n mo ment be- wro te to S hlrler : - .,1 ono o f th e kntl{ ht•. who t. olok. Rnd th o cou ch . " Mil l's' MODtJ ' - lie cried. " 1 nm le."lng toni g ht on th.. mid The y would have beo n compelled to fore t be tire placo. his eyes o n Ita enteNt the IIsta. Ho ,",' Ina Bnd chooles " Ie you' gwlno .WA7 eD IMlIe 01' Jer· IIht rl ~y D"n4rl ellro IU Quee" of be"uty to carve n m()Uo. " I cl\n ge : " th e phraae ni ght tra In. Uncle Jelfereon w l1! c lvu mee t the warli ke PhllIsUnell. nnd God ry! Ie yo ' ! Mara'r tho dismay I> r KBtherine Fa rl'O. a form or wa s II llo Il s pe ar-thrus t. He be ga n to you this note In the morning. 1 will knew th e y wer e not readr tor the con· • ' __ th eart, who t. vlall tng In Vll1flnl... The cr acked bu t lo'rlllc Yulee stru ck The to'ljrnnmeIJ t ha t! a t Damor y court ncros8 t ho void ot tile raUlae aeose. wande r ree tl oosly tbrou gh the bouse. not atay at ' Damory court to bring tllet. It was 0. m e rc y to keep tbem oul ~ r.. w. tll ~ el1t8 I)( the coun tr)'altl o. Bhtru p and down. like a pro wling Ilnlms !. more pain Into your life. I a m goIn g or th e tOCUB ot forces th at would bave For a last time the ...,. Dpeved his ley I. r.rn\Vn ~ " by Va li ant na l1u"" n or T he dl looke d a us te r e a nd very far away . I unde retand 0 11 'OU i1ls tresse d the m. untH tb e powe ra of <beauty, \'l\ll l\ nl ,ell. 8hl rtey of hi . lavo mi sting 6yeo , .a n d the)' becomo e fl ~n.fed , K a th e rine chill- ouly the little lady In hoopa and are feeling-and so. goodb y. goodhy. r eSistance a nd enduranc e hlld been "Jerry . you- blac k .COIDlAIreJ! ~ ho Farllo, tl etermlnln-: nOI 0 lOve u p Vall · love-curl s who ha d bee n his grea t- God kee p you I I love you aDd 1 s hs ll de ve loped. TO'-ba ve thro wn Ihem Into ont wit hout " . Iruggl.,. poInts out to Shlr- whis pered . a nd ShlrleJ felt lila be nd l f1Y how t ~ rr lb hi It w ('Iutd b e to r th r. wom tbe contllct wo uld hav e giv en no lime ~: randmo tb e r s miled wls trully do wn love yOU always. al waysl" grow heavie r O il her arm. ~ I ntCilO D It 's a n who cau.ed I h" !luol to mee t VI11I1\ nt. [or the educa ti on so muc ll needed . from h er gilt (rom o above the consol o who looka 80 0111 1' 11 Il k. ht, fnth ~ r . 8hlr- - a bo ll t t1m e--hl mo golns-bome! " CHAPTER XXXIII. ' Iey, uncertAtn, but toellnll thll t l"!r mot h --and In t he library a me lllncbo ly T hey m ust be I d a ro und by Ib e Red .r wile In 10" 8 with the vl cllm " f '·nll deep er than tha t ot ye s terday '8 trag8ea and Sinai au d tho wilde r ness thnt a nI'. pletol, b ....k. Ih. cnlltlge"' "" LO rct>r CHAPTER XXXII, The Voice From tho Put. 'KI ne, .. IIbern totl c,\n ,'kt "'hom lIIo)"" e dy seem ed to ha ng. thro ugh wh ic h they migh t learn tbe ir Qw n weakn ess · Brl101." .... hl\d s ent II> pr Ison. m/\k ~. l h r.,a t~ T ho ugh t b e docto r left t h e churc h nnd God's s tren gth. T he cu storD s n nd De vll·John. drawing closer th e lea s h B..JrR'nat h l9 p ro!l' ~C" u t t')r, Vali ant p 1 NH'~ Re nunclattol\. with Blllrley. hilt f a lls t o p(lr~ ut\r11't h " r ot his lea \ling ho und, glared sardon- with Sblrle y Ilnd be l' moth er , he dl rl hl l'l~I M aud Ill ethode ot tbought or tho The g r im posse that ptbered In to eha n!;8 her deelol",. . Ma.lnr Brl., I\ \V I. \('a lly at hi m from his on e co ld eye . no t dri ve to Rosewood . bu t to h ie of· ,and ot t heir capti vity , which had e n· f aLa.lly w ou nrlc-O hy Or c t J( ln ~, bu t h t1 ~ has te tha t nft e rnoon d1d 1I0t ride fnr , t ore c.1)1nlf he eonrp .~p, tn ~frs . P a nd- Hs wor k hnd bee n T h e e hutte r s ot th e pa rlo r we re tlce. Tbe re. a lone wlt b Mrs, Da n- t prod Into the ver y Ober of the ir bes ll1BU1arb we li ~ b l\ t he l tn ~ I' . pt 11 lell er \' n 11(1.11 l c losed. b ut he threw th ~ 1l1 ope n an d dridg e whil e Sblr ley wnlt cd In the Ing m ust be replaced by new cua lomlf done. It bro ug ht baok to Damory tUld wrludn to hpr u (t pr tho (l ue1. le t th e ri ch li ght pie rce tho yellow ca rri age . he unlock ed t he IItLi e lin Rn d Ideal3 a nd me lhodn ot Lhou ght. ' courl. how e l-e r , a white bnlldog . 'hose g loo lll . gli nting from th e figu res In box that h nd hee n t he major ·s . wltb Borne o n o h:1s said lh ut It req uired CH APTER XXXI.--eont inued , broken le g mn de hie would-bo joyfu l In th e little ha ircloth t runk bark In bnr k tru ll Inl" Ii aad " bJmP8l' .. hIs t he ca hl net nnd weavi n g a th ousa nd the key IIlrs . Dandrid ge gnve him , a nd on ly one ni g ht to t:lke Is rael out or , ber room Iny nn old sc rnp-bon k. It own pr took h im Into welcommg a rlDs_ Iiny rai nbows In t he 11rl8ms ot Ihe pu t Into he r ha nds a little IlUcket ot· Egypt. but It r e Qu ir ed 40 years to !.ake yellow oll ed-s lllt wh Ich bore be r na m e , g r eat chan delie r, beld n few lea ves tor n fro m l{lttors a nd Nex t day the major waa a rrlad to EgYIlI out ot I srael. ma ny ne ws pl\pt'r c li ppings . F rom h la Onal r est In th e myrtle d IIblldow o ( Ho went upstairs. In to the bed roo ms He note d th a t It nglta ted he r pr oBy t ho Long Road , t hese sho had known o f h is wor k, hlft SI. Andre w's, At Ihe service tb e old She Tr ied to Im .. glne That Letter'. ono by one. uow a nd th e u Ilassln g Ills fou ndly nnd liS s he t h r ust It luto Ibe Coming to Her-The n. T hirty AH God chose th e roundabou t roa d bos om of he r dress. b e l' fac e seem ed ma rriage, the grent comm e rci al 8UC- churc h was crowd ed to Its doors. h an d over n \lolis hed cha ir-bllck or Yea rs Ago l c eas for whle" his I1l1me had stoodt ouc hing a n or na inellt or a t ra me on stl rred 08 be hnd neve r see n It. W hell tor IBr ael. 60 he usuall y ch ooeea lbo' VRllnnt o cc u pied a humble plsce nt t be na me that from t ho day of h is go· one side-the othe rl!. he ne". wer e grn ye. Vallnnt. slanilln g witb Ihe r est, the wall : into The H\la rluD\. with Its he put he r aga in In the carrlnge, lie longpr road ror us , AL any mome n t Ing. abp. hnd eo seldom tak e n UpOD he r old er frienr\~ than he. '1'he Ii&bt 0{ the snw Shirley. w i ll] he r mOlh er n nd lb e r ecords ot cblldish s tu dy and pl ay. Pll tled lIe r 5 ho ulder WII II n 10llc h far III all th e {mst nges he migh t hnve re'..~ vealed the hiding place of a ll minel'al Ups . Some at them ha d de alt with lat e aft e r noon cllme dimly i D throu gb dOClor, pass out ot the ga te. She was T h e do lls stood now on drese·pa rade ge nl lor t hnn his gr uff good b )l. At R06Il Wo Otl , at len gth. a lono In her t reasur o&, ' he me lhod ot ernli l oy ln ~' 'b iB bablts and Idiosy ncras ies. hi n ts ot t he stnlned·glll86 windo ...s aDd seemed nol look i ng towll rd h im . A. mist was In glas8 caseS. a nd p r in ts in br ig h t lln a ltered pe t sonall ty. "nrl aloot n"sa to clot be wit h s ubtlo colora the "otca bofo r e ltis eyes liS they drove aW ay, eolors , dear t o little peopl e. were o n roo m. she sa L down wit h th o packe t In Ih e rorces or nntul'e. But he hns led . or lon eliness Lhat bad Bc t him npa r t of th e reclo r as he read tbe 1I0i e mn nn d the vis ion or h e r r emain ed wu ve r- th e w a ll s. He o[ll!l1ed th e sb utt.8l:s her ha nds. During th e long bou rs U B by a long rond In w hich nt long a nd m ade blm, In a wny. a strange r to s e rv Ic e. Th e respo nses camo broken- ing nnd Ind istinct- a pa le blu rre d tace h ere. too. an d st ood Bome ti me o u th e s ill ce fi rst Ihe li tt le key had lain III Int erva ls £OlOe tf'eas ures ha \'o been 'lbOBe who s houl d hnve kno wn him Iy. a nd the i r were tenra on maIIY fllc es, und er s hini ng hulr, t hreshold be fore h e t u rn ed a nd went her pa lm like a li ve coal. s h e h s d bee n d lsco ve rell, and no one k no wo how a ll a fir e wit h eBI!'OrnesS, Now the many are s ti li h idde n, It Is not likely 'ileet. Thull her min d hod come to Vslla nt could aee the IIlde-taco ot lie realize d after a lime th at the heav ily dowll stalrs . momen t bad co me . ' s he WI\S Ilimos l t hnt h um au nat u re eould have Btood ~ old a doubl e Image : T he grave man tb e doc to r. Its saturnine crlmneS8 yard WRS empty a nd the lIextoll wnll Th rough th e r e ar door he could see afra id. th e s train or hu \' lng a ll th o eartb' s t.hese shndo wed fo rth . a nd t h e man s trang ely mo ve d, and beyonG him. locki ng the church doo r . He went t. he kitc hens. uud Aun t Ds pbn e s ilting S he tri ed to Ima gine t h nt letter "B tre neures nn d fo rces pu l Into It s POI ' · oh e h a d love d , whoso youth ful ta co wa s Shirl ey and h pr motber. MaDY ~Iance d s low ly to the gnte. and Jus t outs ide IInde r t he trumpa t·v lne piecing a n lne· in the locke t s ho wore a l ways on be r a t tbe m. fo r th e major's will bad bee n some on F.! s poke to him . It wns ChIli' patcb calico quil t with little s q uares co mlug to h er- th en . T hirty yoal s session a t aIl e tim', Solomon was · .b reast. It W I\S this [a ce t h a t was ope ned th a t morning and fow the r e holm Lusk. The y had not me t slnee of orange and r e d and.. g ree n cloth. Ilgo ! A. May da y. II da y at gold lln g Iven uncounte d wealth. a nd bl s g:lod printe d on h er he nrt. a nd wh e n John hnd been aurpr lsed to leara that, save the night of the ball . E ve n In bls own Two diminutive darkl es were s prawled sunshine and tlowerll. Th e a rbol'll hr.d rortune wa s a mora l di sas ter. Men leaB been coveret! with roa!lll th en. t oo. like wise than Solomon would he r ll,.1 ne d -Valia nt had s lood befo re h e r on the for a iHe-annulty tor old Jeroboam . \lreoccuDatlon. Valtant noted that o n Lbe ground looking up at bel' with Becau s e porch Ilt Ros ewood. It had seemed to he hlld le ft everylbln, be )IOIIsessed Luek's fa ce s e eme d to have 108t Ill! round "llerlou8 eyes. wblle a wary han- those whose perfume drl t ted to her !Jy unlimited prospe rity. lIave rl8en. InsUnct, from that old to Shirley . Miss Mattie 81111 w.. be- exube rant youthfulnes8_ It was worll tam pecked Industriously sbout their DO"'. Evil newlI fllea faet. 1Uld ahe Qod Is careful he haa not taken the bad heard ot t be duel very early lhat s hort cut which would pu t Into OUl' .crave. side th e m. and between. .aD with aa It with slee ple s8ness. aud had a bare leg8 , morning. T he letter would bne cower r.t one time nil the riche s s tored He b a d not ke pt sile nce ! He had weeping. s st Rickey BDJder. Shlrley's look ot su1ferlng tha t touche d him. "1!In d en wbut de roostah say, re ached her later. She would ha" e ~ p In the earth. "rltten I It peale d through her brain nrm lay IIhelterhrgly about Ute small And all at once. while they stood loolt· Aunt Daph 1" lied away with It to this very room We have to tollo w the longer road l ike a mumed bell, But Beauty Vall- shoulde ra IW It It would staJ tile paa· Ing at each olher. Vallnnt knew what "01' roostah he hollah 10 all he to read it alone-as sbe did Iiow! In gaining an e ducation. It ;we could :ant was gone with he r youtll; In the slon ot grlet that trom time to time the other had waited to 8ay. wires. Oo-ooo! 00--0001 Young (TO Bm C ONTlNUED. ) choose b etween having II. well trained " I won·t bent about tbe bush." lIald Mars' came l - Youn g Mara' cornel 'room near by lay that old companion s hook the m. Value of Talk. and richly endow ed mind a e an ImmeThe eve ning before b84 beeD furth er Lusk stamme ring. "['ve got to ask Young Ma rs' come !' En dey all mighty· .... ho would never speak to he r again. <the m elon, trl end-who hnd r eally darke ne d by the chlld's dlAppearance you Bom·e tblng. I r eckon you've I~k eered. 'case Mars' John he c ert'n 'y T a lk haa tbe re putation of b eing the dla te g ltt. or b y a score of yeate of 'fAUed her thIrty years ago! , . . a nd Miss Mattie Sue h84 ..t through guelMled that I-that Sblrley-" fond ob fried chlck'D. But de big tub- cheapest thing there III. As Bupply ha rd applica tion. mo at or u s. perbnps and In a tin bo x Ii mile a way la y n le t· ' h n, I ' th e n Igl I ti t ... , alUUe --' t y. It near... Valtant to uc hed the young fe llow's key gobbler h e don' b'leeve e t ·tall. aDd demand have Bom ething II not all all ot UB. would choos e tbe lihort out,,-\-,, ," er. wa R Valiant who had solved t.h e rlddl e , arm . "YeB." he said, " I think 1 kuow," 'Doubtful- douhtt ul- douhttul!' he say, to do with nluell, doubtlesB the 1It:p- No doubt Ge d. who has gi ven Instillct!i- ; " It' a no n ew thing. wIth me." said I£k dal. Den de d rake he peep eroun' ply ot talk Is wbat gives It Il bargain to birds a Dd animals, could have give n " He WOD 't rouee II l aln ." th e doctor In b er IIrs t wild cOIIIPuncUoII, Rick er UII enlnrged Ina Lincts whi ch would had glls ped out the .t01'7 of Iter m eet· tho other hoarsely. ''It'8 bee u three ISe cornah . en he aay, 'Hsleh! Halsb! counter value. Things that are cheap lack e nduring equal the mos t libera l education. ' But Ing wi th Greef KhlJ, his threat and years . The night of the ball. I thought Kalah I' Fo' he dODe lIeed Mara' John for our good h e compels ue to go the he r o wn te r rorized .L1enee, and wb en pe rha ps Ulat- I don't moan to ask comln', s ho o nutr. But et too late by Qunllty, If talk were conllned to the thin,. longe r way. 1'hat desert rond was not he hea rd ot thIs he had CUelllled bel' what you might bnve a right to resent d en. to' Aunt Dapb' she done grab wh er eabou ts. He had found her at - but I muat lind out. Is there any MIs' Pullet. e n Mnrs' Jobn he gwlne· done more than to the tblng said. It all desolation nnd tetllum. Miriam bad he r timbrel and chorus ot 170men, allIS the Do me. In the deeerted cabin from rea son why I shouldn't try my luck'" Iter eat huh dis bery evenln' to' he would have a greater value, whlcb on a s no wy night lib! JeafB ago. Valiant sbook his head. " No." he I!uppah. Now you chlllun runs erlong . Some on e asked Edison If he eIlierl . th e re must have been many BongJl. home ter yo' mammies. en don' yo' enced much Inconvenience on account Th e re m ust have been othe r lustances S birley ha d rescued hef_ She had Oed sa id h eavily. " th ere Ie no r eason ." The boyish look sprang bnc k to :plck none ob de m gre en apple s on d e of hili deafness, He replied t hat h6 beslde!!!!!e one at E llm, And tbe long th e re In h tl r shnbblel\ draa, ber toy s a nd trlnketa left behind. taking with Lusk's face. He drew a long brentb. way. n eidab." thanked God for It every day. ,"1'4 'e It roat! by Which \\'0 trave l to an educa· . It was not till ntte r da rk ba d com e protected hIm trom the dIstracting ef. tlon Is th e happies t part of Life's Jourbel' only a string ot blue K1uB bead a "Why. Ihen I will." he said , " I-I'm tbat hsd been Shirley'. last Chrletmas so rry It I hurt you . Heave n kn ows I that Vallunt sa id goodby to the gaJ'- te ct of other people's ta:Jk. He could ney. ' I d en. He love d It best under the star- thull live 11Is own lite. think bla own dldn't want to !" prese nt, David', Example Wall to Follow. ; H e grasped the olile r'. hnnd with a light. He sat a long hour under tbe tboughts. do his Own work In. his world " Le t m e s tay ! " abe had ••ned. 'Tm The nobl est men are those who nre ' not fit to live down there! It'a all my man's h eartiness and we nt up the rand pergola o verlooklnp: tb e- lak e. where or s ile nce. content to he led , liy the longe r way. rault tha t It bappe ned. I .... a (!oward. with 8 swinging stride; and Valiant David once had the sleeping Sau! a.t ;: I oug h t to s tay here In Holl'.Halt·Acre stood wntchlng hIm go. with bls hand s his mercy . On e tbrus t of the IwOrd, for e ver a nd everl" ValIaJlt had car- tlght·clenched nt his elde, as bls followers urge d. and the ODly rled h e r bac k In hlB al1D8 down th e . • • • • obstacle ta tho , throne prdmll!ed ' ,to . mou ntai n-she bad beeD too lpenl to A little later Valiant climbed th l' hIm would hav e been removed. 'But ' wnlk. sloping d rive way of Damory court. It I Davit! would not take a sbort ·cUt. He th oug h t ot thlll DOW All be s aw se e med to stare at him from a thou - _Wie!~~~ The Son or God came Into tbe worlcl ' 't hat a rm a bout the cblld III that pro- aand r e prollchtul eyes . The bachelor to obtain a ki ngdom, and Satan pro·m·' te ctlve, almost motherl7 K8IIture. It re d SQuirrel from his .tree-crotch leed, " All tbis will I give the e If tjlou mnde hl8 own hear~ mont lin bear- looked down at him askance. The wilt fall down and worsb'lp. m s." Qut_ a hle. Su ch a little time a&O be had redbirds . flashing through the hedges, our LOrd . refus ed tbe short cut. He fe lt t bat lum about blm! Outtered disconsolately . Fire-Cras: ker, The live veteraus who sa y the, took t be longe r and harde r road thai - , H e Went Upstairs. Into the Bedroom. He lenn ed 1118 hot head spinal the th e peacock, was shrieking trom ' the fou ght behInd cotton bales wore ·Jo. led by Gethse mane and ' Calvary. : 'lne by Ono. cool IJlaster ed wall, trylns to keep his upper lawn and the strident dIscord Popular Idea Concllrlllng Battle of seph St. Cyr, Jean Lamothe, P. M. fnc t \s that the sllorld ut III mind on tbe solemn readID&. But Sblr· aeemed to mock his mood. ' Laplce, Cha rles Raymond and Jean the device of Satan. )vnat New Orlean. Has Beon Found ' b nd saId , but a little Inter. 8S he and le y'a voice and laugh _ _ed to be The great house had become home ao enl narlng Is tliat we ' , are teJ""~Ii.~;' Gervala, Pen pictures or these men to Be Correct. Valiant snt b eside the couch . the milJor running eerily throup the chanting to him; he told himself that bo would Int o It as 0 short cut to some appear In the footnotes . o pen ed hla e yes suddanly. IInos. and her fnce shut OIIt P11lplt and make no other. The few tblngs he had The finding of th e picture Is time- that we much . dealro and may " Shirle y." he wblspered. " Where's lecte rn . It swe pt over laJm auddenly brougbt-hla books nnd trophies-had Interest In the slumbering cottonly. arays the New Orle.ans Ite m. as It It our right to have. When two 'S h lrl e y ?" that ear.h abominable hoar conld but grown to be a part of It. and they bale theory of the battle or New Or· She was s ilting on the porch ' jnst m a ke tho situation mont impossIble should remain. The ax should not be leane was arou8ed by the findlDg of a will be of service for the staging of open to U8, one the sbort c ~ t o t her a longer road, It _la gelUlllalll( 'Ou ts ide tb e allen window. and wheD for them both . He had ber ns laid to the walnut grove. As bla fa- water-color picture map of the original tbe battle. which la to be one of the s he ente re d, teare we re on ber face. sh e ente red the church. bad thought ther had done, he would leave beblnd battle plan In. an abandoned trunk In leadIn g teaturee of the l!lIlIosltlon ()f Bafe to asaume that God . IIhould . travel by ' the longer .rOlllou .... The doctor drow back silently; but her even paler than In -tile wood, tho him the life he had lived there. and the celler ot the Bt. Charles hotel. Big Ideas. 'Unlted PrelbyterJ\n . ..... b e n Va lia nt would have done 80, tbe bluish shndowlI deeper UDder liar eyes . the old court should be once more Little Is known about the drawing or

lLLUSTRATION~ ~ ~~1[~~o~~~!9co~r




"'' II"''



: ma Jo r culled him nearer, "No." he panted: "I like to lIee you t wo together ," His voice was very -,w eak and tired. As IIhe leaned alld touched hIs hand. lie IImlled wblmslcally. "It's mlgbty ..-curloue," he laid, "tlut I can't let It -cmt of my head that Ita Beauty Vall. aat atUI ,judith 'that 'I'm re4Uy talkln. to. Foolleh- Iln't ttl" But the Idea ~_.lImec1 to muter him, and pre8ently IHI ",.an to call 8hlrley- by ber nioth:·

Those d elicate cllarml weniD eellpse_ And It was h. who . . . to blame! It came to him "'ltlt ...... of en· lIghtenmen t. He bad . . . . thlDltlDS only of himself aU the wIlDe. 81It for her. It was hlB pretel1ce .... bd now become tbe unbearable tJI.I4 A eold sweat broke on ba~" •• . " for I am a .atraIlSH, Uaeit. 11M ~ soJourner, aa al1 ~ lIl11ao.n 1Nft. 0 spare me a lltUe, ' tltat I .' ~ my-.trensth· befoN .... ~.,, ; . • ."


;e:'s 'Dam~ An odd yo~thhilneal crep~ The bitonlu, _TC?!';1i'l....,, :'. li~ eJei i . ', lUj)tle PRradoxlcar .eIJ'II. : ~ ,.

"""''''~'=iI!'''' ~' I0Il eben

ttQe4I wWa

1'~' 1O ~wa,'

closed and deserted, Uncle. Jetrereon the other contents of the trunk which and Aunt Daphne might live on J n the hl18 remained unnoticed tor yeara 10 11 cablD back ot tbe kItchens. There dark corDer. wall pasturage tor the horae and ~e FITe veterans of the IJattle · bave COWl and for old 8ukey, and IIO~ added their signatures to the remark· nctes had already been cleared for able ymap to attest the fact that It Is planting. And there ",ould be I a true represeJitation of thft ·battle, awaOl, the duckll and chJckenl" the plaD 118 made under the 'dlr8otloupe'atowl and the IIsb, l Andrew JackatiD .' .' A letter bad come to· blm~, ID~~" The, :eorpo...t10D bUllileu ' wltla' CinJdIt



moreunllml~l~ri~:f(!~;U~ll:fr'ltll!irm~~t8:f~:.=~~~t~~~:Lt1I' 1'I11~~~i;~r;~\~~~5~~~i:~~

1* Uq OP1JiiOD . .. .

119.":, ,k.

Tranalator of "Arabian Nighta," The " Ar;!.blan Nights" did not be come fam11lar to Euro peans untll 1704. when. Galland translated them Into French_ Schol~ra cast doubt on the nuthentlclty of lIome of." Gallalld', wOl'k. accu81ng hlm-oUk" niHt On(ar KhaYYl1m-of • rather thao.'tJ'!lnsintlng. but g f the

:P~ ~ted

~ OD~-of, aa.......

"i" ..;:r<'.:I:.





WESTERN CANADA'S 1REM.. LIFE IN THE COUNTRY .. Shown b)' Man', Eagorn o'l to NAT llRAl RESOURCES <F-act . 'eu;q.. From 01 the


Conge st ion

Madrid Well-Nigh tiS Fashionable as Paris.

Crowde d Cit)'.


WIq Sa It that r ailway mngnal CB. p\"Ml4e ot. ot bllJlkB lin d beadB of T be dcvt,lo pmeots tbnl have tak en I gnl6t aat.ef1)r lles wbo must perforce How Mrs. Hurle y W 88 Re. plnce rCCE'f] Lly III the a ll alld gas fields I do ~ In cities, stored to Healt h by Lydia [llmOSl all try to Se ·~llIc. Cordova , Oranada , Barcelo na. oC W!:s t crn bu\'o but aulled I haye /)Qmetl on fllrms In tb e counl ry , E. Pinkham' 8 Vegetable V.. lencla. Malag ~ am! Many Other an[JLh c r 10 t he many pr e\":OI..<! e\"l· I .... here they dev e lop saliM, plnnt crops PI;tces of Klngdor n Can Boast Comp ound. d nces lhHL have bee n produce d. an4 breed animals ? lL Is LecauBe Ulere an Up-to· Date Equipm ent, show ing lbe greal wealth tbat baa 18 wewUo me monoto ny In piled up Eldon, Mo. _ "I W88 troubled with bcel! Ul! un known asset ro r 60 lUa uy brick and .tone. Tbe re Ie contusio n dlnplace ment, Inflam mation and t emale London .- · Fo r l ue av e ra gc touris t g eoern tloll S. 10 erowded atreetJI and c langing trol· . w eaknesa . For two Th l' lal.'s l re ports tra m the 0 11- leJ can sod bot wbo If! Ill. ?cllrch of fa '~ll1l ar COl11to~lI; Oeld a at Cal;;n ry s how tua t tb e.r e Ie a Tbe8e tb.lnp IllJlIl hILI!sllIolIY mil W[lYS. y ea r a I could not mude, and th ey in lIn famillllr ~ urrcllllll"Ill'S th e grcltt pr,,'ll1r' :~r. ;i.ere stand :00 my tee' thaL would appear 11.1"0 Ilee4fI1l but tbey are not lite. much SJlIIJli ~h cities of W(lay llfTP ~ e VI!I;;': l u '1[; 011 Ih e bos l 11l1)'lng t1 plds all l ue !, long at a lim e and I ~boe ~ boy muy h nllgln" them to IlJ du cetnl' ol. ~I adrl(\ lodll '; could not walk two ~ we . cOlltinel ll. Expcrtg Iluve Leen on the I lUI be ll1g h a s gov and r. ~ fllH blYollabl e as blocks without enI b t . . . . . t I groulld to r SO Ul e li lll t' . It Is sa d t d a Ufo lalll tho opon coullt r y. Pafl~. Sevl ll (', ( Ord(F a, Grflllado. lu r: on e of Ih e we ll s Is [lbl (l to 8 during cutting an produce In the crowing r;rn8B, the wav in gLtrp. lie Id s celonfl , \ nl e ll ('l a . ~Ia l al'a ulld m[lO~ 2,000 gal\ ouR an hour. drawing palllS down H tbis Is so or W' the spring ing co rn. LIfe Is I Elno~III' r c ll), .. 1111 bOil"~ :I I,' UI~·~o .da l : th ere urc bUl abo ut a doze my right side which n wells In In tIM ~ and blrd R. lifo IY In lbe £''1UIJJnlenl., : 110 f,O~d 1.< 1"'UIS,b. LU,' th e wo rl d of grea t ~ Increa sed every r produc ti on . Du r· de.~ animals of the ta rm . lh e ('[JOklll g ran ue rl C'n ch o n r(. qll p6 . l ug th e PH"t wpek month. I have been dis coverie s at sur· All,. IlIaD who works wltb tbe lund, orr the main rond s III(' <'o rMorts show fa ce Indicati ons hs\' e been mad e which at that time purple lVbo tee41 a aeld and walch es th e r ea . very rallld l;' r\ e"cend ln ~ "::ule. IJII~ show lhat a ll exis in the face and would ts over a consider-- suil. plnA Il rllal l undaml' lIla l I1nowlwalk th e flo or. I could not lie dow~ or n!'.fll nRt nil ~ ,mu s t be pu t l ht .a h~o l ute a bl" Ilc rt km or Alberta Saskatc be- ed~ ot the underly in g C[Jun d ntlo n on sit still sometim es f or a day and a night soc url!~ . I he Spani s h I, r lban d no wun, wblle III Malli tobaand Inere have aI· wbldl. reall all our cIvilIzat ion . It nt a time, 1 was n erv.o~9, and had very longer Ilaunts the Si erra Mo re lla or so been Elhowlngs. At DaU.leforu, makes him a Bober man, a thought ful i little appetite . no ambitio n. melanch oly, th e Guu dnraUlHR; Ill' h ll" Lecomo a So skntch ew an , a l ew days ago disco'" rn1Il,," ro.. erent ma l\., and If he eX ll l' rl. and ofte n felt as though I had not" hole lk cp pe r. Th o 01<1 ·,1 :"0 ~mugbl('l eries wero mn do whi c h led to the fll· [)leota w1Isely Il hopeful optim ist. IJre fricnd In the world. Arter I had tried no 10ll go r rlaks hi " lire D" nforelim e ; Ing tor leases on twcoty thousan d ls wbare thLDr;e are born nnd live nnd most eve ry f emale remedy without suche eOll3ldfl rs h A Is deCy lr,,; th e law acres ot Inud. nil bavlng strong Bur· p-ow On the farm Is r A1l1 lIfe,-lI relld. sumcl " ntly If h e J;'rows a fe '" lobacco face ludlca tl o lJ s. cess. my mother· in · law advised me to Compan loa were r'. G..,ue take Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetab ltt Illan ts o n the s ly, or d ocs 0 Il lll o formed to carryo n Imm {'dlale work, e . Compou nd, I did 80 and gained in. poac hin g In t ho slate fOrC~I" that lit, and In a cOliPle or monlhs, or probabl y K_ Moder n Dl\ncln g strength every day , I have now no tronguurdam ontos do th eir Los t to palrol. les8 , Lh e slOry \\ III be t old whethe r 011 n.1oto4II IIl bper\ u~ III,truo"" In Ne .. 10,1 ble i,n any way Educati on Is still liltl e more Ihun R exists In Iln )·II I:'. q uautltle and I~ i ghly prai.~e your s, OIU', ' - ' ''IN&r 81r: - I ba.. n_ ALI,SN'. medicin e. It advertis es Itself, -Mrs.. namo 10 Spain , bllt II I~ th o mnJjt e lolJu t thpr e nrc al so th o coal d epos it. J'uoT.Jt ....... &DUaepU (" powderw hf'.b .... Qn 1m... __ r..IM~ E H.n rea", . It l•• bl ... ID"O S" T H l URLEY. don, MI SSGuri , qu e nt counlry ill Europe. aDd many a ond lh u na lura l gus lIlan (a n make th e s pecc h he ('alln ot help ing 10 llIu ke 01 d l' poslts that are :~":':::'-==.!!-:a~J~"~~ ~~~~rl~~:tl · AI,.~.~~~: Remem ber, the r em edy which did' \\' esle rn Caunda ~"O<moIlAD_,"., 00"1 , t Rt . . tho trlotluu . "... la I(PS I h this \\'83 Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegeta ble r eu d . 'I"h e S pamar e Iat e at one 01 the wealtli le s t portion s or Ibo I.... r,..),~D .. oom " I1Dat5o ro. A.clllu"fg "L Co ·1l1O.UI11J~QPI ". .. mpoun d. F or Ba Ie everyw here. and mos t a dva ll ced Idl'as or J;o\'ern· contlncn t. (11'-. .. n !'CUII U IlALLAM ORIlI. I It hn. helped thou sands of womment , accepls lhp nlfl8L amuzing t leo· Wltl! th e graln fields coverin g th ece k _...._ AU. . . .t.UenB.Olwa"'''.lAJllur,N.T. ~ vw who have been troubled with diBplac& r les of life and lu w, bul, !':!\'e n reas on· hidden rlch (!s It Is no wonder tbat a 800n to Mnnkln d. ments,in flamma tion, ulceraU on.tumo rs, . able ('onditlo ns or lICe nnd Ca ir I I' l!U t· continu ed runge of optimis m Is to be rpana TooUe, tbe renown ed au· Irregula rities, periodic pains. m e nl, Is not hard Lo handl e. Among scen everrwb ere. backach e, Early reports or thorlt.J' on lIorul lite, wbo IIvcs near that bearing down feeling, Indigest loa.. the people speech l enrl ~ to u~urp tho seeding at nil grains being Buceess tul· tbe q.tet rlJ1ase at Yonk ce Springs , and nervous prostrat ion. after all otherplaclJ ot ac tion . F o r th (' ~pan l s h IY' compl e t tI all oy e r lhe country are Is at tile pretlent lime trying to out· m eana hnv e failed. woman the outlook Is not (Iulte clear. rollo\\'cd by reports Why don't you try of excellen t and I burbaDk Durbank , tho wlz .. by grow· It? Lydln E. Pinkham Medicin e Jl ie said lu Spain th at 'he hold or strong £ro\\' tb everywh e re. During ~ a ftldanp lar walerme loll. Mr, Lynn, Millis. the church Ullon wonJan' s lile Is lIot the first week In June mosl ot the Tootle Ua Dot\ced for years that ult!. a s strong as It was (JlI1y a few years wbea t had I'ea 'he d a growth M from mate emunlm en hnve had mucLi trou. ago. and Spani sh wome n a ro beg in· (weh' e to twenly Incb c5, with the most ble trytaa to carry 'II'llterm elon from nlng to think for themsel\- ps. eve n ap pea rance. almo~t univers ally. tho &tOft\, Inasmuc h B.!I they (the wa. Th ey ore Ihe most prolific moth ers that bas be en seen tor years . Oat. wmelo u) are oJ awkwar d shape and In Europe. and have the highest In · appeare d eq ually well, and covered the qloltto alIJ)pery . and dter a waterm clon fant mortalit y . It may be s},mpto· ground 10 a. wny Nine times in ten when the liver .. that brougbt the baa raileD and hu hit tb e cemt'n t sidematlc of tb e lr new BU\.tO Iha t lhey broadet t kiD d at a grin to overopr ead walk Ita WlelulDells may be said to be right lhe slomach and bowels are right. arc tendin g to dls(,ord Lb e mantilla . tb e tarmer's counten ance. . OVeI'_ 1Ir. TooUe's waterm elon will CARTER'S LlTILE to r egard notlooa l dress as a flUlcy Barl!'y. a rovorlte with the bog ralll' btl tcmc and ... 111 have sQuaro corners , LIVER PILLS costUID(', and 10 look to Paris tor era. hsd taken good root. and wal!l ODe of wJdch cornen will fit Into the gentlyb uttirmly their fn shlons. This refers to lhe crowdin g oa l a for a Drst place. as to bent elbow wheD the melon Is carried pel a lazy liver \\'om(,1l of th e thrlvlllg cl Ll es. the ~rn· length of shoot. Cultiva ted fodder CD. ~ !Dafcle of the arm. Mr, Toolle do its duty, rortob le cla sses ot Uudrld. Uarcelo nn. gra sses aro getting Cures Cong reat attentio n. e~ to bYe hlB now molon grow. atipation . In· Seville. Spain tl'ud s 10 become self· 119 a cOllsequ ence of the InClinat ion to I~ u4 QD. the market hy 1927. 11 1I0tb. diteatio n, go more largely Into mixed farming . IIIE tlatlvea a.-Boat Sick on Olobe. and th e raising of hogs. cattle and aDd Di.tro .. After horses. Th e weather IB reported fine. lt.J!!!l3II!1T TF.(,r, TO(l I SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRlCL , fur WiLl. Just whnt lEI needed, and If present Rea. Weak, Water, ~~__~·~;~~WO o?~~~'W;;; favornb l o coodltlo na continu e. tbe .,. Genuine muat bear Signature ..n _ ~ y,. Hewocb Co, ow"""" grain crop of· Western Canada fo r 1914 \\'111 be the larges t a verage In tbe bls· TIHI Noble.t Arm.. tory of tbe countrY .-Adver tlsemen t.. W. IBal' talk what ws please of 1111-. aD4 Ilona rampan t, and spread Sea rchlng Criticism . ~fIII, til aelda d'or or d'argen t; but, of this papeT deslrina to buJ ("ly('·yoo r·old Herbert , scion crt .. It ·1IeraWrJ' wen ~Ided by reaso n , a anything advertis ed In Its c0llJooklsl; family, had learned to Mad plow fa a fteld of arable would be umns should Insist upon haYing what ther 80 ea rl y Rnd so readily that hie Ill'flt the ...t DObIe and a.nclent armB.- WIk for.refua ina all suhl.'Ututesor imItatl~ glimpse s of storylun d were growing iI....... Oowley, haz y In his memory . One day no eon· lie ~. V .. Red Cl'oss n ull Blue; tid e d to his mother. "R utble showed better than liquid LJlut . Ddillht. me ber n ew bo ok today , nnd Ii's the mlldo tbe k'8lll!.Na . All qroccre. Ad v. qu eHes t thin g you eve r saw! Wby. It jllst sa ys, 'Is It n dog? It Is a dog. Growing Old, Call th e dog run?' and a lot of things father growInG old grace· like thnt! 'Course I was too polite to rul17r ea y BO, but It didn't Reem to me tbe "No; be poeltl-.e ly refus es to learn ~tyl e was s bit juicy! "-l.lpp! ncott·B . the 1BU!Ie. W . N, U., CINCIN NATI. NO , 27-1914 .



-it answ ers ever y beve rage require ment -vim . vigor, refres hmen t, whole some neSs.


It will sati sfy you . Demand the genuine hy fun neMf!'-Nic:lLoBm eac-ucoura a-e aubltJluti ou..




&ee aft

Anow tblnl< 01 C..ea-C ola.

- - ---------

----- -------UnuBual Modeaty . Make. Jobs for Detectiv e • . "Dobbs I. an e~traordlnary man ." Probabl y the only people to benellt "l.n 'what respeet ? " hy rec ent sull'rag ette outrage s are "Some yelU'B ago he spent two weeks prIvate detectiv es, many of whom In ~JlXlco, yet be doesn' t pretend to ore dolog little else Just now but know all about the present Bltuatlo n guardin g pictures and other treasure s down there." of well·kno wn hosts and bostess es tram attacks at social function s. the Ten mullet! for B nickel. AI",,,}" huy Red London Globe statos. • Urou Ball DIne ; have beautiful clellr ... hita Tho head of one private detl'ctlv e e1otbea, Adv. ageney told me the other day, BaYB "Tue Carpen ter" In tbe Express . that Bright, I Sa)' I "Algy makes very Bure of bimBeit he bad 'been obliged to engage a special ataff for this work, and that to before be does any boasLlnG." some receptio ns be bas Bent aB many " I'A Bare blower. eh 7" as a doze n faultles sly attired "guests " India Is badly In need of temale to look atter the pictures aDd cblna ot the host .Iloetors .

---- -----


011 llIaJ17

fanne ill

WatAlrn Canada in 1919, eorne yielde

beina ."portrd .. hlah .. 50 b."belto

_ acre . M hleh aa 100 bushels were rrconl~ in acme dlItrlcla for oata. 110 baoLot. ror ....'e7' nnd from 1010 ZO bua. for fIa:&. J. Ken arrived in tho

5 yeua alia {rom Denmark with very little COIIotry

He horneblea ded. . worked bard, Ia DO'" the IDUDIL

0 _ of 320 acrtlt of I.'lc,!~ III 1913 hac! a Cl'OP of ....

ICI'eI. which .. W realize him

about ...000, Hla .. b••t ....bed ea It.. to the buob.1 enoS aV.,rapd UfU 35 buaholo

tAttlM .... , Thouean41 of almilar in· ~ mlJilrt be ~t.ted oC Ihe 'otneltud ers In Manitoba . Sae'b tdwNao aJld Alberta. , TIle crop or 1919 waa In sbun·

me ODe e"nII7Wbore In We.tenI

Cuada. Ask f« di!lCriptl.. lltenture and

nc1ur.ed rail..., mea. Apply to 6uperis)te ndellt of Immlnatloo. Otta..... Canada. or

w. e. NETHER Y.

lata .. ,b.. Btdg.• Columbu .. Ohio CanadIan Government Allent

R. F . D. No.2. Seymou r, Mo.-"M y Bcalp broke out wltb nne plmplea at the start. They Itched and burned no mucb that I was compell ed to Bcratch tbem and they would tester aod oome to a head and break out again . The trouble was attende d by Buch burning and Itcblng 1 eould not sleop. alao when I swea It burned the same. My hair tell out gradual ly and the scalp kept rough and dry wltb Itching and burning . After abont two years the pimples broke out between my shoulde rs, My clotblng Irritate d them. I was troubled with that eczema nve or 81x yellJ'll. "I tried everytb lng that was recommended wltbout any benefit until I used the CuUcur a Soap and Ointme nt accordi ng to dlrectto ne. and Cutlcur a Soap and Ointme nt cured me sound and we ll In two weeks." (Signed ) S, 1.. Killian. Nov, 22. 1912. CUUcur a Soap and Ointme nt sold through out the world. Sample of eacb tree. with 32·p, Ski n BOok. Addres8 post. ClU'd "Cutlcu ra. Dept. L. Boston,"-Adv.


Make the Liver

Do its Duty




.... ,cnI1'

it .

Y ea rs of Experience M ak es Pe rfe ct


Gladsto ne', Domelt lc Rule. Mr. Gladsto ne once said tbat

bad Halved tbo domesti c problem In tbls way : ' 'Whene ver Mrs. Oladsto ne • 'n_ N_t, elMa, or- Insists I submit; and whoney er I Insist .=:~~t&Ji.O::;:IU~~~ sho submItB ." He didn't say, how· •••• 0 • • Made of ever wbethe r they took turns about metal. c:an'hpl~1 OI'Up lrisl~tlng and submitt ing. Marrla, e OTOro w1l1 not loll or t oJure a.o,thID 8· Is a Callure when ono of the lIartiel! Ou.,.nk~d elreo&-"'" Insists on helng the Inslster and AU d ... I.r. orlHDt •• pf"IM . .td tor 11.00. doesn't take t~rn8 In submitt ing to A ••· ...... &1,. ••• '1'. tbe Bubmltt er,

.. 1 -I FLv'. KJIlt'R plle04 I • .,.b..., e'D·IU6J 't4'~ bade aDd tlll. .t.


IOJau. iao ~

Tho Work·G lrl of Vigo.

con scious. to respond too freely to . com Incrclal .e n terprlse and Paris. She Is, of eourse. very much bctter ott n~ 0. resu It of the d evelopm en t. Tho Spanish exhibiti on may well show 1'• Spain that was. and that Is tbe Spain of yesterd ay 8Qd today, not tbe Spain The Unfortu nate Fact. ot tomorro w, Tbat will bardly ho ·'A man's sins nnd him out sooner or worth exhibiti ng. later." said the cynic; "bot. untortu · nntely, most of the time they find him Baboon Baby Thrives . In. "-Judg e. St. Paul, Minn.- The baboon born January 3 1n a barn at the rear of 446 St. Anthon y avenue Is healthy and thriving , giving promise ot growing to full baboonb ood. Lew Herseha J. an animal trainer. lays that baboons born In captivit y seldom live more tban a few days, He Is certain the animal born In St. Paul Is o'ne of the few of the Sl)eClOO born In Amerle a,

Took PrInt of Noae • . New , York,-A rmles8 and legles8. I!lrnest Riley stumped the pollee when ,MaglBt rate Folwell Ordered a tlnger print taken. As a Compro mise a reel ord of Rlley's Dose rldges was taken.

Lived In a 8011l~. Heat. New

York.-F Jve Chinese stowa. ft'om the boiling hot ~fl ~D' . Inco,m ill, ha'd .lIved' . tor

Moth ers may trY new reme dies on them selve s but Baby 's life Is too delicate, too prec ious to try any e~periments .


Bea n the Sign ature of

Al wa ys



"'or Saturday Only



All our5031.1l.1()5c, Overalls, Special for Satu rday .... . All our 8['l' Uvernl Stitf!'l.

$pt'ri uI

fnr Satllrd av only ...... ..... .... :. ~

For Saturday Only


. /.:. .


All C.. lico, alll·ol·


ors, 7c awl 7 y. c, Sale price .......... . . All our \0 and 1 2X ~ I1reas


(;inghullls, for ~fl tllrd ay on ly, specra l price ····· ·

8 12C

For Ten Days, Commencing on Saturday! July 18th ... . . .







REDUCTIONS WHICH WILL START THE WHOLE VICINITY TALKING t!l::HE many shrewd men and women who have been waitin~ for t.hi s ('iea ran c(' Hale will real ize a greater economy than they had anticipated. The methods adopted to bring about a disposal of our Spring and Summer lines are more d mstic an d s weeping than were ever employed before---prices being cut in a mannpr which indicates our utter indifferenl'e to original cost or value. The saving-s on whatcv('r you choose will be remarkable. Our endeavors to surpass previous ~vent8 shown in these extraordinary low prices, in the scope of mcrchandj s'e in\'(tIH~d, in the greater variety and the greater mfoney ~aving opportunitiefl.

This is Your Big Opportunity of the Year, and Comes at an Opportune Time, when you Need this Merchandise UNDERWEAR


Now is the time for all good-clothes men to get a bare-ain

Men's Balbriggan ::;hirt!:! and Drawers long or short sleeves and double seated drawers Regular 35c values. sale price .. ............. Morisco Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers nradeof the genuine Sea Is· land Ct'tton, sale price...... ..... . C Genuine Porosknit Shirts and Drawers. sale price...... ... ........ C S(>tsnug and Roxford Lh!le Thread

23 e 44 44

~a1~~~ J~i~~ic!~ ... ~~.~ .. ~.~:~ .. . B, V. D. Athletic Nainst,ok Union Suits with closed crotch $1 value, sa le price......... ...... ......

89c 89c

Dresses in Crepe, Overlace, regular val·


At greatly reduced prices. These are late Spring and Summer models. Its a case of giving you our profit and a part of our cost as a reward to you for helping us dispose of our Spring and Summer Clothes


WOMEN'S SKIRTS Me,n:, and YouI:g Men 's *l~. L3.f)1) and 15 SUItIl. ~a le prI ce ............. .. ....... .. .. .. .. ..

$ 9.75

Hoys' $3 GO and 398 Norfolk and Double Hreasted Suits , sale price .... ... .. .. ......... ...


All our Womtm's Skirts, in all colors,

M en'~

$11 75

Hoyg' $7 and 7.:,0 line~t 1\ II Wonl Suits .. ... " ........ .... . sale pri ce..... ...... ..


All our $fi and $1).50 Worn·

and V ounl{ M ~' n' s $ 18 oolllld :20 Suits , ~ale price ... ... .... .... ...... ... .... ... ..


. . . ........... . $3.48 $1 95

Dresses,rE'g'ulnrvalue$350 amI $4 OU, sale price ... ... .. .

Hose in blark, tan,


:~y p~~e~~.~~:. ~.:~:..~~~~~: ...... 8c

and Boys' Trousers

Men's and Bovs' Straw Hats

Men's Special 25c hose in black, tan,

!~femp~~;~. ~~ .~~.~.~: .. ... .... $2.98

$3 98

en' s' Skirts, sale price.. ...... • All our $6 .50 and $7.50 Women's Skirts

~~I:I~~i~~~~: .. .. .... ... .. . ..... . All our ,2 98 and $3.50 UII. dersklrts, sale prIce...... • All our $4 and 9:5 Silk Underskirts,

$4.98 $1 98

:!Ile c;:icr:: ... ....................


............. 22c 25

Men's $:.! 00 Trouse rs Sale price ..... ........ . ... .. .. .... ... ...... .... .. .


44 C

Men's f.2 50 a nd '3.00 Trousers Sale price .. . ............... ............ ... ..... .... .



Men's $3.50 and '4 .00 Trousers Sale price .......... ....... .. .. ......... ........... .. .


Boys' SOc and 65c Wool and Khaki . Trousers. Sale price .................... .... ..


$1 • 35 Sh~fe~:l~~.~~~~~.~.p.~~,~.~. ~.~ ... 79c


Men's fancy Silk Lisle Hose. Onyx make, sale price........ .... Men's regular 60c Silk Hose in all colors, sale price...... .........




.!\IIen·s $150 ,irod 200 Straw Hats 8alt! price ..... .............. ...... .. .... ............ ..


All '1.71i: and $2.00 Shirt Waists, sale price...... ......

Mea's and Boys'SOc Caps in plaids of sep· arate cheek5l, Sale price..... ... .. .... ..... ...


................. Special lot of finest French Web


~ore:ri~~~~.~...... ............... 25c

Lace Curtains

Men's Summer Shirts Men's $1 and t1.25 Soisette and Pongee Shirts in plain and fancies with seplir-


:a~e c;:~=.~.~ ~~~~?~.~~.~~: ... 7ge


All Men's $1.50 Shirts in light and dark colors with collars attached and detached, sale price.... .....


95 e

All our 59c and 75c Curtains Sale price ............................. ...................... .. All our II 25 and $1.50 Curtains Sale pric'e ...... .... .. ..... ......................... All o~r '2. O~. $2.50 and f3.00 Curtains ~al e I>rlce·.............. ..................................... ..

=. . ..

~1~pric~~~I.~.~ .~~ .. ~~~~i.~:. 2 5c AI~I~ 0~~i~~ ..~.~~.~~~ .. ~~.i~~: . 45c

Women's JOc and 12X c VeRts, sale nrice ............................ .......... .. ..... . .... .. Women's 15c and 20c Swiss Ribbed Ves!:.'l. sale price .................. ... ... .. . ..... ... .... . Women's Fancy Vests 25c and 3fie valUeR . .............. .......... .. ....... .. ...... '... ... ... saI e price

14c 23c

MEN'S NICHT ROBES Men's Universal Night Robes in full

&fesiPri~:.~~ ..~~ .:~.~~I~~: . 45c



~~~~i:.~~~~: .....................8ge muslin

$1 • 35


Women's Union Suits Women's Swiss Ribbed Union Suits. low 'neck 24C no sleeves, sale price.. ....... ...... ......... .... .. .. ... WO:f~~,F~: ~ri~~~.~

..~ ~i.~~. :.~.i.~~: .~.~~..~~.~..:~.~ 45 c

Ladies' ,H ose All our $1.00 and 11,25 Silk Hose. white, black and tan. sale price ....... ............................. . All our (jOe anti 75c Silk Hose, all colors, sale price ....................................................... .. All our 25c and 35c Hose sale price ................................................ .. . All ou r l?c Hose, . sale prrce· ............................................... ..

AI!all~cp~I(~ e~~~:..~~.~~: ... ,....

....... ......... .. ........

4e 8C



AI~~U;ri~:~..~.~~ ..:~~.. !~~.I: . ~~I.l:~.'.. ~~·~ .. ~~~~.~~: 44c Al~~r ~~i~~,~~~:...... ............ ...... ...... .............. 75c 35~~~~~e...... ......... ....... .... ....... .................. 23c

Al!Rt~ep~rc'!'.~.~~~ .~~~~~~..~~;,~~ ... 23e

89c 44c 23c

45 e

All 5ltc and 75c Cambric Corset Covers sale price ......... .........


Muslin Drawer.


Muslin Drawer8 25c and 3Se values, sale price ......... ......... Cambric Drawers, 59c to 75c values, sale price ..... ............ ,


23C 45C

Children's Dresses All OUf 11.00 and $1.25 Children's Dressep, sale price ................................................. .. All our 50c and lSc Children's Dresses, sale pricp .................................................. .

. HANDKERCHIEFS 8Yae White Hemstitched Hand!;cerchiefs, sale price............. ..... 15c White Hemstitched Hand· kerchiefs. sale price......... .........

Muslin Guwns, Slip over style, lull length, embroidery edge, sleeve and neck, yale price ...... ·Muslin or Crepe GownA, lace or 11m· All 11. 75 and '2.00 Gowns, and ('repe, sale price......... ......... ......

Summer Wear

Women's Knit Underwear

This is the season of the year when the Boys' BloUtle question loems up. We've a large line of choice Waists and Blouses for Boys' from 4 to 16 years

Men's Night Robes, $I and $1.25 values, Sale Price... ...... ........

42c 89c $1.25


··Corset Covers






8ge 44e

Women's Petticoats \ . All 59c and 75c Women', Pettic(lata with neat embroidered" flounce, sale price......... ......... . ,C Women'sl'etticoats with deep ftoon~· of embroidery, $1.00 and $1.25 values, sale price .................. All $1.75 and 12.00 value Women'8 Petticoatft, sale price .................. ,..... ..



. Come in, .see our goods, ancj you WIll be convm~ed. that our Clearance

Sale is' all right. Hundreds of ar: tides not mentioned will go.

$1 44


Sixty-Fifth Year



................. w ......................




............. .,..., ....... .,....,..............

llr' SIl Ut-!l~

I Jar, .4 ll.

I J fUU.,· lI'n,,~


1110' "1,, 11 ,, . I U hrt ", fln \1 . 1' , ·, , I P. Ept" ,,· I ... 'P1' llt1I~I , ~ .. II""

' 0

"IIl" I!

- ',, 1.'


•• ,. 'H '


Harveysburg. __ _

I:-i uudll v Su hu, ,1 \ '" lI" ['lI t l,, 1I /1,, 01 ;': :\" ll I" v e ry Il1t tl r" MI IIl Jo( t ll ik . I :-iuIHL .v hul l 1,11.\"111 ,: 1- I, 'I "~ dh J1 1\r"fI .\"~IJ\lrg i CU1'H'1111l Il V I I , t.: ",,, I ,· .\lIl,,1 I I ' t ill~

· 1

, . ~ B"~I f' I,al. ,linda.\, v- "I~II "",I tU tl .. oo rt! Hl ulld Iii t il I; vlo'llIiLy , ' I,~.· ' 1I,lJI' " ~' ' I I " I I "'111 ' fl , ..... '1 1) 1" I In til \'11 1' ,' I Hll n·.~' .v"l)nrg . l' '"'" V .1 11111 ,'" H " hl H''' IIIII ~ ll1 l< ullt·" " " I,ll ... " t t.h" MlulIli , I:, . .' 11,1 ,, [ 1::'1 "" 1" 10:'1111 "I " " rll "tl, 11' ,,(lYf' r ll l wl' l , k ~ 1\lr . ( ·llI\ ,. 1\ , . ItI"1I 1, ' 1' 11'1_ .'. , .• ' 1, t n r Ito<04 \Vt.., 11, ' . \\" ~1 ' .\. 11',1 4i1 1 1111"'\ I " , ·~ t,. . 1'h" " "" o rlll Ht "r lll >! Ill i< t WAHk Jlnt l \(l,,~ tbfl r..-11!1I1J " lIflfl in 'hi" Vicin i t y ou t. I .1. M . ~ 1\ll fo l · 1 '" 's , hll l>!l1/! iI " "II ~ (lf ~dlllllll >!.i" n hllt. llft1 1l ~ " ln ill USf" \<;·ir.b lll>illlll nv 1 ' 11 ' 1,, 1 - llfO""~ " ll llrd,,'; ~1< ",'rI11 Jltlll]Jle iu thi~ vi('i n it.y night. ' . nlllll" II till' t-\lI t.nnluy to Ihll ('IlV, '1I '!'hft BII"Y il ,;" n "-i illl r lllli .i ' l- t 1" HI~h"lntl CII, Th f'l r 111111111" II rt' IIpllll ·· d i .. d "!l l!' '1" 1111 1\ l, tJHI1" .~~ Mr . . f. HILrt'Jr Khl d al"'\' fllld lI-tr~ und l' r th o prr ''' '' 1I1 1I11t1II1I-( f'l Ill f'lIt \ L'llIf" Harlall , !\Ir. lI ud .\11" ". ~' fll[]~ Hi dnor 1'''1''' , If f 'VR YI II '~ \'ill" . wa .. I "'q lllrt.~, Mr . 11 11,1 Mr ... . H owll r I ('I .tlin ~ nn frH'" I ~ hf'r(l :-illnd ,,\' .

... ... , ....................... ""

I II J q ll d .



If I

,,:U) i l'. Il L!



II . \I" Id · II I',. ~ t -, . '~I I :111 1' 11'10

,\ \ 11 l "j lj ,' Y t(l "1'1 ."

,x· ' '' , I" II




1, 10 1' .

t, . ud \' " C 11 111\' TIl ~- ld"", 1 H'IIu1 $ 1:111'1 \\' I "\ il , ' , 1.\ I . $ ,L M ,' , .. . " ,\ 1 111 , , 1' Til ' 1' : V , t .. " \ ~(t ' L!rl"1t"" ,,,d fi, · ,' 1! ' " 1\ " I. " I' :"1111 , I -v I'r " u !"- \t ', " $1 ,',1) \ b" .. , I Pr)lII It·d "I' Ir~liiHrt4 , Hn 101 .,', (' lid I' l lt H ,~ :~ I"\U til l, \\ . I lu th ... " 11 111" 1 .. I '1, ,' . .... 1 ,01 . ' 1,1 1\1 11' I'" V, 1, , 1 " 11 III J , I HI ' " \A~ I.' I k"' l ~ttrH\lI ' 1 \ V 1' 1' v ' r, iii f',· It'", ,, Pr ' \\'n .. h). l~t , " (," \' !I ... ll1p , *.';' :)0 ~', ' ''I~ ~I .. " " fI ' loI ,'-1 III . 1,· ('" '' '' ." ., .;l711 , VI,t" ~"I" Il f \ \ ' h " II ' tt l 1111 '" ., ,1)",> .foI ' ,.. . • J UrdtU'f" t. I :H" It , A. ,\1, :' U I': I ! " ' 1\ . " , d 11 , '" f ' ' '


t Ul l" ,


f 124, F. \1 "I " " .. n'J lllr,, (' f ~.Jl ~ Marrial(t: LilenMe. I W. I :. ";W tlill, .. rr"r 111 .. 11" '" ]1 11101 111 Davi .1 V. :0;1111111, 1111 .. . ,8" flf 1.,,". 1$4 . .l .. rr\· olkl:"I . " . rt1f .. I " ,.$~:t. /7. IlnOIl t'l ."~ 1'>\ " rl .. R '\, llItI,l ~ nl , MIll<O Il 1.1111111" .. ( .. , . . C" IU ,· III.. " ,".1 0 , /;lIm [) HfI1~I f', lat ,~ hllli "'J. IHlIllle~ M It A I K ~II orre' \\'. IIY. . ".. . l for,J'lo.'.f'( f,\I~/i J , ~' I" ""r)('U Cnll" .. "1I~"Mrrl1ll1 01 COIl'ruClt Nil. :lUll \Y.H! lt1 t ( o .J K CIIIOI'"'Ktl, \," Willa Ii 11jlIlIlP~ '" I , ~pelloer ttl hu'ltl !! cUllorote t'IA t l' of I_e hillltln llll v. A .1 K II8 t1e. Min Nort,h abuLmcmt of tile \1a8011 L, HarmlUl MoFllddill, olerk of 8&On6 Aroh in Deerfield township New Al'>lluy. Il1d, to Vennll. Frye $ 1!l3 . L'ubbage, of Blanobes'er. Rev . U - .- - E.Oowdy . The Junior Guild of St. Mary's church wilj give a lawn fete on the Real Estate Transfen church lawn Thursday evening, July TboUlll!l C. Weloh to W . W. 23. Everybody invited. --RUlfhell lot No. 18 In BlghJl\wn snb dlvisioa to Morrow, '100. HYMAN'S CLEARANCE MYER e. M. Reynold!! to Teusa Revnoldl1 SALE lot No.1 in Uorwln, II Started off promptly last Saturday Mary Ro"" to ~. A. Ross part of loki No, 14, 16 I\nu 26 in &Iuth Leb uS advertised. From early morDlng until Ide at night the st.lre was anon, th.onged with eager buyers who W. C OHm Iur, sherift t .· Walter barcains H. Kldcler and A. F . 8roIJOIhall, ex· realized the unusual eootors of 'be Plltlite of Wm M. offered, Bnd took advantage of this Hayner. real etth.te In Hamilton Bille. It Is the poli01 of this store not to oarry over goods to another township 13200. season, to h1lve nothing bot olean, new and up-to dllte good. aU the Commissioners' Proceedlngli timf'. Never in the history of WilY. Tbe Vouely Audltf'r wile direoted D68vtl\e WIl8 an 0pp<lrtonity like thls to ad vertlee for two weea. for bids presented \0 the people to buy Dew for orusblng 8tone for the apo aud lIeuonable good. at sooh 8'10proaobee to the Foeter bridg f9 , rlfielng prices. ' AU IIprlng and !tum. 8111s A\lowed: 01110 (Jorrullated mel goods must be sold within a Colvert Co., pipe 1116.20. XenIa shor~ time. Don't delay. attend \Vork Bou8e, to malD'lIIl!ln06 of this sale at once.

----- -

----- ..



Whole Number 3273

(-I r<lI I'III', :\1 ... tllI ,l


lt lll111

!Ilfr "" Hlld 'vi,' .';lJll l ul'c r . TI :uy

I\lr ... . \\ 11111111, I. ' ," 11" In u . I'.....~ I I " I II' , ' ! Mr ; 11 111'1'\' .l!' lin llll " I, """ '" .11 1 " I r il p ,II·!.n d u 1"1"' 1',· J l'Ofll l{ ill Ih e h" " I' , I ,1I. 1111'\

Mr. 801111 Mr~. lrl~ A. 1::ittrtRII(' k, of Drtvton. ure sJlendin g R,HlI " tllll O RUSSELL C. FERRIS with t heI r parents. Mr : and Mrs . Percy Rell son, of Democratic Candidate for County D!\yton. a re guests of Mr . Roason'~ Pl~rents. Treasurer Mr. und Mrs. Ellrl Hockett and dt~ugbter Ape nt Sunday WIth Mr1l. A young m1ln of ling qunlity , an enterprising busi ness In!\n, was Hookett 's parents. Tho SundllY ~cho()1 convet.ti ou of born and raised on the farUl , has a practic1l1 lind business educa tlou , thi s towuship WItM held Ilt tho has been B s uccess in every under- FrislIds' ohurclt 811\)\)l\tb IIftl'r n,tOn tliklng . A man thtlt O.LIl conduct with a hr~e ILttendance. his own business lIuccellsfully is the Mr. and MrM. RU8Reil J . Murmy , m~n to oonduot the bUBineHfI for t h e of n e ,r Oreg :lDia. transacted basi people of Wllrren County. The nEI!:I8 in our ci ty last v.eek . Deiuooratio v oters Ille solicited for Mr, and Mrs . J oh n RobersoD, of Mr. Ferris Ilt the Primary Election Uregonia, aUon'lfld ohuroh her fl to be held on Tuesday, A ugU!!t 11 th . 8tlnduv. ---,.. - Our ne w blaOIrt:!mlth Is meeting Headache and Nervousness Cured I with great su ooeSB. We can b()!\~t , of having two as good smlt·h 's tiS "Cllt~wberlaln s rllblets are en- there are anywhere. titled to .. 11 the pratse loan gIve 'bem," writes Mrs. Riohard Olp, George Ed wa.rds Ilnd E . P . Cllrr Spen erport, N. Y. fhey bllve al'e pl8!1te rlD~ for Corwin Haines, oured me of headaohe and n ervous. nElar Cheater neSB and r estored me to my norWEll Rev, Wooten, of the Wllynes ville health." For sale by all delliers . Friends ohurcb, was present at the



p I\:-It"



11 1

lI\lll l ~ l (lr

(Jnr III)/lrll of 11,'111 111 d{1~ory n>\ ,:(r nnt nedir. for t.lwi r ]lnr~nvnrllnr. o , I.hoy 1\10 IlnvlDt-: 1"·OIllI HJ... cloll nol l up th llt IJ IlVCl heo n in ntlol\ of I t for u loug time . Revornl frum h e ro atten ded the Bllrauru [lU ll. Bllil e y show [It OilY tun IIL ~ \ w(1t)k . rh~et;hillg h!! .. boon Atoppeu in th i ~ vioinity for !:If-We rId dl\ys . 0, . 11 011 Mr .. . 1I. K Bntt.on 8n I Mr . un.1 Mr .. AlhArt. Morri l)(lw FlJ>e ot F rill 'l Y ill !la yton . 'I'h o I" tn ce ~ lLt t,bA Brooks dllDoe 11 '111 IITIl well lIttellollil hy t he 400. Th A tIluHir. re llllllre<l by the talented pArttJr ,ner IJH,ke,. it Ii very attract.ive p I\no t o whilH avmy the tIme !lnd he ill tile bl'lst of s ociet.y. Ve ry fuv ')6"\lle hllV Il the nbility to mlu} a!!e a prnpol'liti on of tbiB kind so ~ 1I r.ce~Hfully 118 Mr. Brook!!.

Caesar's Creek I\J,. 111 11 1 ~'1 r~ . B urltco ( 'om pton 'lf ll l d ll l,!~ht, Ar Mllrlll nnlt. called au [1',lph 1.t1l1llli nf.{ '!'1 Su nullY afternoon . ~i1~ " F I"tllll:iR \V i1~ o n enter ta lned Il I"" ,01 I,",' \\' lllIlington friends ..... '1 · 11[ " v 1' \' I''''n~ ,

\If' Ifno! 1\1,." l!.tL.'i' lJI vnd Wilso n \'. ,. , 1' 111 II 'Lr\'n y"lm rf.{ !:;uo<lny 1Ifte r"Ill) ,.

i1 'II'I"t.:" I<l e lcher Ilnd wife hllve 111111 tll f' ir n ow h om& .llr n ll'\ Mr~ . .1. S Learntng at t l'ndnt\ tiln fJlUIIJI meeting Ilt Dayton

fll lI\· .. d

t-'lIll f!IIY .

r.\,lIn \' f~II I111-! ~Ilnllu

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/ ,l1l1rl IIl1 i n llM tLlId rllmily attended l il" Iltrllll) rn citld Id, Wnynesville Illst wo(>i;: .

'l'!1Il fll r11lorll husy threshing IlIIII IIlllking buy. ,Iesse Haines seems better Ia'tbifll timo . His many friends hope tor hiR speelly r ecovery . Mrs C. T . Harner and ohlldren Clmnent a nd Ma rybelle viAi$6d at [l orace Compto n 's Wedne!l4ay of In st week. ERther Com pton and three grllnd. chihlren too k dinller wUh Horace COUlpt m'A Thursuay of lallt week, celebratill,t.he birthday nl bo'h Mrl . Luoy Comp'on and Aunt Estber Compton It being her 83 year .

- - --+--- --

Severe Attack of Colic Cured E. E. Cross. who travels in Vir. ' ginill Imd other Southern t:!ta$eS, was taken snddenly and severely 111 wltll colic. A' the first 8&or6 he ollme to the merohllnt reoommeuded Mesars. Lou Wooll ey a nd his acro- Chamborlaln's Colio, Cholera and batic parLn er, Ben Peers, of Xenia. Viarrboea Remedy. Two doses of logethe l' with the ir familie.3 , will 1t, cured him. No one should leave sail for Europe nex l month, where bome on Il journey wI'hou\ a bottle they have a three-year 's engagement of this preparatioD. For Mle by all on the Continent. dealers.



• ••••• , ', ',' , ' •• " .e .......', ' ••••• '., . ' •• • '~' ••• '



a Finest Player Pianos and Pianos will be sold for $10 down and $2.50 a Week. ,. w w _





You are now offered the sa me rare hargain bu y ing oppo rtunities that onl y people in the cities enjoy. You can o wn the fi nest Piano or Piano Player on the market aud pal' for it a UTTlE DOWN and a LITTL E A WE! ';K. Wttrlitzer will g ive you credit fo r three years or more if YOII want it. ma rks prices so low that they cannot be cut auy lower, You can be certain of all absolutel y square dea l. You can be certain uf the highest grade instrument .




We propose to give yo u cn'ry c hance to test a n y Piano or Player Pi ano 1\1 your own home and in your OWI1 way, and jf yo u :He not satisfied, we will refund every ceut you have paid. Come and sec the magnifi cent Wurlitze r line in YOUR TOWN ! FOR A FEW ]JAYS ONLY. Examine the fme illstrtllllenls ami become posted on this broad liberal WlUrlitzer way of doin g business.

If a club member dies during the life of his contract, The Rudolph Wur\itze r Co. will send a receipt in full to his family.

This $800 Artola Player Pla"o wlU be sold for· ...................... . ""


.. __ ......... ............. .

1IrHE Artola is .the first Player with every modern. luxurious


600 feature that has BOld for less than $600. Pay down only flO. An Artola will make your home doubly attractive and give you wonderful entertainment.

*********~*********** ~ THI~ STORE WILL BE :.

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*' *


.. '**********************'*


This $300 High Crade Upright Piano will be sold .for .. . . . · .· · · · .. · · ·



... ---

""'.-...,."-"'..,..,.."'........... ..."'...,,......"'.........-...,."" ...,."


1IrHE extreme and unusual value of this fine . in gt~ument co,uld

\lJI not pos3ibly be exaggerated . Compare IL With an~ $300 one, If you seek a really high·grade Piano at a low price, 00 not fail to see it.



OOMPANY Cincinnati, Dayton, Hamilton, Columbus. r:iqt.t a , Springfield, I routon, Middletown and lOUISVIlle

New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Cleveland, Milwaukee .

Opposite. the Waynesville National Bank ,. ,1/('






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I Mists Are Ch ois ed From Sidea of c" n o--NolsCIS of Neapolita n Trillfic Form Rude Contraat to Peace I Oller th e Waten! .


Unn 'l worr)'"

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:-;a pl l's.- H1gh a bo v e h I' s L-Nl t. I UIJ ~ Illill g OIl a rall ,,<1 wtu J uw I~tl g e R UB-NO-MOR E ab ou t l ~ IlI cllo,; wltl e a nd ~ lx ["l't l o u ~ , W ASIIING POWDER Is a 811t1lcss dirt reJu ~ t lurg '1 ~ n o u g h fur u ~ lUulI c hair, mover for clothes. Day ~ 1 1 t'u rr ~~ Ll o nd')IIt of an t- xc hallgu. It c:leuna your dishes. Uut g rt-at or s mall , thl H per c h SUIIlCeS\ ~ iDk 5. loilets a nd to <""""lI unt! it mO Sl dolig htful vi!.! w. cleans and SWeelL'fl. 1'1", "tin Is JlI s t i;a t Li ug b"itl lld the )'OUT milk crocks. II pCln llontor y thu t Iltre tc hes OUI to wa r d kills germs. It doe. I ~ c hlu . A pi n k Sl') w l ~ ti n t ing tb e not need bot water. :K ia nu 0( t 'allr l. boldly vls lbil ' a c ross RU8-NO-MORE til ba y Tho long hlladlallu which RUB-NO-MORE Carl>o Naplba Soap for 0111 th u ~ outbern uaturu.i breakwa- Wash inK Powder t er of lhl ~ most wo nd e rful harbor, Five CC1lu-A U GrocerJ w ith Surr e nto glimme rIng near the exlrem lty . IB bllglnnlng to tu rn lavon- The Rub-No-More COo, Ft. Wayue,lnd. de r. and i n the mountain HlladowH a purplluh tone develops a8 tbe ltg ht Wildly In Love . " Pe r(ivll l," murmured the belros",. waDe s. St raight ah ea d of me as I Bit Ie "do YOll rea ll ~' 1011 0 your lilli e wtrey!" ·· Vaas." rllBponded till' duke, " I adore double-peaked Ves uvIu s . ItB s Id es pel'fect ly c loar 01 the mlslJl tha t ba vo you. you k n u\\'. and nli thal- sort of en 8hroud ed th orn III n ee early morn· alU r ro t "-Loultlvllle Courle r--JolU"flal. Ing. Prom the cone pours tbe nevol'Important to Motners eDd lng column of at e am . Just now Examine cl1re!ully e vo ry bottle of 80mewbat mushroomed In tbo calm CASTOHIA. a safe li nd .ure remedy for air of evening. I can BeB from tlmo Infan lJl IUld children, and title that It to tl me tho Jeta rIDing from tbe outBears the er OdS08 of the groat vcn t. to join of tb e 1m m e nee c loud-like ma8S above• North and south. llk e a trans/bin, In U se For Over 30 Years. ti h u!l, a -tarker toned layer of vapor Children Cry for Fletcher's Outoria h a:; drlrted. lipread In g far beyond th e All s oo n as n rnt dls cove rfl that he 1lI gr ~\'n h olght or Mount S ummn ou the nortbeallt lind over to Mount St. Au· trnpl>t' d h e IOSP6 a ll Intt'r flll t 10 th e pit·" .. o( cheeHe tbat CIlU !lN! his down · ~lo ou tho So rre nto peninsula. Thero Is no menace In this a s pec t fit ll . ot the mon s ter l hu t has 60 often exnc te ll It s toll o ( Ii fo and doslroyed s o \. ns I. a s um In ma n·mad e valu es . It b ptok (' n s the Immoasu rabl e (orce of Co1d s . fC 'n~ rs, en n ~eA th\ n uud ~,!rrn d18n at ur e Wl d tells o! a la t e nt power easeS u rn pr.,tty fol lin, to o\'urw urk Lllo kh1(or ev il. but vll"A'e d from b er e It Dey a tlud len ve tbl·m wonk. 10 cun,...losseems o ni y a sbam volcano. some · oco r o. In fueL 01 IIny tim e wben BU'pl ntoll I. "roUlle.! by a 1<11116 , .. cuIng iJa"k, rbeut blng py rOtecbnlc fo r a fe ~la . and matlc paID~. boadache, dlnlue... or not doing \' c ry well at tbut. Tbo dl8ordcrod url uu, tho uso 01 Uo"n '. knowledge tb at It 18 Velluvius a nd Kldnoy I'lIl~ Is a .t1tob In tlmo thAt may avoid ",rlou. I.;Jdne}, 1I Il1Clll'<). that It stili poss ess os a pot ency for DOIlD'. KI.lno~ Plilscomffillrul IlOnfldenOll. unlimI ted evil g r eaUy aids tb e mind for no oU",r r.,m ~r1y l.s 80 wl'<l, In pict urIn g It as a treacberously ou fretlly 1'1!C0lU1llondec1 or !Ill IlODeT&lly qui et creature. Ilk ely at uny time 6uooeaslul. to d emand a sacrlfice . A Kentucky C.,.. Lately much anxiety has beon fe lL T. D. R. dd. tnr· nl (' r ~Bl d l:J , Ky .• h f' r o r e garding Vesuvius. A f ew e ll) ' . : •• , ha4 ,"0 months ago It b egan to ebow marked g,.t up 'Iv er o r .Ix t Int. at nhtht to 8lgn~ of r en e wed activIty. and when pa.. t h f' kid n ey a young Eogllshman descended Into atof: retl v t\& Th oro wn.. a.n lut e~~ til l' cruteI' (0 tak e motion p Ictures he pA. ln In fn7 and hlp. o..nd I r e port ed a remarkable condition. Incou l d h tl r d I Y dlcallve of mal ovole nt e ne rgy . Out the . l rA. l ~htt· n Il.rt6f' .l onp l ne. r ha4 dreaded e ruptlon has not o'ce urrod, dl :z. y IIP ~ 1 1 L to<l• and now it Is Etna tbnt hM contrll>A • ..noo 11. l u..w1 [)on n ' . KI d. n 8 y utedl arresb to the lIelsmlc r ecords, by P Ili .. th.'y h e lped tnc ILDd In a nsoot.b causing an earthquak e tbat has .I&1 W'tl.D (lUrod. I strayed several SIcilian villages and have bad &Ood b ealt h .inee. " takon sco rOlS of II vee. Meanwblle Vec.t 0-'. a' Au Ston.15Oc • a... suvius pours out Itll usual volume ot

. lip

~Ignature ~~ _ .~

A Stitch in Time




co.. 8UFFALO. K. Y.

Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartlca and pU!l1'ltI'~• . bruw, harsh. Unnece8iJU')l.

CARTER'S LImE LIVER PILLS Purely Yriletable.


elimina te



bowel C. Con.Upotlo••

IIt11... D.... Sk.U ....


Ilea.. .... !dC_lie.. ••

SIIAIL P1u, SMALL DOSF., SIIAIJ.. PIlICL Genuine mutt bear Signature




WASHING POWDER. It . Increase 111 1 ery week un~a es ev less it made housework much easier.

c i rl'u nl ' ,Jirh ~ hl." h i' :'".I ld a\\ kw n rcll ~'; " Ut, d Oll h. li nd 1<'11 1 SP~ lhat It WtiS ro rc-crl lU ll ;! n ' l ire " Ollt." . ItHutio n. W ith a .... av e u! d ~f' p er I I I '·· .... · r " 1I1 r 1I1)IlU nl l!, Hut thougb we met OU l h d ~ " ~ ll n dl"r i"i 1"1 \' e. II ,·.t • lll' 'I1 t hl' "\ "urillf'st.\ r h, l hO Pf' l llss n l'ss th l1 n had yC't ::\ l1bm p r Je nd I, .. , , 1> " ,,, ,,,,, \' .' 1 ,- , '. " ' ·i·" In" n l\"l d. I ke pt Ill )' pro mise. 8as&OOu II I d r a !(g ed ilVOIl h'l r S Llir1 t~ ilk,.. Ipullo-n h ,·r . ~ II " ;"'ali zNI Ihat. uga lDsl h or o wn m a " " .1111,' 01 ,.;" .. .... , ' '' I'' IfIn " 1,1, roO r 11" n OI, f a ll iJ y nlY ha ud." w el /l. ht~. nnd muu o him w'l!com,' wllh " Ad s lD" . sOJUethlng '''' o p wfth ln her h lln.1 ,( ~lr~ 1, , 'll , I I' Il~" 1 r \"'11, 1: _ I Sn_• • ",." n· I.1 \ ' ,, 1. ," , ' , ,,, ~ht n ,1",,1 " .. Ii " r sh C! had bc guu to tremble so thaI h el' \l s ua l t'onli u li ty Hll o "a ~, In I'ucl . ha r! tll kl' n Rhy n ud s .. c rnt c omro rt n 8,···" "", In " hl" 11 II .. 1 ""IIIrr "'H ' 1<111";1 th " p a pl'r shoo k In hor banda, and r e liev f'd at hIs <;olltlng. AI Vumory ' Ida s tubborn wllsculin e r!'fuM I , "nli ll nl rl n€'1 or n \lH I II . \ , ', 'lI ri ,I' " r J,t rt) \\ 11 f th , "'1 11 ,,·PA·1. '" nll 'r "I" r •. HH I d,·,- ,. I·' " In fr OIll he r breast. Rhntle red by her court. tb l! ltighl o f Ih e ba ll , "h .'n s hl' Ag a luI3 t a ll rllct, In fa 'e 0 e lU\I08 ' r n 1 1~ hlltt" '" 11,.. pl... ·., V nll" '" .r" ',., qui c k bre alb lng t he uro wn J6IIlII1mrne ' had come from l h Co~ard e u with h Ol r s ibl e. h e r hhenrt1 had b He D cllnglnJl: to h lr! .' )' ( r " 1n rtl;>! hl r. , ."l ! 1\ ",nilk ..• wl, k." hi I I bt 'Io lt p . him K n n w l"~ {I , .. ct.·R (Il IIl,·SA " I th" plI ta ls du s ted down III her lap_ It waa Hll8 thrilling f ro ll) Valia nl·. kls8. eh " lhill- I!IS t o ug 1 a ove m g el'en b it ". "" Ir lo·)' . " .'k. 110,' 1"'1." " Irn m th f' 8001 0 ruomentu bnfore abo could cal<t. had s udde ul" DlPt his look. It had a t tai n the mlrnculou8 Rnll wom o wh e rc. WOl t n" [ li lt! S/\ \ '('!'I h lr4 lire" V nl' !l n t h.arns . ' • b I la R t tor th o I l r" 1 lim e Ihn l h i . rnlhp r I ~ rt Vlr- he rtlel ( 8ulllclenlly to read on. see med to hold II litarll pd rOllllzlIlion HnmEl o w. reCrf' ale C rcums nee. u "He flre d al tbe sIgnal aud tbe s bot that .. he bad romombtl r ed w ith 1\ rp. now h o. 100. bad bowed to the de c re o. Itinl R o n n,·~()'tIl l M u n d ,, ~ 1 In whic h Ilnc· t n T" So ut hall an n !,1 t!J r nrtl" t o w Ac t.,.1'1 R., kl A ! tt bUt b d hi. IIl,llPr·•• ·.-on,l. V.. lIllnt I\ n~ ~ h lr l.. wont wide, I threw my pt.tol 011 the morseful compunction. ~In cl'l that A nIl 0 u e,r npal e ... Wnl C e . borrml. 1<"",1 I rl~r. (," ~I.. . Our Hl rlcl " ,· groun d . The n- wbether maddened by nIght he h ad not hAe n a t R08ewood . ness flelz e d upon her. to rflplaca the f a itH" w h ", n " hI'" .,-wet:1 \ 1},1In n t f ."I T" t illI I lh t h d I bs n IIr.t tlmp Vllll nn t (ll ~r" y ~ r. tha t h. h " . my re fuBal to fire. I cannot &.ell- he RaoKton had li ghted n pIn e-knot In K larp m s e r y a a 80 onR e .. t n r,un~ In nlll Wll ln ul lr~~ • . Th ~ y~"r1 y tu rned bls weapon all at once and ahot the fireplace. and th e wa ll a wer e s hud. b e r companIon- no e mpty numbDfllS tot1rnA.m~,.t II aurvl v nl o r th e jn ll . l ln~ of I hi' b I e-sure s he ~ase d to t ell,l al 'Im,,~. I. held n I n~mor' Y en" r !. At b lm s e lf througb lbe breurL It waa de ring wltb c rlmaon Ahadow8. Har n w e . n n m u • ~~ • th~ lU I rnom ent V"l l>, nt t"kRR th ~ pIll e O ove r In lion Instant. Tbe aeoondtl did bllDd wae sh Ield Ing her e yes. anrl as rl"l'll. -of o n e or Ihe knlgi ll • . who I. olc k . !lnd .. l t It A h d d I I b d t .." len. lh ~ 1I0ts. H e "'ln8 Am' c h Ol'.~B not IUCI!I!--uO no enID now. or s he etro.,.e to fill tbe gaps In t hei r n our ragge sow Y Y IUl a <ilh tr l.r [) . ndrlclq ~ A" qu"on 01 bea uty to ha l.Jponed but a n hour aco.. A.lI tbe so mewbat epasmod lc co o ve reall o n le ngth sbf' roS8 Bod W81ll s lowly up t h fl disma y or Ka : h pr' lnt' f.~a.rgl" a. to rm~r d d I I 1.t d 1 t I H head r~ll curiously • ..,po lhe"rt. wh o I~ \ lo ltlnlt In Vlrlflntll. CO e ec raes. t Ie I' bac ..... ware urne wl tb th e trivial Impersonal th Ings t hal I I" e n .-s. pr , Th .. lournam t nl ha ll at n ..mnry cou r t wben the shota were tired. But tbere be lon Ko() to their o ld Inti mac y, t h~ h"avy, but It did [lot ache. Outside the . lI le n t tho\' 11collnunnl"" t rv.hl". ". "eShlr t t o uc h tiny flic ke ring fl am es 1!()l'm o() to be h.)r moth e r 's door. a8 wall h c r c us lom. I tty Is " .owned h y n "r- we re c I rcum ~ ta nces I caDDO ""au I)". Vnllllni It ll .• ::; l1lr l ~ Y nt. hi. loyr UpOD to }'ou whIch made them dlsap- dn rtlng unfT I!'ndly Hnsprs plu c king at phe pElu se cl mechan ically to liste n. A ."d become ,I.I{ I\ .Ph Ul' l\tl) l ~!I,\ 'I'I~. !lrm' e-- wh lc b mad e my facing him her SCCI·., t , Le ,aning fr Oll1 itt'r nest of tIny p Dcll of light Htruck t hro u ghri thh o tttnn:.:ltl l"Y t1 C't lo! rmlnt n l: n <'Hn",""" tt") ft " t wit hou t Ii ~lrl1 ~" I.· . ,,, ,Inl o "lit tf! SII .r · j ll st Ihen 8~em llnchivlllrou.. I saw \ c'u:lh ion fl sit" thrust tit t' poke r IIII Q cl f.lrkot>s. B amI pain ted a spot o! b g t· I"y h" '" tHrlbt. It w.", I.1 hr l ~ r'l'h\': .1"11'an urn,'. it In Brlstow 's fnc e • and liked blm th e 1114-r. f:\"IO \\'·lll g r f',,~. ln o t\ ~ JTln~s till ~ l l •arks I II 'SS on h e r ~own . It c t\m e t hrough flO whn c-llu se ct t lt (' fhlf.' ! (0 m ... 1 h '. "'h o If)o k. SO mu.' h Il k •• his 111I iI" r Shl r - be tter (or It. e ve n wbllo It touc hed wh lz zl',1 "P Ih,' .. hlmrll' r ·s h he k maw Ih e k e ),ho l",. t b e ln mp In her mot e r ~ 10 )'. un ct'rtn ln. bill f " .tlnl! t hn t I",r ,"~ Ih . my pri de Th e y conld nat 01 I 1t J'l1l1 m WUR I.Ht rn lnl(. "Sh " h BR lalh. n f'r 1\' A" I n lovp \'\'lt h t 't " \'1 I' t hll " r \ u l1 · , . n a UTT P Il . . i .. I tb , t .nl·s pl. tot, br" nk. I h~ , ·""," ~ . rn " " '- ~II\ Jc, r cOll r se. t b at I d id not InteDd t o tire. '· HOW , l h," fh !" s h,. ~ J\i d . . nl c key as llOro p an d f or ~ O ll E' n t , "". o ug I , Jlrls' ow rn.l lld lly "", UI1,10(I I" Y fll md We ll • you o.nd t hey wlll Jroow It now! ."-, n"(jnr Cl l il ll' II ' ra lo I'tnga lII" he rllh' ~('I n"I ('1 w h o ,., IIFH M (-,Tl l ... ll18 'l '1lz'a v .. rd III l nd softly l urtling Ih,· k nobt . . l'utl h" Ic1 to 1>~I"on . hul h (M. · .1 ,':ln l\' lJrl" " )\v ('nn- And IIrletow hUH my piBtol ; he wi ll Ila·des. I u ~pd to th ink lh .. y ti ro ll' liP lh €' doo r no lllP le RBl y o p<, ~ ali i 1\ nl Or l'l '~s." . to Mt'ft. n",,·lrhiK" th aI hr 11 .,1 fl nrl It und iRc burged - thank God . t th I db . th IIlU ost A mOlnt'nt . hf' slood 1.~ l e ll l n g tn Iho krill 11 Iflller V " I1 " ," hl\ <I wr lll ,·n I" h"r 0 e s ,y an ecam IJ e I " I . I ' II In [I h e s lpC lle r att e r th n du pt. Val h nt d ...·I'h-. , n Ie." ,. tha n k God! s t.n rs. ,,'hat 11 pit I' W I' hav,' t o grow ow fE.g u al Jr ~ a 1 II: 0 - . ' n nmory rOl1 rt nn ,1 '\I"I ;~. Rh lrl. \· t hn l hr " nut wlll that matter to you? If I I so ' I I I'd ath e r Tht.! r c ull lng ·lump ah ed a s had d g low <'I lI1 love hor nlwflYS. Up IInl cltrn m ue I . r o n Ih o pll\ow wit h Ita s pread.ou t sl l. - - -yo u lov e() SaS800n. I 8ball alwa ys In ha\'f! kl' pt on be llc nn g that wh en t h o h d II t h d CHAPTER XXXIII .-Continued. your mind fltl1nd as tb e indirect ca u ss rc d leu ves In Ih w on d ~ whlrl f' <I a hont ve r bnlr . and on 'he e cal at ;~l 9 t With uns&.eady f1ug e rs s he un · or his deuth' It la for thh r eason I In a clre l!' tb p rnir ic" w e rp tlanclng. cllIRPe d loos e ly on el ~ c:";r de. . r · "rapped tbe oll ed·sllk, hrok e h I! le t- am goIn g nway""':'l could not bear to an d th at It was t ho gnO lU tls who put I y calmflll('fIOIlf" an oO ' e 0tw h n on was ellloo I 00 k I n your accus I ng eyes an d I lear th o cock l f'- tHlr~ In th n h oun ds · enrs. "theI p' ae cd ac o. IIlt t ter's seal , and r ea d : id It U a8 htl a · ·Deareet : yo u aa y It. Nor could I bear to Slay S he had bee n talking at raDdo m, chi d 6 an a am e ou c I e g Y "Be for e yon r end t hi ~. you w ill 00 bc! re . n re mInder to 10U of auch a gradu all y becoming shrlnk ln g ly co n. 118 It flO me ple8~nnt slee p·thought bad d an d 8 t urn· lips. just laId flogers the dsream ing doubt h ave b ear d t h e thl n g t haI h as h orror. I( you Io,'e me, YOD w III wr It e tic.Imls 0 f hI 8 ('onR t r a ino Th erosy light catlghont and parkled bnppened t.b le su ns hiny morning. Sas· and call me back to you. 011. Ju- bltng mall.J1 e r . Sh e h ad, how e ver. but r thl I I ht th t I •. rom Isom ngh 'lr Iig d a It ay th u BBoon - poor Sassoon •. I can say tb a t dltb. Jud I tho m y owo dear Iove.' I h a l! defln .. d hl R e rraDd wh en h e came b e t with all my h ear t-Is doad . W h at thi s pray God you wlll!" to It nil In a burRt. tween f"r mo er B an s . "'as 0 fact wtll m e an to YO Il . Ood be lp me! She pu t the le tte r down and la Id " I-I can't get 10 it. s omebow . Sh lr- e name l brooch th at be ld he r ow n baby url a nd Rbe saw s udd e Dl y that wbat I cannot ' guess . For I Il av e never h e r face upon It. "Reauty! Beauty!" I· I .'. h e so Id w I t I1 8 U d 'ie nd e sperat Ion. cs ho ' had all her life thought wall a b oen certain. Judith. of your hp,art. sho whIspered. d r y-eyed . '" ne ver . .Jut he re Il is. I' ve I'ome to ask you Sometimes I h ave Ihough t yo u lo ved Ime w! I nAVer knew! But It would to m nr ry m e. Don't s tOI> me." he s olid Ipe ndant. was now o pf1 n lock At· "'~m e only- as I lo ve yo u . Las t h . "1 I h h d wlee a nd that t h e two halves clasped ... ~ hav/l made uo dlJrere nce. darlIn g . , we nt on nrfteu y. Ifllng III an : a min Iature . It came to her at once night wben I Baw you woarlng my would bave forgIve n you anytblng- " whatcver you ea}·. I must tell yo u. cape Jeasamin ea at tb e ball, I 'I\'a8 eVA rythlug! You Imo w that, now, I've beeu trying to for months and that t h e pIctu re must be 800800n·8. alm08t s urc of It. But when you mad e dear! You hav e b ee n certain of It all months!" Now lhat h e h nd s tarte d. a nd a Quick tbrlll or pity aDd yea rorue promise . whatever bappe n e d. not theee years that bav o been ao empty. It ca me w ith a hoyls h \'e he m ence that lug WHil ed up through he r ow n dejeebot h cb lll e d and thrill ed be r. Eve n ~~~n 'St~t:~~~~:d '::'flllsl~Z~~~ :~ . i~o~IOt~e~ t o urt my hand a gainst hIm. then I e mpty to m e!" doubled. Wall It beca use you fe nred Hut when tbe faded rose-co lored In her own desolation. a nd s hrinkIng !~Cll on t he tllthl di s k of lvo r , was tar hllD 1 Would to God at tb is moment gown and the poor llm&-yenowed stlp- almost unbea r a bly trom the avowal. that of John Valiant. r knAw tbls was not true! For what· peril. bad beAn lald back ID tho halr- tbe hoplI and brlghtnel!O in hIs voIce An In stant Hh e Rtar ed unbelle vin g ly _ ever tbe fact. I mu at love you, dar· clotb trunk; wb e n. her dOOl' onee more touched he r with pity . It seem ed t.o Then reeol loc llo n or the r esem blance nnS, you and no othe r. as long as I unbolted. s h e lay In bar bet:! In the dim her th a t l1rfl waR a sl ran ge JlImble at of which ValIant h a d told h e r rus he d live!" ~ Iow of tbe readlng·lamp. with b e r unescapabl!' anrl IncomprehensIble to her. and s be realIzed that It must W hen sbe had r ead thus far . she cu rllng slivery hair drifUnS acme8 tb e pa.ln. And all Ihe whll~. In the young be the pIcture of bl s ta thet. The filet cloffed th e le tter. and pr(lsslng a hand pillow and the leHe r beneath It. at vol co vibrant' with re e lin g. her crin g- s bocke d an ll co nfound e d b p. r . Why agafnBt h e r h ear t UII tr to sUl I Ita lapt the tenra cam e conrslug down her ing e ar was catc hin g imaglnod ech oos should hllr m oth " r carry In secret too throbbing, lo cked tbe wri tte n pagei! c beeks. of that oth l' r vole e. ~rave r an,i mor n mlDlaturtl or t be man who bad In a drawer of h e r hureau . S he wenl And with the loose nIng of ber tc ars . 8Alf·contalne d. but ~ltllk ell by I hfl sa lll l'" klll fld - downstairs and m ode Rll n ston brIng gra dually and Boftly came joy-lnll . pass ion. In Il lat Ite rntlon of ' I 10"0 ITO Fn~ CONTINl1I')O .> twlr cbalr to Its accustorn od I,lace un· nlte ly deepe r ihan the aoglllsb and you ! I lov e YO ll'" ctsr the roe e-arbor. and eal t h er e aenae of betrayal. It poured lIpon h el' HIs a nsw!: r ('nllll! '. 0 him flna\ly In Villn Pomp. tltrOugh tbe fnlllng twiligh t. lik e a lrembllng flood. Long. long ago h p. r s ll e Dcl'. nud hp. rl' l en~ erl 11Il r hands Neilson Winthrop. at a dinner al hi Bhe and Sblrley talked but littl e at he had gone out ot the world- It was whlcll be Il a d caugh t in hI s ow n , The y Riviera villa In Nice, Bald of Ne,. Naple.-CilStel dell'Ovo. •dblDer, and wbat elle suld see med to only hIs memory that connted to ber, dropp ed. limp a nd It ur espo ns h·e. In York 's new rIch: 'llome wInging fr o m old memories- her Now tbat could no loqer IlpaU palo her lap, "Shirl ey." h e said bTtlk e nly. "It Is incre dible how lIIany se rva.nt~ steam, and pre..ents the picture I lIee <i)wn glrlbood. Its routos and picnics or emptloess or de nial. It wall engold· "maybe you can' t care tor me-yet. theae people bave tumbtlng over ont as 1 wrIte, a dnUy mystery and a .nd hamm-acarum pleasures. And e ned by a n ew ligbt. and In that light But It you w11l marry m e. 1-111 be anotbElr. Pasll their pnlilcee of pale famHlar rrnlnace of possIble devastathere were long gapl! 10 whlcb she Bhe wou ld wnlk gently IUld amlllngly content with so littl e. till- you do." limestone fronUng the park. and YOol'11 tion. 'ut lI\lent, playIng wIth h er napkin. to t he e Ud . She shook he r head. her balr mak. Bet! a lackey at e very window and llrO The light Is paMlnp;. Capri baa .al"tite Ilght color coming nnd go Ing In She tound th e slender golden chaIn Ing dim flafth lls In tho fir elight. ·· No. at eve'ry door. mollt gone from alght , IlDd tbe «low trer delicate cheek. lost In rev e ry . It that buns about bel' neck and opened Chilly." she said, " It makes me "They tell a story about a FI~th ave haa faded tram the V 6IIuviuJl ate&.n'l. wa. Dot UI1 the hall·cloc k st ru ck her the little black locke t with Ita circlet nue food Itlns woo, blustering Into tbe wblch baa for lIome m1nutea been QlJUal bour that she rose to go to ber of laureled pearle. And u abe «azed at houlle at four o'clock In tbe OIonrln&. IIbading throUgh the mOllt e.Iuelve roam. Ihe face It b eld, which t1me had not gl'OWt.ed: tonee of Ii fire opal The transfl.x1q "Don·t eend Emmnllne ." abe eald. touched with cbanse, the lIOund of .. 'H4~110. where-II all tbe eervanter "pear of darker nper baB melted. Tbe ~I IJban·t want he r ," She kiaBed Shlr- Shirley's harp came IIOttly in through "'(f you pfeaae. ~r: tlHl butler an bay t. as amootb &II a ballroom !loor, ley good night. " Ma y be atte r a while the window. She wu playing all old· IIwered rest;)e(ltruUy. 'wbiln It cam.. dotted with boaU, whtte-wtng9d !lllb· you wllI sing fur me ; you Ilaven·t fallhloned eong, at tbe IIOrt ebe knew three 4)'clock I thoaght yell WIUI spend- ermen returning trom thel!' day's adplayed yo ur harp for ever 80 10Dg." her motber loved be8t : In' the nl«ht out. and ventuTed to ae~ venture with the neta. t1 uy motor In the subdued candle·llght Mrs. moat of the tootmen off to bed. sir.' boat.. rowboats. Ii couple of "teamDarllns 1 .m lTowlntr old. Dandrrdge larked the door of her .. 'Humph,' growled tbe food km,. ers witb faintly glimmering mast SlIve~ t\lre...18 Ilmon6 tile gotd room. She opened a closet. and tram Shtne upon my brow to<!IlY; 'Ventured to send 'em air to bed. eb r light.. the very bottom o f a small haircloth Lit" t. fading faat ._,. Fine piece of Impndence! SUp-pOBO I'd Bul, my darling. you wnt be t runk, lilted and shook out from llJl happened to 'bring a trlend bom&Alw-a n )'ountr ... d ralr to me. mlmY UII.US wrappings a faded gown the n tbere'd only have b ee n YOll seven SKULL IS OLD CRIME CLUE of rOlle-colored silk. with pointed bod· Outside the leavel! raatlP.d. lbe bird s to let UB In.' " fce and old-fas hion e d puJr~l ef'v"' II , She call ed and the crlcketll ung tb e lr unGarfleld Find Believed Head of Podtrpread tblB on th e be d snd la id with It pndlng epithalamia of lIummer nights. Three "vee of Crtme. dler Murdered Over 8eventy a ,mlr oC yello wl"ll SUl lo ~lipl' e rs lint! unrl on tbls t on e-ba.ckgrowld the m elYea,.. Ago. "Thill'S are t.hree o,ges of crimInal.... a little 8traw basilel Ih at he ld a SIJra y ody rOBe tenderly nod lingeringly lik e 8aid L ecoq. th e detective. of wbat had one r; bue n t:ap e ip.ssu, 1\ hauntln g perfume of pressed flowers. ' -,u-_,-", " Tho first age. from s eventeen to Passaic. N . J.-Wllliam W. Scott, mIne. ;,he sm ll e rl flnll IIf tod the locket toO ber I thirty, Is t bA 'Iaring a nd r1 es perate known throughout Passaic county a8 In tbe fl ickerIng light she Undr c~"I) c:l fare. " 'h lsp e rin g t h e worde of Ihe r e- ~!:~~~~~~~ CIn e. HIghway robbary. bludgeonlngs the d ean of the oor, and wbo Is also n nd rearrn ng f1 d h(' r hulr. catchIng Iv. frain , iii lind h old·ups murd e r for a few dolla .. I a noted historian In tbe county. snld kl llv lj ry c u rll ug Il"'~ " P S . In a lu w soli - ·tlll s Is the 'worst ag e. a Cl'lIeI, wlcko4 I h e bell~ved tbe slmll found by work· Y t"" , Ill)' ,111rl l ng. )'00 ",IU be coil . LookIng fllmOf\ l furtlv el}' abou t a lld s upreme ly roollsb age. \ men In Garlleld was that of a peddler Al w ny tl )'nu n g- and tntr tu me! hpr. s h e put on l l.l " ros fI·r: o loretl ~O WIl , " Tb El second a~e. frnm thlTt, to for · wilo was murdered more than 70 yenrs a nrl plnlled th A withered /lliw e r-spray T h " ~ m i l e wa~ stl ll on be r lips w h e n t y·rlve . Is lltl' <'autlous middle one. ago. Oil Itu bre a s t. S he II II"h I 0(1 mort' ~ hp r" l1 a s l" e p, lin d thn lillie lo ck e t Stooping . She Lo oked at It C108ely. flu r ..,la rl p,f; t hat nre Bare and easy , for · Scott "aid his records r elated that cU!ld les .. - in lh e wa ll ·brh d " l IH anel on " till la )' In he r nugers. She Started as She Old So. !(p. r y. counterfell.lng-In a ....ord. crlmeR I on the slle of No. 42 Passai c Rtreet. t he dresslng·tub ic - -nnd t he r l'lHll ng wrel ched t o ~Ir (' )"" 11 IlniD. hut I mllRt demanding neither viol e n ce. nor plucl! I Garfie ld, where the skull was fouud, lamp on th e d e ~k . Sta nl1 lng t-!! ror' , CHAPTER XXXIV . I th tood I 1828 tl Dutch borne-- I mll s t! Lo r e Is n't Ilkn th llL It - tbnl Is tile s econd nge. her mirror then. s h e gllz ed lun~ at th '~ "Th e fllird age. from torty-flve to , ero s n do p.s n·l c-ome a ft e rw a rd , I lcoo w. I s eventy , Is the ellecutlvE] one, The I stead owned by Tunis Van Idersteln. rt!tlectlon - t/w poor fad e n ro se· tlnt W hen the Clock Struck. a gainst t he pal f! h- o r y of b(lt sl e nder " So rro w we(, ps- sorrow slngB." AI! coul d ne ""r g h '{' yon what you wBnt. c rlmlnla l In DOW a gang le.ader. He do es About that tlme there was great ex· neck . aod t b e whll o ha Ir, A littl e Shirley played t hat nlgbt, the old RUB- You wOllld e n d by d espising me . !l.!i not acl: himself, but be plans Ilnd com· j cItement In tbe Mlghborbood when quher r a n o ver h c/' II p~ . mands c rim es of lUa~ l tude. traIn rob- an old peddler disappeared and a tit· Ian prove rb ke pt runn ing t hrou gh her I- shou ld tl p. ~pIR C my solf, " "I won't gIv e up," he said Incoher- b e rles. blink robb erie s. kldnapings and ti e later the h eadles8 body of a mIlD .. ' Wbtit e ve r th e fa c l: s h e wh ispered. m ind . Wllell s he ha d pusbed the go ld you aud no olh e r al> 10nK harp Illto It s cornor sba throw h emelr ently. " I can 't g ll'o u p. Not so long the Uk{'." was"f0l1nd In tbe PassaIc river. as I lI \'e.' " Scott bellev('s tbe skull founr\ waa upon a broad snfa in :l fealbery drift as I knoll' th e re's nobody e lse. At th('> Sho u n lock e d Ih e bu r p. IIu ·drawer or , chintz cushIons flnd d.-opped h er baH I tbought- I t bought porbapa you tbe peddler's , One Imllrovem~nt. then, took ou t th e lotte r. and sealing forehead io be r laced IIn~en;. A gill- car ed fo r Va lin nt- but sioce be told "My d e ar." said Mrs. Nev.iY"'''d. be" beT'llelf by th e table. read t h a remaIn· rramed mirror hung on Ihe OPP081tJ me-" rseo flUBbed wltll tbe excitement of Rooaevelt's Gift Horae I. Kllted. d er : wall, out of whIch . her IIOrrowrai brood· He 6topped suddenly, for abe was ber aft:ernoon In tbe kltcb,en, "I want / Chlcaso.-"Colonel Roosevelt." a " 1 write tbls 10 tbe old libra ry aod Ing eyes looked wtth an ellpresllion at lookIng at him trom an 'aahen tllce. you to be perfectly fn.nlt wltb me brown mare presented by the ex-presBrI.tow hold s my horse by t he porch. dumb and weary Buflennl. "He told me t b ere WF.8 no re&llol,J w b y now; what would YOIl· su,gest to 1m, It\ent to MI.. Lucl11e Mulhall of Ponca. !He ... 111 gIve you t b ls le tt er whe n I w-.. electrocut8d when It Her confuaed lboughta raced hither I should not try my luck," be said dU- prove those dou,hnuta I made today'!'" OItla. am gone. and thither. What would be the end? Ilcultly. "1 a s k e d blm.'· "WeU," replied Mr. Ne~TII'ed, Hn.ll,teP~ on the 'tblrd rail o£ tbe Me\"Laet night VI'e were dancing-ali Would Vallaut ' forcet alter a time? There wall a silence, whUe he . .sed lnll one wltb a sllaht U*lll fOpOUtaD EJeftted rt.nrc.d "bUe Ia' of a.-.t the ball, J ca.ft scarcely be- Would he malTT-KIn I'iqo, ' per, at her, breathille despair. :rheD be 'It ~tcllt be.. better '~r ~ 1IUId~ •." . , . . of • ~1ale q. ' ~ It wu I... than twelve hom hap.! The tboqllt caued liar ( ·.tab trted to lauJh. I. . ~e blaer. ,.'. no'll" h ";1 ,·1... , I ., . rl r" :er. ' ' ' l .j .' 1 "\ ..,, I ' , , ' , \\ '" In il" "" ..... ,!I ,f :''!C \' , ' . 11


Glow Tints Entire Island BUT there's no chance of Capri. 'I about RUB -NO - MORE Vo l- I WOU Id" nt

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I ('u \l\ d

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laln l

.!:ul hlt ,~

Th u t w ha l nv or hap pf'llf' d ~n ~UOt l wuu ld suITo r 11 0 harlll " •

It'llt ,I '

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Iis worth five cents.

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Explanation of the Inr.ontrovert!· ble Fact That Evil Is Permitted to Exist.

In ni l lil t, ,'OUI ro \' e r Hle" :JI'l d llg from ' r cllglo", 9 bl>i l..r" uo l"l e c·lIotroverl.ll the f~C't tl ,a.t good Il.IlU 1'\' 11 ,"xillt 10 th e world Tbe pamble o r th ., ~ owc r gives prolOfeel your tic a l thoul"ltl p eOll ccrulng thl . condltl ou I t rp.prl 'H'l n t s 111<' wur ld all a Uc ld with dtrTL' rent bolla , III wblch a away. finish refreshed. 60W,'r 1 ~ lilautin g good g,;c d . A so wer r e \lr elleu\JI :I jJ. r~on, "(It a me re Iucooled, nUI' nl" ·. It Is IIllt II ulilld prl ll rlp l't of ~o oo OIIl!r:lLi ng ill lli e world . but a lJ~rut (bt IC'Duine b, ' ull I\a.m.t""""good n o d t: i....~ r.ucu~ .. 'r .u.bsllfULion. H e 60'''' go ud 8c<'d III goull s oil and th e crop Wit. ttl be wheat ; " bu t wlwu THE COCA· COLA th e blad e W,,-," "p rung up , a nd lIrough t ATLANTA, CI.. fo rth fitu It, til e n af) !leared th t: tarea U also" Why! How cam e thi s! i:ll!cau se or un ('n em )'. an udveraary al so opcr atirlg In tb .. wurld _ Au "l1 e my Many a maa 1rbo bll.B a way of hl8 Domestic Ite m. ftugg es t s a penron a lld IIOt D mere 11lown ba8 a wile who outweIghs him . "My hous e Is 80 we ll o r ga nI Zl'd," Hald tlueu ce , MrR. De Uraw, "that I uon ' t go loto lIlY 1I0w ClIm e this "III' IllY loto th o D,_ 'P-'I7" Y-UUc- "!Had Sbo," 1I1ll. k lt<:b en olleo In a we e k." . wor ld ? &n4 ~ . . . . . . '- • yer7 f ew bonrd" That's tb e plt' t wl,y ~ h ~ cuts Itevelat.iou t" lIs us that th" "u ld SeT· .&d~. It," h er hu s band PX lllllln e d . "As II lOutpent, ca ll ed t U(' lJe vll and S utu II , was Tearll LnI on- more e!!ectiv r. th an l!'r of faC'l, . h e·s afrai d (If b er cool, CBs t ou t ot h ea " e n lUl O th(: eurlh uQ(\ Judg p hte ang e ls wt.-rc cns t out willi tllm." the Illoet eIoqueat words_ Know Well He II Here. WriglJl's Indian Vegetahl e Pilla put Red IIaII BIne, much bet ter , !lOCO Th e record omlta an y explanation farth er lb.. I!qw.l Wae. Get from any tb e 8tomach in good condition In a of the r tl that ho was cast Into Cl'oce". .&.k.. short t ime. Try tbem ror Sick Slam· th e ea r t h anu no t ~ I aewhe r c, and we !lch, Biliousness and In dIgestion . A dv A pe8ll'!m1tt Ia a man who docs n't b eare no l' cal lell u pon to su pply the li eve thai douda haTe 41\1 ver ll1l1 lngs_ omlaB lo Ll . Self-Evi dent , We Imow h e lu h e re . 11 Is not well "'WlI y do you naille tI at efi lJ e ~' ltLI Y0 0 1l OWWDJUJ~ WILL TELl. IOO W IgnOl'e bia l'xlR t plIce , for tha t will " f J Wun. . . . . 'ar Bed, W,·&-Il . Wa l.(l'lf'J kInd or a bat band th e "Vauded ll e?' , e nl arge b ls OLJLlOtt ll n lll es to do U H ~, .. ~ _ _ ~.Il<lo ' No 8Jllartln~ -"l.lecllusl' . s t up id, It 's II hea d liner." J"'" II,. 0...-. WIf.. (u, bOOk o f .11. " ' . Evil. b, D.LaLl ~ . . . . . . .,.. K.ew ~ ,. Cu .• Chlca"o. Ou r ;para ble c l!:lIrly t!; :J,ChCF th at His Bualness. there Is In thI s world tbl' klll"du Ol o f ITCHED AND BURNEU "How Ull!thul that dncto r Is!" a p!'raonul (;od alt d tlH~ kingdum o r a "lla.tlu:ll.lJ<. It is a docto r 'f buel SlIvrrwood , Mlcb .- "lIl y llaby was llersonal de·.. Il. Ilbout six 1:lol1ths o ld wh en h e tlrst b ~ Tb e good s"I'd ur ' till, chllcl ren of ness to tftg,t QIItOple Ill ," ga n to brenk out with IIltl e pim ples th e klllgdom of Gu d , Iwd th e tllr es are IIbltlnll Soap. on hi s head and tnce. Thell tbey wo uld t.he cblld r e ll or tb,. k ing do m or Satan L lqu id I02V ts conve rt e d Into ~o lld , run wate r !llld kecp gettin g worse un· In thl' Ilarni)l e good Bt'ed 15 SOW lI on good Ha il , but It. 18 "oversu wn " either ID caa." or powdered fo rm, by til hla h ea d was a r es ular sore e ru p. w Ith bad 8,'cd and they wi ll all g row a N'l('.P.JltU' ,II312nted cen tr It u g a I m n· li on and wnle r 'Wo ul d ruu Bud s tream rrom It and h is face sloo. His whole togetile r . Itl natur" ti: e n ' Is lI O dI M- chln fo bod y WAS affected . T h ey were little crIminati o n Tit .. bad sec d !:I~ts tbe TIll Covert Insult. white plmplee whIch It ch ed Bu.d 6ame h e lp from th e soi l's fer tility and MIRs OldVrl--Tlaat borrid Mis Pe rt burn ed some thIn g t e rribl e. HIB clotb th e sun and t he raIn !IS th o:. goo d Eeed . Il Is mu cb the sam e I u all commercial ac ted V'eI7 ndely to me In a atreet Ing seemed to Irrita t e hi m and It WBH car~ and Boclal lire . almost ImlJOsslbl e fol' h im t o sleep a t Mlee Slmut-What dtd s h e do 7 night. 'r bey al so d isfigur ed blm u s Blliles arc carri!:d 10 th e same mall MIn 0I4cIft-tI1ie "ot up be for e th e y were on his face. bag wltlh th l:: works of Intld els and "We tr ied medlcln o but without SUt' · scotters. T be knave 18 educated by everybollf &lUi eIknl4 m e h er s eal. thA sId.. or the hlln es t man. TlJ e cess. Tho trouble must ba,'e lastoo " . . H.n, three or four week R when I thoug ht prt ntlng presb Is us ed to print what Is Mnl. Cbadatt& PerkIns Gilman, th e I would try the Cullcura Soap and Glut· good an~d upJlfl!ng and whll.t Is bad a nd debasing Tbe demagogue and brilliant ~.. aaJd, at a luucheo n m e nt. I wou ld b a tile hIm with warm th e r e fOIrlD er RIIl' l' a l to thp. snme pol>" at the QJlin7 dab In N ew Yorl! , In wat e r , as warm a e he could IItand und ular au trr age. II! a tb uuSllnd ways th e an s wer fila . . --.:ttl:" Cutlcura Soap, th en apply th e CuU"So ro- _ _ 1111. Blr, of ov e r confi· cum Oin tm ent. Th o very first tlme sa rno thl n g If used for botll good and of tbe s utrragl e t that I d Id thIs ' It seemed to rel ieve e\'11 purposes . The wheat and th " dence 1ft the _ move mCDt. Well, air, I'd ask you to him as h o slept we ll Bn d Ins ld o or two lares grow toge til er, In th e c hurch th e bypocrlte som ll- r e memller tIlIa: w ee ks h e was com ple t cly beale d. " "The ~ la IlO areat hand t o sWltg' (S lg n pd ) M rs. L . W h itl', Jan . 2n, 1914 tlm f' s sl la In tb e sam e pew with tb e saint. E,' II th o u g ht B. tl es lrea aod am- ger sotl atftt,. bot at least sbe's Dov e r Cutl cura Soap a n d OIntment sold bi tions a r o wme tluH's In the 5a lic· bt-eo known to ackJe be tore ~ h e'~ In Id throughout til e world. Sa mpl e of each the e"-lU a ry . rree,wlt h 3~-[l . Skin Hoo l, . Address pOOl, card "Cutl cura., Dept. L, Boston."-Ad v. Th ~ wheltt ILIIO tb ~ tare s g row to· 6urely .. Hard Straits, g(' th e r A O~ man who bas a Bon at It' b "a. y to go to ru\\', t b e tr(' ubl p It What a r e w" to dCI " lib th e tares? Tlw Sl' rv a nt il of till' h usband man . Ooml!lI tool!. OCC&I!lon whil e Oil tbc to ~c, t hal'l .. wb o hnd 1":ll1t .. d good seed we re way home thJm New York to stop otT g r eat ly 0 Ist u)'h!!,'! lit f1lldlng tar es with tor the PIJr1JOIIe at seeIng how tbp. "llli l~ on wa.1t d",. T h ,t'~ wlton VOII UM th e wUP-at tlnd askl' d Ihe prac tical boy "'. . ~DC along. It happ e n e d Red ero", !JIIII Blu,'. (, lil t hes whit.j'r ~hllD QUf' stion : " Wil t th Oll th a t we go alld to be JIIiIt aftB tbe Corn el l fool ball .now All IlTOCen.. Ad\" . te a m , wl\icll II&cI IIndergon e lllan y b ugather tlH'm up!" Wh"1l !l a tlH'p s tore ~ a lut 0 1 braim Many III (,very ag e, bo t h III a nd Ollt- mlllatkJllt! m..t .eason. had bp.!'n bea t· bE'hin.! " pr~tt)' fll cl'-· wul cll out ' sI d e th e c hurc h, have lJ(' cn (' xclte d I'll 'by ColgabL ""'How are lhln!,s goovc r thl f. l;ues !lol1, Y et It wus an· In s with the ftJotball team 1" th e fa· Sere Eye,.., Or"ou}I\, ed Eyelhts a.nd 8\11:11;' sw c n .d ci e"rly. boldly un d with DO ther ask.ed. urete.ndlng to bE' seeking promptl y h calt d 'WIth RoulD.u Eyt" Ba~ Informatl.o1l. ''-he Cornllil football aa.m . All\, . t rac,~ of h esitancy ur amblsully. tea m!" the JISIlag mM excln llll ed with A"tonl shed th e Hearers. all the di:!f:IUIt that he co uld put Int o Don 't you feel SUIT)' for Ii lJ1 urried " Lil t both gl'(I\\ t ug~ th H un t il tbe ills t ones; "It hllJl been b('lIten h y mall who t nl ks In hi s slel'p'! tt:l rv pst " except th e Colun io l i. e \-erytlling Thosr wh o Iwaro It were gr eatly Emmes!W ,su rJl ris(>d alld " s lonl s hNI. Th t> natur· 0.1 Irnpu ls{' ":t OJ 10 huv(, th e allen and HfT THE SPOT, uto:.lf':is g r o wtb ,,'moved i'ro m th.) th'ld . PQlltum KAactle.d Out Coffel> A ll•. Til " d hH.: iplr·s o f til l' lua El"r cou ld e('~ rr ely wait to SH him away fl'llw Tb' -d- I f I f I d (lr&~ ~ ~hlttJea a satllA aelt ;.nt tl u.' 1l, IulUI uu,· to a~), whut h I" nlcant an eo ru.o...... ng up on t " r gu by ,tit. , II lfr ,lu l" ~f th e tare ~ tiling to rt4 one of th e varicd and 1 ht'ough ~il .hp. c hut'l'h ij hi s tory constant allJDeo.ta caused by cofJee tlll' t't' hll\," UN ' U t hllSt' 1 l\ ~ l sllllg on a I drlnkl pe rfl 'c tly "E' vcr ~ ..... , h a l), (:lUreh. ' saving - . It must _- _ 1 can r e mem b er .. Ev." ODe from Seville, lonll famed , b p I, utlflen or they "III qutt It. wrItes lUI iDcL woman " m fatb ~r u the bome of the world', beot oli""l. Th e c h urdl h :l~ no t lJ e ~ /l ;J .. rfuctly : " .. ____ t hi ' .. Y I t h uns '"eea & ~ 0 s, lU t e Only the pick of the crop II offered kc ICa l,"fo d . I t ~ h:,nu ti t tiltH' nus ol Ot co n ti nued .." at It so a!!ected hi s you under the Libby label. co m c. And so I h rulI ).; h o ut th l' wo rld I s tOlIl\rum aw he amId scarcely eat at th nr ,' :\r f.) IllAIlY IIttt , band s of " Co m e- ' t ' out~ ," But lh ('Y h ave tbelr tro ubl es, II 1~::-o2bec'...... eocr ee b d i d tuo, ; Immaculal e Ilur llv do e~ 1I 0 t como dl I ._ ... Ir , d - eka ac;.e aru Nature'. fin ...t, put up like the bom. . I zz llee.. .... ran COllee or CI\6y In thI s " .orltl, uttd I tbln k not at , hre&kt1& I _let taBte It all day and made kind and all your trouble eevecl all , t ill s olli. e ur Jord/In _ .._.-II 'III It h a h ea d ac Ileo Thie edr. quallty is true of . . usua uT &'II _ linUlu g rid o r th e lIlC Ons lRtl' nt Is not "0 _ DItIl bro ht h aU Ubby'. Pickle. and CODulw aY6 a m C'ans of g r ac" t o th e zeal. De er ug olDe a rlimeDu aDd there i. real ous. Orten In Ih., wor ld' s h lstc r v th p, pkg. ot ~oatluD reeommended by our ntte mpted sepa rut lon of the true 'trom grocer. 1lCbar made It accordi ng to th e .ral ~o ha~ r ('s ull er! In th ~ whent ~~ora: OIl tlie tiox a.nd It Just "hit beI ng hurn ed Slid Ih e tar f's lert s tand· e ~ It Iaa • dark, seal·brown lug. Many ou t s ide tilt' ch urc h say color. e~ CO lIolden brown when tbat wh en th e h ypoc rlto~ are p ut ont cream .. ..s-... &lid a IInappy taste they are Tond\' to e nt e r th e c hurch . similar tG IIlIW.ldch·a:rade eotree, and Unl ess t hl'Y cilnn gc rrOIll th ll t condl- we!.oUDd ~ bit eonUnued nse speed· tl o n they ~: 1I1 ne ve r' co t er. Th e tares 11~. put lUI .-4 to all our colfee Ills. will grow wllh tb p, wb ea t unlll the That . . . at Ieut ten years ago barveRt, which Is the cnd ut the I and POIIbua from that day w ___________ _ world. this, '*- a .tMdJDc order of tather'. DAISY FLY KILLER .1 ••04 ••,..1.. ,. .,. groceJ7 ilia. .,.... ..d llll" .11 nt... Neal, ele&U. 0 .... _ "Wh_ I ..m.4. lilY husband was ....... w . .., War," In the Phllfpplne.. • _ . . . . . '-"----r. although be ,*,"1>- I. . . . . all .,&-. ... ~ ...... 11 . .... d. 01 M r s. I~o r ill ar d S pence r, a •N e w Yor k I admltte4\ m.& It Imrt hIm. When I m....I, ...D·UplU ...I• 1I0ciety wo:man, has tak e n Miss Tracy, I mentlo. . PIIItbuD he wd he did not ~lo;'i::~u~:~',t','~:' an EpIsco palian deacon~s8, wltb her to Ilks the . . . of It. I told blm I u.'""'~ .Ioeu .. the Phlllppin cs, to h eg m wo rk amoag coul4 _ _ It .... all right , He !~a~~.,:~'ea"'= ............ •• ~ • ""'" ~ ~....... the MObau~m eda ll Mol'os ot the Pbll· .mlle4 ........ Uy It. The result IUII~J:" 10110., utlldalll ..........Un. •••. AT THE BOTTOM boy IB learning tbe bUill ness of stock' frtends, and don 't In the least -r~ent IPpln es., Th e pla n Is to ~tart a dis· 11''' • _n ... be WQI1't bave any· 1::XCEI.LENT ,Io'A,I{M LAI':U CI;IE".. I', broklng, Tbe father InsIsted that hlB It If their boys are set w II k tam pen~ar), r,arm school ro r boys and thing bat PQIIam.e h""" lunuH ot ~l\rpI1~ ln); {crUllI;>' """ g eon. W •• "hy Londo,. Merchants 8On ' Ibould lear'n the wbole rouUlle and post lettern as the' tl c s P8 Imlustrlal school for gIrls, and even· Name _ ... Po..... C B ttl ~o I~~(l ,\a::, n the Un} tl of tile MI9i!u url & t ' B f " rs steps In t II t n oct th te I Itb ........ .., ...... m 0.. a e r r n nBa~ ral TOad, ThJe new roCl" • tIIrt • om c. oY', tD Learn '0 the omce, alld so althoullh he their apprenticeship, ua y 0 co n c e n rpr se w Creek, IOaIL. IIea4 "The Road to runs throu!:h an iJndeveloped territory: born with a III1Ter .poon In his mouth "I k bo ' t h e work oltbo Epl8copallan Board WeU......... fa ..... 'Plendl1d ror frult. poultry, dairy. tl'uck, _the Bu.'''.... , now one y who, when he II "is I 'genera t urmln. or stock raJolnl' : ' tbat moutb Is todaY ,uBed for !lokln. twenty-one will come Into - S on._ . Po.... .,.. _ _ In two forma: ful cUmnte, Clnd bOUntiful wa ter supply: ltamps ~' ' an Income never tall,n,. crop"_ Free mapaJll6, . . &t least twice . . larae . . that of bl. R~ ....._mu.t be well "Oak Leaves." tell. of nne opportunlUe" According to a cltl" _ mercbant, Pre.enl employer' Ire ' ~ Need for Time. bofIecI-tIe . . ISo J&ckagell Ask tor It . J~Y KERn, Genera. Palaen: wealthy 011108 ' boy,! are by JlO '1Iieail• •'001.' a-skln r bi : t Ime~ , r hII We must ~Ire time to apeak to blm 1 - - . . . . ... a 8OIub'1"" lI:or Agent. Hal'rl!Kln. Ark. "B ' In ' " • m · a s y a~8 ODe aT. . e ..._w. ' ; " ., "Dco~on, UI, ell: men ~ho liiaYe ' nlng, You ",auld lIa> " . it ' . of our woo" k, a Ud bl's work •' 0 f our need der,. . - '"---ClIp with hot w.. llA .&!!OI. II_U tvaa~~OnI"..,Oo:, 1.... ~e 'f!l~;n,ey by" th~lr· O~..,~~rtlOna": 'o~ce boy' . . .It, :oe!; : a::1I~~:e: and ~po~lbill('Y •.of our lorro,",:. and t.~1':-tIO 1 lOa uad, fi<!f:! tI~i,. . lI""~;-,,t;:.r.r.~~J':t ~~ btuatd, , ~b.~he ~d,",D.tNeJ Qf ~, "Ile as clfnJolg -"ill lilS" " ' :-', - ~1 o.ur )01,. , of 0\11. def~ta and. of of both ldndrr- 18 'lDc ~rom tJi& b'ottbDt 'aDctitJie, 0fteD -Ille .' ' " , MaPl.e a~ lJIe, I.,lctol1ea. -1'hat II ·the , p~tla. or wa " . " . r.~!~"'l" I 'pllOe thelr '.oDl bl"Ule iliD.,:";'gf ,:::,.~d ~~ 110 ~"Tr7 bom. · .~!llrelio"hIP: iln4 :we.Deed- lO' take. tlmel~~-:-'· -tw D .L __ : -~. : _ I~ . . . . . .~ . ~,_ T • " , , . > > '. lor theae tb'\IlIIL--c&mllbeU ~ .-.& , . ",o.wm; i . .;~ Q~ '!J. ' N. V~ ~INCINN~TI, ~ ~1''''''

· IERE ts nn 01<' ,nlng allou t II ghlhpusea . Wben ever Bclent'e cornea alonB with au Improv l'.d II g bt a now li gh thous e Ie not built for It. It IB slrlll1ly IJl~lall " d III (h e uld o ne . T h e allom UbOlll ne w wino In u ld boUl eR does 1I0t "JlPly to uew II gbtll ii , old lI"hthuu6 CH a t all. Tilt' Jnlldl"tII UI( I' or Il gh thollses was ushen'd III wllh tbl' build ing or tbe "lhlrd ~d'IY H t o ll l: by J uhll 8meat ou In th e yell r 1 n~, aC('o rdln g to nil art Icle nn til .. sullJec t III tb e !Cd lRon ~lonth l y. 'This II g btb ouUIe W IlIl Impurtan t ror aev · e nd reasoll8. In form and co nstruc· tlou It WIllI fi upe rlor to the II gh tbou tJe~ ur tIle tIm .., and th e lIIu rnlulUll , though notblng belte r than I wo-tlrth -po und tallow clwdles, aggregating 67 Jl candle power . all'orded by tb e ti l(' udlne6K or th e nam e the pcs.lbHtty uf future 1m· provemen t th rough th t' USc or d e, ' lces ~tlft.. I'he In8I.AIlallon t.o dIrec t and concent ratt! the b tlUIlB. co mprises sIx A-50 accumula· All In thl' organic wor lu th e r e are tOfl! , wltb s. .flasher arranged to c reu turf'f! of 1\ day , whil e olhers, ilk I' show ti lngh~ flasbea. and a oneme n. en joy a r casouubl f' lon gevity , BO roo t buruer wltb a rourtb -o rIt 18 10 thh wo rld or architectural condt'r lens. structton, alld II ghthousC'H be long t.o Tbe rollowlug year" SCiW the lbe long - II v e d Intro d uc t lou of e lectrI city Into class. For onl' o r a numbt'r ur II gh tbouses. MOBt 1mthese a bundred pcrt:ml aud powerfu l ot all IIgbtA! Willi years IB no g reo.t a nd st ill 110, Itt tbl s co u ntry at any rate, mlltlo r , Dnd thu. tb e I'avl's lnk, whi c h In 1898 was proIt hapl le n e th at vld ed with a fiv e-second w hite flash man), Ii m ode rn !' Ipctr\{' II l{h t , tb" !lush having a II a s l ion o r .OS IIvco nd!!. Its bivalve lens "tieD revo lutlon·lz· hS 8 II focal distance of 700- lIk e the I [\ ~ lIIumlnanta ncw IIgbt InKtu l\ f' d at South Foreland ('orne and go, a nd Itl 1904 11 88 l(lIe lt prollt Blectrlclly I ~ now being used In tbe ed by the lates t ~o·<:all"d "uu:ltl<'nded IIgbts ." LlgbU lamp sur g fJ r y of Ihl s d"6Cripti ulI will. upo n the eom Jle rfo rm ed wit h pl e t lon (I t tbe Panama cana l, guide ever - Iucreaslng s hlllH o n th e ir wuy thro ugh Gatun delicacy within Inke. In passIng through th e la tter It 8 Ia n Ie r n . th e caDsl makcs' (' Ight turne, some of whorsby li s an the sE' be in g Ilt Il Hha rp angle. The clent bod y has ra ngfJ 1I ~lllB are at r e inforced concrete, I taken on n ew di g · "BO placed In paIrs tba.t one towen nlty and capabl! ahov e thl' otb e r at II. distance baclt of Ity for ItA! be ne1l. tbe lowo r o nc or se ve ral bundred ('ent taak. • feet. " T hl' pilot will ulrect bis coune S uch a lighthouse ma y be seen al CM be lo wered to a p06ition tram by keeping tb ese two lights In line, Sandy HOOk, ror although th e flrst of wblch Iu hea m s may be dIrec ted over turning wh e n th e paIr on the Oll{lOsllfl tbllse structures to be erected In th e sea at th e lowest 1IOBsible lev e l. s bore ajl\>E'lI.r In view, Tbese range America was placed at tbe en trance Th e forward part of thi s lantern con- towet1!, ri s In g to a belght of about 60 of BOston harbor as earl)' II.tI 1716, th .. talns catoptrIc apparatu8 of three r e- ree t , nre sometlme6 placed In lbe New JerBey lighthouse Is the olde.t Oectors, whIch. be lnlt placed 00 a r e- midst of the dense tropIcal jungle now In ex Iste nce upon O\lr coasts, , At volvlng plane bavlng a r eciprocal mo. tb a t frlngcs th o Bh o r es. In a tew ~r one tim e th e Illumlna Ung male rial tl on through th e arc t o he llIumlnnte d , thpse ('om pressed acety le ne, whlcb consisted of 36. lard-01l ca ndl es. At a gives tb e charoctertstlc or lhe maID w il l b u rn s Ix mo nth s without attenlate r perIod 0 11 burne ra were In s t a ll e d, II glll _ Th e motion Is prod uce d by lion , is tl1l' llIum lnHllt, but t he g reater while durln g succcsslvE' pe ri ods kero· uHlnas of 1\ powerful spri ng. nu mber of th p lI'lhtho uBeB aro on a ~e n 8 waf! u sed In au o ld type Qoat S lee l'l! Ledge li gh thouse , located III gencral e l('(' tri<: light circui t. As Ablamp, and e lec tricity , th e n In tb e ex- P(lnobscot bay. Maine, con tains a pow . bolt R l a t (~ In h is r ecc llt work on "Panperlruental stage. WBH ado pted _ ACter er rul acetyl en e lig ht bavlng a GOO lima." tht, whoil ' c:,n al will be lighted tbls there was u r ecurrence to the 011 candl epower Inte nsit y and Illl o pti ca l with b U(lYs, ' bl' IH'(· n.. . II gltL\JII US8S II.llcl htmp. a'nd at the preBellt tim e IDc an· range In cl(,lIr wea th er or 12 11\, nuull - I1ghl 1l0H IS tl e scent vapo r Is e mploye d. Here It mUGt be admltl{'d tbat I1ghthous8s, wh e n lIervlng a double purpose, have no t a lway s flgllr e J us t e mpl es to the gods. tor by the British, who built this ;~- ---IIs hthou6e an d put it In cmnml BsloD In Only Real Cure for InOiomnl a tl to lhln brt'ati ·and-blluer sandwi c h s prlntil!' year I iti4, It was Int ended to serve Remove the Cau&es Th a t Have kl eri wlIh ell) pnn r p e ppe r Ilnd eaten ulso a8 R mill tu ry prIson . It wn s cooBrought It On . IIfll' r mldllig ht \\' 111 sO llle tlm f's Inrtuce structed with u dunl(eo n unu ernea th, s lf'<'Jl wb E' 1l oth " r meaus fall and Juet 100 years 181 e r, In Rupplylng a fo undati on for nn Iron stalrwu y, evl. "Th e cbl e t cuu se ot ~ l eelJl"K~u(," N. " den ce or It A form e r use wnll m a d e 111>" 1 said Dr. Ho be rt .Jon es, ~ Londun 6 ~ C'­ London S t reet Sayings. parent throu g h fh.! di scove r y or a clnllst on mental dl sea6cs, In an ,10 , London ~ l rect s ayiuga, lik e music v3ult ('ont ulnln s a humnn skelcton. dress bE'fo r e the Int e rnation al co n· hall S II II.S , ha Vo: "!',,erully but a s hort ThlB old lighth ou se aillo had It.. secret gres8 or m edicin e. "Is mental o r IJ b ysl - IIff'. til " Chrolllcl,' of thal city says. u nderground IlaSan!;f', th e e ntran co tu cal pain or sutTl'rlng III Bom l' f" rm or " Hils) uu r mollr'!!r so ld he r mangle?" wblch ~'as harred b y an Iron door 10- another. "\\' ho s hot Ibe dog ?" "How Br e you cated In Il ne ar-by hlll sidc. Th e n, too, "Pain is a scn s ation e xpe rl puced by 01T for soap '! " sun'lve o nly In o ld n ovIn thlR yea r or r econstruc tion, tho all r e fl ective liVIng thlogs. It bas ·IH. Some, how e vc r, a r e r ev Iv ed with boles that we re mude In tb e s Id es of many d r llnlllon B, but Is bcst describe d s li "ht a lte-rallons. Th e e xp r£'ss lon or the towe r by c nnnon sho t s rrolll Brlt- ILl! an uneasi ness. varying frum n fee l· dlsncnt !'ID phus lzcd 12 mon th~ a go by IB'b mt'll-6r-war we r e ce m e nted; 80 If In g or s li g ht disco mfort to ex trem e "r-:ot In Ibllse trousers" us e d 30 y('o rn the tradIti on mll s t con necl li ghthou ses distress; !lnd It may arise frOID the de- ago t o he co nv eyed by th e tag. "Ko t n.nd t e m ples, the o nc lit Sandy Honk r llngeme nt of uny fun ction, II lso tro m In tb(~ S t! boo t8," On u strpe t ~ 3ylug wae certaInly r enred to Molocil , Ih c vIole nc e, pressure o r undu e t e ns ion In s till o('caslonally h l"a rd datos bac k god or war , th oug b In t he past 100 any part o r th e bod,' . . It ltll ~ man y morc t han GO ye ars Mrs. C. W , Earle yea.r s It has lig ht ed man y 1\ I1rlllsh &ynonym s, anxi e ty , g ri ef, so \l c llud e, s t a ll'! R that lit the time or th e 18 51 exIIhlll on pacill c errnnd o Int o New York mental dltl tre68 . un ea sl uess , and , sc - h ibit ion " th l' px<.'ess ive fatig u e and harbo r. cording to lte quality or Inteuslty . It wearill(,ss so fl tBIDIJt)d on Ih e tace or WlIh th e growJtlg com plex ity and ma y a m'o unt t{l agony, torture or lor- ove rybody who w:lllue rs (l bou t huge f'X· advance toward Jle rrec tl o n or light. ment: hlblUon s beca m e In tbat yenr II. sourc(\ hou se s yste m, II ghthoUliO zo nes are es "The trcatm e nt or eleeplessness Is ot nmus.ment ror th London street to.hUsbed at varying distan ces from to break the habit, which s hould be boy, [l nd Wok t be fo nn ot calling . . the land, the character of th e light, done by removIng th e ca us es, and they p as ~ e d . 'How 's your l)Oo r foo t ?' " whether douhl e or singl e , colored or theae mllY be cllUlslfted us eith e r pbys. willte. fix ed. fl usblug or IntermIttent, loal, . m en tal or moral. " furth e r asSober Frenchman, being detormlned by the requirements serted Dr. RobertA!, and b e then urge d I'erhap~ the 188t thIns tbat hllMty of ltil poeltlon Rnd t he use to whIch the necessity of sl ee p. d eclaring It to English vI s It o r!! to ParIs beco m e awarE It III put as a sIgnal. be more essential tililn food , and that o f Is th e Qui e tness. th e thorougbn ess While great elevation wo uld s ee m a wbere drugs were resorted to th ey and thc slm pllclt)' of }o're nch famllv leadIng r equirement If a coas t Ught should be takon onl y wh e n pre Bcrlbed life . Beh Ind . the volatile and f1lppan't hi to perform etrective servIce, It I, a by a responsIbl e ptys lclail, as all sleep way!! of th e the ate rs, the cafes, and J)08It1ve disadvantage In certaIn local- InducIng drugs act I\B heart depres. the n e wspapers there Is hIdden an ex· Itlee and at certaIn BeasonB of tbe Bante. The 8clentlst attrlhut e d the In. tl'8ordlnar y amount of bard work . year, wben, a8 In St. George'8 channel, c;rease In Insanity among hOYB under grav c rouUn e. and Blgnal slmpllclty of foggy weatber Is Ut e rule , for the fog ffteeu and girls between fitteen and JIvIng. T o this family life the stl'8Dgclouds envelop the light and render twenty that haB been recorded In th e er Is wIth dlmculty admitted . The It Quite useless for the guIdance ot last decad e to Insufllclent sleell_ casual acquaIntance Is not made free veaaelB ' below, The "tog \lght." or A change or scene often beneftta the as In i:ngland, ot such l'ealltie8_ W~ "occasIonal light." at Soutb Stack, on vIctim of InsomnIa-a. plaee not far ventun> the opinion ' that the hlgbly tbe lala.ncS of Anglesea, England, WaR distant from the bome will sometime8 respectable life of Frel)ch country constructed to meet thoBe condition.. Bufllce. Fresb aIr In abundance Is an boules Is dull beyond anything con. An inclined plane was excavated In absolute necesBlty It one would sleep celved of In sImilar bouses In Eng. the -:ock. a.nd upon this a tramway well. A single window open B tew land. But In Paris the gay and the ..I I laid, The light. being contained Inches at the top and bottom Is not plodding JIves to a ~at extent overIn a carriage. wblcb In clear weather enougb. Open every window. and II~ lap, and Iflad to tbe contuBlon of the bitt at the lIummlt of the Incline, cure the elfect Of Ollen·alr Bleep. A 'f'isltor. -Spectator,

. And

thirst slip

You'll satisfied.


- -- -- -






I -


Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickle.













E. out " ,The CII It'" -

t O a

'tIi! '



. ,;' . , , . "',.,


, .'


. _,



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x... ......

- . , .:...w bl'

For Sa 1PI{fEl ' "1$-....

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. I






.rIt ' \


' J

~ 'oJ ~



~. .~ J \

I "


.l l . ' . J


Men 's and Boys' High Gra de Clothing and Furnishings at 1-4, 1-3, to 1-2 Below Our Reg ular Low Prices and Rea l Values ·

A ~0l"!Il~': I U~U L ~~L!':: Step ped otf lik e a 2-lI1 inute pacer! NOW while plcklllg' IH RLST, tl, get Ju st what yo u want .

Rem emb er

Coill)! fast"r l,\·. 'I·Y da~' , .


deliglil l: d ('u~ l ,, "11' I'S Il·1I their neighbo rs abou t it .

Nolhin~ here but our REl;ULAH. STOCKS of high )t rad e ( 'rif<:ri nn qualif v such goods at Tag Salt, Prices are iPOSIT I V E BA l{eA INS.

Men's Suits

Men' s Suits

Our regular $8.75 to $ 12(1() kinds- 'Tagge d" .

Men's Sui ts

01lr Regula r $IG. 116 and 1):1 one!l are "Tagge d"

Our I{egu lar '20, $22, f23.r.;O $2G,: $26.::;0 one." " Tag-ged"

$:!l:l. ()O and 1';\0.00 ur.'s ani ·'Ta}.rgpd '·

$17 .50

$19 .50

$7.5 0

$11 .50

Men' s ~ uits \ )u r


In th t! 'fag Sale you can buy SUIT CAS ES AND TRAVE LIN G BAGS at 20 % OI·'F our regu lar PRICF..s

Boy's Suits

Boy's Suits

Boy's Suits

Boy's Suits

Our lteg"ula r GO an d $4 f.1i

allr I{egul ur $:; 00 and tG .OO ones arE' . 'Tagge d "

Our Heg-ula r 17 00 and '7.!jO Onf's-a re ''Tagge d ''

Our l{"g ular $8 .UO , $IlJIO and t9.00 oneR nil

'''f agged ' ,

Ollr Regula r $1000 and $12 00 ones II re " Tag-get !"

$3.9 8

$5.4 8

$6.2 4

$7.4 8


OIiI'S -


T u):{gl'd "

$2.9 8

f~t~ ·------------v

\ Pers ona l Mention,


L. A. Zil111l1e l'lll:ln is in Cincinn ati today,

Chu rch. Eve rybo dy come


Ola BatH ad Ads


Ju ly 23


Or. Ma ry Cook wa:; in Cin cinnati Tu esd ay . Hendl ey Co rron wus a visitor in Cincinn ati Tu esday. Mrs Fiorcnce Huddle of Loveland is the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham S


.... ......... .






Best DiarrhIW8 Remedy It-:S-E-'n-V & 8 It you btl Vl~ f\ vpr u~u"fl (~htt 01 bar Monduy morn in g, Mr . Cuy Kibl er ' AD R n I'U A E 1"Io)'SC" li o, GllQl ern 1... ,1 " i,lIrhoe and'\ Erma Kough went to Le b· n l y . II . c l. ... .... . ~ U U u n I ReUllldv V I '1l kn ,)'" IlIn' If· I" t\ "Ul' anon , where they were qui etly mar· FUnm ool'llur. 21>. ct . .. () 1 1 U • oe"l1 i:; ,' Ill F. Ullin, ~ hlltl ..", AlB .. ri ed by H.ev A. J . Kcstle at th e M G rub .. m . c ........ , 0 01 ~ ~ Z writett, .. I h~d IlIHII I'I,." 8111\ 11'01. [J E. par:so na~e, in the presence of Mr::! Troutrel ne . I II . . . _.. O Euphem ia Hough, Mr. All en Kib- ~~~b)~.t . .!.~'. ~~ :::: : gU 0u ~ ~ f:~~t~~'~I~:~I:b:~;l~;.~!~~I!~ B~t~::{ (Jr_. 1>. ~b. It ... .. 4 ler and Mi!:!S Laura Kibler. lllu hm . 3b. p _. .. . . :1 I g . 1 ~ ~ I1n Ilw fnl '.Im", nod h i'll It nut Ilee" The youn g eouple r eturned to Wllo y . rI .. .. .... -..: ~ _ ~ _ _ for Chqlllbe,", i n'~ Cnl la. 4 'bolem Waynesville at 11 :15, and after Totals. . . .. 3, , 2 H h 10 11I1t1 Dlarrho t'o R~' mf'(I'\' I 0 ·,,111 not a weddin g dinner at the home of the ~IIAMI S po!!Slhl y hl>V ll liv ed hot" ftlw bOOf!! bride'8 mothe r, they left u t ::l H n P O A K oog' r, bot IblOok .. 10 fbI II rl'n t'd~, O'clock for their home in Dayton , Edward •. ct ....... All ; ~ I~ : ~ Rm fl O W wIll "Il ei till I I." F('r where th e groom has prepare d a horne . 11J . ....... r, Uu.tln . aiJ . . . . . . . . . 6 I I OU dl1le by all tltmltlrtl. already furnish ed for his brid e. Berl{all 2b . . . . ... . 6 J 0 ~ • The new ly marrie d have the can· Umuorlrr. ~iJ . . • . •.• " « 0 U u , J •. 8Il .• . • •. ••• • • 3 , gratula tions of the entire neig hbor- DlLvl L . 11rown. If ......• , 1 ~ U U hood, IllS t hey are both very popula r Buru ett.. c . . .. ... .. :. I IU U 1 Republican Prima ries II . llurl.On . rr. . .... 4 I U 0 0 young people n"rllllJ'tl , p .. .. . . . . ~ o U • U

------ - - -


.. --


Q ,









In Xenia Thursd ay evening at the Bijou theater , a film explod ed and Me~r9. S. L. Cartwr i ght and bu t for the cool presence of the op- Mahlon Ridge attende d a reun ion of erator, t here might have been a pan- Veteran s at Leballon Monday . They ... 'l'otala ... .. : ~ 13 1i 21 0 G ANTED fo Rent Farm, 100 or ic. The operato r seized the burnin g had a good time and met many "r1l8 fnJJowIOt( pt*rt-il.'''' ",·tli hn of NOIIHH EASTER N D1STR ICT more acres. A good farm. film and threw it out of the buildin g. th rades. ol udtd"te s hetnre Ibtl RepubllOflIl I 1 a , 0 6 7 8 "II ~ lIesorves .. .. u 0 U U U U I 0 0- 1 PrimBry,Tue~ He was severel y burned . Employ ees Inqnire a' thl J office, dlly,Aoltlllitll . 1914 . B I) - - .. - - The County Board on Saturd ay of ~Ilamls ..... 0 0 0 1 1 • J ti x- I S put out the .fire. Loss about $6()() . You're last SUM~lA week Bilious nY fixed a nd the Costive supprvi sion dis g ent8, either 8ex, to dl8srlb ute --Stolen BlISeII-B rlt"ln . 0 uiA. Brown 3. trict, of Which Wayne -township is Uurnett Subscr ibe for your home paper , ::;ioll HelOuuc il e, B~d Brelttll, religlon 8 Ii~ratnre for farla and FOR COUNTY AUDIT OR . bom a part, as follows: Massie townsh ip, . ' acrltlce I:llt-Dav l&. olty. $60 p~r month guaran teed Stulllllc h, Furrtld .10ngu e l10d IUUI- Oregon ia, Harvey sburg, Two-l>ut I HlttI- Uamool'ller. EdwartlB , BrltCorwin , John M . Mulfor d salary oon'rao '. Addr8811 C. E get!tlOn , M~",n Liver and Bowels Sp ring Hill, Oli ve aranch and " LJtouhle 1'1.. ..-Rnmb y to Trou~urlnu ; Wayne Dowde ll, Distrio& Mall agel', Tad- _ _ _ _ _ _ _...__- - - - -• . o l ~gget1. CIE:l un up to-,olg C. H. MuUllt, ~ bt U " t township_ Trouturl ne to i'iamoorger ; 11 ..... to Britain. a:,ore,O hlo. Gustin. a .u50. bllttle of Dr. Kl og s Ne w Life jl!9 By r ight of the Wayne townsh ip to UIl80 Hits- oil Oresa. 11; olr Dluhm, ~; 011 Pills to dllY and empty the IItomaoh to hold its own s upervision . 2. district 11"",,,«1 TOBA CCO a.nd ("'1gllr ~alesmen Struck O ut-by Uroaa. 0; lIy Bluhlll. 4; by '1'RI!:AHURER I\nd bvweit; of fer-wan tin g, gal:!BY because of former ly having super . Harm"d. 10 . .. wanted Ad vertlBe. Experi ence . foo dsu ud wOt!te. Afnll bowel m ove- vision by a super intende nt 11W>Oll o n B"U,-o n 61'0"'. 2. devotin g Fran k D. Miller uDDeoeesary. '100 mon\hl y and Trav W IIll 1'1 tc illl8-U rOIlS, Bluhm . me~t gives a satisfie d, ' thankf nl all of his time to supervi sion . The Hit HaLIIJllOn - by UI"8I8. ll:1I W"rtJ8 Miss Lavone Burton won the and Bur· ellol Expen8 8s, Ad ver'i,,, Smo ktng, LeRov Irona fee l~o g -m ltk es you feel ~oe . . Ef presen t superin tenden t elect of ton. Piano in the Booste r Contest. (Jhewi ol Tobe.coo, CigareU88. ClgarB. Ttm&- I :46 feotlv e, yet mU.d.. Don t grIpe Wayne townsh ip will serve JflBnk P. For~v the disUmpiro -J. W . Lew"'. Hend 20 ltamp for fl:.U partloo larll. 250., at your DruggHlt . trict for the coming year. Huoklc. n '/i Armoa ~lilve for Burus. tJ61De'TobaoooCo.,Ne",Yor~, N. Y. SPECIALS THIS WEEK "The Nation al Reserves will jour· - -- -... R.ECOROER n 25 ( ney to Waynesville Sunday , where Cured Fancy Waterm elons, Cantelope.. of Indiges tion JOillab Holbroolf WILL OIL THE LEBANON PIKE they will attemp t to put a crimp in snbecrl btlrs to the McCall 's Peache s, Berries , Tomatoes, Veteran, 12th Regt . 'UI· 'Gt Mrs Hildie P . C)t'w80 n, IoditmA, the string of victone!l that the M.agazine. Bend 350 to 'he Cukes, New Cabbag e, Potatoe s D. E. BQnnpll The County Commi ssioner s and the P .I • . VI !ItS bothere d wU,h indiges tion Waynesville bunch had danglin g ~aze"3 offioe, and ge~ one of the Sweet Orange s, Jumbo Ba"My ~tolll llch pained Wa from me rren their night County bee, mlgazi nes on earth. beas. and Fa Several ir board ne w playhave tf nanas, Apples, Lemons, Bulk joineQ togethe r and will oil the Leb- day." s he wiltes. I would feel ers have been added to the lineup of Peanut Butter, Calarab Candy (;OMMIS~lONER bloated And bave the anon local headllo he and bunch and these, togethe r pike tQ the fair g rOur,dB and Figs, New Cream Cheese, some little di stance beyond , People belohio g after eating 1 ulsu solfere d with the old players , form a combi W. D. CorwIu . Jr . Wafer Sliced Dried Beef . FOR SALE going to th e fair this fall will miRa from onnsttp atioD, My daught er nation that is hard to beat." W . P. Grabam The foregoi ng announ cement was half the pleasur e of the fair, as dust hlld ufted Chamb erlalo 's TabletB and J08epb W"tkin tl will always be connec ted with they did her so Dluoh good thllt flhe publish ed in the Dayton Journa llut Strictly Pure Paris Green ALE Bog 16 month8 old, Polllud a .::ounty fair. But to latter-d ay fair gave w e a fe w dO!!88 of them Bnd Saturd ay mornin g, The lteserv es W, L. Harvey Chicke n Feed and Cracke d Corn China. Inquire at offioe. goer;; this act is one of comnle ndation . io sldted upon my trying them came Sunday afterno on but they left A, C. B"ker They helped rne bit nothin g ol@e ho t! the "crimp " at home, the above jl!1l (Soeond term) dOlle." Ifor HlLte hy all dealers ," score shows why, The Miamis won Standa rd Gran. Sugar .......... .. .1ollhub.Colltt~te .Jlo11" 'ln male oolf for sale, two MA Y HAVE A GALA TIME - - --.-. - - the game as easily as a pugilis t .. . ... ... ... ........... . 51.15 a sack Ed. Deo'lter months old, Bnd a good one. would confiscate an infant' s con· All Scrap Tobaccos 6 pkgs for 25c HAD Inquire of Otbo BOIndersoD, OreAVER CLOSE ' CALL Bert Reed The Miami Baseba ll team are talkfection ery, Victor Toy Oats .. . 2 pkgs. for 15c gODia, Ohio. ing of having a big time labor day. Much Lenox Soap ........ ... 8 bars for 25c of the credit for the easy Last Thu rsday, as Thos. Lacy and victory There will be two games of ball, and is due to Barnar d's splendId lJ~~RK OF COUR' ffl three.y ear.old HOlse for saJe. many other attrac t ions that will ca ll son , Ha'rry, were cutting weeds on pitchin g. Max allowed the visitors Inquire of Barvey Purnet t, R. Brina- us your Eggs, paying 18c the peopl e here. ThiR enterta in- the Clarenc e Berryh ill farm, on buJ; two measly hits and commi tted OaD P . Bone D, 3, WayneSVille. Ohio . j 22 ment will be up to the standar d of Ro ute I, Mr . Lacy had a close call ,d pitchin g erron. The Reserves a dozen. It pays to t rade at Walter Kllbob from bieedin g to death During the one tally was a gift, pure and simple, the enterta in menki given here and course of their work, Harry had l!lid everyb ody who comes With one down in the seventh , Gre8S will get hi ~ down hondre d, plain, whUe ~i his scythe and went to get was safe money' " worth . crepe paper napkin s j ~n de at first when his hot g round · I:;URV a drink EYOR . Hi s father, not seeing th e -teu 60 per dozen, at thil! offioe. scythe on the ground , stepped on it, er trickled throug h Bergan , and Bluhm hit a ground er to Davis. Roy E. Miller , FO~ RENT, ~ALE, OR TRADE ant:! the blad e was turned up and cut Coudi juggled the ball for -___ an i'lstant Mr. Lacy on the leg He bled greatand made a bluff of throwinlt' to fir~t Hutel Proper ty in Spring boro, Iy, but a physician was called and thus fooling Gress into trying for PR08E CU1'IN U ATl'OR NEY Ohi o. Hecentl y remodeled. In fi rst stopped the bleedin g. Mr. Lacy second, but Davis and the da&> cOlld ition. No Hotel here, We will not be able to work ball were Franlr C. Anden on for a time, on second base to welcome the run . need one. Prospe cts for Ii good howeve r . (eecoDd term) ner when he ar. r ived. Wiley then busillesB. Call 01' address . H. D. .. - - -- - hit anothe r ground er to short· stop =====D=IIa=n=E=.=8='Il=n=ll=ey Kelliso n, Spring boro, Ohio. BASKE T OF FINE PEACH ES and Davis heaved the ball into deep ---- - .. - - - - right field, Bluhm scoring before it IBbcklen' s Arnica Salve for Cuts. We arl~ Indebted to Mr. Lyman could REPRE SENT· ATIVE be returne d. Bums, Sores Silver, who is in Georgi a, with the Errors by the Reserv es and hits by J Ddle Milton Clark Buckeye Fruit Farm, for a fine bas- the Miamis were so I,umero us that Mr. E. ~ Loper, Marillil. N. Y ., ket of peache s. They were certain it would be practic ally an endless writtlS: "1 have never hud a Uot, ly good fruit, but Silver says task for us to attemp t to tell how the Born, Wound or 80re it woold u ·,t they are not so good Mr. Democratic f'rimaries this year on ae- Miami 'S run's were 1IC0red, The ) bellI. ,. Get a box of Buo'\[leu 's Ar- count of the drou~ht in the South. local boys all played good ball and niOf1. Hlilve to dBY . Keep handy a t We are not particu lar about The followl ng penonR will be them fully ' atoned for any little wobbles caudlda II~ "\1 time!' for Boros, 80rtl!!, Cntll, being 80 much 'eA before t.he Democ rat larger, and we don't by brillian t playing times. Wound s, Prevent~ Lookla w. 250 care about the size as long l'tlma.r y, Tuesda y, Augus t 11,lG14 . as Mr. Owing to the absenc e of Robert IAt your Druggis t . Silver remem bers us. Burton from town, RUIJ8eI Burnet t - - -_. _ • • ..... _ went behind the bat and caught I ("'OMIlIt!MIONER Cause of Worry Defined. CARD OF THANKS a splendi d game. Howar d Burton Worry m.edlcal science now define. ___ _ Jobn W·, BIgler mainta ined the family honor right field just 88 well as "Broth erin Bob" aB the dominance ot ooe Idea, usualll" I want to thank the many kind himself could have done. ~,======~,~====== that o·t fear. There Is a .fear of some friends ' who hel~ me in the emtlng condition. or dread of what ter" conltest which enabloo "Bo08TUA8 URER ,ST, MARY'S CHU~CH may happen . The Idea crowd. all oth· get the pla'n~ in dll~t: great. me to BUI88l1 :. --~ era frpm the mind, or permits them· Ab friends surely atood ' by contest . , . ,.'O.- ..Ferris ' . _me. ~venth Sunday Trinity July " Onlt tho feebles t anll occaalo~ a,o- . Atain-t:hankjng YOIl all; 1 am; -very 2$'/ .Suod., y Seh~ol ' at 9:30 a. ·m. .~vl...,. The most terrible tyr~ IJ ~ateflil, .: '~AUDi ·.;' . " ToR , : , ' .! ,.' . M~rqinJr ,p'~er ~d Ilennon ~'.i'J~.~IIi_" at 19,30, . .~e t;yran~;.~.:~. ldea. • _-.";' '" :~'. . ,,r. , ~V'''~~~I! ..' . ,Yo~..~~VJ~ toJh.ese" 8erv~~ . ~ . _,. · -~, • • • ~.I .... . :J. :.. ;.



EnLir e stock at abo ut ONE THIRD OFF reg ul ar prices. Every hnti s .. Yellow Taggerl. "

(The KIngs bury Co. )

On the law n of St. Mar y's

Tb ult sda y

Stra w Hat s "Ta gge d"


22 Sou th Det roit St.

La wn


Boy's Suits

c b e CJtiteJtion

Going Aw ay?

Ju nio lt C;uild

Don't wondr r. don't ht'iLa le -o r t he oPP ')rtuu ily is 10sL.


---- --- ---


--- --




15c "


- -. .1. LEWIS BA KE Rr f--


Eve rybo dy uses Lewis' Bre ad. If you hav e nev er eate n it, just buy one loaf, and you will nev er use any othe r brea d. It', good and it's sani tary . Try it.

-= == == =

I ._. .---

W·. aynesVl.IJe.,Ohi.o :-- --- -- .


___ _




All Ta~ Sale Bargains bear ou r rel{ular prit:c li ckctt!, Ill ~o yellow tLlgH mark ed wi t h ba rgain sa lc prices.





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Ratcs of Advert ising

a ll canoid ates for ()i'fil'p 11 \, tll (·i r p ~l -; t r ecord s a nd Frank EILon wn,; in Lebanon last" W. S. (;rah arn was in f\ ill)(H M jl l ~ , . ell' week. I uesda y. 1I0t by e lllpty \\'ord ~ or e x t r ;1v ag: lll t promi ses . Mell ~:~: Lou II Ylnal1 , of Xe ni a. \vas in l O \VII Ja:<'I 11 Shl'" han and fallllly 1\ "1'" m D\'llc l' x p c ct c d tU V:\l' l l Il ll' fJl bCuUIll8 ahc.ll uu c uolr8l' t. ~: I I Il l: e ffort a llrl a (J ~atu rday . Lebanun \'i ~ ll"r~ Saturd ay. - ---- -- - --_ ._ - - --- -pli \.' ~lt iUll If) 11I l: Il l·Ct.b ,.01 t lt v 1" fl l'k tllc sl'C'ollC l allLi 1\ A. CrosH was a businesM vi!-litor Ur, J . T, 1 ':ll i ~ and .JesHe Lt'wi::! at · JULY 2 ~ , 1!H4. t h ird t l'r lll ~ as tl IC), did till' ilrs l . If th c iirs t te rm ill Lcl.lal1ol1 last week. tel\d ~li th e Chauta uqua MOllliay. is snt is ractor v then' will ill' 110 u( · ,'a ~ i() 11 fo r a l'ilang t· J-!ovol e ne Auto Soap for oil cloth . . H ug h Ridge, of J)aytltll. is s~1t'lId · 1. U. "'EETI NU NORMAL SCHOOL W uyn~.'l ville Autu and Machin ery Co . II1g a ('o upl e \I f w(,l'k~ ' vacatio n he re. ill tb e ·ecu lld . I The regular meetin g ur the W. C. I The final arrange ments I{ubl. Shaw. or Richmo Ed .. ,\hOIll8 H and falilily viHi t l:!l.1 \ U wushe ld al the home of Mrs. co mplete d f0r conduc ting have been wa!! a recent guest at the nd. Ind .. Frienli !:!' Mlallli \' allpy Chauta uqua Saturd ay. I I<.mms Smith all Tuesda y afterno on, erst trainin g cour!!e in the teach · Home . connec tion July 14th ., 'l'heat.l elldanc ewasqu ite with the Waynes ville High ,Jas~)I1 ~Ilf'ehan and family atte ndV. M. Hoblit attende d a meetin g ed Miami Val ley Chauta good, thl~ty ladl es being present A class of at least ten must SchouI. uqua Sun· be en· of the County School Hoard Saturd ay day . ;he .. meetm g WWl opened ' by the r.olled . Several have already !ligni· I re~Hl e nl. Mr!l Wualen reptatl llg fl ed their intention of joining at Lebano n . the the pud , was hli lJ(l, so will a goot! many Repub Mi!ls Clara Ha wk t~e 1st Psa!m. arte r which Mnl. , c1atlS. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edward s of day.'l wtlh frl e nd~ eatspent a l:ouplUI lirau8e r led In pray e r . Morrow thi s li cans of Wa rrcll CU Ulltv IJC blillli to th.cir bes t All pe rsons who llre gradua te8 of ~ p e nt several days with relative !! in wee k. . After a song by, the Union, clil)- a first g .r ude School upon the [Jayton last week. intere s ts , if they fa il to 1I0mi nate a nd elect for pmgs. on woman s suffrag e were completIOn of thiS course. are entitled Havole n e Auto Soap. best to wa~h ' read In ~esponse to .roll-call. After to a certific ate withou t examin Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Everly, of ha.rneS!:! . • Wayn R epresc lItativ e to the Leg i~lnturc that able jurist; ation . e~v ill e Aut o and Ma- I the .r eadll'i' of the mmute s and other Also practic ally an entire I Layton. were vitlitinll relative s here c hmcry Co. year Of . karm .'d law yer; rL's (w dcd iti zcll a ud s plend id b~lslne8M the follOWing prOlCram was credit on the regular Course Sunday afterno on . glve~ : Vocal lIuet. M!sse~ LU,~il e is giyen. thus allowinNormal Mi!lSCS Ituth lIarL-;ork and Rosa· bu s in ess m :lll --- Jttdge Milton g a person to Miss Pearl Ca rey . of Dayton , wa.'1 mond Dakin were ~nd l{cva Hormel l ; UecltatlOn, J he obtam the Normu l diplom Dllytun viHitrJr>' . eco,!d Election, Mil!!l Nellie Wooten ; i year in one of the Slate a in on e thc gucst ot her parents , Mr. and last Wedne sday . Norma ls. I~eadln~, The. Ntlw Spirit, Mrs. The expens e is paid for by the Stale Mrs. F. C. Carey Sunday . .Fu~kt;y, Iteadm g, Do Your Own hence to all persolls Mrs . M. Si.mms spent Saturd ay who enter the MiS!:! Letitia McKay left Wednes - ~LDd Sunday WIth re latIves flllnk!n g. Mrs. Janney, ('aper on tuition is free and friend s day for De troit, Mich., QuestIOns. Mrs. Weoten ; Answer s. Only one year of High School is r e· weeks' vis it with Mr. for several In Sprmg Valley. and Mro. Mrs Palmer ; Vocal Sulo, Hi!:! Eye is ' 4uired for entranc e to the Norm al Horace Allen. A great many of our citi zens at· un the Sparrow , M!'8 ' Grause l·. trainin g cour~e tended the Barnum ·Bailcy circu s at The general subJect for the after· For further ir,form ation in'luire of Mrs. Benj . Hawkin s, or New Dayton last Thursd ay. ~oonwaswoman'.!Jsuffrageamlmu ch Vie nna. and Mrs. Stanley Sellers , of F. C. Gilmou r, mteres t was mani fested . Lebano n were visiting relative s here Waynes ville, Ohio. "The Man the Office Soug ht" !drs. Thos. Mason anti daught er' l Three new names we re added to last Wedne sday, Mlld~ed, of Xenia, were visiting - - - - -the list of member!:!hip. ELECT ED CO. SUPER INTEN DENT --------~--------------------..: J E. Janney and family, C. T. relative s here Monday . The bostess assi>!ted by her daugh · Hawke and fandly. Owen Burnet • ters, Mias Leah Smith and Mrs ..Joe t Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwa llader ~-~----~~~~~ !"'-~-!""-----~--~-~"""""~"""""-~~ The County School board met at and wife left last week for the Chau- an~ Miss Clara Thomp son, of Norwoo d, and their Lile we re X\.nin .. nl-ll tors Monday afte rn00n. friend Miss Kelly. of Cincinn ati Lebano n Saturd ay and elected a tauqua at Frankll u. .--~ --. ANNUA L BURNE TT cJunty superin tenden t. There were REUNI ON served delicioue refresh ments. ' Mess rs. H. V. Walter .Lost - Panam a hat . betwee n co r - ' Th.e meetin g WaR closed by reo four applica nts for the position : Hearne , of Lebano n, .were and Jas. The a nnual llurnet l reunion in town Will and Wayn esville. Find e r plellse .----~ peatlng the W. C. T U benedic tion c. H. Younll', of the Lebano n school!l. Thursd ay on busines s. -~---. hcld last Sunday at the residen cewas of report Ioletche the r same Hawke to this of the Norma l fac t ofiice. . . m concert , 1 '11 Mrs. lIul clah 13urnet t, on the Way· ully, ft'. B. Harris, of the "~ranklin M!ssL:!l Anrlle a~\d Mame IJ.rownc nesville and Lytle pike. The day am stl represe nting the Antioc h U. M. White left Monda y for w';! r - hO~ l e~~e~ I'rlday ev schools, and W. P. Vander voort, of HAD A FUNNY EXPER IENCE n!ng to was an id ea l onc, and the guests Nurser y, a!l<1 glad to get the Owensb oro, Ky .. on accoun the Morrow schoola. t of the ~lsseS LI~7.1.€ Carroll , Clara Llle and i present enjoyed it very much, At trade of thiS local,.ty. I. N. Miller, serious illness 0 f hi~ si ster After a great deal of ballotiDIl Mary Lmma HelghwllY. J. M. Tavlor had a funny exp('ri noon a bounteous dinner was served, Harvey sburg. OhiO. Ru~1I Parlett . of Chicag o.. iH ence at Dayton l8.!!t Thursd ay. He Fletche r Hawke was elected to th~ and th e afterno spent in con· was buying tickets at the bOlt office position . The salarv connec ted wilh Mrs. Anna Vaugha n, of Richmo nd sp~ndlng a two week!l' vacatio n with ~r . and M~s. Walte r E! had a:; versati on a,nd on gwa.'1 fellows hip. this friend!:! position here is aud $1,800 at Lebano n. a year. with Ind ., is making an extend ed visi~ of the Barnum .Bailey ~how. when he t heir !!ucsL'l :-:;unday a L ,i1nnf'r. Mr Thn"e present wereood follows: 0 and MrH. Raymo nd HartHuck unci J. Burnet t and wife asBen though t he felt someth ing drop in 1300 for travelin g expens es. with her sister Mrs. Thornt on Cain Millsan d MiB;S Anna Meredi th left Monday Mi!\9 Le lia Thomp son . of Lytle. at the Friends ' Home. his pocket Upon examin ation he ~~~~~~~~~~'!'!"! wife, Sam'l Butterv .:orth and wife, !~~~ mornm g for a month 's visit and found a pocketb ook . A dip had ex· ---Milton Keys and wife, Hulda Bur· tracted the book from Jos. Hoefler Mr . and Mrs. Ed Hathaw ay of travel throug h the south and east. Mesdflmes Harri s and MO!Lher nett, Amos Cook and wife, Slate of Ohio, City ~f Toledo I Gilbert of Xenia, and contain ed f4 in money se rved Columb an elega us Grove, nt dinne Ohio, r last Thurs- \Jameson and wife , Harry Haating were' the I.ucns Counly. ' i SSt R and a note for '300. The dip took . Haryey Thatch er, of Davton guPSts , vi s. day to the followi ng gUP"L~: Rev . and wife, Stephe n of Mr . anll Mrs. F. W. Hath· ~rank J. Chelley makes oatb that he ' is lh~mon Burnet t and dd wife, ed th It,ed bo k hiS ' old scnlOr chum partner and friend Walter and Mr:!. J . F. Cadwa llader. Misses Will of F. ) . Chene,. away several days last week. ey an ropp e 0 m & Co ., doing of the fLrm Pine and wife, Frank Coleman iu the City (Of 1'0Elzey and family, last Thursd av Emma Heighw a v , Clara John's poclcet, presum ably for safe ledo. Countybusiness Lile Annie and wife, Mary Ellis, Forest Graham Rebecc and Slate a Mason aforesaid and Jennie and White. k~pinlr . A lady from Lebano n saw that said liml will pay Ihc U. and Mame Browne , George and wife, Mable Dinwid die, F. A. sum ol' ONE lev. of the Friends !-fome. who have ~r. and Mrs F. E. Ro::;nagle. oC Hawke and Mrs. RonaldMr~. the theft. and when she went in the HUNDR ED DOLLARS Iolr Hawk e. Hartsoc k and wife, H. C. Harvey each and been visiting in Indiana for some time, Sprmg boro, were the Sunday gues ts big ",top" sat down by Mr. HOf:fier . c\lt'ry case uf Catarrh that and wife. Stacy Burnet t and wife, of Dr. and Mnl. H. E. Hathaw ay. Mr. fllylor proceed ed to give the cured by the uS(! of HAU:S mnn"t Ue returne d to the Home Friday. Mr . and Mr!l Robt. Cross enter· Sherma n Dyke and wife, CATARRII Mr and Mrs Joe Thomp son reWarren pocket bonk to Il policem an who CURE. FRANK J. CHENE Y . tained Sunday at dinner in honor of Keys. Harry. Russell, Mildred turned t IIrned it over to the proper person to their home , Rob· in Norwo od Mr. Emmet t Burton and Miss Erma little Mi!lB Carolyn Smith. the :lworn til before me L1rlC] subS('rio"d in follow· ert and Ina Burnet t. Ralph, William , The police arreste d a colored m~ my pre."I'Ul'e . this Gth day of Friday evenin' " after a pleasan t two Gray, of Clarksv ille, JJel'ernber were the guests i,ng. guests: Mr . and ~rs. T . It. Alvin. Lavern .1 .. h f D. 18.':!li. of Mr . and Mrs. Walte e and Rhea Dyke, GiIr Elzey Sun. :smIth und daught ers, MISSes Loui~ bert Frye, • weeks' ..f or th e th e f t,. anu t ey ound four A.(&al) Rul'hem ma, Margar et and visit with relative s here. A. W. GLEAS ON. day. . and lIilver dollars on his person. Carolyn Smith, of Brookv ille , Ernest Cook, Mildred and Kathry ne Notary PubliC'. Mr.~ . N . Miller, of Harvey sburg, Laf N' hI ___ lial\'s Catarrh Cure 18 "'lien in and ' P Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ham· Graham , Thelma and Sister, Mrs. Hunter , of Wil. I . e IC 0 son was m Lela Ellis, UNION MEETI NGS GROW ING ternlill y and 8els directl y ortsmo uth hart. Allan and Helen Hartso ck, Doris, UPOfl tlle mingto n, were in town Thursd ar. ast week, . as . _ a delegat e to the blood and mncou s IInrfllaea of thf' Grand Encam pment of the Odd. Harvey Homer and Cheste r Bur· and made this office a pleasan t cal. fellows . . The umon meetin ll8at theOr~hodox lIYII~em Send . tt 1-' 1 Mrs. Allee 'd testimo oifllil free . McKtIIsey enterta ined . n~ , A'th . n a, .• e en all d R~e D'mWI· ~hurch .groun ds are growm g in .If. J \,JBENII:Y tor about thirty-f ive ladies ill a very lil e, Walter, & CO., Toledo : U. Clltf and Charlie Burnet t. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. popula rity. There was a large con· Allen and Send 25c in stamps to West's Book J..Ilea.~ing manner last Saturd Raid bv all IlrugKlatll. 76c, ay after· Miss Olive McCollum went to Cin· Xem.·a and receive • - • !fregatl On present last Sunday even· ' 'rake 8al\'a Family by r eturn noon from 3 to 5 in honor of her Pilla lor ()On. cinnati clunday to vi3it A NEW PIANO STORE mg. relative s. ma.1 I fi ve pieces 0 f H'r.eet music well >;Isers stillatio n. . t M rs. Asa M. v",g be rt an d M'1 ~'1 , They returne d homeT uesday evenin g. assorte d. i'l h.e 1{~t1olph Lillie Nedry. of KanHas City, Mil. M d Wurlitz er CO' h of After a pleasan t Rocial time and Cmcl~natl, have opened . a slore. ere Miss~ a~ut~rs'H~tso~k AlIM~r:~: Mr. and ~ter Gordon . of many reminiscences of old scholl I IOppo~lt ~ the Waynes-':llIe Nat.lOn O'Neal l and Olive McColI~m saw the MQrrow, UhlO, were t~e al guests o f days had been told and enjoy ed by Hank WIth a ~om\>le te Barnum .Bailey show in Dayton Fri'. Mr . and Mrs . Harl ey WJlk'i!r Ime of Pannos son Sat· all, d dainty refresh ments were !lerved urdlay and Sunday . r.!'lan os.. . uy the hostes.~ as.~istet. l by Mrs 1'. IJ. lhePlaye ay. Wu:htz e~ Clagett and Mrs . Frank Zell and bou~e of Its kindCo:.m ISthethe largest country , Mr.d and EI Mrs . O. H S. Elmore and an~(rM' r"sn.dWMmrs. 'D"I'n'rwanl'dkdl'eZemlloatonrdedMtro' Miss Henrie tta McKinsey. UI h!lymg branch es In over cltle.'! from New York to San twenty gra.n ~n, m.ore Fran· endt'.rso!J an~ Jamest own Sunday and spent the Mr Chff Cromm u8. of Cmclnn atl, day with friends ci3CO. Owing to their famous "O'le , Saturd ay afterno on July 18th Mrs. l'rice to Everyb were the gUE'Sts of Mrs. J. M. Thomp . Commi ssion Geo. Ellis gave a china and lin en to Nobod y" plan.ody-A son Thursd ay. they can and are Mr. anll Mrs . G L. hMeredi th and shower for her ni ece Mrs. Anna Ellis f Col b sellillg- high grade pianos and players Mr and Mrs Ra S 'th d S?~'. 0 . . urn us, w 0 have been Hoover , who was married July 4th. at remark ably low prices. daught ers, of Brook~ille~1ll arr1~~ SISltl g 'edhll!thPaharents, Mr. ' aedlld Mrs. After music on t.he piano by . The store will remain here until here Saturd ay eveninl t and were the am er I ve return home, Ida Mannon a deliciou s lunch ofMrR Ice Augu!l t first and will be open every guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Barn. Mti'J!! Rachel Calvert , of Selma, 0., cream, cake, banana s, and evenin g until 9 p, m. hart, over Sunday , • spent the week end with Miss Ruth lemona de was t andy, served. - - -- _ ...- - . . Cha.ndler. She was joined on Sun. were Mrs, Cecil Hoover The gu e!lts Has Your Child Worms ? , Mrs. Geo. 188es Anl!le and. Marne Brown e day by Miss Ethel Wildma n also of Bogan M and Edith, salad dish; Mr~. start thIS evenm g for Bedfor d Selma Emma Harvey , china diiih; Mrs. county . Pa .• where they will spend Most chiidre D do. A Coated , . Stella Whe tsel and daughtp .rs . several weeks visiting among rela. Mr. and Mrs . Warren ":dward s half dozen de~ert dishes; Mrs. one Furred Tungn e; Strong Breath , Of all kinds . Sarah 8lomllo h Pctios, Circl68 under Jj:yea: tives and old friends . left Sunday evening for their home Rich, towel ; Mrs, Erne3t Mannon, Pale, ~lillow Compl exion; Nervou s .. in Denver , Col., after a three weeks' Mrs. Ida Mannon and Ethel, one half fr otful. (hindin U. MO White receive d a telegra m pleasan t visit with relative •... ... ........ ........ ....... s here and dozen napkin s: Mrs. Ed Martin , 10 Sle~(l. Pecull g of Teeth, Tossin g OrelAmR-llny ooe f rom ~en!'lboro, Ky:, to the effect at Dayton . china plate : Mrs. Ida Howe , one half of theRe indlc"t e.. r Child tha! hIs. sls~er. MISS Mary, was bIAS Worms . d07.en napkins ; Mrs. Lelia Hartso ck Get A, box of Kiolmpo I Worm Killer rapidly Sinking . Mrs. A L. Sides Mrs. Maud Cummi ngs and Mrs and Helen. china cake plate; MI·s. at once. It kIlls the Worm R-the started at once to her bedside . . Tom Cummi ngs, of near Xenia. Mrs. Berda Jordan , towel; Mrs. Marlha oa llSll of your cbild's coadiU on. Mary A. Wise and Mrs. Corn Macy Davis. salad dish ,' MrA Charles l':lIis. l~ I.."x .. tive and old- Nature to ex· H avocleanin Iene Auto house· is an aid to were guests 0 f M r. an t..I Mrs. Bert g, doesSoap not injure paint, Mrs. Mariet ta Carpen ter. of Leb· p ft l thA Worms . 8ull11li makes old wood · work look like new Har tsock last Thursd ay. anon, Mrs , Oakley Un~lesby, stann florin . Ea~y for childreed In oandy n to take. and remove s grenllC spotdfr omclut he; Mrs. Halleck Prugh and daught cover; Mrs Geo. Ellis a~d Vesta, 2:;0 f\t your Drn!(gl st. '11 A . 0 . er, une half dozen glasSt!s ' r,mrna and I WaynClivl e utoand Machm eryCo. o,:othy, lef~ MO!lday evemn g for .--- -l-k'd their home In Pittsbu rg, after a E" va Ell'IS, M'IS.'! D'Imp Ie ." rl I more, 0 nARN WASN OTBU RNED DOWN Mr. ~nd Mrs. George Hartso ck weel,'a visit with her parents M Lebano n, dresser scarf, and MIas Charl~tte Antram left and Mrs. W. W. Arnold . Lu, r . kens, dresser sc~rf; EdnaMartha and ~artha Saturd ay mornin g for Arcanu m, We are informe our issue of Deathe rage, chma molasse s pitcher ; last week that thed after Ohio, where they will be guests of barn on the Sat· ".""."".-"..,............. ,,..,""...................~....,....................................,,.,,..,..............,,..,..................................._ , . " . " . , . . , . . Misses Ruth and Elizabe th Chan- Audrey Cleave r, Irene Unglesl .ly anll t..crthwaite farm relative s and will attend the Chau. dler with their guest Miss Rachel Julia Irons, of Le banon, dresser ground . It was dit! not bum to the tauqua . struck by lightnin g, Calver t spent Saturda y afterno on scarf; Viola Jordan , cup and saucer. ] but wa.'1 not damage d t o any great )4' Er M 'tt . f M and ,~vening at Miami Valley Chau· ...... extcnt. wc are thankfu l to say. . 189 , IDor, errl • nelc!'l 0 • ~. tauq lIa, They were joined at a pic· ""'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S. L: Cartwr ight and MI88 Klzzle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nic supper along the river by Miss -::: .--- - - - - - -- - - Merritt , and ~ho b.een here ,?n Edna Janney ~_---_----------_ _ _ _ several occasions. 18 Iymg very III Patto n', Sun- Proo f Pain t --------_ with typhoid fever at her home in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caskey and Mt. Holly, N. J. daught er, of Mariet ta. Ohio, arrived 00 FART HEST . hEre Sunday g for a visit with M~rs, L. A. Zimm~rman an~ J. their motherevenin , Mrs. Mary LOOK BEST C. Hisey. re~urn~:I Fnday eve.Dlng and grandm other. Mrs. Caskey , Hannah from their trip With ,t he Dahl·K lller· Antram . They left for Columb us man Co. The week W811 pleasan tly Monda y evening . WEA R LONOEST '3pent around the lakes, and they had a merrr.t llpe. We are aleo indebte d Mr. and Mrs. Reese Color s in Stock at all times to Mr. Zimme rman for a three.p ound Selmll, 'motore d to WaynesCalver t, of 23 filh, of which the crowd caught a day and spent the day withville Sun· Mr, and great rpany. Mrs. Edwin Chandl er and family. MiBaell Rachel Calver t IIJld Ethel '. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray and Wildm an returne d to Selma. with 'Mr. Raymo nd Conner will leave them in the eveniug , ~"'''UD.' .Szd for anexte naive Weeter n . itinera ry Will include Mrt~ .~ary ~e.y has d Stone Park Seattle the JI081tlon of manBlter ' ofaccepte Maple . ) San . Farm Hoteli ~t Leb~on, and started I 'fiiriv;r:~d ~~:~:!r~r:!~ ' Spmuc s' o~ \ hl!r duti • in. last friday. . The I' ~ lit plac. of hotel Is aqrely' .J(9Od banda now.. . . ' . ., about a and', _!?_ Ca!ikey , endeav or ' to . , , .. IPI,ac., It-m·. l:ietter,'~ than, it ~. ~ ,'-c. . I (o n.lin g L ocnlK. ]Jcr II lit; , .••• .•.• , •• C I ~I Tlud AdK. JUlt to UXt'eotl 'h'6 IInruo T III'co insert 111m" . .... . . , .. DhqJht)' Ad,,! rU hJ ng , pcr lo e b " . _ ,

w. (,;.


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Social Eve nts

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W. H. Madden &Co.
















Pain ting , Pap er Han ging , Aut o and Car riag e Pain ting .



081 0






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hop· ~ext t9 hei'Wood;a!Oarage:M aln·8 t· .

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men lt.-tbell 6 thinKs made life 8eem Intolf1l"&ble. And Edltb loved hlml Tbt're was no possIbil Ity of mlsunde J' Btandln g what tuat e:rpre8s lon had m ea nt wb en sh e kissed hIm. A man who IIveH by a code Is bou nd wl lh silktm threads stronge r til a n s te el. Lf'RHl ng kn ew tha t the re wae By MARY RUHL no way ou t 01 til e ent:' le mont wllh bonor. H e WIl S th down In th f' morn · It 8~med like a dream t..o Arthur Ing. but alteerfi rst h e had paced the v ' ss ln lt to b(' back ~aln Ilt Squire g rounds lor a I('w minutes , Cart er nr('nfler'~ hou Be that att er noon In Joi ne d hIm. ea r ly May . " I d idn't ha,'e muc The placid N('w England coun try, gralulat f! )·ou las t n h ('ha.nce to COD' Ight," he s:l ld, of. grN'n with }'(lun~ grass, th e apple· ferln Jl( lIis ha nd. " It's odd . Isn't Itr" tr p(>s In blo , th e well r .. membe red h(' contiuu ed, with a Bhort laugh . "ce nes paill e baek so vIvid ly tn his "no yo u kn ow, I always th ought 1\ t"m e mbrau cC'. It was lour YElar" WaR Mad~ (' ~· o u carod fo r." sInce Ill' had h' rt Wake field , t o make Le El~llIg tore hltllseIr away, becnnu. hi e way In thl'! " o rlll . nnd no\\' . nt th e ho co uld not tr us t hlmseU to sllenk. ~o of t WElllty·s l:1. h o waR back. lIre'n ' As he e nton-d tb e broak ras l-room ner'. guesl, and a lready with nll ea- Ma tlRfI pa ~s pd hi m. Th ry stopped and taL lis he d posillon In th ~ elty . looke d at each oth e r fo r a n Insta nt. It was an op en sec ret t hat he had Tbere Wf' rp da.rk rings und er h e r , com e back to a s k Madgo to be bl s eyes, and sh e looked Th ere I. Nothing Morc Sanitar y Than a Clean, Well-Ke worn and bag· pt aamyar d, wIfe. They were old frl fl Odl'. She gar!!. Th e n she Inclin ed h e r bend had written t.o blm BOrue Umes , and slo wly nnd Vo'a s about (By ltLMRR Hf'..NDE R80N.) fr om. 1\ matnlre pU e during and .n. to pass blm. Just bet ween co rn' planttng and every h eavy raln. th e re waB a l ways a note of Intimac y "M ;,dg e I " c rI ed Lessing , sudd enly. In ber lettf'.Ts . It ha~ bee n au Idy ll ic Every drop of water 18 rich In tIIw Jl A t ouchl'!d her arm . "Won't you corn plowing the r e III a little tim e when tbe work In tb e Oe lds II [lot.o valuablo nitrogen , lov e a1I'alr. though 110 word had beon r omo hcr o a inomen aot to me ntion tIIo t 1" b e ask od, dr aw· spoken . oth er elemen ts tbat are ot 80 mucb Ing he r toward the door. " Madge! 1 crowdin g. And tbey rece ived hIm li ke n n old th o u ~:ht- " Thls alIort1!1 a good opportu nity to value to the growIng crOlll!. rrl e nd. Wh en Madge shook halldo She tri ed to pas!! him . but he c1eB n the manure rrom the yards and The average manure In th e eprlug. wIt h hIm h e fe lt th o sa mo s ubtle I1 10ck Hd th e way . land It out Into the field s, At this lime hetor e leach h lg or d ecom Sh e wns c r yin g ; pOllltlon has touc h of sym path y. And Edi th, b el' sh o cou ld no t res of th e year m08t prohabl y the only hegun . Is worth a t rain her self. nywh e re rrom 12 . 5~ s Ister, smil ed liB she r;rpet eJ him. place to IllIId It Ie tbe hay groun d. " Duo 't I " he plead ed- lind sud de nly to $3 per t on ; allowed to remain In Sh e s .. em('d to kllOw ; ('ve ry body kll bW h ~ WOJ! h<, ldlllg hf' This 18 n good place tor It, a>l the the yard until tnll, It r In hI s arms and II worth barely a the purpose ot hIs re turn durlug that kIssing h <> r ns h e hnd done 80 ertc n growIng meadow wUl lak e up all t~e third of lhnt prIce. week that lie was to bl' tbe guest of III hIs dreams. nltratE18 as ,tast as they are r(lleased but bad never d one Jn our calc ulatlonll we have le ft th~ hIs father 's old est frI e nd. from tb e decayin g manurll and apply sanitary aspe ct out In reality . ot conslde ratlon, Squire Itre nlJ e r a\Ju~ e d tnctfu lly to She la y In blo urm a wltllout resis t· It to tbe lr ow n uee. T b e re should be nothIng m ore aanltary th e Impe nding I'ngagem e nt M th Y In g. and It was rully It hao been proved time and again than a clean, well· kept barnyar d. a minute before On s troll ed und e r .L e bi g chestnu t trees ehe could get h e by actulII tellts r e ported by our e xp erl· the other band, tbere r voice. Is not a bet ter toge th e r . mp.nt Bta llon8 th a t the manure that Is place to r the germs " Why - why -7 " s he stamm er ed . of disease tha n 10 "The man who geto Madge will be " It was you . Madge, " he crie d d cs· allowed to lie around and rot lo~e. the foul. filthy ysrds tbat a re RO com· a lucky fe ll ow ," lie sa id . "Sb e is II. perlltely . " I thou ght tbat Edith was three·fo urth s of Its value. moo on mllllY home steads. girl ot s te rlin g me rit . And sh e will you . It wns quIte This is due t o d ecompo sition ot tbe dark, and you both Many a fin e hora e has been mined Inh e rIt 'l: good d eal o f mon ey." Th en wore white dresses . I th ough th a t materia l, n itrificat ion IUJd tbe escape b y beIn g compe lled to tramp to and be turn1!'d Budd e nly aod s hook ha nds you kn ew, and that you had go ne ot amDlon la and to leachin g or wash· from th e water trough through one of wIth th e young rello\\, . Ing b y ra ins. the re to wnlt tor me," th ese disgrace ful bam Iota. Grease. In t he old da ys h and Lesll o Carte r When manure de(:ays there Is lib· rot and 1111 lUI kindred "You though t-It was-I ?" sbe ex. alim ents are lInd been r Ivals for Ma dge. Les ll e claime d, looking erated by thl8 proce6s , nitrogen , w hl cb only too common to anImals up at him w Ith a llowed to had born e no ma.llce when hi s suit stnrlng ey es . Is on e of tb o moat va lu a ble fa ctG·r 8 on remnln In theae places. was gentl y declln ed . Lessing bad " I mad o a mad mistake ~blc h 1 tb e Amer ican farm today. The n, brothe r fa rm e rs , elean up. It hardl y exp ected to see Ca rt er thero, mlls t aton e for t h" It thI s nitrogen Is a ll o we d to e8cape, not tor your rest ot my life," stock's lIake, then ror but he seemed to be on In timate he nll swered. "Edllh lovos me, and Its value Is los t to tb e crop, w hlcb your pocketb ook' s Bake. But It Is dol· term s with th e famtly. He. t oo, wns Rhe thinks I love her. prohBbl y n eeda It ve ry much . You re m omber la rs t o doughn uts that the man who a. woek·en d g ues t a t th e Rr enner the olt! days? This As much as thre e·tourth s ot th e allow! hla mlnure mu.t be good· to lie around an hom e. avallah le nltror;e n In a Boll may escap e summ er, alBO lets b y, Madge, forever, my d e ar." his othe r work Ja«. During dinn er Lessin g no ti ced with A IIllvery laugh from tho bre aktast ~rlng th e Bumme r. When It Is consldClean up 1 It Is mor e sanitary ; a touch or th e old Jea lo usy tha t Ca r· room startled the m. They spun ered that thll! Is one of the most val· things look better-- bav e a clean e r, t el' seemed to ha ve es tablisb ed a round , to see Edltb uable constitu ents of the manure , the better am ell , standin g there. brother ly re latlonsb lp Vo'ith the girlo. "I co.uldn 't belp h eari ng you," sbe extent of the loss la at once apparen t. The elemen ts tbat Inault your noo· And tbls was all that was ne ed ed to saId, Illughin g bapplly Aa to the lOllS by leacblng or wash· trlle, In a dIrty harnynrt . "0, Arthur, 1, ani the lIame kindl e the young man'. d e termlna - how foolish we both were! 1 could InS. I need OIlly remInd yo u or tbe that make tbe big crop ot rr.crS.D~ tt~n. He would ask Madge tbat nlgbt. n ever bave found courage stream of muddy to tell water tbat IS8ues hay n ex t Bumme r. . The opportu nIty was eastly IUTtved YOU-" at for the SQuire re tired to bls II· "To te ll meY" b~y, and Mrs. Bre~lIer' no~dded over "Tha t: [' though t you were Leslie," her sewing, The girls and Carter: "ad she replied. And then, In the r evulsion of It all, Arthur kissed Edltb aga.ln . But Mudge did not lIeem to care. (Copyr ight, 19If, by W, Q . Chnpma n.) ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• •




The Wiscon .ln arch of lucceaa fu'

well app Iy to OhIo.

=== ==== =====-===== -=

GOOD COWS THE KEYSTONE OF MANY A DAIRYMAN'S SUCCESS Select Kind of Stock Which Has the Tendency to Put Feed Into Milk Instead of Body Fat-B reede rs Must Realize Value of Good Heifers Some C01U prodllc.- . t e n Limes as who , lnld tJICs e ten COW l $12.23 tor t he m.wb as oth ers. And It Is a lso tru e . priv il ege o r milkIn g and feedin g them tbat one c ow may produce lhree times ler one year? In th is same he rd, two all much as a nolb e r per hundred COW8 ga ve a profi t ot $6 • . 66. Had thIs pounda ot feed cons um ed, wb lcb eoli r e herd been as good as the best means more t.ha n three umos as mu cb cow ( nol a ph enomftn o.l cow) the total profit. The poor produce r wblcb vr otlts would have beeD HI & Instead w\llgbs 1.000 peund s r equIres nearly of $62.42. A 81milar herd co nsl8 tlng 108 many pounds of feed as to maintai n ot 13 cow s r etunJlld a profit ot $603 , (be bedy aft lbe hlgb produce r wblch an nverage Drofit or $46 per cow. Can weighs 1,000 pounds ; thereto re the we 5ay iliat from th" milk produce r's Cf/W which eats tbe most bas most 8tau dpolnt, such a cow II wortb as feed left a.bove maInte nance to turn much as 46 cows r eturn ing $1 profit? Int.o milk. If the poor cow ents 10 A rew d airy men can buy enough pounds of food a bov e th e amo unt r eo co"'s to fill up the ir herd s; hut., 11 n il Qulred to m ai n tal n tb e body and the should atlempt to do 80, there would good 'cow e at s 25 pound s more, the be the e qui va len t of at least three buy · gl.'od cow will r e turn n pproxim ately er s for every good cow. This empha' twloe as much milk liS the (loor cow, slzeB tb e fact that we must do pend o n but It may require n il tb e milk pro- breed ing nnd ra ising cows for our fu· duced by t he poor co w to pay for he r ture he rds. When daIrym e n fully r ekeep. alize their vnlue, blgh produci ng cows t:;xperlm ent8 ludlcate that one cow wHI advan ce In price and more low .-111 ma ke prac tit'a ll y as good use or preduce rs w ill go t.o the butc ber's th e food con sulll ud, above lDlIIllte nfln ce block, where they s bould go. One r eno u ano the r; I.Ind th a I. lh e ma in dltfer· 80n wby be lter sIres are no t u sed and ence Is In th e Cfl lll1clty ef botly tat.. In more helters a re not rais ed Is b ecause one he rd t en cows laC' ked $ 12.23 or tb e g real advanta ge in g ood co ws 18 -paying for the ir k ee p. What killd of not r ea ll zed by t he a ven~ge da iryman. busines s man wo uld the fa rm er m a ke - Ohio Expe rimen t Slatlon, Wooster ,


I .'



SACRED TO TENDER MEMORY Sunday Night Sparkin g a TIme of Joy That Leaves Ills Impl'cn lon on the Heart..

Th e S unday night tlparktn g 18 a sacred InsUtul lon, th e Mnnche ste r Mirror and Americ an remarks . Bu t fo r It, life would be at a cer· By Contl'u t, Note the Neglect Here. taln age not worth living, and race sui· clde would become Illdeed a matter of seriouG a.ppreb enslon. The mnn who has not tend er mem· orldll'o of takIng his gi rl bome trom Sundny evening se rvIce and going In tor "a littlo while" Is apt to be a crusty bache lor, hating wOUlen because be never kuew one In h er m08t eharmlu g Placing Valuation of Two Chemicals Are Perfectly Safe for attitude . One-H alf Times on Form~r Layman to Handle, and ApTh e man whose youth was never mellowe d by a Sunday n ight kiss, Seems to Be About Right. paratus Is Cheap. s tOlen fr.o m not too unwillin g lips, bal misse d baIt his life. A compar Ison of the value ot tbe What Is e~ ll e eted to prove a more Half? Yes, nlnq..ten ths! W./· .... E average acre of aUalta with th e ave r- posItiv e t es t tor 6011 acidIty thuD the Th e Sunday nI ghts wh en t he flFe ag e acre ot corn hrlngs som e Inter es t· com mon lltmull paper te She Looked Worn and Haggar d . st, and . one bu rn e d lo w- an d the lamp, too--ho ld Ing figur es to light. An e uthu81a stlc which, because ot the chea p and Illirma haJl owed place In tbo m emories of ~ alfalfa raIser claims lhat one acre of less dt emlcals used In gone ou t It,to tho ~a rd e n. Le ss ing c Its operatio n, I' ery normal lire . The low lire and alfalfa Is worth two and a halt acros will be within the r each IIng e rln~ udJind to sdtle Mrs. Il re ll ' or tbe ordi· tho low I1gbt havc 'c ast a softe ned of corn . Tbls looks Ber In he r chaIr and put tho knitting I1ke II. rather large nary farm er, ba.s bee n de vised b y glow th a t r eaches all the way to th o estimate but a little work with a pnd E. Truog, Instruct or III the needl es In ber lap . T he n h e hurri e Ll d e partmen t srave . and pe ncil shows thnt th e enthusi ast or soil, college out. of agricult ure of the Th ey wbo are grown old and h eart 1 has not ov erdrawn the compar ison to Unive rsity of Wiscon sIn. Madge \\'as waltlng for bim ! That harden ed m ay snee r at It now and any g r eat e xte nt. was a blun t way ot p utting it, and The new test, It 18 bellcv ed, wtll 00 t hlnk tba t youn g h earts shou ld b n Forty bU t!hels ot COTO to the Bcra Is ot re t he k now that tho sam e l u ~ tillct especln l be n efit to county repro. callouse d as old ones a r e; but tlmo a ratbe r generou s estimat e, and an sentativ ea aud to of II ud erstaD dlng wblch bad always field ngenta of the was with. n ll of us wh en we look e d av erage price of 60 cents per bus be l slate 80lla lahorato bound them togethe r bad se nt ber ry, owing to the forwarll through th e s e ve t:J days of lh(1 I Is good. Figurin g it this way th e crop . fa ct that It III simple A hatcher y which incuba te. ellil. from 10,000 hen., alone to tb at arbor beneatb Ut O chest · to operate and we ek to Sunda y nIght a.s tile golden wlll be worth ,24. nuts. Tho lI ight was dark ; he co uld GivIng the stalks approxi mate quantit ative r esnlts can tim e oc. t he week. Mot bern he n will long continu e to batchln g. Eggs are a valuatio n of U we can say that be secure brou g h t there by only s ee ber whlt o drosR shIning . H e d In from 10 to 1Ii minutes . And ollir fnth ers dId It. And OUI th e e ntire product of b old Ib(' place suprem e as c hi<.:k ·pr o- flerson s who do went the sof~ ncro ly of tow com a rd bel'. not ba ve th e fac lllt!e8 The n ew metbod cOllslsts of the ad. grandfn the rs. And our and' amount ed to U5. An ordinar y acre du C'pr. bill to I{eep up with th e modern (or doing theIr "Dea re st ," be wlJtlspe red , tnk lng hcr of dltlon to a sample own h lng. A e harge foth of 11011 td be exers , It Is an ancie nt liml' s other agEl ll cies a r e fast try Ing 1M made at the buman cus' altalta In an ordInar y seaSOD s boull1 rate ot so mu ch per by tbe h a nds, "I lo ve you. Will you tom thnt did not origina te wltb our j produce three and a half tonR of good amined of zinc sulphId e with small \() IlIke ber pl ~re . Jn th e above IlIus· (' h lc'k . bf: my wire? " amount s ot calcium chlortde and wa. o wn youth or rail with It. The cblt. hay at the least, (ration Is ~ b u wn a c omrn e rC'lal hatc h· and a good a.verage " Yes," s ho wblsper ed, and IJrf~sse d Tile comm e rcial hal cher y 18 provIng ter, and boiling the mature In a IIaIIk dre n do It In 6plte of our frowns, price would !Ie $16.50 e r y, leJl'HlPd ill 1'11'0 . (~raw fo rd county, l\ great su ccet!s. per ton . Thus There Is HUle rea s on ber lips to bls. And the n he foued And our l~randcblldren will. And our the a.lfalfa crop will be worth 157.60. held over a small flam e, preferab ly w h kh Inl' lI ull tPs th e I'.!{KS produ ced hy why oth er commu nltles s hould not go hI mae)t looking Into Edith's d a rk eyes. great·gr andchll an a.lcohol lamp. Comme rcial lead dren . Genera tions come The alfalfa will be already plauted ltUlliU h e n ~. It. Is e ~ per: t " d that more into It was well for bla trainIng that Ihe bu siness and mnk e a s uc c es l for acetate paper, which a n d go, but Sunday night Bparkln g tbe next year, and can be purchas ed th ull :i (lll .(l lld liay old phki(~ will be the crop taken ott 111' ho d boen sehonl ed ' In n. diffi cult or it. Itt th e drug slore, when beld In the shIIJ III' <1 Irnm thit< plant d ur ing Ib e sea.- l w\l) leave th e soil In a better condl· wo rld. lIe did not s tart or betray remains . fumes of the mixture for a few minSOli . , Th e numb er of mooQul toes Is ra- hilllsc lf. He !lnked bor arm tbrough tlon than It found It, The crop will utes, will turn from light browD to, Were The Inl'l1:e num be r ot ('gg ~ reQulr cd 1 du ced hy th f' screenI In Embryo . ' hav e been produce d n.t a bout one-thir d n g of raI n barre ls bl s a nd they s tarted ba ck toward tbe a shiny black, accordi ng to lhe deMrs. OC)urch er (Miss tor lhl " bu ~l n es6 aI'(' prodlll·,..d by tnr m ,' aU d , o l. ~ e r s ma ll rece Viole t Van· I the labor cost of tbe corD, and will ptacles 10 wbl ch house t.ogethe r. gree of acl41ty present In the 10D. brugb) tEllls II. story of two actors who return to the 8011 fl oc ks 111 Ihe "k in llY whk h uumb e r th e) bl eed. much more manu. And , at tbe door, stood Madge and Tbe natdTal color ot the lead acetate . were dIscuss ing th e Ir profess ional ca· rial value tball the 1;,,1 or lJlOl·e. T be hnt t'b e r y tll Ulnl .llllS -· rar te r. corn If botb are fed .. - . r eers, Ol\e of th em m entione I d that a n u q':·"lgln {)r the iJr .... tlinl; nnd ca re on tbe farm . The corn will haTe la- paper . Is white, hence the dlBCOlora"Aren't yoU corning out - ?" Carter tlon can be plainly Been and wlU more , since he laBt snw the other he had ken from the fertility began : an or the"I' fl od{R. lJr bav lll K tll e m I ~od of tbe soU and accurat th en th e s igh t of Less· SOME THING S EVERY LIve; ely gauge the acidity In a IIOU left the stage. ing's the loss tace cb ec ke tl.1:tlm. will eventua JU' ed a nd in s mall nU lll ue r ~, har/llne S" ,1 ~, TOCK FARME R SHOUL D DO . "But wby did you leave the stage?" . mad e up hy growing lly bave to be than will the Utmus paper tellt, DOW ' Ill ltl Ir., <l orn from rl is ~3S(, li re ass ur ed. "I want t.o tell you all," said Less· alfalfa or some his frI e nd aslmd, In 6urprlse . .. j other Il!gunle . Placing a valnatlo n of In Ule" Th ~ );(':t.Nal pIa u (0:' liJe ill1\ll'tJvemellt I lng, " l hat Ellith !Jas prorulHe d to be Build a silo . "Well," The cbemlc als are perfectl y eatl! for replie d the otbe r, "I bad a two and on&bal f Umell as of fi o{; ks is t o lll i rodup p Il l'\\' CO('llera l j my wi fe." much on ~'Eled balance d rallons. hint tbat J was not suited for It" alfalfa 88 com does not Beem to be the layman to handle, and the comHe ki ssed ber agn.ln a.t tbe toot of C.\,N ) ~('a l' or lWO. !\Itend leading talro . "J see ," was the friend's commen t. tal' wrong. plete apparat u.. Includl Dlflaak and the stairs and wpnt up to hIs room . Th" <lay o ld " hicks a re Rhlpped by "The little blrd8 told you, eh?" Pro vIde c overed barnya rds. burner, ordinar ily will not co.t He flat exJJre~s te alm!)"t p"\'r~' s ta te in the ror bours In bis ohaIr, Use only good Jlurll bred sires. tha.D $2, The detail. of the apparit wl "Well, no; not exactly ," was tbe tblnkin g. All the rul es of his breed· Muc:h Wool Ruined, un loll . I have not been complet ed, but m' a Rai s e clove r or altalfa or both. ' Ill g t..old him that tbe mistake must r e ply, " Hut they might have become There Is mUCh The plan ot t ile hllleh ili l-; is made : wool ruined in tho good l1"e Htock pallers. never be acknow ledged , To a sk a birds If th ey had been allowed to, pasture durtng the late .ulUme r and short time • more de6.n\te announc eup ot a serlos of l u r~e h,,'u ba lor s. All: Kee p reco rds of cost ot pro. ment will be fotthcom lD" I1lc ubator ~ are mad e at the plall l aDd woman to be one's wlte and tbe n to bn.tch," fall wben the Spanlllh needl~B anel duction . mt· her was are ot a specla l design. They are an unpardo nable olTensl) Keep animal. tree trom IIco Not Surprlll nll. burs are be,lnnl n. to ripen ~d clln, HaiK!lIn g baIty' .tietf.r. heat ed by m eans ot hot wnt(l r. Gaa In bls code. He Imew Edith had 0.1· and worms. "Wbat do you think ' or an OpeD to evel'7th lu, tbat toucbe. them: A heifer calf that II to be NUed ",ays ta the fu e l U86d In th e heute rs. A sp e· cared a llttle for him i In the meeting to dIBCtU!1 ways and Supply an abunda nce tit good mean., old days there had been a little jeal· by .selt-con cia I dll\'l ce rJl,gui:lle s the pressur e. Dr for .th.. da1rJ ' ahould be ~ancU'!Ci i> &at . food . to young Btock.-W . H, fessed rooters ~d ' ,rat~ tbJs mel\l\& '11 'un ifo rm tempera ture 18 Cut Down Coet·of Hllp,. ou~y· betweeD ' . the made &.II all D~ar, ~-. girls on that ac' er~!'! . . P almer, College of Agricul ture, Hay sUn,a aDd a· tqader ..,re ,amC!Jl& nlpulatlo~ • .fro. ~~.~ count. · But tbe though t 'of Madge and ID.a intalned . . "That'B nervy, Who a~ tIle,r Ohio State Univers ity. I the . ·tOO1. that cut· down,i the~.t l, or·. UIltll 'm~tu,ltJ:. iii, wlUab · IIh! .iia ff&tI, .~" '111 tbe same town Is another batch· what he bad loat, ·the· 100R (If ~ur. ~ .~ 't!W- .. "·Memb ers of a ' prote..~~ ..... 'fIri that mak es. a ·"peclal t7 of cuelom . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t~ ..... prI8~ 'i:JPOn bor face ~ the 8D.,.~IlDC8> 'clell~: club," '1I1iell.'heJj, bl·: ~..~~~J ~ ItWa ~ ~ .. ," ~abl. ·U411M11 iat _ "" ~• . .' T ~ ...... _• . t. ". •







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T he Wauamake r-CurtlS8 hydroaeroplane . America. Is a ll ready tor thA atte mpt to fly ac ross th e Atlantic ocean, starting from I': ew foundland . It 18 he re 8eell In th e nlr on a lea t flight . Inset at tb e le ft 18 Lieutenant Porte. the pilot. and at the ri ght George Hallett. his 9.8sletaut.





dealh has struck once more at the royal !amlly of Austria In the aBsasalnatlon of tbe heir to the thrODe. Archduke }o'run clij F prdtuand. and his wlte . The lIIu8tratton show8 a view of Saraj ovo. the capital of Bosnia. wq6ro the murder s took place. In se t are portraits of the new he ir preHu mpt! V6, Archduke Chari ell Francla, and of ht . wife . He Is a Bon or th e la te Archduke Otto. n e phew of the e mp eror, and she Is 8 Bourbon prlnceliB of Parma.


The Panam a Un er Ancon, carrying 700 pa sse ngers, was th e first passen· aer steam s hip 10 be put through the Oatun locks of the Panama canal. She !8 s etlo bere In tue middl e c hamue r In tow of two electric locomot!\'e8: The pas8a ge th rou\:b the locks took one hour and torty minutes.


FIGHTING THE NICARAGUAN TREATY Johu50n ~ . Camden of Versnllles, Ky .. ha3 uE'en sworn In lUI the BUCeY' Bor to th e lat e llnlted Stales S e nator Bradl ey, and the sen a t e now has a comple te mflmbershlp.

8 0 Sweeney of Seattle is the new assistant secretary of tho Interlo.r, wbIJ too k up Ills duti es on July L Whea IUlked abou t his p<;Cullar first 0lUII8 he re pli e d thllt It was plain no, wlthou t e ven 11 porlod.

Owillg to the flnanclal condltton of Nlc&ragua, the bIct that the MIlate forelgD ' rel&t1o!l$ committee cannot make quite lure who wI11 set the mODey, M«! tbe charge by Senator William Alden Smith that of the 26,000,000 pellOll Jint 1811ued by the Nicaraguan gO\'crnment nearly aU thla amount has been 1)8Id to ravorltes of the Diu government, It Is predicted In Washington th&t die Nicaraguan treaty call1ug for a payment of $3,000,000 for a canal route, BOW before the senate tor ratification, will be defeated. Cbamorro, the prellent Nicaraguan minister at Washington, nnd membenJ of his family, lII'e charged by Senator Smith with hAving received great IUIDB troin the a-aury. He and Rafael Cuadra, the Nicaraguan minister of ftnance. wlio IB IlDW In Wuhlngton, have indignantly denied havlnll received any of thIs mone,.. The lIlustratton shows Senator Smith at the left. Senor CbamoM'O In the center and Senor Cuadra at the right.


Secretary Bryan gave s party recently to sov8l'a1 omclals of the state department and the newvpaper men who cover his omce--a watermeloll party, too. A friend In Florida sent htm an enormOUB melon and he Invited hJs friends to Join In tbe telllll. The secretary himself caned the melon as the picture shows.

Colone l Rooseve lt Is spending of hlB ttme recuperating from tho at biB Sooth American trip by keeping In the wood!! and on the water &t Oystelr Bay. He takel long tramps with Mrs. Roosevelt and boat rides with Ar ~.hle, hl8 800 . rtc.OI'1l

..............,..- .............. - - · ... -

... ~-- ......... - .. ww"lwww~~w~~~



C rlJWIl Prin Ce of Servia to wbom th e government of the country was turned over by King . Peter when the latter was compelled to r&tire at least temporarily on account of bls poor heB.lth.

....... ............. Te ... or Wo.... "Pa, what dOOll terae mean'" "It .means t ei'y conc1ee~ yerY ahan." . "Oee. but .wter's Dew ~.A1d& ......

terae.l •



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TirE MIAMI QAZET'l'lt, W 'A, YNUVJLLB, 011'10

as.\-,-----------------------------------------:, I

__ ..I tc..

VOTERS I II()~;\l'~i(l1l



IIml I will g lad ly eral Ir!auing ({epu blicans w ho thl'lll to IlIIY "Il C . t' ured Ille that i w~ comp~tcnt ~nd I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ANY PUBLICATION YOU NEED , ' " i My oll ly failure too 1< plac'c in capab! t' of con uuctlng Slll<j office. t;('rtulll persulls art' Ull llI!{ ul! Ihey Munlg'<l llll 'ry Cou nty and was Jlllt uirerilllj me their s up purt. .. " n to deteat 1110 al .the Prim ary caused I •.\' lac k uf uu>!i ll e~,; lIl L'l huus I prom ise YOli t hat if e iectt' u I hat r\Ug' lIs t II th a nd I fl'c llt illY duly tu bu t d rl: ul1l, lal1 ce~ whi~h IIlI IlIUII I will fultill t he duties uf said oflic e .-.-.~-------~-~-* r ,· !~l v . 1ll! best I CIlI. ! . , . cou ld averl. · , III a wanner that will not cause Kl lbon coulun I run hIS own bUHI' My worHt tJ'IJ uhl e an ulti u IlW re).rt·" t. th at 1 w ill not ask for a th irt.! )1t.'~ how cl\n h~ exp ~~~ t o run the fath e r 't! . we belie ved ,-,vcry one lor f ourth te rm . ! Subscription s Taken! I , usllles~ of the Co~:lt\' . . '" honest enough to pay fo r what liwy T hanki ng. m y fricnd H for whllt Newspaper and Magazine Shop In an ~\Ve rto till. I WI sh tn . t"l e l'at an,j wore . t hey art· dUlng fur me ami Le j.udnj.{ t " al m~ bUSiness III Warren COUnl,Y If 1 had the mOlwv tl lH' nw l ithe t\ u pport of eve r y He\lubli cll n. , for all Newspape rs, , All the L a tli's t a nd Bes t Magazines was a ly,ays successfu l, I offer a letle r II t I fl' !' h ' I I I a m He ~ l)t'c tfllll fJ'Olll one of t he la rllC'R t bll s ine~~ WOII ( no nec( 0 Ice. av e a way!! ' . Y. on Sale . Magazin e Deli vered to h'luses wilh wh um I hal l dl'al i ng-~ . c1 nnated to a ll our ('hurr hl'- anci l Wal ter.J. I<lIhon . Magaz;nes etc. Your Hom e the Day th ey are We havp kno wn Mr . 1\ ilbun a~ a t' vpry C a~l ~l) \vl.1C'n I ol lg-ht nul have - ... - .. -- -- I raVelill1{ salcsman and IIIl'fI'hulJt fu r ,10 ,111' SCI II I so hl ,eral a IllalJn t' r . Slops Neuralgia - Kills Pain Publish ed. year~. a lld we chf'e rf ull y a lld h Ol\c'l Ll ~' ; I", ~r I h .. beheli l o f a f pw I w i:;h ~ I) , :-\hultl '~ Li n IlllAIII gi Vu .. " I",t,w ~ r Ho Kext Doo r to Gazette OtliC(' rL'c.ommend hilll to be lhuroughly , !lJi~' If d('Ctl~d I will conduct !laltl illuf Ir on :-.lll um !.:l N. ' Ir l:kiltti Clu. H rehable HI eVl'I'Y respec t. I " IIICI' acco.rdmg' til law allLl as far a~ ~CH"\ Htl'lllL: ht to Iltu 1111111101 pnt,r- ' He isa good merchant, being li ve ! I!w run nln.g th e UUS IIl CSS o ~ th ~ " o tll .. ~ tllll NArvo", a lll\ I-' tO Jl~ th e 'l ilnd up ,to· uate and we r an recolII· ICo un.t y I WIll !lot, ~ave any thinK to ' 1',, 111 . 1\ ' ll 11114" gOlll\ 1M Ru.!\lIU11 · LET ME KNOW YOUR NEEDS '~ Inend him to any one t o whonl he rio wi th . the . hnan~al p~~ th e r e for ' II~"', ~I) J'H ' I 'hr o ~r , (:\I "MI P~ ll \ . ~ D J ' • __,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _~_~_~_ _~_~~_ _ _ _~~~~~ may apply for a position . I the affalrR wll l not be r umed by me. \ Kpm \n" , Yo " d ll ,, ' 1 t1(1"C\'O r nt.-it.\ ~'!!"'!!'__-~--~~-~------~~-------....~ Another. We have klJown Mr. I I have beon a Re(J ublicall a ll my \l6n e tr,,~es J\h . ./ . It. Hwi Il !£e r . ~ ~. - . Kilbon for a number of years and life as was IJ1Y fath e r and tjhis iR the l LOtll'l~lne, Kv" wrJt,'..... : ,. \ 'Illl1'nr e(\ I ESC~PE D PRISONE'') CAUGHT I /tu~nmohIl8 tn brin g .WllllliIU. "" 0 I PLE \ SINO Pl,,~q '.'I~CITAL. h.a ve had th e.ple8sllr ~ of .doing c~m· first timu for a Kilbon to 'a sk fvr a , with q ui t e 1L .~tWArr· N" IlJ' ,d (! l(, H "I~ I : : .. • " . to X e llilt. ' Mr . M'l11 i, r w" ,.. 110(11 111 ,' " side rablebusmess With hIm durlllg' County office I ser ved as Cell tral 'l lI oli8t ,'rffl u r lJI oll th .. '\' llil llu t ',nv ' --I b Chi llf f P1Iil'tl('fln'/(\ IIv " , that time . . Cu.mmitteem a n in Ea...t Waync Town · roHe f. I u~tJ\J S I1111 U '!j Llnlw ent, In:r ' AII,e r II iJrJOf Ub Hrtv uf li tt- Ill more i 11"~71\\l1;;1 !\ II!" w'lJi l ~ JIIllll, ' 1I0li ; . l ' ! . My'is My rt1 I~. Soude . ~ i"' ,.sl'l1.l.ed her He has m all cases shown hImself ship 10 yt~ars , as Cle rk and Trea.<>urer ·I ,·wn ,n thrl:lB llJ/{b t'" lind l btlvftn t \ th lill :! I hl)ll'~ ( ~~1 " WJlltllm '" WitH r l:l I i , \ li v I lll ' lOt.h .. ~lJ"t."IlO . , pU PIl:; h·~J't· In . a {l lano rl '( 11111 at to be honorable and inh his Corporation ' Clerk a lsu lJilolTnrtld wilh lil Y h rm, 1 ~l ll fl"" Utlt I tur " ,," 1.0 th. · XlIllia wIlrklllH1MIl f"r om ~, 'rvl J r'lI "I~ II' II Oil I,I c', l, I~ Lr "' I'll I' .u 1111 Schqul Hall l<'nJ ... I:VI;' I' ' 11 10: Th!'I .1Ilg!!, . fairmet d d eal · of Corwin ' , ~ , • • cl . h an d h'IS b usmess 0 ~ have Presl uen lof Corwin School and in 1\ I, ul.t l" to ct .~v . KIlHp III Lbo h ll l1" " Wcdnmtdl~v . l u WI!>I 0 1111· , 1)1. ., ' , 11 I IHOg-f:lITI was ml e r ~ p e r He 1,1,' 11 "!IlOc . W'SI~ ' .. I Pd 1lY M r . . been such th at we can c hcer f u II y t hat time I was never a ccused of nil tho IIUlU p lll o S II IlU nil Ilurt'b. \.nbll noll /lllrly WIl. IIl t-tBCluv 1Il"'" Ill g. 01 )111. 'UV · . nUI Y, I )t''IS. lUlu.. waH rec!,mm end.him as an e nergetic mismanuem ent.ormisuseoffunds' l:!fiO.. f, 0 2 . tin l l*J UO, llt Y ll urnrll ~g i ~t . U pun ,·"OO lvin\( t.h .. wo·rt\II"II. h',. - .-. E 'l. rIl FiLz~' a tt'r. violinblt. 1-I .ispIIlYre hable bUSllleas ":Ian. . ,I d id Jlot .consent to becom e a can· ,Bnokl s ll 's Arn H'lt hilI 1" \ 1',, 1' 11)1, h ... u IJllft O "\'prt 'hllllrlNt ~np r, \,·rn ....· Ha volcne Auto Soap ill ec(J!lO lll i ('~ 1. in g- W ilS oj II hl~.h d HSS anti hili pum · These letters WIth more are m my dldate, until urged to do so by ~v· l ::;oreM . >lellt UUllrl\ It I, M'LD,I}' in lin ' Wayn e<3vi ll e Auto and Machme ry CUI he r s we re heartllv elll'or ed .






..I 1






'*--------_ . . . . . .*







For Saturday Only AlIour50and65c, Overalls, Special for ~aturday .... .

For Saturday Only

3 9c


All C"PIi CO, all ('01ors , 7c and 7 X c, Sale price ...... .... .. All our 10 and ) 2X~ Dress Ginghallls, fo r 1 Saturday only, Special price...... . 2


All our S5c Overalls Stiffel . Special for Saturday. ~C only ........ ..... .. . ..





Tbis is Your 8igOpportunity of. tbe Year, and Comes at an OpportuneTime, wben you Nefd tbis Mercbandise UNDERWEAR

Now is the time for all good-clothes men

Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers long or short sleeves and double seated drawers. Regular 35c values. sale price ..... ..... ... ... Moriaco Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers made of the genuine Sea Is· land C<ltton, sale price...... ...... C Genuine Poroeknit Shirts and Drawers. sale price......... ........ C Setsnug and Roxford Lisle Thread Union Suits $1 and $1.25 value, sale price ...... J. ...... .... .. C B. V. D. Athletic Nainsook Union Suits with elosed crotch $1 value, sale price. ........ ...... ......





89 c

Men's regular 50c Silk Hose in all colors •. sale price...... .........



B-:e~i!~~~.~~~................. 1ge Special lot of fineet


Men I' and Young Men's 112, 13.50 and 15 Suits . sale p rice ............. ................ ... . .



Men's and Young Men's $ 18 and 20 ~uits. sale price .. ..... ....... .. .. .... . .. ..... ..

$ 9.75

Boys' $3 50 and 398 Norfolk and Double 8reasted Suits. sale price .................... .. .


$11 75

Boys' $7 an d 7.50 finest All Wool Suits sa le price .............. .... ... .. ....... .. .. .. .... .



Men'a and Boys' .Tr:O~sers Men's $2 00 Trousers ~ale price ..... ........ .. ........... .... .. ...... .. .. .. Men's 12.50 and 13.00 Trousers Sale price ....... .. .... .......... ... ........ .

Jl.35 $2.25

.Men's ,$3.50 and "'.00 Trousers Sale price ........ .... , .. ...... ....... .. .. ....... .. . ..





Me~'s and Bovs' Straw Hats . At Half Rriee Men's and Boys' Silk Hats, 75c values 45c Sale price ..... .......... ... ... .. .... .... .... .... ... .. Me,,'s and Boys' 50c Caps' in plaids of sep· arate checks. Sale price .. .. ..... .. ........... .

AI!aI:~~e~.~.~~.~i~~... ... ,'


Men's $1 and 11.25 Soisette and Pongee Shirts in plain and fancies with sepllr·

:a~ec;:~~~.~~..~~~~~.~.~~.~~: ... 7ge

Ties Ties 50csilk Wash Ties sale price ............ : ................................... .. All our 25c and 35c Silk Ties, sale price ................... . ....... .. .. .. .... . .... .... .

25c ·2 3c

Lace Curtains


89 C

Women's Muslin Cowns Muslin Gowns. Slip-over style, full length. embroidery edge. sleeve and neck, I18le price...... C Muslin or Crepe Gowns. lace or em-


~~~~~:.~~~.~: ..................... 89c

All 11.75 and

12.00 Gowns,


:l~ ~ri~:: ............ ........... $1.35

The Store That Saves You Monay The Store TOat Opens Evenings

~I:'P~~:~'~~ .~:~.~: ......... $2.98 :'I:~~f~~~~: .... ................ $4.98

$1 98

All our$2 98 and $3.50 Silk UDderskirts, sale price... • . All our $4 and $5 Silk Underskirts. :lle C;:icr::..... ..................


'$1 35

All n.76 and $2.00 Shirt Waists. sale price.: ......... : -. Shirt Wai;"ts worth up to ,1 50 ' sale price .... . ......... ......... .. ....


42e 8ge $1.25

.Al~f;Cp~i~.~.~~~.~~~~..~;.~~~ ... 23c


All 59c and 75c Cambric Corset . Covers I18le price......... ... ......

Muslin Drawers

Women's Knit Underwear

Men's Ni~ht Robes, $1 and $1.25 values. Sale Price... ...... ........

All our Women'lI Skirts, in.all colors,

Corset Covers ~ All our 59c and 75c Curtains Sale price ...... ... ...... .. ...... .. .... ........ .......... .... .. All our '1. 25 an(J $1.50 Curtains Sale price ............ .. ....... .. . .. .. .......... ........ .. .... .. All our 12.00 , $2 50 and f3 ,OOCurtains !:5ale price .................... .. .............................. ..


~fesip~~:.~ ..~~.?~~.~~I~~: ..45c




All Men's $1.50 Shirts in light and dark colors with collars attached and detached. sale price.. ....... C

Men's Univereal Night Robes in full

and $4 .00, sale price .........




$1 • 9S

Drl's~ es ,regular value$3.fiO

All our $5 and $5.50 Women' s Skirts. sale price.... .... • All our $6 ,50 and $7.60 Women's S~irt8

M~n'sSummer Shirts "

.................. $3.4~

$3 98

~.~~~.~..................... 25e .)

Dresses in Grepe, Overlace. regull\r val.

At greatly reduced prices. These are lat e Spring and Summer models. Its a case of giving you our profit and a part of our cost a$ a reward to you for helping us dispose of our Spring and Summer Clothes


':IV: :J:e~~~:. ~~!~~. ~~~~: ...... 8c Men's fancy Silk Lisle Hose. 25 Onyx make. sale price... .. ....... C


a bare:ain



MEN'S HOSE Men's Balbri~gan Hose in blark, tan.

to ~get

Women's JOc and 12,Y.c Vests , sale llrice ....... ........ ................ ...... .. . " .. . .. . .. .


Women's ~5c and 20c Swiss Ribbed Vests. sale price ....................... . ........ .... '" ''''' ''' .. .

14e 23e

Women's Fancy Vests 25c and 35c values . sale price" ........ .. .... .... ... ... ...... .. ,;; ..... ...... .. .

Women's Union Suits Women's Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, low neck no sleeves, sale price .......... .. .................... .. . Women's Fine Quality Union Suits, 50c and 75c values, sale price ........... ...... .......... ... ....... ..

24c 45c

Ladies' Hose All our $1.00 and *1.25 Silk Hose, white, black and tan . sale price ...... .. ............................. .. All our 50c anrl 75c Silk Hose. all colors. sale price .. .................... .. ..................... ........... . All our 25c and 35c Hose sale price ............... .. .. .. .... .. .................. .. . . .. All our l~c Hose, sale price .. .................. .... .. ...... .............. .. .. All lOc and 12X c Hose. siale priee ......... .... .. ......... .. .. ... .................. .


44c 23e

lie 8Ac

====-===--- --'--

.Children's Dresses All our 11.00 and '1.25 Children's Dre8Sa'. sale price ................................................. .. All our 5~c and T5c Ch~ldren·8 Dresses. sale prlcfl ........ ...... .. ......... ~ . ...... ...... ........... .

8ge 44c

Muslin Drawers 25e and 35c values. sale price .... ..... •... ••••. Cambric Drawers. 59c to 75c values. sale price ........ .. .. .....


45.C "

Women's Petticoats All 59c and 75c Women's Pe~tiC(latil with neat embroidered flounce, sal~ price .... ...... ......... ' C Women's PetticOats with deep~ flounce' of embrpidery, $1 00 lind $1:25 values, sale price...... ............ C' All $1.75 and '2.00 value Women's PetticoatM, . eale price ... ...... ......... .. .... •



$1' 44

Bu. ngalow Aprons '

A14 our

Aprons, ~n ,,'colors I.. sale prtce .• ,•...•• -:........ .........


'59c and 76e





, ~ixty - F ift h






The following is the way they play ball and some of tbe players' names at the Ohio Penitentiary ; anyway SOME STAY AT HOME AND EN. No . 42137 writes it that way. The game opened with Molasses at TERTAIN COMPANY the stick, Smallpox catching. and Cigar in the box with plenty of smoke. Horn on first. Base Jo' iddl e on MANY ARE OUT O~ TOWN NOW second . backed by Corn in the field. who made it hot for the umpire. Apple who was rotten Ax came to The Miami Valley Chautauqua Are bat and chopped; Cigar let Brick Claiming a Great Many walk, and Sawdust filled the ba.~. This Week. Sung made a hit. Cigar went (lut. and Balloon started to pitch. but went up in the air. Then Cherry M' EI' (! t' . . 't' f ' d tried it, but was wild. Old Ice kept. 198 sle ",U8 m IS VlBI mg ·. rlen s ('001 until he WILB hit by a m Blanchester'. pitched ball, then you ought to have A new Piano for 1168. Trovillo's heard ke scream! Cabbage had a Music Store. Lebanon. Ohio. good head and kept quiet. Grass covered Iota of ground in the field. Ralph Pixler, of Dayton, was the The clowd cheered when Spider guest of Arthur Brehm last Friday. caught a fly. Bread loafed on second. Organ ~Iayecl. f~t and p.ul Light out. Havolene Auto Soap is economical. In Lhe fifth mnmg. Wmd began to Wayne8ville Auto and Machinery Co blow. fhe way they roasted Peanut was a fright. Knife was p ut out for Mr, A. E. Wooten and son attendcutting first. Li~h[ning finished the ed a camp·meeting at Dayton Saturgame and struck out six men. In the day . ninth Apple told Fiddle to take hia base. then Song made another hit. Mrs. Susan Hayslit was the guest Trombone madt' a slide, and Meat of relatives at Spring Valley last was put on the' plate. There was week. . lote of bettin~ on the game, and Soap cleaned up Door said if he Messrs. F. B. Sherwood and Jeff. had pitched. he would have shut Thompson. of Lebanon were in town them out · Friday.





A Bright and 'nrerest in~ Romance That Will Keel' the Witll WorkinK All the Time.

Thi s Is what th o Noslll'lIle T enne. Bean l1I1ys of th e now ~ c rlul we havo Becured. " Tho Place at 1I0n nymooDll," by Harold MllcGrllth : Grnnd opera singe rs huve freque ntly bee n utlllzed 8S the h eroines of nov· els. but It Is doubtful whether any author h8s over conceived of a more delightful character than the one which Mr. MacGrath prC1lents In thl ~ charm· Ing romance. It Is the fortunes ot Buoh a slngor. whose na me 18 plain Irish Nora, that the author Invites hla readers to follow. Her abduction at the handB ot a. princely Bultor wbo wishes to make hor hla morganatlo wlte; her bellet that this abduotlon has been arranged hy Courtlondt, t.h e American bero, who happe ns to resemble the prince: her Bummer rillitotn g days at beautttul Laks Como, where he r train at admirers tollow; .-,.,.- - h er relatione wltb a delightful old TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS A full line of music goods. Lowest father who bas been a pril.e (lahter, prices. at E. 'frovillo·s . Lebanon, and her motber who IntendB to enter 'fo the Republican Voters of War- Ohio. the "bost cIrcles" and vainly endeav. , . ora to venCflr ber ' honeat, likable ren County: Being before the pub.


J . C. Hisey is uelivering mail on Ruute 3. with a Ford auto.

Whole Number 3274 OBITUARY


Mr!'l. Ray HaIdee. of Dayton. is very III and her life is despaired of. BOvS PLAvED 0000 BALL I


Roland Boutwell, of Dayton, is ape:n ding a week here with friend s.


Hovolcne Auto Soap for oil cloth. Waynellville Auto an~ Machinery Co . Messrs. C. M. Robitzer and Lou Printz were in Dayton Sunday after- Gustin's Daring Base Running and noon. Burton's Fielding Featured Miami's Game. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were in Cincinnati Sunday. visiting relatives. Mrs. Zelia Miller spent last Wed. nt!Stday with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Woollard. ~Iaster Irwin Grellg. of Ft'licity. Ohio. ill the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Funkey. Totat.. ....

Second hand Ebers.)le Pianos. Like new for $1::15. Phone 143. Lebanon, Ohio.



MIAMIS AI:I H Ih"I" . Jl ... ..... .. . I lIr1t"i".2b . . .. . , ., 2 I CARD OF THANKS " W. F . Clark and family, uf Itll ule Uu. Un. 310 .... , , , ,. 3 a . DuI'Wu . R'" • . . .. 4 I 5, viaited relatives in Winches ter, l:Iurll1<:e. II, . . ... , .. 4 " HurnHt.t. , C' . . . ... . . • U Ind ., last weck. II. BuI'Wu . d ., . . . 3 U "SerKan. . . . ... .. 1 U I Mi ss Viula Wolff. of Dayton, is Browu. rl .. . . . , . . . 3 I the week guest of Mr. and Mrs. Schuler. II .. . . . .. " 4 Arthur Brehm, ·j'OIW . . . ... 3 ~ 6 0 27 II BOI'I.(a1l balloo lor H. DurLoo In 9tb. 1 2 3 , 6 ij 7 K _ Jonathan Haines received word Messrs Will Burge. of Route 4, Ihnolla k . I " 0 1 U 1 U 0 7-10 Saturday of the death of his brotherand H . W. Drake, uf Route 4. are )l1t""1 • . . . . • 1 0 U U I U U 3 ()-- ~ in. law. Charles W-eller,atGreenfield. pOSS~r8 uf new Ford llutoS. SUM~IA nY Ohio. Mr. Weller was formerly a Stol01l O_-.'I OOL~. SchulholJ. Krlu_, resident of Greene County. having Vote for Russell C. Ferri.'1. I )ell1- Vavl". U ustin. Surt&Ctl. acrllh;u I:IItr- FIt>et Ouotill. lived near Bellbrook. Three weeks ocratic Candiuate fur County Trea.':I'j'wo·baae Uita-Killaer. 81110tt. Nolte 2. aa-o. as he was plekin::i cherries he - adv t!uUw;e rlae,. IIltJtIt . Burtoo . f e II f rom t he tree f I'mg on h'IS lie for the first time and having been 1 he MI~~ ~nna an~ Lu\a Va!lder- urer. olf KrltzHr. ~ ; ott Davie. ll . prevented by businesa.. engagements. vo:>rt are VI@ltmlr relatives III Chicago f.ltruck uut- by Krltwr. It; by Davlll. ,. brain conu"""" on Ballll-olf Krttzer 2 ; olf· DaVie , 2 . head. which ~roduced • , ~r. Perry Weller. of White's Cortrum making a thorough canvass at for three weeks. I:Ilt D"L.~an -b)l Krltzor . H. Bu'Lon. cusalon. of w Ich aCCident caused ner. who was stricken with paraly. the county , to make the acquaintMIN H . t 0 Tlme-l buur a.nd 6U minutes h'IS. d ea. th Mr.. and MAil U mplre-Lo!wla au<l McCau n. rs. en ance of the vot~r9. I take tllill means r:!.. • arras. 0 !lyton, sis a week ago. is improving slowly. Hames. of Xema attended the fuof requestina- that you consider me spent ~veral darslast w~k With her neral Monday. which took place at A full line of mU8ic goods. Lowest In voting for County Surveyor. I mother, Mrs. Ahce McKmsey. his home in Greenfield, Mr. Weller prices. at E. Troviilo·s. Lebanon. The Reore and the following para- W88 very well known here_ ~av~ .compl~ted ~ four yea~ CO,Ut'lle Vote for Ruasell C. Ferris, Oem Ohio, graph taken from the Dayton Jour• _ ..._ __ m l?lvII . Englneerlng at O~IO . State ocratic Candidate for County Treasnal last Monday morning just about University. one of the best Engmeer- urer - ad Miss Olive McCollum. who under- tell all there is to be told about what FUN LAB(t~ DAY, LOCUsr PAR" ing Schoola in the Middle West. . v went an operation at Cincinali last happened at Locuat Park llLBt Sun· fr~aduating. from that Institut~?n., Mrs. A. B. Sides left Sunday w~ek returned home ; Sunday t!venday afternoon: "The Havana RibThe ball boys, who will have a eelm 1~3, Wlt~ the deglee of CIVIl evening for Chicago on account of ing. are bue)' ~et­ bons traveled to WayneeviUe Sun- ebration on Labor Englneer. Smce 1903. I have ~n the serious illness of her grandchild. and am at present. engaged In a Mr an~ Mrs. P. D. Clagett. Mrs. day and defeated the fast team rep- ting matters In abape. There will general Engineering practice. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell are Asa Egoort and Misa Henrietta reaentina- that place. The featulWl be a1lldnda of fun on the 5rround. been. .aiDCe Jan~ 1912, M.uD1Clpal -borne. after spending ten days at McKinsey motored to Da:yton Mon- of the game were the litching of two ball games with ~ first-class team Kritzer and tbt! hitting 0 Nolte and nmni~ races. jumpm~. and, In fact. Engineer for the Village of Lebanon. Vttle Chapman Lake near Warsaw day. Kaieer. The Ribbons wish to state all kinds of high jinks will be on the Ohio. and having had. during the lnd ' . past six.years. a wide exPerience in . that they received the best of treat· Locust Park grounds. We will be Rev. and Mrs. J. ,,'. Cadwallader all line3 of engineering work. I Mrs. J. W. White and MillS Georgia leflt Tuesday for New York where ment." We wish to return the com- able to publish the different events have thereby. secured a thorough Hadden spent Saturday in Xenia tM they will apend some time at the pliment by saying that the Ribbon. in a short time. Thi. celebration were as atentlemanly a set of fellows will be on a par with others that workinll ~nowl~a-e of the technical guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.' W. Chautauqua. as ever stepped on the local field have been held in Waynesville. celand practical I!ldf'B of up·to·date En- Ebright. gineering principles and methods. . I am still representing the Antioch However. we should like to add ebrations that each one has received If elect~d. I expect to fulfill the duMr. and Mrs . Elmer Rogers, Misses Nursery. and will be glatl to a-et the a little to their veraion of the feat. the value of their money. • -- e tie!' of the office to the best of mv Ethel Hosier, Alice Carey and Ernest trade of this locality. I. N. Miller, ures. Gustin made one and Bobbie Burton two catches that were of the MASONIC REUNION ability. Your support will be .lip- Rogers attended the Chautauqua at Harveysburg, Ohio. sensational order and certainly deprp.ciated. Franklin Sunday. Respectfully yours. . , Mr. Chauncey Bunnell and f!tmily. serve mention. .. The reunion given to the veteran - adv, Roy E. Miller. Lost-A pair of double lens spec-, Mrs. Harry Murray and Mias MOo For seven and a half mnlngs. the members of the Masonic fraternity ---. - tacles. either in town or between nimia Bnnnell were at the Miami game was 1& close race and in Warren County. 'will be held ARRESTED VIOL.~TORS town and my place. Finder will Valley Chautauqua Friday. belong to I;'nvbody. An error. a sm- Wednesday, Augu8t 6th, in a grove please leave with A. Maffit. gle. a sacnfice and two doubles gave four miles south of Morrow and one Depuly Game Wa nJ ens 0 f WarLost- Black and white lOW, weight the Miamis thr~ runs a.nd, seeming. mile west of Butlerville. on the ren Countv arrested a bunCh of pme Mr. John V. H. Lewis and daugh- 250() lba .• till off left ear and slit in Iy. the game m t~e eIghth. Then Morrow and Rosabura' pike. at the I~w violators near ~urrow I~t week . ter Mias Eva and Mr. and Mrs , thE! right. l<lnder will please notify came that awful mnth, Beven clean resilience of Wm. Schull. they found &11 kmds of ~It~es an.d Chas. Lewis of Lebanon were Sun. I, Satterthwaite. Waynesville. hits.. a pass, two stole!'. bases and The Masons of Warren County, other u,nlawful paraphernaha m their day gUe!lts of Mrs. Alice McKinsey. a WIld heave gave the VISlto" seven together with their families ar. cor. po98e.!!1I10n and they were taken to . Poatmllllter Carey received word runs and "poor Cody died .. diall1 invi~ to attend this reunion. Lebanon and given the stiff fine of Mr. Herman Maile. editor of the from U. M. White, who is with his - - --. - • Brothers John R Flotron and Geo. .200 and ~stseac;h. Jud~eJam~D Morrow Mirror, was in town Sat- parents at Owensboro. Ky.. that his WELFARE LEAGUE SOCIAL L. Marshall. of Dayton. will be says .th~t every Violator will begsyen urday in the inter~t. of the Morrow sister. Mary, died at 11;30 Monday. present.;..._____ ..e- -the hmlt wh~n he comes him. Chautauqua. and made this office The funeral is being held today in . There i~ said ~ be some Violators a pleaaant call. The social given under the auspices that city. IS HOME FROM HOSPITAL In a small way m and around this of the younger members of the town. '!- note of warning ought to H_ A. Cornell was in Xenia Friday The building committee of the M. R. W. L. of Massie township Satur· Albert Sheehan. of near Spring be sufficlt'nt for these violators of the evening attending Masonic lodge . E. church were in Xenia Monday d~y evenmg I!as a 8uccess l?oth finaJ.1- Valley, who WILB operated on at a law. Seven candidates took the Master afternIMn. The contractor will prob- clall~ and SOCially. Much Interest ..s hospital in Darton recently. is home. manifested throughout the . township and ia improVlng rapidly . THE ANNUAL· -ODeJo.NOE PICNIC Mason degree. After the initiation Ilbly be at work next week. for the success and enterprise of thiS ___ ..._ __ IV" a fine supper was served. The &hool Board were out Tues- league. and the people are due a vote The annual Grange Picnic will be Havolene Auto Soap is an aid to day going over the NorthelLBtern of thanks for their splendid attend- e - - - - - - - --e held this year at the Lebanon - Fair does not injure paint, division of the Warren County school ance during the hot. busy season' , S OCIe.l Even~grounds. on Saturday. August. 1, makes old wood· work look like new district. They examined all the Something good scheduled for next _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _UI meet . Everybody come. _ 1914. There will be a good pro~ram and removes gre&ile spoufrom cluth~ scRools in the district. and will make of home talent. and Mr Frank D_ WaY1lelville Auto and Machinery Co rel)airs where they are needed. Cora A. Thompson, Director. . Lyons. of Columbus will be the . Mrs, J. W. Hisey entertained Mrs. ~-...~.~_~_ ~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~!!!.--!!--~~~~~~"""!""~~~~~!'!! principal ~peaker of the day. EvWill Warwick. of Marshfield. Oregon erybody is cordially invited to be and Mrs. Mary J. Cleav~r. of Har· present and enjoy the day. veysburg. Saturday and Sunday. WILL BUILD ADDITION


.. I


Author of "The Place of Hon.y" moon.'" buabnnd Into a socIety gentlemanthese are a tew of the thIngs that tu .... Dish the Incidents whIch torm the atock of the Btory. Romanoe. pure and simple. la the prinCipal motive at the tale, but It Is romRnce whIch 18 clothed In the el~ mont of my stery and whIch bamell the reader unUl the author sees ftt to clear It up near the end. Harold MncGrnth haa so firmly tabllshed him self In the regard of ftcUOD lovers. thut It Is an accepted taot that any story trom his pen will be Interesting, entertnlnlng and unuBual, ..nel "The Place at Honeymoonll," II DO Mception to thIs rule. It Is Ma.oGrathlan throughout. charming In tlng. cosmopolitan In air and Ameri· caa In spirit. The author's unusually fruitful Imagination has been civen full cbance to display Itself, and hla d81tchttul altt of narration makee ey.



eri parqrapb ortctnal



JUNIOR GUILD LAWN FETE The lawn fete given by the Junior Guild ot St. Mary's church ThUJ'Rqay evening was a dC\!lIted ~UCce1J8 in every way, During the pvening Mr. • and Mrs: Howard BurjleM. of the R~dolph Wurlitzer Piano Co .• re ~Ied the ' erowd with a delightful concert Oll their plaver· piapo. Th~ Guild reaJizPd $14 .

_-_... _.e---




The Ferry church will commence putting an addition to their church this week. to'or some lime the edi· fice has not b~n large enou¥h to a .... commodatt t.he congregation. and they will hl&ve wings built In order to make mort! room. The congrega· tion numbers about 1~.

Miss Marie Shutts entertained at a houee party on Saturday in honor of Miss Nellie Warwick, of Marshfield. Oregon The followin~ were the invited guestR Misses Reba Earn· heart, Flo88ie Fires, Nina Simkins, He:en Hawke and Nellie Warwick.


Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett enter· tained at Maple Wood "'arm near Lebanon last Friday in honor of Mrs. ABa M. Egbert, of Kansas City, Mo. Those who had the pleasure of their hospitality were: MiM Lillie Nedry. Mrs. Alice McKinsey. Mrs, I, N. Harri8. of Dayton. and Mias Henri· etta McKinsey,




Jos Ro8seIl. who has been living on the Bellbrook road, hu purchased a farm of Horace Foutz. on the other ~ide of Lytle. and will remove there IIOmt\ time this fall . . ,., HA 1 HAW A \ REUNION




The Hathaway reunion,will be held this year at the hO'me of Mr. Carl Regular communication of Way- H4thaway,· at LebaJlon. on Thursday, neSville Lodge No. 168 F. & AM., August :;l3t::::h::..._ ••-lo. . .'..__- . .,will .be held ·a t. their hal,l .Tu~~ay evening, ·Augu8t .eth. &JOIJi'nIn~ ANNUALCOLETT-McKAY PICNIC brethren are C<lj'(JiaU, invited to . be -_. 'M K . . preeent. . ' The ~th annual C9Uett- c BY : ... ' '.' , J : 'l\ Ems,. W. '¥.. , p i.c hic will J?e~'datth.uaual .pW:e . ·L . ~. Zimm~• .Sec 7 • .ollst~rdy,,: A~ 8~. · ".,

, •..••"'.,.",""••,.... ,,'.



M • •;




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Copyrll'nt. lilt. b,


· X

ranama-Pacl1IG IntenaaUonal E&poItltloll Co.

B. 8. Croaker Co.. oftIclal



the lett .. ebOW1l tile '!'ower of Jewels, 430 teet IItcb, IIDCI tile 80DtIl .~ ef tile _Ill palace., froDtIDI ' oD balf Ii mUe of nbtrOplcal ' prdeu of the Paaama-PacUIc: lat.aatbaal ......Hem... epo Ia Baa ,., ~ " . 18~ At the n.:bt .. the FatlY&! BaD. .






X' ".





Mrs. Edith Harris assisted by Mrs. M08her, entertained at a very enjoyable dinner party on Tbunclay, the following rlleetB. MI'I_ Amanda Wright. Mrs. Warren Bamett, Mra. Eo V. Barnbart, Mrs. Ronald Hawke. and the MiaeB Elizabeth CanoU • Mira Baird. M~ _Wrl~ht. Kathrp'

arid &lamond DaIdD.


-- ---..---.-....--..---.-.-... BACK TO MERIVALE •

By F R A N K F ILSON . It Ie h uman nutul'f' til bc' In th e ml~ ror t u u e8 of ou r r£lll o w-be lll gs . anti lhtl t tlxc'uaUti th" IntNes t l ba l e " e n 'boll y In 1>I 6r i\'nl o took Itl Jenn y W als h. It wu, IHJt n t,l· ma ted b y n n~' Hplr lt 0 1 Ullk lnJnIlRt! bu t W O 0. 1\ wnn l od lo ~ , .(' huw .I<' nIl Y would tak e It . I·....ank St ock l e l ~ h l\tl d hl H \J r ld E' w,'r l: ('(,mln g ba c k to Mer!l·3 1,· . J enn y ba d been pr,·Uy IIUNI. Th n t WIU! te n )'l'nrs b" fu re n hl· waRtd mu ch 10 lou k llt no w. I hO ll gh 1I0Ul e t hough t th nt ~ h f' IUl(1 (·hllr m \t u t ch a rm tI (w~ n ' l In" t IIIllCh b(',I'OIIU t hlr· t y-flvp. "t h~UK t . I'll Qu ullf y lhnt by relatin g \I ha t "ur lIl11yo r . Doc \\'111l a m s . Kltltl Aft ll r thl r ty-fl,·,', h .. 811ld. a wom a ll mU f: l h u\,(' n ln lrottly e lltlrlJ1, be (,li ll ~" th e g l rll Rh ('hart " III\ K ~ro wn IIta lp. T hll t \Ju rI' ou t hi li r e llutllt lo n a ll t he " llIagll wl>l('l\(' r 'l. Alld J e nn y waH s li ll ~ lIrc an d glr llH h . hili , hp wus ~ row l n g into a middle'31;!'c\ wo m an . Y PI It dld n 't 801m. Fa lon g al nce Fra nk had bee n mad ly In love wIth b e r . S he was a Jl g ht ·hellrte d girl In those day s . Sh e h ad k nown l"'rank .I nce t he y were chil dre n- hut s ho r ojec t ed · hI m. Nohody exac tly k nc w why. som e tho u ght s h c Wll R In 1< ' \'0 wit h ne ·er-do·we ll .1 1m F'urh,·r . Anyway. I''rllnk Stocklplgh wcnt Wes t. nn d DO\\' b e was r et urnin g , tlt e o wu e r of tbe Mon lllna Calipe r min I! a nn a ml llIonslTe 8~ v eral ti me s o ve r I-I e hatl bou gh t Squire Gra y's bo uac, an d a nnou nced th a t b o and h Is w lte we re comIng hack to mak e Merlv a le th eIr hom e. He a nd his wife ' I-I e had m nrr ied a Montana gi rl. a nd th at was one or the thin ga we wanted to know h o w Jen DY wo uld tak e. Il does n eed courage for a mald e n la dy ot ,thlrtyI1I1IlP 08£1

I n t e r e~ t ed


Stood Up and T,.led to Spent(. five , In not v er y tlourls hl og c lrcu mlltances, to look h er r ejec ted love r In the face wh en h e co m es bome w ith a wife a nd sc \' eral millions o f doll nr " "IS well . Especiall y wh en people t h ou g ht she 11a 4\ been In love with. Ji m J<luber , wbo wa s ser ving a te n yea rs' IIcnte tl ce tn th e pe nitentiary fo r s t ea lin g tlft y thou s an d do lla rs from th a ba n k th at bad e m ployed him. N obody kO ClW to r c e rtain that .Te Dn y ha d c ared for JIm - but a nyway . th e re h e was. shu t u p b e blnd prl !!on wa lls t or a. goodls b pa rt lr h is wor ki n g lite. W ould .Ten n y go to tlte tmin? We "" e r e fran kl y c ur ious. We wunted t o b e tb ere w hen J e Dn y m et Frank. The re wus to bo 0. town w elco m e, a nd a sp r ead fo r th e h omecome r a nd bls wife In Doc. W illIams ' bouse. Ye H, J enn y was goIn g to th e " tatlon. The w hole or Morl va le's In hahi tnnts h a d go ne troolJlng dOWD. nnd a ll l.IHl offices WE' re closed. Yo u see. it 18n ', ofte n a millionaIre co me8 to Me rh-u le to settl e d o wn . And we h a d n ev"r had a mill ionai re befo re wh o ?I e ut out of tb e villag e a IJ tl ml.i l e s~ you th . J enn y a n d Fran k- tlillt wa s t U.. a u-'lorblng probl em . Wb en we he a r tl sb o WIl8 going. n othIn g co uld ha ve r& &traIned us . It see med e ndl ess . t ha t wai lIng. but at lallt th e t ra in steam e d in. Frank nnd bls wife we re iD t he rront c arrIag e. He Jumpe d dow n like 0. boy. and IIwung a IJr e tty, buxom lady to ber fee t . and s t ood starIng at th l1 c ro wd . Tbe n he gave a whoo p a nd s lretched out bls han d to th e mayor . "My, but I'm g lad to see you! " b e y ellod. "Oo n 't te ll m e you 'r e n o t P e to WllIiams- r e d-h ead ed Pete who used to go fi sbl ng with w e? AddreS8 or welcome ? ·What. Ma yor Pe t e ! Ma yor? And Doctor WiIIla. mJ; ! Catcb me, so m e body ! .. Th en h e pre sented Doc to h is wire. and Sooll we were nil tbron g ln g round the cou ple and gi ving th em tb e beHt .,.eJcome in Mll rl vale. And J l:nny 1 J eno y w a~ blu sh in g li k e a 8('hoo lgi rl. And , before a nybody kn e w wha t wa s happenIn g, .rer;n~· had .ki ssed Pra nk , a nd F ran k h ad kissed' he r ; and Jcnu y had kIs sed Mrs . ~TaDk . an d Mrs. Frank ha d ki ssed he r too. W e were /1.11 so exci t ed a bout t his that n obod y noticed th e t h in, tlrecJlookin g ma n wltb t bl' closely cr uPlle ti hair w ho h a li ' got ou t of th e same ooa.cb , a nd nov.' s tood 'behi nd Fran K Stockle igh, his eyes roamiDg reslJesB" IT about un ti l they II \. on Jenn y's. Dut .uddeDI), J enny spronll forward, a n d



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l ___ _______________ ______ _______ _ -...,

tn a momen\ lhe th lD ma.n hM ber tn hI e a rm s . a nd eh e


rro wd . Ther e wt\i' R 80rt of uDI I' (\r",,1 ga s p of ij lup"fs('tlo n. f"raok f' toeklelgh r ll'llfNI I1 IR [hront - D. nd th en h e wasn 't lun kln !: I\t th p c ro wd M Y mo re. bu t onl y til J " nn~' W II I ~ h and th" th lu mll n . " ttll W tl ~ R1I11 h u gg ln j.': h cr Thl! ~Il~~ wlUl su C(' pl:deu b.,· a brea t h · IM 8 sl le ne'l! . T hp n Ma yo r WIIIIB m! pee red hnrd In to th e lhln man 's tace; Il nd . " eld ' ·nl y h ll r rl l' d : ",11m fo'Ilrb Ar. n ~ I 3 m ull ve:" II I" Hllun round . nnd .1'>lIn ), too. !Lod . h e ...·!l8 look in g at U B wl t b Il kin d of !'<, u t) o tl\' Oa n re In he r l' ),IlH : li nd th ey wC? r p. holdi ng "n(' h "t h " r's h n ncl ~ " Wh y. I t houg h t you ",,<' rl'-- l t hou ght you "'(' n " eta.rnml' r (\d Doc . ,,' 111· I llrn ~ , find th nt was ns far ns hl' could !': pt HI! ('ou ldn't e Xll et l), t e ll him h tl thll u ~h t hI" .... 8 S In prtso n . and )'e t t h e ~ur p rl RO or .Jl m·e rE<app<)tl rtlIl CP.. a nd h I" a llp /'nron Cll In Pra nk 's 1' (lInpany, ma d .. th l> m8)'or (orget I:lnt Retr .. .... I's. I WitH . " nn Hwe red J im. loo ki n g III hIm w it h I h A bli n king ~IlZt) o t Il mn n whC! 11 0"n' t b nn In th e fr (!(l II lr D ~ ll1ul'h "" 11 .. Rho llid h ay~ be(' n. "r W DB In [ti p I'P ttitl' l1 t la r y 1'Igh t yearll. HU I- " ,\11<1 h e brok c· I,IT In l\ sort o f c hok· In /:, Hllb . n nd J"" ny li n ked h H /l r nt Ihrollgll h Is . And t h on . fo r ont' l! Ma yor W ill l ll m ~ d lcl t h ... r Igh t thI n g "J im. yoU nnd Mr a n d M n.. Stoc k1(' lg h ar,· Ra Ing to bA my gllPst s at dlnn pr." h ll .al d . " So com e alon g a ll o ( y o u -~ Irn l loi' h t up to t h .. hOURI_·. An d YOII . o f co urs l" . ~lI s s J e n ny.." he c oatinu ed. Fha It wa s n ot II l1tl1 th E' d inn e r was ov pr th at t he m ys tery wa s exp la In ed, an d it waa Pra n k Rtockl e lg h ..... ho cll"arell It u p. "FrI ends." h e began. lln .:! th e re W IlS som<l thlng In h Is tll ne w blc h c h ecked th ... a Ir o( jolli ty . " I am brl nglD g bac k to you nOl only m y wl re" - h er e h e bowed tow a rd h e r-" bnt a lNo your fe llo w-c itizen . Mr. Furbe r. You probabl y kno w t he sad c lrcumstan ceR conn ec te d with hi s di s a ppearance. L et me aay th a t a ft e r eight year s ' Impr1l1on me n t his Innocen ce :tas been prov ed by th e co nfession or a dyin g man. ny bls ow n desire. Mr. Furber has pr(-fe rred to r e mai n und er a s ti gma ra.lh AT than drag tlle nam e of tb e dead mun's r ela ti ves Into publicIty. You ca nnot g ive h im bac k t hose elgbt yea r s. but you can ta k e blm IDto yo ur b ea rts- " In a mom en t eVl' ry man tb e r e . Qnd eve ry woma n. too , was crowdIng arouDd Jim . s hakIn g bl s band. and I t hInk In tha t mom ent th e me mory or tho se eight years te ll from his mInd a n d be be cam~ a normal man again. H e s tood up and tri ed to speak. A rter eevera l att e mpts h e found bill VOi ce. "Tbanks to Frank Stockl elgh, " he said. "It was be. gentl emen. who discovere d wb a t had happened to m e and t rav e le d Eaet and s pe nt thousands of doll a rs proving my Innocence. And I ask y ou to drink to--drlnk to Fronk and hIs brid e aod- and m y wife. whom you know a s Miss Walsb . You see." h e a dd ed, ch oking more and more , "we we re-- ma rrled-wh en 1-I- wa8 In - prison-elght years ago." (Copyri gh t, 1911. b y W . O. Chdllm:ltl.) th ~

It III Iba onll t hlH t' tha t we canno t spn rc . T hi s 18 a hartl {!o6IlHI, ls It 1I0t ? Dut now t here Is a plensllutll r won! 10 brle!l y say . To la}' t h" fi r m fo undb '


UOllS 111 o u r~c l \" es , or

The Old Bee T,.ee, 1 (1 " Ir. G I I EfOl !\!'U In s hnd lng hl \" es Irom t he s un. varl· " ' Iw l! :t. ;' wa r m Is s een Iss u in g. or In OUB me th oda IlI.lVC been a d va nced. Ih e II lr. t he bes t t h ing to do Is , In ge n- such as gr ape vin e s. sunflow er s . treea. e ra l. Bl m pl), to wall a bi t . The g h ad e bOlU'd s . et t' .. {'ac h ha v ing Its ~oo d wea lb er Is usuallY m the r war m t he n • . p oints. nnd r us hin g ubo ut to ge t lin puns, din - i Trees ha ve one Ild vantag e ove r ll(O r gongs. s praying outfltll . .elc .• 3side e \'eryt hin g e ls.... Inasmu ch as t h e y fro m t h o dl s lIg reea bl p f ~a t u rE's. m ay shad e th e a pIarist as well as th e h ives. s e t one s o exc ite d an d In s uc h a pe r- W blle thIs Is so, ye t trees all a rule s plra t ion lUI to u nfit h im to do wltb are a lIt to gi ve too den se 0. s h llde. ami bees t hat whi ch ill like ly t o b(' neces- I a m satis fi e d from yea r s or close obsary a few minu te s la te r. Sl!rvan ce lll a t , 110 fs r as the be es are Tbe y will pro ba bl y gath (' r in a I co ucern etl , t he y do mu ch tbe beet clu mp a D a. t r oe or husb Des r th e aPI- I ri ght o ut in til e r aYR o f th e s un the ar},. an d ho weve r fo rm ida ble gelling , wbole yea r arou n d. wh en th e QUesUoD th e m Into t h e hiv e may Il t firs t s ce m. I co mes to d ense ~ h ll d e o r no sbade at nothlll g wi ll be s im ple r. I' a ll. Tak e a ne wspaper and spr ead It F or t h is reason I prere r to h av e do wn in fr ont of th e enl rli nce or tbe I Sbnde wh e r e I c an go once ID 0. while DeW hiv e . If th e hh e ha s bee n s land- wheD beco m In g g r eatl y h eated and In g in t he sb a d a so that the boardll U!le a s hs de hoa r d for each hive, le tc o mlJo~i n g it a re not heated. if It be : li ng th e m s tand In t he sun . now we ll sh a de d an d ple nty of ventila,. I W be re a person wis h es to do a way lion he given a bo ve a nd below , tbe w ith s warmIng e nUroly, b e m ust hees are a lmost ce r taIn to take paR- e it h e r dI vide bls bees or work for ell· se8slon at once a nd beg lD work lie- tracte d hon e y. Mos t p e rs ons having lively. oUt yards pre fe r t h e latter plan. I beIt you fi nd them on a lJ ee, !Ive them lI~lv e my bees In tb e out yards have Il s prlDkling at water tbe flrst thln«n over s warme d. If th ey hav e I am not y~u can hold th em in t bis way as long aware of It. [IS you w ish. a nd wb e n s hake n from a The Idea is to s uppl y empty combs 11m b ill fron t or a h ive . if you sp rinkle and to take away the full ones . It th e m ins tantly . t h ey will not fly up, al t bey a re thu s kept bus y It will su plh ey oth e rwI se do. pr.e ss tb e s warming tend ency. LivIng A la rge inc rea se of hees. and 80m e as I do In a locality wh e re the prioclsUrlJlus hon ey at th e sa me time . III pa l harvest comes In August., 1 ma ke some thIn g wh icb Is not likely to occur . alii my n ew colonie s about th e flrst of Tnklng one season with anotber. tb e June, wh icb gh'es me two months to bulk ot s urplus honey Is gatb ered by build th e m up fo r th e Augu s t barve st. th e fir st or prime s wa r m. This be ing .A.n ordinary swarm In th e h eight of tru e . it Is best to a llo w oDly o ne th e s ea son conBls ts of 40,000 beess wa r m to Iss ue tram each blve . To tb e moth er o r quee n . th e workers and preven t a ft e r-swarm s . place tb e ne wly tb e d rones . Th e motbe r bee 10 the hiv ed s wa rm on Its orI g inal s tant! an d · bu s y time la ys from tbr ee to four mov e t h e hi ve from w b lc h the sw arm thous a nd eggs a day ; for thi s sbe baH has I. s ue d to R n e w location. ber be in g. These eggs d evelop In t n It Is fr om thi s old hIv e, of course, larvae, whi ch th e atte ndant bees feed tha t arte r·swa rm s may be ex pe cted to , wit h bee bread . a mixture or polle n Iss ue. Th e nf'x t mo rtl in g, a s th e hees an d boney . the n wh e n th e la r vae h a ve go for t h fr om 'i bi s hi ve to work, th e y , compl e ted this Btage of tb e ir e xi st ence will nea rl y 011 ret urn to the old place th Els e nurse bees Beal tb e m In tbe lr un'd e nter t.b c otb er hive . making the ' waxell ce lls and leave tbem to de ve lor colon y ve r y st ron g fi nd in condl 491) to I in t o the .In sect stage--Ihe bUBY bee . . . From the e gg to th e bee requires 21 s to re a great crop. The othe r co lony will be so r e du ced days. The young bee a cts In the blve In n u tnh e rR tba t lh e bees will not be fo r a fe w days as nurse hee and late r moved to s wa rm aga.l n nnd will rail takes he r place among the busy work· In with th e fir st Quee n th a t b ntch es , ers . The dro ne Is the s tingless a nd a nd destroy ull th o other Qu ee n s, Ilnd d ef enseless male bee, and wh e n bls whil e t h is colony will probably not pe riod ot use fulness Is o ve r the bees g Ive mu ch Hur plu 8. It will ma ke n geod, m e :rc iles sly kill him. no tlron e be in g s trong colo ny by tb e c lose of th e ses- all o wed to wlnler o ver and con sume son . th e precious s tore.


In PilI'-

- - --

lhat h is own moti ons \\'111 In some way As Forage for Sheep, Rape Is Uns ync hronize with th e rh y th mi c I1uIHatiug. It you do not be li e ve It, try excelled, as It Tides Animals s tro pping your razor sp me morn1ug Over Dry Season. li nd c h e w gum al the sam e tim e. U yo u con ceDtrlJ te on your wrl Bt mov& my It. 0 . WF:AT Il i': R S T O NK) m e nt you will tlnd uft e r a mom ent or I ID ou r exp e rienc e we have found t wo I~at your jaw will wo rk In !lyn- ra p e eSllccia ll y valuable :1 S a late so\1c brolll s m_ And Ir tbrough the ru nc- In g a ntl forage crop altbou gh many li on o f th e will you mnk (' t h e two 60W It earl y an d ut\l1z e it for rorage motions Ind ppenden tl y of ea ch othe r, :l urlDg th e wh ole of tb e sea so n. We within a grell te r or less ti me so me- I' ". a ve obtlli n ed tb e bes l r esults by 80WthIng will slip and yo u will ('J lh er '. ng t he Dwarf E s sell vari ety . Is a s la b t d Ib l I ' s your s ra p or a Ho mo ng n i rood ror sh ee p it Is un exce lled as It your ,moutb thal 'will draw blood .- I IIdes t he she e p ove r th e dry season Tb e En gineering Maga zIne . ! du ri ng t be la te s umm er and provides I an abund a nce of late forago during Quafl Are the Farmer', Ald. th e fall. Many bave grown rape 8.8 a Th l' ('hlneh bug ('Do ts the fn r mp rs of fo od fo r ca ttl e a nd sw ine but our exth u Il nltf' d S tates at lea s t $1 00.000 .000 ' \Ie r len c e has been co n fined la r ge ly to a yec r . Varloll s m eo ns for fl ghtln g I t; li Hzi n g It for hurdling RiLe ep. th f\"c bUgs ba v(' been d e vi sed . but ; Nothing eq uals It DB a pasture for th !'lr moa t s uccessfu l l' n e m ll!s 11r e th e ; the la mbs a s It ca rri es th em ove r tbe hlrd s o f t he Il ir': If th l' c hln ~h bug Is . critic a l weanin g period with Bcarcely to bEl practica ll y e ra di cate d wn must : a s ign of shrInkage. It is unexce lled dc pf' nd upon th e e fforts at th e Qua il, . III t he li st of su cc \llen t summe r and aJI h is home Is In t h e b roodlo g grounds fa ll reed s for s ta.rtlng mutton s beep or tb e chIn ch bug. Now a days t hi ngs aud la mbs a ll the fl c sb ma king road that are dOlle h ave a certa lll deg r ee of to fun grain feeding. . tb e Idea ·ot per manency about the m. It promotes a health ful gro wth of h e nc e the firs t s teps In tl!.e permanen t wool by furnis blng the best forma of d estruction of th e chi ncb bug is II wool-produ cing food s . more compl e te protectlorf o r lh e QUall 1 tha t a8s1sts alsn In lowe r in g t b e IOS8l t Good Seed Bed E ..entlal. caused by t he cotto n weeVil. t he gras sA good s e ed bed for altalfa Is e .. Ilopper, and t he potat o bUIr,- F orm /loci sen tia!. It must b e fin e. and o.rm,. and Fires Ide , . . .- ' me from . we~-, , -'.:~











Opening May Be Arranged to Open and Close From Front Without Entering House.

e V'11l


It rn y han d .Iacked. .I,ou ltl rob Goo-stnce he



1':0 0<1 -

unl'l n!; n bla nk In.tead of


H e could not m A ntonIo Btradlvarl·. vlo Unw With o ut An toniO.

You know all bea titudes ar e hailed on ! om e thin g hard to do or to be. " Bles Bed Ilre the meek; " III It easy to be meek ? " Bless ed are the pure In hea rt ;" Is th a t so ve r y e lltiy 7 " Ble ssed are th ey wh o mourn." "Bleslled are they who hun ge r aDd tblrst"- who 5tarv&-" arte r ri g hte ousnels." So tb ls ne w beatitude. by Its h~d­ n es s , onl y falls In to line with all tbe resl A thIrd time an d h eartily I lIay it- "lll essed he drudgery. " For th ri ce It bl esse s UI ; 11 gives UII 'the funda ;"entnl Qualities of maDbood an d womaDhood; It gives us success In th e thing we have to do; and It m a kes us, If we choose. artlllt&-arUlltll within . what ev er our outward work may be . Blessed be drud g ery- tbe Bec re t of all c ulture. -R.e\·_ William D. Ga nn e tt. D. D.




.• ..

',., .





The Nashville Tennessean says:

"The Place

of Honey~

moons " a bright and in teresting romance that will keep the wits working at all times, but it is in no way connected with crime or the pursuit of criminals. This captivating story has been secured for the readers of this paper and will appear exclusi vely in this paper.


To Be a Chrlatlao-What It In. What Is It to be a Cbrlstlan? Ask the average man on the street : "Are you a CbrisUan?" and be 1II'U1 answer. wltb an apologetic smile: "Well, I'm

(By M. E. B. HYMERS.) The s mall door openiog on tbe clt le ke n run, and for the use of the trying to do the best I CIlD," But no fowls o nly. m ay be arra.nged to open mall ever made himself a Chriatlan and cloBe tram the tront wIthout the or ....·on his wa y Into eternal life by tryDece sslty o f going InsIde the hou8e. ~~gl;O ~oC~~ :as!t b~ COUI! Our In· To make tble p08slble, the door v ua 8 an y epen So not Upsbould be put ID 80 a8 to slide easll on wbat we do for God. but upon what Y we let God do ror UB. To be a ChrIsup and down. Through the top of tbe Uan Is to receIve In gratitude and in door fasten a strong wire terminating I d G d' 1ft t hia with a weight; the wIre runnIng CODSC ous nee a II I 0 IOn straight up' nnd over a am81J pulley Jellus Cbrillt al our 8a1'1or. The .,01· wh ich Is tBBtened In the ceiling direct" untary recelvln. of Jesua lUI aaTlor Is Iy ov er the door. The wire Is tben . the onl~ thlD« that e1'er mall. a carried acroBs the celling and down I' ChrisUan of any human bellljf. Then ( pos sIbly ove r anotber pulJey-ilepeDd. and for \'he t1,~st time the saved ~I! Ing on the hei ght of the c e iling) , com- can begIn,,? do the beat he CaD by ing out througb a hole bored In the ' letting God a b est. e ven Cbrist hlmfront or th e buUdlng Dear the large I eelf, commence to work out God's door', (or wbate ver Is most convenient) will In hIli IIf~.-Sunday School TlmRs. and wbere tbe end Ie fiolah ed with. wool~en button. The Powe,. of 'My Money. To open the door, pull the wire out. The only power that mone)' has la then down to the fun length ot the found 1I0t by hoard ing but wlien It wire, and slip It under a co'!-pJe of l iB poured out and l et tr~o to do God's Dall!1 farther down on the outside of blddlnc.- S,- M.. Zweme.r. -the building. -To clolle ~t. remove th.. ., button from Ita lower 'flllltening and Rear -.ncr ·fti'ac:e. , allow It to slide back .to tbl\ 'plAce 'ot 8jllrit\&~1 r cat ·and,·p _tl. ', . u ..u ,..,." exl~ and the weight "'tenoo , o1'~r ~ • . 81'-8, relult ' Of peneveran~e. t.DJ~Q~ICD little doorwUl ca~ It:~dO'l\'ll ~ \poa" '. . .iiOl. tn ,' ~emptloll:



to w i n suc -

cess III life. we llIuet be drud!; (~ 8-that I take ro r gran tod now . Uu t we (' WI be art l ~ t 9 . b leu. In onr dall y ulHk. And a t ' I!tll t won] lhlngti br ig h t/;lU. "A r tI s ts ." I say, no t artl sw lS. "Th e dltrf'T c nce '," This : 'I'll(' I!.rt l ~ t I. he who str il'e H to perfect h la work ; tbe u r tlean 6tril'es to ge t th ro ugh It. T he Rr tl!!t woulll faJD n nlsh . too ; bu t with bl m It is to " Iln lab [be work \J od baa give n me to do !" It Is no t It o ... grt' at a t h In!; we do ; bu t how we ll we do tb e til ing we h ave to, t hli t pu l r. U B In tbe no bill h ro th e r!load C)f Ilrti s !!;. My l'ClI lls no t InY Id eal - I s t h .. t nl )' comldain t 7 O ne th ing at len s t Is In my pow e r : It I ca.n not rea lIze Ill y Id tllll . J can a t leas t. Itl ealize fU Y r en l. Ho l\' ? Uy try ing t u be pe r· fec t In IL An ar tl ~ t h lntBOlf shall epeak . It 1\ lUI M Ichnol Anto:elo who snld : .. No th· Ing mllk es t he Bou l 8 0 pure . so roIig lou e. a s th e e nd e avo r to c reat e 80me l h lng l'e rfl'ct ; for God Is pe r (et'tloD. anll w h o e v~ r s trh 'I's fo r it s t rives lo r s om e th in g U,n t 18 God -like. True pa int ing Is on ly a ll Imago of God 's per· fcc tion- u shado .... of t h e penc il WIth wltl ch h e pain ts, 11 m e lody . a s t rll'lng arte r hnrm u ny ." T r ue for AIL T he g rea t m as t er In m usic, t h o grent mnMe r In a ll that w(' call ar ti s· try. wou ld I!c ho Mlc hn.c l Ange lo In this ; he s pe a ks tb e a r tl Ht-essen ce ou t. lI llt what hol dA good u pon hie g rand scale. an d wllh th ose wb oBe n omes are k no wn . bo ldfl eq uall y good or all purs uits IW d nil li v es . T hllt true PQIDting Is lUI Imag e of God 's pe rfee· tiGn DlUst he tru e . it he sa ys s o; but 110 !J'::ure tru e of pulntlng tha..n of s hoe· makin g, of Michael Ang e lo tban of J o hn P ou n ds. th e co bbler. I IUIke d II. co bble r once bow lon g it too k to becollJ '3 a good s boe maker ; he onH we re d prorupU y : "Six years. air. a nd th en y ou must t rave!. " Tba t co bhle r ba d the arti s t-soul. I told a frl e Dd the s tory, I",d he IlBke d his cobbl er tbe Bam e Ques tioo : How long doos It take to boco m e a good aho emaker T "All your life , air." H e W&II aUU bette r. a Mi cbael Angelo of sboea! Mr. Maydol e. th e hamm er-milke r of c8lltral New York, was a.n arti s t : "Yel." Baid b e to Mr. P artoD, "I have madl! bamm el'll here ror 28 ye l1l'll." "Weil. th e n, you ought to be able to make a p re tty good hammer by thl. time. " "No, sir," W&8 th e an swer, " I never made 0. "re tty "ood bam mer_ I mak e th" best bam mer made In the U nited S tate s ." Geo"ge Eliot'. View. Have yo u e Yer read George Eliot', poe m called "Stradi varlua 1" StradIvari us .... a s th e fam ous old Violin mak er. wbose vloline. n early t wo cen. turl es old , a r e sJmo st wortb their w e l ~ ht In gold todB.)' . SaYS Stradiva rius III th e poem :


tic ul a r hU H' cieclul'tl e ffec ts u n th e e ffi Ciency of th e worke r. Unco Ill3c1ousIy he will s pe ed up o r slow dow n 8 0

PLACk 1-I0N[Y-

To Each of Us Is Given rtle Choice of Which Path We Shall Choose.

Vegetarian Dog • . The l'E> Is a Ul'lIs s els l e r l'll: r who loves as pa ra gus, dI s like s strawberries. a nd Is'\nJ ways ve ry aug ry Ir be doe s n ot ha ve two or three spoonful s or black coffee atte r lu nc h. I-I e Is fond of e nd l ves. ~' re n c b ballne. a n d carrots , An ot her PUl/PY Is cxcel' dln g ly fond or ban a nas. but th e r ecord· bre a ker 1M n bu lldoB'. w bose ~ " llIclud e a app les . .o ra n ges, ba n a nas. gra pes and" to matoes. "A t th e s ight of a n ornn ge bolng pee led ." says lhe dog' s mi st ress, " hi s mout b water s to Bucb a n ext eat thnt It Is ulm os t pa tb etlc, bes Ides be ing ext re m ely bad for th e ca rpet ! His pa r ticular poss loD Is (or g ru pes . w hlc b are g ll'e n to blm dai ly by a grel'n groce r . wh os e s to re he refuses to pnss until h e has h ee n III un d hlld !t Is us ua l 8upp ly."

Rhythml~hr;~~B:B o:r~lo:t~~ns


0 .. TrumiNlU; .' (.


. '


Watch for the opening installment at an early date. Walt Mason says: "This is a Great Story, cheerful and beguiling, a tale to

.. ~~~~ dY9~_ ' s~iU~g' a,n~_· rl ve your gr.ief~ -: ~way~ " _...... ,.. ::.-.: .. \









.\ rq ll ~" tl il y lhr, appl'u ran,:,' or ' ru l ('a,,," o r bub l) lli(: pl Il);IIC .

S (, y


lllth o rlll ,' s o f :\". \,- ( ' r l f' a.u ~ :-; lurl . 'tI a

w ar o r ,· xtl'rou II Hlitlll aga ln Al the rats

III , hat (' lt y . Th osE' thut 'Hr' ('aught a r" d ippprJ In k., roso r" , r\lld [ urn E' d q\' {~ r

llJ thl ' b d f' lp r t o l o g,i sts

I ~)f · t t) r

All th e wor lll (8 \\Ul ,· I.I II " \\ ( t lr Inl ,' n'SI tIl" " tr u~g l o n f I'r lnt: (' \ \' i: lla lo of W h ' u to llIalntaln bilh R, ) ir on t h a lI,ron" or Allianl a u ~ ,rI : " 1 the n llu('J, s or Ih " '111 hllmrll erlan rt'h" ls_ III lh e (" 'llt"r o r th t) iliu s tmll.)11 art' s e en ltallall ""lI ors 1l lJ , liJ , lIg . L t, '"Tlr:u l., \ 1) prnt l!r:t I hl' italian le ga li o ll In Dura 7.Z u_ Ailo,' " 11 l' C typ e~ of Pnn e" "\' lIlIom'a 50 Id (I' r9, nlJ" h" lo '" a n UII I!;, 'r o r bls wO\l lld ' <I d e rell d ,''''

('or ·

pU I , ..... h 0 3 ~ portra it in III' r" prcRe utl' ll. Itl "u II"r'v ihlnl( th n wh Cl les a l., tilaugh w r I I( rll ti l-' lIt s III lhlJ ( ' no-sc oUl C it) TW Il ,jp u thH from t.1ol' plagu e ulr t' lldy ha \' t\ I)('(' urr p f! III !':I-) W U r l e U..Ils. but th.,

II palth

" "nll,lon t t~lBt t hpy " ' hu n,1 Ull " that 1It "r.' will J.,I' no wirlf's lJ reud o\l thrr'ak 0 111 , i~ I M Il rIJ

;11\'", t h" ~1It:nli o u

t il' Ill!' r1lsPu!ie. thp g e nn !i


wl d l"'b art!

('" r ri l'O by rII Ul. 10 tb el r errort.~ to pre""nl an " l>ld ", ," lc t h oy hav o th o ('0 ' nper'ut lo n '\lILI adv ice ur S ur;; euu (; en e ral Itu p,' rl Hlu c. who wc u l ttl Now Orl,>" "" fro m Vvasblngton _


)'; IllI" ' I'or 1\ ili la ll1 I, ; ' ; "1'111"11) altf 'nll l'l! r(l c lill y th ,) r""II t' III,, /; " r th " Ka l,, '!' Wilh e llll (' ;\1 \ '11, l it .. g rl'at wa te r way th a t CIlIllII' ,:IS lh l' :-; " rtil 0('" all<i lh .. Hn ll l" an<1 t hat wns IL""WU rILr hlH Im pl'!' I,, 1 111:1)",; ly , r. ' I " II ~I HI IIllllrove me nts h :" ' e jll ,, 1. 111', ' 11 elll l1 pll' lo'd a lit! til, - I(/I i>; () r ' ~ j adll, 3 ~ tile phUlllgralll 1 allOWS, was 1111 ' fir 81 n >s ,d to brl'a k t he ta~ , !l.nd Pill er Ih., rl' lw ill ('lI II a l

Th umus D. J <lnc. of C h icago. caug ht b y IhH call1lJ ra sitt in g o n l hp. s tl.!PS 0:

o l a t W a s h in gton Ist hee natoeapll rs we re debu tin g



wh ll l' t he

w ll(: l b e r o c uo t co n fi rm his apllointment t1~ a me mo

I 10

be r of th e ( .. de ra l CI' se r ve lJolircL


General viti \\' uf t h e cit), of (; uada la Jara, :I>\ exlco, j ust ClI iJ tu reLi by afte r a Ihr ~ H oays' battl .), Inset. ts a Im rtralt or Gen , varo Obr egon , co m mander 0 1 th ll vic t ori ous r ohela. c on 8t l tll t1 o n a H ~t6





With tbe duches s or Marlborough and a number of American suffrage leader. all her gue sts, MnI, O. H. P . Belmont haa been giving a housa party at Newport, the teature of which was the opening ot this beautiful Cblnes e tea hous e , It la built IItrtctly on oriental modela, la elaborately decorated after tbe Ityle ot the Mlng pertod aDd containa much cosUy Chinese brtc·a·


Conal.tent. Mr. Whyte-Your wife haa /I, Dice . 'IIeMe of fttDOU of thlnga, haan'~ abe? ;~ - Mr. Bro~D~How soT '

:,' 0.1•• ,""""'"

"Year' ' ,Wbjte.::-C'uderitud . that ~e .. "But I

.tat'.·: ' .lIIltolA.D":~ _ :~~tcJi~ .r~r ~~,

-.,.,.1i'f.,; i...

A My.ry.

' ''I peaB It'! mera Idle curiosity 00. Ill)' part."


can·t ·, ~'ltlP.




' rut

~;~ ' do~~tl~;: e7 '.~ th

Secretary 01 Labor WilH a m B . W II · son Is Oue or tbe athl eti c me mbe rs o r th e president '! c a bine t . He j um ps rences, and h e doe sn't care whose lences . for this picture s hows him jU8t clearing the Wblt o 1I0use fe nce, It happened tbla way , The secre tary Wall hurrying back to bla omce from • cabInet meetln, and upon e.rrlvlng at the gate found It closed and locked. To s ....e Ume be picked out a e pot where the hedKe thin and gracerully leaped over. The pre.ence of the phO\oC1'apher' OD the othet s ide "w" not 'noUced 'by ,the ~ecretary un· W , he 'lfat. oyer "aDd tJae ~ 'wPo



~ '


Lel'J nard Ah!>otl, Al e:mnd er !)e r k ma n a nd Beck y Ed elson , lend e rs of th o I. \\". W " ph ot ograp h e d a t T a rrytown , N. Y _, wh e re t h ey we nt to nBs ls t th q a gitators wh oso tclal lor makin g de m on stra tlons a gainst Joh n 0_ Hoc ke le llar wa s set 100r Jul y 15,


('o llap se of th e upp e r stories ot the New York te neme nt houBe which was dest roye d by the explosIon ot • bomb which la b elieved to have been made by Josepli Caron. a labor agitator. Sure Enough. Ideal Spot. "You are late this morning, MalrDate-You are late, Caron and several ' others pertahed la Bridget ?" aald the lady to the mo.ld, Corporation Lawyer-Y8II, be- the dls allter and many persona were " Yes'm ; 1 ove rslept mYllelf." came too absorbed In a ma«azlne ar· Injured. " But dldn't your alarm clock awake Ucle telling about the dlacovery of a you !" new country In the wlldl of Afrtca --- w "No'rn; It neve r lI'I\de any nol8e." , thera are abaolutely no Iawl; Hia Problem• hothing but tblevetl, cutthroata and "Do you think It II a dl.gra.c:e to die " Why! DIdn't you wind it'!" " No' rn; lit 1 berii to get up and w1Dd robbers. nch'" . . what ,004 III _it.,. Mapate-FlDe! lIl~rate ow ~t "rl!' Dot womln. about that: '-JIQ' cornpall1 over there.-PucIL :. -probll. lI 'how 'liD bel1cll'WhU.l UT.... I ' _. ·~'m


.. t. - '








- --:




~'----~~~-----~~'--~~------~~------______ __.w______ ____ ( 11 I, illlb (Ii"

Cou nty Cou rts

IOS U lln CE i A. n Cha ndle r .J.

r. l .h l ' l


T b e Gtteene e o u n ty flaitt

tSlale Tra nsfcrll




' v,

B tJnj" lIlll1 f . W I I IlullI ... to ./ 1'1111 101:< !'lL) Iti lIod 17 In (ll ~ h

1'11\1 ~

Wayn esvill e, O.

l"wlI $1

~ lIlHJl\' I " IU" ~;


"(J p hr~lI1ln

Dr. J. A . McCoy, Vete rinar y Graduate of OiJio

~Ial ,

I lnivl.'rsil

o m ce al rc;;idl'n cc ill F . I: S Il t'1 woud'~ house, Fuu rt h St r('t·t.

Tclcph on(' 2K

Wayn esvil l e.

~' r lJ"kJln,

., I\wl


DR. H .E. HAT HAW A \ '


III 1>1U J'T lIW, Ohi".


FIIIlIlV "V, Lime 'j' lltJltIlL" '(ut No. b41

to in

Uhf" :tl ~ !I '''lllli I :r,)f til A Hlch e ttt! :1 l, r HI'I~ IT, Hllrl "" l,uwf1~blp It. (';'Cllr Ai n' ,ld t" A , 0, B",ninn ~ rt lll' ltI 'Jf 1!IUdln l.lufI, t )w n:<lllp , fl; !' \1 Ellilh IC lU I" M'l yull rd W , Reck, \\' " t h tu T . 1<:. i{u. ,lo r lnt ~ 0 , 14 in Hl" ' \' \ I II ddl \,lnn t n Lbhl\nn n , $ 150 I'lu r" nl\f, '" . Bu l,l win t,n Mel " ille " " .v ol "r ![Ill IlI't .." ,)f I"nll In ~ect \On B 1 ~1 ,


,I"~f\ ph


- ,- - -

IN. IIlI rl ~ ll~"U E. EiBinAs

R u g u st 4 , 5, 6 , 7 , 1914

to~ . L , (·'trt,wrIIotJ\t. l.1l1 UPofe" in :'Aotlon ;12, J'. 'I. ~~ R . Ii H .. M R . !:l.

W fI \ ~t1.I9'IlJo'l1

The re will be Fine Music The re will be Lar ge Exh ibits Thlere will be Fas t Rac es The re will be man y Goo d Am usem ents Th~ere will be som ethi ng doing ever y day

$ 1.

M,'lvill " ~nyder t,u F loreno e}t , Baltlwi u, PlITt,s of lote No. :!\!";' and ;\ 1Ii in l :orwin'H l..utill ion tu Le banon .


Letlul nJ1 Den'l! ' ,\l0, mnl! . Ml\ln~1 Pot lH IInli Gllrt,ru ue Pnt 011\11 to .J. t:l MrMnl li n Kll tiores .. r IlIlHI in WII ~ hi ll\:toU antl V, 'rn nn tl)w fl AhipH, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __W_,__~~ ___ __~_Wltrr~n snu Clin t"n Co nntl l'tI, reo ------------------. .~Pl'ot l ~fll .v $300(l J , W . ul1(1 I1llzII Io"th ~n~' der to Fune ral Uirec [or. 1'; ,lw'lr,1 /loti Em ili " PlIlot,a r :! trllct~ npon OPllliol \tiou itll/ rant ell leave to tile nn amend ed }lflt ltioD , which ii! Republican Prima ries il! :-;nr\'oy 120,11, Fj. done at 0 [1('0, T he foll o ..... lng pi> r ~on~ will be Marria~c License ! t hl\rle~ A T e Jeph ono day or uight.. U oruou Vi! tile Lllve . TO Y O U l o~ udid "tes before I,h tl Republ lcall Irmd El ectr ic. IO(J lind Wuter Co , Of July, 1876, Vnlley ph one N o. ' r ,(, 11K Tellin g News 1 ~rn flCl. hl)' 111'1'"- ,' 11111 ",, (Or th e 'D cI \' Primar y, 'l'ue~rl .. y, AOgUMt tiuy A , K ible r , furrmllL n in puper cR le8 bJlpru, ed bJ' Cour t D\"t,nnc e No , 69-2r. Ditltr lbu 11, 1914 , 1 111 r )' fl ll UI" "lIh II\" III t h Y f1srh l . fu o&ury 1 0 M!HS EI1I1I11\ MAry BlluglJ . tion or tl orml ot Long Ago i II Ill fi ltlltllll( YC'Ul ",' !t !l' 1l1I" ~' our C U~ lJo lh of, Wp yn.Hlv llIe , Ohi , o, Itev . Aline J , BIggs incli viuu",l1v. vs ot " ' n dl o n I~ III:: :-4 11 ("1 11.; 1 h . Autom obile Service at all Times 11 , J , Ke!!tlo , I"/lIn ll-I'" , I'''' hll ' Anna M, Bennet t et u.! h61'n r"hullrd, 1\ FOR COUNT Y AUIHT OR ~' flrtiti on P Rlt AO RH:O-T he Rev , George Bl1m mU :i 1 not Uf" rt>\'tv l',l . of Bn\(} premis es ord tlr ell to be mllde, mall or Cinoin nati, prenoh Probate Court Proceed ing! Pilo n m y Ht,"· . . r ecn r rl ot thl np ft on8 I WAVNESVILLE, ed In \he OHIO ,l ohn M, Mulfor d nnr1 f1 :' nfJlI~l'"~ "ppt 1 '" ' . ~·( ' tJ to n o mi n n t e J , Lee Tbomp!!lon, Lewi!! Cla w80n 11. E. Churoh la 8t t:lnndllY evenIn g ftn rt f'h'(' t r:1 1ft th fA l" 1l t e.l Stn l fW 'f'Io ' U\ l O t In the m .. tt€lr of th e P!>tut,(l o f Mae I!.ncl Ctllt rles Glltarm uth appuht C, !4. Mounts Branch Office. Harven burlr, O. ed RN r(j ur o d " l l" a !r H I P" r('J.H'('~ I'n ll1tlv p . 'I'rovlll o, deo(Jll~ell. D. C. Trov illll lLS OODI mission ers , " ,. 11 may nol knl~w wlltH o tll "'18 rlt y o r, H.EM ovAL-M r, :;, T erry will move hut i~ aPlIJin ted ad minit'tr ator B,)nd l!:va I STAND FOR $2000. 'l'holllu s Hunter , J OFepli Gil dlvoroeU . Cosio v ~. Al berta G . C ')slo. his !lt l1()k uf Ir l1ct' ri e~ "'t o. • this wflt'k, 'l'REA~URIl:R Pl llf r orm8 B" ~:'l'rpI1 j·ont mcta. grlln t(,ci , Custod y of child IOt O th(3 store o f Funkey ~I:.' Mi ,~i I lUour anrl T h Oll. Bellii ng appo intod 1'!. \. f'F',a I pl' t\ \.' e. ~iven to th" \.Ill\intiff exolu8i vely. dine, where lle Will ooou p y t h a hHOir \\'IIClon R~II UI'}'un ,,' hom 1 h f'l l l~ d to Frank D. Miller ers. Adtlnl W eit 't ol y~. the C. C , C. raOUl and pllrt of t,h u Ultiin rooDl nn p l l1 "--' (' In p o " ' C" r . In the roottor of the gnllrd\!\Os hip LeRov I rOlltl 1'1'1 )\111:11' c lc~(·tln n o f p!'('~'d{'n t~ and po~t ­ Ilnd l::it, L. R y ( ; 0 , Defen<1!lnt, ill t,ll Meet;rtl. F . & M mova intlJ t, ht'i ~ Ost opat hic Physician of Joanna Cla rk, Atlll L. Chell oweth n I A fO t. 'rM, \ }I'I Bnk P . Forl(Y new store, granted when Mr :lll . lay T tJ rl" to ill Y wluob to pl ellod w ill ,,0 · ln ~ tl\lll\tl o n o f teh'cra ph In €) T crY post :n Broadw ay Phone 449 mlJkeH I!.pplicn t ion to be uppoin ted O m l'C' , $oaullY Kindrfl tl vs W . 1:1 l:3eig CllPY a ll t beir pre!l ent stllntl. guardia n, matter ill t1 ei fl r rild pendF:x f(' n~l(lr n f pll 1"' ('1 t'H'IR t , fried e t Ill. . Judgm ent r ooderi>d Leba non. Ohio ing .. b earin g on J ul y ~8 tb RECOR DER !\T ll r' f l r" ~ "r:04 ( 1'" ""n !t II hnc1 ~l1tll'atton !:lOfIooL-TEACHER-O ur Board of 1eF.!oI dolh\l' ~ (II I' l la tlit ','! hhu" In tlt e mutter of th e elltate of .J,Jhn nga inlit pl'iinti ff, who oxuo pts . --.Jo!llah Bolbro ok Eduoat ion have Beoured Prof. J. R tn l rI Ht l v ('. r .. r,·n·nl!u. " n ::cull or 11 11 ZflUg , decease d , Citati on for wid. V aLtlra" , I 1Lh R"l!1. ·U I · ' G. BRAN CH OFFIC E Commissioncrs' I'r<x:ccdings err'flkf' d ('I tr ll' l: ,I !oI CQle, of Colu" ' bus. form erly of III. OW'lIl1ppeu.rance on or befor e ,July D. I!;. BUll 11..(1 ~'11 I h l t( "III ' ,lI!' r In f\1~ h '(>h i\I (lIng , Way ns ville, Motion Cllrrled to make re pairs on inOis, as t,eache.r for the Way nell vi lie Ohio 2 1 ~ t iR i!!sued. 1 , 1\ ' ' In " n nd H &: lIl n Nt chll~ sohool the ooming year at $ 100 per 1Il L.\ ':i,I'llow!>I' , Jutm .J , I .f 1. 17. , Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8 :30 In \ he mntter of the estate of 'he (;ourt House roof. month, tetlohtu g months . All the Mtlry Bills E Mlllfnr allowe WRITE, PHONE OR SEE d, d-t5tllk decease alta d . M John f8 ' (;0., lady tea,oher s of to 12 o'clock IllHt year hll ve been Y " n r trlt'nd~ fll 1 " ' \:.: l !HI ;, tI , R, Mu lfOtd i81lppoIDtf'ld Ilfimini stru.. supplI es for Trel1AUrlilr, $9 ,5t!. MI retaine d . I \ ~ X thtm 10 I;n wi,h \ 11 11 Iii t' ·· I 'I n ' :II"Y :II HI mnk W . D C' lf""il1 . •Ir : u Office, corner Main and High str eets tO f , Bonci 111)00. ::l. Flrmau GlI lla. ami VaHey Bosplta l oare ot plA\ll:tDiB, I " ':-I , J (I) I:-I J , 1.Jo: .... TZ (,III(l'!! :,\I!:X1' W . H,Uruh lllll Phone No. 100 S 1'; :'\ A T ()H. her D. E . Dunha m and G , F . $177.20 . Obio corrug ll'ed Culvflr t !SUN STRUC K- Lll st Wednll sday af. Alw uys I tn ndl n R pl!ou ldfir t o ahoulder Brown rue app 'inted IlPPlais ers, Co. , pipe, 115250 . Wester n Htar, ternoou J oseph W .. tklnM " Mr. Or litlti8 Mills, who Wi th \\'H~on .net Bryan he hU!!I hei llad legal adv . for oomml 8sionor8, 1:11. dri W. L. Hnrvey veil team for Mr .O. ·J . Wl'ight , was ()Pln ocru(' Y to win U s ~ re6 t eat vlctorl cR. George Veldt, bnd ge . work 10 Bar· OV\lroo Commo n Pleas Court H e I. An ablft rhamplo n or the peopl.'. A . C. Bftk"r Ia n town8h lp Sl!O.74 . A T. Rettig, sid'er.. me by ~ he heat, oauslng oon· l1ghtll, free, clf'llr and unpftcum bel'ed by DR. J. W. MILLER, bla alarm for ~ timo. Prowp tru !'tF o r IpeetaJ InC ~ref't • . ( s..cood term ) Mn bel ::ltlimru VB . ClIfford I-;tllmm , bridge work in Fr~Dkli n tLlwnsh lp me dlo~l Ilttenda l\ lI Ih" p eopl p of .oh io h llve a r"pre· .1oshulA (:o\le't e noe, howeve r. 800n tI~ !<h Thl!! ca use beillg oompro ml!!ed, is '67. Lebano n 108 & n \ .l lvo In th o l'nlt COlll Co., loe restore d, him , and he Is. now him. .d !'Intu Ben.t., dlllmltlR ed withou t record . 1\'8 up to you , L entz I. your fri end. Ed. Decker .•• DEN TIST... f ir June I' 40. Unn P. Bone, Ml\ry A . Schwa rtz vs, rhe V1I. 8t .mps fer clerk, 15. L. M , Prlnoe, !!elf aga l n. Bert Reed DON ' T THROW AWAV YOUR VOTI!. omceJID Illgo of Lebf\n on suppli es for sur .eyor, t 1. F. In, N.'lon.J BaDk BI~. Wayne sville, 0 defend ant ill o , O hi o. Moti on of BASIC BALI. MANNERS- Bue-ba ll i8 U oTh ~ contjllo s t h n!" cl w l n "' r l1 t o L en tz .... verrule d , Court or Co lli nt! , oontrao t 111.90. J .·hn Ur glln, w l: h l ..en t z In t h~ II 'nd . () .... ERK OF ( 'OUR'l't:l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= derl! plaintif f to r ecover Vol e "\lg\l~ t 11 for L ent:l., t,on. oontrllo t $63.2 5. t:ltate of Ohio the finest of II.thletio games , !dome $3620.5 0 F:vf'ry b"l:ot ",,,r !(~<1 lI ){ p thl:4 nne will with interes t fr om Novem ber 12, VS, Shelby Barrett , fees and OOllt ~ of the betlt young men in tbeoou ntry prllo tice it, fh ,mgh simply 110 game, help I,ut W11 "on ar~ Il r }·an '. trlend an d Dan P. Bone 1913, togethe r with oosts. To whioh $22 !l ~. ltllllls out the bigh qOll.litle8 of men tuur frI end jn the R~ n lll e : Kilbon judgwe nt ooun sel tor defend ant Contra ot No. 26a :et to Oregun la -sndur unof. pluok, patieno e, IIktJl exoeptf ', Bridge Co., to furnit!h all the m6. and intellil: enoe. WheJl played in F,'l1nk Cnrroll V B, Minnie liouck , terial and 111 bor and oonstruot 11 floor ti'arnest , 8S true gentlem en dhould l:iURV EYOR Motio. of ciefen d'mt for a :lew trial on the Todd'R Fork steel bridJ;e in play it.1t not onlv b eoomes III overrul ed Plltointiff order ed ~ tilliam townsh ip, al lll) to olean the too thoBe lmgage d In it, hut benefio lal Roy E, Miller highly en , r eoov e r '4~ Ilnll interes t from de brid!;e ILnd paint iI" ' 1966. tu rt. .. ining to 10okerR.un . Iduoh 11 A. M. Bower Dally Though t. fen<lllnt, gllme II hoold not be brougM into What , muat do Is all tbat conoern s Fred ~t. John as admini stt'ator -ot Best Diarrho ea Remedy di"repu to by bolster ou8 or olownl sh me, not what the people thlnlL-l!IlDeJ'tbe el' tate ot Charlt'B L. Yuung, de. PR08ECU1'I~G AT'l'OR NEY oonduo t, ijj.temp er, or oarel68!! and Ion. If you have ever used ChllDlu er ceased VA . Jllmel! Young. Defend . IIl'ZY plll.Yiug. lain's Colio, Cholera and \)Iarrho eu. Frank C. Anders on antI! mol·ion !tbat petition b e made (aeooDtl term) more d efinite nnd oertain II:' !lUA. Remed y you know that it is a ~uo BEALTlE IY SPRIN G WATIIl II-All wbo talned. Plainti ff excepts . Plainti ff oell8. ::hm F. Guin, Whatle y, Altl .. tllke a trip from Frankj iu to tiprlng . DaRn E. I:Uanley writes, "I ha.d meas1e 8 and got caught, out iu the rain, and Ir settled boro, sbould stop , at the chalYb eale in my stomao h !lnd bowel s, 1 had !.'pring off G . B . Sobeno k, Esq., and RKPRE SENTA TIVE WANTED IlD awfnl time, and had It not been qUllff about 8 quar' at \he ooolest If you have Wool for Stops Neural gia-Ki lls Pain and JIl08t healthy water to be found J odge Milton ()Jarle for Ch'\mb erlaln's Collo. Cho lera anywh ere. No better tonio cau be sale, call me up, as I will ~Ioan's Linime nt gi vee instil. at reo /l nd Diarrh oea RemedV ' 1 o ,mld not taken, olr more healtby ANTED ro Rent Farm, 100 or exeroi8 e. lief from Neural gia · or Solatiol l. It possibl y have lived. but ~,few hourll pay you the highe st cash mort! aorell, A good fllrm. goes strlLigh t to the pllmful patr- ong er, but \banks to tb ~li . remed y, than a Willie from Frllokl tn t r.. this Democratic Primaries a 6 800the s the NerveH Itnd Rtops the am now well ond stlong ." For spring, R,nd 110 good driok ot t,hA Inquire a~ thi:\ oltioe , price for it. wllter. ellrly in the mornin g. It is Pain . It is all!o good for Rheum a sale by all ilealers . g e nts, either ~ex . t o distrib ute The tollowl ng persons will be !!trange , that aher the waters of tillm, !:lore Throat , Chest PainA IIond --religiOUS literatu re tor farm amI oandld a tes before t,he ')ellloo ra t thill spring have been analyz ed and 8pmins . You don 't Defld to rub-it round to oontain so many healtb oity. $60 P'u mont.h guaran teed Primar y, TuesdltoY, Augu(! t 11. 11114. Here'. the Grouch Again. penetrk tes , Mr. J. R. Swinge r. contrao t , ,'ddre!l s C. E '" gl\' thought in~ propert iell, It. hllos attraot ed !IIl.larv you told me that J ones Loull!villl' , Ky" writes : " I ,mITer ed Dowde ll, Distrl c$ Manllg er, T ..d· with quito a seve ro Neurlll gio Hearl. was n pl ano·O nlsbcr," said th e Old so Ittl Ie IItteof,i on a: ore, Ohio. j29 (;OM"It:I~lUNER Ilche for four months withou t "ny Fogpy. " Why. I saw him driving a movin g vnn todny ." "W ell ?" interr elief. I used ::llolln's Linime nt for A FEW PERSONALS TOBA CCO and Cigar tlalel:lmeD John W , Bigler two or three nights lIud I h"" An't rogated tho ' Grouch.-C lnclnnaU En· Mr. Ed , E Ebl'lgh t haa j!;one fo wunted to Aci vertise. Experie n 'e Phone 135 ijoffere d with my head si o oe ," Uet Qulrer, the Couton nid.l. unnecoMsa ry. '100 monthl y ~nd Trav -===~.1\ bot,tle to d ll.y . Keep In the houtle ellng Expens lls, Advort illet:!m oking . TREAS URER Miss Ltltlra Rader, of Xenia, is the Uhewin g '1'<;Ibl\OOo, CigareU lIoll t,be time for pains and a ll burts. Cured of Indiges tion ss, Cigllr~. WAYNESVILLE, O. gue8t of lUi-s. Wm, Rogers , RU88011 (l, l!'errIA 250 .. 50'). Ilnd 11 00, at your Druggls~. 8end 2c stawp for ft.l1 par$louh,r~ , Mrs , Bndie p , Clawt!o n, Indillnll~ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 BUllkl t'lI 's Ar niolL ~al vo for all Mr, Alfred Dakin, of Xenia, visit l:iemet Tobacc o Co., New John p, Harkra der York, N. Y. Pa., \'\!lS bothere tl with indiges tion ed bi s home here over !:luuday . n26 .. My ':Itoll'lloh p!I,lned we nigh t and :\<tessrt'. E Meeks and Hob Evana dllY'" she writes. I would reel visited the t:hldler e' llome lall& wee)r, AUDIT OR subscri bers to the MOCall's blol,ted .. nd have headao lla and ne. 8end 350 to the Mi8s Aj!;nes Wlllll1mRon and Miss Ullzel,!; , Magazi J. belchin g after tlatiug 1 a)l:Io Buffere d C. Jordan office, ann gA t one of the trom ollnsttp ation. My daught er MILry Michen er Iipent Sunday In be8t magazl ne8 on earth. tf had uHed Chamb erlain '!! 1'lI.bletH and WlIwin gton, Mr. Willie Rogllrs is aglliu lu the they did her 80 wuoh good that shtl gave we a few d oset! of them and baud, where he ought to be, pl,a ylog FOR SALE insisted ullon my trying them, thr E fiat born. They helped me 118 nothin g el@e hilS Mistlea [,tly Harfor~ , of Morrow , doue," For sl\le by all dealers . " aud Lily a lod Emma Nedry, are via' RON~UEaay" Self 861\tin g Gar. lting Mrs. Benry MoKin sey . I oline Iron. Inquire of Mrs. E. 8. Mr. Willie Bonnev ille, of (llnoln . Hally, agent, Wa onesvll Western Au.tral la'. Wealth. I have deeided to re·ente r the te, Ohio. Western Austral ia produce s more Dati, hUB taken oharge of Funkey Phone 86, Cleanin '" l~ g and Pressing business, gold than any Amerlcall s tnte. sends & l1i ~B : lrll .ne's branoh store Ilt Bar. vey!!bn and rg am now at your l>ervice. Lot of fine Celery Pillute for more penrls to Europe than any other While elllgage d In taking off some Bale. Inqolre of Walter E,zey. MyoId rule-"S atisfac tioD or country except Ceylon , and Is said to have lhe rich est belt at bardwo od boney, one ,lay I!lst week, Mr. Eddie at Zimme rman'lI Rrooery . er at bll No Cbarg e"-stll l holds good. M.ichen er Wll@ stong in faoe, home. timber In the world. a 12 Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin whioh swelleCl to an alarmi ng extent, - -ALE Bog 16 months old, Poland barber shop oausing f\ great deHI or call phone 8-2r. Bucklc n's Arnica Salve for Cuts. the time. A promp t of !lDxle,t y for China, Inquire at office, OPllliol \tlon of Bums, Sores remea l., howeve r, 1100'-' dtapell ed j~1I danger . Mr:s Riohard . HalDe! , Mr. E. I:i Lope r , Marilla . N ,' y " tbe Holstei n male oalf for sale. h two I. I tbi nAn. writes : "1 have never hRd a Cut, w 0 I8 goU(I au t l10t.y n month~ old, aud", good one. lIrel .. ~~. lay \ha~ to ~t bOlley and apply Inquire Burn:. Wouud or 80re it won!d n ')~ bllney to tile apo' I!tun~ of Otho B"nder son, ' Ore. w e1leo'0 gonia, Ohio. beat Get a box of Buokle n s Ar. allY removi l the poIIOD. Jll Ber plan -.--.----~II niM Hulve to day. Keep lIand~ at when tRklng off i8 to amear .a t 1\11 times for Burna, 80res, Cuts, ber banda wiCIi hooey honey before ,'PO :~r:a~~Dr!,r;rB~~t8 Lockja w. 250 prOaobtBI ~~he ~~ . IlIIke ill




(1lin' " n ' \ tJ \ f ' f'l' tn ,I (l Im W rlt,,,, 1, ,\, N " , ,Ill In ;\Iorrow , \..lblO,




~______ ______~_~_ __~_--~_~-_ ~--~~~~~~_ ~~~~~~--~_--~_~----~_.--~E~_~--------------------------~---------------------~----

Key ~

Wa lter McC lure


Item s from Gaz ette



Dr. Heb er M. Dill




--- ------


Cla sslB ad Ads



---_.- ..



.- ..



) n '~

== ==



Eve rybo dy uses Lewis' Bre ad. If you hav e nev er eate n it, just buy one loaf, and you will nev er use any othe t brea d.

It'. good and it's sani tary . ·Try it.


..___________• W' aynesv.·IJe.,Obl·O ;-- --- ..____________



--- ------


--- .- ....



Pierce t Presser e


.., THE MIAI II aU_ Ii" WAY lfDVI Ll.&, 0100

l ' Hl~ P" iJlI.h~,1

MIAMI - - --


Wuuk ly at tltu U"'.uLl., ()flit·" III tltu

A II ~u lJulltllllK . M"III ~l. . \\ l1yu ... vl lI ... 'lI' 1 _


\· A lI . IJ:Y











---'-- --




... .......................... ...

................ ,.,.. .... .,., ................... ..

- -- - --


Ratcli of Subscr iption.

Y o". (. l.l e ll)' lu ..uv ..u ".,) .... '" '1.00 ~l ogl., Cully .. . . . . . .. ... . ........ . .. .Il l

11 2


Barve ysbur a·

New Burli ngton 1d18. adieu Blair hu returne d

R t f Ad t" a es 0 ver Is ang

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.

Mrs Mary ElUlI. a pionee r o1\lzeo of thll oity, III quite 11011 a' 'hll! from a pleuan ' vlsl' wt&h rslatlv el writing . in Dayton . ' D, L• Crane. Ed ' It or and J ':>lIlab H o lbrook, Ed Deckllr and Dr . H . 0, Whitak er and daught er. 1JI 8Co u nt~ ~h' CD OD cODtracL . Ed Conklin were Ibakln g banda Mrs. Wm . Blair... i88 Eleano r Bay- -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - hore one dav la.t week and maklne dook, Yr. ancl Idr8. Tunlll Conklin , JULY 29, l!H4. vote8, Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. Mr. and Mr8. 'l'h08. CooJtll n, Bam - - - - - - - - - - --, ---- -- - - - - -Frank Andera(lD , the preeen t Pro- t:ltaofield. Carl\04 I:)mltb, Burwel l secutin g AUorn ey , wal reoeatl y In Miller. Rober' ColleU and Jail, Ido~ CONDITION OF CROPS ETC. our ml J8t but hill campa ign III differ- In'lr'e and .on llpen' '!'uelda y of Phone 71-1 ent froon many ot " ur o_ndld a'el. lae' ,,,eek at the Clnoln natl Zf>o. COR WIN OH 0 1'he followi ng report Is compil ed HIt! large aoqual nunoe and am )Ial Mr' s Belle Colvin, ""' " Nanoy "' w .......... Smllh .... . fr nm relurnl ! r80ei vel! fr om the \ ... ........ w. ... record makes him a .ery great a nd Mri. Jae . Blair were oalled to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ offioll.1 oorrellpondeut~ ot tbe Ag. lndianl .polll lallt week by the favorit ~~~~~~'!' e . dea~h •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....." rloultu ral DepBrt ulOllt: Angu8Lnil WllU"m ll, one of the of tbelr brotbe r J . W. Mmltb. pionee r oltlzen . of thll oommn nlty, W beat- Pfo"peo t oompar ed with : Ueo. PIlIIlIpe 18 laid up wUh a died Friday mornin g after a linger. lame baok. normal yield 102 !Jer ce nt ; damage d I by julnt worm 4 per oLnt. Ing illneslI ., hill daugb \er'l home . Mre . Chaa. Icenho wer and fam Uy Barley -Prosp eot compar~d with "rs. Rosa Banke and W~II laid are vlsltl.g rela\lve s In Port lYn. uormlAl yield 110 per oa nt. relit Monda y 10 'be Miami oomete ry, lIam. Mr . Wlillam ll waR well .nown 10 Itye-Pr ollp"ot oo mplArtid wish Re". B . Killend er hall puroha led normal yield Q5 per oent. thlll vlolnhy and wae blghly relpeoted . Be leavel a wife, two an au.tomo blle. Oatl-P rOlpeo , compar ed with Jennie Morrill Compto n, a blghly normal yield 74 per oent. dangh\ ere and five .one ~o monro the 10811 of a hUllband aqd father. ellUma ble woman of our .Illage , Coro, Aroa .oomp. red . with lu& year 91 per oent; lotal elltlm. ted WA extend our symp. 'hj to 'be pUlled away la8t week after • lIagelrlnl{ illne81. Funera l ser.loe , bereRv ed family . flrea for 11114, 2.QOI,070 lorell i oondlUon oomp"r ed with an IlVllflll!e Mil Mr. WIlliam Blalu. of Dear were hl\ld In the JI'rlenlill oburob per cent. Ore"oo la. traneao ted bualneBIi here ay afterno on oonduo ted by Rev, Amoll Cook. Clover -Dama ged by white grub Friday . wcrm ..& per oent. Born- To Mr . and AIrs. Uheete r Mr •• E. B Dakin ball oeen quUe Potato es-Are a oompa red wltb pOl)rly but 18 muoh Impro. ed at Haydoc k, of Dear Wilmln llton, July lal' year 95 per oent; elltlma ted 318~, a lao. Albert Crltten do!1. 'hie wrUlne. "rea for lQU, 97,772 aoree ; oODdltlon Cball. Swlndl llr and family. of The oouot)·y IObool honeel are RUS SELL C. FERR IS oompll red with an averag e 77 per Dayton , are gU88\8 at tbe heme of being put In trim for the aobooll l Ilr. and Mrll. cent. B. M. MoKay . Shop NeXt to Sher wood 's Cara ge Main St TobaOO O-Area oompa red with Democ ratic Candidate for County whloh will soon begin. Dr. and la.t yMr 7M per cent. Mrll. Randal l were ID Treasu rer Vou're Bilious and Costive Clnoln natl Wedne edayon bu.IDee •. T1motb y- Prospe otcomp ared with normal yield 71 per oent. Chas. RyaD, of Bellbro ok, who I. ~Io' Headao be , Bad Br.atb , I:)our ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A young man of Ilterl\DI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'1l8'ur ss--{;on dlt1on oompa red an enterpr lelng bnlllne81 r quality , well koown ae a lI'ook buyu wu In Stomao b, Furred Tongue and Indl. 1 man, was thls' vlolnlty Wedne eday, witb ao averag e 1j0 per oeot;. g68tioD . Mean Liver and Bowel, Horaee -Condl Uon oompar ed with born and raieed on tbe farm, hae Ii. Mrs . Emma Egbert and ber IIllter ologged . Cleao up to-olgh t . Ue~ praotio al and bueine ll' eduoalt on. fln averag e Q8 per oent. Mil" LIllie Nedry. of KanBAII l.'tty a 200. boUle of Dr. Klng's New L1f~ has been a IIU0088S in every underCoa8- Numb er oompe red With an were gueste of relatlv N In thu. Pill. to day and empty the Itomao h taking . A man that oan oonduo t avereg e 113 per cent. vlolnlty . , and bowels ot fermen tlnl. gaB8Y his own bnsln88 S suocell sfully Is \he Live Stock and General Auctioneer Cattle- Condit ion oompa red wUh foodlla.nd walle. A full bowel moveDaniel Bone man and to oonduo "ran t the bnelneslI fOl' the It Forgy ment I\n a verelle 96 per oent gtv611 a .. tI8fied. thankf ul OIIndid atee people were oal1lng on the of Warren County . Tbe Calves -Numb er oompa red witb feeUng:- mak8l . yOII feel fine . Ef· Democ ratlo voters are soliolte d for voterlo f 'hili vicinity las' week. Poste d on pedigrees and values of .a Iln a.eraKt ! QI per oent. feo'lv6, yet mild . Don" gripe . Mr, Ferrill at the Primllo Mr. and Mra . Fr":lk I!!qulrea tranll 250 .• a1t your ry Eleotio n kinds of breOOing stock. ~l)ol-ClIp oOlDpared wt.h Ialit Druggi st. . to be held on TU6l!dIlY. August . 11 th . act.ed bUlLiDell8 in Xenia recentl y. year 811 per oent, Buokle D'a ArDloa Salve for Burne. It III &aId that we are '0 ba.e Experienced in handling fann sales since ----Subscr ibe for your home paper ano'he r pbyslo lan In our village In 1905. the near fn'ure. Headac he and Nervousness Cured '!!'!'!~~~~~~~~~ Wellman ~~~ Clyde Wililer eon, of CIDoln Da'I, "Cbam berlain 'lI rablet8 are en· , T8I1IIlI Reuonable' -:. lSatilfactlOll Guaranteed Wall leen 00 our .tree'll olle day Ber' Bogan lpent Sunday with titled to blJ the praise loan give Sla te of Ohio. Ci ty of Toledo. ( them ." writes Mn. Rlohar d ' Olp, laBt week. hlil 'a'ber Ueorge Bogan, Lucas County. Iss. GRADU ATE ~OP THE 8pel1oe rport, N, Y . !'hey have Co\. A. C. Baker. of Morrow . one r:mnk] . Cheney makes oat~ tlla ~ he is Wayn esvil le, Ohio Chari.. Uray. wife and dau6h& er .ATION AL AOOTION oured me of beadao he and nervou ll. selllor pa ~toer of. t he fi;m af I, .) . Cheney of the pre8en ' board of Comml a Opal 'pen' Suoday with WaUer 0800L 01' AMERIC 1\Pa8 and rflHtored me to my normal & Co A Valley Telepbo ne 4S. Zr ., ~olOg busltless 10 the City. o f To- elonen , wa. ebakln g handll with JordaD and family . health " For 8IIle by all dealers ledo. ~uoly many B . n d of State btl friend8 aforeSlU bere d, an,! Saturd ay, Lewili Fir.. plL8lled throug h her . 'Ihal saId linn will pay the sum of ON Jo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I:\hoem .ker ~tlDdaJ' evenin g, ------HUNDR ED DOLLA RS fllr each and eve ry case of Catarrh I ha t cannot be and family, of WlImin gton. were Se ••nJ from bere a'teode d a It; Dally Bath for the Eye. cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH tbe lue",. at Mr. and M,.. Joeeph 1001&1 at 'he Wellma D IOhool bous. II. dally "ey e buth" Ie an excellen t CURE. Bogan 00 E\unday . FRANK J. ClmNE Y . s.'ur<ll l.y oilht. meana ot prf! .. ervlng tbe Bight IUld Sworn to before me and subsc ribed in Tbe Barv,& ,.lburg Base Ball Club lin. :Maud <..,1eaver. IDOl Carl and Funeral Director I beauty ot tbe eyes. and Is particul arly my presence. this 6th day of December. lnitiate d 'belr new ·oOl'um es Claren Sun. A. D . I~(I. oe &lid daogb t.r and Embalmer, yar. valuable tor persons who motor • day and played the Rhers d81 and ml&ln l be, lleter Serda ADdre (Seal ) A. W . GLEAS ON , JordaD ror good deal, for nothing Ie more InJurloll.l Ihe score 8'ood in favor of oar hOlDe eevera l dliYII . Wayn esvil le. Ohio . Notary Public, to eyee tb.n frequen t contact with Hall'e Ca&arr h Cure ts taken In · &aam. Ben BUI transao ted baalnBM In , du.t. Dt..olve one tell8poonful ot b0- ternall TltADI MAlIK. -. y and IIct8 dlrect.l y upo., the Bed ~Ion Friday . DEIIGN I racic aold powder In one pint of rOBe- blood and Call answer ed prompt ly day or night mUOOU8 .urfaoe e or the COPyltlGHTa Ac. I Severe Attack of Colle CuNd Both phones water. Every night pour aome of the Iy.lem in Office Allyon and Residen ••• ndln, a ce. ._.tell aDd deeeJ1PUo Char IN Eilil and n ma, . Send for t8ll'imo nlall!. free. werllA b. Long distanc e No. 14' Home phone qQ'." ueertatn our opinIOn tr.. _bather au E, E, CrOll. , wbo travel. in Vir. &lion caller. liaturd ..ywtre loUon Into a glaas eyebath . add F. J CBENE lo",nOon 'I probablJ p.teDtAb~mlllunlca. aod brougb t . 14-2r. ' Y & CO., Tol6do , O. , tlon . . t.rtctl,oon lcl.oUai. M.1I0 enough bot water to render It teptd. 011 aloia PaLeD .. and o'ber 8ou'be rD ~&ate.. back 'heir daugh ter Eva who Rold bv all Druggl stl. 700. ..nt tr_ Old .., . .eoc, lor ha, Chairs and one Coach furnish ed .free • ~2.' Pueolo ..~.o Ulrog.b JlUDD and batbe BIlCh eye In turn by OpeD. .. Co. ~ •• 1'ake Bal1'8 Family PIlII lOr con. "al "'ken Indden ly and l8yerel ,. 111 been a'tendl nll 'he N ~rm.l . ~""..... "ltboDlc h.... IIlUl. with funeral s. Wltb oollo. At 'lie Braa l'<Ire be I~ and sbuttlng It In tho lotion. Iltlpatlo n. Ba"7 Ungl8tl .me to tbe merch an' reoomm eaded eDd In Lebaoo n. by lpen' ,be week Best of service guaran teed. Cbamb erlaln'l I Collo. Cboler a &II A IIU""om .l, m"••_ ....... ~. I...... t ..,. CharJa l Ellli and wife and Ueorle ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .......on ot anJ .0110UOa JournAl. Term.... . Oiarrhr)611 Remfld y. Two do.e. or Emil ~~ roar mondul. ,L IIold b,"'1 ....ed.I.... and wlte and daugh$ er Vella "oured blm. No ODe Ibould leave aotoed ,,~Fraoklin SUDday and at home on • journe y wl'hou ' a bottle leDded Cbauta uqua. or 'hle prepara tlou. For .. Ie by aU Cur. Blttey our rural mall aarrler dealera . bae a flne new automo bile. --TH. CItUT ••T 1Il'8, Eroel' Manno ll aDd l4ie. BARN HART , Caesa r's Creek Dhel were shoppi ng In BarveY I Nota ry Publi c •.. TH. WOIt&.D 141111 YariaDDA Compto D "ooom. burg :rriday . f'UII.ISIIED WEEILT. suo I'El YUl paDled by 11"11 Rarah Bradfo rd are attendl ug Ibe AlII8m bly of young H.. Your 'bUd Worms ? DItUO a.m. .P.OIA L.llft, All ltiDd8 of Notary Work, PenaioD Friend . aa Wlnoa a Lake. IndlaD a. OO.TU . . . ItI, TItA ....... . OA. Work a !:Speoial'y. M08t ohlldre n do. A COited . A'I ID .U. • •• VIC. OAII Plto .. t't . 111118 S.ra &U.rt bwslte .. muoh FUrred '.rongu e ; Stroog Brea'k , . . U.IMa In ADVIUt TI.I .. a COL.u ....a I".,rov ed a' thll writing . B'omao h Palnll. Clrol811 IlDder Ey81 : SAMPLE COPY FREE Mrl. W, E Bopn aud daullbt er. Pale, &lIow Uom,le xloD; Nenon e get luedla te relief ,.. lAlah were iD XeDla TUee.Jay. Fretful . OrindlD g of Tee~h. TONin i , . . . ..., YOIIK CL.IP... 1t Dr.1boo .. D'S JIqIc OlD..... _ Yortl ... Y. Horace ComplO n and falDlly en hi 8Ie~p. Peoulla r t>ream _anyo ae ter&alDed a. 'belr frUNt. Friday . of tbeee IDdloat e Child b .. Worml . S. 8 , fJo,.d and Mn. &bln ae' a box of Kiokap o I Worm Killer Of all kinds . MoDon ald and U"18 lon, Charle s. of a' once. It Itll1. the Worm ll-the caUIW of yo or ohild'B oo.d'''o n. Harvey sburg. 1418888 FNn08l l and 011 vo Willon 11 Laxll&ive and ald. Na'nre &0 ez pel the Worm (I. Supplie d in oandy .. are VllltlDg relatlvB l III Indiana . form. EI'IIY tor ablldre n w &ak .. . The Berean Clalla of 'hili place 2Iio at your DroRgl llt. met a' &he home of o\{arlauna a.d IDa Compt on TuMda y evenin g Bellbrook. Zlmrl Baine. aQd family autoed to XeDt. on ballne... Friday , Mls.Oo V Taylor . lrm, Cornell . Yra. l1a Mende nball I. .111\lng Hazel T~ylor .. nd Blanoh e Cornell . reldlvB 8ln thie commu olty. aDd Mr. Carl Tburo.. .. Raben Bur Min Luolle durhm ao Ie vllliting 600, Roy lBar\8o ok and Leon . ~lIa. hear brotho r Roy In Day too. bury all tooll 1'1 the exourll ion over Chlltlno oy Bunnen anti f"mlly at- the D. L. & ,~ to Conev Illand Illit tended ' Miami Vallt!y Chauta uqua 8unday . ~a'urday. Mr. and. Mr(l. Ueo. Cllrey, of We8t MI." Lelah Bogan and ber mother IItlt-on were ml1fld bere on aooolln ' called on R Ii: Jone. and ramlly of 'he llerionll IIIn888 of her grand. fatber, Mr Perry Weller W8l$ of Monday afterno on. town - -l4i.8 Pr'lldllnOe AU8tln. of Chloac a, Fore. of H.blt. 1(1 IIpeDdlng ber vao"tlo n wUh ber The telepbo ne operato r Wall IIpend· parente Patto n's Sun·P roof Pain t 01' tbill plaoe In« the lIummer bollday '" the bound· Bdrne J onee. wlfn and 80n Therlfl I~ _ . On tbtt ftr.t moroln " bow· 00 FART HEST ever. IIbe had occulo n to beraLe tba of Lytle, Wm , DeBord , "Ifl" and1 matd of the IOO«ln,. fot real or 1m· two daut&b terl, of Lebano o. were all LOOK BEST ..Ined negligence. "Wby dldo't )'ou Sunday gUBlti at 'he bome of Wm . call me all I told you thll momlD .T" ~Iden.'rloker and , .. mil" )lrl Della Fulker son aDd 1I0D WEA R LONO EST Ibe delDllnded. "I did. mi..... repllllCl tile maid wltb lUI Injured atr. "I oalle4 .enDet b, of Cblca(l o, are .11"ln , out 'SevBo:t hlrl1,' and atl JOU _ wu her r ..laUvee of tblll plaoe 23 Color s, In Stock at all t'mes 'Numbe r en,. .ect.'" The Grt," and Wrigh t reDnloD Wal held ., tbe home of Ernelt ----- Gregg lOu1~b .,..t of 'own lalt SUDWhy Riol I. Thro_ . day. The me~nln, of throwlD , rice alter r. II. Swartz vl,lted rel"atv N.t weddlq l .. ~n au.plcl ou. ..ndolr to tile' Ilappy couple II not far to 1 . .11. Piqoall Ult SaD:fay . Jonas Whlt"n re and family .....muCh .. rice II the mOlt proWlo of .ralns It Ia.. ..wa'. and eYel'J'- 811 r.lattv• •, Dayton lal' SUDdliy , wber. been reiaicle d a~ emblem adea1 of G6c1'. Command ,to AeJam and . . . . I.. Whit DINOtl oa' and after the ·de!'" to .Noell to- IDa Tb~ .,.t tb1q 10 the ~orld sa DOl. crea~,aDd. multlp~t, .~~ repJenl sb lila . 80 ' ~uO:b "" ~Ve ·.we ,tU4. ·u III wliM ti~:IfI "'i.~pjII~~~~~~!.I~i!li" '~.~ -

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Painting, Pap er Hanging, Aut o and Car riag e Painting.






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lI owever. a girl n e yer brea ks Into lhe spi n ste r ~ ln sM until Mh o g '~t8 angry when ca lle d on e. WRONG BREAKFAST. Change Gave Rugged Health. Many p ersonB thInk tbat for IItrength. th ey must begIn the dar wltb a broakfast of lIl oat and other k heavy foods. This Is a mlstA e a.a anyone CIUl easily discover for him-




M u seu m or 1'\ntural His t ory In New York . In ad d itIon to a r ema lndcr In· t e r es t In a $300.000 t ru st fund. H er wlli . executed In Fehruary. 1910. was filed here . The totnl b() qll ests tu pubo IIc institutions arp m o r c> th an el gb t million dollars The roUr 1arge~t gltts are : Ame rican Museum ot Natural HIstory. $5.300.000, Syrian Prot es tant coll ege a l B ei rut, Syria. $4 00.000; Yale unlver slly and t he T nlon Theologlr.. ~1 ~ seminary, e." ch . 300,01)0 .. ~

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Sporting In aUnct Arou sed. Tho s tTll('t 'co r ll(!T omlur had j;ath· erell uround hIm a group nr Jrf'h l ns \\ hy th ey \I st l'lI eLI so att,4f:\I\'~ I)' be dithl ' t unol .. rst;\IIt1: nor prolJubly did Lh~' y kll o\\ th (' m ~<' l v,"8 l::lllnply Dolb · i n g doitl /<. (Jilt th c oralul' took ~ull ad \'a ntag of hl~ OIJI)\\rtlll: l t)' alltl d e' II ve r eol all 11l1p\'[)vill~ Ip(· lllTt· 1) 11 the "n l ll e of 1(llIdnl '~" t o dumb alllllluis. At th e Plld h e so ught (or !lO ll "! illutitr a· lio n to !Iu lnl (ht , Ill u ral aliI! ad u r n l h t! tnl e . It was th () !'c at h :u!J1. Ac!'o s. Ih(' way \\ailtct! a laliy. l e;l dln g t\\'o IiI ti e dogs I n Icash . Th e Utl o Wllij bl ae l. !lnd I ho olhn r whlti' . " (';0 '.,·," ' xc l alme rl I n the Land of the N ile. tbe tIlL ·thump.:' r . "arl Pr wl,a l I hn"e Tb e Egyptian cllmnt tl Is enjuyed to said. supposing thus" IWO rlpur littl e th{' full eRt advantage durin g a w ell dog s werl' to sta!' t (l g hllllll . w hal "lnnn ed voyage b y dllhabellh up tb e would be the Nr st thing YO I1 wou ld dO?" No all s\\'cr ('atllt' a t \l rst; but Nil e. lIIe lIttl" u rab turn eu t o loolt at th e dugs critica ll y antlthoul\htfull) . "Well I\u v'no r ," b e an sw (>r od . at la st , " I Nnk I'd 'a ve tu Dpen co on th e IItt Ie black Mr • . Jellup Will. $6,300,000 to Ameri· can Museum, Yale, College t Dnd Seminary. Som ehow tlw mll~ \\'ho ottonds l'ew York .- 'rlorla Van Anlwer p do st ri c tly to bls own b usiness usv or al> quirE'S a r e putation as au on t>Jrt n lnl!l1 Witt J esup, "Id o \\ o r ~!orrI 8 J . J esup, b e(] lI eath erl $fi.OOO.OOO to t h o Am eri can con v c rsatlonall sl.



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f e w scconds sh c ca ught h er b r ea th 111 I S "11" \\ 3 rll I 11\;; n a , l Ost "r f.('n mp,' rin~ Inl: II Il t h o edgf' or til" lawll . : ht! lot~ er 10f'S. .' mong 11" 11\ nl l x('01 '1I10 ' h pr a sh ort gnsp. and onco sh e pnllsed I .. C I1110nll. I;oluen · \ .!" IIITI·d . was JIIHt show I h h I 1 I BOUl! d 0 r R I,ro r ." p,:! l loDI11I( IJ t Ind · b I \\' t an ap prC' e ns \' !1 g anc e over h p.r hard . , . , III': a U \ ' '" tIe r llil ')( thtl hi ll s, pawt· sb ou lder al1d Hblv e ' ed ~ h(' Rcarce l y ' Ll .' " I i ll ~ Ih " d"'l l' sof l blu C Ht'" ~ o f Ill" Vi r no l ess to Va li ant than to Sn5t!oon . • I S o wn !( !;~t('r1 N iH' ~ ~ p wll\ ,' l1o Q knew wllu t sllf' did . nor did sh e a~k I II I . I ..0 ' I '" . 1; llllan n igh t wltl, :t l r un>llll r~ nrfl n' Bu t h er motb er's faln llng at the Hi~ ht . I' ~ alll IH' I ~ lPu S Irl lI,· \\'h,) \\' I~ . her8 ~ lt what might 1) 0 the outcome or . I I I '1 . purl' ''~ rrayr r . Aho ,,'c t h o r~ lI e n hood g g or the son-th e eager Interes t ~he h url '. uch a u nbRlIrd ad'·C'n turo. Sh o n I. CCt'l" n a o n 11111 rUIlIl f' INI h l~h"ay I ., r h"r c loak h " r hillr shullro 1111 .. a nill) dlsplnyed In Shlrlo'y's acC'ollnts or him , n sue l I li n l IOU r 1:1 tiur :1 lJr" ·II' ll l .t:l· . from tb e episode of the r ose nn,l th<' I her kn c \\ 1I0r cllr <' d . She \\'116 swe p t fllSl l loll' • . , I h· ! ~. :lIltl th n 1(' , "1!1I",,g uf hO'r rll C~ o tT he r feet and \\h irl c d nway luto ' 'I !l' a'''' him : I ; ~ Urf'.llh fo r tht b u lldog to the tournnm ent ball '~ orne outland i sh Iilllho of shadowy Th' · tr :Jill \\a,; n" "I' ::"r ""1'" 1: ('0~ 1i'1 \\o :l rl l' r,."II1". ~ o( it 8E- Po m ed no w to stand ou t In a Ol' \\' r d I I I h"rtr Itq 10 \\ r U11i "In ~ 11;111 I·I, IIIj.; ellr nn cry n g (T(!Il( . 10 ,".. " U.", I'. lin, I ' II" 1' I 1 ' (',I ."" I"'p r "l~ or II . \ ~ . l i,.,y stolHI h"a\'I ' npli 111 ,' ach li ght. throbbing and ro Sl' al ('. Co uld It b e? Had sh e b ec n s t umbling along Rlipp tng otT h er "hoes, ~ h c w c n t Ih!' rai l " . IInl Ih"' II''' h ,' lirl", 1 :, 1'110, ,,'h p r" arms . h e,l f! I"':ttln g il/;,ai n , 1 a bllnd tra il . mIsl ed by the cunn h l~ Rw lrtl y lind nol~f.' lcA" ly <l ow n th e sta i r . [ronl IiI,' "t ir rolJ ' h" ,1111 lI ot ' '' ''PIIl ,JlIl 1 110-'"1. ;111<1 th,' \\hol f' \\odd throblJll1t1 1l0v e ta\lIng or Cl r C111ll HIJ1 11 ce? Hcr Rhe II!! h e l'se lf out or thl' ,loor nnrl , SOll ,O't h ill,; ill I h" \\ iI iel" i,, " " Il: "" 01 1 I" !IJ y. I h,' lI i ,:;I li o;,:,"'" bf')oncl lh'l ~r PIII al11I I I '.I ' I I '1' ' 11 Im o I '' ,lIl 1 h,ji' oi III. g il 11 In bul) !>I, ' al1rl thril l 'Ie h eart was b eallng sllllingly. It Nh e . hof!s 0 11 lignin. ral1 aC'OH~ t hf' c l over 1' 01 '1 1' 11" " , 'l"'I" should b e mistak en no\\' , S h e dashed A hound clalllhered about h er. whln· It'RH. Ill' h:!l :l slIdd "11 c u rl()I!H I " el llig u.' r1l n ,l g i l1 :: blo ln e l o f\~ I t ~ Ill11e to I 1 11,,1 ex· I1 Iii I'm IIku th .. Jol< 'u Ilf ; lw mllgieal ( , . ,I , . h er b a nd !lcross h e r e),PH as I boug h l o ill!;, Lul sh e M\l p. ncpd h im with a WhI S' t lla l .'111 til . "'Olr I II I)0'" II compel tb e lr c l earn C'ss. and l oo keu per ed wo r d. Selim IItted his h en d ann 1 1St: I h"rl' \\'I'r(' on ly I h" H\V"" pin g rCl HO' HC!Hlt <l llI g ll t I t se l r .. Bel 10 tb e again . e ho palled the snumi ng Inqulrln~ r u sh or thr 11I 'arll1>: Iralll 11lIjJP r,,01la l. \\o rtll es,; mu sic of t h o 6I h ' " r lou " es It was Reauty Valinnt' s ra ce Ihnl muzz l e an In.tnn t berore. wltb h e r u nh u1J1:l11 h E' . :,; i ttin r: h , s ho r se III tho 11 1'08: mId H", ,,lI ro <l exulta l1 t l O break Iny I n thp lo cket. a nd lhat .. ou ld Illf'all hnnd o n hI s man e. Rh e l ed hi m g loom. HlJrl that unknuwII r l <I"r '\ iIo~e '!lI d dte In a ca6cari" or ~o ld e n not es. It angu i,1! of " \lc!'c) ')UI~lrJPJ! " " tl, c \lilt 11\ thplr h pHrls was t b tl 80nl( b ut Oll e thing ' It WDB be. not Sn8"000, l hrou g h the h edge to th e stable wbom h er mother lov ed ! was hul t h e wor k o f a mom ent to st eRllI , n(I!I1~ - lo wh o 111 , Ihal IK rnll,'les~. Imlllortai. Tb e lamplig ht eeeme d to grow and t hrow on a sld c'R utldll' und buckle thE' Th p rnHd "lu rl ,' " 'II" ' rn(' ~ ~ iI It THE END. lipread to all unbea rabl e r adiance. /{I r t b . Th en, m ounting. sh e turn ed n cn r l' d Ihe ~ l lltlon. UII U 111 al ,"1(' " n Sblrley thougbt she cri ed out with a hllll Into Ihe lan e. I Kept Out of Pol I tiCO . lIudden . sweet w Udn llse. but ebe Ilad He was t borou g hbred. and h er t ense ~ " h..l..~ ~ , In Austria WOlll en Ilre fo rb id den by DOt mo ve d or utterr. d n sound. Th e excitem ent seem ed to communlcnt(' ~.h::'_ J ~ law to ta ko un act ive I)art in poUlIca Ulumlnatlon was all about he r . like Itselt to him H e blew th e brea th ,;,1:.;J. ' o r to Join any po litical aBsoclatlon . 'Il splendid cloud . The ImpoRRl bl e h ad tbrough hi. delicate HarIng nostril s ~ Last spr in g tb e chamber uf deputle8 bapPened. Tbe miracle for wbleh she a nd !lung liP hie hea d at ber restrain I ~ <l\~c 1t!c d to cancel the prohlbltlnll bYltencaUy pray ed had h ee n wrought! I ng hand on the bridl e. Once on th e 01~ ~~ c ia usn. a n d th e \lo li lical cdmm lttee ot When ehe bl ew out tbe light, tb e ned Road. she l et him bav e his will 'J:' !._.p~l ._ :;~~35.. t h e upp e r bouse hat! now in dor8 ed tbll ablnlng stili r emained. That glowi ng The long vacant highway r ee l ed o ut ~, ~ '<Y J -J ~ '.= rot~ o f the de puties, w ith th .. ex plana · knowledge. like a vltallzlng and phye· b ehind her to t h e fi erce and l o o e l y ,..;"~~ ·l.'\l~. !Ion t hat .. the part taken by wom en teal pre.ence . pa8sed with h e r tbrough h oo r·tattoo . She was scarcely con · . ~, ""~ in aSGoef atlons wltb po litIca l t en · thl'l hall to h er room . As she s l oo d In se lous or consecu tive thought - all wns ~~ - <I t'Dclps Is we ll .k nown. and. under tbo the elfish li g ht of her one ca ndl e. th e n vague jum b le of chao tic ImpreSSi ons , -~ clrcumstanr·fls. ('un scu r .:e l y be pre· poIgnanc y of her joy was as sb arp aR throaded by tbat neceRslty tbat ca ll ed I I '·(' nted. " This bill ha A bee lJ Ke nt buck her past I1nln . Later was to come t b e b er like nn Inll18 tent VOice. I t o th e ,je)lutles lor further cOlJ si d era· Co pe e nnd h edge n ew by, .trenks or lioll . TIH~ \\omen of Austria have bee n .'Wond er bow that tra 07 0dy had b en t " I .• I Beauty Valiant' s lite 10 ex il e nnd b er dlsteDlpP.r on th e shlttlng g lo o m : I"oulll~ an ag latlon ag:lI n Rt the rifle moth er 's t o u n t llltilimen t. a nd In tim e IIwurthy fa rmhouse r oofs huddled Itl(p I)r prlcp.8 w hIch th ey, as h ouA ~ k ee p e Ml. ehe was t o kn ow th ese t bln gs . too . ~Iant In d lane on tbe trail. al1d ponrl s r' l el mos t Bc uttlty . '1h ey I ,a\'~ beE''' Bu t 110" t h e one IIreRl kn ow l edge blol· In pllslures g II nt e d back th e pal: ' I I ""CCClDS rJ) I I 11 cheaDCIlIIl f/: ,~ ou l In Vi enna ut\ .• u ml' I k I II f'or unl , TI Ie I"nrl" r s or t h e te d o ut ull " Ise. Sbe n ep d .. tarve h er ~ I imm e r I ng 0 f stars . 'fb e faint mist . I tan cy no 1011~ l' r! Tbe hours With h er tangled In tho bra n c h es of tb o tr Cll~ . :, \I10 Vn lll c lI t h:lv Q be "II e l ecte d :0 mu . I lov er might again sweep ucross h or mnd e I h E' 1O loo k IIk o gbosts gathered I II lc ipal COIII IIltt t <:eR. u nLl f l)· I lI p Ors t m em o r y u nnf'nle d . Shn t e lt his anr:a. I ~o see her pass. ," as thi s r roal or t i me Jl WOlllan has u~" n PUt nn a t· o rn. bi s kis ses. h £>al'cj lii s whi spe rs agulnst was allft dreaming' Was sh e. Shlrl oy IIlI;trofl or a l own CO llI"' II. 'Iz .. thllt or b E'r chee k anll Rm elled t h e llerrlllDe or lJandrldg e. rea ll y g Hlloplng do\\n au ',(. ':_~ f\ oll , lnc: M nrlolllla lill E' s ojJron road al mld \l lg ht - b ec:~us o of th r. ~ Hhe drew Ih" cu rl n ln nn d opron",l barn· hrnlned tll!und f'r ln gs o r n h air· Once on the R od R o,~. Sh e L et H i m H i s T .. nder :""o~. I th" ,\illdo\\' 1I0lsr, l ess l y to tlH) li g ht. mad Did n f' ~ro? Have HIS Will . ..I s n ('Po rt :lIl1 ) "I"' f'. ,,(l i st vI New Onl y a rf'\\, h01l1"A ago sh p h:ld been TIl(' ~ r"aL Irn ll gale of Dar ll o ,'), cou n l • YlJ r l( ~.II "1',) 11 Ill S ~loDI 01, 0111" In t h t' 6lnr;i ng III her ha rp I n what \lro tl! hl'I!' hun g op"n. find '''':tre el .'' sla c ll"nln" I ,dIi li · "' ,,rl' rIo"' , Iii,· "I" II I ,I 111'1 ' !,," ·"l l rlJ n' I~ "t. , dOIng II 1>11 0 1 . ' !ll)ll nliIin Sit " Inu g hN I soft l y 10 e1f Ii.. r IIflCl' . , ho rod \! through an d U(l t! 1I1 1i; i t",!: l" i l.I."\ I1': I.'. :on' I,·, ' III' .: l:' k ." '"tY' lh " r(' lI\Jpr o; " h, ·, : ~' : '!1 lColl n thn ' n(,UH ! Th (' CJl1kl ni!=ht WllS rull or h I" ,"olel;' tTll' l ong drl\' f' Th e I; l oon:lnl'( h ouse 111" " 111 , ,:II' ~ I I" ,· .1 tl '"',, n' </: 111 rlvr " ',, r:l 11;.tl ',', ""J,I"IIlI ~ " I.·.IS 01 " I I" ve you ! I w ant no thill g but y o u!" fr Oll 1 WII ~ bl ank and sll"lIl anu It" 1 1 ~I" n IIH I IJI' :,,,"'1, ,' 1 hl ~ "'-; ,:) 'I n ol ' h IS 0"11 :11I1('h l n>: iln. H o\\' hror pi lif nl p rror "al1 IM tllr(,,1 11"~~ l .orr l1 r.() l ul11ns l oohl'd lik ll lone l y 1 1111 '1'10\,,: , '; ' 11;1 111 " \11 'I ,~. !Idel ;[11 I II ! . nid (",' ''r try Jlh O l lJ>:I aJlhy~'1 1 lind w rl1n~ th<'1 1i hoth! tU lIllJrt·OW I'(ni)' 111()ll o liths 111 t h e wnn li~ h t. :--iOI ~ Ialll ' \1 , 11) 11 nf " " II ,' :l111 1nl: :'1 0,01; . 0 1 ~" I(I'oI I I,,' n "HOllie r b f' , '00. w oulc1 kilO\\, Iba t a ll ,,'as w oll a t\\'lnkle "hnwe rl at chink o r cranny; j ·a ~Ir!" 1:1 '-'. : ' I III " ' U ''o ll j' >;\\ i ; 1 0:' :\0)." "'a s lit" , 'lIrI r;' ~ poll s o o f th e 1\ c lenr 80" lId c h lrn~d Ur'rOSR I lle ( h,· pondl'lo1l8 shutt" r " " o ro c\o s ·d .; 1"08 ('11 ",1 II"I ! \\,::h:! "[Y ,lI,t ·.n '; 'U IIII!; :l.l'II.t., \'; Ii o "ontl l:l I,'01 hiS "uric <1I Rlnnc" - th e IJ(' II of th e court· hOll~e TIll' r!') "a " a sc nM !' or II p.RP r l1oll. o r l oo t I II I h" , Ill I"" "I " !" ' ~p i ng ~ 1l!all1 .1 " It' s a ~oo d Ii'eal '1ul('I«'r." :;ugges t . ' clo c k, slr l lo ng mldnlgbt. Onfl ! cmp lin ('"s about th e p la co that Ii " "1 !t..: ~ ,' 11 h" I' ICllf: i ll h I'o r , " aroun, l c d the native . 'I Two: How orten latc ly I t hu d brought hur b eart Into h e r throat w l l b all " Ih, ' ",1111., b in" S\\0pt him "lao. a.l " I SlI\1f)(!ijro It I s." slIrel y a.sellied the TUIl di scord ant ly acrOijg h e r muod: a sl~k l y h orri bl e ree lin g or certa inty . th e Ti d,' !, pull('d dOW11 ; I hl H ~ I d" painter , with unolh e r dab or tbe now it ~e e med a c l ama nl watch er. ShE' lump ed down trom the blowing . You:" lI e ~ r ;" ll. lI u h' ll n ('d u tld brus h . to ll i n g j oy. Thr",e! Four! ho r se and hurried around tb o house. caught :111' Hllrll Ilan tlri gripped on t hE' "An d, " the uativ e . ' trl ed, wJth I FIVl'! PerhapR be wa. Th e door ot the kit c he ns was open bri die, Hh akln g now . " Y o u! " dash or lll~lIco: "a 1;00d, "e aJ nJ ore Ilk' .I eepl ess. listening, too Wss he In and a ladd er or dim reddi sh lIgbt fell . Th e dazziinf/: br1ghtn esR han gone th.. place. -Lippln c ott .'I. the old library, tblnkl ng ot h er? from It acrO.8 the grass. She ran by, and t h e air was r li ll or t h e groan · SIx! Sev en! Eigbt! sw Utly and looked In. A huddled fig· Ing of the brak es as th e lonl': t lnp. of He Knew. Nine ! H ah e "ould only ure Bat there, rockIng to and fro In darkened sl eepe rs shudd eTfld to Ita C harlea S. fIIell en. at a dinner In send her mellsage to him on ~b e be ll ~! the lamplight. enforced stop. " John ! " - Ho heard BOBtOD. saId of a bankrupt : Ten! It ewelled mote l o udl y "Aunt Daph," Bhe called. ""' hat IB the sweet wild cry p ierce t brough the " HIli ba.nkruptcy was like that t.ohlch d b Jum bl c 0 r no 1ses, an d somet hi ng I n I t 'b DOW" more doll berate. Eleven! t he matter!" • e parent eBeri ed. · bl eo d runn I ng moIt en t" .6.lIother day was almost gone. Tbe turbaned bead turned 8harply se t h IS urough . " ' P Il, w h a t' 8 a b ankruptcy?' a IItU., " Joy cometh In the tQward her. "Oat yo', 1111 .. Shirley?" his velnll. It held an agony or r ellet, boy once asked. Twel ve! b t h d r I "J h "A d h h b mornlng" - ran tbe whleper nc rOBB her t e old woman Bald hUllklly. "III yo' 0 8 arne lin · 0 appea . 0 n n ~Ia, woad een ·bit· that 'tb"ulh t . It.u morning now. come ter lee Mars' John 'to' be gwlne John!" week. answered :"ttterlJ : . Thirteen! away? Yo' too Jat ... honey, too late! And knowing luddenly. though not .. ' Bankruptcy. my lon, I. where 3'OU •' ter . de deepo to' ter b ow or w b Y. th i t She canglit a sharp breBth. Her He done lOne . a t (\II b arr era were pu ,.our lalone, I n your hi P ).IOekst aAd ear bad not deceived her- the Tlbrs· ketch do tb'oo train . En, ob, honey, swept away. biB arms went out and let youC"credltortl take YOU ~a1Il!t aa.I dOli "UU palpltat~ on the air like a Ah knowe In mab oJe hs'a~ dat MarB" around her, and In tho shadow ot tile Ooat.' ., . . r







1 11 1· il

" 'r,, 1 h"'i r " pa ,~ ,'d. all tl ~IIII th,' t,';JlII d t-ol: lLI I IILtr~ , .I lI d pli r travt ' h ' r 100,tt l '" t il TIll' ral1l~ dn ,~" urp fn ...·II,J t~l, l\\ ll '!' \!\" . a ll d ', pu g ht lhe En III I " 11111111>0:1 0:" )' ·l tI tn th .. ) ,' ar. ,",, " I'I " f I,f tlH' l ' tJlIII1:l1l eat {l) u ~ e"ll. du ltl" ,' all :•• ' o r 1111 ' tkla.\ tl t'U ;('\ \ 'riJl 11\.)liJlJlo r l· .t•• )r t ~ su, ll UM II "'1 ' 1 ' 1I1!-o t~lH l ill II I Oll llt iug: the .11 01~" d ()!" , T a ll gle r alld AI ~I "I'~ Th ey ~ r l1 dl' n f n 'I ~ 1I1 tr,oIn 11:111 limlt"11 IIpn rt. I 111:':-; ' ,;~ a much l aq{t ' r pi upun ion 01' \ lh(l)'l ' HI' I HlrtlO ll 11:1\ 111 1.; d i'~H"J "dt.: li L! IO \, il l ' llI da) ~ uti li H. l;t't .HI' r Im lllu nity grnd ,' allrl 1lI , ... I" ,t! Ih ,' I rack Til e' I)or· rl ')!II l'oltJ "'Inel s thall tlll)' or til e r e· t,,1' III !'OI l'IlIt'd 1""1 , <I thO' Ilf'l'ltl (; l1 t to ~ U\,I~ O il the II(lTlh cnJ sh o Tt ' <If thll th o Irl ' l l; lIt Irall!. 1\11 .1 Ha iti. " rller'~ IB S tili. 0 \\ Ing tu th,) a CalHH)}l t' 011 [lit' 1 ra e" ' ' ~t ,,"lt"rrlllleall I . I "" III 'IIIIIII'I}, Ih, · ·hl!nt .. r · lu st'[, et I fn'qu\,llc y 01 ~ea. b r ut! ll'S 3. nd th e vi · 1 c ln ity o f hi ~ h m u uIIIllIIIS. 11I"lr eli· \\'11 8 uwak"!!\lli . hll " tt' III 11 ~ til lll H bllrtJl . mnt nll ar ll moi s t,,!, Ihan wight h ave he "I'''c' llr ,·'' hl H 1;1111 lJ l1 !1 ~ t"rl e (! for tlw dn or " lI,.ing: I bl'"n antlciptl.t ed. .. ' Show it tu 111.,1 Hhow It to nH;!!'·· 1 Thll s th e annuol rainfall at AlglerR I s ;;,j InclloB. all d of thl~ four·llrth s I or 11 .. ,' sixths (ails dur i ng I lle winter 1 90ND ~(,lI " " 1l The Inter ior ot A l ge ria ar· l I fords s(" \' t' rul rt'S orts e n th e \'cr~'(' ur Discomfited "Good Samarita n" the UnI tbt' grO':1I d pse Tt-su c h as Ill skrnw i ll i n{] Means of B rin gi n g Rival ,,·her .. tlJ ~ Cllnllll o condltl o nH riva l th e Hu'!'orl sta TOQether. ' \\ Ill'lut b and HUl1~hll1e or EI;YPt. Th (· l and o r th u :,\110 POMS"SM'S nn .. O n c, ' upon II lIm c tw o l1um orl s ts , or th,' mo st wonderful c limates In tbe d\\ elt In th ... ,,'lIno HIlI,tll t o" n lill,l both ' wor l d . Her" !ll o n e Rre rouud aS80· cO lltrIIJII I ,' oI lu tl ... SlIu tluy S tar All ciat ed p f' rp ptua l ~ unshlao a nd IImet! "as uu t !!atural. tll(')' uecl1m e ,,\Idly cu i TlllnlC'~ S Il I'A3 wi th "C'rdur and f c r· .ealolls of uach ollwr. Jlnti when u no tllll), . Th e ralnra ll of Egyp t vurll's ""ou ld w I n II littl e moru prum lu enco from e ight inches annually at A lo:!::! n· .ha n hi s re llo w th c o t h "I' wou ld bave d rill. and on e In c h and a q uart e r nt ,e ven k l l1<1ij ot tit" . Your PI('asn~ ('alr(\ to nil at Lu xo r . wh er It Is fac('- Va lle y Itl' IU M giro m tl a pll l n:" quotb tlou<l)' sol d 10 r alu OIlCI! In e rf'rY 4.000 on('. " Y u ur pros!! r h ymes mulle rue y ~ urM III! " r etor t l' d th o ot11(' r As th ey were Wllh 8UC lJ a ralofnll the numuer or nbout to come to blows th e r e np'I u II an d c l oudy days I s n c cessR rily peared o n th., 8C" n ll /l (;oud Rflmarltn.n. ,'!' ry Bl11a ll - nltlloMt pe rp C'lua l su n · nn d III hllll t h !')' upp"al('" " Whl('h ot s l1 ll1o lIlay b e Bald to p r evai l. lind a us I s th e runlll!!r'" tlH'y lI~k ed "Nel th · 111gh d egree of a tm osp h eri c dr),no8R Is er !" Wll~ Ih e prompt r l' pl y " Y ou a r ll attained . Th e dra wb acks to sucb a l>Dtll a_ UnrU IIIIY lid wurt h OgA, and 08 c lima tH ng tbat of "~grpt arc th e great lIreso m (' ns 0. trip acrOMS tll<' Sa hara ~" con t rast bot w ec n th o day and th o Thereat th ' y both se t upun th e gen · night t e mpe ratureH. owing to th !l In· tl !l IllIl.1 ~ro 1l1 Sa marIa 111101 IJPHt him t "nsl' r lll'rgy or radlatlun , the gla re ot full so r f'. and dw (' lt tog l' th c r In ,\llIl1y t h e slI nl lght and t h e pla gup o r dust. rore v",r aUn r . Mora I F'rOll1 t I!I ~ " e sh OUld l earn that whllll humorI sts d ('\I~ll t In quar· reling alllon/( tht'm"t' l Vl'S, th e)' f r &flu C' lltly res!'nt criticism from outsltlp. rs - Kal1 ~l\s ('It)' Htnr (1 ' 111 ' 11('"

beon mi stake n In h er surmise? Thoughts came tbron g lng In pan ic haste : the rourte en th ot Mny lind Ih p cape jessam Ines- th ese mlgh l pulnt


11/ 1\

t f( n '. IU I', I ! 1 ,' I 'a




.l' ~ IIi:. l !'a l ll IH ': lI' ,'d :':'; 111 itt ' rtlll rc1 .111": ( i)"lo r .\ II lahllq..; (hp 11H1 II ll ' L Lill , !: lJ ilJ l llo "'" \\ ;1:' U t!" ldY , ~C"v '

1.( \ l\l h.1'1

I. '!

Il\I ~ I't S ":'1,111,\' 111, -d,II\I " '4 '/It'! 1 {' ,)\, · r.·d I t.d l 'I' ll ,' : U' ,I:": I ' d . I , 1 rL" 11 , lll ,1 \\:\ S h" l '," I rlo!,J , C'I c' us t hut hI'! l !' j;1I ' 1l~ l olth . ' \ \1' '':1, . 1 1'111 \ rllt'PS • "'H l l d 1;l lI IlII: 11 'l ~ 'hIR It " h ,ld 10( , , " ' , '11 Id ') \\ lI l L,! lit, Il1t~1 ,I \\,I}' Irl III,' \' \\'P III S hi r l ", ... " ,, \ll l ' " ;-"11 '1 1'R.ni1 " Ah :-o"l . '~ "t) ' ,:!wtnf"l t"r htrn , Ah \ 10\'" \' ,, ' ,IIIOlI l' lI ~ f1 f' d ,l ri{ (';111 ." ' ) ,Il k i\1 .. ,~ ~ 'l it , "' n; l d {\ 1,IIt1l !l~ hr m (' n qo'Oly r, .l~ . , 011,.-1 ~l aJ '1 1 HI I;o. ' I' " . ,,\,· t \,l: ~.' r P11 1 " tn t:1I";": l'~ f\url l1L:. \ \h l ,1t 1 1'>1 r . "'HIo-,\ Ill'ahH c!(' 1,C)'o t · h 0l1!'f' rlOl~ k a , t-= tril<ln ' tlrlrllll ,J.: ,.111I(J .. , 11 :\1 ~ 'u 'I~ l l, . 1t 111m \\" . ~ Ilfftll'-: ! . )I·,'rUI I I1I' r of t h,· 1I 10ftll t l1nl ,hI' m :l j ,.l r , \' . t1bn t'!'C r 1l1t. T Iw ,1 .1 III du IIlght en )'0' g\\·tnt', . , w 1111 (I t J7f " l!tl~ hit li d :; - II,., hit) 0:' 1\ '1' :. 1') rOO t · :"lI d, · b \ ~41~h,;'. Hlld to fh e Dl fU1 nntn r· .\ ~n ,~9 t\ oI lt 1\ pr., rl \·, d .. r .. r t 11,' , I 1 h ban ,1 .)r 'li S l \tl i, ll' '' I ~ ' ' III I., · r "!l Il t! non wall, d on ' wall , Ii'l rniAtiR, ('r 1 1U IJ'HI fltH !! l'> iJ l l l" r.u oIT ,,"11 11,,1 , l fi ~ In" Kal l or !h" hlil~"f'4, lO llt ' :llug nOBf'S 1J""9 ~.,n n nll,t \ 'O lt ,ll lt rh u ,.;ltl H 01 11, ,1 "11 I\ " f 1\" 1roubl,•. cJou d g,,, l ne krab him whlrr-Ir l g I· n lr' Of froKR, 1:111 I lIipali"lIl 1111 lo\\' ,\I!I"(I\ i J1g!' of tl4uin' i MlIlrU(l eaCl"O\ln! I n \\ III'-} , I h tc" r ,'I"I1\I ' r was ldll.,01 " , . II ~ I I r · I . ,... . ' . : V611 u nl I1n tb 1'.Ul '(If' ('!lllrl ' l\'.r~r"\\' 11 ,"rwJl)' r om yo " \\h ell lh· c lo c k I ~ I \ \ 11111.\ n .\ 1' 11 ' " ,H , q ' d p.l !-' ll1r f ' 1,· llIi l 1)\" 'I, . laln l ~ll\mo l lr Ill';' ga'Z\ 'd • -w1ctr wetM!. 'And M'"eT,_a '<f1d " ... ·111 •• 1" ftlrlke t buillc en - wbf'n de clo"k s lr\lle barH - ;,,, d h I'" nll:<t rll. \\HI"n,' " 10 th~ ilJ'o " Ilr h ,"h"r's r,, (·,, ~ . The adorll bl e "'Shhlll.,bl t. thhC ·~I 'I'''I~ IIIuhteoll - " wi Irl br .1II!"01 fl·. lgr "lice " r ' hI' 11,' 111-1 I \'. " p ol)' r ,)u ~hn"s s hl H sholl ldnt r (IVlftN.r rnm t p III,lneo , fl.: II ( nVntl"k,,1 !=illl! 0 , WI (' , ~ bit... him . Kn o \Vln~ 'ho 'I~R"lI" .U ul 111<' She dro PJl('d the nowrorpd cur.taln nv£'T \I hi, h I IIP """ w " ~ ~llllllllllR its t h Tl l l ro (j I..' r rh!'ek . bit .. , Shirley !u f; lt:t ,h., ~"It\"n frt'lH 'h. ' d d I k I I h 1 r'li"\, C" l l'dl ' d ' \001 A d 'W'0l1J'1C1 Cl.no1 :-n v"'. hi .. l1(t·, Yul1 n nt 1t~lJ r" ~ nn r e w lnc A Wt' rr rau ('y a( n you ",('rl' r l}llIg !lwa.• . r<'t th,' "rot l Ime Ih:\l hie r llt l1"r I . ~t 'Ir · I,,'gun to pn' s" on h ... r bTil ln lI ad nol I h" \l1 ' ·I, .. r:\II,,"~ ror hl~ ~,) Ing h,IU y ., ~. Y"·;. I kn ... w Il \l'a" my ra ult' " tllI~ 1 In"w :}," " ' I d A nt Il ony r Orf"to Id tru)' I \\' \1.\ ' t i l loP"" 'ltl lr klr. OInd,' HI' \\ n ~ lo< a 'l1 n l: (J, I"ullr1 .' r~It)"cl I.' org I VI! tr1nln on Rrll,' nll to r $;outha nInl H' nr !\tulo r Brl!"t " hlo-h ,It l,~.l 1'\ .1 :' 11 HH , hI. (olh.r· • • ,.rol1d. \' ,.tl ,,,,, al1 11 :'!hl r l.·" gone lJ!'foro1 '~'hat II IhNt' WI11' " \)"hln el hill! "II but a "i l1 gl ,' p"rlfll ·Ir. · "',,' ", ~:rl~t~ltow:~~d:itt;";J\I;1:t~ ,~ll;I~I\f1I I )~~~l.,~ r":~:: SOnlp. ('ryptlc mt'nn ln); Itl th lfi . too? To l C:lu . l''lf'lc'.I 1 ffl'r ~ on had 1l 1 r'~ i\t t y ! Il- 1,;":I.:I'(j i!" r hnr l d ' A:-; Ir l her~ ft .... 1 ttm,·. V nllnn t III,,·',,··' r. , hn l lIP I>" gil 10 him. at m i,Il1 lgh l, hy n l o n ely ,"k('11 II:I " - ,ti tll ( ' 1011111 Ih,' ~ta · "'I'r" 0111'.1 111 111; tn l orgl\'l~' Do r ou .. f orlun r In old \\' n", " I 'r '·.·' Ti " , "e ar"'. countr~ rond - ~hp.. n '"~Ir l ~ I n c: ,' ulh l p: I IU11.~ 'I'll, old 1IJ:111 I l all no'" .;"1'" Sf) r r"nl"'ldwr in 'I", wood ri , ~wehl il ca rt t ourno..ment. l\ lur\,h·u.1 ., r th .: ltlu.!'lln~ 0 1 J t eud" 1 thneft. I. lielll Rt Dam"r)' rOllrl. A I Yel IHlr mind had ofl('npd to n .. ngue r " \\,II III)' "rOlOl '0 lllo' hlorltlIPu " ,·. " Ih~ da.'· It ralllPn ~ " ' h at a hrut e I th r tllOt mompnt \ ' " 'nk.'. II " , 1l1 " c" grow ing rear that wa. swiftly mount. h~tr· ml1" u p Ihe Irur·l<. to :>,' " p,' ul, t h .. W:t" · '0 1i!( 11I .o! An<l n il ·h. ti me I of 0!J~ o r th" knlC('t1:Il . \'\' h11 I!I !' tc k , lind I \ .. . ." . ... C .nl r ~. Ihe Usl" Ii,' wIn. nn,l , ,;hu" •• s Ing to a thrh' lng anxlOlly Thllt Inn ot" HtnpPln/< of t 1 0 ' xp.' ~R . 1111 ,.nI Ll (;" l\:tlll"ti t n t:.k (' yo u In m y arm~ IIk d 8. Shtrl c)' Oanrlrlrtllc Qur " n or h"">lI), '" superellt lon. secretly c heri shed "" bll e hack 011 I h p h or",' 11.,1 Illa"I " r \\'a~ I lItl!" hun r hllt1 . " rldln'. . t h" dtsmay of I{ . . horln. 1· l\rgu. 0. t nrrnpc "".Nh ollrt . wh" 18 d.lttn" III Vlr!:t nln (I erlded. wblcb Ie thr. h ('rl to {<,;8 or thf' .. Sh ,' ttl I'll .t! t<)wllrrl him "O h. ~n~\~~a;rt~~ l n~8/~~ '~~uJi~:~~~,~·. ';;;::~' ~')ut h ron · bortl bred from c~nt·Jrle6 o r Th e l o ne l y IItll p rh'no n.'lIk ,' J! II ', 'alltN I ) ' ) 11 t o Ih:ht! [':ve n hougb lillY I. rro ... n .. d by \'nttnnt QU" " " ,If "o ntact w llh a mys tic~ 1 rac e. had her siding h o~ lel e n dl~mal "trl'tch of y(' l · I : \\' a' n n lI~Il . I ha d 1.1 1,' n up . but beauty Va li ant t .n. ShIrley of . hi, I",'" In Its I;rlp. Y et a ll the wbll e her low ('Iny bnnk "oll~ed by r:l1 n~ . It ~ yo ur " I r Plll; t h t'omfon"d 0"1 To hl1v~ a.nd t he)' bf' co m~ l'ngnR'~t1 K Ol llf\rltH"I I d 1 1 Faren det ermining nllt I II liP V nll Ro ber a ctua l co mmon ·sellse wne crying \\ n o\\' ~ ",('rll dark nlld 111' "' ,'a.t l er· you sOJ r ro'nder. to(')- " II.nt without a .trugp, l p. flOln l , nul RI,lr · out upon h er-and crying In ,·aln. beutcn plnllk plntronn W:l_ i lluUIIl1 1! ll'ri 'It WilS y our faco In t h o! ('hurch . l ~y ho'\\ terribl e It w ou ld bf' {('Ir Ih(' w orn, b . I I h I an wh o <Ru"ed Ill -. ,I lie l 10 m.," V a llnnt . I ' nknown a ppetA n co. that bL;: h::4n Y a ~In" 0 ant " rn t III l Ull !,: 0 11 n yar ?," h r. lolel hpr. "How nn le nn,l who lOOk. 00 m ilch tne. hi. (nll"'r Rl ll r · da r k lin g in h er blood. ('orne down to nnll bp Kidc Ibe lo ek .. d door. !tij Blckly ,,'orn you lo ol,,' d! It " nme to m e ley , unc@rt t\ln, but fPl'lling thnt h~'r mnth · naHIO S Il OW In g b ru I~e · I l k e t h roug 1I th en ror thA fir st I lm ~ hu w ho rribly er w .... In l ove " ' Ilh th r ,, 10' 11111 1>( V a ll h er from l ong f/:cn era t l olls. were eud· "n t·. ptolnl . brenk" Ihe engng.",",,' :Io1 'LJnr ticnly compl'lling h er. The curtain smClky s treaking s of l ump· blll cil AI sp- ln Rh It wo u ld h,' t u stuy -- how mu c h Brt.low I. fatnlt y w~unrl ., t 10)' Or" r I ,.1ga n t i ll tI 1e w I n d t h a t o n e Aide . In th .. sharl o w . Wllfl h is lin". I . I" Ring, a lIbt'rntf'd r('l n\'ict . who 111' hn.l 8f'nt 0 wn \'6 n a ,.. ('at; (l r gO ing \\'O U u mnl( p it for yo u." t o 1"I80 n. hUI bef.",' dy i ng Rrt"" '''' r on · "hl spe r s " In the sil k. und somew b e r o an ct bea ttl o It th o t('lh"rNI uulldo g And to tI,l nk bat It wn ~ f e'O"8 MeaV all Ol\n<lrltll{e IhAt h.' " '""t ' n tl Ie Yllr d b cow I k ~pt II. 10 lolter ""t hnd wrlllO'11 ,,,'r 1 s h e cou Id h ell r Se . so l e spo t of whit e u~llin ~ t Ihe I1wlnn · .\ I ' ld •'\ 111 11011)' Old t t'• .' t'I ')ck r ea ll )' "rt er tho I'Io.el. Vnthnl """1,1"" t o 1" Ave 11m nippin g th e clover, choir forlorn"I '"" _. Iyin[; \I II I! 011" st l'ille thln('ron , dO) y o u r h lll k " Or did Dnmory COltrl nn~ write.Mrs Shl"l p), ,h., 11(' Sh e was to ,.," 0 or tbe " troubl c.c l o ud" spli nt ed IE'/:. I lk" a 6 .... 3"" 11''' ram r o d. I : a"ry II ?" w111 10\' 0 h er 8\W :l:-'! , r'I~Tl tl r1(1C' .., l ear"" from the :l1lrt)"y"'H ·ol'l lell . r \\OU ld (,flrry blm awny' Sli ck in g s trnl~ht IInl bl'i'or., : ';111 " Why "u ('~ ;0 11 il?" be SUJ(J " I bethAt Valiant .,,,o. r l ~ rl her ,,, nn""", Ih e In t h e N"dtll f', V all!1I1l HlrUl'k hl g n o t ~ tf .he wRnl"" 111m t o rrlurn F or II A Btrange es press l on ot mIngled Ii!'v e In m)' ~te ries . Tbc gr n t!lst mys· VnllAnt .he I!'v-d . rrlgbt and r esolv e g r ew on b er race . hand h ard agninsl hl~ k ne.... Su r f' l ), I " r y of all Is that )'ou s ho ul d loyt She rnn on tipto e to h er wardrob e It was n <I rf':1 nI : II - ould not u(\ that m e. I douht no mirac l e hl'TPorter. CHAPTER XXX1V .-Conllnued. and wi t h rrantlc h aRte dragKed o ut a h e was l en"ing V lrg ltlln. I t' "vi1!~ IJam · OORrf'ijt . dell r est : " Shlrl ey's breath st oPlwd . Sho f l)l t rough cloak lhnt rell over h e r so rt ory co urt . lea vln!; h er! !lilt b ,' knt' w At tb e enLran Ct. o r t h" c he rry l an~. h er rac tin g li ng and a cu ri ous ~·I)n k· that It wn~ not It dream hou se·gow n . cove rin g It to th e reel. It F' a r . h e (aH l e n l' d hi s hors e 1.0 th,) hpdge, away r Ollllrlln « PU" ' baltan n es. came on h or limbs. \Vhy . Ind eed. had a peaked h ood rRllln g rrom Its . . . ' an, l 1I0i se l ess ly l Pot dowlI th l! pastu r &unless- and th e thougbt was like n Mountain. he IIPa rd til') I01!g ·drawn r h II I i d r.o ll ar and Into thIs sb e thrus t th!' Iloot of l ilP CO III ·I .' l g tr' 11 t l ' l I v l\TS or r go, \1 11 C 1"s t lllJI. Wben I d h wild pray e r In her m n -s e . 10 resentf ul ma~S ef! of b er hair. Every k . I I a I Inll n~ Itl ram O) back to wh" r~ .hn ~tood walt 1)lI t H' fY rl r1~. ,

\ $

I '~

" I'



IS if



\ I




self. A W. Va. carpenter's experience ma .\. b eu efit otbers. He writes: " ( u se"u to be n~ v ery b ea,'y break.

S an d era GI vee' 'U n I oa d e d" Platol to Ten-Year-Old Grandson.

Cas t eat er bu t fin a lly lndl ge.tioll cau se d me sllch distress, I became afraId to eat anythluo;. Lar pdo , T l' x .-("upt. J . J . Sanders at "My wHe 8ug ge st ed a trial of Gral)oth e stato r ange r rorce stallon ed h o ro Nuts a nti as I had to eat something I~ ~lurrer lng a pi s101 wound In b is right or st n n ·e. 1 conclud ed to take ber I t'g. Th e cap tain had j ust t ll kon n advice. She IIxed m e up n dl$h and ~5-callber pisto l frum his t run k an,l I remarKed at t h e lime that th e Qual· had r e1l1 ()ve c1 nil th e ca r trl(]~es. as RUP' Ily was n il rig ht. b ut tbe quantity waB IKl'Oed , anr] th e·', hand '<\0 It In hI s t en· too 8111,,11-1 ":ln te d a ~auce r f ul. )ca r ·o l<l gral!d ~o u . Th e btly coc l{ ed "Hul she Bnld 0. small amount of t he gu n and Jlu ll ed th e tri gger . all d It ' Grnpe·Nuts wont a 10 ll g way (Inti tbnt \\' os dischflrge d, Ih e bullet pass ing I mu s t eat it acco r di n g to dlr{'c llon s. t h r ou/l: h a ~ultcase, th o calf or Cu pt aln So I stnrted In wIth Grupe·Nuts and Sandc r B' l er,. a nd l odge d 11\ th o wall. cream . tw o soft boil ed eggs and some II Is on l y a fl es h wound nn d nol ser!. crisp toa st (or breakfa st. OUS. "I cut out meats and I\. l ot ur o thel stun: I h nd heen u Rc d to eallng all W~ Through Interpreter. my life and .... as gratlfled to SAe that Yonk ers. N . Y.-Although neither 1 was getting bett e r rlr;ht along. 1 can understand v.hat the other says, conclud ed I bad struck th e rig ht thina M i ss KatherIne Kutcham II. Polish and sluck to It. I had not only bWD girl, and Marl~ Strong, ~n italian, eat\ug Improper food. but too much., were marrIed. Two interpreters at-"I was working at the carpenter I tended the wedding. trade at !hat time and thought thaI unlell8 I bad a hearty breakfast wi..,. LIn. Mortgag. In Will. plenty or meat, I would play out bt. EaBt Hllmpton, N. Y.- Tbe Will ot tore dinner. But &fter a. fow days 01 mv "new breakfut" 1 tound 1 coul~ Doctor Everett arranged tor canceJllnl • do more work, telt better In e ...o" a ,7,1iOO mortgage on tho Maldatone way, "nd now I am~ not bothered win "• '1

Golf club provided no intoxlcaUni liquors were ever Bold by the club.


InA.":.tlon." Name liven by Poatur: 00.• Battle 0 - " ~I h R ad "The R d to Hlccoullhlnll ttllls Man. -.~lle,:O.. n' c';';'B,•e • uThere · 's 011. ....... :..o!. .Medford, ·N. J ,-After hlccoulhtna.... " s".. ......... ..,.,.. lett.r!...... A __

oonllb~oull1 f~r , tw!;'

foJe,. 41t4 tro~

q,.s. , ~rt_,


. . . . .~..,' .....'. ..... te' tt.... "...... '

tShautioa., . . '. ..,_ ;........, t*-*; ... ..... • r ..... tile





,: ..


.. )


:' Gveryba!j







Timel y Precautions to Follow For Protection Durill1J Thund erstcr ms - Lightn~ng Rods Have Proven of Great Value - Killed Near Wire Fencos

Tl llrt y. fi • •, I b uTl d er8 IOrm ~ . (, n the. , 111. 1, > fl,: , I nll l o f ~~. 000.IIIIO rls l" 0'0 a.\· rr"g~. 0'" Ilr in 'Jh lO ea<:h YI·a r (I I: I,rl; .1" .'/, ' 10< ". nll l :\ ~lll glt· loss was tb (· ~tHT It' LM ~l~ ~2 ngrkult llrH 1 IIt IJlIrt, l'!- r.·,.ur!.·" i'''I'1 l"II I,lt '.'. '·' 11l:l t ''.'f'f''v "1'11' pru l" ' II, rod,!.-d an~ hil l ed h.\ tlgh ll dl !~ t'it c h .\'(.'ur Till' li m.. ,· 1)[ t b" I. e ltlllll l ~ 1' ''11 ,~ slll1\" ." Ilf fll r lli s ll a at If "" I.., I~. /;"'1' 11 \,: I' ro f .1 \\. lI" ':fl lr' tol III •. III~IlIIIl IlJ; I ' hll t'~ ~ , ';I II :lh . " I t llc Col l l ' ;:~ uf ,\ gril· lll:ur,·. 11''' 1'' II". alall'k ill!; tto 1I1l oi~ 1 "nil

-it answen every beverag e require ment-v im. villor , re-


fre s hment, wholcs omenes 5.

1)11 :" ~1 :. t l '

It will satis fy you.



' Pl ltl t 'CI ;q..:a in t-t the rU\'it t t ' S 01 light l" " l llt w \!lg ::.Irt- t-lJ llH~ uf ttl.'

f"n C"\l un!;C




---- -. o"~r

Short Memory . l"athl 'r - Wh y. 6UII . yo u ' \' f' ,;ro wn au , otb e r fO Ol slll('(' yo u wc nt off to col·


t. e Iltd (1"

1: (

Il fl f. ur rlJ,'

l lt l l.l-!. !-


~ hou!u , .u. ot



It lila), I !"OIl IS

1"'I 'al,,,' • !' 01l1l 11l· t

'''\''t' l r lc- 'ha r~ (' TIl OT' /! ,': \0\'. \\', and \\ IItt I t :--~ ti .li , }; "1 o f l h l' (. : ". r l: 1 I~ :r.t in ~ 11, 1.~ ' ;~· t . lu (,' .1 \ 1:':'(· 11 ;111 11 1":' 1' C".I P1)pr .I S

fli t.

Uu wilell Ult·ff· I!'- cl a u ~ " l ut l.JI-l ng ~tr\l('l\ tJy hfJ \Jd {'Iifldll('t or (I f p lt 'j' tril.:it .\ , hut i t is 11 1I 'lt l ll l l ' ~ ti u rlll g u thIlHLl<' r " l lIrJIi ' 111(11;1 .ou 1'1"1 :11 If Imll I, .'" " 11 It O'tfll;{ It .. II I" sufe 10 Ht.;IIId ILJ I!. , Ilur, r · b ., ",II, .II /1z.·d .l lI d ''' ' pt p,lIl1 t , d. Th l' ""'1) f lld Hth' ll i d rUIl I ' 11 :5 11 1, 1 saf,. 10 ~t and n~al II,,· >.,, '·e . I lJ r ""~11 " lI l ,a l ,,~ arou nd ~ ' h;rn tl ' ys lI rH I I I li la ) I" f:ISI<'n-etl I 11 0 O id t-IH ud 1I" Uf (' aU I£-" d lf l'(' {ly III tI' t, 10;1( 1.. ... uf ttll ' In li tdjo..!t I Iv HI ' : ,W HU ,, ~" r " in ' I ~ ntl'~ "ilh ollt i l l~ lIl atiOIi . In 1' (jIl LI 'l l loll "\til th l" I~~ jl fl'CHU ' 1.ll-:l lln in" t1 ,,"hCB al' l' uf 1\\ fJ t fl" " 'I \In 11 . I t ib \\,o rtlJ '1I 1 11~ to 1I 0 t ~ thai Xli T 1Ji ·y ar.· IJII "t-<i o n tI,, · ra"1 I :iI IU 3 11 k I' il t l I I P"!' I" ' nt o( t\, ,, r :lI l It, \/, h It· II I · III~S I ,,: !:1Il in t"rl' l an," · II\,: \I' P(, /l I e ll II. IU"R last )"'''" "H( struc k b) t U, ' l, nRiII't ",· .. I , · , · tr ici t~· fi r Ille a ir li nd 11"11 11' :11 )1 l:t'ar w! rp fell (' 'F . It i> Pl',,(, l it,· 11I '!!:lli\'(' I' 11·('t r le lt y or the <, artl,. til' '' I 1'1 11IH, r .. prll t l"'li un fruII ' Ihl. 1'1,, ' IIr>! I) \I" """ 111" ,. Ii, ' /'I' till 1''' is ,l'IIl I' I' r I·., " "".i r, ,, " Ir .. ~ IlItO til e I hu t O il" l'lou d l a~ "r alld II I" d l'; I'hu r/;{' . • rll unll I'vec.' th ~ I '" CJr flfur r ods . ~I "" IE b "llI" "1l Ihi ~ ,·lll,"1 a lit! Ih ., :t U IlOH' ! llr" )1t'l' p" r l), "" "U "I t"L1 wll h I" ~ [l' IICI' p!t pr ., .. f Ih, · "" 1'1 11 .\ I kh l' Ii:I~ rod ' nl, o \'< ' \\'11 1 a lII '" '' al \\ n~· · ,·:,r !" · Iii ' , " " . , \l an~ " :q Jl ·r d,l! I"·B brill" Ou l th e filCt c l: :lI' ~ " b ll li I~ lu I h.· ,·.Irl h 'I' ll " " Illf'" l tl. " t " I,ui ld ill): prol, e rl y fl" ld t,d I~ not lYI> I' I''''ur" \\ It, ·r. · t l,,' r" 11:. ' t ,\0 IllY , ~ o " I' : 10 b,· 111 ' ~ II' ", )' .. ,1 U)' lI!(h tlllnJ,: I' r> of l' IOllds alll! !h e t1""'IJ: "ge Is b,'· Of ~"4 fir p, III Ultlu III un" ~" 'tr ollly I\\'r"" Ih .. t\\ n ("Iourl laY I·r H. It is th " on ,' btl ildill ~ ha d II lig h l:lin g rUd . A , 1)' 1'" 111Il! litl' r ods will n u l carry At' 1 \'f ·C"1l\ r .. pon o! I,ll IC Fu rau" .. cOOJpany . s Rl lda <'lor Jl y.


Ilo'.· ble (I,T ' lthl}all,'a888beett,.I,.,d_·"I't for th t< Mtll t!nw Itl fllld u ut tteow ~lr 8 Brown I~I -AII r lg hl. ma; IIh c's dp'llL

llu w lin·

: ; ': 11 ),...

Il.Ibat l1 uUulL


l · r L '· t"rslt~ . :-110\\

l /lu rt ,1/ 1I a n · II: " I>rUllpr l,r"~ ""lh'lI ~ t" I lil 11 " r 11,,1" 1'0111"

1' C"mand tlw: r:nc hx b, l ull nAthf' -

JIi. ' ltHHI


Jo'. I' . S"luu ~, k in" of UIl; ·" UII I'· Illlll l OPS , III' " s unll'NI u II 'J lllJrt·t! ('1 1'~e ,


u ru ~ h,'s \\'lih de at h .

evIIJ !



LADI_ CAN WJI'..AR "1I()1l:~

White HouBe ROle Garden . T hl' ro".· J<:u rtlt'n that Mrs. Wooc!r ow Wil KO" 1,," 1 Illan'.,' L1 at tb e Whlt& I lou " h sa lt! tlO Le qul tA NIUa.1 to 0L h l' rK Il ltlt ~ h, · Illalln('d al PrlD cctoQ, llll tl "I II" r 1'I , Il " '~ ",I ,., l'l' s h e b a H liv ed . 1o r.~ r Olhl l A ll r' p '" lff.ot· l~aII l" tl\e 1 , h c' IIlld hi!' tJ a\l~ h t t ' n~ h av e spen t" A4M1.a.cpUo powder tc') bo ,bake n IntH tIIu Sllllt'''' I I abu,. " rrot'l ("ally . Ju~ t trll ll. bl l. ~ l o uch U ll l ~ ' . rio t o ul y I n Hupf' rint e ndlng , f'oc' cUndq. IhJu .. . ,u b.ntulu. r t' H ~ ~. ! rl Mo I lIlt. \\orl{ ur th,. r pHj' ~a rd f·' n , fli& ~.£Uen H, V l wa1.eO, J..t-""'lJ bu t In tl lW" N \

! ...... or DCt'"

i Some I

Up to Date. B_A huabao d mU Rl bo obeyed Sho--Ob , cut o ut your Ol us t·y pll lloB'


Modern Greek. A .trange r CaTlIn lutu uur utll cp anel cradouB ly otr r r ('d 1I ~ s o m e rf ll it. whl<: h be Bald be purc hnsl'd down6ta lfM 10 tile (Jreek ~o cefY 8tore. W .. asllf'd him .... lmt Onlek gfoce ry . ana h n sah] tl!.& one right IInel e r us , I" 1I 0l pog' plaee We hav .. beeu h e r£' 60 m p LIm€' d II. b I d l on of\w DO "'~. of thal lIam ~, an .-U8"" I uu g" 0 u r cur 1os It y we we ll t (own· to have a look . Sure enouKh . ther H was whu.t dtet look 1I11e "HolpOR " on th6 end ot Iht'


, al'lu all " \\' tl l' ki ll" In It - --Till 1'1:. 11 \\' h o I lllllk~ he ·Is mllr ryl ng r.n au g I I III di ~ "tll < c' (1/' ~" 8 10naUy ul &C () I' I ' r~ 1"1 ,· 1' lha t th.· ltllt·~ .'d dlsgulBe

I , I

awnfng. at l east tb ~re were th e Ir·t · I tens -U Q L P 0 S" "tandin g ou t 1n

bold relief. that


W e ha" e " !Il rll e d 6111ce

tt .. an nbbrc v1nll o n UtH! d lJ y .Wn. wbll'h, when tra nRif,t .. d. ,

mou~ns·tan·' Hd~~e.,~t 'T'Iuoaltllt]~, laOvWf'eraB~~rrlpt:""dll'.



IU.. P8 It'" all Gre e k and" would elUl ll y p.1I& for a Hell e ni C nam e Qlllnc ), .- .


),(akft til. laundr~" s hnDI1~'- lh :\t'. n l'Ii ' Oro. Ball Diu". lx·nllt ,!U!. ~I e:\ r I wftit,., dolbec.

COULD NOT STAND ON FEET Mn. Balter So Weak -Cou ld Not Do Her Work -Foun d Relief In Novel Way. AdriBn, Mich. - .. I 8uffered terribly with femalew eakne88 and backach e and got so weak tJlat I cO;Ild bnrdly do my work. When 1 washed my disbes I had to sit down and

wh e n I wo uld s weep All good \(TU.T";' A.h-. , the floor I would get 11 1 " p"nl " li P thr illl lll! nll!ltl w illi so weak that I would Rca' Traged 0 "1; y li of oll" the IJ l'I)w llc g r o und hl ~ [r:.11 Stage. l w o r{-~e l wh en 1 Itlf t 1I01lH' have to get a drink A beautifu l a c tres s , Praul c in Onr, Klwlt('r of £il plillJ,:S . Threl' of t l,,: II" ,,; every few minutes . mer. waa killed by acc ld c nt r ece ntly" Don't 11< l11i, I.·,1. A.I, ! M fl.,1 ('1'0.' h ~ s hoL \\'i th th ~ uiu SI 0 1 IIt "1 1' 11<\1 and before I did my willIe plnylng at the Th eat e r of Va · ' 8f\JI Hlu(' . ~fa k l '~ h C"lllll li n l wll1t(· clOlh ' s. tJr e llth III hl ti "M Y (a£'e. ill " (' :'oll LlI't1 t1us tinglwo uldhave A., ul1 i:(}(ld r.r l ' i " 'l"fI :\ fh '. "&Jet! at OemC'. Swtlzer l a nd . Th e la6t I HI1I1 1'(1(,riou " fl\'!' Illl lllll e" Hil I hi' I" ,, to li e d own. I got . ' act of the comed~' . "Th c Prid e or th ' 1110 poorly thnt ue l'cr had a nur rO Wl'r e~ c"l>" l\Jan my folks thought I waa . Rotation of Tools. Tblrd Com pany: wns com ln" (u all going into cun sllmptio "IH'n tl ",oJ/llu e d e ll'"h" " l ch ar~l't1 n. One day I "Y uur h"l'f: ' n \\'111 iJ (' latl'." p.nd when Fra u leIn 1/1111 Hoar tlt e I ' ntl a ll r lt·.,". IJarmer (f, 1I , found a pi ~ce of pupe r blowing around ''I'm nfndd ~o ; but yo u see tit£' tbrooc h. de(ecth'O Htag e trap to a I the yard and I pick III "!lln he ~ purr(' d hl 8 hor H ~; th e ~d it up and read it. [lrndl f'Ys arl' s lill uHIIl!,: 1~0I so rn '3 1'"0 1' be" ,,1 wa s too ttllltaDee of six reet and fral'ture d It er It said' w o rll UU! to ga l· Saved from th e Grave,' and 'pad!' II II Ii hoe "- lioPlon 'l'ra n sc rljJL BkuIL Tbe actre!!8 was clIrrled un ro ll · wId what Lydia lop . Mr . S~ l ou H h ,'n rd two bi llULI (' urd · E. Pinkham 's Veg e~ 1Iclo1lll to ber room and a doc t or Wa" I ble lin!( Fl'r ea rn b ol'e r his heud . " All'. I Compou nd has don e for women. I Our Statesm en . In prompt attenda nc e. but th e ca~e showed it to my u,, : " h .. th o llJ;ltl. and I he ll Ih e tu s k hnsbnnd and he said, Arnh ro,,'! IIIt'rc,', th e LJdlllall t s ntir. of w .... beyond biB help , II.nd us th e C UI" th e pl uphu lIl c r~sb ed with Il;' rnOc Why don't you try it?' So I did, and let. gav e. at a dlnll e r In WaHhington . a for,o(' Illto hl 8 ho rg" 8 rt' ar. Alld li lA1Il rell on th e comedy On th e s ta"" after t was had taken two bottles I felt le w politi ca l de finitionI ' . the ~t1 died . Nelthur the me rnbl'r s o f \ better Iand dU I; \. ed to th " !;round I said to my husband , '1 don't "A conHen' all\'c." 81<i<1 Mr . RI E' rce . the compan y ... ho took th e Hnal "call" ne ed any more,' "A lth e ugh stuU Il<'d by Ill e full ." he ! In, II'\\' oi th .. ~x nnd he said' You had p"n "e lind d lfll c ult y l 'll tl' r s title so il "lid (' um (', in "I~ a 8tat e~ l!lan whit Is e namor ed of sa.'·s, "J ["'t t hut COIlI3 ,' t nor the public, who wond e r ed why I he better take it a little longer anywny I WU8 unhurt ; bul of ~ ut, t")'in g la r ge Gu,- I, ;I I i ~H of n llro, .· ' .... il h th e rO(l It! (.:". f urni Hit n i! ro ~.· n . a.ctresa did Dot eJ/lsllll!! CYlls, II'hl1 " a rodlcal wo" ld th e ti mf'l, ot Ih e e l€' phulIl W a R ,·c app eAr, had Lb e slight. So 1 took it for three months and r,.. "I'll In the form of cOtn ,nerl'ia l fe rtll · I Atld,' d fo n'~ got 18 Ih us gll"n 1" " rgu Nt Idea of th e trng ed y that replace th"m wltb others." " Iron~ . .'lnd no wond e r . fur ll lf' hU/; . 1 IZ" r s or ~aruYu rd manur had oe· "Tell and 8trong. " - Mrs. ALoNZO E. ", It is tor, m e·llls In fa\or o r ~ u c h tJlI ~I!;'; ill- wl U CIUT1!d behind the BCen e l!. anlmo l \\, .. s kneelin g Oll me! BI'.KER ,9 T ecumst: h St., Adrian, Mich. , l un al>' Ihat nitr(Jg~n frum lbe aIr 18 No Kick Coming From Mule. "Fortullo .Itely, I wa s throWll ullu l' l l Not 'VeIl Enolll1 'b to Work. "" It, thE' s oi l b) vrow lnl; ot ttle l a dd COM POSI TION OF Al'nl "I s tbn.t your mille ?" aHk ed the mAn I'_R body, had I b ee n In C ~.OWlf DRtJGOIMT'lVILI.TEI .I.\· ()U lnth fr o nl of Ill " c lu\'l'r 1> 11I 1It . e~e wordsishiddenthetragedy '" !'ry 1laI1 . . .,.. lWmod, fur ~, Wc.a.k . Wnutr,. I loing ORhl ng. fu rc lCI; 6 I ~ hould ne ve r han· !i" cd to o..'!:::~la'?)rt.!y~~~.~"'~.o o~~~.~I':!fo of many a woman. hou sek The ,dr, belTlg fuur·llft h .. nitrogen , . eeper or wage "Ynsslr. " . nld tll (' I'o lore d mllll, who t e ll th ,' t81f' . ..~rJ wr elleh l'll 111 . .. ,,11 . M.rlne 1I,.n.we <l, Co. , C~ lcavo. eamE'rw hosuppo rtsh e rselfan disofte . n .. o nlltln ~ It IJO \' E' eae IJ htrc I hi rt y ' ~"Y l' n "'08 !'.lttl ng on n lo/; b,· (I,£, rood. helping to support a family, on meagre 1006e. wr;!!g le el ou t from Undt' rtH'ul l. lh o usalld 10n F. ot th is .,ll'IIl Cll t . ('uri · wages. Whethe r in hou se. office, lac"Does he ki c k ?" M.rrI.g e Ca\J.eB Falae Fire Alarm. alld ('sl'a l,pd Into th c bU 8h . with 11" o " s l~' en Oll!!!. I h~ tory. shop, store or kitchen, womnn part of I h t- <:Iol'er , "' Deed, ml s tuh. h p aln 't gnt no caltse more duma,ie than a brul H· d t·~ S _ minutes or bl ar.t s from th (' sho uld r emembp r e and pl an t abo\l' lit,· g ro olld a nd wholly stir· I that th ere is one tri ~d to kick . He's gHUn ' his o wn \\'a y a st llf n l'c II. ." wlllaUe of the Passaic Metalw are cum· nnd true rem edy for roulll"'" b,· a Ir 11 ft, no .h an· In thi ~ th e ills towbich all \ right along. I 'm d l' on!! dat 's hR\'ln' pa.n.y, III honor ot th e marrIag e of the wom en are A lit III Illore Ihrtlllll g t'xl'l'r IIJIlCe tral'plllj. : 0 1' [rel' Dot prone, and that i9 Lydia E. rugPIl Oil tb coo· 11(' ""orry an ' dlmcult y." 4aQchte r of the supe rillte nd e nt, re- Pinkham 's Vegetab was that ot ~Ir. Gr pl! llfi r ld, In !:iOlnall· lra. ry, th p prO" "FS le Compou nd. II i':0"'~ un afUon" Ih e : IUlld . Just 1\ ~core or y t.ars ago, when r oots ceDUy turned out fiv e YOluol et' r fir e promote s that vigor which makes work , depa.rt.mentJI. Tbe fog mad e th e whls· easy. 'I The ~dia he WII S c har ged by a woundt· d lion . Susplclo UI. E. Pink bam Medicin u A ca r<'ful t'xum.n :, lion of U I'IgOroUM "Too bad Jinx and hl H "Ire don't A couple of harre ls fired In hl ~ facp Ue awUble tn Ruthe rt ord, Nutl e y , Co. , LyUD, 888. cluvpr pl ant \1'111 Il~ ual ly Hbo.., th e N ITROG EN let along well to ~e th er . " Bel~tlI e, Garfi eld and C lltton and th " failed to ch ec k th e lion ; a Dd \:r. prf'H e nc'" on tit .. rool ~ of tittle uumps ' .. "Why, J al .... ays und e r s t ood tbat the y Greenll( 'ld Hny~ . " over !1remen nllbed to h eadquar t er s at l b ., I W E< we nl to or knobs r:II",d " lludu ie1!." Tbese were an Ideal couplo." V5 gether. H(' had seized my le ft hund. nodul E' S nr<' Ihl' al:arDL humes uf tiDy plll.nts "So did J. but they mu st hav e had an d , ploulng mt:' down with It toot half an hour to deter lIllnt· I a paw on ca lled IJac· te rla The bacteria ha,' e the l drendfu l scrap bcCore he started for my ch~st, beg where tile wblstlln g cam e trom. Thl> , Promp t Relief an t o c hew at my a rm. pow e r (Or la kin),; nilrogen trom -Penn aneot Cure the aIr worll thi s morning ." wedd1n-& wbJch cause\! th e commot lun ' CARTER'S L1TILE The il h e mudl' a grab Ilt my stomal'b , which l'C' nl'" tral (' . the ~o l1 and com . . Clollel ~an utilize the nitrogen "Did he ha\' e u bla c k ~ye'" and w hen I m anuged to turn over on hi nln" co It R 10 form of W1lted Mlaa Sallie Karp . 217 nrOOk , CODlPou nd s whil'h . . "No, but he stopped In vd,en ",,'e my f tH'" I r('t ILY_ae. Paaale to Micha el F" Bt' r" LIVER '" I hi S caws I PILLS go I nt o my t lw pl,, th. air. ;tt (' a e nS p . DJUl..New York'M atl . - -were Oil our way hom e nnd bought h« hack." fail. Purely ble _ act In r(' l ur!1 tor th is Fl: n ice the pla nt '1 Iea\'~ Ibp 0011 laos.· • fi v~ pound bo x o f ca ndy ." and fr l!! IJt., "lid in Allh ollg h Mr. Green{j pld 's arm w us turnish £'" thl' b a I bU I gen Uy c tprla with part of fal'or o f til t' draill s on ~<: co lln t uf th e ir ECZEMA ON HANDS AND ARMS th" li ver. brok!'11 In two placl's h e n<,ver feli th eir food . and th is I'ery usef Ul purt· I It'nd~n('y 10 v{'oilla t!' Ihe soll.Ingenlou a Smuggl ing Device. {, . S . __ the RlIl;'t, tf'st paIn . And that he ffll\' nN s h !p got' s on. , Stop after In lhlt' "onn pe tlon It Wh E'eler. Colll'ge uf Agr ll'ltllUre , Uhi c' A museum or crimino logy ha s bp('n .h e te II IUl Dou«laII St. Omaha N e b.- "Mv d inne r dis· s t:s. was t h e II on .II 1lot b r eat h s hould bt- nol(·eI Ihat only air whI c h ! S tutl' 1.' nl\'l' 1'6 IlY . • found ed In PuriR hy M . Charles Perch, On lil~ f"c • • . tress- em!' trouble be&&D from a bad form of ec· e. uu d the blood pouring 0. I indiges tion, ard, torm e rl y c hi.. ! ot th e police An · lema an oYer my hand a, neck and , imp rrom hl~ a rm on to hi s thigh . 1"0f' rove thc complex ion, brighten the eyes. Arc hlst brlgndt' , Among Its Cllrlou l' tunal ely at thi s critical moment . GRl~~ i SIL!AG E FOR SUMME R FEEDIN G . anuL I eould get no sleep tor the SMALLP 8 ~ ILL,SMA LLDOSE ,SMALL PRICIL contents are a h ollo\\' wax bah y which we ll.almpd shot from o n p of his m('n ItchI d b I Th Il I lUI om og. ' e sma pm, : was us ed to smugg'" hra lldy Into kill"d Iht' monster . 011 .. of th' mu. t I r y l n~ '~: ,"OllS 0 1 pie. 11& Genuin e must bear Signature looked reel and watery and my , Paris. A woman ca rrl l'd II. bnby InlO Lord Hlndllp n f'ypr lookl 'd d l" ath E.pre"d a Rap Idl y and Is Trouble some ' Ilt r yelLr for til l' da iry COl' b Ihe iattl'r sklu and _Ip became dry and Itch· in Alfalfa Field. . tb e c It y <,ve r y day, bu t li S It never more c1os (' ly In th" [ace Ihan one da) i l'",rt uf 6u mmer an d " a rl), fil iI. AI thi. In&- Tbe pImples Irritat ed me eo tbat ' grl'\\, Rny b lggf'r thc authoril les e lf:, In 1904, when bunt In )" In Brltl~h Eu "t I ste ason th e pns turt's nr f' oapn s hort or { woulAl Icrutch untJI tb e y bled . J i __ AH al fa fleld ~ IIlHy bl' t'I,·ar ed of I dri ell lip, nnd In 6llch c amln,~ d It and dlscov(' rC'd lh e fraud . Africa . A woundr d lioneP H was a "e~ II Is a co m· could not put my hands In water and : DAISY FLY KIL,LER bron", ;.:ra. ~ lJ :; " pry thorllug h (' :l r ly mon rut ~ IRkp of ::l·:~~· ill chargin g through the long g rll ss . da.lrynt (, 11 to le t lhell it t once tried II they hurn ed so that I ~t.I IlII': ~ ; io rl, fO. "o" . ~d ..... " ..t, cl ..n. c.. b,.· ~tll tln " "re', I'o Wfi Ilro p 'o rr III fl o", o f II li lk t hrnu" h t could uot stand It Not So Much to Blame , "Waitin g ullLlI she, Will' within JI CPt\' ..... v . I hau ,., to have I , . ".mc."I. cu.YO.leQ L " J dldn 't know you ",pre so "cco m· (pet," h (l says . " I I1r pd and jump"I' " IO U ~ 10 Ih. · /'III ,· tl lng of tb(· pass 8~ .. d .. tll " la ck of c ll eap. 1.. at • • 11 La le r t lip )' n ntl i: my handa tJed lSp and glov es on a ll th e I .... .. . Made or IJo lh e r E!d wi t h I,roml' 1 IIlllJOs Hibie t o r e~ lor c III1I k flo pl1sh l'd Ii linguist ," ho remllrll ed as he asi <ie . As I did so. he r body hit Hle . Farm ',rs arl' '.': . n ~ time for nearly two montbs . Some, ; ~.';';I':~,~·!~~I::;,~c:.~ matter Iiow 11I t> ('0'" 'II'" r,·d . Good Umea I wouJd Bcratch glanced nt th e pallrr she wa H read in g. nnd I fuund my self . stunned Bnd th e skin u(!' It I oj", • • • ,tbl" •• "t don ' t mnltp nny pr(' tentlons In dazed, silling \lp lIe vl' rul yn ru s away d a iry pr lJclicp~ ,ll'm tll.d .- Ih nt Ih .. mil k Irritated ao and I could do work i ~~~:;;~·":r;~~~::t that dln'cllo n ." s h ' un ~ wer('(1. wonder ing Ir my lost s hot had bet'!I I flow la' ma inwl ned H i .tt high lp v el all .t aU. 1 • • IlOLD 80.([1l8 . 1DO D•• alb ::~.~"·;r:~~7~r:~ "-- 'Jllll,J.I1 at · III n Hu ssian ll (' wspepe r su (' ee~srul. It had ; for . 6c\' ~ rnl yard. 1 thl' limp frulll Jl urtlll'l i ioll to d r ~-Ing .; "I tried &11 kinds of remedi es but ; off you h rn' a plckpd up." It bt't' otn,·s Ill', ·",slI ry. tll l' n,rol'~, Dothlnr; did any gooa. be hin d where I had stood. I ~ aw t l; p Th e n I 8lLW In 1,: X (, I~ L1.1'~'I' FAtlM LANIJ CIl1:':AP . 10 s uppl y Ha Ul. ' f .. cd 10 t a kc' th.· " llLe t.> the neWBpa "Why. BO It Is ," sh ~ an~wl'r (' d In Rur· 1I0nesti bllln>: th(' grass In h£'r la~ I , per about Cullcur ll Soap I CI,,·., .. IUlld. uf sU I'),Irlslng fertllilY . 1 I IIf' had ail..lnl; t h e 1I11~ o f th e ~H 8!j.ourlcue prIse. " 1 t lwugbt It "'n~ a dialect d('nth ·s tr\lgK le." of ~rHtH" Tilt, ~a ~I(, t;t \\ ay t t l do Ihls and Ointme &. nt and £ot Borne. I was , ~t1 rtl l A :l\ a~ ' N a~ l""alll""uu,u: 1.'1:JI! n~w roa,~ 1 Wl!flO hun'tlng In SomlLlI land. Cup Btory." ,· i ~ IJ,',. m ~8 1 1S or Sltil):" :-i il. lh" is ,·ltl'fll' · oomplet ely healed In fiv e or six IU". Ihll' " gh lin ulIll c"~ lop(.d tcrrllor), , plt'/l dl d fl lr f r uit . poultry . un lr y, tru ck ... ' (' 1' ancl li t? ch lt·dl\, lIIll r, ' ! " ltl \'( ' U \(' 1I1 taln Geo rge Cb mpbt'll wa s slmllarl~ to weeks. They )Jave not troubl ed me !'\ gl' lIt'ra l f arllllll~ Of s& lPj')( ralsluS"; d t·Hght,' u s c, tltnu ti oill lll,' 1' 1'0 \":. bowl('.I , ov e r bv :I wounde d anll alDee." (SI .... ed) Joe lihl Jan 31 '14 ful ,· lln1<II,· "lid 110111,11(,,1, WlltH 8U I>I,l y; .,.~ , . , . 11 £' \' , 'r r .. lll rlJ: I T!lI' amuUll1 lu f,'ed \\' 111 "" I,PII II e hnr!(llIg lion . Rnd th l' nE'xt thing he r' r()p~ , 1' ree m8gll..Z.1ne. CatJc:ura Soap and Olntmc nt Bold ""all 1.,' :1\',' ". " lell . " f n,,,· opportul litiea. lipan. th ., I'Olldlliu ll "r Ihl' p.l!;.t urflR. tbrour;b out the world kn cw wa s that th e lion \\'as Iy log I Sampl e ot each A,I, 1,,1' 1/ . .IAV K E nR. Genera l PR8.~n . 1 1!'('r ,' .t; .... n l. ll;Lrrl!1o ll , A r \t. \,ary ing ulllltl' "a~ [ 1'1 ' " 1 1/1 ~O Uu d8 III ·tree,wft bS2-p.S klDBoo across his legs. pinn ing him dow n, ' \ k . Addr~SBpost- 1 ___-=~=~~;;;:::::::::;-; 8 full ", int N f"I'l1 If f 411 11 ; \1 :111 . . hl A hu g(' h eau re~tlng on his la p . An I I C&l't ~Ucura, Depl L, Bostou ."-Adv . Fllollid bl' ,,·mclIlb t· rpcl In tbis ccmuecInst.-utt later the ea ptn ill's heoil boy . - - -- - - - - -" tlon lhal . lI il~l' ('ou lalns " loll' jl Pr Knlindl eh , rllBh pd up , sea t e d himse lf Oh, That Way l ('.. nl of I1rtll~ lu . so thnl t he ~T~ a te r astrld o on the animal' s bAck . anll ~It·. auch a IIlIIy BUper!ltlll un t u be · amoun t oC sl laJ,:" [,'u III!! grl'ate r rJ-.,.. plclling up plos!" flung hill a rms tightly round his neck I l ll" amoun l or proll' ln In th r "tlP{JleLuckily fnr both (h" lion was al· -Yoa may call It a supersti ti on It · rn ~ ntar)' r ...'tI ~ l O pro pI' I'I ), balalolOC <the yoa wfab, but ready dylul!, and whllt' ]{allndl ph was I know a c hap who II' , · Ut; Alii>; I.OOIU:-< I ration . I; ~' on AN &&81:· mak.,. about Impl oring hlR master not to Hr(' 1(,8 t & week by doing It. " It l:ll t'r witt. 1t"IJt' ld urd e r., £ e t our atlru t\v. , "How caD a tellow gnther that prnpns i lill ll U :"'I~ ~1'J": AR)\tJST '"El"c !!UN h e should bl' hit. "h['. majesty gave 10. I ,n · :"l . IIIJ1h a:r u d" lI" oud. , }'ull box lample .tOG. IIIAJlYr lowered Alluntlebl~ C'h f'w lp .. Gum Co,. Baltimor e. M& hrad. and passed penceDon't spend 80 much of ...... fully nway." '"He worIu 111 a bowl1n~ alle)'.' · AN". I.mlLl' fI>TWlnOr"seCo" ln4. FENCE S ARE NECES SARY your time cooking during hot Ju4p. • Major F . G. Jacll~oll , th<' cell'bru ted EV I LS. Flvu tu ll .. frow 1'",,". A,abUX ID. b' r..l.ok MUDL&ow or,. UQSlelhUI t&. hi. weathe r; and your family will arctic explore r. 8tl1\ reca1l8, with a reminis cent shudder , his enCO\lnt e r Not Entlerly Gone. be healthi er withou t the heavy . WRITE LI teto , f b tl Fe"ces Elre n ~c .'ssa ry ev1ki. Cla8.l"d l-'l'bey say horses buv~ aU Ileoo.~•.';urr. ~°l'O~~.go with a wounde d bear In Franz·.lo!\pt· ~~~~~~ ...u.H... ·=u~. ~ l 'u.rl h: uJu.n~'i' lrcu. • =c~ laa....,l:... cooked foods. beeD ~ed from the ~treet rail· .'fbI! straight line etrecl should land . "With D fearful roar," he sayS, - ~ ID BerHn. be broke " up lIud thl' Ce nce it· "the bear rushed on me. hili huge Jaw~ OoCMm -T.., but you 'lJ still fina 'em 6elt planted out liS qui c kly 1Le gil ping wide; his wann breath was on Give them au.. IJOti s lble. No orname ntal (ence, my face, hla cruel tangs glinted In the howeve r expensl vc, ever udded dim light. any(hln g to Ib e beauty of aa Thing. " HaJ(,bll ndeel by tb e 1'Iash of the -ot4D't roD .tretch a point dinary lanusca pe. rill e In the darknes s. I thruBt the barHedges of ..... r hardy "I IIOts, both c lipped and rel with all my force down the ani· W. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 29-1tl4. . ..",.a. I cUd rubber .ome ." natural, Ilre a lways good 3lId mal's thro.t." cll n be maue to covel' and bide He plunged bls lert hand Into the the real barriers behind, wllere bear's moutb up to the ,,'rlat; the such 18 necessu ry sharp teeth deeply bit Into It ; he to PI'O' tect tram Intrusio n eltber :nn.n reeled un der the shock of the collision . or live stock. A strong aad Drawhi g back bls rille, he was about ,. well built Iron or \Vlre fence ar to make a second thrust when , to his 1lU'.lB 1'KOB TALIT Y la aomethln,f,!lghtrul, W'Canhardly~tba The trouble som. brome gr•••• They'r e light 8~ easily aile mnde or stone or bri ck ca. t amazem cnt and delight, the bear, ",;ho el aD the children bom in oiv collDtriee, tweDty-~WO oent., alBo be made elrecUvol It hnmehad clearly had enougb, turned sharp· trraS8 conside rably ber-a u sE' It Is a - -~ one-qua rter. die before they reach ODe year; digeste d and yet nourish ing -.en. dlat e ly co\'ered wltb llmne ot the Iy round, and made bis WilY swtttly to plant that wlll spread r3pidly through ~... or more than OD.thir d, before they ~ I1ve, and and satisfyi ng. No bother in beforoaN atteenl . . the water, crashin g his way through Its ex ten s ive rool Bystem and seed. hardy ' cHm bing plants, In any .40 IIvl . .tate to _y tlUlt a timely IJIIe ot Cutorl a would eave prePat ation- just pour from case. lhe straigh t lIu e eff.ect of the lce, and swlmml og to the Bafety CUltiva ting will delay but not destroy .uodtY of $h_ preolou a livllII, Neither do we hesitate to . , that manya the fence should he brokell by the c:rop of alfalfn . .. of a distant ft~e.-Aq8werl!! . \he Pfclcage and add cream 01 Da.i IIItaIIWe de&tha are 00088io ned by the 1188 of narcotlo 'prepara U0IIL gTou~" aud clumps of shr ubbery · DIopr. ~ and IOOthiDg IIYNpe sold for chiJdten'lI oompllil ~d aupr- or they're miChty " Dta oontam If along 1t8 course. It shQuld be Both Impoeed.. U. pon. ~ 1opium or mQipmn &, They &reo fl1 ,oolllliderable· qa&btlt iet, IN SETTIN G . OF_·. STRA. W.., ERRIE9 . Temem bered that!n tbe eountrv looci .With: fresh .berrie s .or , ~ ~ In U1 ·quanti&yJ..they etuMfy , retuil o~ a.nd~ Jeid De!lljrtt d . Wife . (~elUng rroce~ her # . . ~~ siebe. , ~eat.b.. In set.ting stTaWbe mes do not Ulllltorla op6ratea al least It la not always nece8~reorer.e, bat . tr,01:l b1es)-An'd qr'U,s~~. >h~m . BO. lee lhae (0 bean the .atur e .. cit C~leuc negleet to p!ncb ,olr .. all J he l(l.,1'ge lL . , . Oiitari& ' liary oo ' make th o feno e sll'alg h t. . ....!~·,bIoocl to ~late ProPer~. Opella .the~ .~r~c~~coo'OU~d It!' So d~d .L,.. '. ~.Ieave~" leaving "onl,'- the : IIlUe r · '_ . fresh . .-V,;· H. Davie, Collegl! of Agrl: , .... . . . ..." ..... 1kln·ud ·alIaye CfIvV, ' ". '-. culture, Ohio .state tr,ni,v ers.l.t '" ~~ ' ~r, A "'o~an' lovea.a inu Jii. · ~~1 ba:lf-develo~d DO"' .1n . th~ . ' ........ ....:. .. ....:.-. ... ~....;._ .... til " ce..ler } lr , ;" ,,"':'.6.. of .. "" . ... , ' :. . J ,~. ~---- ~")I-J. ~ . "'-~ ~re . ' '. '!. ~,-~ abll!.t7 ' to ..... _ ~. ~ . tIJ~_'pJ~n~.. _. . " . ~""""''"'"''''''''''''Hi''' le~e

flon - No, lullt r r. yo u rO rC "l .









=-.. . .



C . . 'onst ipat lon IV . h anls es Forev er










Keep Cool





For SaIe




Po st Toasties



Save the Babies.







t .




MIAMI g A'ZETTE. WA,rNUvtLL K, 01110



Hun' AI

.. - ..



arh - \' :\""

I '

t ' \ "l ldl~

it.lrL1 n .

h.I 1 \

t~ .\ r l l I TlL:


"11\ '




I ~

I!a rt,

\ p li l ll'

I;, Irn TIJ :V1 I' an ,l M rll . Charll's I ' Ie r~ .\ . 11'."" .,,. "p;. "'1,' 01 1''''' '' 1118 l\arueau . of IJay!oll, Jul y :!j' lh. 1I ,,, " . 1 .rp rr"ld . "It . , \I IS 1,'.I!" lIr "II . alld , ,, 10 :

Nau t ica l.

wns In :":ew York . TIlt , sHu·farlng mall Wll~ alt'erlng a z l ~·z a.g cuurs p. Yllwln g no\\ 10 s tarboard and now to Ilort. A ~ OUllg WlI llIun buund In tile oppo~It,· di r"('1iOll sought to minim ize the II l1 n ~.' r of fl colli s ion by llIaklng a wld o dOlou r Hu t th o sf'ldnrlng mUll SLO pped deud . "Keep n Rlruight coursil ahellel, IIlI SH. " h" Rnlel Ra lluntly; "let me do tll A tUCking." It





I ' Prn y .

:O- Ir , (':tit )1111

tl ' lI IIII'

w h it


th e

Curl S('n' I ' alld I'll res l ){Idg-c 11','r,' "uunl! g" II II" III " 1I 11" III'ill/.: \\ ilh thrLt 7arlv Day t on \'i~i t(lrs Tue."day Il1ur l1 ' I' .,Idllrl) 1:l d.1 .. " " I IIII' of tl" , I.umane 1l1 g-. 'ocl"1 I', I , h"" I;1 jud';I', " I"I .II.·u Je.J'-

.1.. l-.Ih:i ..

1, .,lrL 1.1.'\\'i,.

Dr J, and Cha!l wen' :\ elll<l vi~ilor,; Tuesda y aft l·r.

noon .



I . ... . I

Ch i n as Po i n t of Bea uty .

ZIMMERMAN'S Cood Things 'To Eat F ancy Jumbo Waterm elons . EI · be r ta P eaches. Indiana Ca n. t e lopefl. Sweet F lor id a Oran l!e~ Thi ;1 Rind Le m ons . Solid Cllb· bage , Tomatoes. Ir is h Cobbler Potatoes, CukeR, N!:!w Corn Cooking Ap ples. Bul k P eanu t Butter. F a ncy P rune:<. Wafer Sliced Dried Beef , N ew Cheese.


Pure Paris Green , get ou r p rices on la r ge lots.

Specials for Friday and Saturday 100 Dozen Glass Tumblers, Plain and Fluted only 25, Dozen.

Bring us your Eggs , paying 18c a dozen this week. Il pays to trade at


) -=


m BOYS' MAGAZINE FREE! Stohl! 1"'1....· tor ... { ,." ••• llIpljl! COil, tJr TtlY. 110 ' 1'\ ' )1 ,\1; ".

~~~K,~btl\ ::~f.~,:;~ft~' 11~~I~'=: haclQ ulne . torh"

11111 III -

" ruoLiy.: artif' lu, 111I6t IU I'-/' .'-

In~:~~1 ~11;¥~r~ II ~~'I: n I\~'~I ~~ i~~!':'{~~~~~;~.hl~'~I':~;~

menu fl eYflt~ 1 t .. Y.l l"C lrlci lr . lI ""bl ul u., J. th l.·d e.. • .l111l, 1,·u r

~~~,,~r!J :::~U~;U~I~;h~~~:

Ool1ootllll/:. TIl l! A th l~II, : n . 111I1I ,I,.r till' I " !"II IU" or W A1. T"; ~ CUD· , .A 1I",rI ~a · . rl ' rt' UI~t au thur,,! on u&t. .uloj\.",' I. 1.", tt llu.' U\


Neft /' tOd.l1 / fl"



' ", ml,I,

'''1'1 (}/O... P" 'l t ... , ,UlJ h ... , h I" P UbUClUlou . A.IoIrt,. 1I

TIl I COli F.1ELft1ill CO .• pullllsllen. CTll K B U }'S' MAGAZ/.YA'


!NO Mlln II., S m~, pa.

em .a l.: at

u ll 1I1!IN· .lftUluU, )


~'fll~ says The Place of ~oneymoons IS

a great story.

nu. is how

he puts it: "I love the ttory t~ll e r who Iprlngt a cheerful uk I he etimulatee lbe feller ..holC life .eeml gray and Itale; he relt. u, wben we're weary, consolee u, whm ". 're blue I alld wheu the clay i. dreary be helpt the long houn through. Of all the beDefactor, who Imooth OIU mUD<Ja. path. there'. one with DO dcuactonl hi, iwne " H. MacGrath. For everybod, read. him from Cork. to Broken Bow, .nd c"crybody DCC<U him w'- time i. drauinIr 110... From ki1l'ef unto kiYer .'bOot of hie I. areat, it Itira )'OW' heart and li'I'Cr and aeu your IIDDe 011 Itraigbt. Hi. actioo' , alway, ra~ biapJouare fullof vim I DO dwnnU...~d npid, are e' er tUl1lCd out by hila, bia girt. are alway. peacha, bf, lneDare fuJI of anapi he DUct dro_ orprncbe., or bore, you oR the ID8p. Ho', written DO" • ttory that you ilhould mad oftIOODII iu Itrictfr hunkJdory-TIfB Pu.C8 0' HOMJIY1fOOXL It', c:hcCJI..


. __ .. E:'lp. r. ~ ,' :J f: ssa y.

h D ,' n r 'I , , Wi l l • tlllrl R IlI' li.I.I .1



Mngazi nc amI Hook Store in Con\lect ion. Ask about my Circula tillg Library .

d :IY we ha ll" !la g I' ll Frida()II


Subsci iption Agency

1':- ! ......


":llIl'irl '





\ II f l1 tll ·lpl n g hi :i wl fl' \\ nil l ilp t'arnUy I





... --~----- - -- - ...


A s pecial price t o all who s unscribl! for the W EEKL Y E NQUI~ E R to J a nuary 1s t, 1915 . Ask about it.

I . -.----------- ......--'*'I -;t----.

:'\ ext Door to Cazet te Ofl'ice


Huynlen e Allin ::illap. I1\''; t 10 \\'a ~ h ' j' h" ~ I r., p le lIf ~ Wayrl( 'sl' il le I\ UIII ,1111 1 :'1 1" . 1 Afl" r a ral' ''' ' I' ,. 'Iir,·s fr" " , ad"' " II chine r y Cn. I work 1\ .. ' I", n .!, 11, 1" 1"11 " ,,,. .. of his .

harn es.~ .






\l' ho is·all .'nd · 1 \\' a~ h lll g I Ali liHI II ,' T I IlII' ~ 1 I. ,ha nll n \I'm: II !I1EPmO:mru:.:.I!:Jl_ _.-"'!"'-~--~"'!"'~~~~~--'!'!"'~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....~~""!'!!~~.-

,.!Z!Il_____•••_ _ _ ••________ _____________________________..

Mr allLI Mr>!. Elmore n c quiLli, !I f Dayton. are the g' ueSl!:l of Mr and Mrs. Chas . Stansbu ry .


-V alue

Secund haml Eben~o l e Pianos . Like new fo r f I:l;, . I'hon(' l ·n . ]'p h· a nlln. Ohi o .



Margu e rite T hompson , of lJayt :m. i!l enjoy ing' a few daYH ya· cation with r elatives here .

i'anama hat . between Cor. wi n and Waynes ville. Finupr pl easl' / report t he ~me In this office. ' Fu r sale - A des irahle hom (> /If :!(j a': rei:l . •" m il e from cor po ral ion lilil . its . Enqu ire at Gazelte ufli ce


66qt.raf' a.n'~ the ])srfsct':on 5 u;it:; At greatly reduced prices. These are late Spring and Summer models. Its a case of giving you our profit and a part 01 our cost as a reward to you for helping us dispose of our Spring and Summer Clothes

. Forest I{ioge. of Dayto n. il!l enjoyIng a week's vacation w ith his pa r. en ts, Mr. and Mrs. OaKley Ridge. Ba rgain s in Pianog. Sale goi ng nn Trovilio's Mu ic Store . Lebanon Oh io . ' Master !o:than Crane was l he ~ u e~t of Mr. J . E. J an ney and fa mily foul' d ays a t the Miam i Vall ey Chau tauC1 ua~ Lost- I'anama hat. size ( i"~ , hav· ing ini tials E. C. ({ on bam!. Finder wil l p lease re turn to t hi!;l office.


Mrs Sa m Schall ott, o f Ind ia napn liH. Ind ., a nd Mrs. M. Kohl h ag-en , of Lebanon . are visiting th eil' sistc·r . Mr~. Mye r Hyman and fa mil y .


i:larg ains in Pi anos. Sale goin g on. Trovill o 's Music Store, Lpbanon. : Ohi o. Mrs. Eu nice F ra me ancl M I·~. I Dernp!iey Denn is a ncl children. wh o have been t he g uests o f r ela t i ves here . ha ve r eturn ed to t heir home in I Richm ond, Ind. i

B oys' $7 ~md 7 50 finest All Wool Su its , sa le price ........ .. .. ..

Prof . Geo. 0 Cla rk . of t he Miss( 'lIri Unive rfl ity. is now in a fl u m me r law I school at N ew Yo rk City. On hi s way there h e s t op ped ove r a t Ch irag-o and visited h is o ld f ri end . Pl'of. 1 Charles Au st in . i



MCII' ,; Ba l b ri ~ ),!an Hose in blaf'k. tan. Ilfl Vy an u gray. l 2 ' ~ c va lu l·. tlitl!:! pri cc.. ....... ............. . .. .. ... . C Ml'II 'S fanc.v Silk Lis,l e H ose. Onyx make, sa le p rIce .. .. .. .. .. .. Mell's r!:!gu la r SOc Sil k Hose in all cu lors . sale price. .. ... .. .. ..... C

8 25c 44

Men's Summer Shirts

AI~a~~~~~ce a.~.~.:.5~.. ~~i~~~.. .... .


Men 's $1 a nu .U~fi Soise ll e and P ongee Sh irli!! in pl a in a nd fan cies with seplir·

~;:Ie Cl~~ \~~s. ~nd..r:~~~~.~.~u.~~: ... 79c

A ll Men 's Sl. 5t) Shirts in lillh t a nd d a rk colors with coll ar s attac he<..! and d e lac h ed, sale price......... C


Women's Muslin Cowns Muslin (;oIV ns . Sli p·ove r s tyle , full length. em broide ry edge , s leeve and n eck, ~Ie price...... C Muslin or Crepe Gowns, lace or em·


~:I~i~~~~~. ~~.~~: ...... ....... .. ...... 8ge

All 1175 a nd

' 200

~~I~ ~~j~:~ ........

The Store That


$2.98 $4.98

Ladies' Hose

Men':; Hal IJrig-lta n Sh ir ts a nd Dra y, e rs lonu or shor t Hleeves a nd d oub le sea t· eu d rawe rs Reg ul a r 35e val ues. sale pri ce ......... .. . .. Mnr isco I3nl b ri ggan S hir ts a nd Drllwers llIade ~,f t he genu i n~ Sea IR' lan(1 C('I tton. ~al e p ri ce ........ .. .. Genu ine Po roskni ~ Shi rts an d . Drawer H, sale pn ce .... .... · .. .. .... Set!'!nu g and Rox f o rd Li~ l e Thread Un ion Suit!'! $1 a ncl :P 1.2S valu e, sa le p rice ...... ... .. .... .. .. .. C U. V. D . Athl etic Nain sook Un ion Suils wit h closed c rotch $1 value. sa le price .. .. ..... ...... ...... C



Mt'n' s and Young Men 's $ IR ancl 20 Su its. sale p rice ...... ..


Mr. anu Mr s . Bert H a rtsock a nd Mr. a nd Mrs. A,-ch e r Har ~ock. of Dayton , s pent Sunday wi l h Mr. anJ I Mrs . F red Hart.sock at Morrow . I

p ublic is cordially invited,

Boys' $350 and 3 98 N orfolk a nd Doubl e i{reasted Suits. sal e p rice

23c 44c 44c

Mr and Mrs . Harry Va u g hn, nee He len Taft , of Dayton, were the g u est.;; of Mr and Mrs , J W. Whi te a couple of days last week . I

th;, .'..,,,tKt

$9 • 75 $11 75

Men P 8!lcl. Xo u Pg Men'.s ' 12,1 3.50 amI I ;, Su its . sale p rice..... . ..... ...


M r an d Mrs . Geo rge ('rall a nd Mr . and Mrs . Sam '!. McCray we re in Da ylo n S unday , t he \l'uesL., of Mr . allLl Mrs. /I.. McCray .'

Covenant Rebercah Lodge , I. 0 O. F . will entertain Mrs. Nettie Shafer, of F ranklin, r e presen tative o f this dis trict t o t he Grand Lodge. at the next m eeting , Augus t 11 tho A full attend ance of the rr.embers is especially d esired . Refreshments will be served .

Important Thing

N ow is the time for all good-clothes men to get a bare-ain

Vo t e for l {ug~el1 C. Fe r r is Dem- I Ocrati c Candidate for Co un ty ' Treas. u r e r. - all v

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ha tha way. Mi""e.:l Hatti e Seam on. !{ofla Sm ith and Id a Garne r. w ho wer e th E' g u e~ts of Mr. a nd Mrs. F. W. Ha thaway. f nr a w eek . r eturned to t he ir home in Columbu s G r ove T hursday m orning.


. Real success in buying anything consists iWl getting good valu~ for your money. For that reason our big clearance of summer goods gives you a very wonderful chance to get inc .. eased value.

Mr . and Mr s. Ha rold Hansel, uf l>aytoll. we r e the Sunday guests of Mr. Har vey C;ust in an d fa mi ly .

Mr . a nd Mr s. J. C, H aw ke and daught.e r. Miss Clara, we re in Dayton Su nday , the g uests o f Mr. and Mrs . Ray H a wke.






'I.he Budget Commission, o f Leb· lui mel beguHq, and thn'!'~D~ it', anon, will hold a meetin g at School P11 • tale to keep JOU • • and Hall, Thursday eve ning . Aug ust 6. dri" you Jriefl .-y. M at 7 o'clock. Waynesville Co rpnra" , M'i til nm miaJ t ion, Wayne Township School Dis · ... llu fint n.rtIIllIIfnrt wiN 1IH#r;1I .11 t rict. Wayne Township. Lytle Special District will be represen ted , and at ..,. is/ta. Bttur Wt1ult fir it~ HarveYHburg S:::hool H a ll, F riday afte rnoon , August 7, a t 2:30 • .· The




I I{alph and ~tanl ey Pence' le ft 1\11111" .l ay. (III Frirltl ay I lI' as v.' 1') ha\>py. )• clay o,n an excur~ I " 1I to Niag-ara I,'alls n 'a H 0' ''11 t" :wh " r 1\ h e ll WI, 11:111 n. holt· anti Canada . . I Ja Y:' - I'II I )I'~ __ _ ___ _

M i ~ l;racc Cannan , ings Ulll me r sc h!l u l at hUIlI!' :::iunday,




The hnblt of absent IIllnd edly tlngcr· Ing til l.' chin la Imprude nt beca use In doing so t he ffkl n may br s t rl't(' hed all d tbA pores undu ly enlarg pd, Induc. Ing wrinkl es and I'x trull l'O US mu t ter to gath er. Aftpr the uge of tw enty. two or tw enty·llJn'e years It Is well to watcb with Jealous cn re tbl8 DU I' lIc ulnr portion of tbe faco.



. ............ $1.35

~aves You Money

WOMEN'S DRESSES J)ressell in r.repe. Ovc l'l acl! . r egu la r val·

~:I~ ~:~!:.~.(~ . . ............. . $3 .48

D r~~e~. r~l{u);lr vll lt1 e$3 50

a nd $4 00 , sa le p rice·"..... ..

$1 • 95




All our Women 'lI Skirts, in all colors.

!;)em]l~~:.~. ~~ .~~ .~.~:

$2.98 All our $5 and $5 50 Worn- $3 98 en '" Skirts, sale price........ • ... .. ...

All our $6.50 and $7 ,50 Women's Skirts

All our $ 1.00 and $1. 25 Silk Hose, white , blac k and tan, sale price.. .. ... .. . .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ..... . All our SOc anrl 75c Silk Hose, all colo rs, sale pri ce .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... ............... .. ......... .. .... ... . All ou r 25c an d 35c Hose sale p rice ...... .... .... . .. .... .. .... .................. ... . .. All our I 5c Hose, sale price .. . ..... .... ........ ...... .......... .. ... .. . .... .. All 10e and I 2}Gc H ose. s al e price .. .. .... . .. ..... ...... ...... .. : .. ........ .. ..... ..

89c 44c 23c llc

~~I:I~~j~~r.~: ....... ............. $4. 98

$1 98

All our ~2 98 and $3.50 Silk U Dde rskirts, sale price ... • All our $4 and $5 Silk Undert>kirts, :!lle

c~~i::: ...................... $2.98


Children's Dresses A ll our 11.00 and ' l. ~ Childr en 's Drt'S!!e~ . sale pri ce ... .. . .. .. ....... .. ............ .. .... .. .. ..... .... . All our 50c and 75c Children 's Dresses, sale prict\ .... ........ ...... ... .............. .... .. ........ .



Women's Knit Underwear Women 's JOc and 12}Gc Vests, 8..: sale orice .. .... ... .. ........ .......................... .. . .. . Women's loc and 20e Swiss Ribbed Vests, sale p rice .. .......... .. ....... .. . .. . .. . ..... ... ..... .... .. . Women 's Fancy Vests 25c.and 35c valu(>s, sale ~rice ...... ... .......... . ... ... .. ... .. .. . ............ .

14c 23c

Corset Covers

AI!flt~Cp;rcr;.~.~~~ .~~~8.e~.?~~~.~ ... 23 e

45 e

All 59c and 75c Cambric Corset Cove rs sale price .. .... ... .. ..... ..

Muslin Drawers

Women's Union Suits Women 's S wiss Ribbed Union Suits, low neck no s leeves, sale price ........... .. .. .... ..... ... ...... .. ome n 's Fine Quality Union Suits, SOc and 75c Wvalues . sale pric e · .. ...... .. .. .......... . ... ... ........ .

24c 45c


Drawers 25c and 35c values, sale price ...... . ... .. ... Cambric Drawers, 59c to 75c values, sale price ........ .........

Women's Petticoats

Men's and Boys' Trousers Men's $2 00 Trousers Sale price ......... ......... .. ..... .... ......... ..... . Men's f2 50 a nd t3 .oo Trousers Sale price ... .. .... ... ... ........... ......... .. ... . .. Men's ~3 50 and '4 00 Trousers Sale price .. ................... .. ........ ......... . .. Boys' 50c and 65c Wool and Khaki Trousers . Sale price ... ..... .. ................ .

$1.35 $2.25 $2.98 ,


23 e 45 e

All 59c and 75e Women'R Pettic(lat» with neat embrOidered flounce, sale price......... .•••••••. C Women'8 Petticoats with ' deep flounce of embroide ry, $LOO and $1.26 values, sale price..... . ............. C All $1.75 and '2.00 value Women's PetticoatA, ' sale price... ...... ......... ...... •


89 . ,.'

$1 44

r---------~-----------------Street .' I.

_ Nain..

The Store That Opens Evenlags ~

W ayneayill~~ , Ohio :. , .~..,......




,.iI' ~~.~~".~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.~!!ij~!I"~illi.~~~~~i~ii~ij'!~~iIi;~~.')f! i ' i


War is o~e of the greatest plagues that can afflict humanity; it destroys religion, states andfamilies- Ms lt iJ1 1 tJtl ( r 12






Sixty-Fifth Year •



_ _ _ ... . _


__ 0

\ Personal Mention I


.-------- --ft '

M i ~s Clara Lil e sl.wn t t he we(>k·end in X enil> .

Chas , Bu rn ett , of \{lJ ute G. Dayt on Sa tu rday

w a.~


Cha.'1 St nnsbury waH n Payto n hus· in ess vi ~ ito r Satu rday . Mi!:;.'l Lilli a n W il kcr ~ o n it; villitin g fri end>! a t Snring I1ill. Dr, Dill , () ~ t eopat h . lIai ne;, Hld g . , Tucgday anti Fr iday Ill o r ning~ . Mil son's Fer ti lize .. , the beR t on th e m a r ke t . For ~ al e by Chas. F ry e. Mr. a nd Mrs. Stacy Lam h, of n ay· t on, ~ p e nt S unday with re la t ives he re. Hovolene Au to Soap for oil clot h. Waynesvill e Auto a nd Mac hi ot e ry Co. Mia.'l Ma be l :alis bu r v is !ippndi ng the week witn re latives in Xen ia. Mi ~s ' Trill ena F,dwarrls was in D ayt on last Wed nesday a nd T hurs· day.

Mrs. J. S, Wil son , of Spring fi d d , called on Miss Ge ore: ia Hadde n Thursd ay. Dr. and MrR. Coopt'r, of Dayton, we re g ut'.sts of H . H . Willia mHon anti f amily S und ay.



Fr ed eri cl, Rohi tzer a rri ved hOnw 1) Mr . a nd MrH. Har ry Mu rra y and la>lt w(,E'k, after s pe nd ing neveral lRaYlllvmJ ("lInn e r ld t Mund av fOI' Th e American AI< ri r ultu ral Chem· wefks with rela Livcs in the Suu th!'rIl tiwi r exte nd ed W 'st l' rn tr ip. ' They . wi ll pro hably be ~() n l! a mon t h . ical Co h a~ a pp rop ria ted '1000 which pa rt of t he !lta te. I i:l to be di vided into t en cas h prizes . _. of "100 each for t he la rgest crop" (I f wheat g rown in Uhio on any of ou r com plete fc r ti 1ize rs. The c on te~ t is open t o a ll fa rm ers in Ohi u. Any a mount of land may be ente red, provid ed it is act ua lly fiv e ac res or ove r in ex t ent. Th e I a ward s will lJe mad e u pon th e av e r · I Why Thi s P eace Edition? al{e yie lJ pe r acre un th e fiel d w hI ch h b' r '" . , · ne p lace il ecall se t C Ig, p. .. wer II I peact' o rg alll ~.a ll u ll s au d mdl\' Hlua l wnrk mU !l t b e In ( ) . f 1 I f ' . . The fi eld must be acc urat ely mea)!. ,ers ur tIe a< \'a ncem ellt o . peace sCtl t lmcll t COll t ll lll(' to s t ri ke t he old u red by twu dhli nterested partie:l !' ChordS slI1 g m&" 01 fhe b l ess illg~ a nd ad \'lUl t<l ges I,f p('acl' th at 's t he up nut in t he fa mily of the cont est ant pe r nCJle- wlllle the ba ss gro wls of t he hnrrll rs a n d ,,":lste of war. ur r egularl y in hifl e mploy . No al' l \:o w we b e lieve t he masses of t be peo ple in t h is enl ig hte ned cOlin · l o wanc e~ wi ll be mad e fo r bou l rl t' r~ , t ry a re su frrcie ntl y ed uca t ed as t o tb e desira h ility I)f peace a nd th e 1111 wa lls , fence~, t rees, swa m py or p uo r Itl esirabi li t y o f wa r, a nd that t hey wou ld b e g lad t o e~ prcss their sCll t i· lan d, o r fo r ar:t~. I.r reg Ul a rlty , ellhe r Ime llt s in fa\'or of peace if g h 'en a cI.n vcnil· llt OPI"Htl lllit y te, do s() , naALUra lk?rdartfl fII CI~1. b t . I l<:nce we ha ve preparcd th ese lllOdc ra te dec1ara t il)u s so t lt:l.t a ny ny \Jl 0 a n" may e en er eu1 . f f f I h d I , for th e IJrize . Aft e r th e HIl 4 c rup :0!1e 111 a vo r 0 pea ce u m~ t 0 ~ to sdt e e llta n ~k ll1t" nt s y sig n th~ lll . iR ta ke n ofT, no dr e>i.~ in g of an y k ind \ u u ar urged tu t ak e a little t~lI1 e all d C\l t t~ I l'"e ,d cclara tl" n ~ /) ,' t , SIg H except o ne uf our complet e fer ti li z· them , ~ n d leave at ~ Ir . J a nn ey s Drugstore I II \\ ay nes v ll 1e fro II I wh cre e r>' ca n be u ~ed . t hey WIll he sent frcc o f cha rge to the AIIlC' rl m n I'ence Soc iet y, Wa sh The r pwards will be mad e on re- ing-ton Ii. C. which was foundcd in May, I S:.!s to sholl' t h a t thei r lah ll\':; por ts known to the judges by num - ha ve n ot been in vain . be r only and not by nam e. The judges will be a committee of we llSign These Declaratio n s We the unde rsigned being con v in ced of t he dC'irabi lit v 01 pcace kno wn men. T~e , scales must be t~sted before welg hll1g . Anyamount f l i d f . ' I d f .' of oUr f ertilizers fiver 300 po und s u mteht If s o se t tdhn g ellta n g e ml~n t g a ll 0 t.he un jatlsf' facto r Y lII eth · f 1 d t o the acre may be U!led , applied in 0 s. e lo rro rs an waste 0. se t t 109 ent an~ CI\lt' n ts h y o rce 0 r arms , any way or at any time beforE', d? hereby declare ourselves J\1 fa vor o f an y moveme n t t cn dmg til settle dtlTe rences b y peaceful met hods . when, or after seeding . · Many peace lovers in fa vo r o f a co mb inat io n o f lIatio ns be illg g i\'en We prefer t o h ave the f er tiI Izer boug ht in t.he ~pe!1 marke t ?f our poli ce powers a dequate t o enfo rce jlls t a ltd rrl e rl y ){D\'l'rnm c n t wite n agents,. bu t If t1l1.s I~ .n ot. pOSSIbl e or evc r an d wh erever occasion d em a nds. h " ff d . . convement we Will shI p dIrect. Charl es. Frye , our ag ent in your )f su c a combma tlon were e ect c w.' JlI ld no t a llo ther co t1l h \Uattoll locality can fu r nish rules and condi be mad e to comba t t he peaceful combmatloll ) tions of t he contest" entry blanks and " A frank recognition that the ma sses of the n atio n m ust h e reach ed brands ,?f. fertili ze r bl'st suited t o 1110 re widely t han he.retofore was on e of the d o mill ant not e ; of the the co~dl tlOns of your land ,. eighty-sixth a nnual meeting of the !\ tn erican Peace Socic t y." E nt rIes are closed for thIS con tes t Why is no t getting o ut special p ea ce ed it ions o f loca l pa pe rs a good Septe mber 1st. . . wa y to reach the m a sses ! Address all commumcatlOns r e o Nearly eve~yone welco ~e d the ofTer. of lIle~ia.t i o lls mad e b y o llr .s is· g arding this contest to Chas . Frye" Waynesville. Ohio. t e r South Amencan repubhcs a nd e ven If mediat IO n does not m elli a t e _ __ .. __ - - a t once it mak es a clear path in the stubb o rn fo rest o f e nta nglemen ts SCHOOL BOARD MEETING mue h more satisfactorliy than a cannon b all would make .

Jas , Zell a nd f amily , of Yell ow Sprin gs, spen t Sunday wit h Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk Zell. Mr~. George Smith was in Cincinnati last week t he g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs . Wm Salisbury and f a mily we re visiting relatives in Spring Vall ey 8 ulld uy.

If you want a good Fertilizer cal Frye , phone 49 1 L 2-S.

Ch~ .


Wi llia m Wuole!!v!:'r Arn old was bpnt Sepl cm ue r :1. I t-la5 . a r,d p as~Qd a way J ul y :31. IV1 4. th u!l being in his 79th vea r . He'was burn in Hamilton Cou nty . Ohio. At an early age the f a m il y moved t o lli ill uis whe re he g rew int o man hood . In 187 1 he was united in marri age ttl SUSfl '1 SI' lI l'r,;. T o t hlH u nion waR born t h n '() ..:hildr<'rt .I . U A rn olu, of Cinci nn ati . an d (; (' rt rude Prug h, of P ill"bu f}{It'. A da ughler Lulu died in it ,fancy .

A Univer-sal Peace

Mr. and Mrs Ronald Hawke, Mis9 Alma Wa t E'rh nuse and Mr. Ha rvt>y Rye were In Da} lon :::ia t urd ay. MiS3 Alma Wa t prhom,e went t o the <.,"t1autauqua " lIt F'ranl< fin Monday, and will remain until it is over. Mr and MrR, Grove Sneathen, of LelJanon, wer e t he Sunday guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherwood. Mrs. Lee Wooll ey Rnd children, of Day torI, have been visiting relatives and friend s in Lebanon anti M~on. Havolelle Auto Soap is economical. Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co


H . Allen, Raymond DaviR, Misses Georg ia Hadd en and Elizabeth Stewart we re at Chautauqua Sun · day. Mr . and Mrs. Chas. Moore and little daugh ter of Washingt()n, D, C. are guests uf Mr . and Mrs. R. A. CroBS. ,Mr. and Mrs Frank Zell. Mi ss FlOf"ence Wilson and Earl Conno r were in Dayton Saturday' to see t he flying machine. L&tTUitil~ representing th e Antioch Nurs{'ry, ana will be g lad to g et the trade of this locality. l. N . Miller, Harveysburg, Ohid.


Satur~ ay all day. until e vening , seemed almos t like Sunday . Every· body WIlS in DavtOll attending the flying machine com eal.

Wanted- A loan of fift een or six· teen hundred dollars at five per cent. Will give first mortgage security on a good farm Inquire at this office . Roy Irons hR>l moved into the Haines property on Main street, and Frank Carman moved into his ne wly acquired property on MAin street ' Monday,


Silver is home from Georg'a where he has been for some time in the peach.orchard belt He says there was a large crop of peaches in the South this year. Mr. and Mrs. E L. Bavpr of Sid· , pay. Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Bayer, Galion, Obio were the guests "f IIr. and Mrs L. A, Zimmerman a couple of days last week.

A Man of Peace

Dr. Dill, who has an office here, is abaent this weeIC, anti is in attend· ance at Philadelphia, where the American Ojlteopath Associsltion is baving a yearly meet He will be . at home n~-t week.

ball pme at , Locust

~~~at~t'; a,tternoon, II tlie visiting owing team

·018 of the auto

traveling, bN'lke,'.,lHln tlIlt!Y. ~rn~!ed Beaver·

In compl imen t to Mr. and Mrs. Russel l Sa lisbu ry abou t fo r ty yo ung lJellple were ente rta ined a t the h ome of M i ~s J osephine Og lesbee , B'riday evening. Dr. and Mr s. J . T . E llis had WI th eir l{Ul'stS lit a Sunday di nner. Mr , and Mr ~ . Ha rry Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Chus Ellis and fam ily, Mr . a nd Mr:!. Sid Ellis, and Mr Raym ond Co nner.

MiRSes Anna and Lillie Mather ente rtained Su nday at th eir beautiful cou ntry home t he following g uests. Mrs Asa Egbert, Miss Lillie N edr y. Mrs . Alice McKinsey and d aug hter Henrie Lta and Mr. a nd Mrs . J ohn Br own a nd da ug hte r Elda . Mr. and Mrs. A , E . And erMon and sons Ed wa rd a nd h a nklin. of Glen · dale, Ohi o, and Mr . Coolidge Hill, wife and daughter Virginia, and 13 S. Silver, of Winton P lace, near Cincinnati. Ohio , and Miss Mabel EulallS, of Lebanon , Ohio, were dinner g u ests of M. W. Silver and fanlily, on Sunday.





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CHRISTIAN CHURCH Servi ces at Christia!l church Sun. n ay Au g ust 9th . Bible School a t 9:30 a. m .; Communion, 10:30 a. m. ; Christian End eavor, 7 p. m. Preach· ing by pastor, 10:45a. m. and 7:30 p . m . Everybody invit ed t o attend these services. .. - • .sUNDA Y· SCHOOL CONFERENCE


Do not forge t the Confe rence for a ll Sunday School Workers of War· r en County at Lebanon, August 22nd . Our Enemies at 3 p . m., dinner by Confcrence Are hunger, cold, lack of educat io nal facili t il's , etc ..; tlrese a re real Methodist ladi es at 6 p. m ., 35 cents, dangers foll owed by another conference. O ur suppositiou s en emi es (forei gn nation s) bea r us no ill will-they -. - - -are our brothers- yet our govern men t spends ti.j p'er ~'e nt of its income Messrs . C. B. Bentley and W. E . • . . fo r the army, navy and p ensIOns. ~ b is rati o sh uuld be rescned. We O'Neall attended;the Jamestown fair Thu.rsday. should spend on education many tllnes m ore than 0 11 armaments

-- ...



The ~xecutive .meeting of Warren County s township a~d County Sun· day-School officers WIll be hel~ Saturday, August 8th at 2 p. m., 10 Mr. Jameson's office at Lebanon. - - • BASE BALL NEXT SUNDAY The Miamis will have for their ad· v ersaries next Sunday the strong Dodds team. If the weather is fine there will be quite a crowd to witness this game

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The Hisey·Williamson Family Re· union will meet at the residence of J. W. Hisey, 2Y. miles southeast of Waynesville, Thursday, August 20th.



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Tht' Junior Guild of St. Mary's church will meet with Miss Mary Thomas Tuesday afternoon. August


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Events ,

............. ...-..~ -.-. ..-. ---

Mrs . W . H . All en and MiRS Olive McCi>lIum are ente rtaining a jolly crowd of girls at a house party this wee k. The guests are Misses Kate RH>GE VILLE 'S HOME-COMINQ McCollum and Marguerite Morey. The Ridgevi lle Centennial and of F r anklin, and the Misses Sarah, !lome.Corning will be he ld on Satur- K at hrina and Lina Sellers. of Lebaday Aug- list 15. HJl 4 All day mee t. non. Several delightful social af· in g ~rof. W . .H. Venable , of Cin· f airs are being planned in their Cll1na tl, ~nd J OSiah Mor row, o ~ Leb· honor. ~n~n . w lil ad?r~ the meetmg at Florence Lacy entertained a few . 0 clock. ThIS wll! be followed by f h f ' d ;;:... turday nl' ",ht I'n short talks from frI ends and f ormflr 0 er nen s ,,.. • . r e!lid.e ntR of this community . . honor of Misses Roaa and Lena WIlls. Ji'rl enos a re req uest ed to brmg Ice cream, bananas and cake were we ll· fi ll ed bask~ts. that we may serve I ser ved, Those pn~aent were: Mr. t holle f ro m a distance . and Mrs Albert Drake and son, Mr. By special arrang ements all trains and Mrs. Frank Cook and . daughter, on th e D , L. & C. railroad will stop Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Whltakc:r and at Vena ble station , where ('onvey- . sons, Mrs. Walt~r .D aklnand chIldren, ance w ill be provided therefrom. ' Mr. and Mrs. WIll All~n , Mr and Commi ttee I Mrs. Thos, Lacy, MISSes Gladys ._ - • . Rosell, Bertha Orndorf, Abigail Ro· IMPOIHANT SCHOOL NOTICE Iland, Lena and Rosa Wills, Nola QIld Laura Hill , Florence and Edna Lacy. Rl'!1id ents of Wayne township Messrs. Carman (Jornell, Bernard school district, not residing in Allen.. Howard Chenoweth, Forest WavneRville school dis trict, or as- Hobht, Ozero Rosell, Charles and s ig nE'd t o Waynesville school district Harry Lacyand W. Z. Chenoweth. f OI" t he sch:>o1 year 1914-15 01" en. ...- ••- -t itl ed by the distance privilege t o SUNDAY SCHOOL P!CNIC attend s ame. are here by notified thal be fo re s ending pupill to the Waynes· On Thursday morning quite a numVill e sch ool , permission must be ob be r Christian Sunday-school tea~h· tained of the Board of Education. ers and scholars wended their way This does not apply to Boxwell grad- by means of carriages and hay-wag· uates. If you wish to get this ons to CroRS' woods, chosen as the .. {'I t ' h I k pe rmI SSIOn, 1 e reo:tues WIt c er . favorable spot for a Sunday·school picnic. After a jolly good time spent F . C. Gilmour, Clerk of Boa rd of Education. in various amusements all partook ~ - ....- - of a delicious picnic dinner. The oc· casion has been looked forward to A FIRE ALARM MONDA Y wi t h interest for several weeks and Peo ple on Main street were startled was thoroughly enjoyed by all presMunday morning about 8 o' clock e n t . with th e c ry of fire. It was dis· W. C, T. U, MEETINO cove red to be at the residen.::e of Jonathan Smith, on South Main . street . In lig hting the coal·oil stove The r~gular meetmg of the W. C. the oil in some manner became ig. T .. V. will beheld at the home of the nited and looked threatening but Mlsses Kelly on Tuesday afternoon, after the fi rst cry m en rusheti i~ and Au~ust 11, at 2 o'clock. Thp g~neral 80 011 exting uished it. The damag e tOPIO for the afternoon will be was extre me ly small. "Rescue Work." . . _ _. __ _ • A full attendance 11 desired.


Mrs. Stanley-Sellers, of Lebanon, Mrs. Alice Keys and danghter, MiBB Clara "and Mr'§: Sarah Lippincott were ~ests of Nir. and Mrs Howar(l HopkinS at Ed~emont Thursday,

.-I Social

The fu ne ral of t he lale W. W . Ar· rlOlrl was hell l at hi s home Monday af te rno ()n at 2 o 'clock . Rev. Grau ser had r ha rKe of the services M r~. lira user ~att R' Beaut iful JAlc of Some· where Hnd Rocl< of Age!!. T he pa ll hearers wert' rela t iveH and in ter ment wa~ in Miam i ceml~ te ry The foll uw. ing f r i!!'l ds f rom out of t own we re ~ rf';;e n t: J . O. Arnold. wife and dau g ht (' r. of Cincinnati; H. M. P rug h, wife an(1 da ug hte r. of P itts · hu rg h . I'u . A. Se lle rs a nd wife, Luthe r Sf! ller s and wife , of Dayton, Mr. and Mr)!. J . W. P rug h and Mr. and Mrs H. D. Smith, of Xenia , G. II. Il a bh c("o t ta, Cin cinnati , MrR. A. I.. Hendr ick:!, of Lebanon . A. F . BU I'ke, Ha rr ison, Ohio, W. M. Foste r wife and da ug hte r , Detroit , Mich ., and ~(' v t'ral [' Iuse f ri ends fro m Ha r . \",y ~ b llr~ __ __ ..

The lloard of Education on Monday evening of this week compl eted Alexande r , Caesar, Charle mague a n d m yself fo unded em p ires o n arrangements for th e tem porary clos· fo rce , and they per is hed ; J es us of Na zareth a lo ne. a cruc ilied Jew, found · of Green Bria r. Red Oa k and Ci>1· ed His k ing dom on love, and at th is hou r mill ions of men would d ie lege Hill schools . For transporta· for Him . lAl'OL EO N tion of pupils in Green Bria r dis· tric t th .. bid of I·la rry E Earn hart " As indi v idual s we a,re units of wea kness ; u n it ed we are batt~ri e was accepted , a nd ,for Red Oak dis· of power." Let u s b e umted to the (:xtent of s lgmng these declaratro n s trict the bid of L , NicholROn . Th . . pupils of College Hill we re aHsigned The American Peace Society wa s founded in J\Iay, 1828, eightY' slx to Mt . Holly and Wavnesvill e sub , years ago. Those who pla nted and nurtured t he g row th of the senti · dis tric ts. To prev.ent confusion and ment in its favor has permeated soc:iety t o the extent that its m ove the passmg ~f pupIls f.r om the rura l ment has become resistless . One etI ec t is it lias invaded our a rm y so to W a.r n e~ vlll e s~hoot I~ was thou K" ht that when the army takes ~ ties it proceeds to clean them and by mak· best to nO.t permit pupIls t? go ing them better to live in gains the g ood will of t h e inhabi tants. the ruralm to the WaynesVille School . ' ,' . without the pe rmission d the Board W ar wastes and Withers all that lS worthy m the wo rks of man. of Edu cati on After ordering re o D AV I IJ STA RR J U R DA N pairs and work done necessary b e • , SOciety s Ene rgy fore opening of 3ch)0t. Board ad . . ed t t . II Journ 0 m ee In ca For the purpose of peace discussion socie t y 'S cn ergy m ay b e di vid .. - ed into two parts-destructive energ y and nondes tru ctive ene rgy. De· AN OPF.N LETTER 51 ructive energy includes building and equi pping wa r v essels and train · ing men to 11 anipulate th em , also organizing, equipping a nd drilling a n To Republicans: army is d estructive energy, fo r the ir llIi ssio n is to destroy . I am again a candidate for County Non destTUctive energy includes n early all the civic func tions o f so· Survey..,r, Defeated for lhe nom- ciety from the dealings of the real e state agent wbo, in hi s business, ination in 1912 by only 64 votes, I, neither a dds ~o or takes from socie ty 's wealth either materially or iute l· the second time, solicit your support. lectually-sueh energy is wast ed energy-an d othe r occu patio n s of like Recent events show an urgent ilk, to the farmers who produce the wealth the world lives on - thei rs is need for a spe~y refor.m In tht' constructive en e rgy. m~nner. of sp.endmg pubhc money. ow, the point I want t o make cl ear is that a sma ll a mount of deInjunctIOn BUlts to prevent the un.... II' d d . .. ~ lawful expendilure of large sum!'! structlve energ y. we dlfect e - oes It ~ug~est a cannon well alm ed .should not have been necessary . may ~estroy an Immense a mount of soclc ty s products . . lhe cost of the armaments of the world IS a c rushmg burden but Schemes for evading and ignoring the law should fail. Efficiency and this cost is as nothing compared with the armal1\ ents ' powcr to destroy. econom} ii desired and should be The people have the power to reduce these a rma mellts to a lIl e re supported, Will you assist? . police force and they will do it as soon as they learn its desirabili ty . I appeal to you ~klt:Jg your aSSI!lt· S ign these declarations and let your voice be heard . ance and fully be hevlng that you love jus tice a nd desire to do what is N ow Is the Time right. Most Truly, " . " " A .. ~. Bo",:,er, , T o fo~~~rd .t he peace movement. . IS ":yello w pen!. I he Surveyor and ClvIll!;ngmeer, Western cl vihzatlOn5 have roused t o a chnty t he mIg ht y powers of th e July, 1914 Lebanon, Ohio. far East and unless we give the m the olive branch of p ca cc as we have - adv. gi ven them commercial and military po wer w e will sutTe r. Th e work SUNDA Y.SCH~7:" ·CONFERENCE must be done now. lllbert Russell says, "Thc wor k 1l\\I Sl be d o ne during this generation o r it will be too late." Decide now to attend the Con· ference of Sunday School Workers of Warren County, at I.E banon, Saturda~, August 22 , Conference at 3 P !T1 • banquet at 6 p. m ., followed hy another Ci>nference. Complete pro· gram and full particulars will be published later. .

e----- -.. . . ---.



Mrs. Mabel Fit zge rald has ac· cepted a positio n as bookkeeper with a Dayton fi rm .

Whole N umber 327 5

5, 191 4

Chas. B. Herrman, Midland's hustling bill pOster, sign writer, etc•• was married last Monday at 11:46 to Mrs. Katie The ooremony took II~~:~,!I.~~!:;~: of the a



~ua lntancl'tt wbo cynlcn ll y arrnlgnod him a .. th o fool 111111 hl K mO rll·Y. Bul., Ilk n tbe vlllnin III tI«l pia.\'. htR incom o ~ tlll r.ur"ue d hi," , (·'-l'lnln 6clLl1dal~ in"I'ltalJly foil. ,,,. d, ~11 1I 1l1. rt6


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At the Stage Door . " ourtldnrlt 'ul I'c rfpc liy Rtrnll; hl; 'll. fl mplp >houl d e r~ did not touc h the hac k or hia chnJ r ; and his armtl were ro lded tigbtl)' acr08S hie c b p.HL T be c hllractl'rlsllc ot h is attltuel was w nseness. · The nostril s we r e well ' de· fllled. a8 In one w ho sets th o upper law hnrd upon the ne ther. His brow n lyell-tilelr gaze dir ected toward the ~tagfl w be nco camo tho voice of the orlma donna-· pltomlzed tho tellslo o, (' x proslled the whol e as 10 a word . Just now lhe \'olce WRS path e ti cally Rubdued. yet r ea ched eve ry part of lho lllldllOrlum. kindling the ea r wltb Its ~l llgl1larly mellowing sw c tness . To Courtlandt Il r esem bled. as no otber ~o und. the note of a mufll e d flurmese gong. sl ru c lc In the dint in ce a sed cav· e rn of 0 temp le. A DurJnf' se goog: brIefly a nd magica ll y tho s lag,·. the auri le nco , lhe amazing g lC'llrn nnd ~c ln · rillatlon of tb e Oporn. fad" d. He beard only 'Ih e vnlco and Haw o nly t be pu rpl e shadows In th e t(,1ll pie at Rangoon. th e orie ntal sllnse l Blllush· Ing l he golden d UlIl e. tlt e wa' e rlog lig h ts or tbe dripping (' andl es, t h" dl!ad flow er!! , lho kll cellng d(' ,'otoo". the yellow·robed prI 0,,(6. the Ull l er~ nf gold ·leal', Cres h and old. upoo thc rOWH or placid g ri nni n g B ud dhur,. T he F renc h borns blare d aoli th o IlmlJll nl rash d. Th e curtaIn sault Alo wly . The RudlplICC ru s ll e d, stood li p, Rough t Us wrHPS, an d p.lfjsed toward th e PI· ttA and tho g raud stalrcaao. II was lI 11 ovrr. Cou rt laadl to ok !Jl s leave In le !5ure. H ert.' aod t h e r e he Haw familiar fnces. but t h e~c. art tr tho Hudln g g lnnce. he studIou sly a.voidud. li e want ed to be alone. Outsid e he li ghted 11 ciga r. not bflc nuse at tbal mom en l h e pO G'; l)sBed • rravlng for nicotine . bul bccau se lIko a ll Invp.terute s mokers h e b ell m" d that l o bacco co nduced lO clarlly o r thougbt. And mayhap It did . At leas t . lhere prFlsen tl y followed u mental calm that expt'll cd a ll thi s co n fus ion . T h c goal waxed nnd waned as he gazed down t be g ree t nv e nue with Its precise rows o f lamps. Far away he coul d dlKcern t he ou tline of the broodin g Louvre. T h ere was not th e lelltl t hop o 10 the world fo r blm to proceed toward his coal thlo nlghl. H e reali zed thi s clear· ly. now thal h e was face to face wllh actua lities. A wild desire seized him to make a nlgbt ot It-Maxlm ·s . tbe en barets; riot and win e. Who cared T Bul t he des ire burnt Its e lf out be tw e en two PUfl'8 o f his cIgar. T e u yoars ago, J)erhaps. thiS brand or am usement mlgbt bave urge d him s u cceSIl1 u\ly. But not now; he was dOlle with .tomfool nights. Indeed. bls d Isslpa· tions had been wblm s lcal rather than brutal ; and retroflllCction never .aroused a turtlve 8ense or shame. He wae young. bul not s o young sa il D Idle glance ml g hl conjecture In 1)Osslng. To such casual reckoolog he appeared to be In tbo early twen· ties ; but !Scrutiny. more or less IMal· lIb1e, noting a 1I.n e here or Iln L\ ngle t here. was disposed to add t en yeanJ to the Bcore. Tbere was In lbe nose and c hin a cer tain declslven E!eS which In true youth Is nu ely d eve lop od. 'fhls characteristic arrives ooly with maa· boort. manhood that ha s b ee ~ tried and pe rhaps butrete d and per c hance n li ttle d isillusioned . W hat was one to do wbo had both money and leisure link ed to au Irresistible des ire to le avo be blnd one plncs or thing In pursuit or anotber, Indl·t.ermloately? 'rhe Inb or ent ambl· tl on was to make mou ey; but recog· nizing tb e abtlUrdlty 01' ndulng to his Income, wbl c h e ve n III his ext ra va· «noce he co ul d no t spend. he gave lJlm~e lr over In l o th e .lrnl1d~ o f g raspIlIg r «Jlro'nd and sttJamRhlp co mpanIes. o r lhelr ageucles, und bcc!ln.c for a time the slav e of guldo and dm goman and carri e r. And tb e n th e \\' l\nd,·rlU9 t. desc e nd e d to him from th.: blood of h Ill roving Dut('h Iln ce~tors. wh ic h had laIn donnulIL In th o sel'fO ral genera. ti ons following, oprang Into active lifo again . He bocame kn own !u eve ry port. o f call. He became kno wn also In tllO wildernesses. W hattlver had for til e mom en t np· peal ed to hlB fanc ), . th at b e bad donc. He was alone. abso lule Ulaster or his millions. Mammas with mar r ia gea ble daughters declared that he was Impoa. sible ; tbe marriageab le duughtera nevor bad a chanco t o d ecide one way 01' tho oth e r; aDd men call ed him a fooL He bad promoted e lep hn nt flgbtJ3 wblch bad Rtl rred t be In d ia n princes out ot t.hei r melancholy IndltterenC1!. and tiger hunte.· wblch bad. by their duration and magnlficonce, tbreatentld tc, dIsrupt tho efficiency ot the BrlUsll mllltllrT serdee-whlmslcal elcessetl. ·'pot. u..n~erstandable b)' blll lntimate ao-



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"Ir:I,, " II,,· labll'. wa~h' K 1':.)011 wi ue. Ih" Inf"r r n(',' IR bu t n.,'urul. !:in. mOil "h'ur Is IOl\l: ly." 1Ie I' IlpM and (')'.~~, aft grav" lInd "JI1 llc l eH~ lid hie own . pU7.~ l e d h Im. An ud" e nture? 110 looked at SoUl E' of tbe ot he r "' o n,on. Thos!' ho co uld ullder. sta nd , but thIs oue. no. At a ll tlmos he was wllllnt< t o 6mll,'. yel to draw Nr.I:-;~:EnS 01 th t) t'u l-I he r ou t he re alize d th a t h u mu s t pm· tll d SUite'S bU T'II U or Re r vc hili' grnvlty unbrok en. T he sit u· 1,,111 ~ ~ hav e r e "Illly l)(Ir- I a llon \\' IIS not utiunl. lilt! gHZ,' ,' 1101 f'·I·tocl six d "vlcl's. liv e I ua ('k to b ~ r . or I'> il ic h Ind lrt,.· tl~' In· " Is Ilw compllr !su n In vo r a ul u " ul vo Ih" RIl " lng or hu· I TIl,, '!" "he nsk~ .! UllIlI Itf., :tllU til,' ,Ix th I "It 1,_ W hal j~ 1 0I1l' 1I11'~.'~ " " Uti 01 .... th .· ,mlill[; frolll waR t!' lIlandr:rl c)'n lc lIll), . ·,r !Ioturnl r('sou r ces . In ; " Ah, I ('oult] t e ll )'0.1." . 11 nll SWI' J'llrl. ,' III ,,,anrl) U~I I)Ii<' n. " It IH th e longing to bFl with th (')til' 11')' 1 i) ,It; n,' '' " IlIad" ror "at r lit i ll urtl"r 'n, I"," ' ; It 18 th t) hal.· of n,o wlclwd tn rl'lnln Ihese dovlc es ru r th,. u~.., of I IlIin g" we hlll'(I dr.n'). tt Is r f'm ol ..1'-·... Ih .. :, ..0,,1.' with(,ut Ih ~ I'll) 111 e"t of r()~" "That c(' ho,,~ of Ih· AlIIblgu L· o m · alt }' :111<1 In PI' . w' nt all )' cUl1lm e n' la l l

post! all oloug, /lod pe,-,.IHtcnt 1),1 11/: t o hlmsclf hod 1101 pre,·a'lI ed. III du' Ume he took hi s stalld among Ih l' gilded youth who "'ere IJ(lt prll'll "r, I1c1 (llko th<!lr mo re proeperou s plJ IJr8j t n walt on ts ld e tbo dressIng roOl1\~ for tholr parUcular ball e ri na. By aud by there W88 a littl e r eH!>ec tful com mo· Uon. Co urUandl's haud wr ol In stinc t · Ively to hla collar, uot t o o ~ certniu If It wero prolJ' rly nd ju s t ed , but rIlth er to relieve tho 8udd e n pres su r e. li e was cnrngl'll at hI s wea kn ess. 11 0 wanted to turn away. bul h e co ulu not . A womlin Issu ed fonh. mu illed In silks and li gh t furs. S h e wus i ollo\\ orl by anoth er. quite pos ~ lblr h ~ r maId . O ne may obscrvo very we ll at Illu es from the co rn e r of th o eyE"; th at iA. objccts at w hich l)lItJ Is no t l.. oldn~ como withIn th e ran ge ur rlsl ,lI\. 'fIll' woman palLaed. h er foot lI~ o n · tl,, · Rtl'I'

: '1!1 1~ .'·

or tbe modest li m u u 5 in c. She wblfJ. pored HOJDetblng hurri ttd l y i nt o ll l"r COllllJnnJoJ) 's f"ar, NOOl c thillg c?\,l d elJ:.l ~

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C'r') U," P n f r om gU l lltn J.; a tnl)[I()Pol ~ i ll u r IllH' ! r tIl Hn uf n c t uJ'I' P "r huP t' thl ' 11l1!:" t Ill l , o rl:lnt of th r'

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II. · ~lr ll (' l( hh hdlld " Im;t·:h,·r. " 1111 I ln V" lill.>11. 11l'll ur .. to lw d l'di ";, II'U to pf(H" ~'l~ " S T ho lJ.l.t"II :S ha v" bceu IlJ r u r i· :. I,ili"11I b" hlld 1, I'OII!; lll bllCK 1Ilf' ,.r. ·. · II'" ,) f II", I)( '"pl,' I'l' la t .' to In· n.- l<NI fro r ill t h £' IIIIUH'" of HI, hal'll II. wil li h. ll1. 1'11 " llli><:I·I·.'1l1l 1\:1 11 , '1' ill flroll 'III I'I: I~ l a Ih.' rf 'SI'II" Itppur:H II " ~ I " lll'l!. In C!>;lrgl' or 111p. D"I" "' r la hurl\' . " 111 . r .111" forward '\!I lr a gla ~s. 1I'0fi' b y ""I:I'r~ fnl l(l wlnf! d ba~ l cr~ ' Iur~· . lind ".Irl I{tthl!. h I. , ". "Ktnn t. , -II ,,· Yl'l"ll': ,; ';II' P" d th o wlu~. T1Jl~ llfJ l'UfUlUri. " ht. h ~\lpl'll"H (jx~g f' n I \ \ ' Ilh tlr I' r"u t ri emlllHI fo r r.llliulII in rutty. lut ~ ll tlo rU\JJy pPJ' haps , by (,.In,' nr ~ilzi ll ~;:; Il1t o t h t' ~1. \'; " ;l ~ :Jhn dliJ RO, t l J 1 h" rt':;l' U I't'. "t'flllits h l lli In t-'ntt'r 1 1111.) {rl'utrul~:Jt Or C:lI:C'l. r, th. ' u urenu tholle sort lIa,·ariatl hats th ll l a 1'1' " I" 'rll a ps a " h im LJ ruul;ll t II If' 1,,· 1'1 '. PU I ~(H. OUl'\ ~a:; •. s ,1II d ca rry all hb 1I0 rk I (I f 11l i'lt .s look " )JI""I IlI ls "lVI' nl lon 11" worn 8u("c€'ssfu ll y onl y u y ~L'J1Ilan 5'I I ' lIf j r L' IH-,;a t . IlH)C!;:ji l 'llr L.; iI.)lh·ly ," rl.\1' a 11t.,' l'iou (\ 1 t w o h Oll r s III th .. h ll- , IU l oth .. .. po~.s; ld,"'I lIlf' :lllS or ~lI dnb hu s t ellped out. of .111 <: ~oth t: rin b t o ~r<'f' .. ~;u IOIl ~ ly th a t I ani .dflHl" t tt:lIlp tl'd fl'''.ll of mi liCH' "XIh'r i.' IIl'" wlt ll thi s : ma n l ifo . It la pstilll .lIE'tI II:n l thuse (er Ilill oss ll;tnn~ c. Courllandt pII';IH II \lu t you IIItv U u"xk,lb .11111' ru n :!"'o'i.·, I hrt'~ 1'1'""11"1'" hn l'I' l o~ t. lhdr . 11(' 11' I11 l1 th llll s will nI L Ih.: co~t of rn. III'C''; . :L r: (1 III (llll'h iorstllflCC II 18 b~: ,1: ~1l1 flilly olh' . holl . al:d "l'I'hO I'8 toor. , hi m a«lde ca lmly, IIIl~d hl H hal , ar.d :tway lI itl! ),Oll ." smiling Ironically , closed l tll.! dc" r t ·}· ~; h e ,; pt tln"'fl 'h,' .: !a~,_ li l"'l' d tb .~ ir d" Ihp II' crfO tI n" to cenaill I They ,ire to 'bl' rur , hI' It,;" of lillY cltl. hind Ul e singer . The sli!!, w h ich Ihe "!l lIt I . ha·n·t." \Ie' adllPrI. otber mau made towa r d (' c ul'll1lldt dl·f.:c ls I~ th · · :' I'parn l us. This h'd 10 hnv e' b .. n lI ~(lf \J1 ut Ih!' ( ' lttlH Y mIn .. : /.•' ll 01 lhe I-'llt e d SUlteH. 'j ill' " park 01 e~gl' rrH'ss i n 1,, '1' I'yes "dpRppr< l l,' n lfO lllpt upon the part of ' hI'<' ill lli ino !'; se vl'ra l years a ' 0. where I :::1I 11 11IIIltller ~I\"i u<'l'r 01 th ll bu. was un eq ul vo cal 10 Its mcani n ". IIllt evcn a~ Courtlaudt sQuart!d ltiUll\t·if ttl WUH ill~~ll lltl)' t: ul' taim.:tI . "Tll " rc lij 11 tl H ' " II"ln!!('rs 10 COII"l r uct an :tlJ :'~,ra· _0 lI1un" li1 e n los t Ih e ir II v,'s. Th e 1'\'3. 1 r~hu. Alf r ed (' . It''!;gel11, in r hn.r:;e 01 l e tHal "'(', 1)" 111:-; tha l wouid hI' rpasol1abl ~ sat't} T l lt! l'U'" l'r.:Wt-i til l'!"!' hull to !I tlb.h' c t lht'ru· I oi l ill \'t.'Nli~;\.tiuru;, lI a ~ invj ·nh 'fl a new meel tho co mint; olJth~ r s l. tit" \\()l1l:1nT' " J!.,; lh ' l'll tltH :.llwa}\S 3. wo m an'!" titrlUlger lJau se ri. shrugged his s !l o ul · " And she has dlaapPOill l{'d nw n· e ll ~III'1t' r s fDund cuns ido:rah lc rli Ilh' u llY I ~el l ' <'s 1<1 l1nn "(,C"~l1r,' d"ng,'rH ill d ~ lYP" of ,·ul,·t' to ("olltro l (,'L~ln" 110ad~ dert!, lum e d and mad e oil. i( ur? " TIll' 1'1' Wll'l no IUllrk'Jd b}' I1I' In t he a b ,,,t plion of th e pub onouR 1\1111· , s(,'Hlflln g the II'r" "I«'oi ~ lt:<n b.·.·anse of I fo r 01 1 II'(> II ~, II ,I p\' \!' (' thaI '~i ll at onco The lady 10 tile II mou'in"-I' t'r~· Ila' by In thl' tOIIl'. ter of 11 .. br eath in t he appar a t us. and ' II1('k o f 1\H'llll~ uf 8 1,,"alill~ . Th e de· . shu t (llf tho 11,,11' nf gas ur (J11 111 a new palo cou ld IIny hav e looked c1cr.,f'iy In · I " ~i ll cl' En·. ha s tbat nor utle n wom. ni llo III lhe r e.du t' l loll of th o high prea'l ,' Ice Is so flrnl11 ge d that ill thn n usl'nce I '\'1· 11 alld i n that II'IY r. lOIl !lIe e nol' to hoI' fllcer- wns whir l .. d away Into th, ' .•,,'~ I,art in lhe hUmall co m lld y!" I-Ie r.u rp ox)'gen "arrl£od In tit ", lauks on of hllll1lU1 ItIl eli lge nce to dir ed Ihe giv' l l11OUS wllll t e of th!'~" I'l' ~ llu rces that n ight. Co urtlandt dill not stir frUll1 \I fl 9 a llllo st curt::lin tilat hilI' UPK b "~•. tlto lJac k o f tho reRCllel'8. Iloth pro b· Ing or a vreolTutlged cod" or sig nals. I iI>lR h l'e n goi ng .111 (M y(,lI r 8 In th e the curb. Th e lim ou s in e tlw lOdll'U . (':1 1111 ' Ilrnwr . "Sm il e, If yo u WIBU . II ICll11H w pre gubmltt <, d to Wi ll iam E. ! th ., gOll !,: on Ih e Hud uc f' Iltlu In th e e n' l l ; ntt ed Stolen. Th e tl flW vul vll bUll once It ftushed under a lig h t. 0 li d tbell i ~ 1I0t prohlLlto ry h,' r ". " CilJbM. c ons u!lIng e n"ln eer of the b u· j glnfO house wo uld ring cOJlll nllousl y. : u\~ e n trl fOd ou t In tho Cushing fio ld of n va.nisbed . S h e Ilft el.l lh o wll1t··g l"A>I "ga In , and 1'00 11 , and lifter re~na rt' h "ov('rlng lle" - I whi ch , In e l'(l ry cnse. would lJe til" alg· , Ok la homa UJld has pr o" c d RUCCOIlsful. ''It Is the Amerl ca.u ." suid Ull ' ; of lll\lu he uotlc ed hN hand. II WILli eral ntonlll 9 l b e ~()IUlion of bot h "rob· I Dal to h olst Im me dlfttc ly. il Is ljald th at In tb e' I,USl It h ILS been lhe wslUllg dand les. large, whitc and s troog; It wa~ not 11'10" Is a n nouoced ill applicaLlo ~l ~ tor Th e bureau hn s ulso 1I1 1IJllrd for a , dltllcult to <'o ntrol maul' Of. tho we ll8 '''fhe Ic ic le I" tho uand of a woman wbo lIa lll ed. whu patHnts The cau!<tlc sodu. whIch I~ oumbct' of patents on pr oceS6es for ox. ! and that mlllloTl8 of do",.rs worth of ~Tb9 volcano. rather. wb le b fools h1ied In primrose p'dthll. lIsed In t he apparat us.l n tuklng up the tractln g va na dium . ura n iulll a n d r a· 1 011 aod gas han) gou e to waSle . Tbla beUevu extinct." " Te ll mo. what Is It you w ll' h? You DolHooouR e:thalatiolls of tbe breu th dlum from o r es. s u c h I\S carnoti te ore. n ew dflvl ce. wblch. IIkll the other "Probahly se nt bactl h er malli fo r iU'e r e Bt me. at a mOlll .. nt. too. wb e n I bas hue n so a djust ed as to pe rmit a These processes aro tbe r e~ ull of tb a I pole nts. Is to be dedicated to thl' (lub· her Bible. Ah. tbese Amerlc a us; Ih ,,} rio no t wlln t to be In ter esto d. Are you cO ll l lrluouij fl ow of lho ex plrlld nlr. A wo rk of th c DC[l\'er (Colo.) laboratory Ilic. 19 expf'cted to s tOIJ much of thla ore very L\mualng." r"ully In troubl e? Is tbero anything I lle ri ea o f success ful ex perim ents bave o f t b e b ureau of min eR, and th ei r pur· waste , "Sbo wa" In magnificent Yolc e t o· CUll rio barrlog th e tllxlcab1" alreadY b ee n made upoo thi s devic e. nJgbL 1 I\'o nder why sho nevcr ~ In gs S h e twirled the glass. uneasily. "I Th" i!tlcond problem- the r eductlon CannenY" li 01 not In actual n,,~d of asslsta oce." of th o o ICygeu press ure of 2,000 pounds "Haye I nol enid t hat s h e Is l OO " !lu t you s po ke lIec ullarl y regarding to t h e [<quaro Inc h to the proper I' cold ! Wbat! Would yo u see fro"t 10IJ tl lln Olls." amount nee de d by the r escu e r - has *'--- -- - - - -grow upoo tho toreador 's m ustacbe? " Pe rha \>s I like the m e lodrnma. Yo u bee n accomplish ed by tbe Inv e ntl o u of Little P08lllbliity of Escaping From th ell.l rlcal manag er respou Ri blfl tor the And "bat a nam e. what n oamc ~ spolw of the Amblgu ·Comlque," a new typo or "alve. Tbe apparatus tho Strenuousness of Life of Inno vation Intlmutes that vrlces will Eleanora da Toecana!" "You are on the BlOge?" Ilt pres e n t r educe s lhe ol:yge n pres· Thla Modarn Tlmo. r ange from $" upwards . He e:x pecte Courtla.ndt was not In th e most "Pe rhaps." scre . bllt s uppli es the oxygen at a con· to draw mucb of his tal ent trom slOga amiable condition ot mind. an d n hInt "Th e opem?" stuu t rate. no matter T ime was wben a doctor said to A folk trave ling from ono country to the of thu rlbnld would have Ins tantly "A~u IIl ne rhap s ." . bow much the " wearer needll. Wllh tbe new valve. the busloess man :' "You need r elt. Talle other to flll engageme nts. altbough transform e d a passive ange r Into n He lau g he d ooce more. a nd drew his I f I I d b th s upp y 0 oKy ge o 8 r egu Ilte y e a n ocean voyage. Then you will be th ere will be some pe rman e nt m e mo bllnd fury. Thus. a sceoe hUag pre- c hulr closer to lh o tubltl. cartously; bUl Its potentialitIes b<,"Yo u followed me h e r e. demands or th e w('arer of the appara· rar a way from every thought of busl· b e rs of tbe ocean comp a ny . came IIH nothin g on th e app earan ce of whe re?" tUJI aod 00 oxyge n goes to waste ness. N o message can reach you. not Poor old Ured buslnes!l man! Go Ilnother woman . "~'ollowcd yoU 1" The effort to give through a reller valve as in the de- e·v on the dally papers. . For ~ whole whero he will the vaudevillians aU11 Thill woman was richly ·dressed. t oo II mocking acc ent to he r voice WaM!l vlcea now In ulle. In mRklng these 1m· week you will be absolutely cut orr pursue blm. It may be Bald that If he rtcbl, . Sbe WilD followed by a Rus· follur e. provemente for safety, Mr. Gibbs bas from the world." Tbe u came Marconi prefers seclusion he can go to his bunll stan, buge of body. JovIan of co unl e"Yes. The Ide a just ocr:lltTed to me. Hucc elldled In r educlog tbe welgbt of Ilnd hiB wireless.. }'orthwIUl the big b elow. Theore ticall y he Clln. but In nanco. All expensive ca r rolled up to There were other vac aot cbalrs. and . the breathing opparatul tully 4(1 per ocean steamllhlpH hud their dally neW8- prllctl se It doesn't work out that way. the cuTb. A liv e ried footman Jumpe d tbere W[I.l\ nothing Inviting In my factal cent. T he appara tu8 at prflll'3nt welgbll papers lLud stock Quotations. Passen· If lIlere's any fUll a.going he'lI not be down from bl's lde the cballtTeur and expression. Come. le t m e have the 40 pound8. wblch proves a s el1ou8 gel's r ec eived private Ulcssages from able to keep out or It. The modern opened the door . The di va turned truth." handicap to th e r e scuer In hili work. land a.t all hours or the day Md nlgbt. ocean liner empbatlcally Is not a reat her head this way and that. a thin "I have a fri ond w bo knows Flora A th ird invention Is that of a col· Men transacted business with th eir cure.- Plttsburgh Gaz e tte.Tlmes. smile of saUsfacUon stirring hor lips. D 'siloone." lspslbla mine cage for use in rellcue offices practically as well I1S Ir they For FloTa Desimone loved th e hUman " Ab! " Ae If this Inform ation was a work following a mine disaster. otten were only detain e d at home for a few efa whenever It atared admIratio n into direc t visItation of Idodnes 8 from the tho mine c8&e I. 50 blLdly shattered by days and employing the tl1lephone DS a Dancing In the Old Daya. her owu ; and sho spent hlllf her dnys !':o ds . "The n you Imow wh e r e the the ellE,ct or exploslonll that It cannot medium of communlcallon. With the Dancing In tbe woeds was the old lIeltinl{ traps and lures. ratbH s ue. Ca labrian lives? Give m e h e r ad· be opel~ted. In such Instances. It II means of keepIng In touch with a1ralrs manner In lhe classic t\.m es and myth. cC86ruLly. She and her rormidabl e csdress." clalme~I, the collapsible cage would on shore few busy men wltp large In- ology tells of tho worshtr, thu!l paid cort got Into the car which Imm e dl . (TO BE CO NTINUED .) save hours of delay In rescue work t.erestl! could refrain from making use by t he pagans to the gods. The poetl! ately 'Nent away with a soft \lUrri n!': and p e;rhaPII be the means or saving of the allellcle9 at hand. Tbere wss lit· s ang of It. The prie sts or Mars wero SOIJn(t There was breeding In th e eo· Believed Him Honeat. lIvell. The designer of this cage tie differe nce betwee n tra"ellng on an the principal dancel'll In the sacred gine. anyhow, thou g ht Courtlandt. who t,layor Hunt of Cincinnati salel the longed to put hi s strong lingers aro u nd ol h{' r day of a notorlouo political hoss : Is George S . RIce. the chler mining en· ocean liner and staying at a big hoteL rit es to tbat deity. Tbere WIUI also gineer of the bure au of mInes Now COnlB.'I aonouncement or a tresh the rell.J1oulI dancing alluded to In the that lu xur ious throat which had . bill 11 'Th e y whn call this tollow hon est J . W . Paul, engineer In cbarge of the Invasion of the steamshIp by forcea I Old Testament. as whe n David danced second go ne. pass ed him so closely. hav e to etretch the truth 0 little, They H o turned do ... n th e Hu e Hoyale. on hav p. to etretcll It lik e th e old colored mine rescoe work ot tbe bullllatJ of that prol)erly belong on laud. The borore tbe a.rk to expT e~ s bls joy and mines. Is tb e Inventor of an electrical new est giant liner. rece ntly arrived at tbat or his people. and ther o were the the op[lO~lto side, and Wellt Int o t he farme r of Pa in t Roc k. ' Taverne Ro yale , wbere th e pAtrons "This old farmor said t o a young slgnaltIlg d e vice for use In shafts. ea· Ne w York. Introduce d ocean vaude- dances of the Druids round the al. veclally followlog di sas ters . With ville. The great " loun ge" 18 to be 1 tars and the mysteriou s atones . were nol ov e r parti c ular In r ega r d to chap : Ne\'e r. pe rhaps. In thu h is tory. of tho laws of fashi o n. nnd wh e r c ce r tain " ·Loolt. heah. Cal bou n. Ah don' min' this de~rlce a. p e rson descending a shaft converted Into a theater seating 1.500 huil es w1tb light hiStor Ies Bou ght " or r co' tin' m a h gal LllIlnn, but Ab 'd will be able to signal the hOisting en· a nd e ntertainment will be provided by the world. was dancing more popular furlber adventures to add t o tlwlr '~ u l he r yo' 1I'0uldn't c ome round mab glnller. If the man on the cage Is a company of artista from a Londo n thaD It Is today- nOl Jlven In tho ple8s . h npta mcTOnH. Now, Co urtl un dt th oug ht hOll so no mo' . O'l'llrcome and the apparatus falls from music hall. If the scheme prov es sue· I ant time when In England. Ireland n e ith e r of thc one nor of the ot hpr. H e .. 'Tim e fa' de las' wot yo' wuz heah, bls halflds. a circuit 18 Imm ediately cosRtul mUll cal comedy and even : and Franc,! the peovle danced on the desired Iso lation . sarety rrom Intru- ('al h o un. Ah mlesed a watab buckot, closed IUld a ~ng In the engIne bouee grand ope ra may h o given latllr . Of green. Oliver Goldsmith, traveling alan; and here. did he so slgnfy. h e all d d e la s' tim e de bridle wuz gone. glvee n suddsn wa.rnlng. Sucb a de- course. tbe performances will not be on foot, paid his way by playing tor ('.auld flnd It. Ho sal down at a "ucant nn d lIOIV as A\ has u se fo' rt e saddle. vice. It III claimed by · Mr. Paul. would rree to p8SSe l1ll eTII, The English the dancera on hj8 nute. table aud o rd er e d a pint of c h ampagne. Ah'd rulh e r yo' wouldn·t come roun' drinking hastily rathe r than tb lrs tily. no 1ll 0 ' . Revertee of a Sehoolmaater. atream flOWed, agltatcll m e tor a '#hlle . sophlc mind. One can but do what Would mon61eur lik e onythlng to "'Ah don·t say yo' haln't hones t. fO' suppose that mOl3t of tbe boya and dlsapprared Into th e Romewhel'll. on e ean.-Robert M. Gay. Itl the At. eat? Ah b'lIeveR yo' Is ; but slch cU'IS No, the wine wus sufficient. things h appens whil e yo's tll de nelt;b· whom I taught still eklst somewhere. leaving nothing behind bu t a tow neg· lanUc. CouTtlandt poure;l out n sl.'(und I;I'Is5 horhood; HO, jes' ter please all ole Most o'f lb e m muat b e stili alive, for IIglbl e bubbl es . Of 11 11 th e bOYII not IIlowly. Thc wine bubbl"d liP to t h(' man. \Vot aln·t e nfyln' do best er they SElemed In those days to be en- one bas ever beeD president or gov·. Stretched Cene ScatL hrlm and OI'e rflo wed . HI.! h a d been hoa lth. pleae e don ' come rouoe dis joying excellent h e alfh. The re must ernor or senator. Ir o ue has written When t'be cane lleats or chall'!! haye looking 'at the glass with un see ing ho use no mo',' " h av e !l,een 80me eeven hundred of a Dovel or Il play, I have Dot read It. become stretched, take a teaspoonful erell. He set the bollle do wn Impa. them . [n moments of d e pression I Some appeared above the surface ot of wuhlng soda and-dlssol'le In n tientl7. Fool! To bave go ne to Bur. utled to exclaim. "Wbat! wtll the Une society for n brlet ?;lerlod as baIt· quart of boiling water. Dip a cloth to As They Danced. ma, s imply to stand In the golden "I beli e ve Ina girl hav1ng a mlud stret~h till the crack 0' doom, Til I used backs or third baeemlUl. but only to tbls solution ~4 wlpt,. the undemde temple once more, In valn, to recall or ber own," sald ehe; " I. for on8, to plct1l1re m,.elf lUI a ped8.epglc:aI w.a - sink·· Into tbe COUlmOD ruck. ·o r the ' llcata. leavihg 'Uie chatr turned that otllel . timE!; the 'starv lng kitten ' am not easily led." . ,1er"deel, tllrnlnl, ~lDS, .~ t1!..i! edu· TIlls, again,' Ulad. - to wo.trY'· me. ' .It upsIde down : to _4r'J'.. Thla ue.tmemt held tenderly In a wom'an 's arms, blll r "So I percelvEl," he vonture4 S6ll&a, ,cat1onal .lll1c~ throUgh: whJcJi, ~1l't; ~ aeamed ' !l reflection" upqn °tea~­ wUl- ' sllnnk' thltl. ClUle .ttl· lfa' ortlbatl , 01m acurry atn0DC the bootbe $0 find between · dl~ '. . < .,. . • jN-. BT~h~h '~ ~to ~$ ' H~ .. • . ~ ' ~t the 1ean b~I.,~ phJlo- ~

to lhl.! puzzl"menl of 1111 Inller . ". 'H. looked Ilrounu Irn'sulukl". . II(' o beyetl, lJ o.W ~ IT r, aod relreat l'~I" I~' I.h" elOgo entr.lnc o. A mlln. QUlle •. s tull as eO~lrllllntlt, h is fa ce s bad",1 c:o ro-













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Th worldng girls or r;('w Y n rk . olld those all over the countr~· . are Juhl· lant. over Ii new ' ploll whlrh hRS Just galle Into effect ror th r lr bpll "flt. Ofrls are holdIng jolllfkation m c t"t1n!;lI everywhere: Bending' a "ot f' of Ihalll( s to ;!!Jelr employers " 'ho II1l "e extE'nt!· -!lid 1.0 them a halr·boltda y e v ery Sill · '('\JI8Y afternoon during th e ~umm c r mont.ha. What ellCIJral009 somo or tb pm are .plannlng Into the sweet, cool, grepll (lonntry. All the village Inns have tbel" Saturday night dances. Work · ing girls have read ot th em, ~t l;hed fOI' tbem. never dreaming tlip ~· cO'lld :partiCipate In them . But now they can I?l!t their best bibs aDd tuckers ready. flul. them Into • handbag, take the afternoon train that goes through theIr place. or a uolley car, In lesB than an hour they'll be whirled to their de!ltlna.tlon. ,,:t]..,.uy two or more strls club toge thw on'>these trips, all .baTlng ope room - end cutting . down expenses, Tbe old· " faabtoned dinner puts new hearts tn . tbem; 1bere'l, tbite tor a stroll befoh the daDelng belln., My! what a. ~ ~~th •.~h~e ' ctW .f\rla, $lut: ! T~e "U· bc. liku8 'ltireat tJlem, ~t tnt. then ~th ad~rattbn.; .' .

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high pos itions wblch the bachelor girl proudl y fills . ThE'Y bave doue bett er thnn to 111arry for support ; they hav e br t' ll lrue to their womanly princlple3



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. Ii " " " t;ards your I'ptrig eralor -J) "r bup~ . tban Iu li ny oth e r j)lirt ur Ih .. estab l l. hm euL. Th u bouseke"p· H IHI to . lI ne] ' ti m ~ l ll rt ttl "," 1 hut t h. ~ I' . " II MIl allll r o>g Dl'dlng h er rerrIS"I'Il' ,' l o u-1 ... l"a l1 ('d h y' l UI' 11\1I ~ 1 Uf! lib ~ ollll " cl e lLullo~ss A r,, " Idull! ~<)Il""rn l llg Ibis article roilY H p ur y 't,u rH1 mnolh 6( j on , (" harluy ' " t OO l If0 1 w ~ n , b·· h elp ru l 10 Ih e inexverleuced Mf\ wae. up t\.1l ,t ra l .. I,, ' h . )o Look O\' (' r Ih .. Ice hill tinil y " ' RBb tn 1\ Ifttle aP-tll : II III 1.'fiSl thre" Ilm .. ~-a w ee k . Ir tbe T ldn.,. h 'l) k,,.j b tu .' "ad( thttrtt . "'"1101 al l del\ " ed Ull agoJn vlp ~ "unlll't'lIIlJ; lll .. I,'., c ham b"r and Haupl"", dn ys I t" >1'- iuul , 'orrlll 10 Tlr. (Jrlp pan 18 ndJu.ta bl e II sbould IH' rel41n"f' Ih"Il ' m n" t'd aud "('ald ed un(: e u w etlk , for ) un w i ll b" Kurpr lB etl lo Dotlce l he " '0 ,,1<1 l ee nl" k 1nl'l ('II" t,... 11 Ilt II O(')t the rht>" _ ~ rt!B n sl l m' \ I hn l forms u n lo~ld e coat· ' T o t hFor ,la ), I I Q8t El "oor I lIg 00 nul 81m lJl y emp t y the drip pa.n [Jun ' t kno w 11tH? Il !.R , on ~ " o r I II I('~ tl Al l y ('lean It regu larly S UI fhll1K~ eort or " "'''' ru t u j f'tt f T u rn fl ut ",roll " for 19('1 It.., . nl 8n Tb .. rtl I. nolhlng beUer tor Ibe f' 1"I1, 1'" ,· l1 o n to nl ) le v .. 1 t.e", 1 I)Ur p0811 Iholl nld·tnshl o n eel " 6 rul ijud a" 1·,."uttTl · ~I')plh t-,,,, hl ' 1,06 ' m y (,lI w k,",t1 " " , k l i\ ... t \ofo'f'! .. k ,'an·t lin-! "omblnt'tI w ith 1, Ienl Y or boilin g walo r . 8."tll" wh o l'~ ~t!ver b" KlIlIl)' o r UIl11lug I ~e In the A 11 I htol IlltHIt'Y (or I h ., t It'! Y I had !h, hl Wlt:~ j'h l 'ti l wrllplJpfl i ll lI e W ~ pll."H)rK Thut r t)"n" i " we ll fl!lOll!;h 10 kl't.' p 11\ a box or tub rf"f~ lt ,v h lll'lt t n 111 ' 1..: 11 K l onl{ _ anel IA good nl tI01 t'~ . Il I" ilIon, sail I, P UHltt n' "I O.lnl 1\\\18,\1 ' f ary lo ",""h It-I! \'Idure> Il lac irl g II In th e '-rh lll gl' " an', kiJi\.-:>W " &.; ;) 111 ' wn'nH", -· l eA ('hllm ber. anO YOII avoid fh e ri sk or S" O'it"tdore "11 \ clOIUlill ):: Ih " "H6tf' "I/l e wllh II1trilcle9 Ttin t' l' nIl right r l'l r I l u -r " t hal' s n~~ .,.


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" Is Il I Bn who d eae rveR a KI"'ar eleal or ,·rtl(liI . H I' hI Il l' ()IIt\tunf Inslllru · l ion tn I1l P" -, Y I '~ t111 Hp f.1 rnU tll II H ab l" 10 lOOk 1111 lil t' hrl !(llt s ltlt:

\\ tll

ur " "'·I)' lhlng ." "[ kilO\\, II ThR "t h"r ll li Y htl tolel fliP Ihal 1111' POI)P)o' w h n II ",· 111 the Ita.t I,, ~ x l t ', tit .. unfi ti P rH'rllldl! H had h') fl f; ht II \lh " n,,!{ruph whit'h th f'Y k ept g "It, ~ rill,\' IInri nlgh l l{ fl l W ,\ .. he <lIM1' (H In-lK I' r!" ;"\1111 al all 'h-, ~al d hA

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I,rf's t-·n ' ,'


it r IL:hl l1""' !( \\ Cluet" rfu ll y

Knew His CUBtomer. An o lel Engll silmall, In.me8 S cnll b)' lIaflHl. Ir;tvt1l od ahout on bUHlnc ss uu· III he was nearly eighty years of al':<'. H e bocR llle celebrated for his I,un('ll\' allt~' and meth odical hnblta. U Jlo n ono occas i on a gt'ntleman stoDI)(~ ,1 at nn inn lIIul' h freqllented by !'vi r . 8eol t and saw 0. 00'" fowl cooking . "That iH very good." saltl Ihe hun/:ry i u,'"!. ",'ou may servo that for my dltltl l' r ." " Yo u cannot have that, tHr." r e pH el1 Ih " lnndlord . "That Is b clllg cOllk, !" for ~1 r . S c ott. the tra vel e r ." " I Icn9 w Mr. Scott very well ," sa lrl Ih e gentlemall. " Is he stopping h e re?" "Oh. IlO, sIr," answered the landlord . " nut Hix months ago 110 ordered a fowl In be r eady for blm at Ilrecisely t \Yo o 'c loc k t·odal'. and we are expecting him el'ery minute." .

Boiled S"I,"on . ~ 11jf' ilnd (JIIP · IIIt.n 1.0\luli )) 11" I ' IIlt ll l .


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Give Ih ,' ('nhhnl;e worm a dust 6Llray 3r onB part )laris green and ]5 parte of flour or alr·slaked lime. Save your own tomato seede-plck· Ing out tbe choices t fruit- aDd 8ee It you cannot Improve every year. In saving potaloes ror see,l keep onl y thoBe that are perreet In form. Take none rrom poor hills. A gard en \roe-plow will pr event backat:h e and do tbree times a8 much work as the common hoe. It the melon vines ar,!L rusty. pull them up and bum them. If only wilt. ed you may find ' a ~Ter about {ho NIJ Nee~ to Worry. roots . · · .·· . Dilltressed DIlm8el-Qh, sir, cat..~ Cabt>llge plants ~ gross feeder. ,that man. He· wanted tp kl~B,. m~:. and "1I'n make uee ot all k.lnda , ot mao . PassIve Pedestrlan;-"1;'bat1s all ,ngllt .. 'reo!!, TboBo . rtcb· In J)otaeh and' 111· 1,'here'U,' ~\ allothfir U1 . : 'II1lIlUt.6.1~eu..,", _l'4Icla!iy dellrable, lriollt-

Vocal Simillarlt)'. A 1It1le miss who liv es in the co un· try was mucl ~ overJoy od rocently when II. taby 8lGtc~ arriv ed _ at h~r hom". A nolghhor, meeting the lIlUe girl II day or 00 later. InquIred : "Old the etork hrlng 8. baby. to you, house the otber nIght?" " No," replied the little mIss; "wben I . first beard It honk I thought_ It was • goose, but whep. I looked out ot tbft l.'l1ndow I round It waa an automobile."









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,t1l" Ht'('nr rlio rl ,. N OnAen&e .

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"oltr S I~I( 11.1141

Connecticut Corn Bread . ~I !'t IO l!. t!lhe:r OIl P c,upful ('nch of c ~.,rn tlP ' at and n O liI'. (Jn r. t ellM pounrul uf ('r('all1 or tarlilr. 11 hulr t "aspoonrul or s Jd a. Il half t eufi poolIl'ul of ~u l1 lintl threA tabl "R " oo nrul ~ or sugH r Add one ('up (ul or ' suur c r<'lIm u r " went milk . I r th e milk is uf;" d Jldd also I \Vl) Ulble· Hpnourllis or ftl p. U .. d !llltl t'r . 1.t\~t1y . ;Idd I WO eg-!I; H wltholll b!!nllllg Milt \l p il IlUO h~I( " ~IJ 'nlu u, .. ~ ill Il " , ,,ady OVIHI.


p lf\ ~


1 ' ..

lure 111 p len ty Is :\Iso oef'dc.1 (or a llY, thing Wl,lh such a large 8urface folIage . Weed,S and grass prevenl large heads rrOIt! I.ormlng. Winter radish Heed Is mllted wltb the turnip at Ihe time of sowing the Corn Frittens. latter In tho fall. The radishes will Helll I wo e f;~~ Ji glu \\ It II 1\ c uprul IIf grow with the same treatmeut thal Is milk, t o whi ch 11:1\' '' I)(, Bn added II gIven to tunllps . They are harvested pinch or soda Ilud n tabl e~ lJoo nrul or aud stored together for wlnler u se. m elted butter ; stir Into this two cup' A gnrllen of one-tblrd to one-half fulb of cooked or canued corn, c hopp ed aere sbould be largo enougll to sup- flne; add two tabl es poonfuls or flour ply the _average family with all the al1d salt alld (lep p e r to taste. aud fry vegetable8 J:e qul~ed and with somo on a. 801l\J~tolle griddle. . •~ at hot as small fruit us well . you would griddle cakes . Red tap e Is being used more aud more for the bunching ot vego~blB8, To Make Sweet Corn Tender, It adds materially til tbe atracUV'e· . , Use sugar, 10lltead or salt, when boll· . n98S or nie vegetables and. the cOat "Ing' . as. I makes It t nder and 1a only slightly ~tel' than ,.twlne: . ,8weet.: ·-Serve wllb butter and aa1t.


~ ~-)

lil1lH pa ndey , IIlU I,." '. lh ,\' m e ,


A Fine Field of C.abbage.

gl ;.uJ . 1 h I'\'

If'nrn ifl..;

I" I'j a nd onion : , '\l\.' r Il g iltl y :tlld Ip i S If';\111 O t1 P and n tH,' · h:d!' ho\Jrs ,,! l lln ill UTlI ' u\' (' r iflg, 11H' 1I a lid (Ulf' R lld "I} I ' ha.U gh)t';l{{' ~ (I f \, hir e- \\, lI l l" . \\' i l h 91itt !t'.l le m o n jlli c'f' : ~1"Htll :! II 11l 11IlHt:' ..:: IO I) : ~ fl r nlld SPTVt"'. Houill o ll tJlII Y u... ·J ills l f" ;J(l of W i l1t-"~ If pn~ r .. ' rn ·d .




IlIl o 11I p l Hl pt' r !1 -" rt fl r A oth (' r 111' :1\,.\' l ti l,.. f' a q w l 1s

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WtUlI '8 that . run" \1I"110t ' 9 'hill yo u F tl un,l m)' J>O t: ke fl ~ok • Mutt"' )' In It Inro? 'fllorn.\' , C lou d,. Are go" ,' I,)oh' S Oot! rn y r h R IUl1lHI 'lo , b~ ..:o"h ' t It'n't: I nOl h ,tt n. 11' T h at ,-, 101 ('ow 7 nh . In l"hr y ,,"al II '


\ '111



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W hen You Sweep . I,'o r ~w(· .. p i lJ )( 1\ rool11 Ill'U:lUy th p r,::to t8 n " lh l ll~ Ilk .. np. wHIJllpf'r a lt!. 1'8k~ a (l :Jbt" of U I' WtipU (.It' " l' !' ot h p J' c o n ve o1 en t JlaJ)',' r, "t't it l hol \\ HIt-'r and squ eeze \l nlil it r"'t ~ . ·" 10 drip Teur Into l, i l '4' I'''' III ,. ~iZt , .,1' IJJl '~'s haud . C'a~t tln d


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One ·Prong Fork . .\ c la v,'r IIt)ftR{1 wlr" JII'" altllOl!I In \, (' 111" a k i " 'I"'n tool 1'\lltllll( all uruina ry. I" DR·b" II.lil'd . I hree- pronl,"tld (.() Ik'R fork. MI,,' 111 .. 11 n rr th e two Ollt!' r l 'r ongH, \('avlll!: an i ), OU f! , and uses tille I " 1"8l wht'l he r .. \' pgf\ln bll~ o r vl ere or III t' at I~ tcnll"l' Ti,e oun prong mu.i!: eR II ' ~ ~ ifill"\; lU1,1 Is I pH~ a pt (() br"uk th e f o oel Ih"'1 th u th ...· !' pl e r ci l\!; s . Tho f o rl. I, gnod ul !>4.0 t o r.-move c aps.f r o m m il k 1I0Ill .. ~ . fI 11 (I "~ I"'('lfllly ~o I II tIl' k i l,/( ,)1 1\" '3 IIlld IJl\tt'r ro()d~ 'ro m long· I1 PI' !;"d b Oll ll' ~ 11 u ti " 11118 . Rut:h II~ ace· lion" Hf fn';t . ,'1,· Inu ee d. 111IA ho usE" 1{""lWr bt, IJ('vPS lh u l Rho) 'oul tln ' l 'k " ~IJ k l l "hE' n " wll hout It.

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,I , ,l:...· It , 'I JI ,L ' tlllll .\ "t ,1\. It 1" II~I !t '- .t '," \1 111 . 1.1 .. tJl -tii u Itil Ii 1,11 11 "I ,lI k ;\ '

ty bl' twC E' 1l t.h e eoulllAB who marry on ot1 ... ·~ i(lo·d afl'('ctl o n . Tho wire p;ro\\'~



1 111'

lhn t 10),(l alono 81101lld warrant mal' rlagr Th ere 10 lItll e or no congenlall,

• .PJarple COWi 'ODe In the -WUu.m ," l''''

J"' l<l


,1 111 ,arl.


4!And . The great majority ltv ... up 10 whRt Ihey promise, Wifey finds Il' S ",.m ry of hnr tha.nkleRs pos it lOll /lllto" a miAlak e to run away frolll 11001 P for soon . T nll to on e. it ~ IIII ~ 10 Ih e ti l· com : orl s and luxuries nf th " ~('O ~ (lI1.


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iablell_ Wlfey, who was on th e f arm . ('onlll A back to hIm a8 thin U8 Ibough she had taken a reduction ell n'. or


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.11.,' !." ,'I \ II", . \ 1.. 1 III!_ 1 1,,'111 1,,\· 1' 1' I)· ' 1',,', 11,<II,'! 1 I " I ,·


to Ihe city. Hubb)'. who remulned In tile c ily, ~ flh all the fresh frulls and \· ege.

I I 11111":":'


, ·~,.!·,·'d

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tru c k carted ott to be sblnped dally

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A w,'''''\( 11"' a l " tiM b(" 'f) s ai d lo t f:" l y Jl ntl u 'h ~ r frU i t !'. Il l H t I n ~Ih lal n Ih\ s Th., ~ Irl whu ~n"~ hOnlP nboul i nt f"n:; I\" '.I fanll i n g _ lUll ' fa rlUl"r9 , d(~ fl ~(' ~ro \\ II 1\ " , ~()tI Illll st h(' h \~h l y li llli rlfllv,," Inlo hlll'rI ,,-o r k Is rloln~ ha \' ~ lH"lo "(J U q ~t , tl to ( ' ollf~II" flu'lr P II P r · ,lIrk h" d \\ l tl1 r f' I'tII! 'I' I' ~ t· l.L1r p :-4 ~ l ~ I': v (' r y h " r emplo),,,r O~ wt' ll all h p rRE'Ir. nn j( 1'M '" _Inull .. ,. ar" ;. ~ and to gi ve bp I · 1I<1l1l'l.. ,1 ,., l it .. {,'u l , "nd III Ihtl ~Q11 OUfl flf I hi ' lHl\'IHInj ll "lIce Sh" elo" $ not r om.) 111 h er I f'r I'ulll vu l, orr lll1el m oP) ntl l' llI ion I() '1'1, 1"1 ,." I·. 11 111" d ()lI b' til" ' ,iI " 1,' ll'n t1 se nt Ill ti ar e so \lol' l( rf~ rrt' K h ;' el MOlllhl,' mornln~ oPlailn \1 1 1Ij1 '~" pr l"I'I~I " N apply blve S). I ,' ''I I" d"Hl i ,w(j I .. b, ' I ii" fu· allllrlnl': II ' " hllro I'hty \\'Ili II' ), ,,n mRY. gir l,.. I " I h ,· pUll' wllh ~'111 1l1 ron ' p lU rrult grow ln" . The turf' ~ .\ · . h·"fI I l~ Hdva l "/I~" " a"o " 1<' to (' hous" Tboy CIlrg e {() tile rru l t g ro w('r 18 all au,bl- lippa,'·"l 10 b .. (lv,·r look"11. '\f ltl 11K I II.· nil r l'ntl nllke : tloll 10 P<HiHt" :iS quantit y rllthe r than fruit gro wt"r h p ('olJlf"')ot U I · ttt·r "tlut:nl ... BETTER THAN SUPPORT. "Lar!:ll . cool. airy. o'lalll )' and 10 w id e ll hi~ II E'ill o r OPt' I'a' Itl 8c lenl l flt, lII e th u(l ~ 1111 will b ~ mo no B h a. d y rooma, (11)11 wllhou, Il " orr"~l1(H1dlllg 0 " 1; 1'1'8 and mol''' Inl'l l o"o to arlU \l1 II ij )' »I Pm (; 1,1 " ,-, ,, l" ' nr:04 loti" tlt" f' tlrrg I, y lookin g ou t upon "r 11I~ o r n,M leu rl .• 1I .. ,,\r ... ·" ,"ly 10 " 'IPIILlllc Y "II , h I H p a~8 1 l1g t u." an 11rcblll'd wh080 .\ h ' I ".n rl l l o mIL~f! 1 t. u 111<.... 1 "r I1 r. In Ih l:l \\' ~"I . wh .. r!' fru it Itlowlllg r r lu (:II'I I'H ~or lo., r' ')n e hl\pp y da v I rAilS are bend i ng earthward wl1h tbelr hn .. bf'en ('srr l" ,1 lO a. tar KTelll e r per· 1,'n null o n ' 1I 1 "" {l r rerun, H\\' fltl'l J' J ~' . burd " n s of IU8clou ft truits. from which !'l .'gl ,, · ·tpd , IllrowI/ a\va r . re cli nn tllDo here . !\vA acr \lS of orchard, the lablE'8 are to be plentifully HUP, tI{" tf 'a\~ 0 11 1' II! rH1i: r word ull!lln l,1. wlt houl amall fruit ur .I'gp_ ubl '8, are pll .. d : all the fr es h I'ggs and (' rpam Th ~' k tn th '~6" en w broadl'f' 81 conR i deNld enough 10 t'HIl tor all of 1' 1,,, mill w Ill n e\,f"r grind ut:1l 1rl 1»0JHd ers wlsb ror. It will b A Rure to on ., lIIan 's ac tivity \\, I t \l t" ~ w." ,'1' tl\~ \l 18 PR h l b ~ ~ napp 8d up 8l OO '·A . A ppl )' \\ It h · Intensiv e !'rull gruw l ng m eatls tbe OI(l delay ." Wh en a ma i d I~ III ber early t p"n .. I U ItI vutiou at cODlparat I vely small Brush Hacked Down. Burned . T he caulloU5 bus i n es s dUgg~8L8 I b,1'I world's outlook appeUI'M brlghlood H ess alld th e npplicatlon th er eto of \I might be well to look the place rosy to bel'. Slie ho s no ,'are, no trou. Iuch labor a8 wil l producA a maximum Over and Then Cleared by O,'''r Wlfey poohpoos tb e I<dvke. bl ell . Her one thouRht IH enjo)' lIIent or fl'lIlt by th e exc re ,"se or sclenlltlc Pasturing to Stock. ·'Oh . II m !" nbe crle8 enl hUHIRtit1cally, and maklug the mnst of It . rn pthoel R a nd care ful att eo tlon 10 de· "1 ' 11 be 50 well buill up In a mOlllh lr h er f olks are nOl well·lo,do. the lall H. It Is a sys t e m Uluch more satisI Bv A J 1..,':(:,: I )'ou wo n 't kn ow m e! " nrst se rious thouglll that confronts h e r ractor)' and profitable to Ihe grower There UI'<I many o ld fi .. ldM tha t have Arraogements are mad .. by l et16r Is what a h plp she would be to her than lhe old eXlen slve oDe, and wben· lJ een 1111'0 1'10 out y"urs ago. aod bav e 60 alld hubby'. check Is duly rorwarded . loved ones If ~ hQ ('auld but turn her ev e r It I~ given a ralr tr ia l th ere will grown up wltb 6 ' rub timber. gree n It dhe could but rollow tha t leller. gracerul dancing lO IICCO\1n1 or ba,' " be 110 df'partllre rrolll i \ . hriPon and otber fllth tha t Il l ooks to .ook In upon the scenE' at I hal bORrd· h er much.pralscd voke h eard I II prl. I)warf p ea rs may b! se t Quite c lose he /llmost. an Im~", s8 Ibl r:l und erlaking In<< house. Bhe would h liva bee n Ii \·ul.e E'l1lortalnm e nl • . together. They can he pIon t ed even 10 reclC/lr th"nl 1181I<1"r. but wls~r womall . Th p rarm· Soma of ber family suggcs t a why nOI In t h e bedge rows, 1I0l over lhree te e t I f It i. I1lJ rlak (' n ·to kill Illl'm try ~r'H w ire. daughters, 618 te re. cousins marr y 1\ nl r e YOllug man whn wou Id !lpart, with advantage and pront o Sucb ,,;rubb l uK nul briers and bru sh Il 18 10' and aunts are bu s)' making roady for should.'r h er ~ltpport and l1re '8 WOI' . a row presents a beautiful sight wben d ee d Il 111'1'11 job , llnd th e briers will the sdvont or Ihe 6Umrn E' r boardp'1'8 . rll'M ': Tb e mllid en 10 lI('r early l ee1l8 I,n filII bloom . alld th e close planting, 8111'0llt for },('ors . lillI, If tli e uru sh I . Tlie shaky old b eds al'A having Dew laugh~ Ihal notion to SCOI'II " ' lib Ila CO '1 s l'qu ~ nl of a no t lOo rRpld hlick d d() w fI s nrt l et dry , I h l'o ullrn p. d 1.la118 and boL!a add ed to k at'p tlJ em to· ~8r Tl' for Bupport : :\'01 "h e! 8he ~ro ... t h . If! a IJroven tlv e of blight. ol·" r . Ill .. Inn d ('an b (l p rrec t lllLll y 4rE'lhpr : likewise the ol d bureu u. ward· I haK "ee ll 00 one who ha R aM yet awak. Cll rnlll l~ ar .. approprlllle Il\ trpe r l " arp<1 lJ ) vuslnr l 'lg II \\'1111 ('1I1t1 e anel robe aod washstanel . Matlrp8ses are I I'llI'd h er sl eeping hearl . She hos till! treAled to Il OW covArlngs. as o r e pll · nOl lon thaI no girl should llIarry Rud row s . u"call~ e th l'Y rathor lik e II pal' ~ hNIII A rnw y l> 8r ~ ago I hlHI 11 fl .. 11i OVHluw8 and bolsters . Carpets a re patcb ed • 8elll" do wn Ilntll t be fun at bei ng II tilt! shaelp. : IInli thfl Ktrawb e,.rles re o .Bnd tllrned . A tow ch eap pIc t ures sre m err )' . rolli c king g irl 1M QlIlle ov'r. calve enough Bun w hilE' II' H IrN'S a re g rown " ' lIh g r ee n I.Irl.' r3 and pin ... Til er .. ,,'pr/\ paLCh es ur gn'en briP I' so hllng ove r tho damp SPOl8 on Ibe wall . Sh" \lould li ve a life rree 0 11 a blrd ' s, young 1101 to be luJured . ThPre arl-l two es~e ll tialR In lhl~ den se thaI It waR IrnposHl bl e 10 ge l Th n curta in s lire damed. hUllg and flitting h " re aod tiH're OR fancy WIll s. loop.'d so carefull y Ihal the .r art tbey Th" caged bird III hous ed aod red, but 6yst(' Ul o r thick planting; un e I s su r - I hrough tbl?n1 . l eI ilion", f;ru h th em Ollt. Th cs" ;l1ll' l\ osl Ptltehel! w ere bu rn ed UI' " not mates will nOI bl"! dlRcover"d I " he w at (' h o~ her sister blrdR In their tlcl('nl la bnr Int elligently direc t ed. and unlll lat er on . I rl'PNlom with hpr heart In h er eyes Blld the othE'r Is h pavy f e rtili zing. A grow · Ihrou gh . Th e tire lIilll'd o ther brler~ . Tbp Irehouse. whIch did dUly III w ln' l wiuJ; ~ allllost brok en from b ellli ng cr In Ibp. ~;ast Is suld 1.0 produ ce tb e n III a r f'W months th p), . too . w ou ld 88.000 worth of fruit '0 11 nve acres of b urn . ao I m ad', it a rul,· Ihal wh p ,, · tAr . I. duly stocked wltb a fres h sup· IIgl\in~l h pr glided bars . pl y of cann ed frulls snd vegptablE'S \ 1'11" youllg girl watches wilh ndml. ~ rollnd . but th esR acre" are 80 w ell Po\'c r I fOll nd II pat c h of gn'PIl b rie r from t he lUBclous peacb to the humbl e rallon th u fair saleswom()n who have keflt thar. they hnl' l' Ihe apIJearall('e of dry I'I1 0ul;1I In burll I w (lll ill Hpl IIr" tn it. b eet. Condensed milk Is Dot wnnllng. tb (' l r OWIl 11I0n ey lO Ilse OR they pl ease. n huge gard en . Mort! hand Inbor i~ ('lIl1 ed ror . be· The wpn' 1111 "111 do" n und 88 n or ('rates of packed eggR. and who board "h or e I he ), lik e. Il e r All look splck and ."pa'l wh"1l Ih" l oyl'~ r(1 l1 ow Ih l' Irool18 or yo ung \\'0111"11 calise th e hor s~ cannot bfl e mplo yed Houn UN I h ey gOI riry, 11",),. 10(1. wen) 1l 1l11lm er boarders arrive. Th ey H,' e f rom fat' lor" nnd shops . Th ey don' t so gr n ~ra l1y ood b'('l\use mor c atten · burnf!d . Th e bri,' r ll ",pr e ke p I do"·n hy the wllh delight the fruits growing; fann · havu 10 ask' odds of any Ulan and ]1l1t tlon must bn paid to particulars . band" gat hering up rlpo corn . BIICCbU ' up with allythlng and everYlhlng (01 ,,'{' ods must b fl crowdnd out: therE' tR ~ lO c k gra,.lng tlYer (h"tII Whl'lI ev f>r a YOII IIg ~rl, 'f' "1)pPIlrpel It IAlIl t.omaloes, cUClllllbE'r~ ."lId t .. RUppOrl. Wbtlll It comeR to marrying. Iiterall)' no room ror tlll'llI . There ara meal y Burbank potal op~ . .Iunds on row " nr trec s. and b etween them In WBS ripped II\) . B y th " !' Ilrl or Ih p thlnl tllf)9., gIrls will not Lske a busband un· tb .. don' t tasl e holf IIR good IA ~R If I s a love ~atch, IlIlre 8.lld slm. th p row" a r e Iho "mall e I' fruita of all )' ''lIr Ih !! brier 1'001.11 Wel'f' a l l rott c d Hn l l th e Ilh A " I ne !llufllps werp pf'pII ), WI' II rOI they antlclpated : bill Imaginal Io n I TIIB Yoltng girls with thOle no- kln'els . Th e mlcldl eH b ' lw~ eu 8Qt>. It great way wllh Ih e ~lI m m er, P C . Ir.. es ar A closel y o('rupled by grapE's t l'll 80 thllt the land cou ld plow ed bnardel'. It tbey got up at tbe cock. lIolls nre th o one s that forg o ah ead In th .. worltl '"aIel' on, we see t bem ad -crow . thoy might 81'(\ ",ugon laudS of I Hti



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Worse Than Lost . .. Don 't l all l-1 il ~ " hurt!. " eald the "}, llJ \lut '1lz ln/l rrll'url : " r " III t' lllhe r that t h ough .vu ur IlulIl<,)\I "r I ~ It" .rrl ed )·ou ha ve lI'lt 10Sl hf'r. " " I kllow 11.... .."hbed lilt' bride's Dlnlh ~r. " Thal' M l h l! trou bl e . .lulla and bPr hu~bulld h av ... a lre ady picked out th O' b .. ,-. t rUOIll In th e hOIl Hf) ror th fl lrs.'" A Good Guess . "1 hlLli JUI;1 u" lIlu ch lIHltll!y In my IJocllet.. wh e n m y salary \I'all $J 'OO m ontll a s I ha ve n ow . allhough my present. Incom e iR about t ell thousand , dollars Ii ycar _" "~h! Th e n )' QU ha VA 1I11l become Il. 'v I do


'''E'r: '



The Better Way, " I .ol ..... ays po.y liS I go," said the lean , man . . . "1 don't," replIed the tat mau. '''11 ha.nd out my ' Ups' beto(c .l gilt. rew l to gO. ' 1. find th~t it 11 _ ~e better 11 you wall~ to get thin8*."



soOd -->





Unl'versal Peace

\' Ilt I h'~ !' rl" oillt ifln" (1 111 . s i: \l · t\\·(·e·n more than ~\ d Olcn \lations; Is Peace Worth ' war UC"lll'l'(.·1\ G reat IIritain a nd t . l"1I1. at ta d l a hl :l!ll. ~ e('l of paper 11{lIs:, ia was avel ted by investigati 1II and hav(' ""' Il' e,f " P I li' fri end :·: ~i).! a (ol1tiIlUl!d fro m l'ai!c I ul th e ":O-;o rth Sea I nciden t,' Hlls Il uw lo n ~ before t h is new cra of alld h-:\I'l' it .It ' .I a ll iley ~ l ' fll).! ~i u l"aytn).; $:IOO.UOO to thl" faali lil.'s 1II1il'cr'fll peaec' will dawn IIl'nJ) 11 ,, 1 Sf'''!'. EI.:OIlOnlic Fact~ ! of the fi she rmen whulll he~ gu~s had I t will not take mam' :\lexil':ul \\":\1 " I ' I ," I l. t , L' I,,, I ' " I ~ 1/. 1-. !Ike! unr\ Ii'll I I)et ween I, u" .. m a ud la'fure the I'{' pie ~vill tit'lllanr! II , . . : .i <\1'::11; W~IS L'n~ed by I're~ident Tlie), IIUVl' 1, .. riled CI'l'!1 \\'itlilll til ' :'11I,'l' 17\1.-) oll r I (: 1 "1l.~1 \f'U h~_' i '{o ose"e1t's tll ed.latloll , I.'~aue POSSI- last few w('cks th nl I1l<'rlialillll () I IIlCl " :I~(' e! ahnut l" 1l-, htllll 111111 S. , hk by a PIU I' I"IO I 0 1 1 h l' Ilag n .. rbitrauon is a IIIl1 l· 11 IlI llrC' elYec1l1 : I , )111' ('XI1('1111 11 1lIl' lo r arrlluml'nt, 1. :lIn .fefl'Il C('. II I ;lIe[l ll~ of ~et th ll '.! in tl'llInti'ILt! I h.h iIIL' II 'a ,eJ "Ill' Il 1111 rl ll·,.1 1i 1I1(· ~. I n I ~ lUi. thr !-:iN'OIl" II ag ul' Con - dirrercnll~s th a n tli e' flir t'" .)1' arll h " hd, ' " III d a l1:,: e' lIa .. rl lll1l11l ,:lll'd . it'll'lIl'(' :l"sl'1Ilhle.-i repres('nt<l t ives ('lUi pI ' .,iill" I,e, f(' r I\ar lH Il'r "l'l . ! \\ " :1\1 "I'I' llllln~ ~Ixly lI\'e pl'r ,d I' r: \l·t il'allv III Illl' na tiuns i.1l the tics a '1l1l'S lum 01. t lind wrol1 t; , ('l'll l ,d "II I 1I ,111()1I:11 Il· l·cnll, · f' lI world : it lililited th e scope 01 wur; hut Oldy \\,h i"li side is till' ~1 ro ~l '.! - I II rllg~ , .11 1111. IlIl "\' • .Ind Pl·lI,io n, . :\lld liavl' a ~ ll. , ' d 1I1H I\I a prize l'Ollrt <1 11.1 a est. .\lIdl" ll \\'0 ' 11, \\'11I1t' I \(111 II U~ " 11 11 .. II. l illl ·1 f" r e,I\I)( ll" '. t il(' \\orld Cll lirt to ekal with cas('s lIot 1I1 i li t as ,,:e ll a,k \\' liat lhc SlIn i.. I h .1 II.1 I1: tl ,11 ,01 • ,", '1I 11\'!' d l'l' :l1 tlll(·lI b . hI' .111,illatillll . bllt by 1I1t 'rnalill ll a l goot! fLlr, The wo rld is (1i1\\' 1\ ~1 ,t 'l ,',,:1, 1 ~1\'l nl , li).;lI til.l1l"ol·'. 'I" :uun · I.;w; It :lrlallg"d fllr sl' t.l1e nl c ll t b y ing th n:l' hill ion clullars lo r :HI1 'a · I I lil il'. , ' II Q, 'Ill S, Pll , t eol)in·,. "L·Il>;II " . arlJit l.lllO Il II I' question.; aho ut on - tntllt, lUlnuall v, alld 111 0,[ of Llli ~ OF N " "' ad~ -,,, I' .'"pl ,· d ern ~ nd ttl", be.< l " 1I':lI l' r\\':\\'s f"ll'st l\'. ,""II , :lllli trat ' lt'd ,,( . b t ~ , alld did lit her usefu l 11I01lC' 1' coul t! Ge su\'ed. l.i ft that al the eh":lIll'~I. T,..'a l , t)ur~(~ lf an d dipl" ll l :lti,· · ~l· l,i ,'l': al l (l lh l' r clIn w() lk. It arranged for a Third trelllClldllons hurdell frO lll the hack ,1 fri c"d -' I, ' 1il L' I "'~ L, 1-'" YOllir par .;111I. tl\(' ,, "I1.. " I t il,' .\. Il i '>l l: li\ ~ ()\· - Ila~ 1I1 . l·ol\ference. toile li l'ld abo ut 0.1' m CII, aorl the w hole hllman fa lll ' l l i t'~' ,." i ,I .. 'lf lll \\·!,ddil'l ' , ·tlll :IV'; buy (·rlllll1·lIt . owd illte-Il', 1 ('11 11ul>li, l ~II ;-i. , i"I'l·I'<.,IIII. 1':~ l lI nil tt 'H(' h el' r ily \\'i ll heave a sig h (If Il'i ie l. The · .dl'l,l. :-'t'cIl'la r y 1'. lyall 's p ro posa l for a lII ell in theeu lIlltin ).! · r' )() III . the work. - \ lf uma II r ' I I LI \ Uri : ~~) I'( . :\ l11 ill i() 11 <1,,11:11 hdI,. pack ed )lll lil:)" (II iu\'es l igatilln by u eO Ill lII a n In Ih , hop. the tuiler Ifl tli;> . I I r ' . li nt YtlU ~" I" lly lik,· k:l\' e~ IIl:L II(lok 1Iiak c tlliSSlli lI o f l"all ~t.s of fril' t ion la.tween lield . th e mill{'\' wh o wnrks decJl L11~a Ily 111)( • Ij'''f{'" I II • :ll ·il, 1 \1' " 11\11Idll'd all,] " 'I'l'nty - t\\'o lIati o n ~ \\,lli' h WOllld delay wa r dOll'n in tli e bOll'els Ill' the C.Hlh - call 11 ,"1 I'l/llt lit tll,,:<e III :, 1, I"r t Ilivll (In,· 1II1'II ': llId lIlil · fill a year alld . ill most ra~l' ~ . I' re ' ali will joill ill u('ned ie t itllls, bel'aIlS(' 1 111 '11 .1,, 11.1 1; ' 1 1'1' 11111< ·11 k " llian ICllt i-t a lt',,~e the r , h a~ lIe II la\ o r- a ll will be beneficiaries a likr. H e Waynesville, Ohio 1'. 11 1"1"'" .\11 11 11 .>.1 l·,-, : pc lldllllr,· lur :111 11" ren'I I' ~d I), t hirty ·,m,' n atiu lI s, lil' ved fr ol\1 U l"fll 'hing hllrden II'hi l'h ' :l1 1l1 .lI lll'lIb III 1' " :1' " f peace equal ,Lilli i... :\1 " ':\ :lv l' llIbodil'd in treat iI's huld s the wodd in bonda!!l: . a li eon I ;t I ,ilL' PI ',] ' '\ ::11 I·il l" )\'l' l II!ty -t\\'o bl'll''''l'lI ollr"c l,'es a ll d si x n ,tl io lis. dition s- pb ysical. IIloral, and el'O 11111<-... Iligii. :\ " '<"lInd pill ' II I d u llar T Il'a lil's pledgi ng- arbl t ratiu n of aomical- will il1lprm ·c. all I In 1l'ap-; b ilb 11\(' 1' lift \' tW(, 11 111<-" Ilig h rl'- e\'(.' r\' ,11"1)llte b avc becn sig ncd Ity and hou nds the peo ple " 'ill alii am'" l" l " "lI h EU I() I'e ' ~ ;lI ll1 l1 ,11 l)ilYlllent half 'a d07.cll of thc small er powers tu a Ilig h er level of ci\'i li 7a tio n ann I I f r h 1'111 I1ltl'll '" a nel II l lt CI cuq lif pas t :tlu\(..' thall Olil' hun d recl an d rlf ly a more glorioll s de ~tiu )' . La dies 1\ 1 ~1l n eOlll\> ~ t.e lII e u .res. wah . tr a ties of limited aib itra li ull IIUW and j:;entle men. th ere is lint a nd can dl(,s 1I1ll1 confl:'ci Hln !{()full1 C lg~l ~ Nat ion s Hard Hit • T" till' , " cllll l". wh idl H: 1I1 SCl' lId cx i ~'l I etW l:l' n diITt'n'ut nat ions . l·a nrw t .bc an issue llIore vital a nd ttlhi.H·ell~ al ·1! frt·~h 1'1'1'1\, 1 d a ily . hUl li a li 1"'.\\1.'1' [n illla~inl'. II IU 5t b .. The Unit ed S tates h a~ sig ned such transcendent than thi s before tlie IllIu' t [ol"f.{f'l the pin!'!.' . _ l'o lr,,1 nlltl LJ U, I·lldll \' 1111 ' hunl adell·d t lie 1 "~ leanllll~ S u f t ill' lllil· tr eaties w ltlt t wenty · fo u r nati ous. peuple of t he eart h.-( Ex trac t fm lll hil wlll' U IVloT ,,('('lIr_ I' hl' 1",1.11"1-: li " lI'Llf " !JI"·b,,Li il'd 111,' 11 ill I': uro The Taft t reaties for CO ll lp1cte ar- a n address be fore the eig ht\··sixt n . lOp ( ,I I II~ lltr,,\ V( ·' ", ·!." '11 tl w 11 " ~l' lIr ll .­ peal l :lrn ' II'" and 1I : l\· i, ·~. wit" are iliu:1tion b etween tile United a llnlla l meeli ag of th e ;\merirah I B k tlnrll1g' th l' Turkl"'h V"t~ r ('\ t1 ~t 11" 1\ 1 1 tl llh IIl:lI lc · 11" 11 1'llIdlll·t i,·c . \1 hi ll' S tate", Great B ritai n , a nd I-- ranee l 'eaee ~o(' i e t y u y li on . Hichard Corner by the an ~¢ UI"l lIl li ~;:,.t1l1ll.I.JO" T lH~ H"I I;" 11 \\, '' '' t ill: 11' , 0\11 ( ' 11 ill th" Ileitis t" il in their fai lr c\ hy olll y one or tll'O votes of j lar t holel.) I 1Ll VI)1 ' .1 d H I J~~ f n lH ' lltrul IHlfl '1 1I - . d Fountain -i ll',," . sceming tlir t\\'o thi rds vot(· ot the . hllnt1rl'rl~' f 1,, 111111 " " "f d "JIIII~ Slrll'" L"'-'" tllc IH'I' lti:l li , .n of lhe Se nate, Eeon ll lllic t.)n :.. ~ IIr" fu~1 bll!l I" HIIII-( Ne llt rali / atiun of th e Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . th e U (J(lIll !lot IIIlh' "f ",,,r . hnt. ',f \lUlld lia, du ublcd; b ut its indebt t hu.t ~nJlPIIReJ r"1l1t.t \ I u r W ,IT h \(~l ' l'dll(, '~ , cli i" ll\, I'u r war l'tlrl'oSt·". has by m utual agree ncnt uf the pOII'.ers, nrmanlAutf" Bt l ~ l fl\ I-l-lI H·I) li n ! IIll'll:;I"t'd :) \;" II 'r Cl: n t. This ap- whic h could be h ad for thc askmg. ' l>lHti.;" J' t-l arid ''' ! lfl \ lI ~ !' q r n ll lf) ,\11. palllll).! i Ill" fl': t-l., :t~ I.1nyd Ceorge \\'ould enable th e L nited S t a tes to gt>l\'!1 " T h e (;r t>ll l Jllu:lion " t<1.0 .!l'l·hlre-d . threa t l'ns rl·\·olutihn. if prot ect the isla nds fWIIl ag~ re ssi o n lellrui nlo: l!J ut uIIIlnr IIlf,dllrn 1'011111 n" " "' I,it (· , '("lleS soo n , when it g ran ls t he ir indepe nd en ce . tions, Sl vlot,t) r il1u~ Jllltd CH l JI1t1\4t" 1, 1' If yo u have Wool for This woul d Jinli nish by olle-half I al\c the Flower of Our Youth mo rc thlln It, Onll /--:"111 il l ",," r, HII' \ sale, call m e up, a s I wi ll our need of a n al'Y a nd sa\' c over that an eOlt llln ~t · !lflU:! C,lIl ' U I·, \ 'c are h lind tu thl' ~u II g ers at $UO.OOO,OOO illlllll al\y fo r lig htill g Ol n rtl{llging th €' fu t·oT(' t',,~ 'lil T pay you the higl1est cash IlrnWrllou ts IIllel h .. ngl n ~ I~ l\ll ll , t" " Ill home. a llli sholl' an ignub le il'ar of ign orance ulld disease at h011le .. price for it. of uElbt ubout th e llAOktlof ntl!' I ~ TI'I I' 'i llPI .. , ~ it i tl oli s c- neill i e ~ abrnad who Love of war is decreasing, but !{rRlHl :'lli!unlD-1l elflht. w h ll'lt tlll' v han' n('\'er altaci;ed u or sho wn relia nel.' on huge armaments is eBn DRI or "lt y nlld l1Jnst rnpuc1l uIH. ill kdin ~ l(lwarel 11,. \\. (, ll.' we to scelllingi y im:reasillg . Decreased ---- I.ut UUI t.lXl·, into thl' illlJlruvcl lll'nt da nger is paradOXically ac~o m­ Tempe rance Conundrum s o f edecatio n, CO IIII II l'I'l'e, .llld ai:; ricul- pallied by gro wth ()l the mlhtary tun'. ins tead o f into (·. ' plosiv l·s and spirit, for wh ich the n ~w sp ape rs W h \' did t h e man in th e 1111 )( ' 1'1 11('1\' 1mt I kslt ip ~ . \\'t shl )lIld do a alld th e mil itar y class, Jcalo us of L1(1n l ~a lld titHc, Il lo rl' for real dc- their profession. are nev er 'ge t m arried) chiel~y r~f(, lI se aguill , t Il'al d a llger,. spol1sibl e. A cul1ege education IS Because the poo r old fe ll o\\' o nly Phone 135 t lUI' ag recment wi th Grcat I iritain no g uarantee that o ne kl~ows a nygets a t'Ju art e r a week and it takes in 1 ~ 17 to relliove io n s anrl battle- thin g abo ut . these practical ques· all t hat t o gct iul\ o n . WAYNESVILLE, O. shi ps un o ur U\'l'r till el' thou sa nd tions ()f dangcr a nd dcfc nse-- far \\,h y is a bcehin like a ban pota- lIl iles of n •• rlhern fro ntier e l\ sured more imJlortant for success a s to ~ perpetll,t1 peace . n. n ~1 thercby savcd \'o t e r, ed itor, or patriot than dead) A bee hive is a b ee holder, a be- h undn'ds of llIill ions of d ollars in lang uages or h ighe r mathematiCs. holder is a spccta tor a nd a s pecked n l'e d\css defen se . tate r is a b ad t a ter. What You Can Do Armies take t he ver y f1 0wer o f Here" the Grouch Again. • - - .- - -consul!le the y Ollth. ]) id war \"011 can learn these facts by '1 thought you told me .that Jones Cut these resoluti on s tl ut , sign wr:tk liu gs and cri lll in ais in st ead o f h ear t ant! P<l SS them a long . . WIlfI a ~.lallo.ftnt8h or, .. said the Old them, a ttach a blank sh eet o f p ape r thl' best workm c n . pcrilaps so me\ -o u can join the Amencan Fogey. Why, I saw him driving a and have some o f yuur fr ien ds ~ i g n thill g lII igl lt be suid fu r its "kl-epillg moving van today. " "Well ?" Intor. , Peace .:--='o eiety hy paying une dolrogated the Grouch.-ClnclnnaU En_land lea ve 11 a t Janncy s I lrllg- dl lll'n ~ nfJ , ln s pOP tllation ." J t saps lar ' 1 \'ear which includ es sub irility. Peaceful Chill a is tlte on ly \' qulrer. st o re . natioll of antiquity th a t has sur- 'tri Jl~ iO'n t o'the Advocate of Peace . the strong orga n in Ame rica pf vi\·ed . Mili tary "lIl1ipllIl'nt 1I111!'t bl' new . Ilt em a tio nali slll . If yo u cannot 0 11 1.' IIIUY 1I~1' :1Il " lei sewing n:ac iline sJ-lare one doUar, yotl can send. a o r reapc r, h ut 1111 1 a ,L: 11I1 th a t is nut post ·card a sking for sa mple IttyOU J of dat ~ A IIC\\' in ventio n turns erature a lld application blanks, lIlilli(lIIs II f cusll y. b1ll'lIi, hed a rllls a ll li trv to ge l your friends t o ..., J'. 1I1. ,~ thc ~ociety, Col" li: in tll " IJ jLl llk. The con Sl:tlll illcrea~(' Il l' !'tane!ing oradu Bui ldlll g, Waslllngtop, D. C. You can send to the World I armies a nd Ilayies , :tt'('otll pli sh ing l'ea l:e Foundation, 40 Mt. Vernon 110 resnll bllt inereu .. ed burdC' ns nn tll ' peopll', lIleans inev itable bank - St. , 1305 ton, Mass., for tllC long lis t . 1I plCy to nat.ion>; that an: o ur of the free pamphlets , a nd can read c u, t ull11'rs. L1l1l es,; a ha ll i~ soon all (I circula te thesc , and with their m lll·d . Is il not time for thillkillg "\ )u tlin e of S tudy o n War and ueings , \\'lto havl' :1.bandon ed tut oo - P~ace" you can start a little study in g. the "lIting 01 raw Il esh, lIlId all g ro up. Y ou call wnte . to y?ur n tll er sa ,· prac t ices except or- ,Cung ressman about th~ bills will eh ganin'u sla ughte r, to take for the ir a re p ress in ~ for a ttentIOn to ~ro ­ mot t o , " I n time of peace pre pare m ote international pcace and JUS tice. A list of t11"ese bills can be obfor pe nn a nent pl'acc~" tained flUm th e Advocate of Peace, World Organin(i(lIl Ihe Way Out Colorado nldg ., Washington, D . C. Vou can try to induce the church The mcthods w h ich achieve d a or club t o which you belong to United Statrs I1IU St b e used to h a ve at least on e a d dress annually ANY proporty owners feel acliic've a united world . I.ess th a n given by SO IllC expert on interthat palntin~ is an "cx\I nc h undrcd stateS r!l CIi in PlIiladelpense" - somethln~ thut they I,liia ill I i S7 work ed o ut the method nationali sm . You can prom ote the ou se rvance can ~et ulon~ without. nut every of ge ltin ,~ peace a ncl ju stice b etween of May 18. the anllil'ersary of ,the painted surface needs renewinlt, for li rty S l a tes that w~r e to be . So o pening o f the First Hague Con · the same reason that a persoll n eeds new that whatever fe uds. riots , o r llIurclothes- both clothes and paint get tiers there lIIay be within our States fere nce. Yo u can interes t yo urself in the s habby. the re is no violence be t wcen the American School Peace, ;Vlrs . Fannie Painting ut rel1.ular intorv:,l s fore~ t al es. A coml'arath ely sma\1 Pt' m Andrews. sec retary, 40.5 Marlstalls r epairs ; white neglect of pai nt1Il1l1 1bt'r of pe rsons in the four Ica dborough S t ., Hoston, Mass. This ing meal1s BOTH a n 'pair bill : lid a ing pmn ' rs is a ll that if needed t o leaguC',lhas bran ches in aboll t for~ y paint bill later, because the rcpaired . see m e b y similar means pe.ace heStates, and is a po werful factor 111 work must be painted . tw ee n natiolls, altho ugh clYII stnfe may ye t oecm within those na~ions. promoting throtl g~1 schoo~s and the It is a well· kn own . fact that it is next to impossible to educational pubhc the mterest~ of Aharpen a La .... n Mower accurately with a file, especially ItS a Intern utional peace will be a chIeved international ju stice and frate rl11ty . great many mowers mad at. the ~resent have hardened bla?es, lo ng befo re race pre judice, corrupSome reS'lrt to em ery dust, turnmg the reel backwar?s. rhe tion. liL'e lltiou ~\1 ess, and rio ts ecase. - American Pe~ce Society, Colorado tll.ijecrion to thi s is that the cl earance behi.nd the euttlf~g edge It (h-pends on o rganization , \lot on lIu ildmg , Washlllgton, D. C. is reduced, which makes more s urftlce In cOIlta!t WIth ~he change of hum an n ature, n or 1'1\1 the striaght cutting bar than there was before After the cutting cducation a nd conversion of the ()or ~ove roment. putH tlls greRteRt, keeps down the higb maintenance cost 11la t a lwuys res ults eages become the least bit dull . the Lawn ~lowor hilS to be dehm~e wltsl'e it 111 lelLst Deeded Imd whole wo rld. from paint-neglect. It is pre-emin en t ly "the paint. tbut adjusted very close, so that it TEARS the graps instead of Rt defeD!le where it 11' 1 mu@t t,h e hlR In 1890, d elegates of t wen ty-six last8." It is also most economical in first cos t, bccause it shearing it, making the mower run harder tha~ ever, and the na tio ns at Thc Hag ue sig ned co n- needE'd. more it is sharpened by emery dust the wor8e It becomes and covers the largest surface. vent ion s rela ting to war and arbisoon has no clearance at all Treat your house ·to a Dew coat of paint. It will be true economy. Don't class the C08t with talles , water rent, plumbt ration, investigation and media~ WEI have fought EoropslJou foe8 ing bills and otber "dead" expenses; figure it as an lISset- un tion. As a co nseq u ence, within six onh tbrRfl .v O!lr~ In the onfl hundred Have your Lawn M~wer ground tr\le by· Machinery at investment, I years a I\'nnancnt Court of Arbi- 'luej r.hirr.... lIin t'e the Revnlurlon w(! can".bow you flome VC1'31 a ttraclive color combln tltionll Iu e very foreign ",,, r we made ,he , t ra tion had settled difficulties beIlnd aha )'OU 80me IIdwlce about ljlllntlna tba t will ~robnbly ~_I- ~,," , . _ _______ fir!lt Ilt·tuck. \Yo lost., all , told, hy ave )'OU mODe),. :WILL YO CALL 1'0 SEE US? buUetl< in our t hree foreign walll Jes's thtt.n i5,OOO men, . but we lose Cut these resolutions out, sign annulI.lly from preventable dllle1l8o, A utomobilc and General Machi'!'oe1'1l· them, att ach a blank sheet of paper aC61dent, ',,~d fire forty. timea a8 . Gasoline, Oil. and Accea8ones. , and ha ve some of your friendS' sign m&ny-i. e ., 600,1100 Ablerl.oaD'. cltt~ and leave it at Jq.nney's Dlrug- zeus-aboo' the nomber we, Joe$ III , _Way~e8Yllle. 'Qhlo Ph~ne lOS , " . ~" sto~e. . four years of atvll ~~' "


You Take No Chanees When You Buy Your



Ice Cream




. .


Hartsock's Confectionary


~w 00



1 ~



1 10



.. - ..



10c and 15c

Hawke's Grocery

Which Wndd Ratller Pay? ABill for Paint now or a Bill for b.oth and Re~~~.~!!~!:!.•

LAWN MOWERS Ground True by Machinery





Waynesville Auto& MachineryCo.









. land a ud en gu ged [\ rou/" ... Ill'~jpd v,' h il'le. 011(> o f h l ~ com· I'n u lll ll ~ glol IIi' on th e R(,H t o ut Hl de with Ill .. d rlll' r. f,lvl ng lh ,- Iall l'r a

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t . \'" 1(" , b y a n y 7Il " :J ll t:I IHJ l ou t! u S WhHIl f U tM to Il H oI' IS!",, 1 UI> ,,, r could no t s(H·nk . flo r ) uu \" 111 ml> II U h O Illl ij ij Oil th o O tl lo!\) (J1' lllltml line . whi c h \l.Te 4 Q ",,'h "r,' d id you 1'('1 It : h, lu ,]u ln 'd ~ si c, p to duany l.."llnd , _j" d,,, l h l' II lall to \I ul uc rt, t'1 .cou ra~ h I .ubt1ltutlon . ".Iu ~ t f"ulld It. Sa )', I'm hUll" 1'\' - " , j'." t a b o \'e g ruun d , 60 f"" t lo ng MJ1 . :t d " All h .'I'I':<l I'·' ·'\. Is It n o t ," r<'fJl. il' d III no tlfJfJ"u " , 1111 ., (' (/fI s lst s o f fOUT w lre a or. Bp re:.dera, "vn r" THB COCA- COL4 Co .• ATLANT A, GA. one t ' IOU rl t 1 I !ul\" ' r t p aH H\''u tl ... n il'" " III"" II ! !l u lu ,'r t I<" S'I ,." ~ ,. J ' I( , T h ('ll h ,' W/IS SIlIII'" t h e wlrp8 hp lng two feet IltJarL r oln II .. w ns poo r h l m s.'lr. I,utlt. waH wlllll d l.Hurlll'd . f u r thr, would not l i vE. u th " r 111 " 11 Po u t "T h(, hp d" pri ng nnte nllao are ' - t Someon e Advl8ed For the Sake of Shop p ing . h is IIlI ," t o he l " ' h .. /Il·. 'dl ' ·I.... T d o"," u In t... , lll " " oIr;i,, m e to tak e L ydi a E. !; ,· \Je~lue h lil i. I<fl"T rOT u ~e with ll &arlJr high power A ro\\' "'omen ~e t ao mu c h fUll out Ih (' 11 11 ' . T h e )) II, n uu lt .'d o w u y ( ",. /l1l1l1 111€: u '8Veget abl o Compou nrl . } ·hud dlll'K UP Ih,· l'h '.llnes to (h" Fi nd. Sec'ure Abiding Place Afte taken 80 much medicin e and m y dod.or or s hopping t ha l th e y f e lllly ho po t he I III, lI " af('~ t gIn shOll . 'I II It1f' l't . ' .0 0 1.1• • Ir lv" r r a Iio ntl. Sa y r ill e. L . 1.. IA nbo ut tltty -;db-'Id domen o IS~ ~·ol '"''ld nrtl el es (hey Teall y buy w on't lust ao lI nd,-r Il 6tr pE't illHlP IUTu luy iJ "P. 1' aud I _ mI ~ ~y Perio d of Troublo u. 0 ll ul ll •.'TI Il a ..,A I1:IR t II )' f o r m~ d tJ. I " Vo1IIltb hlily ovlr p un mil l'S fro m Pep.kHk tll. ~L.-dbem;"'h lilllg 1\ 8 th e c lpTk pTom lses . RO (hot ov e r t he Qu eer medallI on ••. _ ll\lllluall oe tgetmeabottJ e and ·'1 Wander ing • . I H e Wll ~ 11 ' TI'garu n s 11' 1"1 b !; wou ld du ... to thu door a n l (' nn ne I c Olltlnufi y ear ....., ~ld try It. By the tl' m e I hod ·-'· eo _~ tlw y can th e lIoon e r revpa l th e UI'l'U/ll c r und Idl e and uW'lllployt>d , )!. I r I' 'rb e p ,·ld <.UA ArlinGto n ('·a . ) navlll stat loD when It It I felt betteT. I continu '''' t" " "OS , "._ -' j us t n o w and ha d tim e 10 .Il •. ~ ulat e I <, lg[Jer t o r " ro .. n t Int l' lI llo n o r the f o l"Ev erett P . Dn hl grfo ll. th e lu llllOllalr e p CTlrmc ' . .,... .." _> uuu ,1I1) wltb h im s e t awry sp nd s ou t th e co rre ct time IIlgnu.le at _ 1 am well and Btron g . li e hu llt UP!l dr('ulD of Artl\)lau Skl t'l l!, ! h lK p ro j'"" 1 At ~ppnn (l nt ur womnn 6 \1 rTru g.' , Raid at t " r Ih ey bud p ro eN' (\ell 11 : 5 5 a . m lind at ll : 1i 5 p, m .; rUeo "1 have always r ecomme ndE'd your R~ , I C ro.. 1'1 ,, 11 nhl~ th e l, unUI'eN and my s tic sh e ikH. a nd 1I""T<~ t lea g uc s lluOl lt IJ~. I f 11 a. 6uffm!: e d e bate I" Boston : th o wea t h e T relJorts. m il" Illl 81J0 ito to tbtl nTookly n tI.1'Q'11 -ndne ever s ince I WM BO wond barl).•·. lII~ ke. c!')l be. w llll er lhlln . no ... In hi s mind . Th" r \) W tll! 11 timal\ ring lllUU, .Igllalt er· I "1 IIlwlLYS d ec lan. that llg t he drl l'c r t u stop . womao AI !toDd .:rocel1l. yard; N" w Lo nd o n, Conn .; Cape Cod fDDy benefitt ed Adv , by It nnd I hope "0 thi" shouldn 't e nt c r polIti c s 11 11 Shf, 6 ful · I d I h a n d o lh e r s. In c ludi imbedde d III th e m l'dulll ll n. H ~' afllll ed 0 1' (lo"'t " In () a mateur llt&tkHt.a I.etUr will be the m eans of eavin~ some " j ° tzen c galr,~ a, t tdle I tou num erous to mnegnti It t.o bls wltl ch cl.rni ll . a " ha lo Jl'llvlnp: ! ftllfld HII h e r pTlor duti l'S. on . GrdMr poor woman from lIutfe rin"." u;; 0 (II' " we II~ London Ha e Ambula nce ... IlCl SSe(, lA . " only a pawnlln .k l'f" ('\11 '('8 at III! T,·el t-d . Th " n 10 t he d r"'~ " ' Prior dutll'~: Prior dutl c s b r , wl1h lh e Lon do ll . wblch h us n e ye r ) ~ t had l arutus . ~ I 1 1Il" e all all·roun " So d good 8.1J1 ~AIlTII~ S~VEY, Box 1144, pock et !: nd . a young ludy modle d me one day. 8.n ambulan cl'. hu s at w o rdB, " d r'" fnRt. "tOp ror no thing! " I ho ld a 6t ll tiOll bll c;-neo lo@t o rr\ pred and an opel' Umonvi lle, MIHRoun . " " rec lt l (,~ 11 dl s b ur~H u f I'Iwrlty. " hEl 'What do you !/1 ' II m ea n by th t'ae Ft;,: of toem , an Bulbe /'( T1·, . .. h , (\ hi , own u uurtllll g a t lJ r 'H II c<'n se, ll e X!lll c t ~ th"tn to do ot 1 IBsued b y the The mnkers of Lydi a E. PinkhlUr l ', " pr Ior du ll ('s " th nt yo u 'r e a lways · a ll Ih e work for "0 U I ll' H,· ~ "I dl d " ,;rllll lIi'" ,'d l)' In h inlMe·If. ,, ~ h., rdl e<: t " d ti l' pu·'.·•. ln. ' [llld t ' nlte ,1 :-H a l es go" " rlll/l e ut . th e e ntire I'lty . In ., My o1l'~ V.......table Comlx>und have thousan d s of "" , · U • I II I 'j \ ' l " 11 1'0 11 Ih e \ng "bout . 111 1'. 1)" hlg TIl II ?' ~ ma\l • lore· -"',' I l'fI ~11 f row ! wOII Ul' rl ng IIa.' ltl 'l:Il l c nN C> n f pas t " r·.-I<l pnl s t h ,> fJ ollepl1I l' o Th "11 h r' car. C III " a ~ ~ '. IlUch letten as thnt above - tlley t e wh ic h h e h a d dTli wlI "So tlwo I ((l Id lit" y oulIg Ind y Ihls , h a\'(' had to corn " I "o u d, r "Ill~ t ; ";"d I h(, ", irlup I" h iR r OOIl1 ~ull lnllllll'd ll nllllt<l e l'r th e n {'a r HR t - --- - I tbetrut h, else the ycou lLl nott:av o; beeo Itory : thl" ICl\ u l~dy a /ld >l ' nt fo r ' a doc to r . wa g o n cI l'lIp ll lll n!! 011 l it" !: " "~ r oR lt y I \\ III d o wh e n t h L la >1 ",.1" I " b Olle ? " RASH SPREA D I oI~tai~ed f or love or mo nl"y . This med · "O IlC" t) lI) I(H ' a li m p. I b l· g an . n. It t fl t- o r tl l f" lI1'i II ,. h al l I I '(' n ill L.n:, d ' '' l 111:- H 1110 lllil kine 18 no strange r _ It hru, Et ood the n .'r, u s 1IH 'Y v...,re n n t uhl t' It w a f- r.r ar ty Jl1tdn l1dlt wh4'n tll" A r ic h :\pw Y,. rk " r h,,,J " 111 1 ' !t'~ " d hll n loI: y'ld"fl b ol" \\' u s hl'r ll I\ lIrl It loo k"lI aro un d t o orr"l' Ilin l :lII >l1 .. t ... ·U. ·" it, "1'() u~l llg I I", ),lhlng . Grr1l'ton . 'Yls... ~I y sl A (e r h ad. al Cl!et for y earfi. co HI~1t IIh, ·r ,· It ~ ho \l l (\ tak,' III' II" I as I,I· ~ pr 1· \' ; : 1I' ti l C' I T I ~ · r ~ . h:tc ,' I j l~'l (J 3 D'l rl fll .lll I" ,- (1 ''' ' 1' lor!,., ,· I·'u r tl_" ""l I Y rr)' Lad . dt'" p. w('t. run n ln" sorn II there oro anr comp.lI Cl\tioll 8 J on ,I mo n lh :. fL r b i. nrl'l l' u! :.tbron all d Hul. 11 0111>, Ih, ·r .... f 0 .. lJOd" E.. l .·1' .. I. •. , I !". 1:1," 11 " I)' n n d t !t(, Fldo of 111' 1' ral' e a nd It Tan u p tlJ do Dot und"r! lIJ( H ie Tricks. tIl J.ydlll " I t n n lt tl" ('ld ed o Il » \.. inuu w, bu t a lie r en~. I t "1 Wt' llt ll ' ~t !IlotOr-1t11; with ti l \I 1'"11 . (, l'lI ll1 lcnrrd w it h a 6mal! I l'iDlllla m M .. flll'lnl' wTite i l llll h"rl , (1 :11 .• Ii 1' 11' '' ' • IIPf .·.j ill "x, Co. (rolllldl 'uti l\.l ) . rn ull ( 'htilf ' :' 11 iti/.!h t w /lY Jlnl1 p u t I n u 1I 1Hr I l ,yon,Ma ss , Vo url l'f.fI'r wll ll)(' Olll'ncd ll\lIn al i(' Il> CllI l a " '11 1' , fl lLlJ! i<'irtn . 1I1 ! t1 \\hat I 1,lnl c h o ( p lrnlld ' ij whkh t urned lat~ ' read and nD N ~""rNI by a \~OWI1D unll rtP \' PIIl l(l l~ nt ' X1 C' hllO a ("hai r s(,;Jt , t ran~ro ~ I1 l n t h.' 11. •. 1'0 ': 1'1; 1::,.1 1" .01 h ' " n h ld' ,lIl"'c.I , n \: ll\ d o f ra :lh !) l r l l'! : do :'n ll th ,nI.. h nnd s prf'acl r a " ld ly. tt I keld ba t t lt( · I H t U S 1' \\'\f C' ""' nt f{' r it Call(-f, 1'11 11 .'" (,IT fl r:u in strict C<ln ll.lellcc. f r (J il. ~ I i': , : lt t '(' ! q ll J ! 11 \ l i p' fVr('i gll - I ! ~( Iu.'d fin r r WI' l"l d ~Oll" Il n ~' d I n okcd . n·d d sore to t ~ n n rl til 11 JI :1") a J ' t · " ",foa t WitS Jltl l In I dist n IH ' 0 p n" "I" '1'1" . '.\ ' ,', . 1':',,1', ,..,Ioma l b l",·I; . 8l,o .r' limp :llIrI HII~h tly Hn6well !'d . A. i th e 1'1,;,l r '1':", "" I,' II C": s"l o~ l ed r 'lh } ~ : : " Wh at ":1.' tha t 7" I: , r ' ,~ !"' 11''- W, 'r. ' l ra vC' liug t h!: , fli1! fl dr j l 11/P d o n d r an fr om tbe. , ba by 's Tll l tI ·,. II n.1 (h ,· h ;:\)), WI\ 3 fO "11(' 111<1(1" Ih .· IIl1t ' , "Hlb !lc tu rn l.!I , til' (" L I , ,,' l j t lI ~ ld \' vr l~ IOllll l u -H: 111,, 1 " d liko water . T h 611 ' l y 6 " ~" ,: ,·.IIi!'!1 , pl (,lltil'l1 tll :n It l"'g :lIl til l,'ur l h .. Tn l' l u r tl n" \\"ullll \" I t he 6\\'L'1I111 1; \"'lJt; ld f!0 d O\\ 1\ a nd It ,' S tIe t(l 1J1t"' ,·H. III.d til, ' "" or hl" I~ . half "",,·{ I/ III ...." "I ' I 1' 1 ,,' I)\;l u k ' ,. ;> 0 0 FIH·f',· u lng . It b Olhered In ..... Why You're ! I t· £;1' 1"TIII ' " Il! , n '( H t o') ( nny cy h r }J,' " nl l",1 w it h frl ~h t . Il uol JlI" t l lllH' In :- duriug l:l1" f! P and 81H\ \\'ou ld b" I - -Haye No P ut tlno Off. A l(, :\I ~" I;, ;:1.'1 Io."d L· !· I " .'-cl u,,j nn T " ~ : ' 6 :;, e 6Cll I"·. It t l! I'I'\\' il l-( If, If.O "' · de a u It was n kin d or ('cz e lI,"" P op : " \ CARTER'S fur 1JI r :d l !.,t, UI th a n a liI' '' , Ill to tl1I' lir. l I" il\~ tha I I "S ilo trf'n t l'u , . . "y ("~. my h .) ~· , PILLS for Bomn tiID6 an d It Lnn~R UL CRm!' ( 0 h all ol w h Ich h nl' l" ' ''' '' l tl h ,.. , I Ii:' :' 1I ~; IIf;h l ~r~,tb nd ~ an] wa n Do- .• d id not 11 ,,1 1) II " "'hn (!n(l ~ · i t pr . It 1«\l' t 6J.1rl'. ading \ "'!lputy ou Tig ht t h o ~ (I('K n f n ~ \l rrT';'lJ! : l'=\ ' '1 Ild :.;\)an d . • . 1-'1'(0 " ,11,.1 IlI f,), nlallll!l lIu l· !uq;I ' r 01 d d ·(' IH' r f1ate," . I In l' l n~ t.!"'ll,j'" in a few day s, " Th ,' n '. Ilt l .. a RI. t l,c hol e 8e1'In ~ 10 1" '1': ( Il ul.! f l'·.· . l h" " Xi '.' rl pl)li ~ , ' ' ''' I'll ti Re d Cu t icu r a Sna " T n pilI nIT, my Kil n p '1" 0 t old h e r to tJ'Y : They do a lol •. IV ha n ' ro ulI ,l 11 r ll a l hll lllp . I ts I:IK I, UJ.l Ih l' t ra'i or th e "auld· I It so ~lre t:" l ROOIO C utit"\\',, 11. I JII>lI ~ n \\' IlIn:II", 1\jJ" tIi ITll u rn. So a p an d , thf!iT d uly b , ' J( JlJ I" q ",r;., 1'111' f·lIl ir., Gan ,; wl'r(' O lnllll " ot nnu h fl R not b'JI' I1 I ro !lblo''' f ro lll tll/\ b,,· nll d Hhe \\'a~ II sf'd th r m . It was t wo I ~. <..,." .....,.. pr"crn ~ lh lnl\n!! hN' rut do" I I, tllc 1I1 ; ltr(' r b f" t."unl l . Jluhlic \(,Inllin g .• 1. ," o/l th s a go. " I I I hair! " a hon m O!1 IS W I ~ n l wa s go n e ." ( S igned) stlp an d flLIL,·r; \) l' I~II1~ U n r,w.' IJ:IIler 1\11 D' I' • 1 I' _ } I I DlKlUSne ss. l1<lges t'lon an d .S'1cIt H ead ,'\c h t b ~ r(J I . 8 Ei ll ma {(,tlo I'OUR f)WN onn;': lST WI lol. TY.l.lolI llll rr , Apr. 7, 19H_ i IiMALLPlLl..SMM .L DOSE,SM ALLPRICII. ~'rl )t url fiU ..: ,. .. H. , tll~l " f u r Uf'OJ , , 1'11( lclJ ra So ap an ,1 O i lltm~nt Bold Died W it h F ortune Near. ,,' ,·a.k . W nt, ' t T • ley,"" nn ll l ; ru nll llJl l>t1 tth ,·lId.. • 1'1w rE f"lI o \\ Ofl I h r Imro e<l lu lc r e- I hrnllg h out Ihr' \\'orll1 r.,:", e nu'; n ill~ ­ Tha t \I,-n ja ," ill " nll r l' . p enH )IP"to r. . lO U/Oll ie or e a.elt Jn a " It Jft t'UU lrl ' rl. W nw r' It H"pk lit lhl K,. 'J Gcnum c must bear S ignatu re lurn 01 II I,' aI.J r ll ."J l'" r!;lIts of B utl lce by nUl 11 "',,.It'. Mu rin e th~ 1Lt IU uJ,. (", I('hlru~" f l'l " '.\I'l lh ~2· (l . S1<11I n ook. Address post, l ,d l o~ , ' I,"a)' III1K rOil 11,1 in 0 gull)' "t Gad" lcoi gh t .. I': ng la/lfl. Tlt Y o" c r· ,':..rJ " · Iltlc_.ura , Dept. I., n06_t_o n."-A01 ', ; Ih" bu." or " [, 011·1'0111 "IIn- Iwar P al o wh .'l ru.·d H ullJ( rt \\ ilh t h,·ir a llen· Reopona lbllitico . " nldn 't you a s k m.' w hy I pr.1I1 r ~ll : Hll o pnh~ I'''('PII II ~·. waR k liled o ft p r U OII B T h ,·y did m ure tha n th at- th y Puzzled the Parson . : tost en.l of ow n llll.: my o wn h()m e?" lor atln g II r ic- h m lr1l'ra l \·£·In I.. Ih" IIlok.' d f:Jl' u rulJl y upo n l il E' n ll "lIti oli B At U ' 1I "'l' r lu/,;" K l' f\' /('C f' l'rtunn cd ~ rHICK , SWOL hell " f or S. J , ':'IIIC I ' o f T ro l(e rn llh, LEN aRk e (\ MT , Crn ~R I t H. of JJlI lb~ T!. l uw;"ru 8 Ih tl r d uug ll l", r . !;l'm " 11II1e fIg .. In a Illtl l' c ount..-, Ilh. t make. horse \Vbeeze GLAND~ :\p h . Ill s ul·nt h.,I'. III Ih p pr osp l'ctor' u , " t mo d e that 11I<t \ll r)'." TO' IlIl"d th e TII(, mrdalll () 11 I ~ 11 ~ o ll \' e ll i r in th "'"m' !1 In (; ('o r",la. Wh C' TI th e mlnl st(' r R04If. have T hi ('n bl n W ..r' II Iltl/,Il,(,1' o r h lg lq; rnd e ck WInd ~e~ tal (' l uan , It !l PP)' fa mil y u f I llI lLc rt ,.lI d I:: uul cl.!, s u icl In a SOI I'/1I o r e !iam p )C'l'", c:ll; !I('d I n a :': '''' C'f(! t JI:t ~ . 11 t OIl I' : " " ' lI t thou IlC Chok e·dowo . ca n be " We ll . I'l l t e ll 1' 0 .\ , \\,Ill n tlt c rouf BaJ;f. \\'ay .- ( ·r .. ~ l o U O W Dl a r. au d W !r e, 11 :,,·1' tl ri s 11I3 1l to b n th y we dd e d b u.1'- cMuced "ith n l' I('n ln .) OI6PBt, 'lt }. . le Rok . lo r 1\ " hu t t .· , d rop~ orr (\."o pyr gh(. 1 ~ 1;' b y " " G , C hu.p mn.n .) b and '." III ~ t "ar l or t he wo man ans..-,,'f· mi g ht )' 1 1 ~ lIrly to lit' uh l!' (., a , l, y Uill' to fl e n" e r_ P_O"t _ _ _ __ _ _ In /: for !r e r ijeli. n g'l'urr m an's vnlce I I> wlr" /1(> t 10 h o tb cr YO\l . bu t to I':~, a nd One Hun d re d Yea rs Ago. nns\I' I' l'pu ' " I ",III." Th e mln istl.! r aIeo:my Bunch or They Ke pt Regardi ng H I m and Whl ...· Swcll ilJl(. No blist<'· r . 01 t tlll h ('r Irnllbl llH 10 tb ~ lan illord . Th !! I' ir lou, 1II 0d t'~ w hi c h womon I 1001;,.<1 u p " c ry m u dt Ile rJ) lexed. liod IhslrKOoe. and horae kepI .1 wor" p ~ rlng Togethe ,.. COD affec t n o'" be!:tlll :\ ~ far bllc k n s 17~ . No t h ing More Than Due Reward of I, fJllII ~ l'rt . li e r r Pt'a t ed ti ll' Re n tCll.ct'. ct1Unl1rd -only a few dw p . r('<j uired at III Nothing Like Being Care ful. a n d 3 )::<111 1\'0 same !: r u rr \'o l-ce 11.11 ' application . •2 por bott le del'vt which I. Il pp r io il we " h ou 1<1 hUT d l)' bl'Tt fou n d hi llls c:lf s tra n u.-" red. '1 '110 " S ha ll I pum p \II' ll h' l lr(':. ~ Ir ?" Little Animal T hat Had Bo ld ly 1 BWl' l'eci , " I w il l." Ag aIn th e m tn lBtle:' I Book 3 K ~re.e: " Wll lt unl ll \\' 1' g t' t out luto lhe \\' I" h t o r o p)' III 1I\ 1l~ t r('s p pc t ~. " ch a rm of th " g rt 'll t el t y i ul1u l' lIt·pu hitn At ta ck e d Li on. loo l,pd li P . lIr ll rl s NI . n ot l; nowLo g wta.t 6e I ~IBI NE. JR .. anl' l'tl c !rlll.melll I !loa!. c ouu t r y. Ja cqu e s . Ho I h ennl 1\ doctor dnn c(' nllt lit n il unlik e th e la lt ~ (I \\' I\ ~ to r t' muln w it h in Its cO li lin"1> liD<l, rtduce. Cysrs, Wrn., Pnrnft,i , !h.~ nO ll ", say tllat th e ulr nrollnd h t' re Is ,'pr), III yog \l e li t Ihu t lIm p. RlI,1 had ruan) \\'a B lit e rury III hi s t R ~;[ f' ''' /IOu I", had Sl lli'b" II p luc k y ro x I'-rril' r , born ; 10 m"kp Ilf II . wb e n one of t he grooms-- Vuicoae Veim, Vlrcu . ~l anJ $2 3 I",ttl. B III I'll :!t t a ill' vaguc e:otron (, IHI Iu or e \'l~ nt ~, the t !t wh a t row o h .. .IO was T sa H'I',I In I( o~ o bod Id : '''weB or delivered . H')(lk " EviJen<,e " free guth ,nu g up a lld r ;, j"f'd I n 1.",,,10 11 . IA Ih e ou ly Ikg i ImIJU Te ," . , " E'I I ,'s <lpd , pu r "o n. a u' I 'm ItO I\We!"- • .f_TOUIIIG.P.D.F_.31DT'''DI.St Ices op e nin g III n " ~hnp (' from I hI' tnat t'r ia l fo r a 1;1" a l n o, ,· 1 10 e x pl o It. o f It.a . SD'Ingn old.M~ ••. lJr e(' d \\'h1<' !t 1111" ev<: r ta d, It 'd I' Ir. · ro r " I" r ." Th e nv e Tagp mnn dlHllkes a chro nic s h ou ld e r s n lInn " t to t h" \\'al " 1. S lrirt. wh e n h e bo t bac k to :-\ " w )'u riL n full ·g-rown lion ""~'. h a Jl(I"" ." wen' BlIt no d \\'e r f' OftPII m utle of Hulbe rt s o (, n fo rgo t abou t till' Th e s tory o f ho ll i cker- ulll ps~ sh e'll In t h l' ('horu s . I\' S imba fu'ngll t til " trlln s paT c nt ga uze. A Ino Barren of Wea1t h. t r inke t UI ,on hi " wll lc h chllin ~ta~u~::t,. :~~~~:~~~:.o~~~~.:)~~ "!!~I1~~~:' F:COll' l ion is l u ld by t uo do:,; '. o I\'ll ('r. (·!tc· r ' Ve mlly r eturn t o th ogo\\lI" of th at a my wa. fo rcI' d upon him. ow ill!; to l' Y Keat o n , · ' ~; o t h u t_ forC't ~n s utt l"\ l~ o f 'E tbers ";' 0 w en t 10 I!r ili. h E us t I ctl~ :Uao~ ~~~ : ~:::::1~l'I:o:~~ l l JII ,' d (lil t l (J bf" 110 ba ro u afte r aU." pl'rlou , w hlrll WeT e without wal uJs, till' s tate of h ifi \' xc h" Qu ,' r . Il u had ca.... 42........lld "O,.,,",VI. C'lJ UU .. trf'j ' ( r.t1 b)' Arri cll fo r Ih l'! Illll' jlDS ' o f o ul ai n ing I ntll. N-EW FRENCH REMEDV No.t No 2 No.& hnvlu J: ~ ltn p l )' a gird le t.(I t h!' bu "t. bee n ('nUnJ; lit "'H·a p o u d Te8 La UTallta lOovi " U il. h e WU H II ba /'on , all Tight n l; IdcIl\ r. " oi wll d " ,, 1111,,15. :-\ o\\' . . rt d• • ld.r.,. \\'lth " kl rt ~ c:au!(ht up ralh e r s h OTt In fo r a. w ('n k. B al'on ,\I Url c lH! U 5f' J) : ' Th at p \· .... n i n g' U H OIl1''''~ Sl wlHl Is t. u ~ ' r rt inary a-~OI'YOj. Jl I)"Nal lllum t , .iblOr~;~~e~~t~..~ (0:, t "rrie r, o f I ~ ftll _ ap' a1rt1llu'tl. Nn ohllcaLlnn ", .'R . J,'CCl.lmll' rronl n ll d s li gh tly train e d nt Ih e ha ck Wh a t uniqu e aTroy of foo d in th e win· lI O H!l(',' in I I' al u u fn lul u bn·r ll l r 'd ....~ t:D .• DAn"" 'fn t ' .. !tn" n ... lI .... n ' ... I'. J,ON b ON . l£K(l Tli v Blo n, i n g' urt(~r IN a ch ee rfUl oce _~ ~dT In 18 00 w (l ml'n w o r E' AlIlHlals a nd do w o r a litll e o~ltI !l g TI, tiUrl I,pa" ~_ P-::."'" ~u~r' o " "" ,1.1. Ct; u.& l'Og~ _ illg llo int u( ,;, ,'.. Its t1 /-iht ' I)t h lhn Ji " 11 fo r I h~ Ilia n "lr o d e"ot c s the nl~t - .-- - - -- - ba r f' r('ct . ( '"rsp! b c lt l' we r a oll ly a nam e i ll ( ; " l..lck 1t.'ttl~ rH OV t 'r ittl doo r. oc (' u rrr ' ct \'. hil l' ,\l r . l't ' :llP I \, aH ' ryjn - - .. ~~ b.-f. '1' •. I" · I ~. · p .a.bollt tw n Inrh cs wid f' . So m .. go wn s nllul'ed l1im to Cl: ·.e l' ,\lhaIlY .Journnl . W. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 30-1914 t b e )\ 1:1(:( t e ub; ' ", J, it: I' J'I ' S of II,, · k ill ll,g or a '.\, f' l' e cllu g ht u p to t h a knee \\'Ith Inrge Il u had nO li rt·d w hile h I' :1\" I \yO lin" i' ;!I:. r; .• ; ')I,..;):' .,', \' . " /Iat i,·" ~1 '·· : :\'I l1 ' ·II . ']',," li n!! .; .,' I .. ,,1"', ,. .. .. I cnm roo~ . 8 .J on ra ~ hlnn o\' l'rrr nch ell II · ntl' ll " ,.! .. .,. .: . '. ' \ a l a 1 1I' lgl~h r ; rirq.; t a L! ' uL:-. t· r\ In g hn tl 1)(1 n l UC:lft ' d In hullw ~; lrllh~ . u l ll j MeIr. ILlld t h l"n (',,!ti P (, l' ill (] lll1 "~. poi :lte d Ilim lI H rr (l \~ ly . T hl' Y \\'(' r to 1JL\\ II,\. 1(1\-': !:'I} :'\ Ja:'.n i \\;Irrit,:·~. ",j i ll 1'- 1 H':1 1' ~, w"ru Soup makin~ io a n A~L Why trouble foot g" aT Illlli lI nua tl\l'I\lI y ~l lIall w n l"I ~ . urow c d fl~ lI o ws. B \I !;g-f'~ t !n~ 11' ant lrl~ n ';,,:y to H l. l :lf'l~ Tll .. 1:\...11 ' l-'~ . hIlW \' \"I 'I' , Are " ' (j comln l-: tn thi s? or iJ;i n . 'fll , 'y k (·p l. r('f! .I1' Ui lJ g 11111 1 lin d f \r :ljJ('d . with .oup r...:ipe. when the be.t chef. :l ll U th t· 111 011 1..' J I() I I . a f tj r : I i' \', hlf' p."l ri llg I\' g l !l(· r 111 a ( ' :t ll tlt.~I." an d ~ j , ' :lI'lJ :g In the cou ntry llJ'e ... t you r lervice? A fll r a. H I IlI n l '/l 1. lll llll' d i Ol n :\ GOOD CHANG E . :Ij.~· ~ l l· t·i ou:-; 111 :I:: Il i. r .I11 :-.t jJ h 111l 11wrt ! c1r i('(l r hLf l."':.: d n u d l'l; I \J~\..'d fe,., can. of Ubby:. Soup on your p a n try l u Ul.,!o " Coff ee to Postum . a rosl' t o l L' a n.~ lh tj P:HV(' 0 11(' { I f '1J\' lll • belf ... ure. you of th .. correct flavor, " S: 1I1bu: ' 6tnt(l ~ ~!r 1' I':1ll)n , " ,la r tl.,1 HPJl r ou~ h "d h im . I I., lu ul:" ,1 J :" lll"rL ' It I II 1111l dOIi GII . l1n<l "illlill rea dy in a fe w minutea . Ther.. are For Infan ts and Children, ., f, ·\\ : " . 'r h o hugo a r nlY or pe r s on a wbo :iquan::l y in t ile c ~' e, wi : h ;J I t· d ; l f <.J. ! 1110· (ildt:' we }h.'[\ rd a t rl ' lI!! JlIllJU ~ I d:.r tl. a Tomato , V egetabl e , Chicken , Oxtail, Con. hav e found 1',III t d frolll w allY chro nic lion ~· Il g hl l .\· d n ' \\' J, " l k I.i~ "':i l. 11101 ~ ,. I1H' d tr/ dJallO tl,' 141' <lU III \. an d 11 10 • omme, Mock Turtl .. And othe r kind., allrueut s by chan !;lng frolll colIeo to tiler/) 011 t ilo lal ,p l (.r ! : I ~ " ,,! t h" r o hll f. lles within I ~ l '" d ~ (I f I" \\' I'll r io . P o s tum as a dally beveraglJ . Is grow· ~ how"d 111(; I'TIII Y ou~ I"'o,,",r b.. thenl. "tY I'" of ti l" Ir lll lll' t h-nt ly ;'/4lt:1I ,· <I . '1 "" 110111 1',':1\'1,1 Ing eac h day. that Il ullo" ft II UI' ,' at h b ": a tl h , Ilal o . :.. g al o n nu II I;" ill . II nti ill til" IHil'(' ;1\. lt Is only a simp le Qlles tlon at tTY' , r-~~~-~~~~~~llW~ " You ar e r ~ndy." Ill' ~3jd : lOl l'l y , I,·n a l, \\' 0 h l'al'd (1)(' \. •. ,, 1. b Ul ,',' 1'), Ing It for oll e ~(Jlt In ord c r to know lllll b" rt b '.' wClI. II ~ T ('OgIl1 7."d In. ' IlI r !o ll~ ynP l, il'b uf ll l., "CO :!. 1' 11 1) tbe joy of Te turnlng h ou.Jtb as reallz'~ 81111ltl y Ih a t :'0 Prep J rati on for .l.s wa s In b l:1 1<l'1I fo r !In. ~I n ~a l stoo l. (' I' c ry 11 , ' 1'\' 0 II:l{;lil.g . witll by an Ills. young lady . She writ e s : , ~imilil lin g IhefoodandRetuJa 1.' ; 11 " 1', b ut t 'l() "l'l r it at a d ve n tu re 1)(19' a p e/lrs IJo i8,,(J. "I had b een a coffe o dr in k e r nearly I:e s se d h i Ul. Th o H rall ,l lin~ Ihe Slomach s and Dowel!d ¥,cT ~" e'm ( ,1 to "Sulld c u ly th e 11 011 rl a"h " u t !lro,lg h a ' all my lire and It affecte d my slomach ncc " pt hill' wllbou t qucs ll o ll OT qulb. Jlttle clf'uTi ng. ll n d \I'll \\1 '1'(' a mazed (0 -cause d Insomn ia and I was seldom bl e as t h e 1J c rso ll h e ha d b ef'n waiting see S lmua h all!; illg 0 11 w it h h e r t ec th without a h eadach e. , had h eard o r lookinw; for. &mbe ud.)d In 11 0 ta ll . T ll r .,o ~ 1'('a r 3 ' Pr o motes Digeslion,Olurtul about Postum and bow ben o Oc1n.l It " YOUT wOTk is nil laid out for y o u," w e Te hUTl e d nt th e e sca ping bM Sl w ith i !lCSS and Resl.Conlains neither was. 80 conclud ed to quit colr" and he ~ :ll d In n ChUllollB to ot', "If' y o ur to uch accura cy thllt t1I PY IlI1 tr311sflx ('d I' OpiumJ'forphinl! nor MinrrBI try It. ship I" at mooring s ." tbe h('ol't. an d tho Iioll f(' 11 d ea d . You IDAISY FLY KILLER uac,"'" wal dellghte pt,cd .. NOT NARC OTIC 4l with yw"", the change. .\gll;11 Hulbert n odu e d. aDd un. ... aU mu st k n ow that tho skin or the l lou AI... II... , . al_n. or. I can now sleep 'Well and seldom ever IIr<tpr ..t'(}M o..SAHl I£unust r " Til en co m e. Our ol'd"rs lire to b elongs, IIcc o rd lng to la c. al cus tom, n o t I' :h:~t6lte::;~~ti ~ave beadach e. My atomac h hne got- place the woman in your A~,;' Juri· charge. " to the w'arrlor whose spenr •••• 0 • • Intl lclll the YaCS. Clf toen Itrong and I can eat '\\' Itbout ;/lx.r""",. • ... suf· The wOUlan! A scn se of curiosit y, fatal wounds . but menat. caD~'JJmor t h' Ii'wA,II,.T to th!! Jb • mun w ho tlrst I ferlng afterwa rds. I think my whole interest , chlvulry came to 0 9'" I will Dot loll or Alt u_J"J. (he front rushes In and cu ts off th e black tr:. 1 lclare •• 7 th1n e · Ifltem greatly benel1te d by Postum . Wllh the young journali st. the TO- tram the tall. auaran~ ,«MIlT .. And •••• r. or...M "My brothe r also auffered tram lnanUc vein In If"..... s,.tl .. his make.up as well .~ pal4 for '1.00. "Two or the three spGursm en dasbe:l ("I...~:,J .r.__ Ito mach trouble whlle he drank cof· Brouse d . Tbe S&IIOLD 1011"', III DooKal' ~"., .... man beckon e d to bIs lDto the donga, but th ey fou nd kl,., •• T . , m..,.",.,.. Simba 'Ff"..., fee. but now, !!iDee uaiDe POBtum , be comrad e. T bo ~ ...---- . Inue r bobbed bls b ead with the, black tip s till b e\ween li:XCEL .l.ENT · l!'AlUI LAND CH E AP. her Cbeap IImda of Burprt.ln g ferUllty caD feels so much better he would not 1 0 In token of Int roductio n. . Tlley A perree! Remedy for Consftp-' led teeth, r eso lutely. d e t ermined to 61lP' lSe be had along the IIno of tho MINourt .- back to coffee tor anythin g." lior., Sour Slomach;Diarrhciel. Hulbert from the place. North Arl<anBllll rallro .. d. Thle n ew road any bos tlle claim. The warriors , ~hc Name given by POltum Co •• BatUe runa throul'h an un<h! veloped territory \ \'orms .Convulsions ,feveri$A" It would be bes t to get a clORe were lost In admlTat !lplendld for frutt. poultry. dltlry. truck.; Creek, Mlcb. Read "The lon , a g reed tliat Road to carriage ," observe d tbe mtI.D wbo the ness and Loss OF SLEEP. •• neral farmlnlr or .tock r a t.tng; delight· skin b elonged by rIght of s e izure fUl ollma.te and bountlfu l wOler eup~)y; Wellvll le," lo pkgs. ... seemed to have the most Ba.y in the to 51mbl~, and tbey Dever taJlI~ c ropo!. banded It over Free malru ne, POltum cornea In two torml: File Simile sienatu rt premise s. "There Is wbat was glveo later to my wife "Oak LelI,ve8. ' tells of line opportun ltlea. as ' trustee for thQ Regull" POllum -must \ be weil me for yoU," and AtIk tor_It. JAY KERR. O.neral Po..en· h e banded a. roll or dOl," ~ ..,.nnt, Hanl..,n : Ark. ._ - boUed- 160 and 250 pacltage ll. ' - -Inatant POltum -11 a Boluble pow- bank notes to Hulbert . "Tbe r eBt wlll . d A t rul dli l ' ul kl be lent as soon &II you -cable The Ordeal • .~. eaaPtoohb t . 8t~r V9I ,Cl C Y your arrival In AlgIers III'lth word or the worn· "It takes a lot or COurar;e and pa. UI d a oup 0 ith an'" 0 wa e . ' . . cream and . aurarl maket a~,w cteUclc u . ' , ence to e an explore r, doesn 't It?" beve.....e ' InltantlY :-"-SOo .,rid &04' ·Hu I,lert accepte d ~he moDey. What "Yee," replied the adventu rous man, The COlt ,per cup of ,both' iI"dl I, ,wae h~, plungiD g Into-a ktdu/Ul lnl as- "plaoov 8l'lDg tiJJn,. ~",'t 10 bad, ~ut about tJa& Am.. - I ' •, plolt? 'Ho'W8nr, 11e, w.. in .t b, ~41t .great Se.ntl ~t 'you b~ve to go neuon " p~ of ,~eca~eme no"'. Ii.n~ he Q.on e4. .thrOugh '~JieD you ~1t to ' cI.,.1l1Iar _~

lkmand 'be f'Mluloc


""",to .

1l, f Ll Jl'1 1U~







Oll l




You r LIver


I Clog ged Up















T'H s:"R APIO N ....





The Kind You Have Always Bought

I A\e~cl.lblc

Bears the


. 1\.




'Jrr..z.~"s- .








-ft8re'. •


--.. I




,. '. '-'a •




0· .. •

' ~ to' lO ~",h ,lt. H. ~



· at , ' ~I"







For Over Thirty Years

..,, i

./ 'j

! I.



,;v ~

~~ ' _ i o ot, h ig h time ro r th om to begiu tn ~'________...:..__________________ .:'•, ~. t'f. ,l Kuu ll eu rue~t tllU Htuly and prflp~r lL ti O n f" r poacl3:-.Talllea B Mllst!.


Do wn tho Il t>rk future. tnrough lon g gf' n e rlLt iootl, ! Tho eouoln g [<ouDll s grow iu t n~er I ILn i then ce DRO; Ami liku a be ll wit,ll ~0 l e mn. s weet vi hrll t·iull H I h uur ODeo more t h e voice of Chriflt flU y "1'e ll.·O' ·· 1'tlIlOU: Allu no lunt.( er froUl its brti zl' n pGrl.a lti Thu bln,,1 of \Vur ''!! Kr eat o rRon ~lltIk cH thu t! kiol! , Uut bllllutlfuills ~ o ngll of the irulll o r I tLI~.

'l'h fl n u ly IIu'I(lllif's o f lovl.l ari~ f1 . U lllIry \Y . Long fell ow. Nn l)fI lt h .. r CtL n win "glo r y , from th u II lin I h 1)[ II ur ol h llr e ll ill WOIl Ill! ··glu r.v" who n h ll ,. Inw AI " d; n l) r w ou l.1 Ab El l h:l\,o "',," "gl 'lry " blLU h e. in tho l'x e J' cI ~' c)f stn ' to ~f1 1f defoo se. (lucool)(le c\ II , " I ,y ing tb e w ioko(1 l'lIin 'fll f' .. o ul I' ocu il ~ in h lJ rr o r fr um Lbo t.ll l\ u~hl. u f Jlfl\il!o or h o uo r !IS thu 1I 11'lId 0 1 IIllV Muoh 1IIf'lun c hol\' . , h lt l.llflll Hili! :('''s· Aud wllut is t rill' u f " 0u n t,01l1 hlJl woeu hro lil r ~, i.. '\llllily Inl O "I' ILOOtlt Otlt, h ro I Wf" 'n 1I1!L1IY l'lu UI' IIIY cun win Io(lory. I,y I l olI :i ll~ t1 111 1!· h lind 1I afe llt. t 'l "II It r III ,. III' brt ltbu rs. At! 1111 milD uri' l , r ' tI. I "' r ~. ,..u hv lI're, ist iblll 1, . H1'Wlj ll tlll\ ·1I 1111 wllr ' IlI U ~ t U(\ fr ut,ri oidill. Alld Cll n ,;I . ,r \· oom e ~];W fr ll lll Irutfil- Ii le '! 1'<'0 ! N,)! Tell Ule n o l, tnAt"uf I llI! h UIn!lge t.he w orld Yl' t oll'ufi'l t ) t,11O UHht.ury c ll ieltlLin . TIll I 1» 0 rwt of the Bnrl po v Imnu ti l milli o n ~ t o I)(~ r e ~d y " g lory" of Wllr. 'full llI e n o t nf t,he fo r Wllr, long uf ter tue puull(! wo ul d "hulln r " ()!. "fILIll O" WOIl IlU I to! J1Iurhave fHll4laine d rulers in rutif ying tlor ou" fi c·l lI . A ll il! vlwil.y . It is t r en ties o f everl llHli n g peltc..,. P er- !l. blood · r t'd 1>11 lUI \.1>111 . Hue t o fllde petual ullu ce is a rioh fl r tueDle uf 010· EHIII Ul sllppeHr . No lil lol r a im"" by <lue noe thlln flnv whICh hat! bllon in nolil lol r rll tJ "D ~. 1! l.! ~1 1 fi ll t h o 1:I0 ul. debate by tiny l ogi8 1 1~tiv e lJut.1 y in A III W ~ t. llo(lurd II I' ex ce l lullcll Rhllll the bi!ltory of natioo s . Th e liehtltil prevai l; 1In11 huuor, uivo rC'ed from would rflvlew til ., prug-re!ls nlHl re- li lt df'I'I\.'l) t b l. ,od, ~ h n ll llecllme th e sult· of war~, an el pn'~ent t.h um i u IUHtlv umul u utt,'ud ll n t 0 1' goud w ork s lIuoh an a speot· !I8 would OOIUPIlI th H RloIIU . Fu r b e tf. l' l', I.h on, ~b III It- Ul'l, convic tion that th oro IllU ~t h tl " be t "V il li 11l rh l! jIHh(II,ent o f thi H world ter way t·h!LO wllr I·n "tl ITI ., " 'II\IInlll t·o h/l\'(o 1"~ tlD IL .lno rkee por io th o differe uoes.-A!lro n FU!:I tfl l' 1t ,) Urit1 o f 1'13110 ... . t,IIIlO t,ho proudest For the sa ke of hUUlllo it v. It i8 de Ii wu lle r III ttlA t uo ts o f war .-Cllarles voutlv t J be w lsh'3d tllu t tho lJltlnl y ~ uUln e r . employmenttl of tlgri c llltur e, auG Wi II uflt ions n over nevise II more the bumanlzin g benetite 01' COlll- ratio n tl l umpiro n f differonoes thlln m erce, should t!Upe roede th e wastC' fo re e '! Wa r ill fin in~trum e nt eoof wllr and the mgo of cl) nq utlilt ; t.ire ly io efli (:il!llt t oward redressin g tlltt.t IIwu rdll might be turned ioto wroo g .-Thotn !\8 J pfl·erson . plowsha res , tt.od, "s the t;(J ri ptare N ,H is on B of th e g r Ba tell t pla g ues exprest! .~ s it .• b e nll.tio ss len rn wa r tll"t· ('lin u flilOt h um Inity; It de· no m Jre -Ueorge WtlllhlOgtun iu ~t r o)';; r e li git)Jl; it d es t roys s tllte~; i 78!l. It ee!oLr oV Ii fllm ili(ls. Any 1I00nrge 1 fu r. one w ould tllin join th .., OIL ill pr o f e r~I ' l e to It. If A'dllln bl\d denoe of hammer.stro ke", that ~hlill ;l001l in oi vit; hm t.lle hnrrlble iOMtrll. beat 8words Into plowllhares .-RuB "' Bnts h b! ohillirAn were to invest, kin. h o would h u. vu ui [\,l of gri e f. -Martin fhl;) news of war. the de~criptlUn Lutu t:' r .~ of clti e", t~k en, of vl ctorills wou, of Sumnlcr C t· t· Dangerous wen killed, tue of a. poi~o n ou!l WM o n s Ipa Ion a l lD fiu e oep. They \mgllui ze a Ch r1 S Con .. tipn t illn in SUlJllll or tIme Is tltln peop lf' , Th ey ILlllke Ih em fo r m or t! d lltlgtl r UU8 than In t h e 1'/111, get Il IA ber moo on the Mounl" Ilnd wInt er ur >4J) rln~ Tho fo nd y u eut the l'mvtlr Oll the ' jros8 - A . A . is ufl e n (!IJUtl1U1inlltell IIlId il! olOre Livorm or e , jl ikd Y to funu e nt In YOllr .. tolDlloh . W .r ~ lUttl rrupt indu!ltry, Il pflfont. Thon you u r" . IiPt. to drink muoh of wtlu1th 1I1ltllww g reat ,hJtI \'tl r 1l1l1Y co ld W'Lt e l' dunn g the hut w ea~h o r, be tho r etl llUrO fl ll of I~ Imti o ll , thoy I hu tl lDJO\,lll g ynur s l.omn ch: collo, lll ~on ~~g ~Id oan n ot lo ng 0 11 tlutlt I he IUte rrup ~I)ve r , II PI ~ 1l1l1 llle ~ioll uf industry: lin IOterrllptio ll n th ~r I ~ Il I H nlllllrn r eH Il e .. . 0 whioh il n e .,rlv Bt! grpat iu th e UII- Uo . .Il :\: W i ll kBOp yo n well, U!I It III . . . . l b ' 'Il Ol'tlUStl" 13 ll e,· nllt,ural Itlxu , tum whic h oo nque r ", U!\ In I, lilt W Ie . I . I . I t il b I f 'l A tlubUlit~ . We r es t in Dl o ~t (JURe s t,t VP, W II C 1- ra ~ e OW U S I) L .1 with un estimate of t he m on ey ex cO Il Je~ t fld pOI ~ OIl O U A waste. Po-Dopl3nded by the belligerent porties . Lux WIll Ulllll e. ynu fe,el better, Bnt notwitulltandin the enorm OUM PlelLtllHlt, " r~cl Afhet.l vA. 'I like " tIo-n g IlDlOun t 0 f (, "penees e m b ruc!! d i0t o. Ul !(ll t·. :tOll ..u t_ .V...our - - -l)rllggl~I., these estiUlale~, tbe y Bre actua ll y War a Nect!ssary Evil? but 11. fraction of the 108'" sustained. Wart! ura w w ed ith from the body Tho quetltioll j t; n o t to it!! evil but putit·lc, as di~ea!!es Wtt. -t :l the strengtiJ of th" natural body . Among thtl ' ~o! t·., it .. lIecu:;lIit.y . 1n the bngillning t.he"1 hirteeo Uolgrl'atest inrollds mlld8 by wa r , iD ou itJ:; of A lIIerl ca wnro "free and i). the wett.lth of II. natioll, is the ue · d open uent " of e lLc h ot·h e r .. nd as t;truotiun of full grown mAn . W e 101lt.( li t! thllY r emll.iu od 110. were !:l Ull forget thllot it requires tho Oftre and pic lon, ILnd Ilven envious of eacb expenditure of many I!noc"Bsivll otb e r \V ui III t.llis cuoditlOo ex to replaoe the full g rown i~t.fl d, Wltr I~mullg themsel v is WI\S man, VI' no may be destroyed. by 110 ball n ut only p us ~i ble but nimot!t unin UD IIlt!tant.- William M. Holland. u.v llidt1ule If the oondltion contloued A bat,tle is 110 terrlblo oon,ul{ntio n 101lt:: Bri~ht miods oonceivAd the of l.he verb kill. 1 kill, thou killest.. plu,u of \ ol:ln trHI tLnthorl t y bll.~"d on he kill!', we kIll, ye kill, they kIll. "oonHtitution. ThiR WIIS nce ·m p 1111 klll.-Thomllll Carlyle. li~hed by fir~l · th e ereation of a C'JUNattonal hOllor does n ot OL)u!!is t stit.ntloo ; !'!"ennd . hy thA eUt1or~e­ In reful'lng to aoknowledge wrong, Dltlot of this coU!;titutioD by eRch tn alwaYR inSisting thllt whllt hn s colonv . u 11, own fr lle wIll,antl now been do~e, hilt! been right, Trn ,1 the th"ll ~ ht 0 1 w/lr hst.w t-tl O t wo) of national ho~or, like true p t'r" on ·tI th" IItlltes if! Itn ub~urnJt.y . honor , oonslsts tn being ready t.o d u \vil v no r· It c .lU",f ilutillnal !l u ' llorJ'ustiol' In all things ' and whe n tba ity at. th o t-:hL gtltJ. to bB tmdOrMAd by " . point. of justice is doubtful, til glV{' BIIOh natIOn ILt it.;; C\i ~c r A tlou? It it aga.1ost yourself rather th ,lll fllr wou l j di f' pen,e wltll til " tlf'OS",slty I yourse If.-olr "". S".afi'_oru .. N or tl Ia 0 t tl. of treu Lill,., bll t.IV oen IU I!lVI UUIII nfl · rhe truth is. if nations leuo wILr , ti nns " ' 1(1 will ultllle pOHsllJl fI t.he re .l f tb ' 11 h unu pre pare or war. ey yo" I av o dn ol·ion of os uud n avie'l to ( war. If they study the thlng~ tha It P'IIICIJ h!l"i... \,v lth but 11 fe w mt make tor peaoe, and prel>are f ol' tilllls I'lI clllrs ing "uoh a oonstitutlOlI . . peace, they wtll have pe!lce, Is it It 0') .1Id b,)C.)1I111 operati ve ; ot\wr us. tion~ lJomillll, 10 Itt the ir opti o n. Wh y not ?-A, U. Tomlinson.


~~~-----------------------~-~~ ~_

Universal Peace Continued from Page 5

What They Thought . [rhese quotation!! were oomplled by Georgia Mendenhtt.Il. l AU wars are follies. very expen "Ive and very mischi e vous on es . Tbere never has been, nor e"er will be. any sucb tblog 68 a g ood war or a bad peace. Better fill' mllnkiod soUle 'heir diffiouJt.ies eve~ by tIle cast of "die, t,hon by fi~hting lIod deetroyloll e/loh ot·her. -Benj amin Franklin, 1:1 1783. Are government ti to do nothing to perpetuate peace ? Shall our gov, ernments sUllllnge r in the old armor aod battle fields of war , in standing armies and millions for defense in time of peloe? Thu8 Jlogerlng in In the old Ideas, they CO:ltinue to ,.lk about 'he possibility of war,




TO MY PRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY. lU..- l wish t o th a nk t he citi ze ns of \V an en County for their lo yal nlill cord ial s upport ill

Ibe year. paol. 2nd.-My 1, •• 1110, which

wa_ lldicale Ihe

first year of my t c rlll ow in g' 10 my walking campaign, has betn Rradually i mprov inR. so that I am able to perfor m t he duLies o f Re·

corder fully.

3rd,-An impo rtant a,l di !;{J11 hi'l ~

to the by the

hl'l' l l

duti~s ,md re l' p o ll :,tihi lit ie~ o f the pa ss3~~ o f th e bmol 18 T()rrl~ n s

LInd Tille

m illIe

o lllct! Sys~ITcc

wrll' ill' o the ,,,trchaser 4Ih.-For the firsl Ii ""' . •;IIce Ihe o ffic e h as been n .alaried all •. il Ita, 1)1'0 11 sell·support iug - as only one de puty ha!:lo b"'(,l1 n "(l uirl!ri. 5Ih.- Thanking you a~ a; " . 1 rc"pccll"lIy .olidt .your "UI!porl (ur ""ull"'r ter",. .Thu. w.'11 recog !lIZ1,.-pcrhaj " for II,,' ' ''~I t, ml'you a U nio n soldu:r o n e "' IIf t'ul! l'\ tct! 11 1 Mav. 1801, in Ihe first !=on~,n3" Y o[~alli z<t1 III LebanOD-Company I' . l_lh H<~ I. S;IIccrc\ ".1I0I. UI{QO K. JOSIAH Lill .

'1'1'; ,


July It , t n~s t!lt4. ~ lIara"I agains fro m It L1cfl'C tivl! li CCS t le,

flth , -The Stol e Rurf;!'11 of 11lsprcliory S:lY ~ : offi ce ,. w. n

"The work in Ih e ll ~cl)" l e " s .lone, and reRecls gre" \. cre,lit ical lorce 01 Ihe o ffi ce. SIncerely.

"I"'" the c1er-




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Everybody uses Lewis' Bread. If you have never eaten it, just buy one loaf, and you will never use any other bread.

It'. good and it's sanitary. Try it. Waynesville.,Ohio .=--_....


Not So Strange After All Yon mlty thiok it. strange thu~ 110 nmny people IHe cnred of stomach trouble by Uhttmberlaln's 'rable~s . Y o u would oot. however, if you shoulcl ~ive them a trial. They strengthen and invigorate the s tom aoh und e n o !.J le it to perform Its fnnoti nns nll.turully. Mrs. Rosie I·Ush. Wabash . lnd , write!!. "Noth ing llid me the loust good until I be. gll n u Sill g Chllmberlain's T !1 blets. it is deoidedly the hest medioine for 8tomaoh tro llbJe I bave ever utled ." For tlt1 le by al\ dealers.



Pl'obate Court Proceedings 10 the matte r of the f'stl1te of 8Bm uel li . Dllvi!!. clAceused . Final OOOOllut npproved. Distribution o r dored. In t.he matte r uf ' th e estate . of ~) o ter Tulht! , ueco!l!!ed . Estate tully IIUWI1l:i8tored. In t h e ulfltter of tltll ebtollte of Athllrlr Mn ltbie. deoeased . F irst and fioa l a e oonnt approved . Est lLte fully administer ed . In the lUaU·er uf t h o est,,'e of Jen m e N loely , et ai, winor8. Estate rullyadmloistered, In t,he mtl~ttlr of tho est tLte of J o hn !<;v er . d eoetli!ed . tleco nd aooouut appro ved In t ht' IlIILtter of the e~tnte of W. W . UrltllO, deoeased . E~ttLt e fully Illlrni ullite r e d. III I h e mutter of tho ost"te of George Cook. insanA. 8ixth 11.00011 n t II. ppro Vf'Cl. 10 t iltl nlln ttl!' of th" osLII te 11:' ,Iue ob K Ziotc h, d ec Aa~ e d . E~tl\te full .v ad w in it;toren In t ho lI1 ·l ~ te r of the estllt-e of I. ; J lI lrl ,,~ 1I tl [c he ui!, deol3a Red. Fir st nne! fina l ,lce uuD t a pp .-oved . .J I n t h" JJl ~ Hal of the estate of Ilhn L;lln Ji" lIAC1ollsed . J ohn MHOg Ilppoiotou !\dwluh. trator Brmd f 5IJUO EIlwurd tioppe, Edwll rd Ualy tlll' Willltt.Ul Br Olln ur IL ro nppointe(j liPprlll serr8. In t he m!lttllr o f the eat!lte of Charles E . Radley, deceas ed Privltte 81111e of bank 8took ordered . III t he mutter of the esta Te of Ma ry CorwlO, deoells,·d . First ao oonot I1pproved . Iu the tnfltter of the estate of :::II O\uel W . Keever, d eceased. Pri. vu to 9tLIe of oats ordered

Common Pleas Court Statl3 of Ohio v~ . R B Lllyrnlln, nile of profanity threa tening, ,,1.0. $'"te of Ohio v s, Harry R O'\Q, p et ty larceny . tltate of Ohio vs.Floyd Ertle, petty I ~ roeny .

Owing to the war situation in Europe the issuing of

=========-=_ ._---- _..



Republican Primaries The fnll n wlng )JAr " O fl ~ wIll lte bAfore th " /{ ~ JlubIIOIHI I Rm Il"t:ltly Arflre"III\lv~ of the 'acl Primary, TU 6I1dllY. AOt.(UBt 11, 1914. t h:t l you nre wllt l me In my fi (;li t. I


o~udld ·~te!l



um 1l.htl n g )' f"ur hllttl l" Rnd your co ..

op eratio n


rn y

~ l r (, l1~ t h .

m~I~ ~'n~l~rK~41.81;~' V I ~~d .

hee n

rc b \: I(f' ~.


================ ~-()R

It I

t ;pon m y \1( 0 ' 9 r~c o rd of th ln~" 110no ,.nt'l f'lrn mh~t' R k r ll t 1 n " l( )'nu 10 n nmf n rU., An d tlr4't 1:1 " t o th e t Onl!ed ~I : d, ~ S (' nll t o A~ ytlUI' n. 41 v(W :l t C' nnr1 r e l)l·~' ~(l n\ I' l lvl'. ~~)~I

mAY not kn o w what o t h r l l ( UVO f, I STANO FOR Pl n tto rma fiR HH'I"cd (' Onlrac t • . 1' " , vertia.1 I\Ca ,'e. ,,"Iso n nnd Hr }'u n w ho m I h e l1lt~ t1 to pln t'i' In p o .,vpr" P"pul ll r e lec ti o n of pr ee hh'n t ~ a nd pos t ..


-================-='l'REA8U Rim Funk D. Millin LeR ov Irunt! It't onk P. ForllY

Htate o f Ohio vs. John Tllylor Jr , oft1I Ilcc1C ,tll Uatton at t el f1 gl1lph tn pv ery I'OS I .. petty larceny . ' Ex t e ne to r fl f pn r('f' 1 POft t , M Ol' S doll~rM fm· ),('n lt .1 lind eod u ru tl o n _ Lucy A Smith vs . PhIlip P. Gran l~ ~~ i1n ll nrM for hllll l f'l'ihlpR. dio Ilnd M. A . Jameson, trustee, In l 11stlv p, n · (e rrndu llI •• r ecttll or nil equitable relief. eronked um "!n l"" !':o h OIf "lI lllhI 111' In of1l C"eh nllll ng, R Wild" Gllohrist for the oredi · \\' I· ' o w~' 1" ' 11" ' om' find oculust c hild tors of the Morrow Roller ,\ tills Co In bllr.John .1. f,r \·lz. vs. The Peoples Eleotrlo Co.. a oor WRITE, PHONE OR SEE poration . MODev only . Amount Y o ur frl .. n rl~ flT " I I II'h.: ' \ h('rl4. .\ r' k th~m olalmed $2"5 9.8~ with interest. t il 1:'0 with ~' O U to I ',,. 1" '1111Hr y nn d II lHk fl 11(1 :-," . J 0 11!,; J . I.I·::>:T:I. Oll1u'S :"O; 1':X T

H,h:CORDER Joroiah Hnlbrook

Voteran . hIli lielCl . ·~ I ··G '

D. E. Bu Oll..t I


AlwR.)'s .tnndlng

8hou ld ~ r



(Seco Il.Il.4lrlu ,

,I usbu .. Col teU\)

Ed: D4t011l~t Bert Ref\d U~i:RK

OF ('OURl'l:i

Olin P. Bnoe Walter Kllholl I::lURVEYOR Roy E. MIller A. M. Bower

Olasslfled Ads

PROAECU1'IN6 A1 Y j'( tRNEY Frank C Anderson (aoeond tonn)


Marrialte Llcemes


W. D. C"rwln, .Ir. W . ~.UmlJ',m JOIlOph Wdkill!l W, L. I::inrv6y A. C. BHk"r

Rl-::-' AT O H .

with \\Pllso n Rnl1 Br yn n he has II ~Jped Hole n C Krohn vS . Oliffllrd C. Dem ocracy to win Its KreQteat vl('t o rle!l, Krohn . Divoroe grtt.oted and plain H~ I. aD abl. ehl\m plon " t the pco"I.·, rIKh t • • tre e.' c lear and untncUmbtll'etl by tiff r el:lt.o red to malden nome of tI'U !tJ, or epeclal lntf'r e~ I" Belen Couden. Shnll Ih@ p ~o pl. of 0h lo h,we a r epre. Canie Moore V~. John D. Moor8 .('nlaIIYI! In th,. l 'nltl'd ~11l1"S Sf'nate' It's up to you. Lent. la ,our friend. Divoma granled and plllintifi' is re. stored to maiden Dame of Carrie DON'T THROW AWA.Y YOUR VOTI!. Klein~1I t, tlhe is also given custody The cont ... t hno dwltllU p il 10 Lent.. " • . lIogon. wlUI I~,@ntz In ! h~ I. "d. of t,he ohild and granted altmony , Vat • .Aurru.1 11 f o r Lenl". Htlyes E Brogs vs Nellie Brags F.vpry h(d~ •.,t morMtt-c! lHif' tht ~ one will Oivowe grunted and oustody of fl". l p put \VI IJoion ()f' d BrYA n'., trlend anc! l 'our fri e nd In th o Stn a te: c hi Id g i veil to Hllyes E . Brags, Mo nroe & John8ton VI'. Mary P. Wilson Motion to dlsmiss appeal ts ovorrnled, and defendant Is granted thirty days In whioh to file pleadilOg. 'r'b 3 Peoplell' Building, Loun and t;avln~:'" CO VB, Anna Fitzgerald ~!lles approved. Dlstr!button ordered . FOR RENT JUllil Rodman v!', Milton Keever et ul Conrt or!lersllartliiou of real good stock and grain farm for l"state MI prayed for. R . M, Gallo reot. -Inquire of S. L. Cart. ber. U . 8. Biggtos bod Lewis I:Itlbbs wright , W.vne8vllle. Ohio a III appointed oommlssloners


,I o ho M. Mul toru C, S. Mount·s

mn s t f' fft .



Is discontined for the present ; th e rlPxt best to travel on are drafts. We can suppl y you, Try a Safety Deposit Box for your valuable papers.



Jodre Milton CIllrk Ch ebter Crau ler, Rosembler at N· o R . of Uermantown, to Graoft o exohaogo 110 Rood geoeral.pur. ~====~Alloe Plirlter, of Franklin. Rev. W. pose horse for sbeep or oattle. Democratic Primaries J, Thi!lt ;e. Ioqulre of R. E, Pleroe, Ot!flr Middle Ch8r'ies L. l'ak'ker, 'employed in RUD ohuroh, R. D. I, BI)rlng VaIlIlY, Tbe following persons will bA a 19 popor mill tv Sosle Elenor MoKin. Ohio oandldates before t·h8 ')emoorat ney, both of Z'raoklin. Rev. A. J, ANTED ro Reot Farm, 100 or Primary, Tuesday, Augul!t 11,1914. Kestle, more Rores A good farm. ---_0 _ ...- - - Inqnlre at thij oftloe a 6



Infection and Insect Bites DangeroUs Mosquitoes, filee and other inseot!'. whIch breed l ulokly 10 K"rba88 pllils, pondtj of IItllgoant water, bar _H!, m ust.v plaoes, eto., are ollr riers of, disellse. Every time they bite yOlO, they injeot polson tnto your s~~stem from whloh somA dread dilleRSEt may te~ult. Get a bottle ot ~10RIl 'I! Liniment, It It! antlseptio and a fow drops wUl neutralize the infeotion Ot~Il88d by inseot ')ites or rU'lty nails ' Bloau's Liniment dis infeots Uuts, Bruises and Bores You oannot afford to be wltbout it in your home . 1III.oney b U)k it no' satillfie,d . Only 250 at your Druggillt..


Shadow•• "Could you that soog obout the tW!IIgbt when tb.e 'lIlckerlllg shadow. softly come and go 1" sold the BenU· mental youth. "SIr!" exclaimed the lady at the plano. ". don't IIpprove either of the current fashion a In gowns or of the promiscuous retel'> ences to them."

and Cigar t;alesmen T OBAOOO wonted to AdVertise. Exparien ,!e

Public Sale


unneoe~sary . 1100 mlln\bly and Trav ellng ExpensAR. Advertise Smoking, Ubewlng Tubaooo, Cigarettes, Cigar!!. t;end :lo stamp for f~lI partioolorA Ifemet Tobocco Co., New York, N, Y.

- .= === TREASURER RUBsoll C, Il'llrrls John P. Harkrader



J. C. Jordan

ot 6 rooms, on Boutb Main H OUSEInquire 'll tbls offioe, ~t.

a 19 ACRES of well Improved land, Dear Cen ,ervllle t or sale a ~ a bargalu If sold soon . Inqutre or A . A. McNeil, Oentenll1e,Obio, aU



10 a good towo, REBTAURAN'r, doing a yearly bUBinells of


Inqnlre of A. A Centerville, Ohio.

MoNeil. a 19

ACRE farm, weJ) Improved, OD the ~). L & C. railroad. Wlll make a good obloteo or fruit farm. Price '1200, Inquire of A. A. ·---_0 __ - - MoNeil. 81~ RON-"Eaey" t5e.l f Beating Gu. . 0lin8 boo. Inquire of Mri. E. B What Causes the Trouble. Half the trou ble III life is caused bJ I will sell a' my resldeooe 00 'he aally, ageot, Wa\fD88Vllle, Ohio, a 12 the fact tha t a mnn will marry a living Ferry I:oad, 2 miles from Wayo88- Phone 86. picture :lll .i (hen i.ick about th .. coat v1lle. ctn Lo' of fioe Ce"lery Plautl! for of the frarne.-Cillclnoatl EnquIrer. '!Jale. IoquireOf Walter E ,zey, Safurday, AUluat IS, .1914 AHO o'olook 'be following pro. ., Z!mmermao'. grooery. or at hi. .12 NamIng the aaby. perty: 2 bOM, 8 head of .06",18, home. Young Mamma-"What shall we call abont U5 bop, fa~I".. implemhb Bol.&elo maJe oal.Hor 8&1., two bally?" Ditto Papa-"Collee, because aDd hoaaeb!)ld,qocle. .. " .' .: mon.htl ·old t" &Dd • .lO od ooe. he keeps us awake at oilht."-PblII;. . . . " ~rtD08 Qf~1illJ . J.Dq~ of ~o ' B8D,. . . .~, .Qrf. de lPh'l a, Ledger. . , " A, ~,MQ~elI;-._ . , ;,C' . '" ..,pl.i,.O~O~








I have decided to re-enter tbe Cleaning and Pressing business, and am now at your Eervice, old rule-"Satisfactioo or No Cluuge"-stlll bolds good. Leave orders at Hawke &Dakio barber shop or call phone 8-210.


Pierce t Presser e

; .



1~ Hl~




a l II", liuw",· 111 11, '" III II, ,, RateR of Subscription . A 111111 B uil din g, -'Iu lll ~t " \\ IL Yllt 't(\' II I1 ' , (tldu . tJll u Y tm r l MlI"iI'lI.\' ill nd\"tull't.) ..• • . . . . $ 1 . 110 ~ JII ~d l ' CO P) ... . .. ,.. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . u.)

l'tl hll _I..,,1 \\' 0,.111 )'

\ ''\ 1. 1.1( \ '

'11-: 1.1'. 1'11" :'\ 1': - 1' .\1.1.

" ".


11 2 !


New Burlington

Paul,J Reason, of uayton', "pent wee k with hiS pluents, );Ir . lind Mrf'. Eo RelL8u n. MiMI! Aelell Welch itl e n tertliini n g Lillhm SlikAr a nd KI1:hflrilie Hmltb , of W ilmington, at tho Welob home neor h ere. William Murrell , of Clnrkl!vi l1e , trllDso,cted bU8in ess here 1...8t week T ile ~undny ~ohocl Pionio held at the W ell Grove waH well atteuuBd and tlnjoyed by tbe tellobe,rs !lnd

Miss I!: li:l.l\b etll Reeve" ba8 re. t llro od fcllm the Oh io N ormlll Unl. versity , Ath e ns whe re sh e has !.Jeen ~ !l c '( 1 '1 n. L . C,"Unt' , I'd telt eb log. ~ 1 0 1' ant !l ;: nag-l' r. ' l! IbI,luy " f!l~r t l .IIIg . porh,('\J. . . : . . . I Uc • U i h( 'uUtHti ~hc u u o COlJtrn cL. Mletlos .I enn io Eli zll ue th Bnd J ose phir)o Reeves Ilre Iltte nding Miami VH llo,\, Ch !lulilllfIl1ll . AUl;UST 5, IUI·1. Mrs . T . C. Haydol}}t: Is the g u r llt IJf h 'lr sis tor, Mr ~. E. D. Burian, of PEACE W, lm ington, ' MlsfI :-iamh . McKinn oy. of ntlar Xllnill i8 vlHi tin g at tbfl bome of PHilO'" W llilt d UIlI! It U1 t<u n t o our I ~c h o ll1r ... liI tI; . Alioe Wulton . llati UIJ .. ul t oduv ~ Tl lt' rll is ta l k uf ' Mrs, ,eurs dined wU.h Mrs. .le!§8e H.Lwkins fill ed tbe pulpit nothlug uut· Wllr", WUTH. Th br e Ihbie Collel.t Tbnrsda.v. of th A }<'cionc\A church Bt Loouonder · Sfe UII:I to he un uuc ~!l 1 t hl oughout R. C... Gluner o ur po pular d eco. ry, Ohi o , tiun dllY . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e r utor hilS just oom pleted tbo InMi ssos \' evll Putte rson aDd Mary the Bntlrt1 w o rld , Ilnd utlthm Itftor ' ....... ... """" ...... "" .......... 'OtwI"._ • .... lerlor deortit lon for Mr. and Mrs. Collett "'pent last wee k in WUwiIlK' nl1ti 211 lire ~ I, t u nll t IJu!li u g I.holr ur. Fr .. nk ohi<laker. too ti S gUO!!t8 of Mrll. E. O . t:lbida. ... ... , --"""" ... m a rue nts lind IIIu kiuH fOT wllr. I'lle : Mr . Ch arle. Ml1dden returned kllr and attenued Chllutauqua. lellilt trlvil1l n, ll UOCI! of ufl'air ~ ..eHW!! home Wednellday night from Ntlw Rov . uut! Mrl'! . U. M. Hollar s , of t" bring nb" u t. WI\f ur ttl lk 0 1 Wllr' Mexioo Bn d r e po rtect 9 fine tim e. Jam es t o wn , uot! D. H . I::IBJlarl! of l and .)lttln wttr it! not o nly de(JilHtlu l Busin e!l ll In ou r town is on tho MI1T ys vIJ! e, clL lled on r elutivos bectl im pr ove. : Moll tlay ot lu ~ t wOAk . but bl o:Jd 11" ws IIIl" wlt te c M I'. William W u.rwicll:, of Purl. ~u'lrt,, ' rly liIeo'i og o f New Bur. In LillI! ltl tlUe 1<1 tlumu guod reudlDg lund, Uregon . j olol d his wife Ilnt! liu"t.lO Circui t WILS h eld Ilere I:lat.ur I1bullt peace und h u IY it itl to be dllugbter here 'l'uesdllY, M.r War dlt y IIond 1-'11nduy . Distrlot !:\upt. brougbt about . The Pellet! editiun WIOk III a Wurcen County boy and Van Pelt dAlivorerl two e loq u on t [Ind 18 ably edited uy Mc . F. C. OIH\ ill, hll8 beeu very >lu':cAM8 ful in his bU8. sti cring 8e r m o n ~ . \tnd he 88tS forth wtmy plan l! tu io ess ventures. Miss Ktlt herllle BtRliy. ()f Mllull ll!! T b os. \\'h ettlel tAt ,er 8everbl burg. HI Lbu ~uo,; t of Mi ss F lo ra Harbring abon5 an interntltionul pea Je. months in Ca lifornia is again wltll Ian . Beoaolle of Austria HUligary de M1r;~ Becuioll Htlwklu 8 retu rn ed ohulng war against tServia, IllJd THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE rel " tlves . ~everal of our cltizen8 Ilttendeu Wedn eHdlLY fr ofU II ten-dllYs out ln ~ o wing to many allil1noes made In FOR COUNT\' TR EASURER the rooe at the DaytoD Fair Urounds ot Winonll La ke , Ind t bes tl Ell8tern couolries, there may H[lt.urday. . Mrll . RUt,I1U, of Meohtiniesuurg, Is he Diany lives luEtt, for tbere Ilce The folluwing Darned gentlemen VI"ltlDg hec <llIughl,ur, M rM. 1:1 . 0. ' other oountries thll tare IIllole tu traosboted buslu ess in Dayton Fri. Whitllk or. dILY : Me8sTs . E. B. Dllkin, James - - _ . • - .. - - . ta ke up tbls light lind several MoCllrren, FrtllJk l:ihl daker aod nlltlonll may yet be Involved The eilSC (If L. L. Canlclou ChUM. Cook . Thll;l doolarutlon of war h the o ld 'l'bn OIL ~e .Jf I•. L . ( :" n t ololl , CI!lrDavid Compton III visiti o g io WII. oountry has olmost lJuruly:.-.ud the e nd oo. rexll~. is .. imiltlr to t.hILt of Mr. Ferris asks the Democrat Vo- mlngton an,t MtlUin Hvi l1e. mllny o t,h er s whu have U!lOO C holll _ IUl1rllet8 of the Wc: l'1tl . Wheat in ters of Warren County for their Mr. Rnd MfIl . 1. A . BartAook of. h e rillin'~ C( ,li r-. Ch olnrl! Ilnd Dill r Amerloa s oared slxteeL oentl! In one support at the Nominalion. t er two wee k" v,oallon r eturned to rllOfla l' fly . HfI S Il YR, '·Aft.t:l r !lay and ' the end is not ,yet , In trying .. dLlcLo r fl} r tlo l'.,tu.1 Ulon1ihtl, If nominated he will win, at Fall their home in Dtlyton t;unday. many plao68 llLla rds u( tmdBtI olu~ : d Mc, aod Mrs Ben jo'rank a nri Jhll- Ilntl ngin g d tll'erent kinds Of lfIt llll election, as he is a worker. dren of Dayton u utoed to E:ll1rveYH. oine fur III ,\" wife who Ilad belln t,llelr <lOOI'S _nd s t ooks and bonds burg /Suoday. t r 'mbleLl wHh 8evere bow el 00111were paralyzed. Mr Chas. TIIo_er our acoommo pllllnt foc ~evera l mo u ths, I bough t Buoh is war. There seelOa to be d Rting Rnral M ~ il Carrier I~ nSinK " 2lio bot t ie ()f Cham berlliin 's Coli o llotblOg thut peaoem",kors oan do -to Beware of Ointments for Catarrh 11 Ford in the de Uve ry nf the mail. Chulerl1 nnd Dillrrhoea R owed y', that Contain Mercury tLVert U. Men /(v mild and then "" Mr. William Harrlsoo. of Wilber. Afte r n !:liug the socon I buttle IIha climell dlsastec u.fter dilllll! tel' MODey _"6"6"._..._...._........._...6__",_",___",_",6"'_""'6__ ...___......".".6",6_ _ _....."....6....._..._..._"'v...._ ..._"'...".-.",_.................._."'.""'. force, .01l11ed on I riend!! here t;nn· ~rd~~~i:!:I~1 yen r ed. " For Sil le b yo :,.~.........____... In hllge proportionll Is expended, 118 weroury will I!nrely des~roy tho day. BenMe of smell and oomvlet ~ ly de The Harveysburg Ball Club pl8yed natlo nll Illllde b.lDkrupt \tnd still wllr range thl'l wholA 8Y8t,e'11 when enterCaesar's Creek continuO!! t o go on. Let Ul! hope io g It througn the muo ,U8 surfllco!\ t h e Wilmington Club Sunday bDd the soore stood iu fllvor of tbe visit. Such IlrtlolO!! shonld never be UMet.! I.hat tbft Ptlaue Couferenoes of t ho ing team. Mrf' , Muud Lytle hll.s re t urll ed wurld mllk6 t< uch an itnpressiun on exoept on presoripttonEl from r epuLincoln King i8 I1ltending the h er hom ~ n ear Jam estow lI after tIL ble physioianR, 6 S the dllmlAge the.v the people uf thlll ellrth, thll t they '" ill dn ill ten folil to thtl g-lod you Xenil1 fair thi8 week with his stand. speodlng Il week with .J esse HlliDeM wil! lIoe tbe folly of W.Lr, Doll finally oan \)ossibly derive fr o 11 t. hem . arll bred horses and oolts . Mr . anrl fom Ily. At Reasonable Rates, Two Machines. Z imri Hllino~ IlOr! family s pent nhall,lnli wllr~ t l) I.he ult.lrn llte good HIlWs Cata rrh Cure , Dlanufaotured KI ng is Il kn ow n bree leI 01 fine stook Springfield Tires, Tubes and Accessories. by F .J Cheney & Co., '1'ol erln, 0 ., A Iva KennedlL Y and ThOll, Tuoker S unday wi th W .. lter Wil!ion tnll , of bUllltloll.y . oont!Ilna no m nroury. Ilnd Is tllkell ~ransaoted business in OIL Y ton &t. _ - - " Valvoline 011 and Creases. luternally, Ilotlng direotly opon the urday . Heveral from here IlUended the blopd Ilntj muoons snrfaoes of the Constipation Causes Sickness A T. MJler is Inl!talling a new a nt o and I1Teoplll ne fIlce in Dayton, MYMtem )n hu~lng Ball's Cat,arrh liQ:hting 8ystem In his store room. I:la t.un1l1y. D()" 'I pormi I youfliAlf to I BOOWO UUTe ho Mure yon get the genUlue Mr. and Mrll. Welby Carter enter_ Mr. Je8se ~ t.llnI Il Y bll8 gone to constipll'ell , Ill! yuur sysuem imntt1_ It. is taken In te cnllUy 'lOd mtlCle in tainoo tor dloner /Sunday Mr. lind Uhlungo to nttlln (IIl Rob oo l of ancdill tely bAglDI! 1·0 IAb!lorh;poitlon fr om T nlod '. Ohio, by F . J, Cbeney & Mrs. Dunlllny ~. Carter and family . tioneering. the haokfl.1 up wliste TU" tte r. U!:Ie Co 1'1\~lirnonlalt< fr ee. Dr. King '" New Life Pt11s and kee p Mr. floru efl Hltrnnr uttendnd 'be Phone 7 t - I 1-2 CORWIN. OHIO Hold hy [)ruggit!\s. Prioe 71>e pe" well. Thure is 1I0 bl' Rafl'gll"r<i bot.t lll l~rll.nk1in Cha utl1u f)ll" 8at,urday Summer Coughs Arc Dangerous Ilgainst tllnes. . .J ust. t.H ke oue uOlle [ligh t nnd Hunuay . Tuke li'lll'~ FU.1J '.11 Pill!! for COIIBummer 00ld8 are dangerous. to.nlJ,i;ht. lI60. Ilt y onc Drnggillt_ ati pllUon . Mr. anti Mrs . J, 1::1. Leaming at. They Indicate low vlt.allty and often leld to serious Throat Bnd Lung tended thl'! F'",rrllerll Plonic lit Kill TroubleR, Inolodin" Constipation Kllre Park , Xenia T hnrsdu.y . Dr. Kln!!;'s New Dilloovery wtll re Bolrace Compto ns had as their Iteve tbe couglI or oold promptly guests t:!nndoy Mr. aorl Mr8. Frank tl.Dd prevent oompUoation8, It is Coleman, of n eo r Wl1 yne",vl1le . soothing and I\nti88ptlo and mllkes Mr . and Mrs. Rolph Leaming hlld you feeloot.ter at onoe T o delllY a8 their guestl! this week Mr. and Ifl dangerons-get tI. boUle of King's Mrs. J. C . Crist, of Rushville, 0, New Ditloovery at ooee , Money and Mcs A 8. Conner, of Wilmingbllck If no' stl.til!fleu. 500 and $1.00 ton. bottl es at your Drnggillt. Miss' Ruthllnnll Peterson spent t.ll e week wit.b hllr graodparents, Bellbrook. Mr . lIud Mrs. R. E . •Jonel! . Mrs. Ralph Leuming and Mr . and Mrs. J . E. Warner and ohildren, Mr!! J . H Fos!lU, of Xenia, spent of Benton, Mo.. Ilra her Friday Ilt Fort A n aient . f",ther Mr. Hollil Dllvls and other Bert Bogan II.nd Raleigh Bogan rell1ti ve8 of this place. are visiting reilitl ves in Cinoinnatl. Mr. and M n . Chas Brelsford were - - Dayton sboppers 11l8~ !:;aiurday. The Twenty Ytar Test Of all kinds. Mr . t'erry Mills Rnd daughter Shop Nex,t to Sherwood's Carage Main Mi88 MIlUd, of Dtlyton, are viSiting "Some twent.y y eor!! ago I used 'he MiIIl! familiel! of this plaoe . eha nberlait, 't! Colic, Cholera a nd Diarrhoea Remedv .. " writes Oeo. 1 - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mrs. West, who lives south of .,................""..........."'.". .................'".""........."'...."'-.,.- ....."""...."'..-....... ~ . town, is seriously III with typhoid W. Brock, pu hlraher of the En. fever. l.e rprIBe, Abe rrieen, Md "[ dis. Mil!s Teresa RYBn Is visiting her oovered thlit it Wu.s a qui ck and stl.fe onre for dlllrrhnea. Hinoe theD no Ifrandmother a~ Beavertown. Mi811 Maud Avey has gong to one 0Il1l selimA ILnyf.bioR SlIid to be Detroit. Mioh, to vi8it her si8ter 'jUqt nil good .' Dnring 1111 theRe y ears I btl ve u.. ed it lind reoom Mcs Roy Harris. Live Stock and General Auctioneer Illfln .Iod it IlIlIny tim es, and it has Milia Marie Weller. who htl.s boen never dlMllpuoicted ooyonA," For spenrliul( har vl1otltion with h er sl"le by all delll0'''. Posted on pedigrees and values of a ptl.tents h8s returned to Oxford. kinds Qf breeding stock. MlslI ~lIzBbeth Whlt.e, of Ander. Spring Branch son, Ind ., Ie visUing relatives here. Experienced in handling farm sales since Nr. Wm. Rhorbangh . nnd dllUllhlU!!/I A Iioe Chenoweth and Mrs. ter Graoe have gone on a vhtt to 1905. Lebanon , Wyomlnf: . to visit rela. Corti. MoUriff, of Cinoinnati, were Clay t oo visl t nrs Monda v. Mrs. tlves. .- - -_0 _ ....____ Terms Reasonable' -:- iSalllfaction Guaranteed MoGr11J hilS ooen the guest of her ooul!in for the past few days. How to ,Cure a Sprain Mr . and Mrs . Frank Hanse reo ORADUATE :011' THE Waynesville, Ohio Patton's Sun·Proof Paint A sprain may be oured In abont tl[lrned hoone Wednead ,y after a few .ATIONAL AUOTION one.thlrd the time requh'ed by the dllYIl plell!llant visit with their grand. 0800[, OJ' AMERICA Valley Telephone ·U~:.Ir nllual treat.ent by applying Cham 00 FARTHEST Mr, Bnd Mrs . Jessie Ro. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!!~!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!! berlaln'l! Liniment Bnd observlog olniluren, IILDd near Bellbrook. . ~ the dlreotlona with eaoh bottle. For LOOX BEST Mr. JO!~eph Haines lIoltl his entire Subscribe for your home paper sale by all .1ealerl. herd of sbeep 00 Wednesday Mr . ___ BIlker and Mon of nellr 8pring Valley WEAR LONGEST Great Relief. being the buyer8 . "John," sbe said, os he settled down MI88 Celistla Austin, wbo has been Colors in Stock at all times tor his afternoon 'hmoke. ""ve got • the gnellt of her brotber Charles lot of things , want to talk to you Ilnd wite of Chloago returned home Funeral Dinctor about- " "Good," 8Illd her husband. last !:;aturday evening . and Embalmer, aftably; "I'm glad to henr It. Usually .dr. and hIlrll. George Pratt apeDt you want to talk to me about a lot or Saturday and !:Iunday with relatlveB Waynesville, Ohio. thlnga yOI,l haven't got."-Exchance. ill Dayton. Mra. Charl~s Braddcok and 80n Call answered promptly day or night An Uplifted Fletlnll· E:rneBt I\nd MIs8 Goldie OonDer .IU8 Both phones in Office and Reeidence. Nothiog glvea a peraon more aplrlt,. TieitinK·relatlvetl , in Dayton at tha Long distance, No. 14; Home phone ua1 aatlBfacttoD than gettlnl to church t!lme of t~i8 writing. " 14-2r. I ' ' on ttiue,.once In a whUe, .tor a change. Mluee Le•• aDd ROBie \"VUis.'ter Chairs and one Coach fumished free . and "aeeine other .P'60ple 'come in Jate. . a pleasant viait .with·: th81r · elater. '.. with funerals. ./ . i..;."~~~.!I~~~!!~"P!i ~~!!!i'Jj!~~~ · --N·.!'!f.,!§' li!'.!~· · ' ' )drs. AlberH)~.~e, lUIiS ~.1. reo Stat of aervic:ie ~teed. -



I Hates of Ad ver ti sing'

Hl'udln),{ I.lll 'nirl . J>tJf IIlIu .. . , . . .. , .. . . '. I ( · I u..'sl ll cd ,,~\dr;. nul. t u l' \,"c od IIVt, Ihlc:, I h r cc il lhcrli\lH ~ . .. . . , . , . . . .


turne,d to their h uwes in Ma Y8Vlllel( oUlIQilltinq of ioe oream. ollke and aod'lollsboro, Kentuoky, MoudllY. bananas Was served . Aboul t hlrt, Mr . and Mrs . Frank Bawes on. guesb were present and 1\11 depar'. joyed a trip to DIlvton hlSt Tuesday . ed ., a late hour thunklnjt their Mr . and Mrs. Frank Cook of nelu hostess for a pleasant evening, Edgewood, entertained Hunday ", Mr • . Martin West daughter of dinner Mr. and Mr8. B. C. Dakin. Mr. and Mrs . Wildman EIJl., 18 111 Mr . Edwin Cook Bnd family, Mr. with typhoid fllver at her nome near ErDest Dakin Ilnd faDily , Frank Bellbrook.. Dilkin and family I1nd Walter Dakin Mr Thomas Laoy and family eD. and family. Charley Lacy, of Day'on visited ltlT tal ned Mr .• Iohn OrndorlJ alJd wish home fo l ks hert:! /::Ia' u r d ay family IIond Miss Altlgal Roltt.nd d dloner Illst bu nday. nigh t and Sunday. Miss Florenoe LIlOY, entertained Mrs Albert Drake and sl etel'll of In 0. delightful manner a few of her Ke ntuoky were Dayton villitore las' friends in lIonor of Misseli Lena and Wedn esda y . R osie Wl11s of Kentuoky Ilt her Mr. aDd MrR . John Allen , of DeRr bome 00 tlatorday evening. The t:!prlngboro , are the pareuts of evening was enJoyably IIpent, muslo a floe baby IIlrl. Mrs . Allen Was both vooal a nd In strumental WILS In. I formerly MillS Nellte Hall of this dulged in . Delioious refrBshmBnt.s plaoe.



0 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __


1 11~t



... ......



Sunshine Store


Ix Russell C. Ferris

Headquarters for Cash Buyers

to Wear for the Whole Family

Evel ything







-~ ----



W. H. Madden &Co.

Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.



----_ ..






-- -














w. H. Madden & 00. ••


N. Sears






Cle anli nes s is nex t


to God lines s - chan ge cloth es freq uen tlybig wash of cou rsenot nluc h trou ble thou gh. Use RUB-NOMORE CARB O NAPTHA iSOAP, No rubb ingcloth es soon on line I-sw eet and clean .

Minister's Tact That Brought I Youths to Rccogniz3 th e I D2Y of Worship_

·' lll.'lIt ,. l.p j' h vUl l !'! \ l~dIU :1


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ADVANTAGES OF DEEP TILLAGE AND SHALLOW CULTIVATION In Plowing Corn It Is Be"e~ to Use a Cultivator With a large Number of Small Shovels Rather Than One With a Few Large Ones hell I y ra In enters tb e 1<011, far out Into tb ~ Boll, In orde r to all01ll 10 go dee per, But latlOl down til r ough th e Boll u n lll It r euche s In th e 8enaon, th e rOOlS of th e COTD a pl ac e whe re all t he op~nlnKs be- 8pre ud oul Into lh p apace bl"twpe n thE rOW8 ilnd a llllost C' ompl l' tl' ly flll lbf twe e n t he soi l pa r t ic les c ompl e t e' 8011 10 wlth ill Ihr ee or 10llr III h I' S 0 1 1)' 11 !le d wllh (rOle wuter, D ur IIl g t h " I the ~lIr fal' p., Dc'e ll c ul UvalloD at tlth time be twee n mlns th e P"~ lltR 11111 61 lim e c u ts orr lb" ruo ls u pon wbl ch tile get th eir Ul oist ul'l' from tht B 811 11)1 1" "orll "Iall l Ilr~ ll<'j.H'odin g for Ihelr do wn ti cep ill Ihe s o li, T h e proee~R ! "(10<1 a rod Wa l"I', HIl II II I'ol) r croJl is thE by whlcb thi s wa t e r ri ses III Ilw ~o i l : " ' ~1I11 18 called capillarl l)" Tloi~ (' apilllllr )" TIll pl'ol,,' r illll>ll·n ll ' lll ,nl' wat~ r i. some llru ..s ('a ll e ,1 111m lIOni • . ' t iv IIII"" Is l\ l' lIlli \'(J IO I' " illl l'0\'!) (' ul " l!lrge ture. beC'H US{' Il i~ >1'1',' a,1 Ollt I" u Wi n llllllll)!' r or ~ rll: lil ~ hoHls. 1':lI hl' r Iha c film o \' c r t-'f\t'll IL

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parti r 1...


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Rt l ll - NO-M onE C A lUlU N i\ I'Tlt A SOA P 8hou ld o lso b e u s~ d to wusb Ih e finclt fabrlc_ II purlfl"" th e Iinena_ Makes lt 8weet and u nitar y . It doe5r.oI nee d bot w-ater_ N a ptb a Clean .


\ ' ,,1"': col· "r l1l ucb

1J )' · ~ro>d ' ]('I .

", ' til H 1('\\' lar~p ()l1 ~"s


.Ir. 1100 "co re ll IWIIlY hll" lur Ihl' ~I o ry of !It. V , (', :-';0 ma llc r ' '('lt l'r o Was 'm e ;1SI'('('1 or t b o An 'at gam .. whIch be did nol I"arn un t ll h .. le rt t h e camjJUB and u .. ~un l(l prcllc h , Th eil It wad that bn ~(' Luli to fl radI('y , 'Uli . wu. (oulld to tJl' llIu c h dHre r· eDI to fl o I' . W , F . llradley . Pr e~ by­ t ('rlull pastor, who DO,," "Q.W the bOY I alld young m e n floc king e ll 11I 8"Se on S un day s to tho uunn y bull diamon d . N o McCorm ick rnk e fiver Il' tt more I<l e ndM pl('llin g than wa~ Mpa r ed of m ell fo r th e ~c Rnty Lord 'R dar WOI' 8blp, HaJle ba!l had b ecome a very r eal \lnll dl tncil it art .. lr to lh e youll g pas t o r , Thl R DOli ga III A r elllli roo moro hea dwork. Saw the Way to Victory , :-:0"' fl I'.\' , M r , Brad ley mlllh t !tIL V S ente re d th e s ure r e treat ()f th e S unday pUlpit Il'Hl p r f'a~h e d IIl1d ""o ltipd bll ~tcr ln l:I;' , \\' hn ( h e di d was t o Joll1 th., l'racll" '~"IU !1l1 uu'" da )' q uito In, adv e rl e ll ll ; , Thl fellow s \\, .. r e no t .1(1l1" I" rf' ")ll'J llti III h i s urt aiTectf' d CO IDrn" f' ~ hil', no r bo c kwA rn In ol,,,r pc iRt. III /{ tI,l' Quullly (I f h l~ pin y, It,.rlll' lo ng 11(' \\'" Ili A I'd lan('\.' r,r t h,. tealll: li is 1' \I (' loI,./{ hn d Inn rl l! I. (,rk :" pr lll i ll Y i l l cilJl<.,

Th " ~ J'IJ\\' II I o t WI' tI, III th O' fI ,·1t1 t" 1\' 1\ I II r"I1.". whil e Ih " prf'III'hl" JUl re is J-d owpd ulH.h..'r l ale i ll lhl' tHin· ! a ~, ... Io u !-t 111t ' na (' ,"" 1U III I' e rUPt as I h6 I FH ' ('UH. tJ t o f' nJ oy lh p. g om " I nlllleTl sel y . tion, 111f' ('llplJla r y cOI1I1 ('(' l in n wl lh Ihe \\'1' l'<lS II ~(' UI' lh e Vl,llI t foo(1 tha i the ('lllIrch ~eRs l olI ('ou ld h ard ly be suhsoil Is brok e n. " ro d th r pl a nl > tlrl' .!lou ld 10 lite ('m)) an d llIay In s nsk( 'ct to /:i\,A h im hi s Su nd:;ys ofT: d erivpd 01 tb el r s lIl 'ply





8t:!rvi( 't' ~l tI('t!. 11., If'lH Il l:t l lJu~e h l\ll. I UU llll bt (j dl y It" "h ~ u ~Iurll)' play-

Cultivat ing two row. at a time with three·ho rae cu ltlvator_



H ou r b UI", rlHl ,' lItk:lt, g'o l

hiM lIIt '" I"gy ut leg <, . wil "r o aM II

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l \ r .4II II·Y

m i6lur ... ' 'Iry tim .. 1,11(1-' u p !;n Itlll<;h \\' ulr r fro m 5t.orc rl In tbl' (1.·P I' I,yt'rs of th. , "(Jil. l lI\<' Roll tha t th e (,rop w II! 8uITer fr om H allow e l) 10 0\0 Su o 'nrl l!llry wnt .... , Ib e In('k o r rn olR llIrl.', For bo th o~ Ih pse will pass Itp throll ~ h tb e so l! Hnd bn r c;aSD II S, ns \\,,,,11 as fo r th t' sa tlslactio n eva pora ted (rom Ih e su rfflce wl lbuut o f hllv lng u cl ea n fi eld a t h nrvest tlln e, huvlng btl e n or 1111)' ge n lee to IhE' II It! ucs lmiJlp that all wpeds bo d ~ plao ls. To l,re Vf' llt. t h is w(, llmet II 'c s tl'oyl'<] by rr e que nt r. ul tl ,·at lon, s hallow c ultl vll tlon. whh-b k" e ps a I'"o ll owlol; Is an ex~ln na tlo n ot w hllt blanke t over th e s ur fae c o( lb t' s oli. rl ee p t illage a nd s h a llo w cu ltivatio n Have you e ve r nOl lced hoI\' m oist t ha will do : 8011 16 under a Slo ne or honru ('ye n (l) Def' p tilla!:I ' gi ves room ror roo II wh t!n thf' ~ round Is quite dry ? Th e to s ea rl'll t or rood , stone or hoard ha s k (' Pt th e nlr aw~y 12 1 lI e('p I illu ~(' allowR t Il ' soli to from tb e s urface of th .. xo ll and IJr,,· tnk E' In rain Wul c r II1(JI'e fre el y, vemed c \' npuratiO Il , Wll pu s hallow (3) D 'c p Ull age pe r mits lht! air to cnltlvat fon is prac ticed. th e Ihln layer enter th e soli 10 asslst"l n tu p pre paruat stirred soli soon beco mes ve ry dry. tlon ot pllln t, food , but by k ee ping the air awuy It serveH (4 ) Sha ll ol\' e ultlvatlo n c h ocks the to Ilr e V(lDt Ih e deppe r soli froln lusl ng rapid loss of wate r from th e s oil. its waler by eva poratJon , Thi s I(IOS" I (6, Sh a ll o w I'ult lvatio n killo; weeds, blanke t., or mul c h, aH II Is calle d, a lso , H\ , ~ Il a ll ow c ul tlva l io n he lp s to Ul~ lle lps to a bsorb r al!lfa ll and )Jl'e v{'1I1 I III it air to t il e s urfa ce layer of th e Ro ll It tram runnin g olT t be !! lIrfa c . : In usi ng l he a buve lessons It l1Ius l Fre qu e nt ly s hallaI\' stirrin!! o t t h p be ,'pm e mb f' r ed that till age Incllld ea BO\l dllrin g Ih e " rowing SE-aeon IIlId es- bo t h t he prepa ration beforc plnntlll i JlCCially in t he tim e of drout h. will a mi tlt e workin g of th e !!o ll afLer the tend 10 vrodu,'e a mu c h bel1.p r c roll 'l erup Is rll nll tcd. while cultl vnllon In· Iblln If Ihe work 15 negl E'c le ,l. III co rn l:Jud es o nl y til e st irring of the 5011 atlgro wing il Is sO Ill<.'llme s bes t to. c ult l- r Ih e (~ r O II lias be e o Illaule d .- A, G. vat e dl'e p ea l'ly In th o SPIlROIl betore McC a ll, ColIl'ge ot Ag r ic ultu re . Oble t be roOt 6 o f tbe pl an t h uve goll(' n very Stut e Unl\,c rRll y,

~\J tlll! team a r glll' tI ,

m f' llIiJ l'rR,

'n,,' rr; fore the

bAlo!; !!ood hll l! , pl nyer~ , 11' ..... (' ,~ Il.. d Fp',rtS Ill (, II. IUlII. he ll1l/: Ih ut. th ey pla )' e d fa ll' with th e )Jus t nr who hati Jlrnv l! d hlms.!lt th e best man amnn~ lh e m , S ure ly nrRd ler. '06, o ('vp r mad n u home run so wu rt hy of r ecord ag tlll a ! N ee .l! e ~8 to s ny . til e c hn n g,e t o Sat. urdtl)' gam es h as 1>,'en on ly on e r e8 ult ot t h li inlluonr .e of til e Cbri stlan leadE1 r Ullo n Ihe li ves of th e yo un g men or hi,; t o wn. It Is n tr ibut e to t h e c lTl' ctunl manlin ess 0 1 Ih e prp~ e nt .duy clll r g y, Bradley IH 11 :\Inll, preuche r of whom MlsRo url F:nueav ore rs are very "TIllie! , In s pirit . in ac tion. In accom pllshm cnt. h p. Is n yo un g glnn t of Ch r lstl:Ul E ndea\'or , - F'rnnll Lowe. Jr., In th e Ch ri stian ~: IIr1 env ur World ,



Washln e Powder FTve Cenf.r- A II Grocer..

The Rub-No-More Co., Ft_Wayne,1nd. A

Good Way to Improve 8011 Conditi on..








I Thl'Y


H' rf'



1\' ('



tU E' .

bt'lon gl'd to rt>M I)('cUl bl e fnmllll'1S l ot mod e rate men ns, Iloth prum itw,l the Judg e t o go houl<> untl IlI' l': ln ~n l n. Chapm s u to r ,turn to s c hool. and ( 'olv e r to \York , it oth WOr e t.a:J ' I go VUIll IIA and 81111 shirt s whl'n ar· rui gn" d,-,'\e w V or ~ Run ,



For 76 years 'Wright's Indian V egetabl e P IllB h ave bee n their own recom· m endn.tlo n In conditio ns o r upset atoma c b , live r and bowels. H you have not trIed th e ~, a test now will prov e theh b enellt to you. Bond for tree samlOO to 372 Pearl St., New York. Adv.

SPOKE WORDS THAT ENDURE Leas on In Courtes y That Was Taught by the Savior 1,900 Yeara Ago.

Artor ,dlnn e r Epp('cli c R In our day fi re ram ed ro r' w it , tor II k e ty nod brillianCY. aud th e y are soon forgolt .. n . or - ==a __ spoken ot as " trill s," lJ ut. th e words ot .Je Bus flt t h e Pharis ee'" dilln e r w ... r e Stackin g the Whea t, g l\' e n ",iU, graco a n d dlghlty bey ond eOn1\lurf·. thl! C hrI s t ian He rald r enll<rks, Not o no sy liabl e has ev e r been forgotte n. or .. vc r call be. fo r hI s words b elo ng to t'lt e rnlty, J t lS US connec t ed hi s th l'rn" wlt ll th o d l nl1 ~ r and th e Illuce whore th e y h ud clIlen It. Thu t W II S \\' Ise. uecu us e th .., pllo pl u wh o list(' " l'd wou ld b e Impress "d thl'tlu g h th e Oc.oasional Appearance of Infec- little Fellows Never Have Chance la" of as s tl , H e f<'m ltllll' d tious Abortion Among Swine t h t'> rn (hilt as lh oy Clml" in thev had When Allowed to Run With ~ (' II ' f't t' d th e bpKt Vl's Itl l l,o tnbl e . in Northw est. the Herd. 1('a\'l ng Ille I" ast d es irllulc olle" fo r w i" , ~ l lIllll u COtll P. ,,!'ter , In do- ' B y M, II Ht-: Yt-; OLl IS, V""' r lo, :lI'lan, 1111; t1oi ~ Ih oy , I,,''''e d lI orll. tll !)y tll01l g llt lll ,\' WAI.T F: 1l n LF. IJ'rZ I ~1 Inn e 9 u ", ]. ' [ll'll lOont StILU"",1 S OrT.e rll !lts Ilr e natllrall ;; WI'a.k l lu gH too Jflu(' I, of tlj(' fll ~l'l v c s - -lhal t lH' y ( ' IUH~ M hllvc been r epo rted from t wo whllfl "l it e rs fire Ill ... r!'~lIlt of In]uri,," Wf'I'e C'uJlcI'l to' ,1 "nd he to ld lh e m It ,lI lTere nl IlTI "H l c r ~ which Buggeb t t h e o r und erff'c rli llg, Tho poo r fe ed er will v.. ' " b('(("r r" rlll to lallo tll p. pool'e r occa Hlonal Ilppeara n ce of I nfec tl ~ n R have mur o runt ~ III hlR ll CI·t! than t he " "at ", a ll ol " " invilpu t o tak o he1t" r a bo rllon llmuug ""ine In til e N orth· good r"" .r e r no l(u ('9 11 011 about t hut , ('11 "~; ir til l' n lll ~ II ' r of t h(' f(,"ti t shou ld west. F;,' It1 e nll y It I" quit e rare. but We al WI\Ys placo oll r s ill a lot ur ::h""tiB tu Hsil t il l' III , It WIIH n we ll d e- m il,\' e a s il y s Jlr ~u d If It exists, as .usfi ,., ld by lb em5e ln!!i wh l' r e th e y will \1 ' 1·\, .. ,1 n ,ulJ l,,'. 11UI. n o II {l u u l It WliS )le d .·•.!. (lnl' mU n r f' !lOl'ls th e pur chase hll vo j~oO d Ilas lllre a nd n chanr p t o ~O ll r t t' o ll " ly ", IVI'II . IlllLl It ":t H ""II I' d a t a ('(' r la ln fair ot u rail y earlln" gill e a t th c lr Illf,a lH wi th out bllin g IllI ocked wilh tho nHS UTnIlC <' lI,at "w h oH "v"r Th e ~ OW \\'a s bred . uut los t It !'r 11lgs nnd jos tl ed arou nd by t heir lar ger hUlllb lct h Itlt IlH (' lf s hall tJn ('K nll l'd ." a t ter alle ut s ix week .;, Sb e was bl' e(1 lIl a te s. Th o 1)001' t.hlllgs ne v!' r h av (' Tha t lesRo n III cOllr t" ,y b j us t n~ ap- I 'Lgaln [lnti a bort.ed IIga in In n alml lar h al! a. Cbll n CO whe r) a llow (] to run pll ca b lll tou ll y- -l,aOO yeUI'6 afl('r It pe riod , A c istern bu il t under the drivewa y furnishe s th is . wl tlt th o herd anti t ho c ha li ces aTO barn with plenty of w a s spo ken - and It h as I)""u in fo r ce Abo ll l ~ hl of tbl s ma n 's old pr ' an(1 the y will n e v e r pay tor water: t b e feed tlley dllTlng a ll of lIHI inter vening Y<:lLTB Il ud belle I' brood ~o ws develo ped th e s nme consum e. 1\111 nev e r go out of d ut e . ;\ill I nla:IY I)('r~c n. "" 0 111<1 lh lll l, tlla l ' "", Iroub le . li e bp li Hed tbat th e olde r I (' 11.. ,1' (,)rms of irun bO Il ~ h l at Jllnk By sE-pa m,lin g them, how C\' c r, and SOW8 w er o Infncted trom th e hour lh nt "P I' ) " x"'II,he 01' I'1"1<'I ;" a l II " ('an c1""I .:- r ~ ' p ri<'e fl IV "'l' e u sed In reinforc, 1 Hard to Impres8 the Truth. had pr e ,' lous ly Be r vl!d tb e youn g sow, gi vIng t.h eso ru n(s some special care be III ILJ ,' 1'1 lit .. "PB"c "11I1('rIlP "l h Ih ~ ill'; ttop <; (' 111 (' 11 l work. This i8 vcrs they ought t o r e turn 80 m e profi t.. Sir Edv.'ard Orey. th e Briti sh secr e- Th o olh er breeder in <:l l", · '" dr hl'\\'a y It'/llli"l> tn I Ill' ",,'. 1l" l " F~mry ami r epo r te d a 80me,;h o uld n ever be n e g, tD.r}, ror r" r elgn arralrs. r nee nlly Ground grn.ltl mixe d Into n thick Rn lfl : whal sim ila r e xp e ri ence, This \te rn 18 Olld 11 ,, (,,' ut II 11I\n l, I," I'll, I i{l\/' (., e l'. " ·{'I,·,1. " The' gn,ul dHlIcult y In diploma cy 18 publi s h ed with slop with milk Is what the runta need M r, ,I , A , MaJ llr. S Ill' I",". OLdlJ. _a w , 'I'b i ~ cl~ lNn Is a vl ow to )lutUng f:lIled from tb e wu ter bot t o le ll tbe truth. but to ~ct the breeder s on their guard against a POll- Instead of a.n exclus l ve diet ot car tio m,' po ,~: ll lli ; i"$ In t lt l ~ S \lU C I' , T hre e that falls 0 11 th e roof of (he lmrn. II truth b e li{,Ycd when you do l eI! corn, Tben k ee p Ul e m free r!'om lice It," sible so urc e ot troubl e, or fO\lr ) " a r 5 a~<) 1" 1, (' \1 hI' bui ' l hl ~ "YH ll'rn of pipes ha s bee n lul,l beneat h 110'.1' ort"n the aDlbasB :ldors of aud provide th e m with warm slteltE'r tho' tin e [l Ilt to\{ fr urn p baru. h" " dll ("'j,'p ,1 t h" th " fl oor of th e lo we r story a n,l a nllrn, co urt Of h t'ave n hav e occasio n to so that nil the profit will not be c hUled r el!Id ea 0 1 I' ".a lill!! a Jar!!" (· jsII·' rn tor bl R: !Je r of hydran ts located Ilt ('onv e ni a nt , o gnlze th e \'Ivld and profoun d trulhful Maize Silage for Horse .. out of them hy damp or cold wuther , barn 'I< lt" 1' '; UI'IJ I), at tb :s )loin!. A I 100a('e" As tbe gene ral le \' e l at wa ter , n ess of this dec laratloll Maize sllnge, properl y put up and , " H I te ll mOlll e nl '" r"lh·,' UI 'lI will s how t bal l i ll th (' c is te rn Is we l\ abo" e thos e out· )' 0 11 th e truth ye will not believe m e," pre se r vcd. 18 a most valuabl e reed ,,' 11('11 It " has " 'l ilt the front fO ll ndallo n I lets, it I" La.un Garden Work_ poss ibl e to draw wa ter at "," us th9 MlCU8ut!on of lha kini hJ.m. tor horses both tram nn econom ic wall I'M b is ua r ll a Tl ,1 Ih" \\'In g~ rl'r a ny l im e w ithout The farm garden may be arrange d pumpin g. The sl z6 I aeU standpo h:t and alMa the roaulta hl R appr on c h t h ai he I b t' ll bad a I'olld- : of th e Ci81(;rn gives It a capacity 01 «alned In health and digestio n , ' By so that mucb ot the w ork can be done . ly purt of hi s <"istertl flu is h('(l. atJo ltt 2f.0 barr e ls, 80 there Is not muct! feeding hornes a. ration or silage at wltb hor8e tools , reducin g band labor Honey on Grapefr uIt. Jn sl dl' (\ iH tnll ~e u(' t wcc n tlJ e w ing wnll s dllll ge r nf a s hortage to the minimu m. The lIuburba n and of wate r, a nd In A novel way of, sweeten ing grape. all Urn es e nough ' should be saved WIIJl 3:l~~ (ee i. back-lo t garden are nece88a rlly someBy cOnHtru<.: tJ ng a no th- : addit io n to the above advanta ges, eaeh year on t:le the trolt ration Is the bill use to more wbat diffe or boney In place ot er wall belwce n t be wings pa raliel wit h wh " le s y sle m be<:a rent and wl1\ require more u se o( It B loc8tl ('n sugar. It the fruit Is to be used for than )lay til e silo InveBtm ent. tll e (ront wall anLi about s ix r" e t away and simp lici ty, hand work. In any case the plan Is not liable to freczo breakla st pre pare It the night before, trom it. he ha d Ihe si ll e s and ~ nd 8 of lip In wi nt e r or should be to have tbe rowe long IUId 10 ge t o ut of artier. looseni ng. th e pulp from tht! skin and Cultiva ting Slow Corn_ bUI c ls«' J'D complet ed, perfectl y atral"ht , 80 that, wb ether It was o nly membl'B ne ; tben pour over It enougb U the corn 18 slow In coming up horae or hand tools are used, the gar· J1C{:eHsIIJ'Y ' th en to cem ·,nt tbe IJ Otl OOl I Ol'c rrun men ns lhe eXCC8S in weight boney to cover_ In the morning the and tQ,e weed8 are getting a start, den may be worked _to the and make a.Il arch e d t op an J t he jo b of t he butler ove best pos, r the butte r fat 10 flavor w1l1 b e round excellen t , wa. don e. The foundat ion vlalls of milk or cream trOUl cultIvat e tbe rowl Just aa though tlle .ible ndvan~g~. whl c b tbe buttc r thlll barn a re fourteen Inches th ick, It Is mad e.' corn was up. In ,& watftiy Aeld this 1.s ~----litH!! thIc ker th an n cessary perhaPB , an ILlport. ant Item, for It bolda the Hairpin Cue. Caring for e .. but It 1~8ures 3 good s ubstan tial job. Wby hllll no on.e over tbougbt of this weeds in chock and loosena the loll, Be s ure that th e ha'y Is , Toma~es rna;), be .taked or crown 1n building this cistern a. g reat deal of "dret! bero,'e It Is pu t In · , propt:rl 1 before-a d aioty IItlle linen- bag, 8ea1: thus allowin g the IUD'. rays to pene' mow, a * e rence, Trtm to one or two o( .. J&1.11'oad Iron, wIre cables, brldlte rod., not ~tore it too green. lop e~ and embrO'i aerea, to IMIW llIe trate deeper a.n4 warm,l t ' more QulOk.." "nanCh aa; It 111 m~re work b~t' larIr~ iu.pply o~ I1lllrpln a f 11'~, 1'.. BvJ.L ' ", and better colored trult re.ww. ' .... "\...... -;-..





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lB)' " B , RUS HIN G,) I nitrogen . and ... 111 Impro~ e the p~ The fe rtility at ,,"'heat land must hi! leal texlure of lb Brookly n Judge BlamC18 Theft by Two e lOti, k~p t It!;) a t a ll Y C08t If It Is to produce Youth. to Night. Given to Pot&8h a nd phoepboru~ caD be aplood crop8 of ... h eat. bu t I am certa in plied In emall Quantiti Modern Dance. es eaob year at that In mnll)' varts of th e coun t r y t h e a small coat PH acre, and tble rouet In 8UtiDe adlllg sen tence In tb e cases tertilit y Is Gurely d eclining. be done If the QualJty of th e laed Is of t wo youtb6 who had IJlen ded guilty I 6nel tbat thare ar t) ma n y tarm eTII to be maIntai ned, to a tt emp tc d grand larceny , County w ho will not try to r ev ise the prpce8l , Rotatio n Is a good thing. but It can Judge Fawcet t In Brookly n lIsta/2 It Is n o t s uc h a grent task to k ee p up ne ver brln" In potash or pholiph orua "wblte II ghls nnd tlln go IIl gb ts" In the tertllity ot th e wbeat lalld It tbe that bns been taken from tb e lalld or lhtl catalogu ll 01 In cen ll"u8 to c rim e . owner 0 1 tho ta r m 18 willing to lake whlcb tb e land IIlCU, "You call 't "xpect to da nr.e all t he Inform a rl on thnt Is to be had', an d Wltb propl'lr hand li ng, the wh eat night ," Ile 61l1rl . "lIud " " abed b a lf the Btud y til<' (Ju I'stio n In the r ig h t way for Innds can be mad e t o produ ce more d av, 'ct "Iwll\' ~ hav o m on t!y for your him self, than they dtd 10 th ei r torllll'r condl. ) I I' t Ilt And Wlleu t Inl ,d ca n not be ke pt up In li o n; ror. In /l«dillon 8 oa ' to pultlng bRck ~I al'OIiH a II,II Uti " KS 'YOU j II " It c e f"r t ility If tloo I'rOc e H8 of wh en t gro w· th e (1! l' tlllty WI! 1'1 m" YOIl ou r u 8 ullu Jll' n CB II Impro,:o t.hem by I t lnrl!'!! nre (ull o'r pPo)Jle wllh jU 6tIni: c "ery Y('nr Is ro ll ow!'11. Th or e Il r drainin g, Ula ny of tlt l' who:uI th ,lds tJ(>, . I lti It r II I d · . 1\\0 thing" that IIlU 8t bu d one 10 build I In g tH l(' 1 (ln ~ . ruur [\Ul Y In ~ Iv Cll In n eed ot t his , Ilow ev(!r. It cannot I b 1I I [ ey liD ttJ A fN tlllty or e VOn to me ln , 11 11 be dOIl E" In o np day vo u ~O(1( t!H I ng ~ n t)te u( I , I A Itt I' mu s t , ' I I . b 0 1110U taln It , to " 1"' 1111 It wou d I\ln· " ('II tu, N t e , h e donl' (,llc il yen r In lilt wa y of put· ,, for V U tl ' : A ro ln llo ll mu s t .b " " "t ll .tJl lsh r'd alld t lnf! III th ~ f.' rillity I h .. crop" InU8t • I ' I 11 ('1 h f\~ St John t I d\" ' r. t \\' "l1 me f... rttll:l:l'l'. " u ~ h aH po tllsh. Ullro., h\l ve, y yparfl (lI d or 4 ~: ll! n r l)cl, ~ l r, 'I'( , IIlt illltl Car l~ (' 11 li nd ph os rhll t ·s lIlu.:'t be a pil lie d T h p b en e fi ls at rotat io n ca r:Il (l t al' lUll' C h'l Illlan. s lxt" I'Il. (If ;! 6~ .1,'IT(,rl!o ll III soml' f" l'lIl !l nd (Jualltll) ' eac h yt'u r , be galaed In II rew yeurM, but th e I It t b I II t 1 f t II g !L Vt ' IUI I::" !tolalln g so a" to brill!; III so m e w rnlplI und e r of lR u ~elJ III ~. et .t' t1a. n s ud or th o ro o t s aI , 1I101l~ 1' 'a nd Jl\\\' l.' lrv fro lll Adlor ,lal (lo \\'is1,'gu llI lno us crop~ ut Ica~ t c very t ... w legum in ous vl a n, . Will , htl a ('"n s tunt ~Oll , kpe , t'[ o t - !l furll i" ilcd room )"!JarH. w ill ,h e l p I, ,c p up th o Bupply ot me th od ot Im pl'ovl ng HOII con di ti o ns, I' II h I' d f . tl l C' U t'-f", \\'




tl"" "



I Thl'1



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Marble Wlnd ow 8. fl pmn rkabl y beautifu l ertects are secure d by the u sc ot marble as a m eans of trnneml tl1ll g light Instead of gla s s , 'rhls hilS b(>e n Ilccomp lished b y Il n e w fj r OCeHs whic h lo llS been df'1' ls ed by nn e ll gin oe r of Hambu rg. W , En gle , H e has s uccee ded in makIng plates of marbl e no more thlln three millim e t ers In thl c kn e stl and (or the lise d esignat ed It III ava il ab le up to 20 mlllltn e teTtl thiel\. The s uita bility of marble tor this p\l r pose was realIzed ~o m o tim e ngo. hut the dltflcult y encoun te re d WIlB that ot securill g the marble In s labs of 8ulllcl e nt thl nne8s, These plntes permit 01 the pllBsage ot It greater a mount of II g llt thlln fros ted g lass doee, and at t h o sanIA time Impart s to th o rays n. mu ch pleasun te r color, Most opal glnss Imparts to th e II KIlt an und ealrA bl e gree ni s h tinge, while th e li gh t .w!rlch jlaSijell through th e marbl e ha s n r e ddiHb violet wblch III m\lc h ll lpnRan (e!', !\rt pr lIl e mar ble haR b ee n gl'ou[,d dow n 1.0 t h e d es ired thlckll e Rs It Is s ubject e d to an Immerslol1 In 011 under hi g h prpssu re, and lh e e rr C i S Sl' cur< ! ~ Itl th is manner are Raid th e BlI[l e rio r tu thoso of stailll'd g l ru;~ , . If ),011 'I'i. h benlll ;!ul, r lenr. whit" ria the •. \lEe Hed C m"b Hall n lll ~, At all iL.. > od " roten. .A dv.

The f1rs t e lectric pla nl wlOlln the

A r Cl ic ('irclc w ill bll c r (>ct (' d Ilt a mls-

sloll a t Poi nt Hopu. lll a.slc i. t ho Ilowl>r helllt:: slIlJPl\ ed IlY t\ wlnd lllili. A cco rding to Dr , C. le m e nt I..uens of En glund th o h umall fUlni l} is lik el y to beco m e a one- Io ed r a c",

Women's Times of Danger

Womeu Bulfer a greut 1161\1 from kl(lney dlwR"c.. TheIr lud oor lif(, t\~ht olotblQI: . and try Ing work "II tend t .. lI'eaken 'btl kidney., Wom.n' , nre also Inolu<les \lmeft of dAng~r tb.t are apt to 111&. 8 tbe kldnoy. woak and toltan attack. of tJaokaobe , heade.che,dlu lneN,Dervou8oess and urinary Ills. Promp' LrMtment, howevftr will avert the dllD(IOr of drop.)', flT&vel, or rll!.a,1 llrlgbt'. dl""",o.. Take Doan'. Klduey pm., ibe be.t recommonded, speolal kldoe, remed" I)oao'. ar" need ll, tbroulfbo ut the at~lIl"ed world-b ue broLlght Dew lite aDd DCW ItreDgtb to tboul&nd s of tired,



hlllt.lkrJ '·


AD Ohio C ••• )Irs.

Marlaro t


k. 110

10. Buntor 8t., Lopn, Oh10. aaye: "My back aob.d n •• r ly .11 the li m. and I !lad .. b •• rln l'-do"" f ••,lnl' &1\r08. my kldn. n. I 10lt 11 ..11 until I loolt.d like .. .1t.I.ton ..... 4 tllo,!." J dOCtored .t. . .lly. J found no np.f. I dldn·t thlnJc -,07thIn... would helll m e u ntil J tooll: Doan'. Kldnoy Pili.. I , .. ' I'a ln ed , In wel,bt nnd ••• ,- , .0 01\.' ' In' 'food 1I ... ttb.' J - - - - - - haveD'C · lUfI'Ore4.J DOO'·· . ".

;' a.t ~... ~ ~,)OO . 'Boa -

BO A.' S '!'Jf~L'\Y" iOiill

-eillr t cO.~~" Y.!



Do It Now


Socie t y'S sta nda rd of slI ccess aski ng wu at one ha s inst ead of ask illg to est nhlish his plaee in soci (·ty is a drag t o all r~fo rlll i 1II0 \·e lll ell ls. \ Ve a re fo r the 1I 10 St par t thin ki ng , n6t (If what we are to ~e t ; \\t. IVRnt to kec)l h ad~ pa rt (If t he pr ic('. We should t hink not on ly I uf \\'lI a t ra l'tul e wc can feel fur t he i'caec m o\'e l11~l1t but what we C:l 1l · d o fllr its a,l\'a li celli ent.

I wl ta t one does



Betterthan theBest!

niversal Peace I U Con tinll ed fro m Pal(c ~.

\ e rests, alld that tll el e wcre va lua Ie ri\ e rs III the reg ion selldi ng t heir I wa ters througli the hi ll s to tli e Sl'a ____-'--________ 1011 th e Chilcan sidc, Thi s discover y I had caused ( llli e to put fo rward ' Great Peace Monumen t , unexl'ect ed cl a ims to certaiu parts uf lhe reg iun . T he first annh'crsa ry , ~l af(:h 1:3, 1 Th e il ri,t ish ~linis te~s n:~iding a t : 100 5, of th e, placillg of th e co lossa l : Hu enos Ay re.s a nd SantIag o use? . s ta tuI' of Chnst on t he 1\ lI dean I their );uud o ili ces With t he t wo g?\I border bet wcc n Chile a nd the Ar - e rnm ellts to prcvent the calallllt y 1gc tttin c l{ epublic, H ,()UO fee t above of war a nd to secur~ a pea~~f~11 t he sea , has reca ll ed t he unique alld settlement o f the dl s p~t ~ , I Ill s impress ive events which led to th e e nor t to prevent h05t lh tIes was erectiun o f this rem a rkab le peace , ~owe r f u ll y s u p p or ~e d by D ~. ~ I a rco ­ InOIlIlIllCOt. Th e ~ t or y of thi s sc: ries l lmo Bena vente, B IShOP of San J uau of evcnts is substantially as full olV s de Cuyo, Argentma, and l! r. 1 ~ ~ll1 on In 1 ,IUO t hese two prosperutt s and Angel J a ra" 1 ~ l s h o p of Sau Ca.rlos hig h·spi litcd rep ub lics of So uth de Ancud , Utl.le. ( In . Ea ster S Ull Ame rica were on the v erge of war. day , I !, OO, dunn/{ thc tes ll va l () f t ilc They ~ ere increasing their arma· Catholic Church at Huenos Ay res, men ts to t he utmos t o f th eir abilit y . Bishop . Ilc ntl vent e made a fef\'enl They had each two giganti c war-/ appeal m be ha lf of pea ce, an el pro ships of the la tes t pattern bu il ding I!Osed that SOll ie day a st at ue of in the shipyards of Europ e. They Chnst shoulel ue p laced 0 11 the were spending incred ib le s ums ofl Andean bu rder be t wecn the t wo money u pon t hese pre parations for co untn es, whe re It rrllg ht bc seen war , amou nti llg, as was repo rt ed at by all. come~s and ~oe rs , and pr e· t he tim e, to tl ve dollars a nn uall y ve~t , tf. pOSSible, any recurrencE' of per capita of t heir pop ula t ion . amDloslty ~ o d stnfe b etwe ~n the W hat bro ught t hem so ncar to two republics, The two bIshops con fl ict was t he re vival of a n old traveled t hroug h t heir co untn es d ispute whirh had caused milch addressing c ro\~'ds o f llI en in th e - - - -- trou ble and expen se in the past , towns and Vill ages, T hey were about t he bou nda ry bet ween the IJ sustamed by t he loca l clerg y a nd on the Andes, a cont ro versa ry in- by the . women , who labored en ~ volving t he q uesti on ot the ti tle to , thusla sl1call y . for the po il cy o t about eighty t housand sq uare m iles ' peace. Petit ions were sent to t11f' of territory . ' T he d ispute had been ' legisla tures, a nd through t h ese th e rendered more acute by the dis- executives were reached . co ve ty that in the Patagonian sec- I The Great Peace Treaty tion t he boundary was no t eo n- i tinuously marked by ;,Illo un tain The result was that a tieaty w a ~


",0,'" ,,,'ore d,, ',," " ,," ood do I, now .

L ~ to I S

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Brea{j Pies Cakes





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eMagazine_for ~lIIen

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For latest styles, for delightful. st~ries, for money-saving and labor-savmg ld~as Today's Magazine is DOW the recogmz-

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Today's Magazine is now a real necessity to every woman who has at heart the health, welfare. progress and h a ppiness of her family. 'I'oday'g: Magazine at 50 cents per year, including any May Manton Pattern free, is an unequalled bargain and the best iuvestment any woman can make. Subscribe now-every number you miss is a genuine 1051 to you.

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en tered into hy the two govern - !ts e rec tion . It was carried by rail ' Is twenty -six feet in heigh t_ , T he tn'eIlLs, submi tting the cont rov ers y JO hll ge c ra tes ~ ro m Bu enos ~yres l c ro ss s ~pported in his left hand is tu t he arhitra tion of t he hi n ~ of to Mendoza, thcn on gun c.a rnages live feel higher. The rig ht hand is r nglalld . II I' cntr uste 1 the case u~ t he mountams, th l: so ldie rs a nd stretched o ut in bless ing . O n the to emineut jmi st s IInri expert sa ilo rs themselves t aklllg th e ropes grani te base a re two bronze table ts, ,(~eOL; rap h (' rs , \\'ho ('xam ill rri it care \n critical plac('s , whcre there ~as 10lle of thelll g ivc-n by th e Wo rkingfully , and ill rille li llie slI hmitted ela nge r of th e llIules st llmbhn g. i men's U niun of Buenos Ayres, t he th(:ir (k cisioll, aw arding a p ar t (Ii I run~red s of Ih;rSO l1 S ha d co tTl I' II p ' ot her h y the Workin); Wo men . One t he d i ~p ll tcd te l ri tn ry to olle of t h ~ th e tu g ht b fore and enca ili ped o n of them g ives t he reco rd and erecrepllblics and a ran t o the other t he g ro und to be presen t a t the ~ t ion o f th e s ta til e' 011 the other a're T he deci SIOn \\'as cheerfll lly ae ce remony, T he Argentines rang('(1 insc ri bed t lw wo rds: t hemse lves on the soil of Chile an el ~ .. s . cel ' Led b y ImL h. ~ llI c h gratifieu wi th t he outco me t he Chileans on t he Argentine side I , ,ooner sha ll thl'se mo un tatn9 of thc a rbitrat illn, an d urg('el fo r T herc was m u ~ i c <l nd t he boo m ing cr uml~ l c IIlto du st t ha n Argentmes ward by a powerful pop ula r move of guns, whosc ec hoes resound ed IamI C\ lI lea ll s break tile peace t o nlcn t, t he tWII gove rnmcnt s t hell thro ugh tht' II ounta ins. Th e mO- 1~vlllc.h t hey have pledged th em~elve,~ W~lIt fmt her, amI ill l une, I Qu3, ment uf un veiling , a fter the part s lat the fee t of Chnst the Redeemer. ('o nC'i ud cd a tl ea ty by the ter ms ui" ha u bl'c n placed in position, was I It is no t easy to co mpare event s whi ch th ey pledged th e mse lves for one of so lellln silence , The. statu e I and say whi ch is the g rea test. But a perilld ()f 11\'e yea rs to submit a ll was then dedicated to the wh ole ta king it a ll in a ll , the long q ua rrel C(I II tru \'l'rsies arising bet ween thelll worlc! a s a prac tical lesson of peace Iof se venty years which is closed . to arult la tio n, the fi rst general a r- a nd g<Jod\\' ill. The cl' reilloni es o f the arbitra tion of t he boundary b itra tioll treaty ever concluded the day , ~I a rc h 1:1, j 90'! , wael dispute, the gene ral treaty of ar I n a f urlher trea t y they ag reed to closed , as t he s un wellt dowlI , wi th bi t ra tion a nd the practica l disa rm aredu ce their a rmies t o the pro por- a prayer tha t love and kindn ess men t which p receded it, the re ti ons of police forces , t o sto p th e m ig ht penetrate the hcart of men markab'e transformation of p ublic bu ilding of the g reat ba ttl es hi ps every where. opinion expressed in its cons um Thc base of t he s La t ue is in ~ ran - I mation, and t he s ubli me prophecy t hcn un de r constfll c t io n, a nd to d imin ish the lI a\'al arma ments ite. On thi s is a grani te s phere, uf peace fo r t he fut ure w hich it wh ich t hey already IH)SSl'ssed. we ighing so me fourteen tOilS. on ,gives not on ly for Chile and A rten Til c pru visions of t hese t reati es , which th e o utlincs o f t he w.rld are ltina , but fo r t he whole wo rld, t he ",hi d l have now been ill fo rce ske tcherl, resti ng upon a g rani te ;e rection of t he Ch rist of t he Andes seve ra l years were carried Ollt a s l'OlunJII twen ty-tw o feet high . T he sta nds witho ut parallel among t he fast as p m cti ca lJle. T il e la nd forces lig u re of Ch rist a hovc, 111 urol1 ze , ,e veuts uf recen t years. have b('en reduce d , th e hea \'y o rd na nce ta kcn oII the war vessel s, a nd se\'era l of the \'csse ls of the ma rin e tnrn cd O\'(' r t u t he cOlll mercia l UeNs. \\'o rk 0 11 the four g rea t \\' a r ~ hi ps was imm ediate ly arres t('<I, a nd SO ll ie of t or m ha\'e been sold . ()lIe or t wo) of them, ull fo rtunatcl y, \\'('nt in to the J apa nese fl ec t o ff I'o rt :\rt hm , ill spite of th e fac t t haL uu tl l gon:rll mell ts Imri, ill the t reat y , pb l ~(' d th em sc i \' C5 lIut t o sell an y shi ps ( 0 natiu ll s cngaged in war. T he \'e~~ c1 s we re bo ugh t un dcr di sg uise hy a firm in :\cw York , and th l'n tllrn ed ove r ttl J a pan; aftcr which neith er . ,f the gOVl' fIllll C: IILs wO ll ld sell any \'('sscls to ci th er I{ussia or J a pan. a~d T he rrsl ilts of this disarm a ment - fo r it is a real di sarma ment- have been most re ma rka ble. With t he.. mOlley saved hy the le sseni llg of m:ilita ry an<l naval expenscs, in t ernal a nd coas t impro\'emen ts have llecn ma de. (; ood roads hav e been We pay you a P remiu m ((l r Cash Trade that is equivalent to 5.96 of co nstructed . Chile has turn ed an you r purchase_ arsena l into a school fu r manual The only Genera l Store in the County that buys your Produce or t mi ning. She is building a muc h takes it in exc hange fo r Merchandise_ needed breakwatCl'in th e harbor of Our prices are always rig ht , Try us and be convinced. Va lparaso , and has co mmenced sys te ma t ically the implO vemen t of her comme rcial tacilities a long the coa st. Une or two of Argentina's pt1ev iou s war vessels have gone into ber commercial fl eet and a rc · n uw ply ing back and forth a cross the Atlan tic in hono rab le and lucrative business. The grea t trans-Andea~ railway th rou gh the heart of the mou. tains, which will bri ng Buenos Ayres a nd Santiago within eighteen ho urs of each ot her and b in d them togethc r in the most intimate relations of trade a nd tra ve l has been complete d.




Dry Goods, Fancy and Staple Groceries, Paints, Oils and Varni.hes, Rubber., Shoes Hardware, Notions,



W. Henderson,

Corwin, O.

The Great Change of Heart B ut mo re significant t ha n aa y of these material resul ts lms ucen the change in the a ttitude of the Ar geu tines a nd LChileans to ward eac h otlIe l'. All t he old bitterness a nd dis t rust hav e passed away, a nd the mos t cord ial good feeling and cou lidence h ave t aken place. The s uggestion of Bishop Hena- - -- -vente a s t o t he erection of a statue of Christ on t he bo unda ry a t Puente Office in the Keys Buildin~. del Inca was quick ly carr ied into exotcution . As early a s 19U1 , on th,~ initia tive of Seno ra de Costa, president of the Clu ist ia n Mother's Association of Buenos .t\yres, one Phone 114-2 of the la rgest women's o rgani zations in thc wurld, t he women of OHIO WAYNESVILLE Buenos Ay res, who had al ready manifest ed the deepest interest in the new movement, unde l took th e ta sk of securing fun us and having a sta tue creatc-d. The work was ent rust ed to the yOll ng Argentine sc ulptor , I\la teo Alonso. When his design was com pleted and a c cepted, the statue was cast at thc a rsenal of Buenos Ayres fro m old CllunOIl t aken f rom t he ancient " fo rtress o utside IIf the cit y . All Kinds or I twa s 'llore than a yea r from the t ill ie t hat it wa s cast until it D n~ Veterinary W~LS pla ced in i~s des ti n e~ }?osition .I • ~ Un May 2 1, I V0:1 , the Chilean reGraduate or 01110 Stat; Uolvenlty pre senta t iv es, bearing t he treaties fo r fina l rat ifica tion , came by sea to Buen9s Ayres. T hey, were met Successo r to Office at residence in F. B. Sher do wn the ri ver a nd escorted to til e wood 's house. Fourth Street. F. E. SHERWOOD city by a large Heet of gaily decked Telephone 28 steamers. For a week there wa s a W·U 0 round of festi .... it ies. When the Over Poslo iIict', aynesVl e, • ,Oblo t n!a ties were finally signed on t he OHice Phone 77 House Phone 6-3 Waynesville. 2S th of ;\Iay, Seno ra de Costa in•


. AlIlllmla of N r.tnr y WOl k . f' l'ntoi.lD




Oh WaYDeaville~ . io


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Dr. J. A. McCoy,

A. R. Chandler

:~i~e~I~~?~a~~gr~~t:~~~ ~ie:i~~!rs, bishops , ne wspa per men, generals,




admil a ls, etc.,- to ins pect the s't utue of Christ in the courtyard of TH~ CREAT.U .•• DENTIST••• the college, and standing at its foot wi th the d istinguished audience 1M THE WORI.D Ollcet1D abo ut her she pleaded tha t it m ight I'tIBI.mIED WEBLT, $4.00 rEl lUI ~aUoul BUlk BIdebe placed on t he highes t a ccessible IIOTnl, DltUCciiiii. '~.CIAU'TIo ' "'!!~~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! point of the Andes between ~e two GO.TUMIIt., TRAil."." OAI = countries. A"D .UVIC. OAII HOm"


Peac;e Monument Was' Erected It was not till in Febluary.

~~'""!"__~_.. . that ,~e ,fiiW s~eps


were taken' for





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y paf"A T it,· hA l nnc~ L" " h la dona l ~ d 10 a h o m., rnr o r "h""" In a nc o r ci t y . " lI e ('I\ ll b tl ,u) t o r t l ll'" h'lnt e r now ! " ~h B wb l~ ll en' d TOll tl v 10 h '> r ~ ~l f -' If ho 1"I'I\IIy wa DI ~ nu'" A not .. n p prl Ae <1 II'" I Jffnl1 of whal blA t llrl tl P,' Od('111 t"!lIlrge t,,,d don" the n"11 do )". a nd Le ~bia Wa R Oil Iw r way III tbe cit)· . and fi r st t hing 10 rh,' arti st lJ"a f" ter of t h .. blK m e troJlOli ~ . O n ... ta \" ( ' l e IllPol Howe rPl'"iv ed a LlO I O tro ll; a ~ I r s. ~:mps t ~1 00re S h f3 "3" t h A wl .l o\\ or un art lRI. an d o n Brl · 1st h .. rH ,-, l r As h o en l ,>red hp r st ud i o h o (' han . " " 10 gla n ce past Ibe d rapp.rI (' ~ ul nil nprone<'l flg ur A standi n g bU R." n t work bl' for t' 1\0 {'a sc I. " MI "" '\IIHt i l1'" hA ralrl~' J:a~p e d .

!to n nd ILIA el m p'" bUL [In· t I Y mlHsive fib,' Beo t I n r ep l y ~""Ol(' d to br in~ back 10 h i s l ongi n g 60ul a so l aci ng tll p m on' of r~ IlI l> I ('s I n I.h e AWN't sl'PlI t l'd w o od s. th ~ flitt in g of a (il eA th a t wa~ i m · T. rt'!I~~11 u po n his IH'n rt or h ,~ ar I B Il k" Il LU l ism an . T heil "('ell ~ of )t 1011 "'. fo r I . ,,~ b ta r a",'I\""d no r <,pl y . :-\I" lth er di d l·It' m Plft Howo r ('lu rn a. h .. had p comi '",d . roor 1II ' Ie ti plrlt! S it e ~rl'\\" f' d LO i h lll it Hh l' W aR H(\ "on l) f orl/:o t! PlI . T It "n a ,,,"ul orflll Ilapppnlll g t oo k til' lH' r at· t "" tioll Au fl u nl hnd iii I'd l ea r i n!'; h "r (W ,, " I th o u ~ alll i rio liarM. rl waH All I n 1Il 11l" ':". I ra 1111 "" t o l d l\f'r, nnrl h \) d ~\· .. lnp'·d H. Rud d(' T\ n f!W r1n( ,-, n' ~ f In hi ", f'han~" . f[p had an -


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JU llt to Pi ....... M a. I I wa~ " " r ing a ("h il ly RprtnR l'I a~ bac k .. ( 'olLl a nd rn w todny . m y deo r ." ~a l" motll er. " an d y our c h ... !! t til dO exposed .. All r l g h l. " rt>apoll cl fld daugh t er . " 1' 11 p u l on 1\11 "lttr" coat o f poW d er. ma ." - I'u(' k

Woree Th an Now. Ar l"ijliPologlst -Th 08 " dt o n .· " R~ 9111· loni were f ou m ean (or wu rd .. , F ri end J on's Wh y (\0 7 Ar(" ha.eo l ogls l - W h en & voo r Rutbo r "Nil a " t or." t h e edito r wOllld .. end It bat'll w i t h 1\ 76 ,po llnd r ej ec t ed MI1\b" h " rKeo eo ll !!,·t . . N ew Yo rk G lobe.


Throw" Together. So h e I s to marr y h "r' nn~ ene Y 1'8 ; fal ~ t h r .. ", I h .. flI t& RPth-Ar . " F llt .. Ihrew Lhe m t OIf.~ th e r . "Id you

··" No.

ttle)" ""re m o to rlU K a nd tbe mac hln ,j tu r n ed t urtle"

W lll l e- S" y. pa w . Wa M t h en · any fl r e work s In th o da)'s o f t h e Bibl e · Hi s Fa th e r ·· · Yl'8 . Dav id w a s a , I a nt cr ac k el". So Eaey. T he' "BOH' f\f',~nH' ~"" Y I\ t ter R. 1t ! T I. IH!t" IJ tll tt 8(·urebnR.rrt rl lth t You .. Im pl y hnv~ If) h H lhl" bl\1l A r,41 run w l l h YOUJ' mi gh t


The Flat Tendency . .. It II! 'Ill eer t bll t t h er e tl! ~o much swi ndlin g o r va rl o tl i! kind s a t seaRh o r e r eso rtR... ':Wlt y n ol there li S we ll Sfi a n )" o th er I"I'Ho rl R?" "RQ('a U Sfl "t th e sea sh ore. p.ver y lhln g ought I n he Oll th e l evo l." Helpful".,.• . bo y J Ollh I~ sl i ll h t' llllng "bo ut th e ]lln(' e 7" "Yep. " r eplied ~'arm M Corn los se\. "H e goes Ollt e x p lo r ln ' nearly e v e r y d a~ so b e 'lI be abl e to sh o w l b e 811mm e r bo ard e r s w h er e t o fl nd t h'l i beRt fl<I hlo ·... ~ Yo ur

Deep Cut. " I unders t and y ou had to u nderso a Rurgl c al ope rati on ?" ·· Ye p. Borne op er otlon .. .. On cl o r s cu t a n yt btn l': ou t?" ··Yep. c u t out th l' u ut o I had planned to g N ."

Good Floc k of Plymouth Rock •. H,




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t iu g i n li v e o r Rl x WC ", llS an d os aoo n II Is c ut .oIT w\ll throw up new shoOts . I!r UA r pnflw ln i/: I t tle lf con8ta ntl y . RO t h e ~ "m" g r o fln d m ay br cu t o ,'er t i me ifft"r tim .. . Le lt uce o r clnn dell oll B fl ll\k p. a vtlry good gn'p u f p.t'II f o r l ay i n g h "lIs o r ~row' ; lI g e hl e lls T h er e l\eC Tll ~ to be ~ f)m l ' 11I ed i (:i nal vro pe rt y a llo u L bOLh I hl's" \, p. geill bi es w hi c h 11rolllot l'>I gOOd hea lth i n th e fo wl s. 1I0th are easil y grow n a n rl furnish " good s upplr o f f eed tr th e tO jlN are cut 01T l ns t eu d o f ('ull ing t h e pl a nts o ut ll ~' t l,.. r oot s w h <' n ga th e rin g the f eed . Turnip s a nd bee t top s. mu stard. pea v in es and 1111 oth er tend er g r ee n s tuff " '11\ be r e lis hed. a nd sav e DJueh f Bed of a more C:08t1y IOIMl.




'--;" ,.;.



No Biblical F.ther. C r ust y U n c le- More m Olle y ~ Bee h l'r e. ~ lr. why th e dlck e n~ d o n ' t Y01l go bom e tn y o ur fath" r a nd go t btm to ki ll th A r a tted ca lr ~ W ild Nepb ew- -H e'd be a j o ll y lI i g bt llI o r e lik ely to kill th A ' prodl ga l so n. A Few Word. Ff'Om Chop i n . Trsm p- - Y es. mu m . I was 0 00:0 Quite " mu si c i a n . an ' I g u el\s I al n 't f or got all abo u t It )·el. Mrs. H o u" ekee~ ln dee d . ,," P it . Y(>\I "a n t a k e tb e !U lin d c b o p a f ew co nh out of , 1,18 1 wood pHe . Wedded 811 . .. MrH. Ne xtdoo r - " I supp osp y our daughter I s hap pil y m H rt eel 1" Mrs 1\ ag llb y --" Jndee d sh e IR. W hy . her hu sband III ar luaH)" a fraid to open b\ll mouth In h e r p r eae n c" ." - I'rl nc eloo TIger . Too Cheorful.

" I do n 't <:are to pl ay

pok e r w ltb W ombat n n y m o r e." " Wha t do )'011 m ean ?" " Why . h e can smil e hs rd I' no ugb o ve r tw o pai r t o make a full h an d lay down." AN OLD SAYING.

I f! f 'l ll of dn ." g l ve n to Prells .

Viewpoint • . .. A g r pat. mlln y peo Dl e ('.(l m A h On! S unday ." ··Yes."· Iln swe r ed tbo ke"per o f the Zoo . • "A nd I'm glad or I t. . It see ms to sort of CIH!er th e a n i mal s up t o see a crowd ."


That Exprelll ee It. "Th e r ec kl e ss c ha uffeur Simply mowed dow n all the pe d cR trlnn s In his path ." "Was h e rull 1" "'lull a n d .!.imoln g over ."

S be - In Ma rk Antony 's speech ,. " Julius Ca es or" It Bec Ul S a bi t farfetc hed for blm to bid Cae ,ar'1 w ound s to sp eak tqr him . Hp·-O h. n o . lI\bod w ill t ell. you kno w .

By Proxy. " Could you gtve me a bite. mum?" ask ed t h e droopin g m e ndl~ant at tbe door. "Certainl y not !" soapped the housewife. "But I have a do g th a t would be glad to do It."

Acrob.1ltlc • . " Wh y did you laugh when the maq ste pp ed on the orange peel!" "For joy," replied the man who thinks or nothing but. baBe ball. ". thought for Ii moment tbat I waa .wlt· nesBlng a spectacular elide to second



Power of Habit. C asey - Do yes al way s sh m oke after Abnormal. yer dinner. Molke ? ' What a ' baseball ~I~UP O·Brte.n - OI do. Shure me .dlnner baa In his v illc4i ! " . . '.' ilori't tillite rolCllt whln Of -ate I i OIl- ~ ~'WJI.t'dr),.j)1l ~~ '~' . ". ", ...." "';J8II8 01 have a ahuioke ~terW~l'de.;J.;..,. ·h M sucli Qu'eer pRell 'w!Ul Boit on T.ranscrlpt. .' ' . iii 't," • . ,


Lc:m&1xl1r." , .

Something L ...tlng. f1 rogao I th e gro uc b ) - I don ' l lIb I " mln ttc n tt. M r~ . Cool ey. bu t y<>U.r hus ban d OWE'rt m e t en doJ1 a ", w hen h e di Ad . T h e Wldo ... - Shur... \1" 8 nice to bave • "olJ1 Athtn g to r" ~' mlmb e r him by ! Pu ck .

A Compl i ment. " I t wo nld be no d l sp aragemo n t to D e nm a rk t o sa y Iho t. ('Ollll f ry W IlS g o in g to th e do g~."· " Wh y w ouldn't It 1" "Tha t would simply nHl an It ~ peopl e w ere gre at Dan es."


The lillie p·age boys wltb bowed beade ran~ e the mselv eB In a se ml-clrcle a gainst th o tront desks and look 8(1 guileleBs and Innocent that one wou ld scarcely iSUIspect tbe ruthle s8 manner In which tbey have nicknamed praotlcaJ1y every se nator on the floor. Mr. MeJara of :Montana and Mr. Simmon. or North Carolina are leno.,n as Mutt a'n d Jeff, Mr. Pomerene ot 9hlo. they call the ·. Ma donna, because ot h18 ' 8"d. eam.t ., t8:ee; Senator DuPOnt Glootp7 OUII . ~d Reed Smoot 18 'L or4

Taking Std e., "Th er e a1"e t ... o ~ Id etl to ev er y \lU _ t l o n:' u ld I h e rl' ad y mad e phll 080pber. " Y ell. " rt" plled t lt e ma o w i t h polltlcs' Ilm bl t l on s. " So m etlm es It·s bard to tp l l w h Ol h er 0 0 a ne w 6J' I. go ing to put yo u o n th o I n" ld e o r l eay e ,.O U o n the o lfl .l d .....

What He W a nte. ·· Th p. r p·H 11 y rw ng Inan t b a t promis e." " That 's RO? Th e n h e won· t "Wh y no t !" •... m loo k i ng for 0 0" t ha t'" pprform ancp. ... - Oetrol t I' r ee


MI' \ \ ' 1••'1)" 1\ 11 r ight. Ill y <I, 'n r . ,"1 1 tiOOll U~ til e ~-ourth I~ o,,,r

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tlH ' H d Ja(" ' II L hOIlS (.'A,

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prollH ld ,' llr' ~I ;-\rl ·d a, ('a l a~ ( ' Y f' t' was

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~\· (lr.\· \\' h (\ r l) us s h o



" I :;1\,, 1

W h y H e Growted . . !til I I., Iha, Ill . "" fI dIll, II I1' s gn t on Ihe Hlrlnl(' JII I-· :>oII). ,,'s h t" ,,1("8 . . 110\\ clo you kuo\\' ~ ' 11;01,, ' 1 l nff h" lIr 11 1m ~row\lng'" "T b e df\g~ "


rt \;;a nl gr"" 11 [1\,, (\ a~ a bsol u te l y 0.' ' 11 ,' (\lI rJ n 1111 I1 P :-f "nd, Ih, > l ' h(l ~ fH) I n e,'''SMa r y 10 t hll wf' l fan' or \lo tll t. r y . t':\" ' ry 1{ ~\,I"r a ,,' i s ilo r kn ,' w :-; tl uas- o l d u nd you n g . \\"lwT<' row l ~ ur e I<cpt t\ ' I ! I\.l f· , t ! r fllf' 11, 1111 1 o f t ll ,-' f H'p tf \· I lft l,' Iiall It ;;("ItI '· " III!\l'r . til<> ric h Am er l· ,·"nft" ",1 I t m tl.t h I" 5UIl PliE'd t o the m . 11 " 11" ""'''' . l\tr. no d whe r e t h ey h av e fu ll Ilb l'rt y It 1" ' "U" l t l l' d l . dil l " i, \\kward , r' arn,ly - c a n t: (l lllpU :oh'r and CO Il Hohis eur. } ' H ! I" ' d j"", l li \\ i11 , 1IIIII IrJ P~;::I, d:-t hi' !' :;t:l rl "HI O"· ..... "I tI, .. " II r1 o( t hl' H ,,' ''' ra may bo f P. d l o t h"lIl .wl th prn lil du r i ng ~ l: (I I I " nn l"r,· 1' ''I '' ' II '' d hf'r. I I 111 " '1 ~('a S t )f l , g;\ vn a di nn e r al h iR u f:lu ul iful tb e Iflo nth s w l lP fl vegel Il t i OIl 18 Ho m e· 11" f' . iI , I \ ~ i' ''I ' r \' !I. ' I\ b"u li ng or d r i , I nK II i- II 011 I ii, ' , ' r o Ul " lIadp tIes Au g l a l K wh a t \.tllrn p(\ h y t h tl heat.. 11f ' r !~'lj' rr)\J'ld l ll;"::-; \\rHlid ~ lIgg l'~ 1 tll ( I ~I; in :\i~ ... alfd ~!to" " d !ti s s fl l" ' r ll eo l. Thro w Oll t a l o t of ( n ls h l e l t uce T I('" j ,: y rl tl da ),.: '" U" lI (,l e mpol T'tO \\ O l "I · l l l1 l1 ~. it n d :11 t hl" s o m A time gave I I''' '' "" w b pr p th .. heus ca n iel It . n nd 11 ,·\11 Ut.'f'! l h \' III r s i d " Ttl., l'n n t r as t a .., hlfl1 ~ k:11 dl' l inillofi of a. c Oll no l e· th ey will fla t it up ('IHnn . Cabbage of (' I)l I'panlfl tl~ ll ! 1' wn ~ :-:,n lf l r t 'II KI' Iltal ;-tP lir . \ ( .,,,, 1I 01...:.:-, (> U I H~ sni d , w hil t1 " IlImps I hrowfl 0 111 to th <l hen s wlJl filIll "I )llId lur ll a o..; id p 10 hidl1 t hl! tqar ~ pnllJllfl~ 0111 'h o bt"(:l u ti eA of hi s o ld b.' pi c k ec1 clea n . e\"(l n w h er e tb e h ens "r r, ·).;fI ·1 ,r prid,·. 'on . (or 1." RlJla ( ' I t H,ai lH'd 'g llls s wi udows - " n coo no l s. run a l "'rge. th :tt , '1" 11"'11 ' had ""Wilrl·allta hl .\· 1 " ' ur I ~ hil t too o ft (' n n ,," calt h y iudl· Those w h o mll sl k ec' Jl t h e ir hons 11 11 .:111"" !rrr 1 ,"l tllla l \\ 110 pay " OJ o r e ror 11 IIPco nd· ~ ontllled will fint! I h at a s mall plat 01 O n" <I ii" .,\to nl ' r itn" " n bl ii """rlll~I Y h alld artie l " th an h e'd h ave to give for rape will tuml sh a large quantity or 'I.rntJo,., ·rl t o l. ,·s hi a ~ ( I pOl I,la hh had :t n /' \\' on e. green teed durlng th e slimmer . 1hH ~pt'l' '' h h tl Illlld ,.. tJ ..... J1 )J u t I nto hi!'t I It wUl be I n rge enougb t.o b egin eul· moulh by Ira Dillin thaI 1. ('S b lU Th e Honest Purpose'. IOIl!:h!'.1 oull ' l~ h t II I 11111 1. In n' I ~ t ('r \\"nr k o r a n y 1I0rt II! a lrainlug . The ep lrl\(' d In l r .-i,·w wllh \ Ir ~ho h " hi t of ('o ll (:ent rati o n h el ps II) give Irreverent Senate Pllgeil. t! l\lly r " Jec t e(' h l ~ ~Hn(lIdall' and I he v ow"r an d dp.cls lo n . Su cceRS 18 n ever Durin g t he bri ef opening praye r of 1l1'!H'IlWr P"I Hbollt fnrruing n"w plol" . W O II b.v a ca r el eBs. slipshod. sl ovenly tb e chapl a in . BayS Fred C. Kelly, In T I,pn ~rad u ul l J t lt pr e Cllm" to LP,R' "a .l · nJ' w o rld ll g . bul b y Il Ila tJent . v eran a r ticl E" 0 0 tho senate. In Harper's bla ' s m i n d li n iutpnsp. r:l r.~ lre 10 mnk e sl " tt'nt. (o l lbru l bllblt of a tte nti on to Weekly. It m ay b E" noted tbat no two o f ,tTt h p. r IHo eodell'·or. S hp I "a~ p o r d e t1l11 . o till III th e co n scientiou s lulf1l· s enators b ab a ve exact ly alike. Benb ar roo m a r egulllr Rtu dlo. Th~r p WOB lIlen t or a ' I as k . large or s mall . anci Iltor Stephen son leanlt! o ver and grasps Ilorn.) jo y In gettin g into a groov f! o f w h llt h er I t is li ked or not . Th e hon. hi s d esk b y the front corners and wnrk that ' WIIR harm on i ous. but ~ h e I!sl jlurpUHp. sh o uld be t o do It well. steers It ca~fu"y through the InnomtRi'ed tho I'x'p'ert"hand t b a t h od IHUgh t all houlJh II may n ei t h e r b e obse rved vation . Senator Smith of Michigan II r the rudiments o r a. pr ofession sh e 1I 0 r pral!ll(d . 'i\·h ateverour dall~' wort place. hJ. ftnger tlPB gently yet ftrmly W R r Ilolllte 10 a dopt os a l fre mls· th e dh! o l~ine or II t ~a c he ll us lIelr· 'on tlie tiaek of bl8 cbalr, and Senator "'01\ r es t ra i n t. obedience t o Ja w 8J}d g uldee Brtatow lay. ble I'&lme flat on bts lld lhen on day came a r e mar k· us to a. well·ordered lite. 118II1t as it about ·to turn a han~l!p~ ,

l, rl

ni1o! JI '"

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!I,. , ~ l ip l l /'r ~ :-Illrr; I('O of t h C' glas s. \\'I I t< 1l )o; h (' Ci U Il ' \ to th o ('xit ~ lli ' ~ h ot

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intI) mi r rof'li un o I rip d lO (' limb

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Y Off w ; 11 hav .. l ill l" ..... P( wf's l h!'r wll h w hich 10 ,·oll i end . f';" ell It l h l'.v a r B not 'I ulte rea d y t o Summo" Fo..,le Mu.t H~ve Extra C are "omntflnre lay i ng In Kove mber . th ey I n K ...,p l ng Feed i ng Bo .. rd a nd w il l b .. allIlHIV; t h e bes t wor k "rs In W a ter P ~ n Cl e~ n . th !' flod, du rin g spring Bud t h e l ess· T hA !l Id notio n I h a l ehfl: ks .nUH I be e li I' d " OS I or produf"l io n will o ffs et "R o d h f' r;' ~" "II Hu t " f tll A wa .'· by .l u l y haR beeu Ill .. wi n te r I'ggs I h at m ay be lac kin g " Y eM. (or II month PIIHt s uo ha ij b"O'1I lar'l~ l y d r iv e n OU I - parll y b y th " In· I .{, I tiWtn r u n Itl th l' o r c h anl w b e n m y he llw r ."· rf'pllt' d ." r~ . Moorl'. with II c uba t or . wh l("h Is wll il og LO work a t li t t l ... " u d gh' " t h e m p l enl .\' o f fr eRh hnpp.v MIll,I" '!' h e I" m ilk i n g good a l l Rea sons. parll y lly t h p poultry Wa l l" ' . 8n d I b" y wi ll th"; ,·o. h ca d way IO"'u r dR 0 po l n l \V hprA nha ral sH . w hu fl n d ~ I llat tl1 er f' I " lesa (.an lIa r n !t el' 11"ill~ '- ' Hoost for Turkey •. f ee rl t o buy w h ell Ih l:! b l l g~ u nd wor m 8 "W ha l ' sh .... n u h ei rp8ij~" c ha Il Qn/;"d ruos t p l ellliru l T u rk llY~ prere r 10 r oo~ t o u l of C" 1(, IIl PII I Ilu ·rl!(\1I 10\lol l y. As Wfl h av" l earn ed b .. llf!r how to door s. Tb i s Is n ot a l w a ys pl·a <'ll ca bl e. " L et 1\1 0 LPI I YOI' a Bl ory." l\ a i ri lha r aJ~A t b e ft of' k a nd k ee p I hI' ''' g ro w · hU I w h fl r f' Hue ll fl n a rrange m e n t Is IHdy Ilrll~1 - an d 11 \111 d id . I ng f a~t. t h " o l d I,rob lent ot h a v i ng pO!l~lbl!' t liA roos t i n g pla ca Rh ou ld ·· ~ow . tllpn . Mr. now .. :' AhA r& pu lleta r ead y t o IllY In ru ll Is mor e b., mud!' ' flr)" Ollen . ThE' bird s w ill m a rkAd b rlg ll( l y ." I am gOi n g 10 l ea"e ells ll y a pp roxlmalfld . f'Vf'[. t h o ug h th e d o m llch iJCltPr u n d w ill be far rnorl' YO II Di o ne to r eut'''' YOllr ac qu ointulH '1I rblc- k A du not eme r ge rrom th e ~ h e ll co n' ('n ted I f I h ev co n r oose In fre llh air . Th ey ta k e' CR r p or th emselv e. w ith t il " w ild woo d n.'· "'p h ."011 m Oil ril ed du rl ug a sno w!lto rm ON l ost ." Su mm e r "b ic k H IIlfl st hav., 1\ "tll o In t h e IVood H In th e ir wild .. t.a t e. a nd Hl m'lIod f",f" Th" Hl1tdi ghl walt e s t ru ca n, III k eflpln g Ihe reedi n l: I t sh oul d be reme mb ererl t h at ' they brig h t In tha t lJ u iet s tu dio. I w o d a u o t- bourd and dri llkl u g rOlln tal n d ean ; r ... s l sl t ernperatnr ... ~ ha ll gf\8 better l ess !lplrl l s met o n t h e thre" ho ld of I> I h ey ntU Rt a l ao h ave plen ty o r s h ad e : I h an c b lcke n ~ blissfu l d est in y . Tb ,- ba r rie r o r for- J,UI In se ve ral way~ th ey ('aI, beller tun e WaB gone . an(! th cy co u l d wo rk (' IH6 ror th etnse l H1R th a n du r l lll/: th E' On i on and Fleh FI~\lor . on d 10\"11 to!';e the r In ih e p ure sl mpl" Kprln g month s (", 101111 fl.n d mu c h 11s h f ed t o fo wls glor~' o r pl'rfp('t 1, 8r m o n y o r m i n d a nd H ens l h at lay H t b ey a r e l i hHra ll y r "d mo r ni n g w ill tast e til l b e yo l k !lOU I. an d ni g h t a fb~ r th ,'y gilt ulc"ly rea th · Ih" lurg eat n um b er of AggR req u ire I~ III . hy ~. (1 ( "h ap11l lLll. ) "re d OUL l h ay lu e read y t r, hunt u p mil c h f ou<1 aod wo l er . Y o u can RC:aI"Cn( h e numerou" sH".l s o f !'a rl y l1 utu m n I." re e,1 ~1I (: h II h en too mil c h . So l oo k Cat I n a Maze . grasses w h le ll do li n g oo d 1.0 t h e f a rm· "ff t f (or t h hl ki nd and r a vo r hAr 1\ little . ~I o r e IIl1 com(or t ab '" ( h Ull a In pr. but r alh .. r II,., r {'V Hr !!.·. Lh ou g h a tHrun ,gtl g a rr ,ll" lIlu st bfl 11 ea t I n ;'L O n lona for Chicken .. th ey " ut pl eut y or lI .. sh ll nd "c ry"tal tn a z .. ··- a la b )' r inl h or v alU " . ITIlI s(' le Intn th .. c h i"k Home f llrm e r~ d emand u pon t h e l illt' ll "i l h ",Ir T or~ . li nd o n N' In . It l' rflwd Ihe m wi t h 8M lIl u("lJ LJ UID:i HS l a b l _ a t l eas t nn(:e a w ee k - a goott I" b a rd 10 t1nd OIH" S wa y O u l. 111 Ii Ii tllP Y w " ro> "u rI Y. ll fl ,1 tl,,· ('xtr" waste o ld ont on slew ·to k ee p th e m h ealthy . tow n wh e ru o n l' at t li ~Hn m i\.1. t 'd \\as grai n Il nd In s" "I K w il l h ft l" Ih olll a lo n g Tb e (' bl c k en s w ill be a ll t b e bpli er for ' h .. in~ .... x l1 l bl l ('d a 8( ra ll J:(' ,'n t 8I ray,· d H UUl f.i u g ly just t h e sam e every w eek . ' III. and Hoon b'l ca m e hi g hl y 1 1I1 ('rp~ted . \\' a l kl ng aroun d lH' t w t't' u t h o mi rro r s s l,.. "8 w I\f'r re tl l'~tio n on a 1\ .; id pM. nllt! "h" dirt !lot apP"nr wl' l\ plpas ed . H el' toll b f.'g ull t o swpli. u n u she ru s \.t,'(! nt I h .· 1l " III"I'5 L {'ul. w h ich. o r <:oll rs e. f1.ll l"lI lI c,·d to 01 ",'1 h l'r III th o sump mt n or s prt' d W i tll a sh,i p K o f d,-Na n co Ib ey Illf'l. aud t h" 11I·I.I' m· rwrt'd r" I III" r,· " b U"k ( r om a rl' u r (1I 1 \.til III I' " g ai"~t. U m ll"l"O l" 1' 1' 8h '1 JUntp .. d II lI d look ... 1 aro u nd. ou l y t o at h, ·,·.



,, " kpLl I,,>,· l"'h l" " dill !" h, · ~ ll fTpr ItIll ( '!! '! "



Took Pleasure In Gu i d i ng Her New Acquaintance to t h e Mos t Pict uresque Spot s.




\\ h al f! Uf'rll ' t!

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P" ~JtflS!. rHI) ll ~ tukl' U iCl1Jl) I'd t ut e l y a ft er th f' b11 ~ll d y bat t l,,, Il f t: a ca r l·t(·a ~. ill '.\'1 : 11 ,1, Hi t. ;\! · · , I t 'tl ll r~l L (~I ;-i '.'.t' !", ,~ \' :('lOrlol ' ". It a"" jll ~ t rflfl, ·Ii .)d t h o Unltpcl Stat eR , Tilill 0110 s llil\\'~ th O:' ('lJudllloUIl " 1'0;01 " Ir, ' \\' n willi 111'",1

Th o spv on ll" ll oo n ~ wli it·" fila r!"'1 Ir\ln. :;l, L'I U I~ i o lh.1 lluLi o n" i ,.ll l1llllb :.Ion r u cP. lit e 0 111 1' 1' da y (l id not ~ t't \',' ry fn r h eC:I\II~'l of Ilg hl ", llI d R f(J I I ()\\'~ tl by a ~tflrrll , Th. · , , o"d) "'II' '.\(I n, hn \'I" 1; t rave ll'd abo llt t h .."" hUlIdrp.t mll .'s . T htl Sa u Fran<'i ~co. t h"IJ ~ 1i 1" " ~"8 l in lh p a ll', nlad e lI uly !:l~ mll(,6 . Th a l ha l, loon, and a d e", of th " 1l~ ld II~ ' h " " I! t')s ta n ts we r(j h,' 1I1g lu llat'Jd, 1I f(' 1\H r., s hown, .





Th is

t to Sa illuel Lang· :\-I a rk T Wll ln) Is to be un ve il e d n ext tall In H UI n lblll, 1110" \\ hp r ' hl ~ b()~' ho o d Waij s pe nt. It will s tand OIl th e Itl l':h!!SL po ln l or Rh'e r· ~ I de park a nd wi ll be, I'i~ib l e for man y mil 8 liP lIud dowll th e ~lI ss lsslppl " lOIl U Ill e n

hu rne (·le llll.. n8


ri~ l3r .


Co l. R. M. T hompso u. p n~ slde u t of /)l lll fpr llll in e ; Scutlulld . III bl rlillol:l!'l' or AI, dl', ', ,' \ 'a r ll " g l,', c el l' ll ra ll'd ttl9 the Am e rican Olympi c co m millee , v bo· la 5l bi l' t hday ot till' Ir'n ll lll<l ~I I' r wi l h e n '''' ,1r,III I\ H, rhO' e ll i..r ,) ve UI Iwl lll( the LOgra pll ed o n hi B rtl turn fro fU Paris, un l'l' ll! ng or a s talul' of ( ' a n H'gh, ill Ih . · par le ,\II llip publlr- nf!lclal~ II nel wh en> I, .. WIIS a ,1 !'lega t e> to IIII' con- thl' I'l1 lir p popu la t ion toull PU I'! in th., r" Hti \'itJ Cs. grees t ha t arran ged t h e rul es fo r th e Olymvle ga n, e~ ;I e xt year in lIerli n ,


These art! t he Mpx lca n fo d p. rnl troops that . Imm ediately. after th e res lg na. tlon of n oner,,1 Hl lI'r t" . eRr", !'r ed to tlHl nati onal I' n lare hi s fi ll cr- cssu r, Frau. c1sco Carbajal. Inse t III n pnr lrru t o t tbe nc w pres id e nt.




Robert J. Io'owl er, weil·lino wll a vla' tor, Who has been arre s ted by federal officers along with II writ e r Ilnd a pbo. tograpb'~r. on t h e c harge ot dis closi ng military secrcts. This Is th e re s ult o r the publlcaUon 111 11 SI1I1 F'ra nc lsco magazine ot a photog l'a ph ta ke n from Pt' rop lan,' ,".",\\, 111,11; pa rt of tb e Panama canal tortlflca ti o ntl, Fl,res 300 Shots a Minute . A n e w wca pun ha~ h"p n pro\' I d .~ d for t h e Un it ed Statl'" a r my \\ hl ch is tILl' Thll is the hig hest government more e,mcient ,th\1n UllY h €' rc totore clal In Wash in g ton, Ch arles Ilelntze l. adopt ed . It wa s IJ ~ v e nf \!d and is us ed the guard at th o top of the Washing.. by the F'rcnch m ilita ry uuth orl tl es, a nd to n monument. His post ot duty Is already n early o ne hun dred han] bee n View of the dreadn a ugh t Neva da tak en Imme diately after Its launc hing 550 feet a bov e the ground and h e bas putchas,ed by the Un it ed States. Th e at Quincy, Mass., and ot E leanor Ann Si e be rt, niece of Governor Oddle of h e ld t his hi gh position fo r 25 years. n ew gun. which Is tl eu crlbed In tb e Nevada, who christened th o grea t buttles hlp. E leullor Is a descendant of About 160,000 persons call OU him In June Popul a r Mechanics Magazine. tbe courss ot e aell year. Benjamin Stoddert, firs t secr ctal'J of the ua vy. weighs but 35 pound s, an d ca n easily be carri e d by a Mo lll le r . 1' ..... 0 me ll !l.l's r e qulredl to operate It. both or whom More Women sulcldeo. Caut i on. lie flat on the ground , prese nting a Tb~ development or t be wo man 's "John !" 9-.:c1alm ed the timId wom· small m:a r k to the en e my. An c man movement In Germ a ny carries 'with It an, there's a burg;ar try ing to g et t eeds the c artridges Into the bre ech of ~ remarkable Increas e In s uicIdes by Into this hou se! " the gun In clips of 25 each. whil e the • women . . While the ratio suicides of "Are you s ure?' asked the e minent other ahns th e weap on and dlrectB the r jlulatned constant oUl'lng the British amela!, II.rlng Dllechanlsm, Tb e gun will fire . ended with 1912, the n umber Se'pamtEI shots or will ope rate auto· !lulc:li2es Incr eased from 8.3 . down , and maUcally. in which case 30() shots, , the womBn poputo be ,inter-viewed . But may per . ml,nute. At long ""."'<.-'''-' doubtless ot'. ~QB,~ mill' l ' BOld.tar als.c ertlLlns .t he


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'of blnOcUtars .and ' errec~, :pr'th. 1@leta~ , ~. . . .1...... . " ' : ' ~, '. .V'. 'j

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...~ .


.. .




L"o Fried e of :'\ e ,,' Yo r lc a nr! lI a ll'" Ilr il tfln I)f j"lIHt<l1l. wi ll meet aga in thi s y ear In th !' contos l for thl' In t e l'nation a l "" n'"J t re'ph y, Lns t year tba Ame r ican beat th e Canad ian . III th e jJlll ~t rfltl O l1 Fl r iUol1 I ~ see n above and Fried e b elow .





Sound Beyond Machines.

There Is one soulI lI of th ;, hUill an s l,leec h wbleh It Is pral!t lca ll y illlilossl· ble to p erfectly r e produ ce by mee ha n· Ical mea ns . It Is th e so ulld of th (' le tter "s." N e ithe r t he tele p hone lIor the phonograph re llde rs Il IJfnp er ly , Lo rd Rayl e igh, an b:n g lls h p hy sicist, was th e first to obse r ve thi s and to subject th o phenome no n tu s c ic l1t.lfic Investig ation. He tound that to pr otlu ce l h,~ sound "s' ; th e muscles of tbe mo uth llI Utit exe rt only R slight pressure upo n the air; but at th e same tlmo th e breath must b ll projected with such force BS to produce not less than 1,00 0 vlbra· tions 0(, Ute air wl\ves per ·second. . This . la a hJgher number t han In ease ·or' any·' oth,.er '~oun~t' oi the , 'speeoh. ' '--: \...• , ' ,



.. ;


How the Tramp Knew. "Oe t away from hc'r n or I'll call m y h ll~ b a nd ." lhreate n e d t b e hard. fac e.1 woman who h lld Just rer\,J~ed tll o tra.m p Bo m8 food . "Oh . DO, you woo ' t ," r e pli e d t ho traml'. " beca use h e alu·t hOlll e ." " fl ow do YO U kno w?' as k'~ d the womun. " Because," ans we r ed t h E' ma n. a s h e sid le d toward th .: gate, "a lDao who mar ries a woman like you Is on ly bome at melll t1mes."-OQUR8 N ews.

W ith the Thermometer at 98. Caddie-Dare's only one good thing kin see abo'u t playln' lI.o1 (' . Ool f~I\~~nd wh;at~ tbat, 10nn,Y! , / Caddle,-Y'ou 1'tiy'II -whILt plays doa!\. Iultte\ :(),~ 118 ~u.ob ~d. .~

to :'1;;"










~R[PU BI.IC AN PRIMARY BHL~ np;r:;;n~'M.;tio~r~·_I_ _ _ _ _ _..... M

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l\l a ry I'rat c' r

• I :-: P I'l I1~: \ ' alll')" . 1


With Pride To the Record 01 Judge Milton Clark upon th e b ench of the ComJllon Pleas Court. H is able intelligent and impartial c()udu (,t o f that ofliC'e has resulted in his I eing a s ked bv al\ c\asse~ of citizens generally to mak e' the race for



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I) 1', i\IaI'V \ '"" I; \ 1 a ~ i ll ('ill,'1111 1l \ i 1.' I'I .1 a.\' " n - l l r lJ fl'~,; it) II:t 1 I,\! , illl'';'',


:'lr". ,J a b" ,- I ~, .J", I'I " . 1,( l>a) t" n. I, Ih " ~" "~ t 1'1' l\li ",: 1\ I/,Z ll' !\1, 'r r itt. , I: , a d t il .. a d~ In t lll!lelli""I I: TIll' \' a rl' :1: I \\" ,n ily ,If I ,,"r l"'Il"i,I,·raliun·. aa~_m \ 11' a 1·1 ~ 1'" \ 11 ,'1' 11 1' 111:111 ami I ,1.1 11.'1,1\, .. \\1 '1.' \ , ;11:1 v i' ;I "r" ~Ul1-

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• 11 11' \

~l1l1 d 1\'

Representative to the

Legislature He has not written a s ingle letter, nor made a personal appeal for support, but h'a s relied solely upon his friends t·o spread the news of his canvass and upon the county papers to present his case, feeling that his wide acquaintance, and hi s reputation as ' jurist; a lawyer and a man would have a greater bearing in this campaign than personal solicitation could have ,

:11" \! r~ , ( ;" .. r)~ e 11:llnil tlln t , ,' ' \"" I. " 1'01 " ill! rl ' l:! t ~\' \" ii, I l ,IJ , " II .) .. 1\11 :-: :, ,: ''',~ rry , .,r I 'ayllin. ~ I', 'n t ~l'I , '! :d 11 " \,, I,e rl' if'" w,.t.k will! 111~ pu n" II."

\1 1'

~ Jt"11 1

For Coullty

L' ()lIlIlIi ~~ i "Ill-r,

ha lt- ~ k " ll li ll l1\. Ill' Jo' rank lill, til" go!!''' 1 li t' he r .,i~ t \' r, Mi ~ >I ( )Jiv ,' :\1t:l'ull lIln [(:lve .!!.!!!e Aut o ."ioa p, IW>lt to ,," a- h hal' I\( "'~ , Wa YIIl'< \'illL' -\ul" and !lila·

( \ ' flt l ' (I l f 1lI11 Il I IH't ' II HI Il IlI r "I ' )


A . l'. 11 .\ 1":' 1': I{.

J ()S lll iA COLLETT E. (()\{\\ ' I ~,

J R.

A 1.) ,);(0 I Hu n ol n . "I' lIIiddletuwn . lI' a~ ill IIJ IV '] T lI l' " I:t~· ~ha k i ng hand " with ulr! I' r'll'lIlk I .\'l l'n W, Ilain •• ", IIf Xenia, a rril'ct\ : :-: I1'\lt r llil1 g fur a ~ h f) rt \'is it Illth I', ' ; at iv e~

I .\1 r Thad Ziml1ll'rman and fam ily ..", , I a t ll'll~lvd the .1 ampslllWll fa ir H' 'I'l'r a l

' - _,, _ _ _ ____._ __ _ _ ! _

\\ .. L, I\,\ I.:. \ ' 1'; \"

;. .. ~j

r\a Y ~ lu" tweel\,

:' 1,', :md Mrs. Walt<'r McClul'I' a nd Lt'a f.v ElIllcy were Dayton villi l" r:; TUl':ir.lav, !\1i,.;s Mary Hawl;l' who h af\ been s " , 'nr\i n~ Iwr vu(:alinn ,I t h" l1w, has rc tul'tll.,d til I,I.Jballon, Mr~ . Co ra Macy and dau l-:'htt'r. a re Ihll!1 e again , afte r spe nding- a week wiLh re i:Llivc:-; in Xenia .

I "Ii .,~ .J . W .

IZI 1 )l~E.


JUS!':!'I I \\'A T"- I NS.

:\1rf\, MA ryChalfar.lallri uau~hl er of 1 \' IIII ~ v ! vHll ia an' Ile r e fo r a vi~il wi l h bl'r ' m" t lll' r Mrs . K . Clurk .

Cut It Out Printed herewith will be f?und an extract reproduct,lOn of the Official Republican County Primary Ballot to be voted next Tuesday, August 11 tho For lack of space the State Ticket has been omitted

Mark the Ballot

Mi ~~ Clat'a Li le i" en t e r tainill }C he r hrot \1 (1 r-in· IHIV a nd s i ~ te r, Mr. and Mrs Cl ylJU rn. of Wa:;hin aton, D. C.

For Cuunty Treas urer, ]-']{,\ ;\k P. ]-,()I{( ~ \"

LdW\' I \{UN~,

for IlOt. more t.hun lII IC' ,)


CLARK ''ibe. ~ ~.-.~~ug&tJ

,_ , !VI r , a lld

For Prosecuting l\t

·Havol en e Autu Soap is an aid to , house ·cl eaning, does not injure paint, makes old wood· work look like new, a nd removes gre~e sputsfromcluthes Waynesv ille Auto and Machinery Co, ~

Mes~rR , J. W, White, Frank Elbon. 'I .J. G, Hisey, HaI'vey Rye, Sam!. Meredith and several others visited the Ch au t a uqna Friday and heard Garf~lrrl tl1 . Progressive candidate speak.


For Member of Coullty Centra l Committee, (V0I;C Cor ""~ more' LImn one.)


- - -------

'Z I M . ~1 E I={ MAN'S





Try Ris~o for Bi::lcuit'l. all you Check and Sc ratch Feed, The need is water, The Budget Commission of War· Hest and no grit , Cracked rp n Co unt y ts co mposed of Co unty Fresh Shredded Wheat Biscuitl Co rn, Oyster She ll, Poultry Au di tor John 1\1. Mulford , Mayor W. and Corn Flakes, Feed and Lo us'! Killer. Z nnll !1 l1d PreRiri e nt of t~e Board ~f Try a pound of Hinson Coffet" Erluca tl on: Ho\\'ar~ W , 1~lns \~ho WIll Bring us your Eggs, we are payrhe Best 25c Coffee sold any nold p';lb ll~ m ee tin gs 111 dIffe ren t where, ing 18c a Dozen this week. pa r t.~ of till" cuunty, WAYNE"Vi'LIE A 6 700 , ., ',,:) " , - ug u st • , I ~. m : In Scho(,1 H o u ~e . Wa¥nes vlll e Give us a trial, we guarantee freshness an'i Quality in food products l llrl'llr;ll lllll, WaynE' r ow nsillp School, and uur prices are always th e low e~~, It )Jdy~ t'l trade at Dist rict. Wayne township and Lytle Spt:c ial I lis triel. II A I{V EYSBURG-August 7, 7 .00 pl'ownship. , III in theMassie SchoolTownl:!hip House . School Massie ·n._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _






B,cnedlctlonal Klae.



Mrs, Esth e r Stout is having the ' Thi rd Street p>"operty which fihe re, I ~---·--------------------------------------... ' ccn tly p urchal;\ed from Mrs Mary ' I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ANY PUBLICATION YOU NEED Upp, remodeled and repairl.'d for oocupancy in the near future.



The Hathaway reuni('n will be held '1',,: 11,' 11 " Vole r s )f Wa r .! The Juni or Gui ld of St. Mar' s 1" 11 ( " Ultty:, "I{'U\~ hl'fo r e the IJllh :hurch havealmosl c~mpleted a t~n. lhi~ vear ut the hnm e of Mr. Cll rl !Il' 111 1' thl' I lr " ~ IIIrI C a nd havlnj!" III 't' ll l n istourt at the rea r uf th e c hurc h Hathu wHv, al Lehan on, \lit Thursrlay, A\lg"\l fl t 1:lth , 1.'r£'\'l'lltl'd b~ IIUSII1 CSII PI\ l!"a~ l' l lI l" II " 1 Il!" round:l , t t'I JIII maklll g" U I h. )rollgh c all1'a~,~ uf ThE' rourt will he in g ood shapE' to I IIl' 'IlUlIl,\' "J l1I:1k ,' t he '~l'"uaJnt · plnl' I) n the lalte r parl of thil:! week. ANNU.All:OLETT-i\\ckAY PICNIC ', Il (' 1' " f thl.!. "" kr l 'I· I 4 • I tal<.~ till" . I IlI l'''II~ 'I'h e' v o,ung- I a rI'les are t 0 i Ie comp -- ' " l' rl''1 U l',,"n)!' t l ~t yuu ~' lll )( e r m e men t'eel fo r tlH' ir ood work liS the In \'o tln).( for Cu unty Surveyor, I I'o urt will add m~ch to the social Th e 48th a nnual Colll'lr·McKay 1 :\1'(' I'l'lllpletct\ u four year \,( 'lInw! ,.[, fth . h jl PI C IllCwdlbeheld8ttheu ~ u81 place 111 ( 'ivil I::llj,!'ineer ing at Ohio S late ' d t o e parIS, on Saturday, A~~usl 8t h. l) ni\'!'r ~ ily, Ulle uf th e lJeSl Eng ineer· III)! ~l' h " "I~ in lh e Mid dle We"t. "; Iad ll :.tli ng fr om that I n~l ituti()lI, ' :I I!II)::, wi t h Ihe lleg! ee of Civil I :t1 )!I Il l'l" r , ~;l llc e HillS. I havE' been ' lid alll a t pr L'~('nt, e ngaged in a '"Plll'ril l f':n){illC'ering p rac tict'. havin g"p(' n , ~ ill I'L' JHlIlIa ry 1 ~1I ~ . Municipal I':ng illel'r ("r thl' Villa J.:1! o f Lebanon. I)hlll , an d hal'in)! h "'II. dllril lJ! I he The place to get What you Want when you Want. it Pll'; l ~ ix y!'ar - , a wide €x perif'!\l.... ill al l line~ (If l'll)! iIlCPrill g' wprk I II This week we will have Fane\' Ripe Watermelons, have th,·reby. ~ec ured a th nrtlll g'h I worki ng I;nowleri)!e of Ih ,' ll'I'hnil'a l (l\Ielons on ice all the time), Fancy Elherta an d pral,tieal ~ iti t-'s of Ul> t o da tl' EIlPeaches, Ripe 1'omatoes, Indiana Cantt:loupes, trillPe r illj( princ i p le~ and I1Ie thods Sweet Oranges, Lemons. If ell'cled, I e xpect to fulfill ~he duo l i e~ of t h e o tli ce to the hesl o f mv ability, Yo ur support will be ap prl't:iated . New Mild Cheese, Bulk Peanut Try Ballard's Prepared (iruham 1 espec t ful ly yu u rs, and Cake Flour, Butter, Wafpr Sliced Dried - adv , RoyE. Miller. Beef, !"aney Breakfast'Bllcon . Try Do-Ne-D'l for Dousrhnuts - - - - - - - - --Bologna, all you want is water.

Mr::J, p , 0 , <: Iag-e tt Q a nd I It Is t.h e cus tom In many sectlolls of chIldre n , :t~fl Ml flOl:IIl!!ephln e Ogl e"bp.e t h o United State\ for the cle rgyman lind M r , ~ red (: 0 11 8 atU'TlO ,Ii tht" who performs til e ceremony to' kiss !'aces at )Jay tu n, Satud ay afte rnoon, I th e bride. The kiss trom tllC clergy. Il r, and Mrs , ClagE'tt., Mrs A ~ a man Is a rello or the ben edlctlonsl Egbe rt, MJ~ Alice McKinsey an d l laX, which was n ch arm calculated to Mi ss Lillie Nedry m otore'! _t.o Wil- I bring all marrIages to a happy end· ming- toll M0nday where t hey were ing, gu es b lIf the t\ n trims, I

HOY E, illlLLER,

( YOlO fur lIut more Lhan on e .)



For County Surveyor,



The ,BE-st Common Salt on the Market

(VOW lur noL lIIom lhull ono .) ,

For Coro ner,


Will White Says:

l I = f . - . IFor - -C ' ()Ullty-Reco - rocr,--r ;:;

~hile you have plenty E1"I. S. CONKLIN. of tIme and there is no confusion, cut out this Co unty .li~"--I - - - - - - - -- - - 1 Republican Ticket, select fRANK GALLAHEH.. your favorite candidate and bring this ticket with you J OS IAH HOLl3lWOK. to the polls on Tuesday, August 11; as yo ur g uide if you choose.


-----------------.--------------------------------~~~~~ , HA1Hl\WA \ I?EUNION , HAVE BUILT TENNIS COURT !







\ ·ot ...· ril l' Hut I !l Oro t1 m Jl o uo , » ) ~

( \ ' Olo

................ _____== ....__....


TIll' Mi,;:<es Caroline S t a hl and C Zorn. I)f ll ,yl o n. a r e spen ding a 1'11\1 pi p u t weel, s :-tL Lhe Friends 1I0me, I )is triel. Harve~ sburg Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ilarveyaburg School District and M ri!, Clark CnriwulladE' r, of Mo r- S pring Hill Special District. rlJW , ha,; lwen ojJe nd ing' a few day ~ OREGONIA- August 7, 7.\)0 p. m, i \\' il h Mr s Ag nes Wright a lld riaugh· Schoo l 1!ouOle, Washington Town · tur. "hip , Washington Towllship Sehool M r , allu Mrs , J O. Car lwrig-ht anu Pil:!tr'ict, Or e~u llja Special SchOO l d au~ h t e rs le ft Tu e"day fo r a t l' n District a nd Olive Branc h Special days' stay a t t h e Mi a mi Valley Chau- ~c h oo l fj i::ltri ct. taufju a , . M "SON-August 6, 2:30 p, m. in We are ind e bLed t() J ohn Beach School House, Mason Corporation, f<or a mighty tine basket of a pple!' . Mason School District, Deerfield ( '(lIlll' again J ohn , you are a lw ays l'ownshi p School District, Deerfield ,weicollle , Tp, a nd Student8 dall Special Dist. M r, ".n? M r fl . Gieske, and M,r , and ! Th ese m eetings are open to every"One week ago we received a car load of Mr~, 1,lal te r Lackey, of . Dayton, I body , und you are invited to attend wel l' S Ulltiuy g ue"l!:! of Mr. alld Mrs. ' in order to discuss the various itemsl lI e nry King . I.)f the budget and thereby be fully J(u g h Hid J.:0 rl'lu rned to DAyto n informed as to the amount asked by S unday el'eni ,l,{ I () r e~mm e hi;! duti t:s t he reRp ective taxing boards . Many at th e N . C. j(, afle l' a t y,o weeks pevple have an idea that the Budget vllcal it lll ~jlc nt Iw rc . ' I;om miss ion fixes the amount of M r , :lnLl M r~ tJ M, W hi Le a rrived t axes This is erroneous as the basis h ome :-;atu rday ('veni ng' f rom Owen s. : (t' f a,ll tax IS the amount as~ed by the In the largest barrels we have ever bought, bani . l\ y., wh c rl' tlll'y were attending ! aXlllg board of each dlstncl. the fun eral o f Miss Mary White, I and it . I The public County Commission MrR. Walte r MeClure hag a beau. willmee tat Lebanon in the Common tiful Chine.:jp lil y in full lJloorn' at h e r P leas r oom on Friday August 14th resid e nce . T he fl ower looks ve ry ____._'_ __ pretty, and is exqui sitc·ly pe rfumed, !


All names will be found upon the official ticket in the aac t orde r shown here. FQr your convenienl'e , we have had the whole County Republican Ticket reproouced, and beg to s ugge!jt the name of ONE candidate only and he the best equipped man in \Varrcn County for Representative. '

:\II ~'

... h ll l er) I'll .

\\'. I ).

He has been Auditor for Iinly :-;ix m onths and asks t he nomination for what is practically a second t erm. He is trying to low er Warren County's Tax Rat~

1 d :t~,

Fur L't llllll .\ .\ lI tiilllr, lilt 11'1 '

by doing a large part of the work himself.


. 'I r" \\' .'; I; dU1I1 allJ \ll's . Flor"II"" 1I " .J dl,' 'l\( ' VI ,i lilll: PI :'l'l'ill).('li l'ld . .1" ... ;;.11 II "I I ,I" " '\(, \I"rt lJ n ~1 ,' " I !l:lh ill II ' 1,,1 ,:, 11 ' ;', 11 .·1'.' 1' 1 t pW ll 1,'!" id ;IY. :'II r ~ . JI "p' " I il('" \1 i-, I I,,"a ~I ill':; '1 1\, 11, raci ,' I 'a t ll)/\ \\ ' 1'" X" I i~ \'i " i(\) r~


Mr. Mulford has already baved Warren County over $400.00 in clerk hire,


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County Jluditott--Vote foft


hurne l






I"r:l lll< Callalwr. I,f \..,l1a l1 .II I, WIlS I I" i I II I' Iwn' T hursdHY. ,I" hn Ih v. I;p. of P a \lnn , WI\,1 ill : \.11', 11 a Ill t ll' \\' hi ll ' Tlil's day, , I ,.\ ,\ , \I " :-\ " il, (I f ('l'rdln'ill t', \\'as ! I' I in 11'\'.11 "ll Ilu " i ll \'~" :'I I IIn dal' ' II n, h\ :"'110,,1 a l :-: I l\1;:ry ', Su n · I dd.\ , , \ lIgll ~ t ~'lI1, a t !I :::II a . nl a





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A special price to all who subscrl~ fO,r tbe WEEKLY ENQUIRER to January 1st, 1915. Ask abo!!t It. /




Sixty-Fifth Year

----. -------- ----


Social Events


.-~--------- . l\1i!-l~ ElIllna 1J. 'ighw;\ ('n l e rlail w d at cl inlwr Wt'Jlw~ la y, Mr~ , ~: hull . Mou re, Mr!!_ ( ; . W lI :,wll l' and I'Ilr ~ K V, Barnhart.

M r . and M rH. S L Carl wrighl en te rtain ed u n Fridav Ml's. ,Iaul''l. 'tobt! rt~ , o f P ayto n Vi e "'. 1'I 1r" Jo · RI~ ph Hain t'''. M I 'I . Ilalll lall I-(uger!' an d K izz i . Me l r ill . friJIlY ('ve nin g Mr. and MrR. 1.1'(' lI e ndt!r>iun had all the ir gU t'!'L-I a t. SUP\.ll'I' , Mr . and Mrs . Cha.~ . Muo rto' an.1 dau g hte r, Mr!l . I{ . A . Cr(lss and M rll. M iranua Cran e . MrH. It G. Crulls very d el igh tfully E' ntcrtained Friday evening in hono r of h e r Ilu!'band's uirthdny . AI tilt' G o'clock dinner wert' Mr . and Mr>i Warren BarrJl~ tt, Mr. ann M r:-l F. C. Car e y and Mr, lind Mr:l. WHite r MeClure, M rp, G('orgt' H a wk e en l e rlainl'<1 mos t d e lr~htfully o n Thursciay in h ono r "f Mrs. J a uez Robe rts , of !l ilY ' lon , The other Ku es t!'! VI ho e nj oyed the pl eas ure o f this d ay were Mrs . J . W . I'd'ward:l, Mrs . Amanda Wril.(ht, M I':-I.::i L. CarLwrighl and M i ~'\ 1< i'l.'' Me rritt. L:l.~ 1 Sa turd ay aftl'rrwon al her hOlm- III L) til', Mrs ( :11<Irl",s <:..I,h"I·1 e ntt' rt ui l",d ill hUllnr of I".. r dauj,(h l('r Ali c c "~ ninth hirthday . rite aftel· nl/Iln WitS pll'lI ~a ntl y ~p"nl in pla~ il111 J.;un,l., IIUI ing' which limp ltelir iou s iee en 'lIltl an d cake wl:r~ served TItCJ;:~' lJrl',I(:' llt Wlere Mildn'cl alld MUI gar~L C lark. Llivern e 11l1d I{hea Ilyke , Alice. (: e bhart , CIl'O ~lacy , Es Liwr Th, lmJjsP lt, Mildrt·tJ t;ilh ~n!l, (;ral'e Ilur 'e). Emilia, ItaclH'1 ull(1 Ad a .¥t.C'k;,h.·p. , Lou is\:' Wuo ll ey , Ada 1l1 'llIl e!'""n , LlI l'iltJ ( ' Iark , (;oldi t' Bill tOil, Mi ·sc'" OPllllllld Mllry (;ray, Mr ~. LIe"'.t r I' l llrr ck alld Mn; . Ir win Hal dIl HUt .

Mi !\.'1 I\ izzi ,' t\l c, rt il l f' lI tt'r tainecl mlls l '· IIJII.I ::ll ,y ., n lu ~ 1 1;\ cJnt:tid ay ufternol)n, h onor i .. ),! li l'" "ue~t Mrs Jllb .. ", /{ob eT t~, (. f [Iliyt.nn View, Thllsl:' invit .. d W"I(' Mr" Asa Egbert, Miss l .. illi l! Nedry. Kall ~<lst:i l y. Mo .. M r:i . Chara-s Moor~ , Was hlnlllo n, O . C .. "'" rs /{i L'l lu rd /Juke. Lvti e , Mesciame", Lina Ih·v itl. Alic~ M c Kill ~ ey , Cynthia Evans, Anna O'Neall, Ha n , nah Rog e nJ, Aaron Chandler, G . W . lIuwk e . John It a wkt', J E. Janney , J H Colt'man, J _ W Edw ardll , J u I'l!\.lh IIl1 i ll e~, J L lI a rtsLlc k, Emrnor BiIll y . II L ( 'run£', W . II A 111:'11 , SlIlIIuC'1 lIinKit', (;\:'orf.(e Smilh, I' 0 . Cla~ e rt, FI'an k :.'... 11, Ella Michener L A , Zimmerman, Fred Hc nd en..,n, Wil llllll C:JVIoal'd!t, Ronald Hawke , He rt Hart.'tock, S L. Carlwrig-ht. M istles Georgie Hadden. Elizl.lbcl h Carroll, Eliz;.beth Ste wart, Trillie I!:dwardll. Marl{aret Edwards. Martha Burnett, ' Emma Cartwrhrht, Leah Smith ami Henrietta McKi'lsey Every minute o f the Tuesd ay to Saturday house party. g iven by Mrs W. H, Allen and MillS Olive McCol. Tum . the past week, was enjoyed by the girls who we re so fortunate as to be guests at the b eautiflll home on the hill. Aside from the e ve ry day plellilureil of Ihe hou ~c partv, whi(' h in this cas" includ ed among other things the uRual long evening-~ anci late llreakfast.s. with pleasant m otor rides through the b eautiful rOl rntr y surrounding Waynesville, WI !rl~ ~ev ­ enll social 1unctions On Wedne:,day lifte rnonn, two large Iivin):, r oomll as.'tum c li C' VClt

la rgt' r

pl'CJ PlJrti lJ n~ , wh e n, as if u 1' WARREN CULJNTY PI~IM AR I ES I URPllA~

Il\ a~ic, they wen' trans fo rJl wu into


Whole Number 3276

CO ,'\I ~ U! ,mAMI S



bpauLiful ball rou m fo r till' '/'h (' p rt"ma rr l';, yestel'l I :IY Wl'n' \t.' ry The lu rK'" J:"n'h, &rtis (' x('i til1 ~ , ('s pec ia ll y in till' He\ · t ically de('uratl,rl wilh JapullI'se la,,· . ~an palty . The vo:e al l "\' ( '1' th e t(' rr l", wall a very apprtlp rialC I·n· ('Oll t .v Will! v e ry s ~1.I II anu .1 t IH'rl' WI ' I'<' c" p t ion ruom fur "uc h all IIc(,tl.,<io n . :-levI:ral R UrJlrl ~e!! .1Il th e r aH ull'l I:U I-"t1l we r e Mi >isc" . WaVlle townH ~lIp Ca.'lt a small \'" le TIll' invited Emma Hawke , I\ulh Zimme r ma n, " ! all he r prec rn c ts . Her two call· Rul h 1I It rll<ucI<. Itu!!u m ond !Jak In, , III Ia l,'~ KOt a I1a/l(j su m e vllte l ,u l Kathe rin e Daili tl , Lilla 'el le r!! , COll,ld lI o t land in the co unty. Ka t hrina Sell e rs, Margu e rite :Morey, . , 1hl' IJ e m ucrat vole wa~ al so ~I",lil. .Kale M.cCu ll ~ 'r1 . .Ha'l.e l GU :ltin, !\>~r. l ltl' 1:111 1 MCII)"e had o,:!ly seV Oll 1·" t l~lI nfl'.1 ~1 > I~t. rMt lI ~rtsoMc~, Mr . a,1,d I'.' the lllW IlHh lP, n o ne til the ('\11'/, ,11'; " MI;; . Lh,l r II.'S '1I II e . I{ e:lSrH, JI{,lIneH I I I lIUIl . MrUul'l', i!.artll'~ t ,uger:l, :1 1'1 The tUlal:l a r e a~ fol luw s: Smi lh I' r'o lIa wke Lnlmllr B llrI('v ~). ' .1 Il . ( , ' W l I ' 'l ~tJ 'lynl\) nl ul " akvIN: , ,,'url"l,e' U c ,r, lUlu>l " Re pr esentatil' e Mary 1 0 mit:-; , W"f{ \1 l:. ~ I erre S'tUII;~!! ,,:nd I lean H owell . ' I IU rin~ Cla rk .. ....... ........ . . .... . .. .. .. .... I: !~() the eve mng the walt 'l. and two s lep i1l1 t1v e r ...... .. ... . . .. .. .... . .. .... .. ... ~,: 17 .1' d ' I f r 11 If h were u tllCar ec (J a an our, t ' I t ' tl t Clurk o f Co ur t~.., . l (! gUt!;, s e ll' ~ J urln j( W1 1Cl lin e L d t h ' L' II . t tl II Y ~ re ~ u ~.las I ;~ 0 lee U Bun e ...... .. ..... . .. . ... ... ... .. ...... ... 1r,:-::-: Wne Irgm~ . ee .. ' o r r1 r '~' K iIIJo n ,... _.. ... .. .. ..... .. .. .. . .... .. ... ,\;, X nwn ll!, p un t: , Ice eream ~n( ell t' ScrllgXy...... .. .. ....... .... 7:\:-: ~eregerveJ . Vlclrolamus l<:wascnJ('YAed during tthe e.ntllre l~venJMng' . I A uditor r . am pIcniC pa r y, inC U(!Il1{ M>l All en Mifl>lc'RO lil' Mc 'ollull1 MOllntR .. ... .. .............. ......... . II Tj r.. : ' . . _. . ..,. , ' M.arg~ertlc MlJrey, K ~ lh r m a ~ell e r;" Mulfnrd .. .. .. ... _.. . ......... .. 1::11:1 Lma ~t' ll e r~ . Ka~l' Mr ~uli llm, Mc>!Sr>i. ~tllymund d l/,at~, d ('I'~~r~e Watl'rC!lrnrni A~ i (fner ou~e nn '-' Will' ,If' ~ ~pc ~t a Bake r .. .. .... .. ..... .. .. .... ... ........ I III:! ~~JlPY a I~e r~ o~; ~~j Q C~:t ~ ~l~~~:~l (;raham .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... . . Il i\l e ~am otpt hre Ai le ~'c ) Cu lleltl! .. .... .. . ... . ... ..... .. . .. .. .. .. f ;I-\:~ t'v l', mng n orne. ,. t ;orw in .. ............ ...... .. .... ... . ... !HiCi f ~ () t~e aft~~~~7n p a rl y e l' rtr~;;; l~~t' Uecker .. ....... : .. ... . ... ... .. .. .. ...... ;,xo oW t~~ H' s k w,r th Z Tim r' Ha rvey .. .. .... .. ... .. .... . .. ..... ...... . ~ '~ I I lI."l's l{' I~~alla~· e · 1I 1{.!I.!l .. ... .. .. .... . .... .. ...... ........... . :-;1; 1 k k1I' 1{ ()~m{)t7' Oar' V, \1 ar ""\; Ititl g. ' .... .. .. .... ... .. .. .... '; 111 ,,l'INufl'll 'I,a It'rJlnle M 111.: Ill , (~lr1 .11l Watki ns .... .. ... .. .. .. . . ........... ~ q :\ 1 ~ I " ;~ . - t" ,HI (,! (' ,m s"y, ' ... ~ t! nl: K e ll~,. I',d l~ a ~'.l'.' L~'~ h Tre asurer ::.m lth ,. lI a~e l ( ,uHtm, I\al~r lll " S~ I · I~rst Llna,:ie llf:'rs , Marh u ~ r~te Mort!)'. Fo rg y .. ..... .. . ... .. . .. . .... .. ... . .. ... .. . [,;-I~ (, a t e MCCul lum , Ethd Crrsenuerry, Ir l) n ~ ...... .. ...... .. .. .. .. . " . ~(:H M('~d am es 'tuna ld, Hawk e, I~l' rt Mill e r .. _...... -........ ... .. .. . 13 74 H af'l~o ~ k , WIlson ~dward !l and ". r ed Hartlloc !> . As t he f.(u.e::l lS arrrvad Reco nl f' r e ac h was present co wll h an en t r y t' I t f 1I "H It G I C I t " Bunnell .. .... .. .... ...... .. .. .... . ;,;!! I I' ([! or 1e e e ~ Ir lin es , (. kl A gTt'a t d eal of m l:! rnm l·n t. was pro ,(}II' til .. .. .. ... . .... ... . ..... . ..... .... . 'f;o:1 I d L t I ci I I 1 t (; a lllllwr .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. ... ... .... ..... 7 1S V me n. a a n Jl1y~l ca e~ s _ II ' lb r onk .. ! uce


!I:' :~I:~-


0-----___ --• IPersonar Mention:

n :\ . L " ll ).: lt1a II o f Th ~' t ' hildr .' n '~ I 11 1I t1l e L1f ( ' in('ifHlati , will "rr'in'in 11\ J( II 1" 1 ~· I 't-----------· WaYll esl' illl' al :: o ',lock Saturday 1 {1.~t'r _ r\?' J I f , a I. '1'11111111, i\ lI ).! Il~1 ~~ d , wit h a eU 'lt. \ r ll"II . II J I , 1 I . A. B. S i dp~ i'l very poorly, but is ~ I t\ r ", l l. III .. pall Y "f " rphan , h ildl ,.,tI til he plal'ed hllrlil:'f , t ' , ~ J abl e tu be o ul. " rn g'llod liI' llI e" Th e pu r ly wi ll g''' \ rdII h ..' lL t-lI l1 . I't _ ~\ · h('r , It . o dIrec tl y II) l hl· l-'ri ell d:;Church wh e re JlI. t)~ Mrs . E. V, Barnhart WQlI a Dayton o r . :U, . p . 1 visilor Tu esday . lirl' ch rl dre ll rna\' ue "ee n a lld Wh l' I'(' T h ('J I~a _ rr , ._ l' il,Ll' rL'Hl ed I'e'Jp(e may talk w ith 1\ 1r , 1. 111111" ', :tt l _ L" tI).!tll <l ll Rh., u t lire child r e n . Ap. MisR Marie Hall vi 31 ted friends in .\ !I .. 11 '.! I II III Xenia la'lt wef'k. tJlic'atilill" w illlJl' tak e fl fur c hildren )111\1' " rall).! i ll ~' ill a }.('. , i' ruln Ihe \'ery YOllng' ,Ill I~ II I'll Mi,..s 1,<'ah Smith i!:l spendin g afew 1'llf'III' I III III II I I . .. .. !' \" 111 '" l'IlUll ).!,) (, lI a". _ , " h d aYH in Ci llf' inn a ti. 111,1 1' a li l ll.. . n, '1' 11 " '-11 I . u .. ,! .... . ( I I : . Ie e ll ( l e ft '" I )l 11 1'1':01 .. II . u 2 .," " I' aCl" (Ill t rtal In nrd(' r til Illal, ,, '; Urt' I:","". ~(, . . I Herbert Warwick, o f Columbu s, I I Lilal the rhildn ' n w ill ,,~ happ y and Ie 1,,,,.,,, ... ,'1. ". . , ., Hl'o" II. I t . U W3.'i in l uwn Saturd ay . I :, I ~~.~n~l,l~'~I~e('t'ld 11ll' rv: ter P·H~lIt.S :~ I,'.;.'::;.r.~' I Buy you r F e rtili zer of Ch as, Frye, !VI I . ., II . Jlu rl,," . 1'1 . II (I r . ,lIn~llla n wrl l l'l 'm :ul1 In \\ ay· 11,,"11:"" .. who hanule:l M il son' s the bes t. ' 11 . I I I II n e:iV I e IlV('II r :-'UII \ a .v Ia ln 1C . WII .'\ -, I It I 'II' T .. lIds III II 11 f.( a, II ,'a at allY 1111111' I'll leI' III Mr ~ . A . B, Sides arrived home III w n or l'(luntry whl'rl' p eop ll' \l'o uld I ~ J • ~ ,; 7 " 9f o r Chicago ThurRday e vening. li k.., tu ta lk \\itu hilrl alliluL ta l i ll ~a \;,,'~I,,.I,~,. . .. ~I ~ ,Ii ; --= I ~ child . II,! wi ~ l ws 10 I; dk p ' il·ut.! ly l3o rn --T o Mr. and MrR. John wil li I" ·" p l,· "n.l Ilflll' a ,1,'linit ., II nd l' r ~ llIlt ding' \1'1111 thl 'll l. II, ' \\·ill The Dodds team, who won the ' St rawn, of Fairhaven, Ohio, a son. ,I , ,. . ' .. , . 'I I ' ·h · I I il ll 'h ip f W C t w. ( ,'Ill ' <ill ) 1l 1,II .. t I011 1I1 '·<I a .allY • oJtI, I ' 0 arrcn uun y Mes~rs. F. 8. He ndersonandJ.C. hUl ne an\'\\'I1, 'r". frllm Il l(' 1\ l n~ s Mill !'l l eam at Uti' reo Hi sey were in Leb anon Thursday. If yuu' wi sh t .. "lllI'I'lai n a !.hild (·(·nl IIIi of .Jlrl y c cl pilrnti oll, werE' ll\ l' l' :-iulIt!;rI' , ,',, " \(, t .. LIII' L"l lur('h on tl H' ).!UI'~ t S and a lso t h (' vi cli rn s of Lillie Floy d Yeazell, of south of :);rt ll qJ"y a h, ·t'lI '"llll alld "II' ' I' I" d" .1I 1r M i anti ~ at J.llr U:4 t Park . lasl lowll . ill very ill with spinal m e nins" . ("!llll' :r1l1'1II 'II' a ll.! g il'" t h,. lil LI /' :-;lI lltlay aft e rn oon For s om' r ea- "i tis . II rh'~ a 1', ,yal il·E-' kom('. ~'.'n wltic'h t h l' w ri te r knowe th Illlt, Mi :;3 lto wena Wright, of Red Lion. MI'. Lllllg'lll:lII wi ll d l'livl' r a le,·tu n ' \ a nc'(' I)('c:k l'r. m anag-e r and s tar at a unl ll ll ~ er\'i('L' a l the 1:I' i, nd ~' ,;(,ut h \l aw for thp. vis itors . f ailed t o is the guesl of Mr, and Mrs. E. V. l :IIl II'l'11 .-;llllda.\· llil~hl. li p h:1'; 1II'I'n nlal", Iris appC'a l'anc e , t hus putting Barnhart. p r ,"l1itl l' llt in I'hi ld w,'lfar, · \\, .. rk ill hi!' I('a m· nlal,'s in a r ather hilll h ole . E lli ott Wri g ht who ha.'1 been very ()I ,i" f" f' mll re than lift"PI I \ , .: \I'~. T!w IJ"dd !l !toys w e r e !ra m e , howH(· is I\'C' II 'li lalili,'d 11I,lh I;v " x· ' ·.. ·' ·r, :tll d d id quit e w e li w h en thei r s ick with hlalarial fever. is rapidly r ecove ring, ~ IH'l it'Il"!' :llld Ir:,illil lg' til HIli '"I, \\'ilil l halldi cap is ('''"s id ,· r ed. allth llrJlY Ull lill" Hu!tj.on. '1' 1,, · lirsL ~ ix inning'S of till- gamt' Havolene Auto Soap, best to wash \ W"rI' r at hp l' lis ti e>\.... nnd .unirlle res t I~ U RAL \\'U .FA R E LEAUUE 111 1-:' .1 11 11 In the seventh things began harness. WayneR ville Auto and MaI til happ,lIl. \\Iith th e scor e H to 1 in chinery Co, T lrf.' I{ural \V ., lfar c League II f th .. ir favllr. the Miamis fell victims Steve Phillips . of Washington, C, Mas~ i l' T p Il ll't in r L'gular >'I.'~si" n to Ilwi r wo rst en('my , OVER· CONFI· :-;Ilturd:r y "\'v lli ng' , Au g: u ~ l :-:1 11, a t " E:-;l ' ~; , a lld the fan s uegan t o have H .. iR the guest of ' his aister, Miss W "l lm all ;;,. 1, 11111 h' HI " I~ , wilh a s pl['n . vi si .,"~ II f anot he r Ha vana l{ibuon Ann Phillips. alrair Tb e visitors iic,)re d five runs did a tlt'ndalt ce. gnod p r og- r am an d ' There w e r e quitA a number of ~ ll il'nd cd 3(1,; al tin \(-'. ScllI'rl ll lcd hut Harn"rd &. Co tighte n ed up in I linl l' t" :I\'e rt tlrl' threat e n 'd d e feat. Waynesvillians in Xenia Thursday ahe a , i:: " ( ;el A"'l' la in kd Da y " fllr our incomi ng- Il istr i '1. Sup t. I' rnf. \l l\dd ~ Ihreate ned al,!'ain in lhe ninth, attending the fair. Whc:n the pO lnt~ we re CtJ~ntetI lJv .. .... .... .. ...... .. !l7-1 (:illn ou r. a rnan trun) l ), S . . t tl l Ull w, lre ~toPJlec.l a fter they had Mrs . Sarah Rich, of Wellman, is the JU Oi{eR , Mr'i J. W, Whltl!, Mr,;. !-;ur veyor v,-iVL' rerlili z~ talk and d elllli nslra ll' ';C 'If'l,,J 11\'11 run~ . U L. ~ral1,e. Mi H~ ~mma H ~ i g h way hOIll l' mi x ing. a n d o ur Outduor !'I ay Th e fl'alllrl's o f t h e game were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. · ano MI~ Clara I.lle, whu assl ~te( 1 t~l' Bo wl' r ... ... ..... .. ".... ...... ... .... . . (iljf) which l a~l llalned t'\'ent wi ll OtC llr Barn a rd 's lifteen slrike·outs, W ea- Gray, of we!lt of town. 11 0.3t e!l.'l. ~1. W~;j l o ull d .thut ~IS.~ Mill~r .. .... .......... . .. .... ... ...... ... l :)(IR t\ug'u s t ~!I. Our 11 xl r ei! ular n1<:"1. V(, I" l; Hp le n cl id hittin g- and baseMrs. Jas . Vandervoort and 9On, Marlha. O Npad had Wlill h;s t pri ze . will b e Au g llsl z:! when we L'Xf}I!('t runnillg-, and a pe rfect throw t o Robert, of Route 2, have been visit- . and M t,s Rosaml)nd UBkln sec(lnd ProHet.:uting Attorney s" ('u IHI Burnett , iog relatives in Lebanon. pri ze l{ef rt!" hIl1l' 11t ~ w" r,' ~e rved e ve rybod y int erestcd t u Lc thcn' III twu cllurst's. Fnd ay £'Y(' nill j!.' all AndC'r91l1l .. .. ............... .. ...... ... 1071 A g uod Lirne pro llli ~ ,d . Old Man Crump Says: Mr, J, B. Pence, Miss Henrietta th p h"II,;1' party !!u..,::lt::;, (''x('c p L MisR Stanley... ... .. ....... ...... .. IfiHJ C')ra A . Th umpso n, McKinsey and Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Kate MtCllllum, u c parted fill' t he ir (' lJireclllr. homes . . K. M ,o ronc~ • - • _. - Th e crowd was the largest that Crane were at Chautauqua;Saturday. CHr\LJTI\LJQUA CLOS ED MO NDAY ha<; ::lP('1l a ny of the r ecent g ame!!. UII: [) 1.j ~AR ~ -O; ~~~SE Dilatush .. .. ..... .. .. .... ..... .... ... ... 1350 ---j Thi >i ill th e geconrl lime the MiMr. and Mrs. B, Bentlev spent Th ompson ..... . .. ....... ..... . ........ . ]020 Th e a nnual session of th e Miami , ami!; ha ve m e.t and d e f e>.l t ed the a couple of days at the Xenia fair .. - -.. Valley Cha utau q ua came to a ('lo~e lJood s l ealTI thiS yea r. and visited with relatives while there. Itu hl·rt. Wi lliams on , di ed I at her THE BUDGET CUMMISSION It;l-'lt M OI~day: :rhis fayo rite . imHitu -1 I-la rn a rrl has wo n s ix ~ames and sudrll'ldy ~t hi~ h om'~ in CenterVille Mr. and Mrs. W, H . Allen and the ~ I o n al{alll vtnlllc~a~('d Its claim ll!at lost n()ne s o far thi !! se ason . He has last Su nday "f heart di sea'le . Mr t'or probably the firs t time in th e I ~ ~.lfrenl a V:leatlo'1 wM th whIl e,' neve r ret he(' n defeated while pi tch- Misses Olive and Kate McCollum atWi ll ia rn,;ull W ..L'" w<!I1 knllwn Iw l'c , a.'l nistory of Wayne Township the tended the Collett-McKay picnic 1 hI S AH~l'l1lbly W:t" l'lIe o f t h e hl'"t in t! fllr the Miamis. he w \ ~ all aCLive m elll Lwr o f lhe Saturday. Counry Uudge t Commission held a cn'r pnj ll)'ed . A .·pirit of C'nlhu sia l"nl l ; l'a n):'L' "i ~ d eath (':lllI(! a~ a shock ~eS!:l ion in Waynesville on Thursday prf!vai ll'd th rulJ!! huu t tilt-' wh "l o _Illrm pH s thl'llW to . sec~n d t o til hi ,.. matly fri en d R here and elsl" Mr . and Mrs. Geo. Mills and Mr. e vening of last week . Their object t im e. Al rea dy plans a r e o n f .. ,,1 ll) ('a t ch Archd eacon stealing In th e wh er~' . TIlt' f[1Il l' ral look place at and Mrs, Chas, Sherwood were at mak(' n px ' ,v1'll r' s A!!Ht'lIlbl y 11i!!!!" I', fOIlI'lh wa); II!:! p n' tty II throw a't we was to give the citizens a c hance t.o hi" late h l1 rn e in Cent ervill l' TlIe!'ld a I' h a~e eve r seen, The ball traveled the Miami Valley Chautauqua Saturknow what the taxing bodie.'1 of the g ran d er , and bl'Lte r th an e v ' r , _ _ _ __ • _ _ _ SWIft and true as a bullet and day afternoon . . aft e l'n .. on at ~::l(). township~ had asked for and to ex- ---_ . .,. - -phlin any questions .which mi:g ht SUNOA Y SCHOOL CONFERENCE reach ~d second in pl!rfect position Mrs. Rolla Phillips and daughter. for It ld!;e to mak e the put· out. arise. FELL THlWlI(lH PORCH of Dayton. were guests of Mr. and Hut two persons were present . To W eaver made a r ecord of two Dr. E. W . Th, )rnto n, ~unday them the auditor (one of the co m- S choo l Editor \)f Stan d a r rl l'ublis hinl<r d o ubl es , a single, a pns.'1, two stolen Mrs, W, C. Phillips and other relaChus Gray. while working on a tives here last week. mittee) explained the tax duplicate Co .. Cincinnali, Ohio . will be bases and three runs in five trips to porch ut his residolll'e wes t of town, for the board of education WM $i. · Be.'1ide these . he was th e main sppuk e r at t h e Sunday the plate, Miss Alicia Kellv, en route to her Tue~rlay, ~tepl>edon a board and f ~ 11. 778 ,240, (the increase of rail road v alA nail to r ~ lhe ~kin on the ri g ht leg uatiun not included.) The boa rd Schoo l ConferencIJ at Lebanon, Sat· strictly in the game at all times and home in Cincinnati. from a visit in his enthusia.,m had a good effect on the East. stopped off Wedneaday tor about four inches. causing u bad had asked for less money and their urday , All~URt ~~d, front :1 p . m . to 9 p. 111 . H e i ~ Oil!' of th!' hest s peak- his team-mates . S ome ball-player, a short visit with Miss Leah Smith. wound, levy was decreased from aX; mill!! to e rs in the S u nd ay S~ h oo l work . He that boy. ----.-~ --~ a mills. s UJ'e tn he ar him . Messrs. John M. Mulford. Howard SPECIAL ME ~TING a E. S, The levy of the corporation of RIDGEVILLE HOME-CaMINO Ivins, W. Z. Roll and Chas, WagWaynes ville remains about the Main e . goner, of the Warren County Budget Ml:'rnhers of Easte rn Star Lodge The new tax rate will be betw,een t1AVE CHANGED T1iEI~ DATE I';ve rybody interellted in the Ridge- Commi!lSion, of Lebanon, were in wi ll take lIotice uf a spe cial meeting five ' le nths and eight tenths of a mill --vill e . H ome-Coming is cordially in- town Thursday evening, to be 111'11\ Monday e vening, August lower than last year. (Gov. Cox TIll' Wilrrl'll Cll unf y P OIIH,nc.l vited til attend Saturday. August L7th_ The meetit.g : is eallecl on ac ought to smile). r;ra nge wi ll me l'( at Hlltl c rvill c on I fl th, 'There will be good speaking. Messrs, Frank Sherwood. Mahlon co unt of initiation . 'I'll(' Budge t Cammissior. expressed \ Saturday •. A ug'u;;t ~~. the fn,urth Prof. W. H. Venable, who. by his l{idge and Asa Chandler were taken .. - .. an opinion that the t uxin g board ll :-iaturrla.v III;;t ea d of Ii fl h .. UH haR excellentlite ra.ry tal ent. has made to Blanchester Tuesday by Frank I um st.ill r l:' l'r{,Hcnting the Anti,)('h Iliad ac t e!l wilh a grea~ .deal of diH· I Ils uall y I I(· t~1l the I·U !<~~~ltt . l{clt1e rn- tha t place famoufl. will be one of the Elbon to attend a reunion of the 79th Nursery , anti will b!' g lad to get the le r etlOn a:rd that. the clttzens :,urely I,e r the dall', ,\U ),( ll s l -~ prin('ipal ~peak ers Then the short Ohio Regt. The old boys had a good trad e of thi., I<lI'a lity. I. N. Miller' j' Hh l)W the ll' cOllfidence uy haVing- nn I - .. - . -. -- talk" f"om form e r reEidents will he time, and there was quite a goodly Har\'t' y~hllr~ . t)hio. co rnplaint~ to Hie. i-'nIJ.:'(' rlhl1 f \1 r I·hl' i\1i.lllri 0 ;( "'0 1(.9 very in tcrcsting, attendance,

I'vl' nill ~





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Splendors of the Panama-Pacific International i:xposition Forecasted In Marvels of Art and Architecture t

Copyright. 1914. by Pa.nlUlla- Po.clllc International ExposItion Co,


Tb" pbotopaph wu lak. . ID Jla7.

H. S, Crocker Co., efflclal photographers.




ANORA~fA . or ahout on. e-fourth or the PaDAma-Paclflc InternattoDIII . Esposltlon, sllowlnlt nl.n e of the great exhibit lIulnl.'c:-l . l~ tilc'I nre now withIn 5 per eent of belDc complete. laeklDr onJ)" the towen, .rebel all4 f.t1ftl eoart& Eacb these palnces covel'!4 from liTe to nlDe acres. Tbe BettiDg In a aeries of subtropIcal rardeDS. extendi ng tor two an(I one-bait miles along tbe San FraBc!lIIco tr.ont adjacent to tho GoIdeD GAte, .. tile IDCIC bla1lUt1ll lind IDllplrlng ever gi'ven 80 exposItion. -The vacant apace In U;le' center will contain tale w,onderful ten acre Court -o r tlte O nlvel'158, dominated by the ~lntlll.t1D« Tower at ltw... 4S5 teet IIlcb- ~ _die, rfcIat. ... ;....... tile pJ.cture. Ie the c:oll~81oll.areLl, ~med: ';IIll C&lDln.o " .(The ~hw.,), wb1,I~ ~ the let~ ou~ tile picture, are forelg~ aud state bulldlnp, lin atoclt pullloDa, race tra~ mlI1taI7 ucl ~YiatJaa leks. ... ~ .. ~.... ~ ,






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!' '' I''' r [o:li; ;11 .01 l' in ll" ,1 to th e I<" w l o t h is "O;l t .

Hands of Surgeon, Before Perlormlng Operations, Are Washed In Moat which any farmer could well be proud of. bou ae and w e nt t o the w fl ll n ear by . Record of New Race. Thorough Manner. An luverted g oble t d C'co r a t e d th e I th py 0"') :I;t lf d" ol'n'" l it e li llI', si "" ", obsl'r\'ill ~ PE! fSUIl S hn l' e ll Ol icl'd tbal Alt lwu ri h fOllr J\n1l!l'iCall 8 h a r e wOrt l pump pos t. S b e drew It full o r wal e r with a h eal thy farm girl'~ will, drain e d ' Mo ~ t )Je oplo attTlbute tb e Imm e nse- the so ure t'. o r Ih (' i r lar:,: .. yie ld Illa y h" "fl .. r a ood ,' o ntaln l n ~ U ti nHtll 1l1ll0UllI P~e EpRom d p rby , only on o A I1J p. rlcan · I It and rilturn ed to tho hu n se. Iy d ec re a se d ral e o f lIIortallty in CUBes traf' e d t o th e d o\' CI' whki> IJI'c c cd " d o f dOI' l'r wOllld ~H' lI1 to a"'c o un t tor. brC'd h o I'S!' ha s " v!!r c aptu,..'d It- Iro· · Th e s ig bt or t b e e l<;ur. s parkltng o f s e \' e l' e s ur g ica l o l.e mt io n B to tb e t!J e n' 111 , h e rota tio ll a n d whi c h I~ , At th e CorB e il SXI)(~ !' llIl e nt Stati on Quoi ~ . o w n cd h y th e latH Pi e rr e Lor· p l ot ~ of pure till lMII }, a ll ,l t iltlothy and 1lI1tru, III 1881. Tlt n classic wa n won wat e r agg rllvn.ted thl! t hir s t of th e in c r ea s e d ~kill or tllll profes s ion, to nrlt' !' all. th e m OJl (>j" ·prOdl! cill lr. c rall . Thoul\h tl,., Importa nt pcs i tl o ll wh kh (: Io\' e lr togP Lh ... r ", p r e gro wn s ifl ,} by this y ear hy H e r man H, Durye n, an weary wayta r p r, H A uo ldl y '!ll t e n 'd I 1l .' lr g n' ~ tl y i mpro\'cd in s trum e nts, the yard and took h u if u d 0 7. ol1 (:001 ond th e more s kilful nurs ing which is clov e r o C (' upi ('~ III Ih e fa rlll ing bu s i- I s id l' It was fo und tltat timo thy slraws AlIl c ri call . wlI o r a cf'd th o Fre llc h ·bred I,rilll a r il y to t l", fac t that I and h(,ad s pkk ed OUI or th e mix'~cl hay horse, Durba r II. Th o K 011tllckl' refres hing dra fts, Th e ro II ali a o bt ai li e d in th e s e days . But the s ur· ness IS ru s ti c b e ll c h n e ar nt h a ud . li e Hat g p. on h im self \\'ould n'lI yuu Ihat it growin g it ill"rt'a Hc. ttli-' .l'i,' !cl o f oth c r I cnlltaJIJ e Ll Illore nitrogen Ih il ll s t P lllS joc k py. "l acGpf<, rod e the winn e r . Th e down to r ., Bt, appre<:lat l ng th o hnl'c ll is ILi m o s t all a Illalter of nh s ulut6 r.rol'~ ; Ill' \' " rlheI IlRs , ,' 10\',1'1' hold fl lhl ~ tal«' l1 from tit " \lllre timoth y Itay. Th is la t e \vlIll a llJ C . Whit ney WOll tlHl gre at of p e a c e abo ut him . Th e u h iu gl!LU CO I c l pa llllll e 5 ~ , the fact tll at nothing I~ " oM llI OII ",::. ' It '('unIl L o f t h l' ~ p(:onda ry dlff e nmc<.' :JllIolIJll pd t o 21.3 po und s 01 Engllsh turf cl ~ sslc with VOIOOyo\'ti~11 "Pry "oIlHld l' raLl e . 1 g en, ur 1:1:1 poun(\ ~ of j) ~ote ln, pel III 1~1I1 , Mr . \\ Illtn e y had I fl a~p 'l the tell upon t.he piled up hea p o f ri c h I" ft unll o lle to in s ure ab solut fret> b" ,~ e tll s, \\'1I 11 '11 COOkHY set to coolon til e window s ill. d Olll fr o m Infe <'llo n of any Idnd . Thi s' Thi S tiP " on d p; r o up o f IJ PIl.· rlS wbi c h ' lOll. Appa r .. ntl)' . th(lll , Ihe g r ea '.for re I' racing r.e rvlc E'R o r the horse . In lfl'07 "Wi s h I Wa R a bo y aga in, " lll11r- i fR c t Is e ml)ha s lz e <l by the extraonli· r Co \l!t fro", th f' grow i ng o f cluv e r hM tillty pres e nl aftpr mix e d lllt.!adowB Richard C'rol( l' r won th e d e rll y with mure d Ned. " It mak e s m e think of ' nary h a url , wllHh in g l' e gulutiollS whlct to ,10 w i th I t~ r e lat.i on 10 t illl OthY ' 1 wh e re th e :l.lllonn1 of clo" or is s lJIall, Orby. hreo In Ire land . • Sir Martin , an tb e oid ha p py d a y", " and tll e u h o , are In Corc ., at the \'!.rlous ho& T lmolhy J:ny and O;llK h:lI' (, long b"" 11 th a n aYl e r timo thy . Is due t.o lUI In. Amerl can · b -!'.I horse, owned hr Mr. arosl' qui ckly from his c an'l euR IItt!. ~ p ital s . Ev e r y bo d y who I~ !l"e n reo COII ,; iI1,'r .. d the one ~ tapl e r.. ('d fur I crpas e<l amollllt or nitrog en In t1H' tim. Walt.:r WinanH, "as winning th e greal tud", o f ,..' vo se. E IIIH'I' th o young m OI,' ly c onuecte d with IiU a p pro a ch · h () r ~e ~ . Th e.\' han" b pe n . cO:IHld e red o l hy rOQI » oml ~ tnhble , 8 ,; we ll aM that ev e nt a few y ears ago Wh e n he fell f'ss "l1l1 a l dur ing wurm In tit., clo ve r . Th e se rncl s (' OnBtituto lit t he famou s T ott ollham comer, and Ia.dy was lo ut'l)' or s h o hnd IJot"d hi s ' iIJS operation Is BU PI.osed to fl pe nd es p('e lu ily wpath e r . \ l nrOrl lu:aIP !Y, tlw y a r A c on · a iltrOIl!; llr~urn e nt for In<:iudinr: 80 m" with him fell th '" hOP(!8 of A m e rica ard ent glanc e at th e dou~hl\UI S. l:lh u ~o mlnutl' s In t h e all ·lmportant<> sld e rNI Itl !{ile r prt eNI tlt Hn c lo \' e r I\nd c lov e r in all meadow Be din gs. Es pe. fo r that year. c a lll u tripping t ow ard s h i m, a lJlatc In eSB o r was hing h is Ilauds. --------h e r haud \\' e lt load e d wltb til e pr"du c t F or O" e mlnu tps th o surgeon com, :. rou g- Ita g l! a nu I; r "ln fl' e cl'l e nll .I' Cl lLlly in thl B prac t ice arlvl~llhl e In suhs titul .. ,l. Th c l"' IJ ·.I' ''·>l r :1\,prag f' 1 \' Iew of the pr e vlously·s t a t ed vltlue a' Ticklish Bridge Work. of iler labo r . \\'a :; 11(' 8 Il ls hanrl s with tionlJ a n d WII' Til e m os t. Intc r e stlng' and dallP;e\'oll~ ' "I thou g llt ma yb e yo u wouid ue t f'r. a nd tbeu c1 CIlU~ bin flll ger ·IIaiIK. prI Ce o f oal R I ~ abollt. "lIl' ·half (, Cll l mixpd hllY for fee d .- C. S . \\' h ee le r oblig iug e nough to tcst lilY unit ul- : \I' h"1\ he h as d Oll e thi ~ h e 8vend3 1Il0 rl' . pl' r po und Ih a n (·Orll. Timoth Y ,' Coll e g e of A g ri c ulture, Ohio Ht a lf' lJn~ looking stage in the con s truction or r. C()U I:UIlS a h igh p er (' e ll t or prot e in, l' er ~ Hy , E llRlJen ~l on briclge Is Iho building 01 t e m l)t at dou g hnuts." oh" " a id (jua ln t- ' a no l ll" r lil' !l mluut L!s t1oinl~ It all ov e r ~~- ~- ;. .~= "--= th e 11001'. In ti,ls work the buiJden 1y. a;';:lI!t. Hilt th i!; is but a I,reparation ope n hole o\'er willl ... r a lld r e plant th' have lIothiJlg t o r e s t th e ir work on I "I U/JI hun g r y eno ugh ," ".UI ll itt l,t1 fo r a th ird aud fa r mo ro dra s tic IlU' n ext ye ar IH 1L Slife pr:l('l lc t' .-A . D I a nd mu s t. build o ut e ach wu y from th e K e d, in lo\' o with th a t bunny facu IUli "", fo r thi ~ liUl e be "'li s t w as h l:l ' luy, Ohio i';xr, cr lm e nt St l1t lo11. t ow erH, s e curin g the fioor, pil'ce b y tw tc e a s mu c h lUI b f' fo n ,. IIi s h<lIld ~ In ale-o h u!. N ul , ' uut. ~ " , witb ./ p ie ce. to Ih e h ea vy stce l b a rs 1111 5' l:l 1Je s tood " "ar b,v an It " d" " Ollr" d liti s c l e a n ~ ln g p r UCCHH, I II~ 'IIIu s l n o w C01'Jtaglous Disease That MUllt Be Gotten Rid of Qu ickly. th e tirHt of h .' r kiudl y o IT e r ill gH w ith )J il t Ill S bund 5 Ihrou g h a IJr ot: (,ti ~ 01 ,~,t./' p <?I Hi ('d fr o m th e m a in cabl p.s far abo\'" ,- .. ' ", ~ , Th e worll IR d on I-) \\,ith tl e rri c li s thaI 1\ Lrl g ht s atl . tl " cJ 81lt1l e . " " , rlli zu ll u n II)' soa k ing th e m fo r at "\-\" '11 . what is th e I'" rdi c t ," "h o ' !<' a s t fJv e IIllllUl e~ ill a was h of c o rI'o..,....-ar u CII ll iJl r e<l \\'Ith booms 10111:; e no llgb ' f' p.u(·h Yl' l lo \\' 1-\ i:-i c.l :;P J'i o u s ( : O ll t ; q:~J O U tl d.ll. Il I' llg" d w ith t e a slll g ,.' \' <.: ~ . I Hi I''' ~ lIltlill I Ufl' . fly that lilll e h o maY jl . ~a ~ , ' o f t he pc :, .. II in ili o n sec li o ll ' to r ea c h out al",ud c : th e I1niall E' d - , ,. . ga llan l ly. , c Omlil e U('" h iH duli eH. \\ hi c h Inl'"n II r~ o r O lli o O ll ly i ll (' pJl.t lIi Jl S(l :l ~ OIl~ (n uy " Mo re ' " l! lI s \\' o> r pd / ~l ~ l't rll r tl ll '(j 111,,1 hold th e glrd pr u ~tJ8· " T h ls llI us t 0 .. t h e orl g in ~ 1 la nd o r ! o r d e:J! h to Hl ' fl ll ' pall (' nt, with th e >' Ilt' j 1\ 1' li n d )'l' ll o w iti h ... >101' a .; " m ar k ,",( ':'Ie ''-~ ~ 11." "pC' IHlerl \I hll o t h " y are b e.i ng riv ;,l.,'d Ir. ; II? ll k an d h Oll t' y ." i" fa ' l nry f ce lill g Ih a t h e hU 8 dUllG 6Y lll pio ln of "ffe c Il' d l:· p, , ~ . Th e trll e ~ Ilk·, c e . As each fiP(' tlon of tll o l1 uor i ~ '" wa ll fl u5 t(, J'ed, I I"ar"o\ I IlI I.:ht Il i~ t o u l'jl ru:lc h bl ~ Ul!; k wltb (; y ~ np to lll ~ o f .\"(·)l o v: f:j al ' p : _ ~ .' COIllf1l c l c u , th o d errlcl(s nr e m o v('c h av e ~poi l , ' d Ih 'IIl, " E;" I\ Dod g o I cl eall hand s . I t.. , RlJ (~n d and th e c Oll s tru c tl on of til e unxl l' I. l ' re llt a tr : I"" J'ip ,'n i ll l,: o f til " (ru it .'1 I Wi t h J} Blg b u f r" li e f. s e ctio n is h~ g l1 !l. ·~lt i l'! l is Illg lliy ,'ulo r,"d . of tr' n pll rp li 'h " Th ,!y wi ll uu 6 J)ll \l c d Ilu ic il c no ugh , Family Secre ts . ~PO Il . , (1. nll ll h as 1111' t!l's h mar l.ltJd j --it )O U u r e >IS li u l! l'a l w i: h n lh ... ..,; '''; ill Y, ~ A II IH n wi t h lUI 1l 1l l':l UIl\' !Jlullia. tor Wi l h r pd . 'i'iJ I Earning Her Li~lng, ,;t' lr," h e rt '~ ;J(J lld ' d alld t h pll :'l i ~8 .1 ' I I;I~ l i ll g wi t h lI "0 ures IJr od u(, Pd I)I'- n "~ I'1 ~ . Th e pr ,' m il l llro~ i,"To w t il of \\'i nll!r k e pt n pnv:'lt.o s cltool l DO . dl g c Jl OId 0 f a I l rO~ .1J c I I','., ba rn da ll t: 1J , all d pa p e r a nd r"oll1 m a nd('cl a f ri e nd t(J l) lH i l-i . n! ~ u l t i i1 g' it! f X (" 1"!s i Yll lJran (' hln ~ fiJ _ Hnd on o m orn in g wa s Int(,1'.-I (' \\ In g a WIt I I.' a ,· r '!IllIJ HII I. Jl1" n IB ot' d o ug b· " p UI d U\\'1l th e nlll ll tll'r or .v O ;.t ~ !i\'log on IJ{-W ~hoot L a lld t I )I~ (h' Ve: fllJ n l'~ l1t lI e w JI ll p il. Il U I_~ , CI d r a ll d CI11('1;"11 s a nd\\'i C h f.'~" 1 Lro th ...,·,'. M u ltipl y b y IWO. Add t hree. o r I; le ll d or , w i ry ·hl·a ll e ' ('u t\': i/;" , " \Vhat doc s YOl: r fath e r d o to ea r n I S h " pout ... d auon a:-; "h " 10o k .. t1 a t Ihe ).l u l t.i pl y t h e r e s ul t b" fi ve . Add the J :L H pG tl n g J:, \III ~ Jl re form e d ("I trull k hi !) li vin g ?" t h o t ea ch e r a !led o f th e BUll nn d t ol d of IlOW h ~ r b ro t h " r A In " !lumber o f \l Yin g fl s tp rs . !l'I ultl p l.Y by o ur! L r all (" lw~ ; tl "' 3 ~ ~ r o \\; ~ u t o '1 lcld y Jltt! gi rl. 1\ II OUId Ila"" r ellOf ,' d t ..... o ho urs ag un e I e n . Add t Ill) lIumu e r or d e nd brot!l' fih oo t s . w jth )) al(I , n fi r r ~ \\"1..; ~l l ·~ n. \" es, "Ple a s o,' ma'a m," w as Lh <:' pro m p t reI I I 11 b ' to Ie p t r III lip l€l urn . (' r s and !! i~t(> rs , Su btrac t 150 from pl y, "lI D doe s n't live wllh us . 1I1y "Su ppose I try t o p' rn t h e m o~ t I h <' r e s ult ." It wa s do ne. an d u suall y b ecomi ng 'llotciJ ·;)!'.' ltciJ ed . Th A :; O Ul' C I~ S o f d is cltlle a re t1i !r m a Ul er supports UB." t amo u s m oa 1 I. b ::t l' e . m.JOye,d. lu a }, <'ar " ":'\o w, " h E' s a id w ith a c unnlllg cas l!tl tr ee!! Dr a re e e t'"11 nUl'sery "'Vol1, th en," n sk e d th e t e a('h l'r, b y. ;,Cl t Dtt a s b III SUb Sl ll UIC, s u g g uA '.f.C1 Bm il le, " th c r i"bt -b a nd li gure wllJ be the N o. " s tock, m o're o ft e n Ih a f o rm (' r . Th e h ow docs youI' mothe r earn h e r liv· e . . I DUln b or o f de atb s , th e middl e fi g ure r e m ouy i ~ to r e m o ve n r c! Imrll I lug ?" a' il e y we re like ol d 1\f!:::/J.:llULnce~' t il e Dum b e r oC living !lIste r s and the t. Ie "Why," r epJlo d the ' little g irl '10 a.n', v,'j tb ln. a n h our s lle d i r ec t in g b e ! I le ft h d I' t.h b' y e IJD\\ B b ·re,. r oo t a nd brn u c h , on t h e Igure e num Ijr of llvlna spot wI r iD " dl , ' , -I • an n rtless I)J~nner: "ahe gets ,' pai d ~toi b th .. ' I le w OUll ( . I'Ilg (;~ n g s ea s ed lD3' ,up wreaths IUld f esto ons of s b ru b £ta.y!ng- awuy ,. fJ om : !atl1er." 7"' Ne~ ~'>an~ lIowel"$, · ADd j ust as s ll e 1 r~r~' W '. b~aboh cs l11ay spread y "l; ow5 aud all 1 SS 80. tlU IJ tt 'c a J 0 e a DI u ell ', To le~ v e aD York: Ttiuns" • . , ' " . -"







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~,J i~s Cl~rley






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g pu f l t 1I1:a ll ·f!.

s i p" ,·,.. Jl ll d \l il li ,' " It i l.~I ' '' "' '1l11 1' " Oh . CO Il1 ~ o n , BI,l j T ' ,. ,,11" ' I , .,! " H,' mo d l'~ 11 ~ . , SpOiled the Eh ~ C( . All" ., wa s pla yin g ~ t lJ r " \l ilb Itl' r ,'0 1ll11-:I'8 t s iste r. \ io t hL''' , as k l' rj to h,,· ,'onI O' a 1111 rc hus (' r . IllaYI'd wp.lI he r IJart, lillI, In s ayin g hood· wa y. droo pe d and kissed both chtl " ,..'n. "Oh, IIlUmlllll," Rh e waite d , " yo u \' 1' ~ pollt e ve rylhi ng ! YUII Il e vt! r k l ~ s IIII' IllUII III thl' r ea l ~ tor e ." On His Way . 0101 I'hap[Ji· .

IInr (.~ - \\· ell .

lit> .

lnJ( on ~ Old ('haIlIJl e - 1 nm'

Delays Sometimes Expensive minutes for lunch-can't

i wait for service. What



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Ih' 01 I.U " III . .l ) 0\1 111'

Business or social enI gagement - just a few



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h l H ('i l ll:tr i p K tu

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c' n ) w rl r U. a nd I lI o ~ t clf :1:.' p . L1 l" lJ IH' I"( J Ot l I n O l' d t' l' t o gil t !l r,t 'l f " r \ ' i t , \ , Ont' n it! ~ P l\ l l l.' lIl a n . :1 J: " ITtu "!\i :'l ll , I' t

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W h y Old Mo s c In Sis t ed Ye H" d '" Oi s,l nct Grl ev:t nce A9 ",,' s t " Ma r se T om "


T il l ' i ll l\JP 1 1: ltlt P ()~II I I \ 1\ \\ h it- h (' I o \, (·r .) I "· llpi, ' !'l iI , lilj' f ' r il l: : ..: h ': :: lI !t ·! l i :~ dill' p r ima l' ll ,\ ' t1 t ill' r ,tC" li!.!1 it s ('Il i t ll l' l'

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\\' \'11 ~ HI'j " I·d \\ 1:!l ;.1' I I \\(l o l d ~ 'l'lI , tit ·" ' II . '



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of ti ll ' Illbs ln g' lIl an . It t a ll i\' d to th u n HJllt' Y a il e ;-11<)\\ I ' In tIll' II r c fi lm , i'\ pli H(' ll t 10 I ii ,: .-i IY f" r it <lu p lt ca tr·. li a l l' th o l u w n wa ,; HI t l" . m o t io ' l l'l..tu r · play ·

"It Will Work In Well In Some Good '!\Iovies' Story," He Told Himself.

u,...u :'(l:. , \\ 11\ ! l lt· r I


I qt ..: In 1\ 1:; ti n.' a m s :

~CI I 1{ ' Il S I ! \\ h ptl I lIj

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Makes POcisibl e BC'ac r Yields of "i\i~ on e y Crops" Whi cll Fal- ! . ~ .') "" 1' '''' 111 1,,:,·, ,11 \I Ir o I ' F.i· ' lll n fJ l~ h a t'l i t ~. 1):14Jl :-; 1I :, \,. .. 11 ... .. . . I "" rtd l ll tl t \t(lll f r' tl l ll ' 11r :;11['p''.'' i \ ll l e A I .l :oo ( U low In Ro tati on , Includmg Corn, Poia:oes, and Too;1 cc) til a t Ill, tk < \\1 ' " l> :·"' r.~ il t III ( q- ('a r· : t l ~ JJ l ll a H III' ''~ . '' f; n~ ~ a. \.\i' a .' h l ng t ull r r {' tlc })p r , " it 111\' l ' )o. I" 1': \'11 ' " ld' ,ltJ ( \!d _ Experiments Show That It Pays To Gro'".. Clo'\ er rr " d Otl t \\ il h" lIt I II, ' 1''' ) '''' '11 1 " r t l l '~ I' r''1 ' \'r tllIt). , d a r~i ~ (I f 1I 1~ ;P ·'1 11:111l I U TI.· " I n \' Ir J..:l l tla

a t h" ltrt , h o ~lnrl. ' <1 i n t il!! ti i r ro('l io ll I' I" ", II A ow n..- r had qn al'l'l'i t'li wil li h il ll h l (' rt ':'l..<.1 {::, I h.· ~ i , .11 (' I ~ ' I ' T . " : 1i I!~ ,r Ih ,· n e ar \' i lla ;; .. . .111 , 1 Ih ':! l, h o I\' · alld d iu IlOt li k e h ill!. Al an c-i a iln.' ,1 h p !J a u 10,111 0 <1 h l ~ k u if.. (' rn I H\. ( l uI' Ile, " ! n(,l 1.. , \ ' 4 r ~' \', .. 11 i ii' ~ v E' r , t h e' fui r cu o k Cdm l' Ollt of th l' l to " YOU I,g r.' llow \I Iw wor K.,u fu r t ile f u r nl,,'l o n I.!r tll pn ll·' It ·" I I I li!.e,\\' t h a t Oil Ill"r Ilf th o u,l r n . who h a d br;e n b" tll' " a p i"f 'P III t !o\' , ' r ~ I)d I n IIII'll I1 I l d "]'" .' 11 b y lit o fa n u,, 1' iIJ a Ilua l' l' c l and I s a dis ( II1f" . ISSI t \', h i l'; l I lt' ty IJ(' " (' jI~h · h i " i ll I III' f U ,' ]ll n ~' ( · .)flll, 1]1 t "l" " !" , o r lI a,l :l 11(' f\lll rli d l ~ ; q ' p"an' li . , :-,: ,·,1 1'.' 1 tllal il l' wa s g(li ng t o b e I t J1 };\ (' ('o. ( 'L1 r n , p O l. : I 11 1':,\ a:1 1I to lJa rC' u 1

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can be had quickly?

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Toastles .

with fresh berries W' fruit and cream, They will be. served immediate1y, they are nourishing a.1d taste

mighty good, tao.

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rrOt H matt"r \\ hlt!! lIi1gl : t l all ~"


Is R'V l' lI " I tit!' ~a rl r day >; 0 1 U,I' 1" l e' ' iliA " I' (, r th ,' mOlor phO llfl ,ultl o l h. ' r tn\'Pllt lou 8 n uw i n ~l hi ' \ l h1" :\thIJlI"I :Ir" !'- Ir ll l q.:; .. nllu ,,;li t o PlJ rrl'nt IJ " . \\' r illllg fro ll' (' alllllrl d K') Ht/ lil u lalP tlll i 1101 " I ronr, ('nough 10 d o lu

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f'; 'n;n TIft-: (:In:AT ~ al(1 of II~.! '\I(' ~".:II·. Ihl' . I I orluge, nu ll lljIJ~" I'U"sl'sSPII " ueh III Ih ~ ( 11''11' " tI I·. tl' will h iI H' I"" 'IHII " t'arh< tt' ,,1 ,t a t o.....,., I", ~ h u ul" h" t '· ll , pt .·" I l l u ,"II1I1I "" aH il hy ,ua !; k , an d no" III Ult fll II do w n . I. lr I , ar It a l a UISl'"11'" g ill " ti n ' fl i e. u nli t.! lh .. w O\,lrt ,, " ',u rI.> II,, ' r .. ~L lIf hi s n,il ' l:b (ol l:l.(I'u Ir l't:~ . If I t ue all "nl p: 'l'. Truly I'a r l~ I " o f I ntl' r PM t In " I" 'ra lI i ght. I h e 0PP fll hOUBO wi ll h p I I I " II 011' 11 . To II II! "" u I/ l 'n l It I" II I' :l~t " I' anll ha l'" lIn 1n 00 1u l P. 1 gua r ll. \11t h tll t/ .. . ·r si l)' . f !'OIlI l h,' ~u rh l\!ln l ' tu I II ~ I lwlr glf'aill i n/; UI·I·o uln'II1., nl x I : ,h llu lf" 'qu l', ~to(' . (;"IIt ' ,·I,·,, · Tu .hl' Hu t I 'a ri s IH ,t1 ~ " 1\ ci l y of HU UIIU 1.I '·k:; l, r e (; "" 1,.,,, I t Ix "II .. w lrll' w o l'ld 1I 111 111 11 i l a rl'l11I " IIl . " hir h O!)ed 1110 1'" f" f ,d '.II,'a8 "I'I'. fr vill II,.. ~I "ulin HOII ~"I! I" ' " ,. I' ,.''111 '' ' 1. I' I " , 1" ' 1It r~ n n ilu . 1 It ." ,,,I,, r fO ,\I axl m· s. 'i'u l h.~ i< olll 'nt/a ll i t I. II "' I' u l,",w l :111)' o th er CI' ) III I h,' nil i<" he ml,t. frlln, t il,· i ll q ua r l"r \\ .1( 'd . :1 ~u p pll,'s i 'H l 'lIll r ch ll ll r !:II to 111" '/tIkI' hn u l ,·val' ds T o. t h l' \\ II h ~c h oll l lllg , H h ol'~ :t1l (1 f ood . I t oj .. ,·" t " ,'H of f;, ,:11 1o II . II 'n (' xqul sll .. "' ~ '" e,','r) 11,,'ul l I' th'kl' l Il'lI IlI'r CI'1I1 " q h l,IIIOll of tlll. ,,·y fm ln lIll' HUI ' tIl ' , fu r Il Il" llik f UlllI IIhidl l uruis h " l a P ,1Ix 1('1 I AJ n l;('ham p ~ . r ,) lh ', IP " ,. r y )', il r 1 ~..fl\,11 e... ·.. IJI''' s ill III," 1,)\ " r of tit" I/r:ulla II I~ 0 111' gr pal I Il I~ I ~ IlIl ti ;'" "' H H~ 11l 1I l't ' 111 as)'lulI' ~ "Ill/.:, ·. A .HI l h ., I, )\',' r or II ll r " l' ~ can '1'1, 13 l und has i1bu I.> u l l l a I na tl' rJJ Il ~ 1 >1 ..· .. 1 in i1 " I ' ,' udi ,1 ra"e' I 'uur~e " h""III 'al \III ' n ' IIIl qU " slluII" an' aHkl.l d ~ '1' 1,., ad IUi ll blr "t " " 1o'J1(h- lIc y I n IL r Ufl " ,~ h ,"< rlf', ' I11 ccl it-i"e, fllr Ill.' n ('u r i H I~ (o r rnllllklllll I CI\" II "rslll ,. o f ~ I l ' k I ~'() r·. ,' " II r n . a p" r (I Iem ' f' ro l11 tlI 'I u I I wo rk s BlIJ)pl yl n l; pull li,. \lunl " O'1I11'lo.l(·r "f n n IlIj lll't!11 lI o !'l,llnlll. " li d untl l lirl.'C tl y n rr" etlll J.; pu b l it' II l 'allh . " 1"' IIe1 " $J U.lHHI .• Hi ll )' ,' n !'l )' fll r tWIII'V!) 7 tH' Cll\n n ill g, fie \\' l' r agf' a nd w a tpr 1011 (, 4.' .



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" Jo l liln h a ~ ·Ju . t com o ho m o f r om H,'S I,," hnll g lll g Ill c r ~ d i bl e st.orl e" ab(Jut h :l\·I "..; lalkQ,. III a ma chlll t! <,,"1, '11 1<.: It 'ph llu l' It wa s lI 11tb l lll; bllt a wl l'P, Oll U l! 1I<1 I II lIo alOll lind th e oth ,' r .. nrl In 1·lIlllbrld g .. . II f' snltl h,' (' ''ul l f h"a r ' l lI lt " plllhd y .,..hat till' per · , fl OIl III I '1l," l1 r hJKe said . Mr. Graham : 11<.: 11. o ur IIl'lgbl.>o r . has Inv l' lIlpcl thlij . I H o w w un d!' r f lJI It mu st b o~ li e bas , pu t u p II frps 'Ib out lIos toll . but 1I 0t I f urlh "r th ~1I ( ·lll11br l dg e-- y t·t. H e waa Uili bili o ll " "II ()II ~h tn suggest !' r ov l· ! d il li eI'. ' W h a t ~ . c r\ ef\ th., Ill prnbpr R of I lb l~' ('o llJ Olltlel). "iou th lok you can t a lk alml/,: a w ire I n th e ai r o" er that g r ell l di ~ tnt lce·t ' 'Lpt n1l' Ju st try It: lIal tl HI' 11. ' I will bcnr h alf till) ex · V"" '''' (If pl1ttlu/; uv th" wire It you WI.I.I I,..l1 r t lt c' olh l'r halt: , lI o W U H ul! raconl'illcp.d of hi s sue· 1 ceRH w hf'u on tnlklllg to hl R bro th er I III ( 'ambri ll ge frorn 1I0Rto n In ortle r t o I l n "ft €' h im t o d inn er. adding, 'nrin g y o u r l11 o th r r ·ln .la w : Iw 1H':Hd dl sllncl . I lL but rce bl r, th o old I nd y'~ vo ice: ' Oood gl'llcl ou ll! Again ! \Vbat a u o re~ ' " Tllpr') i~ IIlso a lloth er Inv r llt lon c:l ll .., d vh on ngraph, .w h ..-rc th e hllUlnn vol eo I H f\' p r l)d ue eu. Dud cn n go Oil f ort? v l'r bpln g r e prodlwE' d . I sRn g In th ro u gh " hor ll, and Ih ey trail S' O il ,· vosed thl i! on a plat/lla r o ll and wound ofT . Th eu the )' put It on an otb pr (U sk. all li I hp. llr d my voice - f o r lh e I IIrHt li me I n 111 )' lire. If lhat I ~ my >"oicf' . I dOIl ' t Wllllt t o h ear It again' I cou l d l' Ot b el l l' v\) th n t It co uld be 80 uw f u l. A 111/;11 . sq uraky, lIas;, 1 so und ; I Wa 9 a shanwri or It. And Ih £' f as l er th o man lu n le d th" cra ll k. th e hi ':; lI C' r Ilnd " Qu e al, l er th e voi r .. b p, I co me. Th 0 I ntonatlon - t I \0 vronunela· I liOIl - I wou ld rl'(' og nl zp as m y o \\'n , hut lh o vo l e e~ Dellr M," ,. _ _ __

/l lIllll"

If Ih e C ab tMgc 6 Gro w So Fas t T ha t T hey

Are 'n c ',ned t o Bur st . T Ip t h" H ea ds O v er Fa r E no ugh t o Sev er a Port Ion of t h ~ R ool • .

tH \·



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c rll u g It I t h .\ \\ork I II I II I' OW II \\ a y , a:-, tl 1l 1 f ruit VI IlP~ l'Ji tl rf' l y I rip t.tJ " (1 o n I h ."' n l ll'~ h a s ;l 11e1\1' r tl a -

t o :\ I lro 't ilt' t",

l it (on ' t il t' <" lI c u Jll h ' r l I' " '''' ' ' 1' lh ' l ):.rr' " l l1 d , I"I I/; a fI (' .. i' h"I,' Ill" l \\ I,t' u l 'a t' l our l li 13 and d Ulll p 1!l 1() I t

I n <1 p~c r i h lrll.! hi !'i lar l '~r rl"t~ I' a r ('h l' !1 ""'1 ':1.11 ll f Ih ,' rI "ft , (~ t i\' f' Fo r I l on dflt ' n ' rClW'~ j.) [ I ' ar l y p u t ut(J t'H . HO\\" (urnirnt in th (' 1" 1"r' lrl f":t1 :; p:I !-on rl ln lo • 1i I"IlI.r' l UllrlU Ill q J t ~ il 1I1f • • • II' , . ct t) f h , Jl , ", . ' " ,I'.,' 1' I "h""" l h " "11 1'11' rall is l " ' ;J Itn ll it' l lt ICI ' • suys ti lt.' E I,l l" f rif-al H tl \' l p\l' of 1.011 " on . l ;:11 111 ' 1 [ h , ' f'\H' u J l l h (' r~ , ' \' '' r y ti l h "r . \\ "1" " rai :-'I ' cI


Doc l or .\'0) (/ 0 11 r l a llll ~ th ai II I ~ prtll'I'~' ea n h" np /ll ll'd in th l' enr f'st \l'hl'rp tll l ' l r ('('~ fc lll'ct. 5i l1l' " 11 0 r tlmb rol!~ o r co st/ ;- l'qulp !I) " Ul is rr'~uirf' tI T h,· prOt'pFH tlP I"' U"H on t h .... 1" "1 r" I \' ~ l s , o f C'l' lltll "~,, n nd li s IIt'rl v ali\'~ . T Il<' I nr wl y·rell, ' d trl' ''" an· :;uw n in t o ' h ick I p lanks a nti la id o n n fn l Hf' n(l (l r i u ~. o n" o n tnp or thl' otl l" r . ",11 11 th e In le l' I Pnsltl on. h ow l',·"r. of !l) ol st t' IIf-,1 mal · ti n/-; . o r fi iudlar lont p r ia l hf'l w Pt' l) (' n ch l a YI' r, t o af t :I " C'1"'·I ,.. "I l!s fn r illlrrl' j duction of llil ll l l"rn alin g c urrent w lli!' h I R pa~ K (' d ru r 11'11 1I011 r s or so. TII P (' fT ('C'1 o f Ih ~ ,' unen l Is t il pro · \ utl ce ('h em i l'a l ,'ha n g" " In t il" (' p.l l ll l o~(' a nti th l! I'l'urll'rln!; th (' m 1m · l)e r"i Oll s t o oI ''' 'II Y. F urth"r. th t! Hnp In s!?s th o~!! ~ u lI 'm r n1l d hygrosrllplc I chara('t C'r ls ll, ~ whi ch n( rnlnl l y pr('- I v en t r :lp l d uprny ill l! It Is cl aim" 11 that tlmlw r t h u s tn' at l" ] IR r <'<llI y f or liRe a fe\\' ,,"p('k s nftl' r Il If, f f' ll (' d all ,l i R harder. At mn.'; 'r . m or e ho m~ g "n'~(1 u s. ('n sl er t o w ork. Ilnd l cs~ wnrp ccj by 1II0i stu r e thnu tlmh N w h l eb hfls b "e n ocaoon ed by th e (. f · cl ln A.r y air clryln g procl'ss. Pav ing block s treat e(1 hy lh o :';o do n p r oC' eSH ar l" ~a"l t o hn" e b\'C'n III US f' at \lord"all:\: ror s i x yea rs w i tholJ I sh owing lI.(lprer in b)" dl' t erl ora tl o ll .

uay. lind do II u t " 'I

lIl urt'

l ha n two u r

l ' U('II I1 ,I"' r "

f,,1' Ih, · YI Il o\\ tttf' I{;

- -_._--_.


p an

pkk "d a:-; ~ on ll H. H l a q.;" ,'noug ll 1'0 1' t il" ' ab l l~ an d 1h" lI"'f'fu Ir WH S l It' th.' 'ii \t':\ \\ ill b r> )J T'O I')Il J.!t ' i l. Tn r l1ip~ :-: O\\tJ 11 11 ("(' in tw o wt·pks

In u N ew Y o rk churc h th"rf' 16 an Incand 'sce nt lall1p t hut h as been lI sed 6{Jven hours a day fur !!lOrtl than SC I" en y 'ears. w hi ch I s b/!lIe ve d to b e th e worl d'!; r ecord , Two IIl inoh; In n'u t or s h n.v e puL OI,l· etl a trap wh i c h attrac ts lusect" with · In It b y n li ghted lamp lIO th at tb ey come Inlo contnct with el ectri cally charg ed wires and aro killed. • • • lce'l ess r efrigera tors tor household use. In which ammoni a. cIrculated by elect-ric motors. I s u sed. hav e b een In · yenh~d. which are sai d to b e lUore econolUlcAI than thoss rElQulrlng Ice. • • • - A IDew portable el ec tric lamp bas'\ balle that may ' be futened to (urn I, ture with a spring clip or to .. any am'oo:tb surface ~Y . a luctlon cup, wbl.l~ .... ~Pr\JIJl l.ak~up ~ .lack

.t~e fc:e~. ~.,


. ,'..


ru n ~ff l rrp d

a li ll:tll ow to a


( ' lI l1talrdll ~ II t a hl l': poo nful o t



olll .\"



Avera ge Eastern Farmer Uses It Increase in Yield in Single Year Merely to Get Crop of Clover Will Pay for Necessary or Timothy_ Ingredient. Ii nli l a I,l e

, ft ) 1\


llvr,' 10 \" Ill~at, tli t-' u ,re rag e fa nn e r in

ll lT"n l f::i tn l\lI ll )

th l' E:as t llru s lates I1lal1t ~ wb a t lO l' r" · Iy tu gP I n cr o p er c l ov e r o r I Imolhy. say A a w r il l'r III lli e Baltim or e ,\mer l · can . I f (lUI' fat h r' r~ alld gmndfath er s ('ould huv e' had thl' a cr eag e "f land 111 ,11 I s avail ab le and unrl er t ulll n , t lon l o duy Lh ey would hav e grown n.earl y a lI i llln n ulltl a balt bu~h l' l B of wh ' al hall ll,l'Y gil' en It th o sallI c ca r e Iwd all en· l iu ll Ihat t1H'y ga\' £' the ar n :a!;1' o f 411 yl ' nr ~ a go . Fo r };C! v l,,) ral dpc ades wh eat 1 1 a ~ Uflc n n :l .. gall 'd lO t lIP. r ar. It I ~ IlO IOllg ur l oull !,(j n il to III Ih e hl /-: hc8t r!!Hp oct a~ t h " lIH'nltl< uf fl ilying I h e taxes. r eo IHd l'~ and II I'lng e xp en ses ati wus (I n Cl' th e tase . It r esolves Its ell. th e l't~ r o r e.

:';othlllg In a!; rl cu l t ura l lIl: l cn ce or fJrflcli s lIIar 1.> 0 I1l 'JIIti on ed wit h more A~ S lJran C H thun th e I.> cn .: flclal c l'tect ot flmp o n ~ a s lf y pUddl ed st iff c lay !loll s, Thi s IH HO ttpurly Ii matter or common l{nl1 w lf·rI /.:n thllt th e WO ntl fl r Is t.hat nll Yll IH) will worry ulong wi th su ch K(, lI" yea r nft('r year, allli ""eLI from on e .;enC'ratiou to !lnoth er. whll ., th o pO ~!l il.>lp. Incren6e fn yi eld In a sl n gln year w i ll often IJB)' for ti ll! n eefl5Bar)' I i m e.

an' t o ~ ro \V




IlI fH Jt.'y

"Ilft ' )"


No Better or Safe r Inv(; stm ent I for Average Farme; Th an I Plan of Tile Dr ains, The m ha s h P-,' 1I In uch t!1 ~ tlJ ~~ I O Il In I I,,· ag ri cu ltu ra l pn·tis C'IlIll'l'l'lI li l g 111l' , h J !~ t ill\" eB tnl (, lll. ~ fur f a rnlf : r~.

)n 11.1 y

') I "n io ll t h(·ft' Is 11 0 h.. ltf' r or ~afE'I' ill ' VC.;: ru P. tlt fo r t h o n YI ' rage farill er. IIl311 ( II " urahlllJ.;L· o n ~ ll (. h p ar I . of til ' fll r nl all fa i l t o produ ce m :.lX imUII1 crtl ps du r ill ~ w 't seaso ll s. Th,' r e ItI' O llI all Y u c r (' ~ of Il a turally t <: rlil, ' soil IhaL ll rt! not pn y l n g tb e u WO!>!· lhn co. t o r w o rldn g. th a t cou ld b e mari o th e mOS I vrot!ll c t! vlI (lo r t\OIl of th e (arm, If a !,:ou d syst em o r ul1d or d..,lllling wen' pul In. In mlluy cll ses tbe llrst crop \\' ill pay the 1! 11 t1r(~ co st or drnla llge. or course lllnll Y farm ers are 80 situated that Ihey cannol aftord to put In tb e comp let e drainage sy stem at one time. My advice to Buch men 18 . to have their plans made at , one . time, and do ~a "~t10 ' ev~ry. year, ,_ .. ' .

01 1


U 1 01 \{ ' ( '

ll ll r il ' g I I,,' HUnl llll' r w i ll furnl oh tl lf' : " ~>'la lt I,' I II l h .. h,'"1 ('om l i ll oll l u r l ao IJIo · H"" ullri n,.; th " (, lIt il'P " um !!"' r . ff lh ,' ('a l1ba ~ ('s grow so rllSL 111:1.t ' I h, ·) :II'.. i n clil"'!1 10 llursl . lip til , ul'ad !{ l )\' t 1 r fa r ('H ou gh to tii'v "r n Il0r -l

prl sp.


f)I( ' nl. Th i s bl ' dO ll! ' \' t 'r)' 'larl y in th e m(J nli ll~ or lI ft(' I~ s \l u d o\\ n. TIl(' Y u r e "" 1'), a'; III',' dU I'ing ~u II ~h i n l'. bu t semi, d ll rt ll all t 111 lI" , ea rl y ho urH "r til l' day . ~"'1'1 '1 (' O TII rodll(' r h aA Ino r " uu. I r i li"" 1111111 Ili aL of fi l' ltl co rn . ~e e t ha l " vl' r ), b i t Is tt Ll li 1. tI art i'r the " a r H a r f' ~ a th f.:l rt' d , It Iltultes On \ po r k ..

1' 1" :-10

Swi ss r :lIIt\' :I)' ~ lI S f' '111 all, bll ian ce ca r eo mlll('t Iy "'l lll\l"ed wllh PIPelrl ' l c al appllnn ces Ihat uro ~uP Jl l l e u w it h curr ent h y a ~ "I1 " r u t nr Illollnt f'll ('n one axl e.

tt llflllrt CO t", ol ll1J

l{l'ro ~ ,' n ,,', w idt h fi ni sll t'H ( ' a ll

I" t or/ay Iv w !' r I hall allY r"o d I h In · I I) bu\' . W h,' aL II1H Ht e1nflu~ mar l( It fa rm .

th r, 11I ' W .' Iec trlc f' lgar Anno ng li g hter H fur !llIt o nw bi1l 8t s Is o n, ~ in · closed ill fI wnt ~ hc" s(· . \\ hkh call bo bung UIJ by till' r ill ):. .

&.1ll d

ut' \\al,"' r

I lJ"r .. r I" rl' qHI1·~tI b,' k epl " "a l' Ih "


"url y

bU RS m :I Y b ,· br u sh, ·II 111111

Pbenol anrl formald ehrd fl are ('o m. li m o a QU f'H tlllll larg ely o f pr icf' . alld ress('d t o !' t h pr to for~l a IIt . \\ In, w llf'a l I, r C' l u li y!) l), tll.~' cl " 'apt'~ t in , PIt I trI II HII 'nll y of fi li. I' Cllltl I110Il i l " t hul I!< BU n or f or ge1r'r t ri' ca 1 p,'1 r POBE'S. . • • • PI'lIdl l " t'd <t il I ht· fa rlll . all d II hl' ll ' Ilo llr Du.m Cflrs for elec trie, ruilron·'I ~ . . V tI I I.> ~ I which nr e (· mp ('r y 1I., o t ors, t lUH savin g In bor, h a" l' IJ" tl ll I llv enl ptl by ContH'c tleu t lI1 :1 n.

i ll I h l'

bp€' i1 ,' whlcit ul · nH' l ol1 ~i ,lll d

I f Yll\t h a \'p (l ol y H r,.\\, \"IO " t', tb e

"''''' L(' ti l<' "X l'rl l ll ll \J t' YOII l' ,,,I IlPs ( f" ) il ll~ I n lIIi1[ U )'(' th,lUl. 1\1."' 11 ti H ' 1lI

I U,<I pad of p'Ia nt ing (','c ry


I" ,

I al"" I h ,' Iln"'1'1l 1i \'(~ fo r hl it-; lit

11 I '" " li :lI )l'r 10 lJ u~' SI' I' e! 1/1';'\:-; tli a n

i ll

~ lr l lJ e ti

(' \ Jc'l1lH b "rs.

:- qua ~ lI t ·!"


Electrlclt)' fn Japan. WithIn t e n }, pors th o ef!'ct r i c wi r o mileage of Japa n lI as fll C'Tl' asc d from l e~s than tell th(H1 Rant1 lO 1110rO thall t hirty-th e th ou~nnd. th e (' Ir etr/( ' rai l· WilY mll..,ag(' f ro lll ll'sS t hlln on e hun · d r ed to more than Sev en hllnr/mel and th e pow er prod uC' tl on from I O~ K th an fort y ·fin) thou sand 'to !I1 or e than t hree hu nd r ed and ro rt)' · /lv~ th o l1 aand kilo w a tt s.

I1 l a ~

pl c kll nlo;

la l" a ~ lil " rniddl n 01 I I II ~ I II) rd "iLliX n dXllirt ', ,hl· pt · 1}1I 1H ' I' ~ tI l !.l ~a ll otl of watt · r. l ~ U ll t'ff cl ·U ..·. ' n ' I H Pd y

I tu



plil Tl I I'tl H~




1t11 )l :-i I' . '" p l"!IISI' '.\i\.l c b :ltl d i f Ihl14 d/"' ~. ri ot l' h"' Ck 111 .. Ir""h I" , u ,...., Ih ' ' " .\ h"a ll th :lt

"' 11.\1 '\:\' •

"o r I ).) riO t I ry h) grow lWO lH"lI ' Ui w h or e ;, 1,,, 1111 11 or "lIu l lry d r(\ pp lll /o( ~ . 1'l1r ll " I'" slt"" ld grot\' You wlii II IlV I' mora E Nect 01 Curr~nl I s to Produce C h em- ' \\1;. II d' l('~ II l1 t L hu ~ Irp at II d "ln Uh .! . \·"g ,. t a h l l'!'i o r !i ll Jlf' rlor q u al i t y b y thin iea' Ch a nge s I n Ce llulo s" and I \ ' }I" l a(' l\ 1, 1 r ood , 11'1'5 1' \dl 1 lin d I h tt Il ill~ 11I' 11l 0 11 1 t o H t l l.'fl !'l l I0 1l r fnch p.M Sap to Preve nt Decay. II I IIrb l,, " , li t 1I1"' dl' d an d " itl ClI ll ll! Ul' " Ilar l 1' ('I" r) " ' " ) b, ' ,,1I," I ,'cI b" l \\",' " Ih tl I (I) 11","' I""):.,, , 'n'l l f or m,·,1 f rll i l I II '








EI~ e trlc

st t u a t pd I II th ,. tl~ R IIP ~



I h ;ll J lil t ,

I I'




IJ 1 I r ~ 1 ~ I '[) II l H'(, OIll"H \\ (Jr thl "sHo t l 'Il" ~ t n rn a t ol ''':' f a ll 10 r l pt l Q d 'l I( with a w 11 1. ChI' "U HlIg h \ \' II II ' r " 11 t h ,' \,111 1':-' . Hnt! S IHtu lf! h I' p lck , 'd 1: , ; 11 I h ,' IIi OI l'i tur,' \\' \11 1)I ' III ' tra l (' to , \\ h l ' ll rJl ll y to!l"uWfl a n d I j ! il(' (' (1 in u. HUll )11, · ,..,,, 1,, 11I,.tt' Hd of "oaxill): l h e m 10 ' II )' " !lIo1 ' I\' l O , ... r f, .c l. I1ut 1111I r' ~~ this th •• ~ \lrl:l"( ', \ hf1" r'~ t o b p Ih ., 111 01'1' t; 11 t+- 1.-' 1·I'l'. II)· II~" " -.'." ar)· . Ie" I, ." t',r" 1I,'rrO r ill I lbl I cl f l " .~



" "" I'


I !"l l ' th .. li nt! 1l1 Ur l'. t h l' l H \~ I' II 'S d . :\ dll HI IIIlIk h I ~ a I.>('tt' r ul t! ,n tl r)' w.'at h·


:; hO II. I hl' fall""'" IN HOLE 1;1 "fl 'l' l . Ulltl lh o 1: ' [' 1I \l 1 ~ o f u ndnr · .\1 011 1 d l) I ' i"I". "lIkl l ad " a l'c!'~ fUllus Kru ulld 9('\\'(' r 8 u r I' ~ o Il1rg " . a n rl k c· pt i n UIIY 11 11 10\111 1 li t ~ I \ p,' r ('('Ill li n u u)' Apparatus Useful In Ball ing Water MQ I I''ll 1l !I nri II l·l l \·" IIIUnt " " . : hal nll .11 11 1 L ...·r r .;on of cl 'e tl rlly , I ro m .. Ovt or Telephone Pole H ol es I s I,nu r 's e x ('u r ~ ill ll t IIro u gh Ilw l11 Is on(' hl1 11 S!> til a t~llliro n . ha s I.> el' n in "'x· Made of Met", !. ( h l' ordin or y ,' x pcrl t'n e,'s " f \'l si t ors. i !'i t .... JH· !· r lJ !' ! n tl re lIUlil a ce ntu r y . • h., j' lurn l'Y lw ln!: n11l ,1(' par Ir In A/ II UlIg lit .. nllfllp.I'I) US h {l s ~ita ls a ou Th o Illustrati on Rhow s nn a ppar atu s hon l s a ru l purt l y .·Iec tri c troll eys . ll ltl1 ~ h " u ,;('s I s La :';ul pe t r l se . fo r w o rn · fo r bailing wat !' r out uf t (' l l' ph oll c pol ", Th e n ' Is It. 1I'0l lll ('f full y ('n lUp l ct c slIr · (' II. wU It 7 ~ 3ero·, . nll rl lI lcc l rJI. f or f a(' I' a l ul 1II1l1 "I'/1 ruund ~ )'B t l' rtI. tar cs !f1l' II , wfth :U iO(l LeUK. Th e H o~ pi .. 1' d e" thrf"' t"'l (' I.::' n t8 ~ "(' on d (' la ss, th'(' l'l" l\t s Ellfll nt H Trollves . or roun d lln ~ h OMll lull. fl r " l Cl llBll ("I' a n)' rll s tn ncIJ. Th p city 1'1'(),·ltl eH f or Ih o Infants u l'ou g ht t il I l 0 \' u s all th e mn rk OI !I . cattl pYl\nl s lind UIIIIl til e), r " lI ,' 1I lil p ag e Il f malurit y . ~ 1i1l1 g ht "r hnll ""~. am] th crt· I~ a ~ p p. Th p ( ' rtWhl''', or publ ic lIursc r" l e~ , r e o l'ial I'a nltnry police t o pnfo r c{' lhe cei ,,/' ti 'l! i nrnll l H of 1100 1' W O UHHI ut U I II w~ of I he h t~ alth u ppart nt t' llt " OHI o f rOll r ('e nts It. duy . M ec ca of Scholars. Th n edu cll tl n n u l t' lIt' i lil l us o f Parlt! II:; mU 8('ums an u IIbrarien lualHl are nlU rv c lou sly r Ofllpl ele. A H )' ~ t C II1 Pllrl_ Ih .... m a of s ch" l a r ~ f r olll Ilf 1 ; llId ~ r !l arL l'IIH. " "co l cs lu at ernl'll es ." all lI 1' r r 11 1t' world . T IH " t '01l 6el'I'a- IH p l'''''ltl e,d fop r h il d re n hf'tw "e ll th £' tolr" des Art s ct 0\1 ·tl e r s" cfl l1talns II H g lJ~ Il l' th r c n II lId ~ Ix , nCl<t follow s th l.: grl"ll co llectio n of 1ll0d4'l s () r IOn· "\l\ 'o le ~ pll f antIles: ' wb lc h arc th e t:hillPr y , a ud (' Ins s I'OOIOS fo r th e fn· tnHl sllinl1 rronl li't' Icilld f' rgnrte n to ~ trll(' ll o ll of \\o rlo u n III HII Iltlpa n . ttl<' primary . n ntl then t h e pri mary Exterior and Interior of Pole Hole Bucket, III t'nts of appli"d sci ence. Among lho se h ool" f o r (' 11 I III I'e 11 belo w ttl(> uge Df lI 11111 e rO n~ learn!'d Hocl e tl e~ anr! Inst/, rourt HO Il . holes g nc t! and u sed b)' S . J . Ax · tut.lons, tho chi ef ll re tb e A ca d emle de ford and desc rib ed In th e T e l ep hon e M f<fti c ine anu ,11 0 In tltltt (Ie Fran ce. R e vi ew . A metal bucket t(,11 Illch es Among th o 111 1l llY t emples of knowl· d ec \J. ten Incl1£'8 lu dlumeter aL th e .' tl gB, howt"\'er. th e E colcB des Beaux top and eigh t Inch es across at tbe bot· Arl ti Is tb l' fiNlt of th n art 6chools. Scientist. Say. He Has Alao Produced tom Is fitted with n val ve over a hole Fish From Minerala- AII 1'h" Louvre, t h e gr eatesl singl e art In th e bott om of the bu ek C't. Wb en Very Smllll. -J!ldler y In th o world, !,riv eH coursen tbe bu cke t Is l owe r ed by t b o pol e Into of sludy sp" c lltlly d!'sl/-:ned to Inter Or. Charlp. s W . L lltl efleld. spcak lnf; th e wa(c'r th e valv (' 0 llell8 and la pret the cOI1 OCtiOl1 ; popular h,c t ures, c1os od ugnlu by th e w a t er a dmitted a(1 el II foltr ycar s' co nrse fnr ~ tudellt9 b efore th " New Thought COnl'll lltlon t hrou gh ttw valve liB 50011 as tbe 11 re , declanJd that org ani c l i t e COD bl' l)rl![Juriug t o 011 po sl Uons liS c urahucket la rai se d. tora, IIbrnrlnn H IIncl tra v£'lIn g . co l- /JroduCoed from c1lllUlleals, an d s ho \< ed Th e Luxcm· a picture of a lIv c crllb he h l1 11 made l oclor s /'Qr m UA(' u m B. bourg is Il sup(' rb mu soum of contem · l li m solf to prove It- DUl y t h e c r ab wa9 FOR FASTENING WIRE CABLE porary palnlln &' ontl scul ptufl' , and uf lh l' minutest ,·nrl ety . fl c> declared lhat b e h a d frequ ently Quick Met"od of Clenching ae Well liB Ih f' n , nnl lIum ero u s 6mnll ga lleries Splicing or Makfng Loops Ofn nd j1ubllc b uil rlings , 11k,) t h e Pan· Ilrot/ nreel crab,;. clams, I1s h and th o fer ed by Frenchman. t h ('I1 I1, /liled with HOme of t h e fine R!. li k., fro m mln ernls, all, h owev(' r . of In· Facetiou sl y, b e "rPll tlon s o f tl hl I"r pnclt arti s tic Imag· tln itpslmn l caliber . A late Fr ench Im' en tlon orrers a sa i ll that. nny time h e wllnt ('d a crn b In allon, lI u t. u bov e nil. Pa r is If' ;, ci ty of for h!'eak fu st ho would go Int o his l a b· 'l ul ck m ethod or f as t eoln g wire cables til sUPI)[Jrts. as wcll a M or spli cing or 111,·I\SUrH. Th r " are J3fi plac f's of en · oralory u nd m llke one. " I ma lta 1: 0 claim to h av ing done ma kin g Inops In th em . A ba se, prot ,' rltlil1ln en t , Inc lll ' " n~ 5f, g en era l thellnyt.hlug wOlld erful. I h nvl1 ~ i mply vldf'd with /l screw p i n for Inserting aters. It IR nrtr T ~lI ll(l o\V n tIl n t Paris 15 dlsclI\' ored tho b egi nning lind wny of h i th o pol e. Is g rooved so ns to v er SI)(> U n t Its b(' ~ 1 nnrl wor" 1. Th en tbe l i fe. Il c lll " II,her tllnt matt c r ,Uld en· m it th l' In ~ ertion ot th e cnh l e on C:'gy otll y wi ll op l ' rale ac(;ordl ng t o It~ f' lth er si de o f tbo ceotro l p ll' ol. Art er l'ar l ~ l a n s th r on g the ca f e. o n both ~ide8 or th o r i v er . Yon CIJIl pa so by nnW!'\). \Vl1nlc l' er matter 11 m}, be it : ~ slow d egn'<' ~ f r l)11I Ihl' Hll l cndlllly til<' l' l'oall on o f A lm ighty Gou . Matt .. r 8t? f\'l' d pol ur(''' o n Ill e hi ,; h01l1 t' varrl ~ i s ju sl as dl v l n A OS s pirit. T h ere i t; IIll to t h eIr deghlH' ra t d e~ e'e Utlllnt ll 011 th e cx pr es slo tl u f ellerg y exc epl Ihrough :.tontmnrtrb Iwl ght,ll, Ih en turn night lllatter."-I'ortl:llld Oregouian . i nto day. T h e open air life and th e. lIe,'n r ceas· Be a Sp lzzerlnktum. Jill'; I nter llst or tit{! punoramll 1!1'rea(] • "W hat I s Ii ~ pl zze rinktum? I bavo bf:>fore th e poop! "? serv e. ho w evp. r . t o lu st b~n ca ll ed' that aud I waUL to II ~p drlnldn ~ wl! h i n m'o« erato ltm ! ts . lmDw," t h e lIuosllu [J i s us uall y put to nnd cO l1 seq·ucnt!y In n co un try wherf' su m o di spenser of i li f oTli)oti o ll by an e v e ry ho d y. t.! I' ill ! I~ . f ~'w peopl e gc t Inquire r wllQS chin I s h eld hi g h aDd dl'1lnk. Sh oul (1 ul, :' ul h e 1; 0 o ut nf ! ash· ,diose lips u r e COtllprCBR c d Into I' ton. Paris wou ld 1.>( cn l1l p. th e most str nl;!;bt 1111 0 Immediately after th o fn· Clamp for Fastening CableL s I)b er city In th e world . Even now It qulry . n ut If you .would see that mu al compure fnvornbly wi t h mnny. facia l exp r ession transform ed Into d o· tbe cable Is 1n place. th e turnin g of On Champ. Ely.ees, lIgllte« amlablllty, watch It as tbe a n- th e pi vO t bead locks til e cable flrmlr In thes e hundreds of cafes an d res· swcr Is glv on . In position. ThuB eltber two cables tau rants the life of the ci ty secms to "A spizzerllll{tum Is a p etson who may be secured or one. cable may be focus ror II time . Ev er yonc's purse. p ossesses Initiati ve. vim. vigor, ef· looped and h eld by tbe same d evice. everyone's tasle 10 cooking, Is c atered flclency, Intonlgent per sI ste ncy lind for. One cao find in Paris r estau ra nts an ov ermastering will to succoed:' Uae for Tantalum. Ilke the Catoe Rlcbe. on the smart Bou- comes the expl a nntlon. . Though tantalum bas been known levard d es Itallens. wh er e a dinner "Oh, tbank you; thank YOII many for a century, It was not c'Jmmerclal• costs $aO n. Ilend, or one can obtain times-sIang Is so expres81ve that It's Iy useful until MolsBan In 1903 brougbt an excellentel:uaent meal at 30 penllll 'always Inter e sting. and 8plzzerlnktum It Into the IImeltght through the elecIn a side street off the Boulevard St. Is a rather pleasIng word. don't you trio furnace. It IB found In the Black Germain. . " tbl~ so !" .e ffuees the ' Indlvtdu'a l who Hille at Dakota. , Tbe most ImporCant i'he ChampB JIlly' a . te~ ml.nntes befo!:9 looked like ' Use t~ . wblch ·tantalu~ Is ,put Is In the ' ;ee~ ~I l:Mi ·"b1~e; · ~e inyi1ad,.~p: Huerta colisld~ • proposItion ~ maDhlact~re' 9t . ,~lameDtl , fO~ _lllcaD~ . ~c:eDt ,llObe~':ot the Amba,..4eun. "bdicate. fd.-c~t'~~!' " T • A




a :'lh" lllhl , '

I C'hlrl"

'1'1", Irll"lIl " with Sl){)h Hil l i s 1 ~ ,, '1') II I lI , I' "X l r Plll{' fl n en css of ti l" Ilrli . r·le" All til(' Hul l s u r e \'or)' IllU Cil fin !!r than !II ost of the p ~npl" wou/(\ I' f'adily h" l l e "l'. and t.h e 1'111\' solis ar' til<' flll "H t of u ll. Soil s ' COl1 Hfs lin).: Iarg l'l ) of c la y purli c l o:: ~ are I lltely to lin tno ('o m pad. Norltlul muvc m ent 0 1 al r an rl wat pr 11 nd ensy ~('n c ra­ l io n (If roO l s a,." 1!11P O~K ll ll c . Th es o v" r), flnl' I 'lI rti (' l e ~. w h en we t, t end t o , ti el, l ,,~, · th e r: ir worl« (:(1 " 'c t they r"r lll II pl a" 'i ~ m a ss . whlt- h o n (Ir )' ll~g :-;! , I'i lllt s ai lli h (' cunloi'i \· (' r ~' !lor d . fr " ha ll rl f ll l of " I,ell soU b o worlled IlIllI H pl a" Iil' 1I1i1 ';S II wi ll hecom e Vl' I')' hal'l l wll1' 11 Ilry: hil t Ir ttw lest ti " ro ·p l':t l .. t\ ' , i th c la y" to wh ie ll a ~ m : IiI "":IIt1II)' Dr CII I, Sl l,: li m e h ,, ~ ""1'11 :tl!d ' ·d . til" mn k ~ wh en rl r y will " J" UI 11UI" " fb i !.\ 1> ,,-' (\\' "' ( ''' 1h e fhl ~e rR. ' ·ill'" dl'"tn lYs t he acl ll(' s" ' C' n "R 'I of ,· In y~. lI1;ti:il1l: th pm mor" " I'(' n, mel· II)W Hll d t ' a~y to w o rJe Air. wa te r n ltd "Iall l f(lnl s ,'a n !;f'l lhrou gh . h,' 111 li ll II' ll ," n r e nn~II~· . Th (' ), till ft'" r It, o.; ~.; frum ('xl rp.ln es or w c t Hnu dry WpHl l,(" · T h r.'.\' l' f's l' o'.l d mn r n g cue ro Uf l)' III r ul l l"uil lln a nd ma n u ri ng, POI' t1t .-. pll r p() s ~ lit IluPHt!on two or Ihre ... t,, 1t " or burnt lim e Iwr ncre »hol1lcl b l' appll U, T h fl v er y mark ~ d I llI prllV el1l pnt ~o (' a"i l), accomp lish ed i s 'H) l fcea b l e fo r ll1n u y y r: ar~ : It j~ In rh'e el nile o r 1.1\1' m os t ('ntluri n g e,trec ls of l im e. Rules for Est im ati ng Hay. o rtUIl aold In the mow o r stac/{ IUHI lh ell th (' w el gh l h as to be es t u bll ~ h etl . )"01' (hili pnrposu 40 0 cu bi c f ee t of h ay \l'tl\ v ary according to lhe Quanti ty of th e h ay. time ot cuttl o ~ and Ilmouut 111 th e mow, For making nn estl m~te multiply together the length. bre~dtb and height of tJui mow , or suick· ln feet alld dlvJde Ihl/. ,. product by 400. _ Tl,ie , q uollW\.t 'wlll b" tba of ~118. , . .' Iln y!~






Dr. J. A . MCCOY' [I



County Courts

VeterinarY (jraduat(' of Ohi o :-l'I(

Real Estate Transfers

ll ni\'crsi/

Offi(,e at r e,;iJ NlCt' it , I-' D. !:ill 'r w ood 's house, Fourt h :;Ireet.

~:Iwood 1\11 11 I., A . It !! (\I l ln l! ~ _ Willf li , OIl H lI ulr nnr l' in Tn ,' IIN!!' ''' k t o wO",hlP , ~ I


Tell·phont' 2r;

OhiO i

Waynt!svill e.







~LlCt.:t'SS(J r

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Notary Public All kinde of Notary Work , Pension Work a t:)peoill.lty.

IDt· ~ \ )

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f rl ,.ll,. ...,. rrautur t. '1Ii,on , ,.,.tnlll1rlt'e .. ,. J,,"r '," t til 0/h, / r<; jjl'l l "OU 0 ItlwlJJl e l 'cr ,,. /I)r l ct.., h


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Not Su Strunl-:;" Afler r\ II Tho ught on Patrlotl s m, It b to be fcan 'u that tb (- patriot· ' r un DI ll ,. Ihln); II . 1 ntl : ~: " I it,ll· :-\0 MurriaJ,(c Liccm;t'g Is m or th is tillY hO A but II ttl,· n '/i:n.n1 : ru u ny 1,,·,,; ,, 10 ~ :' " C'1; r , ,1 III - I, Ill/,ob tor such co mm on Ihl nl5R ru! illulduuIII ' t,fonhh , "" \ 'IIIII "\), ' ! 1'\ 111 " [", bitl IS lI ' I\l'llnl I', econ o my a lld pro l' iclt'IlCI', Ullhollgh it ' YIlO WlI II Irl "" I , " " w l 1'. I, ,r YUIl ,'It< rI, til ~= I "h' Is by lit e pnlctlK" of ~ u ch vinut't! ull ly !lho uhl o! l \'" th t' llI " I i'lll i ' j' hl 'Y )-.'t t' , l ';l1 nt, Pll\t ' . thot th e gl' nuln " Ind,'p('IIUCIl CC uf the ,., trHl I~IIt "I ' OIl ,IIII I' I;( c1 r u l., 11,,,,, tum Ill(l/'II'UII Indus trial ('\as:;"8 i s tu bu t!"c un,d '- \ IICh IInll ' n il) I.' It I II !,', rf UI'III I t" l:)amu el S milos , f uoClti u n 'l nut,ur ,dl,'. ..II' ~ . I{"~ l " .Jnc · k!'\vU. Mh " , I!.·: l l l , ' --- -- . - .. - RI!~h, Wnllfl"lt, Ln, } " ' 1'1 ' , N l)t" :--: tu 't, Vt\ ot L, ·b,\n ()u Naturall y Regretted . icg rlicllll ll l /ttl hm"r IIU')': 111,,11 L htl. Kt· ~ t iI'. litr""K" r "Tl..,. \I hnlH tUII' 1l s pems ~Iln Il~t ll ;! t,;hulI: \)" I'I,lIlI ' " '1'.1111111::1 . I I"lIMI tl r to bp turul ll" OUI 10 Ih l~ rU II " I'hl. The ' it I" (\eC'I<\ 1 cll,l' 1.11 .. l )( '~ r 1II"il ln ln ll fo,~ d d I I ~t, ,, ull.l e lt tn,lIb l.. I h .. .n-I'r \I~tlil oc~nR" musl " 1.' 11' " 1<'1'11 "0'1'.1' pop u- ' Fllr !j ill< ' hv 111\ ""III, ' r,. . Na!l\'f'- StrrLIIg l' r, hp WO_" o lle I ' Inr,


.:·J£·" I

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nu\n III



Artl-'r Of' h () lI~}H 1I1s !

-- - -

... -



car h l1 "a"e ev<' r.l' u"ri y " rid l' th a I he ' To Se a l Bottl es. bud lI" o fll lse d." - -Jurll!p. , 1I0ttl" s m uy lll' ~ " I' II n ·ly M'" l" d 10 _ _ _ ____ - - _ _ tbe full o \\ i ll l( ILIIlll/h' r : ~"clt to g,,1ho r a Quarter cl' " I IIlu llrI ,,1' Kcali ng \\ ax , the Deetroyi,1g Equilibrium. sarno quantity 0 1' I" 'H"I and t \\'o ollnces "That form er eoelUY of yo urA 18 pay· of be('Rwax \\, h" " 111(' ,"i xtll rc frolhs, 1ng YOII a gre al IJIIlIlY (,o~IP\ime nts ," stir It willt Il ta lio w ta lltll(' , A R Roon "Yes," repli ed Senator So rghum: "and J as «ach IlI g rl'ui"lIt is 1II ,'lle.l, dip the r wish he 'd Quit It. Olle or th e easiest tops of thl ' t'o rk. ,c\ "(J[t"; ~ III th.~ mix. ways to throw a mall do"'" 18 to s well turo, It will (·onllll el., ly p'cluu" the his head until he get~ top·he avy,"tllr. Washlugton Star. Wortn It, "I understand that tenor kespe bls voice in order by sw allowing glycerIn, , menthol. ca mphor and 011 ot clnna· moo," enid th e musician, "Great Scott!" r eplied th e ordluary Indlvld· ual. "No wonder he InsIsts on such high wageal"



Spirit of Independence. "Tho s pirit of A IlH' rlcuu irllll' pecde n co Is g rowing s trollg l'l r every yea r." "Mebbo 'li B," 118~ellll!d Unc le I"lop801e. "M e bbp. ' li ~ , Wbf'II I wa s a young fol\pl' Ih py had a nlHn to call the flgg e rH ut n dance. An ' YI)U bet we tried tll III irill him, Now f'verybody g«ts 0111 0 11 th e floor u ,,' lets bls fe e l tlo j.,s · a bout as th ey 1)l ea se,H

• -.

Sugar and Cement. TtlBta have shown that liS lillie as one-quart ' r or one pe r cl1 nt of Ilugar will pr('\' e nl (' c mf'llt s ettlln K, while trom one to two pe r cen t will muke It s et Quickl y, but late r dI s integ rate.

=--------1.I LEWIS BAKERY- f-------- I ~


I ,


Everybody uses Lewis' ·B read. If you have never eaten it, just buy one loaf, and you will never use any other bread.

It's good and it's sanitary. Try it. "

$'1o~SeIf-Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof $4!! · T" hea I109 Ires


"lid lcla M K,., ' !II, 1.111 l>t'urti ,'l d :')\\' lbIIlP ~I

Waynesville, 0. :

Offi ce PIJ('"" 77


~~. 1 'h lJt flp~l l n


E. v.

J1 . ti.

"'---------------_. __._._-_._. __....

A. q. Chandler

. . ._



of mlnlllK IInll miliCi'll!.

InSURlInCE Vver I','stl,fh 'c ,


Waynesville, 0

N atlonai Bank Bldll .



Cl-' IJ), rtg h t, 1!J 14. Ly P ;lna.nH141' rt c I lI l . ' I I I. I I II ' I , , 11 1'. \ 11I 1:-,li Itqj C rlll~ k e r Cu., ontciu.l })li tll ll J-, l . p i , ''',

..• OENTIST...

() F, ' llIl' 1tIJ '~ 'n I I) E , H, 1I 11d t-1"l'v)o; \V "fl , 'i Il l '!" ~ 01 Itlod : c ' I' ri leo fllt'k tn wll"hlp $ 1. Vrlnk l'IIl'r, II t o ( '!I 'll' l",. tl ntl Ann" " · lHI .", I " t.~ N ,) , I I, l ~" nu" :,'; III Hutlo ' \"11 (1 , U"II' , ::: 1 1'; d w 'I!', I,1 MurrllV ' " ,I nnil l" ~ lL1r- 1 I ' d ; j " " " III ))"P!'ultIO, lJIl I" , ~ l. ~lIl'IIh ~.: , ~l"nu l "y t o ;-: , II "I';lj~: , I' , ,>I II " I' u II I1 t.! AlI loIIl1 I r\\'1 1l ~;II II C ro '" III tI " rlllo l U WIl ~I IIP .~ , W , C , (1 111110111', ... lwlllY I" , 'lilt> ,\1 Or! , IW ;-; ,111 "0 111 15 , Ill; ill \ N " .r:; IU ,\ l ll rr ', \\' , , 1hlO, :j;\I: j:I,:C: ' ,I, 1111" ~; "n,1 Aonlt 11"]11'" til ,.I In ~' I""~ I " '11l\ ' II1IH(1l\ J ::,1 1I1'1' II~ III 1)" llni l' loi [UWU",II!' :fo 1 I .1 , l" , ~ Ilt'nv,' o d t " WIIIIIIII 1';IIi I,t I "t. :-0:0. ;s ill ;' Il rl i\nC' /(lI\t Ullill ~ I , W i lll ll l" EIIIIII, I,U .>uron 111II)h ,, "r

BACK AGAIN 1 have decided to re-entcr the Cleaning and Pressing business, and am now at your ~ervice . Myoid rule-"Satisfaction or No Charge"-still holds good. Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin barber shop or call phone S-2r,



---I::W:a:y:ne:sv:il_l-e.. ,,·O·_:hio:.-------..IJI.-P_ier_c_e_ .


Public Sales





/(ood stock ooel graiu f'Hm for leot.. llllillire o f 8 , L ~ :Ilrtwrll-;hr, WIIYlltJHvtlle , ()hlll 1\ I \I

P .msion undor blind III,w grtlot.erl t o Mrs , W V. 8tri e killud , 1'he o ld I run bri.lge at M utldy Cn.o k Wilt! !lo ld to ,Iohn K . bp80oe r . Bills ull ow" I : Lo wit:! Brol> , & Co, OEI Uleot $ 2.47 Ohlu Co rr u J.{l1tE'd Culve rt Co" pIpe $':.1 90 Weate.-LI i:!llttr, snpphe,i for County BOl1rd of Il:du )at.ion, $ 11.50. Bnrl!\U Wnit!lore, Illmbor ,38.1'7 . Lee ::itohe>!, Otll rJleluor w o rl! at. Co nrt Hom;e IlDli Acnex $7 GO, Harry Ki. by, 0p ;lDln~ J"[IOW blookade io TLlr~leortl6k tOWIlshIp hUlt Februury • •1, R A. McCllltcheoD, grtlvel tlnd oement$2Jl.lD, Mason Lumber Co" cllmont $9 91). M, A . Bullle. plulIlbiu!! "t o ,'nrt bUllst! lIod jliil, 1s t lm yment "17., \rlfj,llt'!!t, over body o f ,,,ow61 Smllle.v, fUll" 11Uti C 'J~ r' B St5,:! 5. W' Jste l'n 1:;1, .. 1', pnhli "lJltlg 20 4 ~ 'l'I1X V ... lutltloc Books I:.!I:.I :.10. Contrllot 11WI1rdod to Oregoni" Blr idge Co" tor tbe oonstruotion of ~teul bridge OVf r TOdd" Fork 10 WI19blngton towlletlfp $11 3:'0,

- - -- -

- ...- ---

Inlfeclion and Insect Bites Dangerous Mn. quit06P . flIes and ( ,(.h"r,tntl6ct, ~. which brt·"d :ulokly In glubl1go tll~ll", ))"ndl:! of I:Itnj;{cllnr. wllter, bllr .IS, lLusty pilloes, eto., Ilre car riors of dl~eIt8e . Every time tlley bite YOll, they tcjeot p oison into your sY!ltem from whioh s ' lIn" dref\d disells6 may re~ult. Get II bottle of i:llolln'l:! Liniment, )t i~ 8ntiBeptio Itllrt Ii few drops will n E' utrl1lize the Inlflctinn ouu!led by intlect ·,ltes or ru ~ty cuils I::)louc's Liniment dis inf t'o t,t; Cuts, Bruises and Sores You oannot u!'ford to be wit bout it inl your bllUlI1 Ihocev h 10k i I no t s~ltil:!fled , Ocly 2iio at yoor Drnggisl,.

- - --~ .

CLassified Ads


- - ----

will Re ll fit. my rflsidenOB ,) n ruE' F err,V rOtld, :I mtl,,!! frOID WU'yD L's, VII1U . un




o t- xel.Jllo~n" 1(110.1 ~Im"ral , purSaturday, August IS, 19 J.j III II'IB, hor~t1 fur ~ht1I'P or outtlu, At to o'clonk LII" foliowlDg pro. luCi IlIrt! IIf It. K l'll'ret', I.Ilmr Middle


p Ar ty: \! bOrl;e"" :.I htllld of ollt,tle, 1{llu (1l.Jurch, H,. i.J . J , rpllug V/tIlt1~" about ;J ;, b()gl'!, fllrmicg IlllpleUltlD 18 uhlO 11 111 I1nd house bold gom!/! \ :lu"'''1I)1:' Be rryhill O BACCU IHHi C lg;L r :-illlllt<men A. A . MoNelJ. , Auc:t, wlluted tu Ad \ler!t~I. b;l(IJtJrhlU , Il . uunec"!Isary .• LOO ru " utlll.y ,lcd 'l'r"v u hug J<~XPtlDl:\"t!. ALivl' rtl "'l ~Ulu klog, Easily Gauged. Johnn y wile sellt to the cellnr to Gh ew lDg '1'lIbIlOOU, C I~l... tlU"'S, CIl{l1r~, draw a. pitche r or c Ider. When be got ::lend :10 !!tllUl II ur f..1J "llrtloujorH. hack the gue~t comlll ended him. " You lI e lutll, TulJltoo" C o. , Ntlw Y,,1''', N. Y. n~b mU8t ha,'!' gooll jud!( tn E'n t to bavo fill ed the pitcher so accurutely In the dark wlthoul running It over." " Aw. that ain't hard," rf'pll ('d .Johnny . "Yer FOR SALE see, whC'1l th R ('Iri er got up to thA t1r~t jolut of my thulllb I stlll1lled ," UO l) Older vlIleg Ir, AnniL) lith. , hOIl .. , 11 lltl Not a Pleasant Occupation. A citize n who b.. II ... " l's Ihal a certain dellirable bom e 01 25 arres, X thing ~hould be UUIIll called at tho wile from cu rporu~LUu, lu Globe o llice Ilnd sai d. "You can scold 11 26 th e people Into doing It." Dut we lJ ulrt! In ~bl!! tJllil!tl do not wish to b('come a commoc scold. People are b~('oltllng tired ' of UU::iE 01' 6 room", 00 SUlHIl Main /::It, Inquire Il~ tni!! l ,flIot', having others t ell th ~ m wbat thoy Il 19 sbould do.-Atcblson Globe. • - +------::_-ACRES of well improved land, Sweet Grasil. lIlllir Ct!lJtel'vl1\o : or sale at 1It We never know how much sweet- tllugalU It 8uld doun, loql1ire O[ A. ness there is In grass till it Is c ut. Sev- A . McNe Il, Conterville, OhlU. ,,19 ered tram th e root, It gIves out a 1)61'E8'l'AURANI', in a gOl,(1 town, rum €' whiclt th e garden Itself cun duing a yearly bu!!iee811 of lIardly r l val. Misfortune Instead of making us bi tter, should bring out the $10,000. LllqUlru uf A. A McNeil. ~ 111 6we e tu e8 ~ of the spirit, like the fra- lJtllJ~lIl'\'11l6, UhlO. grance of tho mown grass. ACRE farm, well Improved, 011 ~ - -- - -I,be t I . L. &> C. railroad. Will Somewhat Risque. Illllk6 11 goud oluckee or fruit farm, "Twobble pl'id AS hims e lf on calling PI',O tl 'fL~OU, l1>qllire of A . A. a s pade a spade." "Qlllte HU, but what MoN eil. 1\ 19 makes his conve rsation oft'e nsivo Is the fact that ho doesn't confine hLmROl\-uEnIlY" ,':ielf HllIItlDl; GIlII. self to spades." olille lron. hllmre of MI'" , K 1::1, 1" 1111),, ngeut, V'r II. lJflSVt ! II:', Ollio , Pbolls !:iii. a l~









Modern Education. A prominent sc hool principal lately told UA HOOH' o f t he /lnHWerS found Ip ' pullils' eXlllllillntlon IJIl)Jf' fB. He re are two of lh em : " Wbat Is a volcuno?" ",A volcnno is a mountain that sometlimes blows lit e "(pHltor ofT. " "What IL HATHA A l' Lot. of fice Cele ry Plnuts for II" th e difference be tw een n mountain SuIt!. luquir6 ot Waiter Elzey, acd a hil1'l" "A hili Is lik e a moun· .' 'I ' ~.Hille'~ Lead in1 DenSie' lit, ZlmmerWlill'1! grocery, or Ill. h1s tllin, only a tl,, ;unt a ln is IL little more .1 . K uld . M "'t a. 1:1 hUller." ()tnoo In ey,. u g . II.ln'7 hume,


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"hundred, pin in, wbite orepA paplu' nllpktns; in do uzua DO ller d OZBC, Bt Unl! otUoe. to t,he MoCall's 100 !Iubscribllrs MAgAzine . Hend 350 to the

ltuzett J ollloe, aDd gilt one of the best m/lgalr.loea on Ctlrth. tf

Walter McClure

~I 41" ~'



lequire of litho gocln, Ullio.

Today's Magazine is now a real necessity to every woman who has at heart the health, welfare, progress and happiness of her family.

Today's Magazine at 50 cents per year, including any May Manton Pattern For latest styles, for delightful stories, free, is an unequalled bargain and the best for money-saving and labor-saving ideas investment any woman can make. Sub".. Today's Magazine is now the recogniz- ('. scribe now-every n urn ber you miss is a genuine loss to you. cd headquarters, " Send your order, accompanied by the cash, to tit:


male ou}f for 'sale, two A Holsteic rnocth04 old, anull gaud OJle,

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Women everywhere are talking about Today's Magazine, the big, practical, helpful, artistic, handsomely illustrated and indispensable fashion, fancy wor~, housekeepers and mother's guide.



H .E.

Funeral Director. The Ameriean Boy Regular price , , , : . , '

The Miami Gazette Regular price : ' . .. '

Telephone day or n1ght. Va.lley pholle No, {, LonK D~tanoe No, Gll-lIr, Auto,:"obDe 8ervlce at an TlR'!ee 1

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AUTOMOBILE LIV ERY SERVICE Two Machines. At Reasonabl e Rates, Springf ie ld Tire s, Tubes and Acc ess ories • Va lvol in e Oil and Creas es.



V .II 1.1.; \

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ItlltCt! of Advertitling H "llIlI l lg' L Ol'llis .

Jler Ilfl r . . . . . . . . . . _ .

lJu bSi11l'd :\cl8. 110 1 to

I ). I.. C l'al lv . 1« li l' .!' and i\1;· nag(·r.

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Ad \ f'rtl .. lllj.{ . pur I I Il'OoI 'II UIIllll


t(1\ C U

Ilidi .. _ . • . If U COllll' n e t.

Mr . Doony Morri"" o f Lee!jburg. O nr Y()llll K fa )ktl lllttl u jll ~ ly hll Y (Ibill . W 'L~ III thi~ vi oinity lu !:' t Vl'eok r id" '1' Ill l tM (iHY l--vn n ing I n !J u n Ir o f trt.Lllt!o~tln!-( tJUl!int'lt!~. A1 1~R ~o lli e \\'''1' " Io ·~ , "f ()n . ~ () n . Mr. WllrrOIl Cle nv l' r. of De l ro it.• II1r,.;. ~l\ nt1 1 J ~ 1I'" vl",l t ..ll VI' . Itull . Ie vlt:!itill l! hl~ lI\c l.hAr Ilnd tlhlt e r. (11111 li nd wH u \\'polll eS(itlv It n (1 lI"r ('hu H 'I'lIok ll r II IIM )lnrch""'fl' l II ~1 .. 16r Mrs. L('f! ~ 'I'll 11 1',,01 II'y nu(1 Fl'i . , ,1(\ V . II ll'.\' I'·u nt Tonri ug cu r. M I' II l1d ~ I rw (1 I1 C) . I)"V IH "III·,,,· Mr .. I,)ntlH. lh fl pUI"",,r ulltolu o 1JiitPhone 7 I - I 1 · 2 CORWIN, OHIO 1.11 i £1 ", ' Oil ~llnt1uy M r ,11111 ~I r~. ~ !lI( ! ~ 1lI1111 oI \Vllrrnro I ;" unl,y WIIH i" 1.11 1,. YI Cillll y I, ·(:... rotlv ~\'llh It I!'u r d \Vil l \Vnr \\' I('k an, 1 '.l llul-( llter N (~ I1i .. , ""-,,,,,~~,,,,,,,~ Il'lu·k . t r .\· II1~ til 1111, tl l' ll~ l. 11 1111 uf til t' r,.II·. \\" lrrl'n c·II·"'·l' r . Mr;: Mllr.v linn" IlulL 11 1',, 111 lI e611 of "1H''' ,! OtJ lI- l : J'111 \ .,, 1', MI'~"" 1iI l ' hn ~ ttntl H fl l lier ' \\ Ilrwl uk. "r e 'ul um!JlI s, Mr . lin d Vf ~ nltjIH't · • ~Ir .. . ErnO,.L Mltllllllrlund tW , 1 dU\l~II~ 'I'h" A . .\1. ~; . nutlroh i~ IHlIu g p"IIII " .1 wbl cll will utlllul.i/'.v t!.J ,lI r t ,,[·~ . ~Ir~ loin ~\'L nu"II, Mi ~ s Erh ol "I",'" Il l' wl)r~hi)l . Httv, L.flw i R 1l1l ,1 ~ !ltnnllil tllllJ Mr . IIlItl Ml'w. J oe OIlVI~ HHI d 'till! It t.tlr. " :-.I . 111IV\' ~ on urI) I.h (l prlll{l' '''~ A iv''K MI !"I" V,llltL cl(.rdllll t11111 Mr. I\II rli . In ~hll (,hur(:II. Who will !tn I. It . ''''XI. I·" 1~ ~ iHt 11\ ItUII!IDJ,: ullr 10WII IIrd .I II nlllll "p,," t ' 1 · lIf' ~ oI" .~' lInd \V, ,, IIHl ..du y Itl (' llfllln I"orn b""lIllfnl. :11r UI'IIl . B II glI II ,,, ,t ""lI g ht."r It lllli',r IIUH It 1.II"t in II I!' v"r v I':d II h ' bl tC'd Mr . u lld .11 r ~ . ( 'hnn tll 'II" 11 1'111' I'uln r" WI! OTtI t,o) I,IH" O IlA to! 11,11l 1,," ) \) 11 1\1111101 .v " \lr blll (' I"" ~h" l )fI '1' h" ( '1,·" \,,,1' C" r r 1:10 ': 1 HU lIlll ll n TIlt Aulllllll "')1'11 (\ )' i~ " e ln~ ,,,,w i \. ]111 111 1",1, wlli ,:h .. till Itd,hI I u 111 " \\ ,11 10 ,· ""101 11\ (111) Iltl ll N . II. 1i. ,, ·b ·1! ~I" \' " ~IIlllr"".v , AlI ..: t1 " ~ :!:!. Ali i IJt'lInl.y or ollr town I' td JI t I VOl. cvr, l1" 11.1' I n I' !I.ed . . ~'r II" rll IInklll, wh n IiU H I nr !II r. II o Ll M I'~ \·V 'J' .J ,)rel 1I11 W"1'(1 1 .. "" .. r.o! .v ",Hri hp, n in l·o!I .... vifl' ·, 1{lIn;;Il II . w" .. litHO )" H\ w,,(,k ~ Ullking III " "j' lnn ~" llI l'oI" .v 111111 :-' III""' Y. hhnd" ,,"Ill Irlt1l101li Mr 1I11e1 Mr_ . F. A. I:ftlrt~ ' )I'lt . 1111" ,' H " r LfI " "k MIR!I ()Sl'" I\ IIN"'! IIlI" II p')lIiti o u fl."" .. ,"ud .:\111"1" H('ll' o wHit tile C llIltllll '!'" Iophc: ntl (' d . uf VI~I L,I( I th e %;,,,. , ·llIHilIY. Mr .. .I . H ll m( ' tI i" 1\ !jtll n h"ttpr l Wlll\lin/.:tnll.lll(l tonk chllrgA AIlI{Il'" 7. ~hfl Itl Il "ArV onmpAteoL I"d y til. '1111 " wri f. ifl ~ . Shop Next to Sherwood's Carage Main St 'In ·1 will b", I thl' "oUlpllny " va l . Til ., It ll r,tI \\'e' lfllro , 1.' ·III-{I1" IIld,It'II""l1t, un Illt f' rns tll l g J! I I' I · tlug :--:11 tll r lill Y I Mr. Clillt I\n'<on .. HoI' ~ e vft1'11 1 "VEI II i 1.1 ". w"ok!! vi .. il. with rtll!ltivflM Il'ft ftll' . ·u\, I\ rul uf u n r prUli liH illl-: y ' "l lI~ I :"lIf"rnln W ... ,lnns,IIl Y where he hn" I . e" f\ ltl;:r~ II r u ulloDulllg 11I ~ 1 1l1l1, ' /1 g llod posit-ioll in wuHil1K for hill!. I Ul t'! w ut:lt.. Mr and Mr~ . Oliver ,1110011 tiro re o litis!! I£th el 'v\'"rLlI"w !lu Ll I\Jr. p.l\irill~ nncl (I&int. in ~ t.heir hom e on 'J'rUIlItIIl \\'I\f(lI ow fl llI1nt :o;un,III,I' I<;UAt MUlo ~t . with I.ltul r IU ll l lt .' r . Live Stock and General Auctioneer 1\11'1'. ~:llzub~l. h :-iellra httll solo Ii or Mr . 1J """ r ,1 'I'l bIJIII " ~p C llt 1111. O " tt.I1~fl nn MIl!,le st. t o Mre. ~orfl w('a k wir h hi ~ " n lll(\IJlH fl UI " fil l' Pos ted on pedigrees and values of !:it/niH . unil Mr~ .. III IJ o H U I ~ h\\'a 'y . Mr . C hll~. Wnrwick anti ~on Bnr . ki lids of breeciing stock. ~J r . n n,l bl r H. .111 1111 W, olfu ViHil.l·d bert . ot Columho"" were gn!l~t~ l.f Mr . untl Ml's. Th ,)s ,., Ilt'rooi ti nn"" ." Mr lind Mr,.. Wlililllll '\ ' nrwick Itml Experienced in handling farm sales since ,' UIJI I ll.1r~. }I'r"u lt I:-ohidll kfl r I dnnghtAr t-laturdllY Il OIl wl:lre eo . cll N lh<a to ll lilr. !lud hlr ~ . Llue,. Oll"11i 1905. ter l.llineo Ilt the Centml Hotel. t:lUllUIlY t1lIol·nouu. Cbllrlev nod WilllR 'II two hrothttr ~ Terms Reasonable' -:- .Satlsfactlon Guaranteed 11IId not met in 1" years. Constipalion Causes Sickness The E811tern Htar Lodge tldmittl1d one to thoir cirole I:>BtIllU"Y nighl.. I.>.m't p e rmit your~(llf t·o I ('come ORADUAT E ~ Ol' TilE Waynesville, Ohio R oss Hltrtsook spent !::;nndny with cODsr.ip"terl. II ~ your l:Iy!!,em iIDru e ~ .ATIONAL AUOTION Valley Telephone H·2r niu te\v h Agio s t n a" ~(lrh: poif'o n frllll! QI·IOU L UP AMxnW A his pllrents . tbe b~ck fl 'l up WII ~te Utllt·t er . U "e Mr. Bod Mr~ . George 01\ vi .. on~ te rt"IDAc\ fo r dloner Hnnc1IlV IIllltlV Or. KlOg !I New Life l'iliA nn ll k A~p ~.~-------.......~­ of t.heir fri e nds tLt t.hpir hfJ"pltaLie well. Thurt3 iH no Imttt'r ijlllf'!-(U 'lrol 11!-(1~ lnst illlll' !-It4. .I u ll t. IIIk e OOFl d "~fl home neur Wellmao. tU.lIlglll . ~:; c . Itl. .vou r \)r n~g l .'. Mil ny fr )m here attent! flO t.h e Coll e t.t, Me KtlY picni o l:iatnl'llay. Corwin. MI8S Et·u e l Cooner ott.ended the' (l X e llit~ tliir Thursdnv - - - .... .... --- ~' l'!verl11 fr om bilrf\ 111' 0 IlI.tI-'UI)IIlK I I'e nchor's Jll ti loll nle H.t Lfll\ .. 1l 0 U ""I " Summer Cou~hs Are Dangerous weC'k . !:lumml'r colds lire daogerous. MrH Ali o l I\f<'K i n ~()\' vi~i l '~.j h p/' Tbey indica.ttl low vitahty nod of ttl 0 dllu ghLtl r in DuyttJ lI '~e " (l rIL) dH\' ~ le~rl to I!erious 'l'hroat and Lnog . Troub le!l, Including CODsI.iputioo l!l~ t. week . Mr . und Mrs. Will tlULU e ld . IIf Dr. K lng 's New DiscovI1ry will r A hove the oough or cold . prolllllr I.Y Xonill, tI(ltltlt. ~lInd •• Y' With Mr,.. "Dct prevflDt nompliolltioDS . Jt. I.. Hope !:!tifll~ aDd t1ulI ghl t' r. soothing Bod IIntiseptlo . aoCl D1Ukt'R Grnoe I'll retnrn fo Cl hOIU B ~on· you f eel better at ooce To deltt.y day lifter II week· ... VIMit wiLh 1' 0 1.. : ill dllngeronM-gAt a bottle of Kiug'~ ti VEl tl in Xeoi .. . New Disoovery at onoe, MoollY Mrs Millor uot! son, of Doyton. bllck If oot slltll\fled. tiOo and $1.00 have beon ~pe nc1ill g Aevt'lrn) ,11I~·t! bottlell at yonr Druggillt . ·wilh Mr. 0 .0. Whetsel !lnt! faulIl y. ---- --Evere't M.:Elwee uud fnmily, of Caesar's Creek Wilmington . are visiting Oliver Davi s Rud fllmily . ANY properly owners feci Tho (~Wlrterly meeting at tills Mr Jnf<. S .. leH wal' tl ChllOtlluquB that painting is an "expilioe Wt.L8 well attended both t;atur. visitor !:!Bturdu,V. pense" -"ome(hin~ that they day and Suoday . Rev . Josephn~ 1\1r(l. T. Burdin Rnd ohildr en are I ('all ~et along without. But every Iloslrin~, of Wilmiogton, Rev. A. E, speoding two we ektl with relatives painted surface needs renewing, for Wooten, of Wllynesvllle. Rnd Rev. George Levering, of Xenia, were In l{entuok y. tbe s a ine reason that a person needs ncw Mra. Wm. Doughters lind Floyd our preaohers ~aturdRY. Rev, Frank cloth es- both clothe8 and paint get Mormllo &lld l{.ev . A E. Wooten IlttElnded the XeD11L fair one day " hahhy. were with us on Sabbath. 'l'beir last. week. Painting at regular Intervals foreMrs . Arnold hal! b oon ,isitio g her sermODM were helpful and very Il lalls repairs ; while neglect of paintnieee Mrs . Chat!. H.oynoldtl. moch nppreoillted. ing mcltns 130'1'11 a repair bill and n i'red Evorllllrt nnd fllmily of M r~ . Ueorjle Bogan Bnd danghter pain t hill la ter, because the repaired Edyth, 01 Wellulan. wore !:lunday !franklin, spout I:lunduv witll Oliver work must be painted. guesls of Cbuunoey Bunnell unel 011 '~is anti f,uui Iy .


1'\11 '. 1\ jO .\\ UH'

P 'Il .11'1 " 1'''' 11 '1.\ t. tl 11I:1I'": ll pl,·t, ·d II\, be Vu.r1\1U s ( ' lJflllIl ll . l .. P'" III I hn ~l 'I Dl,. l!tIUIr'r.v (' I.tlill \ - 1 1111" h Il ,-d t \.r W h l lt ·'f, ·l lll "', - · I . • th l t-h t1 b l . ... ' UflflU 'I ' t~ X· hlli l 1" 11 I II lh 1t 1~ 1 '" • f .. n~ , '"

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nll1l1l. uf Ill e pur ~I'''' Will allo w 111 0 1'1 ' lII11ne y I·" 10" ""p"rtil Innll to tlllc h II !, Ih.· I'e!{nl .. r c v u ut~ . uttrll c tlD f( h I. I",· hUI'~ u tl lhltll w " uld o th u l'wl~ u loti p ll~:; llol o . Th u pr lll-{rum fur 1.,,\Jll r dllY . ()ppnln~ the f"ir. prlll\ll~!lt' I U h ·. nll A of t h tt bl· ... t n f t.tIA flllt·r o weA l: ~ p 'oi,,1 lntAre~l it! hdr.l~ ,,"k"ll Ihrlll1!!hotlt t·IlA cnUllt·.v in till" v"rlo\l~ HPIICI,t! onntA ... IH IlrrtLIIgI~" IJrinlllrl ly f,.r /11 11 ('lin III I' .V ,,"'''pl f' . S" .. ", ,, I m"'l.Ilj"lI will 110 InMt .. 01 ,h .. "i' "", .,..

11I,,1 10\'111 I· ,x

~nl"'rl l1lt' I Htt " l L:J

Vttrl l l\l!'4



plttl1 t:J

Really Bey o nd Help.

A1')1111'11 1.1 "" , '''' .. 111"" 01.1' in

ronfu(' luH. Ih .. ('hlll/'A" I,hlloaopb cr. tho llg h 111' 1\ \'1' <1 lI .. nrl y 2.f>UO YI.'O I'lI lJ11~vi ()tl~ 'yt-'UI', Ilgu. " It 101 IlIall ), tloIlIgH that Ilr< ' tru,. 'l'hl1 "Ilio" .. "I' ,.;" ,c \t I L . !j il l. t od" y. Itlllnng Ih"'" thl" : "Wh e u il ,I.. ro ll ·,n IU II" . 1{".Uo lo! hllllllll ~ , mltn hil S I)pell h .. lperl uround 1111" co r· ():_IVtltll, W' ! I' " I 't "'11 1'11 I, ltl'" wt\pk tor n p r or n lt Clul-lr.· nn rl CHllnot Inana..g" Th o n.,onIlL'IHI III' nnt.r l"!4 III Iii .. vI\r_ th " " liH'r th,, ·,·, h" is uuworlhy or I lin . dH)lIlrl.lllt'Ut.toI Bt-'c llu"'" of thli futuro' 1t,," IMlnlle:e." '01' Io"t h h. " ,h "lid fur In I 'X ('tl'~!'4 1' ( !In ,\"

rl ll ~(1 1hltt

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f.llt. IUlr "1'~-H'''' " n l "'lbor

day l, 1.10" P"trlll" WIll t:I : ~ti to;"tlll'll"y .

tiow to Cure a Sprain III Ii H"'I + pk, 'I'lomll will 10,. 11,lep,nt Ill Aot.K of A Hproin 1Il1t'y he o llrbd in nbont. l.hl1 t"i r tIll_ ""r~, ,tl,,1 IlllprovA. •m ...-tllir,1 Ihe tim ... re1luIIllcl hy till! f l1t'''(,~ hUVI-I ht~U fl nlllllt~ in t'ulIh uv .. r lI HllIti I,rl'alwont, hy IlJlplvinJ,: ChulI1 I"n""r .Vt'urN I' ht, " ptloilll{ JI"rud,· Imrhlln's Lioimollt und uh!lttl'vill:,: " 1' IIoAI.rllck WIll !IlJ1rt M""duv "t· thtJ (1Ire uri-JIl I! wttll ollch bot·tlo. f"r I;! ::111 ,, 'olnrk IIn,1 I.htl I·Xhlhll. of 'l!vl' ..... 11,' by Illi . IAnIAr~ . ~ llIok lor pn!llllllllll1 will h"l(in "t II · ' ·ch ,ck TUt1I1,lbY Ulurnln~ The de. SuperlUtlon. p .. rtrn~ntll "ro htlr~UH, oatl I .. , I:!whU', "What worrleH 111 11 ulJout my wlto, " poultry, fllnu produots hOr\loultur Bald IIfr. Meo l'ton. cOlllld ontillll y. "IA '11 prOlfuot", ,Iomtl.tio manufllotores. that Hhe Is gelling superstltloulI." I.rovi"iuutl, Hlle IlrtM lind fllrlll Ullt· "What about ?" " Me. Whenever aoy · Il billtlry Ilnd Implowellts tblng goes w rUflg ahn nl WIIYN mnllllge H 'l'ht' ~pecd prllgrllOl. wblCb stllrts 10 fi gure It out that I' m the p"rson MuIltIIlY, will he the bpl:!t 10 YOllrll, who brought blld luck tnto tbe fa.m· I I 'ho prl'dlCltions of those In c horge Ily." urll lolfilled . A totltl or $6.000 will be divided Rmon/{ t·he winners of I.he various event8. All rt.Loe8 .. te t·obeln bllrt\ll~p, bOllt Ihree in flve Beware of Ointments for Catarrh ,'bel'e will be no 8ta"e raoe8 this that Contain Mercury .\'8IIr, 80 far 118 presen\ plllns hllve heen IJlllde . 'fhe prellent arrange IU! meronr.v will tlurely dest·roy thl' lIen!lll of smell and oomplett.iy d e rlUlge the whole sy8teon when enter. iog It through the muo ,ns surf"C611 Summer Constipation Dangerous Suoh Ilrtioles shoold never be u8e') COIIHtlplllion in l:)u!IlUlor Mme is exoept on prescrlvtlonEt from repn. 1II'1r dllUKIUOUS Ihltt] In t.lle filii, tllble physioirm!l. fl ... the dAmage they willt'lIr ur I<prlng . The fo od y u eat ~ III (10 Is ten folel to the g J od YOtl th '3 ID i~ ()ftttn contuullnllf.t!d lind is alore oan pos81 bly derl ve fro n IIkt'l v tn f"r ,mmt· ID ," " ur ~toml\ob . 1::1 .. 11 ' II C.. t.a nh Cnre. moan nfaotured 'l'bflU :von '11'1" IIpt to drink IJlnoh by F J Ch~nf!Y & Co" '1'oledo, 0 , cold w"tllr durin!: 1.11 1'1 bot, weather, cont,.ins no nlf'ronrv. Hod III f.akell thus inJuring YllUT "I nmlloh. Co llo. internally , direot,lv npon t. h ~ }I' evll!', Pt.olJltLlne P ,.iz!oning and blond Itnt! muoous surfoct's of 111(\ ol.h e r tllK urA Dulnral r lls ult~. Po M,VMtew 10 bnrlog B"II 'f! CIII.arrl! Uo I ,ux will Iif'ep you well, atl it i,l Cnre bo bure you ~et the gAOnJOO orflllllel! the Btl A, the nAtuml Illx .. · It IF! t,llken Internlllly ,md w'id e in tlvt'. whioh rid!! tbe bowt!ls of ihll Toled ', Obio, by F. J, Cheoey & oOlljellted poifoonous waste. Po-Do- Co TeMtlmoolal" free, Sold by Druggi!lk!. Prioe 750 pe'\' Ltix will Ulalle you 16t'1 bettor, 1'101t1lflnt. and "'feetivl'. 'fake Ii do~e bOI,tle T"ke HAll '8 rllwily Pili!! for con to. ul g llt. GOo Ilt y nur oJrnggtstl 8tipt.Ltion . :-W"pr" IIatIHr f"




Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.



hUd :


N. Sears

Which W<nd(l you Rather Pay? ABil} for.Paint now or Bill fOl~ "Paint Mcl Repairs Later?



... - ..

W. H. Madden &Co. BUILDING MATERIAL Of all kinds. ~_

,. ..




......... :A_ ... _ ...... - .... -






Colors in Stock at all times


fllmilv . Mr. and Mrs . Charles Oglesbee. of ~,lflng Valley, oallen on Je~He Haines nUll tarully t;l1ndav afternoon WA lire /(11\<1 to announce thllt Ile iR Improving. l\IrH. Mary LeRlIliog wns the gues t. nf IN. I!: . BO!{lln IIU'\ tl\luily Thurs. d ..y . Heveral from here attendeel the Ureon County Fuir h':lld at Xenia Itlst wt'ek. 'HIe horRfl bl'longlug to Bert Bognu hat! ,Ill' misfort,une to get hll,lIy hort ODe dny Inst' wOAk. bnt, 11'1 getting IIlong nioely . John c..:ritl!8 /Iud wifo, of OgdeD, Itttllntl(ld (~ullfterly meel.iug tit tili!;! pllt"" , MI~H PllnllY Hnvolio(l. of Daytnu, Is villit.lng MlsA 81lra ~.,ttllrthwuH c .


- - - .... ... - - - The Twenty Year Test

" Sorno twent.y yo nr K Il~ll I DRO,l t:llll "bflrlllll, '" Colio, Cho leTa Ilnd j)i!lrrhollll Helll edy .. " writes H liO. W. Bwol<. pnltliHhtir IIf ~he 1<:11-1 ttlr))ritle. A Mr(leoll . Mti "[ t1i!<~ ouvere!! tb .. t it WU81~ qnieJ! "ntl tlltfe oure for diu rrlloPR. zo;lDOfl tll(1Il no ou ... oon tie 11 Ill" lIuythillg ,mit! t o be 'jUiit Ii!! goa r! : DI1Tiog 1111 t-Ile!le yeo rs I hll v o I1Me!! it 011(\ reol)m mOil) ted it fIlllU r t11l10!<, ILDri It IHl!1 ne ve r di~IIJlDOir:;t (1 (l A.ll yonl','· F u r alfl hy 1111 c10Illo~p .

kcep~ down the hi~h maintenance cost that always results from paint-Iwglect. It is pre-eminently "the paint that las l s. " It is also most economical in first cost. because it covers the I;u!lt!st Rurface. Treal your hnllSe 10 a new coat of paint. It will be true economy. 1)0n ' l class the COilt with lales. w:,ter rent, plumbing hlllA nnd other "dead" expeDscs; fi~ure It UII an llStlet-an investment . \V" c':\n shuw you Mnm~ \' ery tlflrlU"(iv" nllor t:omblnntlon~ IUlII $live YUII .. onto lldvke ubnulljulniinst thflt wUll'rohllhly ."vu you money. WILL YO ChLL '&'0 :iRE lJS l

Japanese Denied Luxuries. Thn IrHl ~ t e xp<'IIKi Vol slnglo fl'u\( In the .falllllll1Htl fruit HtoroH Is the nnt;; l1 ~ mikafl , II ~p (, "'e" of grapefruit (Cltru :; declllllanal. whlcb Hell tll. hroughoul tbe --.... - _. -..,. winter fol' 7 Yo! cenl s each. 'I'heso ar~ not eate" III ~ QIIIlntltlOI:l by the The Case of L. L. Cantclou cla!ls of peoille whll lIIako the gl'I'at 'rba oa~e af L. L . U"nttJlou, Clltr- fru it· buying [,otlnluliofl III tho Unlte(1 Andon. ·I'AX'III. III similllr to thllt of St,ates. The Ilveral;tl Income or til" U1llny utherLl who have used ~baUl­ Japaoellll fa.wlly of four 11:1 about $150 Suu!lcriue fOl' you r hom e 'pa ller berlain't! COlio, Cbolerll and Diar a year. Thhl sum does not leave mllcb rUOAa Remedy . Be says, " After ma:rgln for the purchase of luxuries. try i ng ... d ootor for LIEl.erlll mon ~hB, • lIod u'!lnjt dillerent kinds O( medl oino for my wife who had been Home·Made Ointment. troubled with severe bowel oomTbe tollbwtng Is II recillo tor a slmplnint for severnl mouths, I bought pie hom e ~mltd e olntmont, whIch Is ex- Funeral Director and Embalmer, Il 2/)0 hottle t)f Chamberl .. ln·s O(iliO, clIllent for al)plylng to cuts Ilnd Cholera !lnd Diarrhoell Rewedy' bruises: Ono teaHlloonful ench of olive Waynesville. Ohio. After uslog tbe 8000D" bottle sbe on, turpenllue, spirits of camphor aDd w.s entirely oured." For sale bV coal 011. Of courso, al!.Y amount d&a'll dealers. slrlld may be made , but tho proportion Call answered promptly day or night - - --0 - • must · be as glveD here. Both phones in Office and Residence, One Thing After Another, • --Long distance,No, 14; Home phone Thill year's sweet girl graduate 111 Drifting la l Declalve. 14-2r. . next year's p:f debUtante and the nr1fting is acUon, the moat declBlve Chairs and one Coach furnished free tiled ho~k,eeper ~f yeA,r ofter, p.e xt.- kind of ao~on.-David Graham PbU-/ with funeral~...· . Lwlav11le Oourlcr..Jounal. ..- • :. I ~,. ~ . Bea~f service guaranteed.


... -

Patton's Sun.IJroof . Paint




w. H. Madden & 'Co.


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Anyone sendlnr a .ketch a"d (llIIIcrlptlon m.,

qnt clll, ..certain mlr OI)hIIOIi tree whether an InybnUun I. probftbl1 r.alent.ab~Comnlunlea.. tiona .trloU, .onndenL 111. HAND II 011 P.....1&

lent free. Ohlelt aaenl!:J tor leoo D. paten... ('"tentl taken C.brou.,b MUDD & -eo. .......

tp<clal noll... wlthont Cb ...... ID t.he

Sdtntlfl( .Hmtrk.L ,I. ..".,.I:\i" .IT•.."... .. '

& lI",dlOmel, lIIu.trat~ l r ' 1 fOllr llIontM, .Sold b1&!

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l " l k",I o f rn p. I1 rl r1 n g of lk" AmeT1 n "o'lInn : 1111 0 bill n F'rt'n (' h womca lLn lIu"lrt !I UI'I! u ar,'d whal shl'! had Ibb ,,,~ 10 1 ~ '1'1 " , III,kll lJ : SI" IUU I:hlld, A ud 111.'" \l'a .. " " X lu lilt' lI and " of ; :Iny I tld " "I'l a ll IIho ,': L1 n .lIo r. !;! I ,~ \I ""ll,·r h,. d . t !I UI bh" k ll .·" l lint r",n"f ' "'' 11'.1 \ 11,,· :lIt, IIllall'lI ,;I",,,t lO r .\11"" ' :1. d,,,.!:,, Ii ( , )1' , " r iO rt: IIHlln .' 11 ,',11 , II I",. Ih ,' l ,rll l'·I ,: " t l "" IJ f 111 '(; ' l" "a l ,' " h l ' l " r_ W[lX ' 11' 1t)' sh p




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lh'lI l1' ll "hI} \\ t\ l'l ' a tokcd l o li ll 11u llllt:i :; I '" Ih n ' ''' as ldc h r hill nod wraps " ~ 1) ,h ar ~ Ir " ,"Inlan d l, )'1>11 .. r " ~Il ,Ii" 11,' uti u l,)1l " Il y \".I S ~ I r l ', II. ~ wllh Ihlll mUll n .. r of IrH'oll sC Qu" 'lt'e I h" 11l~1 llIa ll i ll 1111 ,h .. \\' irl" wo rld I 1/(u li ll lou o r IJ r a nd )(,q f ,l dti , ~I k h , Mr, "h 1c- h rtl ~ tln g u l~ l\l':! till' anl s:J c l e m ' \\ 'sh I II "I" ~ ". And I d o n Ol qu l l., lll'" : I l,u llI l! IIn " ~rI'a,' i1 I! J " iu I li t' IIrondw w nnl ,' OIJr t !lI lHi l ' S Il PlJN H:t 1H"(' t th' re. . Mul · Dt' ruJo"nt (r o lll lhH lhr1( l y one, an d t ht, 'AU y yo uy tlnll ill o nll j r ~ . 11 0 w lu ld i" r c d a b ou t wh ~'n' ~ u n,.,1 mal\ l ll R yo ur rt C1U p.s t , " ~l C'tlltHJjs l talh' J'Il HClu Ell TorulIt !) , Ton ey dl c tnt ~d li p rn li[h t b o In ParI. 0'''' pa~ 8e tl nn 1111 0 I h.· ' Ozy tlinlng r oo m . ~ " (10 )011 nol thInk, II,adam '·. that da y and Kam c hn l k~ t h" n"xi. F nllnwl n.: 'I'll .. III n ld P e li nll' !; h i ti IlIl er pr etali u n ur SI)lr· had Drran ge d Home sand· yo u O W L' Ill" '< " Il eth ill ): ' h l' HOfJra he KOt- 1I t .J B. c uC tl n,lI4.l t" f\(" ?" I I illlall l." in lJublnel! s . ~ Ir , 11 11 III II ton w c "'~ olld a LUl t l u ot light w I n e. ti'h Q "!\: o. \ \ 'ha t l ow,' I pn\' , Think , :'>Ir. ' t;a i ll "I ce rt al lll\' d o un t have ill CHAPT ER II-Cont lnued, atp a n d dmnk, whl i ll Int c rm i llc'll t 'n url l lllldt ;:------- .. ; think "' I' ll " .) , lII ind th a I ol tl <, (l U ~ I'P ti ')ll (lr tlle word T h er e wau a mlnule wrlnk l o abovo ~tll l l" H p l ay ed lI erO SH lH' r !O"rry __ ta ce, " 1 tl o 1I0 l tl nlj,'r s t a n tl." Impati ently. Implied ~llIl c t 1 1l101l1 0 1ttiU IlHS !U111 t h ~ unkn!)\v t\' s no~e ; th o shadow or a ' lI a,' llIg t hnt 6nU s n" d he r IlIlI\g,·r, sh e ~~ __ -------:--- -J I "EhlJl"H ', I o w n you nothing , OncIl I I lltJ a lJllll> tu • ant rl,ligluu " ph rnHus. 1 frowll. " She le v cry b enuUru! ." ope n. ·.1 h"r pUrMI' and ,·xtrllc t ed the '-~ -_ h on rd yo u t<nr- 'I dll n o t lik e to 6"" r end In th(' HIlJI II 11 m u ch l a r g e r melln" B ah! Diu sh e send you Rtter me? ba ll l(n Ol e. Slu ' Nmou l h c d It , _ _o ul and ~:u u wIth , I;h o alnhrlan : sh t! Is - we ll. Ing ' , -----...... than that , Whell I uso Il I \I l cun Ol l'e me h c r address . I b a ve com o all l a ugh " (1 a l ~ o ud , , 1 )011 k n t'" , I st th e WilY fr om Burma to efte Flom " Oh, If 0 111), h " lln tl tnll eu 1110 (or Ii othl' r lIll1 0 wh ood b" h ln d you a t nn ' thllt klnu uf lIf'" .I' hlcll C hrIs t uxtnnpl l--- ~ ,' n ---. vo o ~a l d th nt [ was a _ Iud I I I rid " In tno In,x lcab! '' ::5h e buu b l ed rool." b Desimo ne. " II u b · 1 1 0 [UI W 1 t' l ClLlI 0 r oa 20 r mon "To see h er ?" Sh e lI nlnlarrl rrllr Il~aln wi t h tII errlmen t. " ~I a rlam e . I rio 1I 0t rorg .. t t hnt. th ll t I ",II" dllft' r res ll (' c liog Ule, h is toricity dOllI ed t h e QlI es,lon wi th cOII I(,IllPt. Suddun ly Kh o sp r an g up, liB If In · 1M pure Inl' enli o ll. Y n ll nrC mi stal( e n ." ! ~)I~ a~I;: c:~Z\~~. (}:;::re~~:t~.:~('l~ bu t sho In statltly f o rc ed 1\ ~m1\ e to spired . and tl nfl h ~ d In to tw otb llr ro o m. lr f~C~:a~ I " ;-; 0 , YOtl "'I-ro' , I am no rool. " It. J n eu traliz e t h u err cl. Conccrn t'd with 1\ stud)'. Sli n cam o La c k w ltb pell 1\lld lIght la ug h rlr i rtf'fl dowu I h p t ub l' Children . Co lor Up The se Pl ct urclI, I " .. iri tua l , hurll.c l f\r It! tho "oH~ . · ti~ l o n b e r own d efin ed ('onc1 u slon s, sb o 1001 10k. a nd with a c el onty th at calli e o f "~ r adnllle, r lJ" gln lO E Ot' , " auel t h,' eXllrcHs il'" of Ibe (, hr lst tb o line irolJlc blUt' rnlltlR thai W a d In I qn~ prac tic e. dr oll' fin' s traIght lin es ('-op".I " 'n , 1 ~ 11. h. Ih.' ~t " I ' l lI rc: N ,· w. · I cn m h OI11,' " Ah~" i ' Lll rll ," from t h o h u nt wit h ~ oru" t h El man 's voi ce, a cr06N t h e f aint I' i u l el rn co of th e bnuk· VUlh'r 5 ), lI tll ('III" ) " Y o u b" l ipv l1 'll'h " l yo u ·.' I~ h 10 bl7' I (\I 'or l1I eut O \ ' ('f his s hould l' r . hI'! fo und For Ho nesty In Buel nella. \, " Aye, Indl>ed . to Hcn h er ! I\pa'll l tul n o t f'. 1I' IIhio Ibf'sP ll n CH ti h o mnd o lit· IIIl VI', " L on ~ tl ltH' IIgo Ih, lllli e IlI,lInn boy s th at lill' b o ys h nd k l ll" d !-j" lu u nd pul I 1\'llll r of er o nc e 10 h Olles l Y and dl~as Venu a, al! allurI n g a s [, hryn e. I tl .. UOIH ut th,· t a l) an u 1I 0ttom or u ~t'!1 " r th i nk no l " h on eslY lu lJ us lilell s, Mr, llruoiltoll I h l'r til gN h u ngry at tlm l'~ wh e o h t' r h ell.1 Ill' 011 I n p of th u hOll s., 1( " . Wa nt t1ol.hllll; (;0 1II11('h lUI to Hee her , s tuLby c wn ~ n p l' r p('nd lc lJlar " Irokos , and o 1 11)1 o n th l' lire', al:1l t h tl n t "( nflV pr ~ v('o n ntl l'p d ' 011 , ,' ar e- lI1 ado lh" fo llowlllg Il1loroti llug declan" l wns nn g r y . o n U w en t 0 rr to La Ik to l oo k Inln I"' r ('y es. to h ear Iw r s trn!l!:'/) Intc rlin"al hlt ·ro g l y p hlcs. Il nd I l h"y \\,Iluld w nk h tlilt i l they I holl ghi l io til l' wo l\' PBSI }' , e" uholl t h l ~ bad b O ilS , r all o l1H : 'VotcC!! ,. Hw "e lJ l ng c ur'·r.! , a ll o f whi c h wo u ld Il O 011(' wn~ l ookl'l!" so th llt 111l'Y " It Is ( ' a ~ y 10 foq;"I," nl l',1 thu dl vl\, I g hl "W" will ~o lIli d d es troy Y(, lI r sn ll s ... " Tbo dl HCov Ory that houosly r ea ll y I-:,·t 1\ ehan(',' 10 l IllI e from Ihll ml " I s It j ealouflY? I b ellr th ., t rnKic Ita,'" !>u zzl l'd nn E gnllo lo g l dl ,;Ioru· IC h o f llrlo u s l y , " It I s ro ll" ), ro r lOU t o tor' I "Il)''' ' I i ll Lusi ll PSH IN n p lmreuuy ou l y a 1I I nOl e." t h .. wo l v l's . li nd Ra nall 10 111 th C' [tl Th e c erl aln ty of ht' r g r oulld w (' n ' IIl1 u se d to Ih e wa y" o r mus l clnn s. 01150 0 f IIII' d I'IP ' lIIPllt lin. r o " " t ,, d "nlrl !:,,,t . but not ro r m ',," h ow to lind th u h ou tic , IDallt'r o r yegtt' r d ay . [jut WdRY ulsb ecam e a s mora s, a ga in , tn ':~~ turn ('un,rlli l y ~ lI e dr ll'd th o c omposi tl un, ",·rtl which " ~rlldnlll e . I rio n ot to rg e ~ that you 1 h u n l!s Ih : )' 1 01'I'd , Ollt th o W II, I I l oy hud h " nr<i K " " lltl ty III lJus iu tlsS meUlOd s io !>ra ~ ­ b e " 'a8 pu zzlin g h(!r, lind th e n pu t th,,' na t o nwny, I :ut ~ l'! IH'rnI I Y on l ' or th n old I1 l1'lI. , ~O ID C antl ' ,-cd illY r oom tha t n l~ h\ " t lEe I ~ di sappea ri n g unuo r llie wll ite s ay I 10 \\'11 ~ l g o I u g- t 0 tlI e \\1 1I \ l~ ~ , 011 d " Tra g ptly ? I 8m nn Am erican , W e d a )' she wou l d (' onrou w h o (' au ld no 10 nj:;c l' go out to th '1 ~o ho c han n,l hIm by r p· " I "ha ll Rh' " yuu h er a " l ret'l" : ' In· Il g hl o f pubUcilY ged Inlo 11 tu ft " f bi rd ' s do not kill o p ' m si ngern. \\'e lurn lurnlng It. that hlUl lJ eou fon:e d WlI oLi " to hU 1I1. w ou ld ca tch Ih " b o ys : t p rrupt pd thl' d h ·a. ha " llly , Th e p'la y upon It. Gc Iol'fu r c n e ra th.,)' ll y got t h e m ov e r 10 th e rri! l ea. I wI sh 10 S<'(' s peak til" i ng, f ood nolwlliJ , ,\lId · wll l' n I dOW~l n n.1 wcnt I\I O ill~, )Jr r d l.I 'd O l~ h, n· A li ll l " Int.' r h e r ilnp- Ns "Ne m o v · had gon e rAr ('l1ou/:h. mu 111 11 9 sbo 6tan di n g Illl th e u ndou bll'tI l b e beautifu l Flo m. l o fi Nk h er a few In/: RO tll y ",' c r Ih o Ili:lno wrongs o t Ih e o ld man had 1" I1 IJ; h l Ih p hOV A h o n il II " ~h"" l d "r. Alld \\'I,,-,n I, ullat k 'YR ; 111 010 , \\' ou lt! hav l' lik l'd t o conti nu e I t. Tb l h ll rl l s I lIIud e r n bu s In ess. el h ical stli n dlllgs . qu l'sllons, tr 6h e has seOl yo u art pr lll es In lIIinor, sad t old t h .. w l'l \'cs h o w 10 11 nc\ h Is SO liS, \1' " ,,1 11 tuk" t h,' m tn Id s h OIl ,;", Hunking lutd hl\uotln~ Iln d Wa R J: o ln'~ rl llcpr r thlln Nl,., ca r ed to \I (·r e lIev c r 1I10ru earowl ly Ill'!; ed l u h m e, her nddroos . my rlea r young lad y, p l ll lS ll" ! . lII o ludl ,," th o Wild II ny r h a ngl'd is J lL) ~HI an d 8:.Lyil! !~ : b ' lI'k ill l .) lIi s th al h a .1 lI " ver beon ~? , SIH' I;;\ \'l' th'l ." dcl r ('os n nd uddp d ' t h LU lSlu cs ti wo r l d. tlIld lIe , tlr was b e r addres s," H is ey es llurued . "\1".' 11 , you lllll " l lIa l' (, Hl' l)n th Cl Wih! o"n sh a pu Hn d ra n t o t p l l t h o :-\C'H ti of Pill on pap ur nnd would nlwayt! be lI e r fordghl 61H' slnf'; s li t th e AUR l r lan am· lh e n ' a Uior e wld co preu d utl t el'OII 11ed lJo y t oclay!" Ant! tile " I I1ID afra i d ," And sbe wa " so. o w n ; In I h" 1ll s il o mlglJt b oy>! woulrlth t' ll 1\.ullali h o w to ~ r l ' IHlrc fo r t h .. ('om in g l eal) from ,~~f; s Udor: :, I g lvl' YOII ~h l S Infor~ation Thi ll wa sn ·t lite ton I' or a muo m a dly I;om etly to tragedy [>(fort t o lJ rlng all bu sln ,'"'' in to hilI ' 1I ~ 1, I h tl 0 1,1 1II 11 n 10 t,' 11 tll e m abuu l lh e of l h o w o l l' m;. , r r Ol/l l aughter 10 g l adl ) b ec,llIol' I kno\\ that Il \1,111 b ... mun y w it h our hi g hesl id eul:! or jus. tn lo v e, It Wa g wild angcr , Tilt' \\, i l .1 nny to ld til\' t \I' ll ~ on s, of t ears, allil on l y . h e wo" l d know . Tho of no 11 5.' W II:I no y . Anll" h i ll' th e old man t, )' 011 ." a.ud trutll , "A fraId ot wb a t?" hllol(' u n l'(It111t1 i n his bou s o (o r SO IllO K Ullatl 10 run nrollnd tilt' hOI:"" In a mId n ight ndv entll r ' wtu\ fo rj:;olllOll. and " Th. 'n I sh oll clls rlP ose wilh th e tor " You ." " '1' 11 0 lJu ~ ln c - A man Is beglli lling lO 'oi t t h O h l' ro o r It. to o. " ot d ri e d me a t for th o b oy tl . h tl wid e clr"l o allll mak,' a tn.1I1. 1('IIVi ll g \\ Ith h ll r e yes fII ,, 1I1 y or Ih aukln /; )'o u . I add tb at I r1.'C Og Il I ZIl fac l tllnt he If! mOr e tli nn "I will giv e you It h undred francs ," c lo wo uld t t' 11 I h ~' 1Il uf th e tim o th" \\'iltl jlls t 011 0 nlHrow o peni n g at tI" , p u int sed nnd h er lith o bod ' S WA )' II~g wi sh ),011 lwo·f o lu t he mi se r y yo u h avo a 1l1On<'Y' /l elliug ;U1d m Ho produ c ed a c risp note. "Do yo u g en t l y, s h l' on eY ' oLH' nding HIl Y o f lhe woo\l s slIw\d I.h e two sons wh C' r e th l) WOl l'1J6 woul d ('nm" from , Int t h.: o l d \I l!;' rI' IJain In rar .' II'ss ly on,l gra tu itou sl y c ost m e. I Uti tl want I t.'!" . rUl I ma, 10 0 Id po Il l l COl I ecullom y of K.w all. th t' \\, i;Jr' IIl nn. frllm 1'1{] , \IHI til en th ey lIlad Cl sO ll1e bU Il'Il Pfi ot h e r h p- art tak A hold agnln, Go o d IUI~h;!' ~ C I!~k ~ \" Cllt t h o lutl e \ Ulu!;bl. 11 01 8 b eglnuiu g t u ~ee S he did nol an sw er at once. Prtls· arrows. wh ich Ihf' )' laid rl own j ,, ~ t 0111' his I'e- \\' 01 " Cri , ,' o\' p r ng 0 t e tu e. ently she ope n ed b r purse, found 11 •• CHAPT ER II I. l a l l olls tu b l . f ellow Ill CII, ' Uld sO' ll" Is I O n c e K anatl anJ his wlro Selu II \' d slu e the ci rclo. • • • ' • 'stubby p on c ll nnd a s lip of pnper. nnd ill n se ttl e m en t wn ero til!~ r e was \JlPn ly '''llh l h o ~OO1e Inw ard bltte rneaR struggl lug t Anti '\\' h c n th o ~ o h'e s ('oml' rllnnlnl( o hu m ru1ize bU si n t's s so wrote, "Th er e It ls. mon slcu r ," Sh e ., tl The Be au tiful Tigress . tbat 118 opertlUOIl w ill bl ess. ao d not or gU llIe alld pl e ul y o f eo ru (! UU b eans. to d es troy lIw SOli S of K lllIall. Ih t,y t I lal a ll ., lI u" Ie m enln I procHss es 0 f a cu d id beld oUl h er band for th o bn nknole rs e soclc t ' ., Flora IJl'B l mo n e h all beo n born 10 n Ilerform lnj; li!;c onrt 110 one c\·.,r we n, hungry f o r ev en not ROP the r Oil beitl cl rc l ~ until Ih oy ..... ·rn ill' !,: 'IC llt ba c ll to ), whi ch, with It se ns" n f h a flle m en t , he ('a lab rl nn \JPIIRlllIl 't\ hut. an d Rhe h Jl r n dar, Tit !')' h at! t,,·o yUU I1 f; sons. side : Ho d lIatl I ts cnge . Cou rtlandt r (' tllrn ed 10 hi s th t'u til' circ l e bl '''I1'110 U M r , H Rl11ll tOIl insists t hat U1urnllt y gs"e her. Sh e fold{'d th e note nnd rn ll f'd III th e dusl o utsI d e. y elllo g vlg and os t il(' b oys r:re w up th ... ), b,'g an to high b r ll Mh · t axica lJ , lip. wan l e d to ronr a nd l ash pa ys III fe li ce, \l'ith jllHt th e narrow dullars nnd ce nts. t h ut stowod it n'vny w ith th e p en cil , a high wOlldc orollt!ly at Illl lIm l' R. S pecia l ists do· nnll tJ e\'our r how It WIlS that I~ ano tl au d o p en lug th e bo y~ lta!1 I ci' liom elllin g. In stead. he s lan d a rd of IIHlIihoo d Is tUl iml)Ortu u L W It h th oir "Thanlr YOIl. " said Co urtland t. " O dd elnre thul Ih<l r easo n (o r u ll t grcat cou ld on l y t",l ft th e ends of hIs mu s b u si uess aSSO I and Ih al tb o advan ce- ~"Iu co u l,1 !':p t gal1H' Ilud curu so bows an d II' arrows lh t' Y hu .1 t1x.' d paper. thou gh," 11 0 turn ell It over. sln g or s l'oml n g fro m l ow l y orIgin Is tache aa si l y . Rnvagol y . 11 did not see m poe the W il d nt ., •• lI d Ihe t wo ~ on ~ or m ent of IIlaterl a l pros perll y ouglll lo ··Ah_ I undcrst and. Yo u copy mu sic ." found In t h i H .' a rl y d ev c l opme n t or tho tllb l e that any wom a n cou l d h e so (u\l · Ono dny wh n th "i r m o t h er. Sclu, K a nAti b ega n Il.ud ~ ventuall killing th o \\"01 "l' S , Th ey y must h a ve a b eneficeu t "Yes, mon si eur." th l'OuL Parents or m eans employ or mal i ce, wcnt inlo th e oto r " hull se 10 1111 h e r thought tI,,~ li e si mpl y coulll nol undE' r - effec t upon clvi llzutlon and y had l;JlI ed a ll uf th llU. ThIs lime th e n ervo u s IIlcker ot h (lr n urses o r s edativ es t o tile QPpor· H U p[lrr~ s8 or a t .. lan d . batl le" t , tho \"OY5 pull eu out n pi ('ce ot , but two go Il was ,'f;s e ntl all y l h o !lil li an tunitl es for a hi g h t IIwny. u ud thosc) IWO b e'eyes did n ot ('R(:ape blm. "You ato l eas t to EllIolh r r 11IE'6c e r life. He do cs not. hifantlle pro· Hpl ril; douhUnR H. till sh o h ea rd his how ev e r , Ilutit himself to makin g a de- the clay rrom b el weell the lo gs of the I came t ho father "lid moth e r o r a ll tb o IItudrln g for t bo o pera. pprhnps ?" t os ts aga inst h elng l hru s t l ucon slde r · voi ce . sh e slor eho u se and walchpd lh ol r moth er, wo l ves In the hurl (orgntlc ,n all about tb o m n lld UlJon tb e bus luetl9 worlll today, " Yee, that is It." m n n or tlie a t el y Into th " t urmoll ot human be· e pl sot\ e Iha Th ey SIlW b er co m e i n n nd Ne t dowll l h ud rOU ,l/\I' r ed hi s sblp empl o y er f or 8plritua And th en th e old man woulll All Y to ~ Good nlgb l." l t d ovelol1lO c ut li e r oso, In gs, l"l ora y ell ed or bl ep t . as th e of h appl o osl!. l rn d lI. o ral growth. 1'11 e workma u also. h er ba sl( e t anrl rub h er hand~ ovcr h er th e boys h e hnd caught tr yI n g to 'Monsle ur i s tlot gallant. " caso might b e; h er parenUl w er e lI er st al em ent as to th e pri mal cau se mus t . in "'Ir. s l omac h--aud at onl'e th e b as k et WaS break I nto " 1 wns In my youth," b c r ep lied, put· " qullll y Hamillo n 's oplulon , liet tll o storeho llEo: 10 dlfJ l' r c nl, Til ey wc r e 100 \\ as p llrely Invpoth' e, Thero wus Th en sh o rublied nol fo r b.lm self a high itandar d ot elhlcs hal f f ull of corn' tlng on his h nt, "Todoy th er e I s no Wild n ay t o h fllp busily conce rn ell with th e g etting of II gra i n of trulh 10 It. H e co ultl n o t If h e exp pc t H to be worthy her blinds under her should er s and lhe you out, but The b ald rud en ess of hIs d epartuT e ur.-ad ant! w thero Br e pl en t}· of wo ll' es of hi s hire. in o. IIl0roov eT. ~'I o m was possibly h lH'e been so bll Jlce t was Iiil c d with h ean s! ru de, H e haa He must rid h Imsel f oC h abllS tbat did not d i s turb h er, She Inugh ed 80ft· one amollg lu the woods! S o, you must w nl l until 10many, Th ~l go d s are al · bee n too Indlffer cnt, Too "Our mothe r l6 a wltc h· woman !" th e pot I ~ on IndIffe r ent! lerfer'e wltb hi s h ealth' IlJld etllclenc Jy and r e\l e\' edly , rndeerl, t h e r e was wnys playing th e fi r o n nrl y0 1l 1' II l ot h e r y w ith tb o Cn labrlull pen· Th e To pe titlon of th e phras e mad e him IlJld h e mu st get a larg or vIsi o n of life crIed th e b oys, a nd th ey d ecided tbat tell s you lh a t 8h ' b a~ In the lau ghter an ossence of misc hief. i n sula. h eavin sot1lt'th i ng ror g It up h er e or throwlu g sit slra l gh ter , Psh a w ! th cy mu st k!1l h er , Aud when KanaU you t o eat." [t co uld n o t th!U1thl 1t w bl ch Is boundo ll by Cactory Howeve r, If h e carri ed away a m y s· It down Ih c r e ; 11 t err emo to, tbe eart h · be tha l. H o ','os sllsse d a littl e vanity; walle, or he will fn ll by th e wuyslde tery, he l ett ono b eh ind. q ua k e, th El t urro r , H er " nfllllro link · If he h a d not. his his tor y would not with the man who tri The young womnn waited five or tell es to r emaiu in c r a v i ca riou sly witb souls; and sh e se l · hnv " bl'e n worth a ~c rawl. Uut he d e- buslu e ~ s by pursuin g mIn lites. lind . mnkin g suro that Court· do m haN (\I slion ell t methtim e to co mplel e lier work , td ud t h e P0 5s(''6810n v eh e m ently. as ooa, landl h ad been driven on', l eft th e COtl s tant commun loo with death m en a r u WOlIl to do , ruetaur tlnt. Hound the corner sh o en· Bunny's Body Is Round, Dried Fig, College Profeo5 The Real lasuII, 0r Remark s Numbe r mnk e~ for cullo slty of reeling; and the Too Indiffcr ent! \\' as It poss ible g1\g e d a earrl llgf' , So that waa Ed· Cal abrlall6 With Head Made of Prune and As a man who bas had wlu es pr ead of Dandlel l In Freshm iln CI"'8 and tb e Sicilian s a r o t h e tha t I", had rou sed h er enmit y simply ward Courtln nd\? Sllc like d his fa ce; cru cl Eanr of RaisIns, es l among the cl\' lll zed peop l es, b ecau stl h e h ud eXl)orle uce In th e ad vertlaln g n old, Mr. Was Really App"lIin ll. mad e Il el'ldent that th e r e w aS n ot a wpa l, lino in It. IInl ess F l ora w as ruthless . Hamllto n's h c r cha rm s did not Inter{'s t him' Bev i e ws oC advertis Ing methCan "ou "'lI stubbor nn 06s could be call ed stich. Bu t eS" ho w 10 I k She live d amazin gly well i n t b o pro· yo nd Il f lln/; hl8 J n A gIrl ot e l eve n came bom o from ua e 1111-~ hat to h c r, perhaps ox- ode alre worth examini ng, to ~tay away (or two y ea r s! To hltle ml l' r of a funny IItlie rablbl tJmt hns hoe ll dancing school n apartml ·n t·b ot I11 In Ih o .. h:lII glllg a comm en t th e oth er d a y nnd "Advert ising," h e says, "Invol ves the all Ihe w c a th er. ~ kctch u d 1111r e. hlmsctr In j u n g l ps. t o b e h <~ ard of on ly C h alllpM.j': I YMCe s. ' In ~ E ng l nlld snid to her mother: and Id A ,·rtl l" had uot b ee n cxte nd ed, publi "Nearly all tbo c ity of m~n's work In, which hla by his h ar eb r ai n c d c xp lolts ! "Follo w AmN lcn she The rabblt's borly I s u. IIg. not on o boy s at ,lanci ng baLI ama ssed a ror tun a, Courtll1 ndl wa s peculin r sc h o ol uro so qucer; In some r ~ Ideala aro eX\ll osse d, We camo to 'I1lm ; sec wh e r e Ill' I(Oe8." had lJ ee n th e (~ l l't'll Ih o wa r m b ('uu be I of the pres~e d kiml. hut n round. drlcd thelr ty of the sou th , "P"t'l s. ha i r I s all fuss ed UP. und th ey A woman nt ra c t ed h im. or confron tod by the con,ma nd . For a mOfTIl'lI t she had re- ~ rn Itnll nn, t h l) 1 lasue : Shall we , IIg_ You can sb apo It with your fin · do nolhlng bu t slmp ):\8SI01l , th l! t ('mpera ' slIP did not. In t hl' on c case .. r a r ound U R g irls h e was adv ertisers cOIlceal o r Illi srel>res cnt ger s to mak b oll erl . h il t he r curi o sIty W OR not to I1l1'n t . the 10\," e It look lik e tho buno y ' s nnd l ook In the giasli of II1jscltl ~ r. th e n atu ral affah l ", ", III ,lIllg, p lC:l HllIlt, to straight en fu ll of those fll.t:ts nboul th o product s or human toll b " deni ed. H t'F icl (;~, of what II ~ " w as erll Plty, t h e i llo~ body, The bead Is a pruue, fas te lH1d l h elr n eck tlillalll c ra v in g for nt· ugrc p.ah l n li ltl » surpri se s t hat ti es . and pull 1I0 w n the(r In turn whlch disclose d !s h olle sty or u nworthy 1 tr: en d sh ip i r II 0 t to be trl p tl ~ lI' ntion null fl all e r~' , she ('lI l iv e n ed Ih e "ttrll"t a \\'1)111 ~hp coats, 1 can·t tbink of a n y ll ama for an . lu t h ee olh c r case. ach i evem ent, or shull we II Lr'w no,h ilil'! of 11,, \ rldrl l e, s h l) had ': :l l l Insist tbat , - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - , o,U8 willi 11'11' nltair" , And ' h e nev · h e pa!;" " ,1 on , for Ibem hut 'si ll y Aill1p s.' '' A littlo in11i ~ Impress ionH w er e t hat w hIc h i s adve rti sed be wor n E' 'pr a sk pcJ " 'tIIC" tio n np, :nly. Sb e ,. {, pUl a til th y ot n j.;!t: b ,'at o f h t' r h!' art Illto In ~tnll t IIl1d d id 1I0t ri: quiry n ,vea l(, d that In o th or q u art ers rlulr e t h e lIsua l pll l.J li c ily ? For ycarll the etrugrlE h a d acc' ld l'T1I :t1lv c e~ 1l a ph otof;r<l ph n ny o f ' has Ih e m . That is why h er I'o i eo I s .kll'l lll, h llll( , besldcs that danCi ng school Ula "silly gone on. and an IllcrclUl lng uumher are om ' d n ~' , III a trUli k Irar. w it h thl~ st i ll splc-ndid nll tl h l' r b eaut y lluchallg · I T( , n l, !"')1'TI:- -IIIF:n ,l simp" (the snme thal II se cl to be now advocaU n g that advertI se d com· lOltll '!5 11 ;11 1'1 " ~( I"aw l ,... t..l :lr rO :H; Jt, and In~ , Hh \! di d !l il t '.lls sl pnll' ; ca l ~ lIla ' - - - - --.- ca ll ed t h e "sis sy boy") eoern l'l to b e m o dit i ('s sha ll b e whnt th ey IlUrp.,rt or UfJOIl Ih l> il im!'", b ,,,'1' 8h o li nd hlill,l ed 11011 u l waYH ba rr orl her Inr ll nal lo n ; Preilc hing ThaI Uplifts, 110urlsh lng , A co ll ege p l'Off' ~ sor r earo r epresc nted to b e. 'f he malnte· ,~ d nt.~1\ r nfl1I1 !l Cf! != , ('De ll of whldl !=I he r;, t h pr, sh e 10i t f'rP.rl 3bout Ih" I·'orh lcl· TI ,,! worltl ~l·C lll . a pretty had IIIace n a nce of lhis porte t hnl h o has r ecently re l nari<etl bn d \'Iil lll,"F-ly ' ''I'n clo wn 10 m ak e ,il-u Tn'e s tandu,rd Is sl ow l v d oing a ll d p l ay ed Iha l 5h " I. ad I i ll IIIlist of li S ut lim es. Th er " n r e l WO t.hio gs: fir st, il I s forciu!; gr t o one or iJis c oll oag ucs tbnt th e num· r oolll f. 'I' . ,,"" h, ,!; 1·'.I t stJII 1he rl ll ll l. · IJl u, k ocl eate r 'h J\ ppl e. :-;he h ad an ,·x· sn m:nlY thlllg s W hl.c ll IIIlt,O ber of dllntll eH In tho freshma n c l nHB Ih o 111l:trl honest.y i n uuslucs s , b Olh In prod u,~ t lov :, IlK(lI\("1 . C: I ,~ hnd Ib row n Ih e ampl <10 f .. l l olI': ~; \'C , h arl !l o ne, 1111 1 II I ou r O\ltlfUl ti tD, lh,lt seem 10 UJld III sale; \Vas r eally Ilppal ilng, I Ht 1l1' , [ti t o tlJll j'or. \ e rf=ati0n many n fleco nd . It I~ CIl DlIJ elllng "\-\'e lI sell to ~II' II ~ r' allpr" d for lun el! al her f .. '~ t "~ ~I' " 11 11 '~Ifl"n:." g l hal' e to appea l con stantly to tllo fel, c ~s ~10 !>C rlllh er both nd.,, " rtls ers and their bllslnes s lim. " ,, ~ I ' tle migi1 1 1)lro\\, a bo mb into n ~ ruol l~ h G r," " '" Rc ull"r" d fl o ra l "f· [.,,1 11 lillY "011(1 TeatiSUr an CB, But th~ cu sl o m er s to cons Ill er th e moral issue Il c row ,\ w hic h Ilad 11 0 c:hnn C' e to es· l u wB to look after th eir ap pearanc e," s f'.' rln~s nl Ih" f e"t (I f t llt'i .- 1I1 ;11'b l 11 klllll or prf'achl ng t hat co m es fro In , of bll HIll es s. alld ;]H a r esult ed e n PI!, I·'i n l.",: h e salel , "(Jut now \\' CI h ave ofteuer Th e: k.d b .' en ~o dH - wl tb o ul (Jrn l' ok i ll ~ Ih u 8 ell uca tion ~e oC tiollldJlJ dy who Is belle r I h a n w e a r t'. In morals ca l mly ti i , ('u, :;' ,1 3 1ld cnlO1ly di8' to t ell I lwm not lO th i n k 60 much h as L ee n ~tre llgt h c tled by , 'l I SC)III P l i f " that" llfts the standnr il ml flsell. , At odd I! ml'fl n n arti(' l e In r er pro(, lt y or g eo CrORI), o r m c rcy . or hUlllan worth lind up about It ." This l ed a lady who h eard r ~ .ea ls whal II busI, llc ss forces . "11118 co n lrovers¥ has t h o n eW ~ tli1 JlPr ~ ga " n hrf an o p por· SI.1l ha d wn rll ed : a h. D O aile 1I'0 ul<1 h eard hint to say. " I know a boy of 10 ~,tand for-su c h ,,' Ide n od In llij scop o, untll "' II e I H ' d '., k 1I0W I ' UW h a I' d , .;t m el1 are I.J ,' In:,,1e ' vpe n IIln"J t unl ty; RI III t hl' f rn n ll d i sc ll ~s inll . st ilI " I'c r fifteen who ne tually Il pent olle solid con si d er ing as n evc r b efo r e th e whole rn,,:hnd . b al p-II . c urR ~ d, fl lUrv ad, T bal l .re.:I (' lli ng I, like l y 1.0 answer tbe ery tI. e COl l i n d rsn ti« a l. Sit e lt a,l I "a rn ed hour th e olher night In gelling his d I fo r sOIn e t,h lll " that Is t.rUE\ p r o l.Jlu l/l of th o moral .. Hh e 11a d rl ~ f' n to th e h r lg bl B In s pite of '.I'I· lli lll u.~ c u ara c t o r 311 " n· I' t h at t h e " "' " \nlS r k il. Irl't'R fJOlI sl lll f'. Bur,,)' Made of F ruit, hair 'fix ed ' for a party." P erhaps we I d and ,:; eou l ne and lI e pl'n uable,-J -)aver- Ouel1 c,~ 0 r I I I · tIe IIr nte page. .. I vacIllat ing. a p ic lur C'sQUe sort at fool. IhL~ e b rulti II !; "r.r 15 In n o mann er Illl- hili GuzolLe . .hnll ha ve to stop sc olding tbe girls Mr. Hamilto n's' c r eed . a n It I1pp lles lo l the a r ged h u r pity . but dulled nnd vlt1at~rl I1g wi'lt too tbplc ks, or a fine B ut two yea r s ': Wont b .. d k ept him f o r a whlle alld turn our attentio n to to th e relation sh ip b " tll'een busln e88 wire, or even \] Ii t li e there was ot Il. !l. pin w ill do, The ears aWII)' tha t l uog? A wca k man . in lo ve. Ih er mental thes e Yaln boys.- Kate Upso n Clark, altitud e tnward hUllmn lly Hwas and r eligion. Is sumo.ed Ull In th ese and l egs are rai sins, a l ch ild· Failure of Artifl.::ta l Food. so pinned on, In w o u ld Illlt hn \' o t n;, do 60 l ame a . lI r· Th at It I. posRlbl e lo liv e on aTU' slguifi eant J.hroses L eslle's, Is h ; n~ , wh e ll t he parenl ~trikll6, the . ·.... hlcb are ev ident, , Y o u can maTi! th e eyes with rend e r . Pe r h :' I1 ~ ho h ad n ot s ur· ch white ild blil1.\Iy strikcti back. Sh e was Iklal f ood. o r at 1eaet on the concen- I y ed to the church : c r ayon or pin ou a plEtce ot round r elltl L' r ed ; lll' r liaps n"i th C'r or Ihe m II t er min ed to play. lo en joy life, to tmted ex tracte of certain stapl es, Higher Mathem .tica. 18 "What we nced Is not to nn away · pa per . Fancy Il ad. how much fuo you "Dad, you 'r e pretty good at ma.the1; 1\'1' lmcll blow for blow, nor caring a COlnm on bell c C, ILncl It bas even from th e world. but to m ake A n d yet, h .. 1'0u j: 11I the C' alabrla n , where shc Htr uck, Sh the world I would h a \' c nt a party If at each plate e was going to been p r edic t ed Ibat some doy matlcs, ain' t you?" ask ed tho hope out mlnllltc r to our d eepcs l llunmll needs. the re Here "'ns a'bo t her blind all ey o u t of I' res~ th e juice was a d ear little animal that (and d espair) of rrom ever y g ra pe, A di et will coo!l lst of tabloid the tamlly. food. Ont! 'T·hls. Elfl I onderst and It, Is - ili& epll' whl eh sh o had to r etrace h er ste ps. t ho u slmd CHid could b e euten. and It each animal yeare gone, she would might live for a short "1-1 used to b e," confess ed old time in that ltuallza.Uon of bu sl nellrl," Both er! Th a t Pllck of Shak es peare hnve l ed tho cry were dllreren t from the other_ In Rom e- "B r ead nnd unsocla hl e w a Y, bul recent Bill ,Payne, scentin g danger_ Investig n. was rlsht : W h a t fools Ihese mortale lhe ._clrcu G!" or "']'0 thfl lions !" She tlon o f disease "Well, wbere a side track and a s like b erl-berl . scurvy b e : Sb e w as ve ry g l ad that ehe pas · w ould Father to the Deed. A Senalble Questio n; h ave disturbe d Nero'a comphi- and pellagra . wh main ttaek join tbey form all angle, lcb are almost eel' 1I111'se d It t ru e:! sense or humor, spIced cen Our w i sh es nre ' p resent.' ments 01 "Whaleb one,'" began tbe leacher , don't they'" cy, aud he would have played an talnls c;lIlSed' by a deficien cy In the the c illpacitie s wbleb lie vllh' bnrm!'es s audacit y. What a dreary within UB, "i8u't a, bone at all," o blillgato Ins tead or a solo al the bura-[ diet, prove ·" Yes." , that sucb ·o. world it ~ust b e to thoBe who dId not life would be 1' and barblng erll ot that which we • 'W.~Il,' broke in the bo.4 badbo, ., Ing.. And she waB malice Incarna te_, one of dIsease •"Well. : I~ ~ wrec~ st'~l'" tear UP and could not· lut *ball 13e 111 a condltlO D _ bow bow an d wh ell to laugb! The), to perSDrm. ' 'it llin't • 'Wbale, either; 10 ·",hat .-h ,the baclt...",bt- there Tb ey came f rom all cUm_ her loY.- 10Z1K. ·. ~ou~!J 'I~ bC! ,&_, .' ~,..Qoet,I\Q. , . "

F:l oo.norn LIe T O"'nlln w". ol ,"rl " K III 1'11 .. 1• . whi cl .. p ~ rtt '" ,.< , "c,'ounl~ fl rOT B rI .








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o utr;1 ~ I " ,

th n w orld o f fL tl(· ,v 1 !III I .. t ' ll~f · aiJ l '1l1 lIII ' :--; t 'lIl! \.., 11 :-~HI, I)'t 1t1. 1\,." I .II~', \I~h I.lI l k~· tllldi.ltJi; mut ro r i a l alld cilll lIot h1.P \~ \~ II :\! ll l") ,,,· n ' "\ l dl1 ... illl l or a L (l llI h , 01 11 (1 III tll l' :U'" \\IJ1 l'h 1~ pXIl "Cll' ll tu I T,lthlllg :lI ''' ll ! If l i 1l ' \ \\I·f"t ' otdY ! t II I t' " \\ h !t ' l i f " l"tlll ' " t h t' b a sh.. o f t lla 11di l ' th ~ p l lt(,(" of woo d 11;11111 I I I f I :l i, P 'l l l oif l ' lilt: :--:( ' oI'I ~I. ~; .. b ~ II l'I .. 1 r g,. :t ;oi ~~lt-os i l1a tl {'11 by sudl ITlf " Ule ' l 'llk,,, r.f wH it a ppnl\' nl A hi~ h It. f.' . I) ~ o. 4, I I, X r,~' . lI oll nnd, Jl u l p, t lH. Sll IJpl y o r I I. ,I:, " 1\''1111 1. 11,. ,,,'", ' "'11",,,,1 01 Mkh.-":\YY c h i ld 'f.t t I"lJ ·. 1J 1" bl t; un by \\hll' h t:-; s:dd t D lHo d l' /;7/z? -~" 1.I :d :. ! :l l· '1 ••' :0 \\I\\l l d 11\.1 III' . ' I! I', if ,," " I Jur y f" II"d T llal, /:ull, y anti h e C(l lt lll g" Ti 'r! UJII1 j? , II"f ' a r t 11\11 hi '!" llPc k, Cr (\H~tn ~ l u 111 1 H hlnJlIII~ I'xt l ' nl In tdl /""':/)[ >57" ; 'hp ... 11 ;1.1 II \~al'o' "{ :lI ' II (' I '1I I ly ~·I r . ,I Uh\l(' " Da,vl1l" to a n d h,' 1' rUCt'. h.' ldrH I I p 'r L ,~r N , ulld or ' r t'Slon li wh r ft l ll '"J J, l'ill#-! t re' f'!; .,.//fp 7(~,/( ~.' ;r". ' \ 11 111+' t. ,J 1. idl ,"1 \ 11/111 11 :---tli ld ,I.' '; I\ ~ ' .11'..,' tr ! ITi hp "r l atlt)n 1n Vlf' W h r a1'l n~. nJlC'1 d i rr" rc- Il t JI:t r ~ :-\ or h e r g row . Tilt ' la lpst of t! wsc <t j !i('(/\' \' ri (:~ /~~{;J /~-f//,. . /-: ,I ii " a I!: ~ ul \. t r • . Ililtl l \\;l!-o h 'l'ltljlJ ~ h i~ ;1/' 1"1 Hil il lli'ulill rhh Wil !l · l' fl lU'" bo dy Wt 'r() aU '(·l , ' ,!. '1 he (' j·Ll' lIHl. a:>hlUi 1"' (" 11 lIl:td " i i' l · J~ :tIl J a . Afri ca . anu j't n,! tLII I,!..'" ' rnll~: .111 I , \ 1,::' t ' l 11 11 jl lI l l, '.! t,\ ·;i l lll' l. 1 11I1 111 ~ ,j'llll"!l t ut .\ 1.10.p e nr .J in a J'a s h tlrs f. It wu s w C" t th e l mpe r ill.l II\ ~l lt 'lil' or LOlld o ll d t-- ' uva l httJl , · \\"(11:111 tI ,· ~u H lt "lIt fo r 40 ' 011f' or 1 11(' 1',Hldll' ~ !ld ll · H r l ,·' ~ e. l "\]II ~f , Ih r') ""n · 1", "-· PII · ]J, ' , 11' 11' \ \ IIII C .1 : 11 lI ,tI,l\ ~ .I f rI ' an d )oui\ Pll as I f it \~"q t';\\ \ · dt~' . It 6Cl"fL(' ~ I n iI 'n,; jl u rt 00 l h(' Ru li j eC't U .\f' ar ii .!-" 41PI h IJ l]l ill~ li ia l pl ' r l (id t h . , h; l i ~ I IIl l t; . 'll l d ,n II' 11 "'l lrd ~ cd l h (l !J Il! i ' :- 1 , 1' \ , 6f'('I. tllfld t u itch and UJrll ~(, th at ehe fit-r i t·s o r P l: I ,(l l' i lJ1 ' 1 n t ~ mnd t· with rhi!t ~ J .rtl\' " \\lllIld !. , r),.:: I ·I., ]" JIJ"iHl tll'f' I t :o " I(. 1 .'\lIlI · r l(' :111 { ,t ll lc . 1 c' itl!-ool ori . :11 ,!o.o , ' '' t \' r .. I' I! II\ I t! 11 .. l ~ II ', It ,ltI 1-'1 I f-\ Il U t h e Prea c her Mu s t!d, could Ilut sll''' p or f l!-l t. I t }::tll 80 b eld lI e W IHl1t«:t' iL.l. \1, Idc'h i ~ ... n O\\' lI n ~ ( h ' , ~t' t by I I ( I ~· J'. , I"·'I"... i.l1 ! cJ ('Url'fu 1 u r Ph l l.t d r· 1:d! la o I' ;'" ]I:: r' iI 11 ' ;1 el l r l'{' t i ll " I,', ti l' r\ !c,,·\ ,I I' d I ., 111", 1III· " , ~ 1IIIIIli" r :-"' 11 1 h l'r li ltl ,· dnug tll pr a t hUi l t.hnt bl 'h lu d h i!" l·l\ r ~.;. W:li::l one l) h n. Jlt gru s~ , III: i ll ;\ )' I II I ' lI t td III! ' I • •n ·~ t :1I1 u rt' ,t o f cI,· (' 1' 1111 :11.[ t ho 1I :' n,: , ual A !llt'r ~ j' :LfI 1\" 1\\1( 111 \ "" ,lIld 11:1\41 :"'II1.t j , ti t 11111 " 1!c'\\1l In 0 111.'11 tllf' d CUl r an d f' ntt"rlaiu cr u t; t or bo re tiO tl d t 1 l lat! [ 0 C lI t b er T h {l 1JJ nrshln l1r1 f1i v r l r {lpi('a l Africa 100,I Jil0 tlfT f '!,>! i !uliid a: l'ont H 11I' l'l', ' ll1 : tl p:q l. 'rll l:.kl ' r, I t . ,. !, f ·· ,' r·':d; II d l lrll l ~ '~I+ ' ,"nl :11' ( by~ I ll h' I I1J liI ~ t, ' r )lr IHa,·h. wllil l! she tin~ hnl r. T lh'l'o ' ''' aB u. h . l r il "ru Hl cove r, ur e lbl,' kb' l ' ('I\' c-: r t 'll \\i l il ( hi s ~r a ~s, ~lI llJo) ,\ ' 11) n Jl i ll PI' I I H' (·... ) J;t '· \l ~ l~l \'t l l1 'fhl ' 1' \ : ' " dat I vi i lll' U!1t 11 1I1f,! ( I f ill' I ('I I ll .. \ I,(I"h ,\11 "!ll i ' Inl ' lIf tI .} . IlI rJ· I 1:-0111 d dl·... :"Ri1\~ . \\"11, ' I HUt' app ea r ed Inl;" I I~ r ill' ·It. ::;lt l' (',"1:11 1" , [ LJavo h er , wh i II "ro w [' t ll /I hl'i l~lI t or f r o nl six 'I'l l(' prnul" ;n li as abo U" lll ' l llUi " ll , d<l \1 ' 11 1, ..,-, 11,,1\ I, ' lid, ' , ,, \, 11 ; 1I 1 Iio"~1I I .I~II ". , I" 'lId \':lill" a d., ~ flf "pllilll :ll 1' 1. .. lilllo- l. il l ' ·1I r ail III a li r ed or lI er, cl othes b llll ,lIl <' d at all. I " IIll lLllt a r d ' Y I to t"n rl'Cl lI lid lI l" I ' ru vl' d a so urce o f I b y I; W " ru I' ilol' \t ol. f' ,I'''"I :-), "x · i t " 1' 1" ;1'" III,,, .1; , 11" ., .\1 .. \ il:,,,~ jlall! ,', ·,· 1 " \l ''''''' 1, 11i ;1 1 l it"11' 1Id'oI\.; " " " Ill ,, 111 1 IJr, ' lill ), III ai d '''1 j um ped up a o!i C1 UHI J! O he · r ('1(1: 11 (.'~ . It c :.lli-::., d a.n l\.W, j t ro ull ln a n d l ' X I H' lI S l ' '0 a~r{cu l l u rl s ts , p l'n. und Ilif) ntl llidJI, · and t: 1.dli, r at· t:L\{ · ... 111 ill" t U.\ 1 I I ( ''' 11'' r d. I ' a, a lj Iii lifl t' d II p t! i.! ,I : I". . 1 : \IIY 1; 1.1 11 111'11/11\\' : t~II" !! alld r-:r n d JIlPd to thfJ l op o f fu l d ir.j!u r n llll ';l t ( "r tht' t 111J8. Sue I n.s It g r u ws rapId l y n ft ~ I' llll' !'t hout s ' ·:'. I tt'r il tl' ltl s hf' lias carr- h·d Cil l lIl) ti lt, t ';. rl j' I I=-' 17 ~:, F'U' :l 11 :... 1,I:ti ,ll ;--; \ll t1(' I1l 1111111 tll; d .I I :- lI " d 10 ;':"' ,'ula I' Ii' " \1.1 ' I Ilt r \\ ,: , ." " Ull . ki lt .'." . \\- J u} . go o ut. wuu}tl cry \\1I (,1l I h a d to w (l!'l- h hpr, n lJo \'c gro1Ju d hu\' p u,,'('n lJuf1 1(1 d o r cu t t'- uU j l' ('l til ( 11 .' ~'IU \\ ~l1 uf !'I IJI"I IC' f' art ' 0 1 U Itl ti 1: 7.', lil t ) .· b 1;111 \\ 11 (d tb t, (l l l,' I' ll "':1\: du \ 1 , ~ IIJd 'JlI { ·hror d t"l ., !\ l,llit I, "'Ye 11:u1 h p r tp '!lt l' fl lor '011\ 6 ti me ; do\\ u , r\ ~:\I H I1 I (\ of d ril'l! JllallJ r (-, £-' 1(0 · I :-: J. ,..'d; d lill t I'I '~ I ,\ I:t r~ (' a n 'li flf fo r · titH I:' ul II", II tql, I. JI ai t l., ' lall t' r d a tt' Th p nl ll t li f' r \\a :-; h orrinj""d. and sai d : but wtt ho \l t S l H' C' P!!-I 1 Ant on o cnlt e j p h nt g rn~:4 W ll~ ~pn l T (:Cl' lllly from , l'~t Ia JJd \\' :I~ (;Jll'l'fl:lI ~' t'xa n !! I lf'd I! S t o tJl("' flr :-- I P. LJ IO 1' 111 1 (',l u ti:: 1 11 1:11 l' Uln'1I H~ro of W ::. r o f 18 12. Il./l q~ h t " r, \.. h at nnkr·s YOII aC T ~o? " or Cul l('ll m Sn~jI Hili (lI lt) u o x or Cu tl' l 1Jgall tl ~. 10 Ih(' J 01~ll'l'ill l ~" ~ lil U t (' w l lh , ' ~ '" .'"l1 ' ~I''' d ,11."11,': r : I l S.CUI,.' II:I " " ~' 1 1I,~ ' t ' !' " "~ 11 1:111111 :1( '1.. 1, 01 .11., 1 I", r , ', 100 , (1",. hUII" I" " Y " :I1'~ :1i.;11 I ' al " 1); \\ 1 I \\ "11. ,"o l ll"r, dad sai ,1 la ~l III f.: hll cura O l l ,llll lit alll l I b a,1 Ilul u Sl' d ' th o o bjt-c t <, r IlMC" II'lildll& 1I ~ Ru\ta u \l l · I , ~ "rml[ll. ~ .. I 111IliOl ~ " x l,r rl1llllll. "a~ " .a d • • •"" •. "I 111" \>;q,, ' r u':I'1l uy l' u ru ·l' . O il" ,,!. I I,,' Ila\' al 1J(' 1'< "' ~ ,,:' 111" 11 1.1 1 \1 1' 1 ~ la" II', sl'rlllU ns \\'er ~ eliOl l g h I llor" tL;\ n half /If \,. I\01 t 1 w h e n 1 1y r o r tI lt, Inan UIUt·tu r c of fJil lJL' r , f..: lwb l t· j} lIdll lu I h e t'X8Ct FI':JI. kl i l l . 'I, ll " 1hat \\'a r ( If \\01:-4 t.:,!\' ,1 1I ;t gr . ;1 1 IHI P· l tll TlI; !I,P :t ('al Hlt-k , ' :lI Hi 1 d o n 'l \la nt vh e w:!s ,.1 1 C l f"I 'ti , " l\frB, '1'111' ' li II lIli 11 I III l i ll ,["'1 ,\t. i ('h I'u uld I,!' , UI 1I1 1'il i! '1Ia rov; .I i,, " 11, Iii, ' p' ''pl, o f 1''' 11:,1/1 1 C. H\' :' , rS IIl :1. ~ !:I r . ~I . 1:1 1.1. poulld s Wh l'll n ·I·,I,,' c\ II n ll 145 "fl"r rr Olil I II" f"I', ~l nllri ' " 11 111" r or ilU' 11 ,11 :" l'\Ii ~, T,'II "II)' ~ "1"I ' \'I "" ~ l l , ' a l ll ,,11l CllI i " l:ra goa l' nlld O l n l nH' n t Ro ld d ,·II!d. I. yll'ltl,,<1 y ,':, r" ,,11;"11 " ",, 11\ , 'Iap ,,/I b, ' fo,, ' an I II I :;, :. "I,,'u I II •. ',\' ar ,,,:, lI, . I lIli'Os, 1 1' (1)1 ' r hol d J" 'a ril i' <i :\, ." YOII, a ll"r ! Importa nt to Moth e r!! 'r b n r {l' r tr,, 'l l1 Jl ' ll t 1 ' ,1 II " 1 ·1IIl)rnl o r l·"~ 1\ (, 'l lI 'd 'I U'Ul t i l\ " f t il'JtJ 'r j'l )l) l rI b l' u L ; 1 11IIpr 11 :111 ita/.a l'dl ll' ' ' \ 11.\;'ll!" II'O ifl EXOlll l l li n can ' r l ;l l y l''''' cry uottl p of U~r(\U h l l ,l l1 t l I H-' w or 1d , ~;! Ul1 ' 00 enc I l ( I "H ;"t " . . ' .!-, 1!Jl" 111i ' iaq u, ll'lH IIUD 011, ') '1' 11-', 11 lJhpl!r . I ,.. uc I n il ( ., f u I· , rW' I llh l ' ..'HIII ( • •' Ir'. ''~ l '''11r11·" '. " t " l' l\u s \' lll l ,a n, L,,', "Ii, ·,." III .\1,11'('11 :~ . h,:\ C,\"Sn .) l ,l I A. a ,t;;,l f,,,.a. uLl6 IHn r o,lDed Y t or 1111' 1' o r p rr (\'I"" . \ ·f lh :: :!· p .S l d l\l {(ln \\I\rlt}r f'f; ~ JlOSt,.,ou CJor \ l)! p l' ~" uO I , U •• ' < : l llI grt.:-:-I. I'j 'a\ l l. .. tl thl "' · i · t ·~;~i I Y ur 1 d 1 1 tl ca nl "CUli (; UI 'l 1I" pl L I :OSlO!l " - A d v I II I:lI\lrc II I,"" r,llh <' r 10 1l)!£' 1' Ih an 111 05 " 11' :11 ,', 1 a, ("l l ' !\\ ~ I. . . . II 'I I . ha <\ ' ·" " llla lll l,.d III , ' fnc al •. I-:~" \ i n II I ,lIIt" ,it! e ll Il o: n , Ilnd Bce U1.t It • I • • . I ,, "' l tl l l": i n l l l lt ' l a,1f11l 1" I,nt ll ' r 111 1 ~ III I I II I . I I' It II v ·s 1110 - - -_ . ()f P fi l lu rlu rHss Hnd a bo ut. t h o s nm (' T tl(' ( a'-" l' :-: I \ldi (' d \\it !'> Ih il l tJ i U mati .11 ' 1' II r 1'1l ·1 1il l I f · 1] '1 •. I r t ,t ga lI ll t , )l lt till. l it 1 '('S~t ll :~ 1 I II ~ , ~ t· .. l ': I I ' l l J I. .l . "u l l ' l l J " j 11 ' 1 ./.J ~dl-+-tP-. H a d Matl e H i n~ T h e ir V ic t i m , lo n g t h iI ~ l h o!-{p (If b a li l b oo Jlul p, 1t f u r, ti l,' 1! ! 1It: lou .lI l lIl :\l· rt~ !", ~ il ' llli n g 'lIt n\" dll,.t' l! lli.;t 'j h 0 (1( ' 11 : lI f of all II ". lJ;q l l ' r :1 .,L!; d ll :-; 1 t ilt, nrll !- I . ~ 1 11 P '';. I J 1( ) ' I" , :,1I 1u '-;ig ll at u r(~ o f :"""7 # ~ .\ 11Ihll \\ (';\lilll~ a \\t) IT i1~d 1,)( .\( went I n i slu\u l\ ralrly gUli d JIH I J('r wlilc h lhfl j l ' r:q;e (.I f !,f' \ j II cOl d :-- 1"'1' : IC rc" or ITl:l dt I I I l l;". (.tdl. u i, .... . aud rp~oh l .d I ' II1 ' ru iJ ' [lilll , h( ' l!' :11'1'1\' :.1 I II ~ I ' \\, 111 l' se F'o r O v, ·r:O Y cu r ~, lli t n :\ ,lIoil \\ 1.1"11 .. 1\ Il pute ut t' XI,,-c t t o ab l e to , l"ll o r 111 11 1" i ll 1l1:l1 .1I ",·r , ' IIIIIL 1111 ' 1" <1"' r " "I1(,' ," III 1"' 11 1" , 1\' ;0 \"(,rl., ti ll ' >l1:'\' i\ I II ;'; IIl lk, I ' ;I" d II , •. tll ·' l l'hi !dre n Cry f o r F letcher's Castoria I p r u I . I tqll \\ a:-; h l ' r!--' of Ill· · ( ' 1" \ \ ' Cl f 11]1 1 J-: .~ ~ . x \ \ 1 1 1'0 - - -. - - -. , S I ug l XI I : 1111 111 lit' a: :tI a...:. I\(.,I f 0 r II I I 01 1J1' 0\' ('< ~n ilS t o 1113 I,f \ 0 t I1I 1t:) l nutc' r 1n 1 : ~ I1 tI {Il: :l'~ (·pr t a ill i H )\\ uia Lit:' d ,,' I aI I Jl.t! f rol lJ J lro t, ~ t'(.I I Il S \\ I I ! : l l! ' Jl i fl'f" " d \',~ il! llt ' ;1 1 ,;1111./1 ' 11 a ~~ l s tnnl In 6u l t ubl li nd p ro nta h l p sl1 !J li t i tti u ' fU f ; III lit 11 1.I !~ ' 0 \\ U, ' I' : l'lIl t1 ~ 'UI hTll1u :d ly I f Ih" l r 1I ,"t.:.(H 'iutl ' s 1\1 :\t'\\' .l pr~ L'Y, II j.!. ! \,(· n HII " rl I1 1 \1~ i a ~~Iif- \~ . · I" I) IlI· . " 1'0 111 Me n ac e to t he N aU on , "H ln l h ' :' :111 1 'W ood J)u l p . h (' \\' I ~h l ·d t n ulJla l: l iI :-: 1::{l.t1 l1 (' d a llH u ul , ;\ •. \\ Y ( lr h, ( ' ;Inl ;till 1' II J' l , ' r l 'rclf ,,,t' dpd I (If fht ' /:', lI tlO (1" :1t l1:", f r o m <':l Il Cf'l' III "C .' r l. ItI.\' . ~i r . 1,,,1 I li Jl q uon tlt y Hut pn l".rnll,k.'1'~ h a \,(' I plnn e.1. <' Vf' r yi (' ILI. nn d "ow S O O Il II(' ('ou ld r r- Iuru A~ IIl llb ll'lI 1l "g 1U1\,orWII('" 0 1 Ih L' :.) 1'ltl la l\ , 'II .lt i:l. w hl 'I"I' ;:I" ,I l! , I 1"' 11 ' I II " 1' lI il " l\ S la l, 's I II I!II~ , ab,)Ut Ihlr1 . II 1) , 1I II·' , Ir,d ,,' ,I (· ,"Ir,l ) a II t l I e " In c ,,"" uJ \.lul l' WI\ : ilrs t II s .. d I II I hplr 10 Ih(' I,fl rillll . i <III IIH I' I h ,· tiLl ) " ar IIIUIHlf:I( 'l U rt · of IJ;tiJl't' ! n t h u~e Ua\' t ) 1 111 ~ ur · 1 \\ Oll ( . R 1; \; 11 O\, ll lilli l :lw ait " c[ lt i!1l I ) 11I1l,, ~ al lfl \\ (' 1' •• ,k :dllH frOlll (,I\nce r .. 1 y 1,11<1 11 " , l imi (l ' ,1 II Ulllh ,' r U( l tilI ll u: a"llI r 1'i\.i1 I II Ih ,' '11 1011 1'11< o r Ih , ' , '11\' 111 ,, 1 ' " I " ;':~ I 11 :,II I'1" 'Y ... 1, lalits . Iu be r a l ht' r Kk .. p ll c ~ 1 n ! g nrLl· I utiLI rut Ih .. ~ '""" 11 1111l,"l or l i "II, ('r uf . 1 (1/ 11t " sl o lllac!l HIlLi li n ·l'. 12 ,0 0 0 f r OID " I h ," ,.; lli:\!. " \\,1' Iii.· ('t' ld, rh ey ! In g r ,, \,o r le tl dlscO\' e r l!'S o( SUllRI IIUt<' I :rb"lIl I h" ~;r Il I P d i,,",,' I('1' Ill tli l a R JlI .-I·H . ell !!a !;, d I~l I lt t.' U~~ i Il Ps , . 111<' r'~; ' IHlT~(': W,' I"(' l ak"11 f nllil lil s , ' al'rl " ~" 1 I'all " r of ti l" utr' r u" !lil t! ol lh ' r or ga n • ~Ir , Pln(' hot pl'l.' l' ar (' d la IJ I ~~ IJ~~I.l' Il "" u f :\alltilil. :;,el1 ' · I'~ III ~I il) . a :.d II \l' Il S lira\". II 1(1 1:1 " h e l,' l 11 '. l it " IIr ~ l· II "r ali(Jn. 1,;,00 from c anccr of .rr .' all I II III ~ grln: "I ' " I.IlIl.l() 1l Tit· , r aw J1l at C>I· I JlI ~. T Ill' 11 50 o f wond p u l\! tirB t. B its. : ro r tb o IlIIlIlUrn etur .. or pnper I s o f >11 0wllli! I lll' l(l ta l l1 l l1o u lJt (If 1I' 00ll w ilit [ I, . 11. "::1)' lie l o ld .. :\i\ 1~1all ::;~I1"rti \\;. ~, 1'" 1'11 1" ,,,,. lit ,· l ,r , · a~ l, ~tlld about ~ ;, .:.O() f r ll lJl '·.,n- -- - - -- (" ' r "r (J l li N or~ans IIll d Pllrl ~ , c om pal'n t lYf' r er('nt o r i g in . 11. ~ It s co m · a dlal ll(, I,' r l i mit of I n i nrl ,('s t o n il exp II III tlt e n: unu fUC I Url. or m o lLl s LII, e a Base ba l l SC GI·e. I lIll'rcl a l a p pl ic at io n as a raw Dlat rl ll i lie 700.01)0 ('or'Ll s, whil!' I h,' ~ an,,' )'il: ld I U ~ ".(\ III I ii" mul, l n g u C P:l\ '~ I' · !lllll i Alrmen's D j nn er Go r,g ··)'Otl !I n ' 1\ IUI\Il ilf ,,, ., . i ll, 'a" ror Ih l sll UrpOBf' (},, 1.18 f ro m n b out 1&69 . I,r pulp wo od 1'(HlI t! li e- (l Ulaill (',l aft ,' r , "I III<- h o , -.,1 >\ AC n l ll !; I II t1w pa lr l o ~ 0n~ of Ih, ' t;[ ra n!! " ~ 1 dlllll' ·1 I' \ll, ~ ~ I 'I II, Cll!' n nick,.), A 1wllv ; Luy l( e ~ ··A l IlIal, !" ye ,.;ot y n" to" al ' ·Il . one B u t long befun; lh .. tl r " t c ry o r "UII ' . " y e,,-rs, TI ,a a.r ea I II h,> 01 'I' r a l l.1\ an . arlll Y I ll" ~Il P<'nnak "n! .e x I'Prll"ne ,' ( in Ih " \\'01'101 h a ll ~ p. olll "j ol, ' :> IJ ,PSH \ (1", 1'...1 1 HI " .. . \.n\' c LI'IlUI ,ful dear whi te to nOII:I,,··," se rv n tlon , , ' Utl h f'nrd IUHI t h e fir>!t p r o. 11\1>1 l1 y \,oll ILl b ,' th u Ih i rt y .s"\·" lI th ' S o 1 1\t~l! h Ll I,fhc Ul l,Y. I II tl ll lallll ~l t.; pr o p er \" 111 at I I,,: a rm ), l1), i ll):, " :I1nl ' al I cl"II ..'; AU_'_"___ . . t l' Rts mad n aRl\i l1 ~ t l h e devn st nl lo n or pnrl of ]11 11 .0011 . ('r ~ .7 "'1I ac r ps. "h ll !' Iliol d" Ihnl a IllU tl~11 \\ 11". a llu re s,scl lll ~.' 1111 1":<\'0 11 , ,, 11 Sa1b lHlr)' 1;l a," . 1:111( ' I B e h 'r ,p\'. I'.,· Hr, \. ('.0" 11,,11 Dlue: r o r c n s lIlen had 1l (,11n engaged In th e I th p allllun 1 "U l of w Clod w" 1I1 ,1 b r th e 1 (0 ('u " gn' s« pra YIIl ~ ' l hl1 t ;-';" t ha ll tie . l an d . It is "" 01.1 f'yl\ " LI ,' r o f; 1 :110 1111' Go od FIShing. much I:cl\~r I h"" h'l u,tI bille. UehlJ:ht.t rrom "" rvl c t' Iwr oplall " (, lI g lll " , ~t nll'~ lM 'I\\" " 1I twn " W h a l'H tlw n el r e, ult of .. II I hat 1)(1,(100 . o r 19,UIl O I " I' ~ li p· o rll f' l'eLl to r N urn '• he I.u n I r~ ·· ,\11 "I',,'cr ,\, d \' 51)0 r (' h ro r u n('W raw mntpr lal. All th lrt y·s(' \·t' !j lh part o f 7 . I I ·' f I I ' 11 , ~ . " ' 0. " ,. . . I ! t ll IlIuk,' Il w p l'o \,,' r , sUllll ll e 111 0 u ~ or Jlos t R. WII,-11 81m r1' 1.v " I r u('~ I h l' (')" 1· g r ~ ! r l. ng.'" -- I - -- I II Im p e rt n nt Ame ri c an c onjur atloll has I cord s. . cll r r yl n g u ll l he pa p l,r IIHUlu fac:to r y." In d'·r g l\·.. H a li t a "1 " ,,1'. rl's"u ll.lllI (1 "S li p rnad e a big ca \ c h ." Th e lIl oll y('o llti I e )oy occa s ooa 1 ro r f " n rs pnt p l orf>d ,' xp e rts In nil c r'l A br ll'r ()xll lllIII Oll o Ji of lIJ ,,;;e (I g url!s T Il IH' )t:t: t1 (," r t'c t' lved f u\"ol'lI 11l e lie . 1I 0 1 ~p w h ich c: dl s th e ulr l!l~ 1I to Ih ... lr g ives Ih a o thpr 1, ld s !\ ~UrJlrl Be '!I'heD tort to dI scov e r Il ~l\ltallle lIl eth oLl ror and rac l s wO li ld Illd il'nl a Ihat t h er o I s I I . 6 I I d'" lid 5. fl h 1 011 . dlnOH a H ~ rr ecl lv,' l y a s nil urll lll,' Ll ln ('o rn er cLi In a g ,. makln~ paJler pulp o f ball all:J. Rlfllloi ' l no lI JlI)(H eOI d a n !\pr lJr pl th er th e pu l p I "I II 'I (' r " on". Eye- I' uflam" d by exra. Th e "'i l ll'llX will llI a Llc lb , t r sl U s " " ~ Co10radn ealll e to the rront some or 1I1l! pail Pr Indu >!try b ei ng lh' p r lve d ' __ _ _ ; sllfetoSuD,DuslandW ~ tilli e ugo wIth ttl l' nnnollncemc nt that or th e sourc es or raw tnll t~ rial ""D tllln i n g \\·tller tIIn rk ~ t~· th e str" t e ~dllice on P38tucrlzatlc.n , I gui ck1 y rclievcLlbyM.rl. . pinon wood. which grow s in Ilbund ' l Th l) d isco \'e ry or till! o r l or w a kin g , uf P " nll fi y l \";\ nln li nd u . lJ "li unu /lc.. Till' n\lrr'a l l o r A nimal IIlI H\) aIlUry ' [yeRemeily.NoSmarting. aoce In that ~tot e . ('o\lld b e mnd e to l l:l ller hU8 b eell ('r p,lIt pd t o man y llI e u l turetl I'lI)1 t ' l' fol' th e "urnllll ' Y C{ He r e nl1 ju st E ye Comfort AI I I oth e r ('O IOIlI ~H Y ear,; I n t pr p"per r or RI \\" a~ hln glO tl h u, In5u l'<I n lIIo no· Your Druuv. ist's SOc p er Hotll/" , Murfne t:y. su PV1y w o ud pulp, a nd .lobn F'itzger· or IIl1lll.V I "' tl o nnl i tl p~ . II hn R, h U\l" (" ·er . 1 tt . . " r II , ( ' l.ed '. "·n\l . . OI1 0 r gra ph d ullng with lil t' ('()~ I fl f \JU ~ ' Sal~einTubes .,., 25 c, old . ~ 1I11l'rv lsor or tbo l'atlooal plko ; been PRtablls h('d b('yolld n d o u b t that , ]0 c urrell !) 0 It .u n . • b :l'll r i zll l loli from 111\ ,' n~ il l('(' rill/,( point Dru g~ isls or Murine Eye Remedy Co .. CblC8g. t o r ('s t. w us q uoled H S ~tl1L1ng thot til e ! II o rl gllla t l'll i ll lll p. O ri ent. I Stat "" wa ~ Jnu~ p at th e s a lJ]e ps t~ ,I f d r \\" 1L I'llnt nln s d" Ri ra lll, ' ill ror. ' __ _ - . -. - . gov e rnm ent w as planning to erect 1 T h o 1II II J ils 'Hill th e A m 1H! I ('nr oed I llbhtnCn t . lind It was, ,to tl~e old IIv~ mlli ion tor p ro prIet o r s or ('n '1l1I1" rl l' H I miliA tor Iho manutactur e at IJaper il r ro lll ti,4' (, h l n e~ e, Tlte ArRlls, In ' l lIllIl~ ar~ o UlUttlre g o\ erll lnl.nt a Pl! e !lIl Ll milk plll n l S olld fo r \k ~ l g l ll' r" I\lId wllil thla n ew 1I111l eriul. WlI at b cc tlm e I ,.a <ll ll~ S pain, brought th e art w i th l in 181~ , It w a s at th e l a t ler p~rlo~ malluCnctllr!'n < u f 1)lI sll' url zllll' " Vila· or pinon wood pulp ? tb em an" litt1 " h y IItlle Euro ll" I pnrlled that ~I dlslln c tlvl' IHllle r ,,!th co ore rauls . , Ne w Ml'xl ('o 80 0 11 rollow (!d wltb th ,, : r rom A " I .. ,,"rl f r o m Arr l ca h o w paper ~ I\k tllreads wov en Ih ro."gh It .... as . _____ ____ I Can qUIckly be overcome r e port thut bpnr gmSR, which groWN . .... as mad e . 11:11 1<,)" "'lIIls or th e Unl. : Illad e ror Ih e goVt"rnm~ lIt ~ u se. PRIZE. FOOD. luxuriantl'" o u the sOlltl"';6IIt pralrl e8, i t ell ~tUl ~ "R gl'nl o pl ca l slin e " hf\s g ath. : Th e finlt machi lle for grinding .... I)od PaJatllble. Economical, Nourishing. Rnd willi l eHR rnlll tlliin any other ! er ud In hI s lra ve l s throu g h I' hlnli lULU pulp \V a . In" Pll leLl In U er nlauy In Purely vegetable Flol'<!nce, So. Dakotn,-"J used to be plant, hRd been roulld to ti e 8ullubl;) I Ro me Lul erpstiU f'( d oc u ments sh ow lll8 ' [ RH. 11llt It w .. ~ III th u U lll let! S tates A N ebr. woman ha s oUlllo eLl th e -act surely and very sick eve ry month with bearl~ for th e manufacture of iJaper . but lhnt I h o w [l UI1"r was mad !; Ihere lIlan y c eu · I tb~t !;1I1phlte IIller wu 8 fir st , 1:8ed In [lri ze rootl In a raw wonl M. (Hili Ihat I' gently on the ~:c~anch~,a~~~ ~~d was th e Ins l b earLl nbo ut It nnd an· tUl'l es ugo , ! I Sij7, res ulting III th e protlu~ lton . v er) rro m personal eXlJcril'll cc . ~he trl~~~sn~e h e adache a good otb e r "rl"'o lutloll i n th e . Industry".: 0 11 1" IIH'Sl' Ii 0c lIJn ellts Is It ph o t~ I much m o r e c h ea ply llia n pre vI o u sly, ot wrlt e~; I H e ad gl'ltjlh tak l'n bi h im o r 11 do ubl c' I rill ' " sIronI': Cl!lIuloH(, li bl 'r f r o m s pruce "A fl er our l o n g I:Xp c l'lell c6 ,dl b I achc, d eal of th e time IWd tailed, v eri little appetite, 1'1". ~"u rc 1ty of ~Illip woo Ll IlJlpl1HrS , hamml' r 1l ~1' ,1 11\ m lln )" pa rts o f til ... w lJo d. Grope· :"zuta, I c ann ot Hal' (:II O\l gh i o Diz z i · 'l'he pair.s were 80 bowe\'l!r, t o have bE'PIi grputly exag. ! {' c l es lln l ('111 ]li r p all ,l wll lC'h I ~ " till , Th .. " m~ rl •.'I\.l\ IJal!' ~ r lrat]" hl-'I( all II G It s ra wl r . W e 1\I\.\'e u sed thl B roo d al. I ness,andlndigl'stion. They do their duty. bad that I uscd to . g<'ratl1 d , Th e pl'obl p lll may b e so lv !'d. ' b ('h :1I useLl I n so,nl1 lI 1ae'e s ror m a ll ill g ' Tl' a l t1 " ",' IO\!ll1 l' lI t ab"ul !lIP Y" llr J8f,Q, m os t continually ro l' S(' ,' f, n y ears. I SMAI.L PILL, SMALL DOSE, SKALL I'R1CL sit ri g ht down on the I 1J,('c ordlng to good authorltl!'s, with o ut ; l'a 111' T fr oll'! haml )c (l sln ll< ~ . T1 ", (' hi· u.n d II s prop, J'l' SS sl ll ce t .h at dale has " W e Bom e tiJ1l <'s tri " d o tll er ad v tJ r must bear floor [lnd cry, tilo dlRcov er y 01 SUbStltlltp mat erIal by Il es o IJO pl' l' nIH 1<p r 's o ll lfll c OlI sI SI P.d o f ! IH' \' ... r bpe ll Inte r r upted , ;-'; p w and wI de r Il se<l h rcall ra~ t f o d n but WI' III \'arl n bl.'· ~ cau~(' it hurt mo so I tb o prcs l'rvnt1on or ror est s In wood· ! s evl' ral Il\ lIk~ "h er p Ih o ba m boo waR IlI a(,\li u e~ so on re~ l:ll'E' t! til " 0 1<1 narrow r f' lu r li ed to ·G rope·Nutl< as tl,,' 1l1 0s t ~_~ and I could not do producing stale s. Tills important QUell' ! rott ed w I t h w n tN. R lri p hallH ll t,r rUIl on ps, a nLl th e rapill i\(h;,lI cl'~ III prI ces pa I3tn ul o " eco n oml cnl a nd lI o ll ri,,\) l ng ~~ any work nt those tlon has arou se d consld ernbl(' Intere 8t l b y n n IIIILl cr ~ ll f!t \\ at ':l' ,,"{weI. /I {r ay : (If c ottun h elp eLl to j;OI)ul nrl7.l' th e us e e>t all. I::.lL"-I...!.lIi-"-''--.Jtimes. An old .WI>: j In til e l l nit ed Slnt es '!luring r ecent o n \\' h it:h t h.· \1 l1 l p \\' a~ tir i"t! and dy.,d, . (.r llI all Y Il rll r l es ma d e or /1;l! h:r. ThQ " W\i en 1 qui t t ea an ti colT(' e nnd f;:~;~ t~;i~ man 81ivisl'.d (!le to try Lyrlia E. Ptnk- rear s and ,d eci sive Ilu v(> b ee n La· I at III stro l1 & I I'<'sul t WIlS a, 11 c<j uall ) ' !l urkeLl IlIh :U1C !; 1 "U",", ,., ,,n l1 10 POR tllm a l.11 ft l" . N"",. " IMD, "" IlU lIIl' o t . T. C(J n"eoleu.t\ ham's Vegetable Compou!l(I an d I got a k pn h y t1w gOY (, Mllnent tor th e r e ro r · , pn p,' r , : In 1Hl) pr I'l"Ices . I \\ a s al moti t a n(' n ' oll s w r pc l( . I wa s eo",, ". L •• to .u ' bottle. Ifeltbcttertll o n l!x:",onthso ' estatlon ot devas lIlte d arpas IlDllth ,, : In thp I ' nll c d " l a t es t he hi sl o r y of i 1·I\ I1· r 1I11I Chlll l' >! \J~e tl fr o m 1),,:0 lO i so jrr\labv~ r co ul ll n ot SIN' P n i gh ts. ~;O~:I~;&;" I~"~I~:r~: I took t.!lree more bottl p.s of It ~nd got protl'c tl on or stnndlog ro re Bl~. : JlHjJP r lllu k l ng doeJ no'. c o'·" !" more l hnn 18~ r, ~'r odll ced PIl\ ' ~' 1' lit wha t \\'1\ " tli en haLl 11 0 In le r l's\. In life. '''e" ." 01 nol '0"'" wen so I could work all til<' tt," 'i'. I , It ho ~ bee ll ~ho wn that to RUPllly t1 tw o hlllHlr~ d ),1':11','. T h e first p!lpp r r (>gar<lP II IlR th e I r"rnpndou ~. s D<' ed ot " A f t er usi n g (;I'Il\)l~ Nl1 t R a " hurl. ~'~ ~~:u';e:d"~~~l~!.; hope every womnn who :m ff ers h,(t) I did I mUl having an OUlput ot 300 ton s or I mi ll WI1A ~ l'o \J l\ lil y thaI c !'l<dI1HU'li by 1::0 r.,'p t II min u t e on lI) ar. h l n e~ or a ' tim e T b <'j!a n t o IDlpro v n tlnd ti ll Ill l'se !t~,~;'8~.:I~8r~~~~~ will try Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable n ewspaper II w t1e lt 2,500 acres plant ed I JumE'H ~1. W il l co x . w h o ll ollrl ~ b ('cI IIla x i Jll\l l r. wIdth o r rmlll HI. tu so I1.lImento have dl sn p p('a r ed nn d 1I 0 W I , \lUOLD Bo.utr.a, no D.hlb ....... Broollqa. •• L Compoun<l" - MI'lI. P. W. LANSENG. , with IqJru C'e llld hard wood s w Ollld b e I a bou t I: :l f) , T h !' nil1 mi ll ~I I II ~ I a r. <\ ~ I lI c lJ t' ~ . ~l u l: Y 1II 0<\ er n hI g h Hl'ef' d rna· a lll a w ell ,,"amli n. M" l W,1 .:h lltl re n ' --------( ' E l.I. Gj'; 'j' FAIUt !u\ NU CHEAP_ 1 FI orencc, South Dakota. :' sufficie nt to g;vo th ", w ooel pulp n ee· I today In 11 pi Clllrp;'(J u ,' n ll rl fcrtll l' \" tll· I c h l n "~, hr<, now rUli li ing Il i ~hl aod dlLY bn,'o b ep n al most rai sed on r.rape' 1 1~C:\h~ R oute N 0.. a " Illutl. or 8urprtalnjf rertl1l1y caD be rlh ..h ~ Ar.. lUll;; t h" 11"" or the MIlISuurl .. !;:II I ISUS fill I rOlld. This new roa<l WlIYV1 'l llwomencontinua to. sufferhday ;, cSS Rry rOl' 0110 y en(r. Jf th e lolnl f or . :. il'y of 1'<'1l1.lS)" I \' a 11 itl. Tb c j l\t ('rl'~ li ll ~ I, 00 Jl ' "" ~ l\lap~ r at almost I\\'o tim es Nlita..-., w hich th ey ea t l\Jrpc l i m ps. 11 ~lI In and un ~ ou t or drng out Il £I ckly, a 1f- , est urel1.s W OS 100, 10O acreH th e tlmll er I Slory or Ih l S l ,j r Jl P ~ r of wlr . lt Is t od ay ' t hu t ~rl (' el . oar , r llll 9 l h ruu!; h u n unoJ~velupod territory; nrted:r;stence, missin g three-fourtha ~ ~~ ~~ " TIH!OJV ple tur es' o r h cu lih I\ nd !;ene " pll1110l<1 rur rrU II, poultry, dairy, tru ck. ~ 1 dI rn J f :.lnn l ng- 0 1' s tock. ra181ng : dellg b tbll ~ of the j oy of Iivi~ g, when th ey can I n lJl~ h UV\l ne v er h u rl th o lells l >!V fllptOlll or f il l <'I"" n l~ nnd buunl l ful IVll t ar luppl,.; h,)alth in Lydia E, P in k h am' s VCRetnble n. , " Wh en I met '\-Ir BI 'Yll n l W 8S earn· b C~. w Ith h I ll c lo tli ",; on, su .I guve It s t o r,l llc h troubl e, e v en t1;ro Ullh th e ~o~g T.~~~! I,I~~. t~I;~~~f n ~';~~IlP~~~~\~:: C!)mpounu? I l ing $ 50. :\ W"? lt IUS a b~li<'r ...r PI,~ tll ~~ I tl ll:' ' I h' I " aid m or. t ~ O\' PfI\ s i ege ot wh oo pill g c ou gh A. II rnr II. J A Y K E Rn. General P nsaen -, l y For thirty y eRrs it h as b een the s. tnnd• . Breacl" of Deportment Not Cause for '\ rOl' a l\ e \\' ). or l eMA .. S l m rm t, S' . J d c~\I\l l (' nss ;'pIS Ihl~ ct lliei t , S t th pv could r etain Grape.Nu ts w heo all I:or "gPl!!. H llrrl 80 n. A r k. d d h Divorce, Say s Court In M r s. I1 r Yl1 n t 10 court. A t ,er our mar· ! II ga . 011 roe. er nps I B e por, 1" r ' I d ~;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ard remedy for f emale ill s, an f 88 reL A I 1 "l a"e ,,·c ROle l o Calitol'I ' <n T hen I . mt'n t il l " g r a t e oft " 011 bu t th at 's not e sa n. e . ~"~'~.'~ '.... d th h Ith of thousands 0 women ca nee ea. b ' " ,.. I U , • , "O r a e-N \l ts f o od hns sa ved doctor ! . 8 toIe _ e en bled 'th snch 1!i1. tl i s co'iJ!r d it was , his da\lg hter w h o I wha t th e law c a ll f4 cr u elt y. I c a nna' , P who hove bd~cnl trou ts ~~I1f\Jnmation M"g ... ale '1', B'-uaoi fo.rm erly or h ad w ritten bl s l et ter s for him , Th ey ' ht'lp y on ." Los Ao ge l os TImes bills, aud h as b een, the r efor e, [l most menta as I SP acemcn , v . I' S n . ",u p " 1' , -, , • economlt:al food tor U8 ." ulcer tion tUmors, irregularities, etc.. Ne w York, who l ett t~ore to b ecome w(!;(! b~ulifu1 l eiter!', N lime g l veo by Po stum Co .• B attle , c : a. . . write t · " th~ '!"if.a of tloloID9n,.-E; IjII')':l.Dt, n. CQ' One or t h e f\mt dlsoo yt;'rl es I mnde Sugar and C"m,,"tCreel! , Mleh . R ead "The Rond to W ell' If 10tlWant 8Jleclal adv1~ ( fL~,:JVlriii 'I:'rln<:h ~.'faUc.dto obtaln-t.~ divorce. }~'as h~,.!I..!- '1\Il t11 9 ·knlfe . .Al s6 b e Tenta hll.\:e ~ho'~n Ull1t no little . as v ille," In 'pkgs . ·'Th.e re's a R eason." Lr-dla, &1>lnll:~nrn H~I()lne I 0j,'lO!.,\ on i b g\~una l h!!!,her busba,t;I!I's m~n.' '0 ·v 'r cll on ,ed .b ls el o t\!es \\.h en he. . 0ll e-Q ll 4 rt e r ot one;.por cen t of 8 U ttar t;~,..1 the above Jettf!l't A'IIt'''', .~~&a1)~111~" i!fl!:~S·a y~~ ~~b""~.~ ners,' jarred her_ , '.diet ~ere m-..rr:ted CIlme ,to UI ~nel", ,B thl1\g was so me. 'I'll! l l r lnrent oo!D . nt !lettllpg, . foIhlltt. 0 ..." ft l1peli.... ~o... 'l.1li" ' 10 ·thne, TIl"7 lie ppo~Cicl. I' .n,d ,lollll trlll'::.~"1l aJl~ SePterhbn~ 2.3,1912, d lIeparated Sep. 'thing h e did ~() ·tll( v cri ..,?ttlln. and h e from on e t o t ",o 'J:ler ceu t ' wlll make fI &~ .. ulae,.· true••• d f1IU ' ot laUIII•• IfO;IUD uti beJ4 I , - 1'.0 < em~t3.'''1?13. ,. , de\'clOpecJ, I!ropellslUell . lOr ,lllDK . to Be t ' q\/lckly, but later dlwll tegrate. tUM'. ! . . " ~ ~




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Suffered Everythmg Until Reo stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.








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Herr Are afew Magazines In Stock

. ersona en on 0 urnn : : i. 'al Cu hl:L>i avprupriated *IOOO whidl is t u be Jivid cd into ten prizes .... _... .. .. ... .. ................................ .... _._. __ ._.-...._._.-.-_ ... _: ! of $IIIU ('a('1t for the larg('~t rrtlps of ........... . ......................_.......-..._---....__ .... --_._._---_.1 1 w lwilt grown in Ohio on any of ou r ' S n ~p lhre 10: J~ llr Table I ..... __ .._ I ,'olllplf:'te fertili zcr~. I The ('ontc~ t is open all farm e rs l ·h,,". ~ 1ll : t11 was \\'(.rk ing- ill Leb· ! ZIMl!tnM.~~I~ ! or :'.l1 n1"":-l lid., ,J,q \\ :" II ,,·k :111111 1 IU:'i \I"'I 'k in Uhio . Any amount of land may

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Argos)' Blue Bool, Basc Ball Blad, Cat CountrY Cicnt lem('11 (' u rrcnt Opinion [lite Sh les Field arid Stream Family Journal Harper 's ~\a ~ai':jne J U<lgl' tadies' Home Jou rn al Ladies' World LIfe McClu re

~U," I ~

~ I I-" \1,,1' ," I.i "pirl,'ot! i:; th l' I!UI':i 1 1 lin'" hy two di ~inter es ted parlie:! \1 1:-- 1:lI' h.,1 1:"1",,, " I \ ~ I II " l lI l \'\I" ,I I:" ,'II' ' : ., f \ 1:' 'I ll I ,\ 11': :11-.1:11 ':1 ' il-" I:.':I _ ,"I' IIl , illl,a t l thi ~ W(',.k . !lilt In til l' f!ll:n ily uf the contestant I.. r I'l'l!ulal'ly 1Il hlS empl oy . No ai, I: \I j,o. , . ~ It (,If H:.J tJl t. <l l J."",j' ) t tJ 'c'." i 1:1\"1.,,, .. .\ tllil :,.1:11 ' i:; ('('Pl1lltlliea l. 1 "\"al1\'~':4 will be mad e for boulders, I I ,l l II ~H, \. ': :\ 11"" ,,, 1:1,'al '''1 i ,In dlar! alld .\Lin \\ :11'11,',1 Ill" .\ Ill" <lnJ Mach illl' !'\, l:o wall s. f,'!l 'l'~ , t l' :es, Hwampy or ,Poor j '" .I.},:1 ""ill !. . . lalld, 01' fo r a ny lITeg ul urrty, (nther 1; 1':1.1' ;11'1: at lo-ll d'lW In ';l illll, ' al 1.,·1;. Il lIrI!.., l ,1I1h II I '!III \: 1' - ] ,j a :";Ij) L. \,~ ~i'\' ttt a ('lIllpl.· of nalural or arlili ciai. ,tl l"ll I hi, 'I ... k. II t ' I I I " ! ', ".1, ' I · .i :I" \\Illt Il'la lll ,'.' 111 \Ial'llill lasl Any kind uf lanJ may be entered , ,, ·101 \I ,d I I I, ., ' .\ 1\ "f "11 1 ,,·Ii .... ' 1"111'11,'1''' :tl'l' i'l \\,,', I. . {.lr tlie \Iriz .... After the 191 ·1 crop I.. " a: ,,, " III ', ", .•.j '111"Il,liltg' I Ill' i:.; lakl'n ulL nu dre>l:-l in g of any kind "'I llI lly 1" '· 1'1111 ,' \~r ; I' h ' l! ll i' ~"n "lI tprtailll'd ,:>'c"pl ulll' of our cOlllpl ' tl fertiliz · rhv, 11Iltl 1 ~ l h l l t 11. ,\1.,,01 l·. ,~, FI " u , r.' lal il" ·" Ir"'!1 ('ll lt' inlUli 'l'lIllr:4da~' , ' r~ n Ul l1 ' u~ lOd. 1·:\ 1_ ~ ' lI h '111 \. r 14 't l I II I'. all ol .\1 r ~ II . I. lI :r tlta\\':t" . " 1 "IlIIW Tltl' !'f'wal'd s will be madp on re o (1 1l lt \' , l ', I1I1 I\ ' d t '" ",d~ :111'0; . ( '\'lIth ia I-: \':t ll ' all, 1 (·l la ,;. l 'flr, P O) I' LS known tu the j uug-cs by num · H, o..: l \. Il ' 1111 llll'l ''' \ .\ 1r ;,11.1 !'I I I'~ . ( ' lla~ I\I11ur ' alld b" r "nly and nlll I,y num e. Tlw 11,·11 I\'. :n· al l ' ha lil a ll 'l tW ::illl l'!.l),. ( ·,n 'I ' II.\:t ·dl l · l l .... l .I ~( ' .. d :tl l~ It I, 'I' al I"".I, '" t he' \ 'u ll"t I-M l' Kav jllclg ' S will be a cOllllnitlee "f ~ el l· J '0 HII iI,llt ~ . : I \ I ()j I :Y1 r:' l-:rr l "~ 1 Ii lll t.'I'\'''1'1 Ii :11 101 ~I " I , I, i,":'" S:d ' Irda.\'. - k nllwn me n. TIll' s('ales m u"l he F int' :\ 111\'1 t ; \ 1'1 1.... 111 . . t.'sted Iido re we ig hing . An.\' anr oull t lh ll' III': 1 WN,' a l t h. ' :'Ili:llili \ 'a ll l'''I' F , ll h ' " \\ .!l1' 1I1h !,d l ";' (' llall laU'l tia " 'I','I':d "a \' ~ l a ~ ( \\"",k. .\Ir~ t .. :·a I:" k,'r :11, ,1 IlI'u l'I lt ldrell . lIf uu r f,'rtili ze rs ll v<.! r :\O1l pound ~ 111 11 i d 1\ .1 \ ' .1 111 .11 . 'i IJI\" . "r \\ t1 1'li ll1' "1 '. :Irt ' Ih " l 'I I "~I:-l (If lu till' :\" 1" l!lay Itt' Il~ ed . applied in \ I '\ I. " " 'I k, 'I II '''11 :\l rs , 1·:1 1a 11'1" 111 , "f 1,'t,li" i'I , Ohio,l :'1 11'''. 101:\ :-Iul, ,'., ,ltl)' \\'a.\ fi r at any lillie befor<:' , 1 1'1'('\ ~ \\ r "I . w lwn. tH' aft er seed ing. a lld !'III''' , Ada W I:~ ! fa\\', "f hayt"ll , I . q ' 1 • • ' PACKAOt; Of' art' lh, ' g' 1f'." 1 ~ lIt \ 11' a',d :'111'-_ .1.. \ . 1 I, l'\' , \ , I III .. " I Sl' rrll~l "l ru . wa , We vrefcr to have the fCl'tiliz,' r I·· ullk,.,·. II Ill, l'I'I:<1\, It" I' a l 1111' 1:lli"l1 ;e r vi"e f, u \J~ hl in the " Pl'lI mark et of uu r ' . ~ U Jl d :lY E)\ l"lilil-! ug l~ l1t-'l, but if this is nul po::;s ible ur ~ lr. ao d :viI" . \. I \, ,I "lle-; ,Ire 1·. ITI\·enient wp.will sh ip (1i1'E!c t. \' i"llrrl g- \\ illt r"h li ,, " i ll :, .. It h t :r:uli';l' 1I1(·l·lin.:111'Xl :-; a t ul'llal' Charl e:; Frye, our agenl in yo ur I 'it:lri ",,[', n \11' ,) " ," " I " l 'l .j", ill ).!" a 1·\ ,' lI t:lg . ,\ )!II0J pr ogram ull d 1'1 ' III('a lity can fut'lli sh rul cs and contli 1111 11 '1, 11"I,d l,d \ :l.': t1I" " , Ifn'shlll l'I" " (" 111 11' IItJI1S of the cuntesl, entry blanks and " rand ~ of fertili ze r best suited to ~ 1 " ~ ~r'. I: ", \ li ll , ·tl lo! " II !I," !' :'.li ", 1-:' 1", 1 :,1,,';ol1 al: II f (\,III ,·rl'illl' . tftp cundilions (If yu ur lan d . 1::1 11,,\', :1I:t! III;' \ 1 1~'I .. I ·a ll l\'rtll';tll d '1: ." lll " L!' II,' t " I' ~ l i ".; r: II('ild ~heI'i1 ·1l1 l ~ ntriE'~ are closed fo\' thi~ ,'ont('"l 1 ( 'I~a;II"II,j lIak ll' wI' r\, at tl .. ' I·h"u . ~;"t ' I I'''a~ a l:o! \l ,," d:lv. ~ t! p tE' mb e \' 1st. t:lIlil tla la.'1 "'Ht tl rd " ..· .'!1 IIl~ ' . r\ddr lO:;~ all cu mI1lU!li c lltilin ~ re I''''llid 1',11 1' "f ' 1:t~ \1 !-'" in C;Jse. garding th is l'ontcs t t n Chll>l . Frye, (h, 11.' 1' I' II I","l' 11<: 111 . 11.1' (':l ll ill~ (I t; WaYllesv ill e, Uhi o. HA S I:-.lVI: Nl ED i':E\\' I'IW<':ES~ I lI u\,,,"' ,:l' Allil' ;-;""11 r,,:· .,11 "1. ,[1 ,. :\ . :\ , Il ie".I. T hird :;In ', L • W,I.l'Ii \':i I·i llv . \ 11111 ;111" .\l at· Ii! . "1''\ ( ''' . I·'nllll( W. Alldr('w s, "r I lavl ,lIl, ,\ : 1' \\ ' . II. AI1 ,' II, ~lr . find !'VIr>:; .J. TOOK SEVER-\L PRIZES ,\ h . alld ,\ 11' .... 11 " 1.1'\' 11 :11" :I" oI ~ . sOIl ·in ·law IIf :vi r . >tnd :viI' S ' ( ; 1':" () Iia ll' , \If \"I ,la , and .\1,. ·. \\ .Il! ; II (', .\"" ,:011 :11,, 1 ~Ir ,: J . W. While Hamilto n. of t his place, has in l' l'nl l'u gll lll'r . o f I )I' t n, il . .\ 1it'll , I' •.". Ill .. \"' 1', ':11 I 'h~l t1a"q l l a ~u:J. l ay . A , I. I":i ni!, o f I Ja rv ,··,,})III';..:', lJI d a pr )c~s:; by which c" lJ per ('all h, · ).!lIe:it" III' :'.1)', anrl 1\11'". 1-' 1:1111' /,,·11 I ' . II ~;1I ' fa ct' 1,:<;lIiili t,·, at tli .. :-.. ,IIi " I mad e fronl Lin can ~ , alld I il p Cds t i, ;-;\llIU<I)'. .\ Ii " II"ra I-:I II ~. lIf I hI' W"llst c r l': .il' I" ..;t Wl'pl, , ;01111 1II II \I !:!. 1 1,,11 1" ' 1 under eight ccnL; I)el' j,()ulld wh en Exp, '1i'lI l'!) 1 :-) 1:1li.11) . i" I'njl)yi ng- Iw r :', 'v ,')'al pt'i z!'" mad e in small qUlln l ili,'~ "'h l'n II . D. K... lli son. wlto i,: (':I-:l1l l· r .. f \':11'011 it' ll \\,1 1h 1'1, la l il'l':i h ... n' . :-;talli..,l , fI\'l'l" t W' , :< ':f I ' I,.d, ,!' 11t,·~ , ,· . I mad e in larger qu antil i('f; ;t I'all I,,· lh":::lpringlll'l'II ha nk, wi ll l"a\,,· tb· r,' .\ L I(i ngo Ii,"', (' 11 ," l!" I:,, ',' :II I' an d .\11'" ,)",: :'llall llil ,>! l lIn. of prod uced at a mUl'h srnal il' l' l'IHI th l' lirs t "f' :-;l'p'l'" IIII'r til a" ", '! ' l a IIU As a rell ult it wi ll f(' pl a('" ti ll ,md 1)lIsi uOTI with a lhll llill"l1 li t'll , ",,·11 111 ).:' 11;t \·I II I: . ' 1,,' 1, 1 :' \, 1I 1'01 ,I!' all d SurH h y ". 'CU Broud IllUr< ' ",i l lt rllal .:\ L Kinl, wlti, :'v I I' :t ' ,J :'v I r:; .\} I':>' \-:Itlh·y . sheet ·i r un in most. ot' th eir USl'S of 'i t( , ( ' ~ S and I, on d ~ . ;i r~t. today . The patent for thi s inqll11" Fa nc\' mare with lady dri,'('r. C .\ll' ~' i·.. ·l1 1; ',' 1,,1' :t l,t! l·hi lrl. (I f It Surfate,lIl.'Cfl llU tant discovery has been :ll'plil:'u fill' . lI avol e ll t' Aut ll :-;,n lll i..;:." ,11, 1 I" . _._- .,.. -.:..--hllu I:<l' clo;, all i n~. doe" 1111: ilrj lJrC P:t llt t , 1\,)11,'" \\",1''\1 ,":t li"n, w 'n' ~ tl\' s l " 11f Ag l'd marE' ur ).:'" I . ~in ... , l:. H ~;ur· J i ' . . lal .1 " \' aL.! t:t !1li • .I' I lt i ~ wel'k . FIVEIPOINTS SCHOOL REUNIO N Il lak '!") uld \v und · \\"od, Ilt'JK 11k-t' I l"\'lfl f:lc(' fir«1 - - -.... ---ami r,'trI ,) ,'es grl'a~e !'\l1I1 ~fn"l1c l " lIl '·s ;\I, ~ ., i\ Lt n ha t : l'i ~ ( 'n !Jt' rr\' . "f ~lt The llith annual re union of th e Wayne:>v il\,' :\U ll> and i\1 :il' hllll ' ry Col. \~ i l",l d ,( l ltill, is IllI' '~l1e~ t •,I' her DEHl lS Five Points Schuol distri ct No. !I Clearcreek Towni:lhip, War re n Co. J:t·\·. and i\1 r~ C. C . S an'y, " f' ,UI I1 I :'I tr~ r dittt Ib r l'i ~ 1:1110 1 Lun il ..·. The rpm;)lt,,'; of llyrnn i{1,llin,,()Jl, Ohio. will be held at the horne of Sulphur :-;prin):,:i. '\' L're lhL.: ),!"1Il':;ls (.1' Mr . and Mrs. Juhn Sheets. '., mi le Mr. al luooMr:; .1. ~,~ttl' r :h\\,:t i l" 1~lst Th e rain " f TU l'5dz.y \\u::< one of ~ ()n l) f L!\faye tte R o hin ~() n. o f ()""suuth of the school hou ~e , Allgw;-,t \\ eek Ill e ~tar e y s leI t h'~ r e lur I b·.' fi n,',·1 )j~ t fw rain Clllll e ~ I rai).'. llt Lw nia. will arriv,' Ilf!re fJ'<)rn (:lli l·a.ul 22,1914 This will UI.' tlwir u>lual l(an:-lQs. wlH'n.· R, ·,·. :-; t al·I'.I' h:t ~' ,1< ' • .If/ W II . "n il 1'\" '1'.1' 011',,1' Wenl in to the this eVP!li nlor Th,~ ~im' f o)' the fu neral has not been del.'rmined, basket meeting. and qUt!Stiuns uf I c ~p l ('d a l' hargl·. ! l' arl.h .. interest have been arranged for Ji,,I cussion. A goud ti me is always had . The ~l i~OlCS Li lla and Kath rina ' .'. Irs. Lu~nl II. Mushe r . Mi;j~ Let everyone w ho is inte rcs teu in S·, II~' I·S, of Lebanon. alit! Ma r)~ l,e ri l e , j\.J arll,:! t;rl."cllberry. M:·.:-I , ltona ld The d p<\th ()f H,'nrl' C Willi ", lif home affairs come. /v1or<.! y, of Frankli n. wh l.l WL'n : Ul - , 11 uwkl' <lll d Mr . Harri S Moghe I' n ell!' Lytl e, oceu)'ctJ W"dne,.,dny - - -_ _ _- tentiin ga hou '(' party a ( lIw W. 11. I1lt1to "l'd lol;!lilUl llUC\ U'L M'lIlday. morning' AUirtHt 121.h The funprll l SOME CHANGES IN DIRT Allen hum e . It'ft fur t. heir 1'1'. wili be helt! I"riday morni i1!! at \();:lO A~ I I t :hunJlc r, of Kan ~ aH Cily. Mo " spectivt;) humes Fr ida\' evening. at tht! h o u !!~. Chas. Gray has purchased th e i ~ vbi( ill)!, r.-la li vE's and fri c nd ~ here , sCnok farm on Ruute 4, and MI' , Ke Mr. and Mrs , O. :'. [':1111111'(' , ,\11'. ~ ~ I r . t 'lw ndle r left Waynesvill,' in EASTERN MAN PREAC ; I EO ey. of Centerville . has bought the l and Mrs. Clta". Il el lJ enlO n ar:(\ falll' I I:-:7;1 . rind lI~i " i,; his ,;t'cond \'islt hl.'l'(:.' Clarence Berryhill farm un Ro ute 5. ily, Mr . CliO' Crumincl's . and M i ~ sl ~ t1 H't' thll l tlln . Dr. O. E .T ant1!'y , of Philadelphia, Ru l.h Barnes. of Cincinnati, Il lu tored W!LMINGTON YEARLY MEETING to Mr. ami Mrs. !-'rank Thornp~ on's : Mr:l. A. 1\ . Linloll anu daughler was here last Thursday even in g, I Thursday, anti they aCtompani erl l l':tllel. :md I'll r~, Prisci lla Butter- ;;.no preached at the White Brick Tem perance Seesion (or day) Fri- th em lo the Xenia fuir . I worth, of Wilmington , wet'(' the 111f'I: ting·hou se. There was q uite a day I ·ah, 1!J14 . Address at ~ : ::lO p. J.!l.1e:41s of Sam l. I uUer wnrth and g ood.sized congregation to hear hi m , m .. byT. Alex Cairu s. ofNew J ersey. If YPII walll a !loud Ferlil ize r cal WIfe l<l!:ll Wednesday . A3finely gifted orator . , Hear him. Chu.c , F'1'ye, phone.j!J I·L ~-S. til SE Y- WILLI AS\\SON REUNION ;VI r. lind Mrs. Chas. Moore ami dau~hter left · Sunday evening hI vis · it ill uth er parts of the state, a nd uninn The will Hi::;cy ,Williamson meet at the rFamily esidenceRe· of will rt·tllrn to their home ill t he East J. W. Hisey. 2Y. miles l'outheast of I he last of lhis month. Waynesville, Thursday, August 20th. ~T l d.\l.!~~ J. ~,:t •.~~

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Sna ppy,S tories Strand ~, h orl


~lIin I

~ l cCalls

:-. icholas Sma rt !-e l

""otion Pictures


betli l l ~ Po~t

lo p Notch \\ (lmalls Home Companiun

Mothers Magazine Modern Priscilla

\Vitle \ \Jorl"

Women 's Stori es Young's Ma~azit1e

Metropolitan Moving Pictures



~mit h



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New , tor~ ' !leop es Poplll ir POI"rlar Mechank ~ Pearsoll PopUlar Eledrit:itl Physica l Cu lture I'ictw ia l Re~iew Peoplc ~ Home Journal Photo),!1 aph Pl a\ Rc\'il'w 01 R~vh:l\' ~ Railroad R~ Uouk

A los\o-I'



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\ 1' ., \ 1 ' I . :- . '. " . .1 l' llte red, provided it is actuall y I ", :11 ,\ ,f. ' I", I " \',', ','\. . I ~.. r'IIlIl< ),I\I ~ b \l ~ ltll1K n a- I'I\" ! acres or ovcr in ex tent. The ," 1', ,1 :,'1\ .'''; III 1'01) 1" ,. tl\· . ,~ 111 I .,1'1,," till:; \\·(· .. k . ; a wards will be lIIade upon the av~r.\l iI ~,,"·- I;, .. Ii i " 'I', il " , 1"';1''' '1 II" , ' ~II,;,) 1,:.1 1111 ShpL'ilftn is i 't : ag-t' vield per acre un lhl' lield which l' ~ I Illg , 1l 111 ~l be itt one 1)lacc. ·tI: II' I•• 't. I ,p' .,1" !•..• 1'1 1'.1, l' r.I'" 1'11' ' 'II 'I'" ' III l 'c III II"t 1 1 Illd I Th l' lipid Illust he accuralely mea:!. o! U . · \\'

,l id

. i \.·L I h ' " "

l'U ">l

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If what yO ll wa llt is not here I wi ll gd it fur yo tl 011 short 1I0tice. Ask aiJou t Our Circulating Library. i - t-akt' su h scr i p tion s , n Iso. i1 Pop C.orn Tuesday, Thursda.y alld Satunby evening s ..


:~,~~:~ ~:-GAZI~~'N~'~I~~OIlIO I


"Silver Plate that Wears"

- ...

Since 1847, the year Rogers Bros_ originated electro-silver plating,silverware bearing the trade mark "lH7 ROBERS BRos.has been renowned for quality, wearability and beauty.

1847 ROGERS BROS.T~P~E' stamped on for ks, spoons and fancy serving pieces i •• auarantee of heaviest pl~ting, perfect work.marwhip and exquisi le J esign. assuring long and satisfying service. Any article of si lverwa re marked It 00 Rt'QUS BROS." may be telected without further inYeltigation. ' Sold by leadi ng dealers everywhere. Send for catalOKUl .. C-i." ,how ing al\ patterns.



Good News To~a~ Bu

The M.·am.· Gazette Tells All the News

C. T . lIawk e and family, J, E:. Janlley alld family, Hev . C. S. (;rauser and family, and Owen Burnett anll , wife cam!' hack frum t he Miami VaiI ley Chautauqua Tuesday.

Our Greatest

, Now you can tell t o a cent



.1 ,~




willSlacost just whatatanything laid down your R It tion. You have nothi ng to pay when the goods arrive. No other Mail Order llollse gives you this grcat a c!l' ;\n tageNo other big Mail Order House Pays the Fl·eight. We pay the freight on all shlr. ments of 100 pounds or more t,) all" point in the following States (e:.:ce6: ing 011 safes, vehicles and farm implclIlcll tS):


If you live anywhere (Jtl t ~ i (!( ' ttll' !\' .:: te.8 n :.1l1 "l t above W I! wtll lJay a )11.)(.:1 ,! p .! ..-1 cd the h I ll il l

r '/e ) r)ll

left for Chi cago. (,n IAu g-usl Slanley 3r<l . where he will attend th e .k~Sl;

IIarylaad. D.ta •• re.,. M :'I:\c. New ~&.plll.i , ..... Veraoal. Ma..... uulf!tb. c.:oUQtdicul :uld Hhocle ',"" '1


A. A. lIi sey and daug hter Alta •\ I :ipent a f pw days Ia"t week III lhE'h I IOld hume. J efl'ersonvi lle. Ohi o. and att end ed ti ll' Madi ,;on and I"aye tte CI,. Fa,- m el'~ ' pknit· at IS(lokwalter.

Ifc.Yar., PU'IU,I" Dia. Ohio, \lirlr:illla, Wm t Virrh ia .

ch:uges. So no matter vdj l.' II '

(;. T . Zacha ry, who was ht~rc la"t " r>ring with U ~u rv cying party, wa>l sbaking hal\d .~ ·.\Iith friend.'l here last T nur~day . II ,: ill canvassing for a bouk. Th e Lift: of Washington .


enjoy this l-'rcil;tht Paid I\,k, nt ',W',· :Il lJ .. r t If • It ':!I.

Write for this Big ['~'~:] r" l~ Catalog Toda y C 1"'~:1:' ';

.l onc::; "t:h "o l f or Auctiollf,eri ng . Hil wi ll be hOlll e abuut Septemher 1st, wil en he wi ll be ready for sa les of all kind s.

----- - ....


IS Ii\lPIWVIN Q RAPIDL Y Mi ss !llary l;ard, of Monrovia, Cal., writ es I1S all fu llIl WS; ''Ten Jays ag() Illy uncle , Will and I r elUrtl eu from Lung fieach sanitarium to ollr home in Monrovia Uncle Will's health ha.'l improved each d;ty since our return He is daily growing s trulIgcr and ill no\\ able to walk about the hou se and grounds . His doctor and all of us are much pleased with his continued imprevement. We are very grateful to our Waynesville friends for their continued interest in our well fare.

Begins August 3rd Ends August 22nd. 'Our entire stock . of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves reduced from 10 to 25 per cent. ' Goods held for Later Delivery if You Wish.


fELL OFF LOAD OF OATS While helping to haul in oaw last Wednesday after I oon, at his farm on the Xenia vike, Nathan Jones in some manner sliQped and fell from the load . Mr. Jones was badly jarred. but he is out again on the street. It was feared that he was hurt inwardly. but there has been no baa effects shown.





Street .


, ,F,urnlture. ' C~rpet.~ StClVee., Vict~_1Iifl"'1r.". ..





---------------------------------------------------------------~--~-----.--.-------------------------------------------WEDNL ~.DA ') , \ L III :--'1 ! .1, J !II I WAY N 1 ': ~Vll I.E, 0 1J J Whole Num uer 'J277 --------------------------~~------~--------------~~~----~--~----------------'----~~~~--------------~.~ i,." '\I:'i. rJ BIG DAy t\ kIi. O/ '. 1,"fll '1fll :011.1 .I' ·!I "I' . R 'IDGEVJLL~IS __ _ II. \ ,." 1\11 " 1' 1:0 r', ..

SO;vlE l"J,lIA'L L'\fENTS

11\ '111 1\ \\ ,1\\ 1<t.:U:'-lION \ .. ,''',. I.I ' l'r .. l . \\ III 01 U IJ V :\ ,·ullft· rl'l\t·1' a lltl ua llqm'\ 1' 1' the Tit, · 1111'lllI",l's II f tlh' lIatitaway tI,k·. , ~.J,\I' 111 111 I ::;,IlIt1 uy "d lulIl wllrk t'l's (If Warrt'n f: ' illiI ~.. WII Ii a lar)! f' nUll1b(' r Id in u te I ll: . 1,.lId '1 ," , \ II ,, : 11'1 1": ,,, I .. I il l ~ \ \ lTI "':'~ yil,'.! )!ll,·,tS . gatlll'l'o 'oI at the 110nw ARE [I' .I0\I \ ti IIII ~ IR SUM· Cnllllty will h' hl'lJ at t he 1\1 . 1':_ CFNlE , '.\ IAI. A:'-lD 1-1O.\1I .-CO ,' \· till' !. II!. II" t' hi ~ I'll ' Ii :11 11 1.l il, ,"I' h" llll \1~ ,\ C1 Lt~1/1 ,'l lIlr(' h, a t Ll'lnnll n. ~allird ay . 1\0 D;\Y hnd hl." \\·11 111 P:h \'I ' a)' ,. I ' '' I. '' \\·I I\~ \1 \ 11 I II ..; .. f .\1 r, alld .\1 r~ . ('''I'T oll lIalhaway IHI: R \ 'AlA III , '\~ .-\U g u~t ~:!Ild . Th: n ' wi ll IH' a ll _ _ __ hi ~ 1"": II I1 \) ;" Ill' ,!tId tli.ltli, · I' f:ll li'} I III 1.,·1\,111' ,11 . TI II, r ~ '''I .v . Augu ~ 1 I ~ , to "11 a lt 'rnllll l1 all d ,>\ell illg sess iu n, wilh A fIN!: pn OGq,AM Rt- NOERED ciaII' .. .. I ,"~ t s '.' TI1l' 1'1..,.,1.; "I' \,1 :1\"'0' tL tG r.J l \l" " "~1" A'P ·.- GI \~EN >" 1ll" ir I" fol il allnual reu lli()n. L 11_ _I:_ _ II ' . 'r'• L ' t'I,\ MANYVISTORS HER~ AT PRESENT a " ,.." I.' L· log' L' lh e r" iJuntlU cl a l Ii \ Ill I g . t"nl hat! l,el'1I eret.:led in :.I II' I 111" 11 I II lit, · I\n,,,,, (h, ' ( r, "! p I .. III ,' :. " I'd \1\ "I' thl' tab les alld ninety u\:I ,wk .. ._ . a n' 1 I I ,. " I,l la" oI Illa rh, tl,a ' ,', .1 '11'1 11(''' 1.\' ' g alil ,'!'('d lhen' 1.0 parta ke IIf Tlwn',wi lll,c sl'l'e ral j{Ollcllhi n~~ Lill zL'ns \\l:!lO!llCtl (he \,:IIl'rahle t, ·I'1 , '·'] II I ~ .I" 'lllh . Ill' '·'11 t l1<'1 11111 11 11 111'1'1' (11i1 -1I1 11 \1011 ', ill l';; I ~ City CO II~in s in the Country - Man) Ih, · fl': I ' I. \V itii'l l i>' al \\'ay ,~ til l' chi .. f il ll till' proj.('null. Frll ill ~:t.11 ri::10 th e \Y. II. Vc nahk' I>a) \\as l~iJ u ' l Ol e t h,' :-i tal'ys. III ,' 1;11, I ' . Iii ,· 1101 \\ cI'ill' r 1 n j"l llh' nl s Taldn~ L()n~ ., rills- -Mall)' :;upt'r in tend l' l1ts o f th e va ri uus d,'· Pl'I'fcl'i Bil: Crowd IHIlt:' ·I' .l hcSl ul(,' ", t il,. Ira ll·, ... liJ ,· ,\ 1 .\ 1111 1 '· f ll l; ~ r"al llr"!lr , I r"l ll1i,1I1 I'r' lg'ra m. More to Comu . II a Lal ' '3, t IIe l .al' k' , '1' , a lid IIla l' \' 1 Til l' Jln '~ i ,}\ ' n l hl'in g absl'lI l, MI' . IJarlmenl~ o f th e cll unly assoc iatiun will .." i ve their report>! and I{ive a , 1':.1 1'\" '" \"'1 .1' a hly r lln tlu cted lhe , ," I1'''' : ... LI ~ U ,jl I l'ld l' '" "I!J(' I I, r i,;,. · I \11" ;. ,\1 1", · ~J, I,,:, " .\' "I,I"rl,,"" ''} III I ~ ll ", idgl' \-iole . 111 ' d 'l fal' ,· W. I':. O'N enll W8!" ill Clilllrnbtl ~ talk on lh t'i l' sev~r al dellartrnent:;. IIII "il l,'"·' Ill '" '' ing ill th e' flft <'rll oon . fl wa ~ laid 'l ut :I ..; 'a l UI' :.·I' !. ~tan' hun ,' 1.1 11 11 ," 1' I· !I.!:., \ 11 :t l' o\ ;\ I ,' ~ '\ ':t TU I'.l:u luy. of the Home lie· vill;oge :--1I111l'" 11'1' pn',Wl1l " ill' ! .' MI·~.~ 1:";va IJavi", Th,' '01 1: " "r ~ r" r I1I' XI ~'I' ar are a ,; foI l t d" \\' I 'r" ,I I !OTI . ( 1\' ,. , \.\ \ \ ' 11 1· e artment, will speak al :t~[i. -~"'' Il1S g" t l" w(l l' k recellll\' alld. 01 ,, · r e~II, .' ·d I:I ~II" "II : .... " . ds .. 1·ll:,I I·t! " r. ,.: I. I -',. ('I ~. \ 1,. l.. ,,'· : l ' I' I' ~ , La f.. Ni chlll";OIl, Vi reo 1,,1 ,'v,; \.I,,", O . W. HamilllJn !l pen t Sunuay in P After the banquet th e el'f' ninlo: C ll l'd to ccl"b.rat l.' her. IlillliJ . l'lrth· II t l I1 : ~1 I, P ! t' !': ~ n '.' 1 '\ P ' 'IPIII ItI ' ll l,d 1'1" ':; .. Il, 'n Smith, Tr..,ati., Mrs . Hell Dayt(ln wilh his chi ldren . I !lessiun will U(' aJdressed uy Ur. I·:. ,ay 1.Jy hnld '/ "1 ' · '. " I, '" ' . ":.. . ,, · "":1 "" It 'I1,1'. :Il ·d I ," . 1:·,v" i,J 11<1 \\\- ,' "11 ' l' l':lll" :Jl ld . 'e'·. , Mr ~ . Har!l:y Will s. - tclIlJlI: li' allol "II J' .... ' ,I, · ofllll{ 'I'a 1Cen Reau nutice of bid:; fol' hac!, line \ ·AIY . 'J'll ornt II 11 , edl' tll r of the "tan·I"rt \ ./1 ume CUI1J1 l1 • ,Il.t . lIS t'n t,' ,')alII . ' :'1'1':11 f,, 'I'. ·,~. I'r· ,f \ . tl oI l' I ' ,11"1). ,,J ·, \T ,j :III1 " ". I· I'I '];, \' r,II "~ 1<,.\' 1\ "sIl l' \l' a.~ ca IIl·t! upon fo r a .) UU h"' I 'r· Wid I I'u b. Cu. uf Cincinn a ti. uay l je t CI I.' lllll 11ll lUll " on anoth l!r page. rr' wa!:! l j I. I II 11' 1 r W:l' '. 1,1 11,1 1" \\ Ilh 1'<11 " .: 11 ; ., ,1,," 1, I ~ 1.1 ]' 1 1 1 : : " 1'. .,,'1.:" '11". .11.. 1 ~ I r. I:. I,'. 'I" " " 'h and r,'s pond etl in h iH usual This confe rence haq been plan ncd e ur s, anI (' JUI gc uy ll' .ar g ' an d 11i,1,1 1' " gil ,; ' ," :. 1'" " , III II :" .\1", \"' r .i lll·ial ll lalil w r. 1\ poem " To the Buy your Fertilize r of Chill!. Frye , li la!. E'xisted 111 11 111, . " f ',· I I by our co unty executive committee c ruwd alJd guud f,' ellng' II a I hHl, ' a .\' ~ " was fl·a d hy M r~, M. 111 'l'lIrl·:· ' . . V , ,<\;" : ha l . who handl es Milsoll' >! the best. _, to Rive an op por tunit y to all to hear l he day was a ~ U I'('l'>' ~ III el'(' I'\' II a II' 1I10flH' and ~I'\' ('l'a l r e~ Jl o nd e( 1 II . I'; . s!'ns" I I . ! .,, 1 ! · ' \' 1'" ,wa n l .. . 1 ''' I I " :' 1. ... 1_ I e wunI u f li ' . Mr~. May bell e Fit zgerald ~pe r lt the plans f ur the yea r di~cu sse d . ' r II ,:1" ' 11,'''1 ;11 :1,., 1'\1 d :'I !II 'r :-1 111101:1\' lit ,· f" l· will i \'lIl ll lltal'), l\1u ~ i c al ntlll1herR , . I, hr. ; ,'. :" ',' .. '1,,'1':11 ,. I t. .n (j t.:1 .. t.:k g' r cal r rll wd:i hl'l!an \: " \ I At Isn' t it bett" r for each indi vid ual to l->undl1Y with her parent s here. ,0 : 1, ' J l' d t' ll l ! t" 111" :ld dr'. ' 4 11I," , i.II .::." "q . \II ':' \\. ' I II . : l llIl ..\ l i ~ s I\' hi c h \\'(' re t.hur ollg hl y enjoy ed. makl: }i n etfur l and ('ome to Lebanon , lo arri ve ,'n IllI' g' r ll untl ~ . 1111' 1I\~ e\'( \ "" I 1 1. " '11 I'" ,'\,,' " 1.1, 1"",11' J.:l 1. I,:I I.. I\ . l i t f h \ ell.jl,qrll . Th!' Illl't' ling' for 1!i1 .' will be helJ at Fred nradduck, o( I{o ul e :1, is ~ hurg I,and. hat! 11l"1l " ";" cllrl'd I) n . '1'1 1\ \\" ". . \\ " I I\ \., \1·r 1 \ / 1',1 ,1 1., ' :\011} ";' :I rld t\ll. d """11' IIr ,\l r. and Mr ~. I,'rank lluhois than for t.he cou nty olli cers to ISo ~ i.allli 1 • " ', ' \\' :--:,r,I .... , r visiting fri end tl in Camden, ()hi o. upon II ;; arnval I he l', IZ"I\:; ,)f . , into eve ry comill uni t v ~ It wi ll cust anu l R' l ' 11 f I I' I U ., l lla J .J , , ', , .. 1"\ "' " '1.1. 1 , .1, .,' "f l ,'III II " II.I>.!""". :I','. ill (-'rall i-l ill L1 11' lil' ~ t 'I'hlJr!lUIlY in \( gel'l e ') rJ~ L", III 1111.' ani l·ar" CU 1 \. , . :' . . 01",,1 " II ,. ;:. I ." , . ,\ II ~' li St. Mr. and Mrtl. C, U. Bentl ey were ledll. You will hea l all t.h e cuunly t he "tre('l;l, SllI gll1g to Ih (' LIl lI{' of . . .. , ---III the Ca rtha ge fa ir las t Thursdav' ufli ce rs . whieh wou!tj be irn pu~s ibl e ooM ar ~h inK th l'l) u~h ~; e nl'giil ," all o f I "I , " ''' '' . \~ ' . ( ..... ,., !!. ,\ ' I, ," ' :1 '\ llti,i" 1 : lil l\~ f' II I, 'r lai lH't! \\\' al'l' ~urel y illt\el,t(,d lo Mr. ami by the township conventi on melh or\, 1':,lflli l.l :·· " .\ I ,' ,',' r i i ,;. \ 11 , Mr ~ Il at l )aw ~ y (ur t hel' r 110sl1'l tall'ty ou e wr itl en by a citize n of Ihl' l.1al"· , ! . '!:' 01,1 '1( ,j! lIn"I' in h,,, \(,r "f h 'r .,. .. 0 3rar Denlinger, of Dayton, was Eve ry Superintendent and Pas tor, ' I I I" I 1:1:1 11, ' I ' 1: 11 .':: 1'"", 1 :;,1 ,.,,', .1,·; , . \-1 ' \" I '1 ' I I' alld trust that uu r Kl'atilud l' for the 'tl d "M a 1'1' Ilillg' llro llJ,!' 1 'd ( ~(' ~ , ]! ~ . " . • fll . ali i "I ~S " tI '(' circulating among hi S olu fri ends eve ry Township Ofli cer and ,as many. 'n t I c vill e. " 1\ ft,'r Ihe paralil'. ell di ll g' at 1" ,,'111. \.:1' \11 ,:. '~' . li t' ()\\, 1 1~1"' rli. " y. , Mr;;- day ',. I!lea~nlr~s will in. part. repay Thursday. oth ers as will come are urged tu be lhcc1tu rch . a hal f. llOur wa~ ~pt'nl in 1\ ~ r · ·. \ t nl.1I1) '.Ii , " ,lIi ·1 I,, ') g', 1 II I. II d l.: 'I'''.\ ' 11 ,01 \l b~ 1': l1I l1 la th 'm fur their labor In try\llg to jlll il ILl' ~ ' l }ll ' :, I II t' ,l: 1 \ .:.'\ "':1.' . ' 1Il ,t k t· Ih t' r CUTllo n a succeC" fulon e MillS J ennie [)inwiddi c . of Indian. present. t.:orJ ial hand shakin g- and rl.'ll l.' wing . i,· i 'I I ' ", ~ , The Ce 'u nty Oflicers will make old 1 1 apolis. was lhe g Ufost of fri ends here acquaintanceships. Th e l1 ulll e. tI~L': I' f; ' r" ~h" 1 1) , 1· 1, 1"1.1 I 'n:' 1 - -- - l \'l~· cr'arnandcake hclped to bring short, pi i hy talks ami give you a ('Ul1.ler!:!camt' from all (Iy er tilt ' slatl' IJ a \ 1" ' .<.1 pW" . last w('ek. lip ,' 11')1" J '," 1111 .' ;-,; ;,. 1,' :l1 ma Il t·iI.:! ,\I':!\' l'nt,')'tail1 t'd 1/ " a clu~I' a very enjoyabl e Hathaway chance to ask qu esti ons, to obj ec t or ' va. '11111,· lilt .. I" ·~' . W \1 I . I l'IlJll0n and many from distant state;.; I I . . , ' "11 ' ' I ~' " \'\'11 111:': al >\lIPl)( 'r . ~ Ir'-i . -~-- - - Geo . S. Baily, of Cincinnati, was make remarks. , " I 't' '\"'IlIIlg' a l II· .... 1' 1;11 1 1'1 11 W I ' 1' I . I I At 12 u clock th e comp any ~'at f l ' ' . . : 111 . aI]' .1 I""; .011 II ' .a>' 11 11'lI lIk, I DEATHS the guest of relatives here Saturday Dr. Th ol'nton is one of lhe very ltil!;, 1 , . I . ' 'I"' N "' "I 11 -I"~ 1'1 '., 11'. 11'1 ' . !\ Ir~; , Cynth ia do wn to dl. nn er -- and !luch ;f d ililler j " r. ':l l"1rJg' P1lTl"'"""; :' Il"nkd Ilnd Sund ay . best :;unday School specialists in the as a nidgevil ian can g e t up . Th l' I "'I~J '. ·ll lI '·!iI .111 :111 " ::"'I'oI llI .L'11 1" 1'1-:': 1'\':1 ]1" . .'1r". 1; - \\', 11 :1 \\, 1; " . ~ li,;. .; ,'s l Theud ore Smi th Gr. died at hiH . ' CI ,III ,. ,, ' ·IT r llll!J ,·!tht 'r · ,J!' I' ·. Ihi" IwIVe' near Wellman ' , Thursday Havolene Auto Soap, bes t to wash_1 country. He is an inspirational tabl es we rc fillt:d t hree tllI l..,;; and I' . f . II 1"lI ft :1111 1 .\ Ial·.l' al', 'l I·,dwa rds . L li S a lll' lI l ~ til II' 11 h:I,1 l h,' l'(' ltc ,' I ' harn eH8. 'WaYII t'fw ille Auto !lnd Ma speaker. Do not miss hearing him~ no one went away hung-ry . I I ' I ' I - -- - ' I'V( ~ II;ng. T he fun eral touk place at chinery Co. .. Our aim fo r this } ear is "A , . ~l l t I n cr"lI' , 1\'11,1 ' 11 It.' 1'1"l'l'II1C I- . . At l 0 duck t he hCHt par i of the Th .. (']'o)wol ill tl]!: af l" "1l0'1 ' In d I At :1 ". ,·1 1 :11'1'"illt,.d din n"I' TIIt'~. Cl a rkSV ille Sunday murning', Ituth Broade r Vision of Our Work." Chas . Manning, or Lena, Ohi o, Come to this eonferen('p a11(1 receive day heg-all . Aft er the d l1l r(' h wa.s I l.':,li'na l"d at ahli ll t ~I\ il l , 11111 ill d ,l~ :\ Ii,' 1-: 111111<1 1I"iL!'h\\,ay f'nler- l\~lIrray. olfi ciating . Interment in thegu·sl. of Mr. a mi Mrs. Mahl on this "broader vision ." fi,llcd, to .I)\'l·rfl Il WII1l! lhe llre:; l1l <'! nl, the "I','ning t1l1'rl' w.],p al tl1,,~ t I~(\' I I" i"",) 1','1' Iwr g ue~ t ~ Mnl. Wm . an d I Cla rk~v lll e cemete ry. t •. I,•. I{ 'I 'y st a rt ed til!' JI ],oIg ra rn . p"opl" l1\ . !\ ldgl·\' . .llI" . I." t tl,· I... " II\ ' 1'1111"I 1\1' r,.; . 1'1 ' h Ii a rns . ,I Hid g-e la. t wl'( ~ k '.1 It Tll.., whul e alra ir wa ' a t ll lllp i" I,' , \ \:',; 1. 1111':1 !lIIIR hcr, Mr:l, "ynth ia I Lill i a~ , "':ife of ~alter Botts, died J, K Jann ey a nd f ll mily and Miss HAVE CHANGED THEIR DATE . I. 11 t:I'e~;; , a mI 1111' prOII\1I1 l'r" an: l" h.. I'\-al] ~ , ~1 r.' . II. E. lI athaway Mrs , ' aL the Xenia ho~ plta I Monday, after Dora Ellis we re vi"it in g' in Butter1t:II !I ~]'a.llIl:' t,d " I' I Ill' 11 1:1111 "I' h [.:tl11l1,,)' I(a ily an,] Mrs . K V. Barn - Ian operation. The funer~1 was held at The Warren County Pnm r. nd worth Station Friday. 1\ 11I!'h 'It WH~ (,lI lui lIdl'.! . Ilal'l. t he hous e Monuay mornmg, Rev. C, Grange will meet at Butlervill e \111 I ---- - - - -. -----IS. GrauRe r ofTieiating. Inlerment G. D. Mills and family, ami Elijah Saturday, AUl{ll st 22, the fnurth Compton aLtemJ~d Yearly Meeting Saturday in stead of fifth flf\ h a~ I r-A (~ ,i\[l"" LLUB I'IC i\ IC ;\1 ,~ ... dall l'·' J:anll'lt and Barnhar t ,was mad e in Miami cemetery. _____ . · !lII~ rl aill( · d a l d illlll' r Mon day . Mrs , at Wilminglon Sunday. u ~ually bc>cn lhe (~ u Htom Rem e m· Th e annua l 11l"l'l inR I,f ti ll' Ld,· WI11. alld Mi~s Lolli e Lash brook, I Des kin Lew is, 36, died at h'is home John McClure and family, of ber the datp, AI1gus t 22 "1\1111 , -'\'a.1 nesl'i ll" " ,I I-'r:lI1 ldin , -",11''1. ~I u:lie I-:: Iwaru>" Mr~ . . Cy nthia ' Tl ear Uti ~a, Saturday morning. after Springboru, were g ucs Lc; of Dr. and I;a' nl e r ~ ' ( 11 11Is will 11 11',,1 ;11 ~j:lJlil' , LVllJJ:-: , :I II'S (, \Y . II awke . and th e ll a short illn ess. The funeral took Mrs. J . T. Ellis Frirla~' afternoon. :-.,·yt'ra l . ~ Ij s!. '.- Trill (;ll a and Margaret (0;11-1place Tu esday afternoon at 1 o"ciock , Fa rlll I I"te l t" mn r t'I)\\·. I f you wilnt a llood Fertili ~e r cal of t he \V a ,\ I \I' . t UII'I1·"hi II "Iu " I \\,<1 I'd ,.;, I:ow('n a Wr ig-h l and (':mml1 l at the Uti ca church. MrR. Ray Rowe and littl e son, of Ch a~, )<'rye , ph one ·191 ·L 2·S, wi ll g'" dull'''. ,\ n ..1.-;.rall din. I !l ei :.!! I\'a~'. I Dayton, have been spending the past Mr. and Mr8. e has I1c'vnnld, Wer(' I .--- -Mi ss Edna Stout 36 after a proner wiJl l,f' 5..,r l' t',1 at tll (' h,;lel, tl l" lt-r I week with Mr . and Mrs. Wm . Frame in Day tCll) Sa turday and ~und ay. i ll ll' ;;ul' l.!r vi"ill ll IIf :'I II'S. :'t la ry Ca~k e.1' ,~Ir. and Mr ,,_ Il .. I: . Sa lis1.J ury , uf l t raded illness of ~ear'IY two years, Milllon'!'l Fertili?el·, Ihe beRt un th e __ .. h.'lI ll' I hat.! a " Liwl r gU l'H t~ aL dilln er di ed a t her home on Fourth street Mr. and Mrs Aaron S('a r~ . L1f 1 )a ~· · 1 market. For sale by Chas. Frye A CO .' \,llf:N DAB I. E ACT ~,lIl1d a.Y the r" lllIwiW';: Mr . and ~r:-;· I Mllnday a fternoon . Miss Stout w~ ton, are vi ,ilil;g' f,.j ~·nrl i:lll!'a r Ferry . ' I•. 1\1. II awIH.!. 1\1 r. and Mr!l. QUincy Ia teacher in the schools here for a Will Mather. uf Burlington, Kan. Misses Franc!'s and Marie Sq uires I T he Chll drell' " ll olll1l' a t L ·11.1[\ 011 \ lions, t he~ ~lis:;('~ AlllIa .Wa te r hou se, n umber of years, but was forced to is here on 8 two weells vi si t to th~ are visiting friends in Dayton this ; pnjoyt· d an I utin g to t il l.' Zuo Till'S ' Blanche .ornel1 , J O~l.'phlne Og lE:!sbeu, g ive up her work two year. ago, Mather homesLead o~ the Lebanon week. 'day . The big-·h.l:u rt f'd 111<:11 'J f t he I ~,lary Salt!:!bul'Y, the, Messrs Pr~d The fun eral took place at the Friends pike. Misil Katherine Prendergast is Prof. W, H, Vcnable It.:O llllly in di frel'l'll lot.:alil ies g-c n- I (', OIlB, lIarvey Rye a nd Leon Salts- church this afternoon, Pastor Amos I am still representing the Antioch visiting friends in Lebanon for a I e rou ~ly loaneu their aUl omobil es to I uury. . Cook officiat ing. Interment was d Af ter a prayer by Mr. Crossley, ofll'.:a rrY them to Cilll:inna li . Mr . W. · mad e in :\1iami cemetery, Nu~ry, aM will be g laJ to get the f Dayton, J osiah Morrow, th e noted II Allen and Ray Mill:; went fr om ! M r. und MrH. J ohn J oraa.11 entm" . . .- trade of this locality . l. N . Miller, ew ays. ehas Cornell atlu P. C. Carey Warren Coun ty historian read un \III/re . Th e ~hilJrcn tho rll ll g hly en· I t,ameld lu a sl1m l'~ u o us dmner on Mary. the 3-vears-old daughter of Harveysburg, Ohio. were in Le hanon Monday murnilll{ ex~ell cnt paper g iving th e Ilates a ncl joyed th e day, and t Ill'.v will lla\ e ' ::iUIlL ay the f olloll'lfIgg ueilts , Mr M t 4, ~ 11M' N il J 1 f I Mr::l. E\d Han by.on R oue Mr. J. D. Marlatt and frlmilv, and 011 IlIl sin ·ss / Iocati ons of the !.own" of t.he cou nty. 'H'lIl t' thin g to lal k a1.Joli l fill' man y IJ,a~. I'0 ey ant I ",~, e e on all, 0 di ed at her home Monday evening Mr. J. L. Hart sock alld fam'ily at· bUl more espec ially Wd gevi lle I~ eel\s to come IChlcagoo , MI':;. Wm. I'oIey, Mr. J oh n f '11 h f • tended the Alexander rl'ullion near , Mr!:! J . P. CI'others, o f Cleveland, ' . . 1"() I...,y au. ,I M r. oInl ' ,I M'r S. Nor tl) an d a 'tel' T e . uneral . 11 L a hshu 11 rt'1'1 ) ness. d 1 Sprmg VallE:Y Saturllay. Ohio, i~ the guest or Mr, and Mrs - - - - -- - - -- - - - .- - - - --- --- - !!"' - - '"""':'-- - - I t.: hildz cll, of Spl·ingjj el d. Mr.l\f:\uriec "':1 Ie e ( lUrs ~y .m?rnmg at 1 L A Zimmerman I I' 1\1 I I'l'l eh J' I 0 clock at the Christian church. Hovol6!llel AAuto SoadPMfor ~il cloth. . . . : ~(O \~I/ . r I ",llt ! ~r ';l,.e( Fri !'llils wi ll mee t at the house at 10 W ByneSV) e uto an achhleryCo. Will Lippincott and daughter, ' r . arry " , ll1e~ . , I ~>l .m~, ' lSI, o'c1'lI'k. .~-F R'd I Eva. visited in Cincinnat.i last week ' l,a ug h alld ,1 r . a nd ~1 )'s, W. 1 . .101" . orest I ge eft la st Saturday for ,I d d h C F . Jan anti dau\!h tcr. ,"t\' ·LAU(lt-ILIN.HAoSHBEDOED Richmond. Ind, to accept a good aou atten e t e artbage air. ~ " ' " "Mr. II. 1-'. McLaughlin, superintenposition with a shoe store in that Havolene Auto Soap is economical. 1\;1 1'. and Mr;;. Th ad ZillllTl l! rlilan city. Good luck to you , "Babe" dent (If th e Waynesville High School, Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co alld f:ll1Iil y an' \\, I ,r~ h y of :iJ)l.'c ial was malTi "d Thursc\ay evening at , 11 1('lI li llll fill' tht, plt '(lHU)'l! l hey af· Mr and Mrs Kirk Williams( n 8eth Bur'lett, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin , fo rdpd ;( ,~rOlip (,f r('lati\'cs at theil' Leuanon, to Miss Pauline Mary . and two children, of Yorktown. Ind., l3ul'l1ett and sons. of West Al exan Il ar~ hber~ er , The wedding came as I hOlll(, ,' a l llrda:r Uprtll t he arriva l were the week-!'nd ~uests of Mr dris, have been visiting friellds here a ~ urp r he to our people. although of thl! glk:;t,; tll ey wer,! rlir ec;cd til and MrR. Harry William~on and for a few days th N c had IJeen rumors for a long the beautirlll gTU\'e where a s hady , family, tim '. Mr . ami Mrs. McLaughlin are Mi~ s Mart.ha CriRcnherry, after a re: tful \l ook fU l'lli ~ h c ,l with "asy well Imo wn in the county, and are Mrs. Arthur Hugg- an,l baby, of pl ea ~ ant visit of ten days with relacha irH. be llclll':> anrl labll'~ ;l\.\'aill'd bolll ~ uco.: ess fl/I teachers . Mr. Me· Detroit, Mich , arc visiting Mr. and tives returned to her home in Mt . th em. r\tll' lol n an l'la bli rilt' pil;nic L'w g hlin'H fri end s in Waynesville Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall'. Mrs. Gilead Sal.ur,lay. Idi nne r \\,:L~ ;: prl'a ol to which eVl"I'y su r el), wi sh him and his bride the H ugg will be remembered as Mary I ( ri c did <11(11) 1<: jU:;lice. Havolene Auto Soap is an aid lo bcst uf luck. Spencer. who formerl~ lived bere. Th • a fl.c rn oo f) was spent in rOil · -_ ..... .... - - house cleaning. does not injure paint, versa tio1\ and visitin g- surh :l>l only BOOSTING COMMITTEE HERE Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredith, who makes ole! wood work look like new. and removes grease spot.lfrom elvthes fri end s long partcd cart' in llull£e in . are spending a few weeks at Mount Wayne::;ville Auto and Machinery Co . After the supper h lu r the g uestH About fourteen autoes. loaded to Clemens taking the baths. report d eparte(I with a !' : wed memory of a the g uards, came into town Monday Among those who attended the thlt they are having a fine time at Copyright, 1 9 B. b)' I>allllnlu - l'ac lnc tll le rnaliollRI )':x\1us ltlu u Cu . H. S. perfect day, n hC:l1ltiful spot a nd an afte rnoon about 2:30. from HarveysRidgeville Home ·Coming~ Saturday ~his Michigan resort, which they art' Crocl(c r Co .• omclat photogru ",h erB. id eal host and hOfltess which will burg. They were booming the Mornow visiting for the first. time Thl werp. Dr. and Mrs. H, E . Ha thaway, ){l'o\v bri gh ter with Lhey ears, Those row Chautauqua. and they surely trip was undertaken chiefly in th(' Win, H. Dinw~ddie and family, THE LARGEST GLASS BUBBLE IN THE WORLD. who were HO fortun ate a3 to be did it to the Queen's taste, Of hope of benefitting the health of Floyd Savage and family, Ed Cook J guest.., wcre Mrs. Sarah Smi th. Mrs. course the vanguard of the boomers and family, JASon Sheehan and fam·~r8,~redith. who has been sUtfl!l' TEI~ L frnmework of tho ,",ent ,tome of the Pftlo ('e or Horticulture Emma Rctallick, Mr. and Mrs . Earl were headed by Fred Hartsock. ot tbe pona ma· PnclOc [nterTIIltloDftl Exrn~ttlnll. Run 1~N1nd8CO. ·jng·from rheumatism, but they are i1y, Mrs Huldah Burnett the MiMes Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones. Th ey staid here about ten minutes IflHi, The ~ome If! the Inrl!'etlt e\'elr con,;tructed, hellll; 152 teet visiting Detroit and taking trips to Henrietta McKinsey. Ruth Zimmer· Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell. Mrs. Eva and then went to Lebanon. Mason,' man, Ethlyn·Jones. Florence Wilson. In dlomt'ler nnd 186 teet hlj!'b Rnd surmounted bY ' R bl\8ket thirty :-v arlous points of intt!rest along t.h(' a~d . Mellllr8. Nathan Lupton. J. B. feet In dill meter, whteh will be filled with growing flowers. 'l'he dome, J ones • .Ethelyn Jones. Mr. Seth Bur- South Lebanon, Kings Mills and then ' lakes. They are accompanied to Fence. JEsse Thomas, 'E mmor Baily. ~~:~:al~rom wIthin by whlrl10a colored lights, wJ\) resemble & bu,,~ nett, Mr, and MrR_ Alvin Burnett, home, Thf;!Y wer'e"~all enjoyjngth~ , Mount CI-:mens by W. R. Kelly, of J. occasion. ~jJ~. ,'lytle wes allo "'ell If prefUH.t 0 L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----_-_-----...;._ _~~.... Aden and Dal e Burnett. W"'J.:'-''''-':.;'' ' . ,:~ton . .. •


/\1''' '1 II

' It "







I' .



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New Indian Animal Stories Why the Pig Got a Mule 'Foot

Maintain GI eater Vigor - Distance Varies From Four To Eight Inches--No Set Rule Should Be Followed - Lessons Number of Culls


1lI0s t uni Que natu ra l fea t u re In Ih e 1-' lI lted StlLte s today , Ita p rp-sen t ou t burs t conslltu tes th e Il lll y volcani c actJ vlty e \' er seen by tb e eyes of white fo llts within tb e borden of th e United Stat es outalde ut Ala uka. It gives thlll countr y the las t pb yslc al phe nomenon need ed to mll ke It p08a lbl e to aa y that e verything th at can b .. Mee n an y wh e r e In th e wn rld can be seen he re , wrltell f'red prl ck FlLulkn e r In tb e San Fran· c isco Chronicl e. Lassen was th e aile place In Ule \ nit ed States wh ere auch an outburst Ullght rea sonably have beeu expected. Geologically It Is the youngest and lat est of 1111 the great serlel of vol· canoes whl cb In days gone by poured out their lavas O\'er the plains ILnd vtJleys at the West. Shasta was long dead and cold wh e n Lassen was born, and tbe enormous lava fields of eastern Oregon and Washington bad long elnce be en cut ~wn by the streams. More than tbat. lhe Lusen r egion bas poured out glowing lavas within the century. There wae no on e to ees It at th e tim e , but tram tbe Cinder Cone, te n mil es north e a!!t of Lassen peak. th e re flowed 1\ fi eld of lava two miles long and four mil es wide so recently that th o burn ed tr ees etlll eUck out or th e edges of the flow . The lava lies there as , new as though It was poured out of the bowels of the earth ye ste rday. Neith er tree nor shrub has yet had time to find a footing on It. Fire. Stili Smolder. Th e n all over the south s ide of Lal!lien are num erOU8 evidenc es or tbe lingering fires , Pungent sulphur



The 111'lH' tic e 01 th innin g frll it Is dlt('rJ pl'og puy to a tt a c k fu ture C'r opR, Illt o g reAter fa vor wltb hor, l~ oH CIl S t he possibil it y (I f ltl'okfl ll II mlJ!', ~ I .. ull ur ls t s " lI e h Y('ur, T he Ilppl o li nt! " <'< ' I' ~lI s e th l' (' OK t o r gru d lng And pa k · pE' a c h grow l' rs a rc \!SIH?c la ll y a pp rf'· I llig. itI CT I':I>lO th l' s l7.!! a nd va lu e of :la! ll'e of th e wo rth of tb la wo rl; and ' fr uit 3111.1 u llo ws th e IrE' ( 0 maintain ~ h l' Y 11011' ('oll ~ i(l er it on e ot th p Ilrr>Il IPr I' lgor. Tblnnln g alon g with H! l1 llnl ta (' tOrH In th(' I' rOdu <' ti lln " I ol he l' 1"rOj," r orc hard pru C' tl c('s ma y Di g h lj lllllll.\' rr u lt. !lss ls t ill th (' produ ction of mor c regno IIII' 'TOpS . : Tl w cnSl 10 not con nld ered g r elL t, a ll 11!1 0 Ihm ll ed trult s would hal'c to be picke t! a t han- e st t im e a n y wa y, Wbat· e \'I'r Its ('os t, th e Ille r ased re turnp mol' I hlln IIllllle It lIll. -H . D. ('rulc \;· shall k. Col lege at Agrku Itllre, Oblo Stil t(\. 1.' 1111· (' ~ al t y . ~o m l ll A'

"SSb": !'II P E AK In e noptio ll Is tbe


t'';. :

railroad 60 mll os away. Tbree peaka III II rough c ircle on the summit mark tho broke n·down walls of the ancient crat er , Uetw ee n th e m Is a hollow 600 feet dee p, th e filled ·i1l> mouth of the 8U bte rran ean passale to the Ilres below . Until this summe r this hollOW has always been fill e d with !!now. but tb e reopening of th e crate r near the lowest point ot the depres!!lon and the viol e nt eruptions of steam bave melted away thll! he sllng covering ov er lbe lJo not all ow th e la r ge r jllgs to ancIent Icar. ~ ro w<l t h ' s mall er Oll el< at feeding Geyaer. Fill Old Crater. tluH', LasBen peak may be approacbed tram anyone of tbree sides, from QUllrantin e all n e wl y purcha s ed an iManzanita lake on the northweat. from mals for three wee ks. Large, uniform frultll reault from the head at King's cree'K on th e east, - ---=-=--- ~--'"-----= careful thinning. and from Battle creek m eadows on Tbl n n lnl; Is d one at var iou s IInw6 the Boutb . Tbe best of all the routes PREVENT FLIES 19 from the 90uth because that way 3urlllg tb e se as on. Tbe lIeac n grow, FROM BREEDING. loadl through the remarkable collec- !rs wa lt until art er tb e Juu e crop be' l Uon of active volcanic phenomena :ore mak ing th e Ilrs t tblnnlug. The ' "'or th e pre vc nllon at th e brlledspread over the entire south slope of 11>Ille me n beg in wh en tb e 'fruit IS ! in g of tl l(1s It Is necessary to 1bo llt !hf' s ize at bkkory nuta. S ome the mountain. know what kind 01 ma te rlal ll a r t! Beside the g eyaera of [celand a li.! gro we rR mal,p a aeco nd thinnin g wh e n th f ltr n a tural breeding placl's . til e fr ul! i" ~ tll l s mall but la rge e ll il ugh I the Yellowstone It would be Idle to I E\'ld e nce uI)On thi s point ShOW6 place the Bteam vents Bnd boiling ;0 ma r llet n s pi e nnd sauee "ppl e s . cl ea rly th a t tll es selec t or prefer Din'Hf> ll l m e u thin to d llTe re nt .li s - ' lakes' of BumpasB' hell, but 88 an urt k les whi ch are in flam e sta go example of prosent-day volcanic actlv - tRnces. ,'ur rl n!" from rour \0 eight Children, Color Up Tho.o Picture .. or fe rm e nt a llon, but tb ey are par· 'lldlf" . ~ u s e t rul ... should be ( 0 1· Ity In California. and a IIpectacle not tlcularly n tlrncted to horse maonly of wonde r. but at beauty, lhe ICopyrlght, ] 911, b y th e McClure N W B'I Yunwl Tsunsdl called all the Lltt·l. nure and t he fe rm e nt e d atraw place Is one of the moat Interest\nlJ , p a per Syndica te.) P eo ple In council ' and all the will I ha t Is a SRo<:iat 'd with It : when. Long time ago, wh e n the Ilrst frost s ' on the Pacific coaat. I t h is Is IlI r k lng t1lf' Y bree d In came and the nuts rell down from the pigs at th e fore s t we re c alled, too High on the southw est lIank of the ! ol he r d ,'cay lng matte r, s uc h liS trees so fast tbat lhey mad e 0. lllea s· And when all we re s tU I In tbe lr Beatl old fire mountain It Iles, a steaming ~a rb n!;,,- Ir It Is avail a bl e. Strict ant rattling In the fores t. the Indi a n th e chIe f of the Yunwl Taunsdl got up bowl of ge ysers, Bmoklng sulpbur att ~ nl i o[l to th e dl s pc6lti on at hunle rB went out to capture th e tat nnll saId : venta, and bizarre lakes of many Cal- I I Buc h ma.ter in ls Is. th e r e (:\re. a pigs for tb e winte r's mcat. It W8 S a '·\\'e mus t find out a wsy to s lop ored boilin g waters , the whol e Bunk . h l! ~l s for co ntro l. Thl~ dl s Po!lnl time of fea s ting for everybody anll man from culling alI tbo talla of our 600 teet deep In tbe mountain Iide and I ...... I Is provid ed ror In town s Ilnd Ilspeclally for the little boys who loved dear fri ends th e pigs and burning a third of 8. mile RcrOBB. From tbe I cilieB with Il ny m e thod of s unit~I' : to Ilsb pigs ' feet out of th e cookin g POt the m . Who has IInythlng to s ay ?" evide nc es which s urround tb e place, II and e at th em with corn cake. Then tbe oldes t and fatt est of the l io n with r es pec t to ga rb age lind the maSBes of dlltorted lava and- the And whe n ono of th e old !Il en, who pi gs ros e up and Bald tbat ho had no· lit te r. bu t a ll Ca rm s and in s mall tow n s , wh e re th e re Is no ge n· I could no longer go to th e 1lunt or h e lp tlced that man would not es t. any ani, to dress th e pigs and han g the m to l\ mal wbose fe et we re not s plit; and e ral sc wa!:e s ys t e m or d irect III.shaped, diseased fruit must be scp· r'o ntrol, pe rs on a l n lt e ntion to hI gh 11mb s o that tbe rr Ol;ts or ni ght man wouldn·t cut orr and burn the arated out if fruit Is not thinned. s uch d is llos itio n III necessary. could chill th e mea t, saw a boy fis hin g t a ll of any animal which be WOUldn 't 10 1Ved, howp ve r, 11 3 th e va ri ety and , Th e mos t e fl'ec!il' e dis pos ition of l in th e pot tor a plg' B foot, he would eat. ' ~ta))le li tt er. prov iding a gain s t call out: '",,,,' ell,'· Bald lhe chler of lbe Yunwl s ize of t he c rO I' sho uld d ete rmine Ihe l' " 1 '"If tl I t [ I fl y iJreed lng a nd r e tainin g th e "'110 , II ttl 0 one ! Are you sur e tbn t 3U Il S u . lat s ru e we on y lave om oDnt o r fr ui l to he ta ke n a ll'. Thlu · I Illg didn·t ha ve a mul e fo ot 1" When I 0 so w up t Iie Sll III s In t h e f ee t a f our fe r lili zi ng va lue, Is to s prea d It ue rs should r e rn ov n worm efl te n or dis· I th e boy had eu ten a ll h e co uld . hold of IIco r rI' ied ut 01ll' 1' nllon th e Il eld s , whe re n 8 t Ile p Iga .'"' !'ase aU Il(' I( d s peci me ns , those whl('h 1 It. may pt'OIlIPtly dr y Ollt, tr . It fr es b corn calte and th e jui CY H1 pa t at I S o all th o busy Little P eople were nr c Imller (Cl' t in s hap e or ~ mall In s ize und t hose wh i(' h ar e c rOwd ed . Wb en is n " C'c as a l'y th a t It ncc umulnte th e pi g·s foot, nnd w he n he h!\d IIck ~d se nt out Int o t bo fo r es t to g t tllne \11'0 Ir uit s louc h, cve n tbou gh tU e y a re nny If' n g th of tim e, I ~ s ho uld be bls fing e rs, h e wo uld c om e t o II II It th o li e di es, and when th <:'y ca m e ba c l[ tbe s lo r ed III Ligh t r ec <,p tac[es and old man to t e ll him about th e tlmo th .... (' hlof of th o Yunwl T s unsd l told th em perfec t, only one s hould ue a llowed Ei th e r ' trea ted with ' s uba Ul!lces pigs ha d round houfs, 10 t b reo d lIl<~ lr plno nee dle s with brls· to re m ai ll~ Thinn ing Is ge nerally done th ltt will d est roy fil es or should 1'bat was ( so tho ol d !lUlU wo uld tl eti from th o neckR of th e pigs ond .. uy the ba nd , th e fru it be in g bro lten by tell ) In II. ti me wh l'1I tb o Yu n wl T II UIl 8· Re \\' up th o spTIts In tb e ree t at the be CO\'c r l'd or ~ cref' n d s o as to press ing It Ua cl; tO ~l'a rd th e Slmr rat II · , Ilr tb a n by pul li ng It off. exclud e t he m .- H e ~ b <' rt Os bn rn. dl (tbe Lilli P Ollio of t lll\ Woods l pigs. And wh on that was f1 n l::.hc d the Systc ma,t it- thi llu ing I!!RSe nS the ' Colle!;I' of Agri c ulture. Oh io wer e an g ry w ith III n, lind \l' h "' n tlwy c hief of th e Yun w l T sun dl told the! numbe r of (·nll s a t harv es t tim C'. de- I ' Stat e Un ive r s ity. w ere plannin g oil, tb e t lnlo I b rl ll G 111gs that they would bo rafe from man _ ' str a ys ma ny In ects whi ch mI ght pro. .... ••••••••••••••••••" . . . sickness Into his fRlll ll y. a ~ lo ng us the y kep t their rotlno feet, := ~_-==:=-:---=- -=-~'- _ !\fau kne w that th e J. llIlo P 'op l And he told the m that th e r would we r e a ga in s t him . Ho Ittl c w th a t th ' k f'{' p th eir rounll mul e fel'! onl y as / Little P eople rode nlJout th o woolla on long os they ke p t aw ay rrom the PROPER ATTENTION T() COLT'S FEE the backs of lhe wild pill' , li nd th at cam ps at ma n and did no t beg tor I tli e re was a s trong fri e nd s h ip betw een food whe n th o winte r wos cold and But te w people r ecogn ize th e .-.!m- Ity or hors es are du e dIr ectly t q th~ I t1,lO LIttle P eo ple (Iud th ~ )J lgfl. So, , ll)f'Y ": e rl' hUIlh'ry au d the re wer e no I.portan r:e of gil' ing th e p roper a tten. / Illek of proper ea re ullIl att ention at \\h e never 0. man or II. "oma n or II. I more nuts en tb o grou nd. But , In s pite of wbatthe ch ie f 01 , lion to th e youn g col!'~ C??~ !:.?~ ~,~I' th.~. <,.r;It'. ~%O;. :'c c !':~ C:l:O Y ·.... el.l rln g child became siCl[, th e hunter ~ WOll III :zlng th a t In neglec tin g to see thn! I , , be Bcnt out to capture II. live \\ 11<1 pi g. -the Yunwl T sun sd l t old t1l e m. th e very tbe root grows Ollt e \' enl y. tn ey may ' And wben tho hunt crs cam e In th e nellt winter th e pigs c ame an d s aked be contributing to a poor se t of legs wise me dicine m en would cut 01T th e man tor food. And a s s oon a s th oy plg's ta ll a nd burn It In the !Ire, Fur had OIlte n som e of the corn th e men "'hi e h InflUenc e d!re ctly tb e efilclency the wise medic Ine me n kn c w that th e thre w to th em. the lhreads which held wicked Yunwl Tsuns dl who wer e s lt- lhe lr fe e t broke, and th ey found th m , ling on lbe Blck per son could not b ear s el vcs with s pilt feet aga in , i to smell the burning plg·s tail, but And so they bave been to this day, would get right up IllTd run aW a y Into nut once In a willie you will tlnd ont . the 1voods again. who did what the Little P eople saId, Atte r a long limo. wh e n th ere had, and he keeps his mule foot to sbow lJeen no slcknesB among th e family at how woll the YUD\vl T allnedl kee l= man for ruany years. the cblef of the th e ir word.

















COi\lTRUCTION OF BOX KITE F eet properly trimmed .

smoke strikes th e nostrils everywhere. Steam vents I\nd boiling springs keep the ground bare In the midst of 15-foot Bnowbsnks. Solid sulphur bolls out of the springs. One ancient crater Is rull of solfataras and fumaroles of th e typ e common on Vesuvius and Aetna. So with all th es e e vidences that the old fire mountain wall not e ntire ly dead, It Is nOl ut all remarkabl e tllat Lassen peak 0 )' snm(' one or th e many craterB arounel It Bhould burst Into eruption . J find In my noteB of a trip to the Lasse n r egion 14 years ago, written at th e tim e, the following sen · t e nce : ·'F e w of those who shudd er at tb e co nvulsions In th e West Indian 'World havo e ve r dream ed that Ca\ltornla hold A a m ountain which has within th e IIte tlm e of man, and Inay again. paralle l th e titanic torceB or tbe Cllribbean volcanoes:' l 1p to a I' e ry lat El day In g colog!cal history, the Bea occupied what Is now lhe Lassen r egion and extend ed far Into Ore gon , Abou t th o close of what II known 8S the lon e e poch that t erri· tory was uplifted, Aud th ere be gan a long perIod of volcanic activity extendlug down t o th e present day. I'Tom a multitude of vents la va \\'IIS pourod oul u'pon t he earth, Tbe more IIQUI.d lava8 flowed rar and wid e to form plafllll.

The tblck er lav a accumulated n rollnd the venta a nd bl\llt up the g reat "01canle moun.talus, Lassen peak, !lurney butt , Prospect peak, Mount HarkDe8l. Magee peak. Cnter peak nnd bund~ed8 of otben. Lassen s tands 10,~G7 r.e et above ' the. Ilea, Its sDow~p,*, '(le~k. conap!cuoUB, froDl ~ be ..

In&tructloDII and lIIultratlon Given Herewith Will Be Found Of Great A .. I,tance.

a ahoe tha t i6 rUIl down lit tbe )leel alld twisted out or sbape, yet bow ott· courses of the form e r volcanlo An do we tlnd tile young ~orae wrth In making II. box ~dte the sticks streams, the bell was once II crater of laCS and one' ~Ide of the foot twice aB should be of strnlght.grnlned wood, th e old volcano and Its smoke or today long as tbey s bould be. It you think either spruce. basswood or whIte Is from the smold ering e mbe rs of Its A good, round foot-Wide, full heel. that such a condition Is comrortablo plne. The longitUdinal spines AA, bygone fires . • to the colt, le t your finger or toc ual! I should be tbree.olghths or an Inch When I first visite d the place'l had o ( the horsp., As the colt grows, II grow 10llg, then press up on them at ! SQuare and torty-two Incbes long. and JUBt dragged my pack hors es around I may throw mor e welgbt Ul>on one sid e the end. Well, tbe toes of the colt I the diagonal strips '6hould be onc. the old trappers' trail on the face at I of Its fee t than the olher, cauRlng tbat ' fourth by one·half Inch. and IIbout th e clllt at th e head of MlIl Creek can· I side to weal' fas te r than the otber, yon. wh e re the melling snow water prodUCing an unbalnnced condition. tumbl es over trom I... ake Helen above , I Nature In her att e mpt to overcume and had camped In a clump of snow· : ,t bls, CBllses th e bones of fhe legs to banked h e mlocks a few hundred fl'et adjus t thpms e lves to tbls conditiOn, bolow th" top of th e eastern ridge. I resulting In poorly placp,d Rnl1 de velwas unaware of th e closo proximity at (l)Jod le J; R, Thl , addcd " 'elg ht on one lIumpass' bell until. beut on exploring th e way. I climbed the r e maining snowbanks to lhe paBs. and suddenly, 80 Buddenly that I stepped back In· stlnctively to avoid plunging Into tbe boiling pit below, the hell al>peared I bela"' m e. 1A dull roar roSEI trom tb E) crater. a sulphurous steam Btung my nostrlle. '[ looke d out frnm the snowbank on whIch I stood and Raw a deep bowl In the mountain, II. third of a, mile acrOBS, are Similar, pain burts rlnlJed with twisted and broken lavi milch au It d ecs us. rock. H omlock ' clung to the crag. Tbe Ideal foot 111 one that ia , large and rc und, wall at the qual' J...._...:._ _ _-:::::...._..;..._ _ _ _~.J and In their shade lay mocking IInow' l banks. Th e bottom and walls or the ters. alo'l?lng tie . same on the In~ ld~ A Box , Kltl. gr eat bowl were stained a dirty 111'jl aB tbe mut_s tde and the, heels , JoVlile. To twentY-Blx Inehea long, writes Robert, low with Bulphur. Steam rose every· accomplish tb ~s I~ very rr~quently b& Giles of North Carolina . 111 ' I where. The gTowllng ot tbe crater comes llecest :u-y that light plates b~ News. Two cloth bandf,l : ra sp., it grumbled hoarsely, hissed .and used. ] f thes e plat(,ls ara properly ad· cut to the exact ' scre am ed. Y l);tv!I-the '.t~ndenc'Y ·t.o tJ,l,c. tbe lIluetril.t1oo, and 'Wh en I smV" the n~w crater on Las. Narrow" contracted tieo~Smal1, . straight a~d In splDf!B sen on June .r ·~nd 6 the. vent, by slda may ~mlse lbe fe'e t , to all engineer's tape, measured !!76 feet taster producing an une f/en , long. Since 'then It hal, &1'own ' lp ~he menf ~Of the boot ';. -, It~!~~'~~~~~L~e~;~t~j 1 untll ·l.t ~s 460 .feet ' lqDI 1Ul~ r~ f~ ,; V '''in. ' conVinced that DbIDi':ifeet,"I' -:::,w..,;.;Utt'.~~ J'\/lOi\:".V ~\' Ide. ' ",- " . 1, .',!: • '~lJ .. legs:· !o'thid, u~o~ . ;1a:ra:eL'::ttiJU,Dr. I'tt1Ire;,:(m










"•• '


be sUghUy bowed, GO o.s to hold the bands In poslUon. The Slrlllg should be coarse barness-makerIJ' threatt. "

GIVE SCHOLARSHIP AS PRIZE Suggested That Winner of Boy'. and Girl'. Farm Product. Club. ae Sel'lt to College. Instead of state champions In boy.' and girls' farm products ' and home economies clubs being given a trIp to Wasblngton, as was the case last year. the dtlpartment or agriculture 01ft• •• clals recommend a scholarship In Bome agricultural college I\.B more valuable to the recipient. ThIs means that the winners are sent to tbe college a year with all expenB'es paid, For champions of counties a short course ' 1n Buch an Institution Is sug. gested. 14rge cash prIzes .are discou·raged. A palr ·:Of regl)ltered pip or chickens, 0. flne colt, a registered calf, books on agriculture, a ftreleea cooker, etc.. are thought to be more ' prolltable preBen~. Also many 's mail .. prizes. rather than a tew larie oneil are believed to give, better results ID";' , letUDg more youn, people to entell' the COD test.

' Why H. WI. Detal~l!d. , Litue Bobby heard hla ratbe~ one evening: , ; ' ."' "PIlla"" I ",lah young 'S parks 80. It's peatlt ~~qt, to lock up

"' -)

.. .............. ........ ;






"Mary loul.s o ld a n d worn," tla ld .John Str lc kl uu d to 1118 brolhe r . loJphrnlrn. "Shou ld Lhlnll s he would!" r e lortlld I!Jpil . "Say. J ohn , thIs has bee n an Imposltion--our fUlIll1y l a~dlng down on you this way." "Woli. yo u'ro wclco me. arell' t you , .. dolIUau ded John . "VOIlr wire has 's ure ly mad e us so-dear wuman! S lul's 11 prIze, Il je we l. but to harb or a ud work out he r lire tor lI er husba nd's fo lk s-no more ot thnt! We'ro go ing homu tomorrow ." John said nothI ng , Rtu lklllg away. He was In a cros s mood. It wa s ll-ue that Mary looke d 010 ancl worn . A tr ue-hearted, loynl littl e wo man, sho bad set he rself at wo rk to 1;1 ve he r vl81tors lhe time or their Jiv es . T bey were John 's relatlvcs alld noth ing was too good tor th e m , So no wonde r thnt sh e loo ll ed t ln'd and faded . For nea rly thr eo weeks she had bar ely found timo Lo change her dress duytimes. As to tr1l18none ot th a t , s ure ly! She had Ignore d "fixing up," ot necessity, until she h a d appeared alm06t homely to J ohn. And that afternoon somethIn g c rossgr&1ned had hit John- hard. H e had lU8t bee n noticIng Hie tired but smilIn g face or hlB wife, when an n.utomobile sped by. It contained a chauffeur and two oLbere. Th e others we re Mr. and MrtI. Alison . They were old residents of lhe town, bUL bad lert _five years prevlou8 to 11 ve In th o city. Now the y we re coming back to the old Booth homes tead. John Strickland, pee rlng- pas t a iliac bush, noticed Cy A\l ~ on, smartly dressed and ot prim dignity, Beated beside his wlfe-sba that had been Myra Dooth. John slared. Ho had no\ seen Mre. Alillon for over five years. She had been his first llame. She ha d trelrted him prett)' mean In discarding after encouraging him. John had got all over that calf love speedily, however. Juet now, though, a. queer thrill per· vaded him. "Why, she looks \ ae younJ;- yes, YQunger, than when I last saw he r!" he , was force d to ejaculats. Certainly, at a. distance, !lire, AII80n was a vi vid contrast to Mary






he now took tbe da.1nty trIBe In his UN,QUE TOOL FOR BARBERS hand, glanced over it curiously a.nd no Led II. monogram on the clasp. Comb Attac hment la Fastened to Sid, "Yes," b e sa id , " bere's an ' A' a.nd ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - -_ _ __ _-1 an 'M.' It must bl\ve bee n dropped of One Bl a de or Sclssora-Worked from tb e !!lachIne by Mrs. Ali son ." I WIth One Motion. "Ob, s ure It W1I8," dec lared Nat. See her e, I ca n 't be l a round ,-c ry fust .\ lit''' Idll rl ot ~c l p " o r " fo r usa In or ta l', you 111101'." . Wou ld yo u Illind IJil l bp r t; h ll ;JS h HR hh' ll pa tP l1 l ' d by 11 tak ing it tl) th o wn e r tor me ?" :--; "\\' J e·r. ,·y ilio n T I,,· rp at ur e (I t It I~ "Ji'm!" I IC~ itaLc d J oltn . Tbc n. uetlng ~~~~~.! , I cCJll lb a l\ >l l'\ IJIl{' nt thnt Is fa s tPll ed lO o n tl q uick Impulse , he a dd ed : "Y as , ~ , ~ n i' !If I III' tl!lI 11, !{ I-: r t 'ry III Ill' bU H l)( ~ I'll do t lla t , Nil!." Wn TCH WILL ADJUST ITSELF tlc cd I,(}II' 110 ,' bur-u pr f'nm hs h is It a ll So J ult ll toolt tll c Rilvcr puree , pla ce d 1 1I !J in l (} pos it lt, t1 (fI r (he tih p:Lr s. \\'Ith it III hi s poc li N unlJ s tur tecl d owu th c Rema rkably Simple Me t hod of Ma k in g I l it ,· Inl\> lplI ,, ' nt "" f'" I"' r(' t h l ~ enn b~ s tr et. llis color huu he lg ht encd. 11 0 T ,mr piece Tha t Is T oo Fa st o r I "" 11(' wi th 11 11 1' 1I " ,t ill ll "I t h (lIl ll IIHUrl. tri ed huru lO be li (>vo thut h e lY as eac · Too Slow Se t Its elf . ' {ill" !t 1:I( I,· d tl ill , I:, " I'~ I I " ~ n slol ritl cl ng bl s lItn e to do tl gno t! uCl'd. 1 :l1 " : I~ II " ' )lItn ,'el g,' A III f' U ti Rp rln ij In roallt y. R S ho 8f' Cre tly lweI\", he wa>; 1" " tll ' rlcl, L \\·" ... I ! 1' 11 11, to tir ,' .: ('\ ' , "l lp I ~ Iltl.,f ·h,·r! to" 100 lI l ,' "~I it II cOl n il I'ata rlng to an IrrC6ls tlb le 11IIpuiR O to (' I1 lh k A lllt' rit- a l l H fI ' II 14l r lcd d r ~ l l llpl e o n on ...' l' d ":' l- Th l!" ld: l tl' Ii i " ; ri d B lnll~ nct u po n II. fn vorabl p exc use for Bo!!llI!; fn l' l lJ u u uf Itla h il J ~ a \ \ilU ' !i tha t lH l {J( ) Ih l! t~ (, !:i~n r s Llil d" all d llill (l ,,·: h p r oa gain Ihe ludy oC hla th oughts. ~ Il ' \\ ",. UJO fU ~ 1 " pl ILb" II· . T it e u , tla l Jt" P I j" "t IJ .. j 11110 t it " (' lI tt lll~ I·t!gf\ J ohn r cac hed th o rat h(' r I m l )O a l n ~ 1I1t ·l!IIHI iii t i l l UJ' lI lil o 1I"lI t1:-; l/i1\' k\\j\n \ \\' 111 1 {H II' mlJ l lo n , II , ' f ,' for e. t lu· ba r b l" hOllJ o o r th e Alt ~ OIl'H. T he re wa s (ju lio I j r I r ' f\\ n rrt o r t t l ~' II l> th (' L .d .l llt'P I ('all ( ' (' ll1 l , 11 m a ll' s hnl r i ll ln I b tl IloFt 1. n. flutt or or hi s Il erv es u'" ho fl sce neled 11' 11" ,. 1 \\tl il a l(lOI II]l I"k " I,,1t 1,, · wallt s It a nd >11 111 ,,11' Ih,' I' n rl~. the ste ps. Ho touc::\:",d th o bell bul11' a lI'a t(; h U" r" Il ,II" ' ,1 11'101 " tI. II i ll til I" , tHlW',1 th l~ t Iltl " will rl' rl u,·s ton a t th o sill e ot t he doo r. uot knowe ha lll "I IC I " UUIl Uj I t ~ L Il " nil a I" " k Ing t hll t Il wa~ (lu t or o rd e r . lie got or H il i l HI) t h ut 11 t1 " ill~:'; I'r "l' I, \, I II tir ed of wulll ng fo r a r s ~)o n s u to hl R 1.)1' [ OU Il e! to " d ~ l lIat t'"I, lI 11 d I" n il s umn! on'3 and sank 11110 1< pn rch eh a lr_ IIk(· a 1" 'lI d ullllll ' IIJ I ~ II lu: III " I, Th e n he start ed und sLar ell through Ca l l f.! 4' (j t' r th e flH} \ il) 1I u f tli f-' )J a r t :- ul an Olle n front wind o w. A df'c ldedly I he '·S(·IlIH' llIt' lIl. Th.· dwlll l;lII fI pll:II"I' i waspIsh voIce ha d called out s harp ly : \.j(' C'.-' )(' rUI CIi o r ti lowtJ du ,,\ 11 l b p rU ll ni ll t; I II Cy !" ~ f t he wa tclt. Its pxa r t PI1' .. (·t \' a rl ,,~ It WUH Mrs . Alison call Ing to h e r with Individua l wn tc hes . ell' pe ndl ng husband. She WRS Illalnly vlslblo to upo n th e weight (1tl(\ s lzp of till' c a OI!. J ohn In tlHl room beyond the wIndow. \\' IlC'th pr It ma kes t he watch ga in or " I'm ;omlng," answ e red a voice l o~e. ulld how lIIu c h. ('n n ba foulld by trom somewlJere ups ta irs In the house. ~ IIJ P rlm e nt , S&y, by II:ln glng th e wlLldl " Mako haste, th en, s l. upld !" was untip for te n hours and ch ecklllil It by groclout! ly r etorted, the sh rewish acth o wire less sig nal s that arc se llt out cents Sl'arco accord ing with the dulcet at noo n nlld 10 11 , 111. by th P. go,-ern' vocall sm Mrs. Alison emplo yed when men ! Rtatlnn at Hndlo. Va .. a nd can be a SB umlng "collwon y manners." caught by ntly bllt th" crudes t wlre ll'M Slowly, tben, John Strickland n.rose r ect-. i \' (' r H. to hIs teet. H e could not help but note T llI~ a " C' rnge '\lIl eh ~aln ~ aboul \11'0 Mrs. Altsou sland lng berore II. mirror. ~ (, cu lld s 1111 hour. Wh pll hanging free. He was s tartled, al most shockcd. The So rn l'. how e "e r , 106.. . Wh ... n th" pr(" lady wall b eated and dusty arter her "I ~o gain or 108s h!l H bc(' n II sCl' rtaln cd automobile rId e . Sho rubbed be r race rhe "pl:u lato r s hou ld be ndju sted , If with a handkercblef and It s eem ed to th e wnlt'll ga in s It s hould b" mad e to Scluora and Comb Combined. take aw a y Its false youthful bloom. rUIl a tri fl e s low. Sbo r emo\'ed th e upper set or tee th , VEn YONI~ 1001ls to th e Grand Ised for rail. but as un.' alrea d y " s la b. No w. by r e peatc cl t ri a ls, th e o \\'n l' r th n tlnt o "(" Qulred fOI' a 1t~l r cut. wblc h tbat bad 80 r em ludcd John 0' pearls. I Prix to foreshadow lbe sly les tor IIsb ed hccau He a dOpll)rl hy thl' ~ Itlart· can learn pr ecis ely ho w 11111 11)' ~e p o nds the II ve rug e man r c ~ard H all moro or a Then s he r e mov ed some ot h e r hall'. I tali, and tbe e \'ent Is rare ly dlsap- cst Ulld mos t uuthorltaU\, !' c!ressl'r s of hIs wat ch gains 01' loses. Wh c n lhls lIui Hnnc o than () tb e rwl ~e , und Ih e Rnta ll The amazed John thought o( scare- pointing to those lonk lng ror Id eas. At lhe FrPll ch c~phnl. <' rro r ha s accumulat(" r\ 10 ll g en ough boy rogo rtlR RS n \Jlu gu e. crows. He was emba rrasse d: he WM the recent meet no one had trouble In Many cnpe H ot bluck sattn uro III1 ('d tu nmll e un adJu stmc nl a<l\·l sabl o. all a~azed. absorbing th e tact tbat th e cape has with wb lte SI1 II, or with "' bite ptrlp ed I hI! has to do Is to h an~ up his watch VEGETABLE SILK IN BRAZIL Y hClltmGd~nto tbe room_ ,.w made a triumphal e ntry Into th e wltb black . Gay roman 8trlpes i[l I to r the ri ght nlllllhl)r o( hOllr' l 10 bring ye want 1" he InquIred modes today, and Ie des tin ed to be sal in a re ltked for lining capes o r I its second hand back or forward 10 tho a Product Cililed "Palna," II Kin d of SlIkcrossly_ a feature In cOijtumes for fa ll. Tbere cloth. Plain , s trip e d o r croBs ba rr ed corrpc t pos ltton . li ke Cotton, Grows Abund a ntly "That money I let you ha ve . You are capes long and s bort, separote and pattp. rtls have supprs e ded brocades ror I ShOUld a watch be found nellh e r to and Spontaneously. didn 't use only a small part of It." attached to jackets or coats , and In a ll tbls purpose, Hu t as th e season ad. gain nor to loso wh en hangi ng. It cun "I'd like to ca rry a llttlo once In II. Borts of materIals. And th e r e nre vances It Is IIke l\" tha t b rocad es \l' tlI ' b mUde to res pond by hookin g a pi ece llrazl l has a n e w product fo r e xpo r· while," growled Cy. " capes tor all ages, a9 /ItUY be gathered com!' In (or SOlllt]' cO lI sl de ratlon . o f metal to the s tem. Ihus ra iSing th e tton. 10 whIc h o th e r count ri es, not llbly 011. yes. to dlstrlbule among those from th e picture of tbe French worn. ce nt e r or OSCillation . Relgtum and Switze rland, h a ve already worthleea r ela llvcs ot yours!" sneered an so frankly posi ng In the illustra tion Th e CRp e show n In the picture Is of \iaid Rom u atlenlloh. Thi s product Is the mod e l I\!yra .• "1'1\ give the m their give n here black sa ti n alld Is line d with th e some. walking papera If any of that cheap The c hol ~e III materials Is Imm e ns()o It Is swung fro ll1 the s hould ers 10 tb" HANDY IMPLEMENT FOR FARM "alled "palna," and Is a ~Iud of vegetAbl c a illl or ralh er II. ai I k-li 110 cottou lhat rabble ~bow the ir faces ~ bo ut here_ Iy wide. Capes to be worn with s ulls mann e r French wom e n like so muc h. All you ve got Is wbat I ve brought of the same mate ria-! as th e ski rt. by n hOI1l \' y s ilk band mad e of B_e ve ral Every Good Farmer Should Have Im- grO\\'8 ijpO nl:lllcou8l y and ll bun<i llu tly In Rovera l of t hp Rtat es or I!rll zll. Hlth · plement Like One Shown Hereyou . My money, do you und e rstand? Wblte se rge for prese nt wear Is st rands faat elJed togeth er a nd l ' rm luerto It h us bet- n us e d by tb e natlvcs, with- How Vlao Is Made. H~nd ove r th e change of that ten- shown wltb 'vest alld cape attnch ed atlDg in lon g ornaments ot pn.sscmen· bUl wI th no es peclul care In Its prep. doll~r b il l." and slmllar m odels [I re mnde ot tb~ te rl e. He ro Is il. good farm er'a vis e , .Ius t Il l'atlotl , in filling pillowti and cush ions Cy Alison groaned and complied . varIous fa sh Ionabl e cotton ta brics In A cape for a little girl is In whlto Down th e s teps and homewa rd bound white or black' and whit e. c lolh , an d, BO fllr a s design 18 COIl- stich a on e as shou ld be found on ever)' n.nd tor olh e r do'm ea tlc uses. A fa c· bolted John Strickland- disillus loned_ But the separate ca pe whIch Is I.e cern ed, Is a re plica of that worn by farm , a nd In th e tool house . It can tor), has bee n s tarted III Switze rland ror the III !Ul u rllcturc of cloth from this "What I'ye escaped!" be exclaimed. do duty with Ilny sort o r dress Is u su. her eld e rs . The e lab orate tllstenlng ne w tissu e. S0l110 yea rs ago In the "And I fan cie d Mary taded! Oil, I've ally made of satin or s ilk and In Is omlttc d an d th o wId e collar also, 1IIllt pd Stal es Il tte nti on W!lS ca lled to been a wicked man! And Bee how the majority ot Insla nces It Is bJack. IllI n concession to th o s im pli city lho fact that lb o "s llk weed," which thot de ar woman has treate d my re la- It Is orte n cut much ~ horter tn front wh ic h 15 dema nd ed III c~othcs (01' ehBhas a bol I similar t o th at of cotton, lives ! " thlln at til e bael" and finis hed "' il h a d r e n. furnishes II product simila r, bUl s u· "Johl1;" spoke Mary, as h e entered wide cape-coJlar. ('apos nre cot1\'Ptll til. graCf'fu l nnrt pe r lor III flneneRB o( appearance. Tathe houeo, "your brother and his fa.mAlready (very rIch nnd ve ry chic In ne ver enti r e ly out ot rash Ion . Th ey bl eclolhH anll n apk Ins mnd e ot tbls i1y are thinking of leavIng us." appearance ) blllck velv et cal)es have are ens). to ma ke. and th e rf' Is no mat erial, wh kb shin es like s atin, were "Yes, Eph IIpoke of It today:' an· made th eir debut, not as n sty le prom- I qu es tion at their comin g populurlty , swered John_ ('x h luited at lbe s tat", (all'. and liS this weed grows In IndLana, In poor soil "Don't let th em . His wife Is resting and , appar ently. nc eds lillie cultlva· splendidl y n nd anoth er week will Just put be l' on he r feet. tlOII . 11 11 cffor t Was made to Inte r es. producers. b,·t nothing carno ot It. "Oh, you dear, lovIng. unselftsh womanl" cried John, a.nd acLually picked up Mary In his arms and kissed Economical Engine. her a. dozen tlml's. By placing the t!x hau Rt ports n ear VIIO for Farmere, And Mary bll\shed t ill ber comely the cen ter of lhe cylind e r, so they be lowe red to s uit th e workman . There 1\1'0 uncovered a t th e end ot tb e ta.ce looked Just as gIrlish as of yore, lUust be, us wtJ\ be seen by the cut, stroke. n German has ' Invented all and with a smile of rare content John an ex tra "os t with do ve-tailed strip or economical engine. 118 Lhe cylinder· went about the houee, wbistllng a. tongue pla tted on back nt vIs e Jaw. heads aro ke pt at a more unHorm happy tune. The lIIuslratlon shows the top ot the temp erature than uaual. "I'd be uhamec2 to tell her of my bench with the vise laid down level. compsrlng her with that woman," This 1llall tor a vise 18 exceptlonally mUlled John lIortly to himself. "Why, good because large and small pieces of Mary Is a p~tty picture compared to mater'l al can he operated In It. that made-up sca.recrow_ I'm going to AND love her more than ever. and I'll never think ehe lookll old and faded again!" IMPLEMENT FOR ROUGH WORK (Copyright, 191f. b,. W. G_ Chapman.)


Capes .m Present ande' ommg Fashions






Net Waist and Hat for August





Iron From DI8carded Plane May Be Converted Into Excellent Scraper -How It I. DOlle_

FINANCIERS OF, TWO TYPES Th. Ascetlo Who Live. Only for tho AccumulatIon of W.alth H.. Hlo 0pp08Ite. An' IllngUsh clergyman pictures the American financier as an ascetic. Such a. type Uves slJarsly In an omce willi hIs attention screwed down exclusivelyon his job. Physlclal dlsadva.ntagel follow the narrow renunciation neceg. eary, and all the na.tural pleasures of life dsp~rt. In the end the man ha.s his record of concelltrated, misapplied Industry and the banker r esults. Anatole France, In his Pe quln Isla.nd. beat the Br1tlsher to this type. Hts Samuel Dox, drawn seemingly trom the most nllll1onalr.ous of our mllIlonalree. led In the highest d egree yet at· talned the Intellectual life ot accumu· lat1on, sacrificing all to tile exact m ental and pbyslc8.J routine required for bt. ends. AID)OSt literally he I~ved on .herbs In a cell1 but stern joy In the passlctnate c~ncentTBtlon of me ntality was a sumclng reward. This was tbe sort. ot "Amol1can buslnees man" til at ~enry James confoned hhJiself un: a.b~e to .understand_ Ho*ever, the oppOSite type has been met. ~e is Pl, l!>vla.l, expansive, showy, nolsy_ He ~rowe -about his m~ney~'r otl)er , P'eople'~w!th great freedom. H.e .t .. kes · hlsl!~el\S,ure as he

An excellent scraper (or rough work may be made trom a. ben ch-I)lll ne Iron in th e following mann er : Pro cur e n piec e or oak or any good hard wood, a bout 1 Y.I Inc hes thick , 3 1~ In c hos wide and 10 Inches long, ' and shapo It ItS shown. writes L. G. llurnand ot Lyons. la., In PO.lJUlar Mechanics. Th e long portion s hould be round ed and s mooth cd with 8undllRper to form a handle {or th e scrape r , Doro a hol e


OR the dog days , th e coolest ot Wlllsls worn with while s kir ts and the coolest-looking ha ts ar-e in ofil ~. r, not simply for the comfort of th e wea rer but tor lhat of ber fri ends. It Is r eally refreshing to look at thin, snowy while dresses und crlsl! com, blnaUons of black a nd white in th e days or tbe merciless sun a nd debil! · tatlng henl. A net wal!!t Is llicturt!d herc which Is liS cool as any garment can be. It -Is made ot a fine white net; baving dots a.nd widely scattered sprays of embroidery over Its surface. This Is mounted over a. plain waist of coarser pet used a.s a - foundation . These foundatlon willets, ready made, can he bought tor so' little tha~ It III hardly worth wblle to make tJrem.


:"Iuch ot th e best wall paper 18 made . In pari. (rom leather waste.

An extent! lv e deposit of asphalt of It igh quality hUH bee n discovered In tho Philippin es . Lpnlhcr !lIula h l\\,o becn pa te nted to Ilrol ect 11'8 Ilnces of persons who kn ('c l at \l'orl.,

i "..---



J?l'lctlon of s ntall steel balls polh;bell silverware In a new ma cblne.

An u8h can to which n handle can be !lltuched to CO II\' er l It Into u lawn roII l' has been pat e nte d. T he hat Is of bl oc k and whi te satin s tretch e d over a buc kram rrame with an Indente d crown . An eQually good , r,((pct r es ults frolll cove rin g II vlaln rrame with Ih e sa tlll and lid ding a bu nd of bu ckrllm, a ls o eo\-el'ed, as a collar around th e _crown. A trimming suIt ed to tb e la t e Humm er 8'31\80n fin Ishes the design. It co nslstR l'f lit tle butl ches of small rruits-cherrles, berries, lIny peaches-set In glORSY g re e n foliage. A .bla()k and wbile .sklrt of wash fab· ric Is worn with the waist, and a belt of 8atln ribbon. in blac k and wblte strIpes, .lIke tho silk of which the hat is mndll. White canvas shoes and lisle tbr~ad -or silk bose finl8h the details of the toUette. Net waists, besides be ing, .are easily and sately laundered. One can '

An ac r oplan e Is being bu ilt for flyl11g ov.:-r fo rl's t!! In ,,'("8t Afr ica and pr08peCli ng ror rubber treee.

• • •

Home-Made Scraper,

In . the IJ rod u('tlon or Bulllhur th e Cn il ed Slates is rapIdly gaIning on lta l,)" which leads th e world .

ror a tbree-elghth-Inch bo ll at th e \Jluc e • • indlcaled In tlre slrlltch . The plane irO!: On o of the lIewest uses or aluminum Is falltCll~1I to th e bandle with a. bolt. III III th e manufacture ot !lOles tor st-oeH for men who work in we t places. Automatic Mall Delivery. • • • Automati c delivery of rura l mail Is An InDtrumen t has be on Inve nted tor provid e d by a North Dakota man 's In- Clulckly m eaiibT-l11g the enl· thwork In vention (!( a Cllr to run on a.n ae rial railroad outs and fills wltl!out laborl. track, from which It tak es e lectric ou!! calculatlona. power, automatically stopping at each • • house on a route and ringing a bell to For tn.pplllg metal contaIners. 0 1 annoUll'C'I! Its arrlval _ ,liqu ids a Ilew etop cock Is provided '" -with cutting blades to penetrate the Speed)!. .UnIcycle. me ta l nnd' then bold It securely-.




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D It. H . E. HAT H A \'V A Y ,~. R.y '.leA vill e '8 J.l1I uli nll Ihmtll1$

Office in Keys Blug.

M ' ~lnSt

Im po rt a nt Consid e ra tion .

Oarkneaa of Ignorance .

"Th o I'u tllre of th n rac(', " ~IlY~ John Galsworl hy, "de pends 11 .0ro (JIl the moral s of Ih o women thall (Ill th o Iflor· a ls of 1111'11."

Classified Ads

\V urren COU IJty. Perpe tuul iDjuDc /l:l'Unted too plllintlfI Defeudllnt excn l'l,RIlD ll g lvfl6 n otl oe t o tlppen l FOR RENT 8un ,e . A PPI\1l1 hond 1100. DIl Ulfl nc t,ion in caBO of Lphfln on J. Nfltiooal Bl nk V!i Fllt nk D. Mille r O U:, E of f oar !'uu II EO , n ewly ra ! as Treasurer " t' \V"r l ,'l1 C,ltlD ty tU ode led, ~ I tuu led 011 'rulnl l ~\lC"'("~ =---11' t il Alloe J , \Vbl t,lOru v~ , Uenri!:e ~t.rtJof.. llllluire ul MrJ:l. M. L. Ed u 2li E. SHERWOOD Wh ! l'e, divor otJ grr.oted . PIIiID. WlU'tI~ , tiff re!!t.)re d to lnllirlon nllm" u f good s tock and grl.lin f(.lrm for Over PustoiTi('c, Waynesville, 0, Alice J. BowruuD. rent. lo q uire of M, L , cJll rt· fl , V Walter vs. William H. Holl wrlg1lt, Wllyn ellvillfl, Ohio H IIU!lC I' lio ll(' Q-:I IL III Offi ,e Plillne 77 or oft. pll.llnt iff orde red to reoover ~~~~~~~ (,2072. 90 h'oru d efe ndaot

IOSURlIneE A. n Chandler

t1 'm




Rea l Estate Transfers


Marriage Llcenaes


Miobuel Wirth, bilker to Lula o exchllngo J.L gU DL.I !(enenl-IJUrWID stel. b oth of Morrow. Rev IInd!::r" F Hirnp~o:1 10H Ollo rosill THE CREATEBT pOtlC horH e for :;h aop or Ul4Lt l u , Williams. nu lOnt 1l1w us hi P luqolre of R. K IJitlroe , nll~r Mllld lll Letlt,e r Hill, plttJer milker t o EdIth Run o buroh , !t. IJ, 1. tillriug VaUtlY. Wl 111u m ~: . S nyd er 1\8 ex el\ut.o r to IN THE WOItLD Ollio, Ii 1 \l hili M. Brllwr.l llltNo 304 iu L e banon "Rmll, both of Ifrllnklin . Rev. A J I'UBUSHED WEEnY. $4.00 PEll TEA:l $ I ~OO ' Ketltle. OBACCU aod ClglLr HuleSlOen ,.OTILe, DIIUCCISTS, BPECII,Ll8T8. A . M ct :my 10 ,Jome!! El . L nyellot i SummerCoughsAre Dangerous wuoted to Ad ve rtll:ll1. ExperllJn\l1l 00 BTU M l i t 8, T It AN. F' • II, 0 A • in Corw iu , Mar y BUllu O]l, d d eeU S8(\ t,n I~d S ommer colds Bre rlangeroull. uoneoeilsary _ fLOO muntllly und '!'rllv AND "UB SERVICE CAN PltO"1" wl~rd ,M, I3LlDlIl:l1I 11 71 aCl'et'! !lit.nate They mdleate low vltal1ty Rnd often eling EXpeOtlE1t1, Au v eni bll t::imoillng, BY U81NO ITS ADVERTI81NQ COLUMN. in Hect ion 2[; R, i) T . a M H !;. in- lelld to serIOus T hroa t, and Lung lJhewing 'l\lbaoc o, Cigllrtl tt 3!!, Cig"r ~ . SAMPLE-eOPY FREE h e rited " . TroubleA, mcludlug Constipllt.\on /Send :lo ~talllP lor Lll partloular/!. _ _ "IlW YOItK CLIPPIlII I . ' . . Dr. K In g' s New DlsoovIlry wl11 ra t;le met 'fobllooo Co ., New Y ura, N . Y. M.w YOIIi .... Y. n:.l (j Edwlll'd J. Murrn y to JI'nm e Mur he ve t he oough or cold promptly The SAFE boys' magazine It Oft pr ev en t oompllclt tlons. It. I ~ Twel,. monlh s 0 10 sllothln!!: anel R'ntilleptlo and makes beaHhlul br.'D I UII ~ n I y $1 a year BARNHART, .v oo fea l bot,t e r at once 'ro de111.Y FOR SALE ~I\~ It,~~ I~ ~:tJ~ : : 11 ;.T''; il~I, ~'.~ ~~ .~~ 1 !~1~~ 1::~'::~'~~,:! '~~~,'.I, ~l,~ Infec tion and Insec t Bites Dange rous i" dun~eronti-~et ~ bottle of King'!! UlulI l Jl . l\fIlU I) ,Iu toi l .irl " I-I "'lf1 r u'l! lit (rtl\ ,. I, u,h,· II . Notary Public t ilT". I\Ll tf ,.(lC·fI. h lpClttl" , l'I4"'h Otl l lifo, ",rl ll"1I t, )" M o~qll l ~oe!! , Ji lfl" ~ nd otlIll r iDReo tp. Naw Disoovery at onoe. Money n lCltI l, I IOP ll l llf 100)"" Rtlt h h l"ll. 1 11",1 rut ,th'" I' 1"'('i, d nnkh,,,, 1"1111 . urtklt'!j ti n ( notlta l l n lul nllu ' r whIC h IlrcfH i ';ni c k ly in g ubage blick If n ot siltitlfleti. 500 and $1.00 M I'Cl r' ~. 11(tllllrtl 'II'lI t l4 nr ~ I . '(' h a u It'S. )o:I""l r lr'\ I ' , All klndA of Notary WOJ k. PODlltll1l PIlll!!, POIHl s uf ;; t~~nB Dt witter, bottles at y our Druggist , I hnt tl~rn,'hY . I 'P l lll l u f Hl'lt ' llt",. 11tH\' Lt' l\I ll k ;· Wilen you want to sell 'f'h lu jol". I'Lnluv ( 'o lhlC' II" ", Ch kk,' n ". , lute. tJ /lr W ork n Hpeoillity. b ~tr .1 8, U' llsty plIlO A~ . eto" are olLr ~--d nn l lll!. I n ''(t ll l. ittfl~ 'tod S al u r l\ l \ \' n nd l, nt. n orR of t.ll,..ell~e . Every lime tb ey anything you have on FREE TRIP LJite YO II, tlla.v iu j r'o t poison into The American 8 ,IY the farm, let people yo ur El .v " telll f r om w hi oh ""tnl. dr el\l1 Rq:lllu r I' ri<"I' Tho AgrlouHura) Commission of (I ise'l sfl llll l y re ~ uH. (lat 11 hot.tle of Ohio will pfly the E'XpAnSes of a trip The Miami Gaz l ttc know about in the )oj lon n' s Linillw ut. It is 8ntlsept.ic t o the Ohiu I:;ta.te Fair for one boy '< \'):111:1, Illicc flwl tl few d r ops will ~ o utrnli7.e the fr om eaoh Clounty who ill In 'he 19U Miami Gazette Veterlnarv Infe otion ouu~ed by in seot ',ltfiB or CorD. or Apple Growing For both ru sty nulls . 810lln'II Liniment diB Con teets, "nd who haH oomplied Graduate of Obio ~IU'. lJniVl'r.' y infeot.a Uuts, Brui flell IL nd Sores with 1\11 of the rules. EA RH-Bartlett Pears for soh'. You Ol~n D ot illfo rd to be without It (nquir ~ of J . L. Mendenllull. The lIeleotion of the boy will be in yOUl' 11 0 " HI . ~one y b!l.ok i, not B 2 Office at re:iidence in F . U Hiler madell.t the County Auditor's office 1(, D. 3, Waynesville. OhIO. Hllti~flod . Oul y :J:;c8 tyoar Druggist. Mondav. AoguB' 24, at 10 a . m. wood's house, Fourth ~treet. UOD cide r vinagu, AnDie mb· Voting most be done in person, bOIlt'. ' a 26 No proxies 1I.1I0wed Instrnotion Telephone 28 01'1n\[s hav,e been Bent to all bOylt ant,ered in It hese Contestll. deeimble hom e of 211 aor e~ , .x Waynesville. Ohio wil u from ollrporl\tion. In ~--qUIre lit Ihis Lflico . Ii 26 Enamelware Cement. For meD dlng euamelwBre pots and DR. J. W. MILLER, OU ::i E of (j r ouml', all Sonth MII.ID pans wb er tl a hole has heen made or St. Inquire , ~t I Ills (,illoe, tho e namel has been chipped olr. the /I, 1II following Is effective: Equal parts ot ... DENTIST... soft \lully. fi nely sifted coal aahes and ACRES 0 1 w ell imprllved Illnd, ~ Ift ed tlLble Bul l. Mix all together and " " lt r Ceul erville lor sale (.It. a WaYIlt'5vllle, 0 pack It Into -lho hole, Place the mend· Utlr~1I111 if ~ ult.l ~ uOIl lllqnlre or A . ell mUcle on the stove with II. little A . McNeil, Cont orvll1 p, Olllo. 11111 wate r ID It until the cement gets hard. It neve r fa lis , and It becomes II.S hard I!:8l'A U RAN'I', in a gaud town, as the enamel ItHelf. doing l\ y ellrly bUl!ioel!1I of -~--$10, 000. Inquire of A. A. MoNeil. \ cJent brvi11('. Obi t), Ii III QUl ostlon or He ight. Lady Southw al' k, h i her rece ntl y pub· ACR EC tarlO, Wil li improved, ot! IIs hed remlll iHCC DCflB. tella a st.o)ry of tho II. L & I; ruilr uatl . WlI\ an Irishman who was cutting turf near a hog whe n a frie nd CUIlI O up to make 11 gOtld L:inc kcn o r fruit farlU him, crying: "Patrick is attlcl, In the Price ' l~O O , h .Cjllil'o of A , A, It 19 bog up to hi s un kles." "Don't worry, MoN ell. then, " wns tILe re pl y; "If be's only up Ii. huullr tJd. lJlllin, white to hie ankles he can BOOIl get out . C crept! I" ~pel' n " pklns ; in li e agnln! "Yes, bllt he went In- head IQ DN 60 l1f' r d ozen. n t thi!! ofti ue . firs t!" retorted tho o t her.~Pe arson·B Weekly . R ub~crlblirB the MoCIIII '!i4 Women everywhere are talking about ·WRITftN so YOU caN UNNIISTAIID"," Today's M agazine is now a real necesMllgnzillP, /Scnd 350 to the A CRE.ATCoatl......tStoru' ... Wedor. Today's Magazine, the big, practical, sity to cv~ ry woman who has at heart Huzett, J lI ffi oll . And gel, one of the Pro...... which you rnay beain readu.. lIt'e you going to do when best mogllzlne!! on eutb. $t any time, and which will Aold four helpful, al'listie, handsomely illustrated the health, welfa re, progress and happi- you"What Interesl forevel'. You are living In the belt gut home?" '" don' t know yet," yenr, of the most wonderful age, of what. ness of ht!r family. and indispensable fashion, fancy work, doubUeM the IP'""test \Volld In lbe UllJverw. replied Selllltor Sorghum, ''I've got A resident of Mars would aladly pay_ to wn lt and ~eo whether my reception . housekeepers and mother's guide. by the town tolks Is In th e nature of Today's Magazine at 50 cents per an ovation or the thIrd degree." ~f tll' .. t~~9' . to lbl. m~e...1D Ot'der to keep Infonnedof

There 18 no darkness but tgDoranoa. -Shakespeare.


M . C Hnd .Iobn Wind s l t o F', 8








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AI my lite today has been detel'mined by the way I lived my yestel'day, so my tomorrow Is ~Ing detel'mined by ,th,s way I live loday.-Ralph Waldo Trlnel. --~ ~


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cine In thouaancSa ' of the beat AmerlCilll bomes. It .ppea!t to aU ~-Clld .... JOUOI- mea aDd womea. The ............. D...-... (10 IIIIW) II, .. e...,...,. to do Ibtnp-1iOw to ......

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Automobile 8ervlce'-at Dally ThoUllht. . . "Patience and have f&tth ., and thy . pra1er wlh be auwerecL"- WA.YNESVILL~, LOqt.ll,.o~~ llarvejllbUa,. ...... w"

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UM~a1 arlI~ fo1' boJDe aII4 ibop, I'IIlI&In,-.

......tew 1IeeIwaba" (10~) . ./I.JIorrr make1lll-.Jol\ tUi'niiU.., wlre'_ caUl"'~.

l;~~:I~""'IIlo,; . ;~IIIl~d IIlI &be 1blDp. boi~

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\I .~hl) ,It

II.e • ,,,''''Il,, •Ililt ' Il III I hu' .

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I I . ulJ


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'11-.11'. 111" ' 1'.' C',11.1.

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of A(IYcrlising

H. nll!!, ;:- J.,wu l ~ , I 't' r III It ' , , . , l !u;-.", lit t\ .,;t tl. Il. I til I ' \ I ' f,!lJ( 1 ' j III'"., 1Il :'1 t ' rl H '1I 1'!


UI I"I I,hl), .\d \ t " t I 1'111 IJ.C


The Neighborhood News


Ita t~,; of Subscription.

\,H tU Yt'ur (i'trh ' ll y f (j ut.! \ & w ..'r ) .. . . .. •~ I II J.! l o 1 (llJ j . • . .. • , ' . . .

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Ih 0 I I H ~h •. " .• , •

p,'r JIll II . •• •• .

l il:'\lIJU Ii Ir. "hell v lJ clIc tra.ct.

, U;')

e--- - - - -·-------------8-------------. New Burlington

H n, CUrt' 11l1cl f'l(JIily, whu rnll"o I to ,~o IlI SI I\I1tl. in lit" Hprill~ .,. WI 'rI'tII.r, f-IIl t,i.. t1 (\ wi~1t ttrl> )lrll!' p nolt; l\tort) Illid hllve I' fl lUI'Ull CI t o l ilt' thot r pr o pe rl .1" h e r e MrH LlIllrn Lllo k oy Illld ~rlilHl . Cllll<lflHl , IIf X 'l niu, ur o VI~ ltlll~ lit tlte h U IU J of MI'. und .li 1':i W. V . LH nkt>y ,

1\1I' ·~ IOi)i\\I.:.U\'


(onstipathln Causes Sickness

Th A Y 1', H, 1,,-1 11 .. r".I,i vIlI lin tb " \1011111\ yllur .... lf 10 , "( ~I )lJI (J lit , I': CJ ll1ll'1 'h ~r()ullclM SIItllrtlllY , "\ " ' " ' II , II V It /I 'll"" ", itlIV." I)IIU1l I OO nSf,1Jl ht f'11. ItR Yl \Ur ~Y8\lem 101tlH'. nigh t . Wu. I:lllrilln .' l'fmt t,lte for e parI I ' , " tI I ,< ', "11 1 'I ' " .. 1 I", ,wei \ ' II"ldv h f>I( Irt B t oulJ~(' rbpol ~() D Irnlll I ' ' ,' ... , 1 hl l ,\' 11<, " ' I~ ' , ~I. '1 ;\1 ~ "'. lilt. lI. c k(lti nJi WIIHIIl lIIuU.,r . U,e of I.. ,t vH,,,k w i th frilmd s In Hl ch . ,, "I 'y II 11,,1 I' 1.. 11 :-0. " , .. ,,, t, f' , I" [ IJr, !CUI )! ~ N ow J.lfe PIlls IlDlI k e l!\ ' III IIld, lnu ,IIIIU Miurni l'l hulg II , III" 'X :,l itltl' ''1 I~ (Ill " IllId \\,11 ,v,'11 'I'h.,r .. I~ Il U lJll \ H"ft-gul l d MIllS l!:J iztl bet h Reev e" rpl~('i v l:l d .. ''''1' ,,"1 I" :'1" IIIr II . P III 1" 1' 111'11 '11 1 "~II . IJ~I fllllflHd. ,Ju~t. tuke 0 11 11 cl .. ,p t Alr'gruTlI FrldliY. te ndering hM the HI' " Iii 111It! h.,ro ' III , ('11 t 1"1 I WIl rO.lll ~ hl. . ~50 . Itl your DrDgghr. Jl o~ iti l1 l1 ot InRtrnot ,r o f Ilom s li(' ,'l't I,I'n ,:dl v hfl r r d ~ t IILtl thurt 1111' Kf'illllC 'A in Ih e pahli c "('h ,.. oI " or ,d Ip ' " e I H-4~ ! 1I 1rl"\ pd",,, .. , Tu lluIII' \VII~h ~h e le lltgrlll'h .. u PlI l t. 0"" til" 111/ ,.,. 1 l lll l' , 'rlltllt III '1 "' '' h"""IJt,lIn ce tiud wi'l ~ 1. llr L f .•r tl". ":'I ·' \\'111 h. , til" I'XI'I I !!' .If 11 , 1' To Cure a Cold, tlllli nil',I' lI!<xt I4l1lullJuy . .l ·, ry 'Ilid hl"d dIVI -d ., , . l I t tl .. • (lhll l l ' OIl~hR 111111 ~ ' IIItI H · An ordinar y col I Mr M. Cl e,) 'l'nrnhr IIn (1 lillh' SU II, A !.{rl( 'ulf,UI u l. '111 11I1 " .. .. " Ul , I I . , ' JIH II!' clln oftl 'n be C'l1< ' ~ k CJ d tn th o f1 ft.1 nf d Irrr ,.;: ,\lt l,ool It,II, l'I' I ,·t 11l .. ,"·' {' I I t! H t a~"' H Ity Indlicilll; II 1;00.1 perRplr:" II I' ()k""lOlIln Itrl1 vlMil.lng lit, IIt A "' ) UlH or I\h. nnd Mn~ . I:lOIIIIH I:l ,t!. "rltlH fill' "PI II .,r Il ,,1 11 1'p. )'1 1 II 1!to lion. A t-;'11l "H of v,' ry hoI milk drlll ik 1II1jo(M worl,h. will lUI ",II'lwl! " '''IIP l t'!'! III f4)'hl:.c 1 uft e r you are In bed. or tb e juice ot a M rHo j. 10 ('0,\' 1<1 i~ vI;lit i nl( in Xllll ill drill k .. I,nll dru l.£ ~ , With oo rnpurl :o'o lll' le mon added to It tUlllbler o( bullln ); t'.r ndo tHrill . tI " lId \luIHlu l l "rll t.~ d wate r, will ort .. l1 a c(;ornpllyh th lM. .\ IIlr ~ . .1 () Clllll ptOIl Itn(/ Mr~, Ed I ~ H · I-' .. i H I ~" "I ry nnd tJ l f'tllltltlr\' h Ol balh to which a little nmmonla I'lr,(-rj(IIIIIl IIIt.J-ll(lnd tlt o fnn p ml or a ""l ltllllnll,. III vllrtllnM I'ltl\~I ' H "f Ih, · hlt ~ be.HI udd utl Itl alloth 'r method. re lllt.1vlI in 1 {II':-:III~t"WII , 111(1 , IIlHI, f' )lI(I pr · uhHqllL! ir tin I ~ ; fll~:-OI ' lIIlU '~' wOI' II. 11I1u , 1111I ''IIII'''10n pl ' l llll; ·. I , lilt , Mr>i MILr), H"III, IIf!t,un, In the· Rank s of Unreaaonablea, Ilc111llnt Mtl d, " " . I III, ' ' ! lIltv, lo"d . Inti , 1V1I~ II. ~ :.:n el:l l ur MI~, Wm , " \\' a"II'l lll !: n' HO IIII·thlng uhltul a d""tI~. ulld \A . ·I ..~ hl :-; 111 ,1 1 ';IP"t'nn-::prornlHe to lov." h(, "or, and ubr'y m .. Bluir'l IlIHr fit h'Ht w ee k. IttW : ti JWOI/, j ' II 1,llIv I " t 'p' ~~ 'll1nuV MI~" Iholt",,1 It" e vp~, or X ll nlu, 1M III tltat IIlllrrtrlp:" rt'rpmo IlY ?" IIs kp(1 t-: rnd .... in vn l l"l l~ ~'na..(\ ·r4 ,.r d"l'II'1l Mr. l\ll,pl' lon , "My I;llodn esB, Leon i· th ... gUl' ~t of r p JIII, lvR~ hl'r l:l, lIu14I II'"' , wII" tl ,, ' tl llllp( d fl l' if~",; 1I",e] MrH , ~' U. ( :olllpton lind Iittlfl ROil ;lltlflttlrlDlI'"11( I llui r '1 ,.,, ' 11.1' ; ph .. IO. dn H! YOII nrro 11k I' ~nlll ~ ot tbosll pol · " whn III'v" r Ilull tulklng About who hllve "l.e n ·AI, th e h OIll!' of Mr. ,r ~lIrI Ill. o'i llC lill " " ", '"wl ul III II aIt/dlln IlIIrty plultorrn."- Wa8hlngton Star. '11111 Mr~, M.nlon iC:t 'nl)ltue r ret.urned 1I1111lWIUI, ulltl Vlaoll TtI .. r"p"'~"ntiul!I - - - - 4o - - - - -t(l thllir h o mo IwurWllrningtou ~Ull. IhIlUl; I1n IlSMortllltlllt III Wtll~lIt .. cluy , nnd 1I16t1"Urtl'l thtlt huve be .. " OOLI. Merely a Surmlae. I::IlIrle.v I:l, Hmit.h lind fllmily hllve IIlllUnoo .1lIU con Ullotltnll, " .. okuge!4 "Your hOllor." suld the counBel, li nd lobtll~, with Rnld.Yllill or fl1kH, "this man's Insunlt}' lak eB tbe forl n I lla~o(1 II hltt,,1 in Xuni.t nnci Illov (ld J/lUII lind Impu re rlru~ tI 11011 Itlltenl ot a Imllt, r that (I n 'r), one wallts 10 to II, lll ~t FrilII1Y_ mediomey, ~\l1l01f11 (litlpll1YH 01 upiurn rob 1I1m. lie won't allow mn, I1I H I:ltlrry J{I1onny, o f Cinoillnuti , If! .. wuklul( uulfit!!, VnrlIlU14 utensil!! counsel, to UlilJrOach him," " Mayb. , speDtlill1,t hIS vli oatloo tit th o honll1 \lsed In r)rflJlftrin~ IIDd ooukl nl( oplnm he'lI Dot 80 crazy, otter all," mUI' IIf hi s mothtlr, oooaloll aod nlPrphlne 8yrlogefl Ilnd mured the court In II. judIcial wblsper. Mr. und Mrtl U !::1. i{f'eVfl8 w ern Hllm ple8 of nllroot,IOH, otiliud t,o thtl horue of Mr, nod MrH. The Rohool ohlldren!! exhIbit, iD Comllton, o f near AlphA, by whloh premium!! (Ufl olTerol1 I!epur. the seriou;! iIloe~s of thoir little I\~ely for elloh township, with fin ' , Beware of Ointments for Catarrh dllnghter Mildred . t<"oond "nd third premlnm!! of ll:l, that Contain Mercury Benry Urew. u highly respllct.e<l f.8 lind $6 to the I.own8hlp!! maklog oiti)leD (If our oommunity iii very the be8t dtspll1Y" RS a whnle, Is 11 liS lO(lronr.v will Hnroly destroy thfl clepartroAn& that will uppelll es· lIeDlle of smell aod cornpletto Iy dtl 1ritl('lully III Bt his home weRt I)f peol811y to t.h , coon try people, A ran!(e the whole systeID when enter. town, following u stroke of 11\10. tutal ot $700 ill OtItth will bo offored ing It tbrongh 'he muo .nssnrf'lC6s I'lex y. His many frieod ... h o pe for reoovery . for the belOt Bhowlnl{s ~ f oorn, to SntJh Mtloles s honld nevor be userl his 8peedy - - -... 11aooo, pot" toe!', other vegetables, exoopt on pre80riptloofl from repu. Oan~erolls Constipation Summer II\l\p drawings. needlework, pen tl1ble physlolan!!,l\\'I t,he damage they nllln~hip, Ollllrl·s plllnte and vines VI 111 (\u Is teo fold to the guod YOIl Uonlltipotioo in Summl:lr tim e is AUJtber oontellt tbat Will be of 0&0 p081!ibly derive froln them . morn dungerous thll1l I,n Ihe lull, spooilillotArest to the oollntry boys 1:1 1111'S Cl1t·arrb Cnre , mannfaotured wiot·er ur !l1.lrIng, The food y u eut iH thA ,),,, growln!!: ·oon 'ellt, by F J Cht!oRY & Co .. 'I'o ledo, 0, is often contlimlnated Ilncl is alo re Mort! Ihlln IUO Y'lODg~tllr!t, rtlpro. oonbifls no mnroory, Imr1 III taken Iikllly to fflrmellt ID your .. tomnob. Hell tatl vo IIr t! vt,ry pl\rt 01 tlle " oooty, Intornull,V ,uotinl-t dlreoUy o).lon tbA Then you lire upt t,o drink muoh " . bllv.~ .beon tnrn ' t4h<1lll1tlrod an(1 will bloo(\ IlD!t muoous snrfRoes of tbA cold wllter dnrillt,: t,he hot wen thor, make displll,tt or tlltllr oro-ps at the sYllt,em In buying l::Iall'H Cllt.arrh thus InJuriog YI)ur stomach . Colic, fair. . Curl' hn hnrfl you gRt HIll genuine Fevor, Ptoultline POisoning l\Ud I t III taken loternnlly lind m,lIl A in otller iliA lirA Dlltnrlil resultf , 1'0 Both Creduloua. Toled '. Oh\o, by F .•1, ChAney & Uo I,ax will keep you well , UR it ill Bho-"You vowed that It would be Uo TElII'1 monlR I" fr ee, OreUSIl(l tbe Bi Ifl, the nntuml luxu. - ·your aim to mllko my lite 0811ght but t-\old hy DruggiHt!!. . Prioo 76(1 I)e ~ tiv(>, whioh,ridH the bow"hl o f the one or happlneBs. And to think thllt boU,11I coujested poihonoo!l waAte. Po-Do. 1 believed youl" H&-"That'B nothing! T"kA U~ll'l! Family PiliI' for oon- Lax will make you leel better. 1 bellevtld It at the time mYBelf," PlouMllot, lind effective. 'l'nke Ii du~o IItipl1tioo. to.Dight.. 500 at your I lrnggi>!t , I )l)n'I

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Wn Looking for It, Too.. "I 8ay, my trlend," called the motor-lat to the farmer. 118 he drew up along· side or the fteld. "I'm looking tor II decent road to tako me Into Squiggles· ville." "I'm derned glad to hear It." replied the farmer. "Ef ya happen to find It, stranger. send me a tellygram. will ye?"

- -----

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Not So

Strange After All

Yon mllY think It. strange thnt "0 many people are cored of stomlloh trouble by Chamberlain's TabletR Yon would not, however, if yon sbould ~Ive tbl1m a trill!. They strengthen and invigorate tbe stom Ilcb Ilod enable It to perform its fuootioos naturlllly. Mrs. Rosie , Wabash, !od • writes, "Noth Ing did me tbe least good until I be. gan osing Chamberlain's Tablets . It is deoldedly tbe boet mediolne for fltomaoh trouble I have ever used . " For sllle by all de8lers.


- ---- ..----

Couldn't Land Him, "I a.dmlt that th e Ilrchiteolllro of this house Is something flercp. ... said the agent, " hut just Bee how handy the place 18--only a stoDe's throw from the station, U "I see It 18," 8ald Tompklus, wcarlly, "bllt I'm such Ii rottoD Bhot It wouldn't be IIny satistllctlon to lOe."


.. _-------

On the Safe Side,


Seed Merchant (giving IDtormatlon) - "I should SIlY a toot betweeo tho radish and onion rows will be Quite lIuftlclent." ProRPectlve Amateur Gar· dener-"Thluk 807 I think I'll be on the sate 81de lind allow three or tour teet. I dOD't want the radl she8 to have a bORStly onIon Oavor."-New York Advertiser,


Patton's Sun-Proof Paint 00 FARTHEST

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. . . ..-..--.-...... ----.

II""'" H ll ll cllI,Y II ~' I' I( p. 1"lIb.wt 'itli tl Wellman III lhty ton, Mr". l<~ IWllril Co ,d, IIl1d tllOll1y TheoLiore i::imltll, ODe of our Civil W " ,"1 /{n"8t~ "f Mr IIlId .ilr~ Uer. rge ~Vl\r v cternns rtioJ Bt bit! late borue P rlli t ~lIlIdlly last Thursdnv flvenloJ{ Bnd WIJS Harveysburg . Mr , Hllrr y LI/('Y llDd tliiltm MI88 burled at ClarksYIlle Su udlAY morD • Ifl u r on oo wore l:lllllda.y g ll e~ t;! lit Ih fl In g 'i'lt eou or o ~lIIiUI wlt o III~~ IIv od III h Oll1o o f Mr . nnu Mr>j , J oe' Rose ll ll Viola Jurdan entertnlned on I hl!! vid Ui ty l o r [I IUllg lilllH (lIulI n, otl fnullly. Tbursdny e veDlog Mi~ 1! Nelto ,lor 'l'hlll'';UIl Y "vtjJjill~ 11ft r II IlIIg H 1IU ~ :-ill\'('ml fr OTH uur viOl ally 1I1 t on (led U/lD, vI Ubl oaK!) (lull th l1 Mi tl>te!l Ill"" ... ", lUll 1/11.11{ II WII" UIHI !lHvl1 rlll tlt llllltl e of C I•.r e ll(;o Herrybill o e ttr LU lli so l~nd Minnio YIIU~, of ClnoiD · IIl lll'rt U</ Ullug btUfH t-u Ul uurll h i~ furry i::ialnrrlny , Dati , l o~!<. Mr. ~lJti l·l1 WI1!i1l Hll lLllllr Lnilk. Ilr, fU1I1 Mrs , Th Oll . Rioblln (l r>lm ill:': 01 It) 111:1H III' I" ')~O l,r ll\'11 1<11 D tliul, Mr . uu,l II1r~ . \Vllii n All e n, Mr , lllJ IIlr uDII Mrs J , II , Y "'" IOlJendlDIl II tew duy ~ wltb tiClrllllnl Ail e D a I"ubht I" .· Oll r rt~"I " ,\ , ,\ 11011 \\' c r l' lt lllljrt t,( th Oti fl tlrtl8ent Mr ~. RioLl 's pllreots OAIH Lobanon Mr._, :-:i 1l1' .. 1t III.dllll Itllll Mrs, I I I I' t tI I r IIIr. aDd Mrs. W . T . J o rdao en. Lytlirl LJIU'I' UV h ll<,nll " 11 lito \" ' IL ,l y ~'I;,:: r 'C\'.:~; gl;I~(I':1 ~:.~ . !IEI~,A~O R(:~~~~~d t,er t,ltin An on 'I'hurflduy Mr ulld Mrs 1\I" "t, ,, ~ I"rld,,\, lit \V IIIl1 I11"tc n , ,, . f . • • ~ ' flllllll y, uf WII'yII"~\,111'11.111 ~ uIIJ .. y . I"ltn ,, 1.'("0 IIUU <1l1l1ghtdr lltize J, 0 }Ir . tin ti r.~ r,.; . \\ . \\' . \\ uklt 1,lt. \'''1111 Unnlll1f i.. n I(UIIHt, u& tho San Aot onio, T ex us . IOlllJc'lI th u '\ l'"rly MtJullU K lit \\ II· h u m o of h e r unnt Mr8. Urubb.ofl MT!! WYYODg and Mr. Drake, o t g wln tul1 , . " Dllytoll n t tho t,im A of tbill writ.ln~ . : ClUoinnllti,. ur o Vi MitiDg Mr . and Mr~ , , Our ll\.o('II OIl I~ III' o r IIl l1 l t<11t. IH uC, Mr. Ozoro H o~u l le Imd Mi8M Flur Ueo. B O~tlll . tl OU dUI'~ nut rl' lg n ~\l pr!l Ult' . tI S leDce Lu cy cullll!l on IlItt, r'H ~iH MrH Idll M!lnuon lAnd daughter g Olllg to flll',lll"''' '1 lu I. uf w ork to tor Mrfl. F . M. Coo k uDrI ftlrnily Eth e l are visiting in Rome ()hlo. 11 &( .\' 0 ,It t) C"url !:IllUMe f r OIll It s 1' 1 J . ' "' ~t n'I O Tr o ,"' (II 110 ' , n ntll' ',I I-:AWOt)1 ~nrl(.l"y e v eu lu ~, Mr8 Mttr'ba n .. vi>! and sis tar pnl Mo tl t II I111') (· ' t tl '1'111, \" ,tl'ft< "I' tI "" ,'\)\l llty' (1(\ unt ' MI' 1': rn n rH,m ( "' Olll1r, (.( [)tI,yr o l1 \ Mr~ Will, W (lrwl ~ k , of ()regou, " lnll 'L; ,III 1!t1l1l 1" llt\· 'II ::-;"lc'lII 1.II WIl. ;"""nl, /I fl~ w ri llY" lust WAll k ", It,b spent 'htl week end 10 Day too , ,.;hl l', 111101 1111 ' )' I\ I ~\I ",,"1 kludly I'''.l h nm n fo i ",", liMA. Mr. ,I/lU1e>l ~'(JlllY, of Chioago, Mr. \\' 11I t! 1: 1111111)11 011'" ~'r ". B" rt Mllrltllt \lDU ,t4iHH Len1\ J ohn Foley, of Hpringfield , ",od Mrfl, ,I . ( '. t'nl Y Itlt. !t i~ (l1 <) vor hu llM li t lind Mr ull ll I\ln<. Chllrl e,v (1nrfloD John ,J o r<1u.n RI)(l~t Sliturdny with w'nk Il llli rt'Ji " r t~ It I-: Ut)tI y lll lu u t 1111111 tI~nl-:ht(!r Ev(!lvn, I)f M, Ho lly . Mr, nnd MrB , W , r, Jordan , M" 'I I " uti 11 11 I; XCIlII(' llt '111ll lt ly . were ! gll'l~tA uf F, hl. Dakin Mr~, Hurnh Rich 18 visiting her ~"IIl'y Ir,,, .. Iw r e uttu l\lltlci t1l e llli fumily • _ _ daoghter Mrs , U hll~ , Uray . . I Mr. ao(1 Mrs , Heo, IJavl8 IIDd son _ fllllt'fIIl ,1 1 Uyt'llll It ) I,,,rMlln, of UCnl' ( " "~Ilnl .. d"IUl(llI v. i'>lr Ro!tu rMulI Th\! 1 WCIf!Y 'lear Test Mr. 1I0rI J\1rH. Will Wllrwlok I1nd \\'11 >1 tuk"11 II\\'/ly In ,,"rl ), IiI'" frlllll i ":-ionHl t.W E-l11ty YOflrtl U!!O [ udoll dliughtllr, Mr . and MrB_ E, Mllonon 1"0 Jltlr"IJI~ . ~ ' ~t'lJ r~ , l. rothl ' IM I"HI II -IIII .\I,n r\'li4 '''' C"II O t:h"lorn lind II.nd dtlngbters ann MrR. Idl\ MilO. hl ~ 1I''''lIy I I It' nd ~ I I) 111"1H tI III~ gl )lfIg , 1)111 rr 11' 1\111 l{e nIfJll y .. ,', writ,eH Ul)o. non !inu Elhlll vil4itet1 M r , Ilucl Mr~ , r..l rl'l . 111111'/1111 1>'111<' 11 NIl! : IlItr",,1 \Y . i1rc'l' I{' IJIlIJh fl bflr of th o F.n. F"': Firo\'l 011 'l'ueRdny . Iur 111t' 1I"r ," ;11 Illl'rln Y Mr . l Mr~ . I· rl'rt "" , A hI1rrle')Il, 1\111 " I di>l. Mr!! Oeo. Boglln and Edit,b, Mrs . IVIIIIIII'" Mnlt:,", II f n ,,'1I' iluyl,olIl. (o v() T! ,,1 t,hlll, it Wll~ 11'l'lic k anu sure Ell" Wysoog anu Mrs. Lldn OraliA '1'1", \V" tlf "n H" III11 " U WU>I Iw ltl l'IJr,' I .. r d lll rrb fl AI\ Hinoe thou no vll!litod Mrtl Wm.DunQonS"turd",y, ~llf,nr"flv' OD (1)(, III",n IIf ,!,I III "," . " IH' 1'1111 ~tlll rn A flrtylhiDr, Nuiu 1,0 he Mr. and Mrs . Ernest Mannon en. Wo" Ut' ,)'D Tit ,,), w erc- prfI"f'n t rr .olll i ' jll ~ l, ,,~ g<)()rl .' D~riug ulJ theRe terts.lned 00 Mooday tbe roll owtni ( '1,, 1',, 1111111. Sll rll 'g lio lli, J. f' lt ll lHlIl IIn, 1 "Hllrl'! I. h " \' n lI ~n ll It ul}d re(1Om gne8tR, Mr. and Mrs Will. Wllrwlok vnrlltri" ,'I It " I' 1' 1..0tl-. 'l'IIt, d "v \': IIM III AIl lell It nUIIIY tllll!lS , lind It hl\H and Nellie. Mr. find Mra. GIlO, Davis hf' lIuIJI' ul Ult' l .I h" 1\111 1' Wll~ \,01. Iu DIII'tl r ciI U tlPUOII: t.Pfl 8nyooe." For und Gleno, Mr. Warreu Cleaver lind K" f) r/ U ~(, iu " iM tJrIt-: . 11111 hI' 1111 tlc 'f1 I." " . MrR. Mary Clm\ver , ~nv f' r H ) fr f III h o ro n tt.nnd(\ ,l tOl' -- - - - M.,rs, Emma Wolfe visited her eon R1(J gl:t \"II Il 1-1 01111\ ~ :o lllint-: :-i" tnrclll.\' , Use fo r 0 1d Recorda, rtllymo.ul, of nOf\r Dodd8, on 1:Iatnr . (lId lalklng nll l"' Ii " " re(:nrds mllke rlny I\Dd fluoday. Tit " ~,"1 In tf'1llg 0nco r lll \l' Ii.~tl II ~ Mr~, HBnnah Rloh Rpeut Monday ~Ill\l rtl llv IlIf ll l'lI1 ll1g \1-< IIf 1111 ' .lonllt \ ' 1'1' ) ,li r', ' la l,l .. fl II IIH (or hnl dlRheR. uf tJ. lll ghl:; I'l'R pOC l " '1 lacl y MJ' F<. Th t' I" "t~ (':111 h .. " " tll .. hy ..:Iuln g HAII A8· with her niece MrR. W , T , J Irdan . 1,11111111 \: 'I ,,<h nlltt. ~ , In,I\' lng n til"· tus 01 , Iil'lit hl.... ~ u f rec urdH unJ cuvel'Mr, Bert Boglln I\nd Masters 1'.111111 , c\"nl(ht"r , Iutlwr, ~ l~l, pr Illld Ing with II l1Cm ur crl' t' ,nnA and blndlDg Rhodes aDd George Baonell spent brolh (,r. LiII II HI .". " he WI\M ' 0 wI'1l It II'lt ll " urn SH strip wllh Bllme wate- t5uodl\Y wIth Mr. Bnd Mrs. (leo, kn<1wn nl,If' Itc1Hll (lUI' Ml'hno l nncl rial Bf'w, :d IlIlo plnce. Bog",n, 1I,0n in 1.111' cll unlr y DO' e r IlIi ~~ in~ .ID o puo rtnDlty t·o J?tl t her eduOIllil)u . ~ lI e li n~ d H ~ond lilHl u;tll l' ul Ilfl', Subscribe for your home paper !.I"d I,,,, 1111 1l.IlU ut· till tiru e~ l'x elll· )lh ileu "1"VII1~ (1t~ll o~ iti o n, 1n her U ()I U ~ tuke n frum 0>1 lin early in lire sh"ul<l C :lU~(J u~ t o Lo iJott,er wom c lI Bod ru.m . Our h ellrtrelr, "Ylll jllltliy go ut! "Ilt t o th o h l;,\ rlll~v ill l f .IUlity 1111\1 frl on d s" Funeral Director TRADI[ MARKS J'IIesBr.. Levl cy ,If)(/ Howe trlll1!l. DI:BU1NS ucted IJIl~iua!! !-i ill Clllcinnati Thllr~. COP'VRIGHTS &:c. tillY , Waynesville, Ohio,. '1' ~' ~k~l~n::o~.~,~~,; :~~ f~'~r.. ?,ll;.~~ t~,I,~d (~:~C~':~111~~~':l, Mi~ !I Lo ni !<e N, Wih.un ~p f\ nt :I: ~',~~ 1,!,'~',',I' r :; ~~f~', :~~ri~;~rf /,~i~H~N3kf\oo~ ·:~'I'I'i'.I~'II~~~~ ftoverull tiny" in Duyt,oo t hi " w(,Hk ' .. ";~:,/~::;~ \',~~~~,l ~'h~,'::;! I~' 'At~~,~r~~ ;~',~I;~~':i.tI Call answered promptly day or ni~ht ol\lIiD~ lin ucqllaintllncot:l , 'P'''"'' fl f,U r t, "II I WIIL CIiMWO, In tho Hoth phones in Office and Residence. Clyd o Loviey autl family wore Long distance, No. 14; Home phone Kntl!!ts uf Mr , 11IIel MrJ'.lmiJurtH{JoJ;, 14-2r, A hnnr'l Rn mll'll, Ilh lt11'n,ptt .I'Iflk 'r . J.nn."(!"t el, . 01 DUytUll, o u ::' undllY llIuking Ilt!e Cll la l!,", !I t KIIJ 1'II(' IUlll l1h' Jllurnal. ' I' Hrllu,. Chairs and one Coach furnished free of tlleir new I\utolllobilo, with funerals. Best of service guaranteed. Mrs . Kyl e , of New P ort, Ky" ISr.ncb uni co, ()26 J' S""' Wublolltoll. 1). IIP!<llt lu~t week tho gu os t of M rt!. HIlTu.h .\ . tlllr llill. (luiD cy King hllR I'rovo n bim~elf to ho II whirlwind in Rf'lling 001\1 and in ooonectin g t.hfl Ory H oods ttnd oLml busin ess . Mr. King ill B very busy man. It, \V. Kliyl or iR impr ovi llg hiH prc 'llerl;y lind is g ut,tiog it iu tine At Reasonable Rates, Two Machines. IIhn PI', Springfield Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Cnrlton Am1 eHII) II, ot Xonill, iR Yi~iting Mr. flnu MrR. Amos IWiA Valvoline Oil and Creases. b efore schOOl ope Dt! up. David COlll llton visited in South "~astern Ohi o b e fore onte rlng upon hit! filII dotie~ \


Awl I

~, 11






" l


and Embalmer,


Sci¢ntific Jlm¢rican.


M·U:NNr&"CO~3~8~~:~:Newll·rk ~




- - ----

to Cure


a Sprain


Phone 71 u I 1·2

A Rpl'ain may be onred in nbont ooe-third the time requiled by the llt!Uul trootasDt by upplyiDg Cham berlaln's Llnimeot aou observing the dimotioos with ench bottle. For sale by nil , 1oaler~ .

...,... - ................



-- -

-- - - - -Spring Branch


(Oolaye<ll Mr, o,nd Mrll. Albert Drake oolled nn Ed 1::1 lin b:v lind family , of n ear Waynes ville S nndllY IIfternoon , Mr , olld Mrl:! , Will Allon apflnt "litllrdt.y lind Hnn~luy WIth rolBtivllB Bt DOIILl, Me {;t,int,( wil e hdd nt Midtlle RIlD 8 .. t.llrduy al te ru uo u .. nd ::lunduv. ' Miss Ruth ftel'd hllH been thl1 guellt of Mi~R Ali('lB Uhen owot h for ille f e w dll VI! . Mr, ttr·d Mrs l:il'nco t) waro I'inndllY ~ll!lRtH of Mr slu1 MrH , .Iumes AileD , 'L'hoy ware driving t.htlir uow Funl nutomobilo Mr. a.ncl \Irs. U O. Pmtt visited :5\ll1d ~lv with Edward Cook aod fllDlily w,, ~ t o f t.ow n . lIll', 1111 ,1 MrR .1. A AlI t o 1I0d BOO Bernllrtl we re sh o p)lin~ iu D"yton \JIst Friday , Mrl:'. ~'rf'ok C,)ok und cJf\ughtAr Mllrie oalled (')n home folkR bere Me odlll'· t:)eveJ:1I1 froru our vloinity attended thll XE1nill ~'lIir 'l'horsday find reo ported III good time, Owing t,o the dry weather water Is repol'ted to be a soal'olty in this vicinity, Various wells nod cistern!! Bre dry 8nd fLlrmers lire bBVlog to hanl wllter. Mr. llud Mr!!. Frank Hawse villi tod with ~(l Roland aDd family. 'If Cor. win, oDe dllY Illst week.


Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.



Shop Next to Sherwood's Carage Main St


N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer


The 01l8e a f L, L, CaDtelou, CllAr. Posted on pedigrees and values of !Jodon, reXU8. Is similar to thllt of kinds of breerUng stock. mllDY others who have used Cham. berlain's Colic, Cholera. aDd mar Experienced in baodling farm sales since rllOfl& Remedy. He says, l'After trying a doctor for lIe.eral mon~bs, 19()5. aDd u!liOR diil'ereot kinds Ot madi oioe tor my ' wife wbo had beeo Terms Reasonable' -:- ISatilfactioo 0 ........... 'ron bled with levere bowel oom. plaint for several Dlonthe, 1 bought " 116c bottle nf ChamberlalD's ColiC, GRADUATE ~01l' T1IB Waynesville, Ohio Oholera and Diarrboea Remedy. ItIrl!. Mar'ln West, ot near Bell• •ATIONAL AUcrION Valley Telephone 4S-2r Aner ostul the lloooD'i boUle she broolr.!.. "jaited ber parentfl- Mr. aod 0800L OI'AKEBIOA en\trely 01lred, " . For 'Sale 'bv lin, uladm~n ElUe Satnrday. . alldea)er8. . . . , M18a Goldie Conner returned '!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!~ . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~=!!!!I!~ !. ! ' !







r:::==:=::=:;;ic;--- --------- r FiI' c

hu ndrc d francs . On the word at gas. Th e roo m was bnre li nd clleflpl, g"fltlC'IIHl n I m,'IUI lI1uu eUlol s,' lI c no ru r lll~ h c d. He too k 011 lds cout lHit \ IlIlrn\. 1 a li i known to ber. All ahe r('llllll('tI hl3 hat, pulll llg It do wn 111111 I h as to uo 18 to "PI"'11 1 to you . alltl you (uII h('r O\'ur hl ij eyoR. IIl ij fllco \\'n~ al · enll S IOIl th,· cur UIIIl s ummon tht! po· wny8 III s hn <io w A round ~ hl ll. till) Ii,'!'," fu ll ret! I I,,~. sCllntl ly ('o l' o!'cd by n . ·hn rh:tut'f"IIr <I n' w In h l~ legs a nd blond U I U~I:lC' h r WI' re ull t hu t cou lLl UOI IClllI"U to wu rol h l~ t'·l1Ir:('r. "~1 01l~ll· ur. S('f' I1 . H I? bl'K:In to walk th o flour 1m ; ir you Il re li nt J" ~ t ! n );. t hc n ynu arc a 11all'!II !1 y. ~ t oPliillS alHI lI ~ tenll\p; wh ,' " , I " " l1ulI:nn .· \\ ' ho uru yo u ? \\'h at Llo I c I',' r ho Ill'OU'd U SOl""). 11 0 \l'llll ,,' 1 kill'\\' II bout you? I u,' \, ,' r 6:\W YOIl Ln· I C5cl thnn 11 11 ho ur (or 'h e rel ur n of ,h .. ' tl" L. aro d for l\\'o SN,t<I'n~ I h nl'o Llrlv· 1 car. It Lrnlll;b t two nll'lI . Th ,' }, \\"r, ' I l' n 1I1:l ul'nwlsc ll o In I':trl s , ~he w('n ra \\'e ll ·drc~~, · t\. . nll'otlll) .s hnv('lI. wl[h b" IIllll ful J we lH to n l~ h t. 110\1' ,10 I : kec ll ('r~~ !\ndl"I" ll il;l' lIl fa c~" . Th, .lr ' I,no l\ thnt )'OU nre llOt a gf'IIII (' It'Ullly , bast. who hau o('l' l'r " " " 11 elth l'r or bl, Ihi"f? Hid,· hU'lIl1 wilb lIHld"1II0 Is ' lI p ! SIl"sllt bdore. l' llr£'Il'"~ly w:,,·,.tI I,b You nr,· cra zy, :'l Ink" )tlll rsclF RClLrrtl. 1 ha 'd l 10 \\':lI'tl th, . tll l,I., "h" re th " r,' , O1 oll:I " ur ; III nn t] lid n ut" I "llllil (" til l 1I"'r" tw o chlllr~. II ,' hlt ll""J[ trook It :, l h,· IX' lI cc." '1 Hla nrl by th o wln,ll1 w IIlId Jonk"iI ,," l "llI llck henu!" 11M I", talk "d , III IIlIol h"r lI o11 r tIp ' ro tl ll' I 1':lIgl l, 11 uf this ,'nll'!' th,' I-'r(, lIc II 11111 II \\a " dllrl; 1I11e1 Ih " ~Ir,.>'l d('~l'r l l"L 1'''r t''l'lI y IIl1u e rs loC),). " L a. III !" II : III th n 1I ,,·.l ll'I ,,", t hl' Ilrlllla dUll" " nl, ,I. ri sin g to "~ "c u t c h l~ tllI, ·al. I ","" a "I); h , r r" I,d ~ ll c \\'I\S h"IIIt' (. Il rtl a ll t!t \\'a >l fur loll<'. ,but il ls fury I\'aK ''' 'al' ly 1\\(1 o·c\ o(·k. SIl,' wU Il I.! ' \l UI rllr'·u.te,1 :<t 1"" ,~ , ' 1f as mu ch :lR 111 ~ lt ''' I' t ill 1111 " " . ;,11,1 !"aluruay H"t! ~1I11 :t

PlACb97 I-ION[Y-


MACGRA Piclw~C"s


SYNOPSIS. l": lf'ano rt\ de T€'8C'o.n o. w a s II In J('l n g In Pa l-Ilf. whkh. 1)(!'rhnps. nccollntC'u ror E d ~'n rd C'ollrtl u. n rH'B nPPCll r u n c(! the re. I\ful-

abo ut wh(' re

f ll Tl("Y dlc t n t rll . H e m igh t bt) tn P nMe ont'! dRY n n d Kalllcha tka t ho n oxt . F o \l o wlnrc t he opera. ho "'O~8 to 1\ cnte nn t1 Is AC~o!l t ed

yo un " w oma n . Sho ,.-Ivos hIm tho n<ldrea. or ~' I orn [I' ·9Imo ne. by n




{r u~t\\' orth y )Utlllg nlan ~l\ lttll g I day '\u u lll Ill' l ll'r!'>. ~1I ,. wenl I ll, ' OO \\lI frlllll l li p lif1l()u ~ iru . H id e ;l J:.:c r · n la tr~ 1U :\II"1 1I Id la \ul1~ thp II rr , HIld n e~" had It' u him to lI1 is Lakc hl UjJl lI lty I Ih ough Ihu 11.. 11 \\IIH r1l1rk . Rhu lilli''.' rllr cI,·\'t·rn llss. H e i1 l1u );nllf' a bout til" h,' r way. ti he· unl", 'I"'rJ t h r' door ,. , . lI fl'u lr II lt h nil lilt-' (-lurn sl llC'S6 o f a boy tll .1 IIpurl '" Pllt :IlI d .. l\l" r .. d. ew lnl(llI" t h"


wa n de r l' d





1Im tlll of\'. ho


(lrpl t y

voca l ri val o r T Olca n &.. nnd F loro. g tv "l h im th e n ddrellll o f Eloa.nora, wh o rn he La det t" nnlned t o e.6e:.

C H A PT E R I' I-Conti nued. Oh. stubborn Dutcbman tha t he b ad been! Blind fo ol ! To have run away Ins tend at fi g htin g te the la s t ditc h tor his happlDess ! The Des lmo no wom ao was right; It hlld t a ke n blm a long tim e to cOll1 e to tho co nclus ion that s he done him a n III turn . Ill s jaw s et. IUld th e preS8 ure ot bls lips broke the sw ee p or bls mu s tac he. convllrtlng It lnlo bristlin g t urt s, warlik e and reso· lute. What of (hp prc tty woman 10 the Ta\'erne Roynl e ? What about her? At whose bidding bad sh e foll owe d hIm ?

" ho wns makl llg hlH IIrKt all ll(' ara nco at th e Ktag e elll ran cc. Jt wa s 11I1;;1111 1y d I8couc" rtlll ~, 100. to ha "o foun d no bo n!1s t I11UII wh C' n h o was In dr- s ll" r" t Deed 0 1 1\ ,lIs hllllf'st 0 11 0. li e hud fnc ed wltb fln c ('ourage ull so rts ot dllngu r· O\J ~ "l id ullilU 'llti; but ut thIs mo nll' ut be hu d ll ' l t h .. cUll mge 10 f n ,.(' 1\ . poIlcc ma ll a nd c nrl f':tvo r to pxph,ln . In a forc lg ll 10ll g uo, a sltua tl ou a t o nce eo de lI ca te u 'HI so sl ngul url y o pe n to mle· co nstru ctlou. So, tor tb e second tlmo In his life ho lo ok to his beeld. Of th e flr s l tIm e. mor e anon . H o sc ram· bl et! buc k to hl H o wn car, sla mm ed the doo r. a nd lol,1 tho d ri ve r to orop him at th o (: rn nd. Huweve r. he dltl no t r& turn to the hotel. Mad cllIo lse lie da T Oficana'8 c bnu t· te ur sc ratc hed his c blll In pe rpl e xity. In fright cll ing off his tempter be ree· ognlzed that now he would ne ve r be abl e to !lnd out wh o he wos. He sbould ha l'o pla yed with him until mademol· s e ll e ca me out. Sil o wo uld have known Ins l1lutl)·, tbe tl r I That IIwouldT bave hid beeD I th me'\V1 or tIt e bpo dc... II' 0 0 I e 0 de cur. In h t e errl' . d u hy a ma· Id c b:eun for all IAm I (\rl can o r I aD h E nglis hman. B h'P I S a ccura cy n t e tongu e. a. haps bA hnd heard ber alng that nig er· ht.

~~e t%t~,e a~t~le~eo~~e~c~~nde~IOt~ t~I:. :;;~I~n~vu~lIe ~':I\o h:~e

th .. dou r Iw hil .. 1 h "r Aa I hr act "';1 ,' lll oc hunfNtI . h"r III O II;; l lt ~ b,.11I1; olll"r wl s n " " ~ agl.t1. hill' u l,1 no t 1I01lre tllllt , Ih e Inc k falk t! to c lic k. T he fc rrultl at a ca ll " had pnlV ente d that. ~ h () n ll l\ l; u pr WrIl P S on til l' dil' RII nll d put l ho rOH,'S III a ll e mpl y bow l Th ", ,I nn r u ppnet! Ho IUy . wIthout no ls o Nex t. shl' s ta PPI'd belore t he mi rro r o ve r t ho muntt' l. to uc hed her bul r lig htly. detar h ed tbe ti ara of e meru ld. and bee nm !! 8 8 In unlmato B 9 mar bl e. Sh e Rnw Dno lh er taco. S he neye r kn e w how long th o Int e rval of E' il(, ll ce \\'a". ~h e turn" d slo wly. " Yes, It Is I !" sa lt! th e man. Instu utl y sb f' turn ed al;ain to th tl ma nte l und 1)lck!'t! up n ma ga zlnco r avo h·e r. She le vele d It at h im. " LE' I\\, o this room. or I will s hOaL" CourllllDut II dvlln ced toward hco , s lowly . "Do 80 . " he said. "I sho uld mu c h prete r a bulle t to that look ." " I am In earn est ." Sh e W8!l 'of ry while, but be r ban d W8 S s tead y. lie contluu "~ d to .''"d,.an~, ll. .....1 .. (. r6 follow o(1 a crash. 'fl'le s me ll of burn. Ing po wd e r Mll ed tll o r oonl. Th e I'I ur.

; : :

I 1 11F:

witch 8tlll ll\' es. li S co urt rt'c'o rd s In wide ll' ~o lJ aml ed pa rt s o t the world bear tes tl· If, mUIl Y. Tnl e. th eso wom en wh o work ma gic do 1I 0t use a broo ms tick as 11 n\l'un s of trnns port a tlon , eSlJ ecla lly no w thnt ae roplan es ,/Jonop· oll zB th e nirway s all d be· 7 cau se tb e a ut omobile Is much to be preferr ed . Th e e nlotlonnl Ce ltic m ecbanlc In l\l:lss nc huse tts, wlJo In· \'ok"d the law to rree bllll self from th e thrall at a womau. worklug a witch spell on hIm fr om P c nns yl· "anla. WliB not laboring und er a daIU81un . a cco rding to some of tho best authoritIes on the subj ect. H e wus, Inde ed. bewitc hed. Just as much so n. the victims at ce nturIes ago. wben

el~h~r;>~~; :~~~ygOI~go~~~~n~ed~ ~~;tll~~sa~~rw:t!I~I~~ t~~:lnhgadth: ~~~Icoeu:::!~fre:~::~m

The eld es t son hro ko I\wn y fru lll thA 1 1\ 0 \l 0 1ll 0 1l jlu r s u c r ~ did lIut brlt •• tbrall. a daughte r d ie d .af\ ('r yt'a r~ of back rh o le r oc l o u~ bandit, accord ing 8ls " e ry to her !Dot h " r ' ~ ee ri e m oods. to l'OIlI rnc t. we lg h utI n g nlll ~ t he r unci and thr C'e s trapp ing SOilS . ull dt> r th e he r lI s~oc l atus . Impoecd boiler tbat th ey 1I'0 re COil ' A c ln." n lJ se n' ~ r tell ~ that tba SUlllpt1Vf'S. were ke llt In hed for womall jJo~~eKse" IInd e nlabl e po wer to 12 yenIs. until recently IIbe ra t r d by Influ c ncn oth (' r8. by powortul ~ ugg e s· th o law . Tb e ph ys lc lau s touud th e m lion . und tha t s l1 " unQD ell ll ooauly be· s tili under th e Ir lI1oth e r's In llu e nce. Il e \'1\8 ab e hn s the gift 01 worklDg but co uld discov e r abso lul e ly no tmco mlruc le8. Thi s man . who Is conce ded ot orga nic dise ase. The wltc h's hU B· to bl' a Ilt~ r BO n at Iroll will u nt! with balld had also bee ll ill' llt by h er will. ,. I<CI' II e ye th a t " Iuo k " oll e throu gh nnd ah e r a re ly le ll til l' vlace . warnlllg und througb ." a dmit s thnt h u could 0 11 with u s hotgun ItHluh,ltlV o vis itors not s us tllin his g lall ce wh "n hi s e ye wb o approacb ed the "hOUR!) 01 mrs· wns me t by the o\'en. stcntl y gn7 e of t(' ry." th e Saillt ot Sasenr!. It wae nil unu 811al s ight . 111 11' bit· "I felt BJI If. In Ibat loolt, she ha d t e rly ('uld day of th e presl'n l year. lake n somethlug out ot lII e," he teBU· when Mrs. Margllre t Pll eon at CruD· Mes. "and I was a~ one with a strong don. WIs., accus ed or gelling $6.000 will who had bee n beat e n In lo sub· trom n credulouu bachelor In paymont mission." tor "Immunity praye rs, " ro sll ant! fuc ed Frederi ck Thomas El sworthy. In hIs the Judge. Sb e I\'us a gray witch, remarkable work on th o " Evil Eye," and , though sh e did not deslg· to di scu ssing cases ulmll ll r to thlll nllte the color. she tmpresslv ely ad· says : " The m ore Iml1glnatlve r nces, mltted thnt sbe wn s n witch and thos e w ho have been led to adopt Ibe could wish any good or e vil. Sh o widest pantheon, have bee D mostly had been gIvIng Bache lor Morin "1m· thos e UpOD whom maglo ha s made tho munlty prayers" for 18 year~, and, at mos t Iml'resslon; nnd what wall once, IllBt, b e wIshed to bll free tram ber., and among ce rtain races Rtlll 18. & In the assl~es court at snss, arl. sar· l savage art. lived on, gre w vlgorou8ly. diula . last spring. a Ill ore striking and adolltetl new developm e nt s, among settlDg by rar tor tb e trlnl ot a witch. people In their day at Ih o head ot Ro sa Arlura, venerable, Impos ing In civilization. appearance and speech, aod known "Thus It has stood It s ground In IlB th e Saint at Sasssrl , held th e wbol e s pite of· th o scotrs of tbe learn e d, and place under ber spell as she declared the experIme ntal tests of the so· berself. Sbe had been arrest ed Illoug clllled sclentlflc research, until we with 30 other womeD accused of be- may with confidence ossert that maDY Ing In a "wItches' lea g u e. " Tw enty· practises classe d n8 occult, o.nd many five ot the prIson ers. during a secre t be llets whlcb tn ducatc d call supe r· magisterial examination. declared that s lilious. are s tili performed and held they we re compe ll e d to work under IInnl y by mnny among ourselves, th e pow erful sp ell of sIx le ad er s . who whom we mll st 1I0t brand as Ignorant profess e d !Dystlc po wers In 1(' caLlng or uncultured. treas ures. to work mlrac lcs, to call UII "No doubt the grosscr lorms ot ell· spIrits ot the dead with th e ce rtainty cbnntm ent and sorcery have flllssed ot th e Witch of Endor. Several bun· away; no tloubt there Is !Duch c hlcaD· dred persons be lieved thmll nud paId ery In tb e doings at mod ern adepts; to thent tbousands or dnllars [rom yet, call It su-perstltlon or what we small earnings. !Day, there are acts perrormed every Ono ot the vIctims who gllve evl. dsy by spIritualists. hypnotis ts, dow· dence, was the former governor ot sers (handlers of divIDIng rods) and tbe prIson, who had been threaten ed oth ers which mllY well fall within wIth dIsmIssal becau~e of th e !escape the term magie ; yet the mos t skeptlof a terocious brigand . His guards cal Is cOllstralned to admit that In tailing to capture the tugltive, and some cases an effect Is produc ed which anxious to save hIs position, h e can. obliges us to omit the word pretendu suited tbe witches. Certainly they trom our definition." eould aid him- In ta c t. they were the A Political Murder Society. only ones who could give blm tbe par· A polltlcul secret Boclety, wblcb bad tlcular service he needed. The wItches promised to oV Artake tor \Is object the murder of 23 per.. tbe brlgund In his mountain fastnes8 sllns, haa Just been brokeD up In and have demons selzo him, and Portugal. Defore this was .accomspeedIng through the alr, return blm pllshed' one vtcUm had been put to death. safely to bls cell In the prison. Tbe organization I. called tbe WhIte "Heaven be praised!" e xclaimed the distressed governor. "You are not Antll, Ita headquarters being In the vlU&ge of Alcabldeche, on the outaklril wltcbell-You lire angels." But It proved that he was the "an· of Lisbon . The chIef governmeDt augel," for he spent all of Ills prl· thority ot the town, himself a member vate means. Each day he went to of the White Antll, and a number of the cell to see wbetber the trained his underllngll, all of them memben! of demons had done tbelr work, and the society, are acculled of seeklDg to found It empty. When his pocket do away with certain members of tho reached the same condltloD Rnd he Moderate Opposition Republican party. The White Ants belong to the Demo· lost his job, he raIsed his voIce 10 lamentation. denouncing the witches. cratlo Republican party. The first vic· When stately Rosa Artura role to tim was murdered on bls way borne speak. the lIun glinting on her Rnowy from a ball . A party of five of tbe hlllr, her form erect. and a natural 1m· Wblte Ants bad secreted themselves pre8slveness mIngled .wlth her kindly beblnd a wall near the man's home, manDer. the spell or silence fell upon and a.e he wns nbout to Ollon the door. the plnce. She refuse d 11 lawyer's aid, they fired upon him. He rell mortally declarIng that St. ThomaS and St. wounded. The' cblef authority of the Augustine had been seDt from heaven vlllago lator wat! questioned and tben to detend he r; that they would odvlse u rrested. A list ot the 23 persons 10 her, uns een and unheard by others, be murdered was found In hIs posseflo and speak with her voice. s Ian, the list beIng headed \Jy the mur· Her speech was eloquent. cnrrylng dered man's name. tbe spell of conviction u' lth It. It s eem ed entirely believable, 118 sbe A Sympathetic Court. clalmlld tbat she was pc.ssessed of " A westerner wbo narrowly escaped supernatural powerH, whl"h e nnbled beIng run dow II by an automobile her to h eal scores oj so-ca.lled Incur· pulled out his pistol and shot the rear abi es. e ven raving maniacs. The Saint tire r\lll of holes.'· of SU88sri spoke with tbe InspIration "I presume he was tined heavily In ot bellet, It 15 said; but. th,)ugh thft vollce court?" court was not Insensible to the mysllCl "No. Anotber spoed fiend came power of ber pres ence nnO of her wlth'ln two Inc:hB$ of ge ttlug the JuGge speech, stili the rallure to expl.a.ln why the eame dIlY."

of tcrror. Furthe rmore. within the last few lIe\' e tbat tho prevarIcation had Its source 10 tho pom egranat e lips at the .. Yo u must b ate me Indeed," he saId montbs a "wltcbes' league " In Sar. C alabrlaD. To giv e tho old bub one and hnd come away Irom th e Ope ra. qui e tly, as the se nse at t e rror dl lild dlnla bas relt th e hea vy hund of tho more twillt, to learD If Its venomous moon s tru c k. It waa not an Isolated away. H e rolded hIs turns. "Try law ; 11 Wis con sin spell·worker, In point BUll beld Rnd hurt; notblng cas o. Tb e fool s were ulways pest er . again; Ihore ought to be hair a dOlen court. ha s told with undisguise d pride would bave atrord ed the diva mor a de· Ing blm, but DO ono had e ver olre red bullets left. No? Th e n. good· by!" that she Is a wltcb and can wlsb IIgbt. so un common a brIbe; five hundred H e le tt th e apartme nt without anotber upon anyone good or III ; a luaD 10 When tho taxicab join ed tb e lo ng trancs. Made molscll e might liOt be. word or look. and as th e door closed Hoboke D. N. J ., charged with working line of carriages and automobiles o\>' 1I 0ve that part ot the ta le. Mad e mol. behind him there was a kind or finality witchc r aft and conduc ting a school poslte ,the AustrlaD amba§sndor·s. sello was cl e ver . The re was a s tand. In tbe Clicking ot the latch . for InstructJon In the art. wom en Courtlandt aWOke to the dismal lind Ing agreement be twee n tbem thut she Th e revolv e r clattered to th e flour. b elDg his puplla. (rankly hns can· dlsquleUng tact tbat he bad formu· would III ways give him balr ot what. und the wOlnnn wb'o bad fir ed It leaDed tessed he pos sesses supernatural pow· lated no plan at action. He bad don e e ve r was otre red h im 10 tb e way ot h eavily agfllns t the mantel, covering ers; [I Paris witch bas Indicated the DO mars than to give the driver his bribee. It paid. It was eas ier to sell b er eyes. placo In which tb e body of a missing dIrections; aud now that he had ar· his loyalty to he r tor two hundred unrl "Nora, Nora!" cri ed a startle d voI ce man Was to be found and described rived, he bad Ule choIce or two niter· IHty frun cs than to betray h er for fiv e from a be droom adjoining. "Wbut has the penon who sle w blm . natives. He could walt to see he r hundred. Sbe blld y e t to find him un. ha ppenod ? Mou Vleu. wbat Is It?" A Ther'e are unQu estionably bUDdreds come out or r eturn at on ce to bls botel, trutbrul, and tODl ght he would bo os Il re tty. s leepy·eyed young womo.n, In of othElr cases to be uncovered In tbe wblch. BJI subseque nt e vents affirm e d. frank as he had nlways ueen. a nl ght·dr ess. rushed Into the room. mos t advanced ceqte rs of civilization would have been th e more seh s lble But who was this l e llow In the Da. She tlun g her urm s about the singe r. - blaclt, white and gray workors of course. He would hav e bee n confront· varIan hat, who pntrolled th o sid e· "Nora. my de ar . .m)' dear!" the spe ll; tor ps ychologlcnl r esearcb, ed with small dlmculty In gaining ad· walk? He had belln watching him "H e (a rced hi s wa y 10 . I thought far fr o m shatt e ring some of the rec. ml86lon to the bouse. li e kn e w enough wh ea tbo madman Illlproa c hod. For to fri ghte n hlOl . 1\ wont ott a ccident. Drds ol~ th l) past, goe Mtowart! maIling ot these generul r ece ptions; the un · a n bour or more he bnd walked up lilly. Oh. Ce les te . Ce leste. 1 mIght tbem cr dlbl e nnd to de monstrute nounclug of bls nam e woult! hav o co n· and down. nover goin g tw enty teet ue· hll ve Id llell him!" how II wom a ll. bc ahe s iren of look or veyed nothIng to the bast, who kne w yond th e limou si ne . 11 0 couldn't see Th e o tb<'l' dre \\' ber head down on malign ot vi sa ge, may plnce othera perhaps n Ihlrd of his gues ts. a nd tlt o tac e. Tbe long d,-k coat had a h er s hould er . and Iistcn ed. S he ('oulll und e r ber domInation ant! so bend maDY of thes e but slightly. Dut sueb military cut nbou t the h lvs and sho ul· h ear \' ol c~s in th e lower ball . a shout them t o her will that they arc sick an adventure was dl s wste ful to Court· de rs. From tim e 10 ti n he Raw him of warning. a patter of eteps; th e D the or joyous according to ber cornmaDd. landt. Ho could DOt evers te p certain glance up at the lighted window s. Eh. hall t!oor . Iammed. Arter that.. Mll pnco It Is surpri s ing to know thal eyeD recognized bouudarloe at conve ntion, well ; tb er e we ro oth er wOOlen In the save lor t.he faInt me llowing vlbrnUoD~ t(,lday :among th " great numbe r of liP. pareDtly enllghteu ed people, the color .!Ind to ente r a mun 's bO\lse unas ked world bee lucs lI1aue lDolselle. sove ral of tbe Uurm ese gong. was colossal Impude nce. Be yond this. o th e rs. (TO BIO: CO NT I :-I U E D.) scbe me of witches stili pe rslhtll. "The he rcallze d that he could have ac com· He had to wult only halt an bour for popular theory divides witches Int(L p llshed nothing ; the advantage would h er al'pe arance. lIe opened the door LIVE ON FISH THEY CATCH three claslles:' observes John Brand. have been bers. Nor could be mellt and saw to It tbat she was comfort· In hIs work 00 sorcery and wltohhe r [IS she came out, for agl1ln the ably s ' ated; tbe n he poused by the Remarkable Breed of "Banker Ponle." craft, .. at whlcb the first. powerful to odds would have been largely In ber wIndow, touching his cap. Natives of the Cout of hurt but not to help, Is appropriately (avor. No, th e e ncounter must be "'Vllat Is It Francois?" N ' , orth Carolina. called black; the second, of directly when they two we re alone. She nlust "A tl 0" r d tl e bu gen eman u e e me v nopposite quality , belpful but not hurt. b e s urprised . Sh.a muat huve no time dred f ncs de Is II It I Id 0 rn , ma mo e e, wou n tbe coast of Nortb Ca ro lina there tul, Is cnlled white; and tbe third, to use her ready wit. An Id ea pro· permit him to hide In the cnr." are several miles of low, Handy shore potent as well to help as to hurt. Ie s e nt ed Itselt. It appealed to him at "Five hundred trancs? To hide In where nothing g rowl! except a ooal1ls styled' gray." thnt moment as quite clever and the car? Why dIdn't you call the po· grass, a few salt water weeds and wild And It Is the gray witch tha~ "ou~ feas ibl e. 11 1" ... ce parsley . 00 these banks liv es a strange Ishes Iloday for profit, aDd for power. " Wa lt !" be callt;d to tbe driv e r. "I started to mademoiselle. but he b d r I It lId h k ' la·w as She Is the crone dragged to court, or He dh'ed amung th e carriages and rlln awa'·. .. "bree k a I " TI orses Down t J an er POll es. lese crea ures are the abundaDtly !leshed and belew~ed cal'l!. ant! prese ntly be found what he "Oh! What was he like?" The generally about twice the size at Shet· "seeres s" wbo rolls to the bouse of flought-ber limousi ne. He bad taken prima donna dropped th e buncb ot land ponies. E,' ery year the herd the number Into ht s mind too kee nly ree ea 011 the seat beside her. justice In the latest model ot motor. owners drive the "bankers" Into pena. Nor bas th e "evil l'ye" been releto be mlsts.llen . H o saw th e (' nd of his "Oh. he looked well enough. He had brand tho toals with the proper mark, dlIDcultles; nod :.. ;) we nt abo ut the at· the nlr of 11 gentle man. He was tall, and catch some of Ihe older animals gated to that PlIst whlcb It filled wltb talr with bl s usuur dire ctn ess. It was with light hair and mustnch e. But as to se ll to the dealers.. terror and death. You may test Ua only ~t rare tim es tbat he rnn hi s h e n~ I had 1Hl\'e r Been him before, lind as North Carolinians say that the heBJIta baleful Influence from the glance of tnto a cul·d e·snc. If her cbllutreur was made mo isell e wore some fllie Jewel". ~ must be starved Into entlng grain, b"1 beauty and or tragic sge. It all .deregularly e mjJlo}' ed 10 be r se r vice. he 1 bnd e hllll be olt." or grass. for tbey have always lived pends upon your "psyehlc recfOpUhlJ· would have t o r eturn to th e hote l ; but "Would you know hInt agaIn?" on the rank salt marsh grass at tbe Ity:' the condition ot your mInd f( hI) eam e trom th e garage . th e re was "Surel)' mndemols elle." marshes and on fish. They catch the wblch leaves It open to tbe orcup.· hope. Every ma n Is sa lt! to hav e his "Th (' n .. xt lime unyone bOlh e rs you. flsb for themselves at low tide; with Uon ol~ a will stronger than your own . The revelation of hypnotism aDd prIce. snd a Fre nch c ha uff eur mi ght (' 8 11 th e police. You have done well. their hoors ,they dig deep holes In the pro ve no no tabl e exce ption to th e rUl e. lind I s hnll re me mh e r It. 11 0111 0. " snnd be low hlgh.water mark. and when the study at nervous disorders have "Arll rou dri ve r fo r Mat! ume da 'ros· Thf' man In th e llavarlall hat bur· th o tide flllls they greedily de vour the done much to Uij!ke the witch of the c nna?" Courtlalldt ""ked uf t he man rled bae ll to Ih e third car from the fi s h that are strand ed In these hole&. PlIst understandaole and to Rhow us louoging In th e fo rward tip a\. lim ous ine. 11,"1 1'0110\\ ed at a r ell son' l Oft n they IIgbt brlsky O\'er an espa- that, d.esplte the bOMUul declarations The chau!l'r ur 100liNl hard a t his 1I11ly sa fe dl ~tan re ci cily tAmrlLlng 1110rsel. of supernatural power mndo by Bome qu eHl lone r, Ll nr! o n !l nd ing til at he sa t· ~h l' Slllil o rr tb f) light and closetl he r In ~apIlvlty tb ese strangll borses ar~ of tbe commerCial cult, tber e are Just la ll nd t1 11l n ,q u!remrm t s ot a gp nll o· P) cR S hu r"r lln ed agalDst th o cus hion I IlI tf'lli ge nt. but seldom are e ve n Ie as mallY, It not '!lore, or the m wltb us man. grumlllprl un nfi lrntlllive. The on ce more. s trlrln g no t to think Once. tl' mpf'r Once tamed. they malte ex today than there were at the time limousl np wu s 11'(· 11 knoll'lI In Pari s. he r hand ~ s hu t tl r; htl y. !'o: e v(' r. neve r. r d"'"l dra ft animals. for they hav( when tbous&.nds ot so·called wItches a lld he wos grow ing I'/enry at tb ese noye r! ~h e prc8He d do wn til !' burning I n Htr cng l h that Is dIsproportionate t( were condemned and executed, tbe cndl ess Inquiri es. thoughts by reea lling til e bright thl~l r s lzll . Foals that nre bre d from ' last In Great Britain lind Scotland be. "Are you In her Amploy direc tly. or .· Ilce u ~ at tb e IlmhIl8s atl or's, th e real "ba nltors " In captivity make I'aluahle Ing In 1722. <1 0 you camp frolll fh e gara,;e '!" ge n rOU9 applflu so th a t had fnll owpd an imals- strong and Intelligent. \ By far the most re markable case of " I tim frum t hr- gn rn [;o. !J u t I drIve h" r t wo HOll gS . A ll . how thnt mnll modern rllcord Is that at .Mrs. Sarab :lIad" lIl oise ll e's l'a r mos t I) t th p. l ime. Pall c re w~k l pl1lyerl! Th ey tw o bad Old Literary Work at NIght. Ben 0 ett, the ""Vitch of the Adlron. ","per'ia ll y lit nl g bt. It Is not madam e ,'os t til nmb:\~ Hndor e ight th ous und Mm , Cntherlne Gore, who wrote 70 ' dacks," commltteJi to tbe Insane asy. llU t madp Ol Oise ll l", mo ns ie ur. " fran cs . Fam e !llld fortun e ! Fortune nov els bptwee n IR2~ and ]861. worked ' lUlU In Utlea, N. V., In May lus t. Her "Ill y l!li ji t.:o ll l' _" A ~ li g ht pa us e. It ~ h e co ulu und e rs tand; but fa~l1e! 'Vhat on a st r :lIIge plan . When J . It. Planche home was on Ii lonely mountain was mtll e r a. cllill eult ,m o ~ e n t . for was it ? lJ jlO n a tim e ehe bcll e ved she visited Pari s In 1837 h e found Mrs In Hope townsh!!:l, and ah e was the Co urtlllud 1. 1 h.e cllauf, pul' w:utc t! ha d kn own what fame wa", ; but tbat Gore livIng In th e Placo Ve nd orne writ· motber of five children, all of whom wo nd e ring ly. " \\ ould/o u lik e 10 malc e hnd bee n wh en 8h e was s trlvlag tor Ing nov el plays. articles tor maga. ' were under ber mesmeric Influence. fiv e hUlld rt'd fra ncs? It. A g lo wing art icle In a news paper, zlnes- almo s t e ve ry description ot lit· "Ho w. mo nsie ur '!,' a po rtrait ill a magazine, rOWF\ upon crature ftowlng from her Inde fatl gabll! ~~~"""',..,.-.-.......,..,.""'...,...~~~,...,.~"",...,.-.-..,..,.~ Cour tland t shou ld l1a~e !lee n wnrned rows of curiou s cyell and n patter of pcn. He says: "'How do you man· HUNT FOR MEAN BURGLAR by th e t OIlC. whl h cOlll.3.ln!!d no un· hand s Up OIl hancls; that wnsnll; and age It?' 1 asked her. '1 re«>lve, ~8 1 us ual I D~cres l or ea gern ess. for this s he had g1ve n the besl ot ber you know. a few frleDds at dinner New York Artl,t Ask, Police to e ve ry evening. They leave me at I Search for Man' Who Had Made " Pernllt me to re main In m adCll1 ol· lire, Ilnd s he wa s only twentY·lIve. lIoll o's ear 111 1 s ho comet!. I w,I,nh to The IImousino stopped at last. The 10 or 11, wb <:n I re tire to my :-oom ' HIm HI. 'llctlm. rId e with ht> r 10 he r apllrlln e ni. man III the Bavarian hat saw ber and write till 7 or 8 In the WOrnln g;! _. __ Tbe chau ffe ur laug he d. lIs s tr e tch ed alig ht. His car turned o.nd disappeared. Then 1 go to bed till nuon, wben I , WbELt Sebastlnn CruBet who painted bls legs. "Thanks, mOll s hm r. It Is It had taken hhn n week to discover breakfast, atter which J drive out and I .. . panoramle view of N~W York Olty very ~ ulJ ~Ult ln g. Mons ieur knows a I wb ere she lived. Bls 101lglngs were pay visits, r.e turnlng at 4 to drtlss tor from the top or one of the towera -of . good ~oke .. , on th e oth e r side of the . SeiI!e. After dinner. As 'soon as my friends hav~ the Queensboro Ridge called the mean. ~ ''',. A , d to ourtlandt 8 disma y he re al· reachi ng th e m h e gave crllip orders to departed r go to work all' n!sbt again. e.t ·burglar, Is beIng bunted 'b y tbe ' 1led Ih nt his pro posa l ha tl • ruly been the d rlv r, who se t his machine off at - - - - , ...... .. , 11 '. . ., .. ' ... •, tad nil a Jest. . , soru, , po ceodve' .. ' _to . tOll speed. Tbe mnn In ij:Ie Ba'vlirlan . ,M en· nre .great ~Iendets; 'J not Joking. I a,x In ea rn est. 'hat en~ered h lB room -and lIahted. lhe, ev~n ~r&teDd t", .udera,tAiUi· -·:meo.: , ,. tb.lN!lh:~lD7 . ..;J. r .. •
















, Bridge Commlssl(Jner Kraeke received a. letter from Mr. Cruset te lling of bla loss, but the artbt negl ected to gIve hIs addresB. Th" commissioner Quntloned a\l the men who worked on but could get no clue.New York Tlmes. Absqlutl Alit.







Child'ren Cry For

Reverence Is Something Which Dwells in the Heart, and Is Not of Material Things • .,'fI

A b llrlliro g bus h III Ih r· d ptie rt. a n c1 Oo d W ILt< 11" ' re : I Ill' ~u urt of S olu1l10n 's 1... 1Up1" , and I :o ll

-it answe rs every

beve ra~e

will satisfy you. I>r mand I bI! r r nutn. b, t l.lll e}\' U

r' :lO'l ti tn nn.;.,.C.

, ubltUutloo..


- --


Some Headline. At th e t l mo o f t ho Vo Hurno di ea s t e r a IIl e r ar y c riti c for a c e r ta in Ne w Yo rl, new s pn por wa s a c tin g as Bubs t llu lo to r a co py reade r wh o was III. It t e ll to blm t o write a h ead for Ihe Bc tor y or th e dl s a s l e r . Th e story was full o f IhrllI s . of cours e. and he was t olcl t o con d e n se th e m a ll In a bi g bl ac k lin t; to "x t e nd a c rO BS th o pa g e. leudln g tll e pape r . H e th o ll gbt for s om e tim e. toro up sc vern I atte mpts . alld fin a ll y s llbmltt pd thi s : ' '' 0 n es tl e M Sea !"

The New Catech is m. well ·kn ow u d oc lu r ot Sa vannllb has tw o c hildre n -a IIltl e da ug ht e r. age d six. au t! a 6111a ll 8 0 0 . ag('tl (our. One da y ho overhe ard t be lilli e girl putllng h e r bro th or th ro llgh u n eXllw· Inallon In Ulbl e bl s tory . " 00 YOII Iln o w wbo th e fi rst man and lIl e IIrsl woma n w(' re?" "Y e th . I do. " li s pe d tb e btly . "1 '11 be t rou d on 't kn ow th e ir DlUJles." pressed tll e s lBte r . ' '1'11 be t I do! " r l' p lle d Ih e lIttle fe I· A

low. "We ll. wh a t we r o t hei r nam e~ . tb e D. Mr. Smart y! " "Edem nn d Ab : " an sw e red t h e little boy.-Saturd ny Ev e nin g [, os t.


Ne w S ll n. Iow l1 .- "Two or tbree ye ars a go p impl es b pga o t o com e on my tnco a nd I h nd dan druff . 'J"be plm· pi es made a ve ry uIl s lg htly appea r· an e e . Th e y we re r e d and num e rous. \ 8001 6 ca llie to II he ad a nd t es te r e d and t be it c h ing cau s e d l11 e 10 sc ra t c h t bein . Th e da ndru tY on m y li e a d could be I pla inl y s cen . " I trie d s \' e ral r e m e d ies bu t Ihey onl, t omp ornrll y r e li e ved m o. I had bee u bo m e re d w ltll th e tro ubl~ w o o r th r ee years wh e n I d e ci d e d 10 try Cu · No New s . "Pre tt y m a ld (' n. It I. all I h ~ ca rds L1 cura Soap a nd Ol n tru pn t. S o I s e nt ro r a tree s am ple a nd I noLice d r e lle t th a t yo u a r c go lll l; to II ll1r r)" " "O f {'o nr so It Is. " Il l'n I\ c' \, e jU8t Crom t he m . an d I boug h t mo r e . I used tWO ca l(08 of C Utl c ufll S oap and tw o s e Dt Ihl' U1 u ut. " box es ot C' u t lcu ra O int ment and a m No. Cor t! (' lia . a s q ua ll n t ~c · ~ :tll d o n e now t r ce fro m p im pl es a nd dandrutr." (Si gn e d) Clyd e Fire ba u g h . Ma y 11. ' 14 . In th e lI ur s"ry a r " n OI SY II OII )"II. UUM. _ Cutl cura Soa p II ll tl Ointme n t so ld o p e n f o r c o n v i c - thro u gh out t he wo rl d . S ampl e of ea c b ".d fr ee.w lth 32·p. Skin Bo o k Add re ss POSt· • tlon, s a l o n e ady. card "Cullc urn, UCllt. L . 13os ton ."-AdT.

The Old Idea . '''What mak es yuu ~u hl l' ! " a s k e d his moth e r . " Th e t ue he r \; (' I>t rn " 111 lw cu li se I could n ' t li nd 1I1 0~ C' () \\' U I1 Il1n Ina l) o f Euro pe ." r l' pll " d J Ohl ll '\ " Mo th el'- Alld no \\' OI" I" r YUII " u ll"ln't ftnd ~' o.('n\\' . It W R H iJll rl1"" dn\I"fI In 1812. I t' ~ a u 01111'111;0 tu t r, ·", n (' hi lI) that wu)' .




S h e liked so pan 0wder.


re~lar I sh i n g ,

her wa She


All th e Difference.

T h o fo u r pe r s ull s wc ro IU\\' lll g SuUle t r i e d l' trou ble III g e l lin g sca t e d :lR th e trai n • roll ed Olll or th o s t a ll oll . OIi P. a UB-NO-MORE I t rilt h ful 1001>1111: 0101 \:uly. In s ls t pd o u




Nowyouought : : ~;I:I\II·.g

t o s e e h o w eas i l y s h e k e e p s h o u s e dirt-free


~l'at rne lli S tl,,' rro ll t of th e


" 'lOll k no \\'. I CII II 1,(·'·l' r r id!! " Hh 111 ~·. buc k t o th e PII g lne." ~ 11o) ~al d . • ~ 1 Bll t . aUll t iE'. tlll s l ra lll ha ~ n 't g ot w i t h t h i s " w or kless" a ny Pll g ln l'." '-lI p'g{'~ I ('d on e of th e i ..t r ~' o uli ge r alll's stolfls hl )" . " It h as a mo· ... emover. tor." R U B-NO -MORE And t h e oltl la d y . Ilw\lill l'<I . sa l CO Ill ' WASIIING rOWDER fo rt a bly w llh h e r b RCk to th e III Olo r . is a 8udless dlrl reo m ove r fo r d o th es . THINK OF THE MILLIONS . II dean l lour dishes. 5ink s. toil e l! and thn t lIa \'e been r ell e ye d In ta e p as t 70 d ro n! .and slV cell' ns years by W r ight's I ndi a n \' cs e tabl a your erllcks. II kill s germs. II docs r ills and d ecldo w be th ur th E'Y are n ot not need hOI ws ter. 1 ",brth a trl n!. TI1('Y r egul a te th e


d •



bo wels. s timul at e t he li ve r and purlCy Carbo Naplha Soap the blood. Ad \' . '

RUB-NO-MORE Waahing I'owder I

W tllj,

l h e r e ; a c u ve o n

tb u r oc k· l' ltJlwd III 0 UIlWI Ii. a no l C:od w aB th e l" <!. I he l oIa l ll ~ uf Ile thl l' h'!Dl. II lld God W it S Ih ,· n' . th e ca r anln tr ack fr ow .Il'ru HllII' 1Il t o iJ aJlla Nl' U ~, a n o Ood w llS th e r!!; t l,,. ~IO I H' q u al'rl e~ of th e Is le or hIl I I1 U~ . II II t! n o d W II~ t h c re l Rc \' c r l'lI ctl I II not EI t hl llg ot tim e o r IJhll" ' ; It Is no t I II~ p i>u ralJ l y {'o llile c ted with a day 0.' lUI hO llr. Itw lat e d (ro m tb e rl'61 o r til p t'lll e n!l a r ; It Is not to bCil u iNr uv e r p. d on ly I" .1 bli lidl ug .. e t Il part rro ll ' th e ulh e r b ul ldlu ~ ~. H .. ver en c e I" " II a tt IUH! \l u f m ind. I! Milito or h e art , U sl' lI ti lt h '('I" '68 o f so ul 10 wh a l e ver Is s a c re·d. Iu wh ll t e " !'r e pe llk s a t GOd . , I ' uduub t"dl y t h e r e li r e ti mes a n d 1,111('e8 (' lo He ly a s soclu t e d wltll moo ds e nd ac ts o r wor ehll>. but th e r e ve r e nce 1t 1lH' r l'~ III t he d ls l>ORI Ll o lI o r tb " pe r son wh o wo r 8bll'8. Expre .. lonl of Reverence. T o have 8 Il ature th a I Is Quickl y r aspuu Hlv e tu th e pre s e ll ce ot God Is th e IIrs t IlU t! l1Iu jor part o f revu re nce; lR Re t becomin g ly Is IhA B('cond part. The tl r~ t 18 Ih e s li me e ve ryw hcre : til e s e c· ond vu ri es In Its (orm with la titud e an d 10li g H ud e . Wll e ther to r e mo" e I he Sh oe R or th e lIat. 10 sland or kll ,!e !. t o " pea k or b tl s ilen t . Is II mat· t e r of c o u n t r y Ilnd Cllsl o tll . t<:ach m u s l expre ss hi s reY (>re ll c e In hi s own way . T h e 8u ul Ih u t f e' lti l: od - In Ih e gl ow of t he sUl1 s e t. lu lh e s Ulte ly sple nd or u r II g re at c h urc h . h , th e wo rd s o f th e Ulbl f' . In th e h e lpl ess ness of littl e c hll· dre n . In th e flow e rs . In th e Re vere sJm· ))li c1t lps of I' u rlllln mor nl lt y, In tb e Ilt· !l lli,'s of cu n ve nti onu l wors hip. In th e he r ois ms o r selr·sacrtflclng Ill e li. III tll e lov e o ( )lure an d g e ne r ous h en rts . In Ih e ml glll )' 1I1 0 \,(- ll1 e u t ~ o ( nutl onal pro grl'ss- - th e 80 u l llint f e el ~ Go d and r l'R po li ti S. IH Ih l! Bo ul th'u t IR re ,·eee nt. Do not be us h nm 'd o f It . do no t re · pr css or hldo 0 1' ~ ll1o th e r It. do not fr ee~,' It lI ,to Ih e fo r ll lH or IlIl BSlug fnti hl o ll . S U( h 1l10 llll' nl s or .. ,a ltat lo n. euch S1 lrr la g s o f )Jure emo t lo ll . a r e wlillt COIiR t it UtC t he we a ltb at t h e ~ o I r ~ Ilf,·; " ll h o ll l t he w we s hall grow c o a r ~e or K t f' r ll c~ l lg htl p "s . m us· c le ll!sH. h O)J" lel's. Trut h Th a t Th r ill,. 'I' ll ,. lJir dri -- Hll )· . It Ollt urn \, c·l)" a u d na t llrn lly as .J C'SliH did - my F a l h e r (('I' cl s t ll l'IlI , Ih .. 1111<'8 . Ill)" Futh e r d Olh ' 8 I lI c u,: Ili l' t (, II1\J I.~ , lil Y Fat her 's hOll "' w h y d ist,;lli"" or e \' a d e it ? T h o th r ill COII\' ·S. th e ~ p lrlt qu h ·.. rs wl lh u n I1w llk"n ln g \\ un dl'r. d " e p (' al\ Pt h Ullto d eep. t h e (;C ~t:I R Y uf ~D ir lt uu l (lis co\'· Cl'r till s t h ,' h l'art ; Hn d It I ~ ull r s . 118 l r ul y IIH a" -"Ih lllj< til " \lHla l" 1:,s t (>S. t il E' O "'R see 0 1' I he II l1 nd s to ul' h . 1.1;1 US lit' uu t llnll in RllI r ll li ul Ihin g ·. T ill' f t ' u n' ( i1 n f' ~ w ll''' n It t' +' ( ' rtl to as i f Clod ('0 11 1<1 " 0 1 " \l e ak t o Ihp IIlin d . the \,r I'J utl lrl' a l,(\ I,rlde 01 part ia l kllow l· pdg tl s t nnd I n Ih l' W. lY o f r ecei vin g Il el l. ILlf! r .. ,·" I" t io ll . !lilt if th e r e Is 011 0 ~ p o t l hal I~ a \w[\)"s se n 21tI yp' . t el1d (' r 10 th e ~l l g ltl(" ; 1 im p rCRs lo n UII (I l ls le n · In ,; fo r Il w f"llI te'n l lI ecelil . Ihl' lI t : od ' m ~t' tr k l,OWI!. Th us '." 0 II: t n l" mealli ll g u f Ollr ot h· l lll t l' llI g lbh' II\','s T h e : " t' r lU!;I III !: Fai ll er iH Iry lng 10 COIllmu ,ka t e wi lh li S Ihro ug h ti ll, ,, ), r h ll111H .' : rt " l' r " Ill',' Is ~ ll11p l y o ur r el1ll\l l~ ss 10 rl'c cl vl' t he m,~'ss u t;(' ill " \"~ r fu m l It t11"Y (·o n,e.

I ,.

r.JlLll1I' d with h.-a\"",,, , ,\ 11.1 (\ \'~'r y ,1IIlUIl .. n l1u:-.h u flr l1 w1th G o d ; l: 1I 1 u nly h I' w L fI :l·' t · ~ tl\k ,'s flft It l ~ tl hn("li, " " !':H r t h's

Fillc Cellts - A II Crocers


Pro~ii('sl\on.cMetfii. .


ness andRest.conlalnsnellll!r

Opillnl.Horphine uorNiD£tal.

Cn!lwrln I" a harmless snbstttnte 'or Castor on Pa gorle, Drops nnd fo;oo thlng Syrups. It is l)lcas~nt ~ contaIn s neither Opium, lUorphlno nor oth c r N n r~"tio Bubstnll<'C. Jt.~ a~e is tts guarantee. It de!ltroys 'Vor s ond a.llays F c vc rhbness. For more thun thirt y y c ursit hus bee n 10 ('onstant use 'or tile rellcr 01 Con s tipatiou Flatule ncy, " ' ind Colic. nil T eething Troubles Dlarrh OOB. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels o8slmtIntcs th,e Food, giving J1cnlthy and natura.l alee : The Chlldren 8 Panacea.-TholUother's Friend. P





h C

" .ower t e

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Exact Copy of Wrapper,

THe C.NTA U ~ COM"''''N V , New v o,.t< CITy.

NOT A PROMISING MARI<ET NEW EXPERI~ NC_E!OR BARBER \ Sea9 ic k nes8 Prob ab ly Re s po nsi bl e fo r Actor's Dl spcli it lon of Ca rgo of Pc'!ato es .

F irs t

Th e lal l' \\ 1III a m I I SIII llh "I In a ll. ng ' T ia l flllil" alltl ( ' h ~ rlr ' v lI acHlig o r . 01 I'l ,· tn~ l f : t ll lP lII ; t llY ~· pc.t r ~ ag l l t..' I I1lJ a ' KP d flo ,n S a il I.'ra ll rl~('" ro O' '\ us. Imlla u n II bll "lnf'!ls \' e ntur e. T ho ('up l aln u r th .. una l . "Iou "a s a ll ill tim at (' I' rl "l1d or ,.aeh . • UJ;g, .~ t.~ rI





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The Army of CODSt"Ipat·Ion

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VOICE OF CONSCIENCE DEAD Al l the F a ult of Nurse Th a t Sma ll G.rl Could Not Walk in the Stra ig h t P ath .

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I L\lll ~ upP rt o r

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Cult ur ed T ram p. n ' j r;till f r u m CO I I1 I1l f> nl s , t o tl H~ h ir e h p il dtllJl o r n " ' 1 1I " '·(1 h EN ' a rae " b .. fo· . ~nil. · ~ a l o\ r " r tal ll 11li1I st· llUld In l' il ll ad .. IJ! !lla a l H'. ' tla t O I1 ~ " :-;j d u WaH r i d 1t' r tt l! 11 ti t' I ri1p'~(1 llOu". wh " too ll Ili 8 ~I a ll d I o d1l ':I" : !J ilt )'o 's Is. s ua h: ' :11,:" ill " ' II " d"o r j" ," iJ all d gnz" (1 lOllS· " ::\ ly f' xp i ariatiu ll SI' t' llI l'd t u aO u n l 11,!' ly ~t fl'o d d i~ l ol ;, )' e d n il Ih " ki t tl ll!1I h i m I! I' I; l rt ' li( I r." - Y ull ! i1 '~ , '0 1'11 1: 111 I I;!hl l' . Ion . " YO II luo l. ~( r (l li ' .. . !' \I ~ ~ ""(" o.l l li e I la d y IIr t h l' IH,US(,. " ,\ 1'(> r ou ('(lilu l 10 . ~ :nl· l~ o\\' s nt: I' t:I; I!<T WI 1.1. T!': !. !. ' · ' HI ! Ih l) Illflk o f ":1 will I; a",1 sp ilt lill l; h a lf n I, n ' .\1 UrlOIl 11. )1' H , lIlt 'd y r .. r 1(.,'0, " ' . .. .... \\ ,1: " h) t"~ ..U I\I ' , ( .I"nl jl , ' h' l ~ K)" \ II IJ.. . ~ .. ""llil rlln r: (ll rel o f won d ~" Ju st h Y\I,l tl u : lllrl. " ntl' f"r H , to .k 1' 1 I I ... I', ) ., 'I ll n ll u h:.) u ((CUIt'I ) )' to ... , U II '-.' ': '', " E qu a l 10 It . " HI,J non ~" !>a ld tI ,e b, ma.11 }; t'\·U,- M_ ._-_.I . ra n.l lI. WII. h ~ ( '~ lIr.II Y b n" . ··Th" ?x. url:!sf.;io ll Is I ,, ~\ dt . q\l ~ll r

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" II~ag" III'

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ro ,,·i ll ll·nt.



t h u!:;\: Ijnt at Uf'~ '!"

Hammerless Repeating ShotguJ1S ~

~'. ,.


An Ounce of Prevention


,~" •

" US all

1,,11 " all OI IIII",l ng blo r y l' ( lI ll 1ll,'l d l'tIl 1" t~l1(L ()(·c tlr r ,.' d ,Iur il.' !; 1: l' I1I'I"" I l ' r ,~,, 'H .... TIi ~. rh<lll .':'11)' t l' t rcat. YOllr e ne1'.11(1 11110 ~I IHH(lU ri III th la"l lea r vf I,ll,· •. I OlIllIl 'Y . slip s a lr\. ' 19 to h eap Ih e ( ' 1\'1 1 " ar. 'I'll .. ' Iu ry a i' I" ';" ; ill n,,, I, of Ii rC' 1111 h is h (>,, <I ." " P llul K ll o u ." b,· :l1f';'H H. C . A 1' l'l1' !"· 1 '. y, .~ . , na·lIl11. t h al' s if' · whal I , I o n e. ~



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(·to to . RIl " tl'ac h cr'~ go lol c l1 ·ru!e adnlOlil s hlll !; fe ll 011 un rece pt h ·e c a ra . lIut HI lo s t s h l! Sl rll c k a r e HIlOlIs lv. 01

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om, "-.v: • l,"ii . '~1'Im··MOS2'

sc hool

\"(I:+. I g' t r s J u~ in a ,'arvc, of ~ !-,ut alu"s 10 d i" I"'"" o ( on IIi .. ir ar r iva l s u n all d .I . ~1. Iia li so li . ~a l ': T II IIIIIIY. lJ r i;: li l",lIl1 g " I g l·...' him IlIr-r ,' 'I' ll ... · · ~l l1 r p h )' o;· · \I " re ' ;, ~c ()rd . "Oil a rrl ' i ll~ a t i'il,l\ KlloiJ Iii , a ft · e \l ~ " III III'!Hl" l' U all(1 II IIl Cl.tI C.II bOard I bl'fM, · I Ill' lit r Iii " \ - - -- - -- - -'; ...- - - - - - - ;\"(1 \\, ~ 1 r Ha d u l :::, \\ ;t~ a l w il ~' ~ "('{, {);.: , I " ., nt y· ' t.' \ t 'llth, I \\ j'u l in t o :1 }l; l rbf ' r Ili Lt" d :l ~ .l I!r! ' at t'( Hllt' d iu u , b llt wilh sl lop to lJ ~ ~lIa\' (.' d ~ utl d t ql l y ~ wh t' lI Ih" '! " cl, "r a " li ll) 111' 1" a ,1 1)1' II SI" I: " 1111' " " rh er IIIi Li Fll a \' l' u uilly /l ll l'·h al( ! tH' l1 i~ r ~\l'Illl1 Iu... h.,SlI ' t ~() fu n llY . 0 1 illY fa t' (' , I II I' l u n g ro ll \\ :I ~ !)('ateJl ~r o " l rw n l.l" Who Ofljny 1\ frilq ll f' nt d r ink I n t- h u rT , ~'l r l i ; ~(' h \1H \':tH H':lsie lL I h·ft illY ('1I :d l' i ll ~l alJ t l y, lIlI d :' Hth'li - 'Ir hl't'r .. r 1"IIJ"r (u\1 I II r" l\lil,l ' i Va 'W\ ~ t.'U I IIt{ clfl' L' L llll lilo khl n,'.;'I-' , ~ I r S inith \.1'0" .. <1 a ll "X C(.II"II ! , :01 10 1'. n,y (·v " 'i 'a ,, ~· . lIa lf a IJl u ,· ~ ,""," 'dtll J\.J. 111(· \' W I'I\I; fl t '~ S ~t' l ~ UI' Imclcu,oh o, ltelV1 · Ul1 o! \I li ilt' I~"("k,,s W;IS slr, .l c·Ii, rI Ollt 0." sl dt' or 111 ; ra ce ~ 1i ; 1\· ~ ,1 ~ lI luutli. n l'i lt~, r lll ' Ull tll ! I, ' p uin, I It' r r tH I .. n l ·!"'~, li ne! (, :1 a (: it:li J' SIil Jl h ~a i d . " l'I J:II'I .. ~, i n \\ it j ' J'P:tH tli ,' o lh (' r' d l~ lJl a yc d n tw o .l ilidr.! " /"s o ( t l1l 1 UI'IIIo ' " I) d i f ll t'!:l lw ltl,ll Utuls ,·:, s,' ) IJ U tlip. "1,,,1 " h,,\1 I (\0 wit li \\ " "k ~' I" I'U·'-' I II of b ,·ar t! . I dill II u t 1,•• d r"j 'I'I \' , l.:'rtl \ ,'I , Ullt l H ri ~ h t.' s disea.lle.


ea,c .

1 1'~,I'~1f'~ ~:,h:~: ~:=t!rd e

T h, .

T im ... He H a d Sh a~ed Man I " n ~ ... · Jl roa ~hlllg '1'0 111111), . w h o hac! W ro nGe Fac e H a d a n Eq ua l " Ik lt e d " He ll1 e III Rall~ ra ctl on fOT a j< r le "all re' . '1 '"nIl Il Y's p Il itellce was at G f<J wth of H air.

t h 'll til l'

I$1 I

In Use For Over 30 Years


f L"


Bears the Signature' of

Three WOOds In One T ree . t o tt. " Civil E ngille e r F. T. ~l oore . prl's l· Alill h e l\"(, ,, t aw a y. _ . _ _. :: . > IlI: lI l ot a s c ilin tlfi c soc iety ot Win $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ s te d. Co nn .. re por t s a n unu s ual li nd GENTLE SPIRIT HAS POWER To Mak e Muc ilage . in t h o wootis o f Du rllha m s t ed. w he r e A IlIlIl;IIHg e wh ic h bnl,l ~ wllh 8ur· 05t 0 IVlDg he re li ed n l rE'~ con t a inIn g th re e s pe· I ll i ~ l lI J; 1" lI udt )' efl ll b e lI1 acl ,' Ill' hai l· BY JOINING A NEW YORK (ITT CLUB do In o n E'. T he hult of th e tree One of the Beat Signs of a Man', Re· II" n ~ Im nl s h o il io n ror a ~ h o J'1 time Ilglon Ie tho Tone of t HI Citr. Shoppinl[ Senic. p r a r ll ·nl1.\' hrln gs t 'e mo.~ ,,,"lIl onalJl. ~ e\l' y "" k " . as oa ,".. t IIe III Id u·'I,(. C·tles·1nUl . and t I1e li nd Ih e' li pr estilli /( th e Jui c e 11"0 m It. His Voice. s toree to '·our ,100'" $ 101' h ell1 lo c lt. ;\1 r . Moor e IA a Is o II i-lou, l.Ntt M and (l tlutlr.m en Am ollft l tJ lO tn I t I -. membo""ll tl' . • nf1 u u.l l' t"l ... r. ar(' entll l"'i l l (l ttll~ (! l urch tn em ,c r . - to :.-o ton H e rald . a il e o f th e f ruits o f tli e SJllr lt \9 I~h. l hbo nl n .~ Inh A,- rtill" C' luh "OUIn_ NEW tOEA a nd . TfII lt 1he ll1 1\oCl v6I o f Ha a t tlC' t .. h' " ul· S~ "· !;I.' ntl e nl's s . V a not 111111k It Is 1111 In· Helped Wisconsin Couple. • Th tt C!lu h .. ltt\ o CTf' nl U1An l ,,·onth' rn.1 °l,.·n'" n ... n •• h ' . t o ...... " m nn f\l h yllt.ocurlu .... n1 ('rdl a u . $ PO C r OB.t' n all 11111e . much h!'lt cr. Jl;oe.s :~LI~~~~~h~.~?, ~I~: ~r~~t,~:c.L; :!~~ '~~;t'f~~~~r. fo rtlH~r tl Hln liquid Llu e, G ct frorn Il ny do ll' nt v lr lue. ha vill g " e ith e r Influ· e nce no r po wer . It has BIl o ppos ite •••wra,tshooplftl Club.Inc .Sull. UEB Fifth '" .. U . ~ Itl'oce r . Ad" It d.oes u ·t pa y t o s li c k too c luse ly ~ _. __ _ __ _ __ qualit y . Th(' I1Il ld pow"r has a n eas y to old notio ns o r I.hlng~ . N e w Ideas $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Building Character. Bway . Rplf' cl from onc-s IlcQ ualllt· o f ten lead to b e tt e r h e alth. 8ucce83 \\' e I)r e pa r o our ~e l ves fo r ~ udll e l tlnc e s II pe rs on o f ue nl g ll a.nd tranquil and happiness . doeds by tb e r e ltc rate d choice or goot! !I e lll Po nor lind you focI li t ollce he h a s A W\8. c oupl e exa min e d al\ Id e a or e vil tbat gralluall y d e t e rmin es c ha r an Influ e llc e o,-er y o u . You lik e 10 be n e w to th e m and ste pp e d liP s e ve ral Eliot. Dcte r .-George w. N. 0., CINCINNATI, NO. 32-1914. wllh hltn . You In c li ne to lI ~ t c n to h im . rounds Oil the h a ah h lud ,le r . Tho If. however. he Is loud o f ton e nud husband wr\tes : viol e nt of mann e r. )'o u a r e with him " S o \' e ral yea r s a go \\' 0 s uffe red fr o m li S lillie a s pos sibl e . \\,Ii ), ·: Be ca use coffeo drinki ng. were sl ee ples s . u ervItl ~ I f- mll Pr Is anlm u \. It d Ol's n' t tou c h o us. s all o \\', w ea k an d irritnble. My 1\ s lng lo m e lody 111 Ol ll·· ti u n( ul'!'. H~ wife and ) b o l h lo ve d co ff e e a nd Is l1artlh a nd t1l s('o nlali l. Tha t Is not th ou g ht It wa s a b rnC() r ." \ Dc lu Rlo n.) 'll1o', o f th e fruit s or till' 9111)'11 whl<:b " Fina lly. ufte r Y(,MS of Burte rlng. we t h p. apos tl e ,· ol11m"l lll s . It is on o o f U'0 tpod o f Pos tUIl1 a n d th e harmfuln ess wo rks of Ih e fl esh whi c h th e n pos ll o of c offee. and b e li ev ing thnt t o g row l'C1H] plI1n s . HlI' h as "l1 yyll1 g s. wfll t h . we s hould g h ' o s o m u n t\ C' nll o ll to n e w s trlfp . e tc . Th ~ r o Is not Olle of "lho 1deas. we d e cid e d to t eB t P08tum. pr os{' riptiOlI B of th e Sc rlpturl'S that 1 " ,\' h e ll we matl e It I'l g h: w e lik e d " entl e n !' s ~ praeti s l·H. It be lon gs t o It and w e r e f reCl of \lIs ca used by Our f r\pnelA . n L I.I ~ e d the th e s pirit . th e div ine s piri t . 'whl c h I coffe e: hnnl s h e8 101l,In ess and "oc lfc rallc)n chan ge- tres h'e r s kill . I!tul'dl e r n orve s. from Its d a il Y life . It m al' be coun· bp. tte r t c mp!"r. e tc. "These ch a n geH w e r e 11 01 Blldd e n, te rf !.' lte d . but tha L IH bec nu s e It Is 01 " r (' at wo rth . On e u f th e best si g ns 01 but inerea s e t! all w e co nlin 1I 0d to n lII UU'S )'(' l\ lll o n Is t he lo n o o f hi s drink and e njo y P08tum . anll wo los t voic e. If t h nt Is f,I'Uj,l ll \' e and vo lca ni c th e d es lro tor coffel' . "~'hlll Y or our (rl e nd s did L10 t like he wUIlller s fro m t h e I rue I)a th . -Ol:lo Postum at firBt. bec au s e they did not St ate Jo u rn a.1. mak o It ri g ht Out wb e n th ey made Pos tum according to dire ctions on All I, Go(l'lI. All t l, a t \\' 0 ha ve 19 G" d ·fl. I IE' m3J o pkg., the y lik e d It b e lte r t han colfee U 8. and no t we ourselves. Ev e r y go od and w e r o be ne Ote d by the change ." Name give n hy Pos tum Co.; Battle <; \Ct n n d e very pe r f ct g irt h as come ../t~. 16 AND 20 GAUGES. MODEL 1.912· down 1"0111 Ihe rathe r ot Ughts , wlt.h Cre ck. Mlch _ R ead "Tho Road to . who m III 110 I"f.rl il ble ne bf!. n e ltll e r shl\.d. \,(e1l \' 1II0," In pkgll. erbJs is the lightest, strongest and handsomest repeating Pos.tu m now come e In two forms: DW th ll t Is c aRt by turliin g. He. gave shetgun made. Althouah li;rht, it has surpassing strength. -Regular Ponum-must be well :1S Illl l\.'l t~·I1IJ1ora l gootl s w e posses s ":because alfthe'mebl p:J.rts nre of Nickel steel, which -hou8c8, lands anti OOClts. And h e bOil e d . 15c and 25,0 packag es. , is twice as strong as ordin;lry steel. It is simple to toad and Inatant Po.tum- ·Is a soluble pow· o gave us hi a a im so n, tbe one gUt thRt " te tl th e ' Infinite r e- C: er . Mad e lit the cup with hot water Dnload, easy to tnke down, and. 'Works wi~ an and ot h eave n 'there fore"a1J" that -DQ boilIng. 30c fmd 600 tillS. .~~~:no~ foimd .i." ,t;:pea~. of ptp.~. tPaltea. - .~~ .~, . The ~lIt p~r ~UJI of . botb kInds !a iVu : have · o~ eartbl; good., ~ or.·IPlrttu·al <if these' ~8 c)ver at your ~U'_So .Tli~y ~.. •... . ·.l!le._.tng~ .comeB fo ,1i~' ~.;om 'GtItl_, ,W. about' tJae ...mel r, .••• ,

The Rub-No-More Co" Ft.Wayne, Ind,


a T}I " 'linl su g -

g est lun. ·' 1 c an 't I h inl, w h y YOII I, (' r ols t 111 Ia Gro wing SmlllIer Every DIlY. d o in g wron !;. 111 )' d e nr." till l' HIII!1. w I. CARTER'S LITTLE ( 111 111)" . " It a lwa Y8 rn a k e~ U~ Uli b a lJ ilY LIVER PILLS are wh ,." w" do WI'Oll g." r esllonRible- they ··ll ul- tJ ut I orl e ll don 't k ll Uw It·8 not onl yg ivcrc licf w ro ng till I'\, e d o ne It," ~Ig l lt' d tb e - th ey pe nna· ne ntlycure (ODsmn II c ui pri t . .tip.!i.n. M " \lUI ." mo lh e r u r g .. ti a l" a ln . " yu u li ons LI S C s h o ul d Imo w. m y d a rl ing. You r CO il · Ih e m for Rcl l' nce w ill t e ll yo u If yo u Ils' '! II.'' Bili.aiD.... " \ \ h ut' s m y co ns c ie nce u n!\ lI u w ' Indi& ..liotl, Sick Headache. Sallow wi ll it I ~ II m e? " w ld e·(!),(·11 (In ti '·ar." I': SMALL PIll., SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE.. " Yo llr c(JIl sc\ t' nc l! I ~ th e littl,' " o lr" 1 Genuine mWlt bear Signature lu si d e r u u Ih a t Ha ys ':\ 0 : ' wl" ·11 ,'(1U s h o llldn ·t d o 1li lli gA :IIIU ru a n, 's f( 'c' l sO Tr y WIIl!1I yo u' ve lIIu de I·n l:. ! /~Lc;T~ t Bk l's ."








" O h . Ih e n I'll 11<'\" 'r be ~Ol ol'.I:l~ '· I· I mO lln, ... d th e t l' (1u ulp u s lllll l' r a vo leI' lil, e t ha t Oll(· C. bll t II l1 r 't' ~ a ld I T ile m os t e conomical. ch:mnslng anll It W !L S IIId l,; ,·ti l lo ll lin d s h H gav e ii I' g e rmIcidal of all all tl Be ptlce 111 ~O lll e Il u'd k ill" IIll tl it tl il" t. " F m ile ' on wa "t, lI il " , T hnl'q w hr n

\ ' 11 \1 \1 1" ( '

Red Cru" Ha ll 11Iu·e. ( ·I. , tI,,'. w loi( ~ 1' 110" " ' snow. ,\\1 J( ruc" ... . Adv. 011 Ih e u l h" r h a lld . Iii " w u y u f Ih ,' tran s g r e8~ o r fr eq ul'ntl y SC"IIl S lu 10 .. prel \y 6111 00t h .

W om !' n o lllnll m bpr tlil' nwn tn :-\ ,-w York. Be rlin . Pa rl 8 u nd Lon ll o n.'

You Can't Cut Out ... BOG



A loluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water BI needed. A s n. modlelnal antise ptic for d 9 uchae In t r c atlng catarrh, inflamrnat10n or ul cera tion of n ose, throat. and that c a used Ly fe minine mall has no equal For t e n y ea r s the LydIa E . PlnkhalIl Mac1lclne Co. h as recowmended PUUIlIt In their prl vn t e correspondence wIth '\I.·omen, whi ch proves Its superiority. Women who have b e en cured saT. It Is "worth Its we ight In gOld." At druggists. riOc. large bor. or by maIL

will clean th_cm off 1,·errn3nentJy. ~~~_ p_a_xt_~_n_T_~~t Co•• Boston, l'4asa. and you work the horse s:Lme time, DOe!) Dot bll8ter or remove th" DAISY FLY KILLER pl ••• d •• 7. b....... hair. $2.00 I"" bolt Ie, deli\'ered. ~:.. ,,~~. e~~. Will tell you more if you write. ~:="'IJ.-:::~~l Book 4 K free, ABSORBINE. JR., 0:. . 10 .. . X.deT. ' ~he Jlntisept;e Iilliment for m3nk i~dt motal, ~"Oplllor ti. . . reduces Varicole Veins, RuptuTCd I O~"' I ·III DO t- K II '" . Motel.. . , la!a're.JOIuoia. ~ r D'J UU "~1C '''.I''''', W.... .!=,au. 'A\Ia)'1 pOI.~. Pcl<o .1:00 aadsa.O~ , ~'lfci:r 1Itr",:".:.3.· KeaIOD!" .tor ' Poetuin. ... • tooaJe. ....... Iaa or 4cU'mot, 0Iib' b7 ~ )Oa~: UO DdAii An;. ~~ 11. ir;t .:~Io1~ ~t~ Gl'OC~~. .W.~...l'IIU,.O.I!. D. ';.I,OT..,IIIl, .~",!IIi~ II"'; ~ u.aOLil

" _;;.". ::>:









lice Cream SCI '


Our Greatest ,

fI . m ;ln

:>1 1"' 1

l ... l r ~


Ih ll lll!a rts(,t'k wu., al hyllIlI f. vi,j \ (.1' T ' I "~,J it v. M i ~.





I{'d l>l, \·: lI lt· , ·. "I' :. 111 1'1'.1\1 . I \'i '11il)! f"i"1 d.' 11 ,'1'<' -; \lllday


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F . II . "'a rr "u~ ill l.t 'hafl 'Jn , r J



111 Ci tlr' innat il

11 ' · I . ..,da y


The Ladies of the Loyal Women's Class of Ferry Church. will . give a Social i'1

1":\ "

, 1' \1" ".111.1'.

I ;;1/,,' \1 . ' .. Iii,·. ' ,," d

I ' r .. "






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\11"; 1:1' .•,,' I .. S.lIII : 1t I: III , 'llI t'lI l 'ii ~ I tla l l' I·,,,kin, li p I!l l' I,' a ll II li:li n, ·r.l' ..j ~'-t \ I,., 11~


WEDNESDAY EVE, August 26, 1914


':1 "'-..",. l';i11,al rid, alld t ·I'''';s . uf 1Ji1 1.,·I!:II IIII. I, ' ·', I II tll\\')1 l u.·"d u~ l' "




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:'I l L." L ;IIII'.1 .\l cI\IW~\' I ~ \ i~llilll!' IIL'I' , i, t,·1' \11 . 1';,11" :-;1'0' .1'1/ 1, IIcal' I": id~ l'vi l le .

1-''' 1111.1 ,\ LaLlie:i 1"lIC cllat, i\ hdll Sl rt'"l , Su r. day IDIII'IIin". U\\,I1l!1' I·:tll at lhis l) iiit'I'

11 11



Birl ~ wi ll bv J'ccl, h ('.I r,'r " 1'1' 1'01 i n~ ~ hack lIlIe fo r "<: h" II I ill I " Irwi n .Ii,·


3rd Ends August 2:lnd.

Our ent ire stock of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves reduced from 10 to 25 per cent. Later Delivery if.__You Wish. _ _Goods _____held ._r_",. for . _____________ _______ ~ .

. ~


20-24 rJ orth


Detro it S treet

"., ~ .!~

tri~t Thur~d . IY. ,\u g u,; ( ~'j' l lt .


Augu~ t



F urniture, C a rpets, Stoves, Victo r-Vict rol a s

Idl lJ .. yl ,," In,t II I ~k r ('II I' the ir f " t lln' h il i Ill' in :'(l uth PI·I, ill. I I! _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ ~L_ _ _ _~----~~~_ __ _- - - -_ _~-----------~--~-------

' 4111 1Il ' \\'a ~d ,

Proceeds to be used in rebuilding Church-Everybody Invited, Come


, ~I

:'11 1' . <l il t! :\Ir,; . \\ . II. Allen an d OBlTU\RY Mi h."; ( >Jil l! r- 11'Cullul ll a tll' nd ed ~el'· I1 " llry (' lay \\, i l li ~ . ~I·, I o f 1·:li j .lh C.' ~~ yin; ul ( 'hri ,:t t' h urcli, Daytvn . :'lIn· ;"Id Itac hcl Wil !i,; , \\'.1.' :':' I' n ,\ Ui{l.';l. 1 da,. ':.!. 1 ~ ·I :2 II " \\'a~ lIllI' " I a fan ll ir (It J . O. Cu rt '.\'r j l ~ ht an d fu/n ily I·l'· I·.' n "hi ldrt!lI, :-1rVt ' f\ I, n ~' " a nd tilr, ·" I turn ed Itl ll l\" l\l vw la y l'Vt' llili g'. uitl!1' .: iris, all u f wh llnt hal'c pl'ec e d ~u hin l 1 pending' a c:uu ple 0) 1' \\' l·pks al l' ha ll· I II th e Grl'a t IleY\l!lu , t'xee pt two si~ · , 1\ tUlIqua le I'S . th ,,), !"'illg' p!l.~s "d l! i\!h ty yeal's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Fred liar t ~"t.: k I1IlLI lilLI e If age . l\! I' W illi:; h li.~ fu r l1Iany yenr:; suf· i ~ ~ NOTICE d au~ 1ltCI', lOt. M a rr llll', u re s pentI 'IIl K e lend f rom :11 hea lt h , hut bi s afl1 ic· N f . . h Itllda Y w ith Mrs. I-:dil h M. Il ar!'i;; li ons h.~ bt) I''' v.ith pat ience . Hi s . 0 Ice IS. ere y gIven ~hat bids alld family . WIll be receIved for operallllg' Hack . - _. - - - - ., - List sickn es; wa ~ ,,[ sho rt duration, ! I lines No. 1 and No, 2 for the Corwin Born - T o Mr . al1(l Mrs \Vi ll (' I M r . and Mrs . A . Matlit . 1\1 1'. a nd ,.Ill! on t.hl' m(ll'nin g " f hi>; 72nu hirth· Village School District. I Rich, of Ced a r Rapid s , 1a. a boy , II M rs . Fruilk Hl'adrJ o 'k a ttclllk,1 Or· d a y . AU g'u ~t I:!. 1 ~ll 4 , he passed :;aid board reserve the right to Lewi!l Morgan , S':. Ibs. Ml:thr r a;" thodox Frie nds Ytarly M e ling' at peace fu lly away Hi :; famil ia r f acc r eJect any or all bids. Said bids will fI() n lining- tinp. Wi lming ton ~ unday . will be mis. ed \)\' 1Ieig hburs and I I be received until 12 o 'clock (noon) fr iend s, and es pec iall y bv th e s ist er August 27, 1914. ~ l rs .. Wm ~a~hb r<lo k and li8u~h w ith whom he ha fl m :ld(! his home I By order of Corwin Village School Mr . a nd Mrs . Clyd e Col e mun an d le I'. MI:4s LottlC , of -0 wens b,) 1'0 , h.y. , I . . , M C th O F d sin c his m o the," s dealh. Board . son, Francis , of Norwood , w ith a a re vl ~ lt l ng r!; ,yn In '. va ns an II . h ( 'AIl!) O F TII J\;\ K.~ · I. ' f e w Cincinnati fri ends . a r e s pendin ){ M ISo" l',m llla . t'lI( way. Chas. Brown. Clerk. two week campingat theChauta uqu a Itoy Hart~ock , "C Day tOil , ha,'! l.J~CII ,I wi.~il ti ' t'.xpress my th~nk~ to i . . . . h •. t oJ I fnent!;;llilld I1 clg- hbo l's for Lhelr \\Ind· ! g rounds at Franklin. VI ~ \lInl( Wit III ~ pare n 8 , 'v 1', am . , 1 t..1 t I. f l' t - Ill'SS d Ul'Ili g t he Illness a nd death of -, - .- . o u e v, , . . M rs . j 'ran { r al' SOC": , 0 •1 • II I t k • Im y hro th e r, H en ry C. Wllh 5 Mr. Hent·y Ma tthe ws. of Mine r a l uurlll g IE' as wee , M1'1'1. i'I " ary \V 00 d ;;. I will oifbr lit pu blla Ii u otion Ii t Springs, Wis . , writes us as foll ows: M W N N I ,I I t - .. - - - -. . ' . ~w a llu ~lH .wo MY FRIE NDS . my residence I mile north of Hllr "Just a few Iin cs t u yo u and th e uuus:!rshte l's , of Chi cago , w ill al'TlVt' veyabllrg on the farm known 11 8 the home of my birth : I am w ell and a~ th b ev enill g' for a two.weeks ' vi sit Oalvln Oglesbee farm on I w is h. to tl~ ank my Repub lican sp ry as a yearl ing coil. Wi~con s i n with Mr. and Mrs . W . H Allt' n . frie nu:; w ho gave m e the ir l,tenerou ~ l Tuesday, September I, 191.t is s urely a tine s late , c rops are g oo,] Mr. e has. Nu rth. Miss Nelle 11I1' a nd Illya l s uppor t i n my campaisr n Beginning I1t 10 o 'olook, (\ 1:I ort'e8 and everything looks beautiful. Am fo r COI lTlty Auditor, and t o ass ure.> 7 Cattle. Farming Im91ement8 . 15ee, sending a clippi ng from the Minpr al d:1I1, Mrs, W . T . Jordan a nd Viol a I big bills for terms. S· T 'b h' h and MiflS Alma Fi ~ hbaugh motored he m that ur on Ill y elec tion, it wil Jj'ranlJ: R dd k & 0 L () 1 b prmgs rJ une, w IC say!!: be my e nd eavor t o fa it.hfully ancl 00 . g eEl ee I '0 n S un d ay. tl, le 2d·mst ., a urgoo( I, t o FO l't Ancient Sand ay aftern oon. Wm, Mills, UAoot . ho nesUy dis charge the duties of the I peace· loving . never·tell ·a·lie, don 'tThe Ju nior Guild . uf St . Mar y's I)flice. owe·a·cent citizen, Hen. Matthews, church will hold a market at urd ay , Assu ring you of m y s inc e re thar.ks, As agent of H. C. Willi s, (looe ll sed came to the 77th mile s tolle of hi s August 29 , in the Harris room. forI am Very Trul y , H' 'f 1 will offer for 81.tole at his IIlte rest- I'f ' denoe 2 miles west of Lytle 0 I e s career. IS Ii e has ever been m e rly occupied by th e Citj.zen~' Ba nk . August 12 . 19lo1 C. S. Mo un ts n marked with cheer, industry, hel pFriday, September 4, 1914 fulness and respect for law. But Hyymond Conncr. w ho is tra>'elinl{ HAS RESIGNED lil S POSITION Beginning I1t 1 o'olook, 1 Horae, few men of sixty are his equal today in t-he We!lt, writes us from Yclluw Walter Smi t h, who has been chief 1 Bnggv, Farming Implementll, Bl1r- 1 a long these lines.' " Stunc Park, and sa ys th ey are en· _ _ j oy in ~ g'oorl health an d h uving a fine pngine'e r at the Power plant has r eo neS8,lI.)me lomber, oX of growing I signed. J eg~e Bu,·ton will take his oorn in field . some b o usehold goarls . MANY liEIlE FELT THE CHILI . time. Terms-Cash. . place until another man can be He· F. A. i:3nid er , Agt. Mr. and Mrs. F . C. Car ey Rnd cured , Walte r was a lways an <Jb · Many of o ur citize ns were froz e n A. A. MoNeil, Auot. family , s pe nt S un day in Sp ring Val liging man in th e position allll th e stiff laRt week when the wnrd came - - - -~ --ley atte nding a family gath e ring in citizens of Way n esville will miss him AUCTIONEER INO that thl> Andrews Manufacturi n ~ h onor of hi s m o th e r . Mrl:!. Itulh f rom the pl a nt. Co had gon e to the wall. The com_ Carey. - -- .... ..- -.- n~ frjgerat in g Jesse Slanley left for Chicago, on pany manufactured August 3rd, where he will atte nd the machines, and there were Hevel'a l My e r HYlilan S ll~nt Sundav in ,Jones school f or Auc ti oneeripg, He thousand dollars' worlh of stock in Xelli a wit h relati ves. Mrs. H y man The W a rren Cuu nt:; prcmium book I w ill be home about Septemb·er 1st, w hen he will bE' ready for sales of all this vicinity. The liabiliti es we l'<~ and daugh ter, whu have beell spen d- is ou t a nd a loo k over its pages I $21,f>28.58 and assets $6,411. ~ 1. ing' s(Jveral days in Xenia, r etul''1 ed >lhOWA that th e Warr en County fa ir I kinds . ho me with him. t his year will oe oet\ pr than ' ever . , ---.~ Mrs . Edilh M. Harris , Mi!'lS Murtha The d a t e of the fair wi ll b e Se1Jtem-1 Cr isenbt!rryand Mr. Harris Moshe r bel' 15 , Hi. 17 and 18 , Everybody is fl pcn t the day Wedn esday with M r . ',aitin g f ur the Warre n County fair .



Music by the Waynesville Band

- - - - - - - - - -- ________________il


'- -

I Pies I Pies I Pies Pies Pies i Pies Pies Pies

+----------+ I '


Former Citizens t








Try one of our big Pies Only


WaynesvilJe,Ohi 9 i1Q!ISiI_.....~kE_..i


Public Sales

Ge t a Cake Only








HORSE SAL'E Walker Flinn. of Nebraska, will sell at

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO A car load of Nebraska Two·Year-Old Colts mostly Mares. on

SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, Itl4 At I o'clock p. m. They are all 'sefect stock . and will be sold to the highest bid~er• . . ;~ .. "...,...,_ ... T .il!trms will be made known on day (;f ' s~le. -. Fra"k -C allaher, ,Au.~t. · ' • ' .. r. ;.... t.




-~ --.-


Here Are afew Magazines In Stock Alnslce American All Storv A r ~o sy filLie 13001, Base Ball !)Jack Cat Country Gentlemcn (.' lIrrcnt Opin ion Elite Stvles Field alid Srream Family .Journal

Harper's Magazine .fudge

Indies' t10mc Journal

a nd Mrs . 1". C . Har tsock and littl e CLEAVER-CARR-RICH REUNION daug h ter in Morrow . The tI e u\,el'·Carr.Rich Re union Ed F u r naii returned home from will be held at t h e' late N B. Rich's Pendletun , Ind , last Friday. whe re he had been attending ~Yearly g rove, n ear Wellman, on August Meeting . He says the m eeting was 22nd . All relati ves are C(lrdial1y invery p rofitab le, as there were severa l vited to be present.

ladics' Wodd

foreign ministers present.

Metropolitan Moving Pictures

Messrs. Fred Hawke, W. O . Hape r and James Benham left Sunday for the Lewiston Reservoir, where they will spend a few days with the finny. The h oys came ' home Tuesday night with "nary" a fish . Word w ItS l'€ce ived here this week announcing the marriage ·of Mr.

.. -----


Sunday, August 23 will be "Girl's Day" at the M. E. S unday School. The girls will welcome all members of the school . also new ·scholars and visitors . Come .




Life McClure Mc(.;alls Motion Pictures 4lunscy

Mothers Magazine Modern Priscilla


New Story Peoples Popul'lf

Popular Mechanics Pearson Popular Electricity Physical C.,Uure Pleto' iul Review Pe6ples Home Journal Photograph Play -' Review of Reviews

Railroad Red Book Smith Snappy Storiea Strand Short Stories

Saint Nicholas Smart ~et Saturday'

E'enlng Post

Top Notch Womans Home Companion 'Wide World Women's Stories Youngls Alagazine .

" .:;


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